# UFO/UAP Event Chronology, Part 3: 1960 up to and including 1969, v1.46 - Compiled 10/3/2023
An automated compilation by Richard Geldreich, Jr. using public data from Dr. Jacques Vallée,
Pea Research, George M. Eberhart,
Richard H. Hall, Dr. Donald A. Johnson,
Fred Keziah, Don Berliner,
Larry Hatch, [NICAP](https://www.nicap.org/), [Thomas R. Adams](https://www.lulu.com/shop/ray-boeche/bloodless-cuts/hardcover/product-22167360.html?page=1&pageSize=4), [George D. Fawcett](https://archive.ph/eQwIL), [Chris Aubeck](https://books.google.com/books/about/Return_to_Magonia.html?id=JBGNjgEACAAJ&source=kp_author_description), [Philip L. Rife](https://www.amazon.com/Didnt-Start-Roswell-Encounters-Coverups/dp/059517339X), [Richard Dolan](https://richarddolanmembers.com/), [Jérôme Beau](https://rr0.org/), [Godelieve Van Overmeire](http://cobeps.org/fr/godelieve-van-overmeire), and an anonymous individual or group.
## Some non-summarized events fall under one of these copyrights:
- Richard Geldreich, Jr. - Copyright (c) 2023 (events marked \"maj2\" unless otherwise attributed)
- Dr. Jacques F. Vallée - Copyright (c) 1993
- LeRoy Pea - Copyright (c) 9/8/1988 (updated 3/17/2005)
- George M. Eberhart - Copyright (c) 2022
- Dr. Donald A. Johnson - Copyright (c) 2012
- Fred Keziah - Copyright (c) 1958
- Larry Hatch - Copyright (c) 1992-2002
- Thomas R. Adams - Copyright (c) 1991
- Richard Dolan - Copyright (c) 2002
- Jérôme Beau - Copyright (c) 2000-2023
## Update History:
- v1.46: Adding ~3700 events, translated from the French chronology [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html) by Belgian ufologist [Godelieve Van Overmeire, 1935-2021](http://cobeps.org/fr/godelieve-van-overmeire). Note these events are from the old HTML version on archive.org, not the larger [(10k event) PDF version](http://www.cobeps.org/pdf/Chronologie-OVNI-VOG.pdf). It is unclear if these events are copyrighted. I didn't see a copyright in either the HTML or PDF versions.
- v1.43: Added ~3160 events, translated from a French chronology to English using OpenAI, from [rr0.org](https://rr0.org/). I believe this chronology was composed by Jérôme Beau. Its license is [here](https://rr0.org/Copyright.html).
- v1.40: Added digitized events/newspaper clippings from [Frank Scully's papers at the American Heritage Center in Laramie, WY](https://archiveswest.orbiscascade.org/ark:80444/xv506256), summarized the events from the timeline on the [Disclosure Diaries](https://www.disclosurediaries.com/) website, and added more misc. events. Fixed auto-translation issue in the search page.
- v1.38: Added a [client-side search engine](search.html). There are a bunch of features I'm going to add to this engine, for now it can only search for keywords in the desc, location and and reference fields.
- v1.37: Updated intro text, added total number of events to each event year, added a few 1800's events.
- v1.36: Extracted and summarized the events in the book [_It Didn't Start with Roswell_ by Philip L. Rife](https://www.amazon.com/Didnt-Start-Roswell-Encounters-Coverups/dp/059517339X). Also extracted the military UFO events from Richard Dolan's book [_UFOs and the National Security State: Chronology of a Cover-up, 1941–1973_](https://www.amazon.com/UFOs-National-Security-State-Chronology-ebook/dp/B0C94W38QY).
- v1.34: Added more modern events, 1917 Mystery Airplane newspaper articles.
- v1.33: More events: Events from George D. Fawcett, short AI summaries of Stringfield's 1978 MUFON symposium presentation, and short AI summaries of the pre-industrial era sighting events from the book [_Wonders in the Sky: Unexplained Aerial Objects from Antiquity to Modern Times_](https://www.amazon.com/Wonders-Sky-Unexplained-Objects-Antiquity/dp/1585428205).
- v1.30: Added 203 Mystery Helicopter/mutilation related events (1970's-1980's) compiled by author/researcher [Thomas R. Adams](https://www.lulu.com/shop/ray-boeche/bloodless-cuts/hardcover/product-22167360.html?page=1&pageSize=4) (1945-2015) (or see [here](http://copycateffect.blogspot.com/2018/06/Adams-Massey-Obits.html)), from his book [_The Choppers - and the Choppers, Mystery Helicopters and Animal Mutilations_](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/avistamientos_ovnis/Adams,Thomas,Choppers%20and%20the%20Choppers-1.pdf), minor fixes
- v1.28: Added KWIC (Key Word in Context) index.
- v1.27: Imported Anonymous PDF's contents, originally from [here](https://pdfhost.io/v/gR8lAdgVd_Uap_Timeline_Prepared_By_Another), with fixed URL's
- v1.23-1.24: Added a handful of key historical events, such as Edward Tauss the head of CIA UFO disinformation in the 50's
- v1.22: Fixing the date of Dr. Eric W. Davis's March, 2020 classified briefing to the Senate (I had it listed as March 2019) - info from NY Times. Basic locations added to Eberhart records using OpenAI.
- v1.20: Split up into 5 parts, to work around iPhone web browser limits. Minor spelling and grammer fixes throughout timeline.
- v1.15: Eberhart records now have basic locations, thanks to OpenAI's Davinci-3 AI model. They aren't perfect, but it's a good start to geocoding them.
- v1.14: Added nuclear test data, over 2000 records, from the [_Worldwide Nuclear Explosions_](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf) paper by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards. Note the locations in the paper are approximate, and the yields are not super accurate, which are two problems I'll fix over time. I improved the coordinates of the earliest USA/USSR tests by looking them up from Wikipedia.
- v1.13: Split up the timeline into 4 parts. Still not the best solution, but it avoids croaking browsers.
- v1.12: Added \*U\* database record data, using a custom event description decoder to handle his 1k+ abbreviations and custom syntax
- v1.11: Crawled all ~10.5k unique URL's in this timeline using [curl](https://curl.se/) and fixed dead URL's to use archive.org.
- v1.10: Added NICAP DB data.
## Important Notes:
Best viewed on a desktop/laptop, not a mobile device. On Windows, Firefox works best, followed by Edge, then Chrome.
I've split up the timeline into 4 parts, to reduce their sizes: distant past up to 1949, 1950-1959, 1960-1979, and 1980-present.
The majority of the events in this chronology are sighting related, however it's important to be aware that this is a timeline of
UFO/UAP related _events_, not necessarily or exclusively UFO _sightings_. **This is not exclusively a UFO sightings timeline or database.**
Some sighting reports or events appear multiple times in this timeline because they appear in more than one data source. I view this as a useful feature.
Currently, the events are not sorted by time of day, only by date. Some sources have separate "time" fields, but most don't. This will be fixed once the event times are automatically extracted from the description fields.
A few events don't have firm dates, for example "Summer of 1947", or "Late July 1952". In these instances the compilation code uses fixed dates I selected for date sorting purposes. (See the code for the specific dates.)
## Source Code:
This website is created automatically using a [C++](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C%2B%2B) command line tool called “ufojson”. It parses the raw text and [Markdown](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown) source data to [JSON format](https://www.json.org/json-en.html), which is then converted to a single large web page using [pandoc](https://pandoc.org/). This tool's source code and all of the raw source and JSON data is located [here on github](https://github.com/richgel999/ufo_data).
## Year Ranges
1. [Part 1: Distant past up to and including 1949](timeline.html)
2. [Part 2: 1950 up to and including 1959](timeline_part2.html)
3. [Part 3: 1960 up to and including 1969](timeline_part3.html)
4. [Part 4: 1970 up to and including 1979](timeline_part4.html)
5. [Part 5: 1980 to present](timeline_part5.html)
## [Timeline Search Engine](search.html)
## KWIC (Key Word in Context) Index
## Table of Contents
Year Histogram
### Years
1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969
## Event Timeline
## Year: 1960, 508 Event(s), (Back to Top)
### Event 21630 (DA961AA2)
**Date:** 1960's
**End date:** Mid 1980's
**Description:** ex-Navy worker Riley Hansard Crabb (April 2, 1912 — January 20, 1994) takes over as director of the BSRF. One of the first major things he does is discredit “Gerald Light”
**Type:** research group
**Reference:** [link](https://borderlandsciences.org/cart/riley-hansard-crabb/)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_593
### Event 21631 (913A020E)
**Date:** 1960's
**Description:** “Area 51” designation appears on several atomic fallout maps
**Type:** secret location
**Reference:** “Dreamland” by Lazar
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_594
### Event 21632 (738E826A)
**Date:** 1960's (approximate)
**Location:** Wright-Patterson AFB
**Description:** Air Force Major: At Wright-Patterson AFB saw intact UFO, damaged UFO parts, and dead alien bodies preserved under glass. Stated "We have the proof UFOs are extraterrestrial."
**Type:** crash retrieval
**Reference:** [Leonard Stringfield's 1978 MUFON Symposium](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/1978_Mufon_Symposium_Stringfield.pdf)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_985
### Event 21633 (A7C32FF2)
**Date:** 1960's (approximate)
**Location:** FRANCE, Valensole
**Description:** (Translated from French) One evening, a farmer who owns a chicken coop on the edge of Valensole heard the chickens and roosters squawking. Thinking of the fox, he went to check. To his surprise, he saw in the midst of the panicked animals a strange little being who fled at his approach and entered a red sphere that took off from a meadow. (1960's (exact date unknown))
**Reference:** M. FIGUET/ J.L. RUCHON: "Ovni, First Complete Dossier..." - ed. Alain Lefeuvre 1979, p. 647
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2150
### Event 21634 (148633B4)
**Date:** 1960
**Description:** The first planar monolithic integrated circuit (IC) chip was demonstrated
**Type:** scientific advance
**Reference:** [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_transistor)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_592
### Event 21635 (E8F4E1A5)
**Date:** 1960
**End date:** 1961
**Location:** US
**Description:** Through its spokesman in the Pentagon, Lt. Col. Lawrence J. Tacker, the Air Force began answering critics of its UFO program publicly. Late in 1960, Col. Tacker's book ["Flying Saucers and the U.S. Air Force" by Lawrence J. Tacker](https://archive.org/details/flyingsaucersusa0000lawr) (Van Nostrand) was published, with a foreword by General Thomas D. White, Air Force Chief of Staff. Col. Tacker went on a public tour to publicize the book, appearing on radio and television, and giving lectures.
**Type:** book release
**Reference:** Archive.org: ["Flying Saucers and the U.S. Air Force" by Lawrence J. Tacker](https://archive.org/details/flyingsaucersusa0000lawr)
**Reference:** [Amazon: "Flying Saucers and the U.S. Air Force" by Lawrence J. Tacker](https://www.amazon.com/Flying-Saucers-U-S-Air-Force/dp/125818060X)
**Reference:** ["The UFO Evidence" (1964) by Richard H. Hall, page 106-108](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Reference:** ["Report on Unidentified Flying Objects" (Dec. 1956) by Capt. Edward J. Ruppelt](https://archive.org/details/reportonunidenti00rupp/mode/1up)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_888
### Event 21636 (A480BAE3)
**Date:** 1960
**Location:** FRANCE, Colomb Béchar
**Description:** (Translated from French) The "Véronique" rocket of 1959 then gave rise to other missiles, one of which, with solid fuel, rose to 150 kilometers in 1960 and reached a speed of 8000 km/h.
**Reference:** "Astronautics" Pierre Rousseau, Hachette 1965, p. 12
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2149
### Event 21637 (52F813CA)
**Date:** 1960 (approximate)
**Location:** FRANCE, La Prodélie/Ayen (Puy d'Yssandon)
**Description:** (Translated from French) Mr. and Mrs. Plumauzille were driving on the D 151 around 11 pm. Suddenly, Mr. Plumauzille saw a pinkish red light without a border, at tree height, on the right side of the road. He saw it rise and realized he was only about a hundred meters away from it. Almost immediately, he and his wife saw, on the right side of the road, in the light of the headlights, a mass the size of a large bag of potatoes that quickly shrank, seeming to collapse in on itself. He then saw, as well as his wife, a number of these light gray-brown masses, smaller than the first, moving around in the grass. At least two of them crossed the road and disappeared into the ferns. The witnesses thought that these things moved by contracting, swelling and deflating their bulges, which made them look like an animal trapped in a translucent plastic bag. (Around 1960)
**Reference:** M. FIGUET/ J.L. RUCHON: "Ovni, Premier dossier complet..." - éd. Alain Lefeuvre 1979, p. 648
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2151
### Event 21638 (0432CD8F)
**Date:** 1960
**Location:** USA (without further details)
**Description:** (Translated from French) Then, in 1960, it was Buck Nelson's turn to take some trips aboard a saucer. This allowed him to sell many copies of his book entitled: "My Travels to Mars, the Moon and Venus".
**Reference:** René PACAUT: "They Met Extraterrestrials" ed. Alain Lefeuvre, 1978, p 186
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2152
### Event 21639 (2F44DE31)
**Date:** 1960
**Location:** ALLEMAGNE, Offenbach
**Description:** (Translated from French) Klaus Dieter Kaufmann, had to undergo a spinal surgery in 1990. "How many years ago was the previous operation?" the surgeon asked him, looking at his medical file. "But I have never been operated on," Kaufmann replied. The surgeon showed him the radiographs to prove the contrary. A strange story from his adolescence then came back to him: he had observed a UFO. The craft shot a blinding flash at him and Dieter-Klaus fainted. He returned home four hours late and suffered from migraines and difficulty concentrating for several days. He had a painful mark on his pelvic region and a wound mark on the lower back. Kaufmann tried to remember the adventure and the memories gradually came back to him. He had entered a state close to trance when he was confronted with small armed creatures with some kind of oxygen tanks on their backs. He became friendly with them and followed them on board the ship, noticing that it did not walk but floated. He found himself in a brightly lit room where two beings with huge, black oblique eyes were standing: frightening. He tried to escape but was unable to move. After a medical examination carried out by beings with webbed fingers, he learned that he could go home and this time he felt like he was being carried out in the arms of someone he could not see but could hear breathing loudly, as if through a tube. He wanted to feel but only found a belt, no chest. A force pushed his hand away and he fainted, regaining consciousness at the place where the adventure had begun. (1960,)
**Reference:** Marie-Thérèse de BROSSES: "Enquête sur les enlèvements E.T." - Plon 1995, p. 262, 263
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2190
### Event 21640 (795334CB)
**Date:** 1960
**Location:** AUSTRALIA, Adelaide
**Description:** (Translated from French) In 1991 a 31 year old woman reported being abducted by a large entity and groups of small entities. The abductions occurred in her bed and through her bedroom door, throughout her life. The small entities measure 120 cm and have large ugly heads, with prominent eyes without pupils, dark blue to black in colour. They have only a slit for a mouth, and a very small nose. The larger entities measure 210 cm and seem to command the small ones. She levitated or was carried out of her bed, floating into a circular room, where medical examinations took place, while she was laid on a metal table. Then she would wake up in her bed. Hypnotic regression confirmed the abductions. Throughout her life she was surrounded by poltergeist activity, sensations of presence wherever she lived, children's toys moving by themselves, such as their tricycles, etc. (the whole paranormal panoply). She claims to have implants in her face. The investigation revealed that she was a victim of sexual abuse during her childhood, not by entities from elsewhere, but by men from her very close family. [note from vog: so traumatised enough to become completely schizophrenic...] (Since its birth in 1960)
**Reference:** UFORA90045. UFORSA/Keith Basterfield.
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2191
### Event 21641 (A24E95C0)
**Date:** 1960
**Location:** AFRIQUE DU SUD, Durban
**Description:** (Translated from French) In 1960, electrician Edwin found a job as a radio mechanic in Durban. His firm hired an inspector named George. George lived in a hotel room and soon the two men became friends, and went fishing together on the weekends. On one of these fishing trips, George brought a radio apparatus, and soon a saucer appeared in the sky while a voice on the radio announced "This is Wy-Ora (name of the vessel) We are a people from the planet Koldas." It turns out that George is actually an extraterrestrial and his name is Valdar. To prove this, George/Valdar speaks in his extraterrestrial language and the saucer begins to perform incredible maneuvers. The world Koldas is in the universe of antimatter. In 1962 George/Valdar returned to his country, leaving the apparatus as a gift to Edwin, to continue to communicate. Which he did until 1964. Edwin was then warned against extraterrestrial saboteur groups, and also learned that a new planet called Epicot was being prepared to cater to the eventualities of repopulation. (1960,)
**Reference:** Mitarbeiter, "Ufo Geheimnisse", Berlin, January 1998
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2192
### Event 21642 (DAC57202)
**Date:** 1960
**Location:** Cincinnati, MI
**Description:** Kentucky Air National Guard pilot chased round UFO. \[NICAP UFOE, V\] (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2425
### Event 21643 (56708C00)
**Date:** 1960
**Locations:** Tucson, Arizona; Alamogordo, New Mexico
**Description:** [Jim Lorenzen](http://robert-barrow.blogspot.com/2007/05/remembering-coral-lorenzen.html) is hired as senior technical associate with the Kitt Peak National Observatory, so he and [Coral](http://robert-barrow.blogspot.com/2007/05/remembering-coral-lorenzen.html) move to Tucson, Arizona, from Alamogordo, New Mexico. On their third day in Tucson, an “exterminator” visits them, offering to inspect their rented premises for free. He fails to mention the name of his company, nor does he seem interested in his occupation. He talks with Coral about their reason for moving, where Jim is employed, and UFOs.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clark III 50; Lorenzen, Encounters with UFO Occupants, Berkley Medallion, 1976, pp. 3, 251
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3389
### Event 21644 (316C349E)
**Date:** 1960
**Locations:** Mars; Atlantis; Lemuria
**Description:** [Brinsley Le Poer Trench,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brinsley%5FLe%5FPoer%5FTrench%2C%5F8th%5FEarl%5Fof%5FClancarty) 8th Earl of Clancarty, publishes The Sky People, in which he claims that [Adam and](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adam%5Fand%5FEve) [Eve,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adam%5Fand%5FEve) [Noah,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Noah) and many other characters in the Bible originally lived on Mars. Trench believes that Adam and Eve were experimental creations of extraterrestrials. The biblical description of the Garden of Eden is inconsistent with what Earth is like, and because Mars contains canals, the Garden of Eden must have been located on Mars. He further claims that the north polar ice cap melted on Mars, causing the descendants of Adam and Eve to move to Earth. The Book of Genesis is a symbolic version of what actually happened to groups of people on Mars, he writes, with the Great Deluge referring to the flooding of Atlantis and Lemuria, which were populated with Adamic migrants.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Brinsley Le Poer Trench, [The Sky People](https://archive.org/details/skypeople00lepo)[,](https://archive.org/details/skypeople00lepo) Spearman, 1960; Jerome Clark, “Vimanas Have Landed: Ancient Astronautics in Ufology,” IUR 22, no. 3 \(Fall 1997\): 26–27
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3390
### Event 21645 (F37F8BDB)
**Date:** 1960
**Description:** Contactee [George Hunt Williamson](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George%5FHunt%5FWilliamson) legally changes his name to Michel d’Obrenovic, said to reflect an ancestral connection to the throne of Serbia. However, John Griffin says the real reason is that Williamson’s sensational claims have rendered his anthropological work \(such as it is\) completely unacceptable.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clark III 1287; Zirger and Martinelli, The Incredible Life of George Hunt Williamson, Verdechiari, 2016, pp. 119–124
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3391
### Event 21646 (084328C4)
**Date:** 1960
**Locations:** Brno; Czech Republic
**Description:** Night. During a pause in army maneuvers near Brno \[now in the Czech Republic\], soldiers see a peculiarly colored light above the city. After hovering a while, it vanishes but reappears in another part of the sky. Their commanding officer tells them to look at it with binoculars and check the radar. Headquarters sends up interceptors to chase the object, but every time one of them gets near, the light disappears from the radar screen, only to turn up elsewhere. The incident goes on for an hour before the light disappears for good.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Hobana and Weverbergh 90
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3392
### Event 21647 (DA8DAFA8)
**Date:** 1960
**Description:** The invention of transponders that transmit an electronic identification signal from aircraft to ground control helps to further reduce clutter on air traffic control radars. This means that “aerial phenomena” appear on radar only if they intrude on flight paths and create a near miss of the type investigated by the Civil Aviation Authority.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** David Clarke, “Gremlins and Black Projects,” Fortean Times 291 \(August 2012\): 26–27; National Air Traffic Controllers Association, [A History of Air Traffic Control](https://www.natca.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/NATCA%5FATC%5FHistory.pdf), 2019
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3393
### Event 21648 (E08FB4C0)
**Date:** 1960
**Description:** USAF Airman 3rd Class Larry W. Rogers, 3926th Air Police Squadron K-9, states he saw a half dozen glowing UAP while stationed at Ben Guerir Air Base, Morocco. Rogers states jet fighters from Zaragoza AFB, Spain were scrambled and began interacting with the lights. “The UFOs suddenly began moving around really quickly and erratically.” After the event, Rogers said he and a few companions who saw the event were told to get into an Air Force sedan, driven to the headquarters building, put into different rooms and debriefed. Rogers said they may have been OSI but he wasn’t sure; they threatened him, told him not to talk, forced him to sign a non-disclosure statement and shown a regulation “AFR 200-2.”
* [https://www.ufohastings.com/index.php/articles/ufos-observed-by-us-air-force-security-guards-during-french-atomic-testing-in-algeria](https://www.ufohastings.com/index.php/articles/ufos-observed-by-us-air-force-security-guards-during-french-atomic-testing-in-algeria)
>**_Note_**: USAF issued Air Force Regulation 200-2 on 26 August 1953, which restricted UAP reporting procedures and required UAP events to be sent to Air Force Intelligence. It is likely the interrogators were AFOSI, given Rogers recalls seeing AFR 200-2.
>* [http://www.nicap.org/directives/AFR%20200-2,%20Aug%20%2026,1953.pdf](http://www.nicap.org/directives/AFR%20200-2,%20Aug%20%2026,1953.pdf)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_94
### Event 21649 (FFA2281B)
**Date:** Early 1960
**Locations:** James Connally AFB [now TSTC Waco Airport] near Waco, Texas; Waco
**Description:** Night. Vice Chief of Air Staff Gen. [Curtis LeMay](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Curtis%5FLeMay) is conducting an exercise to test his bombers’ capability to penetrate US air space. An F-89J Scorpion jet instructor pilot and his radar observer, 1Lt. Joe Meyer, have just successfully intercepted a B-47 and are descending to land at James Connally AFB \[now TSTC Waco Airport\] near Waco, Texas. They notice a pinpoint of light at their level 12 miles away over Waco and decide to approach and attack it as if they are armed. As they approach on a collision course, they see the object has four bright blue- white lights on it and it is stationary. They estimate it is 25–30 feet in diameter. But the object shoots straight up at incredible speed before they reach it. They look up and see the object is bright blue white on its underside. It disappears at about 90,000 feet altitude.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Pilot Finally Reveals UFO Encounter,](http://www.noufors.com/Documents/Books%2C%20Manuals%20and%20Published%20Papers/Specialty%20UFO%20Publications/Personal%20Collection%20of%20UFO%20Publications/MUFON%20Journals/1999/07/July%201999.pdf)” MUFON UFO Journal, no. 375 \(July 1999\): 17
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3388
### Event 21650 (0BC734A8)
**Date:** 1/1960
**Locations:** Victoria; Queensland
**Description:** The first issue of the Australian Flying Saucer Review is published jointly by the Victorian Flying Saucer Research Society and UFOIC, edited by Peter E. Norris and [Andrew P. Tomas](https://fi.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andrew%5FTomas)[.](https://fi.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andrew%5FTomas) It will continue until December 1972, various issues confusingly sponsored by each group, plus the Queensland Flying Saucer Research Bureau and the renamed Victorian UFO Research Society.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** [Australian Flying Saucer Review](http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/Australia/Australian%20Flying%20Saucer%20Review/Australian%20Flying%20Saucer%20Review%20-%201960%2001%20-%20vol%201%20no%201.pdf) 1, no. 1 \(January 1960\)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3394
### Event 21651 (F435F70F)
**Date:** 1/1960
**Description:** Tests continue with a slightly modified Avrocar.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Avro Canada VZ-9 Avrocar](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Avro%5FCanada%5FVZ-9%5FAvrocar)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3395
### Event 21652 (6BB72E95)
**Date:** 1/1/1960
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Creation of the new franc. (1st January)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1960.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1833
### Event 21653 (8AE989AC)
**Date:** 1/3/1960
**Time:** 23:05
**Location:** McCarran Field, Las Vegas NV
**Description:** A blue light, which raced silently across the Las Vegas, Nevada sky, puzzled McCarran Field tower controlmen. "It was the fastest thing I ever saw," said tower employee Jack McMillen who spotted the light at about 11:05 p.m. A departing private plane also saw the object. Earlier that evening, four different pilots in two commercial airlines planes flying between Bryce Canyon and Mormon Mesa reported observing a similar light. Their reports of the object to Salt Lake City were intercepted by the McCarran tower. McMillen said he saw the light for about two or perhaps three seconds, going north to south at about a 15-20 degree elevation. He also said he had thought it might have been a meteor but changed his mind as it left no trail, and had a horizontal trajectory. He said he contacted a private plane which had just taken off and asked the pilot for confirmation. The pilot confirmed McMillen's sighting. An Air Force T-33 inbound to [Nellis AFB](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nellis_Air_Force_Base) also confirmed its pilot had also seen a strange light.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [APRO Bulletin - Jan. 1960, Page 3](https://www.openminds.tv/pdf/apro/apro_jan_1960.pdf)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_925
**Attributes:** Nellis
### Event 21654 (E2ABBEEE)
**Date:** 1/6/1960
**Time:** 08:00
**Location:** JACKSON, MI
**Description:** Several observer(s). Cone saucer going quickly south / treetop level. Going [to] into cloudbank pointed end down.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 21)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6325
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "282", **HatchDesc:** "JACKSON,MI:SVRL OBS:CONE SCR >>S/TREETOP Lvl:> INTO CLOUDBANK pointed end down", **LatLong:** "42.244446 -84.400004", **LatLongDMS:** "42:14:40 N 84:24:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.244446,-84.400004)", **RelAlt:** "20", **State/Prov:** "Michigan", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 21655 (5E38F4DC)
**Date:** 1/14/1960
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In Japan, luminous phenomena are observed at the same time as an earthquake. (14 January)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1960.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1834
### Event 21656 (8B2390C4)
**Date:** 1/14/1960
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Along the coasts of Argentina, two unknown submerged vessels are noticed. In the Nuevo Gulf, detectors of the Argentine navy reveal the presence of a submarine quietly settled in the mud at the bottom, motionless. After making the usual warnings, not getting any reaction, the sailors send bombs in its direction. Two other vessels then appear on the sonars. A few hours later, when all the passages leading to the open sea are watched, it is noticed that they have all 3 disappeared. The Argentines believe they have won the game when, after the absence of any manifestation and the publication of triumphant communiqués, the "ghosts" come back to the charge. A fantastic pursuit begins and lasts several weeks, during which 6 unknown submarines are detected.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1960.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1835
### Event 21657 (FDF823A5)
**Date:** 1/18/1960
**Time:** 11:00
**Description:** 3+observer(s) / (seen thru) binoculars. Large cylinder/cigar-shape going east / 5 minute(s). 10cm / ARMs length. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 76)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6326
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RDA:** Radiation/high energy fields detected
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Indian Ocean + islands", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "NUWARA ELIYA,SRI LANKA:3+OBS/BINOCS:LRG CGR >E/5min:10cm/ARMs LENGTH:NFD", **LatLong:** "6.972223 80.772226", **LatLongDMS:** "06:58:20 N 80:46:20 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/6.972223,80.772226)", **State/Prov:** "SRL", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 21658 (929AA6FC)
**Date:** 1/18/1960
**Time:** 22:50
**Location:** US2 9 MILE(S) WEST / LAKOTA, ND
**Description:** Flash. Car lights dim. Crescent saucer going down [to] toward(s) field. / r79p17.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 21)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6327
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **NUC:** Nuclear facility related, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "465", **HatchDesc:** "US2 9mi.W/LAKOTA,ND:FLASH:CAR LITES DIM:CRESCENT SCR ↓ twrd FIELD:/r79p17", **LatLong:** "48.038891 -98.477782", **LatLongDMS:** "48:02:20 N 98:28:40 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.038891,-98.477782)", **State/Prov:** "North Dakota", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 21659 (86322598)
**Date:** 1/18/1960
**Location:** Lakota (near), ND
**Description:** Car lights dimmed as UFO descended toward field, apparently about a mile off highway (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2426
### Event 21660 (959BCC45)
**Date:** 1/18/1960
**Location:** Gulf of Mexico, At Sea
**Description:** Two Radars On B-52 Track UFO At 14,000 Knots (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5)
**Reference:** NICAP: [600118](http://www.nicap.org/600118gulfofmexico%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2427
### Event 21661 (3D209E30)
**Date:** 1/18/1960
**Locations:** US Highway 2; Lakota, North Dakota
**Description:** 10:45 p.m. Leo Haley and Bert C. Baker are driving on US Highway 2, some 9 miles west of Lakota, North Dakota, when the headlights dim just as a brilliant green flash lights up the sky. In a field to the north about 1 mile away they can see a 5–6 foot crescent-shaped object with a 9-foot exhaust tail.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** [Schopick](http://cufos.org/books/A%5FStudy%5Fof%5FSecondary%5FEffects-An%5FUnpublished%5FManuscript%5Fof%5FUFO%5FE-M%5FCases.pdf), p. 69
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3396
### Event 21662 (13B0BAB6)
**Date:** 1/18/1960
**Description:** Two men driving in a car, Haley and Baker, at 10:55 p.m. in Lakota, North Dakota had their car's headlights dim as a UFO flew nearby. The object flew off towards a field approximately 1.5 kilometers from the highway.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Grand Forks (ND) Herald, January 21, 1960; USAF Project Blue Book files counted in official statistics; Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, p. 17
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_367
### Event 21663 (DABDEC57)
**Date:** 1/21/1960
**Location:** USA
**Reference:** Inforespace n° 49, 1980, p. 14, 15
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2153
### Event 21664 (509DA403)
**Date:** 1/26/1960
**Location:** Area 51 in Nevada
**Description:** [Richard Bissell](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard%5FM.%5FBissell%5FJr) notifies [Kelly Johnson](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kelly%5FJohnson%5F%28engineer%29) that the CIA is authorizing the delivery of 12 A-12 aircraft that will be five times faster than the U-2 and fly three miles higher. Skunk Works will move into production at Area 51 in Nevada to work on Project Oxcart. \(Wikipedia, “[Lockheed A-12](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lockheed%5FA-12)”; Jacobsen, Area 51, [pp. 134–135](https://archive.org/details/area51uncensored0000jaco/page/134/mode/2up)\)
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3397
### Event 21665 (C89791D6)
**Date:** 1/29/1960
**Location:** SWITZERLAND, Ursenbach (Emmenthal)
**Description:** (Translated from French) "As we were driving in a break to the evening service, Friday (January 29, 1960), an oblong thing, similar to a torpedo or a giant cigar, suddenly crossed the road, at man's height, in front of the horse, without the latter being frightened, which is really strange," wrote to her niece Mrs. Marie Morgenthaler, from Ursenbach in Emmental. "The envelope of this kind of torpedo seemed to be composed of horizontal colored and luminous bands," she specified. "The colors were moving and I had never seen such before this apparition. I have the feeling that they are not from this Earth. The torpedo arrived through the fields: it looked like a vehicle beacon. The thing then passed between two farms that border the road, and it was only at the moment when it emerged in front of us that we saw what it was. And imagine that this torpedo silently entered the side of the hill, on the other side of the road." In a postscript, Mrs. Morgenthaler added: We saw in the newspaper the next day that a luminous object had been seen at the same time in the sky of Berne."
**Reference:** Les Soucoupes chez Heidi, cfr GREPI, Switzerland, 1997
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2154
### Event 21666 (B13A3523)
**Date:** 1/29/1960
**Time:** 20:00?
**Location:** URSENBACH, SWZ
**Description:** Huge torpedo-cylinder/cigar-shape crosses road / 2M altitude. Horse ignores! Maneuvers / farms.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Database/website: Chez HEIDI site: Alain Stauffer. GREPI / Switzerland http://home.worldcom.ch/~dbenaroy/heidi.html
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6328
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Switzerland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "URSENBACH,SWZ:HUGE TORPEDO-CGR CROSSES ROAD/2M alt:HORSE IGNORES!:MNVRS/FARMS", **LatLong:** "47.133336 7.766667", **LatLongDMS:** "47:08:00 N 07:46:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.133336,7.766667)", **State/Prov:** "Berne", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 21667 (74567AB9)
**Date:** 1/31/1960
**Description:** Telegram from Manhattan Project scientist Dr. Leon Davidson to President Eisenhower over “inspection of secret aircraft” rumors of a Feb. 1954 meeting at Edwards AFB.
**Type:** telegram
**Reference:** [link](https://medium.com/@richgel99/the-1960-leon-davidson-eisenhower-telegram-8d60b191b9c8)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_595
### Event 21668 (69931AAB)
**Date:** 1/31/1960
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In Japan, luminous phenomena are observed at the same time as an earthquake. (January 31)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1960.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1836
### Event 21669 (8903DD0E)
**Date:** 1/31/1960
**Time:** 05:00
**Location:** OFF LAE, PAPUA-NG
**Description:** 6 / boat. White 14M umbrella sways to and fro. 4 'windows' / underside. Going up.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 737)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6329
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Pacific Ocean and non - Asian islands", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "60", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "off LAE,PAPUA-NG:6/BOAT:WHT 14M UMBRELLA SWAYS TO+FRO:4 'WINDOWS'/UNDERSIDE:↑", **LatLong:** "-6.783334 147.083340", **LatLongDMS:** "06:47:00 S 147:05:00 E", **Locale:** "Offshore", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-6.783334,147.083340)", **State/Prov:** "PNG", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 21670 (17A1D1D2)
**Date:** 1/31/1960
**Description:** Six in a boat on the ocean on the coast of Lae, Papua New Guinea saw a 14 meter diameter umbrella-shaped craft swaying back and forth in the sky in overcast skies at around five o'clock in the morning. It had four windows on the underside. It shot up vertically.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Flying Saucers, May 1962, p. 36; APRO Bulletin, May 1961
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_634
### Event 21671 (8A7793E3)
**Date:** 2/1960
**Description:** The US Navy reportedly detects a “dark satellite” thought to be a Soviet spy satellite in orbit. However, a follow-up article alleges that the object was “the remains of an Air Force Discoverer VIII satellite that had gone astray.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Trackers Spot Mystery Object Orbiting Earth,](https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP83-01022R000100230012-6.pdf)” Washington \(D.C.\) Evening Star, February 11, 1960; Wikipedia, “[Corona \(satellite\)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CORONA%5F%28satellite%29\#Discoverer)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3398
### Event 21672 (E1DE217D)
**Date:** 2/3/1960
**Time:** 20:50
**Location:** INTERVALE, NH
**Description:** Ex-USCG man. 3 luminous objects in-line. 2 more join. Going quickly northwest fast. / r242p71.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 21)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6330
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "167", **HatchDesc:** "INTERVALE,NH:EX-USCG MAN:3 LUMn.OBJs IN-LINE:2 MORE JOIN:>>NW FAST:/r242p71", **LatLong:** "44.066669 -71.050003", **LatLongDMS:** "44:04:00 N 71:03:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.066669,-71.050003)", **State/Prov:** "New Hampshire", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 21673 (B9964EE3)
**Date:** 2/3/1960
**Location:** Intervale, New Haven, CT
**Description:** Former Air Force PT Boat Commander watched UFOs rendezvous, travel in formation. \[NICAP UFOE, VII\] (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2428
### Event 21674 (35BDFD3A)
**Date:** 2/5/1960
**Time:** 23:10
**Location:** HOLLYWOOD, CA
**Description:** Hundreds / observer(s). Invisible cylinder/cylindrical object with red light west going east stops / 8 minute(s). Same / 6 February. / r242p138.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 22)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6331
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **NWS:** News media report, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "12", **Duration:** "50", **Elev:** "107", **HatchDesc:** "HOLLYWOOD,CA:100s/OBS:INVSBL CYL W/RED LITE W>E STOPS/8min:SAME/6FEB:/r242p138", **LatLong:** "34.100002 -118.316672", **LatLongDMS:** "34:06:00 N 118:19:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/34.100002,-118.316672)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 21675 (CD401AB0)
**Date:** 2/5/1960
**End date:** 2/6/1960
**Location:** Hollywood, CA
**Description:** Several witnesses (about 11:15 p.m. each night) saw a distinct round UFO hover and maneuver slowly (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** NICAP: [600205-06](http://www.nicap.org/hollywood600205dir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2429
### Event 21676 (93B6EA68)
**Date:** 2/5/1960
**Description:** The office of the AF Chief of Intelligence is informed of ARDC’s rejection \(by Maj. Gen. [James Ferguson](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James%5FFerguson%5F%28general%29)\) of the ATIC proposal.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Saucer Reading Fest,](https://www.saturdaynightuforia.com/html/articles/articlehtml/saucsum13.html)” Saturday Night Uforia, January 25, 2019
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3399
### Event 21677 (43C1B5CA)
**Date:** 2/5/1960
**Location:** Sunset Boulevard and La Brea Avenue in Hollywood, California
**Description:** 11:15 p.m. Many people see a distinctly round UFO hover and maneuver slowly over or near the intersection of Sunset Boulevard and La Brea Avenue in Hollywood, California. Cars are stopped bumper-to- bumper, according to employees of several businesses around the intersection, with people gaping at the object overhead. Persons on hotel and apartment rooftops go out to see a bright “cherry-red, circular light.” Two service- station attendants at the intersection, Jerry Darr and Charles Walker, say that “hundreds of people saw it— everybody was looking” as the light hovers for at least 5 minutes over a busy drive-in. Pen Meyer, another service station attendant a third of a mile to the north, watches it hovering for about 10 minutes. Harold Sherman, his wife, and two others watch it as it resumes motion very slowly eastward. After proceeding east for a distance of a block or two, it veers southeastward and passes out of sight. No sound is heard over street-noise background.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Los Angeles NICAP Subcommittee case files; James E. McDonald, “[Statement on Unidentified Flying Objects,](https://www.project1947.com/shg/symposium/mcdonald.html\#cities)” in Symposium on Unidentified Flying Objects, Hearings, US House Committee on Science and Astronautics, 90th Cong., 2nd Sess., July 29, 1968, pp. 54–57
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3400
### Event 21678 (EDC5B411)
**Date:** 2/6/1960
**Locations:** Hollywood, California; Sunset Boulevard and Sycamore Avenue; La Brea Avenue; Sunset and La Brea
**Description:** 11:15 p.m. The red object reappears over Hollywood, California, this time about one block further east, above Sunset Boulevard and Sycamore Avenue. A number of witnesses observe it hovering for about 10 minutes at an altitude of 500–600 feet. Then with a loud explosion it emits a brilliant bluish-white flash that extends downward and to the west, lighting up the ground all around La Brea Avenue. A mushroom-shaped cloud appears and dissipates. As the red light is extinguished, an object described by most witnesses as long, tubular, and about 70 feet long shoots upwards. A few seconds later, the red light appears about 1,000 feet above Sunset and La Brea for about 8 minutes. It then begins drifting slowly eastward, turns sharply toward the north-northeast, accelerates and climbs steeply, not stopping again until it is at a very high altitude well to the north.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Los Angeles NICAP Subcommittee case file; James E. McDonald, “[Statement on Unidentified Flying Objects,](https://www.project1947.com/shg/symposium/mcdonald.html\#cities)” in Symposium on Unidentified Flying Objects, Hearings, US House Committee on Science and Astronautics, 90th Cong., 2nd Sess., July 29, 1968, pp. 54–57
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3401
### Event 21679 (156510E5)
**Date:** 2/8/1960
**Location:** CAPO PASSERO, ITL
**Description:** Disk sinks 200M offshore. No further details / Giornale d'Italia 9 / 2 / 60.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** ITACAT, Catalogo Italiano degli Incontri Ravvicinati. Maurizio Verga, 1989 CISU/Torino, Italy. (Index 51)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6332
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **SUB:** Submersible: Rises from or submerges into water, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Italy", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "CAPO PASSERO,ITL:DISK SINKS 200M OFFSHORE:NFD/Giornale d'Italia 9/2/60", **LatLong:** "36.683335 15.166667", **LatLongDMS:** "36:41:00 N 15:10:00 E", **Locale:** "Offshore", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/36.683335,15.166667)", **State/Prov:** "SR", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 21680 (65E09C79)
**Date:** 2/11/1960
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In New Zealand, luminous phenomena are observed at the same time as an earthquake. (11 February)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1960.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1837
### Event 21681 (D6E5EAFE)
**Date:** 2/13/1960
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Explosion of the first French atomic bomb. (13 February)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1960.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1838
### Event 21682 (1DF5F213)
**Date:** 2/13/1960
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) The Caribbean Sea is experiencing the same alert. An extremely fast engine is operating there without worrying about the considerable amount of grenades that are dumped on it the next day in the Mediterranean. The engine was following the yacht of President [Nasser](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/dirigeants.html\#Nasser).
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1960.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1839
### Event 21683 (0ACA4D97)
**Date:** 2/13/1960
**Time:** 22:00?
**Location:** GRAND BLANC, MI
**Description:** Joe Perry photographs domed saucer. FBI-types seize photograph. / r27p198.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 21)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6333
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **GSA:** Covert Security Agency, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies, **COV:** Indication of coverup
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "256", **HatchDesc:** "GRAND BLANC,MI:JOE PERRY FOTOS DOMED SCR:FBI-TYPES SEIZE FOTO:/r27p198", **LatLong:** "42.927780 -83.627782", **LatLongDMS:** "42:55:40 N 83:37:40 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.927780,-83.627782)", **State/Prov:** "Michigan", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 21684 (37B04FCD)
**Date:** 2/13/1960
**Time:** 07:04:00.0
**Location:** 27.0000 0.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air. Country: France Name: “gerb._bleue”
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1837
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "27.0000 0.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "27:00:00 N 00:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/27.0000,0.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "France", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "gerb._bleue", **NukeSource:** "BOLT", **NukeType:** "A"
### Event 21685 (D01EAE35)
**Date:** 2/14/1960
**Time:** 16:40
**Description:** Hundreds / observer(s). Silver cylinder/cigar-shape / 600M altitude going quickly southeast. Curves going up. / r242p118+/ r151.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 723)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6334
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RDR:** Radar traces/blips, **MIL:** Military investigation
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "12", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "11", **HatchDesc:** "NOME>>St.MICHAEL,AK:100s/OBS:SLVR CGR/600M alt >>SE:CURVES↑:/r242p118+/r151", **LatLong:** "64.500003 -165.416675", **LatLongDMS:** "64:30:00 N 165:25:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/64.500003,-165.416675)", **State/Prov:** "Alaska", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 21686 (96AD7C6B)
**Date:** 2/14/1960
**Location:** Nome, AK
**Description:** Airline employee, others, saw a silvery rocket-like object with orange flame trail curving up and away "as if it were manned and controlled." A similar second UFO was sighted at Unalakleet moving rapidly NW leaving contrails. \[NICAP UFOE, X\] (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2430
### Event 21687 (ABBC49FB)
**Date:** 2/14/1960
**Description:** At 4:40 p.m. a silver cigar-shaped object streaked through the sky over Nome, Alaska on a curved flight trajectory. There were four or more witnesses.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP UFO Investigator, March 1960, p. 8, citing Anchorage Daily News, February 15, 1960; APRO Bulletin, March-April 1960; Richard Hall, The UFO Evidence (Volume I), p. 118, citing the Fairbanks Daily, February 16, 1960
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_914
### Event 21688 (20D3C590)
**Date:** 2/15/1960
**Time:** 23:00?
**Description:** Several brass. 2000' UFO paces flying tigers plane. RADAR-visual.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 262)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6335
**Attributes:** **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **RDR:** Radar traces/blips, **MIL:** Military investigation
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Pacific Ocean and non - Asian islands", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "PACIFIC LL=BIG GUESS:SVRL BRASS:2000'UFO PACES FLYING TIGERS PLANE:RDR-VISUAL", **LatLong:** "28.850001 131.750006", **LatLongDMS:** "28:51:00 N 131:45:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/28.850001,131.750006)", **State/Prov:** "NPC", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 21689 (245FC696)
**Date:** 2/16/1960
**Time:** 09:20
**Location:** LAGUNA BEACH, CA
**Description:** Chemist. White ovoid going quickly east. Wobbles until 2nd object joins. / r114p119.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO EVIDENCE; NICAP,Washington, DC 1964. Reprinted 1997 Barnes & Noble Books ( only $7.98! ) (Index 67)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6336
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "11", **HatchDesc:** "LAGUNA BEACH,CA:CHEMIST:WHT OVOID >>E:WOBBLES until 2nd OBJ JOINS:/r114p119", **LatLong:** "33.544446 -117.766672", **LatLongDMS:** "33:32:40 N 117:46:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/33.544446,-117.766672)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 21690 (B627A226)
**Date:** 2/16/1960
**Location:** Laguna Beach, CA
**Description:** Retired chemical manufacturing company executive observed rendezvous of two oval UFOs. \[NICAP UFOE, VII\] (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2431
### Event 21691 (CDD48A63)
**Date:** 2/17/1960
**Time:** 16:20
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Fireball or black Saturn saucer with light ring blows smoke / rear.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** TEETS, Bob: WEST VIRGINIA UFO's; Headline Books, PO Box 52, Terra Alta, WV 1995 213pp. (Index 82)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6337
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "191", **HatchDesc:** "NEW MARTINSVILLE,WV:2 OBS:FBL or BLK SATURN SCR W/LITE RING BLOWS SMOKE/REAR", **LatLong:** "39.644446 -80.861115", **LatLongDMS:** "39:38:40 N 80:51:40 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.644446,-80.861115)", **State/Prov:** "Western Virginia", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 21692 (F30B26E3)
**Date:** 2/17/1960
**Description:** [Hynek](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J.%5FAllen%5FHynek) writes to Brig. Gen. [Benjamin G. Holzman](https://www.af.mil/About-Us/Biographies/Display/Article/108142/brigadier-general-benjamin-g-holzman/) at ARDC in the hopes of interesting him in assessing UFO reports.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Saucer Reading Fest,](https://www.saturdaynightuforia.com/html/articles/articlehtml/saucsum13.html)” Saturday Night Uforia, January 25, 2019
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3402
### Event 21693 (62DE75B2)
**Date:** 2/17/1960
**Description:** A grayish black Saturn-shaped disc with exhaust cruised the tops of the hills in New Martinsville, West Virginia. A lighter-colored ring on the object emitted smoke from rear end.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Bob Teets, West Virginia UFOs: Close Encounters in the Mountain State, p. 82
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_961
### Event 21694 (3984B44D)
**Date:** 2/21/1960
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In Algeria, luminous phenomena are observed at the same time as an earthquake. (February 21)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1960.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1840
### Event 21695 (C3725667)
**Date:** 2/22/1960
**Time:** 17:30
**Location:** SARNIA, ON
**Description:** 5 observer(s). 2 groups / white saucers / different ALTs beam lights going down. Dynamo sound. / r70p3-69.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 21)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6338
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "186", **HatchDesc:** "SARNIA,ON:5 OBS:2 GRPs/WHT SCRS/DIFF.ALTs BEAM LITES ↓:DYNAMO SOUND:/r70p3-69", **LatLong:** "43.000002 -82.400004", **LatLongDMS:** "43:00:00 N 82:24:00 W", **Locale:** "Oil & Coal", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.000002,-82.400004)", **State/Prov:** "Ontario", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 21696 (91420BE5)
**Date:** 2/25/1960
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In the Solomon Islands, luminous phenomena are observed at the same time as an earthquake. (25 February)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1960.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1841
### Event 21697 (248A7EA5)
**Date:** 2/27/1960
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Sighting in Rome \(New York\). (February 27)
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#6663 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1960.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1842
### Event 21698 (E1EE6535)
**Date:** 2/27/1960
**Time:** 18:30
**Description:** 5 Air Traffic Controllers. Night light trails white fan shape. Slow 3-4 minute(s) descent. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BERLINER, DON: The BLUEBOOK UNKNOWNS; (FUFOR). (Index 28)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6339
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "4", **Elev:** "154", **HatchDesc:** "ROME AFB,NY:5 ATCs:NLT TRAILS WHT FAN SHAPE:SLOW 3-4min DESCENT:NFD", **LatLong:** "43.211113 -75.455559", **LatLongDMS:** "43:12:40 N 75:27:20 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.211113,-75.455559)", **State/Prov:** "New York", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 21699 (FBDF7300)
**Date:** 2/27/1960
**Location:** Rome AFB, NY
**Description:** Light trailing a white fan shape make a mild descent (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 6663)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2432
### Event 21700 (3EE6FE74)
**Date:** 2/27/1960
**Time:** 6:27 PM
**Location:** Rome AFB, New York
**Description:** Witnesses: control tower officer Capt. J. Huey and four other tower operators. One light trailing a white fan shape, made a mild descent for 3-4 minutes.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_445
### Event 21701 (1A497DB5)
**Date:** 2/27/1960
**Description:** NICAP sends photocopies of [O’Keefe](https://www.af.mil/About-Us/Biographies/Display/Article/106024/major-general-richard-j-okeefe/)’s 1959 “UFOs Serious Business” memo to the media and to committees in the House and Senate, calling for congressional hearings. NICAP Board member Rear Adm. [Roscoe Hillenkoetter](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roscoe%5FH.%5FHillenkoetter) adds a statement: “Behind the scenes, high-ranking AF officers are soberly concerned about the UFOs. But through official secrecy \[AFR 200-2\] and ridicule, many citizens are led to believe the unknown flying objects are nonsense.” NICAP board member [Albert Baller](http://www.nicap.org/bios/NICAP-Bios/Baller.htm) writes: “If the UFOs are believed a threat, it would seem incumbent on the armed forces to waste no time in alerting the people. Any sudden, hostile act against a nation left in relative ignorance could have serious consequences.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[UFO Warning Issued: Flying](https://www.newspapers.com/clip/28102136/lincoln-journal-star/) [Objects ‘Now Serious Business,’](https://www.newspapers.com/clip/28102136/lincoln-journal-star/)” Lincoln \(Neb.\) Journal Star, February 27, 1960, p. 1; Loren E. Gross, [The Fifth](https://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1960-Jan-Jun.pdf) [Horseman of the Apocalypse: UFOs, a History: January–June 1960](https://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1960-Jan-Jun.pdf), The Author, 2003, p. 37
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3403
### Event 21702 (416756B9)
**Date:** 2/27/1960
**Description:** A nocturnal light trailed after a white, fan-shaped UFO in the skies over Rome AFB, New York at 6:27 p.m. Five military witnesses including control tower officer Capt. J. Huey and four other tower operators witnessed the two UFOs. They moved slowly in a three to four minute descent.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** US Air Force Project Blue Book files counted in official statistics, case #6663; Don Berliner, Project Bluebook UFO Unknowns
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1150
### Event 21703 (810A6869)
**Date:** 3/1960
**Description:** “Flying Saucer Review” article by Manhattan Project scientist Dr. Leon Davidson
**Type:** article
**Reference:** [link](https://medium.com/@richgel99/interesting-1961-letter-from-manhattan-project-scientist-dr-46a781aeccfb)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_596
### Event 21704 (C64095DA)
**Date:** 3/1960
**Description:** 2 airliner crews. Huge wingless fuselage going quickly southwest / 6000 mph. / MJ#263.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** WEINSTEIN, Dominique; UAP: 80 Years of Pilot Sightings Privately published. 7 avenue Bartholome. 75015 Paris, FRANCE. (Index 16)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6340
**Attributes:** **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "151", **HatchDesc:** "SW/GORDONSVILLE,VA:2 AIRLINER CREWS:HUGE WINGLESS FSLG >>SW/6000 mph:/MJ#263", **LatLong:** "38.083335 -78.250004", **LatLongDMS:** "38:05:00 N 78:15:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.083335,-78.250004)", **State/Prov:** "Virginia", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 21705 (AB71FAD4)
**Date:** 3/1960
**Location:** Ottawa
**Description:** The Ottawa Flying Saucer Club begins publishing Topside, edited by [Wilbert B. Smith](http://www.noufors.com/Wilbert%5FB%5FSmith.htm) until 1962. It continues until winter 1971.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** [Topside](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/Canada/Topside%20%28Wilbert%20B%20Smith%29/Topside%20-%20Issue%2001%20-%201960%20March.pdf)[,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/Canada/Topside%20%28Wilbert%20B%20Smith%29/Topside%20-%20Issue%2001%20-%201960%20March.pdf) no. 1 \(March 1960\)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3404
### Event 21706 (04E31146)
**Date:** 3/2/1960
**Location:** Austria, Leibnitz
**Description:** (Translated from French) Edgar Schedelbauer, a war-wounded reporter, managed to take the most unusual photograph known as the "Leibnitz Spider". He was returning home on his motorcycle at 1:30 in the morning when an illuminated object appeared above the edge of the forest in the east, flew over the clearing, crossed the road and began to loop over the sloping terrain. It also briefly presented its upper part, which had the shape of an overturned bowl, orange in color. The alarming thing approached and remained motionless for 6 or 7 seconds. Schedelbauer, who had thrown his motorcycle into the ditch, clearly felt a thermal radiation and heard a machine noise. Crouching in the ditch, he managed to adjust his camera and capture this extraordinary moment on film. Suddenly, the hovering object above his head emitted a whistle similar to that of a jet engine, rose and quickly moved away to the east. The next day, Schedelbauer hoped to get a good price for his adventure...
**Reference:** A. SCHNEIDER-H. MALTHANER: "The Secret File of UFOs", De Vecchi, 1978, p. 237
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2155
### Event 21707 (F28D1985)
**Date:** 3/2/1960
**Time:** ~01:30
**Location:** LEIBNITZ, AUS
**Description:** Newsman. Photograph / saucer over woods. Skin burns. / r68p80. / LDLN#123. Fake / VJBO.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 76)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6341
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Austria", **Credibility:** "3", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "LEIBNITZ,AUS:NEWSMAN:FOTO/SCR OVR WOODS:skin burns:/r68p80:/LDLN#123:fake/VJBO", **LatLong:** "46.783336 15.533334", **LatLongDMS:** "46:47:00 N 15:32:00 E", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.783336,15.533334)", **State/Prov:** "STY", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 21708 (E61CF605)
**Date:** 3/2/1960
**Description:** Mr. Schedelbauer, a 36-year-old newsman, was driving his car near Labuttendorf, Austria at 1:30 a.m. when he had a close encounter with a round, glowing aerial object. He was able to take a photograph of the luminous UFO, but he also received burns on his face and hands from the encounter.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Waveney Girvan, Flying Saucer Review, July-August 1960, p. 16; NICAP UFO Investigator, March-April 1960, p. 3; George D. Fawcett, Flying Saucers, September 1961, p. 48
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1243
### Event 21709 (434E24D5)
**Date:** 3/2/1960
**Location:** Labuttendorf, Austria
**Description:** Newspaperman Edgar Schedelbauer of Vienna, Austria for the newspaper “WIENER MONTAG,” suffered “great red spots” on his face and hands after his close encounter with a milky-white spider-shaped hovering UFO. It made a low humming sound and then a jet-like roar as it hovered about 50 feet above a road. A photographer took pictures of the object. Now under investigation.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [_The Flying Saucers are Hostile!_, by George D. Fawcett 1961](https://archive.org/details/the_flying_saucers_are_hostile_george_d_fawcett_1961/mode/2up)
**Source:** HostileFawcett, **ID:** HostileFawcett_87
### Event 21710 (7BD6B866)
**Date:** 3/4/1960
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In Japan, luminous phenomena are observed at the same time as an earthquake.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1960.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1843
### Event 21711 (B840D152)
**Date:** 3/4/1960
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Observation in Dubuque \(Iowa\).
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#6667 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1960.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1844
### Event 21712 (F3C1DA4F)
**Date:** 3/4/1960
**Time:** 17:50
**Location:** DUBUQUE, IA
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #6667. Pilot and several. 3 saucers / row. Going [to] 2K' altitude. 19' / film. / r242p40+/ APRO 8'60.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 21)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6342
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "4", **Elev:** "186", **HatchDesc:** "DUBUQUE,IA:BBK#6667:PILOT+SVRL:3 SCRS/ROW:>2K'alt:19'/FILM:/r242p40+/APRO 8'60", **LatLong:** "42.500002 -90.666671", **LatLongDMS:** "42:30:00 N 90:40:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.500002,-90.666671)", **RelAlt:** "600", **State/Prov:** "Iowa", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 21713 (933D310D)
**Date:** 3/4/1960
**Location:** Dubuque, IA
**Description:** 3 elliptical-shaped objects make a slight climb (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 6667)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2433
### Event 21714 (7F6EFD55)
**Date:** 3/4/1960
**Time:** 5:55 PM
**Location:** Dubuque, Iowa
**Description:** Witness: Charles Morris. Three elliptical-shaped objects made a slight climb for 4 minutes. Film exposed during sighting showed no images of the objects.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_446
### Event 21715 (7601087E)
**Date:** 3/4/1960
**Description:** Pilot Charles Morris filmed three silver discs with his motion picture camera, flying over Dubuque, Iowa at 5:57 p.m. The Air Force claimed that no unusual objects appear on any of the frames.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Richard Hall, The UFO Evidence (Volume I), p. 40
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1291
### Event 21716 (B94C5A2B)
**Date:** 3/6/1960
**Time:** 05:20
**Location:** NORRTALJE, SWD
**Description:** Photograph shoots 3 satellites going southeast. All 3 reverse course going quickly north.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FAWCETT, Lawrence & GREENWOOD, Barry: The UFO COVERUP (Formerly Clear Intent); Prentice Hall, NJ 1984. 264pp. (Index 138)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6343
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **GSA:** Covert Security Agency
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Scandanavian and Finland", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "12", **HatchDesc:** "NORRTALJE,SWD:PHOTOG SHOOTS 3 SATELLITES > SE:ALL 3 REVERSE COURSE >>N", **LatLong:** "59.783336 18.650001", **LatLongDMS:** "59:47:00 N 18:39:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/59.783336,18.650001)", **State/Prov:** "Sweden", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 21717 (F41A0687)
**Date:** 3/6/1960
**Locations:** Norrtälje, Sweden; Stockholm latitude
**Description:** 5:15–5:27 a.m. Photographer Esse Jansson of Norrtälje, Sweden, goes out early in the morning to try to take a photo of an unidentified satellite, termed 1960 Alpha \[however, the designation of 1960 Alpha 1 is reserved for the Pioneer 5 space probe, which isn’t launched until March 11\], “which was expected to pass the Stockholm latitude in a southerly direction about 0525 hours.” He sees two objects that come from the north and move in a southeasterly direction. They are similar to phenomena he has seen before, but these objects reverse direction completely. One of his plates shows a third object. The CIA takes note of this and another mystery satellite viewed by a Swedish airplane and reported in Dagens Nyheter, March 8.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Central Intelligence Agency, “[UFO’s](https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/DOC%5F0000015447.pdf) [Sighted, Photographed in Sweden; Unidentified Satellite Seen,](https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/DOC%5F0000015447.pdf)” FDD Note 1107, March 17, 1960
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3405
### Event 21718 (E67099CC)
**Date:** 3/7/1960
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Selection of 20 Russian cosmonauts. (March 7)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1960.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1845
### Event 21719 (38CD5546)
**Date:** 3/8/1960
**Description:** [Holzman](https://www.af.mil/About-Us/Biographies/Display/Article/108142/brigadier-general-benjamin-g-holzman/) forwards [Hynek](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J.%5FAllen%5FHynek)’s letter up the chain of command.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Saucer Reading Fest,](https://www.saturdaynightuforia.com/html/articles/articlehtml/saucsum13.html)” Saturday Night Uforia, January 25, 2019
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3406
### Event 21720 (784F491A)
**Date:** 3/11/1960
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Launch of Pioneer 5, first interplanetary probe. (March 11)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1960.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1846
### Event 21721 (E6567AFF)
**Date:** 3/11/1960
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) According to [Carr](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/CarrRobertSpencer.html), the New Paltz \(New York\) police managed to catch an humanoid who was outside of its vehicle while its two co-pilots rushed into the saucer and took off. The extraterrestrial is handed over to the [CIA](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/CIA.html) and dies after 28 days in captivity.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1960.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1847
### Event 21722 (52255CDE)
**Date:** 3/11/1960
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Off the coast of Seattle, a metal articulated object was reported. A week later, an unknown submersible was located resting at 10m depth near Sydney for several days.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1960.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1848
### Event 21723 (8DAAE2C3)
**Date:** 3/12/1960
**Location:** Alamogordo, New Mexico
**Description:** The AERIAL PHENOMENA RESEARCH ORGANIZATION at Alamogordo, New Mexico announced that its organization has fragments of an “Extraterrestrial Flying Saucer” that fell from an exploding UFO in Brazil in 1957 and photographs of an “Extraterrestrial Flying Saucer” taken at Trinidade Island in 1958.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [_The Flying Saucers are Hostile!_, by George D. Fawcett 1961](https://archive.org/details/the_flying_saucers_are_hostile_george_d_fawcett_1961/mode/2up)
**Source:** HostileFawcett, **ID:** HostileFawcett_88
### Event 21724 (B2AD6E78)
**Date:** 3/17/1960
**Location:** Cuba
**Description:** President [Eisenhower](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dwight%5FD.%5FEisenhower) signs off on a CIA paper titled “A Program of Covert Action against the Castro Regime.” The order gives the agency authorization to create an organization of exiled Cubans to manage opposition programs, begin a propaganda offensive to draw support for the movement, create an intelligence gathering network inside Cuba, and develop a paramilitary force to be introduced into Cuba to organize, train, and lead resistance groups against the Castro regime. Its budget is $4.4 million. Under the Cuban Project and under the direction of CIA Directorate for Plans [Richard M. Bissell](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard%5FM.%5FBissell%5FJr), MKUltra’s [Sidney Gottlieb](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sidney%5FGottlieb) proposes spraying [Fidel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fidel%5FCastro) [Castro](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fidel%5FCastro)’s television studio with LSD and saturating his shoes with thallium to make his beard fall out. Gottlieb also hatches schemes to assassinate Castro, including the use of a poisoned cigar, a poisoned wetsuit, an exploding conch shell, and a poisonous fountain pen.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Sidney Gottlieb](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sidney%5FGottlieb)”; Kris Hollington, [Wolves, Jackals, and](https://archive.org/details/wolvesjackalsfox00holl/page/n7/mode/2up) [Foxes: The Assassins Who Changed History](https://archive.org/details/wolvesjackalsfox00holl/page/n7/mode/2up)[,](https://archive.org/details/wolvesjackalsfox00holl/page/n7/mode/2up) St. Martin’s, 2008; Wikipedia, “[Operation Mongoose](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation%5FMongoose)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3407
### Event 21725 (955F65A8)
**Date:** Spring 1960
**Location:** USA
**Description:** (Translated from French) The first "midas 2" infrared alert satellite is satellited. Seven copies were launched in total on polar orbits at 3500 km altitude. In this type of detection it is indeed necessary to have a minimum of distance. (1960, Spring)
**Reference:** "The War of the Satellites" - Volume 3 - Pierre Kohler, ed. Famot 1982, p. 78
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2156
### Event 21726 (7D0E37BE)
**Date:** Spring 1960
**Location:** ITALY, Sicily
**Description:** (Translated from French) Jeweler Salvatore Cianci was driving near Syracuse when a small creature in shiny clothes and wearing a diving cap appeared in the beams of his headlights. It had no arms, but two small wings. Salvatore Cianci suffered a nervous breakdown. (1960, Spring)
**Reference:** Jacques VALLEE: "Chronicles of E.T. Appearances" - DENOEL 1972 - coll. J'AI LU, p. 121
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2157
### Event 21727 (4C017958)
**Date:** Spring 1960
**Location:** USA, Syracuse (New York)
**Description:** (Translated from French) An electronics engineer who was night fishing, heard a shrill whistle and saw a round object with a rotating light land on the shore. Through an opening, two dwarves with abnormally large heads emerged with a hose and pumped water from the river. Later they appeared to be playing like children. Their bodies sparkled with changing colored lights. (1960, Spring)
**Reference:** M. FIGUET/ J.L. RUCHON: "Ovni, Premier dossier complet..." - éd. Alain Lefeuvre 1979, p. 101
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2158
### Event 21728 (0B055B61)
**Date:** Spring 1960
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Meeting with Italian jeweler [Salvatore Cianci](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/temoins.html\#CianciSalvatore). (Spring)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1960.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1862
### Event 21729 (D77241C0)
**Date:** Spring 1960
**Time:** night
**Location:** Syracuse, New York
**Description:** An electronics engineer was fishing when he heard a shrill, whirring sound and saw a round object, with a rotating light on top, land on the shore. The sound gradually stopped, an opening became visible, and two dwarfs with oversized heads came out with a hose and pumped water from the river. Later they appeared to play like children. Their bodies glowed with lights of changing colors.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Binder ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_501
### Event 21730 (5D99015E)
**Date:** 3/23/1960
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Sighting in Indianapolis \(Indiana\). (March 23)
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#6691 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1960.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1849
### Event 21731 (EF1695D1)
**Date:** 3/23/1960
**Time:** 03:40
**Location:** INDIANAPOLIS, IN
**Description:** 2 observer(s). 20M "kite" arcs and maneuvers all over sky. Vibrant bright and metallic. 10 minute(s).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SCIENCE & MECHANICS (eds.) OFFICIAL GUIDE to UFO'S; Ace Books, NY. 1968. (Index 170)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6344
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "215", **HatchDesc:** "INDIANAPOLIS,IN:2 OBS:20M "KITE" ARCS+MNVRS ALL OVR SKY:VBRITE+METALLIC:10min", **LatLong:** "39.766669 -86.150004", **LatLongDMS:** "39:46:00 N 86:09:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.766669,-86.150004)", **State/Prov:** "Indiana", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 21732 (C3692EC2)
**Date:** 3/23/1960
**Location:** Indianapolis, IN
**Description:** A series of balls, arranged like an “X” with one diagonal line (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 6691)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2434
### Event 21733 (1EEF2F0F)
**Date:** 3/23/1960
**Time:** 3:35 AM
**Location:** Indianapolis, Indiana
**Description:** Witnesses: Mr. and Mrs. E.I. Larsen. A series of balls, arranged like an "X" with one diagonal line, seen for 3/4 of a minute. Note: little data on the case in the files.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_447
### Event 21734 (528D3BE8)
**Date:** 3/23/1960
**Description:** At 3:35 a.m. Mr. & Mrs. Larsen sighted an object over their residence in Indianapolis, Indiana that looked like a kite made up of little metallic balls. The object or objects moved in an arc through the sky to the west, then made a 180-degree turn, and finally rose and departed vertically. It made no sound. Listed as a U.S. Air Force Project Blue Book unidentified report.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Project Blue Book files counted in official statistics, case 6681; Otto Binder, What We Really Know About Flying Saucers, p. 27; Lloyd Mallan, Official Guide to UFOs, p. 170
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1625
### Event 21735 (4EF3AB8D)
**Date:** 3/24/1960
**Locations:** Lambert–St. Louis International Airport; Missouri
**Description:** Two policemen are in the vicinity of Lambert–St. Louis International Airport in Missouri, one on the north side, the other on the south side. A bright light illuminates the entire area. Three objects in a V-formation whisk overhead. They are round, white, and 9 feet in diameter.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Swords 293
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3408
### Event 21736 (5C03007C)
**Date:** 3/25/1960?
**Time:** ~15:00
**Location:** VICHEL, FR
**Description:** Gas turbine noise. Cylinder/cylindrical object hovers / 5+min. Shoots going quickly southeast sideways like an arrow.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LDLN CONTACT LECTEURS: by Series and #. May'68 -JAN'72 (Entire set of 18 issues) LDLN local chapters & individual members' UFO reports. (Index 50)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6345
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "VICHEL,FR:GAS TURBINE NOISE:CYL HVRS/5+min:SHOOTS >>SE SIDEWAYS like an arrow", **LatLong:** "45.433335 3.250000", **LatLongDMS:** "45:26:00 N 03:15:00 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.433335,3.250000)", **State/Prov:** "Puy-de-Dôme", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 21737 (80BBC73A)
**Date:** 3/25/1960
**Description:** Making a noise like a gas turbine, a cylindrical UFO hovered over Vichel at around 3 p.m. in Puy-de-Dome department, France for more than five minutes, then shot away to the southeast, traveling sideways like an arrow.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Larry Hatch, U computer database, case 5897, citing Lumieres dans la Nuit Lecteurs
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1651
### Event 21738 (3E325A47)
**Date:** 3/31/1960
**Time:** 19:00
**Location:** NORTH ATLANTIC
**Description:** Steamship MV Avafors / location unknown. Night light going south slow. Curves up then down. Going SSW / 220°.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 22)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6346
**Attributes:** **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Atlantic Ocean + islands", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "N.ATLANTIC:SS MV AVAFORS/loc.unk:NLT > S SLOW:CURVES UP THEN DOWN:>SSW/220°", **LatLong:** "42.000002 -63.500003", **LatLongDMS:** "42:00:00 N 63:30:00 W", **Locale:** "High Seas", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.000002,-63.500003)", **State/Prov:** "NAT", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 21739 (44EED27D)
**Date:** 4/1960
**Location:** FRANCE, Puy du Dôme
**Description:** (Translated from French) Or early May. M. Germain Tichit, a baker, was kneading dough around 2 o'clock in the morning. He heard an unusual noise at the same time he saw flashes of all colors through the window. He went to the doorstep and in the middle of the sloping field was an object in the shape of a spinning top, 10 to 15 m in diameter and 5 m high. The central pivot looked like a bellows that inflated to give the object a horizontal plate on the sloping ground. A metallic cutting sound on top of the noise of the object itself caused a staircase to lower beneath the right side of the object and a small humanoid descended the three steps, stepped onto the ground and advanced. The small being was well built, rather handsome, wearing small boots, dressed in tight trousers and a jacket buttoned in front, gray-green in color, and wearing a helmet similar to that of a fireman of the same color as the jacket. He had a curved saber in a scabbard on his right side, the handle clearly visible. A real whirlwind blew under the object, a kind of hot, stinging wind which M. Tichit felt on his left cheek. The witness advanced towards the creature with the intention of capturing it. The dwarf pilot saw him and pointed a long tube at him which emitted an intense light. The witness then experienced difficulty breathing, bent forward, hands in front of his face, and continued to advance. The being seemed to be frightened, turned around, climbed the ladder and disappeared. The craft rose to about thirty meters, with a whistling sound, and then moved horizontally in waves.
**Reference:** M. FIGUET/ J.L. RUCHON: "Ovni, Premier dossier complet..." - éd. Alain Lefeuvre 1979, p. 241, 242
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2163
### Event 21740 (C828E296)
**Date:** 4/1960
**Location:** NEAR SCAER, FR
**Description:** Moped malfunctions due to EME (electro-magnetic effects). Man invites observer(s) to 6M saucer / ground. Seats and levers and map and dials..
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BOEDEC, Jean-Francois: Les OVNI EN BRETAGNE, Anatomie d'un Phenomene. 1978 Editions Fernand Lanore, Paris. (Index 146)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6347
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HOX:** Suspicion of hoax, **CNT:** Contactee related, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **CVS:** Conversation/communication, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "5", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "nr SCAER,FR:MOPED EMEs:MAN INVITES OBS TO 6M SCR/GND:SEATS+LEVERS+MAP+DIALS..", **LatLong:** "48.016669 -3.700000", **LatLongDMS:** "48:01:00 N 03:42:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.016669,-3.700000)", **State/Prov:** "Finistère", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 21741 (B31458A1)
**Date:** 4/1960 (approximate)
**Time:** 21:00?
**Location:** SYRACUSE, NY
**Description:** Fisherman. Saucer lands. Small humanoids (or Greys) draw water / hose. Play like kids. / O. Binder.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA; H. Regnery, Chicago HC 1969 & Contemporary Books,Chicago 1993. 372pp. (Index 501)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6348
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "5", **Duration:** "15", **Elev:** "120", **HatchDesc:** "SYRACUSE,NY:FISHERMAN:SCR LANDS:OIDS DRAW WATER/HOSE:PLAY LIKE KIDS:/O.Binder", **LatLong:** "43.050002 -76.133337", **LatLongDMS:** "43:03:00 N 76:08:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.050002,-76.133337)", **State/Prov:** "New York", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 21742 (67694592)
**Date:** 4/1/1960
**Location:** USA
**Description:** (Translated from French) LAUNCH OF TIROS I SATELLITE, FIRST WEATHER SATELLITE, WEIGHT 122 KG. ("Astronautics, Pierre Rousseau, Hachette 1965, p. 63) THE FIRST GOOD IMAGES (.. OF THE EARTH) WERE THOSE OF TIROS I, WEATHER SATELLITE PUT IN ORBIT BY NASA, ON APRIL 1, 1960. (April 1, 1960)
**Reference:** "The War of the Satellites" - Volume 3 - Pierre Kohler, ed. Famot 1982, p. 20
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2159
### Event 21743 (FD5AF15F)
**Date:** 4/1/1960
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Launch of *Tiros*, 1st weather satellite. (April 1st)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1960.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1850
### Event 21744 (07B4C616)
**Date:** 4/1/1960
**Time:** 12:00
**Description:** Metallic saucer skims ground. Red edge. / Diario Insular.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LOURENCO, Victor: The PORTUCAT CATALOG; (BBS Download). (Index 69)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6349
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Atlantic Ocean + islands", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "ANGRA do HEROISMO,AZORES:MTLC SCR SKIMS GROUND:RED EDGE:/DIARIO INSULAR", **LatLong:** "38.650002 -27.200001", **LatLongDMS:** "38:39:00 N 27:12:00 W", **Locale:** "Islands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.650002,-27.200001)", **State/Prov:** "Azores", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 21745 (E608694E)
**Date:** 4/1/1960
**Time:** 06:17:00.0
**Location:** 27.0000 0.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air. Country: France Name: “gerb._blanche”
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1838
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "27.0000 0.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "27:00:00 N 00:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/27.0000,0.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "France", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "gerb._blanche", **NukeSource:** "BOLT", **NukeType:** "A"
### Event 21746 (F0F72014)
**Date:** 4/5/1960
**Location:** MOZAMBIQUE, Beira
**Description:** (Translated from French) A flying saucer of orange color landed and 4 small entities fled when the craft exploded.
**Reference:** Janet and Colin BORD: "Modern Mysteries of the World" - Guild Publishing London 1989, p. 344
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2160
### Event 21747 (C4E4E5DF)
**Date:** 4/5/1960 (approximate)
**Location:** NEAR BEIRA, MZBQ
**Description:** Orange saucer whistles and lands. 4 small humanoids (or Greys) run going [to] woods. Saucer explodes! / r8#502.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 77)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6350
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Mozambique", **Credibility:** "5", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "nr BEIRA,MZBQ:ORG SCR WHISTLES+LANDS:4 OIDS RUN >WOODS:SCR EXPLODES!:/r8#502", **LatLong:** "-19.666668 34.833335", **LatLongDMS:** "19:40:00 S 34:50:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-19.666668,34.833335)", **State/Prov:** "BEI", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 21748 (BB6085F6)
**Date:** 4/5/1960
**Location:** Beira, Mozambique
**Description:** An orange disk landed with a hissing sound, then exploded, while four dwarfish figures ran away into the brush.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** FSR 60, 5; 126 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_502
### Event 21749 (F31E7C83)
**Date:** 4/5/1960
**Description:** An orange disk landed in Beira, Mozambique with a hissing sound, then exploded, while four dwarfish figures ran off into the brush.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 501
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1846
### Event 21750 (5E329D07)
**Date:** 4/6/1960
**Location:** USSR, SPACE
**Description:** (Translated from French) FALL OF SPUTNIK 3 LAUNCHED ON MAY 15, 1958
**Reference:** Acta Aeronomica 1977, p. 135
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2161
### Event 21751 (5D739548)
**Date:** 4/6/1960
**Time:** 18:00
**Location:** LOOGOOTEE, IN
**Description:** Navy civil eng. Tech. Large yellow-red ovoid crosses road going south. Silent.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 22)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6351
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "164", **HatchDesc:** "LOOGOOTEE,IN:NAVY CIV.ENG.TECH:LARGE YLW-RED OVOID CROSSES ROAD >S:SLNT:", **LatLong:** "38.683335 -86.916671", **LatLongDMS:** "38:41:00 N 86:55:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.683335,-86.916671)", **State/Prov:** "Indiana", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 21752 (8C42D461)
**Date:** 4/8/1960
**Locations:** National Radio Astronomy Observatory at Green Bank, West Virginia; Soviet Union
**Description:** Project Ozma, set up only a few days earlier by [Frank Drake](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frank%5FDrake) at the National Radio Astronomy Observatory at Green Bank, West Virginia, seems to hit paydirt. As he slews his antenna off Tau Ceti and onto Epsilon Eridani, Drake is greeted with a strong, periodic, pulsed signal on 1420 MHz, the hyperfine transition emission line of interstellar hydrogen atoms proposed for SETI by [Giuseppe Cocconi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giuseppe%5FCocconi) and [Philip Morrison](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philip%5FMorrison), and still favored as a promising hailing frequency for interstellar communications. Drake is ready with a second, low-gain antenna. The pulses are there as well, sadly disproving their extraterrestrial origin. But they are not exactly terrestrial interference, either. The rate at which the phantom signal traverses the sky suggests that it is emanating from an aircraft cruising at unprecedented altitude—perhaps 80,000 feet. At the time, no known aircraft can reach the stratosphere. Such an aircraft, as it happens, doesn’t “come into existence” until the following month, when [Francis Gary Powers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Francis%5FGary%5FPowers) is shot down over the Soviet Union. \(Drake wisely decides to withhold publication of this positive result, so he never does receive proper credit for “discovering” the U-2.\) The project only lasts through July.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Project Ozma](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project%5FOzma)”; H. Paul Shuch, “[Project Ozma: The Birth of Observational SETI,](https://archive.org/details/h.-paul-shuch-searching-for-extraterrestrial-intelligence-seti-past-present-and-future/page/13/mode/2up)” in Searching for Extraterrestrial Intelligence, Springer, 2011, pp. 13–18; Seth Shostak, “[Project Ozma,](https://www.seti.org/project-ozma)” SETI Institute, July 2021
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3409
### Event 21753 (B40DD158)
**Date:** 4/9/1960
**Locations:** Pakistan; Semipalatinsk Test Site in Kazakhstan; Dolon Air Base in Semey, Kazakhstan; SAM test site near Saryshagan, Kazakhstan; Baikonur Cosmodrome near Tyuratam, Kazakhstan; Iranian airstrip at Zahedan
**Description:** The U-2 spy plane piloted by [Francis Gary Powers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Francis%5FGary%5FPowers) crosses into the Soviet Union from Pakistan and flies over the Semipalatinsk Test Site in Kazakhstan; the Dolon Air Base in Semey, Kazakhstan; a SAM test site near Saryshagan, Kazakhstan; and the Baikonur Cosmodrome near Tyuratam, Kazakhstan. The plane is detected by Soviet Air Defense Forces but avoids intercepts by a MiG-19 and a Su-9. Powers lands at an Iranian airstrip at Zahedan. A 1994 CIA monograph by Gerald K. Haines, “CIA’s Role in the Study of UFOs, 1947–90,” claims that “According to later estimates from CIA officials who worked on the U-2 project and the Oxcart \(SR-71, or Blackbird\) project, over half of all UFO reports from the late 1950s through the 1960s were accounted for by manned reconnaissance flights \(namely the U-2\) over the United States.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[1960 U-2 incident](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1960%5FU-2%5Fincident)”; Gerald K. Haines, “[CIA’s Role in the Study of UFOs, 1947–90,](https://www.cia.gov/static/105bd8290b90de13ee136fecc9fe863f/cia-role-study-UFOs.pdf)” Studies in Intelligence 40, no. 5 \(1997\): 67–84
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3410
### Event 21754 (C734B24B)
**Date:** 4/10/1960
**Time:** 22:00
**Description:** 2 big white disks over Mt. St. Christophe. Vanish and reappear. Photographs. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LDLN CONTACT LECTEURS: by Series and #. May'68 -JAN'72 (Entire set of 18 issues) LDLN local chapters & individual members' UFO reports. (Index 28)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6352
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "SE/Le BOULOU,FR:2 BIG WHT DISKS ovr Mt.St.CHRISTOPHE:VANISH+REAPPEAR:FOTOS:NFD", **LatLong:** "42.494446 2.883333", **LatLongDMS:** "42:29:40 N 02:53:00 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.494446,2.883333)", **State/Prov:** "Pyrénées-Orientales", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 21755 (099EF3BD)
**Date:** 4/11/1960
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) As part of his [OZMA](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/projets.html\#OZMA) project, [Frank Drake](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/DrakeFrankD.html) pointed the newly-equipped 29.5m diameter receiver of the [NRAO](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/NRAO.html) at two stars 11 light-years away, listening intently on the 1420 megahertz frequency suggested as ideal by Cocconi and Morrison's paper the previous year. On the first day, [Drake](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/DrakeFrankD.html) thought he had hit the jackpot. Aiming at *Epsilon Eridani*, he immediately recorded a pulsing signal of clearly artificial origin that lasted only 5 minutes. It is now thought to have been an aircraft flying at very high altitude. (April 11th, 6am)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1960.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1851
### Event 21756 (62C88330)
**Date:** 4/11/1960
**Time:** 20:20
**Description:** 6 / car. Red-gold saucer going north to cloud. Exits / different direction. Separate observer(s).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 76)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6353
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "SW/STONEHAVEN,SCTL:6/CAR:RED-GOLD SCR >N to CLOUD:EXITS/DIFF.DIRECTION:sep.obs", **LatLong:** "56.883336 -2.333333", **LatLongDMS:** "56:53:00 N 02:20:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/56.883336,-2.333333)", **State/Prov:** "Scotland", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 21757 (F306FC1F)
**Date:** 4/12/1960
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Sighting at La Camp \(Louisiana\). (April 12)
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#6711 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1960.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1852
### Event 21758 (3D76B331)
**Date:** 4/12/1960
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Explosion of the first French atomic bomb.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1960.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1853
### Event 21759 (D6F819B1)
**Date:** 4/12/1960
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** LACAMP, LA
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #6711. Saucer going quickly south plows through trees. Skips off ground. Flies off. Lots / traces.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SCIENCE & MECHANICS (eds.) OFFICIAL GUIDE to UFO'S; Ace Books, NY. 1968. (Index 169)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6354
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "77", **HatchDesc:** "LACAMP,LA:BBK#6711:SCR>>S PLOWS THRU TREES:SKIPS OFF GND:FLIES OFF:LOTS/TRACES", **LatLong:** "29.950001 -92.916671", **LatLongDMS:** "29:57:00 N 92:55:00 W", **Locale:** "Wetlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/29.950001,-92.916671)", **State/Prov:** "Louisiana", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 21760 (7927FA53)
**Date:** 4/12/1960
**Location:** La Camp, LA
**Description:** A fiery-red disc from the S touch the ground about 1,000 ft (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 6711)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2435
### Event 21761 (7730C771)
**Date:** 4/12/1960
**Time:** 9 PM
**Location:** LaCamp, Louisiana
**Description:** Witness: Monroe Arnold. One fiery-red disc exploded four or five times. Analysis of paint samples from explosion proved inconclusive. Sighting lasted 2-3 seconds.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_448
### Event 21762 (EF1E00C9)
**Date:** 4/12/1960
**Description:** LaCamp, Louisiana. At 9:00 p.m. Monroe Arnold, a physical scientist, saw a fiery-red disc that made a rumbling sound and exploded four or five times while flying through the sky for two to three seconds. It plowed through trees, struck the ground, bounced nine times, and resulted in explosions and flames. It left behind nine ground scars. An analysis of paint samples from the explosion proved inconclusive.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Don Berliner, Project Bluebook UFO Unknowns; Project Blue Book files counted in official statistics, case # 6711; NICAP UFO Investigator, May 1960, p. 4
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1969
### Event 21763 (DF60C519)
**Date:** 4/13/1960
**Location:** Red Bluff, CA
**Description:** State Police encounter with highly ma-neuverable elliptical object, red light beams swept ground (NICAP UFOE, V). (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2436
### Event 21764 (05C44FDA)
**Date:** 4/13/1960
**Location:** Red Bluff, CA
**Description:** State Police encounter with highly maneuverable elliptical object, red light beams swept ground
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_7
### Event 21765 (FC3BDD2B)
**Date:** 4/16/1960
**Time:** 17:50
**Location:** NAPIER, NZ
**Description:** 3 women. Brilliant pole rises slowly. Turns horizontal and darkens and going northeast to sea.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 727)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6355
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "New Zealand", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "NAPIER,NZ:3 WOMEN:BRILL.POLE RISES SLOWLY:TURNS HORIZONTAL+DARKENS+ >NE TO SEA", **LatLong:** "-39.516669 176.916675", **LatLongDMS:** "39:31:00 S 176:55:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-39.516669,176.916675)", **State/Prov:** "NI", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 21766 (7970C7CF)
**Date:** 4/16/1960
**Description:** A brilliant vertical cylinder or pole-shaped object rose slowly over the shore of Napier, New Zealand at 5:50 p.m. It turned horizontal and then darkened. It finally flew to the northeast and out to sea.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** APRO Bulletin, July 1960
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2052
### Event 21767 (49D4AE55)
**Date:** 4/17/1960
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Sighting at Richards, Gebaur AB \(Missouri\). (April 17)
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#6721 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1960.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1854
### Event 21768 (CA1F26DF)
**Date:** 4/17/1960
**Time:** 20:30
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #6721. 2 / 48X-(seen thru) telescope. Red night light turns in sky. High and distant.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** KEHOE, Maj Donald: ALIENS FROM SPACE; Doubleday, Garden City, NY 1973 HB (Index 53)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6356
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **TRC:** Physical traces, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "332", **HatchDesc:** "RICHARDS-GEBAUR AFB,MO:BBK#6721:2/48X-TSCOPE:RED NLT TURNS IN SKY:HI+DISTANT", **LatLong:** "38.883335 -94.533338", **LatLongDMS:** "38:53:00 N 94:32:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.883335,-94.533338)", **State/Prov:** "Missouri", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 21769 (494E2490)
**Date:** 4/17/1960
**Location:** Richards-Gebaur AFB, MO
**Description:** (Berliner) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 6721)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2437
### Event 21770 (54E75750)
**Date:** 4/17/1960
**Time:** 8:29 PM
**Location:** Richards-Gebauer AFB, Missouri
**Description:** Witnesses: USAF Maj. J.G. Ford and Link representative A. Chapdelaine, using a 48x telescope. One reddish glow made an odd orbit for 2.5 minutes.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_449
### Event 21771 (A89E1F5F)
**Date:** 4/18/1960
**Time:** 2100
**Location:** Lacamp, Louisiana
**Description:** Mr. Arnold saw a round object, fiery red in color, arriving at high speed from the south. It touched the ground about 300 m away with a loud explosion heard by many people, and a flame. It bounced in an easterly direction for about 300 m, then rose again, turned west and disappeared. The ground was scarred in nine places, and a substance resembling metallic paint was found.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Science & Mechanics Dec., 66 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_503
### Event 21772 (E37D98BE)
**Date:** 4/18/1960
**Description:** At 9:00 p.m. Mr. Arnold saw a round, fiery red flying object approach at high speed from the south in Lacamp, Louisiana. It touched the ground about 300 meters away with a loud explosion heard by many people, and a flame. It bounced in an easterly direction for about 300 meters, then rose again, turned west and disappeared. The ground was scarred in nine places, and a substance resembling metallic paint was found.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 503
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2111
### Event 21773 (9966CC4A)
**Date:** 4/20/1960
**Location:** USSR, SPACE
**Description:** (Translated from French) RE-ENTRY OF LUNIK (LUNA) 3 LAUNCHED OCT. 4, 59, LOCATION NOT SPECIFIED
**Reference:** Acta Aeronomica 1977, p. 110
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2162
### Event 21774 (9BBDC42A)
**Date:** 4/21/1960
**Time:** 12:00?
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #6724. Unidentified. Poor naval photos / daylight disks. No further details. / photograph only.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** STEIGER, Brad (ed.): PROJECT BLUEBOOK; Ballentine Books 1976. 423pp. (Index 364)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6357
**Attributes:** **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Caribbean area", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "GUANTANAMO BAY,CUBA:BBK#6724:UID:POOR NAVAL PHOTOS/DAYLITE DISKS:NFD:/pix only", **LatLong:** "19.583334 -75.583337", **LatLongDMS:** "19:35:00 N 75:35:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/19.583334,-75.583337)", **State/Prov:** "CUB", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 21775 (97D75082)
**Date:** 4/21/1960
**Time:** 21:00
**Description:** Several / train station. Cylinder/cigar-shape-object flies by. / O Seculo. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LOURENCO, Victor: The PORTUCAT CATALOG; (BBS Download). (Index 70)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6358
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Portugal", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "ESTREMOZ,PORTUGAL:SVRL/TRAIN STATION:CGR-OBJ FLIES BY:/O SECULO:NFD", **LatLong:** "38.850002 -7.605556", **LatLongDMS:** "38:51:00 N 07:36:20 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.850002,-7.605556)", **State/Prov:** "AAL", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 21776 (0FE60A2C)
**Date:** 4/22/1960
**Description:** A cigar-shaped UFO flew by a train station at 9:00 p.m. in Estremoz, Portugal.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos case investigation files
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2213
### Event 21777 (3708CCAE)
**Date:** 4/25/1960
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Sighting in Shelby \(Montana\). (April 25)
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#6727 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1960.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1855
### Event 21778 (73203A90)
**Date:** 4/25/1960
**Time:** 19:00
**Location:** SHELBY, MT
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #6727. Unidentified. 3M orbs seen 5x since 1957. Slow and fast. Sharp turns. Vanish.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SCIENCE & MECHANICS (eds.) OFFICIAL GUIDE to UFO'S; Ace Books, NY. 1968. (Index 143)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6359
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "180", **Elev:** "1002", **HatchDesc:** "SHELBY,MT:BBK#6727:UID:3M ORBS SEEN 5x SINCE 1957:SLO+FAST:SHARP TURNS:VANISH", **LatLong:** "48.516669 -111.877783", **LatLongDMS:** "48:31:00 N 111:52:40 W", **Locale:** "Oil & Coal", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.516669,-111.877783)", **State/Prov:** "Montana", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 21779 (52CCA7F7)
**Date:** 4/25/1960
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** PLYMOUTH, NH
**Description:** 1 observer. Scarlet cylinder/cigar-shape hovers / 45 second(s). Going quickly south fast and silent. / r219p12. / r70p3-69.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO EVIDENCE; NICAP,Washington, DC 1964. Reprinted 1997 Barnes & Noble Books ( only $7.98! ) (Index 68)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6360
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "157", **HatchDesc:** "PLYMOUTH,NH:1 OBS:SCARLET CGR HVRS/45sec:>>S FAST+SLNT:/r219p12:/r70p3-69", **LatLong:** "43.755558 -71.688892", **LatLongDMS:** "43:45:20 N 71:41:20 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.755558,-71.688892)", **State/Prov:** "New Hampshire", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 21780 (E4D90D2A)
**Date:** 4/25/1960
**Location:** Plymouth, NH
**Description:** Former Town Selectman saw bright red cigar-shaped UFO hover, speed away. \[NICAP UFOE, VII\] (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2438
### Event 21781 (CF2A6D2F)
**Date:** 4/25/1960
**Location:** Shelby, MT
**Description:** Saw 5 circular objects fly in trail formation (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 6727)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2439
### Event 21782 (6C1CDDC0)
**Date:** 4/25/1960
**Time:** 7-10 PM
**Location:** Shelby, Montana
**Description:** Witness: Mrs. M. Clark. Five circular objects flew in trail formation, hovered and accelerated and made sharp turns. Case file includes other reports from Mrs. Clark for previous 3 years.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_450
### Event 21783 (B73599EE)
**Date:** 4/25/1960
**Description:** Mrs. M. Clark of Shelby, Montana saw five circular or round objects fly in a trail formation, hover, accelerate, and make sharp turns. A strong white light beam shone down from the balls of light (BOL), which had a red glow. They flew at a low altitude, and made sharp turns.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Project Blue Book files counted in official statistics, case # 6727; Don Berliner, Project Bluebook Unknowns; Lloyd Mallan, Official Guide to UFOs, p. 18
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2294
### Event 21784 (B321F5A4)
**Date:** 4/27/1960
**Description:** Mr. N. N., a painter, was driving from Slagelse to Naestved, Denmark at around 3:00 a.m. when his car engine and lights died. His car stopped twenty feet from a green glowing thirty-foot wide domed disc. The object was shaped like two bowls edge-to-edge, had a shining stripe of light around its center, three portholes, three legs for landing gear, and a central column. It also made a humming sound. Four three-foot tall entities in luminous green costumes emerged. Their uniforms had three dark vertical marks on the chest.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Willy Wegner, UFO-Landinger I Danmark, p. 36; Gene Duplantier, Saucers, Space & Science; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case A0492
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2366
### Event 21785 (B078891C)
**Date:** 4/30/1960
**Description:** [George Adamski](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George%5FAdamski) appears on [Long John Nebel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Long%5FJohn%5FNebel)’s late-night TV show on WOR.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Long John Nebel, The Flying](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=%5FjclUlNXAhA) [Saucer Story \(George Adamski interview\),](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=%5FjclUlNXAhA)” ThriftStoreVinyl YouTube channel, September 4, 2018; “[Final](https://www.the-adamski-case.nl/his-life/final-years/) [Years,](https://www.the-adamski-case.nl/his-life/final-years/)” The Adamski Case, June 11, 2009
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3411
### Event 21786 (6FB70D6A)
**Date:** 5/1960
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Off the coast of Florida, numerous American warships detect the presence of a very deep submarine that refuses to move despite their repeated attempts to dislodge it. The military conclude it is a conventional submarine.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1960.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1856
### Event 21787 (3696AB73)
**Date:** 5/1960
**Time:** 13:00
**Description:** 1 / motorcycle. 2 red figure(s) / Michelin-Man suits cross road / angle.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 967)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6361
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NFO:** No craft seen, **RBT:** Possible robot or "Grey", mechanical motions, **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "S/BORNOS Rsvr,SP:1/MCYCLE:2 RED FIGs/MICHELIN-MAN SUITS CROSS ROAD/ANGLE", **LatLong:** "36.783335 -5.733334", **LatLongDMS:** "36:47:00 N 05:44:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/36.783335,-5.733334)", **State/Prov:** "CDZ", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 21788 (32E9836A)
**Date:** 5/1960
**Locations:** Miami, Florida; Retalhuleu; Sierra Madre mountains of Guatemala
**Description:** The CIA begins to recruit anti-Castro Cuban exiles in the Miami, Florida, area. Infantry training is carried out at a CIA-run base that is code-named JM Trax near Retalhuleu in the Sierra Madre mountains of Guatemala.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Brigade 2506](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brigade%5F2506)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3412
### Event 21789 (68E8FEC6)
**Date:** 5/1960
**Location:** Washington, DC
**Description:** The NATIONAL INVESTIGATIONS COMMITTEE ON AERIAL PHENOMENA in Washington, D.C. announced that the “UFOs or FLYING SAUCERS" are unknown devices, which have been reported by scores of reliable observers, are intelligently controlled machines from outer space.” Vice Admiral R. H. Hillenkoetter, former head of the Central Intelligence Agency, stated that the “unknown objects are operating under intelligent control.” He added, “I know that neither Russia nor this country has anything even approaching such high speeds and maneuvers.” Speaking as a NICAP Board Member, Admiral Hillenkoetter said it was high time the secrecy was ended.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [_The Flying Saucers are Hostile!_, by George D. Fawcett 1961](https://archive.org/details/the_flying_saucers_are_hostile_george_d_fawcett_1961/mode/2up)
**Source:** HostileFawcett, **ID:** HostileFawcett_89
### Event 21790 (2C92820B)
**Date:** 5/1/1960
**Locations:** Peshawar, Pakistan; Baikonur, Kazakhstan; Chelyabinsk, Russia; Plesetsk Cosmodrome; Kyshtym, Russia; Sverdlovsk [now Yekaterinburg]
**Description:** 6:26 a.m. A US U-2 spy plane, flown by CIA pilot [Francis Gary Powers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Francis%5FGary%5FPowers)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Francis%5FGary%5FPowers) takes off from Peshawar, Pakistan, and performs photographic aerial reconnaissance over Baikonur, Kazakhstan, and Chelyabinsk, Russia. Powers has orders to continue across Siberia to get a look at the new Plesetsk Cosmodrome, but at 8:53 a.m. local time he is hit by an S-75 Dvina \(SA-2 Guideline\) surface-to-air missile fired by a defense battalion near Kyshtym, Russia. The U-2 crashes near Sverdlovsk \[now Yekaterinburg\]. The Soviet Air Defense Forces have anticipated the flight and give orders to “attack the violator.” Powers parachutes safely and is captured. This is the first time in five years of overflights that the US is caught.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[1960 U-2 incident](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1960%5FU-2%5Fincident)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3413
### Event 21791 (B5587839)
**Date:** 5/4/1960
**Time:** 09:20
**Location:** SARASOTA, FL
**Description:** Architect. Yellow cylinder/cigar-shape with 4 square windows / side. Ground level. / r8#504p278.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO EVIDENCE; NICAP,Washington, DC 1964. Reprinted 1997 Barnes & Noble Books ( only $7.98! ) (Index 147)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6362
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "8", **HatchDesc:** "SARASOTA,FL:ARCHITECT:YLW CGR W/4 SQR WINDOWS/SIDE:GND LVL:/r8#504p278", **LatLong:** "27.366668 -82.550004", **LatLongDMS:** "27:22:00 N 82:33:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/27.366668,-82.550004)", **RelAlt:** "1", **State/Prov:** "Florida", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 21792 (DD7B9833)
**Date:** 5/4/1960
**Time:** 21:20
**Location:** BEDFORD, MA
**Description:** Planetarium Tech. Thin white beams / sky. Red sphere appears. Pulses.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 22)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6363
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "41", **HatchDesc:** "BEDFORD,MA:PLANETARIUM TECH:THIN WHT BEAMS/SKY:RED SPHERE APPEARS:PULSES", **LatLong:** "42.500002 -71.283337", **LatLongDMS:** "42:30:00 N 71:17:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.500002,-71.283337)", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 21793 (DC1B1A32)
**Date:** 5/4/1960
**Location:** Sarasota, FL
**Description:** Cigar-shaped UFO with four window-like markings sighted by architect. \[NICAP UFOE, XII\] (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2440
### Event 21794 (BCDFCA0C)
**Date:** 5/4/1960
**Time:** 0915
**Location:** Sarasota, Florida
**Description:** A yellow, elliptical object with four evenly spaced windowlike openings was observed at ground level by an architect.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** NICAP May., 60 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_504
### Event 21795 (74A354DC)
**Date:** 5/4/1960
**Description:** A yellow, cigar-shaped or elliptical object with four evenly spaced windows was observed at ground level by an architect in Sarasota, Florida at 9:15 a.m.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 504; NICAP Special Bulletin, May 1960, p. 4; Richard Hall, The UFO Evidence, p. 138; George D. Fawcett, Flying Saucers, December 1967, p. 24 & September 1970, p. 6
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2504
### Event 21796 (D7D030BF)
**Date:** 5/4/1960
**Description:** In 1960 a giant cigar-shaped object crossed the skies over the town of Botocatu, Brazil during the daytime. It moved at a tremendous speed and was gone from sight in 30 seconds.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Coral E. Lorenzen, UFOs:The Whole Story, p. 221
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2505
### Event 21797 (0D2713E7)
**Date:** 5/5/1960
**Location:** USSR, Sverdlovsk
**Description:** (Translated from French) It is remembered that American pilot Gary Powers was shot down by a Soviet missile, aboard his U-2 spy plane, while he was flying over the USSR above the Sverdlovsk Region. Departing from Pakistan to reach Norway by flying over the Urals, aboard this astonishing apparatus capable of covering more than 5000 km at 27000 meters of altitude, he was to take detailed pictures of certain regions or installations of interest to the American secret services. The photographic device equipped on the U-2 allowed to discover details of only 1 meter. (...) Due to its vulnerability, the U-2 spy plane program was interrupted. (May 5th, 1960)
**Reference:** "The War of the Satellites" - Volume 3 - Pierre Kohler, ed. Famot 1982, p. 23
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2164
### Event 21798 (12D46F72)
**Date:** 5/5/1960
**Description:** Astronomers. 1 / 4 moon-size spinning triangle! / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v7#1.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLAMMONDE, Paris: UFO EXIST!; Ballentine Books, NY 1976. PB 480pp. (Index 437)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6364
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "MALLORCA ISL,SPN:ASTRONOMERS:1/4 MOON-SIZE SPINNING TRIANGLE!:/FSR v7#1", **LatLong:** "39.633335 3.000000", **LatLongDMS:** "39:38:00 N 03:00:00 E", **Locale:** "Islands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.633335,3.000000)", **State/Prov:** "BLR", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 21799 (91546AC0)
**Date:** 5/5/1960
**Locations:** north of Turkey; NASA Flight Research Center; Armstrong Flight Research Center; Edwards Air Force Base; California
**Description:** NASA issues a press release saying a weather research aircraft has “gone missing” north of Turkey and speculates that the pilot has fallen unconscious and the plane has crashed. Under the impression that the pilot has died and that the plane has been destroyed, a U-2 plane is quickly painted in NASA colors and a photo is shown to the media at NASA Flight Research Center \[now the Armstrong Flight Research Center\] at Edwards Air Force Base in California. Premier [Nikita Khrushchev](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nikita%5FKhrushchev) announces the shoot-down to the Soviet parliament but does not reveal yet that the pilot has survived.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** NASA, “[U-2,](https://www.nasa.gov/centers/dryden/multimedia/imagegallery/U-2/U-2%5Fproj%5Fdesc.html)” September 4, 1997
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3414
### Event 21800 (F880BF08)
**Date:** 5/6/1960
**Description:** Shortly before 9:00 p.m. a rocket-shaped UFO crossed over the town of Vila Ezio, Sao Paulo State, Brazil moving at high speed.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** UFO Nachtrichten, August 1961, citing Olavo T. Fontes: Coral & Jim Lorenzen, UFOs: The Whole Story, p. 221
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2581
### Event 21801 (35C8812F)
**Date:** 5/7/1960
**Location:** Regina, Saskatchewan, CAN
**Description:** (McDonald list) Sightings Backed By FPS-20 & FPS-6A (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** NICAP: [600507](http://www.nicap.org/600507canada%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2441
### Event 21802 (624A8C66)
**Date:** 5/7/1960
**Description:** [Khrushchev](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nikita%5FKhrushchev) now reveals to the Soviet parliament that [Powers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Francis%5FGary%5FPowers) is alive and much of the U-2 technologies have survived the crash.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3415
### Event 21803 (AFF10D36)
**Date:** 5/9/1960
**Location:** Congress
**Description:** Director of Central Intelligence [Allen Dulles](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allen%5FDulles) tells Congress that all U-2 flights are used for aerial espionage and are flown pursuant to “presidential directives.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3416
### Event 21804 (2B62BB82)
**Date:** 5/10/1960
**Locations:** Mo.; Soviet Union
**Description:** House Appropriations Chair [Clarence Cannon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clarence%5FCannon) \(D-Mo.\) reveals to the press that the U-2 is a CIA plane engaged in aerial espionage over the Soviet Union “under the aegis” of the president. The press begins to suggest that [Eisenhower](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dwight%5FD.%5FEisenhower) has lost control of the intelligence agencies.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[1960 U-2 incident](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1960%5FU-2%5Fincident)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3417
### Event 21805 (573DB047)
**Date:** 5/11/1960
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Launch of the ocean liner *France*. (May 11)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1960.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1857
### Event 21806 (8288858F)
**Date:** 5/13/1960
**Location:** BRAZIL, Paracuru (Ceara)
**Description:** (Translated from French) More than a hundred people observed a circular craft of a polished and dark grey, maneuvering and hovering above their heads. It had a bright light on its top and seemed to measure 20 meters in width. At 4 o'clock in the morning the following day, Raimundo Dos Santos saw two discs on the beach and several entities similar to men, small and pale, standing next to them, apparently in conversation. Seeing the farmer, the entities made a gesture to him, but he turned his back and ran away. Coming back later with other men, he discovered the marks left by the discs on the sand. (1960, May 13th and 14th)
**Reference:** Charles BOWEN: "In Search of Humanoids" - J'ai Lu 1974, p. 124
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2165
### Event 21807 (2030066A)
**Date:** 5/13/1960
**Time:** 18:30
**Description:** Huge round grey object follows donkey herd going east. Light / top. Low and silent. Quickly going up.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 87)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6365
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "20", **Elev:** "15", **HatchDesc:** "TABOLEIRO/NAZARE,BRZ:HUGE RND GRY OBJ FOLOS DONKEY HERD >E:LITE/TOP:LO+SLNT:↑↑", **LatLong:** "-3.400000 -39.233335", **LatLongDMS:** "03:24:00 S 39:14:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-3.400000,-39.233335)", **State/Prov:** "CEA", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 21808 (B8177055)
**Date:** 5/13/1960
**Time:** 18:30
**Location:** OFF PARACURU, BRZ
**Description:** Dark silent object going down / 100M over fishing boat. 3 observer(s). Blue light going down. Going southwest.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 87)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6366
**Attributes:** **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "off PARACURU,BRZ:DRK SLNT OBJ ↓/100M ovr FISHING BOAT:3 OBS:BLUE LITE ↓:>SW", **LatLong:** "-3.333333 -39.000002", **LatLongDMS:** "03:20:00 S 39:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Offshore", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-3.333333,-39.000002)", **State/Prov:** "CEA", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 21809 (5A5525E4)
**Date:** 5/13/1960
**Time:** 19:00
**Location:** PARACURU, BRZ
**Description:** 100+. 60' saucer / searchlight. 7 states / huge 2 hour wave. / r111p199+/ FSRv7#3.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 727)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6367
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces, **MIL:** Military investigation
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "120", **Elev:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "PARACURU,BRZ:100+:60'SCR/SEARCHLITE:7 STATES/HUGE 2hr WAVE:/r111p199+/FSRv7#3", **LatLong:** "-3.400000 -39.066669", **LatLongDMS:** "03:24:00 S 39:04:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-3.400000,-39.066669)", **State/Prov:** "CEA", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 21810 (A4943FC2)
**Date:** 5/13/1960
**Time:** 19:50
**Location:** FORTALEZA, BRZ
**Description:** Silent saucer hovers / edge of town. Air Force jet chases. Fast evasive maneuvers.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 87)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6368
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "FORTALEZA,BRZ:SLNT SCR HVRS/EDGE of town:AF JET CHASES:FAST EVASIVE MNVRs", **LatLong:** "-3.733334 -38.516669", **LatLongDMS:** "03:44:00 S 38:31:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-3.733334,-38.516669)", **State/Prov:** "CEA", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 21811 (13EE3878)
**Date:** 5/13/1960
**Locations:** Paracuru, Ceará, Brazil; Céara state; Rio Grande do Norte; Pernambuco; Paraíba; Bahia; Piauí; Maranhão
**Description:** 7:00 p.m. More than 100 people at Paracuru, Ceará, Brazil, watch a disc-shaped UFO. Flying about 600 feet in the air at low speed, the silent object maneuvers over the downtown area or a long time. About 60 feet in diameter, it hovers at an angle by a church. A strong bluish light is on top of it. The same day, 20 cities and towns in Céara state, four in Rio Grande do Norte, three in Pernambuco, two in Paraíba, two in Bahia, and one each in the states of Piauí and Maranhão report UFO sightings.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Lorenzen, UFOs: The Whole Story, Signet, 1969, pp. 220–221; Loren E. Gross, [The Fifth Horseman of the Apocalypse: UFOs, a History: January–June 1960](https://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1960-Jan-Jun.pdf), The Author, 2003, pp. 92–93
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3418
### Event 21812 (56C1F105)
**Date:** 5/13/1960
**Description:** There were over 20 UFO sightings including two close encounters in Brazil recorded for this evening in 1960 between 6:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. by Dr. Olavo T. Fontes for the Aerial Phenomena Research Organization.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2796
### Event 21813 (D5B085AF)
**Date:** 5/13/1960
**Description:** Brazil: At shortly before 18:30 a huge cigar-shaped object came from the west at high speed and passed over Campos Sales, Brazil. It two ends were opaque and smoky, but it had a bright light at the center. It was seen by many residents.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Dr. Olavo T. Fontes for the Aerial Phenomena Research Organization, between 6-8pm
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2797
### Event 21814 (5EB784BE)
**Date:** 5/13/1960
**Description:** At 18:30 off the coast at Paracuru, Brazil at the location marked as (2) on the map, three fisherman were frightened when a luminous disc hovered 300 feet over their fishing boat in a clear sky for three minutes. It emitted a strong blue glow but made no sound.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Dr. Olavo T. Fontes for the Aerial Phenomena Research Organization, between 6-8pm
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2798
### Event 21815 (E9A53E16)
**Date:** 5/13/1960
**Description:** At the same time a huge round gray object followed a donkey herd between the towns of Taboleiro and Nazare, Brazil at the location marked as (3). The UFO had a light on its top, and flew low and silently. It rose vertically as it flew off.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Dr. Olavo T. Fontes for the Aerial Phenomena Research Organization, between 6-8pm
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2799
### Event 21816 (0302B2F2)
**Date:** 5/13/1960
**Description:** A 60-foot wide oval-shaped disc, almost circular, with a strong bluish light on top, flew noiseless and then hovered in a tilted position over Paracuru, Ceara State, Brazil (4) at 19:00.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Dr. Olavo T. Fontes for the Aerial Phenomena Research Organization, between 6-8pm
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2800
### Event 21817 (EFF33505)
**Date:** 5/13/1960
**Description:** At 19:45 p.m. a military jet tried to intercept at the location marked as (5) over Fortaleza, Brazil. The UFO made an evasive maneuver, and was gone in a few seconds at supersonic speeds.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Olavo T. Fontes, APRO Bulletin, July 1960, pp. 3-5; Larry Hatch, U computer database, citing FSR, May 1961; Correio Ceara, May 16, 1960; O Globo, May 25, 1960
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2801
### Event 21818 (61AC1752)
**Date:** 5/13/1960
**Description:** At 4:00 a.m. the next day (May 14, 1960) Raimondo dos Santos saw two craft land on a hill near a farm called Capin Acu, near the ocean in Paracuru, Ceara State, Brazil. He went near them and saw several small beings, pale-looking, making friendly gestures. He ran away. The creatures wore blue uniforms and white helmets. The previous day at 7:00 p.m., over 100 witnesses observed a dark-gray, circular craft, 20 meters in diameter with a powerful light, maneuvering and hovering in the sky.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case # 505, citing Lumieres dans la Nuit, issue 58
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2802
### Event 21819 (67D5F136)
**Date:** 5/14/1960
**Time:** 04:00
**Description:** 2 metallic disks on beach. 2 small humanoids (or Greys) / helmets by! Gestures. Observer(s) runs.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 87)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6369
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "PARACURU BEACH,BRZ:2 MTLC DISKS ON BEACH:2 OIDS/HELMETS BY!:GESTURES:OBS RUNS", **LatLong:** "-3.366667 -39.050002", **LatLongDMS:** "03:22:00 S 39:03:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-3.366667,-39.050002)", **State/Prov:** "CEA", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 21820 (C0CE99E7)
**Date:** 5/14/1960
**Time:** 0400
**Location:** Paracuru, Brazil
**Description:** Raimondo dos Santos saw two craft land on hill near a farm called Capin Acu. He went near them and saw several small beings, palelooking, making friendly gestures. He ran away. The creatures wore blue uniforms and white helmets. The previous day at 1900, over 100 witnesses had observed a dark-gray, circular craft, 20 m in diameter with a powerful light, maneuvering and hovering.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Humanoids 37; LDLN 58 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_505
### Event 21821 (DA0EFAAC)
**Date:** 5/14/1960
**Location:** Paracuru, Ceará, Brazil
**Description:** 4:00 a.m. Fisherman Raimundo Ursulino dos Santos sees two metallic discs landed on a sandy hill by the beach at Paracuru, Ceará, Brazil. As he approaches, he sees two humanlike beings outside, talking to each other. They are small and pallid. One is dressed in a blue suit with a helmet. Dos Santos turns and runs away. Marks in the sand are found later.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Loren E. Gross, [The Fifth Horseman of the Apocalypse: UFOs, a History: January–June](https://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1960-Jan-Jun.pdf) [1960](https://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1960-Jan-Jun.pdf)[,](https://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1960-Jan-Jun.pdf) The Author, 2003, p. 93; Patrick Gross, [URECAT](https://ufologie.patrickgross.org/ce3/1960-05-14-brazil-paracuru.htm)[,](https://ufologie.patrickgross.org/ce3/1960-05-14-brazil-paracuru.htm) September 29, 2007
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3419
### Event 21822 (1B675524)
**Date:** 5/14/1960
**Description:** At around four a.m. Raimondo dos Santos saw two craft land on hill near a farm called Capin Acu in Paracuru, Brazil. He went near them and saw several small pallid beings, who were making friendly gestures at him. He ran away. The creatures wore blue uniforms with white helmets. The previous day at 7 p.m., over a hundred witnesses had observed a dark-gray, circular craft, 20 meters in diameter with a powerful light, maneuvering and hovering in the sky.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 505; Olavo T. Fontes, APRO Bulletin, September 1960, p. 5; Coral E. Lorenzen, Flying Saucers: The Startling Evidence of the Invasion from Outer Space, p. 200
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2825
### Event 21823 (F38A38C9)
**Date:** 5/14/1960
**Description:** A red light 10 feet in diameter paced the Lewis family in their car in Casterton near Mount Gambier, South Australia at 6:50 p.m. It stayed in front of their car for 15 miles.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Michael Hervey, UFOs Over the Southern Hemisphere, p. 170
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2826
### Event 21824 (FE58B6B8)
**Date:** 5/15/1960
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Launch of the first space ship *Vostok.* (May 15)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1960.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1858
### Event 21825 (3EDB9D91)
**Date:** 5/15/1960
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) A photograph was taken of a squadron of UFOs in the shape of a "V" above Albuquerque \(New Mexico\).
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1960.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1859
### Event 21826 (991EF61A)
**Date:** 5/15/1960
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In Canada, an astronomer goes with his brother to chase a strange sphere that was reported to him: We got within 100 m of the object. It hovered above a large tree, which was about 35 m tall. The object appeared to be circular in shape and was therefore generally a spheroid. It was intensely bright against the dark sky and it went through all the colors of the spectrum with a period of about 2 s \(period quite irregular\). The object seemed to examine the tree quite closely. It described circles around the top, staying between 15 and 30 m from the ground, passing in front of the tree, then being clearly visible through the branches when it passed behind again. The witnesses get closer but the craft disappears: It left almost due south and disappeared over the horizon. (2 h)
**Reference:** ...
**Reference:** ...
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1960.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1860
### Event 21827 (01FEAC59)
**Date:** 5/15/1960
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) The red alert announcing the launch of an attack against the USSR alarms the bombers from the Travis Air Force Base \(USA\) after the radar detection of "targets" flying over the North Pole towards the United States. The "targets" disappear from the screens. They will later be explained as reflections of the Moon. The disaster is narrowly avoided.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1960.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1861
### Event 21828 (FABA5191)
**Date:** 5/16/1960
**Time:** 03:50
**Description:** Time = GMT. 4 separate telescopes record same high-power radio source.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** STURROCK, Dr. Peter A: REPORT / SURVEY of the AMERICAN ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY of the UFO PROBLEM; Stanford, CA 1977. (Index 167)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6370
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **NFO:** No craft seen, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Pluto", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "20", **HatchDesc:** "HAWAII to COLORADO:TIME=GMT:4 SEP TSCOPES RECORD SAME HI-POWER RADIO SOURCE.", **LatLong:** "90.000004 -0.000000", **LatLongDMS:** "90:00:00 N 00:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/90.000004,-0.000000)", **State/Prov:** "Unknown", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 21829 (41D7948B)
**Date:** 5/17/1960
**Time:** 19:00
**Location:** ACARAU, BRZ
**Description:** Luminous green sphere going south. Stops offshore. Follows coast going southeast. Night light follows later.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 87)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6371
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "ACARAU,BRZ:LUMn.GRN.SPHERE > S:STOPS OFFSHORE:FOLOS COAST >SE:NLT FOLOS LATER", **LatLong:** "-2.800000 -40.116669", **LatLongDMS:** "02:48:00 S 40:07:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-2.800000,-40.116669)", **State/Prov:** "CEA", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 21830 (01C4DAEB)
**Date:** 5/17/1960
**Description:** At 6:30 p.m. two men herding donkeys in Taboleiro de Nazare, Ceara State, Brazil were chased by a huge round object at low altitude for about 20 minutes. It pursued them for 18 kilometers, keeping same distance. Finally, after it flew away by climbing very quickly out of sight. Ten minutes later a luminous green ball of light was spotted along the coastline in Acarau, Ceara State, Brazil. It stopped offshore, then followed the coastline to the southeast. Another light followed along after it a short time later.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** (1) Peter Rogerson, World-Wide Catalog of Type 1 Reports, case 939, citing APRO Bulletin, September 1960; (2) Larry Hatch, U computer database, case 5923, citing Flying Saucer Review
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2924
### Event 21831 (CC953BA5)
**Date:** 5/18/1960
**Location:** GERMANY, Mainz
**Description:** (Translated from French) (cf. Dec. 30, 58 between Mainz and Kassel) While Hans Klotzbach was walking in the park, he was suddenly caught in a beam of light. Suddenly one of the extraterrestrials who had taken him in their saucer on May 25, 48 was near him.
**Reference:** Mitarbeiter, "Ufo Geheimnisse", Berlin, January 1998
**Reference:** follow-up to Oct. 16, 60
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2166
### Event 21832 (75E7DDCA)
**Date:** 5/18/1960
**Location:** WELLINGTON, NZ
**Description:** Cigar-UFO with portholes. Time unknown. No further details. / r78p185.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 727)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6372
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "New Zealand", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "WELLINGTON,NZ:CIGAR-UFO WITH PORTHOLES:TIME UNK:NFD:/r78p185", **LatLong:** "-41.250002 174.750008", **LatLongDMS:** "41:15:00 S 174:45:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-41.250002,174.750008)", **State/Prov:** "NI", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 21833 (A3A23017)
**Date:** 5/18/1960
**Location:** Wellington, NZ
**Description:** Cigar-shaped UFO with "portholes." \[NICAP UFOE, XII\] (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2442
### Event 21834 (8BEEEFC3)
**Date:** 5/18/1960
**Description:** One year later a cigar-shaped object w portholes was seen over Wellington, New Zealand.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** APRO Bulletin, May-June 1959; Richard Hall, The UFO Evidence (Volume I), p. 138
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2952
### Event 21835 (041F8B80)
**Date:** 5/19/1960
**Location:** DILLINGHAM, AK
**Description:** 25' ovoid with legs. Grass and oilcans lifted. Antenna spins / bottom/underside. / r249p407.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HYNEK, Dr. J. Allen: THE HYNEK UFO REPORT; Dell Publ., NY 1977. 298pp. (Index 146)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6373
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens, **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "26", **HatchDesc:** "DILLINGHAM,AK:25'OVOID W/LEGS:GRASS+OILCANS LIFTED:ANTENNA SPINS/BTM:/r249p407", **LatLong:** "59.044447 -158.461119", **LatLongDMS:** "59:02:40 N 158:27:40 W", **Locale:** "Tundra", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/59.044447,-158.461119)", **State/Prov:** "Alaska", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 21836 (D5C4F915)
**Date:** 5/19/1960
**Time:** 22:00?
**Location:** SIRACUSA, SICILY
**Description:** 1M small humanoid (or Grey) / diving suit seen / headlights. Helmet and "wings". / FSR'64#4.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA; H. Regnery, Chicago HC 1969 & Contemporary Books,Chicago 1993. 372pp. (Index 506)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6374
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NFO:** No craft seen, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Italy", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "SIRACUSA,SICILY:1M OID/DIVING SUIT SEEN/HEADLITES:HELMET+"WINGS":/FSR'64#4", **LatLong:** "37.050002 15.266667", **LatLongDMS:** "37:03:00 N 15:16:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.050002,15.266667)", **State/Prov:** "SR", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 21837 (4025CCD6)
**Date:** 5/19/1960
**Location:** Dillingham, AK
**Description:** Silver-colored round object 20-25 ft wide with hanging appendages (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2443
### Event 21838 (651CE660)
**Date:** 5/19/1960
**Time:** night
**Location:** Siracusa, Italy
**Description:** Salvatore Cianci, jeweler, and his wife, were driving near this Sicilian town when a creature about 1 m tall appeared in the headlights. It wore a shining coverall and a diving helmet and had two short wings. Mrs. Cianci suffered from shock.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** FSR 64, 4 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_506
### Event 21839 (0713B812)
**Date:** 5/19/1960
**Locations:** Ekuk, Alaska; Dillingham; Wright Patterson AFB
**Description:** A silver-colored round object, 20–25 feet wide with hanging appendages, hovers 50–100 feet away from Indigenous observers in the village of Ekuk, Alaska, south of Dillingham. It barely clears electric wires 12 feet above the ground. It sucks up two empty five-gallon trashcans and drags them swirling along the ground. It flies between two houses and crosses to the other side of a ridge for 100 yards, drops the trashcans and sucks up some swirling grass, makes a loud sucking sound, then ascends rapidly. [Thomas M. Conrow](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/104848925/thomas-m%5F-conrow)[,](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/104848925/thomas-m%5F-conrow) chief of intelligence at a nearby Air Force Base, interviews the witnesses and concludes that “there still appears to be no logical explanation of the sighting.” At Wright Patterson AFB, Blue Book analysts classify it as a “weather balloon with a radar reflector,” even though it is traveling against the wind.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Hynek UFO Report, [pp. 146–149](https://archive.org/details/hynekuforeport00alle/page/146/mode/2up); [Sparks](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf), p. 284; Loren E. Gross, [The Fifth Horseman of the Apocalypse: UFOs, a History: January–June 1960](https://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1960-Jan-Jun.pdf), The Author, 2003, pp. 99–101
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3420
### Event 21840 (2FFC4661)
**Date:** 5/19/1960
**Description:** On this night Salvatore Cianci, a jeweler, and his wife, were driving near the Sicilian town of Siracusa, Italy when a creature about one meter tall suddenly appeared in the headlights. It wore a shiny coverall uniform and a diving helmet, and had two short wings. Mrs. Cianci suffered from shock.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Flying Saucer Review, April 1964; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 506; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case A0498
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2974
### Event 21841 (96AB53DB)
**Date:** 5/19/1960
**Description:** At 3:50 p.m. twelve UFOs were seen over Long Beach, California swinging in the sky in a pendulum motion.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP UFO Investigator, August 1961, p. 6
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2975
### Event 21842 (B9391CC8)
**Date:** 5/19/1960
**Description:** Residents in Ekuk, AK see a 25 foot silver round object hover near electrical wires and suck up trash cans before dragging them on the ground in a swirling motion.
USAF Thomas M. Conrow interviews witnesses and says there is “no logical explanation,” but **Project Blue Book** classifies the UAP as a weather balloon to debunk the sighting. Records show the UAP traveled against the wind.
* [https://archive.org/details/hynekuforeport00alle/page/146/mode/2up](https://archive.org/details/hynekuforeport00alle/page/146/mode/2up)
* [https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB_Unknowns.pdf](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB_Unknowns.pdf) (p284)
* [https://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1960-Jan-Jun.pdf](https://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1960-Jan-Jun.pdf) (p99-101)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_92
### Event 21843 (482A1A57)
**Date:** 5/20/1960
**Time:** 22:40
**Location:** VAL POSCHIAVO, SWZ
**Description:** 1 / (seen thru) binoculars. Blimp-cylinder/cigar-shape with colored beams. Going east and west over town. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v6#5.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Periodical: WELTRAUMBOTE: Monthly, Zurich, SWZ. Clipping/B.Mancusi. (Val Poschiavo: #56-57 Nov.-Dec 1960, p23.)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6375
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Switzerland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "14", **HatchDesc:** "VAL POSCHIAVO,SWZ:1/BINOCS:BLIMP-CGR W/CLRD BEAMS:>E+W OVR TOWN:/FSR v6#5", **LatLong:** "46.383336 10.050000", **LatLongDMS:** "46:23:00 N 10:03:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.383336,10.050000)", **State/Prov:** "GRB", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 21844 (F84B1410)
**Date:** 5/21/1960
**Time:** 22:00
**Description:** 2 observer(s). 8' torpedo over lawn. Burnt grass and car malfunctions due to EME (electro-magnetic effects) 60 days later.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 180)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6376
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "287", **HatchDesc:** "SW/LEXINGTON,KY:2 OBS:8'TORPEDO OVR LAWN:BURNT GRASS+CAR EMEs 60 DAYS LATER.", **LatLong:** "38.172224 -85.638893", **LatLongDMS:** "38:10:20 N 85:38:20 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.172224,-85.638893)", **RelAlt:** "1", **State/Prov:** "Kentucky", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 21845 (D8163FD8)
**Date:** 5/22/1960
**Time:** 09:30
**Location:** PALMA, MAJORCA
**Description:** Astronomers. Silent delta/triangle/box-like craft spins. Going [to] WSW. / cable going [to] NASA. / r242p123+Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v6#5.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 727)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6377
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **NWS:** News media report, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "PALMA,MAJORCA:ASTRONOMERS:SLNT DLT SPINS:>WSW:/CABLE >NASA:/r242p123+FSR v6#5", **LatLong:** "39.566669 2.633333", **LatLongDMS:** "39:34:00 N 02:38:00 E", **Locale:** "Islands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.566669,2.633333)", **State/Prov:** "BLR", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 21846 (C79DAB69)
**Date:** 5/22/1960
**Time:** 10:30
**Description:** 20+HIQ observer(s). 30M metallic ovoid maneuvers low. Lands. Physical traces. / r111p185.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 741)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6378
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Venezuela", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "178", **HatchDesc:** "OCUMARE del TUY,VNZL:20+ HIQ OBS:30M MTLC OVOID MNVRS LO:LANDS:TRCs:/r111p185", **LatLong:** "10.122223 -66.772225", **LatLongDMS:** "10:07:20 N 66:46:20 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/10.122223,-66.772225)", **State/Prov:** "MRN", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 21847 (01AF9EFB)
**Date:** 5/22/1960
**Location:** Majorca Isle, Mediterranean Sea
**Description:** Palma Observatory reported morning observation of a white triangular UFO, about one-fourth the size of the moon, spinning on its axis. \[NICAP UFOE, VI\] (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2444
### Event 21848 (421CF66E)
**Date:** 5/22/1960
**Locations:** Majorca, Balearic Islands, Spain; Washington, D.C.
**Description:** 9:33 a.m. An observatory on Majorca, Balearic Islands, Spain, sees a white, triangular object one-quarter the size of the moon spinning on its own axis and maintaining a steady course. It cables a report to NASA in Washington, D.C.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** UFOEv, [p. 123](https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=mdp.39015006091691&view=1up&seq=135&skin=2021)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3421
### Event 21849 (E94C5C4F)
**Date:** 5/24/1960
**Location:** USA, SPACE
**Description:** (Translated from French) MIDAS 2 (1960 ZETA 2° LAUNCHED.
**Reference:** Acta Aeronomica 1977, p. 92
**Reference:** continued 7.2.74
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2167
### Event 21850 (FF983C20)
**Date:** 5/24/1960
**Location:** Ocumare del Tuy, Venezuela
**Description:** Several doctors, a topographer and policemen saw three UFOs, in-line formation, which landed in a heavily wooded area on a hilltop; diamond-shaped scorched marking found at landing site. \[NICAP UFOE, VIII\] (NICAP: 06 - Trace Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2445
### Event 21851 (D68AA753)
**Date:** 5/25/1960
**Time:** 12:00?
**Description:** Grey ovoid hovers / Broadwater Lake / tree height. Going west. / r8#507.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 77)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6379
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "18", **HatchDesc:** "nr GODALMING,SURREY:GRY OVOID HVRS/BROADWATER LAKE/TREE HEIGHT:>W:/r8#507", **LatLong:** "51.200002 -0.594444", **LatLongDMS:** "51:12:00 N 00:35:40 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.200002,-0.594444)", **RelAlt:** "3", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 21852 (807996FE)
**Date:** 5/25/1960
**Location:** Chinthurst Hill, Great Britain
**Description:** Vera Bowden, 35, saw a gray, elliptical object hovering at tree height over Broadwater Lake for 18 min. Then it left toward the west.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** FSR 60, 5 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_507
### Event 21853 (2CCD66D0)
**Date:** 5/25/1960
**Description:** Vera Bowden, age 35, and a man named Foster saw a gray, elliptical object hovering at tree height over Broadwater Lake in Chinthurst Hill, England for 18 minutes. It then flew off towards the west.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 507
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3084
### Event 21854 (24D5405E)
**Date:** 5/28/1960
**Description:** Engineer [Ronald N. Bracewell](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ronald%5FN.%5FBracewell)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ronald%5FN.%5FBracewell) suggests that extraterrestrials may already be in our neighborhood through an autonomous interstellar space probe \(now called a “Bracewell probe”\) sent for the express purpose of communicating with alien civilizations.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Ronald N. Bracewell, “[Communications from Superior Galactic](https://www.nature.com/articles/186670a0) [Communities,](https://www.nature.com/articles/186670a0)” Nature 186 \(1960\): 670–671
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3422
### Event 21855 (45F861FB)
**Date:** 6/1960
**Time:** 07:30
**Location:** NEAR PIERCE, AZ
**Description:** 2 / horseback. 2 silent metallic saucers glide up dry wash / low altitude. Going east.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 374)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6380
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "262", **HatchDesc:** "nr PIERCE,AZ:2/HORSEBACK:2 SLNT MTLC SCRS GLIDE UP DRY WASH/LO ALT:>E", **LatLong:** "33.366668 -112.616672", **LatLongDMS:** "33:22:00 N 112:37:00 W", **Locale:** "Desert", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/33.366668,-112.616672)", **RelAlt:** "5", **State/Prov:** "Arizona", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 21856 (76CA4EA4)
**Date:** 6/1960
**Location:** Michigan
**Description:** The U.S. Air Force is currently investigating films and movies of “UFOs and FLYING SAUCERS” taken over Michigan in February, over Austria and Iowa in March, over Wisconsin in April, and over New York in August, all of this year 1960. They were photographed by a newspaperman, a restaurant owner, a pilot, a housewife, and an astronomer. (A point of information.) I have listed over 171 different photographs or movies taken worldwide since 1905 in my own private “SAUCERIANA COLLECTION.”
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [_The Flying Saucers are Hostile!_, by George D. Fawcett 1961](https://archive.org/details/the_flying_saucers_are_hostile_george_d_fawcett_1961/mode/2up)
**Source:** HostileFawcett, **ID:** HostileFawcett_90
### Event 21857 (F8AAF879)
**Date:** 6/1/1960
**Locations:** Worcester (Mass.); Washington, D.C.
**Description:** [Bulkley Griffin](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/62471784/bulkley-southworth-griffin)[,](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/62471784/bulkley-southworth-griffin) chief of the Worcester \(Mass.\) Evening Gazette’s Washington, D.C., Bureau, writes a well- reasoned story about the Air Force’s unilateral control of UFO information and its national security implications. He quotes Adm. [Hillenkoetter](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roscoe%5FH.%5FHillenkoetter)’s opinion that UFOs are intelligently controlled and are neither US nor USSR devices, which is why he is pushing for a Congressional investigation.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Loren E. Gross, [The Fifth Horseman of](https://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1960-Jan-Jun.pdf) [the Apocalypse: UFOs, a History: January–June 1960](https://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1960-Jan-Jun.pdf), The Author, 2003, pp. 111–112
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3424
### Event 21858 (715E8224)
**Date:** 6/4/1960
**Location:** Pacific Ocean, At Sea
**Description:** (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2446
### Event 21859 (4A3890B5)
**Date:** 6/8/1960?
**Time:** 18:00
**Location:** QUEENS, NY
**Description:** Scientist watches echo satellite. Featureless disk passes / 5 minute(s). / r24v1#10.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** STURROCK, Dr. Peter A: REPORT / SURVEY of the AMERICAN ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY of the UFO PROBLEM; Stanford, CA 1977. (Index 143)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6381
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "15", **HatchDesc:** "QUEENS,NY:SCIENTIST WATCHES ECHO SAT.:FEATURELESS DISK PASSES/5min:/r24v1#10", **LatLong:** "40.716669 -73.800004", **LatLongDMS:** "40:43:00 N 73:48:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.716669,-73.800004)", **State/Prov:** "New York", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 21860 (F5FD44C4)
**Date:** 6/8/1960
**Location:** New York City, NY
**Description:** Elliptical UFO sighted by biochemist. \[NICAP UFOE, VI\] (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2447
### Event 21861 (EF87DFC1)
**Date:** 6/10/1960
**Location:** USA, near Globe (Arizona)
**Description:** (Translated from French) At around 00:15 the driver, with her husband asleep next to her in the car and the two children sleeping in the back, was negotiating a right turn about 24 km from Globe, heading towards California, when she saw a small figure on the right side of the road about 100m ahead. It was as if it was ready to cross, and she let go of the accelerator and the car immediately slowed down as if they were going uphill. Simultaneously, the being faced her, pivoted and ran into the bushes out of the headlights' beam. She stopped abruptly and woke up her husband. The creature was about 90 cm tall, broad shoulders, long arms, dark in color, head shaped like a flattened pumpkin almost. In its head shone two yellow-orange eyes. When it was in profile there was a light radiating beyond its face. She did not see a nose, mouth, or ears. The body was less well defined than the head and she had the impression of hair or fur.
**Reference:** Charles BOWEN: "In Search of Humanoids" - J'ai Lu 1974, p. 193, 194
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2168
### Event 21862 (E459E66E)
**Date:** 6/10/1960
**Location:** PORTUGAL, Algoz (Algarve)
**Description:** (Translated from French) Observation at 03:30. Beings were seen moving around a landed UFO. Shortly afterwards it was seen flying over the region and disappearing. (Henry DURRANT: "First Investigations on ET Humanoids" - Laffont 1977 - p. 175 and 179) At 3:30 in the morning the witness was returning home with his dog, after a walk in the fields. He saw what he thought were the lights of a car. These lights suddenly becoming bigger and brighter, he hid in the bushes. From this hiding place, he observed, terrified, the coming and going of 6 humanoids around a UFO on the ground. The dog panicked and ran away. After a few minutes the object shot up vertically into the sky. The witness took off running towards his house. He was still surprised to see a searchlight directed downwards, scanning the ground 50 meters from his position.
**Reference:** collaboration of Larry Fenwick, CUFORN, Joaquim Fernandes, CNIFO, Willy Smith, UNICAT Project; listing of Victor Lourenço; "Diario de Noticias"-12.6.60
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2169
### Event 21863 (8D4FF274)
**Date:** 6/10/1960
**Location:** Spain, unspecified location
**Description:** (Translated from French) At 3 o'clock Carlos Sabinos, 25 years old, and his friend Filipe were out for a walk when they saw an object they took for a car. As they got closer they noticed the craft had a saucer shape and was emitting an unusual and bright light. They hid behind a mound and were able to observe six small beings who were moving around the disc. Later they entered the vehicle which soon rose vertically and quickly. (exactly the same story as the one in Portugal on the same date???) The two men left their hiding place to run towards their house, but while they were running the craft reappeared and swept the ground with an intense beam of light.
**Reference:** Jean FERGUSON: "Everything about Flying Saucers", ed. Leméac, Ottawa, 1972, p. 200
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2170
### Event 21864 (22F2496A)
**Date:** 6/10/1960 (approximate)
**Time:** 00:20
**Description:** Family westbound / US70. Small humanoid (or Grey) stands / N. roadside. No UFO seen.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LORENZEN, Coral & Jim: ENCOUNTERS with UFO OCCUPANTS; APRO/Berkley Medallion Books 1976. 424pp (Index 180)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6382
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **NFO:** No craft seen, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey"
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "800", **HatchDesc:** "4mi NW/PERIDOT,AZ:FAMILY WESTBOUND/US70:OID STANDS/N.ROADSIDE:NO UFO SEEN", **LatLong:** "33.366668 -110.550005", **LatLongDMS:** "33:22:00 N 110:33:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/33.366668,-110.550005)", **State/Prov:** "Arizona", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 21865 (31342026)
**Date:** 6/10/1960 (approximate)
**Time:** 03:30
**Location:** ALGOZ, PRT
**Description:** Man sees saucer and hides. 6 "men" around it. Goes straight/strait(s) up. Reappears. Light / ground.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BALLESTER OLMOS, Vicente-Juan: CATALOG of 200 TYPE-1 EVENTS in SPAIN & PORTUGAL; CUFOS 1976. (Index 7)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6383
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Portugal", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "ALGOZ,PRT:MAN SEES SCR+HIDES:6 "MEN" AROUND IT:GOES STRT UP:REAPPEARS:LITE/GND", **LatLong:** "37.166668 -8.305556", **LatLongDMS:** "37:10:00 N 08:18:20 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.166668,-8.305556)", **State/Prov:** "Algarve", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 21866 (F8ADC071)
**Date:** 6/10/1960
**Description:** Half a dozen "men" could be seen standing around a landed disc-shaped UFO in Algoz, Portugal at 3:30 a.m. The boarded the craft and the UFO took off vertically. When the witness started to run the object lit up the ground with an intense beam of light. His dog ran away in fear. Later that same night the headlights of a car driving fifteen miles east of Globe, Arizona illuminated a small figure standing 300 feet away. The being turned and ran. It was described as having broad shoulders, long arms, a dark body, no ears or nose, and a large pumpkin-shaped head with two orange glowing eyes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos, Catalogue of Type-I UFO Events in Spain and Portugal, p. 7 (case 30); Coral E. Lorenzen, Flying Saucer Occupants, pp. 128-129
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3407
### Event 21867 (B22747C0)
**Date:** 6/12/1960
**Locations:** Quebec; St. Lawrence River; Les Écureuils; Quebec City, Quebec; Japan; Ottawa; Sorel, Quebec; Ohio; Colorado; Montreal; Canada
**Description:** 3:00 or 4:00 p.m. Following a sonic boom above Quebec, a fiery object falls from the sky from an altitude of 1,000–2,000 feet and splits into two pieces that fall into the St. Lawrence River near Les Écureuils, about 20 miles upriver from Quebec City, Quebec. A beachcomber runs across the pieces, one closer to the shore and visible at low tide, the other one further out and mostly submerged. He retrieves a smaller piece \(800 pounds\) and sells it to a scrap-metal dealer, who fails to recognize it as ferrous and possibly ships it to Japan. The other piece is picked up by the Canadian Armament Research and Development Establishment \[now DRDC Valcartier\] near Quebec City. [Wilbert Smith](http://www.noufors.com/Wilbert%5FB%5FSmith.htm)’s Ottawa Flying Saucer Club \[later the Ottawa New Sciences Club\] tells its members that the material is high-strength metal that is 6 feet in diameter and 2 feet thick at the center with an embedded tube, an “electronic potting can,” and a transistor. CARDE’s analysis is said to have revealed an alloy with a high manganese content, although it was identified as the “normal product of a foundry, consisting of slag with semi- molten scrap embedded in it,” likely coming from Sorel Iron Foundries in Sorel, Quebec. Smith rejects those findings and and conducts his own tests \(although he is an electrical engineer and not a metallurgist\) on a chunk the club retrieves from the river around July 1, supposedly engaging in a “tremendous amount of detective work on this metal.” In November 1961, Smith tells Ohio UFO researchers C. W. Fitch and George Popovitch: “We are speculating that what we have is a portion of a very large device which came into this solar system…we don’t know when…but it had been in space a long time before it came to Earth; we can tell by the micrometeorites embedded in the surface. But we don’t know whether it was a few years ago—or a few hundred years ago.” In June 1968, the Colorado project’s [Roy Craig](https://www.iowastatedaily.com/news/ufo-investigator-isu-alumnus-dead/article%5Fd3e1f4e4-28e6-5600-bff7-846c287c3b6b.html) is in Ottawa and offers to examine the club’s chunk of metal because they had offered it to Condon a year earlier. Craig obligingly takes a piece with him but does not analyze it since there is no connection to a UFO and it looks like foundry slag anyway. Later, the Montreal UFO Society’s Ronald Anstee has a piece of it analyzed by an independent metallurgist, who finds that the composition “does not correspond to any known commercial manganese steel.” In September 1967, Eric Smith of the Canada Department of Energy, Mines, and Resources visits the Ottawa club and examines their large artifact, but fails to report back. In 1969, the National Research Council’s [Peter Millman](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter%5FMillman) takes a look and is convinced that it is ordinary manganese steel from the Sorel plant.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[The Mysterious Chunk of Hardware at Ottawa,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/Canada/Topside%20%28Wilbert%20B%20Smith%29/Topside%20-%20Issue%2020%20-%201966%20Spring.pdf)” Topside, no. 20 \(Spring 1966\): 4–6; Frank Edwards, FS Serious Business, Bantam ed., 1966, [pp. 48–49](https://archive.org/details/flyingsaucersser00edwa/page/48/mode/2up); “[The Mystery of UFO](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/Canada/Topside%20%28Wilbert%20B%20Smith%29/Topside%20-%20Issue%2024-25%20-%201967%20Spring%20and%20Summer.pdf) [Hardware,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/Canada/Topside%20%28Wilbert%20B%20Smith%29/Topside%20-%20Issue%2024-25%20-%201967%20Spring%20and%20Summer.pdf)” Topside, no. 24/25 \(Spring/Summer 1967\): 10–11; “[Unidentified Hardware Mystery Deepens,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/Canada/Topside%20%28Wilbert%20B%20Smith%29/Topside%20-%20Issue%2027.pdf)” Topside, no. 27 \(Winter 1968\): 4–9; “[Latest Report on the Mystery Metal,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/Canada/Topside%20%28Wilbert%20B%20Smith%29/Topside%20-%20Issue%2029.pdf)” Topside, no. 29 \(Summer 1968\): 11– 12; Condon, [pp. 133–135](https://archive.org/details/scientificstudyo0000unse%5Fl5t2/page/132/mode/2up); “[Canada’s Mysterious Chunk of Metal,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20Kingdom/Spacelink%20%28Lionel%20Beer%29/Spacelink%201970%20vol%206%20no%202.pdf)” Spacelink 6, no. 2 \(January 1970\): 6–9; “[More](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/Canada/Topside%20%28Wilbert%20B%20Smith%29/Topside%20-%20Issue%2033.pdf) [Mystery Added to Ottawa’s Mysterious Chunk of Hardware,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/Canada/Topside%20%28Wilbert%20B%20Smith%29/Topside%20-%20Issue%2033.pdf)” Topside, no. 33 \(Winter/Spring 1970\): 13–17; “[Latest Report on Ottawa’s Mystery Metal,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/Canada/Topside%20%28Wilbert%20B%20Smith%29/Topside%20-%20Issue%2034.pdf)” Topside, no. 34 \(Summer/Fall 1970\): 22–23; “[New Deveopments on](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/Canada/Topside%20%28Wilbert%20B%20Smith%29/Topside%20-%20Issue%2035.pdf) [Ottawa’s Mystery Metal,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/Canada/Topside%20%28Wilbert%20B%20Smith%29/Topside%20-%20Issue%2035.pdf)” Topside, no. 35 \(Winter 1971\): 29–33; Story, [pp. 208–209](https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofuf0000unse/page/208/mode/2up); John Robert Colombo, UFOs over Canada, Hounslow, 1991, pp. 53–56; Roy Craig, UFOs: An Insiders’ View of the Official Quest for Evidence, University of North Texas, 1995, pp. 121–132; Good Above, [pp. 188–189](https://archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/188/mode/2up); Chris Rutkowski, Canada’s UFOs: Declassified, August Night, 2022, pp. 166, 229–249
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3425
### Event 21868 (2D0C1684)
**Date:** Summer 1960
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In Walkerton \(Ontario\), 5 policemen observe and pursue for 1 hour in 2 cars a small object of about 1 m in diameter. The policemen in radio liaison try to follow a nocturnal light that moves at low altitude, along various country roads, then the light stops near a large tree, in the middle of a cultivated field, and the policemen's cars arrive at a distance of less than 100 m from this tree. The witnesses observe for a long time with caution then try to approach on foot: It hovered above a large tree, which rose alone in the middle of a cultivated field. We were about 100 m from the tree, which was about 35 m high. The object, which subtended an angle of about 1/4 °, which implies a real diameter less than 0.90 m, appeared circular in shape and was therefore probably a spheroid. It was intensely bright against the dark background of the sky and it passed through all the colors of the spectrum with a fairly irregular period of about 2 s. Given its brightness, I may have slightly overestimated its angular dimension and 1/4 ° should perhaps be considered a maximum. The minimum estimate would certainly be 1/8 °. The object seemed to examine the tree quite closely. It described circles around the top, standing between 15 and 30 m from the ground, passing in front of the tree, then clearly visible through the branches when it passed behind. We watched it continue this apparent "reconnaissance" of the tree for several minutes. It moved deliberately and intentionally in its inspection of the tree, making short stops at points of interest and giving a distinct impression of intelligent behavior. Then, as we absolutely wanted to photograph it, we crossed the fence and slowly approached the tree, on the side facing West. We had barely gone 3 m when it "noticed" us and, with a powerful and silent acceleration, it left almost due south and disappeared over the horizon, with a slightly ascending trajectory, and 2.5 s approximately, without any noise. I believe that one can rely on my evaluation of distances and times because at the time I did a lot of athletics and was therefore well trained in this respect. Even taking into account the exceptional circumstances, these figures are probably accurate to within 20% (Summer, 2 h)
**Reference:** \[Poher 2003\].
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1960.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1865
### Event 21869 (88CE7C10)
**Date:** Summer 1960
**Location:** Orbit of the Earth
**Description:** "Mystery satellite" tracked, photographed by Grumman.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [_UFOs and the National Security State: Chronology of a Cover-up, 1941–1973_, by Richard Dolan](https://archive.org/details/ufosnationalsecu00dola/mode/2up)
**Source:** Dolan, **ID:** Dolan_237
### Event 21870 (309D4559)
**Date:** Summer 1960
**Location:** Walkerton, Ontario
**Description:** 2:00 a.m. Two brothers are alerted by their journalist brother about an elusive UFO that local police in Walkerton, Ontario, have been pursuing for about an hour. They drive out along country roads until they get within 300 feet of the object, which is hovering around a large tree. The object is circular and apparently about 3 feet in diameter. It is very bright and changes color repeated. It then circles the tree purposefully for several minutes. The brothers climb a fence and approach it, but the UFO suddenly accelerates and disappears to the south.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** J. Allen Hynek, The UFO Experience, Ballantine ed., 1974, [pp. 54–56](https://archive.org/details/ufoexperience00jall/page/54/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3423
### Event 21871 (FAEF8905)
**Date:** 6/21/1960
**Description:** NICAP sends a confidential report to the US Congress on “Dangers of Secrecy on UFOs \(Unidentified Flying Objects\) and Digest of Documented Evidence” urging legislators to go on the record about the reality of UFOs.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Donald E. Keyhoe, “[Confidential NICAP Report to Congress: Dangers of Secrecy on UFOs \(Unidentified Flying](http://www.nicap.org/reports/report%5Fto%5Fcongress.pdf) [Objects\) and Digest of Documented Evidence,](http://www.nicap.org/reports/report%5Fto%5Fcongress.pdf)” June 21, 1960
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3426
### Event 21872 (D94A7D79)
**Date:** 6/22/1960
**Location:** Clan Lake, Northwest Territories
**Description:** 6:20 p.m. John Person is setting up camp at Clan Lake, Northwest Territories, on a prospecting expedition and is waiting for his partner. He hears a noise like an aircraft approaching and something bounces and hits the surface of the lake about 1,700 feet behind him. Person sees an object 4–6 feet wide with arms or spokes is rotating rapidly in the water, but gradually slows down and stops spinning. When his partner arrives, they get into a canoe and travel to the impact area. They find an area of burned grass and another area where grass it cut up in small pieces. They use a pole to probe the lake bottom and find a channel that is one foot deeper at one end and three feet deeper at the other, RCMP Cpl. Matheson flies to the lake in a seaplane on July 19 and August 15 and finds the impact area as Person has described but no submerged object.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Royal Canadian Mounted Police, “[Report of](https://www.bac-lac.gc.ca/eng/discover/unusual/ufo/Pages/GeoMaps.aspx\#nwt) [Strange Object Striking Clan Lake, Clan Lake Dist., N.W.T.,](https://www.bac-lac.gc.ca/eng/discover/unusual/ufo/Pages/GeoMaps.aspx\#nwt)” July 19, July 25, and August 25, 1960; Chris Rutkowski, Canada’s UFOs: Declassified, August Night, 2022, pp. 98–102
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3427
### Event 21873 (820A8366)
**Date:** 6/22/1960
**Description:** A strange flying object struck Clan Lake, which is located some 30 miles north of Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, Canada at around 6 p.m. About 20-25 minutes after a airplane had dropped off witness C. T. Wright, he heard a noise that sounded like a large plane in the distance. The noise got louder but he could not see anything in the sky. He then heard something strike the water behind him and saw an object with arms or spokes rotating in the water. It was rotating very rapidly and throwing water, but gradually it began to spin less and finally stopped. It was about 1700 feet away from him. When his partner arrived they took a canoe and went over to the shallow spot in the lake where the object hit the water. There was grass about 18 inches high were the object hit and it appeared to be burnt and cut up over an area of 20 feet by 60 feet. They felt around in the water with their paddles where the floor of the lake was very much disturbed and muddy, and one to three feet deeper than the surrounding lake proper. The object looked to be about 4-6 feet wide. Mr. Wright did not see any steam when the object hit the water. He and his partner went back to the location on two more occasions but could find nothing.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Carl Feindt, www.waterufo.net, citing RCMP report courtesy of Chris Styles
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3603
### Event 21874 (1F1DA3A1)
**Date:** 6/22/1960
**Description:** Former CIA director Adm. R. H. Hillenkoetter states in a newspaper that UAP flying saucers are “operating under intelligence control,” and they’re not U.S. or Russian. Hillenkoetter states the Air Force is not telling U.S. citizens the truth about UAP.
* [https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP68-00046R000200090025-2.pdf](https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP68-00046R000200090025-2.pdf) (rg - changed to https variant)
* [https://web.archive.org/web/20221226173916/http://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP68-00046R000200090025-2.pdf](https://web.archive.org/web/20221226173916/http://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP68-00046R000200090025-2.pdf) (rg - archive.org version)
* [https://www.newspapers.com/article/delmarva-news-resort-visitor-interviews/129123907/](https://www.newspapers.com/article/delmarva-news-resort-visitor-interviews/129123907/) (alt newspaper link added by RG)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_93
### Event 21875 (B6EF6E82)
**Date:** 6/28/1960 (approximate)
**Time:** 12:00
**Location:** LOUVIERS, FR
**Description:** 1 / garden. Fat 20M cylinder/cigar-shape / 30M altitude going northeast slow. Orange and white. Sound = swarm of bees.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 138)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6384
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "LOUVIERS,FR:1/GARDEN:FAT 20M CGR/30M alt >NE SLOW:ORG+WHT:SOUND=SWARM of BEES", **LatLong:** "49.233336 1.166667", **LatLongDMS:** "49:14:00 N 01:10:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.233336,1.166667)", **State/Prov:** "EUR", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 21876 (36585F1E)
**Date:** 6/29/1960
**Time:** 11:30
**Location:** SUNLANDS, RSA
**Description:** Several / farm. 10M cylinder/cigar-shape hovers and turns / 200M altitude. Possible landing / hills. Balloon?
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 85)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6385
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Republic of South Africa", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "30", **HatchDesc:** "SUNLANDS,RSA:SVRL/FARM:10M CGR HVRS+TURNS/200M alt:POSS.LANDING/HILLS:balloon?", **LatLong:** "-33.933335 25.400001", **LatLongDMS:** "33:56:00 S 25:24:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-33.933335,25.400001)", **State/Prov:** "CAP", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 21877 (29ECF70D)
**Date:** 7/1960
**Location:** Canada, Chapais (Abitibi)
**Description:** (Translated from French) Three workers were inspecting and repairing the Canadian National Railway at a place called Sub-Anville, in the Chapais region. Mr. Georges Godbout, a man in his fifties, communicated this case to us which he witnessed with his two companions. (...) The railway workers were hard at work. Suddenly a shrill noise rises, amplifies, to the point where the men feel unwell. (...) It is then that they see, 300 m in front of them, an object advancing on the railway track. It is dazzling like a well-polished metal that shines in the sun. As only one train passes per day, the men are perplexed. (...) Suddenly the object moves away from the track and hovers a few meters above an inaccessible savannah where it stops and stays a few meters from the ground. The men, disturbed by the noise, "a whirring of a top", can see its profile. It is an object in the shape of a top of a metallic green, throwing off luminous flashes. (...) An opening appears in front of the astonished witnesses and a kind of small ladder is placed on the threshold of the craft. A "being" well proportioned advances and descends about three rungs. He wears a fitting, greenish uniform. He is about 1 m 60 tall. His head is covered with a helmet that encloses it, and on his face there is a mask like that of a basketball referee. When he comes out he casts a circular glance, but his head does not seem to be mobile, the whole body turns at the same time. (...) He immediately climbs back up. The object rises with an unbearable noise, it flies over the railway track and moves away a little, rises into the sky and quickly disappears into space. (July 1960)
**Reference:** Jean FERGUSON: "The Humanoids..." - ed. Leméac, Ottawa, 1977, p. 39,40
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2171
### Event 21878 (E6F0EFAE)
**Date:** 7/1960
**Time:** 07:00
**Location:** SCANDALE, ITL
**Description:** 1 observer. 2M grey metallic torpedo passes / few meters altitude. Straight and level flight. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** ITACAT, Catalogo Italiano degli Incontri Ravvicinati. Maurizio Verga, 1989 CISU/Torino, Italy. (Index 51)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6386
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Italy", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "SCANDALE,ITL:1 OBS:2M GRY MTLC TORPEDO PASSES/few METERS ALT:S/L FLITE:NFD", **LatLong:** "39.116669 16.950001", **LatLongDMS:** "39:07:00 N 16:57:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.116669,16.950001)", **State/Prov:** "CZ", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 21879 (B9308063)
**Date:** 7/1960
**Location:** US Senate
**Description:** Members of the US Senate Preparedness Committee and the House Science and Astronautics Committee, as well as the CIA, ask for hearings on USAF’s handling of UFOs.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clark III 922
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3428
### Event 21880 (285150CD)
**Date:** 7/1/1960
**Location:** Canada
**Description:** Canadian authorities possibly recover "very strange metal". Non-US military.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [_UFOs and the National Security State: Chronology of a Cover-up, 1941–1973_, by Richard Dolan](https://archive.org/details/ufosnationalsecu00dola/mode/2up)
**Source:** Dolan, **ID:** Dolan_236
### Event 21881 (BF204296)
**Date:** 7/1/1960
**Time:** 10:30
**Location:** NEAR LEEFE, WY
**Description:** 3 / mine. Silent 55M saucer hovers 50' / slag heap. 5 transparent domes / bottom/underside. Going quickly south.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 727)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6387
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "1127", **HatchDesc:** "nr LEEFE,WY:3/MINE:SLNT 55M SCR HVRS 50'/SLAG HEAP:5 XPRNT DOMES/BTM:>>S", **LatLong:** "42.000002 -110.583339", **LatLongDMS:** "42:00:00 N 110:35:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.000002,-110.583339)", **State/Prov:** "Wyoming", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 21882 (C218369A)
**Date:** 7/1/1960
**Location:** Leefe (near), WY
**Description:** Hovering disc like "two dinner plates face to face," ascended and sped away. \[NICAP UFOE, XII\] (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2448
### Event 21883 (61B36B3A)
**Date:** 7/1/1960
**Locations:** Leefe Mine; Lincoln County, Wyoming
**Description:** 10:30 a.m. Four witnesses at the Leefe Mine in Lincoln County, Wyoming, see a shiny disc move in from the south and hover above a slag heap. It has a diameter of at least 185 feet and is 14 feet thick. Five transparent bubbles are visible on the bottom as it rocks gently before moving off to the south at high speed.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Lorenzen, UFOs: The Whole Story, Signet, 1969, p. 221
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3429
### Event 21884 (A76C72E1)
**Date:** 7/2/1960
**Time:** 03:00
**Location:** NEAR PUERTO RICO
**Description:** Luminous UFO paces Venezuelan.airliner / 20 minute(s). Shoots away. / LDLN#334p3.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO EVIDENCE; NICAP,Washington, DC 1964. Reprinted 1997 Barnes & Noble Books ( only $7.98! ) (Index 121)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6388
**Attributes:** **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Caribbean area", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "nr PUERTO RICO:LUM.UFO PACES VENEZUELAN.AIRLINER/20min:SHOOTS AWAY:/LDLN#334p3", **LatLong:** "19.000001 -67.000003", **LatLongDMS:** "19:00:00 N 67:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/19.000001,-67.000003)", **State/Prov:** "PRC", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 21885 (9827A435)
**Date:** 7/2/1960
**Location:** Maiquetia (near), Venezuela
**Description:** Pilot and crew of Venezuelan Airlines Super-Constellation arriving from Spain, reported plane was followed by a luminous UFO. \[NICAP UFOE, X\] (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2449
### Event 21886 (700F919A)
**Date:** 7/2/1960
**Location:** Kankakee, Illinois
**Description:** Early morning. A couple driving in the vicinity of Kankakee, Illinois, see the landscape light up with a bright blue light as a ball of fire approaches out of the south. It passes above their car dragging a trail of bluish light behind it. The inside of the car heats up uncomfortably, waking up their daughter and her husband who are asleep in the back. The light gradually fades and disappears in the north.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Lorenzen, UFOs: The Whole Story, Signet, 1969, pp. 221–223
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3430
### Event 21887 (BC098FA2)
**Date:** 7/3/1960
**Time:** 16:30
**Description:** Air Force Captain / car photographs cone. 8M tall-4M diameter. Spins. Slow and silent. / r11p331.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 17)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6389
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "745", **HatchDesc:** "NE/YACANTO,ARG:AF CAPT/CAR FOTOS CONE:8M TALL-4M diam:SPINS:SLOW+SLNT:/r11p331", **LatLong:** "-31.833335 -64.750003", **LatLongDMS:** "31:50:00 S 64:45:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-31.833335,-64.750003)", **State/Prov:** "CRD", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 21888 (98DF1938)
**Date:** 7/3/1960
**Locations:** Argentine Air Force; Villa General Belgrano, Córdoba, Argentina
**Description:** 4:30 p.m. Argentine Air Force Capt. Hugo F. Niotti is driving north near Villa General Belgrano, Córdoba, Argentina, when he notices a dark object hovering to the right of the road. He stops his car, grabs his camera, and takes a photo of the object, which is moving slowly over a field. As he is winding the film to take another shot, the object accelerates and disappears into the clouds. The photo shows a conical object low above the ground, as well as a horse whose attention is attracted to the object. Analysis shows that the object is about 23 feet high, 20 feet in diameter, and 56 feet above the ground.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Guillermo C. Roncoroni and Gustavo J. Alvarez, “[Foto de OVNI](http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/Argentina/UFO%20PRESS/UFO%20PRESS%20-%20No%2003%20-%20%28Abril%201977%29.pdf) [Avalada por la Fuerza Aerea Argentina,](http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/Argentina/UFO%20PRESS/UFO%20PRESS%20-%20No%2003%20-%20%28Abril%201977%29.pdf)” UFO Press 1, no. 3 \(April 1977\): 32–38; “[Cone-Shaped UFO](http://cufos.org/CUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter/1980%5FCUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter%5FV1.pdf) [Photographed in Argentina,](http://cufos.org/CUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter/1980%5FCUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter%5FV1.pdf)” CUFOS Associate Newsletter 1, no. 8 \(December 1980\): 1; Johannes Koch, “[Correspondence,](http://cufos.org/CUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter/1981%5FCUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter%5FV2.pdf)” CUFOS Associate Newsletter 2, no. 2 \(February 1981\): 2; Willy Smith, “[The Yacanto,](https://www.ufocasebook.com/yacantophotograph1960.html) [Cordoba, Argentina, Photograph, 07-03-1960,](https://www.ufocasebook.com/yacantophotograph1960.html)” UFO Casebook; Willy Smith, “UFOs in Latin America,” UFOs 1947–1987, Fortean Tomes, 1987, pp. 104–106
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3431
### Event 21889 (B82E28DE)
**Date:** 7/3/1960
**Description:** An Argentinean Air Force Captain photographed a cone-shaped UFO between Yacanto and Cordoba, Argentina at 4:30 p.m. There was a mystery fall of ice from the sky in Portage, Pennsylvania.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** FSR Case Histories, December 1973, p. 17; George Eberhart, A Geo-Bibliography of Anomalies, p. 788
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3801
### Event 21890 (E309DBD0)
**Date:** 7/6/1960
**Time:** ~20:30
**Location:** TELI, TUVINSK., RUSSIA
**Description:** 8 scientists. Moon-object 45° over horizon. Going north at 1.5° / minute. / LDLN#204.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: UFO CHRONICLES of the SOVIET UNION; Ballentine Books HB 1992. 212pp. (Index 185)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6390
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Russia", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "30", **HatchDesc:** "TELI,TUVINSK.,RUS:8 SCIENTISTS:MOON-OBJ 45°OVR HRZN:>N @1.5°/minute:/LDLN#204", **LatLong:** "51.083336 90.200004", **LatLongDMS:** "51:05:00 N 90:12:00 E", **Locale:** "Desert", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.083336,90.200004)", **State/Prov:** "TUV", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 21891 (450DC1D8)
**Date:** 7/6/1960
**Location:** Texas
**Description:** Responding to NICAP’s “Dangers of Secrecy on UFOs” report, Sen. [Lyndon B. Johnson](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lyndon%5FB.%5FJohnson) \(D-Tex.\) states that he has ordered the staff of the Senate Preparedness Investigating Subcommittee to keep a close watch on UFO developments.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[NICAP UFO Report: Extension of Remarks of Hon. Leonard G. Wolf of Iowa in the House of](https://archive.org/details/sim%5Fcongressional-record-proceedings-and-debates%5Faugust-29-1960-september-1-1960%5F106/page/18954/mode/2up) [Representatives, Wednesday, August 31, 1960,](https://archive.org/details/sim%5Fcongressional-record-proceedings-and-debates%5Faugust-29-1960-september-1-1960%5F106/page/18954/mode/2up)” Congressional Record, Proceedings and Debates of the 86th Congress, Second Session, vol. 106, Part 14, pp. 18955–18956
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3432
### Event 21892 (1E26A8FE)
**Date:** 7/6/1960
**Description:** A moon-like object was sighted by eight scientists over Teli, Russia at a 45-degree elevation above the horizon. The UFO flew to the north moving at 1.5 degrees of arc per minute.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Felix Zigel, unpublished manuscript, p. 79; Jacques Vallee, UFO Chronicles of the Soviet Union: A Cosmic Samizdat, p. 185
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3875
### Event 21893 (5FD862C8)
**Date:** 7/8/1960
**Time:** 12:00?
**Location:** KAMCHUK R.W / TELI, RUSSIA
**Description:** Same scientists and saucer. Appears from mountains / west. Unpopulated area.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: UFO CHRONICLES of the SOVIET UNION; Ballentine Books HB 1992. 212pp. (Index 185)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6391
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Russia", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "KAMCHUK R.W/TELI,RUS:SAME SCIENTISTS+SCR:APPEARS fm MTNS/W:unpopulated area", **LatLong:** "51.083336 89.966671", **LatLongDMS:** "51:05:00 N 89:58:00 E", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.083336,89.966671)", **State/Prov:** "TUV", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 21894 (B384465A)
**Date:** 7/13/1960
**Locations:** Washington National Airport; Levelland
**Description:** The Air Force gives a preliminary briefing to associate counsel Stuart French, staff member of the Senate Preparedness Committee, who wants to know about USAF explanations for the Washington National Airport and Levelland cases.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Jacobs, UFO Controversy in America, Signet ed., 1976, [p. 156](https://archive.org/details/ufocontroversyin00jaco/page/156/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3433
### Event 21895 (63B8B558)
**Date:** 7/14/1960
**Location:** Miho AFB (2 miles E of), Japan
**Description:** Pilot Sees Oblong Object At Very High Speed (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 1, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** NICAP: [600714](http://www.nicap.org/600714miho%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2450
### Event 21896 (82154B0D)
**Date:** 7/15/1960
**Description:** The Air Force gives a major briefing on UFOs for congressional staffers: Chief Counsel Robert Smart \(House Committee on Armed Services\); [Spencer Beresford](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/49121050/spencer-moxon-beresford), Richard Hines, and Frank Hammill \(House Science and Astronautics Committee\). [Charles S. Sheldon II](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/49313174/charles-stuart-sheldon)[,](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/49313174/charles-stuart-sheldon) technical director of the House Science and Astronautics Committee, is also present. The USAF reps are [Robert Friend](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert%5FFriend%5F%28pilot%29)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert%5FFriend%5F%28pilot%29) [Lawrence J. Tacker](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/30450384/lawrence-j-tacker)[,](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/30450384/lawrence-j-tacker) [Hynek](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J.%5FAllen%5FHynek)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J.%5FAllen%5FHynek) and Maj. Gen. [Arno](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arno%5FH.%5FLuehman) [H. Luehman](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arno%5FH.%5FLuehman)[.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arno%5FH.%5FLuehman) CIA officers Richard Payne and John S. Warner are possibly there as well. The staffers are skeptical; Smart accuses the Air Force of withholding information and wants to be kept informed of sightings and investigations.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Jacobs, UFO Controversy in America, Signet ed., 1976, [pp. 156–159](https://archive.org/details/ufocontroversyin00jaco/page/156/mode/2up); Marcia S. Smith, [The UFO](https://www.nicap.org/docs/TheUFOEnigma.pdf) [Enigma](https://www.nicap.org/docs/TheUFOEnigma.pdf)[,](https://www.nicap.org/docs/TheUFOEnigma.pdf) Congressional Research Service Report No. 83-205, June 20, 1983, pp. 65–66; Swords 291–292; “[Saucer Reading Fest,](https://www.saturdaynightuforia.com/html/articles/articlehtml/saucsum13.html)” Saturday Night Uforia, January 25, 2019
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3434
### Event 21897 (65A6F98E)
**Date:** 7/19/1960
**Time:** 20:30
**Location:** ST. LOUIS, MO
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #6858. 8+observer(s) / 3 nights. Small sphere/orb/globe with lights / edge. Rotation = 20 rpm. / r59p144.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 727)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6392
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "20", **Elev:** "138", **HatchDesc:** "ST LOUIS,MO:BBK#6858:8+OBS/3 NITES:SML ORB W/LITES/EDGE:ROTn=20rpm:/r59p144", **LatLong:** "38.633335 -90.200004", **LatLongDMS:** "38:38:00 N 90:12:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.633335,-90.200004)", **State/Prov:** "Missouri", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 21898 (3CC44083)
**Date:** 7/19/1960
**End date:** 7/21/1960
**Location:** St. Louis, MO
**Description:** Round, bright red light fly overhead, stop, hover, and back up (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 6858)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2451
### Event 21899 (0DC17966)
**Date:** 7/19/1960
**Time:** 8:30 PM
**Location:** St. Louis, Missouri
**Description:** Witness: T.L. Ochs. One round, bright red light flew overhead, stopped and hovered, and then backed up. Sighting lasted 20 minutes. Note: Ochs reported similar sightings on three following nights.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_451
### Event 21900 (675FA8E3)
**Date:** 7/19/1960
**Description:** 8:30 p.m. CDT. Witness T. L. Ochs of St. Louis, Missouri reported watching a round, bright red light that flew overhead, stopped and hovered, and then backed up. The sighting lasted 20 minutes. Note: Ochs reported similar sightings on three following nights. An hour later, another witness named Sokol reported seeing a round red ball or wheel-like object with a central nucleus; around it were revolving or orbiting lights or balls. They winked off.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Project Blue Book files counted in official statistics, case # 6858; Don Berliner, Project Bluebook Unknowns
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4197
### Event 21901 (94E25955)
**Date:** 7/21/1960
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Observation in Saint-Louis \(Missouri\). (19-21 July)
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#6858 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1960.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1863
### Event 21902 (2FD5461E)
**Date:** 7/21/1960
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) The press widely takes up a collision that takes place in the port of New York between the tanker *Alkaïd* and an unknown half-submerged object of which no trace was found.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1960.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1864
### Event 21903 (68DB61C5)
**Date:** 7/21/1960
**Description:** On this evening a power failure occurred in Miami, Florida after a misty blue cloud with a bright center was seen. A crowd chased a "spaceman" wearing bubble headgear "with gold in it" down Collins Avenue, but lost him.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case A0501, citing newspaper clipping dated July 22, 1960
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4265
### Event 21904 (45545668)
**Date:** 7/22/1960
**Time:** 22:00
**Location:** MARTIN, TN
**Description:** Girl / 13. Saucer hovers. Rudderlike protrusion. Large oily circles found. / r180p24.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 727)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6393
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "5", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "126", **HatchDesc:** "MARTIN,TN:GIRL/13:SCR HVRS:RUDDERLIKE PROTRUSION:LRG OILY CCLs FOUND:/r180p24", **LatLong:** "36.344446 -88.850004", **LatLongDMS:** "36:20:40 N 88:51:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/36.344446,-88.850004)", **State/Prov:** "Tennessee", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 21905 (68B444BD)
**Date:** 7/22/1960
**Description:** At ten o'clock in the evening a disc-shaped object with a fin or rudder-like proturberance was seen hovering over Martin, Tennessee by a 13-year-old girl. After it left large oily circles were found on the ground.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** George D. Fawcett, Flying Saucers, March 1972, p. 27
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4297
### Event 21906 (39E68704)
**Date:** 7/24/1960
**Time:** 20:50
**Location:** PORTVILLE, NY
**Description:** Cop and 2. 2 silver cigars change shape and color(s). Hover. Going NNW. Turn going south. / r114p54.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO EVIDENCE; NICAP,Washington, DC 1964. Reprinted 1997 Barnes & Noble Books ( only $7.98! ) (Index 64)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6394
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "434", **HatchDesc:** "PORTVILLE,NY:COP+2:2 SLVR CGRS CHANGE SHAPE+CLRS:HVR:> NNW:TURN>S:/r114p54", **LatLong:** "42.038891 -78.338893", **LatLongDMS:** "42:02:20 N 78:20:20 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.038891,-78.338893)", **State/Prov:** "New York", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 21907 (4BC1FA3E)
**Date:** 7/24/1960
**Location:** Portville, NY
**Description:** State policeman reported two dumbbell-like UFOs. \[NICAP UFOE, VII\] (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2452
### Event 21908 (1E969532)
**Date:** 7/24/1960
**Description:** Frank Porcello and two others saw two UFOs maneuver over Portville, New York at 8:45 p.m. The sighting lasted more than four minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Richard Hall, The UFO Evidence (Volume I), p. 64; Thomas M. Olsen, Reference to Outstanding UFO Reports, case 113
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4351
### Event 21909 (EA5327F6)
**Date:** 7/26/1960
**Description:** Lt. Col. [Lawrence J. Tacker](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/30450384/lawrence-j-tacker) writes to [Stringfield](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leonard%5FStringfield) that “There is absolutely no truth in the charge that the Air Force or any other governmental agency is withholding information on the subject of UFOs from the general public.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Stringfield, Situation Red, Fawcett Crest, 1977, p. 167
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3435
### Event 21910 (C3BC0531)
**Date:** 7/30/1960
**Time:** 23:30
**Description:** 18+observer(s). Bell-saucer low and slow / 60 minutes. Electric humming. Lit portholes. Glows.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 85)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6395
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **HOX:** Suspicion of hoax, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "60", **Elev:** "76", **HatchDesc:** "BISHOPBRIGGS,SCT:18+OBS:BELL-SCR LOW+SLOW/60mins:ELCTRIC HUM:LIT PORTS:GLOWS", **LatLong:** "55.900003 -4.233334", **LatLongDMS:** "55:54:00 N 04:14:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/55.900003,-4.233334)", **State/Prov:** "Scotland", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 21911 (980122D9)
**Date:** 7/31/1960
**Time:** 17:00
**Location:** NASHVILLE, OH
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Slow silent cylinder/cigar-shape passes. Painfully brilliant. Vanishes in place.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 727)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6396
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "782", **HatchDesc:** "NASHVILLE,OH:2 OBS:SLOW SLNT CGR PASSES:PAINFULLY BRILLIANT:vanishes in place", **LatLong:** "40.600002 -82.111115", **LatLongDMS:** "40:36:00 N 82:06:40 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.600002,-82.111115)", **State/Prov:** "Ohio", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 21912 (8D666FDF)
**Date:** 7/31/1960
**Time:** 17:00
**Location:** AUCKLAND, NZ
**Description:** 4 / (seen thru) binoculars. Shiny metallic 'parachute' hovers / BROWNs bay. No cords or rider.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 727)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6397
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "New Zealand", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "AUCKLAND,NZ:4/BINOCS:SHINY MTLC 'PARACHUTE' HVRS/BROWNs BAY:no cords or rider", **LatLong:** "-36.866668 174.700008", **LatLongDMS:** "36:52:00 S 174:42:00 E", **Locale:** "Offshore", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-36.866668,174.700008)", **State/Prov:** "NI", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 21913 (5921838C)
**Date:** 7/31/1960
**Description:** At 5:00 p.m. in Nashville, Ohio a very bright cigar-shaped object passed by slowly. Its light was so intense it caused eye irritation for the two witnesses.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** APRO Bulletin, July 1960; George D. Fawcett, Flying Saucers magazine, September 1962, p. 36
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4522
### Event 21914 (FE760E3B)
**Date:** 8/1960
**Location:** FRANCE, Meussia
**Description:** (Translated from French) During the night, around 3 o'clock, the child Jouffroy got up and went to a meadow behind the house. He returned scared having seen a white and luminous phenomenon. Mrs. Grandmottet then got up to accompany him, she also saw the strange phenomenon and thought she heard a strange noise. She returned to the house and asked Mrs. Jouffroy if she had hung out sheets. The three witnesses then noticed that apparently just behind the hedge, a kind of long white rectangle was placed or very close to the ground. They heard a noise of metal and stones being moved. Afraid, the witnesses went back inside. When a little later they looked out the window, everything had disappeared.
**Reference:** M. FIGUET/ J.L. RUCHON: "Ovni, Premier dossier complet..." ed. Alain Lefeuvre 1979, p. 242
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2178
### Event 21915 (17E3A090)
**Date:** 8/1960
**Location:** FRANCE, Brittany
**Description:** (Translated from French) At around 3pm, G.P., a merchant from Dijon, was driving a truck with two employees in the center of Brittany. Suddenly, they saw on the road, about 100 meters ahead of them, three figures about 2 meters tall, wearing khaki scuba suits with some kind of helmet on their heads, who immediately turned around. The truck accelerated to about 60 km/h to catch up to them, but they moved faster above the ground and disappeared into an opening in the hedge on the side of the road. When they arrived at this spot, the passengers of the truck saw a saucer about 4 meters high, about fifteen meters above the ground. It rose and disappeared in a few seconds into the sky. Its diameter was about ten meters according to the circle of scorched grass it had imprinted on the ground.
**Reference:** Jean-Francis CROLARD: "The Enigma of the E.T." - ed. Guy Trédaniel 1995, p. 84
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2179
### Event 21916 (839EDB61)
**Date:** 8/1960
**Description:** Many observer(s).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** KEHOE, Maj Donald: ALIENS FROM SPACE; Doubleday, Garden City, NY 1973 HB (Index 162)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6398
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **NWS:** News media report, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **RDR:** Radar traces/blips, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **HST:** Historical account
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Earth Orbit or seen from space stations/capsules", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "GRUMMAN ARCRFT CO TRACKS+PHOTOS MYSTERY EARTH SATELLITE/SVRL DAYS:MANY OBS", **LatLong:** "90.000004 -0.000000", **LatLongDMS:** "90:00:00 N 00:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/90.000004,-0.000000)", **State/Prov:** "CLF", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 21917 (838EEE27)
**Date:** 8/1960
**Time:** 01:30
**Location:** BELMONT, NSW
**Description:** Buzz. Big top-saucer / backyard! Pseudo-human/entity / south-suit walks going [to] house. Sees observer(s) and away.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Database/website: BASTERFIELD, KEITH: ENTCAT97.DOC: Catalog of Australian Entity and related reports: October 1997
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6399
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "15", **HatchDesc:** "BELMONT,NSW:BUZZ:BIG TOP-SCR/BACKYARD!:PSH/S-SUIT WALKS > HOUSE:SEES OBS+AWAY", **LatLong:** "-32.916668 151.700007", **LatLongDMS:** "32:55:00 S 151:42:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-32.916668,151.700007)", **State/Prov:** "NSW", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 21918 (C72DC4F0)
**Date:** 8/1960?
**Time:** 02:00
**Description:** Scientist/science and cops. 3' saucer closely examines tree. Flies off when approached.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** STURROCK, Dr. Peter A: REPORT / SURVEY of the AMERICAN ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY of the UFO PROBLEM; Stanford, CA 1977. (Index 105)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6400
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "66", **Elev:** "255", **HatchDesc:** "nr WALKERTON,ONT:SCI+COPS:3' SCR CLOSELY EXAMINES TREE:FLIES OFF WHEN APPRCHD", **LatLong:** "44.127780 -81.205559", **LatLongDMS:** "44:07:40 N 81:12:20 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.127780,-81.205559)", **RelAlt:** "5", **State/Prov:** "Ontario", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 21919 (FC1BF2E7)
**Date:** 8/1960
**Time:** 03:00
**Location:** MEUSSIA, FR
**Description:** 3 observer(s). Strange glowing white rectangle / ground. See Cazalla de la Sierra, Sp.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FIGEUT, Michel & RUCHON, Jean-Louis: OVNI - Le Premier Dossier..; Alain LeFeuvre, Paris 1979. (Index 242)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6401
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "MEUSSIA,FR:3 OBS:STRANGE GLOWING WHT RECTANGLE/GND:see CAZALLA de la SIERRA,SP", **LatLong:** "46.500002 5.733334", **LatLongDMS:** "46:30:00 N 05:44:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.500002,5.733334)", **State/Prov:** "Jura", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 21920 (63FDE36B)
**Date:** 8/1960
**Time:** 09:20
**Location:** HAMBURG, GER
**Description:** 7M saucer-on-edge descends / garden. 3 beams / light / center. Haze and gas. P279.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA; H. Regnery, Chicago HC 1969 & Contemporary Books,Chicago 1993. 372pp. (Index 508)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6402
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Germany", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "HAMBURG,GER:7M SCR-ON-EDGE DESCENDS/GARDEN:3 BEAMS/LITE/CENTER:HAZE+GAS:p279", **LatLong:** "53.566669 10.050000", **LatLongDMS:** "53:34:00 N 10:03:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/53.566669,10.050000)", **State/Prov:** "SCH", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 21921 (A9A4D242)
**Date:** 8/1960
**Time:** 13:00?
**Location:** NEAR FT. BRAGG, NC
**Description:** Airman. Metallic domed 10M saucer drops / storm clouds. Portholes. Rocks. Going up.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 44)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6403
**Attributes:** **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "65", **HatchDesc:** "nr Ft.BRAGG,NC:AIRMAN:MTLC DOMED 10M SCR DROPS/STORM CLOUDS:PORTHOLES:ROCKS:↑", **LatLong:** "35.166668 -79.000004", **LatLongDMS:** "35:10:00 N 79:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/35.166668,-79.000004)", **State/Prov:** "North Carolina", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 21922 (25279F0F)
**Date:** 8/1960 (approximate)
**Time:** 17:00
**Location:** MOSCOW
**Description:** Scientist and many. Rectangular object hangs miles / sky. No visible support.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: UFO CHRONICLES of the SOVIET UNION; Ballentine Books HB 1992. 212pp. (Index 185)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6404
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Russia", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "18", **HatchDesc:** "MOSCOW:SCIENTIST+MANY:RECTANGLR OBJ HANGS MILES/SKY:NO VISIBLE SUPPORT:", **LatLong:** "55.733336 37.583335", **LatLongDMS:** "55:44:00 N 37:35:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/55.733336,37.583335)", **State/Prov:** "MOS", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 21923 (995A149F)
**Date:** 8/1960 (approximate)
**Time:** 22:00?
**Location:** NANJING, CH
**Description:** Large and small orbs during tornado. Night lights enter cottage. Cottage rises / air!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** DONG, Paul: UFO's Over MODERN CHINA. 1983 UFO Photo Archives; P. O. Box 17206; Tucson, AZ 85710. (Index 42)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6405
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "China", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "60", **HatchDesc:** "NANJING,CH:LRG+SML ORBS DURING TORNADO:NLTS ENTER COTTAGE:COTTAGE RISES/AIR!", **LatLong:** "32.066668 118.766672", **LatLongDMS:** "32:04:00 N 118:46:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/32.066668,118.766672)", **State/Prov:** "Jiangsu", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 21924 (5DF85F86)
**Date:** 8/1960
**Time:** 0920
**Location:** Hamburg, Germany
**Description:** Mrs. K. St. Bereits was in her garden when she saw an object coming down at great speed. Arriving at ground level, it came toward her, appearing as a disk standing on edge, 7 m in diameter with a pulsating halo of yellow light. Three beams of light came from a central opening. A sort of haze and "gas stream" was also described.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Nachrichten Jan., 61; FSR 61, 4 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_508
### Event 21925 (18F97285)
**Date:** 8/1960
**Locations:** US; Dominican Republic
**Description:** The US severs diplomatic relations with the Dominican Republic. The CIA’s Special Group decides to arm Dominicans in hopes of an assassination of generalissimo [Rafael Trujillo](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rafael%5FTrujillo). The CIA disperses three rifles and three .38 revolvers, but things pause in 1961 as [John F. Kennedy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John%5FF.%5FKennedy) assumes office.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3436
### Event 21926 (3D0FD472)
**Date:** 8/2/1960
**Location:** FRANCE, Noulle - Difques
**Description:** (Translated from French) Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Hiot were driving from Noulle to Morhinghem around 0:30. Their father-in-law noticed a distant light, and as they left Moulle, they saw a red ball the apparent size of the moon. The object crossed the road obliquely, 3 or 4 meters in front of the car and 2 meters from the ground, forcing the driver to brake suddenly. Then the 5-6 meter wide phenomenon, with a bright red light radiating from a kind of half-sphere larger than a horse-drawn carriage wheel at the base of the object, accompanied them for a kilometer. As they arrived at the first houses, it seemed to go out from bottom to top, as if it was veiling itself starting from the bottom. (M. FIGUET/ J.L. RUCHON: "Ovni, Premier dossier complet..." ed. Alain Lefeuvre 1979, p. 243) Near the hamlet of Difques, two witnesses were followed for more than a kilometer by a red luminous ball. A silhouette was visible inside. (?????) The ball gradually went out from bottom to top.
**Reference:** Erich ZURCHER/ "Les apparitions d'Humanoïdes" - ed. Alain Lefeuvre 1979, p. 201
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2172
### Event 21927 (E94B8392)
**Date:** 8/2/1960
**Time:** 00:30
**Location:** MOULLE, FR
**Description:** 3 observer(s). Thin 5M glowing-disc crosses road / 2M altitude. Follows car / 1km. / r30p243.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 117)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6406
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "MOULLE,FR:3 OBS:THIN 5M GLO-DISC CROSSES ROAD/2M ALT:FOLOS CAR/1km:/r30p243", **LatLong:** "50.788891 2.183333", **LatLongDMS:** "50:47:20 N 02:11:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.788891,2.183333)", **State/Prov:** "Pas-de-Calais", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 21928 (E0DE9057)
**Date:** 8/2/1960
**Description:** Mr. & Mrs. Hiot and a third witness encountered a purple light while driving between Difques and St. Omer, Pas-de-Calais department, France at 12:05 a.m. As it got closer it revealed itself to be a domed disc-shaped object, four meters wide, with a red luminous bottom that illuminated the road. the UFO paced their car for one kilometer, making no noise and flying just three meters above the ground. Mrs. Hiot saw a human-looking figure inside the saucer.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Ouest France, August 5, 1960; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case # A1786; Lumieres dans la Nuit, issue # 117
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4593
### Event 21929 (4395C22A)
**Date:** 8/5/1960 (approximate)
**Time:** 02:00
**Location:** EYZIES-DE-TAYAC, FR
**Description:** Dark domed saucer glows / hills. Observer(s) feels watched. Away fast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PHENOMENES SPATIAUX: Group GEPA, Gen. M. Lionel Chassin Paris. Quarterly 1964?-1977. Merged into Grp. GEPAN (Index 24)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6407
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "EYZIES-de-TAYAC,FR:DRK DOMED SCR GLOWS/HILLS:OBS FEELS WATCHED:away fast", **LatLong:** "44.933335 1.016667", **LatLongDMS:** "44:56:00 N 01:01:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.933335,1.016667)", **State/Prov:** "Dordogne", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 21930 (15AEDEB5)
**Date:** 8/6/1960
**Location:** USA
**Reference:** "The War of the Satellites" - Volume 3 - Pierre Kohler, ed. Famot 1982, p. 78
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2175
### Event 21931 (8FA0AC06)
**Date:** 8/9/1960
**Locations:** Los Angeles Biltmore Hotel; Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles, California
**Description:** Contactee [Gabriel Green](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gabriel%5FGreen) announces his candidacy for the presidency of the United States at a press conference at the Los Angeles Biltmore Hotel. He publishes his Space Age Platform at the second meeting of his Amalgamated Flying Saucer Clubs of America convention in the Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles, California, on August 13–14, but soon drops out and lends his support to [John F. Kennedy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John%5FF.%5FKennedy).
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Gabriel Green](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gabriel%5FGreen)”; “[Space Age Platform of Gabriel Green: Candidate for the Office of President of the United States,](http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/AFSCA%20World%20Report%20%28Gabriel%20Green%29/AFSCA%20World%20Report%20-%20No%2016.pdf)” AFSCA World Report, no. 16 \(July/Aug. 1960\): 4–7; Clark III 99; S. D. Tucker, False Economies: The Strangest, Least Successful, and Most Audacious Financial Follies, Plans, and Crazes of All Times, Amberly, 2018, chapter 3, excerpted in “Taxing Credulity,” Fortean Times 367 \(June 2018\): 52–55
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3437
### Event 21932 (A6081C2C)
**Date:** 8/10/1960
**Locations:** Vandenberg AFB [now Vandenberg Space Force Base], California; North Pacific
**Description:** The Discoverer 13 Corona KH-1 photoreconnaissance satellite is launched from Vandenberg AFB \[now Vandenberg Space Force Base\], California. The primary goal of this series of satellites is to replace the U-2 spy plane in surveilling the Sino-Soviet Bloc, determining the disposition and speed of production of Soviet missiles and long-range bombers assess. The Corona program is also used to produce maps and charts for the Department of Defense and other US government mapping programs. On August 11, after 17 orbits, the satellite splashes down in the North Pacific and its payload is recovered. It represents the first-ever successful recovery of an object from orbit.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Discoverer 13](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Discoverer%5F13)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3438
### Event 21933 (2C5E55F2)
**Date:** 8/11/1960
**Location:** USA
**Reference:** "The War of the Satellites" - Volume 3 - Pierre Kohler, ed. Famot 1982, p. 23 and 25
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2173
### Event 21934 (5D42C61D)
**Date:** 8/11/1960
**Time:** 15:10
**Location:** LEFT HAND CANYON, CO
**Description:** Saucer going down / ground. Tractor malfunctions due to EME (electro-magnetic effects). Humming. Outer plate pulled in and replaced!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 729)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6408
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded, **COV:** Indication of coverup
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "15", **Elev:** "3218", **HatchDesc:** "LEFT HAND CANYON,CO:SCR↓/GND:TRACTOR EMEs:HUM:OUTER PLATE PULLED IN+REPLACED!", **LatLong:** "40.111113 -105.305561", **LatLongDMS:** "40:06:40 N 105:18:20 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.111113,-105.305561)", **State/Prov:** "Colorado", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 21935 (5942EC7C)
**Date:** 8/11/1960
**Locations:** Left Hand Canyon; Altona, Colorado
**Description:** 3:10 p.m. Ray Hawks is operating a farm tractor at Left Hand Canyon near Altona, Colorado, when he hears a muffled explosion. Looking up, he watches a disc dropping vertically out of the cloud cover. It stops in midair about 650 feet away from him and 200 feet above the ground, wobbling a bit. When it stabilizes, he sees it looks like two concave discs joined together at the rim and dull aluminum in color. Bluish smoke is issuing from an apparent gap in its surface. An electric hum seems to come from inside the object. The section where the smoke is issuing is withdrawn inside, and a new section appears to replace it, settling in with a click. The hum increases in intensity, and the object appears to be surrounded by a heat haze. It then shoots up into the clouds and vanishes.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Lorenzen, UFOs: The Whole Story, Signet, 1969, pp. 223–225
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3439
### Event 21936 (148F3745)
**Date:** 8/11/1960
**Description:** An important close encounter case involving ignition interference with the engine of a tractor occurred on this day in Left Hand Canyon, Boulder County, Colorado at 3:10 in the afternoon. Mr. Robert Hawks was operating a tractor with a backhoe when his tractor stalled. Looking up he saw a disc-shaped object hovering in the sky above the canyon, making a humming noise, and he watched for the next 15 minutes, unable to re-start his tractor, while some apparent repair activity was performed on the hovering craft. A panel on the craft was rotated inside and replaced. Ater the repair was completed, the craft departed by shooting straight up in the sky. Mr. Hawks could then restart his tractor.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** B. V. Wilson, APRO Bulletin, September-October 1960, p. 1; Coral E. Lorenzen, Flying Saucers: The Startling Evidence of the Invasion from Outer Space, p. 182; Thomas M. Olsen, The Reference for Outstanding UFO Reports, case # 114; Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, p. 18
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4866
### Event 21937 (EC0E6A4D)
**Date:** 8/12/1960
**Location:** USA
**Reference:** continued 24.5.68
**Reference:** "Conquest of Space" - Thomas de Galiana, ed. Larousse Poche, 1967, p. 173
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2174
### Event 21938 (68CEF23B)
**Date:** 8/12/1960
**Time:** 03:30
**Location:** SAN MATEO, CA
**Description:** Amateur astronomer. Odd theramin sound! 2 groups / white night lights east going west in V-formation.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** STURROCK, Dr. Peter A: REPORT / SURVEY of the AMERICAN ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY of the UFO PROBLEM; Stanford, CA 1977. (Index 78)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6409
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **HOX:** Suspicion of hoax, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "4", **Duration:** "11", **Elev:** "20", **HatchDesc:** "SAN MATEO,CA:AM.ASTRONOMER:ODD THERAMIN SOUND!:2 GRPS/WHT NLTS E>W IN V-FORMn", **LatLong:** "37.561113 -122.333339", **LatLongDMS:** "37:33:40 N 122:20:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.561113,-122.333339)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 21939 (D654565B)
**Date:** 8/12/1960
**Locations:** NASA; Thor-Delta rocket
**Description:** NASA’s Echo 1 balloon satellite is launched by a Thor-Delta rocket and becomes the first passive communications satellite. Microwave signals are bounced off the satellite from one point on earth to another.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Project Echo](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project%5FEcho)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3440
### Event 21940 (A9F63B11)
**Date:** 8/13/1960
**Location:** Red Bluff, CA
**Description:** Red Bluff, CA: CHP Officers Charles A. Carson and Stanley Scott were on patrol when they sighted what they thought was an airliner about to crash. When the UFO had descended to about 100 or 200 feet altitude it suddenly reversed direction and climbed to 500 ft. Description: round or oblong surrounded by a glow (color not mentioned) and having definite red lights at each end. They continued to watch the UFO as it performed ”unbelievable” aerial feats. The local RADAR operator confirmed the UFO at this time but denied it the next day. Other Tehema County Sheriffs’ officers also saw this UFO and another similar one that same night. (NICAP, 1964)
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [Pea Research](https://www.academia.edu/9813787/GOVERNMENT_INVOLVEMENT_IN_THE_UFO_COVER_UP_CHRONOLOGY_based)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_597
### Event 21941 (8415475D)
**Date:** 8/13/1960
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) [Observation of Red Bluff](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/1960-08-13\_RedBluff.html) \(California\). (August 13)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1960.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1866
### Event 21942 (A04BE6B1)
**Date:** 8/13/1960
**Time:** ~20:00
**Location:** PLUMAS CO, CA
**Description:** Cop and several. Formations / red and white-glowing-disks maneuver / incredible speeds. / r242p61.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 729)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6410
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "1400", **HatchDesc:** "PLUMAS co,CA:COP+SVRL:FORMNs/RED+WHT-GLOW-DISKS MNVR/INCRED.SPEEDS:/r242p61", **LatLong:** "40.000002 -121.000006", **LatLongDMS:** "40:00:00 N 121:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.000002,-121.000006)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 21943 (23C71276)
**Date:** 8/13/1960
**Time:** 23:50
**Location:** EAST / CORNING, CA
**Description:** 2 California Highway Patrol (CHP) and more/others. RADAR. Saucer / fantastic maneuvers. Red beam scans sky and ground. / r103p66.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO EVIDENCE; NICAP,Washington, DC 1964. Reprinted 1997 Barnes & Noble Books ( only $7.98! ) (Index 170)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6411
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **RDR:** Radar traces/blips, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "120", **Elev:** "84", **HatchDesc:** "E/CORNING,CA:2 CHP++:RDR:SCR/FANTASTIC MNVRS:RED BEAM SCANS SKY+GND:/r103p66", **LatLong:** "39.433335 -122.055561", **LatLongDMS:** "39:26:00 N 122:03:20 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.433335,-122.055561)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 21944 (FBB265A7)
**Date:** 8/13/1960
**Time:** 23:50
**Location:** RED BLUFF, CA
**Description:** Cops and many and RADAR's. Red ovoid / impossible maneuvers. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). / r11p272+/ r242p170.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 78)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6412
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **RDR:** Radar traces/blips, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies, **COV:** Indication of coverup
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "220", **Elev:** "95", **HatchDesc:** "RED BLUFF,CA:COPS+MANY+RDRS:RED OVOID/IMPOSSIBLE MNVRs:RFI:/r11p272+/r242p170", **LatLong:** "40.172224 -122.238895", **LatLongDMS:** "40:10:20 N 122:14:20 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.172224,-122.238895)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 21945 (53AFC98A)
**Date:** 8/13/1960
**End date:** 8/18/1960
**Location:** Northern Area, US
**Description:** Concentration of UFO sightings, mostly in north, including -many police witnesses. (NICAP UFOE, XII) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2453
### Event 21946 (83CC9117)
**Date:** 8/13/1960
**Location:** Red Bluff, CA
**Description:** Police, vehicle encounter, light beam, E-M, maneuvers, cat-and-mouse pursuit (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** NICAP: [600813](http://www.nicap.org/600813dir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2454
### Event 21947 (79DECCE5)
**Date:** 8/13/1960
**Location:** Red Bluff, CA
**Description:** Red Bluff, California, G,V (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** NICAP: [600813](http://www.nicap.org/600813dir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2455
### Event 21948 (12D75859)
**Date:** 8/13/1960
**End date:** 8/14/1960
**Locations:** Highway Patrol; Red Bluff, California; Tehama County
**Description:** 11:50 p.m.–2:05 a.m. Highway Patrol officers Charles A. Carson and [Stanley E. Scott](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/11203984/stanley-edward-scott), plus three others at Red Bluff, California, are on patrol when see what they think at first is an airliner about to crash. It turns out to be a maneuvering, silent red light with five white lights, descending to 100–200 feet altitude. It suddenly reverses course, climbs to 500 feet, hovers, sweeps the ground with a red beam, performs aerial gymnastics, then heads east, chased by the police car. It is joined by a similar object from the south, then it disappears in the east. A local radar operator confirms the UFO at the time but denies it the next day. Tehama County sheriff’s officers also see the UFO and another similar one the same night.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** NICAP, “[Red Bluff Incident](http://www.nicap.org/600813dir.htm)”; “[False AF Answer in Red Bluff](http://cufos.org/UFOI%5Fand%5FSelected%5FDocuments/Special%20Bulletins.pdf) [Case,](http://cufos.org/UFOI%5Fand%5FSelected%5FDocuments/Special%20Bulletins.pdf)” NICAP Special Bulletin, October 1960, pp. 1, 4; [Schopick](http://cufos.org/books/A%5FStudy%5Fof%5FSecondary%5FEffects-An%5FUnpublished%5FManuscript%5Fof%5FUFO%5FE-M%5FCases.pdf)[,](http://cufos.org/books/A%5FStudy%5Fof%5FSecondary%5FEffects-An%5FUnpublished%5FManuscript%5Fof%5FUFO%5FE-M%5FCases.pdf) pp. 96–100; Lorenzen, FSHoax, [pp. 180–182](https://archive.org/details/1966CoralLorenzenFlyingSaucersTheStartlingEvidenceOfTheInvasionFromOuterSpacenotOCR/page/n185/mode/2up); Lorenzen, UFOs: The Whole Story, Signet, 1969, pp. 153–156, 225; Hynek UFO Report, [pp. 92–94](https://archive.org/details/hynekuforeport00alle/page/92/mode/2up); Clark III 1002–1006; [Sparks](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf)[,](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf) p. 284; UFOEv, [pp. 61–62](https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=mdp.39015006091691&view=1up&seq=73&skin=2021), [112](https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=mdp.39015006091691&view=1up&seq=124&skin=2021); Swords 295–297; “[Red Bluff: 1960,](https://www.saturdaynightuforia.com/html/articles/articlehtml/redbluff-1960.html)” Saturday Night Uforia, February 16, 2017
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3441
### Event 21949 (502931B7)
**Date:** 8/13/1960
**Description:** At 11:50 p.m. a red colored, cigar-shaped UFO in Tehama county, California twice approached a police car at close range. Police officers Scott and Carson were 18 miles north of Red Bluff and east of Corning, California on Hoag Road when they first encountered the UFO. It had red lights at both ends, and one of the red lights swept the ground like a searchlight. They experienced heavy static on their police radio, and the UFO swerved to avoid their spotlight. There were at least two other independent witnesses to the UFO that night.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** San Francisco Chronicle, August 16, 1960; Gordon I. R. Lore, Jr. & Harold H. Dennault, Jr., Mysteries of the Skies: UFOs in Perspective, p. 162; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence (Volume I), p. 61; APRO Bulletin, September 1960, p. 1; Mark Rodeghier, UFOs Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, p. 18; Hynek J Allen Hynek, The Hynek UFO Report, p. 92
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4966
### Event 21950 (ECE79139)
**Date:** 8/14/1960
**Time:** 00:30
**Location:** LOS MOLINOS, CA
**Description:** Wave. Hundreds / observer(s) in many N. California towns. 13-20 August. 1 Case / MJ#179p3.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLAMMONDE, Paris: UFO EXIST!; Ballentine Books, NY 1976. PB 480pp. (Index 348)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6413
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "12", **Duration:** "206", **Elev:** "67", **HatchDesc:** "LOS MOLINOS,CA:WAVE:100s/OBS in MANY N.CAL TOWNS:13-20aug:1 CASE/MJ#179p3", **LatLong:** "40.022224 -122.100006", **LatLongDMS:** "40:01:20 N 122:06:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.022224,-122.100006)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 21951 (31F2AB6E)
**Date:** 8/15/1960
**Location:** US
**Description:** "Air Force Information Policy Letter; For Commanders," Vol. XIV, No. 12, issued by Office of Secretary of Air Force. Under title "AF Keeping Watchful Eye on Aerospace," stated, "There is a relationship between the Air Force's interest in space surveillance and its continuous surveillance of the atmosphere near Earth for unidentified flying objects--'UFOs.'"
**Type:** policy letter
**Reference:** ["The UFO Evidence" (1964) by Richard H. Hall, page 106-108](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Reference:** ["Report on Unidentified Flying Objects" (Dec. 1956) by Capt. Edward J. Ruppelt](https://archive.org/details/reportonunidenti00rupp/mode/1up)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_887
### Event 21952 (2AB8C98D)
**Date:** 8/15/1960
**Time:** 22:00
**Location:** LISBON, PORTUGAL
**Description:** 2+observer(s). Luminous yellow cylinder/cigar-shape flies fast. No further details. / O Seculo.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LOURENCO, Victor: The PORTUCAT CATALOG; (BBS Download). (Index 72)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6414
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Portugal", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "LISBON,PORTUGAL:2+OBS:LUMN.YELLOW CGR FLIES FAST:NFD:/O SECULO", **LatLong:** "38.716669 -9.066667", **LatLongDMS:** "38:43:00 N 09:04:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.716669,-9.066667)", **State/Prov:** "EST", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 21953 (499DE958)
**Date:** 8/15/1960
**Description:** Air Force Information Policy Letter for Commanders, vol. 14, no. 12, is issued by Office of the Secretary of Air Force. In “AF Keeping Watchful Eye on Aerospace,” it states, “There is a relationship between the Air Force’s interest in space surveillance and its continuous surveillance of the atmosphere near Earth for unidentified flying objects—’UFOs.’”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** UFOEv, [p. 108](https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=mdp.39015006091691&view=1up&seq=120&skin=2021)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3442
### Event 21954 (18E48856)
**Date:** 8/15/1960
**Description:** In Lisbon, Portugal at 10:00 p.m. a luminous yellow, cigar-shaped object flew by the city at high speed.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Victor Lourenco, PORTUCAT, case # 72, citing the newspaper O Seculo
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5032
### Event 21955 (A992501A)
**Date:** 8/16/1960
**Location:** OAK FOREST, IL
**Description:** Former Air Force pilot. Saucer hovers and bobs around. No further details. / r78p186.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO EVIDENCE; NICAP,Washington, DC 1964. Reprinted 1997 Barnes & Noble Books ( only $7.98! ) (Index 138)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6415
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "205", **HatchDesc:** "OAK FOREST,IL:FORMER AF PILOT:SCR HVRS AND BOBS AROUND:NFD:/r78p186", **LatLong:** "41.605558 -87.744449", **LatLongDMS:** "41:36:20 N 87:44:40 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.605558,-87.744449)", **State/Prov:** "Illinois", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 21956 (B3BD2020)
**Date:** 8/16/1960
**Time:** 12:00?
**Description:** Geology Professor. Bright disc / sky. Going [to] moons diameter. No further details. / r11p285.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SPENCER, John: The UFO ENCYCLOPEDIA; BUFORA/Acon Books, NY. 1991. 340pp. (Index 285)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6416
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Kazakh Republic", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "KAZAKH LOC UNK:GEOLOGY PROF:BRITE DISC/SKY:>MOONS DIAMETER:NFD:/r11p285", **LatLong:** "48.750002 59.000003", **LatLongDMS:** "48:45:00 N 59:00:00 E", **Locale:** "Desert", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.750002,59.000003)", **State/Prov:** "Unknown", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 21957 (CEE41964)
**Date:** 8/16/1960
**Time:** 20:30
**Location:** CORNING, CA
**Description:** Cops and many. 2 red saucers and delta. Red lights sweep grounded and sky. / r242p170+r249.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLAMMONDE, Paris: UFO EXIST!; Ballentine Books, NY 1976. PB 480pp. (Index 348)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6417
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "135", **Elev:** "83", **HatchDesc:** "CORNING,CA:COPS+MANY:2 RED SCRS+DELTA:RED LITES SWEEP GRND+SKY:/r242p170+r249", **LatLong:** "39.933335 -122.200006", **LatLongDMS:** "39:56:00 N 122:12:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.933335,-122.200006)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 21958 (BF345097)
**Date:** 8/16/1960
**Time:** 21:30
**Location:** EUREKA, CA
**Description:** Many observer(s). 6-8 bright red and white night lights maneuver in formation. = planes refueling / USAF.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLAMMONDE, Paris: UFO EXIST!; Ballentine Books, NY 1976. PB 480pp. (Index 348)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6418
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "14", **HatchDesc:** "EUREKA,CA:MANY OBS:6-8 BRITE RED+WHT NLTS MNVR/FORMn:=PLANES REFUELING/USAF", **LatLong:** "40.750002 -124.166673", **LatLongDMS:** "40:45:00 N 124:10:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.750002,-124.166673)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 21959 (8997346C)
**Date:** 8/16/1960
**Time:** 22:00
**Description:** Slow disk seen. Lens-saucer zigzags going northeast / Kazak Mountains / r97#50.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: UFO CHRONICLES of the SOVIET UNION; Ballentine Books HB 1992. 212pp. (Index 185)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6419
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Russia", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "KUYBYSHEV=SAMARA,RUSS:SLOW DISK SEEN::LENS-SCR ZIGZAGS >NE/KAZAK Mtns/r97#50", **LatLong:** "53.166669 50.083336", **LatLongDMS:** "53:10:00 N 50:05:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/53.166669,50.083336)", **State/Prov:** "SAM", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 21960 (E2345153)
**Date:** 8/16/1960
**Time:** 23:00
**Location:** MINERAL, CA
**Description:** Cops and many. 6 objects dip and dive and hover. Incredible speeds. / r28p348.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO EVIDENCE; NICAP,Washington, DC 1964. Reprinted 1997 Barnes & Noble Books ( only $7.98! ) (Index 170)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6420
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "1496", **HatchDesc:** "MINERAL,CA:COPS+MANY:6 OBJs DIP+DIVE+HVR:INCREDIBLE SPEEDS:/r28p348", **LatLong:** "40.350002 -121.600006", **LatLongDMS:** "40:21:00 N 121:36:00 W", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.350002,-121.600006)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 21961 (184085D2)
**Date:** 8/16/1960
**Time:** 23:00
**Description:** 11m north / Koktal, CH. Geologists. Luminous object 1.5 / moon north going quickly south over mountains.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: UFO CHRONICLES of the SOVIET UNION; Ballentine Books HB 1992. 212pp. (Index 185)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6421
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Tadzhik Republic", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "BARAKHUDZIR Rv,USSR:11m N/KOKTAL,CH:GEOLOGISTS:LUM OBJ 1.5/MOON N>>S OVR MTNs", **LatLong:** "39.266669 74.100004", **LatLongDMS:** "39:16:00 N 74:06:00 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.266669,74.100004)", **State/Prov:** "???", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 21962 (32E83332)
**Date:** 8/16/1960
**Time:** 23:40
**Description:** Circular object maneuvers going up and down [to] and side to side. Colored lights. / r28p348.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO EVIDENCE; NICAP,Washington, DC 1964. Reprinted 1997 Barnes & Noble Books ( only $7.98! ) (Index 170)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6422
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "35", **Elev:** "24", **HatchDesc:** "CONCORD+PLEASANT HILL,CA:CIRC.OBJ MNVRS ↑+↓+SIDE to SIDE:CLRD LITES:/r28p348", **LatLong:** "37.966668 -122.016672", **LatLongDMS:** "37:58:00 N 122:01:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.966668,-122.016672)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 21963 (B00E365F)
**Date:** 8/16/1960
**Location:** Oak Forest, IL
**Description:** Former Air Force pilot saw disc-like UFO which hovered, bobbed around. \[NICAP UFOE, V\] (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2456
### Event 21964 (3B0599F9)
**Date:** 8/16/1960
**Location:** Charleston, South Carolina
**Description:** Night. A woman in Charleston, South Carolina, takes a photo of a mystery satellite that is in the same part of the sky as Echo I, which is also in the photo.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Michael D. Swords, “Gazing at the Moons,” IUR 32, no. 4 \(October 2009\): 13
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3443
### Event 21965 (6C0354D5)
**Date:** 8/16/1960
**Description:** Eight geophysicists working in the Kazakstan Mountains near the Barakhudzir River, 18 kilometers north of Koktal, Kazakstan, U.S.S.R. saw a bright orange lens-shaped UFO at 11:00 p.m. The strange luminous body suddenly appeared over the mountainns on the east slope of the valley, moved north to south while keeping a constant speed and altitude. It went behind the mountain top, then re-appeared, flying off to the southeast.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Felix Zigel, unpublished manuscript, p. 61; Jacques Vallee, UFO Chronicles of the Soviet Union: A Cosmic Samizdat, p. 185; Ion Hobana & Julien Weverbergh, UFOs from Behind the Iron Curtain, p. 284
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5074
### Event 21966 (8FE4642A)
**Date:** 8/16/1960
**Description:** At 10:30 p.m. in Corning, California pilots and many other witnesses observed two long red ovoids, followed by a V-shaped boomerang.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Richard Hall, The UFO Evidence, p. 170; Paris Flammonde, UFO Exist!, p. 366
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5075
### Event 21967 (CEF85FD3)
**Date:** 8/17/1960
**Time:** 02:00?
**Description:** Deputy. Dull red flattened ball hovers and floats near horizon.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO EVIDENCE; NICAP,Washington, DC 1964. Reprinted 1997 Barnes & Noble Books ( only $7.98! ) (Index 170)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6423
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "33", **HatchDesc:** "HEALDSBURG+SANTA ROSA,CA:DEPUTY:DULL RED FLATTENED BALL HVRS+FLOATS nr HRZN", **LatLong:** "38.616669 -122.883339", **LatLongDMS:** "38:37:00 N 122:53:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.616669,-122.883339)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 21968 (6919C439)
**Date:** 8/17/1960
**Time:** ~20:00
**Location:** ROSEVILLE, CA
**Description:** 2 cops and more/others. 2 lit up Oblong objects play over town / 1 hr. No further details. / r28p348.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO EVIDENCE; NICAP,Washington, DC 1964. Reprinted 1997 Barnes & Noble Books ( only $7.98! ) (Index 170)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6424
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "60", **Elev:** "50", **HatchDesc:** "ROSEVILLE,CA:2 COPS++:2 LIT UP OBLONG OBJs PLAY OVR TOWN/1 hr:NFD:/r28p348", **LatLong:** "38.733335 -121.316672", **LatLongDMS:** "38:44:00 N 121:19:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.733335,-121.316672)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 21969 (2AB04618)
**Date:** 8/17/1960
**Time:** ~22:00
**Location:** FOLSOM, CA
**Description:** UFO / whining noise. 2 white lights / front and amber light / rear. / r28p348.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO EVIDENCE; NICAP,Washington, DC 1964. Reprinted 1997 Barnes & Noble Books ( only $7.98! ) (Index 170)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6425
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "67", **HatchDesc:** "FOLSOM,CA:UFO/WHINING NOISE:2 WHT LITES/FRONT+AMBER LITE/REAR:/r28p348", **LatLong:** "38.666669 -121.166672", **LatLongDMS:** "38:40:00 N 121:10:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.666669,-121.166672)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 21970 (3A798490)
**Date:** 8/17/1960
**Location:** Moscow
**Description:** The trial for downed U-2 pilot [Francis Gary Powers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Francis%5FGary%5FPowers) begins in Moscow.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3444
### Event 21971 (02EAAABC)
**Date:** 8/18/1960
**Location:** USA, SPACE
**Description:** (Translated from French) DISCOVERER 14 (KAPPA 1) LAUNCHED.
**Reference:** Acta Aeronomica 1977, p. 92
**Reference:** follow-up 16.9.60
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2176
### Event 21972 (F61876CD)
**Date:** 8/18/1960
**Time:** 00:10
**Location:** DUNSMUIR, CA
**Description:** Highway patrolmen. Ovoid going down [to] near ground. Absolute(ly) quiet. 2nd object joins. / r11p272.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO EVIDENCE; NICAP,Washington, DC 1964. Reprinted 1997 Barnes & Noble Books ( only $7.98! ) (Index 170)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6426
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RDR:** Radar traces/blips, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "130", **Elev:** "698", **HatchDesc:** "DUNSMUIR,CA:HWY PATROLMEN:OVOID ↓ nr GND:ABS QUIET:2nd OBJ JOINS:/r11p272", **LatLong:** "41.133335 -122.283339", **LatLongDMS:** "41:08:00 N 122:17:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.133335,-122.283339)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 21973 (8A784F79)
**Date:** 8/18/1960
**Time:** 01:50
**Location:** REDLANDS, CA
**Description:** Domed disk with ring / red lights. Humming and deep roar. / r28p348+/ r242p170.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 729)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6427
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "402", **HatchDesc:** "REDLANDS,CA:DOMED DISK W/RING/RED LITES:HUM+DEEP ROAR:/r28p348+/r242p170", **LatLong:** "34.033335 -117.200006", **LatLongDMS:** "34:02:00 N 117:12:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/34.033335,-117.200006)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 21974 (4172B44C)
**Date:** 8/18/1960
**Time:** 21:50
**Location:** HONEYDEW, CA
**Description:** Postmaster. Delta/triangle/box-like craft seen clearly. Interior lit up. Sharp turn and away. / r28.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO EVIDENCE; NICAP,Washington, DC 1964. Reprinted 1997 Barnes & Noble Books ( only $7.98! ) (Index 170)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6428
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "110", **HatchDesc:** "HONEYDEW,CA:POSTMASTER:DLT SEEN CLEARLY:INTERIOR LIT UP:SHARP TURN+AWAY:/r28", **LatLong:** "40.244446 -124.122228", **LatLongDMS:** "40:14:40 N 124:07:20 W", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.244446,-124.122228)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 21975 (5B974527)
**Date:** 8/18/1960
**Location:** Mys Schmidta airfield in Siberia
**Description:** The Discoverer 14 Corona KH-1 spy satellite is launched. It is the first completely successful mission and returns images of the Mys Schmidta airfield in Siberia.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Discoverer 14](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Discoverer%5F14)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3445
### Event 21976 (1A995338)
**Date:** 8/19/1960
**Location:** USSR, Baikonour
**Reference:** "The War of the Satellites" - Volume 3 - Pierre Kohler, ed. Famot 1982, p. 24
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2177
### Event 21977 (98B7C9D0)
**Date:** 8/22/1960
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) At Congress, [Roscoe Hillenkoetter](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/HillenkoetterRoscoeHenry.html) acknowledges that the [USAF](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/USAF.html) is studying UFOs and that the secrecy and ridicule imposed on the subject are dangerous. (August 22)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1960.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1867
### Event 21978 (2EF7BBBF)
**Date:** 8/23/1960
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Sighting in Wichita \(Kansas\). (August 23)
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#6914 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1960.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1868
### Event 21979 (577B070C)
**Date:** 8/23/1960
**Time:** 03:20
**Location:** WICHITA, KS
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #6914. Unidentified. "Japanese lantern" with portholes follows Echo satellite trajectory. Very large.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SCIENCE & MECHANICS (eds.) OFFICIAL GUIDE to UFO'S; Ace Books, NY. 1968. (Index 146)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6429
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "392", **HatchDesc:** "WICHITA,KS:BBK#6914:UID:"JAP.LANTERN" W/PORTS FOLOS Echo SATELLITE TRAJ:VLARGE", **LatLong:** "37.683335 -97.316671", **LatLongDMS:** "37:41:00 N 97:19:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.683335,-97.316671)", **State/Prov:** "Kansas", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 21980 (122763E2)
**Date:** 8/23/1960
**Location:** Wichita, KS
**Description:** Dull orange round object, with yellow lights (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 6914)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2457
### Event 21981 (36071F06)
**Date:** 8/23/1960
**Time:** 3::24 AM
**Location:** Wichita, Kansas
**Description:** Witness: Boeing aeronautical engineer C.A. Komiske. One round object with yellow lights coming from what looked like three triangular windows at bottom. Object was dull orange. Flew in an arc for 2 minutes.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_452
### Event 21982 (77412040)
**Date:** 8/23/1960
**Description:** C.A. Komiske, a Boeing aeronautical engineer, sighted a dull orange, round flying object at 3:24 a.m. in Wichita, Kansas. The object had three yellow lights that came from what looked like triangular windows at the bottom. The object flew in an arc for two minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Don Berliner, Project Bluebook UFO Unknowns
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5253
### Event 21983 (550D8DD1)
**Date:** 8/25/1960 (approximate)
**Time:** 20:50
**Location:** BETHPAGE, NY
**Description:** Grumman station/depot/facility. Surprise satellite meets echo-I from opposite direction. "Common".
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** STURROCK, Dr. Peter A: REPORT / SURVEY of the AMERICAN ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY of the UFO PROBLEM; Stanford, CA 1977. (Index 170)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6430
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **MIL:** Military investigation, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "9", **HatchDesc:** "BETHPAGE,NY:GRUMMAN Stn:SURPRISE SAT. MEETS ECHO-I FROM OPPOSITE DIRn:"COMMON"", **LatLong:** "40.750002 -73.483337", **LatLongDMS:** "40:45:00 N 73:29:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.750002,-73.483337)", **State/Prov:** "New York", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 21984 (1EE212CB)
**Date:** 8/25/1960
**Time:** 22:00?
**Location:** CHICAGO, IL
**Description:** 2 / (seen thru) binoculars / planetarium. Echo satellite going east. UFO going quickly west 3X as fast. / r97#50v1#11.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** KLOIAN, Richard: UFO's in the New York TIMES, 1947-1987 1994 Document Research Services, Berkeley, CA (Index 860)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6431
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **NWS:** News media report, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "190", **HatchDesc:** "CHICAGO,IL:2/BINOCS/PLANETARIUM:ECHO SAT.> E:UFO >>W 3X as FAST:/r97#50v1#11", **LatLong:** "41.833335 -87.683338", **LatLongDMS:** "41:50:00 N 87:41:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.833335,-87.683338)", **RelAlt:** "9999", **State/Prov:** "Illinois", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 21985 (21C499DB)
**Date:** 8/25/1960
**Location:** Bethpage, NY
**Description:** Grumman mystery satellite photo (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases, Code: I, Rating: 5)
**Reference:** NICAP: [600825](http://nicap.org/600825mystery%5Fsatellite%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2458
### Event 21986 (48149EDF)
**Date:** 8/25/1960
**Location:** Bethpage, Long Island, New York
**Description:** The “dark satellite” is seen and photographed five times by Grumman Aircraft Engineering Corporation at Bethpage, Long Island, New York. It is supposed to be three times faster than the Echo 1 satellite and travels east to west in a retrograde orbit, rather than west to east. Its inclination to the equator is about 135°. The color of the object varies from “carrot to straw.” The Grumman observers estimate that the object is in an eccentric orbit with an apogee of as much as 4,200 miles and a perigee of about 300 miles. They immediately produce a proposal to the US Air Force to share data in the hopes of plotting a firm orbit for the mystery satellite.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** NICAP, “[Grumman](http://nicap.org/600825mystery%5Fsatellite%5Fdir.htm) [Mystery Satellite](http://nicap.org/600825mystery%5Fsatellite%5Fdir.htm)”; Gordon W. Creighton, “[Unidentified Satellites,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%2C1961%2CJan-Feb%2CV%207%2CN%201.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 7, no. 1 \(Jan./Feb. 1961\): 3–6; “[The Unidentified Satellite: Grumman Aircraft Writes to One of Our Readers,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%2C1961%2CMar-Apr%2CV%207%2CN%202.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 7, no. 2 \(March/April 1961\): 29; Blue Book files, “[Grumman Proposal for Optical Surveillance of the Retrograde](http://www.nicap.org/grummanreport.htm) [Satellite,](http://www.nicap.org/grummanreport.htm)” 1961; UFOEv, [p. 138](https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=mdp.39015006091691&view=1up&seq=150&skin=2021); Michael D. Swords, “Gazing at the Moons,” IUR 32, no. 4 \(October 2009\): 13; Center for UFO Studies, “[Moonwatch Mystery Satellites, 1958–1962](http://www.cufos.org/Moonwatch%5FMystery%5FSatellites/1958-1962%5FMoonwatch%5FMystery%5FSatellites.pdf)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3446
### Event 21987 (23391D29)
**Date:** 8/25/1960
**Description:** The National Security Council recommends to President [Eisenhower](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dwight%5FD.%5FEisenhower) the establishment of a top secret National Reconnaissance Office to coordinate USAF and CIA reconnaissance satellite activities because of management problems with the USAF satellite program.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[National Reconnaissance Office](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National%5FReconnaissance%5FOffice)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3447
### Event 21988 (395D3084)
**Date:** Late 8/1960
**Location:** Butte Falls, Oregon
**Description:** Two men in a car near Butte Falls, Oregon, see a pale-white light hovering 300 feet ahead of them. They watch it for 15 minutes, then decide to drive closer. The light then rises to 100 feet and recedes, then changes to orange. No sound is heard. The light performs geometrical maneuvers, creating rectangle paths and other zig- zags. It then accelerates, changes back to white, and zooms off.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Swords 294
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3450
### Event 21989 (F304171C)
**Date:** Late 8/1960
**Alternate date:** Early 9/1960
**Location:** Memphis, Tennessee
**Description:** Evening. [Rhodes McCarroll](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/112625739/rhodes-mccarroll) and his grandfather, sitting on the upstairs back porch of their home in Memphis, Tennessee, notice a glowing basketball-sized globe in the soil by the hedge. They watch it for 5 minutes, then see a figure standing behind the ball. It is a glowing nude, generally humanlike figure, about 6 feet tall, holding a light at chest level. The figure is square-shouldered and has disproportionately long legs that are narrow and pointed between the knees and ankles. The witnesses watch another 5 minutes, at which point the globe and the entity begin to fade and are gone from sight in another 5 minutes.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clark III 279–280
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3451
### Event 21990 (E9BFA45D)
**Date:** 8/25/1960
**Description:** On this afternoon an agriculture student named Nielsen was sucked up into a flying saucer in Halmstad, Sweden. He lost consciousness; when he came to he found himself on a bed in a room with light-emitting walls. A man wearing coveralls apologized to him in Swedish. He was then taken to an underground base.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Flying Saucer Review, April 1963, p. 10; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case # A0503
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5315
### Event 21991 (A913B48E)
**Date:** 8/26/1960
**Time:** 20:00
**Location:** MESA, AZ
**Description:** Chemical teacher. Object rumbles and hovers. 4 beams and beacon / top. Vanishes / reappears.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO EVIDENCE; NICAP,Washington, DC 1964. Reprinted 1997 Barnes & Noble Books ( only $7.98! ) (Index 68)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6432
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "376", **HatchDesc:** "MESA,AZ:CHEM.TEACHER:OBJ RUMBLES+HVRs:4 BEAMS+BEACON/TOP:VANISHES/REAPPEARS", **LatLong:** "33.433335 -111.850005", **LatLongDMS:** "33:26:00 N 111:51:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/33.433335,-111.850005)", **State/Prov:** "Arizona", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 21992 (728BBA1A)
**Date:** 8/26/1960
**Location:** Mesa, AZ
**Description:** UFO observed by chemistry teacher, pilot. \[NICAP UFOE, VII\] (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2459
### Event 21993 (080A35E6)
**Date:** 8/26/1960
**Locations:** Adler Planetarium; Chicago, Illinois
**Description:** 9:00 p.m. Director Robert I. Johnson and other staff at the Adler Planetarium in Chicago, Illinois, observe a faint reddish object in the sky moving from east to west, apparently the same mystery satellite seen and photographed by the Grumman observers.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Michael D. Swords, “Gazing at the Moons,” IUR 32, no. 4 \(October 2009\): 13; Swords 294; Center for UFO Studies, “[Moonwatch Mystery Satellites, 1958–1962](http://www.cufos.org/Moonwatch%5FMystery%5FSatellites/1958-1962%5FMoonwatch%5FMystery%5FSatellites.pdf)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3448
### Event 21994 (C6CAD8FE)
**Date:** 8/29/1960
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Sighting in Crete \(Illinois\). (August 29)
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#6929 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1960.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1869
### Event 21995 (DE4CE022)
**Date:** 8/29/1960
**Time:** 16:10
**Location:** CRETE, IL
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #6929. Unidentified. Brill silvery globe over farm road. Rises going up [to] until gone.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SCIENCE & MECHANICS (eds.) OFFICIAL GUIDE to UFO'S; Ace Books, NY. 1968. (Index 174)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6433
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "223", **HatchDesc:** "CRETE,IL:BBK#6929:UID:BRILL SILVERY GLOBE OVR FARM ROAD:RISES ↑ UNTIL GONE", **LatLong:** "41.433335 -87.650004", **LatLongDMS:** "41:26:00 N 87:39:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.433335,-87.650004)", **State/Prov:** "Illinois", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 21996 (3E617276)
**Date:** 8/29/1960
**Location:** Crete, IL
**Description:** Shiny, round, silver object fly straight up at high speed (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 6929)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2460
### Event 21997 (75DB54D6)
**Date:** 8/29/1960
**Time:** 4:05 PM
**Location:** Crete, Illinois
**Description:** Witness: farmer Ed Schneeweis. One shiny, round, silver object flew straight up very fast for 18 seconds.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_453
### Event 21998 (88063404)
**Date:** 8/29/1960
**Description:** At 4:05 p.m. in Crete, Illinois farmer Ed Schneeweis sighted a shiny, round, silver object that flew straight up very fast. It was in sight for 18 seconds.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Don Berliner, Project Bluebook UFO Unknowns
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5460
### Event 21999 (16F05E06)
**Date:** 8/31/1960
**Locations:** Iowa; Congress
**Description:** Rep. [Leonard G. Wolf](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leonard%5FG.%5FWolf) \(D-Iowa\) makes a statement in the House on NICAP’s “Dangers of Secrecy on UFOs” report, saying that it is “imperative to end the risk of accidental war from defense forces’ confusion over UFOs.” He mentions NICAP board member Adm. [Roscoe Hillenkoetter](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roscoe%5FH.%5FHillenkoetter)’s request that “Congress inform the public as to the facts.” Based on a there-year NICAP study, Wolf states that all defense personnel “should be told that the UFOs are real and should be trained to distinguish them—by their characteristic speeds and maneuvers— from conventional planes and missiles…. The American people must be convinced, by documented facts, that the UFOs could not be Soviet machines.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[NICAP UFO Report: Extension of Remarks of Hon. Leonard G. Wolf of](https://archive.org/details/sim%5Fcongressional-record-proceedings-and-debates%5Faugust-29-1960-september-1-1960%5F106/page/18954/mode/2up) [Iowa in the House of Representatives, Wednesday, August 31, 1960,](https://archive.org/details/sim%5Fcongressional-record-proceedings-and-debates%5Faugust-29-1960-september-1-1960%5F106/page/18954/mode/2up)” Congressional Record, Proceedings and Debates of the 86th Congress, Second Session, vol. 106, Part 14, pp. 18955–18956; Good Need, [p. 261](https://archive.org/details/needtoknow00good/page/260/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3449
### Event 22000 (37487862)
**Date:** 9/1960
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Beginning of major extension of [Groom Lake](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/Area51.html) facilities to better accommodate the CIA's A-12 \(OXCART\) program. This construction period would not end until mid [1964](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/1964.html).
**Reference:** McIninch
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1960.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1870
### Event 22001 (643794E4)
**Date:** 9/1960
**Location:** Groom Lake in Nevada
**Description:** Groom Lake in Nevada receives the name “Area 51” when A-12 test facility construction begins, including a new 8,500-foot runway \(Runway 14/32\) to replace the existing one built for the U-2.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Area 51](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Area%5F51)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3452
### Event 22002 (669ED15D)
**Date:** 9/1960
**Locations:** New York City; Cuba
**Description:** CIA officer [Richard M. Bissell Jr.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard%5FM.%5FBissell%5FJr) and DCI [Allen W. Dulles](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allen%5FDulles) initiate talks with two leading figures of the Mafia, [Johnny Roselli](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John%5FRoselli) and [Sam Giancana](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sam%5FGiancana)[.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sam%5FGiancana) Later, other crime bosses such as [Carlos Marcello](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carlos%5FMarcello)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carlos%5FMarcello) [Santo Trafficante](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Santo%5FTrafficante%5FJr) [Jr.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Santo%5FTrafficante%5FJr)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Santo%5FTrafficante%5FJr) and Meyer Lansky become involved in the first plot against [Fidel Castro](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fidel%5FCastro)[.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fidel%5FCastro) The strategy is managed by [Sheffield Edwards](https://spartacus-educational.com/JFKedwardsS.htm). [Robert Maheu](https://spartacus-educational.com/JFKmaheu.htm)[,](https://spartacus-educational.com/JFKmaheu.htm) a veteran of CIA counterespionage activities, is instructed to hire the Mafia to kill Castro. The advantage of employing the Mafia for this work is that it provides the CIA with a credible cover story. The Mafia are known to be angry with Castro for closing their profitable brothels and casinos in Cuba. On September 14, Maheu meets with Roselli in a New York City hotel and offers him $150,000 for the “removal” of Castro. [James O’Connell](https://web.archive.org/web/100/http://www.historycommons.org/entity.jsp?entity=james%5Fo%5F%5Fconnell)[,](https://web.archive.org/web/100/http://www.historycommons.org/entity.jsp?entity=james%5Fo%5F%5Fconnell) who identifies himself as Maheu’s associate but is really the chief of the CIA’s operational support division, is present during the meeting. Declassified documents do not reveal if Roselli, Giancana, or Trafficante accept a down payment for the job. According to CIA files, it is Giancana who suggests poison pills to add to Castro’s food or drinks. Such pills, manufactured by the CIA’s Technical Services Division, are given to Giancana’s nominee named [Juan Orta](http://www.historyofcuba.com/history/havana/Orta.htm). Giancana recommends him as being an official in the Cuban government with access to Castro. Allegedly, after several unsuccessful attempts to introduce the poison into Castro’s food, Orta abruptly demands to be let out of the mission, handing over the job to another unnamed participant. Later, a second attempt is mounted through Giancana and Trafficante using [Tony Varona](https://spartacus-educational.com/JFKvarona.htm), the leader of the Cuban Exile Junta, who has, according to Trafficante, become “disaffected with the apparent ineffectual progress of the Junta.” Varona requests $10,000 in expenses and $1,000 worth of communications equipment. However, it is unknown how far the second attempt goes, as it is canceled due to the launching of the Bay of Pigs Invasion.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Sam Giancana](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sam%5FGiancana\#CIA%5Fconnections)”; Wikipedia, “[Assassination attempts on Fidel Castro](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassination%5Fattempts%5Fon%5FFidel%5FCastro\#Mafia%5Fengagement)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3453
### Event 22003 (27B06070)
**Date:** 9/1960
**Location:** Democratic Republic of the Congo
**Description:** MKUltra chief [Sidney Gottlieb](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sidney%5FGottlieb) brings a vial of poison concealed in toothpaste to the Democratic Republic of the Congo with plans to place it on Prime Minister [Patrice Lumumba](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patrice%5FLumumba)’s toothbrush. The plot is abandoned, allegedly because CIA station chief [Larry Devlin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Larry%5FDevlin) refuses permission.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Patrice Lumumba](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patrice%5FLumumba\#United%5FStates%5Finvolvement)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3454
### Event 22004 (5E9ADAF5)
**Date:** 9/1960
**Description:** The USAF Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence turns down ATIC’s request for one additional staffer for Project Blue Book \(raising it to 3\) and additional funding.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clark III 922
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3455
### Event 22005 (5ECC5760)
**Date:** 9/2/1960
**Locations:** US Highway 1 in Westbrook, Connecticut; Long Island, New York; Chalker Beach in Old Saybrook, Connecticut
**Description:** 11:30 p.m. Richard Ireton and his wife are driving on US Highway 1 in Westbrook, Connecticut, when they notice what seems to be an aircraft about to crash. It veers close to the shore and the Iretons drive to the beach to look for it. They see a triangular-shaped object flying silently at the speed of a Piper Cub airplane, alternately hovering and moving horizontally and vertically. When it reaches the public beach, it takes off at great speed toward Long Island, New York. They see a similar object the next evening around 9:30 p.m. at Chalker Beach in Old Saybrook, Connecticut.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[‘Flying Triangle’](https://www.newspapers.com/clip/82980313/hartford-courant/) [Seen in State,](https://www.newspapers.com/clip/98867328/)” Hartford \(Conn.\) Courant, September 17, 1960, pp. 1–2
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3456
### Event 22006 (B15921E2)
**Date:** 9/2/1960
**Description:** In the middle of the night Mr. & Mrs. Palmes noticed a large dark gray object, covered with tiles and as large as a three-storey building, in a nearby field while driving down a highway north of Bunnell, Florida. The UFO then came and hovered over road, only 30-50 feet away. The car's lights and engine died. The wife recalls seeing short people in tight-fitting uniforms, and her husband being in a trance. There was an undisclosed period of missing time.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case A0504, citing Norman Bean, Skylook, August 1975, p. 9
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5568
### Event 22007 (1B8008A5)
**Date:** 9/3/1960 (approximate)
**Time:** 22:30
**Location:** NORTH / BUNNEL, FL
**Description:** UFO / field. Car malfunctions due to EME (electro-magnetic effects). Driver dazed. Figure(s) approach car. 60 minute(s) missing time.. .
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RODEGHIER, Mark/CUFOS: UFO REPORTS INVOLVING VEHICLE INTERFERENCE; CUFOS 1979. Available as CUFOS UFO Archive #1 CD-ROM. http://www.cufos.org/Pubform.pdf (Index 18)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6434
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly, **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "65", **Elev:** "6", **HatchDesc:** "N/BUNNEL,FL:UFO/FIELD:CAR EMES:DRIVER DAZED:FIGS APPROACH CAR:60min MST...", **LatLong:** "29.666668 -81.283337", **LatLongDMS:** "29:40:00 N 81:17:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/29.666668,-81.283337)", **State/Prov:** "Florida", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 22008 (565A2671)
**Date:** 9/4/1960
**Time:** 21:30
**Location:** LEXINGTON, KY
**Description:** Former Strategic Air Command (SAC) RADAR Tech. Glowing sphere goes southwest going quickly northeast horizon to horizon.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO EVIDENCE; NICAP,Washington, DC 1964. Reprinted 1997 Barnes & Noble Books ( only $7.98! ) (Index 59)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6435
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "288", **HatchDesc:** "LEXINGTON,KY:FORMER SAC RDR TECH:GLOWING SPHERE GOES SW>>NE HRZN TO HRZN:", **LatLong:** "38.050002 -84.500004", **LatLongDMS:** "38:03:00 N 84:30:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.050002,-84.500004)", **State/Prov:** "Kentucky", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 22009 (3C5FFD86)
**Date:** 9/4/1960
**Location:** Lexington, KY
**Description:** Former Strategic Air Command radar technician saw a glowing sphere traveling from horizon to horizon. \[NICAP UFOE, VI\] (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2461
### Event 22010 (5B5FD5B9)
**Date:** 9/5/1960
**Location:** SONOMA CO, CA
**Description:** Cops. 6 UFO's / V-formation. Various colors. Bouncing trajectory. No further details. / r78p186.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO EVIDENCE; NICAP,Washington, DC 1964. Reprinted 1997 Barnes & Noble Books ( only $7.98! ) (Index 15)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6436
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "30", **HatchDesc:** "SONOMA co,CA:COPS:6 UFOS/V-FORMn:VARIOUS COLORS:BOUNCING TRAJ:NFD:/r78p186", **LatLong:** "38.300002 -122.450006", **LatLongDMS:** "38:18:00 N 122:27:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.300002,-122.450006)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 22011 (4ABD7337)
**Date:** 9/5/1960
**Location:** Sonoma County, CA
**Description:** Sheriffs observed six vari-colored UFOs flying in V-formation. \[NICAP UFOE, VII\] (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2462
### Event 22012 (88370D22)
**Date:** 9/6/1960
**Location:** Hartford, Connecticut
**Description:** Fragments fell to ground from bluish-green speeding UFO and landed with a hissing sound. They are now under investigation by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration in Washington, D.C.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [_The Flying Saucers are Hostile!_, by George D. Fawcett 1961](https://archive.org/details/the_flying_saucers_are_hostile_george_d_fawcett_1961/mode/2up)
**Source:** HostileFawcett, **ID:** HostileFawcett_91
### Event 22013 (2122B696)
**Date:** 9/7/1960
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Work begins at [Groom Lake](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/Area51.html) for the strengthening and lengthening of the 5000 foot runway to 8500 feet. It will be completed on November 15. (September 7)
**Reference:** McIninch
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1960.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1871
### Event 22014 (7F16A36B)
**Date:** 9/8/1960
**Location:** Consett, South Shields, Newcastle upon Tyne, England
**Description:** Night. Witnesses in Consett, South Shields, and Newcastle upon Tyne, England, see a triangular formation of lights with a red light in the center.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** London Evening Chronicle, September 9, 1960; Marler 76
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3457
### Event 22015 (94E05C7A)
**Date:** 9/10/1960
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Observation in Ridgecrest \(California\). (September 10)
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#6962 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1960.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1872
### Event 22016 (85CE7944)
**Date:** 9/10/1960
**Time:** 21:50
**Location:** RIDGECREST, CA
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #6962. 4 observer(s). 1 sees disk. 1 photographs boomerang. 4 passes / 70 minute(s).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LOFTIN, Robert: IDENTIFIED FLYING SAUCERS: D. McKay, NY 1968 (Index 184)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6437
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "70", **Elev:** "698", **HatchDesc:** "RIDGECREST,CA:BBK#6962:4 OBS:1 SEES DISK:1 FOTOS BOOMERANG:4 PASSES/70min", **LatLong:** "35.616668 -117.633339", **LatLongDMS:** "35:37:00 N 117:38:00 W", **Locale:** "Desert", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/35.616668,-117.633339)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 22017 (BC606E4F)
**Date:** 9/10/1960
**Location:** Ridgecrest, CA
**Description:** 2 light gray glowing objects, saucer or boomerang-shaped (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 6962)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2463
### Event 22018 (5D650537)
**Date:** 9/10/1960
**Time:** 9:50 PM
**Location:** Ridgecrest, California
**Description:** Witnesses: Mr. and Mrs. M.G. Evans. Two light gray glowing objects, saucer or boomerang-shaped, which swished when accelerating. Seen 1-2 seconds each.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_454
### Event 22019 (9724AFC3)
**Date:** 9/10/1960
**Location:** Scituate, Massachusetts
**Description:** A married couple in Scituate, Massachusetts, sees a trio of brilliant discs parked in a triangle formation in the sky. About 12° to the objects’ left is a huge cylinder. One witness watches them through binoculars, and the brilliance hurts his eyes for two hours. Two more discs seem to be attached to the top of the cylinder. Small domes sprinkle their surface. The large object disappears too quickly for the eye to follow.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Swords 294
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3458
### Event 22020 (D0CDE9E6)
**Date:** 9/10/1960
**Location:** Ridgecrest, California
**Description:** 9:50 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Evans see 2 light-gray glowing objects, saucer or boomerang-shaped, that swish when accelerating, over Ridgecrest, California.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Swords 294; [Sparks](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf), p. 285
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3459
### Event 22021 (9EA0E01E)
**Date:** 9/10/1960
**Description:** In Ridgecrest, California at 9:50 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Evans sighted two light gray glowing objects, saucer or boomerang-shaped, which made a swishing sound when accelerating. They were seen for a couple of seconds each.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Don Berliner, Project Bluebook UFO Unknowns
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5823
### Event 22022 (D58B8E0A)
**Date:** 9/13/1960
**Time:** 01:20
**Description:** Several satellite watchers see UFO instead. Type unknown. / O Seculo.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LOURENCO, Victor: The PORTUCAT CATALOG; (BBS Download). (Index 73)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6438
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Portugal", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "CASCAIS,PORTUGAL:SVRL SATELLITE WATCHERS SEE UFO INSTEAD:TYPE UNK:/O SECULO", **LatLong:** "38.700002 -9.416667", **LatLongDMS:** "38:42:00 N 09:25:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.700002,-9.416667)", **State/Prov:** "EST", **Strangeness:** "3"
### Event 22023 (6434FAE5)
**Date:** 9/14/1960
**Location:** Lorain, Ohio
**Description:** 2:50 a.m. A dispatcher in Lorain, Ohio, is taking a coffee break when he sees a light that he thinks is the Echo 1 satellite. As he watches it, knowing it is not the right time for Echo 1, he sees four objects traveling in a perfectly spaced line of flight. It makes a surprising right turn, after which the objects move on their way, apparently at a great height.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Michael D. Swords, “I’ve Seen the Light…But What Was It?” IUR 32, no. 3 \(July 2009\): 3; Swords 294–295
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3460
### Event 22024 (6194931A)
**Date:** 9/15/1960
**Location:** COLORADO SPRS, CO
**Description:** Military tracking team. Unexplainable 'satellite' / unusual maneuvers.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 729)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6439
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "1802", **HatchDesc:** "COLORADO SPRs,CO:MIL.TRACKING TEAM:UNEXPLAINABLE 'SATELLITE'/UNUSUAL MANEUVERS", **LatLong:** "38.833335 -104.800005", **LatLongDMS:** "38:50:00 N 104:48:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.833335,-104.800005)", **State/Prov:** "Colorado", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 22025 (15C53827)
**Date:** 9/15/1960
**Location:** Carrizales, Venezuela
**Description:** Professor of engineering observed accelerating luminous object. \[NICAP UFOE, X\] (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2464
### Event 22026 (341E60D3)
**Date:** 9/15/1960
**Locations:** Douglas Aircraft plant in Santa Monica, California; West Los Angeles police station; Santa Monica Boulevard and Beverly Glen Street
**Description:** 7:30 a.m. A witness sees a UFO hovering 300–400 feet above the Douglas Aircraft plant in Santa Monica, California, and calls it into the West Los Angeles police station. Desk Officer Don Anderson goes outside and sees a dark triangular object moving slowly to the northeast at 3,000 feet. It disappears in the vicinity of Santa Monica Boulevard and Beverly Glen Street.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Officer Reports Flying Triangle,](https://www.newspapers.com/clip/98869738/)” San Pedro \(Calif.\) News-Pilot, September 15, 1960, p. 1
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3461
### Event 22027 (D54C2FD8)
**Date:** 9/15/1960
**Location:** Long Beach, California
**Description:** [Ruppelt](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward%5FJ.%5FRuppelt) dies of a heart attack in Long Beach, California, at age 37.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clark III 1024
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3462
### Event 22028 (57CDD6C4)
**Date:** 9/16/1960
**Location:** USA, SPACE
**Description:** (Translated from French) DISCOVERER 14 LANDED ON 18.8.60
**Reference:** Acta Aeronomica 1977, p. 92
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2180
### Event 22029 (B16D106A)
**Date:** 9/16/1960
**Time:** 13:00?
**Location:** SANTA MONICA, CA
**Description:** Cop. 3M triangle hovers 100M over Douglas aircraft plant. Test?
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 729)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6440
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "15", **HatchDesc:** "SANTA MONICA,CA:COP:3M TRIANGLE HVRS 100M ovr DOUGLAS AIRCRAFT PLANT:test?", **LatLong:** "34.016668 -118.450006", **LatLongDMS:** "34:01:00 N 118:27:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/34.016668,-118.450006)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 22030 (CFB93725)
**Date:** 9/17/1960
**Location:** Kirksville AFS, MO
**Description:** (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2465
### Event 22031 (5065AA83)
**Date:** 9/17/1960
**Location:** Kirksville AFS, MO
**Description:** Multiple Targets Tracked Several Times (McDonald list) (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** NICAP: [600917](http://www.nicap.org/600917kirksville%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2467
### Event 22032 (65B0FFAE)
**Date:** 9/19/1960
**Location:** Susanville, CA
**Description:** (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2466
### Event 22033 (A7807DF5)
**Date:** 9/20/1960
**Time:** 21:40
**Description:** Pilots and many. Square object inside round object. Flashes color(s). 60km altitude / FAA estimated.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 729)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6441
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "2012", **HatchDesc:** "EAGLE++,CO:PILOTS+MANY:SQR.OBJ INSIDE ROUND OBJ:FLASHES CLRS:60km alt/FAA estm", **LatLong:** "39.655557 -106.827783", **LatLongDMS:** "39:39:20 N 106:49:40 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.655557,-106.827783)", **State/Prov:** "Colorado", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 22034 (7DE7DF65)
**Date:** 9/20/1960
**Location:** Farmington (SE of), NM
**Description:** (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU, NC)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2468
### Event 22035 (44720F82)
**Date:** 9/23/1960
**Time:** 21:40
**Description:** SHIPs crew. Cylinder/cylindrical object object with lit portholes dives into sea and sinks.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA; H. Regnery, Chicago HC 1969 & Contemporary Books,Chicago 1993. 372pp. (Index 509)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6442
**Attributes:** **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **SUB:** Submersible: Rises from or submerges into water, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **MIL:** Military investigation
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Atlantic Ocean + islands", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "LOC.UNK off N.LABRADOR:SHIPs CREW:CYL OBJ W/LIT PORTHOLES DIVES INTO SEA+SINKS", **LatLong:** "58.000003 -62.000003", **LatLongDMS:** "58:00:00 N 62:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Offshore", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/58.000003,-62.000003)", **State/Prov:** "LAB", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 22036 (F420FF48)
**Date:** 9/23/1960
**Time:** 2135
**Location:** Labrador
**Description:** A Canadian ship reported that a cylindrical object with lighted portholes came down, hit the ocean, and sank off the northcoast of Labrador.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Atic ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_509
### Event 22037 (6B84C4A8)
**Date:** 9/23/1960
**Description:** A Canadian ship reported that a cylindrical object with lighted portholes came down, hit the ocean, and sank off the north coast of Labrador.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 509
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6252
### Event 22038 (9E0EFE02)
**Date:** 9/25/1960
**Location:** ESSEX, ENGL
**Description:** All / county. Thousands / huge parachutes / 15-50K' altitude. None land. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v7#1.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 269)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6443
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "13", **Duration:** "99", **HatchDesc:** "ESSEX,ENGL:ALL/COUNTY:1000s/HUGE PARACHUTES/15-50K'alt:none land:/FSR v7#1", **LatLong:** "51.666669 0.666667", **LatLongDMS:** "51:40:00 N 00:40:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.666669,0.666667)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 22039 (0A0D1FCA)
**Date:** 9/25/1960
**Location:** Midway Isles, At Sea
**Description:** (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2469
### Event 22040 (D0CFD83F)
**Date:** 9/26/1960
**Time:** 03:00
**Description:** 2+2 separate cops. Fireball lands and flies. Bright green disk makes turn and away.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 729)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6444
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "60", **Elev:** "1200", **HatchDesc:** "W+N/LAS CRUCES,NM:2+2 SEP.COPS:FBL LANDS+FLIES::BRITE GRN DISK MAKES TURN+AWAY", **LatLong:** "32.333335 -106.766672", **LatLongDMS:** "32:20:00 N 106:46:00 W", **Locale:** "Desert", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/32.333335,-106.766672)", **State/Prov:** "New Mexico", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 22041 (577ADD49)
**Date:** 9/28/1960
**Location:** Kirksville, MO
**Description:** (McDonald list) Slow Radar Return At 100,000' (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** NICAP: [600928](http://www.nicap.org/600928kirksville%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2470
### Event 22042 (B48DA886)
**Date:** 9/28/1960
**Location:** Sheppard AFB, Wichita Falls, TX
**Description:** OSI document says crash reported and mention of "Moon Dust", asks ATIC to come to the scene. (NICAP: 06 - Trace Cases)
**Reference:** NICAP: [600928](http://www.nicap.org/moondust/moondust600928doc.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2471
### Event 22043 (96456860)
**Date:** 9/28/1960
**Location:** Arlington, TX
**Description:** Aeronautical engineer observed erratically maneuvering UFO. \[NICAP UFOE, V\] (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2472
### Event 22044 (94940398)
**Date:** 9/29/1960
**Time:** 18:20
**Location:** ARLINGTON, TX
**Description:** PAA radioman and several. Orange star / erratic maneuvers. Starts and stops. Away fast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO EVIDENCE; NICAP,Washington, DC 1964. Reprinted 1997 Barnes & Noble Books ( only $7.98! ) (Index 45)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6445
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "14", **Elev:** "192", **HatchDesc:** "ARLINGTON,TX:PAA RADIOMAN+SVRL:ORG STAR/ERRATIC MNVRS:STARTS+STOPS:AWAY FAST", **LatLong:** "32.733335 -97.116671", **LatLongDMS:** "32:44:00 N 97:07:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/32.733335,-97.116671)", **State/Prov:** "Texas", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 22045 (5A83F95E)
**Date:** 9/29/1960
**Location:** New Westminster, British Columbia
**Description:** 9:25 p.m. Five people are out looking for the Echo 1 satellite in New Westminster, British Columbia. After they spot it, they remain for a few minutes talking. One of them sees three objects come up from the southeast, pass overhead, and disappear over the rooftops in 10 seconds. The objects are luminous, round- cornered triangles.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Michael D. Swords, “Timmerman’s Triangles,” IUR 29, no. 2 \(Summer 2004\): 16
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3463
### Event 22046 (54ABF356)
**Date:** 9/30/1960
**Description:** [Tiffany Thayer](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tiffany%5FThayer)’s widow [Tanagra Thayer](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/47550731/tanagra-thayer) formally disbands the Fortean Society.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clark III 516
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3464
### Event 22047 (30430F53)
**Date:** 10/1960
**Location:** AUSTRALIA, Cressy region (Tasmania)
**Description:** (Translated from French) UFO wave. Including observation of "mother ships" accompanied by smaller objects. (1960, October and November)
**Reference:** who are mistaken about the year - it was in 1959...
**Reference:** Janet and Colin BORD: "Modern Mysteries of the World" - Guild Publishing London 1989, p. 310
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2185
### Event 22048 (8408518D)
**Date:** 10/1960
**Location:** EAST / RED BLUFF, CA
**Description:** Cop and dispatcher. Orange sphere crosses road just ahead / cruiser.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 179)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6446
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "100", **HatchDesc:** "E/RED BLUFF,CA:COP+DISPATCHER:ORANGE SPHERE CROSSES ROAD JUST AHEAD/CRUISER", **LatLong:** "40.172224 -122.227784", **LatLongDMS:** "40:10:20 N 122:13:40 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.172224,-122.227784)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 22049 (4B112EBE)
**Date:** 10/1960
**Time:** 23:00
**Description:** Engineer and 50. Single cloud on clear day. Glows and moves. Beams light.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: UFO CHRONICLES of the SOVIET UNION; Ballentine Books HB 1992. 212pp. (Index 185)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6447
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Russia", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "BERK-BISK,BIYAL Rvr,RUS:ENG+50:SINGLE CLOUD on CLR DAY:GLOWS+MOVES:BEAMS LITE", **LatLong:** "52.533336 85.466671", **LatLongDMS:** "52:32:00 N 85:28:00 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/52.533336,85.466671)", **State/Prov:** "GNA", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 22050 (F57477E3)
**Date:** 10/1960
**Location:** Yariguarenda Jungle, Argentina
**Description:** New apparitions of a monstrous "cyclops."
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** 129 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_510
### Event 22051 (DFD1ED10)
**Date:** 10/1960
**Locations:** Nellis AFB complex; Area 51
**Description:** Reynolds Electrical and Engineering Company begins construction of “Project 51” at the Nellis AFB complex in Nevada with double-shift personal schedules. They mark an Archimedean spiral on Area 51’s dry lake approximately two miles across so that an A-12 pilot approaching the end of the overrun can abort instead of plunging into the sagebrush. Area 51 pilots call it “The Hook.” For crosswind landings, they mark two unpaved airstrips \(runways 9/27 and 03/21\) on the dry lakebed.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Area 51](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Area%5F51)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3465
### Event 22052 (A2C55207)
**Date:** 10/1/1960
**Time:** 16:00
**Description:** ~50 observer(s). Cylinder/cylindrical object makes wide circles / sky. Large and high. Hovers. Rises away.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 85)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6448
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Republic of South Africa", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "30", **HatchDesc:** "AMANZIMTOTI,NATAL:~50 OBS:CYL MAKES WIDE CCLS/SKY:LRG+HIGH:HVRS:RISES away", **LatLong:** "-30.050001 30.883335", **LatLongDMS:** "30:03:00 S 30:53:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-30.050001,30.883335)", **State/Prov:** "KwaZulu-Natal", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 22053 (14BD0F06)
**Date:** 10/3/1960
**Location:** City unknown, Tasmania
**Description:** The sighting of six flying saucers and a 'mother ship' has been reported from the Australian island state of Tasmania. A Church of England minister says he saw the mysterious craft nearly one week ago, but was reluctant to report them. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2473
### Event 22054 (6522AFCD)
**Date:** 10/4/1960
**Location:** USA
**Reference:** "The War of the Satellites" - Volume 3 - Pierre Kohler, ed. Famot 1982, p. 88
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2181
### Event 22055 (DCC5E3C7)
**Date:** 10/4/1960
**Location:** AUSTRALIA, Cressy
**Description:** (Translated from French) A cylindrical object emerged from a curtain of rain, stopped abruptly and hovered, before being joined by six small discs. Then, the entire formation moved backwards. The witnesses were a pastor and his wife.
**Reference:** Science and Life, special edition: 50 years of UFO, Atlas of Unsolved Cases, pp. 60-63
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2182
### Event 22056 (CD44B9BF)
**Date:** 10/4/1960
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In Cressy \(Australia\), a pastor and his wife observe a cylindrical object emerging from a curtain of rain. It suddenly stops and hovers, before being joined by 6 small discs. Then, the entire formation moves back. (October 4)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1960.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1873
### Event 22057 (59C6757E)
**Date:** 10/4/1960
**Time:** 18:10
**Location:** CRESSY, TASM
**Description:** Minister and 1. Cylinder/cigar-shape going west. 5 30' domed disks join. Going quickly east. / r111p204+APRO.Sep'60.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 293)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6449
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "12", **HatchDesc:** "CRESSY,TASM:MINISTER+1:CGR > W:5 30'DOMED DISKS JOIN:>>E:/r111p204+APRO.Sep'60", **LatLong:** "-41.683335 147.066674", **LatLongDMS:** "41:41:00 S 147:04:00 E", **Locale:** "Islands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-41.683335,147.066674)", **State/Prov:** "TSM", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 22058 (04A9BCDD)
**Date:** 10/4/1960 (approximate)
**Time:** ~22:00
**Location:** STAROLKA, POLAND
**Description:** Many observer(s). Bright object going [to] going up [to] going down [to] and all directions. Type unknown. Exits going quickly south. / r84p212.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 731)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6450
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Poland", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "STAROLKA,POLAND:MANY OBS:BRITE OBJ >↑↓+ALL DIRs:TYPE UNK:EXITS >>S:/r84p212", **LatLong:** "52.400002 16.916667", **LatLongDMS:** "52:24:00 N 16:55:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/52.400002,16.916667)", **State/Prov:** "PZN", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 22059 (7A607770)
**Date:** 10/4/1960
**Location:** Cressy, Tasmania
**Description:** 6:10 p.m. Rev. Lionel Browning and his wife are looking at a rainbow outside their rectory in Cressy, Tasmania, when they see a gray, cigar-shaped object emerge from a raincloud. It has 4 or 5 vertical, dark bands around its circumference and an aerial array that projects from the top. Browning estimates it to be 100 feet long and about 4 miles distant. It moves north at about 60–70 mph at about 400 feet altitude. After one minute, it stops and is joined by 5–6 smaller objects that emerge from a cloud. After another minute, all the UFOs abruptly reverse back into the rain squall at the same speed.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Mysterious Ships in the Sky,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/Australia/Australian%20Flying%20Saucer%20Review/Australian%20Flying%20Saucer%20Review%20-%201961%2002%20-%20vol%201%20no%204.pdf)” Australian Flying Saucer Review 1, no. 4 \(February 1961\): 1–2; Loren E. Gross, [The Fifth Horseman of the Apocalypse: UFOs, a History:](https://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1960-July-Dec.pdf) [July–December 1960](https://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1960-July-Dec.pdf)[,](https://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1960-July-Dec.pdf) The Author, 2003, pp. 104–107; Loren E. Gross, [The Fifth Horseman of the Apocalypse:](https://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1961-Jan-Jun.pdf) [UFOs, a History: January–June 1961](https://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1961-Jan-Jun.pdf)[,](https://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1961-Jan-Jun.pdf) The Author, 2003, pp. 35–36; Clark III 350–352; Bill Chalker, “The Australian Government and UFOs,” IUR 22, no. 3 \(Fall 1997\): 19–20; Swords 385–388
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3466
### Event 22060 (2E0AEEB4)
**Date:** 10/4/1960
**Description:** Reverend and Mrs. Browning in Cressy, Tasmania observed a cigar-shaped object fly toward the west. Five 30' diameter domed discs joined the larger object, and all flew away rapidly to the east at 6:10 p.m.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** James E. McDonald case investigation files; APRO Bulletin, September-October 1960, p. 4
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6556
### Event 22061 (9492A0AC)
**Date:** 10/5/1960
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Sighting at Mount Kisco \(New York\). (October 5)
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#7057 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1960.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1874
### Event 22062 (62CDE5B8)
**Date:** 10/5/1960
**Location:** Mount Kisco, NY
**Description:** Bright, star-like light move across 120° of sky (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 7057)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2474
### Event 22063 (C1637F70)
**Date:** 10/5/1960
**Time:** 7:37 PM
**Location:** Mt. Kisko, New York
**Description:** Witness: E.G. Crossland. One bright, star-like light moved across 120^ of sky in 20 seconds.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_455
### Event 22064 (A982FF0E)
**Date:** 10/5/1960
**Locations:** Thule Site J in Greenland; Russia; Omaha, Nebraska
**Description:** A formation of UFOs is detected by the new Ballistic Missile Early Warning System at Thule Site J in Greenland. The objects appear to be heading directly toward North America from the direction of Russia. Within seconds, Strategic Air Command headquarters in Omaha, Nebraska, scrambles the crews of B-52 bombers armed with nuclear warheads to prepare a retaliatory strike. But at the last moment checks reveal that the objects are spurious radar echoes. Unusual atmospheric conditions create phantoms on the BMEWS that cannot be seen by other radars.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Eric Schlosser, Command and Control: Nuclear Weapons, the Damascus Incident, and the Illusion of Safety, Penguin, 2013, [pp. 253–254](https://archive.org/details/commandcontrol00eric/page/252/mode/2up)[,](https://archive.org/details/commandcontrol00eric/page/252/mode/2up) [542](https://archive.org/details/commandcontrol00eric/page/542/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3467
### Event 22065 (111FEF5B)
**Date:** 10/9/1960
**Time:** 18:30
**Location:** LONG POINT, IL
**Description:** Minister and several. Golden football hovers / 8-10 minute(s) and goes. Observer(s) chase / 6km.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO EVIDENCE; NICAP,Washington, DC 1964. Reprinted 1997 Barnes & Noble Books ( only $7.98! ) (Index 69)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6451
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "196", **HatchDesc:** "LONG POINT,IL:MINISTER+SVRL:GOLDEN FOOTBALL HVRS/8-10min+GOES:OBS CHASE/6km", **LatLong:** "41.005558 -88.894449", **LatLongDMS:** "41:00:20 N 88:53:40 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.005558,-88.894449)", **State/Prov:** "Illinois", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 22066 (0777B429)
**Date:** 10/9/1960
**Location:** Longpoint, IL
**Description:** Minister and others saw a golden, elliptical UFO hover, move away. \[NICAP UFOE, VII\] (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2475
### Event 22067 (39002C40)
**Date:** 10/15/1960
**Location:** Cressy (30 miles from), Tasmania
**Description:** Spherical 75 ft object flying at great speed at 36,000 ft (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2476
### Event 22068 (DDCD134D)
**Date:** 10/16/1960
**Location:** GERMANY, Mainz
**Description:** (Translated from French) (cf. May 18, 60) Two extraterrestrials take Hans Klotzbach in a car and drive him to the forest. There is a "glider" that takes the three people to a saucer in the sky. They explain to him the relationship between light and color.
**Reference:** Mitarbeiter, "Ufo Geheimnisse", Berlin, January 1998
**Reference:** following 8 to 11 July 73
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2183
### Event 22069 (5A2AFC8B)
**Date:** 10/20/1960
**Location:** FRANCE, Montcel by Combronde/Lavaure
**Description:** (Translated from French) At around 7pm Mr. Faure was returning home when suddenly he was dazzled by a rectangular light at 3 or 4 meters altitude. In the upper part two humanoid silhouettes that seemed to be wearing a helmet of 40 to 50 cm in diameter. The light suddenly went out. When he arrived home the witness was in a state of shock and remained in a state of agitation for several days. At the same time three witnesses from Villemorge, a locality located downhill from Lavaure, saw a silent craft that crossed the sky at great speed towards the south-east. (1960, October 20th and 25th)
**Reference:** M. FIGUET/ J.L. RUCHON: "Ovni, Premier dossier complet..." ed. Alain Lefeuvre 1979, p. 244
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2184
### Event 22070 (8AF7CF45)
**Date:** 10/20/1960 (approximate)
**Time:** 19:00
**Location:** LA VAURE, FR
**Description:** Luminous rectangular / 4M altitude 10M away. Shadows / 2 helmeted small humanoids (or Greys) / inside. UFO going southwest.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 95)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6452
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "LA VAURE,FR:LUM RECT./4M alt 10M AWAY:SHADOWS/2 HELMETED OIDS/INSIDE:UFO >SW", **LatLong:** "46.016669 3.066667", **LatLongDMS:** "46:01:00 N 03:04:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.016669,3.066667)", **State/Prov:** "Puy-de-Dôme", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 22071 (51E93AFC)
**Date:** 10/20/1960
**Locations:** Australia; Cressy, Tasmania
**Description:** Australian MP [Gil Duthie](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gil%5FDuthie) asks [Frederick Osborne,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frederick%5FOsborne) Australian Minister for Air, whether he has read the account of the UFO seen at Cressy, Tasmania. Osborne responds that he has, and he admits that the Department of Air receives UFO reports and shares them with the RAF and the US Air Force. However, all of them are “explainable on a perfectly normal basis.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clark III 352; Swords 387
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3468
### Event 22072 (3F2AFA04)
**Date:** 10/24/1960
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Explosion of an R-16 rocket at Baikonour, 123 deaths. (October 24)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1960.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1875
### Event 22073 (E978348E)
**Date:** 10/27/1960
**Time:** 17:50
**Location:** LEXINGTON, KY
**Description:** Attorney. Saucer hovers / 10 minute(s). Going quickly northwest rising faster than a jet. Contrail.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO EVIDENCE; NICAP,Washington, DC 1964. Reprinted 1997 Barnes & Noble Books ( only $7.98! ) (Index 68)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6453
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "287", **HatchDesc:** "LEXINGTON,KY:ATTORNEY:SCR HVRS/10min:>>NW RISING FASTER than a JET:CONTRAIL", **LatLong:** "38.050002 -84.483337", **LatLongDMS:** "38:03:00 N 84:29:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.050002,-84.483337)", **State/Prov:** "Kentucky", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 22074 (7A8C654F)
**Date:** 10/27/1960
**Location:** Lexington, KY
**Description:** Attorney saw disc hover, move away. \[NICAP UFOE, VII\] (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2477
### Event 22075 (A3274942)
**Date:** 10/30/1960
**Location:** CRESCENT CITY, CA
**Description:** FAA expert and more/others. 2+3 Brill objects hover. 6th object scouts between groups.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 23)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6454
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "12", **HatchDesc:** "CRESCENT CITY,CA:FAA EXPERT++:2+3 BRILL OBJS HVR:6th OBJ SCOUTS BETWEEN GROUPS", **LatLong:** "41.755558 -124.200006", **LatLongDMS:** "41:45:20 N 124:12:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.755558,-124.200006)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 22076 (C0A91847)
**Date:** 10/31/1960
**Location:** Cuba
**Description:** Most guerrilla infiltrations and supply drops directed by the CIA into Cuba have failed; these are replaced by a plan to mount an initial amphibious assault with a minimum of 1,500 men.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3469
### Event 22077 (3E13A89B)
**Date:** 11/1960
**Location:** CARACAS, VNZL
**Description:** Hundreds / observer(s). Cylinder/cigar-shape going south low and slow. Blue-green luminous halo. Males turn over mountain.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 741)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6455
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Venezuela", **Credibility:** "12", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "930", **HatchDesc:** "CARACAS,VNZL:100s/OBS:CGR >S LO+SLOW:BLU-GRN LUMn.HALO:MALES TURN ovr MOUNTAIN", **LatLong:** "10.466667 -66.983337", **LatLongDMS:** "10:28:00 N 66:59:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/10.466667,-66.983337)", **State/Prov:** "CRC", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 22078 (9C4136B7)
**Date:** 11/3/1960
**Time:** 16:30
**Location:** PRICE CO, WI
**Description:** Humming. 7M domed metallic saucer / ground. Quickly going up [to] and away fast. Several square portholes. / r242p147.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 733)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6456
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "456", **HatchDesc:** "PRICE co,WI:HUM:7M DOMED MTLC SCR/GND:↑↑+AWAY FAST:SVRL SQR PORTs:/r242p147", **LatLong:** "45.683336 -90.350004", **LatLongDMS:** "45:41:00 N 90:21:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.683336,-90.350004)", **State/Prov:** "Wisconsin", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 22079 (B97B58E7)
**Date:** 11/3/1960
**Location:** Price County, Wisconsin
**Description:** 4:30 p.m. Two 8-year-old boys are walking over a small hill in rural Price County, Wisconsin, when they hear an odd high-pitched, humming noise. The air has become unusually warm. They look back and see an aluminum-colored object on the hill behind them. They run back toward it, but it lifts off and shoots away. They find the soil of the hill to be warm to the touch.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Small Boys See Warm, Landed UAO,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201961%2001%2000%20-%20January.pdf)” APRO Bulletin, January 1961, pp. 1, 4
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3470
### Event 22080 (FA5E87E6)
**Date:** 11/4/1960
**Location:** Massachusetts
**Description:** House Majority Leader [John W. McCormack](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John%5FW.%5FMcCormack) \(D-Mass.\) writes to [Keyhoe](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald%5FKeyhoe) that “it was pretty well established by some, in our minds, that there were some objects flying around in space that were unexplainable.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Congressmen Confirm AF Secrecy: Pressure for Investigation Increasing,](http://www.cufos.org/UFOI%5Fand%5FSelected%5FDocuments/UFOI/011%20DEC-JAN%201960-61.pdf)” UFO Investigator 1, no. 11 \(Dec./Jan. 1960/1961\): 1; UFOEv, [p. 175](https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=mdp.39015006091691&view=1up&seq=187&skin=2021)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3471
### Event 22081 (1AE3F3CF)
**Date:** 11/7/1960
**Time:** ~19:00
**Description:** Night lights = running lights / 2 large UFO's. Type unknown. Possible portholes. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 292)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6457
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "15", **Elev:** "198", **HatchDesc:** "CHICAGO HEIGHTS,IL:NLTS=RUNNING LITES/2 LRG UFOS:type unk:POSS.PORTHOLES:NFD", **LatLong:** "41.800002 -87.650004", **LatLongDMS:** "41:48:00 N 87:39:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.800002,-87.650004)", **State/Prov:** "Illinois", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 22082 (B677F462)
**Date:** 11/8/1960
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Election of [John F. Kennedy](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/KennedyJohnFitzgerald.html) to the Presidency of the United States. (November 8)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1960.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1876
### Event 22083 (92699632)
**Date:** 11/11/1960
**Description:** Airport weathermen and more. Large silver object with antenna on side. Others / widely.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 23)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6458
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **NUC:** Nuclear facility related
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "120", **Elev:** "183", **HatchDesc:** "MOLINE,IL++:AIRPORT WEATHERMEN+:LRG SLVR OBJ W/ANTENNA on SIDE:others/widely", **LatLong:** "41.505558 -90.516671", **LatLongDMS:** "41:30:20 N 90:31:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.505558,-90.516671)", **State/Prov:** "Illinois", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 22084 (D61E48EC)
**Date:** 11/11/1960
**Time:** 22:00?
**Description:** 3 military and 1. Blinding sphere/orb/globe going down. Nearly lands. Going quickly north. Type unknown. / r8#511.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 731)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6459
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "120", **HatchDesc:** "WARMINSTER,WILTS:3 MIL+1:BLINDING ORB ↓:NEARLY LANDS:>>N:type unk:/r8#511", **LatLong:** "51.200002 -2.166667", **LatLongDMS:** "51:12:00 N 02:10:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.200002,-2.166667)", **RelAlt:** "1", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 22085 (409B7317)
**Date:** 11/11/1960
**Time:** night
**Location:** Warminster, Great Britain
**Description:** Four witnesses, among them three military men, saw an object that seemed about to land, then took off again toward the north, leaving a trail of sparks and blinding them.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** 130; FSR 61,1 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_511
### Event 22086 (B54B2897)
**Date:** 11/11/1960
**Description:** On this night four witnesses in Warminster, England, including among them three men in the British military, saw an object that seemed about to land, but then took off again. It flew off toward the north, leaving a trail of sparks and blinding them by its brilliance.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 511
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7595
### Event 22087 (DEF26C71)
**Date:** 11/13/1960
**Location:** FRANCE, La Londe
**Description:** (Translated from French) At 02:45, Rémi Carbonnier was awakened by a green light illuminating his room. He went to the window and saw a round, shining object, 6 m in diameter, resting on three legs, on a railway track, 300 m away. It was emitting orange glows. A dome on the top of the object began to turn, the legs disappeared and the object rose vertically above the trees, without a sound. Less than 20 seconds later it had crossed the hill and disappeared to the southwest. The next day the witness went to the spot and found no trace, but his dog refused to go forward and ran away. (Jacques VALLEE: "Chronicles of E.T. Appearances - DENOEL 1972 - coll. J'AI LU, p. 298) The personality of the witness seems to weigh heavily on the credibility to be given to this testimony.
**Reference:** J.C. BOURRET: "The New Challenge of UFOs" - France Empire 1976 - pp. 43 to 50
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2186
### Event 22088 (6FEE15E9)
**Date:** 11/13/1960
**Time:** 02:50
**Location:** LA LONDE, FR
**Description:** 6M domed saucer / railroad/railway tracks. Retracts legs. Going quickly southwest. Dog avoids site. / r30p244.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 94)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6460
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "45", **HatchDesc:** "LA LONDE,FR:6M DOMED SCR/RR TRACKS:RETRACTS LEGS:>>SW:DOG AVOIDS SITE:/r30p244", **LatLong:** "49.305558 0.944444", **LatLongDMS:** "49:18:20 N 00:56:40 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.305558,0.944444)", **State/Prov:** "Seine Maritime", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 22089 (88A092BE)
**Date:** 11/13/1960
**Time:** 0245
**Location:** La Londe, France
**Description:** Remi Carbonnier, 45, was awakened by a green light illuminating his room. He went to the window and saw a bright, round object, 6 m in diameter, resting on three legs on the railroad tracks 300 m away. It was emitting orange flashes. A dome on top of the object started spinning, the legs disappeared, and the object rose vertically above the trees, without noise. Less than 20 sec later, it had cleared the hill and was lost to sight in the southwest. The next day the witness went to the site and found no trace, but his dog turned around and ran away,
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** 131 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_512
### Event 22090 (8445DA7D)
**Date:** 11/13/1960
**Description:** In the year 1960 in La Londe, France a domed disc-shaped UFO was spotted sitting on railroad tracks at 2:45 a.m. It made no sound, and shafts of orange light periodically shot out from the object. It rose vertically, folded its landing gear, and shot off straight up.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 512
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7630
### Event 22091 (E9326EA1)
**Date:** 11/14/1960
**Location:** USA, SPACE
**Description:** (Translated from French) SECRET RECOVERY OF DISCOVERER 13 LAUNCHED ON AUGUST 10, 1960.
**Reference:** Acta Aeronomica 1977, p. 92
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2187
### Event 22092 (C73C4884)
**Date:** 11/14/1960
**Location:** Dillsboro, IN
**Description:** S. Indiana/Dillsboro Nike Missile Station, G,V (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5)
**Reference:** NICAP: [601114](http://www.nicap.org/601114dillsborodir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2478
### Event 22093 (0519AD4F)
**Date:** 11/15/1960
**Time:** 10:40
**Location:** 50KM NORTH / CRESSY, TASM
**Description:** 70' saucer going [to] 800MPH / 36K'. Buzzes USAF RB-57. / r249p484. / r120p167.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CHALKER,Bill: The OZ FILES. Australian Sightings. 1996 Duffy & Snellgrove. NSW,Australia. ISBN 1-875989-04-8 (Index 105)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6461
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "50km N/CRESSY,TASM:70'SCR>800MPH/36K':BUZZES USAF RB-57:/r249p484:/r120p167", **LatLong:** "-41.427780 147.261118", **LatLongDMS:** "41:25:40 S 147:15:40 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-41.427780,147.261118)", **State/Prov:** "TSM", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 22094 (A9EC3F94)
**Date:** 11/15/1960
**Locations:** RAAF Base East Sale, Victoria, Australia; Launceston, Tasmania
**Description:** 10:40 a.m. A USAF B-57 Canberra reconnaissance aircraft operating out of RAAF Base East Sale, Victoria, Australia, encounters a UFO 15 miles north of Launceston, Tasmania. Capt. [Douglas G. Ludlam](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/130004429/douglas-glen-ludlam) and Capt. [Joseph W. Ivins](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/25100399/joseph-w-ivins) say it looks like a balloon about 70 feet in diameter and is flying at 35,000 feet, just below the B-57, and traveling at about 920 mph. It is in sight for 5–7 seconds before it disappears under the left wing.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Bill Chalker, “[Australian A.F. UFO Report Files,](http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201982%2011%2000%20-%20Vol%2030%20No%2011.pdf)” APRO Bulletin 30, no. 11 \(December 1982\):4; Clark III 352; [Sparks](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf)[,](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf) p. 285
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3472
### Event 22095 (332AC5AD)
**Date:** 11/17/1960
**Time:** 01:30
**Location:** HENDERSON, KY
**Description:** 2 / (seen thru) binoculars. Silent orange and brown colored object soars over valley. Spews angel hair all over/all about.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 271)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6462
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "8", **Elev:** "132", **HatchDesc:** "HENDERSON,KY:2/BINOCS:SLNT ORG+BRN OBJ SOARS ovr VALLEY:SPEWS ANGEL HAIR ALLO", **LatLong:** "37.850002 -87.600004", **LatLongDMS:** "37:51:00 N 87:36:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.850002,-87.600004)", **State/Prov:** "Kentucky", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 22096 (8B35F495)
**Date:** 11/17/1960
**Location:** Lexington, KY
**Description:** Three UFOs were seen to follow two jet aircraft. One object closed in on the jets, then stopped, repeating this several times. Witnesses described it as round, rotating, color changing from gray to silver as it turned. (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2479
### Event 22097 (3866D2BA)
**Date:** 11/18/1960
**Location:** Cuba
**Description:** Director of Central Intelligence [Allen Dulles](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allen%5FDulles) and CIA Deputy Director for Plans [Richard Bissell](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard%5FM.%5FBissell%5FJr) brief President-elect [John F. Kennedy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John%5FF.%5FKennedy) on the Cuban invasion. Dulles is confident that the CIA can overthrow the Cuban government.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3473
### Event 22098 (7B295BB4)
**Date:** 11/20/1960
**Description:** A gruesome case classified as spontaneous human combustion occurred on this date in 1960 in Grassy Creek, Kentucky. The burned bodies of four men and a youth were found in a car. Molten metal from the car's roof had dropped on the cremated bodies.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Coral Lorenzen, APRO Bulletin, July 1963, p. 8
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7747
### Event 22099 (EB3FC18E)
**Date:** 11/24/1960
**Time:** 10:00
**Location:** NEAR DEFIANCE, OH
**Description:** Physics Professor and 1 / car. Silent 30M black disk going northwest. Clear edges. / r242p54.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 749)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6463
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "210", **HatchDesc:** "nr DEFIANCE,OH:PHYSICS PROF+1/CAR:SLNT 30M BLK DISK >NW:CLEAR EDGES:/r242p54", **LatLong:** "41.211113 -84.438893", **LatLongDMS:** "41:12:40 N 84:26:20 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.211113,-84.438893)", **State/Prov:** "Ohio", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 22100 (0258E121)
**Date:** 11/24/1960
**Location:** Unknown City, OH
**Description:** White elliptical UFO observed by scientist. \[NICAP UFOE, VI\] (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2480
### Event 22101 (67B7E649)
**Date:** 11/24/1960
**Description:** At 10:00 a.m. in Defiance, Ohio a physics professor driving in a car, and his passenger, watched a silent 30-meter in diameter black disc-shaped object that flew off to the northwest. It had clearly defined edges.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Richard Hall, The UFO Evidence, p. 54
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7870
### Event 22102 (5E6A990F)
**Date:** 11/27/1960
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Sighting in Chula Vista \(California\). (November 27)
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#7133 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1960.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1877
### Event 22103 (0192022B)
**Date:** 11/27/1960
**Time:** 19:30
**Location:** CHULA VISTA, CA
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #7133. 7 / trailer camp. Sphere/orb/globe with antennas arcs and dashes. Seen / (seen thru) binoculars.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SCIENCE & MECHANICS (eds.) OFFICIAL GUIDE to UFO'S; Ace Books, NY. 1968. (Index 149)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6464
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "25", **Elev:** "21", **HatchDesc:** "CHULA VISTA,CA:BBK#7133:7/TRAILER CAMP:ORB W/ANTENNAS ARCS+DASHES:SEEN/BINOCS", **LatLong:** "32.638890 -117.083339", **LatLongDMS:** "32:38:20 N 117:05:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/32.638890,-117.083339)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 22104 (3437FE85)
**Date:** 11/27/1960
**Location:** Chula Vista, CA
**Description:** Orange-red point of light, with white sparkler-like light (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 7133)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2481
### Event 22105 (F1AEB74E)
**Date:** 11/27/1960
**Time:** 7:30 PM
**Location:** Chula Vista, California
**Description:** Witnesses: Mr. and Mrs. L.M. Hart. One orange-red point of light made huge circles and stopped during the 20-30 minute sighting.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_456
### Event 22106 (745874AD)
**Date:** 11/27/1960
**Description:** A red UFO maneuvered all over the sky in huge circles over Chula Vista, San Diego County, California at 7:30 p.m. for 20 minutes. It looked like a ball with a long antenna rod attached, and a flashing white light ran back and forth along the rod. The UFO made several dashes at terrific speeds, and was watched through binoculars by seven witnesses. It made no sound. The sighting lasted between 20 and 30 minutes. A Project Blue Book "unknown".
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Project Blue Book files counted in official statistics, case # 7133; Lloyd Mallan, Science & Mechanics, December 1966, p. 30; Richard Hall, The UFO Evidence (Volume I), p. 91
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7956
### Event 22107 (C73EF6B7)
**Date:** 11/28/1960
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) The Judica Cordiglia brothers intercept a S. O. S. sent by a Soviet. A few days later, Soviet authorities announce that *Spoutnik VI* disintegrated during the flight. (November 28)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1960.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1878
### Event 22108 (47D4B164)
**Date:** 11/29/1960
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Observation in the South of Kyushu \(Japan\). (November 29)
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#7134 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1960.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1879
### Event 22109 (D680B271)
**Date:** 11/29/1960
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) During a UFO sighting, giant white worms crawling on a road in Yssandon \(France\).
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1960.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1880
### Event 22110 (ED54A40F)
**Date:** 11/29/1960
**Time:** 18:40
**Location:** SOUTH / KYUSHU, JPN
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #7134. Unidentified. 2 / T33 trainer. "Star" paces plane. Vanishes. / r185.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SCIENCE & MECHANICS (eds.) OFFICIAL GUIDE to UFO'S; Ace Books, NY. 1968. (Index 185)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6465
**Attributes:** **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Japan", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "S/KYUSHU,JPN:BBK#7134:UID:2/T33 TRAINER:"STAR" PACES PLANE:VANISHES:/r185", **LatLong:** "31.000001 131.000006", **LatLongDMS:** "31:00:00 N 131:00:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/31.000001,131.000006)", **State/Prov:** "Kyushu", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 22111 (4F65D918)
**Date:** 11/29/1960
**Location:** Vincennes, IN
**Description:** Observed for 25 minutes, an object with a bright, pulsating light was seen by Francis Ridge, a NICAP subcommittee chairman, and many other witnesses. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2482
### Event 22112 (32D3D222)
**Date:** 11/29/1960
**Location:** Kyushu (South of), Japan
**Description:** Light Paces T-33 (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: 7134)
**Reference:** NICAP: [601129](http://nicap.org/601129kyushu%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2483
### Event 22113 (606EE485)
**Date:** 11/29/1960
**Time:** 6:38 PM
**Location:** south of Kyushu, Japan
**Description:** Witnesses: USAF Lt. Col. R.L. Blwlin (sp?) and Maj. F.B. Brown, flying a T-33 jet trainer. One white light 8lowed and paralleled the course of the T-33 for 10 minutes.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_457
### Event 22114 (6613F3C9)
**Date:** 11/29/1960
**Location:** Cuban
**Description:** [Eisenhower](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dwight%5FD.%5FEisenhower) meets with the chiefs of the CIA, Defense, State, and Treasury departments to discuss the new concept of a Cuban invasion. No one expresses objections, and Eisenhower approves the plans with the intention of persuading [John F. Kennedy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John%5FF.%5FKennedy) of their merit.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3474
### Event 22115 (2CFC6609)
**Date:** 11/29/1960
**Description:** At 6:38 p.m. two crew members of a USAF T-33 trainer sighted a white light flying south of Kyushu, Japan. The object slowed down to pace the Lockheed jet trainer, and followed the plane for 10 minutes without making any sound. The case is listed by Project Blue Book as unexplained.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Project Blue Book files counted in official statistics, case # 7134; Lloyd Mallan, Official Guide to UFOs, p. 36; Richard Hall, The UFO Evidence, p. 92; Dominique Weinstein, Aircraft UFO Encounters, p. 32, citing Don Berliner
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8030
### Event 22116 (9371369E)
**Date:** 12/3/1960
**Description:** In 1960, a man and his grandson were out duck hunting early in the morning near Atlantic City, New Jersey. They were sitting in a duck blind at around 6 a.m. when they saw a 20-meter wide disc approach to within 100 meters of their position. It glowed red and lit the ground, and moved with a jerky motion “like a bouncing ball.” It changed color from red to purple as it rose vertically into the sky, then flew off toward the southwest.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** George D. Fawcett, Flying Saucers, September 1961, p. 53
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8161
### Event 22117 (9501AF06)
**Date:** 12/5/1960
**Location:** US
**Description:** Debate with NICAP Director and USAF Col. Tacker on Dave Garroway's network television program.
**Type:** debate
**Reference:** ["The UFO Evidence" (1964) by Richard H. Hall, page 106-108](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Reference:** ["Report on Unidentified Flying Objects" (Dec. 1956) by Capt. Edward J. Ruppelt](https://archive.org/details/reportonunidenti00rupp/mode/1up)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_889
### Event 22118 (FD763CFB)
**Date:** 12/5/1960
**Location:** Pentagon
**Description:** Pentagon UFO spokesman Lt. Col. [Lawrence J. Tacker](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/30450384/lawrence-j-tacker) publishes Flying Saucers and the U.S. Air Force, in which he blisteringly attacks critics of Project Blue Book, depicting them all as charlatans and opportunists and gullible believers.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Lawrence J. Tacker, [Flying Saucers and the U.S. Air Force](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Books/Digitized%5Fby%5FAFU/Tacker%2C%20Lt%20Colonel%20Lawrence%20J%20%20-%20Flying%20Saucers%20And%20The%20U%20S%20Air%20Force.pdf), Van Nostrand, 1960; Clark III 922
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3475
### Event 22119 (D1CD7347)
**Date:** 12/5/1960
**Description:** [Keyhoe](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald%5FKeyhoe) debates Lt. Col. [Lawrence J. Tacker](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/30450384/lawrence-j-tacker) on the Today show, hosted by [Dave Garroway](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dave%5FGarroway). Tacker says he wrote the book Flying Saucers and the US Air Force because “I felt the Air Force was being set upon by Maj. Keyhoe, NICAP, and other hobby groups who believe in spaceships as an act of pure faith.” Keyhoe repeatedly challenges Tacker, whose statements ring hollow, and even Garroway asks Tacker pointed questions and coolly notes Tacker’s apparent ignorance of basic physics. The show generates numerous phone calls and letters to NBC, most of them critical of the Air Force.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Loren E. Gross, [The Fifth Horseman of the Apocalypse: UFOs, a History:](https://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1960-July-Dec.pdf) [July–December 1960](https://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1960-July-Dec.pdf)[,](https://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1960-July-Dec.pdf) The Author, 2003, pp. 129–135; “[New Debunking Campaign Backfires,](http://cufos.org/UFOI%5Fand%5FSelected%5FDocuments/UFOI/011%20DEC-JAN%201960-61.pdf)” UFO Investigator 1, no. 11 \(Dec.–Jan. 1960/1961\): 1–2; “[Dave Garroway Show NBC-TV UFO Discussion: Tacker vs. Keyhoe,](http://www.nicap.org/jufoh/JournalUFOHistoryVol1No4.pdf) [December 5, 1960,](http://www.nicap.org/jufoh/JournalUFOHistoryVol1No4.pdf)” Journal of UFO History 1, no. 4 \(Sept./Oct. 2004\): 3–6
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3476
### Event 22120 (937E105C)
**Date:** 12/8/1960
**Description:** [Richard Bissell](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard%5FM.%5FBissell%5FJr) presents an outline for the Cuban invasion to the Special Group, while declining to commit details to written records.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3477
### Event 22121 (EE9EDE11)
**Date:** 12/9/1960
**Location:** FRANCE, Carignan
**Description:** (Translated from French) At 8:30 PM a dog barked at a bright object hovering in a park. Three witnesses observed it from separate locations. It appeared to be an oval, luminous craft 4 m in diameter and one could see vague shadows inside. It flew away in a northerly direction. On the ground a circle of yellowed grass was found.
**Reference:** Jacques VALLEE: "Chronicles of the E.T. Appearances - DENOEL 1972 - coll. J'AI LU, p. 298
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2188
### Event 22122 (48A9735B)
**Date:** 12/9/1960
**Time:** 20:30
**Location:** CARIGNAN, FR
**Description:** 3 separate observer(s). 4M saucer rests / park. Vague figure(s) inside. Going quickly north. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v16#5+/ r30.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 130)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6466
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "15", **HatchDesc:** "CARIGNAN,FR:3 SEP.OBS:4M SCR RESTS/PARK:VAGUE FIGs INSIDE:>>N:/FSR v16#5+/r30", **LatLong:** "49.633336 5.166667", **LatLongDMS:** "49:38:00 N 05:10:00 E", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.633336,5.166667)", **State/Prov:** "Ardennes", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 22123 (63CAA82E)
**Date:** 12/9/1960
**Time:** 2030
**Location:** Carignan, France
**Description:** A dog barking at a glowing object resting in a park. Three witnesses observed it from separate locations. It appeared as an oval, luminous craft, 4 m in diameter, inside which vague shadows were seen. It took off toward the north. A circle of yellowed grass was found at the site.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Ouranos 27 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_513
### Event 22124 (E601B451)
**Date:** 12/9/1960
**Locations:** Château des Mailles; Carignan-de-Bordeaux; Gironde, France
**Description:** 8:30 p.m. Mme. Dhelens in the Château des Mailles \(31 miles south of Carignan-de-Bordeaux\), Gironde, France, sees a luminous oval object twice the size of an automobile hovering just above the ground in the château’s park. It has two round portholes, behind which she sees indistinct shadows moving. It takes off, leaving a 12-foot circle of yellowed grass, which later dies.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Loren E. Gross, [The Fifth Horseman of the Apocalypse:](https://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1960-July-Dec.pdf) [UFOs, a History: July–December 1960](https://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1960-July-Dec.pdf)[,](https://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1960-July-Dec.pdf) The Author, 2003, p. 138
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3478
### Event 22125 (B5E5111B)
**Date:** 12/9/1960
**Description:** At 8:30 p.m. in Carignan, France a dog was seen barking at a glowing UFO resting in a park. Three witnesses observed it from separate locations. It appeared to be an oval-shaped, self-luminous craft, four meters in diameter. Inside the glowing object vague shadows were seen moving about. It took off toward the north. A circle of yellowed grass was found at the site.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magoina: A Century of Landings, case 513; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case A0506, citing Ouranos, August 1961
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8282
### Event 22126 (04222B28)
**Date:** 12/14/1960
**Location:** Washington, D.C.
**Description:** The Brookings Research Institute in Washington, D.C., releases a 186-page report prepared for NASA titled Proposed Studies on the Implications of Peaceful Space Activities for Human Affairs. It is later published as a 272-page Committee Print for the House Committee on Science and Astronautics on March 24, 1961. The report includes a section on “Implications of a Discovery of Extraterrestrial Life.” It is sent to the House Committee on Science and Astronautics for approval by Rep. [Overton Brooks](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Overton%5FBrooks) \(D-La.\) and discusses the effects of meeting extraterrestrial life: “It is possible that if the intelligence of these creatures were sufficiently superior to ours, they would choose to have little if any contact with us.” It also speculates on the possibility of finding alien artifacts on earth and the possibility that contact might result in social disintegration.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Brookings](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brookings%5FReport) [Report](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brookings%5FReport)”; Proposed Studies on the Implications of Peaceful Space Activities for Human Affairs, committee print prepared for NASA by the Brookings Institution, Report of the US House Committee on Science and Astronautics, 87th Congress, First Session, March 24, 1961, [pp. 215–216](https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=mdp.39015003453936&view=1up&seq=229&skin=2021)[,](https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=mdp.39015003453936&view=1up&seq=229&skin=2021) [225–226](https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=mdp.39015003453936&view=1up&seq=239&skin=2021) \(note 34\)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3479
### Event 22127 (D09E7B48)
**Date:** 12/14/1960
**Locations:** Leningrad [now St. Petersburg]; Moscow; Kaliningrad; Hiroshima
**Description:** The first Single Integrated Operational Plan, titled SIOP-62, is completed. It describes a massive strike with the entire US arsenal of 3,200 warheads, totaling 7847 megatons, against Russia, China, and Soviet-aligned states with urban and other targets being hit simultaneously. Nine weapons are to be “laid down” on four targets in Leningrad \[now St. Petersburg\], 23 weapons on six target complexes in Moscow, and 18 on seven target areas in Kaliningrad. Weapons scientist [George W. Rathjens](http://news.mit.edu/2016/george-rathjens-professor-emeritus-political-science-dies-0610) looks through SAC’s atlas of Soviet cities, searching for the town that most closely resembles Hiroshima in size and industrial concentration. When he finds one that roughly matches, he asks how many bombs the SIOP “laid down” on that city. The reply: one 4.5 megaton bomb and three more 1.1 megaton weapons in case the big bomb is a dud. The execution of SIOP-62 is estimated to result in 285 million dead and 40 million casualties in the Soviet Union and China. Presented with all the facts and figures, USAF Gen. [Thomas D. White](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas%5FD.%5FWhite) finds the plan “splendid.” Disregarding the human aspect, SIOP-62 represents an outstanding technological achievement.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Single Integrated Operational Plan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Single%5FIntegrated%5FOperational%5FPlan\#The%5Ffirst%5FSIOP)”; Daniel Ellsberg, The Doomsday Machine, Bloomsbury, 2017, pp. 90–103
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3480
### Event 22128 (17BD627B)
**Date:** 12/18/1960
**Location:** US
**Description:** Interview with USAF Col. Tacker on Westinghouse network radio program, "Washington Viewpoint."
**Type:** interview
**Reference:** ["The UFO Evidence" (1964) by Richard H. Hall, page 106-108](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Reference:** ["Report on Unidentified Flying Objects" (Dec. 1956) by Capt. Edward J. Ruppelt](https://archive.org/details/reportonunidenti00rupp/mode/1up)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_890
### Event 22129 (EAB29684)
**Date:** 12/24/1960
**Time:** 23:50
**Location:** DURANGO, CO
**Description:** 12 observer(s). 20' domed saucer / mountain top. Ringed / lights. Pulses. Dog / panic-dies. / r70.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 733)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6467
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "15", **Elev:** "1988", **HatchDesc:** "DURANGO,CO:12 OBS:20'DOMED SCR/Mtn.TOP:RINGED/LITES:PULSES:DOG/PANIC-DIES:/r70", **LatLong:** "37.250002 -107.866672", **LatLongDMS:** "37:15:00 N 107:52:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.250002,-107.866672)", **State/Prov:** "Colorado", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 22130 (032D4D21)
**Date:** 12/24/1960
**Description:** A domed disc, estimated to be 20 feet in diameter, was seen near a mountain top in Durango, Colorado at midnight. It had a ring of lights around its rim. It pulsated and was in view for 15 minutes. A dog panicked in an agitated reaction, and later died.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Durango Herald, December 28, 1960; Thomas M. Olsen, The Reference for Outstanding UFO Reports, case 117, citing APRO Bulletin, January 1961, p. 1; John A. Keel, Operation Trojan Horse, p. 163; Kenneth Larson, Flying Saucers, March 1970, p. 13: Otto Binder, What We Really Know About Flying Saucers, p. 160
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8586
### Event 22131 (111C2745)
**Date:** 12/25/1960
**Time:** 23:50
**Location:** COTTONWOOD, MN
**Description:** Saucer and 3 night lights exchange green beams. Night lights enter saucer / door. Going quickly north. / r114p85.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 755)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6468
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "15", **Elev:** "427", **HatchDesc:** "COTTONWOOD,MN:SCR+3 NLTS EXCHANGE GRN BEAMS:NLTS ENTER SCR/DOOR:>>N:/r114p85", **LatLong:** "44.611113 -95.672227", **LatLongDMS:** "44:36:40 N 95:40:20 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.611113,-95.672227)", **State/Prov:** "Minnesota", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 22132 (2E9B9E01)
**Date:** 12/25/1960
**Description:** A disc-shaped flying object and three nocturnal lights exchanged green beams of light in the sky over Cottonwood, Minnesota at 11:45 p.m. The nocturnal lights then entered the saucer-shaped craft through a hatch. The disc flew off toward the north. Pendulum motion was also reported.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** APRO Bulletin, November 1962, p. 2; Thomas M. Olsen, The Reference for Outstanding UFO Reports, p. 3-071
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8598
### Event 22133 (0CB74F88)
**Date:** 12/26/1960
**Location:** FRANCE, Canteleu (Seine Maritime)
**Description:** (Translated from French) At around two in the morning, the two witnesses were riding bicycles. A few meters from the road, they saw a round or oval, metallic, very shiny, aluminum-colored object. One of them fled in panic, but the other observed the object with four feet resting in the snow. A kind of articulated arm equipped with a light emerged from the craft, and its blue-violet beam, 15 cm in diameter, was directed at the witness's face, immobilizing him. He saw a hatch open, letting out a bright light jet and an indistinct shadow entering the cabin. The module rose, causing a snow whirlwind. After the object had moved away, the witness was again free to move and returned home. The next day, at the landing site, the ground was charred in a diameter of 4 meters and four 30 cm deep and 40 cm in diameter holes were discovered. (...) 22 years later, in 1982, LDLN investigators revisiting the case, the witness was unable to approach the landing site. (...)
**Reference:** Jimmy GUIEU: "Our Masters the Extraterrestrials" - Presses de la Cité 1992, pp. 186-188
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2189
### Event 22134 (84929DF8)
**Date:** 12/26/1960
**Location:** CORDOBA, ARG
**Description:** Pilots and many. Panic. Extra moon stops / 45 minute(s) / 1100M. Changes color(s). Gone!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 731)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6469
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "45", **Elev:** "384", **HatchDesc:** "CORDOBA,ARG:PILOTS+MANY:PANIC:EXTRA MOON STOPS/45min/1100M:CHANGES CLRS:gone!", **LatLong:** "-31.416668 -64.166670", **LatLongDMS:** "31:25:00 S 64:10:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-31.416668,-64.166670)", **RelAlt:** "1100", **State/Prov:** "CRD", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 22135 (F9162D92)
**Date:** 12/27/1960
**Time:** 07:30:00.0
**Location:** 27.0000 0.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air. Country: France Name: “gerb._rouge”
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1839
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "27.0000 0.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "27:00:00 N 00:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/27.0000,0.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "France", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "gerb._rouge", **NukeSource:** "BOLT", **NukeType:** "A"
### Event 22136 (E9A053CB)
**Date:** 12/27/1960
**Location:** Pentagon
**Description:** Blue Book officer Maj. [Robert Friend](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert%5FFriend%5F%28pilot%29) and his boss at ATIC, Philip G. Evans, write a memo to Air Force Intelligence in the Pentagon. Friend complains about civilian UFO organizations supported by people for “financial gain, religious reasons, pure emotional outlet, ignorance, or possibly to use the organization as a ‘cold war’ tool.” He is upset by their accusations that the Air Force is withholding UFO information.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Swords 292
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3481
### Event 22137 (78EAFAA2)
**Date:** 12/29/1960
**Location:** Miho, Japan
**Description:** T-33 Crew Observed Bright Light (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5)
**Reference:** NICAP: [601229](http://www.nicap.org/601229miho%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2484
## Year: 1961, 545 Event(s), (Back to Top)
### Event 22138 (D9DD6DD7)
**Date:** 1961
**Location:** Washington DC
**Description:** ex-Lt. Col Philip J. Corso said in 1961 he was given a file cabinet from his superior General Trudeau which contained material recovered from ET craft. He was instructed to use these items for “utilization and exploitation,” farming the objects out to various companies such as Bell Labs to reverse engineer and further develop. Among the technologies he said arose from this were: night vision, fiber optics, food irradiation, integrated circuits, and lasers.
**Type:** historical event
**Reference:** "The Day after Roswell", by Philip J. Corso
**Reference:** Philip J. Corso's Manuscript
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_598
### Event 22139 (A82CE035)
**Date:** 1961
**End date:** 1963
**Location:** Area 51
**Description:** Near [Nellis AFB](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nellis_Air_Force_Base), NE: “Mat”, a radio maintenance engineer at Nevada’s AEC between 1961–1963 provided evidence to the MUFON Journal that Project REDLIGHT was secretly being conducted at nearby “Area 51”, a 50-mile-square quadrant of land east of [Nellis AFB](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nellis_Air_Force_Base). This Project “involved flight-testing of an UFO which had been shipped there from Edwards AFB.” The craft flew silently, was about 20 to 30 ft. in diam., and had no wings or tail.
**Type:** ufo testing
**Reference:** [Pea Research](https://www.academia.edu/9813787/GOVERNMENT_INVOLVEMENT_IN_THE_UFO_COVER_UP_CHRONOLOGY_based)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_599
### Event 22140 (3D339711)
**Date:** 1961
**Location:** Russia
**Description:** Russia: Vladimir Azhazha found an elliptical area where he claimed that an alien craft had plummeted to Earth in 1961. A local resident, Zoya Shubenkina, corroborated Azhazha’s story about the 1961 crash, claiming she had witnessed it for herself. She said a big, fiery, red sphere flew over her house and crashed in the valley by the river.
**Type:** ufo crash
**Reference:** [Pea Research](https://www.academia.edu/9813787/GOVERNMENT_INVOLVEMENT_IN_THE_UFO_COVER_UP_CHRONOLOGY_based)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_603
### Event 22141 (9A7DE5A7)
**Date:** 1961
**Location:** USSR, Irkutsk
**Description:** (Translated from French) An engine, shaped like a rocket, with four feet, was seen on the ground, as well as two of its occupants and photographed by a doctor from a nearby laboratory
**Reference:** Henry DURRANT "The Black Book of UFOs - Laffont 1970 - p. 204
**Reference:** according to Flying Saucer Review of May 1967
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2193
### Event 22142 (1BC9D670)
**Date:** 1961
**Location:** USSR, Baikonour
**Description:** (Translated from French) The craft, "Venusik" (643 kg) loaded with scientific equipment, was taken aboard Spoutnik VIII and placed in a circumterrestrial orbit at an altitude of 200 km. From there it was launched towards Venus in the opposite direction of the Earth's movement, with a speed of 27.7 km/second relative to the Sun. Then radio contact was lost and no more was heard from the messenger. (continued 25.2.61) ("Astronautics", Pierre Rousseau, Hachette 1965, p. 56) The Venusik probe was sent with the mission of exploring Venus. Launched with remarkable precision, using the technique of a stopover in a terrestrial orbit, this craft has refused to give news since February 27, 1961 and the failure of the transmitter deprived the Russians, for once, of a "first" that the Americans brilliantly achieved the following year with their craft "Mariner II"
**Reference:** "Conquest of Space" - Thomas de Galiana, ed. Larousse Pocket, 1967, p. 279
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2199
### Event 22143 (E8177CF0)
**Date:** 1961 (approximate)
**Location:** GERMANY, Timmendorf
**Description:** (Translated from French) A disc is said to have fallen in this village. The British Army was reportedly the first on the scene, setting up a security cordon to prevent access. Photos were said to have been taken. The object fell on soft ground with little damage, but buried itself a third of the way into the ground. Soon the British were joined by the Russians. Inside the object were 12 small corpses. Photos were also taken of these creatures, as well as during the autopsies. For some of them it was evident that they were not capable of procreation. They seemed to have been made on a production line, all of the same model. They had no digestive system. The disc was reportedly cut into 6 pieces, like a cake, for shipment to the USA to Wright Patterson.. (1961, unspecified date)
**Reference:** FUO n° 1 of 1995, p. 11, 12 - A.J.S. Rayl
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2216
### Event 22144 (F8587F41)
**Date:** 1961
**Location:** Moscow (near), USSR
**Description:** Report of Russian tact missiles being fired on UFO (NICAP: 10 - Nuclear Connection, NC)
**Reference:** NICAP: [610000](http://www.nicap.org/ncp/ncp-nearmoscow.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2485
### Event 22145 (DC4F5D06)
**Date:** 1961
**Description:** The first American to publish on the microwave auditory effect is biophysicist [Allan H. Frey](http://slowdigital.com/2017/12/07/allan-frey-a-pioneer-of-radiation-research/)[.](http://slowdigital.com/2017/12/07/allan-frey-a-pioneer-of-radiation-research/) In his experiments, the subjects are able to hear appropriately pulsed microwave radiation from a distance of 328 feet from the transmitter. This is accompanied by side effects such as dizziness, headaches, and a pins-and-needles sensation.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Allen H. Frey, “[Human Auditory System Response to Modulated Electromagnetic Energy,](https://journals.physiology.org/doi/abs/10.1152/jappl.1962.17.4.689?sid=7c073ad2-6324-4b47-94e1-124dc0a5f154)” Journal of Applied Physiology 17 \(July 1, 1962\): 689–692; Wikipedia, “[Microwave auditory effect](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microwave%5Fauditory%5Feffect)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3482
### Event 22146 (A3E8230B)
**Date:** 1961
**Description:** [Ray Palmer](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raymond%5FA.%5FPalmer) begins publishing The Hidden World, a quarterly magazine in trade-paperback format that runs through 1964. It consists of reprints of [Richard Shaver](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard%5FSharpe%5FShaver) stories and readers’ contributions.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clark III 873
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3483
### Event 22147 (C6E7C08A)
**Date:** 1961
**Description:** [George Adamski](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George%5FAdamski) publishes Flying Saucers Farewell, signaling his intention to refocus his efforts on teaching about life and consciousness.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** George Adamski, Flying Saucers Farewell, Abelard-Schuman, 1961; “[Final](https://www.the-adamski-case.nl/his-life/final-years/) [Years,](https://www.the-adamski-case.nl/his-life/final-years/)” The Adamski Case, June 11, 2009
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3484
### Event 22148 (11AC51E4)
**Date:** 1961
**Locations:** Sverdlovsk, Russia; Kurgan
**Description:** An Antonov AN-2P mail biplane takes off from an airfield at or near Sverdlovsk, Russia, bound for Kurgan with seven people on board. About 80–100 miles from Sverdlovsk, the aircraft disappears from the radar screen. Ground control cannot regain contact, so a search is launched with helicopters and troops. The aircraft is found in a small clearing in a dense forest, completely intact. The authorities state that it looks like it was placed there gently from above. All the mail is intact, and there is no sign of anyone on board. No marks or footprints are seen. A 100-foot wide, clearly defined circle of scorched grass and depressed earth is found at a distance of 328 feet from the plane. A report by the Moscow Aviation Institute claims that a UFO was tracked on radar at the control tower and that strange radio signals were hear at the time of the disappearance.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Good Above, [pp. 228–229](https://archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/228/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3485
### Event 22149 (BB214B1C)
**Date:** 1961
**Locations:** Catalina Huanca; Apongo, Peru
**Description:** A UFO appears above the iron-ore mine of Catalina Huanca, owned by the Marcona Mining Company, near Apongo, Peru. It hovers for 5–15 minutes, only about 300 feet away from a young mining engineer. It is round and glowing, with windows on the upper part. The engineer gets a look at it through his theodolite, but it still looks fuzzy. The object reappears throughout the day, allowing all the mine workers \(about 70\) to view it. The following day it follows a supply truck for several hours as it exits the mine heading south over a dirt track.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** S. Parker Gay Jr., “Peru, 1961,” IUR 24, no. 3 \(Fall 1999\): 29
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3486
### Event 22150 (C2F5E150)
**Date:** 1961
**Description:** Texas Instruments establishes the Southwest Center for Advanced Studies and later hires I. Robinson, W. Rindler, J. Ehlers and C. Bichteler to work on gravitational physics.
* [https://arxiv.org/pdf/1607.03319.pdf](https://arxiv.org/pdf/1607.03319.pdf)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_95
### Event 22151 (A6F8EEBE)
**Date:** 1961
**Description:** US Army Col. Phillip J. Corso states when the USAF Foreign Technology Division began, he was put on it and received autopsy reports of what seemed like extraterrestrial bodies, crash reports of UAP craft, and recovered artifacts from crashes.
* [https://archive.org/stream/DisclosureProjectBriefingDocument/DisclosureProjectBriefingDocument_djvu.txt](https://archive.org/stream/DisclosureProjectBriefingDocument/DisclosureProjectBriefingDocument_djvu.txt)
* [https://archive.org/details/DisclosureProjectBriefingDocument/mode/2up?view=theater](https://archive.org/details/DisclosureProjectBriefingDocument/mode/2up?view=theater) (alt URL added by RG)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_96
### Event 22152 (C61A406B)
**Date:** 1/1961?
**Description:** Doctor. Rocket / going down [to] 4 legs. 2 figure(s) nearby. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) May'67+Quest.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HOBANA Ion & WEVERBERGH,Julien: UFO'S from BEHIND the IRON CURTAIN; Bantam Books,1975. 308pp. (Index 285)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6470
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Russia", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "IRKUTSK,BIRYAT,RUSS:DOCTOR:ROCKET/↓4 LEGS:2 FIGs NEARBY:/FSR May'67+Quest", **LatLong:** "52.266669 104.000005", **LatLongDMS:** "52:16:00 N 104:00:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/52.266669,104.000005)", **State/Prov:** "BRY", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 22153 (38AD1F41)
**Date:** 1/1961
**Locations:** La Victoria; El Vigía, Mérida, Venezuela
**Description:** Day. Government topographer Adolfo Paolini Pisani is driving a jeep along the highway between La Victoria and El Vigía, Mérida, Venezuela, when a truck passes him. A few minutes later, a brilliant metallic disc like polished blue steel swoops down and passes dangerously close above the hood of the truck. The truck rises a few feet into the air and overturns in the direction taken by the object, falling in a sandbank with its wheels in the air. The object ascends and is lost to view in a few seconds. Pisani stops his jeep to assist, but fortunately the lone driver has only a few scratches.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Horacio Gonzales, “[Disc Upsets Truck,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201961%2009%2000%20-%20September.pdf)” APRO Bulletin, September 1961, pp. 1, 3
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3487
### Event 22154 (65C75273)
**Date:** 1/1/1961
**Location:** LA VICTORIA, VNZ
**Description:** Saucer going [to] overhead. Truck pulled 1M going up. Falls / ditch. 2 separate observer(s). / r111p185.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 741)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6471
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Venezuela", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "612", **HatchDesc:** "LA VICTORIA,VNZ:SCR > OVHD:TRUCK PULLED 1M ↑:FALLS/DITCH:2 SEP.OBS:/r111p185", **LatLong:** "10.233334 -67.333337", **LatLongDMS:** "10:14:00 N 67:20:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/10.233334,-67.333337)", **State/Prov:** "CAR", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 22155 (193FF7E9)
**Date:** 1/1/1961
**Time:** 20:00
**Location:** MUNCQ-NIEURLET, FR
**Description:** Farmer. Silent luminous top hovers / woods. Red turns going [to] orange. Going west and vanishes.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BOURRET, Jean-Claude: Le NOUVEAU DEFI des OVNI. Editions France Loisirs, Paris. 1976 ISBN 2-7242-0104-3 395pp. (Index 37)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6472
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "MUNCQ-NIEURLET,FR:FARMER:SLNT LUMn.TOP HVRS/WOODS:RED TURNS>ORG:>W+VANISHES:", **LatLong:** "50.850002 2.100000", **LatLongDMS:** "50:51:00 N 02:06:00 E", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.850002,2.100000)", **State/Prov:** "Pas-de-Calais", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 22156 (1739E180)
**Date:** 1/1/1961
**Location:** La Victoria, Venezuela
**Description:** A government topographer, Adolfo P. Pisani, was passed by a truck as he was driving on the Andean Highway. A brilliant disk with the appearance of blue steel swooped down very close to the hood of the truck and then flew away. The truck was pulled up nearly 1 m above the road and overturned in a sandbank. The driver escaped with minor injuries.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Lor.I 250 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_514
### Event 22157 (76BE3A8C)
**Date:** 1/1/1961
**Description:** Mr. Pisani, a government topographer, had just passed a truck on the Andean Highway between La Victoria and El Vigia, Venezuela on a clear day when he witnessed a flying disc of polished blue steel swoop down very close to the hood of the truck and lift it about a meter into the air. The truck overturned onto a sandbank, causing minor injuries to the driver.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Coral E. Lorenzen, Flying Saucers: The Startling Evidence of the Invasion from Outer Space, p. 185, citing H. Gonzalez; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 514
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5
### Event 22158 (A7C36899)
**Date:** 1/3/1961
**Location:** Cuba
**Description:** President [Eisenhower](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dwight%5FD.%5FEisenhower) severs diplomatic relations with Cuba.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3488
### Event 22159 (C1B95D07)
**Date:** 1/3/1961
**Location:** Idaho Falls, Idaho
**Description:** 9:01 p.m. An explosion at the US Army’s SL-1 nuclear power reactor in Idaho Falls, Idaho, causes a meltdown, killing three operators. The direct cause is the improper withdrawal of the central control rod, responsible for absorbing neutrons in the reactor core. The event is the only reactor accident in the US that results in immediate fatalities.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[SL-1](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SL-1)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3489
### Event 22160 (DEEA53EE)
**Date:** 1/4/1961
**Location:** Cuba
**Description:** The CIA Deputy Director of Plans [Richard Bissell](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard%5FM.%5FBissell%5FJr) plans for a “lodgement” by 750 men at an undisclosed site in Cuba, supported by considerable air power.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3490
### Event 22161 (8E5302E8)
**Date:** 1/6/1961
**Time:** 03:00
**Location:** TORROJA DP, SP
**Description:** 6M saucer lands 1500m away / 20 minute(s). Dog avoids area after. / r50p7.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 18)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6473
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "30", **HatchDesc:** "TORROJA DP,SP:6M SCR LANDS 1500m AWAY/20min:DOG AVOIDS AREA AFTER:/r50p7.", **LatLong:** "41.266669 1.083333", **LatLongDMS:** "41:16:00 N 01:05:00 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.266669,1.083333)", **State/Prov:** "TRG", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 22162 (FE5CC507)
**Date:** 1/6/1961
**Description:** At 3:00 a.m. Luis G. Ferre Casas, age 33, and two other witnesses watched as a domed disc-shaped object, six meters in diameter, landed quietly on a mountain in Torroia del Priorato, Tarragona, Spain. It was the color of moonlight. A dog who was with them refused to approach the landing site. The incident lasted 20 minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos, FSR Case Histories, February 1974, p. 10; Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos, OVNIs: El Fenomeno Aterrizaje, p. 49; Catalogue of 200 Type-I UFO Events in Spain and Portugal, case 31; UNICAT database, case 488, citing Ballester Olmos
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_163
### Event 22163 (113615B2)
**Date:** 1/8/1961
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Pravda reports that citizens of the USSR who claim to have seen flying saucers are either fools or liars. (January 8)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1961.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1881
### Event 22164 (FFC26A79)
**Date:** 1/8/1961
**Locations:** Uzbekistan; Tajikistan; USSR
**Description:** Pravda asserts that “some regions” \(including Uzbekistan and Tajikistan\) of the USSR are reporting UFOs. It quotes physicist [Lev Artsimovich](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lev%5FArtsimovich) saying that “it is about time that these tales be stopped no matter how breathtaking they may be.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Loren E. Gross, [The Fifth Horseman of the Apocalypse: UFOs, a History: January–](https://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1961-Jan-Jun.pdf) [June 1961](https://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1961-Jan-Jun.pdf)[,](https://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1961-Jan-Jun.pdf) The Author, 2003, pp. 5–6
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3491
### Event 22165 (F42D56EC)
**Date:** 1/10/1961
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) A Polaris missile is launched from Cape Canaveral. The missile is on its route when an unidentified object is detected in the area: the object is large enough and maneuvers so close to the Polaris that the ground automatic radar detection, programmed to follow the missile, mistakenly locks onto the other object, which eventually leaves the radar detection range. It takes 14 minutes to lock back onto the Polaris. (January 10)
**Reference:** Keyhoe 1967
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1961.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1882
### Event 22166 (40CDB97C)
**Date:** 1/10/1961
**Location:** Cape Canaveral, FL
**Description:** UFO follows Polaris missile during launch.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [_UFOs and the National Security State: Chronology of a Cover-up, 1941–1973_, by Richard Dolan](https://archive.org/details/ufosnationalsecu00dola/mode/2up)
**Source:** Dolan, **ID:** Dolan_238
### Event 22167 (79521FC6)
**Date:** 1/10/1961 (approximate)
**Location:** ATLANTIC 33° 40W-19° 48S
**Description:** Radars. Huge object paces Polaris missile test. / r211p55.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: ABOVE TOP SECRET; Sidgewick & Jackson, London 1987 & Quill Books, 1988. 592pp. (Index 367)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6474
**Attributes:** **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **RDR:** Radar traces/blips, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Atlantic Ocean + islands", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "14", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "ATLANTIC 33°40W-19°48S:RADARS:HUGE OBJ PACES POLARIS MISSILE TEST:/r211p55", **LatLong:** "-19.800001 -33.666668", **LatLongDMS:** "19:48:00 S 33:40:00 W", **Locale:** "High Seas", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-19.800001,-33.666668)", **State/Prov:** "SAT", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 22168 (A0824C7D)
**Date:** 1/10/1961
**Time:** 21:10
**Location:** SOUTH / BENJAMIN, TX
**Description:** Pilot and more/others. Saucer zigzags going quickly southwest and lands. Darkens and going up [to] as Posse nears. / r242p43.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 735)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6475
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **MIL:** Military investigation
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "6", **Elev:** "485", **HatchDesc:** "S/BENJAMIN,TX:PILOT++:SCR ZIGZAGS >>SW+LANDS:DARKENS+↑ as POSSE NEARS:/r242p43", **LatLong:** "33.500002 -99.794449", **LatLongDMS:** "33:30:00 N 99:47:40 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/33.500002,-99.794449)", **State/Prov:** "Texas", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 22169 (3B6E55B7)
**Date:** 1/10/1961
**Time:** 21:10
**Location:** BOULDER, CO
**Description:** Radio astronomers. Intense artificial white noise / 29.75MHz / S. sky.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** STURROCK, Dr. Peter A: REPORT / SURVEY of the AMERICAN ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY of the UFO PROBLEM; Stanford, CA 1977. (Index 165)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6476
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **NFO:** No craft seen, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "55", **Elev:** "1629", **HatchDesc:** "BOULDER,CO:RADIO ASTRONOMERS:INTENSE ARTIFICIAL WHITE NOISE/29.75MHz/S.SKY", **LatLong:** "40.016669 -105.283338", **LatLongDMS:** "40:01:00 N 105:17:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.016669,-105.283338)", **State/Prov:** "Colorado", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 22170 (5F10C197)
**Date:** 1/10/1961
**Location:** Cape Canaveral, FL
**Description:** UFO alters launch of U.S. Navy Polaris missile, G (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Rating: 5)
**Reference:** NICAP: [610110](http://www.nicap.org/blocmissdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2486
### Event 22171 (587A217B)
**Date:** 1/10/1961
**Location:** Cape Canaveral, FL
**Description:** UFO blocks tracking of U.S. missile, G (NICAP: 10 - Nuclear Connection)
**Reference:** NICAP: [610110](http://www.nicap.org/blocmissdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2487
### Event 22172 (7DA55D4E)
**Date:** 1/10/1961
**Location:** Atlantic bet. Cuba and Haiti, At Sea
**Description:** (McDonald list) UFO "Alters" Navy Polaris Missile Test (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** NICAP: [610110](http://www.nicap.org/610110capecanav%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2488
### Event 22173 (A581DEB1)
**Date:** 1/10/1961
**Location:** Wichita Falls, TX
**Description:** A/c Sees Object Maneuver and Land (NICAP: 06 - Trace Cases, Code: T, Rating: 5, BB: BBU) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)
**Reference:** NICAP: [610110](http://nicap.org/610110wichitafalls%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2489
### Event 22174 (5F8FE178)
**Date:** 1/10/1961
**Location:** Benjamin, TX
**Description:** Glowing red, zig-zagging UFO observed from air by pilot (also from ground by others); maneuvered and landed on large overgrown field. \[NICAP UFOE, V\] (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2491
### Event 22175 (70935369)
**Date:** 1/10/1961
**Location:** Cape Canaveral, Florida
**Description:** A US Navy A-1 Polaris missile is launched from a ground pad at Cape Canaveral, Florida. A disc, whose diameter is close to the length of the Polaris, alters its tracking, but does not block the missile firing, since the tracking system continues to follow the object and later returns to again to track the Polaris downrange. The diameter of the disc is approximately 20–25 feet and it is about 6–8 feet thick at its center. It is visually lost to ground observers and the primary witness \([Clark C. McClelland](https://clarkcmcclelland.wordpress.com/), with 10x50 binoculars\) as it continues downrange. The original investigation is conducted by McClelland and his Florida NICAP subcommittee.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** NICAP, “[UFO ‘Alters’ Tracking of Navy Polaris Test](http://www.nicap.org/610110capecanav%5Fdir.htm)”; Loren E. Gross, [The Fifth Horseman of the Apocalypse:](https://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1961-Jan-Jun.pdf) [UFOs, a History: January–June 1961](https://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1961-Jan-Jun.pdf)[,](https://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1961-Jan-Jun.pdf) The Author, 2003, pp. 6–7; [Sparks](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf)[,](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf) p. 286
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3492
### Event 22176 (22096525)
**Date:** 1/10/1961
**Description:** At 12:14 p.m. a Polaris missile launched from Cape Canaveral, Florida was paced by a UFO. Its radar signal was so strong that the radar tracking locked onto the UFO instead of the missile.The UFO stayed on the radar screen for several minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** William R. Corliss & Jerome Clark, UFO Calendar 1999; Richard M. Dolan, UFO's and the National Security State: Chronology of a Cover-up 1941-1973, p. 411
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_239
### Event 22177 (84F74761)
**Date:** 1/10/1961
**Description:** At 9:12 p.m. a bright red disc-shaped object was sighted near Benjamin, Texas by two men in a light plane. It followed their Beech Debonair airplane, zigzagged, and then landed. The pilot was interviewed by the US Air Force.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Dominique Weinstein, Aircraft UFO Encounters, p. 32; Richard Hall, The UFO Evidence, p. 43; Gordon I. R. Lore, Jr., UFOs: A New Look, Washington DC: NICAP, p. 24
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_240
### Event 22178 (389B0A21)
**Date:** 1/12/1961
**Locations:** Moscow, Russia; Fort Bliss
**Description:** In a press conference in Moscow, Russia, Minister of Merchant Marine [Viktor Bakaev](https://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/Viktor%2BBakaev) charges that US military aircraft and ships are systematically conducting “provocative actions” against Soviet vessels around Cuba. He is probably referring to close approaches to Cuban airspace by Fort Bliss–based reconnaissance aircraft that are testing the responses of Soviet electronic countermeasures.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Jacobsen, Area 51, [pp. 155–157](https://archive.org/details/area51uncensored0000jaco/page/154/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3493
### Event 22179 (C8C939E7)
**Date:** 1/17/1961
**Locations:** Élisabethville [now Lubumbashi]; Democratic Republic of the Congo; Katanga
**Description:** DRC Prime Minister [Patrice Lumumba](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patrice%5FLumumba) is executed by firing squad near Élisabethville \[now Lubumbashi\], Democratic Republic of the Congo. CIA Station Chief [Larry Devlin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Larry%5FDevlin) has helped direct the search to capture Lumumba for his transfer to his enemies in Katanga, he is involved in arranging Lumumba’s transfer there, and he is in direct touch with the killers the night Lumumba is killed. The Congolese leaders who kill Lumumba, including [Mobutu Sese Seko](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mobutu%5FSese%5FSeko) and [Joseph Kasa-Vubu](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph%5FKasa-Vubu), receive money and weapons directly from the CIA. [John](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John%5FStockwell%5F%28CIA%5Fofficer%29) [Stockwell](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John%5FStockwell%5F%28CIA%5Fofficer%29) writes in 1978 that a CIA agent had the body in the trunk of his car in order to try to get rid of it. Stockwell, who knows Devlin well, feels Devlin knows more than anyone else about the murder. However, documents released in 2017 reveal that the US role in Lumumba’s murder was only under consideration by the CIA and never carried out.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Patrice Lumumba](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patrice%5FLumumba\#United%5FStates%5Finvolvement)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3494
### Event 22180 (CF18FF7E)
**Date:** 1/17/1961
**Description:** [Eisenhower](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dwight%5FD.%5FEisenhower) delivers a farewell address in a TV broadcast. Perhaps best known for advocating that the nation guard against the potential influence of the military–industrial complex, a term he is credited with coining, the speech also expresses concerns about planning for the future and the dangers of massive spending, especially deficit spending, the prospect of the domination of science through federal funding, and, conversely, the domination of science-based public policy by what he calls a “scientific-technological elite.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Eisenhower’s farewell address](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eisenhower%27s%5Ffarewell%5Faddress)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3495
### Event 22181 (CCB44D42)
**Date:** 1/17/1961
**Locations:** Holloman AFB; Cimarron, New Mexico
**Description:** 6:17 p.m. A former weather officer at Holloman AFB is driving with some companions near Cimarron, New Mexico, when they see three different groups of amber UFOs flying in V-formation about 15 miles away at 30,000 feet. There are six lights in the first group and eight in the second and third. They fly away to the southwest and then return to where they first appeared.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Lorenzen, UFOs: The Whole Story, Signet, 1969, pp. 226–227
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3496
### Event 22182 (EAC2B621)
**Date:** 1/19/1961
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Statement from the [USAF](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/USAF.html) following the wave of sightings: - Not a single fragment of a saucer or spaceship. (January 19)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1961.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1883
### Event 22183 (3AF0C4F7)
**Date:** 1/19/1961
**Description:** A USAF press release proclaims that “not even a minute fragment of a so-called ‘flying saucer’ has ever been found.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Frank Edwards, FS Serious Business, Bantam ed., 1966, [p. 48](https://archive.org/details/flyingsaucersser00edwa/page/48/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3497
### Event 22184 (C1840C49)
**Date:** 1/20/1961
**End date:** 11/22/1963
**Location:** Washington DC
**Description:** President John F. Kennedy in office
**Type:** historical event
**Reference:** [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_F._Kennedy)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_600
### Event 22185 (2CFC396C)
**Date:** 1/22/1961
**Location:** FRANCE, Cestas-Gazinet
**Description:** (Translated from French) At 6:30 pm, a professor from the University of Bordeaux and 3 teachers observed an elongated, shiny, orange object. There was an influence on the car's ignition. One witness felt a slight discomfort and heard (or perceived in some other way) the word "Zemu" (note from vog: maybe it was the word "SAMU"?) repeated twice.
**Reference:** Jacques VALLEE: "Chronicles of E.T. Appearances - DENOEL 1972 - coll. J'AI LU, p. 298
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2194
### Event 22186 (2AD0CA38)
**Date:** 1/22/1961
**Location:** Eglin AFB, FL
**Description:** Metallic UFO approaches, makes U-turn, speeds away.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [_UFOs and the National Security State: Chronology of a Cover-up, 1941–1973_, by Richard Dolan](https://archive.org/details/ufosnationalsecu00dola/mode/2up)
**Source:** Dolan, **ID:** Dolan_239
### Event 22187 (E44D5522)
**Date:** 1/22/1961
**Time:** 16:50
**Description:** Metallic saucer nears Air Force Base / Gulf. U-turn and retreats. 8mm film / businessman.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO EVIDENCE; NICAP,Washington, DC 1964. Reprinted 1997 Barnes & Noble Books ( only $7.98! ) (Index 95)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6477
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "4", **Elev:** "26", **HatchDesc:** "EGLIN AFB,FL:MTLC SCR NEARS AFB/GULF:UTURN+RETREATS:8mm FILM/BUSINESSMAN", **LatLong:** "30.483335 -86.550004", **LatLongDMS:** "30:29:00 N 86:33:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/30.483335,-86.550004)", **State/Prov:** "Florida", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 22188 (4E03A0FB)
**Date:** 1/22/1961
**Time:** 18:30
**Description:** 4 professors. Saucer. Electro-magnetic effect (EME) / auto. Possible telepathy. / Ouranos.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA; H. Regnery, Chicago HC 1969 & Contemporary Books,Chicago 1993. 372pp. (Index 515)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6478
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **TLP:** Telepathy, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "CESTAS> Event 22189 (34264D33)
**Date:** 1/22/1961
**Location:** Eglin AFB, FL
**Description:** An elliptical UFO, metallic looking, approached from over the Gulf, made a U- turn and sped back over the Gulf. Photographed on 8 mm movie film by a businessman. \[NICAP UFOE, VIII\] (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2492
### Event 22190 (197DC471)
**Date:** 1/22/1961
**Time:** 1830
**Location:** Cestas-Gazinet, France
**Description:** An electronics professor at Bordeaux University and three school teachers observed an elongated, glowing, orange object. Interference with car ignition was noted. One witness was said to have felt a slight indisposition and to have heard or somehow perceived the word "ZEMU" repeated twice.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Ouranos 26 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_515
### Event 22191 (4DF005C5)
**Date:** 1/22/1961
**Locations:** Eglin AFB; Valparaiso, Florida
**Description:** 4:45 p.m. An elliptical, metallic-looking UFO approaches Eglin AFB near Valparaiso, Florida, from over the Gulf, makes a U-turn and speeds back over the Gulf. Harry Caslar is filming his son on the beach with 8mm movie film and captures the UFO.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** UFOEv, [p. 95](https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=mdp.39015006091691&view=1up&seq=107&skin=2021)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3498
### Event 22192 (1DBD1A25)
**Date:** 1/22/1961
**Description:** An electronics professor at Bordeaux University and three school teachers observed an elongated, glowing, orange object in Cestas-Gazinet, France at 6:30 p.m. Interference with their car's ignition was noted. One witness was said to have felt a slight indisposition and to have heard or somehow perceived the word "ZEMU" repeated twice.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 515; Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, case 111, citing Vallee
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_411
### Event 22193 (E0D3147A)
**Date:** 1/22/1961
**Description:** A metallic UFO was filmed at 4:45 p.m. as it approached Eglin Air Force Base, Florida, then made a U-turn and sped away. There were at least six witnesses.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP UFO Investigator, May 1961, p. 5; Richard Hall, The UFO Evidence, p. 95; George D. Fawcett, Flying Saucers, September 1970, p. 4
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_412
### Event 22194 (466D3422)
**Date:** 1/28/1961
**Locations:** Trinidad, Cuba; Havana; Escambray Mountains; Sancti Spiritus province
**Description:** President [Kennedy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John%5FF.%5FKennedy) is briefed, together with all the major departments, on the latest plan \(code-named Operation Pluto\) that involves 1,000 men landed in a ship-borne invasion at Trinidad, Cuba, about 170 miles southeast of Havana at the foothills of the Escambray Mountains in Sancti Spiritus province. Kennedy authorizes the active departments to report progress.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3499
### Event 22195 (3E8E661F)
**Date:** 1/29/1961
**Location:** Netherlands
**Description:** Royal Dutch AF pilot in F-86 fires on UFO. Non-US military.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [_UFOs and the National Security State: Chronology of a Cover-up, 1941–1973_, by Richard Dolan](https://archive.org/details/ufosnationalsecu00dola/mode/2up)
**Source:** Dolan, **ID:** Dolan_240
### Event 22196 (76658257)
**Date:** 1/31/1961
**Location:** USA
**Description:** (Translated from French) Chimpanzee "Ham" reached 252 km with a Redstone rocket. His capsule was recovered after a 18 minute flight.
**Reference:** Inforespace n° 49, 1980, p. 14, 15
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2195
### Event 22197 (7B834741)
**Date:** 2/1961
**Time:** 22:10
**Description:** Gendarme. Domed disk / 150M altitude lights area near nuclear power station/depot/facility.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PHENOMENES SPATIAUX: Group GEPA, Gen. M. Lionel Chassin Paris. Quarterly 1964?-1977. Merged into Grp. GEPAN (Index 36)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6479
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **NUC:** Nuclear facility related
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "SW/LOQUEFFRET,FR:GENDARME:DOMED DISK/150M alt LITES AREA nr NUCL.POWER Stn:", **LatLong:** "48.305558 -3.877778", **LatLongDMS:** "48:18:20 N 03:52:40 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.305558,-3.877778)", **State/Prov:** "Finistère", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 22198 (3552AA29)
**Date:** 2/1961
**Location:** Western Europe, France
**Description:** Disc near nuclear power station (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, NC)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2493
### Event 22199 (39E4B968)
**Date:** 2/1961
**Locations:** Karelia, Russia; Leningrad; St. Petersburg
**Description:** Forester Vasili Brodski finds a mysterious crater 100 feet long, 50 feet wide, and 10 feet deep on the bank of a frozen lake in Karelia, Russia. It had not been there two days earlier. The base is remarkably smooth, and around the edge are lumps of grass and soil but no trace of the excavated dirt. Six investigators from Leningrad \[now St. Petersburg\] arrive and find odd, crumbling black pellets on the edge of the lake. Divers discover a 330- foot strip where the soil has been displaced along the floor of the lake, as if something slid along the ground and submerged, ploughing up the soil. Geologist Vsevolod Charmov examines ice, water, and soil samples but cannot explain a green discoloration on some of the submerged pieces of broken ice. The pellets seem to be an inorganic substance.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Hobana and Weverbergh 61–63
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3500
### Event 22200 (54F0F060)
**Date:** 2/1/1961
**Location:** USA
**Description:** (Translated from French) Launch of "Samos II", a retrograde moving satellite.
**Reference:** "Astronautics, Pierre Rousseau, Hachette 1965, p. 63
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2196
### Event 22201 (DF9220FA)
**Date:** 2/2/1961
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Turin devices record the sound of a beating heart and a labored breath. A cardiogram is traced by the famous cardiologist Doglioti. (February 2)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1961.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1884
### Event 22202 (8AAD69BA)
**Date:** 2/4/1961
**Location:** USSR, Baikonour
**Description:** (Translated from French) Launch of Sputnik VIII, the heaviest of all satellites with its 6483 kg. It was recovered on February 26, 1961.
**Reference:** "Astronautics, Pierre Rousseau, Hachette 1965, p. 63
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2197
### Event 22203 (7868922F)
**Date:** 2/5/1961 (approximate)
**Description:** Wave / night lights fireballs and unidentified shapes / 2 days. News. / r242p138.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLAMMONDE, Paris: UFO EXIST!; Ballentine Books, NY 1976. PB 480pp. (Index 437)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6480
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "240", **Elev:** "9", **HatchDesc:** "PORTLAND,ME+ENTIRE STATE:WAVE/NLTS FBLS+UID SHAPES/2 DAYS:NEWS:/r242p138", **LatLong:** "43.650002 -70.266670", **LatLongDMS:** "43:39:00 N 70:16:00 W", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.650002,-70.266670)", **State/Prov:** "Maine", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 22204 (6BF44B4D)
**Date:** 2/5/1961
**End date:** 2/7/1961
**Location:** Unknown City, ME
**Description:** Many reports of strange lights flashing around in sky. Some blinked and moved up and down. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2494
### Event 22205 (45335DFD)
**Date:** 2/5/1961
**End date:** 2/7/1961
**Locations:** Maine; Portland; Brunswick
**Description:** Many people report strange lights flashing around in the sky over Maine. Some blink and move up and down. A Portland Press Herald editorial, February 9, says: “Mysterious objects ‘lit up like a ball of fire and going fast’ zoom over Portland. Unidentified shapes with green, yellow, and red lights hover over Brunswick, then dart away with ‘unbelievable quickness.’ Strange things are happening. . . The military had us just about convinced that no such objects existed. The only trouble was that many people—good, reliable observers— continued to see these things.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** UFOEv, [p. 138](https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=mdp.39015006091691&view=1up&seq=150&skin=2021)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3501
### Event 22206 (D22FF199)
**Date:** 2/7/1961
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Soviet authorities announce the disintegration of *Sputnik 7*. (February 7)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1961.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1885
### Event 22207 (94AED493)
**Date:** 2/7/1961
**Time:** 22:30
**Description:** Business exec. Bright-red hemisphere hovers. Going quickly east. Silent. No contrail.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO EVIDENCE; NICAP,Washington, DC 1964. Reprinted 1997 Barnes & Noble Books ( only $7.98! ) (Index 68)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6481
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "12", **HatchDesc:** "KENNEBUNKPORT,ME:BUSINESS EXEC:BRITE-RED HEMISPHERE HVRS:>>E:SLNT:NO CONTRAIL", **LatLong:** "43.361113 -70.477781", **LatLongDMS:** "43:21:40 N 70:28:40 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.361113,-70.477781)", **State/Prov:** "Maine", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 22208 (564E0E13)
**Date:** 2/10/1961
**Time:** 13:00?
**Description:** 1 observer. Night light going quickly [to] against wind. Lands / 2 hours. Burnt grass. / FSR'61#5.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PHILLIPS, Ted: Study of PHYSICAL TRACES ASSOCIATED with UFO SIGHTINGS; CUFOS 1975. (Index 25)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6482
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "121", **Elev:** "11", **HatchDesc:** "TIREE Isl.SCOTLAND:1 OBS:NLT>>AGAINST WIND:LANDS/2hrs:BURNT GRASS:/FSR'61#5", **LatLong:** "56.500003 -6.916667", **LatLongDMS:** "56:30:00 N 06:55:00 W", **Locale:** "Islands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/56.500003,-6.916667)", **State/Prov:** "Scotland", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 22209 (BB58B113)
**Date:** 2/12/1961
**Location:** USSR, Baikonour
**Description:** (Translated from French) The first test shot towards Venus was executed by the USSR on February 12.
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2198
### Event 22210 (321B2A80)
**Date:** 2/12/1961
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Launch of *Venera 1* towards [Venus](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/Venus.html). (February 12)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1961.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1886
### Event 22211 (CF998B4A)
**Date:** 2/16/1961
**Location:** Atlantic N of Bermuda, At Sea
**Description:** (McDonald list) High Speed Object Tracked on APS-95 (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** NICAP: [610216](http://www.nicap.org/610216bermuda%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2495
### Event 22212 (34508945)
**Date:** 2/16/1961
**Description:** Rep. John W. McCormack states the Air Force “has not been giving out all the information it has on UFOs.” A year earlier McCormack, the Senate Preparedness Committee and the House Science and Astronautics Committee were briefed by USAF and told no government agency or department was withholding information on the subject. McCormack’s comments in 1961 suggests he believed he was lied to.
* [https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP68-00046R000200090019-9.pdf](https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP68-00046R000200090019-9.pdf)
* [https://books.google.com/books?id=Zgw35KTLOVoC&pg=PT407&lpg=PT407&dq=ufos+%22lied+to+congress%22&source=bl&ots=JDWfkd7NfQ&sig=ACfU3U3kGUZrzFSOxKgHzrdzZFUPn3YY4g&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjWq-K7-Ir5AhWdGTQIHft0DXUQ6AF6BAgQEAI#v=onepage&q=McCormack%20Committee&f=false](https://books.google.com/books?id=Zgw35KTLOVoC&pg=PT407&lpg=PT407&dq=ufos+%22lied+to+congress%22&source=bl&ots=JDWfkd7NfQ&sig=ACfU3U3kGUZrzFSOxKgHzrdzZFUPn3YY4g&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjWq-K7-Ir5AhWdGTQIHft0DXUQ6AF6BAgQEAI#v=onepage&q=McCormack%20Committee&f=false)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_97
### Event 22213 (3FC13F92)
**Date:** 2/17/1961
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) A man and a woman are launched from the Baikonur base, on the shores of the Aral Sea. The woman cries out: I'm going to catch it and hold it in my right hand! Look out the porthole! Look out the porthole! I got it... The first woman in space must have taken something that was floating near the capsule. But things get complicated by an unexpected event. The man suddenly declares: There it is! There's something there! If we don't come back, the world will never know! It's hard... (February 17)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1961.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1887
### Event 22214 (F12B3011)
**Date:** 2/17/1961
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) 50 Unidentified Flying Objects are detected on the [NATO](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/NATO.html) radar, moving in formation from the Soviet Union towards Europe, at an altitude of nearly 3000 m, then disappearing 9 minutes later.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1961.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1888
### Event 22215 (39BE28BA)
**Date:** 2/17/1961
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Acting on the recommendations of the *Joint Study Group*, Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara notified the [JCS](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/JCS.html) in February [1961](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/1961.html) of his decision to establish a [Defense Intelligence Agency](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/DIA.html) and charged it with developing a concept plan that would integrate the military intelligence efforts of all elements of the [DoD](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/DoD.html).
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1961.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1889
### Event 22216 (2C1D38C0)
**Date:** 2/23/1961
**Location:** Misawa AFB, Japan
**Description:** (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2496
### Event 22217 (DE77E01D)
**Date:** 2/26/1961
**Location:** Tyndall AFB, FL
**Description:** (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2497
### Event 22218 (774B2A3C)
**Date:** 2/27/1961
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Observation at Bark River \(Michigan\). (February 27)
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#7284 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1961.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1890
### Event 22219 (89CAB477)
**Date:** 2/27/1961
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Crash of a 30 m disk in Timmensdorfer, near the Baltic Sea \(Germany\). The British army arrives first on the scene and establishes a security perimeter. The aircraft is not destroyed, because it landed on a soft and gentle terrain, although a third is buried. 12 small bodies are found inside, similar to the description of the [Gris](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/glossair.html\#Gris).
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1961.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1891
### Event 22220 (A6AF8034)
**Date:** 2/27/1961
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Construction of the MIB Headquarters under New York.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1961.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1892
### Event 22221 (B462482D)
**Date:** 2/27/1961
**Description:** Ships crew. Odd object twists and turns and falls to sea. / FSRv17#5.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SANDERSON, Ivan: INVISIBLE RESIDENTS; World Publishing HB 1970 & Avon Books PB 1973 (Index 40)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6483
**Attributes:** **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SUB:** Submersible: Rises from or submerges into water, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "LEWIS> Event 22222 (AC5DF068)
**Date:** 2/27/1961
**Time:** 22:20
**Location:** BARK RIVER, MI
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #7284. 13cm sphere/orb/globe maneuvers slowly. Beams light ahead. Goes behind trees.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SCIENCE & MECHANICS (eds.) OFFICIAL GUIDE to UFO'S; Ace Books, NY. 1968. (Index 170)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6484
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "227", **HatchDesc:** "BARK RIVER,MI:BBK#7284:13cm ORB MNVRS SLOWLY:BEAMS LITE AHEAD:GOES BHND TREES", **LatLong:** "45.711113 -87.305560", **LatLongDMS:** "45:42:40 N 87:18:20 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.711113,-87.305560)", **State/Prov:** "Michigan", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 22223 (B259AF3D)
**Date:** 2/27/1961
**Location:** Yuma, AZ
**Description:** (McDonald list) Uncorrelated Target With Diffused Echoes (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** NICAP: [610227](http://www.nicap.org/610227yuma%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2498
### Event 22224 (951C498B)
**Date:** 2/27/1961
**Location:** Ft. Meade, MD
**Description:** Cluster of 3 Objects Tracked at 900 Knots (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5)
**Reference:** NICAP: [610227](http://www.nicap.org/610227ftmeade%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2499
### Event 22225 (66CB8778)
**Date:** 2/27/1961
**Location:** Herndon, VA
**Description:** (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2500
### Event 22226 (55CA32F8)
**Date:** 2/27/1961
**Location:** Bark River, MI
**Description:** Fiery-red, round object, preceded by light rays (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 7284)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2501
### Event 22227 (EC27156B)
**Date:** 2/27/1961
**Time:** 10:15 PM
**Location:** Bark River, Michigan
**Description:** Witness: Mrs. LaPalm. One fiery-red, round object, preceded by light rays, slowed and descended, while her dog howled. Sighting lasted 10 minutes.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_458
### Event 22228 (AD7854FB)
**Date:** 2/27/1961
**Description:** A ship's crew watched an oddly shaped flying object twist, turn, and fall into the sea between Lewis and Harris Islands in the Western Isles off Scotland. On that night at 10:15 p.m. a red sphere with light rays projecting out ahead of it was seen by Mrs. Lapham and her daughter for ten minutes in Bark River, Michigan. Her dog howled during the time that the UFO was present.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Janet Gregory, FSR, September-October 1971, p. 29; US Air Force Project Blue Book files counted in official statistics, case #7284
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1151
### Event 22229 (204B4E36)
**Date:** 2/28/1961
**Location:** Vietnam
**Description:** US military advisors first accompany South Vietnamese troops during operations in Vietnam
**Type:** war
**Reference:** [link](https://constitutionus.com/war/when-did-vietnam-war-start/)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_601
### Event 22230 (B4050A64)
**Date:** 2/28/1961
**Time:** 03:20
**Location:** LAKEVILLE, MA
**Description:** Blue Book. Roar. Bright-yellow ovoid / 2 passes. House lights fail. Going quickly south. / r242p139.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 25)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6485
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "6", **Elev:** "27", **HatchDesc:** "LAKEVILLE,MA:BBK:ROAR:BRITE-YEL OVOID/2 PASSES:HOUSE LITES FAIL:>>S:/r242p139", **LatLong:** "41.850002 -70.950003", **LatLongDMS:** "41:51:00 N 70:57:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.850002,-70.950003)", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 22231 (FA17DA8C)
**Date:** 2/28/1961
**Location:** Waverly AFB, IA
**Description:** (McDonald list) (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** NICAP: [610228](http://www.nicap.org/610228waverlyafb%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2502
### Event 22232 (ADAB50EA)
**Date:** 2/28/1961
**Location:** Lakeville, MA
**Description:** House lights dimmed three times, went out on two occasions as elongated UFO twice passed overhead (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2503
### Event 22233 (B63C489B)
**Date:** 2/28/1961
**Location:** Lakewood, Massachusetts
**Description:** 3:20 a.m. Clarence Blackwood and his wife hear a roaring sound in the sky at their home in Lakewood, Massachusetts. They look out the bedroom window and see a fiery cigar-shaped object moving at low altitude to the northeast. It is bright yellow in the middle with a bright red edge and surrounded by thin clouds of black smoke. The object rolls back and forth rapidly and travels slowly to the southwest. It passes directly above their house, illuminating the bedroom. The lights that they have left on in the kitchen dim three times and go out for 4– 5 minutes. The object returns at 3:40 and the kitchen lights repeat their previous actions.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** [Schopick](http://cufos.org/books/A%5FStudy%5Fof%5FSecondary%5FEffects-An%5FUnpublished%5FManuscript%5Fof%5FUFO%5FE-M%5FCases.pdf)[,](http://cufos.org/books/A%5FStudy%5Fof%5FSecondary%5FEffects-An%5FUnpublished%5FManuscript%5Fof%5FUFO%5FE-M%5FCases.pdf) pp. 115–117
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3502
### Event 22234 (3038E69B)
**Date:** 3/1961
**Location:** US
**Description:** Article in Argosy magazine. AF Col. Tacker used the strongest language to date in denouncing critics of the UFO investigation. Their claims were "absolutely erroneous;" "a hoax:" "sensational theories:" the work of "amateur hobby groups." NICAP's evidence was "drivel," its claims "ridiculous" and it was making "senseless accusations." In April 1961, after being associated with the UFO project for over three years, Col. Tacker was shipped to Europe on "routine reassignment."
**Type:** magazine article
**Reference:** ["The UFO Evidence" (1964) by Richard H. Hall, page 106-108](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Reference:** ["Report on Unidentified Flying Objects" (Dec. 1956) by Capt. Edward J. Ruppelt](https://archive.org/details/reportonunidenti00rupp/mode/1up)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_892
### Event 22235 (8BDFD706)
**Date:** 3/1961
**Description:** In an article in Argosy, Maj. [Lawrence Tacker](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/30450384/lawrence-j-tacker) says that critics of the Air Force investigation are “absolutely erroneous,” “a hoax,” “sensational theories,” and the work of “amateur hobby groups.” NICAP’s evidence is “drivel,” its claims “ridiculous,” and it is making “senseless accusations.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Lawrence J. Tacker, “‘Flying Saucers Are Fakes!’ ‘—U.S. Air Force,’” Argosy, March 1961, pp. 58, 125–126; UFOEv, [p. 108](https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=mdp.39015006091691&view=1up&seq=121&skin=2021)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3503
### Event 22236 (E6074BC2)
**Date:** 3/1961
**Description:** House Majority Leader [John W. McCormack](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John%5FW.%5FMcCormack) tells [Keyhoe](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald%5FKeyhoe) privately that he has urged the Science and Astronautics Committee, headed by Rep. [Overton Brooks](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Overton%5FBrooks) \(D-La.\), to investigate Air Force UFO secrecy.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Keyhoe, Aliens from Space, Signet ed., 1974, [p. 76](https://archive.org/details/aliensfromspacer00keyh/page/76/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3504
### Event 22237 (3EC79DDB)
**Date:** 3/3/1961
**Location:** Ephrata, WA
**Description:** (McDonald list) (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** NICAP: [610303](http://www.nicap.org/610303ephrata%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2504
### Event 22238 (06226925)
**Date:** 3/3/1961
**Description:** A white spherical UFO with a metallic luster was seen during the day flying over Manly, New South Wales, Australia. At 10:45 p.m. a father and son were camping near a lake at Bowna Hume Weir, New South Wales when they saw a disc-shaped UFO with four windows on the ground not far away. Four humanoid figures could be seen between the object and a nearby fire. Their encounter lasted 45 minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Michael Hervey, UFOs over the Southern Hemisphere, p. 87; Bill Chalker & Keith Basterfield, Australian Catalogue of Close Encounter Type Three Reports, p. 11
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1270
### Event 22239 (996D8A91)
**Date:** 3/4/1961
**Description:** Military observer(s). No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFOCAT CATALOG: Assorted Printouts. Donald A. Johnson Ph.D (CUFOS). P.O. Box 446, Concord, NH 03302-0446 (Index 63)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6486
**Attributes:** **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Atlantic Ocean + islands", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "ATLANTIC 43°30W-42°55N BBK#UNKN:MIL OBS:NFD", **LatLong:** "42.916669 -43.500002", **LatLongDMS:** "42:55:00 N 43:30:00 W", **Locale:** "High Seas", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.916669,-43.500002)", **State/Prov:** "NAT", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 22240 (B12A28B8)
**Date:** 3/6/1961
**Description:** In South Miami, Dade County, Florida at 10:15 p.m. a man saw a cigar-shaped object with occupants aboard.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Norbert F. Gariety, Flying Saucers, September 1961, p. 38; Geroge D. Fawcett, Flying Saucers, May 1963, p. 34
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1330
### Event 22241 (99D9FE04)
**Date:** 3/10/1961
**Time:** 21:10
**Description:** Night light maneuvers / wide area near Hume reservoir. No further details. / AFSR#5.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA; H. Regnery, Chicago HC 1969 & Contemporary Books,Chicago 1993. 372pp. (Index 516)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6487
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "WANGARATTA+TALLANGATTA,VCT:NLT MNVRs/WIDE AREA nr HUME RSVR:NFD:/AFSR#5", **LatLong:** "-36.383335 146.300007", **LatLongDMS:** "36:23:00 S 146:18:00 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-36.383335,146.300007)", **State/Prov:** "Victoria", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 22242 (481D435E)
**Date:** 3/10/1961
**Location:** RAF Upper Heyford, UK
**Description:** (McDonald list) Slow-Moving Object Tracked on Gnd Radar (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** NICAP: [610310](http://www.nicap.org/610310upperheyford%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2505
### Event 22243 (1EBF059A)
**Date:** 3/10/1961
**Time:** 2045
**Location:** Bowna, Australia
**Description:** F. Reynolds and his son were camping near the water. They observed an object on the ground with four windows in it. There was a fire nearby, and four figures could be seen between it and the object. At 2130 it had disappeared. Witnesses in Wodonga, West Albury, Wangaratta and Tallangatta independently observed an unknown object in flight.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Austr. FSR 5 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_516
### Event 22244 (1CB5D7DF)
**Date:** 3/10/1961
**Description:** F. Reynolds and his son were camping near the water in Bowna, New South Wales, Australia. They observed an object on the ground with four windows in it. There was a fire nearby, and four figures could be seen between it and the object. At 9:30 p.m. it had disappeared. Witnesses in Wodonga, West Albury, Wangaratta and Tallangatta independently observed an unknown object in flight that same evening.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 516
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1402
### Event 22245 (B4B30148)
**Date:** 3/13/1961
**Location:** SAN DIEGO, CA
**Description:** Blue Book. 2 Navy men. "Satellite" going going west makes 90° turn going quickly south.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SCIENCE & MECHANICS (eds.) OFFICIAL GUIDE to UFO'S; Ace Books, NY. 1968. (Index 40)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6488
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "SAN DIEGO,CA:BBK:2 NAVY MEN:"SATELLITE" GOING > W MAKES 90° TURN >>S.", **LatLong:** "32.733335 -117.150006", **LatLongDMS:** "32:44:00 N 117:09:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/32.733335,-117.150006)", **RelAlt:** "9999", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 22246 (35E4F7CB)
**Date:** 3/15/1961
**Time:** 20:50
**Location:** NEAR BOWNA, AUSTR
**Description:** 2 / camp. Flaming object / shore. Figure(s) run to and fro. No trace. / r96#161+/ r8.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 743)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6489
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "45", **HatchDesc:** "nr BOWNA,AUSTR:2/CAMP:FLAMING OBJ/SHORE:FIGs RUN TO+FRO:NO TRACE:/r96#161+/r8", **LatLong:** "-36.033335 147.083340", **LatLongDMS:** "36:02:00 S 147:05:00 E", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-36.033335,147.083340)", **State/Prov:** "NSW", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 22247 (32C66E8A)
**Date:** 3/16/1961
**Time:** 18:20
**Description:** Icebreaker crew. Ovoid northeast going southwest / 12 second(s). Beams going down. Splits. / r242p53.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PHENOMENES SPATIAUX: Group GEPA, Gen. M. Lionel Chassin Paris. Quarterly 1964?-1977. Merged into Grp. GEPAN (Index 16)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6490
**Attributes:** **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Antarctic below 70 degrees South", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "ADMIRALTY BAY,ANTARC:ICEBREAKER CREW:OVOID NE>SW/12sec:BEAMS↓:SPLITS:/r242p53", **LatLong:** "-62.083336 -58.416669", **LatLongDMS:** "62:05:00 S 58:25:00 W", **Locale:** "Offshore", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-62.083336,-58.416669)", **State/Prov:** "VCT", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 22248 (0C1082EA)
**Date:** 3/16/1961
**Location:** Unknown City, Antarctica
**Description:** Meteorologist observed a fireball-like object, multi-colored, below overcast. \[NICAP UFOE, VI\] (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2506
### Event 22249 (5CB16922)
**Date:** 3/16/1961
**Location:** Admiralty Bay, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica
**Description:** 6:15 p.m. Brazilian meteorologist Rubens J. Villela, on the deck of the [USS Glacier](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS%5FGlacier%5F%28AGB-4%29), watches a tear-shaped fireball over Admiralty Bay, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica, in slow, level flight. It leaves a long orange trail like a tracer bullet, then abruptly divides in two as if exploding. It disappears after 10 seconds.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** UFOEv, [pp. 53–](https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=mdp.39015006091691&view=1up&seq=65&skin=2021) [54](https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=mdp.39015006091691&view=1up&seq=65&skin=2021); James E. McDonald, “[Statement on Unidentified Flying Objects,](https://www.project1947.com/shg/symposium/mcdonald.html\#meteorologists)” in Symposium on Unidentified Flying Objects, Hearings, US House Committee on Science and Astronautics, 90th Cong., 2nd Sess., July 29, 1968, pp. 64–65
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3505
### Event 22250 (829AE595)
**Date:** 3/16/1961
**Locations:** Murray River; Bowna, New South Wales
**Description:** 8:45 p.m. Mr. F. Reynolds and his 15-year-old son Lloyd are camped in their trailer 900 feet from the Murray River, at Bowna, New South Wales, when they see what appears to be a huge trailer with four windows and a red light at the end standing by the water. A fire is visible to the right of the object, and they can see four figures moving quickly between the object and the fire. Reynolds watches through binoculars and sees the entire array moving sideways in a jerking manner. After 45 minutes, it is all gone from sight. In the morning they can find no traces on the soft mud flat.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[UFO Landing?](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/Australia/Australian%20Flying%20Saucer%20Review/Australian%20Flying%20Saucer%20Review%20-%201961%2007%20-%20no%205.pdf)” Australian Flying Saucer Review, no. 5 \(July 1961\): 1–2
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3506
### Event 22251 (FD0F86D6)
**Date:** 3/17/1961
**Location:** Buffalo, NY
**Description:** USAF Col. Tacker lectures to the Aero Club of Buffalo, N.Y.
**Type:** lecture
**Reference:** ["The UFO Evidence" (1964) by Richard H. Hall, page 106-108](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Reference:** ["Report on Unidentified Flying Objects" (Dec. 1956) by Capt. Edward J. Ruppelt](https://archive.org/details/reportonunidenti00rupp/mode/1up)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_891
### Event 22252 (5030EB58)
**Date:** 3/17/1961
**Description:** USAF ATIC is asked by the House Armed Services Subcommittee how the USAF can improve UAP sightings. ATIC states the best solution is to give its primary advisor J. Allen Hynek a raise of $1,000 per year and purchase one new polaroid camera and one new geiger counter for field work. It also recommends raising the count of commissioned officers working on UAP from 1 to 2.
* [https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Documents/USA%20-%20Congress/1960%20-%20Congressional%20briefings%20and%20Smart.pdf](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Documents/USA%20-%20Congress/1960%20-%20Congressional%20briefings%20and%20Smart.pdf)
>**_Note_**: It is questionable that these meager improvements were the best the USAF could do in response to the Congressional inquiry.
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_98
### Event 22253 (9DFDF191)
**Date:** Spring 1961
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In Millville \(New Jersey\), two flirting witnesses in a car parked in a discreet location observe a nocturnal light: What caught my attention was the way the light moved... it shone without emitting any sound. It was much brighter than any star in the sky... As it moved slowly towards the North, I first thought it was a weather balloon reflecting the light of the Sun. Only balloons don't stop, don't change direction, don't do reverse... Both of us watched the thing's gambols... Finally, after 5 good minutes, from where it was, far to the South, it went straight to the North, it disappeared in about 5 seconds. I know, I timed it. The observation lasted in total 7 minutes. (Spring, late evening)
**Reference:** [Poher](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/PoherClaude.html) 2003
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1961.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1893
### Event 22254 (1667EFA9)
**Date:** Spring 1961
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Observation in Kemah \(Texas\) (Spring)
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#7321 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1961.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1907
### Event 22255 (4C402ACC)
**Date:** Spring 1961
**Location:** Kemah, TX
**Description:** Case missing (Berliner) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 7321)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2507
### Event 22256 (A1E70FFF)
**Date:** Spring 1961
**Time:** Time unknown
**Location:** Kemah, Texas
**Description:** Case missing from official files.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_459
### Event 22257 (4F1DCCE2)
**Date:** Spring 1961
**Location:** Millville, New Jersey
**Description:** Late evening. A couple parking in Millville, New Jersey, watch a bright light silently moving northward. It hovers, reverses direction, and maneuvers for 5 minutes. At one point it races directly at a star, abruptly stops, draws a neat, right-angled, half-box around it, and goes racing on. Finally it speeds out of sight in about 5 seconds.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** J. Allen Hynek, The UFO Experience, Ballantine ed., 1974, [p. 44](https://archive.org/details/ufoexperience00jall/page/44/mode/2up); Michael D. Swords, “We Know Where You Live,” IUR 30, no. 2 \(January 2006\): 10
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3507
### Event 22258 (D80C54A4)
**Date:** 3/22/1961
**Time:** 21:50
**Location:** FORT PIERCE, FL
**Description:** Mayor and airmen. Fireball / fantastic maneuvers. Big wave / all Florida to 29 March.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 275)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6491
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "16", **Elev:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "FORT PIERCE,FL:MAYOR+AIRMEN:FBL/FANTASTIC MNVRS:BIG WAVE/ALL FLORIDA to 29MAR", **LatLong:** "27.433335 -80.333337", **LatLongDMS:** "27:26:00 N 80:20:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/27.433335,-80.333337)", **State/Prov:** "Florida", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 22259 (8181AB80)
**Date:** 3/23/1961
**Location:** Ft. Pierce, FL
**Description:** Beechcraft pilot and passenger saw an intense bright light rise (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** NICAP: [610323](http://www.nicap.org/610323fortpierce%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2508
### Event 22260 (FBE238AB)
**Date:** 4/1961
**Time:** 20:00
**Location:** DRAGUIGNAN, VAR
**Description:** Hemisphere lands / pasture. Rises and vanishes instantly. Busy area!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FIGEUT, Michel & RUCHON, Jean-Louis: OVNI - Le Premier Dossier..; Alain LeFeuvre, Paris 1979. (Index 249)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6492
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "DRAGUIGNAN,VAR:HEMISPHERE LANDS/PASTURE:RISES+VANISHES INSTANTLY:BUSY AREA!", **LatLong:** "43.516669 6.483334", **LatLongDMS:** "43:31:00 N 06:29:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.516669,6.483334)", **State/Prov:** "Var", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 22261 (3C490825)
**Date:** 4/1961
**Locations:** Pentagon; Europe
**Description:** Maj. [Tacker](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/30450384/lawrence-j-tacker) is removed from his job as Pentagon UFO spokesman and reassigned to Europe. He is replaced by Maj. [William T. Coleman](http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread1243564/pg1).
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Tacker Replaced As Spokesman,](http://www.cufos.org/UFOI%5Fand%5FSelected%5FDocuments/UFOI/012%20APR-MAY%201961.pdf)” UFO Investigator 1, no. 12 \(April/May 1961\): 1– 2; UFOEv, [p. 108](https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=mdp.39015006091691&view=1up&seq=120&skin=2021)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3508
### Event 22262 (D74EB60E)
**Date:** 4/2/1961
**Location:** PACIFIC 132° 15W-34° 34N
**Description:** Blue Book. US Navy boat crew. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFOCAT CATALOG: Assorted Printouts. Donald A. Johnson Ph.D (CUFOS). P.O. Box 446, Concord, NH 03302-0446 (Index 63)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6493
**Attributes:** **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Pacific Ocean and non - Asian islands", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "PACIFIC 132°15W-34°34N:BBK:US NAVY BOAT CREW:NFD", **LatLong:** "34.566668 -132.250006", **LatLongDMS:** "34:34:00 N 132:15:00 W", **Locale:** "High Seas", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/34.566668,-132.250006)", **State/Prov:** "NPC", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 22263 (0780470F)
**Date:** 4/4/1961
**Locations:** Bay of Pigs; Cuba; Trinidad
**Description:** President [Kennedy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John%5FF.%5FKennedy) approves the Bay of Pigs plan \(also known as Operation Zapata\) for the invasion of Cuba because it has an airfield that does not need extending to handle bomber operations, it is farther away from large groups of civilians than the Trinidad plan, and it is less noisy militarily, which would make any future denial of direct US involvement more plausible.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Bay of Pigs invasion](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bay%5Fof%5FPigs%5FInvasion)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3509
### Event 22264 (8A594A5E)
**Date:** 4/9/1961
**Location:** KINGSVILLE, TX
**Description:** Round red object descends hovers and speeds away. No further details. / r78p188.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO EVIDENCE; NICAP,Washington, DC 1964. Reprinted 1997 Barnes & Noble Books ( only $7.98! ) (Index 139)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6494
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "40", **HatchDesc:** "KINGSVILLE,TX:ROUND RED OBJ DESCENDS HVRS+SPEEDS AWAY:NFD:/r78p188", **LatLong:** "27.516668 -97.855560", **LatLongDMS:** "27:31:00 N 97:51:20 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/27.516668,-97.855560)", **State/Prov:** "Texas", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 22265 (7BCB26FB)
**Date:** 4/9/1961
**Location:** Kingsville, TX
**Description:** Round red UFO descended, hovered, sped away. \[NICAP UFOE, XII\] (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2509
### Event 22266 (F676978D)
**Date:** 4/11/1961
**Location:** Cape Canaveral, FL
**Description:** (McDonald list) Object Tracked Prior to Launch of Polaris Missile (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** NICAP: [610411](http://www.nicap.org/610411capecanav%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2510
### Event 22267 (8A417EA8)
**Date:** 4/12/1961
**Location:** USSR, Baikonur
**Description:** (Translated from French) Launch of Vostok I, first occupied satellite (Gagarine) recovered the same day.
**Reference:** "Astronautics, Pierre Rousseau, Hachette 1965, p. 63
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2200
### Event 22268 (302D6BFB)
**Date:** 4/12/1961
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) The crew of the motorized fishing vessel *Santa Ameria* observed a bright red spherical body moving in a south-southeast to north-northwest trajectory. The object was seen descending, displaying purple/orange rings and emitting small rainbows. As it descended, the object seemed to become larger. The front of the object touched the surface of the water for a moment. A few minutes after the first observation, a second lenticular-shaped object followed the trajectory of the first. During the descent of the objects, a red wake was observed. [Possible meteor](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/Meteore.html).
**Reference:** Inquiry of E. Morricone of 18/07/1979; AAVV *Ufo in Italia*, vol. 3, ed. Upiar, p. 67; electronic archive [CUN](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/CUN.html) April 2002
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1961.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1894
### Event 22269 (D8113FB6)
**Date:** 4/12/1961
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Yuri Gagarin was the first man launched into space, aboard *Vostok 1*. He spent 108 minutes in flight, at an altitude of 327 km.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1961.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1895
### Event 22270 (C8F9CB86)
**Date:** 4/12/1961
**Description:** Soviet cosmonaut [Yuri Gagarin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yuri%5FGagarin) becomes the first human to go into outer space when his Vostok spacecraft completes an orbit of the earth.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Yuri Gagarin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yuri%5FGagarin)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3510
### Event 22271 (216541DD)
**Date:** 4/14/1961
**Location:** Marianas Islands, Asia
**Description:** Four Small Objects Tracked 10-15 Minutes (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** NICAP: [610414](http://www.nicap.org/610414marianaislands%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2511
### Event 22272 (3BE1B2A8)
**Date:** 4/17/1961
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) "Bay of Pigs" in Cuba. (April 17)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1961.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1896
### Event 22273 (7A7E064F)
**Date:** 4/17/1961
**Locations:** Cuba; Guatemala; Nicaragua
**Description:** The Bay of Pigs invasion takes place in Cuba. A counter-revolutionary military \(made up of Cuban exiles\), trained and funded by the CIA, Brigade 2506 fronts the armed wing of the Democratic Revolutionary Front \(DRF\) and intends to overthrow the increasingly communist government of [Fidel Castro](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fidel%5FCastro). Launched from bases in Guatemala and Nicaragua, the invading force is defeated within three days by the Cuban Revolutionary Armed Forces under the direct command of Castro.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Bay of Pigs invasion](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bay%5Fof%5FPigs%5FInvasion)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3511
### Event 22274 (7A6C1AFD)
**Date:** 4/18/1961
**Location:** USA, Eagle River
**Description:** (Translated from French) At around 11am Joe Simonton was drawn by a curious sound of studded tires on a wet pavement. He went into the yard and saw a silver saucer-shaped object, brighter than chrome, hovering close to the ground. The object was 12 feet high and thirty feet in diameter. An opening appeared about 5 feet from the ground and Simonton saw three men inside the craft. One was wearing a two-piece black suit. They were about 5 feet tall, clean-shaven, and resembled Italians: black hair, swarthy skin. Their shirt was trimmed with a turtleneck collar and they wore woolen caps. One of the men lifted a pot apparently made of the same material as the craft and it seemed to Simonton that he was asking for water. Simonton took the pot, filled it. On his return, one of the men was cooking food on some kind of flame-less grill. The inside of the craft was black like raw iron. He could make out panels for instruments and heard a sound like that of a generator. When he made a gesture indicating he was interested in the prepared food, one of the men, also dressed in black but with a narrow red braid on his trousers, handed him three small cakes about 3 inches in diameter with small holes in them. All this had lasted about 5 minutes. The man closest to the witness fastened some kind of belt to a hook on his clothing and closed the opening. The object rose 20 feet and headed south causing such a gust of wind that the pines bent.
**Reference:** Jacques VALLEE: "Chronicles of the E.T. Appearances" - DENOEL 1972 - coll. J'AI LU, p. 40-41
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2201
### Event 22275 (DB4DF93B)
**Date:** 4/18/1961
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Joe Simonton, a farmer from Wisconsin, hears a noise outside his house and notices a curious chrome-colored craft hovering close to the ground. As he approaches, he sees through an opening 3 figures with tanned skin and black hair. One is busy with the controls of a dashboard, while the other seems to be cooking something on a flame-less stove. Having spotted Simonton, one of the creatures hands him a kind of bucket, gesturing that it wants water. The farmer complies. As a thank you, and since Simonton shows interest in what is being cooked, the pilot of the craft gives him 4 cakes. Finally, the hatch closes and the craft flies south, causing a gust of wind that bends the trees. The observation lasted 5 minutes, no more. Simonton eats one of the cakes and finds it tastes like cardboard. The [USAF](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/USAF.html) has one of the cakes analyzed --- as part of the official UFO study program --- and the report concludes that the ingredients do not come from another planet, and that the farmer must have been daydreaming. (April 18th, 11am)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1961.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1897
### Event 22276 (26BABD68)
**Date:** 4/18/1961
**Time:** 11:00
**Location:** EAGLE RIVER, WI
**Description:** Dark 5' pseudo-humans/entities / 13' saucer ask farmer / water. Bake pancakes! / MJ#276.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 737)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6495
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens, **CVS:** Conversation/communication, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "3", **Duration:** "30", **Elev:** "501", **HatchDesc:** "EAGLE RIVER,WI:DARK 5' PSHs/13' SCR ASK FARMER/WATER:BAKE PANCAKES!:/MJ#276", **LatLong:** "45.911113 -89.266671", **LatLongDMS:** "45:54:40 N 89:16:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.911113,-89.266671)", **State/Prov:** "Wisconsin", **Strangeness:** "11"
### Event 22277 (7E5A7F6B)
**Date:** 4/18/1961
**Location:** Eagle River, WI
**Description:** CE-3 case involving ETs giving 'pancakes' for water (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2512
### Event 22278 (8DF76182)
**Date:** 4/18/1961
**Time:** 1100
**Location:** Eagle River, Wisconsin
**Description:** J. Simonton heard a whining sound and saw an object, 10 m in diameter, 4 m high, with exhaust pipes around the periphery, land near his house. A door was opened and a man appeared. About 1.50 m tall, he wore a black, turtle-neck pullover with a white band at the belt, and black trousers with a vertical white band along the side. Two figures were visible inside the object. Simonton filled a jug with water, returned it to the man, who gave him three ordinary pancakes, and the craft took off.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Atic; Magonia ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_517
### Event 22279 (CDFCD190)
**Date:** 4/18/1961
**Location:** Eagle River, Wisconsin
**Description:** 11:00 a.m. [Joe Simonton](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/21117456/joseph-g-simonton) hears a whining sound on his farm four miles from Eagle River, Wisconsin, and sees a silvery object, 30 feet in diameter and 12 feet high, with exhaust pipes around the periphery, land nearby. A door opens and a man appears, about 5 feet tall and wearing a black, turtle-neck pullover with a white band at the belt, and black trousers with a vertical white band along the side. Two other figures are visible inside. The creature is holding a metallic jug and making gestures suggesting he wants a drink. Simonton takes the jug into his basement, fills it with water, and returns it to the man. Simonton notices one man frying on a flameless grill and motions for some food. Simonton receives four ordinary pancakes or cookies, 3 inches in diameter, perforated with small holes. The object takes off after 5 minutes. Simonton gives one of the pancakes to Judge [Frank](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/21119059/frank-wellington-carter) [Wellington Carter](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/21119059/frank-wellington-carter)[,](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/21119059/frank-wellington-carter) who then passes it on to the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena; another he gives to [J. Allen Hynek](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J.%5FAllen%5FHynek) for Project Blue Book; and the third he keeps for himself. A thorough analysis is performed on one of the pancakes by the US Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, and the food is found to be made of terrestrial but tasteless ingredients, including hydrogenated oil and buckwheat flour. The Air Force concludes that Simonton is honest but has mistakenly conflated the reality of his breakfast with a dream.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** [Sparks](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf)[,](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf) p. 287; Vallée, Magonia, [pp. 23–25](https://archive.org/details/passporttomagoni0000vall/page/22/mode/2up); Clark III 421–426; Loren E. Gross, [The Fifth Horseman of the Apocalypse:](https://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1961-Jan-Jun.pdf) [UFOs, a History: January–June 1961](https://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1961-Jan-Jun.pdf)[,](https://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1961-Jan-Jun.pdf) The Author, 2003, pp. 32–34; Center for UFO Studies, \[[Hynek case](http://www.cufos.org/cases/1961%5F04%5F18%5FUS%5FWI%5FEagle-River%5FHYNEK%5FSimonton-CE-III.pdf) [documents](http://www.cufos.org/cases/1961%5F04%5F18%5FUS%5FWI%5FEagle-River%5FHYNEK%5FSimonton-CE-III.pdf)\]; Center for UFO Studies, \[[case](http://www.cufos.org/images/1961%5F04%5F18%5FUS%5FWI%5FEagle-River%5FHYNEK%5FSimonton-CE-III%5FPhoto1-400dpi.jpg) [photos](http://www.cufos.org/images/1961%5F04%5F18%5FUS%5FWI%5FEagle-River%5FHYNEK%5FSimonton-CE-III%5FPhoto2-400dpi.jpg)\]; Center for UFO Studies, \[[Lex Mebane case files](http://www.cufos.org/cases/1961%5F04%5F18%5FUS%5FWI%5FEagle-River%5FMEBANE%5FSimonton-CE-III.pdf)\]; Center for UFO Studies, \[[NICAP case documents](http://www.cufos.org/cases/1961%5F04%5F18%5FUS%5FWI%5FEagle-River%5FNICAP%5FSimonton-CE-III.pdf)\]; Jerome Clark, “[The Pancakes of Eagle River,](http://www.cufos.org/cases/1961%5F04%5F18%5FUS%5FWI%5FEagle-River%5FClark%5FIUR.pdf)” IUR 21, no. 1 \(Spring 1996\): 3–8, 27; Joshua Cutchin, “The Great Alien Bake-Off,” Fortean Times 332 \(November 2015\): 42–44
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3512
### Event 22280 (2DA189BB)
**Date:** 4/18/1961
**Description:** Mr. Paul Simonton, a Chicken farmer in Eagle River, Wisconsin saw a disc-shaped carft land vertically on his farm. A hatch opened, and when he approached he saw three human-looking men inside. They asked him for some water. They appeared to be cooking pancakes on a griddle, and in exchange for the water they gave him four of the pancakes from griddle. The men were described as five feet tall with dark hair. They wore blue knit outfits and helmets. The newspapers had a field day with this report, but private UFO investigators who interviewed Mr. Simonton found him to be sincere and his story uncomplicated.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Allen Utke case files, case 6; Milwaukee Journal, April 23, 1961; George D. Fawcett, Flying Saucers, May 1963, p. 34; NICAP UFO Investigator, May 1961, p. 8; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia, p. 23
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2112
### Event 22281 (BA52FC9B)
**Date:** 4/19/1961
**Locations:** San Vito Lo Capo, Sicily, Italy; Capo Carbonara, Sardinia, Italy
**Description:** 7:40 p.m. Commanding Officer C. J. Peterson of the minesweeper HMS Maxton sees a swiftly moving object as the ship is 33 miles off San Vito Lo Capo, Sicily, Italy. It is green and leaves an orange trail as it moves higher and disappears to the northwest. The ship’s crew sees a similar object on April 20 at 4:50 a.m. when it is 25 miles south of Capo Carbonara, Sardinia, Italy.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** 1Pinotti 112–113
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3513
### Event 22282 (A7C62921)
**Date:** 4/20/1961
**Location:** Hanna City AFS, IL
**Description:** Object at 97,000' Tracked on FPS-6A (McDonald list) (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** NICAP: [610420](http://www.nicap.org/610420hannacity%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2513
### Event 22283 (CA57BE4B)
**Date:** 4/23/1961
**Time:** 01:50
**Location:** MANITOWOC, WI
**Description:** Newspaperman. Dull-grey disk going west slowly. Rushing wind sound. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 25)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6496
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "197", **HatchDesc:** "MANITOWOC,WI:NEWSPAPERMAN:DULL-GREY DISK >W SLOWLY:RUSHING WIND SOUND:NFD", **LatLong:** "44.066669 -87.600004", **LatLongDMS:** "44:04:00 N 87:36:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.066669,-87.600004)", **State/Prov:** "Wisconsin", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 22284 (601F52A7)
**Date:** 4/24/1961
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Observation in the Pacific \(35'-50' North, 125' 40' West\). (April 24)
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#7284 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1961.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1898
### Event 22285 (941ACB55)
**Date:** 4/24/1961
**Time:** 03:30
**Location:** PACIFIC 35° 50N-125° 40W WITH SAN JOSE
**Description:** 2 military observer(s). Small disc / night light paces USAF jet. / r185.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SCIENCE & MECHANICS (eds.) OFFICIAL GUIDE to UFO'S; Ace Books, NY. 1968. (Index 186)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6497
**Attributes:** **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Pacific Ocean and non - Asian islands", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "8", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "PACIFIC 35°50N-125°40W W/SAN JOSE:2 MIL OBS:SML DISC/NLT PACES USAF JET:/r185", **LatLong:** "35.833335 -125.666673", **LatLongDMS:** "35:50:00 N 125:40:00 W", **Locale:** "Offshore", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/35.833335,-125.666673)", **State/Prov:** "CLF", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 22286 (7404C68E)
**Date:** 4/24/1961
**Location:** San Francisco (200 miles SW of), At Sea
**Description:** RC-121 Crew Tracks Object With Sextant (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: 7359)
**Reference:** NICAP: [610424](http://www.nicap.org/610424sanfrancisco%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2514
### Event 22287 (7F02F96A)
**Date:** 4/24/1961
**Time:** 3:34 AM
**Location:** 200 miles SW of San Francisco, California (35' 50' N, 125' 40 W)
**Description:** Witnesses: aircraft commander Capt. H.J. Savoy and navigator lst Lt. M.W. Rand, on USAF RC-l2lD patrol plane. One reddish-white, round object or light, similar to satellite. Observed for 8 minutes.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_460
### Event 22288 (93D23105)
**Date:** 4/25/1961
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Generals' putsch in Algiers. (April 25)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1961.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1899
### Event 22289 (56ADF5C1)
**Date:** 4/25/1961
**Time:** 06:00:00.0
**Location:** 27.0000 0.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air. Country: France
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1840
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "27.0000 0.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "27:00:00 N 00:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/27.0000,0.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "France", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "BOLT", **NukeType:** "A"
### Event 22290 (FB0BF83C)
**Date:** 4/25/1961
**Locations:** US; American
**Description:** US Air Force Intelligence Collection Guidance Letter no. 4, originally classified Confidential, describes and provides guidance for Project Moon Dust reporting. Several items of interest appear in the document: classification level of Moon Dust Alerts and reports, focus of Moon Dust on “foreign earth satellite vehicles,” and destination agencies for Moon Dust reports among them. Project Moon Dust is a covert project to exploit the discovery of Soviet hardware when it temporarily lands in American hands.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Department of the Air Force, “[MOON DUST Reporting,](http://www.nicap.org/af%5Fdoc/MoonDustICGL4.pdf)” Intelligence Collection Guidance Letter, no. 4, April 25, 1961; Kevin D. Randle, A History of UFO Crashes, Avon, 1995, [pp. 157–169](https://archive.org/details/historyofufocras0000rand/page/156/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3514
### Event 22291 (7381202E)
**Date:** 4/27/1961
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) [Photograph of Pescara](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/1961-04-27\_Pescara.html) \(Italy\). (April 27, mid-day)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1961.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1900
### Event 22292 (688CB4DE)
**Date:** 4/27/1961
**Time:** ~06:00
**Location:** LAKE ONEGA, RUSSIA
**Description:** UFO breaks dirt and ice / frozen lake. Furrows / lakebed. Crud and odd fragments.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HOBANA Ion & WEVERBERGH,Julien: UFO'S from BEHIND the IRON CURTAIN; Bantam Books,1975. 308pp. (Index 61)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6498
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **SUB:** Submersible: Rises from or submerges into water, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **MIL:** Military investigation
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Russia", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "LAKE ONEGA,RUSS:UFO BREAKS DIRT+ICE/FROZEN LAKE:FURROWS/LAKEBED:CRUD+ODD FRAGS", **LatLong:** "62.033336 34.583335", **LatLongDMS:** "62:02:00 N 34:35:00 E", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/62.033336,34.583335)", **State/Prov:** "KRL", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 22293 (4616A49E)
**Date:** 4/27/1961
**Description:** On this morning a bluish green oval object, the size of a jetliner, landed on Lake Onega in Karelia, Russia and broke through the ice. It was heading toward the east when it came down and created a trench 50 feet long and 10 feet deep in the lake bed. There was a great deal of disturbed mud, and odd fragments were also found at the site. The sample residue was analyzed and showed the presence of the elements magnesium, aluminum, calcium, barium, and titanium. There were at least 25 witnesses to the crash landing.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, UFO Chronicles of the Soviet Union: A Cosmic Samizdat, p. 137, citing Felix Zigel; APRO Bulletin, June 1976, p. 5; Xenolog, August 1976, p. 11; Ion Hobana & Julien Weverbergh, UFOs from Behind the Iron Curtain, p. 61
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2367
### Event 22294 (DF5D027B)
**Date:** 4/28/1961
**Location:** Korb Lake, Leningrad, Russia
**Description:** Traces of a crashed UFO were found in this area.
**Type:** ufo crash
**Reference:** [Pea Research](https://www.academia.edu/9813787/GOVERNMENT_INVOLVEMENT_IN_THE_UFO_COVER_UP_CHRONOLOGY_based)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_602
### Event 22295 (8F8A4388)
**Date:** 4/28/1961
**Location:** USSR, Korb-Ozéro (Karelia)
**Description:** (Translated from French) Around 9 pm, forest guard Vassili Brodski was walking along the 600 m long and 150 m wide frozen lake without seeing anything out of the ordinary. The next morning he walked back and found a stretched out ditch that started on the high bank and disappeared into the lake through a huge hole in the ice: the earth that had been excavated to make this 27 m long, 15 m wide and 3 m deep ditch was nowhere to be found: yet it was about 1000 cubic meters. He informed the military authorities who arrived with their equipment a week later. The submerged part of the broken floating ice was green. On the shore the military found grains of a black material that crumbled between their fingers. Upon analysis they seemed to come from a metal that had been heated as if for welding. (Boris CHOURINOV: "The two faces of ufology in Russia" - May 1994, p. 6 and 7) On the morning of April 27, a group of twenty-five hunters and foresters saw an unknown aerial object descend and crash into the ground near a bend where a stream emptied. According to the witnesses it could have been 8 or 10 in the morning. The object was oval-shaped, as big as a long-haul plane and shone with a gray-blue light. It was flying at low altitude and at high speed. It was heading east to west when the crash occurred near the north shore of the lake. There was a loud noise like a strong explosion. (...) [note from vog: this contradicts what the Russian Chourinov says?]
**Reference:** Charles BERLITZ and William L. MOORE: "The Mystery of Rosswell, the Space Wreckage" ed. France Empire 1981, p. 191 to 195 - he cites UFO's in the USSR vol. II 1975 by Félix Ziegel and Gray and Dick: The new Soviet Psychic discoveries"
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2202
### Event 22296 (434C67A2)
**Date:** 4/28/1961
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In Karelia \(USSR\), a forest guard, Vassili Brodski, noticed an enormous pit \(27m long, 15m wide and 3m deep\) leading to the frozen lake of Korb, on the south cliff side, as if it had been breached, and which had not been there the night before at 9pm. The loggers of the region had seen nothing, heard nothing. A striking object seemed to have dug the cliff, the ice and the bottom of the lake, creating a 1000m^3^ pit swallowing the frozen ground, pushing the ice into the bottom and advancing 20m on the bottom pushing a 1.5m ridge of muddy earth and then coming out in reverse. The object was not seen but left fragments of many metals. The broken ice pieces were of an emerald green whose nature and origin no analysis could explain. Strange black grains collected on the shore revealed a metallic chemical composition so complex that it could only be obtained by operations at very high temperatures; they resisted the action of acids. It was concluded that these grains had a non-organic and probably non-natural origin. Since then, the vegetation inside the pit is inexplicably lush but, in spite of so many enigmas, the research was not pursued, because the phenomenon is not dangerous to man. (April 28th, 8am)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1961.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1901
### Event 22297 (8A890610)
**Date:** 4/29/1961
**Time:** 16:00
**Location:** BAILEYS BEACH, NY
**Description:** Red ball floats 600' offshore. Going up [to] 60'. Going quickly south to sea / 100mph. / r44p40.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 739)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6499
**Attributes:** **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **SUB:** Submersible: Rises from or submerges into water, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "12", **Elev:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "BAILEYs BEACH,NY:RED BALL FLOATS 600'OFFSHORE:↑60':>>S to SEA/100mph:/r44p40", **LatLong:** "40.866669 -72.638892", **LatLongDMS:** "40:52:00 N 72:38:20 W", **Locale:** "Offshore", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.866669,-72.638892)", **State/Prov:** "New York", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 22298 (8A882979)
**Date:** 4/29/1961
**Locations:** Bailey's Beach, Newport, Rhode Island; Ocean
**Description:** Around 4:00 p.m. Contractor John P. Gallagher is working at a home adjacent to Bailey’s Beach, Newport, Rhode Island. He sees a red spherical object bobbing on the ocean waves about 600 feet from the shore. Suddenly the object rises into the air to 60 feet and moves out to sea at about 100 mph.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[‘Head’ Floats—Flies,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201961%2007%2000%20-%20July.pdf)” APRO Bulletin, July 1961, p. 4
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3515
### Event 22299 (2914C346)
**Date:** 4/29/1961
**Description:** Mr. Gallagher was at Bailey's Beach, Newport County, Rhode Island at around four o'clock in the afternoon when he noticed a red ball floating about 600 feet offshore. It then ascended to 60 feet altitude, and flew away to the south at 100 mph.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** APRO Bulletin, July-August 1961, p. 4; Ivan T. Sanderson, Invisible Residents, p. 40, citing Flying Saucer Review
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2407
### Event 22300 (007085AE)
**Date:** 5/1961
**Location:** US
**Description:** In the May issue of “Fate” magazine, Master Sgt. O.D. Hill admits that we are still losing Air Force planes to UFOs. The first case was an F-86 jet fighter that was sent aloft to investigate an UFO that had been plotted on the Radar scope of an Air Base (name and dates classified). The Radar Operator spied the UFO heading straight for the craft. The operator radioed for the F-86 to climb at once, but it was too late. The two blips merged as one and the UFO was tracked moving away. Classified as “mysterious” not a single shred of the F-86 was ever found. (ref. Kinross AFB where an F-89 with crew of two merged with an UFO and disappeared.-Donald Keyhoe) Second Case: A radar operator was tracking a transport plane carrying 26 persons aboard when, suddenly, another blip appeared on the screen closing at 2500 mph on the transport. Before the operator could warn the transport the two blips emerged as one. The remaining blip sped straight up at tremendous speed. A surface search in the vicinity revealed no oil slicks on the water, although a Generals’ briefcase was found floating around.
**Type:** publication
**Reference:** Fate Magazine, 5/1961
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_604
**See also:** 4/1/59
**See also:** 9/29/59
### Event 22301 (D63AA9AC)
**Date:** 5/1961
**Location:** USSR, Voronezh
**Description:** (Translated from French) A UFO in the shape of a cigar flew over the city of Voronezh, causing terror among the population. It was estimated to be between 250 and 300 m long and was at an altitude of about 600 m. When the Mig fighters arrived to intercept it, the UFO fled at an approximate speed of 16000 km/h and disappeared definitively.
**Reference:** Antonio RIBERA: "Trial of the UFOs" - De Vecchi 1977, p. 101
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2204
### Event 22302 (5A23A2DD)
**Date:** 5/1961
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) [John Kennedy](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/KennedyJohnFitzgerald.html) announces to the American Congress that the United States must commit to, before the end of the decade, landing a man on the Moon and returning him safely to Earth.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1961.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1902
### Event 22303 (82CB8B5F)
**Date:** 5/1961
**Time:** 11:00
**Location:** LURGAN, NORTH IREL
**Description:** 3 / isolated park. Noisy 4' saucer going [to] over lake. Fades from view and quiets!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 397)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6500
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "84", **HatchDesc:** "LURGAN,N.IREL:3/ISOLATED PARK:NOISY 4'SCR > OVR LAKE:FADES FROM VIEW+QUIETS!", **LatLong:** "54.450003 -6.333334", **LatLongDMS:** "54:27:00 N 06:20:00 W", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/54.450003,-6.333334)", **State/Prov:** "Northern Ireland", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 22304 (3C8AE649)
**Date:** 5/1961
**Location:** Union Mills, IN
**Description:** First Week of May - Hemispherical UFO with "portholes", on road; took off as car approached. \[NICAP UFOE, XII\] (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2515
### Event 22305 (533B6F3B)
**Date:** 5/1961
**Locations:** La.; Minn.; U.S.
**Description:** Rep. [Overton Brooks](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Overton%5FBrooks) \(D-La.\) appoints Rep. [Joseph Karth](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph%5FKarth) \(DFL-Minn.\) head of a Subcommittee on Space Problems and Life Sciences. Karth and two other members plan for hearings in early 1962. The plan calls for a statement by [Roscoe Hillenkoetter](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roscoe%5FH.%5FHillenkoetter)[.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roscoe%5FH.%5FHillenkoetter) NICAP releases a joint statement by 21 American scientists that calls for an open investigation by UFOs without secrecy. It says the Air Force should have a more straightforward information policy that releases all facts on major UFO sightings.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Scientists Urge Check on AF Investigation,](http://cufos.org/UFOI%5Fand%5FSelected%5FDocuments/UFOI/012%20APR-MAY%201961.pdf)” UFO Investigator 1, no. 12 \(April/May 1961\): 7; “[UFO Inquiry behind Closed Doors: NICAP Asks Right to](http://www.cufos.org/UFOI%5Fand%5FSelected%5FDocuments/UFOI/013%20JUL-AUG%201961.pdf) [Question Air Force,](http://www.cufos.org/UFOI%5Fand%5FSelected%5FDocuments/UFOI/013%20JUL-AUG%201961.pdf)” UFO Investigator 2, no. 1 \(July/Aug. 1961\): 1
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3516
### Event 22306 (2C635595)
**Date:** 5/3/1961
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Shepard's suborbital flight \(15 min\). (May 3)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1961.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1903
### Event 22307 (2C1619DE)
**Date:** 5/3/1961 (approximate)
**Time:** 22:00
**Location:** UNION MILLS, IN
**Description:** 4M saucer with portholes rests / county road. Takes off / car nears. / r237p4.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA; H. Regnery, Chicago HC 1969 & Contemporary Books,Chicago 1993. 372pp. (Index 518)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6501
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "226", **HatchDesc:** "UNION MILLS,IN:4M SCR W/PORTHOLES RESTS/COUNTY Rd:TAKES OFF/CAR NEARS:/r237p4", **LatLong:** "41.494446 -86.855560", **LatLongDMS:** "41:29:40 N 86:51:20 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.494446,-86.855560)", **State/Prov:** "Indiana", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 22308 (A9BB021D)
**Date:** 5/3/1961
**Time:** 2200
**Location:** Union Mills, Indiana
**Description:** Approximate date. A hemispherical craft with portholes, resting on a road, took off when a car came near it. Estimated diameter was 4 m, height 2.5 m, bearing "fluorescent lights."
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Evidence 139, 147 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_518
### Event 22309 (DEB22EA2)
**Date:** 5/3/1961
**Description:** On or about this date a hemispherical craft with portholes was sighted resting on a road in Union Mills, Indiana. The time was ten o'clock in the evening. It took off when a car came close to it. Its estimated diameter was four meters, height 2.5 meters, and it bore "fluorescent lights."
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 518; Richard Hall, The UFO Evidence, p. 147
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2469
### Event 22310 (83FE0F3E)
**Date:** 5/5/1961
**Location:** Cape Canaveral, Florida
**Description:** Astronaut [Alan Shepard](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alan%5FShepard) becomes the first American in space \(for 15 minutes and 22 seconds\) when his [Freedom 7](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mercury-Redstone%5F3) capsule is launched from Cape Canaveral, Florida, as the first manned Project Mercury launch.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Mercury-Redstone 3](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mercury-Redstone%5F3)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3517
### Event 22311 (74C1AF52)
**Date:** 5/7/1961
**Time:** 04:20
**Description:** 5 / plane take long exposure / huge UFO. Saucer with nose down. Odd.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LORENZEN, Coral: FLYING SAUCERS, the Starting Evidence; Signet Books, NY 1962 & 1966. 278pp. Originally "The Great F. S. Hoax". (Index 183)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6502
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "130", **HatchDesc:** "nr GUNDAGAI,NSW,AUSTR:5/PLANE TAKE LONG EXPOSURE/HUGE UFO:SCR W/NOSE DOWN:ODD", **LatLong:** "-35.083335 148.083340", **LatLongDMS:** "35:05:00 S 148:05:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-35.083335,148.083340)", **State/Prov:** "NSW", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 22312 (17A3F4E7)
**Date:** 5/9/1961
**Time:** 07:30
**Description:** Several observer(s). Shiny saucer hovers over Bains Kloof. Hovers. Wobbles. Then going quickly east.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 88)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6503
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Republic of South Africa", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "S/WELLINGTON,RSA:SVRL OBS:SHINY SCR HVRs OVR BAINS KLOOF:HVRS:WOBBLES:then >>E", **LatLong:** "-33.500002 19.100001", **LatLongDMS:** "33:30:00 S 19:06:00 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-33.500002,19.100001)", **State/Prov:** "CAP", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 22313 (EA7F7213)
**Date:** 5/9/1961
**Description:** At 7:45 a.m. several observers watched a shiny saucer-shaped object hover over Bains Kloof Mountain Pass near Wellington, Western Cape, South Africa. It hovered for a minute of two, then wobbled, and then shot off toward the east.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Larry Hatch, U computer database, citing FSR, volume 7, number 4; newspaper clipping dated May 9, 1961
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2680
### Event 22314 (39F0BB83)
**Date:** 5/10/1961
**Location:** PACIFIC 124° 00E-22° 22N.
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #unknown. US Navy boat observer(s). No further details [in] at all.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFOCAT CATALOG: Assorted Printouts. Donald A. Johnson Ph.D (CUFOS). P.O. Box 446, Concord, NH 03302-0446 (Index 63)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6504
**Attributes:** **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Pacific Ocean and non - Asian islands", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "PACIFIC 124°00E-22°22N.:BBK#UNK:US NAVY BOAT OBS:NFD AT ALL", **LatLong:** "22.366668 124.000006", **LatLongDMS:** "22:22:00 N 124:00:00 E", **Locale:** "High Seas", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/22.366668,124.000006)", **State/Prov:** "NPC", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 22315 (5A08DB58)
**Date:** 5/10/1961
**Locations:** Osakis, Minnesota; rural road south of Osakis, Minnesota
**Description:** Late evening. Richard Vogt, driving on a rural road south of Osakis, Minnesota, sees a “ball of fog approximately 3 feet in diameter” swiftly descending toward him at a 45° angle from a clear sky. Unable to take evasive action, Vogt can only stare as the object hits the upper part of his hood and windshield. The noisy impact generates a tremendous amount of heat; the windshield becomes extremely hot to the touch. The object leaves pit marks burned in the windshield, circular tracks on the glass, and burned specks in the finish of the hood.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** C. W. Fitch, “[Monitoring and Scanning UFOs,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201963%2007%2000%20-%20July.pdf)” APRO Bulletin, July 1963, p. 5; Clark III 716
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3518
### Event 22316 (6788E219)
**Date:** 5/14/1961
**Description:** At around 11:00 o'clock in the morning a 21-year-old man saw a golden disc-shaped object floating on the surface of the water while crossing the Mississippi River near Vicksburg, Mississippi. He got out of his car and watched it through binoculars. The water surface was disturbed as the object ascended, making a swishing sound. The sighting lasted about two minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** James A. Scarborough, MUFON field investigations database, case 900315
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2827
### Event 22317 (113D89FC)
**Date:** 5/15/1961
**Location:** PACIFIC 141° 55E-35° 26N.
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Military observer(s). No further details [in] at all.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFOCAT CATALOG: Assorted Printouts. Donald A. Johnson Ph.D (CUFOS). P.O. Box 446, Concord, NH 03302-0446 (Index 63)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6505
**Attributes:** **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Pacific Ocean and non - Asian islands", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "PACIFIC 141°55E-35°26N.:BBK#UNK:MIL OBS:NFD AT ALL", **LatLong:** "35.433335 141.916673", **LatLongDMS:** "35:26:00 N 141:55:00 E", **Locale:** "High Seas", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/35.433335,141.916673)", **State/Prov:** "NPC", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 22318 (474A1237)
**Date:** 5/15/1961
**Location:** Dominican Republic
**Description:** An order approved by President [Kennedy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John%5FF.%5FKennedy) results in the dispersal of four machine guns to insurgents in the Dominican Republic. President [Rafael Trujillo](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rafael%5FTrujillo) dies from gunshot wounds on May 30. In the aftermath, [Robert](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert%5FF.%5FKennedy) [Kennedy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert%5FF.%5FKennedy) writes that the CIA has succeeded where it has failed many times in the past, but in the face of that success, it is caught flatfooted, having failed to plan what to do next.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Rafael Trujillo](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rafael%5FTrujillo\#Assassination)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3519
### Event 22319 (1947CE35)
**Date:** 5/16/1961
**Location:** ATLANTIC 37° 00W-43° 46N
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Military observer(s). No further details [in] at all.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFOCAT CATALOG: Assorted Printouts. Donald A. Johnson Ph.D (CUFOS). P.O. Box 446, Concord, NH 03302-0446 (Index 63)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6506
**Attributes:** **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Atlantic Ocean + islands", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "ATLANTIC 37°00W-43°46N:BBK#UNK:MIL OBS:NFD AT ALL", **LatLong:** "43.766669 -37.000002", **LatLongDMS:** "43:46:00 N 37:00:00 W", **Locale:** "High Seas", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.766669,-37.000002)", **State/Prov:** "NAT", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 22320 (2AA31CCB)
**Date:** 5/18/1961
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) We pick up messages from 3 cosmonauts: 2 men and 1 woman. The men are called Chibotine and Dolgov, although one of them has a voice remarkably similar to Gagarin's. Still in line with our plans... according to instructions... Why do we have to stay? asks one of them. Please, be more careful... But everything has been checked!..., comments the other. The requests and responses all concern technical objects and seem "feverish". (May 18)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1961.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1904
### Event 22321 (E2B6F2B2)
**Date:** 5/19/1961
**Time:** 15:50
**Location:** LONG BEACH, CA
**Description:** Sonic booms. 12 metal objects play / sky. Vanish as jets near. / APRO 5'61.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 25)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6507
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "105", **Elev:** "9", **HatchDesc:** "LONG BEACH,CA:SONIC BOOMS:12 MTL OBJS PLAY/SKY:VANISH AS JETS NEAR:/APRO 5'61", **LatLong:** "33.800002 -118.150006", **LatLongDMS:** "33:48:00 N 118:09:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/33.800002,-118.150006)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 22322 (667F4323)
**Date:** 5/19/1961
**Location:** Bay Minette (About 7 miles W of), AL
**Description:** Silver-like object with tapered edges reflecting sunlight to the NNE (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2516
### Event 22323 (034D28C9)
**Date:** 5/19/1961
**Location:** Long Beach, CA
**Description:** Twelve shiny UFOs maneuvered erratically over the area at 3:50 p.m., with an odd fluttering motion; then two loud "skyquakes" were heard. \[NICAP UFOE, XII\] (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2517
### Event 22324 (4F9A2AF3)
**Date:** 5/20/1961
**Time:** 02:50
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #7417. Pilots and many. RADAR's / 2 days. Coin disk spins. / MJ#277+/ r59.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 25)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6508
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **RDR:** Radar traces/blips, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "64", **Elev:** "6", **HatchDesc:** "TYNDALL AFB,FL:BBK#7417:PILOTS+MANY:RDRs/2 DAYS:COIN DISK SPINS:/MJ#277+/r59", **LatLong:** "30.072224 -85.577782", **LatLongDMS:** "30:04:20 N 85:34:40 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/30.072224,-85.577782)", **State/Prov:** "Florida", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 22325 (66A98A8F)
**Date:** 5/20/1961
**Location:** Maxwell AFB, Montgomery, AL
**Description:** Dime-Shaped Object Observed / Weather Radar Tracked? (McDonald list) (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** NICAP: [610520](http://www.nicap.org/610520maxwell%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2518
### Event 22326 (D7A83AED)
**Date:** 5/20/1961
**Location:** Tyndall AFB, FL
**Description:** Gnd Radar Tracks Object Chased By Fighter & Heli Pilots (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** NICAP: [610520](http://www.nicap.org/610520tyndall%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2519
### Event 22327 (F061A94B)
**Date:** 5/22/1961
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Observation at the [USAF](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/USAF.html) base in Tyndall \(Florida\) (May 22)
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#7417 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1961.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1905
### Event 22328 (EF9E8036)
**Date:** 5/22/1961
**Location:** Tyndall AFB, FL
**Description:** Big silver-dollar disc hover and revolve, then disappear (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 7417)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2520
### Event 22329 (57438F5F)
**Date:** 5/22/1961
**Time:** 4:30 PM
**Location:** Tyndall AFB, Florida
**Description:** Witnesses: Mrs. A.J. Jones and Mrs. R.F. Davis. One big silver dollar disc hovered and revolved, then suddenly disappeared after 15 minutes.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_461
### Event 22330 (FA0BE4B5)
**Date:** 5/22/1961
**Description:** Over 20 high qualified witnesses including several doctors watched a 30 meter long metallic ovoid object maneuver at low altitude in Ocumare del Tuy, Venezuela and then land at 10:30 a.m. A total of three objects were seen, manuevering silently in and out of the nearby hills and dodging trees and a low speed. Flattened grass was found at the landing site.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** APRO Bulletin, September 1961; Coral E. Lorenzen, Flying Saucers: The Startling Evidence of the Invasion from Outer Space, p. 185; Larry Hatch, U computer database, case #5930
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3032
### Event 22331 (D15DB2D9)
**Date:** 5/22/1961
**Description:** That same afternoon in Texas a stationary silver disc hung in the air over Tyndall Air Force Base. It was seen by two married women, Mrs. Jones and Mrs. Davis, at 4:30 p.m. The object appeared to be revolving as it hovered. After 15 minutes it finally rose higher and higher into the air and disappeared. A Project Blue Book "unknown."
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Project Blue Book files counted in official statistics, case # 7417; Lloyd Mallan, Science & Mechanics, December 1966, p. 36; Lloyd Mallan, The Official Guide to UFOs, p. 22; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence (Volume I), p. 95
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3033
### Event 22332 (76BBEFC0)
**Date:** 5/23/1961
**Time:** 15:20
**Location:** NAPIER, NZ
**Description:** 1 observer. Round silver 'bowl' going south slow. Reaches airdrome and vanishes in place.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 739)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6509
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "New Zealand", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "NAPIER,NZ:1 OBS:ROUND SLVR 'BOWL' >S SLOW:REACHES AIRDROME+VANISHES in place.", **LatLong:** "-39.516669 176.933342", **LatLongDMS:** "39:31:00 S 176:56:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-39.516669,176.933342)", **State/Prov:** "NI", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 22333 (27BC50B4)
**Date:** 5/23/1961
**Location:** Bronson and Cross City, FL
**Description:** Oval Tracked By AN/FPS-6A (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5)
**Reference:** NICAP: [610523](http://www.nicap.org/610523bronson%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2521
### Event 22334 (0F9D72DC)
**Date:** 5/23/1961
**Description:** A round, silver bowl-shaped object flew slowly to the south over Napier, New Zealand in Hawke's Bay at a few minutes after 3:15 p.m. It was witnessed by a Mrs. Church for two minutes. It reached a position over the local aerodrome and then vanished in place.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** APRO Bulletin, July-August 1961, p. 8
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3045
### Event 22335 (370A737B)
**Date:** 5/24/1961 (approximate)
**Location:** IN SPACE
**Description:** (Translated from French) On May 17th 1961 a Russian Lunik type spacecraft took off from the Baikonour base (I couldn't find this information from authors talking about aeronautics...) : on May 24th the Turin and Bochum stations intercepted a man's voice and a woman's voice coming from the capsule: "We can no longer read the dials. The indicators are no longer clear. There are none... (silence)... There, there, there is something... it's difficult... (silence)... if we don't make it, the world will never know! It's impossible..." Then nothing more. (...) Could Terechkova aboard Vostok 6 on June 16th 1963 have been the first woman in space? (Jean-Francis CROLARD: "The Enigma of the E.T." - ed. Guy TREDANIEL 1995, p. 33) A woman and a man had been launched on February 17th 1962 from the Baikonour base. On the evening of February 24th, at 8pm, the Bochum, Meudon and Turin stations heard the reports. (...) (1961, May 24th (or 1962, February 24th?))
**Reference:** Jacques POTTIER: "Flying Saucers" - DE VECCHI - 1974 - p. 44
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2203
### Event 22336 (154DB213)
**Date:** 5/25/1961
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) [Kennedy](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/KennedyJohnFitzgerald.html) launches the [Apollo](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/Apollo.html) program. (May 25)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1961.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1906
### Event 22337 (4B136E74)
**Date:** 5/25/1961
**Time:** 22:10
**Location:** SHEPPERTON, ENG
**Description:** Girl / 16. 8M Derby-hat saucer going northwest / 30kph 150M away. Dome glows. 3 portholes.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 89)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6510
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "SHEPPERTON,ENG:GIRL/16:8M DERBY-HAT SCR >NW/30kph 150M AWAY:DOME GLOWS:3 PORTS", **LatLong:** "51.400002 -0.450000", **LatLongDMS:** "51:24:00 N 00:27:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.400002,-0.450000)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 22338 (3E71387C)
**Date:** 5/25/1961
**Location:** Shepperton, Middlesex, UK
**Description:** Domed UFO with "portholes." \[NICAP UFOE, XII\] (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2522
### Event 22339 (F98CB95F)
**Date:** 5/28/1961 (approximate)
**Description:** Airmen. Luminous disk circles / sea level. Going up [to] and circles and paces DC3 going northeast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 743)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6511
**Attributes:** **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "30", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "NE/FLORIANOPOLIS,BRZL:AIRMEN:LUMn.DISK CCLS/SEA Lvl:↑+CCLs+PACES DC3 >NE", **LatLong:** "-25.500001 -45.833336", **LatLongDMS:** "25:30:00 S 45:50:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-25.500001,-45.833336)", **State/Prov:** "SEA", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 22340 (0D08A886)
**Date:** 5/28/1961
**Description:** A luminous disc was seen by airmen circling below at sea level northeast of Florianopolis, Brazil on this night. It climbed to the altitude of the DC-3 and circled the plane, then paced the aircraft as it flew to the northeast.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** APRO Bulletin, November 1961
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3132
### Event 22341 (5FA0797D)
**Date:** 5/29/1961
**Location:** Newark, OH
**Description:** Boy filmed unidentified light. \[NICAP UFOE, VIII\] (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2523
### Event 22342 (A1E551B5)
**Date:** 5/31/1961
**Time:** 12:00
**Description:** 7 observer(s). Large sphere/orb/globe hovers. 4 small delta/triangle/box-like crafts exit and maneuver and return. / r2p147.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 293)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6512
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "120", **HatchDesc:** "WYALONG> Event 22343 (DBBD4181)
**Date:** 5/31/1961
**Description:** At noon on this day over Toompang, New South Wales, Australia five men watched a large object hover in the sky while four delta-shaped objects exited and maneuvered around it for over an hour. They finally rejoined it and the large craft flew away.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Anatomy of a Phenomenon, p. 151; FSR, March 1979, p. 10
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3181
### Event 22344 (056CF15A)
**Date:** 6/1961
**Location:** US
**Description:** The outspoken new policy, if that is what it was, apparently backfired. Angered by USAF Col. Tacker's attitude, NICAP members and other citizens deluged Congress with requests for an investigation of the Air Force project. Congressional hearings were contemplated but never came about. Instead, Air Force Congressional Liaison personnel briefed key Congressional committees in private.
**Type:** congressional briefings
**Reference:** ["The UFO Evidence" (1964) by Richard H. Hall, page 106-108](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Reference:** ["Report on Unidentified Flying Objects" (Dec. 1956) by Capt. Edward J. Ruppelt](https://archive.org/details/reportonunidenti00rupp/mode/1up)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_893
### Event 22345 (940BDA44)
**Date:** 6/1961
**Time:** 23:50
**Location:** BARABON, QLD, AUS
**Description:** 4 observer(s) / car. Classic saucer passes. Car engine quits. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RODEGHIER, Mark/CUFOS: UFO REPORTS INVOLVING VEHICLE INTERFERENCE; CUFOS 1979. Available as CUFOS UFO Archive #1 CD-ROM. http://www.cufos.org/Pubform.pdf (Index 18)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6513
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "BARABON,QLD,AUS:4 OBS/CAR:CLASSIC SCR PASSES:CAR ENGINE QUITS:NFD", **LatLong:** "-20.833334 143.466674", **LatLongDMS:** "20:50:00 S 143:28:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-20.833334,143.466674)", **State/Prov:** "Queensland", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 22346 (4EE0CA83)
**Date:** 6/2/1961
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Observation at the Miyako Jima air station \(Japan\) (June 2)
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#7437 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1961.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1908
### Event 22347 (2FFC962A)
**Date:** 6/2/1961
**Time:** 22:20
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #7437. Several observer(s). Blue-white night light maneuvers erratically / 5 minute(s).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BERLINER, DON: The BLUEBOOK UNKNOWNS; (FUFOR). (Index 29)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6514
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Japan", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "MIYAKO JIMA AFS,JAPAN:BBK#7437:SVRL OBS:BLU-WHT NLT MNVRS ERRATICALLY/5min", **LatLong:** "34.716668 135.550006", **LatLongDMS:** "34:43:00 N 135:33:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/34.716668,135.550006)", **State/Prov:** "Honshu Island", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 22348 (C5B37BDE)
**Date:** 6/2/1961
**Location:** Tampa, FL
**Description:** (McDonald list) Object Tracked At 34,000' /F-102 Scrambled (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 3, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** NICAP: [610602](http://www.nicap.org/610602tampa%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2524
### Event 22349 (213EF06B)
**Date:** 6/2/1961
**Location:** Miyako Jima Air Station, Japan
**Description:** Blue-white light fly erratic course at varying speed (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 7437)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2525
### Event 22350 (33413A79)
**Date:** 6/2/1961
**Time:** 10:17 PM
**Location:** Miyako Jima, Japan
**Description:** Witnesses: lst Lt. R.N. Monahan and Hazeltine Electric Co. technical representative D.W. Mattison. One blue-white light flew erratic course at varying speed, in an arc-like path for 5 minutes.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_462
### Event 22351 (6FB9E6A2)
**Date:** 6/2/1961
**Description:** On Miyako Jima, Japan at 10:17 p.m. Lt. R. N. Monahan and Hazeltine Electric Co. technical representative D. W. Mattison, sighted a blue-white light that flew an erratic course at varying speeds, in an arc-like path for five minutes. A radar contact with visual confirmation of the UFO occurred on the same day in Tampa, Florida.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Project Blue Book files counted in official statistics, case # 7437; Don Berliner, Project Bluebook UFO Unknowns
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3225
### Event 22352 (BB4B8557)
**Date:** 6/3/1961
**Location:** ITALY, at sea
**Description:** (Translated from French) Four people were chatting in the boat, engine stopped, off the Italian coast. Suddenly they were shaken by waves of increasing amplitude. They then saw the water swell into an enormous bubble 1 km away from them. A strange object in the shape of an overturned plate topped with a cone emerged from this bubble of water as if the object was pushing the water away, as if it was surrounded by an air cushion. Once out of the water it stopped for a few seconds at about ten meters from the surface, forming a halo around its base. Then it left at a lightning speed. (June 3, 1961)
**Reference:** Michel BOUGARD: "Des S.V. aux OVNI" - SOBEPS 1976 - P. 214
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2205
### Event 22353 (87E28D0B)
**Date:** 6/3/1961
**Time:** 06:40
**Location:** OFF SAVONA, ITL
**Description:** Sea boils. Glowing-saucer emerges. Going quickly northeast / fast. / FSRv9#4p11+/ r70p3-73+/ r8.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** ITACAT, Catalogo Italiano degli Incontri Ravvicinati. Maurizio Verga, 1989 CISU/Torino, Italy. (Index 51)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6515
**Attributes:** **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **SUB:** Submersible: Rises from or submerges into water, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Italy", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "off SAVONA,ITL:SEA BOILS:GLO-SCR EMERGES:>>NE/FAST:/FSRv9#4p11+/r70p3-73+/r8", **LatLong:** "44.250002 8.516667", **LatLongDMS:** "44:15:00 N 08:31:00 E", **Locale:** "Offshore", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.250002,8.516667)", **State/Prov:** "SV", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 22354 (5F622439)
**Date:** 6/3/1961
**Time:** 0635
**Location:** Savona, Italy
**Description:** Off this town, four people in a boat were suddenly shaken by growing waves and saw the sea swelling like an enormous bubble 1 km away. An object emerged, hovering at 10 m altitude for a brief time, its underside glowing, and it left obliquely at high speed toward the northeast. Its shape was similar to a cone resting on a disk.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Settimana Incom. Jan. 6,63 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_519
### Event 22355 (FF2FB6B3)
**Date:** 6/3/1961
**Location:** Savona, Italy
**Description:** 6:35 a.m. Giacomo Barra, Giuseppe Pordoi, Filippo Marin, and Silvano Guardinfante are in a motorboat off Savona, Italy, when the boat begins to roll badly. More than one-half mile away, they notice the surface of the sea is “bulging like an enormous ball, with long billows going out.” An object emerges from the sea and stops still for a few seconds at a height of 30 feet and rocks slightly. A halo forms around the base and it shoots away quickly across the sea and vanishes towards the northwest.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Loren E. Gross, [The Fifth Horseman of the Apocalypse:](https://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1961-Jan-Jun.pdf) [UFOs, a History: January–June 1961](https://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1961-Jan-Jun.pdf)[,](https://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1961-Jan-Jun.pdf) The Author, 2003, p. 50; 1Pinotti 117–118
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3523
### Event 22356 (CD4306B0)
**Date:** 6/3/1961
**Locations:** Mercury, Nevada; Nellis AFB
**Description:** A civilian weather observer sees an object through a theodolite at Mercury, Nevada. It remains in sight for 2 hours at an altitude of 80,000–120,000 feet. Project Blue Book evaluators correctly identify the object as a probable U-2 aircraft flying out of Nellis AFB.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Mark Rodeghier, “The U-2 Spy Plane and Blue Book: Another Look,” IUR 27, no. 3 \(Fall 2002\): 21
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3524
### Event 22357 (061638AC)
**Date:** 6/3/1961
**Description:** In the sea off the town of Savona, Italy four people who were taking a ride in a small motorboat were suddenly rocked by growing waves. They stood up and noticed the sea swell up like an enormous bubble a kilometer away, with large waves widening into a circle. A few seconds later an object emerged and hovered at 10 meters altitude above the waves for a brief time. Its lower part was similar to an upside down plate and the upper part was shaped like a cone. As it was emerging from the water the object seemed to push it as if there was an air pillow. After it had emerged completely, the object stopped for a few seconds in the air at about 10 meters above the surface. After a few sways, a mark around the base formed and the object rapidly departed following a trajectory oblique to the sea surface and disappeared towards the northeast.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 519; Marco Bianchini, USOCAT: Italian Center for UFO Studies (CISU), www.cisu.org; Thomas M. Olsen, Reference to Outstanding UFO Reports, case 122, citing Flying Saucer Review, July-August 1963, p. 11
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3243
### Event 22358 (A83F530B)
**Date:** 6/4/1961
**Time:** ~14:00
**Description:** Several small saucers streak to big ovoid. Going quickly NNW. Very fast. / r242p71.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 25)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6516
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "408", **HatchDesc:** "BLUE RIDGE SUMMIT,PA:SVRL SML SCRS STREAK to BIG OVOID:>>NNW:VFAST:/r242p71", **LatLong:** "39.733335 -77.472226", **LatLongDMS:** "39:44:00 N 77:28:20 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.733335,-77.472226)", **State/Prov:** "Pennsylvania", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 22359 (1C4C8EC9)
**Date:** 6/4/1961
**Location:** Blue Ridge Summit, PA
**Description:** A cigar-shaped or long elliptical UFO with a cluster of smaller UFOs was observed by a librarian. First motionless, the smaller objects then streaked across the sky to the large UFO and all vanished behind trees. \[NICAP UFOE, VIII\] (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2526
### Event 22360 (54C4BFB8)
**Date:** 6/4/1961
**Location:** Blue Ridge Summit, Pennsylvania
**Description:** Mrs. James W. Annis, a librarian, sees a large, narrow, elliptical object hovering low in the sky to the north of Blue Ridge Summit, Pennsylvania. Farther to the east, a cluster of smaller objects is hovering. She then watches the smaller objects streak across the sky to the larger one. All then move out of sight behind trees to the north- northwest.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** UFOEv, [p. 71](https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=mdp.39015006091691&view=1up&seq=83&skin=2021); Herbert S. Taylor, “Satellite Objects: A Further Look,” IUR 29, no. 2 \(Summer 2004\): 25
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3525
### Event 22361 (E41EE44D)
**Date:** 6/5/1961
**Location:** Rodovia Anchieta highway 30 miles northwest of Santos, São Paulo, Brazil
**Description:** 2:30 a.m. Patrolman Jaime de Miranda and Astrogildo de Medeiros are called to the scene of a sighting on the Rodovia Anchieta highway 30 miles northwest of Santos, São Paulo, Brazil. When they arrive, they find about 20 cars stopped along the road and people watching a luminous disc-shaped object maneuvering in the area. The patrolmen try to signal the object by shining a spotlight on it, but they get no response. When they focus a red light on it, the object moves toward the cars at high speed. They take cover. Another responder, Marshal José Otavia Leite, is about to shoot at the object but other police prevent him. After 3 hours, the object gets dimmer. At 5:30 a.m., it is still visible through binoculars when it lands on the ground some distance from the highway. By daybreak it is no longer visible.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Lorenzen, UFOs: The Whole Story, Signet, 1969, pp. 227–228
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3526
### Event 22362 (951EDEC2)
**Date:** 6/9/1961
**Location:** Mississisauga, Ontario
**Description:** A second USAF/NASA flight evaluation of the Avrocar is conducted on a modified second prototype at the Avro facility in Mississisauga, Ontario. During these tests, the vehicle reaches a maximum speed of 20 knots and shows the ability to traverse a ditch 6 feet across and 18 inches deep. Flight above the critical altitude proves dangerous if not nearly impossible due to inherent instability. The flight test report further identifies a range of control problems.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Avro Canada VZ-9 Avrocar](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Avro%5FCanada%5FVZ-9%5FAvrocar)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3527
### Event 22363 (1B8C0E52)
**Date:** 6/11/1961
**Time:** 23:00
**Location:** VILLANUEVA DE RIO Y M., SP
**Description:** 12+observer(s). 5M saucer maneuvers. All animals affected. Going quickly west. / r50p7.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 18)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6517
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "8", **HatchDesc:** "VILLANUEVA de RIO y M.,SP:12+OBS:5M SCR MNVRS:ALL ANIMALS AFFECTED:>>W:/r50p7", **LatLong:** "37.655557 -5.716667", **LatLongDMS:** "37:39:20 N 05:43:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.655557,-5.716667)", **State/Prov:** "SVL", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 22364 (2AAF078B)
**Date:** 6/11/1961
**Locations:** Fuenteluega Estate; Sevilla, Spain
**Description:** 11:00 p.m. José-Gregorio Darnaude y Rojas Marcos, 28, is lying in a hammock in the front of his house on the Fuenteluega Estate in Sevilla, Spain, when he feels a peculiar pricking sensation throughout his whole body but particularly in his head. His dogs are cowering, the sheep go completely crazy, and the crickets and cicadas become silent. Suddenly, a luminous disc about 15 feet in diameter appears from behind the house, flying from northeast to southwest. It makes an abrupt 90° turn and moves directly toward him, hovering about 400 feet away from him and 80 feet in the air, changing colors from white to orange to red to purple several times. Darnaude runs inside, but the disc turns bright white and shots away at enormous speed.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos, “Twelfh Night: And a UFO,” Flying Saucer Review Case Histories, no. 18 \(September 1974\): 11
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3528
### Event 22365 (4D5B8F5B)
**Date:** 6/11/1961
**Description:** Jose Darnaude, age 28, of Villanueva del Rio y Minas, Spain felt a strange prickling sensation all over his body but especially on his head when he next saw a spinning luminous object approach rapidly from the northeast. The disc-shaped UFO dropped down at a 90-degree angle, and stopped to hover at 20-30 meters altitude, 250 meters away. It changed color from white to orange to red to purple to white again. Over a dozen other people witnessed it for several minutes before it rose vertically at great speed and flew towards the southwest. Horses in the area went crazy with fear, sheep broke loose, and dogs cowered in silence. Mr. Darnaude has degrees in law, economics, and business management, and at the time was the manager of his family's agricultural and cattle breeding business, on whose estate the incident occurred.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Vicente Juan Ballester Olmos, A Catalogue of 200 Type I UFO Events in Spain and Portugal, pp. 7-8.
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3418
### Event 22366 (78459F12)
**Date:** 6/12/1961
**Description:** A smoke ring was seen in the presence of a UFO at 6:30 p.m. in Waynesville, Ohio.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** APRO Bulletin, July-August 1961, p. 1
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3438
### Event 22367 (C468C473)
**Date:** 6/13/1961
**Time:** 15:40
**Location:** BETHUNGRA, AUS
**Description:** 4 / railroad/railway station/depot/facility. 25cm disk just over phone lines. Whistles. Lines tangled.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 89)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6518
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "BETHUNGRA,AUS:4/RR Stn:25cm DISK JUST OVR PHONE LINES:WHISTLES:LINES TANGLED", **LatLong:** "-34.766668 147.866674", **LatLongDMS:** "34:46:00 S 147:52:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-34.766668,147.866674)", **State/Prov:** "NSW", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 22368 (2B4E1706)
**Date:** 6/13/1961
**Description:** At 3:35 p.m. a 25 cm wide disc flew just above some telephone lines at a railroad station in Bethunga, New South Wales, Australia. It made a whistling noise. The telephone became entangled by its passage.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Luis Schoenherr, computerized catalogue, case #1451
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3456
### Event 22369 (F783AAAB)
**Date:** 6/17/1961
**Description:** Military observer(s). No further details [in] at all.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFOCAT CATALOG: Assorted Printouts. Donald A. Johnson Ph.D (CUFOS). P.O. Box 446, Concord, NH 03302-0446 (Index 65)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6519
**Attributes:** **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Pacific Ocean and non - Asian islands", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "PACIFIC 148°10W-26°03N BBK#UNK:MIL OBS:NFD AT ALL", **LatLong:** "26.050001 -148.166674", **LatLongDMS:** "26:03:00 N 148:10:00 W", **Locale:** "High Seas", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/26.050001,-148.166674)", **State/Prov:** "NPC", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 22370 (8A1470EA)
**Date:** 6/19/1961
**Location:** EXETER, ENGL
**Description:** Large bright shiny object hovers 50k' over airport/apartment. RADAR's track. / r242p139+/ r28p437.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 25)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6520
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **RDR:** Radar traces/blips
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "60", **Elev:** "26", **HatchDesc:** "EXETER,ENGL:LRG BRITE SHINY OBJ HVRS 50k'ovr Apt:RDRs TRACK:/r242p139+/r28p437", **LatLong:** "50.733336 -3.550000", **LatLongDMS:** "50:44:00 N 03:33:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.733336,-3.550000)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 22371 (1D1B8072)
**Date:** 6/19/1961
**Location:** Exeter, UK
**Description:** Exeter, England; Edinburgh, Scotland, G,V (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Rating: 5)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2527
### Event 22372 (7B54B39D)
**Date:** 6/19/1961
**Location:** Exeter, Devon, England
**Description:** A flying object hovers for more than an hour above an airport at Exeter, Devon, England. Officials say: “We do not know what it is. It was seen on the radar screen and we have had it under observation for some time. We think it is pretty big. It appears to be shining brightly and is about 50,000 feet up.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** UFOEv, [pp. 80](https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=mdp.39015006091691&view=1up&seq=92&skin=2021), [139](https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=mdp.39015006091691&view=1up&seq=151&skin=2021)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3529
### Event 22373 (83B3C982)
**Date:** 6/21/1961
**Location:** USSR, Rybinsk
**Description:** (Translated from French) A metal object in the shape of a disc, approximately 100 m in diameter, hovered above the Rybinsk anti-aircraft missile launch base north of Moscow. The object, apparently at an altitude of 6000 m, was first detected on radar and then seen with the naked eye. While it remained stationary, smaller discs emerged from the giant object and began to fly over the base at low altitude. The commander gave the order to shoot down the craft. A first series of surface-to-air missiles were launched: the projectiles rose towards the UFO but exploded in the air when they were 2 km away. The UFO remained stationary and intact in the same place. A second attack was ordered, with the same result. Preparations were being made for a third attack when the small discs descended very low and the electricity was cut off, including that supplied by the emergency generator. After ten minutes the small objects rose back up to the large craft, then it disappeared. The electricity then returned normally. (Antonio RIBERA: "Procès aux OVNI" - De Vecchi 1977 - p. 101, 102) (Internet, WUFOC site, which reproduces this account attributing it to Thimoty Good "Above Top Secret" with the comment that Good claims his source is a very serious Italian scientific journal….) Defensive missiles were installed around Moscow. At one of the bases, a radar detected a UFO flying at an altitude of 18000 meters and escorted by smaller UFOs. The commander of the Rybinsk base responded with a salvo of missiles. The escort UFOs descended towards the base, whose electrical equipment then stopped working. The missiles exploded well before reaching their targets. When the UFOs rejoined their mothership, the energy returned to the missile base.
**Reference:** “Dossiers OVNI”, ed. Marshall Cavendish, Paris 1998, Hors série, p. 24
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2206
### Event 22374 (1E8C32E3)
**Date:** 6/21/1961
**Time:** ~15:00
**Location:** RYBINSK, RS
**Description:** 100M saucer / 20km altitude. Small saucers all over/all about. Missiles fired. Electric out. / r211p31.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: ABOVE TOP SECRET; Sidgewick & Jackson, London 1987 & Quill Books, 1988. 592pp. (Index 227)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6521
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **RDR:** Radar traces/blips, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **MIL:** Military investigation
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Russia", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "25", **HatchDesc:** "RYBINSK,RS:100M SCR/20km alt:SML SCRS ALLO:MISSILES FIRED:ELEC.OUT:/r211p31", **LatLong:** "58.033336 38.866669", **LatLongDMS:** "58:02:00 N 38:52:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/58.033336,38.866669)", **State/Prov:** "MOS", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 22375 (6F6A3152)
**Date:** Summer 1961
**Location:** Rybinsk, Yaroslavl Oblast, Russia
**Description:** Near Rybinsk, Yaroslavl Oblast, Russia, crews are setting up new missile batteries as part of Moscow’s defensive network. A huge disc-shaped object allegedly appears at an estimated altitude of 12.5 miles, surrounded by a number of smaller objects. A nervous battery commander panics and gives unauthorized orders to fire a salvo at the disc. All the missiles explode at an estimated distance of 1.2 miles from the target. A third salvo is not fired, because at that point the smaller objects stall the electrical apparatus of the entire missile base. After the smaller disc rejoin the big UFO, the electrical systems return.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Good Above, [pp. 227–228](https://archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/226/mode/2up); Flying Saucers, no. 47, May 1966, pp. 6–10
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3520
### Event 22376 (A5FDBADB)
**Date:** Summer 1961
**Locations:** Travis AFB; Fairfield, California; Sacramento Valley
**Description:** Capt. [Robert Filler](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/197031899/robert-eugene-filler) and Lt. Phil Lee, based with the 82d Fighter Interceptor Squadron at Travis AFB in Fairfield, California, are scrambled in their F-102 Delta Dagger jets to intercept a radar target that has been hovering at 50,000 feet for 30 minutes. They get a radar lock-on 20 miles out above the Sacramento Valley. The target is still stationary until they are 5 miles away, then the target moves quickly several times to a higher altitude. Filler estimates it is moving at 36,000 mph.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Good Need, [pp. 245–246](https://archive.org/details/needtoknow00good/page/244/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3521
### Event 22377 (82A655AF)
**Date:** Summer 1961
**Location:** Beloit, Ohio
**Description:** Day. Glenn E. Bradley watches a group of six metallic discs pass over his farm near Beloit, Ohio, at a low altitude. They are traveling in single file at about 30 mph and are spaced 1–2 miles apart. The objects are each about 60 feet in diameter at the bottom with a 30-foot dome on top. Within a transparent section in the center he can see two figures on each side. The objects begin banking to the left about 200–300 feet away.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Soup Bowls](http://cufos.org/CUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter/1985%5FCUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter%5FV6.pdf) [over Ohio,](http://cufos.org/CUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter/1985%5FCUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter%5FV6.pdf)” CUFOS Associate Newsletter 6, no. 1 \(Feb./March 1985\): 4, 6
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3522
### Event 22378 (31CF784E)
**Date:** 6/25/1961
**Location:** Pacific Ocean, At Sea
**Description:** (McDonald list) Two Blips At 4800 Knots (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** NICAP: [610625](http://www.nicap.org/610625pacific%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2528
### Event 22379 (C2D757D6)
**Date:** 6/28/1961
**Description:** An alleged one page memo from President Kennedy (not using auto signature) to DCI states he requests a review of MJ-12 operations as they related to Cold War psychological warfare plans.
* [https://majesticdocuments.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/kennedy_ciadirector_1.pdf](https://majesticdocuments.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/kennedy_ciadirector_1.pdf)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_99
### Event 22380 (BEE0B206)
**Date:** 6/30/1961
**Location:** Warsaw, Poland
**Description:** 2:00 p.m. Residents of Warsaw, Poland, see a large, luminous, roughly spherical, slowly moving object in the sky. It supposedly remains visible for more than 8 hours.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Poland 29–31
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3530
### Event 22381 (C382861B)
**Date:** 7/1961
**Location:** USA, SPACE
**Description:** (Translated from French) Re-entry of Explorer 6 launched on August 7th, 1959.
**Reference:** Acta Aeronomica 1977, p. 97
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2207
### Event 22382 (B8D964B4)
**Date:** 7/1961
**Alternate date:** 8/1961
**Location:** Lacul Roşu, Romania
**Description:** Dusk. Florin Gorănescu is staying at a villa in Lacul Roşu, Romania. He and two colleagues notice on top of a nearby high cliff an intensely red light that remains motionless until it begins moving slowly northeast.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Romania 13
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3531
### Event 22383 (13CDC881)
**Date:** 7/1/1961
**Description:** ATIC is removed from USAF Intelligence and added to the new Air Force Systems Command. Its name is changed to the Foreign Technology Division. Project Blue Book is included in the reorganization.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** [Sparks](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf), pp. 12–13; Wikipedia, “[National Air and Space Intelligence Center](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National%5FAir%5Fand%5FSpace%5FIntelligence%5FCenter\#Foreign%5FTechnology%5FDivision)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3532
### Event 22384 (B9E7A503)
**Date:** 7/1/1961
**Locations:** Ent AFB [now the US Olympic Training Center], Colorado Springs, Colorado; Hanscom Field, Bedford, Massachusetts
**Description:** A new squadron that will become the 1st Aerospace Surveillance and Control Squadron becomes operational under the USAF Air Defense Command at Ent AFB \[now the US Olympic Training Center\], Colorado Springs, Colorado, part of NORAD’s Space Detection and Tracking System. The first squadron commander is Col. Robert Miller. The Space Track organization at Hanscom Field, Bedford, Massachusetts, assumes a backup role for squadron operations.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[1st Space Operations Squadron](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1st%5FSpace%5FOperations%5FSquadron\#Space%5FTrack)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3533
### Event 22385 (EA3A8338)
**Date:** 7/3/1961
**Time:** 00:20
**Location:** RYDE, WIGHT, ENG
**Description:** 2 women. Domed saucer going north from sea. Hovers 20M over trees. Silent. Going quickly south. / r8.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 90)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6522
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "RYDE,WIGHT,ENG:2 WOMEN:DOMED SCR >N from SEA:HVRS 20M OVR TREES:SLNT:>>S:/r8", **LatLong:** "50.716669 -1.266667", **LatLongDMS:** "50:43:00 N 01:16:00 W", **Locale:** "Islands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.716669,-1.266667)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 22386 (412E610F)
**Date:** 7/3/1961
**Time:** 0015
**Location:** Ryde, Great Britain
**Description:** An object resembling a hovercraft, having five windows through which an orange light was shining, hovered about 20 m above the trees. It left suddenly at high speed.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** FSR 61, 6 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_520
### Event 22387 (E705CA91)
**Date:** 7/3/1961
**Description:** An object resembling a hovercraft was seen at fifteen minutes after minute in Ryde, England. It had five windows through which a bright orange light was shining, and it hovered about 20 meters above the trees. It left suddenly at high speed.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 520
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3802
### Event 22388 (2104EC26)
**Date:** 7/4/1961
**Time:** 22:20
**Location:** AKRON, OH
**Description:** Private pilot and ground RADAR. Glowing-object dives at plane. Back 5 July. No further details. / r28p437.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO EVIDENCE; NICAP,Washington, DC 1964. Reprinted 1997 Barnes & Noble Books ( only $7.98! ) (Index 43)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6523
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **RDR:** Radar traces/blips, **MIL:** Military investigation
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "310", **HatchDesc:** "AKRON,OH:PVT PILOT+GND RDR:GLOW-OBJ DIVES AT PLANE:BACK 5JLY:NFD:/r28p437", **LatLong:** "41.116669 -81.616671", **LatLongDMS:** "41:07:00 N 81:37:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.116669,-81.616671)", **State/Prov:** "Ohio", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 22389 (B6AD8A75)
**Date:** 7/4/1961
**Location:** Akron, OH
**Description:** Object Dives At Plane, Climbs Away At Tremendous Speed (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5)
**Reference:** NICAP: [610704](http://www.nicap.org/610704akron%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2529
### Event 22390 (1B29B0FB)
**Date:** 7/7/1961
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Observation at Copemiah \(Michigan\) (July 7)
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#7491 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1961.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1909
### Event 22391 (5DC1BFCC)
**Date:** 7/7/1961
**Location:** MUSKEGON, MI
**Description:** 3+observer(s). Metallic double-bowl saucer. Light flashes. Going up [to] slow and going quickly [to] very fast. Police report.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 25)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6524
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "180", **HatchDesc:** "MUSKEGON,MI:3+OBS:MTLC DOUBLE-BOWL SCR:LITE FLASHES:↑ SLO+>>VFAST:police rept.", **LatLong:** "43.216669 -86.266671", **LatLongDMS:** "43:13:00 N 86:16:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.216669,-86.266671)", **State/Prov:** "Michigan", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 22392 (EC95B2D6)
**Date:** 7/7/1961
**Time:** 23:00
**Location:** COPEMISH, MI
**Description:** BBK7491. 2+2+2 observer(s). Large sphere/orb/globe splits into 4 small ones. Drop going down [to] trees.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SCIENCE & MECHANICS (eds.) OFFICIAL GUIDE to UFO'S; Ace Books, NY. 1968. (Index 172)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6525
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "60", **Elev:** "246", **HatchDesc:** "COPEMISH,MI:BBK7491:2+2+2 OBS:LARGE ORB SPLITS INTO 4 SMALL ONES:DROP ↓ TREES", **LatLong:** "44.466669 -85.911115", **LatLongDMS:** "44:28:00 N 85:54:40 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.466669,-85.911115)", **RelAlt:** "3", **State/Prov:** "Michigan", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 22393 (32728A98)
**Date:** 7/7/1961
**Location:** Copemiah, MI
**Description:** A large ball fly slow, split into 4 after 45 mins flying (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 7491)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2530
### Event 22394 (6A83B36A)
**Date:** 7/7/1961
**Time:** 11 PM
**Location:** Copemish, Michigan
**Description:** Witness: waitress Nannette Hilley. One large ball flew slow, split into four after 45 minutes. Four flew close formation, descended and flew away to the west. Total sighting lasted 1 hour.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_463
### Event 22395 (0C553F8E)
**Date:** 7/7/1961
**Description:** In Copemish, Michigan at 11 p.m. waitress Nannette Hilley saw a large flying ball of light slow down and split into four parts after 45 minutes. The four lights flew in close formation, descended and flew away toward the west. The sighting lasted a total of one hour.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Don Berliner, Project Bluebook UFO Unknowns
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3903
### Event 22396 (13D04185)
**Date:** 7/8/1961
**Time:** 22:10
**Location:** FAIRBORN, OH
**Description:** Observer(s) = Wilson. Blue Book. Orange-yellow saucer / 10 minute(s). Going southwest. Inverted mushroom 2 SEPT61.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: UFO'S IN SPACE - Anatomy of a Phenomenon; Henry Regnery 1966 & Ballentine PB 1974 294pp. (Index 220)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6526
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "252", **HatchDesc:** "FAIRBORN,OH:OBS=WILSON:BBK:ORG-YEL SCR/10min:>SW::INVERTED MUSHROOM 2SEPT61", **LatLong:** "39.822224 -84.027782", **LatLongDMS:** "39:49:20 N 84:01:40 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.822224,-84.027782)", **State/Prov:** "Ohio", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 22397 (4AAA7A37)
**Date:** 7/8/1961
**Time:** 23:10
**Location:** BEULAH, MI
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #7491. 4 observer(s). 2-3 saucers maneuver. Different color(s). 1 has rotating beacon.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: UFO'S IN SPACE - Anatomy of a Phenomenon; Henry Regnery 1966 & Ballentine PB 1974 294pp. (Index 211)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6527
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "38", **Elev:** "181", **HatchDesc:** "BEULAH,MI:BBK#7491:4 OBS:2-3 SCRS MNVR:DIFF.CLRS:1 HAS ROTATING BEACON.", **LatLong:** "44.644447 -86.088893", **LatLongDMS:** "44:38:40 N 86:05:20 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.644447,-86.088893)", **State/Prov:** "Michigan", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 22398 (9AAC8D4C)
**Date:** 7/8/1961
**Description:** In Beulah, Michigan a bluish-white light with a faint rotating beacon inside was sighted at 11:00 p.m. It had three red and three white lights inside. It descended to tree top level, and then went behind the trees. Soon, a red light followed by a white object emerged from behind the trees; they flew low over the ground, and then the two lights merged together.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Lloyd Mallan, Official Guide to UFOs, p. 29
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3925
### Event 22399 (C68EB9E6)
**Date:** 7/10/1961
**Location:** Golden, CO
**Description:** (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2531
### Event 22400 (DC6F40BE)
**Date:** 7/11/1961
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Sighting in Springfield \(Ohio\) (July 11)
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#7499 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1961.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1910
### Event 22401 (6532402F)
**Date:** 7/11/1961
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) The [ATIC](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/ATIC.html) becomes the [FTD](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/FTD.html).
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1961.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1911
### Event 22402 (06F5F2B3)
**Date:** 7/11/1961
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) The [JCS](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/JCS.html) completes the design work of the [DIA](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/DIA.html).
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1961.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1912
### Event 22403 (64346E4B)
**Date:** 7/11/1961
**Time:** 19:40
**Location:** SPRINGFIELD, OH
**Description:** Ex-airman and others. Bright metallic round object overhead / 20 minute(s). No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BERLINER, DON: The BLUEBOOK UNKNOWNS; (FUFOR). (Index 29)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6528
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "20", **Elev:** "300", **HatchDesc:** "SPRINGFIELD,OH:EX-AIRMAN+OTHERS:BRITE MTLC ROUND OBJ OVHD/20min:NFD", **LatLong:** "39.916669 -83.800004", **LatLongDMS:** "39:55:00 N 83:48:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.916669,-83.800004)", **State/Prov:** "Ohio", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 22404 (809B15FF)
**Date:** 7/11/1961
**Location:** Springfield, OH
**Description:** Round bright light like shiny aluminum, pass overhead (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 7499)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2532
### Event 22405 (84A2904C)
**Date:** 7/11/1961
**Time:** 7:45 PM
**Location:** Springfield, Ohio
**Description:** Witnesses: ex-air navigator G. Scott, Mrs. Scott, and neighbors. One round, bright light like shiny aluminum, passed overhead in 20 minutes.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_464
### Event 22406 (08FE872D)
**Date:** 7/11/1961
**Location:** Paris Observatory in Meudon, France
**Description:** 10:35 p.m. Jacques Vallée and others at the Paris Observatory in Meudon, France, see a mystery satellite as part of Project Moonwatch. The following day the director of the project confiscates all their data and destroys it, apparently in fear of being laughed at by the press, scientific colleagues, and the Americans.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallée, Forbidden Science, North Atlantic, 1992, [pp. 41–42](https://archive.org/details/forbiddenscience00vall%5F0/page/41/mode/2up); Michael D. Swords, “Gazing at the Moons,” IUR 32, no. 4 \(October 2009\): 11–12
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3534
### Event 22407 (242B01B4)
**Date:** 7/11/1961
**Description:** In Springfield, Ohio at 7:45 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Scott and their neighbors sighted a round, bright light like shiny aluminum pass overhead. Their sighting lasted 20 minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Don Berliner, Project Bluebook UFO Unknowns
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3991
### Event 22408 (3FBFD6BB)
**Date:** 7/17/1961
**Time:** 02:00
**Location:** US91 NORTHEAST / LAS VEGAS, NV
**Description:** Saucer circles car. Rush / cold air! Big military investigation/investigators. No traces. P282.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA; H. Regnery, Chicago HC 1969 & Contemporary Books,Chicago 1993. 372pp. (Index 521)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6529
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "625", **HatchDesc:** "US91 NE/LAS VEGAS,NV:SCR CIRCLES CAR:RUSH/COLD AIR!:BIG MIL INV:NO TRACES:p282", **LatLong:** "36.333335 -114.933339", **LatLongDMS:** "36:20:00 N 114:56:00 W", **Locale:** "Desert", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/36.333335,-114.933339)", **RelAlt:** "4", **State/Prov:** "Nevada", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 22409 (3B5AF8BB)
**Date:** 7/17/1961
**Location:** Las Vegas (Bonnie Springs? near), NV
**Description:** 2 in/car saw in mirror a low-flying object that overtook their car (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2533
### Event 22410 (0C3F815D)
**Date:** 7/17/1961
**Time:** 0200
**Location:** Las Vegas, Nevada
**Description:** One mile north of Bonny Spring Ranch, on U.S. Highway 91, two civilians in a car observed in the rear-view mirror a low-flying object that overtook their car, followed by a rush of cold air. It stopped, circled the vehicle, flew off and was lost to sight behind the mountains, where it may have landed. In the course of an exceptionally complete investigation by military authorities, however, no evidence of a landing was discovered.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Atic ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_521
### Event 22411 (DE5D361A)
**Date:** 7/17/1961
**Locations:** Bonnie Springs Ranch; Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area, Nevada
**Description:** 2:00 a.m. Two people driving about one mile north of Bonnie Springs Ranch \[now the Ranch at Red Rock\] in the Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area, Nevada, see in the rear-view mirror a low-flying object that overtakes their car, followed by a rush of cold air. It stops, circles the vehicle, flies off, and is lost to sight behind the mountains, where it might have landed, but an investigation by the military finds no trace.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Vallée, Magonia, [p. 282](https://archive.org/details/passporttomagoni0000vall/page/282/mode/2up); [Sparks](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf)[,](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf) p. 288
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3535
### Event 22412 (FE323FB6)
**Date:** 7/20/1961
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Sighting in Houston \(Texas\) (July 20)
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#7510 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1961.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1913
### Event 22413 (2D7009AD)
**Date:** 7/20/1961
**Time:** 08:00?
**Location:** OVER BAYTOWN, TX
**Description:** DC3 crew ground and air RADAR's. 2 vibrant bright saucer-fireballs over port Arthur. / r185.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SCIENCE & MECHANICS (eds.) OFFICIAL GUIDE to UFO'S; Ace Books, NY. 1968. (Index 34)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6530
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **RDR:** Radar traces/blips, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "30", **Elev:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "ovr BAYTOWN,TX:DC3 CREW GND+AIR RDRS:2 VBRITE SCR-FBLS OVER PORT ARTHUR:/r185", **LatLong:** "29.900001 -93.983338", **LatLongDMS:** "29:54:00 N 93:59:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/29.900001,-93.983338)", **State/Prov:** "Texas", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 22414 (82623E76)
**Date:** 7/20/1961
**Location:** Houston, TX
**Description:** Pilot in DC3 saw 2 bright white lights fly in formation (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: 7510)
**Reference:** NICAP: [610720](http://www.nicap.org/610720houston%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2534
### Event 22415 (6AB2582B)
**Date:** 7/20/1961
**Time:** 8 AM
**Location:** Houston, Texas
**Description:** Witnesses: Trans-Texas Airlines Capt. A.V. Beather, flying DC-3, plus vague report from ground radar. Two very bright white light or objects flew in trail formation for 30 minutes.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_465
### Event 22416 (BD9A2557)
**Date:** 7/20/1961
**Description:** While flying in a DC-3 over Houston, Texas at eight o'clock in the morning Trans-Texas Airlines Capt. A.V. Beather sighted two very bright white lights or objects. They flew in trail formation for 30 minutes. There is a vague report from ground radar that the UFOs were picked up on radar.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Don Berliner, Project Bluebook Unknowns
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4233
### Event 22417 (C12F67BA)
**Date:** 7/21/1961
**Location:** US
**Description:** Mercury program : Mercury-Redstone 4 Mission — Gus Grissom piloting Liberty Bell 7 becomes the second American to go into space (in a suborbital mission).
**Type:** aerospace
**Reference:** Fate Magazine, 5/1961
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_605
**See also:** 1/27/67
### Event 22418 (799084A7)
**Date:** 7/24/1961
**Time:** 22:00?
**Location:** ILHA GRANDE, BRZ
**Description:** Vasp pilot. Fireball maneuvers all over/all about. Responds to radio message? / r242p120.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 26)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6531
**Attributes:** **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "ILHA GRANDE,BRZ:VASP PILOT:FBL MNVRS ALLO:RESPONDS to radio message?:/r242p120", **LatLong:** "-23.283334 -44.416669", **LatLongDMS:** "23:17:00 S 44:25:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-23.283334,-44.416669)", **State/Prov:** "RDJ", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 22419 (2C93CDC0)
**Date:** 7/24/1961
**Location:** Ilha Grande, Brazil
**Description:** An intensely luminous UFO maneuvered sharply around a VASP Airlines plane. \[NICAP UFOE, X\] (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2535
### Event 22420 (23F96DF1)
**Date:** 7/25/1961
**Time:** ~22:00
**Location:** PALATKA, FLA
**Description:** 1 object splits into 2. Both maneuver and rejoin. Fly off. Type unknown. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: UFO'S IN SPACE - Anatomy of a Phenomenon; Henry Regnery 1966 & Ballentine PB 1974 294pp. (Index 212)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6532
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "22", **HatchDesc:** "PALATKA,FLA:1 OBJ SPLITS INTO 2:BOTH MNVR+REJOIN:FLY OFF:TYPE UNK:NFD", **LatLong:** "29.650001 -81.638893", **LatLongDMS:** "29:39:00 N 81:38:20 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/29.650001,-81.638893)", **State/Prov:** "Florida", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 22421 (3AC193A5)
**Date:** 7/30/1961
**Time:** 01:30
**Location:** SAN BERNARDINO, CA
**Description:** Several observer(s). 100' arrowhead with vertical shaft hovers. Quickly going up [to] then going east.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 741)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6533
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "25", **Elev:** "360", **HatchDesc:** "SAN BERNARDINO,CA:SVRL OBS:100'ARROWHEAD W/VERTICAL SHAFT HVRS:↑↑ then >E", **LatLong:** "34.133335 -117.300006", **LatLongDMS:** "34:08:00 N 117:18:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/34.133335,-117.300006)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 22422 (4BAA9BC4)
**Date:** 8/1961
**Location:** NEAR TOBOLSK, RS
**Description:** Plane and 7 lost. Found intact / small clearing! 7 men gone! / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) Dec'62.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: ABOVE TOP SECRET; Sidgewick & Jackson, London 1987 & Quill Books, 1988. 592pp. (Index 228)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6534
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **NFO:** No craft seen, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **RDR:** Radar traces/blips, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **GSA:** Covert Security Agency, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Russia", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "200", **HatchDesc:** "nr TOBOLSK,RS:PLANE+7 LOST:FOUND INTACT/SML CLEARING!:7 MEN GONE!:/FSR Dec'62", **LatLong:** "58.000003 68.500003", **LatLongDMS:** "58:00:00 N 68:30:00 E", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/58.000003,68.500003)", **State/Prov:** "UFA", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 22423 (988EEA63)
**Date:** 8/1961
**Location:** Area 51 in Nevada
**Description:** Construction of essential facilities is completed at Area 51 in Nevada; three surplus Navy hangars are erected on the base’s north side. The original U-2 hangars are converted to maintenance and machine shops. Facilities in the main cantonment area include workshops and buildings for storage and administration, a commissary, control tower, fire station, and housing. The Navy also contributes more than 130 surplus Babbitt duplex housing units for long-term occupancy facilities. Older buildings are repaired, and additional facilities are constructed as necessary. A reservoir pond surrounded by trees serves as a recreational area one mile north of the base. Other recreational facilities included a gymnasium, a movie theater, and a baseball diamond.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Area 51](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Area%5F51)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3536
### Event 22424 (9EACEB3E)
**Date:** 8/1/1961
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) The [JCS](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/JCS.html) publishes the directive [DoD](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/DoD.html) 5105.21, [*Defense Intelligence Agency](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/DIA.html).* (August 1st)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1961.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1914
### Event 22425 (7AF0D0A0)
**Date:** 8/4/1961
**Locations:** Virginia; Washington D.C.
**Description:** Rep. [Thomas N. Downing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas%5FN.%5FDowning) \(D-Va.\) advises NICAP that the House Science and Astronautics Committee is considering hearings on UFOs by a three-man subcommittee headed by Rep. [Joseph Karth](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph%5FKarth). Meanwhile, Rep. [Overton Brooks](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Overton%5FBrooks) meets privately with [Hillenkoetter](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roscoe%5FH.%5FHillenkoetter) and [Keyhoe](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald%5FKeyhoe), asking them to prepare the best cases and proof of official censorship for a meeting on August 24.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** UFOEv, [p. 139](https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=mdp.39015006091691&view=1up&seq=151&skin=2021); Keyhoe, Aliens from Space, Signet ed., 1974, [pp. 77–78](https://archive.org/details/aliensfromspacer00keyh/page/76/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3537
### Event 22426 (D74A0494)
**Date:** 8/5/1961
**Locations:** Mount Hale shearing station; Meekatharra, Western Australia
**Description:** 8:20 a.m. John Lee-Steere sees a “snowy white meshlike substance” float to the ground from 12 white metallic discs traveling in pairs over the Mount Hale shearing station, 50 miles northwest of Meekatharra, Western Australia. Sheep-shearing contractor Edwin C. Payne picks up the material and it fades away in his hands.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Discs Trail White Fibrous Stuff,](http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201962%2001%2000%20-%20January.pdf)” APRO Bulletin, January 1962, p. 1; Loren E. Gross, [The Fifth](https://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1961-July-Dec.pdf) [Horseman of the Apocalypse: UFOs, a History: July–December 1961](https://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1961-July-Dec.pdf), The Author, 2003, p. 23; Keith Basterfield, “Angel Hair: An Australian Perspective,” IUR 27, no. 1 \(Spring 2002\): 7; Clark III 324
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3538
### Event 22427 (2D6BDF2F)
**Date:** 8/6/1961
**Description:** Observer(s) = Freytag. (SE / midway island). No further details [in] at all.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFOCAT CATALOG: Assorted Printouts. Donald A. Johnson Ph.D (CUFOS). P.O. Box 446, Concord, NH 03302-0446 (Index 65)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6535
**Attributes:** **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Pacific Ocean and non - Asian islands", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "PACIFIC 175°19E-22°27N BBK#UNK:OBS=FREYTAG:(SE/MIDWAY ISL):NFD AT ALL", **LatLong:** "22.450001 175.316675", **LatLongDMS:** "22:27:00 N 175:19:00 E", **Locale:** "High Seas", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/22.450001,175.316675)", **State/Prov:** "NPC", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 22428 (68DC9796)
**Date:** 8/6/1961
**Time:** 03:30
**Description:** 12 observer(s). 12 white-metal disks / pairs / 6 hours. Angel hair going down. / r114p41.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 745)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6536
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "104", **HatchDesc:** "MEEKATHARRA,W.AUST:12 OBS:12 WHT-MTL DISKS/PAIRS/6hrs:ANGEL HAIR↓:/r114p41", **LatLong:** "-26.500001 118.633339", **LatLongDMS:** "26:30:00 S 118:38:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-26.500001,118.633339)", **State/Prov:** "Western Australia", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 22429 (0EBDE022)
**Date:** 8/6/1961
**Time:** 23:00
**Location:** MENDOZA, ARG
**Description:** Several observer(s). Cylinder/cigar-shape with 2 wings makes dull shhh sound. Plane? camouflage?
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BANCHS, Rodolfo: LAS EVIDENCIAS de los OVNI; Rudolfo Alonso Editor, Argentina. 1976 (Index 29)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6537
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "824", **HatchDesc:** "MENDOZA,ARG:SVRL OBS:CGR W/2 WINGS MAKES DULL SHHH SOUND:PLANE? CAMOUFLAGE?", **LatLong:** "-32.866668 -68.816670", **LatLongDMS:** "32:52:00 S 68:49:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-32.866668,-68.816670)", **State/Prov:** "MND", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 22430 (D4B1ED1B)
**Date:** 8/6/1961
**Description:** In Meekatharra, Western Australia beginning at 3:30 a.m. 12 white metallic disc-shaped objects flew over the countryside in pairs for six hours. They left an angel hair residue, a snowy-white mesh like material.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** APRO Bulletin, 19620101; Thomas M. Olsen, The Reference for Outstanding UFO Reports, case # 123; Richard F. Haines, Project Delta: A Study of Multiple UFO, p. 41
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4723
### Event 22431 (EF09F8B8)
**Date:** 8/7/1961
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Titov completes 17 revolutions aboard *Vostok* 2. (August 7)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1961.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1915
### Event 22432 (655F7A98)
**Date:** 8/7/1961
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In Siberia, 4 men are in charge of postal delivery by plane. The plane does not arrive at one of its usual stops. The plane is found 2 days later, on the ground. Everything is in order on board. The tank still contains enough fuel for 2 hours of flight and the engine works perfectly. No trace of the 4 occupants is found. At a distance of about 100 m, a large, clearly defined circle is discovered, inside of which the grass is scorched and the ground is sunken.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1961.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1916
### Event 22433 (5874E3D8)
**Date:** 8/7/1961
**Time:** 09:00?
**Location:** HEATON MOOR, ENGL
**Description:** 20-30 odd silver objects exit odd cloud. Most go going west. No further details. / r2p212.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 90)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6538
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "70", **HatchDesc:** "HEATON MOOR,ENGL:20-30 ODD SLVR OBJS EXIT ODD CLOUD:MOST GO >W:NFD:/r2p212", **LatLong:** "53.416669 -2.183333", **LatLongDMS:** "53:25:00 N 02:11:00 W", **Locale:** "Wetlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/53.416669,-2.183333)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 22434 (28B4EA1A)
**Date:** 8/7/1961
**Description:** On this day in Heaton Morr, England near Manchester a cigar-shaped cloud was seen to release 20 or more smaller objects as it passed overhead.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Anatomy of a Phenomenon, Chicago: Henry Regnery, 1965, p. 155
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4760
### Event 22435 (673FF5A0)
**Date:** 8/8/1961
**Time:** 03:30
**Location:** WETASKIWIN, ALTA
**Description:** 2+1 observer(s). 2 small humanoids (or Greys) / bedroom. Telepathy = "they're waking". 25' sphere/orb/globe going north. / r43p30.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 278)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6539
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **TLP:** Telepathy, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "758", **HatchDesc:** "WETASKIWIN,ALTA:2+1 OBS:2 OIDS/BEDROOM:TLP="THEY'RE WAKING":25'ORB >N:/r43p30", **LatLong:** "52.966669 -113.366672", **LatLongDMS:** "52:58:00 N 113:22:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/52.966669,-113.366672)", **RelAlt:** "1", **State/Prov:** "Alberta", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 22436 (5139BB05)
**Date:** 8/8/1961
**Description:** The witness awoke at 3:30 a.m. in Wetaskiwin, Alberta, Canada to see two beings in her bedroom, one at each end of her bed. They were four feet tall and dressed in green tunics and trousers. They wore transparent helmets with the visors open. A neighbor saw a blue globe take off from the lawn with a swishing sound.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** John Brent Musgrave, FSR, August 1977, p. 26; APRO Bulletin, April 1977, p. 6
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4771
### Event 22437 (E4C48310)
**Date:** 8/11/1961
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) The new restricted airspace R-4808 becomes effective, covering the Test Site and [Groom Lake](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/Area51.html). Use is restricted from the ground to FL600. The restricted airspace above Groom Lake remains at a size of 5 [nautical miles](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/unites.html\#NM) by 9 \(26 FR 6233\). (August 11)
**Reference:** Federal Register
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1961.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1917
### Event 22438 (CAB6AE6E)
**Date:** 8/12/1961
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Observation in Kansas City \(Kansas\).
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#7579 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1961.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1918
### Event 22439 (015D0085)
**Date:** 8/12/1961
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Construction of the Berlin Wall.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1961.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1919
### Event 22440 (FE5630F5)
**Date:** 8/12/1961
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** KANSAS CITY, KS
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #7579. 130' ovoid with lights over road / 4 minute(s). Shoots going up [to] and going quickly east. / v70p3-73.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SCIENCE & MECHANICS (eds.) OFFICIAL GUIDE to UFO'S; Ace Books, NY. 1968. (Index 144)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6540
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "225", **HatchDesc:** "KANSAS CITY,KS:BBK#7579:130'OVOID W/LITES OVR ROAD/4min:SHOOTS↑+>>E:/v70p3-73", **LatLong:** "39.116669 -94.633338", **LatLongDMS:** "39:07:00 N 94:38:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.116669,-94.633338)", **State/Prov:** "Kansas", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 22441 (441F1958)
**Date:** 8/12/1961
**Location:** Kansas City, KS
**Description:** Oval object with/fin extending from one edge to the center (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 7579)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2536
### Event 22442 (6C11C2C8)
**Date:** 8/12/1961
**Time:** 2100
**Location:** Kansas City, Kansas
**Description:** Two Drake University students saw a large object shaped like an oval with "running boards" bearing a series of lights. It hovered for about 4 min at tree-height, shot straight up, climbed away toward the east, then disappeared from view in five sec or so.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Atic ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_522
### Event 22443 (ECB64915)
**Date:** 8/12/1961
**Time:** 9 PM
**Location:** Kansas City, Kansas
**Description:** Witnesses: college seniors J.B. Furkenhoff and Tom Phipps. One very large oval object with a fin extending from one edge to the center; like a sled with lighted car running boards. Hovered at 50' altitude for 3-5 minutes, then flew straight up and east.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_466
### Event 22444 (B85E2001)
**Date:** 8/12/1961
**Locations:** Old Mission High School; Kansas City, Missouri
**Description:** 9:00 p.m. College seniors J. B. Furkenhoff and Tom Phipps see a large oval object with a fin extending from one edge to the center, like a sled with lighted car running boards, near Old Mission High School on 50th Street in Kansas City, Missouri. It hovers at 50 feet altitude for 3–5 minutes, then flies straight up, disappearing in about 5 seconds.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Patrick Gross, “[Kansas City 1961, a Blue Book ‘Unknown’](https://ufologie.patrickgross.org/htm/kansascity61.htm)”; [Sparks](http://nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf), p. 289
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3539
### Event 22445 (4D7618B9)
**Date:** 8/12/1961
**Description:** In Kansas City, Kansas at 9:00 p.m. two 21-year-old witnesses saw a yellowish white oval-shaped UFO with an off-centered dome hovering only 50 feet above a road near Drake University. It stayed there for three to five minutes, then shot straight up, and climbed away sharply towards the east. It was gone from view in five seconds. A U.S. Air Force Project Blue Book "unknown" case. "
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Project Blue Book files counted in official statistics, case # 7579; Lloyd Mallan, Official Guide to UFOs, p. 18; Thomas M. Olsen, Reference to Outstanding UFO Reports, p. 124; Richard Hall, The UFO Evidence, p. 98; UNICAT case # 640, citing James E. McDonald, A.A.S. 1968 Symposium Proceedings, p. 13; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 522
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4939
### Event 22446 (0A18A946)
**Date:** 8/14/1961
**Time:** ~22:00
**Location:** GLENVILLE, RHD
**Description:** Air Traffic Controller / car and separate observer(s). Cylinder/cigar-shape going west / 600M altitude. Sudden green flame / rear and away extremely fast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 90)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6541
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Zimbabwe & Zambia", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "GLENVILLE,RHD:ATC/CAR+SEP.OBS:CGR >W/600M alt:SUDDEN GRN FLAME/REAR+AWAY XFAST", **LatLong:** "-20.100001 28.566668", **LatLongDMS:** "20:06:00 S 28:34:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-20.100001,28.566668)", **State/Prov:** "RHD", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 22447 (B73C8DA0)
**Date:** Mid 8/1961
**Location:** ATIC in Dayton
**Description:** House Committee staff consultant Richard P. Hines visits ATIC in Dayton, where Col. [Robert Friend](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert%5FFriend%5F%28pilot%29), [Hynek](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J.%5FAllen%5FHynek)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J.%5FAllen%5FHynek) and other officials give him a tour, tell him that Project Blue Book has the UFO problem at hand, and that Rep. [McCormack](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John%5FW.%5FMcCormack) has been pressured by NICAP to hold hearings. Hines leaves ATIC “favorably impressed.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Jacobs, UFO Controversy in America, Signet ed., 1976, [pp. 160–161](https://archive.org/details/ufocontroversyin00jaco/page/160/mode/2up); Swords 293
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3540
### Event 22448 (E7A25D5F)
**Date:** 8/16/1961
**Location:** Japan
**Description:** [George Hunt Williamson](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George%5FHunt%5FWilliamson), now going by the name of Michel d’Obrenovic, arrives in Japan at the invitation of the Cosmic Brotherhood Association and its contactee leader [Yusuke Matsumara](https://hatch.kookscience.com/wiki/Yusuke%5FMatsumura)[.](https://hatch.kookscience.com/wiki/Yusuke%5FMatsumura)
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Zirger and Martinelli, The Incredible Life of George Hunt Williamson, Verdechiari, 2016, pp. 129–130
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3541
### Event 22449 (63CA3CBB)
**Date:** 8/16/1961
**Description:** In Admiralty Bay, Antarctica four members of the crew of an icebreaker sighted an oval fireball that flew from the northeast to the southwest for 12 seconds at 6:15 p.m. The object split in two.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Phenomenes Spatiaux, June 1968, p.17; UNICAT, case # 142, citing James E. McDonald
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5076
### Event 22450 (D9C034CD)
**Date:** 8/17/1961
**Location:** STILLWATER, MN
**Description:** V formation / night lights or delta / running lights passes behind trees. Low altitude.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO EVIDENCE; NICAP,Washington, DC 1964. Reprinted 1997 Barnes & Noble Books ( only $7.98! ) (Index 139)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6542
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "275", **HatchDesc:** "STILLWATER,MN:VFORM/NLTS or DELTA/RUNNING LITES PASSES BEHIND TREES:LO ALT.", **LatLong:** "45.055558 -92.805560", **LatLongDMS:** "45:03:20 N 92:48:20 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.055558,-92.805560)", **State/Prov:** "Minnesota", **Strangeness:** "3"
### Event 22451 (9FB451E1)
**Date:** 8/17/1961
**Location:** Stillwater, MN
**Description:** A V-formation of yellowish lights (or V-shaped UFO with body lights) passed behind trees at low altitude. \[NICAP UFOE, II\] (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2537
### Event 22452 (726FC3B0)
**Date:** 8/17/1961
**Description:** On this night five people on a farm in Stillwater, Minnesota observed a group of UFOs arranged vertically in a V formation. The V formation of nocturnal lights, or a boomerang-shaped object with running lights, passed behind some trees flying at a low altitude.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Richard Hall, The UFO Evidence (Volume I), p. 139; Larry Hatch, U computer database, case 6096
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5111
### Event 22453 (9AED45A5)
**Date:** 8/22/1961
**Description:** Adm. [Roscoe Hillenkoetter](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roscoe%5FH.%5FHillenkoetter) signs a NICAP letter to Congress urging “immediate congressional action to reduce the dangers from secrecy about UFOs, including accidental war and the Russians falsely claiming UFOs are Soviet weapons.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Keyhoe, Aliens from Space, Signet ed., 1974, [p. 85](https://archive.org/details/aliensfromspacer00keyh/page/84/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3542
### Event 22454 (23343CF6)
**Date:** 8/23/1961
**Location:** USA
**Description:** (Translated from French) Americans resume their lunar adventure with probes of a new type, weighing 330 kg. These devices, called "Ranger", are to take physical measurements during the approach to the Moon, photograph the surface, and drop a capsule containing instruments and a small rocket onto the Moon's surface. This rocket, by means of retro-propulsion, is to allow the capsule and its contents to land without damage. The first two "Rangers" were two failures due to malfunction of the rockets.
**Reference:** continued 29.8.61
**Reference:** "Conquest of Space" - Thomas de Galiana, ed. Larousse Poche, 1967, p. 236
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2208
### Event 22455 (2F0F6246)
**Date:** 8/23/1961
**Time:** 22:00
**Location:** LADAPEYRE, FR
**Description:** Numerous observer(s). Huge starfish shape. Absolute(ly) black. Edges glow. Eclipses stars!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 131)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6543
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "LADAPEYRE,FR:NMRS.OBS:HUGE STARFISH SHAPE:ABS.BLACK:EDGES GLOW:ECLIPSES STARS!", **LatLong:** "46.233336 2.050000", **LatLongDMS:** "46:14:00 N 02:03:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.233336,2.050000)", **State/Prov:** "Creuse", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 22456 (8DC01C1D)
**Date:** Late 8/1961
**Location:** CINCINNATI, Ohio
**Description:** (Translated from French) Hamilton County: Hundreds of people observe a red light moving very slowly at low altitude on a NE to SW trajectory. Above Bond Hill the object rises and explodes in a flash of white light. The weather services received hundreds of calls, as did the airport. According to the astronomical center, it was not a meteor, star, plane, or satellite. (1961, Late August)
**Reference:** Cincinnati Enquirer: August 31, 1961
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2210
### Event 22457 (7B87D138)
**Date:** 8/25/1961 (approximate)
**Location:** TOULOUSE, FR
**Description:** 5 / car. 8M luminous-yellow sphere / windows. Quickly going up [to] as car nears town. / r120p228+/ r8.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PHENOMENES SPATIAUX: Group GEPA, Gen. M. Lionel Chassin Paris. Quarterly 1964?-1977. Merged into Grp. GEPAN (Index 22)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6544
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "TOULOUSE,FR:5/CAR:8M LUM-YEL SPHERE/WINDOWS:↑↑ as CAR NEARS TOWN:/r120p228+/r8", **LatLong:** "43.633335 1.433333", **LatLongDMS:** "43:38:00 N 01:26:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.633335,1.433333)", **State/Prov:** "Haute Garonne", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 22458 (0053CB07)
**Date:** 8/25/1961
**Location:** Toulouse, France
**Description:** Approximate date. Five persons observed a luminous, yellow sphere, 8 m in diameter, flying about 10 m above the road. Horizontal and vertical bands of darker tone gave the impression of "windows." The object flew up very fast when the car reached town.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** LDLN ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_523
### Event 22459 (82F16E93)
**Date:** 8/25/1961?
**Location:** Toulouse, France
**Description:** Five people at Toulouse, France, see a luminous, yellow object, 24 feet in diameter, flying about 30 feet above a road. The object has horizontal and vertical bands of darker tone that give the appearance of “windows.” The UFO flies upwards very quickly when the car reaches town.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Vallée, Magonia, [p. 282](https://archive.org/details/passporttomagoni0000vall/page/282/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3543
### Event 22460 (0F8E7EBE)
**Date:** 8/25/1961
**Description:** On or about this date five persons riding in a car near Toulouse, France observed a luminous, yellow sphere, 8 meters in diameter, that was flying about 10 meters above the road. It had horizontal and vertical bands of darker tone that gave the impression of windows. The UFO flew up and away very fast when the car reached town.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 523
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5316
### Event 22461 (69A5D1A5)
**Date:** 8/28/1961
**Description:** Rep. [Karth](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph%5FKarth) writes a harsh letter to [Keyhoe](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald%5FKeyhoe) and attacks him for trying to defame and ridicule the Air Force. He had thought Keyhoe would be proving the existence of spaceships, but he knows now he cannot do this. Therefore, he is no longer interested in holding hearings. He tells a newspaper reporter that he will not be part of Keyhoe’s “cheap scheme to discredit the Air Force.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Jacobs, UFO Controversy in America, Signet ed., 1976, [pp.](https://archive.org/details/ufocontroversyin00jaco/page/160/mode/2up) [161–162](https://archive.org/details/ufocontroversyin00jaco/page/160/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3544
### Event 22462 (E5C32CC6)
**Date:** 8/30/1961
**Location:** USA, SPACE
**Description:** (Translated from French) RANGER 1, LAUNCHED ON 23.8.61 CRASHES TO GROUND (1961, 29 or 30 August)
**Reference:** Acta Aeronomica 1977, p. 128
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2209
### Event 22463 (B474A664)
**Date:** 8/31/1961
**Location:** USOVO, RUSSIA
**Description:** 2 silver objects hover / railroad/railway crossing. Cars electro-magnetic effect (EME). Only start / takeoff. / r120p228.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 204)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6545
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Russia", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "USOVO,RUSS:2 SLVR OBJs HVR/RR CROSSING:CARS EME:ONLY START/TAKEOFF:/r120p228", **LatLong:** "55.733336 37.211113", **LatLongDMS:** "55:44:00 N 37:12:40 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/55.733336,37.211113)", **State/Prov:** "MOS", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 22464 (6A26F14A)
**Date:** 8/31/1961
**Description:** On this night two silver UFOs hovered over a railroad crossing in Usovo, Russia near Moscow. Several car engines stopped, and would only start up again when the UFOs took off.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Lumieres dans la Nuit, April 1981
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5524
### Event 22465 (766EFFB3)
**Date:** 9/1961
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) An electronic device attached to a parachute lands on the roof of a house. Launched 2 years ago, it was supposed to explode 2 days later, reaching 30 km in altitude.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1961.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1920
### Event 22466 (7DF27BD1)
**Date:** 9/1961
**Description:** A National Intelligence Estimate concludes that the USSR has no more than 25 ICBMs and will not possess more in the near future, effectively discrediting the missile gap myth.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Missile gap](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Missile%5Fgap)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3545
### Event 22467 (36DE9D1B)
**Date:** 9/1/1961
**Location:** 50.4375 77.814167
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 16KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1115
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "50.4375 77.814167", **LatLongDMS:** "50:26:15 N 77:48:51 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.4375,77.814167)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "RFAE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** "16"
### Event 22468 (D8F51630)
**Date:** 9/2/1961
**Time:** 23:40
**Location:** ALBUQUERQUE, NM
**Description:** Several silver saucers zigzag going east. Small objects (1 / 16 size) exit saucers twice.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: UFO'S IN SPACE - Anatomy of a Phenomenon; Henry Regnery 1966 & Ballentine PB 1974 294pp. (Index 220)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6546
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "1490", **HatchDesc:** "ALBUQUERQUE,NM:SVRL SLVR SCRS ZIGZAG >E:SML OBJs (1/16 SIZE) EXIT SCRS TWICE", **LatLong:** "35.083335 -106.666672", **LatLongDMS:** "35:05:00 N 106:40:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/35.083335,-106.666672)", **State/Prov:** "New Mexico", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 22469 (A299E1A2)
**Date:** 9/2/1961
**Location:** Albuquerque, NM
**Description:** Object stops twice and emits several small silvery objects (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU, NC)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2538
### Event 22470 (D28951DD)
**Date:** 9/2/1961
**Location:** northeast section of Albuquerque, New Mexico
**Description:** 4:40–4:50 p.m. A man named Ziegler is reclining outside his home in the northeast section of Albuquerque, New Mexico, when he sees a shiny round white object moving erratically to the west. At two different times it emits several small silvery objects about one-sixth the size of the main object. It fades out of sight to the south.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** NICAP, “Silver Object and Smaller Ones Emitted”; [Sparks](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf)[,](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf) p. 289; Herbert S. Taylor, “Satellite Objects: A Further Look,” IUR 29, no. 2 \(Summer 2004\): 25
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3546
### Event 22471 (4C5427AF)
**Date:** 9/4/1961
**Location:** 50.4375 77.814167
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 9KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1116
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "50.4375 77.814167", **LatLongDMS:** "50:26:15 N 77:48:51 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.4375,77.814167)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "RFAE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** "9"
### Event 22472 (B9BC0A4C)
**Date:** 9/5/1961
**Location:** 50.4375 77.814167
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 16KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1117
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "50.4375 77.814167", **LatLongDMS:** "50:26:15 N 77:48:51 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.4375,77.814167)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "RFAE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** "16"
### Event 22473 (D2B9E679)
**Date:** 9/6/1961
**Location:** 50.4375 77.814167
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 1.1KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1118
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "50.4375 77.814167", **LatLongDMS:** "50:26:15 N 77:48:51 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.4375,77.814167)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "RFAE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** "1.1"
### Event 22474 (3008AAB8)
**Date:** 9/6/1961
**Location:** 48.56956 45.90346
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 11KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1119
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "48.56956 45.90346", **LatLongDMS:** "48:34:10 N 45:54:12 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.56956,45.90346)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "RFAE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** "11"
### Event 22475 (88ABCD95)
**Date:** 9/6/1961
**Location:** Chantilly, Virginia
**Description:** The National Reconnaissance Office is officially launched with headquarters in Chantilly, Virginia. It designs, builds, launches, and operates the reconnaissance satellites of the federal government, and provides satellite intelligence to several government agencies, particularly signals intelligence \(SIGINT\) to the National Security Agency, imagery intelligence \(IMINT\) to the National Geospace-Intelligence Agency, and measurement and signature intelligence \(MASINT\) to the Defense Intelligence Agency. Its existence remains top secret until September 18, 1992. The move creates a protocol that requires the CIA deputy director and the undersecretary of the Air Force to co-manage all space reconnaissance and aerial espionage programs. The public face of the NRO is the Office of Space Systems.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[National Reconnaissance Office](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National%5FReconnaissance%5FOffice)”; Jacobsen, Area 51, [pp. 168–169](https://archive.org/details/area51uncensored0000jaco/page/168/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3547
### Event 22476 (10700AF7)
**Date:** 9/7/1961
**Location:** CAPE CANAVERAL, FL
**Description:** UFO moves going up [to] going down / tracking scope during missile launch. Military observer(s).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HYNEK, Dr. J. Allen: THE HYNEK UFO REPORT; Dell Publ., NY 1977. 298pp. (Index 44)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6547
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "CAPE CANAVERAL,FL:UFO MOVES ↑↓/TRACKING SCOPE DURING MISSILE LAUNCH:MIL OBS", **LatLong:** "28.700001 -80.633337", **LatLongDMS:** "28:42:00 N 80:38:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/28.700001,-80.633337)", **State/Prov:** "Florida", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 22477 (FA0049DE)
**Date:** 9/7/1961
**Location:** Cape Canaveral, FL
**Description:** (Hynek UFO Rpt p. 44) Object Moves Vertically During Missile Launch (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** NICAP: [610907](http://www.nicap.org/610907capecanav%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2539
### Event 22478 (8FD8D414)
**Date:** 9/8/1961
**Location:** LAVERTON RAAF, VIC
**Description:** Air Force men. Disk spins over radar hill. Going up / 90 second(s). Going down. Going up. / APRO Nov'61.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 97)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6548
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "LAVERTON RAAF,VIC:AF MEN:DISK SPINS OVR RADAR HILL:↑/90sec:↓:↑:/APRO Nov'61", **LatLong:** "-37.861113 144.738896", **LatLongDMS:** "37:51:40 S 144:44:20 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-37.861113,144.738896)", **State/Prov:** "Western Australia", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 22479 (D2B0AB7A)
**Date:** 9/8/1961
**Description:** Disc was seen spinning over the radar hill at Laverton Royal Australian AFB, Victoria, Australia. It make an ascent for 90 seconds, then hovered while spinning again, and finally ascends and leaves.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** APRO Bulletin, November 1961
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5756
### Event 22480 (C216372F)
**Date:** 9/9/1961
**Location:** 50.4375 77.814167
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: .38KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1120
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "50.4375 77.814167", **LatLongDMS:** "50:26:15 N 77:48:51 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.4375,77.814167)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "RFAE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** ".38"
### Event 22481 (DBFDDE6A)
**Date:** 9/10/1961 (approximate)
**Time:** 23:40
**Location:** NORTH / MADRAS, OR
**Description:** 2 / car. Blinding light / US97. No likely source. Goes out when car stops.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 172)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6549
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "692", **HatchDesc:** "N/MADRAS,OR:2/CAR:BLINDING LITE/US97:NO LIKELY SOURCE:GOES OUT WHEN CAR STOPS", **LatLong:** "44.733335 -121.066672", **LatLongDMS:** "44:44:00 N 121:04:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.733335,-121.066672)", **State/Prov:** "Oregon", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 22482 (6BA37F79)
**Date:** 9/10/1961
**Location:** 73.7500 54.7500
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 12KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1121
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "73.7500 54.7500", **LatLongDMS:** "73:45:00 N 54:45:00 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/73.7500,54.7500)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "RFAE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** "12"
### Event 22483 (8A78B37C)
**Date:** 9/10/1961
**Location:** 50.4375 77.814167
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: .88KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1122
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "50.4375 77.814167", **LatLongDMS:** "50:26:15 N 77:48:51 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.4375,77.814167)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "RFAE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** ".88"
### Event 22484 (97D1C9B4)
**Date:** 9/10/1961
**Time:** 09:00:09.2
**Location:** 74.2000 52.5000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 2700KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1123
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "74.2000 52.5000", **LatLongDMS:** "74:12:00 N 52:30:00 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/74.2000,52.5000)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "PDE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** "2700"
### Event 22485 (BE5B52A4)
**Date:** 9/11/1961
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** SAN DIEGO, CA
**Description:** Blue Book. Amateur astronomers and more/others. Night light circles all over/all about border area. Crescent going quickly south. / r55p78.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 27)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6550
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "30", **Elev:** "30", **HatchDesc:** "SAN DIEGO,CA:BBK:AM.ASTRONs++:NLT CCLS ALLO BORDER AREA:CRESCENT >>S:/r55p78", **LatLong:** "32.700002 -117.150006", **LatLongDMS:** "32:42:00 N 117:09:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/32.700002,-117.150006)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 22486 (02299A50)
**Date:** 9/11/1961
**Location:** 50.4375 77.814167
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: .3KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1124
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "50.4375 77.814167", **LatLongDMS:** "50:26:15 N 77:48:51 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.4375,77.814167)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "RFAE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** ".3"
### Event 22487 (85512114)
**Date:** 9/12/1961
**Time:** 10:08:15.3
**Location:** 74.2000 52.1000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 1150KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1125
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "74.2000 52.1000", **LatLongDMS:** "74:12:00 N 52:06:00 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/74.2000,52.1000)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "PDE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** "1150"
### Event 22488 (DDBE9B18)
**Date:** 9/13/1961
**Time:** 04:00
**Description:** 3 observer(s). Orange saucer east going quickly west. Stops and hovers / 5 minute(s). Shoots into distance.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO EVIDENCE; NICAP,Washington, DC 1964. Reprinted 1997 Barnes & Noble Books ( only $7.98! ) (Index 139)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6551
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "6", **Elev:** "244", **HatchDesc:** "CRAWFORDSVILLE,IN:3 OBS:ORG SCR E>>W:STOPS+HVRS/5min:SHOOTS INTO DISTANCE", **LatLong:** "40.050002 -86.866671", **LatLongDMS:** "40:03:00 N 86:52:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.050002,-86.866671)", **State/Prov:** "Indiana", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 22489 (C940D3B2)
**Date:** 9/13/1961
**Location:** Crawfordsville, IN
**Description:** 4:00 a.m. Three people reported a round, orange UFO which moved rapidly east to west, stopped and hovered for 5 minutes, then accelerated rapidly disappearing in the distance. \[NICAP UFOE, XII\] (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2540
### Event 22490 (3AA8F0F4)
**Date:** 9/13/1961
**Location:** 50.4375 77.814167
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: .001KT YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1126
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "50.4375 77.814167", **LatLongDMS:** "50:26:15 N 77:48:51 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.4375,77.814167)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "RFAE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** ".001", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 22491 (65D4ABB8)
**Date:** 9/13/1961
**Location:** 70.8700 53.3300
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 6KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1127
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "70.8700 53.3300", **LatLongDMS:** "70:52:12 N 53:19:48 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/70.8700,53.3300)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "KHRISTOFOROV", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** "6"
### Event 22492 (ECBBA1B1)
**Date:** 9/14/1961
**Time:** 19:20
**Description:** White saucer maneuvers / 10 minute(s). Turns red. Elude jet / 90° turns. Continues going ESE.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: UFO'S IN SPACE - Anatomy of a Phenomenon; Henry Regnery 1966 & Ballentine PB 1974 294pp. (Index 220)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6552
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Korea(both sides)", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "12", **HatchDesc:** "OSAN AFB,KOREA:WHT SCR MNVRS/10min:TURNS RED:ELUDE JET/90°TURNS:CONTINUES >ESE", **LatLong:** "37.183335 127.066673", **LatLongDMS:** "37:11:00 N 127:04:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.183335,127.066673)", **State/Prov:** "SKO", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 22493 (AEF66578)
**Date:** 9/14/1961
**Location:** 50.4375 77.814167
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: .4KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1128
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "50.4375 77.814167", **LatLongDMS:** "50:26:15 N 77:48:51 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.4375,77.814167)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "RFAE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** ".4"
### Event 22494 (069B6F0D)
**Date:** 9/14/1961
**Time:** 09:56:16.7
**Location:** 74.6000 51.1000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 1200KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1129
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "74.6000 51.1000", **LatLongDMS:** "74:36:00 N 51:06:00 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/74.6000,51.1000)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "PDE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** "1200"
### Event 22495 (EFBE327D)
**Date:** 9/15/1961
**Time:** 17:00:00.1
**Location:** 37.1879 -116.2078
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Antler” Yield: 2.6KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_196
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1879 -116.2078", **LatLongDMS:** "37:11:16 N 116:12:28 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1879,-116.2078)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.40", **NukeMb:** "4.70", **NukeName:** "Antler", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "2.6"
### Event 22496 (AD40DD46)
**Date:** 9/16/1961
**Time:** 19:45:00.1
**Location:** 37.0484 -116.0328
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Shrew” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_197
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0484 -116.0328", **LatLongDMS:** "37:02:54 N 116:01:58 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0484,-116.0328)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.10", **NukeName:** "Shrew", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 22497 (90EBCDC8)
**Date:** 9/16/1961
**Time:** 09:08:13.7
**Location:** 74.0000 51.9000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 830KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1130
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "74.0000 51.9000", **LatLongDMS:** "74:00:00 N 51:54:00 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/74.0000,51.9000)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "PDE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** "830"
### Event 22498 (FEBEF8D9)
**Date:** 9/16/1961
**Description:** Rep. [Overton Brooks](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Overton%5FBrooks) dies of a heart attack; the August 24 meeting about UFO evidence has not taken place. He is replaced on the House Science and Astronautics Committee by Rep. [George Paul Miller](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George%5FP.%5FMiller) \(D-Calif.\) who indicates he will not order UFO hearings.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Keyhoe, Aliens from Space, Signet ed., 1974, [p. 78](https://archive.org/details/aliensfromspacer00keyh/page/78/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3548
### Event 22499 (AD324BA1)
**Date:** 9/17/1961
**Location:** 50.4375 77.814167
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 150KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1131
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "50.4375 77.814167", **LatLongDMS:** "50:26:15 N 77:48:51 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.4375,77.814167)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "RFAE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "150"
### Event 22500 (477E304B)
**Date:** 9/18/1961
**Location:** IND. OCEAN
**Description:** White object descends to sea. Submerges. Water and sky lit up / minutes after.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SANDERSON, Ivan: INVISIBLE RESIDENTS; World Publishing HB 1970 & Avon Books PB 1973 (Index 41)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6553
**Attributes:** **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **SUB:** Submersible: Rises from or submerges into water, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Indian Ocean + islands", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "18", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "IND.OCEAN:WHITE OBJ DESCENDS TO SEA:SUBMERGES:WATER+SKY LIT UP/MINUTES AFTER.", **LatLong:** "5.000000 75.000004", **LatLongDMS:** "05:00:00 N 75:00:00 E", **Locale:** "High Seas", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/5.000000,75.000004)", **State/Prov:** "SEA", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 22501 (9AC88AFE)
**Date:** 9/18/1961
**Location:** 50.4375 77.814167
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: .004KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1132
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "50.4375 77.814167", **LatLongDMS:** "50:26:15 N 77:48:51 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.4375,77.814167)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "RFAE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** ".004"
### Event 22502 (6D31D93A)
**Date:** 9/18/1961
**Location:** 50.4375 77.814167
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: .75KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1133
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "50.4375 77.814167", **LatLongDMS:** "50:26:15 N 77:48:51 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.4375,77.814167)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "RFAE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** ".75"
### Event 22503 (C86817ED)
**Date:** 9/18/1961
**Time:** 07:59:36.8
**Location:** 74.0000 52.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 1000KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1134
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "74.0000 52.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "74:00:00 N 52:00:00 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/74.0000,52.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "PDE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** "1000"
### Event 22504 (125985F7)
**Date:** 9/18/1961
**Location:** Indian Ocean
**Description:** Fourth Officer G. Gendall of the cargo ship [Queensland Star,](http://www.clydeships.co.uk/view.php?ref=6675) in the Indian Ocean, sees a white UFO through a cloud formation. It vanishes into the clouds and then reappears, dropping toward the sea. The water in the surrounding area grows intensely bright. Particles of white matter continue to fall into the sea after the object disappears, and the sky and water are illuminated for several minutes.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Sanderson, [InvRes](https://www.scribd.com/document/429706119/Invisible-Residents-The-Reality-of-Underwater-UFOs)[,](https://www.scribd.com/document/429706119/Invisible-Residents-The-Reality-of-Underwater-UFOs) pp. 47–48
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3549
### Event 22505 (517A66E7)
**Date:** 9/19/1961
**End date:** 9/20/1961
**Location:** Lincoln, New Hampshire
**Description:** Betty and Barney Hill abduction incident in Lincoln, New Hampshire. Three miles south of the city of Lancaster, New Hampshire: Barney noticed what appeared to be a bright star, or planet, which seemed to move erratically. Barney pointed this out to Betty… As the object moved to within a hundred feet of him, he could see occupants inside. Frightened, he ran back to his car where Betty waited. They climbed inside and sped away. Soon, two hours of their lives would vanish into oblivion.
**Type:** abduction
**Reference:** [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barney_and_Betty_Hill_incident)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_606
### Event 22506 (14828EA9)
**Date:** 9/19/1961
**Location:** USA, Whitfield (New Hampshire)
**Description:** (Translated from French) RR3, around midnight, 2 witnesses, duration: 1 hour. Case: Betty and Barney Hill. Returning from their vacation in Canada, the interracial Hill couple was driving late at night on a deserted road, when they saw a UFO descending. It eventually landed, blocking the road in front of them. They were approached by humanoids. A few hours later the Hills found themselves back on the road, but 55 kilometers away and without any memory of what had happened during that time. This persistent amnesia caused them to experience various physical and psychological problems, and eventually they went to see Dr. Simon, famous for his amnesia cures. Having been put into a hypnotic state several times, each of them separately recounted the facts. Their respective versions were quite precise. They reported that they had been taken aboard the craft, treated well by the occupants, more or less in the way humans treat laboratory animals, and then released after being hypnotically instructed to totally forget their experience. [note from vog: various authors cite Betty Hill, several times afterwards, to observe other UFOs, almost on command, to give UFO lectures, etc... ufobusiness...]
**Reference:** J. Allen HYNEK: "UFOs, Myth or Reality?" - trans. Belfond 1974 - pp. 186-192, 278
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2211
### Event 22507 (9583AE95)
**Date:** 9/19/1961
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Abduction of [Betty and Barney Hill](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/1961-09-19\_Hill.html). (September 19)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1961.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1921
### Event 22508 (D2CDDB00)
**Date:** 9/19/1961
**Time:** 22:00
**Location:** US3 NORTH / LINCOLN, NH
**Description:** Betty and Barney hill abducted. See drawings / NICAP April'72.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Book: FULLER, John G.: INTERRUPTED JOURNEY; 1966. Dell Books PB 1987. (Betty & Barney Hill. Entire book.)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6554
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **TLP:** Telepathy, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens, **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly, **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **CVS:** Conversation/communication, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **RDR:** Radar traces/blips, **TRC:** Physical traces, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "120", **Elev:** "260", **HatchDesc:** "US3 N/LINCOLN,NH:BETTY+BARNEY HILL ABDUCTED:see drawings/NICAP April'72", **LatLong:** "44.077780 -71.677781", **LatLongDMS:** "44:04:40 N 71:40:40 W", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.077780,-71.677781)", **State/Prov:** "New Hampshire", **Strangeness:** "12"
### Event 22509 (5C83C208)
**Date:** 9/19/1961
**Location:** Indian Head, NH
**Description:** Betty & Barney Hill Case (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases, Code: E, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** NICAP: [610919](http://nicap.org/610919indianhead%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2541
### Event 22510 (F0DBC094)
**Date:** 9/19/1961
**Location:** Lincoln (Pease AFB), NH
**Description:** Radar Tracks Object Before & After Hill Abduction (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5)
**Reference:** NICAP: [610919](http://www.nicap.org/610919nconcord%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2542
### Event 22511 (72265565)
**Date:** 9/19/1961
**Time:** 2200
**Location:** Indian Head, New Hampshire
**Description:** Mr. and Mrs. Hill saw a lenticular object with a double row of portholes and half-a-dozen dark figures working at control panels inside, when they stopped to investigate a light following their car. They became afraid and drove away. A "beeping sound" enveloped the car, and they felt a prickling sensation before losing consciousness. When they came to, they were driving near Ashland. A series of nightmares and medically controlled hypnosis brought back what apparently was the memory of their abduction by the occupants of the object.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Fuller; Magonia ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_524
### Event 22512 (15D46B96)
**Date:** 9/19/1961
**Location:** White Mountains, NH
**Description:** Barney and Betty Hill vehicle encounter, abduction case
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_8
### Event 22513 (0A8E92D8)
**Date:** 9/19/1961
**Location:** 50.4375 77.814167
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: .03KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1135
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "50.4375 77.814167", **LatLongDMS:** "50:26:15 N 77:48:51 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.4375,77.814167)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "RFAE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** ".03"
### Event 22514 (81279C6A)
**Date:** 9/19/1961
**Locations:** North Concord Air Force Station; East Mountain, Vermont
**Description:** 5:22 a.m. The North Concord Air Force Station \[now closed\] at East Mountain, Vermont, picks up an unidentified radar target at 62,000 feet for 18 minutes. It moves at a slow speed on an erratic course.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** NICAP, “[Radar Tracks Object before and after Hill Abduction](http://www.nicap.org/610919nconcord%5Fdir.htm)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3550
### Event 22515 (5AF23B25)
**Date:** 9/19/1961
**Description:** [Keyhoe](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald%5FKeyhoe) has smoothed things over with Rep. [Karth](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph%5FKarth)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph%5FKarth) who writes: “Now that we better understand each other, I would hope we could properly proceed with a hearing early next year—providing the new chairman \[[Miller](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George%5FP.%5FMiller)\] authorizes hearings.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Majority Leader Support Indicates Early Congressional Action: Chairman Karth](http://www.cufos.org/UFOI%5Fand%5FSelected%5FDocuments/UFOI/014%20OCT%201961.pdf) [Backs Open Hearings,](http://www.cufos.org/UFOI%5Fand%5FSelected%5FDocuments/UFOI/014%20OCT%201961.pdf)” UFO Investigator 2, no. 2 \(October 1961\): 1–2
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3551
### Event 22516 (FD118243)
**Date:** 9/19/1961
**End date:** 9/20/1961
**Locations:** Portsmouth, New Hampshire; Quebec; US Highway 3; Groveton, New Hampshire; Twin Mountain; Franconia Notch; Old Man of the Mountain; Indian Head (north of Lincoln)
**Description:** 10:30 p.m. [Barney and Betty Hill](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barney%5Fand%5FBetty%5FHill) are driving home to Portsmouth, New Hampshire, from a vacation in Quebec, going south on US Highway 3. Near Groveton, New Hampshire, Betty sees a bright light moving upward and erratically, growing larger. Later, Barney stops the car at a scenic picnic area south of Twin Mountain. Through binoculars, Betty sees a solid object against the moon that “appeared to be flashing thin pencils of different colored lights.” Barney thinks it’s a plane, though it might be “playing games” with them. Barney drives slowly through Franconia Notch, watching the object. At one point it passes near the Old Man of the Mountain. About one mile south of Indian Head \(north of Lincoln\), the object rapidly descends toward their vehicle, causing Barney to stop in the middle of the highway. The huge, silent craft hovers approximately 80–100 feet above the Hills’ 1957 Chevrolet Bel Air and fills the entire field of view in the windshield. It reminds Barney of a huge pancake. Carrying his pistol in his pocket, he steps away from the vehicle and moves closer to the object. Using the binoculars, Barney claims see about 8–11 humanoid figures who are peering out of the craft’s windows, seeming to look at him. In unison, all but one figure move to what appears to be a panel on the rear wall of the hallway that encircles the front portion of the craft. The one remaining figure continues to look at Barney and communicates a message telling him to “stay where you are and keep looking.” Barney has a recollection of observing the humanoid forms wearing glossy black uniforms and black caps. Red lights on what appears to be bat-wing fins begin to telescope out of the sides of the craft, and a long structure descends from the bottom of the craft. The UFO approaches to within 50–80 feet overhead and 300 feet away from him. Barney tears the binoculars away from his eyes and runs back to his car. In a near hysterical state, he tells Betty, “They’re going to capture us!” He sees the object again shift its location to directly above the vehicle. He drives away at high speed, telling Betty to look for the object. She rolls down the window and looks up. Almost immediately, the Hills hear a rhythmic series of beeping or buzzing sounds which seem to bounce off the trunk of their vehicle. The car vibrates and a tingling sensation passes through them. At this point in time they experience the onset of an altered state of consciousness that leaves their minds dulled. A second series of beeping sounds return them to full consciousness. They find that they have traveled nearly 35 miles south, but have only vague, spotty memories of this section of road. They recall making a sudden, unplanned turn, encountering a roadblock, and observing a fiery orb in the road. At 5:00 a.m., they arrive home, about two hours later than expected. Barney feels compelled to examine his genitals, and they both take long showers. Betty notices a pinkish powder and a tear in her dress. There are shiny, concentric circles on their car’s trunk that were not there the previous day. Betty and Barney experiment with a compass, noting that when they move it close to the spots, the needle whirls rapidly. But when they move it a few inches away from the shiny spots, it drops down.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Betty and Barney Hill](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barney%5Fand%5FBetty%5FHill)”; NICAP, “[The Betty and Barney Hill Case](http://www.nicap.org/610919indianhead%5Fdir.htm)”; Clark III 577–581; [Sparks](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf), p. 289; John G. Fuller, [The Interrupted](https://archive.org/details/interruptedjourn00full) [Journey](https://archive.org/details/interruptedjourn00full)[,](https://archive.org/details/interruptedjourn00full) Dial, 1966; J. Allen Hynek, The UFO Experience, Ballantine ed., 1974, [pp. 178–184](https://archive.org/details/ufoexperience00jall/page/178/mode/2up); Mark Rodeghier, “Hypnosis and the Hill Abduction Case,” IUR 19, no. 2 \(March/April 1994\): 4–6, 23–24; Robert H. Coddington, “The Hill Experience,” IUR 19, no. 3 \(May/June 1994\): 18–19; Michael D. Swords, GrassRoots UFOs: Case Reports from the Timmerman Files, Fund for UFO Research, 2005, p. 143; Greg Sandow, “The Hill Case and the Limits of Ufology,” IUR 31, no. 4 \(March 2008\): 3–7, 19–28; Stanton Friedman and Kathleen Marden, Captured! The Betty and Barney Hill UFO Experience, Weiser, 2007; Mark Cashman, “Behavioral Classification System for UFO Occupants,” IUR 24, no. 1 \(Spring 1999\): 19
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3552
### Event 22517 (54A9760B)
**Date:** 9/19/1961
**Description:** In perhaps the most famous UFO abduction story ever reported, Betty and Barney Hill, a biracial married couple active in the Civil Rights movement, were driving home from Montreal to their home in Portsmouth, New Hampshire late on this evening. When they reached Colebrook they noticed a bright lighted object in the sky that seemed to be pacing their car, and they continued to observe it as the drove along a desolate section of U.S. Route 3 through the White Mountains. Around Indian Head, New Hamsphire they stopped by the side of the road to take a closer look, and saw through binoculars a lenticular object with a double row of portholes and half a dozen dark figures working at control panels inside. One of the occupants seemed to stare directly at them. They became frightened and drove away. A "beeping sound" enveloped their car, and they felt a prickling sensation before losing consciousness.
When they came to, they were driving near Ashland, New Hampshire. They arrived home in Portsmouth unable to account for about two hours. A series of nightmares and then a series of hypnosis sessions performed by a psychiatrist in Boston brought back memories of their abduction experience by the occupants of the UFO. They encountered six five-foot-tall entities with large eyes and heads. One acted as their guide or interpreter, and he communicated with them by telepathy. They were separated, stripped for a medical exam during which a needle was inserted in Betty Hill's navel and Barney's dentures were removed and examined. There was also a map of the stars seen at one point, and Betty asked to take an artifact as evidence of their experience, but was refused.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** John Fuller, The Interrupted Journey, New York: Dial, 1966; Thomas M. Olsen, Reference for Outstanding UFO Reports, case 125; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 524; UNICAT, case 328
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6083
### Event 22518 (AA75828E)
**Date:** 9/20/1961
**Location:** 50.4375 77.814167
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 4.8KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1136
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "50.4375 77.814167", **LatLongDMS:** "50:26:15 N 77:48:51 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.4375,77.814167)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "RFAE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** "4.8"
### Event 22519 (C6ACCE70)
**Date:** 9/20/1961
**Location:** 73.7500 54.7500
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 150KT YieldMax: 1500KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1137
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "73.7500 54.7500", **LatLongDMS:** "73:45:00 N 54:45:00 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/73.7500,54.7500)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "RFAE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** "150", **NukeYMax:** "1500"
### Event 22520 (EB6AB4DD)
**Date:** 9/20/1961
**Locations:** Pease AFB; Portsmouth, New Hampshire
**Description:** 2:14 a.m. Pease AFB \[now Pease Air National Guard Base\] in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, picks up an unidentified radar blip 4 miles away from the base, with no visual contact.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** NICAP, “[Radar Tracks Object before](http://www.nicap.org/610919nconcord%5Fdir.htm) [and after Hill Abduction](http://www.nicap.org/610919nconcord%5Fdir.htm)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3553
### Event 22521 (37E8D243)
**Date:** 9/21/1961
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Two commercial airliners, one American and the other British, fly over the Pacific and independently observe a huge round craft flying over them at a phenomenal speed. (September 21)
**Reference:** Keyhoe 1967
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1961.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1922
### Event 22522 (594A039F)
**Date:** 9/21/1961
**Time:** 05:00
**Description:** Airliners and ship. 2X moon-size object going quickly southeast over ship / 10 minute(s). Ray shoots going down.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO EVIDENCE; NICAP,Washington, DC 1964. Reprinted 1997 Barnes & Noble Books ( only $7.98! ) (Index 126)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6555
**Attributes:** **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Pacific Ocean and non - Asian islands", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "NE/MIDWAY ISL:AIRLINERS+SHIP:2X MOONSIZE OBJ >>SE OVR SHIP/10min:RAY SHOOTS ↓", **LatLong:** "31.500002 -175.500008", **LatLongDMS:** "31:30:00 N 175:30:00 W", **Locale:** "High Seas", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/31.500002,-175.500008)", **State/Prov:** "NPC", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 22523 (424CEE4C)
**Date:** 9/21/1961
**Time:** 05:10
**Location:** NEAR WAKE ISLAND
**Description:** BOAC and PAA liners and military ship. Bright white ring. Seen / Oahu / 72 min. / MJ#160.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 26)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6556
**Attributes:** **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Pacific Ocean and non - Asian islands", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "72", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "nr WAKE Isl:BOAC+PAA LINERS+MIL SHIP:BRITE WHT RING:SEEN/OAHU/72 min:/MJ#160", **LatLong:** "19.300001 166.633341", **LatLongDMS:** "19:18:00 N 166:38:00 E", **Locale:** "Islands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/19.300001,166.633341)", **State/Prov:** "WAK", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 22524 (632B5169)
**Date:** 9/21/1961
**Location:** Pacific Ocean near, Wake Island
**Description:** Airline pilots, ship, reported a bright white circular UFO. \[NICAP UFOE, X\] (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2543
### Event 22525 (6C1B1C02)
**Date:** 9/21/1961
**Location:** 50.4375 77.814167
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: .8KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1138
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "50.4375 77.814167", **LatLongDMS:** "50:26:15 N 77:48:51 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.4375,77.814167)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "RFAE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** ".8"
### Event 22526 (51F32DAA)
**Date:** 9/21/1961
**End date:** 9/22/1961
**Location:** Pease AFB
**Description:** [Betty Hill](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barney%5Fand%5FBetty%5FHill) calls Pease AFB and reports her UFO incident \(without mentioning the figures\). Maj. Paul W. Henderson of the 100th Bomb Wing calls back with a few questions.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3554
### Event 22527 (76BA7553)
**Date:** 9/21/1961
**Description:** On this day at around five o'clock in the afternoon the passengers and crew of two Boeing 707 airliners, a BOAC flight and a Pan Am flight, witnessed a bright white UFO with a halo while flying over the Pacific Ocean northeast of Midway Island.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP UFO Investigator, November 1961, p. 1; Robert Gribble, MUFON UFO Journal, September 1991, p. 11
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6180
### Event 22528 (FDF5905B)
**Date:** 9/22/1961
**Location:** 73.7500 54.7500
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 260KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1139
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "73.7500 54.7500", **LatLongDMS:** "73:45:00 N 54:45:00 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/73.7500,54.7500)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "RFAE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** "260"
### Event 22529 (C7D3AB18)
**Date:** Autumn 1961
**Locations:** Neamț Monastery; Târgu Neamț, Romania
**Description:** Evening. Emanoil Manoliu, son of the prominent novelist [Mihail Sadoveanu](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mihail%5FSadoveanu), is at the Neamț Monastery west of Târgu Neamț, Romania, when he sees a blinding, multicolored light. After a few seconds it rises quickly and he can see it looks like a disc with a concave base about 20–23 feet long and 10 feet broad. It vanishes “like a tornado in the air” and he feels the rush of wind. The next day he goes to the site with a priest and finds an area of singed grass and a light imprint in the soil.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Hobana and Weverbergh 167–168
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3559
### Event 22530 (798EB603)
**Date:** 9/24/1961
**Time:** 23:40
**Location:** MONITOR VALLEY, NV
**Description:** Geologist. 2 large night lights. 1 shines 100' wide beam going down / monitor mountains.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SCIENCE & MECHANICS (eds.) OFFICIAL GUIDE to UFO'S; Ace Books, NY. 1968. (Index 183)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6557
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "1700", **HatchDesc:** "MONITOR VALLEY,NV:GEOLOGIST:2 LRG NLTS:1 SHINES 100' WIDE BEAM ↓/MONITOR MTNs", **LatLong:** "38.916669 -116.666672", **LatLongDMS:** "38:55:00 N 116:40:00 W", **Locale:** "Desert", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.916669,-116.666672)", **State/Prov:** "Nevada", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 22531 (106553E0)
**Date:** 9/24/1961
**Time:** 23:40
**Location:** LEBSKO BAY, POLAND
**Description:** 1 observer. Big noise. Odd 5M funnel shape rises / sea. Silent. Going quickly north.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CATHIE, Bruce: HARMONIC 33. A. & A. Reed, Wellington, NZ (Index 153)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6558
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **SUB:** Submersible: Rises from or submerges into water, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Poland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "LEBSKO BAY,POLAND:1 OBS:BIG NOISE:ODD 5M FUNNEL SHAPE RISES/SEA:SLNT:>>N", **LatLong:** "54.733336 17.400001", **LatLongDMS:** "54:44:00 N 17:24:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/54.733336,17.400001)", **State/Prov:** "PMR", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 22532 (D90B6427)
**Date:** 9/26/1961
**Location:** 50.4375 77.814167
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 1.2KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1140
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "50.4375 77.814167", **LatLongDMS:** "50:26:15 N 77:48:51 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.4375,77.814167)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "RFAE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** "1.2"
### Event 22533 (23099FD1)
**Date:** 9/26/1961
**Description:** [Betty Hill](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barney%5Fand%5FBetty%5FHill) writes to [Donald E. Keyhoe](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald%5FKeyhoe) \(mentioning the figures Barney remembers seeing\) and asks for more information. She mentions that she and Barney are considering hypnosis.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Mark Rodeghier, “Hypnosis and the Hill Abduction Case,” IUR 19, no. 2 \(March/April 1994\): 4–6, 23–24; Michael D. Swords, “Radio Signals from Space, Alien Probes, and Betty Hill,” IUR 29, no. 4 \(July 2005\): 15
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3555
### Event 22534 (EEBB56DE)
**Date:** 9/27/1961
**Location:** Pacific Coast, At Sea
**Description:** (McDonald list) Uncorrelated Targets on APS-95 (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** NICAP: [610927](http://www.nicap.org/610927pacificcoast%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2544
### Event 22535 (FFD6FB6C)
**Date:** 9/27/1961
**Description:** [Allen Dulles](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allen%5FDulles) resigns as director of central intelligence; [John A. McCone](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John%5FA.%5FMcCone) replaces him.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3556
### Event 22536 (73CD7B7F)
**Date:** 9/27/1961
**Location:** California coast
**Description:** 7:57 a.m. The radar operator on a USAF Airborne Early Warning and Control aircraft off the California coast spots five targets on his scope. Four of the objects are on a heading of 90°, and all of them are moving at a high rate of speed. They soon disappear into sea clutter. Three minutes later, two objects appear heading 70° then also disappear into sea clutter. The speed of one of the objects is measured at about 2,070 mph over a distance of 230 miles. While the two objects are on the scope, a single stationary object also appears. After remaining stationary for about two minutes, it moves on a heading of 265° at 70 mph and is lost in the sea clutter. The objects can only be painted with the IFF on. The radar is an APS-95.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** NICAP, “[Uncorrelated Targets on APS-](http://www.nicap.org/610927pacificcoast%5Fdir.htm) [95](http://www.nicap.org/610927pacificcoast%5Fdir.htm)”; [Sparks](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf)[,](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf) p. 290
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3557
### Event 22537 (F6DFFE12)
**Date:** 9/29/1961
**End date:** 10/3/1961
**Location:** Barney
**Description:** [Betty Hill](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barney%5Fand%5FBetty%5FHill) has a series of intensely vivid dreams in which she and Barney encounter a strange roadblock and are approached by a group of men. She loses consciousness and awakes on board a craft where they are given a medical examination by “intelligent, humanoid beings.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clark III 581–583
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3558
### Event 22538 (163CA986)
**Date:** 9/30/1961
**Time:** 22:00
**Location:** SOUTH / LA PORTE, IN
**Description:** Large red sphere rises / road. Observers(16) scared off bicycle. / Hartle.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA; H. Regnery, Chicago HC 1969 & Contemporary Books,Chicago 1993. 372pp. (Index 525)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6559
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "250", **HatchDesc:** "S/LA PORTE,IN:LRG RED SPHERE RISES/ROAD:OBS(16) SCARED OFF BICYCLE:/Hartle", **LatLong:** "41.522224 -86.727782", **LatLongDMS:** "41:31:20 N 86:43:40 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.522224,-86.727782)", **State/Prov:** "Indiana", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 22539 (6224461A)
**Date:** 9/30/1961
**Location:** Las Vegas, NV
**Description:** (McDonald list) Object Tracked and Observed For 45-Mins (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** NICAP: [610930](http://www.nicap.org/610930vegas%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2545
### Event 22540 (8F2ACF91)
**Date:** 9/30/1961
**Time:** 2200
**Location:** La Porte, Indiana
**Description:** Eight km south of La Porte, 16-year-old Dennis Bealor saw a large sphere of orange light rise ahead of him on the road. He was so frightened that he lost control of his bike and left the road.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Hartle 158 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_525
### Event 22541 (A3BE70A8)
**Date:** 9/30/1961
**Description:** At around 9:04 a.m. local time, a weather observer at Indian Springs AFB, Nevada saw several objects on a 20 power theodolite at 133.4 degrees azimuth, 55 degrees elevation. The observer first saw one object that was white or metallic in color, round in shape, and the size of the head of a pin. Four smaller objects, traveling very fast, then came out from the first object. The Las Vegas AFS tracked a UFO on radar 45 miles southeast of Nellis AFB. The object was tracked for approximately 45 minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Project Blue Book files counted in official statistics, case 1961-466, James E. McDonald files; www.nicap.org
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6441
### Event 22542 (8DAD5C91)
**Date:** 9/30/1961
**Description:** At ten o'clock in the evening 16-year-old Dennis Bealor saw a large sphere of orange light on the road while riding his bicycle four miles south of La Porte, Indiana. It rose up into the sky while still ahead of him. He was so frightened that he lost control of his bike and ran off the road.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Hartle Orvil R. Hartle, A Carbon Experiment, p. 158; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case # 525
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6442
### Event 22543 (32DE90FA)
**Date:** 10/1961 (approximate)
**Time:** 20:00?
**Description:** Fall / 61. 6-7M saucer rises / hill. Wind on takeoff. Crop circles.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HOBANA Ion & WEVERBERGH,Julien: UFO'S from BEHIND the IRON CURTAIN; Bantam Books,1975. 308pp. (Index 167)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6560
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Romania", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "NEAMT MONESTARY,ROM:FALL/61:6-7M SCR RISES/HILL:WIND ON TAKEOFF:CROP CIRCLES", **LatLong:** "46.933336 26.383335", **LatLongDMS:** "46:56:00 N 26:23:00 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.933336,26.383335)", **State/Prov:** "NMT", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 22544 (127697A4)
**Date:** 10/1/1961
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) The [DIA](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/DIA.html) becomes operational. (1st October)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1961.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1923
### Event 22545 (D3E4995A)
**Date:** 10/1/1961
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) High-ranking military personnel at the [Pentagon](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/Pentagone.html) decide to place a crown of copper needles in orbit around the Earth. These millions of tiny needles were to reflect radio signals back to Earth and facilitate military communications, thus shielded from any interference. But such an accomplishment seriously compromised radio astronomy for several centuries. The presence of these millions of needles could therefore have disastrous consequences denounced by many scientists around the world and yet the project received government approval.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1961.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1924
### Event 22546 (F5021C6B)
**Date:** 10/1/1961
**Time:** 22:30:00.1
**Location:** 37.0483 -116.0345
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Boomer” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_198
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0483 -116.0345", **LatLongDMS:** "37:02:54 N 116:02:04 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0483,-116.0345)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.10", **NukeName:** "Boomer", **NukeSource:** "AEC", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 22547 (920AAD68)
**Date:** 10/1/1961
**Location:** 50.4375 77.814167
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 3KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1141
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "50.4375 77.814167", **LatLongDMS:** "50:26:15 N 77:48:51 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.4375,77.814167)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "RFAE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** "3"
### Event 22548 (F0E0FDC1)
**Date:** 10/1/1961
**Description:** The Defense Intelligence Agency, created at the request of Defense Secretary [Robert S. McNamara](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert%5FMcNamara) to integrate all military intelligence operations, begins work with a handful of employees in borrowed office space. Its mission is the continuous task of collecting, processing, evaluating, analyzing, integrating, producing, and disseminating military intelligence for the Department of Defense and related national stakeholders. Other objectives include more efficiently allocating scarce intelligence resources, more effectively managing all DoD intelligence activities, and eliminating redundancies in facilities, organizations, and tasks.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Defense](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Defense%5FIntelligence%5FAgency) [Intelligence Agency](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Defense%5FIntelligence%5FAgency)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3560
### Event 22549 (6B31E71D)
**Date:** 10/2/1961
**Location:** Salt Lake City, UT
**Description:** Disc-shaped UFO maneuvered away from investigating aircraft. \[NICAP UFOE, I\] (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2546
### Event 22550 (85C9E382)
**Date:** 10/2/1961
**Location:** 73.7500 54.7500
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 250KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1142
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "73.7500 54.7500", **LatLongDMS:** "73:45:00 N 54:45:00 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/73.7500,54.7500)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "RFAE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** "250"
### Event 22551 (BD0DDEE2)
**Date:** 10/2/1961
**Locations:** Utah Central Airport [now closed] in Granger, Utah; Hill AFB near Ogden; Wright-Patterson AFB in Ohio
**Description:** Around 12:00 noon. [Waldo J. Harris](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/6996311/waldo-james-harris)[,](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/6996311/waldo-james-harris) private pilot and real-estate broker, is getting ready to take off in a Mooney M20A from Utah Central Airport \[now closed\] in Granger, Utah, when he sees a bright spot in the sky. After he takes off, he notices that the light is still in the same location. He flies toward the object to get a better look, and sees that the UFO has no wings or tail and is hovering with a slight rocking motion. He later estimates the diameter at 35–50 feet, with a thickness of about 4 feet, and the appearance of sand-blasted aluminum. Harris estimates he has approached within 2 miles of the object before it rises abruptly and zooms away for 10 miles before it resumes a rocking hover. He approaches again, but it departs in about 2–3 seconds. Several other people, including airport controller [Jay Galbraith](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/125516/jay-webster-galbraith)[,](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/125516/jay-webster-galbraith) also see the UFO from the airport. Investigators from Hill AFB near Ogden arrive quickly. Airport attendant Russell M. Woods tells them he thinks the object was at 2,500 feet altitude. On October 9, [Douglas M. Crouch](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/171937609/douglas-merle-crouch) forwards the Hill AFB official report, including transcripts of interviews, to Wright-Patterson AFB in Ohio, saying “No unusual meteorological or astronomical conditions were present to account for the sighting.” Nonetheless, Blue Book wanders from Venus to a research balloon to a sundog \(an assessment [James E. McDonald](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James%5FE.%5FMcDonald) calls “nonsensical”\) as explanations.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clark III 1025–1028; UFOEv, [pp. 1–2](https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=mdp.39015006091691&view=1up&seq=13&skin=2021) ; James E. McDonald, “[Statement on Unidentified Flying Objects,](https://www.project1947.com/shg/symposium/mcdonald.html\#multiwit)” in Symposium on Unidentified Flying Objects, Hearings, US House Committee on Science and Astronautics, 90th Cong., 2nd Sess., July 29, 1968, pp. 49–50
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3561
### Event 22552 (F5978395)
**Date:** 10/2/1961
**Description:** A pilot in flight and seven witnesses on the ground observed a lens-shaped disc of brightly polished aluminum over the Utah Central Airport in Salt Lake City, Utah at noon. It was seen against the mountains as a backdrop, and had an estimated diameter of 50-60 feet. It moved out of sight in seconds, covering a distance of 70 degrees, with a speed "beyond any known jet.."
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Robert Gribble, MUFON UFO Journal, October 1991, p. 22; UNICAT, case # 531, citing James E. McDonald, 1968 Proceedings of the Scientific Subcommittee Hearings of the U.S. Congress, p. 49
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6494
### Event 22553 (E27B1985)
**Date:** 10/3/1961
**Location:** Severny Island, Novaya Zemlya
**Description:** Soviet “Tsar Bomba” hydrogen bomb test, the most powerful thermonuclear weapon ever detonated, 50mt yield, Novaya Zemlya archipelago, 10x the amount of all the explosives used in WW2 combined, heat of explosion was estimated to potentially inflict 3rd degree burns at 100km distance.
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tsar_Bomba)
**Reference:** [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soviet_atomic_bomb_project)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_607
**Atomic type:** aboveground
**Atomic MT:** 50
### Event 22554 (8EAE0B44)
**Date:** 10/3/1961 (approximate)
**Time:** 12:00?
**Description:** Troops / helicopter photograph silent shiny metallic saucer. Very fast over horizon.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 104)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6561
**Attributes:** **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Zimbabwe & Zambia", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "CHINGOLA N.RHODESIA:TROOPS/COPTER FOTO SILENT SHINY MTLC SCR:VFAST OVR HORIZON", **LatLong:** "-12.533334 27.866668", **LatLongDMS:** "12:32:00 S 27:52:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-12.533334,27.866668)", **State/Prov:** "NRH", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 22555 (0FB177E3)
**Date:** 10/3/1961
**Time:** 12:10
**Location:** PROVO, UT
**Description:** Many ground and air observer(s). 50' metallic saucer / thousands / MPH. Going up [to] and going quickly west. / r242p139+/ APRO and Flying Saucer Review (FSR) 1'62.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 26)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6562
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "15", **Elev:** "1365", **HatchDesc:** "PROVO,UT:MANY GND+AIR OBS:50'MTLC SCR/1000s/MPH:↑+>>W:/r242p139+/APRO+FSR 1'62", **LatLong:** "40.233335 -111.655561", **LatLongDMS:** "40:14:00 N 111:39:20 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.233335,-111.655561)", **State/Prov:** "Utah", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 22556 (BC08D441)
**Date:** 10/4/1961
**Location:** 50.4375 77.814167
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 13KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1143
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "50.4375 77.814167", **LatLongDMS:** "50:26:15 N 77:48:51 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.4375,77.814167)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "RFAE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** "13"
### Event 22557 (B4367D71)
**Date:** 10/4/1961
**Time:** 07:30:54.8
**Location:** 73.7000 53.8000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 1500KT YieldMax: 10000KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1144
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "73.7000 53.8000", **LatLongDMS:** "73:42:00 N 53:48:00 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/73.7000,53.8000)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "PDE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** "1500", **NukeYMax:** "10000"
### Event 22558 (12A4F08E)
**Date:** 10/4/1961
**End date:** 10/5/1961
**Location:** Washington, D.C.
**Description:** Two IBM engineers, C. D. Jackson and [Robert E. Hohmann](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/15851368/robert-e-hohmann), have lunch in Washington, D.C., with [Donald Keyhoe](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald%5FKeyhoe)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald%5FKeyhoe) who shows them the letter from [Betty Hill](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barney%5Fand%5FBetty%5FHill)[.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barney%5Fand%5FBetty%5FHill)
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Michael D. Swords, “Radio Signals from Space, Alien Probes, and Betty Hill,” IUR 29, no. 4 \(July 2005\): 15
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3562
### Event 22559 (BE99F775)
**Date:** 10/6/1961
**Time:** 23:00
**Location:** SANTA RITA, VNZ
**Description:** Large UFO going south over lake. Fishermen dive. 1 drowns. / r47p71+/ APRO 9'61.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 27)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6563
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Venezuela", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "SANTA RITA,VNZ:LRG UFO >S OVR LAKE:FISHERMEN DIVE:1 DROWNS:/r47p71+/APRO 9'61", **LatLong:** "9.916667 -72.216670", **LatLongDMS:** "09:55:00 N 72:13:00 W", **Locale:** "Wetlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/9.916667,-72.216670)", **State/Prov:** "MAR", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 22560 (7D25ABA5)
**Date:** 10/6/1961
**Location:** 48.56956 45.90346
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 40KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1145
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "48.56956 45.90346", **LatLongDMS:** "48:34:10 N 45:54:12 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.56956,45.90346)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "RFAE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** "40"
### Event 22561 (7D66B121)
**Date:** 10/6/1961
**Time:** 07:00:12.2
**Location:** 74.3000 51.6000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 4000KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1146
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "74.3000 51.6000", **LatLongDMS:** "74:18:00 N 51:36:00 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/74.3000,51.6000)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "PDE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** "4000"
### Event 22562 (99574F8F)
**Date:** 10/8/1961
**Location:** US
**Description:** Privately circulated letter from Manhattan Project scientist Dr. Leon Davidson to members of the UFO community over his concerns that all UFO’s are actually CIA psychological warfare.
**Type:** letter
**Reference:** [link](https://medium.com/@richgel99/interesting-1961-letter-from-manhattan-project-scientist-dr-46a781aeccfb)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_608
### Event 22563 (00177616)
**Date:** 10/8/1961
**Time:** ~03:00
**Location:** CHARLESTON, SC
**Description:** Ovoid zigzags back and forth / coastline. Dome-lights top and bottom.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 27)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6564
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "36", **HatchDesc:** "CHARLESTON,SC:OVOID ZIGZAGS BACK+FORTH/COASTLINE:DOME-LITES TOP+BOTTOM", **LatLong:** "32.750002 -79.916670", **LatLongDMS:** "32:45:00 N 79:55:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/32.750002,-79.916670)", **State/Prov:** "South Carolina", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 22564 (D424BF0B)
**Date:** 10/8/1961
**Location:** 73.7500 54.7500
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 15KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1147
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "73.7500 54.7500", **LatLongDMS:** "73:45:00 N 54:45:00 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/73.7500,54.7500)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "RFAE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** "15"
### Event 22565 (E8A21B63)
**Date:** 10/10/1961
**Time:** 18:00:00.1
**Location:** 37.1943 -116.2070
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Chena” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_199
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1943 -116.2070", **LatLongDMS:** "37:11:39 N 116:12:25 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1943,-116.2070)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.26", **NukeName:** "Chena", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 22566 (A26C241F)
**Date:** 10/11/1961
**Time:** 07:39:59.9
**Location:** 49.7727 77.9950
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 1KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1148
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.7727 77.9950", **LatLongDMS:** "49:46:22 N 77:59:42 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.7727,77.9950)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "BOCHAROV", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** "1"
### Event 22567 (706925F8)
**Date:** 10/12/1961
**Time:** 20:10
**Location:** INDIANAPOLIS, IN
**Description:** F. Edwards and hundreds. Advertising plane(?) going south. / r70p376+/ APRO 11'61.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 27)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6565
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "12", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "215", **HatchDesc:** "INDIANAPOLIS,IN:F.EDWARDS+100s:ADVERTISING PLANE(?) >S:/r70p376+/APRO 11'61", **LatLong:** "39.766669 -86.116671", **LatLongDMS:** "39:46:00 N 86:07:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.766669,-86.116671)", **State/Prov:** "Indiana", **Strangeness:** "3"
### Event 22568 (85A56C4E)
**Date:** 10/12/1961
**Location:** Indianapolis, IN
**Description:** Spherical UFO with a row of pulsating lights viewed from many angles by different observers. \[NICAP UFOE, XII\] (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2547
### Event 22569 (5B46285C)
**Date:** 10/12/1961
**Location:** 50.4375 77.814167
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 15KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1149
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "50.4375 77.814167", **LatLongDMS:** "50:26:15 N 77:48:51 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.4375,77.814167)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "RFAE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** "15"
### Event 22570 (498F8DB0)
**Date:** 10/14/1961
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Messages from cosmonauts are suddenly intercepted, then abruptly cut off. (October 14)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1961.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1925
### Event 22571 (A8979362)
**Date:** 10/14/1961
**Time:** 17:00
**Location:** OFF TWO HARBORS, MN
**Description:** 200M and object going down [to] into Lake Superior. Floats. Going up [to] and flies going southeast. / r44p266.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 743)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6566
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **SUB:** Submersible: Rises from or submerges into water, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "183", **HatchDesc:** "off TWO HARBORS,MN:200M+ OBJ ↓ into Lk.SUPERIOR:FLOATS:↑+FLIES>SE:/r44p266", **LatLong:** "47.000002 -91.650004", **LatLongDMS:** "47:00:00 N 91:39:00 W", **Locale:** "Offshore", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.000002,-91.650004)", **State/Prov:** "Minnesota", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 22572 (890A6A7A)
**Date:** 10/14/1961
**Time:** 17:30
**Location:** SUNSET, UT
**Description:** 4 observer(s). 2 odd clouds going east. 2 saucers follow. Clouds back / 15 October. / APRO Mar'62.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 27)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6567
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "1392", **HatchDesc:** "SUNSET,UT:4 OBS:2 ODD CLOUDS >E:2 SCRS FOLO:CLOUDS BACK/15OCT:/APRO Mar'62", **LatLong:** "41.133335 -112.027783", **LatLongDMS:** "41:08:00 N 112:01:40 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.133335,-112.027783)", **State/Prov:** "Utah", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 22573 (B11F268F)
**Date:** 10/14/1961
**Locations:** Two Harbors, Minnesota; Lake Superior; Lake County
**Description:** 5:00 p.m. Mrs. Erwin Riley, a summer resident in Two Harbors, Minnesota, sees a large object slide into the water of Lake Superior about one mile from shore and bob about on the surface. She summons a neighbor, Jack Ray, and they both watch through binoculars, but they can’t make out what it is. At dusk, the Lake County Sheriff responds to their call, but he can’t see much due to swells on the lake surface. He calls the Air Force and Coast Guard to make sure it’s not part of a training exercise. Shortly afterward, Riley sees the object rise into the air and travel southeast at about the speed of a car. A Coast Guard search the next day turns up only a floating log.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Flying Log?](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201961%2011%2000%20-%20November.pdf)” APRO Bulletin, November 1961, p. 3
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3563
### Event 22574 (5691763D)
**Date:** 10/14/1961
**Location:** Sunset, Utah
**Description:** 5:30 p.m. Mayor Michael Burson and his wife watch two pairs of UFOs move to the east above Sunset, Utah. The first pair looks like puffy cotton joined together by “stringy stuff,” and the second pair are metallic discs.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[More Discs in Utah,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201962%2003%2000%20-%20March.pdf)” APRO Bulletin, March 1962, p. 2
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3564
### Event 22575 (53B718B8)
**Date:** 10/14/1961
**Description:** At 12:15 p.m. a 200 meter long object descended onto Lake Superior near Two Harbors, Minnesota. It floated on the water for three minutes, then ascended and flew off toward the southeast.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** APRO Bulletin, November 1961, p. 3; Coral & Jim Lorenzen, UFOs: The Whole Story, p. 230; Jay Rath, The M-Files: True Reports of Minnesota's Unexplained Phenomena, p. 50
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6835
### Event 22576 (EEE77F55)
**Date:** 10/15/1961
**Locations:** Marquette, Michigan; Hurley, Wisconsin
**Description:** 5:00 p.m. Mrs. John P. Vanicky and Norine Gribble are driving from Marquette, Michigan, to Hurley, Wisconsin, when they see a brown cigar-shaped object spouting fire from its rear and moving southeast. They stop the car and watch for 20 minutes until it disappears.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Duluth \(Minn.\) News-Tribune, October 19, 1961; “[Flying Log?](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201961%2011%2000%20-%20November.pdf)” APRO Bulletin, November 1961, p. 3
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3565
### Event 22577 (AC6A0224)
**Date:** 10/17/1961
**Time:** 18:10
**Location:** TONAWANDA, NY
**Description:** Several observer(s). 2 round objects maneuver all over/all about B58 bomber. Chase futile. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 27)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6568
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "174", **HatchDesc:** "TONAWANDA,NY:SVRL OBS:2 RND OBJs MNVR ALLO B58 BOMBER:chase futile:NFD", **LatLong:** "43.022224 -78.883337", **LatLongDMS:** "43:01:20 N 78:53:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.022224,-78.883337)", **State/Prov:** "New York", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 22578 (2A6BFDED)
**Date:** 10/17/1961
**Location:** 50.4375 77.814167
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 6.6KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1150
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "50.4375 77.814167", **LatLongDMS:** "50:26:15 N 77:48:51 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.4375,77.814167)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "RFAE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** "6.6"
### Event 22579 (286B33CB)
**Date:** 10/19/1961
**Description:** Observer(s) = Baker and Ralston. No further details. Project Bluebook Case #unknown.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFOCAT CATALOG: Assorted Printouts. Donald A. Johnson Ph.D (CUFOS). P.O. Box 446, Concord, NH 03302-0446 (Index 66)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6569
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Caribbean area", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "GRAND CAYMAN ISL,CAYMANS,WEST INDIES:OBS=BAKER+RALSTON:NFD:BBK#UNK", **LatLong:** "19.250001 -81.250004", **LatLongDMS:** "19:15:00 N 81:15:00 W", **Locale:** "Islands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/19.250001,-81.250004)", **State/Prov:** "CAY", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 22580 (04E1D7BB)
**Date:** 10/19/1961
**Location:** 50.4375 77.814167
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: .001KT YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1151
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "50.4375 77.814167", **LatLongDMS:** "50:26:15 N 77:48:51 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.4375,77.814167)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "RFAE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** ".001", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 22581 (F4122E35)
**Date:** 10/19/1961
**Location:** Boston, Massachusetts
**Description:** NICAP secretary [Richard H. Hall](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard%5FH.%5FHall) writes to [Walter N. Webb](http://www.nicap.org/bios/NICAP-Bios/Webb.htm) at Hayden Planetarium in Boston, Massachusetts, and asks him to talk to [Betty and Barney Hill](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barney%5Fand%5FBetty%5FHill).
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clark III 578–579
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3566
### Event 22582 (B80005CF)
**Date:** 10/20/1961
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) The two Italian wireless operators pick up a faint voice rambling incomprehensible words. They manage to make out his name: Lodovsky. (October 20)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1961.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1926
### Event 22583 (6ADDB50B)
**Date:** 10/20/1961
**Time:** 08:07:02.0
**Location:** 73.8000 53.2000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 1450KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1152
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "73.8000 53.2000", **LatLongDMS:** "73:48:00 N 53:12:00 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/73.8000,53.2000)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "PDE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** "1450"
### Event 22584 (94DCB206)
**Date:** 10/21/1961
**Location:** USA
**Description:** (Translated from French) As work continued on the development of more sophisticated telecommunications satellites, an original but controversial formula was tested, known as the "Westfort" project. The US Air Force had been working on the project since 1958, which involved launching no less than 350 million 2 centimeter long copper hairs into space. It was expected that these angel hairs, once released from their container in orbit, would stretch out around the Earth to form a belt, a kind of miniature Saturn ring. The size of these metal needles had been calculated to reflect radio waves preferentially on a frequency of 8400 megahertz, or a wavelength of 3 to 4 cm. (...) The first attempt took place in October 1961 from the MIDAS 4 spy satellite. But the needles remained grouped in packets. Two months later, radar observations showed that the ring measured more than 8 km long. This experiment had obviously caused a real stir among scientists, who accused the military of polluting space. Astronomers in particular, led by the Englishman Sir Bernard Lovell. (October 21, 1961)
**Reference:** "The War of the Satellites" - Volume 3 - Pierre Kohler, ed. Famot 1982, pp. 88-89
**Reference:** continued May 1963
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2212
### Event 22585 (B08B4545)
**Date:** 10/21/1961
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) The Americans place a spy satellite, *Midas 4*, carrying 350 million copper needles, in a polar orbit 3500 km from [Earth](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/Earth.html). Immediately after separation from the rocket, the cloud of small copper needles disperses and begins to form an artificial ring, which will have astonishing repercussions, as in February [1950](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/1950.html): normal radio emissions are disturbed or mysteriously disappear. Then the incredible happens. On the radar screens, an enormous unknown object bursts in and, according to McCarty himself: Like a gigantic vacuum cleaner, it cleaned these skies in a few minutes of these needles. Despite this overwhelming event, a second shipment of needles will take place and the same phenomenon will occur. Millions of small needles are absorbed by an unknown phenomenon. (October 21)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1961.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1927
### Event 22586 (148CEC02)
**Date:** 10/21/1961
**Time:** 02:00
**Location:** US60 / DATIL, NM
**Description:** 2 / car. Fireball buzzes car. Splits / 4 night lights. Maneuvers and paces. Quickly going up / town. / r24v2#3.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 745)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6570
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "2238", **HatchDesc:** "US60/DATIL,NM:2/CAR:FBL BUZZES CAR:SPLITS/4 NLTS:MNVRS+PACES:↑↑/TOWN:/r24v2#3", **LatLong:** "34.144446 -107.855561", **LatLongDMS:** "34:08:40 N 107:51:20 W", **Locale:** "Desert", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/34.144446,-107.855561)", **State/Prov:** "New Mexico", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 22587 (92147604)
**Date:** 10/21/1961
**Location:** Datil (near), NM
**Description:** Four lights paced car, maneuvered, shot away upward. \[NICAP UFOE, II\] (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2548
### Event 22588 (3C90B7DE)
**Date:** 10/21/1961
**Locations:** US Highway 60; Datil; Pie Town, New Mexico
**Description:** 2:00 a.m. A brilliant fireball flashes in front of Richard and Rhonda DuBois’s car on US Highway 60 as they are driving between Datil and Pie Town, New Mexico. It then veers into the sky. Later, as they approach a canyon they see that the light is traveling along in front of them. It breaks into four lights that move along with the car, even as DuBois drives at 100 mph, until they stop at a roadside motel. The lights then zoom straight up and disappear.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “Woman Says Flying Objects Chase Car,” Garden Grove \(Calif.\) News, October 23, 1961; Lorenzen, UFOs: The Whole Story, Signet, 1969, p. 231; Loren E. Gross, [The Fifth Horseman of the Apocalypse: UFOs, a](https://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1961-July-Dec.pdf) [History: July–December 1961](https://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1961-July-Dec.pdf)[,](https://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1961-July-Dec.pdf) The Author, 2003, p. 97
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3567
### Event 22589 (EA8E46B6)
**Date:** 10/21/1961
**Description:** [Webb](http://www.nicap.org/bios/NICAP-Bios/Webb.htm)[,](http://www.nicap.org/bios/NICAP-Bios/Webb.htm) initially skeptical, winds up interviewing the [Hills](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barney%5Fand%5FBetty%5FHill) for 6 hours. He finds that their amnesia concerning some parts of the episode has unsettled them, and Betty tells him she had vivid nightmares for six straight nights a couple weeks after the incident.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clark III 581
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3568
### Event 22590 (71F5FA37)
**Date:** 10/23/1961
**Location:** PACIFIC 143° 55W-58° 14N
**Description:** Blue Book. Military observers. No further details [in] at all.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFOCAT CATALOG: Assorted Printouts. Donald A. Johnson Ph.D (CUFOS). P.O. Box 446, Concord, NH 03302-0446 (Index 66)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6571
**Attributes:** **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Pacific Ocean and non - Asian islands", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "PACIFIC 143°55W-58°14N:BBK:MIL OBSERVERS:NFD AT ALL", **LatLong:** "58.233336 -143.916674", **LatLongDMS:** "58:14:00 N 143:55:00 W", **Locale:** "High Seas", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/58.233336,-143.916674)", **State/Prov:** "NPC", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 22591 (3473FF92)
**Date:** 10/23/1961
**Time:** 08:31:22.1
**Location:** 73.9000 53.8000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Water, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 4.8KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1153
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "73.9000 53.8000", **LatLongDMS:** "73:54:00 N 53:48:00 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/73.9000,53.8000)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "PDE", **NukeType:** "NWCS", **NukeY:** "4.8"
### Event 22592 (1A4620A7)
**Date:** 10/23/1961
**Time:** 10:30:48.0
**Location:** 70.7030 54.60
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 12500KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1154
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "70.7030 54.60", **LatLongDMS:** "70:42:11 N 54:36:00 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/70.7030,54.60)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.05", **NukeSource:** "KHRISTOFOROV", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** "12500"
### Event 22593 (FF2E2549)
**Date:** 10/25/1961
**Location:** 73.7500 54.7500
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 300KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1155
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "73.7500 54.7500", **LatLongDMS:** "73:45:00 N 54:45:00 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/73.7500,54.7500)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "RFAE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** "300"
### Event 22594 (544CD655)
**Date:** 10/25/1961
**Location:** 50.4375 77.814167
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: .5KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1156
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "50.4375 77.814167", **LatLongDMS:** "50:26:15 N 77:48:51 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.4375,77.814167)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "RFAE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** ".5"
### Event 22595 (84681AA1)
**Date:** 10/26/1961
**Description:** [Walter Webb](http://www.nicap.org/bios/NICAP-Bios/Webb.htm)’s report to NICAP concludes that the [Hills](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barney%5Fand%5FBetty%5FHill) are telling the truth.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Walter N. Webb, “[A](http://www.nicap.org/reports/610919hill%5Freport1.pdf) [Dramatic UFO Encounter in the White Mountains, N.H., September 19–20, 1961,](http://www.nicap.org/reports/610919hill%5Freport1.pdf)” NICAP Massachusetts Subcommittee, October 26, 1961; Clark III 581; Mark Rodeghier, “Hypnosis and the Hill Abduction Case,” IUR 19, no. 2 \(March/April 1994\): 4–6
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3569
### Event 22596 (373522BC)
**Date:** 10/27/1961
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Launch of the Saturn 1 rocket. (October 27)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1961.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1928
### Event 22597 (EF3804A1)
**Date:** 10/27/1961
**Location:** 48.56956 45.90346
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 1.2KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1157
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "48.56956 45.90346", **LatLongDMS:** "48:34:10 N 45:54:12 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.56956,45.90346)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "RFAE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** "1.2"
### Event 22598 (EF3804A1)
**Date:** 10/27/1961
**Location:** 48.56956 45.90346
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 1.2KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1158
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "48.56956 45.90346", **LatLongDMS:** "48:34:10 N 45:54:12 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.56956,45.90346)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "RFAE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** "1.2"
### Event 22599 (D6B336C0)
**Date:** 10/27/1961
**Time:** 08:30:26.0
**Location:** 70.7000 54.6700
**Description:** Nuclear test: Water, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 16KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1159
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "70.7000 54.6700", **LatLongDMS:** "70:42:00 N 54:40:12 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/70.7000,54.6700)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "KHRISTOFOROV", **NukeType:** "NWCS", **NukeY:** "16"
### Event 22600 (ACE94E3E)
**Date:** 10/28/1961
**Time:** ~08:00
**Location:** KAIFENG, HENAN, CH
**Description:** Several observer(s). Ovoid maneuvers / 7 minute(s). Photographs poorly copied. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v26#5p6.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 218)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6572
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "China", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "7", **HatchDesc:** "KAIFENG,HENAN,CH:SVRL OBS:OVOID MNVRS/7min:FOTOS poorly copied:/FSR v26#5p6", **LatLong:** "34.800002 114.366672", **LatLongDMS:** "34:48:00 N 114:22:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/34.800002,114.366672)", **State/Prov:** "HEN", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 22601 (C41DCBE8)
**Date:** 10/29/1961
**Time:** 18:30:00.1
**Location:** 37.0486 -116.0311
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Mink” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_200
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0486 -116.0311", **LatLongDMS:** "37:02:55 N 116:01:52 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0486,-116.0311)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.19", **NukeName:** "Mink", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 22602 (F66FB3B8)
**Date:** 10/30/1961
**Time:** 00:20
**Location:** DERRY, PA
**Description:** Engineer. 4 blue luminous/glowing saucers. Windows / edges? / r70p3-77+/ r114p89.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 27)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6573
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "358", **HatchDesc:** "DERRY,PA:ENGINEER:4 BLU LUMn SCRS:WINDOWS/EDGES?:/r70p3-77+/r114p89", **LatLong:** "40.333335 -79.300004", **LatLongDMS:** "40:20:00 N 79:18:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.333335,-79.300004)", **State/Prov:** "Pennsylvania", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 22603 (1E331E78)
**Date:** 10/30/1961
**Location:** Ligonier, PA
**Description:** Engineer observed four luminous blue discs with bands of lights or "portholes" on outer periphery. \[NICAP UFOE, I\] (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2551
### Event 22604 (116430F0)
**Date:** 10/30/1961
**Location:** 50.4375 77.814167
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: .09KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1160
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "50.4375 77.814167", **LatLongDMS:** "50:26:15 N 77:48:51 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.4375,77.814167)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "RFAE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** ".09"
### Event 22605 (7F5CE5C0)
**Date:** 10/30/1961
**Time:** 08:33:27.8
**Location:** 73.8000 53.5000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 50000KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1161
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "73.8000 53.5000", **LatLongDMS:** "73:48:00 N 53:30:00 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/73.8000,53.5000)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "PDE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** "50000"
### Event 22606 (B1CFAAE6)
**Date:** 10/30/1961
**Locations:** Sukhoy Nos Cape of Severny Island, Novaya Zemla, Arkhangelsk Oblast, Russia; Finland
**Description:** The Soviet RDS-202 hydrogen bomb, the 50-megaton Tsar Bomba, is supposedly the most powerful nuclear weapon ever tested. It is detonated at the Sukhoy Nos Cape of Severny Island, Novaya Zemla, Arkhangelsk Oblast, Russia. It flattens entire villages in surrounding areas and breaks windows in Finland 1,000 miles away.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Tsar Bomba](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tsar%5FBomba)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3570
### Event 22607 (9F224E92)
**Date:** 10/31/1961
**Location:** 73.7500 54.7500
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 150KT YieldMax: 1500KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1162
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "73.7500 54.7500", **LatLongDMS:** "73:45:00 N 54:45:00 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/73.7500,54.7500)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "RFAE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** "150", **NukeYMax:** "1500"
### Event 22608 (BF251FD5)
**Date:** 10/31/1961
**Time:** 08:29:17.2
**Location:** 73.6000 56.2000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 5000KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1163
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "73.6000 56.2000", **LatLongDMS:** "73:36:00 N 56:12:00 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/73.6000,56.2000)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "PDE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** "5000"
### Event 22609 (2CF95D55)
**Date:** 11/1961
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) [Frank Drake](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/DrakeFrankD.html) organizes, with J. Peter Pearman, an officer of the *Space Science Board* of the [NAS](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/NAS.html), the first conference on the [SETI](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/SETI.html) project. The 3-day meeting, held at the [NRAO](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/NRAO.html), brings together a dozen scientists who have shown an interest in [SETI](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/SETI.html). It is there that [Drake](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/DrakeFrankD.html) proposes his famous equation, which proposes the theoretical calculation of the number of "communicating" civilizations in our galaxy.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1961.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1929
### Event 22610 (210E4637)
**Date:** 11/1961
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Creation of projects [Moon Dust](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/MoonDust.html) and [Blue Fly](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/projets.html\#BlueFly).
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1961.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1930
### Event 22611 (BAE493BD)
**Date:** 11/1961
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Meeting of [Paul Miller](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/temoins.html\#MillerPaul) and 3 of his friends in Minot \(North Dakota\).
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1961.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1931
### Event 22612 (CF083B44)
**Date:** 11/1961
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) [Wilbert B. Smith](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/SmithWilbertBrooker.html) wrote: I showed Admiral [Knowles](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/militaires.html\#Knowles) the small fragment of flying saucer that the [US Air Force](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/USAF.html) had kindly lent me in July 1952.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1961.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1932
### Event 22613 (B8A516A0)
**Date:** 11/1961 (approximate)
**Time:** 17:30
**Location:** BRAY-SUR-SEINE, FR
**Description:** Saucer just over ground. Cylinder/cylindrical object / bottom bigger inside than out! Going quickly south.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 314)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6574
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "5", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "BRAY-sur-SEINE,FR:SCR JUST OVR GND:CYL/BOTTOM BIGGER INSIDE THAN OUT!:>>S", **LatLong:** "48.416669 3.233333", **LatLongDMS:** "48:25:00 N 03:14:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.416669,3.233333)", **State/Prov:** "Seine-et-Marne", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 22614 (7C2B56CB)
**Date:** 11/1/1961
**Location:** 50.4375 77.814167
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 2.7KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1164
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "50.4375 77.814167", **LatLongDMS:** "50:26:15 N 77:48:51 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.4375,77.814167)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "RFAE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** "2.7"
### Event 22615 (96AE4203)
**Date:** 11/1/1961
**Locations:** National Radio Astronomy Observatory; Green Bank, West Virginia
**Description:** At a small, informal conference on SETI at the National Radio Astronomy Observatory’s facility in Green Bank, West Virginia, astronomer [Frank Drake](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frank%5FDrake) writes this equation on a chalkboard: N = R fp ne fl fi fc L. The equation, the Green Bank Formula, summarizes the main concepts that scientists must contemplate when considering the question of extraterrestrial life capable of communicating by radio across space. It is more properly thought of as an approximation rather than as a serious attempt to determine a precise number.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Drake equation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drake%5Fequation)”; Lee Billings, “[The Alien-Life Summit,](https://slate.com/technology/2013/09/green-bank-conference-seti-frank-drakes-equation-for-estimating-the-extraterrestrial-life.html)” Slate, September 27, 2013
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3571
### Event 22616 (CDA6B267)
**Date:** 11/2/1961
**Time:** 14:30
**Location:** SANTA CRUZ, CA
**Description:** 2 boys / bus. Classic saucer with transparent dome. Plane chases.. too fast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 745)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6575
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "SANTA CRUZ,CA:2 BOYS/BUS:CLASSIC SCR W/XPRNT DOME:PLANE CHASES..too fast", **LatLong:** "36.983335 -122.050006", **LatLongDMS:** "36:59:00 N 122:03:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/36.983335,-122.050006)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 22617 (E70040ED)
**Date:** 11/2/1961
**Location:** 73.7500 54.7500
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 120KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1165
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "73.7500 54.7500", **LatLongDMS:** "73:45:00 N 54:45:00 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/73.7500,54.7500)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "RFAE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** "120"
### Event 22618 (4029A145)
**Date:** 11/2/1961
**Location:** 73.7500 54.7500
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 280KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1166
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "73.7500 54.7500", **LatLongDMS:** "73:45:00 N 54:45:00 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/73.7500,54.7500)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "RFAE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** "280"
### Event 22619 (0E836C2C)
**Date:** 11/2/1961
**Location:** 50.4375 77.814167
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: .6KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1167
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "50.4375 77.814167", **LatLongDMS:** "50:26:15 N 77:48:51 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.4375,77.814167)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "RFAE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** ".6"
### Event 22620 (608E24C4)
**Date:** 11/3/1961
**Location:** 50.4375 77.814167
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 0KT YieldMax: .001KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1168
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "50.4375 77.814167", **LatLongDMS:** "50:26:15 N 77:48:51 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.4375,77.814167)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "RFAE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** "0", **NukeYMax:** ".001"
### Event 22621 (E2B7C8D4)
**Date:** 11/3/1961
**Location:** 50.4375 77.814167
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: .9KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1169
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "50.4375 77.814167", **LatLongDMS:** "50:26:15 N 77:48:51 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.4375,77.814167)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "RFAE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** ".9"
### Event 22622 (C8EFBEE0)
**Date:** 11/3/1961
**Location:** Eyres Monsell, Leicester, England
**Description:** 4:30 p.m. Mr. E. Adkins observes a brilliant object with an orange center flying south over Eyres Monsell, Leicester, England, at an estimated 600 mph. It is triangular in shape and about 300 feet wide.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Triangular Object](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%2C1962%2CMar-Apr%2CV%208%2CN%202.pdf) [over Eyres Monsell,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%2C1962%2CMar-Apr%2CV%208%2CN%202.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 8, no. 2 \(March/April 1962\): 24
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3572
### Event 22623 (5258002D)
**Date:** 11/4/1961
**Location:** 73.7500 54.7500
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 15KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1170
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "73.7500 54.7500", **LatLongDMS:** "73:45:00 N 54:45:00 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/73.7500,54.7500)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "RFAE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** "15"
### Event 22624 (5AF9E34F)
**Date:** 11/4/1961
**Location:** 73.7500 54.7500
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 6KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1171
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "73.7500 54.7500", **LatLongDMS:** "73:45:00 N 54:45:00 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/73.7500,54.7500)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "RFAE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** "6"
### Event 22625 (A1945693)
**Date:** 11/4/1961
**Location:** 50.4375 77.814167
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: .2KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1172
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "50.4375 77.814167", **LatLongDMS:** "50:26:15 N 77:48:51 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.4375,77.814167)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "RFAE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** ".2"
### Event 22626 (D4909E92)
**Date:** 11/4/1961
**Time:** 07:20:19.7
**Location:** 73.7000 55.7000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 150KT YieldMax: 1500KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1173
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "73.7000 55.7000", **LatLongDMS:** "73:42:00 N 55:42:00 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/73.7000,55.7000)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "PDE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** "150", **NukeYMax:** "1500"
### Event 22627 (375D1B97)
**Date:** 11/6/1961 (approximate)
**Location:** VUKOVAR, CROATIA
**Description:** Electric power surge. Radio station/depot/facility malfunctions due to EME (electro-magnetic effects). Odd grey cloud going quickly. Sodium lamps glow.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HOBANA Ion & WEVERBERGH,Julien: UFO'S from BEHIND the IRON CURTAIN; Bantam Books,1975. 308pp. (Index 202)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6576
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Former Yugoslavia", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "12", **HatchDesc:** "VUKOVAR,CROATIA:ELEC.PWR SURGE:RDO STN EMES:ODD GREY CLOUD>>:SODIUM LAMPS GLOW", **LatLong:** "45.344447 19.000001", **LatLongDMS:** "45:20:40 N 19:00:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.344447,19.000001)", **State/Prov:** "CRO", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 22628 (2C88CBAE)
**Date:** 11/7/1961
**Location:** Arlington Heights, IL
**Description:** (McDonald list) Sharp Radar Returns at 4000 Knots (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** NICAP: [611107](http://www.nicap.org/611107arlinghts%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2549
### Event 22629 (CB2C1CED)
**Date:** 11/7/1961
**Time:** 11:29:59.9
**Location:** 24.0571 5.0521
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground. Country: France Name: “agate”
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1841
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "24.0571 5.0521", **LatLongDMS:** "24:03:26 N 05:03:08 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/24.0571,5.0521)", **NukeCountry:** "France", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "agate", **NukeSource:** "BOLT", **NukeType:** "U"
### Event 22630 (BCC00B29)
**Date:** 11/8/1961
**Time:** 07:20
**Description:** 2 observer(s). 3 metallic discus saucers going [to] over 1200M clouds in sequence.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 27)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6577
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "273", **HatchDesc:** "nr POPLAR GROVE,IL:2 OBS:3 MTLC DISCUS SCRS > ovr 1200M CLOUDS in sequence", **LatLong:** "42.366669 -88.833338", **LatLongDMS:** "42:22:00 N 88:50:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.366669,-88.833338)", **State/Prov:** "Illinois", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 22631 (2260A6F8)
**Date:** 11/8/1961
**Time:** 15:00
**Location:** CHADRON, NE
**Description:** Farmer. 4' sphere/orb/globe going [to] overhead. Drops thin metallic fibers. / MJ#283+/ APRO Jan'62.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 27)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6578
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **NUC:** Nuclear facility related, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "1005", **HatchDesc:** "CHADRON,NE:FARMER:4'ORB > OVHD:DROPS THIN MTLC FIBERS:/MJ#283+/APRO Jan'62", **LatLong:** "42.827780 -103.000005", **LatLongDMS:** "42:49:40 N 103:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.827780,-103.000005)", **State/Prov:** "Nebraska", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 22632 (845E7FD3)
**Date:** 11/10/1961
**Location:** YUGOSLAVIA, Vukovar (Croatia)
**Description:** (Translated from French) (...) the broadcast of the city's station was suddenly interrupted. The electric lights in the studios went out or began to flicker for 30 to 40 seconds. The recording devices registered a considerable increase in static electricity.. (Ion HOBANA/Julien WEVERBERGH: "Les OVNI en URSS et dans les pays de l'Est" - trad. Laffont 1976, p. 250-251) November 18, 1961; USA, near Chadron, Nebraska: In the afternoon a strange object passed through the sky above Theodore Goff's farm leaving behind a mysterious substance. It seemed to be very fine metal fibers that draped over the fields, trees, electrical lines, machines. "It was around 3 o'clock in the afternoon," said Goff, "I had worked in the hangar. As I was coming out, I saw this strange ball flying in the sky, at a tremendous speed, without any noise. I only saw it for a few moments. (November 10 (or 11), 1961)
**Reference:** National UFOReporting Center - Looking Back - by Bob Gribble
**Reference:** ....
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2213
### Event 22633 (27F537B2)
**Date:** 11/10/1961
**Description:** Many observer(s). Metallic disk maneuvers / low altitude. Spins. Lights / edge and portholes / bottom.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 27)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6579
**Attributes:** **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "40", **HatchDesc:** "NE BALTIMORE,MD:MANY OBS:MTLC DISK MNVRS/LO alt:SPINS:LITES/EDGE+PORTS/BOTTOM", **LatLong:** "39.316669 -76.583337", **LatLongDMS:** "39:19:00 N 76:35:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.316669,-76.583337)", **State/Prov:** "Maryland", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 22634 (6244278F)
**Date:** 11/13/1961
**Locations:** Ent AFB; Colorado Springs, Colorado
**Description:** The AFCIN-1E-0 Draft Policy letter \(Betz Memo\) is prepared by Lt. Col. [Norman M. Rosner](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/62960897/norman-morton-rosner) for Col. [Ward Reid Betz.](https://www.deseret.com/1997/3/30/19303700/death-colonel-ward-reid-betz) Among other things, it specifies three peacetime functions of the 4602d Air Intelligence Service Squadron at Ent AFB \[now the US Olympic Training Center\], Colorado Springs, Colorado: UFO investigations, Project Moon Dust \(an exploitation program to locate, recover, and deliver descended foreign space vehicles\), and Operation Blue Fly \(to facilitate delivery to the Foreign Technological Division of Moon Dust and other items of great technical intelligence interest\). These three functions involve “employment of qualified field intelligence personnel on a quick reaction basis to recover or perform field exploitation of unidentified flying objects, or known Soviet/Bloc aerospace vehicles, weapons systems, and/or residual components of such equipment.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Paul Dean, “[The Rejuvenated ‘Betz Memo,’](http://ufos-documenting-the-evidence.blogspot.com/2016/05/the-rejuvenated-betz-memo-in-recent.html)” UFOs: Documenting the Evidence, May 8, 2016
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3573
### Event 22635 (202FB42D)
**Date:** 11/13/1961
**Description:** USAF document “AFCIN-1E-0 Draft Policy” written by Lt. Col. Norman M. Rosner to Col. Betz writes that intelligence team personnel are needed to support Air Force **Projects Moon Dust**, **Blue Fly and “UFO,”** and other quick reaction projects. The document gives the 1127th Field Activities Group at Ft. Belvoir responsibility for UAP “collection
responsibilities,” and importantly, divorces these responsibilities from **Moon Dust** and **Blue Fly**, described as projects to locate, retrieve and deliver foreign space vehicles.
The document also distinguishes crashed UAP from Soviet/Bloc vehicles, and describes the need for quick reaction recovery teams. For decades after, the USAF continued to rely on the conclusions of Special Report No. 14 to debunk UAP, which stated no compelling physical evidence had ever been recovered from UAP, despite debris collection teams existing.
* [https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-kILfYw2VJyk/VzABvIBOpPI/AAAAAAAAApg/bdP2GLbjwwsMZh1-6JgOwBzTTGxRBa0zgCLcB/s1600/BLOG%2B50%2B-%2BA.png](https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-kILfYw2VJyk/VzABvIBOpPI/AAAAAAAAApg/bdP2GLbjwwsMZh1-6JgOwBzTTGxRBa0zgCLcB/s1600/BLOG%2B50%2B-%2BA.png)
* [https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-eSTVEVMkTUM/VzAB6HTXdyI/AAAAAAAAApk/t7PzIKMoZSYU8eSm1zYWoSJdrPh7odimgCLcB/s1600/BLOG%2B50%2B-%2BB.png](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-eSTVEVMkTUM/VzAB6HTXdyI/AAAAAAAAApk/t7PzIKMoZSYU8eSm1zYWoSJdrPh7odimgCLcB/s1600/BLOG%2B50%2B-%2BB.png)
* [https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-Ro21GyILirI/VzAB7flzgBI/AAAAAAAAAps/V0eJqGYupU8U8xJCfl4HY_8mkiYG5bD7wCLcB/s1600/blog%2B50%2B-%2BC.png](https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-Ro21GyILirI/VzAB7flzgBI/AAAAAAAAAps/V0eJqGYupU8U8xJCfl4HY_8mkiYG5bD7wCLcB/s1600/blog%2B50%2B-%2BC.png)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_100
### Event 22636 (08FA0409)
**Date:** 11/18/1961
**Location:** USA, SPACE
**Description:** (Translated from French) LAUNCH OF RANGER 2 (ALPHA THETA 1) IT RE-ENTERS ON NOVEMBER 20TH (1961, November 18th to 20th)
**Reference:** Acta Aeronomica 1977, p. 128
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2214
### Event 22637 (25EE9C0E)
**Date:** 11/18/1961
**Description:** A strange flying object streaked across the skies above the Theodore Goff farm on the afternoon of the 18th and left behind it a mysterious substance that defied explanation. The strange, seemingly metallic substance, came off the UFO in thin fibers and settled to earth, draping itself like a finely-knit shroud over Goff's fields, trees, machinery, and power lines. The farm is located near Chadron, Nebraska.
"It was about three o'clock," Goff related, "and I had been working in my shed. I came outside and happened to look up and see this strange ball flying through the air. It was kind of rough and seemed to be rolling as it sped through the air. It was going faster than any airplane I ever saw and it just disappeared from sight when it got out of the sunlight. It made absolutely no noise."
"Big chunks of it broke off and these fibers began settling down on everything. The ball was about as big around as a tractor tire, four feet in diameter or so and it came out of the southwest going northeast. At first I thought it was an airplane but when I really looked, I just didn't know what to think. It's hard to say how high up it was, maybe a thousand feet or more. The fibers cannot be seen with the naked eye except when they are in direct sunlight. Then, and only then, can you see them glistening ghostlike in the sun. They can be felt on the skin like spider webs, but they are much smaller in diameter than a spider web. A human hair seems like a rope compared to the fibers."
"I didn't really notice the fibers much that day, but the next morning my fields and trees just glowed with the stuff when the sun hit them. You can pick one up, but you can't really tell if you have one unless the sun hits it just right. It's the strangest stuff I ever saw." Attempts to break the weird strings were to no avail. They seemingly could not be broken apart, but, when a hot cigarette was applied to one of the strings, it did break. The string did not, however, burst into flame or seem to burn. "They're so fine you just can't tell when you've got one," Goff said. "You can feel it, but you can't see it."
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Bob Gribble, Looking Back November 1961, National UFO Reporting Center website
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7730
### Event 22638 (F54E836F)
**Date:** 11/21/1961
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Sighting in Oldtown \(Florida\). (November 21)
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#7741 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1961.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1933
### Event 22639 (BA41E5CE)
**Date:** 11/21/1961
**Time:** 19:30
**Location:** OLDTOWN, FL
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #7741. Huge saucer goes going up. Seen closely. 2 observer(s). Also similar recent reports.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SCIENCE & MECHANICS (eds.) OFFICIAL GUIDE to UFO'S; Ace Books, NY. 1968. (Index 183)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6580
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "4", **Elev:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "OLDTOWN,FL:BBK#7741:HUGE SCR GOES↑:SEEN CLOSELY:2 OBS:+SIMILAR RECENT REPORTS", **LatLong:** "29.600001 -82.983337", **LatLongDMS:** "29:36:00 N 82:59:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/29.600001,-82.983337)", **State/Prov:** "Florida", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 22640 (A84F0E4F)
**Date:** 11/21/1961
**Location:** Oldtown, FL
**Description:** Round, red-orange object fly straight up and fade. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 7741)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2550
### Event 22641 (D8BE4B65)
**Date:** 11/21/1961
**Time:** 7:30 PM
**Location:** Oldtown, Florida
**Description:** Witnesses: C. Locklear and Helen Hatch. One round, red-orange object flew straight up and faded after 3-4 minutes.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_467
### Event 22642 (8932B046)
**Date:** 11/21/1961
**Description:** On this night in 1961 six to eight crescent-shaped objects were seen entering an isolated cloud over Adelaide Hills, South Australia around 6:15 p.m. They did not re-emerge.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Michael Hervey, UFOs over the Southern Hemisphere, p. 171
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7769
### Event 22643 (78BCD34B)
**Date:** 11/21/1961
**Description:** That same evening at 7:30 p.m. EST in Oldtown, Florida two witnesses, C. Locklear and Helen Hatch, watched a round, reddish-orange object ascend straight up into the night sky. It faded away after 3-4 minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Don Berliner, Project Bluebook UFO Unknowns
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7770
### Event 22644 (D145BBE8)
**Date:** 11/22/1961
**Time:** 19:00
**Location:** GRAFTON, ND
**Description:** Metallurgist and 1. Grey metallic cylinder/cigar-shape hovers. Portholes / side. / r78p190+/ r242p54.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 28)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6581
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "251", **HatchDesc:** "GRAFTON,ND:METALLURGIST+1:GRY MTLC CGR HVRS:PORTHOLES/SIDE:/r78p190+/r242p54", **LatLong:** "48.416669 -97.411116", **LatLongDMS:** "48:25:00 N 97:24:40 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.416669,-97.411116)", **State/Prov:** "North Dakota", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 22645 (8B146B75)
**Date:** 11/22/1961
**Location:** Grafton (near), ND
**Description:** Metallurgist observed a hovering, grayish cigar-shaped UFO with "portholes". \[NICAP UFOE, VI\] (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2552
### Event 22646 (8A8902B8)
**Date:** 11/22/1961
**Location:** Edwards AFB, California
**Description:** US Navy pilot [Robert G. Robinson](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert%5FG.%5FRobinson) reaches an airspeed of 1,606 mph in a McDonnell-Douglas F4H-1F Phantom II over Edwards AFB, California.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Robert G. Robinson](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert%5FG.%5FRobinson)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3576
### Event 22647 (59CE360B)
**Date:** 11/22/1961
**Description:** Mr. and Mrs. Vagle were driving in Grafton, Wisconsin with their son at 7:00 p.m. when they saw a red light in the sky and stopped. Lights in the sky then joined together. Next, they sighted a large cigar-shaped object hovering at a sharp angle over a plowed field; it had a bright white light on each tip and the lower one was blinking. It also had square ports or windows along the side.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jay Rath, The W-Files: True Reports of Wisconsin's Unexplained Phenomena, p. 70
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7795
### Event 22648 (1DB01BBB)
**Date:** 11/23/1961
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Sighting in Sioux City \(Iowa\). (November 23)
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#7742 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1961.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1934
### Event 22649 (2F027A24)
**Date:** 11/23/1961
**Location:** Sioux City, IA
**Description:** Bright red star fly straight and level (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 7742)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2553
### Event 22650 (A356A911)
**Date:** 11/23/1961
**Time:** 9:30 PM
**Location:** Sioux City, Iowa
**Description:** Witness: F. Braunger. One bright red star flew straight and level for 15 minutes.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_468
### Event 22651 (F1B00A44)
**Date:** 11/23/1961
**Description:** In Sioux City, Iowa at 9:30 p.m. F. Braunger saw a bright red "star" fly straight and level for 15 seconds.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Project Blue Book files counted in official statistics, case # 7742; Don Berliner, Project Bluebook Unknowns
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7840
### Event 22652 (5A5D8583)
**Date:** 11/25/1961 (approximate)
**Time:** 21:30
**Location:** PINHAL, RGS, BRZ
**Description:** Man compelled to walk to beach. 2 hour abduction / 2 small humanoids (or Greys). Amnesia and missing time.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LORENZEN, Coral & Jim: FLYING SAUCER OCCUPANTS; Signet Books, NY 1967. (Index 199)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6582
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **TLP:** Telepathy, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly, **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **OPR:** Operations on humans/animal mutilation/surgery, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **MIL:** Military investigation
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "120", **Elev:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "PINHAL,RGS,BRZ:MAN COMPELLED TO WALK TO BEACH:2hr ABD/2 OIDS:AMNESIA+MST: ", **LatLong:** "-30.250001 -50.233336", **LatLongDMS:** "30:15:00 S 50:14:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-30.250001,-50.233336)", **State/Prov:** "RGS", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 22653 (E267F284)
**Date:** Late 11/1961
**Locations:** Harvey, North Dakota; Martin, North Dakota
**Description:** Evening. A group of four friends are hunting on a Sunday in the area of Harvey, North Dakota. As they are returning in the car, the two men in the front seat notice a descending glowing object in the sky ahead of them. Assuming they are witnessing a plane crash, they rush to the scene of its landing, where they find at 150 yards distance, a “silo-appearing craft which was sticking in the ground with this glow around it.” The men shine a hand spotlight and shine it on the object, whereupon they see four human-looking individuals standing around it. At this point they seem to hear an explosion and “everything went out.” The principal witness wakes up from dozing in the back seat as the car is negotiating soggy ground looking for the craft and crew. They return to the spot where the landing takes place, and they see the figures again, wearing white coveralls and standing 5 feet high. They get out of the car and one figure waves them away. Eventually, the men agree to return to a small town, possibly Martin, North Dakota, 11 miles away, where they find a police officer, who listens to the story and agrees to accompany them back to the site. They see red lights moving in the field and both cars go in pursuit of them. The lights go out, the police officer drives away, and the four men resume driving home. Two miles down the highway, the silo-like object reappears, landing gently 150 yards away with two of the figures watching them. Two of the men get out of the car again and shine the spotlight on the craft. One of the men is carrying a rifle; he drops on the ground and shoots, apparently hitting one of the figures in the right shoulder. The figure spins around, goes down on his knees, gets help from the other figure, then yells, “Now what the hell did you do that for?” Weirdly, as soon as the men return to the car, the two who have remained inside insist the rifle had not been removed and no shot was fired. The primary witness \(who remains in the car\) has no recollection of what happened to the craft and figures. By the time they get home, dawn is breaking, and their wives are waiting for them. They all know it has taken longer than it should have to return. A few hours later, around 12:00 noon, the principal witness is at work when three well-groomed, official-looking men visit him. He presumes they are Air Force intelligence officers who say they have a “report” about the previous night’s event. They ask him what clothes he was wearing and what the object looked like, but they never ask about the shooting. Later, they show up at his house and ask to see his hunting gear and boots. They tell him not to say anything more about the incident. In January 1968, US Border Patrol agent \[later BATF agent\] Donald E. Flickinger manages to interview the primary witness, who works as a supervisor at Minot AFB hospital, and two of the others, one a small-town high school superintendent and the other an active-duty Air Force sergeant. They all are “extremely reliable and responsible,” Flickinger says.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** J. Allen Hynek, The UFO Experience, Ballantine ed., 1974, [pp. 164–165](https://archive.org/details/ufoexperience00jall/page/164/mode/2up); Clark III 825–827
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3574
### Event 22654 (9EF7829B)
**Date:** Late 11/1961
**Locations:** Balneário Pinhal, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil; Beach House
**Description:** 9:30 p.m. Real estate agent Cavalheiro Mendes is walking along the beach in Balneário Pinhal, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, when he sees a huge light 900 feet away. As he walks toward it, he sees it is a huge disc resting on the sand. He feels compelled to approach it and sees two helmeted figures come from behind the object. They seem to be telling him telepathically not to resist. Mendes finds he is completely unable to move. He feels one of them scratching his forearm with an instrument, then he blacks out. When he wakes up, he is nearly back to his beach house and it is 11:30 p.m. After a few weeks he feels anxious and sad for no apparent reason. He refuses to be hypnotized.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Lorenzen, Flying Saucer Occupants, Signet, 1967, [pp. 199–200](https://archive.org/details/flyingsauceroccu00lore/page/202/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3575
### Event 22655 (B6A261D8)
**Date:** 11/25/1961
**Description:** IBM engineers C. D. Jackson and [Robert E. Hohmann](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/15851368/robert-e-hohmann) interview the [Hills](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barney%5Fand%5FBetty%5FHill). One of them expresses surprise at how long the drive took. They are mysteriously interested in whether nitrates or chemicals containing nitrates are in their car. For the first time, Barney and Betty realize that there are two hours they cannot account for. Also present is a friend of the Hills, retired USAF Maj. James McDonald, a former intelligence officer. He suggests that Betty and Barney consult a hypnotist.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clark III 583; Mark Rodeghier, “Hypnosis and the Hill Abduction Case,” IUR 19, no. 2 \(March/April 1994\): 6, 23–24; Michael D. Swords, “Radio Signals from Space, Alien Probes, and Betty Hill,” IUR 29, no. 4 \(July 2005\): 15
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3577
### Event 22656 (30FA1585)
**Date:** 11/26/1961
**Time:** ~02:00
**Location:** WNW / MARTIN, ND
**Description:** 4 hunters. Silo / ground and 2 5' men. Observer(s) shoots 1. See / r72 #1+/ r249p353.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HYNEK & VALLEE: The EDGE of REALITY, A Progress Report, Chicago, Regnery 1975. 301pp 24cm (Index 129)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6583
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **MIB:** Men in Black, **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "60", **Elev:** "495", **HatchDesc:** "WNW/MARTIN,ND:4 HUNTERS:SILO/GND+2 5' MEN:OBS SHOOTS 1:see /r72 #1+/r249p353", **LatLong:** "47.850002 -100.166671", **LatLongDMS:** "47:51:00 N 100:10:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.850002,-100.166671)", **State/Prov:** "North Dakota", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 22657 (6B822E35)
**Date:** 11/28/1961
**Location:** Langley, Virginia
**Description:** President [Kennedy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John%5FF.%5FKennedy) presides over the dedication of the new CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[George Bush Center for Intelligence](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George%5FBush%5FCenter%5Ffor%5FIntelligence\#History)”; CIA History Staff, [50 Years in Langley: Recollections of the](https://www.cia.gov/static/f4b6cf75ca9efcabacc393400eb01dd8/50-Years-in-Langley.pdf) [Construction of CIA’s Original Headquarters Building, 1961–2011](https://www.cia.gov/static/f4b6cf75ca9efcabacc393400eb01dd8/50-Years-in-Langley.pdf)[,](https://www.cia.gov/static/f4b6cf75ca9efcabacc393400eb01dd8/50-Years-in-Langley.pdf) January 2012
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3578
### Event 22658 (7F96C270)
**Date:** 11/29/1961
**Location:** USA
**Description:** (Translated from French) "ENOS" Male Chimpanzee is launched in a Mercury capsule by an Atlas rocket. It completes two orbits.
**Reference:** Inforespace n° 49, 1980, p. 14, 15
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2215
### Event 22659 (FEA704DA)
**Date:** 11/29/1961
**Location:** PACIFIC 173° 00W-40° 00N
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Military observer(s). No further details [in] at all.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFOCAT CATALOG: Assorted Printouts. Donald A. Johnson Ph.D (CUFOS). P.O. Box 446, Concord, NH 03302-0446 (Index 66)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6584
**Attributes:** **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Pacific Ocean and non - Asian islands", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "PACIFIC 173°00W-40°00N:BBK#UNK:MIL OBS:NFD AT ALL", **LatLong:** "40.000002 -173.016675", **LatLongDMS:** "40:00:00 N 173:01:00 W", **Locale:** "High Seas", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.000002,-173.016675)", **State/Prov:** "NPC", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 22660 (A981E6A6)
**Date:** 11/30/1961
**Locations:** White House; Bay of Pigs Invasion; Cuba
**Description:** Covert operations against [Fidel Castro](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fidel%5FCastro) are officially authorized by President [Kennedy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John%5FF.%5FKennedy) after being given the name Operation Mongoose at a White House meeting on November 3. The operation is led by USAF Gen. [Edward Lansdale](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward%5FLansdale) and goes into effect after the failed Bay of Pigs Invasion. A document from the Department of State confirms that the project aims to “help Cuba overthrow the Communist regime,” including Castro, and it aims “for a revolt which can take place in Cuba by October 1962.” One of Lansdale’s ideas is to project a huge image of the Second Coming of Christ above the island, spread the word that Castro is the anti-Christ, shoot starburst shells from a submarine into the air, and hope far an uprising. US policymakers want to see “a new government with which the United States can live in peace.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Operation Mongoose](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation%5FMongoose)”; Kremlin 131– 133
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3579
### Event 22661 (D49F8E1A)
**Date:** 12/1961
**Location:** US
**Description:** Project 1794, a secret program to build a flying saucer-type aircraft designed to shoot down Soviet bombers, was cancelled in December 1961 after tests suggested the flying saucer-like design was aerodynamically unstable and would likely be uncontrollable at high speeds (let alone supersonic speeds).
**Type:** secret project
**Type:** declassified documents
**Reference:** [Mike Colangelo](https://twitter.com/MikeColangelo/status/1620153118540578816)
**Reference:** [livescience.com: Flying saucers to mind control: 24 declassified military & CIA secrets](https://www.livescience.com/declassified-military-secrets)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_817
**See also:** Late 2012
### Event 22662 (2AE9EF8B)
**Date:** 12/1961
**Description:** Funding runs out for the Avrocar and it and related WS-606A supersonic VTOL programs are officially cancelled by the US military.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Avro Canada VZ-9 Avrocar](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Avro%5FCanada%5FVZ-9%5FAvrocar)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3580
### Event 22663 (67C069C0)
**Date:** 12/3/1961
**Time:** 23:04:59.6
**Location:** 37.0459 -116.0277
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Fisher” Yield: 13.4KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_201
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0459 -116.0277", **LatLongDMS:** "37:02:45 N 116:01:40 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0459,-116.0277)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.36", **NukeName:** "Fisher", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "13.4"
### Event 22664 (B20CA424)
**Date:** 12/10/1961
**Time:** 19:00:00.0
**Location:** 32.2636 -103.8658
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Gnome” Yield: 3KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_202
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "32.2636 -103.8658", **LatLongDMS:** "32:15:49 N 103:51:57 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/32.2636,-103.8658)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.36", **NukeName:** "Gnome", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "3"
### Event 22665 (023F40FB)
**Date:** 12/13/1961
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Sighting in Washington \(D. C.\). (December 13)
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#7754 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1961.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1935
### Event 22666 (360CB4C3)
**Date:** 12/13/1961
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) USAF Colonel Robert J. Holbury is appointed commander of Groom Lake [Base](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/Area51.html). (End of Year)
**Reference:** McIninch
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1961.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1936
### Event 22667 (4CA5F4D0)
**Date:** 12/13/1961
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) American radio astronomers, Burke and Franklin, from the Carnegie Institute, detect a transmitting source coming from [Jupiter](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/Jupiter.html) that emits ordered, perfectly rhythmic messages. But it quickly falls silent.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1961.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1937
### Event 22668 (591F90F6)
**Date:** 12/13/1961
**Time:** 17:10
**Location:** WASHINGTON, DC
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #7754. 3 observer(s). 10' diamond / 1200' altitude going [to] overhead. Pulsing light beneath.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SCIENCE & MECHANICS (eds.) OFFICIAL GUIDE to UFO'S; Ace Books, NY. 1968. (Index 167)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6585
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "8", **HatchDesc:** "WASHINGTON,DC:BBK#7754:3 OBS:10'DIAMOND/1200'alt >OVHD:PULSING LITE BENEATH", **LatLong:** "38.900002 -76.983337", **LatLongDMS:** "38:54:00 N 76:59:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.900002,-76.983337)", **State/Prov:** "WDC", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 22669 (2AB0E8F5)
**Date:** 12/13/1961
**Location:** Washington, D.C.
**Description:** Dark diamond-shaped object w/bright tip fly straight and level (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 7754)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2554
### Event 22670 (B9864926)
**Date:** 12/13/1961
**Time:** 5:05 PM
**Location:** Washington, DC
**Description:** Witnesses: C.F. Muncy, ex-U.S. Navy pilot W.J. Myers, and G. Weber. One dark diamond-shaped object with a bright tip flew straight and level for 1-3 minutes.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_469
### Event 22671 (C77A67A1)
**Date:** 12/13/1961
**Time:** 18:00:00.2
**Location:** 37.1266 -116.0488
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Mad” Yield: .5KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_203
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1266 -116.0488", **LatLongDMS:** "37:07:36 N 116:02:56 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1266,-116.0488)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.18", **NukeMb:** "3.40", **NukeName:** "Mad", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** ".5"
### Event 22672 (AD4E04FC)
**Date:** 12/13/1961
**Description:** At 5:05 p.m. over Washington, D.C. three people witnessed a sharply defined diamond-shaped object that had a brownish-orange glow centered beneath it in a diamond shape, one-third the total size of the object. It pulsated rapidly and made no sound. The sighting lasted three minutes. A Project Blue Book unexplained case.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Project Blue Book files counted in official statistics, case # 7754; Richard Hall, The UFO Evidence (Volume I), p. 101; Lloyd Mallan, The Official Guide to UFOs, p. 28
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8370
### Event 22673 (6E39F1AA)
**Date:** 12/14/1961
**Description:** Military observer(s). No further details [in] at all.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFOCAT CATALOG: Assorted Printouts. Donald A. Johnson Ph.D (CUFOS). P.O. Box 446, Concord, NH 03302-0446 (Index 66)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6586
**Attributes:** **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Atlantic Ocean + islands", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "ATLANTIC 17°30W-50°31N BBK#UNK:MIL OBS:NFD AT ALL", **LatLong:** "50.516669 -17.500001", **LatLongDMS:** "50:31:00 N 17:30:00 W", **Locale:** "High Seas", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.516669,-17.500001)", **State/Prov:** "NAT", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 22674 (79FDB0D9)
**Date:** 12/15/1961
**Location:** PACIFIC 174° 00W-40° 00N
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Military observer(s) (usn ship). No further details [in] at all.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFOCAT CATALOG: Assorted Printouts. Donald A. Johnson Ph.D (CUFOS). P.O. Box 446, Concord, NH 03302-0446 (Index 66)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6587
**Attributes:** **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Pacific Ocean and non - Asian islands", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "PACIFIC 174°00W-40°00N:BBK#UNK:MIL OBS (USN SHIP):NFD AT ALL", **LatLong:** "40.016669 -174.000008", **LatLongDMS:** "40:01:00 N 174:00:00 W", **Locale:** "High Seas", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.016669,-174.000008)", **State/Prov:** "NPC", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 22675 (49F6B2D5)
**Date:** 12/15/1961
**Description:** A Mr. Torri took a photograph of a UFO in Riccione, Italy at 10:40 a.m. The photograph was published in an Italian newspaper.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Roberto Pinotti, Flying Saucers, January-February 1966, p. 55
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8408
### Event 22676 (4B36B11E)
**Date:** 12/16/1961
**Description:** Military observer(s) (usn ship). No further details [in] at all.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFOCAT CATALOG: Assorted Printouts. Donald A. Johnson Ph.D (CUFOS). P.O. Box 446, Concord, NH 03302-0446 (Index 66)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6588
**Attributes:** **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Atlantic Ocean + islands", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "ATLANTIC 06°45W-61°15N BBK#UNK:MIL OBS (USN SHIP):NFD AT ALL", **LatLong:** "61.250003 -6.750000", **LatLongDMS:** "61:15:00 N 06:45:00 W", **Locale:** "High Seas", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/61.250003,-6.750000)", **State/Prov:** "NAT", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 22677 (D97C5A85)
**Date:** 12/17/1961
**Time:** 16:35:00.1
**Location:** 37.0432 -116.0253
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Ringtail” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_204
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0432 -116.0253", **LatLongDMS:** "37:02:36 N 116:01:31 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0432,-116.0253)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.36", **NukeName:** "Ringtail", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 22678 (26C06CF2)
**Date:** 12/21/1961
**Time:** 16:40
**Location:** NEAR MT. ASO, JAPAN
**Description:** 1 / JAL Flt#307. 2 cloud-cigars maneuver. 1 emits sphere/orb/globe / paces DC4. Photographs.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** DONG, Paul: UFO's Over MODERN CHINA. 1983 UFO Photo Archives; P. O. Box 17206; Tucson, AZ 85710. (Index 300)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6589
**Attributes:** **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Japan", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "nr Mt.ASO,JAPAN:1/JAL Flt#307:2 CLOUD-CGRS MNVR:1 EMITS ORB/PACES DC4:FOTOS", **LatLong:** "32.883335 131.033340", **LatLongDMS:** "32:53:00 N 131:02:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/32.883335,131.033340)", **State/Prov:** "KYS", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 22679 (F2D61583)
**Date:** 12/21/1961
**Time:** 21:50
**Description:** Teen. 2.5M saucer dives / car and flies away. 1M thick. / r8#526.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 747)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6590
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "198", **HatchDesc:** "LAFAYETTE>>KENTLAND,IN:TEEN:2.5M SCR DIVES/CAR+FLIES AWAY:1M THICK:/r8#526", **LatLong:** "40.500002 -87.000004", **LatLongDMS:** "40:30:00 N 87:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.500002,-87.000004)", **State/Prov:** "Indiana", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 22680 (637A3E87)
**Date:** 12/21/1961
**Time:** 2145
**Location:** Lafayette, Indiana
**Description:** Jerry Hislope, 20, was driving to Kentland when he saw a glowing white object, 3 m in diameter, 1 m thick, dive at him, flying 3 m above the ground. He stopped to observe it, but the object flew away.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** APRO Mar., 62 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_526
### Event 22681 (13EADB95)
**Date:** 12/21/1961
**Description:** At 4:35 p.m. two cloud cigars maneuvered within sight of an airliner and then paced the DC-4 aircraft near Aso-san, Japan. One of the objects emitted a ball of light. The pilot, Mr. Matsumura, took photographs. That night at 9:45 local time in Lafayette, Indiana a 2.5 meter diameter disc dove at a car being driven by a twenty-year-old man named Hislope and then flew away.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Yusuke J. Matsumura, Flying Saucers, October 1965, p. 29; Coral E. Lorenzen, Flying Saucers: The Startling Evidence of the Invasion from Outer Space, p. 213; Indiana Journal, December 28, 1961
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8548
### Event 22682 (F939C977)
**Date:** 12/22/1961
**Time:** 16:30:00.1
**Location:** 37.1949 -116.2083
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Feather” Yield: .15KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_205
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1949 -116.2083", **LatLongDMS:** "37:11:42 N 116:12:30 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1949,-116.2083)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.25", **NukeName:** "Feather", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** ".15"
## Year: 1962, 703 Event(s), (Back to Top)
### Event 22683 (960C4477)
**Date:** 1962
**Location:** New Mexico
**Description:** Robert Barry, 1978: In 1962 a tracked UFO crashed in New Mexico after flight issues. Two dead 42 inch alien bodies recovered and taken to medical facility for study. UFO taken to SW military base.
**Type:** crash retrieval
**Reference:** [Leonard Stringfield's 1978 MUFON Symposium](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/1978_Mufon_Symposium_Stringfield.pdf)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_984
### Event 22684 (94BEBFD6)
**Date:** 1962
**Location:** AUSTRALIA, Brisbane
**Description:** (Translated from French) This 65-year-old bar waitress had never seen anything like it in her life. On a hot night, a customer entered the bar wearing a raincoat and a scarf. He asked for rum and demanded to add Tia Maria to it. After drinking several of this concoction, he seemed completely drunk. One of the bar guards then approached him with the intention of gently putting him out. The visitor disappeared on the spot, his body and clothes vanished into nothingness before their eyes.
**Reference:** UFORQLD UFORA91064 QA90026 - Keith Basterfield.
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2247
### Event 22685 (BFCA91B0)
**Date:** 1962
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) The fuel tank of [Groom Lake](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/Area51.html) is completed, with a capacity of 1320000 gallons. (Beginning of the Year)
**Reference:** McIninch
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1962.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1938
### Event 22686 (E8DD7C91)
**Date:** 1962
**Location:** CIA’s National Photographic Interpretation Center
**Description:** According to a “former Project Blue Book Chief” \(probably Maj. [Friend](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert%5FFriend%5F%28pilot%29)\) gun-camera films obtained during jet interceptor UFO chases are routinely referred to the CIA’s National Photographic Interpretation Center \(established in 1961\) for analysis. [Richard H. Hall](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard%5FH.%5FHall) writes, “This cannot be documented at present, but I heard him say so to a UFO researcher colleague. None of the photoanalysis data in these cases has been released, nor has the existence of these films ever been acknowledged.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Richard H. Hall, Uninvited Guests, Aurora, 1988, p. 179
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3581
### Event 22687 (0EDADF37)
**Date:** 1962
**Location:** NASA
**Description:** The Air Force tries once again to get rid of the UFO program, but its attempts to get NASA or the National Science Foundation to handle the program prove futile. It finally gives up the entire idea. The program remains at FTD as a special project and without expanded resources.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Jacobs, UFO Controversy in America, Signet ed., 1976, [p. 164](https://archive.org/details/ufocontroversyin00jaco/page/160/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3582
### Event 22688 (15FDC147)
**Date:** 1962
**Locations:** Wichita, Kansas; air base in the southwest
**Description:** Day. An Air Force pilot is flying a brand new B-52 with a full crew out of Wichita, Kansas, headed for an air base in the southwest. He notices a bright flash of sunlight in his left side and turns to see a metallic object “like polished chrome.” It is pacing the aircraft near its left wingtip. The object is 4–8 feet in diameter and has no seams or markings. His First Officer is watching an identical object off the right wing, and the crewman in the tail reports that there is a round shiny metal ball following close behind the B-52. The top and bottom gunners also see spheres above and below the plane. The pilot goes into an evasive maneuver, but after 10–15 minutes the objects are maintaining their positions. He returns to his previous assigned altitude and heading. After a few minutes, the five objects leave, one at a time, first the bottom one, then the top, then the tail. The two objects on the wings shoot away at the same time and climb out of sight parallel to each other. After landing, the crew is told not to talk about the sighting at all.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Richard F. Haines, “NARCAP’s Project Sphere: Are Spherical UAP a Threat to Aviation Safety?” IUR 33, no. 2 \(July 2010\): 5–6
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3583
### Event 22689 (407BB065)
**Date:** 1962
**Locations:** Desert; Yuma, Arizona
**Description:** 12:00 midnight. Actor [Jamie Farr](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jamie%5FFarr) and his wife Joy Ann are driving through the desert near Yuma, Arizona, when they notice a light moving erratically at the top of a mountain. It zig-zags across the sky as it approaches them, moving to within 150 feet, then 60 feet of their vehicle. They can see two lights, red and blue, revolving beneath the silent object. It paces them for a short time then moves away at incredible speed.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Jamie and Joy Farr Report](http://cufos.org/CUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter/1980%5FCUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter%5FV1.pdf) [UFO Sighting,](http://cufos.org/CUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter/1980%5FCUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter%5FV1.pdf)” CUFOS Associate Newsletter 1, no. 8 \(December 1980\): 3, 5
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3584
### Event 22690 (FA623A36)
**Date:** 1962
**Description:** The Argentine Navy creates a permanent commission for the study of UFOs, and the Argentine Air Force establishes a division for the same purpose.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos, “[Argentina: UFO Declassification,](https://web.archive.org/web/100/https://www.uapsg.com/2020/07/argentina-ufo-declassification.html)” UAPSG–GEFAI, July 29, 2020
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3585
### Event 22691 (DB11D870)
**Date:** 1962
**Location:** Paris, France
**Description:** [René](https://data.bnf.fr/fr/12606509/rene%5Ffouere/) and [Françine Fouéré](http://www.euroufo.net/tag/rene-fouere/) establish the Groupe d’Étude des Phénomènes Aériens in Paris, France, with an initial group of 60 interested members. The following year GEPA launches a magazine, Phénomènes Spatiaux, which is published through 1978. In 1964, [Lionel-Max Chassin](https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lionel-Max%5FChassin)[,](https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lionel-Max%5FChassin) now retired from the army, takes over as president.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Group d’Étude des Phénomènes Aériens](https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Groupe%5Fd%27%C3%A9tude%5Fdes%5Fph%C3%A9nom%C3%A8nes%5Fa%C3%A9riens)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3586
### Event 22692 (44BDCECB)
**Date:** 1962
**Description:** French composer [Paul Misraki](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul%5FMisraki) writes Les Extraterrestres using the pseudonym Paul Thomas. He links modern UFO sightings with biblical and mythological tales and claims that angels are aliens, that the Bible and other ancient texts are filled with many UFO flying saucer sightings, and that throughout human history extraterrestrial visitors have intervened in human affairs. Misraki is also one of the first authors to suggest that apparitions may be UFO-related phenomena.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Paul Thomas \[Paul Misraki\], Les Extraterrestres, Plon, 1962; Jerome Clark, “Vimanas Have Landed: Ancient Astronautics in Ufology,” IUR 22, no. 3 \(Fall 1997\): 28–29
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3587
### Event 22693 (AE2F431F)
**Date:** 1962
**Description:** Ufologist Richard H. Hall claims a “former **Project Blue Book** chief,” possibly Lt. Col. Robert J. Friend, tells him gun-camera films from jet encounters with UAP are regularly sent to the CIA’s National Photographic Interpretation Center. The source alleges key evidence is being held by NPIC and the existence of the films are not acknowledged.
* [https://www.amazon.com/Uninvited-Guests-Documented-Sightings-Encounters/dp/0943358329](https://www.amazon.com/Uninvited-Guests-Documented-Sightings-Encounters/dp/0943358329) (p179)
* (p99-101)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_101
### Event 22694 (919BE7FC)
**Date:** 1962
**Description:** USNR test pilot “PJ” states he saw a saucer at WPAFB in 1962 while attached to the 354th TAC Fighter Wing deployed to WPAFB on a hurricane evacuation from Myrtle Beach AFB. He and five men walked through the base looking for a gym and entered the Special Services Hangar and burst through the doors only to see an air police sentry with a sub-machine gun guarding a 12-15 foot by 8 foot object saucer with no rivets, roped off, guarded by eight guards. The guard told them “I don’t think you’re supposed to be here, Sir,” to which they left and believed the US developed flying saucers.
When he returned to Myrtle Beach AFB he was debriefed by his Brig. Gen. and was told he broke security, asked if he saw anything (to which he replied nothing), to which the Brig. Gen. Said “You have the right answer to the question.” PJ had a TS clearance that allowed him to fully research gaining valuable insight otherwise impossible. PJ was puzzled by the lack of security and wasn’t in a test facility, suggesting that it was near the flight line because it had just arrived or was awaiting deployment.
* [https://www.earthfiles.com/2005/03/13/part-4-ufo-crashretrievals-status-report-iii-amassing-the-evidence/](https://www.earthfiles.com/2005/03/13/part-4-ufo-crashretrievals-status-report-iii-amassing-the-evidence/)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_102
### Event 22695 (57305111)
**Date:** 1/1962?
**Time:** 12:00?
**Location:** ALPORTEL, PRT
**Description:** UFO / mountain top. Hole found. 3 3M tunnels go deep into mountainside!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BALLESTER OLMOS, Vicente-Juan: CATALOG of 200 TYPE-1 EVENTS in SPAIN & PORTUGAL; CUFOS 1976. (Index 8)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6591
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HOX:** Suspicion of hoax, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Portugal", **Credibility:** "4", **Duration:** "100", **HatchDesc:** "ALPORTEL,PRT:UFO/MTN TOP:HOLE FOUND:3 3M TUNNELS GO DEEP INTO MOUNTAINSIDE!", **LatLong:** "37.433335 -7.916667", **LatLongDMS:** "37:26:00 N 07:55:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.433335,-7.916667)", **State/Prov:** "Algarve", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 22696 (D782C450)
**Date:** 1/1962
**Location:** Groom Lake, Nevada
**Description:** The Federal Aviation Administration expands the restricted airspace in the vicinity of Groom Lake, Nevada, and the lakebed becomes the center of a 600-square-mile addition to restricted area R-4808N.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Area](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Area%5F51) [51](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Area%5F51)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3588
### Event 22697 (276D706A)
**Date:** 1/1962
**Description:** The IBM 7950 Harvest computer, designed to be used for cryptanalysis, is delivered to the National Security Agency. It includes Tractor, a large automated tape cartridge library. An NSA-conducted evaluation finds that Harvest is more powerful than the best commercially available machine by a factor of 50–200, depending on the task. It remains in use until 1976. One purpose of the machine is to search text for keywords from a watchlist. From a single foreign cipher system, Harvest is able to scan more than 7 million decrypts for any occurrences of some 7,000 key words in under four hours. The computer is also used for codebreaking, and this is enhanced by a system codenamed Rye, which allows remote access to Harvest.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[IBM 7950 Harvest](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IBM%5F7950%5FHarvest)”; “[Timeline of](http://archive.computerhistory.org/resources/text/IBM/Stretch/102636400.txt) [the IBM Stretch/Harvest Era \(1956–1961\),](http://archive.computerhistory.org/resources/text/IBM/Stretch/102636400.txt)” computerhistory.org
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3589
### Event 22698 (587E5A91)
**Date:** 1/8/1962
**Time:** night
**Location:** Catamarca, Argentina
**Description:** A truck driver and two other men observed two powerful lights lost sight of thern, but later saw a craft on the ground 150 m to the side of the road. It took off at high speed when illuminated by the headlights. Farther away, two objects maneuvered above the road leading to La Bajada. As the police were driving to the scene, they saw one of the craft on the ground near Loma Brava.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** CODOVNI 1962 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_527
### Event 22699 (566DAD53)
**Date:** 1/9/1962
**Time:** 03:00
**Location:** AMADORES, ARG
**Description:** Cops and 3. 2 night lights pace truck. 2 domed objects / roadside. Zigzag off. / r8#527.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 12)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6592
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "20", **Elev:** "803", **HatchDesc:** "AMADORES,ARG:COPS+3:2 NLTS PACE TRUCK:2 DOMED OBJS/ROADSIDE:ZIGZAG OFF:/r8#527", **LatLong:** "-28.283335 -65.650003", **LatLongDMS:** "28:17:00 S 65:39:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-28.283335,-65.650003)", **State/Prov:** "CTM", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 22700 (F7D3D15C)
**Date:** 1/9/1962
**Time:** 16:30:00.1
**Location:** 37.0446 -116.0351
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Stoat” Yield: 5.1KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_206
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0446 -116.0351", **LatLongDMS:** "37:02:41 N 116:02:06 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0446,-116.0351)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.30", **NukeMb:** "4.20", **NukeName:** "Stoat", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "5.1"
### Event 22701 (52143D4D)
**Date:** 1/12/1962
**Location:** Winnemucca AFB, NV
**Description:** (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2555
### Event 22702 (5E3926D9)
**Date:** 1/15/1962
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) The restricted airspace just above [Groom Lake](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/Area51.html) \(R-4808\) is extended to 22 [nautical miles](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/unites.html\#NM) by 20. The basis of this extension is a request from the Air Force Department citing an immediate and urgent need for a secret project. This creates the "Groom Box" as it exists today \(27 FR 205\). (January 15)
**Reference:** Federal Register
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1962.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1939
### Event 22703 (385A7A46)
**Date:** 1/16/1962
**Time:** 22:00?
**Location:** RIO DJ, BRAZIL
**Description:** 3 observer(s). 45cm cylinder/cigar-shape scouts rooms in house. Earthquake same night.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 338)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6593
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "11", **HatchDesc:** "RIO DJ,BRZL:3 OBS:45cm CGR SCOUTS ROOMS in HOUSE:earthquake same nite", **LatLong:** "-22.916668 -43.233335", **LatLongDMS:** "22:55:00 S 43:14:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-22.916668,-43.233335)", **RelAlt:** "2", **State/Prov:** "RDJ", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 22704 (094B7E84)
**Date:** 1/18/1962
**Time:** 18:00:00.1
**Location:** 37.0473 -116.0344
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Agouti” Yield: 6.4KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_207
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0473 -116.0344", **LatLongDMS:** "37:02:50 N 116:02:04 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0473,-116.0344)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.26", **NukeMb:** "4.50", **NukeName:** "Agouti", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "6.4"
### Event 22705 (B32DC8A3)
**Date:** 1/22/1962
**Location:** Kirksville, MO
**Description:** (McDonald list) FPS-6A Height Finder Tracks UFO (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** NICAP: [620122](http://www.nicap.org/620122kirksville%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2556
### Event 22706 (1E815BCE)
**Date:** 1/23/1962 (approximate)
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** MOLINOS DAM, ARG
**Description:** Many observer(s). 15 5-10M UFO's land / Dike and float / reservoir 200M away / Arg. Army.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 12)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6594
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "180", **Elev:** "500", **HatchDesc:** "MOLINOS DAM,ARG:MANY OBS:15 5-10M UFOS LAND/DIKE+FLOAT/RSVR 200M away/ARG.ARMY", **LatLong:** "-32.166668 -64.416670", **LatLongDMS:** "32:10:00 S 64:25:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-32.166668,-64.416670)", **State/Prov:** "CRD", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 22707 (0C625450)
**Date:** 1/26/1962
**Location:** USA
**Reference:** "Conquest of Space" - Thomas de Galiana, ed. Larousse Poche, 1967, p. 236
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2217
### Event 22708 (9CD64BAD)
**Date:** 1/29/1962
**Location:** NETHERLANDS, in flight, (east of the country)
**Description:** (Translated from French) A pilot of the Royal Dutch Air Force experienced an encounter on January 29, 1962. Crossing an unknown object to the east of Holland, he commanded it to descend on several radio frequencies. As the UFO gave no response, he prepared to attack. His F 86, Sabre, was armed with 4 20 mm cannons and a rocket. Cannons armed, rocket in launch position, he sped forward at full power. But he did not have time to get close enough to adjust his aim. The UFO, in one stroke, had put itself out of range.
**Reference:** Donald KEYHOE: "The Strangers from Space" 1973 - Trans. Presses Pocket 1975 - p. 62
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2218
### Event 22709 (5D2644AA)
**Date:** 1/29/1962
**Time:** ~15:00
**Location:** EAST HOLLAND
**Description:** RDAF F86 radios saucer. No response. Can't catch going quickly east. Ground and air RADAR's / r47p51.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 29)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6595
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RDR:** Radar traces/blips, **MIL:** Military investigation
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Belgium, Netherlandsand Luxembourg", **Credibility:** "5", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "E.HOLLAND:RDAF F86 RADIOS SCR:NO RESPONSE:CAN'T CATCH >>E:GND+AIR RDRS/r47p51", **LatLong:** "53.000003 6.500000", **LatLongDMS:** "53:00:00 N 06:30:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/53.000003,6.500000)", **State/Prov:** "Netherlands", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 22710 (9F832F12)
**Date:** 1/29/1962
**Location:** Eastern Holland, Holland
**Description:** Eastern Holland, G,A,V (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Rating: 5)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2557
### Event 22711 (958E3508)
**Date:** 1/29/1962
**Location:** eastern Netherlands
**Description:** A Royal Dutch Air Force pilot flying an F-86 Sabrejet sights a UFO over eastern Netherlands. The jet’s radar also picks up the object and control tower radar \(somewhere\) is also tracking it. He attempts to give the object an urgent warning by radio, but it goes unheeded. He arms a Sidewinder rocket and tries to close in, but the UFO pulls away swiftly before he can fire.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[New Sightings by Navy, FAA, and Airline Observers: Dutch Jet](http://www.cufos.org/UFOI%5Fand%5FSelected%5FDocuments/UFOI/017%20AUG-SEPT%201962.pdf) [Pilot Tries to Down UFO,](http://www.cufos.org/UFOI%5Fand%5FSelected%5FDocuments/UFOI/017%20AUG-SEPT%201962.pdf)” UFO Investigator 2, no. 5 \(Aug./Sept. 1962\): 1–2
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3590
### Event 22712 (87F1903A)
**Date:** 1/29/1962
**Description:** A Royal Dutch Air Force F-86 jet interceptor was chased by a UFO over the eastern Netherlands. The event was witnessed by six members of the military and the UFO was detected by ground and airborne radar.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP UFO Investigator, September 1962, p. 1; Richard Hall, The UFO Evidence, p. 122; Dominique Weinstein, Aircraft UFO Encounters, p. 33
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_574
### Event 22713 (DA9FDF27)
**Date:** 1/30/1962
**Time:** 18:00:00.1
**Location:** 37.0468 -116.0395
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Dormouse” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_208
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0468 -116.0395", **LatLongDMS:** "37:02:48 N 116:02:22 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0468,-116.0395)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.36", **NukeName:** "Dormouse", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 22714 (5465B417)
**Date:** 2/1962
**Time:** 12:00?
**Location:** BORJAS BLANCAS, SP
**Description:** 3 dark discs on edge! Approach trees. Going quickly northwest. Never rotate..
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BALLESTER OLMOS, Vicente-Juan: CATALOG of 200 TYPE-1 EVENTS in SPAIN & PORTUGAL; CUFOS 1976. (Index 8)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6596
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "35", **HatchDesc:** "BORJAS BLANCAS,SP:3 DARK DISCS ON EDGE!:APPROACH TREES:>>NW:NEVER ROTATE..", **LatLong:** "41.483335 0.883333", **LatLongDMS:** "41:29:00 N 00:53:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.483335,0.883333)", **State/Prov:** "LRD", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 22715 (B9384039)
**Date:** 2/1962
**Description:** [Richard M. Bissell Jr.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard%5FM.%5FBissell%5FJr) leaves the CIA and is replaced as head of the Directorate of Plans by [Richard Helms](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard%5FHelms). February — Maj. [William T. Coleman](http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread1243564/pg1) is replaced as Pentagon UFO spokesman by Maj. [Carl R. Hart](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/63582043/carl-robert-hart).
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3591
### Event 22716 (34B633D1)
**Date:** 2/1962
**Description:** Vice-Admiral [Roscoe Hillenkoetter](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roscoe%5FH.%5FHillenkoetter) resigns from NICAP, stating that NICAP has gone as far as it can and should no longer criticize USAF investigations.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Keyhoe, Aliens from Space, Signet ed., 1974, [pp. 85–86](https://archive.org/details/aliensfromspacer00keyh/page/84/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3592
### Event 22717 (8F9E2692)
**Date:** 2/1962
**Description:** The [Hills](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barney%5Fand%5FBetty%5FHill) begin making numerous trips over several months to try to find their encounter site but are unsuccessful.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clark III 583
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3593
### Event 22718 (BE854C8F)
**Date:** 2/1962
**Locations:** Mosborough; Sheffield; England
**Description:** Alec Birch, 14, snaps an out-of-focus photo of five domed discs that he and two friends see hovering 500 feet above his backyard in Mosborough, Sheffield, England. Alec and his father show the photo later to the Air Ministry, which pronounces them “temperature inversions” in October. However, in an interview on BBC-2 television on October 6, 1972, Alec confesses that he had superimposed images painted on glass over the backyard scenery, fooling even his father.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Schoolboy Snaps Saucer,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%2C1962%2CSep-Oct%2CV%208%2CN%205.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 8, no. 5 \(Sept./Oct. 1962\): 4; Gordon Creighton, “[‘No Kidding This Time. My Flying Saucers Photo](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%202000%20V%2045%20N%202.pdf) [Is](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%202000%20V%2045%20N%202.pdf) [Genuine!’ \(–Alec Birch\),](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%202000%20V%2045%20N%202.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 45, no. 2 \(Summer 2000\): 9–11; Clark III 603
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3594
### Event 22719 (E7C274C9)
**Date:** 2/2/1962
**Time:** 08:00:00.2
**Location:** 49.7775 78.0016
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: .001KT YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1174
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.7775 78.0016", **LatLongDMS:** "49:46:39 N 78:00:06 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.7775,78.0016)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "BOCHAROV", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** ".001", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 22720 (C69FA827)
**Date:** 2/6/1962
**Location:** US
**Description:** The Air Force issued the last "fact sheet" (No. 179-62) of the old style, then dropped that format.
**Type:** USAF fact sheets
**Reference:** ["The UFO Evidence" (1964) by Richard H. Hall, page 106-108](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Reference:** ["Report on Unidentified Flying Objects" (Dec. 1956) by Capt. Edward J. Ruppelt](https://archive.org/details/reportonunidenti00rupp/mode/1up)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_894
### Event 22721 (E5FF50BB)
**Date:** 2/6/1962
**Description:** USAF issues the last of its UFO fact sheets \(no. 179-62\). In the future it will issue press releases.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** UFOEv, [p. 108](https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=mdp.39015006091691&view=1up&seq=120&skin=2021)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3595
### Event 22722 (CE5991E0)
**Date:** 2/7/1962
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Statement from the [ATIC](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/ATIC.html): Nothing has been able to prove that any of the 7369 unidentified objects reported since 1947 is an extraterrestrial vehicle. (February 7)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1962.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1940
### Event 22723 (5C553223)
**Date:** 2/7/1962
**Location:** Kennebunkport, ME
**Description:** The president of an advertising agency saw a bright red hemispherical UFO which hovered, then suddenly sped away. \[NICAP UFOE, VII\] (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2558
### Event 22724 (4A8E2DFB)
**Date:** 2/8/1962
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** N38 EAST / CATAMARCA, ARG
**Description:** 1 / car and 2+cops. UFO takes off. 1 lands / Loma Brava / CODOVNI'62.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 106)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6597
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "20", **Elev:** "510", **HatchDesc:** "N38 E/CATAMARCA,ARG:1/CAR+2+COPS:UFO TAKES OFF:1 LANDS/LOMA BRAVA/CODOVNI'62", **LatLong:** "-28.466668 -65.666670", **LatLongDMS:** "28:28:00 S 65:40:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-28.466668,-65.666670)", **State/Prov:** "CTM", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 22725 (03E19362)
**Date:** 2/8/1962
**Time:** 18:00:00.2
**Location:** 37.1273 -116.0527
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Stillwater” Yield: 3.07KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_209
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1273 -116.0527", **LatLongDMS:** "37:07:38 N 116:03:10 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1273,-116.0527)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.18", **NukeName:** "Stillwater", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "3.07"
### Event 22726 (31A6DFCF)
**Date:** 2/9/1962
**Time:** 03:30
**Description:** Domed saucer 10M / road. Car slows. Portholes. / r8#528+/ r70p3-78.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RODEGHIER, Mark/CUFOS: UFO REPORTS INVOLVING VEHICLE INTERFERENCE; CUFOS 1979. Available as CUFOS UFO Archive #1 CD-ROM. http://www.cufos.org/Pubform.pdf (Index 19)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6598
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "ASTON CLINTON,BUCKs:DOMED SCR 10M/ROAD:CAR SLOWS:PORTHOLES:/r8#528+/r70p3-78", **LatLong:** "51.800002 -0.722222", **LatLongDMS:** "51:48:00 N 00:43:20 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.800002,-0.722222)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 22727 (36D793B4)
**Date:** 2/9/1962
**Location:** Ashton Clinton, Beds., UK
**Description:** Car motor lost power, headlights not affected, as UFO passed ahead of car (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2559
### Event 22728 (A0CF6E01)
**Date:** 2/9/1962
**Time:** 0330
**Location:** Aston Clinton, Great Britain
**Description:** Mr. Wildam, of Luton, noticed that his car was gradually losing speed as he approached a bright, oval thing hovering 10 m above the road. The object was surrounded by a glow, and left at high speed very suddenly.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** FSR 62, 2 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_528
### Event 22729 (3D5E5ACE)
**Date:** 2/9/1962
**Time:** 16:30:00.1
**Location:** 37.0436 -116.0389
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Armadillo” Yield: 7.1KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_210
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0436 -116.0389", **LatLongDMS:** "37:02:37 N 116:02:20 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0436,-116.0389)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.24", **NukeName:** "Armadillo", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "7.1"
### Event 22730 (BFBC5D85)
**Date:** 2/9/1962
**Description:** Mr. R. Wildman was driving along a road in Aston Clinton, England taking a new car to Swansea for delivery, when at 3:30 a.m. he encountered a 40-foot wide oval-shaped domed disc with black marks around the rim, 20-30 feet above the ground. The object seemed metallic, was white in color with portholes, and made no sound. The car's engine stopped when he was 20 meters away, but the headlights remained on. The incident lasted five minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Richard Hall, The UFO Evidence (Volume I), p. 75; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 538; Geoffrey Falla, BUFORA Vehicle Interference Project, p. 24; Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, p. 19; Leonard Cramp, Piece for a Jig-Saw, p. 214; Thomas M. Olsen, The Reference for Outstanding UFO Sighting Reports, case 129
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_770
### Event 22731 (A2B9B3B7)
**Date:** 2/10/1962
**Locations:** Glienicke Bridge; Potsdam; West Berlin, Germany
**Description:** CIA pilot [Francis Gary Powers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Francis%5FGary%5FPowers) is exchanged for Soviet spy [Rudolf Abel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rudolf%5FAbel) on the Glienicke Bridge that connects Potsdam to West Berlin, Germany.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3596
### Event 22732 (25FB2850)
**Date:** 2/11/1962
**Time:** 16:00?
**Location:** CARACAS, VNZ
**Description:** Astronomer and many / park. 16 UFO's / different formations east going quickly west. Some / high altitude.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO EVIDENCE; NICAP,Washington, DC 1964. Reprinted 1997 Barnes & Noble Books ( only $7.98! ) (Index 121)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6599
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Venezuela", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "910", **HatchDesc:** "CARACAS,VNZ:ASTRONOMER+MANY/PARK:16 UFOS/DIFF.FORMns E>>W:SOME/HIGH alt:", **LatLong:** "10.516667 -66.933337", **LatLongDMS:** "10:31:00 N 66:56:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/10.516667,-66.933337)", **State/Prov:** "CAR", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 22733 (0FDCC304)
**Date:** 2/11/1962
**Location:** Parque del Este, Caracas, Venezuela
**Description:** UFOs, described as "a body giving off a brilliant light. . . moving at great altitude as if towards the moon." \[NICAP UFO Evidence, X\] (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2560
### Event 22734 (57B6BA24)
**Date:** 2/12/1962
**Location:** Winnemucca AFB, NV
**Description:** (McDonald list) Object Tracked By AN/FPS-9 at 74,000' (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** NICAP: [620212](http://www.nicap.org/620212winne%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2561
### Event 22735 (D34539D0)
**Date:** 2/15/1962
**Time:** 18:00:00.1
**Location:** 37.2263 -116.0593
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Hard Hat” Yield: 5.7KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_211
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.2263 -116.0593", **LatLongDMS:** "37:13:35 N 116:03:33 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.2263,-116.0593)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.29", **NukeName:** "Hard Hat", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "5.7"
### Event 22736 (360D46FF)
**Date:** 2/19/1962
**Location:** Dauphin Island, AL
**Description:** Reddish-orange object change shape from round to cigar shape covered with fog (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2562
### Event 22737 (0C9E7787)
**Date:** 2/19/1962
**Time:** 16:30:00.1
**Location:** 37.0491 -116.0295
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Chinchilla” Yield: 1.9KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_212
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0491 -116.0295", **LatLongDMS:** "37:02:57 N 116:01:46 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0491,-116.0295)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.15", **NukeMb:** "4.20", **NukeName:** "Chinchilla", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "1.9"
### Event 22738 (EB0F53FA)
**Date:** 2/19/1962
**Time:** 17:50:00.2
**Location:** 37.1274 -116.0371
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Codsaw” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_213
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1274 -116.0371", **LatLongDMS:** "37:07:39 N 116:02:14 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1274,-116.0371)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.21", **NukeName:** "Codsaw", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 22739 (E54F5F8B)
**Date:** 2/19/1962
**Description:** Three commercial fishermen driving south on the Dauphin Island Toll Bridge Causeway in Alabama saw a reddish-orange object to the south at about 10° elevation at 6:00 p.m. It changed shape from a round spherical object to an ellipsoidal, football shape, and then became covered with a (possibly artificially produced) fog.The object was estimated to be about one-third the apparent diameter of the sun. They stopped the car to call Dauphin Island AFS radar site (693rd Radar Squadron), which by coincidence happened to have two airmen driving north on the causeway in the opposite direction, and who also saw the object to the west. It was therefore possible to triangulate the object's location at about 30°16' N, 88° 10' W, and between 2-5 miles away from the civilian observers; the object's actual size was computed to be at least 30 feet in length. No radar contact was reported. Venus had set 30 minutes earlier.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Robert D. Boyd, A Comparative Unit, p. 89; UNICAT, case # 449; Francis Ridge, www.nicap.com\Chronology\1962 UFO Chronology.htm
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_995
### Event 22740 (92322FE4)
**Date:** 2/20/1962
**Location:** USA
**Description:** (Translated from French) LAUNCH OF THE FIRST AMERICAN HABITABLE SATELLITE (GLENN) "FRIENDSHIP VII" (1305 KG) RECOVERED THE SAME DAY. ("Astronautics, Pierre Rousseau, Hachette 1965, p. 63) Mercury Capsule. John Glenn sees three flying objects. (Philippe SCHNEYDER: "UFO, first balance" - ed. du Rocher 1983, p. 232) (Jean-Francis CROLARD: "The enigma of the E.T." - ed. Guy TREDANIEL 1995, p. 34) At the moment of re-entry into the atmosphere, he claims to have seen through the upper window "a ball of fire" following the cabin. (S. DELLO STROLOGO: "What Governments hide from you about UFOs" - De Vecchi 1975- p. 181-182) John Glenn, piloting his Mercury capsule, sees three objects following and passing him at different speeds.
**Reference:** We would really like the three objects to be objectively described, right? Maybe they are just bolts, belts, panels, part of his own launch???
**Reference:** J. Allen HYNEK and Jacques VALLEE: "At the limits of reality" - ed. Albin Michel 1978, p 83
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2219
### Event 22741 (18375F65)
**Date:** 2/20/1962
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Glenn's flight aboard a [*Mercury*](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/Mercury.html) capsule. (February 20)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1962.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1941
### Event 22742 (BEE0B348)
**Date:** 2/20/1962
**Description:** John Glenn sees 3 small objects follow and overtake capsule / different speeds.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HYNEK & VALLEE: The EDGE of REALITY, A Progress Report, Chicago, Regnery 1975. 301pp 24cm (Index 63)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6600
**Attributes:** **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Earth Orbit or seen from space stations/capsules", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "MERCURY CAPSULE:JOHN GLENN SEES 3 SMALL OBJs FOLO+OVERTAKE CAPSULE/DIFF.SPEEDS", **LatLong:** "90.000004 -0.000000", **LatLongDMS:** "90:00:00 N 00:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/90.000004,-0.000000)", **State/Prov:** "USA", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 22743 (5438FEA5)
**Date:** 2/20/1962
**Description:** Astronaut [John Glenn](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John%5FGlenn) pilots the [Friendship 7](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mercury-Atlas%5F6) Project Mercury capsule for three orbits and just short of 5 hours flying time, becoming the first American to orbit the earth.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Mercury-Atlas 6](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mercury-Atlas%5F6)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3597
### Event 22744 (197A3041)
**Date:** 2/23/1962
**Time:** 18:00:00.2
**Location:** 37.1289 -116.0483
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Cimarron” Yield: 11.9KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_214
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1289 -116.0483", **LatLongDMS:** "37:07:44 N 116:02:54 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1289,-116.0483)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.30", **NukeName:** "Cimarron", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "11.9"
### Event 22745 (987A999B)
**Date:** 2/24/1962
**Time:** 16:30:00.1
**Location:** 37.0483 -116.0319
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Platypus” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_215
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0483 -116.0319", **LatLongDMS:** "37:02:54 N 116:01:55 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0483,-116.0319)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.06", **NukeName:** "Platypus", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 22746 (70F7686C)
**Date:** 2/24/1962
**Description:** NORAD Requirement 64-73 states that its radar coverage “would provide warning from all directions, not just northern approaches.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clark III 811
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3598
### Event 22747 (8589F7A3)
**Date:** 2/25/1962
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Sighting in Kotzebue \(Alaska\). (February 25)
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#7818 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1962.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1942
### Event 22748 (807DAF55)
**Date:** 2/25/1962
**Time:** 19:20
**Location:** KOTZEBUE, AK
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #7818. 7 observer(s). Blue saucer follows red saucer SSW going NNE. No planes / balloons near.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SCIENCE & MECHANICS (eds.) OFFICIAL GUIDE to UFO'S; Ace Books, NY. 1968. (Index 171)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6601
**Attributes:** **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "KOTZEBUE,AK:BBK#7818:7 OBS:BLU SCR FOLOS RED SCR SSW>NNE:NO PLANES/BALLOONS nr", **LatLong:** "66.900003 -162.583341", **LatLongDMS:** "66:54:00 N 162:35:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/66.900003,-162.583341)", **State/Prov:** "Alaska", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 22749 (D78CF29B)
**Date:** 2/25/1962
**Location:** Kotzebue, AK
**Description:** Red light, trailed 30 secs later by a blue light (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 7818)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2563
### Event 22750 (EDEC4DA7)
**Date:** 2/25/1962
**Time:** 7:20 PM
**Location:** Kotzbue, Alaska
**Description:** Witnesses: one U.S. Army private, six anonymous civilians. One red light, trailed 30 seconds later by a blue light. Sighting lasted 5 minutes.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_470
### Event 22751 (C32921E5)
**Date:** 2/25/1962
**Description:** An Army private and six civilians in Kotzbue, Alaska sighted a red light in the night sky at 7:20 p.m. It was followed 30 seconds later by a blue light. The entire sighting lasted five minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Don Berliner, Project Bluebook UFO Unknowns
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1099
### Event 22752 (D8E0FC09)
**Date:** 2/26/1962
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) The first A-12 *Blackbird* \(\#121\) is trucked to Groom for testing. (February 26)
**Reference:** McIninch
**Reference:** Rich 1994 mentions January
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1962.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1943
### Event 22753 (48E5DA11)
**Date:** 2/28/1962
**Locations:** Groom Lake, Nevada; Burbank, California
**Description:** The first A-12 test aircraft covertly arrives at Groom Lake, Nevada, from Burbank, California.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Area 51](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Area%5F51)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3599
### Event 22754 (3AD461C5)
**Date:** 3/1962
**Location:** CORDOBA, ARG
**Description:** 2 astronomy students photograph disk / 2000' altitude. Leaves crimson trail / sky.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLAMMONDE, Paris: The AGE of FLYING SAUCERS; Hawthorne Books, NY 1971 (Index 160)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6602
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "384", **HatchDesc:** "CORDOBA,ARG:2 ASTRONOMY STUDENTS FOTO DISK/2000'alt:LEAVES CRIMSON TRAIL/SKY", **LatLong:** "-31.383335 -64.183336", **LatLongDMS:** "31:23:00 S 64:11:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-31.383335,-64.183336)", **RelAlt:** "600", **State/Prov:** "CRD", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 22755 (A64DF7FF)
**Date:** 3/1962
**Time:** 17:30
**Location:** ZIBELLO, ITL
**Description:** Man / river Po. 5M red-yellow disk / surface. Suddenly quickly going up [to] to clouds!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** ITACAT, Catalogo Italiano degli Incontri Ravvicinati. Maurizio Verga, 1989 CISU/Torino, Italy. (Index 52)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6603
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **SUB:** Submersible: Rises from or submerges into water, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Italy", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "ZIBELLO,ITL:MAN/RIVER PO:5M RED-YLW DISK/SURFACE:SUDDENLY ↑↑ TO CLOUDS!", **LatLong:** "45.016669 10.133334", **LatLongDMS:** "45:01:00 N 10:08:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.016669,10.133334)", **State/Prov:** "PR", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 22756 (B520D519)
**Date:** 3/1962
**Locations:** Soviet Union; US; Russia
**Description:** Chemical engineer [Leon Davidson](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leon%5FDavidson) writes a two-part article in Saucer News explaining how he has become convinced that the CIA, especially under the influence of [Allen Dulles](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allen%5FDulles), has engineered disinformation about UFOs and even manufactured some seemingly legitimate radar sightings as a tool in the Cold War. Its aim is to cause the Soviet Union to waste time and effort in preparing defenses against fictitious aircraft and weapons that the US might be developing. Furthermore, UFOs can be used to capture headlines, diverting attention from unwelcome news coverage of espionage operations. Davidson writes that Dulles has resorted to using contactees and UFO organizations as a propaganda vehicle. Messages supposedly from spacemen calling for a halt in nuclear testing could influence public opinion in a test ban treaty that, in effect, would benefit the US more than the Russians, since the Soviets were seen as overtaking the American lead in weapons development. Davidson attributes CIA involvement in the claims of [George Adamski](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George%5FAdamski) and [Daniel Fry](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daniel%5FFry). He also points out that electronic countermeasures \(ECM\) equipment is capable of creating fake radar returns and goes so far as to say that secret working models of saucers, perhaps piloted by “midgets,” are responsible for some sightings.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Leon Davidson, “An Open Letter to Saucer Researchers,” Saucer News, March 1962, April 1962; Leon Davidson, “[ECM + CIA =](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%2C1960%2CMar-Apr%2CV%206%2CN%202.pdf) [UFO: Or, How to Cause Radar Sightings,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%2C1960%2CMar-Apr%2CV%206%2CN%202.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 6, no. 2 \(March/April 1960\): 9–12; Gerald K. Haines, “[CIA’s Role in the Study of UFOs, 1947–90,](https://www.cia.gov/static/105bd8290b90de13ee136fecc9fe863f/cia-role-study-UFOs.pdf)” Studies in Intelligence 40, no. 5 \(1997\): 67–84
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3600
### Event 22757 (2906DD71)
**Date:** 3/1962
**Locations:** Georgetown, Massachusetts; Baldpate Sanitarium
**Description:** [Betty and Barney Hill](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barney%5Fand%5FBetty%5FHill) meet with Patrick J. Quirke, a psychiatrist at the Baldpate Sanitarium in Georgetown, Massachusetts, but he is unsympathetic and discourages them from undergoing hypnosis.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clark III 583
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3601
### Event 22758 (1E3E35F7)
**Date:** 3/1/1962
**Location:** USA, Salem, New York.
**Description:** (Translated from French) 10:35 p.m. Witness: Mrs. L. Doxsey, 66 years old. A golden box approximately 30 cm by 10 cm flew horizontally on the horizon for 3 to 4 minutes.
**Reference:** 'Project Blue Book - cfr Don Berliner
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2220
### Event 22759 (308D8BCA)
**Date:** 3/1/1962
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Observation in Salem \(New York\).
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#7823 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1962.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1944
### Event 22760 (4F5D6BEE)
**Date:** 3/1/1962
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Creation of the [CNES](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/CNES.html).
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1962.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1945
### Event 22761 (BBF9E533)
**Date:** 3/1/1962
**Time:** 22:40
**Location:** SALEM, NY
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #7823. 1 observer. 30cm x 10cm gold box going straight and level across horizon / 3-4 minute(s). Kite?
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BERLINER, DON: The BLUEBOOK UNKNOWNS; (FUFOR). (Index 30)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6604
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "4", **Elev:** "149", **HatchDesc:** "SALEM,NY:BBK#7823:1 OBS:30cm x 10cm GOLD BOX > S/L ACROSS HORIZON/3-4min:KITE?", **LatLong:** "43.172224 -73.327781", **LatLongDMS:** "43:10:20 N 73:19:40 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.172224,-73.327781)", **State/Prov:** "New York", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 22762 (82C06DEF)
**Date:** 3/1/1962
**Location:** Salem, NY
**Description:** Gold-colored box fly straight and level across the horizon (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 7823)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2564
### Event 22763 (22E0720A)
**Date:** 3/1/1962
**Time:** 10:35 PM
**Location:** Salem, New York
**Description:** Witness: Mrs. L. Doxsey, 66. One gold-colored box, 12-14"x3-4", flew straight and level across the horizon for 3-4 minutes.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_471
### Event 22764 (F3A8C46A)
**Date:** 3/1/1962
**Time:** 19:10:00.1
**Location:** 37.0413 -116.0287
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: Britain Name: “Pampas” Yield: 9.5KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1768
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0413 -116.0287", **LatLongDMS:** "37:02:29 N 116:01:43 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0413,-116.0287)", **NukeCountry:** "Britain", **NukeDepth:** "0.36", **NukeName:** "Pampas", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCUG", **NukeY:** "9.5"
### Event 22765 (C1289270)
**Date:** 3/1/1962
**Description:** At 10:40 p.m. EDT a single witness in Salem, New York reported a 40 cm x 10 cm flying gold box that slowly crossed the horizon in 3-4 minutes. Mrs. L. Doxsey, 66, saw a gold-colored box, 12-14 inches x 3-4 feet, fly straight and level across the horizon.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Project Blue Book files counted in official statistics, case # 7823; Richard Hall, The UFO Evidence, p. 103; Larry Hatch, U computer database, case # 6099
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1201
### Event 22766 (71174D9E)
**Date:** 3/4/1962
**Location:** GREAT BRITAIN, Sheffield
**Description:** (Translated from French) Alex Birch, 14 years old, photographed a group of five mysterious objects as they rose into the air. Each of them had the shape of a lens, with a small dome on top. (A. RIBERA/ R. FARRIOLS: "Proofs of the Existence of UFOs" - De Vecchi 1975, p. 41 and photo p. 42) IN REALITY: Alex conspired with two of his friends: they drew their UFOs on a window with greasy chalk, then photographed the landscape through this window. Ten years later they confessed their prank and made sure the affair made a sensation again
**Reference:** A. SCHNEIDER-H. MALTHANER: "The Secret File of UFOs", ed. De Vecchi, 1978, p. 271, 272
**Reference:** see the Bild newspaper of October 7, 1972 and FSR of November 1972
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2221
### Event 22767 (ADBC1886)
**Date:** 3/5/1962
**Time:** 18:15:00.1
**Location:** 37.1111 -116.3649
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Danny Boy” Yield: .43KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_216
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1111 -116.3649", **LatLongDMS:** "37:06:40 N 116:21:54 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1111,-116.3649)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.03", **NukeMb:** "3.60", **NukeName:** "Danny Boy", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** ".43"
### Event 22768 (E003A528)
**Date:** 3/6/1962
**Time:** 16:30:00.1
**Location:** 37.0484 -116.0337
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Ermine” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_217
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0484 -116.0337", **LatLongDMS:** "37:02:54 N 116:02:01 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0484,-116.0337)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.07", **NukeName:** "Ermine", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 22769 (9E46471F)
**Date:** 3/7/1962
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) OSO, 1st satellite dedicated to the Sun. (March 7)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1962.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1946
### Event 22770 (7B681763)
**Date:** 3/8/1962
**Time:** 18:00:00.2
**Location:** 37.1222 -116.0489
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Brazos” Yield: 8.4KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_218
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1222 -116.0489", **LatLongDMS:** "37:07:20 N 116:02:56 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1222,-116.0489)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.26", **NukeName:** "Brazos", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "8.4"
### Event 22771 (14EA7E4D)
**Date:** 3/15/1962
**Description:** Observer(s) = Pan-AM flight. No further details [in] at all.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFOCAT CATALOG: Assorted Printouts. Donald A. Johnson Ph.D (CUFOS). P.O. Box 446, Concord, NH 03302-0446 (Index 67)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6605
**Attributes:** **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Atlantic Ocean + islands", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "ATLANTIC 67°20W-22°00N BBK#UNK:OBS=PAN-AM FLIGHT:NFD AT ALL", **LatLong:** "22.000001 -67.333337", **LatLongDMS:** "22:00:00 N 67:20:00 W", **Locale:** "High Seas", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/22.000001,-67.333337)", **State/Prov:** "NAT", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 22772 (993EE1C7)
**Date:** 3/15/1962
**Time:** 16:30:00.1
**Location:** 37.0440 -116.0310
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Hognose” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_219
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0440 -116.0310", **LatLongDMS:** "37:02:38 N 116:01:52 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0440,-116.0310)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.24", **NukeName:** "Hognose", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 22773 (1584EA4E)
**Date:** Spring 1962
**Alternate date:** Summer 1962
**Locations:** Clinton-Sherman AFB [now the Clinton-Sherman Industrial Airpark]; Burns Flat, Oklahoma
**Description:** All base personnel on flying status attend a briefing in the theater at the Clinton-Sherman AFB \[now the Clinton-Sherman Industrial Airpark\] near Burns Flat, Oklahoma. The airmen are shown a short 20–30-minute Air Force film showing, spliced together without interpretation, five or six gun-camera clips apparently documenting attempts by aircraft to intercept UFOs. Afterward, the commander of the 4213d Strategic Wing reads a statement \(probably JANAP 146\(D\)\) stipulating fines and jail sentences for anyone publicly reporting a UFO sighting and hands out UFO sighting forms in the event of an incident. One technician recalls there is a section on reporting any electronic signature emitted from the UFO picked up by specific ECM devices.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Nukes 123–125
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3605
### Event 22774 (EAC5F9CF)
**Date:** 3/25/1962
**Locations:** The Hills; Exeter Clinic, New Hampshire
**Description:** The [Hills](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barney%5Fand%5FBetty%5FHill) meet with a psychiatrist \(Duncan Stephens of the Exeter Clinic, New Hampshire\) who rules out simultaneous hallucination. Around this time, Barney develops a series of warts in an almost geometrically perfect circular ring in his groin but does not associate his malaise with the UFO incident.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clark III 583–584
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3602
### Event 22775 (E399AD96)
**Date:** 3/25/1962
**Location:** Saanich Inlet, British Columbia
**Description:** Evening. Mrs. R. H. Chappell and her sister Janie Kidd watch two triangular objects, one larger than the other, hovering 40–50 feet above the water at Saanich Inlet, British Columbia. They have flashing ruby-red lights. After two minutes, the lights change to orange and they move off silently and gracefully. Mrs. L. Austin Wright sees a stationary flashing yellow light around the same time.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Dan Lloyd, “[Are They Really Seeing Things over](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201966%20V%2012%20N%206.pdf) [Canada?](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201966%20V%2012%20N%206.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 12, no. 6 \(Nov./Dec. 1966\): 27
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3603
### Event 22776 (BA86756F)
**Date:** 3/26/1962
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Observation at the Ramstein Air Base \(Germany\).
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#7840 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1962.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1947
### Event 22777 (5983944C)
**Date:** 3/26/1962
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Observation in Naperville \(Illinois\).
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#7841 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1962.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1948
### Event 22778 (8C1A423D)
**Date:** 3/26/1962
**Time:** 13:40
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #7840. Thin silver cylinder/cigar-shape buzzes USAF F105. MACH 2.7 / 4000' altitude.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SCIENCE & MECHANICS (eds.) OFFICIAL GUIDE to UFO'S; Ace Books, NY. 1968. (Index 188)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6606
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Germany", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "RAMSTEIN AFB,GERM:BBK#7840:THIN SLVR CGR BUZZES USAF F105:MACH 2.7/4000'alt", **LatLong:** "49.450002 7.550000", **LatLongDMS:** "49:27:00 N 07:33:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.450002,7.550000)", **State/Prov:** "RHP", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 22779 (633F2CD9)
**Date:** 3/26/1962
**Time:** 23:40
**Location:** NAPERVILLE, IL
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #7841. 2 observer(s). 6-8 red orbs / rectangular formation buzz car.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SCIENCE & MECHANICS (eds.) OFFICIAL GUIDE to UFO'S; Ace Books, NY. 1968. (Index 154)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6607
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "15", **Elev:** "213", **HatchDesc:** "NAPERVILLE,IL:BBK#7841:2 OBS:6-8 RED ORBS/RECTANGULAR FORMATION BUZZ CAR", **LatLong:** "41.783335 -88.144449", **LatLongDMS:** "41:47:00 N 88:08:40 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.783335,-88.144449)", **State/Prov:** "Illinois", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 22780 (9772B391)
**Date:** 3/26/1962
**Location:** Ramstein AFB, West Germany
**Description:** Missile-Like Object Observed From Aircraft (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: 7840)
**Reference:** NICAP: [620326](http://www.nicap.org/620326ramstein%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2565
### Event 22781 (B63AC64E)
**Date:** 3/26/1962
**Location:** Naperville, IL
**Description:** 6-8 red balls, arranged in a rectangular formation become 2 (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 7841)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2566
### Event 22782 (50C870CE)
**Date:** 3/26/1962
**Time:** 1:35 PM
**Location:** Ramstein Air Base, West Germany
**Description:** Witness: USAF Capt. J.M. Lowery, from an unspecified aircraft. One thin, cylindrical object--l/3 snout, 2/3 tail fins--flew at an estimated Mach 2.7 (2,000 m.p.h.) for 5-8 seconds.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_472
### Event 22783 (8C6442DC)
**Date:** 3/26/1962
**Time:** 11:40 PM
**Location:** Naperville, Illinois
**Description:** Witnesses: Mrs. D. Wheeler, Claudine Milligan. Six or eight red balls, arranged in a rectangular formation, became two objects with lights by the end of the 15 minute sighting.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_473
### Event 22784 (F9788137)
**Date:** 3/26/1962
**Time:** 10:45 PM
**Location:** Westfield, Massachusette
**Description:** Witnesses: many unidentified young people. One large red ball flew or fell down, then went back up during 3-10 minute sighting. Note: May 26?
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_474
### Event 22785 (4EB622A0)
**Date:** 3/27/1962
**End date:** 3/30/1962
**Description:** [George Adamski](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George%5FAdamski) claims to attend a Twelve Counsellors Meeting on Saturn that addresses the threat of nuclear war on Earth. In the report that he publishes in June, Adamski writes that the “present explosions of atomic energy are going in the wrong direction, and if these experiments do not stop, the only results will be a lost civilization… This is even affecting their planets.” Ridiculed by many, some of Adamski’s descriptions in the report about his trip clearly show this was a deeply spiritual experience for him, which may have unbalanced him for some time.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** George Adamski, [George Adamski’s Special Report: My Trip to the Twelve Counsellors Meeting](http://www.biblioteca-ga.info/50/toon/412/28) [That Took Place on Saturn, Mrach 27–30, 1962](http://www.biblioteca-ga.info/50/toon/412/28), Science of Life, 1962; “[Final Years,](https://www.the-adamski-case.nl/his-life/final-years/)” The Adamski Case, June 11, 2009
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3604
### Event 22786 (23E1F57F)
**Date:** 3/28/1962
**Time:** 18:00:00.2
**Location:** 37.1243 -116.0339
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Hoosic” Yield: 3.4KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_220
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1243 -116.0339", **LatLongDMS:** "37:07:27 N 116:02:02 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1243,-116.0339)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.19", **NukeName:** "Hoosic", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "3.4"
### Event 22787 (5472CA3F)
**Date:** 3/29/1962
**Time:** 11:30
**Location:** OFF KINLOCH, NZ
**Description:** 5 observer(s). Silver saucer going [to] over boat / lake. Changes / cross shape! Shoots away.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** OLSEN, Thomas: REFERENCE for OUTSTANDING UFO SIGHTINGS REPORTS. 1966 UFO Information Retrieval Center, Riderwood, MD 21139. (Index 378)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6608
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "New Zealand", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "OFF KINLOCH,NZ:5 OBS:SLVR SCR>OVR BOAT/LAKE:CHANGES/CROSS SHAPE!:SHOOTS AWAY", **LatLong:** "-38.666669 175.900008", **LatLongDMS:** "38:40:00 S 175:54:00 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-38.666669,175.900008)", **State/Prov:** "NI", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 22788 (E3BC3078)
**Date:** 3/31/1962
**Time:** ~02:00
**Location:** GULF / THAILAND
**Description:** 7° 22' north-103° 18' east. Rays / light move and rotate underwater. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SANDERSON, Ivan: INVISIBLE RESIDENTS; World Publishing HB 1970 & Avon Books PB 1973 (Index 99)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6609
**Attributes:** **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SUB:** Submersible: Rises from or submerges into water, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Thailand", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "GULF/THAILAND:7°22'N-103°18'E:RAYS/LITE MOVE+ROTATE UNDERWATER:NFD", **LatLong:** "7.366667 103.300005", **LatLongDMS:** "07:22:00 N 103:18:00 E", **Locale:** "Offshore", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/7.366667,103.300005)", **State/Prov:** "SEA", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 22789 (A000D9F5)
**Date:** 3/31/1962
**Time:** 18:00:00.1
**Location:** 37.0469 -116.0369
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Chinchilla II” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_221
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0469 -116.0369", **LatLongDMS:** "37:02:49 N 116:02:13 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0469,-116.0369)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.14", **NukeName:** "Chinchilla II", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 22790 (426F7468)
**Date:** 4/1962
**Location:** Wright Patterson AFB
**Description:** Flight Commander P.J. (initials), attached to TAC Fighter Wing was deployed at Wright-Patterson AFB and mistakenly entered into an air hanger where he thought the gym was located. Upon entering the hanger he was approached by an air police sentry with a sub-machine gun. Behind the sentry was a saucer approx. 12–15 ft. diam. suspended off the ground by two engine test stands. There were no markings or insignia on the saucer. It had no rivet markings. The saucer was roped-off and 8 guards stood at parade rest around it. P.J. and his friend were encouraged to leave the hanger. P.J. returned to Myrtle Beach AFB, SC
**Type:** witness statement
**Reference:** [Pea Research](https://www.academia.edu/9813787/GOVERNMENT_INVOLVEMENT_IN_THE_UFO_COVER_UP_CHRONOLOGY_based) (A5, B3-C, RECOVERY)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_609
### Event 22791 (5343BAF5)
**Date:** 4/2/1962
**Location:** Goose Bay, Labrador, CAN
**Description:** (McDonald list) Ground & Air Radar Tracks Object At 47,000' (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** NICAP: [620402](http://www.nicap.org/620402goose%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2568
### Event 22792 (5F7FCF7B)
**Date:** 4/3/1962
**Time:** 20:50
**Location:** WURTLAND, KY
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #7851. Unidentified. 2 observer(s) / (seen thru) telescope. Small object brightens and dims. Emits smoke. Still.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BERLINER, DON: The BLUEBOOK UNKNOWNS; (FUFOR). (Index 30)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6610
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "6", **Elev:** "168", **HatchDesc:** "WURTLAND,KY:BBK#7851:UID:2 OBS/TSCOPE:SML OBJ BRIGHTENS+DIMS:EMITS SMOKE:STILL", **LatLong:** "38.533335 -82.783337", **LatLongDMS:** "38:32:00 N 82:47:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.533335,-82.783337)", **State/Prov:** "Kentucky", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 22793 (753BBCD3)
**Date:** 4/3/1962
**Description:** In Wurtland, Kentucky on the Ohio River at 9:50 p.m. EDT witnesses G.R. Wells and J. Lewis, using a 117x telescope, watched a small stationary object in the sky change in brightness and give off smoke. It remained in the same position for six minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** U.S. Air Force Project Blue Book files counted in official statistics, case #7851; Don Berliner, Project Bluebook UFO Unknowns; Richard Hall, The UFO Evidence (Volume I), p. 106.
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1814
### Event 22794 (C173A0AC)
**Date:** 4/4/1962
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Sighting in Wurtland \(Kentucky\). (April 4)
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#7851 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1962.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1950
### Event 22795 (0D06C3C9)
**Date:** 4/4/1962
**Location:** Wurtland, KY
**Description:** Telescope spotted a small object changing brightness (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 7851)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2569
### Event 22796 (EF98B796)
**Date:** 4/4/1962
**Time:** 0150Z
**Location:** Wurtland, Kentucky
**Description:** Witnesses: G.R. Wells and J. Lewis, using 117x telescope. One small object changing brightness, gave off smoke but remained stationary like a comet for 6 minutes. Case missing from official files.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_475
### Event 22797 (C5B4BBF6)
**Date:** 4/5/1962
**Location:** PACIFIC 173° 15W-44° 45N
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Military observer(s). No further details [in] at all.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFOCAT CATALOG: Assorted Printouts. Donald A. Johnson Ph.D (CUFOS). P.O. Box 446, Concord, NH 03302-0446 (Index 67)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6611
**Attributes:** **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Pacific Ocean and non - Asian islands", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "PACIFIC 173°15W-44°45N:BBK#UNK:MIL OBS:NFD AT ALL.", **LatLong:** "44.750002 -173.250008", **LatLongDMS:** "44:45:00 N 173:15:00 W", **Locale:** "High Seas", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.750002,-173.250008)", **State/Prov:** "NPC", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 22798 (A2DC0D74)
**Date:** 4/5/1962
**Time:** 18:00:00.1
**Location:** 37.0445 -116.0235
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Dormouse Prime” Yield: 10.6KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_222
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0445 -116.0235", **LatLongDMS:** "37:02:40 N 116:01:25 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0445,-116.0235)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.26", **NukeMb:** "4.30", **NukeName:** "Dormouse Prime", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "10.6"
### Event 22799 (782542AD)
**Date:** 4/6/1962
**Time:** 18:00:00.2
**Location:** 37.1177 -116.0440
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Passaic” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_223
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1177 -116.0440", **LatLongDMS:** "37:07:04 N 116:02:38 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1177,-116.0440)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.23", **NukeName:** "Passaic", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 22800 (30692B68)
**Date:** 4/7/1962
**Time:** 00:00
**Location:** MONTAGUT, SP
**Description:** Night light zigzags over farmer at 15M altitude. "Cloud-shape". Goes at high speed.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BALLESTER OLMOS, Vicente-Juan: CATALOG of 200 TYPE-1 EVENTS in SPAIN & PORTUGAL; CUFOS 1976. (Index 8)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6612
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "MONTAGUT,SP:NLT ZIGZAGS OVR FARMER @15M ALT:"CLOUD-SHAPE":GOES AT HI SPEED.", **LatLong:** "41.516669 1.100000", **LatLongDMS:** "41:31:00 N 01:06:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.516669,1.100000)", **State/Prov:** "LRD", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 22801 (1973705B)
**Date:** 4/9/1962
**Time:** 23:00
**Location:** RIVOLI, ITL
**Description:** 2 observer(s). 15M metallic saucer going down / meadow. 2 figure(s) exit and reboard. Quickly going up. Grass burns / rain.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** ITACAT, Catalogo Italiano degli Incontri Ravvicinati. Maurizio Verga, 1989 CISU/Torino, Italy. (Index 52)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6613
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Italy", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "RIVOLI,ITL:2 OBS:15M MTLC SCR ↓/MEADOW:2 FIGs EXIT+REBOARD:↑↑:GRASS BURNS/RAIN", **LatLong:** "45.083335 7.516667", **LatLongDMS:** "45:05:00 N 07:31:00 E", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.083335,7.516667)", **State/Prov:** "Torino", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 22802 (78DD6DE6)
**Date:** 4/9/1962
**Description:** At around 11:00 p.m. a 15-meter wide metallic disc came down and landed in a meadow in Rivoli, Italy. Two beings exited the craft and then reboarded. The UFO rose vertically on takeoff. There were traces of burnt grass at the site.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Maurizio Verga, ITACAT: Italian UFO Catalogue; David F. Webb and Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case A2066
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1924
### Event 22803 (0B644792)
**Date:** 4/10/1962
**Time:** ~21:00
**Location:** SAN CASCIANO, IT
**Description:** Contactee? 10M saucer lowers cylinder/cylindrical object. 2 small humanoids (or Greys) exit. / FSR'62+/ r8#529.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO - Rivista di informazione Ufologica; 2 issues/year CISU. Giovanni Settimo ed.; C.P.82, 10100 Torino, ITALY. (Index 8)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6614
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CNT:** Contactee related, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **CVS:** Conversation/communication, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Italy", **Credibility:** "2", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "SAN CASCIANO,IT:CONTACTEE?:10M SCR LOWERS CYL:2 OIDS EXIT:/FSR'62+/r8#529", **LatLong:** "43.650002 11.200001", **LatLongDMS:** "43:39:00 N 11:12:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.650002,11.200001)", **State/Prov:** "Firenze", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 22804 (6EFE0822)
**Date:** 4/10/1962
**Time:** evening
**Location:** San Casciano, Italy
**Description:** Mario Zuccula, 27, was walking home when he suddenly felt a current of cold air. He was paralyzed with fear when he saw a white object, 10 m in diameter, metallic in appearance which hovered close to the ground. A metallic cylinder was lowered from the craft, and two little men about 1.30 m tall, came out through a door lighted by a source inside the cylinder. A low voice similar to the sound of an electronic device told him they would return at the end of the fourth moon, one hour before dawn, with a message. The beings had their heads covered with a hood.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** FSR 62, 4 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_529
### Event 22805 (CBD5F693)
**Date:** 4/11/1962
**Time:** 23:00
**Location:** RESCALDINA, ITL
**Description:** 4 observer(s). Silent saucer / strong beams going down / 2 cars. Jumps going up and down [to] 3X. / APRO Sep'62.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** ITACAT, Catalogo Italiano degli Incontri Ravvicinati. Maurizio Verga, 1989 CISU/Torino, Italy. (Index 52)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6615
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Italy", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "RESCALDINA,ITL:4 OBS:SLNT SCR/STRONG BEAMS ↓/2 CARS:JUMPS ↑+↓ 3X:/APRO Sep'62", **LatLong:** "45.616669 8.950000", **LatLongDMS:** "45:37:00 N 08:57:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.616669,8.950000)", **State/Prov:** "Varese", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 22806 (68B7A0A9)
**Date:** 4/11/1962
**Time:** evening
**Location:** Sarouno, Italy
**Description:** Between Saronno and Legnano, Benazzi and three other witnesses saw a peculiar craft fly above them and land on the road. It was intensely luminous.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** APRO Sep., 62 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_530
### Event 22807 (3843F257)
**Date:** 4/11/1962
**Description:** A disc-shaped object directed a strong beam of light over two cars on a highway between Saronno and Legnano, Italy on this night. It made no noise while it jumped up and up three times and flew away.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** APRO Bulletin, September-October 1962, p. 1
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1952
### Event 22808 (17573444)
**Date:** 4/12/1962
**Location:** PACIFIC 160° 40W-22° 00N
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Military observer(s). CE2. RADAR traces. No further details [in] at all.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFOCAT CATALOG: Assorted Printouts. Donald A. Johnson Ph.D (CUFOS). P.O. Box 446, Concord, NH 03302-0446 (Index 67)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6616
**Attributes:** **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RDR:** Radar traces/blips, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Pacific Ocean and non - Asian islands", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "PACIFIC 160°40W-22°00N:BBK#UNK:MIL OBS:CE2:RDR TRACES:NFD AT ALL", **LatLong:** "22.000001 -160.666674", **LatLongDMS:** "22:00:00 N 160:40:00 W", **Locale:** "High Seas", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/22.000001,-160.666674)", **State/Prov:** "NPC", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 22809 (1AF43329)
**Date:** 4/12/1962
**Location:** Kunia, HI
**Description:** (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2570
### Event 22810 (CD551BD9)
**Date:** 4/12/1962
**Time:** 18:00:00.2
**Location:** 37.1272 -116.0449
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Hudson” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_224
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1272 -116.0449", **LatLongDMS:** "37:07:38 N 116:02:42 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1272,-116.0449)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.15", **NukeName:** "Hudson", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 22811 (136B774B)
**Date:** 4/14/1962
**Time:** 18:00:00.1
**Location:** 37.2220 -116.1574
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Platte” Yield: 1.85KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_225
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.2220 -116.1574", **LatLongDMS:** "37:13:19 N 116:09:27 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.2220,-116.1574)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.19", **NukeName:** "Platte", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "1.85"
### Event 22812 (4C4CC810)
**Date:** 4/15/1962
**Time:** 08:00?
**Description:** 6 Air Force men jog / hangar. 15' saucer up on jacks. Men ordered silent.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: ABOVE TOP SECRET; Sidgewick & Jackson, London 1987 & Quill Books, 1988. 592pp. (Index 402)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6617
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **HOX:** Suspicion of hoax, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **MIL:** Military investigation, **GSA:** Covert Security Agency, **COV:** Indication of coverup
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "5", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "251", **HatchDesc:** "WRIGHT-PAT AFB,OH:6 AF MEN JOG/HANGAR:15'SCR UP ON JACKS:MEN ORDERED SILENT.", **LatLong:** "39.800002 -84.066671", **LatLongDMS:** "39:48:00 N 84:04:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.800002,-84.066671)", **State/Prov:** "Ohio", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 22813 (E19EE4EF)
**Date:** 4/18/1962
**Locations:** Oneida, NY; Kansas; Colorado; Eureka, Utah
**Description:** Object was first spotted over Oneida, New York and was heading in a westerly direction. Object reported over Kansas, Colorado and Eureka, Utah. The object was reported by over a thousand people. The object appeared to land and then take off again from Eureka, CA. The town of Eureka experienced a blackout when it landed.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [Pea Research](https://www.academia.edu/9813787/GOVERNMENT_INVOLVEMENT_IN_THE_UFO_COVER_UP_CHRONOLOGY_based)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_610
### Event 22814 (1CE24618)
**Date:** 4/18/1962
**Location:** Near Las Vegas, NV
**Description:** Probable crash/retrieval of UFO.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [_UFOs and the National Security State: Chronology of a Cover-up, 1941–1973_, by Richard Dolan](https://archive.org/details/ufosnationalsecu00dola/mode/2up)
**Source:** Dolan, **ID:** Dolan_241
### Event 22815 (C8EC0AE0)
**Date:** 4/18/1962
**Time:** 17:20
**Location:** EUREKA, UT
**Description:** UFO lands. Power plant out / 42 min. Goes going west over US6. / r249p128+/ r189p79.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** EDWARDS, Frank: FLYING SAUCERS-SERIOUS BUSINESS; Lyle Stewart & Bantam Books 1966. (Index 152)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6618
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "42", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "EUREKA,UT:UFO LANDS:POWER PLANT OUT/42 MIN:GOES >W OVR US6:/r249p128+/r189p79", **LatLong:** "39.966669 -112.083339", **LatLongDMS:** "39:58:00 N 112:05:00 W", **Locale:** "Desert", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.966669,-112.083339)", **State/Prov:** "Utah", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 22816 (2A3B8EE9)
**Date:** 4/18/1962
**Time:** 17:20
**Location:** NEPHI, UT
**Description:** Glowing red object flies east-going west chased by interceptors.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RANDLE, Kevin D.: The UFO CASEBOOK; Warner Books 1989. 256pp. (Index 46)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6619
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "1565", **HatchDesc:** "NEPHI,UT:GLOWING RED OBJ FLIES E->W CHASED BY INTERCEPTORS:", **LatLong:** "39.711113 -111.833339", **LatLongDMS:** "39:42:40 N 111:50:00 W", **Locale:** "Desert", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.711113,-111.833339)", **State/Prov:** "Utah", **Strangeness:** "3"
### Event 22817 (4940A73A)
**Date:** 4/18/1962
**Time:** 19:30
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Blip going quickly northeast. Turns going quickly south. Vanishes / flash. No visual. / r249p128.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** EDWARDS, Frank: FLYING SAUCERS-SERIOUS BUSINESS; Lyle Stewart & Bantam Books 1966. (Index 151)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6620
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RDR:** Radar traces/blips, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "570", **HatchDesc:** "NELLIS AFB,NV:BBK#UNK:BLIP>> NE:TURNS >>S:VANISHES/FLASH:no visual:/r249p128", **LatLong:** "36.238891 -115.033339", **LatLongDMS:** "36:14:20 N 115:02:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/36.238891,-115.033339)", **State/Prov:** "Nevada", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 22818 (EBDA662C)
**Date:** 4/18/1962
**Location:** New York to Eureka, Utah, to Nellis AFB, various
**Description:** High speed brilliant maneuverable object is tracked by radars (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** NICAP: [620418](http://www.nicap.org/620418adc%5Falert%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2571
### Event 22819 (FE190F51)
**Date:** 4/18/1962
**Locations:** Oneida, New York; Kansas; Colorado; Las Vegas, Nevada; Luke AFB near Phoenix, Arizona; Nephi, Utah; Levan, Utah; Silver City, Utah; Robinson [in Ogden, Utah?]; Eureka, Utah; Reno, Nevada; Las Vegas; Nellis AFB; Mesquite, Nevada; Spring Mountain area; Hill AFB, south of Ogden, Utah
**Description:** Evening. A red, glowing object is first seen at a great height over Oneida, New York, heading west silently. There are reports from Kansas and Colorado. NORAD radar picks up the object; ADC alerts several bases, including Nellis AFB near Las Vegas, Nevada. Fighters are scrambled from Luke AFB near Phoenix, Arizona, and the jets are possibly heard over Nephi, Utah, after the object passes overhead. Capt. Herman Gordon Shields, flying a C-119 two miles west of Levan, Utah, sees it as a slender object. A man in Silver City, Utah, claims that the object is a glowing ball of light about the size of a soccer ball. He says it is white with a yellowish tint and a bright yellow jagged flame coming from the rear: “As the object passed over Robinson \[in Ogden, Utah?\], it slowed down in \[the\] air, and after, \[a\] gasping sound was heard, the object spurted ahead again. After this procedure was repeated three or four times, the object arched over and began descending to earth after which the object turned bluish color and then burned out or went dark. After the object began to slow down it began to wobble or fishtail in its path.” Several people see the object over Eureka, Utah, apparently crashing and interrupting electrical service from a power plant close to the landing site. It is described as a “glowing, orange oval which emitted a low, whirring sound.” It takes off a few minutes later, continuing to the west. The object lights up the streets of Reno, Nevada, and then turns to Las Vegas. It blares brightly like a “tremendous, flaming sword” over Nellis AFB and then disappears from their radar scopes at 10,000 feet. Witnesses say the object is traveling almost horizontally northeast of Las Vegas until a final explosion occurs from the direction of Mesquite, Nevada. Sheriff’s deputy Walter Bun, who leads the search and rescue unit, moves the unit into the Spring Mountain area in jeeps to search for wreckage. They search through the night, and when the sun comes up they continue using aircraft. They do not find anything of importance except some ashes that might easily be the remains of a campfire started by a hunter some weeks earlier. When no one reports a downed or missing aircraft, Bun and the other deputies call off the search. The object seems to have changed direction, because at Reno it passes west to east, in Utah it is seem going southeast to northwest, and at Nephi it travels west. The duration of the sighting, from New York to Nevada, is only 32 minutes, giving a speed of 4,500 mph, below the speed of meteors. On May 8, the Air Force sends [Hynek](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J.%5FAllen%5FHynek) and Lt. Col. [Robert Friend](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert%5FFriend%5F%28pilot%29) to Utah with [Douglas M. Crouch](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/171937609/douglas-merle-crouch)[,](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/171937609/douglas-merle-crouch) chief of criminal investigation at Hill AFB, south of Ogden, Utah. They determine it is a bolide. Blue Book lists it as two sightings: a multiple radar sighting at Nellis on April 18 with no visual \(despite hundreds of observers in Las Vegas\), and a bolide over Utah that it claims occurs on April 19. In reality, the Utah and Nevada sightings are only minutes apart \(8:15 p.m. Mountain Time\). However, there is quite a bit of information from numerous sources concerning this major incident, including Project Blue Book documents, and now possible [confirmation](http://nicap.org/papers/transcript%5Fradarman.htm) by a radar man at ATIC. The case is also not explained in a Blue Book monthly sighting listing for April 1962. It is interesting that every one of these states except Utah has or was in the process of obtaining ICBM bases: New York \(Plattsburg AFB\); Kansas, \(Forbes AFB and McConnell AFB\); Utah \(Minuteman production at Air Force Plant 77 at Hill AFB\); Idaho \(Mountain Home AFB\); Montana \(Malmstrom AFB\); New Mexico \(Walker AFB\); Wyoming \(F. E. Warren AFB\); Arizona \(Davis Monthan AFB\); California \(Beale AFB\).
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** NICAP, “[National](http://www.nicap.org/620418adc%5Falert%5Fdir.htm) [Defense Alert](http://www.nicap.org/620418adc%5Falert%5Fdir.htm)”; Frank Edwards, Strange World, Ace ed., 1964, [pp. 38–41](https://archive.org/details/strangeworld00edwa/page/38/mode/2up); “[Meteor Lands in Utah, Lights](https://www.newspapers.com/clip/94770755/) [Western Skies,](https://www.newspapers.com/clip/94770755/)” Los Angeles Times, April 19, 1962, p. 15; “[Brilliant Fireball](https://www.newspapers.com/clip/94770911/) [Flashes in Skies,](https://www.newspapers.com/clip/94771052/)” Salt Lake City Deseret News, April 19, 1962, pp. 1, 5; Las Vegas Sun, April 19, 1962; Kevin D. Randle, A History of UFO Crashes, Avon, 1995, [pp. 79–94](https://archive.org/details/historyofufocras0000rand/page/78/mode/2up); Clark III 333–335; [Sparks](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf)[,](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf) p. 291; Randle, Levelland, 2021, pp. 87–99
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3606
### Event 22820 (D2DCAEA6)
**Date:** 4/18/1962
**Description:** According to Lt. Colonel Herbert Rolph, on this evening at 7:20 p.m. NORAD tracked a UFO across the entire continental United States.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Larry Hatch, U computer database, case 6174
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2113
### Event 22821 (7566667B)
**Date:** 4/19/1962
**Location:** PACIFIC 170° 00W-33° 00N
**Description:** Blue Book. Military observer(s). 1 day before John Glenn's 1st orbit. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFOCAT CATALOG: Assorted Printouts. Donald A. Johnson Ph.D (CUFOS). P.O. Box 446, Concord, NH 03302-0446 (Index 67)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6621
**Attributes:** **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Pacific Ocean and non - Asian islands", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "PACIFIC 170°00W-33°00N:BBK:MIL OBS:1 DAY BEFORE JOHN GLENN'S 1st ORBIT:NFD", **LatLong:** "33.000002 -170.000008", **LatLongDMS:** "33:00:00 N 170:00:00 W", **Locale:** "High Seas", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/33.000002,-170.000008)", **State/Prov:** "NPC", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 22822 (2D09B87C)
**Date:** 4/20/1962
**Time:** 15:40
**Location:** SCARBOROUGH, ON
**Description:** 2 / (seen thru) binoculars. Metallic saucer hovers / tilt. Absolute(ly) still / light winds. Shoots going quickly south.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CAMERON, Vicky: UFO EXPERIENCES in CANADA, Don't tell anyone but.. ; 1995 General Store Publishing ; Burnstown, Ontario ISBN 1-896182-20-8 (Index 33)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6622
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "7", **Elev:** "124", **HatchDesc:** "SCARBOROUGH,ON:2/BINOCS:MTLC SCR HVRS/TILT:ABS.STILL/LITE WINDS:SHOOTS >>S", **LatLong:** "43.733335 -79.200004", **LatLongDMS:** "43:44:00 N 79:12:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.733335,-79.200004)", **State/Prov:** "Ontario", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 22823 (0B7AC569)
**Date:** 4/21/1962
**Time:** 18:40:00.2
**Location:** 37.1190 -116.0315
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Dead” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_226
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1190 -116.0315", **LatLongDMS:** "37:07:08 N 116:01:53 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1190,-116.0315)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.19", **NukeName:** "Dead", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 22824 (A27C982B)
**Date:** 4/23/1962
**Location:** USA
**Description:** (Translated from French) The LUNAR RANGER IV probe followed an aberrant trajectory and was unable to transmit any photographs or the results of the measurements that the onboard devices were to make. As the transmitter stopped being heard when the craft approached the lunar disc, it can be assumed that this probe crashed on the moon. RANGER V, which, having not obeyed the signals sent from the ground, passed by the moon to become a planet. The launch of the lunar probes then marked a time of pause.
**Reference:** "Conquest of Space" - Thomas de Galiana, ed. Larousse Poche, 1967, p. 236
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2222
### Event 22825 (7A6A3FB5)
**Date:** 4/24/1962
**Time:** 19:50
**Location:** SPRINGFIELD, PA
**Description:** Several separate observer(s). 30' silent domed saucer with square windows going [to] low over homes. / r242.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** OLSEN, Thomas: REFERENCE for OUTSTANDING UFO SIGHTINGS REPORTS. 1966 UFO Information Retrieval Center, Riderwood, MD 21139. (Index 378)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6623
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "15", **Elev:** "75", **HatchDesc:** "SPRINGFIELD,PA:SVRL SEP.OBS:30'SLNT DOMED SCR W/SQR WINDOWS>LO OVR HOMES:/r242", **LatLong:** "39.933335 -75.322226", **LatLongDMS:** "39:56:00 N 75:19:20 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.933335,-75.322226)", **State/Prov:** "Pennsylvania", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 22826 (A0ACB4D3)
**Date:** 4/24/1962
**End date:** 4/25/1962
**Location:** Philadelphia, PA
**Description:** Series of UFO sightings over area. Circular UFO with body lights, apparent dome on top, shafts of white light directed downward from base. Center section had rotating row of square "windows." \[NICAP UFO Evidence, XII\] (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2572
### Event 22827 (99B6CF42)
**Date:** 4/24/1962
**Locations:** Springfield, Delaware County, Pennsylvania; Walsh Park
**Description:** 7:45 p.m. [Alice W. Gasslein](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/70133470/alice-w-gasslein) and her mother are driving near their home in Springfield, Delaware County, Pennsylvania, when they see a large domed object emitting flashes of green light moving over the roofs of nearby homes. A rotating band around the main body consists of a series of square windows from which come shafts of bright white light. They drive back home to alert her husband, [Joseph A. Gasslein](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/70133471/joseph-a-gasslein), an aviation worker. By that time, the UFO is about a half-mile distant, giving off colored lights. Around 8:10 p.m., the object returns flying toward the Gassleins’ home \(south of Walsh Park\) only 20 feet above ground level and passes over their backyard before making a sharp left turn and moving away to the east.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “Out of the Past: A Very Close CE-1,” IUR 10, no. 1 \(Jan./Feb. 1985\): 9–10, 14; Loren E. Gross, [The Fifth Horseman of the Apocalypse: UFOs, a History: January–](https://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1962-Jan-Jun.pdf) [June 1962](https://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1962-Jan-Jun.pdf)[,](https://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1962-Jan-Jun.pdf) The Author, 2005, pp, 56–57
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3607
### Event 22828 (D364CCB8)
**Date:** 4/25/1962
**Location:** 2.0000 -157.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Adobe” Yield: 190KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_227
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "2.0000 -157.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "02:00:00 N 157:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/2.0000,-157.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Adobe", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NACU", **NukeY:** "190"
### Event 22829 (374F3088)
**Date:** 4/25/1962
**Description:** The A-12 is taken on its first \(unofficial and unannounced\) flight with Lockheed test pilot [Louis Schalk](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louis%5FSchalk) at the controls. Intended as only a taxi run, the A-12 unexpectedly takes flight and Schalk lands it 2 miles past the runway.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Lockheed A-12](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lockheed%5FA-12)”; Jacobsen, Area 51, [pp. 177–178](https://archive.org/details/area51uncensored0000jaco/page/n211/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3608
### Event 22830 (D7FE7762)
**Date:** Late 4/1962
**Alternate date:** Early 5/1962
**Location:** Granby, Connecticut
**Description:** Three women and a 10-year-old boy are driving home to Granby, Connecticut, when two bright yellow lights appear in the sky ahead. The lights cross the road and disappear behind some shrubbery. Driving nearer and stopping, the witnesses see the lights hovering above a field, one above the other. The objects realign horizontally and move toward the car. The driver starts the car up and speeds away, but the lights are right behind her, only a few feet from the rear window and matching the car’s speed. The yellow lights are only a few feet in diameter and have a reddish patch that rotates. They follow the car for four minutes then turn away.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Swords 299–300
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3612
### Event 22831 (E28086DF)
**Date:** 4/26/1962
**Location:** USSR
**Reference:** "The War of the Satellites" - Volume 3 - Pierre Kohler, Famot Editions 1982, p. 63
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2223
### Event 22832 (D17F9849)
**Date:** 4/26/1962
**Location:** USA
**Description:** (Translated from French) The American aircraft SR-71, better known as the "Black Bird", is of a very intense dark blue color that does not reflect light. It is a strategic reconnaissance and espionage aircraft, manufactured by Lockheed California Co., and is the successor of the famous U-2. It made its first flight on April 26, 1962, and construction for the American Army began in December, under the designation SR71A. Its flight qualities are exceptional, it is capable of reaching an altitude of 24,400 m. and developing a speed of 3,220 km/h
**Reference:** also NASA website "On the Frontier"
**Reference:** STENDEK n° 40, June 80
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2224
### Event 22833 (9FD7E195)
**Date:** 4/26/1962
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) A [Groom Lake](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/Area51.html), first test flight of the A-12 *Blackbird* \(\#121\).
**Reference:** McIninch
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1962.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1951
### Event 22834 (51690527)
**Date:** 4/26/1962
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) *Ariel 1*, British scientific satellite.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1962.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1952
### Event 22835 (1F9AA770)
**Date:** 4/26/1962
**Description:** [Schalk](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louis%5FSchalk) makes another unofficial low-altitude, 40-minute test flight with the A-12. The takeoff is perfect, but after the A-12 gets to about 300 feet it starts shedding all the “pie slice” fillets of titanium on the left side of the aircraft and one fillet on the right. \(On later aircraft, those pieces are paired with triangular inserts made of radar- absorbing composite material.\) Technicians spend four days finding and reattaching the pieces. Nonetheless, the flight pleases [Kelly Johnson](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kelly%5FJohnson%5F%28engineer%29)[.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kelly%5FJohnson%5F%28engineer%29)
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Lockheed A-12](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lockheed%5FA-12)”; Jacobsen, Area 51, [pp. 178–179](https://archive.org/details/area51uncensored0000jaco/page/178/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3609
### Event 22836 (E7F8B138)
**Date:** 4/27/1962
**Location:** 2.0000 -157.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Aztec” Yield: 410KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_228
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "2.0000 -157.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "02:00:00 N 157:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/2.0000,-157.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Aztec", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NACU", **NukeY:** "410"
### Event 22837 (EDFA4779)
**Date:** 4/27/1962
**Time:** 18:00:00.2
**Location:** 37.1184 -116.0378
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Black” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_229
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1184 -116.0378", **LatLongDMS:** "37:07:06 N 116:02:16 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1184,-116.0378)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.22", **NukeName:** "Black", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 22838 (9D4BEDD8)
**Date:** 4/28/1962
**Location:** Ft. Worth, TX
**Description:** Egg shaped light crossing the sky brighter than the Echo I satellite (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2573
### Event 22839 (495AE8D5)
**Date:** 4/29/1962
**Description:** Between Mud Lake, Nevada and Edwards AFB in California two disc-shaped craft are filmed passing a USAF X-15 rocket plane being commanded by test pilot Walker during a record flight to 200,000 feet altitude. Note: most civilian sources list this case as occurring on April 30, but the Air Force lists the flight as occurring on this date.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Frank Edwards, Flying Saucers--Serious Business, p. 121; Richard F. Haines, Project Delta: A Study of Multiple UFO, p. 75; Larry Hatch, U computer database, case 6179
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2408
### Event 22840 (BC7B36B3)
**Date:** 4/30/1962
**Location:** ITALY, Sicily
**Description:** (Translated from French) (cf: Catania, 25.3.52) Eugenio Siragusa felt an irresistible urge to go to Etna. He drove there and on the way he felt as if an unknown force was controlling the vehicle. He arrived at Mount Manfre, which is 1370 meters high. He got out and continued on foot towards an extinct crater. On the way he saw two silver figures, each 1.85 meters tall, they were blond-haired extraterrestrials. One of them spoke to him in Spanish, saying they were Ashtar Sheran and Ithakar (note from vog: it couldn't be missed...). These two forced him to write messages to the Pope, Kennedy, Kruschev, De Gaulle, the Queen of England, the King of Sweden, and the President of Italy. He did this that same night on his typewriter. He later received a response from De Gaulle. From then until the end of August, two flying saucers were constantly watching his house. The saucers were Alfa 2 and Alfa 8
**Reference:** Mitarbeiter, "Ufo Geheimnisse", Berlin, January 1998
**Reference:** following 4 Sept. 62
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2225
### Event 22841 (35C8A73A)
**Date:** 4/30/1962
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Test pilot [Joseph Walker](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/WalkerJosephA.html) encounters two unidentified disk-shaped objects during a test flight, and films them. (April 30)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1962.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1953
### Event 22842 (1E3E3E4D)
**Date:** 4/30/1962
**Location:** Low Earth Orbit
**Description:** X-15 pilot photographs five or six UFOs at fifty-mile altitude.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [_UFOs and the National Security State: Chronology of a Cover-up, 1941–1973_, by Richard Dolan](https://archive.org/details/ufosnationalsecu00dola/mode/2up)
**Source:** Dolan, **ID:** Dolan_242
### Event 22843 (463BB350)
**Date:** 4/30/1962
**Description:** 2 saucers filmed passing Air Force X15 / record flight / 200K'.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** EDWARDS, Frank: FLYING SAUCERS-SERIOUS BUSINESS; Lyle Stewart & Bantam Books 1966. (Index 121)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6624
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "500", **HatchDesc:** "MUD LAKE.NV to EDWARDS AFB,CA:2 SCRS FILMED PASSING AF X15/RECORD FLITE/200K'", **LatLong:** "36.366668 -117.466672", **LatLongDMS:** "36:22:00 N 117:28:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/36.366668,-117.466672)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 22844 (B2A78398)
**Date:** 4/30/1962
**Time:** 22:00?
**Location:** MT. ETNA, ITL
**Description:** 2 pseudo-human/entity / diving suits give peace message. 15M saucer on ground nearby. / FSR'63#1.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA; H. Regnery, Chicago HC 1969 & Contemporary Books,Chicago 1993. 372pp. (Index 531)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6625
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CNT:** Contactee related, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **CVS:** Conversation/communication, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Italy", **Credibility:** "3", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "Mt.ETNA,ITL:2 PSH/DIVING SUITS GIVE PEACE MSG:15M SCR on GND NEARBY:/FSR'63#1", **LatLong:** "37.666668 15.000001", **LatLongDMS:** "37:40:00 N 15:00:00 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.666668,15.000001)", **State/Prov:** "CT", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 22845 (5D30EB12)
**Date:** 4/30/1962
**Location:** Edwards AFB, CA
**Description:** X-15 flight, piloted by Joe Walker; Photograph (no visual sighting) of 5 or 6 "disc- shaped or. . .cylindrical" objects. Slides later shown in Seattle conference. NICAP unable to obtain prints. \[NICAP UFO Evidence\] (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2574
### Event 22846 (EFE5C85A)
**Date:** 4/30/1962
**Time:** night
**Location:** Mount Eba, Italy
**Description:** Eugenio Siragusa, 43, claimed to have met two men of normal height, clad in diving suits, with belts emitting intermittent yellow-green blue light, who delivered to him a peace message in Italian. The voice had a metallic tone. Also observed was a very dazzling object, 15 m in diameter.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** FSR 63, 1 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_531
### Event 22847 (659D9E5F)
**Date:** 4/30/1962
**Location:** Area 51
**Description:** [Schalk](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louis%5FSchalk) takes the A-12 up to 30,000 feet on its first official flight at Area 51 for 59 minutes. His top speed is 400 mph.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Jacobsen, Area 51, [p. 179](https://archive.org/details/area51uncensored0000jaco/page/178/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3610
### Event 22848 (4171EEE7)
**Date:** 4/30/1962
**Locations:** Edwards AFB, California; Ely, Nevada; Seattle, Washington
**Description:** Just before 10:00 a.m. During a free-flight test \(Flight 52\) of the X-15 to a height of 246,700 feet \(46.7 miles\) by NASA pilot [Joseph A. Walker](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph%5FA.%5FWalker) from Edwards AFB, California, to Ely, Nevada, the instruments photograph 5–6 cylindrical objects. No visual confirmation. On May 11, at NASA’s Second National Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Space in Seattle, Washington, Walker mentions the objects photographed \(and perhaps shows the slides; it is not mentioned in the proceedings\). NICAP is unable to obtain the photos. NASA claims the objects are ice flaking off the aircraft \(“fireflies”\). They are described by a NASA spokesman as “barbell shaped, bright-orange in color, and passing in groups up to six behind the X-15.” Opinion ranges from “definitely something up there,” to “film spots,” to “sun rays on the lens.” [Jacobsen](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Annie%5FJacobsen) implies it was the A-12 test the same day.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[AF Criticizes](http://cufos.org/UFOI%5Fand%5FSelected%5FDocuments/UFOI/017%20AUG-SEPT%201962.pdf) [NASA Release of ‘Mystery Object’ Photo,](http://cufos.org/UFOI%5Fand%5FSelected%5FDocuments/UFOI/017%20AUG-SEPT%201962.pdf)” UFO Investigator 2, no. 5 \(Aug./Sept. 1962\): 8; UFOEv, [p. 139](https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=mdp.39015006091691&view=1up&seq=151&skin=2021); Los Angeles Herald-Examiner, May 11, 1962; MUFON UFO Journal, November 1989, pp. 6–7; Good Above, [p. 366](https://archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/366/mode/2up); [Proceedings of the Second National Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Space, Seattle, Washington, May 8–10,](https://ntrs.nasa.gov/api/citations/19630001263/downloads/19630001263.pdf) [1962](https://ntrs.nasa.gov/api/citations/19630001263/downloads/19630001263.pdf)[,](https://ntrs.nasa.gov/api/citations/19630001263/downloads/19630001263.pdf) NASA Office of Scientific and Technical Information, November 1962; Curtis Peebles, “[Fireflies: The X-](http://magoniamagazine.blogspot.com/2014/01/fireflies.html) [15 ‘UFO’ Sighting Controversy,](http://magoniamagazine.blogspot.com/2014/01/fireflies.html)” Magonia 78 \(June 2002\); Jacobsen, Area 51, [p. 205](https://archive.org/details/area51uncensored0000jaco/page/204/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3611
### Event 22849 (09680F20)
**Date:** 4/30/1962
**Description:** On this night Eugenio Siragusa, age 43, claimed to have met two men of normal height on Mount Mangre on the island of Sicily in Italy. They were clad in diver's suits, and had belts emitting an intermittent yellowish-green and blue light. They delivered to him a message of peace in Italian. The voice he heard had a metallic tone. A dazzling, 15 meter in diameter saucer-shaped craft was seen on the ground nearby.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Roberto Pinotti, Flying Saucers, January-February 1966, p. 57; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case A0526; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 531, citing Flying Saucer Review, January 1963
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2422
### Event 22850 (F08634A1)
**Date:** 5/1962
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Enlargement of the UFO photographed in April-May. See images/1962-05\_2.jpg.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1962.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1954
### Event 22851 (C3390E7E)
**Date:** 5/1962
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) [Joseph Walker](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/WalkerJosephA.html) publicly recounted his encounter of April 30th at a conference.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1962.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1955
### Event 22852 (3794ADB9)
**Date:** 5/1962
**Time:** 04:00
**Location:** JUJUY, ARG
**Description:** 4 / car O / O / gas. Saucer lands. Stays one hour. Takes off / high speed. / r242p139 / APRO.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA; H. Regnery, Chicago HC 1969 & Contemporary Books,Chicago 1993. 372pp. (Index 532)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6626
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "60", **Elev:** "1201", **HatchDesc:** "JUJUY,ARG:4/CAR O/O/GAS:SCR LANDS:STAYS 1hr:TAKES OFF/HI SPEED:/r242p139/APRO", **LatLong:** "-24.183334 -65.300003", **LatLongDMS:** "24:11:00 S 65:18:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-24.183334,-65.300003)", **State/Prov:** "Juhuy", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 22853 (C5B01BF5)
**Date:** 5/1962
**Location:** Unknown City, Argentina
**Description:** At least twelve UFOs sighted in May. Official reports and newspaper chronology given NICAP by Argentine Embassy include four sightings by Argentine Navy pilots, two reported landing cases. (NICAP UFO Evidence, See Section XII; Argentine Chronology.) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2575
### Event 22854 (46655C61)
**Date:** 5/1962
**Time:** 0400
**Location:** Jujuy, Argentina
**Description:** Approximate date. Four people whose car had run out of gas, were waiting in a drizzling rain when a bright light, first thought to be from a car, approached them. It turned out to be a lowflying object that landed. It was round with a blinking light, and stayed there about one hour before taking off at high speed
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** APRO Jul., 63 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_532
### Event 22855 (867C2C3F)
**Date:** 5/1/1962
**Location:** PACIFIC 137° 30W-28° 23N
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Military observer(s). No further details [in] at all.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFOCAT CATALOG: Assorted Printouts. Donald A. Johnson Ph.D (CUFOS). P.O. Box 446, Concord, NH 03302-0446 (Index 67)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6627
**Attributes:** **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Pacific Ocean and non - Asian islands", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "PACIFIC 137°30W-28°23N:BBK#UNK:MIL OBS:NFD AT ALL.", **LatLong:** "28.383335 -137.500007", **LatLongDMS:** "28:23:00 N 137:30:00 W", **Locale:** "High Seas", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/28.383335,-137.500007)", **State/Prov:** "NPC", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 22856 (2DBD0339)
**Date:** 5/1/1962
**Time:** 10:00:00.5
**Location:** 24.0630 5.0418
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground. Country: France Name: “beryl” Yield: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1842
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "24.0630 5.0418", **LatLongDMS:** "24:03:47 N 05:02:30 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/24.0630,5.0418)", **NukeCountry:** "France", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "beryl", **NukeSource:** "BOLT", **NukeType:** "U", **NukeY:** "20"
### Event 22857 (17AB40F3)
**Date:** 5/2/1962
**Location:** 2.0000 -157.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Arkansas” Yield: 1090KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_230
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "2.0000 -157.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "02:00:00 N 157:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/2.0000,-157.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Arkansas", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NACU", **NukeY:** "1090"
### Event 22858 (7E7C26F8)
**Date:** 5/4/1962
**Location:** 2.0000 -157.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Questa” Yield: 670KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_231
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "2.0000 -157.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "02:00:00 N 157:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/2.0000,-157.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Questa", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NACU", **NukeY:** "670"
### Event 22859 (10C48AF2)
**Date:** 5/4/1962
**Locations:** Groom Lake, Nevada; Comandante Espora Air Naval Base in Bahía Blanca, Argentina
**Description:** The A-12 achieves supersonic speed of Mach 1.1 at 40,000 feet during a test at Groom Lake, Nevada. May 11 — 7:40 p.m. Argentine Rear Adm. [Eladio M. Vázquez](https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eladio%5FV%C3%A1zquez) and Capt. Aldo Molinari watch a UFO from the US Military Mission at the Comandante Espora Air Naval Base in Bahía Blanca, Argentina.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** UFOEv, [p. 170](https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=mdp.39015006091691&view=1up&seq=182&skin=2021); “[In](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201963%2007%2000%20-%20July.pdf) [Argentina,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201963%2007%2000%20-%20July.pdf)” APRO Bulletin, July 1963, p. 4
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3613
### Event 22860 (82D0680E)
**Date:** 5/6/1962
**Location:** 4.8333 -149.4167
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Frigate Bird”
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_232
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "4.8333 -149.4167", **LatLongDMS:** "04:50:00 N 149:25:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/4.8333,-149.4167)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Frigate Bird", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NACU"
### Event 22861 (5C0802D4)
**Date:** 5/7/1962
**Time:** 19:33:00.1
**Location:** 37.0466 -116.0250
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Paca” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_233
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0466 -116.0250", **LatLongDMS:** "37:02:48 N 116:01:30 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0466,-116.0250)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.26", **NukeName:** "Paca", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 22862 (B6636789)
**Date:** 5/8/1962
**Location:** 2.0000 -157.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Yukon” Yield: 100KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_234
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "2.0000 -157.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "02:00:00 N 157:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/2.0000,-157.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Yukon", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NACU", **NukeY:** "100"
### Event 22863 (586DBC45)
**Date:** 5/9/1962
**Location:** 2.0000 -157.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Mesilla” Yield: 100KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_235
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "2.0000 -157.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "02:00:00 N 157:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/2.0000,-157.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Mesilla", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NACU", **NukeY:** "100"
### Event 22864 (7E389811)
**Date:** 5/9/1962
**Description:** At 3:30 a.m. several motorists on Highway 35 near Bahia Blanca, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina had a close encounter with three low level UFOs that pursued them for at least eight minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Uriondo Oscar A. Uriondo, FSR Case Histories, December 1972, p. 9
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2681
### Event 22865 (60747820)
**Date:** 5/10/1962
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** PIHLAVA, FINL
**Description:** 1 observer. Thick DC3-size metallic cylinder/cigar-shape. Silent. No wings. Going quickly north through clouds.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** AWARENESS (Quarterly) CONTACT INTERNATIONAL/UK: listed by year. (Index 76)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6628
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Scandanavian and Finland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "PIHLAVA,FINL:1 OBS:THICK DC3-SIZE MTLC CGR:SLNT:NO WINGS:>>N THRU CLOUDS", **LatLong:** "61.550003 21.633334", **LatLongDMS:** "61:33:00 N 21:38:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/61.550003,21.633334)", **State/Prov:** "Finland", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 22866 (CEDC916A)
**Date:** 5/10/1962
**Time:** 15:00:00.2
**Location:** 37.1276 -116.0483
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Arikaree” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_236
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1276 -116.0483", **LatLongDMS:** "37:07:39 N 116:02:54 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1276,-116.0483)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.17", **NukeName:** "Arikaree", **NukeSource:** "AEC", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 22867 (EBDD7802)
**Date:** 5/11/1962
**Location:** 2.0000 -157.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Muskegon” Yield: 50KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_237
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "2.0000 -157.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "02:00:00 N 157:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/2.0000,-157.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Muskegon", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NACU", **NukeY:** "50"
### Event 22868 (03CEA8CD)
**Date:** 5/11/1962
**Time:** 20:02:05.9
**Location:** 31.2450 -124.2117
**Description:** Nuclear test: Water, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Swordfish” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_238
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "31.2450 -124.2117", **LatLongDMS:** "31:14:42 N 124:12:42 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/31.2450,-124.2117)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.20", **NukeName:** "Swordfish", **NukeSource:** "JOHNSON", **NukeType:** "NWCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 22869 (FBA2B9D5)
**Date:** 5/12/1962
**Location:** West Point Academy
**Description:** General Douglas McArthur states, “of ultimate conflict between a united human race and the sinister forces of some other planetary galaxy”
**Type:** speach
**Reference:** [link](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/macarthur-planets-war/)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_611
### Event 22870 (EDF3DEB3)
**Date:** 5/12/1962
**Location:** Argentina
**Description:** Two navy pilots see illuminated object rise, split in two sections. Non-US military.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [_UFOs and the National Security State: Chronology of a Cover-up, 1941–1973_, by Richard Dolan](https://archive.org/details/ufosnationalsecu00dola/mode/2up)
**Source:** Dolan, **ID:** Dolan_243
### Event 22871 (126344F3)
**Date:** 5/12/1962
**Time:** 04:10
**Description:** Several observer(s). Railroad/railway car takes off. Night lights exit. Ground burnt. / r8#533.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 763)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6629
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "40", **HatchDesc:** "RN35 NW/BAHIA BLANCA,ARG:SVRL OBS:RR CAR TAKES OFF:NLTS EXIT:GND BURNT:/r8#533", **LatLong:** "-38.350002 -62.866670", **LatLongDMS:** "38:21:00 S 62:52:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-38.350002,-62.866670)", **State/Prov:** "Buenos Aires", **Strangeness:** "11"
### Event 22872 (3B37E081)
**Date:** 5/12/1962
**Time:** 0410
**Location:** Pampa Province, Argentina
**Description:** V. and G. Tomasini and H. Zenobi saw an object on the ground 100 m away from the road. It looked like a railroad car and was illuminated. As they came close to it, the object took off, crossed the road at low altitude, rose with a flame, and separated into two sections that flew away in different directions. It made a humming noise and was seen on the ground for one min. Within a circle 60 m in radius, grass was burned, insects were carbonized, and the ground was "petrified." Sample analysis was done by the Puerto Belgrano Naval Base.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** SBEDV 30; 132; CODOVNI 1962 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_533
### Event 22873 (8E0A3FCE)
**Date:** 5/12/1962
**Location:** 2.0000 -157.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Encino” Yield: 500KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_239
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "2.0000 -157.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "02:00:00 N 157:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/2.0000,-157.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Encino", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NACU", **NukeY:** "500"
### Event 22874 (3555F26F)
**Date:** 5/12/1962
**Time:** 19:00:00.1
**Location:** 37.0652 -116.0304
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Aardvark” Yield: 40KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_240
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0652 -116.0304", **LatLongDMS:** "37:03:55 N 116:01:49 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0652,-116.0304)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.43", **NukeMb:** "4.60", **NukeName:** "Aardvark", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "40"
### Event 22875 (DA418811)
**Date:** 5/12/1962
**Locations:** Bahia Blanca; Jacinto Aráuz, La Pampa, Argentina; Puerto Belgrano Naval Base; Universidad Nacional del Sur
**Description:** 4:10 a.m. Three truckers \(Valentino Tomassini, Guro Tomassini, and Humberto Zenobi\) are driving from Bahia Blanca to Jacinto Aráuz, La Pampa, Argentina, when they see a lantern-like light resting in a nearby field. It brightens and dims alternately. As they slow down, a row of 20–30 lights come on. When they approach to within 210 feet of the object, it rises up and crosses the road at a height of 12 feet. Its lights go out, a reddish flame comes from the bottom, and it makes a soft humming noise. The UFO then divides into two parts that fly off in different directions. Navy Capt. Luis Sanchez Moreno, chief of intelligence at the Puerto Belgrano Naval Base, interviews the witnesses. At the landing site, grass is burned over an area 180 feet in diameter, and there are damp, gray-colored patches. These are taken for analysis to either or both the Puerto Belgrano Naval Base and Universidad Nacional del Sur, both in or near Bahia Blanca. It consists of calcium carbonate and potassium carbonate.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** UFOEv, [pp. 170–171](https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=mdp.39015006091691&view=1up&seq=182&skin=2021); “[In Argentina,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201963%2007%2000%20-%20July.pdf)” APRO Bulletin, July 1963, pp. 2–4; Loren E. Gross, [The Fifth](https://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1962-Jan-Jun.pdf) [Horseman of the Apocalypse: UFOs, a History: January–June 1962](https://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1962-Jan-Jun.pdf), The Author, 2005, pp. 60–61; Oscar A. Uriondo, “[Preliminary Catalogue of Type 1 Cases in Argentina,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR-CH%201972%20N%2012.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review Case Histories, no. 12 \(December 1972\): 10
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3614
### Event 22876 (9B4383D6)
**Date:** 5/12/1962
**Description:** At 4:10 a.m. V. and G. Tomasini and H. Zenobi, while driving on Route 35 at Kilometer 72 near La Pampa, La Pampa province, Argentina saw a rectangular object shaped like an illuminated railroad boxcar. As they came close to it, the object took off, crossed the road at low altitude, rose with a flame, and separated into two sections that flew away in different directions. It made a humming sound and was seen on the ground for one minute. The grass on the ground was burnt in a 60m radius circle at the landing site, insects were carbonized, and the ground was "petrified." Sample analysis was done by the Puerto Belgrano Naval Base. At 4:30 p.m. another close encounter occurred northwest of Bahia Blanca, Buenos Aires province, Argentina that involved several witnesses and reportedly had lasting physiological effects.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** La Nacion, May 24, 1962 Oscar A. Uriondo; FSR Case Histories, December 1973, p. 17; NICAP UFO Investigator, September 1962, p. 7; APRO Bulletin, July 1963, p. 2, 4; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case # 533
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2757
### Event 22877 (D19D84C2)
**Date:** 5/13/1962
**Time:** 04:00
**Location:** LA ARANA, ARG
**Description:** Several / meeting. Strong light / ground rises and away. More objects do same. Spin.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 12)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6630
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "150", **HatchDesc:** "LA ARANA,ARG:SVRL/MEETING:STRONG LITE/GND RISES+AWAY:MORE OBJS DO SAME:SPIN", **LatLong:** "-36.733335 -64.833336", **LatLongDMS:** "36:44:00 S 64:50:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-36.733335,-64.833336)", **State/Prov:** "LPM", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 22878 (1ED4C973)
**Date:** 5/13/1962
**Time:** 04:00
**Location:** ONCATIVO, ARG
**Description:** 2 / car. Cylinder/cigar-shape / low altitude. Fog fills woods. "House" lands in field. / r156#12.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 763)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6631
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "120", **Elev:** "268", **HatchDesc:** "ONCATIVO,ARG:2/CAR:CGR/LO ALT:FOG FILLS WOODS:"HOUSE" LANDS IN FIELD:/r156#12", **LatLong:** "-31.933335 -63.666670", **LatLongDMS:** "31:56:00 S 63:40:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-31.933335,-63.666670)", **State/Prov:** "CRD", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 22879 (BF56C863)
**Date:** 5/13/1962
**Time:** 04:20
**Location:** MERCEDES, SL, ARG
**Description:** Air Force man and family / car. Silent 20M luminous mass spins / field. 3M tall.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 15)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6632
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "513", **HatchDesc:** "MERCEDES,SL,ARG:AF MAN+FAMILY/CAR:SLNT 20M LUMn.MASS SPINS/FIELD:3M TALL:", **LatLong:** "-33.666668 -65.466670", **LatLongDMS:** "33:40:00 S 65:28:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-33.666668,-65.466670)", **RelAlt:** "2", **State/Prov:** "SLS", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 22880 (A2944062)
**Date:** 5/13/1962
**Time:** 0400
**Location:** Uncativo, Argentina
**Description:** Dozens of witnesses in Uncativo, Cordoba, Carranza, and Los Molinos Dam observed a very luminous, elongated object with a bright trail. Soon thereafter, fog filled a wooded section near Uncativo, and a landed object resembling a small house was observed.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** 133; CODOVNI 1962 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_534
### Event 22881 (2403D2C5)
**Date:** 5/13/1962
**Locations:** Oncativo, Córdoba, Argentina; Rosario
**Description:** 4:00 a.m. Near Oncativo, Córdoba, Argentina, two women driving from Rosario see a long object flying at moderate altitude and emitting a powerful, multicolored light. They enter a fog and see through the trees a sort of “little house” on the ground, with green, red, and yellow lights set in an arrow-shaped arrangement.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Loren E. Gross, [The Fifth Horseman of the Apocalypse: UFOs, a History: January–June 1962](https://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1962-Jan-Jun.pdf)[,](https://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1962-Jan-Jun.pdf) The Author, 2005, p. 62; Oscar A. Uriondo, “[Preliminary Catalogue of Type 1 Cases in Argentina,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR-CH%201972%20N%2012.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review Case Histories, no. 12 \(December 1972\): 10
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3615
### Event 22882 (6564A1DD)
**Date:** 5/13/1962
**Description:** Two years later it was Argentina's turn to be inundated with UFO reports. In the early morning hours between 4:00 a.m. and dawn there were 11 sightings including seven close encounters from six provinces in Argentina: Buenos Aires, La Rioja, Neuquen, La Pampa, Cordoba, and Mendoza. In Mercedes, located in Buenos Aires province, Argentina an Air Force man named Giashischa and his family encountered a mist at 4:15 a.m. while driving in their car. In a field they saw a 20-meter wide luminous mass spinning near the ground. It stood approximately 3 meters tall.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2803
### Event 22883 (DB288AF8)
**Date:** 5/13/1962
**Description:** In Rio Cuarto, Cordoba, Argentina a flight of 20 multi-colored UFOs was sighted by many at 4:45 a.m. One object--a fiery ball of light 30 meters in diameter--came down to within 300 meters of a car full of witnesses. From one side of the object four small red orbs flew out, lined up behind the larger ball, then flew away in formation.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** (1) Oscar A. Uriondo, FSR Case Histories, June 1973, p. 10; (2) Gordon W. Creighton, FSR, July 1964, p. 10
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2804
### Event 22884 (FAA3E48F)
**Date:** 5/14/1962
**Location:** 2.0000 -157.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Swanee” Yield: 97KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_241
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "2.0000 -157.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "02:00:00 N 157:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/2.0000,-157.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Swanee", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NACU", **NukeY:** "97"
### Event 22885 (F542366F)
**Date:** 5/15/1962
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Astronaut [Gordon Cooper](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/CooperLeroyGordon.html) is followed by a UFO above Hawaii. (May 15)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1962.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1949
### Event 22886 (41E53CC6)
**Date:** 5/15/1962
**Location:** BURLINGTON, MASS
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #7927. Unidentified. 2 Polaroid shots / daylight disks. No further details. Photograph section.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** STEIGER, Brad (ed.): PROJECT BLUEBOOK; Ballentine Books 1976. 423pp. (Index 56)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6633
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "66", **HatchDesc:** "BURLINGTON,MASS:BBK#7927:UID:2 POLAROID SHOTS/DAYLITE DISKS:NFD:foto section", **LatLong:** "42.516669 -71.200003", **LatLongDMS:** "42:31:00 N 71:12:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.516669,-71.200003)", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 22887 (423F2215)
**Date:** 5/18/1962
**Time:** 19:00
**Location:** POMPANO BEACH, FL
**Description:** Brilliant cylinder/cigar-shape with dark topside hovers / 9 minute(s). Shoots away going quickly southwest. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO EVIDENCE; NICAP,Washington, DC 1964. Reprinted 1997 Barnes & Noble Books ( only $7.98! ) (Index 71)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6634
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "4", **HatchDesc:** "POMPANO BEACH,FL:BRILL.CGR W/DARK TOPSIDE HVRS/9min:SHOOTS AWAY >>SW:NFD", **LatLong:** "26.238890 -80.127782", **LatLongDMS:** "26:14:20 N 80:07:40 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/26.238890,-80.127782)", **State/Prov:** "Florida", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 22888 (6698131B)
**Date:** 5/18/1962
**Location:** Marksville (and Leesville, Colfax), LA
**Description:** (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2576
### Event 22889 (D41A4DD5)
**Date:** 5/18/1962
**Location:** Pompano Beach, FL
**Description:** Cigar-shaped UFO, brilliantly lighted below, dark on top. Hovered, sped away. \[NICAP UFO Evidence, VII\] (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2577
### Event 22890 (F95C3683)
**Date:** 5/19/1962
**Location:** 2.0000 -157.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Chetco” Yield: 73KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_242
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "2.0000 -157.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "02:00:00 N 157:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/2.0000,-157.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Chetco", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NACU", **NukeY:** "73"
### Event 22891 (9FC448F2)
**Date:** 5/19/1962
**Time:** 15:00:00.2
**Location:** 37.1226 -116.0472
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Eel” Yield: 4.5KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_243
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1226 -116.0472", **LatLongDMS:** "37:07:21 N 116:02:50 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1226,-116.0472)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.22", **NukeName:** "Eel", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "4.5"
### Event 22892 (AB003499)
**Date:** 5/20/1962
**Time:** 20:00
**Location:** DEFIANCE, OH
**Description:** Scientist and more/others. Brilliant blue and yellow ball / light maneuvers / all directions. Going southwest. / APRO 5'62.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 28)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6635
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **NWS:** News media report, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "60", **Elev:** "209", **HatchDesc:** "DEFIANCE,OH:SCIENTIST++:BRILL.BLU+YLW BALL/LITE MNVRS/ALL DIRs:>SW:/APRO 5'62", **LatLong:** "41.266669 -84.366671", **LatLongDMS:** "41:16:00 N 84:22:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.266669,-84.366671)", **State/Prov:** "Ohio", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 22893 (F895424B)
**Date:** 5/20/1962
**Location:** Defiance, OH
**Description:** Scientist, others, watched maneuvering light source, brilliant blue changing to yellow. \[NICAP UFO Evidence, VI\] (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2578
### Event 22894 (B74A17F6)
**Date:** 5/21/1962
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Over England, an international Irish flight flying at an altitude of 17000 feet when it encountered a round metal object. (May 21)
**Reference:** Keyhoe 1967
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1962.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1956
### Event 22895 (64128124)
**Date:** 5/21/1962
**Description:** Airline(s)/airliner pilots. Brown colored sphere/orb/globe with antennas going west / 700mph 3K' under liner. / r75p163.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 28)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6636
**Attributes:** **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "70", **HatchDesc:** "SW/BRISTOL,ENGL:AL PILOTS:BRN ORB W/ANTENNAS >W/700mph 3K'UNDER LINER:/r75p163", **LatLong:** "51.150002 -2.316667", **LatLongDMS:** "51:09:00 N 02:19:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.150002,-2.316667)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 22896 (1A105A84)
**Date:** 5/21/1962
**Location:** BAHIA BLANCA, ARG
**Description:** Local photograph gets 2 shots / saucer which vanishes. Local wave / CIA.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FAWCETT, Lawrence & GREENWOOD, Barry: The UFO COVERUP (Formerly Clear Intent); Prentice Hall, NJ 1984. 264pp. (Index 138)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6637
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **MIL:** Military investigation, **GSA:** Covert Security Agency, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "21", **HatchDesc:** "BAHIA BLANCA,ARG:LOCAL PHOTOG GETS 2 SHOTS/SCR WHICH VANISHES:LOCAL WAVE/CIA", **LatLong:** "-38.716669 -62.283336", **LatLongDMS:** "38:43:00 S 62:17:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-38.716669,-62.283336)", **State/Prov:** "Buenos Aires", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 22897 (B6595458)
**Date:** 5/21/1962
**Location:** Unknown City, UK
**Description:** Irish International Airlines pilot watched spherical UFO pass below aircraft. \[NICAP UFO Evidence, X\] (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2579
### Event 22898 (531A12D9)
**Date:** 5/21/1962
**Location:** Bahia Blanca, Argentina
**Description:** Miguel Thomé, a reporter for La Nueva Provincia, takes several photos of a luminous object above Bahia Blanca, Argentina, one of which is exactly at a point when the object changes course.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** UFOEv, [p. 170](https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=mdp.39015006091691&view=1up&seq=182&skin=2021); ClearIntent, [pp. 138–139](https://archive.org/details/clearintentgover00fawc/page/138/mode/2up); “[Un avistaje de OVNI en Bahía Blanca aparece en los archivos de la CIA de Estados](https://www.lanueva.com/nota/2016-2-3-1-19-0-un-avistaje-de-ovni-en-bahia-blanca-aparece-en-los-archivos-de-la-cia-de-estados-unidos) [Unidos,](https://www.lanueva.com/nota/2016-2-3-1-19-0-un-avistaje-de-ovni-en-bahia-blanca-aparece-en-los-archivos-de-la-cia-de-estados-unidos)” La Nueva \(Bahía Blanca\), February 3, 2016
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3616
### Event 22899 (4CD77FA0)
**Date:** 5/21/1962
**Location:** southern England
**Description:** Day. Capt. Gordon Pendleton and First Officer J. P. Murphy are flying an Aer Lingus Vickers Viscount airliner above southern England at 17,000 feet when they see a brown globe-shaped object approaching head-on. It speeds 3,000 feet below the aircraft at about 700 mph. The object has a number of antenna-like projections on its surface.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Irish Times, May 22, 1962; UFOEv, [p. 122](https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=mdp.39015006091691&view=1up&seq=134&skin=2021)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3617
### Event 22900 (B1E86FF3)
**Date:** 5/22/1962
**Time:** 19:20
**Location:** ESPORA NAS, ARG
**Description:** Luminous saucer paces plane. Lights cockpit. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) and electro-magnetic effect (EME). 3 reports. / r242p171.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 30)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6638
**Attributes:** **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "35", **Elev:** "56", **HatchDesc:** "ESPORA NAS,ARG:LUMn.SCR PACES PLANE:LITES COCKPIT:RFI+EME:3 REPORTS:/r242p171", **LatLong:** "-34.533335 -59.533336", **LatLongDMS:** "34:32:00 S 59:32:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-34.533335,-59.533336)", **State/Prov:** "Buenos Aires", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 22901 (B3A86116)
**Date:** 5/22/1962
**Time:** ~23:00
**Location:** WINIFREDA, ARG
**Description:** Saucer lands. 2 giant robot(s)/android(s) exit. 6M / burnt grass. / r8#535+/ r113p152.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 28)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6639
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **RBT:** Possible robot or "Grey", mechanical motions, **GNT:** Giant: Large/tall alien, **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces, **MIL:** Military investigation
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "140", **HatchDesc:** "WINIFREDA,ARG:SCR LANDS:2 GIANT RBTS EXIT:6M/BURNT GRASS:/r8#535+/r113p152", **LatLong:** "-36.250002 -64.233336", **LatLongDMS:** "36:15:00 S 64:14:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-36.250002,-64.233336)", **State/Prov:** "LPM", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 22902 (4F332CE1)
**Date:** 5/22/1962
**Location:** Winifreda, Argentina
**Description:** A woman was hospitalized after her observation of a strange object that landed, and of the "ugly" giant beings who emerged from it. Approximate date.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** 135 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_535
### Event 22903 (C92ED2CB)
**Date:** 5/22/1962
**Locations:** Comandante Espora Air Naval Base; Bahia Blanca, Argentina
**Description:** 7:10–7:45 p.m. A formation of Navy planes, led by flight instructor Lt. Rodolfo César Galdos, near Comandante Espora Air Naval Base in Bahia Blanca, Argentina, observes several UFOs over a 35-minute period. Witnesses at the control tower also see an object. Student pilot Roberto Wilkinson sees a luminous object trailing his plane. It lights up his cockpit and his radio transmission is disrupted as it passes underneath.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** UFOEv, [pp. 119](https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=mdp.39015006091691&view=1up&seq=131&skin=2021), [171](https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=mdp.39015006091691&view=1up&seq=183&skin=2021); [Schopick](http://cufos.org/books/A%5FStudy%5Fof%5FSecondary%5FEffects-An%5FUnpublished%5FManuscript%5Fof%5FUFO%5FE-M%5FCases.pdf)[,](http://cufos.org/books/A%5FStudy%5Fof%5FSecondary%5FEffects-An%5FUnpublished%5FManuscript%5Fof%5FUFO%5FE-M%5FCases.pdf) p. 129; Loren E. Gross, [The Fifth Horseman of the Apocalypse: UFOs, a History: January–June](https://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1962-Jan-Jun.pdf) [1962](https://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1962-Jan-Jun.pdf)[,](https://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1962-Jan-Jun.pdf) The Author, 2005, pp. 65–67; Scott Corrales, “[Saucers in My Backyard: Argentina’s Trancas Case,](http://inexplicata.blogspot.com/2007/05/saucers-in-my-backyard-argentinas.html)” Inexplicata, May 8, 2007
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3618
### Event 22904 (3B7FD40F)
**Date:** 5/22/1962
**Alternate date:** 5/24/1962
**Locations:** Winifreda; Las Pampas; Argentina
**Description:** A woman is hospitalized after she and her husband see an object land near Winifreda, Las Pampas, Argentina. Two large “robot-like creatures” emerge. Argentine Air Force investigators find a circle of scorched grass.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Lorenzen, Encounters with UFO Occupants, Berkley Medallion, 1976, p. 152
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3619
### Event 22905 (4E813E78)
**Date:** 5/22/1962
**Description:** Several luminous discs were seen four times in 35 minutes during an Argentine Navy aircraft flight from Espora Naval Air Base in Buenos Aires province, Argentina. The plane's radio failed completely during the close encounters.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Robert Enrique Banchs, Las Evidencias del Fenomeno OVNI, citing Antonio Ribera; Dominique Weinstein, Aircraft UFO Encounters, p. 33
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3034
### Event 22906 (EF60817F)
**Date:** 5/23/1962
**Location:** PHILADELPHIA, PA
**Description:** Numerous observer(s). Domed saucer with portholes / 750M altitude. Cat and mouse / jets / 40 minute(s). Going quickly northwest.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 749)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6640
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "40", **Elev:** "12", **HatchDesc:** "PHILADELPHIA,PA:NMRS OBS:DOMED SCR W/PORTS/750M alt:CAT+MOUSE/JETS/40min:>>NW", **LatLong:** "40.000002 -75.166670", **LatLongDMS:** "40:00:00 N 75:10:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.000002,-75.166670)", **State/Prov:** "Pennsylvania", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 22907 (60DC7346)
**Date:** 5/23/1962
**Description:** In Philadelphia, Pennsylvania a domed disc with portholes flew over the city for an estimated 40 minutes, playing a game of cat and mouse with jets at an estimated altitude of 750 meters. The Air Force explanation lists this case as caused by a reflection.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Project Blue Book files counted in official statistics, May 1962; APRO Bulletin, May 1962
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3046
### Event 22908 (3FED769F)
**Date:** 5/24/1962
**Location:** SPACE
**Description:** (Translated from French) Scott Carpenter was aboard the Aurora 7 capsule when he spotted several large strange objects and took some pictures of them. (A. RIBERA/ R. FARRIOLS: "Preuves de l'existence des S.V." - De Vecchi 1975, p. 46 and photo p. 47) (Scott Carpenter): rumor has it that a UFO was seen and photographed. Carpenter took a photo of the balloon with instruments, ejected from the capsule. On the enlargement of the photo taken through a dirty window, the reflection of the sun is misinterpreted as a UFO. (1989 - listing and research by Harvey S. Stewart) Mercury VII: Scott Carpenter reports that he photographed with a portable camera objects similar to fireflies and that he took what he thought was a good shot of a saucer.
**Reference:** J. Allen HYNEK and Jacques VALLEE: "Aux limites de la réalité" - ed. Albin Michel 1978, p 83
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2226
### Event 22909 (51B29FA1)
**Date:** 5/24/1962
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Carpenter's orbital flight. (May 24)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1962.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1957
### Event 22910 (9F858F2E)
**Date:** 5/24/1962
**Location:** MERCURY 7 CAPSULE
**Description:** Scott carpenter sees&photos UFO in orbit. Observer(s) denies later..
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: ABOVE TOP SECRET; Sidgewick & Jackson, London 1987 & Quill Books, 1988. 592pp. (Index 377)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6641
**Attributes:** **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **COV:** Indication of coverup
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Earth Orbit or seen from space stations/capsules", **Credibility:** "5", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "MERCURY 7 CAPSULE:SCOTT CARPENTER SEES&PHOTOS UFO IN ORBIT:obs denies later..", **LatLong:** "90.000004 -0.000000", **LatLongDMS:** "90:00:00 N 00:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/90.000004,-0.000000)", **State/Prov:** "USA", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 22911 (3BEFB616)
**Date:** 5/24/1962
**Location:** Albuquerque, NM
**Description:** White Object Seen / Tracked On Radar For Hours (McDonald list) (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 4, BB: BBU, NC)
**Reference:** NICAP: [620524](http://www.nicap.org/620524albuquerque%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2580
### Event 22912 (E19181BE)
**Date:** 5/24/1962
**Description:** A robot-like being was sighted on a ranch in La Pampa, Argentina on this day by a rancher and his wife. Later an 18 foot in diameter burnt circle was found in the grass.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Encounters with UFO Occupants, p. 152; George D. Fawcett, Flying Saucers, May 1963, p. 36; Ted R. Phillips, Physical Traces Associated with UFO Sightings, case 153
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3062
### Event 22913 (153C9360)
**Date:** 5/25/1962
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In Argentina, a UFO photo taken by a journalist from *Nueva Provincia* is confirmed by the Cordoba Observatory. Other observations will take place until August. (May 25)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1962.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1960
### Event 22914 (EBCABB1D)
**Date:** 5/25/1962
**Location:** 2.0000 -157.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Tanana” Yield: 2.6KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_244
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "2.0000 -157.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "02:00:00 N 157:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/2.0000,-157.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Tanana", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NACU", **NukeY:** "2.6"
### Event 22915 (89E8025E)
**Date:** 5/25/1962
**Time:** 15:00:00.2
**Location:** 37.1248 -116.0520
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “White” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_245
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1248 -116.0520", **LatLongDMS:** "37:07:29 N 116:03:07 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1248,-116.0520)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.19", **NukeName:** "White", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 22916 (0AE6C1DD)
**Date:** 5/25/1962
**Location:** USAF Pentagon
**Description:** USAF Pentagon spokesman Maj. [Carl R. Hart](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/63582043/carl-robert-hart) tells NICAP that Air Force investigations involve hundreds of intelligence officers, as well as “the best scientific brains available in the laboratories of all government agencies,” also scientific investigators in commercial laboratories, wherever needed. He adds that [Hynek](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J.%5FAllen%5FHynek) has consulted with the “world’s leading scientists.” Around the same time, Lt. Col. Spencer Whedon from ATIC informs NICAP that the Air Force spends about $10,000 on each major sighting investigation.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[AF Admits UFO Probe Still in Full](http://www.cufos.org/UFOI%5Fand%5FSelected%5FDocuments/UFOI/016%20MAR-%20JUL%201962.pdf) [Operation,](http://www.cufos.org/UFOI%5Fand%5FSelected%5FDocuments/UFOI/016%20MAR-%20JUL%201962.pdf)” UFO Investigator 2, no. 4 \(March/July 1962\): 2
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3620
### Event 22917 (28A1CDFE)
**Date:** 5/25/1962
**Description:** What looked like a flaming airplane making a loud roaring noise plunged into Lake Meridian in Kent, Washington at 10:30 p.m. An explosion was heard.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Ivan T. Sanderson, Invisible Residents, p 226
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3085
### Event 22918 (0C00827B)
**Date:** 5/26/1962
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Sighting in Westfield \(Massachusetts\). (May 26)
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#7930 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1962.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1958
### Event 22919 (CC974D5A)
**Date:** 5/26/1962
**Location:** WESTFIELD, MA
**Description:** Red ovoid emits sparks / top and bottom. Yellow-white center. Blue Book unidentified. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO EVIDENCE; NICAP,Washington, DC 1964. Reprinted 1997 Barnes & Noble Books ( only $7.98! ) (Index 139)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6642
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "43", **HatchDesc:** "WESTFIELD,MA:RED OVOID EMITS SPARKS/TOP+BOTTOM:YLW-WHT CENTER:BBK UID:NFD", **LatLong:** "42.116669 -72.766670", **LatLongDMS:** "42:07:00 N 72:46:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.116669,-72.766670)", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 22920 (D75A8C11)
**Date:** 5/26/1962
**Time:** 23:50
**Location:** BLANDFORD, MA
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #7930. 6 USCG and more. Moon-size diamond-sphere/orb/globe descends. Makes south-curve. Slow.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SCIENCE & MECHANICS (eds.) OFFICIAL GUIDE to UFO'S; Ace Books, NY. 1968. (Index 148)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6643
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "443", **HatchDesc:** "BLANDFORD,MA:BBK#7930:6 USCG+:MOON-SIZE DIAMOND-ORB DESCENDS:MAKES S-CURVE:SLO", **LatLong:** "42.177780 -72.916670", **LatLongDMS:** "42:10:40 N 72:55:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.177780,-72.916670)", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 22921 (32EE8276)
**Date:** 5/26/1962
**Location:** Westfield, MA
**Description:** Large red ball fly or fall down, then rise back up (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 7930)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2567
### Event 22922 (9508E984)
**Date:** 5/26/1962
**Location:** Westfield, MA
**Description:** "Round, slightly oval, bright red object, giving off sparks from top and bottom. Center. . . yellowish or white. . .case is listed as unidentified." (Air Force Project Blue Book 1962 Summary.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 7930)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2581
### Event 22923 (BA8480F6)
**Date:** 5/26/1962
**Description:** At 11:45 p.m. a group of seven teenagers in Westfield, Massachusetts saw a red diamond-shaped object that gave off sparks like sparklers. The object slowly descended in a gentle S-curve. It landed remotely on a nearby mountain. Shortly after landing it reappeared in the sky, and stayed there until after the observers had left the scene.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Project Blue Book files counted in official statistics, case # 7930, Lloyd Mallan, The Official Guide to UFOs, p. 20; Jacques Vallee, Anatomy of a Phenomenon, p. 155
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3098
### Event 22924 (6666BBAF)
**Date:** 5/27/1962
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Observation at Palmer \(Alaska\). (May 27)
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#7931 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1962.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1959
### Event 22925 (0B62FE07)
**Date:** 5/27/1962
**Location:** PALMER, AK
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #7931. Unidentified. Numerous observer(s). 2 triangular UFO's dive and climb. No further details. / r78p191.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO EVIDENCE; NICAP,Washington, DC 1964. Reprinted 1997 Barnes & Noble Books ( only $7.98! ) (Index 139)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6644
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "76", **HatchDesc:** "PALMER,AK:BBK#7931:UID:NMRS OBS:2 TRIANGULAR UFOS DIVE+CLIMB:NFD:/r78p191", **LatLong:** "61.600003 -149.111118", **LatLongDMS:** "61:36:00 N 149:06:40 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/61.600003,-149.111118)", **State/Prov:** "Alaska", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 22926 (7DD4E378)
**Date:** 5/27/1962
**Location:** Palmer, AK
**Description:** (NARA) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 7931)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2582
### Event 22927 (DDD57068)
**Date:** 5/27/1962
**Location:** 2.0000 -157.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Nambe” Yield: 43KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_246
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "2.0000 -157.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "02:00:00 N 157:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/2.0000,-157.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Nambe", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NACU", **NukeY:** "43"
### Event 22928 (EA9DFFC1)
**Date:** 5/27/1962
**Description:** Numerous witnesses in Palmer, Alaska watched two triangular UFOs dive and climb through the sky.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Project Blue Book files counted in official statistics, case 7931; Richard H. Hall, UFO Evidence, p. 108
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3115
### Event 22929 (F8E6A182)
**Date:** 5/30/1962 (approximate)
**Time:** 21:30
**Location:** FLEISHMANNS, NY
**Description:** Group / students. Solid self-luminous silent night light SSW going quickly northwest. Jerky trajectory.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** STURROCK, Dr. Peter A: REPORT / SURVEY of the AMERICAN ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY of the UFO PROBLEM; Stanford, CA 1977. (Index 69)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6645
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "420", **HatchDesc:** "FLEISHMANNS,NY:GRP/STUDENTS:SOLID SELF-LUM.SILENT NLT SSW>>NW:JERKY TRAJECTORY", **LatLong:** "42.155558 -74.533337", **LatLongDMS:** "42:09:20 N 74:32:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.155558,-74.533337)", **State/Prov:** "New York", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 22930 (FB7902DA)
**Date:** 5/31/1962
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** MONTREAL, QB
**Description:** 9' barrel shape flies. 2 figure(s) visible inside via 2 portholes.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUSGRAVE, John Brent: UFO OCCUPANTS & CRITTERS; Global Communications, NY 1979. 8x11 66pp. (Index 43)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6646
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "67", **HatchDesc:** "MONTREAL,QB:9' BARREL SHAPE FLIES:2 FIGs VISIBLE INSIDE VIA 2 PORTHOLES", **LatLong:** "45.516669 -73.566670", **LatLongDMS:** "45:31:00 N 73:34:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.516669,-73.566670)", **State/Prov:** "Quebec", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 22931 (E3880B55)
**Date:** 6/1962
**Location:** USA
**Description:** (Translated from French) (cf: 1959, X-15) In June 1962, at an altitude of 76 km, the craft (X-15) breached the ceiling of the domain legally attributed to aircraft, and in August 1963, with the record altitude of 108 km, space was for the first time violated by an aircraft.
**Reference:** "The War of the Satellites" - Volume 3 - Pierre Kohler, ed. Famot 1982, p. 162
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2227
### Event 22932 (089CC759)
**Date:** 6/1962
**Location:** ITALY, Verona
**Description:** (Translated from French) Following a UFO sighting, a woman was awoken by an intense cold sensation and saw near the house a bald being. She called other witnesses and all of them saw the apparition "shrink" and disappear on the spot like a television image when the device is turned off.
**Reference:** Jacques VALLEE: "Other Dimensions" - trans. Robert Laffont 1989 - p. 284
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2228
### Event 22933 (C6C8F12F)
**Date:** 6/1/1962
**Time:** 17:00:00.1
**Location:** 37.0456 -116.0345
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Raccoon” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_247
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0456 -116.0345", **LatLongDMS:** "37:02:44 N 116:02:04 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0456,-116.0345)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.16", **NukeName:** "Raccoon", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 22934 (4169790B)
**Date:** 6/3/1962
**Time:** 19:30
**Location:** PACIENCIA, ARG
**Description:** Several observer(s). Moon-size disk hovers. Changes color(s). Vanishes in plain sight.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BANCHS, Rodolfo: LAS EVIDENCIAS de los OVNI; Rudolfo Alonso Editor, Argentina. 1976 (Index 151)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6647
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "170", **HatchDesc:** "PACIENCIA,ARG:SVRL OBS:MOONSIZE DISK HVRS:CHANGES CLRS:VANISHES in PLAIN SIGHT", **LatLong:** "-36.866668 -60.350003", **LatLongDMS:** "36:52:00 S 60:21:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-36.866668,-60.350003)", **State/Prov:** "Buenos Aires", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 22935 (81A290F5)
**Date:** 6/3/1962
**Description:** A doctor and his wife, Sr. & Sra. Gazua were driving to Parana, Entre Rios province, Argentina and were near the town of Crespo at 1:15 a.m. when they saw a luminous truncated cone, 3-4 meters high, on the ground 100 meters away. Through a doorway in the object they saw a being of normal height, wearing a diver suit with a hood. Inside was seated a second man. They drove on.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case A0529, citing Cordoba newspaper, July 20, 1962
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3244
### Event 22936 (74DA2C0B)
**Date:** 6/5/1962
**Location:** California
**Description:** Contactee [Gabriel Green](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gabriel%5FGreen) runs for the US Senate in California and claims to have received 171,000 votes in the Democratic primary.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[1962 United States Senate election in California](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1962%5FUnited%5FStates%5FSenate%5Felection%5Fin%5FCalifornia)”; S. D. Tucker, False Economies: The Strangest, Least Successful, and Most Audacious Financial Follies, Plans, and Crazes of All Times, Amberly, 2018, chapter 3, excerpted in “Taxing Credulity,” Fortean Times 367 \(June 2018\): 52–55
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3623
### Event 22937 (082E061D)
**Date:** 6/6/1962
**Time:** 17:00:00.1
**Location:** 37.0457 -116.0393
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Packrat” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_248
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0457 -116.0393", **LatLongDMS:** "37:02:45 N 116:02:21 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0457,-116.0393)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.26", **NukeName:** "Packrat", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 22938 (E7FF8B14)
**Date:** 6/6/1962
**Location:** Caroda, New South Wales
**Description:** 11:20 a.m. Six silent objects are seen at intervals over Caroda, New South Wales. A trail of shiny, web-like filaments falls and gradually disintegrates as they drift through the air. Witnesses say they are up to 5 feet long.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Keith Basterfield, “Angel Hair: An Australian Perspective,” IUR 27, no. 1 \(Spring 2002\): 7; Keith Basterfield, “[A Catalogue and Analysis of Australasian ‘Angel Hair’ Cases,](http://www.project1947.com/kbcat/kbangel.htm)” March 2001
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3624
### Event 22939 (8FD0B355)
**Date:** 6/7/1962
**Location:** Hallett Station, Antarctica
**Description:** (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2583
### Event 22940 (A6E6A43F)
**Date:** 6/7/1962
**Locations:** Hallett Station [now closed]; Cape Hallett; East Antarctica
**Description:** A brilliant white light, approximately 20 times brighter than first magnitude stars, is seen at Hallett Station \[now closed\], Cape Hallett, East Antarctica, at 250° \(true\) azimuth, and 30° elevation. Over 5 minutes it remains stationary and is viewed both with binoculars and the naked eye. It appears circular. It is a dazzling gold color and observed between two mountain peaks. The sun at the time is below the horizon. After 5 minutes it moves in a southerly direction and is lost to view behind a peak. Project Blue Book concludes it is Jupiter, even though that planet’s position is only at 5° elevation.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** NICAP, \[[Blue Book documents](http://www.nicap.org/docs2/1962-06-07%20Hallett%20Station.pdf)\]; [Sparks](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf), p. 292; Swords 298
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3625
### Event 22941 (5F85DABA)
**Date:** 6/8/1962
**Location:** 2.0000 -157.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Alma” Yield: 782KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_249
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "2.0000 -157.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "02:00:00 N 157:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/2.0000,-157.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Alma", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NACU", **NukeY:** "782"
### Event 22942 (AD397390)
**Date:** 6/9/1962
**Location:** 2.0000 -157.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Truckee” Yield: 210KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_250
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "2.0000 -157.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "02:00:00 N 157:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/2.0000,-157.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Truckee", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NACU", **NukeY:** "210"
### Event 22943 (171809D2)
**Date:** 6/10/1962
**Location:** 2.0000 -157.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Yeso” Yield: 3000KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_251
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "2.0000 -157.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "02:00:00 N 157:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/2.0000,-157.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Yeso", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NACU", **NukeY:** "3000"
### Event 22944 (4C459DFC)
**Date:** 6/12/1962
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Recovery of 2 bodies following a crash at [Holloman](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/HollomanAFB.html) base \(New Mexico\). (June 12)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1962.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1961
### Event 22945 (9FC0331D)
**Date:** 6/12/1962
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In Verona \(Italy\), following a UFO sighting, a woman is awoken by an intense cold sensation and sees a bald being near the house. She calls other witnesses and all of them see the apparition shrink and disappear on the spot like a television image when the device is turned off.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1962.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1962
### Event 22946 (4B9CBA1D)
**Date:** 6/12/1962
**Location:** 2.0000 -157.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Harlem” Yield: 1200KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_252
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "2.0000 -157.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "02:00:00 N 157:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/2.0000,-157.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Harlem", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NACU", **NukeY:** "1200"
### Event 22947 (7B6F1899)
**Date:** 6/13/1962
**Time:** 21:00:00.1
**Location:** 37.2222 -116.1621
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Des Moines” Yield: 2.9KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_253
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.2222 -116.1621", **LatLongDMS:** "37:13:20 N 116:09:44 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.2222,-116.1621)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.20", **NukeName:** "Des Moines", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "2.9"
### Event 22948 (FC7E9034)
**Date:** 6/15/1962
**Time:** 12:30
**Description:** 2 old women. 5 saucers maneuver / 5 min then shoot away / 3s. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** REHN, K. Gosta: UFO's HERE and NOW; Translated/Swedish Patricia Crompton: London; Abelard 1974 (Index 122)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6648
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Scandanavian and Finland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "S/STOCKHOLM,SW:2 OLD WOMEN:5 SCRS MNVR/5 MIN THEN SHOOT AWAY/3s:NFD", **LatLong:** "59.166669 18.000001", **LatLongDMS:** "59:10:00 N 18:00:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/59.166669,18.000001)", **State/Prov:** "Sweden", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 22949 (C88FAAAC)
**Date:** 6/15/1962
**Time:** 23:50
**Description:** Silver object / hillside. Gone shortly after. No further details. / FSR'62#5.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA; H. Regnery, Chicago HC 1969 & Contemporary Books,Chicago 1993. 372pp. (Index 536)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6649
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "PRINCE of WALES Isl,AUSTR:SLVR OBJ/HILLSIDE:GONE SHORTLY AFTER:NFD:/FSR'62#5", **LatLong:** "-10.783334 142.250007", **LatLongDMS:** "10:47:00 S 142:15:00 E", **Locale:** "Islands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-10.783334,142.250007)", **State/Prov:** "Queensland", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 22950 (C175DBB3)
**Date:** 6/15/1962
**Location:** 2.0000 -157.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Rinconada” Yield: 800KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_254
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "2.0000 -157.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "02:00:00 N 157:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/2.0000,-157.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Rinconada", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NACU", **NukeY:** "800"
### Event 22951 (590BD0C1)
**Date:** 6/16/1962
**Location:** Prince of Wales Island, Australia
**Description:** Four persons from Thursday Island, among them E. Thorpe, were climbing a hill when they observed a silvery object on a nearby hillside, less than 2 km away. It could not be located again when they reached the other side of the hill.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** FSR 62,5 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_536
### Event 22952 (7A23F0AF)
**Date:** 6/17/1962
**Location:** 2.0000 -157.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Dulce” Yield: 52KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_255
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "2.0000 -157.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "02:00:00 N 157:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/2.0000,-157.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Dulce", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NACU", **NukeY:** "52"
### Event 22953 (34F73048)
**Date:** 6/19/1962
**Time:** 18:10
**Location:** HARLEDEN, LONDON
**Description:** 1 observer. Classic saucer low and slow north going south / 500' altitude. Wavers. Variable speeds.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** OLSEN, Thomas: REFERENCE for OUTSTANDING UFO SIGHTINGS REPORTS. 1966 UFO Information Retrieval Center, Riderwood, MD 21139. (Index 380)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6650
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "HARLEDEN,LONDON:1 OBS:CLASSIC SCR LO+SLOW N>S/500'alt:WAVERS:VARIABLE SPEEDS", **LatLong:** "51.533336 -0.083333", **LatLongDMS:** "51:32:00 N 00:05:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.533336,-0.083333)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 22954 (13AC0C67)
**Date:** 6/19/1962
**Location:** 2.0000 -157.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Petit” Yield: 2.2KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_256
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "2.0000 -157.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "02:00:00 N 157:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/2.0000,-157.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Petit", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NACU", **NukeY:** "2.2"
### Event 22955 (2DE96554)
**Date:** 6/21/1962
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Sighting in Indianapolis \(Indiana\). (June 21)
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#7957 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1962.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1963
### Event 22956 (D9F6B085)
**Date:** 6/21/1962
**Time:** 04:00
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #7957. 3 / B52 bomber. 3 star-like night lights joined by 2 more.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BERLINER, DON: The BLUEBOOK UNKNOWNS; (FUFOR). (Index 30)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6651
**Attributes:** **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "218", **HatchDesc:** "nr INDIANAPOLIS,IN:BBK#7957:3/B52 BOMBER:3 STARLIKE NLTS JOINED BY 2 MORE", **LatLong:** "39.783335 -86.183337", **LatLongDMS:** "39:47:00 N 86:11:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.783335,-86.183337)", **State/Prov:** "Indiana", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 22957 (19167D60)
**Date:** 6/21/1962
**Location:** Indianapolis, IN
**Description:** Three Strange Lights Observed By B-52 Crew (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: 7957)
**Reference:** NICAP: [620621](http://www.nicap.org/620621indy%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2584
### Event 22958 (16924D0B)
**Date:** 6/21/1962
**Time:** 4 AM
**Location:** Indianapolis, Indiana
**Description:** Witnesses: Lt. Col. H. King and tail gunner M/Sgt. Roberts, aboard a B-52 heavy jet bomber. Three bright, star-like lights: one seen; 10 seconds later, two more were seen. Total sighting took 3 minutes.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_476
### Event 22959 (B7F6E140)
**Date:** 6/21/1962
**Time:** 17:00:00.1
**Location:** 37.0431 -116.0303
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Daman I” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_257
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0431 -116.0303", **LatLongDMS:** "37:02:35 N 116:01:49 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0431,-116.0303)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.26", **NukeName:** "Daman I", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 22960 (A595B0C8)
**Date:** Summer 1962
**Description:** Col. [Joseph J. Bryan III](https://www.encyclopediavirginia.org/Bryan%5FJoseph%5FIII%5F1904-1993)[,](https://www.encyclopediavirginia.org/Bryan%5FJoseph%5FIII%5F1904-1993) special assistant to the Secretary of the Air Force and advisor to NATO, joins the board of NICAP. In 1959 he had contacted [Keyhoe](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald%5FKeyhoe) and asked to see some of his “really hot cases.” It is later revealed that he was also founder of the CIA’s psychological warfare staff. Bryan never discloses his CIA background to NICAP or Keyhoe. Although Bryan, the father of later UFO author [C. D. B. Bryan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C.%5FD.%5FB.%5FBryan), makes strong pro-UFO statements, he is later suspected of helping to discredit Keyhoe and undermine NICAP; his son and [Richard H. Hall](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard%5FH.%5FHall) deny it.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[AF Colonel, Noted Astronomer, Join Board,](http://www.cufos.org/UFOI%5Fand%5FSelected%5FDocuments/UFOI/017%20AUG-SEPT%201962.pdf)” UFO Investigator 2, no. 5 \(Aug./Sept 1962\): 2; “[Col. Joseph Bryan,](http://www.cufos.org/UFOI%5Fand%5FSelected%5FDocuments/UFOI/032%20MAY-JUN%201966.pdf)” UFO Investigator 3, no. 8 \(May/June 1966\): 5; “[NI-CIA-AP or NICAP?](http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/Just%20Cause%20%28CAUS%29/Just%20Cause%20-%20Old%20Series/Just%20Cause%20-%20Vol%201%20Issue%2007%20-%20Old%20Series.pdf)” Just Cause 1, no. 7 \(January 1979\): 5–13; “[CE4K Author C. D. B. Bryan Dies,](http://rigorousintuition.ca/board2/viewtopic.php?t=26301&p=306297)” Rigorous Intuition, December 18, 2009
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3621
### Event 22961 (D069C35D)
**Date:** Summer 1962
**Locations:** East Peru, Maine; Ardgay, Sutherland, Scotland; RAF Kinloss; Moray Firth; RAF Evanton
**Description:** Around 9:00 p.m. Harvey Packard and five other men are fishing near East Peru, Maine, when three orange globes show up across the pond and begin dancing about. The globes move toward the witnesses, who get scared and jump in their car and speed away. The globes follow the car, one in the rear and the others on each side. The objects appear to be transparent, 3-foot spheres that easily pace the speeding vehicle. Occasionally they leave their positions and form into a triangle with squarish bridges between them, then split up and continue the car chase. The car radio is filled with static. Finally, they veer off and fly into the woods. \(NICAP case file; Swords 300\) Summer — Donald MacKenzie, a shepherd, discovers some strange wreckage in a remote moor near Ardgay, Sutherland, Scotland, that he thinks is related to Sputnik. In October, a team from RAF Kinloss \[now Kinloss Barracks\] on the Moray Firth arrives to investigate. They find a strange box-shaped object, large enough to have carried a person and containing spaces for cameras and a brass panel that explains, in pictures, what the finder should do in the event of discovery to claim a reward. Buried nearby are a number of bottles of colorless fluid. The team is mystified and suspects something Russian but can’t confirm it. The debris now seems likely to have come from a secret spy balloon, one of many launched in 1955–1956 by the US Air Force from RAF Evanton \[now closed\], to take reconnaissance photos of Russian military and nuclear facilities. Once clear of Soviet territory, the balloons were designed to drop into the Pacific Ocean where its VHF beacon would guide recovery efforts.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** David Clarke, “[The Scottish Roswell?](https://drdavidclarke.co.uk/2012/07/29/the-scottish-roswell/)” Dr. David Clarke: Folklore and Journalism, July 29, 2012
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3622
### Event 22962 (DBC0210B)
**Date:** 6/21/1962
**Description:** At 4:00 a.m. Lt. Col. H. King and his tail gunner M/Sgt. Roberts, aboard a B-52 heavy jet bomber flying over Indianapolis, Indiana sighted three bright, star-like flying nocturnal lights. The first was seen, and then ten seconds later two more were spotted. The total sighting lasted three minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Project Blue Book files counted in official statistics, case # 7957; Don Berliner, Project Bluebook UFO Unknowns
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3572
### Event 22963 (7B43397B)
**Date:** 6/21/1962
**Description:** Many residents of La Plata, Argentina phoned the police and the newspapers on this night to report a red cigar-shaped UFO over the city, flying around in circles at great speed. The object would disappear and reappear, giving off red flashes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Gordon Creighton, Flying Saucer Review, July-August 1964, p. 10
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3573
### Event 22964 (176D435E)
**Date:** 6/22/1962
**End date:** 6/23/1962
**Location:** Columbus, GA
**Description:** From 10:25 p.m. local time, June 22, until 3:00 a.m. local time, June 23, multiple witnesses reported at least seven sightings of flying objects in the Columbus area. (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5)
**Reference:** NICAP: [19620622-19620623](http://www.nicap.org/620622columbus%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2585
### Event 22965 (57990BC4)
**Date:** 6/22/1962
**Location:** 2.0000 -157.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Otowi” Yield: 81.5KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_258
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "2.0000 -157.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "02:00:00 N 157:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/2.0000,-157.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Otowi", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NACU", **NukeY:** "81.5"
### Event 22966 (906BAF88)
**Date:** 6/25/1962
**Time:** 21:00
**Description:** 3 boys. 3+1 green fireballs exit delta/triangle/box-like craft. 3 board 2nd delta/triangle/box-like craft. Saucer drops cable going down / ground.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 751)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6652
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "240", **Elev:** "720", **HatchDesc:** "SE TUCSON,AZ:3 BOYS:3+1 GRN FBLS EXIT DLT:3 BOARD 2nd DLT:SCR DROPS CABLE↓/GND", **LatLong:** "32.200002 -110.883339", **LatLongDMS:** "32:12:00 N 110:53:00 W", **Locale:** "Desert", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/32.200002,-110.883339)", **State/Prov:** "Arizona", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 22967 (2DB6FA07)
**Date:** 6/25/1962
**End date:** 6/26/1962
**Locations:** 7466 East 18th Street, Tucson, Arizona; Pontano Wash
**Description:** 9:00 p.m.–2:00 a.m. John, 14, and James Westmoreland, 12, are camping out in their backyard at 7466 East 18th Street, Tucson, Arizona, with a friend, Ronald Black, 11. About 9:00 p.m. John notices a bright star in the west that moves occasionally, dips, and hovers. Around 11:45, they notice that the star is brighter and has moved closer, taking the shape of a triangle. At 12:15, the object noiselessly emits three green flares that take on a speedy horizontal flight path. They notice a second, ball-shaped object that races from west to east, flips, and stops at a higher elevation than the first. A “flare-like” light approaches the second and seems to be absorbed by it. The first UFO spits out more green flares, two of which disappear into the second object a few minutes later. The second object shoots out a rocket that disappears in the sky. A third whitish object, larger and disc-shaped, appears above Pontano Wash with a cone-shaped superstructure. Three stiltlike protuberances appear briefly then are drawn back in. The third object also drops something like a rope that extends to the ground for 3–5 minutes. The boys soon get sleepy and retire after a while, telling the mother, [Pansy Westmoreland](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/3997504/pansy-carrie-westmoreland), about it in the morning.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Saucers, Rockets Inhabit Night Sky,](https://www.newspapers.com/clip/102465898/tucson-citizen/)” Tucson \(Ariz.\) Daily Citizen, June 26, 1962, p. 17; Coral E. Lorenzen, “[Saucers Shoot Rockets over Tucson, Arizona,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201962%2007%2000%20-%20July.pdf)” APRO Bulletin, July 1962, pp. 1, 3–4; Lorenzen, UFOs over the Americas, Signet, 1968, pp. 114–118
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3626
### Event 22968 (3DB7A3F2)
**Date:** 6/25/1962
**Description:** In Kurrajong, New South Wales, Australia a glowing red object of great size and speed was seen as it flew over.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Michael Hervey, UFOs over the Southern Hemisphere, p. 87
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3651
### Event 22969 (0A8385CD)
**Date:** 6/26/1962
**Time:** 03:00
**Location:** VERONA, ITL
**Description:** Many observer(s). Saucer maneuvers. Figure appears. Shrinks and vanishes / TV image! / FSR'63#2.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA; H. Regnery, Chicago HC 1969 & Contemporary Books,Chicago 1993. 372pp. (Index 537)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6653
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Italy", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "60", **HatchDesc:** "VERONA,ITL:MANY OBS:SCR MNVRS:FIG.APPEARS:SHRINKS+VANISHES/TV IMAGE!:/FSR'63#2", **LatLong:** "45.466669 11.033334", **LatLongDMS:** "45:28:00 N 11:02:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.466669,11.033334)", **State/Prov:** "NVT", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 22970 (E1EA74B2)
**Date:** 6/26/1962
**Time:** evening
**Location:** Verona, Italy
**Description:** For about one hour, 20-year-old Roberto Poregozzo, his mother, Maria, and his 25-year-old sister, Luisa, observed a silvery disk, the apparent diameter of the moon, maneuvering in the sky near Santa Anastasia church. They finally went home. About 0300, one of them was awakened by a feeling of intense cold and perceived a greenish light in the room. In the window a sharply defined human shape, delineating a semi-transparent body, was visible. The apparition had a huge bald head. The witness screamed, awakening the two others, and they saw the apparition shrink and vanish "like a TV image when one turns off the set."
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** FSR 63, 2 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_537
### Event 22971 (FB8F2F76)
**Date:** 6/26/1962
**Description:** Verona, Italy -- After observing a flying disc earlier that night, Luisa Peregozzo awoke to an intense cold feeling and saw out her bedroom window a semi-transparent being with an enormous baldhead, surrounded by a green light. It was extending huge hands in her direction. The air in the room remained cold throughout the entire episode.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Flying Saucers, January 1966, p. 58
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3670
### Event 22972 (D241B59C)
**Date:** 6/27/1962
**Location:** 2.0000 -157.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Bighorn” Yield: 7650KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_259
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "2.0000 -157.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "02:00:00 N 157:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/2.0000,-157.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Bighorn", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NACU", **NukeY:** "7650"
### Event 22973 (AFC78887)
**Date:** 6/27/1962
**Time:** 18:00:00.1
**Location:** 37.0416 -116.0353
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Haymaker” Yield: 67KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_260
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0416 -116.0353", **LatLongDMS:** "37:02:30 N 116:02:07 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0416,-116.0353)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.41", **NukeMb:** "4.90", **NukeName:** "Haymaker", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "67"
### Event 22974 (929C5080)
**Date:** 6/28/1962
**Time:** 17:00:00.1
**Location:** 37.0091 -116.2011
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Marshmallow” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_261
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0091 -116.2011", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:33 N 116:12:04 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0091,-116.2011)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.31", **NukeName:** "Marshmallow", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 22975 (F3CC3A2E)
**Date:** 6/30/1962
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Observation in Richmond \(Virginia\). (June 30-July 1)
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#7968 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1962.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1964
### Event 22976 (4D0C9BA8)
**Date:** 6/30/1962
**Time:** 23:50?
**Location:** RICHMOND, VA
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #7968. Observer(s) = Meadors. Red saucer climbs banks and maneuvers / 10 min. Unidentified.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLAMMONDE, Paris: UFO EXIST!; Ballentine Books, NY 1976. PB 480pp. (Index 438)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6654
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "57", **HatchDesc:** "RICHMOND,VA:BBK#7968:OBS=MEADORS:RED SCR CLIMBS BANKS+MANEUVERS/10 MIN:UID:", **LatLong:** "37.566668 -77.466670", **LatLongDMS:** "37:34:00 N 77:28:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.566668,-77.466670)", **State/Prov:** "Virginia", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 22977 (CB691124)
**Date:** 6/30/1962
**End date:** 7/1/1962
**Location:** Richmond, VA
**Description:** Saw a red, star-like light for unspecified length of time (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 7968)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2586
### Event 22978 (515B8FE1)
**Date:** 6/30/1962
**Time:** 9 AM
**Location:** Richmond, Virginia
**Description:** Witness: 13 year old Meadors. One red, star-like light seen for an unspecified length of time. No further details in files.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_477
### Event 22979 (D2E2E785)
**Date:** 6/30/1962
**Location:** 2.0000 -157.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Bluestone” Yield: 1270KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_262
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "2.0000 -157.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "02:00:00 N 157:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/2.0000,-157.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Bluestone", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NACU", **NukeY:** "1270"
### Event 22980 (977663C6)
**Date:** 6/30/1962
**Time:** 21:30:00.2
**Location:** 37.1174 -116.0474
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Sacramento” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_263
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1174 -116.0474", **LatLongDMS:** "37:07:03 N 116:02:51 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1174,-116.0474)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.15", **NukeName:** "Sacramento", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 22981 (CEDFCC4C)
**Date:** 6/30/1962
**Description:** At 9:00 a.m. a 13-year-old reported seeing a red, circular object with some white lights in Richmond, Virginia. He observed it for ten minutes as the object climbed and banked. A Project Blue Book "unknown."
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Paris Flammonde, UFO Exist!, p. 367
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3746
### Event 22982 (1FC6055E)
**Date:** 7/1962
**Location:** ARGENTINA, Camba Punta
**Description:** (Translated from French) In July 1962, a UFO was spotted approaching Camba Punta in Argentina. The airport director, Luiz Harvey, cleared the runway. A few moments later, a perfectly round aerial vessel arrived at high speed. It stopped, hovering for three minutes. The Argentine Air Force had been alerted, but no pursuit was attempted. Unfortunately, witnesses, in a state of excitement, wanted to get a closer look at the strange machine and started running towards it. The flying disc quickly disappeared. (Donald KEYHOE: "Les Etrangers de l'Espace" - Presses Pocket 1975 - p. 66) The flying object arrived at high speed above the runway and suddenly stopped at an altitude of 1m to 1m 20 from the asphalt. The object was completely round according to the description of Mr. Harvey and a dozen other witnesses, and it was rotating on its vertical axis. During this time, the UFO emitted a blinding light of green, orange and blue. When Harvey and his team approached, the object rose at a dizzying speed.
**Reference:** The 1962 Ufo-Flap Remembered, Joseph Trainor, Saucer Roundup
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2233
### Event 22983 (A2AA0F81)
**Date:** 7/1962
**Time:** 13:00?
**Description:** 12 techs and engineers. 50' silver saucer circles RADAR station/depot/facility. 90'35MM film.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 231)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6655
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **RDR:** Radar traces/blips
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "1250", **HatchDesc:** "nr HOLLOMAN AFB,NM:12 TECHS+ENGINEERS:50'SLVR SCR CIRCLES RDR STn:90'35MM FILM", **LatLong:** "32.816668 -106.050005", **LatLongDMS:** "32:49:00 N 106:03:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/32.816668,-106.050005)", **State/Prov:** "New Mexico", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 22984 (7B9F6ADB)
**Date:** 7/1962
**Time:** 16:00
**Location:** MARGNY, FR
**Description:** Boy / 8. UFO / 3 legs / field. Buzz like high tension power lines power lines. No traces. / r30p248.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 160)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6656
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "MARGNY,FR:BOY/8:UFO/3 LEGS/FIELD:BUZZ like HiV POWER LINES:no traces:/r30p248", **LatLong:** "49.616669 5.350000", **LatLongDMS:** "49:37:00 N 05:21:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.616669,5.350000)", **State/Prov:** "Ardennes", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 22985 (B78339F9)
**Date:** 7/1962
**Description:** APRO refers to NICAP as merely a “lobbying” effort in APRO Bulletin, while APRO is “gradually drawing the endorsements of the scientific community.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Support NICAP?](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201962%2007%2000%20-%20July.pdf)” APRO Bulletin, July 1962, pp. 1–2; Clark III 50
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3627
### Event 22986 (897A77AB)
**Date:** 7/6/1962
**Time:** 17:00:00.1
**Location:** 37.1770 -116.0454
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Sedan” Yield: 104KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_264
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1770 -116.0454", **LatLongDMS:** "37:10:37 N 116:02:43 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1770,-116.0454)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.19", **NukeMb:** "4.40", **NukeName:** "Sedan", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "104"
### Event 22987 (3959E613)
**Date:** 7/7/1962
**Location:** 37.0000 -116.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Little Feller II” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_265
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0000 -116.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:00 N 116:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0000,-116.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Little Feller II", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NACU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 22988 (C12CA079)
**Date:** 7/7/1962
**Location:** Russia
**Description:** Soviet Col. [Georgy Mosolov](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georgy%5FMosolov) reaches 1,665 mph in a Mikoyan Gurevich Ye-166 \(a modified Ye-152\) over Russia.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Georgi Mosolov](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georgy%5FMosolov)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3628
### Event 22989 (F1108D1B)
**Date:** 7/7/1962
**Locations:** Hallett Station; Cape Hallett; East Antarctica
**Description:** 11:10 p.m. C. B. Taylor, chief scientist at Hallett Station \[now closed\], Cape Hallett, East Antarctica, sees an intense light followed by two smaller lights pass over the facility in a few seconds leaving a clearly visible trail. Its passage is registered by an all-sky camera used for the study of auroras. Probable bolide.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** NICAP, \[[Blue Book](http://www.nicap.org/docs2/1962-06-07%20Hallett%20Station.pdf) [documents](http://www.nicap.org/docs2/1962-06-07%20Hallett%20Station.pdf)\]; NICAP, “[Object Filmed by All Camera \(IFO\)](http://www.nicap.org/620707arctic%5Fcoast%5Fdir.htm)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3629
### Event 22990 (DABE03FE)
**Date:** 7/9/1962
**Time:** 23:10
**Description:** 7 scientists and clear photographs. Grey cloud with 3 lights going quickly northeast / low altitude. Satellite?
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 749)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6657
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Antarctic below 70 degrees South", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "4", **HatchDesc:** "CAPE HALLET,ANTARC:7 SCIs+CLR FOTOS:GRY CLOUD W/3 LITES >>NE/lo alt:satellite?", **LatLong:** "-72.316670 170.266675", **LatLongDMS:** "72:19:00 S 170:16:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-72.316670,170.266675)", **State/Prov:** "ANZ", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 22991 (B9282952)
**Date:** 7/9/1962
**Location:** 17.0000 -169.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Starfish Prime” Yield: 1400KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_266
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "17.0000 -169.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "17:00:00 N 169:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/17.0000,-169.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Starfish Prime", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NACU", **NukeY:** "1400"
### Event 22992 (341326B0)
**Date:** 7/9/1962
**Description:** A clear photograph of a gray cloud with three lights was taken at 11:10 p.m. by Dr. Taylor, an atmospheric scientist at the Cape Hallet Station in Antarctica. The cloud and lights moved toward the northeast at a low altitude. Other sightings of UFOs occurred that night at both the Chilean and Argentine Bases on the Palmer Archipelago in Antarctica.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Coral E. Lorenzen, UFOs: The Whole Story, p. 234; Brad Steiger, Strangers from the Skies, p. 39
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3953
### Event 22993 (289AAB12)
**Date:** 7/10/1962
**Location:** USA,
**Reference:** "Astronautics, Pierre Rousseau, Hachette 1965, p. 63
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2229
### Event 22994 (F105FE9D)
**Date:** 7/10/1962
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Telstar, 1st telecommunications satellite. (July 10)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1962.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1965
### Event 22995 (876662B7)
**Date:** 7/10/1962
**Time:** 07:10
**Location:** NEW IBERIA, LA
**Description:** Saucer going northeast 450M over NAS runway and hangar. Dome rotates / 90 rpm. / r70p380.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO EVIDENCE; NICAP,Washington, DC 1964. Reprinted 1997 Barnes & Noble Books ( only $7.98! ) (Index 32)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6658
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "NEW IBERIA,LA:SCR >NE 450M ovr NAS RUNWAY+HANGAR:DOME ROTATES/90rpm:/r70p380", **LatLong:** "30.000001 -91.816671", **LatLongDMS:** "30:00:00 N 91:49:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/30.000001,-91.816671)", **RelAlt:** "450", **State/Prov:** "Louisiana", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 22996 (14F47ECC)
**Date:** 7/10/1962
**Location:** New Iberia, LA
**Description:** Disc-shaped UFO with rotating dome on top swept low over Naval Auxiliary Air Station, slowed over area of runway and hangar, then climbed out of sight at 20 to 30 degrees angle accelerating rapidly. \[NICAP UFO Evidence, IV\] (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2587
### Event 22997 (9374BB30)
**Date:** 7/10/1962
**Location:** 2.0000 -157.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Sunset” Yield: 1000KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_267
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "2.0000 -157.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "02:00:00 N 157:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/2.0000,-157.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Sunset", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NACU", **NukeY:** "1000"
### Event 22998 (2FBB1CC1)
**Date:** 7/11/1962
**Location:** 2.0000 -157.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Pamlico” Yield: 3880KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_268
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "2.0000 -157.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "02:00:00 N 157:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/2.0000,-157.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Pamlico", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NACU", **NukeY:** "3880"
### Event 22999 (9597B24F)
**Date:** 7/11/1962
**Time:** 16:45:00.1
**Location:** 37.1224 -116.3330
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Johnnie Boy” Yield: .5KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_269
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1224 -116.3330", **LatLongDMS:** "37:07:21 N 116:19:59 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1224,-116.3330)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Johnnie Boy", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** ".5"
### Event 23000 (2445053C)
**Date:** 7/13/1962
**Time:** 16:00:00.2
**Location:** 37.0551 -116.0334
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Merrimac” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 200KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_270
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0551 -116.0334", **LatLongDMS:** "37:03:18 N 116:02:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0551,-116.0334)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.41", **NukeMb:** "4.40", **NukeName:** "Merrimac", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "200"
### Event 23001 (EF2D962A)
**Date:** 7/14/1962
**Location:** 37.0000 -116.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Small Boy” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_271
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0000 -116.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:00 N 116:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0000,-116.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "3.70", **NukeName:** "Small Boy", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NACU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 23002 (B96B9525)
**Date:** 7/17/1962
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Test pilot [Robert White](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/WhiteRobertMichael.html) claims to have found himself in a formation of UFOs at 96 km altitude. (July 17)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1962.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1966
### Event 23003 (06938A17)
**Date:** 7/17/1962
**Location:** Low Earth Orbit
**Description:** X-15 pilot, 58 miles high, sees gray object forty feet away.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [_UFOs and the National Security State: Chronology of a Cover-up, 1941–1973_, by Richard Dolan](https://archive.org/details/ufosnationalsecu00dola/mode/2up)
**Source:** Dolan, **ID:** Dolan_244
### Event 23004 (A4CDD683)
**Date:** 7/17/1962
**Location:** MOHAVE DESERT, CA
**Description:** 2nd X15 / worlds record altitude / 314K' films 5-8 UFO's pacing!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 259)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6659
**Attributes:** **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "500", **HatchDesc:** "MOHAVE DESERT,CA:2nd X15/WORLDS RECORD ALTITUDE/314K' FILMS 5-8 UFOS PACING!", **LatLong:** "36.833335 -117.666672", **LatLongDMS:** "36:50:00 N 117:40:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/36.833335,-117.666672)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 23005 (9614DC06)
**Date:** 7/17/1962
**Location:** Edwards AFB, CA
**Description:** X-15 flight, Maj. Bob White pilot. Photographs and visual sighting of unidentified object "like a piece of paper," gray-white. Observed to left of aircraft "going along with the ship" for about 5 seconds, then "darted above and behind the plane." \[NICAP UFO Evidence\] (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2588
### Event 23006 (06664E8A)
**Date:** 7/17/1962
**Location:** 37.0000 -116.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Little Feller I” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_272
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0000 -116.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:00 N 116:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0000,-116.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Little Feller I", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NACU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 23007 (9977BC1B)
**Date:** 7/17/1962
**Location:** Edwards AFB, California
**Description:** Maj. [Robert Michael White](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert%5FMichael%5FWhite) is piloting Flight 62 of the X-15 at Edwards AFB, California. He flies it to 314,750 feet \(59 miles\), qualifying him for USAF astronaut wings. For this, he is featured on the cover of the August 3 issue of Life. At the top of his climb he sees a small grayish object “like a piece of paper” about 30–40 feet away. He exclaims, “There are things out there. There absolutely is!”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Space: Inside the Sky,](http://content.time.com/time/subscriber/article/0%2C33009%2C827456%2C00.html)” Time, July 27, 1962; MUFON UFO Journal, November 1989, pp. 6–7; Good Above, [p. 366](https://archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/366/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3630
### Event 23008 (3386E873)
**Date:** 7/17/1962
**Description:** On this day X-15 pilot and future astronaut White was flying at 58 miles above the Earth from his desert takeoff point in California when he saw and took movie film of a grayish-white UFO. It paced the X-15 for five seconds, and then darted above and behind the plane.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP UFO Investigator, September 1962, p. 8
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4125
### Event 23009 (DA1BD1B0)
**Date:** 7/18/1962
**Time:** 20:00
**Location:** STANLEY, WI
**Description:** Woman / (seen thru) binoculars. 2 silent silver dumbell-shaped craft with thick crossbars going quickly southwest. / r70p381.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HAINES, Richard Ph.D: PROJECT DELTA; 1994, LDA Press, PO Box 880, Los Altos, CA 94023 USA (Index 52)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6660
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "347", **HatchDesc:** "STANLEY,WI:WOMAN/BINOCS:2 SLNT SLVR DUMBELLs W/THICK CROSSBARS>>SW:/r70p381", **LatLong:** "44.961113 -90.938893", **LatLongDMS:** "44:57:40 N 90:56:20 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.961113,-90.938893)", **State/Prov:** "Wisconsin", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 23010 (706572B9)
**Date:** 7/18/1962
**Time:** ~23:00
**Description:** Physician. 2 huge beings near saucer by roadway. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BOWEN, Charles (ed.) The HUMANOIDS: HB Henry Regnery, Chicago 1969. 256pp. PB 1977 Futura, London (Index 102)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6661
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **GNT:** Giant: Large/tall alien
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "88", **HatchDesc:** "CRESPO,ENTRE RIOS,ARG:PHYSICIAN:2 HUGE BEINGS NR SCR BY ROADWAY:NFD", **LatLong:** "-32.033335 -60.294447", **LatLongDMS:** "32:02:00 S 60:17:40 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-32.033335,-60.294447)", **State/Prov:** "ENT", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 23011 (408E4E3C)
**Date:** 7/18/1962
**Description:** At 1:00 a.m. Doctor Gauza and his wife were traveling on their way back to Crespo, Entre Rios, Argentina when they noticed a large metallic, cone-shaped object on the ground very close to the road. A very tall human looking figure stood next to an open door in the craft. It was looking around at the terrain. There was also a second figure looking out from a large porthole. The men were described as having long blond hair, and wore white coveralls with visors. When the two beings saw the witnesses, they used hand signals in an apparent attempt to get them to come closer, but the couple panicked and left at high speed. Eight other persons later came forward stating that they had also seen the craft and its occupants.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Gordon Creighton, The Humanoids: FSR Special Edition No. 1, p. 37; Charles Bowen (editor), The Humanoids, p. 102; Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1962, case # 989, citing Hector P. Anganuzzi, Historia de los Platos Voladores in La Argentina
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4166
### Event 23012 (1020C142)
**Date:** 7/18/1962
**Description:** At 8:00 p.m. Ms. F. Cummins in Stanley, Wisconsin saw two silver dumbbell-shaped flying objects, with thick crossbars, fly off toward the southwest. At nearly the same time a doctor saw two huge humanoid beings near a saucer by the side of the road in Crespo, Argentina (11:00 p.m. local time).
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** APRO Bulletin, May-June 1963, p. 4; Charles Bowen, The Humanoids: FSR Special Edition no. 1, p. 37
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4167
### Event 23013 (4EE3A9AB)
**Date:** 7/19/1962
**Location:** ARGENTINA, Saucer Viejo
**Description:** (Translated from French) At 2:00 PM, more than 150 Argentine workers, employed by the Auto Union DKW factory in Saucer Viejo (note from vog: translation of the town's name: "Old Saucer"... does this place exist in reality? ) a suburb of Santa Fe, northwest of Buenos Aires, saw a cigar-shaped craft quickly crossing the sky in a northeast direction. The UFO flew at 1000 meters altitude and emitted blinding flashes of light. It was silent, had no condensation trail, and quickly ascended before disappearing from sight.
**Reference:** Ufo Roundup 1.13 - Joseph Trainor
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2230
### Event 23014 (7AAD0259)
**Date:** 7/19/1962
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Sighting in Metuchen \(New Jersey\). (July 19)
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#8020 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1962.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1967
### Event 23015 (E2110E4F)
**Date:** 7/19/1962
**Time:** ~13:00
**Location:** SAUCE VIEJO, ARG
**Description:** 150 / DKW plant. Cylinder/cigar-shape going quickly northeast / 1000M altitude. Silent. Blinding flashes.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** TRENCH, Brinsley Le Poer: MYSTERIOUS VISITORS - the UFO Story; Stein & Day, NY 1971-73 (Index 23)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6662
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "12", **Duration:** "8", **Elev:** "12", **HatchDesc:** "SAUCE VIEJO,ARG:150/DKW PLANT:CGR>>NE/1000M alt:SLNT:BLINDING FLASHES:", **LatLong:** "-31.750002 -60.850003", **LatLongDMS:** "31:45:00 S 60:51:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-31.750002,-60.850003)", **RelAlt:** "1000", **State/Prov:** "STF", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 23016 (0E728E7F)
**Date:** 7/19/1962
**Time:** 21:30
**Location:** METUCHEN, NJ
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #8020. 2 observer(s). 4 silent night lights / all directions maneuver. 1 zigzags going quickly north. / r70p381.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HAINES, Richard Ph.D: PROJECT DELTA; 1994, LDA Press, PO Box 880, Los Altos, CA 94023 USA (Index 54)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6663
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "8", **Elev:** "36", **HatchDesc:** "METUCHEN,NJ:BBK#8020:2 OBS:4 SLNT NLTs/ALL DIRs MNVR:1 ZIGZAGS >>N:/r70p381", **LatLong:** "40.533335 -74.350004", **LatLongDMS:** "40:32:00 N 74:21:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.533335,-74.350004)", **State/Prov:** "New Jersey", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 23017 (06749F3A)
**Date:** 7/19/1962
**Location:** Metuchen, NJ
**Description:** 3-5 lights from different parts of the sky dart about the sky (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 8020)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2589
### Event 23018 (FFB76A39)
**Date:** 7/19/1962
**Time:** 9:30 PM
**Location:** Bayhead, New Jersey
**Description:** Witnesses: C.T. Loftus, H. Wilbert. Four or five lights darted about the sky for 7-10 minutes.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_478
### Event 23019 (41238D00)
**Date:** 7/19/1962
**Description:** At the same time in Bayhead, New Jersey (9:30 p.m. EDT) C. T. Loftus and H. Wilbert watched four or five lights dart about in the sky silently for 7-10 minutes. One zigzagged off toward the north.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Project Blue Book files counted in official statistics, case # 8020; Don Berliner, Project Bluebook Unknowns
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4198
### Event 23020 (ADA091E7)
**Date:** 7/22/1962
**Location:** USA
**Description:** (Translated from French) THE FIRST LAUNCH, "MARINER I", IS A FAILURE
**Reference:** "Astronautics, Pierre Rousseau, Hachette 1965, p. 59
**Reference:** following August 27, 1962
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2231
### Event 23021 (2BDD33C1)
**Date:** 7/26/1962
**Location:** ARGENTINA, Paranà (Entre Rios)
**Description:** (Translated from French) Ricardo Mieres, 17 years old, a student, was riding his motorcycle near Badaja Grande, 5 km from Paranà, when he encountered a creature of very tall stature with a melon-shaped head, very long almost white hair and "three eyes that stared fixedly without blinking." In his terror he tried to flee, but his engine mysteriously stalled. The creature advanced and violently tore off his scarf. It then made "a half-turn, like a robot" and moved away, leaving footprints in the sandy ground. The motorcycle worked again and the student rushed to the city to gather a team of motorcyclists and chase the "robot" but they only found footprints and the scarf abandoned on the road. (1962, July 26, 27 or 28)
**Reference:** Charles BOWEN: "In Search of Humanoids" - J'ai Lu 1974, p. 125
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2232
### Event 23022 (02979F9D)
**Date:** 7/26/1962
**Description:** At 8:30 p.m. near Darana, Argentina a 17-year-old motorcyclist saw a weird creature on the side of the road. His cycle would not steer correctly; instead, it drove right up to the creature and stopped. The creature was six feet tall, with a head like a melon and three eyes. It grabbed the youth's scarf, turned around and walked away like a robot, leaving deep tracks in the dirt. The youth saw a white light low in the sky in the direction the creature was walking. He then drove away quickly.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, case 116, citing Saucer News, December 1962
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4413
### Event 23023 (E7D526F8)
**Date:** 7/27/1962
**Time:** 21:00:00.2
**Location:** 37.1297 -116.0565
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Wichita” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_273
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1297 -116.0565", **LatLongDMS:** "37:07:47 N 116:03:23 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1297,-116.0565)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.15", **NukeMb:** "4.30", **NukeName:** "Wichita", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 23024 (444F36EB)
**Date:** 7/27/1962
**Description:** One hundred eighty school students and their teachers in Villa Tunuyuan, Mendoza province, Argentina saw three discs pass over their school at 7:45 a.m. heading from the north to the south. The UFOs gave off a bluish light. The teachers said they also emitted blinding silvery flashes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Gordon Creighton, Flying Saucer Review, July-August 1964, p. 11, citing Antonio Ribera
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4432
### Event 23025 (DDED53BB)
**Date:** 7/28/1962
**Time:** 05:30
**Description:** Strange submersible/USO seen. Very fast and maneuverable. Leaves (something behind) no wake. Silent.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LORENZEN, Coral & Jim: UFO's OVER THE AMERICAS; Signet Books, NY 1968. 243p. (Index 52)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6664
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SUB:** Submersible: Rises from or submerges into water, **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "SE/AVALON/S.CATALINA I,CA:STRANGE SUB SEEN:VFAST+MNVRable:LVS NO WAKE:SILENT:", **LatLong:** "33.283335 -118.266672", **LatLongDMS:** "33:17:00 N 118:16:00 W", **Locale:** "Offshore", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/33.283335,-118.266672)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 23026 (195C86A9)
**Date:** 7/28/1962
**Time:** 12:00?
**Location:** BAJADA GRANDE, ARG
**Description:** 3-eyed Melonhead grabs biker. UFO flies / separate observer(s). / r8#539.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RODEGHIER, Mark/CUFOS: UFO REPORTS INVOLVING VEHICLE INTERFERENCE; CUFOS 1979. Available as CUFOS UFO Archive #1 CD-ROM. http://www.cufos.org/Pubform.pdf (Index 152)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6665
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **MON:** Monster: Life form fits no category, **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "3", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "6", **HatchDesc:** "BAJADA GRANDE,ARG:3-EYED MELONHEAD GRABS BIKER:UFO FLIES/sep obs:/r8#539", **LatLong:** "-31.716668 -60.566670", **LatLongDMS:** "31:43:00 S 60:34:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-31.716668,-60.566670)", **State/Prov:** "ENT", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 23027 (37C3E747)
**Date:** 7/28/1962
**Location:** 6 miles southeast of Avalon, Santa Catalina Island, California
**Description:** Before dawn. The skipper of a chartered fishing boat 6 miles southeast of Avalon, Santa Catalina Island, California, sees several stationary lights low in the water dead ahead. Through binoculars he sees a squat, lighted structure in which several men are working, apparently the stern of a submarine with no markings and dacks almost awash. He and another crew member see five men, “two in all-white garb, two in dark trousers and white shirts, and one in a sky-blue jumpsuit.” The craft swept in their direction toward the open sea, still on the surface, and the skipper has to turn hard to keep clear. It makes no noise and leaves no wake.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Marvin Miles, “[Report](https://www.newspapers.com/clip/102355683/the-los-angeles-times/) [Studied on](https://www.newspapers.com/clip/102355683/the-los-angeles-times/) [Soviet Sub off Catalina,](https://www.newspapers.com/clip/102355796/the-los-angeles-times/)” Los Angeles Times, October 25, 1962, pp. 1, 10
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3631
### Event 23028 (F29FD267)
**Date:** 7/28/1962
**Description:** A strange looking submarine-like object was seen at dawn off the coast of Avalon, California. It made no noise and left no wake as it passed by a boat on the surface, and was described as having a very strange structure. Five occupants were seen on board.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** APRO Bulletin, May 1963, p. 2, citing Los Angeles Times, October 25, 1962
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4452
### Event 23029 (DE96C365)
**Date:** 7/29/1962
**Location:** PACIFIC 163° 40E-34° 42N
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Military observer(s). No further details [in] at all.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFOCAT CATALOG: Assorted Printouts. Donald A. Johnson Ph.D (CUFOS). P.O. Box 446, Concord, NH 03302-0446 (Index 68)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6666
**Attributes:** **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Pacific Ocean and non - Asian islands", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "PACIFIC 163°40E-34°42N:BBK#UNKN:MIL OBS:NFD AT ALL", **LatLong:** "34.700002 163.666674", **LatLongDMS:** "34:42:00 N 163:40:00 E", **Locale:** "High Seas", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/34.700002,163.666674)", **State/Prov:** "NPC", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 23030 (BF950EE3)
**Date:** 7/29/1962
**Time:** 23:20
**Location:** OCEAN SPRINGS, MS
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #8034. Unidentified. Red rounded diamond. Intricate maneuvers. Change / shape.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLAMMONDE, Paris: UFO EXIST!; Ballentine Books, NY 1976. PB 480pp. (Index 438)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6667
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "9", **HatchDesc:** "OCEAN SPRINGS,MS:BBK#8034:UID:RED ROUNDED DIAMOND:INTRICATE MNVRS:CHANGE/SHAPE", **LatLong:** "30.416668 -88.827782", **LatLongDMS:** "30:25:00 N 88:49:40 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/30.416668,-88.827782)", **State/Prov:** "Mississippi", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 23031 (47A3D4FE)
**Date:** 7/29/1962
**Time:** 11:20 PM
**Location:** Ocean Springs, Mississippi
**Description:** Witnesses: Mr. and Mrs. M.O. Barton. One bright cherry-red, diamond-shaped object flew slow, hovered, made fast 1/2 loops for l0 minutes.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_479
### Event 23032 (51E1134A)
**Date:** 7/29/1962
**Description:** Mr. and Mrs. M.O. Barton of Ocean Springs, Mississippi saw a bright cherry-red, diamond-shaped object at 11:20 p.m. that flew slowly, hovered, and then made fast half-loops for ten minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Don Berliner, Project Bluebook UFO Unknowns
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4481
### Event 23033 (0BF1EEA9)
**Date:** 7/30/1962
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Observation at Ocean Springs \(Mississippi\). (July 30)
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#8034 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1962.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1968
### Event 23034 (8C27BBEB)
**Date:** 7/30/1962
**Location:** PANAMBI, BRZ
**Description:** Car malfunctions due to EME (electro-magnetic effects). 40M bottle with 2 necks / ground. 2 pseudo-human/entity signal. / r8#538+/ FSR'62#6.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RODEGHIER, Mark/CUFOS: UFO REPORTS INVOLVING VEHICLE INTERFERENCE; CUFOS 1979. Available as CUFOS UFO Archive #1 CD-ROM. http://www.cufos.org/Pubform.pdf (Index 19)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6668
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "12", **Elev:** "415", **HatchDesc:** "PANAMBI,BRZ:CAR EMEs:40M BOTTLE W/2 NECKS/GND:2 PSH SIGNAL:/r8#538+/FSR'62#6", **LatLong:** "-28.300001 -53.500003", **LatLongDMS:** "28:18:00 S 53:30:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-28.300001,-53.500003)", **State/Prov:** "RGS", **Strangeness:** "11"
### Event 23035 (C30CA795)
**Date:** 7/30/1962
**Location:** Ocean Springs, MS
**Description:** Bright cherry-red, diamond-shaped object fly slow, hover (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 8034)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2590
### Event 23036 (8F296135)
**Date:** 7/30/1962
**Location:** Pojucara, Bela Horizonte (near), Brazil
**Description:** Car motor stopped, then oval UFO seen alongside road (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2591
### Event 23037 (8C5EF73D)
**Date:** 7/30/1962
**Location:** Pasnembi, Brazil
**Description:** A man driving near Pasnembi stopped when his engine failed and observed a cylindrial object, described as "a bottle with two necks," about 40 m long, 15 m high, which had landed on the road. Two men (one at either end of the craft), appeared to be changing some luminous signals. This lasted 10 min and the craft took off at high speed. In Alta, a number of people reported a bright object moving at high altitude.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** 136; FSR 62, 6 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_538
### Event 23038 (9626FA8F)
**Date:** 7/30/1962
**Location:** Bajeola Grande, Argentina
**Description:** Roberto Mievres, 17, was riding his motorcycle when a tall being, with a head like a watermelon and three eyes, appeared as the engine stalled. The apparition snatched the boy's scarf, but he ran away and came back with a group of people, who found the scarf on the ground, discovered some traces and observed an unknown craft flying away.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** CODOVNI 1962 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_539
### Event 23039 (78C32CF1)
**Date:** 7/30/1962
**Description:** On this day near Cruz Alta, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil on the road to Pasnembi two men, Sr. Lombero and Sr. Garoup, were driving down the road to Pasnembi when their car engine stalled. By the side of the road was a 40 meter long (130 foot) oval-shaped object, "resembling a great bottle with two necks, one at each end." Two human-looking men stood at each end of the object, exchanging light signals. After ten minutes they got into the object and it took off at great speed.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case A0533, citing Flying Saucer Review, November-December 1962, p. 25; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 538; Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, p. 19
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4504
### Event 23040 (9274DD3F)
**Date:** 7/31/1962
**Time:** 23:00
**Description:** 8+observer(s). Sphere going east. Stops and hovers / 4 minute(s). Away as truck nears. / r8.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: UFO'S IN SPACE - Anatomy of a Phenomenon; Henry Regnery 1966 & Ballentine PB 1974 294pp. (Index 219)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6669
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "38", **HatchDesc:** "CAMBA PUNTA Apt,ARG:8+OBS:SPHERE >E:STOPS+HVRS/4min:AWAY as TRUCK NEARS:/r8", **LatLong:** "-27.416668 -58.666669", **LatLongDMS:** "27:25:00 S 58:40:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-27.416668,-58.666669)", **State/Prov:** "CRR", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 23041 (826B278B)
**Date:** 8/1962
**Time:** 22:00?
**Location:** LAKE MOVIL, MN
**Description:** 5M domed saucer / dock. 3 men / windows. Darkens when observers douse lights.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 873)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6670
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "403", **HatchDesc:** "Lake MOVIL,MN:5M DOMED SCR/DOCK:3 MEN/WINDOWS:DARKENS when OBSs DOUSE LITES", **LatLong:** "47.583336 -94.877782", **LatLongDMS:** "47:35:00 N 94:52:40 W", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.583336,-94.877782)", **State/Prov:** "Minnesota", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 23042 (CE4953B8)
**Date:** 8/1962
**Location:** San José de Métan, Salta, Argentina
**Description:** 7:00 p.m. Three witnesses are driving south toward San José de Métan, Salta, Argentina, when they see a light against the mountains to the west. It approaches, growing as large as the full moon when it is 300 feet ahead of them. It has a bulge at the top and reddish-pink, green, and white blinking lights. It continues to approach and passes above a Fiat truck in the road ahead of them. The truck stops, and the witnesses stop their car as well, two of them walking into some nearby bushes to observe. The object now seems to be the diameter of a DC-3’s wingspan and is 150 feet in the air. The truck’s lights go out, and the object rocks back and forth, taking off to the north at a great rate of speed. Five minutes later, they drive up to the stopped truck, whose driver is scooping up dirt to cool its overheated engine down.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Lorenzen, UFOs: The Whole Story, Signet, 1969, pp. 157–158
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3632
### Event 23043 (98609F12)
**Date:** 8/1962
**Location:** Movil Lake, Minnesota
**Description:** Night. Marilyn Chenarides, her younger brother Roger, and their mother Mildred Anderson are vacationing in a cabin on Movil Lake, Minnesota. The two women see a glowing red, domed disc with large windows hovering above the boat dock 50 feet away. Silhouetted in the windows are three entities who seem to be looking at them. The women shut off the cabin lights for a better look, and the UFO switches off its own lights. Anderson runs out of the cabin toward the object, which lifts and disappears rapidly.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[The 1962 Occupants Case,](http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201972%2011%2000%20-%20September-October.pdf)” APRO Bulletin 21, no. 2 \(Sept./Oct. 1972\): 6
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3633
### Event 23044 (5ADC8F03)
**Date:** 8/1/1962
**Location:** FRANCE, Le Brusc (between Marseille and Nice)
**Description:** (Translated from French) In the night, three fishermen in two boats saw a kind of submarine emerge slowly from the water. Three frogmen came out of the sea and boarded the vessel. One of the fishermen called them through a loudspeaker, but they did not answer, except for one of the three who made a gesture with his arm. When they had boarded the ship, it came out of the water, hovering in place, adorned with red and green lights. A white spotlight came on and was directed towards the fishing boats. Then the lights of the thing went out, the whole craft became luminous orange, began to spin faster and faster until suddenly it shot off in a fraction of a second towards the sky where it disappeared. The fishermen heard no sound other than that of the waves.
**Reference:** Janet and Colin BORD: "Modern Mysteries of the World" - Guild Publishing London 1989, p. 166
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2234
### Event 23045 (09561D56)
**Date:** 8/1/1962
**Time:** 23:30
**Location:** OFF LE BRUSC, FR
**Description:** 3 / 2 boats. Saucer surfaces. 12 men emerge and reboard. Quickly going up [to] extremely fast. / r156#14.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LDLN CONTACT LECTEURS: by Series and #. May'68 -JAN'72 (Entire set of 18 issues) LDLN local chapters & individual members' UFO reports. (Index 41)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6671
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **SUB:** Submersible: Rises from or submerges into water, **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "off Le BRUSC,FR:3/2 BOATS:SCR SURFACES:12 MEN EMERGE+REBOARD:↑↑ XFAST:/r156#14", **LatLong:** "43.066669 5.766667", **LatLongDMS:** "43:04:00 N 05:46:00 E", **Locale:** "Offshore", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.066669,5.766667)", **State/Prov:** "Var", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 23046 (9447E9A1)
**Date:** 8/1/1962
**Location:** 50.4375 77.814167
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 2.4KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1175
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "50.4375 77.814167", **LatLongDMS:** "50:26:15 N 77:48:51 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.4375,77.814167)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "RFAE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** "2.4"
### Event 23047 (27AD6F55)
**Date:** 8/1/1962
**Description:** A large metallic oval-shaped object surfaced 300 meters away from three fisherman in two boats off of Le Brusc, France in the Mediterranean Sea. They first believed it was a foreign submarine. About a dozen "frogmen" emerged from the water and climbed aboard. The fishermen called out but the figures ignored them, except the last three, who turned to look at the fishermen. The very last one waved. Then the craft rose out of water, and suspended itself effortlessly above the waves, as red and green lights came on and a white light beam like a searchlight played toward the witnesses. The beam was extinguished, the red and green lights went out, and the object, now glowing an orange color and clearly oval in shape, rose a further 20 meters into the air and began to rotate, its light becoming more intensely red. At last, it moved silently in a graceful arc above the fishermen, and disappeared rapidly into the night sky.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Lumieres dans la Nuit, January 1971; FSR Case Histories, April 1973, p. 14; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case # 1962-5 (A0537), citing LDLN Lecture Series III, number 5
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4563
### Event 23048 (8202579A)
**Date:** 8/2/1962
**Time:** 20:50
**Location:** LIBERAL, KS AND MORE
**Description:** Many / wide area. Fireballs going quickly west. 1 stops and lights airport. / MJ#292+/ APRO 9'62.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 29)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6672
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "879", **HatchDesc:** "LIBERAL,KS+:MANY/wide area:FBLS >>W:1 STOPS+LITES AIRPORT:/MJ#292+/APRO 9'62", **LatLong:** "37.044446 -100.922227", **LatLongDMS:** "37:02:40 N 100:55:20 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.044446,-100.922227)", **State/Prov:** "Kansas", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 23049 (0EF3249D)
**Date:** 8/2/1962
**Location:** Liberal, KS
**Description:** Colored Lights Lit Up Runways (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 2)
**Reference:** NICAP: [620802](http://www.nicap.org/620802liberal%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2592
### Event 23050 (73F37714)
**Date:** 8/2/1962
**Location:** Camba Punat Airport, Argentina
**Description:** Luis Harvey, airport manager, and his staff thought that an unannounced aircraft was about to land, as they saw a luminous object circling at high speed. It came down to hover about 1 m above the runway for some four min. It was spherical, spinning, and emitted flashes of blue, green and orange. When approached, it took off at very high speed.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** FSR 64, 4 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_540
### Event 23051 (88A9496B)
**Date:** 8/2/1962
**Locations:** Cambá Punta Airport [now Doctor Fernando Piragine Niveyro International Airport]; Corrientes, Argentina
**Description:** Around 12:00 midnight. Air traffic control operators at Cambá Punta Airport \[now Doctor Fernando Piragine Niveyro International Airport\], near Corrientes, Argentina, see an unidentified light approaching the airport. They call the airport manager, Luís Harvey, who arrives from home in a hurry and sees the light circling at high speed. Harvey orders a landing strip freed up but the light, apparently a spherical object, comes down, hovering and revolving a few feet above the same spot on the runway for 3–4 minutes, emitting strong blue, green, and orange flashes. Then it climbs and vanishes at staggering speed.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Loren E. Gross, [The Fifth Horseman of the Apocalypse:](https://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1962-July-Dec.pdf) [UFOs, a History: July–December 1962](https://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1962-July-Dec.pdf)[,](https://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1962-July-Dec.pdf) The Author, 2005, pp. 18–19; Patrick Gross, “[Camba Punta, Argentina,](http://ufologie.patrickgross.org/htm/cambapunta1962.htm) [August 2, 1962](http://ufologie.patrickgross.org/htm/cambapunta1962.htm)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3634
### Event 23052 (BA78DAD7)
**Date:** 8/2/1962
**Description:** Camba Punat Airport, Corrientes province, Argentina. Sr. Luis Harvey, airport manager, and his staff thought that an unannounced aircraft was about to land around midnight when they saw a luminous object circling overhead at high speed. It came down to hover about one meter above the runway for some four minutes. It was spherical, spinning, and emitted flashes of blue, green and orange. When approached by ground personnel it took off at very high speed.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** La Razon, August 3, 1962; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case # 540, citing Flying Saucer Review, April 1964, p. 11; Oscar A. Uriondo, FSR Case Histories, June 1973, p. 10
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4594
### Event 23053 (D0897A97)
**Date:** 8/3/1962
**Location:** US
**Description:** A CIA document, which was unwittingly authenticated by the CIA itself during a FOIA appeal by Dr. Donald R. Burleson, author of *UFOs and the Murder of Marilyn Monroe*, mentions wiretaps of phone conversations between reporter Dorothy Kilgallen and her close friend, Howard Rothberg, and wiretaps of phone conversations between Marilyn Monroe and Attorney General Robert Kennedy. When the Kennedys started distancing themselves from Marilyn, she grew angry and (mentioning it on the telephone, unfortunately) started planning to hold a news conference and "tell all." According to the hypothesis set forth in Dr. Burleson's book, Attorney General Robert Kennedy then became so fearful that "tell all" meant telling the big secret-- the government retrieval and coverup of UFO crash debris and bodies (which reporter Kilgallen wrote about several times in her newspaper column). The document was signed by James Jesus Angleton, who at the time was the Chief of Counterintelligence for the CIA.
The UFO connection becomes all the more compelling with the discovery, described in *Burleson's UFOs and the Murder of Marilyn Monroe*, of an imprint to the left of the "TOP SECRET" stamp near the top of the document; the imprint, when Burleson enhanced it by computer imaging techniques, turns out to contain the name of Brigadier General George Shulgen, who was formerly the chief UFO investigation-coordinator for the U.S. Air Force. (The imprint also refers to General Schulgen's Intelligence Collection Memorandum, a document known to have existed.) This imprint or "bleed-in," however it came to be on a CIA document about Marilyn Monroe, makes a clear connection between her murder and the question of UFO secrecy, as someone, somewhere at some time, evidently thought it logical to archive the documents together. When all the evidence is considered, the case becomes very strong that government people murdered Marilyn because of what she knew about the UFO coverup.
**Type:** leaked document
**Reference:** [blackmesapress.com](http://www.blackmesapress.com/page4.htm)
**Reference:** [archive.ph](https://archive.ph/8iR0i)
**Reference:** [*UFOs and the Murder of Marilyn Monroe* by Donald R. Burleson](https://www.amazon.com/Murder-Marilyn-Monroe-Donald-Burleson/dp/0964958058)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_951
### Event 23054 (C552CB3F)
**Date:** 8/3/1962
**Location:** 50.4375 77.814167
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 1.6KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1176
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "50.4375 77.814167", **LatLongDMS:** "50:26:15 N 77:48:51 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.4375,77.814167)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "RFAE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** "1.6"
### Event 23055 (D0E78251)
**Date:** 8/4/1962
**Location:** 50.4375 77.814167
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 38KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1177
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "50.4375 77.814167", **LatLongDMS:** "50:26:15 N 77:48:51 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.4375,77.814167)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "RFAE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** "38"
### Event 23056 (29222089)
**Date:** 8/5/1962
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Marilyn Monroe commits suicide by overdose of barbiturates. (Sunday, August 5th, 0:00)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1962.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1969
### Event 23057 (EF35163A)
**Date:** 8/5/1962
**Time:** 09:08:45.8
**Location:** 74.2000 52.5000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 21100KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1178
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "74.2000 52.5000", **LatLongDMS:** "74:12:00 N 52:30:00 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/74.2000,52.5000)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "PDE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** "21100"
### Event 23058 (1A946F73)
**Date:** 8/5/1962
**Description:** On a highway between Las Armas and General Pirana, Argentina in Buenos Aires province at 1:45 a.m., Sr. P. Atilli had his truck's engine fail in the presence of a glowing orange, cigar-shaped UFO. The object was 25 meters long and 300 meters away, and gave off flashes of violet and green light. It shot off toward the west.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Uriondo Oscar A. Uriondo, FSR Case Histories, December 1972, p. 10; Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, p. 19
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4676
### Event 23059 (4B199478)
**Date:** 8/6/1962
**Time:** 01:50
**Location:** SOUTH / LAS ARMAS, ARG
**Description:** Truck malfunctions due to EME (electro-magnetic effects). Luminous/glowing 25M glowing-cylinder/cigar-shape on road ahead. Going west. / r79p19+/ r27p160.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 12)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6673
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "20", **HatchDesc:** "S/LAS ARMAS,ARG:TRUCK EMES:LUMn 25M GLOW-CGR ON ROAD AHEAD:>W:/r79p19+/r27p160", **LatLong:** "-37.200002 -57.750003", **LatLongDMS:** "37:12:00 S 57:45:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-37.200002,-57.750003)", **State/Prov:** "Buenos Aires", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 23060 (04B2DDBE)
**Date:** 8/7/1962
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Dutch Navy ship observer(s). No further details [in] at all.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFOCAT CATALOG: Assorted Printouts. Donald A. Johnson Ph.D (CUFOS). P.O. Box 446, Concord, NH 03302-0446 (Index 68)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6674
**Attributes:** **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Caribbean area", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "CURACAO,DUTCH W.INDIES:BBK#UNK:DUTCH NAVY SHIP OBS:NFD AT ALL", **LatLong:** "12.200001 -68.966670", **LatLongDMS:** "12:12:00 N 68:58:00 W", **Locale:** "Islands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/12.200001,-68.966670)", **State/Prov:** "DWI", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 23061 (862B5527)
**Date:** 8/7/1962 (approximate)
**Time:** 23:50
**Location:** ORACLE, AZ
**Description:** Separate observer(s). Night light going down [to] over Titan missile silo. Jets chase. Night light away and back. Then going up.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 753)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6675
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **NUC:** Nuclear facility related, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "8", **Elev:** "1376", **HatchDesc:** "ORACLE,AZ:SEP.OBS:NLT ↓ ovr TITAN MISSILE SILO:JETS CHASE:NLT AWAY+BACK:then ↑", **LatLong:** "32.611113 -110.772228", **LatLongDMS:** "32:36:40 N 110:46:20 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/32.611113,-110.772228)", **State/Prov:** "Arizona", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 23062 (1D18D6E9)
**Date:** 8/7/1962
**Location:** Oracle, AZ
**Description:** UFO over missile silo (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, Code: C, Rating: 5, NC) (NICAP: 10 - Nuclear Connection)
**Reference:** NICAP: [620807](http://www.nicap.org/620807oracle%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2593
### Event 23063 (F8A8D06B)
**Date:** 8/7/1962
**Location:** 50.4375 77.814167
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 9.9KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1179
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "50.4375 77.814167", **LatLongDMS:** "50:26:15 N 77:48:51 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.4375,77.814167)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "RFAE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** "9.9"
### Event 23064 (4AE56713)
**Date:** 8/7/1962
**Locations:** Oracle, Arizona; Davis-Monthan AFB outside Tucson
**Description:** Midnight. A contract worker at the not-yet-operational Titan II launch complex of the 570th Strategic Missile Squadron near Oracle, Arizona, sees a brilliant light descending over the site. He is joined by a colleague as the light gets larger. Both men go inside and contact Davis-Monthan AFB outside Tucson, which sends out two jet interceptors. When the aircraft arrive, the light takes off to the north and disappears rapidly. After the jets circle and head back, the light returns, descends toward the silo, and takes off vertically.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Lorenzen, UFOs: The Whole Story, Signet, 1969, pp. 235–236; Nukes 220–221
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3635
### Event 23065 (955583C4)
**Date:** 8/7/1962
**Description:** At just before midnight a nocturnal light was sighted over a Titan nuclear missile silo near Oracle, Arizona in Pinal County. Air Force jets were scrambled to chase the object. The light flew away and came back, then rose vertically and was gone.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** APRO Bulletin, September 1962, p. 1; Coral E. Lorenzen, UFOs: The Whole Story, p. 235
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4761
### Event 23066 (DCA77EC2)
**Date:** 8/10/1962
**Description:** Weathermen and several. 4 yellow night lights maneuver / perimeter of missile test base.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SIFAKIS, Carl: The OFFICIAL QUIDE to UFO SIGHTINGS; Sterling Publ, NY 1979. (Gee whiz!) (Index 50)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6676
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "PATRICK AFB,FL:WEATHERMEN+SVRL:4 YLW NLTS MNVR/PERIMETER OF MISSILE TEST BASE", **LatLong:** "28.216668 -80.616671", **LatLongDMS:** "28:13:00 N 80:37:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/28.216668,-80.616671)", **State/Prov:** "Florida", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 23067 (CD5E3CB2)
**Date:** 8/10/1962
**Location:** 73.7500 54.7500
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 150KT YieldMax: 1500KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1180
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "73.7500 54.7500", **LatLongDMS:** "73:45:00 N 54:45:00 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/73.7500,54.7500)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "RFAE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** "150", **NukeYMax:** "1500"
### Event 23068 (8F7DC292)
**Date:** 8/11/1962
**Location:** USSR, Baikonour
**Reference:** "Astronautics, Pierre Rousseau, Hachette 1965, p. 63
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2235
### Event 23069 (C9980F0B)
**Date:** 8/12/1962
**Time:** 21:50
**Description:** Small oval night light / dark portion / moon. Moves with moon. Fades away.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 753)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6677
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "The Moon", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "AM.ASTRONOMER/NY:SML OVAL NLT/DARK PORTION/MOON:MOVES WITH MOON:FADES AWAY", **LatLong:** "90.000004 -0.000000", **LatLongDMS:** "90:00:00 N 00:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/90.000004,-0.000000)", **State/Prov:** "---", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 23070 (FE846852)
**Date:** 8/12/1962
**Time:** 23:00?
**Location:** RN5 / CATRILO, ARG
**Description:** 5 truckers. Intensely bright object rises / ground. Away / fantastic speed.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 12)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6678
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "114", **HatchDesc:** "RN5/CATRILO,ARG:5 TRUCKERS:INTENSELY BRITE OBJ RISES/GND:AWAY/FANTASTIC SPEED", **LatLong:** "-36.416668 -63.400003", **LatLongDMS:** "36:25:00 S 63:24:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-36.416668,-63.400003)", **State/Prov:** "LPM", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 23071 (A0DEBDEE)
**Date:** 8/15/1962
**Location:** Denver (near), CO
**Description:** Large UFO hovering over a high line tower, chased by Air Force helicopters.\[This is in the area of the Lowry AFB Titan I ICBM Complex\]. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** NICAP: [620815](http://www.nicap.org/denver620815dir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2595
### Event 23072 (4D671FA4)
**Date:** 8/17/1962
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) At Duas Pontes \(Brazil, Rivalino da Silva, a diamond prospector, told his associates he had seen two strange dwarves digging a hole near his house. They ran away when he approached them, and a moment later an object shaped like a hat, with a red glow, took off from behind the bushes. Theft of 17 chickens, 6 pigs and 2 cows by the crew of a presumed extraterrestrial vehicle. (August 17)
**Reference:** [Vallée](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/ValleeJacques.html) 1969
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1962.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1970
### Event 23073 (4610CFFC)
**Date:** 8/17/1962
**Time:** evening
**Location:** Duas Pontes, Brazil
**Description:** Rivalino da Silva, a diamond prospector, told his associates that he had seen two strange dwarfs digging a hole near his house. They ran away as he came near them, and moments later an object took off from behind the bushes. It was shaped like a hat and surrounded with a red glow.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** APRO Sep.,62 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_541
### Event 23074 (CB1A52F5)
**Date:** 8/17/1962
**End date:** 8/19/1962
**Locations:** Duas Pontes; Diamantina; Minas Gerais; Brazil
**Description:** Evening. Walking home, diamond prospector Rivalino Mafra da Silva sees two small beings, about three feet tall, digging a hole near Duas Pontes, 17 miles north of Diamantina, Minas Gerais, Brazil. On August 19, Mafra da Silva and his sons are in bed when they are awakened by sounds and see a shadowy figure, apparently floating in the room. In the morning, he and his son Raimundo see two humming balls floating outside. They merge into one larger ball that moves toward Rivalino, enveloping him in yellow smoke. Raimundo says: “Then the yellow smoke dissolved. The balls were gone. The ground below was clean as if the dust had been removed by a big broom.” He tells his story to Lt. Wilson Lisbõa, chief of police at Diamantina, who conducts a search for 10 days. Only a few drops of blood are found.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[The Brazilian Abduction: Boy’s Story Unshaken,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%2C1962%2CNov-Dec%2CV%208%2CN%206.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 8, no. 6 \(Nov./Dec. 1962\): 10–12; Clark III 418–419; Brazil 123–127; Patrick Gross, [URECAT](https://ufologie.patrickgross.org/ce3/1962-08-17-20-brazil-duaspontes.htm)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3636
### Event 23075 (CD560810)
**Date:** 8/17/1962
**Description:** On this evening two little men, three feet tall, were seen digging a hole near Sr. Mafra Da Silva's house in Duas Pontes, Minas Gerais State, Brazil. When he approached them they ran into the bushes. A few moments later a hat-shaped UFO surrounded by a red glow took off at high speed.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Coral E. Lorenzen, Flying Saucers: The Startling Evidence of the Invasion from Outer Space, p. 231
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5112
### Event 23076 (AF09FB86)
**Date:** 8/18/1962
**Time:** 17:00
**Location:** BERMUDA
**Description:** 2 observer(s). 3 dull-white ovoids waver passing over radio station / 20 minute(s).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BERLINER, DON: The BLUEBOOK UNKNOWNS; (FUFOR). (Index 30)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6679
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Atlantic Ocean + islands", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "20", **Elev:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "BERMUDA:2 OBS:3 DULL-WHT OVOIDS WAVER PASSING OVR RADIO STATION/20min", **LatLong:** "32.333335 -64.766670", **LatLongDMS:** "32:20:00 N 64:46:00 W", **Locale:** "Islands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/32.333335,-64.766670)", **State/Prov:** "Bermuda", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 23077 (683F4B2C)
**Date:** 8/18/1962
**Time:** 5 PM
**Location:** Bermuda
**Description:** Witnesses: Owner M. Sheppard and chief announcer A. Seymour of radio station. Three dull-white, egg-shaped objects wavered as they moved for 20 minutes.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_480
### Event 23078 (2245FD5C)
**Date:** 8/18/1962
**Location:** 50.4375 77.814167
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 7.4KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1181
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "50.4375 77.814167", **LatLongDMS:** "50:26:15 N 77:48:51 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.4375,77.814167)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "RFAE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** "7.4"
### Event 23079 (B38CC47F)
**Date:** 8/18/1962
**Location:** 50.4375 77.814167
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 5.8KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1182
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "50.4375 77.814167", **LatLongDMS:** "50:26:15 N 77:48:51 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.4375,77.814167)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "RFAE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** "5.8"
### Event 23080 (F2269EFA)
**Date:** 8/18/1962
**Description:** At 5:00 p.m. on the island of Bermuda radio station owner Mr. M. Sheppard, and chief announcer Mr. A. Seymour, sighted three dull-white, egg-shaped objects at 5:00 p.m. The objects wavered as they moved through the sky for 20 minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Project Blue Book files counted in official statistics, case # 8364; Richard Hall, The UFO Evidence, p. 113; Don Berliner, Project Bluebook UFO Unknowns
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5123
### Event 23081 (4BAF20B4)
**Date:** 8/19/1962
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Observation in Bermuda.
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#8064 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1962.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1971
### Event 23082 (B6663ACF)
**Date:** 8/19/1962
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Raimundo, the son of Rivalino da Silva, is awoken by footsteps and sees a strange shadow in the room. It is small and of non-human shape. Voices are heard, saying: This one looks like Rivalino and afterwards that they were going to kill him. The family stays alert all night.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1962.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1972
### Event 23083 (31F8C3B4)
**Date:** 8/19/1962
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Raimundo da Silva testified to the police that, while he was working in a field, he saw two stationary spherical objects 2 meters above the ground, a few meters from the house. One was black with a protrusion resembling an antenna and a small rudder; the other was black and white. Both emitted a humming sound and a flashing light through an opening. The boy's father warned him to stay away as Rivalino advanced towards the objects, praying. As he was only 2 meters away, the two spheres merged into one, raising dust from the ground and spreading a yellow mist that enveloped the man. The boy ran after his father, noting that the cloud had a pungent smell. As it dissolved, everything had disappeared. The police investigation, led by Lieutenant Lisboa, revealed no clues. Many people in the area were terrified.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1962.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1973
### Event 23084 (1490D5BC)
**Date:** 8/19/1962
**Time:** 16:00
**Location:** DIAMANTINA, BRZ
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Small humanoids (or Greys) bury object. 1 observer zapped / balls with antenna. / r246p114.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 753)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6680
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens, **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "32", **Elev:** "1190", **HatchDesc:** "DIAMANTINA,BRZ:2 OBS:OIDS BURY OBJ:1 OBS ZAPPED/BALLS W/ANTENNA:/r246p114", **LatLong:** "-18.250001 -43.583335", **LatLongDMS:** "18:15:00 S 43:35:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-18.250001,-43.583335)", **State/Prov:** "Minas Gerais", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 23085 (D65EC7E6)
**Date:** 8/19/1962
**Time:** ~18:00
**Location:** SHEFFIELD, ENGL
**Description:** 2+2 observer(s). Orange saucer scouts reservoirs. Partly translucent. / r111p213.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 763)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6681
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "15", **Elev:** "100", **HatchDesc:** "SHEFFIELD,ENGL:2+2 OBS:ORG.SCR SCOUTS RESERVOIRS:partly translucent:/r111p213", **LatLong:** "53.383336 -1.450000", **LatLongDMS:** "53:23:00 N 01:27:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/53.383336,-1.450000)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 23086 (6BAADD76)
**Date:** 8/19/1962
**Location:** Unknown location in Bermuda, Bermuda
**Description:** 3 dull-white, egg-shaped objects waver as they moved (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 8064)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2596
### Event 23087 (25DFC2FB)
**Date:** 8/19/1962
**Time:** night
**Location:** Duas Pontes, Brazil
**Description:** Raimundo, the son of Rivalino da Silva (see previous case), was awakened by the sound of steps and saw "a weird shadow" in the room. It was small and not human in shape. Voices were heard saying, "This one looks like Rivalino," and later that they would kill him. The family stayed on the alert all night.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** APRO Sep., 62 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_542
### Event 23088 (F2A56E94)
**Date:** 8/20/1962
**Location:** BRAZIL, Duas Pontes-Diamantina
**Description:** (Translated from French) Shortly after dawn a poor diamond prospector, Rivolino Mafra de Silva, was mysteriously abducted or disintegrated by what seemed to be the action of a UFO. It was learned during the investigation that he had fallen a few days earlier on "little men" who seemed to be burying something. In the evening of August 19 two shining spheres the size of a football were observed by a neighbor, flying above the prospector's hut. During the night, strange non-human forms, about 40 cm high, entered the hut, contemplated the family then in bed and voices were heard outside, saying they were going to kill Rivalino. Shortly after dawn, his 12-year-old son opened the door and found two strange balls on the floor. One was black and the other black and white. Each had a tail and some kind of tip. The father went out to look at the balls which then joined, jumped on him, enveloping him in a cloud of yellow smoke, and he disappeared.
**Reference:** Charles BOWEN: "In Search of Humanoids" - J'ai Lu, 1974, p. 126
**Reference:** ..
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2236
### Event 23089 (E34B7554)
**Date:** 8/20/1962
**Location:** Duas Pontes, Brazil
**Description:** Raimundo da Silva (see previous cases) testified before the police that while working in a field, he saw two spherical objects hovering 2 m above ground, a few meters from the house. One was black with an antenna-like protrusion and a small tail; the other was black and white. Both emitted a humming sound and a flickering fire through an opening. The boy's father warned him to stay away as Rivalino walked toward the objects, praying. When he was 2 m away, the two spheres merged into one, raising dust from the ground and spreading a yellow mist that enveloped the man. The boy ran after his father, noting that the cloud had "an acrid smell." As it dissolved, everything had vanished. Police investigation, headed by Lieutenant Lisboa, failed to reveal any clue. Many terrified people left the area.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** APRO Sep., 62 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_543
### Event 23090 (5AA108A3)
**Date:** 8/20/1962
**Time:** 09:02:14.1
**Location:** 74.3000 51.5000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 2800KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1183
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "74.3000 51.5000", **LatLongDMS:** "74:18:00 N 51:30:00 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/74.3000,51.5000)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "PDE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** "2800"
### Event 23091 (DBF216A7)
**Date:** 8/20/1962
**Description:** Raimundo Mafra da Silva testified before the police that while working in a field in Duas Pontes, Minas Gerais State, Brazil he saw two spherical objects hovering just two meters above the ground, only a few meters from his house. One was black with an antenna-like protrusion and a small tail, and the other was black and white. Both emitted a humming sound and a flickering flame through an opening. The boy's father warned him to stay away as his father Rivalino walked toward the objects, praying. When he was two meters away, the two spheres merged into one, raising dust from the ground and spreading a yellow mist that enveloped the man. The boy ran after his father, noting that the cloud had "an acrid smell." As it dissolved, everything had vanished including his father. The police investigation, headed by Lieutenant Lisboa, failed to reveal any clue. Many terrified neighbors left the area at the time because of this incident.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** APRO Bulletin, September 1962, p. 1; Coral E Lorenzen, Flying Saucers: The Startling Evidence of the Invasion from Outer Space, p. 213; Frank Edwards, Flying Saucers--Serious Business, p. 303; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case # 543; Jacques Vallee, Confrontations: A Scientist's Search for Alien Contact, p. 126
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5175
### Event 23092 (99640E98)
**Date:** 8/21/1962
**Location:** 50.4375 77.814167
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 150KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1184
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "50.4375 77.814167", **LatLongDMS:** "50:26:15 N 77:48:51 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.4375,77.814167)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "RFAE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "150"
### Event 23093 (A7D650A0)
**Date:** 8/22/1962
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Attempted assassination of De Gaulle in Petit-Clamart. (August 22)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1962.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1974
### Event 23094 (C1E35079)
**Date:** 8/22/1962
**Location:** 73.7500 54.7500
**Description:** Nuclear test: Water, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 6KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1185
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "73.7500 54.7500", **LatLongDMS:** "73:45:00 N 54:45:00 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/73.7500,54.7500)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "RFAE", **NukeType:** "NWCS", **NukeY:** "6"
### Event 23095 (6A7F17C3)
**Date:** 8/22/1962
**Location:** 50.4375 77.814167
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 3KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1186
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "50.4375 77.814167", **LatLongDMS:** "50:26:15 N 77:48:51 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.4375,77.814167)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "RFAE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** "3"
### Event 23096 (5B0AE5DC)
**Date:** 8/22/1962
**Time:** 09:00:00.0
**Location:** 71.0000 53.5000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 1600KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1187
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "71.0000 53.5000", **LatLongDMS:** "71:00:00 N 53:30:00 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/71.0000,53.5000)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "KHRISTOFOROV", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** "1600"
### Event 23097 (8A3F48C5)
**Date:** 8/22/1962
**Description:** In Kingsford Heights, Indiana at 8:30 p.m. two families watched a hat-shaped domed disc that made a whirring noise. The seven witnesses viewed the UFO for almost an hour.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Orvil R. Hartle, A Carbon Experiment, p. 167; Francis L. Ridge, Regional Encounters, p. 11
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5222
### Event 23098 (58CE3A0A)
**Date:** 8/23/1962
**Location:** 50.4375 77.814167
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 2.5KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1188
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "50.4375 77.814167", **LatLongDMS:** "50:26:15 N 77:48:51 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.4375,77.814167)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "RFAE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** "2.5"
### Event 23099 (CE9FFF6C)
**Date:** 8/24/1962
**Location:** BRAZIL, Duas Pontas (near Diamantina)
**Description:** (Translated from French) Another disappearance without return: that of a farmer. A nine-year-old child was the only witness: his father claimed he had been taken away in front of his eyes in terrifying conditions: "When leaving our house around seven o'clock in the morning," he told the police, "I discovered two balls of about 40 cm in diameter, placed on the ground in front of the door. I called dad. He came out and approached the balls. At that moment a violent whirlwind of air was triggered which raised a cloud of dust. I no longer saw my father. The whirlwind rose, then calmed down. Dad had disappeared, I have not seen him again.
**Reference:** Charles GARREAU: "Alert in the sky: the file of abductions" ed. Alain Lefeuvre 1981, p.273
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2238
### Event 23100 (FF9B030A)
**Date:** 8/24/1962
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In an isolated farm in Duas Pantas \(Brazil\), a 9 year old child exits his house and discovers two balls with a diameter of 40 cm on the ground, facing the door he just crossed. He immediately calls his father who also sees the balls and approaches them closely. At that moment, a violent whirlwind of air is triggered and raises a cloud of dust. The child can no longer distinguish his father in this turmoil, then the whirlwind calms down while rising. His father has disappeared forever. The investigators are unable to find his trace and this event intrigues the authorities so much that the child is immediately put under psychiatric observation: they want to know the reasons why he invented this story. (August 24, 7am)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1962.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1975
### Event 23101 (35514836)
**Date:** 8/24/1962
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) The satellite *Transit 4-B* stopped transmitting for 6 months, then started up again on its own.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1962.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1976
### Event 23102 (482F9191)
**Date:** 8/24/1962
**Time:** 15:00:00.2
**Location:** 37.1186 -116.0395
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “York” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_274
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1186 -116.0395", **LatLongDMS:** "37:07:07 N 116:02:22 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1186,-116.0395)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.23", **NukeMb:** "4.40", **NukeName:** "York", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 23103 (D18BF40A)
**Date:** 8/24/1962
**Time:** 17:00:00.1
**Location:** 37.0461 -116.0238
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Bobac” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_275
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0461 -116.0238", **LatLongDMS:** "37:02:46 N 116:01:26 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0461,-116.0238)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.21", **NukeMb:** "4.20", **NukeName:** "Bobac", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 23104 (5EE7E252)
**Date:** 8/25/1962
**Location:** 50.4375 77.814167
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: .001KT YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1189
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "50.4375 77.814167", **LatLongDMS:** "50:26:15 N 77:48:51 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.4375,77.814167)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "RFAE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** ".001", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 23105 (23FE27BE)
**Date:** 8/25/1962
**Location:** 73.7500 54.7500
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 1500KT YieldMax: 10000KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1190
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "73.7500 54.7500", **LatLongDMS:** "73:45:00 N 54:45:00 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/73.7500,54.7500)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "RFAE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** "1500", **NukeYMax:** "10000"
### Event 23106 (20D421F0)
**Date:** Late 8/1962
**Locations:** Long Beach, California; Santa Catalina Channel
**Description:** 2:00 p.m. [Ann Druffel](https://copycateffect.blogspot.com/2020/06/ufologist-ann-druffel-dies.html?fbclid=IwAR3N-uW1ZAkq5p21hxc11siol67dwjxfSq2vLaTl8v0pExaBh0OeTDuLTyc) and Aileen Cummings are at Long Beach, California, when they see a small rectangular cloud over the Santa Catalina Channel. Its vapor appears to churn and it doubles in size, then elongates to 20–30 times its original size.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Ann Druffel, “[Santa Catalina Island Recurring ‘Cloud Cigars,’](http://www.cufos.org/books/Proceedings%5Fof%5Fthe%5F1976%5FCUFOS%5FConference.pdf)” in Proceedings of the 1976 CUFOS Conference, Chicago, 1976, pp. 63–64; Ann Druffel, “Santa Catalina Channel Cloud Cigars,” IUR 31, no. 1 \(January 2007\): 12–13
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3637
### Event 23107 (29EB6391)
**Date:** Late 8/1962
**Location:** Salta, Argentina
**Description:** 7:00 p.m. Three witnesses are driving in a rural area about 87 miles from Salta, Argentina, when two of them \(the third sleeps through the event\) see a light against the mountains to the west that grows larger and moves about 300 feet above the road ahead of them. It is a domed disc with flashing reddish-pink, green, and white lights around its perimeter. The object illuminates a truck ahead of them. The truck stops, and the two witnesses get out of their car and hide in some bushes to see what happens next. The object appears to be nearly 100 feet wide and 150 feet above the truck. The truck’s lights go out and the object takes off to the north at a high rate of speed, climbing out of sight within seconds. They drive up to the truck, whose drivers are throwing dirt into its smoking engine compartment and are more concerned about an insurance claim than a UFO encounter.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Lorenzen, UFOs over the Americas, Signet, 1968, pp. 12–13
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3638
### Event 23108 (84A72614)
**Date:** 8/26/1962
**Location:** Escola de Sargentos das Armas in Três Corações, Minas Gerais, Brazil
**Description:** 12:05 a.m. Geraldo Bichara, 18, is standing guard at the Escola de Sargentos das Armas in Três Corações, Minas Gerais, Brazil, when an electrical blackout occurs in the city. Suddenly he is paralyzed by a light beam from an unseen object, apparently for a few minutes. In 1980, Bichara undergoes hypnosis and discovers that the incident was an abduction in which he is taken aboard a UFO by beings wearing pumpkin-colored jumpsuits and subjected to a medical examination. He attempts to flee at one point and grabs his rifle lying nearby, but he is still paralyzed. After about 2 hours he is returned to the guardhouse.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Brazil 60–66; “[Caso Giraldo Bichara,](https://ufologiagja.blogspot.com/2014/05/caso-geraldo-bichara.html)” Grupo de Amigos que Estudam Mistérios e Ufologia, May 2014
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3639
### Event 23109 (AD0EE287)
**Date:** 8/26/1962
**Location:** Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
**Description:** 12:30 a.m. Walter T. Jones Jr. watches a triangular formation of 6 white lights and one green light pass silently over Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, for 3–5 minutes.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Another ‘Mother’ Ship?](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201963%2007%2000%20-%20July.pdf)” APRO Bulletin, July 1963, p. 3
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3640
### Event 23110 (666BF222)
**Date:** 8/27/1962
**Location:** USA
**Description:** (Translated from French) (cf. July 27, 1962) But the second (launch) of "Mariner II" on August 27 was a complete success. Mariner II was a small spacecraft of 202 kg (gold and silver plate, if you please!). Its apparatus were set to begin operating ten hours before passing near Venus. Shot by its carrier rocket, it was put into orbit too, and then took off towards the planet. In spite of mistakes (...) it followed obediently the assigned trajectory - 291 millions of kilometers! - and after 109 days of travel arrived, on December 14, at less than 35,000 km from the Venusian surface. It was then that the American technicians sent him by radio, at more than 57 millions of km of distance, the order to trigger his apparatus. Mariner II received the order, acknowledged receipt and for 45 minutes pointed all his electronic eyes at the Shepherd's Star. ("Astronautics", Pierre Rousseau, Hachette 1965, p. 59) LAUNCH BY A TWO-STAGE ROCKET "ATLAS-AGENA" (...) WITH ALL ITS EQUIPMENT IN WORKING POSITION, IT MEASURED 3.63M IN HEIGHT AND 5M IN SPAN.
**Reference:** "Conquest of Space" - Thomas de Galiana, ed. Larousse Poche, 1967, p. 292
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2237
### Event 23111 (B2CAB6FF)
**Date:** 8/27/1962
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Launch of *Mariner* 2 to [Venus](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/Venus.html). In its No. 1, the Soviet magazine *Simena* publishes an article where one can read, among other things, that the skull of a man 40,000 years old was discovered in Broken Hill \(now Kabwe\) at a little more than 50 km from Lusaka, the capital of the current Zambia. Strangely, this skull would be pierced with a neat hole, without radial cracks, which would suggest the impact of a bullet. The same type of impact appears on a prehistoric bison skull dating from around 8000 to 10000 BC, which this time is preserved by the Paleontology Museum of Moscow. This fossil would have been found west of the Lena, a river that crosses the Autonomous Republic of Yakutia, famous for the countless mammoth tusks found buried in its frozen soil most of the year. You can see a photograph of this skull in Erich von Däniken's *Gods from Outer Space*. The latter, as well as Soviet scientists such as K. Flerov, claim that this hole is indeed from that time because its edges have been re-calcified, proof that the animal would have survived its injury. As the photograph is taken from far enough away to encompass the entire bison skull, it is impossible to detect this re-calcification. But one can indeed see a neat round hole at the forehead level." (August 27)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1962.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1977
### Event 23112 (97864883)
**Date:** 8/27/1962
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Launch of the project [RedLight](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/Redlight.html).
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1962.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1978
### Event 23113 (294FF794)
**Date:** 8/27/1962
**Location:** 50.4375 77.814167
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 11KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1191
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "50.4375 77.814167", **LatLongDMS:** "50:26:15 N 77:48:51 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.4375,77.814167)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "RFAE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** "11"
### Event 23114 (3E927B29)
**Date:** 8/27/1962
**Time:** 09:00:50.9
**Location:** 74.7000 50.3000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 4200KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1192
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "74.7000 50.3000", **LatLongDMS:** "74:42:00 N 50:18:00 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/74.7000,50.3000)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "PDE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** "4200"
### Event 23115 (F7AE62E8)
**Date:** 8/28/1962
**Description:** Several separate observer(s). Blue-glowing saucer hovers. Flat edges and small orbs / rim.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 763)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6682
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "80", **HatchDesc:** "UPPER WHISTON,ENGL:SVRL SEP.OBS:BLU-GLO SCR HVRS:FLAT EDGES+SML ORBS/RIM:", **LatLong:** "53.400003 -1.333333", **LatLongDMS:** "53:24:00 N 01:20:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/53.400003,-1.333333)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 23116 (4CAB8264)
**Date:** 8/28/1962
**Location:** NEAR DOLORES, ARG
**Description:** Jose Bellantoni photographs iridescent 75M saucer / local magazine.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLAMMONDE, Paris: The AGE of FLYING SAUCERS; Hawthorne Books, NY 1971 (Index 160)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6683
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "11", **HatchDesc:** "nr DOLORES,ARG:JOSE BELLANTONI FOTOS IRIDESCENT 75M SCR/LOCAL MAGAZINE", **LatLong:** "-36.333335 -57.700003", **LatLongDMS:** "36:20:00 S 57:42:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-36.333335,-57.700003)", **State/Prov:** "Buenos Aires", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 23117 (70F83388)
**Date:** 8/28/1962 (approximate)
**Time:** 19:00
**Description:** 3 / car and 2 / truck. 150M saucer 50M over truck. Engine catches fire.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LORENZEN, Coral & Jim: UFO's OVER THE AMERICAS; Signet Books, NY 1968. 243p. (Index 12)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6684
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "1000", **HatchDesc:** "METAN >< SALTA,ARG:3/CAR+2/TRUCK:150M SCR 50M OVR TRUCK:ENGINE CATCHES FIRE", **LatLong:** "-25.000001 -65.033336", **LatLongDMS:** "25:00:00 S 65:02:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-25.000001,-65.033336)", **RelAlt:** "50", **State/Prov:** "SLT", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 23118 (D538BB49)
**Date:** 8/28/1962
**Description:** On this night several people watched a luminous blue disc-shaped object hover over Upper Whiston, South Yorkshire, England. It had flat edges and small orbs around the rim.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** APRO Bulletin, July-August 1963
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5413
### Event 23119 (7852721A)
**Date:** 8/28/1962
**Description:** Three people, including a man named Bellantoni in Dolores, Buenos Aires province, Argentina encountered a bright object on the ground at night, 300 meters from National Highway 2. The object was 30 feet long, 15 feet high, and had "human-like figures moving about inside the machine." Three witnesses in a car and two in a truck encountered a disc-shaped UFO between Metan and Salta, Argentina. The disc was 150 meters in diameter, and flew just 50 meters above the truck. The truck engine caught on fire.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** (1) John Keel, Strange Creatures From Time and Space, p. 153; Paris Flammonde, UFO Exist! p. 160; (2) Larry Hatch, U computer database, case 6239; Jim & Coral Lorenzen, UFOs over the Americas, p. 12
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5414
### Event 23120 (07B6D1C9)
**Date:** 8/29/1962
**Location:** PACIFIC 163° 44W-23° 34S
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Military observer(s). No further details [in] at all.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFOCAT CATALOG: Assorted Printouts. Donald A. Johnson Ph.D (CUFOS). P.O. Box 446, Concord, NH 03302-0446 (Index 68)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6685
**Attributes:** **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Pacific Ocean and non - Asian islands", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "PACIFIC 163°44W-23°34S:BBK#UNKN:MIL OBS:NFD AT ALL", **LatLong:** "-23.566668 -163.733341", **LatLongDMS:** "23:34:00 S 163:44:00 W", **Locale:** "High Seas", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-23.566668,-163.733341)", **State/Prov:** "NPC", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 23121 (1A61E74D)
**Date:** 8/29/1962
**Locations:** La Coloma; Banes
**Description:** Afternoon. A U-2 spy plane flying over Cuba spots an SA-2 surface-to-air missile site under construction at La Coloma, eight Komar-class guided missile patrol boats, and a cruise missile site at Banes.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Kenneth Michael Absher, Mind-Sets and Missiles, US Army War College, 2009
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3641
### Event 23122 (BF3C1017)
**Date:** 8/30/1962
**Location:** Port-au-Prince, Haiti
**Description:** 7:35–7:55 p.m. While having supper at an outdoor restaurant near Port-au-Prince, Haiti, three men, one of whom works for Techint Engineering Company, watch a UFO that approaches and hovers for 20 minutes. The engineer has a portable theodolite with him, and they set it up and track the object. It is a silvery-gray disc, like two rounded hubcaps together, and is spinning on its axis. It has an antenna on the top and exhaust ports all around its mid-line, and it is surrounded by gaseous emissions that run through all the colors of the spectrum. The object flips to a vertical alignment, showing its base, and then tips over so that its original topside is on the bottom. The object silently accelerates and disappears in 5 seconds. Project Blue Book concludes that the men were watching the planet Venus.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Loren E. Gross, [The Fifth Horseman of the Apocalypse: UFOs, a History: July–](https://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1962-July-Dec.pdf) [December 1962](https://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1962-July-Dec.pdf)[,](https://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1962-July-Dec.pdf) The Author, 2005, p. 33; Swords 298–299
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3642
### Event 23123 (DC8D8A06)
**Date:** 8/30/1962
**Description:** At 11:00 p.m. three men walking down a street in Itapirito, Minas Gerais State, Brazil saw a domed disc-shaped object 150 feet away. It was aluminum colored and ten feet in diameter. A little man or robot was next seen walking toward them. He was one meter tall, had a small head and short arms, and looked like the "Michelin" tire man. His upper body was luminous. After the being had walked to with 30 feet it vanished before their eyes. Two of the witnesses ran, one stayed behind; the UFO took off but came back and the third witness suffered from temporay paralysis. He reportedly suffered from headaches for the next month.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case A0541, citing Walter Buhler, SBEDV Bulletin, 1975, issue no. 21
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5490
### Event 23124 (35FCA374)
**Date:** 8/31/1962
**Location:** 50.4375 77.814167
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 2.7KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1193
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "50.4375 77.814167", **LatLongDMS:** "50:26:15 N 77:48:51 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.4375,77.814167)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "RFAE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** "2.7"
### Event 23125 (E90F978A)
**Date:** 9/1962 (approximate)
**Time:** 17:00
**Location:** POINTE AUX OIES, FR
**Description:** Several / N40. Big metallic disk going east low over dunes. Stops. Shoots inland.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LDLN CONTACT LECTEURS: by Series and #. May'68 -JAN'72 (Entire set of 18 issues) LDLN local chapters & individual members' UFO reports. (Index 50)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6686
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "POINTE aux OIES,FR:SVRL/N40:BIG MTLC DISK >E LO OVR DUNES:STOPS:SHOOTS INLAND", **LatLong:** "50.783336 1.616667", **LatLongDMS:** "50:47:00 N 01:37:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.783336,1.616667)", **State/Prov:** "Pas-de-Calais", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 23126 (6873BF52)
**Date:** 9/1962
**Time:** 21:50
**Location:** ORLAND, CA
**Description:** Farmer. Silent ovoid hovers / 8M over alfalfa field. Blunt ends. Going up [to] and going southwest. / r8#544.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 763)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6687
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "78", **HatchDesc:** "ORLAND,CA:FARMER:SLNT OVOID HVRs/8M ovr ALFALFA FIELD:BLUNT ENDS:↑+>SW:/r8#544", **LatLong:** "39.750002 -122.200006", **LatLongDMS:** "39:45:00 N 122:12:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.750002,-122.200006)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 23127 (F41DA91D)
**Date:** 9/1962
**Time:** 2145
**Location:** Orland, California
**Description:** A. T. Gray, a dairy rancher, thought some lights in a field were those of a car. When coming nearer, he realized the object was oblong with blunt edges and hovered about 7 m above the ground, making no noise. When Gray was 50 m away, the object came toward him, rose, and took off toward the southwest.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** APRO Jul., 63 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_544
### Event 23128 (5C6DA3ED)
**Date:** 9/1962
**Locations:** California; Washington, D.C.; Jupiter; George Washington University Hospital; Miami
**Description:** California contactee [Gloria Lee](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gloria%5FLee) takes channeled blueprints for a spaceship to Washington, D.C., to show to government officials. She gets nowhere, but while in town she gets messages from her space contact J.W. saying that the space people are upset with human wars and nuclear weapons. J.W. orders her to go on a fast for peace until he sends a “light elevator” to take her to Jupiter. Her fast lasts from September 23 to November 28. No one pays attention. After about 66 days without eating, Lee’s husband, aircraft engineer William H. Byrd, summons an ambulance to take her to George Washington University Hospital. She dies there on December 3. Lee continues to channel post-mortem information through a medium named [Nada-Yolanda](http://www.thenewearth.org/mahtnada.html) \(Pauline Sharpe\) in the Miami-based Mark-Age MetaCenter.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clark III 682–683; Tristan, “[The Airline Stewardess Who Starved Herself](https://bizarreandgrotesque.com/2016/12/18/the-airline-stewardess-who-starved-herself-to-death-for-aliens/) [to Death for Aliens,](https://bizarreandgrotesque.com/2016/12/18/the-airline-stewardess-who-starved-herself-to-death-for-aliens/)” Bizarre and Grotesque, December 18, 2016
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3643
### Event 23129 (BF2AA798)
**Date:** 9/1962
**Description:** Thomas M. Comella, writing under the pseudonym “Peter Kor,” proposes that UFOs originate, not from space \(as he apparently thought when he favored the extraterrestrial hypothesis in the December 1955 issue of Fate\), but from a reality “so strange that it cannot be confined to our three-dimensional world.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clark III 877; Thomas M. Comella, “[Why the Real Saucer Is Interplanetary,](https://archive.org/details/fate-1955-12/page/16/mode/2up)” Fate 8, no. 12 \(December 1955\): 17–23; Peter Kor \[Thomas M. Comella\], “The Solution to the Flying Saucer Mystery,” Flying Saucers, September 1962, pp. 68–74
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3644
### Event 23130 (77AA50B2)
**Date:** 9/1/1962
**Location:** Canada, Kénagami
**Description:** (Translated from French) A Mr. Leeming published in "Menenco", a small journal devoted to professional issues, published in April 1966 in Montreal, a story entitled "Encounter with a UFO" (note from vog: this story is very similar to another one that happened in the Scandinavian countries). Summary: during an excursion, the witness was advancing through the bushes when he found himself in a clearing where a UFO of 9 m in diameter, flattened like a top, with portholes, resting at 2m20 from the ground on a telescopic tripod, was stationed. He approached it and went around it and found an opening to enter, which he did. He finally met two extraterrestrials and had a technical conversation with one of them. (...) (1962, September 1 (presumed date))
**Reference:** Jean FERGUSON: "The Humanoids..." - ed. Leméac, Ottawa, 1977, pp. 55-67
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2239
### Event 23131 (ED32B85C)
**Date:** 9/1/1962
**Locations:** USSR; Cuba; Guanajay
**Description:** The USSR publicly announces an agreement to supply arms and military technicians to Cuba. Construction begins on SS-5 IRBM sites in Guanajay. \(Wikipedia, “[Cuban Missile Crisis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cuban%5FMissile%5FCrisis\#Deployment)”\) September 5 — U-2 photos reveal for the first time the presence of MiG-21 jet fighters in Cuba.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3645
### Event 23132 (4892C8FA)
**Date:** 9/1/1962
**Description:** Mr. R. Leeming, an engineer, stopped by a lake for a picnic while on a business trip around noon. He noticed a metallic UFO with windows hidden behind some trees, sitting on three telescopic legs and shaped like a top. It was 30 feet in diameter. He saw that it had a ladder and an open doorway, so he climbed the ladder and went inside. The interior had a control panel but no occupants, but when he turned around he was surprised to see that two human looking individuals, about 5.7 feet tall, wearing white suits with helmets, had returned. They looked surprised to see him and not sure what to do. He asked them, in French, why if they were obviously spacemen they looked like us. One of them replied, speaking in French, saying that the reason was we had a common ancestor.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Flying Saucers, June 1976, p. 19; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case A0547, citing Wido Hoville and UFO Quebec
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5554
### Event 23133 (AC743A29)
**Date:** 9/2/1962
**Location:** 73.7500 54.7500
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 80KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1194
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "73.7500 54.7500", **LatLongDMS:** "73:45:00 N 54:45:00 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/73.7500,54.7500)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "RFAE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** "80"
### Event 23134 (36D01856)
**Date:** 9/3/1962
**Time:** 05:20
**Location:** PACIFIC 163° 03E-34° 35N
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Observer(s) = US Navy. 1 UFO seen. No further details [in] at all.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFOCAT CATALOG: Assorted Printouts. Donald A. Johnson Ph.D (CUFOS). P.O. Box 446, Concord, NH 03302-0446 (Index 68)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6688
**Attributes:** **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Pacific Ocean and non - Asian islands", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "PACIFIC 163°03E-34°35N:BBK#UNKN:OBS=US NAVY:1 UFO SEEN:NFD AT ALL", **LatLong:** "34.583335 163.050008", **LatLongDMS:** "34:35:00 N 163:03:00 E", **Locale:** "High Seas", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/34.583335,163.050008)", **State/Prov:** "NPC", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 23135 (42CE8FBB)
**Date:** 9/3/1962
**Time:** 22:30
**Location:** ANGACO, ARG
**Description:** Object going up / field. No description. Leaves (something behind) blue luminous/glowing trail / air. 3M burnt trace.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 12)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6689
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "630", **HatchDesc:** "ANGACO,ARG:OBJ ↑/FIELD:no descript:LVS BLUE LUMN TRAIL/AIR:3M BURNT TRACE", **LatLong:** "-31.400001 -68.333337", **LatLongDMS:** "31:24:00 S 68:20:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-31.400001,-68.333337)", **State/Prov:** "SJN", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 23136 (7295D7BB)
**Date:** 9/4/1962
**Location:** ITALY, Sicily (Catania)
**Description:** (Translated from French) (cf: April 30, 62) Siragusa returns to Etna. In the street there are two beings, 2.15 meters tall, wearing helmets, they wear a luminous belt and in the sky there is a saucer 25 meters wide, at about thirty meters. A cylinder 3 meters high with a small door makes the connection between the saucer and the earth. The two extraterrestrials present themselves as Woodok and Lynk coming from the planet Metaria of Alpha Centauri. They come to give him a message from Asthar and Ithacar, he must send letters to stop nuclear testing.
**Reference:** Mitarbeiter, "Ufo Geheimnisse", Berlin, January 1998
**Reference:** continued April 64
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2240
### Event 23137 (638EC915)
**Date:** 9/5/1962
**Time:** night
**Location:** Mount Manfre, Italy
**Description:** Second observation by Mr. Siragusa (Case 531), who saw two figures over 2.10 m tall. The light from their belts prevented him from seeing them in detail. A large, spinning object, 25 m wide, top-shaped, hovered nearby. "From the under part, a metallic cylinder over 3 m long reached down almost to touch the road, with a small door, a sort of lift."
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** FSR 62, 6 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_545
### Event 23138 (3D4764F3)
**Date:** 9/5/1962
**Description:** Responding to a telepathic summons, Mr. Siragusa, age 43, went to a spot in Monte Manfre, Italy on the island of Sicily where he met two seven-foot tall men. The wore helmets of a metallic cloth. They gave him the message that humans should desist with H-bomb testing. They left in a UFO shaped like a spinning top, about 80 feet in diameter. The object hovered with a ten-foot wide cylindrical section that connected with the ground.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Hulvio Brant Aleixo, FSR, November-December 1968, p. 11; Gordon Creighton, FSR, January-February 1970, p. 14; Roberto Pinotti, Flying Saucers magazine, January-February 1966, p. 58
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5651
### Event 23139 (F05EB531)
**Date:** 9/6/1962
**Time:** 17:00:00.2
**Location:** 37.1303 -116.0447
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Raritan” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_276
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1303 -116.0447", **LatLongDMS:** "37:07:49 N 116:02:41 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1303,-116.0447)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.16", **NukeName:** "Raritan", **NukeSource:** "AEC", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 23140 (934A90B6)
**Date:** 9/8/1962
**Location:** FLORESTA, BRZ
**Description:** Argentine Navy pilot. Burnished metal lens-saucer maneuvers. / r242p139.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 30)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6690
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "293", **HatchDesc:** "FLORESTA,BRZ:ARGENTINE NAVY PILOT:BURNISHED METAL LENS-SCR MNVRs:/r242p139", **LatLong:** "-8.600000 -38.566669", **LatLongDMS:** "08:36:00 S 38:34:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-8.600000,-38.566669)", **State/Prov:** "Bahia", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 23141 (37864151)
**Date:** 9/8/1962
**Location:** Floresta, Argentine
**Description:** "Burnished metal" lens-shaped UFO sighted by Argentine Navy pilot. \[NICAP UFO Evidence, X, XII\] (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2597
### Event 23142 (E1E4F63B)
**Date:** 9/8/1962
**Time:** 10:17:57.7
**Location:** 73.7000 53.8000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 1900KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1195
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "73.7000 53.8000", **LatLongDMS:** "73:42:00 N 53:48:00 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/73.7000,53.8000)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "PDE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** "1900"
### Event 23143 (B7444EA4)
**Date:** 9/8/1962
**Description:** A lens-shaped UFO with the appearance of burnished metal was sighted by an Argentine Navy pilot in Florista, Bahia State, Argentina.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP UFO Investigator, November 1962, p. 4
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5757
### Event 23144 (8125BB40)
**Date:** 9/11/1962
**Time:** 16:00
**Location:** NORTH / EGYPT
**Description:** UK airmen. Strong fireball passes 4 RAF jets / MACH 2. Makes 150° turn going quickly southwest.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 313)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6691
**Attributes:** **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Iceland", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "N/EGYPT:UK AIRMEN:STRONG FBL PASSES 4 RAF JETS/MACH 2:MAKES 150°TURN >>SW", **LatLong:** "32.500002 27.500001", **LatLongDMS:** "32:30:00 N 27:30:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/32.500002,27.500001)", **State/Prov:** "EGY", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 23145 (D64E5F80)
**Date:** 9/13/1962
**Time:** 2320
**Location:** Overfield, Great Britain
**Description:** Myra Jones was driving between Overfield and Norris Hill when she saw a luminous, gray object, larger than a car with a dome on top. It was flying at the altitude of the Phone poles, slowly spinning. Dark spots were visible on the underside. It nearly touched the car, then gave a whistling sound and flew away.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** 137; FSR 62, 6 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_546
### Event 23146 (BBB268FA)
**Date:** 9/13/1962
**Description:** Overfield, England. Myra Jones was driving between Overfield and Norris Hill at 11:20 p.m. when she spotted a luminous, gray object, larger than a car, with a dome on top. It was flying just above the ground at the height of the telephone poles, spinning slowly. There were dark spots visible on the underside of the object. It nearly touched the car, then gave a whistling sound and flew away.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 546; citing Flying Saucer Review, November-December 1962
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5913
### Event 23147 (4B427A4D)
**Date:** 9/14/1962
**Time:** 17:10:00.1
**Location:** 37.0439 -116.0211
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Hyrax” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_277
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0439 -116.0211", **LatLongDMS:** "37:02:38 N 116:01:16 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0439,-116.0211)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.22", **NukeMb:** "4.40", **NukeName:** "Hyrax", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 23148 (8E730A5F)
**Date:** 9/15/1962
**Time:** 17:00
**Location:** ORADELL, NJ
**Description:** 2 bright saucers maneuver and dive / reservoir. / MJ#233+/ r44p226+/ APRO May'63.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 30)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6692
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **SUB:** Submersible: Rises from or submerges into water, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "200", **Elev:** "27", **HatchDesc:** "ORADELL,NJ:2 BRITE SCRS MNVR+DIVE/RESERVOIR:/MJ#233+/r44p226+/APRO May'63", **LatLong:** "40.950002 -74.033337", **LatLongDMS:** "40:57:00 N 74:02:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.950002,-74.033337)", **State/Prov:** "New Jersey", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 23149 (1E7995AF)
**Date:** 9/15/1962
**Time:** 18:00
**Location:** WEST NYACK, NY
**Description:** 2 "silver dollars" rotate passing over. / r78p192.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO EVIDENCE; NICAP,Washington, DC 1964. Reprinted 1997 Barnes & Noble Books ( only $7.98! ) (Index 140)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6693
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "136", **HatchDesc:** "WEST NYACK,NY:2 "SILVER DOLLARS" ROTATE PASSING OVER:/r78p192", **LatLong:** "41.083335 -73.983337", **LatLongDMS:** "41:05:00 N 73:59:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.083335,-73.983337)", **State/Prov:** "New York", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 23150 (BE3EAF0D)
**Date:** 9/15/1962
**Location:** Oradell, NJ
**Description:** Bright luminous object surrounded with a glow (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2598
### Event 23151 (9070650F)
**Date:** 9/15/1962
**Time:** 1700
**Location:** Oradell, New Jersey
**Description:** Two bright disks were first seen at 1700, then were seen again at 1800, at the state line. Two witnesses saw one round object with a fin on top and another under it at 1950, and reported that it was going down toward the Oradell reservoir. Three young men saw and heard the object as it touched the water. Another witness called police. The luminous object took off a few minutes later. Official investigation described it as bright, surrounded with a glow, the apparent size of a small plane 1 km away. It left toward the south.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Atic ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_547
### Event 23152 (9FF7EA9F)
**Date:** 9/15/1962
**Time:** 08:02:13.9
**Location:** 74.4000 51.5000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 3100KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1196
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "74.4000 51.5000", **LatLongDMS:** "74:24:00 N 51:30:00 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/74.4000,51.5000)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "PDE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** "3100"
### Event 23153 (FEE8493B)
**Date:** 9/15/1962
**Location:** San Cristobal, Cuba
**Description:** Construction begins on Soviet SS-4 MRBM sites at San Cristobal, Cuba.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3646
### Event 23154 (709D2A18)
**Date:** 9/15/1962
**Locations:** Oradell, New Jersey; Oradell; Oradell Reservoir
**Description:** 5:00 p.m. Two bright discs are seen over Oradell, New Jersey. At 6:00 p.m., former Navy flying officer J. J. McVickers sees two discs just across the state line near Oradell. At 7:50 p.m., [Victor Cipolla](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/159553724/victor-e%5Fp%5F-cipolla) sees a glowing object descend toward Oradell. Two other witnesses see one round object with a fin on top and another under it at darting back and forth near Oradell Reservoir. At 7:55 p.m., three teens see and hear a bright, oval object land in the reservoir with a loud splash. A moment later, it lifts off and climbs silently at high speed.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Disc Landing](http://cufos.org/UFOI%5Fand%5FSelected%5FDocuments/UFOI/018%20OCT-NOV%201962.pdf) [Reported in New Jersey,](http://cufos.org/UFOI%5Fand%5FSelected%5FDocuments/UFOI/018%20OCT-NOV%201962.pdf)” UFO Investigator 2, no. 6 \(Oct./Nov. 1962\): 3–4; UFOEv, [p. 140](https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=mdp.39015006091691&view=1up&seq=152&skin=2021); Loren E. Gross, [The](https://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1962-July-Dec.pdf) [Fifth Horseman of the Apocalypse: UFOs, a History: July–December 1962](https://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1962-July-Dec.pdf)[,](https://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1962-July-Dec.pdf) The Author, 2005, pp. 48, 49; [Sparks](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf), p. 292
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3647
### Event 23155 (F46E886C)
**Date:** 9/15/1962
**Description:** Two bright discs were first seen at 5:00 p.m., then again at 6:00 p.m., at the state line near Oradell, New Jersey. Two witnesses saw one round object with a fin on top, and another under it at 7:50 p.m., and reported that it was going down toward the Oradell Reservoir. Three young men next saw and heard the object as it touched the water. Another witness called the police. The luminous object took off a few minutes later. The official investigation described it as bright, surrounded with a glow, and the apparent size of a small plane one kilometer away. It left flying toward the south.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case # 547, citing Project Blue Book files
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5983
### Event 23156 (0AE52542)
**Date:** 9/16/1962
**Location:** BARCELOS, BRZ
**Description:** 3 small humanoids (or Greys) / saucer grab man and 17 hens and 6 pigs and 2 cows. None return. / LDLN#130+/ r8.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 757)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6694
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens, **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "25", **Elev:** "37", **HatchDesc:** "BARCELOS,BRZ:3 OIDS/SCR GRAB MAN+17 HENS+6PIGS+2COWS:NONE RETURN:/LDLN#130+/r8", **LatLong:** "-0.966667 -62.950003", **LatLongDMS:** "00:58:00 S 62:57:00 W", **Locale:** "Rainforest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-0.966667,-62.950003)", **State/Prov:** "Amazonas", **Strangeness:** "11"
### Event 23157 (BE4E2BC4)
**Date:** 9/16/1962
**Time:** 10:59:10.5
**Location:** 74.2000 51.6000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 3250KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1197
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "74.2000 51.6000", **LatLongDMS:** "74:12:00 N 51:36:00 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/74.2000,51.6000)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "PDE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** "3250"
### Event 23158 (DBEEC551)
**Date:** 9/16/1962
**Description:** On this night a rubber plantation worker in Vila Conceicao, near Barcelos, Amazonas, Brazil saw a round glowing object emitting sparks come down into a clearing in the plantation. Three humanoid beings jumped out, attacked another man, who happened to be a soccer referee, abducted him and took him away. They also stole 17 hens, six pigs, and two cows from the plantation. The UFO shot straight up into the sky when it took off. Neither the man nor the animals were ever returned.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** APRO Bulletin, January 1963, p. 3; FSR, September 1970, p. 28; Brad Sparks, Computer Catalog of Abduction Cases (N=150), case 74; Thomas E. Bullard, UFO Abductions: The Measure of a Mystery. Volume 2: Catalogue of Cases, case # 262
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6010
### Event 23159 (C87FC73F)
**Date:** 9/17/1962
**Time:** 05:40
**Location:** PACIFIC 163° 48E-33° 55N
**Description:** Uscgc Matagorda crew. 1 UFO seen. No further details [in] at all.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFOCAT CATALOG: Assorted Printouts. Donald A. Johnson Ph.D (CUFOS). P.O. Box 446, Concord, NH 03302-0446 (Index 69)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6695
**Attributes:** **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Pacific Ocean and non - Asian islands", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "PACIFIC 163°48E-33°55N:USCGC MATAGORDA CREW:1 UFO SEEN:NFD AT ALL", **LatLong:** "33.916668 163.800008", **LatLongDMS:** "33:55:00 N 163:48:00 E", **Locale:** "High Seas", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/33.916668,163.800008)", **State/Prov:** "NPC", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 23160 (009AF42E)
**Date:** 9/18/1962
**Description:** 6 cops. Silver cylinder/cigar-shape with red lights / ends. Seen 3 counties.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO EVIDENCE; NICAP,Washington, DC 1964. Reprinted 1997 Barnes & Noble Books ( only $7.98! ) (Index 62)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6696
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "60", **Elev:** "230", **HatchDesc:** "POLAND+MINERVA+CARROLL co,OH:6 COPS:SLVR CGR W/RED LITES/ENDS:SEEN 3 COUNTIES", **LatLong:** "41.022224 -80.616671", **LatLongDMS:** "41:01:20 N 80:37:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.022224,-80.616671)", **State/Prov:** "Ohio", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 23161 (93FBBF0F)
**Date:** 9/18/1962
**Time:** 04:00
**Location:** WESTWOOD, NJ
**Description:** 2 police. Huge cone object with pointed end downward. Seen 7-8 second(s). / r78p192.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO EVIDENCE; NICAP,Washington, DC 1964. Reprinted 1997 Barnes & Noble Books ( only $7.98! ) (Index 140)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6697
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "23", **HatchDesc:** "WESTWOOD,NJ:2 POLICE:HUGE CONE OBJ W/POINTED END DOWNWARD:seen 7-8sec:/r78p192", **LatLong:** "40.983335 -74.050004", **LatLongDMS:** "40:59:00 N 74:03:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.983335,-74.050004)", **State/Prov:** "New Jersey", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 23162 (DC90F2D4)
**Date:** 9/18/1962
**Time:** 19:50
**Location:** HAWTHORNE, NJ
**Description:** Blue Book. Green saucer going down [to] over house. Back over quarry / 20+24 September. Avoids lights.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO EVIDENCE; NICAP,Washington, DC 1964. Reprinted 1997 Barnes & Noble Books ( only $7.98! ) (Index 12)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6698
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "30", **HatchDesc:** "HAWTHORNE,NJ:BBK:GRN SCR↓ OVR HOUSE:BACK OVR QUARRY/20+24 SEPT:AVOIDS LITES", **LatLong:** "40.950002 -74.155559", **LatLongDMS:** "40:57:00 N 74:09:20 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.950002,-74.155559)", **State/Prov:** "New Jersey", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 23163 (CC3AA94F)
**Date:** 9/18/1962
**Location:** Westwood, NJ
**Description:** 4 a.m.. Two policemen reported a 7-8 second observation of a huge object, round at the top and tapering to a cone. 4:45 a.m.; Two Oradell policemen reported a brilliant light in the sky. \[NICAP UFO Evidence\] (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2599
### Event 23164 (80B6409F)
**Date:** 9/18/1962
**Location:** Hawthorne, NJ
**Description:** 7:55 p.m.; A family in Hawthorne watched a greenish disc descend low over their house. \[NICAP UFO Evidence\] (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2600
### Event 23165 (B99BA489)
**Date:** 9/18/1962
**Location:** Northeast, OH
**Description:** Six policemen sighted UFOs about the same time. One hovering object, two maneuvering. \[NICAP UFO Evidence, VII\] (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2601
### Event 23166 (09D635F2)
**Date:** 9/18/1962
**Location:** Barcelos, Brazil
**Description:** Three men working in a rubber plantation saw a large, disk-shaped object hover above the river. It emitted sparks, was of silvery color, and very brilliant. It eventually rose straight up at high speed. Disappearance of cattle was noticed in the area during that period and blamed on the same cause.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** APRO Jan., 63 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_548
### Event 23167 (9635438F)
**Date:** 9/18/1962
**Time:** 08:29:02.7
**Location:** 73.2000 54.7000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 1350KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1198
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "73.2000 54.7000", **LatLongDMS:** "73:12:00 N 54:42:00 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/73.2000,54.7000)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "PDE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** "1350"
### Event 23168 (30666081)
**Date:** 9/18/1962
**Description:** Three men working on a rubber plantation in Barcelos, Amazonas State, Brazil saw a large, disk-shaped object hover above the river. It emitted sparks, was a silvery color, and very brilliant. It eventually rose straight up at high speed. Disappearance of cattle was noticed in the area during that period and blamed on the same cause.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case # 548, citing APRO Bulletin, January 1963
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6067
### Event 23169 (FD39C946)
**Date:** 9/18/1962
**Description:** Minerva, Ohio. Six policemen in northeastern Ohio sighted UFOs at about the same time at around five a.m. One object was hovering, while two were maneuvering.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Richard Hall, The UFO Evidence, p. 62
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6068
### Event 23170 (80E9C744)
**Date:** 9/19/1962
**Time:** 11:00:56.4
**Location:** 73.8000 53.8000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 1500KT YieldMax: 10000KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1199
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "73.8000 53.8000", **LatLongDMS:** "73:48:00 N 53:48:00 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/73.8000,53.8000)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "PDE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** "1500", **NukeYMax:** "10000"
### Event 23171 (D9C1FF59)
**Date:** 9/20/1962
**Location:** Hawthorne, NJ
**Description:** Early in the morning, a watchman, William Stock, of Hawthorne, reported a saucer- shaped object which hovered and moved from side to side as it shone bright enough to illuminate a huge area. \[NICAP UFO Evidence\] (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2602
### Event 23172 (631BA98C)
**Date:** 9/20/1962
**Time:** 17:10:00.1
**Location:** 37.0551 -116.0293
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Peba” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_278
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0551 -116.0293", **LatLongDMS:** "37:03:18 N 116:01:45 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0551,-116.0293)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.24", **NukeName:** "Peba", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 23173 (7F52218D)
**Date:** 9/20/1962
**Locations:** Los Angeles; Chaparra; Juguani, Cuba
**Description:** Construction begins on Soviet SAM sites at Los Angeles, Chaparra, and Juguani, Cuba.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3648
### Event 23174 (B6D883EA)
**Date:** 9/21/1962
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Observation at WSW of Biloxi \(Mississippi\). (September 21)
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#8133 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1962.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1979
### Event 23175 (6B2DBA72)
**Date:** 9/21/1962
**Time:** 19:30
**Location:** WSW / BILOXI, MS
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #8133. Fishing boat. 2 red and black moon-size objects cross sky / 13 minute(s).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BERLINER, DON: The BLUEBOOK UNKNOWNS; (FUFOR). (Index 30)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6699
**Attributes:** **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "13", **Elev:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "WSW/BILOXI,MS:BBK#8133:FISHING BOAT:2 RED+BLK MOONSIZE OBJS CROSS SKY/13min", **LatLong:** "30.366668 -88.988893", **LatLongDMS:** "30:22:00 N 88:59:20 W", **Locale:** "Offshore", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/30.366668,-88.988893)", **State/Prov:** "Mississippi", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 23176 (75B018EA)
**Date:** 9/21/1962
**Location:** Biloxi (WSW of), MS
**Description:** 2 objects, red and black with orange streaks (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 8133)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2603
### Event 23177 (5C31AA3E)
**Date:** 9/21/1962
**Location:** Btn Hawthorne & N. Haledon, NJ
**Description:** At 3:40 a.m., William Stock and four invited policemen spent a half hour watching a round object with two apparently revolving body lights. At 4 a.m., two policemen, between Hawthorne and North Haledon, watched a bright light revolving and moving up and down and from side to side for about 35 minutes. \[NICAP UFO Evidence\] (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2604
### Event 23178 (911D1DAF)
**Date:** 9/21/1962
**Location:** Hawthorne, NJ
**Description:** That night, 4 young persons in Hawthorne reported seeing a bright star-like object with light beams coming from it. \[NICAP UFO Evidence\] (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2605
### Event 23179 (B72D0D32)
**Date:** 9/21/1962
**Time:** 7:37 PM
**Location:** WSW of Biloxi, Mississippi, in the Gulf of Mexico
**Description:** Witness: fishing boat captain S.A. Guthrie. Two objects, red and black with orange streaks, one as big as the Moon, and the other smaller. Arced across the sky for 13 minutes.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_481
### Event 23180 (BBAF0709)
**Date:** 9/21/1962
**Location:** 73.7500 54.7500
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 2400KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1200
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "73.7500 54.7500", **LatLongDMS:** "73:45:00 N 54:45:00 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/73.7500,54.7500)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "RFAE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** "2400"
### Event 23181 (65631664)
**Date:** 9/21/1962
**Description:** A fishing boat captain, S. A. Guthrie, and a deck hand sailing west-southwest of Biloxi, Mississippi in the Gulf of Mexico sighted two UFOs at 7:37 p.m. The objects were red and black with orange streaks. One was as big as the Moon and the other somewhat smaller. They arced across the sky for 13 minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Project Blue Book files counted in official statistics, case 8133; Don Berliner, Project Bluebook UFO Unknowns
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6181
### Event 23182 (65E824E8)
**Date:** 9/22/1962
**Location:** 50.4375 77.814167
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: .21KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1201
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "50.4375 77.814167", **LatLongDMS:** "50:26:15 N 77:48:51 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.4375,77.814167)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "RFAE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** ".21"
### Event 23183 (3925315C)
**Date:** 9/23/1962
**Time:** 22:00
**Description:** Repeat abduction taken / same pseudo-human/entity. Blue beam transport. "Time altered".
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 302)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6700
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly, **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **CVS:** Conversation/communication, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "4", **Duration:** "120", **Elev:** "1021", **HatchDesc:** "OLD MAN OF THE Mtn,NH:REPEAT ABD TAKEN/SAME PSH:BLUE BEAM XPORT:"TIME ALTERED"", **LatLong:** "44.166669 -71.666670", **LatLongDMS:** "44:10:00 N 71:40:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.166669,-71.666670)", **State/Prov:** "New Hampshire", **Strangeness:** "11"
### Event 23184 (A9DB9CC8)
**Date:** 9/23/1962
**Time:** 22:00
**Location:** ST. MAXIMIN, FR
**Description:** Luminous ball rises fast. Stops. Going east. Stops. Going west. Turns going east again rising.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 119)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6701
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "St.MAXIMIN,FR:LUMn.BALL RISES FAST:STOPS:> E:STOPS:> W:TURNS >E AGAIN RISING", **LatLong:** "43.450002 5.866667", **LatLongDMS:** "43:27:00 N 05:52:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.450002,5.866667)", **State/Prov:** "Var", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 23185 (0ACD39A1)
**Date:** 9/23/1962
**Location:** Hawthorne, NJ
**Description:** In the middle of the day a Hawthorne woman and her son saw an oblong, silvery object, for about 10 seconds. \[NICAP UFO Evidence\] (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2606
### Event 23186 (5EB462F5)
**Date:** Fall 1962
**Location:** Anaheim, California
**Description:** Arlene Cook is awakened by her young, terrified son, at their home in Anaheim, California. He says something is in his bedroom, so they go to investigate and see a half-dollar-sized light on his bed. The spot stays visible when she puts her hand on the bed or when she removes the covers, but she can find no source for the light. It then just switches off and does not return.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Michael D. Swords, “A Trick of the Light,” IUR 31, no. 2 \(June 2007\): 8
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3650
### Event 23187 (FF5F6EE3)
**Date:** Fall 1962
**Location:** Azusa, California
**Description:** Patricia Ellingson is seeing “glowing, flame-like lights” in her bedroom in Azusa, California, every evening. She thinks they appear only when she is mentally calm. The lights are the size of a quarter, sometimes switch off abruptly, and other times fade out slowly. At times they do not appear for months, and she feels sad when they are not there.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Michael D. Swords, “A Trick of the Light,” IUR 31, no. 2 \(June 2007\): 8
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3651
### Event 23188 (9B2F773A)
**Date:** 9/23/1962
**Description:** An abduction reportedly occurred near Franconia Notch in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. While driving on Route 3 at ten p.m. the male witness saw a large, lighted domed-oval craft, the same as he had seen in 1959. He parked his truck and walked into a blue beam. Inside the craft he met the same four entities as he had encountered three years before. He was shown controls, and watched others being abducted and medically examined. He was taken to a mother ship and returned in two hours.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Morton Schafer, MUFON case file investigations, case 930403E
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6253
### Event 23189 (CF6B2DE4)
**Date:** 9/24/1962
**Location:** Hawthorne, NJ
**Description:** Early in the morning, a group consisting of the head of an independent news agency, a photographer and numerous policemen watched, for 10 minutes, an object which changed from red to silver to green and back to red. In the evening, a Hawthorne patrolman watched a light approach, hover for 15 minutes and then move away. \[NICAP UFO Evidence\] (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2607
### Event 23190 (049C7E5C)
**Date:** 9/24/1962
**Location:** 50.4375 77.814167
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 1.2KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1202
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "50.4375 77.814167", **LatLongDMS:** "50:26:15 N 77:48:51 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.4375,77.814167)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "RFAE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** "1.2"
### Event 23191 (74CA6268)
**Date:** 9/25/1962
**Location:** 50.4375 77.814167
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 7KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1203
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "50.4375 77.814167", **LatLongDMS:** "50:26:15 N 77:48:51 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.4375,77.814167)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "RFAE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** "7"
### Event 23192 (8D57D626)
**Date:** 9/25/1962
**Time:** 13:02:31.7
**Location:** 73.7000 55.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 19100KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1204
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "73.7000 55.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "73:42:00 N 55:00:00 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/73.7000,55.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "PDE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** "19100"
### Event 23193 (26046398)
**Date:** 9/26/1962
**Time:** 21:50
**Location:** CAPAY, CA
**Description:** 50' saucer beams going down / field. Going quickly east. Irrigation water won't run over affected spot!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PHILLIPS, Ted: Study of PHYSICAL TRACES ASSOCIATED with UFO SIGHTINGS; CUFOS 1975. (Index 27)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6702
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "57", **HatchDesc:** "CAPAY,CA:50'SCR BEAMS↓/FIELD:>>E:IRRIGATION WATER WONT RUN OVR AFFECTED SPOT!", **LatLong:** "38.700002 -122.033339", **LatLongDMS:** "38:42:00 N 122:02:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.700002,-122.033339)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 23194 (9E591120)
**Date:** 9/26/1962
**Description:** On a farm near Capay, Glenn County, California at 9:45 p.m. a man named Gray sighted a silent ovoid object hovering just eight meters above an alfalfa field. It had blunt ends. It ascended to a higher altitude and then flew away toward the southwest.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** APRO Bulletin, July-August 1963, p. 4; Ted Phillips, Physical Traces Associated with UFO Sightings, case 156, citing the Orland Union Register
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6347
### Event 23195 (58FBCD03)
**Date:** 9/27/1962
**Time:** 08:03:16.4
**Location:** 74.3000 52.4000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 10000KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1205
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "74.3000 52.4000", **LatLongDMS:** "74:18:00 N 52:24:00 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/74.3000,52.4000)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "PDE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** "10000"
### Event 23196 (B002FF0F)
**Date:** 9/28/1962
**Location:** Hawthorne (7 counties near), NJ
**Description:** Police from seven counties reported seeing UFOs between 2:30 and 3:30 a.m. Most reported three objects which changed color. \[NICAP UFO Evidence\] (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2608
### Event 23197 (320532E3)
**Date:** 9/28/1962
**Location:** 50.4375 77.814167
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 1.3KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1206
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "50.4375 77.814167", **LatLongDMS:** "50:26:15 N 77:48:51 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.4375,77.814167)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "RFAE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** "1.3"
### Event 23198 (18A70DB9)
**Date:** 9/29/1962
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Launch of the Canadian satellite *Alouette*. (September 29)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1962.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1980
### Event 23199 (D84C78F8)
**Date:** 9/29/1962
**Time:** 17:00:00.2
**Location:** 37.1167 -116.0328
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Allegheny” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_279
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1167 -116.0328", **LatLongDMS:** "37:07:00 N 116:01:58 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1167,-116.0328)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.21", **NukeName:** "Allegheny", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 23200 (7FCCD0FC)
**Date:** 9/29/1962
**Locations:** Isle of Pines; Bay of Pigs, Cuba
**Description:** A CIA U-2 mission over the Isle of Pines and Bay of Pigs, Cuba, reveals additional Soviet SA-2 and cruise missile sites.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Jacobsen, Area 51, [p. 183](https://archive.org/details/area51uncensored0000jaco/page/182/mode/2up); Kenneth Michael Absher, Mind-Sets and Missiles, US Army War College, 2009
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3649
### Event 23201 (30F0519B)
**Date:** 10/1962
**Location:** Palermo AFB, NY
**Description:** UFO Incident During the Cuban Missile Crisis (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, NC)
**Reference:** NICAP: [621000](http://www.nicap.org/6210XXcmc%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2609
### Event 23202 (9F6C8FAA)
**Date:** 10/1962
**Description:** The CIA and USAF instruct Lockheed to study a high-speed, high-altitude drone concept. [Kelly Johnson](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kelly%5FJohnson%5F%28engineer%29) specifies speeds of Mach 3.3–3.5, an operational altitude of 87,000–95,000 feet, and a range of 3,500 miles. It would make a one-way trip, eject its camera payload at the end of the mission for recovery, then self-destruct. It has a double-delta wing similar to the A-12’s wing design. The Q-12 is to be air-launched from the back of an A- 12 and uses key technology from the A-12 project, including titanium construction and radar cross-section reduction design features. Johnson wants to power the Q-12 with a ramjet engine modified to operate at high temperatures for at least 90 minutes at high altitude.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Lockheed D-21](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lockheed%5FD-21)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3652
### Event 23203 (4BFC4FF6)
**Date:** 10/2/1962
**Location:** 17.0000 -169.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Androscoggin” Yield: 75KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_280
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "17.0000 -169.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "17:00:00 N 169:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/17.0000,-169.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Androscoggin", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NACU", **NukeY:** "75"
### Event 23204 (BA62F92A)
**Date:** 10/2/1962
**Locations:** Moore, Montana; Malmstrom AFB complex
**Description:** Night. A Boeing security guard at an unidentified Minuteman missile site near Moore, Montana \[likely the M-01 launch site that is part of Malmstrom AFB complex\], sees a tear-shaped object with a blue top and a red bottom.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Flying Objects Reported in Separated Areas,](https://www.newspapers.com/clip/94778596/)” Helena \(Mont.\) Independent-Record, October 3, 1962, p. 7
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3653
### Event 23205 (ED7CEC3E)
**Date:** 10/2/1962
**Locations:** Larson AFB [now Grant County International Airport]; Moses Lake, Washington
**Description:** Night. Airmen on security patrol at Larson AFB \[now Grant County International Airport\] near Moses Lake, Washington, see a white light hovering a few hundred feet in the air near where the ICBM storage bunkers are located. It silently shoots into the air as the guards approach it.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Flying Objects Reported in Separated Areas,](https://www.newspapers.com/clip/94778596/)” Helena \(Mont.\) Independent-Record, October 3, 1962, p. 7; Nukes 145–147
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3654
### Event 23206 (B9B9746C)
**Date:** 10/3/1962
**Location:** Chicago, IL
**Description:** City of Chicago official watched circular UFO with dome move across lower half of moon. \[NICAP UFO Evidence, VII\] (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2610
### Event 23207 (C427A34E)
**Date:** 10/4/1962
**Time:** 21:20
**Location:** DES PLAINES, IL
**Description:** Blue Book. Separate observer(s). Domed saucer crosses moons face. Seems / extreme altitude.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO EVIDENCE; NICAP,Washington, DC 1964. Reprinted 1997 Barnes & Noble Books ( only $7.98! ) (Index 68)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6703
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "195", **HatchDesc:** "DES PLAINES,IL:BBK:SEP.OBS:DOMED SCR CROSSES MOONs FACE:seems/extreme altitude", **LatLong:** "42.033335 -87.883338", **LatLongDMS:** "42:02:00 N 87:53:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.033335,-87.883338)", **State/Prov:** "Illinois", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 23208 (16149C8F)
**Date:** 10/5/1962
**Time:** 17:00:00.2
**Location:** 37.1394 -116.0503
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Mississippi” Yield: 115KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_281
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1394 -116.0503", **LatLongDMS:** "37:08:22 N 116:03:01 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1394,-116.0503)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.49", **NukeMb:** "5.06", **NukeName:** "Mississippi", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "115"
### Event 23209 (45190BF5)
**Date:** 10/6/1962
**Location:** 17.0000 -169.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Bumping” Yield: 11.3KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_282
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "17.0000 -169.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "17:00:00 N 169:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/17.0000,-169.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Bumping", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NACU", **NukeY:** "11.3"
### Event 23210 (BFD6F276)
**Date:** 10/7/1962
**Location:** 73.7500 54.7500
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 320KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1207
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "73.7500 54.7500", **LatLongDMS:** "73:45:00 N 54:45:00 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/73.7500,54.7500)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "RFAE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** "320"
### Event 23211 (3A901F74)
**Date:** 10/7/1962
**Location:** Cuba
**Description:** New U-2 flights show there are now 19 Soviet SA-2 missile sites in Cuba.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3655
### Event 23212 (FED4F189)
**Date:** 10/9/1962
**Location:** 50.4375 77.814167
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 8KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1208
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "50.4375 77.814167", **LatLongDMS:** "50:26:15 N 77:48:51 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.4375,77.814167)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "RFAE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** "8"
### Event 23213 (1B060A9E)
**Date:** 10/9/1962
**Location:** 73.7500 54.7500
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 15KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1209
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "73.7500 54.7500", **LatLongDMS:** "73:45:00 N 54:45:00 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/73.7500,54.7500)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "RFAE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** "15"
### Event 23214 (4DE5BD3C)
**Date:** 10/10/1962
**Time:** 20:00
**Location:** MARCH DEL PLATA, ARG
**Description:** 3 observer(s). Blue flash / woods. Tractor malfunctions due to EME (electro-magnetic effects). Night light going up [to] and going quickly southeast / sea. / r79p19.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 12)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6704
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "39", **HatchDesc:** "MAR DEL PLATA,ARG:3 OBS:BLUE FLASH/WOODS:TRACTOR EMES:NLT ↑+>>SE/SEA:/r79p19", **LatLong:** "-37.983335 -57.550003", **LatLongDMS:** "37:59:00 S 57:33:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-37.983335,-57.550003)", **RelAlt:** "1", **State/Prov:** "Buenos Aires", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 23215 (3A6F3358)
**Date:** 10/10/1962
**Time:** 20:00?
**Location:** JACKSONVILLE, FL
**Description:** Numerous observer(s). Several 1M glowing-balls maneuvers in and around houses. Much electro-magnetic effect (EME.)
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 755)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6705
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "4", **HatchDesc:** "JACKSONVILLE,FL:NMRS OBS:SVRL 1M GLOW-BALLS MNVRS IN+AROUND HOUSES:MUCH EME:", **LatLong:** "30.333335 -81.650004", **LatLongDMS:** "30:20:00 N 81:39:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/30.333335,-81.650004)", **RelAlt:** "3", **State/Prov:** "Florida", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 23216 (9613A935)
**Date:** 10/10/1962
**Location:** 50.4375 77.814167
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 9.2KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1210
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "50.4375 77.814167", **LatLongDMS:** "50:26:15 N 77:48:51 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.4375,77.814167)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "RFAE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** "9.2"
### Event 23217 (4F945FF4)
**Date:** 10/10/1962
**Description:** Several one meter wide balls of light maneuvered around houses in Jacksonville, Florida at around eight o'clock in the evening.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** APRO Bulletin, November 1962, p. 1
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6711
### Event 23218 (B4CCFB30)
**Date:** 10/10/1962
**Description:** A blue flash in the woods caused a tractor to stop running in Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires province, Argentina at 8:00 p.m. A nocturnal light lifted off from the ground and headed out to sea, leaving behind ground marks.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Oscar A. Uriondo, FSR Case Histories, December 1972, p. 10
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6712
### Event 23219 (C255AC70)
**Date:** 10/12/1962
**Time:** 15:00:00.2
**Location:** 37.1228 -116.0508
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Roanoke” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_283
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1228 -116.0508", **LatLongDMS:** "37:07:22 N 116:03:03 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1228,-116.0508)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.18", **NukeName:** "Roanoke", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 23220 (FBB371A3)
**Date:** 10/12/1962
**Time:** 17:00:00.1
**Location:** 37.0488 -116.0326
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Wolverine” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_284
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0488 -116.0326", **LatLongDMS:** "37:02:56 N 116:01:57 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0488,-116.0326)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.07", **NukeName:** "Wolverine", **NukeSource:** "AEC", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 23221 (FDA5811A)
**Date:** 10/12/1962
**Location:** Forbes AFB [now Topeka Regional Airport], Topeka, Kansas
**Description:** Dawn. An object like an orange or yellow meteor is observed over Forbes AFB \[now Topeka Regional Airport\], Topeka, Kansas. Its flight path is curved upward, with an occasional jerky motion; it moves quickly at first but slows down as it reaches the zenith. It is visible for 5 minutes before fading out.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** \[[Blue Book documents](https://www.fold3.com/image/8726220)\]; Nukes 145
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3656
### Event 23222 (C78E9460)
**Date:** 10/13/1962
**Location:** 50.4375 77.814167
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 4.9KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1211
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "50.4375 77.814167", **LatLongDMS:** "50:26:15 N 77:48:51 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.4375,77.814167)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "RFAE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** "4.9"
### Event 23223 (89064A24)
**Date:** 10/14/1962
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Cuban Missile Crisis. (October 14-November 22)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1962.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1981
### Event 23224 (D10C8A09)
**Date:** 10/14/1962
**Location:** 50.4375 77.814167
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: .001KT YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1212
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "50.4375 77.814167", **LatLongDMS:** "50:26:15 N 77:48:51 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.4375,77.814167)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "RFAE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** ".001", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 23225 (AA3F60A5)
**Date:** 10/14/1962
**Locations:** Laughlin AFB, Del Rio, Texas; San Cristóbal, Pinar del Río Province; Artemisa Province; Western Cuba
**Description:** A U-2 \(loaned to the Air Force by the CIA because the CIA U-2s have better surveillance capabilities\) piloted by USAF Major [Richard S. Heyser](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard%5FS.%5FHeyser) out of Laughlin AFB, Del Rio, Texas, takes 928 pictures on a path selected by DIA analysts, capturing images of what turn out to be an SS-4 MRBM construction site at San Cristóbal, Pinar del Río Province \[now in Artemisa Province\], in western Cuba.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Cuban Missile](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cuban%5FMissile%5FCrisis\#Aerial%5Fconfirmation) [Crisis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cuban%5FMissile%5FCrisis\#Aerial%5Fconfirmation)”; “[U-2 Pilot’s Cuba Photos Made History,](https://www.starnewsonline.com/story/news/2005/10/09/u-2-pilots-cuba-photos-made-history/30244756007/)” Wilmington \(N.C.\) Star-News, October 9, 2005
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3657
### Event 23226 (16E6EB82)
**Date:** 10/15/1962
**Location:** CIA’s National Photographic Interpretation Center
**Description:** The CIA’s National Photographic Interpretation Center reviews the U-2 photographs and identifies objects that they interpret as medium-range ballistic missiles. The CIA notifies the Department of State. National Security Advisor [McGeorge Bundy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/McGeorge%5FBundy) chooses to wait until the next morning to tell the President. Secretary of Defense [Robert McNamara](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert%5FMcNamara) is briefed at midnight.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “Cuban Missile Crisis”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3658
### Event 23227 (0D4600C4)
**Date:** 10/16/1962
**Description:** Military observer(s). Satellite Anna-1B placed / orbit 10 October.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFOCAT CATALOG: Assorted Printouts. Donald A. Johnson Ph.D (CUFOS). P.O. Box 446, Concord, NH 03302-0446 (Index 69)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6706
**Attributes:** **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Atlantic Ocean + islands", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "ATLANTIC 16°09W-61°45N BBK#UNKN:MIL OBS::Satellite Anna-1B placed/orbit 10OCT", **LatLong:** "61.750003 -16.150001", **LatLongDMS:** "61:45:00 N 16:09:00 W", **Locale:** "High Seas", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/61.750003,-16.150001)", **State/Prov:** "NAT", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 23228 (93E3C5D6)
**Date:** 10/16/1962
**Time:** 05:30
**Description:** Observer(s) photographs city. Film shows yellow disk with black dot over lighthouse.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CATHIE, Bruce: HARMONIC 33. A. & A. Reed, Wellington, NZ (Index 110)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6707
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "New Zealand", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "W/RANGITOTO Isl,NZ:OBS FOTOS CITY:FILM SHOWS YLW DISK W/BLK DOT OVR LITEHOUSE", **LatLong:** "-36.811113 174.816675", **LatLongDMS:** "36:48:40 S 174:49:00 E", **Locale:** "Offshore", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-36.811113,174.816675)", **State/Prov:** "NI", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 23229 (AB948C33)
**Date:** 10/16/1962
**Locations:** Cuba; Berlin
**Description:** 6:30 p.m. [Kennedy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John%5FF.%5FKennedy) gathers a select group of advisors known as the ExComm \(Executive Committee of the National Security Council\) to discuss a strategic response. [McNamara](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert%5FMcNamara) presents him with three basic options: a political option of approaching [Castro](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fidel%5FCastro) and [Khrushchev](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nikita%5FKhrushchev); a naval blockade to stop Soviet ships carrying weapons to Cuba; and “military action directed against Cuba, starting with an air attack against the missiles.” The ExComm’s initial discussions focus on a massive US military assault on the nuclear installations and other bases in Cuba, and whether the Soviets would counterattack in Berlin or elsewhere. Kennedy rejects an attack, favoring a quarantine to buy time to negotiate a missile withdrawal.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Cuban Missile Crisis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cuban%5FMissile%5FCrisis\#Responses%5Fconsidered)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3659
### Event 23230 (58035303)
**Date:** 10/17/1962
**Location:** Cuba
**Description:** A U-2 takes the first photo of an IRBM site under construction in Cuba.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[The Cuban Missile Crisis, 1962:](https://nsarchive2.gwu.edu/nsa/cuba%5Fmis%5Fcri/photos.htm) [The Photographs,](https://nsarchive2.gwu.edu/nsa/cuba%5Fmis%5Fcri/photos.htm)” National Security Archive
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3660
### Event 23231 (1DF0C6E2)
**Date:** 10/18/1962
**Location:** PACIFIC 173° 12W-37° 12N
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Military observer(s). No further details [in] at all.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFOCAT CATALOG: Assorted Printouts. Donald A. Johnson Ph.D (CUFOS). P.O. Box 446, Concord, NH 03302-0446 (Index 69)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6708
**Attributes:** **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Pacific Ocean and non - Asian islands", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "PACIFIC 173°12W-37°12N:BBK#UNKN:MIL OBS:NFD at all", **LatLong:** "37.200002 -173.200008", **LatLongDMS:** "37:12:00 N 173:12:00 W", **Locale:** "High Seas", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.200002,-173.200008)", **State/Prov:** "NPC", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 23232 (392BE340)
**Date:** 10/18/1962
**Location:** 17.0000 -169.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Chama” Yield: 1590KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_285
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "17.0000 -169.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "17:00:00 N 169:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/17.0000,-169.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Chama", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NACU", **NukeY:** "1590"
### Event 23233 (716E5FE4)
**Date:** 10/18/1962
**Time:** 15:00:00.1
**Location:** 37.1285 -116.0402
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Tioga” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_286
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1285 -116.0402", **LatLongDMS:** "37:07:43 N 116:02:25 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1285,-116.0402)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.06", **NukeName:** "Tioga", **NukeSource:** "AEC", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 23234 (86370BEF)
**Date:** 10/19/1962
**Time:** 18:00:00.1
**Location:** 37.0395 -116.0211
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Bandicoot” Yield: 12.5KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_287
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0395 -116.0211", **LatLongDMS:** "37:02:22 N 116:01:16 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0395,-116.0211)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.24", **NukeName:** "Bandicoot", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "12.5"
### Event 23235 (4176D1CA)
**Date:** 10/20/1962
**Location:** 17.0000 -169.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Checkmate” Yield: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_288
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "17.0000 -169.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "17:00:00 N 169:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/17.0000,-169.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Checkmate", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NACU", **NukeY:** "20"
### Event 23236 (D3D004C7)
**Date:** 10/20/1962
**Location:** 50.4375 77.814167
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 6.7KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1213
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "50.4375 77.814167", **LatLongDMS:** "50:26:15 N 77:48:51 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.4375,77.814167)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "RFAE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** "6.7"
### Event 23237 (D0D3E7EF)
**Date:** 10/22/1962
**Location:** 48.56956 45.90346
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 300KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1214
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "48.56956 45.90346", **LatLongDMS:** "48:34:10 N 45:54:12 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.56956,45.90346)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "RFAE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** "300"
### Event 23238 (9224DD83)
**Date:** 10/22/1962
**Time:** 09:06:10.1
**Location:** 73.4000 54.9000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 8200KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1215
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "73.4000 54.9000", **LatLongDMS:** "73:24:00 N 54:54:00 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/73.4000,54.9000)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "PDE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** "8200"
### Event 23239 (359429D4)
**Date:** 10/22/1962
**Locations:** Cuba; US; Soviet Union
**Description:** 7:00 p.m. President [Kennedy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John%5FF.%5FKennedy) addresses the American public for 18 minutes and announces his plan to implement a naval blockade of Cuba. US military alert is set at DEFCON 3, and [Castro](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fidel%5FCastro) mobilizes all of Cuba’s military forces. US ambassador to the Soviet Union [Foy D. Kohler](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foy%5FD.%5FKohler) delivers to a letter from JFK to [Khrushchev](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nikita%5FKhrushchev), saying, “the one thing that has most concerned me has been the possibility that your government would not correctly understand the will and determination of the United States in any given situation, since I have not assumed that you or any other sane man would, in this nuclear age, deliberately plunge the world into war which it is crystal clear no country could win and which could only result in catastrophic consequences to the whole world, including the aggressor.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Cuban Missile Crisis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cuban%5FMissile%5FCrisis\#Speech%5Fto%5Fthe%5Fnation)”; John F. Kennedy, [Letter to Chairman Nikita](https://microsites.jfklibrary.org/cmc/oct22/doc4.html) [Khrushchev,](https://microsites.jfklibrary.org/cmc/oct22/doc4.html) October 22, 1962
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3661
### Event 23240 (A4C87FD4)
**Date:** 10/23/1962
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) UFO Case Duck Hunter in Farmington \(Utah\). (October 23)
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#8182 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1962.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1982
### Event 23241 (21F04876)
**Date:** 10/23/1962
**Time:** 15:00
**Location:** FARMINGTON, UT
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #8182. Duck Hunter. 3' silver ball trails string. Makes duck calls!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BERLINER, DON: The BLUEBOOK UNKNOWNS; (FUFOR). (Index 30)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6709
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "1311", **HatchDesc:** "FARMINGTON,UT:BBK#8182:DUCK HUNTER:3'SLVR BALL TRAILS STRING:MAKES DUCK CALLS!", **LatLong:** "40.983335 -111.888894", **LatLongDMS:** "40:59:00 N 111:53:20 W", **Locale:** "Wetlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.983335,-111.888894)", **State/Prov:** "Utah", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 23242 (6C07C6ED)
**Date:** 10/23/1962
**Location:** Farmington, UT
**Description:** Grey and silver ball, trailing what looked like twine (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 8182)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2611
### Event 23243 (3AD1E1A8)
**Date:** 10/23/1962
**Time:** 3 PM
**Location:** Farmington, Utah
**Description:** Witness: R.O. Christensen. One grey and silver ball, trailing what looked like twine with two knots in it, swerved, and climbed away at a 45' angle, making a sound like a flock of ducks (rushing air). Twenty seconds.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_482
### Event 23244 (B9BAE97F)
**Date:** 10/23/1962
**Locations:** Cuba; Caribbean; United Nations Security Council
**Description:** [Khrushchev](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nikita%5FKhrushchev) writes to [Kennedy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John%5FF.%5FKennedy)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John%5FF.%5FKennedy) rebuffing his demand that the Soviets remove the missiles, which the Soviet leader insists “are intended solely for defensive purposes.” Kennedy writes back, bluntly reminding Khrushchev that he started the crisis by secretly sending missiles to Cuba. As US ambassador [Adlai Stevenson](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adlai%5FStevenson%5FII) explains the matter to the United Nations Security Council, US ships already are moving into position in the waters around Cuba. Soviet submarines menacingly move into the Caribbean as well, positioned as if they might try to break a blockade. But Soviet freighters bearing military supplies headed for Cuba stop in their tracks.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Nikita Khrushchev, [Letter to President John F. Kennedy](https://microsites.jfklibrary.org/cmc/oct23/doc6.html)[,](https://microsites.jfklibrary.org/cmc/oct23/doc6.html) October 23, 1962; John F. Kennedy, [Draft letter to](https://microsites.jfklibrary.org/cmc/oct23/doc5.html) [Chairman Nikita Khrushchev](https://microsites.jfklibrary.org/cmc/oct23/doc5.html)[,](https://microsites.jfklibrary.org/cmc/oct23/doc5.html) October 23, 1962
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3662
### Event 23245 (6E02D104)
**Date:** 10/24/1962
**Location:** Horsetooth Reservoir, Colorado
**Description:** Undocumented claim that a landing took place. No traces.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** NICAP Oct., 62 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_549
### Event 23246 (C80FAC8E)
**Date:** 10/24/1962
**Description:** [Khrushchev](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nikita%5FKhrushchev) sends an indignant letter to [Kennedy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John%5FF.%5FKennedy), accusing him of threatening the Soviet Union: “You are no longer appealing to reason, but wish to intimidate us.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Nikita Khrushchev, [Letter to President John F.](https://microsites.jfklibrary.org/cmc/oct24/doc2.html) [Kennedy](https://microsites.jfklibrary.org/cmc/oct24/doc2.html)[,](https://microsites.jfklibrary.org/cmc/oct24/doc2.html) October 24, 1962
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3663
### Event 23247 (69323490)
**Date:** 10/25/1962
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Airborne observation. No further details [in] at all.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFOCAT CATALOG: Assorted Printouts. Donald A. Johnson Ph.D (CUFOS). P.O. Box 446, Concord, NH 03302-0446 (Index 69)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6710
**Attributes:** **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Pacific Ocean and non - Asian islands", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "nr CANTON ISL,CENTRAL PACIFIC:BBK#UNKN:AIRBORNE OBSERVATION:NFD AT ALL", **LatLong:** "-2.833333 -171.666675", **LatLongDMS:** "02:50:00 S 171:40:00 W", **Locale:** "Islands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-2.833333,-171.666675)", **State/Prov:** "EQP", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 23248 (5A154072)
**Date:** 10/25/1962
**Time:** 18:40
**Location:** DELTA, CO
**Description:** Cops and dispatcher / radio-room. 2 bright umbrella-top saucers change COLORs.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO EVIDENCE; NICAP,Washington, DC 1964. Reprinted 1997 Barnes & Noble Books ( only $7.98! ) (Index 63)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6711
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "25", **Elev:** "1510", **HatchDesc:** "DELTA,CO:COPS+DISPATCHER/RADIO-ROOM:2 BRITE UMBRELLA-TOP SCRS CHANGE COLORs", **LatLong:** "38.744446 -108.066672", **LatLongDMS:** "38:44:40 N 108:04:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.744446,-108.066672)", **State/Prov:** "Colorado", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 23249 (20D4300F)
**Date:** 10/25/1962
**Location:** Delta, CO
**Description:** Police dispatcher saw round glowing object from radio room window. State patrolman and Cedaredge Marshal observed two UFOs "like an inverted umbrella with a number of bright, tail-like appendages." \[NICAP UFO Evidence, VII\] (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2612
### Event 23250 (C26F0D82)
**Date:** 10/25/1962
**Locations:** US; Europe; Cuba
**Description:** The US raises the readiness level of SAC forces to DEFCON 2. For the only confirmed time in US history, B-52 bombers go on continuous airborne alert, and B-47 medium bombers are dispersed to various military and civilian airfields and made ready to take off, fully equipped, on 15 minutes notice. The Soviet arms freighters turn back toward Europe, but the oil tanker Bucharest approaches the US quarantine zone, directly headed for Cuba. Two American warships, the [USS](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS%5FEssex%5F%28CV-9%29) [Essex](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS%5FEssex%5F%28CV-9%29) and the [USS](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS%5FGearing) [Gearing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS%5FGearing), prepare to intercept it, which could have led to war. Instead, [Kennedy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John%5FF.%5FKennedy) decides to let the Bucharest through the quarantine because it isn’t carrying any contraband.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Cuban Missile Crisis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cuban%5FMissile%5FCrisis\#US%5Falert%5Flevel%5Fraised)”; McGeorge Bundy, “[Record of Action of the Fourth](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cuban%5FMissile%5FCrisis\#US%5Falert%5Flevel%5Fraised) [Meeting of the Executive Committee of the National Security Council,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cuban%5FMissile%5FCrisis\#US%5Falert%5Flevel%5Fraised)” October 25, 1962; Wikipedia, “[Cuban](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cuban%5FMissile%5FCrisis\#Blockade%5Fchallenged) [Missile Crisis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cuban%5FMissile%5FCrisis\#Blockade%5Fchallenged)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3664
### Event 23251 (094A8E8C)
**Date:** Late 10/1962
**Locations:** Loring AFB; Loring Commerce Centre; Limestone, Maine
**Description:** Day. Two Air Force B-52 Stratofortress bombers are returning to Loring AFB \[now the Loring Commerce Centre\] near Limestone, Maine, following an Operation Chrome Dome mission. They are on final approach to landing when a huge, metallic-gray, cigar-shaped UFO descends over the flight line and hovers for a few minutes. It stretches halfway across the aircraft ramp area, which would make it half a mile wide. Jet engine mechanic Sgt. Christopher Smith is watching the scenario from the ground and notes that the UFO is silent and has no lights or visible openings. After the second B-52 lands, the UFO silently zooms away toward the east and disappears. All the ground witnesses and the flight crews do not talk about the incident afterward and act as if nothing happened.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Nukes 132–136, 138–139
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3668
### Event 23252 (D6DC087D)
**Date:** 10/26/1962
**Time:** 07:20
**Description:** Large black parachute weaves back and forth over mountains and reservoir. / r111p213.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 757)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6712
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **NUC:** Nuclear facility related
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "1454", **HatchDesc:** "MASON RSVR,CO:LRG BLK PARACHUTE WEAVES BACK+FORTH ovr Mtns+Rsvr:/r111p213", **LatLong:** "40.533335 -104.561116", **LatLongDMS:** "40:32:00 N 104:33:40 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.533335,-104.561116)", **State/Prov:** "Colorado", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 23253 (3D0547CD)
**Date:** 10/26/1962
**Location:** 17.0000 -169.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Bluegill 3 Prime” Yield: 1000KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_289
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "17.0000 -169.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "17:00:00 N 169:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/17.0000,-169.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "200", **NukeName:** "Bluegill 3 Prime", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NACU", **NukeY:** "1000"
### Event 23254 (7747357C)
**Date:** 10/26/1962
**Locations:** Castro; Khrushchev; US; Cuban; Turkey
**Description:** [Castro](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fidel%5FCastro) sends a letter to [Khrushchev](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nikita%5FKhrushchev)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nikita%5FKhrushchev) urging him to launch a nuclear first strike against the US, which the Soviet leader disregards. Instead, Khrushchev sends a letter to [Kennedy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John%5FF.%5FKennedy), in which he offers to work with him to deescalate the conflict and ensure that they do not “doom the world to the catastrophe of thermonuclear war.” The CIA reports that the construction of Cuban missile sites is continuing and accelerating. [Robert Kennedy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert%5FF.%5FKennedy) meets secretly with Soviet Ambassador [Anatoly Dobrynin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anatoly%5FDobrynin) and agrees after a phone call to the president that the removal of US missiles from Turkey is negotiable as part of a comprehensive settlement.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Fidel Castro, [Letter to Chairman](https://microsites.jfklibrary.org/cmc/oct26/doc2.html) [Nikita Khrushchev](https://microsites.jfklibrary.org/cmc/oct26/doc2.html)[,](https://microsites.jfklibrary.org/cmc/oct26/doc2.html) October 26, 1962; Nikita Khrushchev, [Department of State Telegram Transmitting Letter to](https://microsites.jfklibrary.org/cmc/oct26/doc4.html) [President John F. Kennedy](https://microsites.jfklibrary.org/cmc/oct26/doc4.html)[,](https://microsites.jfklibrary.org/cmc/oct26/doc4.html) October 26, 1962; Wikipedia, “[Cuban Missile Crisis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cuban%5FMissile%5FCrisis\#Secret%5Fnegotiations)”; Daniel Ellsberg, The Doomsday Machine: Confessions of a Nuclear War Planner, Bloomsbury, 2017, chapter 12–13
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3665
### Event 23255 (B2810308)
**Date:** 10/26/1962
**Location:** 11 miles south of Monte Vista, Colorado
**Description:** 6:15 a.m. Mrs. Alvie Frank sees several flat, glowing objects moving slowly about 11 miles south of Monte Vista, Colorado.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Variety of Objects in Colorado,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201963%2001%2000%20-%20January.pdf)” APRO Bulletin, January 1963, p. 1
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3666
### Event 23256 (2251FBCB)
**Date:** 10/26/1962
**Locations:** Fort Collins, Colorado; Horsetooth Reservoir; Masonville
**Description:** 7:16 a.m. Bessie Rogers of Fort Collins, Colorado, spots a large, black parachute-shaped object weaving back and forth over the mountains somewhere between the south end of Horsetooth Reservoir and Masonville. It flies around for about 10 minutes, disappears, and then returns.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Variety of Objects in Colorado,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201963%2001%2000%20-%20January.pdf)” APRO Bulletin, January 1963, p. 1
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3667
### Event 23257 (51620457)
**Date:** 10/27/1962
**Location:** 17.0000 -169.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Calamity”
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_290
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "17.0000 -169.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "17:00:00 N 169:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/17.0000,-169.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "800", **NukeName:** "Calamity", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NACU"
### Event 23258 (5B217704)
**Date:** 10/27/1962
**Time:** 15:00:00.1
**Location:** 37.1493 -116.0535
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Santee” Yield: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_291
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1493 -116.0535", **LatLongDMS:** "37:08:57 N 116:03:13 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1493,-116.0535)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.32", **NukeName:** "Santee", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "20"
### Event 23259 (F68E9D95)
**Date:** 10/27/1962
**Location:** 73.7500 54.7500
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 260KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1216
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "73.7500 54.7500", **LatLongDMS:** "73:45:00 N 54:45:00 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/73.7500,54.7500)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "RFAE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** "260"
### Event 23260 (CDA3B6E0)
**Date:** 10/27/1962
**Locations:** Cuba; Turkey
**Description:** A U-2 piloted by Maj. [Rudolf Anderson](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rudolf%5FAnderson) is shot down over Cuba. However, [Kennedy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John%5FF.%5FKennedy) correctly concludes that [Khrushchev](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nikita%5FKhrushchev) has not himself given the order to shoot down Anderson’s plane. The incident prompts both leaders to realize the situation is spiraling dangerously out of control. Khrushchev sends another letter to Kennedy, in which he demands that the United States withdraw missiles from Turkey as part of the deal. JFK responds by offering to promise not to attack Cuba after the Russians withdraw. In the evening, [Robert](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert%5FF.%5FKennedy) [Kennedy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert%5FF.%5FKennedy) tells Soviet ambassador [Dobrynin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anatoly%5FDobrynin), “You have drawn first blood. The president had decided against advice not to respond militarily to that attack, but he \[Dobrynin\] should know that if another plane was shot at ... we would take out all the SAMs and antiaircraft And that would almost surely be followed by an invasion.” However, he also says that the US already plans to remove its missiles from Turkey but cannot say so publicly. This is the moment when both nations step back from the brink of war.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Cuban Missile Crisis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cuban%5FMissile%5FCrisis\#Crisis%5Fcontinues)”; Nikita Khrushchev, [Letter to President John F. Kennedy](https://microsites.jfklibrary.org/cmc/oct27/doc4.html)[,](https://microsites.jfklibrary.org/cmc/oct27/doc4.html) October 27, 1962; Anatoly Dobrynin, [Cable to the](https://digitalarchive.wilsoncenter.org/document/116955) [Soviet Foreign Ministry, meeting with Robert Kennedy](https://digitalarchive.wilsoncenter.org/document/116955)[,](https://digitalarchive.wilsoncenter.org/document/116955) October 27, 1962; John F. Kennedy, [Letter to Chairman](https://microsites.jfklibrary.org/cmc/images/sub/oct27/cmc%5Fk%5Fkh%5Foct27%5F01.jpg) [Nikita Khrushchev,](https://microsites.jfklibrary.org/cmc/images/sub/oct27/cmc%5Fk%5Fkh%5Foct27%5F01.jpg) October 27, 1962; Daniel Ellsberg, The Doomsday Machine: Confessions of a Nuclear War Planner, Bloomsbury, 2017, chapter 12–13; Christopher Klein, “[How the Death of a US Air Force Pilot](https://www.history.com/news/the-cuban-missile-crisis-pilot-whose-death-may-have-saved-millions) [Prevented a Nuclear War,](https://www.history.com/news/the-cuban-missile-crisis-pilot-whose-death-may-have-saved-millions)” History Stores, October 28, 2019
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3669
### Event 23261 (A2300F4B)
**Date:** 10/28/1962
**Location:** AUSTRALIA, between Salisbury and Elizabeth
**Description:** (Translated from French) E.D. Sylvester was driving on the road around 7:30 pm when she and her children saw an object cross the sky in front of them and land in a field next to the road. When they reached the incident, all four of them got out of the car to go see the thing: oval shaped like an egg, 4.50 m long and 1.50 to 2 m high. Near the thing was a small being that looked like a man and was wearing a shiny outfit like a scuba diver. He had a transparent helmet and tubes on his back that connected him to the craft. In his hands was a small box or container and he was taking samples from the ground around him. Mrs. Sylvester told authorities that she was able to observe this being for forty minutes until the small being re-entered his craft which silently took off again.
**Reference:** Frank EDWARDS: "Les S.V. affaire sérieuse" - trad. Laffont 1967 - p. 163
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2241
### Event 23262 (2F2D378B)
**Date:** 10/28/1962
**Time:** 19:30
**Description:** Teacher. Orange glow / ground / distance. Kids see legs and windows and figures.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Database/website: BASTERFIELD, KEITH: ENTCAT97.DOC: Catalog of Australian Entity and related reports: October 1997
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6713
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "SALISBURY,S.AUSTRL:TEACHER:ORG.GLOW/GND/DISTANCE:KIDS SEE LEGS+WINDOWS+FIGURES", **LatLong:** "-34.633335 138.450007", **LatLongDMS:** "34:38:00 S 138:27:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-34.633335,138.450007)", **State/Prov:** "South Australia", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 23263 (16E05B3D)
**Date:** 10/28/1962
**Time:** 19:30
**Description:** 4 observer(s). Ovoid lands. Small humanoid (or Grey) puts plants / silver box. / r211p42+/ FSR'63#4.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** EDWARDS, Frank: FLYING SAUCERS-SERIOUS BUSINESS; Lyle Stewart & Bantam Books 1966. (Index 104)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6714
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens, **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "40", **HatchDesc:** "NORWOOD,S.AUSTR:4 OBS:OVOID LANDS:OID PUTS PLANTS/SLVR BOX:/r211p42+/FSR'63#4", **LatLong:** "-34.766668 139.166673", **LatLongDMS:** "34:46:00 S 139:10:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-34.766668,139.166673)", **State/Prov:** "South Australia", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 23264 (100B648B)
**Date:** 10/28/1962
**Time:** 1930
**Location:** Norwood, Australia
**Description:** Mrs. E. D. Silvester was driving with her three children when an illuminated oval object landed near the road. She watched it for 40 min, and reported seeing a man wearing a helmet and gas mask in the vicinity of the object.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** FSR 63, 4 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_550
### Event 23265 (C54A24F6)
**Date:** 10/28/1962
**Location:** 50.4375 77.814167
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 7.8KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1217
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "50.4375 77.814167", **LatLongDMS:** "50:26:15 N 77:48:51 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.4375,77.814167)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "RFAE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** "7.8"
### Event 23266 (BF6E078B)
**Date:** 10/28/1962
**Location:** 48.56956 45.90346
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 300KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1218
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "48.56956 45.90346", **LatLongDMS:** "48:34:10 N 45:54:12 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.56956,45.90346)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "RFAE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** "300"
### Event 23267 (C54A24F6)
**Date:** 10/28/1962
**Location:** 50.4375 77.814167
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 7.8KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1219
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "50.4375 77.814167", **LatLongDMS:** "50:26:15 N 77:48:51 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.4375,77.814167)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "RFAE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** "7.8"
### Event 23268 (0E0B93E3)
**Date:** 10/28/1962
**Locations:** Radio Moscow; Cuba; Turkey
**Description:** In a speech aired on Radio Moscow, [Nikita Khrushchev](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nikita%5FKhrushchev) announces the dismantling of Soviet missiles in Cuba and does not insist on his demands concerning the removal of US missiles from Turkey.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Cuban Missile Crisis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cuban%5FMissile%5FCrisis\#Crisis%5Fends)”; Nikita Khrushchev, [Letter to President John F. Kennedy](https://microsites.jfklibrary.org/cmc/oct28/doc1.html), October 28, 1962
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3670
### Event 23269 (82686CCE)
**Date:** 10/28/1962
**Locations:** Norwood, South Australia; Adelaide
**Description:** 7:30 p.m. Mrs. Ellen D. Sylvester is driving with her three children in Norwood, South Australia, east of Adelaide, when they see an orange glow on the ground about 2–3 miles away. It has three legs, round windows, and the boy remarks that he can see people in it. One of the “men” gets out and descends to the ground. He appears to be doing something to one of the landing legs. He seems to have some trouble in making it retract, which finally he overcomes. He is about 6 feet tall, as his head reaches the outer fringe of the craft. He wears a helmet like a gas mask. He returns to the UFO, which begins to move slowly away, then very fast, and disappears in a northerly direction. Total time of observation is 40 minutes.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Keith Basterfield, “[‘This Is One of the Most](https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2014/09/this-is-one-of-most-remarkable-cases-of.html) [Remarkable Cases of a Flying Saucer…,’ Adelaide, 1962,](https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2014/09/this-is-one-of-most-remarkable-cases-of.html)” Unidentified Aerial Phenomena—Scientific Research, September 22, 2014
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3671
### Event 23270 (7AA32109)
**Date:** 10/28/1962
**Description:** Mrs. E. D. Sylvester was driving in Norwood, a suburb of Adelaide, South Australia with her three children at 7:30 p.m. when an ovoid object with windows surrounded by a luminous rim landed near the road on three legs. A six foot tall man emerged from the object and descended some steps to the ground. He was wearing a uniform, helmet and gas mask. She watched him for 40 minutes, and reported he seemed to be working on the landing gear. He then put some plants into a silver colored box and carried them back onboard. The object made a vertical takeoff when it left.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 550, citing Flying Saucer Review July-August 1963; Frank Edwards, Flying Saucers--Serious Business, p. 104 & 185; Bill Chalker & Keith Basterfield, Australian Catalogue of Close Encounter Type Three Reports, p. 12
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7225
### Event 23271 (44B295C4)
**Date:** 10/29/1962
**Location:** USA, Greenland, Thule
**Description:** (Translated from French) In the midst of the Cuban Missile Crisis, NORAD's radars detected a swarm of mysterious bodies rushing towards Earth, coming from Siberia. It was in fact the debris of a space probe sent to Mars by the Soviets, which had exploded before leaving its Earth orbit.
**Reference:** "The War of the Satellites" - Volume 3 - Pierre Kohler, ed. Famot 1982, pp. 121, 122
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2242
### Event 23272 (5443090A)
**Date:** 10/29/1962
**Location:** 73.7500 54.7500
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 360KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1220
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "73.7500 54.7500", **LatLongDMS:** "73:45:00 N 54:45:00 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/73.7500,54.7500)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "RFAE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** "360"
### Event 23273 (141EEB58)
**Date:** 10/29/1962
**Description:** Defense Department Assistant Secretary [Arthur Sylvester](https://www.nytimes.com/1979/12/29/archives/arthur-sylvester-exus-aide-is-dead-longtime-jersey-newsman-served.html) admits that withholding evidence on UFOs from the public is necessary if the means justifies it. He cites USAF “administrative practices” Air Force Regulation 11-30, where withholding information “in the public interest” is allowed, and AFR 11-7, which states that sometimes information requested by Congress may not be furnished “even in confidence.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Keyhoe, Aliens from Space, Signet ed., 1974, [p. 86](https://archive.org/details/aliensfromspacer00keyh/page/86/mode/2up); UFOEv, [p. 106](https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=mdp.39015006091691&view=1up&seq=118&skin=2021)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3672
### Event 23274 (C116CCB5)
**Date:** 10/29/1962
**Location:** Fort Collins, Colorado
**Description:** Vera Rogers sees a round, shiny object flying low over Fort Collins, Colorado. The object, heading south, makes a soft, whirring sound followed by a popping noise.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Variety of Objects in Colorado,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201963%2001%2000%20-%20January.pdf)” APRO Bulletin, January 1963, p. 1
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3673
### Event 23275 (994226A8)
**Date:** 10/29/1962
**Description:** DOD Assistant Secretary Arthur Sylvester says withholding UAP evidence is necessary if the means justify it, citing AFR 11-30 where withholding information “in the public interest” is allowed and AFR 11-7 which states information requested by Congress may not be furnished “even in confidence.”
* [https://archive.org/details/aliensfromspacer00keyh/page/86/mode/2up](https://archive.org/details/aliensfromspacer00keyh/page/86/mode/2up)
* [https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=mdp.39015006091691&view=1up&seq=118&skin=2021](https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=mdp.39015006091691&view=1up&seq=118&skin=2021)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_103
### Event 23276 (062BBF98)
**Date:** 10/30/1962
**Location:** 17.0000 -169.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Housatonic”
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_292
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "17.0000 -169.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "17:00:00 N 169:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/17.0000,-169.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "8300", **NukeName:** "Housatonic", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NACU"
### Event 23277 (AF782663)
**Date:** 10/30/1962
**Location:** 50.4375 77.814167
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 1.2KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1221
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "50.4375 77.814167", **LatLongDMS:** "50:26:15 N 77:48:51 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.4375,77.814167)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "RFAE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** "1.2"
### Event 23278 (E1D29B0C)
**Date:** 10/30/1962
**Location:** 73.7500 54.7500
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 280KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1222
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "73.7500 54.7500", **LatLongDMS:** "73:45:00 N 54:45:00 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/73.7500,54.7500)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "RFAE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** "280"
### Event 23279 (5DF3BC56)
**Date:** 10/31/1962
**Location:** 50.4375 77.814167
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 10KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1223
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "50.4375 77.814167", **LatLongDMS:** "50:26:15 N 77:48:51 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.4375,77.814167)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "RFAE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** "10"
### Event 23280 (56DC9345)
**Date:** 11/1962
**Location:** FRANCE, in the Var
**Description:** (Translated from French) A garage owner was driving in the evening in a pouring rain when he suddenly saw a group of silhouettes 80 m away. He slowed down as they were leaving by jumps and he observed that they were strange and looked like birds. As they leapt towards the car, terrified, he drove through them and then he saw them return to a bright blue object hovering above a field. They entered it as if they had been sucked in, a dull sound was heard before the object flew away.
**Reference:** Jacques VALLEE: "Chronicles of E.T. Appearances - DENOEL 1972 - coll. J'AI LU, p. 298
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2244
### Event 23281 (9A1C623D)
**Date:** 11/1962
**Time:** 20:00?
**Location:** VAR, FR
**Description:** Bizarre bird-men rush car. Fly going [to] hovering UFO. Sucked in! / r8#551+/ FSR'68#6.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FIGEUT, Michel & RUCHON, Jean-Louis: OVNI - Le Premier Dossier..; Alain LeFeuvre, Paris 1979. (Index 249)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6715
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **MON:** Monster: Life form fits no category, **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "4", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "VAR,FR:BIZARRE BIRD-MEN RUSH CAR:FLY>HOVERING UFO:SUCKED IN!:/r8#551+/FSR'68#6", **LatLong:** "43.333335 6.250000", **LatLongDMS:** "43:20:00 N 06:15:00 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.333335,6.250000)", **State/Prov:** "Var", **Strangeness:** "11"
### Event 23282 (D221ADC1)
**Date:** 11/1962
**Time:** evening
**Location:** Var, France
**Description:** A garage owner was driving through a rainstorm when he suddenly saw a group of figures 80 m away. He slowed down as they went away jerkily, and observed that they were bizarre, birdlike creatures. As they rushed toward the car, he drove past them in terror and saw them going back toward a luminous, blue object hovering in a field. They entered it as if "sucked into it," and a dull sound was heard before the object flew off.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** FSR 68, 6 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_551
### Event 23283 (9E26523D)
**Date:** 11/1962
**Location:** Var department, southeastern France
**Description:** Evening. A French businessman is driving along a minor road in Var department, southeastern France. It is raining heavily. Rounding a bend, he sees a group of figures in the road 260 feet ahead. He slows down to drive around them and sees that they are actually bizarre animals with the heads of birds and covered in plumage. Terrified, he speeds ahead and stops about 500 feet further ahead. Turing around, he sees the entities heading toward a luminous, dark-blue object hanging in the air over a field on the other side of the road. It resembles two plates upside down. The entities are sucked into the bottom of the object. He hears a “clack,” and the UFO takes off at “prodigious speed.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Lyonel Trigano, “[Strange Encounter in Var,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201968%20V%2014%20N%206.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 14, no. 6 \(Nov./Dec. 1968\): 18; Clark III 280
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3674
### Event 23284 (6603806F)
**Date:** 11/1/1962
**Time:** 14:00
**Location:** WOBURN, MASS
**Description:** Man / roof. 12M ovoid / 600M altitude. 3M tube hangs down and clicks 4X / min.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 757)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6716
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "30", **HatchDesc:** "WOBURN,MASS:MAN/ROOF:12M OVOID/600M alt:3M TUBE HANGS DOWN+CLICKS 4X/min:", **LatLong:** "42.477780 -71.155559", **LatLongDMS:** "42:28:40 N 71:09:20 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.477780,-71.155559)", **RelAlt:** "180", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 23285 (F737F17A)
**Date:** 11/1/1962
**Location:** 17.0000 -169.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Kingfish” Yield: 1000KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_293
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "17.0000 -169.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "17:00:00 N 169:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/17.0000,-169.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "200", **NukeName:** "Kingfish", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NACU", **NukeY:** "1000"
### Event 23286 (82200F93)
**Date:** 11/1/1962
**Location:** 73.7500 54.7500
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 240KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1224
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "73.7500 54.7500", **LatLongDMS:** "73:45:00 N 54:45:00 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/73.7500,54.7500)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "RFAE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** "240"
### Event 23287 (D1B78857)
**Date:** 11/1/1962
**Location:** 48.56956 45.90346
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 300KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1225
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "48.56956 45.90346", **LatLongDMS:** "48:34:10 N 45:54:12 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.56956,45.90346)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "RFAE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** "300"
### Event 23288 (293E7F06)
**Date:** 11/1/1962
**Location:** 50.4375 77.814167
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 3KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1226
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "50.4375 77.814167", **LatLongDMS:** "50:26:15 N 77:48:51 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.4375,77.814167)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "RFAE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** "3"
### Event 23289 (825719CD)
**Date:** 11/1/1962
**Description:** A man on a roof in Woburn, Massachusetts watched an ovoid object flying at an estimated 2000 feet altitude at two o'clock in the afternoon. It had a three meter long tube hanging down, and was making a clicking noise four times a minute.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** APRO Bulletin, January 1963, p. 2
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7374
### Event 23290 (F3C6EF40)
**Date:** 11/2/1962
**Location:** USA, near Ririe (Idaho)
**Description:** (Translated from French) As they were driving around 21:30, two Navajo Indians, Willie Begay and Guy Tossie, were blinded by a powerful white light. Once recovered, they noticed a small UFO floating 2 m above the ground in front of them. The car began to slow down abnormally without Willie being able to do anything about it. The object had a diameter of 1.70m to 2.10m with a dome on top that was overturned as if it had hinges for opening. The two men noticed two small beings in the cockpit, whose appearance scared them. Immediately one of these beings flew away like a bird and descended to Willie's height. He was 1.10m tall, had a head 70 cm wide, coarse features as if he had undergone a rudimentary plastic surgery, huge ears, round eyes, no nose or lips. One of his hands had two fingers. The two creatures wore very tight-fitting suits to the shape of their body and a kind of empty backpack that extended above their head. (...) The little being jumped through the open window into the vehicle and grabbed the steering wheel with what served him as a hand. The car started moving again but the creature was too small to reach the accelerator: it became obvious that the car was being towed by the UFO. Finally the strange convoy stopped in a wheat field and Guy Tossie took the opportunity to make a run for it. The little being began to speak in a very high and shrill voice (...) in an unknown language. Then the being returned to the UFO which immediately took off with a rumble, emitting a yellow flame from the back.
**Reference:** Jean FERGUSON: "The Humanoids ..." - ed. Leméac, Ottawa, 1977, p.200, 201
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2243
### Event 23291 (0688FBB8)
**Date:** 11/3/1962
**Location:** 50.4375 77.814167
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 4.7KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1227
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "50.4375 77.814167", **LatLongDMS:** "50:26:15 N 77:48:51 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.4375,77.814167)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "RFAE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** "4.7"
### Event 23292 (A6C54E02)
**Date:** 11/3/1962
**Location:** 73.7500 54.7500
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 390KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1228
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "73.7500 54.7500", **LatLongDMS:** "73:45:00 N 54:45:00 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/73.7500,54.7500)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "RFAE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** "390"
### Event 23293 (C2483772)
**Date:** 11/3/1962
**Location:** 73.7500 54.7500
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 45KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1229
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "73.7500 54.7500", **LatLongDMS:** "73:45:00 N 54:45:00 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/73.7500,54.7500)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "RFAE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** "45"
### Event 23294 (C0286DF1)
**Date:** 11/4/1962
**Location:** 17.0000 -169.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Tightrope” Yield: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_294
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "17.0000 -169.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "17:00:00 N 169:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/17.0000,-169.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Tightrope", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NACU", **NukeY:** "20"
### Event 23295 (1F3AC129)
**Date:** 11/4/1962
**Location:** 50.4375 77.814167
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 8.4KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1230
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "50.4375 77.814167", **LatLongDMS:** "50:26:15 N 77:48:51 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.4375,77.814167)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "RFAE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** "8.4"
### Event 23296 (7C515EF1)
**Date:** 11/5/1962
**Time:** 22:00?
**Location:** TUCUMAN PROV, ARG
**Description:** Truck nearly hits 40' saucer / road. 3+observer(s). Lit portholes around. No figure(s).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLAMMONDE, Paris: The AGE of FLYING SAUCERS; Hawthorne Books, NY 1971 (Index 161)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6717
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "60", **Elev:** "750", **HatchDesc:** "TUCUMAN prov,ARG:TRUCK NEARLY HITS 40' SCR/ROAD:3+OBS:LIT PORTS AROUND:NO FIGS", **LatLong:** "-26.500001 -65.500003", **LatLongDMS:** "26:30:00 S 65:30:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-26.500001,-65.500003)", **State/Prov:** "TCM", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 23297 (8A04CCE4)
**Date:** 11/5/1962?
**Time:** 22:00?
**Location:** RTE9 NEAR TRANCAS, ARG
**Description:** Bike malfunctions due to EME (electro-magnetic effects). 2 observer(s) froze. Glowing-ball going quickly [to] overhead. Lands / hills. / r215p14.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RODEGHIER, Mark/CUFOS: UFO REPORTS INVOLVING VEHICLE INTERFERENCE; CUFOS 1979. Available as CUFOS UFO Archive #1 CD-ROM. http://www.cufos.org/Pubform.pdf (Index 20)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6718
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "750", **HatchDesc:** "RTE9 nr TRANCAS,ARG:BIKE EMES:2 OBS FROZE:GLO-BALL>>OVHD:LANDS/HILLS:/r215p14", **LatLong:** "-26.333335 -68.300003", **LatLongDMS:** "26:20:00 S 68:18:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-26.333335,-68.300003)", **State/Prov:** "TCM", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 23298 (4C4C37F4)
**Date:** 11/5/1962
**Location:** 50.4375 77.814167
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: .4KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1231
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "50.4375 77.814167", **LatLongDMS:** "50:26:15 N 77:48:51 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.4375,77.814167)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "RFAE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** ".4"
### Event 23299 (B30EA385)
**Date:** 11/8/1962
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Dialogues between cosmonaut Belokonev and Earth are intercepted: Attention, attention. Don't push the tests too far, it could be dangerous... I took the shots... What a wonder! \(...\) Everything is black, very black. Yes, small particles, tiny, 2 or 3 mm. Has Belokonev entered a dense particle field that would encumber the planet's suburbs? He must try to take samples as he complains that the commands are not working. I succeeded. I took one. It's strange, weird, it has no weight... But the drama is approaching. The batteries are damaged. The instruments don't work anymore. Oxygen! I beg you, comrades... What, I can't do anything?! Curse! I can't succeed... It's impossible. I can't, I tell you! Understand me, understand me... Atrocious, terrible loneliness! (November 8th and 12th)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1962.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1983
### Event 23300 (DC9EAA57)
**Date:** 11/9/1962
**Time:** 18:00:00.2
**Location:** 37.1638 -116.0733
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “St. Lawrence” Yield: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_295
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1638 -116.0733", **LatLongDMS:** "37:09:50 N 116:04:24 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1638,-116.0733)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.17", **NukeName:** "St. Lawrence", **NukeSource:** "AEC", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "20"
### Event 23301 (6768CE22)
**Date:** 11/9/1962
**Description:** At 8:30 p.m. a V-shaped, glowing object split up into six similar objects over Pharr, Texas and quickly dispersed.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, report uploaded April 16, 2005
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7566
### Event 23302 (C6CF1F9E)
**Date:** 11/10/1962
**Location:** North Bay, Greenland
**Description:** Fast Moving Target on Gnd Radar (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5)
**Reference:** NICAP: [621110](http://www.nicap.org/621110nstarbay%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2613
### Event 23303 (9F14FE4C)
**Date:** 11/11/1962
**Location:** 50.4375 77.814167
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: .1KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1232
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "50.4375 77.814167", **LatLongDMS:** "50:26:15 N 77:48:51 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.4375,77.814167)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "RFAE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** ".1"
### Event 23304 (F7CF8107)
**Date:** 11/13/1962
**Location:** 50.4375 77.814167
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 0KT YieldMax: .001KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1233
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "50.4375 77.814167", **LatLongDMS:** "50:26:15 N 77:48:51 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.4375,77.814167)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "RFAE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** "0", **NukeYMax:** ".001"
### Event 23305 (75EA8E98)
**Date:** 11/13/1962
**Location:** Los Angeles, California
**Description:** Two IBM engineers, C. D. Jackson and [Robert E. Hohmann](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/15851368/robert-e-hohmann)[,](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/15851368/robert-e-hohmann) present a paper at the American Rocket Society annual meeting in Los Angeles, California, noting the alleged extraterrestrial signals detected by [Nikola](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nikola%5FTesla) [Tesla](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nikola%5FTesla)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nikola%5FTesla) [Guglielmo Marconi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guglielmo%5FMarconi)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guglielmo%5FMarconi) and [David Todd](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David%5FPeck%5FTodd) between 1899 and 1924. They speculate that the signal source was 11 light years away, perhaps the Epsilon Eridani system.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** C. D. Jackson and Robert E. Hohmann, “An Historic Report on Life in Space: Tesla, Marconi, Todd,” paper presented at the 17th Annual Meeting of the American Rocket Society, Los Angeles, November 13–18, 1962; Michael D. Swords, “Radio Signals from Space, Alien Probes, and Betty Hill,” IUR 29, no. 4 \(July 2005\): 10–15
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3675
### Event 23306 (D17A3DA3)
**Date:** 11/14/1962
**Location:** 50.4375 77.814167
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 12KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1234
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "50.4375 77.814167", **LatLongDMS:** "50:26:15 N 77:48:51 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.4375,77.814167)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "RFAE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** "12"
### Event 23307 (E3A20D75)
**Date:** 11/15/1962
**Time:** 16:30:00.1
**Location:** 37.0418 -116.0239
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Gundi” Yield: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_296
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0418 -116.0239", **LatLongDMS:** "37:02:30 N 116:01:26 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0418,-116.0239)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.24", **NukeName:** "Gundi", **NukeSource:** "AEC", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "20"
### Event 23308 (B3C781D8)
**Date:** 11/15/1962
**Locations:** Stanford; Los Angeles, California; Mesopotamia
**Description:** Stanford astronomer [Carl Sagan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carl%5FSagan) presents a paper at the American Rocket Society annual meeting in Los Angeles, California, that explores models for the distribution of technical civilizations in the galaxy. Using [Frank](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frank%5FDrake) [D. Drake](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frank%5FDrake)’s equation to suggest that 0.001% of stars in the sky have a planet on them on which an advanced civilization resides, Sagan suggests the nearest such advanced civilization is several hundred light years away from earth. From there, he explores the feasibility of interstellar spaceflight as a means for traversing such distances. The paper ends in consideration of the possibility of extraterrestrial contact with Earth in the past, including the ancient Mesopotamian myth of [Oannes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apkallu) \(Apkallu\), a mythical being who taught mankind wisdom. [Berossus](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Berossus) describes Oannes as having the body of a fish but underneath the figure of a man.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Carl Sagan, “[Direct](http://rodscontracts.com/docs/sagan%5Fdirect.pdf) [Contact among Galactic Civilizations by Relativistic Interstellar Spaceflight,](http://rodscontracts.com/docs/sagan%5Fdirect.pdf)” Planetary and Space Science 11 \(May 1963\): 485–498; Wikipedia, “[Adapa](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adapa%23as%5FUanna/Oannes)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3676
### Event 23309 (7B530EF7)
**Date:** 11/16/1962
**Location:** MV ACONIS / PACIFIC 160° 49W-11° 59N
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Military observer(s). No further details [in] at all.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFOCAT CATALOG: Assorted Printouts. Donald A. Johnson Ph.D (CUFOS). P.O. Box 446, Concord, NH 03302-0446 (Index 69)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6719
**Attributes:** **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Pacific Ocean and non - Asian islands", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "MV ACONIS/PACIFIC 160°49W-11°59N:BBK#UNKN:MIL OBS:NFD AT ALL", **LatLong:** "11.983334 -160.816674", **LatLongDMS:** "11:59:00 N 160:49:00 W", **Locale:** "High Seas", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/11.983334,-160.816674)", **State/Prov:** "NPC", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 23310 (B4F3D709)
**Date:** 11/17/1962
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Sighting in Tampa \(Florida\). (November 17)
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#8215 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1962.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1984
### Event 23311 (B84F867F)
**Date:** 11/17/1962
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** DADE CITY, FL
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #8215. 2 observer(s). Night lights. 3 fireballs stop / 5 minute(s). Going quickly southeast / wavering going up and down. / r70p3-82.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HAINES, Richard Ph.D: PROJECT DELTA; 1994, LDA Press, PO Box 880, Los Altos, CA 94023 USA (Index 48)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6720
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "11", **Elev:** "32", **HatchDesc:** "DADE CITY,FL:BBK#8215:2 OBS:NLTS:3 FBLS STOP/5min:>>SE/WAVERING ↑+↓:/r70p3-82", **LatLong:** "28.366668 -82.194448", **LatLongDMS:** "28:22:00 N 82:11:40 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/28.366668,-82.194448)", **State/Prov:** "Florida", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 23312 (6B565001)
**Date:** 11/17/1962
**Location:** Tampa, FL
**Description:** Bright star-like lights approach, hover and bounce and fade (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 8215)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2614
### Event 23313 (D7AAE11F)
**Date:** 11/17/1962
**Time:** 9 PM
**Location:** Tampa, Florida
**Description:** Witness: F.L. Swindale, college graduate and ex-USMC Capt. Three bright star-like lights approached, hovered and bounced, then faded after 11-15 minutes.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_483
### Event 23314 (BE0F077C)
**Date:** 11/17/1962
**Location:** 50.4375 77.814167
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 18KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1235
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "50.4375 77.814167", **LatLongDMS:** "50:26:15 N 77:48:51 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.4375,77.814167)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "RFAE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** "18"
### Event 23315 (51D7D44B)
**Date:** 11/17/1962
**Location:** Tampa, Florida
**Description:** 9:00 p.m. F. L. Swindale, ex-Marine captain, sees three bright, star-like lights approach, hover, and bounce at Tampa, Florida, for about 15 minutes, then fade.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** UFOEv, [p. 140](https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=mdp.39015006091691&view=1up&seq=152&skin=2021); [Sparks](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf)[,](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf) p. 293
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3677
### Event 23316 (8F2ABFC8)
**Date:** 11/17/1962
**Description:** At nine o'clock in the evening Mr. F. L. Swindale, a college graduate and ex-USMC Captain, saw three bright star-like lights approach, hover and bounce in the sky over Tampa, Florida. After 11-15 minutes they faded away.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Don Berliner, Project Bluebook UFO Unknowns
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7721
### Event 23317 (6F8CA412)
**Date:** 11/22/1962
**Location:** USA
**Description:** (Translated from French) At the end of the DISCOVERER program, the US Air Force had thus succeeded in twelve recoveries and the series ended with number 38. But, from November 22, 1962, three months before the end of the program, an unnamed satellite launched from the same base by the same rocket (Thor Agena) quietly gained a low altitude orbit around the Earth. A few hours later it released a small capsule, which an airplane recovered in flight over the Pacific. This first satellite was to be followed by many others of the same type. (...) The first generation consists of small satellites that remain welded to the last stage of their carrier rocket, the Agena. For its takeoff it is propelled, of course, by a first stage, which is none other than a Thor missile. About three days later, a small capsule, baptized "E 6", is ejected to be recovered in flight. The detachment from the orbit takes place over Alaska, the capsule ending its course off the Hawaiian Islands. There, a Hercules C-130 cargo plane is waiting and circling over the planned arrival point. Its role: to catch the container in flight, by the suspension of its parachute, using a curved cable. Originally this aerial fishing number only succeeded once in two. It continues, perfectly perfected, to this day
**Reference:** "The War of the Satellites" - Volume 3 - Pierre Kohler, ed. Famot 1982, pp. 27-28
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2245
### Event 23318 (5E38512B)
**Date:** 11/22/1962
**Location:** PACIFIC 174° 30W-20° 21N
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Military observer(s). No further details [in] at all.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFOCAT CATALOG: Assorted Printouts. Donald A. Johnson Ph.D (CUFOS). P.O. Box 446, Concord, NH 03302-0446 (Index 69)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6721
**Attributes:** **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Pacific Ocean and non - Asian islands", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "PACIFIC 174°30W-20°21N:BBK#UNKN:MIL OBS:NFD AT ALL", **LatLong:** "20.350001 -174.500008", **LatLongDMS:** "20:21:00 N 174:30:00 W", **Locale:** "High Seas", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/20.350001,-174.500008)", **State/Prov:** "NPC", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 23319 (7B2CD570)
**Date:** 11/22/1962
**Description:** Rodolfo Padin was driving with a male companion on a highway near Monte Leon, Santa Cruz State, Argentina at 2:20 a.m. Beside the road at a distance of 70 meters was a metallic oval-shaped object with a central transparent dome, the size of a car, surrounded by mist. Three small entities, short in stature but of human appearance, were seen moving around inside the craft. They wore metallic suits. The object rose very slowly, then made a slow oblique ascent.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case # 0550, citing El Dia, January 2, 1966; UNICAT, case # 547, citing Roberto Banchs, OVNIS y sus Ocupantes, p. 25
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7796
### Event 23320 (E684364E)
**Date:** 11/23/1962
**Location:** PACIFIC 131° 58W-16° 08N
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Military observer(s). No further details [in] at all.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFOCAT CATALOG: Assorted Printouts. Donald A. Johnson Ph.D (CUFOS). P.O. Box 446, Concord, NH 03302-0446 (Index 69)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6722
**Attributes:** **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Pacific Ocean and non - Asian islands", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "PACIFIC 131°58W-16°08N:BBK#UNKN:MIL OBS:NFD AT ALL", **LatLong:** "16.133334 -131.966673", **LatLongDMS:** "16:08:00 N 131:58:00 W", **Locale:** "High Seas", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/16.133334,-131.966673)", **State/Prov:** "NPC", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 23321 (4A65372F)
**Date:** 11/23/1962
**Location:** Portsmouth, New Hampshire
**Description:** The [Hills](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barney%5Fand%5FBetty%5FHill) attend a meeting at the parsonage of their Unitarian church in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, where the invited guest speaker is USAF Capt. [Ben H. Swett](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/201838384/ben-h%5F-swett), who has recently published a book of his poetry. After he reads selections of his poetry, the pastor asks him to discuss his personal interest in hypnosis. After the meeting breaks up, the Hills approach Swett privately and tell him what they can remember of their strange encounter. He is particularly interested in the missing time of the Hills’ account. The Hills ask Swett if he will hypnotize them to recover their memories, but Swett says he is not qualified and cautions them against going to an amateur hypnotist, such as himself.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clark III 584
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3678
### Event 23322 (900826AA)
**Date:** 11/24/1962
**Location:** 50.4375 77.814167
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 0KT YieldMax: .001KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1236
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "50.4375 77.814167", **LatLongDMS:** "50:26:15 N 77:48:51 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.4375,77.814167)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "RFAE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** "0", **NukeYMax:** ".001"
### Event 23323 (9728DAFC)
**Date:** 11/26/1962
**Time:** 01:00
**Description:** 2 / coal truck. Huge robot / railroad/railway tracks. Silent. Flashes. Follows truck!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 12)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6723
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **RBT:** Possible robot or "Grey", mechanical motions, **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "250", **HatchDesc:** "SE/ABRA GRANDE,ARG:2/COAL TRUCK:HUGE RBT/RR TRACKS:SLNT:FLASHES:FOLOS TRUCK!", **LatLong:** "-27.333335 -64.350003", **LatLongDMS:** "27:20:00 S 64:21:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-27.333335,-64.350003)", **State/Prov:** "SDE", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 23324 (70887DE5)
**Date:** 11/26/1962
**Location:** 50.4375 77.814167
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: .031KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1237
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "50.4375 77.814167", **LatLongDMS:** "50:26:15 N 77:48:51 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.4375,77.814167)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "RFAE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** ".031"
### Event 23325 (BB9A1E30)
**Date:** 11/26/1962
**Description:** In 1962 at 1:00 a.m., just southeast of Abra Grande, Argentina in the province of Santiago del Estero, two men driving a tractor-trailer truck loaded with coal watched a lit-up "railway car" near some railroad tracks that run parallel to the road project a brilliant beam of light on the road. When they got closer they made out that it was some type of unknown craft emitting phosphorescent flashes. Making no sound it rose up into the air to a height of some 50 meters, then landed again beside the road. Throughout their entire journey to Clodomira the object kept jumping ahead of them. When the first lights of the city came into sight the object broke off pursuit and climbed into the sky at a terrific speed.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Oscar Uriondo, FSR Case Histories (Supplement 12), December 1972, p. 10, citing El Liberal, November 28, 1962
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7935
### Event 23326 (11B81BAE)
**Date:** 11/27/1962
**Time:** 18:00:00.1
**Location:** 37.1228 -116.0290
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Anacostia” Yield: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_297
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1228 -116.0290", **LatLongDMS:** "37:07:22 N 116:01:44 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1228,-116.0290)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.23", **NukeName:** "Anacostia", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "20"
### Event 23327 (BF2A7B32)
**Date:** 11/30/1962
**Location:** Lethbridge, Alberta
**Description:** Two teenage boys in Lethbridge, Alberta, see an elliptical object hovering near a school building and decide to throw rocks at it. The object is about 8 feet in diameter and glowing blue. Their stones seem to ricochet off the UFO and forcefully returned, landing on structures behind the teens.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** CUFOS case file
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3679
### Event 23328 (E395F9D3)
**Date:** 12/1962
**Description:** [Kennedy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John%5FF.%5FKennedy) closes the Cuban Project, the CIA’s Operation Mongoose.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Operation Mongoose](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation%5FMongoose)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3680
### Event 23329 (100DE75B)
**Date:** 12/1/1962
**Location:** 50.4375 77.814167
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 2.4KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1238
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "50.4375 77.814167", **LatLongDMS:** "50:26:15 N 77:48:51 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.4375,77.814167)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "RFAE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** "2.4"
### Event 23330 (FFC0B0D7)
**Date:** 12/1/1962
**Location:** East Point, Georgia
**Description:** Evening. A husband and wife in East Point, Georgia, are watching the first-quarter Moon through a 6-inch reflector. In the dark area, well away from the terminator, the man sees a bright-red spot light up. It gets so bright that he points it out to his wife. She notices it starting to move across the illuminated portion of the Moon, then continues passing in a straight line across the blue Georgia sky, faster and faster until it is gone.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Michael D. Swords, “Gazing at the Moons,” IUR 32, no. 4 \(October 2009\): 15
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3681
### Event 23331 (5DF96F9B)
**Date:** 12/2/1962
**Description:** A bright, light-bulb shaped object flew in toward the east, then angled off toward the north before it "arched" its way into a lake. It was seen by residents of twelve cities between Akron, Ohio and Syracuse, New York.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Ivan T. Sanderson, Invisible Residents, p. 226, citing the Conneaut News Herald
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8123
### Event 23332 (B064C9C2)
**Date:** 12/4/1962
**Time:** 16:00:00.1
**Location:** 37.1281 -116.0500
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Taunton” Yield: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_298
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1281 -116.0500", **LatLongDMS:** "37:07:41 N 116:03:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1281,-116.0500)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.23", **NukeName:** "Taunton", **NukeSource:** "AEC", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "20"
### Event 23333 (FD863A12)
**Date:** 12/5/1962
**Description:** A woman named Chapman had a close encounter with a UFO in Irlam, Greater Manchester, England at 6:45 p.m.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Orbit, April 1962, p. 26
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8197
### Event 23334 (0D87B645)
**Date:** 12/6/1962
**Locations:** Area 25; Jackass Flats, Nevada
**Description:** JFK visits Area 25/Jackass Flats, very close to Area 51, to see the "Nuclear Rocket Development Station" (NRDS, or Nerva).
**Type:** newspaper article
**Reference:** [newspapers.com](https://www.newspapers.com/article/lansing-state-journal-jackass-flats/129591695/)
**Reference:** [newspapers.com](https://www.newspapers.com/article/the-delta-democrat-times-nuclear-rocket/129592159/)
**Reference:** wikipedia.com](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Area_25_(Nevada_National_Security_Site))
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_942
### Event 23335 (BC5868C8)
**Date:** 12/7/1962
**Location:** PACIFIC 173° 30W-45° 50N
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Military observer(s). No further details [in] at all.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFOCAT CATALOG: Assorted Printouts. Donald A. Johnson Ph.D (CUFOS). P.O. Box 446, Concord, NH 03302-0446 (Index 69)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6724
**Attributes:** **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Pacific Ocean and non - Asian islands", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "PACIFIC 173°30W-45°50N:BBK#UNKN:MIL OBS:NFD AT ALL", **LatLong:** "45.833336 -173.500008", **LatLongDMS:** "45:50:00 N 173:30:00 W", **Locale:** "High Seas", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.833336,-173.500008)", **State/Prov:** "NPC", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 23336 (0E464F15)
**Date:** 12/7/1962
**Time:** 19:00:00.1
**Location:** 37.0518 -116.0293
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: Britain Name: “Tendrac” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1769
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0518 -116.0293", **LatLongDMS:** "37:03:06 N 116:01:45 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0518,-116.0293)", **NukeCountry:** "Britain", **NukeDepth:** "0.30", **NukeName:** "Tendrac", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCUG", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 23337 (9A8DD7FB)
**Date:** 12/7/1962
**Location:** Groom Lake, Nevada
**Description:** A full-scale mockup of the Q-12 drone is ready at Groom Lake, Nevada, and has already undergone preliminary tests to measure its stealth quality. However, the CIA is not enthusiastic about the Q-12, mostly because the agency is overextended at the time with U-2 missions, getting the A-12 up to speed, and covert operations in Southeast Asia. The USAF, however, is interested in the Q-12 as both a reconnaissance platform and a cruise missile and the CIA finally decides to work with the USAF to develop it.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Lockheed D-](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lockheed%5FD-21) [21](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lockheed%5FD-21)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3682
### Event 23338 (2719CEB5)
**Date:** 12/9/1962
**Time:** 22:00
**Location:** BOLOGNA, ITL
**Description:** 5M saucer lands by observer(s). 2 pseudo-human/entity. Gibberish and gestures. / r8#552+/ r39pg52.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO - Rivista di informazione Ufologica; 2 issues/year CISU. Giovanni Settimo ed.; C.P.82, 10100 Torino, ITALY. (Index 8)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6725
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **CVS:** Conversation/communication, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Italy", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "BOLOGNA,ITL:5M SCR LANDS BY OBS:2 PSH:GIBBERISH+GESTURES:/r8#552+/r39pg52", **LatLong:** "44.500002 11.300001", **LatLongDMS:** "44:30:00 N 11:18:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.500002,11.300001)", **State/Prov:** "EMR", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 23339 (3D285922)
**Date:** 12/9/1962
**Time:** 2200
**Location:** Bologna, Italy
**Description:** Antonio Candau saw a circular object land in Cadivilla, 9 m away from him. It was about 5.5 m m diameter, and two men emerged from it, approaching within 2 m, and spoke incomprehensible words. They wore yellow coveralls and a wide belt. Noting that the witness was afraid, one of them made a reassuring gesture with his hand, and the craft departed with a strange sound.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Settimana Incom. Dec. 30, 62 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_552
### Event 23340 (FC114ED1)
**Date:** 12/9/1962
**Description:** A young man named Candau in Bologna, Italy saw a circular object 18 feet in diameter land 30 feet away from him. Two men emerged from the object, speaking an unintelligible language, and gestured to him. They wore yellow coveralls with wide belts. They re-entered craft and it departed making a strange sound.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magoina: A Century of Landings, case 552
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8283
### Event 23341 (E45E2902)
**Date:** 12/11/1962
**Time:** 06:30
**Description:** 5 / car. 7 brilliant spheres / mountain slope. Going up [to] and away when neared. / r8#553.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 12)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6726
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "400", **HatchDesc:** "SE/CHUMBICHA,ARG:5/CAR:7 BRILL.SPHERES/Mtn SLOPE:↑+AWAY WHEN NEARED:/r8#553", **LatLong:** "-28.916668 -66.200003", **LatLongDMS:** "28:55:00 S 66:12:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-28.916668,-66.200003)", **State/Prov:** "CTM", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 23342 (F158BADE)
**Date:** 12/11/1962
**Time:** dawn
**Location:** Chumbicha, Argentina
**Description:** G. L. Colodrero and the director of the Cordoba Historial Museum were driving from Catamarca to Cordoba when, 7 km away from Chumbicha, they saw seven objects on the ground of a mountain slope. They were bright and spherical, rose straight up and flew away with a very bright trail.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** CODOVNI 1962 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_553
### Event 23343 (F7821FD4)
**Date:** 12/12/1962 (approximate)
**Location:** ITALY, Milan
**Description:** (Translated from French) A police officer, Francesco Piania, saw in the city center two Martians. "I was doing my inspection round when I heard a whistling behind me. At first I thought it was my ears (note from vog: !) but the noise became louder. As I was going towards the park I saw a silver-aluminum disk, shining in the moonlight, landing. When I turned around I was petrified and couldn't move. I saw a strange entity about 1.85 m tall coming out of the disk. Its space suit was silver and fluorescent emitting a bluish light. It wore a black helmet and made a gesture towards the rotating dome of the disk. Then another person appeared at the entrance. The first man made a sign for me to come closer to him, but at that moment the other entity called him and both of them boarded the disk which took off." [note from vog: these so-called extraterrestrials didn't have much special about them, did they, except that their craft might have been a small helicopter?] (1962, December 12 (December 18?))
**Reference:** CISU, file 6205 - mentioning RR 3 but saying that only two journalists were aware of the uninvestigated case; sources: Corriere della Sera 19.12.62; Il Tempo 22.2.63; LUFORO Bulletin 3,6,5, Flying Saucers January 1966, 59 and others
**Reference:** APRG
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2246
### Event 23344 (70C5E95E)
**Date:** 12/12/1962
**Time:** 16:30
**Location:** AMAGASAKI, JAPAN
**Description:** 5 students independently draw Saturn-saucer seen. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO EVIDENCE; NICAP,Washington, DC 1964. Reprinted 1997 Barnes & Noble Books ( only $7.98! ) (Index 124)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6727
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Japan", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "4", **HatchDesc:** "AMAGASAKI,JAPAN:5 STUDENTS INDEPENDANTLY DRAW SATURN-SCR SEEN:NFD", **LatLong:** "34.716668 135.416673", **LatLongDMS:** "34:43:00 N 135:25:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/34.716668,135.416673)", **State/Prov:** "Honshu Island", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 23345 (E885313B)
**Date:** 12/12/1962
**Location:** Amagasaki City, Japan
**Description:** Five students saw, and independently sketched, Saturn-shaped UFO. \[NICAP UFO Evidence, X\] (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2615
### Event 23346 (FA917E05)
**Date:** 12/12/1962
**Time:** 17:25:00.1
**Location:** 37.1687 -116.2061
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Madison” Yield: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_299
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1687 -116.2061", **LatLongDMS:** "37:10:07 N 116:12:22 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1687,-116.2061)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.40", **NukeName:** "Madison", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "20"
### Event 23347 (C347356F)
**Date:** 12/12/1962
**Time:** 18:45:00.1
**Location:** 37.0461 -116.0156
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Numbat” Yield: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_300
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0461 -116.0156", **LatLongDMS:** "37:02:46 N 116:00:56 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0461,-116.0156)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.23", **NukeName:** "Numbat", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "20"
### Event 23348 (2F53AC4C)
**Date:** 12/12/1962
**Location:** Amagasaki, Hyogo Prefecture, Japan
**Description:** 4:30 p.m. Five schoolgirls in Amagasaki, Hyogo Prefecture, Japan, see a brightly glowing UFO. All five students independently sketch a Saturn-shaped object.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** UFOEv, [p. 124](https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=mdp.39015006091691&view=1up&seq=136&skin=2021)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3683
### Event 23349 (2EF6F85A)
**Date:** 12/14/1962
**Time:** 18:00:00.2
**Location:** 37.1242 -116.0400
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Manatee” Yield: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_301
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1242 -116.0400", **LatLongDMS:** "37:07:27 N 116:02:24 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1242,-116.0400)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.06", **NukeName:** "Manatee", **NukeSource:** "AEC", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "20"
### Event 23350 (A96103F6)
**Date:** 12/16/1962
**Description:** Military observer(s). No further details [in] at all.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFOCAT CATALOG: Assorted Printouts. Donald A. Johnson Ph.D (CUFOS). P.O. Box 446, Concord, NH 03302-0446 (Index 69)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6728
**Attributes:** **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Atlantic Ocean + islands", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "ATLANTIC 07°15W-61°38N BBK#UNKN:MIL OBS:NFD AT ALL", **LatLong:** "61.633336 -7.250000", **LatLongDMS:** "61:38:00 N 07:15:00 W", **Locale:** "High Seas", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/61.633336,-7.250000)", **State/Prov:** "NAT", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 23351 (AAAD3183)
**Date:** 12/17/1962
**Time:** dawn
**Location:** Milan, Italy
**Description:** Francesco Rizzi, night watchman, was crossing the factory yard when he heard a whistling sound and observed an object hovering 1 m above ground. It was a silvery disk, about 5 m in diameter, with lighted windows. The noise stopped, a door became visible, and a small being appeared and made a gesture. A second figure was also seen. The craft took off with a puff of white smoke and a whistling sound.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** 138 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_554
### Event 23352 (4D2E8775)
**Date:** 12/17/1962
**Description:** A cylindrical object with two vertical projections was seen from Norfolk Island, New South Wales, Australia travelling from north-northeast to south-southwest.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Michael Hervey, UFOs Over the Southern Hemisphere, p. 88
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8464
### Event 23353 (F50FA0BF)
**Date:** 12/17/1962
**Description:** In Milan, Italy at 2:20 a.m. Mr. Rizzi, a 37-year-old night watchman, heard a whistling sound and saw a silver metallic domed disc hovering just above the ground. The object was four or five meters wide and had a windowed turret on top. A three foot tall little man emerged from a door in the bottom of the craft. It pointed a finger at the witness who felt paralyzed.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Corrier Milan, December 19, 1962; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case # 554; Leonard G. Cramp, Piece for a Jig-Saw, p. 124
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8465
### Event 23354 (F771D057)
**Date:** 12/18/1962
**Time:** 02:20
**Location:** MILANO, ITL
**Description:** Whistle. 5M saucer hovers 1M / ground. Door opens. 2 small humanoids (or Greys). 1 gestures. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v32#4.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO - Rivista di informazione Ufologica; 2 issues/year CISU. Giovanni Settimo ed.; C.P.82, 10100 Torino, ITALY. (Index 8)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6729
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Italy", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "122", **HatchDesc:** "MILANO,ITL:WHISTLE:5M SCR HVRS 1M/GND:DOOR OPENS:2 OIDS:1 GESTURES:/FSR v32#4", **LatLong:** "45.450002 9.200000", **LatLongDMS:** "45:27:00 N 09:12:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.450002,9.200000)", **State/Prov:** "Lombardy", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 23355 (E38A7869)
**Date:** 12/18/1962
**Location:** 73.7500 54.7500
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 110KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1239
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "73.7500 54.7500", **LatLongDMS:** "73:45:00 N 54:45:00 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/73.7500,54.7500)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "RFAE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** "110"
### Event 23356 (E27D8216)
**Date:** 12/18/1962
**Location:** 73.7500 54.7500
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 69KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1240
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "73.7500 54.7500", **LatLongDMS:** "73:45:00 N 54:45:00 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/73.7500,54.7500)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "RFAE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** "69"
### Event 23357 (936618C2)
**Date:** 12/18/1962
**Locations:** Via Santa Valeria; Milan, Italy
**Description:** 2:20 p.m. Night watchman Francesco Rizzi is reporting for work at a mill on Via Santa Valeria in Milan, Italy. In the center of the mill’s courtyard he hears a swishing sound and turns to see a domed metallic disc 12–15 feet in diameter with portholes hovering 3 feet above the ground. A door opens at the bottom and a small man just over 3 feet tall and wearing a luminous overall emerges. The man motions Rizzi to come nearer, but he is frozen with fear. Another small man comes out of the disc, but they both return, the door closes behind them, and the object takes off in a cloud of white smoke. Rizzi reports the sighting to a colleague, the police, and the press, and soon loses his job.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** 1Pinotti 130–131
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3684
### Event 23358 (6945EAB0)
**Date:** 12/19/1962
**Time:** 07:20
**Description:** 3 / boat. 2 classic saucers 20M over Lago Maggiore. Going up [to] and fly off. / r8.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** ITACAT, Catalogo Italiano degli Incontri Ravvicinati. Maurizio Verga, 1989 CISU/Torino, Italy. (Index 54)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6730
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Italy", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "LAVENO> Event 23359 (D55CA222)
**Date:** 12/19/1962
**Location:** Verbania, Italy
**Description:** Three sailors on a ship observed two gray, helmet-shaped objects hovering 1 km away at 20 m altitude above Lake Major. Diameter: about 15 m. After 5 min one object started moving rapidly, gaining height with an undulating movement. It was soon joined by the second object, and both disappered together at the horizon.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** 139 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_555
### Event 23360 (232B1FE0)
**Date:** 12/19/1962
**Description:** Verbania, Italy. At 7:15 a.m. three men in a boat saw two classic-shaped discoid objects fly over the lake known as Lago Maggiore at only 20 meters altitude. The UFOs rose vertically and flew off.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 555
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8508
### Event 23361 (DEE790B5)
**Date:** 12/20/1962
**Location:** 73.7500 54.7500
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 8.3KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1241
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "73.7500 54.7500", **LatLongDMS:** "73:45:00 N 54:45:00 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/73.7500,54.7500)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "RFAE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** "8.3"
### Event 23362 (68F6CAE5)
**Date:** 12/21/1962
**Location:** SALTO ANGEL, VNZ
**Description:** Bright teardrop-light going up / jungle floor. 8mm film / DC3. / r78p193.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO EVIDENCE; NICAP,Washington, DC 1964. Reprinted 1997 Barnes & Noble Books ( only $7.98! ) (Index 120)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6731
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Venezuela", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "1300", **HatchDesc:** "SALTO ANGEL,VNZ:BRITE TEARDROP-LITE ↑/JUNGLE FLOOR:8mm FILM/DC3:/r78p193", **LatLong:** "5.933334 -62.500003", **LatLongDMS:** "05:56:00 N 62:30:00 W", **Locale:** "Rainforest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/5.933334,-62.500003)", **State/Prov:** "BLV", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 23363 (63443738)
**Date:** 12/21/1962
**Location:** Angel Falls, Venezuela
**Description:** Bright teardrop-shaped light apparently rising from jungle floor filmed from aircraft. \[NICAP UFO Evidence, VIII\] (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2616
### Event 23364 (741766BA)
**Date:** 12/21/1962
**Time:** 0215
**Location:** Buenos Aires Airport, Argentina
**Description:** A large, fiery disk was observed on the runway by Horado Alora and Mario Pezzuto, the two control tower operators, and by the crews of two aircraft. It rose to 10 m altitude, hovered, and flew away to the northeast.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** CODOVNI 1962 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_556
### Event 23365 (2CA9478C)
**Date:** 12/21/1962
**Locations:** Angel Falls, Venezuela; Auyán-tepui plateau
**Description:** Ali R. Diaz is aboard a DC-3 tourist plane on a vacation trip to Angel Falls, Venezuela. He obtains color film of a UFO rising from the base of a mountain. The film shows a yellowish teardrop-shaped object rising across the face of Auyán-tepui plateau. The UFO seems to oscillate from side to side until it is lost in clouds. The falls and mountain provide location points throughout.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Angel Falls UFO Film 1962,](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zb8k%5F1Ch3Ag)” UFO History Group You Tube channel, August 30, 2014; UFOEv, [p. 96](https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=mdp.39015006091691&view=1up&seq=108&skin=2021)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3685
### Event 23366 (E3951081)
**Date:** 12/21/1962
**Description:** Color motion pictures were taken of a UFO near Angel Falls, Venezuela—the world’s tallest water fall—on a cloudy afternoon at 12:15 p.m.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP UFO Investigator, February 1963, p. 5
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8549
### Event 23367 (EEBE309E)
**Date:** 12/22/1962
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) At the Ezezia International Airport, near Buenos Aires, a curious round machine appears shortly before sunrise at the end of runway 1-0-2-8, blocking the landing of a Panagra DC-8 jet. After a while it flies away at high speed out of sight. (December 22)
**Reference:** Keyhoe 1967
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1962.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1985
### Event 23368 (711BB1B7)
**Date:** 12/22/1962
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) The geodetic satellite *Anna*, nicknamed "FireFly" \("Firefly" because it sparkles in the night\) suddenly stops working and resists all attempts to restart it. She will make headlines again 7 months later, resuming her work as if nothing had happened in the meantime.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1962.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1986
### Event 23369 (C247B3D9)
**Date:** 12/22/1962
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Release of the book "Les extraterrestres" by Pascal Thomas \(pseudonym of composer Paul Misraki\) which marks the beginning of the use of the term extraterrestrial to detach from fantastical stories evoking Martians or Venusians.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1962.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1987
### Event 23370 (9416D3FA)
**Date:** 12/22/1962
**Time:** 02:20
**Description:** Fiery saucer 10M over runway. Planes circle. / MJ#236+/ r156#15+LDLN#336.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 761)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6732
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **RDR:** Radar traces/blips
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "15", **HatchDesc:** "EZEIZA Apt,ARG:FIERY SCR 10M ovr RUNWAY:PLANES CCL:/MJ#236+/r156#15+LDLN#336", **LatLong:** "-34.866668 -58.516669", **LatLongDMS:** "34:52:00 S 58:31:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-34.866668,-58.516669)", **RelAlt:** "10", **State/Prov:** "Buenos Aires", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 23371 (AAF955BF)
**Date:** 12/22/1962
**Location:** Buenos Aires, Argentina
**Description:** At Ezeiza Airport, pilots and control tower operators saw circular UFO rise from end of runway. \[NICAP UFO Evidence, X\] (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2618
### Event 23372 (35CAA0A8)
**Date:** 12/22/1962
**Location:** 73.7500 54.7500
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 6.3KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1242
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "73.7500 54.7500", **LatLongDMS:** "73:45:00 N 54:45:00 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/73.7500,54.7500)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "RFAE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** "6.3"
### Event 23373 (9A439974)
**Date:** 12/22/1962
**Locations:** Ezeiza International Airport; Ezeiza Partido; Greater Buenos Aires; Argentina
**Description:** About 3:00 a.m. At Ezeiza International Airport \[now Ministro Pistarini International Airport\] at Ezeiza Partido in Greater Buenos Aires, Argentina, tower operators Horacio Alora and Mario Pezzutto are watching an Aereolíneas Argentinas plane that is about to take off. It is also seen by an approaching DC-8 jet operated by Panagra, whose captain asks what the object is at the end of the runway. Alora sees a large, round, glowing object that has evidently descended when he is watching the airliner. The UFO immediately rises about 30 feet, hovers, then accelerates on a northeast course.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** UFOEv, [p. 119](https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=mdp.39015006091691&view=1up&seq=119&skin=2021); Loren E. Gross, [The Fifth Horseman of the Apocalypse:](https://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1962-July-Dec.pdf) [UFOs, a History: July–December 1962](https://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1962-July-Dec.pdf)[,](https://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1962-July-Dec.pdf) The Author, 2005, pp. 75–76
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3686
### Event 23374 (192F4577)
**Date:** 12/22/1962
**Description:** At three a.m. a large fiery disc was observed on the runway by two control tower operators and the flight crews of two aircraft at Ezeiza Airport, Buenos Aires, Argentina. The UFO rose to 10 meters altitude, hovered a short while, then flew off toward the northeast.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Dominique Weinstein, Aircraft UFO Encounters, p. 33
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8562
### Event 23375 (CC523F5B)
**Date:** 12/23/1962
**Location:** 73.7500 54.7500
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 8.3KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1243
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "73.7500 54.7500", **LatLongDMS:** "73:45:00 N 54:45:00 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/73.7500,54.7500)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "RFAE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** "8.3"
### Event 23376 (657FEF18)
**Date:** 12/23/1962
**Location:** 73.7500 54.7500
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 2.4KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1244
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "73.7500 54.7500", **LatLongDMS:** "73:45:00 N 54:45:00 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/73.7500,54.7500)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "RFAE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** "2.4"
### Event 23377 (C2AE3FE5)
**Date:** 12/23/1962
**Location:** 50.4375 77.814167
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 0KT YieldMax: .001KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1245
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "50.4375 77.814167", **LatLongDMS:** "50:26:15 N 77:48:51 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.4375,77.814167)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "RFAE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** "0", **NukeYMax:** ".001"
### Event 23378 (A75A41B4)
**Date:** 12/23/1962
**Location:** 73.7500 54.7500
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 430KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1246
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "73.7500 54.7500", **LatLongDMS:** "73:45:00 N 54:45:00 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/73.7500,54.7500)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "RFAE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** "430"
### Event 23379 (DB76DC77)
**Date:** 12/24/1962
**Location:** 50.4375 77.814167
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: .007KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1247
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "50.4375 77.814167", **LatLongDMS:** "50:26:15 N 77:48:51 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.4375,77.814167)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "RFAE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** ".007"
### Event 23380 (085E3A89)
**Date:** 12/24/1962
**Location:** 50.4375 77.814167
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: .028KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1248
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "50.4375 77.814167", **LatLongDMS:** "50:26:15 N 77:48:51 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.4375,77.814167)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "RFAE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** ".028"
### Event 23381 (1F0DE05E)
**Date:** 12/24/1962
**Time:** 10:44:21.9
**Location:** 74.2000 52.3000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 1100KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1249
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "74.2000 52.3000", **LatLongDMS:** "74:12:00 N 52:18:00 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/74.2000,52.3000)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "PDE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** "1100"
### Event 23382 (7E6CADE1)
**Date:** 12/24/1962
**Time:** 11:11:42.0
**Location:** 73.6000 57.5000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 24200KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1250
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "73.6000 57.5000", **LatLongDMS:** "73:36:00 N 57:30:00 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/73.6000,57.5000)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "PDE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** "24200"
### Event 23383 (0E779C9A)
**Date:** 12/25/1962
**Location:** 73.7500 54.7500
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 8.5KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1251
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "73.7500 54.7500", **LatLongDMS:** "73:45:00 N 54:45:00 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/73.7500,54.7500)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "RFAE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** "8.5"
### Event 23384 (A265ECB8)
**Date:** 12/25/1962
**Time:** 13:35:57.2
**Location:** 73.4000 56.5000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 3100KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1252
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "73.4000 56.5000", **LatLongDMS:** "73:24:00 N 56:30:00 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/73.4000,56.5000)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "PDE", **NukeType:** "NACS", **NukeY:** "3100"
### Event 23385 (929E1F34)
**Date:** 12/28/1962
**Location:** SAND SIDE, CUMBRIA
**Description:** Pilot and several separate observer(s). 800mph night light lands by quarry. Traces / soil.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 316)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6733
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "20", **HatchDesc:** "SAND SIDE,CUMBRIA:PILOT+SVRL SEP.OBS:800mph NLT LANDS BY QUARRY:TRACES/SOIL:", **LatLong:** "54.216669 -2.800000", **LatLongDMS:** "54:13:00 N 02:48:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/54.216669,-2.800000)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "4"
## Year: 1963, 562 Event(s), (Back to Top)
### Event 23386 (891A9CCB)
**Date:** 1963
**End date:** 1964
**Location:** US
**Description:** In the past two years, packets of information-- including some details of specific cases--have been substituted for the generalized Air Force "fact sheets." The unexplained cases for each year are briefly described. (In the new "fact sheets", the "unknown" category has been rendered meaningless by the inclusion of vague and incomplete cases. Formerly the term "unknown" was applied to the most detailed and inexplicable cases from the best observers. Now the distinction between "unknowns", and cases which lack detail or apparently have natural explanations, has been blurred.)
**Type:** USAF fact sheets
**Reference:** ["The UFO Evidence" (1964) by Richard H. Hall, page 106-108](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Reference:** ["Report on Unidentified Flying Objects" (Dec. 1956) by Capt. Edward J. Ruppelt](https://archive.org/details/reportonunidenti00rupp/mode/1up)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_895
### Event 23387 (EF700E58)
**Date:** 1963
**Location:** USA
**Description:** (Translated from French) Continued experiments nevertheless took place, particularly under the responsibility of the Lewis Center of NASA. Three types of "hypersonic gliders" were then built: the HL-10, the X-24 and the M2-F. All are ancestors of the Space Shuttle. The MF-F1 was the first to fly in 1963, the same year the X-20 project was abandoned. The X-24 pilot was to reach 1610 km/hour at 22,000 meters altitude in 1971 after being dropped from a B-52 bomber.
**Reference:** "The War of the Satellites" - Volume 3 - Pierre Kohler, ed. Famot 1982, p. 161
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2248
### Event 23388 (FBB883C5)
**Date:** 1963
**Location:** USA, Fern Kreek, Kentucky
**Description:** (Translated from French) Four boys, aged 5 to 12, were watching a disc-shaped object land behind a small wood near where they were playing. A humanoid, dressed in a space suit, small, about 1.2 m tall, came out of the wood. The boys threw stones and clods of earth at him to provoke some reaction. The entity then shot at them with a small black rod which caused a slightly painful tingling sensation throughout their bodies. When the boys were questioned separately according to the information in the NICAP files, their description of the entity was identical and also corresponded to that of 200 other witnesses in the Ohio River Valley. The boys' mother noticed she had received a telepathic message in her head and felt compelled to call the University of Louisville immediately after she had phoned the National Guard to report the children's encounter. Small footprints and clear signs of the landing were found. The next day, two unidentified people visited the site and erased the footprints. They claimed to have been sent by the University of Louisville, but when enquiries were made there, this seemed not to be true.
**Reference:** By DON ELKINS with CARLA RUECKERT , CASE NUMBER 1, Investigators: Col. Verne Yahne, Ky. Air National Guard; D.T. Elkins, Independent Investigator
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2272
### Event 23389 (ED3DC8CD)
**Date:** 1963
**Locations:** Kardashev scale; Hong-Yee Chiu
**Description:** Russian astrophysicist [Nikolai Kardashev](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nikolai%5FKardashev) examines the radio source CTA-102, the first Soviet effort in the search for extraterrestrial intelligence \(SETI\). He comes up with the idea that some galactic civilizations could be perhaps millions or billions of years ahead of us, and creates the Kardashev scale to rank such civilizations. Kardashev defines three levels of civilizations, based on energy consumption: Type I \(planetary civilization\) with “technological level close to the level presently attained on earth”; Type II \(stellar civilization\), “a civilization capable of harnessing the energy radiated by its own star”; and Type III \(galactic civilization\), “a civilization in possession of energy on the scale of its own galaxy.” Various extensions of the Kardashev scale have since been proposed, including the use of metrics rather than pure power. The idea that the CTA-102 emission is caused by a civilization is later rejected when it is identified as one of the many varieties of quasar \(quasi-stellar radio source\), a term coined by [Hong-Yee Chiu](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hong-Yee%5FChiu) in May 1964 to describe these objects.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Kardashev scale](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kardashev%5Fscale)”; Wikipedia, “[CTA-102](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CTA-102)”; Nikolai Kardashev, “[Transmission of Information by Extraterrestrial Civilizations,](https://adsabs.harvard.edu/full/1964SvA.....8..217K)” Soviet Astronomy 8 \(1964\): 217; Frank Edwards, FS Serious Business, Bantam ed., 1966, [pp. 84–85](https://archive.org/details/flyingsaucersser00edwa/page/84/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3687
### Event 23390 (D758A507)
**Date:** 1963
**Description:** Astronomer [Donald H. Menzel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald%5FHoward%5FMenzel) and science writer Lyle G. Boyd publish The World of Flying Saucers, a skeptical overview of UFO sightings and a contemptuous treatment of UFO groups.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Donald H. Menzel and Lyle G. Boyd, The World of Flying Saucers, Doubleday, 1963
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3688
### Event 23391 (5603A5CD)
**Date:** 1/1963
**Description:** DC4 pilot. UFO beams strong light. 1 engine quits. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v11#6.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FALLA, GEOFFREY: VEHICLE INTERFERENCE PROJECT. BUFORA Ltd. 1979. C.F. Lockwood & A.R. Rice editors. (Index 26)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6734
**Attributes:** **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "410", **HatchDesc:** "CORDOBA> Event 23392 (C2F50F18)
**Date:** 1/1963
**Location:** Groom Lake, Nevada
**Description:** The A-12 fleet at Groom Lake, Nevada, is now operating with J58 engines built by Pratt and Whitney, allowing for speeds up to Mach 3.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3689
### Event 23393 (0EE57A12)
**Date:** 1/1963
**Locations:** Cañada de Alzogaray; Burruyacú; Tucumán; Argentina
**Description:** Night. Brothers Rosauro Antonio, Ricardo, and Victor Domingo López discover a burned area of grass in a field just over a mile from their house in Cañada de Alzogaray, near Burruyacú, Tucumán, Argentina. The burn is in the shape of two rings \(each a foot wide and 10.8 feet in diameter\) where the grass is burned down to its roots to a depth of 3–4 inches. They find a carbonized residue and whitish powder. Some days previously, a neighbor named Juan Gerónimo Pera, his wife, and children, had seen a luminous oval-shaped object that landed in the field.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Oscar A. Uriondo, “[Preliminary Catalogue of Type 1 Cases in Argentina,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR-CH%201972%20N%2012.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review Case Histories, no. 12 \(December 1972\): 11
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3690
### Event 23394 (E1EC6972)
**Date:** 1/1963
**Description:** USAF Sgt. Dan Sherman is told that in this month, the first “embryo” was produced under **Project Preserve Destiny** that aimed to develop people with “intcomm” (intuitive communications) abilities to community with non-human intelligence.
* [https://www.amazon.com/Above-Black-Preserve-Government-Cover-Up/dp/0966097807](https://www.amazon.com/Above-Black-Preserve-Government-Cover-Up/dp/0966097807)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_104
### Event 23395 (E82C66E8)
**Date:** 1/3/1963
**Description:** An airplane being flown over the state of Cordoba, Argentina had a close encounter with a UFO. The UFO projected a beam of light at the aircraft, and one of the plane's four engines quit working.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** UFO Nachrichten (Germany), February 1966, citing a newspaper clipping
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_53
### Event 23396 (650B8B5C)
**Date:** 1/4/1963
**Time:** 00:30
**Location:** ROMA, ITL
**Description:** 5M odd-shape domed saucer / tripod / park. Gust / wind. Going up [to] and vanishes. / r8#557.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** ITACAT, Catalogo Italiano degli Incontri Ravvicinati. Maurizio Verga, 1989 CISU/Torino, Italy. (Index 54)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6735
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Italy", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "ROMA,ITL:5M ODD-SHAPE DOMED SCR/TRIPOD/PARK:GUST/WIND:↑+VANISHES:/r8#557", **LatLong:** "41.883335 12.500001", **LatLongDMS:** "41:53:00 N 12:30:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.883335,12.500001)", **State/Prov:** "ROM", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 23397 (015D9906)
**Date:** 1/4/1963
**Time:** 1900
**Location:** Rome, Italy
**Description:** A well-known psychiatrist saw an object on the ground in a deserted city park. Shape: a dome upon a cylinder, bearing a series of round apertures and surrounded by a thick, roundish ring, set on a tripod landing gear supporting the base of the cylinder 1 m above the ground. Diameter: 5 m. Suddenly the ring started spinning rapidly, and a gust of air was felt as the craft rose a few m above ground, then disappeared in a split second.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** 142 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_557
### Event 23398 (763809D7)
**Date:** 1/4/1963
**Description:** A domed disc with tripod landing gear landed in a park in Rome, Italy. It was estimated to be five meters in diameter. The man who witnessed the landing said he felt a gust of wind as the UFO took off vertically and vanished into the sky.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia, A Century of Landings, case 557, citing Momento Sera January 9, 1963; Robert Pinotto, Flying Saucers, January 1966, p. 60
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_85
### Event 23399 (7E12F1C8)
**Date:** 1/5/1963
**Location:** Nantucket Point, Long Island, NY
**Description:** (Hynek UFO Rpt p. 45-46) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2619
### Event 23400 (947A0441)
**Date:** 1/9/1963
**Description:** On this day in Trail, Oregon a large, bright UFO emitted a cone-shaped tail and humming sound. A dog reacted to the UFO's presence by howling.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Gordon I. R. Lore, Jr., Strange Effects from UFOs, p. 68
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_218
### Event 23401 (53284711)
**Date:** 1/11/1963
**Time:** 23:00
**Description:** 4.5M saucer lands. Observer(s) frozen. 2 figure(s) move / dome. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v16#5.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** ITACAT, Catalogo Italiano degli Incontri Ravvicinati. Maurizio Verga, 1989 CISU/Torino, Italy. (Index 55)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6736
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Italy", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "SAN PIETRO VERNOTICO,ITL:4.5M SCR LANDS:OBS FROZEN:2 FIGs MOVE/DOME:/FSR v16#5", **LatLong:** "40.488891 17.988890", **LatLongDMS:** "40:29:20 N 17:59:20 E", **Locale:** "Islands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.488891,17.988890)", **State/Prov:** "SRD", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 23402 (96510D28)
**Date:** 1/11/1963
**Time:** 2300
**Location:** San Pietro, Italy
**Description:** A 43-year-old farmer was awakened by restless animals and went out to calm them. Fifteen min later he saw an object land in a small square in the village, went toward it, was "paralyzed" when 10 m away. Two min later the craft, 4.5 m long, 1.5 m high, with a translucent upper dome showing two dark, moving figures, ascended in the direction of Brindisi, emitted a vertical beam of green light.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** 143 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_558
### Event 23403 (95843BE7)
**Date:** 1/11/1963
**Locations:** San Pietro Vernotico, Italy; Brindisi
**Description:** At 11:00 p.m., at San Pietro Vernotico, Italy, farmer Antonio de Luca is awakened by restless animals and goes out to calm them. Fifteen minutes later he sees a domed disc some 132 feet long land in the village square. Dark figures are moving inside the transparent dome. He tries to approach but is paralyzed at 30 feet away. It ascends in the direction of Brindisi to the north, emitting a vertical beam of green light.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Vallée, Magonia, [p. 290](https://archive.org/details/passporttomagoni0000vall/page/290/mode/2up); Loren E. Gross, [The Fifth Horseman of the Apocalypse: UFOs, a History: January–June 1963](https://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1963-Jan-Jun.pdf), The Author, 2005, p. 8
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3691
### Event 23404 (AD871CB8)
**Date:** 1/11/1963
**Description:** At 11:00 p.m. Antonio De Luca, a 43-year-old farmer in San Pietro Vernotico, Sardegna, Italy was awakened by restless farm animals and went out to calm them. Fifteen minutes later he saw a domed disc-shaped object land in a small square in the village, went towards it, and became paralyzed and unable to move when he got to within 10 meters of it. The translucent upper dome showed two dark figures moving about inside. Two minutes later the craft, 4.5 meters long and 1.5 meters high, ascended in the direction of Brindisi, and emitted a vertical beam of green light.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** FSR, September-October 1970, p. 28; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, p. 290, case 558
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_251
### Event 23405 (9BE8EB77)
**Date:** 1/17/1963
**Location:** Entre Ríos province, Argentina
**Description:** A formation of objects passes over Entre Ríos province, Argentina, and discharges angel hair. Vitreous particles are recovered, which consist of an “amalgam of silicon, boron, calcium, and magnesium.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Gordon Creighton, “[Argentina, 1963–64,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%2C1965%2CNov-Dec%2CV%2011%2CN%206.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 11, no. 6 \(Nov./Dec. 1965\): 15; Brian Boldman, “Angel Hair Physical Analyses: A Review,” JUFOS 9 \(2006\): 104
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3692
### Event 23406 (BFF46913)
**Date:** 1/24/1963
**Location:** LEXINGTON, KY
**Description:** Postal inspector. Large saucer east going west. Plane north going south. Paths cross / 90° angle.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLAMMONDE, Paris: UFO EXIST!; Ballentine Books, NY 1976. PB 480pp. (Index 438)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6737
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "12", **Elev:** "287", **HatchDesc:** "LEXINGTON,KY:POSTAL INSPECTOR:LRG SCR E>W:PLANE N>S:PATHS CROSS/90° ANGLE", **LatLong:** "38.033335 -84.483337", **LatLongDMS:** "38:02:00 N 84:29:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.033335,-84.483337)", **State/Prov:** "Kentucky", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 23407 (C8DB696B)
**Date:** 1/24/1963
**Location:** Lexington, KY
**Description:** Post Office safety engineer saw a round UFO traveling east to west, and a delta- wing aircraft north to south. UFO's line of flight intersected aircraft path at right angles. \[Report via Bluegrass NICAP Affiliate, Lexington, Ky.\] (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2620
### Event 23408 (0FA6DDED)
**Date:** 1/24/1963
**Description:** On this day a U.S. Post Office safety engineer in Lexington, Kentucky saw a large round UFO traveling east to west, and a delta-wing aircraft traveling from north to south. The line of flight of the disc-shaped UFO intersected the aircraft's path at a right angle.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Richard Hall, The UFO Evidence, p. 140; Paris Flammonde, UFO Exist!, p. 367
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_479
### Event 23409 (CC7ED042)
**Date:** 1/28/1963
**Time:** 17:20
**Description:** 2 observer(s). UFO on ground. 4 windows. Going quickly south toward(s) Rugby. / USAF Tech. Intel. Center. (ATIC.)
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA; H. Regnery, Chicago HC 1969 & Contemporary Books,Chicago 1993. 372pp. (Index 559)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6738
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "85", **HatchDesc:** "EARL SHILTON,LEICs:2 OBS:UFO ON GROUND:4 WINDOWS:>>S TWRD RUGBY:/Atic", **LatLong:** "52.577780 -1.288889", **LatLongDMS:** "52:34:40 N 01:17:20 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/52.577780,-1.288889)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 23410 (40114947)
**Date:** 1/28/1963
**Time:** 23:00?
**Location:** MAMINA, CHILE
**Description:** 2 saucers follow truck / lonely road / 10 minute(s) and more. Driver = former Air Force man. / USAF Tech. Intel. Center. (ATIC.)
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA; H. Regnery, Chicago HC 1969 & Contemporary Books,Chicago 1993. 372pp. (Index 560)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6739
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Chile", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "12", **Elev:** "2693", **HatchDesc:** "MAMINA,CHILE:2 SCRS FOLO TRUCK/LONELY Rd/10min+:DRIVER=FORMER AF MAN:/Atic", **LatLong:** "-20.083334 -69.233337", **LatLongDMS:** "20:05:00 S 69:14:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-20.083334,-69.233337)", **State/Prov:** "TRP", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 23411 (1ED76CCA)
**Date:** 1/28/1963
**Location:** Shilton, UK
**Description:** Object on the ground with 4 windows, emitting yellow-orange light (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2621
### Event 23412 (F5721B38)
**Date:** 1/28/1963
**Location:** Mamina, Chile
**Description:** 2 disk-shaped objects followed truck driver (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2622
### Event 23413 (A9B71C1A)
**Date:** 1/28/1963
**Time:** 1720
**Location:** Shilton, Great Britain
**Description:** Mary Sharp and Mrs. E. L. Sharp saw an object on the ground. It had four windows, emitted a yellow-orange light, and eventually left toward Rugby.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Atic ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_559
### Event 23414 (2DEAEDE4)
**Date:** 1/28/1963
**Time:** night
**Location:** Mamina, Chile
**Description:** A former Chilean Air Force officer, who was driving a truck, observed two disk-shaped objects that followed him for over ten min.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Atic ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_560
### Event 23415 (F02D3AD5)
**Date:** 1/31/1963
**Location:** Ganada de Algosaray, Argentina
**Description:** An object was reported to have landed. The Lopez brothers found traces in the grass and evidence of intense heat. Police investigation. A whitish powder was also found at the site.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** FSR 66, 1 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_561
### Event 23416 (A15383B9)
**Date:** 1/31/1963
**Description:** An object was reported to have landed in Ganada de Algosaray, Argentina. The Lopez brothers found traces in the grass and evidence of intense heat. There was a police investigation, during which a whitish powder was found at the landing site.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 561, citing Flying Saucer Review, January-February 1966
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_635
### Event 23417 (0EAD3700)
**Date:** 2/1963
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) The first five A-12 pilots of the [CIA](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/CIA.html) \(Collins, Ray, Skliar, Sullivan and Walter\) arrive at [Groom Lake](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/Area51.html). (February)
**Reference:** Peebles 1995
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1963.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1988
### Event 23418 (8AD46096)
**Date:** 2/2/1963 (approximate)
**Time:** 12:00?
**Description:** 1+3 kids. Saucer lands near road. Small humanoid (or Grey) / breathing apparatus exits.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** EDWARDS, Frank: STRANGE WORLD; 1964 & Carol Paperbacks 1992. (Index 24)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6740
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "NNE/ADELAIDE,S.AUSTR:1+3 KIDS:SCR LANDS nr ROAD:OID/BREATHING APPARATUS EXITS", **LatLong:** "-34.833335 138.633340", **LatLongDMS:** "34:50:00 S 138:38:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-34.833335,138.633340)", **State/Prov:** "SA", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 23419 (D2635B3F)
**Date:** 2/5/1963
**Location:** WASHINGTON, DC
**Description:** Private pilot and newsman. Pulsing yellow night light plays with plane. / r78p193.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO EVIDENCE; NICAP,Washington, DC 1964. Reprinted 1997 Barnes & Noble Books ( only $7.98! ) (Index 38)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6741
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "WASHINGTON,DC:PVT PILOT+NEWSMAN:PULSING YLW NLT PLAYS WITH PLANE:/r78p193", **LatLong:** "38.916669 -77.050004", **LatLongDMS:** "38:55:00 N 77:03:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.916669,-77.050004)", **State/Prov:** "WDC", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 23420 (198F93AC)
**Date:** 2/5/1963 (approximate)
**Description:** Several observer(s). UFO flies. Student sees landing / schoolyard. / USAF Tech. Intel. Center. (ATIC.)
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA; H. Regnery, Chicago HC 1969 & Contemporary Books,Chicago 1993. 372pp. (Index 562)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6742
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Paraguay", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "55", **HatchDesc:** "ASUNCION,PARAGUAY:SVRL OBS:UFO FLIES:STUDENT SEES LANDING/SCHOOLYARD:/Atic", **LatLong:** "-25.266668 -57.666669", **LatLongDMS:** "25:16:00 S 57:40:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-25.266668,-57.666669)", **State/Prov:** "ASU", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 23421 (7D7085B4)
**Date:** 2/5/1963
**Location:** Ascension, Paraguay
**Description:** An object land on the school grounds (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2623
### Event 23422 (56B1546F)
**Date:** 2/5/1963
**Location:** Washington (near), DC
**Description:** Private pilot, newsman passenger, watched a pulsating yellow-white light maneuver around their plane. \[UFOE, V\] (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2624
### Event 23423 (AE46D3B1)
**Date:** 2/5/1963
**Location:** Charlottesville, VA
**Description:** UFO Hovers Over Missile Battery (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, NC)
**Reference:** NICAP: [630205](http://www.nicap.org/630205charlottesville%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2625
### Event 23424 (012C7D90)
**Date:** 2/5/1963
**Location:** Ascension, Paraguay
**Description:** Approximate date. A student, Anastasio Lenven, saw an object land on the school grounds. In a different observation, several residents, including an official of the Ministry of the Interior, saw an object flying at very high speed over Ascension.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Atic ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_562
### Event 23425 (9EA56FE4)
**Date:** 2/5/1963
**Description:** On or about this date a student, Anastasio Lenven, saw an object land on the school grounds in Asuncion, Paraguay. In a separate observation, several residents, including an official of the Ministry of the Interior, saw an object flying at very high speed over the city.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 562
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_697
### Event 23426 (58E206DC)
**Date:** 2/6/1963
**Location:** Montibello, VA
**Description:** Very Bright Light On Horizon Seen By Pilot of C-46 (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5)
**Reference:** NICAP: [630206](http://www.nicap.org/630206montebello%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2626
### Event 23427 (F5F9C21F)
**Date:** 2/6/1963
**Description:** A 21-year-old painter name Salmaso, walking through the snowy woods outside of Padua, Italy saw a very large, round luminous UFO. Nearby stood a man wearing a garment that appeared to be made of a cellophane-like material. He took four photos before the man climbed aboard the craft and took off.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** James Moseley, Saucer News, June 1963, p. 21; CUFOS files, newspaper clipping dated February 11, 1963; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case # A0558
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_719
### Event 23428 (12ACDBF9)
**Date:** 2/7/1963
**Time:** 23:50
**Description:** 3 / 2 planes. Saucer over missile site and more/others. 2000kts. / MJ#238+/ r242p43.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 31)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6743
**Attributes:** **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **NUC:** Nuclear facility related, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "60", **Elev:** "181", **HatchDesc:** "CHARLOTTESVILLE,VA:3/2 PLANES:SCR ovr MISSILE SITE++:2000kts:/MJ#238+/r242p43", **LatLong:** "38.033335 -78.483337", **LatLongDMS:** "38:02:00 N 78:29:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.033335,-78.483337)", **State/Prov:** "Virginia", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 23429 (FD5C4BAA)
**Date:** 2/7/1963
**Description:** At 11:45 p.m. three people in two separate airplanes sighted a disc-shaped object over a missile site near Charlottesville, Virginia. It shot off at a speed in excess of 2000 knots.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP UFO Investigator, February 1963, p. 3; Dominique Weinstein, Aircraft UFO Encounters, p. 33; Richard Hall, The UFO Evidence, p. 43
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_733
### Event 23430 (E3BC18CF)
**Date:** 2/8/1963
**Time:** 16:00:00.2
**Location:** 37.1489 -116.0519
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Casselman” Yield: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_302
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1489 -116.0519", **LatLongDMS:** "37:08:56 N 116:03:07 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1489,-116.0519)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.30", **NukeName:** "Casselman", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "20"
### Event 23431 (A8D5636F)
**Date:** 2/8/1963
**Time:** 16:00:01.2
**Location:** 37.1260 -116.0387
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Hatchie” Yield: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_303
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1260 -116.0387", **LatLongDMS:** "37:07:34 N 116:02:19 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1260,-116.0387)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.06", **NukeName:** "Hatchie", **NukeSource:** "AEC", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "20"
### Event 23432 (73A0CEF6)
**Date:** 2/8/1963
**Time:** 18:30:00.1
**Location:** 37.0461 -116.0211
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Acushi” Yield: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_304
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0461 -116.0211", **LatLongDMS:** "37:02:46 N 116:01:16 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0461,-116.0211)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.26", **NukeName:** "Acushi", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "20"
### Event 23433 (25C21C29)
**Date:** 2/8/1963
**Time:** 18:30:00.1
**Location:** 37.0583 -116.0293
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Ferret” Yield: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_305
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0583 -116.0293", **LatLongDMS:** "37:03:30 N 116:01:45 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0583,-116.0293)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.33", **NukeName:** "Ferret", **NukeSource:** "AEC", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "20"
### Event 23434 (A01D33EE)
**Date:** 2/11/1963
**Description:** The CIA establishes a Domestic Operations Division for its clandestine services, conducted within the US against “foreign targets.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3693
### Event 23435 (16A4B4E3)
**Date:** 2/15/1963
**Time:** 07:10
**Description:** 8M domed saucer / farm. Spins. Going quickly west. Cows frantic. / MJ#238+/ FSRv20#4.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 765)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6744
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "WILLOW GROVE,AUSTR:8M DOMED SCR/FARM:SPINS:>>W:COWS FRANTIC:/MJ#238+/FSRv20#4", **LatLong:** "-38.088891 146.322229", **LatLongDMS:** "38:05:20 S 146:19:20 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-38.088891,146.322229)", **State/Prov:** "Victoria", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 23436 (BE05F5B9)
**Date:** 2/15/1963
**Location:** Willow Grove, AU
**Description:** 25 ft blue and battleship-gray metallic object, 9-10 ft high (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** NICAP: [630215](http://www.nicap.org/ar-630215dir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2627
### Event 23437 (5EBD8E20)
**Date:** 2/15/1963
**Time:** 0710
**Location:** Willow Grove, Australia
**Description:** A civilian observed an object arriving from the east. It stopped at 15 m altitude over his farmhouse. The object made a swishing sound, and measured about 8 m in diameter, 3 m in height. The underside was spinning in a counterclockwise direction, had a blue color and no light. It took off faster than a jet, after hovering about five sec. The witness suffered from a strong headache all day.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Atic ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_563
### Event 23438 (8C2BA907)
**Date:** 2/15/1963
**Time:** 17:00:00.1
**Location:** 37.0490 -116.0318
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Chipmunk” Yield: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_306
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0490 -116.0318", **LatLongDMS:** "37:02:56 N 116:01:54 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0490,-116.0318)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.06", **NukeName:** "Chipmunk", **NukeSource:** "AEC", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "20"
### Event 23439 (98D75435)
**Date:** 2/15/1963
**Location:** Moe, Victoria, Australia
**Description:** 7:10 a.m. Farmer Charles Brew and his son Trevor are in a shed, milking a herd of cows near Moe, Victoria, Australia. Charles sees an object descend very steeply out of the east from a low cloud, at about a 45° angle. The UFO is about 25 feet in diameter, and about 9–10 feet high. The lower portion, about 3 feet high, is rotating in an anticlockwise direction and is bluish. The upper portion appears to be stationary, battleship-gray in color, with a transparent dome on top. Protruding out of the dome is something resembling a broom handle. A sound, described as swishing or burbling, is heard by both Charles and Trevor.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** NICAP, “[Rotating Object and](http://www.nicap.org/630215tasmania%5Fdir.htm) [Animal Reaction](http://www.nicap.org/630215tasmania%5Fdir.htm)”; Bill Chalker, “Tully Saucer Nests of 1966, Part Two,” IUR 23, no. 1 \(Spring 1998\): 15–16; [Sparks](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf)[,](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf) p. 293; Swords 388–390
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3694
### Event 23440 (9CF74474)
**Date:** 2/15/1963
**Description:** A metallic domed disc with a transparent dome and aerial and a concave bottom hovered 30 meters above the ground at a farm in Moe, Victoria, Australia. It was about eight meters in diameter, and gave off a bluish glow as it emitted a swishing noise. Horses and cattle on the farm panicked and fled. It climbed into the sky at a 45 degree angle going off toward the west and into the clouds.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Michael Hervey, UFOs Over the Southern Hemisphere, p. 117; Keith Basterfield, UFO Research Australia Newsletter, March 1982, p. 24; James Holledge, Flying Saucers over Australia, p. 86
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_923
### Event 23441 (35BAB55F)
**Date:** 2/18/1963
**Time:** ~09:00
**Location:** MAIDEN, NC
**Description:** Flat metallic objects hover. Then make dogfight maneuvers. Lengthy display. see reference.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: UFO'S IN SPACE - Anatomy of a Phenomenon; Henry Regnery 1966 & Ballentine PB 1974 294pp. (Index 219)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6745
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "30", **Elev:** "274", **HatchDesc:** "MAIDEN,NC:FLAT MTLC OBJS HVR:THEN MAKE DOGFIGHT MNVRS:lengthy display. see ref", **LatLong:** "35.566668 -81.216671", **LatLongDMS:** "35:34:00 N 81:13:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/35.566668,-81.216671)", **State/Prov:** "North Carolina", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 23442 (F3949739)
**Date:** 2/18/1963
**Description:** On this morning in Maiden, North Carolina flat metallic disc-shaped objects hovered, then engaged in maneuvers for a lengthy display.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Project Blue Book files counted in official statistics
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_980
### Event 23443 (89F311DA)
**Date:** 2/20/1963
**Time:** 17:30
**Location:** LECCE, ITL
**Description:** 3M domed saucer offloads "particle". Stops spin. Rises. Going quickly northeast. / Momento Sera.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA; H. Regnery, Chicago HC 1969 & Contemporary Books,Chicago 1993. 372pp. (Index 564)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6746
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Italy", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "LECCE,ITL:3M DOMED SCR OFFLOADS "PARTICLE":STOPS SPIN:RISES:>>NE:/Momento Sera", **LatLong:** "40.366669 18.166668", **LatLongDMS:** "40:22:00 N 18:10:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.366669,18.166668)", **State/Prov:** "APL", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 23444 (072E5474)
**Date:** 2/20/1963
**Time:** 1730
**Location:** Lecce, Italy
**Description:** A young man saw from a window ,a slowly spinning object, almost stationary, 500 m away. It appeared as a disk having a central upper dome, with a total diameter of 3 m. The object had a brilliant yellow red halo, but its dome was much more brilliant. The witness observed it through binoculars, reported seeing a "particle" leave the object, after which it stopped spinning, gained altitude with a vertical shifting, and left toward the northeast.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** 144 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_564
### Event 23445 (B61BC7DE)
**Date:** 2/21/1963
**Time:** 22:00?
**Location:** TRENTON, NJ
**Description:** Teen. Blob / light 200M away. Splits going [to] 2 saucers! Both away silently. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 769)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6747
**Attributes:** **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "5", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "17", **HatchDesc:** "TRENTON,NJ:TEEN:BLOB/LIGHT 200M away:SPLITS > 2 SCRS!:both away SILENTLY:NFD", **LatLong:** "40.200002 -74.733337", **LatLongDMS:** "40:12:00 N 74:44:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.200002,-74.733337)", **State/Prov:** "New Jersey", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 23446 (1F0AB70F)
**Date:** 2/21/1963
**Time:** 0230
**Location:** Belgrade, Montana
**Description:** A strange globe of fire hit a car driven by a civilian man. Several people called authorities to report that they had been awakened by a peculiar object.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Atic ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_565
### Event 23447 (C019AA95)
**Date:** 2/21/1963
**Time:** 19:47:00.1
**Location:** 37.1203 -116.0457
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Kaweah” Yield: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_307
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1203 -116.0457", **LatLongDMS:** "37:07:13 N 116:02:45 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1203,-116.0457)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.23", **NukeName:** "Kaweah", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "20"
### Event 23448 (F04BE87D)
**Date:** 2/21/1963
**Time:** 19:47:08.6
**Location:** 37.1548 -116.0799
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Carmel” Yield: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_308
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1548 -116.0799", **LatLongDMS:** "37:09:17 N 116:04:48 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1548,-116.0799)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.16", **NukeName:** "Carmel", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "20"
### Event 23449 (D7D4CD96)
**Date:** 2/22/1963
**Time:** 02:00?
**Location:** CRYSTAL LAKE, MT
**Description:** Domed saucer lands / frozen lake. Door opens / 10 min and shuts. / MJ#238.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA; H. Regnery, Chicago HC 1969 & Contemporary Books,Chicago 1993. 372pp. (Index 566)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6748
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **NUC:** Nuclear facility related, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "12", **Elev:** "1832", **HatchDesc:** "CRYSTAL LAKE,MT:DOMED SCR LANDS/FROZEN LAKE:DOOR OPENS/10MIN+SHUTS:/MJ#238", **LatLong:** "46.822224 -109.505561", **LatLongDMS:** "46:49:20 N 109:30:20 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.822224,-109.505561)", **State/Prov:** "Montana", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 23450 (04CD1278)
**Date:** 2/22/1963
**Time:** 02:30
**Location:** BELGRADE, MT
**Description:** Odd fireball shakes car. Several waken oddly. Many phones ring. / MJ#238.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA; H. Regnery, Chicago HC 1969 & Contemporary Books,Chicago 1993. 372pp. (Index 565)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6749
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "1358", **HatchDesc:** "BELGRADE,MT:ODD FBL SHAKES CAR:SVRL WAKEN ODDLY:MANY PHONES RING:/MJ#238", **LatLong:** "45.777780 -111.177783", **LatLongDMS:** "45:46:40 N 111:10:40 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.777780,-111.177783)", **State/Prov:** "Montana", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 23451 (BF87C9F0)
**Date:** 2/22/1963
**Description:** A domed disc-shaped object landed on the frozen surface of Crystal Lake in Fergus County, Montana at 2 a.m. A door on the craft opened for 10 minutes, then shut. Half an hour later a fiery ball flew over Belgrade, Montana causing electrical power failures.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** (1) Larry Hatch, U computer database, case 6303, citing MUFON UFO Journal, issue #328; (2) Orbit, January 1963, p. 23
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1045
### Event 23452 (5796B51F)
**Date:** 2/23/1963
**Time:** 21:50
**Description:** Several small objects emerge / oval plasma-cloud & going quickly south toward(s) France.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: UFO'S IN SPACE - Anatomy of a Phenomenon; Henry Regnery 1966 & Ballentine PB 1974 294pp. (Index 212)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6750
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "HIGHCLIFFE,DORSET:SVRL SML OBJS EMERGE/OVAL PLASMA-CLOUD & >>S TWRD FRANCE.", **LatLong:** "50.744447 -1.700000", **LatLongDMS:** "50:44:40 N 01:42:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.744447,-1.700000)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 23453 (AD72759C)
**Date:** 2/23/1963
**Locations:** Highcliffe, Dorset, England; English Channel
**Description:** 9:45 p.m. An oval object is seen in the sky above Highcliffe, Dorset, England. Emerald-green in color and surrounded by a glow, it hangs in the sky for 10 minutes before witnesses see two smaller objects emerge from it. These fly away and disappear over the English Channel.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Herbert S. Taylor, “Satellite Objects and Cloud Cigars,” IUR 29, no. 1 \(Spring 2004\): 10
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3695
### Event 23454 (6782F5D7)
**Date:** 2/24/1963
**Time:** 01:00
**Location:** INVERCARGILL, NZ
**Description:** Several observer(s). Blue-glowing silver ovoid whines / hums. 1 observer chases / car.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 765)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6751
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "New Zealand", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "INVERCARGILL,NZ:SVRL.OBS:BLU-GLOW.SLVR OVOID WHINES/HUMS:1 OBS CHASES/CAR", **LatLong:** "-46.383336 168.466675", **LatLongDMS:** "46:23:00 S 168:28:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-46.383336,168.466675)", **State/Prov:** "SI", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 23455 (61091E96)
**Date:** 2/24/1963
**Description:** A luminous bluish-silver colored ovoid UFO was seen over Invercargill, New Zealand at 1:00 a.m., making a whine and humming sounds. One witness attempted to chase the object in a car.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** APRO Bulletin, September-October 1963, p. 6
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1080
### Event 23456 (25444736)
**Date:** 2/27/1963
**Time:** 12:00?
**Location:** MODESTO, CA
**Description:** 7 observer(s). 100' crescent with portholes hovers. Drops going [to] 1K' altitude. Bright beam going down / 15 second(s).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: UFO'S IN SPACE - Anatomy of a Phenomenon; Henry Regnery 1966 & Ballentine PB 1974 294pp. (Index 219)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6752
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "28", **HatchDesc:** "MODESTO,CA:7 OBS:100'CRESCENT W/PORTHOLES HVRS:DROPS>1K'ALT:BRITE BEAM↓/15sec", **LatLong:** "37.633335 -121.000006", **LatLongDMS:** "37:38:00 N 121:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.633335,-121.000006)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 23457 (925C779A)
**Date:** 2/27/1963
**Description:** Two bluish-green oval lights were seen oscillating in tandem over Braybrook, Victoria, Australia.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Michael Hervey, UFOs Over the Southern Hemisphere, p. 117
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1152
### Event 23458 (1EDA8170)
**Date:** 2/28/1963
**Location:** Arctic Ocean, At Sea
**Description:** Object Tracked on Royal Navy RADAR & SONAR (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5)
**Reference:** NICAP: [630228](http://www.nicap.org/630228articocean%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2628
### Event 23459 (9BDF26EB)
**Date:** 3/1963
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Professor Roger Jennison \(Department of Electronics at the University of Kent\) is flying late at night from New York to Washington. The plane enters a storm and at one point the aircraft is enveloped by a bright and audible electrical discharge. A few seconds later a [glowing sphere](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BallLighting.html) of about 20 cm in diameter emerges from the cockpit and travels down the aisle of the aircraft to approximately 50 cm from Jennison. The [ball](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BallLighting.html) moves in a straight trajectory along the length of the aisle at 75 cm above the floor and at a relative speed to the aircraft of about 1.5 m/s. It is blue-white in color and its apparent brightness is estimated to be about 5 to 10 W. No heat is felt when it passes close by and the limb darkening \(like that of the Sun\) gives it an almost solid appearance, indicating that it is optically opaque. No asymmetry is observed in any dimension so it is impossible to determine whether it is rotating or not. (March)
**Reference:** *Nature*, November 1969 \< *AA&ES Magazine*, June 1996
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1963.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1989
### Event 23460 (1D3AB405)
**Date:** 3/1963
**Description:** Austrian ufologist [Luis Schoenherr](https://paschberg.blogspot.com/2010/10/am-7.html) offers a paranormal explanation for UFOs, saying that they either emanate from an unobservable fourth dimension or are time machines.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Luis Schoenherr, “[UFOs and the Fourth](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%2C1963%2CFeb-Mar%2CV%209%2CN%202.pdf) [Dimension,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%2C1963%2CFeb-Mar%2CV%209%2CN%202.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 9, no. 2 \(March/April 1963\): 10–12; Luis Schoenherr, “[UFOs and the Fourth](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%2C1964%2CJan-Feb%2CV%2010%2CN%201.pdf) [Dimension, Part 2,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%2C1964%2CJan-Feb%2CV%2010%2CN%201.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 10, no. 1 \(Jan./Feb. 1964\): 16–20, 23
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3696
### Event 23461 (274D0279)
**Date:** 3/1/1963
**Time:** 19:00:00.1
**Location:** 37.0445 -116.0265
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Jerboa” Yield: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_309
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0445 -116.0265", **LatLongDMS:** "37:02:40 N 116:01:35 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0445,-116.0265)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.30", **NukeName:** "Jerboa", **NukeSource:** "AEC", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "20"
### Event 23462 (B745595F)
**Date:** 3/1/1963
**Description:** On this day a photo of a flying saucer was taken over the Diet Building, Tokyo, Japan by a Mr. Hagiwara.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Yusuke J. Matsumura, Flying Saucers magazine, October 1965, p. 67
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1202
### Event 23463 (0D72070E)
**Date:** 3/3/1963
**Description:** The [Hills](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barney%5Fand%5FBetty%5FHill) are invited by their Unitarian church to discuss their UFO experience. They speak about it for the first time publicly.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clark III 584
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3697
### Event 23464 (D008B0BA)
**Date:** 3/6/1963
**Location:** Louisiana, Arkansas, Texas, various
**Description:** (McDonald list) Bright Flash & Radar Track in 3 States (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** NICAP: [630306](http://www.nicap.org/630306%5F3states%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2629
### Event 23465 (F5AD64AC)
**Date:** 3/9/1963
**Time:** 13:00?
**Description:** Many observer(s). Huge cylinder/cylindrical object west going quickly east by planes. Trails smoke turns up slow.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO AFRINEWS; Twice annually. Cynthia Hind, editor; PO Box MP 49, Mount Pleasant, Harare, Zimbabwe. (Index 8)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6753
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Republic of South Africa", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "WITWATERSRAND,RSA:MANY OBS:HUGE CYL W>>E by PLANES:TRAILS SMOKE TURNS UP SLOW", **LatLong:** "-26.216668 28.033335", **LatLongDMS:** "26:13:00 S 28:02:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-26.216668,28.033335)", **State/Prov:** "TRV", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 23466 (B622D08E)
**Date:** 3/9/1963
**Location:** Crystal Lake, Montana
**Description:** Amos Biggs observed a silver, saucer-shaped craft, with an oval dome, which landed on the frozen lake for 10 min. A "door" was opened and then shut, and the craft took off with a buzzing sound.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** FS Jul., 64 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_566
### Event 23467 (C078E6B9)
**Date:** 3/9/1963
**Description:** A silver, disc-shaped craft with an oval dome landed on a frozen lake in Crystal Lake, Montana for 10 minutes. A door in the object opened and then shut. The craft took off with a buzzing sound.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** George Fawcett, Flying Saucers magazine, June 1964, p. 56
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1392
### Event 23468 (AD184CE0)
**Date:** 3/11/1963
**Time:** 20:00
**Location:** WINDWARD, OAHU, HI
**Description:** Hundreds / land and air. Vibrant bright crescent going west / high altitude. Going down [to] slow to sea. / r44p41.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 769)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6754
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **SUB:** Submersible: Rises from or submerges into water, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "12", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "6", **HatchDesc:** "WINDWARD,OAHU,HI:100s/LAND+AIR:VBRITE CRESCENT >W/HI ALT:↓ SLOW to SEA:/r44p41", **LatLong:** "21.416668 -157.800008", **LatLongDMS:** "21:25:00 N 157:48:00 W", **Locale:** "Offshore", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/21.416668,-157.800008)", **State/Prov:** "Hawaii", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 23469 (8A67357A)
**Date:** 3/11/1963
**Location:** Oahu, HI
**Description:** Brilliant light headed west and leaving a trail observed by many people just after 8:00 p.m. Two National Guard pilots flying jets about 40 miles west of Honolulu reported UFO was "much higher" than their altitude of 40,000 feet and moving "very fast." (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2630
### Event 23470 (1F6F52A7)
**Date:** 3/11/1963
**Description:** At 8:00 p.m. two military witnesses in the Air National Guard, Parish and Joy, were flying over the Pacific Ocean near Oahu Island, Hawaii when they spotted a very bright, crescent-shaped UFO flying at high altitude. The object flew off to the west.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** APRO Bulletin, January-February 1964, p. 5; Dominique Weinstein, Aircraft UFO Encounters, p. 33
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1423
### Event 23471 (45F9D4C3)
**Date:** 3/12/1963
**Time:** 05:30
**Location:** YERUA', ARG
**Description:** 2 observer(s) photograph luminous object rising / forest reserve / heavy rain. / r8#567.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 12)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6755
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "46", **HatchDesc:** "YERUA',ARG:2 OBS FOTO LUMn.OBJ RISING/FOREST RESERVE/HEAVY RAIN:/r8#567", **LatLong:** "-31.455557 -58.277781", **LatLongDMS:** "31:27:20 S 58:16:40 W", **Locale:** "Rainforest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-31.455557,-58.277781)", **State/Prov:** "ENT", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 23472 (92BA92A1)
**Date:** 3/12/1963
**Location:** Paine, Chile
**Description:** Members of the Santiago NICAP Subcommittee observed a pulsating luminous white sphere about 7:50 p.m. The UFO moved from north to south, disappearing in the distance after about a minute. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2631
### Event 23473 (1E1A052B)
**Date:** 3/12/1963
**Time:** 0532
**Location:** Colonia Yerua, Argentina
**Description:** After an intense rainfall Pablo Michalowski and Roberto Jorge Martinez observed and photographed a luminous object that rose from a forest preserve about 2 km from Colonia Yerua.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** CODOVNI 1963 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_567
### Event 23474 (9160D66F)
**Date:** 3/13/1963
**Location:** PACIFIC 176° 41W-04° 35N
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Military observer(s). No further details [in] at all.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFOCAT CATALOG: Assorted Printouts. Donald A. Johnson Ph.D (CUFOS). P.O. Box 446, Concord, NH 03302-0446 (Index 70)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6756
**Attributes:** **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Pacific Ocean and non - Asian islands", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "PACIFIC 176°41W-04°35N:BBK#UNKN:MIL OBS:NFD AT ALL", **LatLong:** "4.583334 -176.683342", **LatLongDMS:** "04:35:00 N 176:41:00 W", **Locale:** "High Seas", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/4.583334,-176.683342)", **State/Prov:** "EQP", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 23475 (D0BC180E)
**Date:** 3/13/1963
**Time:** 22:30
**Description:** 3M saucer hits sand. Several lit portholes. Man with helmet. / FSR'63#5.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA; H. Regnery, Chicago HC 1969 & Contemporary Books,Chicago 1993. 372pp. (Index 568)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6757
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Republic of South Africa", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "8", **Elev:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "RICHARDS BAY,S AFR:3M SCR HITS SAND:SVRL LIT PORTHOLES:MAN W/HELMET:/FSR'63#5", **LatLong:** "-28.855557 32.033335", **LatLongDMS:** "28:51:20 S 32:02:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-28.855557,32.033335)", **State/Prov:** "NAT", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 23476 (254680AB)
**Date:** 3/13/1963
**Time:** 2230
**Location:** Richards Bay, South Africa
**Description:** Fred White was fishing when he heard a high-pitched whine coming from the east and saw an object come in his direction and land 15 m away, scattering sand. It was at least 30 m in diameter, and was shaped like two plates glued together. Through several oval portholes he could see light inside. A man with a fair complexion, wearing a metallic helmet, looked at the witness. He wore a sky-blue, one-piece coverall with no visible buttons or fasteners, and gloves made of shiny mesh. Warm air was felt as the craft took off about six min later, and radio interference was noted.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** FSR 63, 5 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_568
### Event 23477 (8C52E2CD)
**Date:** 3/13/1963
**Description:** Fred White was fishing in Richards Bay, South Africa at 10:30 p.m. when he heard a high-pitched whine coming from the east and saw an object come in his direction and land 15 meters away, scattering sand. It was at least 30 meters in diameter, and was shaped like two plates glued together. Through several oval portholes he could see light inside. A man with a fair complexion, wearing a metallic helmet, was looked at him through one of the portholes. He wore a sky-blue, one-piece coverall with no visible buttons or fasteners, and gloves made of shiny mesh. Warm air was felt as the craft took off about six minutes later, and radio interference was noted.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 568
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1451
### Event 23478 (F77A5198)
**Date:** 3/15/1963
**Location:** USS DURANT / PACIFIC 168° 19W-03° 45S
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Navy ship observer(s). No further details [in] at all.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFOCAT CATALOG: Assorted Printouts. Donald A. Johnson Ph.D (CUFOS). P.O. Box 446, Concord, NH 03302-0446 (Index 70)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6758
**Attributes:** **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Pacific Ocean and non - Asian islands", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "USS DURANT/PACIFIC 168°19W-03°45S:BBK#UNKN:NAVY SHIP OBS:NFD AT ALL", **LatLong:** "-3.750000 -168.316675", **LatLongDMS:** "03:45:00 S 168:19:00 W", **Locale:** "High Seas", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-3.750000,-168.316675)", **State/Prov:** "EQP", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 23479 (0B38F511)
**Date:** 3/15/1963
**Time:** 16:22:53.1
**Location:** 37.1258 -116.0448
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Toyah” Yield: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_310
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1258 -116.0448", **LatLongDMS:** "37:07:33 N 116:02:41 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1258,-116.0448)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.13", **NukeName:** "Toyah", **NukeSource:** "AEC", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "20"
### Event 23480 (170F33C7)
**Date:** 3/18/1963
**Time:** 20:30
**Location:** GREEK SHIP CREW
**Description:** Bright white moon-size fireball going quickly east / 1 minute(s). Leaves bright-white contrail.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 765)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6759
**Attributes:** **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Indian Ocean + islands", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "GREEK SHIP CREW:BRITE WHT MOONSIZE FBL >>E/1min:LEAVES BRITE-WHT CONTRAIL", **LatLong:** "16.816667 63.683336", **LatLongDMS:** "16:49:00 N 63:41:00 E", **Locale:** "High Seas", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/16.816667,63.683336)", **State/Prov:** "ARB", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 23481 (491DB145)
**Date:** 3/18/1963
**Location:** Cape Canaveral, FL
**Description:** Minuteman Veers Off Course (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** NICAP: [630318](http://www.nicap.org/630318canav%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2632
### Event 23482 (808DB1AF)
**Date:** 3/18/1963
**Time:** 10:02:00.4
**Location:** 24.0413 5.0521
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground. Country: France Name: “emeraude” Yield: 0KT YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1843
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "24.0413 5.0521", **LatLongDMS:** "24:02:29 N 05:03:08 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/24.0413,5.0521)", **NukeCountry:** "France", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "4.86", **NukeName:** "emeraude", **NukeSource:** "BOLT", **NukeType:** "U", **NukeY:** "0", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 23483 (7CD4D7C5)
**Date:** 3/18/1963
**Description:** In 1963 a UFO was seen from Cape Canaveral, Florida as a Minuteman missile malfunctioned and veered off course. On that same night, at 8:30 p.m., the crew of a Greek ship, the "Hellenic Laurel", watched a bright white fireball shoot to the east for one minute. It was described as the apparent size of the Moon, and it left a bright white contrail.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP Investigator, March-April 1963, p. 4; APRO Bulletin, September-October 1963, p. 6
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1548
### Event 23484 (5F40B4E3)
**Date:** 3/22/1963
**Time:** 15:40
**Location:** RICHARDSON, TX
**Description:** 1 observer. 2 dull-white ovoids going quickly east fast. 2 more going quickly west. 1 turns going quickly north.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 767)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6760
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "196", **HatchDesc:** "RICHARDSON,TX:1 OBS:2 DULL-WHITE OVOIDS >>E FAST:2 MORE >>W:1 TURNS >>N", **LatLong:** "32.950002 -96.727782", **LatLongDMS:** "32:57:00 N 96:43:40 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/32.950002,-96.727782)", **State/Prov:** "Texas", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 23485 (27F389A0)
**Date:** 3/29/1963
**Time:** 15:49:00.1
**Location:** 37.0417 -116.0184
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Gerbil” Yield: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_311
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0417 -116.0184", **LatLongDMS:** "37:02:30 N 116:01:06 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0417,-116.0184)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.28", **NukeName:** "Gerbil", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "20"
### Event 23486 (671D9A24)
**Date:** 3/30/1963
**Time:** 09:59:00.3
**Location:** 24.0433 5.0570
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground. Country: France Name: “amethyste” Yield: 0KT YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1844
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "24.0433 5.0570", **LatLongDMS:** "24:02:36 N 05:03:25 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/24.0433,5.0570)", **NukeCountry:** "France", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "amethyste", **NukeSource:** "BOLT", **NukeType:** "U", **NukeY:** "0", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 23487 (B9FBED7C)
**Date:** 4/1963
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) [Joseph Hynek](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/HynekJosephAllen.html) writes in *Yale Scientific Magazine*: The average witness is above average, honest and serious. No truly scientific examination of the UFO phenomenon has been undertaken despite the enormous volume of raw data.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1963.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1990
### Event 23488 (49243399)
**Date:** 4/1963
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Major [Hector Quintanilla](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/QuintanillaHectorV.html) succeeds Major [Robert J. Friend](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/FriendRobertJ.html) as head of the [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) project.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1963.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1991
### Event 23489 (D89F85E6)
**Date:** 4/1963
**Description:** Big wave going [to] May. Night lights. Figure(s). Animals terrified. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v16#5.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** TRENCH, Brinsley Le Poer: MYSTERIOUS VISITORS - the UFO Story; Stein & Day, NY 1971-73 (Index 81)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6761
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Republic of South Africa", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "159", **HatchDesc:** "CLANWILLIAM+BOSKLOOF,RSA:BIG WAVE>MAY:NLTS:FIGs:ANIMALS TERRIFIED:/FSR v16#5", **LatLong:** "-32.166668 18.866668", **LatLongDMS:** "32:10:00 S 18:52:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-32.166668,18.866668)", **State/Prov:** "CAP", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 23490 (628060AE)
**Date:** 4/1963 (approximate)
**Time:** 07:50
**Location:** US40 EAST / ROOSEVELT, UT
**Description:** Observer(s) via rifle-scope. Saucer hovers. Face in window on dome. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SALISBURY, Frank: The UTAH UFO DISPLAY -- a Biologist Reports; 1974 Devin Adair, New Greenwich,CT. HB 286pp. ISBN 0-815-97000-5 (Index 240)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6762
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "15", **Elev:** "1580", **HatchDesc:** "US40 E/ROOSEVELT,UT:OBS via RIFLE-SCOPE:SCR HVRS:FACE in WINDOW on DOME:NFD", **LatLong:** "40.300002 -109.950005", **LatLongDMS:** "40:18:00 N 109:57:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.300002,-109.950005)", **State/Prov:** "Utah", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 23491 (A33752ED)
**Date:** 4/1963
**Time:** 14:00
**Description:** Black disk filmed. Hovers / 3000M altitude / 5 minute(s). Away / 62 Gs!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BOURRET, Jean-Claude: Le NOUVEAU DEFI des OVNI. Editions France Loisirs, Paris. 1976 ISBN 2-7242-0104-3 395pp. (Index 21)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6763
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Algeria", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "HAMAGUIR Prv.Gnds,ALGERIA:BLK DISK FILMED:HVRS/3000M alt/5min:AWAY/62 Gs!", **LatLong:** "30.916668 -3.116667", **LatLongDMS:** "30:55:00 N 03:07:00 W", **Locale:** "Desert", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/30.916668,-3.116667)", **State/Prov:** "Bechar", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 23492 (B3DF95A5)
**Date:** 4/1963
**Time:** 20:00
**Description:** Several observer(s). Black spot shoots thin rays. Starts and stops. Going south. Going quickly east.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** DONG, Paul: UFO's Over MODERN CHINA. 1983 UFO Photo Archives; P. O. Box 17206; Tucson, AZ 85710. (Index 43)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6764
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "China", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "YANGTZE+HANSHUI Rvr,CH:SVRL OBS:BLK SPOT SHOOTS THIN RAYS:STARTS+STOPS:> S:>>E", **LatLong:** "30.500001 113.000005", **LatLongDMS:** "30:30:00 N 113:00:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/30.500001,113.000005)", **State/Prov:** "HUB", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 23493 (20BAA1EB)
**Date:** 4/1963
**Description:** An article by [J. Allen Hynek](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J.%5FAllen%5FHynek) appears in the Yale Scientific Magazine.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** J. Allen Hynek, “Flying Saucers I Have Known,” Yale Scientific Magazine 37 \(April 1963\): 6–9; Loren E. Gross, [The Fifth Horseman of the Apocalypse:](https://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1963-Jan-Jun.pdf) [UFOs, a History: January–June 1963](https://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1963-Jan-Jun.pdf)[,](https://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1963-Jan-Jun.pdf) The Author, 2005, pp. 42–62
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3698
### Event 23494 (11BB5F56)
**Date:** 4/1/1963
**Description:** At 3:30 p.m. Mr. A. Mostaccieli in Chileno Valley, California reported seeing cattle panic and run when several small beings got out of a disc-shaped UFO. They caught a calf and took it on board the craft, then collected some plants. He also reported a scorched area 10 meters wide. The local sheriff considered the report a practical joke.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Petaluma Argus Courier, April 1, 1966; John A. Keel, Operation Trojan Horse, p. 165; John Wallace Spencer, UFO Yearbook, p. 102
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1782
### Event 23495 (FA1A6D67)
**Date:** 4/3/1963
**Time:** 21:00
**Description:** Steamship Kungsholm. Odd cloud going quickly west. Breaks / concentric rings and night lights.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 765)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6765
**Attributes:** **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Pacific Ocean and non - Asian islands", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "7", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "HAWAII>>W:BREAKS/COMCENTRIC RINGS+NLTS", **LatLong:** "28.250001 -138.000007", **LatLongDMS:** "28:15:00 N 138:00:00 W", **Locale:** "High Seas", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/28.250001,-138.000007)", **State/Prov:** "NPC", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 23496 (1F09E821)
**Date:** 4/5/1963
**Time:** 17:52:00.1
**Location:** 37.0373 -116.0239
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Ferret Prime” Yield: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_312
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0373 -116.0239", **LatLongDMS:** "37:02:14 N 116:01:26 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0373,-116.0239)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.24", **NukeName:** "Ferret Prime", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "20"
### Event 23497 (AC88992E)
**Date:** 4/10/1963
**Time:** 12:50
**Description:** United Airlines (UAL) pilot. Silver cylinder with orange nose and silver-orange tail. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** WEINSTEIN, Dominique; UAP: 80 Years of Pilot Sightings Privately published. 7 avenue Bartholome. 75015 Paris, FRANCE. (Index 0)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6766
**Attributes:** **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "45", **HatchDesc:** "E/PHOENIXVILLE,PA:UAL PILOT:SLVR CYLINDER W/ORG.NOSE+SLVR-ORG TAIL:NFD", **LatLong:** "40.133335 -75.433337", **LatLongDMS:** "40:08:00 N 75:26:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.133335,-75.433337)", **State/Prov:** "Pennsylvania", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 23498 (67B21436)
**Date:** 4/10/1963
**Time:** 16:01:30.1
**Location:** 37.0488 -116.0303
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Coypu” Yield: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_313
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0488 -116.0303", **LatLongDMS:** "37:02:56 N 116:01:49 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0488,-116.0303)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.07", **NukeName:** "Coypu", **NukeSource:** "AEC", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "20"
### Event 23499 (A327936E)
**Date:** 4/11/1963
**Time:** 16:03:00.2
**Location:** 37.1567 -116.0710
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Cumberland” Yield: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_314
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1567 -116.0710", **LatLongDMS:** "37:09:24 N 116:04:16 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1567,-116.0710)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.23", **NukeName:** "Cumberland", **NukeSource:** "AEC", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "20"
### Event 23500 (B6FD8466)
**Date:** 4/15/1963
**Location:** USNS COSSATOT
**Description:** 166° 23W-24° 43N. Military observer(s) / Blue Book. No further details. Fireballs going down / sea in Fiji / 04 April. / APRO.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFOCAT CATALOG: Assorted Printouts. Donald A. Johnson Ph.D (CUFOS). P.O. Box 446, Concord, NH 03302-0446 (Index 70)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6767
**Attributes:** **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Pacific Ocean and non - Asian islands", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "USNS COSSATOT:166°23W-24°43N:MIL OBS/BBK:NFD::FBLS ↓/SEA in FIJI/04APR:/APRO", **LatLong:** "24.716668 -166.383341", **LatLongDMS:** "24:43:00 N 166:23:00 W", **Locale:** "High Seas", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/24.716668,-166.383341)", **State/Prov:** "NPC", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 23501 (06261DFB)
**Date:** 4/18/1963
**Location:** USA, Los Lunas (N.M.)
**Description:** (Translated from French) Paul Villa affair, hoaxer. This mechanic, then aged 49, claimed that the craft in this picture he took on April 18, 1963 contained three beings with whom he conversed. Two months later he photographed a different UFO which, he said, had nine entities from Coma Berenices on board, who visited him for an hour and a half.
**Reference:** "UFO Files", ed. Marshall Cavendish, Paris 1998, Special Issue, p. 24
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2250
### Event 23502 (8AA1D67B)
**Date:** 4/21/1963
**Location:** POLAND, Warsaw
**Description:** (Translated from French) We lived on the ground floor of an apartment in a dead-end street in Warsaw. I was about to go to bed, around 11 pm on April 21, 1963, and I was standing with my back to the window, whose curtains were closed. My wife was already asleep. Then I heard a woman's voice saying, "Look! Look!" in a pleasant but urgent tone. I immediately knew I had to look out the window into the street, where a gas bottle was hissing. Suddenly, the room was lit up by a light like that of a full moon, although the curtains were still closed. I rushed to the window and opened the curtains. I then saw a strange, frightening light. It was raining, but the raindrops seemed to be part of this pale, moon-like light. Then came a third, equally impressive vision: a hail of fire began to fall, with hailstones the size of hazelnuts that had nothing of the appearance of pieces of ice, but rather that of drops of steel running off during welding. These hailstones quickly covered the street and made a dull sound as they hit the shutters. I hoped to be able to pick up some of these hailstones as soon as they were cold. But as soon as they hit the ground they only kept their shape for a moment, immediately losing their steel-like color: they became gray and completely disappeared without leaving any trace. I woke up my wife. She was able to observe these strange things with me, which amazed us. As the rain crackled and the hailstones pounded against the shutters, we heard every ten seconds a curious explosion - a dry sound like that of a cork popping - which announced a renewed wave of rain and hail. At greater and more irregular intervals we also heard a kind of whistling and crackling similar to that of tram and trolleybus cables short-circuited by the pole when it has jumped. This lasted about an hour. In the morning we had confirmation from all our neighbors who had observed the phenomenon exactly as we had done ourselves. (Ion HOBANA/Julien WEVERBERGH: "Les OVNI en URSS et dans les pays de l'Est" - trad. Laffont 1976, p. 262-263) Metal balls the size of hazelnuts fell on Warsaw in the night of April 22 to 23. These balls shone with the red color of fire. They covered the streets and electric crackling was heard.
**Reference:** Internet, http://www.wufoc.com, WUFOC site
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2251
### Event 23503 (3D0005E3)
**Date:** 4/21/1963
**Location:** PACIFIC 173° 00W-42° 20N
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Military observer(s) = naval air crew. No further details [in] at all.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFOCAT CATALOG: Assorted Printouts. Donald A. Johnson Ph.D (CUFOS). P.O. Box 446, Concord, NH 03302-0446 (Index 70)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6768
**Attributes:** **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Pacific Ocean and non - Asian islands", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "PACIFIC 173°00W-42°20N:BBK#UNKN:MIL OBS = NAVAL AIR CREW:NFD AT ALL", **LatLong:** "42.333335 -173.000008", **LatLongDMS:** "42:20:00 N 173:00:00 W", **Locale:** "High Seas", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.333335,-173.000008)", **State/Prov:** "NPC", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 23504 (6AAF75D3)
**Date:** 4/24/1963
**Time:** 16:09:30.1
**Location:** 37.1206 -116.0363
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Kootanai” Yield: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_315
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1206 -116.0363", **LatLongDMS:** "37:07:14 N 116:02:11 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1206,-116.0363)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.18", **NukeName:** "Kootanai", **NukeSource:** "AEC", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "20"
### Event 23505 (8CA1856E)
**Date:** 4/24/1963
**Time:** 16:09:30.1
**Location:** 37.1205 -116.0362
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Paisano” Yield: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_316
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1205 -116.0362", **LatLongDMS:** "37:07:14 N 116:02:10 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1205,-116.0362)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.06", **NukeName:** "Paisano", **NukeSource:** "AEC", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "20"
### Event 23506 (23D1629D)
**Date:** 4/28/1963
**Time:** 12:00
**Location:** ALBUQUERQUE, NM
**Description:** Ovoid bobs around sky near schoolyard. Skin and eye damage. Local wave.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLAMMONDE, Paris: The AGE of FLYING SAUCERS; Hawthorne Books, NY 1971 (Index 171)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6769
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "1488", **HatchDesc:** "ALBUQUERQUE,NM:OVOID BOBS AROUND SKY nr SCHOOLYARD:SKIN+EYE DAMAGE:LOCAL WAVE", **LatLong:** "35.100002 -106.633338", **LatLongDMS:** "35:06:00 N 106:38:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/35.100002,-106.633338)", **State/Prov:** "New Mexico", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 23507 (9604EEBC)
**Date:** 4/30/1963
**Locations:** Copenhagen; Frederica, Denmark
**Description:** [Adamski](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George%5FAdamski) arrives in Copenhagen for another scheduled lecture tour of Europe at the invitation of Hans C. Petersen, He attends the Skandinavisk UFO Information Congress in Frederica, Denmark.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Final Years,](https://www.the-adamski-case.nl/his-life/final-years/)” The Adamski Case, June 11, 2009
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3699
### Event 23508 (F88876C0)
**Date:** 5/1963
**Location:** USA
**Reference:** "The War of the Satellites" - Volume 3 - Pierre Kohler, ed. Famot 1982, p. 90, 91
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2252
### Event 23509 (4BB53A3B)
**Date:** 5/1963
**Location:** ROMANIA, Focsani
**Description:** (Translated from French) At about 11pm I was outside in the street when a strong light made me turn around. (...) I then saw behind and above me a sphere at 500 or 600 m altitude which, in a few fractions of a second, was above my head, very low, like an airplane dropping medicine boxes in inaccessible areas for rescue. The thing had the apparent diameter of a handball and it emitted a very bright white light with orange spots. The street was illuminated as if it was day by this thing which came from the south and went at full speed (constant) towards the north. When it reached far away (...) it stopped. Its passage, even at the closest, was accompanied by no noise except for a slight whistle when the blinking red-white light became visible. A feeling of cold, I think caused by my fear, seized me at the moment of its passage above me and even afterwards, while the night temperature was very mild. (May, 1963)
**Reference:** Ion HOBANA/Julien WEVERBERGH: "Les OVNI en URSS et dans les pays de l'Est" - trad. Laffont 1976, p. 300
**Reference:** Stelian Vasilescu
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2255
### Event 23510 (48875DFE)
**Date:** 5/1963?
**Time:** 02:00
**Location:** 100MI NORTH / ADELAIDE, SA
**Description:** 1 observer. Saucer lands. 7' figure exits. "Photographs" plants with cake-tin. Missing time?
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 196)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6770
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **GNT:** Giant: Large/tall alien, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens, **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "100mi N/ADELAIDE,SA:1 OBS:SCR LANDS:7'FIG EXITS:"FOTOS" PLANTS W/CAKE-TIN:MST?", **LatLong:** "-33.200002 138.500007", **LatLongDMS:** "33:12:00 S 138:30:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-33.200002,138.500007)", **State/Prov:** "South Australia", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 23511 (70389282)
**Date:** 5/7/1963
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Launch of the Telstar 2 satellite. (May 7)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1963.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1992
### Event 23512 (97DB2AC1)
**Date:** 5/7/1963
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) The American astronaut [Gordon Cooper](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/CooperLeroyGordon.html) broke the record for the longest space flight: 34 hours and 20 minutes, aboard *Faith-7*. During the final orbit, he warned the ground station near Perth that a green object was approaching him from East to West, against the direction of the orbits made by man at that time. The phenomenon was also detected by the Perth detection equipment. NBC broadcasted the report and planned to interview Cooper, who said nothing and referred to the official statement announced by the [NASA](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/NASA.html). But no statement would come from the [NASA](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/NASA.html).
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1963.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1993
### Event 23513 (FC0115B3)
**Date:** 5/7/1963
**Time:** ~20:00
**Description:** Power goes out. 6M saucer / antennae outside house. Buzz. / FSR'63#4.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA; H. Regnery, Chicago HC 1969 & Contemporary Books,Chicago 1993. 372pp. (Index 569)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6771
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "24", **HatchDesc:** "KIRKBY,MERSEYSIDE:POWER GOES OUT:6M SCR/ANTENNAE OUTSIDE HOUSE:BUZZ:/FSR'63#4", **LatLong:** "53.483336 -2.900000", **LatLongDMS:** "53:29:00 N 02:54:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/53.483336,-2.900000)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 23514 (54BE054B)
**Date:** 5/7/1963
**Time:** evening
**Location:** Kirkby, Great Britain
**Description:** Margaret McCutcheon and her 13-year-old son reported to the police that, after the house lights blacked out while watching television, they saw an object about 6 m in diameter, with two aerials and a red light flashing, emitting a low buzz, near the house. After one minute, it flew away.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** FSR 63, 4 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_569
### Event 23515 (1F930F76)
**Date:** 5/7/1963
**Description:** On this evening in Kirkby, Merseyside, England Margaret McCutcheon and her 13-year-old son reported to the police that, after the lights blacked out in their home while watching television, they saw an object about six meters in diameter near the house. It had two aerials and a red flashing light, and it was emitting a low buzzing sound. After a minute, it flew away.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Flying Saucer Review, July-August 1963; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case # 569
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2615
### Event 23516 (8A608281)
**Date:** 5/8/1963 (approximate)
**Time:** ~13:00
**Description:** Observer(s) = 1 / 50 on NATO DC8. Huge fast cylinder/cigar-shape. Extreme turbulence.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 327)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6772
**Attributes:** **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **MIL:** Military investigation
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Atlantic Ocean + islands", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "ATLANTIC PARIS<>OTTAWA:OBS=1/50 on NATO DC8:HUGE FAST CGR:EXTREME TURBULENCE:", **LatLong:** "52.000002 -30.000001", **LatLongDMS:** "52:00:00 N 30:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/52.000002,-30.000001)", **State/Prov:** "NAT", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 23517 (7BFB094C)
**Date:** 5/9/1963
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Signing of the Status of Forces Agreement between the Australian Government and the US Government, concerning the Status of US Forces in Australia (9 May)
**Reference:** \[ATS 1963 No. 10 UNTS 469 p. 55; TIAS 5349\] \[Pine Gap Treaty 1966\]..
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1963.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2001
### Event 23518 (DC701F1C)
**Date:** 5/9/1963
**Time:** 18:19:30.1
**Location:** 37.0494 -116.0156
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Gundi Prime” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_317
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0494 -116.0156", **LatLongDMS:** "37:02:58 N 116:00:56 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0494,-116.0156)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.27", **NukeName:** "Gundi Prime", **NukeSource:** "AEC", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 23519 (5AE76573)
**Date:** 5/15/1963
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) [Cooper](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/CooperLeroyGordon.html) completes 22 orbits aboard the last capsule [*Mercury*](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/Mercury.html). (May 15)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1963.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2002
### Event 23520 (2E54CC4C)
**Date:** 5/15/1963
**Description:** Car stops to see odd object / road. Follow car to town! / LDLN#71.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA; H. Regnery, Chicago HC 1969 & Contemporary Books,Chicago 1993. 372pp. (Index 570)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6773
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "BERGERAC>BORDEAUX,FR:CAR STOPS TO SEE ODD OBJ/ROAD:FOLO CAR TO TOWN!:/LDLN#71", **LatLong:** "45.050002 0.033333", **LatLongDMS:** "45:03:00 N 00:02:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.050002,0.033333)", **State/Prov:** "Gironde", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 23521 (2B418803)
**Date:** 5/15/1963
**Location:** Yvrac-Maille, France
**Description:** Mr. and Mrs. D., of Carignan, saw an object on the ground to the left of the road as they were driving between Bergerac and Bordeaux, beyond the Yvrac intersection, 2.5 km from Maille. They stopped to observe it, and the object then followed them for part of their trip.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** LDLN 71 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_570
### Event 23522 (2D4CE32A)
**Date:** 5/15/1963
**Location:** 37.0000 -115.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Double Tracks” Yield: 0KT YieldMax: 0KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_318
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0000 -115.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:00 N 115:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0000,-115.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Double Tracks", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NACU", **NukeY:** "0", **NukeYMax:** "0"
### Event 23523 (636C1B65)
**Date:** 5/15/1963
**Locations:** Sandia National Laboratories; Tonopah Test Range; Nevada
**Description:** Sandia National Laboratories conducts the first of four top-secret, dry-surface plutonium-dispersal tests at the Tonopah Test Range in Nevada, as part of Operation Roller Coaster. The other tests are on May 25, May 31, and June 9. The intent is to investigate exposure of animals \(dogs, sheep, and burros\) to plutonium dispersal in a non- nuclear scenario.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Operation Roller Coaster](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation%5FRoller%5FCoaster)”; Lt. Col. J. L. Dick, et al., “[Operation Roller Coaster:](https://www.osti.gov/opennet/servlets/purl/16004569.pdf) [Interim Summary Report \(II\),](https://www.osti.gov/opennet/servlets/purl/16004569.pdf)” Department of Defense, September 1963
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3700
### Event 23524 (714FE57D)
**Date:** 5/15/1963
**Description:** Mr. and Mrs. D. of Carignan, France saw an object on the ground to the left side of the road as they were driving between Bergerac and Bordeaux, beyond the Yvrac intersection, 2.5 km from Maille, Gironde department. They stopped to observe it, and the object then followed them for part of their trip. The sighting lasted 10 minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 570, citing Lumieres dans la Nuit, issue # 71
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2851
### Event 23525 (3AE6EFE4)
**Date:** 5/16/1963
**Location:** USA- SPACE
**Description:** (Translated from French) Gordon Cooper reported the presence of a greenish UFO with a red tail during his fifteenth orbit. He also reported other mysterious observations above South America and Australia. The object he saw above Perth, Australia was seen on the screens of ground tracking radar stations. (J. Allen HYNEK and Jacques VALLEE: "At the Limits of Reality" - ed. Albin Michel 1978, p. 84) (Philippe SCHNEYDER: "UFO, First Balance" ed. du Rocher 1983, p. 232) (Jacques POTTIER: "Flying Saucers" - DE VECCHI - 1974 - p. 42) (Pierre DELVAL: "Contacts of the 4th Type" - De Vecchi 1979, p. 214) (Jean-Francis CROLARD: "The Enigma of the E.T." - ed. Guy TREDANIEL 1995, p. 34) Astronaut Cooper: Above Hawaii, he heard voices on a special frequency, speaking an unknown language, which, after examination of the tape, turns out to not correspond to any known terrestrial language. Flying over Perth, Australia, saw a large UFO, also observed by ground control station.
**Reference:** Charles BERLITZ and William L. MOORE: "The Mystery of Rosswell, the Space Wrecked" ed. Franc Empire 1981, p. 18
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2253
### Event 23526 (269CC98D)
**Date:** 5/16/1963
**Location:** MERCURY 9
**Description:** G. Cooper and Perth ground RADAR. Green UFO follows module. Odd voices / tape. / r22p9.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 33)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6774
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **HOX:** Suspicion of hoax, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CVS:** Conversation/communication, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **RDR:** Radar traces/blips, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Earth Orbit or seen from space stations/capsules", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "MERCURY 9:G.COOPER+PERTH GND RDR:GRN UFO FOLOS MODULE:ODD VOICES/TAPE:/r22p9", **LatLong:** "-32.000002 115.000005", **LatLongDMS:** "32:00:00 S 115:00:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-32.000002,115.000005)", **State/Prov:** "Unknown", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 23527 (0B1AF445)
**Date:** 5/17/1963
**Time:** 14:55:00.1
**Location:** 37.0439 -116.0156
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Harkee” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_319
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0439 -116.0156", **LatLongDMS:** "37:02:38 N 116:00:56 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0439,-116.0156)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.24", **NukeName:** "Harkee", **NukeSource:** "AEC", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 23528 (1D905E34)
**Date:** 5/17/1963
**Time:** 14:55:00.1
**Location:** 37.0483 -116.0324
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Tejon” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_320
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0483 -116.0324", **LatLongDMS:** "37:02:54 N 116:01:57 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0483,-116.0324)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.07", **NukeName:** "Tejon", **NukeSource:** "AEC", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 23529 (2BC603B8)
**Date:** 5/18/1963
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Sighting in New Plymouth \(New Zealand\). (May 18)
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#8360 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1963.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1994
### Event 23530 (BDD432CD)
**Date:** 5/18/1963
**Time:** 07:00
**Description:** Radio cuts out as saucer passes over car.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RODEGHIER, Mark/CUFOS: UFO REPORTS INVOLVING VEHICLE INTERFERENCE; CUFOS 1979. Available as CUFOS UFO Archive #1 CD-ROM. http://www.cufos.org/Pubform.pdf (Index 20)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6775
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "BEACHPORT,S.AUSTRL:RADIO CUTS OUT as SCR PASSES OVER CAR: ", **LatLong:** "-37.466668 140.033340", **LatLongDMS:** "37:28:00 S 140:02:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-37.466668,140.033340)", **State/Prov:** "South Australia", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 23531 (B1E04477)
**Date:** 5/18/1963
**Time:** 22:30
**Location:** NEW PLYMOUTH, NZ
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #8360. Unidentified. Blurry 60' disk checks campsite. 270° turn and zips off.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SCIENCE & MECHANICS (eds.) OFFICIAL GUIDE to UFO'S; Ace Books, NY. 1968. (Index 147)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6776
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "New Zealand", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "4", **HatchDesc:** "NEW PLYMOUTH,NZ:BBK#8360:UID:BLURRY 60' DISK CHECKS CAMPSITE:270°TURN+ZIPS OFF", **LatLong:** "-39.066669 174.216675", **LatLongDMS:** "39:04:00 S 174:13:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-39.066669,174.216675)", **State/Prov:** "NI", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 23532 (A5DD7F18)
**Date:** 5/18/1963
**Location:** New Plymouth, NZ
**Description:** White, fuzzy, flashing light hover and dart around (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 8360)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2633
### Event 23533 (28AF2ECC)
**Date:** 5/18/1963
**Description:** A 15-year-old student was out camping at 10:30 p.m. near New Plymouth, New Zealand when he heard a wild animal on a nearby hill wailing. He next saw a crescent or semi-disc shaped UFO flying in the sky, looking like a stingray. It changed color from red to dark blue as it changed speed and direction.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Project Blue Book files counted in official statistics, case # 8360; Lloyd Mallan, Official Guide to UFOs, p. 20, Richard Hall, The UFO Evidence (Volume I), p. 118
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2953
### Event 23534 (EF94FE6F)
**Date:** 5/19/1963
**Description:** A 17-year-old teen named Bushbridge encountered an ovoid object by the side of road as he was driving near Mount Gambier, South Australia. When he got to within six meters of it a bright light dazzled him. The five-meter long object rose vertically, then moved across the road over his car, making a roaring noise.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Keith Basterfield, UFO Research Australia, March 1982, p. 24; Michael Hervey, UFOs over the Southern Hemisphere, p. 172
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2976
### Event 23535 (52950EE6)
**Date:** 5/20/1963
**Time:** 21:30
**Description:** Ovoid crosses road and soars up as car nears. / MJ#241. / r229-82#2.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA; H. Regnery, Chicago HC 1969 & Contemporary Books,Chicago 1993. 372pp. (Index 571)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6777
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "nr GLENCOE,S.AUST:OVOID CROSSES ROAD+SOARS UP AS CAR NEARS:/MJ#241:/r229-82#2", **LatLong:** "-37.683335 140.083340", **LatLongDMS:** "37:41:00 S 140:05:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-37.683335,140.083340)", **State/Prov:** "South Australia", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 23536 (7FD6AF18)
**Date:** 5/20/1963
**Time:** evening
**Location:** Glencoe, Australia
**Description:** A 17-year-old witness, who wishes anonymity for fear of ridicule, saw what he first thought was a bulldozer by the side of the road. He came within 20 m of it, then was blinded by a strong light as his car suddenly stopped. The object crossed the road and flew away. The light was as intense as that of a welder's torch. The witness's father testified that his son came home white and visibly terrified.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** APRO Nov., 63 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_571
### Event 23537 (6CAFA4F5)
**Date:** 5/20/1963
**Description:** On this evening a 17-year-old witness named Bushbridge, driving his car between Glencoe and Mount Gambier, South Australia saw what he at first thought was a bulldozer by the side of the road. He came within 20 meters of it, and then was blinded by a strong light as his car suddenly stopped. The object crossed the road and flew away. The light was as intense as a welder's torch. The witness's father later testified that his son came home white and visibly terrified.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** APRO Bulletin, November 1963, p. 6; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 571; Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, p. 20
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3006
### Event 23538 (67FABDE3)
**Date:** 5/21/1963
**Description:** Night light / roadside going up [to] and hovers. Follows car. News. No further details. / r78p194.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO EVIDENCE; NICAP,Washington, DC 1964. Reprinted 1997 Barnes & Noble Books ( only $7.98! ) (Index 140)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6778
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "nr MT GAMBIER,S.AUSTR:NLT/ROADSIDE ↑+HVRS:FOLLOWS CAR:NEWS:NFD:/r78p194", **LatLong:** "-37.500002 140.883340", **LatLongDMS:** "37:30:00 S 140:53:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-37.500002,140.883340)", **State/Prov:** "South Australia", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 23539 (82BF76C9)
**Date:** 5/21/1963
**Location:** Mt. Gambler (near), AU
**Description:** Unconfirmed report that a brilliant light followed a car. A youth stated the object was at side of road, rose suddenly as he approached, hovered overhead, then followed car. The Dominion. Adelaide, reported May 22 this was "the second report of such an occurrence in a week." (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2634
### Event 23540 (791FF414)
**Date:** 5/22/1963
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Sighting at Pequannock \(New Jersey\). (May 22)
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#8363 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1963.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1995
### Event 23541 (0361794C)
**Date:** 5/22/1963
**Time:** 22:50
**Location:** PEQUANNOCK, NJ
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #8363. 1 observer. 4 pink wheels spin east going quickly west very fast in succession.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BERLINER, DON: The BLUEBOOK UNKNOWNS; (FUFOR). (Index 31)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6779
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "55", **HatchDesc:** "PEQUANNOCK,NJ:BBK#8363:1 OBS:4 PINK WHEELS SPIN E>>W VFAST IN SUCCESSION", **LatLong:** "40.950002 -74.300004", **LatLongDMS:** "40:57:00 N 74:18:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.950002,-74.300004)", **State/Prov:** "New Jersey", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 23542 (53B4FE1B)
**Date:** 5/22/1963
**Location:** Pequannock, NJ
**Description:** 4 pink wheels spin or roll very fast from E to W in succession (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 8363)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2635
### Event 23543 (180BD098)
**Date:** 5/22/1963
**Time:** 10:45 PM
**Location:** Pequannock, New Jersey
**Description:** Witness: Myra Jackson. Four pink wheels spun or rolled very fast from east to west in succession, each taking about 1 second.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_485
### Event 23544 (0FB1ADA0)
**Date:** 5/22/1963
**Time:** 15:40:00.1
**Location:** 37.1111 -116.0391
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Stones” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 200KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_321
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1111 -116.0391", **LatLongDMS:** "37:06:40 N 116:02:21 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1111,-116.0391)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.39", **NukeMb:** "4.84", **NukeName:** "Stones", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "200"
### Event 23545 (A417131B)
**Date:** 5/22/1963
**Description:** Four pink wheels spun in the sky while flying from the east to the west very fast in succession. They were witnessed by a civilian named Jackson in Pequannock, New Jersey at 10:50 p.m.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Project Blue Book files counted in official statistics, case # 8363; Don Berliner, Project Blue Book Unknowns, p. 31
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3035
### Event 23546 (AB458157)
**Date:** 5/23/1963
**Location:** USA, Kwajalein Atoll
**Reference:** "The War of the Satellites" - Volume 3 - Pierre Kohler, ed. Famot 1982, p. 146
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2254
### Event 23547 (45F0228B)
**Date:** 5/23/1963
**Time:** 12:00?
**Location:** SUNNYVALE, CA
**Description:** Bluish saucer hovers and circles slowly / treetop level. Quickly going up [to] and gone. / r78p194.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO EVIDENCE; NICAP,Washington, DC 1964. Reprinted 1997 Barnes & Noble Books ( only $7.98! ) (Index 140)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6780
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "39", **HatchDesc:** "SUNNYVALE,CA:BLUISH SCR HOVERS+CIRCLES SLOWLY/TREETOP LEVEL:↑↑+GONE:/r78p194", **LatLong:** "37.366668 -122.033339", **LatLongDMS:** "37:22:00 N 122:02:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.366668,-122.033339)", **RelAlt:** "20", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 23548 (81B9D580)
**Date:** 5/23/1963
**Time:** 23:00
**Location:** WARSAW, POL
**Description:** Voice / nowhere says"look". Glowing hail going down [to] outside. Evaporates. / r84p213.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LDLN CONTACT LECTEURS: by Series and #. May'68 -JAN'72 (Entire set of 18 issues) LDLN local chapters & individual members' UFO reports. (Index 51)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6781
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **TLP:** Telepathy, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **NFO:** No craft seen, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CVS:** Conversation/communication, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Poland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "30", **HatchDesc:** "WARSAW,POL:VOICE/NOWHERE SAYS"LOOK":GLOWING HAIL ↓ OUTSIDE:EVAPORATES:/r84p213", **LatLong:** "52.233336 21.083334", **LatLongDMS:** "52:14:00 N 21:05:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/52.233336,21.083334)", **State/Prov:** "WAR", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 23549 (AC337B61)
**Date:** 5/23/1963
**Location:** Sunnyvale, CA
**Description:** Bluish disc observed hovering and circling slowly, apparently at tree-top height; rose vertically and disappeared. \[Report via Bay Area NICAP Subcommittee.\] (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2636
### Event 23550 (0E90531B)
**Date:** 5/24/1963
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) An A-12 \(\#123\) tested from [Groom Lake](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/Area51.html) crashes due to pilot icing 14 miles south of Wendover \(Utah\). The pilot, Collins, survives. (May 24)
**Reference:** McIninch
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1963.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1996
### Event 23551 (ED6BD90A)
**Date:** 5/24/1963
**Locations:** Wendover, Utah; Boston, Massachusetts
**Description:** An A-12 piloted by [Kenneth S. Collins](https://archive.sltrib.com/article.php?id=51976355&itype=cmsid) crashes near Wendover, Utah. The CIA thinks it might have been due to pilot error and contracts with a well-known Boston, Massachusetts, psychiatrist with a specialty in hypnosis \(unnamed, but possibly Benjamin Simon, of [Betty and Barney Hill](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barney%5Fand%5FBetty%5FHill) fame later\). After a lengthy investigation it is determined that a tiny, pencil-sized part called a pilot tube, a device that controls the airspeed indicator, froze when the A-12 entered a cloud, causing the aircraft to stall.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Lockheed A-12](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lockheed%5FA-12\#Accidents%5Fand%5Fincidents)”; Jacobsen, Area 51, [pp.](https://archive.org/details/area51uncensored0000jaco/page/190/mode/2up) [190–197](https://archive.org/details/area51uncensored0000jaco/page/190/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3701
### Event 23552 (AB72F4C2)
**Date:** 5/25/1963
**Location:** 37.0000 -115.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Clean Slate I” Yield: 0KT YieldMax: 0KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_322
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0000 -115.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:00 N 115:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0000,-115.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Clean Slate I", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NACU", **NukeY:** "0", **NukeYMax:** "0"
### Event 23553 (FE247711)
**Date:** 5/28/1963
**Time:** 04:20
**Description:** 2 funnel-saucers emit 2 small fireballs. 1 going north. 1 going south. Huge globe Associated Press (AP.)
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FIGEUT, Michel & RUCHON, Jean-Louis: OVNI - Le Premier Dossier..; Alain LeFeuvre, Paris 1979. (Index 250)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6782
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "St-FELIU-d'AVAIL+SOLER,FR:2 FUNNEL-SCRS EMIT 2 SML FBLS:1>N:1>S:HUGE GLOBE AP", **LatLong:** "42.683335 2.738889", **LatLongDMS:** "42:41:00 N 02:44:20 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.683335,2.738889)", **State/Prov:** "Pyrénées-Orientales", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 23554 (9DDAA5ED)
**Date:** 5/28/1963 (approximate)
**Time:** 23:00
**Location:** FOCSANI, ROMANIA
**Description:** Small silent red and white sphere/orb/globe / 500 altitude lights street like day. South going quickly north.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HOBANA Ion & WEVERBERGH,Julien: UFO'S from BEHIND the IRON CURTAIN; Bantam Books,1975. 308pp. (Index 231)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6783
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Romania", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "FOCSANI,ROMANIA:SML SLNT RED+WHT ORB/500 ALT LITES STREET LIKE DAY:S>>N", **LatLong:** "45.683336 27.283335", **LatLongDMS:** "45:41:00 N 27:17:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.683336,27.283335)", **State/Prov:** "VRN", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 23555 (C2DB95E2)
**Date:** 5/29/1963
**Location:** USS LANSING / PACIFIC 169° 00W-30° 50N
**Description:** Navy crew observer(s). No further details. See Mt. Stromlo. Aus.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFOCAT CATALOG: Assorted Printouts. Donald A. Johnson Ph.D (CUFOS). P.O. Box 446, Concord, NH 03302-0446 (Index 70)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6784
**Attributes:** **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Pacific Ocean and non - Asian islands", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "USS LANSING/PACIFIC 169°00W-30°50N:NAVY CREW OBS:NFD:See Mt.Stromlo.Aus", **LatLong:** "30.833335 -169.000008", **LatLongDMS:** "30:50:00 N 169:00:00 W", **Locale:** "High Seas", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/30.833335,-169.000008)", **State/Prov:** "NPC", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 23556 (8F109E04)
**Date:** 5/29/1963
**Time:** 19:00
**Description:** 3 astronomers. Orange circular glowing-object going [to] below overcast. Big news.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** EDWARDS, Frank: FLYING SAUCERS-SERIOUS BUSINESS; Lyle Stewart & Bantam Books 1966. (Index 24)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6785
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "Mt STROMLO OBS,AUSTR:3 ASTRONs:ORG.CIRC.GLO-OBJ > BELOW OVERCAST:big news", **LatLong:** "-35.333335 149.016674", **LatLongDMS:** "35:20:00 S 149:01:00 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-35.333335,149.016674)", **State/Prov:** "Australian Capital Territory", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 23557 (48D10280)
**Date:** 5/29/1963
**Time:** 15:03:30.2
**Location:** 37.1281 -116.0425
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Pleasant” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_323
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1281 -116.0425", **LatLongDMS:** "37:07:41 N 116:02:33 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1281,-116.0425)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.21", **NukeName:** "Pleasant", **NukeSource:** "AEC", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 23558 (6EC697D5)
**Date:** 5/31/1963
**Location:** Atlantic Ocean, At Sea
**Description:** 1400 MPH Airborne Radar Tracks (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5)
**Reference:** NICAP: [630531](http://www.nicap.org/630531atlantic%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2637
### Event 23559 (E5281C1E)
**Date:** 5/31/1963
**Location:** 37.0000 -115.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Clean Slate II” Yield: 0KT YieldMax: 0KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_324
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0000 -115.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:00 N 115:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0000,-115.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Clean Slate II", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NACU", **NukeY:** "0", **NukeYMax:** "0"
### Event 23560 (0F26F961)
**Date:** 5/31/1963
**Locations:** Rome, Italy; Milan
**Description:** [Adamski](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George%5FAdamski) allegedly has a private audience with Pope [John XXIII](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pope%5FJohn%5FXXIII) in Rome, Italy. The pontiff is seriously ill and dies three days later. Adamski claims that he has received a “Golden Medal of Honor” from the pope, but skeptics note that the medal is actually a common tourist souvenir made by a company in Milan, and that Adamski displays it to his friends in a cheap plastic box—which is how it is sold in tourist shops in Rome. Adamski says his meeting is at the request of the extraterrestrials he is in contact with in order to ask for a “final agreement” from the pope because of his decision not to communicate directly with them anymore and to offer John XXIII a liquid substance in order to save him from the gastric enteritis that he suffers from.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Lou Zinsstag and Timothy Good, George Adamski: The Untold Story, Ceti, 1983; Colin Bennett, Looking for Orthon, Paraview, 2001; “[Vatican Visit,](https://www.the-adamski-case.nl/his-mission/vatican-visit/)” The Adamski Case, October 7, 2019; Marc Hallet, [A Critical Appraisal of George Adamski: The](https://archive.org/details/ACriticalAppraisalOfGeorgeAdamskiTheManWhoSpokeToTheSpaceBrothersREVISEDANDENLARGEDEDITION2016/page/n1/mode/2up) [Man Who Spoke to the Space Brothers](https://archive.org/details/ACriticalAppraisalOfGeorgeAdamskiTheManWhoSpokeToTheSpaceBrothersREVISEDANDENLARGEDEDITION2016/page/n1/mode/2up)[,](https://archive.org/details/ACriticalAppraisalOfGeorgeAdamskiTheManWhoSpokeToTheSpaceBrothersREVISEDANDENLARGEDEDITION2016/page/n1/mode/2up) The Author, 2016
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3702
### Event 23561 (6B15A38B)
**Date:** 6/4/1963
**Time:** 03:10
**Location:** LYLE, MN
**Description:** Multicolor object going down [to] near town. IA and MN cops search / miles. Nothing found. / r8#572.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 769)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6786
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "365", **HatchDesc:** "LYLE,MN:MULTICOLOR OBJ ↓ nr TOWN:IA+MN COPS SEARCH/MILES:nothing found:/r8#572", **LatLong:** "43.505558 -92.944449", **LatLongDMS:** "43:30:20 N 92:56:40 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.505558,-92.944449)", **State/Prov:** "Minnesota", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 23562 (17C4E175)
**Date:** 6/4/1963
**Location:** Lyle, Minnesota
**Description:** A multicolored object, the size of a light truck, was reported to have landed in the vicinity of Lyle. Police searched an area over 3 km wide on both sides of the Iowa-Minnesota border, with no results.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Personal ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_572
### Event 23563 (10407F65)
**Date:** 6/4/1963
**Description:** In 1963 a multicolored UFO, the size of a light truck, was reported to have landed in the vicinity of Lyle, Minnesota at 3:10 a.m. The multicolored object was seen ascending into the sky from a nearby town. Police searched the area for 3 miles on both sides of the Iowa-Minnesota border but found nothing.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** APRO Bulletin, January-February 1964, p.1; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 572
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3270
### Event 23564 (AACBC0C4)
**Date:** 6/5/1963
**Time:** 17:00:00.1
**Location:** 37.1966 -116.2092
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Yuba” Yield: 3.1KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_325
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1966 -116.2092", **LatLongDMS:** "37:11:48 N 116:12:33 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1966,-116.2092)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.24", **NukeMb:** "4.36", **NukeName:** "Yuba", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "3.1"
### Event 23565 (6384B27F)
**Date:** 6/6/1963
**Time:** 14:00:00.1
**Location:** 37.0450 -116.0364
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Hutia” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_326
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0450 -116.0364", **LatLongDMS:** "37:02:42 N 116:02:11 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0450,-116.0364)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.13", **NukeName:** "Hutia", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 23566 (92531F69)
**Date:** 6/6/1963
**Time:** 16:58:00.2
**Location:** 37.1247 -116.0400
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Apshapa” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_327
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1247 -116.0400", **LatLongDMS:** "37:07:29 N 116:02:24 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1247,-116.0400)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.09", **NukeName:** "Apshapa", **NukeSource:** "AEC", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 23567 (1EBE2209)
**Date:** 6/9/1963
**Location:** 37.0000 -115.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Clean Slate III” Yield: 0KT YieldMax: 0KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_328
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0000 -115.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:00 N 115:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0000,-115.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Clean Slate III", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NACU", **NukeY:** "0", **NukeYMax:** "0"
### Event 23568 (F064DA28)
**Date:** 6/13/1963
**Description:** A North Scituate, Massachusetts woman spotted a yellow-white light that looked to be plunging into the ocean, but suddenly reversed direction, doubling back on its original course. A friend with her also saw it. "It suddenly stopped and moved erratically for a few seconds, reversed direction, and went back from east to west," she reported. She watched the maneuvering light for at least 10-15 minutes. When it stopped moving and hovered in one place for a while she stopped watching it.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** APRO Bulletin, November 1963, pg. 4
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3457
### Event 23569 (79C6BDB4)
**Date:** 6/14/1963
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Bikovsky flies 5 days aboard *Vostok* 5. (June 14)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1963.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1998
### Event 23570 (D97DFEF3)
**Date:** 6/14/1963
**Time:** 14:10:00.1
**Location:** 37.0461 -116.0184
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Mataco” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_329
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0461 -116.0184", **LatLongDMS:** "37:02:46 N 116:01:06 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0461,-116.0184)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.20", **NukeName:** "Mataco", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 23571 (9A432401)
**Date:** 6/15/1963
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Observation in the Indian Ocean \(14' -17" North, 69' 57" East\). (June 15)
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#8388 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1963.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1999
### Event 23572 (80CE7B24)
**Date:** 6/15/1963
**Location:** Off Venezuelan coast
**Description:** Navy crewman sees luminous disk.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [_UFOs and the National Security State: Chronology of a Cover-up, 1941–1973_, by Richard Dolan](https://archive.org/details/ufosnationalsecu00dola/mode/2up)
**Source:** Dolan, **ID:** Dolan_245
### Event 23573 (1B2AB781)
**Date:** 6/15/1963
**Location:** INDIAN OCEAN 69° 57E-14° 17N
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #8388. Steamship Thetis. Luminous disk 1.5x satellite speed / 3m.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BERLINER, DON: The BLUEBOOK UNKNOWNS; (FUFOR). (Index 31)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6787
**Attributes:** **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Indian Ocean + islands", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "INDIAN OCEAN 69°57E-14°17N:BBK#8388:SS THETIS:LUM.DISK 1.5x SATELLITE SPEED/3m", **LatLong:** "14.283334 69.950003", **LatLongDMS:** "14:17:00 N 69:57:00 E", **Locale:** "High Seas", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/14.283334,69.950003)", **State/Prov:** "ARS", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 23574 (0A51E30C)
**Date:** 6/15/1963
**Location:** Venezuela (200 miles N of), At Sea
**Description:** Luminous disc travel at 1.5 times the angular speed of a satellite (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 8388)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2639
### Event 23575 (AF9120BA)
**Date:** 6/15/1963
**Time:** 10:39 AM
**Location:** 200 miles north of Venezuela (14' 27' N, 69' 57' E)
**Description:** Witness: 3rd Mate R.C. Chamberlin, of S/S Thetis. One luminous disc travelled at 1.5 times the speed of satellite for 3-4 minutes.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_486
### Event 23576 (ACCA5216)
**Date:** 6/15/1963
**Location:** Indian Ocean southwest of India
**Description:** 8:39 p.m. In the Indian Ocean southwest of India, 3rd Mate R. C. Chamberlin of the SS Thetis sees in the northwest a luminous disc travel at 1.5 times the angular speed of a satellite.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** [Sparks](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf)[,](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf) p. 294
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3704
### Event 23577 (11274ECB)
**Date:** 6/16/1963
**Location:** USA, Albuquerque N.M.
**Description:** (Translated from French) (cf: 1953, New Mexico) Villa receives the impulse to take his camera and go to a certain place. There he sees a saucer 21 m in diameter. A door suddenly opens and he sees 4 men and 5 women, all between 2 m 10 and 2 m 70 in stature. These people greet Villa and tell him they come from Coma Berenice. They make themselves understood both by telepathy and in English and Spanish. Villa is allowed to take pictures and for him to have nice images, they even do a kind of flight tour. (following April 18, 65) (Mitarbeiter, "Ufo Geheimnisse", Berlin, January 1998) IN REALITY: Paul Villa fabricated two series of eight color photographs each of circular flying objects with very precise details: one series on June 16, 1963, another on April 18, 1964; he spoke of numerous conversations with the extraterrestrials and promised to soon deliver another series of images. These series appeared in the January 1964 and April 1965 issues of "Ufo-International" and later in the 93 and 113 issues of "Ufo-Nachrichten"
**Reference:** A. SCHNEIDER-H. MALTHANER: "The Secret Dossier of UFOs", ed. De Vecchi, 1978, p. 270
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2256
### Event 23578 (5138187E)
**Date:** 6/16/1963
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Valentina Terechkova becomes the first woman in space, aboard *Vostok* 6. (June 16)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1963.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2000
### Event 23579 (94A42C8A)
**Date:** 6/16/1963
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) At Peralta \(New Mexico\), [Paul Villa](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/VillaApolinarA.html) photographs a "saucer" \(see above\) in motion near a dry river bed. See images/1963-07-16.jpg. (Sunday, June 16th, 3:30 PM)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1963.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2003
### Event 23580 (4063F61F)
**Date:** 6/16/1963
**Location:** Palmerston, North City, NZ
**Description:** A college student observed two brilliant lights descending in zig-zag fashion. The UFOs hovered stationary for about 5 seconds, then "suddenly shot off at very great speed, at first in level flight across my front, then climbed up into the sky at approximately 45 degrees to disappear." \[Witness interviewed by NICAP Adviser Harold H. Fulton.\] (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2640
### Event 23581 (799FE080)
**Date:** 6/17/1963
**Location:** USS H.POWELL / PACIFIC 155° 52E-36° 25N
**Description:** Observer(s) = ships crew. No further details [in] at all.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFOCAT CATALOG: Assorted Printouts. Donald A. Johnson Ph.D (CUFOS). P.O. Box 446, Concord, NH 03302-0446 (Index 70)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6788
**Attributes:** **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Pacific Ocean and non - Asian islands", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "USS H.POWELL/PACIFIC 155°52E-36°25N:OBS=SHIPS CREW:NFD AT ALL", **LatLong:** "36.416668 155.866674", **LatLongDMS:** "36:25:00 N 155:52:00 E", **Locale:** "High Seas", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/36.416668,155.866674)", **State/Prov:** "NPC", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 23582 (C194D4F7)
**Date:** 6/18/1963
**Description:** Oval UFO paces Russian space capsule for some time.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HOBANA Ion & WEVERBERGH,Julien: UFO'S from BEHIND the IRON CURTAIN; Bantam Books,1975. 308pp. (Index 285)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6789
**Attributes:** **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Earth Orbit or seen from space stations/capsules", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "30", **HatchDesc:** "COSMONAUT V.BYKOVSKY:OVAL UFO PACES RUSS SPACE CAPSULE FOR SOME TIME.", **LatLong:** "90.000004 -0.000000", **LatLongDMS:** "90:00:00 N 00:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/90.000004,-0.000000)", **State/Prov:** "RUS", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 23583 (5CBE6B80)
**Date:** 6/18/1963
**Time:** 22:00
**Location:** NIAGARA FALLS, NY
**Description:** Government and RADAR's and more/others. Flashing object zigzags and hovers. Going quickly / different directions. / r78p194.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO EVIDENCE; NICAP,Washington, DC 1964. Reprinted 1997 Barnes & Noble Books ( only $7.98! ) (Index 140)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6790
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RDR:** Radar traces/blips
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "130", **Elev:** "177", **HatchDesc:** "NIAGARA FALLS,NY:GOV+RDRs++:FLASHING OBJ ZIGZAGS+HVRS:>>/DIFF.DIRs:/r78p194", **LatLong:** "43.088891 -79.044448", **LatLongDMS:** "43:05:20 N 79:02:40 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.088891,-79.044448)", **State/Prov:** "New York", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 23584 (03992A51)
**Date:** 6/18/1963
**Location:** Niagara Falls, NY
**Description:** An unidentified object flashing various colors moved around erratically for over two hours. Witnesses in separate locations described the maneuvers similarly. About 10:00 p.m., the UFO moved from west to east, reversed direction and headed back west. Later, it headed southeast rising higher in the sky. Local astronomers and airport officials could not account for the object. \[Report from NICAP member.\] (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2641
### Event 23585 (1DE4DD8A)
**Date:** 6/19/1963
**Location:** PACIFIC 172° 00W-42° 20N
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Observer(s) = US naval air. No further details [in] at all.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFOCAT CATALOG: Assorted Printouts. Donald A. Johnson Ph.D (CUFOS). P.O. Box 446, Concord, NH 03302-0446 (Index 70)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6791
**Attributes:** **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Pacific Ocean and non - Asian islands", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "PACIFIC 172°00W-42°20N:BBK#UNKN:OBS=US NAVAL AIR:NFD AT ALL", **LatLong:** "42.333335 -172.000008", **LatLongDMS:** "42:20:00 N 172:00:00 W", **Locale:** "High Seas", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.333335,-172.000008)", **State/Prov:** "NPC", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 23586 (9194E580)
**Date:** 6/19/1963
**Location:** BURLINGTON, MASS
**Description:** White night light going down. Turns silver. Circles. Going [to] over horizon. No further details. / r78p194.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO EVIDENCE; NICAP,Washington, DC 1964. Reprinted 1997 Barnes & Noble Books ( only $7.98! ) (Index 140)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6792
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "66", **HatchDesc:** "BURLINGTON,MASS:WHT NLT ↓:TURNS SLVR:CIRCLES:> OVR HORIZON:NFD:/r78p194", **LatLong:** "42.500002 -71.200003", **LatLongDMS:** "42:30:00 N 71:12:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.500002,-71.200003)", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 23587 (3EE4F49B)
**Date:** 6/19/1963
**Location:** Burlington, MA
**Description:** An unidentified white light was observed descending, changing color; finally appeared silvery. The UFO then circled the area, disappearing behind objects on the visible horizon. \[Report via Walter N. Webb, Boston NICAP Adviser.\] (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2642
### Event 23588 (0F64C820)
**Date:** 6/20/1963
**Description:** 168° 36E-33° 12N. Blue Book Case #. Observer(s) = USCG cutter crew. No further details [in] at all.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFOCAT CATALOG: Assorted Printouts. Donald A. Johnson Ph.D (CUFOS). P.O. Box 446, Concord, NH 03302-0446 (Index 70)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6793
**Attributes:** **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Pacific Ocean and non - Asian islands", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "USCGC MATAGORDA/PACIFIC:168°36E-33°12N:BBK#:OBS=USCG CUTTER CREW:NFD AT ALL", **LatLong:** "33.200002 168.600008", **LatLongDMS:** "33:12:00 N 168:36:00 E", **Locale:** "High Seas", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/33.200002,168.600008)", **State/Prov:** "NPC", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 23589 (B1AFF038)
**Date:** Summer 1963
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Sighting in Middletown \(New York\). (Summer)
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#8371 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1963.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_1997
### Event 23590 (2A8E3AE0)
**Date:** 6/21/1963
**Location:** CHICAGO, IL
**Description:** Grey sphere/orb/globe. Row of lights / side. 'Sizzles'. Low altitude. Sharp turns going quickly north. / r78p195.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO EVIDENCE; NICAP,Washington, DC 1964. Reprinted 1997 Barnes & Noble Books ( only $7.98! ) (Index 140)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6794
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "190", **HatchDesc:** "CHICAGO,IL:GRY ORB:ROW of LITES/SIDE:'SIZZLES':lo alt:SHARP TURNS >>N:/r78p195", **LatLong:** "41.850002 -87.683338", **LatLongDMS:** "41:51:00 N 87:41:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.850002,-87.683338)", **RelAlt:** "99", **State/Prov:** "Illinois", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 23591 (8FC3AAE6)
**Date:** Summer 1963
**Location:** Middletown, NY
**Description:** 8-10 lights move at random, then in an oval formation (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 8371)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2638
### Event 23592 (0644AF8B)
**Date:** 6/21/1963
**Location:** Chicago, IL
**Description:** A student saw a gray, apparently spherical UFO with a central row of yellow lig3hts. Apparently at low altitude, the object made a "sizzling sound" as it moved east, turned sharply and disappeared to the north. \[Witness filed NICAP report form.\] (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2643
### Event 23593 (69FB1E71)
**Date:** Summer 1963
**Time:** 9:30 or 10 PM
**Location:** Middletown, New York
**Description:** Witness: Grace Dutcher. Eight-ten lights moved at random, then in an oval formation, then singly, during the 1 minute sighting.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_487
### Event 23594 (5F40854A)
**Date:** Summer 1963
**Location:** Cleveland, Ohio
**Description:** [Allen H. Greenfield](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allen%5FH.%5FGreenfield) and [Rick Hilberg](http://www.mufonohio.com/mufono/2015confSUMM.html) start publishing Saucer Album in Cleveland, Ohio. It becomes UFO Magazine in mid-1964 and continues through the summer of 1970. After a few years’ hiatus, it returns as UFO Magazine News Bulletin in early 1974 and continues at least until February 1979.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** [Saucer Album](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/UFO%20Magazine%20%28Hilberg%29/UFO%20Magazine%20-%20vol%201%20number%201%20-%20Saucer%20Album.pdf) 1, no. 1 \(Summer 1963\)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3703
### Event 23595 (CE734269)
**Date:** 6/25/1963
**Time:** 23:00:00.2
**Location:** 37.1314 -116.0681
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Kennebec” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_330
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1314 -116.0681", **LatLongDMS:** "37:07:53 N 116:04:05 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1314,-116.0681)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.23", **NukeName:** "Kennebec", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 23596 (55860CBC)
**Date:** 6/26/1963
**Location:** PINECREST, CA
**Description:** Many observer(s). 3 green night lights going west meet 4th going east. Stop and continue. No further details. / r78p195.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO EVIDENCE; NICAP,Washington, DC 1964. Reprinted 1997 Barnes & Noble Books ( only $7.98! ) (Index 140)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6795
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "1731", **HatchDesc:** "PINECREST,CA:MANY OBS:3 GRN NLTS>W MEET 4th > E:STOP+CONTINUE:NFD:/r78p195", **LatLong:** "38.177780 -119.994450", **LatLongDMS:** "38:10:40 N 119:59:40 W", **Locale:** "Desert", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.177780,-119.994450)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 23597 (8DAB186F)
**Date:** 6/26/1963
**Location:** PACIFIC 176° 25W-31° 45N
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Observer(s) = US naval air crew. No further details [in] at all.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFOCAT CATALOG: Assorted Printouts. Donald A. Johnson Ph.D (CUFOS). P.O. Box 446, Concord, NH 03302-0446 (Index 70)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6796
**Attributes:** **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Pacific Ocean and non - Asian islands", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "PACIFIC 176°25W-31°45N:BBK#UNKN:OBS= US NAVAL AIR CREW:NFD AT ALL", **LatLong:** "31.750002 -176.416675", **LatLongDMS:** "31:45:00 N 176:25:00 W", **Locale:** "High Seas", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/31.750002,-176.416675)", **State/Prov:** "NPC", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 23598 (95714DC8)
**Date:** 6/26/1963
**Time:** 01:00
**Description:** 4 hear loud humming. 30' saucer / 100' altitude over power lines. / R. Fowler / r83p3.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 765)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6797
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "15", **HatchDesc:** "E.WEYMOUTH,MASS:4 HEAR LOUD HUM:30'SCR/100'alt OVR POWER LINES:/R.FOWLER/r83p3", **LatLong:** "42.216669 -70.850003", **LatLongDMS:** "42:13:00 N 70:51:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.216669,-70.850003)", **RelAlt:** "30", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 23599 (5507CBF8)
**Date:** 6/26/1963
**Time:** 01:00
**Location:** ROCKLAND, MASS
**Description:** Roar. Saucer zigzags going northwest to horizon. Night lights / 90° turns / time-lapse news-photograph.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 767)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6798
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "43", **HatchDesc:** "ROCKLAND,MASS:ROAR:SCR ZIGZAGS >NW to HRZN::NLTS/90°TURNS/TIME-LAPSE NEWS-FOTO", **LatLong:** "42.133335 -70.916670", **LatLongDMS:** "42:08:00 N 70:55:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.133335,-70.916670)", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 23600 (052AA96C)
**Date:** 6/26/1963
**Location:** Rockland, MA
**Description:** About 1:00 a.m., witnesses attracted by a loud roar observed a Saturn-shaped UFO. The object hovered, then moved away horizontally. The shape was observed in silhouette, partly illuminated by a white light on top and orange light on bottom. \[Witnesses interviewed by NICAP member Raymond Fowler.\] (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2644
### Event 23601 (4DB01521)
**Date:** 6/26/1963
**Location:** Pine Crest, CA
**Description:** Four glowing greenish objects with halos were observed by a technician, many others. Three objects moving westerly were approached by a similar object from the west. The fourth object stopped and hovered as the three approached, split formation, and continued west. Then the fourth object continued east. \[Report via Bay Area NICAP Subcommittee.\] (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2645
### Event 23602 (C7999E45)
**Date:** 6/26/1963
**Location:** 344 Commercial Street, Weymouth, Massachusetts
**Description:** Around 1:00 a.m. Enrico A. Gilberti Jr. and his wife Janet are awakened at their home on 344 Commercial Street, Weymouth, Massachusetts, by a loud roar. They look out the window and see a Saturn-shaped object moving slowly above the treetops 100 feet off the ground and 300 feet away. Gilberti describes it as “two hamburger buns one on top of another with a sandwiched piece of meat protruding around.” It is about 30–40 feet across and has two brilliant lights. The UFO follows some power lines across a field and disappears to the northeast. “The roar was deafening.” Neighbors hear the noise but do not see anything.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Loren E. Gross, [The Fifth](https://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1963-Jan-Jun.pdf) [Horseman of the Apocalypse: UFOs, a History: January–June 1963](https://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1963-Jan-Jun.pdf), The Author, 2005, pp. 84–85
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3705
### Event 23603 (809FFAA4)
**Date:** 6/26/1963
**Location:** Pinecrest, California
**Description:** Four glowing greenish objects with halos are seen by a technician and many others at Pinecrest, California. Three objects moving westerly are approached by a similar object from the west. The fourth object stops and hovers as the three approach, split formation, and continue west. Then the fourth object continues east.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** UFOEv, [p. 140](https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=mdp.39015006091691&view=1up&seq=152&skin=2021)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3706
### Event 23604 (A9BDEE08)
**Date:** 6/26/1963
**Description:** Two UFO reports occurred at close to the same time in Massachusetts on this night. At one o'clock in the morning in East Weymouth (Norfolk County) a married couple saw a thirty-foot diameter object shaped like two bowls rim-to-rim hovering over some power lines, approximately 300 feet away from them. The UFO made a buzzing or humming sound as they watched it hover there for three minutes. At about the same time three people in Rockland, Massachusetts in nearby Plymouth County saw and photographed a disc-shaped object zigzagging away toward the northwest, or in the direction of Norfolk County. The time-lapsed photo shows a light making ninety-degree turns, and was published in the local newspaper.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Walter N. Webb investigation files & Raymond E. Fowler, UFOs Interplanetary Visitors, p. 329; APRO Bulletin, November 1963, p. 4
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3671
### Event 23605 (5FEB51DB)
**Date:** 6/28/1963
**Location:** AUSTRALIA, in New South Wales and Muloona
**Description:** (Translated from French) A metal sphere 41 cm in diameter, weighing 8.2kg is discovered. A few days later, in Muloona, another sphere is found, only 15 cm in diameter and with a small opening. (FIying Saucer ReviewZ 10(1):5 and 9t4):23 - Keith Basterfield). (1963, 28 June)
**Reference:** Too bad the information stops there...
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2257
### Event 23606 (3C62D264)
**Date:** 6/28/1963
**Time:** 21:30
**Description:** Saucer / concave top / roadside. Tilts and flies. / r229'82#2+/ FSR'64#1.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA; H. Regnery, Chicago HC 1969 & Contemporary Books,Chicago 1993. 372pp. (Index 573)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6799
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "SANDY CREEK,S.AUSTR:SCR/CONCAVE TOP/ROADSIDE:TILTS+FLIES:/r229'82#2+/FSR'64#1", **LatLong:** "-34.633335 138.816673", **LatLongDMS:** "34:38:00 S 138:49:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-34.633335,138.816673)", **State/Prov:** "South Australia", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 23607 (27A20BCD)
**Date:** 6/28/1963
**Time:** 2130
**Location:** Sandy Creek, Australia
**Description:** A fiery red object, 8 m wide 4 m high, with a concave top and flat bottom, was seen on the road by a Willaston resident who stopped his car 4 m away. The object rose, tipped to one side and flew away at fantastic speed.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** 141; FSR 64, 1 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_573
### Event 23608 (2C709EC7)
**Date:** 6/28/1963
**Location:** Lyndoch-Gawler Road near Sandy Creek, South Australia
**Description:** 9:30 p.m. A man is driving along the Lyndoch-Gawler Road near Sandy Creek, South Australia, when he comes across a blood-red, glowing object, 25 feet across and 12 feet high, in the road ahead. He is within 12 feet of it when he hits the brakes. The object turns a lighter reddish-yellow and rises up into the air several hundred feet. It turns on its side and speeds away. This and other UFO incidents cause Sen. [Jim Cavanagh](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jim%5FCavanagh) to ask the federal government to make its UFO dossier public, but Minister for Air [David Fairbairn](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David%5FFairbairn%5F%28politician%29) refuses, saying that the vast majority of reports are explainable.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Loren E. Gross, [The Fifth Horseman of the Apocalypse: UFOs, a](https://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1963-Jan-Jun.pdf) [History: January–June 1963](https://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1963-Jan-Jun.pdf)[,](https://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1963-Jan-Jun.pdf) The Author, 2005, pp. 86–87
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3707
### Event 23609 (7BD2BD72)
**Date:** 6/28/1963
**Description:** Driving around a corner in the road at 9:30 p.m. a man came to within three meters of red disc-shaped object blocking the road in Sandy Creek near Adelaide, South Australia. The disc was eight meters in diameter and had a concave top. It ascended vertically to 100 meters, tipped to one side, and shot away leaving behind a vapor trail. It also changed to a reddish yellow color as it gathered speed.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Sylvia Sutton, Flying Saucer Review, March-April 1964, p. 29; James Holledge, Flying Saucers over Australia, p. 88; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 573
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3712
### Event 23610 (DBDC96DC)
**Date:** 7/1963
**Time:** ~15:00
**Location:** LANZHOU, GANSU, CH
**Description:** 1 observer. Red fireball lands / yard. Spins and shoots going up. Leaves (something behind) red trail. MJ#191.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** DONG, Paul: UFO's Over MODERN CHINA. 1983 UFO Photo Archives; P. O. Box 17206; Tucson, AZ 85710. (Index 43)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6800
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "China", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "LANZHOU,GANSU,CH:1 OBS:RED FBL LANDS/YARD:SPINS+SHOOTS ↑:LVS RED TRAIL:MJ#191", **LatLong:** "36.050002 103.666672", **LatLongDMS:** "36:03:00 N 103:40:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/36.050002,103.666672)", **State/Prov:** "GNS", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 23611 (94A5DC15)
**Date:** 7/1963
**Time:** 21:00
**Description:** Amateur astronomer. Lens-UFO going quickly southeast / jet-plane speed. Suddenly shoots going up.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HOBANA Ion & WEVERBERGH,Julien: UFO'S from BEHIND the IRON CURTAIN; Bantam Books,1975. 308pp. (Index 232)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6801
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Romania", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "BUCHAREST,ROMANIA:AM.ASTRONOMER:LENS-UFO>>SE/JET-PLANE SPEED:SUDDENLY SHOOTS ↑", **LatLong:** "44.416669 26.100001", **LatLongDMS:** "44:25:00 N 26:06:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.416669,26.100001)", **State/Prov:** "Bucharest", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 23612 (9975927C)
**Date:** 7/1963
**Location:** Boston, MA
**Description:** An advertising plane caused several erroneous UFO reports. (Aircraft identified by NICAP Adviser, Walter N. Webb.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2646
### Event 23613 (20AA58EF)
**Date:** 7/1963
**Locations:** US; Latin America; Fort Benning, Georgia; Guantanamo Bay, Cuba; Abu Ghraib, Iraq
**Description:** The CIA has synthesized many of the findings from its psychological research into what became known as the “KUBARK Counterintelligence Interrogation” handbook, which cites the MKUltra studies and other secret research programs as the scientific basis for their interrogation methods. [Donald Ewen Cameron](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald%5FEwen%5FCameron) regularly travels around the US teaching military personnel about his techniques \(hooding of prisoners for sensory deprivation, prolonged isolation, humiliation, etc.\), and how they can be used in interrogations. Latin American paramilitary groups working for the CIA and US military personnel receive training in these psychological techniques at places such as the School of the Americas in Fort Benning, Georgia. \(In the 21st century, many of these torture techniques are used at US military and CIA prisons such as Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and Abu Ghraib, Iraq.\) In the aftermath of the 1975 congressional hearings, major news media mainly focus on sensational stories related to LSD, mind-control, and brainwashing, and rarely use the word “torture.” This suggests that the CIA researchers are, as one author put it, “a bunch of bumbling sci-fi buffoons” rather than a rational group of men who have run torture laboratories and medical experiments in major US universities; they have arranged for torture, rape, and psychological abuse of adults and young children, driving many of them permanently insane.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Central Intelligence Agency, “[KUBARK Counterintelligence Interrogation](https://nsarchive2.gwu.edu/NSAEBB/NSAEBB122/CIA%20Kubark%201-60.pdf),” July 1963; Wikipedia, “[Unethical human](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unethical%5Fhuman%5Fexperimentation%5Fin%5Fthe%5FUnited%5FStates\#Concerns) [experimentation in the United States](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unethical%5Fhuman%5Fexperimentation%5Fin%5Fthe%5FUnited%5FStates\#Concerns)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3708
### Event 23614 (DC799668)
**Date:** 7/1/1963
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Sighting in Glen Ellyn \(Illinois\). (July 1st)
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#8434 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1963.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2004
### Event 23615 (577842B8)
**Date:** 7/1/1963
**Time:** 20:00
**Location:** GLEN ELLYN, IL
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #8434. 1 observer / theodolite. Small night light flashes and maneuvers / sky / 90 min.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BERLINER, DON: The BLUEBOOK UNKNOWNS; (FUFOR). (Index 31)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6802
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "90", **Elev:** "238", **HatchDesc:** "GLEN ELLYN,IL:BBK#8434:1 OBS/THEODOLITE:SML NLT FLASHES+MNVRS/SKY/90min.", **LatLong:** "41.877780 -88.066671", **LatLongDMS:** "41:52:40 N 88:04:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.877780,-88.066671)", **State/Prov:** "Illinois", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 23616 (00DF5AE5)
**Date:** 7/1/1963
**Location:** Glen Ellyn, IL
**Description:** Theodolite saw a light, the size of a match head at arm's length (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 8434)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2647
### Event 23617 (44A6019A)
**Date:** 7/1/1963
**Time:** 8 PM
**Location:** Glen Ellyn, Illinois
**Description:** Witness: R.B. Stiles, ll, using a theodolite. One light, the size of a match head at arm's length, flashed and moved around the sky for 1.5 hours.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_488
### Event 23618 (5AB0E43C)
**Date:** 7/2/1963
**Location:** Tuscon, AZ
**Description:** Large blimp like object reported. \[In this area is the Davis Monthan AFB Titan II Missile Site, home of the 390th Strategic Missile Wing consisting of 18 Launch Facilities around the Tucson area\]. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** NICAP: [630702](http://www.nicap.org/tucson630702dir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2648
### Event 23619 (79DA5147)
**Date:** 7/2/1963
**Locations:** Raleigh, North Carolina; Ga.
**Description:** Nineteen-year-old NICAP member [John P. Speights](https://www.northcarolinaresidentdatabase.com/person/14622338/john-speights) of Raleigh, North Carolina, writes a letter questioning the Air Force’s treatment of UFOs to Rep. [Carl Vinson](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carl%5FVinson) \(D-Ga.\), chairman of the House Armed Services Committee. Vinson forwards it to USAF along with his own request for information on Blue Book. The Air Force treats the request gingerly because of the implication of a congressional hearing and prepares a reply to Vinson on July 18, but there is no evidence that it is sent. USAF Maj. [Maston M. Jacks](https://www.dailypress.com/news/dp-xpm-19981013-1998-10-13-9810130089-story.html) does reply to Speights on August 5.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Loren E. Gross, [The Fifth Horseman of the Apocalypse: UFOs, a History: July–December 1963](https://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1963-July-Dec.pdf)[,](https://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1963-July-Dec.pdf) The Author, 2005, pp. 19–20; US Air Force, Foreign Technology Division, “[Congressional Correspondence on the U.S. Air Force UFO](http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Documents/USA%20-%20Congress/1962%20-%20Congressional%20correspondence.pdf) [Program, Congressman Carl Vinson](http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Documents/USA%20-%20Congress/1962%20-%20Congressional%20correspondence.pdf)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3709
### Event 23620 (C3AC5CD5)
**Date:** 7/7/1963
**Time:** 18:40
**Location:** BANTAM, CT
**Description:** Entire family. 8 metallic disks going southwest low and slow over hills. Estimated 750M altitude. News.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 767)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6803
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "299", **HatchDesc:** "BANTAM,CT:ENTIRE FAMILY:8 MTLC DISKS >SW LOW+SLOW ovr HILLS:estm.750M alt:NEWS", **LatLong:** "41.716669 -73.250003", **LatLongDMS:** "41:43:00 N 73:15:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.716669,-73.250003)", **RelAlt:** "750", **State/Prov:** "Connecticut", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 23621 (850B5233)
**Date:** 7/7/1963
**Time:** 21:20
**Description:** 12 Saturn saucers hide / small clouds going west. Stop and hover. Portholes. / LDLN#115.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 219)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6804
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Turkey", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "60", **HatchDesc:** "HEYBELI Isl,TURK:12 SATURN SCRS HIDE/SML CLOUDS>W:STOP+HVR:PORTHOLES:/LDLN#115", **LatLong:** "40.883335 29.061112", **LatLongDMS:** "40:53:00 N 29:03:40 E", **Locale:** "Offshore", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.883335,29.061112)", **State/Prov:** "IST", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 23622 (F20CB229)
**Date:** 7/10/1963
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Police Officer Anthony Penny sees an orange-colored object streak across the sky and disappear from Manor Farm \(Charlton, Wiltshire\). See July 16. (July 10)
**Reference:** Vallee 1969
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1963.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2005
### Event 23623 (EE98360A)
**Date:** 7/14/1963
**Time:** 08:00?
**Description:** 200' torpedo-ship 300' overhead. Whistles. Going quickly west / tremendous speed.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLAMMONDE, Paris: The AGE of FLYING SAUCERS; Hawthorne Books, NY 1971 (Index 165)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6805
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "PARKSTONE,DORSET:200' TORPEDO-SHIP 300'OVHD:WHISTLES:>>W/TREMENDOUS SPEED", **LatLong:** "50.733336 -1.916667", **LatLongDMS:** "50:44:00 N 01:55:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.733336,-1.916667)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 23624 (098E7509)
**Date:** 7/14/1963
**Description:** A 200-foot-long torpedo-shaped craft flew over Parkstone, Dorset, England at 300 feet. It made a whistling sound and shot off to the west at a tremendous speed. The sighting lasted three minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Orbit, 1963, Volume 4, p. 17; Ray Palmer, Flying Saucers magazine, August 1964, p. 9
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4050
### Event 23625 (E742057F)
**Date:** 7/15/1963 (approximate)
**Time:** 01:10
**Location:** D3 NORTHEAST / RIANS, FR
**Description:** 3 / car. Silent ball / light follows car going southeast. Circles. Goes back northwest. UFO / news.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 137)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6806
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "D3 NE/RIANS,FR:3/CAR:SLNT BALL/LITE FOLOS CAR >SE:CCLs:GOES BACK NW:UFO/NEWS", **LatLong:** "43.633335 5.794445", **LatLongDMS:** "43:38:00 N 05:47:40 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.633335,5.794445)", **State/Prov:** "Var", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 23626 (B2C0A450)
**Date:** 7/15/1963
**Location:** Charlton, Great Britain
**Description:** A farmer discovered strange crater 2.5 m wide and 2.5 m deep. Vegetation around it was burned and there were four holes in the ground around the crater itself.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** FSR 63, 5; Magonia ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_574
### Event 23627 (D07502EE)
**Date:** 7/16/1963
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) The satellite *Telstar 2*, launched on May 7th, ceases to transmit.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1963.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2006
### Event 23628 (040CF343)
**Date:** 7/16/1963
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) At Manor Farm \(Charlton, Wiltshire\), Reg Alexander, a farmhand, discovered in the potato field and on a barley field of farmer Roy Blanchard marks forming a crater-shaped depression with a diameter of 8 feet and about 4 inches deep. At the center of this depression is a deep hole 3 feet and 5 inches in diameter, according to various assessments. Radiating from the central hole are 4 slots 4 feet long and 1 foot wide. Leonard Joliffe, a dairyman from the farm, reported hearing an explosion one morning around 6am.
**Reference:** FSR Sept-Oct 1963
**Reference:** Vallée 1969
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1963.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2007
### Event 23629 (6E8D7689)
**Date:** 7/16/1963
**Time:** ~06:00
**Location:** CHARLTON, WILTS
**Description:** 8' x8'CRATER / potato field. Dirt gone. 4 holes. Crops burnt. / FSR'63#5.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: DIMENSIONS, A Casebook of Alien Contact Ballentine, NY 1989. PB (Index 55)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6807
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **NFO:** No craft seen, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces, **MIL:** Military investigation
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "76", **HatchDesc:** "CHARLTON,WILTS:8'x8'CRATER/POTATO FLD:DIRT GONE:4 HOLES:CROPS BURNT:/FSR'63#5", **LatLong:** "51.600002 -2.050000", **LatLongDMS:** "51:36:00 N 02:03:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.600002,-2.050000)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 23630 (23BEFC9A)
**Date:** 7/16/1963
**Time:** 07:50
**Location:** ONTARIO, CA
**Description:** 1 / car. Large (20M?) plain silent metallic disk going east near airport / 300M altitude. / news.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 773)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6808
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "290", **HatchDesc:** "ONTARIO,CA:1/CAR:LRG (20M?) PLAIN SLNT MTLC DISK >E nr AIRPORT/300M alt:/news", **LatLong:** "34.066668 -117.650006", **LatLongDMS:** "34:04:00 N 117:39:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/34.066668,-117.650006)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 23631 (46F20AEC)
**Date:** 7/16/1963
**Location:** Charlton, Wiltshire, England
**Description:** Farmer Roy Blanchard of Charlton, Wiltshire, England, discovers a strange crater on the ground overlapping his potato and barley fields. It is about 8 feet wide and 4 inches deep. A hole in the center is 3 feet deep and less than a foot in diameter. All vegetation inside the circle is burned, leaving only bare earth, and there are four slots in the ground around it, each about 4 feet long and a foot wide. A small piece of metal is found. Astronomer [Patrick Moore](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patrick%5FMoore) states that a “shrimp-sized meteorite” has caused the crater. But a military investigation shows no burn or scratch marks or any trace of an explosion.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Loren E. Gross, [The Fifth Horseman of the Apocalypse:](https://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1963-July-Dec.pdf) [UFOs, a History: July–December 1963](https://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1963-July-Dec.pdf)[,](https://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1963-July-Dec.pdf) The Author, 2005, pp. 12–16; UFOFiles2, [p. 116](https://archive.org/details/the-ufo-files-the-inside-story-of-real-life-sightings-david-clarke/page/n189/mode/2up); Nick Redfern, “[The](https://mysteriousuniverse.org/2015/09/the-curious-caper-of-the-charlton-crater-pt-1/) [Curious Caper of the Charlton Crater, Part 1,](https://mysteriousuniverse.org/2015/09/the-curious-caper-of-the-charlton-crater-pt-1/)” Mysterious Universe, September 28, 2015; Nick Redfern, “[The](https://mysteriousuniverse.org/2015/09/the-curious-caper-of-the-charlton-crater-pt-2/) [Curious Caper of the Charlton Crater, Part 2,](https://mysteriousuniverse.org/2015/09/the-curious-caper-of-the-charlton-crater-pt-2/)” Mysterious Universe, September 28, 2015; Matthew Richardson, “[The Charlton Crater](http://www.ipcress.org.uk/truth%5Fout/charlton.html)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3710
### Event 23632 (406C0A5F)
**Date:** 7/16/1963
**Description:** At 7:45 a.m. a large featureless metallic disc flew to the east near the airport in Ontario, California at 300 meters altitude. It made no sound and was estimated to be over 50 feet in diameter.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** APRO Bulletin, May-June 1964
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4094
### Event 23633 (24B89E96)
**Date:** 7/17/1963
**Location:** US
**Description:** A passenger of a Convair-880 related to UFO investigator, James Moseley, that the 4 engine jet airliner she had been flying in was pursued by an UFO. The jet, traveling at 600 mph, made a sharp turn to avoid the UFO, now rapidly closing in on the plane. Just as they were about to collide, the UFO swerved away at fantastic speed and disappeared in the night sky. When the (unnamed) woman confronted the pilot about the incident, he said, “I wouldn’t dare risk telling the airline of the incident. If I could tell you of some of the experiences my buddies have had, you’d never fly again!”
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [Pea Research](https://www.academia.edu/9813787/GOVERNMENT_INVOLVEMENT_IN_THE_UFO_COVER_UP_CHRONOLOGY_based)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_612
### Event 23634 (BF3CD566)
**Date:** 7/18/1963
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Near Sunnyvale \(California\), 4 USAF [jets](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/USAF.html) attempted to intercept an airborne disc-shaped craft. According to the report signed by a qualified ground observer and archived by [NICAP](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/NICAP.html), the strange craft was much too fast for the jets. It climbed in a short turn and was out of sight in about 3 s. (July 18)
**Reference:** Keyhoe 1967
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1963.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2008
### Event 23635 (EA511344)
**Date:** 7/18/1963
**Location:** SUNNYVALE, CA
**Description:** Tech-writer and pilots. Saucer hovers. Flies going up [to] as jet nears. 8mm movies.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLAMMONDE, Paris: UFO EXIST!; Ballentine Books, NY 1976. PB 480pp. (Index 438)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6809
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "15", **Elev:** "35", **HatchDesc:** "SUNNYVALE,CA:TECH-WRITER+PILOTS:SCR HVRS:FLIES ↑ AS JET NEARS:8mm MOVIES:", **LatLong:** "37.383335 -122.083339", **LatLongDMS:** "37:23:00 N 122:05:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.383335,-122.083339)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 23636 (53714C82)
**Date:** 7/18/1963
**Time:** ~15:00
**Location:** FERN CREEK, KY
**Description:** 2 boys. Small disk exits cylinder/cigar-shape and lands. Small humanoid (or Grey) with breathing gear zaps observer(s).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RIDGE, Francis: REGIONAL ENCOUNTERS in the FC Files. 170pp. UFO FILTER CENTER, Mt. Vernon, IN 1994 (Index 5)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6810
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **CVS:** Conversation/communication, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "5", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "305", **HatchDesc:** "FERN CREEK,KY:2 BOYS:SML DISK EXITS CGR+LANDS:OID W/BREATHING GEAR ZAPS OBS", **LatLong:** "38.161113 -85.588893", **LatLongDMS:** "38:09:40 N 85:35:20 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.161113,-85.588893)", **State/Prov:** "Kentucky", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 23637 (00A7BCB9)
**Date:** 7/18/1963
**Location:** Sunnyvale, CA
**Description:** A technical writer for United Technology Center saw a disc-shaped UFO hovering in the sky. He exposed 8 mm color film of the object using a 36 mm tele-photo lens. (A few frames of the film were submitted to NICAP, but the image is too small to show detail.) \[Report via Bay Area NICAP Subcommittee.\] (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2649
### Event 23638 (523D5F72)
**Date:** 7/18/1963
**Description:** At two o'clock in the afternoon, four boys in Fern Creek, Kentucky saw a cigar-shaped object that became a disc, then vanished behind some trees. A small being, 3.5 to 4 feet tall, wearing a tight-fitting white suit, goggles and a helmet emerged from the trees. The boys threw dirt clods at the entity, and the dwarf fired back using what looked like a black tube, burning two of them. There were landing imprints and footprints at the site.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb, Skylook, August 1975, p. 9, citing Terry William as field investigator
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4168
### Event 23639 (3521F35A)
**Date:** 7/20/1963
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) At [Groom Lake](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/Area51.html), an A-12 successfully reached Mach 3 during a test flight. (July 20)
**Reference:** Peebles 1995
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1963.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2009
### Event 23640 (5B53AECC)
**Date:** 7/20/1963
**Location:** WEST / BURNLEY, LANCS
**Description:** 1 observer. Huge top-saucer hovers and shimmers and rotates. Then shoots going quickly south and stops.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** DEVEREUX, Paul: EARTH LIGHTS REVELATION. 1989 Blanford/UK & 1991 Biddles Ltd, Guilford, Engl. PB (Index 100)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6811
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "145", **HatchDesc:** "W/BURNLEY,LANCs:1 OBS:HUGE TOP-SCR HVRS+SHIMMERS+ROTATES:THEN SHOOTS>>S+STOPS", **LatLong:** "53.800003 -2.333333", **LatLongDMS:** "53:48:00 N 02:20:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/53.800003,-2.333333)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 23641 (383BC080)
**Date:** 7/20/1963
**Location:** PACIFIC 174° 09W-35° 20N
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Military observer(s). No further details [in] at all.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFOCAT CATALOG: Assorted Printouts. Donald A. Johnson Ph.D (CUFOS). P.O. Box 446, Concord, NH 03302-0446 (Index 71)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6812
**Attributes:** **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Pacific Ocean and non - Asian islands", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "PACIFIC 174°09W-35°20N:BBK#UNKN:MIL OBS:NFD AT ALL", **LatLong:** "35.333335 -174.150008", **LatLongDMS:** "35:20:00 N 174:09:00 W", **Locale:** "High Seas", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/35.333335,-174.150008)", **State/Prov:** "NPC", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 23642 (737F376D)
**Date:** 7/20/1963
**Time:** 19:50
**Location:** SPRINGFIELD, IL
**Description:** Shiny silver UFO goes left and right and going up and down / 60 min. At dusk rises very high and flies going [to] horizon.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO EVIDENCE; NICAP,Washington, DC 1964. Reprinted 1997 Barnes & Noble Books ( only $7.98! ) (Index 141)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6813
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "60", **Elev:** "183", **HatchDesc:** "SPRINGFIELD,IL:SHINY SLVR UFO GOES <+>+↑+↓/60 MIN:AT DUSK RISES VHI+FLIES>HRZN", **LatLong:** "39.800002 -89.650004", **LatLongDMS:** "39:48:00 N 89:39:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.800002,-89.650004)", **State/Prov:** "Illinois", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 23643 (5E75C974)
**Date:** 7/20/1963
**Location:** Springfield, IL
**Description:** About 7:50 p.m., a shiny silver object was observed hovering at high altitude. The UFO moved up and down, back and forth, but remained in the same area of the sky. About dusk, the object (now resembling a bright star) began moving across the sky, picking up speed, and disappeared in the distance. \[Witness filed NICAP report form.\] (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2650
### Event 23644 (BA5B33B3)
**Date:** 7/20/1963
**Description:** An A-1 piloted by [Louis Schalk](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louis%5FSchalk) briefly achieves a speed of Mach 3 for the first time.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Jacobsen, Area 51, [p.](https://archive.org/details/area51uncensored0000jaco/page/200/mode/2up) [201](https://archive.org/details/area51uncensored0000jaco/page/200/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3711
### Event 23645 (1A4A5039)
**Date:** 7/20/1963
**Description:** A huge top-shaped object hovered, shimmered and rotated in the sky west of Burnley, England for two minutes. It shot off toward the south, but stopped again.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Paul Devereax, Earth Lights Revelation, p. 100
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4234
### Event 23646 (9B74B93E)
**Date:** 7/22/1963
**Time:** 20:30
**Location:** PARR, LANCS
**Description:** 3 observer(s). Saucer / 3 legs and periscope beneath. Going up / odd cloud. / FSRv10#3+/ r70p3-84.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** TIME-LIFE: The UFO PHENOMENON; Time-Life Books, Alexandria, VA. ( undated coffee-table hardcover.) (Index 111)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6814
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "24", **HatchDesc:** "PARR,LANCs:3 OBS:SCR/3 LEGS+PERISCOPE BENEATH:↑/ODD CLOUD:/FSRv10#3+/r70p3-84", **LatLong:** "53.450003 -2.705556", **LatLongDMS:** "53:27:00 N 02:42:20 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/53.450003,-2.705556)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 23647 (915DBE1D)
**Date:** 7/22/1963
**Time:** 2030
**Location:** Parr, Great Britain
**Description:** William Holland, 12, and two other persons saw a hovering, silvery object with a flashing red light on top, at 20 m altitude. It had three "legs" and a periscope underneath that pointed at the witnesses. The object went up into a cloud of unusual color, which flew against the wind.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** FSR 64, 3 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_575
### Event 23648 (32916287)
**Date:** 7/22/1963
**Description:** A 38-year-old man named Gray sighted a 300-foot long flying craft with lighted windows while driving between Northfield and Yatala, South Australia at 6:35 p.m. The UFO was seen below the clouds for five minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Waveney Girvan, Flying Saucer Review, March-April 1964, p. 24
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4298
### Event 23649 (3E652201)
**Date:** 7/22/1963
**Description:** At 8:30 p.m. three people watched a low flying bell-shaped object pass into a cloud in Parr, Merseyside, England. It failed to reappear.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Thomas M. Olsen, The Reference for Outstanding UFO Sighting Reports, case 141, citing Flying Saucer Review, May-June 1964, p. 24; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 575
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4299
### Event 23650 (6B209594)
**Date:** 7/23/1963
**Location:** USA, between Setus Pass and Toppenish and Portland (Oregon)
**Description:** (Translated from French) At 1:00am three people were driving when a 4m tall humanoid with grey hair crossed the road. A couple from Portland were fishing in the Lewis river and saw on the other side a 4m tall humanoid. He was wearing a Ku-Klux-Klan style hood or had an abundant head of hair.
**Reference:** Jacques BERGIER: "Les E.T. dans l'Histoire" - J'AI LU - 1970 - p. 164
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2258
### Event 23651 (DABC7567)
**Date:** 7/23/1963
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) The *Daily Express* of London reported the observation of Officer Anthony Penny two weeks earlier.
**Reference:** Vallée 1969
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1963.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2010
### Event 23652 (734FB340)
**Date:** 7/23/1963
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Observation \(below\) in Colorado.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1963.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2011
### Event 23653 (2E6F9CD0)
**Date:** 7/24/1963
**Location:** LEEDS, WEST YORKS
**Description:** 2 boys. Domed saucer descends from overcast. Speeds away. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLAMMONDE, Paris: The AGE of FLYING SAUCERS; Hawthorne Books, NY 1971 (Index 165)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6815
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "63", **HatchDesc:** "LEEDS,W.YORKS:2 BOYS:DOMED SCR DESCENDS fm OVERCAST:SPEEDS AWAY:NFD", **LatLong:** "53.800003 -1.550000", **LatLongDMS:** "53:48:00 N 01:33:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/53.800003,-1.550000)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 23654 (26668120)
**Date:** 7/24/1963
**Description:** On this morning two ten year old boys with the last names Lee and Duffy were buzzed by a domed, disc-shaped object that descended from an overcast sky while they were playing outdoors in Leeds, West Yorkshire, England at 8:30 a.m.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Orbit, Tyneside, England, Volume 2 (1963), p. 23); Paris Flammonde, UFO Exist! p. 165; Larry Hatch, U computer database, case 6371, citing Paris Flammonde
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4352
### Event 23655 (39E59BFD)
**Date:** 7/25/1963
**Description:** UFO with great beacon seen here and entire area. Many calls.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLAMMONDE, Paris: The AGE of FLYING SAUCERS; Hawthorne Books, NY 1971 (Index 165)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6816
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "60", **Elev:** "154", **HatchDesc:** "BLOXWICH,BIRMINGHAM:UFO W/GREAT BEACON SEEN HERE+ENTIRE AREA:MANY CALLS", **LatLong:** "52.616669 -2.000000", **LatLongDMS:** "52:37:00 N 02:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/52.616669,-2.000000)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 23656 (BCCCBB54)
**Date:** 7/26/1963
**Time:** 00:10
**Location:** MARYHILL, WA
**Description:** 2 separate truckers. 40' domed saucer paces truck / 20 minute(s) up hill. Tilts and away.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 243)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6817
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "20", **Elev:** "55", **HatchDesc:** "MARYHILL,WA:2 SEP.TRUCKERS:40'DOMED SCR PACES TRUCK/20min UP HILL:TILTS+AWAY", **LatLong:** "45.700002 -120.800006", **LatLongDMS:** "45:42:00 N 120:48:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.700002,-120.800006)", **State/Prov:** "Washington", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 23657 (AB13A548)
**Date:** 8/1963 (approximate)
**Time:** 22:00
**Location:** HEMMINGFORD, QB
**Description:** 6+several observer(s). Sizzle! Domed saucer going north / 200' altitude. 12+square portholes / blue-light.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CAMERON, Vicky: UFO EXPERIENCES in CANADA, Don't tell anyone but.. ; 1995 General Store Publishing ; Burnstown, Ontario ISBN 1-896182-20-8 (Index 35)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6818
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "77", **HatchDesc:** "HEMMINGFORD,QB:6+SVRL OBS:SIZZLE!:DOMED SCR >N/200'alt:12+SQR PORTS/BLU-LITE", **LatLong:** "45.066669 -73.600004", **LatLongDMS:** "45:04:00 N 73:36:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.066669,-73.600004)", **RelAlt:** "60", **State/Prov:** "Quebec", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 23658 (AD042A0A)
**Date:** 8/1963
**Time:** 23:30
**Location:** BUCHAREST, ROM
**Description:** 2 amateur astronomers. 2 bright saucers play / sky. 1 going north. Vanish. / r84p223+/ r193#24.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 60)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6819
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Romania", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "BUCHAREST,ROM:2 AM.ASTRONS:2 BRITE SCRS PLAY/SKY:1 >N:VANISH:/r84p223+/r193#24", **LatLong:** "44.433335 26.116668", **LatLongDMS:** "44:26:00 N 26:07:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.433335,26.116668)", **State/Prov:** "Bucharest", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 23659 (52E9B970)
**Date:** 8/1/1963
**Description:** RAF pilot and flight instrument and tower Air Traffic Controllers. Triangular object hovers. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: ABOVE TOP SECRET; Sidgewick & Jackson, London 1987 & Quill Books, 1988. 592pp. (Index 192)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6820
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "GARSTON,HERTFORDs:RAF PILOT+FLT INSTR+TOWER ATCS:TRIANGULAR OBJ HOVERS:NFD", **LatLong:** "51.683336 -0.383333", **LatLongDMS:** "51:41:00 N 00:23:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.683336,-0.383333)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 23660 (664098E9)
**Date:** 8/1/1963
**Description:** "French balloon" seen and chased by RAF and USAF. Seen by many others.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: ABOVE TOP SECRET; Sidgewick & Jackson, London 1987 & Quill Books, 1988. 592pp. (Index 149)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6821
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "12", **HatchDesc:** "BECKENHAM,LONDON:"FRENCH BALLOON" SEEN+CHASED BY RAF+USAF:SEEN by MANY OTHERS", **LatLong:** "51.400002 -0.033333", **LatLongDMS:** "51:24:00 N 00:02:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.400002,-0.033333)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 23661 (2FA51F57)
**Date:** 8/1/1963
**Time:** 20:30
**Description:** Red-orange tube exits cloud going quickly southwest extremely fast. Slows and darkens. Going [to] vertical and going down.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 765)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6822
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "1070", **HatchDesc:** "SW CALGARY,ALTA:RED-ORG TUBE EXITS CLOUD >>SW XFAST:SLOWS+DARKENS:>VERTICAL+↓", **LatLong:** "51.016669 -114.100005", **LatLongDMS:** "51:01:00 N 114:06:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.016669,-114.100005)", **State/Prov:** "Alta", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 23662 (77612391)
**Date:** 8/1/1963
**Location:** Garston, Herts, UK
**Description:** A former RAF pilot, and flying instructor, observed a triangular UFO which hovered for a -long period of time, then climbed out of sight. An air traffic controller four miles away also observed the UFO. \[FLIGHT International, 15 August 1963.\] (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2651
### Event 23663 (0893A873)
**Date:** 8/1/1963
**Locations:** Garston, Hertfordshire, England; Bcckenham, London; RAF Bentwaters [now Bentwaters Parks], Woodbridge, Suffolk; Bushey, Hertfordshire
**Description:** Evening. A former RAF pilot and flight instructor sees a triangular UFO that lingers for a long time over Garston, Hertfordshire, England, then climbs out of sight. Thousands of other people in the London area, including an air traffic controller four miles away and future UFO researcher [Timothy Good](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timothy%5FGood) in Bcckenham, London, also see the object, which has a tetrahedral shape and glassy appearance when seen through binoculars. A USAF F-100 Super Sabre from RAF Bentwaters \[now Bentwaters Parks\] in Woodbridge, Suffolk, and another plane from the De Havilland Aircraft Company are sent up to investigate but cannot get anywhere near the UFO, which is at an estimated 90,000 feet. An amateur astronomer in Bushey, Hertfordshire, takes a clear photo. The official explanation is a balloon.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** UFOEv, [p. 141](https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=mdp.39015006091691&view=1up&seq=153&skin=2021); Good Above, [p. 149](https://archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/148/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3712
### Event 23664 (F4D66676)
**Date:** 8/4/1963
**Time:** 23:30
**Location:** WAYNE, IL
**Description:** 7 observer(s). Fireball paces car / 6mi. Car and radio and phone electro-magnetic effect (EME). / MJ#244 / r148p290 / r79p20.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 769)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6823
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "50", **Elev:** "230", **HatchDesc:** "WAYNE,IL:7 OBS:FBL PACES CAR/6mi:CAR+RADIO+PHONE EME:/MJ#244/r148p290/r79p20", **LatLong:** "41.950002 -88.244449", **LatLongDMS:** "41:57:00 N 88:14:40 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.950002,-88.244449)", **State/Prov:** "Illinois", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 23665 (2477BC7D)
**Date:** 8/4/1963
**Location:** Wayne City, IL
**Description:** The Wayne City Car Chase (EM & NUCAT) (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases, Code: E, Rating: 5, BB: BBU, NC)
**Reference:** NICAP: [630804](http://www.nicap.org/630804waynecity%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2652
### Event 23666 (D7A45434)
**Date:** 8/4/1963
**Locations:** Mount Vernon, Illinois; Wayne City; State Highway 15
**Description:** 11:30 p.m. Ronnie Austin and Phyllis Bruce are driving east on State Highway 15 past the Mount Vernon, Illinois, airport when they notice a bright white round object about 20° above the southwest horizon. It seems to be keeping pace with them for several miles. Suddenly it moves about 600 feet in front of them and to the left. When Austin drops Phyllis off at home in Wayne City, it is hanging in the southeast. They continue watching it about 15 minutes, then Austin leaves for home. As he turns east on a gravel road, it shoots ahead of him, taking on an orange hue. At one point it comes within 100 feet of his car, swerves upward, and passes above him as the car radio makes a whining noise and the car engine almost fails. The object then moves behind him from west to east. When he arrives home, it is hovering about 900 feet to the southeast. Ronnie is so shaken, he is given a sedative. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Austin, and brother and sister also see the light, which finally becomes indistinguishable with a star by 1:10 a.m.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** NICAP, “[The Wayne City Car Chase \(EM RA Traces\)](http://www.nicap.org/630804waynecity%5Fdir.htm)”; Jeffrey Liss, “The Light That Followed a Car,” Fate 16, no. 11 \(November 1963\): 26–35; [Schopick](http://cufos.org/books/A%5FStudy%5Fof%5FSecondary%5FEffects-An%5FUnpublished%5FManuscript%5Fof%5FUFO%5FE-M%5FCases.pdf), pp. 81–88
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3713
### Event 23667 (E87D72DB)
**Date:** 8/4/1963
**Description:** Ronnie Austin and Phyllis Bruce, age 18, were driving to Phyllis Bruce's home in Wayne City, Illiniois when they had a close encounter with a humming, yellowish orange ball of light on Highway 15 at 11:30 p.m. It paced the car to the woman's house, crossing and recrossing the highway, and then hovered over a nearby barn when they parked the car.While the UFO was hovering it changed its color to a dull orange. They continued to watched the object from her house with her family members for nearly an hour. When Ronnie left the object buzzed his car repeatedly. He felt a cooling effect and heard a loud whining sound on the car radio as the UFO made passes at the car. His engine also missed and the speedometer was effected.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Wayne County (IL) Press, August 5, 1963; APRO Bulletin, January 1964, p. 3; Robert Gribble, MUFON UFO Journal, August 1988, p. 15; Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, p. 20; Francis L. Ridge, MUFON field investigation case files, case # 900825
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4645
### Event 23668 (49C6E8E6)
**Date:** 8/5/1963
**Description:** Partial Test Ban Treaty (PTBT). At this point, 499 nuclear tests were conducted
**Type:** historical event
**Reference:** [link](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comprehensive_Nuclear-Test-Ban_Treaty)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_613
### Event 23669 (E481AA50)
**Date:** 8/5/1963
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In Fairfield, Illinois, an entire family is trapped for several hours in their farm by a dazzling object patrolling at very low altitude. (August 5)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1963.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2012
### Event 23670 (724EEC49)
**Date:** 8/5/1963
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) The satellite *Anna* which had malfunctioned the previous year is starting up again on its own.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1963.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2013
### Event 23671 (5B3662C9)
**Date:** 8/5/1963
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) The satellite *Telstar 2*, which had malfunctioned the previous year, began transmitting again.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1963.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2014
### Event 23672 (A6270467)
**Date:** 8/5/1963
**Time:** 04:30
**Description:** Many observer(s). Fireballs maneuver and pass over town. Finally go away fast. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 769)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6824
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Mexico", **Credibility:** "12", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "2216", **HatchDesc:** "ZITACUARO,MEXICO:MANY OBS:FBLS MNVR+PASS OVR TOWN:FINALLY GO AWAY FAST:NFD", **LatLong:** "19.416668 -100.366671", **LatLongDMS:** "19:25:00 N 100:22:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/19.416668,-100.366671)", **State/Prov:** "MCH", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 23673 (D32797A5)
**Date:** 8/5/1963
**Location:** Moscow, Russia
**Description:** The Partial Nuclear Test Ban Treaty is signed by the USSR, UK, and US governments in Moscow, Russia, before being opened for signature by other countries. The treaty formally goes into effect on October 10. The treaty prohibits all above-ground tests of nuclear weapons.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Partial Nuclear Test Ban Treaty](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Partial%5FNuclear%5FTest%5FBan%5FTreaty)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3714
### Event 23674 (08C7DC4E)
**Date:** 8/5/1963
**Description:** Shortly after midnight in Wayne County, Illinois a car with several teenagers was followed for 10 miles between Wayne City and Mount Vernon by white light. The UFO made a humming sound as it followed them. The car radio went crazy and the engine stalled as the object passed over, and the witnesses felt a sensation of cold when the UFO passed within 100 feet. Multiple independent witnesses.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Richard F. Haines, CE-5: Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind, p. 179; Flying Saucer Review, November-December 1963, p. 24; Geoffrey Falla, BUFORA Vehicle Interference Project Report, p. 26
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4677
### Event 23675 (96EC7D2C)
**Date:** 8/6/1963
**Location:** SANFORD, FL
**Description:** Night light changes colors. Moves going up [to] going down [to] and all directions. Pulses. Flare / green light.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO EVIDENCE; NICAP,Washington, DC 1964. Reprinted 1997 Barnes & Noble Books ( only $7.98! ) (Index 141)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6825
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "11", **HatchDesc:** "SANFORD,FL:NLT CHANGES COLORS:MOVES ↑↓+ALL DIRECTIONS:PULSES:FLARE/GRN LITE", **LatLong:** "28.800001 -81.283337", **LatLongDMS:** "28:48:00 N 81:17:00 W", **Locale:** "Wetlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/28.800001,-81.283337)", **State/Prov:** "Florida", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 23676 (A3F965D6)
**Date:** 8/6/1963
**Time:** 10:00
**Location:** CARACAS, VNZL
**Description:** Many observer(s). Huge brilliant disk going down [to] by TV station. Hovers and maneuvers. Away extremely fast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 771)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6826
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Venezuela", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "910", **HatchDesc:** "CARACAS,VNZL:MANY OBS:HUGE BRILL.DISK ↓ by TV STATION:HVRS+MNVRS:AWAY XFAST", **LatLong:** "10.450000 -66.950003", **LatLongDMS:** "10:27:00 N 66:57:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/10.450000,-66.950003)", **State/Prov:** "CRC", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 23677 (D3AF766B)
**Date:** 8/6/1963
**Location:** Sanford, Fl
**Description:** Orville Hartle, Chairman of the LaPorte, Indiana NICAP Subcommittee, on a brief visit to Florida, observed a UFO. He obtained a full report with signatures of 13 additional witnesses. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2653
### Event 23678 (7DA1A52A)
**Date:** 8/6/1963
**Description:** In Caracas, Venezuela a huge brilliant disc hovered and maneuvered by a TV station and tower at 10:00 a.m.; it then shot away extremely fast.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** APRO Bulletin, March-April 1964, p. 3
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4724
### Event 23679 (0CDF0A9B)
**Date:** 8/6/1963
**Description:** On this evening in Sanford, Florida UFO investigator Orville Hartle saw a UFO with 13 other witnesses. The object appeared in the northeastern sky first as a red, then a white moving light. The UFO engaged in gyrations, pulsated, moved up-and-down, back-and-forth, and once emitted a flare of green-white light. The sighting lasted several minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume I, p. 141; George D. Fawcett, Flying Saucers magazine, September-October 1970, pp. 6-7
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4725
### Event 23680 (89BEA1BF)
**Date:** 8/7/1963
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) First flight of a YF-12A \(\#1001\) at Groom Lake, an interceptor capable of reaching Mach 3, based on the design of the A-12. (August 7)
**Reference:** Peebles 1995
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1963.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2015
### Event 23681 (AEF2F90E)
**Date:** 8/7/1963
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Photo taken by a pilot of the Avena lines flying between Barcelona and the Maiquetia International Airport \(Venezuela\). The photo has been described as a hoax where the non-coherent shadows \(according to the shadow of the wing engine of the plane and that on the ground of the plane to the right, that of the UFO should be much further to the right\) and the UFO a button
**Reference:** \[Fortean Picture Library\]
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1963.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2016
### Event 23682 (AFEB95EE)
**Date:** 8/7/1963
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Photo taken by a pilot of the Avena lines flying between Barcelona and the Malquetia International Airport \(Venezuela\). Note the wing engine of the plane on the right and the shadows on the ground of the plane and the UFO. See images/1963\_kettelkamp.jpg.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1963.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2017
### Event 23683 (BC833DB5)
**Date:** 8/7/1963
**Time:** 23:00?
**Location:** CENTRALIA, ILL
**Description:** Luminous UFO flies slow over railroad/railway tracks to and fro. Heads to woods. / MJ#244.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA; H. Regnery, Chicago HC 1969 & Contemporary Books,Chicago 1993. 372pp. (Index 576)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6827
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "8", **Elev:** "152", **HatchDesc:** "CENTRALIA,ILL:LUM UFO FLIES SLOW OVR RR TRACKS TO+FRO:HEADS to WOODS:/MJ#244", **LatLong:** "38.522224 -89.133338", **LatLongDMS:** "38:31:20 N 89:08:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.522224,-89.133338)", **State/Prov:** "Illinois", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 23684 (DFFDCAE9)
**Date:** 8/7/1963
**Location:** Fairfield (4 miles E of ), IL
**Description:** Dogs Sense UFO, Object Approaches Witnesses (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions, Code: An, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** NICAP: [630807](http://www.nicap.org/630807fairfield%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2654
### Event 23685 (D5DA7838)
**Date:** 8/7/1963
**Time:** night
**Location:** Centralia, Illinois
**Description:** Five persons observed a luminous source flying slowly over the railroad tracks. Direction of travel: west, then north. It appeared ready to land in a wooded area. Its luminosity was variable.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Atic ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_576
### Event 23686 (BC09AC13)
**Date:** 8/7/1963
**Locations:** Edwards AFB; California
**Description:** The first flight of the USAF version of the A-12, the Lockheed YF-12 interceptor, takes place at Edwards AFB in California.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Lockheed YF-12](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lockheed%5FYF-12)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3715
### Event 23687 (AED833C4)
**Date:** 8/8/1963
**Time:** 22:10
**Location:** MT. VERNON, IL
**Description:** Fireball paces and circles car / 30 min. Electro-magnetic effect (EME). Lost / sky. / r23p26+/ Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v9#6p24.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA; H. Regnery, Chicago HC 1969 & Contemporary Books,Chicago 1993. 372pp. (Index 577)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6828
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "100", **Elev:** "155", **HatchDesc:** "MT VERNON,IL:FBL PACES+CIRCLES CAR/30 MIN:EME:LOST/SKY:/r23p26+/FSR v9#6p24", **LatLong:** "38.316668 -88.905560", **LatLongDMS:** "38:19:00 N 88:54:20 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.316668,-88.905560)", **State/Prov:** "Illinois", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 23688 (2329FF76)
**Date:** 8/8/1963
**Time:** 2210
**Location:** Mount Vernon, Illinois
**Description:** An oval, luminous object coming from the north dived toward Centralia Road, followed a car, flying around it. Then it went away toward the west, disappeared like a bulb turned off, and was seen again in the west flying very fast. It was observed by numerous people. Total duration: 15 min.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Atic ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_577
### Event 23689 (F11645F5)
**Date:** 8/9/1963
**Location:** Mount Vernon, IL
**Description:** Big As A Washtub (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, Code: C, Rating: 5)
**Reference:** NICAP: [630809](http://nicap.org/630809mtvernon%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2655
### Event 23690 (C5AAB710)
**Date:** 8/9/1963
**Description:** Harry Bishop, the former major of Mount Vernon, Illinois, watched a large, bright red oval-shaped light making a "whirring sound" follow a car along Centralia road. When the car stopped, the UFO stopped; it hovered for awhile, then moved away at right angles to its original course. There were a number of other witnesses. Duration: 10 minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jeffrey G. Liss, Fate magazine, November 1963, p. 26; APRO Bulletin, January 1964, p. 4; Richard Hall, The UFO Evidence, p. 141; Francis Ridge, Regional Encounters, p. 13
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4792
### Event 23691 (609914B2)
**Date:** 8/10/1963
**Locations:** Glasgow Air Force Base; Glasgow, Montana
**Description:** 9:32 p.m. Several airmen of the 91st Bombardment Wing at Glasgow Air Force Base \[now closed\] near Glasgow, Montana, are walking in the parking lot when a bright light appears above them, bathing everyone in an orange glow. It is coming from a disc-shaped object with a dome that has some odd characters carved in it. The object moves up, then to the right, then down and left. It makes a square, then an X within the square, stopping at all points before moving again. The underside of the object is a large panel of blue light. They watch it for 3 minutes then it disappears.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Out of the Past,](http://cufos.org/CUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter/1985%5FCUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter%5FV6.pdf)” CUFOS Associate Newsletter 6, no. 2 \(April/May 1985\): 3
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3716
### Event 23692 (1C241435)
**Date:** 8/11/1963
**Time:** 00:10
**Description:** Several observer(s). 50 small glowing-orbs in and out / caves. Enter large ovoid.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 246)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6829
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Austria", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "250", **HatchDesc:** "W/KLEINREIFLING,AUSTRIA:SVRL OBS:50 SML GLO-ORBS IN+OUT/CAVES:ENTER LRG OVOID", **LatLong:** "47.800002 14.600001", **LatLongDMS:** "47:48:00 N 14:36:00 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.800002,14.600001)", **State/Prov:** "Upper Austria", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 23693 (1D163E50)
**Date:** 8/11/1963
**Location:** Warrenville, IL
**Description:** Boersma saw a light move around the sky (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 8506)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2656
### Event 23694 (A7E94347)
**Date:** 8/11/1963
**Time:** 10 PM
**Location:** Warrenville, Illinois
**Description:** Witness: R.M. Boersma. One light moved around the sky for 20 seconds.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_489
### Event 23695 (1CD586D9)
**Date:** 8/11/1963
**Description:** Beginning at shortly after midnight, three witnesses in Saileralm, Austria watched 50 small glowing orbs fly in and out of caves in a mountain over the next four hours. The glowing balls of light then flew up into a large ovoid UFO.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Gordon Creighton, FSR, April 1975, p. 27
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4867
### Event 23696 (92690F2B)
**Date:** 8/11/1963
**Description:** In Warrenville, Illinois at ten o'clock in the evening R. M. Boersma saw a white light move around the sky for 20 seconds.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Project Blue Book files counted in official statistics, case 8506; Richard Hall, The UFO Evidence (Volume I), p. 122; Don Berliner, Project Bluebook UFO Unknowns
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4868
### Event 23697 (1A4E04F9)
**Date:** 8/12/1963
**Time:** 20:30
**Description:** Numerous separate observer(s). Night lights exit and return to luminous pear shaped object.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: UFO'S IN SPACE - Anatomy of a Phenomenon; Henry Regnery 1966 & Ballentine PB 1974 294pp. (Index 219)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6830
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "160", **HatchDesc:** "BIRCHILLS,ENGL+area:NMRS SEP.OBS:NLTS EXIT+RETURN TO LUMN.PEAR SHAPED OBJ", **LatLong:** "52.633336 -1.966667", **LatLongDMS:** "52:38:00 N 01:58:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/52.633336,-1.966667)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 23698 (30D5249D)
**Date:** 8/12/1963
**Time:** 23:45:00.1
**Location:** 37.0417 -116.0156
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Pekan” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_331
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0417 -116.0156", **LatLongDMS:** "37:02:30 N 116:00:56 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0417,-116.0156)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.30", **NukeName:** "Pekan", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 23699 (A6D91174)
**Date:** 8/12/1963
**Description:** Nocturnal lights exited and returned to a luminous pear-shaped UFO hovering over the Birchills Power Station in Staffordshire, England at 8:30 p.m. The sighting lasted ten minutes and included numerous witnesses.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Anatomy of a Phenomenon, p. 160; Larry Hatch, U computer database, case # 6386, citing Jacques Vallee
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4940
### Event 23700 (E330D489)
**Date:** 8/13/1963
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Sighting in Saint Calen \(Switzerland\). (August 13-14)
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#8514 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1963.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2018
### Event 23701 (99742407)
**Date:** 8/13/1963
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) At the Aquire Cerda base, observation of 9 witnesses.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1963.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2019
### Event 23702 (9C4699AD)
**Date:** 8/13/1963
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In Oklahoma City, sighting of various witnesses including 2 police patrols.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1963.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2020
### Event 23703 (5265C51B)
**Date:** 8/13/1963
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In South Dakota, sighting of a carousel of lights by 10,000 witnesses.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1963.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2021
### Event 23704 (5C3725ED)
**Date:** 8/13/1963
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In Cuernavaca, the city lights go out and an UFO is seen by many witnesses.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1963.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2022
### Event 23705 (03C648E6)
**Date:** 8/13/1963
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Above Cuba, a [U-2](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/U2.html) is approached by a UFO before crashing in Bolivia.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1963.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2023
### Event 23706 (82D5B0CD)
**Date:** 8/13/1963
**Time:** 13:00?
**Location:** ELLSWORTH, ME
**Description:** Saucer on ground near pond. Body lights. Beams lights going up / each end at intervals.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO EVIDENCE; NICAP,Washington, DC 1964. Reprinted 1997 Barnes & Noble Books ( only $7.98! ) (Index 141)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6831
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "70", **Elev:** "34", **HatchDesc:** "ELLSWORTH,ME:SCR ON GND nr POND:BODY LITES:BEAMS LITES ↑/EACH END AT INTERVALS", **LatLong:** "44.544447 -68.422225", **LatLongDMS:** "44:32:40 N 68:25:20 W", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.544447,-68.422225)", **State/Prov:** "Maine", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 23707 (D39AF621)
**Date:** 8/13/1963
**Time:** 20:00
**Description:** 1 observer. Fireball darkens / 4 minute(s). Brightens and "explodes". Back / 14 August.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BERLINER, DON: The BLUEBOOK UNKNOWNS; (FUFOR). (Index 31)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6832
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Switzerland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "St GALLEN,SWITZERLAND:1 OBS:FBL DARKENS/4min:BRIGHTENS+"EXPLODES":BACK/14AUG", **LatLong:** "47.416669 9.383334", **LatLongDMS:** "47:25:00 N 09:23:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.416669,9.383334)", **State/Prov:** "STG", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 23708 (50B1CDF7)
**Date:** 8/13/1963
**Time:** 23:30
**Location:** HONOLULU, HI
**Description:** Chemist. Round red object crosses sky. Southwest going quickly northwest. 2 sharp turns. / r78p196.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO EVIDENCE; NICAP,Washington, DC 1964. Reprinted 1997 Barnes & Noble Books ( only $7.98! ) (Index 141)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6833
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "6", **HatchDesc:** "HONOLULU,HI:CHEMIST:RND RED OBJ CROSSES SKY:SW>>NW:2 SHARP TURNS:/r78p196", **LatLong:** "21.366668 -157.883341", **LatLongDMS:** "21:22:00 N 157:53:00 W", **Locale:** "Islands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/21.366668,-157.883341)", **State/Prov:** "Hawaii", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 23709 (7D434349)
**Date:** 8/13/1963
**End date:** 8/14/1963
**Location:** St. Calen, Switzerland
**Description:** Saw a fireball become a dark object after 4 mins (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 8514)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2657
### Event 23710 (C124F8CE)
**Date:** 8/13/1963
**Location:** Ellsworth (near), ME
**Description:** A family and their housekeeper observed an elliptical object, apparently on the ground adjoining Molasses Pond, for more than an hour. Body lights were visible along its length, and rays of light shone upward from each end of the object occasionally. \[Witnesses interviewed by Walter N. Webb, NICAP Adviser.\] (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2658
### Event 23711 (C9A9B940)
**Date:** 8/13/1963
**Location:** Honolulu, HI
**Description:** While vacationing in Hawaii, a chemist observed a UFO and reported it to NICAP. Dr. Richard Turse, Princeton, N.J., about 11:30 p.m., saw a round reddish object pass overhead from southwest to northeast. The UFO "traveled across the sky at great speed making two sharp turns at the same speed." (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2659
### Event 23712 (D7B80043)
**Date:** 8/13/1963
**Location:** Ellsworth, Maine
**Description:** An elliptical object with lights on its entire length and occasional flashes at both ends was seen at ground level for over one hour by an entire family.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Evidence 141 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_578
### Event 23713 (EB6A5FC3)
**Date:** 8/13/1963
**Time:** 8:04 PM
**Location:** St. Gallen, Switzerland
**Description:** Witness: A.F. Schelling. One fireball became a dark object after 4 minutes, and then a bigger glow, a minute later, and finally exploded. Note: same witness had another, undescribed, sighting on Aug. 14
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_490
### Event 23714 (F2732144)
**Date:** 8/13/1963
**Description:** In St. Gallen, Switzerland at 8:04 p.m. A. F. Schelling watched a fireball become a dark object after four minutes of flight, and then a bigger glow a minute later, and finally explode. The same witness had another sighting (not described in the Project Blue Book file) on the next day..
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Don Berliner, Project Bluebook UFO Unknowns
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4967
### Event 23715 (6E7FF077)
**Date:** 8/13/1963
**Description:** At 9:30 p.m. a family and their housekeeper saw an elliptical object on the ground near Molasses Pond, Ellsworth, Maine for almost an hour. The craft had body lights along its length, and there were rays that shone upward from each end occasionally.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Walter Webb case files, case # 38;Richard Hall, The UFO Evidence, p. 141
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4968
### Event 23716 (5C3841FC)
**Date:** 8/13/1963
**Description:** A chemist in Honolulu, Hawaii at 11:30 p.m. saw a round red object pass overhead from the southwest to the northeast. The UFO "traveled across the sky at great speed making two sharp turns at the same speed."
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Richard Hall, The UFO Evidence, p. 141
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4969
### Event 23717 (F3F7DF8B)
**Date:** 8/15/1963 (approximate)
**Time:** 22:00?
**Description:** Small object beams terrific light / homes and people. Going east. Turns going quickly north.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** DONG, Paul: UFO's Over MODERN CHINA. 1983 UFO Photo Archives; P. O. Box 17206; Tucson, AZ 85710. (Index 44)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6834
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "China", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "HANCHUAN,HUBEI,CHINA:SML OBJ BEAMS TERRIFIC LITE/HOMES+PEOPLE:> E:TURNS>>N", **LatLong:** "30.650001 113.800005", **LatLongDMS:** "30:39:00 N 113:48:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/30.650001,113.800005)", **State/Prov:** "HUB", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 23718 (BB2CF2AF)
**Date:** 8/15/1963
**Time:** 13:00:00.2
**Location:** 37.1541 -116.0766
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Satsop” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_332
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1541 -116.0766", **LatLongDMS:** "37:09:15 N 116:04:36 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1541,-116.0766)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.23", **NukeName:** "Satsop", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 23719 (6E79457B)
**Date:** 8/16/1963
**Location:** PACIFIC 175° 19W-31° 45N
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Military observer(s). No further details [in] at all.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFOCAT CATALOG: Assorted Printouts. Donald A. Johnson Ph.D (CUFOS). P.O. Box 446, Concord, NH 03302-0446 (Index 71)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6835
**Attributes:** **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Pacific Ocean and non - Asian islands", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "PACIFIC 175°19W-31°45N:BBK#UNKN:MIL OBS:NFD AT ALL", **LatLong:** "31.750002 -175.316675", **LatLongDMS:** "31:45:00 N 175:19:00 W", **Locale:** "High Seas", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/31.750002,-175.316675)", **State/Prov:** "NPC", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 23720 (4E56BAB6)
**Date:** 8/18/1963
**Time:** 12:30
**Location:** FORT KENT, ME
**Description:** 2 boys agree. Saucer passes overhead north going south. Intermittent humming heard. / r78p197.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO EVIDENCE; NICAP,Washington, DC 1964. Reprinted 1997 Barnes & Noble Books ( only $7.98! ) (Index 141)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6836
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "162", **HatchDesc:** "FORT KENT,ME:2 BOYS AGREE:SCR PASSES OVRHD N>S:INTERMITTENT HUM HEARD:/r78p197", **LatLong:** "47.261113 -68.588892", **LatLongDMS:** "47:15:40 N 68:35:20 W", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.261113,-68.588892)", **State/Prov:** "Maine", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 23721 (3E5227DF)
**Date:** 8/18/1963
**Time:** 15:30
**Location:** SEEKONK, MA
**Description:** J. Trainor age 13. Shiny silver saucer hovers / several min. Going quickly southeast to horizon / 2 second(s).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO ROUNDUP weekly email of UFO news: Joseph Trainor. http://www.digiserve.com/ufoinfo/roundup/ .. (Index 189)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6837
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "15", **HatchDesc:** "SEEKONK,MA:J.TRAINOR age 13:SHINY SLVR SCR HVRS/SVRL MIN:>>SE to HRZN/2 sec", **LatLong:** "41.805558 -71.338892", **LatLongDMS:** "41:48:20 N 71:20:20 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.805558,-71.338892)", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 23722 (628B36D6)
**Date:** 8/18/1963
**Location:** Ft. Kent, ME
**Description:** A silvery disc-shaped UFO was seen by two young boys, whose parents agreed they must have seen something unusual. The disc passed from north to south, emitting a hum intermittently. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2662
### Event 23723 (0021CD26)
**Date:** 8/18/1963
**Description:** A silvery disc-shaped UFO was seen by two young boys in Fort Kent, Aroostook County, Maine at 12:30 p.m. The boys' parents agreed that they must have seen something unusual. The disc passed from north to south, emitting a hum intermittently.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** St. John Valley Times, August 29, 1963; Richard Hall, The UFO Evidence, p. 141; APRO Bulletin, March-April 1964, p. 6
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5124
### Event 23724 (943F2CF1)
**Date:** 8/20/1963
**Location:** ITALY, near Rome
**Description:** (Translated from French) "Luciano sent me information about a landing that took place on August 20, 1963, at 9:32 PM, which he investigated with a team from the secret service under the auspices of the Italian government. The witness was the president's trusted chauffeur, driving his official car. The site was the president's hunting reserve, not far from Rome. An object shaped like a disk, resembling an upside-down saucer with a turret on top, hovered at low altitude above the car" (...) (August 20, 1963)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallée: "Forbidden Science - Journal 1957 - 1969" - O.P. Editions 1997, p. 136
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2259
### Event 23725 (A0CAF030)
**Date:** 8/20/1963
**Time:** 21:30
**Location:** ROMA, ITALY
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Classic saucer flies over Mr. Fattorini's car. No further details. / USAF Tech. Intel. Center. (ATIC.)
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA; H. Regnery, Chicago HC 1969 & Contemporary Books,Chicago 1993. 372pp. (Index 579)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6838
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Italy", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "ROMA,ITALY:BBK#UNKN:CLASSIC SCR FLIES OVR Mr FATTORINI's CAR:NFD:/ATIC", **LatLong:** "41.916669 12.466667", **LatLongDMS:** "41:55:00 N 12:28:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.916669,12.466667)", **State/Prov:** "ROM", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 23726 (60B0E560)
**Date:** 8/20/1963
**Time:** 23:10
**Description:** Teen. Cylinder/cigar-shape with red portholes going [to] over 2 tall buildings. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GRANCHI, Irene: UFO's and ABDUCTIONS in BRAZIL: Horus House Press, Madison, WI: 1992 (English translation 1994) ISBN 1-881852-09-1 (Index 33)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6839
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "611", **HatchDesc:** "VASSOURAS,BRZL:TEEN:CGR W/RED PORTHOLES > OVR 2 TALL BUILDINGS:NFD", **LatLong:** "-22.416668 -43.650002", **LatLongDMS:** "22:25:00 S 43:39:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-22.416668,-43.650002)", **State/Prov:** "RDJ", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 23727 (176FEE43)
**Date:** 8/20/1963
**Time:** 2132
**Location:** Rome, Italy
**Description:** In a wooded area near Rome, a man in a car observed an object resembling a plate turned upside down, with a central turret, flying low over his vehicle.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Atic ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_579
### Event 23728 (A7D0A7A5)
**Date:** 8/20/1963
**Locations:** Rome, Italy; Castel Porziano Presidential Estate
**Description:** 9:30 p.m. Italian President [Antonio Segni](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antonio%5FSegni)’s personal driver encounters a UFO near the entrance of the Castel Porziano Presidential Estate in Rome, Italy. When he sees a metallic domed disc with portholes moving in front of him in the driveway ahead, the driver stops the Fiat 2300 immediately. The UFO, about 65 feet diameter, passes a few feet above the car, making a hissing noise and causing the body to vibrate and the instruments to go crazy, then reverses course and passes over the car again with the same effect. It then tilts 90° and darts away to the west. It leaves behind a smell of heated metal.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** 1Pinotti 148–151; “[Quando gli UFO arrivarona anche in](https://www.ogginotizie.it/quando-gli-ufo-arrivarono-anche-in-italia/) [Italia,](https://www.ogginotizie.it/quando-gli-ufo-arrivarono-anche-in-italia/)” Oggi Notizie, November 26, 2011
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3717
### Event 23729 (FAD88F3A)
**Date:** 8/20/1963
**Description:** In a wooded area near Rome, Italy a man in a car observed at 9:32 p.m. an object resembling a plate turned upside down, with a central turret, flying low over his vehicle.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case # 579, citing Project Blue Book
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5176
### Event 23730 (FC335F54)
**Date:** 8/21/1963 (approximate)
**Time:** 18:30
**Location:** SKJERVOY, NORWAY
**Description:** 1 / boat. 30M saucer going [to] over sunken ship. Retrieves object? Windows. Green beam.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 196)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6840
**Attributes:** **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Scandanavian and Finland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "SKJERVOY,NORWAY:1/BOAT:30M SCR>OVR SUNKEN SHIP:RETRIEVES OBJ?:WINDOWS:GRN BEAM", **LatLong:** "70.066670 20.950001", **LatLongDMS:** "70:04:00 N 20:57:00 E", **Locale:** "Offshore", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/70.066670,20.950001)", **State/Prov:** "Norway", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 23731 (DE1F53D4)
**Date:** 8/22/1963
**Description:** Test pilot [Joseph A. Walker](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph%5FA.%5FWalker) reaches an altitude of 353,200 feet \(66.9 miles\) in an X-15 rocket plane.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Joseph A. Walker](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph%5FA.%5FWalker)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3718
### Event 23732 (8D1F5998)
**Date:** 8/23/1963
**Time:** 13:20:00.1
**Location:** 37.1250 -116.0354
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed, salvo. Country: USA Name: “Kohocton” YieldMax: 40KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_333
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1250 -116.0354", **LatLongDMS:** "37:07:30 N 116:02:07 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1250,-116.0354)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.25", **NukeName:** "Kohocton", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU_SALVO", **NukeYMax:** "40"
### Event 23733 (D1335C0E)
**Date:** 8/24/1963
**Time:** 21:40
**Description:** Night light zigzags. Compass spins wildly. Motorcycle malfunctions due to EME (electro-magnetic effects). / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v20#6p27.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FALLA, GEOFFREY: VEHICLE INTERFERENCE PROJECT. BUFORA Ltd. 1979. C.F. Lockwood & A.R. Rice editors. (Index 26)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6841
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Austria", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "120", **HatchDesc:** "KLEIN-REIFLING,AUSTRIA:NLT ZIGZAGS:COMPASS SPINS WILDLY:MC EMES:/FSR v20#6p27", **LatLong:** "47.833336 14.633334", **LatLongDMS:** "47:50:00 N 14:38:00 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.833336,14.633334)", **State/Prov:** "Upper Austria", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 23734 (13710AF1)
**Date:** 8/25/1963
**Location:** PACIFIC 174° 00E-31° 57N
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Military observer(s). No further details [in] at all.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFOCAT CATALOG: Assorted Printouts. Donald A. Johnson Ph.D (CUFOS). P.O. Box 446, Concord, NH 03302-0446 (Index 71)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6842
**Attributes:** **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Pacific Ocean and non - Asian islands", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "PACIFIC 174°00E-31°57N:BBK#UNKN:MIL OBS:NFD AT ALL", **LatLong:** "31.950002 174.416675", **LatLongDMS:** "31:57:00 N 174:25:00 E", **Locale:** "High Seas", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/31.950002,174.416675)", **State/Prov:** "NPC", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 23735 (273F1DE5)
**Date:** 8/28/1963
**Location:** BRAZIL, Sagrada Familia
**Description:** (Translated from French) Three young boys in the garden around 7:50 pm, were drawing water from the well. Suddenly a sphere came hovering above the trees. They were even able to see 5 or 6 rows of people inside the sphere. An opening appeared in the bottom of the sphere and two beams of light were projected onto the ground, a thin being, 10 feet tall, descended sliding down the beams. Once on the ground he walked with a stiff back, bent legs and open arms, swaying from side to side. Then he sat on a rock. The giant wore a transparent helmet, he had an eye in the middle of his forehead, and he wore boots with triangular tips. His shining garment inflated as soon as he was on the ground, the trousers tightly fixed to the boots, on the chest a square packet that emitted light jets. Inside the sphere, still suspended, occupants were manipulating buttons and levers. When the giant made a gesture to grab one of the boys, one of the three picked up a stone, but was unable to throw it when the man looked at him. The giant stood up, but this time he walked with his arms tightly along his body and used the beams as an elevator and went back up into the craft.
**Reference:** Jacques VALLEE: "Chronicles of E.T. Appearances" - DENOEL 1972 - coll. J'AI LU, p. 167, 168
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2260
### Event 23736 (43E0E15C)
**Date:** 8/28/1963
**Time:** 19:20
**Description:** Transparent sphere/orb/globe hovers. Many inside. 2M and Cyclops walks / garden. / r8#580.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SPENCER, John: The UFO ENCYCLOPEDIA; BUFORA/Acon Books, NY. 1991. 340pp. (Index 106)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6843
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HOX:** Suspicion of hoax, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **MON:** Monster: Life form fits no category, **GNT:** Giant: Large/tall alien, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "3", **Duration:** "20", **Elev:** "876", **HatchDesc:** "BELO HORIZONTE,BRZ:XPRNT ORB HVRS:MANY INSIDE:2M+ CYCLOPS WALKS/GARDEN:/r8#580", **LatLong:** "-19.900001 -43.933335", **LatLongDMS:** "19:54:00 S 43:56:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-19.900001,-43.933335)", **State/Prov:** "Minas Gerais", **Strangeness:** "12"
### Event 23737 (D2B77FA4)
**Date:** 8/28/1963
**Time:** 1915
**Location:** Sagrada Famila, Brazil
**Description:** Two brothers, F. and R. Eustagio, 11 and 9, saw a luminous sphere at treetop level. Through an opening they observed "several rows of people inside" and a thin, 3 m tall being, whho glided down to the ground along two vertical beams of light. He walked with a strange, swinging motion, then sat down. He wore a transparent helmet, had one eye in the middle of his forehead, wore high boots that left a triangular imprint, and carried a box emitting flashes. He made a threatening gesture and flew up to the sphere, which left. The chlldren somehow became convinced that the being was "good" and would return.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Humanoids 37; Magonia ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_580
### Event 23738 (E36B13BA)
**Date:** 8/28/1963
**Location:** Washington
**Description:** After the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, [J. Edgar Hoover](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J.%5FEdgar%5FHoover) singles out Rev. [Martin Luther](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martin%5FLuther%5FKing%5FJr) [King Jr](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martin%5FLuther%5FKing%5FJr)[.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martin%5FLuther%5FKing%5FJr) as a major target for COINTELPRO. Soon after, the FBI is systematically bugging King’s home and his hotel rooms, as they are now aware that King is growing in stature daily as the leader among leaders of the Civil Rights Movement.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[COINTELPRO](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/COINTELPRO\#History)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3719
### Event 23739 (29B1852C)
**Date:** 8/28/1963
**Locations:** Sagrada Familia, Belo Horizonte, Brazil; Gualbertos’s backyard
**Description:** 7:00 p.m. José Marcos Gomes Vidal, 7, and his friends Fernando, 12, and Ronaldo Gualberto, 7, are in the Gualbertos’s backyard in Sagrada Familia, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, to wash a coffee strainer in a cistern. Suddenly, Fernando notices a glow coming from the top of an avocado tree. When he looks up, he sees a UFO hovering above the tree’s branches. The craft, which is spherical and has a pair of antennas on top, is completely transparent. It holds four human-like passengers sitting inside, one of whom sits in front of a machine that appears to be a control panel. The passengers are about 6 feet tall and dressed in spacesuits. They all have only one eye like a cyclops. Three of them are thin and bald, while the other looks like an overweight woman with blonde hair. The UFO shoots out two rays of yellow light. One of the cyclops appears between the lights, slowly floating down onto the ground. Once his boots touched the earth, the creature begins to walk toward José, who is completely unaware of what is happening since he is still collecting water. Fernando panics and tackles José, who falls to the ground, and Fernando gets back up and faces the cyclops. Now all three boys are aware of the visitor. The cyclops moves his head and makes hand signals. It speaks a few sounds in a strange language. The creature then turns around and stares back at the UFO. Fernando, spotting a brick on the ground, picks it up and aims it at the cyclops, who turns around and shoots Fernando’s hand with a yellow light from a triangular crest on his chest. Fernando drops the brick, and all three of the boys become calm and frozen. For a few more minutes, the cyclops speaks to them, then it points one of his fingers at the moon and begins to walk back toward the UFO. José asks if he will ever come back. The cyclops shakes his head affirmatively, plucks a plant from the ground, and then waves his hand at the UFO, which shoots out two rays of yellow light again. The cyclops slowly floats back up into the vehicle, and the UFO takes off eastward and disappears out of their sight.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Brazil 66–72; Tristan, “[The](https://bizarreandgrotesque.com/2016/03/24/the-alien-cyclops-of-sagrada-familia/) [Alien Cyclops of Sagrada Familia,](https://bizarreandgrotesque.com/2016/03/24/the-alien-cyclops-of-sagrada-familia/)” Bizarre and Grotesque, March 24, 2016
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3720
### Event 23740 (B39D00E4)
**Date:** 8/28/1963
**Description:** Two KC-135s mysteriously vanished 800 miles northeast of Miami in the Atlantic Ocean.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Ivan Sanderson, Invisible Residents, p. 126, citing Vicent Gaddis, Invisible Horizons, p. 173
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5415
### Event 23741 (989F2467)
**Date:** 8/28/1963
**Description:** A transparent illuminated sphere ten feet in diameter descended into a garden of the Gualberto family in Familia Sagrada, Minas Gerais State, Brazil at 7:15 p.m. There were four seated figures inside, who wore divers suits with transparent fishbowl helmets. One entity, a Cyclops being over eight-feet tall with a single eye, floated down to the ground on two vertical beams of light. He walked with a strange, swinging motion, then sat down. He wore high boots that left a triangular imprint, and carried a box emitting flashes. It spoke in an unintelligible language, and made a threatening gesture at the two boys, aged 9 and 11, and then flew up to the sphere, which left. The chlldren somehow became convinced that the being was "good" and would return. The encounter lasted ten minutes, with ground traces from the footprints left behind.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Gordon Creighton, The Humanoids: FSR Special Edition No. 1, p. 37; Gordon Creighton, UFO Percipients: FSR Special Edition No. 3, p. 28; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case # 580; John Wallace Spencer, UFO Encyclopedia, p. 106
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5416
### Event 23742 (06C4E9A0)
**Date:** 9/1963
**Time:** 22:50
**Location:** LUCON, FR
**Description:** 2 teens. 20M saucer-cylinder/cigar-shape hovers. 4M luminous dome / top. Winks out or going quickly east extremely fast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 176)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6844
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "LUCON,FR:2 TEENS:20M SCR-CGR HVRS:4M LUMn.DOME/TOP:WINKS OUT or >>E XFAST", **LatLong:** "46.450002 -1.200000", **LatLongDMS:** "46:27:00 N 01:12:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.450002,-1.200000)", **State/Prov:** "Vendée", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 23743 (8B39A236)
**Date:** 9/1963
**Description:** Lt. Col. [Robert J. Friend](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert%5FFriend%5F%28pilot%29) leaves Project Blue Book and is replaced by Maj. [Hector Quintanilla](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hector%5FQuintanilla).
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Hynek UFO Report, [pp. 25–27](https://archive.org/details/hynekuforeport00alle/page/24/mode/2up); [Sparks](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf)[,](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf) p. 14
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3721
### Event 23744 (8BD5E874)
**Date:** 9/7/1963
**Locations:** Unitarian Church in Portsmouth, New Hampshire; Boston, Massachusetts
**Description:** Capt. [Swett](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/201838384/ben-h%5F-swett) gives a formal lecture on hypnosis to a meeting at the Unitarian Church in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. After the lecture, the [Hills](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barney%5Fand%5FBetty%5FHill) tell him that Barney was going to a psychiatrist, Duncan Stephens, whom he likes and trusts. Swett suggests that Barney ask Stephens about the use of hypnosis in his case. At his next therapy session, Barney mentions his UFO encounter to Stephens, who recommends Dr. Benjamin Simon, a well- known psychiatrist in Boston, Massachusetts, with much experience in hypnosis.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3722
### Event 23745 (30CD8742)
**Date:** 9/9/1963
**Location:** PACIFIC 155° 27W-22° 00N
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Observer(s) = Hawaiian airline(s)/airliner flight. No further details [in] at all.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFOCAT CATALOG: Assorted Printouts. Donald A. Johnson Ph.D (CUFOS). P.O. Box 446, Concord, NH 03302-0446 (Index 71)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6845
**Attributes:** **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Pacific Ocean and non - Asian islands", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "PACIFIC 155°27W-22°00N:BBK#UNKN:OBS=HAWAIIAN AL FLIGHT:NFD AT ALL", **LatLong:** "22.000001 -155.450007", **LatLongDMS:** "22:00:00 N 155:27:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/22.000001,-155.450007)", **State/Prov:** "NPC", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 23746 (10077DD3)
**Date:** 9/9/1963
**Time:** ~05:00
**Location:** MANCHESTER, GA
**Description:** Cops and TV crew. 2 night lights. 1 fades. 1 stays / place while stars move / 50 minute(s).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HYNEK & VALLEE: The EDGE of REALITY, A Progress Report, Chicago, Regnery 1975. 301pp 24cm (Index 20)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6846
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "50", **Elev:** "269", **HatchDesc:** "MANCHESTER,GA:COPS+TV CREW:2 NLTS:1 FADES:1 STAYS/PLACE WHILE STARS MOVE/50min", **LatLong:** "32.866668 -84.633337", **LatLongDMS:** "32:52:00 N 84:38:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/32.866668,-84.633337)", **State/Prov:** "Georgia", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 23747 (B35895B5)
**Date:** 9/10/1963
**Time:** 22:00?
**Description:** Flat metallic ellipse hover stationary. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: UFO'S IN SPACE - Anatomy of a Phenomenon; Henry Regnery 1966 & Ballentine PB 1974 294pp. (Index 103)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6847
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "165", **HatchDesc:** "NORLAND/HALIFAX,W.YORKS,ENGL:FLAT MTLC ELLIPSE HVR STATIONARY:NFD", **LatLong:** "53.716669 -1.866667", **LatLongDMS:** "53:43:00 N 01:52:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/53.716669,-1.866667)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 23748 (A055C08E)
**Date:** 9/12/1963
**Time:** 18:00
**Location:** VANDALIA, OH
**Description:** 1 observer = Mrs. Roush. 2 vibrant bright golden cigars. 1 hovers. 1 west going quickly north. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BERLINER, DON: The BLUEBOOK UNKNOWNS; (FUFOR). (Index 31)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6848
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "296", **HatchDesc:** "VANDALIA,OH:1 OBS=Mrs ROUSH:2 VBRITE GOLDEN CGRS:1 HVRS:1 W>>N:NFD", **LatLong:** "39.866669 -84.200004", **LatLongDMS:** "39:52:00 N 84:12:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.866669,-84.200004)", **State/Prov:** "Ohio", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 23749 (16031B3E)
**Date:** 9/12/1963
**Locations:** Texas Tower 2; 110 miles east of Cape Cod, Massachusetts
**Description:** Patrick Loreno and 18 other men aboard Texas Tower 2, a USAF radar station 110 miles east of Cape Cod, Massachusetts, spot an object 3 miles from their location. They report the sighting to the Coast Guard and request an investigation, but the object sinks before a boat can get there. The object has a controlled light and smoke or steam appears on its surface. The mn watch it for 20 minutes. There is no record of a ship or a submarine in the area.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Lorenzen, UFOs over the Americas, Signet, 1968, p. 53
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3723
### Event 23750 (F5F36386)
**Date:** 9/13/1963
**Time:** 13:53:00.2
**Location:** 37.1634 -116.0806
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Ahtanum” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_334
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1634 -116.0806", **LatLongDMS:** "37:09:48 N 116:04:50 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1634,-116.0806)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.23", **NukeName:** "Ahtanum", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 23751 (916691EF)
**Date:** 9/13/1963
**Time:** 17:00:00.1
**Location:** 37.0604 -116.0217
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Bilby” Yield: 249KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_335
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0604 -116.0217", **LatLongDMS:** "37:03:37 N 116:01:18 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0604,-116.0217)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.71", **NukeMb:** "5.80", **NukeName:** "Bilby", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "249"
### Event 23752 (25159B84)
**Date:** 9/14/1963
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Sighting in Susanville \(California\). (September 14)
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#8548 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1963.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2024
### Event 23753 (E1FAFF83)
**Date:** 9/14/1963
**Time:** 15:20
**Location:** SUSANVILLE, CA
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #8548. 2 observer(s). Sphere/orb/globe / crazy path merges / passing cylinder/cigar-shape going southwest. / r70p3-84.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HAINES, Richard Ph.D: PROJECT DELTA; 1994, LDA Press, PO Box 880, Los Altos, CA 94023 USA (Index 118)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6849
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "1297", **HatchDesc:** "SUSANVILLE,CA:BBK#8548:2 OBS:ORB/CRAZY PATH MERGES/PASSING CGR>SW:/r70p3-84", **LatLong:** "40.422224 -120.655561", **LatLongDMS:** "40:25:20 N 120:39:20 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.422224,-120.655561)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 23754 (8D9AD5EE)
**Date:** 9/14/1963
**Location:** Susanville, CA
**Description:** Round object intercept a long object &attach to it or disappear (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 8548)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2660
### Event 23755 (D82911FF)
**Date:** 9/14/1963
**Time:** 3:15 PM
**Location:** Susanville, California
**Description:** Witness: E.A. Grant, veteran of 37 years training forest fire lookouts for the U.S. Forest Service. One round object intercepted a long object and either attached itself to the latter or disappeared. Sighting lasted l0 minutes.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_491
### Event 23756 (1E20DE81)
**Date:** 9/14/1963
**Location:** Susanville, California
**Description:** 3:15 p.m. US Forest Service instructor [Edward A. Grant](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/196580330/edward-annand-grant) and his son see a round object over Susanville, California, that at first seems to be a balloon, but is moving erratically. The movements are very fast and the direction changes very definite. They watch it pass overhead for several minutes. Suddenly, a long cylindrical object with fins along its sides appears from the north and passes overhead toward the south. The round object moves very rapidly to intercept the long object, ejecting a yellowish-brown trail, and merges with it.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Herbert S. Taylor, “Satellite Objects: A Further Look,” IUR 29, no. 2 \(Summer 2004\): 4; [Sparks](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf), p. 295
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3724
### Event 23757 (B91F23CF)
**Date:** 9/14/1963
**Description:** At 3:15 p.m. in Susanville, California E. A. Grant, a fire lookout with 37 years of experience at forest fire lookouts for the U.S. Forest Service, sighted a round flying object intercept a longer object and either attached itself to the latter or disappear. The sighting lasted ten minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Don Berliner, Project Bluebook UFO Unknowns
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5951
### Event 23758 (69584E7A)
**Date:** 9/15/1963
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Sighting in Vandalia \(Ohio\). (September 15)
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#8549 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1963.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2025
### Event 23759 (9C1F50EB)
**Date:** 9/15/1963
**Location:** Vandalia, OH
**Description:** 2 very bright gold objects one staying stationary, the other moving (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 8549)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2661
### Event 23760 (1F919C8A)
**Date:** 9/15/1963
**Time:** 66 PM
**Location:** Vandalia, Ohio
**Description:** Witness: Mrs. F.E. Roush. Two very bright gold objects--one shaped like a banana and the other like an ear of corn--one remained stationary, the other moved from west to north during 10 minutes,
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_492
### Event 23761 (42C19D5E)
**Date:** 9/15/1963
**Description:** At six o'clock in the evening Mrs. F. E. Roush of Vandalia, Ohio reported seeing two very bright gold objects in the sky, one shaped like a banana and the other like an ear of corn. One UFO remained stationary while the other moved from west to north. The sighting lasted 10 minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Don Berliner, Project Bluebook UFO Unknowns
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5984
### Event 23762 (3E41856E)
**Date:** 9/19/1963
**Time:** 20:00
**Location:** SASKATOON, SSK
**Description:** Saucer drops box / ground. Kids look. Find partly transparent 10' man! / r8#581.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUSGRAVE, John Brent: UFO OCCUPANTS & CRITTERS; Global Communications, NY 1979. 8x11 66pp. (Index 44)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6850
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **GNT:** Giant: Large/tall alien, **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **COV:** Indication of coverup, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "5", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "450", **HatchDesc:** "SASKATOON,SSK:SCR DROPS BOX/GND:KIDS LOOK:FIND PARTLY XPARENT 10'MAN!:/r8#581", **LatLong:** "52.116669 -106.633338", **LatLongDMS:** "52:07:00 N 106:38:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/52.116669,-106.633338)", **State/Prov:** "Sasketchewan", **Strangeness:** "13"
### Event 23763 (765B8741)
**Date:** 9/19/1963
**Time:** 2000
**Location:** Saskatoon, Canada
**Description:** Four children saw a bright oval object hover in a field and drop something. Approaching the site, they were confronted with a 3 m tall man, dressed in "a white monklike suit," who held out his hands and made unintelligible sounds. The children fled in panic, and one girl was admitted to the hospital in shock.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Personal ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_581
### Event 23764 (8EA78B4C)
**Date:** 9/19/1963
**Description:** Adm. [Roscoe Hillenkoetter](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roscoe%5FH.%5FHillenkoetter) writes to astronomer [Donald H. Menzel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald%5FHoward%5FMenzel), saying that his book The World of Flying Saucers has “effectively put to rest all surmises about flying saucers being from ‘outer space.’”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Christopher D. Allan, “Admiral Hillenkoetter: From Believer to Skeptic,” IUR 20, no. 2 \(Mar./Apr. 1995\): 17
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3725
### Event 23765 (454BDFD5)
**Date:** 9/19/1963
**Locations:** Wonthaggi; South Dudley, Victoria, Australia; Bass Strait; Inverlock
**Description:** 6:50 p.m. More than 140 residents of Wonthaggi and South Dudley, Victoria, Australia, observe a mystery object like an orange beach ball maneuver in the sky for 25 minutes. At first it hovers, then it begins moving slowly and silently, putting on sudden and intermittent bursts of speed, before disappearing in an easterly direction into the Bass Strait. During the 25 minutes that the object is visible, TV sets malfunction in South Dudley, Wonthaggi, and lnverlock. TV sets variously display white screens, gray screens, double images, or snow and lines. Still other sets go completely blank. After the UFO leaves at 7:15, all TV sets resume normal operation.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[UAO’s Upset TV Reception,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201964%2005%2000%20-%20May.pdf)” APRO Bulletin, May 1964, pp. 1, 6; [Schopick](http://cufos.org/books/A%5FStudy%5Fof%5FSecondary%5FEffects-An%5FUnpublished%5FManuscript%5Fof%5FUFO%5FE-M%5FCases.pdf), pp. 109–111
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3726
### Event 23766 (4C0842F3)
**Date:** 9/19/1963
**Location:** Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
**Description:** 8:00 p.m. Four children in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, see a bright, oval object hover in a field and drop something. Approaching the site, they are confronted by a man about 10 feet tall dressed in a white “monk-like” suit who holds out his hands and makes unintelligible sounds. The children flee, and one girl is admitted to the hospital in shock.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Vallée, Magonia, [p. 294](https://archive.org/details/passporttomagoni0000vall/page/294/mode/2up); Mark Cashman, “Behavioral Classification System for UFO Occupants,” IUR 24, no. 1 \(Spring 1999\): 18
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3727
### Event 23767 (A8A3A6DE)
**Date:** 9/19/1963
**Description:** Four children in Saskatoon, Saskachewan, Canada saw a bright oval object hover in a field and drop something. Approaching the site, they were confronted by a three meter tall man dressed in a white monk's suit, who held out his hands and made unintelligible sounds. The giant entity was semi-transparent and had no visible face. The children fled in panic. One girl was admitted to the hospital in shock.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 581; John A. Keel, Operation Trojan Horse, p. 145; John Brent Musgrave, UFO Occupants and Critters, p. 44
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6084
### Event 23768 (558A5149)
**Date:** 9/20/1963
**Time:** 11:30
**Location:** FANO, ITL
**Description:** Metallic cone saucer near ground. Tube extends. Scrapes ground / fast maneuvers. Whistles.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** ITACAT, Catalogo Italiano degli Incontri Ravvicinati. Maurizio Verga, 1989 CISU/Torino, Italy. (Index 55)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6851
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Italy", **Credibility:** "5", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "FANO,ITL:MTLC CONE SCR nr GND:TUBE EXTENDS:SCRAPES GND/FAST MNVRS:WHISTLES", **LatLong:** "43.833335 13.016667", **LatLongDMS:** "43:50:00 N 13:01:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.833335,13.016667)", **State/Prov:** "Ancona", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 23769 (CC7953E9)
**Date:** 9/20/1963
**Time:** 18:50
**Location:** HUNTSVILLE, ARK
**Description:** Rancher. Ovoid going west in S. sky. Dims. Fades / distance. Balloon? / r242p141.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 769)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6852
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "15", **Elev:** "439", **HatchDesc:** "HUNTSVILLE,ARK:RANCHER:OVOID >W IN S.SKY:DIMS:FADES/DISTANCE:balloon?/r242p141", **LatLong:** "36.100002 -93.750004", **LatLongDMS:** "36:06:00 N 93:45:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/36.100002,-93.750004)", **State/Prov:** "Arkansas", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 23770 (985630BF)
**Date:** 9/20/1963
**Location:** Huntsville, AR
**Description:** A rancher reported watching an egg-shaped UFO moving eastward about 10 degrees above the southern horizon. Through binoculars, a dark spot was visible near the top of the object. As it proceeded west, the UFO dimmed, turning orange, and faded from view after 10-15 minutes. \[Witness reported sighting to NICAP.\] (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2663
### Event 23771 (ACBB7DA5)
**Date:** 9/20/1963
**Location:** Wonthaggi, Victoria, AU
**Description:** TV difficulty, viewer called outside to see UFO. Object hovered, darted at h.s. TV I/F noted in area of 3 towns (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2664
### Event 23772 (706C9321)
**Date:** 9/20/1963
**Description:** A metallic cone was seen near the ground on a farm in Fano, Marche, Italy at 11:30 a.m. A tube extended from the object and scraped the ground with fast movements. The object made a whistling sound.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Larry Hatch, U computer database, case 6407, citing Maurizio Verga, ITACAT, p. 55
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6125
### Event 23773 (DE42873D)
**Date:** 9/26/1963
**Time:** ~04:10
**Location:** SUNNYVALE, CA
**Description:** Cops and many. Grey disk going west. 1 pulse / 3 second(s). Jumps 4° between pulses. / r70p3-86.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO EVIDENCE; NICAP,Washington, DC 1964. Reprinted 1997 Barnes & Noble Books ( only $7.98! ) (Index 63)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6853
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "39", **HatchDesc:** "SUNNYVALE,CA:COPS+MANY:GRY DISK>W:1 PULSE/3sec:JUMPS 4° BTWN PULSES:/r70p3-86", **LatLong:** "37.366668 -122.066672", **LatLongDMS:** "37:22:00 N 122:04:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.366668,-122.066672)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 23774 (67DE864B)
**Date:** 9/26/1963
**Time:** 04:20
**Location:** MONTE VISTA, CA
**Description:** 2 / cement works. Sunnyvale saucer pulses going west over coast mountains. / r242p63.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** OLSEN, Thomas: REFERENCE for OUTSTANDING UFO SIGHTINGS REPORTS. 1966 UFO Information Retrieval Center, Riderwood, MD 21139. (Index 386)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6854
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "120", **HatchDesc:** "MONTE VISTA,CA:2/CEMENT WORKS:SUNNYVALE SCR PULSES >W OVR COAST Mtns:/r242p63", **LatLong:** "37.316668 -122.111117", **LatLongDMS:** "37:19:00 N 122:06:40 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.316668,-122.111117)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 23775 (0239707F)
**Date:** 9/26/1963
**Location:** Sunnyvale, CA
**Description:** Police officer, many others, observed a gray disc with central bright spot, moving on a westerly course at high speed. \[UFOE, VII\] (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2665
### Event 23776 (DC55D310)
**Date:** 9/26/1963
**Description:** At 4:20 a.m. a police officer and eight others in Sunnyvale, California observed a gray disc-shaped object with a central bright spot, moving on a westerly course at high speed.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Richard Hall, The UFO Evidence, p. 63; Thomas M. Olsen, Reference for Outstanding UFO Reports, case # 144
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6348
### Event 23777 (BA049148)
**Date:** 9/27/1963
**Location:** 37.0000 -116.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Narraguagus” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_336
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0000 -116.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:00 N 116:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0000,-116.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Narraguagus", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 23778 (CEE757A8)
**Date:** 9/27/1963
**Location:** 37.0000 -116.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Carp” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_337
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0000 -116.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:00 N 116:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0000,-116.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Carp", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 23779 (35C2CBC4)
**Date:** 9/27/1963
**Description:** Blue Book releases a statement on the [Hill](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barney%5Fand%5FBetty%5FHill) case, claiming insufficient information, although they strongly suspect the UFO is the planet Jupiter.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clark III 581
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3728
### Event 23780 (2938F956)
**Date:** 10/1963 (approximate)
**Description:** Airliner chased / 3 luminous saucers / 15 min. Big coverup. / r208p44.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: ABOVE TOP SECRET; Sidgewick & Jackson, London 1987 & Quill Books, 1988. 592pp. (Index 208)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6855
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **RDR:** Radar traces/blips, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **COV:** Indication of coverup
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "China", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "15", **HatchDesc:** "KUANGTUNG> Event 23781 (70D6303A)
**Date:** 10/1963 (approximate)
**Time:** 03:00
**Location:** EAST / SUNBURST, MT
**Description:** 4 inspect men. 3 saucers going west. Stop. Maneuver. Beams going down. Whine. Exit / series. See dwg.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLICKENGER, Don: NORTH DAKOTA UFO files. Well Documented NICAP files for the 1960s: Xeroxed by Tom Tulien (Index 2)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6856
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "120", **Elev:** "1020", **HatchDesc:** "E/SUNBURST,MT:4 INS MEN:3 SCRS >W:STOP:MNVR:BEAMS↓:WHINE:EXIT/SERIES:see dwg", **LatLong:** "48.883336 -111.866672", **LatLongDMS:** "48:53:00 N 111:52:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.883336,-111.866672)", **RelAlt:** "1980", **State/Prov:** "Montana", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 23782 (09DA8A7A)
**Date:** 10/1963
**Time:** 09:00
**Location:** WHIDBEY ISLAND, WA
**Description:** UFO. 3 figure(s) inside. Tilts. Sinks partly / soil. Grows! Up and away. / r8.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: DIMENSIONS, A Casebook of Alien Contact Ballentine, NY 1989. PB (Index 232)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6857
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "79", **HatchDesc:** "WHIDBEY ISL,WA:UFO:3 FIGs INSIDE:TILTS:SINKS PARTLY/SOIL:GROWS!:UP+AWAY:/r8", **LatLong:** "48.133336 -122.583339", **LatLongDMS:** "48:08:00 N 122:35:00 W", **Locale:** "Offshore", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.133336,-122.583339)", **State/Prov:** "Washington", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 23783 (B4E5AB5E)
**Date:** 10/1963
**Time:** 18:00
**Description:** 1 observer. 5M saucer going quickly [to] overhead. Drops going down / 100M altitude. Shoots going up [to] and away. / r120.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** DONG, Paul: UFO's Over MODERN CHINA. 1983 UFO Photo Archives; P. O. Box 17206; Tucson, AZ 85710. (Index 45)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6858
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "China", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "JINGGANGSHAN,JIANGXI,CH:1 OBS:5M SCR >>OVHD:DROPS↓/100M alt:SHOOTS↑+AWAY:/r120", **LatLong:** "26.533335 114.183339", **LatLongDMS:** "26:32:00 N 114:11:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/26.533335,114.183339)", **State/Prov:** "Jianxi", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 23784 (5F07C9D8)
**Date:** 10/1963
**Time:** ~21:00
**Description:** 5 observer(s). Domed silver saucer 300' away / 20' altitude. Figure(s) move / windows.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 173)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6859
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "275", **HatchDesc:** "SE/MILLERSPORT,OH:5 OBS:DOMED SLVR SCR 300'AWAY/20'alt:FIGs MOVE/WINDOWS ", **LatLong:** "39.883335 -82.516671", **LatLongDMS:** "39:53:00 N 82:31:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.883335,-82.516671)", **State/Prov:** "Ohio", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 23785 (83417FFD)
**Date:** 10/1963
**Time:** 0900
**Location:** Whidbey Island, Washington
**Description:** A middle-aged woman, who had seen a strange craft hovering near her house the previous Jul., observed a gray-colored object, 3.5 m long, hovering less than 2 m above ground. Through the transparent front part she could see three figures. Suddenly one of the occupants was standing on the grass. He was clothed in "asbestostextured coveralls" and neither the face, nor the hands, nor the feet was visible. When she asked, "What do you want?" the answer, in English, was: "One of our party knows you; we will return." The object then decreased in size, tilted, partially sank into the ground, grew to its previous size, and departed to the east, producing steam, a flash, and a noise.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** FSR 64, 6 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_582
### Event 23786 (17388E5E)
**Date:** 10/1963
**Description:** Maj. [Hector Quintanilla](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hector%5FQuintanilla) is appointed director of Project Blue Book. He is assisted by Sgt. David Moody, who is particularly hostile to UFOs and tends to label every report as “possible” this or that.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** [Sparks](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf), p. 14; Clark III 922–923
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3729
### Event 23787 (4ED1B8CF)
**Date:** 10/1963
**Locations:** Guangdong; Wuhan, China
**Description:** A Lisunov Li-2 airliner on the Guangdong to Wuhan, China, air route is chased by three luminous UFOs for 115 minutes. The pilots provide a minute-by-minute report by radio to the Chinese Civil Aeronautics Administration. After landing, the crew is debriefed by air traffic control, and the passengers are told not to discuss the incident with anyone.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wendelle Stevens and Paul Dong, UFOs over Modern China, UFO Photo Archives, 1983, pp. 44–45
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3730
### Event 23788 (3E538CC6)
**Date:** 10/1963
**Location:** Millersport, Ohio
**Description:** 9:30 p.m. Five members of a family in Millersport, Ohio, see what seems to be an airplane on fire, but the house-sized object approaches and hovers about 300 feet away. They see a dark disc with a dome and antenna on top and three ball-shaped protrusions on the bottom. Around the rim are evenly spaced openings that emit fiery beams. In the dome, several large windows are visible in which a figure can be seen, at least by the mother. The dome rotates as the object hovers, and it makes a low humming noise. It finally rises slowly and makes a small circle in the air before speeding away.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Michael Swords, “[Close Encounters of the First Kind: Do We Really](http://thebiggeststudy.blogspot.com/2012/02/close-encounters-of-first-kind-do-we%5F15.html) [Care? Part Two,](http://thebiggeststudy.blogspot.com/2012/02/close-encounters-of-first-kind-do-we%5F15.html)” The Big Study, February 15, 2012
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3731
### Event 23789 (B41D610C)
**Date:** 10/1/1963?
**Time:** 14:30
**Description:** 2 boys and 20. Saucer lands / field. 7' figure / diving suit exits. 2nd figure.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 196)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6860
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **GNT:** Giant: Large/tall alien, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "nr ADELAIDE,S.AUSTR:2 BOYS+20:SCR LANDS/FIELD:7'FIG/DIVING SUIT EXITS:2nd FIG.", **LatLong:** "-34.966668 138.616673", **LatLongDMS:** "34:58:00 S 138:37:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-34.966668,138.616673)", **State/Prov:** "South Australia", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 23790 (9255D8BD)
**Date:** 10/2/1963
**Location:** HYDE, CHESHIRE
**Description:** 2 cars stall. TV Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Military jets chase fake white cloud across sky!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** ALDRICH, Jan J.: Private research papers. A huge mass of hard-won information. (Index 0)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6861
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **MIL:** Military investigation, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "144", **HatchDesc:** "HYDE,CHESHIRE:2 CARS STALL:TV RFI:MIL.JETS CHASE FAKE WHT CLOUD ACRS SKY!", **LatLong:** "53.450003 -2.083333", **LatLongDMS:** "53:27:00 N 02:05:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/53.450003,-2.083333)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 23791 (834316FA)
**Date:** 10/2/1963
**Location:** Mediterranean, Off the coast of Sardinia, At sea
**Description:** USS Roosevelt Encounter / Radar Track of UFO (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5)
**Reference:** NICAP: [631002](http://www.nicap.org/631002medit%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2666
### Event 23792 (B1A51EC2)
**Date:** 10/2/1963
**Description:** At 6:45 p.m. a black oval object was seen to come out of, and then re-enter a lone cloud in the sky over Audenshaw, Greater Manchester, England.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Orbit, 1963, case # 324; J. Bernard Delair, Awareness, October 1977, p. 12
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6495
### Event 23793 (7820D3F7)
**Date:** 10/3/1963
**Location:** IN SPACE
**Description:** (Translated from French) Mercury VIII: Walter Schirra distinguished large luminous masses above the Indian Ocean during his flight. (Philippe SCHNEYDER: "Ovni premier bilan" - éd. du Rocher 1983, p. 233) and (J. Allen HYNEK and Jacques VALLEE: "At the Limits of Reality" - éd. Albin Michel 1978, p84) (Wally Schirra) Rumors say he saw a UFO and used the code word "Santa Claus" to designate it. IN REALITY he reported having observed clouds of nocturnal storms. It is easy to take things out of context to make them coincide with the UFO hypothesis at all costs.
**Reference:** 1989 - listing and research by Harvey S. Stewart
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2261
### Event 23794 (7371D7C3)
**Date:** 10/3/1963
**Location:** MERCURY 8
**Description:** Wally Shirra. Large luminous masses over Indian ocean. Lightning clouds?
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HYNEK & VALLEE: The EDGE of REALITY, A Progress Report, Chicago, Regnery 1975. 301pp 24cm (Index 64)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6862
**Attributes:** **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Earth Orbit or seen from space stations/capsules", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "MERCURY 8:WALLY SHIRRA:LRG LUMn. MASSES OVR INDIAN OCEAN:Lightning clouds?", **LatLong:** "90.000004 -0.000000", **LatLongDMS:** "90:00:00 N 00:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/90.000004,-0.000000)", **State/Prov:** "USA", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 23795 (20C65D75)
**Date:** 10/4/1963
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Sighting in Bedford \(Ohio\). (4 October)
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#8581 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1963.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2026
### Event 23796 (D23B177A)
**Date:** 10/4/1963
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) At Whidbey Island \(Washington\), a middle-aged woman sees a strange craft with 3 silhouettes inside. It bows, partially sinks into the ground, grows and departs in a flash.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1963.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2027
### Event 23797 (E612AB74)
**Date:** 10/4/1963
**Time:** 01:00
**Location:** EAST HARTLAND, CT
**Description:** Silver triangle. Row / black dots / front. 2000mph. Flaming tail. / r242p141.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 34)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6863
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "366", **HatchDesc:** "E.HARTLAND,CT:SLVR TRIANGLE:ROW/BLK DOTS/FRONT:2000mph:FLAMING TAIL:/r242p141", **LatLong:** "42.000002 -72.905559", **LatLongDMS:** "42:00:00 N 72:54:20 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.000002,-72.905559)", **State/Prov:** "Connecticut", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 23798 (57810192)
**Date:** 10/4/1963
**Time:** 15:30
**Location:** BEDFORD, OH
**Description:** 1 observer. Intense Oblong cylinder/cigar-shape with blue glow. Hovers flashes and flickers / 15 second(s).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BERLINER, DON: The BLUEBOOK UNKNOWNS; (FUFOR). (Index 31)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6864
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "293", **HatchDesc:** "BEDFORD,OH:1 OBS:INTENSE OBLONG CGR W/BLU GLOW:HVRS FLASHES+FLICKERS/15sec", **LatLong:** "41.400002 -81.533337", **LatLongDMS:** "41:24:00 N 81:32:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.400002,-81.533337)", **State/Prov:** "Ohio", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 23799 (1B013F7D)
**Date:** 10/4/1963
**Location:** East Hartland, CT
**Description:** State Representative L. B. Martin, about 1:00 p.m., saw a silvery triangular object with a row of black dots across the leading edge. The UFO passed overhead, emitting a flame-like tail, at an estimated speed of 2000 mph. \[Report obtained by NICAP-CONN Affiliate.\] (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2667
### Event 23800 (D2EA62BA)
**Date:** 10/4/1963
**Location:** Bedford, OH
**Description:** Intense oblong light with tapered ends (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 8581)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2669
### Event 23801 (C5AEF2A6)
**Date:** 10/4/1963
**Time:** 3:32 PM
**Location:** Bedford, Ohio
**Description:** Witness: R.E. Carpenter, 15. One intense oblong light with tapered ends and surrounded by an aqua haze, flashed and flickered while stationary for 15 seconds.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_493
### Event 23802 (512A3BBF)
**Date:** 10/4/1963
**Locations:** Connecticut; Hartland, Connecticut
**Description:** 1:00 p.m. Connecticut State Representative [Luther B. Martin](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/69002462/luther-b-martin) sees a delta-shaped, silvery object leaving a flare-like trail at Hartland, Connecticut. A row of black markings is visible along the blunt forward edge as the object passes from south to north. He estimates its speed at 2,000 mph.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[UFO Sightings Centered in Western](http://cufos.org/UFOI%5Fand%5FSelected%5FDocuments/UFOI/022%20DEC-JAN%201963-64.pdf) [U.S.,](http://cufos.org/UFOI%5Fand%5FSelected%5FDocuments/UFOI/022%20DEC-JAN%201963-64.pdf)” UFO Investigator 2, no. 10 \(Dec. 1963/Jan. 1964\): 3
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3732
### Event 23803 (A839BDBF)
**Date:** 10/6/1963
**Location:** Philadelphia, PA
**Description:** Freidman. (Mary Castner/CUFOS) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2670
### Event 23804 (1085DADA)
**Date:** 10/7/1963
**Location:** Lanham, MD
**Description:** Freidman. (Mary Castner/CUFOS) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2671
### Event 23805 (10AB8AD9)
**Date:** 10/11/1963
**Time:** 14:00:00.1
**Location:** 37.0373 -116.0212
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Grunion” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_338
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0373 -116.0212", **LatLongDMS:** "37:02:14 N 116:01:16 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0373,-116.0212)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.26", **NukeName:** "Grunion", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 23806 (310FCEE9)
**Date:** 10/11/1963
**Time:** 14:00:00.2
**Location:** 37.1187 -116.0339
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Tornillo” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_339
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1187 -116.0339", **LatLongDMS:** "37:07:07 N 116:02:02 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1187,-116.0339)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.15", **NukeName:** "Tornillo", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 23807 (31034A98)
**Date:** 10/12/1963 (approximate)
**Location:** ARGENTINA, between Monte Maize and Isla Verde
**Description:** (Translated from French) At dawn, in a driving rain, Eugenio Douglas was driving his coal truck. Suddenly he saw a bright point on the road, a single blinding light was approaching. He stopped and pulled off to the side. He got out of the truck: the light had disappeared. Through the rain he saw a round object about 35 feet high, an opening appeared and three men wearing what looked like antenna helmets appeared. They were at least 12 feet tall. Douglas was scared, and when the men saw him a red beam was pointed at him and burned him. Grabbing his revolver he shot at the entities and ran towards Monte Maize. The red light followed him to the village where it interfered with the street lighting, changing it to violet and green. He knocked on a door where a family gathered in a wake heard him: at that moment the candlelight turned violet then green and there was a strange smell. (Jacques VALLEE: "Chronicles of E.T. Appearances" - DENOEL 1972 - J'AI LU collection, p. 165, 166) On the night of October 17-18, Ernesto Douglas (note from vog: different date and first name, slightly different story too) was driving in a violent storm when he was suddenly blinded by a bright light that enveloped his truck from all sides and moved along the same route as him. He suddenly felt a burning sensation on his face. He braked, but his truck skidded and then left the road to get stuck on the side. At that moment he got out and found himself in the presence of three strange beings that seemed to be robots, near which was a vehicle of oval shape equipped with portholes and emitting a bright light. Panicked, Ernesto Douglas took his revolver and fired four bullets at the creatures. They took refuge in their spacecraft which started moving. Several times it flew over the driver and his truck and each time Douglas felt violent burns all over his body. Exhausted, his clothes in tatters, he presented himself at the police station in Monte Maize. (Guy TARADE: "S.V. and civilizations from beyond space" - J'AI LU 1969, p. 183, 184) • MONTE MAIZ (ARGENTINA) on 10/12/63 E. DOUGLAS and M. MANOCCHIO: eye burns for DOUGLAS: indescribable sensations and loss of memory for several hours for MANOCCHIO (1963, October 12 (19?))
**Reference:** source: GEPA 2-6 and PS 6. page 50
**Reference:** ???
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2262
### Event 23808 (2CA798CE)
**Date:** 10/12/1963
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Meeting with [Engenio Douglas](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/temoins.html\#DouglasEugenio) \(Argentina\). (October 12)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1963.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2028
### Event 23809 (D7EFEC37)
**Date:** 10/12/1963
**Time:** 03:30
**Location:** NEAR MONTE MAIZ, ARG
**Description:** Saucer blocks road. Giant robot(s)/android(s) exit. Truck wiring ruined. / r215p24.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 769)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6865
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **RBT:** Possible robot or "Grey", mechanical motions, **GNT:** Giant: Large/tall alien, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "8", **Elev:** "107", **HatchDesc:** "nr MONTE MAIZ,ARG:SCR BLOCKS ROAD:GIANT RBTS EXIT:TRUCK WIRING RUINED:/r215p24", **LatLong:** "-33.200002 -62.600003", **LatLongDMS:** "33:12:00 S 62:36:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-33.200002,-62.600003)", **State/Prov:** "CRD", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 23810 (58C73A38)
**Date:** 10/12/1963
**Time:** 0330
**Location:** Monte Maiz, Argentina
**Description:** E. Douglas, while driving a truck through,a violent rainstorm, had to stop when he encountered a large, blinding object, 35 m high, from which three giants, 3 m tall, wearing luminous clothes and strange helmets, emerged. Douglas fired at them, as a red beam burned him. He ran away and found shelter in Monte Maiz. He suffered burns similar to ultraviolet exposure. Footprints of large dimension were found at the site.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** CODOVNI 1963; Austr; FSR 8; Magonia ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_583
### Event 23811 (0856F3A2)
**Date:** 10/12/1963
**Locations:** Monte Maíz; Isla Verde, Córdoba, Argentina
**Description:** 3:30 a.m. Driving in a blinding rainstorm on the road between Monte Maíz and Isla Verde, Córdoba, Argentina, Eugenio Douglas feels heat and a prickly sensation all over his body. He sees a brilliant light in front of him. Temporarily blinded, he loses control of his truck and ends up in the ditch. Shaken but not injured, he gets out of the vehicle and looks up at the road, which he finds is blocked by an oval-shaped object at least 30 feet high. A door opens on the side and three huge “robots in human form” emerge. They wear helmets with short antennas and are 12–15 feet tall. Douglas takes a few shots at them with his revolver and runs away. The robots return to the UFO, which chases him down the road and eventually flies away. The next day, police find large footprints near the abandoned truck.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Gordon Creighton, “[Argentina, 1963–64,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%2C1965%2CNov-Dec%2CV%2011%2CN%206.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 11, no. 6 \(Nov./Dec. 1965\): 16–17; Clark III 280; Loren E. Gross, [The Fifth Horseman of the Apocalypse: UFOs, a](https://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1963-July-Dec.pdf) [History: July–December 1963](https://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1963-July-Dec.pdf)[,](https://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1963-July-Dec.pdf) The Author, 2005, pp. 64–65; Roberto Banchs, “Monte Maíz, Cordoba: La Vision Fantasmagorica de E. Douglas \(11 Oct 1963\),” Visión OVNI, November 10, 2008
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3733
### Event 23812 (509C4057)
**Date:** 10/12/1963
**Description:** At 3:30 a.m. Sr. E. Douglas, while driving a truck through a violent rainstorm, had to stop when he encountered a large, blinding object, 35 meters high, from which three giants, three meters tall emerged. They wore luminous clothes and strange helmets. Douglas took out a gun and fired at them, as a red beam burned him. He ran away and found shelter in Monte Maiz, Argentina. He suffered burns similar to strong ultraviolet exposure. Very large footprints were found at the site. "A truck driver was travelling along a lonely road at night during a violent storm when he was suddenly blinded by a vivid white light which enveloped his vehicle. Simultaneously, he felt a burn on his face. He then braked but the vehicle skidded, left the road and became bogged down in the mud. The driver found himself in the presence of three strange beings with the gait of robots. Nearby he saw an oval-shaped object with portholes emitting a harsh light. Picking up his revolver, he fired four shots at the beings, who fled to the object. It then took off and flew around the truck several times, each time causing the driver to feel burns all over his body. Examination by a doctor revealed that the burns were 'curious lesions' of undetermined cause."
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 583; Gregory Falla, BUFORA Vehicle Interference Catalog
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6801
### Event 23813 (A5DD33F0)
**Date:** Late 1963
**Description:** Launch Officer Jerome C. Nelson states while at Walker AFB, NM, he was on duty at Atlas Site 9 under the 579th Strategic Missile Squadron. He states in an affidavit he saw a fully illuminated round UAP hovering silently over the site shining a spotlight onto it. After five minutes it left. Following the event, Nelson states a report was made to AFOSI, but he only learned about this decades later from technician Bob Caplan. Nelson does not understand why neither he nor his missile commander were told about OSI’s presence at the base.
* [https://www.ufohastings.com/storage/files/image/2010-10-11/nelson_01.jpg](https://www.ufohastings.com/storage/files/image/2010-10-11/nelson_01.jpg)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_105
### Event 23814 (5F96F458)
**Date:** 10/16/1963
**Location:** USA
**Description:** (Translated from French) The first photographic reconnaissance satellites of the "Vela" type were launched in pairs, placed in orbit so that each was on one side of the Earth at 180° apart. Six pairs of Vela were thus launched in 7 years, all placed at very high altitude between 98000 and 119000 km.
**Reference:** "The War of the Satellites" - Volume 3 - Pierre Kohler, ed. Famot 1982, p. 77
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2263
### Event 23815 (2B9A0508)
**Date:** 10/16/1963
**Time:** 17:00:00.1
**Location:** 37.1982 -116.2295
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Clearwater” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 200KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_340
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1982 -116.2295", **LatLongDMS:** "37:11:54 N 116:13:46 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1982,-116.2295)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.55", **NukeMb:** "5.30", **NukeName:** "Clearwater", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "200"
### Event 23816 (D9E69AFC)
**Date:** 10/17/1963
**Location:** 37.0000 -116.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Mullet” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_341
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0000 -116.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:00 N 116:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0000,-116.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Mullet", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 23817 (EC3B2E4B)
**Date:** 10/18/1963
**Locations:** Area 25; Area 51; Jackass Flats, Nevada
**Description:** One of the first leaks of the phrase "Area 51" in a newspaper article, in a Reno Gazette-Journal article titled "Test Site Strike": "Work at the adjacent Nuclear Rocket Development Station (NRDS) was not affected, and men reported to duty at "Area 51" of the site, where a super-secret project is under way."
**Type:** newspaper article
**Reference:** [newspapers.com](https://www.newspapers.com/article/reno-gazette-journal-area-51-leak/129582935/)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_944
### Event 23818 (1F0562C2)
**Date:** 10/20/1963
**Time:** 13:00:00.1
**Location:** 24.0355 5.0386
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground. Country: France Name: “rubis” Yield: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1845
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "24.0355 5.0386", **LatLongDMS:** "24:02:08 N 05:02:19 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/24.0355,5.0386)", **NukeCountry:** "France", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.60", **NukeName:** "rubis", **NukeSource:** "BOLT", **NukeType:** "U", **NukeY:** "20"
### Event 23819 (B995852D)
**Date:** 10/21/1963
**Location:** ARGENTINA, Trancas (Tucuman)
**Description:** (Translated from French) In the night of the 21st to the 22nd, several UFOs stopped near the railway of Trancas. From there they emitted non-dispersive red beams of light (like those produced by our current lasers) of very high intensity. The workers of an agricultural company who had gone out had to run and take refuge in their dwellings, pursued by these heat beams. Inside the houses the temperature began to rise. A witness, Kairus de Moreno, gave a coherent description of these beams to Captain of Frigate Omar R. Pagani of the Naval Information Service of the Argentine Military. Following his investigation, the latter declared that this light passed through the walls of the houses and entered the rooms without windows, illuminating them as if it were broad daylight. (1963, October 21-22)
**Reference:** Henry DURRANT: "The UFO File" - Laffont 1973 - p. 131-132
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2264
### Event 23820 (2A5391FE)
**Date:** 10/21/1963
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Observation of [Yolié Moreno](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/temoins.html\#MorenoYolie), in Trancas \(Argentina\). (October 21, 8 PM)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1963.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2029
### Event 23821 (D835B85C)
**Date:** 10/21/1963
**Time:** 21:30
**Location:** TRANCAS, ARG
**Description:** 6 saucers and cylinder/cigar-shape and figure(s) all over/all about farmhouse and railroad/railway line. / FSRv12#1+v17#3+/ LDLN#66 / r8.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 767)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6866
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "40", **Elev:** "750", **HatchDesc:** "TRANCAS,ARG:6 SCRS+CGR+FIGs ALLO FARMHOUSE+RR LINE:/FSRv12#1+v17#3+/LDLN#66/r8", **LatLong:** "-26.216668 -65.288892", **LatLongDMS:** "26:13:00 S 65:17:20 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-26.216668,-65.288892)", **State/Prov:** "TCM", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 23822 (0EF26B41)
**Date:** 10/21/1963
**Location:** Trancas, Arg
**Description:** Disc, EM, occupants, numerous traces (NICAP: 06 - Trace Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2668
### Event 23823 (17D36A3E)
**Date:** 10/21/1963
**Location:** Tranca, Tucumán Province, Argentina
**Description:** A family was held under siege by 2 disks giving off light beams which heated up their house. Activity was taking place at the railroad tracks about ½ a mile away, where a lighted object could be seen. At the conclusion of the incident, in the area where the closest disks had hovered, there remained a misty, smoke like deposit for several minutes.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [Trace Cases](https://www.thenightskyii.org/trace.html)
**Source:** Trace, **ID:** Trace_5
### Event 23824 (E3BA8A56)
**Date:** 10/21/1963
**Time:** 2130
**Location:** Trancas, Argentina
**Description:** Six strange objects were observed for 40 min causing a local panic. One was hovering at ground level above some railroad tracks, while another, showing a dome and portholes, was nea a house. When witneses flashed a light, the house was flooded with a strong beam. Temperature rose and a sulphurous odor was noted. Figures were seen in the vicinity of the first disks. All six objects had a white and a red light beam, measured 8 m in diameter, and left a cloud of white smoke.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** 145; LDLN 66 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_584
### Event 23825 (5E8EFF63)
**Date:** 10/21/1963
**Location:** Trancas, Tucumán, Argentina
**Description:** 9:30 p.m. Yolié del Valle Moreno and her family at Trancas, Tucumán, Argentina, observe six strange objects for 40 minutes in the back courtyard of their house. One UFO hovers at ground level above some railroad tracks, while another with a dome and portholes is near another house. They can see some 40 humanlike figures \(silhouettes\) moving around within two bright lights linked by a prolongation or tube. When witnesses flash a light at the object, the house is flooded with a strong beam. The temperature rises inside the house and the inhabitants smell a strong sulfurous odor. All six objects are about 24 feet in diameter, have a white and a red beam of light, and leave a cloud of white smoke that does not disperse for 4 hours. Beneath the space where one of the objects has been rocking back and forth, the witnesses find innumerable white balls one-quarter-inch in diameter piled into a cone 3 feet high and within a circle 28–30 feet in diameter. They consist primarily of calcium carbonate.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Gordon Creighton, “[Argentina 1963–64, Part II,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201966%20V%2012%20N%201.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 12, no. 1 \(Jan./Feb. 1966\): 23–24; Oscar A. Galindez, “[Trancas, after Seven Years,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201971%20V%2017%20N%203.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 17, no. 3 \(May/June 1971\): 14–20, 32; Loren E. Gross, [The Fifth Horseman of the Apocalypse: UFOs, a History: July–December](https://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1963-July-Dec.pdf) [1963](https://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1963-July-Dec.pdf)[,](https://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1963-July-Dec.pdf) The Author, 2005, pp. 66–74; Carlos Iurchuk, “Los Asombrosos Fenomenos de Trancas por el Dr. Oscar Galindez,” Visión OVNI, January 1, 2009
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3734
### Event 23826 (9E37AC0F)
**Date:** 10/21/1963
**Description:** At 9:30 p.m. six strange objects were observed for the next 40 minutes, causing a local panic in Trancas, Argentina. One UFO hovered at ground level above some railroad tracks, while another, showing a dome and portholes, was near a house. When witnesses flashed a light at the object the house was flooded with a strong beam. The temperature rose inside the house and they could smell a strong sulphurous odor. Figures were seen in the vicinity of the first disc. All six objects were about eight meters in diameter, had a white and a red light beam, and left a cloud of white smoke.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 584
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7012
### Event 23827 (97708597)
**Date:** 10/22/1963
**Time:** 05:30
**Description:** 2-part UFO = large and small. Comes from northeast. Hovers and spirals. Going quickly SE.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: UFO'S IN SPACE - Anatomy of a Phenomenon; Henry Regnery 1966 & Ballentine PB 1974 294pp. (Index 219)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6867
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "IPSWITCH,SUFFOLK:2-PART UFO=LRG+SMALL:COMES FROM NE:HOVERS+SPIRALS:>>SE.", **LatLong:** "52.050002 1.133333", **LatLongDMS:** "52:03:00 N 01:08:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/52.050002,1.133333)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 23828 (0E414104)
**Date:** 10/23/1963
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Sighting in Meridian \(Ohio\). (October 23)
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#8603 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1963.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2030
### Event 23829 (A937126C)
**Date:** 10/23/1963
**Time:** 20:40
**Location:** MERIDIAN, ID
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #8603. Several observer(s). Classic silver saucer with loud pulsating sound. / r28p438.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 34)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6868
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "6", **Elev:** "792", **HatchDesc:** "MERIDIAN,ID:BBK#8603:SVRL OBS:CLASSIC SLVR SCR W/LOUD PULSATING SOUND:/r28p438", **LatLong:** "43.611113 -116.388894", **LatLongDMS:** "43:36:40 N 116:23:20 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.611113,-116.388894)", **State/Prov:** "Idaho", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 23830 (D2FBC5CD)
**Date:** 10/23/1963
**Time:** 23:00
**Description:** 3 figure(s) / tight grey suits zip across SR18. Legs "flutter". Very fast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CLARK, Jerome: High Strangeness: UFO's from 1960 through 1979. The UFO ENCYCLOPEDIA Volume 3. 1996 Omnigraphics Inc Detroit, MI ISBN 1-55888-742-3 (Index 100)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6869
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NFO:** No craft seen, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "24", **HatchDesc:** "SW/SOUTH RIVER,NJ:3 FIGs/TIGHT GRY SUITS ZIP ACRS SR18:LEGS "FLUTTER":VFAST", **LatLong:** "40.400002 -74.416670", **LatLongDMS:** "40:24:00 N 74:25:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.400002,-74.416670)", **State/Prov:** "New Jersey", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 23831 (617F2A7F)
**Date:** 10/23/1963
**Location:** Meridian, ID
**Description:** Object shaped like a circle from below and a football from the side (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 8603)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2672
### Event 23832 (8507DF4A)
**Date:** 10/23/1963
**Time:** 8:35 PM
**Location:** Meridian, Idaho
**Description:** Witnesses: several unnamed students, including Gordon. One object shaped like a circle from below and like a football from the side, hovered low over the observers, making a deep, pulsating, loud, extremely irritating sound, for 6 minutes.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_494
### Event 23833 (F46DE866)
**Date:** 10/23/1963
**Locations:** South River, New Jersey; State Route 18
**Description:** 11:00 p.m. Driving south of South River, New Jersey, on State Route 18, a man glimpses something like a flashlight off to his left, and three figures, 3–4 feet tall, cross the road in front of him. They are dressed in “tight- fitting silver-gray one-piece suits” that “seem to glow once they hit the headlights.” Their heads are found, but the witness can see no other features. They begin quickly “fluttering” across the road, faster than the “fastest sprinter.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Center for UFO Studies, \[[case documents](http://www.cufos.org/cases/1963%5F10%5F23%5FUS%5FNJ%5Fnr-South-River%5FMUFON%5FSmith-CE-III.pdf)\]; Clark III 278
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3735
### Event 23834 (F6FB3475)
**Date:** 10/24/1963
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Sighting in Cupar Fife \(Scotland\). (October 24)
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#8604 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1963.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2031
### Event 23835 (049C58BF)
**Date:** 10/24/1963
**Location:** CUPAR, FIFE, SCOT
**Description:** 2 kids. Night light very high goes north going south. Circles star. Well detailed and unidentified / Project Bluebook Case #8604.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SCIENCE & MECHANICS (eds.) OFFICIAL GUIDE to UFO'S; Ace Books, NY. 1968. (Index 167)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6870
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "48", **HatchDesc:** "CUPAR,FIFE,SCOT:2 KIDS:NLT VHI GOES N>S:CCLs STAR:WELL DETAILED+UID/BBK#8604", **LatLong:** "56.316669 -3.016667", **LatLongDMS:** "56:19:00 N 03:01:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/56.316669,-3.016667)", **State/Prov:** "Scotland", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 23836 (7A82FA9C)
**Date:** 10/24/1963
**Location:** Cupar Fife, Scotland
**Description:** Light move for an unspecified length of time (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 8604)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2673
### Event 23837 (37A3F0A7)
**Date:** 10/24/1963
**Time:** No time given
**Location:** Cupar Fife, Scotland
**Description:** Witnesses: A. McLean (12) and G. McLean (8). One light moved for an unspecified length of time. No further details in files. Note: Project Blue Book chief Maj. H. Quintanilla told the youngsters, in a letter, that this was "one of the most complete" of the unexplained cases for the year.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_495
### Event 23838 (DBA8B8B3)
**Date:** 10/24/1963
**Description:** Cupar, Fife, Scotland. No time given. Brothers A. McLean, age 12, and G. McLean, age 8 saw a moving light in the sky for an unspecified length of time. No further details are found in the Air Force files, but Project Blue Book chief Major Hector Quintanilla wrote a letter to the youngsters that this was "one of the most complete" of the unexplained cases for the year!
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Project Blue book files counted in official statistics, case # 8604; Richard Hall, The UFO Evidence, p. 129; Don Berliner, Project Bluebook UFO Unknowns; Lloyd Mallan, Official Guide to UFOs, p. 28
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7077
### Event 23839 (89C8722F)
**Date:** 10/25/1963
**Location:** USA, Mitchell
**Description:** (Translated from French) A military pilot flying between St. Louis and Mitchel Air Force Base witnessed a strange phenomenon. At 6:45 PM, he noticed "an object with well-defined outlines accompanied by a smaller one". Without hesitation, he headed towards the craft. At that moment "the smaller one shrank, the bigger one shrank and both moved away". The pilot resumed his route towards the Michell base when he noticed that the two objects had merged into a single, very "compact" mass. Finally, the witness reported, the large craft broke apart into about ten bright points that faded away on their own.
**Reference:** Yves NAUD: "Les E.T. et les OVNI dans l'histoire". - Famot 1977, tome 4, p. 224
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2265
### Event 23840 (064C7118)
**Date:** 10/25/1963
**Location:** PACIFIC 151° 10W-21° 49N
**Description:** Northwest airlines crew. UFO near Hawaii. Project Bluebook Case #unknown. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFOCAT CATALOG: Assorted Printouts. Donald A. Johnson Ph.D (CUFOS). P.O. Box 446, Concord, NH 03302-0446 (Index 1)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6871
**Attributes:** **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Pacific Ocean and non - Asian islands", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "PACIFIC 151°10W-21°49N:NORTHWEST AIRLINES CREW: UFO nr HAWAII:BBK#UNK:NFD", **LatLong:** "21.816668 -151.166674", **LatLongDMS:** "21:49:00 N 151:10:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/21.816668,-151.166674)", **State/Prov:** "HWI", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 23841 (9DA54610)
**Date:** 10/26/1963
**Time:** 17:00:00.1
**Location:** 39.2002 -118.3803
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Shoal” Yield: 12KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_342
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "39.2002 -118.3803", **LatLongDMS:** "39:12:01 N 118:22:49 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.2002,-118.3803)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.37", **NukeMb:** "4.90", **NukeName:** "Shoal", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "12"
### Event 23842 (549E4808)
**Date:** 10/29/1963
**Time:** 16:50
**Location:** LOWELL OBSERVER(S), AZ
**Description:** Astronomers. Ruby red spots / crater Aristarchus. Also 27 November / APRO 1'64.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 34)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6872
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "The Moon", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "20", **HatchDesc:** "LOWELL OBS.,AZ:ASTRONOMERS:RUBY RED SPOTS/CRATER ARISTARCHUS:+27NOV/APRO 1'64", **LatLong:** "90.000004 -0.000000", **LatLongDMS:** "90:00:00 N 00:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/90.000004,-0.000000)", **State/Prov:** "ARS", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 23843 (44E118A1)
**Date:** 10/31/1963
**Time:** 04:20
**Location:** DALYSTON, AUST
**Description:** 3M glowing-object turns and follows truck. Night lights / separate observer(s). / r242p141+/ FSR'64#3.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 34)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6873
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "DALYSTON,AUST:3M GLOW-OBJ TURNS+FOLOS TRUCK:NLTS/sep.obs:/r242p141+/FSR'64#3", **LatLong:** "-38.711113 145.638896", **LatLongDMS:** "38:42:40 S 145:38:20 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-38.711113,145.638896)", **State/Prov:** "Victoria", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 23844 (7C0B5307)
**Date:** 10/31/1963
**Time:** 14:00
**Location:** NEAR IGUAPE, BRZ
**Description:** Silver 8M saucer hits tree. Going [to] into river. Stirs mud. No trace. / r111p217.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 769)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6874
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **SUB:** Submersible: Rises from or submerges into water, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **MIL:** Military investigation
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "12", **Elev:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "nr IGUAPE,BRZ:SLVR 8M SCR HITS TREE:> into RIVER:STIRS MUD:NO TRACE:/r111p217", **LatLong:** "-24.683335 -47.550002", **LatLongDMS:** "24:41:00 S 47:33:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-24.683335,-47.550002)", **State/Prov:** "São Paulo", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 23845 (06F07FCA)
**Date:** 10/31/1963
**Location:** Daylston, Victoria, AU
**Description:** A deliveryman on his rounds at 4:15 a.m., was frightened by a UFO which approached his van, turned and followed his course just ahead. The object seemed to be 8-12 feet long, glowing orange and red. It then darted to the side of the road, continuing to pace the van for a while, finally zooming ahead over a hill and apparently descending. It was not seen again. Other witnesses reported seeing a maneuvering light at the time of the sighting. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2674
### Event 23846 (BF305C56)
**Date:** 10/31/1963
**Time:** 0415
**Location:** Daylston, Australia
**Description:** Jim Davidson saw an object about 3 m long, bearing orange and red lights, which came close to his light truck, flew ahead of him, then departed and appeared to land behind a hill. Two witnesses independently reported a maneuvering light.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Austr. FSR May., 64 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_585
### Event 23847 (01B7CDFA)
**Date:** 10/31/1963
**Time:** 1400
**Location:** Peropava River, Brazil
**Description:** A farmer, Issuo Oikiti, and two other witnesses saw a luminous object, resembling a huge, aluminum ball, which hit the river, changed direction while spinning, crossed to the other side and plunged into the water, which appeared to boil.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Vuillequez ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_586
### Event 23848 (AC6DE040)
**Date:** 10/31/1963
**Locations:** Iguape, São Paulo, Brazil; Rio Peropava
**Description:** Eight-year-old Rute de Souza hears a strange roar and watches a silvery object coming towards her house near Iguape, São Paulo, Brazil. It soars above her, hits a palm tree, gyrates a bit in the air, then falls into the Rio Peropava near the opposite shore. She runs to get her mother and uncle, who also hear the sound. They see the river boiling up in the spot, followed by an eruption of muddy water and mud. Fishermen, including Tetsuo Ioshigawa, also view the event. The UFO is estimated to be 25 feet in diameter. Divers, both equipped and unequipped, fail to find any wreckage in the river, which is only 12 feet deep.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Disc Submerged in Brazilian](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201964%2001%2000%20-%20January.pdf) [River,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201964%2001%2000%20-%20January.pdf)” APRO Bulletin, January 1964, pp. 1–2; Harry E. Rieseberg, “[A Submerged UFO?](http://www.waterufo.net/item.php?id=272)” Exploring the Unknown 6, no. 2 \(December 1965\): 64–67; Brazil 517
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3736
### Event 23849 (927510DB)
**Date:** 10/31/1963
**Description:** At 4:15 a.m. Jim Davidson saw an object about three meters long in Daylston, Victoria, Australia with orange and red lights. It approached his pickup truck, flew ahead of him, then flew off and seemed to land behind a hill. Two other witnesses independently reported a maneuvering light.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Sylvia Sutton, Flying Saucer Review, March-April 1964, p. 29; NICAP UFO Investigator, January 1964, p. 3; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 585
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7334
### Event 23850 (AAE43546)
**Date:** 10/31/1963
**Description:** At two p.m. a farmer, Sr. Issuo Oikiti, another adult, and a child saw a luminous object resembling a huge aluminium ball near the Peropava River in Iguape, Sao Paulo state, Brazil. It "writhed and struggled" in the air, hit a palm tree, changed direction while spinning, crossed to the other side of the river, and plunged into the water. The water seemed to boil after the object fell into the water.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** APRO Bulletin, January-February 1964, pp. 1-2; Jim & Coral E. Lorenzen, UFOs over the Americas, p. 53; Ivan T. Sanderson, Invisible Residents, p. 74; Otto Binder, What We Really Know About Flying Saucers, p. 149; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 586
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7335
### Event 23851 (B1CBD13E)
**Date:** 11/1963
**Location:** ANDORRA, Terragone
**Description:** (Translated from French) The manager of the Mirador Hotel, Mr. Sesplugues, accompanied by his wife, was driving on the road from Camarruga to Torredembarra when suddenly, they saw a dark figure crossing the road 150 m in front of them. The being in question had the size of a man, but it did not seem to have a head.
**Reference:** Jean FERGUSON: "All about Flying Saucers", ed. Leméac, Ottawa, 1972, p. 214
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2269
### Event 23852 (DEA7A156)
**Date:** 11/1963 (approximate)
**Time:** 01:00
**Location:** OFF SARDINIA
**Description:** United States Navy (USN) RADAR man. Strong blip hours / 80k'. Drops 15k' / 20 seconds. Going [to] over USS FDR.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 554)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6875
**Attributes:** **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **RDR:** Radar traces/blips, **MIL:** Military investigation, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Greece and Island nations", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "15", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "off SARDINIA:USN RDR MAN:STRONG BLIP HRS/80k':DROPS 15k'/20secs:>OVR USS FDR", **LatLong:** "39.000002 10.000000", **LatLongDMS:** "39:00:00 N 10:00:00 E", **Locale:** "Offshore", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.000002,10.000000)", **State/Prov:** "SRD", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 23853 (7AEAE4CA)
**Date:** 11/1963 (approximate)
**Time:** 12:00?
**Location:** COMARRUGA, SP
**Description:** 2 / car. Small black being crosses road 150M ahead. No UFO seen.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BALLESTER OLMOS, Vicente-Juan: CATALOG of 200 TYPE-1 EVENTS in SPAIN & PORTUGAL; CUFOS 1976. (Index 8)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6876
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NFO:** No craft seen, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **MON:** Monster: Life form fits no category
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "COMARRUGA,SP:2/CAR:SML BLACK BEING CROSSES ROAD 150M AHEAD:NO UFO SEEN", **LatLong:** "41.183335 1.433333", **LatLongDMS:** "41:11:00 N 01:26:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.183335,1.433333)", **State/Prov:** "TRG", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 23854 (C7A1579E)
**Date:** 11/1963
**Location:** Andover, New Jersey
**Description:** 5:00 p.m. A man and his daughter are driving just north of Andover, New Jersey, when they see three strange lights in the sky. They are perfect ovals possibly a quarter mile high. The lights take off at a great speed in “perfect unison” toward the north.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Center for UFO Studies, \[[case documents](http://cufos.org/cases/1963%5F11%5F00%5FUS%5FNJ%5FAndover%5FCUFOS%5FHowell-CE-I%5Fredacted.pdf)\]
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3737
### Event 23855 (3E5CDFFE)
**Date:** 11/1/1963
**Locations:** Republic of China; Shangrao, Jiangxi; China; Mainland China; Cultural Revolution; Hanyang Arsenal, Wuhan
**Description:** A member of the CIA-trained 35th Black Cat Squadron, Republic of China pilot [Yeh Changti](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yeh%5FChangti) is flying an American U-2 reconnaissance aircraft to spy on China’s nuclear program when he is shot down by an SA-2 missile over Shangrao, Jiangxi, and held in mainland China until 1982. Yeh is incarcerated for four years and undergoes numerous interrogations. Although some claim he was tortured, Yeh later says he was treated humanely. After the outbreak of the Cultural Revolution, he is released and sent to work on a farm, before being transferred to work at Hanyang Arsenal in Wuhan.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Yeh Changti](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yeh%5FChangti)”; Jacobsen, Area 51, [pp. 216–218](https://archive.org/details/area51uncensored0000jaco/page/216/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3738
### Event 23856 (6E49F595)
**Date:** 11/3/1963
**Location:** USS FALGOUT / PACIFIC 174W-40N
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Navy ship observer(s). No further details [in] at all.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFOCAT CATALOG: Assorted Printouts. Donald A. Johnson Ph.D (CUFOS). P.O. Box 446, Concord, NH 03302-0446 (Index 71)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6877
**Attributes:** **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Pacific Ocean and non - Asian islands", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "USS FALGOUT/PACIFIC 174W-40N:BBK#UNKN:NAVY SHIP OBS:NFD AT ALL", **LatLong:** "40.000002 -174.000008", **LatLongDMS:** "40:00:00 N 174:00:00 W", **Locale:** "High Seas", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.000002,-174.000008)", **State/Prov:** "NPC", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 23857 (0B56F1A0)
**Date:** 11/3/1963
**Time:** 01:30
**Location:** CORONA, NY
**Description:** Aircraft mechanic. Star maneuvers over airport. 45° and 90° turns. Speeds away.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO EVIDENCE; NICAP,Washington, DC 1964. Reprinted 1997 Barnes & Noble Books ( only $7.98! ) (Index 141)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6878
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "15", **HatchDesc:** "CORONA,NY:AIRCRAFT MECHANIC:STAR MNVRS OVR AIRPORT:45°+90°TURNS:SPEEDS AWAY", **LatLong:** "40.666669 -73.933337", **LatLongDMS:** "40:40:00 N 73:56:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.666669,-73.933337)", **State/Prov:** "New York", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 23858 (D097BA83)
**Date:** 11/3/1963
**Location:** Corona, NY
**Description:** A Pan American Airways mechanic, about 1:30 a.m., noticed a star-like object maneuvering across the northern sky. The light moved rapidly, slowed and seemed to "shudder," then changed course by about 45 degrees. Finally it made a 90- degree turn, accelerated, turned again and disappeared from view. \[Report obtained by New York NICAP Subcommittee.\] (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2675
### Event 23859 (06945052)
**Date:** 11/3/1963
**Locations:** Quincy Center, Massachusetts; Pease AFB
**Description:** The [Hills](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barney%5Fand%5FBetty%5FHill) give a presentation at the Two State UFO Study Group in Quincy Center, Massachusetts. One of the attendees tape-records the session. Another speaker at the session is Capt. [Ben Swett](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/201838384/ben-h%5F-swett) of Pease AFB, himself a practicing hypnotist, who tells them he thinks hypnotic regression is a good idea.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clark III 584
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3739
### Event 23860 (2780E82D)
**Date:** 11/7/1963
**Location:** San Francisco, CA
**Description:** Fireball observed, shock wave felt, over Bay area. Unidentified signal picked up by local radio station (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2676
### Event 23861 (CC6F07C0)
**Date:** 11/11/1963
**Location:** USS FALGOUT PACIFIC 173W-40N
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Same Navy ship again. No further details [in] at all.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFOCAT CATALOG: Assorted Printouts. Donald A. Johnson Ph.D (CUFOS). P.O. Box 446, Concord, NH 03302-0446 (Index 71)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6879
**Attributes:** **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Pacific Ocean and non - Asian islands", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "USS FALGOUT PACIFIC 173W-40N:BBK#UNKN:SAME NAVY SHIP AGAIN:NFD AT ALL", **LatLong:** "40.000002 -173.000008", **LatLongDMS:** "40:00:00 N 173:00:00 W", **Locale:** "High Seas", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.000002,-173.000008)", **State/Prov:** "NPC", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 23862 (FF143832)
**Date:** 11/11/1963
**Time:** 00:30
**Location:** LAWRENCE, KS
**Description:** Astronomer. Silent 25' saucer / dim lights / edge. East going quickly south / 10 second(s). 135mph. 300' altitude.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** STURROCK, Dr. Peter A: REPORT / SURVEY of the AMERICAN ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY of the UFO PROBLEM; Stanford, CA 1977. (Index 102)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6880
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "254", **HatchDesc:** "LAWRENCE,KS:ASTRONOMER:SILENT 25'SCR/DIM LITES/EDGE:E>>S/10sec:135mph:300'alt", **LatLong:** "38.972224 -95.233338", **LatLongDMS:** "38:58:20 N 95:14:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.972224,-95.233338)", **State/Prov:** "Kansas", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 23863 (E26D2C72)
**Date:** 11/12/1963
**Location:** Off Argentine coast
**Description:** UFO follows Argentine naval vessel; electronic interference. Non-US military.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [_UFOs and the National Security State: Chronology of a Cover-up, 1941–1973_, by Richard Dolan](https://archive.org/details/ufosnationalsecu00dola/mode/2up)
**Source:** Dolan, **ID:** Dolan_246
### Event 23864 (3BAF1C95)
**Date:** 11/12/1963
**Location:** PORT HURON, MI
**Description:** Cops chase large low object. Big segmented window. Whines. Going northwest. / r28p438.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 34)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6881
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "8", **Elev:** "180", **HatchDesc:** "PORT HURON,MI:COPS CHASE LRG LO OBJ:BIG SEGMENTED WINDOW:WHINES:>NW:/r28p438", **LatLong:** "42.983335 -82.466671", **LatLongDMS:** "42:59:00 N 82:28:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.983335,-82.466671)", **State/Prov:** "Michigan", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 23865 (2E1ADE7E)
**Date:** 11/12/1963
**Time:** 22:00?
**Description:** Compasses turn toward(s) huge round object. OK after. / r215p49.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 40)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6882
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "SS MEDANOS/off ARGENTINA:COMPASSES TURN twrd HUGE RND OBJ:OK AFTER:/r215p49", **LatLong:** "-40.000002 -61.000003", **LatLongDMS:** "40:00:00 S 61:00:00 W", **Locale:** "High Seas", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-40.000002,-61.000003)", **State/Prov:** "SEA", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 23866 (64A590FB)
**Date:** 11/12/1963
**Location:** Unknown City, Argentina
**Description:** An official Argentine Navy UFO report. Combined visual and E-M incident involved the Navy transport A.R.A. "Punta Medanos." A large airship (never identified) was sighted from the stern of the vessel. The huge UFO was round- shaped, and it was moving at great speed (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2677
### Event 23867 (EDE41E0D)
**Date:** 11/12/1963
**Location:** Port Huron, MI
**Description:** Deputy Sheriffs chased a low-flying UFO which first appeared as a white flashing light. At times the object seemed to have a "big divided window" on it. When the UFO hovered, the deputies approached and flashed their squad car light. Then a flashing red light became visible on the UFO. The object finally moved away to the northwest making a motor-like sound. Other residents reported a flashing light and "high-pitched" or "whining" noises at the same time. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2679
### Event 23868 (482BE7F2)
**Date:** 11/12/1963
**Location:** Atlantic Ocean
**Description:** The crew of the Argentine Naval auxiliary transport, [ARA Punta Médanos](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ARA%5FPunta%5FM%C3%A9danos%5F%28B-18%29), sees a large UFO off its stern \[in the Atlantic Ocean?\]. It is moving at high speed; when it appears, the needles of the ship’s magnetic compass suddenly and simultaneously swing off course, pointing towards the UFO, which is about 6,000 feet away. The compasses return to normal after the object leaves.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Argentine Navy Discloses Important E-M Case,](http://cufos.org/UFOI%5Fand%5FSelected%5FDocuments/UFOI/028%20AUG-SEPT%201965.pdf)” UFO Investigator 3, no. 4 \(Aug./Sept. 1965\): 6; [Schopick](http://cufos.org/books/A%5FStudy%5Fof%5FSecondary%5FEffects-An%5FUnpublished%5FManuscript%5Fof%5FUFO%5FE-M%5FCases.pdf)[,](http://cufos.org/books/A%5FStudy%5Fof%5FSecondary%5FEffects-An%5FUnpublished%5FManuscript%5Fof%5FUFO%5FE-M%5FCases.pdf) pp. 3–4
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3740
### Event 23869 (09A29A31)
**Date:** 11/12/1963
**Description:** On this night off the Argentine Coast of the South Atlantic, a UFO followed the Argentine Navy ship "Punta Medanos." Electronic interference was reported at the time.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP UFO Investigator, September 1965, p. 6; Frank Edwards, Flying Saucers--Serious Business, p. 120
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7609
### Event 23870 (46DFB4B4)
**Date:** 11/14/1963
**Time:** 04:50
**Location:** CARSON CITY, NV
**Description:** Huge blue saucer hovers / NWW sky. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Beam lights hilltop. / r242p141.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 34)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6883
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "1419", **HatchDesc:** "CARSON CITY,NV:HUGE BLU SCR HVRS/NWW SKY:RFI:BEAM LITES HILLTOP:/r242p141", **LatLong:** "39.150002 -119.750006", **LatLongDMS:** "39:09:00 N 119:45:00 W", **Locale:** "Desert", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.150002,-119.750006)", **State/Prov:** "Nevada", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 23871 (5B86A9FD)
**Date:** 11/14/1963
**Location:** Carson City, NV
**Description:** Disc with bluish-green glow hovered emitting beam which illuminated hilltop; house radio failed, came back on when UFO left (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2680
### Event 23872 (D1FD7DC6)
**Date:** 11/14/1963
**Time:** 16:00:00.1
**Location:** 37.0395 -116.0184
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Anchovy” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_343
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0395 -116.0184", **LatLongDMS:** "37:02:22 N 116:01:06 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0395,-116.0184)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.26", **NukeName:** "Anchovy", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 23873 (194BD50C)
**Date:** 11/15/1963
**Location:** Bloomingdale, New Jersey
**Description:** Peter Valko and Jim Keosian ran toward a strange object that appeared about to land, but it "vanished."
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Binder ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_587
### Event 23874 (B205DF1F)
**Date:** 11/15/1963
**Time:** 15:00:00.2
**Location:** 37.1323 -116.0469
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Mustang” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_344
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1323 -116.0469", **LatLongDMS:** "37:07:56 N 116:02:49 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1323,-116.0469)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.17", **NukeName:** "Mustang", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 23875 (A8071262)
**Date:** 11/15/1963
**Description:** Peter Valko and Jim Keosian ran toward a strange object that appeared about to land in Bloomingdale, New Jersey, but it "vanished."
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 587
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7688
### Event 23876 (1FA454B5)
**Date:** 11/16/1963
**Location:** GREAT BRITAIN, Hythe (Kent)
**Description:** (Translated from French) Four young people were walking along Sandling Park in the evening. The light, yellow-orange, came out of the sky at an angle of 60°. As it approached the ground it seemed to hover more slowly. Suddenly a gold-colored light appeared in the nearby field after the first object had disappeared behind the trees, floating 100 yards away from them at 10 feet from the ground. It seemed to follow their movements and as if it was observing them. It was oval, 15 to 20 feet wide with a bright and hard center. It disappeared behind the trees and a few seconds later a dark silhouette descended heavily. It was all black, the size of a man, but without a head. It seemed to have wings on either side of the body, like a bat. The young people did not wait to find out the rest..
**Reference:** Jacques VALLEE: "Chronicles of E.T. Appearances" - DENOEL 1972 - coll. J'AI LU p. 121, 122
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2266
### Event 23877 (A99D553F)
**Date:** 11/16/1963
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Meeting of [John Flaxton](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/FlaxtonJohn.html) and his friends. (November 16 (October?))
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1963.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2032
### Event 23878 (9186B979)
**Date:** 11/16/1963
**Time:** ~20:00
**Description:** 4 teens. Night light going down / trees. Headless mansize bat. / FSR'64#2+/ r8#588.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SPENCER, John & EVANS, Hillary (ed): PHENOMENON - 40 YEARS of F.S.; BUFORA/Avon Books, NY 1988 (Index 112)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6884
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **MON:** Monster: Life form fits no category, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "4", **Duration:** "8", **HatchDesc:** "SANDLING PARK,KENT:4 TEENS:NLT ↓/TREES:HEADLESS MANSIZE BAT:/FSR'64#2+/r8#588", **LatLong:** "51.066669 1.083333", **LatLongDMS:** "51:04:00 N 01:05:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.066669,1.083333)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "12"
### Event 23879 (843E2210)
**Date:** 11/16/1963
**Time:** evening
**Location:** Saltwood, Great Britain
**Description:** Four teenagers, among them painter John Flaxton, while walking on a country road, saw a moving star turn into a reddish glow coming toward them, then disappearing behind some trees. Shortly thereafter, a bright, golden light was seen 80 m away, floating 3 m above ground, and a dark figure the size of a man, with wings like a bat, came toward them. They fled in terror.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** FSR 64, 2; Magonia ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_588
### Event 23880 (63588F49)
**Date:** 11/16/1963
**Location:** Sandling Park near Saltwood, Kent, England
**Description:** Evening. Four teenagers—John Flaxton, Mervyn Hutchinson, Jenny Holloway, and another youth—are in Sandling Park near Saltwood, Kent, England, when they see a moving reddish-yellow “star” above the woods. It comes down at an angle of 60°, then vanishes. Moments later, they see a bright, golden light in a field about 240 feet away, floating 10 feet above the ground, and seemingly 15–20 feet across. It seems to move along with the teens for a short while. It disappears behind trees, then a dark figure shambles out of the woods. It is all black, about the size of a human but without a head and has bat wings. The teenagers run away. Other witnesses come forward to report strange lights and giant footprints in the woods.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Charles A. Strickland, “[Sightings at Saltwood,](http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20Kingdom/BUFORA%20-%201959-1963%20LUFORO%20BULLETIN%20Vols.1%20to%204/LUFORO%20Bulletin%20-%20Vol%204%20No%2005%20-%20Nov-Dec-Jan%201963-64%20FINAL.pdf) [near Hythe, Kent,](http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20Kingdom/BUFORA%20-%201959-1963%20LUFORO%20BULLETIN%20Vols.1%20to%204/LUFORO%20Bulletin%20-%20Vol%204%20No%2005%20-%20Nov-Dec-Jan%201963-64%20FINAL.pdf)” LUFORO Bulletin 4, no. 5 \(Nov./Dec./Jan. 1963–1964\): 2–3; “[The Saltwood Mystery: Strange](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%2C1964%2CMar-Apr%2CV%2010%2CN%202.pdf) [Happenings in Kent,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%2C1964%2CMar-Apr%2CV%2010%2CN%202.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 10, no. 2\(Mar./Apr. 1964\): 11–12; A. Cecil Harper, “[A Saltwood](http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20Kingdom/BUFORA%20-%201964-1981%20BUFORA%20JOURNAL%20Vols.1%20to%2010/BUFORA%20Journal%20-%20Volume%2001%20No%2001%20-%20Summer%201964.pdf) [Sighting,](http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20Kingdom/BUFORA%20-%201964-1981%20BUFORA%20JOURNAL%20Vols.1%20to%2010/BUFORA%20Journal%20-%20Volume%2001%20No%2001%20-%20Summer%201964.pdf)” BUFORA Journal and Bulletin 1, no. 1 \(Summer 1964\): 12; Nick Redfern, “[An Update on a Sinister](https://mysteriousuniverse.org/2018/06/an-update-on-a-sinister-winged-monster/) [Winged Monster,](https://mysteriousuniverse.org/2018/06/an-update-on-a-sinister-winged-monster/)” Mysterious Universe, June 14, 2018; Theo Paijmans, “The Headless Horrors of Sandling Road,” Fortean Times 374 \(Christmas 2018\): 30–31; Clark III 779
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3741
### Event 23881 (D7E3BA2B)
**Date:** 11/16/1963
**Description:** On this evening in Saltwood, England four teenagers, among them painter John Flaxton and another named Hutchinson, saw a moving star turn into a reddish-yellow glow that came toward them while they were walking on a country road. It next disappeared behind some trees. Shortly thereafter they saw a bright, golden light some 15-20 feet wide that was seen 80 meters away, floating three meters above the ground, and a dark man-sized figure with wings like a bat and no head came toward them. They fled in terror. There was flattened bracken, and two-foot long footprints.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 588; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case A0576, citing Waveney Girvan, Flying Saucer Review, March-April 1964, p. 11
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7716
### Event 23882 (916C1D04)
**Date:** 11/17/1963
**Location:** Evanston, Illinois
**Description:** [Jacques Vallée](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacques%5FVall%C3%A9e) meets [J. Allen Hynek](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J.%5FAllen%5FHynek) for the first time at his residence in Evanston, Illinois. He begins actively assisting Hynek in his UFO work and helping him analyze Project Blue Book data.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clark III 1213
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3742
### Event 23883 (1492CBEB)
**Date:** 11/19/1963
**Location:** JAPAN, Ryugozaki (Northeast of Tokyo)
**Description:** (Translated from French) Shortly after 8 o'clock in the morning, Mr. Kinoshita, director of the Fuji-Bank in Kashika, in a car with Mr. Saito, vice-director of the branch and a client, had just crossed a place called Kanamazhi and saw a car 150 m behind them, traveling in the same direction. It was a black car of a model known as Toyopet New Crown and it had a Tokyo license plate. On the back seat, on the left, an elderly man seemed to be reading the newspaper. Suddenly, a puff of something gaseous, like white smoke or steam, seemed to envelop this black car and when the cloud disappeared, a few seconds later, the vehicle had vanished. (November 19, 1963)
**Reference:** R. Jack Perrin: "The Mystery of UFOs" - J'ai Lu/Pygmalion 1976, p. 150, 151
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2267
### Event 23884 (9B78C367)
**Date:** 11/19/1963
**Location:** CANADA, Saskatoon (Saskatchewan)
**Description:** (Translated from French) Four children saw an oval UFO flying which dropped something. They approached and saw an entity about 3 m tall, wearing a simian-like white suit. This creature made grunting noises and stretched out its arms. The children did not stick around.
**Reference:** Janet and Colin BORD: "Modern Mysteries of the World" - Guild Publishing London 1989, p. 320
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2268
### Event 23885 (3DA80849)
**Date:** 11/19/1963
**Time:** 08:10
**Location:** KANAMACHI, JPN
**Description:** 3 / car. Black car ahead / Tokyo plates suddenly all smoke. Vanishes!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 398)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6885
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **NFO:** No craft seen, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Japan", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "KANAMACHI,JPN:3/CAR:BLK CAR AHEAD/TOKYO PLATES SUDDENLY ALL SMOKE:VANISHES!", **LatLong:** "35.766668 139.866673", **LatLongDMS:** "35:46:00 N 139:52:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/35.766668,139.866673)", **State/Prov:** "Honshu Island", **Strangeness:** "11"
### Event 23886 (0543636F)
**Date:** 11/20/1963
**Time:** ~18:00
**Description:** Flashing red light, 20' over sea. Sinks without trace.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SANDERSON, Ivan: INVISIBLE RESIDENTS; World Publishing HB 1970 & Avon Books PB 1973 (Index 41)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6886
**Attributes:** **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **SUB:** Submersible: Rises from or submerges into water, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "NORTH SEA nr ABERDEEN,SCOT:FLASHING RED LITE,20'OVR SEA:SINKS W/O TRACE", **LatLong:** "57.166669 -1.750000", **LatLongDMS:** "57:10:00 N 01:45:00 W", **Locale:** "Offshore", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/57.166669,-1.750000)", **State/Prov:** "Scotland", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 23887 (4E697219)
**Date:** 11/20/1963
**Time:** ~21:00
**Location:** EAST / NECHE, ND
**Description:** Bright orange saucer buzzes 2 girls / car. Shoots going quickly southeast. No further details. / r78p198+/ r242p141.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 34)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6887
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "250", **HatchDesc:** "E/NECHE,ND:BRITE ORG SCR BUZZES 2 GIRLS/CAR:SHOOTS>>SE:NFD:/r78p198+/r242p141", **LatLong:** "48.977780 -97.550005", **LatLongDMS:** "48:58:40 N 97:33:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.977780,-97.550005)", **State/Prov:** "North Dakota", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 23888 (2D2D564F)
**Date:** 11/20/1963
**Location:** Neche, ND
**Description:** Two high school girls reported that a bright orange, oval-shaped object circled their car at night while they were en route home. They were on highway 55 east of town when they first saw the UFO. It appeared to be surrounded by a light haze. The glowing object sped across in front of the car and circled around the side before disappearing to the southeast. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2681
### Event 23889 (01E45B27)
**Date:** 11/20/1963
**Locations:** Aberdeen; Blyth, Northumberland, England; North Sea
**Description:** 6:00 p.m. Capt. J. Murray and three members of the crew of the Aberdeen collier Thrift see a flashing red light as they are traveling south in the North Sea from Aberdeen to Blyth, Northumberland, England. It passes within a mile of their port side, 15–30 feet above sea level and suddenly disappears 3 miles astern, presumably into the water. The collier, which puts about and makes for the object’s vanishing point, has 2 radar contacts on its screens, but they disappear as the ship approaches. They search for 3 hours but find no wreckage.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Mystery at](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%2C1964%2CMar-Apr%2CV%2010%2CN%202.pdf) [Sea,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%2C1964%2CMar-Apr%2CV%2010%2CN%202.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 10, no. 2 \(Mar./Apr. 1964\): 22
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3743
### Event 23890 (126E1EA2)
**Date:** 11/21/1963
**Location:** North Sea
**Description:** Radar/visual of flashing red light passing near Scottish vessel. Non-US military.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [_UFOs and the National Security State: Chronology of a Cover-up, 1941–1973_, by Richard Dolan](https://archive.org/details/ufosnationalsecu00dola/mode/2up)
**Source:** Dolan, **ID:** Dolan_247
### Event 23891 (A0AFA37D)
**Date:** 11/21/1963
**Time:** 17:50
**Location:** MONTLUCON, FR
**Description:** College student. Rectangular cylinder/cylindrical object going quickly NNE over town. Up and down in sine wave.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 134)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6888
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "MONTLUCON,FR:COLLEGE STUDENT:RECT.CYL >>NNE OVR TOWN:UP+DOWN IN SINE WAVE.", **LatLong:** "46.411113 2.594445", **LatLongDMS:** "46:24:40 N 02:35:40 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.411113,2.594445)", **State/Prov:** "Allier", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 23892 (3380F2A3)
**Date:** 11/21/1963
**Time:** ~23:00
**Description:** Glowing-ovoid over football field. 3 60cm footprint and crushed vegetation.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BOWEN, Charles (ed.) The HUMANOIDS: HB Henry Regnery, Chicago 1969. 256pp. PB 1977 Futura, London (Index 20)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6889
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **HOX:** Suspicion of hoax, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **GNT:** Giant: Large/tall alien, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "4", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "SANDLING ESTATE,KENT:GLOW-OVOID ovr FOOTBALL FIELD:3 60cm FPRINT+CRUSHED VEG.", **LatLong:** "51.083336 1.066667", **LatLongDMS:** "51:05:00 N 01:04:00 E", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.083336,1.066667)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 23893 (D6872EAE)
**Date:** 11/22/1963
**Description:** President John F. Kennedy Assassinated at Dealey Plaza in Dallas, TX.
**Type:** historical event
**Reference:** [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassination_of_John_F._Kennedy)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_614
### Event 23894 (2ABFCD8B)
**Date:** 11/22/1963
**End date:** 1/20/1969
**Description:** President Lyndon B. Johnson in office
**Type:** historical event
**Reference:** [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lyndon_B._Johnson)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_615
### Event 23895 (537999B2)
**Date:** 11/22/1963
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Assassination of [John Kennedy](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/KennedyJohnFitzgerald.html) in Dallas \(Texas\). Vice President [Lyndon Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/JohnsonLyndonBaines.html) succeeds him. (November 22)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1963.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2033
### Event 23896 (84F4034E)
**Date:** 11/22/1963
**Time:** 17:30:00.1
**Location:** 37.1193 -116.0452
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Greys” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 200KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_345
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1193 -116.0452", **LatLongDMS:** "37:07:09 N 116:02:43 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1193,-116.0452)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.30", **NukeName:** "Greys", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "200"
### Event 23897 (6D7BDA1B)
**Date:** 11/22/1963
**Location:** Dallas, Texas
**Description:** President [John F. Kennedy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John%5FF.%5FKennedy) is assassinated in Dallas, Texas, by [Lee Harvey Oswald](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lee%5FHarvey%5FOswald).
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Assassination of John F. Kennedy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassination%5Fof%5FJohn%5FF.%5FKennedy)”; Wikipedia, “[John F. Kennedy assassination conspiracies](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John%5FF.%5FKennedy%5Fassassination%5Fconspiracy%5Ftheories)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3744
### Event 23898 (BC62C0AE)
**Date:** 11/27/1963
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) 1st flight of an Atlas-Centaur rocket. (November 27)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1963.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2034
### Event 23899 (505322D9)
**Date:** 11/28/1963
**Description:** Two men witnessed a UFO landing in Alta Gracia, Cordoba Province, Argentina at 10:00 p.m.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Gordon Creighton, Flying Saucer Review, January-February 1966, p. 25
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7985
### Event 23900 (8DA66904)
**Date:** 12/1963
**Location:** England
**Description:** Two RAF airmen see domed-shaped object appear to land. Non-US military.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [_UFOs and the National Security State: Chronology of a Cover-up, 1941–1973_, by Richard Dolan](https://archive.org/details/ufosnationalsecu00dola/mode/2up)
**Source:** Dolan, **ID:** Dolan_248
### Event 23901 (1EE938B1)
**Date:** 12/1963
**Location:** Japan, exact location unknown
**Description:** A Japanese man reported the landing of an object, from which emerged a being who spoke to him in a language he could not understand, climbed aboard again, and flew away.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** LDLN67 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_589
### Event 23902 (CC7BA281)
**Date:** 12/2/1963
**Time:** 09:30
**Location:** GRAND RAPIDS, MI
**Description:** 1 / car. Pancake saucer tilts. Gleams / sunlight. Going quickly southeast. / r242+/ APRO 5'64.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 34)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6890
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "183", **HatchDesc:** "GRAND RAPIDS,MI:1/CAR:PANCAKE SCR TILTS:GLEAMS/SUNLITE:>>SE:/r242+/APRO 5'64", **LatLong:** "42.950002 -85.650004", **LatLongDMS:** "42:57:00 N 85:39:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.950002,-85.650004)", **State/Prov:** "Michigan", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 23903 (7BB7954D)
**Date:** 12/2/1963
**Location:** Grand Rapids, MI
**Description:** A motorist stopped at a traffic light about 9:30 a.m., noticed a strange object "glittering in the sun." Then the object tipped on edge (revealing a disc shape) and quickly sped away to the southeast. The shape was "like a pancake." (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2682
### Event 23904 (A92F4BE0)
**Date:** 12/4/1963
**Time:** 16:38:30.1
**Location:** 37.0396 -116.0294
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed, salvo. Country: USA Name: “Barracuda” YieldMax: 40KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_346
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0396 -116.0294", **LatLongDMS:** "37:02:23 N 116:01:46 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0396,-116.0294)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.26", **NukeName:** "Barracuda", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU_SALVO", **NukeYMax:** "40"
### Event 23905 (A504F8A7)
**Date:** 12/5/1963
**Location:** NEAR CARRASCO, URG
**Description:** Hundreds / resort and airport. Metallic saucer hovers and "balances gently". / r78p199.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO EVIDENCE; NICAP,Washington, DC 1964. Reprinted 1997 Barnes & Noble Books ( only $7.98! ) (Index 141)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6891
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Uruguay", **Credibility:** "12", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "35", **HatchDesc:** "nr CARRASCO,URG:100s/RESORT+AIRPORT:MTLC SCR HVRS+"BALANCES GENTLY":/r78p199", **LatLong:** "-34.883335 -55.833336", **LatLongDMS:** "34:53:00 S 55:50:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-34.883335,-55.833336)", **State/Prov:** "MNT", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 23906 (CC7DD356)
**Date:** 12/5/1963
**Location:** Carrasco (near), Uruguay
**Description:** An oval UFO, metallic-looking like aluminum, was observed hovering in the clear morning sky by hundreds at a resort. One description said the object "balanced gently in the air." (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2683
### Event 23907 (BD504D24)
**Date:** 12/5/1963
**Description:** Several hundred witnesses at a seaside resort in Carrasco, Montevideo, Uruguay saw an oval UFO, described as metallic-aluminum in appearance, hovering in the clear morning sky. The object "balanced gently in the air."
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume 1, p. 141
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8198
### Event 23908 (3D098497)
**Date:** 12/6/1963
**End date:** 12/7/1963
**Location:** APO 253, France
**Description:** (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2684
### Event 23909 (1FD5578C)
**Date:** 12/9/1963
**Description:** Military observer(s). No further details [in] at all.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFOCAT CATALOG: Assorted Printouts. Donald A. Johnson Ph.D (CUFOS). P.O. Box 446, Concord, NH 03302-0446 (Index 71)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6892
**Attributes:** **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Atlantic Ocean + islands", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "ATLANTIC 17°40W-41°20N BBK#UNKN:MIL OBS:NFD AT ALL", **LatLong:** "40.333335 -17.666668", **LatLongDMS:** "40:20:00 N 17:40:00 W", **Locale:** "High Seas", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.333335,-17.666668)", **State/Prov:** "NAT", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 23910 (54DDEB8D)
**Date:** 12/10/1963
**Location:** GREAT BRITAIN, Cosford
**Description:** (Translated from French) At around 11:30 PM, a UFO topped with a dome landed on the base, illuminating the entire area with a green light. It was at least seen by two student pilots (Note from vog: on this entire base, there are only two student pilots to see it? Ah!) (...)
**Reference:** Jenny Randle, on the Internet in May 1997
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2270
### Event 23911 (F485BF2E)
**Date:** 12/10/1963
**Time:** 23:30
**Location:** RAF COSFORD, ENGL
**Description:** Airmen / ground. Dome lands behind hangar. Searches / green beam. / FSRv10#2.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: ABOVE TOP SECRET; Sidgewick & Jackson, London 1987 & Quill Books, 1988. 592pp. (Index 56)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6893
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "92", **HatchDesc:** "RAF COSFORD,ENGL:AIRMEN/GND:DOME LANDS BHND HANGAR:SEARCHES/GRN BEAM:/FSRv10#2", **LatLong:** "52.650003 -2.300000", **LatLongDMS:** "52:39:00 N 02:18:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/52.650003,-2.300000)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 23912 (24800B80)
**Date:** 12/10/1963
**Location:** White Plains, NY
**Description:** Freidman. (Mary Castner/CUFOS) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2685
### Event 23913 (521FDA8A)
**Date:** 12/10/1963
**Time:** 2330
**Location:** Cosford, Great Britain
**Description:** At the RAF camp, two airmen observed a dome-shaped object that landed behind a hangar. It gave out a bright glow, and the witnesses fled when an opening became visible.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** FSR 64, 2 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_590
### Event 23914 (B0F00B64)
**Date:** 12/10/1963
**Locations:** RAF Cosford; Shropshire, England
**Description:** 11:30 p.m. A large, bright, dome-shaped UFO lands at RAF Cosford in Shropshire, England, seen by two student cadets returning late from leave. It bathes the area in intense green light from a height of 10 feet, then disappears behind a hangar. Scorch marks are later found where the object had been.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[A Landing at Cosford?](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%2C1964%2CMar-Apr%2CV%2010%2CN%202.pdf) [More Confusion at the Air Ministry,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%2C1964%2CMar-Apr%2CV%2010%2CN%202.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 10, no. 2 \(Mar./Apr. 1964\): 17, iv; “[The Cosford](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%2C1964%2CMay-Jun%2CV%2010%2CN%203.pdf) [UFO: The Mystery Deepens,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%2C1964%2CMay-Jun%2CV%2010%2CN%203.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 10, no. 3 \(May/June 1964\): 31–32; “[The Lesson of](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%2C1964%2CJul-Aug%2CV%2010%2CN%204.pdf) [Cosford,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%2C1964%2CJul-Aug%2CV%2010%2CN%204.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 10. No. 4 \(July/Aug. 1964\): 1–2; Loren E. Gross, [The Fifth Horseman of the](https://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1963-July-Dec.pdf) [Apocalypse: UFOs, a History: July–December 1963](https://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1963-July-Dec.pdf)[,](https://sohp.us/collections/ufos-a-history/pdf/GROSS-1963-July-Dec.pdf) The Author, 2005, pp. 85–86; Good Above, [pp. 56–58](https://archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/56/mode/2up); Nick Redfern, “[UFO Landing or Much Ado about Nothing?](https://mysteriousuniverse.org/2016/10/ufo-landing-or-much-ado-about-nothing/)” Mysterious Universe, October 20, 2016
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3746
### Event 23915 (277483BE)
**Date:** 12/10/1963
**Description:** At 11:30 p.m. two airmen on the ground at RAF Cosford, England watched a dome-shaped object land behind a hangar, then search the ground and area with a green light beam.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Timothy Good, Above Top Secret, p. 25, citing Flying Saucer Review, volume 10, number 2
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8299
### Event 23916 (989E09DF)
**Date:** 12/11/1963
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Sighting in McMinville \(Oregon\) (December 11)
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#8647 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1963.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2035
### Event 23917 (62118C9D)
**Date:** 12/11/1963
**Time:** 07:00
**Location:** MCMINNVILLE, OR
**Description:** Astronomer / college Dean Dolan. Night light hovers flashes and slows down.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BERLINER, DON: The BLUEBOOK UNKNOWNS; (FUFOR). (Index 31)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6894
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "49", **HatchDesc:** "McMINNVILLE,OR:ASTRONOMER/COLLEGE DEAN DOLAN:NLT HVRS FLASHES+SLOWS DOWN", **LatLong:** "45.211113 -123.183339", **LatLongDMS:** "45:12:40 N 123:11:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.211113,-123.183339)", **State/Prov:** "Oregon", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 23918 (67ED4226)
**Date:** 12/11/1963
**Location:** McMinnville, OR
**Description:** Professor saw a bright star-like light hover, slow, dim and flash (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 8647)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2686
### Event 23919 (A000EDEC)
**Date:** 12/11/1963
**Time:** 7 AM
**Location:** McMinnville, Oregon
**Description:** Witness: W.W. Dolan, professor of mathematics and astronomy, and dean of the faculty of Linfield College. One bright, star-like light hovered, slowed, dimmed and flashed in 1 minute.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_496
### Event 23920 (BA48A743)
**Date:** 12/11/1963
**Description:** At 7:00 a.m. in McMinnville, Oregon Dr. W. W. Dolan, a professor of mathematics and astronomy, and dean of the faculty of Linnfield College watched a bright, star-like light slow, hover, dim and flash for one minute.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Don Berliner, Project Bluebook UFO Unknowns
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8340
### Event 23921 (FDA3BA30)
**Date:** 12/12/1963
**Time:** 16:02:00.2
**Location:** 37.1310 -116.0439
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Eagle” Yield: 5.3KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_347
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1310 -116.0439", **LatLongDMS:** "37:07:52 N 116:02:38 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1310,-116.0439)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.16", **NukeName:** "Eagle", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "5.3"
### Event 23922 (3D0D45DF)
**Date:** 12/14/1963
**Time:** 01:00
**Location:** NORTHWEST / PARYS, RSA
**Description:** Large area lit. 15M saucer dives / car. Hovers 2 minute(s) / 15M. / FSRv10#3+/ r70p3-86.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA; H. Regnery, Chicago HC 1969 & Contemporary Books,Chicago 1993. 372pp. (Index 591)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6895
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Republic of South Africa", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "NW/PARYS,RSA:LRG AREA LIT:15M SCR DIVES/CAR:HVRS 2min/15M:/FSRv10#3+/r70p3-86", **LatLong:** "-26.844446 27.444446", **LatLongDMS:** "26:50:40 S 27:26:40 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-26.844446,27.444446)", **State/Prov:** "Orange Free State", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 23923 (F8C28267)
**Date:** 12/14/1963
**Time:** 0100
**Location:** Vereeniging, South Africa
**Description:** Messrs. Muller and Immelman suddenly found the countryside illuminated and saw an object, 15 m in diameter, with intense orange and blue lights, emitting sparks, flying toward their car. They stopped and jumped out as it dived five or six times, at one point hovering for two min 15 m above them, making a humming sound, before flying away.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** 146; FSR 64, 3 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_591
### Event 23924 (51A7310B)
**Date:** 12/14/1963
**Location:** Boston, Massachusetts
**Description:** The [Hills](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barney%5Fand%5FBetty%5FHill) have an initial meeting with Benjamin Simon, a well-known hypnotist in Boston, Massachusetts, recommended to them by Dr. Stephens. It is clear to Simon that the Hills believe they have seen a UFO, but which may have been an experimental aircraft. This has set in motion an anxiety-provoking psychological experience whose sources it might be possible to uncover through hypnosis.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clark III 584
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3747
### Event 23925 (A9AE2771)
**Date:** 12/14/1963
**Description:** Two men driving at 1:00 a.m. in France, Messrs. Muller and Immelman, found the countryside suddenly illuminated all about them and saw an object 15 meters in diameter flying toward their car. The UFO had intensely bright orange and blue lights and emitted sparks as it approached. They stopped the car and jumped out as it dove as them five or six times, at one point hovering for two minutes just 15 meters above them, making a humming sound. It then flew away.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, p. 296; Flying Saucer Review, May 1964, p. 27
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8391
### Event 23926 (6E529A4E)
**Date:** 12/16/1963
**Location:** ARGENTINA, Sauce Viejo
**Description:** (Translated from French) Railway worker Cesar Tullio Gallardo, in a sleeping car, noticed his radio had stopped working and his carbide lamp went out. In the darkness he saw strange lights outside the car. A man, dressed up to his waist in a sparkling suit, entered the compartment, tore the part of the newspaper the railway worker was reading and took it, and poured the oil from a can into a bottle, which he took away. Two other witnesses saw "a luminous man" walking on the track.
**Reference:** Henry DURRANT: "First Investigations on ET Humanoids" - Laffont 1977 - p. 102
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2271
### Event 23927 (22CD92A2)
**Date:** 12/16/1963
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Observation in the Pacific \(40' -00" North 175' 54" West\). (December 16)
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#8654 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1963.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2036
### Event 23928 (8BF86BE8)
**Date:** 12/16/1963
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Publication of the translated narrative of the discs discovered in 1938. What does this narrative tell? That a spaceship had landed in the region of Bayan-Khara Uula 12000 years ago and had never been able to leave due to lack of fuel. The local tribes would not have accepted the extraterrestrials and would have ended up massacring them almost entirely. The surviving extraterrestrials would however have left traces of their passage and 2 tribes, the Hams and the [Dropas](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/dropa.html) \(fragile beings, reaching about 1.30 m in height and who, to this day, have resisted any attempt at ethnic classification\) would be descended from a mixture between the space castaways and the natives of the time.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1963.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2037
### Event 23929 (C7B38AA5)
**Date:** 12/16/1963
**Time:** 17:10
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #8654. Observer(s) / military plane. White night light blinks 2-3x / second(s) crossing sky.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BERLINER, DON: The BLUEBOOK UNKNOWNS; (FUFOR). (Index 31)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6896
**Attributes:** **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Pacific Ocean and non - Asian islands", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "PACIFIC N/MIDWAY:BBK#8654:OBS/MIL PLANE:WHT NLT BLINKS 2-3x/sec CROSSING SKY", **LatLong:** "40.000002 -175.900008", **LatLongDMS:** "40:00:00 N 175:54:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.000002,-175.900008)", **State/Prov:** "NPC", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 23930 (871BF0A2)
**Date:** 12/16/1963
**Time:** ~21:00
**Location:** SAUCE VIEJO, ARG
**Description:** Railroad/railway man / siding. Radio and carbide lamp out. Small humanoid (or Grey) takes oil sample!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LORENZEN, Coral & Jim: ENCOUNTERS with UFO OCCUPANTS; APRO/Berkley Medallion Books 1976. 424pp (Index 154)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6897
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **NFO:** No craft seen, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "9", **Elev:** "12", **HatchDesc:** "SAUCE VIEJO,ARG:RR MAN/SIDING:RADIO+CARBIDE LAMP OUT:OID TAKES OIL SAMPLE!", **LatLong:** "-31.766668 -60.850003", **LatLongDMS:** "31:46:00 S 60:51:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-31.766668,-60.850003)", **State/Prov:** "STF", **Strangeness:** "11"
### Event 23931 (29E5D2C0)
**Date:** 12/16/1963
**Location:** Midway Island (800 miles N of), At Sea
**Description:** White light blink 2-3 times per second moving very fast (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 8654)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2687
### Event 23932 (510912B9)
**Date:** 12/16/1963
**Time:** 5:05 PM
**Location:** 800 miles north of Midway Island (40' N, 175' 54' W)
**Description:** Witness: unspecified persons aboard a military aircraft. One white light blinked 2-3 times per second as it moved very fast across the sky for 15 seconds.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_497
### Event 23933 (0EC9ABBF)
**Date:** 12/17/1963
**Description:** On or about this night in 1963 in Sauce Viejo, Argentina a railroad worker, Mr. C. Tulio Gallardo, saw lights appear outside his railroad coach at the same time that his radio and carbide lamp died. A luminous entity entered the coach, tore up the newspaper the witness had used to shield his eyes, grabbed an oilcan, and then left. Other passengers on an incoming train saw the entity leaving.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Flying Saucer Review, January-February 1966, p. 25, citing La Gaceta, December 17, 1963
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8466
### Event 23934 (69028293)
**Date:** 12/20/1963
**Location:** 37.0000 -116.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Tuna” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_348
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0000 -116.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:00 N 116:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0000,-116.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Tuna", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 23935 (8A1A430E)
**Date:** Winter 1963
**Location:** CHINA, Daxinganling (North)
**Description:** (Translated from French) My father was returning from work in the mountains. We had started to have dinner at 8 o'clock in the evening. After dinner, my younger brother and I wanted to go and play with our neighbors. Having opened the door, we saw a strange object flying in our direction. It was an unusual and bright thing with a diameter of more than one meter. It was surrounded by an orange, non-luminous band. The thing, which was two stories high, flew without making any noise and had a particularly bright point. It was heading at a uniform speed towards the southeast. Having noticed this phenomenon, I screamed in terror and immediately called my parents who ran and looked with us. This huge, luminous thing disappeared behind the mountain. (1963, Winter)
**Reference:** SHI BO: "China and the Extraterrestrials". Ed. Mercure de France, 1983, p. 92
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2249
### Event 23936 (DAC7676B)
**Date:** 12/21/1963
**Location:** Pacific Ocean, At Sea
**Description:** MATS A/C Radar Tracks Object Making Passes (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5)
**Reference:** NICAP: [631221](http://www.nicap.org/631221pacific%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2688
### Event 23937 (56A3524A)
**Date:** Winter 1963
**Locations:** Walker AFB; Roswell, New Mexico; Atlas missile silo designated Site 9; Sunset, New Mexico
**Description:** A series of at least three incidents at Walker AFB \[now closed\] at Roswell, New Mexico, involve unidentified aerial craft maneuvering silently above an Atlas missile silo designated Site 9, northeast of Sunset, New Mexico. Three former missile personnel at the base—Jerry C. Nelson, Bob Caplan, and Gene Lamb—relay their experiences to Florida Today reporter Billy Cox in June 2001.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Nukes 147–152
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3745
### Event 23938 (4D82DDA2)
**Date:** 12/24/1963
**Time:** 19:50
**Description:** Farmer. Car battery dies. UFO / type unknown passes. Cows ill. / news.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RODEGHIER, Mark/CUFOS: UFO REPORTS INVOLVING VEHICLE INTERFERENCE; CUFOS 1979. Available as CUFOS UFO Archive #1 CD-ROM. http://www.cufos.org/Pubform.pdf (Index 21)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6898
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "336", **HatchDesc:** "ROWARTH,DERBYs:FARMER:CAR BATTERY DIES:UFO/type unk PASSES:COWS ILL:/news", **LatLong:** "53.416669 -1.900000", **LatLongDMS:** "53:25:00 N 01:54:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/53.416669,-1.900000)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 23939 (B1C315D8)
**Date:** 12/24/1963
**Description:** At 7:25 p.m. in Rowarth, Cheshire, England a farmer named Chandler had his car battery die while a UFO flew by. His cows also became ill.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Orbit, April 23, 1963; Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, p. 21
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8587
### Event 23940 (5E3EE7C3)
**Date:** 12/25/1963
**Time:** 22:00?
**Description:** UFO lands. Terrifying small humanoid (or Grey) unintelligible. Footprints. / LDLN#70.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA; H. Regnery, Chicago HC 1969 & Contemporary Books,Chicago 1993. 372pp. (Index 592)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6899
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **MON:** Monster: Life form fits no category, **CVS:** Conversation/communication, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Congo states", **Credibility:** "5", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "LIBREVILLE,GABON:UFO LANDS:TERRIFYING OID UNINTELLIGIBLE:FOOTPRINTS:/LDLN#70", **LatLong:** "0.383333 9.450000", **LatLongDMS:** "00:23:00 N 09:27:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/0.383333,9.450000)", **State/Prov:** "GAB", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 23941 (563312A1)
**Date:** 12/25/1963
**Time:** night
**Location:** Libreville, Gabon
**Description:** A fisherman witnessed the landing of a craft, from which a terrifying creature emerged. It was humanoid in shape, spoke sounds he could not understand, left footprints on the sand, and went back to the machine and flew off.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** 147;LDLN 70 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_592
### Event 23942 (6AF11914)
**Date:** 12/25/1963
**Description:** A fisherman in Libreville, Gabon witnessed the landing of a unusual craft on this night, from which a terrifying creature emerged. It was humanoid in shape, spoke sounds he could not understand, left footprints in the sand, and then went back to the machine and flew off.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, p. 296
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8599
### Event 23943 (4AAD83E8)
**Date:** 12/27/1963
**Time:** 16:00
**Location:** EPPING, ESSEX
**Description:** 8' saucer lands / field. Circular depression with tripod. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v10#2+/ r70p3-88.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: UFO'S IN SPACE - Anatomy of a Phenomenon; Henry Regnery 1966 & Ballentine PB 1974 294pp. (Index 103)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6900
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "EPPING,ESSEX:8'SCR LANDS/FIELD:CIRC.DEPRESSION W/TRIPOD:/FSR v10#2+/r70p3-88", **LatLong:** "51.683336 0.100000", **LatLongDMS:** "51:41:00 N 00:06:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.683336,0.100000)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 23944 (BB9AAC90)
**Date:** 12/27/1963
**Time:** 1600
**Location:** Epping, Great Britain
**Description:** A shiny white object was seen on the ground at Bank's Stables. It was about 3.5 m long, 1 m high, and had something like a windshield more brilliant than the rest of the craft. It took off, flew horizontally for 30 m, and was hidden from view. Grass was flattened over a circular area, and four traces were found.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** BUFORA 1 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_593
### Event 23945 (19908C4B)
**Date:** 12/27/1963
**Location:** Bank’s Stables in Epping, Essex, England
**Description:** At Bank’s Stables in Epping, Essex, England, trainee riding instructor Pauline Abbott sees a shiny white UFO on the ground. It is about 8 feet long, 3 feet high at the center, and has what looks like a window on one side that is brighter than the rest of the object. It takes off, flies horizontally for 100 feet, and disappears. Grass is found flattened over a circular area. Marks “like three large fingerprints pushed together into mud” are found, forming a square with 8-foot sides within an 11-foot circular depression that contains a 3-foot central circle.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** G. G. Doel, “[The Epping Sightings,](http://bufora.org.uk/documents/BUFORAjournalVolume1No.1Summer1964.pdf)” BUFORA Journal and Bulletin 1, no. 1 \(Summer 1964\): 5–6; J. Cleary-Baker, “[Evaluation by BUFORA Evaluating Officer,](http://bufora.org.uk/documents/BUFORAjournalVolume1No.1Summer1964.pdf)” BUFORA Journal and Bulletin 1, no. 1 \(Summer 1964\): 6–7
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3748
### Event 23946 (BC79D20B)
**Date:** 12/27/1963
**Description:** A shiny white object was seen on the ground at Bank's Stables, Epping, England at four o'clock in the afternoon. It was about 3.5 meters long, a meter in height, and had something like a windshield more brilliant than the rest of the craft. When it took off it flew horizontally for 30 meters and was hidden from view. Grass was flattened over a circular area, and four ground marks were found suggesting imprints from landing gear.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 593
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8622
### Event 23947 (E22EED39)
**Date:** 12/28/1963
**Time:** 22:20
**Location:** NGONGOTAHA, NZ
**Description:** Moon-size red double-ring / light going west slow. Pulses / regular intervals.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 771)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6901
**Attributes:** **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "New Zealand", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "NGONGOTAHA,NZ:MOONSIZE RED DOUBLE-RING/LITE >W SLOW:PULSES/REGULAR INTERVALS", **LatLong:** "-38.083335 176.205564", **LatLongDMS:** "38:05:00 S 176:12:20 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-38.083335,176.205564)", **State/Prov:** "NI", **Strangeness:** "5"
## Year: 1964, 662 Event(s), (Back to Top)
### Event 23948 (52CB97B0)
**Date:** 1964
**Location:** USA, Casitas Reservoir-Ventura (California)
**Description:** (Translated from French) Frank S. Kinley, a former USAF pilot, was with his brother-in-law visiting the new Casitas Reservoir lake one beautiful morning. They were on the shore of the lake and.. "I heard a loud splashing sound and saw this object come out of the lake. I couldn't believe my eyes. I had an infrared-sensitive camera around my neck, but I completely forgot to use it. The object came out of the water and stayed hovering at an altitude of 17 to 20 meters" The witness took out the binoculars to get a better look at the object and saw inside, like an entity looking at him fixedly... "so I remembered my camera... When I held it up to my eyes the object started to move, and I just managed to capture it in the corner of the frame. In a few seconds the craft was far away, beyond the mountains. It rose up, changing color: black when it came out of the water it became a bright yellow-orange. That's all I could see.
**Reference:** Janet and Colin BORD: "Modern Mysteries of the World" - Guild Publishing London 1989, p. 176, 177 with photo
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2301
### Event 23949 (1F345408)
**Date:** 1964
**Location:** AUSTRALIA, Tea Tree Gully
**Description:** (Translated from French) Suddenly, in the classroom, a 6 year old schoolboy saw an egg-shaped object descend and land. The object stayed on the ground for two hours, teachers and students saw it, but no one dared to go out.
**Reference:** UFORA92071 - Brian Richards/UFORUM - Keith Basterfield
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2302
### Event 23950 (46D5B30A)
**Date:** 1964
**Location:** INDIA, between Bombay and Madras
**Description:** (Translated from French) Ludwig Pallmann, of German birth but naturalized British, was travelling around the world to find new customers and suppliers for his firm. On the train, between Bombay and Madras, a man with a lot of charisma, and whose last phalanges of the fingers were protected by capsules (sensitive finger tips, like those of the Ummites?) came to keep him company and talk. This is how Pallmann learned that the stranger came from the city of Cotosi on the Planet Itibi Ra and that his name was Satu Ra. Upon arriving in Benares, Satu Ra introduced his sister Xiti to Pallmann. She was a slender, truly beautiful woman with extraordinary eyes.
**Reference:** Mitarbeiter, "Ufo Geheimnisse", Berlin, January 1998
**Reference:** continued in January 67
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2303
### Event 23951 (88BE9109)
**Date:** 1964 (approximate)
**Location:** USA, Point Isabel (Ohio)
**Description:** (Translated from French) The incident had taken place on a road, about a mile and a half from a farm belonging to her mother. She had an appointment with Lew Lister. They were sitting in the car and talking, all lights off; it was about 11 pm. Suddenly they saw a silhouette crossing the field. "It didn't seem to see us until we turned on the headlights. Then it headed towards us. It wasn't walking, it seemed to be advancing in big leaps towards our car. (..) the thing passes through three rows of barbed wire. As it approached, I started to scream. Then it backed up and dove forward as if it was going to go through our windshield. It tried to grab Lew, I'm not sure if it touched him or not. (...) she and Lew desperately tried to raise the windows. (...) I remember that feeling of being hypnotized by the bright eyes of the "thing". (...) The "thing" crouched down, its hands became paws, and it started to walk on all fours. Everything happened in slow motion. Then it disappeared, it evaporated. " It was about two meters tall, with wide shoulders, a rather slim waist. Standing, its body appeared in the light of the headlights, covered with a kind of yellowish down. The head was horrible, pointed at the top, narrow at the chin, wrinkled forehead, large pig ears and a kind of groin. Its eyes shone orange and its teeth were like fangs. (1964, unspecified date)
**Reference:** Leonard STRINGFIELD: "General UFO Alert", ed. France - Empire, 1978, pp. 95 to 97
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2304
### Event 23952 (5244ACFB)
**Date:** 1964
**Description:** MKSEARCH is the name given to the continuation of the MKUltra program. The MKSEARCH program is divided into two projects dubbed MKOFTEN / CHICKWIT. Funding for MKSEARCH commences in 1965 and ends in 1971. The project is a joint project between the US Army Chemical Corps and the CIA Office of Research and Development to find new offensive-use agents with a focus on incapacitating agents. The purpose of the project is to develop, test, and evaluate capabilities in the covert use of biological, chemical, and radioactive material systems and techniques for producing predictable human behavioral and/or physiological changes in support of highly sensitive operational requirements.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Project MKUltra](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project%5FMKUltra\#Other%5Frelated%5Fprojects)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3749
### Event 23953 (9397D4DE)
**Date:** 1964
**Location:** northwest of Austin, Texas
**Description:** [Ray Stanford](https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/magazine/tireless-tracker-rewrote-the-book-on-dinosaurs-in-maryland/2012/04/17/gIQARzRcTT%5Fstory.html) founds Project Starlight International to document the existence of UFOs. He establishes a Laboratory for Instrumented Research on a 400-acre site northwest of Austin, Texas, that includes two buildings. Equipment eventually includes radar, a laser system, magnetometers, a gravimeter, microcomputer, microphones, video equipment, and still cameras. In the event of UFO activity, the Operation ARGUS \(Automated Ring-up on Geolocated UFO Sightings\) computer kicks in and automatically telephones all volunteers within the computed visibility radius of the UFO. Volunteers attempt to locate and photograph the UFO visually. On June 8, 1977, the FCC licenses its Raytheon Model 1700 radar system with the call sign K12XBJ.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Margaret Sachs, The UFO Encyclopedia, Putnam, 1980, [pp. 259–260](https://archive.org/details/ufoencyclopedia00marg/page/259/mode/2up); Ray Stanford, “A Technological Approach to UFOs: A Status Report on Project Starlight International, June 30, 1977,” IUR 2, no. 8 \(August 1977\): 5–7
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3750
### Event 23954 (8390AB63)
**Date:** 1964
**Locations:** British; Crete
**Description:** British writer [W. Raymond Drake](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/W.%5FRaymond%5FDrake) writes Gods or Spacemen?, the first of a series of books espousing his view that the world’s folklore, mythology, and religion are replete with references to space beings who came to Earth in several waves: the Uranids hundreds of thousands of years ago; the Saturnians centuries later; and the Jupiterians who landed near Crete.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** W. Raymond Drake, Gods or Spacemen? Amherst, 1964; Wikipedia, “[W. Raymond](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/W.%5FRaymond%5FDrake) [Drake](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/W.%5FRaymond%5FDrake)”; Clark III 108; Jerome Clark, “Vimanas Have Landed: Ancient Astronautics in Ufology,” IUR 22, no. 3 \(Fall 1997\): 27–28
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3751
### Event 23955 (2716CC53)
**Date:** 1/1964
**Location:** Isle of Wight
**Description:** Lionel Beer begins publishing Spacelink, a newsletter of the Isle of Wight UFO Investigation Society. It folds in April 1971.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** [Spacelink](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20Kingdom/Spacelink%20%28Lionel%20Beer%29/Spacelink%201964%20vol%201%20no%201.pdf) 1, no. 1 \(Jan./Feb. 1964\)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3752
### Event 23956 (B93FE25F)
**Date:** 1/1/1964
**Location:** SHANGHAI, CH
**Description:** Many observer(s). Huge cylinder/cigar-shape going southwest slow. MIGs can't catch it. "US missile" / r208p45.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: ABOVE TOP SECRET; Sidgewick & Jackson, London 1987 & Quill Books, 1988. 592pp. (Index 208)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6902
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **COV:** Indication of coverup
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "China", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "SHANGHAI,CH:MANY OBS:HUGE CGR >SW SLOW:MIGs CANT CATCH IT:"US MISSILE"/r208p45", **LatLong:** "31.233335 121.450006", **LatLongDMS:** "31:14:00 N 121:27:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/31.233335,121.450006)", **State/Prov:** "SHG", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 23957 (3488C3F4)
**Date:** 1/1/1964
**Location:** Shanghai, China
**Description:** Many witnesses in Shanghai, China, see a huge cigar-shaped UFO flying toward the southwest. MiG fighters are scrambled in pursuit but fail to intercept it. The official explanation is that it is a US missile.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wendelle Stevens and Paul Dong, UFOs over Modern China, UFO Photo Archives, 1983, p. 45
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3753
### Event 23958 (521CD69D)
**Date:** 1/1/1964
**Description:** On this day in 1964 many residents of Shanghai, China saw a large cigar-shaped object flying over the city. Chinese Air Force MIG jet fighter aircraft were scrambled to intercept the unknown object, but were unable to catch up with it. The populace were told by officials that what they had seen was a U.S. missile.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** John W. Spencer, World Atlas of UFOs, p. 131
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6
### Event 23959 (B5142700)
**Date:** 1/2/1964 (approximate)
**Time:** 13:00?
**Location:** GARAVAN, FR
**Description:** Flat 15M disk 10cm thick. Rests / pedestal. Splits! Voices. Quickly going up. See reference!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 202)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6903
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "8", **HatchDesc:** "GARAVAN,FR:FLAT 15M DISK 10cm THICK:RESTS/PEDESTAL:SPLITS!:VOICES:↑↑:see ref!", **LatLong:** "43.783335 7.500000", **LatLongDMS:** "43:47:00 N 07:30:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.783335,7.500000)", **State/Prov:** "Alpes Maritimes", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 23960 (C1686D42)
**Date:** 1/4/1964
**Description:** [Barney Hill](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barney%5Fand%5FBetty%5FHill) has his first hypnosis session with Benjamin Simon. The sessions will continue until June 6. The Hills undergo sessions separately, and for the most part are instructed not to remember their experiences afterwards. Barney’s sessions are particularly intense. However, by the end of the sessions, although they disagree with Simon on the nature of the experience, both the Hills and Simon agree that the therapy is successful. The stress and anxiety are gone. Simon submits a statement to the Hills’ insurance company, which initially declines to pay, until Simon explains that he was treating them for what will later be called PTSD.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clark III 584–585
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3754
### Event 23961 (7315573A)
**Date:** 1/7/1964
**Time:** 18:00
**Location:** BORGOMANERO, ITL
**Description:** 3 observer(s). Strange 1M object nearly grazes hilltops / 12 second(s). Also separate observer(s).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** ITACAT, Catalogo Italiano degli Incontri Ravvicinati. Maurizio Verga, 1989 CISU/Torino, Italy. (Index 56)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6904
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Italy", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "BORGOMANERO,ITL:3 OBS:STRANGE 1M OBJ NEARLY GRAZES HILLTOPS/12 sec:+SEP.OBS", **LatLong:** "45.700002 8.466667", **LatLongDMS:** "45:42:00 N 08:28:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.700002,8.466667)", **State/Prov:** "NO", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 23962 (34A502EF)
**Date:** 1/9/1964
**Time:** 22:30
**Location:** OFF NICASTRO, ITL
**Description:** Several observer(s). Green saucers maneuver offshore. Going down / surface as boat nears. Dive.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** ITACAT, Catalogo Italiano degli Incontri Ravvicinati. Maurizio Verga, 1989 CISU/Torino, Italy. (Index 56)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6905
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **SUB:** Submersible: Rises from or submerges into water, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Italy", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "off NICASTRO,ITL:SVRL OBS:GRN SCRS MNVR OFFSHORE:↓/SURFACE as boat nears:DIVE", **LatLong:** "38.916669 16.116667", **LatLongDMS:** "38:55:00 N 16:07:00 E", **Locale:** "Offshore", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.916669,16.116667)", **State/Prov:** "RC", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 23963 (ACFEB44F)
**Date:** 1/9/1964
**Description:** At 10:30 p.m. several green saucer-shaped UFOs maneuvered offshore over the surface of the sea near Nicastro, Calabria, Italy for ten minutes. As fishermen approached in a boat dove under the sea.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Larry Hatch, case # 6460, citing ITACAT, case # 56
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_219
### Event 23964 (5AFB4383)
**Date:** 1/16/1964
**Time:** 16:00:00.2
**Location:** 37.1423 -116.0491
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Fore” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 200KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_349
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1423 -116.0491", **LatLongDMS:** "37:08:32 N 116:02:57 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1423,-116.0491)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.49", **NukeMb:** "5.20", **NukeName:** "Fore", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "200"
### Event 23965 (40F343EC)
**Date:** 1/23/1964
**Time:** 17:40
**Location:** LYNCHBURG, VA
**Description:** 2 dark silent saucers going down / woods. 3 small humanoids (or Greys) exit and speak gibberish. Observer(s) frozen.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LORENZEN, Coral & Jim: ENCOUNTERS with UFO OCCUPANTS; APRO/Berkley Medallion Books 1976. 424pp (Index 184)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6906
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **CVS:** Conversation/communication, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "30", **Elev:** "249", **HatchDesc:** "LYNCHBURG,VA:2 DRK SLNT SCRS ↓/WOODS:3 OIDS EXIT+SPEAK GIBBERISH:OBS FROZEN", **LatLong:** "37.383335 -79.133337", **LatLongDMS:** "37:23:00 N 79:08:00 W", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.383335,-79.133337)", **State/Prov:** "Virginia", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 23966 (1689CCF4)
**Date:** 1/23/1964
**Time:** 21:00
**Description:** Compass off. Underwater night lights buzz ship. 1 turns. / r249p487.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SANDERSON, Ivan: INVISIBLE RESIDENTS; World Publishing HB 1970 & Avon Books PB 1973 (Index 112)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6907
**Attributes:** **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **SUB:** Submersible: Rises from or submerges into water, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "240", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "NE Pt/GROOT EYLANDT,AU:COMPASS OFF:UNDERWATER NLTS BUZZ SHIP:1 TURNS:/r249p487", **LatLong:** "-13.833334 137.500007", **LatLongDMS:** "13:50:00 S 137:30:00 E", **Locale:** "Offshore", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-13.833334,137.500007)", **State/Prov:** "Northern Territory", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 23967 (A08B2E87)
**Date:** 1/23/1964
**Time:** 16:00:00.2
**Location:** 37.1264 -116.0363
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Oconto” Yield: 10.5KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_350
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1264 -116.0363", **LatLongDMS:** "37:07:35 N 116:02:11 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1264,-116.0363)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.26", **NukeMb:** "4.20", **NukeName:** "Oconto", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "10.5"
### Event 23968 (09F47C9D)
**Date:** 1/23/1964
**Locations:** Gulf of Carpentaria; Cape Grey; Groote Eylandt; Northern Territory, Australia
**Description:** The landing craft Loellen M. is in the Gulf of Carpentaria between Cape Grey and Groote Eylandt, Northern Territory, Australia, when a crew member notices the compass is malfunctioning \(“haywire”\) and the vessel is off course, He notices an odd phosphorescence in the water on the starboard side about 6 feet away from the ship. It is a ghostly, pulsating white light that is rotating in a clockwise direction. It seems to be “miles across.” As the light wheel moves to the ship’s port side, another rotating light approaches the ship’s starboard side. This undoubtedly involves some unusual bioluminescence, but it is significant that it is the first “unknown” in the RAAF’s UFO files.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Swords 390
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3755
### Event 23969 (25C04590)
**Date:** 1/23/1964
**Description:** An underwater submarine object (USO) was seen at around 9:00 p.m. at the Northeast point at Groote Eylandt in the Northern Territory, Australia. Large lights in the water made a compass go haywire. A shadow in the center of the lights rotated clockwise, causing the lights to pulsate.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Ivan Sanderson, Invisible Residents, p. 112; Michael Hervey, UFOs Over the Southern Hemisphere, p. 204
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_439
### Event 23970 (33A38C7D)
**Date:** 1/25/1964
**Locations:** London; UK
**Description:** The London UFO Research Organisation merges with the British UFO Association \(a consolidation of several UFO groups in the UK\) to form the British UFO Research Association. It begins publishing a new magazine, BUFORA Journal, in the summer.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Editorial: The Problems Facing Us,](http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20Kingdom/BUFORA%20-%201964-1981%20BUFORA%20JOURNAL%20Vols.1%20to%2010/BUFORA%20Journal%20-%20Volume%2001%20No%2001%20-%20Summer%201964.pdf)” BUFORA Journal and Bulletin 1, no. 1 \(Summer 1964\): 2
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3756
### Event 23971 (CC84BE8C)
**Date:** 1/26/1964
**Location:** Moultrie, GA
**Description:** 7:30 p.m. Dull red sphere rose up from behind trees, crossed highway at low altitude, turned, appeared to follow car, then fell back and seemed to head toward ground. Driver was physics student at Georgia Institute of Technology. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2689
### Event 23972 (BC3E9C1A)
**Date:** 1/29/1964
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) *Saturn 1* places 17 t in orbit. (January 29)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1964.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2038
### Event 23973 (94BD4961)
**Date:** 1/30/1964
**Location:** 37.0000 -116.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Club” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_351
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0000 -116.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:00 N 116:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0000,-116.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Club", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 23974 (DDC0E0B2)
**Date:** 2/1964
**Description:** Low-altitude UFO's mimic planes landing. 1+/ week for months!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** DONG, Paul: UFO's Over MODERN CHINA. 1983 UFO Photo Archives; P. O. Box 17206; Tucson, AZ 85710. (Index 276)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6908
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "China", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "53", **HatchDesc:** "KAI TAK AIRPORT,HONG KONG:LO-ALT UFOS MIMIC PLANES LANDING:1+/WEEK FOR MONTHS!", **LatLong:** "22.350001 114.283339", **LatLongDMS:** "22:21:00 N 114:17:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/22.350001,114.283339)", **State/Prov:** "HKG", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 23975 (319D0220)
**Date:** 2/1964
**Time:** 17:30
**Location:** PETAWAWA, ON
**Description:** 2 military observer(s) ice-fishing. 30' round object hovers / 30+min over Ottawa River.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CAMERON, Vicky: UFO EXPERIENCES in CANADA, Don't tell anyone but.. ; 1995 General Store Publishing ; Burnstown, Ontario ISBN 1-896182-20-8 (Index 37)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6909
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "30", **Elev:** "137", **HatchDesc:** "PETAWAWA,ON:2 MIL.OBS ICE-FISHING:30'ROUND OBJ HVRS/30+min OVR OTTAWA RIVER:", **LatLong:** "45.916669 -77.333337", **LatLongDMS:** "45:55:00 N 77:20:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.916669,-77.333337)", **State/Prov:** "Ontario", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 23976 (7DDF5A52)
**Date:** 2/3/1964
**Location:** AUSTRALIA, Gum Creek, South Australia
**Description:** (Translated from French) At 2 o'clock in the morning, Mrs. Player woke up in her bed, sat up and saw the whole room illuminated. Suddenly, an entity of about 160 cm appeared, wearing a blue-green overall, a brown balaclava on his head, and an open brown jacket. His black gloves reached up to his elbows and were held in place by a cord going from the balaclava over his left shoulder. He had a red face and a big nose. He was holding a black box which made a clicking sound when he pointed it at her. She fell back into a lying position and fell asleep. (February 3, 1964)
**Reference:** Keith Basterfield, John Burford, Peter Horne, Garry Little, Paul Johnson and Tony Rundle
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2273
### Event 23977 (ADBD2715)
**Date:** 2/3/1964
**Time:** 02:00
**Description:** Figure appears like magic. Touches black box and observer(s) asleep! / r25p126.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Database/website: BASTERFIELD, KEITH: ENTCAT97.DOC: Catalog of Australian Entity and related reports: October 1997
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6910
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **NFO:** No craft seen, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "4", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "GUM CREEK,S.AUST:FIG APPEARS like magic:TOUCHES BLK BOX+OBS ASLEEP!:/r25p126", **LatLong:** "-26.200001 130.977784", **LatLongDMS:** "26:12:00 S 130:58:40 E", **Locale:** "Desert", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-26.200001,130.977784)", **State/Prov:** "South Australia", **Strangeness:** "11"
### Event 23978 (825A8936)
**Date:** 2/3/1964
**Location:** Gum Creek, Kangaroo Island, South Australia
**Description:** 2:00 a.m. Doris Player wakes up to see her bedroom illuminated near Gum Creek, Kangaroo Island, South Australia. Suddenly a 5-foot 3-inch being wearing blue-green coveralls, a brown balaclava, and an open brown jacket appears. He wears elbow-length, black gloves with a cord going from his helmet to his left shoulder. He has a red face and a big nose and holds a black box that buzzes and clicks as he points it. The witness goes back to sleep.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Mark Cashman, “Behavioral Classification System for UFO Occupants,” IUR 24, no. 1 \(Spring 1999\): 19– 20; Thomas Brisson, “[UBO’s \(Unidentified Box-like Objects\), Part 2,](http://vomanomalous.blogspot.com/2014/07/ubos-unidentified-box-like-objects-part.html)” Vomanomalous, July 15, 2014; “[Documentary on UFO’s, Adelaide, Australia, Part 1,](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=shZaeDg-0SI)” MaS7eRjEd3ye YouTube channel, February 5, 2009, at 6:05
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3757
### Event 23979 (2573D695)
**Date:** 2/3/1964
**Description:** At 2:00 a.m. a woman in Gum Creek, South Australia awoke to a bright light in her room. She saw a man approximately five feet four inches tall with a red face and a big nose in her room. He held a black box that buzzed when he pointed it at her. He also wore a helmet, green coveralls, and a brown jacket. She sank back into her bed and fell asleep. She later became a UFO contactee.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Bill Chalker & Keith Basterfield, Australian Catalogue of Close Encounter Type Three Reports, p. 13; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case A0581, citing Keith Basterfield; David F. Webb, Proceedings of the CUFOS Conference: 1976, p. 267
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_677
### Event 23980 (230F19BE)
**Date:** 2/10/1964
**Description:** “The Bellero Shield” episode of Outer Limits airs on ABC-TV. It features an alien with wraparound eyes. UFO skeptic Martin S. Kottmeyer alleges that this episode influenced [Barney Hill](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barney%5Fand%5FBetty%5FHill)’s hypnotic recounting of events, although Betty Hill says they had never watched it.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clark III 589; Internet Movie Database, “[The Bellero](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0667827/) [Shield](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0667827/)”; Martin Kottmeyer, “[Entirely Unpredisposed: The Cultural Background of UFO Reports,](http://magoniamagazine.blogspot.com/2013/11/entirely-unpredisposed-cultural.html)” Magonia 35 \(January 1990\)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3758
### Event 23981 (50D894E1)
**Date:** 2/12/1964
**Location:** 37.0000 -116.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Solendon” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_352
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0000 -116.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:00 N 116:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0000,-116.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Solendon", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 23982 (A7CD30F5)
**Date:** 2/13/1964
**Location:** 37.0000 -116.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Bunker” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_353
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0000 -116.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:00 N 116:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0000,-116.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Bunker", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 23983 (D2D6A1EA)
**Date:** 2/14/1964
**Time:** 11:00:00.3
**Location:** 24.0536 5.0523
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground. Country: France Name: “opale” Yield: 0KT YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1846
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "24.0536 5.0523", **LatLongDMS:** "24:03:13 N 05:03:08 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/24.0536,5.0523)", **NukeCountry:** "France", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "4.52", **NukeName:** "opale", **NukeSource:** "BOLT", **NukeType:** "U", **NukeY:** "0", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 23984 (00E4D227)
**Date:** 2/18/1964
**Location:** 37.0000 -116.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Mackerel” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_354
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0000 -116.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:00 N 116:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0000,-116.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Mackerel", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 23985 (FE9DFACF)
**Date:** 2/18/1964
**Location:** 37.0000 -116.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Bonefish” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_355
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0000 -116.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:00 N 116:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0000,-116.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Bonefish", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 23986 (96956A88)
**Date:** 2/19/1964
**Time:** 01:00
**Location:** RABAUL, PAPUA-NG
**Description:** 2 / home. Globe / light in bedroom. 2 extra doors to Veranda! No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 771)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6911
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Pacific Ocean and non - Asian islands", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "RABAUL,PAPUA-NG:2/HOME:GLOBE/LITE in BEDROOM:2 EXTRA DOORS to VERANDA!:NFD", **LatLong:** "-4.200000 152.183341", **LatLongDMS:** "04:12:00 S 152:11:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-4.200000,152.183341)", **RelAlt:** "2", **State/Prov:** "PNG", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 23987 (CED2701B)
**Date:** 2/19/1964
**Description:** On this evening in Gum Creek, South Australia Mrs. Player saw a yellow glowing domed disc-shaped object approach, and then hover making a "tick-a-tick" sound. Inside the transparent dome of the craft a man could be seen standing at "wooden railing".
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Bill Chalker, The Oz Files, p. 14; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case # A0582
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_996
### Event 23988 (C3B64465)
**Date:** 2/20/1964
**Time:** 15:30:00.1
**Location:** 37.1509 -116.0401
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Klickitat” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 200KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_356
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1509 -116.0401", **LatLongDMS:** "37:09:03 N 116:02:24 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1509,-116.0401)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.49", **NukeMb:** "5.10", **NukeName:** "Klickitat", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "200"
### Event 23989 (E8AA6F22)
**Date:** 2/25/1964
**Time:** 22:00?
**Location:** SALADILLO, ARG
**Description:** 1 / car. 2 highly luminous objects hover / one hour. 1 lands / field. 1 shoots going quickly north. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 12)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6912
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "60", **Elev:** "40", **HatchDesc:** "SALADILLO,ARG:1/CAR:2 HIGHLY LUMn.OBJs HVR/1hr:1 LANDS/FIELD:1 SHOOTS >>N:NFD", **LatLong:** "-35.633335 -59.800003", **LatLongDMS:** "35:38:00 S 59:48:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-35.633335,-59.800003)", **State/Prov:** "Buenos Aires", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 23990 (8E207373)
**Date:** 2/25/1964
**Location:** Liberty, NY
**Description:** 8:30 p.m. Two pulsating white lights with reddish tinge paced an aircraft, twice turning and approaching it on apparent collision course. The pilot twice took evasive action. A third light joined the first two and they moved away after 5-10 minutes. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2690
### Event 23991 (C1F70F84)
**Date:** 2/28/1964
**Location:** PACIFIC 170° 00W-50° 40N
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Military observer(s). No further details [in] at all.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFOCAT CATALOG: Assorted Printouts. Donald A. Johnson Ph.D (CUFOS). P.O. Box 446, Concord, NH 03302-0446 (Index 72)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6913
**Attributes:** **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Pacific Ocean and non - Asian islands", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "PACIFIC 170°00W-50°40N:BBK#UNKN:MIL OBS:NFD AT ALL", **LatLong:** "50.666669 -170.000008", **LatLongDMS:** "50:40:00 N 170:00:00 W", **Locale:** "High Seas", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.666669,-170.000008)", **State/Prov:** "ALU", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 23992 (282E93F1)
**Date:** 2/29/1964
**Time:** 14:00
**Description:** 2 boys. Large saucer going down [to] and going up / paddock. Tall figure exits and walks around..
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Database/website: BASTERFIELD, KEITH: ENTCAT97.DOC: Catalog of Australian Entity and related reports: October 1997
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6914
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "PLYMPTON,S.AUSTRL:2 BOYS:LRG SCR ↓+↑/PADDOCK:TALL FIG EXITS+WALKS AROUND..", **LatLong:** "-34.950002 138.550007", **LatLongDMS:** "34:57:00 S 138:33:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-34.950002,138.550007)", **State/Prov:** "South Australia", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 23993 (93201F45)
**Date:** 2/29/1964
**Locations:** Nevada; California
**Description:** President [Lyndon B. Johnson](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lyndon%5FB.%5FJohnson) holds a press conference to announce that the US has repeatedly broken the Soviet’s world record for air speed by a secret aircraft called the A-11—a fictitious name for the Air Force’s YF- 12, a twin-seat version of the Lockheed A-12 built as an interceptor. He says the A-11 can fly more than 2,000 mph at an altitude of 70,000 feet. The YF-12A is announced in part to continue hiding the A-12, its still-secret ancestor; any sightings of CIA/Air Force A-12s based at Area 51 in Nevada can be attributed to the well- publicized Air Force YF-12As based at Edwards Air Force Base in California.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Jacobsen, Area 51, [pp. 232–233](https://archive.org/details/area51uncensored0000jaco/page/232/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3759
### Event 23994 (8E612C8B)
**Date:** 2/29/1964
**Description:** Two 10-year-old boys named Mathlin and Jensen saw a glowing disc with landing gear land in a nearby paddock in Plympton, South Australia at two o'clock in the afternoon. The craft had windows and a dome. A door on the craft opened and a seven foot tall occupant with copper skin emerged and walked around. The humanoid wore a tight fitting bluish-black tunic, a purple cape, and a leather-like helmet. He also wore a box in the front attached to his belt. A second occupant was seen through the windows inside the craft.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Bill Chalker & Keith Basterfield, Australian Catalogue of Close Encounter Type Three Reports, p. 15; Michael Hervey, UFOs Over the Southern Hemisphere, p. 190; UFO Research Australia, case files, case SA64002; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case A0583, citing FSR, July-August 1970, p. 32
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1188
### Event 23995 (9C445B49)
**Date:** 3/1964
**Time:** 23:00
**Description:** 4 observer(s). 2 saucers maneuver. Beam hits men going [to] psyco-effects. / LDLN#204.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: UFO CHRONICLES of the SOVIET UNION; Ballentine Books HB 1992. 212pp. (Index 186)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6915
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **TLP:** Telepathy, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **MIL:** Military investigation
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Kazakh Republic", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "PETROPAVLOVSK,KAZAKH:4 OBS:2 SCRS MNVR:BEAM HITS MEN>PSYCO-EFFECTS:/LDLN#204", **LatLong:** "54.883336 69.216670", **LatLongDMS:** "54:53:00 N 69:13:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/54.883336,69.216670)", **State/Prov:** "SVK", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 23996 (D0C853BD)
**Date:** 3/1964
**Locations:** Cleveland, Ohio; Atlanta, Georgia
**Description:** [Allen H. Greenfield](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allen%5FH.%5FGreenfield)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allen%5FH.%5FGreenfield) [Rick Hilberg](http://www.mufonohio.com/mufono/2015confSUMM.html)[,](http://www.mufonohio.com/mufono/2015confSUMM.html) and Dale Rettig begin publishing the American UFO Committee Review in preparation for their first Congress of Scientific Ufologists meeting in Cleveland, Ohio. Greenfield publishes the journal in Atlanta, Georgia, for seven issues, until fall 1966.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** [American UFO Committee Review](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/American%20UFO%20Committee%20Review%20%28Allen%20Greenfield%29/American%20UFO%20Committee%20Review%20-%201964%2003%20-%20Vol%201%20No%201.pdf) 1, no. 1 \(March 1964\)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3760
### Event 23997 (ADA3C00D)
**Date:** 3/2/1964
**Description:** An elongated, silver object was seen hovering in the sky for two minutes over Grassmere, South Australia.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Flying Saucers, January-February 1966, p. 53
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1244
### Event 23998 (46153978)
**Date:** 3/7/1964
**Description:** [Betty Hill](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barney%5Fand%5FBetty%5FHill) has her first hypnosis session with Benjamin Simon. Betty’s account closely matches her dreams from 2 years earlier, and her account is consistent with Barney’s. Many abduction elements come to light: telepathic commands, semen extraction, a rectal probe, skin scrapings, a pregnancy test with a needle, the Star Map. The aliens are 5 feet tall with gray skin, oddly shaped heads, and broad foreheads. Simon discounts the possibility of an alien abduction and prefers to think that Betty’s dream influenced Barney’s memories. The Hills do not agree.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Barney and Betty Hill](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barney%5Fand%5FBetty%5FHill)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3761
### Event 23999 (5D11A098)
**Date:** 3/8/1964
**Location:** VOSHOD 2
**Description:** Russian cosmonauts report unidentified object as they re-enter earth atmosphere.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HYNEK & VALLEE: The EDGE of REALITY, A Progress Report, Chicago, Regnery 1975. 301pp 24cm (Index 64)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6916
**Attributes:** **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Earth Orbit or seen from space stations/capsules", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "VOSHOD 2:RUSS COSMONAUTS REPORT UID OBJECT AS THEY RE-ENTER EARTH ATMOSPHERE", **LatLong:** "90.000004 -0.000000", **LatLongDMS:** "90:00:00 N 00:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/90.000004,-0.000000)", **State/Prov:** "RUS", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 24000 (EF3B29B0)
**Date:** 3/12/1964
**Location:** 37.0000 -116.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Handicap” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_357
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0000 -116.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:00 N 116:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0000,-116.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Handicap", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 24001 (AE89581E)
**Date:** 3/13/1964
**Time:** 16:02:00.1
**Location:** 37.0505 -116.0115
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Pike” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_358
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0505 -116.0115", **LatLongDMS:** "37:03:02 N 116:00:41 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0505,-116.0115)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.11", **NukeName:** "Pike", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 24002 (0D427380)
**Date:** 3/13/1964
**Description:** At 6:17 p.m. a UFO paced a vehicle being driven by a man named Grazier along Salt Creek, Tilley, South Australia. The object was estimated to be 200 feet long, silver in color, and made a whining noise as it chased the car.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Keith Basterfield, UFO Research South Australia, case SA64005; Ray Palmer, Flying Saucers, January-February 1966, p. 53; Michael Hervey, UFOs Over the Southern Hemisphere, p. 190
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1452
### Event 24003 (F74D900E)
**Date:** 3/14/1964
**Location:** PACIFIC 171° 40W-43° 01N
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Military observer(s). No further details [in] at all.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFOCAT CATALOG: Assorted Printouts. Donald A. Johnson Ph.D (CUFOS). P.O. Box 446, Concord, NH 03302-0446 (Index 72)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6917
**Attributes:** **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Pacific Ocean and non - Asian islands", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "PACIFIC 171°40W-43°01N:BBK#UNK:MIL OBS:NFD AT ALL", **LatLong:** "43.016669 -171.666675", **LatLongDMS:** "43:01:00 N 171:40:00 W", **Locale:** "High Seas", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.016669,-171.666675)", **State/Prov:** "NPC", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 24004 (E3D6817C)
**Date:** 3/15/1964
**Time:** 08:00:00.4
**Location:** 49.8160 78.0752
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 150KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1253
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.8160 78.0752", **LatLongDMS:** "49:48:58 N 78:04:31 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.8160,78.0752)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.60", **NukeSource:** "BOCHAROV", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "150"
### Event 24005 (17CAF20F)
**Date:** 4/1964
**Location:** ITALY, Catania (Sicily)
**Description:** (Translated from French) (cf: 4 Sept. 62) Siragusa is able to take a ride in a saucer for the first time. He meets other humans, including the Italian mechanic Luciano Galli from Bologna, who had been contacted by Venusians since 1957. Siragusa had at least 19 close encounters with extraterrestrials between 1962 and 1978, and almost every time he was forced to write messages to heads of state. (April 1964)
**Reference:** Mitarbeiter, "Ufo Geheimnisse", Berlin, January 1998
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2274
### Event 24006 (07FD5C2F)
**Date:** 4/1964
**Location:** USA - MADAGASCAR
**Description:** (Translated from French) The first case dates back to April 1964, when the satellite "TRANSIT 5" fell back into the Indian Ocean, very close to Madagascar; it simply could not be placed in orbit, its carrier rocket having communicated an insufficient speed to it. The radioactive fuel which was on board to power a radio-isotopic generator, burned in the atmosphere. It was plutonium 238. ("The War of the Satellites" - Volume 3 - Pierre Kohler, ed. Famot 1982, p. 116) This military navigation satellite was loaded with one kilo of plutonium. The radio-isotopic thermo-electric generator (RTG) burned in the atmosphere, according to what is said, releasing its radioactive material. (April 1964)
**Reference:** The Associated Press
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2275
### Event 24007 (222235A5)
**Date:** 4/1964
**Location:** NEAR MISSOULA, MT
**Description:** Saucer visits ranch several times. Beams follow 2. Tot abduction repeatedly.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 252)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6918
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **CVS:** Conversation/communication, **NUC:** Nuclear facility related, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "16", **Elev:** "975", **HatchDesc:** "nr MISSOULA,MT:SCR VISITS RANCH SVRL TIMES:BEAMS FOLO 2:TOT ABD REPEATEDLY", **LatLong:** "46.866669 -114.000005", **LatLongDMS:** "46:52:00 N 114:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.866669,-114.000005)", **State/Prov:** "Montana", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 24008 (5AA72294)
**Date:** 4/1/1964
**Location:** UK
**Description:** The UK Air Ministry, Admiralty, and War Office are consolidated into a new Ministry of Defence. The Air Ministry becomes the Air Force Department, within which is a secretariat called S4 \(Air\) that deals with, among other things, UFO reports from the public. Another office, Defense Secretariat 8, is created under the authority of the Secretary of State and also has authority over UFO reporting.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Ministry of Defence \(United](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ministry%5Fof%5FDefence%5F%28United%5FKingdom%29) [Kingdom\)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ministry%5Fof%5FDefence%5F%28United%5FKingdom%29)”; Good Above, [pp. 58–59](https://archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/58/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3762
### Event 24009 (E1A8415C)
**Date:** 4/3/1964
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In Monticello \(Wisconsin\), a young anthropologist and his family observe from their car lights of several colors, apparently fixed on a huge rigid structure. They approach, slow down, tilt like a pivoting object, stop at the same time as the vehicle, then accelerate and quickly disappear into the sky. (April 3)
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#8729 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1964.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2039
### Event 24010 (581F24D8)
**Date:** 4/3/1964
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** MONTICELLO, WI
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #8729. Scientist and 3 / car. 4 huge red night lights in formation / tilts. / r8#594.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** WILKINS, Harold T.: FLYING SAUCERS ON THE ATTACK; Ace Books, NY PB 1967. (Index 315)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6919
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "4", **Elev:** "183", **HatchDesc:** "MONTICELLO,WI:BBK#8729:SCIENTIST+3/CAR:4 HUGE RED NLTS/FORMn/TILTS:/r8#594", **LatLong:** "42.761113 -89.727782", **LatLongDMS:** "42:45:40 N 89:43:40 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.761113,-89.727782)", **State/Prov:** "Wisconsin", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 24011 (C8A2EE08)
**Date:** 4/3/1964
**Location:** Monticello, WI
**Description:** 4 huge red lights in a rectangular formation (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 8729)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2691
### Event 24012 (CD7BF71A)
**Date:** 4/3/1964
**Time:** 2100
**Location:** Monticello, Wisconsin
**Description:** Four people in a car observed a rigid configuration of intense red and white lights, apparently attached to a large object that came to ground level, hovered, and flew off very fast as they were driving about 2 km west of Monticello.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Atic; Challenge 31 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_594
### Event 24013 (7674073B)
**Date:** 4/3/1964
**Time:** 9 PM
**Location:** Monticello, Wisconsin
**Description:** Witnesses: Mr. and Mrs. R. Wold (he was a graduate student in anthropology). Four huge red lights in a rectangular formation, with a white light above, were near the ground, tilted and flew away after 3-4 minutes.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_498
### Event 24014 (6C8CB4EA)
**Date:** 4/3/1964
**Location:** Monticello, Wisconsin
**Description:** 9:00 p.m. R. Wold, a graduate student in anthropology, and two others see four huge red lights in a rectangular formation, with a white light above, near the ground about one mile west of Monticello, Wisconsin. It tilts and flies away.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** [Sparks](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf)[,](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf) p. 296
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3763
### Event 24015 (27C67EC9)
**Date:** 4/3/1964
**Description:** At 9:00 p.m. Mr. R. Wold, a graduate student in anthropology, his wife, and two others in their car saw four huge red lights in a rectangular formation near the ground in Monticello, Wisconsin. There was an intense white light above the four red lights, apparently attached to a large object that came to very near ground level, hovered, tilted, and flew off very fast as they were driving about two kilometers west of Monticello. The sighting lasted from three to four minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Don Berliner, Project Bluebook UFO Unknowns; Don Berliner, Australasian Ufologist, April 1999, p. 51; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 594; Thomas M. Olsen, The Reference for Outstanding UFO Reports, case 88; UNICAT database, case 384, citing Thomas Olsen and others
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1815
### Event 24016 (6F536081)
**Date:** 4/7/1964
**Time:** 13:00?
**Description:** UFO lands. 3 small humanoids (or Greys) with backpacks exit and take rocks and plants etc.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PRATT, Bob: UFO DANGER ZONE - Terror and Death in Brazil. Horus House Press, Madison, WI 1996 (Index 264)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6920
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "657", **HatchDesc:** "POCINHOS,PARAIBA,BRZL:UFO LANDS:3 OIDS W/BACKPACKS EXIT+TAKE ROCKS+PLANTS etc.", **LatLong:** "-7.066667 -36.050002", **LatLongDMS:** "07:04:00 S 36:03:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-7.066667,-36.050002)", **State/Prov:** "PBA", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 24017 (3991B689)
**Date:** 4/7/1964
**Description:** Three humanoids exited a landed UFO at one o'clock in the afternoon in Pocinhos, Brazil. They collected rock and plant specimens.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Bob Pratt, UFO Danger Zone: Terror and Death in Brazil--Where Next? p. 264
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1880
### Event 24018 (91809343)
**Date:** 4/8/1964
**Location:** IN SPACE
**Description:** (Translated from French) The GEMINI capsule (unmanned) was joined by four UFOs which deployed in formation around it (2 above, 1 beside, 1 below) and did not leave it during the entire orbit. (Jacques POTTIER: "Les Soucoupes volantes" - DE VECCHI - 1974 - p. 42 (Jean-Francis CROLARD: "L'énigme des E.T." - éd. Guy TREDANIEL 1995, p. 34, 35). This position was maintained during the entire orbit, after which the objects moved away and disappeared into space at great speed. (April 8, 1964)
**Reference:** 1989 - listing and research by Harvey S. Stewart
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2276
### Event 24019 (4FEA5D6C)
**Date:** 4/8/1964
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) As the first space capsule [Gemini](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/Gemini.html) was put into orbit around the globe, 4 objects of unknown origin rushed towards it and positioned 2 above, 1 below and 1 behind, and followed it for an entire orbit. (April 8, 11am)
**Reference:** Charles Garreau, facts reported by 2 scientists who witnessed the test
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1964.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2040
### Event 24020 (5D9B15F9)
**Date:** 4/8/1964
**Description:** 4 UFO's surround Gemini capsule. Follow around earth / 1 orbit! / r246p85.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 41)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6921
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **RDR:** Radar traces/blips
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Earth Orbit or seen from space stations/capsules", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "244", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "GND Stns:4 UFOS SURROUND GEMINI CAPSULE:FOLO AROUND EARTH/1 ORBIT!:/r246p85", **LatLong:** "90.000004 -0.000000", **LatLongDMS:** "90:00:00 N 00:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/90.000004,-0.000000)", **State/Prov:** "GMN", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 24021 (4593A3A0)
**Date:** 4/9/1964
**Location:** PACIFIC 171° 00E-35° 50N
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Cape Kennedy RADAR's object pursuing missile?
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: ABOVE TOP SECRET; Sidgewick & Jackson, London 1987 & Quill Books, 1988. 592pp. (Index 367)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6922
**Attributes:** **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **RDR:** Radar traces/blips, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Pacific Ocean and non - Asian islands", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "PACIFIC 171°00E-35°50N:BBK#UNK:CAPE KENNEDY RDRS OBJ PURSUING MISSILE?", **LatLong:** "35.833335 171.000008", **LatLongDMS:** "35:50:00 N 171:00:00 E", **Locale:** "High Seas", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/35.833335,171.000008)", **State/Prov:** "NPC", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 24022 (761A5721)
**Date:** 4/9/1964
**Time:** 08:10
**Location:** ARDMORE, OK
**Description:** Blue Book. Observer(s) = Rollins. Huge cylinder/cigar-shape with portholes / 10 second(s). Vanishes / thin air. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: CHALLENGE to SCIENCE, The UFO ENIGMA; Henry Regnery 1966 & Ballentine Books, NY 1974. PB (Index 42)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6923
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "257", **HatchDesc:** "ARDMORE,OK:BBK:OBS=ROLLINS:HUGE CGR W/PORTHOLES/10sec:VANISHES/THIN AIR:NFD", **LatLong:** "34.172224 -97.144449", **LatLongDMS:** "34:10:20 N 97:08:40 W", **Locale:** "Oil & Coal", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/34.172224,-97.144449)", **State/Prov:** "Oklahoma", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 24023 (8474038B)
**Date:** 4/10/1964
**Location:** Merced, CA
**Description:** 6-12 UFOs / F-106's Scrambled (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)
**Reference:** NICAP: [640410](http://www.nicap.org/640410merced%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2692
### Event 24024 (5DB00E4D)
**Date:** 4/11/1964
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Sighting in Homer \(New York\). (April 11)
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#8739 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1964.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2041
### Event 24025 (19F729EE)
**Date:** 4/11/1964
**Time:** 18:30
**Location:** NORTHWEST / HOMER, NY
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #8739. Cop and MD and 2. Bright vertical cylinder/cigar-shape hovers. Offloads saucers and away. / r70p3-89.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: UFO'S IN SPACE - Anatomy of a Phenomenon; Henry Regnery 1966 & Ballentine PB 1974 294pp. (Index 213)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6924
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "45", **Elev:** "340", **HatchDesc:** "NW/HOMER,NY:BBK#8739:COP+MD+2:BRITE VERT.CGR HVRS:OFFLOADS SCRS+AWAY:/r70p3-89", **LatLong:** "42.750002 -76.261115", **LatLongDMS:** "42:45:00 N 76:15:40 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.750002,-76.261115)", **State/Prov:** "New York", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 24026 (1B08FAAC)
**Date:** 4/11/1964
**Location:** Homer, NY
**Description:** 2 cloud-like objects darken, one shot away and returned (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 8739)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2694
### Event 24027 (04541069)
**Date:** 4/11/1964
**Time:** 6:30 PM
**Location:** Homer, New York
**Description:** Witnesses: physiotherapist W.B. Ochsner and wife. Two cloud-like objects darkened; one shot away and returned during the 30-45 minute sighting.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_499
### Event 24028 (02A8E9FA)
**Date:** 4/11/1964
**Locations:** Homer, New York; 10 miles northwest of Homer, New York
**Description:** 6:30 p.m. Physiotherapist William B. Ochsner and his wife and two children are having a picnic on a hill about 10 miles northwest of Homer, New York. They see an unusually wide vapor trail in the sky stretching from northeast to southwest. At the far end of the white trail is a smoky, spiral portion about one mile long. The vapor trail drifts off. After 10 minutes, Ochsner notices that the spiral portion is still visible, having moved a bit to the west. With binoculars, he sees wisps of smoke streaming out of it. It changes from a horizontal to a vertical position with greater smoke activity. It stops and hangs there for 2–3 minutes before sinking into the clouds. After another 3 minutes, they see a horizontal pencil-shaped object moving from left to right on the horizon. A flash of white light erupts from its end and shoots forward a short distance then stops. It becomes thick in the middle, a cloud of smoke emanates from it, and it shoots backward rapidly. Again it hovers and changes to a saucer shape. It then divides into two parts, one above the other. The top object slowly recedes into the distance, while the bottom objects heads downward at a 45° angle, divides in two again, with the top part fading away and the bottom part assuming a vertical pencil shape, which fades away. The whole display takes 45 minutes.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** J. Allen Hynek, The UFO Experience, Ballantine ed., 1974, [pp. 60–61](https://archive.org/details/ufoexperience00jall/page/60/mode/2up); Herbert S. Taylor, “Satellite Objects and Cloud Cigars,” IUR 29, no. 1 \(Spring 2004\): 7–9; [Sparks](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf)[,](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf) p. 297
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3764
### Event 24029 (FD6FA537)
**Date:** 4/11/1964
**Description:** In Homer, New York at 6:30 p.m. physiotherapist W.B. Ochsner and his wife observed two cloud-like objects darken in the sky. One shot away and returned during some 30-45 minutes later.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** J. Allen Hynek case files; Don Berliner, Project Bluebook UFO Unknowns
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1953
### Event 24030 (A6FC292A)
**Date:** 4/13/1964
**Description:** Several observer(s). 9' silver cylinder/cigar-shape crashes going [to] canal. Scars cement siding.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SANDERSON, Ivan: INVISIBLE RESIDENTS; World Publishing HB 1970 & Avon Books PB 1973 (Index 226)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6925
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **SUB:** Submersible: Rises from or submerges into water, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "WALTHAMSTOW,LONDON:SVRL OBS:9'SLVR CGR CRASHES>CANAL:SCARS CEMENT SIDING", **LatLong:** "51.566669 -0.016667", **LatLongDMS:** "51:34:00 N 00:01:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.566669,-0.016667)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 24031 (2727FF17)
**Date:** 4/14/1964
**Time:** 09:40
**Location:** NEAR MAGALIA, CA
**Description:** Truck malfunctions due to EME (electro-magnetic effects). Mans hair stand / end. Domed saucer / hose sucks water / canal.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RODEGHIER, Mark/CUFOS: UFO REPORTS INVOLVING VEHICLE INTERFERENCE; CUFOS 1979. Available as CUFOS UFO Archive #1 CD-ROM. http://www.cufos.org/Pubform.pdf (Index 21)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6926
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **TLP:** Telepathy, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens, **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **CVS:** Conversation/communication, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "732", **HatchDesc:** "nr MAGALIA,CA:TRUCK EMEs:MANS HAIR STAND/END:DOMED SCR/HOSE SUCKS WATER/CANAL", **LatLong:** "39.811113 -121.577784", **LatLongDMS:** "39:48:40 N 121:34:40 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.811113,-121.577784)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 24032 (FAE624D5)
**Date:** 4/14/1964
**Time:** 14:40:00.1
**Location:** 37.1289 -116.0298
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Hook” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_359
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1289 -116.0298", **LatLongDMS:** "37:07:44 N 116:01:47 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1289,-116.0298)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.20", **NukeName:** "Hook", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 24033 (7BB93BF8)
**Date:** 4/15/1964
**Alternate date:** 4/24/1964
**Location:** Holloman AFB
**Description:** USAF Intelligence officer meets with 2 Aliens at prearranged location in the desert of New Mexico near Holloman AFB. Project SIGMA operates at AFB, New Mexico.
**Type:** alien meeting
**Reference:** [Pea Research](https://www.academia.edu/9813787/GOVERNMENT_INVOLVEMENT_IN_THE_UFO_COVER_UP_CHRONOLOGY_based) (B1-A)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_618
### Event 24034 (C5C89C08)
**Date:** 4/15/1964
**Time:** 14:30:00.1
**Location:** 37.0439 -116.0184
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Sturgeon” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_360
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0439 -116.0184", **LatLongDMS:** "37:02:38 N 116:01:06 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0439,-116.0184)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.15", **NukeName:** "Sturgeon", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 24035 (76E1E467)
**Date:** 4/17/1964
**Location:** Fallon AFS, NV
**Description:** (McDonald list) Two Stacked Blips on AFS Radar (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 3, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** NICAP: [640417](http://www.nicap.org/640417fallonAFS%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2695
### Event 24036 (0C2DD800)
**Date:** 4/17/1964
**Location:** 37.0000 -116.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Bogey” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_361
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0000 -116.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:00 N 116:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0000,-116.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Bogey", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 24037 (5FC4CA79)
**Date:** 4/17/1964
**Description:** At 7:22 a.m. local time, Airman Edward Lowe, a radar operator at the Fallon Air Force Station, Nevada picked up on his ground radar unit two blips flying in stacked formation making rapid changes in altitude. They were first detected at 122 degrees, 60,000 feet, and at a range of 145 miles. Their motion was up and down. The length of the observation was 1 hour and 21 minutes, at which point the blips disappeared to the southeast. The official Air Force explanation was a mirage.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Dan Wilson, www.nicap.org; Project Blue Book files counted in official statistics; J. Allen Hynek case files
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2080
### Event 24038 (77EEF029)
**Date:** 4/20/1964
**Time:** ~04:00
**Location:** MCMURDO NAS, ANT
**Description:** 6 / USCG C130. 9 UFO's. Radio and RADAR electro-magnetic effect (EME). Engines stop. C130 keeps flying.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 351)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6927
**Attributes:** **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **RDR:** Radar traces/blips, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **COV:** Indication of coverup, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Antarctic below 70 degrees South", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "70", **HatchDesc:** "McMURDO NAS,ANT:6/USCG C130:9 UFOS:RDO+RDR EME:ENGINES STOP:C130 KEEPS FLYING", **LatLong:** "-77.066670 166.283341", **LatLongDMS:** "77:04:00 S 166:17:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-77.066670,166.283341)", **State/Prov:** "MCM", **Strangeness:** "12"
### Event 24039 (052BA768)
**Date:** 4/20/1964
**Location:** McMurdo Station, Antarctica
**Description:** Early morning, During Operation Deep Freeze VII, six members of a US Coast Guard aircraft sight a V-formation of 9 glowing-white objects speeding at an estimated 35,000 feet altitude. They are flying a in a C-130 turbo-prop transport from McMurdo Station, Antarctica, with supplies. The right-side observer first sees the objects approaching at about 460 mph from above and to their right side. When they come abreast of the airplane, they slow to its speed. After a short time, they fly above the airplane and take up position above and to its left side. The pilot attempts to radio the ground but the radio is dead, and their radar also stops working. When the pilot tries to switch to auxiliary power, it too is not functioning. At one point the airplane’s engines stop \(the oil begins to congeal in the cold air\). Instead of losing altitude, it maintains “a steady altitude and course.” The airplane allegedly continues flying in complete silence, then it enters a “strange haze” \(like a white-out\) with the air filled with static electricity. There is electrical arcing from one observer’s body to metal inside the fuselage. The haze vanishes after about 20 minutes. The power suddenly returns, and the crew can restart the engines in sequence. The airplane has covered a distance of 305 miles during the 45–50 minutes at indicated airspeed of 184–218 knots.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** NICAP, “[C-130 Crew Encounters UFO / EME to Radio and Radar](http://www.nicap.org/640420antartic%5Fdir.htm)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3765
### Event 24040 (E89EAD48)
**Date:** 4/20/1964
**Description:** Flying over Ross Island near McMurdo Sound Naval Air Station in Antarctica in the early morning hours, six members of the crew of a U.S. Coast Guard C-130 spotted nine bright white flying objects in a "V" formation. The UFOs came from above and paced along the left side of their transport plane. The aircraft entered a strange haze at 12,000 m altitude, and it experienced a total failure of the radar, radio, and engine. However, during this temporary engine failure the plane did not loose altitude. The entire encounter lasted about 45 minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** APRO Bulletin, March 1981, p. 1; Richard F. Haines, Project Delta, p. 141
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2155
### Event 24041 (BC99756F)
**Date:** 4/22/1964
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** EAST / LORDSBURG, NM
**Description:** 3 / car. Entire desert lit. 4M saucer buzzes car. Whines. Going quickly north. / r8#595.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 773)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6928
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "1300", **HatchDesc:** "E/LORDSBURG,NM:3/CAR:ENTIRE DESERT LIT:4M SCR BUZZES CAR:WHINES:>>N:/r8#595", **LatLong:** "32.350002 -108.366672", **LatLongDMS:** "32:21:00 N 108:22:00 W", **Locale:** "Desert", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/32.350002,-108.366672)", **State/Prov:** "New Mexico", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 24042 (0E97D5FF)
**Date:** 4/22/1964
**Time:** 2100
**Location:** Lordsbury, New Mexico
**Description:** Marie Morrow and two other persons were driving west, about 2O km east of Lordsbury when the entire area was illuminated by a bluish light "as bright as day," and a round object flew about 3 m above the car, making a whining sound, then went north.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** APRO May., 64 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_595
### Event 24043 (9A5579A3)
**Date:** 4/22/1964
**Location:** Lordsburg, New Mexico
**Description:** 9:00 p.m. Marie Morrow, Ruth Ovelette, and Morrow’s son are driving west about 10–15 miles east of Lordsburg, New Mexico, when a brilliantly luminous object sweeps about 10 feet above their car from behind, illuminating the interior and emitting a whirring, whining sound. The UFO then rises but maintains its course along the highway before veering toward the north and vanishes.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Huge Light Buzzed Car in New Mexico,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201964%2005%2000%20-%20May.pdf)” APRO Bulletin, May 1964, p. 10; Clark III 1091–1092
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3766
### Event 24044 (75844896)
**Date:** 4/22/1964
**Description:** Marie Morrow and two other people were driving west on a highway at 9:00 o'clock in the evening. When they were 20 kilometers east of Lordsburg, New Mexico the entire area became illuminated as bright as day by a bluish light. Then a disc-shaped object buzzed their car, coming to within three meters of their roof. It made a whining sound, then flew north.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** APRO Bulletin, May 1964, p. 10; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, p. 297
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2214
### Event 24045 (9A5C47E5)
**Date:** 4/23/1964
**Description:** A nine-foot in diameter lens-shaped UFO with a dome hovered six feet above the ground in Rivesville, West Virginia at 7:30 a.m. making a humming sound. It extended a three-foot wide cylinder to ground, and a black figure, three to four feet tall, with painted ears and a tail emerged, collecting grass and dirt samples. The creature got back in the craft and it took off vertically. The witness was a woman named Ms. Frederick.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Ted Phillips, Physical Traces Associated with UFO Sightings, case 681; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case A0585, citing Gray Barker; Gray Barker, Saga UFO Report, December 1976, p. 33; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 644 (Vallee mistakenly listed the date as 1965)
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2253
### Event 24046 (DF20939F)
**Date:** 4/24/1964
**Location:** USA, Newark Valley (New York)
**Description:** (Translated from French) Gary Thelbert Wilcox was farming with his wife. At 10 o'clock this Friday he was spreading manure with his spreader on the fields to the east of the farm. The weather was clear with sunshine. While he was working he looked up to the top of the hill and noticed a shiny object up there: at first glance he thought it was a refrigerator. He realized it was not one. He directed the tractor with the spreader up the hill, and at 100 m from the object he thought it might be a tank that had fallen from an airplane. He stopped and walked the remaining 100 m. This thing was above the ground, the size of a bit more than a large car, of an oblong shape somewhat like an egg. It was absolutely smooth and aluminum-colored. He touched it: the metal seemed harder to him than aluminum. He does not know if the craft was hovering or resting on feet. It measured about 6 m long by 1.20 m high, and from 4.50 m to 5 m wide. Two small men came out from under this object - tank. He does not know where they came from. Each of them was carrying a tray made of the same material as the craft. There were tufts of grass on the trays. The small men stopped less than a meter from the witness. Then it seemed to him - because their voices did not sound like those of human beings - that one of them said to him: "Do not be afraid, we have already spoken to people". The witness understood perfectly but does not know if they were speaking in English. They were quite wide for such small people. They had arms and legs but the witness does not know anything about their hands or feet. They seemed to have some kind of clothing that covered the place where normally there should have been a head. When they raised their arms he saw a bulge where we have an elbow. The color of the complete and totally flexible suit was aluminum white, without seams or pockets. They said: "We come from what you call the planet Mars". They then asked him what he was doing. He explained that he was spreading manure and he had to explain it in more detail. The beings asked if they could have fertilizer. They also said that they could only come to Earth every two years. The conversation quickly moved from one subject to another. They added that they were monitoring people on Earth. (...) They went back under the ship, bent down a bit. Then there was a sound like the slowing down of a car and the object took off slowly and disappeared after traveling about 45 meters. (...) Around 4:30 pm he returned to the hill with a load of manure and he left a bag of fertilizer where he had seen them. The next morning the bag was gone.
**Reference:** Henry DURRANT: "First Investigations on ET Humanoids" - Laffont 1977 - pp. 93 to 98
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2277
### Event 24047 (BDF3C5A9)
**Date:** 4/24/1964
**Location:** USA, Socorro (New Mexico)
**Description:** (Translated from French) RR3. In the afternoon of this day Lonnie Zamora, a former police sergeant already in the service, was patrolling the streets of Socorro in a car as part of a routine operation. Suddenly he saw a shining object descending towards the lower part of the city, a little outside. He later added that he then heard an enormous rumble. When he approached the edge of the ravine, he saw a strange egg-shaped object, 3 to 5 m long, resting on short metal feet. Apparently ignoring the witness's presence, two small human-looking creatures wearing what seemed to be white or silver overalls were apparently examining or repairing a piece under the craft. As Zamora returned to his car, he looked back... At that precise moment the object projected a dazzling blue flame onto the sand where it was resting, then it rose with a deafening noise. Four deep imprints were found in the ravine where the object had landed, which Zamora identified as those of the craft's feet. The surrounding bushes were charred and still smoking where the flames projected from the base of the object had reached them. (Henry DURRANT: "The UFO File" - Laffont 1973 - pp. 29-30) (Science et Vie, special edition 1997: 50 years of UFO, Atlas of Unsolved Cases, pp. 60 to 63) In April 1964, the same day Hynek was at Wright Field, Lonnie Zamora saw an egg-shaped object, now famous, which landed on four feet in the desert of New Mexico. It bore an insignia that strangely resembled the logo of Astropower, a Douglas subsidiary, founded in 1960, under the presidency of propulsion expert Y.C. Lee. I found a full page of four-color advertising for Astropower in the "Proceedings of the Radio Engineers", special issue on computers, dated January 1961. In this advertisement Astropower "offers its services for the research and development of advanced space propulsion systems to subcontractors and government agencies". ITS PROGRAM INCLUDES HIGH-ENERGY PROPULSION SYSTEMS OF NUCLEAR, CHEMICAL AND ELECTRIC TYPE; SOLID STATE ELEMENTS AND ENERGY CONVERSION EQUIPMENT. Mr. Lee would be happy to receive requests from "scientists with advanced degrees in plasma physics, nuclear physics and thermodynamics".
**Reference:** Jacques Vallée: "Forbidden Science - Journal 1957 - 1969" O.P. Editions 1997, p. 276
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2278
### Event 24048 (5EEB37E4)
**Date:** 4/24/1964
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) At Newark Valley \(New York\), [meeting with Gary Wilcox](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/1964-04-24\_Wilcox.html). (10am)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1964.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2042
### Event 24049 (3FF66B21)
**Date:** 4/24/1964
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) At Soccorro \(New Mexico\), [meeting of Lonnie Zamora](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/1964-04-24\_Soccorro.html). (17 h 45)
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#8766 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1964.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2043
### Event 24050 (36286650)
**Date:** 4/24/1964
**Time:** 10:10
**Location:** TIOGA, NY
**Description:** Farm. Saucer going down. Small humanoids (or Greys) take soil and fertilizer. / r211p38 / r249p346+/ r4p58+/ r41p474.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 35)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6929
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CNT:** Contactee related, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens, **CVS:** Conversation/communication, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **RDA:** Radiation/high energy fields detected, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "4", **Duration:** "120", **Elev:** "247", **HatchDesc:** "TIOGA,NY:FARM:SCR↓:OIDS TAKE SOIL+FERTILIZER:/r211p38/r249p346+/r4p58+/r41p474", **LatLong:** "42.066669 -76.350004", **LatLongDMS:** "42:04:00 N 76:21:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.066669,-76.350004)", **State/Prov:** "New York", **Strangeness:** "11"
### Event 24051 (8D719F16)
**Date:** 4/24/1964
**Time:** 17:50
**Location:** SOCORRO, NM
**Description:** Cop. 4' small humanoids (or Greys) by ovoid. Doors slam. Going quickly SSW. Physical traces. / r55p224+/ APRO 5'64+/ r67.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 35)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6930
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **RDA:** Radiation/high energy fields detected, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK, **GSA:** Covert Security Agency, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded, **COV:** Indication of coverup
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "1415", **HatchDesc:** "SOCORRO,NM:COP:4'OIDS by OVOID:DOORS SLAM:>>SSW:TRCS:/r55p224+/APRO 5'64+/r67", **LatLong:** "34.044446 -106.894450", **LatLongDMS:** "34:02:40 N 106:53:40 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/34.044446,-106.894450)", **State/Prov:** "New Mexico", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 24052 (B3108126)
**Date:** 4/24/1964
**Time:** ~21:00
**Location:** EDGEWOOD, NM
**Description:** Truck malfunctions due to EME (electro-magnetic effects). .22 slugs Ping off saucer / 30M altitude. Saucer going north. / r79p21+/ MJ#252.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 775)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6931
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "15", **Elev:** "2025", **HatchDesc:** "EDGEWOOD,NM:TRUCK EMES:.22 SLUGS PING OFF SCR/30M alt:SCR>N:/r79p21+/MJ#252", **LatLong:** "35.061113 -106.188894", **LatLongDMS:** "35:03:40 N 106:11:20 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/35.061113,-106.188894)", **RelAlt:** "30", **State/Prov:** "New Mexico", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 24053 (330A21CC)
**Date:** 4/24/1964 (approximate)
**Time:** 23:30
**Location:** DORION, ONT
**Description:** 5 / woods. Large white beam searches very close. Saucer silent / low clouds. Going quickly northeast and up.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Book: RULLAN, Tony: Retrieved lost BBK file: Dorion, ONT 1964 Paper copy on file.
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6932
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "15", **Elev:** "211", **HatchDesc:** "DORION,ONT:5/WOODS:LRG WHT BEAM SEARCHES VCLOSE:SRC SLNT/LOW CLOUDS:>>NE+UP", **LatLong:** "48.766669 -88.500004", **LatLongDMS:** "48:46:00 N 88:30:00 W", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.766669,-88.500004)", **State/Prov:** "Ontario", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 24054 (FA7E106B)
**Date:** 4/24/1964
**Location:** Socorro, NM
**Description:** Lonnie Zamora case (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases, BB: 8766, NC)
**Reference:** NICAP: [640424](https://web.archive.org/web/100/http://www.nicap.org/zamoradir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2696
### Event 24055 (2D189AB0)
**Date:** 4/24/1964
**Location:** Newark Valley, NY
**Description:** Farmer found shiny elliptical object in field, confronted by two small humanoids who spoke with him (UFOE Section XII). (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2697
### Event 24056 (BE54D6A4)
**Date:** 4/24/1964
**Time:** 1000
**Location:** Tioga City, New York
**Description:** Dairy farmer Gary T. Wilcox saw a shiny, egg-shaped object, about 8 m long and 6 m wide, in his field. He spoke in English to two dwarfs, 1.2 m tall, wearing seamless clothing and hoods, and carrying trays.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Humanoids 59; Magonia ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_596
### Event 24057 (64F604B7)
**Date:** 4/24/1964
**Time:** 1745
**Location:** Socorro, New Mexico
**Description:** Policeman Lonnie Zamora observed the landing of a white craft, resting on four legs, in a depression 4 km outside Socorro. Near it were standing two figures, below average height, dressed in white. Within 30 m of the object, he saw a red insignia on its aluminumlike surface. It rose to 4 m with a strong roar, became silent, hovered and flew away. Traces.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Atic; Challenge 34; Humanoids 47; Magonia ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_597
### Event 24058 (5F7E256F)
**Date:** 4/24/1964
**Time:** 5:45 PM
**Location:** Socorro, New Mexico
**Description:** Witness: Socorro policeman Lonnie Zamora. Watched object with flame underneath descend toward the desert. Two small humanoids observed near vertical oval on ground. Later watched object take off with a roar, go silent and fly away. Burning and charred brush found at landing sight.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_500
### Event 24059 (48BEF8E2)
**Date:** 4/24/1964
**Location:** Socorro, NM
**Description:** Whitish elliptical object with legs seen on ground by police officer, left imprints and scorched foliage when it took off
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_9
### Event 24060 (C27CCACF)
**Date:** 4/24/1964
**Location:** Newark Valley, NY
**Description:** Farmer found shiny elliptical object in field, confronted by two small humanoids who spoke with him
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_10
### Event 24061 (7C60D579)
**Date:** 4/24/1964
**Time:** 20:10:00.2
**Location:** 37.1496 -116.0554
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Turf” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 200KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_362
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1496 -116.0554", **LatLongDMS:** "37:08:59 N 116:03:19 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1496,-116.0554)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.51", **NukeMb:** "5.20", **NukeName:** "Turf", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "200"
### Event 24062 (A053E34C)
**Date:** 4/24/1964
**Locations:** Newark Valley, New York; Mars
**Description:** 10:00 a.m. Dairy farmer Gary Wilcox of Newark Valley, New York, is driving a tractor on his property when he sees a shiny object on the inside edge of a nearby patch of woods. He gets off the tractor and approaches the object, which is egg-shaped, 20 feet long, 16 feet wide, and four feet high. It is hovering two feet above the ground and making a sound like a car idling. He touches it and feels a hard metal. Two figures suddenly appear from under the object. They are 4 feet tall and 2 feet wide, dressed in seamless silvery garments. Each carries a tray filled with alfalfa, roots, soil, leaves, and brush. Wilcox hears a voice say, “Do not be alarmed. We have talked to people before.” They ask him what he is doing, and Wilcox says he is spreading manure. One humanoid asks if he can have some and converses some more about space exploration. They claim they are from Mars. After a while, the UFO takes off in a horizontal direction. Wilcox notices some small depressions where the figures were standing, as well as a thin, red, jellylike substance.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Olga M. Hotchkiss, “New York UFO and Its ‘Little People,’” Fate 17, no. 9 \(September 1964\): 38–42; Berthold E. Schwarz, “[Gary Wilcox and the Ufonauts,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR-SI%201969%20N%203%2CUFO%20Percipients.pdf)” in Charles Bowen, ed., UFO Percipients, special issue no. 3 of FSR, September 1969, pp. 20–27; Clark III 795–799; Marcus Lowth, “[The Gary Wilcox Occupant Encounter: The Fertilizer Case,](https://www.ufoinsight.com/aliens/encounters/gary-wilcox-occupant-encounter)” UFO Insight, December 27, 2018; Story, [pp. 246–249](https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofuf0000unse/page/246/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3767
### Event 24063 (6A6B4E4B)
**Date:** 4/24/1964
**Locations:** Socorro, New Mexico; Box Canyon or Six Mile Canyon Mountain; White Sands Missile Range; Kirtland AFB; Goddard Space Flight Center
**Description:** Around 5:50 p.m. Socorro, New Mexico, police officer [Lonnie Zamora](https://web.archive.org/web/100/https://www.abqjournal.com/obits/profiles/0722057profiles11-07-09.htm)[,](https://web.archive.org/web/100/https://www.abqjournal.com/obits/profiles/0722057profiles11-07-09.htm) while chasing a speeder, hears a continuous roaring sound and sees a brilliant blue “cone of flame” in the sky to the south-southwest. The bottom of the flame is out of sight behind a hill. Thinking there has been an explosion, he tries to pursue it, turning off to the right on a rough gravel road, but loses sight of it while trying to get the car up a steep hill. By the time he reaches the top, the sound stops and the flame is no longer visible. He then notices a metallic object in a ravine about 450 feet away. At first, he thinks it is an overturned car, but then he sees “two figures in what resembled white coveralls, pretty close to the object on the northwest side, as if inspecting it.” One seems to turn in a startled way as if he hears Zamora’s car approaching. The figures are small, and the object is oval-shaped and positioned so its long axis is horizontal. Zamora loses sight of object as he drives through a dip in the road. He radios headquarters that he is investigating a possible car accident. He stops a second time and gets out, hearing 2–3 loud thumping noises like a door shutting hard. He walks three steps to the front of the car to possibly 50 feet away from the object when he hears a very load roar increasing in volume and sees a smokeless blue-orange flame coming from beneath. He notes a red insignia or lettering on the side of the object. Zamora thinks it is going to explode and runs away, putting the car between him and the object and dropping to the ground. He feels some slight heat from the flame. The roaring noise stops, and Zamora looks up to see the UFO flying away to the southwest at a level height, just clearing an 8-foot dynamite shack. He runs back to the patrol car and radios headquarters, just as the object climbs slowly and goes past Box Canyon or Six Mile Canyon Mountain \(about 6 miles away\). The entire incident takes place in less than 2 minutes. Police Sgt. M. S. Chavez arrives, and they find burning brush \(including a badly damaged creosote bush\) where the UFO has been, as well as four asymmetrically placed, trapezoidal imprints 12–16 inches long, 6–8 inches wide, and 4–6 inches deep. An FBI agent, [D. Arthur Byrnes Jr.](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/92491365/david-arthur-byrnes)[,](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/92491365/david-arthur-byrnes) who has heard about it on the police radio, speaks with Zamora in the evening. He notifies army intelligence at White Sands Missile Range, who sends Capt. Richard T. Holder. Military police arrive and collect samples, working by flashlight. The next morning, Holder gets a call from a colonel at the war room of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, asking for a report. T/Sgt. David Moody from ATIC and Maj. William Conner from Kirtland AFB check the area for radioactivity on April 26. [Hynek](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J.%5FAllen%5FHynek) arrives on April 28 and interviews Zamora and Chavez. [Richard H. Hall](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard%5FH.%5FHall) and [Ray Stanford](https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/magazine/tireless-tracker-rewrote-the-book-on-dinosaurs-in-maryland/2012/04/17/gIQARzRcTT%5Fstory.html) arrive for NICAP and obtain some metal traces on a rock in the landing area; they take the sample to NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, where metallurgist [Henry E. Frankel](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/135666225/henry-eric-frankel) agrees to analyze the material. His tentative analysis suggests a zinc-iron alloy, perhaps from a zinc pail. In 1966, Blue Book chief Maj. [Hector Quintanilla](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hector%5FQuintanilla) writes in a classified article in Studies in Intelligence that “This is the best-documented case on record, and still we have been unable, in spite of a thorough investigation, to find the vehicle or other stimulus that scared Zamora to the point of panic.” Some investigators think the case might involve a test of a Lunar Surveyor module from White Sands.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Lonnie Zamora incident](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lonnie%5FZamora%5Fincident)”; NICAP, “[Lonnie Zamora / Socorro Landing Case](http://www.nicap.org/640424socorro%5Fdir.htm)”; [Sparks](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf), p. 297; “[UAO Landing in New Mexico,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201964%2005%2000%20-%20May.pdf)” APRO Bulletin, May 1964, pp. 1, 3–10; “[Physical Evidence: Landing Reports,](http://cufos.org/UFOI%5Fand%5FSelected%5FDocuments/UFOI/023%20JUL-AUG%201964.pdf)” UFO Investigator 2, no. 11 \(July/Aug. 1964\): 4–5; Coral Lorenzen, “UFO Lands in New Mexico,” Fate 17, no. 8 \(August 1964\): 27–38; Hector Quintanilla Jr., “[The](https://catalog.archives.gov/id/7282832) [Investigation of UFOs,](https://catalog.archives.gov/id/7282832)” Studies in Intelligence 10, no. 4 \(February 1966\): 95–110; Clark III 1083–1093; J. Allen Hynek, The UFO Experience, Ballantine ed., 1974, [pp. 165–166](https://archive.org/details/ufoexperience00jall/page/164/mode/2up); Hynek UFO Report, [pp. 223–229](https://archive.org/details/hynekuforeport00alle/page/222/mode/2up); Good Above, [pp. 343–345](https://archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/342/mode/2up)[,](https://archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/342/mode/2up) [371–373](https://archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/370/mode/2up); Story, [pp. 341–344](https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofuf0000unse/page/340/mode/2up); Lorenzen, Encounters with UFO Occupants, Berkley Medallion, 1976, pp. 8–11; Ray Stanford, Socorro ‘Saucer’ in a Pentagon Pantry, Blueapple, 1976; “The Socorro, New Mexico, Landing: Additional Witnesses?” IUR 3, no. 9 \(September 1978\): 15; ClearIntent, [pp. 139–141](https://archive.org/details/clearintentgover00fawc/page/138/mode/2up); Kenneth Eugene Firestone and Ronald L. Firestone, “[Socorro, New Mexico: Revisited,](http://cufos.org/1965%5F04%5F24%5FSocorro/1964%5F04%5F24%5FUS%5FNM%5FSocorro%5FFirestone%5FZamora%5FPaper.pdf)” Ground Saucer Watch, 1981; Kim Hansen, “UFO Casebook,” UFOs 1947–1987, Fortean Tomes, 1987, pp. 62–66; Don Berliner, with Marie Galbreath and Antonio Huneeus, UFO Briefing Document: The Best Available Evidence, Dell, 2000, [pp. 78–80](https://archive.org/details/ufobriefingdocum0000berl/page/78/mode/2up); David E. Thomas, “[A Different Angle on the Socorro UFO of 1964,](http://www.nmsr.org/socorro.htm)” New Mexicans for Science and Reason, 2001; Paul Harden, “[The 1964 Socorro UFO Incident,](http://socorro-history.org/HISTORY/PH%5FHistory/200808%5Fsocorro%5Fufo.pdf)” El Defensor Chieftain, August 2, 2008; Kevin D. Randle, “[Socorro UFO Landing Analysis,](http://kevinrandle.blogspot.com/2009/11/socorro-ufo-landing-analysis.html)” A Different Perspective, November 22, 2009; Kevin D. Randle, “[The Socorro](http://kevinrandle.blogspot.com/2016/10/the-socorro-symbol-resolved.html) [Symbol: Resolved?](http://kevinrandle.blogspot.com/2016/10/the-socorro-symbol-resolved.html)” A Different Perspective, October 15, 2016; Kevin D. Randle, “[No Socorro Solution by Chief](http://kevinrandle.blogspot.com/2017/11/no-socorro-solution-by-chief-of-project.html) [of Project Blue Book,](http://kevinrandle.blogspot.com/2017/11/no-socorro-solution-by-chief-of-project.html)” A Different Perspective, November 7, 2017; Kevin D. Randle, “[Zamora vs. People,](http://kevinrandle.blogspot.com/2017/11/zamora-vs-people.html)” A Different Perspective, November 9, 2017; Kevin D. Randle, Encounter in the Desert: The Case for Alien Contact at Socorro, New Page, 2017; Justice Fodor, “[Ray Stanford and His NASA-Goddard UFO-Metal Cover-Up](https://alienexpanse.com/index.php?threads/ray-stanford-and-his-nasa-goddard-ufo-metal-cover-up-claim-1964.3284/) [Claim,](https://alienexpanse.com/index.php?threads/ray-stanford-and-his-nasa-goddard-ufo-metal-cover-up-claim-1964.3284/)” Alien Expanse, February 14, 2019; Center for UFO Studies, \[[correspondence](http://cufos.org/1965%5F04%5F24%5FSocorro/1964%5F04%5F24%5FUS%5FNM%5FSocorro%5FCUFOS%5FHynek-Powers-Klass%5FCorresp.pdf)\]; Center for UFO Studies, \[case files: [Files 1 and 4R](http://cufos.org/1965%5F04%5F24%5FSocorro/1964%5F04%5F24%5FUS%5FNM%5FSocorro%5FCUFOS%5FZamora%5FFiles1%264R.pdf)[,](http://cufos.org/1965%5F04%5F24%5FSocorro/1964%5F04%5F24%5FUS%5FNM%5FSocorro%5FCUFOS%5FZamora%5FFiles1%264R.pdf) Files 2, [Files 3](http://cufos.org/1965%5F04%5F24%5FSocorro/1964%5F04%5F24%5FUS%5FNM%5FSocorro%5FNICAP%5FZamora%5FFiles3.pdf)[,](http://cufos.org/1965%5F04%5F24%5FSocorro/1964%5F04%5F24%5FUS%5FNM%5FSocorro%5FNICAP%5FZamora%5FFiles3.pdf) [MiscR](http://cufos.org/1965%5F04%5F24%5FSocorro/1964%5F04%5F24%5FUS%5FNM%5FSocorro%5FCUFOS%5FMiscR.pdf)[,](http://cufos.org/1965%5F04%5F24%5FSocorro/1964%5F04%5F24%5FUS%5FNM%5FSocorro%5FCUFOS%5FMiscR.pdf) [Zamora](http://cufos.org/1965%5F04%5F24%5FSocorro/1964%5F04%5F24%5FUS%5FNM%5FSocorro%5FCUFOS%5FZamora.pdf)\]; Center for UFO Studies, \[[Clippings1](http://cufos.org/1965%5F04%5F24%5FSocorro/1964%5F04%5F24%5FUS%5FNM%5FSocorro%5FCUFOS%5FZamora%5FNClipsR.pdf)[,](http://cufos.org/1965%5F04%5F24%5FSocorro/1964%5F04%5F24%5FUS%5FNM%5FSocorro%5FCUFOS%5FZamora%5FNClipsR.pdf) [Clippings2](http://cufos.org/1965%5F04%5F24%5FSocorro/1964%5F04%5F24%5FUS%5FNM%5FSocorro%5FNICAP%5FNClipsR.pdf)\]
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3768
### Event 24064 (F92EDFB4)
**Date:** 4/24/1964
**Description:** Dairy farmer Gary T. Wilcox saw a shiny, egg-shaped object, about eight meters long and six meters wide, in his pasture in Tioga City, New York at around ten o'clock in the morning. He spoke in English to two short male occupants, 1.2 meters tall, wearing seamless clothing and hoods, and carrying trays.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, p. 195
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2274
### Event 24065 (D57BAF9E)
**Date:** 4/24/1964
**Description:** Police officer Lonnie Zamora was parked watching for speeders on the main highway south of Socorro, New Mexico at 5:45 in the afternoon when he saw an whitish metallic ovoid object land in the desert behind a rise. He drove his police cruiser over the rise and saw an ovoid object with four legs resting in a gully. Two four-foot tall beings in white spacesuits stood next to the landed UFO. They turned in his direction and then went inside the UFO. A loud roar was heard during a vertical takeoff as the object emitted a flame from the bottom. The foliage in the area was scorched black, and there were four holes in the ground surrounding the burned area. The case was personally investigated by Dr. J. Allen Hynek for Project Blue Book. Everyone, except UFO debunker Phillip Klass who visited Socorro four years later, regards the testimony of Mr. Zamora as highly credible. A married couple saw the object north of the city at 5:30 p.m. before it landed, and seven other witnesses saw it flying south of Socorro shortly before 6:00 p.m.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Project Blue Book, case 8766; Thomas M. Olsen, Reference for Outstanding UFO Sighting Reports, pp. 92-97; Ray Stanford, Socorro Saucer in a Pentagon Pantry, Austin, Texas: Blueapple Books, 1976
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2275
### Event 24066 (84583918)
**Date:** 4/25/1964
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) An Intelligence Officer from the [USAF](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/USAF.html) meets two extraterrestrials at an agreed upon rendezvous point in the desert of [New Mexico](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/NouveauMexique.html). The contact lasts approximately 3 hours, during which the [USAF](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/USAF.html) officer is able to exchange basic information with the two extraterrestrials. (April 25)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1964.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2044
### Event 24067 (F027DAB9)
**Date:** 4/25/1964
**Locations:** US Hwy 70; Mescalero; Tularosa, New Mexico; Round Mountain
**Description:** Morning. J. D. Hatch is driving on US Hwy 70 between Mescalero and Tularosa, New Mexico, when a bright oval object descends and seemingly lands on the other side of Round Mountain east of Tularosa.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clark III 1092
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3769
### Event 24068 (C40C3047)
**Date:** 4/25/1964
**Locations:** US Hwy 84; Abiquiu; Espanola, New Mexico
**Description:** Evening. Two motorists driving on US Hwy 84 between Abiquiu and Espanola, New Mexico, see a strange object that is definitely not an airplane fly straight toward their car before shooting away. All they can see is a blue-flamed exhaust.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clark III 1092
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3770
### Event 24069 (5061F516)
**Date:** 4/25/1964?
**Locations:** Golden, New Mexico; 9 miles away from Golden, New Mexico
**Description:** Night. Two Spanish-speaking people 9 miles away from Golden, New Mexico, watch a light come down from the sky and leave three “smelted” circles some 2 feet in diameter and separated from each other by 20 feet. They mention this story to James Scartacinni, 15, and his grandfather visit the site the next day and find the circles, which they estimate must have been subjected to a temperature of 2,300° F. They return to town and call the state police, who notify the military. Almost immediately, men in uniform cordon off the area, dig up the burned areas to a depth of one foot, and carry the material away.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “Hunting Old and New UFOs in New Mexico,” IUR 7, no. 2 \(March 1982\):12
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3771
### Event 24070 (E8A8ECD1)
**Date:** 4/26/1964
**Location:** USA, Holloman (N.M.)
**Description:** (Translated from French) Three occupants of small size but of almost human appearance, were reportedly taken inside the base and received in a specially arranged hangar, building 930. In 1973, Robert Emmeneger and Allan Sandler were said to have received an invitation from the director of the AF OSI (Air Force Office of Special Investigations) to study the possibility of making a documentary about this first contact. It seems that at that time President Nixon, or at least his administration, had seriously considered revealing part of the truth to the public. (April 26, 1964)
**Reference:** Jean-Gabriel GRESLE: OVNI, a pilot speaks, ed. Guy Trédaniel, 1993, p 135, 136
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2279
### Event 24071 (8C56A864)
**Date:** 4/26/1964
**Time:** 00:30
**Location:** NORTH / LA MADERA, NM
**Description:** Silent 8M vertical ovoid / ground. Blue flames. Traces. / r111p222+/ MJ#252.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 775)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6933
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "2110", **HatchDesc:** "N/LA MADERA,NM:SLNT 8M VERTCL.OVOID/GND:BLU FLAMES:TRACES:/r111p222+/MJ#252", **LatLong:** "36.383335 -106.044450", **LatLongDMS:** "36:23:00 N 106:02:40 W", **Locale:** "Desert", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/36.383335,-106.044450)", **State/Prov:** "New Mexico", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 24072 (B5392824)
**Date:** 4/26/1964
**Location:** Las Vegas, NV
**Description:** (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2698
### Event 24073 (ACD926A4)
**Date:** 4/26/1964
**Time:** 1230
**Location:** La Madera, New Mexico
**Description:** Orlando Gallegos observed a bright, metallic, egg-shaped object about 70 m away, on the ground, north of La Madera. Blue flames appeared to circle the base of the machine, which was silent and about the length of a Phone pole. Scorch marks and four imprints were found, according to Police Capt. Martin Vigil.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Personal ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_598
### Event 24074 (820503E3)
**Date:** 4/26/1964
**Locations:** La Madera, New Mexico; Rio Vallecitos creek bed
**Description:** Around 1:00 a.m. [Orlando Gallegos](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/95559650/orlando-gallegos) steps outside his father’s ranch at La Madera, New Mexico, to chase away some horses in the yard. He sees a peculiar structure in the Rio Vallecitos creek bed some 900 feet away. It looks like a butane tank “as long as a telephone pole” about 14 feet in diameter, metallic, and shooting blue flames out of holes in the sides. As he watches over the next minute, the flames subside. It is still there when he goes inside, where no one else believes him. It is gone the next morning, but state police \(including Capt. [Martin](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/1280575/martin-e-vigil) [E. Vigil](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/1280575/martin-e-vigil)[,](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/1280575/martin-e-vigil) [David Kingsbury](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/106677018/david-clare-kingsbury)[,](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/106677018/david-clare-kingsbury) and Albert Vega\) investigate and find the ground still smoldering and scorched with four depressions, one of them 8 by 12 inches in size. The charred area is in the shape of two overlapping circles and about 20 feet across. [Hynek](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J.%5FAllen%5FHynek) is refused authorization to go visit the site.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Mystery Object Report Is Told,](https://www.newspapers.com/clip/95207810/)” Albuquerque Tribune, August 27, 1966, p. 1; Lorenzen, FSHoax, [pp. 222–223](https://archive.org/details/1966CoralLorenzenFlyingSaucersTheStartlingEvidenceOfTheInvasionFromOuterSpacenotOCR/page/n227/mode/2up); Donald E. Keyhoe and Gordon I. R. Lore Jr., [Strange Effects from UFOs](http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Books/Other/Lore%2C%20Gordon%20-%20Strange%20Effects%20from%20UFOs.pdf)[,](http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Books/Other/Lore%2C%20Gordon%20-%20Strange%20Effects%20from%20UFOs.pdf) NICAP, 1969, pp. 54–55; “Hunting Old and New UFOs in New Mexico,” IUR 7, no. 2 \(March 1982\):12–13; Clark III 1092; [Sparks](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf)[,](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf) p. 298
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3772
### Event 24075 (E57D699C)
**Date:** 4/26/1964
**Description:** An interesting photograph was taken this day in Burgh le Marsh, Cumbria, England. A Mr. Templeton took a photograph of a little girl holding a nosegay of flowers in the early afternoon. Not seen at the time was what appears to be the image of a man standing behind her, dressed in a white spacesuit.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Flying Saucer Review, November-December 1964, p. 11; Gordon Creighton, FSR, September-October 1970, p. 29
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2334
### Event 24076 (F39506A3)
**Date:** 4/26/1964
**Description:** At 12:30 p.m. Orlando Gallegos observed a bright, metallic, egg-shaped object about 70 meters away, on the ground, north of La Madera, New Mexico. Blue flames appeared to circle the base of the machine, which was silent and about the length of a telephone pole. Scorch marks and four imprints were found, according to Police Capt. Martin Vigil. Also on the same day, a thirty-foot wide silver, inverted bathtup-shaped UFO was sighted near Truth of Consequences, New Mexico by a Mr. Mitropolis. It was seen a quarter of a mile to the east, flew up over a mountain, then down out of sight near the Caballo Reservoir.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** (1) Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 598; NICAP UFO Investigator, August 1964, p. 5; (2) Flying Saucers, June 1965, p. 10
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2335
### Event 24077 (8AD93261)
**Date:** 4/27/1964
**Description:** A 12-year-old boy and seven friends saw a UFO hovering above their school grounds in El Paso, Texas on this afternoon. "It seemed to be floating in the air, and was covered with something like a sheet. It was 6 foot 5 inches tall and sort of egg-shaped."
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Ray Palmer, Flying Saucers, June 1965, p. 10, citing the El Paso Herald-Post, April 28, 1964
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2368
### Event 24078 (3DBE7F62)
**Date:** 4/28/1964
**Time:** 08:00?
**Location:** ANTHONY, NM
**Description:** Cops and many. Red glowing-sphere/orb/globe hovers low. Going quickly west. Car malfunctions due to EME (electro-magnetic effects) / Albuquerque. / MJ#25+/ r8#599.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 35)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6934
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "1159", **HatchDesc:** "ANTHONY,NM:COPS+MANY:RED GLO-ORB HVRS LO:>>W::CAR EMES/ALBUQQ:/MJ#25+/r8#599", **LatLong:** "32.033335 -106.605561", **LatLongDMS:** "32:02:00 N 106:36:20 W", **Locale:** "Desert", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/32.033335,-106.605561)", **State/Prov:** "New Mexico", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 24079 (A06FF30F)
**Date:** 4/28/1964
**Location:** Minot AFB, ND
**Description:** (McDonald list) Radar Tracks Object "Orbiting" 5-Mile Circle (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** NICAP: [640428](http://www.nicap.org/640428minotAFBdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2700
### Event 24080 (6E439D02)
**Date:** 4/28/1964
**Time:** morning
**Location:** Anthony, New Mexico
**Description:** Numerous witnesses, among them policeman Paul Arteche, saw a reddish, round object hover at low level, then take off very rapidly toward the west.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** NICAP Jul., 64 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_599
### Event 24081 (34ADD8BE)
**Date:** 4/28/1964
**Locations:** Anthony, New Mexico; El Paso, Texas; Port of Entry
**Description:** Early evening. A round, whitish object hovers then darts away over Anthony, New Mexico. State policeman [Raúl Arteche](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/94205043/raul-arteche) sees it moving west over the Port of Entry near El Paso, Texas. He says it looks like the object [Lonnie Zamora](https://web.archive.org/web/100/https://www.abqjournal.com/obits/profiles/0722057profiles11-07-09.htm) saw.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Other Recent Sightings,](http://cufos.org/UFOI%5Fand%5FSelected%5FDocuments/UFOI/023%20JUL-AUG%201964.pdf)” UFO Investigator 2, no. 11 \(July/Aug. 1964\): 7
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3773
### Event 24082 (46847687)
**Date:** 4/28/1964
**Location:** Edgewood, New Mexico
**Description:** Early morning. Don Adams is driving in Edgewood, New Mexico, when his car stalls. He sees a glowing, greenish object 100 feet overhead and fires six rounds from a .32 pistol at it with no effect. He can hear the bullets bouncing off. It silently moves away to the north.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Other Recent Sightings,](http://cufos.org/UFOI%5Fand%5FSelected%5FDocuments/UFOI/023%20JUL-AUG%201964.pdf)” UFO Investigator 2, no. 11 \(July/Aug. 1964\): 7; “[Green Object at Edgewood,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201964%2009%2000%20-%20September.pdf)” APRO Bulletin, September 1964, p. 3
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3774
### Event 24083 (82F342AE)
**Date:** 4/28/1964
**Description:** Sometime after midnight Mr. Adams was driving on highway 66 near Moriarty, New Mexico when a 25-30 foot wide UFO, luminous light green in color, came down and hovered 100 feet above his pickup truck. The truck stalled when it passed underneath the UFO. Mr. D. Adams then fired a .22 calibre pistol at it and heard a metallic ping as if the bullet bounced off the object. As the UFO moved away he fired six more shots with apparently no effect. His dogs barked incessantly during the close encounter.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Los Angeles Herald Examiner, April 28, 1964; Flying Saucers, June 1965, p. 10
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2391
### Event 24084 (CFE7DDEB)
**Date:** 4/28/1964
**Description:** That night on Interstate highway 10 south of Las Cruces, New Mexico a luminous UFO flew over a car being driven by Mr. P. Arteche. It flew with a jerky motion and frequently changed direction. A private pilot made a report of a similar object at the same time.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Flying Saucers, June 1965, p. 12
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2392
### Event 24085 (66BC7720)
**Date:** 4/29/1964
**Time:** 21:30
**Location:** CANYON FERRY, MT
**Description:** Several observer(s). Glowing ovoid lands. Traces / dirt. / r111p223+/ APRO 7'64.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 35)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6935
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "1180", **HatchDesc:** "CANYON FERRY,MT:SVRL OBS:GLOWING OVOID LANDS:TRACES/DIRT:/r111p223+/APRO 7'64", **LatLong:** "46.666669 -111.733339", **LatLongDMS:** "46:40:00 N 111:44:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.666669,-111.733339)", **State/Prov:** "Montana", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 24086 (F9A0B7B8)
**Date:** 4/29/1964
**Time:** 20:47:00.1
**Location:** 37.0396 -116.0266
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Pipefish” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_363
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0396 -116.0266", **LatLongDMS:** "37:02:23 N 116:01:36 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0396,-116.0266)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.26", **NukeMb:** "4.10", **NukeName:** "Pipefish", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 24087 (717A6E84)
**Date:** 4/29/1964
**Description:** Several adults saw an elongated glowing object fly over Canyon Ferry, Montana, and two children saw a lighted craft land and take off. Four rectangular indentations were found at the landing site.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP UFO Investigator, August 1964, p. 5; George D. Fawcett, Flying Saucers, October 1966, p. 30
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2409
### Event 24088 (9997EEC2)
**Date:** 4/30/1964
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In San Antonio, a B-57 encounters an egg-shaped UFO. (April 30)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1964.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2045
### Event 24089 (0CEBF963)
**Date:** 4/30/1964
**Location:** Holloman AFB, NM
**Description:** Possible landing of UFO at the base, unconfirmed.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [_UFOs and the National Security State: Chronology of a Cover-up, 1941–1973_, by Richard Dolan](https://archive.org/details/ufosnationalsecu00dola/mode/2up)
**Source:** Dolan, **ID:** Dolan_249
### Event 24090 (D7EED08A)
**Date:** 4/30/1964
**Description:** B57 radios white ovoid landed. Photo reconnaissance called. / r214p117.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 775)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6936
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **NUC:** Nuclear facility related, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **MIL:** Military investigation, **GSA:** Covert Security Agency, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies, **COV:** Indication of coverup
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "1200", **HatchDesc:** "STALLION TEST SITE,NM:B57 RADIOS WHT OVOID LANDED:PHOTO RECON CALLED:/r214p117", **LatLong:** "33.816668 -106.644450", **LatLongDMS:** "33:49:00 N 106:38:40 W", **Locale:** "Desert", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/33.816668,-106.644450)", **State/Prov:** "New Mexico", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 24091 (E093C035)
**Date:** 4/30/1964
**Location:** US91 17KM SOUTHWEST / BAKER, CA
**Description:** 3 observer(s). Brown colored saucer hovers and lands. Large dent / sand. / FSR'64#5+/ r8#600.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: UFO'S IN SPACE - Anatomy of a Phenomenon; Henry Regnery 1966 & Ballentine PB 1974 294pp. (Index 104)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6937
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "270", **HatchDesc:** "US91 17km SW/BAKER,CA:3 OBS:BRN SCR HVRS+LANDS:LRG DENT/SAND:/FSR'64#5+/r8#600", **LatLong:** "35.283335 -116.216672", **LatLongDMS:** "35:17:00 N 116:13:00 W", **Locale:** "Desert", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/35.283335,-116.216672)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 24092 (F1B3E8A4)
**Date:** 4/30/1964
**Time:** 10:20
**Location:** EL PASO, TX
**Description:** 3 observer(s). Dinner-plate saucer hovers / 10M. Wobbles. Going up. Spins away like a frisbee.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 35)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6938
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "1109", **HatchDesc:** "EL PASO,TX:3 OBS:DINNER-PLATE SCR HVRS/10M:WOBBLES:↑:SPINS AWAY like a frisbee", **LatLong:** "31.766668 -106.483338", **LatLongDMS:** "31:46:00 N 106:29:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/31.766668,-106.483338)", **RelAlt:** "10", **State/Prov:** "Texas", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 24093 (BAF08B18)
**Date:** 4/30/1964
**Location:** Canyon Ferry Reservoir, MT
**Description:** Egg-shaped object size of an automobile land about 150 \[125?\] ft away (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2701
### Event 24094 (E3ED3CD7)
**Date:** 4/30/1964
**Location:** Stallion Test Site, NM
**Description:** B-57 radios white object landed, phto recon (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, NC)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2702
### Event 24095 (D7136F28)
**Date:** 4/30/1964
**Location:** Baker, California
**Description:** Gloria Biggs, her husband, and her mother observed a brown, dome-shaped object on a hilltop about 17 km west of Baker on U.S. Highway 91. They lost sight of it a moment, could not see it again, and found only a depression in the ground.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** FSR 64, 5; Anatomy 75 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_600
### Event 24096 (E3C25B64)
**Date:** 4/30/1964
**Time:** 2230
**Location:** Canyon Ferry, Montana
**Description:** Several anonymous adults observed an elongated, glowing object. Two children saw a lighted craft land and take off, leaving four rectangular indentations.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** APRO Jul., 64 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_601
### Event 24097 (19CC9633)
**Date:** 4/30/1964
**Location:** Canyon Ferry, MT
**Description:** Glowing oval object landed, indentations and scorch marks found at site
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_11
### Event 24098 (431AF137)
**Date:** 4/30/1964
**Locations:** Holloman AFB, Alamogordo, New Mexico; Alamogordo
**Description:** A B-57 pilot at Holloman AFB, Alamogordo, New Mexico, radios to the control tower that he is watching an egg-shaped, white UFO with markings that match the Socorro object. He continues to watch it as it lands at the base. [Coral and Jim Lorenzen](http://robert-barrow.blogspot.com/2007/05/remembering-coral-lorenzen.html) insist they heard the story from a reliable source. In addition, a ham radio operator claims to have heard the exchange between the pilot and control tower. Holloman AFB denies the incident occurred. Shortly afterward, an airman walks into a clothing store in Alamogordo and spins an incredible story of a UFO parked in a hangar under heavy guard at Holloman. A couple days later, he returns to the store and denies everything.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Coral Lorenzen, “[UAO Landing at Air Force Base,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201964%2007%2000%20-%20July.pdf)” APRO Bulletin, July 1964, pp. 1, 3–4; Coral Lorenzen, “[UFO Lands at Air Force Base,](http://www.nicap.org/docs/640515whitesands%5Fdocs.pdf)” Fate 17, no. 10 \(October 1964\): 45–52; Clark III 332
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3775
### Event 24099 (8C363383)
**Date:** 4/30/1964
**Location:** Canyon Ferry, Montana
**Description:** 10:30 p.m. Several children living in Canyon Ferry, Montana, see a lighted, egg-shaped object the size of an automobile land about 150 feet away, then take off. The witnesses are Linda Davis, 11, and children of the Harold Rust family. It leaves four 8 x 10 inch rectangular indentations in the ground, 4–8 inches deep, about 13 feet apart, and a burned area.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Kids Called Hoaxers by U.S.A.F,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201964%2007%2000%20-%20July.pdf)” APRO Bulletin, July 1964, pp. 1, 5; Lorenzen, FSHoax, [pp. 223–224](https://archive.org/details/1966CoralLorenzenFlyingSaucersTheStartlingEvidenceOfTheInvasionFromOuterSpacenotOCR/page/n227/mode/2up); [Sparks](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf)[,](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf) p. 298
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3776
### Event 24100 (9228137D)
**Date:** 4/30/1964
**Description:** Gloria Biggs, her husband, and her mother observed a brown, dome-shaped object on a hilltop about 17 kilometers west of Baker, California on U. S. Highway 91. They lost sight of it for a moment, could not see it again, and found only a depression in the ground at the supposed landing site.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, Case 600
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2423
### Event 24101 (9AEBD4CD)
**Date:** 4/30/1964
**Description:** An Air Force RB-57 bomber flying over the Stallion Missile Test Site in New Mexico radioed that they saw a white ovoid object land. Photo reconnaisance was ordered.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Coral E. Lorenzen, Flying Saucers: The Startling Evidence of the Invasion from Outer Space, p. 224
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2424
### Event 24102 (A04CF2C6)
**Date:** 4/30/1964
**Description:** At 10:30 p.m. several adults saw an elongated glowing object in Canyon Ferry, Utah. Two children saw the lighted craft land, then take off. Four rectangular indentations were found at the landing site.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jim & Coral Lorenzen, UFOs over the Americas, p. 104
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2425
### Event 24103 (33298061)
**Date:** 4/30/1964
**Description:** An unnamed airman allegedly walks into a clothing store in Alamogordo, NM and states a UFO is in a hanger under guard at Holloman AFB. That same day, a B-57 pilot at Holloman AFB radios the control tower and states he sees an egg shaped UAP with an insignia on the side on the ground; a ham radio operator claims to have heard the exchange. Holloman denies the sighting. Two days later, the airman returns to the clothing store and denies his claims.
* [https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201964%2007%2000%20-%20July.pdf](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201964%2007%2000%20-%20July.pdf)
* [http://www.nicap.org/docs/640515whitesands_docs.pdf](http://www.nicap.org/docs/640515whitesands_docs.pdf)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_106
### Event 24104 (C27C6D54)
**Date:** 5/1964
**Location:** AUSTRALIA, Woomera
**Description:** (Translated from French) During the launch of a rocket, the countdown was stopped, as two "spacemen" appeared on the video surveillance monitors at one point of the rocket's trajectory. (1964, May (a Sunday))
**Reference:** BBC 2 broadcast of 11.4.1996, Jenny Randles.
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2281
### Event 24105 (ECF7AA16)
**Date:** 5/1964
**Location:** GREAT BRITAIN, Carlisle, Cumberland
**Description:** (Translated from French) Jim Templeton took a photograph of his daughter who had just put on a new dress. Strangely, he noticed that no birds were flying in the sky on this beautiful day and it was strangely quiet. When the photo of the child was developed, a "spaceman" appeared on the picture. Nobody had observed it visually. The air force asked for the negatives, because this "spaceman" was exactly the same as the two seen on the Woomera video cameras on the same day. (BBC 2 broadcast on 11.4.1995 hosted by Jenny Randles, FSR) IN REALITY: Photo published on 12 June in the "Cumberland News" and on 13 June 1964 by the "Daily Mirror" and the "Daily Express". The enlargement which covers the entire page 23 of the magazine "NOUS" clearly shows the separation lines of the collage at the horizon to the right of the child's head, as well as above the lock of hair. (1964, May (a Sunday))
**Reference:** A. SCHNEIDER-H. MALTHANER: "The Secret File of UFOs", ed. De Vecchi, 1978, pp. 271 to 273
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2282
### Event 24106 (1CFC08B6)
**Date:** 5/1964
**Location:** ARGENTINA, Colonie Castelli (El Chaco)
**Description:** (Translated from French) Alberto Kalbermatter was driving home with a truckload of tree trunks, through a forested area, when the road was suddenly blocked by a huge human-like figure about 3 meters tall with abundant black hair. He almost ran over the creature which emitted a very powerful guttural cry. Terrified, Kalbermatter pressed the accelerator and fled. (...) A few nights before he had seen a large luminous object that seemed to be stuck in the branches of the trees. (May 1964)
**Reference:** Charles BOWEN: "In Search of Humanoids" - J'ai Lu 1974, p. 131
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2283
### Event 24107 (A63B49A5)
**Date:** 5/1964
**Locations:** Capitol Hill; Mass.
**Description:** NICAP publishes its special 184-page report, The UFO Evidence, but due to a printing delay, copies are not actually available until late June. Copies are sent to the media and to every member of Congress on July 1. Edited by [Richard H. Hall](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard%5FH.%5FHall)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard%5FH.%5FHall) it consists of a summary of hundreds of unexplained reports studied by NICAP investigators through 1963. Sightings are systematically broken down by witness category and special types of evidence. Individual chapters are devoted to sightings by military personnel, pilots and aviation experts, and scientists and engineers. Another chapter is devoted to evidence of intelligent control and another to physical evidence or interactions, such as electromagnetic effects, radar tracking, photographs, sound, physiological effects. Another section examines observed patterns, such as descriptions of shape, color, maneuvers, flight behavior, and concentrations of sightings. House Majority Leader [John W. McCormack](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John%5FW.%5FMcCormack) \(D-Mass.\) requests two copies, one for his Capitol Hill office and another for his state home office.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Richard H. Hall, ed., [The UFO Evidence](https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=mdp.39015006091691&view=1up&seq=5&skin=2021), NICAP, 1964; Wikipedia, “[National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National%5FInvestigations%5FCommittee%5FOn%5FAerial%5FPhenomena\#1960s)”; Richard Hall, “NICAP and Lessons from the Past,” IUR 17, no. 3 \(May/June 1992\): 17, 24
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3777
### Event 24108 (288FBC8F)
**Date:** 5/2/1964
**Time:** ~14:00
**Description:** 2 fast cylinders with fins / 60M altitude. Cylinders tumble near Farmington, NM.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 785)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6939
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "60", **Elev:** "2143", **HatchDesc:** "MANCOS+SUMMIT RIDGE,CO:2 FAST CYLs W/FINS/60M alt:CYLS TUMBLE nr FARMINGTON,NM", **LatLong:** "37.344446 -108.283338", **LatLongDMS:** "37:20:40 N 108:17:00 W", **Locale:** "Desert", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.344446,-108.283338)", **State/Prov:** "Colorado", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 24109 (E8114F50)
**Date:** 5/3/1964
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Near Canberra \(Australia\), various people on the ground see a large, bright white object flying northeast in the dark sky. The object appears to waver as if losing power or partially losing control. Distant observers then see a smaller object, visible with a faint red light, hovering nearby. The large white object moves towards the small one and appears to collide with it. Then the large object turns, stops wavering, and moves out of sight. According to the report of the astonished observers, the incident could be either an attack of the large object on the small one or a refueling or recharging operation. The observers' report will be examined by Dr. Paul Siple, scientific attaché of the US Embassy in Canberra, and two engineers from [NASA](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/NASA.html). They will conclude, first of all, that the observers indeed saw what they described. They will also conclude that the mysterious objects were not known or made on Earth devices. The embassy transmitted all this to Washington, D.C., in Airgram A-894, a copy of which is archived by NICAP. (May 3rd, just before sunrise)
**Reference:** Keyhoe 1967
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1964.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2046
### Event 24110 (5CEC7CC8)
**Date:** 5/3/1964
**Time:** 05:50
**Location:** NEAR CANBERRA, AUS
**Description:** 3 campers. 2 night lights collide and bounce. 1 going quickly NNE. 1 hovers. Report(s) to CIA and NSA.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 783)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6940
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **GSA:** Covert Security Agency, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "nr CANBERRA,AUS:3 CAMPERS:2 NLTS COLLIDE+BOUNCE:1 >>NNE:1 HVRS:Rpts to CIA+NSA", **LatLong:** "-35.333335 149.166674", **LatLongDMS:** "35:20:00 S 149:10:00 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-35.333335,149.166674)", **State/Prov:** "Australian Capital Territory", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 24111 (079CF12E)
**Date:** 5/5/1964
**Time:** 08:30
**Location:** COMSTOCK, MN
**Description:** Farmer. Ovoid rises / field and going up [to] into cloud. Cavity and imprints / ground. / r8#602.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 35)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6941
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "281", **HatchDesc:** "COMSTOCK,MN:FARMER:OVOID RISES/FIELD+↑ INTO CLOUD:CAVITY+IMPRINTS/GND:/r8#602", **LatLong:** "46.661113 -96.750005", **LatLongDMS:** "46:39:40 N 96:45:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.661113,-96.750005)", **State/Prov:** "Minnesota", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 24112 (B901D004)
**Date:** 5/5/1964
**Location:** Comstock, MN
**Description:** Object landed in field, physical traces (UFOE Section VII). (NICAP: 06 - Trace Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2703
### Event 24113 (CA29F45D)
**Date:** 5/5/1964
**Time:** 0830
**Location:** Comstock, Minnesota
**Description:** A farmer, Alfred Ernst, saw an object rise from a field and fly rapidly into the cloud bank. It was described as oval, and it left a depression and imprints in the ground.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** FS Jun., 65 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_602
### Event 24114 (837AC7E1)
**Date:** 5/5/1964
**Location:** Comstock, MN
**Description:** Object landed in field, physical traces
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_12
### Event 24115 (0E4F2963)
**Date:** 5/5/1964
**Location:** Comstock, Minnesota
**Description:** 8:30 a.m. Alfred Ernst, a farmer near Comstock, Minnesota, sees a luminous UFO like a child’s top from about 1,500 feet away. It rises straight up and disappears into the overcast sky after a few seconds. Ernst and his brother find a crater-like depression, about 3 feet in diameter and 6 inches deep at the center, at the spot where the object was sitting. A series of smaller holes form an X around the larger depression. The earth seems burned on the perimeter of the hole and a whitish substance is found.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Physical Evidence: Landing Reports,](http://cufos.org/UFOI%5Fand%5FSelected%5FDocuments/UFOI/023%20JUL-AUG%201964.pdf)” UFO Investigator 2, no. 11 \(July/Aug. 1964\): 5; Donald E. Keyhoe and Gordon I. R. Lore Jr., [Strange Effects from UFOs](http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Books/Other/Lore%2C%20Gordon%20-%20Strange%20Effects%20from%20UFOs.pdf), NICAP, 1969, pp. 56–58
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3778
### Event 24116 (1B55699F)
**Date:** 5/5/1964
**Description:** At 8:30 in the morning a farmer, Alfred Ernst, saw an object rise from a field in Comstock, Minnesota and fly rapidly into a cloud bank. It was described as oval in shape, and it left a depression and four rectangular imprints in the ground.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 601
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2539
### Event 24117 (AFA5A519)
**Date:** 5/7/1964
**Location:** 37.0000 -116.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Driver” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_364
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0000 -116.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:00 N 116:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0000,-116.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Driver", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 24118 (4513B131)
**Date:** 5/8/1964
**Time:** 10:20
**Location:** EAST / TIJERAS, NM
**Description:** 1 observer. Silent plain silver ovoid spins over Manzano Mountains. Going quickly east and away.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 785)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6942
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "1925", **HatchDesc:** "E/TIJERAS,NM:1 OBS:SLNT PLAIN SLVR OVOID SPINS OVR MANZANO Mtns:>>E+AWAY", **LatLong:** "35.083335 -106.333338", **LatLongDMS:** "35:05:00 N 106:20:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/35.083335,-106.333338)", **State/Prov:** "New Mexico", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 24119 (4636C0FD)
**Date:** 5/8/1964
**Description:** On this night a 23-year-old truck driver named Kalbermatter, while driving in Colonia Castelli in Chaco province, Argentina saw a creature more than nine feet tall on road in front of his truck. before him. The creature had long black hair, and gave a powerful and terrifying cry. He nearly ran the creature down. A few days previous to this humanoid encounter a large luminous object had been spotted at the same spot.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Dr. P. M. H. Edwards, FSR, March 1970, p. 23; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case A0589, citing Beyond Condon: FSR Special Edition No. 2, p. 25
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2652
### Event 24120 (649AEC7B)
**Date:** 5/9/1964
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Observation in Asheville \(North Carolina\).
**Reference:** cas [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#8787 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1964.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2047
### Event 24121 (04684ABF)
**Date:** 5/9/1964
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Observation in Chicago \(Illinois\).
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#8788 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1964.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2048
### Event 24122 (1D871E62)
**Date:** 5/9/1964
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) [James Templeton](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/TempletonJames.html) inadvertently photographed a humanoid in a suit behind his daughter. He is questioned by 2 [men in black](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/MIB.html).
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1964.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2049
### Event 24123 (7AFF44B2)
**Date:** 5/9/1964
**Time:** 11:00
**Location:** MOGADORE, OH
**Description:** 3 kids. 3M silver domed saucer lands / field near reservoir. / R. Palmer.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA; H. Regnery, Chicago HC 1969 & Contemporary Books,Chicago 1993. 372pp. (Index 603)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6943
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "351", **HatchDesc:** "MOGADORE,OH:3 KIDS:3M SLVR DOMED SCR LANDS/FIELD nr RESERVOIR:/R.Palmer", **LatLong:** "41.055558 -81.377782", **LatLongDMS:** "41:03:20 N 81:22:40 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.055558,-81.377782)", **State/Prov:** "Ohio", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 24124 (0726034B)
**Date:** 5/9/1964
**Time:** 22:20
**Location:** CHICAGO, IL
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #8788. 1 observer. 3 green crescents / tight formation east going quickly west. Size and color oscillates.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BERLINER, DON: The BLUEBOOK UNKNOWNS; (FUFOR). (Index 32)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6944
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "180", **HatchDesc:** "CHICAGO,IL:BBK#8788:1 OBS:3 GRN CRESCENTS/TIGHT FORMATION E>>W:SIZE+CLR OSCs", **LatLong:** "41.866669 -87.683338", **LatLongDMS:** "41:52:00 N 87:41:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.866669,-87.683338)", **State/Prov:** "Illinois", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 24125 (A8CFF1BA)
**Date:** 5/9/1964
**Location:** Asheville, NC
**Description:** (NARA) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 8787)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2704
### Event 24126 (7E1FA223)
**Date:** 5/9/1964
**Location:** Chicago, IL
**Description:** 3 light green crescent-shaped objects (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 8788)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2705
### Event 24127 (93C08C63)
**Date:** 5/9/1964
**Time:** 1100
**Location:** Mogadore, Ohio
**Description:** Three children, John Owens, Cheryl Glunt, and Bernie Montello, saw a silvery, dome-shaped object arrive from the south and land in a field 150 m away. Estimated diameter: 3 m.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** FS Jun., 65 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_603
### Event 24128 (9FEC94BC)
**Date:** 5/9/1964
**Time:** 10:20 PM
**Location:** Chicago, Illinois
**Description:** Witness: J.R. Betz, U.S. District Court reporter. Three light green crescent-shaped objects, about half the apparent size of the Moon, flew very fast in tight formation from east to west, oscillating in size and color for 3 seconds.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_501
### Event 24129 (6659A6D6)
**Date:** 5/9/1964
**Description:** At eleven o'clock in the morning three children, John Owens, Cheryl Glunt, and Bernie Montello, saw a silvery dome-shaped object arrive from the south and land in a field next to a reservoir, 150 meters away in the farming town of Mogadore, Ohio. The object's estimated diameter was 3 meters.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case # 603; Ray Palmer, Flying Saucers, June 1965, p. 17
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2682
### Event 24130 (005BCCC9)
**Date:** 5/9/1964
**Description:** At 10:20 p.m. Mr. J. R. Betz, a U.S. District Court reporter, sighted three light green crescent-shaped objects, half the apparent size of the moon, as they flew quickly in tight formation over Chicago, Illiniois from east to west. They were oscillating in size and color. A Project Blue Book "unknown."
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Project Blue Book files counted in official statistics, case 8788; Don Berliner, Australasian UFOlogist, April 1999, p. 51; Jay Rath, The I-Files: True Reports of Unexplained Phenomena in Illinois, p. 89
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2683
### Event 24131 (A88DB9EE)
**Date:** 5/10/1964
**Time:** 21:30
**Location:** NEAR LA RIOJA, ARG
**Description:** 3 / van. Lights and engine electro-magnetic effect (EME). Saucer going up / trees. Slow. / r215p14+/ r41p396+/ r79.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 12)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6945
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TRC:** Physical traces, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "498", **HatchDesc:** "nr LA RIOJA,ARG:3/VAN:LITES+ENGINE EME:SCR ↑/TREES:SLOW:/r215p14+/r41p396+/r79", **LatLong:** "-29.666668 -66.833337", **LatLongDMS:** "29:40:00 S 66:50:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-29.666668,-66.833337)", **RelAlt:** "2", **State/Prov:** "LRJ", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 24132 (B2AFF8B9)
**Date:** 5/10/1964
**Location:** La Rioja, Arg
**Description:** Light beam, landed craft, humming noise, physical traces. (E,L) See Section VI. Van (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2706
### Event 24133 (F4A9A443)
**Date:** 5/10/1964
**Location:** La Rioja, Argentina
**Description:** Domed disc rose from woods, electromagnetic (E-M) effects on van, 10-meter (30-foot) burnt circle found next day
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_13
### Event 24134 (92CE395C)
**Date:** 5/13/1964
**Time:** 22:20
**Location:** RIO VISTA, CA
**Description:** 2 saucers glow. 1 lands / field. Also several report(s) / cigars. / r74p14+/ r8#604.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 35)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6946
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "60", **Elev:** "7", **HatchDesc:** "RIO VISTA,CA:2 SCRS GLOW:1 LANDS/FIELD:+SVRL Rpts/CGRS:/r74p14+/r8#604", **LatLong:** "38.155557 -121.688895", **LatLongDMS:** "38:09:20 N 121:41:20 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.155557,-121.688895)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 24135 (B3121A3B)
**Date:** 5/13/1964
**Location:** Rio Vista, California
**Description:** A woman saw two objects, one of which landed in a field. It was round and luminous.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** NICAP Jul., 64 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_604
### Event 24136 (C4211C5B)
**Date:** 5/13/1964
**Location:** Rio Vista, California
**Description:** 10:15 p.m. Mrs. [M. Walter McKarley](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/144151020/matthew-walter-mckarley) and her children see a large round object that appears in their headlights after they pull into a driveway at Rio Vista, California. It seems to be resting on the ground about a quarter of a mile away. Higher in the sky is a small star-like object \(probably Venus\). As they drive away, the large object seems to pace their car for a short time. It then moves swiftly to the left and disappears behind a water tank.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Physical Evidence: Landing Reports,](http://cufos.org/UFOI%5Fand%5FSelected%5FDocuments/UFOI/023%20JUL-AUG%201964.pdf)” UFO Investigator 2, no. 11 \(July/Aug. 1964\): 6
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3779
### Event 24137 (17121F28)
**Date:** 5/13/1964
**Description:** At 10:15 p.m. a woman in Rio Vista, Solano County, California saw two disc-shaped objects glowing in the sky. One of them landed in a field. It was round and luminous. Also, there were other reports of cigar-shaped objects in the area.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP UFO Investigator, July-August 1964, p. 6; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case # 604; Frank Edwards, Flying Saucers--Serious Business, p. 32
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2805
### Event 24138 (FF836A8C)
**Date:** 5/14/1964
**Location:** TURKEY, near Koyulhisar
**Description:** (Translated from French) Mr. and Mrs. Ahmed Bey were driving along a secluded stretch of road. Suddenly Mrs. Bey pointed out to her husband through the windshield, a disk that had just appeared in the sky, spinning. The two spouses were surprised by the size of the object (...) as big as a house. (...) It hovered over the road in front of the car, hesitating and jerking. They suddenly saw it descend and it hit the ground in a burst of flames. At the moment the object fell, a huge hairy creature emerged from it and bounced on the ground a little further away. It got up staggering and leapt onto the road. Then, with fantastic strides, it headed towards the Bey's car, who, horrified, desperately tried to hide under the dashboard. Mr. Bey stopped his vehicle. Taking a knife out of his pocket, he opened the door and stood in front of the monstrous saucer. The giant was soon upon him. Mr. Bey struck him, but it had no effect. Then the creature grabbed the man, clawed him, lifted him off the ground and let him fall, and finally trampled him. Mrs. Bey, in the utmost horror, managed to escape and ran like a madwoman. For some unknown reason, the being did not follow her. Exhausted, she reached the police. (...) They found the battered body of Mr. Ahmed Bey lying across the railway track. He had been beaten to death (...)
**Reference:** Jean FERGUSON: "Les Humanoïdes..." - ed. Leméac, Ottawa 1977, p.171, 172
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2280
### Event 24139 (1C2B29BD)
**Date:** 5/14/1964
**Location:** NEAR SALTA, ARG
**Description:** 4 / car. 10M plate-saucer hovers / 8M over roadside. Quickly going up [to] on approach. Gone / seconds.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 15)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6947
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "1185", **HatchDesc:** "nr SALTA,ARG:4/CAR:10M PLATE-SCR HVRS/8M ovr ROADSIDE:↑↑ on APPROACH:GONE/SECs", **LatLong:** "-24.783335 -65.433336", **LatLongDMS:** "24:47:00 S 65:26:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-24.783335,-65.433336)", **RelAlt:** "8", **State/Prov:** "SLT", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 24140 (2B4019C3)
**Date:** 5/14/1964
**Time:** 14:40:00.2
**Location:** 37.1173 -116.0389
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Backswing” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_365
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1173 -116.0389", **LatLongDMS:** "37:07:02 N 116:02:20 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1173,-116.0389)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.16", **NukeName:** "Backswing", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 24141 (D484A585)
**Date:** 5/15/1964
**Time:** 11:30
**Description:** 2 saucers RADAR / visible. Perfect flight maneuvers. Send proper IFF signals.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LORENZEN, Coral: FLYING SAUCERS, the Starting Evidence; Signet Books, NY 1962 & 1966. 278pp. Originally "The Great F. S. Hoax". (Index 226)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6948
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **NUC:** Nuclear facility related, **RDR:** Radar traces/blips, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **MIL:** Military investigation, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "25", **Elev:** "1280", **HatchDesc:** "N/STALLION SITE,NM:2 SCRS RDR/VISL:PERFECT FLITE MNVRS:SEND PROPER IFF SIGNALS", **LatLong:** "33.916668 -106.650005", **LatLongDMS:** "33:55:00 N 106:39:00 W", **Locale:** "Desert", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/33.916668,-106.650005)", **State/Prov:** "New Mexico", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 24142 (17DF2521)
**Date:** 5/15/1964
**Time:** 22:30
**Location:** LEWISTOWN, MT
**Description:** Teacher and 4. Saucer bobs going up and down [to] over roadway ahead / 4 min. Then going quickly west. / r3p45.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 35)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6949
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "4", **Elev:** "1208", **HatchDesc:** "LEWISTOWN,MT:TEACHER+4:SCR BOBS ↑+↓ OVR ROADWAY AHEAD/4 min.:THEN >>W:/r3p45", **LatLong:** "47.061113 -109.427783", **LatLongDMS:** "47:03:40 N 109:25:40 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.061113,-109.427783)", **State/Prov:** "Montana", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 24143 (DC96DA57)
**Date:** 5/15/1964
**Location:** White Sands, NM
**Description:** Two scrambles, radar/vis, UFOs sent proper IFF (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 3, NC)
**Reference:** NICAP: [640515](http://www.nicap.org/640515whitesands%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2707
### Event 24144 (25A57427)
**Date:** 5/15/1964
**Time:** 16:15:00.1
**Location:** 37.0417 -116.0122
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Minnow” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_366
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0417 -116.0122", **LatLongDMS:** "37:02:30 N 116:00:44 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0417,-116.0122)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.24", **NukeName:** "Minnow", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 24145 (38A29AE0)
**Date:** 5/15/1964
**Locations:** Stallion Site; Holloman–White Sands complex; San Antonio, New Mexico
**Description:** Between 11:30 a.m. and 12:15 p.m. Two targets are simultaneously tracked on surveillance and FPS-16 radars at Stallion Site, the most northerly range of the Army-controlled Holloman–White Sands complex a few miles east of San Antonio, New Mexico. The targets are north of the radar site, performing “perfect, precise flight maneuvers” in tandem, involving separations and rejoins and “up-and-down ‘pogo’ maneuvers.” One radar operator obtains a visual sighting of two brown-colored, football-shaped objects that are flying at very low altitude and are lost from view behind buildings at the site. The two targets are displayed as skin paints. However, IFF transponder codes are also received on two different frequencies alternately.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** NICAP, “[UFO Auto-Tracked,](http://www.nicap.org/640515whitesands%5Fdir.htm) [Sends Phony IFF](http://www.nicap.org/640515whitesands%5Fdir.htm)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3780
### Event 24146 (5DF23D36)
**Date:** 5/15/1964
**Description:** At noon two school children in Wheatfield, Indiana saw two small humanoids on the top floor of a church. At 2:30 p.m. a 10-year-old girl saw a little man, three feet tall, reclining under a shrub pine tree. He had white hair, a small goatee, long arms, a reddish-blue complexion, and wore greenish clothing. He looked injured and appeared to be bleeding. He had more fingers on his hands than a normal human.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, cases A0591 & A0592, citing Orvil R. Hartle
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2852
### Event 24147 (655C804C)
**Date:** 5/15/1964
**Description:** Two UFOs were tracked on radar from the Stallion Missile Site on the White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico beginning at 11:30 p.m.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Coral E. Lorenzen, Fate, October 1964, p. 45; Coral E. Lorenzen, Flying Saucers: The Startling Evidence of the Invasion from Outer Space, p. 225
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2853
### Event 24148 (70F5E8F4)
**Date:** 5/15/1964
**Description:** A circular UFO with very bright headlights flew in "an extremely wavy motion--like a float bobbing on the water" north of Lewistown, Montana at 10:28 p.m. It was witnessed by five people from two families.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP UFO Investigator, August 1964, p. 7; Jacques Vallee, Challenge to Science: The UFO Enigma, p. 36
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2854
### Event 24149 (2DC3CF32)
**Date:** 5/16/1964
**Time:** 06:00:59.8
**Location:** 49.8077 78.1020
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 150KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1254
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.8077 78.1020", **LatLongDMS:** "49:48:28 N 78:06:07 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.8077,78.1020)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.60", **NukeSource:** "BOCHAROV", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "150"
### Event 24150 (7E8C4301)
**Date:** 5/17/1964
**Location:** Lawrence (near), OH
**Description:** Close encounter II, no details. (UFOI-2,7) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2708
### Event 24151 (7CA3264C)
**Date:** 5/17/1964
**Location:** Tipton, IN
**Description:** 10:15 p.m. Citizens and police officers called to the scene, witnessed a UFO. The reddish object appeared round while hovering, then darted across the sky and appeared flattened while in motion. (UFOI-II,7) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2709
### Event 24152 (7E00975F)
**Date:** 5/17/1964
**Time:** 2100
**Location:** Massillon, Ohio
**Description:** A fiery object, maneuvering at low altitude, was seen from Wooster and Smithville at 2110. then from Lawrence and Burbank between 2125 and 2130. It flew erratically with a whirring sound and changes of color, apparently interfering with police radio. lt went down toward the northwest, seemingly ready to land. Abnormal radioactivity allegedly was found at the site.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Akron UFO Res. Soc. ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_605
### Event 24153 (E9C3637C)
**Date:** 5/17/1964
**Description:** At 9:00 p.m. a fiery object, maneuvering at low altitude, was seen from Massillon, Ohio. It was sighted from Wooster and Smithville, Ohio at 9:10 p.m., then from Lawrence and Burbank at 9:25 and 9:30 p.m. It flew erratically with a whirring sound and changes of color, apparently interfering with police radio. It went down toward the northwest, appearing ready to land. Abnormal radioactivity was allegedly found at the landing site.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia, A Century of Landings, case # 605, citing Akron UFO Research Society
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2925
### Event 24154 (7687C31E)
**Date:** 5/18/1964
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Sighting at Mount Vernon \(Virginia\). (May 18)
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#8811 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1964.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2050
### Event 24155 (B8715DC7)
**Date:** 5/18/1964
**Time:** 07:30
**Location:** HUBBARD, OR
**Description:** 4' square box / 4 legs lands / field. Beeps. Traces / soil. / MJ#253+/ r8+/ r83p120.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 35)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6950
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "55", **HatchDesc:** "HUBBARD,OR:4'SQR BOX/4 LEGS LANDS/FLD:BEEPS:TRACES/SOIL:/MJ#253+/r8+/r83p120", **LatLong:** "45.183335 -122.805561", **LatLongDMS:** "45:11:00 N 122:48:20 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.183335,-122.805561)", **State/Prov:** "Oregon", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 24156 (248AC331)
**Date:** 5/18/1964
**Time:** 17:20
**Location:** MT. VERNON, VA
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #8811. Civil engineer. White ovoid splits twice. Moves around moon.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BERLINER, DON: The BLUEBOOK UNKNOWNS; (FUFOR). (Index 32)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6951
**Attributes:** **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "17", **Elev:** "35", **HatchDesc:** "Mt VERNON,VA:BBK#8811:CVL ENGINEER:WHT OVOID SPLITS TWICE:MOVES AROUND MOON", **LatLong:** "38.716669 -77.116670", **LatLongDMS:** "38:43:00 N 77:07:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.716669,-77.116670)", **State/Prov:** "Virginia", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 24157 (6761066D)
**Date:** 5/18/1964
**Time:** 22:20
**Location:** LAWRENCE, MA
**Description:** Pilot and more/others. Vibrant bright night light going SSE. 360° turn. Going quickly [to] 1600kph. No sonic boom. / r83p11.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 44)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6952
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "8", **Elev:** "15", **HatchDesc:** "LAWRENCE,MA:PILOT++:VBRITE NLT >SSE:360°TURN:>>1600kph:no sonic boom:/r83p11", **LatLong:** "42.716669 -71.150003", **LatLongDMS:** "42:43:00 N 71:09:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.716669,-71.150003)", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "3"
### Event 24158 (A4A81315)
**Date:** 5/18/1964
**Location:** Mount Vernon, VA
**Description:** Glowing white oval split twice after moving (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 8811)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2710
### Event 24159 (B872CFF6)
**Date:** 5/18/1964
**Location:** Hubbard, Oregon
**Description:** A bright, silvery object, 3 m long, 1.5 m high, with a cone-shaped front part, resting on four legs, was seen in a wheat field by 10-year-old Mike Bizon. It made a beeping noise, rose first to the altitude of the Phone poles, then took off vertically. Wheat was found flattened in all directions.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** NICAP Jul., 64 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_606
### Event 24160 (F6F7C1C6)
**Date:** 5/18/1964
**Time:** 5:15 PM
**Location:** Mt. Vernon, Virginia
**Description:** Witness: civil engineer F. Meyers. One small, glowing white oval split twice after moving from the right of the Moon around to the left. Sighting lasted 17 minutes.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_502
### Event 24161 (01E004F3)
**Date:** 5/18/1964
**Description:** At 7:30 a.m. a ten-year-old boy in Hubbard, Oregon saw a silver colored, square object 1.2 meters high resting on four shiny legs in a wheat field. With a soft beeping noise, it rose slowly to a height of a telephone pole, then "shot up like a rocket." Ground marks were found at the site: three imprints forming a 90 cm equilateral triangle, with the wheat flattened from the center about 1.2 meters in diameter. There was also the odor of gas fumes. At 5:15 p.m. in Mount Vernon, Virginia a man named Meyers watched a small glowing white oval split apart twice after moving from the right side of the Moon to the left. At 10:15 p.m. an Army pilot at the Lawrence, Massachusetts airport sighted a yellowish white light in the sky traveling through the sky. It made a 360 degree turn, then sped off at an estimated 1,000 mph without making a sonic boom.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** (1) Fred Merritt, A Preliminary Classification of Some Reports of Unidentified Flying Objects Based on Shape and Dimensions of Imprint Patterns, Proceedings of the 1976 CUFOS Conference, p. 187; (2) Project Blue Book files counted in official statistics, case # 8811; Don Berliner, Australasian Ufologist, April 1999, p. 51; (3) Raymond E. Fowler, UFOs: Interplanetary Visitors, p. 329
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2954
### Event 24162 (8705FECF)
**Date:** 5/19/1964
**Location:** Hubbard, OR
**Description:** Cow fearful as square object landed (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)
**Reference:** NICAP: [640519](https://web.archive.org/web/100/http://www.nicap.org/ar-hubbarddir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2711
### Event 24163 (84B0A89E)
**Date:** 5/19/1964
**Location:** Hubbard, OR
**Description:** Rectangular object with legs left flattened wheat and three indentations on the edge of a circle
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_14
### Event 24164 (5D675A93)
**Date:** 5/19/1964
**Location:** Hubbard, Oregon
**Description:** 7:00 a.m. Mike Bizon, 10, sees a square or spindle-shaped, bright-silver UFO on the ground in Hubbard, Oregon, while he is leading a cow out to pasture. The cow, normally eager to be let out, acts very reluctant and nervous. The object is resting on four legs in an adjacent wheat field. It rises slowly off the ground to the height of a telephone pole, then zooms straight up emitting a soft beeping sound. Bizon smells an odor like gas fumes. Three imprints in the shape of an equilateral triangle are found in an area of flattened wheat about 4 feet wide.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Donald E. Keyhoe and Gordon I. R. Lore Jr., [Strange Effects from UFOs](http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Books/Other/Lore%2C%20Gordon%20-%20Strange%20Effects%20from%20UFOs.pdf)[,](http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Books/Other/Lore%2C%20Gordon%20-%20Strange%20Effects%20from%20UFOs.pdf) NICAP, 1969, pp. 53–54
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3781
### Event 24165 (9EA2DD9E)
**Date:** 5/21/1964
**Locations:** Altus AFB, Oklahoma; Ranchland, Texas
**Description:** 4:30 a.m. At Altus AFB, Oklahoma, Missile Site 7, southeast of Ranchland, Texas, a large bright light is seen directly over the facility below 10,000 feet. The light is bright enough to light up the silo cap. Its apparent size is as large as a basketball held at arm’s length. The object is first noticed hovering over the south fence of Site 7 for 8–10 minutes.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** NICAP, “[Light Hovers over Missile Silo](http://www.nicap.org/640521altus%5Fdir.htm)”; Nukes 159–160
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3782
### Event 24166 (B7E30932)
**Date:** 5/22/1964
**Location:** White Sands, NM
**Description:** Radar tracking of UFO.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [_UFOs and the National Security State: Chronology of a Cover-up, 1941–1973_, by Richard Dolan](https://archive.org/details/ufosnationalsecu00dola/mode/2up)
**Source:** Dolan, **ID:** Dolan_250
### Event 24167 (468C3CDB)
**Date:** 5/22/1964
**Location:** WHITE SANDS, NM
**Description:** Auto RADAR tracks UFO on tape. See 15 May.. UFO sends phony IFF!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LORENZEN, Coral & Jim: ENCOUNTERS with UFO OCCUPANTS; APRO/Berkley Medallion Books 1976. 424pp (Index 244)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6953
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **NUC:** Nuclear facility related, **RDR:** Radar traces/blips, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "1250", **HatchDesc:** "WHITE SANDS,NM:AUTO RDR TRACKS UFO ON TAPE::see 15MAY..UFO SENDS PHONY IFF!", **LatLong:** "33.033335 -106.516672", **LatLongDMS:** "33:02:00 N 106:31:00 W", **Locale:** "Desert", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/33.033335,-106.516672)", **State/Prov:** "New Mexico", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 24168 (515EFBBD)
**Date:** 5/22/1964
**Description:** (1) High School cafeteria employees watched the landing and take-off of a round UFO from the school grounds in Hopkinsville, Kentucky at nine o'clock in the morning. The object emitted four beams of light. The grass had been flattened at the landing site. (2) On that same day a UFO was tracked by radar at the White Sands Stallion Missile Range in New Mexico.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** (1) George D. Fawcett, Flying Saucers, June 1965, p. 27 and October 1966, p. 30, citing NICAP; Coral E. Lorenzen, Fate magazine, October 1964, p. 45; Coral E. Lorenzen, Flying Saucer Occupants, p. 150
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3036
### Event 24169 (F25F4873)
**Date:** 5/23/1964
**Time:** 13:00?
**Location:** BURGH MARSH, UK
**Description:** Photograph / girl shows man / spacesuit. Unseen when photographed. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v10#6.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 134)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6954
**Attributes:** **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **NFO:** No craft seen, **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **COV:** Indication of coverup, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "20", **HatchDesc:** "BURGH MARSH,UK:FOTO/GIRL SHOWS MAN/SPACESUIT:UNSEEN WHEN FOTOd:/FSR v10#6", **LatLong:** "54.916669 -3.050000", **LatLongDMS:** "54:55:00 N 03:03:00 W", **Locale:** "Wetlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/54.916669,-3.050000)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 24170 (DFA33EEC)
**Date:** 5/24/1964
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** MILLINOCKET, ME
**Description:** 75cm fireball circles car. Car won't start until it flies off. / USAF Tech. Intel. Center. (ATIC.)
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA; H. Regnery, Chicago HC 1969 & Contemporary Books,Chicago 1993. 372pp. (Index 607)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6955
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "109", **HatchDesc:** "MILLINOCKET,ME:75cm FBL CIRCLES CAR:CAR WONT START UNTIL IT FLIES OFF:/Atic", **LatLong:** "45.666669 -68.716670", **LatLongDMS:** "45:40:00 N 68:43:00 W", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.666669,-68.716670)", **State/Prov:** "Maine", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 24171 (C20F4A9F)
**Date:** 5/24/1964
**Location:** Millinocket, ME
**Description:** Sphere Near Side of Road / Car Wouldn't Start (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases, Code: E, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** NICAP: [640524](http://nicap.org/640524millinocket%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2712
### Event 24172 (63ABC3CB)
**Date:** 5/24/1964
**Location:** White Sands, NM
**Description:** AFB Twice Tracked UFO (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5)
**Reference:** NICAP: [640524](http://www.nicap.org/640524hollomanafb%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2713
### Event 24173 (1D5CC069)
**Date:** 5/24/1964
**Time:** 2100
**Location:** Millinocket, Maine
**Description:** A man driving on Millinocket Lake Road saw a fiery, spherical object to the side. He stopped and left his car with a friend to observe it better. When they became afraid and walked back to the car, the sphere followed them; the engine could not be started as long as the sphere remained within 2 or 3 m of the car. It flew away after five min. It was described as a ball of fire without structure, about 75 cm in diameter.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Atic ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_607
### Event 24174 (38B0A57C)
**Date:** 5/24/1964
**Location:** Burgh by Sands, Cumbria, England
**Description:** [James P. Templeton](https://web.archive.org/web/100/https://www.amberley-books.com/community-james-p-templeton)[,](https://web.archive.org/web/100/https://www.amberley-books.com/community-james-p-templeton) using a Pentacon camera with Kodacolor X stock, takes a photo of his 5-year-old daughter Elizabeth when his family is picnicking on the marshes at Burgh by Sands, Cumbria, England. When the film is developed, a man, encased in a white spacesuit and helmet, is clearly visible behind Elizabeth’s head. Templeton and his family claim they had seen no one when the photo was taken. He tells the Carlisle police, who are puzzled. Kodak is intrigued enough to conduct an inquiry. They rule out a double exposure. However, one possibility is that the image is an overexposed view of the back of Templeton’s wife. After the photo receives some local publicity, Templeton gets a call from someone describing himself as an investigator. Templeton agrees to meet with him and an associate and visit the marsh. Two men dressed in dark business suits show up and drive him to the site. They refuse to give Templeton their names, referring to themselves only as “9” and “11.” They are mostly interested in finding out if any nearby animals had been agitated. Then they insist that the figure was just a passerby, get angry, and drive away, leaving Templeton stranded and having to walk home 5 miles away.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Gordon W. Creighton, “[The Mysterious Templeton Photograph,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%2C1964%2CNov-Dec%2CV%2010%2CN%206.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 10, no. 6 \(Nov./Dec. 1964\): 11– 12; Jenny Randles, “The Riddle of the Templeton Photograph,” IUR 20, no. 4 \(July/Aug. 1995\): 12–15; “[The](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%202001%20V%2046%20N%202.pdf) [Templeton photograph](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%202001%20V%2046%20N%202.pdf)” \[in color\], Flying Saucer Review 46, no. 2 \(Summer 2001\): inside cover; Jenny Randles, “Casebook: The Solway Spaceman,” Fortean Times 196 \(May 2005\): 29; Andy Roberts and David Clarke, “Farewell to the Solway Spaceman?” Fortean Times 286 \(April 2012\): 28–29; Jenny Randles, “Moderations, Part One: Lost and Found Files,” Fortean Times 292 \(September 2012\): 29; Clark III 1126–1127; Patrick Gross, “[The](https://ufologie.patrickgross.org/htm/solwayfirth64.htm) [Solway Firth Photograph, 1964](https://ufologie.patrickgross.org/htm/solwayfirth64.htm)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3783
### Event 24175 (1B3800B4)
**Date:** 5/24/1964
**Description:** Two witnesses in Millinocket, Maine saw a fiery orange object which followed their car at 9:00 p.m. When this object, which was now seen to be spherical, approached to within 2-3 meters, the engine died and could not be restarted. The sphere was a fuzzy "ball of fire," only 75 centimeters in diameter. After five minutes, it flew away and the car could be started.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 607; Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, p. 22
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3063
### Event 24176 (9D8A99E3)
**Date:** 5/26/1964
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Observation in Cambridge \(Massachusetts\).
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#8836 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1964.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2051
### Event 24177 (9BEC70FA)
**Date:** 5/26/1964
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Observation in Pleasantview \(Pennsylvania\)
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#8839 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1964.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2052
### Event 24178 (ED100B4D)
**Date:** 5/26/1964
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) 4 satellites go offline and then come back online on their own. It's as if they were taken apart and put back together again, says a NASA expert.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1964.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2053
### Event 24179 (F650518F)
**Date:** 5/26/1964
**Location:** PALMERTON, PA
**Description:** Several observer(s). Small disk orbits large domed object. Both merge and going quickly east. / r201p112.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 35)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6956
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "122", **HatchDesc:** "PALMERTON,PA:SVRL OBS:SML DISK ORBITS LRG DOMED OBJ:BOTH MERGE+>>E:/r201p112", **LatLong:** "40.800002 -75.611115", **LatLongDMS:** "40:48:00 N 75:36:40 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.800002,-75.611115)", **State/Prov:** "Pennsylvania", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 24180 (25101850)
**Date:** 5/26/1964
**Time:** 15:40
**Location:** CAMBRIDGE, MA
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #8836. Pilot / satellite tracker. 20' white saucer going [to] 200mph / 1000' altitude. / r70p3-96.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BERLINER, DON: The BLUEBOOK UNKNOWNS; (FUFOR). (Index 32)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6957
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "9", **HatchDesc:** "CAMBRIDGE,MA:BBK#8836:PILOT/SAT.TRACKER:20'WHT SCR >200mph/1000'alt:/r70p3-96", **LatLong:** "42.350002 -71.100003", **LatLongDMS:** "42:21:00 N 71:06:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.350002,-71.100003)", **RelAlt:** "300", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 24181 (F4E0828F)
**Date:** 5/26/1964
**Time:** ~23:00
**Location:** PLEASANTVIEW, PA
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #8839. Saucer in field chased down road by observer(s) / 2 miles. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BERLINER, DON: The BLUEBOOK UNKNOWNS; (FUFOR). (Index 32)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6958
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "274", **HatchDesc:** "PLEASANTVIEW,PA:BBK#8839:SCR IN FIELD CHASED DOWN ROAD BY OBS/2mi:NFD", **LatLong:** "40.683335 -80.350004", **LatLongDMS:** "40:41:00 N 80:21:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.683335,-80.350004)", **State/Prov:** "Pennsylvania", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 24182 (8AC92AE1)
**Date:** 5/26/1964
**Location:** Cambridge, MA
**Description:** Thin, white ellipsoid (3.5x length/width ratio) fly straight and level (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 8836)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2714
### Event 24183 (7B364C9F)
**Date:** 5/26/1964
**Location:** Pleasantview, PA
**Description:** Yellow-orange light, shaped like the bottom of a ball (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 8839)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2715
### Event 24184 (C7AFB0B7)
**Date:** 5/26/1964
**Time:** 7:43 PM
**Location:** Cambridge, Massachusetts
**Description:** Witness: P. Wankowicz, RAF pilot and ex-Smithsonian satellite tracker. One thin, white ellipsoid (3.5 times as long as wide) flew straight and level for 3-4 seconds.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_503
### Event 24185 (15F3722F)
**Date:** 5/26/1964
**Time:** 11 PM
**Location:** Pleasantview, Pennsylvania
**Description:** Witness: Rev. H.C. Shaw. One yellow-orange light, shaped like the bottom of a ball, was spotted in a field and chased down the road for 2 miles.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_504
### Event 24186 (345BBA03)
**Date:** 5/26/1964
**Locations:** Cambridge, Massachusetts; Sears Roebuck store
**Description:** 7:43 p.m. Paul Wańkowicz, RAF pilot and ex-Smithsonian satellite tracker, sees a thin, white ellipsoid, estimated at 15–20 feet in length at 1,000 feet altitude, at Cambridge, Massachusetts. It flies straight and level from nearly overhead to the east-northeast, where it disappears behind the roof of a Sears Roebuck store as viewed from his car in the parking lot to the south. He briefly loses sight of it as it passes behind cumulus cloud cover. No noise or trail. The tops of cumulus clouds are at least 3,500 feet altitude, thus the UFO’s speed is at least 700 mph and length 50– 70 feet.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** NICAP, \[[Blue Book documents](http://www.nicap.org/docs2/1964-05-26%20Cambridge%20Mass.pdf)\]; [Sparks](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf), p. 299
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3784
### Event 24187 (DB72C1D0)
**Date:** 5/26/1964
**Location:** Palmerton, Pennsylvania
**Description:** 10:00 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. [Terry Balliet](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/163835189/terry-balliet), their family, and two neighbors see two UFOs in the northwest sky near Palmerton, Pennsylvania. One is a large, stationary, dome-like object emitting hazy whitish light from the underside. A smaller disc-like object is intermittently visible maneuvering around the larger one. It finally merges with the large object, which moves away to the east. The large object is seen twice more in the evening, moving back and forth from east to west.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Other Recent Sightings,](http://cufos.org/UFOI%5Fand%5FSelected%5FDocuments/UFOI/023%20JUL-AUG%201964.pdf)” UFO Investigator 2, no. 11 \(July/Aug. 1964\): 7
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3785
### Event 24188 (ACF01907)
**Date:** 5/26/1964
**Location:** Pleasant View, Pennsylvania
**Description:** 11:00 p.m. Rev. H. C. Shaw sees a yellow-orange light shaped like the bottom of a ball in a field at Pleasant View, Pennsylvania, and chases it down the road for two miles.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** [Sparks](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf)[,](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf) p. 299
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3786
### Event 24189 (8FA1832B)
**Date:** 5/26/1964
**Description:** At 3:43 p.m. on a cloudy afternoon, a thin, white ellipsoid or cigar-shaped object that was estimated to be three and a half times longer than it was high flew on a straight and level flight path over Cambridge, Massachusetts. Mr. Wankowicz, a civilian witness, reported the sighting to the U.S. Air Force.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Project Blue Book files counted in official statistics, case # 8836; Thomas M. Olsen, The Reference to Outstanding UFO Reports, p. 152; Don Berliner, Australasian Ufologist, April 1999, p. 51
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3099
### Event 24190 (ABD7B744)
**Date:** 5/26/1964
**Description:** In Palmerton, Pennsylvania a small disc orbited around a large domed object at ten o'clock in the evening. The two merge into one and fly off quickly to the east.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP UFO Investigator, August 1964, p. 7
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3100
### Event 24191 (86CEC5DD)
**Date:** 5/26/1964
**Description:** At 11:00 p.m. a yellow-orange light shaped like the bottom of a ball (hemispherical) was spotted in a field and chased for two miles down a road in Pleasantview, Pennsylvania.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Project Blue Book files counted in official statistics, case # 8839; Don Berliner, Australasian Ufologist, April 1999, p. 51
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3101
### Event 24192 (35AFFC7F)
**Date:** 5/29/1964
**Location:** White Sands, NM
**Description:** Radar/visual of two "football-shaped" UFOs.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [_UFOs and the National Security State: Chronology of a Cover-up, 1941–1973_, by Richard Dolan](https://archive.org/details/ufosnationalsecu00dola/mode/2up)
**Source:** Dolan, **ID:** Dolan_251
### Event 24193 (845B0BEE)
**Date:** 5/30/1964
**Description:** World fair. Project Bluebook Case #9411. Good photo / donut shape or saucer on edge.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** STEIGER, Brad (ed.): PROJECT BLUEBOOK; Ballentine Books 1976. 423pp. (Index 367)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6959
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "16", **HatchDesc:** "FLUSHING MEADOWS,NY:WORLD FAIR:BBK#9411:GOOD PHOTO/DONUT SHAPE OR SCR ON EDGE", **LatLong:** "40.666669 -73.966670", **LatLongDMS:** "40:40:00 N 73:58:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.666669,-73.966670)", **State/Prov:** "New York", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 24194 (8D25AC99)
**Date:** 6/1964
**Locations:** Santa Barbara, California; north of Santa Barbara, California
**Description:** 2:00 a.m. A young couple is driving home from a dance at a small place north of Santa Barbara, California, when a circular, glowing object silently appears above their car. They stop to watch. It is about 100 feet high and 40 feet in diameter and seemingly emits some heat. It hovers for 2 minutes then speeds off ahead of them, lighting up the valley as it goes and apparently traveling about 1,800–2,400 mph.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Correspondence,](http://cufos.org/CUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter/1982-83%5FCUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter%5FV3.pdf)” CUFOS Associate Newsletter 3, no. 4 \(Aug./Sept. 1982\): 3
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3788
### Event 24195 (30A1BAD2)
**Date:** 6/1964
**Locations:** Green Lake, British Columbia; Vancouver
**Description:** 6:30 p.m. Bert Gammie, his mother, and his daughter Lynn are driving along the northern shore of Green Lake, British Columbia, when they see a light above a mountain across the lake to the south. Soon they notice it is moving and is now almost directly overhead. He stops the car and gets out for a closer look. The object is circular, dull metallic, and has a series of vents in the tail trailing white, blue, red, and orange exhaust. They watch it for 3 minutes moving slowly to the north at about 50 mph and making a whistling noise. It makes a sharp right-angle turn, proceeds west, and disappears from sight. Gammie reports the sighting to the RCAF in Vancouver, and a senior air force officer visits him later and shows him a bulky portfolio of glossy UFO photos, many of them showing detailed features. Gammie tells him that the UFO he had seen did not exactly resemble any of the photos, and the officer tells him that the RCAF would not admit to interviewing him if the case receives any publicity.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[‘That Awful Looking Shooting Star,’](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/Canada/Canadian%20UFO%20Report%20%28Magor%29/Canadian%20UFO%20Report%20-%20vol%203%20no%205%20-%201975.pdf)” Canadian UFO Report 3, no. 5 \(1975\): 14
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3789
### Event 24196 (59FE2813)
**Date:** 6/1964
**Location:** Anvers, Belgium
**Description:** BUFOI magazine \(Belgian UFO Information\) is launched by a George Adamski group in Anvers, Belgium, and edited by May and Patrick Morlet. It runs until 1979.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** [BUFOI Magazine](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/Belgium/BUFOI%20Magazine/01%20-%20BUFOI%20Magazine%20-%20No%2001%20%284e%20annee%29%20-%20juin%201964.pdf)[,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/Belgium/BUFOI%20Magazine/01%20-%20BUFOI%20Magazine%20-%20No%2001%20%284e%20annee%29%20-%20juin%201964.pdf) no. 1 \(June 1964\)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3790
### Event 24197 (A495088F)
**Date:** 6/2/1964
**Time:** 16:00
**Location:** HOBBS, NM
**Description:** Fiery saucer swoops down. Child badly burnt. Soot / no pain. / r111p226+/ r8.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 779)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6960
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **TRC:** Physical traces, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations, **MIL:** Military investigation, **COV:** Indication of coverup
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "1104", **HatchDesc:** "HOBBS,NM:FIERY SCR SWOOPS DOWN:CHILD BADLY BURNT:SOOT/NO PAIN:/r111p226+/r8", **LatLong:** "32.700002 -103.133338", **LatLongDMS:** "32:42:00 N 103:08:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/32.700002,-103.133338)", **State/Prov:** "New Mexico", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 24198 (298644A2)
**Date:** 6/2/1964
**Time:** 17:30
**Description:** 80cm small humanoids (or Greys) with lights search haystack! Saucer seen soon after.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CLARK, Jerome & COLEMAN, Joren: THE UNIDENTIFIED; Warner PBs, NY 1975 (Index 24)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6961
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens, **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "61", **HatchDesc:** "LEAM LANE,GATESHEAD,T&W:80cm OIDS W/LITES SEARCH HAYSTACK!:SCR SEEN SOON AFTER", **LatLong:** "54.950003 -1.616667", **LatLongDMS:** "54:57:00 N 01:37:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/54.950003,-1.616667)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 24199 (870C588D)
**Date:** 6/2/1964
**Time:** 22:30
**Location:** SUNNYVALE, CA
**Description:** Dark saucer with vibrant bright rectangular plate hovers over new homes. Going quickly southeast. / r70#398.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 35)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6962
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "40", **HatchDesc:** "SUNNYVALE,CA:DRK SCR W/VBRITE RECT.PLATE HVRS ovr NEW HOMES:>>SE:/r70#398", **LatLong:** "37.383335 -122.066672", **LatLongDMS:** "37:23:00 N 122:04:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.383335,-122.066672)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 24200 (BC149943)
**Date:** 6/2/1964
**Time:** 1600
**Location:** Hobbs, New Mexico
**Description:** A "black object with flames" is blamed for burns suffered by an 8-year-old child, who said he saw the object coming from the sky. His grandmother, Mrs. Frank Smith, who was standing nearby, heard a sound similar to that of a bullet, but saw nothing. The child suffered second-degree burns on his face, and lost part of his hair.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Saucer News Mar., 65 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_608
### Event 24201 (4B033A82)
**Date:** 6/2/1964
**Time:** 1730
**Location:** Leam Lane, England
**Description:** David Wilson, 14, was going to get some straw for his rabbits when he stopped with other children to observe half-a-dozen dwarfs, about 80 cm tall, dressed in bright green, and having hands lighted "like electric bulbs," who seemed to be searching for something. Another child later reported that she had seen a silvery disk-shaped object, the size of a car, take off from the same location.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** FS Dec.,64 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_609
### Event 24202 (25097E84)
**Date:** 6/2/1964
**Location:** Hobbs, New Mexico
**Description:** 4:00 p.m. Charles Keith Davis is outside his grandmother’s home in Hobbs, New Mexico, when a small, tan, top-shaped object with a soot-like trail appears and hovers above the boy’s head, enveloping him in a cloud. He starts crying and screaming, and the object shoots straight up and disappears. His hair is singed and his face and ears are swollen and burned, although he does not feel any pain. They take him to the hospital, where doctors notice the soot embedded in his flesh. The burns respond well to treatment and he stays 5 nights in the hospital.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Lorenzen, UFOs: The Whole Story, Signet, 1969, pp. 191–192
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3791
### Event 24203 (CB1BD881)
**Date:** 6/2/1964
**Description:** At 5:30 p.m. in Gateshead, England a teenager and nine children saw six dwarfs on Leam Lane. They were about 31 inches tall, were dressed in bright green clothes, and had luminous hands. They seemed to be searching for something. Later, another child reported seeing a silver disc the size of an automobile take off from the area.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Ray Palmer, Flying Saucers, December 1964, p. 12; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 609; Jerome Clark & Loren Coleman, The Unidentified: Notes Toward Solving the UFO Mystery, p. 24
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3226
### Event 24204 (2AA3EB89)
**Date:** 6/2/1964
**Description:** A fiery disc swooped down low over Hobbs, New Mexico at around 4 p.m., leaving behind some sooty trace remnants and burning a child. Surprisingly, the child reported that the burns did not cause any pain despite the fact that his eyes had swollen shut and he had black sooty deposits on his face, neck, and shirt.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Coral E. Lorenzen, Flying Saucers: The Startling Evidence of the Invasion from Outer Space, p. 226; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 608; Coral & Jim Lorenzen, UFOs: The Whole Story, p. 191
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3227
### Event 24205 (75708A6C)
**Date:** 6/2/1964
**Description:** At 10:30 p.m. a dark disc-shaped object with a very bright rectangular plate hovered over some new housing construction in Sunnyvale, California. It flew off rapidly toward the southeast.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP UFO Investigator, August 1964, p. 8; Thomas M. Olsen, Reference for Outstanding UFO Reports, case 153
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3228
### Event 24206 (36EAA3F5)
**Date:** 6/3/1964
**Time:** 20:50
**Location:** COPPERMINE, AZ
**Description:** 3 observer(s). Ovoid going south / 15 minute(s). Red misty glow. Going northwest. 2nd ovoid / separate observer(s).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LORENZEN, Coral: FLYING SAUCERS, the Starting Evidence; Signet Books, NY 1962 & 1966. 278pp. Originally "The Great F. S. Hoax". (Index 236)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6963
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "15", **Elev:** "1945", **HatchDesc:** "COPPERMINE,AZ:3 OBS:OVOID > S/15min:RED MISTY GLOW:>NW:2nd OVOID/SEP.OBS", **LatLong:** "36.633335 -111.416672", **LatLongDMS:** "36:38:00 N 111:25:00 W", **Locale:** "Desert", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/36.633335,-111.416672)", **RelAlt:** "200", **State/Prov:** "Arizona", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 24207 (6562A718)
**Date:** 6/3/1964
**Time:** 22:00
**Location:** NEAR NEW RIVER, AZ
**Description:** Blue-glow blimp hovers. Going up [to] and going SSW when hit / car headlights. / r111p236.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 787)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6964
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "15", **Elev:** "615", **HatchDesc:** "nr NEW RIVER,AZ:BLUE-GLOW BLIMP HVRS:↑+>SSW when HIT/CAR HEADLITES:/r111p236", **LatLong:** "33.816668 -112.083339", **LatLongDMS:** "33:49:00 N 112:05:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/33.816668,-112.083339)", **RelAlt:** "10", **State/Prov:** "Arizona", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 24208 (4B35612D)
**Date:** 6/3/1964
**Description:** At 8:45 p.m. three people at the Coppermine trading post, south-southwest of Page, Arizona saw an ovoid object fly in the southern sky for 15 minutes. It had a red misty glow. A second ovoid flew off to the northwest. There were a total of 10 separate observers. At 10:00 a luminous blue blimp-shaped object hovered low over New River, Arizona. It ascended and flew off to the south-southwest when it was illuminated by car headlights.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** (1) Coral E. Lorenzen, Flying Saucers: The Startling Evidence of the Invasion from Outer Space, p. 236, Flying Saucers magazine, June 1965, p. 29; (2) APRO Bulletin, July-August 1965
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3245
### Event 24209 (735AFDC6)
**Date:** 6/5/1964
**Location:** ARGENTINA, Pajas Blanca (Cordoba)
**Description:** (Translated from French) At 4 in the morning, a doctor from Buenos Aires and his wife were driving about 30 km from the international airport when the engine stalled. They were confronted with a huge and extraordinary machine blocking the road. Its very powerful lights went out, leaving only a violet light coming from the object, and they stayed there, sitting, perplexed, for about 20 minutes. Suddenly a figure approached their car and asked in Spanish: "What's going on, my friend?" The doctor replied that the engine had stalled. The man suggested trying to start it again. He did, and the engine started, as did the headlights, so that they could now see the machine in front of them. The stranger then said: "Don't be afraid. I am a terrestrial (!). I have a mission to accomplish on Earth. My name is R... D... Warn humanity, in your own way!". He moved away to join two beings dressed in gray who had just appeared. All three entered the machine, which rose quickly and disappeared, leaving a violet trail behind it. (June 5, 1964)
**Reference:** Charles BOWEN: "In Search of Humanoids" - J'ai Lu 1974, pp. 131, 132
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2284
### Event 24210 (A88A3CB0)
**Date:** 6/5/1964
**Time:** 02:00
**Location:** TEXARKANA, TX
**Description:** 3 Air Force cadets and 1. UFO spins. Brightens. Suddenly shoots away. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: CHALLENGE to SCIENCE, The UFO ENIGMA; Henry Regnery 1966 & Ballentine Books, NY 1974. PB (Index 46)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6965
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "97", **HatchDesc:** "TEXARKANA,TX:3 AF CADETS+1:UFO SPINS:BRIGHTENS:SUDDENLY SHOOTS AWAY:NFD", **LatLong:** "33.416668 -94.066671", **LatLongDMS:** "33:25:00 N 94:04:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/33.416668,-94.066671)", **State/Prov:** "Texas", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 24211 (D6013EAC)
**Date:** 6/5/1964
**Time:** 03:00
**Location:** CLEVELAND, OH
**Description:** 2 / car. 10' glowing-ball going down [to] slow / 45° to 2M altitude. 10 small night lights follow. Blue beams.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 779)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6966
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "207", **HatchDesc:** "CLEVELAND,OH:2/CAR:10'GLO-BALL ↓ SLOW/45° to 2M ALT:10 SML NLTS FOLO:BLU BEAMS", **LatLong:** "41.500002 -81.700004", **LatLongDMS:** "41:30:00 N 81:42:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.500002,-81.700004)", **RelAlt:** "2", **State/Prov:** "Ohio", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 24212 (1D2ECE36)
**Date:** 6/5/1964
**Time:** 19:00
**Location:** PAJAS BLANCAS, ARG
**Description:** Car malfunctions due to EME (electro-magnetic effects). Saucer / road. Psh"dont fear.. i'm terrestrial". / r8+/ r67.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RODEGHIER, Mark/CUFOS: UFO REPORTS INVOLVING VEHICLE INTERFERENCE; CUFOS 1979. Available as CUFOS UFO Archive #1 CD-ROM. http://www.cufos.org/Pubform.pdf (Index 22)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6967
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **MIB:** Men in Black, **CVS:** Conversation/communication, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "12", **Elev:** "586", **HatchDesc:** "PAJAS BLANCAS,ARG:CAR EMES:SCR/ROAD:PSH"DONT FEAR..I'M TERRESTRIAL":/r8+/r67", **LatLong:** "-31.233335 -64.283336", **LatLongDMS:** "31:14:00 S 64:17:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-31.233335,-64.283336)", **State/Prov:** "CRD", **Strangeness:** "11"
### Event 24213 (FEA43A4C)
**Date:** 6/5/1964
**Location:** Pajasblancas, Argentina
**Description:** A 42-year-old doctor and his wife were 30 km away from the airport when an intensely bright object appeared on the road ahead. They drove very close to it and saw three men dressed in gray, one of whom told him in Spanish that "they had a mission on Earth."
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Humanoids 39 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_610
### Event 24214 (9B442193)
**Date:** 6/5/1964
**Description:** While driving near the Pajas Blancas airport in Cordoba province, Argentina a doctor and his wife had the engine of their car fail at four o'clock in the morning. They then found a huge object on the road ahead of them. Its bright light went out, leaving only a violet colored light. After 20 minutes of no activity, a man approached the car and suggested that they try the car again. The engine started up. After telling the couple not to be afraid and that he was on a mission, the humanoid joined two others and all three entered the object. It then rose rapidly into the sky, leaving a violet-colored trail.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, citing Charles Bowen, The Humanoids; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 610
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3295
### Event 24215 (EEF2B933)
**Date:** 6/5/1964
**Description:** At about the same time, 3:00 a.m. E.D.T. on the morning of June 5th, 1964 a 10-foot diameter glowing ball was seen ascending slowly in the sky from a low altitude in Cleveland, Ohio. The ball of light ascended at a 45-degree angle, and was followed by 10 small lights. It also emitted blue light beams.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** APRO Bulletin, November 1964
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3296
### Event 24216 (7DD1EF9D)
**Date:** 6/6/1964
**Time:** 21:30
**Location:** CHOROMORO, ARG
**Description:** 3 / van. Large rectangular object going [to] over road. Blows smoke. Complex shape.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 17)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6968
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "816", **HatchDesc:** "CHOROMORO,ARG:3/VAN:LRG RECTANGULAR OBJ >OVR ROAD:BLOWS SMOKE:COMPLEX SHAPE", **LatLong:** "-26.400001 -65.316670", **LatLongDMS:** "26:24:00 S 65:19:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-26.400001,-65.316670)", **State/Prov:** "TCM", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 24217 (03D74884)
**Date:** 6/6/1964
**Location:** 49.7747 77.9881
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: .001KT YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1255
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.7747 77.9881", **LatLongDMS:** "49:46:29 N 77:59:17 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.7747,77.9881)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "KRR", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** ".001", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 24218 (F82FA65C)
**Date:** 6/6/1964
**Description:** A reddish orange rectangular object with a lower appendage was seen low over a road in Rio Choromoro, Argentina at 9:30 p.m. It had black stripes and two vanes rotating in a clockwise direction. It was also surrounded by smoke or vapor. It absorbed a smaller object a few meters above the road.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** FSR Case Histories, December 1973, p. 18
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3321
### Event 24219 (B5ADF955)
**Date:** 6/8/1964
**Time:** 21:30
**Description:** 15' silent domed saucer with portholes. Maneuvers / farm buildings. / r70p3-98 / r8#611.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 35)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6969
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "145", **HatchDesc:** "W/LAWRENCEVILLE,IL:15'SLNT DOMED SCR W/PORTS:MNVRS/FARM BLDGs:/r70p3-98/r8#611", **LatLong:** "38.727780 -87.716671", **LatLongDMS:** "38:43:40 N 87:43:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.727780,-87.716671)", **State/Prov:** "Illinois", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 24220 (CA220FC6)
**Date:** 6/8/1964
**Time:** 2230
**Location:** Lawrenceville, Illinois
**Description:** Helen Reed observed a spinning object 5 m above ground,less than 20 m away, coming and going with right-angle turns. It had a dome from which colored light emanated (blue turning to red) and bands of yellow light. The object was lost to sight behind trees in the north.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** NICAP Jul., 64 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_611
### Event 24221 (4CBFF47F)
**Date:** 6/8/1964
**Description:** In 1964 Mrs. Helen Reed of Lawrenceville, Illinois observed a 15-foot-wide, domed, spinning object around 10:30 p.m. It was moving five meters above the ground and less than 20 meters away. It made sharp, 90 degree turns, and had colored lights emanating from the dome (blue turning to red), and bands of yellow light. The object went out of sight behind some trees to the north.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP UFO Investigator, August 1964, p. 8; Gordon I. R. Lore, Jr., UFOs: A New Look, p. 14; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, p. 300 (case 611)
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3369
### Event 24222 (560CF20D)
**Date:** 6/8/1964
**Description:** Also on the same night five witnesses, including Sheriff L. C. Brinkerhoff of the Big Horn County, Wyoming sheriff's department had a close encounter with a blue-green UFO that hovered over the badlands near Burlington, Wyoming. It reacted to the sheriff's spotlight by beaming a ray of light into the patrol car.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP UFO Investigator, August 1964, p. 6; George D. Fawcett, Flying Saucers, October 1966, p. 30; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II. A Thirty Year Report, p. 170
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3370
### Event 24223 (366EA51A)
**Date:** 6/10/1964
**Time:** 21:10
**Location:** NORTH / WILTON, ND
**Description:** Luminous round object paces private pilot 15km back. Going quickly [to] under plane going north. Horizontal rays.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLICKENGER, Don: NORTH DAKOTA UFO files. Well Documented NICAP files for the 1960s: Xeroxed by Tom Tulien (Index 3)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6970
**Attributes:** **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CNT:** Contactee related, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **NUC:** Nuclear facility related, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "25", **Elev:** "660", **HatchDesc:** "N/WILTON,ND:LUMn.RND OBJ PACES Pvt.PILOT 15km back:>> UNDER PLANE >N:HZTL RAYS", **LatLong:** "47.183336 -100.916671", **LatLongDMS:** "47:11:00 N 100:55:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.183336,-100.916671)", **RelAlt:** "920", **State/Prov:** "North Dakota", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 24224 (44F5C6C9)
**Date:** 6/11/1964
**Time:** 16:45:00.2
**Location:** 37.1486 -116.0760
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Ace” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_367
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1486 -116.0760", **LatLongDMS:** "37:08:55 N 116:04:34 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1486,-116.0760)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.26", **NukeName:** "Ace", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 24225 (DC72B13D)
**Date:** 6/12/1964
**Time:** 17:50
**Description:** 5 / 2 cars. Domed saucer near main power station/depot/facility. Going quickly northwest toward(s) Melbourne.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 785)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6971
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "nr HALLAM,AUSTRL:5/2 CARS:DOMED SCR nr MAIN POWER Stn:>>NW twrd MELBOURNE", **LatLong:** "-38.000002 145.250007", **LatLongDMS:** "38:00:00 S 145:15:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-38.000002,145.250007)", **State/Prov:** "Victoria", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 24226 (8D6C3450)
**Date:** 6/12/1964
**Time:** 22:00
**Location:** ELMORE, OH
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #unknown. 2 cops include/including chief. Night lights / 110min. Vanish when spot-light hit.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: CHALLENGE to SCIENCE, The UFO ENIGMA; Henry Regnery 1966 & Ballentine Books, NY 1974. PB (Index 46)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6972
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "110", **Elev:** "187", **HatchDesc:** "ELMORE,OH:BBK#UNK:2 COPS INCL CHIEF:NLTS/110min:VANISH WHEN SPOT-LITE HIT.", **LatLong:** "41.477780 -83.294448", **LatLongDMS:** "41:28:40 N 83:17:40 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.477780,-83.294448)", **State/Prov:** "Ohio", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 24227 (4EB2373B)
**Date:** 6/12/1964
**Time:** 22:20
**Location:** TOLEDO, OH
**Description:** 2 cops include/including chief. 27M object blinks different colors. 3 showings. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** WILKINS, Harold T.: FLYING SAUCERS ON THE ATTACK; Ace Books, NY PB 1967. (Index 316)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6973
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "70", **Elev:** "185", **HatchDesc:** "TOLEDO,OH:2 COPS incl CHIEF:27M OBJ BLINKS DIFF.COLORS:3 SHOWINGS:NFD", **LatLong:** "41.666669 -83.550004", **LatLongDMS:** "41:40:00 N 83:33:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.666669,-83.550004)", **State/Prov:** "Ohio", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 24228 (832602DD)
**Date:** 6/12/1964
**Location:** 37.0000 -116.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Bitterling” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_368
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0000 -116.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:00 N 116:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0000,-116.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Bitterling", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 24229 (2E5F27DD)
**Date:** 6/12/1964
**Description:** A domed disc-shaped UFO hovered near the main power station in Hallam, Victoria, Australia at 5:55 p.m. It then flew away to the northwest toward Melbourne.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Michael Hervey, UFOs over the Southern Hemisphere, p. 100
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3439
### Event 24230 (DDFB6CF0)
**Date:** 6/12/1964
**Description:** Police Chief Richard Crawford of Elmore, Ohio spotted a bright, motionless blinking object emitting multi-colored lights near the intersection of Route 51 and Nissen Road at 10:15 p.m. Some kind of halo surrounded it. After about 20 minutes a spotlight was aimed at the object, and it went away. It was again seen at the local school half an hour before midnight, at an altitude of about 1000 feet, flying at a good speed to the northwest, toward the town of Genoa. It made the sound of a bullet flying by one's ear. Crawford radioed another policeman and asked him to meet him at a certain point. The other officer arrived there first, and witnessed the object giving off bursts of light once per second. It took off again when Crawford arrived, changed course at high speed, and was lost to sight in a few seconds.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Challenge to Science: The UFO Enigma, pg. 37
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3440
### Event 24231 (3B2BFF61)
**Date:** 6/13/1964
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Observation in Toledo \(Ohio\). (June 13)
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#8870 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1964.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2055
### Event 24232 (EC969A11)
**Date:** 6/13/1964
**Time:** 21:30
**Location:** PEMBERVILLE, OH
**Description:** Red object darkens / landing in wheatfield. Goes slow. / r3p46+/ r8.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 35)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6974
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "198", **HatchDesc:** "PEMBERVILLE,OH:RED OBJ DARKENS/LANDING in WHEATFIELD:GOES SLOW:/r3p46+/r8", **LatLong:** "41.411113 -83.461115", **LatLongDMS:** "41:24:40 N 83:27:40 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.411113,-83.461115)", **State/Prov:** "Ohio", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 24233 (3390E609)
**Date:** 6/13/1964
**Location:** Toledo, OH
**Description:** 3 glowing white spheres, glowing red on their sides (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 8870)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2717
### Event 24234 (20FD1807)
**Date:** 6/13/1964
**Time:** 2100
**Location:** Penberville, Ohio
**Description:** Karen Fahle saw a bright object coming to the ground about 200 m away. While approaching its lights blinked and turned to dark red. Five min later it went away slowly.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** AMUFO Sep., 64 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_612
### Event 24235 (BC2C5546)
**Date:** 6/13/1964
**Time:** 9:15 PM
**Location:** Toledo, Ohio
**Description:** Witness: B.L. English, announcer for radio station WTOD. Three glowing white spheres, glowing red on their sides, moved slow, hovered and then moved in circles very fast, all the while making a low, rumbling sound.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_505
### Event 24236 (209CD2F3)
**Date:** 6/13/1964
**Description:** At 9:00 p.m. Karen Fahle of Penberville, Ohio saw a bright object coming to the ground about 200 meters away. While approaching, its lights blinked and turned to dark red. Five minutes later it flew away slowly. At 9:15 pm. B. L. English, a radio announcer at WTOD Radio in Toledo, Ohio saw three glowing white spheres, glowing red on their sides, move slowly through the sky, hover, and then move in fast circles. They made a low, rumbling sound as they flew.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** (1) Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 612; (2) Project Blue Book files counted in official statistics, case # 8870
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3458
### Event 24237 (F74C0D00)
**Date:** 6/14/1964
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** DALE, IN
**Description:** TV and electric out. 30cm sphere/orb/globe going down / backyard! Shocks felt near. / r8+/ MJ#254+/ r83p14.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 35)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6975
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TRC:** Physical traces, **ODR:** Odors associated with UFO's
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "143", **HatchDesc:** "DALE,IN:TV+ELEC.OUT:30cm ORB ↓/BACKYARD!:SHOCKS FELT NEAR:/r8+/MJ#254+/r83p14", **LatLong:** "38.166668 -86.983337", **LatLongDMS:** "38:10:00 N 86:59:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.166668,-86.983337)", **State/Prov:** "Indiana", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 24238 (26C8C43D)
**Date:** 6/14/1964
**Time:** 2100
**Location:** Dale, Indiana
**Description:** Charles Englebrecht went outside when his TV set and all house lights suddenly failed and saw a glowing blue-white object, about 30 nn in diameter, land about 18 m away in the field. He felt a mild electric shock when he tried to approach it and was unable to move forward.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** NICAP Jul., 64 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_613
### Event 24239 (6E397743)
**Date:** 6/14/1964
**Location:** Dale, Indiana
**Description:** 8:35 p.m. Charles Englebrecht, 18, is watching TV at home in Dale, Indiana, when the house lights and TV suddenly go out. He notices that a small, bright orange-colored, basketball-sized object has landed in his back yard. As he goes out the side door and tries to approach it, he feels a tingling sensation and has difficulty moving. After a few seconds the sphere takes off and goes over the nearby barn. Several items in the backyard have been moved \(lawn mower, chicken feeder\). He smells sulfur or burning rubber and find three imprints in a triangle with the dimensions of 2 feet by 4.5 feet by 4.5 feet.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** NICAP, “[The Dale Landing Case](http://www.nicap.org/640624dale%5Fdir.htm)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3792
### Event 24240 (93DC0367)
**Date:** 6/14/1964
**Description:** Charles Englebrecht, age 18, went outside at 9:30 p.m. in Dale, Indiana when his TV and all house lights suddenly failed. He saw a glowing blue-white object, about 30-cm in diameter, land about 18 meters away in a field. He felt a mild electric shock when he tried to approach it and was unable to move forward toward the object.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, p. 300 (case 613)
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3474
### Event 24241 (2E79EA67)
**Date:** 6/14/1964
**Description:** That same evening at 9:30 p.m. three prominent citizens of Salta, Argentina--a lawyer, an engineer, and a businessman--were driving along highway 9 when a rectangular shaped UFO, reddish-orange in color, dove down several times in front of them. The first time the UFO caused such tremendous condensation on all their windows that they had to stop and wipe the windows. When the thing reappeared they saw that it was about 16 feet high, 20 feet wide, and had what appeared to be two big blades revolving clockwise as it flew along silently above the road. Some distance ahead there was a stationary rectangular dark red light about 50 cm square. To their amazement they saw the larger object scoop up this light and vanish at high speed.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Gordon Creighton, "Argentina 1963/64--Part IV", FSR, May 1966, p. 25
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3475
### Event 24242 (5B68B2E3)
**Date:** 6/15/1964
**Location:** CHILE, Arica
**Description:** (Translated from French) A miner, Rafael Aguirre Donoso, observed the landing of a strange craft from which two men with fair skin emerged, speaking a language that seemed to be a mix of English and Spanish. Donoso gave them some water from the radiator of his car and they left.
**Reference:** M. FIGUET/ J.L. RUCHON: "Ovni, Premier dossier complet..." - éd. Alain Lefeuvre 1979, p. 101
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2285
### Event 24243 (B16F8C33)
**Date:** 6/15/1964
**Time:** 17:30
**Location:** NEAR ARICA, CHL
**Description:** Saucer lands. Pseudo-human/entity ask for water / mixed Engl&Spanish! / FSR'65#2+/ r8#613.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BOWEN, Charles (ed.) The HUMANOIDS: HB Henry Regnery, Chicago 1969. 256pp. PB 1977 Futura, London (Index 108)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6976
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **MIB:** Men in Black, **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens, **CVS:** Conversation/communication, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Chile", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "11", **Elev:** "16", **HatchDesc:** "nr ARICA,CHL:SCR LANDS:PSH ASK FOR WATER/MIXED ENGL&SPANISH!:/FSR'65#2+/r8#613", **LatLong:** "-18.600001 -70.200003", **LatLongDMS:** "18:36:00 S 70:12:00 W", **Locale:** "Desert", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-18.600001,-70.200003)", **State/Prov:** "ARI", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 24244 (C207D4EB)
**Date:** 6/15/1964
**Time:** 23:10
**Location:** LYNN, MA
**Description:** Roar! Domed saucer 4M over courtyard. Electricity felt 6M away. / r83p13.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 35)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6977
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "8", **HatchDesc:** "LYNN,MA:ROAR!:DOMED SCR 4M ovr COURTYARD:ELECTRICITY FELT 6M AWAY:/r83p13", **LatLong:** "42.450002 -70.950003", **LatLongDMS:** "42:27:00 N 70:57:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.450002,-70.950003)", **RelAlt:** "4", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 24245 (E5A4624E)
**Date:** 6/15/1964
**Location:** Aria, Chile
**Description:** A miner, R. A. Donoso, observed a strange machine land. From it emerged two fairskinned men who asked for water in a language which appeared to be a mixture of English and Spanish. Donoso took some water from his car radiator for them and they left. Their craft was about 3 m long and 1 m wide.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** FSR 65; 2 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_614
### Event 24246 (EE0342D5)
**Date:** 6/15/1964
**Time:** 13:40:00.4
**Location:** 24.0666 5.0345
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground. Country: France Name: “topaze” Yield: 0KT YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1847
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "24.0666 5.0345", **LatLongDMS:** "24:04:00 N 05:02:04 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/24.0666,5.0345)", **NukeCountry:** "France", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "topaze", **NukeSource:** "BOLT", **NukeType:** "U", **NukeY:** "0", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 24247 (806C754D)
**Date:** 6/15/1964
**Description:** A miner, R. A. Donoso, driving a car 20 kilometers from Arica, Chile saw a strange machine land. It was 10 feet long and 3.5 feet wide. Two fair-skinned men emerged from the craft. They spoke in a mixture of Spanish and English, and asked for water. Donoso took some water from his car radiator for them and they left. The UFO left by ascending vertically into the sky.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Gordon Creighton, The Humanoids: FSR Special Edition No. 1, p. 39; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 614
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3497
### Event 24248 (6A8D9C9E)
**Date:** 6/15/1964
**Description:** At 11:10 p.m. a 25 foot in diameter domed disc with a red light on the bottom hovered 20 feet away and at only 20 feet above the ground of a 20-year-old man name Angelos in Lynn, Massachusetts. It gave off a vapor and made a whining noise. The man was temporarily paralyzed during the encounter, which lasted over a minute.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP UFO Investigator, August 1964, p. 8; Gordon I. R. Lore, Jr., UFOs: A New Look, p. 14; Raymond E. Fowler, UFOs: Interplanetary Visitors, p. 329
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3498
### Event 24249 (9C83532D)
**Date:** 6/18/1964
**Location:** 37.0000 -116.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Duffer” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_369
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0000 -116.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:00 N 116:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0000,-116.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Duffer", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 24250 (9BFE4C48)
**Date:** Summer 1964
**Location:** Point Isabel, OH
**Description:** Late evening. A couple saw a creature over 6' tall with gold, glowing eyes and wide shoulders. Body hair not obvious; had pointed chin and large ears. Just vanished from short distance. (Stringfield; Skylook-93,9) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2716
### Event 24251 (B2BD4C87)
**Date:** Summer 1964
**Locations:** Westford, Massachusetts; Boston area
**Description:** 10:00 p.m. A meteorologist at Westford, Massachusetts, sees a bright lightning flash 5 miles to the south. At the same time, his car headlights and the headlights of an approaching car go out, as well as his radio. No thunderclap is heard. He notes that the sky is clear and there are no thunderstorms in the entire Boston area.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “Astronomers and UFO’s: A Survey, Part 2, Sightings,” IUR 2, no. 4 \(April 1977\): 4
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3787
### Event 24252 (5566852D)
**Date:** 6/23/1964
**Location:** Palm Springs, CA
**Description:** Author of “Behind the Flying Saucers” and journalist Frank Scully dies in Palm Springs, CA. In 1988 his large archive of 1950’s-early 60's material (personal notes, private correspondences, newspaper clippings, etc.) is contributed by his wife Alice to the American Heritage Center (University of Wyoming) in Laramie, WY.
**Type:** death
**Reference:** [link](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frank_Scully)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_619
### Event 24253 (1DFD4264)
**Date:** 6/23/1964 (approximate)
**Time:** 01:10
**Location:** SR60 WITH VERO BEACH, FL
**Description:** 15+disks pace car / miles. Hide / other cars. / APRO 11'64+/ r111.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 35)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6978
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "30", **Elev:** "20", **HatchDesc:** "SR60 W/VERO BEACH,FL:15+DISKS PACE CAR/MILES:HIDE/OTHER CARS:/APRO 11'64+/r111", **LatLong:** "27.655557 -80.750004", **LatLongDMS:** "27:39:20 N 80:45:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/27.655557,-80.750004)", **State/Prov:** "Florida", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 24254 (26CA7EAC)
**Date:** 6/23/1964
**Description:** Fifteen or more flying discs paced a car on Highway 60 in Vero Beach, Florida. The object tipped back and forth as they did so. They first formed a V-formation, then reformed into a circular formation, then split the formation and flew on either side of a grove of trees.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP UFO Investigator, August 1964, p. 1
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3618
### Event 24255 (C419DF32)
**Date:** 6/24/1964
**Time:** 23:20
**Location:** NEAR KALISPELL, MT
**Description:** TV Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). 3 cigars going southwest outside. Low / horizon. Lights / ends and portholes? / r171.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 35)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6979
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "900", **HatchDesc:** "nr KALISPELL,MT:TV RFI:3 CGRS >SW OUTSIDE:LOW/HRZN:LITES/ENDS+PORTS?:/r171", **LatLong:** "48.194447 -114.311117", **LatLongDMS:** "48:11:40 N 114:18:40 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.194447,-114.311117)", **State/Prov:** "Montana", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 24256 (C1BEFF38)
**Date:** 6/24/1964
**Description:** Fifteen or more disc-shaped objects paced a truck driver and his wife in Vero Beach, Florida in the predawn hours. The discs flew along, tipping back and forth. They formed a V formation, then a circular formation; finally the objects split the formation and passed on either side of a group of trees.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP UFO Investigator, August 1964, p. 1
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3638
### Event 24257 (32CDF4DB)
**Date:** 6/25/1964
**Location:** USA, Ely (Nevada)
**Description:** (Translated from French) George W. Rogers of Spring Valley was driving with his brother Bert towards Ely when they saw a strange craft in front of them on the road. At first it was on the side at 1.20 m from the ground. They had only seen the top and their first thought was that it was a jeep that had swerved. Then it had risen and come above the road where it had landed for a short moment on a kind of 60 cm pedestal. The two men were then a few meters away from the object. It looked like a pyramid roof, but the tip was on the side of the thin pedestal. It was slightly curved and was spinning quickly. George Rogers had jumped out of the car and run to touch the object. At the moment he had approached, the thing had emitted a loud rumble and had jumped about 3 m high to come back down on the road 15 m further. George had approached 3 or 4 times, it had been the same thing. "It suddenly came to me that I was stirring around something I knew nothing about. Bert was shouting at me to stay away from this object. I eventually thought he was right and I went back to the driver's seat." A moment later the object had risen slowly and had flown away at full speed towards the east. The two men said that the thing looked like an upside-down roof, the sides were shiny as if they had been made of plastic and had a red mark or emblem that he had not seen well because the craft kept spinning.
**Reference:** Frank EDWARDS: "Les S.V. affaire sérieuse". - trad. Laffont 1967 - p. 111-112
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2286
### Event 24258 (E6F17878)
**Date:** 6/25/1964
**Description:** Top-object / roadside. Lands / 2' pedestal. Spins and hops and flies off!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** EDWARDS, Frank: FLYING SAUCERS-SERIOUS BUSINESS; Lyle Stewart & Bantam Books 1966. (Index 69)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6980
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "2000", **HatchDesc:** "nr SPRING VALLEY,NV:TOP-OBJ/ROADSIDE:LANDS/2' PEDESTAL:SPINS+HOPS+FLIES OFF!", **LatLong:** "39.344446 -114.416672", **LatLongDMS:** "39:20:40 N 114:25:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.344446,-114.416672)", **State/Prov:** "Nevada", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 24259 (27FD4A36)
**Date:** Late 6/1964
**Location:** Rome, IN
**Description:** Mysterious Markings in Field Baffle Perry County Farm Family. A five foot circular burned circle, with three intensely burned circles arranged in a triangular shape as though made by table legs were discovered in the alfalfa field. (NICAP: 06 - Trace Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2722
### Event 24260 (F0CDCEBD)
**Date:** 6/25/1964
**Time:** 13:30:00.1
**Location:** 37.1111 -116.0288
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Fade” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_370
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1111 -116.0288", **LatLongDMS:** "37:06:40 N 116:01:44 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1111,-116.0288)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.21", **NukeName:** "Fade", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 24261 (DB3B4597)
**Date:** 6/25/1964
**Description:** In Spring Valley, Nevada a spinning top-shaped UFO w pyramidal sides and a two-foot long pedestal was seen resting on the ground. It was about the size of a Jeep and was a "shiny plastic" color. It rose ten feet off the ground, then landed again. Took off and flew in a horizontal direction. A UFO very similar in appearance was sighted in South Carolina on June 30, 1964.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** newspaper clipping, July 1, 1964; Project Blue Book files counted in official statistics
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3652
### Event 24262 (FB29683C)
**Date:** 6/27/1964
**Location:** Cleveland, Ohio
**Description:** Teenage UFO buffs [Allen H. Greenfield](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allen%5FH.%5FGreenfield), [Rick Hilberg](http://www.mufonohio.com/mufono/2015confSUMM.html), and Dale Rettig hold the first Congress of Scientific Ufologists in Cleveland, Ohio. It becomes an annual meeting and changes its name to the National UFO Conference, which runs until 2005.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[National UFO Conference](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National%5FUFO%5FConference)”; “[Ufologists to Meet,](https://www.newspapers.com/clip/94917664/)” Lexington \(Ky.\) Herald, June 22, 1964, p. 20; Story, [p. 91](https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofuf0000unse/page/90/mode/2up); David Halperin, “[Cleveland 2015: ‘Congress of Scientific](https://www.davidhalperin.net/cleveland-2015-congress-of-scientific-ufologists-50th-reunion/) [Ufologists’ 50th Reunion,](https://www.davidhalperin.net/cleveland-2015-congress-of-scientific-ufologists-50th-reunion/)” davidhalperin.net, June 25, 2015; National UFO Conference, “[Congress of Scientific](https://nationalufoconference.wordpress.com/tag/congress-of-scientific-ufologists/) [UFOlogists](https://nationalufoconference.wordpress.com/tag/congress-of-scientific-ufologists/)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3793
### Event 24263 (A9322631)
**Date:** 6/29/1964
**Time:** 23:50
**Location:** NEAR LAVONIA, GA
**Description:** Car buzzed / saucer. Hiss! Radiation/radioactivity and electro-magnetic effect (EME) and oily residue. / MJ#254+/ r249p286.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 35)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6981
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **RDA:** Radiation/high energy fields detected, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded, **ODR:** Odors associated with UFO's
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "260", **HatchDesc:** "nr LAVONIA,GA:CAR BUZZED/SCR:HISS!:RDA+EME+OILY RESIDUE:/MJ#254+/r249p286", **LatLong:** "34.433335 -83.100004", **LatLongDMS:** "34:26:00 N 83:06:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/34.433335,-83.100004)", **RelAlt:** "2", **State/Prov:** "Georgia", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 24264 (33375857)
**Date:** 6/29/1964
**Location:** Lavonia (near), GA
**Description:** Vehicle encounter, top-shaped UFO and strange effects (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases) (NICAP: 05 - Medical Incidents)
**Reference:** NICAP: [640629](https://web.archive.org/web/100/http://www.nicap.org/640629dir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2718
### Event 24265 (54C190A5)
**Date:** 6/29/1964
**Location:** Lavonia (near), GA
**Description:** Vehicle encounter, top-shaped UFO, strange effects (NICAP: 06 - Trace Cases)
**Reference:** NICAP: [640629](https://web.archive.org/web/100/http://www.nicap.org/640629dir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2720
### Event 24266 (C789C7F3)
**Date:** 6/29/1964
**Location:** Lavonia (near), GA
**Description:** Vehicle encounter, top-shaped UFO (NICAP: 10 - Nuclear Connection)
**Reference:** NICAP: [640629](https://web.archive.org/web/100/http://www.nicap.org/640629dir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2721
### Event 24267 (C8B29F79)
**Date:** 6/29/1964
**Location:** Lavonia, GA
**Description:** Brilliantly lit top-shaped object made head-on passes at car, paced ahead of it, hovering and darting motions
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_15
### Event 24268 (53C00F48)
**Date:** 6/29/1964
**Description:** Lavonia, Georgia - Driving near the Georgia-South Carolina border late in the evening, Beauford Parham experienced a close encounter with a huge, amber colored, spinning top-shaped UFO. It made a hissing sound "like a million snakes". The witness felt a burning sensation in his body while the UFO hovered just in front of car for more than a minute as he travelled along at 65 mph. The UFO went up over the car, leaving a strong odor like "embalming fluid" and a gaseous vapor covered his car. The UFO came straight at his car again and the engine of his car began to miss. He stopped the car, and the object "spun like crazy" and then took off, disappearing in a split second. Parham's hands continued to burn even after he washed them. An oily substance on the car persisted after several washings, and the car's hood was warped with bubbled up paint.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Richard Hall, Uninvited Guests, pg. 248
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3728
### Event 24269 (C5FB989F)
**Date:** 6/30/1964
**Time:** 01:00
**Location:** WELLFORD, SC
**Description:** Saucer with antennas follows car / miles. Leaves when headlights off. / MJ#254.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** EDWARDS, Frank: FLYING SAUCERS-SERIOUS BUSINESS; Lyle Stewart & Bantam Books 1966. (Index 69)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6982
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **RDA:** Radiation/high energy fields detected, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "50", **Elev:** "262", **HatchDesc:** "WELLFORD,SC:SCR W/ANTENNAS FOLOS CAR/MILES:LEAVES WHEN HEADLITES OFF:/MJ#254", **LatLong:** "34.950002 -82.088893", **LatLongDMS:** "34:57:00 N 82:05:20 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/34.950002,-82.088893)", **State/Prov:** "South Carolina", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 24270 (B2AB51BA)
**Date:** 6/30/1964
**Time:** 13:33:00.1
**Location:** 37.1744 -116.0564
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Dub” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_371
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1744 -116.0564", **LatLongDMS:** "37:10:28 N 116:03:23 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1744,-116.0564)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.26", **NukeName:** "Dub", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 24271 (618E2FC8)
**Date:** 6/30/1964
**Locations:** Lavonia, Georgia; Anderson Regional Airport in South Carolina
**Description:** 1:00 a.m. [Beauford E. Parham](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/37321359/beauford-e%5F-parham) is driving near Lavonia, Georgia, on his way back from a business trip when he notices a brilliant light in the sky. It is moving towards his car at a 45° angle. In an instant it appears right in front of his headlights, no more than 5 feet away and a foot above the ground. Shaped like a giant top, it emits a “hissing sound like a million snakes.” The amber-colored UFO has a sharp, steeple-like cone rising from its top midsection. It moves above his car leaving a strong odor of embalming fluid and a gaseous vapor that leaves an oily substance over his car, even after repeated washings. After several passes over his car, it starts spinning and takes off vertically. Parham now notices his arms are beginning to burn. He immediately reports his sighting to the mayor of Lavonia, then personnel at the Anderson Regional Airport in South Carolina, where he meets local FAA officials who check his car for radiation. They get readings from the oily stains, as well as both his arms from the shoulder down.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Man Claims Car Buzzed by an Unknown Object,](https://www.newspapers.com/clip/99797672/)” Greenwood \(S.C.\) Index-Journal, July 3, 1964, p. 5; NICAP, “[Lavonia / Tallulah Case \(Radiation\)](http://www.nicap.org/640629lavonia%5Fdir.htm)”; [Schopick](http://cufos.org/books/A%5FStudy%5Fof%5FSecondary%5FEffects-An%5FUnpublished%5FManuscript%5Fof%5FUFO%5FE-M%5FCases.pdf)[,](http://cufos.org/books/A%5FStudy%5Fof%5FSecondary%5FEffects-An%5FUnpublished%5FManuscript%5Fof%5FUFO%5FE-M%5FCases.pdf) pp. 71–72; Donald E. Keyhoe and Gordon I. R. Lore Jr., [Strange Effects from UFOs](http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Books/Other/Lore%2C%20Gordon%20-%20Strange%20Effects%20from%20UFOs.pdf), NICAP, 1969, pp. 5–7; Clark III 678–680
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3794
### Event 24272 (4CF80CEF)
**Date:** 6/30/1964
**Description:** In Wellford, South Carolina a disc-shaped object with an antenna followed a car for many miles beginning at one o'clock in the morning. It departed when the car's driver turned the car headlights off. The duration of the close encounter was 50 minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Frank Edwards, Flying Saucers--Serious Business, p. 69
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3747
### Event 24273 (F6189237)
**Date:** 7/1964
**Location:** USA
**Description:** (Translated from French) Two prototypes of such an ionic engine were tested in July 1964, in the United States. The characteristic of these devices is to provide only an extremely weak thrust, of the order of half a gram, but to be able to sustain it, without refueling, for years. Since the acceleration is constant, the speed could reach 200,000, 300,000 km/h... which does not exclude the invention of propulsion based on phenomena still under study in laboratories. (July 1964)
**Reference:** "Astronautics, Pierre Rousseau, Hachette 1965, p. 61
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2287
### Event 24274 (DC805FF1)
**Date:** 7/1964?
**Time:** ~07:00
**Location:** TUEJAR, SP
**Description:** 3 observer(s). Car-size object hovers and glows. Going quickly north very fast shooting green sparks.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BALLESTER OLMOS, Vicente-Juan: CATALOG of 200 TYPE-1 EVENTS in SPAIN & PORTUGAL; CUFOS 1976. (Index 8)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6983
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "TUEJAR,SP:3 OBS:CAR-SIZE OBJ HVRS+GLOWS:>>N VFAST SHOOTING GREEN SPARKS.", **LatLong:** "39.750002 -1.100000", **LatLongDMS:** "39:45:00 N 01:06:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.750002,-1.100000)", **State/Prov:** "Valencian", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 24275 (C3EF5BBC)
**Date:** 7/1964
**Time:** 11:30
**Description:** 6M conic saucer rests on hill. Traces = crushed soil and vegetation.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BALLESTER OLMOS, Vicente-Juan: CATALOG of 200 TYPE-1 EVENTS in SPAIN & PORTUGAL; CUFOS 1976. (Index 9)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6984
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "LAS ROZAS NW MADRID,SP:6M CONIC SCR RESTS ON HILL:TRACES=CRUSHED SOIL+VEGETATI", **LatLong:** "40.516669 -3.783334", **LatLongDMS:** "40:31:00 N 03:47:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.516669,-3.783334)", **State/Prov:** "MAD", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 24276 (C09B59FF)
**Date:** 7/1964
**Time:** 11:30
**Description:** 2 / van. 65' saucer 4' over dirt road. Blows odd red dust / sticks / van.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 254)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6985
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Zimbabwe & Zambia", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "nr ZVIZHAVANE,RHOD:2/VAN:65'SCR 4'OVR DIRT ROAD:BLOWS ODD RED DUST/STICKS/VAN", **LatLong:** "-20.366668 30.033335", **LatLongDMS:** "20:22:00 S 30:02:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-20.366668,30.033335)", **State/Prov:** "MSH", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 24277 (45698E14)
**Date:** 7/1964
**Description:** NICAP report, The UFO Evidence, released to Congress and news media.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_16
### Event 24278 (39D1214C)
**Date:** 7/2/1964
**Location:** PACIFIC 175° 50W-36° 50N
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Military observer(s). No further details [in] at all.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFOCAT CATALOG: Assorted Printouts. Donald A. Johnson Ph.D (CUFOS). P.O. Box 446, Concord, NH 03302-0446 (Index 73)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6986
**Attributes:** **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Pacific Ocean and non - Asian islands", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "PACIFIC 175°50W-36°50N:BBK#UNKN:MIL OBS:NFD AT ALL", **LatLong:** "36.833335 -175.833342", **LatLongDMS:** "36:50:00 N 175:50:00 W", **Locale:** "High Seas", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/36.833335,-175.833342)", **State/Prov:** "NPC", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 24279 (D6C861F6)
**Date:** 7/3/1964 (approximate)
**Time:** 23:20
**Description:** Romanian Navy. Night light maneuvers frantically inside white halo. West going quickly east.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HOBANA Ion & WEVERBERGH,Julien: UFO'S from BEHIND the IRON CURTAIN; Bantam Books,1975. 308pp. (Index 177)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6987
**Attributes:** **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Greece and Island nations", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "IONIAN SEA E/SICILY:ROMANIAN NAVY:NLT MNVRS FRANTICALLY INSIDE WHT HALO:W>>E", **LatLong:** "37.000002 19.000001", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:00 N 19:00:00 E", **Locale:** "High Seas", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.000002,19.000001)", **State/Prov:** "ION", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 24280 (75238195)
**Date:** 7/5/1964
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Launch of the first Apollo AS-203 orbital mission. (July 5)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1964.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2054
### Event 24281 (A40619F5)
**Date:** 7/5/1964
**Location:** PACIFIC 178° 05E-20° 05N
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Military observer(s). No further details [in] at all.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFOCAT CATALOG: Assorted Printouts. Donald A. Johnson Ph.D (CUFOS). P.O. Box 446, Concord, NH 03302-0446 (Index 73)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6988
**Attributes:** **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Pacific Ocean and non - Asian islands", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "PACIFIC 178°05E-20°05N:BBK#UNKN:MIL OBS:NFD AT ALL", **LatLong:** "20.083334 178.083342", **LatLongDMS:** "20:05:00 N 178:05:00 E", **Locale:** "High Seas", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/20.083334,178.083342)", **State/Prov:** "NPC", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 24282 (239D3575)
**Date:** 7/6/1964
**Time:** 13:00?
**Location:** SOUTH / COOLIDGE, AZ
**Description:** Engineer and 1 / US87. Cloud disk going east / 200kph? 90° turn going north. Fades away..
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 785)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6989
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "434", **HatchDesc:** "S/COOLIDGE,AZ:ENGINEER+1/US87:CLOUD DISK >E/200kph?:90° TURN >N:FADES AWAY..", **LatLong:** "32.966668 -111.516672", **LatLongDMS:** "32:58:00 N 111:31:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/32.966668,-111.516672)", **State/Prov:** "Arizona", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 24283 (2568D82A)
**Date:** 7/7/1964
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** TALLULAH FALLS, GA
**Description:** 9 observer(s). Red saucer over homes. Chemical smell. Lights area / green. Back / 2230h.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: CHALLENGE to SCIENCE, The UFO ENIGMA; Henry Regnery 1966 & Ballentine Books, NY 1974. PB (Index 48)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6990
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **ODR:** Odors associated with UFO's
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "12", **Elev:** "463", **HatchDesc:** "TALLULAH FALLS,GA:9 OBS:RED SCR OVR HOMES:CHEM SMELL:LITES AREA/GRN:BACK/2230h", **LatLong:** "34.905557 -83.394448", **LatLongDMS:** "34:54:20 N 83:23:40 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/34.905557,-83.394448)", **State/Prov:** "Georgia", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 24284 (94BE83F3)
**Date:** 7/7/1964
**Time:** 2100
**Location:** Tallulah Falls, Georgia
**Description:** Nine persons from three different houses, including J. Ivester, described an object like "a flying top." TV interference was associated with the object's presence. It flew silently at tree height and hovered over the vard of Mrs. Russell Mickinan's house. The lower part was bright red, with three lights on the upper part. As it left, a green light illuminated the countryside. A powerful odor similar to "embalming fluid" was noticeable when police arrived. The next day, witnesses felt a burning sensation on their faces and arms.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Challenge 39 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_615
### Event 24285 (E46B0941)
**Date:** 7/7/1964
**Location:** Turnerville, Georgia
**Description:** Around 9:00 p.m. Three members of the [Henry Ivester](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/197161459/henry-edward-ivester) family in Turnerville, Georgia, are watching TV when sudden interference prevents them from further viewing. They go out on the front porch and see an object moving silently above the trees 300 feet away. It stops to hover a few feet above a neighbor’s garden across the highway. Its bottom side is fully visible; on the dark upper side are three lights: red, clear, red. The red lights are blinking. As the object ascends, the lights go out. A brilliant green light then shines from the bottom, illuminating the trees. A foul odor “like embalming fluid or brake fluid” hangs in the air after the object leaves.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Unearthly Objects](https://www.newspapers.com/clip/94918975/) [Hovering in Sky?](https://www.newspapers.com/clip/94918975/)” Atlanta \(Ga.\) Constitution, July 17, 1964, p. 23; [Schopick](http://cufos.org/books/A%5FStudy%5Fof%5FSecondary%5FEffects-An%5FUnpublished%5FManuscript%5Fof%5FUFO%5FE-M%5FCases.pdf)[,](http://cufos.org/books/A%5FStudy%5Fof%5FSecondary%5FEffects-An%5FUnpublished%5FManuscript%5Fof%5FUFO%5FE-M%5FCases.pdf) pp. 72–73; Clark III 679; “[An](https://theparanormaleffect.wordpress.com/2010/10/03/an-interesting-ufo-story-from-georgia/) [Interesting UFO Story from Georgia,](https://theparanormaleffect.wordpress.com/2010/10/03/an-interesting-ufo-story-from-georgia/)” The Paranormal Effect, October 3, 2010
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3795
### Event 24286 (C3E8CAB7)
**Date:** 7/8/1964 (approximate)
**Time:** 10:30
**Location:** SENTOUS, FR
**Description:** 3 Mx1.5M saucer hovers low / roadside. Quickly going up. 2 small humanoids (or Greys) / Khaki walk by hedge. / r30p251.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 186)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6991
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "SENTOUS,FR:3Mx1.5M SCR HVRS LO/ROADSIDE:↑↑:2 OIDS/KHAKI WALK BY HEDGE:/r30p251", **LatLong:** "43.266669 0.377778", **LatLongDMS:** "43:16:00 N 00:22:40 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.266669,0.377778)", **State/Prov:** "Hautes-Pyrénées", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 24287 (CE43549D)
**Date:** 7/8/1964
**Description:** At 10:30 a.m. a man named Senac saw a three meter wide by 1.5 meter tall disc-shaped object hovering low over the roadside of the D-21 highway in Maraunats, Pyrenees-Atlantique department, France. Two short humanoids dressed in khaki were also seen walking by a hedge.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Fernand LaGarde, FSR, November-December 1969, p. 17; Alain Gamard, UFO Register, Volume 7, p. 44; UFO Nachtrichten, March 1970, citing Lumieres dans la Nuit
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3926
### Event 24288 (A210F9C9)
**Date:** 7/9/1964
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) An A-12 \(\#133\) crashes during its final approach to [Groom Lake](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/Area51.html). The pilot, Park, ejects at an altitude of 500 feet and survives. (July 9)
**Reference:** McIninch
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1964.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2056
### Event 24289 (76049656)
**Date:** 7/10/1964
**Time:** 13:00
**Location:** BERGEGGI, ITL
**Description:** 1 observer. Sphere grazes sea surface. Silver and dark sides. Rotates. Quickly going up [to] and going quickly west.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** ITACAT, Catalogo Italiano degli Incontri Ravvicinati. Maurizio Verga, 1989 CISU/Torino, Italy. (Index 56)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6992
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Italy", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "BERGEGGI,ITL:1 OBS:SPHERE GRAZES SEA SURFACE:SLVR+DARK SIDES:ROTATES:↑↑+>>W", **LatLong:** "44.233335 8.466667", **LatLongDMS:** "44:14:00 N 08:28:00 E", **Locale:** "Offshore", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.233335,8.466667)", **State/Prov:** "SV", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 24290 (860DEF84)
**Date:** 7/10/1964
**Location:** Cape Guardeau, MO
**Description:** (McDonald list) Air/Grn Visual & Radar Confirmation (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** NICAP: [640710](http://www.nicap.org/640710cape%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2723
### Event 24291 (D7A51E6C)
**Date:** 7/12/1964
**Description:** Dr. Zaitsev and more/others. Huge domed saucer paces airliner. Going quickly [to] away. / LDLN#204.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HOBANA Ion & WEVERBERGH,Julien: UFO'S from BEHIND the IRON CURTAIN; Bantam Books,1975. 308pp. (Index 286)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6993
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Russia", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "nr BOLOGOYE,RUSS:Dr.ZAITSEV++:HUGE DOMED SCR PACES AIRLINER:>> away:/LDLN#204", **LatLong:** "58.000003 34.000002", **LatLongDMS:** "58:00:00 N 34:00:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/58.000003,34.000002)", **State/Prov:** "KAL", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 24292 (EC40F2C0)
**Date:** 7/12/1964
**Location:** Bologoye, Tver Oblast, Russia
**Description:** Assistant Professor Vyacheslav Zaitsev is aboard a Tupolev Tu-104 airliner above Bologoye, Tver Oblast, Russia, when he sees a huge disc with a domed cabin suddenly appear below the aircraft, fly a parallel course for a while, then swerve abruptly and speed away.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Felix Ziegel, “[Unidentified Flying Objects,](https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=uc1.31210023618901&view=1up&seq=103&skin=2021)” Soviet Life, no. 137 \(February 1968\): 28; “[Russian Scientist Confirms Important Cases,](http://www.cufos.org/UFOI%5Fand%5FSelected%5FDocuments/UFOI/041%20MAR%201968.pdf)” UFO Investigator 4, no. 5 \(March 1968\): 6; Good Above, [p. 220](https://archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/220/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3796
### Event 24293 (7DBF6368)
**Date:** 7/12/1964
**Description:** At 5:25 p.m. a huge domed disc-shaped object paced an airliner flying from Leningrad to Moscow while over the city of Bologoye, Russia. It then shot away. One of the witnesses was a Russian scientist named Zaytsev.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Ion Hobana and Julien Weverbergh, UFOs from Behind the Iron Curtain, pp. 284-286; NICAP UFO Investigator, March 1968, p. 6; J. Allen Hynek & Jacques Vallee, The Edge of Reality: A Progress Report on Unidentified Flying Objects, p. 292
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4002
### Event 24294 (864C8DB8)
**Date:** 7/14/1964
**Time:** 23:00
**Location:** GAINESVILLE, GA
**Description:** Many separate observer(s) / area. Misty orange-glowing saucer with red and green and white lights..
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HITT, Michael D: GEORGIA'S AERIAL PHENOMENON 1947-1987 Self published 1999. ref. Jan Aldrich. (Index 38)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6994
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "20", **Elev:** "381", **HatchDesc:** "GAINESVILLE,GA:MANY SEP.OBS/AREA:MISTY ORG-GLO SCR W/RED+GRN+WHT LITES..", **LatLong:** "34.333335 -83.833337", **LatLongDMS:** "34:20:00 N 83:50:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/34.333335,-83.833337)", **State/Prov:** "Georgia", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 24295 (3A34ACED)
**Date:** 7/14/1964
**Time:** 23:10
**Location:** RED HILL, GA
**Description:** 2 / car. Bright red ovoid maneuvers within 100M. Responds / lights. Oily traces.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HITT, Michael D: GEORGIA'S AERIAL PHENOMENON 1947-1987 Self published 1999. ref. Jan Aldrich. (Index 38)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6995
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "262", **HatchDesc:** "RED HILL,GA:2/CAR:BRITE RED OVOID MNVRS within 100M:RESPONDS/LITES:oily traces", **LatLong:** "34.433335 -83.261115", **LatLongDMS:** "34:26:00 N 83:15:40 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/34.433335,-83.261115)", **RelAlt:** "100", **State/Prov:** "Georgia", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 24296 (3A1EE138)
**Date:** 7/14/1964
**Time:** evening
**Location:** Tallulah Falls, Georgia
**Description:** Miss P. Upton came running home nearly hysterical. While riding bicycles, she and a friend saw a low-flying object that terrified them. A strong unpleasant smell also was reported.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Fate Nov., 64 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_616
### Event 24297 (A01D0357)
**Date:** 7/14/1964
**Location:** Gainesville, Georgia
**Description:** After 11:00 p.m. Atlanta Constitution reporter [Tom Winfield](https://www.facebook.com/tomwinfield77) sees a top-shaped, misty-orange object circling above the southeast section of Gainesville, Georgia, at about 500 feet. It stops and hovers a few moments then shoots up out of sight. He takes a photo, but nothing registers on the film.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Unearthly Objects Hovering in Sky?](https://www.newspapers.com/clip/94918975/)” Atlanta \(Ga.\) Constitution, July 17, 1964, p. 23
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3797
### Event 24298 (49D956DA)
**Date:** 7/14/1964
**Description:** A close encounter occurred on this evening in Tallulah Falls, Georgia. Miss P. Upton came running home nearly hysterical. While riding bicycles, she and a friend saw a low-flying object that terrified them. A strong unpleasant smell also was reported.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Fate magazine, November 1964, p. 66; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case # 616
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4051
### Event 24299 (608FC466)
**Date:** 7/15/1964
**Location:** UK House of Commons
**Description:** MP [Arthur Henderson](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arthur%5FHenderson%2C%5FBaron%5FRowley) in the UK House of Commons asks the former Secretary of State for Air [Hugh Fraser](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arthur%5FHenderson%2C%5FBaron%5FRowley) about cooperation between the RAF and USAF in UFO investigations. Fraser says he is aware of the US Project Blue Book, and that 10% of the cases are insufficient evidence.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Good Above, [p. 60](https://archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/60/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3798
### Event 24300 (4D8958B0)
**Date:** 7/16/1964
**Location:** USA, Conklin (New York)
**Description:** (Translated from French) Edmund Travis, 9 years old, his 7 year old brother Randy, Floyd Moore, 10 years old, and two other boys saw a dwarf, dressed in black and wearing a helmet with a glass part in front of his face. He asked for some water in a strange voice that seemed to come from a pipe. Then he walked towards a shiny craft while the children ran back home. (July 16, 1964)
**Reference:** M. FIGUET/ J.L. RUCHON: "Ovni, Premier dossier complet..." - éd. Alain Lefeuvre 1979, p. 101
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2288
### Event 24301 (693B4753)
**Date:** 7/16/1964
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Sighting 15 miles South of Houghton Lake \(Michigan\). (July 16)
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#8924 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1964.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2057
### Event 24302 (C2267651)
**Date:** 7/16/1964
**Time:** 12:30
**Location:** CONKLIN, NY
**Description:** 5 kids. Small humanoid (or Grey) / black suit and helmet. Wants water. Tinny speech. Traces. / MJ#255.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LORENZEN, Coral & Jim: ENCOUNTERS with UFO OCCUPANTS; APRO/Berkley Medallion Books 1976. 424pp (Index 183)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6996
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens, **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **CVS:** Conversation/communication, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "12", **Elev:** "264", **HatchDesc:** "CONKLIN,NY:5 KIDS:OID/BLK SUIT+HELMET:WANTS WATER:TINNY SPEECH:TRACES:/MJ#255", **LatLong:** "42.050002 -75.883337", **LatLongDMS:** "42:03:00 N 75:53:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.050002,-75.883337)", **State/Prov:** "New York", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 24303 (6E1958AB)
**Date:** 7/16/1964
**Time:** 23:20
**Location:** 15 MI SOUTH / HOUGHTON LK, MI
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #8924. 4+2 night lights buzz and pace airliner. Vanish. / r70p3-100.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HAINES, Richard Ph.D: PROJECT DELTA; 1994, LDA Press, PO Box 880, Los Altos, CA 94023 USA (Index 143)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6997
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "6", **Elev:** "360", **HatchDesc:** "15 mi S/HOUGHTON Lk,MI:BBK#8924:4+2 NLTS BUZZ+PACE AIRLINER:VANISH:/r70p3-100", **LatLong:** "44.105558 -84.822226", **LatLongDMS:** "44:06:20 N 84:49:20 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.105558,-84.822226)", **State/Prov:** "Michigan", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 24304 (0A75076C)
**Date:** 7/16/1964
**Location:** Houghton Lake (15 miles south of), MI
**Description:** Maneuvering Echelon Formation Closes On Airplane (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: 8924)
**Reference:** NICAP: [640716](http://www.nicap.org/640716houghtonlake%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2724
### Event 24305 (F72D70DD)
**Date:** 7/16/1964
**Location:** Conklin, NY
**Description:** Humanoid with dark suit and helmet, climbed on top of craft. Physical traces found at site (UFOE Section XII). (NICAP: 06 - Trace Cases) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2725
### Event 24306 (B4F88399)
**Date:** 7/16/1964
**Time:** 1500
**Location:** Conklin, New York
**Description:** Edmund Travis, 9, Randy Travis, 7 Floyd Moore, 10, and two other boys, saw a dwarf dressed in a black suit and a helmet, with a glass section in front of his face, which looked human. He appeared to request some water in a strange tone, which sounded "as if it came from a pipe." He then walked to a shiny machine partially hidden in the brush, as the boys ran home.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Humanoids 59 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_617
### Event 24307 (B550A835)
**Date:** 7/16/1964
**Time:** 11:15 PM
**Location:** 15 miles south of Houghton Lake, Michigan
**Description:** Witness: Northern Air Service pilot K. Jannereth. Four white lights in a stepped-up echelon formation, were joined by two more. They closed in on the airplane, then rapidly slowed nd flew along with it for a total of 5 minutes.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_506
### Event 24308 (38A33C61)
**Date:** 7/16/1964
**Location:** Conklin, NY
**Description:** Humanoid with dark suit and helmet, climbed on top of craft. Physical traces found at site
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_17
### Event 24309 (86EDE943)
**Date:** 7/16/1964
**Location:** Houghton Lake, MI
**Description:** Pilot observed formation of four white lights joined by two others, paced aircraft for five minutes
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_18
### Event 24310 (DA117B98)
**Date:** 7/16/1964
**Time:** 13:15:00.2
**Location:** 37.1822 -116.0454
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Bye” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 200KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_372
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1822 -116.0454", **LatLongDMS:** "37:10:56 N 116:02:43 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1822,-116.0454)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.39", **NukeName:** "Bye", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "200"
### Event 24311 (30DBFC0F)
**Date:** 7/16/1964
**Location:** Conklin, New York
**Description:** Shortly after noon. Five boys \(Edmund Travis, Randy Travis, Floyd Moore, Billy Dunlap, and Gary Dunlap\) are playing around an apple tree at Conklin, New York, when they notice a shiny, dome-shaped object in a field along the roadside. Looking for the source of a whistling sound, the boys spot a 3-foot-tall humanoid figure crouching in a tree about 150 feet away. It is dressed in a shiny black uniform, short-sleeved shirt, and black helmet. The whistling appears to emanate from his stomach. The boys throw stones and apples at it, but the figure is too far away. After about 15 minutes, the figure, moving stiffly, falls backwards out of the tree and floats slowly into the bushes. They can see it crawling through the weeds back to the UFO. A round, flattened area is found in the field where the grass is crushed and bushes are broken. In the middle is dried, yellow moss that apparently has been subjected to great heat. Three depressions are where the UFO legs apparently were.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clark III 296–297; Patrick Gross, [URECAT](https://ufologie.patrickgross.org/ce3/1964-07-16-usa-conklin.htm)[,](https://ufologie.patrickgross.org/ce3/1964-07-16-usa-conklin.htm) July 10, 2007
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3799
### Event 24312 (8CBA2892)
**Date:** 7/16/1964
**Description:** A dome shaped object, as shiny as chromium, was seen in a field alongside a road by five boys at 12:30 p.m. in Conklin, Broome County, New York. A three-foot tall humanoid was seen in a tree. He was dressed in a black uniform with a black helmet, and wore two antenna wires and a visor. The being floated stiffly in a backwards motion out of the tree. The craft departed making a whistling sound. Three ground marks were found at the landing site.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Binghamton Press, July 17, 1964; Walter N. Webb, case investigation file; NICAP UFO Investigator, August 1964, p. 6; Coral & Jim Lorenzen, Encounters with UFO Occupants, p. 183
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4095
### Event 24313 (110B95B8)
**Date:** 7/16/1964
**Description:** At 11:15 p.m. four white lights in an echelon formation were joined by two more such craft. They closed in on an aircraft being flown by a Mr. Jannereth as he was flying 15 miles south of Houghton Lake, Michigan. They slowed rapidly, then paced his airplane for five minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Thomas M. Olsen, Reference for Outstanding UFO Reports, case 155; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty-Year Report, p. 117; Don Berliner, Australasian UFOlogist, April 1999, p. 51, citing Project Blue Book case # 8924; Richard F. Haines, Project Delta: Report on Multiple UFO, p. 143, citing Thomas M. Olsen
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4096
### Event 24314 (E477EE04)
**Date:** 7/17/1964
**Time:** 17:18:30.0
**Location:** 37.0176 -116.0296
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: Britain Name: “Cormorant” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1770
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0176 -116.0296", **LatLongDMS:** "37:01:03 N 116:01:47 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0176,-116.0296)", **NukeCountry:** "Britain", **NukeDepth:** "0.27", **NukeName:** "Cormorant", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCUG", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 24315 (7D5367A1)
**Date:** 7/19/1964
**Time:** 06:00:00.6
**Location:** 49.8091 78.0929
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 150KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1256
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.8091 78.0929", **LatLongDMS:** "49:48:33 N 78:05:34 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.8091,78.0929)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.50", **NukeSource:** "BOCHAROV", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "150"
### Event 24316 (301B2879)
**Date:** 7/20/1964
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Sighting in Clinton, Iowa--Littleton \(Illinois\). (July 20)
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#8942 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1964.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2058
### Event 24317 (8BDCFAF9)
**Date:** 7/20/1964
**Time:** 04:50
**Location:** WEST / LITTLETON, IL
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #8942. 1 / car. 20m saucer rises / trees. Beams cone / light going down. / r24 v2#12.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: CHALLENGE to SCIENCE, The UFO ENIGMA; Henry Regnery 1966 & Ballentine Books, NY 1974. PB (Index 49)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6998
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "208", **HatchDesc:** "W/LITTLETON,IL:BBK#8942:1/CAR:20m SCR RISES/TREES:BEAMS CONE/LITE↓:/r24 v2#12", **LatLong:** "40.233335 -90.666671", **LatLongDMS:** "40:14:00 N 90:40:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.233335,-90.666671)", **RelAlt:** "1", **State/Prov:** "Illinois", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 24318 (101507E9)
**Date:** 7/20/1964
**Time:** 05:00
**Location:** WEST / CLINTON, IA
**Description:** USAF man / car stops and watches / 1 minute(s). Large cone going NNW. Absolute(ly) silent. Vibrant bright.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** OLSEN, Thomas: REFERENCE for OUTSTANDING UFO SIGHTINGS REPORTS. 1966 UFO Information Retrieval Center, Riderwood, MD 21139. (Index 101)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_6999
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "214", **HatchDesc:** "W/CLINTON,IA:USAF MAN/CAR STOPS+WATCHES/1min:LRG CONE>NNW:ABS.SLNT:VBRITE:", **LatLong:** "41.850002 -90.300004", **LatLongDMS:** "41:51:00 N 90:18:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.850002,-90.300004)", **State/Prov:** "Iowa", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 24319 (955D388A)
**Date:** 7/20/1964
**Time:** 12:00?
**Location:** MADRAS, OR
**Description:** Cops and many. Umbrellas / incredible speeds. Silent clam-saucers in formation. / r3p49.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 36)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7000
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "44", **Elev:** "695", **HatchDesc:** "MADRAS,OR:COPS+MANY:UMBRELLAS/INCREDIBLE SPEEDS:SLNT CLAM-SCRS/FORMn:/r3p49", **LatLong:** "44.633335 -121.116672", **LatLongDMS:** "44:38:00 N 121:07:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.633335,-121.116672)", **State/Prov:** "Oregon", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 24320 (22660E91)
**Date:** 7/20/1964
**Location:** Clinton, IA
**Description:** 60 ft diameter round topped, flat-bottomed object (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 8942) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2727
### Event 24321 (1BD994A0)
**Date:** 7/20/1964
**Time:** 4:45 AM
**Location:** Littleton, Illinois
**Description:** Witness: J.J. Winkle. One 60' diameter round-topped, flat-bottomed object with a long acetylene-colored flame shooting downward, flew straight and level, made a half loop, then rose up. Sighting lasted l minute.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_507
### Event 24322 (393B5C28)
**Date:** 7/20/1964
**Description:** Mr. J.J. Winkle in Littleton, Illinois reported to the Air Force that at 4:45 a.m. he observed a 60-foot diameter flying object with a round top and flat bottom. It had a long acetylene-colored flame shooting downward from underneath the object. It flew straight and level, made a half loop, then rose up in the sky. The duration of the sighting was about one minute.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Project Blue Book files counted in official statistics, case 8942; Don Berliner, Project Bluebook Unknowns
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4235
### Event 24323 (D2C54D7B)
**Date:** 7/23/1964
**Location:** LONGREACH, QLD, AUS
**Description:** Reverend Alcorn. 10 delta/triangle/box-like crafts circle at 50K' altitude / 3 minute(s). No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** WILSON, Clifford: The ALIEN AGENDA; 1974 & Signet PB 1988. (religious interpretation.) (Index 7)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7001
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "LONGREACH,QLD,AUS:REVEREND ALCORN:10 DLTs CCL @50K'alt/3min:NFD ", **LatLong:** "-23.533334 144.283340", **LatLongDMS:** "23:32:00 S 144:17:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-23.533334,144.283340)", **State/Prov:** "Queensland", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 24324 (E0EA1896)
**Date:** 7/23/1964
**Location:** 37.0000 -116.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Links” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_373
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0000 -116.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:00 N 116:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0000,-116.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Links", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 24325 (7D61AABD)
**Date:** 7/24/1964
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** BINGHAMTON, NY
**Description:** 3 firemen and many. Fast bright object going quickly northwest / spurts. 3-day wave / cigars etc.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 36)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7002
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "160", **Elev:** "260", **HatchDesc:** "BINGHAMTON,NY:3 FIREMEN+MANY:FAST BRITE OBJ >>NW/SPURTS:3-day WAVE/CGRS etc.", **LatLong:** "42.100002 -75.933337", **LatLongDMS:** "42:06:00 N 75:56:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.100002,-75.933337)", **State/Prov:** "New York", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 24326 (EB01C131)
**Date:** 7/24/1964
**Location:** Langley AFB, VA
**Description:** (McDonald list) Brilliant Objects Tracked on GCA Radar (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** NICAP: [640724](http://www.nicap.org/640724langley%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2729
### Event 24327 (4980A399)
**Date:** 7/24/1964
**Location:** 37.0000 -116.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Trogon” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_374
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0000 -116.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:00 N 116:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0000,-116.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Trogon", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 24328 (C749AB8B)
**Date:** 7/24/1964
**Description:** Mr. Malone and two other men saw a UFO maneuvering in the sky over Binghamton, New York at 9:00 o'clock in the evening.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP UFO Investigator, September 1964, p. 6
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4353
### Event 24329 (8841E28B)
**Date:** Late 7/1964
**Locations:** Beeler Road; Shawnee High School; Lima, Ohio; Breese Road
**Description:** 4:30 p.m. Richard H. VanPelt and his teenage son are driving on Beeler Road south of Shawnee High School in Lima, Ohio, when they see a Saturn-shaped metallic object hovering above Breese Road 600 feet away. It is about 1,200–1,500 feet in the air and has a revolving ring around its center. It suddenly starts to move to the southwest, then tips on end and with tremendous speed goes straight up and out of sight.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Richard H. VanPelt, “[Letter,](http://cufos.org/CUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter/1984-85%5FCUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter%5FV5.pdf)” CUFOS Associate Newsletter 5, no. 3 \(June/July 1984\): 2
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3800
### Event 24330 (BC44432A)
**Date:** 7/27/1964
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Observation in Norwich \(New York\).
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#8969 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1964.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2059
### Event 24331 (3B13258A)
**Date:** 7/27/1964
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Observation in Denver \(Colorado\).
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#8973 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1964.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2060
### Event 24332 (74CAAD26)
**Date:** 7/27/1964
**Location:** NORWICH, ENGL
**Description:** Engineer. Aluminum sphere with luminous/glowing ring hovers / 4-5 minutes. Blue Book investigation/investigators. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO Evidence II: HB: Scarecrow Press Lanham, MD. http://www.scarecrowpress.com ISBN 0-8108-3881-8 (Index 150)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7003
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "NORWICH,ENGL:ENGINEER:ALUM.SPHERE W/LUMn RING HVRS/4-5 mins:BBK INV:NFD", **LatLong:** "52.633336 1.316667", **LatLongDMS:** "52:38:00 N 01:19:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/52.633336,1.316667)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 24333 (FA7B4DA6)
**Date:** 7/27/1964
**Time:** 19:30
**Location:** SHERBURNE, NY
**Description:** Engineer. Aluminum sphere/orb/globe / 15M altitude. Rim glows. 3 beams / light. / r41+/ r8#618.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 36)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7004
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "322", **HatchDesc:** "SHERBURNE,NY:ENGINEER:ALUM ORB/15M ALT:RIM GLOWS:3 BEAMS/LITE:/r41+/r8#618", **LatLong:** "42.677780 -75.500004", **LatLongDMS:** "42:40:40 N 75:30:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.677780,-75.500004)", **RelAlt:** "15", **State/Prov:** "New York", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 24334 (757C8240)
**Date:** 7/27/1964
**Time:** 20:20
**Location:** DENVER, CO
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #8973. Observer(s) = Borsa. White car-size fireball climbs slow then speeds up.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BERLINER, DON: The BLUEBOOK UNKNOWNS; (FUFOR). (Index 32)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7005
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "1578", **HatchDesc:** "DENVER,CO:BBK#8973:OBS=BORSA:WHT CAR-SIZE FBL CLIMBS SLOW THEN SPEEDS UP", **LatLong:** "39.716669 -105.000005", **LatLongDMS:** "39:43:00 N 105:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.716669,-105.000005)", **State/Prov:** "Colorado", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 24335 (CCA8B483)
**Date:** 7/27/1964 (approximate)
**Time:** 22:00?
**Location:** FLEMINGTON, NJ
**Description:** White ovoid buzzes car. Lands / field. Nears observer(s) who runs. / r8 #620.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 36)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7006
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "55", **HatchDesc:** "FLEMINGTON,NJ:WHT OVOID BUZZES CAR:LANDS/FIELD:NEARS OBS WHO RUNS:/r8 #620", **LatLong:** "40.511113 -74.861115", **LatLongDMS:** "40:30:40 N 74:51:40 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.511113,-74.861115)", **State/Prov:** "New Jersey", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 24336 (45907355)
**Date:** 7/27/1964
**Time:** 22:00
**Description:** Extra moon rises / northwest. Grows and going up [to] fast. 90 degree turn. Going quickly north then down.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: UFO CHRONICLES of the SOVIET UNION; Ballentine Books HB 1992. 212pp. (Index 186)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7007
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Mongolia", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "15", **HatchDesc:** "ULAN BATOR,MONGOLIA:EXTRA MOON RISES/NW:GROWS+↑ FAST:90dgr TURN:>>N THEN DOWN", **LatLong:** "47.933336 107.000005", **LatLongDMS:** "47:56:00 N 107:00:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.933336,107.000005)", **State/Prov:** "ULA", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 24337 (3419ABCF)
**Date:** 7/27/1964
**Location:** Norwich, NY
**Description:** Aluminum sphere with a flourescent luminous ring (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 8969)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2730
### Event 24338 (54AF1765)
**Date:** 7/27/1964
**Location:** Denver, CO
**Description:** White ball of fire, the size of a car, climb slowly, then speed up (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 8973)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2731
### Event 24339 (3AD9BB84)
**Date:** 7/27/1964
**Time:** 2100
**Location:** Sherburne, New York
**Description:** An engineer stopped his car when he saw an aluminum-looking object, stationary, about 15 m above ground. The edge of the craft seemed fluorescent, and three beams of very bright light were emitted before it flew off at high speed. Total duration: 6 min.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Atic ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_618
### Event 24340 (A8345555)
**Date:** 7/27/1964
**Time:** 7:30 PM
**Location:** Norwich, New York
**Description:** Witness: Duabert, engineering supervisor. One aluminum sphere with a luminous ring, remained stationary for 4-5 minutes.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_508
### Event 24341 (E0D3137D)
**Date:** 7/27/1964
**Time:** 8:20 PM
**Location:** Denver, Colorado
**Description:** Witness: A. Borsa. One white ball of fire, the size of a car, climbed slowly, then speeded up. Sighting lasted 2-3 minutes.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_509
### Event 24342 (6ABE2DFD)
**Date:** 7/27/1964
**Location:** Norwich, NY
**Description:** Aluminum-colored sphere with luminous ring hovered for four to five minutes. Air Force unidentified case
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_19
### Event 24343 (DB15AE9A)
**Date:** 7/27/1964
**Description:** At 8:50 p.m. an engineer named Daubert saw an aluminum colored sphere with a luminous glowing ring that hovered for 4-5 minutes at 15 meters altitude over a farm in Sherburne, New York. A Project Blue Book unexplained case.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Project Blue Book files counted in official statistics, case #8969; Thomas M. Olsen, The Reference for Outstanding UFO Sighting Reports, case 158; Richard Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume 2: A Thirty Year Report, pp. 2 & 150
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4433
### Event 24344 (54E29330)
**Date:** 7/27/1964
**Description:** At 8:20 p.m. a witness named Borsa in Denver, Colorado sighted a white fireball, estimated to be the size of a car, that climbed slowly in the sky then sped up. The sighting lasted 2-3 minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Project Blue Book files counted in official statistics, case #8973; Don Berliner, Australasian Ufologist, April 1999, p. 51
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4434
### Event 24345 (0BC96904)
**Date:** 7/28/1964
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) First high-resolution photos of the lunar surface taken by *Ranger 7*. (July 28)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1964.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2061
### Event 24346 (FD8B989F)
**Date:** 7/28/1964
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) A warship of the [US Navy](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/USNavy.html) is ordered to search for a yacht that has stopped giving news: radio and tracking stations can no longer communicate with it. Approaching the presumed location of the yacht, the sailors see in the sky a large, bright, oval-shaped disk rising quickly and disappearing. A little later, they discover the yacht drifting. There is no one on board and no lifeboat is missing.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1964.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2062
### Event 24347 (0448CA4A)
**Date:** 7/28/1964
**Time:** 21:10
**Location:** ATL.NR ARGENTINA
**Description:** Fireball circles 2 ships. Odd voices. Big search. / r215p43+/ r193#18.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 130)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7008
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **TLP:** Telepathy, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "ATL.nr ARGENTINA:FBL CCLS 2 SHIPS:ODD VOICES:BIG SEARCH.:/r215p43+/r193#18", **LatLong:** "-45.933336 -64.000003", **LatLongDMS:** "45:56:00 S 64:00:00 W", **Locale:** "High Seas", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-45.933336,-64.000003)", **State/Prov:** "SEA", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 24348 (3DEBC7D2)
**Date:** 7/28/1964
**Time:** 22:00
**Location:** GAINESVILLE, GA
**Description:** Many observer(s). Top-saucer going north over town. Away and back 2X. Slow spin. Colored lights.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HITT, Michael D: GEORGIA'S AERIAL PHENOMENON 1947-1987 Self published 1999. ref. Jan Aldrich. (Index 39)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7009
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "60", **Elev:** "381", **HatchDesc:** "GAINESVILLE,GA:MANY OBS:TOP-SCR >N OVR TOWN:AWAY+BACK 2X:SLOW SPIN:CLRD LITES", **LatLong:** "34.316668 -83.822226", **LatLongDMS:** "34:19:00 N 83:49:20 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/34.316668,-83.822226)", **State/Prov:** "Georgia", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 24349 (9D3852C1)
**Date:** 7/28/1964
**Time:** 22:30
**Location:** LAKE CHELAN, WA
**Description:** Green lights / ground and air trade signals. 10M saucer lands / 40 minute(s). Flies. / USAF Tech. Intel. Center. (ATIC.)
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA; H. Regnery, Chicago HC 1969 & Contemporary Books,Chicago 1993. 372pp. (Index 619)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7010
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "45", **Elev:** "323", **HatchDesc:** "LAKE CHELAN,WA:GRN LITES/GND+AIR TRADE SIGNALS:10M SCR LANDS/40min:FLIES:/Atic", **LatLong:** "48.350002 -120.700006", **LatLongDMS:** "48:21:00 N 120:42:00 W", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.350002,-120.700006)", **State/Prov:** "Washington", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 24350 (0BA4E0D5)
**Date:** 7/28/1964
**Location:** Lake Chelan, WA
**Description:** Round Object Descends To Ground (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, Code: C, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** NICAP: [640728](http://www.nicap.org/640728lakechelan%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2732
### Event 24351 (21D2B464)
**Date:** 7/28/1964
**Time:** 2230
**Location:** Lake Chelan, Washington
**Description:** A former Navy pilot and another man, both regarded as trustworthy, were at work in a field when they saw an intense light, cone-shaped, emitted from the ground. A similar light was observed in the sky when the one on ground was turned off, then the reverse took place. A round, aluminum-looking object, about 10 m in diameter, with one red and one white light, then appeared and descended to ground level with a strong whistling sound similar to a small jet. Piercing and high-pitched voices similar to those of children playing were heard. After 40 min the craft took off. Before it did so, a jet aircraft flying at low altitude circled its position. On Jul. 31 and August 1, the densely wooded area was explored from a helicopter and on foot by Sheriff Nickell and a U.S. Air Force officer, but nothing was found.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Atic ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_619
### Event 24352 (3AE7E32F)
**Date:** 7/28/1964
**Description:** At 10:30 p.m. a former Navy pilot named Lafferty and another man, both regarded as trustworthy, were at work in a field near Lake Chelan, Washington when they saw an intense light, cone-shaped, emitted from the ground. A similar light was observed in the sky when the one on the ground was turned off, then the reverse took place: the cone-shaped light in the sky emitted a burst which was responded to by one from the ground. A round, aluminium-looking object, about 10 meters in diameter, with one red and one white light, then appeared and descended to ground level with a strong whistling sound similar to a small jet.
High-pitched piercing voices, similar to those of children screaming while playing, were heard. After 40 minutes the craft took off. Before it did so, a jet aircraft flying at low altitude circled its position. On July 31st and August 1st, the densely wooded area where the light was seen was explored from a helicopter and on foot by Sheriff Nickell and a U. S. Air Force officer, but nothing was found.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 619, citing U.S. Air Force ATIC
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4453
### Event 24353 (AFA3B672)
**Date:** 7/29/1964
**Description:** Delta Aquarid meteor shower (mean date).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_20
### Event 24354 (708A297E)
**Date:** 7/30/1964
**Location:** Flemington, New Jersey
**Description:** A whitish, elliptical object followed a car, then landed in a field. The driver got out to observe it, but when the object started in his direction he became afraid and drove off.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** NICAP Sep., 64 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_620
### Event 24355 (658B3F4F)
**Date:** 7/31/1964
**Location:** USA, Cape Kennedy
**Description:** (Translated from French) But the most beautiful achievement of the kind was that which the Americans accomplished on July 31, 1964. Their "Ranger VII" (note from vog (so there were Ranger I to VI tried before him, isn't it?) fell on the Moon at the planned location and, before crashing, took and transmitted by television more than 4000 photographs, showing the lunar surface at altitudes down to 400 meters.
**Reference:** "Astronautics, Pierre Rousseau, Hachette 1965, p. 54
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2289
### Event 24356 (DA08A6F1)
**Date:** 8/1964
**Location:** USSR
**Description:** (Translated from French) From the beginning, the USSR opted for the multiple launch formula, each rocket placing a cluster of (tactical) satellites in orbit around the Earth. There were initially three (with Cosmos 38 to 40) in August 1964 and twice afterwards
**Reference:** "The War of the Satellites" - Volume 3 - Pierre Kohler, ed. Famot 1982, p. 93
**Reference:** see July 1965
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2290
### Event 24357 (93C736D3)
**Date:** 8/1964
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Creation of Intelsat.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1964.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2063
### Event 24358 (620B9D3B)
**Date:** 8/1964
**Location:** MACHENG CO, HUBEI, CH
**Description:** Silent yellow ovoid with 4 colored rings south going north / 1 mile. Vanishes in sight!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** DONG, Paul: UFO's Over MODERN CHINA. 1983 UFO Photo Archives; P. O. Box 17206; Tucson, AZ 85710. (Index 46)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7011
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "China", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "MACHENG co,HUBEI,CH:SLNT YLW OVOID W/4 CLRD RINGS S>N/1mi:VANISHES IN SIGHT!", **LatLong:** "31.250001 115.016672", **LatLongDMS:** "31:15:00 N 115:01:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/31.250001,115.016672)", **State/Prov:** "HUB", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 24359 (A72500EA)
**Date:** 8/1964
**Time:** 13:30
**Location:** STE.MAXIME, FR
**Description:** Many / beach. Clouds part. Large grey cylinder/cigar-shape hovers / strong winds. Sharp edges.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 207)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7012
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "12", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "Ste.MAXIME,FR:MANY/BEACH:CLOUDS PART:LRG GRY CGR HVRS/STRONG WINDS:SHARP EDGES", **LatLong:** "43.300002 6.633334", **LatLongDMS:** "43:18:00 N 06:38:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.300002,6.633334)", **State/Prov:** "Var", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 24360 (C6B745B4)
**Date:** 8/1964
**Time:** ~15:00
**Location:** PORTOGRUARO, ITL
**Description:** Boy / 10. Transparent domed object / 12M altitude. Figure and instruments inside. Telepathy?
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** ITACAT, Catalogo Italiano degli Incontri Ravvicinati. Maurizio Verga, 1989 CISU/Torino, Italy. (Index 56)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7013
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **TLP:** Telepathy, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Italy", **Credibility:** "5", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "PORTOGRUARO,ITL:BOY/10:XPRNT DOMED OBJ/12M alt:FIG+INSTUMENTS INSIDE:TLP?", **LatLong:** "45.777780 12.838890", **LatLongDMS:** "45:46:40 N 12:50:20 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.777780,12.838890)", **State/Prov:** "VE", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 24361 (56D04F88)
**Date:** 8/1964
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** SIENA, ITL
**Description:** 2 boys. 1M saucer skims roofs / 80kph. Flashing light / dark dome. Light zigzags.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** ITACAT, Catalogo Italiano degli Incontri Ravvicinati. Maurizio Verga, 1989 CISU/Torino, Italy. (Index 57)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7014
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Italy", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "SIENA,ITL:2 BOYS:1M SCR SKIMS ROOFS/80kph:FLASHING LITE/DARK DOME:LITE ZIGZAGS", **LatLong:** "43.333335 11.366667", **LatLongDMS:** "43:20:00 N 11:22:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.333335,11.366667)", **State/Prov:** "TSC", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 24362 (F79F70A1)
**Date:** 8/1964 (approximate)
**Time:** 22:00
**Location:** WESTFIELD, MA
**Description:** Weatherman and 7 / car. Flash / horizon. 2 cars electro-magnetic effect (EME) / 1-2 second(s). No UFO seen.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** STURROCK, Dr. Peter A: REPORT / SURVEY of the AMERICAN ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY of the UFO PROBLEM; Stanford, CA 1977. (Index 122)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7015
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "43", **HatchDesc:** "WESTFIELD,MA:WEATHERMAN+7/CAR:FLASH/HORIZON:2 CARS EME/1-2sec:NO UFO SEEN", **LatLong:** "42.127780 -72.766670", **LatLongDMS:** "42:07:40 N 72:46:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.127780,-72.766670)", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 24363 (FDF159DD)
**Date:** 8/1964
**Time:** 22:00
**Location:** MAZARA / VALLO, ITL
**Description:** Boy / 10. Round white object going / 20M altitude 50M away. Beams going down. Stops over tree.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** ITACAT, Catalogo Italiano degli Incontri Ravvicinati. Maurizio Verga, 1989 CISU/Torino, Italy. (Index 57)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7016
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Italy", **Credibility:** "5", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "MAZARA/VALLO,ITL:BOY/10:RND WHT OBJ >/20M alt 50M away:BEAMS ↓:STOPS OVR TREE", **LatLong:** "37.650002 12.583334", **LatLongDMS:** "37:39:00 N 12:35:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.650002,12.583334)", **State/Prov:** "TP", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 24364 (0F4A07AB)
**Date:** 8/1964
**Locations:** Kallavesi lake, Finland; Åbo Akademi University in Turku; University of Turku
**Description:** 7:00 p.m. Raimo Blomqvist is visiting with his parents at their summer cottage at Kallavesi lake, Finland, when he suddenly notices a strange, colorful ball of light coming from the sky. The light approaches and turns out to be an oval glowing object. While it is hovering above the shallow water of an island he sees something fall from the object and hears a sound resembling hot metal touching cold water. The object shoots straight upward. Blomqvist recovers a 2–2.5-inch piece of stone. In 1975, Blomqvist contacts UFO investigators and gives them the stone. The fragment is x-ray analyzed at Åbo Akademi University in Turku, which states that it appears to be volcanic. Analysts at the University of Turku look at it with a mass spectrometer and conclude it is mostly iron, not a piece of ore, not volcanic, not a meteorite, and not machined, although it has been subjected to a temperature of around 650° C.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Fragment Fell from UFO,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201977%2012%2000%20-%20Vol%2026%20No%206.pdf)” APRO Bulletin 26, no. 6 \(December 1977\): 1, 3; “Foreign Forum,” IUR 3, no. 3 \(Mar. 1978\): 2
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3801
### Event 24365 (ABB6D3FC)
**Date:** 8/1964
**Location:** Francis E. Warren AFB, Cheyenne, Wyoming
**Description:** Midnight. Air Policeman Arthur McEnaney and other guards see a round UFO hovering above a four-silo Atlas complex near Francis E. Warren AFB, Cheyenne, Wyoming.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Nukes 159
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3802
### Event 24366 (100981BC)
**Date:** 8/2/1964
**Location:** Vietnam
**Description:** Gulf of Tonkin incident in Vietnam
**Type:** war
**Reference:** [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gulf_of_Tonkin_incident)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_616
### Event 24367 (D79D1532)
**Date:** 8/6/1964
**Time:** 20:50
**Description:** Several separate observer(s) / US26. 300 grey orbs going quickly [to] mountains. 1 lands close. Vanishes!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 256)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7017
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "148", **HatchDesc:** "SADDLE MTNs,WA:SVRL SEP.OBS/US26:300 GRY ORBS>>MTNs:1 LANDS CLOSE:VANISHES!", **LatLong:** "46.800002 -119.750006", **LatLongDMS:** "46:48:00 N 119:45:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.800002,-119.750006)", **State/Prov:** "Washington", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 24368 (EFD97852)
**Date:** 8/7/1964
**Location:** Vietnam
**Description:** Gulf of Tonkin Resolution is passed, airstrikes against Vietnam begin
**Type:** war
**Reference:** [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gulf_of_Tonkin_Resolution)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_617
### Event 24369 (9A53E8AF)
**Date:** 8/9/1964
**Time:** 00:30
**Description:** Campers. Brilliant 8M object over mountains. Beams going up / 45° light trees and road.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 779)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7018
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "1500", **HatchDesc:** "PAINTED ROCK PARK,MT:CAMPERS:BRILL.8M OBJ OVR Mtns:BEAMS↑/45° LITE TREES+ROAD", **LatLong:** "45.766669 -114.316672", **LatLongDMS:** "45:46:00 N 114:19:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.766669,-114.316672)", **State/Prov:** "Montana", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 24370 (06F33AFD)
**Date:** 8/9/1964
**Location:** Cerro Viejo, Sonora, Mexico
**Description:** 9:00 p.m. Baltazar Flores, Franciso Perez, Ruben Lozaya, and Elpidio Salas are camping near the Cerro Viejo, Sonora, Mexico, where they plan to explore for minerals. Suddenly a “dark, cloud-like object” approaches at high speed. As it passes by, the trees shake and they hear an explosion. They return the next day and less than 2 miles from their campsite they find a compact, gelatinous mass of green-turquoise color about 8 inches long. When they poke it with a stick, the stick becomes covered with a sticky substance like chewing gun. They report the incident to the authorities, but no one is interested. One of the witnesses returns 3 days later and finds most of the mass gone, with some residue on the rocks and grass.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Strange Gelatinous Fall in Mexico,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201964%2011%2000%20-%20November.pdf)” APRO Bulletin, November 1964, p. 1; Clark III 1102
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3803
### Event 24371 (236C5746)
**Date:** 8/10/1964
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Sighting at Wake Island. (August 10)
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#9031 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1964.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2064
### Event 24372 (0C456C11)
**Date:** 8/10/1964
**Time:** 05:20
**Location:** WAKE ISLAND, PAC
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #9031. Night light circles airport. Blinks. Maneuvers. Going quickly northwest. Military and civil observer(s). / r3p35.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO Evidence II: HB: Scarecrow Press Lanham, MD. http://www.scarecrowpress.com ISBN 0-8108-3881-8 (Index 53)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7019
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Pacific Ocean and non - Asian islands", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "WAKE Isl,PAC:BBK#9031:NLT CCLs AIRPORT:BLINKS:MNVRS:>>NW:MIL+CIV OBS:/r3p35", **LatLong:** "19.283334 166.633341", **LatLongDMS:** "19:17:00 N 166:38:00 E", **Locale:** "Islands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/19.283334,166.633341)", **State/Prov:** "WAK", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 24373 (E447713D)
**Date:** 8/10/1964
**Location:** Wake Island (on the airstrip), Wake Island
**Description:** Saw a reddish, blinking light approach the runway (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 9031)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2733
### Event 24374 (55F625B1)
**Date:** 8/10/1964
**Time:** 5:16 AM
**Location:** Wake Island
**Description:** Witnesses: aircraft commander Capt. B.C. Jones and navigator lst Lt. H.J. Cavender, in parked USAF C-124 transport plane. One reddish, blinking light approached the runway, stopped and made several reverses during 2 minutes.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_510
### Event 24375 (091AF39A)
**Date:** 8/10/1964
**Location:** Wake Island
**Description:** Blinking red light approached air base runway, hovered, reversed direction. Air Force unidentified case
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_21
### Event 24376 (035DED28)
**Date:** 8/10/1964
**Description:** On Wake Island in the Pacific Ocean west of Hawaii, an aircraft commander and his navigator (Lt. Cavender and Capt. Jones) were sitting in a parked C-124 transport plane at 5:15 a.m. when they sighted a red, blinking light approach the airfield runway. The light stopped and made several reverses over the next two minutes. Project Blue Book lists this case as an "unknown."
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Project Blue Book files counted in official statistics, case # 9031; Don Berliner, Australasian Ufologist, April 1999, p. 52; Richard Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty-Year Report, p. 2; Don Berliner, Project Bluebook UFO Unknowns
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4819
### Event 24377 (4728E732)
**Date:** 8/11/1964
**Location:** USA, Hamilton (Montana)
**Description:** (Translated from French) Reports of a hairy creature in the Girds area were reported. This was after the wave of mysterious object sightings during the previous three weeks in Bitter Roots. The description of the UFO was made by the couple Ron Ballew and Helen Ballew of Darby, matching the previous descriptions of an object emitting intense light. It was from lumberjack Lou Smalley that we have the report of his encounter with the hairy creature. Smalley was in a truck, on his way to load logs. When he came out of a hollow on the road, he saw the creature on a rock above the path. "I saw it clearly for several seconds," he comments, "it was not human." The creature was about 1.5 meters tall, had a hairy or furry appearance, and was not wearing any clothes. It was standing like a man, but it was not human. Smalley has often hunted bears or cougars, and claims that the creature does not look like anything normal.
**Reference:** APRG on the Internet in May 1997
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2291
### Event 24378 (9204300A)
**Date:** 8/11/1964
**Time:** 17:30
**Location:** DEFIANCE, OH
**Description:** 2 boys. Domed saucer spins over water tank / car plant. Hiss. Quickly going up. / r109p103.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 779)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7020
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "209", **HatchDesc:** "DEFIANCE,OH:2 BOYS:DOMED SCR SPINS OVR WATER TANK/CAR PLANT:HISS:↑↑:/r109p103", **LatLong:** "41.283335 -84.350004", **LatLongDMS:** "41:17:00 N 84:21:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.283335,-84.350004)", **State/Prov:** "Ohio", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 24379 (B3A36AB0)
**Date:** 8/11/1964
**Description:** Perseid meteor shower (mean date).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_22
### Event 24380 (2D229AE2)
**Date:** 8/11/1964
**Locations:** State Highway 281; Defiance, Ohio
**Description:** 5:30 p.m. John Dodson, 15, and Frankie Jimenez, 14, are walking near the railroad tracks south of State Highway 281 east of Defiance, Ohio, not too far from the General Motors foundry. They see a slowly rotating whitish disc apparently hovering above a GM water tank. The object has a lighted flange-like base, a dome on top, and is making a whirring or hissing noise. It begins to move horizontally at a moderate speed, then shoots up vertically and disappears.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Maney Reports Boys’ Sighting,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201964%2011%2000%20-%20November.pdf)” APRO Bulletin, November 1964, p. 5
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3804
### Event 24381 (66AD27CB)
**Date:** 8/11/1964
**Description:** A domed disc-shaped UFO was seen spinning over a water tank at a car-manufacturing factory in Defiance, Ohio at 5:30 p.m. It made a hissing sound.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP UFO Investigator, October 1965, p. 5; Coral & Jim Lorenzen, UFOs over the Americas, p. 103
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4869
### Event 24382 (28CA5752)
**Date:** 8/12/1964
**Time:** 2200
**Location:** Brekkens Corner, Montana
**Description:** Witnesses got out of their car to watch an object resembling a "burning haystack," oval or crescent-shaped, which rose from the ground, crossed the sky, and was lost to sight in the south.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Personal ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_621
### Event 24383 (498CA516)
**Date:** 8/14/1964
**Time:** 23:00?
**Location:** ARLEE, MT
**Description:** 2 woodsmen. 4 glowing 150M orbs circle woods to 0330hrs. Silent vibration.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 256)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7021
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "14", **Elev:** "944", **HatchDesc:** "ARLEE,MT:2 WOODSMEN:4 GLOWING 150M ORBS CCL WOODS TO 0330hrs:SILENT VIBRATION", **LatLong:** "47.161113 -114.083339", **LatLongDMS:** "47:09:40 N 114:05:00 W", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.161113,-114.083339)", **State/Prov:** "Montana", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 24384 (F98E5120)
**Date:** Mid 8/1964
**Location:** CHINA, Menjing (Miquanxing)
**Description:** (Translated from French) One night a bright fireball of red-orange color was observed, shaped like a circular saw. It flew slowly in the low sky and finally landed on a wooded hill. Militiamen immediately rushed into the forest to see what it was. They stealthily approached, the circular saw-shaped ball was sparkling, resting on the ground of a clearing. As its luminosity was very intense, the witnesses did not dare to look at it directly. In the center of the bright ball, there seemed to be a dark area, less bright. When the militiamen arrived close to the clearing, the object suddenly flew vertically and disappeared in a blink of an eye. (1964, mid-August)
**Reference:** SHI BO: "China and the Extraterrestrials". ed. Mercure de France, 1983, p.97
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2292
### Event 24385 (4E229E30)
**Date:** 8/15/1964
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Sighting in New York \(New York\). (August 15)
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#9048 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1964.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2065
### Event 24386 (BFEB6671)
**Date:** 8/15/1964
**Time:** 00:20
**Location:** NEW FREEPORT, PA
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Slow red domed disk / low altitude curves going [to] WSW overhead. Climbs / angle.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 36)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7022
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "8", **Elev:** "326", **HatchDesc:** "NEW FREEPORT,PA:2 OBS:SLOW RED DOMED DISK/LO ALT CURVES >WSW OVHD:CLIMBS/ANGLE", **LatLong:** "39.761113 -80.427782", **LatLongDMS:** "39:45:40 N 80:25:40 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.761113,-80.427782)", **State/Prov:** "Pennsylvania", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 24387 (566268D3)
**Date:** 8/15/1964
**Time:** 01:20
**Location:** NEW YORK, NY
**Description:** 1 observer. 10' x5' bullet-object with wavy lines. 6 pipes / rear. Whoosh sound.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BERLINER, DON: The BLUEBOOK UNKNOWNS; (FUFOR). (Index 32)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7023
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "15", **HatchDesc:** "NEW YORK,NY:1 OBS:10'x5' BULLET-OBJ W/WAVY LINES:6 PIPES/REAR:WHOOSH SOUND", **LatLong:** "40.783335 -73.933337", **LatLongDMS:** "40:47:00 N 73:56:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.783335,-73.933337)", **State/Prov:** "New York", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 24388 (669CCFBC)
**Date:** 8/15/1964
**Time:** 08:20
**Location:** YOSEMITE, CA
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #9049. Campers. Whoosh! 3 silver orbs play tag east going west / 6K' altitude. / r70p102.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HAINES, Richard Ph.D: PROJECT DELTA; 1994, LDA Press, PO Box 880, Los Altos, CA 94023 USA (Index 47)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7024
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "1720", **HatchDesc:** "YOSEMITE,CA:BBK#9049:CAMPERS:WHOOSH!:3 SLVR ORBS PLAY TAG E>W/6K'alt:/r70p102", **LatLong:** "37.850002 -119.566672", **LatLongDMS:** "37:51:00 N 119:34:00 W", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.850002,-119.566672)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 24389 (B35B3B37)
**Date:** 8/15/1964
**Location:** New York City, NY
**Description:** 10 ft x 5 ft bullet-shaped object with wavy lines on the front part (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 9048)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2734
### Event 24390 (C87B4763)
**Date:** 8/15/1964
**Location:** Yosemite Park, CA
**Description:** 3 bright silver, round objects, in a stack formation (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 9049)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2735
### Event 24391 (38F2381A)
**Date:** 8/15/1964
**Time:** 1:20 AM
**Location:** New York, New York
**Description:** Witness: S.F. D'Alessandro. One 10'x5' bullet-shaped object with wavy lines on the rounded front part and six pipes along the straight rear portion, made a "whishhh" sound. Witness' dog growled during sighting.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_511
### Event 24392 (29900B22)
**Date:** 8/15/1964
**Time:** 8:15 AM
**Location:** Yosemite National Park, California
**Description:** Witnesses: E.J. Haug, of the San Francisco Orchestra and the San Francisco Conservatory of Music; and C.R. Bubb, a high school mathematics teacher. Three bright silver, round objects, in a stack formation, flew very fast, changing positions within the formation. The sound of rushing air was heard during the 3-4 second sighting.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_512
### Event 24393 (9832CE4B)
**Date:** 8/15/1964
**Description:** At 1:20 a.m. in New York City, New York Mr. S. F. D'Alessandro watched a 10' x 5' bullet-shaped object with wavy lines on the rounded front part and six pipes along the straight rear portion fly through the sky, making a "whishhh" sound. The witness's dog growled during the sighting.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Don Berliner, Project Bluebook UFO Unknowns
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5033
### Event 24394 (22E7C3A4)
**Date:** 8/15/1964
**Description:** At 8:15 a.m. E. J. Haug of the San Francisco Orchestra and the San Francisco Conservatory of Music, and C. R. Bubb, a high school mathematics teacher, sighted three UFOs while vacationing at Yosemite National Park, California. The three bright silver, round objects flew in a stack formation at a high speed, changing positions within the formation. The sound of rushing air was heard during the 3-4 seconds that the sighting lasted.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Don Berliner, Project Bluebook UFO Unknowns
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5034
### Event 24395 (E6F4FD7E)
**Date:** 8/18/1964
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Observation to the East of Dover \(Atlantic\). (August 18)
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#9053 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1964.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2066
### Event 24396 (7340EF99)
**Date:** 8/18/1964
**Time:** 00:40
**Location:** 200M EAST / DOVER, DE
**Description:** 4 fishermen. Luminous object going quickly [to] under military C124. Makes 90° turn. / r185.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: CHALLENGE to SCIENCE, The UFO ENIGMA; Henry Regnery 1966 & Ballentine Books, NY 1974. PB (Index 36)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7025
**Attributes:** **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Atlantic Ocean + islands", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "200M E/DOVER,DE:4 FISHERMEN:LUM OBJ >> UNDER MIL C124:MAKES 90°TURN:/r185", **LatLong:** "39.000002 -72.000003", **LatLongDMS:** "39:00:00 N 72:00:00 W", **Locale:** "High Seas", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.000002,-72.000003)", **State/Prov:** "NAT", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 24397 (C9C16228)
**Date:** 8/18/1964
**Location:** Dover (Atlantic, 200 miles E of), DE
**Description:** Object On Collision Course With C-124 (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: 9053)
**Reference:** NICAP: [640818](http://www.nicap.org/640818atlantic%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2736
### Event 24398 (16230A73)
**Date:** 8/18/1964
**Time:** 12:35 AM
**Location:** Atlantic Ocean, 200 miles east of Dover, Delaware
**Description:** Witnesses: Maj. D.W. Thompson and First Pilot lst Lt. J.F. Jonke, on a USAF C-124 transport plane. One round, blurred, reddish-white object was on a collision course with the C-124 from ahead and below. The airplane evaded the object. Sighting las ted 2 minutes.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_513
### Event 24399 (C9269A7E)
**Date:** 8/18/1964
**Time:** 06:00:00.0
**Location:** 49.8206 78.0819
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: .001KT YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1257
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.8206 78.0819", **LatLongDMS:** "49:49:14 N 78:04:55 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.8206,78.0819)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "KRR", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** ".001", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 24400 (A9ECE0AA)
**Date:** 8/18/1964
**Locations:** Dover AFB in Delaware; North Atlantic
**Description:** 12:35 a.m. USAF Major D. W. Thompson and First Pilot 1st Lt. J. F. Jonke are flying a C-124 transport with the 31st Air Transport Squadron, 1607th Air Transport Wing, 200 miles east of Dover AFB in Delaware at 9,000 feet over the North Atlantic. A blurred reddish-white glare appears ahead and 500 feet below them on a collision course. Thompson takes evasive action, and the light makes a right turn and disappears. Air traffic control shows nothing on their radar in that location.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** NICAP, “[Object on Collision Course with C-124](http://www.nicap.org/640818atlantic%5Fdir.htm)”; J. Allen Hynek, The UFO Experience, Ballantine ed., 1974, [pp. 50–51](https://archive.org/details/ufoexperience00jall/page/50/mode/2up); [Sparks](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf), p. 300
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3805
### Event 24401 (9E2EC8E7)
**Date:** 8/18/1964
**Description:** Major D.W. Thompson and First Pilot Lt. J. F. Jonke were flying a U.S. Air Force C-124 transport plane 200 miles over the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Dover, Delaware. At 12:35 a.m. they sighted a round, blurry, reddish-white object that appeared to be on a collision course with their C-124 from ahead and below. The airplane evaded the object. The sighting lasted two minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Dominique Weinstein, Aircraft UFO Encounters, p. 33; Don Berliner, Project Bluebook UFO Unknowns; Don Berliner, Australasian Ufologist, April 1999, p. 52
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5125
### Event 24402 (D85859DA)
**Date:** 8/19/1964
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) *Syncom 3,* first telecommunications satellite in geostationary orbit. (August 19)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1964.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2067
### Event 24403 (EA283B46)
**Date:** 8/19/1964
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In England, reorganization of the Ministry of Defense: the Secretariat 6 which dealt with UFOs becomes the Central Staff Defense Secretariat 8 which is attached to the State Secretariat. The service responsible for public relations no longer receives any information on the subject.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1964.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2068
### Event 24404 (9D129B65)
**Date:** 8/19/1964
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Creation of the [BUFORA](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/orgsMilitaires.html\#BUFORA).
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1964.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2069
### Event 24405 (94647CE5)
**Date:** 8/19/1964
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) A gigantic alarm network is installed in France. It is installed on the roofs of French gendarmeries. Composed of 2300 antenna-shaped devices, it allows to permanently detect any presence of radioactive bodies in the atmosphere. Some emphasize the uselessness of such a network in case of atomic conflict.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1964.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2070
### Event 24406 (A43BD5D4)
**Date:** 8/19/1964
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) The [NICAP](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/NICAP.html) publishes *The UFO Evidence.*
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1964.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2071
### Event 24407 (43BA3494)
**Date:** 8/19/1964
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Death of Doctor Rolf Alexander.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1964.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2072
### Event 24408 (D2357284)
**Date:** 8/19/1964
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Jacques Vallée publishes *Anatomy of a Phenomenon.*
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1964.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2073
### Event 24409 (453A382C)
**Date:** 8/19/1964
**Time:** 16:00:00.1
**Location:** 37.1590 -116.0831
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Alva” Yield: 4.4KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_375
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1590 -116.0831", **LatLongDMS:** "37:09:32 N 116:04:59 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1590,-116.0831)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.17", **NukeName:** "Alva", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "4.4"
### Event 24410 (5C531BF7)
**Date:** 8/20/1964
**Location:** OYSTERVILLE, WA
**Description:** "Plane crashes" at sea. None missing. No traces found. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SANDERSON, Ivan: INVISIBLE RESIDENTS; World Publishing HB 1970 & Avon Books PB 1973 (Index 42)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7026
**Attributes:** **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **SUB:** Submersible: Rises from or submerges into water, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "OYSTERVILLE,WA:"PLANE CRASHES" at SEA:NONE MISSING:NO TRACES FOUND:NFD", **LatLong:** "46.500002 -123.966673", **LatLongDMS:** "46:30:00 N 123:58:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.500002,-123.966673)", **State/Prov:** "Washington", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 24411 (D4AF1E72)
**Date:** 8/21/1964
**Time:** 02:00
**Location:** MOSES LAKE, WA
**Description:** Ringing noise. Dogs and horses act up. Concentric rings / field. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v16#6.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 36)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7027
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **NFO:** No craft seen, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "323", **HatchDesc:** "MOSES LAKE,WA:RINGING NOISE:DOGS+HORSES ACT UP:CONCENTRIC RINGS/FLD:/FSR v16#6", **LatLong:** "47.150002 -119.283339", **LatLongDMS:** "47:09:00 N 119:17:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.150002,-119.283339)", **State/Prov:** "Washington", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 24412 (8ECBD30E)
**Date:** 8/22/1964
**Time:** 19:00
**Description:** Bent saucer drops hot fragment = Fe and O and Mn and Zr and Mn and Si and V and Ti / MJ#122.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 936)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7028
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Scandanavian and Finland", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "LAKE KALLAVESI,FINL:BENT SCR DROPS HOT FRAGMENT=Fe+O+Mn+Zr+Mn+Si+V+Ti/MJ#122", **LatLong:** "62.750003 27.750001", **LatLongDMS:** "62:45:00 N 27:45:00 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/62.750003,27.750001)", **State/Prov:** "Finland", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 24413 (91334393)
**Date:** 8/22/1964
**Time:** 21:40
**Location:** BALTIMORE, MD
**Description:** 2 separate observer(s). Silent triangle going southwest slow. Lights / corners. Small red light / bottom/underside.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 36)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7029
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "8", **Elev:** "30", **HatchDesc:** "BALTIMORE,MD:2 SEP.OBS:SLNT TRIANGLE >SW SLOW:LITES/CORNERS:SML RED LITE/BTM", **LatLong:** "38.816669 -76.900004", **LatLongDMS:** "38:49:00 N 76:54:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.816669,-76.900004)", **State/Prov:** "Maryland", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 24414 (9714D702)
**Date:** 8/22/1964
**Time:** 22:17:00.1
**Location:** 37.0653 -116.0154
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Canvasback” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_376
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0653 -116.0154", **LatLongDMS:** "37:03:55 N 116:00:55 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0653,-116.0154)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.45", **NukeName:** "Canvasback", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 24415 (40E41E91)
**Date:** 8/22/1964
**Location:** Baltimore, Maryland
**Description:** 9:35 p.m. [Robert D. Briele](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/26340920/robert-d-briele)[,](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/26340920/robert-d-briele) an engineer for WFBR-AM radio, and a friend watch a lighted triangular object pass directly overhead in Baltimore, Maryland. Through binoculars he can see a steady white light at each corner. A small green light is also on one corner and a red light in the center. The object moves slowly and silently from northeast to southwest, disappearing in 10 minutes.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[UFO Sighting Wave Persists,](http://cufos.org/UFOI%5Fand%5FSelected%5FDocuments/UFOI/024%20SEPT-OCT%201964.pdf)” UFO Investigator 2, no. 12 \(Sept./Oct. 1964\): 5
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3806
### Event 24416 (D5225246)
**Date:** 8/24/1964
**Time:** 00:00
**Location:** PALERMO, ITL
**Description:** UFO going [to] over open air cinema. Many watches magnetized. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v11#3p30.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** ALDRICH, Jan J.: Private research papers. A huge mass of hard-won information. (Index 0)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7030
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Italy", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "PALERMO,ITL:UFO > OVR OPEN AIR CINEMA:MANY WATCHES MAGNETIZED:/FSR v11#3p30", **LatLong:** "38.133335 13.383334", **LatLongDMS:** "38:08:00 N 13:23:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.133335,13.383334)", **State/Prov:** "PA", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 24417 (3B088032)
**Date:** 8/25/1964
**Time:** 21:30
**Location:** LITTLETON, MA
**Description:** 3+1 observer(s). Domed silver ovoid hovers near ground / power substation. Light roar.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FOWLER, Raymond E.: UFO'S, INTERPLANETARY VISITORS; Prentice Hall & Bantam Books, NY 1979. 346pp. (Index 15)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7031
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "70", **HatchDesc:** "LITTLETON,MA:3+1 OBS:DOMED SLVR OVOID HVRS nr GND/POWER SUBSTATION:LITE ROAR", **LatLong:** "42.533335 -71.516670", **LatLongDMS:** "42:32:00 N 71:31:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.533335,-71.516670)", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 24418 (0C44981A)
**Date:** 8/25/1964
**Time:** 22:30
**Location:** LYNN, MA
**Description:** Whine! 20' domed saucer below tree level 90M away / observers. / r24v2#12+/ r8#622.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FOWLER, Raymond E.: UFO'S, INTERPLANETARY VISITORS; Prentice Hall & Bantam Books, NY 1979. 346pp. (Index 17)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7032
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "8", **HatchDesc:** "LYNN,MA:WHINE!:20'DOMED SCR BELOW TREE LVL 90M away/OBSs:/r24v2#12+/r8#622", **LatLong:** "42.461113 -70.938892", **LatLongDMS:** "42:27:40 N 70:56:20 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.461113,-70.938892)", **RelAlt:** "8", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 24419 (88B3C74F)
**Date:** 8/25/1964
**Time:** 2230
**Location:** Lynn, Massachusetts
**Description:** Richard Pratt, 17, heard a whistling noise and saw a silvery, oval object surrounded with a soft white glow, supporting a dome, which went down to ground level. A similar object had been observed one hour earlier at Littleton, about 50 km west, by four boys. It was described as silvery gray, with three blinking red lights and a white light.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** NICAP Sep., 64 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_622
### Event 24420 (9A8F7816)
**Date:** 8/25/1964
**Description:** A silvery gray object with a dome on top, blinking red lights, a solid white light, and lights on the rim was sighted at close range by four boys in Littleton, Massachusetts at 9:30 p.m. It hovered with a fluttering motion near the ground, then finally shot off at high speed. The witnesses were able to approach to within 500 feet of the craft before it left.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Raymond E. Fowler, case investigation file, report dated August 29, 1964
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5317
### Event 24421 (199AB03B)
**Date:** 8/25/1964
**Description:** An hour later in Lynn, Massachusetts another witness, 17-year-old Richard Pratt, heard a whistling sound and sighted a second domed disc. It was described as a silvery oval twenty feet in diameter, with a soft white glow and a lighted rim. It descended to below the treetops, only 300 feet away from the witness.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Raymond E. Fowler, case investigation file, report dated August 31, 1964; NICAP UFO Investigator, September 1964; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 622).622 Aug. 25, 1964 Lynn (Massachusetts
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5318
### Event 24422 (7FF51EE7)
**Date:** 8/26/1964
**Time:** 21:20
**Location:** MELROSE, MASS
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Red pulsating ellipsoid seen / 35x telescope. Silent. Going south.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FOWLER, Raymond E.: UFO'S, INTERPLANETARY VISITORS; Prentice Hall & Bantam Books, NY 1979. 346pp. (Index 19)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7033
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "18", **HatchDesc:** "MELROSE,MASS:2 OBS:RED PULSATING ELLIPSOID SEEN/35x TELESCOPE:SLNT:>S", **LatLong:** "42.455558 -71.066670", **LatLongDMS:** "42:27:20 N 71:04:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.455558,-71.066670)", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 24423 (DEBCBDEA)
**Date:** 8/26/1964
**Description:** At 9:20 p.m. a red ellipsoid pulsated as it flew over Melrose, Massachusetts. It had an orange-red halo, as seen through a telescope. It made no sound.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Raymond E. Fowler, UFOs: Interplanetary Visitors, p. 330
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5361
### Event 24424 (875DC956)
**Date:** 8/27/1964
**Time:** 05:30
**Location:** CLEVELAND, OH
**Description:** Watchman. Cylinder/cigar-shape with lit windows crosses moon. Speeds up. Glows. Contrail.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 36)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7034
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "208", **HatchDesc:** "CLEVELAND,OH:WATCHMAN:CGR W/LIT WINDOWS CROSSES MOON:SPEEDS UP:GLOWS:contrail", **LatLong:** "41.466669 -81.716671", **LatLongDMS:** "41:28:00 N 81:43:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.466669,-81.716671)", **State/Prov:** "Ohio", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 24425 (AD4D01E8)
**Date:** 8/27/1964
**Location:** 37.0000 -116.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Player” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_377
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0000 -116.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:00 N 116:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0000,-116.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Player", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 24426 (DF0EBEA6)
**Date:** 8/28/1964
**Time:** 22:10
**Location:** LITTLETON, MASS
**Description:** 3M fireball / sphere/orb/globe crosses road near town. Hugs hilly terrain.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FOWLER, Raymond E.: UFO'S, INTERPLANETARY VISITORS; Prentice Hall & Bantam Books, NY 1979. 346pp. (Index 20)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7035
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "70", **HatchDesc:** "LITTLETON,MASS:3M FBL/ORB CROSSES ROAD nr TOWN:HUGS HILLY TERRAIN", **LatLong:** "42.550002 -71.500003", **LatLongDMS:** "42:33:00 N 71:30:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.550002,-71.500003)", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 24427 (A127AFD1)
**Date:** 8/28/1964
**Time:** 17:06:00.0
**Location:** 37.0670 -116.0223
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Haddock” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_378
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0670 -116.0223", **LatLongDMS:** "37:04:01 N 116:01:20 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0670,-116.0223)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.36", **NukeName:** "Haddock", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 24428 (FD9F5535)
**Date:** 8/28/1964
**Description:** At 10:05 p.m. a ten-foot in diameter yellow ball of light crossed highway in front of a car being driven by Mr. P. Ellis in Littleton, Massachusetts.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Raymond E. Fowler, UFOs: Interplanetary Visitors, p. 330; Raymond Fowler case investigation dated September 11, 1964
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5417
### Event 24429 (0C62F988)
**Date:** 8/29/1964
**Time:** 01:30
**Description:** FINDs erect 1M sponge with crossbars with small globes.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CATHIE, Bruce: HARMONIC 33. A. & A. Reed, Wellington, NZ (Index 32)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7036
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **NFO:** No craft seen, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Antarctic below 70 degrees South", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "USNS ELTANIN FOTOS DEEP SEABED:FINDs ERECT 1M SPONGE W/CROSSBARS W/SML GLOBES", **LatLong:** "-59.116669 -105.050005", **LatLongDMS:** "59:07:00 S 105:03:00 W", **Locale:** "High Seas", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-59.116669,-105.050005)", **RelAlt:** "-4116", **State/Prov:** "SEA", **Strangeness:** "1"
### Event 24430 (5B2E59AA)
**Date:** 8/29/1964
**Time:** 11:50
**Location:** I10 NEAR MESQUITE, NM
**Description:** Large saucer going quickly south in front / mountains. 4cm / arms length. Banks going up / 45°.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 779)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7037
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "1170", **HatchDesc:** "I10 nr MESQUITE,NM:LRG SCR >>S IN FRONT/Mtns:4cm/ARMS LENGTH:BANKS ↑/45°", **LatLong:** "32.116668 -106.666672", **LatLongDMS:** "32:07:00 N 106:40:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/32.116668,-106.666672)", **State/Prov:** "New Mexico", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 24431 (5C1DF363)
**Date:** 8/30/1964 (approximate)
**Time:** ~22:00
**Description:** 24M cylinder/cigar-shape hovers / 150M. Engine sputters and radio dead. / r79 p22.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 36)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7038
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "256", **HatchDesc:** "TIPTON> Event 24432 (73818354)
**Date:** 8/30/1964
**Locations:** Tipton; Bennett, Iowa
**Description:** Night. Clifford Runyon and Connie Thies are driving from Tipton to Bennett, Iowa, when they see a cigar- shaped object with two bright lights hovering 500 feet up in the eastern sky. The UFO climbs as they drive toward it, and their radio goes out and the car engine sputters.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[UFO Sighting Wave Persists,](http://cufos.org/UFOI%5Fand%5FSelected%5FDocuments/UFOI/024%20SEPT-OCT%201964.pdf)” UFO Investigator 2, no. 12 \(Sept./Oct. 1964\): 5
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3807
### Event 24433 (C55B5BD5)
**Date:** 8/30/1964
**Description:** At around 10 p.m. a man and a woman driving between Tipton and Bennett, Iowa sighted an eighty-foot long cigar-shaped object that hovered at 500 feet altitude. When it climbed, their car radio went blank, and the car's engine lost power.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP UFO Investigator, p. 22; Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, p. 22
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5491
### Event 24434 (3DCE762D)
**Date:** 9/1964
**Time:** 21:00
**Description:** 2 photographers. Moonlike disk hovers / low. 4X moon-size. No photographs!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 96)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7039
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Romania", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "TIMISOARA,ROMANIA:2 FOTOGRAPHERS:MOONLIKE DISK HVRS/LO:4X MOONSIZE:no fotos!", **LatLong:** "45.761113 21.227779", **LatLongDMS:** "45:45:40 N 21:13:40 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.761113,21.227779)", **State/Prov:** "TMS", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 24435 (4DC77CB3)
**Date:** 9/1964
**Description:** Maj. Florence J. Mansmann states he studied Top Secret film at Vandenberg AFB, CA of a UAP shoot-down of a dummy nuclear warhead as it traveled to Kwajalein Atoll over the Pacific Ocean on this date. Mannsman states the CIA confiscated the film. The event is corroborated by Lt. Robert M. Jacobs, who was in charge of filming the test flight. Both men state the UAP was a domed, disc shaped craft that pivoted on its vertical axis before emitting four beams of light onto the warhead. The UAP then left camera frame, and the warhead tumbled and fell into the ocean short of its target.
* [https://www.ufohastings.com/index.php/articles/ufos-are-stalking-and-intercepting-dummy-nuclear-warheads-during-test-flights](https://www.ufohastings.com/index.php/articles/ufos-are-stalking-and-intercepting-dummy-nuclear-warheads-during-test-flights)
* [https://www.ufohastings.com/articles/deep-denial-or-disinformation#letters](https://www.ufohastings.com/articles/deep-denial-or-disinformation#letters) (Mannsmann’s and Jacobs’s personal letters of the event)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_107
### Event 24436 (46316567)
**Date:** 9/3/1964 (approximate)
**Time:** ~12:00
**Description:** Saucer circles Atlas missile / telescopic video. Fails. / MJ#249.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: ABOVE TOP SECRET; Sidgewick & Jackson, London 1987 & Quill Books, 1988. 592pp. (Index 292)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7040
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **RDR:** Radar traces/blips, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **MIL:** Military investigation, **GSA:** Covert Security Agency, **COV:** Indication of coverup
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Pacific Ocean and non - Asian islands", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "15", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "PACIFIC well off CALIF:SCR CCLs ATLAS MISSILE/TELESCOPIC VIDEO:FAILS:/MJ#249", **LatLong:** "30.000001 -128.000006", **LatLongDMS:** "30:00:00 N 128:00:00 W", **Locale:** "High Seas", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/30.000001,-128.000006)", **State/Prov:** "NPC", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 24437 (D9174E30)
**Date:** 9/4/1964 (approximate)
**Location:** USA, near Cisco Grave (Northern California)
**Description:** (Translated from French) The witness was hunting when he became separated from his companions and lost his way. Night was falling; he lit some fires to attract attention to the place where he was. He saw a light in the sky and thought it was a helicopter sent to look for him. But the thing stopped and began to hover silently around. The witness climbed a tree to get a better view. The light circled the tree and he saw a flash and a dark thing fall to the ground. Then he saw a silhouette walking heavily in the woods below him, and another coming from a different direction. The two silhouettes approached the tree. They were a little over 5 feet tall, wearing a silver outfit that covered their heads. A third creature appeared, which acted more like a machine than a man or an animal. It was darker than the others and its eyes were red-orange. It had no mouth but a kind of slit that opened like the door of an oven. These entities seemed to be looking for all kinds of ways to make the witness fall from the tree, who in turn threw pieces of paper and clothes at them, to which they reacted with fear. The robotic entity dropped its lower jaw, and from the rectangular cavity where it put its hand, it emitted a puff of smoke towards the witness! This smoke spread like fog and would have made the witness unconscious for some time. (September 4 (or 5?) 1964)
**Reference:** Jacques VALLEE: "Chronicles of E.T. Appearances" - DENOEL 1972 - coll. J'AI LU, p. 124, 125
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2293
### Event 24438 (4DF9A52D)
**Date:** 9/4/1964
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) p.127. (September 4)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1964.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2074
### Event 24439 (327481F0)
**Date:** 9/4/1964
**Time:** 06:00?
**Location:** GLASSBORO, NJ
**Description:** Red night light lands / woods and goes. Burnt crater found. No radiation/radioactivity. Phony hoaxer!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RANDLE, Kevin D.: The UFO CASEBOOK; Warner Books 1989. 256pp. (Index 118)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7041
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HOX:** Suspicion of hoax, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **COV:** Indication of coverup
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "44", **HatchDesc:** "GLASSBORO,NJ:RED NLT LANDS/WOODS+GOES:BURNT CRATER FOUND:NO RDA:PHONY HOAXER!", **LatLong:** "39.700002 -75.100004", **LatLongDMS:** "39:42:00 N 75:06:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.700002,-75.100004)", **State/Prov:** "New Jersey", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 24440 (E657E19A)
**Date:** 9/4/1964
**Time:** 22:00
**Location:** CISCO GROVE, CA
**Description:** Saucer. Small humanoids (or Greys) and robot(s)/android(s) chase government Scientist going up [to] tree. Gas. Missing time. Abduction? / r111p74.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 799)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7042
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **RBT:** Possible robot or "Grey", mechanical motions, **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly, **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK, **ODR:** Odors associated with UFO's
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "224", **Elev:** "1716", **HatchDesc:** "CISCO GROVE,CA:SCR:OIDS+RBTs CHASE GOVt SCIENTIST ↑TREE:GAS:MST:ABD?:/r111p74", **LatLong:** "39.305557 -120.538895", **LatLongDMS:** "39:18:20 N 120:32:20 W", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.305557,-120.538895)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "11"
### Event 24441 (29FB0CAF)
**Date:** 9/4/1964
**Location:** Cisco Grove (near), CA
**Description:** Humanoids and "robots", physiological effects (NICAP: 05 - Medical Incidents, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** NICAP: [640904](https://web.archive.org/web/100/http://www.nicap.org/640904dir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2737
### Event 24442 (18292322)
**Date:** 9/4/1964
**Location:** Cisco Grove (near), CA
**Description:** Hunter in tree saw 3 flying silvery lighted objects 1/4 mile away (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** NICAP: [640904](https://web.archive.org/web/100/http://www.nicap.org/640904dir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2738
### Event 24443 (81AFE5FC)
**Date:** 9/4/1964
**Location:** Cisco Grove, CA
**Description:** A bow-and-arrow hunter separated from his companions was treed by humanoid and robot-like beings after a UFO was observed descending
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_23
### Event 24444 (D2C661B6)
**Date:** 9/4/1964
**Time:** 18:15:00.1
**Location:** 37.0176 -116.0227
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Guanay” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_379
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0176 -116.0227", **LatLongDMS:** "37:01:03 N 116:01:22 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0176,-116.0227)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.26", **NukeName:** "Guanay", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 24445 (873E7352)
**Date:** 9/4/1964
**Locations:** Chile; US
**Description:** Declassified documents show that from 1962 through 1964, the CIA has spent a total of $2.6 million to finance the campaign of [Eduardo Frei Montalva](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eduardo%5FFrei%5FMontalva) for the presidency of Chile and spent $3 million in anti–[Salvador](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salvador%5FAllende) [Allende](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salvador%5FAllende) propaganda “to scare voters away from Allende’s FRAP coalition.” [Richard Helms](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard%5FHelms) coordinates the action. The CIA considers its role in the victory of Frei a great success. They argue that “the financial and organizational assistance given to Frei, the effort to keep [\[Julio\] Durán](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julio%5FDur%C3%A1n) in the race, the propaganda campaign to denigrate Allende—were ‘indispensable ingredients of Frei’s success,’” and they think that his chances of winning and the good progress of his campaign would have been doubtful without the covert support of the US. Thus, in 1964 Allende loses once more as the FRAP candidate for president.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Salvador Allende](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salvador%5FAllende\#Political%5Finvolvement%5Fup%5Fto%5F1970)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3808
### Event 24446 (40AA6BE9)
**Date:** 9/4/1964
**Description:** Shortly before 8:00 p.m. two teenagers in Glassboro, New Jersey were approached by two tall blond men, who had long hair and were barefoot. They asked the boys if they were interested in seeing a UFO. They walked to an apple orchard where they saw a red light land in the woods, and then take off. A burnt crater was found by the NICAP investigator, with tripod indentations. The US Air Force was called and performed a perfunctory, sloppy investigation of the case, but NICAP did a more thorough job. In addition to the burnt area and ground marks, some white powdery balls were found that were cold to the touch. After touching them the witnesses' hands retained numbness for 24 hours.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP UFO Investigator, October 1964, p. 1; Jean Bastide, MUFON UFO Journal, July 1977, p. 11, citing NICAP field investigator Campbell
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5627
### Event 24447 (8AFED2D6)
**Date:** 9/4/1964
**Description:** That same evening two men had gone bow hunting in the forest near Cisco Grove, California. One of the men, Mr. D. Shrum, age 28, became lost and climbed a tree. It was then, at around 10:00 p.m., that he noticed a domed object with a blinking light on top descend and land. Two short humanoid beings, wearing silvery white coveralls, and a robot-looking creature got out and approached his location. They attempted to climb the tree after him in an apparent effort to capture him, but were unsuccessful. The robot released a vapor that drifted up to him and made him groggy, but before he lost consciousness he was able to tie himself to the tree trunk with his belt. He shot arrows at the robot, but the arrows just bounced off and caused no damage. The beings remained in the area, as far as he could tell, for most of the night. He stayed in the tree for eleven hours.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Coral E. & Jim Lorenzen, Flying Saucer Occupants, p. 137; Richard Hall, Uninvited Guests, p. 248; Gordon I. R. Lore, Jr., Strange Effects from UFOs, p. 21; J. Allen Hynek, The Hynek UFO Report, p. 210; Richard F. Haines, CE-5: Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind, p. 221; UNICAT, case 297
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5628
### Event 24448 (50CE79B2)
**Date:** 9/5/1964
**Location:** ARGENTINA, Cofico (Salta)
**Description:** (Translated from French) Chafredo Dagota saw a flying saucer land at 9pm. It seemed to be held up by some kind of pillar and emitted a blinding light. Near it he saw the vague silhouettes of two beings.
**Reference:** Charles BOWEN: "In Search of Humanoids" - J'ai Lu 1974, p. 132
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2294
### Event 24449 (9104E966)
**Date:** 9/5/1964
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** COFICO, ARG
**Description:** Saucer lands. Rests on pillar. 3 silhouettes outside. / FSR'66#3+/ r8#623.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BOWEN, Charles (ed.) The HUMANOIDS: HB Henry Regnery, Chicago 1969. 256pp. PB 1977 Futura, London (Index 108)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7043
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "1150", **HatchDesc:** "COFICO,ARG:SCR LANDS:RESTS ON PILLAR:3 SILHOUETTES OUTSIDE:/FSR'66#3+/r8#623", **LatLong:** "-24.750001 -65.266670", **LatLongDMS:** "24:45:00 S 65:16:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-24.750001,-65.266670)", **State/Prov:** "SLT", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 24450 (01817704)
**Date:** 9/5/1964
**Time:** 2100
**Location:** Cofico, Argentina
**Description:** Chafredo Dagota observed a circular object that came to the ground briefly. It stood on a sort of pillar and emitted a blinding light. He caught sight of two figures moving near it.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** FSR 66, 3 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_623
### Event 24451 (5E5782F4)
**Date:** 9/5/1964
**Time:** 2200
**Location:** Cisco Grove, California
**Description:** A hunter, who had lost his way in the mountains, observed approaching lights that seemed to land. From a vantage point in a tree, he saw a dome-shaped object at ground level, about 500 m away. Several creatures, one of them a robotlike figure with "eyes" about 10 cm in diameter, came near, apparently trying to dislodge the witness from his tree. The creatures appeared to fear the light from flaming objects thrown at them. The witness fell asleep after an exhausting series of attempts to keep the creatures away. At dawn there was nothing to be seen.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Atic; Magonia ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_624
### Event 24452 (9F7C2529)
**Date:** 9/5/1964
**Locations:** Placer County, California; Loch Leven Lakes; Cisco Grove
**Description:** 10:00 p.m. Donald Schrum and his friends are bow-and-arrow hunting in an isolated area of Placer County, California, near the Loch Leven Lakes in the vicinity of Cisco Grove. Schrum becomes separated from his companions. At sunset he decides to sleep in a tree for the night. Later he sees a white light zigzagging at low altitude and, thinking it is a helicopter, jumps out of the tree and lights fires to attract its attention. The light turns toward him and stops about 50–60 yards away. The object’s strange appearance frightens Schrum, so he climbs back up in the tree. After a while two humanoid beings and a robot-like creature approach the tree. From then on, Schrum is in a state of siege as the beings try to dislodge him from the tree. At one point a white vapor emanates from the robot’s mouth and Schrum blacks out, but wakes up again, nauseous, and begins lighting matches and throwing them down to frighten the beings away; they back away. Finally, he shoots an arrow at the robot; when it hits, there is an arc flash and the robot is knocked backwards. This is repeated two more times, and the humanoids scatter each time. A second robot appears and a vapor renders Schrum unconscious. When he awakes, he discovers that the two humanoids are climbing up the tree toward him, so he shakes the tree and throws things down at them to ward them off. The same actions are repeated all night. Near dawn, more beings approach and “large volumes of smoke” drift up and he blacks out. He awakes hanging from his belt, and the creatures are gone. Later, when reunited with his companions, Schrum finds that one of the other hunters, who also have gotten lost and separated from their camp, saw the UFO.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** NICAP, “[Cisco Grove / Alien Encounter](http://www.nicap.org/640904ciscogrove%5Fdir.htm)”; Donald E. Keyhoe and Gordon I. R. Lore Jr., [Strange Effects from UFOs](http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Books/Other/Lore%2C%20Gordon%20-%20Strange%20Effects%20from%20UFOs.pdf), NICAP, 1969, pp. 17–23; Hynek UFO Report, [pp. 210–212](https://archive.org/details/hynekuforeport00alle/page/210/mode/2up); [Sparks](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf)[,](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf) p. 301; Clark III 236–240; Ted Bloecher and Paul Cerny, “The Cisco Grove Bow and Arrow Case of 1964,” IUR 20, no. 5 \(Winter 1995\): 16–22, 32
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3809
### Event 24453 (653CC2E5)
**Date:** 9/5/1964
**Description:** On a farm in Cofico, near Salta, Argentina a saucer-shaped object touched down briefly at 9:00 p.m. It stood on a kind of cylindrical pillar, giving out a blinding light. Near it the witness, Mr. Dagota, got a blured glimpse of two figures moving about.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case A0607, citing Flying Saucer Review, May-June 1966, p. 26; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case # 623
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5652
### Event 24454 (E045420D)
**Date:** 9/6/1964
**Location:** CHILE, near Arica
**Description:** (Translated from French) A miner worker saw a UFO land. Two entities emerged from it. They asked him for water in a language mixed with Spanish and English. The witness gave it to them and they left immediately.
**Reference:** Janet and Colin BORD: "Modern Mysteries of the World" - Guild Publishing London 1989, p. 321
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2295
### Event 24455 (D1C08C02)
**Date:** 9/6/1964
**Time:** 23:50
**Location:** MEDFORD, MASS
**Description:** 2 observer(s). 25' blue glow bounces over Mystic Lake. Red lights rotate / edge.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FOWLER, Raymond E.: UFO'S, INTERPLANETARY VISITORS; Prentice Hall & Bantam Books, NY 1979. 346pp. (Index 20)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7044
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "4", **HatchDesc:** "MEDFORD,MASS:2 OBS:25' BLUE GLOW BOUNCES OVR MYSTIC LAKE:RED LITES ROTATE/EDGE", **LatLong:** "42.416669 -71.105559", **LatLongDMS:** "42:25:00 N 71:06:20 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.416669,-71.105559)", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 24456 (DAF02186)
**Date:** 9/6/1964
**Description:** A saucer-shaped UFO touched down briefly in Cofico, Argentina around nine o'clock in the evening. It stood on a single pedestal that looked like a pillar, and gave off a blinding light. Nearby the UFO the witness, Mr. C. Dagota, got a blurred glimpse of two figures moving about.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Oscar A. Uriondo, p. 27
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5680
### Event 24457 (A56EAB3B)
**Date:** 9/6/1964
**Description:** On that same evening in Medford, Massachusetts at 11:45 p.m. EDT, a 25' wide royal blue glowing UFO bounced up-and-down as it moved across the sky horizontally. It had a red light revolving around its perimeter.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Raymond E. Fowler, UFOs: Interplanetary Visitors, p. 330
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5681
### Event 24458 (2C650E2F)
**Date:** 9/7/1964
**Description:** A silver colored, egg-shaped object with two rows of windows was sighted at night over Daytona Beach, Florida. It was estimated to be over 200 feet long. Inside 12 "large people" could be seen moving about. The witness was familiar with blimps and aircraft.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Ted Bloecher investigation files, case investigation dated February 11, 1965
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5718
### Event 24459 (D0B0B885)
**Date:** 9/10/1964
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Observation at Cedar Grove \(New Jersey\). (September 10)
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#9104 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1964.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2075
### Event 24460 (F555ED20)
**Date:** 9/10/1964
**Location:** Cedar Grove, NJ
**Description:** 4 white lights, 3-4 \[degrees?\] apart, to the N, going W (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 9104)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2739
### Event 24461 (41435E6A)
**Date:** 9/10/1964
**Time:** 7:09 PM
**Location:** Cedar Grove, New Jersey
**Description:** Witness: chemist P.H. DePaolo. Four white lights, 3-4 apart, were seen to the north, going west for 45 seconds.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_514
### Event 24462 (D099F336)
**Date:** 9/10/1964
**Description:** Chemist P. H. De Paolo in Cedar Grove, New Jersey sighted four white lights at 7:09 p.m. They were seen in the northern sky, heading west for 45 seconds.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Don Berliner, Project Bluebook UFO Unknowns
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5824
### Event 24463 (198B389D)
**Date:** 9/11/1964
**Time:** 05:00
**Location:** ULYSSES, KS
**Description:** 1 / car buzzed / fast 3' domed saucer. Whoosh sound only. / r211p27.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA; H. Regnery, Chicago HC 1969 & Contemporary Books,Chicago 1993. 372pp. (Index 625)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7045
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "935", **HatchDesc:** "ULYSSES,KS:1/CAR BUZZED/FAST 3'DOMED SCR:WHOOSH SOUND ONLY:/r211p27", **LatLong:** "37.583335 -101.355560", **LatLongDMS:** "37:35:00 N 101:21:20 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.583335,-101.355560)", **State/Prov:** "Kansas", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 24464 (B6EAA1C5)
**Date:** 9/11/1964
**Time:** 0600
**Location:** Ulysses, Oklahoma
**Description:** Karen Campbell was scared by an oval, dull copper object that flew low over her car. It measured about 1.2 m in height, had a dome on top, made a "rushing" noise, and seemed to "float" over the car.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** 148 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_625
### Event 24465 (7C4FA7C6)
**Date:** 9/11/1964
**Location:** 37.0000 -116.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Spoon” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_380
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0000 -116.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:00 N 116:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0000,-116.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Spoon", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 24466 (6DA54995)
**Date:** 9/12/1964
**Time:** 20:30
**Location:** NORTH / DODGE CITY, KS
**Description:** Aero-writer / private plane. Circular mass tumbles and maneuvers. Meteor??
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 779)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7046
**Attributes:** **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "770", **HatchDesc:** "N/DODGE CITY,KS:AERO-WRITER/Pvt.PLANE:CIRC.MASS TUMBLES+MNVRS:meteor??", **LatLong:** "37.783335 -100.016671", **LatLongDMS:** "37:47:00 N 100:01:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.783335,-100.016671)", **State/Prov:** "Kansas", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 24467 (045CC715)
**Date:** 9/14/1964
**Locations:** San Miguel Observatory; Buenos Aires, Argentina
**Description:** 10:55 p.m. Astronomers Luis Ferro and Renato Matteassi at the San Miguel Observatory, Buenos Aires, Argentina, watch an object with the apparent size twice that of the Moon passing across the constellation Lyra. The central portion is white and green, while the rear looks like half-rings of blue. Its speed is estimated as three times the speed of sound. They watch it for 3 minutes moving toward Jupiter.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Gordon Creighton, “[Argentina](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201966%20V%2012%20N%203.pdf) [1963/1964: Part IV,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201966%20V%2012%20N%203.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 12, no. 3 \(May/June 1966\): 28
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3810
### Event 24468 (DED35B51)
**Date:** 9/15/1964
**Location:** HOUMA, LA
**Description:** Cops and more/others. Noisy object going [to] over house / treetop level. Flashes red and green. / fate 1 / 65.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA; H. Regnery, Chicago HC 1969 & Contemporary Books,Chicago 1993. 372pp. (Index 626)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7047
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "4", **HatchDesc:** "HOUMA,LA:COPS++:NOISY OBJ> OVR HOUSE/TREETOP LVL:FLASHES RED+GRN:/FATE 1/65", **LatLong:** "29.583335 -90.733338", **LatLongDMS:** "29:35:00 N 90:44:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/29.583335,-90.733338)", **RelAlt:** "15", **State/Prov:** "Louisiana", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 24469 (F55C3545)
**Date:** 9/15/1964
**Location:** Big Sur, CA
**Description:** The Big Sur Filming / UFO Disables Dummy Warhead ? (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases, Code: I, Rating: 5, NC)
**Reference:** NICAP: [640915](http://nicap.org/6409XXbigsur%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2740
### Event 24470 (1D01695A)
**Date:** 9/15/1964
**Location:** Core Lane, Louisiana
**Description:** James Warren was awakened by a noise, and saw an object bearing blinking red and green lights fly over his house at treetop level. He called the police, who also reported seeing the object.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Fate Jan., 65 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_626
### Event 24471 (BDE151C3)
**Date:** 9/15/1964
**Locations:** Vandenberg Space Force Base; Lompoc, California; Big Sur, California
**Description:** 8:27 a.m. USAF Lt. Robert Jacobs is officer-in-charge of photo-optical instrumentation for the 1369th Photographic Squadron at Vandenberg AFB \[now Vandenberg Space Force Base\] near Lompoc, California. His crew films an SM-65F Atlas missile launch where a UFO allegedly causes the ICBM’s warhead to malfunction over Big Sur, California. At the time of the filming, apparently no one knows anything about a UFO sighting. But the next morning, Jacobs is ordered to report to the office of Maj. [Florenz J. Mansmann](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/123924772/florenz-john-mansmann), First Strategic Aerospace Division, his commanding officer, where he is shown the film and told to forget it ever happened. Kingston George, the project engineer for the experiments and who probably never saw the film, “identified” the object as “nothing to do with UFOs” in an article in the Skeptical Enquirer. Before Mansmann’s death, and 40 years after the actual event, the major confirms the UFO incident in writing. The controversy centers on the opinions of some researchers who suggest that the telescope imaging system is not adequate enough to produce the results described by Jacobs and Mannsman. However, several other researchers have shown that, with the viewing conditions at the height of the equipment used, and the imaging systems operating at that shoot, the incident could have occurred as described.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** NICAP, “[The Big Sur Filming / UFO Disables Dummy Warhead?](http://www.nicap.org/6409XXbigsur%5Fdir.htm)”; Robert Jacobs, “[How a UFO Destroyed an American Rocket,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201983%20V%2029%20N%201.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 29, no. 1 \(October 1983\): 23–24; Kingston A. George, “[The Big Sur ‘UFO’: An](https://cdn.centerforinquiry.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/29/1993/01/22165151/p77.pdf) [Identified](https://cdn.centerforinquiry.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/29/1993/01/22165151/p77.pdf) [Flying Object,](https://cdn.centerforinquiry.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/29/1993/01/22165151/p77.pdf)” Skeptical Inquirer 17 \(Winter 1993\): 180–187; Robert Hastings, “A Shot across the Bow: Another Look at the Big Sur Incident,” IUR 31, no. 1 \(January 2007\): 3–11, 20–24; Mark Rodeghier, “Image Resolution of the Optical System at Big Sur,” IUR 31, no. 1 \(January 2007\): 20; Robert Hastings, “Answers on Big Sur,” IUR 31, no. 4 \(Mar. 2008\): 18; Robert L. Hastings, “[UFOs](https://www.ufohastings.com/index.php/articles/ufos-are-stalking-and-intercepting-dummy-nuclear-warheads-during-test-flights) [Are Stalking and Intercepting Dummy Nuclear Warheads during Test Flights,](https://www.ufohastings.com/index.php/articles/ufos-are-stalking-and-intercepting-dummy-nuclear-warheads-during-test-flights)” UFOs & Nukes, August 23, 2011; Nukes 187–217
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3811
### Event 24472 (EEE223D9)
**Date:** 9/16/1964
**Locations:** Little Hulton; Greater Manchester; England
**Description:** 6:55 p.m. Several teenagers at Little Hulton, Greater Manchester, England, watch a noiseless, pearly white triangular object traveling with its base forward toward the north.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Manchester Disbeliever’s Testimony,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%2C1964%2CNov-Dec%2CV%2010%2CN%206.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 10, no. 6 \(Nov./Dec. 1964\): 25
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3812
### Event 24473 (058C9AE0)
**Date:** 9/18/1964
**Time:** 08:00:00.4
**Location:** 73.6670 54.5330
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: .001KT YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1258
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "73.6670 54.5330", **LatLongDMS:** "73:40:01 N 54:31:59 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/73.6670,54.5330)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "4.19", **NukeSource:** "AWE-JED", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** ".001", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 24474 (CD08EA58)
**Date:** 9/18/1964
**End date:** 9/24/1964
**Locations:** Surabaya; Malang; Bangkalan; Java, Indonesia; Malaysia
**Description:** Numerous high-speed UFOs are reported and tracked on radar in an area between Surabaya, Malang, and Bangkalan, Java, Indonesia. Antiaircraft batteries and Air Force pilots reportedly open fire on them, even though officials suspect they could be British aircraft from the [HMS Victorious](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HMS%5FVictorious%5F%28R38%29) protecting Malaysia.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Good Above, [p. 429](https://archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/428/mode/2up); Rahadian Rundjan, “[Mencari UFO di Langit Indonesia,](https://historia.id/sains/articles/mencari-ufo-di-langit-indonesia-PzM3G/page/1)” Historia, June 19, 2017
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3813
### Event 24475 (C75E1D62)
**Date:** 9/20/1964
**Time:** 22:00?
**Location:** OFF C.RIVADAVIA, ARG
**Description:** 1 / car. 4 UFO's curve going down [to] to sea. Rise again and fly away. / MJ#130.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PHENOMENES SPATIAUX: Group GEPA, Gen. M. Lionel Chassin Paris. Quarterly 1964?-1977. Merged into Grp. GEPAN (Index 18)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7048
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **SUB:** Submersible: Rises from or submerges into water, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "30", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "off C.RIVADAVIA,ARG:1/CAR:4 UFOs CURVE ↓ TO SEA:RISE AGAIN+FLY AWAY:/MJ#130", **LatLong:** "-45.833336 -67.333337", **LatLongDMS:** "45:50:00 S 67:20:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-45.833336,-67.333337)", **State/Prov:** "CHB", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 24476 (9439FF95)
**Date:** 9/20/1964
**Description:** At 10:00 p.m. four lens-shaped objects were observed from Comodoro Rivadavia, Chubut province, Argentina flying in a curved trajectory out to sea. They gained altitude, but then suddenly dipped and plunged into the sea.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** GEPA Phenomenes Spatiaux, December 1968; Wendelle Stevens, Saga UFO Report, March 1977, p. 37
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6126
### Event 24477 (ECCA7597)
**Date:** 9/21/1964
**Location:** USA,
**Description:** (Translated from French) The North American XB-70A Valkyrie, with 6 engines, was an experimental bomber designed for speeds of Mach 3 and higher. It was the largest of the experimental aircraft, with a length of 58 meters, a wingspan of 32 meters, and a height of 10 meters. It had two large vertical tail fins and a horizontal canard mounted on the fuselage, triangular wings whose tips could be lowered to increase lateral stability at supersonic speeds. It was constructed of titanium and stainless steel honeycomb and could withstand temperatures of 332°C for its Mach 3 high altitude flights. There were only two prototypes which the Department of Defense used for its Mach 3 research programs as part of the SST program. They were packed with measuring instruments that could measure 36 different data points transmitted directly to the ground. 900 other types of measurements were recorded in digital pulse code modulation at a rate of 20,000 data points per second. (September 21, 1964)
**Reference:** continued: 8.6.66
**Reference:** NASA website 1997 "On the Frontier"
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2296
### Event 24478 (60C1F579)
**Date:** 9/24/1964
**Time:** 21:30
**Location:** RIO DELL, CA
**Description:** Many separate observer(s) and (seen thru) telescope. Silent luminous cylinder/cigar-shape circles town 3x / 15km altitude. / r211p112.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 787)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7049
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "30", **Elev:** "12", **HatchDesc:** "RIO DELL,CA:MANY SEP.OBS+TSCOPE:SLNT.LUMN.CGR CCLs TOWN 3x/15km alt:/r211p112", **LatLong:** "40.500002 -124.105561", **LatLongDMS:** "40:30:00 N 124:06:20 W", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.500002,-124.105561)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 24479 (2CF81BF0)
**Date:** 9/25/1964
**Location:** 37.0000 -116.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: Britain Name: “Courser” Yield: 0KT YieldMax: 0KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1771
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0000 -116.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:00 N 116:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0000,-116.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "Britain", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Courser", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NUCUG", **NukeY:** "0", **NukeYMax:** "0"
### Event 24480 (4F5A2558)
**Date:** 9/30/1964
**Location:** 50.4375 77.814167
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: .001KT YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1259
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "50.4375 77.814167", **LatLongDMS:** "50:26:15 N 77:48:51 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.4375,77.814167)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "RFAE", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** ".001", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 24481 (FBC5ED28)
**Date:** 10/1964
**Location:** Korea
**Description:** Air Force and Army radar stations tracked an UFO as it hovered over and flew along the demilitarized zone between North and South Korea. The UFO was visible for over an hour.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [Pea Research](https://www.academia.edu/9813787/GOVERNMENT_INVOLVEMENT_IN_THE_UFO_COVER_UP_CHRONOLOGY_based)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_620
### Event 24482 (F6ABC16D)
**Date:** 10/1964
**Locations:** Wallops Flight Facility; Wallops Island, Virginia
**Description:** An engineer and three technicians at the Wallops Flight Facility on Wallops Island, Virginia, see a triangular- shaped object speed in from the north, make a 90° turn, and disappear in under a minute. They all agree that it moved faster than a jet.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Harold H. Deneault Jr., “UFOs Return to Washington,” Fate 18, no. 7 \(July 1965\): 48– 49
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3815
### Event 24483 (55995E28)
**Date:** 10/1/1964
**Time:** 12:50
**Location:** DANVERS, MASS
**Description:** 1 observer. Dark 24' saucer passes over factory. 2000' altitude / 300mph Est. / MJ#205.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FOWLER, Raymond E.: UFO'S, INTERPLANETARY VISITORS; Prentice Hall & Bantam Books, NY 1979. 346pp. (Index 21)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7050
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "15", **HatchDesc:** "DANVERS,MASS:1 OBS:DARK 24'SCR PASSES OVR FACTORY:2000' ALT/300mph EST:/MJ#205", **LatLong:** "42.566669 -70.933337", **LatLongDMS:** "42:34:00 N 70:56:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.566669,-70.933337)", **RelAlt:** "600", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 24484 (70298E58)
**Date:** 10/1/1964
**Description:** At 12:50 p.m. a 24-foot diameter dark disc-shaped object passed over an industrial plant in Danvers, Massachusetts. It flew under a cloud at 2,500 altitude, at an estimated speed of 300 mph.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Raymond E. Fowler, UFOs: Interplanetary Visitors, pp. 21, 330
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6470
### Event 24485 (6B2BD1B4)
**Date:** 10/2/1964
**Time:** 20:03:00.0
**Location:** 37.0779 -116.0085
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Auk” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_381
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0779 -116.0085", **LatLongDMS:** "37:04:40 N 116:00:31 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0779,-116.0085)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.45", **NukeMb:** "4.89", **NukeName:** "Auk", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 24486 (CC6419B4)
**Date:** 10/4/1964
**Time:** 23:00
**Location:** OFF OXELOSUND, SWD
**Description:** 3 / boat. Green-yellow sphere/orb/globe-saucer zigzags. Ovoid near Kvarsebo / 0300h 5 October.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** AFU NEWSLETTER (English). Anders Liljegren (ed). Archives for UFO Research; PO Box 11027; S-600 11 Norrkoping, SWEDEN (Index 25)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7051
**Attributes:** **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Scandanavian and Finland", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "240", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "off OXELOSUND,SWD:3/BOAT:GRN-YLW ORB-SCR ZIGZAGS:OVOID nr KVARSEBO/0300h 5OCT", **LatLong:** "58.611114 17.083334", **LatLongDMS:** "58:36:40 N 17:05:00 E", **Locale:** "Offshore", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/58.611114,17.083334)", **State/Prov:** "Sweden", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 24487 (708FC76A)
**Date:** 10/6/1964
**Time:** 00:30
**Location:** HAVERHILL, MASS
**Description:** 2 observer(s) 150' away. 30' silver domed saucer hovers 30' / trees. Glows / bottom.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FOWLER, Raymond E.: UFO'S, INTERPLANETARY VISITORS; Prentice Hall & Bantam Books, NY 1979. 346pp. (Index 22)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7052
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "8", **HatchDesc:** "HAVERHILL,MASS:2 OBS 150' AWAY:30' SLVR DOMED SCR HVRS 30'/TREES:GLOWS/BOTTOM", **LatLong:** "42.766669 -71.083337", **LatLongDMS:** "42:46:00 N 71:05:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.766669,-71.083337)", **RelAlt:** "12", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 24488 (6D8609AC)
**Date:** 10/6/1964
**Description:** At 12:30 a.m. a thirty-foot in diameter silver domed disc hovered 30 feet over nearby trees in a cemetery in Haverhill, Massachusetts only 150 feet from the two male witnesses. It had a glowing bottom.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Raymond E. Fowler case files, report dated October 8, 1964; Raymond E. Fowler, UFOs: Interplanetary Visitors, pp. 23 & 330
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6601
### Event 24489 (020D416E)
**Date:** 10/7/1964
**Time:** 15:30
**Location:** WALTHAM, MASS
**Description:** 1 observer. Silent wingless cylinder/cylindrical object-cylinder/cigar-shape follows C119 cargo plane. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FOWLER, Raymond E.: UFO'S, INTERPLANETARY VISITORS; Prentice Hall & Bantam Books, NY 1979. 346pp. (Index 23)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7053
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "15", **HatchDesc:** "WALTHAM,MASS:1 OBS:SLNT WINGLESS CYL-CGR FOLLOWS C119 CARGO PLANE:NFD", **LatLong:** "42.383335 -71.233337", **LatLongDMS:** "42:23:00 N 71:14:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.383335,-71.233337)", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 24490 (7F356ACF)
**Date:** 10/7/1964
**Location:** Dulwich, London, England
**Description:** 11:10 p.m. R. Shannon and his wife see a blood-red triangle in the sky above Dulwich, London, England. They watch it for 10 minutes before it begins revolving swiftly, almost to a blur, then explodes silently and disappears.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** R. Shannon, “[Dulwich De-Materialisation?](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%2C1965%2CJan-Feb%2CV%2011%2CN%201.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 11, no. 1 \(Jan./Feb. 1965\): 28
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3816
### Event 24491 (397F8797)
**Date:** 10/7/1964
**Description:** At 3:30 p.m. a grayish black wingless object w two stubby fins in the rear portion followed a C-119 "flying boxcar" transport plane over Waltham, Massachusetts.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Raymond E. Fowler, UFOs: Interplanetary Visitors, p. 24
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6630
### Event 24492 (D0C7860C)
**Date:** 10/9/1964
**Time:** 20:20
**Location:** SOUTHEAST / BOWIE, AZ
**Description:** 2 / car. Brilliant disk / light over Chiricahua Mountains. Shoots fan / light going up.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 787)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7054
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "2200", **HatchDesc:** "SE/BOWIE,AZ:2/CAR:BRILL.DISK/LITE OVR CHIRICAHUA Mtns:SHOOTS FAN/LITE ↑:", **LatLong:** "32.177779 -109.416672", **LatLongDMS:** "32:10:40 N 109:25:00 W", **Locale:** "Desert", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/32.177779,-109.416672)", **State/Prov:** "Arizona", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 24493 (9E2D121F)
**Date:** 10/9/1964
**Time:** 14:00:00.1
**Location:** 37.1513 -116.0770
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Par” Yield: 38KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_382
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1513 -116.0770", **LatLongDMS:** "37:09:05 N 116:04:37 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1513,-116.0770)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.41", **NukeMb:** "4.80", **NukeName:** "Par", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "38"
### Event 24494 (3BEB7D73)
**Date:** 10/11/1964
**Time:** 16:00
**Location:** BROCKTON, MA
**Description:** 3 observer(s). 50' saucer chases 2 jets. Fantastic maneuvers. Quickly going up. / r83p25+/ r41p155.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 44)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7055
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "34", **HatchDesc:** "BROCKTON,MA:3 OBS:50'SCR CHASES 2 JETS:FANTASTIC MNVRS:↑↑:/r83p25+/r41p155", **LatLong:** "42.083335 -71.016670", **LatLongDMS:** "42:05:00 N 71:01:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.083335,-71.016670)", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 24495 (29178D0A)
**Date:** 10/11/1964
**Location:** Brockton, MA
**Description:** Engineer, others, observed dome-shaped object following jet fighters. UFO shot straight up and out of sight (UFOE Section IV). (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2741
### Event 24496 (C64354BD)
**Date:** 10/11/1964
**Location:** Brockton, MA
**Description:** Engineer, others, observed dome-shaped object following jet fighters. UFO shot straight up and out of sight
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_24
### Event 24497 (FC4ADA24)
**Date:** 10/11/1964
**Description:** D. Hanson, an engineer, and two others observed a domed disc-shaped object being followed by jet fighters in Brockton, Massachusetts at four o'clock in the afternoon. The UFO shot straight up and was gone from sight.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Ray Folwer, UFOs: Interplanetary Visitors, p. 331
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6762
### Event 24498 (2DE31E0A)
**Date:** 10/12/1964
**Location:** USSR, Baikonour
**Description:** (Translated from French) LAUNCH OF VOSKHOD, recovered the next day October 13, WEIGHT 8000 KG, FIRST SPACECRAFT WITH 3 PASSENGERS. ("Astronautics, Pierre Rousseau, Hachette 1965, p. 63) THREE RUSSIANS ARE SATELLITES, INCLUDING, remarkably, TWO ARE "CRAWLING" SCIENTISTS BRIEFLY TRAINED FOR THIS FLIGHT AND WHO DID NOT EVEN WEAR SPACE SUIT. ("Conquest of Space" - Thomas de Galiana, ed. Larousse Pocket, 1967, p. 9) The cosmonauts of Voskhod 1 said they saw an unidentified cylindrical object, like the one seen by the American astronaut McDivitt. (Ion HOBANA / Julien WEVERBERGH: "UFOs in the USSR and Eastern Bloc Countries" - trad. Laffont 1976 - p. 280) A formation of disk-shaped objects is observed. (Philippe SCHNEYDER: "UFO, first balance" - ed. du Rocher 1983, p. 233) Voshkod 1: three Russian cosmonauts report that they were surrounded by a formation of disk-shaped objects moving at high speed.
**Reference:** J. Allen HYNEK and Jacques VALLEE: "At the Limits of Reality" - ed. Albin Michel 1978, p 84
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2297
### Event 24499 (1B6D7ED7)
**Date:** 10/12/1964
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) 1st crewed flight aboard *Voskhod 1* \(Komarov, Yegorov and Feoktistov\). (October 12)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1964.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2076
### Event 24500 (19806A78)
**Date:** 10/12/1964
**Time:** ~09:40
**Description:** Rumor = saucers batter craft / magnetic fields. (Disinfo?)
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HOBANA Ion & WEVERBERGH,Julien: UFO'S from BEHIND the IRON CURTAIN; Bantam Books,1975. 308pp. (Index 42)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7056
**Attributes:** **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **HOX:** Suspicion of hoax, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **MIL:** Military investigation
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Earth Orbit or seen from space stations/capsules", **Credibility:** "4", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "VOSHKOD I ORDERED DOWN EARLY:RUMOR=SCRS BATTER CRAFT/MAGN.FIELDS:(DISINFO?)", **LatLong:** "90.000004 -0.000000", **LatLongDMS:** "90:00:00 N 00:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/90.000004,-0.000000)", **State/Prov:** "SOV", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 24501 (705359C4)
**Date:** 10/14/1964
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Brejnev replaces Khrushchev. (October 14)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1964.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2077
### Event 24502 (7B07CCCC)
**Date:** Late 1964
**Locations:** Hagerman, New Mexico; Walker AFB; Roswell, New Mexico
**Description:** Deputy Missile Combat Crew Commander 1Lt. Philip E. Moore is on duty in Site 7 \(east of Hagerman, New Mexico\), one of the 579th Strategic Missile Squadron’s underground Atlas missile launch facilities at Walker AFB \[now closed\] in Roswell, New Mexico. He gets a call from an adjacent missile silo around 10–15 miles away, saying that a UFO is hovering and maneuvering over their site. Maj. Dan Gilbert sends three enlisted crew members—T/Sgt. Jack Nevins, Airman1C Bob Garner, and Airman 1C Mike Rundag—above ground to see what is going on. They see a silent light that moves very quickly \(instant stop and instant go\) back and forth between Site 6 and Site 8. Gilbert goes up and sees the same activity.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Nukes 152–157
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3814
### Event 24503 (668A7866)
**Date:** Late 1964
**Description:** USAF Lt. Col. Philip E. Moore states that while at Walker AFB, NM, he was on duty in one of the 579th Strategic Missile Squadron’s underground Atlas ICBM launch control capsules. Moore was at 579 Site 7 when he and his commander Maj. Dan Gilbert got a call from 579 Site 6 or Site 8, south-southeast of Roswell, NM, that a UAP was hovering over their location. It would hover, rapidly leave, and then return. The hovering was reported by crew as “instantaneous” movement from Site 6 to Site 8 and back, repeatedly.
Though Moore states he was never told not to talk about it, in 2005, he stated: “I personally believe that there is something to the UFO-ICBM connection. I know the Air Force covers up when it feels the official need. UFOs over ICBM sites could be one of those official needs.”
* [https://www.ufohastings.com/index.php/articles/three-former-u-s-air-force-icbm-launch-officers-speak-out-about-ufos](https://www.ufohastings.com/index.php/articles/three-former-u-s-air-force-icbm-launch-officers-speak-out-about-ufos)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_109
### Event 24504 (22809D48)
**Date:** 10/16/1964
**Location:** CHINA
**Description:** (Translated from French) American photographic reconnaissance satellites of the VELA type detect the explosion of the first Chinese bomb.
**Reference:** "The War of the Satellites" - Volume 3 - Pierre Kohler, ed. Famot 1982, p. 77
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2298
### Event 24505 (79636C42)
**Date:** 10/16/1964
**Time:** 15:59:30.0
**Location:** 37.0395 -116.0157
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed, salvo. Country: USA Name: “Barbel” YieldMax: 40KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_383
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0395 -116.0157", **LatLongDMS:** "37:02:22 N 116:00:57 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0395,-116.0157)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.26", **NukeName:** "Barbel", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU_SALVO", **NukeYMax:** "40"
### Event 24506 (A9144654)
**Date:** 10/16/1964
**Time:** 07:00:00.0
**Location:** 41.5000 88.5000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, presumed. Country: China Yield: 0KT YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1792
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "41.5000 88.5000", **LatLongDMS:** "41:30:00 N 88:30:00 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.5000,88.5000)", **NukeCountry:** "China", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "BOLT", **NukeType:** "NAPC", **NukeY:** "0", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 24507 (44FDE46C)
**Date:** 10/18/1964
**Time:** 19:00
**Description:** Large saucer hovers / Coble mountain. 2 small saucers maneuver / one hour. Rejoin. Going quickly southwest.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 282)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7057
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "180", **Elev:** "1562", **HatchDesc:** "SE/FALL RIVER MILLS,CA:LRG SCR HVRS/COBLE Mtn:2 SML SCRS MNVR/1hr:REJOIN:>>SW", **LatLong:** "40.938891 -121.277784", **LatLongDMS:** "40:56:20 N 121:16:40 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.938891,-121.277784)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 24508 (887B109F)
**Date:** 10/22/1964
**Time:** 16:00:00.0
**Location:** 31.1421 -89.5699
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Salmon” Yield: 5.3KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_384
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "31.1421 -89.5699", **LatLongDMS:** "31:08:32 N 89:34:12 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/31.1421,-89.5699)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.83", **NukeMb:** "4.60", **NukeName:** "Salmon", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "5.3"
### Event 24509 (B810B6BB)
**Date:** 10/22/1964
**Description:** Flying Saucer Review editor [Waveney Girvan](https://www.joshuablubuhs.com/blog/ian-waveney-girvan-as-a-fortean) dies, and [Charles Bowen](http://www.isaackoi.com/ufo-personalities/bowen-charles.html) takes control and oversees the magazine until 1982, its most influential period.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Charles Bowen, “[Our Friend Waveney Girvan,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%2C1964%2CNov-Dec%2CV%2010%2CN%206.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 10, no. 6 \(Nov./Dec. 1964\): 5; Clark III 498
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3817
### Event 24510 (27F6CE06)
**Date:** 10/23/1964
**Location:** 37.0000 -116.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Garden” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_385
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0000 -116.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:00 N 116:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0000,-116.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Garden", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 24511 (0FCDAC69)
**Date:** 10/24/1964
**Location:** ATLANTIC 27° 40W-66° 00N
**Description:** Blue Book. Military-sea observer(s). No further details [in] at all.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFOCAT CATALOG: Assorted Printouts. Donald A. Johnson Ph.D (CUFOS). P.O. Box 446, Concord, NH 03302-0446 (Index 75)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7058
**Attributes:** **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Atlantic Ocean + islands", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "ATLANTIC 27°40W-66°00N:BBK:MIL-SEA OBS:NFD AT ALL", **LatLong:** "66.000003 -27.666668", **LatLongDMS:** "66:00:00 N 27:40:00 W", **Locale:** "High Seas", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/66.000003,-27.666668)", **State/Prov:** "NAT", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 24512 (13E0B01F)
**Date:** 10/25/1964
**Location:** Caribbean, At Sea
**Description:** US Navy radar tracking (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2742
### Event 24513 (5C021A02)
**Date:** 10/25/1964
**Time:** 07:59:58.1
**Location:** 73.3870 54.9850
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: .001KT YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1260
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "73.3870 54.9850", **LatLongDMS:** "73:23:13 N 54:59:06 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/73.3870,54.9850)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.10", **NukeSource:** "RICHARDS", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** ".001", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 24514 (8BDA1418)
**Date:** 10/29/1964?
**Location:** ARLINGTON, MASS
**Description:** 1 observer. 30m cylinder/cigar-shape / 15 degree tilt. Descends / low clouds going [to] treetop level. Quickly going up.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FOWLER, Raymond E.: UFO'S, INTERPLANETARY VISITORS; Prentice Hall & Bantam Books, NY 1979. 346pp. (Index 27)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7059
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "14", **HatchDesc:** "ARLINGTON,MASS:1 OBS:30m CGR/15dgr TILT:DESCENDS/LOW CLOUDS>TREETOP LEVEL:↑↑", **LatLong:** "42.416669 -71.155559", **LatLongDMS:** "42:25:00 N 71:09:20 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.416669,-71.155559)", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 24515 (EB29281B)
**Date:** 10/29/1964
**Location:** Brimfield, Massachusetts
**Description:** 12:00 midnight–3:00 a.m. Irene Page watches a sparkling ball of light that maneuvers around her yard, illuminating her property in Brimfield, Massachusetts. When she first sees it, the TV set fades, and lights in the room blink on and off several times.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Flashing UFO Seen Three Hours,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201965%2007%2000%20-%20July-August.pdf)” APRO Bulletin, July/Aug. 1965, p. 7
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3818
### Event 24516 (E48AD4ED)
**Date:** 10/29/1964
**Description:** At 6:10 p.m. a 100-foot-long yellow glowing cigar, tilted 15 degrees upward, descended out of some low heavy clouds in Arlington, Massachusetts. It had a dark area at one end, and two vertical black stripes in its midsection.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Raymond E. Fowler, case investigation files, report dated December 24, 1964; Raymond Fowler, UFOs: Interplanetary Visitors, p. 331
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7271
### Event 24517 (EC91D768)
**Date:** 10/30/1964
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Observer(s) = Lookabaugh. Still photos / UFO. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFOCAT CATALOG: Assorted Printouts. Donald A. Johnson Ph.D (CUFOS). P.O. Box 446, Concord, NH 03302-0446 (Index 75)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7060
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "342", **HatchDesc:** "SOUTH CHARLESTON,OH:BBK#UNK:OBS=LOOKABAUGH:STILL PHOTOS/UFO:NFD", **LatLong:** "39.827780 -83.633337", **LatLongDMS:** "39:49:40 N 83:38:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.827780,-83.633337)", **State/Prov:** "Ohio", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 24518 (9AD6703F)
**Date:** 10/30/1964
**Time:** 10:00?
**Description:** 4 observer(s). Large red glowing saucer / low altitude stampedes 50 cattle.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 133)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7061
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "BRIDGWATER,SOMERSET:4 OBS:LRG RED GLOWING SCR/LO ALT STAMPEDES 50 CATTLE", **LatLong:** "51.116669 -2.983333", **LatLongDMS:** "51:07:00 N 02:59:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.116669,-2.983333)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 24519 (1F32EB9F)
**Date:** 10/30/1964
**Location:** Somerset, UK
**Description:** 50 cows reacted to low object (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)
**Reference:** NICAP: [641030](https://web.archive.org/web/100/http://www.nicap.org/ar-641030dir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2743
### Event 24520 (97CA1A15)
**Date:** 10/31/1964
**Time:** 17:04:58.6
**Location:** 37.1072 -116.0323
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Forest” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_386
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1072 -116.0323", **LatLongDMS:** "37:06:26 N 116:01:56 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1072,-116.0323)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.39", **NukeName:** "Forest", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 24521 (62CA08FB)
**Date:** 11/1964
**Time:** 00:20
**Location:** HARVEYS LAKE, PA
**Description:** 2 meteors. 1 stops! Goes up and down river and hillsides / 4 hours. 2 observer(s).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HOLZER, Hans: THE UFO-NAUTS; Fawcett Gold Medal Books, Greenwich, CT 1976. (Index 53)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7062
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "240", **Elev:** "405", **HatchDesc:** "HARVEYS LAKE,PA:2 METEORS:1 STOPS!:GOES UP+DN RIVER+HILLSIDES/4 HRS:2 OBS", **LatLong:** "41.383335 -76.050004", **LatLongDMS:** "41:23:00 N 76:03:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.383335,-76.050004)", **State/Prov:** "Pennsylvania", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 24522 (F9B9E8E1)
**Date:** 11/1964
**Time:** 2300
**Location:** Saint-Alexis de Montcalm, Canada
**Description:** Mr. Lehel observed a lighted object at hilltop level, about 700 m away. At the site, a wide circle of crushed vegetation was found, three branches were broken, and a pole was calcined.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** LDLN 76 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_627
### Event 24523 (016A114E)
**Date:** 11/2/1964
**Location:** REDWOOD CITY, CA
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Observer(s) = Meacham. Still photos. UFO type unknown. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFOCAT CATALOG: Assorted Printouts. Donald A. Johnson Ph.D (CUFOS). P.O. Box 446, Concord, NH 03302-0446 (Index 75)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7063
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "REDWOOD CITY,CA:BBK#UNK:OBS=MEACHAM:STILL PHOTOS:UFO TYPE UNK:NFD", **LatLong:** "37.483335 -122.233339", **LatLongDMS:** "37:29:00 N 122:14:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.483335,-122.233339)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 24524 (DDF0F807)
**Date:** 11/3/1964
**Time:** 20:20
**Location:** BUTANO ST. PARK, CA
**Description:** Several observer(s). Night light plays / woods. Responds / light signals. / MJ#259.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 779)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7064
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "100", **HatchDesc:** "BUTANO St.PARK,CA:SVRL OBS:NLT PLAYS/WOODS:RESPONDS/LITE SIGNALS:/MJ#259", **LatLong:** "37.200002 -122.350006", **LatLongDMS:** "37:12:00 N 122:21:00 W", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.200002,-122.350006)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 24525 (354C540D)
**Date:** 11/3/1964
**Locations:** Butano Creek Girl Scout Camp; Pescadero, California
**Description:** 8:15 p.m. A barking dog alerts the caretaker of the Butano Creek Girl Scout Camp near Pescadero, California. He goes outside and sees a bright light maneuvering erratically in the northeast. He flashes an SOS signal at it with a flashlight, and the light silently moves toward him. He flashes more SOS signals and it moves even closer, hovering above some trees a half mile away and moving back and forth. It lights up the sky like a full moon. The caretaker and another employee run into a cabin to get their wives. The four watch for a while longer, then flash another SOS. The light approaches again, then retreats, dims, and takes off.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Lorenzen, UFOs: The Whole Story, Signet, 1969, p. 242
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3819
### Event 24526 (93445DD2)
**Date:** 11/5/1964
**Time:** 15:00:00.1
**Location:** 37.1744 -116.0670
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Handcar” Yield: 12KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_387
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1744 -116.0670", **LatLongDMS:** "37:10:28 N 116:04:01 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1744,-116.0670)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.40", **NukeMb:** "4.80", **NukeName:** "Handcar", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "12"
### Event 24527 (57C23D49)
**Date:** 11/5/1964
**Location:** Socorro, New Mexico
**Description:** [J. Allen Hynek](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J.%5FAllen%5FHynek) writes to a citizen interested in the Socorro, New Mexico, case and affirms his opinion that [Lonnie Zamora](https://web.archive.org/web/100/https://www.abqjournal.com/obits/profiles/0722057profiles11-07-09.htm)’s story was “told by a man who obviously was frightened badly by what he did see.” He says he cannot dismiss it as a hoax or hallucination.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Bill Murphy, “The Swamp Gas Aftermath: Some Notes from the Gerald Ford Files,” IUR 33, no. 2 \(July 2010\): 12–13
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3820
### Event 24528 (08199DDC)
**Date:** 11/6/1964
**Time:** 20:00
**Location:** EL PASO, TX
**Description:** 4-day wave / night lights and disks going quickly [to] all directions. Electric power fluctuates. Formations.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 781)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7065
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "184", **Elev:** "1109", **HatchDesc:** "EL PASO,TX:4-DAY WAVE/NLTS+DISKS >> ALL DIRs:ELEC.POWER FLUCTUATES:FORMATIONS", **LatLong:** "31.783335 -106.483338", **LatLongDMS:** "31:47:00 N 106:29:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/31.783335,-106.483338)", **State/Prov:** "Texas", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 24529 (96441982)
**Date:** 11/8/1964
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In Montreal, the [NICAP](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/NICAP.html) records landing traces after Mr. Label observed an object hovering above his property. (November 8)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1964.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2078
### Event 24530 (0A01C750)
**Date:** 11/8/1964
**Location:** OPORTO, PORTUGAL
**Description:** Green fireball / sky splits / 2 pieces. 1 hovers. Other flies away / 15 minute(s).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LOURENCO, Victor: The PORTUCAT CATALOG; (BBS Download). (Index 80)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7066
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Portugal", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "15", **HatchDesc:** "OPORTO,PORTUGAL:GRN FBL/SKY SPLITS/2 PIECES:1 HVRS:OTHER FLIES AWAY/15min", **LatLong:** "41.183335 -8.600000", **LatLongDMS:** "41:11:00 N 08:36:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.183335,-8.600000)", **State/Prov:** "Douro", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 24531 (40FCF35C)
**Date:** 11/8/1964
**Time:** 23:00
**Location:** ST. ALEXIS / MONTCALM, QB
**Description:** Glowing-object / trees. Crushed and broken branches. / r180p32+/ LDLN#76.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 39)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7067
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "60", **HatchDesc:** "ST ALEXIS/MONTCALM,QB:GLOW-OBJ/TREES:CRUSHED+BROKEN BRANCHES:/r180p32+/LDLN#76", **LatLong:** "45.933336 -73.594448", **LatLongDMS:** "45:56:00 N 73:35:40 W", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.933336,-73.594448)", **RelAlt:** "5", **State/Prov:** "Quebec", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 24532 (05D9E9E6)
**Date:** 11/9/1964
**Locations:** Kailoa Station, Gisborne, New Zealand; Southern Horizon
**Description:** 8:00 p.m. Trevor Foss responds to his son’s call to watch a light in the northern sky over Kailoa Station, Gisborne, New Zealand. Through night binoculars he sees a ball of light traveling south toward him. It takes 5 minutes to reach the southern horizon and has rotating light beams that project downward and to the rear, as well as 6 jet-like blue flames.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Farmer Observes Sphere,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201965%2001%2000%20-%20January.pdf)” APRO Bulletin, January 1965, p. 8
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3821
### Event 24533 (B1DA13CF)
**Date:** 11/10/1964
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Recovery of 9 bodies following a crash at Fort Riley \(Kansas\). (November 10)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1964.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2079
### Event 24534 (5CF37B3A)
**Date:** 11/10/1964
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Re-election of President [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/JohnsonLyndonBaines.html)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1964.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2080
### Event 24535 (C8573183)
**Date:** 11/14/1964
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Sighting in Menomonee Falls \(Wisconsin\). (November 14)
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#9170 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1964.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2081
### Event 24536 (C59FFBCE)
**Date:** 11/14/1964
**Location:** MOON
**Description:** Astronomer Bartlett. Distinct blue band / light at foot of peak / edge / crater.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PINDEVIC, Thierry: Le NOEUD GORDIEN ou la FANTASTIQUE HISTOIRE des OVNI. Editions France-Empire, Paris 1979. (Index 54)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7068
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **NFO:** No craft seen, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "The Moon", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "MOON:ASTRONOMER BARTLETT:DISTINCT BLUE BAND/LITE at FOOT OF PEAK/EDGE/CRATER", **LatLong:** "90.000004 -0.000000", **LatLongDMS:** "90:00:00 N 00:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/90.000004,-0.000000)", **State/Prov:** "CRT", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 24537 (8FDD4ECB)
**Date:** 11/14/1964
**Time:** 20:40
**Description:** Astronomers. Night light going east and going west after echo-2 satellite. Going down / horizon. / APRO 1'65.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PHENOMENES SPATIAUX: Group GEPA, Gen. M. Lionel Chassin Paris. Quarterly 1964?-1977. Merged into Grp. GEPAN (Index 22)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7069
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "60", **HatchDesc:** "ADHARA OBS,ARG:ASTRONOMERS:NLT >E+>W after ECHO-2 SATELLITE:↓/HRZN:/APRO 1'65", **LatLong:** "-34.550002 -58.716669", **LatLongDMS:** "34:33:00 S 58:43:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-34.550002,-58.716669)", **State/Prov:** "Buenos Aires", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 24538 (9D82A6E3)
**Date:** 11/14/1964
**Location:** Menomonee Falls, WI
**Description:** 3 dim, reddish lights fly through 160° arc (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 9170)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2744
### Event 24539 (A03F754E)
**Date:** 11/14/1964
**Time:** 9:40 PM
**Location:** Menominee Falls, Wisconsin
**Description:** Witnesses: Dr. G.R. Wagner, MD; and two girls. Three dim, reddish lights flew through a 160^ arc in 5-6 seconds.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_515
### Event 24540 (02D5B9BF)
**Date:** 11/14/1964
**Locations:** San Miguel Observatory; Buenos Aires, Argentina
**Description:** Midnight. Astronomers at the San Miguel Observatory, Buenos Aires, Argentina, see an elongated, flat, reddish-orange object crossing the sky from east to west and then back again at a speed 4.5 times that of a satellite.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Mystery Object over Argentina,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201965%2001%2000%20-%20January.pdf)” APRO Bulletin, January 1965, p. 2; Gordon Creighton, “[Argentina](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201966%20V%2012%20N%203.pdf) [1963/1964: Part IV,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201966%20V%2012%20N%203.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 12, no. 3 \(May/June 1966\): 28
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3822
### Event 24541 (BD1B147E)
**Date:** 11/14/1964
**Description:** In 1964, at the Adhara Observatory in San Miguel, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina, astronomers watched a nocturnal light move to the east, then back to the west to follow the Echo-II satellite.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Flying Saucer Review, September 1966, p. 31
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7667
### Event 24542 (F12FC80B)
**Date:** 11/14/1964
**Description:** Menominee Falls, Wisconsin - At 9:40 p.m. Dr. G.R. Wagner, M.D. and two girls sighted three dim, reddish lights that flew through a 160 degree arc in the sky in 5-6 seconds.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Don Berliner, Project Bluebook UFO Unknowns
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7668
### Event 24543 (4AADF703)
**Date:** 11/16/1964
**Time:** 06:20
**Location:** WEST / LOLO, MT
**Description:** 1 observer. Shimmering circle / light going [to] over valley. Sharp turn going quickly north. Light / top.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 783)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7070
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "975", **HatchDesc:** "W/LOLO,MT:1 OBS:SHIMMERING CIRCLE/LITE > OVR VALLEY:SHARP TURN >>N:LITE/TOP", **LatLong:** "46.755558 -114.127783", **LatLongDMS:** "46:45:20 N 114:07:40 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.755558,-114.127783)", **State/Prov:** "Montana", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 24544 (2A0089DA)
**Date:** 11/16/1964
**Location:** Caribbean, At Sea
**Description:** Navy radar tracking of unidentified object (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2745
### Event 24545 (3849DD00)
**Date:** 11/16/1964
**Time:** 06:00:00.2
**Location:** 49.8087 78.1334
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 150KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1261
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.8087 78.1334", **LatLongDMS:** "49:48:31 N 78:08:00 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.8087,78.1334)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "6.00", **NukeSource:** "BOCHAROV", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "150"
### Event 24546 (92BCEEBF)
**Date:** 11/17/1964
**Location:** Caribbean, At Sea
**Description:** Navy radar tracking of unidentified object (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2746
### Event 24547 (80094151)
**Date:** 11/18/1964
**Location:** Caribbean, At Sea
**Description:** Navy radar tracking of unidentified object (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2747
### Event 24548 (4BBC1E6C)
**Date:** 11/18/1964
**End date:** 11/19/1964
**Location:** S Puerto Rico, Puerto Rico
**Description:** Radar tracking of low altitude low speed object (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2748
### Event 24549 (47C6095D)
**Date:** 11/19/1964
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Observation in the Pacific \(34' 55" North, 164' 05" East\). (November 19)
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#9183 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1964.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2082
### Event 24550 (62DB738A)
**Date:** 11/19/1964
**Location:** PACIFIC 164° 05E-34° 55N
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #9183. Unidentified military observer(s). Bright white flashing night light crosses sky.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BERLINER, DON: The BLUEBOOK UNKNOWNS; (FUFOR). (Index 33)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7071
**Attributes:** **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Pacific Ocean and non - Asian islands", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "PACIFIC 164°05E-34°55N:BBK#9183:UID MIL OBS:BRITE WHT FLASHING NLT CROSSES SKY", **LatLong:** "34.916668 164.083341", **LatLongDMS:** "34:55:00 N 164:05:00 E", **Locale:** "High Seas", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/34.916668,164.083341)", **State/Prov:** "NPC", **Strangeness:** "3"
### Event 24551 (25CF4C44)
**Date:** 11/19/1964
**Location:** Tokyo (Pacific, 1400 miles E of), At Sea
**Description:** Bright white flashing light traveling from horizon to horizon (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 9183)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2749
### Event 24552 (C7048A8C)
**Date:** 11/19/1964
**Location:** 220 miles NW of Puerto Rico, At Sea
**Description:** U.S.S. Gyatt Tracks Bogey (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5)
**Reference:** NICAP: [641119](http://www.nicap.org/641120ussgyattdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2750
### Event 24553 (6DA01688)
**Date:** 11/19/1964
**Time:** Unknown time
**Location:** 1,400 miles east of Tokyo, Japan (34' 55' N, 164' 05' E)
**Description:** Witnesses: unidentified military persons. One bright white flashing light was travelling from horizon to horizon in 20 seconds.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_516
### Event 24554 (E7AFDD43)
**Date:** 11/19/1964
**Locations:** Atlantic Ocean; Puerto Rico; Roosevelt Roads Naval Station; José Aponte de la Torre Airport; Ceiba, Puerto Rico
**Description:** 9:00 p.m. The [USS Gyatt](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS%5FGyatt) destroyer is stationed in the Atlantic Ocean about 220 miles northwest of Puerto Rico when its radar detects a bogey approaching the island from the northeast at speeds exceeding Mach 1. The ship relays a message to Roosevelt Roads Naval Station \[now José Aponte de la Torre Airport\] in Ceiba, Puerto Rico, which then contacts Lt. Cmdr. K. H. Woodsbury, pilot of an F-8C aircraft of Utility Squadron Eight that is already flying in the neighborhood at an altitude of 30,000 feet. The aircraft reports a stranger closing in very fast. The pilot describes the object as delta-shaped and about the size of a fighter. Its color is black or gray and it has no contrail or lights except for a light source emitting from the tail during periods of acceleration. The pilot pursues the object but cannot intercept. The target accelerates out of sight in a wide starboard turn climbing through 50,000 feet at about an 18°–20° angle in excess of Mach 1. Woodsbury says: “Its speed, acceleration, ceiling and ability to decelerate exceed any aircraft I have ever seen or heard of. There is no reasonable explanation for this target.” During the encounter the SPS-49 radar is jammed for a short period of time. Other radar encounters take place in the Caribbean November 16–18 and 24.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** NICAP, “[U.S.S. Gyatt Tackles Bogey](http://www.nicap.org/641120ussgyattdir.htm)”; [Sparks](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf)[,](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf) p. 302
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3823
### Event 24555 (6E107A5D)
**Date:** 11/19/1964
**Description:** Approximately 1,400 miles east of Tokyo, Japan over the Pacific Ocean (34.92 N, 164.08 E) several military personnel sighted a bright white, unidentified flashing light. The light traveled from horizon to horizon in 20 seconds.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Don Berliner, Project Bluebook UFO Unknowns
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7737
### Event 24556 (735D8458)
**Date:** 11/21/1964
**Description:** The FBI sends [Martin Luther King Jr.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martin%5FLuther%5FKing%5FJr) a “suicide package” note that contains audio recordings of his sexual indiscretions and a letter telling him, “There is only one way out for you.” The FBI’s COINTELPRO program is also targeting [Malcolm X](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malcolm%5FX)[.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malcolm%5FX)
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[COINTELPRO](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/COINTELPRO\#History)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3824
### Event 24557 (EAAA4517)
**Date:** 11/22/1964
**Locations:** Georgetown, South Carolina; Myrtle AFB [now Myrtle Beach International Airport]
**Description:** 10:45 p.m. Private pilot [George Henry Lissauer](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/80166135/george-henry-lissauer) is driving near Georgetown, South Carolina, when he sees two large, silvery, oval-shaped UFOs, each accompanied by 6–8 smaller objects. The formations are moving slowly at about 3,000 feet altitude. After 2–3 minutes, the smaller objects go into the larger objects and disappear. Lissauer goes directly to Myrtle AFB \[now Myrtle Beach International Airport\] and reports them.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Increased](http://cufos.org/UFOI%5Fand%5FSelected%5FDocuments/UFOI/027%20JUN-JUL%201965.pdf) [Landings Hint New UFO Phase,](http://cufos.org/UFOI%5Fand%5FSelected%5FDocuments/UFOI/027%20JUN-JUL%201965.pdf)” UFO Investigator 3, no. 3 \(June/July 1965\): 2; Herbert S. Taylor, “Satellite Objects: A Further Look,” IUR 29, no. 2 \(Summer 2004\): 3
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3825
### Event 24558 (EFB4A135)
**Date:** 11/24/1964
**Location:** Caribbean, At Sea
**Description:** Navy radar tracking of unidentified object (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2751
### Event 24559 (E9940CEE)
**Date:** 11/25/1964
**Time:** 00:40
**Location:** NEW BERLIN, NY
**Description:** 2 saucers going down. 10+men work on 1st. Large boxes and cables. Subassembly. / r193#046.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 255)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7072
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "250", **Elev:** "333", **HatchDesc:** "NEW BERLIN,NY:2 SCRS↓:10+MEN WORK ON 1st:LRG BOXES+CABLES:SUBASS'Y:/r193#046", **LatLong:** "42.650002 -75.333337", **LatLongDMS:** "42:39:00 N 75:20:00 W", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.650002,-75.333337)", **State/Prov:** "New York", **Strangeness:** "12"
### Event 24560 (E22828F8)
**Date:** 11/25/1964
**Location:** New Berlin, NY
**Description:** Dog fearful as bright light hovered (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2752
### Event 24561 (44E53C81)
**Date:** 11/25/1964
**Location:** New Berlin, NY
**Description:** Two objects landed on hilltop, large group of humanoid beings engaged in apparent repair operation for four hours
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_25
### Event 24562 (8F1E8207)
**Date:** 11/25/1964
**Location:** New Berlin, New York
**Description:** 12:45 a.m. A 29-year-old woman sees two lighted objects land on a hilltop near New Berlin, New York. Through binoculars she can see some 9–11 humanoid beings apparently engaged in repair work on a round object with landing struts for four hours. Some of them are holding boxes filled with unusual gadgets. The next day, she and her husband and father-in-law find two equilateral triangular imprints on the site, as well as a cable with some thin aluminum strips and insulation. Around 4:55 a.m., one UFO shoots straight up and abruptly disappears, while the other rises straight up a minute later and follows the other one.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Berthold E. Schwarz, “[New Berlin UFO](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201975%20V%2021%20N%203-4.pdf) [Landing and Repair by Crew,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201975%20V%2021%20N%203-4.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 21, no. 3–4 \(November 1975\): 22–28
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3826
### Event 24563 (71E85F23)
**Date:** 11/25/1964
**Description:** On this date in 1964, a famous UFO humanoid case lasting several hours was thoroughly documented by UFO investigator Ted Bloecher. Two women in New Berlin, New York watched the entire operation for four hours, beginning shortly after midnight. A luminous, disc-shaped object landed on a hill at a distance of 3,800 feet away from their house. Their dog became frightened. Ten to twelve 7'-8' tall men exited the craft and appeared to engage in repair activity, working underneath the disc. They appear to be unsuccessful in their repair activities at first, until a second disc landed, presumably to lend assistance. The UFO occupants wore dark close-fitting suits. Ground marks left at the site formed equilateral imprint triangles, 4.6 meters and 6.1 meters on a side. The UFOs made a humming or droning noise when they took off.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Schwarz Berthold E. Schwarz, UFO Dynamics: Book I, p. 163; Ted Bloecher, Skylook, July 1975, p. 3, Ted Bloecher, FSR, October 1974, p. 21; UNICAT, case # 699; APRO Bulletin, April 1975, p. 3
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7905
### Event 24564 (8C1B5D20)
**Date:** 11/26/1964
**Location:** Adams, Wisconsin
**Description:** 11:00 p.m. A family of five in Adams, Wisconsin, is returning home from Thanksgiving dinner when an extremely bright light appears over their car, completely shutting off its headlights and radio. The father jumps out of the car and looks straight up into the light, shading his eyes with his hands, but he is persuaded to come back. Suddenly the light disappears and the electrical systems return. No one talks about the incident for 16 years, when the father says the light was “motionless like a floodlight of gigantic proportion.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Recently Reported,](http://cufos.org/CUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter/1981%5FCUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter%5FV2.pdf)” CUFOS Associate Newsletter 2, no. 10 \(October 1981\): 5; “Out of the Not-Too-Distant Past.” IUR/Frontiers of Science 3, no. 6 \(Jan./Feb. 1982\): 13–14
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3827
### Event 24565 (E56B7F3D)
**Date:** 11/26/1964
**Description:** The witness, an eight-year-old child at the time, reported that he and his family experienced the total electrical failure of their family car in Adams, Wisconsin on this night when they had a close encounter experience with a single bright, stationary light. At the same time, "trees looked like they were transparent."
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** J. Allen Hynek, UNICAT database, case # 38, citing Frontiers of Science, January 1982, p. 13; Ray Rath, The W-Files: True Reports of Wisconsin's Unexplained Phenomena, p. 61
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7936
### Event 24566 (3929E148)
**Date:** 11/28/1964
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Launch of *Mariner 4* towards Mars. (November 28)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1964.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2083
### Event 24567 (BCF67546)
**Date:** 11/28/1964
**Location:** PACIFIC 164° 10E-33° 55N
**Description:** Uscgc Matagorda cutter crew. No further details [in] at all.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFOCAT CATALOG: Assorted Printouts. Donald A. Johnson Ph.D (CUFOS). P.O. Box 446, Concord, NH 03302-0446 (Index 75)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7073
**Attributes:** **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Pacific Ocean and non - Asian islands", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "PACIFIC 164°10E-33°55N:USCGC MATAGORDA CUTTER CREW:NFD at all", **LatLong:** "33.916668 164.166674", **LatLongDMS:** "33:55:00 N 164:10:00 E", **Locale:** "High Seas", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/33.916668,164.166674)", **State/Prov:** "NPC", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 24568 (064F10B7)
**Date:** 11/28/1964
**Description:** Military observer(s). No further details [in] at all.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFOCAT CATALOG: Assorted Printouts. Donald A. Johnson Ph.D (CUFOS). P.O. Box 446, Concord, NH 03302-0446 (Index 75)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7074
**Attributes:** **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Pacific Ocean and non - Asian islands", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "PACIFIC 162°W-13°N BBK#UNK:MIL OBS:NFD AT ALL.", **LatLong:** "13.000001 -162.000008", **LatLongDMS:** "13:00:00 N 162:00:00 W", **Locale:** "High Seas", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/13.000001,-162.000008)", **State/Prov:** "EQP", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 24569 (953392B9)
**Date:** 11/28/1964
**Time:** 10:30:00.0
**Location:** 24.0418 5.0416
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground. Country: France Name: “turquoise” Yield: 0KT YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1848
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "24.0418 5.0416", **LatLongDMS:** "24:02:30 N 05:02:30 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/24.0418,5.0416)", **NukeCountry:** "France", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "turquoise", **NukeSource:** "BOLT", **NukeType:** "U", **NukeY:** "0", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 24570 (DF9A088B)
**Date:** 11/29/1964
**Location:** PACIFIC 163° 48E-34° 20N
**Description:** USCG Matagorda. USCG cutter crew. No further details [in] at all. Project Bluebook Case #unknown.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFOCAT CATALOG: Assorted Printouts. Donald A. Johnson Ph.D (CUFOS). P.O. Box 446, Concord, NH 03302-0446 (Index 75)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7075
**Attributes:** **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Pacific Ocean and non - Asian islands", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "PACIFIC 163°48E-34°20N:USCG MATAGORDA:USCG CUTTER CREW:NFD at all:BBK#UNK", **LatLong:** "34.333335 163.800008", **LatLongDMS:** "34:20:00 N 163:48:00 E", **Locale:** "High Seas", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/34.333335,163.800008)", **State/Prov:** "NPC", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 24571 (0767B16E)
**Date:** 11/30/1964
**Location:** TERRYVILLE, CT
**Description:** 1 / car. Extremely bright object lands / woods. Burnt area and landing marks. / r180p32.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 39)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7076
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "186", **HatchDesc:** "TERRYVILLE,CT:1/CAR:XBRITE OBJ LANDS/WOODS:BURNT AREA+LANDING MARKS:/r180p32", **LatLong:** "41.666669 -73.033337", **LatLongDMS:** "41:40:00 N 73:02:00 W", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.666669,-73.033337)", **State/Prov:** "Connecticut", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 24572 (29985B5D)
**Date:** 11/30/1964
**Location:** OXFORD, ENG
**Description:** 6+observer(s). 1 ovoid / purple halo. 2 more join. All vanish. TV Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). / BFJ v1#3.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** ALDRICH, Jan J.: Private research papers. A huge mass of hard-won information. (Index 0)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7077
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "OXFORD,ENG:6+OBS:1 OVOID/PURPLE HALO:2 MORE JOIN:ALL VANISH:TV RFI:/BFJ v1#3", **LatLong:** "51.716669 -1.250000", **LatLongDMS:** "51:43:00 N 01:15:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.716669,-1.250000)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 24573 (0DB39143)
**Date:** 11/30/1964
**Location:** PACIFIC 164° 14E-33° 58N
**Description:** USCG Matagorda cutter crew. No further details [in] at all. Project Bluebook Case #unknown.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFOCAT CATALOG: Assorted Printouts. Donald A. Johnson Ph.D (CUFOS). P.O. Box 446, Concord, NH 03302-0446 (Index 75)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7078
**Attributes:** **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Pacific Ocean and non - Asian islands", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "PACIFIC 164°14E-33°58N:USCG MATAGORDA CUTTER CREW:NFD at all:BBK#UNK", **LatLong:** "33.966668 164.233341", **LatLongDMS:** "33:58:00 N 164:14:00 E", **Locale:** "High Seas", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/33.966668,164.233341)", **State/Prov:** "NPC", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 24574 (4B831827)
**Date:** 11/30/1964
**Time:** 18:00
**Description:** 2 astronomers. Ring with point star / center. Goes west going north 1° / min.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: UFO CHRONICLES of the SOVIET UNION; Ballentine Books HB 1992. 212pp. (Index 186)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7079
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Azerbaijan", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "SHAMAKHINSKY OBS,AZERBJ:2 ASTRONOMERS:RING W/POINT STAR/CTR:GOES W>N 1°/min", **LatLong:** "40.500002 48.500002", **LatLongDMS:** "40:30:00 N 48:30:00 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.500002,48.500002)", **State/Prov:** "OBS", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 24575 (5C21A577)
**Date:** 11/30/1964
**Description:** A male witness driving in a car in Terryville, Connecticut saw an extremely bright object land in the nearby woods at 11 p.m. Burnt area, landing marks, and radioactivity found at the site.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP UFO Investigator, July 1965, p. 2; John G. Fuller, Incident at Exeter, p. 36
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8070
### Event 24576 (A1FD4A1A)
**Date:** 12/1964
**End date:** 1/1965
**Location:** Washington DC
**Description:** sighting concentration around Washington, DC, which led to CIA contact with NICAP to obtain information.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_27
### Event 24577 (653F1CD7)
**Date:** 12/4/1964
**Location:** Baker, OR
**Description:** (McDonald list) Object Observed & Tracked on Radar For Two Hours (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** NICAP: [641204](http://www.nicap.org/641204baker%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2753
### Event 24578 (2D336CE9)
**Date:** 12/5/1964
**Time:** 21:15:00.0
**Location:** 37.1343 -116.0697
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed, salvo. Country: USA Name: “Drill (Target-Upper)” Yield: 2.4KT YieldMax: 19KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_388
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1343 -116.0697", **LatLongDMS:** "37:08:03 N 116:04:11 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1343,-116.0697)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.22", **NukeName:** "Drill (Target-Upper)", **NukeSource:** "AEC", **NukeType:** "NUCU_SALVO", **NukeY:** "2.4", **NukeYMax:** "19"
### Event 24579 (C252CC9D)
**Date:** 12/5/1964
**Time:** 21:15:00.1
**Location:** 37.1144 -116.0534
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Crepe” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 200KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_389
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1144 -116.0534", **LatLongDMS:** "37:06:52 N 116:03:12 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1144,-116.0534)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.40", **NukeMb:** "4.80", **NukeName:** "Crepe", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "200"
### Event 24580 (306DB684)
**Date:** 12/10/1964
**Location:** Fort Riley, KA
**Description:** Recovery of Saucer by A.K. (initials).
**Type:** crash retrieval
**Reference:** [Pea Research](https://www.academia.edu/9813787/GOVERNMENT_INVOLVEMENT_IN_THE_UFO_COVER_UP_CHRONOLOGY_based)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_621
**See also:** 11/65
### Event 24581 (A6E7003A)
**Date:** 12/10/1964
**Location:** USA, Fort Riley Air Force Base (Kansas)
**Description:** (Translated from French) At around 2 in the morning, a flying saucer landed on the military base of Fort Riley, likely due to a motor failure. It was metallic grey, perfectly circular, with a diameter of around 20 meters and a height of 4 meters. It was surrounded at mid-height by a black band from which square nozzles protruded about 30 centimeters and were likely part of its propulsion system. It was not lit and did not emit any smell. As one of the witnesses would later say, it seemed absolutely dead, and nobody knew if there was a crew inside. After a few hours, specialized teams from the Air Force arrived at the scene with large tractors pulling a huge platform on which they loaded the saucer. They immediately took it away, without even trying to find out what was inside, and nobody ever saw it again. (December 10, 1964)
**Reference:** Maurice CHATELAIN: "Les messagers du Cosmos" - Laffont 1980, p. 27, 28
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2299
### Event 24582 (80E614FE)
**Date:** 12/10/1964
**Description:** “AK,” a PFC on guard duty at the Motor Pool at Fort Riley, KS claims on this date he and other guards were ordered to hike a half mile across an open field while a searchlight beam from an overhead Huey was focused ahead on a “large round object” resting on the ground; the air was warm near the craft, it had impacted the soil and stood at a tilt, was perfectly round and shaped like a hamburger bun; in the middle of the craft at its equator was a black band made up of squares, and a fin-like device protruded from one end.
AK states there were no smells, vibrations or power coming from it and he was not aware of any life inside the craft; he went back to his barracks later that night and was not aware of any bodies recovered.
* _[Retrievals of the Third Kind presented at MUFON 1978, Leon Stringfield](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/1978_Mufon_Symposium_Stringfield.pdf), p30_
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_108
### Event 24583 (27BEDEB9)
**Date:** 12/16/1964
**Location:** 37.0000 -116.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed, salvo. Country: USA Name: “Cassowary” YieldMax: 40KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_390
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0000 -116.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:00 N 116:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0000,-116.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Cassowary", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NUCU_SALVO", **NukeYMax:** "40"
### Event 24584 (9D1E7493)
**Date:** 12/16/1964
**Time:** 20:00:00.0
**Location:** 37.0348 -116.0123
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Parrot” Yield: 1.3KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_391
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0348 -116.0123", **LatLongDMS:** "37:02:05 N 116:00:44 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0348,-116.0123)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.18", **NukeName:** "Parrot", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "1.3"
### Event 24585 (45E8C2E2)
**Date:** 12/16/1964
**Time:** 20:10:00.1
**Location:** 37.1778 -116.0670
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Mudpack” Yield: 2.7KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_392
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1778 -116.0670", **LatLongDMS:** "37:10:40 N 116:04:01 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1778,-116.0670)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.15", **NukeName:** "Mudpack", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "2.7"
### Event 24586 (11496798)
**Date:** 12/18/1964
**Time:** 19:35:00.1
**Location:** 37.0825 -116.3425
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Sulky” Yield: .092KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_393
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0825 -116.3425", **LatLongDMS:** "37:04:57 N 116:20:33 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0825,-116.3425)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.03", **NukeName:** "Sulky", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** ".092"
### Event 24587 (BC2F9891)
**Date:** 12/19/1964
**Location:** Patuxent Naval Air Station
**Description:** Memo to Chief, Contact Division: NICAP case #(censured): Subject: UFOs over Patuxent Naval Air Station between 1500 and 1530 hours. Two UFOs approached Air Base at 3800 mph. Another UFO approached at 6000 mph. Radar operator, Chief Pinkerton had visual on Radar. US Coast Guard had “visual” on the UFOs. Official statement to press: the (single) blip was caused by faulty radar equipment!
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [Pea Research](https://www.academia.edu/9813787/GOVERNMENT_INVOLVEMENT_IN_THE_UFO_COVER_UP_CHRONOLOGY_based)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_622
**See also:** 1/25/65
### Event 24588 (C806549D)
**Date:** 12/19/1964
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Radar observation at the Patuxent Naval Air Station \(California\). (December 19)
**Reference:** Chauvin 1973
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1964.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2084
### Event 24589 (AA64468D)
**Date:** 12/19/1964
**Time:** 15:30
**Location:** PATUXENT NAS, MD
**Description:** 3 separate civil and military RADAR's and visible. 2 large objects / 6000 kts. 160° turn. / r239p9.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 37)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7080
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RDR:** Radar traces/blips, **MIL:** Military investigation, **GSA:** Covert Security Agency
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "30", **Elev:** "12", **HatchDesc:** "PATUXENT NAS,MD:3 SEP.CIV+MIL RDRS+VISL:2 LRG OBJs/6000 kts:160°TURN:/r239p9 ", **LatLong:** "38.288891 -76.400004", **LatLongDMS:** "38:17:20 N 76:24:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.288891,-76.400004)", **State/Prov:** "Maryland", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 24590 (F55FA062)
**Date:** 12/19/1964
**Location:** Patuxent River NAS, MD
**Description:** Radar tracked 2 large target 10 miles apart heading directly toward the radar (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** NICAP: [641219](http://www.nicap.org/641219patuxent%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2754
### Event 24591 (BFEFE447)
**Date:** 12/19/1964
**Location:** Naval Air Station Patuxent River in Maryland
**Description:** 3:50 p.m. Naval Air Station Patuxent River in Maryland tracks two large targets on radar moving at 6,900 mph.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Harold H. Deneault Jr., “UFOs Return to Washington,” Fate 18, no. 7 \(July 1965\): 46–47; Keyhoe, Aliens from Space, Signet ed., 1974, [p. 87](https://archive.org/details/aliensfromspacer00keyh/page/86/mode/2up); [Sparks](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf), p. 303
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3828
### Event 24592 (D0A8EF49)
**Date:** 12/21/1964
**Location:** USA, between Staunton and Waynesboro.
**Description:** (Translated from French) Horace Burns, an armorer from Grottoes (Virginia) on Highway 250, jumped when he saw a huge cone-shaped object fly past his eyes and descend on the other side of the road in front of him. At one point, the object filled more than his windshield. Without engine failure or anything else, Burns felt forced to stop. The craft landed calmly in a meadow 100 m from the road. Burns counted six concentric circles that decreased in diameter as they approached the top, crowned with a dome. The whole thing emitted a bluish glow. He estimated the width to be 40 m and the height to be 25 m. There were no openings or connections visible during the minute and a half that the craft stayed on the ground. It took off at a right angle, immediately gaining great speed. Professor Ernest Gehman of Eastern Memmonite College was curious enough to examine the landing site: he discovered a concentration of radiation of 60,000 radiations per minute. (December 21, 1964)
**Reference:** Brad STEIGER: "UFO, the Blue Book Project" - trad. Belfond 1979, p. 103, 104
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2300
### Event 24593 (C82FFBD5)
**Date:** 12/21/1964
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Horace Burns drives between Staunton and Waynesboro on US 250 \(Washington DC\). His car stalls when an immense cone-shaped UFO begins to hover above the road before landing in a nearby field. The UFO is topped with a dome and emits a blue light. After a few minutes, it takes off and disappears from Burns' view. Tests conducted by Professor Ernest Gehman and engineers from the Bridge Company reveal a high level of radiation at the spot where the UFO landed. The [USAF](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/USAF.html) investigation, conducted after 3 weeks of rain, snow and unwelcome visits to the field by curious onlookers, reveals no similar traces, and concludes that the appearance was a mirage. But, less than a month later, two motorists driving in the opposite direction along US 60, near Williamsburg \(Virginia\), report having observed an identical UFO. (December 21)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1964.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2085
### Event 24594 (33CDC13B)
**Date:** 12/21/1964
**Time:** 17:00
**Location:** EAST / STAUNTON, VA
**Description:** Separate observer(s). Metallic cone lands and car malfunctions due to EME (electro-magnetic effects). Going northeast. Physical traces / radiation/radioactivity. / r79p23+/ r249p202.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO Evidence II: HB: Scarecrow Press Lanham, MD. http://www.scarecrowpress.com ISBN 0-8108-3881-8 (Index 36)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7081
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **RDA:** Radiation/high energy fields detected, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TRC:** Physical traces, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "425", **HatchDesc:** "E/STAUNTON,VA:SEP.OBS:MTLC CONE LANDS+CAR EMEs:>NE:TRCS/RDA:/r79p23+/r249p202", **LatLong:** "38.450002 -78.866670", **LatLongDMS:** "38:27:00 N 78:52:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.450002,-78.866670)", **State/Prov:** "Virginia", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 24595 (AE74D5A9)
**Date:** 12/21/1964
**Location:** Staunton, VA
**Description:** Cone-shaped object crossed road, landed, sound heard. Radioactivity detected. (E) See Section I. Car (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2755
### Event 24596 (48A8454F)
**Date:** 12/21/1964
**Location:** Harrisonburg, VA
**Description:** Car Engine Fails After Object Lands (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases, Code: E, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** NICAP: [641221](http://www.nicap.org/641221harrisonburg%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2756
### Event 24597 (B5C91870)
**Date:** 12/21/1964
**Time:** 1700
**Location:** Harrisonburg, Viginia
**Description:** Mr. Burns saw a huge object cross the road, hover at ground level in a field for less than one min, then take off vertically. There were other witnesses in the area.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Atic ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_628
### Event 24598 (B25ABA2C)
**Date:** 12/21/1964
**Location:** Staunton, VA
**Description:** Cone-shaped object crossed highway, car engine failed, object landed. Radioactive area found at landing site
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_26
### Event 24599 (35CA902C)
**Date:** 12/21/1964
**Location:** Staunton, Virginia
**Description:** 4:50 p.m. Kenneth Norton Jr., 14, is looking out his bedroom window in Staunton, Virginia, when he sees a “fast-moving object without wings or tail structure.” He describes it as cigar-shaped and about 125 feet in diameter, in view for 5 seconds.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Richmond \(Va.\) Times-Dispatch, January 15, 1965; “[‘Saucer’ Reports Are](https://www.newspapers.com/clip/94931196/) [Flying,](https://www.newspapers.com/clip/94931196/)” Staunton \(Va.\) Daily News Leader, January 15, 1965, p. 2; Clark III 493
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3829
### Event 24600 (E8BB4FB0)
**Date:** 12/21/1964
**Locations:** US Highway 250; Fishersville, Virginia
**Description:** 5:00 p.m. Driving east on US Highway 250, Horace Burns is approaching Fishersville, Virginia, when an enormous object appears from the north and descends slowly in a gradual slant. Just before it crosses the highway 200 feet in front of him, the UFO narrowly misses power lines. It is so huge that when it passes nearly in front of him, it fills his entire windshield. The UFO comes down gently and lands in a field to Burns’s right. Meanwhile, Burns’s car engine has shut off. The object appears to be at least 125 feet in diameter and 80–90 feet high. After 60–90 seconds, it rises up several hundred feet, makes a sound like rushing air, and shoots off to the northeast, vanishing from sight. A high level of radioactivity is detected at the site December 30 by investigators German professor [Ernest G. Gehman](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/75655467/ernest-g-gehman) and engineer Harry M. Cook. They obtain a Geiger counter reading of 16–18 milliR/hr. Two Blue Book investigators—T/Sgt. David N. Moody and S/Sgt. Harold T. Jones—visit the site with Gehman on January 12 and take further readings \(1.5 milliR/hr on Burns’s left rear car door\). They dispute Gehman’s earlier results, but a possible 11x–12x drop in radiation level in 13 days possibly indicates a radionuclide with a 3–4 day half-life.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[‘Saucer’ Reports](https://www.newspapers.com/clip/94931172/the-daily-news-leader/) [Are Flying,](https://www.newspapers.com/clip/94931196/the-daily-news-leader/)” Staunton \(Va.\) Daily News Leader, January 15, 1965, pp. 1–2; NICAP, “[Car Engine Fails after Object Lands](http://www.nicap.org/641221harrisonburg%5Fdir.htm)”; “[Opposition Flap 1965,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%2C1965%2CMay-Jun%2CV%2011%2CN%203.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 11, no. 3 \(May/June 1965\): 3–4; Clark III 491–494, 950; [Sparks](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf), p. 303
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3830
### Event 24601 (A984C691)
**Date:** 12/21/1964
**Description:** A gunsmith had a close encounter with a beehive-shaped UFO in rural Fisherville, Virginia. At five o’clock in the afternoon Mr. Burns was driving east on highway Route 250 east of Staunton when a 125-foot wide, beehive-shaped UFO slowly crossed the roadway ahead of him, causing his car to stall. As the metallic looking UFO descended it narrowly missed hitting some power lines. There was a bluish glow from the bottom. As it left, it rose to about 200 feet in altitude, tilted slightly, then disappeared quickly into the northeast. The car could then be restarted. Geiger counter tests showed abnormally high radioactivity in the area.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Donald B. Hanlon, Flying Saucer Review, March-April 1966, p. 14; Gordon I. R. Lore and Harold H. Dennault, Jr., Mysteries of the Skies: UFOs in Perspective, p. 171; Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, case 136; Richard Hall, The UFO Evidence (Volume II): A Thirty Year Report, p. 3
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8550
### Event 24602 (E398EA6F)
**Date:** 12/22/1964
**Location:** Area 51 in Nevada
**Description:** A D-21 drone \(renamed from Q-12 in its transition to Project Tagboard\) mounted on an M-21 begins captive flight-testing at Area 51 in Nevada.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Lockheed D-21](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lockheed%5FD-21)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3831
### Event 24603 (1FFB0272)
**Date:** 12/22/1964
**Location:** Palmdale, California
**Description:** The first flight of an SR-71 Blackbird takes place at Air Force Plant 42 in Palmdale, California, piloted by Robert J. Gilliland. The SR-71 reaches a top speed of Mach 3.4 \(~2,588 mph\) during flight testing.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lockheed%5FD-21)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3832
### Event 24604 (6169B311)
**Date:** Late 12/1964
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) 3 UFOs are tracked by a local radar \(Washington DC\): they move at a speed that seems to be 7700 km/h. The [USAF](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/USAF.html) declares that these abnormal spots were not caused by UFOs but by faulty equipment. (Late December)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1964.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2086
### Event 24605 (49CD66A8)
**Date:** 12/28/1964
**Time:** 19:20
**Location:** CECIL NAS, FL
**Description:** Pilot. 4 red night lights merge over station/depot/facility. Turn over space capsule section.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 37)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7082
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "CECIL NAS,FL:PILOT:4 RED NLTS MERGE OVR Stn:turn ovr space capsule section", **LatLong:** "30.133335 -81.750004", **LatLongDMS:** "30:08:00 N 81:45:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/30.133335,-81.750004)", **State/Prov:** "Florida", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 24606 (D61E116A)
**Date:** 12/28/1964
**Time:** 20:00?
**Description:** 6 observer(s) / park. 60M disk hovers. Going down [to] to 450M altitude. Tilts upward and away.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 37)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7083
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "600", **HatchDesc:** "SANTA CRUZ Mtns,CA:6 OBS/PARK:60M DISK HVRS:↓ to 450M alt:TILTS UPWARD+away", **LatLong:** "37.083335 -122.000006", **LatLongDMS:** "37:05:00 N 122:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.083335,-122.000006)", **RelAlt:** "450", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 24607 (4D4DBC0F)
**Date:** 12/28/1964
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** AUCKLAND, NZ
**Description:** Saucer 17M / ground. 2 rows / intense lights. Green light / dome. Door opens. / r8#629.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CATHIE, Bruce: HARMONIC 33. A. & A. Reed, Wellington, NZ (Index 105)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7084
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "New Zealand", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "4", **HatchDesc:** "AUCKLAND,NZ:SCR 17M/GND:2 ROWS/INTENSE LITES:GRN LITE/DOME:DOOR OPENS:/r8#629", **LatLong:** "-36.883335 174.750008", **LatLongDMS:** "36:53:00 S 174:45:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-36.883335,174.750008)", **State/Prov:** "NI", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 24608 (FA1370CE)
**Date:** 12/28/1964
**Location:** Auckland, New Zealand
**Description:** Two young girls, R. Bender and J. Quinn, observed an object flying 17 m above the ground. It was shaped like two plates glued together, with two rows of intense lights, and a turret with a green light on top. When an opening became visible, the witnesses thought the thing was about to land, and they fled.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Spaceview ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_629
### Event 24609 (FC24564E)
**Date:** 12/28/1964
**Description:** A 17 meter in diameter domed disc was spotted on the ground in Auckland, New Zealand at about 9:00 p.m. It had two rows of intense lights on the body of the craft, and a green light on the dome. The two female witnesses, Ms. Bender and Ms. Quinn, saw a door in the object open before they left. The sighting duration was four minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 629, citing Spaceview; Bruce Cathie, Harmonic 33, p.105
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8630
## Year: 1965, 1246 Event(s), (Back to Top)
### Event 24610 (2AA41E68)
**Date:** 1965
**Location:** Fairborn, Ohio
**Description:** While visiting the Air Force Museum in Fairborn, Ohio, R.M. (initials), a government employee of 23 yrs., went through a double- door marked “Off Limits” and suddenly came face to face with an Alien in a self contained space suite. Description: About 4.5 ft. tall with a translucent dome over its’ large head; wasn’t human; large eyes under a heavy brow; no noticeable nose; a slit for a mouth; bluish skin. When the creature walked it didn’t bend its’ knees. R.M. later found out from a retired Air Force Colonel from Wight-Patterson AFB, that 2 live Aliens were held in captivity in an artificial environment. The Colonel also said that a 2-man sized craft crashed near Whitewater Lake, Indiana, as a result of an electrical disturbance in the atmosphere. (The Alien would have to lock his knees in a high-gravity environment to avoid falling down.)
**Type:** alien sighting
**Reference:** [Pea Research](https://www.academia.edu/9813787/GOVERNMENT_INVOLVEMENT_IN_THE_UFO_COVER_UP_CHRONOLOGY_based) (A5, B3-C, WHITEWATER RECOVERY)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_623
### Event 24611 (D965CBF8)
**Date:** 1965
**Location:** Unnamed AFB
**Description:** Radar/visual of object; hovers over base; extreme acceleration.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [_UFOs and the National Security State: Chronology of a Cover-up, 1941–1973_, by Richard Dolan](https://archive.org/details/ufosnationalsecu00dola/mode/2up)
**Source:** Dolan, **ID:** Dolan_264
### Event 24612 (F03FF64A)
**Date:** 1965
**Location:** Portsmouth Naval Base, NH
**Description:** Object hovers over base before extremely fast departure.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [_UFOs and the National Security State: Chronology of a Cover-up, 1941–1973_, by Richard Dolan](https://archive.org/details/ufosnationalsecu00dola/mode/2up)
**Source:** Dolan, **ID:** Dolan_265
### Event 24613 (B3EC6F3F)
**Date:** 1965?
**Locations:** Groom Lake, Nevada; Area 51
**Description:** A-12 pilot [Ken Collins](http://roadrunnersinternationale.com/collins.html) continues to test A-12s at Groom Lake, Nevada. One night \(in 1964 or 1965 maybe\), he is awakened by base commander Col. [Hugh “Slip” Slater](http://roadrunnersinternationale.com/slater.html) and asked to take an A-12 up to find a Russian reconnaissance balloon that is floating in American airspace in a westerly direction with the prevailing winds. Collins is tasked with finding the balloon visually and using radar. In the air, he realizes it is a wild goose chase because, flying at 2,200 mph, even if he sees the balloon briefly it would be behind him in a second. He identifies an object on radar 350 miles away. He circles it as closely as he can, which is a circle with a radius of 400 miles. He never makes visual contact and returns to Area 51. [Jacobsen](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Annie%5FJacobsen) says that this Soviet violation of US airspace has “never been declassified.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Jacobsen, Area 51, [pp. 195–196](https://archive.org/details/area51uncensored0000jaco/page/194/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3833
### Event 24614 (15C3510C)
**Date:** 1965
**Description:** USAF Gen. [Curtis LeMay](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Curtis%5FLeMay) writes in his autobiography that some UFOs are not explained very easily: “There is no question about it. These were things which we could not tie in with any natural phenomena known to our investigators.” He expresses his dislike of NICAP’s position that USAF is trying to muzzle the media. “There were some cases we could not explain,” he writes. “Never could.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Curtis E. LeMay, Mission with LeMay, Doubleday, 1965, [pp. 541–543](https://archive.org/details/missionwithlemay00lema/page/540/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3834
### Event 24615 (85D4ADFD)
**Date:** 1965
**Description:** Less than 20% of the public believes in UFOs, according to polls and private Air Force and NICAP estimates. This soon rises to 33% by July.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Keyhoe, Aliens from Space, Signet ed., 1974, [p. 94](https://archive.org/details/aliensfromspacer00keyh/page/94/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3835
### Event 24616 (B88318C7)
**Date:** 1965
**Location:** Liverpool, England
**Description:** John Harney begins publication of the Merseyside UFO Research Group Bulletin in Liverpool, England.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** [Merseyside UFO Research Group Bulletin](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20Kingdom/MUFORG%20Bulletin/MUFORG%20Bulletin%20-%201965%2006%20no%202.pdf)[,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20Kingdom/MUFORG%20Bulletin/MUFORG%20Bulletin%20-%201965%2006%20no%202.pdf) no. 2 \(June 1965\)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3836
### Event 24617 (77DA6324)
**Date:** 1965
**Location:** Lestrem, Pas-de-Calais, France
**Description:** Jean-Pierre D’Hondt founds Groupement Nordiste d’Études des OVNI in Lestrem, Pas-de-Calais, France. It publishes Recherches Ufologiques from 1977 to 1983.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** [Recherches Ufologiques](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/France/Recherches%20ufologiques%20%28GNEOVNI%29/Series%201/Recherches%20Ufologiques%20-%20No%2001%20-%201977%20-%20Seray%20scan.pdf)[,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/France/Recherches%20ufologiques%20%28GNEOVNI%29/Series%201/Recherches%20Ufologiques%20-%20No%2001%20-%201977%20-%20Seray%20scan.pdf) no. 1 \(1977\)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3837
### Event 24618 (A0245CDC)
**Date:** 1965
**Location:** Bruges, Belgium
**Description:** Jacques Bonabot, Jean-Gérard Dohmen, and Roger Lorthioir found Groupement pour l’Étude des Sciences d’Avant-Garde in Bruges, Belgium. It publishes Bulletin du GESAG.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Margaret Sachs, The UFO Encyclopedia, Putnam, 1980, [p. 135](https://archive.org/details/ufoencyclopedia00marg/page/135/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3838
### Event 24619 (48DB127E)
**Date:** 1965
**Location:** Uithuizermeeden, Netherlands
**Description:** G. J. Kok and S. Sluis found the Werkgroep Nederlands Onderzoek Bureau voor UFOs \(later UFO-Workgroep Nederland\) in Uithuizermeeden, Netherlands. It publishes Tijdschrift voor Ufologie.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Margaret Sachs, The UFO Encyclopedia, Putnam, 1980, [p. 215](https://archive.org/details/ufoencyclopedia00marg/page/215/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3839
### Event 24620 (4F2BCCF8)
**Date:** 1965
**Location:** Kobe, Japan
**Description:** Tomezo Hirata founds the Japan UFO Research Association in Kobe, Japan. It publishes JUFORA from 1967 to 1991.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3840
### Event 24621 (2DF30CA2)
**Date:** 1965
**Location:** Waiheke Island, New Zealand
**Description:** Ross Liverton reports a ring of bare earth, 8 feet wide, in the ground on Waiheke Island, New Zealand, where a UFO is seen. It remains visible for 4 years. The site contains some unidentified whitish material that resolves into fibers during a soil immersion test. Vallée says the material is “vegetal in nature.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Vallée, Invisible College, pp. 36–37; Ted Phillips, “[Landing Report from Delphos,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR-CH%201972%20N%209.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review Case Histories, no. 9 \(February 1972\): 10
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3841
### Event 24622 (92BE4E98)
**Date:** 1965
**Location:** Buenos Aires province, Argentina
**Description:** A couple is driving on a country road in Buenos Aires province, Argentina, when their car engine begins to fail, so they pull over in front of a tree. They notice an object behind the tree that emits a luminous ray toward them that bends at three places, vertically and horizontally, to avoid the tree. The woman’s cheek feels as if something is probing her.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Jean Bastide, La Mémoire des OVNI, Mercure de France, 1978; “[Beam of Light with Three](https://archive.org/details/missionwithlemay00lema/page/540/mode/2up) [Corners,](https://archive.org/details/missionwithlemay00lema/page/540/mode/2up)” CUFOS Associate Newsletter 4, no. 6 \(Dec, 1983/Jan. 1984\): 4
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3842
### Event 24623 (53E01955)
**Date:** 1965
**Locations:** central Australia; Texas
**Description:** A short color film of a “huge, windowed, hovering craft” with three smaller objects attached to it “as a kind of tail” is taken by a converted RAAF aircraft during a photo-mapping flight over central Australia. A door on the large object opens—two vertical panels and two horizontally aligned panels slide apart—and the three smaller objects fly inside. A US Air Force sergeant with a top-secret clearance is shown this clip at a CIA screening in Texas in 1967. He says the filmed image of the UFO is extraordinarily clear, filling the entire screen.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Budd Hopkins, Missing Time, R. Marek, 1981, [p. 253](https://archive.org/details/missingtimedocum00hopk%5F0/page/252/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3843
### Event 24624 (D917FB27)
**Date:** 1965
**Location:** Chilean base in Antarctic
**Description:** At a Chilean base in Antarctica, 17 individuals observed a "lens-shaped" aerial object. The base's commander described it as a solid object moving at incredible speeds, executing maneuvers, emitting a greenish light, and causing electromagnetic interference at a nearby Argentine base. The object hovered for approximately 20 minutes before speeding away, and it was observed through high-powered binoculars. Concurrently, the Argentinian government reported that their Antarctic naval garrison spotted a large, lens-shaped flying object, which displayed various colors and moved in diverse directions, pausing for about 15 minutes. (Chapter 8, Refs 322, 323)
**Type:** UFO sighting
**Reference:** [_It Didn't Start with Roswell_, by Philip L. Rife, 2001](https://archive.org/details/it-didnt-start-with-roswell-50-years-of-amazing-ufo-crashes-close-encounters-and)
**Source:** Rife, **ID:** Rife_313
### Event 24625 (2B7B9E22)
**Date:** 1965
**Location:** Antarctic
**Description:** In that decade, a team of international scientists in Antarctica reported multiple UFO sightings and experienced unexplained phenomena originating from under the ice. They heard mysterious rumbling, humming noises, and sounds resembling heavy machinery in operation, despite no known activities by any nation that could explain these sounds. (Chapter 8, Ref 324)
**Type:** UFO sighting
**Reference:** [_It Didn't Start with Roswell_, by Philip L. Rife, 2001](https://archive.org/details/it-didnt-start-with-roswell-50-years-of-amazing-ufo-crashes-close-encounters-and)
**Source:** Rife, **ID:** Rife_314
### Event 24626 (7B35DB65)
**Date:** Early 1965
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) At [Groom Lake](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/Area51.html), the OXCART construction project is completed and the base population reaches 1835 people. (Early 1965)
**Reference:** McIninch
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1965.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2087
### Event 24627 (FEEC7E0B)
**Date:** 1/1965
**Location:** ARGENTINA, Torrent (Corrientes)
**Description:** (Translated from French) In the evening, passersby suddenly found themselves in the presence of small beings and were filled with fear. They ran towards their homes and locked themselves in. But then, according to what the witnesses said, a light entered through the wooden walls, illuminating the entire interior. Carlos Souriou, who had barricaded himself with several people including his younger brother, said that the latter had almost gone mad with fear, had nervous breakdowns and that the other witnesses surrounded him with boxes and whatever they could find to prevent him from seeing the light.
**Reference:** Henry DURRANT: "The UFO File" - Laffont 1973 - p. 132
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2308
### Event 24628 (F79E34AA)
**Date:** 1/1965
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) [Keyhoe](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/KeyhoeDonaldEdward.html) writes in *True* Magazine: Censorship of UFO sightings by the USAF.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1965.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2088
### Event 24629 (992F701C)
**Date:** 1/1/1965
**Location:** Norfolk, VA
**Description:** Large Light Leading 7-8 Smaller Lights (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, Code: D, Rating: 5)
**Reference:** NICAP: [650101](http://www.nicap.org/650101norfolk%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2757
### Event 24630 (9D348D42)
**Date:** Early 1/1965
**Location:** USA, Lynchburg (Virginia)
**Description:** (Translated from French) A witness reported having seen the landing of two silent and unlit UFOs, descending into a wooded area near Lynchburg. One had a diameter of 24 m, the other 6 m. Three creatures of 75 cm in height disembarked, approaching up to 10 m from the petrified witness. They were of humanoid type and had strange eyes, "which looked straight through me" said the witness. They emitted unintelligible sounds then pivoted and returned to the object from which they had come out. A door opened, they entered and the opening seemed to seal itself in such a way that there was no trace left. The encounter is presumed to have lasted about 30 minutes and to have started at 5:40 pm. (1965, beginning of January)
**Reference:** Charles BOWEN: "In Search of Humanoids" - J'ai Lu 1974, p. 200, 201
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2305
### Event 24631 (AE308149)
**Date:** 1/3/1965
**Time:** ~18:00
**Description:** Airliner / near collision / black delta/triangle/box-like craft. Going quickly [to] extremely fast. / r47+/ MJ#261.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 38)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7085
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "WASHINGTON NATl APT,VA:AIRLINER/NR COLLISION/BLK DLT:>>XFAST:/r47+/MJ#261", **LatLong:** "38.816669 -77.050004", **LatLongDMS:** "38:49:00 N 77:03:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.816669,-77.050004)", **State/Prov:** "Virginia", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 24632 (D09A4AE2)
**Date:** 1/3/1965
**Description:** Quadrantid meteor shower (mean date).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_28
### Event 24633 (C89480AF)
**Date:** 1/4/1965
**Description:** At 5:15 p.m. a procession of three bright, orange to red elliptical objects passed before observers in Bethel, Vermont at high speed and low altitude in rapid succession.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Raymond E. Fowler, case investigation, report dated January 18, 1965
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_86
### Event 24634 (FF71D2E7)
**Date:** 1/5/1965
**Location:** Wallops Island, VA
**Description:** Large disc hovers over NASA station; radar tracks at 6,000 mph.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [_UFOs and the National Security State: Chronology of a Cover-up, 1941–1973_, by Richard Dolan](https://archive.org/details/ufosnationalsecu00dola/mode/2up)
**Source:** Dolan, **ID:** Dolan_252
### Event 24635 (A78308D5)
**Date:** 1/5/1965
**Location:** Naval Air Test Center, MD
**Description:** Two UFOs on radar; one makes a sharp turn at 4,800 mph.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [_UFOs and the National Security State: Chronology of a Cover-up, 1941–1973_, by Richard Dolan](https://archive.org/details/ufosnationalsecu00dola/mode/2up)
**Source:** Dolan, **ID:** Dolan_253
### Event 24636 (8DB66713)
**Date:** 1/5/1965
**Time:** 18:00
**Location:** WALLOPS IS, VA
**Description:** Blue Book. RADAR-visual (observation). Yellow fireball-saucer 10 minute(s) after rocket test. 6K mph. / r41p150.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 37)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7086
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **RDR:** Radar traces/blips, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "WALLOPS IS,VA:BBK:RDR-VIS:YLW FBL-SCR 10min AFTER ROCKET TEST:6K mph:/r41p150", **LatLong:** "37.866668 -75.433337", **LatLongDMS:** "37:52:00 N 75:26:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.866668,-75.433337)", **State/Prov:** "Virginia", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 24637 (5B4DC0FD)
**Date:** 1/5/1965
**Location:** Wallops Island, VA
**Description:** Bright Yellow Light Flies Overhead (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, Code: D, Rating: 1)
**Reference:** NICAP: [650105](http://nicap.org/650105wallops%5Fisle%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2758
### Event 24638 (424ED1BA)
**Date:** 1/5/1965
**Location:** Lynchburg, VA
**Description:** Light Stops & Starts (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, Code: D, Rating: 5)
**Reference:** NICAP: [650105](http://www.nicap.org/650105lynchburg%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2759
### Event 24639 (BD2FDB1B)
**Date:** 1/5/1965
**Location:** Wallops Island, VA
**Description:** Aerospace engineer watched round glowing object move rapidly from horizon to nearly overhead
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_29
### Event 24640 (D0AA6B7E)
**Date:** 1/5/1965
**Location:** Wallops Island, Virginia
**Description:** 5:56 p.m. NASA engineer [Dempsey Bruton](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/168449079/dempsey-bailey-bruton), head of the Wallops Flight Facility on Wallops Island, Virginia, observes a round, bright-yellow light rising from the horizon. The apparent size of the object is that of a nickel held at arm’s length. As the object reaches an overhead position, it disappears. The length of observation is approximately 8–9 seconds. The witness claims that his wife and brother-in-law also see the object.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** NICAP, “[Bright Yellow Light Flies Ahead](http://www.nicap.org/650105wallops%5Fisle%5Fdir.htm)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3844
### Event 24641 (CDADE082)
**Date:** 1/5/1965
**Description:** At 5:56 p.m. an aerospace engineer named Bruton on Wallops Island, Virginia watched a round glowing object that moved rapidly from horizon to nearly overhead at the NASA station in seconds. Radar tracked it at 6,000 mph.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP UFO Investigator, April 1965, p. 1; George D. Fawcett, Flying Saucers, August 1965, p. 56; Donald B. Hanlon, Flying Saucer Review, March-April 1966, p. 14; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty-Year Report, pp. 150, 317; Richard M. Dolan, UFO's and the National Security State: Chronology of a Cover-up 1941-1973, p. 412
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_115
### Event 24642 (2C50A34B)
**Date:** 1/8/1965
**Location:** Georgetown, SC
**Description:** Two Lighted Objects Make U-Turn & TVI (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, Code: D, Rating: 5, BB: BB) (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)
**Reference:** NICAP: [650108](http://www.nicap.org/650108georgetown%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2760
### Event 24643 (CDB27698)
**Date:** 1/10/1965
**Location:** South Boston, VA
**Description:** Hissing Object With Sparks (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, Code: D, Rating: 2)
**Reference:** NICAP: [650110](http://www.nicap.org/650110Sboston%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2762
### Event 24644 (EA0AF740)
**Date:** 1/10/1965
**Location:** Silver Springs, MD
**Description:** White Light In Level Flight (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, Code: D, Rating: 2)
**Reference:** NICAP: [650110](http://www.nicap.org/650110silversprings%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2763
### Event 24645 (7D0C909E)
**Date:** 1/11/1965
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) 6 engineers from the Army Signal Corps in the munitions building near the center of Washington see 6 UFOs in the shape of zigzagging discs heading towards the Capitol, pursued by 2 delta-winged interceptor jets. The UFOs quickly outdistance the jets and disappear from view. Reporters from the print media try to find out more about the incident from the Department of Defense, but officials, both civilian and military, tell them that the chase never happened. (January 11)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1965.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2089
### Event 24646 (B37FB799)
**Date:** 1/11/1965
**Location:** Washington, DC
**Description:** Army Radar/visual of twelve to fifteen oval UFOs; jets outdistanced.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [_UFOs and the National Security State: Chronology of a Cover-up, 1941–1973_, by Richard Dolan](https://archive.org/details/ufosnationalsecu00dola/mode/2up)
**Source:** Dolan, **ID:** Dolan_254
### Event 24647 (F7901AE6)
**Date:** 1/11/1965
**Location:** WEST / SEASIDE, OREGON
**Description:** Triangular object going northwest. Suddenly plunges to sea off Tillamook head.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SANDERSON, Ivan: INVISIBLE RESIDENTS; World Publishing HB 1970 & Avon Books PB 1973 (Index 42)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7087
**Attributes:** **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **SUB:** Submersible: Rises from or submerges into water, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "15", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "W/SEASIDE,ORE:TRIANGLULAR OBJ >NW:SUDDENLY PLUNGES to SEA OFF TILLAMOOK HEAD.", **LatLong:** "45.966669 -124.166673", **LatLongDMS:** "45:58:00 N 124:10:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.966669,-124.166673)", **State/Prov:** "Oregon", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 24648 (2BA41902)
**Date:** 1/11/1965
**Time:** 16:10
**Location:** WASHINGTON, DC
**Description:** 11 military observer(s). 12+saucers zigzag and elude 2 jets. Government denies. / r183p116.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO Evidence II: HB: Scarecrow Press Lanham, MD. http://www.scarecrowpress.com ISBN 0-8108-3881-8 (Index 150)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7088
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **RDR:** Radar traces/blips, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **MIL:** Military investigation, **COV:** Indication of coverup
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "9", **HatchDesc:** "WASHINGTON,DC:11 MIL.OBS:12+SCRS ZIGZAG+ELUDE 2 JETS:GOVT DENIES:/r183p116", **LatLong:** "38.866669 -77.016670", **LatLongDMS:** "38:52:00 N 77:01:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.866669,-77.016670)", **State/Prov:** "WDC", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 24649 (C02EEFAF)
**Date:** 1/11/1965
**Location:** Washington, DC
**Description:** Over A Dozen Ovals Chased By AF Jets (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, Code: D, Rating: 5)
**Reference:** NICAP: [650111](http://nicap.org/650111washington%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2764
### Event 24650 (39E68122)
**Date:** 1/11/1965
**Location:** Washington, DC
**Description:** Army Signal Corps communications system specialists observed 12-15 white ovals maneuvering erratically, with jets seen in pursuit
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_30
### Event 24651 (D5E67DE6)
**Date:** 1/11/1965
**Location:** Tillamook Head, Oregon
**Description:** Mrs. Paul Zimmerman Gearhart and her two sons see a triangular UFO that flies slowly out of the southeast and then “suddenly plunged into the sea some miles offshore” at Tillamook Head, Oregon. It leaves behind two trails of fire.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Sanderson, [InvRes](https://www.scribd.com/document/429706119/Invisible-Residents-The-Reality-of-Underwater-UFOs)[,](https://www.scribd.com/document/429706119/Invisible-Residents-The-Reality-of-Underwater-UFOs) p. 50
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3845
### Event 24652 (DCD9A903)
**Date:** 1/11/1965
**Locations:** Munitions Building at Nineteenth Street and Constitution Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C.; US Capitol Building; Andrews AFB in Maryland
**Description:** 4:20 p.m. At least 12 persons, including six Army Signal Corps communications system specialists, at the Munitions Building at Nineteenth Street and Constitution Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C., observe 12–15 white oval objects maneuvering erratically at 12,000–15,000 feet altitude above the US Capitol Building. Two delta- wing jets, apparently from Andrews AFB in Maryland, are seen in pursuit, but the objects easily outmaneuver them. Among the witnesses are Paul M. Dickey Jr., Edward Shad, Sam Webb, Jack McBride, and Sam Marrone. The objects are also tracked on radar. The Defense Department denies the incident, but the witnesses publicly maintain their story. The Pentagon forces a TV crew about to interview the witnesses to shut down that evening.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** NICAP, “[Over a Dozen Ovals Chased by AF Jets](http://www.nicap.org/650111washington%5Fdir.htm)”; Harold H. Deneault Jr., “UFOs Return to Washington,” Fate 18, no. 7 \(July 1965\): 47–48; Frank Edwards, FS Serious Business, Bantam ed., 1966, [pp. 67–68](https://archive.org/details/flyingsaucersser00edwa/page/66/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3846
### Event 24653 (116D5151)
**Date:** 1/11/1965
**Description:** At 4:10 p.m. several witnesses in Washington, D. C. reported seeing 12-15 white oval-shaped objects that moved in and up-and-down oscillating path as they flew along. The sighting lasted three minutes. Jet interceptors wereobserved in pursuit.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Donald B. Hanlon, Flying Saucer Review, March-April 1966, p. 14; Frank Edwards, Flying Saucers--Serious Business, p. 128; Gordon I. R. Lore, Jr. & Harold H. Dennault, Jr., Mysteries of the Skies: UFOs in Perspective, p. 171; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty-Year Report, p. 76
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_252
### Event 24654 (30A01764)
**Date:** 1/11/1965
**Description:** The Seaside (Oregon) Signal on January 12, 1965 noted that Mrs. Paul Zimmerman Gearhart and her two sons saw a triangular UFO which came slowly out of the southeast and then "suddenly plunged into the sea some miles offshore" at Tillamook Head, Oregon. It left two trails of fire behind.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Ivan T. Sanderson, Invisible Residents, p. 42
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_253
### Event 24655 (2D2F5E5B)
**Date:** 1/12/1965
**Location:** Near Blaine AFB, WA
**Description:** Radar tracks thirty-foot object that buzzes car of government official.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [_UFOs and the National Security State: Chronology of a Cover-up, 1941–1973_, by Richard Dolan](https://archive.org/details/ufosnationalsecu00dola/mode/2up)
**Source:** Dolan, **ID:** Dolan_255
### Event 24656 (62C7C4CB)
**Date:** 1/12/1965
**Time:** 00:10
**Description:** 10M saucer buzzes car and lands. Goes when observer(s) radios. / r11p173+/ r47p13.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 37)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7089
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **RDR:** Radar traces/blips, **MIL:** Military investigation
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "9", **Elev:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "BLAINE AFB,WA:10M SCR BUZZES CAR+LANDS:GOES WHEN OBS RADIOS:/r11p173+/r47p13", **LatLong:** "48.933336 -122.700006", **LatLongDMS:** "48:56:00 N 122:42:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.933336,-122.700006)", **State/Prov:** "Washington", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 24657 (59DF26A1)
**Date:** 1/12/1965
**Time:** 20:20
**Location:** CUSTER, WA
**Description:** 4 observer(s). Huge saucer lands / several min. Melted snow. Burnt dirt. Tracks to woods.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 261)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7090
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "14", **HatchDesc:** "CUSTER,WA:4 OBS:HUGE SCR LANDS/SVRL min:MELTED SNOW:BURNT DIRT:TRACKS TO WOODS", **LatLong:** "48.916669 -122.633339", **LatLongDMS:** "48:55:00 N 122:38:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.916669,-122.633339)", **State/Prov:** "Washington", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 24658 (FB0B3606)
**Date:** 1/12/1965
**Location:** Blaine AFB, WA
**Description:** Driver Avoids Collision With 30' Object (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, Code: C, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** NICAP: [650112](http://www.nicap.org/650112blaine%5Fafb%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2765
### Event 24659 (C9056A4E)
**Date:** 1/12/1965
**Time:** night
**Location:** Blaine Air Force Base, Washington
**Description:** A member of a federal agency, who was driving toward the base, saw a low-flying object, 10 m in diameter, which avoided collision at the last moment. He got out of the car and observed it hovering for one min, then it flew off. at high speed. The object was tracked on radar. The same night, a round, glowing object with a dome on top landed on a nearby farm, melting snow in a 10 m diameter urcle.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** NICAP Mar., 65 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_630
### Event 24660 (0427BA9E)
**Date:** 1/12/1965
**Location:** Lynden, WA
**Description:** Border Patrol officer saw bright disc illuminating ground, swoop down, hover near car, accelerate up into clouds with rushing air sound
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_31
### Event 24661 (A20492EE)
**Date:** 1/12/1965
**Locations:** Lynden, Washington; Blaine Air Force Station
**Description:** 1:00 a.m. Department of Justice Inspector Robert E. Kerringer \[or is it Donald E. Flickinger, an agent of the US Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms?\] is driving near Lynden, Washington, when he sees a low-flying object, 30 feet in diameter, that avoids collision with his car at the last moment. He gets out and sees it hovering for one minute, then it flies off at high speed with a sound of rushing air. He learns that nearby Blaine Air Force Station \[now closed\] is tracking the UFO.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** NICAP, “[Driver Avoids Collision with 30ʹ Object](http://www.nicap.org/650112blaine%5Fafb%5Fdir.htm)”; [Sparks](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf)[,](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf) p. 303; “[New Sightings Put AF on Spot,](http://www.cufos.org/UFOI%5Fand%5FSelected%5FDocuments/UFOI/025%20MAR-APR%201965.pdf)” UFO Investigator 3, no. 1 \(March/April 1965\): 4; Frank Edwards, FS Serious Business, Bantam ed., 1966, [pp. 54–55](https://archive.org/details/flyingsaucersser00edwa/page/54/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3847
### Event 24662 (A6FD4F68)
**Date:** 1/12/1965
**Locations:** Area 25 of the Nevada Test Site; Los Angeles, California
**Description:** 10:58 a.m. The Kiwi Transient Nuclear Test is conducted at Area 25 of the Nevada Test Site as part of Project NERVA. The nuclear rocket engine code-named Kiwi is allowed to overheat until it bursts, sending fuel hurtling skyward. Deadly radioactive fuel chunks as large as 148 pounds shoot up into the sky and last as far away as a quarter mile. A radioactive cloud rises up to 2,600 feet, then drifts out over Los Angeles, California, and out to sea. The AEC calls it a “safety test,” but the USSR says it violates the test ban.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Jacobsen, Area 51, [pp. 309–](https://archive.org/details/area51uncensored0000jaco/page/308/mode/2up) [310](https://archive.org/details/area51uncensored0000jaco/page/308/mode/2up); Wikipedia, “[NERVA](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NERVA\#Kiwi)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3848
### Event 24663 (8CFFC7BA)
**Date:** 1/12/1965
**Locations:** Wallops Flight Facility; Wallops Island, Virginia
**Description:** 6:30 p.m. A NASA public relations employee named Milliner and her husband are walking toward their house when they see a bright yellow object moving swiftly over the Wallops Flight Facility at Wallops Island, Virginia. They watch it for 2 minutes.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Harold H. Deneault Jr., “UFOs Return to Washington,” Fate 18, no. 7 \(July 1965\): 48
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3849
### Event 24664 (CA496705)
**Date:** 1/12/1965
**Location:** Custer, Washington
**Description:** 8:20 p.m. A Mrs. Jubert in Custer, Washington, sees through her window what seems to be the landing lights of an airplane apparently coming into her yard. She herds her three teenage girls outside in the opposite direction. The four lights merge into one intense white light, which moves in a straight line toward the house, lifts several hundred feet and clears a clump of evergreens, then dips down on the far side and touches the ground. A border patrol officer also sees the object after he is alerted by radio. He is buzzed by the UFO, which is low enough that he stops his car, gets out, and watches it move out of sight. Where the object lands in 16 inches of snow, they find a large circular imprint about 10–12 feet in diameter. The ground beneath the melted snow ring shows evidence of having been scorched. Oval-shaped tracks 8 inches long and 8 inches apart, in a single file, are found leading from the landing site to the evergreens, where they disappear. One month later, the circular area still shows traces.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[New Sightings Put AF on Spot,](http://www.cufos.org/UFOI%5Fand%5FSelected%5FDocuments/UFOI/025%20MAR-APR%201965.pdf)” UFO Investigator 3, no. 1 \(March/April 1965\): 4; J. Allen Hynek, The UFO Experience, Ballantine ed., 1974, [pp. 152–153](https://archive.org/details/ufoexperience00jall/page/152/mode/2up); Ted Phillips, [Physical Traces Associated with](http://cufos.org/books/Physical%5FTraces.pdf) [UFO Sightings](http://cufos.org/books/Physical%5FTraces.pdf), CUFOS, 1975, p. 34
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3850
### Event 24665 (9C98D355)
**Date:** 1/12/1965
**Description:** At one o'clock in the morning Mr. Don Flickinger, a U.S. Border Patrol officer, had his patrol car buzzed by a bright round flying object in Lynden, Washington not far from the Canadian border. The UFO hovered, then acelerated away with the sound of rushing air. The object had been tracked on radar. That same night, a round, glowing 30 foot wide object with a dome on top landed on a nearby farm in Custer, Washington melting the snow in a 12 foot diameter circle. The object illuminated the yard, trees, and the side of the farmhouse. The circle was melted in snow 16 inches deep, and the ground beneath was also scorched.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP UFO Investigator, April-May 1965, p. 4; Richard Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty Year Report, p. 170; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case # 630; Frank Edwards, Flying Saucers--Serious Business, p. 94; J. Allen Hynek, The UFO Experience, p. 132; UNICAT, case # 396
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_276
### Event 24666 (84E2BC76)
**Date:** 1/14/1965
**Description:** Night lights. Bright / 5 minute(s) and dim / 3 minute(s). Repeats / 1 hour. Going quickly east and away.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SANDERSON, Ivan: INVISIBLE RESIDENTS; World Publishing HB 1970 & Avon Books PB 1973 (Index 228)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7091
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "378", **HatchDesc:** "ovr LAKE ELSINORE,CA:NLTS:BRIGHT/5min+DIM/3min:REPEATS/1 HOUR:>>E.+AWAY", **LatLong:** "33.661113 -117.350006", **LatLongDMS:** "33:39:40 N 117:21:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/33.661113,-117.350006)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 24667 (ECAB7CF1)
**Date:** 1/14/1965
**Time:** 00:00
**Location:** NORFOLK, VA
**Description:** Observer(s) = J. Myers. Silver circular object rises / ground. Flies away. No further details. / fate Jly'65.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA; H. Regnery, Chicago HC 1969 & Contemporary Books,Chicago 1993. 372pp. (Index 631)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7092
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "4", **HatchDesc:** "NORFOLK,VA:OBS=J.MYERS:SLVR CIRC.OBJ RISES/GND:FLIES AWAY:NFD:/FATE Jly'65", **LatLong:** "36.816668 -76.250004", **LatLongDMS:** "36:49:00 N 76:15:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/36.816668,-76.250004)", **State/Prov:** "Virginia", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 24668 (C334A346)
**Date:** 1/14/1965
**Time:** 05:30
**Location:** RIVERSIDE, CA
**Description:** Newsboy. 30M football hovers / 135M altitude. 180° turn going quickly southwest very fast. Whines.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 783)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7093
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "259", **HatchDesc:** "RIVERSIDE,CA:NEWSBOY:30M FOOTBALL HVRS/135M alt:180°TURN >>SW VFAST:WHINES", **LatLong:** "33.933335 -117.366672", **LatLongDMS:** "33:56:00 N 117:22:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/33.933335,-117.366672)", **RelAlt:** "135", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 24669 (B50FB3B1)
**Date:** 1/14/1965
**Time:** 20:50
**Description:** Quantas airline(s)/airliner RADAR and ground RADAR. 7 objects / V formation / 45k' altitude. / r229'82.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 37)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7094
**Attributes:** **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RDR:** Radar traces/blips
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Pacific Ocean and non - Asian islands", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "TASMAN SEA W/AUCKLAND,NZ:QUANTAS AL RDR+GND RDR:7 OBJs/VFORM/45k'alt:/r229'82", **LatLong:** "-35.500002 169.000008", **LatLongDMS:** "35:30:00 S 169:00:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-35.500002,169.000008)", **State/Prov:** "TSM", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 24670 (F12F2ECC)
**Date:** 1/14/1965
**Location:** Thaxton, VA
**Description:** Cigar Larger Than B-52 (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, Code: D, Rating: 5)
**Reference:** NICAP: [650114](http://www.nicap.org/650114thaxton%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2766
### Event 24671 (F31134D1)
**Date:** 1/14/1965
**Time:** 2400
**Location:** Norfolk, Virginia
**Description:** James Myers saw an object rise from the ground, appearing as a bright, circular silvery craft.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Fate Jul., 65 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_631
### Event 24672 (244EDD39)
**Date:** 1/14/1965
**Time:** 16:00:00.1
**Location:** 37.1190 -116.0248
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Wool” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_394
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1190 -116.0248", **LatLongDMS:** "37:07:08 N 116:01:29 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1190,-116.0248)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.22", **NukeName:** "Wool", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 24673 (C91CD0C2)
**Date:** 1/14/1965
**Locations:** Old Dominion college; Norfolk, Virginia
**Description:** Around 12:00 midnight. Old Dominion college student James Myers sees a diamond-shaped object rise from the ground to 1,500–2,000 feet near Norfolk, Virginia. He loses sight of it behind a church and when it reappears it looks round, bright, and silvery.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Harold H. Deneault Jr., “UFOs Return to Washington,” Fate 18, no. 7 \(July 1965\): 49
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3851
### Event 24674 (E35944E8)
**Date:** 1/14/1965
**Description:** At 8:50 p.m. seven UFOs paced a Quantas Airlines Electra flying between Auckland, New Zealand and Sydney, Australia. The sighting was confirmed by multiple radar units tracking the object.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP UFO Investigator, April-May 1954, p. 4; George D. Fawcett, Flying Saucers, August 1965, p. 57
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_311
### Event 24675 (CED62218)
**Date:** 1/14/1965
**Description:** A newspaper boy in Riverside, California at 5:30 a.m. saw a 30 meter long football shaped UFO making a whining noise. It hovered at 135 meters altitude before it made a 180 degree turn and shot off to the southwest very fast.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Fate, July 1965; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, p. 304; APRO Bulletin, March-April 1965
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_312
### Event 24676 (CB1C50C3)
**Date:** 1/14/1965
**Description:** At midnight James Myers saw an object rise from the ground in Norfolk, Virginia. It appeared as a bright, circular silvery craft.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Donald B. Hanlon, Flying Saucer Review, March-April 1966, p. 14; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 631, citing Fate, July 1965
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_313
### Event 24677 (0E2D9B15)
**Date:** 1/14/1965
**Description:** Many people witnessed brilliant nocturnal lights hovering and maneuvering over Lake Elsinore, California. They moved erratically in patterns; they also would brighten for five minutes and then dim for three minutes in a repeated cycle until after an hour they rose and disappeared to the east.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Lake Elsinore Valley Sun, January 21, 1965;
Ivan T. Sanderson, Invisible Residents, p. 228
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_314
### Event 24678 (6E1AC0F3)
**Date:** 1/14/1965
**Description:** At 10:00 p.m. that same night a newspaper reporter was driving between Enfield and Wilmot, New Hampshire when his car completely faiIed--lights, radio, and engine. He got out to investigate and heard a hum like an electrical whine, then saw a bright light 2,000-5,000 feet high. It was hovering, then moved away quickly on a straight trajectory. The lights and radio then came back on and the engine also started by itself. The whole sighting lasted only 15-20 seconds.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Manchester Union Leader, January 16, 1965; Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, case 137
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_315
### Event 24679 (A2BC699D)
**Date:** 1/15/1965
**Location:** Kazakhstan
**Description:** Soviet subsurface nuclear explosion “Chagan”, crater had a diameter of 408m, 100m deep
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** [link](https://nuclearweaponarchive.org/Russia/Sovwpnprog.html#Chagan)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_624
**Atomic type:** subsurface
**Atomic KT:** 140
### Event 24680 (FD0CA5BE)
**Date:** 1/15/1965
**Time:** 22:00
**Location:** NEAR WILMOT, NH
**Description:** Car malfunctions due to EME (electro-magnetic effects). Lights out. Observer(s) hears whine. Night light going quickly [to] over. / r3p52+/ r141+/ r41.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 783)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7095
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "220", **HatchDesc:** "nr WILMOT,NH:CAR EMES:LITES OUT:OBS HEARS WHINE:NLT >> OVR:/r3p52+/r141+/r41", **LatLong:** "43.650002 -72.183337", **LatLongDMS:** "43:39:00 N 72:11:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.650002,-72.183337)", **State/Prov:** "New Hampshire", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 24681 (EF0CAE5F)
**Date:** 1/15/1965
**Location:** Wilmot, NH
**Description:** E-M Effects on Car and Radio (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases, Code: E, Rating: 5)
**Reference:** NICAP: [650115](http://www.nicap.org/650115wilmot%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2767
### Event 24682 (E948DEC1)
**Date:** 1/15/1965
**Time:** 06:00:00.8
**Location:** 49.9350 79.0094
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Chagan 1004” Yield: 140KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1262
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.9350 79.0094", **LatLongDMS:** "49:56:06 N 79:00:34 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.9350,79.0094)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "6.30", **NukeName:** "PNE:Chagan 1004", **NukeSource:** "BOCHAROV", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** "140"
### Event 24683 (55265032)
**Date:** 1/15/1965
**Location:** Manchester, New Hampshire
**Description:** 9:45 p.m. Mathew Rybczyk is watching TV at his home in Manchester, New Hampshire, when the set goes blank. Going outside to see if the antenna is damaged, he sees a flashing light moving across the tree line to the east and making a humming noise. When the light disappears, the TV set comes on again.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Manchester \(N.H.\) Sunday News, January 17, 1965; [Schopick](http://cufos.org/books/A%5FStudy%5Fof%5FSecondary%5FEffects-An%5FUnpublished%5FManuscript%5Fof%5FUFO%5FE-M%5FCases.pdf), p. 148
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3852
### Event 24684 (C123BE86)
**Date:** 1/15/1965
**Locations:** Wilmot; Enfield, New Hampshire; State Highway 4A
**Description:** 10:00 p.m. Charles Knee Jr., a former newsman, is driving on State Highway 4A between Wilmot and Enfield, New Hampshire, when the radio suddenly stops, the lights on the car go out, and the engine quits. He loses control of the car and pulls to the side of the road and then hears a loud humming sound like a high- frequency electrical whine. He opens the car door, steps out, and sees a bright light below the cloud cover at around 2,000–5,000 feet altitude. It seems to hover for a moment and then takes off to the south. As the light leaves and the whine dies away, the headlights and radio come on and the motor starts by itself. The whole thing lasts about 15–20 seconds.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Manchester \(N.H.\) Sunday News, January 16, 1965; [Schopick](http://cufos.org/books/A%5FStudy%5Fof%5FSecondary%5FEffects-An%5FUnpublished%5FManuscript%5Fof%5FUFO%5FE-M%5FCases.pdf), pp. 148–150
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3853
### Event 24685 (DE218F42)
**Date:** 1/15/1965
**Description:** At 10:00 p.m. five miles northwest of Wilmot, New Hampshire Mr. Knee saw a glowing light that made a humming sound. His car radio, lights and engine died while the luminous object hovered nearby; the electrical power returned when the UFO sped away.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Walter N. Webb case investigation files, case # 51
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_331
### Event 24686 (98C91E5D)
**Date:** 1/17/1965
**Time:** 04:20
**Location:** EAST / AUCKLAND, NZ
**Description:** 1 observer. 40' circle / lights / 50' altitude tilts. Rotates / wheel. Structure = invisible.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CATHIE, Bruce: HARMONIC 33. A. & A. Reed, Wellington, NZ (Index 105)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7096
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "New Zealand", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "E/AUCKLAND,NZ:1 OBS:40'CCL/LITES/50'alt TILTS:ROTATES/WHEEL:STRUCT.=INVISIBLE", **LatLong:** "-36.916668 174.800008", **LatLongDMS:** "36:55:00 S 174:48:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-36.916668,174.800008)", **State/Prov:** "NI", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 24687 (B4BBE680)
**Date:** 1/18/1965
**Location:** Buchanan, VA
**Description:** Object With Rings Observed (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, Code: D, Rating: 5)
**Reference:** NICAP: [650118](http://nicap.org/650118buchanan%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2768
### Event 24688 (3B4C0DAB)
**Date:** 1/19/1965
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) \(EST\) : Launch of [Gemini 2](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/Gemini.html\#Gemni2). (9 h 04)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1965.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2090
### Event 24689 (41B5C48A)
**Date:** 1/19/1965
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Industrial draftsman William Blackburn was cutting wood near the snow-covered field belonging to the Augusta club when he saw a pyramid - or cone-shaped object - descending from the sky towards the south. This UFO then remained stationary at an estimated altitude of 900 m. Blackburn estimated its diameter to be greater than 60 m. As he watched, a smaller UFO, about 18 m in diameter, landed 15 m away from him. Its surface was polished like a mirror. At the top was a bell that gave Blackburn a rather strange impression when he observed it. An opening appeared on the side of the UFO, as if someone had taken a piece of pie out of it, and 3 humanoid figures emerged floating: their feet never touched the ground. They approached within 11 m of Blackburn and emitted various unintelligible sounds. They were about 1 m tall but, apart from this detail, they looked like ordinary humans. Blackburn, petrified, did not answer them and the beings returned floating to their craft. Then the two UFOs quickly left. There were no traces in the snow. Shortly after Blackburn's story was published in the local newspaper, the *Waynesboro News-Virginian*, a car with federal license plates appeared in town: the inhabitants said it was visible as the nose on the face. Blackburn was apparently severely warned by government agents \(belonging to an agency he did not want to cite\) not to say anything more about his experience. (18:15)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1965.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2091
### Event 24690 (2815FC2A)
**Date:** 1/19/1965
**Time:** 18:20
**Location:** BRANDS FLAT, VA
**Description:** Cars electro-magnetic effect (EME). 2 saucers. 1 lands. 3 1M small humanoids (or Greys) garble. / r25p57+/ r41p267.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CLARK, Jerome: High Strangeness: UFO's from 1960 through 1979. The UFO ENCYCLOPEDIA Volume 3. 1996 Omnigraphics Inc Detroit, MI ISBN 1-55888-742-3 (Index 49)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7097
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **CVS:** Conversation/communication, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **MIL:** Military investigation, **GSA:** Covert Security Agency
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "20", **Elev:** "575", **HatchDesc:** "BRANDS FLAT,VA:CARS EME:2 SCRS:1 LANDS:3 1M OIDS GARBLE:/r25p57+/r41p267", **LatLong:** "38.333335 -79.200004", **LatLongDMS:** "38:20:00 N 79:12:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.333335,-79.200004)", **State/Prov:** "Virginia", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 24691 (E5257E7E)
**Date:** 1/19/1965
**Location:** Brand's Flats, VA
**Description:** Two Humanoids Approach Witness (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases, Code: En, Rating: 5)
**Reference:** NICAP: [650119](http://www.nicap.org/650119brandsflats%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2769
### Event 24692 (F229E087)
**Date:** 1/19/1965
**Time:** 1815
**Location:** Brands Flat, Virginia
**Description:** A workman cutting wood on the Augusta archery range saw two saucer-shaped objects, 30 m and 6 m in diameter, hovering in the sky. The smaller one landed, a door opened, and three pilots emerged. They looked human, but had a reddish-orange skin and staring eyes. One of them had "a long finger on his left hand." Their clothes were the same color as the craft, whose open door showed a strange light inside. The object was so highly polished that "I would bet on a clear day you could not see it at five thousand feet." The occupants spoke sounds that were not understood and reentered the object. The door outline could not be seen when it was closed.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Personal ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_632
### Event 24693 (5AC2B878)
**Date:** 1/19/1965
**Location:** Brand's Flats, VA
**Description:** Humanoid beings emerged from landed object at archery range, approached witness, who froze, apparently paralyzed
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_32
### Event 24694 (8031E6E7)
**Date:** 1/19/1965
**Description:** NICAP Acting Director [Richard H. Hall](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard%5FH.%5FHall) meets with a CIA agent and passes on some UFO case information and other materials to OSI for preparation of a paper on UFOs. Hall is given a direct phone number for the agent’s office. He uses the phone line only once to “report some high-quality UFO sightings to the CIA.” He is also given a CIA security clearance without his consent or knowledge. A January 25 CIA memo confirming the meeting shows an inordinate amount of interest in NICAP, given the CIA’s mandate for acquiring foreign intelligence.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** ClearIntent, [pp. 231–234](https://archive.org/details/clearintentgover00fawc/page/230/mode/2up); Richard H. Hall, Uninvited Guests, Aurora, 1988, pp. 11, 354–358; Good Above, [pp.](https://archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/348/mode/2up) [349–350](https://archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/348/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3854
### Event 24695 (2E357A41)
**Date:** 1/19/1965
**Description:** [Hall](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard%5FH.%5FHall) also meets for 90 minutes with retired Navy Capt. [John Lawrence Counihan](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/73932681/john-l-counihan) who is on the staff of Sen. [Thomas J. Dodd](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas%5FJ.%5FDodd) \(D-Conn.\). Counihan says that the Committee on Astronautics and Space Science would be considered “nutty” if it took up hearings, but it might be willing to consider an informal briefing by NICAP.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Swords 306
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3855
### Event 24696 (8B57DE8F)
**Date:** 1/19/1965
**Locations:** Staunton, Virginia; Brands Flats
**Description:** 6:15 p.m. [William Blackburn](https://www.newsadvance.com/obituaries/blackburn-william-bill/article%5Fc6ee9c91-3a84-5e01-90c5-8d7a1ebffa85.html)[,](https://www.newsadvance.com/obituaries/blackburn-william-bill/article%5Fc6ee9c91-3a84-5e01-90c5-8d7a1ebffa85.html) a draftsman at a General Electric plant, is chopping wood at an archery range east of Staunton, Virginia, in an area known locally as Brands Flats. He sees two saucer-like shapes in the sky at 2,000–4,000 feet altitude. The larger one seems to be about 80 feet across. The smaller one, 20 feet across, descends quickly and silently and lands 45–55 feet away from Blackburn. A door opens, making a slight noise and revealing an interior light. Three figures, each 3 feet tall and wearing tight-fitting metallic-looking suits, emerge. They have reddish-orange skin and piercing eyes. One has an extra-long finger on its left hand. They speak in an unintelligible language, then return to the UFO. The door closes so perfectly that an outline cannot be seen, and the object takes off. The entire episode lasts only 5 minutes. Blackburn sees no traces in the snow, but thinks the object and humanoids are hovering.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** NICAP, “[Two Humanoids Approach Witness](http://www.nicap.org/650119brandsflats%5Fdir.htm)”; Clark III 196
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3856
### Event 24697 (42B0DFD5)
**Date:** 1/20/1965
**Location:** Long Beach, MS
**Description:** Occupants Observed In Glass-Like Object (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases, Code: En, Rating: 5)
**Reference:** NICAP: [650120](http://www.nicap.org/650120longbeach%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2770
### Event 24698 (2A218DFF)
**Date:** 1/21/1965
**Location:** Richmond, VA
**Description:** Light Hovers Over Radio Tower (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, Code: D, Rating: 5)
**Reference:** NICAP: [650121](http://nicap.org/650121richmond%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2771
### Event 24699 (B182A401)
**Date:** 1/22/1965
**Location:** Baltimore, MD
**Description:** Egg-Shaped Object Goes Up Then Dives (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, Code: D, Rating: 5)
**Reference:** NICAP: [650122](http://www.nicap.org/650122baltimore%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2772
### Event 24700 (922820A1)
**Date:** 1/23/1965
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In Williamsburg, Virginia, Mr. T. F. Mains observed an object shaped like a mushroom or light bulb, 75 to 80 feet high, 25 feet in diameter at the top and 10 feet at the base. It was a metallic gray with a reddish-orange tint in front and blue on the other side. The object emitted a sound like that of a vacuum cleaner. The witness's car electrical system was affected when the object moved at an altitude of 4 feet. The observation lasted 25 s. (January 23, 8:40 AM)
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#9242 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1965.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2092
### Event 24701 (F1E2CF79)
**Date:** 1/23/1965
**Time:** 08:40
**Location:** US60 NEAR TOANO, VA
**Description:** Cars electro-magnetic effect (EME). 8M saucer on 25M column. Going quickly west against wind. / r210p59+/ r41.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HYNEK, Dr. J. Allen: THE HYNEK UFO REPORT; Dell Publ., NY 1977. 298pp. (Index 177)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7098
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK, **COV:** Indication of coverup
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "32", **HatchDesc:** "US60 nr TOANO,VA:CARS EME:8M SCR ON 25M COLUMN:>>W AGAINST WIND:/r210p59+/r41", **LatLong:** "37.383335 -76.800004", **LatLongDMS:** "37:23:00 N 76:48:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.383335,-76.800004)", **State/Prov:** "Virginia", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 24702 (B321399B)
**Date:** 1/23/1965
**Location:** Williamsburg, VA
**Description:** UFO Hovering Over Field Stalls Cars (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases, Code: E, Rating: 5, BB: 9242)
**Reference:** NICAP: [650123](http://www.nicap.org/650123williamsburg%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2773
### Event 24703 (385611FC)
**Date:** 1/23/1965
**Time:** 0840
**Location:** Williamsburg, Virginia
**Description:** A 31-year-old man driving a '64 Cadillac was at the intersection of U.S. Highway 60 and State Route 14 when the engine failed, and he had to stop by the side of the road. He then observed an object about 1.2 m above ground. It was shaped like a mushroom or an electric bulb, 25 m high, 8 m in diameter made noise similar to a vacuum cleaner had a metallic gray coIor, a red-orange light on one side, and a blue one on the other. It took off against the wind toward the west, at high speed.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Atic ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_633
### Event 24704 (C90DCF7C)
**Date:** 1/23/1965
**Time:** 8:40 AM
**Location:** Williamsburg, Virginia
**Description:** Witness: Mr. T.F. Mains. One mushroom or lightbulb-shaped object, 75-80' high, 25' diameter on top and l0' bottom diameter; metallic grey with a red-orange glow on the near side and a blue glow on the far side. The object made a sound like a vacuum cleaner. The witness' car electrical system was affected as the object moved away at an altitude of 4'. The sighting lasted 25 seconds.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_517
### Event 24705 (EC150D73)
**Date:** 1/23/1965
**Location:** Williamsburg, VA
**Description:** Metallic-appearing, mushroom-shaped object, red-orange glow, at low level. Sound like vacuum cleaner heard, E-M effects on car
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_33
### Event 24706 (9D731805)
**Date:** 1/23/1965
**Locations:** US Hwy 60; State Route 614; Lightfoot, Virginia
**Description:** 8:40 a.m. Two separate cars driving in different direction stall out near the intersection of US Hwy 60 and State Route 614 in Lightfoot, Virginia. One of the drivers, [Thomas F. Mains](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/154947421/thomas-f%5F-mains), sees a lightbulb- or mushroom- shaped object 75–80 feet tall and 10–25 feet wide, hovering over nearby field about 4 feet off the ground. It is metallic gray, with red-orange and blue lights and is making a vacuum cleaner noise. It suddenly accelerates horizontally to the west against the wind and disappears.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** NICAP, “[UFO Hovering over Field Stalls Cars](http://www.nicap.org/650123williamsburg%5Fdir.htm)”; [Sparks](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf)[,](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf) p. 304
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3857
### Event 24707 (DD47218C)
**Date:** 1/23/1965
**Description:** Williamsburg, Virginia - At 8:40 a.m. cars stalled near the intersection of US Highway 60 and State Route 614. A 31-year-old businessman named Mains, whose car had stalled, observed a mushroom-shaped object hovering over a nearby field about four feet off the ground, 500 feet away. It was metallic gray and about 75-80 feet tall. There was a red-orange glow coming from the near side, and a bluish glow from the far side. Soon the object rose slightly and then accelerated horizontally speeding off towards the west, making a noise like a vacuum cleaner. The sighting duration was 25 seconds.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** J. Allen Hynek, The Hynek UFO Report, pp. 177-178; Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, case 138, citing Project Bluebook; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty-Year Report, pp. 249 & 314; UNICAT, case # 283
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_440
### Event 24708 (83F30E45)
**Date:** 1/25/1965
**Description:** Memo to Chief, Contact Division: NICAP Case #(censured).
**Type:** memo
**Reference:** [Pea Research](https://www.academia.edu/9813787/GOVERNMENT_INVOLVEMENT_IN_THE_UFO_COVER_UP_CHRONOLOGY_based)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_625
**See also:** 12/19/64
### Event 24709 (C0E591B1)
**Date:** 1/25/1965
**Time:** 19:40
**Location:** MARION, VA
**Description:** Cop and several. Object rises / hill. Sparks. Trees uprooted and burnt. / r201p60 / Fate.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA; H. Regnery, Chicago HC 1969 & Contemporary Books,Chicago 1993. 372pp. (Index 634)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7099
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "664", **HatchDesc:** "MARION,VA:COP+SVRL:OBJ RISES/HILL:SPARKS:TREES UPROOTED+BURNT:/r201p60/Fate ", **LatLong:** "36.833335 -81.516671", **LatLongDMS:** "36:50:00 N 81:31:00 W", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/36.833335,-81.516671)", **State/Prov:** "Virginia", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 24710 (E40965EA)
**Date:** 1/25/1965
**Time:** 20:00
**Description:** Many observer(s). Pie-tin object bobs going up [to] & going down [to] over center / Rappahannock River.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SANDERSON, Ivan: INVISIBLE RESIDENTS; World Publishing HB 1970 & Avon Books PB 1973 (Index 228)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7100
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **SUB:** Submersible: Rises from or submerges into water, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "17", **HatchDesc:** "FREDERICKSBURG,VA:MANY OBS:PIE-TIN OBJ BOBS↑&↓ OVR CENTER/RAPPAHANNOCK RIVER", **LatLong:** "38.300002 -77.450004", **LatLongDMS:** "38:18:00 N 77:27:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.300002,-77.450004)", **State/Prov:** "Virginia", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 24711 (E2FE98CD)
**Date:** 1/25/1965
**Location:** Bedford, VA
**Description:** Square Object Size of Football Field (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, Code: D, Rating: 5)
**Reference:** NICAP: [650125](http://www.nicap.org/650125bedford%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2774
### Event 24712 (EF8F024E)
**Date:** 1/25/1965
**Time:** night
**Location:** Marion, Virginia
**Description:** Woody Darnell, policeman, his family, and several neighbors saw a stationary object on the ground. It took off with a shower of sparks. Several trees were found uprooted or calcined at the site.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Fate Jul., 65 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_634
### Event 24713 (3EB049F3)
**Date:** 1/25/1965
**Location:** Marion, Virginia
**Description:** Night. Policeman Woody Darnall, his family, and several neighbors see a glowing object hovering on a mountainside near Marion, Virginia. It seems to explode and take off in a shower of sparks. A group of Marion residents and state forest officials climb to the area and find several treetops bent over and one green tree on fire where the UFO was seen.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Harold H. Deneault Jr., “UFOs Return to Washington,” Fate 18, no. 7 \(July 1965\): 52
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3858
### Event 24714 (4F96351E)
**Date:** 1/25/1965
**Locations:** Fredericksburg, Virginia; Rappahannock Valley
**Description:** Night. Nine persons near Fredericksburg, Virginia, see a UFO that resembles a “Christmas sparkler.” One witness says it looks like a spinning top spitting sparks out of the bottom as it moves up the Rappahannock Valley at treetop level.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Harold H. Deneault Jr., “UFOs Return to Washington,” Fate 18, no. 7 \(July 1965\): 52
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3859
### Event 24715 (EC472726)
**Date:** 1/26/1965
**Location:** Marion, Virginia
**Description:** Evening. Rev. H. Preston Robinson and others in Marion, Virginia, watch an object hovering 600 feet above the city. The object makes a steady buzzing sound and has several lights on its round bottom. Spinning clockwise, it shoots out of sight at fantastic speed. It emits a ball of fire as it disappears.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Harold H. Deneault Jr., “UFOs Return to Washington,” Fate 18, no. 7 \(July 1965\): 52
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3860
### Event 24716 (56C0C941)
**Date:** 1/26/1965
**Locations:** US Highway 250; Brands Flats, Virginia
**Description:** Evening. Steven Houffer, 16, and six friends are driving on US Highway 250 near Brands Flats, Virginia, when they see a small man walking toward the road from a field. He sits down and peers intently at passing cars. Houffer stops the car and he and his friends get out. When they approach, the being runs up a hill. Two other entities appear and run in the same direction. They are all about 3.5 feet tall, wear silvery one-piece garments, and leave no footprints. Police officers conduct a search with local photographer Charles Weaver, but find nothing. Some time later, Houffer and Weaver see a “glowing aluminum barn,” which they go down to investigate. Weaver is walking around inside when something hits him on the head. The two turn to run after Weaver snaps a photo. In the light of the flashbulb, they see a little man standing by the barn. The photo is allegedly confiscated by government agents. A local man, Donald Cash, 6 feet tall, confesses to dressing up in overalls to pose as an alien, although his story does not completely match the details of the account.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[UFO Posses](https://www.newspapers.com/clip/95052927/) [Hit,](https://www.newspapers.com/clip/95053002/)” Staunton \(Va.\) Daily News Leader, January 28, 1965, pp. 1–2; Jerome Clark, “[Two New Contact Claims,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%2C1965%2CMay-Jun%2CV%2011%2CN%203.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 11, no. 3 \(May/June 1965\): 20–21; “[Fed Up with Play: Green Man Confesses,](https://www.newspapers.com/clip/95053933/)” Staunton \(Va.\) Daily News Leader, January 31, 1965, p. 1
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3861
### Event 24717 (51407498)
**Date:** 1/26/1965
**Description:** A group of teenagers, including Steve Miller, age 16, were driving on Route 250 near Brands Flats, Virginia at 7:30 p.m. when they saw a little man about 3 ½ feet tall sitting by the road watching the cars go by. He was wearing a silvery looking one-piece outfit. They got out of the car and pursued the little man. Two more little men joined the first and ran with him, and they easily outran the teens leaving no footprints in the muddy ground. The group then contacted the Staunton police, and within an hour a group of police were on the scene, as well as a young news photographer, Charles Weaver. Weaver, and another man named Huffer approached a barn, which the photographer entered first. Huffer heard his companion call out to him, and when Huffer entered the barn he found Weaver on the ground. Weaver claimed something struck him and knocked him down. The pair left the barn quickly, but as they fled they thought they saw a little man standing in front of the building. Weaver paused long enough to take a photo before joining up with the other investigators. The disposition of the photograph has never been determined.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case # 1965-09 (A0619), citing a newspaper clipping, January 27, 1965
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_519
### Event 24718 (1F2A1F7D)
**Date:** 1/27/1965
**Location:** HAMPTON, VA
**Description:** 2 NASA engineers and more/others. Object zigzags and lands. Rapid vertical ascent. / r74p54.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO Evidence II: HB: Scarecrow Press Lanham, MD. http://www.scarecrowpress.com ISBN 0-8108-3881-8 (Index 156)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7101
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "HAMPTON,VA:2 NASA ENGINEERS++:OBJ ZIGZAGS+LANDS:RAPID VERTCL ASCENT:/r74p54", **LatLong:** "37.016668 -76.366670", **LatLongDMS:** "37:01:00 N 76:22:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.016668,-76.366670)", **State/Prov:** "Virginia", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 24719 (5CD14BE5)
**Date:** 1/27/1965
**Location:** AltaVista, VA
**Description:** Bright Light In Erratic Pattern (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, Code: D, Rating: 2)
**Reference:** NICAP: [650127](http://www.nicap.org/650127altavista%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2775
### Event 24720 (C1820D0D)
**Date:** 1/27/1965
**Location:** Hampton, VA
**Description:** NASA engineer saw V-shaped object with red-orange lights zigzagging at low level. Object touched down briefly, took off, and rapidly climbed out of sight (UFOE II, Section IV). (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2776
### Event 24721 (80C5B4CB)
**Date:** 1/27/1965
**Location:** Plum Tree Island, VA
**Description:** Zig-Zagging Object Lands / Takes Off (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, Code: D, Rating: 5)
**Reference:** NICAP: [650127](http://nicap.org/650127plum%5Ftree%5Fisle%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2777
### Event 24722 (C6DFFD74)
**Date:** 1/27/1965
**Location:** Hampton, VA
**Description:** NASA engineer saw V-shaped object with red-orange lights zigzagging at low level. Object touched down briefly, took off, rapidly climbed out of sight
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_34
### Event 24723 (7DA8CB11)
**Date:** 1/27/1965
**Locations:** Plum Tree Island Wildlife Refuge; Poquoson, Virginia; Hampton, Virginia
**Description:** 6:00 p.m. NASA research engineer A. G. Crimmins Jr. observes an object at Plum Tree Island Wildlife Refuge, near Poquoson, Virginia, that is approximately 75 feet across and 10–15 feet in height. The object has 3– 7 lights colored red and orange and appears to rotate. It moves approximately a quarter mile west of its original position on a zigzag course and then appears to land on the ocean shore. It remains still for about 5 minutes, then takes off to the north and turns right to depart to the east at a high rate of speed. Crimmins watches it through 20x binoculars. The same object is apparently seen by retired USAF Maj. John R. Nayadley, another NASA research engineer, who observes a V-shaped object with blinking red-orange lights over Hampton, Virginia.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** NICAP, “[Zig-Zagging Object Lands / Takes Off](http://www.nicap.org/650127plum%5Ftree%5Fisle%5Fdir.htm)”; “[New Sightings Put AF on Spot,](http://www.cufos.org/UFOI%5Fand%5FSelected%5FDocuments/UFOI/025%20MAR-APR%201965.pdf)” UFO Investigator 3, no. 1 \(March/April 1965\): 4; UFOEv II 156
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3862
### Event 24724 (BD1CD43C)
**Date:** 1/27/1965
**Description:** 11:15 p.m. [Donald Keyhoe](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald%5FKeyhoe) and NICAP board member [Joseph Bryan III](https://www.encyclopediavirginia.org/Bryan%5FJoseph%5FIII%5F1904-1993) appear on the Les Crane Show and are questioned skeptically by [Crane](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Les%5FCrane).
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Donald E. Keyhoe, “[The Crane Show Fiasco,](http://www.cufos.org/UFOI%5Fand%5FSelected%5FDocuments/UFOI/025%20MAR-APR%201965.pdf)” UFO Investigator 3, no. 1 \(March/April 1965\): 6
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3863
### Event 24725 (64040E77)
**Date:** 1/28/1965
**Location:** USA, Staunton, Virginia
**Description:** (Translated from French) A young man went to the police to say that he and his friends had encountered three little space men and that one of his friends had taken a photo to prove it. The boy, Steven, said that they were seven in a car driving to Brand Flats when they saw someone coming out of a field towards the road, seeming to examine the cars that passed by. Remembering stories of flying saucers in the area, he stopped the car. They got out and tried to catch the entity that ran away up the hill. It was on the hill that two other entities appeared. They ran much faster than the boys. They were about 1.2 meters tall and were covered in a one-piece silver-colored tight suit. In the field there were no footprints of the strangers. The police sent 10 men, including a photographer, to investigate. After an hour, having found no evidence, the police left, but the young man stayed on the spot with the photographer. That's how they found a small shiny aluminum shed where they entered. At that moment they had the impression that the shed was lifted and they quickly left, but Wilson managed to photograph it as it rose. In the light of the flash, Wilson saw one of the little men standing next to the shed. [Note from Vog: All these stories from the cited source seem abracadabrant to me... because here, the young man initially claims that one of his friends has already taken a photo, while in the story, it is the photographer sent by the police who takes one...]
**Reference:** APRG, on the Internet in May 1997
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2306
### Event 24726 (82C3695A)
**Date:** 1/28/1965
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) The [NASA](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/NASA.html) explains the 4 disc-shaped objects observed escorting the launch of [Gemini](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/Gemini.html) 10 months prior: The objects, observed and detected around GT-1 put into orbit by a *Titan II* launcher on April 8 [1964](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/1964.html), are pieces of the structure during the launcher-capsule separation. (January 28)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1965.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2093
### Event 24727 (5FB43898)
**Date:** 1/28/1965
**Location:** Various Locations, AK
**Description:** (McDonald list) Tear Drop Shaped Object Tracked on Radar (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** NICAP: [650128](http://www.nicap.org/650128alaska%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2778
### Event 24728 (9DC95F63)
**Date:** 1/29/1965
**Location:** MONTEREY, CA
**Description:** Mayor and family. Vibrant bright object does acrobatics. Rises and drops. Submerges?
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SANDERSON, Ivan: INVISIBLE RESIDENTS; World Publishing HB 1970 & Avon Books PB 1973 (Index 42)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7102
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **SUB:** Submersible: Rises from or submerges into water, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "15", **Elev:** "12", **HatchDesc:** "MONTEREY,CA:MAYOR+FAMILY:VBRITE OBJ DOES ACROBATICS:RISES+DROPS:SUBMERGES?", **LatLong:** "36.600002 -121.883339", **LatLongDMS:** "36:36:00 N 121:53:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/36.600002,-121.883339)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 24729 (69B6E2B2)
**Date:** 1/29/1965
**Location:** 37.0000 -116.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Tern” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_395
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0000 -116.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:00 N 116:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0000,-116.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Tern", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 24730 (AF8AA9A3)
**Date:** 1/29/1965
**Location:** Monterey, California
**Description:** In Monterey, California, Mayor George Clemens and his family see a bright light performing acrobatics in the northern sky. It hovers, then shoots straight up about 500 feet, fades, drops down, and hovers again. Then it drops toward the water and disappears. The Coast Guard finds nothing.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Sanderson, [InvRes](https://www.scribd.com/document/429706119/Invisible-Residents-The-Reality-of-Underwater-UFOs)[,](https://www.scribd.com/document/429706119/Invisible-Residents-The-Reality-of-Underwater-UFOs) p. 50
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3864
### Event 24731 (19C8C651)
**Date:** 1/30/1965
**Location:** USA, Watsonville, California
**Description:** (Translated from French) Sid Roderick, 45, had an encounter with a nine-person space crew and took a ride in a flying saucer. It was perched on the side of the hill less than 10 minutes from Roderick's home. It was about 2 o'clock in the morning when the event occurred, during one of his usual night walks. He heard a faint buzzing and saw the ship. After landing, a voice coming from the object assured Roderick of the friendly intentions of the visitors. Then, a character called Ziena emerged through a door at ground level. Roderick was invited inside, which was at least two stories high. There were 14 rooms, and the crew, of perfectly human appearance, wore an elegant blue-white outfit. Inside the ship the light was also bluish-white. The character Ziena spoke English. Among themselves, the other members communicated through facial expressions and gestures. Roderick received a message of peace with a religious aspect...
**Reference:** APRG, on the Internet in May 1997
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2307
### Event 24732 (55CE7E0B)
**Date:** 1/30/1965
**Time:** ~02:00
**Location:** MANRESA BEACH, CA
**Description:** 70' saucer. Observer(s) taken / ride. Long talk with 8 pseudo-human/entity! / r211p44+/ r249p364.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: ABOVE TOP SECRET; Sidgewick & Jackson, London 1987 & Quill Books, 1988. 592pp. (Index 293)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7103
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HOX:** Suspicion of hoax, **CNT:** Contactee related, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **CVS:** Conversation/communication, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **MIL:** Military investigation
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "4", **Duration:** "15", **Elev:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "MANRESA BEACH,CA:70'SCR:OBS TAKEN/RIDE:LONG TALK W/8 PSH!:/r211p44+/r249p364", **LatLong:** "36.905557 -121.833339", **LatLongDMS:** "36:54:20 N 121:50:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/36.905557,-121.833339)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "13"
### Event 24733 (41DCC524)
**Date:** 1/30/1965
**Location:** Newport News, VA
**Description:** Triangular Object With No Sound (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, Code: D, Rating: 5)
**Reference:** NICAP: [650130](http://www.nicap.org/650130newportnews%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2779
### Event 24734 (00240472)
**Date:** 1/30/1965
**Locations:** Manresa Beach; Watsonville, California; Hamilton AFB
**Description:** 2:00 a.m. TV repairman [Sid Padrick](https://www.encyclopedia.com/science/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/padrick-sid-fl-1965) is walking along Manresa Beach near his home in Watsonville, California. He hears a jet-like noise and sees a huge UFO moving slowly towards him. He hears a voice saying, “We are not hostile,” and inviting him aboard. He enters the craft and sees a human in a flying suit who calls himself “Xeno” and gives Padrick a tour of the ship and other crew members that culminates in a deeply spiritual experience. Padrick reports his experience to Hamilton AFB \[now closed\] on February 4 and receives a 3-hour visit from Maj. [Damon B. Reeder](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/103071757/damon-brewster-reeder) on February 8, and perhaps other officers after that.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Jerome Clark, “[Two New](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%2C1965%2CMay-Jun%2CV%2011%2CN%203.pdf) [Contact Claims,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%2C1965%2CMay-Jun%2CV%2011%2CN%203.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 11, no. 3 \(May/June 1965\): 20–21; Clark III 869–871; Good Above, [pp.](https://archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/292/mode/2up) [293–298](https://archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/292/mode/2up); Good Need, [pp. 247–251](https://archive.org/details/needtoknow00good/page/246/mode/2up); Lorenzen, Encounters with UFO Occupants, Berkley Medallion, 1976; “[Contactee Loses Court Case,](http://www.cufos.org/UFOI%5Fand%5FSelected%5FDocuments/UFOI/061%20APRIL%201971.pdf)” UFO Investigator, April 1971, p. 1; Patrick Gross, [URECAT](https://ufologie.patrickgross.org/ce3/1965-01-30-usa-selvabeach.htm)[,](https://ufologie.patrickgross.org/ce3/1965-01-30-usa-selvabeach.htm) August 19, 2008; Marcus Lowth, “[Sidney Padrick’s California Beach Encounter with ‘Xeno,’](https://www.ufoinsight.com/aliens/encounters/sidney-padricks-california-beach-encounter-xeno)” UFO Insight, October 12, 2017; Curt Collins, “[1965: UFO Contact in California,](https://thesaucersthattimeforgot.blogspot.com/2021/12/1965-ufo-contact-in-california.html)” The Saucers That Time Forgot, December 30, 2021
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3865
### Event 24735 (BD21A2F0)
**Date:** 1/30/1965
**Description:** Sid Padrick, age 52, was walking on the beach in Manresa Beach, Santa Cruz County, California just before 2.00 a.m. when he heard a sound and saw a large dark disc-shaped object that approached from the Pacific Ocean. He started to run from it, but heard a voice frpm it saying, “Do not be frightened, we are not hostile.” It descended to within two feet of the beach. Mr. Padrick was invited by the voice to come onboard, which he did. The UFO, which bore no lights, was shaped like a 50 foot sphere with top and bottom cut off, and surrounded by a horizontal flange. The witness entered through a brilliantly lit antechamber, and was met by a young man dressed in a tight fitting, bluish white two piece uniform, continuous with the boots. The UFO occupant identified himself as "Zeeno" and said that he came from a planet invisible to us, as it is always behind one of the planets we can see. He further explained that their society had no sickness, vice or crime. Padrick saw on a TV screen another such vessel, identified as their “navigating craft.” He was taken for a ride to a spot in the mountains and brought back to the beach after two hours.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Major Damon B. Reeder, U.S. Air Force for Project Blue Book; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case # 1965-10 (A0620), citing Paul Cerny; John Keel, Operation Trojan Horse, p. 228; George D. Fawcett, Flying Saucers, August 1965, p. 58 & October 1966, p. 30
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_601
### Event 24736 (DE86782B)
**Date:** 1/30/1965
**Description:** A triangular UFO was spotted about 8:30 p.m. by Chad Rayfeld, a 17-year-old high school senior, and several friends in Newport News, Virginia. They estimated it was three times bigger than an automobile, very bright, and moving fast across the James River in the direction of Richmond. At the base of the triangle was an orange light with a white light at the leading apex. The triangle made no noise, and was visible for about 20 minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Newport News (VA) Daily Press, January 31, 1965; Project Blue Book files; J. Allen Hynek personal case files
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_602
### Event 24737 (3BCD9508)
**Date:** 1/31/1965
**Time:** 18:20
**Description:** Several / car. 2 saucers hover / high-tension lines. Seem connected. / r111p248.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 785)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7104
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "RENTON> Event 24738 (659D9552)
**Date:** 1/31/1965
**Description:** At 6:15 p.m. three men sighted two discs hovering over some high-tension power lines between Kent and Renton, Washington. The UFOs appeared to be connected to each other.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Coral E. Lorenzen, Flying Saucers: The Startling Evidence of the Invasion from Outer Space, p. 248; J. Allen Hynek, The UFO Experience, p. 248; APRO Bulletin, May-June 1965
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_636
### Event 24739 (02D7046B)
**Date:** 1/31/1965
**Description:** On the same night a group of people in Torrent, Argentina in the province of Corrientes saw a craft land and five tall, "Cyclops" beings (i.e. creatures with only one eye in the middle of their foreheads) emerge. The creatures entered a house and reportedly attempted to abduct a local man, but were driven off.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Phenomenes Spatiaux, June 1965, David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case A0621; Thomas E. Bullard, UFO Abductions: The Measure of a Mystery, case 263
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_637
### Event 24740 (2737FF98)
**Date:** 2/1965
**Location:** USA
**Description:** (Translated from French) The americans launched a large quantity of small devices, the "LES 1" of February 1965 (to test the vulnerability of satellites to space aggression).
**Reference:** "The War of Satellites" - Volume 3 - Pierre Kohler, ed. Famot 1982, p. 93
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2309
### Event 24741 (09D08DF5)
**Date:** 2/1965
**Location:** Mourenx, Pyrénées-Atlantiques, France
**Description:** [George Langelaan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George%5FLangelaan)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George%5FLangelaan) ex-secret service officer and author of the short story “The Fly,” gives a lecture at Mourenx, Pyrénées-Atlantiques, France, and declares that the Russian and US secret services have collaborated on the UFO problem and concluded that the objects are extraterrestrial.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Good Above, [p. 133](https://archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/132/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3866
### Event 24742 (391228A5)
**Date:** 2/1/1965
**Location:** Tallahassee, FL
**Description:** Saucer With Domed Top / Humming Sound / 32-40 Witnesses (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, Code: C, Rating: 5, BB: BB)
**Reference:** NICAP: [650201](http://www.nicap.org/650201tallah%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2780
### Event 24743 (80DF1887)
**Date:** Early 2/1965
**Location:** ARGENTINA, Torrent (Corrientes)
**Description:** (Translated from French) First week. One night a resident asked his neighbors to come out and observe five luminous objects flying over the area. Then, a transparent craft landed and from it emerged five "Martians" about 2 meters tall, each with a single eye in the center of their forehead. On their heads were instruments emitting flashes of different colors. They entered a farm and tried to seize a man, but retreated in the face of the determined attitude of the villagers and fled. On February 6th they returned and were seen by many people. Once again they tried to seize a man and failed. He escaped and raised the alarm. The villagers came out in force and fired shots at the "Martians" but apparently to no effect. (1965, Early February)
**Reference:** Charles BOWEN: "In Search of Humanoids" - J'ai Lu 974, p. 133
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2310
### Event 24744 (F605C30B)
**Date:** 2/2/1965
**Location:** PACIFIC 174° 15-35° 45N
**Description:** Airborne military observer(s). No further details [in] at all.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFOCAT CATALOG: Assorted Printouts. Donald A. Johnson Ph.D (CUFOS). P.O. Box 446, Concord, NH 03302-0446 (Index 76)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7105
**Attributes:** **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Pacific Ocean and non - Asian islands", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "PACIFIC 174°15-35°45N:AIRBORNE MIL OBS:NFD at all", **LatLong:** "35.750002 -174.250008", **LatLongDMS:** "35:45:00 N 174:15:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/35.750002,-174.250008)", **State/Prov:** "NPC", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 24745 (5121F9F5)
**Date:** 2/2/1965
**Location:** VA, DC, MD, various
**Description:** Airborne & Ground Sightings, Radar Track (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5)
**Reference:** NICAP: [650202](http://www.nicap.org/650202VA-DC-MD%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2781
### Event 24746 (5BE87AF6)
**Date:** 2/3/1965
**Time:** 20:50
**Description:** Several separate observer(s). 7M saucer rises / beach. Grass flattened. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v16#6+/ r8.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO Evidence II: HB: Scarecrow Press Lanham, MD. http://www.scarecrowpress.com ISBN 0-8108-3881-8 (Index 262)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7106
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "New Zealand", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "SE/BRIGHTON,NZ:SVRL SEP.OBS:7M SCR RISES/BEACH:GRASS FLATTENED:/FSR v16#6+/r8", **LatLong:** "-46.066669 170.400008", **LatLongDMS:** "46:04:00 S 170:24:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-46.066669,170.400008)", **State/Prov:** "SI", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 24747 (41FCA715)
**Date:** 2/3/1965
**Time:** 2045
**Location:** South Brighton, New Zealand
**Description:** A man saw a light on the beach near Penguin Street and got out of his car to observe it. He then heard a modulated whistling sound and saw an object, 7 m wide, rise from the beach to an altitude of about 20 m. He came back to the site with other persons, and a dog that became restless at a spot where grass was found flattened. Another witness, driving near Humphrey Ave., saw the object as it rose over South Brighton.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** 149 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_635
### Event 24748 (4E0A15A5)
**Date:** 2/3/1965
**Locations:** Penguin Street; South New Brighton; New Zealand
**Description:** 8:45 p.m. A man sees a light on the beach near Penguin Street, South New Brighton, New Zealand, and gets out of his car to observe it. He hears a modulated whistling sound and sees an object, 22 feet wide, rise from the beach to an altitude of 60 feet. He returns with other witnesses and a dog that gets restless at a spot where grass is flattened. Another witness sees the UFO as it is rising above the suburb.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Vallée, Magonia, [p. 305](https://archive.org/details/passporttomagoni0000vall/page/304/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3867
### Event 24749 (1E0507ED)
**Date:** 2/3/1965
**Description:** At 10:45 p.m. several people witnessed a large, seven-meter diameter disc-shaped UFO ascend from the beach in South Brighton, New Zealand. It emitted a whistling noise as it rose up, and dogs in the area behaved in a highly agitated manner. Flattened dune grass was discovered at the landing site.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Gordon I. R. Lore, Jr., Strange Effects from UFOs, p. 69; Jacque Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 635, citing the Press Evening Post, February 4, 1965; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume 2: A Thirty Year Report, p. 262
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_678
### Event 24750 (7D7FB702)
**Date:** 2/4/1965 (approximate)
**Description:** Several report(s) / different dates. 2M 1-eye monster(s) / saucer try abductions. / r8#636.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BOWEN, Charles (ed.) The HUMANOIDS: HB Henry Regnery, Chicago 1969. 256pp. PB 1977 Futura, London (Index 109)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7107
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **MON:** Monster: Life form fits no category, **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "5", **Duration:** "112", **Elev:** "56", **HatchDesc:** "TORRENT+SANTO TOME,ARG:SVRL RPTs/diff dates:2M 1-EYE MONS/SCR TRY ABDs:/r8#636", **LatLong:** "-28.833335 -56.477780", **LatLongDMS:** "28:50:00 S 56:28:40 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-28.833335,-56.477780)", **State/Prov:** "CRD", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 24751 (2064ABB4)
**Date:** 2/4/1965
**Location:** Torrent, Argentina
**Description:** Several persons observed five luminous objects in flight. A transparent craft landed, and five creatures, about 2 m high, with one eye on the forehead and flashing helmets, emerged and tried to abduct a villager. Approximate date.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Humanoids 39 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_636
### Event 24752 (D2719CA9)
**Date:** 2/4/1965
**Time:** 15:30:00.1
**Location:** 37.1308 -116.0616
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Cashmere” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_396
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1308 -116.0616", **LatLongDMS:** "37:07:51 N 116:03:42 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1308,-116.0616)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.23", **NukeName:** "Cashmere", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 24753 (B631C29A)
**Date:** 2/4/1965
**Time:** 06:00:00.0
**Location:** 49.7731 77.9914
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: .001KT YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1263
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.7731 77.9914", **LatLongDMS:** "49:46:23 N 77:59:29 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.7731,77.9914)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "KRR", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** ".001", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 24754 (7774125D)
**Date:** 2/4/1965
**Description:** On or about this date several people in Torrent, Corrientes province, Argentina observed five luminous objects in flight at night. A transparent craft landed, and five creatures about two meters high, with one eye in the forehead and flashing helmets, emerged and tried to abduct one of the villagers.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case # 636; citing Charles Bowen, FSR Special Issue # 1: The Humanoids, p. 39
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_689
### Event 24755 (734704DD)
**Date:** 2/11/1965
**Location:** Pacific Ocean
**Description:** Personal Interview report by Capt. D.M. (initials): Aerial encounter of three UFOs with radar and visual sightings. Air Force flight F-169 en route from Anchorage, AL, to Japan. Capt. R.W. (initials) and Capt. W.(initial) observed 3 UFOs on radar 5 miles off the wing. The UFOs paced the Flying Tiger freighter aircraft for 30 minutes then climbed away at a steep angle at about 1200 knots ground speed. Estimated size (thumb and finger method) approx. 200 to 1000 ft. diam., glowing red and oval shaped. The pilot remarked, “we often see UFOs on the Alaskan run!”
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [Pea Research](https://www.academia.edu/9813787/GOVERNMENT_INVOLVEMENT_IN_THE_UFO_COVER_UP_CHRONOLOGY_based)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_626
### Event 24756 (1B142E1A)
**Date:** 2/11/1965
**Location:** North Pacific Ocean
**Description:** F-169 paced by three huge objects; radar/visual; extreme speed.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [_UFOs and the National Security State: Chronology of a Cover-up, 1941–1973_, by Richard Dolan](https://archive.org/details/ufosnationalsecu00dola/mode/2up)
**Source:** Dolan, **ID:** Dolan_256
### Event 24757 (8F0D5B6D)
**Date:** 2/11/1965
**Location:** EAST / HOKKAIDO, JP
**Description:** Air Force man / flying tiger airline(s)/airliner. 3 1000' saucers / RADAR's. / r47p155+/ r41p57.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 38)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7108
**Attributes:** **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RDR:** Radar traces/blips, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Pacific Ocean and non - Asian islands", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "E/HOKKAIDO,JP:AF MAN/FLYING TIGER AL:3 1000' SCRS/RDRS:/r47p155+/r41p57", **LatLong:** "42.500002 165.000008", **LatLongDMS:** "42:30:00 N 165:00:00 E", **Locale:** "Islands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.500002,165.000008)", **State/Prov:** "ALU", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 24758 (C5C9BE55)
**Date:** 2/11/1965
**Time:** 19:40
**Location:** BOULDER, CO
**Description:** 1 / college. 6 white footballs going north in formation. Odd wings.. no tails. 2 / odd maneuvers.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 787)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7109
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "1629", **HatchDesc:** "BOULDER,CO:1/COLLEGE:6 WHT FOOTBALLS >N/FORMn:ODD WINGS..NO TAILS:2/ODD MNVRS", **LatLong:** "40.033335 -105.283338", **LatLongDMS:** "40:02:00 N 105:17:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.033335,-105.283338)", **State/Prov:** "Colorado", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 24759 (7A790013)
**Date:** 2/11/1965
**Location:** Bt. Anchorage, Alaska & Tachikawa Air Base, Japan
**Description:** Radar/Visual Over Pacific Ocean (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5)
**Reference:** NICAP: [650211](http://www.nicap.org/650211pacific%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2782
### Event 24760 (CECAE4E3)
**Date:** 2/11/1965
**Location:** Pacific Ocean, At Sea
**Description:** 3 ovals pace Flying Tiger crew (radar) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2783
### Event 24761 (09D6F4A3)
**Date:** 2/11/1965
**Location:** Pacific Ocean
**Description:** Flying Tiger aircrew observed three red oval objects, tracked on airborne radar. Paced aircraft for 30 minutes, departed upward at high speed
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_35
### Event 24762 (8E302B99)
**Date:** 2/11/1965
**Alternate date:** 2/15/1965
**Locations:** Anchorage, Alaska; Tachikawa Airfield, Tokyo, Japan
**Description:** Night. A Flying Tiger Line cargo aircraft \(Flight F-169\) en route from Anchorage, Alaska, to Tachikawa Airfield, Tokyo, Japan, encounters three gigantic, glowing, red UFOs, at least 200 feet in diameter, about 4 hours out of Anchorage. The aircraft radar also picks them up about 5 miles off the wing. They pace the plane for 30 minutes, then speed away at 1,380 mph.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** NICAP, “[Radar/Visual over Pacific Ocean](http://www.nicap.org/650211pacific%5Fdir.htm)”; Richard H. Hall, Uninvited Guests, Aurora, 1988, pp. 249–250; Keyhoe, Aliens from Space, Signet ed., 1974, [pp. 128–129](https://archive.org/details/aliensfromspacer00keyh/page/128/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3868
### Event 24763 (E3F7955F)
**Date:** 2/11/1965
**Locations:** The Pentagon; Richmond, Virginia
**Description:** The Pentagon sends Blue Book chief Maj. [Hector Quintanilla](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hector%5FQuintanilla) to Richmond, Virginia, on a debunking tour. Stressing delusions and hoaxes, he tells reporters that not a single UFO report is genuine. His press conference display includes false UFO photos and fake debris. “I am a facts man,” Quintanilla says. “I cannot explain why people want to see UFOs.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[AF Misleads Senator,](http://www.cufos.org/UFOI%5Fand%5FSelected%5FDocuments/UFOI/026%20APR-MAY%201965.pdf)” UFO Investigator 3, no. 2 \(May/June 1965\): 4
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3869
### Event 24764 (EE1F4E93)
**Date:** 2/11/1965
**Description:** On this day three very large red oval objects were visible out of the cabin window of a Flying Tiger Airlines cargo plane flying over the North Pacific between Anchorage, Alaska and Tachikawa AFB, Japan. The UFOs paced the aircraft for 30 minutes. They were estimated to be from 200 feet to 1000 feet in diameter, at a distance of five miles. They were tracked on airborne radar making a high speed vertical ascent at extreme speed.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP UFO Investigator, May 1965, p. 1; Gordon I. R. Lore, Jr., UFOs: A New Look, p. 6; Richard Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty-Year Report, pp. 3, 76, 117, 242, & 249; Richard Dolan, UFO's and the National Security State: Chronology of a Cover-up 1941-1973, p. 412
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_822
### Event 24765 (096E1352)
**Date:** 2/12/1965
**Time:** 15:10:29.5
**Location:** 37.1645 -116.0766
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Alpaca” Yield: .33KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_397
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1645 -116.0766", **LatLongDMS:** "37:09:52 N 116:04:36 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1645,-116.0766)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.22", **NukeName:** "Alpaca", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** ".33"
### Event 24766 (210250AC)
**Date:** 2/12/1965
**Description:** A strange looking plane was seen to dive into the sea near Minehead on the North Devon, England coast. Four witnesses saw it from two different points along the coast. A lifeboat, two RAF helicopters, and a Shackleton failed to find anything after a 90 minute search, and no planes were reported missing. The "ghost plane" may have been seen inland before it reached the sea, for a strange low-flying plane was reportedly seen over Swainswick, near Bath in Somerset, England. The ash-grey "plane" was flying about 100 feet above the road in a west-southwestly direction. It had a misty appearance, despite the fact that there was no fog or mist at the time. It came from behind some trees, and then literally just disappeared. "The strange part was that it made no sound and did not appear to have an engine, but it was certainly not a glider."
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Janet Gregory, FSR, September-October 1971, pp. 29-30; Ivan T. Sanderson, Invisible Residents, p. 43
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_863
### Event 24767 (2E33B401)
**Date:** 2/14/1965
**Description:** Walking along the beach near Guarani, Brazil five local residents saw a large flying object land. Two of them approached to within 60 feet and hid behind a sand dune. They saw three eight-foot tall beings, very thin in build, emerge from the craft. They wore dark, tight-fitting one-piece suits. There were later found landing imprints and footprints at the landing site.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Timothy Green Beckley, Saga UFO Special, March 1972, p. 23; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case A1552, citing Beckley
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_915
### Event 24768 (D9F2AC42)
**Date:** 2/15/1965
**Description:** Powerful light in sky. Back 15 Jun. '71 / 2315hrs flying fast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LOURENCO, Victor: The PORTUCAT CATALOG; (BBS Download). (Index 82)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7110
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Portugal", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "VIMIOSO,PORTUGAL:POWERFUL LITE IN SKY::BACK 15JUN71/2315hrs FLYING FAST", **LatLong:** "41.616669 -6.533334", **LatLongDMS:** "41:37:00 N 06:32:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.616669,-6.533334)", **State/Prov:** "TOM", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 24769 (E77A37AC)
**Date:** 2/16/1965
**Time:** 17:20
**Location:** SR12 NORTH / BETHEL, VT
**Description:** 7 observer(s). 3 large bright orbs / 200' altitude. Going quickly east / 2000mph. / r235p20+/ r83p55.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 37)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7111
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "170", **HatchDesc:** "SR12 N/BETHEL,VT:7 OBS:3 LRG BRITE ORBS/200'alt:>>E/2000mph:/r235p20+/r83p55", **LatLong:** "43.900002 -72.650003", **LatLongDMS:** "43:54:00 N 72:39:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.900002,-72.650003)", **RelAlt:** "60", **State/Prov:** "Vermont", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 24770 (5AFAF821)
**Date:** 2/16/1965
**Time:** 20:10
**Location:** GROVELAND, MA
**Description:** 5+1 observer(s). Domed saucer / 500' altitude. Blue and white lights. Hums. / NICAP v3#1.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FOWLER, Raymond E.: UFO'S, INTERPLANETARY VISITORS; Prentice Hall & Bantam Books, NY 1979. 346pp. (Index 60)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7112
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "15", **HatchDesc:** "GROVELAND,MA:5+1 OBS:DOMED SCR/500' ALT:BLUE+WHT LITES:HUMS:/NICAP v3#1", **LatLong:** "42.733335 -71.033337", **LatLongDMS:** "42:44:00 N 71:02:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.733335,-71.033337)", **RelAlt:** "150", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 24771 (CDC0C8F0)
**Date:** 2/16/1965
**Time:** 17:30:00.0
**Location:** 37.0516 -116.0238
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Merlin” Yield: 10.1KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_398
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0516 -116.0238", **LatLongDMS:** "37:03:06 N 116:01:26 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0516,-116.0238)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.30", **NukeName:** "Merlin", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "10.1"
### Event 24772 (DC2D1A12)
**Date:** 2/16/1965
**End date:** 2/18/1965
**Locations:** Sedan Crater; Buckboard Mesa; Nevada Test Site
**Description:** Astronauts [Neil Armstrong](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neil%5FArmstrong), [Richard F. Gordon Jr.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard%5FF.%5FGordon%5FJr), [Buzz Aldrin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buzz%5FAldrin)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buzz%5FAldrin) [David Scott](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David%5FScott), and [Rusty Schweikart](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rusty%5FSchweickart) visit Sedan Crater and Buckboard Mesa at the Nevada Test Site to practice carrying out geological observations in preparation for a moon landing.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Nevada National Security Site, “[Apollo Astronauts Train at the Nevada Test](https://www.nnss.gov/docs/fact%5Fsheets/DOENV%5F772.pdf) [Site,](https://www.nnss.gov/docs/fact%5Fsheets/DOENV%5F772.pdf)” July 2019
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3870
### Event 24773 (54D9B262)
**Date:** 2/16/1965
**Description:** A group of boy scouts lead by a Mr. Smythe sighted a domed disc at 8:10 p.m. in a rural area of Groveland, Massachusetts. The UFO carried a white light on its trailing edge and a blue light on its forward edge. It was estimated to be 150 feet away at its closest approach, and at an altitude of 500 feet. It made a humming noise.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Raymond E. Fowler, UFOs: Interplanetary Visitors, pp. 62, 331; NICAP UFO Investigator, April 1965, p. 4
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_942
### Event 24774 (1B8CEF69)
**Date:** 2/18/1965
**Time:** 16:18:47.2
**Location:** 36.8180 -115.9492
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Wishbone” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_399
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "36.8180 -115.9492", **LatLongDMS:** "36:49:05 N 115:56:57 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/36.8180,-115.9492)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.18", **NukeMb:** "4.54", **NukeName:** "Wishbone", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 24775 (0CAA82F9)
**Date:** 2/19/1965
**Location:** 37.0000 -116.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Seersucker” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_400
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0000 -116.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:00 N 116:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0000,-116.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Seersucker", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 24776 (070F716F)
**Date:** 2/21/1965
**Location:** ARGENTINA Chalac
**Description:** (Translated from French) The place is located near the Argentinian-Paraguayan border. Several saucers were seen in flight and one of them landed. About 50 Indians from the Toba tribe remained astonished while three tall beings, enveloped in luminous halos, descended from the craft and approached slowly. The Indians knelt and paid homage to them, raising their arms according to the tradition of the Sun worship ceremony of their ancestors. They then heard a voice coming from the creatures of the craft saying that they should not be afraid, for the People of Space would soon return to convince the Earthlings of their existence and to bring peace to the world. An Indian who tried to approach the machine was dissuaded by gestures. The visitors then returned slowly to the craft, bathed during this time in the luminous rays coming from the small wings of the craft. The craft flew away, its luminosity becoming blinding. Argentine police officers were present and took a number of photographs of the craft.
**Reference:** Charles BOWEN: "In Search of Humanoids" - J'ai Lu 1974, p. 134
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2311
### Event 24777 (8F938C25)
**Date:** 2/21/1965
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** CHALAC, ARG
**Description:** 50 indians and cops. 3 tall pseudo-human/entity / several saucers. Cops take photographs. / FSR'65#4+/ r8.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BOWEN, Charles (ed.) The HUMANOIDS: HB Henry Regnery, Chicago 1969. 256pp. PB 1977 Futura, London (Index 110)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7113
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **CVS:** Conversation/communication, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "20", **Elev:** "60", **HatchDesc:** "CHALAC,ARG:50 INDIANS+COPS:3 TALL PSH/SVRL SCRS:COPS TAKE FOTOS:/FSR'65#4+/r8", **LatLong:** "-26.133335 -58.266669", **LatLongDMS:** "26:08:00 S 58:16:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-26.133335,-58.266669)", **State/Prov:** "CHC", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 24778 (9CCDB89D)
**Date:** 2/21/1965
**Time:** 2100
**Location:** Chalac, Argentina
**Description:** About 50 Toba Indians, including policemen, saw three little men with luminous glows emerge from an object that had made several low passes over the village with other flying craft. A photographer took several pictures and noted that the creatures feared the light from his flash camera. The object increased in luminosity as it took off.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** CODOVNI; FSR 65, 4 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_637
### Event 24779 (13865F47)
**Date:** 2/21/1965
**Description:** At least 50 members of the Toba Indian tribe in Chalac, Formosa Province, Argentina watched as a group of UFOs were seen flying overhead at around 9 p.m. One of the craft, bathed constantly in light beams emanating from small wing-like projections, landed in a pasture, and three tall beings enveloped in luminous halos emerged, causing the local population to go down on their knees. The beings approached slowly, with gestures that dissuaded one of the Indians from coming any closer to the UFO. A voice was then heard, telling the witnesses to remain calm for there was nothing to fear, and that the space people would return to bring peace on earth. The humanoids then returned to their craft, which then took off with a blinding luminosity. Photographs were said to have been taken by local police officers.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Donald B. Hanlon, Flying Saucer Review, March-April 1966, p. 16; Gordon Creighton, The Humanoids: FSR Special Edition No. 1, p. 39; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1965-13; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 637
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1032
### Event 24780 (32360CD9)
**Date:** 2/24/1965
**Time:** 19:20
**Location:** CAMBRIDGE, MASS
**Description:** 1 observer. Blue glowing deltoid rotates counterclockwise slowly. Rises 45-angle.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FOWLER, Raymond E.: UFO'S, INTERPLANETARY VISITORS; Prentice Hall & Bantam Books, NY 1979. 346pp. (Index 320)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7114
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "CAMBRIDGE,MASS:1 OBS:BLUE GLOWING DELTOID ROTATES CCW SLOWLY:RISES 45-ANGLE", **LatLong:** "42.366669 -71.116670", **LatLongDMS:** "42:22:00 N 71:07:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.366669,-71.116670)", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 24781 (CA86BEE9)
**Date:** 2/26/1965
**Location:** Madeleine Rodeffer's house in Silver Spring, Maryland
**Description:** 3:00 p.m. [George Adamski](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George%5FAdamski) takes his last film of a spaceship at [Madeleine Rodeffer](http://luforu.org/madeleine-rodeffer/)’s house in Silver Spring, Maryland.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clark III 41; Good Above, [pp. 374–377](https://archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/374/mode/2up); Douglas Curran, In Advance of the Landing: Folk Concepts of Outer Space, Abbeville, 1985, [pp. 42–48](https://archive.org/details/inadvanceoflandi00doug/page/42/mode/2up); Rene Erik Olsen, \[[George Adamski photo analysis](http://www.adamskifoundation.com/Rene%20Erik%20Olsen%20-%20Denmark/Rene-Denmark.html)\], Adamski Foundation; Marc Hallet, [A Critical Appraisal of George Adamski: The Man Who Spoke to the Space](https://archive.org/details/ACriticalAppraisalOfGeorgeAdamskiTheManWhoSpokeToTheSpaceBrothersREVISEDANDENLARGEDEDITION2016/page/n1/mode/2up) [Brothers](https://archive.org/details/ACriticalAppraisalOfGeorgeAdamskiTheManWhoSpokeToTheSpaceBrothersREVISEDANDENLARGEDEDITION2016/page/n1/mode/2up)[,](https://archive.org/details/ACriticalAppraisalOfGeorgeAdamskiTheManWhoSpokeToTheSpaceBrothersREVISEDANDENLARGEDEDITION2016/page/n1/mode/2up) The Author, 2016
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3871
### Event 24782 (F7494301)
**Date:** 2/27/1965
**Time:** 11:30:00.0
**Location:** 24.0587 5.0311
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground. Country: France Name: “saphir” Yield: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1849
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "24.0587 5.0311", **LatLongDMS:** "24:03:31 N 05:01:52 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/24.0587,5.0311)", **NukeCountry:** "France", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.80", **NukeName:** "saphir", **NukeSource:** "BOLT", **NukeType:** "U", **NukeY:** "20"
### Event 24783 (B9CBF64D)
**Date:** 2/27/1965
**Locations:** Ballarat, Victoria, Australia; Mount Pleasant; Perth UFO Research Group; Flying Saucer Research Society of South Australia
**Description:** The first conference of Australian UFO organizations takes place in Ballarat, Victoria, Australia. It is arranged by W. Howard Sloane of the Ballarat Astronomical Society to share information and remove some of the stigma of UFO research. The conference is held at the Ballarat Municipal Observatory in Mount Pleasant. Representatives of the Perth UFO Research Group, the Victorian Flying Saucer Research Society, the UFO Investigation Centre NSW, and the Flying Saucer Research Society of South Australia are in attendance. Witnesses include Rev. [William Gill](http://theozfiles.blogspot.com/2007/08/reverend-william-bill-booth-gill-1929.html) and Charles Brew. Former Air Marshal [George Jones](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George%5FJones%5F%28RAAF%5Fofficer%29) attends, and the RAAF is represented by B. G. Roberts, senior research scientist at the Operational Research Office, Department of Air. Roberts says that the RAAF has determined that 90% of reports are explainable, but that only those that might be a threat to national security are worth investigating and “there are no documents, files, or dossiers held by the Department which prove the existence of ‘flying saucers.’” The researchers quiz him on the 1953 Drury photographic case, but Roberts is unaware of that one. Jones insists on keeping an open mind about reports like those by Gill and Brew.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Swords 391–392; “[First Australian Convention of UFO Groups,](http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/Australia/Australian%20Flying%20Saucer%20Review/Australian%20Flying%20Saucer%20Review%20-%201965%2006%20-%20no%208%20UFOIC%20-%20INCOMPLETE.pdf)” Australian Flying Saucer Review \(UFOIC\), no. 8 \(June 1965\): 13–15
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3872
### Event 24784 (E17FE1DE)
**Date:** 3/1965
**Location:** USA, Brooksville (California)
**Description:** (Translated from French) In the afternoon, around 2 pm, 60-year-old John R. Reeves was walking when suddenly 400m in front of him he saw a flying saucer 10m in diameter and about 2m high. It was resting on the ground, supported by a landing gear of 4 feet. The craft, blue-green tending to red, had two portholes in its upper part. As Reeves was 30m away from the craft, a creature came out and walked towards him. It stopped at 5m. This entity was 1.5m tall, stocky, wearing a green garment and a green helmet made of "glass". Its skin was dark. All parts of the body were covered, except the face. Its eyes were wider than humans, and the chin more pointed. The unusual visitor gave Reeves some sheets of paper covered with strange writing. These sheets were given to an investigation commission of the Mac Dill base. (Guy TARADE: "S.V. and extraterrestrial civilizations" - J'AI LU, p. 184, 185 - dated March 1) Reeves noticed the object at some distance from him and approached it by a detour, then saw the space man. Around the object was an arrangement of pallets that looked like a Venetian blind and which opened and closed just before the object took off. The device rested on 4 feet and a cylindrical element with disc-shaped steps allowed to enter the device from below. The creature was wearing a tight, gray-silver suit, which seemed stiff. He wore a helmet very similar to an overturned glass cup resting on the shoulders. The head inside was covered with a dark material that hid the hair region. The ears, mouth and nose appeared normal, but the eyes were large and widely separated, with "a flat area" between them. The hands were covered with mittens that seemed very flexible and of the same color as the suit. Reeves did not notice any shoes. Reeves said that the creature coming out of the bushes and approaching the craft noticed him and came towards him. At first it just looked at him. Then he pulled out a small black box from his left side which emitted a flash, after which Reeves turned around. He lost his hat, bent down to pick it up, pivoted and the box emitted another flash. He did not see any flash. Reeves would have found two pieces of very thin paper bearing marks. (1965, 3 (or 4) March)
**Reference:** Charles BOWEN: "In search of humanoids" - J'ai Lu 1974, p. 201 to 203
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2312
### Event 24785 (766DB8B1)
**Date:** 3/2/1965
**Location:** Nr. Brooksville, FL
**Description:** Landed Object And Entity Case / Hoax (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases, Code: En, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** NICAP: [650302](http://www.nicap.org/650302brooksville%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2784
### Event 24786 (45206036)
**Date:** 3/2/1965
**Time:** 1355
**Location:** Brooksville, Florida
**Description:** John F. Reeves, 65, retired, was walking in the woods when he observed an object 10 m in diameter, 2m thick, saucer-shaped with an outer rim and a stairway. After watching it for 10 min, he saw a robotlike being, about 1.30m tall, wearing a silver uniform, glass headgear, and then returned with a The being walked walked to the craft, then returned with a box that emitted a flash when pointed at the witness. The object subsequently took off with a whistling sound.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Atic ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_638
### Event 24787 (446BA5CB)
**Date:** 3/2/1965
**Locations:** Weeki Wachee Springs, Florida; Benton Air Force Station [now Ground Equipment Facility QRC] in Ricketts Glen State Park near Red Rock, Pennsylvania; State Route 487 south of Lopez, Pennsylvania; Williamsport, Pennsylvania; Stewart AFB [now Stewart Air National Guard Base] in Orange County, New York
**Description:** 1:55 p.m. John F. Reeves, 65, retired, while walking in the woods east of Weeki Wachee Springs, Florida, sees a bluish-green and reddish-purple object 20–30 feet in diameter, 6 feet thick, saucer-shaped, and with an outer rim and a stairway, two 2-foot windows on top, landed on the ground on four 4-foot legs about 2,000 feet away. He approaches to 100 feet. After watching the object for 10 minutes, he sees a robot-like being about 200– 300 feet away, about 5 feet tall, wearing a gray-silver uniform, glass dome headgear, wide-spaced eyes, and pointed chin. It walks to 15 feet away from Reeves, stares at him for 1.5 minutes, points a box or 6–7-inch black object at Reeves that emits a flash 3 times, then walks back to the landed vehicle and climbs in. The object has Venetian blind–like blades on the rim that open and close; the rim starts rotating counterclockwise, the landing gear retract, then it takes off with a whooshing-rumbling sound and disappears vertically in less than 10 seconds, dropping two sheets of paper with indecipherable writing, and leaving indentations and footprints in the ground. The case is investigated by MacDill AFB in Tampa. [Richard Hall](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard%5FH.%5FHall) supervises the investigation for NICAP and concludes it is a hoax. \(NICAP, “[Landed Object and Entity Case / Hoax](http://www.nicap.org/650302brooksville%5Fdir.htm)”; “[The Florida ‘Landing’ Incident,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201965%2003%2000%20-%20March-April.pdf)” APRO Bulletin, March/April 1965, pp. 1, 3; Joan Whritenour, “[UFO Lands?](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/Interplanetary%20Intelligence%20Report%20%28Hewes%29/Interplanetary%20Intelligence%20Report%20-%20vol%201%20no%201.pdf)” Interplanetary Intelligence Report 1, no. 1 \(May 1965\): 4; “[Project Blue Book,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/Interplanetary%20Intelligence%20Report%20%28Hewes%29/Interplanetary%20Intelligence%20Report%20-%20vol%201%20no%202.pdf)” Interplanetary Intelligence Report 1, no. 2 \(July 1965\): 8; Clark III 209–218; Jerome Clark, “Passport to Moniheya,” IUR 20, no. 3 \(May/June 1995\): 10–19; [Sparks](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf), p. 304\) March 5 — Two Air Force radar technicians are repairing the height-finder antenna at Benton Air Force Station \[now Ground Equipment Facility QRC\] in Ricketts Glen State Park near Red Rock, Pennsylvania, when they see a small, saucer-shaped object land nearby. As they approach it, a beam of light comes out and strikes both of them. That is the last thing they remember, and they fail to report to the command post. Their equipment is left behind at the antenna, but air police cannot locate the men. Pennsylvania State Police assist in a search of the area. About 16 hours later, a state trooper locates the two men walking along State Route 487 south of Lopez, about 10 miles away. They seem dazed, so they are taken to a hospital in Williamsport, where they are found to be dehydrated and confused. No alcohol or drugs are found. They are then taken to an Air Force hospital at Stewart AFB \[now Stewart Air National Guard Base\] in Orange County, New York. Trace amounts of alpha radiation are found on their clothing and strange marks are on their necks. AFOSI special agents interview them, but the men cannot remember anything. After 2 weeks in the hospital, they are released back to their unit.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “Pennsylvania Abduction from Air Force Base,” Filer’s Files, September 9, 1999; Good Need, [pp. 251–252](https://archive.org/details/needtoknow00good/page/250/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3873
### Event 24788 (2BA711F8)
**Date:** 3/2/1965
**Description:** At 1:55 p.m. John F. Reeves, a retired 65 year old, was hunting for snakes in the woods in Brooksville, Florida when he observed a reddish-purple saucer-shaped object on the ground. It was 30 feet in diameter and 6-7 feet thick, and stood on four legs, with a clear dome on top and a row of vanes like an outer rim around the circumference. It also had a set of stairs. He crept to within 100 feet, and after watching it for 10 minutes he saw a robot-like being, about five feet tall, wearing a silver one-piece uniform with a transparent "fishbowl" helmet. His hands were gloved and he wore metallic looking boots. His eyes were set far apart and he had a pointed chin. The being walked walked to the craft, then returned with a box that emitted two bright flashes when pointed at the witness; Reeves took it to be somekind of camera. The humanoid then re-entered the craft by walking up a small retractable stairway, and the object rose vertically with a whistling noise. Reeves found at the site many dumbbell-shaped footprints, and four roughly equidistant 6 inch holes, left by the landing gear. There were also two folded sheets of thin tissue like paper that bore messages written in an unknown alphabet. Reeves subsequently had further sightings and contacts.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** APRO Bulletin, March-April 1965, p. 1; William J. Dunn, Saucer News, June 1966, p. 6; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case # 638; Coral & Jim Lorenzen, Flying Saucer Occupants, p. 134; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case # 1965-14 (A0625), citing Marshall S. Cleaver, Robert M. Snyder & R. S. Carr for NICAP
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1245
### Event 24789 (C97B71C9)
**Date:** 3/3/1965
**Location:** Point au Fer Reef, LA
**Description:** Ball Of Light Hovers Over Water (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, Code: D, Rating: 5)
**Reference:** NICAP: [650303](http://www.nicap.org/650303pointauferreef%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2785
### Event 24790 (DB7D0008)
**Date:** 3/3/1965
**Time:** 19:13:00.0
**Location:** 37.0645 -116.0372
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Wagtail” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 200KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_401
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0645 -116.0372", **LatLongDMS:** "37:03:52 N 116:02:14 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0645,-116.0372)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.75", **NukeMb:** "5.33", **NukeName:** "Wagtail", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "200"
### Event 24791 (E74CFABD)
**Date:** 3/3/1965
**Time:** 06:14:59.4
**Location:** 49.8247 78.0527
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: .001KT YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1264
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.8247 78.0527", **LatLongDMS:** "49:49:29 N 78:03:10 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.8247,78.0527)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.60", **NukeSource:** "BOCHAROV", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** ".001", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 24792 (F33C0B2E)
**Date:** 3/4/1965
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In Corvallis \(Oregon\), W. V. Harrison sees 3 lights rising from the ground at a few seconds interval. (March 4, 9:23 PM)
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#9301 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1965.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2094
### Event 24793 (BECB594B)
**Date:** 3/4/1965
**Time:** 21:20
**Location:** CORVALLIS, OR
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #9301. 2 / car. 3 night lights rise / ground / sequence. Oily spots found. / USAF Tech. Intel. Center. (ATIC.)
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA; H. Regnery, Chicago HC 1969 & Contemporary Books,Chicago 1993. 372pp. (Index 639)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7115
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "69", **HatchDesc:** "CORVALLIS,OR:BBK#9301:2/CAR:3 NLTS RISE/GND/SEQUENCE:OILY SPOTS FOUND:/Atic", **LatLong:** "44.566669 -123.250006", **LatLongDMS:** "44:34:00 N 123:15:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.566669,-123.250006)", **State/Prov:** "Oregon", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 24794 (B242801A)
**Date:** 3/4/1965
**Location:** Corvallis, OR
**Description:** 3 yellow-orange spheres rise rapidly from the ground (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 9301)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2786
### Event 24795 (5E54586E)
**Date:** 3/4/1965
**Location:** New York, NY
**Description:** Rapid Blimp-Like Object Over Hudson River (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, Code: D, Rating: 5)
**Reference:** NICAP: [650304](http://www.nicap.org/650304newyork%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2787
### Event 24796 (F0CE3109)
**Date:** 3/4/1965
**Time:** 1830
**Location:** Corvallis, Oregon
**Description:** A farmer and his employee saw from their car three yellow-orange spheres rapidly rising. Oily spots were found in the field.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Atic ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_639
### Event 24797 (0EB98537)
**Date:** 3/4/1965
**Time:** 9:23 PM
**Location:** Corvallis, Oregon
**Description:** Witness: W.V. Harrison. Three lights rose from the ground, several seconds apart. The next day, an oily spot was found at the site.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_518
### Event 24798 (703439EB)
**Date:** 3/4/1965
**Description:** At 6:30 p.m. a farmer and his hired hand in Corvallis, Oregon saw from their car three yellowish-orange spheres rising fast into the sky from a nearby field. They rose from the ground in sequence, several seconds apart. The next day three oily spots were found at the site. Project Blue Book lists this case as an "unknown."
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** US Air Force Project Blue Book files counted in official statistics, case 9301; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case # 639; Don Berliner, Australasian Ufologist, April 1999, p. 52
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1292
### Event 24799 (ED41D081)
**Date:** 3/5/1965
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) An oily sheen is found on the observation site from the previous day. (March 5)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1965.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2095
### Event 24800 (6E8E2639)
**Date:** 3/5/1965
**Location:** NEAR RED ROCK, PA
**Description:** Small disk going down / Benton AFS. Zaps RADAR techs. Missing time. Found far / north.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FILER's FILES: George A. Filer: MUFON Eastern Dir. (Index 936)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7116
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations, **MIL:** Military investigation
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "60", **Elev:** "379", **HatchDesc:** "nr RED ROCK,PA:SML DISK ↓/BENTON AFS:ZAPS RDR TECHS:MST:FOUND FAR/NORTH:", **LatLong:** "41.283335 -76.300004", **LatLongDMS:** "41:17:00 N 76:18:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.283335,-76.300004)", **State/Prov:** "Pennsylvania", **Strangeness:** "11"
### Event 24801 (B3FA9C0B)
**Date:** 3/5/1965
**Description:** On this afternoon two radar technicians were repairing the height finder radar antenna located northeast of Benton Air Force Base near Red Rock, Pennsylvania when a small metallic looking saucer-shaped object landed near them. A beam of light came out of the object and struck both technicians, and that was the last they could remember of the incident. They failed to report to their command post, and a search by both military and civilian police ensued. Sixteen hours later a state trooper found the two men walking on Route 487 in a dazed state. They were taken to a local hospital and found to be dehydrated. Later, trace amounts of alpha radiation were found on their clothing, and unexplained marks were discovered on their necks. One of the men had a brief recollection of encountering strange short creatures, who poked instruments into his eyes, ears, and mouth.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Larry Hatch, U computer database; Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1965, case # 3376, citing George Filer, Filer's Files, Volume 9, No. 36
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1311
### Event 24802 (670B6329)
**Date:** 3/6/1965
**Description:** In Sydney, New South Wales, Australia a formation of eight silent, yellow lighted objects trailing sparks flew through the sky, at a speed many times faster than the speed of sound.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Michael Hervey, UFOs over the Southern Hemisphere, p. 88
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1331
### Event 24803 (03C90B4E)
**Date:** 3/6/1965
**Description:** At 7:30 p.m. in Mobile, Alabama Mrs. B. Crutchfield saw a sphere encircled in the middle with windows. The UFO came to within 150 feet distance, and an estimated altitude of only 65 feet from the ground. Inside she could see a human-appearing pilot or occupant who wore a silver flight suit. A second figure stood in front of an instrument panel. At the time, the witness believed she saw an experimental aircraft of the U.S. Air Force.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb and Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1965-05 (A0615), citing Ted Bloecher investigation, report dated January 9, 1978
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1332
### Event 24804 (6CB22A90)
**Date:** 3/8/1965
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In Mont Airy \(Maryland\), J. H. Martin, manufacturer of instruments for the [NBS](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/NBS.html), observed 6 lights flying above him for 3 minutes. (March 8, 7:40 PM)
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#9305 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1965.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2096
### Event 24805 (657BCBA1)
**Date:** 3/8/1965
**Time:** 19:40
**Location:** MOUNT AIRY, MD
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #9305. 3 observer(s). Cylinder/cigar-shape with 2 steady red lights maneuvers to avoid house. Going northeast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA; H. Regnery, Chicago HC 1969 & Contemporary Books,Chicago 1993. 372pp. (Index 640)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7117
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "233", **HatchDesc:** "MOUNT AIRY,MD:BBK#9305:3 OBS:CGR W/2 STEADY RED LITES MNVRs to AVOID HOUSE:>NE", **LatLong:** "39.377780 -77.155559", **LatLongDMS:** "39:22:40 N 77:09:20 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.377780,-77.155559)", **RelAlt:** "7", **State/Prov:** "Maryland", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 24806 (4811CA93)
**Date:** 3/8/1965
**Location:** Mount Airy, MD
**Description:** Six Lights Just Miss House (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, Code: D, Rating: 5, BB: 9305)
**Reference:** NICAP: [650308](http://www.nicap.org/650308mtairy%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2788
### Event 24807 (09748B5E)
**Date:** 3/8/1965
**Time:** 1940
**Location:** Mount Airy, Maryland
**Description:** Three persons saw a cigarshaped object with two fixed red lights, which flew above them, avoided hitting the house at the last moment, and was lost to sight in the northeast.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Personal ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_640
### Event 24808 (BBA07672)
**Date:** 3/8/1965
**Time:** 7:40 PM
**Location:** Mt. Airy, Maryland
**Description:** Witness: J.H. Martin, instrument maker for U.S. Bureau of Standards. Six lights flew overhead slowly for 3 minutes.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_519
### Event 24809 (A1117065)
**Date:** 3/8/1965
**Location:** Mount Airy, Maryland
**Description:** 7:40 p.m. J. H. Martin, an instrument maker for the National Bureau of Standards, and his two sons observe in Mount Airy, Maryland, six lights he estimates to be 1,000 feet away and moving at a speed of 20 mph with no sound. They appear as three pair of lights, all with the same intensity. They are comparable to a traffic signal. The lights pass between the barn and the house at an estimated altitude of 100–500 feet, flying in a straight line toward the hills two miles away. They are in view for approximately 3 minutes.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** NICAP, “[Six Lights Just Miss House](http://www.nicap.org/650308mtairy%5Fdir.htm)”; [Sparks](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf)[,](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf) p. 304
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3874
### Event 24810 (4FDA79EE)
**Date:** 3/8/1965
**Description:** At 7:40 p.m. three persons in Mount Airy, Maryland, including an instrument maker for the U.S. Bureau of Standards, saw a cigar-shaped object with six lights--two of them fixed red lights. It flew above them at a low altitude, and avoided hitting their house at the last moment. It was lost from sight in the northeast. The duration of the event was three minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Project Blue Book files counted in official statistics, case # 9305; NICAP UFO Investigator, May-June 1965, p. 4; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case # 640; J. Allen Hynek, The UFO Experience, p. 238; Richard Hall, The UFO Evidence, p. 144; Don Berliner, Australasian Ufologist, April 1999, p. 52
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1378
### Event 24811 (49184709)
**Date:** 3/12/1965
**Time:** 12:00
**Location:** KAIPARA HARBOR, NZ
**Description:** Pilot. 100' x15'PLAIN fuselage in 30' / bay water. Going south. / r246p138.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CATHIE, Bruce: HARMONIC 33. A. & A. Reed, Wellington, NZ (Index 17)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7118
**Attributes:** **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **SUB:** Submersible: Rises from or submerges into water, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "New Zealand", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "KAIPARA HARBOR,NZ:PILOT:100'x15'PLAIN FUSELAGE in 30'/BAY WATER:>S:/r246p138", **LatLong:** "-36.666668 174.466675", **LatLongDMS:** "36:40:00 S 174:28:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-36.666668,174.466675)", **State/Prov:** "NI", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 24812 (3453291F)
**Date:** 3/14/1965
**Description:** At 1:30 a.m., while fishing in the Florida Everglades in Hendry County, Florida 45-year-old James Flynn noticed a shiny metallic, domed disc, some 75-100 in diameter, on the ground. His hunting dogs howled, and one dog tried desperately to escape from its crate. When he approached the object an unknown force struck him in the forehead and knocked him to the ground, causing him to lose consciousness. The wound to his right eye required medical attention, and physical traces in the form of a circle of scorched sawgrass and other damaged foliage was found at the landing site.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP UFO Investigator, April 1965, p. 6; Lloyd Mallan, The Official Guide to UFOs, p. 24; T. Scott Crain, Flying Saucers, June 1971, p. 8; UNICAT, case # 685; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty-Year Report, pp. 262, 267, 279, 379
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1480
### Event 24813 (54AA74DA)
**Date:** 3/15/1965
**Time:** 01:00
**Location:** NEAR IMMOKALEE, FL
**Description:** 25M saucer zaps observer(s). Eye damage. Burnt grass. / r176p223+/ r210v13#6.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 37)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7119
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens, **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "40", **Elev:** "11", **HatchDesc:** "nr IMMOKALEE,FL:25M SCR ZAPS OBS:EYE DAMAGE:BURNT GRASS:/r176p223+/r210v13#6", **LatLong:** "26.416668 -81.416671", **LatLongDMS:** "26:25:00 N 81:25:00 W", **Locale:** "Wetlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/26.416668,-81.416671)", **State/Prov:** "Florida", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 24814 (A2B6D968)
**Date:** 3/15/1965
**Location:** Everglades, FL
**Description:** Everglades / James Flynn Case (NICAP: 05 - Medical Incidents, Code: M, Rating: 5)
**Reference:** NICAP: [650315](http://nicap.org/650315everglades%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2789
### Event 24815 (D8E895D0)
**Date:** 3/15/1965
**Time:** 0100
**Location:** Fort Myers, Florida
**Description:** In the Everglades, 30 km east of Big Cypress, James Flynn, 45, who was hunting, saw a huge, lighted object 1 m above the swamp surface. He watched it for 40 min, observing that it was conical, twice as wide as it was high, and seemed built from metal sections over one square m each. It showed four rows of square windows, 70 cm wide. Estimated diameter: 25 m. A yellow light shone through the windows, and the object made a sound of a transformer and wind. Flynn got within 2 m of it and made a gesture. A beam of light from the underside of the object struck him between the eyes and he lost consciousness for 24 hours. He had lost vision in the right eye, saw poorly with the left, went to a doctor in Fort Myers, and spent five days in the hospital.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Fate Sep.,65 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_641
### Event 24816 (D12A090F)
**Date:** 3/15/1965
**Location:** Everglades, FL
**Description:** Hovering cone-shaped object, animal reaction. Witness struck on forehead by light beam, unconscious, eye damage. Damaged foliage found at site
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_36
### Event 24817 (33E07B6E)
**Date:** 3/15/1965
**Locations:** Everglades; Immokalee, Florida; East Fort Myers
**Description:** Around 1:00 a.m. James W. Flynn is deep in the Everglades in his swamp buggy, somewhere east of Immokalee, Florida, with his four hunting dogs. He sees a hovering object like an upside-down cone about 200 feet above some cypress trees slightly over a mile away. It moves back and forth from its original position. Through binoculars it looks 25 feet high and 50 feet in diameter, with square windows emitting a yellowish glow. Around its base an orange-red glow extends downwards and illuminates the ground some 75 feet around the rim. Some 40 minutes into the sighting, Flynn decides to approach it in his buggy. A high-pitched ringing sound bothers one of his dogs. He stops 600 feet away and walks, waving his arms, toward the UFO, which is hovering 4 feet off the ground. A blast of wind from the object nearly knocks him off his feet. He continues, and at 75 feet from the UFO he waves his arms again. The object beams a light like a “welder’s torch” that hits his forehead. He blacks out twice. When he wakes up he is temporarily blinded. In the morning he finds a symmetrical circle of burned ground. The tops of trees are burned. Flynn makes his way to the home of Henry Osceola \(or Henry Billy\) later in the day and arrives at his own home in East Fort Myers on March 17 and spends 5 days in the hospital with damage to his right eye, bruises, burns, deep muscle tissue damage, and loss of hearing. His eye damage is permanent. The landing marks and burned trees are verified by the Lee County sheriff’s office.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** NICAP, “[Everglades / James Flynn Case](http://www.nicap.org/650315everglades%5Fdir.htm)”; Donald E. Keyhoe and Gordon I. R. Lore Jr., [Strange Effects from UFOs](http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Books/Other/Lore%2C%20Gordon%20-%20Strange%20Effects%20from%20UFOs.pdf), NICAP, 1969, pp. 12–16; Lorenzen, UFOs: The Whole Story, Signet, 1969, pp. 192–195; Clark III 438–440; Patrick Gross, “[UFO in the Everglades, USA 1965](https://ufologie.patrickgross.org/htm/everglades65.htm)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3875
### Event 24818 (CF5FFC8A)
**Date:** 3/15/1965
**Description:** Mr. James Flynn, a 45-year-old man, was out in a boat with his hunting dogs in the Big Cypress Swamp in Florida when he encountered a metallic cone-shaped UFO at around one o'clock in the morning. The UFO had three rows of square windows and a yellow light. It made a generator-like sound, then emitted a jet-like sound followed by a blast of air. His dogs howled. Then a beam of light shot out from underneath the object, striking the witness in the forehead. He fell unconscious, and awoke with blindness in his right eye. Damaged foliage was found at the site, and Mr. Flynn was admitted to hospital for a five day stay.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Coral E. Lorenzen, Flying Saucers: The Startling Evidence of the Invasion from Outer Space, p. 229; Gordon I. R. Lore, Jr. & Harold H. Dennault, Jr., Mysteries of the Skies: UFOs in Perspective, p. 172; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 641; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume 2: A Thirty Year Report, pp. 3, 262, 267, 279
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1524
### Event 24819 (35C0FC4D)
**Date:** 3/17/1965
**Location:** Newcastle, New South Wales
**Description:** 10:00 p.m. Walter Jacobs, steward on the freighter Iron Duke, sees a bright orange object with a dent on top and a knot on the bottom off Newcastle, New South Wales. He takes a photograph but it is not published.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[UAO](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201965%2003%2000%20-%20March-April.pdf) [Photographed Clearly in Australia,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201965%2003%2000%20-%20March-April.pdf)” APRO Bulletin, March/April 1965, p. 1
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3876
### Event 24820 (BC9B534C)
**Date:** 3/18/1965
**Location:** USSR, BAIKONOUR
**Description:** (Translated from French) Finally, on March 18, 1965, for the first time, a man, Alexis Leonov, left his "Voskhod II" craft and gravitated into space where he performed some slow-motion acrobatics.
**Reference:** "Conquest of Space" - Thomas de Galiana, ed. Larousse Poche, 1967, p. 9
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2313
### Event 24821 (6DEA927B)
**Date:** 3/18/1965
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Aleksei Leonov is the first man to go out into space 12 minutes \(*Vostok 2*\). (March 18)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1965.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2097
### Event 24822 (D241EC2E)
**Date:** 3/18/1965
**Time:** 19:10
**Description:** Object paces airliner / 55 mile(s). Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) and Radio Direction Finder (RDF) electro-magnetic effect (EME). / r215p53 / r68p72.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 337)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7120
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **MIL:** Military investigation, **GSA:** Covert Security Agency, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Japan", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "40", **HatchDesc:** "ovr HIMEJI+MATSUYAMA,JPN:OBJ PACES AIRLINER/55mi:RFI+RDF EME:/r215p53/r68p72", **LatLong:** "34.833335 134.700006", **LatLongDMS:** "34:50:00 N 134:42:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/34.833335,134.700006)", **State/Prov:** "Honshu Island", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 24823 (1FBDB243)
**Date:** 3/18/1965
**Location:** Himeji, Japan
**Description:** Object paced plane (E-M) (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases) (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2790
### Event 24824 (CBF85139)
**Date:** 3/18/1965
**Alternate date:** 3/21/1965
**Locations:** Osaka; Hiroshima; Japan; Himeji; Hyogo; Matsuyama; Tokyo
**Description:** 7:06 p.m. Capt. Yoshiharu Inaba is flying a TOA Airlines Convair 240 from Osaka to Hiroshima, Japan, at an altitude of 6,500 feet. Just after the aircraft passes Himeji, Hyogo, an elliptical luminous object appears and follows the plane. Inaba makes a 60° turn to avoid a collision, but the object makes a similar maneuver then follows along the plane’s left wing for about 56 miles. Emitting a greenish light, the object affects the automatic direction finder and the radio. As copilot Tetsu Majima radios the Matsuyama control tower, he hears frantic calls from Joji Negishi, the pilot of a Tokyo Airlines Piper Apache, who says he is being chased by a luminous object over Matsuyama. The object shoots away and disappears.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** NICAP, “[Object Paces Japanese](http://www.nicap.org/650321osaka%5Fdir.htm) [Airliner](http://www.nicap.org/650321osaka%5Fdir.htm)”; “[UFO Encounters over Japan,](http://cufos.org/UFOI%5Fand%5FSelected%5FDocuments/UFOI/025%20MAR-APR%201965.pdf)” UFO Investigator 3, no. 1 \(March/April 1965\): 6; Timothy Green Beckley, “Saucers Chase Japanese Airliner,” Fate 18, no. 8 \(August 1965\): 32–35; [Schopick](http://cufos.org/books/A%5FStudy%5Fof%5FSecondary%5FEffects-An%5FUnpublished%5FManuscript%5Fof%5FUFO%5FE-M%5FCases.pdf), pp. 150–153; Good Need, [p. 253](https://archive.org/details/needtoknow00good/page/252/mode/2up); Patrick Gross, “[Aircraft–UFO Encounters, Japan, March 18, 1965](https://ufologie.patrickgross.org/htm/ja5131.htm)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3877
### Event 24825 (30FAF4A7)
**Date:** 3/18/1965
**Description:** At 7:00 p.m. on this day, while flying between Himeji and Matsuyama, Japan the crew of a Japanese airliner Convair 240 sighted three elongated objects and one circular UFO at the same time that the plane's automatic direction finder malfunctioned. The circular UFO was described as 15 meters in diameter. The UFOs were also sighted by a private pilot in a Piper Apache flying over Dishima Island.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Japan Times, March 21, 1965; Brad Steiger, Strangers from the Skies, p. 72; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty-Year Report, p. 117
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1549
### Event 24826 (688346BF)
**Date:** 3/19/1965
**Time:** 05:10
**Description:** Crew sees unidentified cylinder object. / r214p141.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HOBANA Ion & WEVERBERGH,Julien: UFO'S from BEHIND the IRON CURTAIN; Bantam Books,1975. 308pp. (Index 286)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7121
**Attributes:** **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Earth Orbit or seen from space stations/capsules", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "VOSKHOD II LOSES CONTACT/GND CONTROL:CREW SEES UID CYLINDER OBJ:/r214p141", **LatLong:** "90.000004 -0.000000", **LatLongDMS:** "90:00:00 N 00:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/90.000004,-0.000000)", **State/Prov:** "SOV", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 24827 (C9C7C672)
**Date:** 3/20/1965
**Time:** 01:00
**Location:** EL TORENO, VNZL
**Description:** Workers / oilfield. 3 blue saucers north going quickly south very fast. No further details. / r78.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 793)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7122
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Venezuela", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "118", **HatchDesc:** "El TORENO,VNZL:WORKERS/OILFIELD:3 BLUE SCRS N>>S VFAST:NFD:/r78", **LatLong:** "8.300000 -70.066670", **LatLongDMS:** "08:18:00 N 70:04:00 W", **Locale:** "Oil & Coal", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/8.300000,-70.066670)", **State/Prov:** "BRN", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 24828 (87C74669)
**Date:** 3/20/1965
**Location:** 37.0000 -116.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Suede” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_402
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0000 -116.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:00 N 116:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0000,-116.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Suede", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 24829 (AEACF289)
**Date:** 3/20/1965
**Description:** In Welshpool, Victoria, Australia a yellow zig-zagging light was seen maneuvering in the sky; it stopped for 2-3 minutes intermittently, then rose vertically and vanished. At Margaret Brock Lighthouse in South Australia a disc-shaped, brightly lit object moved slowly about the clouds.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Michael Hervey, UFOs over the Southern Hemisphere, pp. 118, 190
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1584
### Event 24830 (1EE5AC08)
**Date:** 3/20/1965
**Description:** At 1:00 a.m. three blue discs flew from north to south very fast over the El Toreno oil field in Barinas province, Venezuela.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** APRO Bulletin, January-February 1966
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1585
### Event 24831 (A3C1A6C2)
**Date:** 3/21/1965
**Location:** Osaka (near Himeji), Japan
**Description:** Object Paces Japanese Airliner (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases, Code: E, Rating: 5) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)
**Reference:** NICAP: [650321](http://www.nicap.org/650321osaka%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2793
### Event 24832 (7864D753)
**Date:** 3/21/1965
**Description:** In Malvern, Victoria, Australia a sphere with a red dome on top with three illuminated tails was sighted. It flew off to the south.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Michael Hervey, UFOs over the Southern Hemisphere, p. 118
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1595
### Event 24833 (B5C10548)
**Date:** 3/22/1965
**Time:** 20:10
**Description:** Silver sphere / red dome hovers one hour. Observer(s) = ex.Mil.intelligence. / r78.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 793)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7123
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "60", **HatchDesc:** "ELSTERNWICH,AUSTR:SLVR SPHERE/RED DOME HVRS 1hr:OBS=EX.MIL.INTELLIGENCE:/r78", **LatLong:** "-37.966668 145.166674", **LatLongDMS:** "37:58:00 S 145:10:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-37.966668,145.166674)", **State/Prov:** "Victoria", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 24834 (B3695C98)
**Date:** 3/23/1965
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) First American astronaut tandem in [Gemini 3](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/gemini.html\#Gemini3) \(Grissom and Young\). (March 23)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1965.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2098
### Event 24835 (673FEDA7)
**Date:** 3/26/1965
**Time:** 15:34:08.2
**Location:** 37.1476 -116.0429
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Cup” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 200KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_403
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1476 -116.0429", **LatLongDMS:** "37:08:51 N 116:02:34 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1476,-116.0429)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.54", **NukeMb:** "5.25", **NukeName:** "Cup", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "200"
### Event 24836 (72E185CD)
**Date:** 3/27/1965
**Time:** 06:30:00.0
**Location:** 49.7747 77.9881
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: .001KT YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1265
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.7747 77.9881", **LatLongDMS:** "49:46:29 N 77:59:17 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.7747,77.9881)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "KRR", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** ".001", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 24837 (66C07480)
**Date:** 3/28/1965
**Time:** 22:00?
**Location:** NEAR GARDEN CITY, TX
**Description:** 5 / car. Rectangular object hovers over car / 20 second(s). Extremely bright. Inside / car lit up.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GREEN, Gabriel: LETS FACE THE FACTS ABOUT UFO's. Popular Library, NY 1967. [JMC] (Index 28)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7124
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "3", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "803", **HatchDesc:** "nr GARDEN CITY,TX:5/CAR:RECT.OBJ HVRS OVR CAR/20sec:XBRITE:INSIDE/CAR LIT UP:", **LatLong:** "31.866668 -101.483338", **LatLongDMS:** "31:52:00 N 101:29:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/31.866668,-101.483338)", **RelAlt:** "20", **State/Prov:** "Texas", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 24838 (D9752BEE)
**Date:** 3/28/1965
**Time:** 23:00
**Description:** Grey ovoid in fog over man walking. Big noise and pressure etc.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SHUTTLEWOOD, Arthur: The WARMINSTER MYSTERY. Neville-Spearman/Tandem Books PB 1967, London. (Index 28)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7125
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "5", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "100", **HatchDesc:** "SE/SUTTON VENY,WILTs:GRY OVOID IN FOG OVR MAN WALKING:BIG NOISE+PRESSURE etc", **LatLong:** "51.150002 -2.127778", **LatLongDMS:** "51:09:00 N 02:07:40 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.150002,-2.127778)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 24839 (B2FCE7AD)
**Date:** 3/28/1965
**Description:** A gray ovoid object surrounded by a foggy mist followed a man walking down a road at 11:00 p.m. in Sutton Veny, England. It made a loud noise, and he felt a heavy atmospheric pressure as a result of the object's presence.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Larry Hatch, U computer database, case 6679
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1709
### Event 24840 (58FE357D)
**Date:** 3/30/1965
**Time:** 06:00?
**Description:** High-Q observers. 3 cigars maneuver / all directions. Jet engine sounds.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BANCHS, Rodolfo: LAS EVIDENCIAS de los OVNI; Rudolfo Alonso Editor, Argentina. 1976 (Index 28)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7126
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "30", **Elev:** "741", **HatchDesc:** "JOSE de SAN MARTIN,ARG:HI-Q OBSs:3 CGRS MNVR/all Dirs:JET ENGINE SOUNDS", **LatLong:** "-44.033335 -70.483337", **LatLongDMS:** "44:02:00 S 70:29:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-44.033335,-70.483337)", **State/Prov:** "CHB", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 24841 (2A5F5825)
**Date:** 3/30/1965
**Time:** 08:00:00.0
**Location:** 52.9000 56.5000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed, salvo. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Butane 1-1” Yield: 4.6KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1266
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "52.9000 56.5000", **LatLongDMS:** "52:54:00 N 56:30:00 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/52.9000,56.5000)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "1.38", **NukeName:** "PNE:Butane 1-1", **NukeSource:** "SULTANOV", **NukeType:** "NUCS_SALVO", **NukeY:** "4.6"
### Event 24842 (AAE2B246)
**Date:** 3/31/1965
**Time:** 19:20
**Location:** FUJIMOMYA, JPN
**Description:** 6 Boyscouts. Bright orange hat saucer responds / light signals. Complex maneuvers.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HAINES, Richard Ph.D: CE-5, CLOSE ENCOUNTERS of the 5th KIND. 1999 Sourcebooks Inc. Naperville, IL ISBN 1-57071-427-4. 242 case files. (Index 88)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7127
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Japan", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "18", **HatchDesc:** "FUJIMOMYA,JPN:6 BOYSCOUTS:BRITE ORG.HAT SCR RESPONDS/LITE SIGNALS:COMPLX MNVRS", **LatLong:** "35.216668 138.633340", **LatLongDMS:** "35:13:00 N 138:38:00 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/35.216668,138.633340)", **State/Prov:** "Honshu Island", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 24843 (1BB27DC4)
**Date:** 3/31/1965
**Description:** An aerial explosion, perhaps similar to the Tunguska blast of 1909, affected an area of nearly a million square kilometers, centered over Ashcroft, Canada and was observed some distance away by an airborne airliner pilot, according to John Colombo.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** John Colombo, UFOs over Canada: Personal Accounts of Sightings and Close Encounters, p. 212
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1763
### Event 24844 (4C97CC78)
**Date:** 4/1965
**Location:** USSR
**Description:** (Translated from French) The first satellite "Molnya I" (it weighs about one ton) was launched in April 1965 (followed by November 1971).
**Reference:** "The War of the Satellites" - Volume 3 - Pierre Kohler, ed. Famot 1982, p. 96
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2314
### Event 24845 (C23B266E)
**Date:** 4/1965
**Location:** ARGENTINE, Monte Grande
**Description:** (Translated from French) A humanoid of a little more than one meter was understood with difficulty by Felipe Martinez. The word "sil" seemed to designate his UFO (Henry DURRANT: "First Investigations on ET Humanoids" - Laffont 1977 - p. 187) In April 1965, while hunting, he saw at a distance of 300 m a large egg-shaped craft hovering a few meters from the ground. The UFO was surrounded by something like a "ring spinning quickly" and seemed completely silent. He had rushed enthusiastically shouting "Amigo!" and had been suddenly struck by paralysis. A door of the craft opened and a small man descended a ladder about 30 cm wide. The little man was about one meter tall, wore a helmet and two cables connected the helmet to the saucer. The rest of his costume resembled a diving suit. They conversed, the small entity speaking slowly and with difficulty. He promised to return on May 3. [followed up on July 21, 1965] (April 1965)
**Reference:** Charles BOWEN: "In Search of Humanoids" - J'ai Lu 1974, p. 135, 136
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2317
### Event 24846 (F2109EB2)
**Date:** 4/1965
**Location:** MONTE GRANDE, ARG
**Description:** Large silent ovoid. 3 lines connect / helmet / small humanoid (or Grey). Observer(s) frozen. / r67p40.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA; H. Regnery, Chicago HC 1969 & Contemporary Books,Chicago 1993. 372pp. (Index 642)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7128
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "17", **HatchDesc:** "MONTE GRANDE,ARG:LRG SLNT OVOID:3 LINES CONNECT/HELMET/OID:OBS FROZEN:/r67p40.", **LatLong:** "-34.844446 -58.466669", **LatLongDMS:** "34:50:40 S 58:28:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-34.844446,-58.466669)", **State/Prov:** "Buenos Aires", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 24847 (5DCAB8B0)
**Date:** 4/1965
**Time:** 20:00
**Location:** MARGATE, RSA
**Description:** House shakes. Rumble / 10 minute(s). Blue night lights pulse / hills. Metallic object maneuvers.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO AFRINEWS; Twice annually. Cynthia Hind, editor; PO Box MP 49, Mount Pleasant, Harare, Zimbabwe. (Index 12)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7129
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Republic of South Africa", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "180", **HatchDesc:** "MARGATE,RSA:HOUSE SHAKES:RUMBLE/10min:BLUE NLTS PULSE/HILLS:MTLC OBJ MNVRS", **LatLong:** "-30.866668 30.350001", **LatLongDMS:** "30:52:00 S 30:21:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-30.866668,30.350001)", **State/Prov:** "KwaZulu-Natal", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 24848 (E4D05C7A)
**Date:** 4/1965
**Location:** Monte Grande, Argentina
**Description:** Felipe Martinez, 37, reported that he was paralyzed during the landing of a silent, large, egg-shaped object, from which emerged a small man, about 1 m tall, wearing a helmet linked to the object by three cables. The being spoke slowly and with difficulty in, Spanish.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Humanoids 40 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_642
### Event 24849 (2C58EF94)
**Date:** 4/1/1965
**Time:** 20:50
**Location:** WESTFORD, MASS
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Cylinder/cigar-shape with 4 slanted windows going east in long slow south-shaped path.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 787)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7130
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "35", **Elev:** "124", **HatchDesc:** "WESTFORD,MASS:2 OBS:CGR W/4 SLANTED WINDOWS >E in LONG SLOW S-SHAPED PATH", **LatLong:** "42.577780 -71.438892", **LatLongDMS:** "42:34:40 N 71:26:20 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.577780,-71.438892)", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 24850 (3E7E2A81)
**Date:** 4/1/1965
**Description:** Two witnesses in Westford, Massachusetts watched a cigar-shaped object with four slanted windows at 8:50 p.m. It headed to the east in a long, slow S-shaped flight path.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Larry Hatch, U computer database, case # 6684; APRO Bulletin, July-August 1965
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1783
### Event 24851 (45F3BB5F)
**Date:** 4/3/1965
**Time:** 23:20
**Description:** 2 / car / skids. Red fireball going down. 2 robots exit. Observer(s) shoots. Flash. All gone.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PRATT, Bob: UFO DANGER ZONE - Terror and Death in Brazil. Horus House Press, Madison, WI 1996 (Index 219)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7131
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **RBT:** Possible robot or "Grey", mechanical motions, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "nr FORTALEZA,BRZL:2/CAR/SKIDS:RED FBL↓:2 ROBOTS EXIT:OBS SHOOTS:FLASH:ALL GONE", **LatLong:** "-3.750000 -38.550002", **LatLongDMS:** "03:45:00 S 38:33:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-3.750000,-38.550002)", **State/Prov:** "CEA", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 24852 (2498E4FF)
**Date:** 4/3/1965
**Description:** Two traveling salesmen were driving toward Fortaleza, Ceara State, Brazil at 11:20 p.m. when they saw something in the sky that looked like a bright red infrared lamp. It shined a beam of light down on their car. The object then descended just above the car, and the car then began to vibrate and its lights went out. They then saw another ray of light come down from the UFO onto their vehicle, whereupon the driver lost driving control and the vehicle skidded sideways and came to a stop. The red globe-shaped object then landed in front of the car, and two humanoids that resembled robots came out from the UFO and began to approach. Both men got out; one had a rifle that he fired at the entities. Suddenly there was a terrific explosion and the two men were blinded and could hear nothing. Fifteen minutes later they could see again, but the object and the two entities had already gone.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Bob Pratt, UFO Danger Zone: Terror and Death in Brazil--Where Next?, p. 219; Richard F Haines, CE-5: Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind, p. 222
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1816
### Event 24853 (B2096D0E)
**Date:** 4/4/1965
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) At the USAF base in Keesler \(Mississippi\), USAF Airman 2nd Class Corum, a weather observer, saw a 40-foot black oval object with 4 lights along its back, flying in and out for 15 seconds. Confirmation was given by high school student R. Pittman. (April 4, 4:05 AM)
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#9345 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1965.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2099
### Event 24854 (668DDB9D)
**Date:** 4/4/1965
**Time:** 04:10
**Description:** Weatherman. Fast black 40' saucer. Lights / bottom. Going [to] across wind. / r59p174.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO Evidence II: HB: Scarecrow Press Lanham, MD. http://www.scarecrowpress.com ISBN 0-8108-3881-8 (Index 53)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7132
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "11", **HatchDesc:** "KEESLER AFB,MS:WEATHERMAN:FAST BLACK 40' SCR:LITES/BOTTOM:> ACRS WIND:/r59p174", **LatLong:** "30.400001 -88.933338", **LatLongDMS:** "30:24:00 N 88:56:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/30.400001,-88.933338)", **State/Prov:** "Mississippi", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 24855 (1E27A446)
**Date:** 4/4/1965
**Time:** 04:40
**Description:** 2 cadets. 5M fireball-cylinder/cigar-shape. 2 objects seem to emerge. / FBI.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SCIENCE & MECHANICS (eds.) OFFICIAL GUIDE to UFO'S; Ace Books, NY. 1968. (Index 175)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7133
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK, **GSA:** Covert Security Agency
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "15", **HatchDesc:** "ELLYSON NAS/PENSACOLA,FL:2 CADETS:5M FBL-CGR:2 OBJs SEEM TO EMERGE:/FBI", **LatLong:** "30.427779 -87.211115", **LatLongDMS:** "30:25:40 N 87:12:40 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/30.427779,-87.211115)", **State/Prov:** "Florida", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 24856 (9491C873)
**Date:** 4/4/1965
**Time:** 10:20
**Location:** VALLEY FALLS, NY
**Description:** White ovoid in front / 2 jets. Rises to avoid collision and zips off.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FOWLER, Raymond E.: UFO'S, INTERPLANETARY VISITORS; Prentice Hall & Bantam Books, NY 1979. 346pp. (Index 320)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7134
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "101", **HatchDesc:** "VALLEY FALLS,NY:WHITE OVOID IN FRONT/2 JETS:RISES TO AVOID COLLISION+ZIPS OFF", **LatLong:** "42.900002 -73.561115", **LatLongDMS:** "42:54:00 N 73:33:40 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.900002,-73.561115)", **State/Prov:** "New York", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 24857 (FF9B162D)
**Date:** 4/4/1965
**Location:** Keesler AFB, MS
**Description:** 40' Black Oval Object 500' Away (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, Code: C, Rating: 5, BB: 9345)
**Reference:** NICAP: [650404](http://nicap.org/650404keesler%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2795
### Event 24858 (29FA9FF0)
**Date:** 4/4/1965
**Time:** 4:05 AM
**Location:** Keesler AFB, Mississippi
**Description:** Witnesses: USAF A/2c Corum, a weather observer; confirmation by college student R. Pittman not clear from available data. One 40' black, oval object with four lights along the bottom, flew in and out of the clouds for 15 seconds.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_520
### Event 24859 (B2ABF25B)
**Date:** 4/4/1965
**Location:** Keesler AFB, MS
**Description:** USAF weather observer saw black oval with body lights flying in and out of clouds
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_37
### Event 24860 (71E61524)
**Date:** 4/4/1965
**Description:** Keesler AFB, Mississippi. At 4:05 a.m. USAF Airman Corum, a weather observer, sighted a 40 foot long back, oval-shaped object with four lights along the bottom (see sketch below). It flew in and out of a cloud bank for 15 seconds. It had four protruding lights evenly spaced on the bottom, and looked dark against the clouds. A college student named R. Pittman also sighted the object.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** US Air Force Project Blue Book files counted in official statistics, case # 9345; Don Berliner, Project Bluebook UFO Unknowns
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1832
### Event 24861 (9A8AC0B7)
**Date:** 4/4/1965
**Description:** On the same day at 10:15 a.m. in Valley Falls, New York a white egg-shaped or rectangular object (see sketch below) was observed directly in front of two jet fighters. The UFO ascended rapidly to avoid collision and moved rapidly away in the opposite direction.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Raymond E. Fowler, UFOs: Interplanetary Visitors, p. 332
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1833
### Event 24862 (72E6651C)
**Date:** 4/5/1965
**Time:** 21:00:00.0
**Location:** 37.0258 -116.0226
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Kestrel” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_404
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0258 -116.0226", **LatLongDMS:** "37:01:33 N 116:01:21 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0258,-116.0226)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.45", **NukeName:** "Kestrel", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 24863 (B4332088)
**Date:** 4/8/1965
**Time:** 2130
**Location:** Kindrae, Minnesota
**Description:** A 60-year-old man saw an object 200 m away, in the northwest at 30 m altitude. It turned east, then left toward the south. First seen as a single, bright light, then two luminous sources were visible through a "door" in the object, which appeared metallic. Radio interference was noted.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Atic ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_643
### Event 24864 (219E9D25)
**Date:** 4/9/1965
**Time:** 19:20
**Description:** 2 / air France crew. Metallic disk / 15km altitude. Suddenly disappears.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** WEINSTEIN, Dominique; UAP: 80 Years of Pilot Sightings Privately published. 7 avenue Bartholome. 75015 Paris, FRANCE. (Index 42)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7135
**Attributes:** **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "nr MARIGNANE Apt,FR:2/AIR FRANCE CREW:MTLC DISK/15km alt:suddenly disappears", **LatLong:** "43.433335 5.233334", **LatLongDMS:** "43:26:00 N 05:14:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.433335,5.233334)", **State/Prov:** "Bouches-du-Rhône", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 24865 (16D52CBB)
**Date:** 4/9/1965
**Description:** At 7:20 p.m. an Air France aircrew in France saw a metallic disc-shaped object while flying at 15km altitude near Marignane Airport. It suddenly vanished.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Dominique Weinstein, Aircraft UFO Encounters, p. 42
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1925
### Event 24866 (D4FD79C7)
**Date:** 4/10/1965
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Ground-air visual and RADAR confirm. Unidentified objects. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFOCAT CATALOG: Assorted Printouts. Donald A. Johnson Ph.D (CUFOS). P.O. Box 446, Concord, NH 03302-0446 (Index 76)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7136
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RDR:** Radar traces/blips, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Japan", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "MISAWA AFB,JAPAN:BBK#UNKN:GND-AIR VISUAL+RDR CONFIRM:UID OBJS:NFD", **LatLong:** "40.733335 141.400007", **LatLongDMS:** "40:44:00 N 141:24:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.733335,141.400007)", **State/Prov:** "Honshu Island", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 24867 (7021DA94)
**Date:** 4/10/1965
**Time:** 21:20
**Location:** ST. PETERSBURG, FL
**Description:** Fast yellow-gold domed disk going quickly west. Hovers. Seems to land. Windows / rim.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 793)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7137
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **NUC:** Nuclear facility related, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "14", **HatchDesc:** "ST PETERSBURG,FL:FAST YLW-GOLD DOMED DISK >>W:HVRS:SEEMS TO LAND:WINDOWS/RIM", **LatLong:** "27.766668 -82.666671", **LatLongDMS:** "27:46:00 N 82:40:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/27.766668,-82.666671)", **State/Prov:** "Florida", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 24868 (5A9FEC0F)
**Date:** 4/10/1965
**End date:** 4/14/1965
**Location:** Misawa AFB, Japan
**Description:** (McDonald list) Uncorrelated Targets On GCA Radars (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** NICAP: [650410-14](http://www.nicap.org/650410misawa%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2796
### Event 24869 (739DE5B8)
**Date:** 4/14/1965
**Time:** 18:00?
**Location:** MCLEOD HILL, NB
**Description:** Huge object hovers low / farm field. Loud hiss. Series / circular holes found.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Database/website: UFOROM/Manitoba, Canada: Chris Rutkowski: www.iufog.org/zines/sgj/uforom.html
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7138
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "65", **HatchDesc:** "McLEOD HILL,NB:HUGE OBJ HVRS LO/FARM FIELD:LOUD HISS:SERIES/CIRC.HOLES FOUND", **LatLong:** "45.800002 -66.650003", **LatLongDMS:** "45:48:00 N 66:39:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.800002,-66.650003)", **RelAlt:** "3", **State/Prov:** "New Brunswick", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 24870 (879E4265)
**Date:** 4/14/1965
**Time:** 13:14:00.1
**Location:** 37.2804 -116.5236
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Palanquin” Yield: 4.3KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_405
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.2804 -116.5236", **LatLongDMS:** "37:16:49 N 116:31:25 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.2804,-116.5236)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.09", **NukeMb:** "4.33", **NukeName:** "Palanquin", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "4.3"
### Event 24871 (41048123)
**Date:** 4/18/1965
**Location:** USA, Bernalillo N.M.
**Description:** (Translated from French) (cf: June 16, 1963) Villa is able to take a second series of pictures and is taken to Bernalillo. A saucer performs an aerial demonstration and with a blue beam it sets fire to a tree. It is accompanied by three round projectiles that act as telemeters. Villa takes pictures, has a brief conversation in Spanish with the crew (April 18, 1965)
**Reference:** Mitarbeiter, "Ufo Geheimnisse", Berlin, January 1998
**Reference:** following June 19, 1966
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2315
### Event 24872 (77048C67)
**Date:** 4/18/1965
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) On this Easter Sunday [Apolinar Villa](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/VillaApolinarA.html) is "telepathically guided" to a point near Bernacillo \(New Mexico\), close to the place where he sees an aircraft hovering silently in the air and photographs it \(see below\). (Sunday 18 April)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1965.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2100
### Event 24873 (F8848167)
**Date:** 4/18/1965
**Location:** Bernacillo, NM
**Description:** Bernacillo, NM (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases, NC)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2797
### Event 24874 (6CE0B216)
**Date:** 4/20/1965
**Locations:** Canada; US
**Description:** John Carstairs Arnell, scientific advisor to the Canadian Chief of Air Staff, prepares a four-page “Suggested Statement by the Minister of National Defence,” [Paul Hellyer](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul%5FHellyer). It reiterates the US opinion that UFOs do not constitute a national security threat because most sightings involve natural phenomena seen by unreliable witnesses.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Chris Rutkowski, Canada’s UFOs: Declassified, August Night, 2022, pp. 16–23
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3878
### Event 24875 (B1185F29)
**Date:** 4/21/1965
**Time:** 22:00:00.0
**Location:** 37.0072 -116.2021
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Gum Drop” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_406
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0072 -116.2021", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:26 N 116:12:08 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0072,-116.2021)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.30", **NukeMb:** "5.00", **NukeName:** "Gum Drop", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 24876 (F0FC1D82)
**Date:** 4/21/1965
**Description:** A dark amorphous shaped UFO moved erratically up and down through the sky over Pakenham East, Victoria, Australia on this day.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Michael Hervey, UFOs Over the Southern Hemisphere, p. 118
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2178
### Event 24877 (291247F8)
**Date:** 4/22/1965
**Location:** 37.0000 -116.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Chenille” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_407
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0000 -116.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:00 N 116:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0000,-116.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Chenille", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 24878 (AE90D1E3)
**Date:** 4/23/1965
**Time:** 08:00
**Location:** RIVESVILLE, WV
**Description:** Saucer / 1M cylinder/cylindrical object. Small humanoid (or Grey) / cables exits cylinder/cylindrical object and grabs something / ground. / r180p29.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA; H. Regnery, Chicago HC 1969 & Contemporary Books,Chicago 1993. 372pp. (Index 644)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7139
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "266", **HatchDesc:** "RIVESVILLE,WV:SCR/1M CYL:OID/CABLES EXITS CYL+GRABS SOMETHING/GND:/r180p29", **LatLong:** "39.533335 -80.116670", **LatLongDMS:** "39:32:00 N 80:07:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.533335,-80.116670)", **State/Prov:** "Western Virginia", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 24879 (9CBA6B09)
**Date:** 4/23/1965
**Location:** Rivesville, WV
**Description:** Woman saw a 25 ft object land near her house shaped like a disc (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2798
### Event 24880 (F3E6C5D6)
**Date:** 4/23/1965
**Time:** 0800
**Location:** Rivesville, West Virginia
**Description:** A woman observed an object land near her house while she was working in her kitchen. It was shaped like a disk, showed portholes and a cylinder about 1 m high, with a sliding door from which a small creature, about 1 m tall, emerged and jumped to the ground. Its face was not clearly visible but it had pointed ears, a sort of tail, and was linked to the main object by a cable. It wore white clothing, appeared to pick up something from the ground, and reentered the cylinder, which then slid up into the larger white disk. The outside rim started spinning in a counterclockwise motion with a soft whistling sound and the object rose straight up, out of view. Estimated diameter of the disk: 7m.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Atic ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_644
### Event 24881 (501AB932)
**Date:** 4/23/1965
**Time:** 21:44:00.0
**Location:** 37.0174 -115.9953
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Muscovy” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_408
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0174 -115.9953", **LatLongDMS:** "37:01:03 N 115:59:43 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0174,-115.9953)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.32", **NukeName:** "Muscovy", **NukeSource:** "AEC", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 24882 (52D71DA4)
**Date:** 4/24/1965
**Location:** GREAT BRITAIN, Dartmoor - Scoriton (South Devon)
**Description:** (Translated from French) At around 5:30 PM E.A. Bryant was out for a walk when he suddenly found himself face to face with an aerial object that was moving in a pendulum motion before stopping and hovering about a meter off the ground, a few meters in front of him. The object had literally come out of nowhere. (...) While he was looking, an opening appeared in the side of the saucer and three shapes emerged. They were dressed in "diving gear". One of the shapes - they had the appearance of a human - gestured to the witness, who approached. The beings removed their helmets and he saw that two had very high foreheads, blue eyes and blonde hair. The third, smaller one looked to be about 15 years old, had normal features, dark hair and brown eyes. A conversation took place in acceptable English. The dark-haired man said his name was "Yamski" and added that it was a shame that "Des" or "Les" wasn't there to see the visitors, as he would have understood! They also said they were from Venus and that they would return in a month bringing with them "proof of Mantell" or something like that.
**Reference:** Charles BOWEN: "In Search of the Humanoids" - J'ai Lu 1974, pp. 23, 24
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2316
### Event 24883 (57A8CE10)
**Date:** 4/24/1965
**Locations:** Scoriton Down; Scoriton (or Scorriton); Devon, England
**Description:** 5:30 p.m. [Ernest Arthur Bryant](https://hatch.kookscience.com/wiki/Ernest%5FArthur%5FBryant) is walking toward Scoriton Down near Scoriton \(or Scorriton\), Devon, England, when he sees a saucer-like object approach him. It stops nearby and a door opens. Three beings appear and beckon to him. He approaches the saucer. Two of the three beings appear to be nonhuman, but the third seems to be a youth in his teens. The youth speaks with an accent that Bryant thinks might be Russian and calls himself Yamski. He says that he is from Venus, and then remarks that he wished “Des” was there, as he would understand what is happening. At the close of their conversation, he says that in a month he will return and bring proof of “Mantell.” Ufologists who eventually hear the story immediately associate Yamski with [George Adamski](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George%5FAdamski)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George%5FAdamski) the controversial contactee who died on April 23. Adamski was of Polish background and had a noticeable accent. If this were Adamski, he has lost any signs of aging. Adamski’s friend [Desmond Leslie](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Desmond%5FLeslie) was a coauthor of his first book. Captain [Thomas F. Mantell](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/14958603/thomas-francis-mantell)[,](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/14958603/thomas-francis-mantell) piloting an F-51, had been killed in 1948 when he began chasing what he thought was a UFO. According to Bryant, the saucer returns June 7 and leaves some items, including several pieces of metal, allegedly from an F-51. He reports the story to the British UFO Research Association, which launches an investigation. The various items Bryant turns over to the two investigators \(a turbine fitting, metal parts, a broken bulb and fitting, a phial containing silver sand, and a piece of paper on which the words “Adelphos Adelpho” are written\) prove to be mundane and irrelevant to the F-51, according to aeronautical engineer [Leonard](http://www.isfdb.org/cgi-bin/ea.cgi?99973) [G. Cramp](http://www.isfdb.org/cgi-bin/ea.cgi?99973)[.](http://www.isfdb.org/cgi-bin/ea.cgi?99973) In spite of problems with the story, one of the investigators, Eileen Buckle, rushes into print with a book, The Scoriton Mystery. Shortly afterward, Bryant unexpectedly takes ill and dies from a brain tumor on June 24, 1967. The other investigator, Norman Oliver, visits his widow. She says that she is familiar with the story in the book, as her husband had presented it to her first as the script for a science fiction novel. It is only after the investigation is well along that she realizes her husband was trying to sell the story as a real event. She indicates that the supposed items related to Mantell were purchased at a naval surplus store. Alice Wells, head of the Adamski Foundation, dismisses the Scoriton story from the beginning, as does Desmond Leslie. Between their rejection and Oliver’s uncovering of the hoax, few remain to support Bryant except Buckle.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clark III 1040–1044; Story, [pp. 324–326](https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofuf0000unse/page/324/mode/2up); Eileen Buckle, The Scoriton Mystery, Spearman, 1967; Norman Oliver, Sequel to Scoriton, The Author, 1968; Patrick Gross, [URECAT](https://ufologie.patrickgross.org/ce3/1965-24-04-uk-scoriton.htm)[,](https://ufologie.patrickgross.org/ce3/1965-24-04-uk-scoriton.htm) August 19, 2006
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3879
### Event 24884 (077C2588)
**Date:** 4/25/1965
**Description:** Metallic disc seen / several seconds. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 793)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7140
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "SEVILLE,VCT,AUSTRALIA:METALLIC DISC SEEN/SVRL SECONDS:NFD", **LatLong:** "-37.772224 145.405562", **LatLongDMS:** "37:46:20 S 145:24:20 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-37.772224,145.405562)", **State/Prov:** "Victoria", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 24885 (F10BB878)
**Date:** 4/26/1965
**Description:** Glowing disk / very high speed does 150g stop near Cessna. Photograph SECTn.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** STEIGER, Brad & WHRITENOUR, Joan: FLYING SAUCERS ARE HOSTILE; Award Books PB 1967. (Index 64)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7141
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "915", **HatchDesc:** "SNOQUALMIE PASS,WA:GLOWING DISK/VHI SPEED DOES 150g STOP nr CESSNA:FOTO SECTn", **LatLong:** "47.416669 -121.416672", **LatLongDMS:** "47:25:00 N 121:25:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.416669,-121.416672)", **State/Prov:** "Washington", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 24886 (0033EC50)
**Date:** 4/26/1965
**Time:** 17:00
**Location:** NEW LONDON, MN
**Description:** Boy / 9. Object going down / ground level. Periscope extends / 2 minute(s) and retracts. Incredible speed.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA; H. Regnery, Chicago HC 1969 & Contemporary Books,Chicago 1993. 372pp. (Index 645)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7142
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "408", **HatchDesc:** "NEW LONDON,MN:BOY/9:OBJ↓/GND LVL:PERISCOPE EXTENDS/2min+RETRACTS:INCRED SPEED", **LatLong:** "45.300002 -94.944449", **LatLongDMS:** "45:18:00 N 94:56:40 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.300002,-94.944449)", **State/Prov:** "Minnesota", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 24887 (ED78F655)
**Date:** 4/26/1965
**Time:** 1700
**Location:** New London, Minnesota
**Description:** Gary X., 9, saw an object which came down silently and hovered at ground level 60 m away. A sort of periscope emerged from it, and a strange noise (also heard by the boy's father) was noted. After 1-2 min the "periscope" disappeared, the object rose, and then dashed up at unbelievable speed.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Personal ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_645
### Event 24888 (B2E1A35D)
**Date:** 4/26/1965
**Description:** At 5:00 p.m. Gary W., age 9, in New London, Minnesota saw an object which came down silently and hovered at ground level, 60 meters away. A sort of periscope emerged from the craft, and a strange noise, which was also heard by the boy's father, was noted. After a couple of minutes the "periscope" disappeared, the object rose, and then dashed up into the sky at unbelievable speed.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Saucer News, Fall 1965, p. 26; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 645; Bob Gribble, MUFON UFO Journal, April 1990, p. 20
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2336
### Event 24889 (39BFFB7B)
**Date:** 4/27/1965
**Location:** McClelland AFB, CA
**Description:** Blue-White Object Too Fast For Aircraft (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5)
**Reference:** NICAP: [650427](http://www.nicap.org/650427mcclellanafb%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2799
### Event 24890 (8A9A4433)
**Date:** 5/1965
**Description:** [Hayden C. Hewes](http://www.cryptozoonews.com/hewes-obit/)’s Interplanetary Intelligence of Unidentified Flying Objects publishes the first issue of the Interplanetary Intelligence Report, which lasts through September/October 1966.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** [Interplanetary Intelligence](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/Interplanetary%20Intelligence%20Report%20%28Hewes%29/Interplanetary%20Intelligence%20Report%20-%20vol%201%20no%201.pdf) [Report](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/Interplanetary%20Intelligence%20Report%20%28Hewes%29/Interplanetary%20Intelligence%20Report%20-%20vol%201%20no%201.pdf) 1, no. 1 \(May 1965\)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3880
### Event 24891 (235942E7)
**Date:** 5/1/1965
**Location:** Edwards AFB, California
**Description:** Pilots [Robert L. Stephens](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert%5FL.%5FStephens) and fire control officer Daniel Andre reach a speed of 2,070 mph in a Lockheed YF- 12A at Edwards AFB, California. The YF-12A also reaches an altitude record of 80,257 feet.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Robert](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert%5FL.%5FStephens) [L. Stephens](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert%5FL.%5FStephens)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3881
### Event 24892 (BE571AB3)
**Date:** 5/3/1965
**Description:** On this day in Monte Grande, Entre Rios, Argentina a 37-year-old man named F. Martinez claimed to have had a visitation by and communication with two small alien beings, about three feet tall. The witness was transformed intellectually, with subsequent psychic contact, and two cases of healing.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Gordon Creighton, The Humanoids: FSR Special Edition No. 1, p. 40; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case # A0628, citing Charles Bowen, The Humanoids, p. 112
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2470
### Event 24893 (6CC1C81E)
**Date:** 5/5/1965
**Description:** A US Naval vessel sailing in the Philippine Sea had a radar-visual encounter with four UFOs at 9:10 a.m. There were 12 military witnesses, and the sighting lasted for eight minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** UNICAT database, case #81, citing J. Allen Hynek; Richard F. Haines, Project Delta: A Study of Multiple UFO, p 187
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2540
### Event 24894 (9CF4721E)
**Date:** 5/6/1965
**Time:** 01:10
**Location:** PHILIPPINE SEA
**Description:** 12 / Navy ship. 3+4 objects / RADAR-visual (observation). Maneuvers going [to] 3000KNOTS. More objects / 7 May.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HYNEK, J. Allen: The UFO EXPERIENCE, A Scientific Inquiry; Ballentine Books, NY 1974,1977. (Index 93)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7143
**Attributes:** **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **RDR:** Radar traces/blips, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Pacific Ocean and non - Asian islands", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "8", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "PHILIPPINE SEA:12/NAVY SHIP:3+4 OBJS/RDR-VIS:MNVRS>3000KNOTS:MORE OBJs/7MAY", **LatLong:** "20.366668 135.833340", **LatLongDMS:** "20:22:00 N 135:50:00 E", **Locale:** "High Seas", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/20.366668,135.833340)", **State/Prov:** "PHS", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 24895 (834B11F6)
**Date:** 5/6/1965
**Location:** Philippine Sea, At Sea
**Description:** Radar detected 4 targets at extremely high speed 3,000 knots, G,V (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** NICAP: [650506](http://www.nicap.org/650506philippines%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2800
### Event 24896 (74F92D7C)
**Date:** 5/6/1965
**Location:** Philippine Sea
**Description:** 9:10 a.m. The crew of a US Navy ship in the Philippine Sea notices an aircraft approaching. At 9:14 a.m., the SPS-6C air search radar detects four targets at ranges up to 22 miles for the next 6 minutes at extremely high speed \(3,500 mph\), making various maneuvers. As seen through binoculars, they appear as three lighted objects, one of 1st stellar magnitude the others 2nd magnitude. The objects hover directly over the ship for 3 minutes. There is no IFF response. One object to starboard appears larger on radar. The objects depart to the southeast at extremely high speed.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** NICAP, “[Radar/Visual by U.S. Flag Ship in the Philippines](http://www.nicap.org/650506philippines%5Fdir.htm)”; [Sparks](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf), p. 305; J. Allen Hynek, The UFO Experience, Ballantine ed., 1974, [pp. 93–94](https://archive.org/details/ufoexperience00jall/page/92/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3882
### Event 24897 (2E18DE47)
**Date:** 5/6/1965
**Description:** At 9:10 a.m. local time the crew of a US Navy ship heading west at 265° at 15 knots in the Philippine Sea sighted approaching aircraft at bearing 0°. At 9:14 a.m. the radar detected four targets at ranges up to 22 miles for the next 6 minutes flying at extremely high speed (3,500 mph) and performing various maneuvers. The craft were viewed through binoculars and appeared as 3 lighted objects. Next, the UFOs hovered directly over the ship for 3 minutes as confirmed visually and on radar by the Commanding Officer, bridge crew and others on deck. The objects departed to the SE at extremely high speed.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** J. Allen Hynek, The UFO Experience, p. 81, sighting Blue Book files
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2582
### Event 24898 (BAC210B5)
**Date:** 5/7/1965
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In Oxford \(Michigan\), Mr. E. Marshall observed a light, like a satellite, split into two parts, one of which was copper-colored. Then two more joined it. An object could have fallen. The observation lasted 1 minute. (May 7, 7:30 PM)
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#9389 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1965.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2101
### Event 24899 (B70B0CD0)
**Date:** 5/7/1965
**Time:** 19:30
**Location:** OXFORD, MI
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #9389. 1 observer. "Satellite" splits / 2. 2 more night lights join up. 1 tumbles?
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BERLINER, DON: The BLUEBOOK UNKNOWNS; (FUFOR). (Index 33)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7144
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "322", **HatchDesc:** "OXFORD,MI:BBK#9389:1 OBS:"SATELLITE" SPLITS/2:2 MORE NLTS JOIN UP:1 TUMBLES?", **LatLong:** "42.822224 -83.266671", **LatLongDMS:** "42:49:20 N 83:16:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.822224,-83.266671)", **State/Prov:** "Michigan", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 24900 (F1122463)
**Date:** 5/7/1965
**Location:** Oxford, MI
**Description:** Object Splits In Two, Then Three (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, Code: D, Rating: 5, BB: 9389)
**Reference:** NICAP: [650507](http://www.nicap.org/650507oxford%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2801
### Event 24901 (3205840C)
**Date:** 5/7/1965
**Time:** 7:30 PM
**Location:** Oxford, Michigan
**Description:** Witness: M.E. Marshall. One light, like a satellite, split into two parts, one of which was copperish color, then two more joined up. One object may have been tumbling. Sighting lasted 1 minute.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_521
### Event 24902 (83C297A9)
**Date:** 5/7/1965
**Time:** 15:47:11.2
**Location:** 37.1404 -116.0666
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Tee” Yield: 7KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_409
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1404 -116.0666", **LatLongDMS:** "37:08:25 N 116:04:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1404,-116.0666)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.18", **NukeName:** "Tee", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "7"
### Event 24903 (4B8BC9C2)
**Date:** 5/7/1965
**Description:** At 7:30 p.m. a light seen by a witness named Marshall over Oxford, Michigan split into two parts, one of which was copper colored. Then two more lights joined up with the first two. One of the objects may have been tumbling. A Project Blue Book "unknown."
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Project Blue Book files counted in official statistics, case # 9389; Don Berliner, Australasian Ufologist, April 1999, p. 52
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2616
### Event 24904 (E497DBD5)
**Date:** 5/11/1965
**Time:** 06:40:00.2
**Location:** 49.7702 77.9943
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: .001KT YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1267
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.7702 77.9943", **LatLongDMS:** "49:46:13 N 77:59:39 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.7702,77.9943)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.20", **NukeSource:** "BOCHAROV", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** ".001", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 24905 (207262DC)
**Date:** 5/12/1965
**Time:** 18:15:00.1
**Location:** 37.2427 -116.4309
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Buteo” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_410
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.2427 -116.4309", **LatLongDMS:** "37:14:34 N 116:25:51 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.2427,-116.4309)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.70", **NukeName:** "Buteo", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 24906 (F097C9D4)
**Date:** 5/14/1965
**Time:** 15:30
**Location:** BRADFORD, MASS
**Description:** Classic saucer makes 2 passes / golf course. Terrific speeds. 1 observer.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FOWLER, Raymond E.: UFO'S, INTERPLANETARY VISITORS; Prentice Hall & Bantam Books, NY 1979. 346pp. (Index 61)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7145
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "18", **HatchDesc:** "BRADFORD,MASS:CLASSIC SCR MAKES 2 PASSES/GOLF COURSE:TERRIFIC SPEEDS:1 OBS", **LatLong:** "42.716669 -71.077781", **LatLongDMS:** "42:43:00 N 71:04:40 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.716669,-71.077781)", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 24907 (773A3E97)
**Date:** 5/14/1965
**Time:** 21:30
**Location:** DOVER-FOXCROFT, ME
**Description:** Red night light maneuvers / 30 minute(s). Shoots going north. White night light maneuvers / 28 Apr. '54.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 793)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7146
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "30", **Elev:** "109", **HatchDesc:** "DOVER-FOXCROFT,ME:RED NLT MNVRS/30min:SHOOTS>N::WHITE NLT MNVRs/28APR54", **LatLong:** "45.183335 -69.227781", **LatLongDMS:** "45:11:00 N 69:13:40 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.183335,-69.227781)", **State/Prov:** "Maine", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 24908 (BDCC98FC)
**Date:** 5/14/1965
**Time:** 14:57:52.2
**Location:** 36.8234 -115.9668
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Cambric” Yield: .75KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_411
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "36.8234 -115.9668", **LatLongDMS:** "36:49:24 N 115:58:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/36.8234,-115.9668)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.29", **NukeName:** "Cambric", **NukeSource:** "AEC", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** ".75"
### Event 24909 (6CF8E908)
**Date:** 5/14/1965
**Time:** 17:32:36.2
**Location:** 37.0588 -116.0105
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Scaup” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_412
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0588 -116.0105", **LatLongDMS:** "37:03:32 N 116:00:38 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0588,-116.0105)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.43", **NukeName:** "Scaup", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 24910 (5B57383B)
**Date:** 5/14/1965
**Time:** 02:00:00.0
**Location:** 41.5000 88.5000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, presumed. Country: China Yield: 0KT YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1793
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "41.5000 88.5000", **LatLongDMS:** "41:30:00 N 88:30:00 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.5000,88.5000)", **NukeCountry:** "China", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "BOLT", **NukeType:** "NAPC", **NukeY:** "0", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 24911 (B248B8AA)
**Date:** 5/14/1965
**Description:** Two witnesses sighted a domed UFO over a golf course in Bradford, Massachusetts at 3:30 p.m. It hovered, shot away, then moments later came back on the same path, hovered again, and finally moved away at high speed.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Raymond E. Fowler, UFOs: Interplanetary Visitors, p. 332
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2828
### Event 24912 (88C8A742)
**Date:** 5/17/1965
**Description:** On this evening a luminous UFO zigzagged over Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Michael Hervey, UFOs over the Southern Hemisphere, p. 154
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2926
### Event 24913 (5D3B83A1)
**Date:** 5/17/1965
**Description:** Jacques Vallée states a Martin Marietta engineer visited him and became upset when someone present saw some of his papers they should not have.
* [https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2010/01/aerospace-companies-and-ufos-2.html](https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2010/01/aerospace-companies-and-ufos-2.html)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_110
### Event 24914 (CA9EDBC9)
**Date:** 5/20/1965
**Location:** Leroy Township, OH
**Description:** Disc With Ports Spooks Dog And Horse (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions, Code: An, Rating: 5)
**Reference:** NICAP: [650520](http://www.nicap.org/650520leroytwp%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2803
### Event 24915 (D4D2A9D3)
**Date:** 5/20/1965
**Description:** At 7:00 p.m., six members of the McDonald family in Leroy Township, Ohio saw a silvery-white disc with a row of portholes that were about one-foot in diameter. The disc skimmed over the rooftop of their house making a low buzzing or purring sound, and was estimated to be the size of a car. At the time of the object’s passage, neighbors noted unusual TV and radio interference, and a horse and dog reacted strongly. The dog ran and hid, while the horse ran back and forth on its tether with its ears back and eyes wild.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP UFO Investigator, June-July 1965, p. 5; Saucer News, December 1965, p. 17; Gordon I. R. Lore, Jr. & Harold H. Dennault, Jr., Mysteries of the Skies: UFOs in Perspective, p. 153; Francis L. Ridge, Regional Encounters, p. 18
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3007
### Event 24916 (4C640A27)
**Date:** 5/21/1965
**Time:** 13:08:52.1
**Location:** 37.1186 -116.0277
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Tweed” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_413
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1186 -116.0277", **LatLongDMS:** "37:07:07 N 116:01:40 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1186,-116.0277)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.28", **NukeName:** "Tweed", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 24917 (854D1F47)
**Date:** 5/22/1965
**Time:** 17:00
**Location:** SALEM, MASS
**Description:** Gray blimplike object hovers low over power-plant by USCG station.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FOWLER, Raymond E.: UFO'S, INTERPLANETARY VISITORS; Prentice Hall & Bantam Books, NY 1979. 346pp. (Index 62)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7147
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "4", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "SALEM,MASS:GRAY BLIMPLIKE OBJ HVRS LO ovr POWER-PLANT by USCG STATION.", **LatLong:** "42.516669 -70.894448", **LatLongDMS:** "42:31:00 N 70:53:40 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.516669,-70.894448)", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 24918 (39181EAA)
**Date:** 5/22/1965
**Description:** A silent gray object that looked like a blimp or dirigible hovered low over the New England Power Plant in Salem, Massachusetts at 5:00 p.m.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Raymond E. Fowler, case file investigation, report dated July 13, 1965; Raymond E. Fowler, UFOs: Interplanetary Visitors, p. 332
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3037
### Event 24919 (33290B68)
**Date:** 5/23/1965
**Time:** 20:50
**Location:** KAILUA, HI
**Description:** School-teacher. White disk / 1M apparent diameter. 100' altitude. Northeast going quickly southwest very fast. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 793)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7148
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "KAILUA,HI:SCHOOL-TEACHER:WHT DISK/1M APPARENT DIAM:100' ALT:NE>>SW VFAST:NFD", **LatLong:** "21.383334 -157.766674", **LatLongDMS:** "21:23:00 N 157:46:00 W", **Locale:** "Islands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/21.383334,-157.766674)", **RelAlt:** "30", **State/Prov:** "Hawaii", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 24920 (D890B842)
**Date:** 5/23/1965
**Time:** 23:00
**Description:** Many observer(s). Strong red-orange object lights bay. / Diario Insular.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LOURENCO, Victor: The PORTUCAT CATALOG; (BBS Download). (Index 83)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7149
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Atlantic Ocean + islands", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "ANGRA do HEROISMO,AZORES:MANY OBS:STRONG RED-ORG OBJ LITES BAY:/DIARIO INSULAR", **LatLong:** "38.666669 -27.233335", **LatLongDMS:** "38:40:00 N 27:14:00 W", **Locale:** "Offshore", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.666669,-27.233335)", **State/Prov:** "Azores", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 24921 (63A0FF18)
**Date:** 5/23/1965
**Time:** 2100
**Location:** Eton Range, Australia
**Description:** About 70 km from Mackay, Jim Tilse, Eric Judin, and John Burgess saw a circular object, 10 m in diameter, flying erratically, making a buzzing sound. It had headlights, a tripod landing gear, and supported another disk-shaped device. Police investigation disclosed damaged trees and other landing traces.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** FSR 65, 5 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_646
### Event 24922 (D807996A)
**Date:** 5/23/1965
**Description:** A school teacher in Kailua, Hawaii watched a small white disc, perhaps one meter in diameter, fly by very fast from northeast to southwest at an estimated altitude of only 100 feet.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** APRO Bulletin, January-February 1966
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3047
### Event 24923 (78D03243)
**Date:** 5/24/1965 (approximate)
**Location:** AUSTRALIA, Eton Range (70 km from Mackay)
**Description:** (Translated from French) Three customers of the Retreat Hotel saw a strange, brightly lit machine approach the hotel. These customers were J.W. Tilse, an old pilot, John Burgess, an Australian veteran of World War II, and Eric Jurdin, an engineer. Tilse recounts: This craft was about 300 m from the hotel veranda and was moving just above the trees. Under a circular platform there was a row of lights, about twenty or thirty. It was solid, seemed to be made of metal, and must have been 9 to 10 m in diameter. (...) For about thirty minutes it remained motionless. Then it began to rise and in the light of the lamps we could see that it had three legs at its base. Each one had a lamp. (Frank EDWARDS: "Les S.V. affaire sérieuse" - trad. Laffont 1967 - p. 88, 89) Three men saw a circular UFO about 10 m in diameter, which emitted a buzzing sound. This UFO was carrying another round disc. The main object had a tripod landing gear and lights. The police found landing traces and damaged trees. It was May 23, 1965. (1965, May 24 (23?))
**Reference:** Janet and Colin BORD: Modern Mysteries of the World" - Guild Publishing London 1989, p. 309
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2318
### Event 24924 (190BFC53)
**Date:** 5/24/1965
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) At Eton Range \(Australia\), P. Norma, engineer, and J. W. Tilsen saw at 300 m a disc with a battery of 30 projectors on the underside. It landed with a massive tripod and always took off in silence. (May 24)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1965.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2102
### Event 24925 (7F2130A3)
**Date:** 5/24/1965
**Time:** 00:10
**Location:** ETON RIDGE, AUST
**Description:** 3 observer(s). 30' saucer grows 3 legs. 15' burnt ring. Quickly going up. / APRO 1'66+/ r41p266.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 39)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7150
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "35", **HatchDesc:** "ETON RIDGE,AUST:3 OBS:30'SCR GROWS 3 LEGS:15'BURNT RING:↑↑:/APRO 1'66+/r41p266", **LatLong:** "-21.250001 148.800007", **LatLongDMS:** "21:15:00 S 148:48:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-21.250001,148.800007)", **State/Prov:** "Queensland", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 24926 (48FDDBF7)
**Date:** 5/24/1965
**Time:** 01:30
**Description:** Object hovers 4M / ground. Blinding lights. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Whines. Type unknown. / LDLN#80.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO Evidence II: HB: Scarecrow Press Lanham, MD. http://www.scarecrowpress.com ISBN 0-8108-3881-8 (Index 262)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7151
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "GERALDTON,W.AUSTRL:OBJ HVRS 4M/GND:BLINDING LITES:RFI:WHINES:TYPE UNK:/LDLN#80", **LatLong:** "-28.666668 114.666672", **LatLongDMS:** "28:40:00 S 114:40:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-28.666668,114.666672)", **State/Prov:** "Western Australia", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 24927 (384B4C33)
**Date:** 5/24/1965
**Time:** 18:40
**Location:** NEAR LUJAN, ARG
**Description:** 3+cops. Large luminous saucer becomes opaque when it lands / hilltop. / r8#648.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 12)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7152
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "925", **HatchDesc:** "nr LUJAN,ARG:3+COPS:LRG LUMn.SCR BECOMES OPAQUE WHEN IT LANDS/HILLTOP:/r8#648", **LatLong:** "-33.050002 -68.866670", **LatLongDMS:** "33:03:00 S 68:52:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-33.050002,-68.866670)", **State/Prov:** "MND", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 24928 (065B31A7)
**Date:** 5/24/1965
**Location:** Mackay, AU
**Description:** Circular UFO with three legs on or near the ground, trees illuminated. Departed rapidly with buzzing sound. Circular ring impression found at site (UFOE II, Section VII). (NICAP: 06 - Trace Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2804
### Event 24929 (2E5CA4E5)
**Date:** 5/24/1965
**Time:** 0130
**Location:** Geradton, Australia
**Description:** Mr. and Mrs. French observed an object in a field at 4 m altitude. It had blinding white lights, caused radio interference, and made a high-pitched sound.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Spaceview 44; LDLN 80 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_647
### Event 24930 (4051D527)
**Date:** 5/24/1965
**Time:** 1840
**Location:** Paso de las Carretas, Argentina
**Description:** Hunters saw through binoculars an object resembling an upside-down plate, very luminous, with a red light on top, flying in circles and landing on a hilltop. The Lujan police sent a patrol, under Comm. Osvaldo Pagella, which found a large, metallic object resting on the hill, but they could not approach the object before it took off, because of the difficult terrain.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Personal ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_648
### Event 24931 (321B7B64)
**Date:** 5/24/1965
**Location:** Mackay, Australia
**Description:** Circular UFO with three legs on or near the ground, trees illuminated. Departed rapidly with buzzing sound. Circular ring impression found at site
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_38
### Event 24932 (C380AB3C)
**Date:** 5/24/1965
**Location:** Epsom, Queensland
**Description:** 12:05 a.m. John Burgess, James Tilse, and Eric Judin are playing cards at the Epsom Retreat Hotel near Epsom, Queensland, when their attention is drawn to something on or near the ground. It appears to be a disc- shaped object with banks of lights underneath it to their southeast. Tilse estimates its diameter to be 30 feet, Judin as 20 feet, and Burgess as 6 feet. In the moonlight, its color seems to be charcoal. At times, it seems to approach them, then recede. Finally, it rapidly rises to about 300 feet, then it accelerates away to the northeast. Burgess and Judin heard a buzzing sound. Total duration is 40 minutes. Two days later, a circular depression is found nearby close to a telephone line. Tilse says that “tops of trees appear to be burned.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[The James Tilse Report,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%2C1965%2CSep-Oct%2CV%2011%2CN%205.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 11, no. 5 \(Sept./Oct. 1965\): 13–14; Donald E. Keyhoe and Gordon I. R. Lore Jr., [Strange Effects](http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Books/Other/Lore%2C%20Gordon%20-%20Strange%20Effects%20from%20UFOs.pdf) [from UFOs](http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Books/Other/Lore%2C%20Gordon%20-%20Strange%20Effects%20from%20UFOs.pdf)[,](http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Books/Other/Lore%2C%20Gordon%20-%20Strange%20Effects%20from%20UFOs.pdf) NICAP, 1969, p. 63; “[UAO Buzzes Hotel in Australia,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201966%2001%2000%20-%20January-February.pdf)” APRO Bulletin, Jan./Feb. 1966, p. 3; Keith Basterfield, “[Cold Case Investigation: Eton Ridge, Queensland, 24 May 1965,](https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2012/06/cold-case-investigation-eton-ridge.html)” Unidentified Aerial Phenomena— Scientific Research, June 13, 2012
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3883
### Event 24933 (813A4BE9)
**Date:** 5/24/1965
**Description:** At 12:05 a.m. a metallic domed saucer, jet black on top, with three triangular legs and a bank of floodlights around the main body was seen hovering and on the ground in Eton Ridge, Queensland, Australia by three men named Tilse, Burgess, and Juden. The object was 20-30 feet in diameter, 15 feet in height, and was at a minimum distance of 300 meters away. It made a buzzing or hissing sound, and made several maneuvers before it sped away. A circle 20 feet in diameter, consisting of a 3 foot 2 inch wide ring of flattened grass, was found at the landing site the next morning.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Keith Basterfield, citing UFO Research Queensland; Judith Magee, Flying Saucer Review, September-October 1965, p. 13; UNICAT database, citing Judith Magee and FSR
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3064
### Event 24934 (B812FED8)
**Date:** 5/24/1965
**Description:** At 1:30 a.m. Mr. and Mrs. French of Geraldton, Western Australia observed an object in a field at 4 m altitude. It had blinding white lights, caused radio interference, and made a high-pitched sound.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 647; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence: A Thirty Year Report, p. 262
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3065
### Event 24935 (A429F199)
**Date:** 5/24/1965
**Description:** At 6:40 p.m. hunters in Paso de las Carretas, Argentina saw through binoculars an object resembling an upside-down plate, very luminous, with a red light on top, flying in circles and landing on a hilltop. The Lujan police sent a patrol, under Comm. Osvaldo Pagella, which found a large, metallic object resting on the hill, but because of the difficult terrain they could not get near the object before it took off.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 648; Oscar A. Uriondo, FSR Case Histories, December 1972, p. 11, citing La Tribuna, May 26, 1965
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3066
### Event 24936 (3E896E4D)
**Date:** 5/25/1965
**Description:** On this evening a blue light emanating from a red object, through green, wavered in the sky over the village of Sehulea, Papua New Guinea. Its light illuminated the beach.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Michael Hervey, UFOs over the Southern Hemisphere, p. 154
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3086
### Event 24937 (096052B2)
**Date:** 5/27/1965
**Time:** 21:40
**Location:** ECONOMY, PA
**Description:** 2 large orbs with 3 small orbs between. Whole Assembly spins! "Airplane" / Blue Book..
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: CHALLENGE to SCIENCE, The UFO ENIGMA; Henry Regnery 1966 & Ballentine Books, NY 1974. PB (Index 55)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7153
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **COV:** Indication of coverup
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "219", **HatchDesc:** "ECONOMY,PA:2 LRG ORBS W/3 SML ORBS BETWEEN:WHOLE ASSY SPINS!:"AIRPLANE"/BBK..", **LatLong:** "40.633335 -80.200004", **LatLongDMS:** "40:38:00 N 80:12:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.633335,-80.200004)", **State/Prov:** "Pennsylvania", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 24938 (70CFFA6D)
**Date:** 5/27/1965
**Description:** A flat, reddish orange, ten foot wide disc, hovered at a low altitude 100 yards away from the witness in Acacia Ridge, Northern Territory, Australia on this evening. It illuminated its surroundings.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Michael Hervey, UFOs over the Southern Hemisphere, p. 154
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3116
### Event 24939 (2B3A97ED)
**Date:** 5/28/1965
**Location:** Bougainville Reef, Australia
**Description:** Police statement (interview); Bougainville Reef, Australia: An Ansett-A.N.A. DC-6B airliner (VH-INH) en route to Port Moresby, New Guinea, was buzzed by a UFO at about 3:25 a.m. The pilot radioed the Townsville Ground Control Tower and talked to Mr. O. (initial). Description: slightly spherical and oblate, flattened on top and bottom; appeared to have exhaust gasses coming from it. Photos of the UFO were taken by the pilot but were later confiscated at Canberra as was the taped conversation to Mr. O., the Tower operator. Mr. O. was threatened with dismissal if he talked about the incident.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [Pea Research](https://www.academia.edu/9813787/GOVERNMENT_INVOLVEMENT_IN_THE_UFO_COVER_UP_CHRONOLOGY_based)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_627
### Event 24940 (90E53D2D)
**Date:** 5/28/1965
**Time:** 03:30
**Description:** DC6 buzzed / large saucer. Photos and Air Traffic Controller tapes confiscated. / r41p283.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 39)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7154
**Attributes:** **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **MIL:** Military investigation, **COV:** Indication of coverup
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "15", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "nr BOUGANVILLE REEF:DC6 BUZZED/LRG SCR:PHOTOS+ATC TAPES CONFISCATED:/r41p283", **LatLong:** "-15.066667 147.466674", **LatLongDMS:** "15:04:00 S 147:28:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-15.066667,147.466674)", **State/Prov:** "Queensland", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 24941 (B59312E9)
**Date:** 5/28/1965
**Location:** Townsville, Queensland, AU
**Description:** Flattened Sphere Buzzes DC-6 / Photos Confiscated (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5)
**Reference:** NICAP: [650528](http://www.nicap.org/650528nqueensland%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2805
### Event 24942 (AB797EE5)
**Date:** 5/28/1965
**Location:** Townsville, North Queensland, Australia
**Description:** Elliptical object paced airliner, accelerated and sped away, photographs taken
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_39
### Event 24943 (08BB02CC)
**Date:** 5/28/1965
**Locations:** Bougainville Reef; Queensland, Australia; Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea; Brisbane; Canberra
**Description:** 3:25 a.m. An Ansett-ANA DC-6b airliner piloted by Capt. John Barker is flying over Bougainville Reef off the coast of Queensland, Australia, when it is paced for 10–15 minutes by an oblate UFO with exhaust gases coming from it. The copilot and a stewardess also see the object. Barker takes photos of the UFO, but when he lands in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea, he is not allowed to have the film processed until he returns to Australia. When he eventually arrives in Brisbane, he is flown directly to Canberra where both the film and the flight recorder are confiscated. The Directorate of Air Force Intelligence in Canberra later denies that any such incident took place. However, an official statement by Barker to the RAAF surfaces, in which he says: “I had always scoffed at these reports, but I saw it. We all saw it. It was under intelligent control, and it was certainly no known aircraft.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Good Above, [pp. 168–170](https://archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/168/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3884
### Event 24944 (9C0C600F)
**Date:** 5/28/1965
**Description:** The crew of an Ansett-ANA DC-6B airliner flying over the Bougainville Reef between Brisbane, Queensland, Australia enroute to Port Moresby, New Guinea called Townsville Air Traffic Control at 3:25 a.m., and said they were being paced by a UFO. They took several photographs of the spherical, slightly oblate object, which was flat on the top and bottom. The aerial encounter lasted 10-15 minutes, resulting in several photographs. The film was conficated by the Australian military and never returned. The audio tapes of the conversation with air traffic controllers were also confiscated and the operator on duty, William Orr, was told to "shut his mouth" about the incident or face dismissal.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Gordon I. R. Lore, Jr., UFOs: A New Look, p. 6; UNICAT, case 693; Australian FSR, December 1972, p. 3; Richard Hall, Uninvited Guests, p. 251; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty Year Report, p. 283, citing Detective John Meskell, Criminal Investigation Branch, Townsville
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3133
### Event 24945 (B3BEA69F)
**Date:** 5/29/1965
**Time:** 23:00?
**Location:** CIBOLA, AZ
**Description:** White cone falls / ground. 2 block area lit. Observer(s) shovel dirt on it. Explodes.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 793)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7155
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "73", **HatchDesc:** "CIBOLA,AZ:WHT CONE FALLS/GND:2 BLOCK AREA LIT:OBS SHOVEL DIRT ON IT:EXPLODES.", **LatLong:** "33.316668 -114.583339", **LatLongDMS:** "33:19:00 N 114:35:00 W", **Locale:** "Desert", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/33.316668,-114.583339)", **State/Prov:** "Arizona", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 24946 (E6B6A93B)
**Date:** 5/30/1965
**Time:** 11:00:00.0
**Location:** 24.0550 5.0508
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground. Country: France Name: “jade” Yield: 0KT YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1850
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "24.0550 5.0508", **LatLongDMS:** "24:03:18 N 05:03:03 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/24.0550,5.0508)", **NukeCountry:** "France", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "jade", **NukeSource:** "BOLT", **NukeType:** "U", **NukeY:** "0", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 24947 (626E4A94)
**Date:** 5/30/1965
**Description:** While sunbathing on the roof of her lake cottage on Lake Mason, Wisconsin at around 2 p.m., Ms. Gorzelle, age 45, witnessed a shiny disc-shaped object approach in a straight line from over the lake. She described it as metallic, about 40 feet wide, and with a row of windows and a dome on top. The domed disc hovered over her cottage property less than 200 feet away, then landed on tripod landing gear that emerged from the underside of the craft. From her roof she was looking down on the landed object. In one of the windows she was able to see an occupant. When the occupant saw her on the roof, he beckoned to another figure that appeared at a second window. Both of them seemed to be rather short--under four feet tall--with large, baldheads, slits for mouths and small noses. They stared at her for what seemed to be a long time. The next thing she recalled was watching the object depart rapidly in the direction of the setting sun. There was a time lapse of at least four hours in her memory. Under self hypnosis, the witness was able to recall walking up to the UFO and being led up a stairway into the vehicle by the two occupants. One of them held a small box that he opened, and inside the box was a dark-colored crystal that gave off a vapor or smoke. He held it in front of her face and the witness jumped back, but when he again passed it close to her face she discovered that the fumes were odorless. The next thing she remembers was being back on her roof watching the object depart. She had headaches following the incident. She would have another UFO encounter three months later.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Fred Merritt case file investigations; David F. Webb, 1976 CUFOS Conference Proceedings, p. 268; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1965-19 (A0629), citing Fred Merritt
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3166
### Event 24948 (91DEBFD2)
**Date:** 6/1965
**Description:** Systems analyst [Jacques Vallée](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacques%5FVall%C3%A9e) publishes Anatomy of a Phenomenon, which generates particular excitement for its sober, scientific treatment of the UFO phenomenon. Well reviewed, it plays a significant role in the renaissance of interest in UFOs as scientists express a willingness to examine the UFO problem. It is the first book by a working scientist to argue for the extraterrestrial hypothesis.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallée, [Anatomy of a](https://archive.org/details/anatomyofphenome00vall) [Phenomenon](https://archive.org/details/anatomyofphenome00vall), Regnery, 1965; Clark III 1213
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3885
### Event 24949 (DE0528C9)
**Date:** 6/1965
**Location:** Flasby, North Yorkshire, England
**Description:** 6:30 p.m. Mrs. J. Whitehead is in the garden at her cottage in Flasby, North Yorkshire, England, when a large disc-shaped object passes over, making a slight swishing noise. On the underside are three “windows” in a triangular formation. She feels a strange calming sensation as the UFO passes by.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Jenny Randles, “Fake Photographs, Real Sightings,” IUR 11, no. 6 \(Nov./Dec. 1986\): 11
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3886
### Event 24950 (75B4F854)
**Date:** 6/1/1965
**Location:** Knob Noster, MO
**Description:** Close encounter. Obj. 45' above the ground (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** NICAP: [650601](http://www.nicap.org/knobnoster650601dir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2806
### Event 24951 (A6677373)
**Date:** 6/2/1965
**Description:** Silent night light moves rapidly / 20 min. No further details in available sources.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: ABOVE TOP SECRET; Sidgewick & Jackson, London 1987 & Quill Books, 1988. 592pp. (Index 309)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7156
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Antarctic below 70 degrees South", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "20", **HatchDesc:** "BRITISH BRAVO BASE,ANTARCTIC:SILENT NLT MOVES RAPIDLY/20 MIN:NFD.", **LatLong:** "-63.016670 -60.666670", **LatLongDMS:** "63:01:00 S 60:40:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-63.016670,-60.666670)", **State/Prov:** "BRI", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 24952 (56879406)
**Date:** 6/2/1965
**Time:** 20:00
**Location:** KURANDA, AUSTR
**Description:** Ex-airman and 2. Silent sphere/orb/globe with flashing lights going down / hillside. / FSR'65#5.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA; H. Regnery, Chicago HC 1969 & Contemporary Books,Chicago 1993. 372pp. (Index 649)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7157
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "KURANDA,AUSTR:EX-AIRMAN+2:SLNT ORB W/FLASHING LITES ↓/HILLSIDE:/FSR'65#5", **LatLong:** "-16.816667 145.616674", **LatLongDMS:** "16:49:00 S 145:37:00 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-16.816667,145.616674)", **State/Prov:** "Queensland", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 24953 (6B6671F6)
**Date:** 6/2/1965
**Time:** ~23:50
**Location:** KENT, WA
**Description:** 10' saucer hovers just over car. Engine and clock electro-magnetic effect (EME). Battery dead later. / r211p27.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RODEGHIER, Mark/CUFOS: UFO REPORTS INVOLVING VEHICLE INTERFERENCE; CUFOS 1979. Available as CUFOS UFO Archive #1 CD-ROM. http://www.cufos.org/Pubform.pdf (Index 24)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7158
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "15", **HatchDesc:** "KENT,WA:10'SCR HVRS JUST OVR CAR:ENGINE+CLOCK EME:BATTERY DEAD LATER:/r211p27", **LatLong:** "47.383336 -122.250006", **LatLongDMS:** "47:23:00 N 122:15:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.383336,-122.250006)", **RelAlt:** "5", **State/Prov:** "Washington", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 24954 (418FE449)
**Date:** 6/2/1965
**Time:** 2000
**Location:** Kuranda, Australia
**Description:** Mr. D. Armstrong, a former airman, was called outside by his sons and saw a spherical object with flashing lights that appeared to land silently on a hillside situated on Mr. Watson's property.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** FSR 65, 5 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_649
### Event 24955 (B5FA09EF)
**Date:** 6/2/1965
**Description:** A silent sphere with flashing lights descended onto a hillside in Kuranda, Queensland, Australia at 8:00 p.m. Mr. D. Armstrong, a former airman, was called outside by his sons and saw the spherical object with flashing lights that appeared to land silently on a hillside situated on a Mr. Watson's property.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 649
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3229
### Event 24956 (D6DA116D)
**Date:** 6/3/1965
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) [Ed White](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/officiels.html\#WhiteEdward) is the first American to go into space, for 36 minutes. (June 3)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1965.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2103
### Event 24957 (70A10393)
**Date:** 6/3/1965
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) While his co-pilot [Ed White](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/officiels.html\#WhiteEdward) sleeps, astronaut [James McDivitt](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/MacDivittJames.html) observes an object through the window of his [Gemini 4](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/Gemini4.html), about 15 km from the capsule: he describes it by radio as having several long tentacles, and has time to photograph it before seeing it disappear. (June 3/4, 20th orbit)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1965.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2104
### Event 24958 (CD784C65)
**Date:** 6/3/1965
**Time:** 20:30
**Description:** Many separate observer(s). Vertical cylinder/cigar-shape hovers / 20 minute(s). Turns and vanishes. / r34p149.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SHUTTLEWOOD, Arthur: The WARMINSTER MYSTERY. Neville-Spearman/Tandem Books PB 1967, London. (Index 37)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7159
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens, **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "25", **Elev:** "109", **HatchDesc:** "HEYTESBURY,WILTs:MANY SEP.OBS:VERTICAL CGR HVRS/20min:TURNS+VANISHES:/r34p149", **LatLong:** "51.183336 -2.100000", **LatLongDMS:** "51:11:00 N 02:06:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.183336,-2.100000)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 24959 (56B93925)
**Date:** 6/3/1965
**Time:** 23:00
**Location:** GEMINI 4 OVER HAWAII
**Description:** White and McDivitt photograph cylinder/cylindrical object with arms. Booster? / MJ#214+/ r33p115.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 57)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7160
**Attributes:** **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Earth Orbit or seen from space stations/capsules", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "GEMINI 4 ovr HAWAII:WHITE+McDIVITT FOTO CYL W/ARMS:booster?:/MJ#214+/r33p115", **LatLong:** "20.000001 -157.000007", **LatLongDMS:** "20:00:00 N 157:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/20.000001,-157.000007)", **State/Prov:** "EOR", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 24960 (E75FD0A4)
**Date:** 6/3/1965
**Description:** A vertical cigar-shaped object hovered for 20 minutes over Heytesbury, Wiltshire, England starting at 8:30 p.m. It then turned and vanished. There were many independent witnesses.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Arthur Shuttlewood, The Warminister Mystery: Astounding UFO Sightings, p. 41; BUFORA Journal, June 1965, p. 7
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3246
### Event 24961 (CF3ADE5B)
**Date:** 6/3/1965
**Description:** On this night a large luminous object encased in a bright green glow hovered low over a field in Monte Negro, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Through an opening two humanoids wearing brown suits and with dark round eyes were seen looking out.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1965, citing Antonio Faleiro
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3247
### Event 24962 (21341D2C)
**Date:** 6/4/1965 (approximate)
**Location:** IN SPACE
**Description:** (Translated from French) James Mc Divitt and Edward White were in orbit east of Hawaii. White was sleeping and Mc Divitt saw a bright, oval-shaped object, followed by a luminous trail, approaching GEMINI IV. He had time to take a photograph of the phenomenon. A few minutes later, as they flew over the Caribbean, the two men saw two similar objects. (Jacques POTTIER: "Les Soucoupes Volantes" - DE VECCHI - 1974 - p. 42, 43) (Filers Files # 15 of 19.4.1999, Georges Filer of MUFON). (Charles GARREAU: "Les pilotes témoignent: Les OVNI sont parmi nous" Historia n°421 Dec. 81) (S.DELLO STROLOGO: "Ce que les Gouvernements vous cachent sur les S.V." - De Vecchi 1975- p. 185) (Jean PRACHAN: "Le triangle des Bermudes base secrète des OVNI" - Belfond 1978 - p. 112). (Jean-Francis CROLARD: "L'énigme des E.T." - éd. Guy TREDANIEL 1995, p. 35) GEMINI IV June 4, 1965 (James A. McDivitt, Edward White). The camera was loaded with an Eastman color l6mm film, 6 images per second. McDivitt has publicly denied seeing a UFO and said that the published photo does not show the object he saw. This photo only shows the reflection on the copilot's window. McDivitt is sure he saw a satellite launched from the earth, but the public must ignore it for security reasons. McDivitt, unlike other astronauts, has always willingly answered journalists' questions about this incident. (June 4, 1965 (July?))
**Reference:** 1989 - listing and research by Harvey S. Stewart
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2319
### Event 24963 (ABCCC7B0)
**Date:** 6/4/1965
**Location:** Outer Space
**Description:** Gemini 4 mission sighting of a "weird object" with "arms."
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [_UFOs and the National Security State: Chronology of a Cover-up, 1941–1973_, by Richard Dolan](https://archive.org/details/ufosnationalsecu00dola/mode/2up)
**Source:** Dolan, **ID:** Dolan_257
### Event 24964 (0D8E85A7)
**Date:** 6/4/1965
**Location:** Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas
**Description:** During the [Gemini 4](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gemini%5F4) mission, astronaut [James McDivitt](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James%5FMcDivitt) spots an object that he describes as a “white cylindrical shape with a white pole sticking out of one corner of it.” He takes two photos of it. His partner, [Ed White](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ed%5FWhite%5F%28astronaut%29), is asleep at the time. McDivitt maintains that it was some unknown but man-made piece of debris, while [James](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James%5FOberg) [Oberg](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James%5FOberg)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James%5FOberg) flight controller at the Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas, argues that it is most likely the Titan II second stage of the craft.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[‘Object’ Astronaut Sighted Still Unidentified,](http://www.cufos.org/UFOI%5Fand%5FSelected%5FDocuments/UFOI/027%20JUN-JUL%201965.pdf)” UFO Investigator 3, no. 3 \(June/July 1965\): 3; Keyhoe, Aliens from Space, Signet ed., 1974, [pp. 212–213](https://archive.org/details/aliensfromspacer00keyh/page/212/mode/2up); “[The Gemini IV Photograph,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%2C1965%2CSep-Oct%2CV%2011%2CN%205.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 11, no. 5 \(Sept./Oct. 1965\): 3; Condon, [pp. 205–207](https://archive.org/details/scientificstudyo0000unse%5Fl5t2/page/204/mode/2up); Good Above, [pp. 378–379](https://archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/378/mode/2up); “[Gemini 4 Astronaut](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BoQAadYEMwk) [James McDivitt UFO Sighting,](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BoQAadYEMwk)” SpaceTimeForum YouTube channel, June 9, 2013; Center for UFO Studies, \[[case documents](http://cufos.org/cases/1965%5F06%5F04%5FSP%5FNICAP%5FMcDivitt.pdf)\]; Lee Speigel, “[NASA UFO Files Revealed on Science Channel Special,](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/nasa-ufo-science-channel-special%5Fn%5F1380571)” HuffPost, March 27, 2012; Patrick Gross, “[NASA Photographs of Unidentified Objects](https://ufologie.patrickgross.org/htm/gemini465.htm)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3887
### Event 24965 (29112DDF)
**Date:** 6/4/1965
**Description:** The Gemini-4 mission with astronauts McDivitt and White sighted a "weird object" with "arms" while in orbit over the Pacific Ocean near Hawaii. Motion picture film was shot.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP UFO Investigator, July-August 1965, p. 3; Frank Edwards, Flying Saucers--Serious Business, p. 208; Richard M. Dolan, UFO's and the National Security State: Chronology of a Cover-up 1941-1973, p. 412
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3271
### Event 24966 (08769E92)
**Date:** 6/5/1965 (approximate)
**Description:** Several reports / weekend. Cylinder/cigar-shape over General electric facility. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 793)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7161
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **NUC:** Nuclear facility related, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "64", **Elev:** "9", **HatchDesc:** "LYNN+NAHANT,MASS:SVRL Repts/WEEKEND:CGR OVER GENERAL ELECTRIC FACILITY:NFD", **LatLong:** "42.483335 -70.950003", **LatLongDMS:** "42:29:00 N 70:57:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.483335,-70.950003)", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 24967 (FCEA1530)
**Date:** 6/5/1965
**Location:** Lynn/Nahant, MA
**Description:** UFOs over GE facility (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, NC)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2807
### Event 24968 (2D329A0D)
**Date:** 6/5/1965
**Description:** A year later in Lynn, Massachusetts there were several reports of a cigar-shaped object being seen over the local GE facility. This was in the same 24-hour period that James McDivitt took a photo of an unknown light source from the Gemini 4 spacecraft, while in orbit in Outer Space over Hawaii.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** APRO Bulletin, January-February 1966; NICAP UFO Investigator, October 1958, p. 2
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3297
### Event 24969 (E57BB760)
**Date:** 6/6/1965
**Description:** Private aircraft pilot Mr. C. Adams, and a television cameraman Mr. Les Hendy, reported seeing four or five “mysterious objects” floating in the sea 3 miles east of Fraser Island, 150 miles north of Brisbane, Queensland, Australia at about 11.30 a.m. Mr. Adams first noticed two of the objects from a distance of about 8 miles while flying over Fraser Island. The weather was clear and the objects appeared to resemble two big dark-coloured logs. They were narrow and up to 100 feet long. As he steered toward them two or three similar but smaller objects appeared near the other two. They did not appear to move, but seemed to “sort of submerge" when the plane was about one mile away from them. From the air they appeared to be lying just below the surface and when “submerging” from sight seemed to do so without disturbing the surface. Mr. Adams was certain that the objects were too big to be fish or sharks, and the wrong shape to be whales. Mr. Hendy regretted that they were too far away from him to film them. Several experts got their heads together and decided that the objects sighted were migrating whales. However, their explanation was soon squashed when part-owner of the Seabrae Hotel--Mr. G. Sampson--and Mrs. V. Grady reported that they had sighted a similar object on the very same day, half-a-mile out between Redcliffe Pier and Redcliffe Point. They watched it for 10 minutes. It was long and black and there appeared to be a black balloon suspended over it. A Fisheries Dept. spokesman commented that it was unlikely to be a whale, because they very seldom come into Morton Bay.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** H. J. Hinfelaar, “Submarine Craft in Australian Waters”, Flying Saucer Review, July-August 1966, p. 29
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3322
### Event 24970 (59038CB9)
**Date:** 6/7/1965
**End date:** 6/8/1965
**Locations:** Argentinian Deception Station; Deception Island; South Shetland Islands; Antarctica
**Description:** 7:50 p.m. Meteorological officer Jorge Stanich is performing a routine observation at the Argentinian Deception Station on Deception Island in the South Shetland Islands, Antarctica, when he notices a stationary, bright, yellow light at an altitude of 25° above the horizon. He estimates its distance at 1.2 miles. The object is visible for 5 seconds. Six and a half hours later, at 2:20 a.m., he again sees a stationary light in the northwest at an altitude of 40° above the horizon for 4 seconds.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Daniel A. Perisse, “[Deception Island UFO Sightings,](http://www.nicap.org/docs/antarctica/6507MufonSympap%5F87%5FAntartica.pdf)” MUFON 1987 International UFO Symposium Proceedings, Mutual UFO Network, 1987, pp. 142–146
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3888
### Event 24971 (769AA840)
**Date:** 6/7/1965
**Description:** In Scoriton, England on this day in 1965 three glowing beings allegedly appeared to a witness named Bryant one day after the flying saucer contactee George Adamski died. One of the beings calls himself "Yamski." The witness was left with headaches, messages, and a metallic object.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** BUFORA Journal, June 1965, p. 10; Eileen Buckle, The Scoriton Mystery
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3350
### Event 24972 (A32B4A8C)
**Date:** 6/8/1965
**End date:** 6/9/1965
**Location:** unknown location, Turkey
**Description:** (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2802
### Event 24973 (070B5BA2)
**Date:** 6/8/1965
**Location:** Ankara, Turkey
**Description:** Radar/Visuals of High Speed Objects (McDonald list) (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** NICAP: [650608](http://www.nicap.org/650608turkey%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2808
### Event 24974 (4C374725)
**Date:** 6/10/1965
**Time:** 07:00:00.0
**Location:** 52.9000 56.5000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Butane 1-2” Yield: 7.6KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1268
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "52.9000 56.5000", **LatLongDMS:** "52:54:00 N 56:30:00 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/52.9000,56.5000)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "1.35", **NukeName:** "PNE:Butane 1-2", **NukeSource:** "SULTANOV", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** "7.6"
### Event 24975 (13DB1BF4)
**Date:** 6/11/1965
**Location:** 37.0000 -116.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Organdy” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_414
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0000 -116.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:00 N 116:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0000,-116.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Organdy", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 24976 (EA4530EF)
**Date:** 6/11/1965
**Time:** 19:45:00.0
**Location:** 37.0428 -116.0170
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Petrel” Yield: 1.3KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_415
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0428 -116.0170", **LatLongDMS:** "37:02:34 N 116:01:01 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0428,-116.0170)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.18", **NukeName:** "Petrel", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "1.3"
### Event 24977 (F206F755)
**Date:** 6/13/1965
**Description:** Modbury, South Australia. A dark, disc-shaped object hovered and circled for 15 minutes at an estimated 3,000 feet altitude. A photo of the same or a similar object was taken in Adelaide on the same day.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** J. B. Delaire, UFO Register, Volume 7 (1976), p. 55
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3459
### Event 24978 (172892F8)
**Date:** 6/14/1965
**Location:** DRY FORK, UTAH
**Description:** Start / wave. Classic saucer resembles well known photographs. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SALISBURY, Frank: The UTAH UFO DISPLAY -- a Biologist Reports; 1974 Devin Adair, New Greenwich,CT. HB 286pp. ISBN 0-815-97000-5 (Index 240)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7162
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "1973", **HatchDesc:** "DRY FORK,UTAH:START/WAVE:CLASSIC SCR RESEMBLES WELL KNOWN FOTOS:NFD", **LatLong:** "40.600002 -109.666672", **LatLongDMS:** "40:36:00 N 109:40:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.600002,-109.666672)", **State/Prov:** "Utah", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 24979 (EDC9E682)
**Date:** 6/14/1965
**Description:** On this night a domed disc shaped object, yellow-orange in color, was sighted by Bob Young and four others in Dry Fork, Utah. It flew overhead for five minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Frank Salisbury, The Utah UFO Display, Appendix case no. 4
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3476
### Event 24980 (FFEE54F0)
**Date:** 6/15/1965
**Description:** On this evening a bluish 40-foot disc-shaped object with illuminated portholes was seen in Smithfield, Queensland, Australia.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Michael Hervey, UFOs over the Southern Hemisphere, p. 154
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3499
### Event 24981 (876CBE99)
**Date:** 6/16/1965
**Time:** 16:30:00.2
**Location:** 36.8181 -115.9561
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Diluted Waters” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_416
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "36.8181 -115.9561", **LatLongDMS:** "36:49:05 N 115:57:22 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/36.8181,-115.9561)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.19", **NukeMb:** "4.48", **NukeName:** "Diluted Waters", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 24982 (51DB42BD)
**Date:** 6/16/1965
**Description:** On this night a bright light seen in the sky over Townsville, Queensland, Australia gradually accelerated, next zig-zagged, and then stopped and started moving three times before disappearing out of sight.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Michael Hervey, UFOs over the Southern Hemisphere, p. 154
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3512
### Event 24983 (347FD439)
**Date:** 6/17/1965
**Time:** 17:00:00.1
**Location:** 37.2234 -116.0570
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Tiny Tot” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_417
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.2234 -116.0570", **LatLongDMS:** "37:13:24 N 116:03:25 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.2234,-116.0570)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.11", **NukeName:** "Tiny Tot", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 24984 (55BC6BCD)
**Date:** 6/17/1965
**Time:** 03:45:00.0
**Location:** 49.8284 78.0669
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: .001KT YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1269
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.8284 78.0669", **LatLongDMS:** "49:49:42 N 78:04:01 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.8284,78.0669)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.40", **NukeSource:** "BOCHAROV", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** ".001", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 24985 (C06386E5)
**Date:** 6/18/1965
**Time:** ~15:00
**Description:** Saucer maneuvers and hovers. Changes color(s). 19+separate observer(s). / r193#16.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** EDWARDS, Frank: FLYING SAUCERS-SERIOUS BUSINESS; Lyle Stewart & Bantam Books 1966. (Index 162)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7163
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Antarctic below 70 degrees South", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "20", **HatchDesc:** "CHILEAN ANTARCTIC STN:SCR MNVRS+HVRS:CHANGES CLRS:19+SEP.OBS:/r193#16", **LatLong:** "-62.966670 -60.600003", **LatLongDMS:** "62:58:00 S 60:36:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-62.966670,-60.600003)", **State/Prov:** "CHL", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 24986 (F0A9A069)
**Date:** 6/18/1965
**Alternate date:** 6/20/1965
**Locations:** Chilean Aguirre Cerda Research Station; Deception Island; South Shetland Islands; Antarctica
**Description:** 4:20 p.m. The Commander of the Chilean Aguirre Cerda Research Station \[destroyed in 1967\] on Deception Island in the South Shetland Islands, Antarctica, [Mario Jahn Barrera](https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mario%5FJahn%5FBarrera)[,](https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mario%5FJahn%5FBarrera) together with Chilean Air Force pilot Lt. Benavidez, a meteorologist, and seven other witnesses, observe a UFO that maneuvers rapidly on an oscillating course for 25 minutes.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Good Above, [p. 309](https://archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/308/mode/2up); Daniel A. Perisse, “[Deception Island UFO Sightings,](http://www.nicap.org/docs/antarctica/6507MufonSympap%5F87%5FAntartica.pdf)” MUFON 1987 International UFO Symposium Proceedings, Mutual UFO Network, 1987, p. 146
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3889
### Event 24987 (BA8D6CF9)
**Date:** 6/18/1965
**Description:** The Chilean military base in Antarctica sighted a large, lens-shaped UFO at 4:00 p.m. A photograph was taken and electromagnetic effects were reported.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP UFO Investigator, September-October 1965, p. 2; Coral E. Lorenzen, Flying Saucers: The Startling Evidence of the Invasion from Outer Space, p. 235; Brad Steiger, Strangers From the Skies, p. 123; Frank Edwards, Flying Saucers--Serious Business, p. 283; UNICAT, case # 112
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3532
### Event 24988 (E5E9950E)
**Date:** 6/19/1965
**Location:** Antarctica
**Description:** Chilean military sees large lens-shaped UFO. Non-US military.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [_UFOs and the National Security State: Chronology of a Cover-up, 1941–1973_, by Richard Dolan](https://archive.org/details/ufosnationalsecu00dola/mode/2up)
**Source:** Dolan, **ID:** Dolan_258
### Event 24989 (232A1AD6)
**Date:** 6/19/1965
**Time:** 04:00
**Location:** ROCKY, OK
**Description:** Bright round object going down / 12M altitude. Snoops around farm. Many lights / outside.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HYNEK, J. Allen: The UFO EXPERIENCE, A Scientific Inquiry; Ballentine Books, NY 1974,1977. (Index 104)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7164
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "475", **HatchDesc:** "ROCKY,OK:BRITE ROUND OBJ ↓/12M alt:SNOOPS AROUND FARM:MANY LITES/OUTSIDE.", **LatLong:** "35.161113 -99.066671", **LatLongDMS:** "35:09:40 N 99:04:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/35.161113,-99.066671)", **RelAlt:** "12", **State/Prov:** "Oklahoma", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 24990 (2E92B890)
**Date:** 6/19/1965
**Time:** 20:00?
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Flames flicker / entire length / cylinder/cigar-shape. "On fire".
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SHUTTLEWOOD, Arthur: The WARMINSTER MYSTERY. Neville-Spearman/Tandem Books PB 1967, London. (Index 41)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7165
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "74", **HatchDesc:** "GLOUCESTER> Event 24991 (639AC790)
**Date:** 6/19/1965
**Time:** 20:40
**Location:** WARMINSTER, UK
**Description:** 6 separate observer(s). Cylinder/cigar-shape going [to] sideways / low altitude. Portholes glow / entire side. / r98#30.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SHUTTLEWOOD, Arthur: The WARMINSTER MYSTERY. Neville-Spearman/Tandem Books PB 1967, London. (Index 25)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7166
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "120", **HatchDesc:** "WARMINSTER,UK:6 SEP.OBS:CGR > SIDEWAYS/lo alt:PORTS GLOW/ENTIRE SIDE:/r98#30", **LatLong:** "51.183336 -2.200000", **LatLongDMS:** "51:11:00 N 02:12:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.183336,-2.200000)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 24992 (A1904812)
**Date:** 6/19/1965
**Location:** Rocky, Oklahoma
**Description:** 4:00 a.m. Two farm boys are stacking hay near Rocky, Oklahoma, when a bright white, circular, wingless craft appears and descends at a 45° angle to the height of nearby telephone wires. The apparent size of the full moon, it moves horizontally across the farmyard. It has numerous lights around the outside and appears to be rotating in a counterclockwise direction. Their dogs start barking at it. They believe it is going to crash, so they run back into the barn after 3 minutes. It is last seen over a small silo.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** J. Allen Hynek, The UFO Experience, Ballantine ed., 1974, [pp. 104–106](https://archive.org/details/ufoexperience00jall/page/104/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3890
### Event 24993 (4DFECF87)
**Date:** 6/20/1965
**Time:** 22:30
**Location:** ROCHESTER, NY
**Description:** Circular object flashes blue going [to] white going [to] blue going [to] white.. / 35 second(s). No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 793)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7167
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "155", **HatchDesc:** "ROCHESTER,NY:CIRCULAR OBJ FLASHES BLU > WHT > BLU > WHT../35sec:NFD", **LatLong:** "43.133335 -77.633337", **LatLongDMS:** "43:08:00 N 77:38:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.133335,-77.633337)", **State/Prov:** "New York", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 24994 (95F6973F)
**Date:** 6/21/1965
**Time:** 02:00
**Location:** ATLANTIC EAST / WDC
**Description:** 5 / USCG eagle and RADAR. Brilliant star quickly going up / horizon. Maneuvers. Quickly going down [to] and quickly going up [to] and turns. (Silenced.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 938)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7168
**Attributes:** **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **RDR:** Radar traces/blips, **MIL:** Military investigation, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies, **COV:** Indication of coverup
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Atlantic Ocean + islands", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "30", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "ATLANTIC E/WDC:5/USCG EAGLE+RDR:BRILL.STAR ↑↑/HRZN:MNVRS:↓↓+↑↑+TURNS:(silenced", **LatLong:** "38.000002 -70.000003", **LatLongDMS:** "38:00:00 N 70:00:00 W", **Locale:** "High Seas", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.000002,-70.000003)", **State/Prov:** "NAT", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 24995 (24FB295A)
**Date:** 6/21/1965
**Time:** 11:30
**Description:** Long thin metal object just underwater. Submerges / plane nears.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 793)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7169
**Attributes:** **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SUB:** Submersible: Rises from or submerges into water, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "E/FRASER ISL,QLD,AUST:LONG THIN MTL OBJ JUST UNDERWATER:SUBMERGES/PLANE NEARS", **LatLong:** "-25.200001 153.166674", **LatLongDMS:** "25:12:00 S 153:10:00 E", **Locale:** "Offshore", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-25.200001,153.166674)", **RelAlt:** "-1", **State/Prov:** "Queensland", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 24996 (339BB3BA)
**Date:** 6/21/1965
**Time:** 21:30
**Location:** CHESANING, MI
**Description:** Saucer with blinking red light seen / 20 minute(s). Appears to land in distance.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 793)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7170
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "20", **Elev:** "196", **HatchDesc:** "CHESANING,MI:SCR w/BLINKING RED LITE SEEN/20min:APPEARS TO LAND IN DISTANCE", **LatLong:** "43.183335 -84.116671", **LatLongDMS:** "43:11:00 N 84:07:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.183335,-84.116671)", **State/Prov:** "Michigan", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 24997 (3FBA6DA9)
**Date:** 6/21/1965
**Description:** An unidentified submarine object (USO) was sighted by a pilot flying east of Fraser Island, off Maryborough, Queensland, Australia at 11:30 a.m. It was long, thin, and metallic looking and just under the surface of the ocean. It submerged out of sight when the plane flew over.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** APRO Bulletin, January-February 1966, p. 8
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3574
### Event 24998 (484E4F0B)
**Date:** 6/21/1965
**Description:** A disc with a blinking red light was seen for 20 minutes in Chesaning, Michigan starting at 9:30 p.m. It appeared to land remotely.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** APRO Bulletin, January-February 1968
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3575
### Event 24999 (EC36116C)
**Date:** 6/24/1965
**Time:** 22:00
**Description:** Several observer(s). Round object with R and G and west lights. Away over horizon. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 793)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7171
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "60", **HatchDesc:** "MUNDALLA,S.AUSTR:SVRL OBS:ROUND OBJ w/R+G+W LITES:AWAY OVR HORIZON:NFD", **LatLong:** "-36.283335 140.788896", **LatLongDMS:** "36:17:00 S 140:47:20 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-36.283335,140.788896)", **State/Prov:** "South Australia", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 25000 (90D4CC38)
**Date:** 6/24/1965
**Description:** A saucer-shaped object with a conical top, and rows of lights across the front and along the side flew over Nebo, Queensland, Australia. It glowed bluish-white and had a red tail. At 10:00 p.m. in Mundilla, South Australia a round object with red, green, and white lights flew away over the horizon.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** (1) Michael Hervey, UFOs over the Southern Hemisphere, p. 155; (2) APRO Bulletin, January-February 1966
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3639
### Event 25001 (65F28E0B)
**Date:** 6/25/1965
**Time:** 22:00
**Location:** MONT-ST. MARTIN, FR
**Description:** Several observer(s). Deep rumble. TV electro-magnetic effect (EME). Fireball hovers. Earth shakes. / r230v1#3.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 95)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7172
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "MONT-St.MARTIN,FR:SVRL OBS:DEEP RUMBLE:TV EME:FBL HVRS:EARTH SHAKES:/r230v1#3", **LatLong:** "49.533336 5.783334", **LatLongDMS:** "49:32:00 N 05:47:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.533336,5.783334)", **State/Prov:** "Meurthe-et-Moselle", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 25002 (976E7C6A)
**Date:** 6/25/1965
**Locations:** Area 25; Nevada Test Site
**Description:** The Phoebus 1A nuclear rocket engine is tested at Area 25 of the Nevada Test Site as part of Project Rover. It runs at full power for 10.5 minutes. Unfortunately, the intense radiation environment causes one of the capacitance gauges to produce erroneous readings. When confronted by one gauge that says the hydrogen propellant tank is nearly empty, and another that says it is a quarter full, and unsure which is correct, the technicians in the control room choose to believe the one that says it is a quarter full. But the tank is indeed nearly empty, and the propellant runs dry. Without liquid hydrogen to cool it, the engine, operating at 2,000° C., quickly overheats and explodes. About a fifth of the fuel is ejected and most of the rest melts. The whole decontamination effort takes 400 people two months to complete, and costs $50,000.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Project Rover](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project%5FRover\#Phoebus)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3891
### Event 25003 (88980AF1)
**Date:** 6/25/1965
**Locations:** Carrollton, Ohio; Joseph Stavano's farm
**Description:** Frank Stavano and 24 other witnesses hear a loud, inexplicable explosion at his father Joseph’s farm near Carrollton, Ohio. Two days later, Joseph Stavano is cutting hay when he discovers a strange circular formation from which the wheat is completely missing in the center for a diameter of 26 feet; at the edges the stubble is bent or broken outward at an angle of 20–30° from the horizontal. No other path leads into the circle but his own. Soil samples show no evidence of explosives or other foreign matter.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Photograph of Carrollton, Ohio, Ground Mark](http://cufos.org/CUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter/1980%5FCUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter%5FV1.pdf) [Received at CUFOS,](http://cufos.org/CUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter/1980%5FCUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter%5FV1.pdf)” CUFOS Associate Newsletter 1, no. 6 \(October 1980\): 1–2
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3892
### Event 25004 (AA8F25D3)
**Date:** 6/28/1965
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) At Delroy, Ohio, farmer John Stavano hears a series of explosions. See two days later. (June 28)
**Reference:** Vallée 1969
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1965.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2105
### Event 25005 (CADC52B2)
**Date:** 6/28/1965
**Location:** DELLROY, OH
**Description:** Blast heard. 28' depression. Wheat plants pulled out / center. / r180p36.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: DIMENSIONS, A Casebook of Alien Contact Ballentine, NY 1989. PB (Index 54)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7173
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **NFO:** No craft seen, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens, **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "293", **HatchDesc:** "DELLROY,OH:BLAST HEARD:28'DEPRESSION:WHEAT PLANTS PULLED OUT/CENTER:/r180p36.", **LatLong:** "40.544446 -81.194448", **LatLongDMS:** "40:32:40 N 81:11:40 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.544446,-81.194448)", **State/Prov:** "Ohio", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 25006 (FD724051)
**Date:** 6/28/1965 (approximate)
**Location:** EAST / TOULON, VAR
**Description:** Silver sphere/orb/globe passes leaving orange trail / sky. Several minutes. According to Nice-Matin.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FIGEUT, Michel & RUCHON, Jean-Louis: OVNI - Le Premier Dossier..; Alain LeFeuvre, Paris 1979. (Index 256)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7174
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "9", **HatchDesc:** "E/TOULON,VAR:SLVR ORB PASSES LEAVING ORG TRAIL/SKY:SVRL MINUTES:per NICE-MATIN", **LatLong:** "43.150002 5.950000", **LatLongDMS:** "43:09:00 N 05:57:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.150002,5.950000)", **State/Prov:** "Var", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 25007 (6A934885)
**Date:** 6/29/1965
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** GREENVILLE, OH
**Description:** White disk / sky going west / 5 min. Surrounding mist seen when overhead. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 793)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7175
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "317", **HatchDesc:** "GREENVILLE,OH:WHT DISK/SKY >W/5 min:SURROUNDING MIST SEEN when OVHD:NFD:", **LatLong:** "40.105557 -84.633337", **LatLongDMS:** "40:06:20 N 84:38:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.105557,-84.633337)", **State/Prov:** "Ohio", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 25008 (C4ECED21)
**Date:** 6/29/1965
**Location:** Frankfurt, West Germany
**Description:** (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2809
### Event 25009 (48941231)
**Date:** 6/30/1965
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) John Stavano discovers, after hearing explosions the day before, a curious formation on the ground. The wheat ears seem to have been pulled out of the ground, uprooted. The case will be examined by A. Candusso and Larray Moyers, delegates of the *Flying Saucer Investigating Committee*, accompanied by Garry Davis. They find the strange circular configuration in Stavano's farm located on a ridge. At the center of the circle is a depression about 28 inches in diameter. It is explored with a probe but only soft soil is found to a depth of 9 inches. A good part of the wheat has been moved, roots included, and clods of earth a few inches long have been scattered. The ears lie on the ground, in the form of a wheel spoke. Analysis of soil and wheat samples finds no evidence that could be caused by an explosion. (June 30)
**Reference:** Vallée 1969
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1965.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2106
### Event 25010 (5E620F51)
**Date:** 6/30/1965
**Time:** 02:50
**Location:** VIRGIN ISLANDS
**Description:** Scientists and many. Flat round illuminated object seen widely.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 198)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7176
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Caribbean area", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "VIRGIN ISLANDS:SCIENTISTS+MANY:FLAT ROUND ILLUMINATED OBJ SEEN WIDELY", **LatLong:** "17.666668 -64.716670", **LatLongDMS:** "17:40:00 N 64:43:00 W", **Locale:** "Islands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/17.666668,-64.716670)", **State/Prov:** "VGI", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 25011 (A761A9D1)
**Date:** 7/1965
**Location:** USSR
**Description:** (Translated from French) (cf: August 1964) Then there were five (with Cosmos 71 to 75) in July 1965, experience also repeated twice. [followed by April 1970]
**Reference:** "The War of the Satellites" - Volume 3 - Pierre Kohler, ed. Famot 1982, p. 94
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2322
### Event 25012 (22222BB9)
**Date:** 7/1965
**Location:** CANADA, British Columbia
**Description:** (Translated from French) H.M. Hembling, a geologist, and his colleague saw that morning an object in the shape of a mushroom performing a descent to stop less than 15 m from the surface of a small lake. From the lower part of the object a kind of tube plunged into the water where it remained for 8 minutes before coming out again. The object immediately resumed its flight afterwards.
**Reference:** Canadian Ufo Report vol. 3 n° 6 - 1975
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2326
### Event 25013 (7A17F6DC)
**Date:** 7/1965
**Location:** NORWAY, Hoysundet
**Description:** (Translated from French) At around 2:30 pm a woman, sitting by the window reading, suddenly saw a yellow-ochre light 30 m away from her and 15 m above the hill (note from vog: .. how close that hill was...) She saw an object approaching that looked like a small plane without a rudder, with a small boy with a big head as the pilot, and extraordinary large dark eyes. He was sitting under a dome and wearing a helmet. He stopped 3 m away from the window, staying there for only 3 seconds: he was intensely observing her. During this short time the witness felt paralyzed, but as soon as the object left the feeling went away. She estimated the length of the object to be maximum 4 m, and heard a kind of whistling the whole time. After this observation she felt numb and everything sparkled in front of her eyes.
**Reference:** Skandinavisk Ufo Information
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2327
### Event 25014 (F111C8DA)
**Date:** 7/1965 (approximate)
**Time:** 10:00
**Location:** 70 MI NORTH / HAZELTON, BC
**Description:** 2 / helicopter. 50' saucer drops tube / lake. Humming. Retracts and away. / r184p198.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 267)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7177
**Attributes:** **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "9", **Elev:** "120", **HatchDesc:** "70mi N/HAZELTON,BC:2/COPTER:50'SCR DROPS TUBE/LAKE:HUM:RETRACTS+AWAY:/r184p198", **LatLong:** "56.166669 -127.666673", **LatLongDMS:** "56:10:00 N 127:40:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/56.166669,-127.666673)", **State/Prov:** "British Columbia", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 25015 (5CCB5BD4)
**Date:** 7/1965?
**Time:** 20:00
**Location:** ANN ARBOR, MI
**Description:** 3 grad.astronomers. 2 red night lights oscillate/oscillation as if invisibly attached northeast going quickly northwest.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** STURROCK, Dr. Peter A: REPORT / SURVEY of the AMERICAN ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY of the UFO PROBLEM; Stanford, CA 1977. (Index 81)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7178
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "264", **HatchDesc:** "ANN ARBOR,MI:3 GRAD.ASTRONOMERS:2 RED NLTS OSC AS IF INVISIBLY ATTACHED NE>>NW", **LatLong:** "42.233335 -83.733337", **LatLongDMS:** "42:14:00 N 83:44:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.233335,-83.733337)", **State/Prov:** "Michigan", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 25016 (EE8A8DCF)
**Date:** 7/1965
**Time:** 23:30
**Location:** LAKE FOREST, IL
**Description:** Noise. Transparent glowing-bubble over lawn. Normal men inside move oddly.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CLARK, Jerome: High Strangeness: UFO's from 1960 through 1979. The UFO ENCYCLOPEDIA Volume 3. 1996 Omnigraphics Inc Detroit, MI ISBN 1-55888-742-3 (Index 98)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7179
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "213", **HatchDesc:** "LAKE FOREST,IL:NOISE:XPRNT GLO-BUBBLE OVR LAWN:NORMAL MEN INSIDE MOVE ODDLY", **LatLong:** "42.261113 -87.838893", **LatLongDMS:** "42:15:40 N 87:50:20 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.261113,-87.838893)", **State/Prov:** "Illinois", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 25017 (A8EDC301)
**Date:** 7/1965 (approximate)
**Time:** 22:00?
**Location:** BEIJING, CH
**Description:** 10000s / observer(s). 2 bright domed saucers invade skies. / r120p207+/ r208p46.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 218)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7184
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "China", **Credibility:** "14", **Duration:** "20", **HatchDesc:** "BEIJING,CH:10000s/OBS:2 BRITE DOMED SCRS INVADE SKIES:/r120p207+/r208p46", **LatLong:** "39.916669 116.383339", **LatLongDMS:** "39:55:00 N 116:23:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.916669,116.383339)", **State/Prov:** "Beijing", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 25018 (607978E9)
**Date:** 7/1965
**Description:** [Hynek](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J.%5FAllen%5FHynek) writes a letter to the Air Force calling for a systematic study of UFOs. He writes that “enough puzzling sightings have been reported by intelligent and often technically competent people to warrant closer attention than Project Blue Book can possibly encompass at the present time.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** J. Allen Hynek, “[Are Flying Saucers Real?](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/0%20-%20Articles/United%20States/Saturday%20Evening%20Post/1966%2012%2017%5FSaturday%20Evening%20Post%5FHynek.pdf)” Saturday Evening Post, December 17, 1966, p. 20
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3893
### Event 25019 (29D6E03C)
**Date:** 7/1965
**Location:** Lake Forest, Illinois
**Description:** 11:30 p.m.–midnight. Talking on the phone in her second-floor bedroom in Lake Forest, Illinois, Pat Harvey sees a flash and hears a commotion or “rustle” outside. When she finishes the conversation, she looks out the window toward her neighbor’s lawn and sees a transparent bubble of light about 100 feet away. Inside the globe are several individuals who look like normal human beings, though slightly shorter \(5 feet tall\) and with skin that looks tanned. They are lying down in a somewhat haphazard arrangement. There are no visible instruments or seats. The object bobs up and down slightly, and the beings’ arms are moving in a way that reminds Harvey of “rowing motions.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clark III 277; Patrick Gross, [URECAT](https://ufologie.patrickgross.org/ce3/1965-07-usa-lakeforest.htm)[,](https://ufologie.patrickgross.org/ce3/1965-07-usa-lakeforest.htm) June 21, 2008
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3894
### Event 25020 (A342CF95)
**Date:** 7/1/1965
**Location:** FRANCE, Valensole (Basses-Alpes)
**Description:** (Translated from French) Maurice Masse was smoking a cigarette early in the morning before going to work in his fields when he heard a whistling. He then saw an egg-shaped craft in his lavender field and approached it to within 6 m. In front of the craft, two figures seemed to be examining the lavender. They measured about 1.20 m and were dressed in a one-piece gray-green suit. Their head was three times bigger than a human head, had normal eyes, but only an opening where the mouth should be. They were not wearing helmets. Their hands were small and well proportioned. One of them took out a tube from a sheath on his belt and pointed it at Masse. He was thus completely immobilized. For 60 seconds the creatures circled around him and a kind of gurgling came from their throat, although their mouth did not move. Then the beings returned to the craft, the door slid shut, and Masse saw them in the dome. The craft lifted off the ground from its central pivot, rose slowly, its six thin legs began to spin faster and faster, and it flew off obliquely. After 50 m it suddenly disappeared in one go. After 20 minutes Masse gradually regained his mobility to return home.
**Reference:** This case was widely commented on by all authors, as there were traces on the ground etc. - this excerpt is taken from: Henry DURRANT: "First Investigations on ET Humanoids" - Laffont 1977 - pp. 38 to 41
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2320
### Event 25021 (AB78F710)
**Date:** 7/1/1965
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) [Valensole Incident](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/1965-07-01\_Valensole.html) \(Alpes de Haute-Provence\). (July 1st, 1965, 5:45am)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1965.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2107
### Event 25022 (AB662721)
**Date:** 7/1/1965
**Location:** FRAMINGHAM, MASS
**Description:** Many observer(s). Silver-white round object in side to side maneuvers. Going north. Back 22 July.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 793)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7180
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "50", **HatchDesc:** "FRAMINGHAM,MASS:MANY OBS:SLVR-WHT RND OBJ in SIDE to SIDE MNVRS:>N:BACK 22JLY", **LatLong:** "42.283335 -71.416670", **LatLongDMS:** "42:17:00 N 71:25:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.283335,-71.416670)", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 25023 (B449650E)
**Date:** 7/1/1965
**Time:** 03:00
**Description:** Sky turns green / 10 minute(s). Barge and environs all lit green.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FIGEUT, Michel & RUCHON, Jean-Louis: OVNI - Le Premier Dossier..; Alain LeFeuvre, Paris 1979. (Index 256)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7181
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **NFO:** No craft seen, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "8", **HatchDesc:** "PORT-St-LOUIS du-RHONE,FR:SKY TURNS GREEN/10min:BARGE+ENVIRONS ALL LIT GREEN", **LatLong:** "43.400002 4.811111", **LatLongDMS:** "43:24:00 N 04:48:40 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.400002,4.811111)", **State/Prov:** "Bouches-du-Rhône", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 25024 (70544917)
**Date:** 7/1/1965
**Time:** 03:30
**Location:** ORANGE, FR
**Description:** Several observer(s). Fireball chases jet plane. Military searchlight tries to spot fireball.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FIGEUT, Michel & RUCHON, Jean-Louis: OVNI - Le Premier Dossier..; Alain LeFeuvre, Paris 1979. (Index 256)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7182
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **MIL:** Military investigation
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "ORANGE,FR:SVRL OBS:FBL CHASES JET PLANE:MIL SEARCHLITE TRIES TO SPOT FBL", **LatLong:** "44.133335 4.816667", **LatLongDMS:** "44:08:00 N 04:49:00 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.133335,4.816667)", **State/Prov:** "Vaucluse", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 25025 (64EE0DCC)
**Date:** 7/1/1965
**Time:** 05:40
**Location:** VALENSOLE, FR
**Description:** Saucer going down / 6 legs. Small humanoids (or Greys) freeze observer(s). Get lavender plants. / r112p101+/ r8#650.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 200)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7183
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens, **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly, **CVS:** Conversation/communication, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **MIL:** Military investigation
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "20", **HatchDesc:** "VALENSOLE,FR:SCR↓/6 LEGS:OIDS FREEZE OBS:GET LAVENDER PLANTS:/r112p101+/r8#650", **LatLong:** "43.872224 6.000000", **LatLongDMS:** "43:52:20 N 06:00:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.872224,6.000000)", **State/Prov:** "Alpes de Haute Provence", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 25026 (6CD2FC16)
**Date:** 7/1/1965
**Location:** Valensole, France
**Description:** Humanoids Near Elliptical Object With Legs On Ground (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases, Code: En, Rating: 5)
**Reference:** NICAP: [650701](http://www.nicap.org/650701valensole%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2810
### Event 25027 (01E986D2)
**Date:** 7/1/1965
**Time:** 0500
**Location:** Valensole, France
**Description:** Farmer Maurice Masse, 41, heard a strange noise and saw an egg-shaped object 30 m away in a lavender field. The craft was set on a central pivot with six legs, was about 5 m long, and had a door showing two seats back to back. Near it were two dwarfs the size of 8-year-old children, with heads, normal human eyes, fine hands with five fingers, and no hair. They seemed surprised when the witness came near, and stopped their examination of a plant to aim a small device at him, causing inhibition of movement. They spoke among themselves in shrill sounds similar to a gargle. The craft took off and "vanished." Traces.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** FSR 65, 5; Magonia ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_650
### Event 25028 (3476B34A)
**Date:** 7/1/1965
**Location:** Valensole, France
**Description:** Elliptical object with legs observed on ground, two small humanoids pointed pencil-like device at witness, paralyzing him. Strong physical trace evidence at site
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_40
### Event 25029 (43F0578E)
**Date:** 7/1/1965
**Location:** Valensole, Alps-de-Haute-Provence, France
**Description:** 5:45 a.m. Maurice Masse is farming just north of Valensole, Alps-de-Haute-Provence, France, when he is startled by a whistling sound and sees an elliptical object resting on four legs some 200 feet away from him in his lavender field. Squatting on the ground near the object are two figures about the size of 8-year-old boys, apparently looking at a lavender plant. Masse approaches them to about 20 feet and the figures stand up. They are dressed in gray-green overalls and have smooth, pumpkin-like heads. Their eyes are large and slanted, their mouths have no lips and look like little holes. He hears some grunting sounds, and Masse hints that there is a telepathic communication. One of the figures points a pencil-like object at Masse and he is paralyzed. They enter the UFO through a door and the object shoots off at enormous speed with a whistling sound. It takes Masse another 20 minutes to regain control. Tracks left by the landing gear are found later by Masse and confirmed by gendarmes.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Rencontre de Valensole](https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rencontre%5Fde%5FValensole)”; NICAP, “[Humanoids near Elliptical Object with Legs on](http://www.nicap.org/650701valensole%5Fdir.htm) [Ground](http://www.nicap.org/650701valensole%5Fdir.htm)”; Clark 1205–1207; Good Above, [pp. 133–134](https://archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/132/mode/2up); G.E.P.A. Investigation, “[The Significant Report from](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%2C1965%2CNov-Dec%2CV%2011%2CN%206.pdf) [France,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%2C1965%2CNov-Dec%2CV%2011%2CN%206.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 11, no. 6 \(Nov./Dec. 1965\): 5–6; Aimé Michel, “[The Valensole Affair,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%2C1965%2CNov-Dec%2CV%2011%2CN%206.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 11, no. 6 \(Nov./Dec. 1965\): 7–9; Luis Schönherr, “[Luis Schönherr’s Questionnaire,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201966%20V%2012%20N%203.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 12, no. 3 \(May/June 1966\): 21; G.E.P.A. Representative, “[A Tentative Reply to Luis Schönherr’s](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201966%20V%2012%20N%203.pdf) [Questionnaire,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201966%20V%2012%20N%203.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 12, no. 3 \(May/June 1966\): 22–23; Aimé Michel, “[Valensole—Further](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201966%20V%2012%20N%203.pdf) [Details,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201966%20V%2012%20N%203.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 12, no. 3 \(May/June 1966\): 24–25; Aimé Michel and Charles Bowen, “[A Visit to](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201968%20V%2014%20N%201.pdf) [Valensole,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201968%20V%2014%20N%201.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 14, no. 1 \(Jan./Feb. 1967\): 6–12; Kim Hansen, “UFO Casebook,” UFOs 1947– 1987, Fortean Tomes, 1987, pp. 66–69; Patrick Gross, “[Close Encounters of the 3rd Kind: Valensole, France,](https://ufologie.patrickgross.org/htm/valensole1965.htm) [1965](https://ufologie.patrickgross.org/htm/valensole1965.htm)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3895
### Event 25030 (03D50BA1)
**Date:** 7/1/1965
**Description:** A domed disc-shapec object flew over Beijing, China at 10:00 p.m.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Lumieres dans la Nuit, issue # 218
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3771
### Event 25031 (9FAB7B1F)
**Date:** 7/1/1965
**Description:** One of the most famous landing and humanoid reports occurred on this day in Valensole, Alpes-Haut-Provence department, France. At around five o'clock in the morning farmer Maurice Masse, age 41, heard a strange noise and saw an egg-shaped object 30 meters away in a field of lavender. The craft was set on a central pivot with six legs, was about five meters long, and had a door showing two seats back to back. Nearby it were two dwarfs the size of eight-year-old children, with bald heads, normal human eyes, and fine hands with five fingers. They seemed surprised when the witness approached them, and stopped their examination of a plant to aim a small device at him, causing him to become temporarily paralyzed and unable to move. They spoke among themselves in shrill sounds similar to a gargle. The craft took off and "vanished" into the air. Ground traces were found in the field.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case # 113; Flying Saucer Review, May-June 1965, p. 36; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty Year Report, p. 377; UNICAT, case 481
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3772
### Event 25032 (A895DBE8)
**Date:** 7/1/1965
**Description:** On this night many witnesses in Framingham, Massachusetts saw a silvery white round object, which made side-to-side pendulum swings, then flew away to the north.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** APRO Bulletin, January-February 1966
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3773
### Event 25033 (53FC0764)
**Date:** 7/2/1965
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In Oklahoma, several police cars, called from all over, pursue UFOs with color changes, observations that will be attempted to explain by the stars Rigel, Capella and Aldebaran, which were at the antipodes. The police will nevertheless be ridiculed by Quintanilla and one of them will lose his job and his wife. (July 2)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1965.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2108
### Event 25034 (12112ED9)
**Date:** 7/2/1965
**Location:** Antarctica
**Description:** English base reports UFO for eight to ten minutes. Non-US military.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [_UFOs and the National Security State: Chronology of a Cover-up, 1941–1973_, by Richard Dolan](https://archive.org/details/ufosnationalsecu00dola/mode/2up)
**Source:** Dolan, **ID:** Dolan_259
### Event 25035 (2CCCE97A)
**Date:** 7/2/1965
**Time:** 19:20
**Description:** 5 scientists. Green and red night light zigzags and hovers and accelerations. 20-45° over horizon.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO Evidence II: HB: Scarecrow Press Lanham, MD. http://www.scarecrowpress.com ISBN 0-8108-3881-8 (Index 156)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7185
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Antarctic below 70 degrees South", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "20", **HatchDesc:** "DECEPTION Isl,ANTARC:5 SCIs:GRN+RED NLT ZIGZAGS+HVRS+ACCELs:20-45° ovr HRZN", **LatLong:** "-63.000003 -60.666670", **LatLongDMS:** "63:00:00 S 60:40:00 W", **Locale:** "Islands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-63.000003,-60.666670)", **State/Prov:** "PLM", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 25036 (2D033A7D)
**Date:** 7/2/1965
**End date:** 7/3/1965
**Location:** Antarctica
**Description:** Meteorological observers at scientific research bases watched zigzagging and maneuvering objects, including a lens-shaped disc. E-M effects
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_41
### Event 25037 (AC91FFEC)
**Date:** 7/2/1965
**Locations:** British Antarctic Station B; Deception Island; South Shetland Islands; Antarctica
**Description:** 7:15 p.m. Five garrison members of the British Antarctic Station B \[abandoned in 1969\] on Deception Island in the South Shetland Islands, Antarctica, have a UFO sighting while conducting routine meteorological observations. The witnesses see a light in the north quadrant, zigzagging, hovering, and accelerating at times, and maintaining altitudes between 20° and 45° above the horizon. The light is green and red, at times yellow, and is observed for perhaps 15–20 minutes. The edges of the light resemble those of a bright star.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** [Schopick](http://cufos.org/books/A%5FStudy%5Fof%5FSecondary%5FEffects-An%5FUnpublished%5FManuscript%5Fof%5FUFO%5FE-M%5FCases.pdf), pp. 153– 155; Frank Edwards, FS Serious Business, Bantam ed., 1966, [p. 162](https://archive.org/details/flyingsaucersser00edwa/page/n201/mode/2up); Good Above, [p. 309](https://archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/308/mode/2up); Daniel A. Perisse, “[Deception Island UFO Sightings,](http://www.nicap.org/docs/antarctica/6507MufonSympap%5F87%5FAntartica.pdf)” MUFON 1987 International UFO Symposium Proceedings, Mutual UFO Network, 1987, p. 146; Richard H. Hall, “[UFO Sightings at Scientific Stations in Antarctica, July 1965](http://www.nicap.org/docs/antarctica/650703rep.htm)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3896
### Event 25038 (F5B23ED3)
**Date:** 7/2/1965
**Description:** At 7:00 p.m. five scientists and meteorological observers at the English research base on Deception Island in Antarctica watched zig-zagging, maneuvering, color changing UFOs for 8-10 minutes, including a lens-shaped disc.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Coral E. Lorenzen, Flying Saucers: The Startling Evidence of the Invasion from Outer Space, pp. 234-235; Frank Edwards, Flying Saucers--Serious Business, p. 284; UNICAT, case # 110; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty-Year Report, pp. 4, 150
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3786
### Event 25039 (1B425078)
**Date:** 7/2/1965
**Description:** A woman named Brundage driving in Kent, Washington had a close encounter with a top-shaped UFO making a whistling sound at 11:00 p.m. It caused the car lights, radio, and engine to die.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** James Moseley, Saucer News, December 1965, p. 27; Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, p. 24; Brad Steiger & Joan Whritenour, Flying Saucers are Hostile, p. 41
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3787
### Event 25040 (1EBDD4D7)
**Date:** 7/3/1965
**Location:** Antartica
**Description:** Newspaper reports, Antartica: Argentine, British and Chilean military and scientific personnel observed an UFO moving at a frightening speed doing incredible maneuvers. It was something solid, glowing blue-green and causing E/M interference with our equipment. Lenticular shaped “flying saucer”. Tracked by theodolite, binoculars and magnetograph tapes. Also, 10 color photographs were taken of the UFO.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [Pea Research](https://www.academia.edu/9813787/GOVERNMENT_INVOLVEMENT_IN_THE_UFO_COVER_UP_CHRONOLOGY_based)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_628
### Event 25041 (9B2370B6)
**Date:** 7/3/1965
**Location:** ANTARCTICA, Deception Island
**Description:** (Translated from French) Technicians from several bases observed a huge disk flying over the island at high altitude with very variable speeds. Photographed, the object disturbed measuring devices of the Earth's magnetic field.
**Reference:** Frank EDWARDS: "Les S.V. affaire sérieuse - trad. Laffont 1967, pp. 245-246
**Reference:** Science et Vie, special edition 1997: 50 years of UFO, Atlas of Unexplained Cases, pp. 60-63
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2321
### Event 25042 (C56348D6)
**Date:** 7/3/1965
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) On Deception Island \(Antarctica\), technicians from several bases observed for several hours a giant disk-shaped object flying over the island at high altitude with very variable speeds. Photographed, the object disturbed Earth's magnetic field measuring devices. In addition to the British troops stationed on the island and the personnel of the Chilean base Pedro Aguirre, technicians from the Argentine navy also reported the passage above their ship of a very large lenticular object. The government of the Argentine Republic will issue an official statement confirming in all points the observation reports made by its navy as well as those of two other powers belonging to different nationalities. Other observations were also made in June, and declassified documents attest that the [DIA](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/DIA.html) was aware.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1965.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2109
### Event 25043 (B1ED7A47)
**Date:** 7/3/1965
**Location:** Antarctica
**Description:** Argentine base reports large UFO; radio interference. Non-US military.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [_UFOs and the National Security State: Chronology of a Cover-up, 1941–1973_, by Richard Dolan](https://archive.org/details/ufosnationalsecu00dola/mode/2up)
**Source:** Dolan, **ID:** Dolan_260
### Event 25044 (4F1A0112)
**Date:** 7/3/1965
**Location:** BUENOS AIRES, ARG
**Description:** Photographs of 2 saucer-cigars. Very bright lights-red-green-blue.. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LOFTIN, Robert: IDENTIFIED FLYING SAUCERS: D. McKay, NY 1968 (Index 37)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7186
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "27", **HatchDesc:** "BUENOS AIRES,ARG:FOTOS of 2 SCR-CGRs:VERY BRITE LITES-RED-GRN-BLU..:NFD", **LatLong:** "-34.600002 -58.466669", **LatLongDMS:** "34:36:00 S 58:28:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-34.600002,-58.466669)", **State/Prov:** "Buenos Aires", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 25045 (A191639B)
**Date:** 7/3/1965
**Time:** 17:00
**Description:** Arg. scientists. Blue-white lens going west / arc. Jolts / 2 magnetometers. / r74p161.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO Evidence II: HB: Scarecrow Press Lanham, MD. http://www.scarecrowpress.com ISBN 0-8108-3881-8 (Index 156)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7187
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Antarctic below 70 degrees South", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "LAURIE Isl,ANTARC:ARG.SCIs:BLU-WHT LENS >W/ARC:JOLTS/2 MAGNETOMETERS:/r74p161", **LatLong:** "-60.733336 -44.616669", **LatLongDMS:** "60:44:00 S 44:37:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-60.733336,-44.616669)", **State/Prov:** "PLM", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 25046 (BEC1BF82)
**Date:** 7/3/1965
**Time:** 19:40
**Location:** DECEPTION I., ANT
**Description:** UK / Arg / CHL military and scientists. Fast lens saucer. Maneuvers all over/all about. Electro-magnetic effect (EME). Going east / LDLN#110.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 793)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7188
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **RDR:** Radar traces/blips, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **MIL:** Military investigation
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Antarctic below 70 degrees South", **Credibility:** "12", **Duration:** "40", **HatchDesc:** "DECEPTION I.,ANT:UK/ARG/CHL MIL+SCIs:FAST LENS SCR:MNVRS ALLO:EME:>E/LDLN#110", **LatLong:** "-62.950003 -60.633336", **LatLongDMS:** "62:57:00 S 60:38:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-62.950003,-60.633336)", **State/Prov:** "PLM", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 25047 (F2E3C702)
**Date:** 7/3/1965
**Location:** Undisclosed city in Argentina, Arg
**Description:** UFO interfered with instruments measuring magnetic fields (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2811
### Event 25048 (4E1DAA8F)
**Date:** 7/3/1965
**Location:** unknown location, Antarctica
**Description:** The Antarctica Sightings (E-M Case, Photos) (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases, Code: E, Rating: 5, BB: BBU) (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)
**Reference:** NICAP: [650703](http://nicap.org/650703antarctica%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2812
### Event 25049 (16A6EEC4)
**Date:** 7/3/1965
**Location:** Argentine Orcadas Base on Laurie Island in the South Orkney Islands, Antarctica
**Description:** 5:03 p.m. Two meteorologists at the Argentine Orcadas Base on Laurie Island in the South Orkney Islands, Antarctica, observe for 15 seconds a round, bluish-white object moving east to west on a parabolic path. Two variometers \(magnetic field measuring instruments\) register sudden and strong disturbances.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** [Schopick](http://cufos.org/books/A%5FStudy%5Fof%5FSecondary%5FEffects-An%5FUnpublished%5FManuscript%5Fof%5FUFO%5FE-M%5FCases.pdf), pp. 153– 155; Daniel A. Perisse, “[Deception Island UFO Sightings,](http://www.nicap.org/docs/antarctica/6507MufonSympap%5F87%5FAntartica.pdf)” MUFON 1987 International UFO Symposium Proceedings, Mutual UFO Network, 1987, pp. 147, 153; Richard H. Hall, “[UFO Sightings at Scientific Stations in](http://www.nicap.org/docs/antarctica/650703rep.htm) [Antarctica, July 1965](http://www.nicap.org/docs/antarctica/650703rep.htm)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3897
### Event 25050 (03EE94D4)
**Date:** 7/3/1965
**Locations:** Chilean Aguirre Cerda Station; Deception Island, Antarctica
**Description:** 7:20 p.m. The meteorologist and eight other witnesses at the Chilean Aguirre Cerda Station \[destroyed in 1967\] on Deception Island, Antarctica, watch for a total of 20 minutes a bright and apparently solid object zigzagging from the east quadrant to the south quadrant. It maintains an altitude above the horizon between 35 and 20 degrees. It is white and star-like with some orange hues.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Daniel A. Perisse, “[Deception Island UFO Sightings,](http://www.nicap.org/docs/antarctica/6507MufonSympap%5F87%5FAntartica.pdf)” MUFON 1987 International UFO Symposium Proceedings, Mutual UFO Network, 1987, pp. 147, 153–154; Richard H. Hall, “[UFO Sightings at Scientific Stations in Antarctica, July 1965](http://www.nicap.org/docs/antarctica/650703rep.htm)”; Good Above, [p. 309](https://archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/308/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3898
### Event 25051 (BD8F9714)
**Date:** 7/3/1965
**Locations:** Argentine Deception Station; South Orkney Islands, Antarctica
**Description:** 7:42 p.m. 17 people \(including three visiting Chilean personnel\) observe a lens-shaped disc that maneuvers erratically across the sky for about an hour at the Argentine Deception Station in the South Orkney Islands, Antarctica. The object changes colors \(red, yellow, green, orange, blue, white\) as it zigzags from a position about 30° above the horizon in the north-northwest. The object hovers, accelerates, reverses direction, and changes its luminosity. At times it goes behind some clouds, but it is also seen in front of some cirrus clouds. Finally, it disappears to the northwest, decreasing in size and gaining altitude. Cpl. Uladislao Duran Martinez takes 10 color photos through theodolite and field glasses.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Chile, Argentina Confirm UFO Films,](http://www.cufos.org/UFOI%5Fand%5FSelected%5FDocuments/UFOI/028%20AUG-SEPT%201965.pdf)” UFO Investigator 3, no. 4 \(Aug./Sept. 1965\): 2; Dan Lloyd, “[Things Are Hotting Up in the Antarctic,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%2C1965%2CSep-Oct%2CV%2011%2CN%205.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 11, no. 5 \(Sept./Oct. 1965\): 4–5; [Schopick](http://cufos.org/books/A%5FStudy%5Fof%5FSecondary%5FEffects-An%5FUnpublished%5FManuscript%5Fof%5FUFO%5FE-M%5FCases.pdf), pp. 155–159; Daniel A. Perisse, “[Deception Island UFO Sightings,](http://www.nicap.org/docs/antarctica/6507MufonSympap%5F87%5FAntartica.pdf)” MUFON 1987 International UFO Symposium Proceedings, Mutual UFO Network, 1987, pp. 147, 154; Richard H. Hall, “[UFO Sightings at Scientific Stations in Antarctica, July 1965](http://www.nicap.org/docs/antarctica/650703rep.htm)”; Good Above [pp. 309–310](https://archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/308/mode/2up); Condon, [pp. 99–100](https://archive.org/details/scientificstudyo0000unse%5Fl5t2/page/98/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3899
### Event 25052 (97D5232F)
**Date:** 7/3/1965
**Description:** At their base on Deception Island in the South Shetland Islands, Antarctica two Chilean scientists, Barrera and Perisse, witnessed, tracked with a theodolite, and photographed a bluish-green lighted object that zigzagged and caused strong radio frequency interference beginning at 7:14 p.m. Another electromagnetic effect was that the UFO registered on their magnetograph tapes and variometers. Photographs were taken. The blue-green lighted object was seen zig-zagging. There was a government coverup.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** La Razon, July 6, 1965; NICAP UFO Investigator, September 1965, p. 2; Frank Edwards, Flying Saucers--Serious Business, p. 281; UNICAT, case 11; BUFORA Journal, May-June 1965, p. 18; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty-Year Report, pp. 315-316
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3803
### Event 25053 (EF145DBF)
**Date:** 7/4/1965
**Time:** 07:50
**Location:** MONTREAL, QBC
**Description:** Pilot. Huge cylinder/cigar-shape-shaped object with rows / windows. Going [to] slow. Speeds away.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** WEINSTEIN, Dominique; UAP: 80 Years of Pilot Sightings Privately published. 7 avenue Bartholome. 75015 Paris, FRANCE. (Index 47)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7189
**Attributes:** **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "52", **HatchDesc:** "MONTREAL,QBC:PILOT:HUGE CGR-SHAPED OBJ W/ROWS/WINDOWS:> SLOW:SPEEDS AWAY", **LatLong:** "45.533336 -73.616670", **LatLongDMS:** "45:32:00 N 73:37:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.533336,-73.616670)", **State/Prov:** "Quebec", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 25054 (83C5FA7A)
**Date:** 7/4/1965
**Location:** Massillon, OH
**Description:** "Hubcaps" Change Course & Fly Straight Up (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, Code: D, Rating: 5, BB: BB)
**Reference:** NICAP: [650704](http://www.nicap.org/650704massillon%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2814
### Event 25055 (72C9F1AF)
**Date:** 7/5/1965
**Location:** FORT PIERCE, FL
**Description:** Pear-shaped object photographed underwater beneath schools / fish.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LOFTIN, Robert: IDENTIFIED FLYING SAUCERS: D. McKay, NY 1968 (Index 38)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7190
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **SUB:** Submersible: Rises from or submerges into water, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "FORT PIERCE,FL:PEAR-SHAPED OBJ PHOTO'D UNDERWATER BENEATH SCHOOLS/FISH:", **LatLong:** "27.433335 -80.300004", **LatLongDMS:** "27:26:00 N 80:18:00 W", **Locale:** "Offshore", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/27.433335,-80.300004)", **State/Prov:** "Florida", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 25056 (9F8EF16E)
**Date:** 7/5/1965
**Time:** 06:00
**Location:** RUSSIAN R, KENAI, AK
**Description:** Photograph / saucer rises / riverback = spiral or multiple image. / r164p40.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 791)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7191
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "30", **HatchDesc:** "RUSSIAN R,KENAI,AK:FOTO/SCR RISES/RIVERBACK=SPIRAL or MULTIPLE IMAGE:/r164p40", **LatLong:** "60.350003 -149.483340", **LatLongDMS:** "60:21:00 N 149:29:00 W", **Locale:** "Tundra", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/60.350003,-149.483340)", **State/Prov:** "Alaska", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 25057 (9C0AC109)
**Date:** 7/5/1965
**Description:** On this day at 6 o'clock in the morning a photograph was taken of a flying disc-shaped object coming out of the Russian River near Kenai, Alaska.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** APRO Bulletin, November-December 1965
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3842
### Event 25058 (709AF8BB)
**Date:** 7/6/1965
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In Kiel, Wisconsin, Miss E. R. Hayner observed a twinkling light, like a satellite, for 1 minute. (July 6, 9:30 PM)
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#9474 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1965.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2110
### Event 25059 (EFDD806C)
**Date:** 7/6/1965
**Time:** ~22:00
**Location:** SS JAWESTA
**Description:** Cylinder/cigar-shape / portholes rises / sea. 180° turn going quickly south. Extremely fast maneuvers. Orbs with beams. / r246p100.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SANDERSON, Ivan: INVISIBLE RESIDENTS; World Publishing HB 1970 & Avon Books PB 1973 (Index 23)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7192
**Attributes:** **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **SUB:** Submersible: Rises from or submerges into water, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Atlantic Ocean + islands", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "20", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "SS JAWESTA:CGR/PORTS RISES/SEA:180°TURN >>S:XFAST MNVRs:ORBS W/BEAMS:/r246p100", **LatLong:** "24.666668 -15.000001", **LatLongDMS:** "24:40:00 N 15:00:00 W", **Locale:** "High Seas", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/24.666668,-15.000001)", **State/Prov:** "NAT", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 25060 (45E0012C)
**Date:** 7/6/1965
**Location:** Arlington, TX
**Description:** (McDonald list) Civilians Report Object / Possible Radar Confirmation (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 3, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** NICAP: [650706](http://www.nicap.org/650706arlington%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2815
### Event 25061 (3896BE5B)
**Date:** 7/6/1965
**Location:** Kiel, WI
**Description:** Flashing light, like a satellite (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 9474)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2816
### Event 25062 (723DB419)
**Date:** 7/6/1965
**Location:** Sunnyvale, CA
**Description:** Police lieutenant and officer saw hovering white object that undulated, darted here and there, zigzagged, and sped away (UFOE II, Section, V). (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2817
### Event 25063 (415ECAC2)
**Date:** 7/6/1965
**Location:** Fossil, OR
**Description:** Three Silver Cigars Moving Side By Side (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, Code: D, Rating: 5, BB: BB)
**Reference:** NICAP: [650706](http://www.nicap.org/650706fossil%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2818
### Event 25064 (B7F596FE)
**Date:** 7/6/1965
**Time:** night
**Location:** Puerto La Cruz, Portugal
**Description:** The commander and crew of the Norwegian tanker "Jawesta" observed a lighted object flying out of the sea. First Officer Toronin Lien first saw a large, blue, intense flame behind the ship at high speed. He called the captain and tracked the object with binoculors as its altitude reached about 300m. Its shape was that of a cigar, with a row of lighted portholes showing a clear yellow glow, and it left a bluish trail.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** 150 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_651
### Event 25065 (F78D28C6)
**Date:** 7/6/1965
**Time:** 9:30 PM
**Location:** Kiel, Wisconsin
**Description:** Witness: Mrs. E.R. Hayner. One flashing light, like a satellite, was seen for less than 1 minute. No further data was in the files.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_522
### Event 25066 (495C1905)
**Date:** 7/6/1965
**Locations:** North Atlantic Ocean; Azores
**Description:** 6:52 p.m. Chief Mate Torgrim Lien of the Norwegian ship TT Jawesta watches a star-like UFO through binoculars in the North Atlantic Ocean about 900 miles southwest of the Azores. He, the captain, and other officers see an intense blue, fiery tongue of light approaching the ship at tremendous speed. As it gets closer, he sees it is a cigar-shaped UFO with a row of square windows.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[‘Cigar’ Passes a Few Hundred Feet above](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201966%20V%2012%20N%205.pdf) [Norwegian Ship,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201966%20V%2012%20N%205.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 12, no. 5 \(Sept./Oct. 1966\): 32
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3900
### Event 25067 (E7BAF6D3)
**Date:** 7/6/1965
**Description:** The commander and night crew of the Norwegian tanker "Jawesta" observed a lighted object flying out of the sea from Puerto La Cruz, Portugal. First Officer Toronin Lien first saw the large, blue, intense flame behind the ship moving at high speed. He called the captain and tracked the object with binoculars as its altitude reached about 300 meters. Its was cigar shaped, with a row of lighted portholes showing a clear yellow glow, and it left a bluish trail.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case # 651
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3876
### Event 25068 (EBA9C9FC)
**Date:** 7/6/1965
**Description:** Mrs. E. R. Hayner saw a flashing light, like a satellite, at 9:30 p.m. in Kiel, Wisconsin. It was seen for less than one minute.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Project Blue Book files counted in official statistics, case # 9474; Don Berliner, Blue Book UFO Unknowns
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3877
### Event 25069 (9886FB90)
**Date:** 7/7/1965
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) A report from an Argentine detachment based in Antarctica relayed by an official statement from the Argentine Ministry of the Navy describes the gigantic UFO observed for several hours: It had the appearance of a solid material, red and green, iridescent from time to time with yellow, blue, white, and orange. The object moved silently eastward following a winding trajectory, but always without noise and at variable speeds. It often changed direction, heading sometimes westward, sometimes northward. In the afternoon of the same day, the same object was spotted by the South Orkney Islands base. It was moving northwest, at an angle of 30° relative to the horizon. It was at an approximate distance of 10 to 15 km. The Chilean Antarctic base also spotted the same object in the afternoon of the same day. On July 9th \(?\), an extremely important message arrived from the South Orkney Islands base. As a strange object flew over the base, 2 variometers, which were functioning perfectly before the flight, recorded disturbances of the magnetic field on their tapes. (July 7th)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1965.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2111
### Event 25070 (5B738BC3)
**Date:** 7/7/1965
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) The "Pleiadian" ship photographed by [Meier](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/MeierEduardAlbert.html) \[probably a model\]. See images/1965.jpg.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1965.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2112
### Event 25071 (8E2CC922)
**Date:** 7/7/1965
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) The revelations made to Doctor Rolf Alexander in summer 1951 are revealed, this time citing the involved persons.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1965.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2113
### Event 25072 (E711B482)
**Date:** 7/8/1965
**Time:** 05:00?
**Description:** Vitor Moniz sees saucer here in nationwide wave. Time unknown.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LOURENCO, Victor: The PORTUCAT CATALOG; (BBS Download). (Index 84)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7193
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Portugal", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "VILA do CONDE,PORTUGAL:VITOR MONIZ SEES SCR HERE IN NATIONWIDE WAVE:TIME UNK", **LatLong:** "41.350002 -8.716667", **LatLongDMS:** "41:21:00 N 08:43:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.350002,-8.716667)", **State/Prov:** "Douro", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 25073 (87922AD5)
**Date:** 7/8/1965
**Location:** Sunnyvale, CA
**Description:** Police lieutenant and officer saw hovering white object that undulated, darted here and there, zigzagged, and sped away
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_42
### Event 25074 (6299C6DC)
**Date:** 7/8/1965
**Description:** A police lieutenant named Haag and fellow police officer in Sunnyvale, California saw a hovering white object that undulated, darted back and forth, zig-zagged, and then climbed away at steep angle.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty Year Report, pp. 7, 171, citing Paul Cerny
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3927
### Event 25075 (F0062BC1)
**Date:** 7/9/1965
**Time:** 12:30
**Location:** MOYEUVRE, FR
**Description:** 1 observer. 3M metallic object rises / ground. Going south toward(s) Metz. Type unknown. / LDLN#84+/ r8#652.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FIGEUT, Michel & RUCHON, Jean-Louis: OVNI - Le Premier Dossier..; Alain LeFeuvre, Paris 1979. (Index 257)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7194
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "MOYEUVRE,FR:1 OBS:3M MTLC OBJ RISES/GND:>S TWRD METZ:TYPE UNK:/LDLN#84+/r8#652", **LatLong:** "49.250002 6.433334", **LatLongDMS:** "49:15:00 N 06:26:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.250002,6.433334)", **State/Prov:** "Moselle", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 25076 (4FA04C18)
**Date:** 7/9/1965
**Time:** 15:50
**Description:** White cylinder/cylindrical object going northeast against wind. Clocks stop. Compasses spin. / r215p55.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 789)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7195
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **NWS:** News media report, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **COV:** Indication of coverup
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Atlantic Ocean + islands", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "S.MARIA Isl,AZORES:WHT CYL>NE AGNST WIND:CLOCKS STOP:COMPASSES SPIN:/r215p55", **LatLong:** "37.016668 -25.083335", **LatLongDMS:** "37:01:00 N 25:05:00 W", **Locale:** "Islands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.016668,-25.083335)", **State/Prov:** "AZO", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 25077 (BBC9DB22)
**Date:** 7/9/1965
**Time:** 21:10
**Location:** NORTH / CINCINNATI, OH
**Description:** 6 observer(s). White night light maneuvers / sky over Beckford power plant. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 793)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7196
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "215", **HatchDesc:** "N/CINCINNATI,OH:6 OBS:WHT NLT MNVRs/SKY ovr BECKFORD POWER PLANT:NFD", **LatLong:** "39.133335 -84.533337", **LatLongDMS:** "39:08:00 N 84:32:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.133335,-84.533337)", **State/Prov:** "Ohio", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 25078 (53017F2C)
**Date:** 7/9/1965
**Time:** 1230
**Location:** Moyeuvre, France
**Description:** At the Cote-de-Thermont, 30-year-old Mrs. Zielonka saw a metallic object rise at high speed and fly away toward Metz. Estimated diameter: 3 m.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** 152 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_652
### Event 25079 (40D2574D)
**Date:** 7/9/1965
**Locations:** Santa Maria Island; Azores islands; Portugal; Santa Maria Airport
**Description:** 4:30 p.m. A white cylindrical object is seen flying over Santa Maria Island in the Azores islands, Portugal. All electric clocks at the Santa Maria Airport stop when the object passes overhead. Weather personnel and other witnesses all agree that the UFO is at an altitude of 24,000–30,000 feet. At no time does it make any sound. According to witnesses, the clocks stop at the same time the UFO reaches the zenith directly over the airport. Attempts to identify it are unsuccessful.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** NICAP, “[Clocks at Airport Stopped When UFO Passes Over](http://www.nicap.org/650709azores%5Fdir.htm)”; “[The](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201965%2009%2000%20-%20September-October.pdf) [Portuguese UAOs,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201965%2009%2000%20-%20September-October.pdf)” APRO Bulletin, Sept./Oct. 1965, p. 7; “United Press International Reports on Two UFOs,” Fate 18, no. 11 \(November 1965\): 59–61; [Schopick](http://cufos.org/books/A%5FStudy%5Fof%5FSecondary%5FEffects-An%5FUnpublished%5FManuscript%5Fof%5FUFO%5FE-M%5FCases.pdf), pp. 160–162
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3901
### Event 25080 (E4D8B625)
**Date:** 7/9/1965
**Locations:** Bunker Hill; Lebanon County, Pennsylvania
**Description:** 10:00 p.m. Connie Wolferd and other residents of Bunker Hill, Lebanon County, Pennsylvania, watch a clam- shaped object, about 10 feet in diameter, with red lights around its rim hover above some nearby trees. Wolferd is sitting on the porch listening to the radio when it suddenly stops functioning. The living room lights flicker \(although fluorescent lights in the kitchen and bathroom do not\), and a neighbor’s loud TV suddenly stops. She hears something making a “bleep-bleep” sound, looks up, and sees the object. Neighbors find the leaves of nearby trees are singed.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Bunker Hill Girl Tells of Seeing Unidentified Flying Objects in July,](https://www.newspapers.com/clip/30390239/the-daily-news/)” Lebanon \(Pa.\) Daily News, August 10, 1965, p. 20; [Schopick](http://cufos.org/books/A%5FStudy%5Fof%5FSecondary%5FEffects-An%5FUnpublished%5FManuscript%5Fof%5FUFO%5FE-M%5FCases.pdf), pp. 177–178
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3902
### Event 25081 (07B7743B)
**Date:** 7/9/1965
**Description:** Miss Zielonka, age 30, witnessed a three-meter long metallic object take off from the ground in Moyeuvre, Moselle, France at 12:30 in the afternoon. The object flew south toward Metz.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case # 652, citing the Paris Journal, July 12, 1965; Michel Figuet & Jean-Louis Ruchon, OVNI: Le Premier Dossier Complet des Rencontres Rapprochees en France, p. 257
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3954
### Event 25082 (86724EE9)
**Date:** 7/9/1965
**Description:** At 3:00 p.m. at Santa Maria Island Airport on the Azores, airport clocks stopped and compasses spun wildly when a white cylindrical UFO flew over, flying toward the northeast against the wind. Later in the evening at 9:10 p.m. EDT, six witnesses saw a white nocturnal light that maneuvered in the sky over the Beckford Power Plant north of Cincinnati, Ohio.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** (1) BUFORA Journal, September-October 1965, p. 18; (2) APRO Bulletin, January-February 1966
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3955
### Event 25083 (3D56464F)
**Date:** 7/11/1965
**Time:** 19:00
**Location:** COPACABANA, RIO, BRZ
**Description:** Saucer with red portholes slowly crosses sky. Date = 05 Jul. '65 / r78.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** STEIGER, Brad: STRANGERS from the SKIES; Award Books, NY 1966. (Index 40)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7197
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "COPACABANA,RIO,BRZ:SCR W/RED PORTHOLES SLOWLY CROSSES SKY:DATE=05JLY65/r78", **LatLong:** "-22.966668 -43.166669", **LatLongDMS:** "22:58:00 S 43:10:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-22.966668,-43.166669)", **State/Prov:** "RDJ", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 25084 (E79903EA)
**Date:** 7/12/1965
**Time:** 04:30
**Location:** TUCSON, AZ
**Description:** Newsboys. Silver football hovers near Kolb Road / 30 minute(s). Going quickly southeast very fast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 793)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7198
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "30", **Elev:** "717", **HatchDesc:** "TUCSON,AZ:NEWSBOYS:SLVR FOOTBALL HVRS nr KOLB ROAD/30min:>>SE VFAST", **LatLong:** "32.233335 -110.933339", **LatLongDMS:** "32:14:00 N 110:56:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/32.233335,-110.933339)", **State/Prov:** "Arizona", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 25085 (F2D32B44)
**Date:** 7/12/1965
**Time:** 04:30
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Domed hat-saucer hovers woods / 3 minute(s). Wobbles. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Going quickly north. / r190#84.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 789)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7199
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Portugal", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "MATOSINHOS,PORTG:2 OBS:DOMED HAT-SCR HVRS.WOODS/3min:WOBBLES:RFI:>>N:/r190#84", **LatLong:** "41.166669 -8.650000", **LatLongDMS:** "41:10:00 N 08:39:00 W", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.166669,-8.650000)", **State/Prov:** "Douro", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 25086 (E22E7F4B)
**Date:** 7/12/1965
**Location:** Bairio Paraiso dos Barbeiros, Brazil
**Description:** Student Humberto Aranjo da Silva nearly hit a saucer-shaped craft, 6 m in diameter, with two V-shaped landing pads and a dome, which had landed on the road. It made a whirring noise.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** LDLN 84; SBEDV 51, 53 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_653
### Event 25087 (92095988)
**Date:** 7/12/1965
**Locations:** Porto, Portugal; Porto Airport
**Description:** 4:30 a.m. Laura de Freitas Machado Fernandes gets up to go to the well for some water at her home in Porto, Portugal, near the Porto Airport. She notices a luminous red object shaped like a cardinal’s hat coming from the west at high speed. It stops in mid-air and hovers above some nearby woods, rocking back and forth. She rushes back to warn her husband, Manuel Fernandes. They notice that their radio set has started making a loud noise. They estimate the object is about a quarter-mile away. Its top part is orange, and on its brim is a flickering red light. They watch it for 3 minutes before it takes off to the north at full speed. The radio goes back to normal.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[The Portuguese UAOs,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201965%2009%2000%20-%20September-October.pdf)” APRO Bulletin, Sept./Oct. 1965, pp. 3, 7; “United Press International Reports on Two UFOs,” Fate 18, no. 11 \(November 1965\): 59–61; [Schopick](http://cufos.org/books/A%5FStudy%5Fof%5FSecondary%5FEffects-An%5FUnpublished%5FManuscript%5Fof%5FUFO%5FE-M%5FCases.pdf), pp. 162–167
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3903
### Event 25088 (79A8C589)
**Date:** 7/12/1965
**Description:** A UFO was sighted off of Milne Bay, Papua New Guinea on this night in the same approximate location as the famous CE-III sightings by Father Gill in 1959. A red light changed to blue. It was extremely bright, and was seen swaying from side to side in a broad pendulum swing, at least a mile in each direction. The witnesses were several school children and their teacher.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Debbie Payne, Australasian Ufologist, October 2004, p. 29, citing the RAAF
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4003
### Event 25089 (0D172679)
**Date:** 7/12/1965
**Description:** At 4:30 a.m. a group of newspaper boys sighted a silver, football-shaped object near Kolb Road in Tucson, Arizona. It hovered for 30 minutes, then shot off to the southeast at a very fast speed.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** APRO Bulletin, January-February 1966
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4004
### Event 25090 (9A6F9602)
**Date:** 7/12/1965
**Description:** Humberto Aranjo da Silva, a student driving in Bairio Paraiso dos Barbeiros, Brazil nearly hit a saucer-shaped craft, 6 meters in diameter, which had two V-shaped landing pads and a dome, and which had landed on the road. It made a whirring noise.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Lumieres dans la Nuit, issue # 84; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case # 653, citing SBEDV, issues 51, 53
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4005
### Event 25091 (C9576539)
**Date:** 7/13/1965
**Time:** 13:00?
**Location:** SILVER SPRING, MD
**Description:** Doctor. Blimp-shape going quickly [to] 1 / 4 sky in 15 second(s). Vanishes. Rounded ends.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 789)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7200
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "104", **HatchDesc:** "SILVER SPRING,MD:DOCTOR:BLIMP-SHAPE >> 1/4 SKY in 15sec:VANISHES:ROUNDED ENDS", **LatLong:** "39.000002 -77.016670", **LatLongDMS:** "39:00:00 N 77:01:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.000002,-77.016670)", **State/Prov:** "Maryland", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 25092 (716D2EF3)
**Date:** 7/13/1965
**Location:** Penna. and Ohio, various
**Description:** (McDonald list) At Least Three Radars Track Object Over Two States (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** NICAP: [650713](http://www.nicap.org/650713ohio%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2819
### Event 25093 (CF03A768)
**Date:** 7/14/1965
**Location:** Australian Space Station
**Description:** Object descends, interfering with tracking of Mariner 4. Non-US military.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [_UFOs and the National Security State: Chronology of a Cover-up, 1941–1973_, by Richard Dolan](https://archive.org/details/ufosnationalsecu00dola/mode/2up)
**Source:** Dolan, **ID:** Dolan_261
### Event 25094 (B1D73A50)
**Date:** 7/14/1965
**Description:** A bright silver disc-shaped object was seen for two minutes over Brisbane, Queensland, Australia at 10:00 p.m. It moved slowly from east to west.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Michael Hervey, UFOs Over the Southern Hemisphere, p. 155
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4052
### Event 25095 (6C00B687)
**Date:** 7/15/1965
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Flyby of Mars at 9000 km by *Mariner 4*. (July 15)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1965.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2114
### Event 25096 (7EE3AB45)
**Date:** 7/15/1965
**Time:** 02:20
**Location:** LISBON, PORTUGAL
**Description:** Night lights and strange objects seen 15+23 July;2 September;7 May. '66;19 May. '69.. . / news.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LOURENCO, Victor: The PORTUCAT CATALOG; (BBS Download). (Index 87)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7201
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Portugal", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "53", **HatchDesc:** "LISBON,PORTUGAL:NLTS+STRANGE OBJS SEEN 15+23JLY;2SEPT;7MAY66;19MAY69.../NEWS", **LatLong:** "38.716669 -9.050000", **LatLongDMS:** "38:43:00 N 09:03:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.716669,-9.050000)", **State/Prov:** "EST", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 25097 (93E628FF)
**Date:** 7/15/1965
**Time:** 18:20
**Description:** 5 kids. Disk going down [to] slow / angle. Wobbles and hovers over school. Shoots going quickly northeast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Database/website: BASTERFIELD, KEITH: AUFORN group, with Diane Harrison. http://www.fan.net.au/~tkbnetw/new
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7202
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "S.MELBOURNE,AUST:5 KIDS:DISK ↓ SLOW/ANGLE:WOBBLES+HVRS OVR SCHOOL:SHOOTS >>NE", **LatLong:** "-37.833335 144.955562", **LatLongDMS:** "37:50:00 S 144:57:20 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-37.833335,144.955562)", **State/Prov:** "Victoria", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 25098 (5C396C61)
**Date:** 7/15/1965
**Location:** Loretami Valley, Argentina
**Description:** Mr. and Mrs. Bosquets and their family observed a luminous object, its color changing from blue to orange, about 12 m in diameter, and showing several portholes. The object left traces on the ground.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** CODOVNI 1965 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_654
### Event 25099 (746ABEF1)
**Date:** 7/15/1965
**Locations:** Canberra Deep Space Communication Complex in Tidbinbilla, Australian Capital Territory; Canberra Airport
**Description:** 11:00 a.m. An object descends near the Canberra Deep Space Communication Complex in Tidbinbilla, Australian Capital Territory, interfering with its tracking of Mariner 4. It is also observed by control tower operators at Canberra Airport.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Canberra Incident,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%2C1965%2CSep-Oct%2CV%2011%2CN%205.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 11, no. 5 \(Sept./Oct. 1965\): 18–19; [Schopick](http://cufos.org/books/A%5FStudy%5Fof%5FSecondary%5FEffects-An%5FUnpublished%5FManuscript%5Fof%5FUFO%5FE-M%5FCases.pdf)[,](http://cufos.org/books/A%5FStudy%5Fof%5FSecondary%5FEffects-An%5FUnpublished%5FManuscript%5Fof%5FUFO%5FE-M%5FCases.pdf) pp. 167–169; Keyhoe, Aliens from Space, Signet ed., 1974, [p. 106](https://archive.org/details/aliensfromspacer00keyh/page/92/mode/2up); Randall C. Hecker, “Did UFO Sabotage Mariner IV?” Fate 20, no. 5 \(May 1967\): 32–37
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3904
### Event 25100 (CC8610B2)
**Date:** 7/15/1965
**Description:** At 10:50 a.m. eight witnesses including air traffic controllers at Canberra Airport, Australian Capital Territory watched a white sphere hovering for 40 minutes. In Melbourne, Victoria, Australia at 6:20 p.m. a disc-shaped object descended slowly at anangle, then hovered while wobbling over a school. After two minutes it shot off to the northeast.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Larry Hatch, U computer database; Michael Hervey, UFOs Over the Southern Hemisphere, p. 88
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4070
### Event 25101 (31849AA5)
**Date:** 7/15/1965
**Description:** At eight o'clock in the evening in the Loretani Valley, Cordoba province, Argentina, Mr. and Mrs. Bosquets and their family observed a luminous object, its color changing from blue to orange. It was about twelve meters in diameter, and showed several portholes. It left behind ground traces at the landing site.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Oscar A. Uriondo, FSR Case Histories, June 1973, p. 11; Gordon Creighton, FSR, November 1970, p. 27; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Langings, case # 654, citing CODOVNI 1965
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4071
### Event 25102 (BDBF6E15)
**Date:** 7/16/1965
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) The city of Buenos Aires is flown over for more than 20 minutes. The press widely reports on this event by publishing photographs. It is an entire population that will witness the "luminous devices" maneuvers. (July 16)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1965.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2115
### Event 25103 (59E7E0DF)
**Date:** 7/16/1965
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Drawing by Denis Crowe, professional aeronautical illustrator, of a disc-shaped vehicle he saw take off from Vaucluse Beach \(Sydney\) on July 19th! See images/1965-07-19\_Sydney.jpg.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1965.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2116
### Event 25104 (22F51947)
**Date:** 7/16/1965
**Time:** 02:00
**Location:** SHERBORN, MASS
**Description:** Ovoid bounces going up [to] going down. R-G-Y lights rotate / edge. Seen twice / pilot on ground.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FOWLER, Raymond E.: UFO'S, INTERPLANETARY VISITORS; Prentice Hall & Bantam Books, NY 1979. 346pp. (Index 65)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7203
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "53", **HatchDesc:** "SHERBORN,MASS:OVOID BOUNCES ↑↓:R-G-Y LITES ROTATE/EDGE:SEEN TWICE/PILOT ON GND", **LatLong:** "42.238891 -71.372226", **LatLongDMS:** "42:14:20 N 71:22:20 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.238891,-71.372226)", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 25105 (4F114917)
**Date:** 7/16/1965
**Location:** 37.0000 -116.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Izzer” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_418
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0000 -116.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:00 N 116:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0000,-116.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Izzer", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 25106 (8B64124A)
**Date:** 7/16/1965
**Description:** An airline pilot saw two red UFOs from the ground in rural Sherborn, Massachusetts at 2:00 a.m. He saw yellow, green, and red lights rotating around their circumferences. They also moved with a distinct up-and-down motion and made no sound.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Raymond E. Fowler, UFOs: Interplanetary Visitors, p. 332
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4097
### Event 25107 (C99C7CBE)
**Date:** 7/17/1965
**Location:** NEAR FLAGSTAFF, AZ
**Description:** Cop and 1. Bright observer(s) with blue halo and yellow center. No further details / typical Loftin report.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LOFTIN, Robert: IDENTIFIED FLYING SAUCERS: D. McKay, NY 1968 (Index 39)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7204
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "2070", **HatchDesc:** "nr FLAGSTAFF,AZ:COP+1:BRITE OBS W/BLU HALO+YLW CENTER:NFD/typical Loftin rpt", **LatLong:** "35.200002 -111.650005", **LatLongDMS:** "35:12:00 N 111:39:00 W", **Locale:** "Desert", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/35.200002,-111.650005)", **State/Prov:** "Arizona", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 25108 (050891F4)
**Date:** 7/17/1965
**Location:** WEYMOUTH NAS, MASS
**Description:** Several report(s). 2 white saucers over base / low altitude. Going quickly [to] toward(s) Randolph. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LOFTIN, Robert: IDENTIFIED FLYING SAUCERS: D. McKay, NY 1968 (Index 39)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7205
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "27", **HatchDesc:** "WEYMOUTH NAS,MASS:SVRL RPTS:2 WHT SCRS OVR BASE/LO ALT:>>twrd RANDOLPH:NFD", **LatLong:** "42.222224 -70.938892", **LatLongDMS:** "42:13:20 N 70:56:20 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.222224,-70.938892)", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 25109 (54F35366)
**Date:** 7/17/1965
**Time:** 02:00
**Location:** CARACAS, VNZ
**Description:** Luminous red saucer zigzags through sky. Lights entire city briefly. Blinks out.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 793)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7206
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Venezuela", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "910", **HatchDesc:** "CARACAS,VNZ:LUMn.RED SCR ZIGZAGS thru SKY:LITES ENTIRE CITY BRIEFLY:BLINKS OUT", **LatLong:** "10.466667 -66.966670", **LatLongDMS:** "10:28:00 N 66:58:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/10.466667,-66.966670)", **State/Prov:** "CRC", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 25110 (059A2D4F)
**Date:** 7/17/1965
**Time:** 10:00
**Location:** COLONIA, URUG
**Description:** 6 observer(s). Brilliant ovoid lands / 4 metal legs. Traces. / r180p37+/ r8#655.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 793)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7207
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Uruguay", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "28", **HatchDesc:** "COLONIA,URUG:6 OBS:BRILL.OVOID LANDS/4 MTL LEGS:TRACES:/r180p37+/r8#655", **LatLong:** "-34.466668 -57.850003", **LatLongDMS:** "34:28:00 S 57:51:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-34.466668,-57.850003)", **State/Prov:** "COL", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 25111 (F0353EB1)
**Date:** 7/17/1965
**Location:** Colonia, Uruguay
**Description:** A blinding object, smaller than an airplane and having metallic legs, was seen on the bank of the Rio de la Plata River by two workers and four young men. White smoke emerged from the craft, which remained on the sand for two min, leaving X-shaped traces. It flew up to about 10 m altitude, then went away. The craft showed a round central section with two oval ends and looked somewhat similar to an egg.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** 153 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_655
### Event 25112 (2E2D0FDB)
**Date:** 7/17/1965
**Description:** On this night in Samarai, Milne Bay, Papua New Guinea a red glowing cylinder moved about in the sky, from left to right. During its oscillating behavior it emitted a sound like a diesel engine.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Michael Hervey, UFOs over the Southern Hemisphere, p. 155
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4126
### Event 25113 (91E23C99)
**Date:** 7/17/1965
**Description:** Colonia, Uruguay. A blindingly bright object, smaller than an airplane and having metallic legs, was seen on the bank of the Rio de la Plata River by two workers and four young men. White smoke emerged from the craft, which remained on the sand for two minutes, leaving X-shaped ground marks. It flew up to about 10 meters altitude, stopped, then went away. The craft showed a round central section with two oval ends and looked somewhat similar to an egg.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Belfast News, July 20, 1965; Brad Steiger, Strangers From the Skies, p. 40; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case # 655
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4127
### Event 25114 (261EE4A5)
**Date:** 7/18/1965
**Location:** OSASCO, SP, BRZ
**Description:** Glowing red saucer photographed. No further details. See Hondo Beach, Colonia, Uruguay.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 793)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7208
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "OSASCO,SP,BRZ:GLOWING RED SCR PHOTOd:NFD::see HONDO BEACH,COLONIA,URUGUAY", **LatLong:** "-23.566668 -46.766669", **LatLongDMS:** "23:34:00 S 46:46:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-23.566668,-46.766669)", **State/Prov:** "São Paulo", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 25115 (3CE4DB45)
**Date:** 7/18/1965
**Time:** 10:50
**Description:** Air Traffic Controllers and many. Metallic disk hovers. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) / mariner-4 Mars signals. / r211p41.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** KEHOE, Maj Donald: ALIENS FROM SPACE; Doubleday, Garden City, NY 1973 HB (Index 112)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7209
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "40", **HatchDesc:** "CANBERRA Apt,AUST:ATCs+MANY:MTLC DISK HVRS:RFI/MARINER-4 MARS SIGNALS:/r211p41", **LatLong:** "-35.366668 149.150007", **LatLongDMS:** "35:22:00 S 149:09:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-35.366668,149.150007)", **State/Prov:** "Australian Capital Territory", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 25116 (8D602DF6)
**Date:** 7/18/1965 (approximate)
**Time:** ~12:00
**Location:** US SAT.BASE / BEDFORDS
**Description:** (1 of 7 worldwide). None outdoors can hear. 70' black saucer going [to] by.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 267)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7210
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **RDR:** Radar traces/blips, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **MIL:** Military investigation
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "US SAT.BASE/BEDFORDs:(1 of 7 worldwide):NONE OUTDOORS CAN HEAR:70'BLK SCR >BY", **LatLong:** "51.833336 -0.500000", **LatLongDMS:** "51:50:00 N 00:30:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.833336,-0.500000)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "12"
### Event 25117 (0D594193)
**Date:** 7/18/1965
**Description:** A 70-foot diameter black disc flew by a satellite tracking station in Bedford, England on this day. None of the witnesses outdoors at the time could hear anything. A metallic disc hung stationary high in the sky at an altitude above 100,000 feet.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Donald E. Keyhoe, Aliens from Space, p. 112
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4169
### Event 25118 (FB68D1CB)
**Date:** 7/19/1965
**Location:** HINGHAM, MASS
**Description:** Circular luminous/glowing object with 4 arms hovers / 45 minute(s). Each arm has 3 lights. Going west. / r78p39.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 789)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7211
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "45", **Elev:** "18", **HatchDesc:** "HINGHAM,MASS:CIR.LUMn OBJ W/4 ARMS HVRS/45min:EACH ARM has 3 LITES:>W:/r78p39", **LatLong:** "42.233335 -70.883337", **LatLongDMS:** "42:14:00 N 70:53:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.233335,-70.883337)", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 25119 (0EC70DD0)
**Date:** 7/19/1965
**Time:** 04:00
**Location:** WATERTOWN, MASS
**Description:** 1 observer. Slow silvery saucer. Changes color / entire spectrum several times.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FOWLER, Raymond E.: UFO'S, INTERPLANETARY VISITORS; Prentice Hall & Bantam Books, NY 1979. 346pp. (Index 65)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7212
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "4", **Elev:** "11", **HatchDesc:** "WATERTOWN,MASS:1 OBS:SLO SLVRY SCR:CHANGES COLOR/ENTIRE SPECTRUM SVRL TIMES", **LatLong:** "42.372224 -71.183337", **LatLongDMS:** "42:22:20 N 71:11:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.372224,-71.183337)", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 25120 (7B6C44A9)
**Date:** 7/19/1965
**Time:** 19:30
**Location:** BAHIA BLANCA, ARG
**Description:** Large fireball drops small object. Returns going up / fireball. Burn spot left. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v16#6.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA; H. Regnery, Chicago HC 1969 & Contemporary Books,Chicago 1993. 372pp. (Index 656)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7213
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "21", **HatchDesc:** "BAHIA BLANCA,ARG:LRG FBL DROPS SML OBJ:RETURNS↑/FBL:BURN SPOT LEFT:/FSR v16#6", **LatLong:** "-38.716669 -62.266670", **LatLongDMS:** "38:43:00 S 62:16:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-38.716669,-62.266670)", **State/Prov:** "Buenos Aires", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 25121 (CAB06803)
**Date:** 7/19/1965
**Time:** 21:00
**Description:** Unidentified glowing triangle seen / 21 nights. / Diario do Lisboa.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LOURENCO, Victor: The PORTUCAT CATALOG; (BBS Download). (Index 88)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7214
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Portugal", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "48", **HatchDesc:** "CARREGAL do SAL,PORTUGAL:UID GLOWING TRIANGLE SEEN/21 NITES:/DIARIO do LISBOA", **LatLong:** "40.433335 -7.983334", **LatLongDMS:** "40:26:00 N 07:59:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.433335,-7.983334)", **State/Prov:** "BRA", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 25122 (7E2F6380)
**Date:** 7/19/1965
**Time:** 21:30
**Description:** Aircraft artist. 7M saucer / sand / tripod. Going up [to] fast. / FSRv16+/ r174p111.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 40)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7215
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **TRC:** Physical traces, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "VAUCLUSE BEACH,AUSTR:AIRCRFT ARTIST:7M SCR/SAND/TRIPOD:↑FAST:/FSRv16+/r174p111", **LatLong:** "-33.916668 151.283341", **LatLongDMS:** "33:55:00 S 151:17:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-33.916668,151.283341)", **State/Prov:** "NSW", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 25123 (DD5F0628)
**Date:** 7/19/1965
**Time:** 22:00?
**Location:** CHANARAL, CHILE
**Description:** Silent saucer lands / lonely beach. Away extremely fast. / LDLN#78+/ APRO Jan'66.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA; H. Regnery, Chicago HC 1969 & Contemporary Books,Chicago 1993. 372pp. (Index 658)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7216
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Chile", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "91", **HatchDesc:** "CHANARAL,CHILE:SLNT SCR LANDS/LONELY BEACH:AWAY XFAST:/LDLN#78+/APRO Jan'66", **LatLong:** "-26.333335 -70.616670", **LatLongDMS:** "26:20:00 S 70:37:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-26.333335,-70.616670)", **State/Prov:** "Atacama", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 25124 (395D5D61)
**Date:** 7/19/1965
**Location:** Vaucluse, N.S.W., AU
**Description:** Glowing Disc On Legs Freaks Dogs (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions, Code: An, Rating: 5)
**Reference:** NICAP: [650719](http://www.nicap.org/650719vaucluse%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2820
### Event 25125 (27445225)
**Date:** 7/19/1965
**Time:** 1930
**Location:** Villas Rosas, Argentina
**Description:** Maria Andres, teacher, Mr. Gomez, Mrs. Goicoecha, and others saw a small object leave a larger one, land, and burn a spot on the ground before going back to the main object. It emitted a blinding light.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Asi Jul. 30, 1965 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_656
### Event 25126 (05E035DA)
**Date:** 7/19/1965
**Time:** 2130
**Location:** Vancluse, Australia
**Description:** Mr. Crowe was attracted by a strong light on the beach, and walked within 20 m of the craft producing it, which took off with a yelloworange light. Estimated diameter: 7 m, height, 3 m, with blue-green edges.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Spaceview 44 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_657
### Event 25127 (D948F897)
**Date:** 7/19/1965
**Time:** night
**Location:** Chanaral, Chile
**Description:** Carlos Videla Zamudio saw a "strange machine" land on an isolated beach. It was shaped like a mushroom or a top, was lighted from inside, rested on the ground silently, flew up to 30 m, and disappeared at fantastic speed. This was the third landing on a beach reported in Jul..
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** 155; LDLN 78; APRO Jan., 66 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_658
### Event 25128 (6A2A6C81)
**Date:** 7/19/1965
**Location:** Vaucluse, N.S.W., Australia
**Description:** Domed disc with legs on beach, dogs barked loudly. Object took off with sound of rushing air, yellow-orange glow from underside
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_43
### Event 25129 (E95F51F4)
**Date:** 7/19/1965
**Location:** Vaucluse, New South Wales
**Description:** 5:30 p.m. [Denis Crowe](https://www.gettyimages.com/detail/news-photo/flying-saucer-mr-denis-crowe-of-vaucluse-shown-standing-at-news-photo/1078702858)[,](https://www.gettyimages.com/detail/news-photo/flying-saucer-mr-denis-crowe-of-vaucluse-shown-standing-at-news-photo/1078702858) an aircraft artist, is strolling along a beach at Vaucluse, New South Wales, when he encounters a glowing disc resting on legs. It is about 20 feet in diameter and 9 feet high. The top and bottom are silver gray and the rim in between is glowing greenish-blue. A hollow area at the very top seems to be a glass dome. There are no windows or antennae. Dogs in the neighborhood all bark at it. When Crowe is 50–60 feet from the object, it takes off with a sound like air forced from a balloon. He watches it for about 10 seconds until it disappears into the clouds. After the object takes off, the dogs are strangely silent.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** NICAP, “[Glowing Disc on](http://www.nicap.org/650719vaucluse%5Fdir.htm) [Legs Freaks Dogs](http://www.nicap.org/650719vaucluse%5Fdir.htm)”; Bill Chalker, “Tully Saucer Nests of 1966, Part Two,” IUR 23, no. 1 \(Spring 1998\): 16–17; Good Above, [p. 531](https://archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/530/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3905
### Event 25130 (BE73274E)
**Date:** 7/19/1965
**Description:** There were several sightings for this date. In Samarai, Papua New Guinea a red glowing cylinder moved across the sky from left to right. It flew with an oscillating motion, and made a sound like a diesel engine. At 4 o'clock in the afternoon in Antofagasta, Chile a cone-shaped object flew over the city at high speed, with the pointed end toward the rear, making loud explosive noises. At 5:30 p.m. in Vaucluse Beach, New South Wales, Australia a seven meter domed disc was seen resting on a sandy beach. When Mr. Crowe, the witness, approached to within 16 meters (53 feet) it rose with a rushing air noise like air being released from a balloon. There were ground marks left in the sand, and a check of radioactivity showed it was higher than the normal background level.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Michael Hervey, UFOs over the Southern Hemisphere, p. 155; Roberto Banchs, Las evidencias del fenomeno OVNI; Keith Basterfield; Gordon I. R. Lore, Strange Effects from UFOs, pp. 33 & 46; Richard Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty-Year Report, pp.150 & 279
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4199
### Event 25131 (E23B549F)
**Date:** 7/19/1965
**Description:** Ms. MacPherson, an airline stewardess, saw a slow moving silver colored UFO flying over Watertown, Massachusetts at four o'clock in the morning. She was on the ground at the time of her sighting. The UFO changed colors through the entire light spectrum several times. Also, later that evening five people witnessed a luminous circular object with four arm-like appendages hovering over Hingham, Massachusetts for 45 minutes. Each "arm" had three lights. The object left toward the west.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Raymond Fowler, UFOs: Interplanetary Visitors, p. 332; APRO Bulletin, September-October 1965
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4200
### Event 25132 (0DDDB463)
**Date:** 7/19/1965
**Description:** At 7:30 p.m. in Villas Rosas, Buenos Aires province, Argentina Maria Andres, a school teacher, Mr. Gomez, Mrs. Goicoecha, and others saw a small object leave a larger one, then land and burn a spot on the ground before going back to the main object. It emitted a blinding light.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case # 656, citing Asi, Jul. 30, 1965
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4201
### Event 25133 (AEC0916D)
**Date:** 7/20/1965
**Location:** ARGENTINA, Quilmes (prov. of Buenos Aires)
**Description:** (Translated from French) At 8 o'clock in the morning Ramon Eduardo Pereyra was driving his truck beyond Monte de los Curas when he saw an object like a parachute falling silently into the trees on a hill. He went to see what it was and he found, in a clearing, a chrome-colored egg-shaped device supported by metal feet. Its upper part was transparent and its lower part extremely smooth, without joints or connections. Near the machine stood a young blond man who seemed to be studying a piece of paper. He was wearing "a plastic diving suit" and small boots and had a kind of towel attached to his right leg. The witness managed to get to the device without being observed and took a look through a panel. Inside he saw a second man sitting at a control panel. It was then that the man from outside noticed him and headed towards him with an expression of anger. "What's going on?" asked Pereyra, but without answering the other one climbed straight into the device which immediately rose to a height of about 30 meters, then moved away at a regular speed.
**Reference:** Charles BOWEN: "In Search of the Humanoids" - J'ai Lu 1974, p. 135
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2323
### Event 25134 (D9016D32)
**Date:** 7/20/1965
**Location:** MT. CLEMENS, MI
**Description:** Object "big as a house". Changes several color(s). Disappears in midair. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 793)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7217
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "187", **HatchDesc:** "Mt.CLEMENS,MI:OBJ "BIG AS A HOUSE":CHANGES SVRL CLRS:DISAPPEARS in MIDAIR:NFD", **LatLong:** "42.594446 -82.877782", **LatLongDMS:** "42:35:40 N 82:52:40 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.594446,-82.877782)", **State/Prov:** "Michigan", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 25135 (F6C00DBC)
**Date:** 7/20/1965
**Location:** NEAR SYDNEY, NSW
**Description:** Businessman. 6M blue-glow disk lands by creek. Orange-glow on takeoff.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 53)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7218
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "nr SYDNEY,NSW:BUSINESSMAN:6M BLU-GLOW DISK LANDS by CREEK:ORG-GLOW on TAKEOFF", **LatLong:** "-33.933335 151.150007", **LatLongDMS:** "33:56:00 S 151:09:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-33.933335,151.150007)", **State/Prov:** "NSW", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 25136 (F1F1CFED)
**Date:** 7/20/1965?
**Location:** ARCADIA, UT
**Description:** Summer / 1965. 40' silver saucer hovers / 10M altitude. Rapid takeoff. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SALISBURY, Frank: The UTAH UFO DISPLAY -- a Biologist Reports; 1974 Devin Adair, New Greenwich,CT. HB 286pp. ISBN 0-815-97000-5 (Index 240)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7219
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "1640", **HatchDesc:** "ARCADIA,UT:SUMMER/1965:40' SILVER SCR HVRS/10M alt:RAPID TAKEOFF:NFD", **LatLong:** "40.250002 -110.211116", **LatLongDMS:** "40:15:00 N 110:12:40 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.250002,-110.211116)", **RelAlt:** "10", **State/Prov:** "Utah", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 25137 (ECC63054)
**Date:** 7/20/1965
**Time:** 08:00
**Location:** QUILMES, ARG
**Description:** Saucer lands. 2 pseudo-human/entity / transparent suits. 1 outside studies map. / r67p40+/ LDLN#78.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LORENZEN, Coral & Jim: ENCOUNTERS with UFO OCCUPANTS; APRO/Berkley Medallion Books 1976. 424pp (Index 154)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7220
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "18", **Elev:** "21", **HatchDesc:** "QUILMES,ARG:SCR LANDS:2 PSH/XPRNT SUITS:1 OUTSIDE STUDIES MAP:/r67p40+/LDLN#78", **LatLong:** "-34.733335 -58.266669", **LatLongDMS:** "34:44:00 S 58:16:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-34.733335,-58.266669)", **State/Prov:** "Buenos Aires", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 25138 (79AD75D2)
**Date:** 7/20/1965
**Time:** 13:00?
**Location:** US40 800M WITH ROOSEVELT, UT
**Description:** Day. Silver lens saucer with dark band. Screeching sound. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SALISBURY, Frank: The UTAH UFO DISPLAY -- a Biologist Reports; 1974 Devin Adair, New Greenwich,CT. HB 286pp. ISBN 0-815-97000-5 (Index 240)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7221
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "1580", **HatchDesc:** "US40 800M W/ROOSEVELT,UT:DAY:SLVR LENS SCR W/DARK BAND:SCREECHING SOUND:NFD", **LatLong:** "40.311113 -109.927783", **LatLongDMS:** "40:18:40 N 109:55:40 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.311113,-109.927783)", **State/Prov:** "Utah", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 25139 (B8E3A954)
**Date:** 7/20/1965
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** ELK CITY, OK
**Description:** Satellite speeds-slows-maneuvers off-course. Looks like 'fast star'.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LOFTIN, Robert: IDENTIFIED FLYING SAUCERS: D. McKay, NY 1968 (Index 40)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7222
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "610", **HatchDesc:** "ELK CITY,OK:SATELLITE SPEEDS-SLOWS-MNVRS OFF-COURSE:LOOKS LIKE 'FAST STAR'", **LatLong:** "35.411113 -99.405560", **LatLongDMS:** "35:24:40 N 99:24:20 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/35.411113,-99.405560)", **State/Prov:** "Oklahoma", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 25140 (A9E76D5C)
**Date:** 7/20/1965
**Time:** 21:30?
**Location:** MANCHESTER, NH
**Description:** Shiny round object hovers over town / 10-15 minute(s). Going quickly south. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 793)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7223
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "15", **Elev:** "53", **HatchDesc:** "MANCHESTER,NH:SHINY ROUND OBJ HVRS OVR TOWN/10-15min:>>S:NFD", **LatLong:** "43.000002 -71.450003", **LatLongDMS:** "43:00:00 N 71:27:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.000002,-71.450003)", **State/Prov:** "New Hampshire", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 25141 (EA881C42)
**Date:** 7/20/1965
**Time:** 21:50
**Location:** EAST HARTFORD, CT
**Description:** APRO member and 1 / (seen thru) telescope. Silent blue-white round night light going quickly southwest. Vanishes.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 793)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7224
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "12", **HatchDesc:** "EAST HARTFORD,CT:APRO MEMBER+1/TSCOPE:SLNT BLU-WHT ROUND NLT >>SW:vanishes", **LatLong:** "41.783335 -72.611115", **LatLongDMS:** "41:47:00 N 72:36:40 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.783335,-72.611115)", **State/Prov:** "Connecticut", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 25142 (BBC77096)
**Date:** 7/20/1965
**Time:** ~22:30
**Location:** WAYLAND, MASS
**Description:** 20 separate observer(s). Round silver-white object going north. Stops / 20 minute(s). Wobbles. Going north again.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 789)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7225
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "20", **Elev:** "39", **HatchDesc:** "WAYLAND,MASS:20 SEP.OBS:RND SLVR-WHT OBJ >N:STOPS/20min:WOBBLES:>N AGAIN", **LatLong:** "42.361113 -71.361115", **LatLongDMS:** "42:21:40 N 71:21:40 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.361113,-71.361115)", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 25143 (B645D4E3)
**Date:** 7/20/1965
**Time:** 23:30
**Location:** CHESTERVILLE, ON
**Description:** Domed 6M object / extends arms. Chases car. Zips going up. / r204p91+/ r78p40.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 41)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7226
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "66", **HatchDesc:** "CHESTERVILLE,ON:DOMED 6M OBJ/EXTENDS ARMS:CHASES CAR:ZIPS↑:/r204p91+/r78p40", **LatLong:** "45.111113 -75.250004", **LatLongDMS:** "45:06:40 N 75:15:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.111113,-75.250004)", **State/Prov:** "Ontario", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 25144 (D09256AC)
**Date:** 7/20/1965
**Location:** Chesterville, Ontario, CAN
**Description:** Domed object paced car, climbed out of sight (UFOE II, Section, XII). (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2821
### Event 25145 (BC5EED54)
**Date:** 7/20/1965
**Time:** 0800
**Location:** Quilmes, Argentina
**Description:** R. Pereyra was driving near Monte de los Curas when he saw a parachutelike object land. Going near, he observed a chromiumlooking, egg-shaped craft standing on metal legs, with a transparent upper part. A blond-haired pilot, wearing plastic coveralls and small boots, seemed to study a piece of paper. Inside the craft was another man seated before an instrument panel. Shortly thereafter the object took off.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Humanoids 40 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_659
### Event 25146 (E8DC4808)
**Date:** 7/20/1965
**Location:** Chesterville, Ontario, Canada
**Description:** Domed object paced car, climbed out of sight
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_44
### Event 25147 (D5A879F8)
**Date:** 7/20/1965
**Description:** In Sydney, New South Wales, Australia a six meter in diameter blue glowing disc landed by a creek, making a swishing sound. It gave off an orange glow on takeoff.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP UFO Investigator, March 1968, p. 5; Michael Hervey, UFOs over the Southern Hemisphere, p. 88
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4236
### Event 25148 (4BD49A69)
**Date:** 7/20/1965
**Description:** At 3:00 a.m. Carlos Videla Zamudio, a hotel guest in Chanaral, Atacama province, Chile was awakened by a loud noise, looked out the window, and saw an intense red object about 10-12 meters in diameter land on the isolated beach. It was shaped like a mushroom or a top, was lighted from inside, rested on the ground silently, flew up to 30 meters, and disappeared at fantastic speed. After four or five minutes it took off with a "violent noise" and disappeared.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** APRO Bulletin, January-February 1966; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 658; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty-Year Report, p. 317
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4237
### Event 25149 (6D54E998)
**Date:** 7/20/1965
**Description:** At around eight o'clock in the morning R. Pereyra was driving near Monte de los Curas, Quilmes, Buenos Aires province, Argentina when he saw a parachute-like object land. Going near it, he observed a chromium-looking, egg-shaped craft standing on metal legs, with a transparent upper part. A blond pilot, wearing plastic coveralls and small boots, seemed to be studying a piece of paper. Inside the craft was another man seated before an instrument panel. Shortly thereafter the object took off.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Gordon Creighton, The Humanoids: FSR Special Edition #1, p. 40; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 659
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4238
### Event 25150 (DF5EB513)
**Date:** 7/20/1965
**Description:** At 9:48 p.m. two high school students, James Murphy and Kevin Fitzgerald, in East Hartford, Connecticut sighted a round, bluish white object that flew silently to the north. At 10:30 p.m. twenty residents of Wayland, Massachusetts observed a round silver-white object that traveled to the north, stopped and hovered for 20 minutes while wobbling, and then headed north again.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** APRO Bulletin, September-October 1965, January-February 1966
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4239
### Event 25151 (BC4629C2)
**Date:** 7/20/1965
**Description:** After 11:00 p.m. a motorist in Chesterville, Ontario, Canada encountered a domed UFO with antennae from the sides, hovering just above road. He treid to speed past it, but the object accelerated to keep up with the car for about a minute at speeds approaching 100 mph; it then climbed away out of sight.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Chesterville Record, July 22, 1965; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty-Year Report, p. 452
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4240
### Event 25152 (587210BD)
**Date:** 7/21/1965
**Location:** ARGENTINA, Macias (Entre Rios)
**Description:** (Translated from French) (cf. April 1965, Monte Grande) No details seem to have been published about the encounter that allegedly took place on May 3. At 11 pm on July 21, Martinez met the same little man again and explained to him the great difficulty he had had in finding someone who believed his story. The latter replied that they would soon show themselves all over the Earth. He added that Martinez should accept a new appointment with them, exactly on December 3, 1965. When they returned they would take Martinez and his family away and then burn the whole Earth as punishment for his refusal to admit their existence. (...)
**Reference:** Charles BOWEN: "In Search of Humanoids" - J'ai Lu 1974, p. 136, 137
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2324
### Event 25153 (3DAE7086)
**Date:** 7/21/1965
**Description:** In Macias, Entre Rios province, Argentina at eleven o'clock at night Felipe Martinez reportedly met with humanoid UFOnauts for the third time since they had first contacted him. He was told that the "space people" would soon show themselves to people everywhere on earth. They also told him that on December 3 that year they would return to take Martinez and his family, and then they would then burn up the entire earth as punishment for our disbelief in their existence. Obviously, none of these prophesized events subsequently occurred. Four of the crew he met with were little men less than three feet tall, while the fifth man was over six feet tall and blond. This last crew member wore metallic plates on his arms, which had numerous small lights.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case # 1965-22 (A0634), citing FSR; Gordon Creighton, The Humanoids: FSR Special Edition No. 1, p. 40
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4266
### Event 25154 (1C4B10FB)
**Date:** 7/21/1965
**Description:** The USAF Keweenaw Radar Site in Michigan had multiple radar contacts with seven or more unknown targets. This was tied to an inflight sighting of 7 UFOs over Duluth, Michigan.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Flying Saucers, March 1966, p. 9
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4267
### Event 25155 (3B89CE1B)
**Date:** 7/22/1965
**Location:** PITTSBURGH, PA
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Silver saucer here and 3 county area. Some report triangular object.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LOFTIN, Robert: IDENTIFIED FLYING SAUCERS: D. McKay, NY 1968 (Index 41)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7227
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "232", **HatchDesc:** "PITTSBURGH,PA:BBK#UNK:SLVR SCR HERE+3 COUNTY AREA:SOME REPORT TRIANGULAR OBJ", **LatLong:** "40.433335 -79.983337", **LatLongDMS:** "40:26:00 N 79:59:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.433335,-79.983337)", **State/Prov:** "Pennsylvania", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 25156 (E783CD2A)
**Date:** 7/22/1965
**Location:** Forbes AFB, KS
**Description:** Flat Silver Object Near Airbase (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, Code: D, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** NICAP: [650722](http://www.nicap.org/650722forbes%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2822
### Event 25157 (535576FA)
**Date:** 7/22/1965
**Location:** 37.0000 -116.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Pongee” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_419
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0000 -116.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:00 N 116:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0000,-116.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Pongee", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 25158 (DC7CF7BB)
**Date:** 7/23/1965
**Location:** NORTH / LIMA, PERU
**Description:** Chemical Engineer and several. Object lands / ranch / 45 minute(s) and away. Traces. Type unknown. / r180p37.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA; H. Regnery, Chicago HC 1969 & Contemporary Books,Chicago 1993. 372pp. (Index 660)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7228
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Peru", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "45", **Elev:** "120", **HatchDesc:** "N/LIMA,PERU:CHEM.ENGr+SVRL:OBJ LANDS/RANCH/45min+AWAY:TRACES:TYPE UNK:/r180p37", **LatLong:** "-11.750001 -77.050004", **LatLongDMS:** "11:45:00 S 77:03:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-11.750001,-77.050004)", **State/Prov:** "LIM", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 25159 (9789EAEC)
**Date:** 7/23/1965
**Time:** 02:00
**Description:** 2 / observer(s). Glowing disk hovers / 15 minute(s). Lights city center / searchlight.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 789)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7229
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Scandanavian and Finland", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "15", **HatchDesc:** "HELSINKI,FINLAND:2/OBS:GLOWING DISK HVRS/15min:LITES CITY CENTER/SEARCHLITE", **LatLong:** "60.200003 24.883335", **LatLongDMS:** "60:12:00 N 24:53:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/60.200003,24.883335)", **State/Prov:** "Finland", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 25160 (1DC5F259)
**Date:** 7/23/1965
**Location:** Lima, Peru
**Description:** An object was observed to land on ranch 45 km north of this town by a chemical engineer, his wife, and several farmers. It remained on the ground for 45 min, leaving traces.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Saucer News 61 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_660
### Event 25161 (4A9CCBDE)
**Date:** 7/23/1965
**Time:** 17:00:00.0
**Location:** 37.0978 -116.0330
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Bronze” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 200KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_420
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0978 -116.0330", **LatLongDMS:** "37:05:52 N 116:01:59 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0978,-116.0330)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.53", **NukeMb:** "5.40", **NukeName:** "Bronze", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "200"
### Event 25162 (C3DEEF8F)
**Date:** 7/25/1965
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In Castalia \(Ohio\), amateur astronomer Mr. D. Harris, 16 years old, observed a bright blue star traverse 90° of the sky for 10 to 15 seconds. (Saturday, July 25th, 9:15 PM)
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#9550 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1965.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2117
### Event 25163 (752CE23D)
**Date:** 7/25/1965 (approximate)
**Time:** 16:30
**Location:** TROIS RIVIERES, QB
**Description:** Odd object = 2 5' cylinders with cross-bars. Lands. 5' figure outside. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUSGRAVE, John Brent: UFO OCCUPANTS & CRITTERS; Global Communications, NY 1979. 8x11 66pp. (Index 44)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7230
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HOX:** Suspicion of hoax, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "60", **HatchDesc:** "TROIS RIVIERES,QB:ODD OBJ=2 5'CYLS W/CROSS-BARS:LANDS:5'FIG OUTSIDE:NFD", **LatLong:** "46.350002 -72.583337", **LatLongDMS:** "46:21:00 N 72:35:00 W", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.350002,-72.583337)", **State/Prov:** "Quebec", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 25164 (4AA8A8CA)
**Date:** 7/25/1965
**Time:** 20:00
**Description:** Separate observer(s). Silver disk going west / 6 minute(s). Curves going southwest. Veers sharply quickly going up.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 789)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7231
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Venezuela", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "7", **Elev:** "600", **HatchDesc:** "GUAICAIPURO prov.,VNZ:SEP.OBS:SLVR DISK > W/6min:CURVES >SW:VEERS SHARPLY ↑↑", **LatLong:** "10.250000 -67.000003", **LatLongDMS:** "10:15:00 N 67:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/10.250000,-67.000003)", **State/Prov:** "CRC", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 25165 (40322B2B)
**Date:** 7/25/1965
**Time:** 21:20
**Location:** CASTALIA, OH
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #9550. Amateur astronomer. Bright blue star crosses sky / 90 second(s). No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BERLINER, DON: The BLUEBOOK UNKNOWNS; (FUFOR). (Index 33)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7232
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "194", **HatchDesc:** "CASTALIA,OH:BBK#9550:AM.ASTRONOMER:BRITE BLU STAR CROSSES SKY/90sec:NFD", **LatLong:** "41.400002 -82.811115", **LatLongDMS:** "41:24:00 N 82:48:40 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.400002,-82.811115)", **State/Prov:** "Ohio", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 25166 (2E433F15)
**Date:** 7/25/1965
**Location:** Truax Field, WI
**Description:** Missile Radar Picks Up Target At 100,000' (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5)
**Reference:** NICAP: [650725](http://www.nicap.org/650725truax%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2823
### Event 25167 (DD152781)
**Date:** 7/25/1965
**Location:** Castalia, OH
**Description:** Astronomer saw a bright blue star cross 90° of sky (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 9550)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2824
### Event 25168 (667EFBB2)
**Date:** 7/25/1965
**Time:** night
**Location:** Chosica Power Plant, Peru
**Description:** Mr. Alva was awakened by a strange sound and saw an object on the ground emitting green light flashes. He woke up other employees, who had time to note that the object was about 3 m in diameter, had small windows in its upper part, and a revolving telescopic appendage. The investigating commission found dark, triangular traces on the ground.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** FSR 67, 6 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_661
### Event 25169 (1E69C87B)
**Date:** 7/25/1965
**Time:** 9:15 PM
**Location:** Castalia, Ohio
**Description:** Witness: amateur astronomer M.D. Harris, 16. One bright blue star crossed 90 of sky in 10-15 seconds.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_523
### Event 25170 (5FE01C3F)
**Date:** 7/25/1965
**Description:** Two five-foot long cylinders connected by cross-bars landed in Trois Rivieres, Quebec, Canada at 4:30 p.m. A five foot tall being was seen outside. There were three witnesses, and the encounter lasted five minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** John Brent Musgrave, UFO Occupants and Critters, p. 44
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4380
### Event 25171 (FA278E2C)
**Date:** 7/25/1965
**Description:** In Castalia, Ohio 16-year-old M. D. Harris, an amateur astronomer, was viewing the night sky at 9:15 p.m. when he saw what looked like a bright blue star move 90° across of the sky in 10-15 seconds.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Project Blue Book files counted in official statistics, case 9550; Don Berliner, Project Bluebook Unknowns
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4381
### Event 25172 (4E7EBC4F)
**Date:** 7/25/1965
**Description:** On this night Mr. Alva was awakened by a strange sound and saw an object on the ground near the Chosica Power Plant, Peru emitting flashes of green light. He woke up other employees, who had time to note that the object was about three meters in diameter, had small windows in its upper part, and a revolving telescopic appendage. The investigating commission found dark, triangular traces on the ground.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 661
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4382
### Event 25173 (FB6080AE)
**Date:** 7/26/1965
**Location:** BRAZIL, Carazinho
**Description:** (Translated from French) ... there were five dwarves, dressed in black uniforms and small boots, who appeared. We were told that two of them had in their hands an amazingly bright object, like a fairy wand. (Jacques VALLEE: "Chronicles of E.T. Appearances" - DENOEL 1972 - coll. J'AI LU - p. 105) In the evening Adilon Batista Azevedo, 15 years old, was strolling behind a group of young people going to the cinema. As he crossed an open field on the outskirts of the city, he heard a strange buzzing and saw two cones of white light in the sky, then two almost round devices, one larger than the other, land not far from him. He hid behind the wall of a well and saw three entities emerge from one machine and two from the other. The two teams joined and he could hear their words that did not resemble anything he had ever heard. The beings measured 1 m 50, wore helmets and one-piece scuba suits, dark in color and small boots. One of them carried in his right hand a very bright object resembling a wand. They conversed in their whistling language for about five minutes, then each team circled its machine three times, leaning down to examine the hull. The inspection finished, they got back into their machines which flew away at such a fantastic speed that in one or two seconds they were only a tiny point among the stars. Adilon ran to join his friends at the cinema but soon felt such a violent headache that he had to go to a pharmacist to buy tablets. Without any result, his headache lasted for five days. (...)
**Reference:** Charles BOWEN: "In Search of Humanoids" - J'AI LU 1974, p. 137, 138
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2325
### Event 25174 (E21C7979)
**Date:** 7/26/1965
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) At the Ogre Observatory \(Latvia\), astronomers Robert and Esmeralda Vitolniek and Yan Melderis saw a green, triangular UFO resembling a star. Examining the object more closely through the observatory's telescope, they realized that the UFO was composed of 3 green balls in a triangular formation around a larger central light. The central sphere was estimated to be 90 m in diameter and its altitude was estimated to be 100 \(200?\) km, but the observers were unable to provide an explanation for what they saw. The observation lasted about 30 minutes.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1965.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2118
### Event 25175 (9158CEB1)
**Date:** 7/26/1965
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In Carazinho \(Brazil\), 5 small beings dressed in black uniforms and small boots appeared. Witnesses indicate that one of them had in their hand an astonishingly bright object, like a magic wand.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1965.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2119
### Event 25176 (5E79FE79)
**Date:** 7/26/1965
**Time:** 19:00
**Location:** HARTSHORN, OK
**Description:** 5 separate observer(s). Large silver saucer low / trees. Round indentations. Going quickly [to] fast. / NICAP.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Book: THE UFO ENIGMA. Report No. 83-205 SPR, Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress, June 20, 1983. UG 633 Marcia S. Smith /Aerospace, Science Policy Research Div.
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7233
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "215", **HatchDesc:** "HARTSHORN,OK:5 SEP.OBS:LRG SLVR SCR LOW/TREES:ROUND INDENTATIONS:>>FAST:/NICAP", **LatLong:** "34.844446 -95.555560", **LatLongDMS:** "34:50:40 N 95:33:20 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/34.844446,-95.555560)", **RelAlt:** "20", **State/Prov:** "Oklahoma", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 25177 (82ADA4AC)
**Date:** 7/26/1965
**Time:** 20:00
**Description:** 2 3M saucers land. Groups / small humanoids (or Greys) exit and talk and fix saucer? / r8#662+/ r67p41.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: DIMENSIONS, A Casebook of Alien Contact Ballentine, NY 1989. PB (Index 81)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7234
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **CVS:** Conversation/communication, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "18", **Elev:** "569", **HatchDesc:** "CARAZINHO,BRZL:2 3M SCRS LAND:GROUPS/OIDS EXIT+TALK+FIX SCR?:/r8#662+/r67p41", **LatLong:** "-28.366668 -52.550003", **LatLongDMS:** "28:22:00 S 52:33:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-28.366668,-52.550003)", **State/Prov:** "RGS", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 25178 (FA3A45A1)
**Date:** 7/26/1965
**Time:** 21:40
**Description:** 2 astronomers. 3 small saucers orbit 100M saucer. 100km altitude. / r193#15.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 52)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7235
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Estonia, Latvia& Lithuania", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "25", **HatchDesc:** "OGRE OBS,LATVIA:2 ASTRONOMERS:3 SML SCRS ORBIT 100M SCR:100km ALT:/r193#15", **LatLong:** "57.466669 24.483335", **LatLongDMS:** "57:28:00 N 24:29:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/57.466669,24.483335)", **State/Prov:** "LAT", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 25179 (5E965735)
**Date:** 7/26/1965
**Time:** 22:00?
**Location:** ATACAMA PROV, CHL
**Description:** Observer(s) / hotel window. Luminous egg lands / 5 minute(s). Going up [to] 25M altitude. Away / horizontal.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 793)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7236
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Chile", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "380", **HatchDesc:** "ATACAMA Prov,CHL:OBS/HOTEL WINDOW:LUMn.EGG LANDS/5min:↑ 25M alt:AWAY/HORIZNTL", **LatLong:** "-28.333335 -70.333337", **LatLongDMS:** "28:20:00 S 70:20:00 W", **Locale:** "Desert", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-28.333335,-70.333337)", **State/Prov:** "Atacama", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 25180 (13C35DF6)
**Date:** 7/26/1965
**Time:** 2000
**Location:** Carazinho, Brazil
**Description:** A teenager, Adilon Azevedo, a others who fled, saw two objects at ground level, about 3 m in diameter, 1.5 m high, with five occupants, wearing luminous helmets, speaking among theselves, in unfamiliar language. One of the beings had a bright object in his hand. The witness experienced headaches for five days.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Humanoids 41 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_662
### Event 25181 (D4BCDAF4)
**Date:** 7/26/1965
**Location:** Baldone Astrophysical Observatory in Latvia
**Description:** 9:35 p.m. Astronomers Robert Vitolniek, Ian Melderis, and Esmeralda Vitolniek at the Baldone Astrophysical Observatory in Latvia are observing noctilucent clouds when they see a star-like object drifting slowly westwards. Through binoculars the light seems to be sharply defined, and through a telescope it looks like an array of three greenish lights around a larger, central sphere. After 20 minutes, the three smaller lights move away from the central one, and they disappear into the distance at 10:00 p.m.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Felix Ziegel, “[Unidentified Flying Objects,](https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=uc1.31210023618901&view=1up&seq=103&skin=2021)” Soviet Life, no. 137 \(February 1968\): 27; Hobana and Weverbergh 286–287; James E. McDonald, “[Statement on](https://www.project1947.com/shg/symposium/mcdonald.html\#astronomers) [Unidentified Flying Objects,](https://www.project1947.com/shg/symposium/mcdonald.html\#astronomers)” in Symposium on Unidentified Flying Objects, Hearings, US House Committee on Science and Astronautics, 90th Cong., 2nd Sess., July 29, 1968, pp. 60–61
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3906
### Event 25182 (B535BA76)
**Date:** 7/26/1965
**Locations:** Carazinho, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil; Rua David Canaberra; Rua 15 de Novembro; Rua Alexandra de Motta
**Description:** Night. Adilon Batista de Azevedo, 14, leaves home with two friends to go to a movie theater on the outskirts of Carazinho, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. When they pass a vacant lot on Rua David Canaberra between the Rua 15 de Novembro and the Rua Alexandra de Motta, they see a light beam coming from a cloud illuminating an area about 33 feet in diameter and hear a buzzing noise. The other boys run, but Adilon remains and sees an oval- shaped object landing in the vacant lot and hovering about 3 feet off the ground. Another smaller object descends and hovers next to the first. Two beings about 5 feet tall emerge from the larger object and walk around it. They are wearing dark clothing and light helmets. After 5 minutes, 3 others emerge from the smaller object and converse with the others. The beings reenter the objects, which take off several minute apart. Adilon gets a headache that remains with him for 5 days. Possible helicopters?
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Research in Brazil,](http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/Brazil/SBEDV/SBEDV%20-%20No%20045-47%20-%201965.pdf)” SBEDV Boletim, no. 45– 47 \(July/Dec. 1965\): 7–9; Patrick Gross, [URECAT](https://ufologie.patrickgross.org/ce3/1965-07-26-brazil-carazinho.htm)[,](https://ufologie.patrickgross.org/ce3/1965-07-26-brazil-carazinho.htm) April 6, 2008; Brazil 73–74
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3907
### Event 25183 (32E48D57)
**Date:** 7/26/1965
**Description:** At 9:35 p.m. three atmospheric astronomers studying noctilucent clouds at the Ogra Observatory, Latvia sighted a bright light in the west. Through a telescope they saw it was a 325 foot in diameter disc-shape with three spheres orbiting it. The UFOs gradually receded, but were seen at an estimated altitude of 60 miles.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Felix Zigel, Flying Saucers, June 1968, p. 25; APRO Bulletin, November-December 1967, p. 4; NICAP UFO Investigator, March-April 1968, p. 6; FSR, May-June 1968, p. 28; John Wallace Spencer, World Atlas of UFOs, p. 131; Paul Stonehill, The Soviet UFO Files, p. 111
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4414
### Event 25184 (ACAD08E7)
**Date:** 7/26/1965
**Description:** A teenager, Adilon Azevedo, and others in Carazinho, Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil who fled the scene, saw two UFOs at ground level. They were about three meters in diameter, 1.5 meters high, and contained five occupants who wore luminous helmets and spoke among themselves in an unfamiliar language. One of the beings had a bright object in its hand. The witness experienced headaches for five days following the close encounter.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Coral & Jim Lorenzen, Flying Saucer Occupants, p. 112; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 662
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4415
### Event 25185 (A362EC64)
**Date:** 7/27/1965
**Description:** Hundreds / observer(s) glowing-disk zigzags across sky. / r111p241.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 789)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7237
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "12", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "915", **HatchDesc:** "BARROCAO+CALFATE+GAMELEIRA,BRZ:100s/OBS GLOW-DISK ZIGZAGS ACRS SKY:/r111p241", **LatLong:** "-16.416667 -43.250002", **LatLongDMS:** "16:25:00 S 43:15:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-16.416667,-43.250002)", **State/Prov:** "Minas Gerais", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 25186 (02CFBD01)
**Date:** 7/27/1965
**Time:** 00:20
**Location:** NITEROI, BRZ
**Description:** Judge and 2. Mushroom saucer going down / 100M altitude. Portholes / rim. Metallic tubes stick down.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GRANCHI, Irene: UFO's and ABDUCTIONS in BRAZIL: Horus House Press, Madison, WI: 1992 (English translation 1994) ISBN 1-881852-09-1 (Index 39)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7238
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "6", **HatchDesc:** "NITEROI,BRZ:JUDGE+2:MUSHROOM SCR ↓/100M alt:PORTS/RIM:MTLC TUBES STICK DOWN", **LatLong:** "-22.883334 -43.100002", **LatLongDMS:** "22:53:00 S 43:06:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-22.883334,-43.100002)", **State/Prov:** "RDJ", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 25187 (7C4E549D)
**Date:** 7/27/1965
**Time:** 03:00
**Description:** 3M tank / ground. Flashes / portholes. Arm spins. / FSR'67#6+/ r111p241.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 789)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7239
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Peru", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "971", **HatchDesc:** "CHOSICA POWER Stn,PERU:3M TANK/GND:FLASHES/PORTS:ARM SPINS:/FSR'67#6+/r111p241", **LatLong:** "-11.783334 -76.516670", **LatLongDMS:** "11:47:00 S 76:31:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-11.783334,-76.516670)", **State/Prov:** "CUZ", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 25188 (1D6BA2A8)
**Date:** 7/27/1965
**Time:** ~20:00
**Location:** ALICANTE, SPAIN
**Description:** Family / car. 2 saucers going south fast. Each saucer 'shrouded in steam'.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 789)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7240
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "ALICANTE,SPAIN:FAMILY/CAR:2 SCRS >S FAST:each SCR 'SHROUDED IN STEAM'", **LatLong:** "38.350002 -0.483333", **LatLongDMS:** "38:21:00 N 00:29:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.350002,-0.483333)", **State/Prov:** "ALC", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 25189 (A803F9CA)
**Date:** 7/27/1965
**Time:** 20:00
**Description:** Doctor and 1. Ovoid going down. Circles car several X / ground level. Going quickly west. / r41p279.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HAINES, Richard Ph.D: CE-5, CLOSE ENCOUNTERS of the 5th KIND. 1999 Sourcebooks Inc. Naperville, IL ISBN 1-57071-427-4. 242 case files. (Index 291)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7241
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "SSE/CARNARVON,W.AUSTR:DOCTOR+1:OVOID ↓:CCLS CAR SVRL X/GND LVL:>>W:/r41p279", **LatLong:** "-25.333335 114.083339", **LatLongDMS:** "25:20:00 S 114:05:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-25.333335,114.083339)", **State/Prov:** "Western Australia", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 25190 (16BBEE0E)
**Date:** 7/27/1965
**Time:** 22:20
**Description:** Several observer(s). Saucer and other shapes maneuver. Bright red light. / news.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LOURENCO, Victor: The PORTUCAT CATALOG; (BBS Download). (Index 90)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7242
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Portugal", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "MASCARENHAS,PORTUGAL:SVRL OBS:SCR+OTHER SHAPES MNVR:BRIGHT RED LITE:/NEWS", **LatLong:** "41.572224 -7.127778", **LatLongDMS:** "41:34:20 N 07:07:40 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.572224,-7.127778)", **State/Prov:** "TOM", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 25191 (FD8C3FDC)
**Date:** 7/27/1965
**Location:** Carnarvan, W. Aus
**Description:** Squashed Football Hovers Over Road (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions, Code: An, Rating: 5)
**Reference:** NICAP: [650727](http://www.nicap.org/650727carnarvan%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2825
### Event 25192 (76747146)
**Date:** 7/28/1965
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In Paris, a man living in the 19th arrondissement, near Aubervilliers, returns home and, through the window of his apartment, sees an object flying in the sky. He grabs his Kodak Brownie Flash Camera Starluxe 9 x 9 format and takes two shots in the span of 2 minutes that will make the cover of a major Parisian newspaper. No explanation will be given. However, the shape of the object resembles that of a [Lockheed](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/LockheedMartin.html) SR-71A "Blackbird" aircraft, flying since December 22nd, 1964. But what would such a USAF strategic reconnaissance aircraft be doing at low altitude over an allied country at 5:30 PM? (Tuesday, July 28th, 5:30 PM)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1965.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2120
### Event 25193 (EDBC9E1E)
**Date:** 7/28/1965
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) A Moscow astronomer, L. Tsekhanovitch, noticed in the sky an object with luminous portholes.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1965.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2121
### Event 25194 (F5B9ABA0)
**Date:** 7/28/1965
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) The crews of Voskhod 1 and 2 spotted cylinders without openings floating in space near their spacecraft.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1965.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2122
### Event 25195 (D0D6BEEA)
**Date:** 7/28/1965
**Location:** MARACAIBO, VNZ
**Description:** Air Traffic Controller RADAR training class. 3 domed saucers fly near main runway. / r111p242.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 789)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7243
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **RDR:** Radar traces/blips
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Venezuela", **Credibility:** "12", **Duration:** "20", **Elev:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "MARACAIBO,VNZ:ATC RDR TRAINING CLASS:3 DOMED SCRs FLY nr MAIN RUNWAY:/r111p242", **LatLong:** "10.666667 -71.633337", **LatLongDMS:** "10:40:00 N 71:38:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/10.666667,-71.633337)", **State/Prov:** "MAR", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 25196 (BE12CB87)
**Date:** 7/28/1965
**Location:** CHINCHEROS, PERU
**Description:** All in town. Disk hovers over city 1 entire hour. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** STEIGER, Brad: STRANGERS from the SKIES; Award Books, NY 1966. (Index 42)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7244
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Peru", **Credibility:** "12", **Duration:** "60", **Elev:** "2941", **HatchDesc:** "CHINCHEROS,PERU:ALL IN TOWN:DISK HOVERS OVER CITY 1 ENTIRE HOUR:NFD", **LatLong:** "-13.483334 -73.733337", **LatLongDMS:** "13:29:00 S 73:44:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-13.483334,-73.733337)", **State/Prov:** "APU", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 25197 (00E8F211)
**Date:** 7/28/1965
**Time:** 03:00
**Description:** Odd cone shape seen near Cabo Carvoero. No further details. / a Voz do March.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LOURENCO, Victor: The PORTUCAT CATALOG; (BBS Download). (Index 91)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7245
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Portugal", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "PENICHE,PORTUGAL:ODD CONE SHAPE SEEN nr CABO CARVOERO:NFD:/A VOZ DO MAR", **LatLong:** "39.366669 -9.400000", **LatLongDMS:** "39:22:00 N 09:24:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.366669,-9.400000)", **State/Prov:** "EST", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 25198 (40C1E878)
**Date:** 7/28/1965 (approximate)
**Time:** 22:00
**Description:** Many observer(s). 4M ovoid near ground by chestnuts. Small humanoids (or Greys) float out and back.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FIGEUT, Michel & RUCHON, Jean-Louis: OVNI - Le Premier Dossier..; Alain LeFeuvre, Paris 1979. (Index 258)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7246
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "45", **HatchDesc:** "D8 SW/VALENSOLE,FR:MANY OBS:4M OVOID NR GND BY CHESTNUTS:OIDS FLOAT OUT+BACK", **LatLong:** "43.800002 5.966667", **LatLongDMS:** "43:48:00 N 05:58:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.800002,5.966667)", **State/Prov:** "Alpes de Haute Provence", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 25199 (C4F3B9DE)
**Date:** 7/28/1965
**Location:** Carswell AFB, TX
**Description:** RAPCON Fails To Identify Low Flying Manta Ray (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5)
**Reference:** NICAP: [650728](http://www.nicap.org/650728carswell%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2826
### Event 25200 (DF66584B)
**Date:** 7/28/1965
**Location:** Carswell AFB [now Naval Air Station Fort Worth Joint Reserve Base], Fort Worth, Texas
**Description:** 9:40 p.m. A USAF Reserve major and his wife observe a manta ray–shaped object fly almost directly overhead at Carswell AFB \[now Naval Air Station Fort Worth Joint Reserve Base\], Fort Worth, Texas, below 1,000 feet altitude. The object moves at a constant speed on the same course. The object is approximately 40 feet long and has two brilliant white lights pulsating off and on once every second. It is completely silent and flies directly through the Carswell control zone at low altitude. The sighting is verified by three other persons on duty. The report states: “This sighting was a positive observation, under ideal circumstances, of a definite object of an unconventional nature—possibly of foreign origin, which could be a threat to national security.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** NICAP, “[RAPCON Fails to Identify Low Flying Manta Ray](http://www.nicap.org/650728carswell%5Fdir.htm)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3908
### Event 25201 (858A2947)
**Date:** 7/29/1965
**Description:** Several observer(s). Unidentified night lights zigzag all over Granja do Marques Air Force Base.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LOURENCO, Victor: The PORTUCAT CATALOG; (BBS Download). (Index 92)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7247
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Portugal", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "nr SINTRA,PORTUGAL:SVRL OBS:UID NLTS ZIGZAG ALL OVR GRANJA do MARQUES AFB", **LatLong:** "38.800002 -9.383334", **LatLongDMS:** "38:48:00 N 09:23:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.800002,-9.383334)", **State/Prov:** "EST", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 25202 (35C0DDC6)
**Date:** 7/29/1965
**Time:** 21:10
**Location:** FRAMINGHAM, MASS
**Description:** 2+1 observer(s). Ovoid hovers over house. Zips off and back. Changes colors and gone.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FOWLER, Raymond E.: UFO'S, INTERPLANETARY VISITORS; Prentice Hall & Bantam Books, NY 1979. 346pp. (Index 66)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7248
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "4", **Elev:** "50", **HatchDesc:** "FRAMINGHAM,MASS:2+1 OBS:OVOID HVRS OVR HOUSE:ZIPS OFF+BACK:CHANGES COLORS+GONE", **LatLong:** "42.266669 -71.416670", **LatLongDMS:** "42:16:00 N 71:25:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.266669,-71.416670)", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 25203 (4E9E4CA9)
**Date:** 7/29/1965
**Time:** 23:00
**Description:** Large saucer / field. Going quickly south fast. Official report. / LDLN#78+Nice Matin.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA; H. Regnery, Chicago HC 1969 & Contemporary Books,Chicago 1993. 372pp. (Index 663)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7249
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "nr MONSEMPRON-LIBOS,FR:LRG SCR/FIELD:>>S FAST:OFFICIAL RPT:/LDLN#78+Nice Matin", **LatLong:** "44.494447 0.950000", **LatLongDMS:** "44:29:40 N 00:57:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.494447,0.950000)", **State/Prov:** "Lot-et-Garonne", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 25204 (C2F81288)
**Date:** 7/29/1965
**Time:** 2300
**Location:** Grouzies, France
**Description:** Alain Bressol observed a large, disk-shaped object in a field near Monsempron-Libos. It flew at high speed toward the south. Official report.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** 156;LDLN 78 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_663
### Event 25205 (3406FA1D)
**Date:** 7/29/1965
**Description:** Delta Aquarid meteor shower (mean date).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_45
### Event 25206 (D3C0D4EB)
**Date:** 7/29/1965
**Time:** 03:05:00.2
**Location:** 49.7797 77.9981
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: .001KT YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1270
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.7797 77.9981", **LatLongDMS:** "49:46:47 N 77:59:53 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.7797,77.9981)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "4.50", **NukeSource:** "BOCHAROV", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** ".001", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 25207 (9AF8AF3F)
**Date:** 7/29/1965
**Description:** At 4:20 a.m. a washtub-shaped object flew over North Weymouth, Massachusetts performing irregular maneuvers. It was watched through binoculars and glowed orange, red and silver. At one point during the sighting two smaller silver objects criss-crossed over top of it.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Raymond E. Fowler, UFOs: Interplanetary Visitors, p. 333
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4482
### Event 25208 (4177E5C5)
**Date:** 7/29/1965
**Description:** Alain Bressol of Grouzies, France observed a large, disc-shaped object in a field near Monsempron-Libos. It flew away at high speed toward the south.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Lumieres dans la Nuit, issue no. 78; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, p. 311 case 663
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4483
### Event 25209 (F71D2BD4)
**Date:** 7/30/1965 (approximate)
**Description:** Fast disk with colored lights / treetops. Hovers. Away extremely fast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 789)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7250
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Honduras", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "820", **HatchDesc:** "OCOTEPEQUE+El ZARZAL,HONDURAS:FAST DISK W/CLRD LITES/TREETOPS:HVRS:AWAY XFAST", **LatLong:** "14.433334 -89.211115", **LatLongDMS:** "14:26:00 N 89:12:40 W", **Locale:** "Rainforest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/14.433334,-89.211115)", **RelAlt:** "10", **State/Prov:** "OCT", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 25210 (87AFA39C)
**Date:** 7/30/1965
**Time:** 00:50?
**Location:** PUERTO MONTT, CHL
**Description:** Many observer(s). Blinding VLT object near ground. Noisy exit. / r8#664+/ LDLN#78.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 789)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7251
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Chile", **Credibility:** "12", **Duration:** "6", **Elev:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "PUERTO MONTT,CHL:MANY OBS:BLINDING VLT OBJ NR GND:NOISY EXIT:/r8#664+/LDLN#78", **LatLong:** "-41.483335 -72.933337", **LatLongDMS:** "41:29:00 S 72:56:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-41.483335,-72.933337)", **RelAlt:** "2", **State/Prov:** "VLV", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 25211 (FACB983C)
**Date:** 7/30/1965
**Time:** 02:20
**Description:** Civil and military observer(s). Cone-object 100M over lagos street. / O Seculo.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LOURENCO, Victor: The PORTUCAT CATALOG; (BBS Download). (Index 93)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7252
**Attributes:** **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Portugal", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "ALJEZUR,ALGARVE,PORTUGAL:CIV+MIL OBS:CONE-OBJ 100M OVR LAGOS STREET:/O SECULO", **LatLong:** "37.300002 -8.866667", **LatLongDMS:** "37:18:00 N 08:52:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.300002,-8.866667)", **State/Prov:** "Algarve", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 25212 (00DEEEAF)
**Date:** 7/30/1965
**Time:** 05:00
**Location:** GOONUMBLA, AUSTR
**Description:** Luminous disk 8km / radio-(seen thru) telescope. Rods protrude top and bottom/underside. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v16#6+/ r8.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 789)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7253
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "15", **HatchDesc:** "GOONUMBLA,AUSTR:LUM DISK 8km/RADIO-TSCOPE:RODS PROTRUDE TOP+BTM:/FSR v16#6+/r8", **LatLong:** "-33.000002 148.133340", **LatLongDMS:** "33:00:00 S 148:08:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-33.000002,148.133340)", **State/Prov:** "NSW", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 25213 (1F38B7F8)
**Date:** 7/30/1965
**Location:** East Coast U.S.A., Various
**Description:** Sighting wave mostly in Southwestern U.S. and northward through the central tier of states, later in eastern U.S. (See separate chronology, UFOE II, Section, VIII.) (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** NICAP: [650730](http://www.nicap.org/650730eastcoast%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2827
### Event 25214 (5780038A)
**Date:** 7/30/1965
**Location:** Puerto Monte, Chile
**Description:** Hundreds of people in two separate spots observed an object that landed for five min. It emitted a blinding purple light.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** 157; LDLN 78 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_664
### Event 25215 (181597A3)
**Date:** 7/30/1965
**Time:** 0500
**Location:** Goonumbla, Australia
**Description:** Two children attracted by the barking of a dog saw a luminous object resting on a tripod landing gear, and observed it for one hour.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Personal ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_665
### Event 25216 (2793CC5F)
**Date:** 7/30/1965
**Description:** At five o'clock in the afternoon the two McClintock children, attracted by the barking of a dog, saw a luminous disc-shaped object resting on tripod landing gear, and observed it for one hour. The landing occurred in Goonumbla, New South Wales, Australia eight kilometers away from the radio telescope located there. The disc had rods protruding from the top and bottom.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 665
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4505
### Event 25217 (94CE8AB4)
**Date:** 7/30/1965
**Description:** Hundreds of people from Puerto Monte, Chile in two separate locations observed an unidentified flying object that landed for five minutes. It emitted a blinding purple light.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 666
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4506
### Event 25218 (0E3B22C5)
**Date:** 7/31/1965
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) UFO formations are reported above several US states. The [USAF](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/USAF.html) claims that these objects are the planet [Jupiter](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/Jupiter.html) and the stars Betelgeuse, Aldebaran, Rigel and Capella. This explanation is later refuted by Robert Risser, director of the Oklahoma Scientific Foundation's planetarium, who states: We couldn't be further from the truth. Apparently, none of the mentioned stars were visible in the US at the time of the visions. (Saturday, July 31)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1965.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2123
### Event 25219 (8543E14B)
**Date:** 7/31/1965
**Time:** 01:00
**Location:** WYNNEWOOD, OK
**Description:** Cops and tinker and Carswell RADAR's. Object flashes color(s) / 45 minute(s). Going quickly south. / r41p242.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 793)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7254
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RDR:** Radar traces/blips, **MIL:** Military investigation, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "45", **Elev:** "373", **HatchDesc:** "WYNNEWOOD,OK:COPS+TINKER+CARSWELL Rdrs:OBJ FLASHES CLRS/45min:>>S:/r41p242", **LatLong:** "34.644446 -97.166671", **LatLongDMS:** "34:38:40 N 97:10:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/34.644446,-97.166671)", **State/Prov:** "Oklahoma", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 25220 (E7A4BD25)
**Date:** 7/31/1965
**Time:** 04:20
**Description:** 1 observer / (seen thru) binoculars. Tub maneuvers and changes colors. Small objects cross over it.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FOWLER, Raymond E.: UFO'S, INTERPLANETARY VISITORS; Prentice Hall & Bantam Books, NY 1979. 346pp. (Index 66)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7255
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "4", **Elev:** "12", **HatchDesc:** "N.WEYMOUTH,MASS:1 OBS/BINOCS:TUB MNVRS+CHANGES COLORS:SMALL OBJS CROSS OVR IT", **LatLong:** "42.233335 -70.933337", **LatLongDMS:** "42:14:00 N 70:56:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.233335,-70.933337)", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 25221 (5D44F258)
**Date:** 7/31/1965
**Time:** 12:00?
**Location:** LAKE HEFNER, OK
**Description:** Classic domed saucer rises / lake. Fisherman hospitalized / shock.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LOFTIN, Robert: IDENTIFIED FLYING SAUCERS: D. McKay, NY 1968 (Index 58)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7256
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **SUB:** Submersible: Rises from or submerges into water, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "365", **HatchDesc:** "LAKE HEFNER,OK:CLASSIC DOMED SCR RISES/LAKE:FISHERMAN HOSPITALIZED/SHOCK", **LatLong:** "35.500002 -97.600005", **LatLongDMS:** "35:30:00 N 97:36:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/35.500002,-97.600005)", **State/Prov:** "Oklahoma", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 25222 (78089BDE)
**Date:** 7/31/1965
**Location:** Wynnewood, OK
**Description:** Gnd/Visual and AF Radar (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5)
**Reference:** NICAP: [650731](http://www.nicap.org/650731wynnewood%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2828
### Event 25223 (A2B3AAE3)
**Date:** 7/31/1965
**Location:** Belluco, Chile
**Description:** A woman in a car saw an object on the road. It took off, then landed again in Belluco where it was seen by several people. The object emitted a bright, purple light and a green beam.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Spaceview ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_666
### Event 25224 (B7D93E0C)
**Date:** 7/31/1965
**End date:** 9/3/1965
**Location:** US
**Description:** Summer 1965 sighting wave mostly in Southwestern U.S. and northward through the central tier of states, later in eastern U.S. (See separate chronology, section VIII.)
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_46
### Event 25225 (D5C778CD)
**Date:** 7/31/1965
**Locations:** Wynnewood, Oklahoma; Oklahoma City; Carswell AFB [now Naval Air Station Fort Worth Joint Reserve Base], Fort Worth, Texas; Tinker AFB
**Description:** 1:05 a.m. Wynnewood, Oklahoma, police officer Lewis Sikes, 29, reports a UFO to the northeast. A little later, simultaneous radar fixes are obtained at Tinker AFB in Oklahoma City and Carswell AFB \[now Naval Air Station Fort Worth Joint Reserve Base\], Fort Worth, Texas. Both Tinker and Carswell track the object to a point 15 miles southwest of Tinker when it disappears. A few minutes later, it is tracked to a point 29 miles south of Tinker when it is lost again.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** NICAP, “[Gnd/Visual and AF Radar](http://www.nicap.org/650731wynnewood%5Fdir.htm)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3909
### Event 25226 (F1B7636F)
**Date:** 7/31/1965
**Description:** A woman driving in a car near Belluco, Chile saw an object on the road. It took off, then landed again in Belluco where it was seen by several people. The object emitted a bright, purple light and a green beam.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 666
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4523
### Event 25227 (A114712F)
**Date:** 7/31/1965
**Description:** In Wynnewood, Oklahoma a UFO was tracked on U.S. Air Force and Weather Bureau radar shortly after 1:00 a.m. There were numerous police sightings of a multicolored object flashing different colors for 45 minutes. It finally moved off to the south. It was picked up on radars at Tinker and Carswell Air Force Bases.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** APRO Bulletin, January-February 1966; Coral E. Lorenzen, Flying Saucers: The Startling Evidence of the Invasion from Outer Space; p. 237; John G. Fuller, Incident at Exeter, p. 41; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence: Volume II. A Thirty-Year Report, p. 242
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4524
### Event 25228 (3F5F0DD3)
**Date:** 7/31/1965
**Description:** In Trois-Rivieres, Quebec, Canada two five-foot long cylinders connected by cross-bars landed at 4:30 p.m. A five foot tall humanoid being was seen outside the object.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case # A2070, citing John Brent Musgrave
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4525
### Event 25229 (1FA8C566)
**Date:** 7/31/1965
**Description:** A glowing object was seen in the sky with three leg-like protrusions over Goonumbla, New South Wales, Australia. It scared farm dogs in the area.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Michael Hervey, UFOs over the Southern Hemisphere, p. 88
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4526
### Event 25230 (641F8531)
**Date:** 7/31/1965
**End date:** 8/2/1965
**Description:** A declassified USAF memo shows UAP activity at F. E. Warren AFB’s missile sites. Written by Col. Donald W. Johnson, it states 148 objects were reported by 143 personnel.
Additional testimony from launch officer John F. Earnshaw states security personnel described the UAP as oblong from one perspective, disc-like from another, usually red or orange. Earnshaw states, “I heard that AFOSI was debriefing people. OSI was charged with doing whatever the commanders above them wanted done.”
* [https://www.ufohastings.com/storage/files/image/2012-02-05/FE_Warren_1965_1.jpg](https://www.ufohastings.com/storage/files/image/2012-02-05/FE_Warren_1965_1.jpg)
* [https://www.ufohastings.com/storage/files/image/2012-02-05/FE_Warren_1965_2.jpg](https://www.ufohastings.com/storage/files/image/2012-02-05/FE_Warren_1965_2.jpg)
* [https://www.ufohastings.com/storage/files/image/2012-02-05/FE_Warren_1965_3.jpg](https://www.ufohastings.com/storage/files/image/2012-02-05/FE_Warren_1965_3.jpg)
* [https://www.ufohastings.com/storage/files/image/2012-02-05/FE_Warren_1965_4.jpg](https://www.ufohastings.com/storage/files/image/2012-02-05/FE_Warren_1965_4.jpg)
* [https://www.ufohastings.com/index.php/articles/three-former-u-s-air-force-icbm-launch-officers-speak-out-about-ufos](https://www.ufohastings.com/index.php/articles/three-former-u-s-air-force-icbm-launch-officers-speak-out-about-ufos)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_111
### Event 25231 (D626C78D)
**Date:** 8/1965 (approximate)
**Time:** 08:30
**Location:** OFF CATTOLICA, ITL
**Description:** Radiologist / boat. 5 saucers emerge / sea. Going up [to] and away / 45° angle. Absolute(ly) silent.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** ITACAT, Catalogo Italiano degli Incontri Ravvicinati. Maurizio Verga, 1989 CISU/Torino, Italy. (Index 57)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7257
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **SUB:** Submersible: Rises from or submerges into water, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Italy", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "off CATTOLICA,ITL:RADIOLOGIST/BOAT:5 SCRS EMERGE/SEA:↑+AWAY/45° ANGLE:abs slnt", **LatLong:** "43.966669 12.733334", **LatLongDMS:** "43:58:00 N 12:44:00 E", **Locale:** "Offshore", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.966669,12.733334)", **State/Prov:** "FO", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 25232 (91AB2A86)
**Date:** 8/1965
**Time:** 21:30
**Location:** NEAR OTTAWA, ON
**Description:** Saucer lights reservoir and area. Stops / water. Door opens and 3 figure(s) seen. / r113p201.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 873)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7258
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **SUB:** Submersible: Rises from or submerges into water, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "115", **HatchDesc:** "nr OTTAWA,ON:SCR LITES RSVR+AREA:STOPS/WATER:DOOR OPENS+3 FIGS SEEN:/r113p201", **LatLong:** "45.366669 -75.800004", **LatLongDMS:** "45:22:00 N 75:48:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.366669,-75.800004)", **RelAlt:** "1", **State/Prov:** "Ontario", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 25233 (C748A074)
**Date:** 8/1965 (approximate)
**Time:** ~22:00
**Location:** NOLAN, WV
**Description:** 4 observer(s). 3 glow disks going northeast over mountains from Kentucky. Low and slow. Triangle formation.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The WEST VIRGINIA UFO NEWSLETTER. Bob Teets editor. Headline Books Inc. PO Box 52; Terra Alta, WV 26764 Bimonthly. Terra Alta at AOL.com 304/789-5951 (Index 8)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7259
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "199", **HatchDesc:** "NOLAN,WV:4 OBS:3 GLOW DISKS >NE OVR MTNS FROM KENTUCKY:LOW+SLOW:TRIANGLE FORMn", **LatLong:** "37.750002 -82.300004", **LatLongDMS:** "37:45:00 N 82:18:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.750002,-82.300004)", **State/Prov:** "Western Virginia", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 25234 (BAC59CC9)
**Date:** 8/1/1965
**Location:** PERU, Lima
**Description:** (Translated from French) At around 7pm, as it was beginning to get dark, a boy saw a UFO land on the roof of a building and saw a creature come out of it. He described the entity as "greenish, with hair covered in green lights and looking like a frog". Two days later a newspaper published that the boy had admitted to reading too much science fiction..(following August 7, 1965).
**Reference:** Charles BOWEN: "In Search of Humanoids" - J'ai Lu 1974, p. 139
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2328
### Event 25235 (A30C4D5E)
**Date:** 8/1/1965
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In Shawnee \(Oklahoma\), several police patrols describe unknown luminous objects maintaining a diamond formation. The observation lasts 40 minutes. The different offices of Oklahoma City receive nearly 30 reports during the night. (Sunday, August 1st, 9 PM)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1965.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2124
### Event 25236 (3ED048A7)
**Date:** 8/1/1965
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) August 2nd Observation in Tulsa \(Oklahoma\). See images/1965-08-02_01-45_Tulsa\_Oklahoma.jpg.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1965.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2125
### Event 25237 (F504B059)
**Date:** 8/1/1965
**Location:** WICHITA, KS
**Description:** Several blips / weather RADAR. 6K'-9K' altitude. Many visual observer(s) / various shapes.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LORENZEN, Coral: FLYING SAUCERS, the Starting Evidence; Signet Books, NY 1962 & 1966. 278pp. Originally "The Great F. S. Hoax". (Index 238)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7260
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RDR:** Radar traces/blips
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "20", **Elev:** "392", **HatchDesc:** "WICHITA,KS:SVRL BLIPS/WEATHER RDR:6K'-9K'alt:MANY VISUAL OBS/VARIOUS SHAPES ", **LatLong:** "37.700002 -97.333338", **LatLongDMS:** "37:42:00 N 97:20:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.700002,-97.333338)", **RelAlt:** "2200", **State/Prov:** "Kansas", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 25238 (6DDD76AD)
**Date:** 8/1/1965
**Description:** Round white objects. 1 going quickly west. 1 going quickly northeast. Big wave.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 793)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7261
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "1553", **HatchDesc:** "ALGODONES+HOBBS+CARLSBAD+ARTESIA++,NM:ROUND WHT OBJs:1 >>W:1 >> NE:BIG WAVE", **LatLong:** "35.377779 -106.477783", **LatLongDMS:** "35:22:40 N 106:28:40 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/35.377779,-106.477783)", **State/Prov:** "New Mexico", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 25239 (1BFCBC01)
**Date:** 8/1/1965
**Time:** 01:20
**Description:** 5+2 saucers over command post. Also numerous civil report(s) / Cheyenne. / r201p93.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLAMMONDE, Paris: UFO EXIST!; Ballentine Books, NY 1976. PB 480pp. (Index 439)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7262
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "30", **Elev:** "1852", **HatchDesc:** "WARREN AFB,WY:5+2 SCRS ovr COMMAND POST:+NMRS CIV Rpts/CHEYENNE:/r201p93", **LatLong:** "41.183335 -104.916672", **LatLongDMS:** "41:11:00 N 104:55:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.183335,-104.916672)", **State/Prov:** "Wyoming", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 25240 (3A76C822)
**Date:** 8/1/1965
**Time:** 03:40
**Location:** SIDNEY, NEBR
**Description:** 5 objects going east. Land 10M east / Strategic Air Command (SAC)-B4 according to Commander / Sioux Army depot. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLAMMONDE, Paris: UFO EXIST!; Ballentine Books, NY 1976. PB 480pp. (Index 439)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7263
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **NUC:** Nuclear facility related, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "1315", **HatchDesc:** "SIDNEY,NEBR:5 OBJs >E:LAND 10M E/SAC-B4 per COMMANDER/SIOUX ARMY DEPOT:NFD", **LatLong:** "41.250002 -103.083338", **LatLongDMS:** "41:15:00 N 103:05:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.250002,-103.083338)", **State/Prov:** "Nebraska", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 25241 (2A4B1ADC)
**Date:** 8/1/1965
**Time:** 20:20
**Location:** MOUNTAIN HOME, ARK
**Description:** Round disk goes north going south. White. Segmented tail. 'Coin / ARMs length'.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LOFTIN, Robert: IDENTIFIED FLYING SAUCERS: D. McKay, NY 1968 (Index 69)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7264
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "250", **HatchDesc:** "MOUNTAIN HOME,ARK:ROUND DISK GOES N>S:WHT:SEGMENTED TAIL:'COIN/ARMs LENGTH'", **LatLong:** "36.333335 -92.400004", **LatLongDMS:** "36:20:00 N 92:24:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/36.333335,-92.400004)", **State/Prov:** "Arkansas", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 25242 (25CA3B91)
**Date:** 8/1/1965
**Time:** 20:30
**Location:** EDMOND, OK
**Description:** Cops and numerous observer(s). Domed saucer with portholes. Comes and goes. Changes color(s). Going [to] WSW. / r79p66.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Newspaper account: Edmond, OK Sun for 3Aug65+31Oct01 on file here as OK3AUG65.txt cr: E.B.Knapp
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7265
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "200", **Elev:** "360", **HatchDesc:** "EDMOND,OK:COPS+NMRS OBS:DOMED SCR W/PORTS:COMES+GOES:CHANGES CLRS:>WSW:/r79p66", **LatLong:** "35.655557 -97.477782", **LatLongDMS:** "35:39:20 N 97:28:40 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/35.655557,-97.477782)", **State/Prov:** "Oklahoma", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 25243 (D80FE500)
**Date:** 8/1/1965
**Time:** 21:00
**Description:** RADAR's. Cops and many. White night lights / diamond formation.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 793)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7266
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RDR:** Radar traces/blips, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "12", **Duration:** "30", **Elev:** "351", **HatchDesc:** "CHICKASHA+SHAWNEE+CUSHING+CHANDLER,OK:RDRS:COPS+MANY:WHT NLTS/DIAMOND FORMn", **LatLong:** "35.050002 -97.933338", **LatLongDMS:** "35:03:00 N 97:56:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/35.050002,-97.933338)", **State/Prov:** "Oklahoma", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 25244 (6E99F9F9)
**Date:** 8/1/1965
**Time:** 21:30
**Location:** GUYMON, OK
**Description:** Large object 16 mile(s) east / Forgan. Seen here / Highway Patrol. Blocks stars. Type unknown. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LOFTIN, Robert: IDENTIFIED FLYING SAUCERS: D. McKay, NY 1968 (Index 65)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7267
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "952", **HatchDesc:** "GUYMON,OK:LRG OBJ 16mi E/FORGAN:SEEN HERE/HWY PATROL:BLOCKS STARS:TYPE UNK:NFD", **LatLong:** "36.683335 -101.483338", **LatLongDMS:** "36:41:00 N 101:29:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/36.683335,-101.483338)", **State/Prov:** "Oklahoma", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 25245 (249B939C)
**Date:** 8/1/1965
**Time:** 22:00?
**Location:** BUENOS AIRES, ARG
**Description:** 2 observer(s). 1M top lands / intersection. Emits blue light. Up and away fast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 12)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7268
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "27", **HatchDesc:** "BUENOS AIRES,ARG:2 OBS:1M TOP LANDS/INTERSECTION:EMITS BLUE LITE:UP+AWAY FAST", **LatLong:** "-34.600002 -58.450003", **LatLongDMS:** "34:36:00 S 58:27:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-34.600002,-58.450003)", **State/Prov:** "Buenos Aires", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 25246 (5B966339)
**Date:** 8/1/1965
**Location:** Ent AFB, CO
**Description:** Military Observers Report 3-4 Ovals (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, Code: D, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** NICAP: [650801](http://www.nicap.org/650801entafb%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2829
### Event 25247 (CBA91734)
**Date:** 8/1/1965
**End date:** 8/2/1965
**Location:** Whiteman AFB, MO
**Description:** (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2830
### Event 25248 (EB31335A)
**Date:** 8/1/1965
**Location:** Topeka, KS
**Description:** 707 Picks Up 12-15 Targets (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5)
**Reference:** NICAP: [650801](http://www.nicap.org/650801topekadir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2831
### Event 25249 (B8AD49CB)
**Date:** 8/1/1965
**Location:** Tinker AFB, OK
**Description:** Four Lights Observed, Radar Contact On One (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5)
**Reference:** NICAP: [650801](http://www.nicap.org/650801tinker%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2832
### Event 25250 (DE753F2D)
**Date:** 8/1/1965
**Locations:** Francis E. Warren Air Force Base; Cheyenne, Wyoming; Sioux Army Depot; Sydney, Nebraska; Pine Bluff; Gurley; Quebec LCF; Chugwater
**Description:** 1:30–4:30 a.m. Various personnel from Francis E. Warren Air Force Base west of Cheyenne, Wyoming, report more than 70 UFOs near the base’s ICBM Minuteman I launch control facilities \(LCFs\) and launch facilities \(LFs, missile silos\). A Lieut. Anspaugh logs the reports and incoming telephone calls for three hours. The reports begin with a “large circular object emitting several colors but no sound” seen by civilians over Cheyenne itself at 1:30 a.m. This results in an alert at the base for all personnel to be on the watch for anything suspicious. Five objects are spotted over the Sioux Army Depot \[now closed\] in Sydney, Nebraska, at 1:45 a.m. Two UFOs are seen over the Echo LCF southeast of Pine Bluff at 1:48 a.m. Nine more objects are sighted at 2:50 a.m. The Echo LCF reports six UFOs stacked vertically. A Strategic Air Command team at the H-2 LF northeast of Gurley reports a white UFO directly overhead at 3:00 a.m. The Sioux Army Depot reports five objects going east at 3:35 a.m. Reports of white, round- or oval-shaped objects in various formations, continue solidly at the H- 2 LF for the next 40 minutes. At 4:05 a.m., the Warren base commander calls to say that the Quebec LCF southwest of Chugwater has nine UFOs in sight: four to the NW, three to the NE, and two over Cheyenne. Sightings continue to be reported the next two nights at missile sites assigned to Warren AFB, for a total of 148 objects seen by 143 combat defense force airmen, missile maintenance men, and NCOs. The sheer scope and blatant ostentation of the UFOs’ reported aerial displays over a sensitive atomic missile base is remarkable.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** J. Allen Hynek, The UFO Experience, Ballantine ed., 1974, [pp. 209–211](https://archive.org/details/ufoexperience00jall/page/208/mode/2up?q=Saucedo); Robert L. Hastings, “[Remarkable Reports](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/missiles.pdf) [from the Missile Field,](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/missiles.pdf)” IUR 32, no. 1 \(August 2008\): 8–14, 23–27; Robert L. Hastings, “[Yet Another Nuclear](https://www.ufohastings.com/index.php/articles/yet-another-nuclear-missile-launch-officer-talks-about-ufos-at-f-e-warren-afb) [Missile Launch Officer Talks about UFOs at F. E. Warren AFB,](https://www.ufohastings.com/index.php/articles/yet-another-nuclear-missile-launch-officer-talks-about-ufos-at-f-e-warren-afb)” UFOs & Nukes, February 5, 2012; Nukes 223– 238
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3910
### Event 25251 (3A9509EB)
**Date:** 8/1/1965
**Locations:** Purcell; Norman; Chandler; Meeker; Shawnee; Oklahoma
**Description:** 8:08 p.m. The Oklahoma Highway Patrol starts receiving 25–30 visual sightings of UFOs, many by police and highway patrol troopers from Purcell north to Norman to Chandler and back south through Meeker and Shawnee, Oklahoma. The sightings continue through dawn and vary from one to four objects that start and stop, often having a red color and varying to a white and blue luster.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** NICAP, \[[case documents](http://www.nicap.org/docs/650730wynnewood%5Fdocs.pdf)\]
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3911
### Event 25252 (28B9BE9D)
**Date:** 8/1/1965
**Locations:** Tinker AFB, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma; Norman, Oklahoma; Oklahoma City
**Description:** 9:08 p.m. Four objects, bluish-white with a red haze, are seen from the control tower at Tinker AFB, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. T/Sgt [John R. Lang](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/17272560/john-robert-lang)[,](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/17272560/john-robert-lang) 34, is the watch supervisor. All the objects appear at approximately 22,000 feet altitude. One is moving south, and another is moving north at speeds of 150–200 mph. Two of the objects appear stationary. The 746th Aircraft Control and Warning Squadron reports radar contact with one object at 10,000 feet in the vicinity of Norman, Oklahoma, 20 miles south of Tinker AFB. The duration is 90 minutes. An Air Force weather observer, who wishes to remain anonymous, looks at a UFO through his 40x-telescope at Oklahoma City. It is tilted about 45° then straightens out. “It looked like Saturn with a flat top and flat bottom.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** NICAP, “[Four Lights Observed, Radar Contact on One](http://www.nicap.org/650801tinker%5Fdir.htm)”; “[UFOs Leave Local](https://www.newspapers.com/clip/95149492/) [Radar Tracks,](https://www.newspapers.com/clip/95149510/)” Wichita \(Kan.\) Beacon, August 2, 1965, pp. 1–2; “[Radar Didn’t Detect](https://www.newspapers.com/clip/17469788/1965-minnesota-ufo-sightings-part-of-a/) [UFOs Spotted in Area,](https://www.newspapers.com/clip/17470106/1965-minnesota-ufo-sightings-part-of-a/)” Minneapolis Star, August 3, 1965, pp. 1, 4
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3912
### Event 25253 (8C857A0A)
**Date:** 8/1/1965
**Location:** Topeka, Kansas
**Description:** Night. A TWA Boeing 707 airliner flying west of Topeka, Kansas, picks up 12–15 targets on Air Intercept Radar flying toward them at high speed on a 50-mile scope. They change to a 20-mile scope and observe the objects approaching in formation. The pilot, copilot, and engineer all witness this clearly. The aircraft passes the objects but cannot see them visually. Two films of the scopes are taken.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** NICAP, “[707 Picks Up 12–15 Targets](http://www.nicap.org/650801topekadir.htm)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3913
### Event 25254 (99EF066D)
**Date:** 8/1/1965
**Locations:** Caldwell, Kansas; Hedgerow
**Description:** Night. Two rookie police officers in Caldwell, Kansas, speed toward the airport to investigate local sightings when they see an egg-shaped machine about 300 feet long hovering above the ground. They try to get closer, but it disappears behind a hedgerow and shuts its lights off. They return the next day, but find no traces.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Caldwell](https://www.newspapers.com/clip/95149436/) [Officers Are ‘Believers’ Now,](https://www.newspapers.com/clip/95149436/)” Wichita \(Kan.\) Beacon, August 2, 1965, p. 1; Jerome Clark, “[The Greatest Flap](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201966%20V%2012%20N%201.pdf) [Yet?](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201966%20V%2012%20N%201.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 12, no. 1 \(Jan./Feb. 1966\): 27–28
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3914
### Event 25255 (7DACDEE5)
**Date:** 8/1/1965
**Description:** At around seven p.m. a 15-year-old boy named San Roman Nunez in Lima, Peru watched a saucer-shaped UFO descend and land nearby. A 3.5 foot tall being emerged from the object. It was "greenish" with hair covered with green lights, and "looked like a toad." The boy fled.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Gordon Creighton, The Humanoids: FSR Special Edition No. 1, p. 41; John A. Keel, Strange Creatures From Time and Space, p. 150
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4564
### Event 25256 (3261996E)
**Date:** 8/2/1965
**Location:** USA, Tulsa (Oklahoma)
**Description:** (Translated from French) Tens of thousands of Americans, from South Dakota to the Mexican border and beyond, saw bright colored lights moving in formations in the sky. Some formations were diamond-shaped and turned at right angles. Others were isolated and hovered from time to time. Some very high in the sky would dive down to a lower altitude. Others were low and would climb up in a spiral. From time to time one of these objects would stop. It was thus that around 1:30 am Alan Smith, 14 years old, from Tulsa, was able to take a remarkable color photograph of a stationary UFO in the sky, with an ordinary camera and a commercial color film. On the enlargements obtained, it was clearly visible that the UFO had the shape of a flattened disc at the back and was divided into three parts by two opaque bands. These three sections were, from left to right, with respect to the photographer, bluish green, yellow orange, white cream. (Frank EDWARDS: "Les S.V. affaire sérieuse" - trad. Laffont 1967 - p. 250, 251). IN REALITY: when the image is turned over, a wide-brimmed hat with a red fruit placed on it is discovered. The story is probably authentic, but the photo was tampered with by Alan Smith. (August 2, 1965)
**Reference:** A. SCHNEIDER-H. MALTHANER: "Le dossier secret des OVNI", ed. De Vecchi, 1978, p.271
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2329
### Event 25257 (9969FC1C)
**Date:** 8/2/1965
**Location:** Several Midwest States
**Description:** Many UFO visuals and radar reports, including several from the AFBs.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [_UFOs and the National Security State: Chronology of a Cover-up, 1941–1973_, by Richard Dolan](https://archive.org/details/ufosnationalsecu00dola/mode/2up)
**Source:** Dolan, **ID:** Dolan_262
### Event 25258 (A9530A2A)
**Date:** 8/2/1965
**Location:** JUSTIN, TX
**Description:** Deputies. Blazing fireball lands near Wagle Mountain lake. No traces found / USAF Tech. Intel. Center. (ATIC.)
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA; H. Regnery, Chicago HC 1969 & Contemporary Books,Chicago 1993. 372pp. (Index 667)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7269
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "195", **HatchDesc:** "JUSTIN,TX:DEPUTIES:BLAZING FBL LANDS nr WAGLE Mtn LAKE:no traces found/Atic", **LatLong:** "33.083335 -97.294449", **LatLongDMS:** "33:05:00 N 97:17:40 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/33.083335,-97.294449)", **State/Prov:** "Texas", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 25259 (D4FE31B0)
**Date:** 8/2/1965
**Time:** 00:50
**Location:** CUSHING, OK
**Description:** 2+cops. Saucer with black stripes or windows. Report going [to] Highway Patrol. Back 04 August.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LOFTIN, Robert: IDENTIFIED FLYING SAUCERS: D. McKay, NY 1968 (Index 65)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7270
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "279", **HatchDesc:** "CUSHING,OK:2+COPS:SCR W/BLK STRIPES or WINDOWS:REPORT>HWY PATROL:BACK 04AUG", **LatLong:** "35.983335 -96.733338", **LatLongDMS:** "35:59:00 N 96:44:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/35.983335,-96.733338)", **State/Prov:** "Oklahoma", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 25260 (151EEF66)
**Date:** 8/2/1965
**Time:** 01:50
**Location:** TULSA, OK
**Description:** 4+observer(s). Clear photograph / 45' saucer with delta/triangle/box-like craft features / underside. Glows. Whines. / r286#26.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 212)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7271
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "242", **HatchDesc:** "TULSA,OK:4+OBS:CLR FOTO/45'SCR W/DLT FEATURES/UNDERSIDE:GLOWS:WHINES:/r286#26", **LatLong:** "36.133335 -96.000005", **LatLongDMS:** "36:08:00 N 96:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/36.133335,-96.000005)", **State/Prov:** "Oklahoma", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 25261 (7306AF91)
**Date:** 8/2/1965
**Time:** 02:20
**Location:** DALLAS, TX
**Description:** Triangular formation / night lights criss-cross sky til Dawn. Flash red-green-blue-white.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LOFTIN, Robert: IDENTIFIED FLYING SAUCERS: D. McKay, NY 1968 (Index 69)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7272
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "250", **Elev:** "150", **HatchDesc:** "DALLAS,TX:TRIANGULAR FORMn/NLTs CRISS-CROSS SKY TIL DAWN:FLASH RED-GRN-BLU-WHT", **LatLong:** "32.766668 -96.816671", **LatLongDMS:** "32:46:00 N 96:49:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/32.766668,-96.816671)", **RelAlt:** "9999", **State/Prov:** "Texas", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 25262 (8BFA77EA)
**Date:** 8/2/1965
**Time:** 03:30
**Location:** SOUTH / JESUS MARIA, ARG
**Description:** 2 / car. 5M metallic hoop blocks road / 1.5M altitude. Gets misty. Vanishes.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 15)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7273
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "510", **HatchDesc:** "S/JESUS MARIA,ARG:2/CAR:5M MTLC HOOP BLOCKS ROAD/1.5M alt:GETS MISTY:VANISHES", **LatLong:** "-31.066668 -64.116670", **LatLongDMS:** "31:04:00 S 64:07:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-31.066668,-64.116670)", **RelAlt:** "1", **State/Prov:** "CRD", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 25263 (C8448D51)
**Date:** 8/2/1965
**Time:** 03:40
**Description:** Cops and many. 300M ovoid going quickly south. Landing? / r111p239+/ r41p242.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 793)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7274
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **RDR:** Radar traces/blips, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "164", **Elev:** "388", **HatchDesc:** "WELLINGTON+OXFORD++,KS:COPS+MANY:300M OVOID>>S:LANDING?:/r111p239+/r41p242", **LatLong:** "37.266668 -97.400005", **LatLongDMS:** "37:16:00 N 97:24:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.266668,-97.400005)", **State/Prov:** "Kansas", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 25264 (BE5D2EBE)
**Date:** 8/2/1965
**Time:** 08:30
**Description:** 2 separate observer(s). Silent 7M cylinder/cylindrical object west vertical wings shoots across road.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 198)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7275
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "780", **HatchDesc:** "LAGOA VERMELHA,BRAZIL:2 SEP.OBS:SLNT 7M CYL W VERTICAL WINGS SHOOTS ACRS ROAD", **LatLong:** "-28.216668 -51.533336", **LatLongDMS:** "28:13:00 S 51:32:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-28.216668,-51.533336)", **State/Prov:** "RGS", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 25265 (65E0B2B0)
**Date:** 8/2/1965
**Time:** 22:40
**Location:** NORMAN, OK
**Description:** Many and (seen thru) telescope. 40' white sphere/orb/globe going quickly NNE. Instant turn going southwest. Flash and turns going quickly northeast again.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LOFTIN, Robert: IDENTIFIED FLYING SAUCERS: D. McKay, NY 1968 (Index 66)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7276
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "40", **Elev:** "360", **HatchDesc:** "NORMAN,OK:MANY+TSCOPE:40'WHT ORB>> NNE:INSTANT TURN> SW:FLASH+TURNS>>NE AGAIN", **LatLong:** "35.233335 -97.433338", **LatLongDMS:** "35:14:00 N 97:26:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/35.233335,-97.433338)", **State/Prov:** "Oklahoma", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 25266 (8543EBF1)
**Date:** 8/2/1965
**Time:** 23:00?
**Location:** DENTON, TX
**Description:** Object within 100' / Lewisville Dam. Possible landing / lake nearby. Type unknown. No further details [in].
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LORENZEN, Coral: FLYING SAUCERS, the Starting Evidence; Signet Books, NY 1962 & 1966. 278pp. Originally "The Great F. S. Hoax". (Index 248)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7277
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "20", **Elev:** "196", **HatchDesc:** "DENTON,TX:OBJ WITHIN 100'/LEWISVILLE DAM:POSS.LANDING/LAKE NEARBY:type unk:nfd", **LatLong:** "33.250002 -97.200005", **LatLongDMS:** "33:15:00 N 97:12:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/33.250002,-97.200005)", **State/Prov:** "Texas", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 25267 (EF555677)
**Date:** 8/2/1965
**Location:** Justin, TX
**Description:** Deputy sheriffs saw an object as bright as burning magnesium (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2833
### Event 25268 (E1B46594)
**Date:** 8/2/1965
**Location:** Oklahoma City, OK
**Description:** Brilliant, round object without wings, close to the ground (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2834
### Event 25269 (556F7A65)
**Date:** 8/2/1965
**Location:** Sherman, TX
**Description:** The Sherman, Texas, Photo Case (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases, Code: I, Rating: 5)
**Reference:** NICAP: [650802](http://www.nicap.org/650802sherman%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2835
### Event 25270 (CEB8F452)
**Date:** 8/2/1965
**Location:** Wichita, KS
**Description:** G,V. weather radar tracked 4-5 UFOs (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Rating: 5)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2836
### Event 25271 (F9A3061B)
**Date:** 8/2/1965
**Location:** Justin, Texas
**Description:** Two deputy sheriffs of Tarrant County saw an object as bright as burning magnesium, which landed as they were on a patrol near Wagle Mountain Lake. Extensive investigation by the police led to negative results.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Atic ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_667
### Event 25272 (108472F2)
**Date:** 8/2/1965
**Location:** Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
**Description:** Five children saw a brilliant, round object without wings, close to the ground, in the 600 block on Northwest 63.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Atic ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_668
### Event 25273 (3E5C61FD)
**Date:** 8/2/1965
**Alternate date:** 8/3/1965
**Location:** Tulsa, Oklahoma
**Description:** 1:30 a.m. Mr. A. L. Smith, accompanied by his 14-year-old son Alan and three other witnesses, watch an unusual, multicolored UFO over Tulsa, Oklahoma. The UFO is slowly moving toward the witnesses. Still several hundred yards away, it pauses briefly and hovers. At that precise moment, Alan snaps a photograph with his inexpensive camera, using ASA 64 film. Alan decides not to try for a second shot. He takes his camera inside the house and runs back outside just in time to see the object rapidly flying away into the night sky. The photo is a probable fake of a color wheel for an aluminum Christmas tree.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** NICAP, “[The Smith / Tulsa Photo Case](http://www.nicap.org/650802tulsa%5Fdir.htm)”; Michael D. Swords, GrassRoots UFOs: Case Reports from the Timmerman Files, Fund for UFO Research, 2005, p.147; Larry Robinson, “[The Tulsa Photo,](https://midimagic.sgc-hosting.com/howituls.htm)” MidiMagic, October 25, 2016; Patrick Gross, “[Project Blue Book](https://ufologie.patrickgross.org/htm/bluebookpics9966.htm) [Case 9966](https://ufologie.patrickgross.org/htm/bluebookpics9966.htm)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3915
### Event 25274 (83C75532)
**Date:** 8/2/1965
**Location:** Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
**Description:** Project Blue Book puts out an official USAF press release declaring the majority of the sightings on August 1 are “most likely” due to the planet Jupiter and the stars Rigel, Capella, Betelgeuse, and Aldebaran, “clearly visible in the eastern sky.” But astronomer Robert Risser of the Kirkpatrick Planetarium in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, counters that Jupiter and the four stars are “on the opposite side of the earth” at the time of the sightings.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Mystery Flying Objects](https://www.newspapers.com/clip/95113046/) [‘Seen’ in Eight States,](https://www.newspapers.com/clip/95113212/)” Los Angeles Times, August 3, 1965, p. 1; Clark III 388
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3916
### Event 25275 (31C81317)
**Date:** 8/2/1965
**Locations:** Wichita Municipal Airport; Wichita Dwight D. Eisenhower National Airport; Wellington, Kansas
**Description:** 2:30 a.m. Unidentified blips show up on the Weather Bureau radar screen at the Wichita Municipal Airport \[now Wichita Dwight D. Eisenhower National Airport\] in Kansas and continue intermittently until after 6:00 a.m. Most of the sightings are in the vicinity of Wellington, Kansas. The altitude ranges from 5,000–20,000 feet. Wichita meteorologist John Shockley tracks several UFOs on the Weather Bureau radar flying at altitudes of 6,000–9,000 feet. His assistant [Ellis Pike](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/28578248/ellis-dean-pike) notes that they look just like airliner blips. They brighten and dim on the screen, moving at 45 mph. At least four citizens see colored glows in the southern sky during the early morning hours. One says: “They were red and exploded in a shower of sparks and at other times fluttered like a leaf in the clear sky.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** NICAP, “[Weather Radar Blips and Sky Glows](http://www.nicap.org/650802wichita%5Fdir.htm)”; Condon, [pp. 158–160](https://archive.org/details/scientificstudyo0000unse%5Fl5t2/page/158/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3917
### Event 25276 (964F242F)
**Date:** 8/2/1965
**Locations:** Sherman, Texas; US Highway 82; Bells, Texas
**Description:** 3:00 a.m. KXWI-TV news photographer Robert Campbell hears on his radio a conversation between Oklahoma and Texas highway patrolmen that a UFO has been tracked on radar and is streaking towards the Texas border. Campbell takes his 4-by-5 Speed Graphic camera and drives into Sherman, Texas, where he locates Chief of Police Peter McCollum. Together they search for the object and soon see it hanging stationary one mile east of Bells on US Highway 82. The object has a “Mercury capsule” shape at one end, possibly rounded at the other end. Several distinct bands circle the cylinder, with disc-shaped embossments on the surface. He takes four camera exposures, two minutes each at three-minute intervals. The negatives are carefully examined by USAF scientific advisers and astronomical experts. No acceptable explanation can be found for the object recorded on the negatives.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** NICAP, “[The Sherman, Texas, Photo Case](http://www.nicap.org/650802sherman%5Fdir.htm)”; “[Sherman 1965,](http://roswellbooks.com/museum/?page%5Fid=657)” Texas UFO Museum and Research Library, February 5, 2014; Patrick Gross, “[The Sherman Case, Texas, USA, 1965](https://ufologie.patrickgross.org/htm/sherman65.htm)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3918
### Event 25277 (5E6A9EE8)
**Date:** 8/2/1965
**Location:** Red Sea
**Description:** The crew of the Russian steamship Raduga in the Red Sea watch a fiery sphere emerge from the water 2 miles away, causing an enormous pillar of water to rise and collapse. It hovers above the surface at an altitude of 490 feet. A motorboat with six Arab fishermen is in the area and also sees the object, which is apparently 200 feet in diameter. The object shoots straight up, and the boat is hit by a strong wave that overturns it.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Stonehill and Mantle, Russia’s USO Secrets, Flying Disk, 2020, pp. 59–60
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3919
### Event 25278 (8CE725DD)
**Date:** 8/2/1965
**Locations:** Eagle Mountain Lake; Tarrant County, Texas
**Description:** As they patrol near Eagle Mountain Lake, two Tarrant County, Texas, deputy sheriffs see an object as bright as burning magnesium land. An extensive investigation by police finds no traces.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** [Sparks](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf)[,](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf) p. 306
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3920
### Event 25279 (59C04380)
**Date:** 8/2/1965
**Description:** There are 33 separate reports in the UFOCAT database for this date, including many UFO visual sightings with some confirmed by radar trackings at several Air Force Bases in the United States. The U.S. reports centered on the midwestern states, especially Kansas, Oklahoma and Texas. There are reports from Latvia, Austria, Argentina, Peru, Mexico and seven reports from Brazil.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4595
### Event 25280 (1D865E21)
**Date:** 8/2/1965
**Description:** On this afternoon a medical student walking on the beach known as La Arenilla, and accompanied by a doctor, saw a strange dwarf on the beach in the city of La Punta, Peru located not far from Lima. However, the two refused to give the newspaper any more details about their encounter.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case # 1965-74
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4596
### Event 25281 (55DEFA78)
**Date:** 8/2/1965
**Description:** Justin, Texas - Two deputy sheriffs of Tarrant County saw an object as bright as burning magnesium, which landed as they were on a patrol near Wagle Mountain Lake. Extensive investigation by the police led to negative results.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 667
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4597
### Event 25282 (2AF5F71B)
**Date:** 8/2/1965
**Description:** A famous color photograph was taken in Tulsa, Oklahoma by 14-year-old Alan Smith at 1:45 a.m. Unlike most photos of alleged UFOs taken by teenagers, this one had supporting witnesses. The photo shows a mosaic pattern of yellow, blue and white light in the shape of an ovoid with three tiny fingers. The object was described as about size of a basketball, which moved slowly and changed color, and also made a high pitched whining sound. Alan took his shot when the UFO was almost directly overhead.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Hayden C. Hewes, Flying Saucers magazine, June 1967, p. 8; October 1967, p. 18
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4598
### Event 25283 (21E1257B)
**Date:** 8/2/1965
**Description:** Five children saw a brilliant, round object without wings, close to the ground, in the 600 block of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma on Northwest Route 63.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 668
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4599
### Event 25284 (CBD41FE2)
**Date:** 8/2/1965
**Description:** In Lake Park, Minnesota an orange UFO, emitting a sound like a "dynamo", hovered just above ground. Animals reacted to its presence.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Gordon I. R. Lore, Jr., Strange Effects from UFOs, p. 69
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4600
### Event 25285 (6AAA316A)
**Date:** 8/3/1965
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) As he drives on the Santa Ana freeway \(Los Angeles\), road worker [Rex Heflin](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/1965-08-03\_HeflinRex.html) observes a UFO in the shape of a disk. He stops and takes a photograph. He then realizes that it is a disk topped with a non-ovoid dome \(like a hat\). The photograph will be authenticated by the [USAF](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/USAF.html). (Tuesday, August 3rd)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1965.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2126
### Event 25286 (F2B9B60D)
**Date:** 8/3/1965
**Description:** Odd "rocket-meteor" falls to sea 16km south / island.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SANDERSON, Ivan: INVISIBLE RESIDENTS; World Publishing HB 1970 & Avon Books PB 1973 (Index 43)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7278
**Attributes:** **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **SUB:** Submersible: Rises from or submerges into water, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "BARKING SAND TR STN/KAUAI,HI:ODD "ROCKET-METEOR" FALLS TO SEA 16km S/ISLAND.", **LatLong:** "21.788890 -159.783341", **LatLongDMS:** "21:47:20 N 159:47:00 W", **Locale:** "Offshore", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/21.788890,-159.783341)", **State/Prov:** "Hawaii", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 25287 (FDF97CC6)
**Date:** 8/3/1965
**Time:** 00:10
**Location:** 13 MI EAST / SHERMAN, TX
**Description:** Cops and more/others. Saucer / RADAR going quickly south. 4 photos / newsman show sharp edges.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: CHALLENGE to SCIENCE, The UFO ENIGMA; Henry Regnery 1966 & Ballentine Books, NY 1974. PB (Index 54)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7279
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **RDR:** Radar traces/blips, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "20", **Elev:** "225", **HatchDesc:** "13MI E/SHERMAN,TX:COPS++:SCR/RDR >>S:4 PHOTOS/NEWSMAN show SHARP EDGES:", **LatLong:** "33.633335 -96.416671", **LatLongDMS:** "33:38:00 N 96:25:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/33.633335,-96.416671)", **State/Prov:** "Texas", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 25288 (89B42858)
**Date:** 8/3/1965
**Time:** 01:30
**Location:** OKLAHOMA CITY, OK
**Description:** Saucer near ground in city! Also Project Bluebook Case #9666 = photo / saucer in Tulsa. P311.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA; H. Regnery, Chicago HC 1969 & Contemporary Books,Chicago 1993. 372pp. (Index 668)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7280
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "359", **HatchDesc:** "OKLAHOMA CITY,OK:SCR nr GND IN CITY!:ALSO BBK#9666=PHOTO/SCR in TULSA:p311", **LatLong:** "35.450002 -97.500005", **LatLongDMS:** "35:27:00 N 97:30:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/35.450002,-97.500005)", **State/Prov:** "Oklahoma", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 25289 (48A7E588)
**Date:** 8/3/1965
**Time:** 11:50
**Location:** SANTA ANA, CA
**Description:** Highway inspector. 3 good photographs / 4' hat-saucer. MIB. Big investigating. / r24v3#5+6.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 789)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7281
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **MIB:** Men in Black, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "30", **HatchDesc:** "SANTA ANA,CA:Hwy INSPECTOR:3 GOOD FOTOs/4'HAT-SCR:MIB:BIG INVSTGn:/r24v3#5+6", **LatLong:** "33.750002 -117.866672", **LatLongDMS:** "33:45:00 N 117:52:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/33.750002,-117.866672)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 25290 (6CA1072B)
**Date:** 8/3/1965
**Time:** ~20:00
**Location:** BIENNE, SWZ
**Description:** White disk spins over town. Stops. Rotates 180°. 90° turn going east. Back / 2 days.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Database/website: Chez HEIDI site: Alain Stauffer. GREPI / Switzerland http://home.worldcom.ch/~dbenaroy/heidi.html
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7282
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Switzerland", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "BIENNE,SWZ:WHT DISK SPINS OVR TOWN:STOPS:ROTATES 180°:90° TURN >E:BACK/2 DAYS", **LatLong:** "47.166669 7.250000", **LatLongDMS:** "47:10:00 N 07:15:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.166669,7.250000)", **State/Prov:** "Berne", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 25291 (8BA20FFD)
**Date:** 8/3/1965
**Time:** 20:50
**Location:** MALDEN, MASS
**Description:** 3 Girlscouts. 9 "bubbles" pass. Last 3 flash lights back and forth!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BLUNDELL, Nigel & BOAR, Roger: The WORLDS GREATEST UFO MYSTERIES; Octopus, London 1989 & PB/Berkley Books, NY 1990 (Index 15)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7283
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "4", **HatchDesc:** "MALDEN,MASS:3 GIRLSCOUTS:9 "BUBBLES" PASS:LAST 3 FLASH LITES BACK+FORTH!", **LatLong:** "42.422224 -71.066670", **LatLongDMS:** "42:25:20 N 71:04:00 W", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.422224,-71.066670)", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 25292 (306733A3)
**Date:** 8/3/1965
**Time:** 21:00?
**Description:** Several observer(s). Squadron / 18 saucers fly over town. No further details. (Meteors?)
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LOFTIN, Robert: IDENTIFIED FLYING SAUCERS: D. McKay, NY 1968 (Index 44)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7284
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "914", **HatchDesc:** "CURITIBA,PARANA,BRZ:SVRL OBS:SQUADRON/18 SCRS FLY OVR TOWN:NFD: (meteors?)", **LatLong:** "-25.383335 -49.266669", **LatLongDMS:** "25:23:00 S 49:16:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-25.383335,-49.266669)", **State/Prov:** "PRN", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 25293 (57740C35)
**Date:** 8/3/1965
**Location:** Santa Ana, CA
**Description:** Santa Ana / Rex Heflin Photos (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases, Code: I, Rating: 5)
**Reference:** NICAP: [650803](http://www.nicap.org/650803santaana%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2837
### Event 25294 (D50B3EAF)
**Date:** 8/3/1965
**Location:** Tulsa, OK
**Description:** The Smith / Tulsa Photo Case (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases, Code: I, Rating: 0)
**Reference:** NICAP: [650803](http://www.nicap.org/650802tulsa%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2838
### Event 25295 (2C98D882)
**Date:** 8/3/1965
**Location:** Cocoa, FL
**Description:** Police Observe Four Objects In Diamond Formation (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, Code: D, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** NICAP: [650803](http://www.nicap.org/650803cocoa%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2839
### Event 25296 (41EC22B2)
**Date:** 8/3/1965
**Location:** Lake Hefner, OK
**Description:** Young man saw an object rise from the lake area (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2840
### Event 25297 (46F45970)
**Date:** 8/3/1965
**Location:** Lake Hefner, Oklahoma
**Description:** A young man saw an object rise from the lake area.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Atic ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_669
### Event 25298 (E23E5866)
**Date:** 8/3/1965
**Time:** 2000
**Location:** Carnarvon, Australia
**Description:** Approximate date. Dr. Antonin Kukla and Mrs. Audrey Lawrence saw an object dive toward them. They switched off the car headlights and got out of the vehicle to observe the oval object, which hovered at ground level, its color changing from orange to fluorescent green, before it took off at high speed.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** NICAP ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_670
### Event 25299 (657CBAA5)
**Date:** 8/3/1965
**Location:** US
**Description:** Denver Post editorial: "Maybe it's time for more people to get serious about the UFO question. . . . If we still choose to be skeptical, we nevertheless are not nearly so ready as we once were to dismiss all reports of variously shaped but elusive flying objects as products of midsummer night dreams."
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_47
### Event 25300 (A6804024)
**Date:** 8/3/1965
**Location:** Santa Ana, CA
**Description:** Highway investigator Rex Heflin, three Polaroid photos of domed-disc UFO (section VII). August 4, 1965. Fort Worth Star Telegram (TX) editorial: "They can stop kidding us now about there being no such thing as 'flying saucers. . . .' Too many people of obviously sound mind saw and reported them independently. . . . Their descriptions of what they saw were too similar to one another, and too unlike any familiar object. . . ."
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_48
### Event 25301 (19EC6237)
**Date:** 8/3/1965
**Locations:** Los Angeles County; Santa Ana, California
**Description:** 12:37 p.m. Los Angeles County Highway Accident Investigator [Rex Heflin](http://www.nicap.org/reports/Goodbye%5FRex%5FHeflin.pdf) takes four clear Polaroid photos of a hat-shaped UFO on a lonely stretch of road near Santa Ana, California. The object is silent, and a beam of white light is rotating beneath it. He radios his supervisor, but the radio goes dead. One of Heflin’s coworkers offers to send the photos to Life magazine; he does, but Life declines to use them. Soon, someone from NORAD shows up demanding the prints and Heflin turns them over. They are not seen again. The photos are most likely a prank hoax by Heflin using a hubcap, complicated by flawed photographic analyses and investigations.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** NICAP, “[Santa Ana / Rex Heflin Photos](http://www.nicap.org/650803santaana%5Fdir.htm)”; “[Calif. Man Snaps UAO Photo,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201965%2009%2000%20-%20September-October.pdf)” APRO Bulletin, Sept./Oct. 1965, pp. 4, 6; “[Photo ‘Hoax’ Label Questioned,](http://cufos.org/UFOI%5Fand%5FSelected%5FDocuments/UFOI/029%20NOV-DEC%201965.pdf)” UFO Investigator 3, no. 5 \(Nov./Dec. 1965\): 8; “[The Heflin Story,](http://cufos.org/UFOI%5Fand%5FSelected%5FDocuments/UFOI/030%20JAN-FEB%201966.pdf)” UFO Investigator 3, no. 6 \(Jan./Feb. 1966\): 7–8; [Schopick](http://cufos.org/books/A%5FStudy%5Fof%5FSecondary%5FEffects-An%5FUnpublished%5FManuscript%5Fof%5FUFO%5FE-M%5FCases.pdf), pp. 170–174; Ralph Rankow, “[The Heflin Photographs,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201968%20V%2014%20N%201.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 14, no. 1 \(Jan./Feb. 1968\): 21–24; UFOEv II 284–286; Condon, [pp. 84–85,](https://archive.org/details/scientificstudyo0000unse%5Fl5t2/page/84/mode/2up) [437–455](https://archive.org/details/scientificstudyo0000unse%5Fl5t2/page/436/mode/2up); Robert J. Kirkpatrick, “The Heflin Case: Then and Now,” IUR 11, no. 5 \(Sept./Oct. 1986\): 10–13, 23; “[Heflin’s](https://rr0.org/time/2/0/0/6/03/Heflins1965PhotosFinallyValidated/index.html) [1965 Photos Finally Validated,](https://rr0.org/time/2/0/0/6/03/Heflins1965PhotosFinallyValidated/index.html)” RR0; Ann Druffel, Robert M. Wood, and Eric Kelson, “[Reanalysis of the 1965](https://www.scientificexploration.org/docs/14/jse%5F14%5F4%5Fdruffel.pdf) [Heflin UFO Photos,](https://www.scientificexploration.org/docs/14/jse%5F14%5F4%5Fdruffel.pdf)” Journal of Scientific Exploration 14, no. 4 \(2000\): 583–622; Ann Druffel, “[Goodbye, Rex](http://www.nicap.org/reports/Goodbye%5FRex%5FHeflin.pdf) [Heflin,](http://www.nicap.org/reports/Goodbye%5FRex%5FHeflin.pdf)” UFO, August 2006, pp. 52–63; Mary Castner, unpublished document
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3921
### Event 25302 (8B00FF5B)
**Date:** 8/3/1965
**Locations:** Biel/Bienne; Jura Mountains; Vignelz, Canton Bern, Switzerland
**Description:** Before 12:00 midnight. Three young men watch a triangular object with a light at each of its points move from north to south along the Jura Mountains from Biel/Bienne to Vignelz, Canton Bern, Switzerland. Suddenly it stops, changing color from yellow to dark red, makes a 180° turn, then takes off “like lightning” toward the east where it vanishes.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Bright Pointed Triangle Again,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201966%20V%2012%20N%201.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 12, no. 1 \(Jan./Feb. 1966\): iii
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3922
### Event 25303 (4772F350)
**Date:** 8/3/1965
**Description:** On or about this date Dr. Antonin Kukla and Mrs. Audrey Lawrence saw an oval object dive toward them at 8:00 p.m. while driving in Carnarvon, Western Australia. They switched off the car's headlights and got out of the vehicle to observe the object, which hovered at ground level. Its color changed from orange to fluorescent green before it took off at high speed.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP UFO Investigator, September 1965, p. 4; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 670
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4625
### Event 25304 (458AF56F)
**Date:** 8/3/1965
**Description:** There were at least 15 reports recorded for this day from Australia, China, Sweden, Switzerland, Hawaii, and the midwestern and western United States. Among the more interesting reports, a young man saw an object rise from the lake at Lake Hefner, Oklahoma. Also on this day a famous set of UFO photographs was taken by Ray Heflin in Santa Ana, California. At 12:38 p.m. he took four photographs of a metallic hat-shaped UFO, estimated to be about 30 feet in diameter, with a Polaroid camera from his Orange County pickup truck. The U.S. Air Force claimed the object was a hubcap thrown in the air, but most UFO researchers regard the photos as genuine.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** (1) Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 671; (2) John R. Gray, FSR, March-April 1969, p. 24; Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, p. 24
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4626
### Event 25305 (1EF1837A)
**Date:** 8/3/1965
**Description:** Two boys, Doug Knopka, age 9, and Tim Dietz, age 8, were vacationing at Doehler’s Beach in northeastern Pennsylvania with their families, and were walking along a wooded road at 10:30 a.m. when they saw a “dirty white” disc-shaped object. It had a transparent dome, was 15 feet in diameter, and was on or near the ground just 50 feet away from them. Next to the craft stood a small four and a half foot tall figure with yellow eyes, and inside the dome was another figure moving about. Frightened, the boys ran from the spot. As they ran they heard a “swishing” sound, and saw the round object rise over the treetops and disappear from sight as it flew out over the lake.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case # 1965-28, citing Louis Spizarny for NICAP
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4627
### Event 25306 (1CF0FB64)
**Date:** 8/4/1965
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In Dallas \(Texas\), J. A. Carter, 19 years old, saw a light flying quickly and horizontally for 12 s. (21 h 30)
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) n° 9675 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1965.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2127
### Event 25307 (D229B699)
**Date:** 8/4/1965
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In Tinley Park \(Illinois\), 2 14-year-old teenagers see a light moving in the sky for 16 to 17 s. (23 h 35)
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) n° 9680 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1965.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2128
### Event 25308 (F1B4B035)
**Date:** 8/4/1965
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Nebraska trucker Don Tenopir is heading north to Abilene with a load of grain. An UFO descends from the sky above his truck and lands on the road in front of him. A car coming in the opposite direction swerves around the craft and stops with a screech of brakes. Tenopir slams on the brakes. His headlights go out, although his GMC Diesel semi-truck keeps rolling: the UFO moves and the truck's headlights come back on. Tenopir can now see the object: a disk \(topped with a dome\) about 4m in diameter, hovering a few meters off the ground. There are square windows on the top. Too scared to move from his cab, but the driver of the car gets out and approaches him. Before they can talk, the UFO shoots sparks from where it is and takes off with a loud noise. The two drivers flee. Tenopir reports the incident to the Abilene police, but neither the city, nor the state, nor the government nor the military authorities take any action. The case bears an interesting resemblance to the encounter that took place in Hampshire \(England\) in November 1967. (1:30)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1965.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2129
### Event 25309 (E63469DC)
**Date:** 8/4/1965
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) The photo of Lucci on August 8th, explained 30 years later as a hand holding a plate. See images/1965-08-08\_Beavar.jpg.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1965.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2130
### Event 25310 (6CC44B39)
**Date:** 8/4/1965
**Location:** CASA GRANDE, AZ
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Observer(s) = Dill. Gold globular bathes town / blue light. Back / date unknown.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 288)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7285
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "425", **HatchDesc:** "CASA GRANDE,AZ:BBK#UNK:OBS=DILL:GOLD GLOB BATHES TOWN/BLU LITE::BACK/DATE UNK", **LatLong:** "32.877779 -111.755561", **LatLongDMS:** "32:52:40 N 111:45:20 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/32.877779,-111.755561)", **State/Prov:** "Arizona", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 25311 (1C7773DF)
**Date:** 8/4/1965
**Description:** 4 RADAR's / 1 jammed! 10 objects / V formation. 9000mph. 5K-12K altitude. / r74p167.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO Evidence II: HB: Scarecrow Press Lanham, MD. http://www.scarecrowpress.com ISBN 0-8108-3881-8 (Index 4)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7286
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RDR:** Radar traces/blips, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "185", **HatchDesc:** "KEEWEENAW AFB+,MI:4 RDRS/1 JAMMED!:10 OBJs/VFORM:9000mph:5K-12K alt:/r74p167", **LatLong:** "47.427780 -88.000004", **LatLongDMS:** "47:25:40 N 88:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.427780,-88.000004)", **State/Prov:** "Michigan", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 25312 (94C5BA30)
**Date:** 8/4/1965
**Time:** 01:30
**Location:** SOUTH / ABILENE, KS
**Description:** Truck lights electro-magnetic effect (EME). Diesel eng. AOK. 15' domed saucer with windows going southwest. / r41p206.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 791)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7287
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "20", **Elev:** "350", **HatchDesc:** "S/ABILENE,KS:TRUCK LITES EME:DIESEL ENG.AOK:15'DOMED SCR W/WINDOWS>SW:/r41p206", **LatLong:** "38.533335 -97.216671", **LatLongDMS:** "38:32:00 N 97:13:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.533335,-97.216671)", **State/Prov:** "Kansas", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 25313 (39D89E6D)
**Date:** 8/4/1965
**Time:** 02:00
**Location:** AMARILLO, TX
**Description:** Several observer(s). Saucer hovers over highway. Motor sound. Quickly going up. Car won't start / 5 minute(s). / news.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RODEGHIER, Mark/CUFOS: UFO REPORTS INVOLVING VEHICLE INTERFERENCE; CUFOS 1979. Available as CUFOS UFO Archive #1 CD-ROM. http://www.cufos.org/Pubform.pdf (Index 24)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7288
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "1108", **HatchDesc:** "AMARILLO,TX:SVRL OBS:SCR HVRS OVR HWY:MOTOR SOUND:↑↑:CAR WONT START/5min:/news", **LatLong:** "35.250002 -101.800005", **LatLongDMS:** "35:15:00 N 101:48:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/35.250002,-101.800005)", **RelAlt:** "20", **State/Prov:** "Texas", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 25314 (95B65859)
**Date:** 8/4/1965
**Time:** 13:00?
**Location:** CHENA, CHILE
**Description:** Numerous military and civil observer(s). Bright silver object lands / hill / 45 minute(s). Investigation. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA; H. Regnery, Chicago HC 1969 & Contemporary Books,Chicago 1993. 372pp. (Index 671)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7289
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **MIL:** Military investigation, **GSA:** Covert Security Agency, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Chile", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "45", **Elev:** "512", **HatchDesc:** "CHENA,CHILE:NMRS MIL+CIV OBS:BRITE SLVR OBJ LANDS/HILL/45min:INVESTICATION:NFD", **LatLong:** "-33.550002 -70.733337", **LatLongDMS:** "33:33:00 S 70:44:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-33.550002,-70.733337)", **State/Prov:** "SAN", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 25315 (AE093FC2)
**Date:** 8/4/1965
**Time:** ~21:00
**Description:** Cops and more. Odd object circles reservoir. Changes color(s). / r68p52.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 793)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7290
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "205", **HatchDesc:** "IOWA CITY+CORALVILLE,IA:COPS+:ODD OBJ CIRCLES RESERVOIR:CHANGES CLRS:/r68p52", **LatLong:** "41.650002 -91.516671", **LatLongDMS:** "41:39:00 N 91:31:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.650002,-91.516671)", **State/Prov:** "Iowa", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 25316 (E1ED3647)
**Date:** 8/4/1965
**Time:** 21:30
**Location:** DALLAS, TX
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #9675. Red and blue night lights. Huge orange object flies over car / ground level. / USAF Tech. Intel. Center. (ATIC.)
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA; H. Regnery, Chicago HC 1969 & Contemporary Books,Chicago 1993. 372pp. (Index 672)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7291
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "150", **HatchDesc:** "DALLAS,TX:BBK#9675:RED+BLU NLTS:HUGE ORG OBJ FLIES OVER CAR/GND LEVEL:/Atic", **LatLong:** "32.766668 -96.783338", **LatLongDMS:** "32:46:00 N 96:47:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/32.766668,-96.783338)", **RelAlt:** "2", **State/Prov:** "Texas", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 25317 (CAA3C86E)
**Date:** 8/4/1965
**Time:** 22:00
**Location:** TRAPUA, BRZ
**Description:** 50M saucer lights area. Lands with distinct sound. No trace. / LDLN#84+/ r8#674.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Newspaper account: Trapua, RGS, BRZ: Near Cachoeira do Sul. LDLN #84 from Jornal do Dia; Porto Alegre, RGS for 05 AUG 1965.
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7292
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "63", **HatchDesc:** "TRAPUA,BRZ:50M SCR LITES AREA:LANDS w/DISTINCT SOUND:NO TRACE:/LDLN#84+/r8#674", **LatLong:** "-30.033335 -52.900003", **LatLongDMS:** "30:02:00 S 52:54:00 W", **Locale:** "Wetlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-30.033335,-52.900003)", **State/Prov:** "RGS", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 25318 (FA1E92AF)
**Date:** 8/4/1965 (approximate)
**Time:** 23:00?
**Location:** MILPA ALTA, MEXICO
**Description:** Several observer(s). Fireball shoots blue beams. Odd vibrations. Circles and shoots up.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 198)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7293
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Mexico", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "2580", **HatchDesc:** "MILPA ALTA,MEX:SVRL OBS:FBL SHOOTS BLUE BEAMS:ODD VIBRATIONS:CIRCLES+SHOOTS UP", **LatLong:** "19.183334 -99.016671", **LatLongDMS:** "19:11:00 N 99:01:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/19.183334,-99.016671)", **State/Prov:** "MEX", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 25319 (E04E1BEF)
**Date:** 8/4/1965
**Time:** 23:40
**Location:** TINLEY PARK, IL
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #9680. 2 teens. Night light maneuvers in sky / 16 second(s). No further details [in] in files.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BERLINER, DON: The BLUEBOOK UNKNOWNS; (FUFOR). (Index 33)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7294
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "213", **HatchDesc:** "TINLEY PARK,IL:BBK#9680:2 TEENS:NLT MNVRS IN SKY/16sec:NFD IN FILES", **LatLong:** "41.572224 -87.783338", **LatLongDMS:** "41:34:20 N 87:47:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.572224,-87.783338)", **State/Prov:** "Illinois", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 25320 (BAE77612)
**Date:** 8/4/1965
**Location:** Dallas, TX
**Description:** 1:30 AM - Man in a car was passed by a huge, orange object flying at ground level (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2841
### Event 25321 (4C3E8CD6)
**Date:** 8/4/1965
**Location:** Dallas, TX
**Description:** 9:30 PM - light fly fast, straight and level (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 9675)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2842
### Event 25322 (5B075427)
**Date:** 8/4/1965
**Location:** Calumet AFS, MI
**Description:** USAF radar tracking of 10 targets in V-formation traveling from the SW (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2843
### Event 25323 (47B14D07)
**Date:** 8/4/1965
**Location:** Tinley Park, IL
**Description:** Unnamed 14 year-olds saw a light move around the sky (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 9680)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2844
### Event 25324 (1D5BB39C)
**Date:** 8/4/1965
**Location:** Abilene, TX
**Description:** Domed disc swooped over truck, landed on road, blocked highway. (L) See Section VI (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2845
### Event 25325 (AF7BDCCD)
**Date:** 8/4/1965
**Location:** Michigan-Minnesota, Various
**Description:** Michigan-Minnesota, G,V, USAF & RCAF 7-10 UFOs (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Rating: 5)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2846
### Event 25326 (145866B3)
**Date:** 8/4/1965
**Location:** Chena, Chile
**Description:** A bright, silvery object landed on a hill for 45 min. There were numerous witnesses, among them military men. Official investigation.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Nachrichten Oct., 65 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_671
### Event 25327 (69FDF28C)
**Date:** 8/4/1965
**Time:** 0130
**Location:** Dallas, Texas
**Description:** A man in a car observed a red and blue light thought it came from a police car, then was passed by a huge, orange object flying at ground level.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Atic ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_672
### Event 25328 (0D319F1A)
**Date:** 8/4/1965
**Time:** 0130
**Location:** Abilene, Kansas
**Description:** Truck driver Don Tenopir had reached a point 35 km from Abilene, going toward Lincoln, when his headlights blinked and failed. An object then dived toward the truck and stopped on the road 30 m ahead causing a car coming in the opposite direction to leave the road in order to avoid it. The object was orange, 5 m in diameter, 1.5 m high, with a dome and a "black spot." It took off toward the west, then turned south.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** LDLN 82 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_673
### Event 25329 (0423B2FA)
**Date:** 8/4/1965
**Time:** 2200
**Location:** Trapua, Brazil
**Description:** Joao Erondo dos Santos saw a disk 50 m in diameter land with a distinct sound, although no traces were found afterward. The object illuminated a wide area.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** LDLN 84 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_674
### Event 25330 (9663D4F4)
**Date:** 8/4/1965
**Time:** 9:30 PM
**Location:** Dallas, Texas
**Description:** Witness: J.A. Carter, 19. One light flew fast, straight and level for 12 seconds. No further data in files.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_524
### Event 25331 (1728361B)
**Date:** 8/4/1965
**Time:** 11:35 PM
**Location:** Tinley Park, Illinois
**Description:** Witnesses: two unnamed 14 year olds. One light moved around the sky for 16-17 seconds. No further data in files.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_525
### Event 25332 (EF078D9A)
**Date:** 8/4/1965
**Location:** Abilene, KS
**Description:** E-M effects on truck, domed disc swooped overhead, hovered just above road, blocked highway
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_49
### Event 25333 (C2C2C92F)
**Date:** 8/4/1965
**Location:** Michigan—Minnesota
**Description:** U.S. Air Force and Royal Canadian Air Force radar tracked formations of 7-10 UFOs over Lake Superior and Duluth, MN, moving at about 9,000 mph, altitudes between 5,200 and 17,000 feet
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_50
### Event 25334 (CAE73FB1)
**Date:** 8/4/1965
**Locations:** State Highway 15; Abilene; Elmo, Kansas
**Description:** 1:30 a.m. [Don Tenopir](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/188147823/donald-tenopir), 44, is driving a truck on State Highway 15 about 25 miles south of Abilene \(near Elmo, Kansas\), when all his lights go out. They come back on intermittently. A UFO passes just above his truck with a wind-like sound and hovers about 100 feet in front of him. Tenopir stops his rig, and the object slowly rises and takes off to the southwest. It seems to be 14–15 feet in diameter, 2 feet thick with a 4-foot hump in the middle, and orange-colored. It is shooting off rays in spurts. He stops in Abilene to report his sighting to Abilene Reflector-Chronicle reporter [Ed Corwin](https://web.archive.org/web/100/https://www.hotspotsz.com/former-reporter-recounts-ufo-tale/).
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Beatrice Trucker Joins UFO Viewers,](https://www.newspapers.com/clip/95115452/)” Beatrice \(Neb.\) Daily Sun, August 5, 1965, p. 1; Jerome Clark, “[The Greatest Flap Yet?](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201966%20V%2012%20N%201.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 12, no. 1 \(Jan./Feb. 1966\): 29–30; [Schopick](http://cufos.org/books/A%5FStudy%5Fof%5FSecondary%5FEffects-An%5FUnpublished%5FManuscript%5Fof%5FUFO%5FE-M%5FCases.pdf)[,](http://cufos.org/books/A%5FStudy%5Fof%5FSecondary%5FEffects-An%5FUnpublished%5FManuscript%5Fof%5FUFO%5FE-M%5FCases.pdf) pp. 175–177
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3923
### Event 25335 (665B01C1)
**Date:** 8/4/1965
**Locations:** Calumet Air Force Station; Keweenaw County; Phoenix, Michigan; Lake Superior; Duluth, Minnesota
**Description:** Night. Radar operators at Calumet Air Force Station \[now operated by Keweenaw County\] near Phoenix, Michigan, track 7–10 objects in V-formation traveling from southwest to north-northeast at about 9,000 mph over Lake Superior. The same night, radar targets at Duluth, Minnesota, are chased by USAF jets.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** [Sparks](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf), p. 306; Center for UFO Studies, \[[case documents](http://cufos.org/cases/1965%5F08%5F04%5FUS%5FMI%5FDuluth-AFB%5FNICAP%5FMultiWit-Radar.pdf)\]
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3924
### Event 25336 (9AC89111)
**Date:** 8/4/1965
**Description:** At 1:30 a.m. on Highway 15, truck driver Don Tenopir, age 44, had reached a point 25 miles from Abilene, Texas when his headlights blinked and failed, but his truck's diesel engine did not. A metallic, domed disc-shaped UFO swooped low from behind and dove towards his grain truck, then landed on the road 30 meters ahead causing a car coming from the opposite direction to leave the road in order to avoid it. The object had an orange glow and was five meters in diameter, 1.5 meters high, and had a "black spot" on its dome. It took off toward the west, then turned south. The UFO made a sound like wind blowing through trees, and gave off bluish sparks.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jerome Clark, Flying Saucer Review, January-February 1966, p. 29; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 671; Richard Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty-Year Report, p. 454
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4646
### Event 25337 (EDB20248)
**Date:** 8/4/1965
**Description:** A bright, silvery object landed on a hill in Chena, Chile for 45 minutes. There were numerous witnesses, among them military men.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 672
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4647
### Event 25338 (B6B0E2E9)
**Date:** 8/4/1965
**Description:** At 8:30 p.m. Joao Erondo dos Santos saw a disc 50 meters in diameter land near the Trapua River, Brazil with a distinct sound, although no traces were found afterward. The object illuminated a wide area.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 674
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4648
### Event 25339 (C0C84DC3)
**Date:** 8/4/1965
**Description:** At 9:30 p.m. in Dallas, Texas 19-year-old J. A. Carter observed an unexplained red and blue light that flew fast, straight and level for 12 seconds. He thought at first it might have come from a police car, but then a huge, orange object flying at ground level passed him.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Don Berliner, Project Bluebook UFO Unknowns; Don Berliner, Australasian Ufologist, April 1999, p. 52; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 673
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4649
### Event 25340 (CC1B9CD7)
**Date:** 8/4/1965
**Description:** At 11:35 p.m. in Tinley Park, Illinois two 14-year-olds watched a light maneuver around the sky for 16-17 seconds.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Don Berliner, Project Bluebook UFO Unknowns; Don Berliner, Australasian Ufologist, April 1999, p. 52
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4650
### Event 25341 (C8B2518D)
**Date:** 8/5/1965 (approximate)
**Location:** NEW BRIGHTON, MN
**Description:** 'Ferris wheel' 2X moon-size / 600M altitude blinks color(s) going south. / r78p45.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 793)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7295
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "264", **HatchDesc:** "NEW BRIGHTON,MN:'FERRIS WHEEL' 2X MOONSIZE/600M alt BLINKS CLRS >S:/r78p45", **LatLong:** "45.066669 -93.200004", **LatLongDMS:** "45:04:00 N 93:12:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.066669,-93.200004)", **State/Prov:** "Minnesota", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 25342 (7153EC5D)
**Date:** 8/5/1965
**Location:** Chicago (area), IL
**Description:** Two Objects Picked Up On Radar (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5)
**Reference:** NICAP: [650805](http://www.nicap.org/650805chicago%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2847
### Event 25343 (CACE82FC)
**Date:** 8/5/1965
**Time:** 2030
**Location:** Cherry Creek, New York
**Description:** Several children saw an object shaped like two saucers glued together come to ground level several times on the farm of William Butcher. It was chromelike, measured about 16 m in diameter, took off with green and yellow flames, and illuminated the clouds when it flew into them. Capt. James Dorsey and four technicians from Niagara Falls AFB investigated the case. They found no trace, concluding, however, that the witnesses were not lying.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Personal ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_675
### Event 25344 (B49136D4)
**Date:** 8/6/1965
**Location:** CARACAS, VNZ
**Description:** Object lands. 3 figure(s) exit. Fly when observer(s) near. 40M / burnt crops. / FSR'60#10.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** TRENCH, Brinsley Le Poer: MYSTERIOUS VISITORS - the UFO Story; Stein & Day, NY 1971-73 (Index 60)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7296
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Venezuela", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "4", **Elev:** "910", **HatchDesc:** "CARACAS,VNZ:OBJ LANDS:3 FIGS EXIT:FLY WHEN OBS NEAR:40M/BURNT CROPS:/FSR'60#10", **LatLong:** "10.500001 -66.966670", **LatLongDMS:** "10:30:00 N 66:58:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/10.500001,-66.966670)", **State/Prov:** "DF", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 25345 (B9D62662)
**Date:** 8/6/1965
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Military observers. Type unknown. No further details [in] at all.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFOCAT CATALOG: Assorted Printouts. Donald A. Johnson Ph.D (CUFOS). P.O. Box 446, Concord, NH 03302-0446 (Index 78)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7297
**Attributes:** **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Pacific Ocean and non - Asian islands", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "YAP ISLAND,US TRUST TERR:BBK#UNK:MIL OBSERVERS:TYPE UNK:NFD AT ALL", **LatLong:** "9.500000 138.150007", **LatLongDMS:** "09:30:00 N 138:09:00 E", **Locale:** "Islands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/9.500000,138.150007)", **State/Prov:** "YAP", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 25346 (C7D7E1C0)
**Date:** 8/6/1965
**Time:** ~18:00
**Description:** Fiery red cylinder/cigar-shape with lit windows. Groaning noises. Cows frantic.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 198)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7298
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "60", **HatchDesc:** "AMBLESIDE,CUMBRIA:FIERY RED CGR W/LIT WINDOWS:GROANING NOISES:COWS FRANTIC", **LatLong:** "54.416669 -2.950000", **LatLongDMS:** "54:25:00 N 02:57:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/54.416669,-2.950000)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 25347 (DFC8FEE9)
**Date:** 8/6/1965
**Location:** US
**Description:** Cascade (ID) News editorial: "An objective observer is about forced to the conclusion that there are objects of some sort appearing in the skies that cannot be explained by any conventional circumstances. There is absolutely no reason to deny the UFOs' existence because we don't understand them."
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_51
### Event 25348 (223D6723)
**Date:** 8/6/1965
**Time:** 17:23:30.0
**Location:** 37.0177 -116.0398
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Mauve” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_421
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0177 -116.0398", **LatLongDMS:** "37:01:04 N 116:02:23 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0177,-116.0398)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.32", **NukeName:** "Mauve", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 25349 (356892F6)
**Date:** 8/6/1965
**Description:** At 2:00 a.m. a UFO landed in the San Bernardino area of Caracas, Venezuela. It created a "scorched area 10 meters wide" in a cornfield. Three beings emerged from the craft, but when a farmer approached they "whipped back into it" and took off at once.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Gordon Creighton, The Humanoids: FSR Special Edition No. 1, p. 41, citing the London Evening News
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4726
### Event 25350 (50FFF408)
**Date:** 8/6/1965
**Description:** (1) Shortly after 11:00 p.m. cows in a pasture in Ambleside, Cumbria, England panicked when a fiery red cigar-shaped object with illuminated windows flew over, making a groaning noise. (2) That same evening at 10 p.m. EDT a maneuvering disc-shaped object caused an animal reaction in West Homestead, Bucks County, Pennsylvania.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** (1) Gordon Creighton, FSR, November 1970, p. 28; (2) Center for UFO Studies case files, report dated August 11, 1976
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4727
### Event 25351 (BBD98277)
**Date:** 8/7/1965
**Location:** PERU, Lima
**Description:** (Translated from French) (cf. August 1 in Lima) Reuters Agency reported that authorities arrested a gang of dangerous burglars, led by an individual nicknamed "The Pygmy". They had disguised themselves as "Martians" and taking advantage of the fantastic contemporary wave of reports concerning flying saucers in Lima, they had dressed in space suits and perpetrated a series of daring armed robberies and thefts in apartments.
**Reference:** Charles BOWEN: "In Search of the Humanoids" - J'ai Lu 1974, p. 139
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2330
### Event 25352 (6EFF0964)
**Date:** 8/7/1965
**Location:** SWITZERLAND, Hartlisberg near Thoune (canton of Berne)
**Description:** (Translated from French) A 60-year-old man, Mr. P.S., experienced a curious event on August 7, 1965: "I thought it was a piglet falling from the sky... In any case, the thing that had just landed twenty meters in front of me, right in the middle of the path, had, in appearance at least, the shape and proportions of one: about 60 centimeters long and about 25 centimeters high at its highest point. I ran towards the strange thing, but it deflated like a balloon. More precisely, the thing seemed to disappear into the ground. Moreover, that is probably what happened. I struck a match. I was certainly not dreaming. But I didn't find the slightest trace of my piglet..."
**Reference:** Les Soucoupes chez Heidi, cfr GREPI, Switzerland, 1997
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2331
### Event 25353 (187B062D)
**Date:** 8/7/1965
**Time:** 00:40
**Location:** BIENNE, SWZ
**Description:** 12 white disk-lights going southwest / delta/triangle/box-like craft formation. Sudden turn together as if attached.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Database/website: Chez HEIDI site: Alain Stauffer. GREPI / Switzerland http://home.worldcom.ch/~dbenaroy/heidi.html
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7299
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Switzerland", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "BIENNE,SWZ:12 WHT DISK-LITES >SW/DLT FORMn:SUDDEN TURN TOGETHER as if attached", **LatLong:** "47.150002 7.250000", **LatLongDMS:** "47:09:00 N 07:15:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.150002,7.250000)", **State/Prov:** "Berne", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 25354 (EBDF3329)
**Date:** 8/7/1965
**Time:** 13:00?
**Description:** 60cm milk can lands / road. Shrinks and vanishes. No traces!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Database/website: Chez HEIDI site: Alain Stauffer. GREPI / Switzerland http://home.worldcom.ch/~dbenaroy/heidi.html
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7300
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Switzerland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "HARTLISBERG Mtn.,SWZ:60cm MILK CAN LANDS/ROAD:SHRINKS+VANISHES:no traces!", **LatLong:** "46.750002 7.616667", **LatLongDMS:** "46:45:00 N 07:37:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.750002,7.616667)", **State/Prov:** "Berne", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 25355 (A595181E)
**Date:** 8/7/1965
**Time:** ~16:00
**Location:** SAN PEDRO, VNZ
**Description:** 3 observer(s). Saucer going down [to] low. 3 pseudo-human/entity beam out. Fantastic telepathy exchange. / r87p134.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 182)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7301
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **TLP:** Telepathy, **CNT:** Contactee related, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **CVS:** Conversation/communication, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Venezuela", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "668", **HatchDesc:** "SAN PEDRO,VNZ:3 OBS:SCR↓LO:3 PSH BEAM OUT:fantastic TLP exchange:/r87p134", **LatLong:** "10.033334 -66.983337", **LatLongDMS:** "10:02:00 N 66:59:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/10.033334,-66.983337)", **RelAlt:** "1", **State/Prov:** "ARG", **Strangeness:** "11"
### Event 25356 (B7FE6E2D)
**Date:** 8/7/1965
**Description:** At four o'clock in the afternoon a medical doctor--a gynecologist--and two other witnesses saw a yellow luminous disc-shaped object, 50 feet in diameter, land in San Pedro de los Altos, Venezuela. A shaft of light came down from the object. Inside the beam descended two 7-8 feet tall men with long blond hair. They wore seamless metallic coveralls. They communicated telepathically with the witnesses.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Horacio Gonzalez Ganteaume, FSR, March-April 1969, p. 21
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4762
### Event 25357 (5A2B1523)
**Date:** 8/8/1965
**Location:** Beaver, PA
**Description:** Lucci Photo (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases, Code: I, Rating: 5)
**Reference:** NICAP: [650808](http://www.nicap.org/650808beaver%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2848
### Event 25358 (572B24EA)
**Date:** 8/8/1965
**Locations:** Beaver, Pennsylvania; Beaver County Times; Colorado project
**Description:** 11:30 p.m. A luminous UFO is allegedly photographed in Beaver, Pennsylvania, by James Lucci, 17. According to estimations by witnesses, the diameter of the UFO is around 42 feet. Lucci is photographing the full moon with his brother John, 23. According to them, a shining object appears from behind a hill. James manages to take two shots before the flying object leaves. His friends encourage him to send the photos to the Beaver County Times, where they are analyzed and declared authentic. However, both the Colorado project and UFO researchers determine the photo is a hoax created by holding a plate up next to the moon with a fist \(probably John’s\) and blurring it with motion.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Condon, [pp. 83–84](https://archive.org/details/scientificstudyo0000unse%5Fl5t2/page/82/mode/2up), [455–457](https://archive.org/details/scientificstudyo0000unse%5Fl5t2/page/454/mode/2up); Mark Cashman, “The End of a Photographic Case,” IUR 23, no. 4 \(Winter 1998\): 21–23
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3925
### Event 25359 (0C2D96C9)
**Date:** 8/8/1965
**Description:** At 11:30 p.m. Sylvia Hoialman, Becky Evanston, and Becky Aanstad, all 21 years old, were driving near the Lincoln Park Golf Course in Grand Forks, North Dakota when they saw a yellow luminous, disc-shaped flying object that they first took to be the moon. But it then “blinked black and white,” and the silhouettes of several little figures could be seen inside the craft. Three men in another nearby car also saw the object; a teenage boy reportedly ran toward it and the object disappeared with a bang.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Grand Forks Herald, August 10, 1965; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1965-31 (A0642); Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 676; Jerome Clark, Flying Saucer Review, March-April 1966, p. 9
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4772
### Event 25360 (6BC18FAF)
**Date:** 8/9/1965
**Location:** Canada, Smithville (Ontario)
**Description:** (Translated from French) A truck driver from Lakeview saw, on the side of a remote road, a giant about 2 meters tall. It was covered in fur and had powerful shoulders. Its head seemed too small for its body with disproportionately long arms.
**Reference:** Jean ERGUSON: "Les Humanoïdes..." ed. Leméac, Ottawa, 1977, p. 123
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2332
### Event 25361 (6F82E29B)
**Date:** 8/9/1965
**Location:** US40 NEAR MYTON, UT
**Description:** Tall rocket ship with rotating light atop takes off and hovers!! .
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SALISBURY, Frank: The UTAH UFO DISPLAY -- a Biologist Reports; 1974 Devin Adair, New Greenwich,CT. HB 286pp. ISBN 0-815-97000-5 (Index 17)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7302
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "1550", **HatchDesc:** "US40 nr MYTON,UT:TALL ROCKET SHIP W/ROTATING LITE ATOP TAKES OFF AND HOVERS!!.", **LatLong:** "40.194446 -110.111116", **LatLongDMS:** "40:11:40 N 110:06:40 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.194446,-110.111116)", **State/Prov:** "Utah", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 25362 (2383FCA3)
**Date:** 8/9/1965
**Time:** ~18:00
**Location:** LONG ISLAND, NY
**Description:** Astronomer and 4. Saucer becomes night light at dusk. Then shoots going quickly south over Atlantic.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HYNEK, J. Allen: The UFO EXPERIENCE, A Scientific Inquiry; Ballentine Books, NY 1974,1977. (Index 75)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7303
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "LONG ISL,NY:ASTRONOMER+4:SCR BECOMES NLT at DUSK:THEN SHOOTS >>S OVR ATLANTIC", **LatLong:** "41.016669 -72.000003", **LatLongDMS:** "41:01:00 N 72:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.016669,-72.000003)", **State/Prov:** "New York", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 25363 (96DCAC55)
**Date:** 8/9/1965
**Time:** 20:30
**Location:** ATLANTA, GA
**Description:** Police lines jammed. Glow saucer spins and maneuvers / high speed. Changes colors.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HITT, Michael D: GEORGIA'S AERIAL PHENOMENON 1947-1987 Self published 1999. ref. Jan Aldrich. (Index 40)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7304
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "30", **Elev:** "315", **HatchDesc:** "ATLANTA,GA:POLICE LINES JAMMED:GLOW SCR SPINS+MNVRS/HIGH SPEED:CHANGES COLORS", **LatLong:** "33.750002 -84.400004", **LatLongDMS:** "33:45:00 N 84:24:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/33.750002,-84.400004)", **State/Prov:** "Georgia", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 25364 (FA9DFF03)
**Date:** 8/9/1965
**Time:** 23:30
**Location:** GRAND FORKS, ND
**Description:** 3 observer(s). Transparent sphere/orb/globe / golf course. Figure(s) move inside. Gone / bang. / r53p116.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 256)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7305
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "254", **HatchDesc:** "GRAND FORKS,ND:3 OBS:XPRNT ORB/GOLF COURSE:FIGs MOVE INSIDE:GONE/BANG:/r53p116", **LatLong:** "47.933336 -97.050005", **LatLongDMS:** "47:56:00 N 97:03:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.933336,-97.050005)", **State/Prov:** "North Dakota", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 25365 (016F560D)
**Date:** 8/9/1965
**Time:** 2330
**Location:** Grand Forks, North Dakota
**Description:** Three girls driving a car observed what they first thought was the rising moon. It was a circular, pale-yellow object, with a silhouette moving inside the glow. There were five other witnesses one of whom stated that as he approached the object, it appeared to "blow up" with a bang.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** FSR 66, 2 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_676
### Event 25366 (EBC86F30)
**Date:** 8/9/1965
**Locations:** Long Island, New York; Atlantic Ocean
**Description:** 6:00 p.m. A professional astronomer and his wife, along with three others, are driving eastward on Long Island, New York, when then see a silvery disc heading slowly south. Its base has a ring of bluish-white lights that make the object appear to rotate. It has a white light on top. After accelerating, the object becomes a white, starlike object far to the east. It moves up and down for another 5 minutes, then rapidly moves south and disappears over the Atlantic Ocean.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** J. Allen Hynek, The UFO Experience, Ballantine ed., 1974, [pp. 75–76](https://archive.org/details/ufoexperience00jall/page/74/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3926
### Event 25367 (3A533D89)
**Date:** 8/9/1965
**Description:** At around 6:00 p.m. an astronomer and his family were driving in Suffolk County, Long Island, New York when a silvery disc-shaped object with a "ring of bluish white lights" moved overhead slowly to the south. The object then turned and accelerated to the east-northeast. He drove up to 80 mph in pursuit, but it dwindled in size until it resembled a star high in the sky. It moved up and down several times, then finally darted to the south out over the Atlantic Ocean.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** J. Allen Hynek, The UFO Experience, p. 66
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4793
### Event 25368 (FA3BD677)
**Date:** 8/9/1965
**Description:** An anonymous music teacher, a "high level public employee", was driving on the outskirts of Lima, Peru around 10:00 p.m. when his car's engine started to miss, and then stop. At that moment, a beam of light enveloped the car from above, then levitated it from the road and carried it through the sky for an unknown distance, at such an altitude that the witness could see the coastline and a peninsula, La Punta, west of the city. He was paralyzed and unable to move during this process. The car was brought to the ground near the shore and he could hear waves breaking. Then, a voice spoke to him in perfect Spanish, and asked him to get out of the car. He did so and "could barely make out" little men with big ears. No UFO was seen, but there was a luminous screen nearby, on which was displayed, "We are using calming rays on you to remove your fear." He then asked several questions, in response to which a spokesperson told him that they came from a place more distant than Mars, that they had visited Earth on various occasions in the past, and that they did not appear in public because that would cause panic. Asked if they knew about music, he heard they had "something that might be considered as music, but that it had the power of raising the feelings to the highest exaltation." After that, his car was transported back through the air to the spot from which it had been picked up. He told his story to an uncle, an official in the Peruvian police, who informed reporters.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case # 1965-27
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4794
### Event 25369 (AFE889C9)
**Date:** 8/9/1965
**Description:** At around midnight the K. Denver family of three saw a UFO on the ground at South Myton Bench, Duchesne County, Utah that stood up like a rocket. The top was flat, with a row of windows below, and a room inside with bright lights. Rotating flashing lights on top, orange-red flames on bottom. It rose vertically without a sound, hovered, then shot up quickly.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Frank B. Salisbury, The Utah UFO Display, p. 17
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4795
### Event 25370 (1E0BD1B3)
**Date:** 8/10/1965
**Location:** NASHVILLE, IN
**Description:** Private pilot. 2 disks hover below clouds. Speed away. / Richard Hall.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** WEINSTEIN, Dominique; UAP: 80 Years of Pilot Sightings Privately published. 7 avenue Bartholome. 75015 Paris, FRANCE. (Index 17)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7306
**Attributes:** **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "192", **HatchDesc:** "NASHVILLE,IN:PRIVATE PILOT:2 DISKS HVR BELOW CLOUDS:SPEED AWAY:/Richard Hall", **LatLong:** "39.205557 -86.250004", **LatLongDMS:** "39:12:20 N 86:15:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.205557,-86.250004)", **State/Prov:** "Indiana", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 25371 (29AB9A37)
**Date:** 8/10/1965
**Time:** 03:40
**Description:** Several separate observer(s). Saucer hovers. Orange fireball maneuvers. Going quickly [to] into truck windshield.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SHUTTLEWOOD, Arthur: The WARMINSTER MYSTERY. Neville-Spearman/Tandem Books PB 1967, London. (Index 59)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7307
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "50", **Elev:** "120", **HatchDesc:** "WARMINSTER,WILTs:SVRL SEP.OBS:SCR HVRS:ORG FBL MNVRS:>>INTO TRUCK WINDSHIELD", **LatLong:** "51.188891 -2.194445", **LatLongDMS:** "51:11:20 N 02:11:40 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.188891,-2.194445)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 25372 (28F6422F)
**Date:** 8/10/1965
**Time:** 05:00
**Location:** PARKES, AUSTR
**Description:** 2 farmers. Dogs bark. Luminous saucer hovers near radio-telescope. Back next AM.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 198)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7308
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "160", **HatchDesc:** "PARKES,AUSTR:2 FARMERS:DOGS BARK:LUMN.SCR HVRS nr RDO-TELESCOPE:BACK NEXT AM", **LatLong:** "-33.166668 148.166674", **LatLongDMS:** "33:10:00 S 148:10:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-33.166668,148.166674)", **State/Prov:** "NSW", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 25373 (FDD97381)
**Date:** 8/10/1965 (approximate)
**Time:** 15:30
**Location:** WAVERLY, IA
**Description:** 3 observer(s). Silver saucer whines and lands. Small humanoid (or Grey) / field. Burnt grass and indents. / APRO Jan. '75.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 256)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7309
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "301", **HatchDesc:** "WAVERLY,IA:3 OBS:SLVR SCR WHINES+LANDS:OID/FLD:burnt grass+indents:/APRO JAN75", **LatLong:** "42.727780 -92.477782", **LatLongDMS:** "42:43:40 N 92:28:40 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.727780,-92.477782)", **State/Prov:** "Iowa", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 25374 (D4EA18A6)
**Date:** 8/10/1965
**Time:** 20:00
**Location:** SEATTLE, WA
**Description:** 2 / yard. 2 silver disks hover / N. sky / several minutes. 1 going quickly northeast and up. 2nd follows. Separate observer(s).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO Evidence II: HB: Scarecrow Press Lanham, MD. http://www.scarecrowpress.com ISBN 0-8108-3881-8 (Index 158)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7310
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "105", **HatchDesc:** "SEATTLE,WA:2/YARD:2 SLVR DISKS HVR/N.SKY/SVRL MINS:1 >>NE+UP:2nd FOLOS:sep obs", **LatLong:** "47.611113 -122.338895", **LatLongDMS:** "47:36:40 N 122:20:20 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.611113,-122.338895)", **State/Prov:** "Washington", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 25375 (C2B819B8)
**Date:** 8/10/1965
**Time:** 23:00
**Description:** Slow 50cm glowing-ball / 6M altitude. Quickly going up [to] fast as observer(s) nears.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 793)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7311
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "15", **HatchDesc:** "CANYON PARK,WOODINVILLE,WA:SLOW 50cm GLOW-BALL/6M alt:↑↑ FAST as OBS NEARS", **LatLong:** "47.755558 -122.116672", **LatLongDMS:** "47:45:20 N 122:07:00 W", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.755558,-122.116672)", **RelAlt:** "6", **State/Prov:** "Washington", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 25376 (B6617612)
**Date:** 8/10/1965
**Location:** Nashville, IN
**Description:** Two Discs Below Clouds (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5)
**Reference:** NICAP: [650810](http://www.nicap.org/650810nashville%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2849
### Event 25377 (52B516AD)
**Date:** 8/10/1965
**Location:** Pacific Northwest, Various
**Description:** 9:40 P.M. Fireball meteor traveling easterly across northeast sky. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2850
### Event 25378 (E6D51424)
**Date:** 8/10/1965
**Location:** Suffolk County, NY
**Description:** GCA Vectors KC-97 To UFO (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5)
**Reference:** NICAP: [650810](http://www.nicap.org/650810suffolkco%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2851
### Event 25379 (67CF8B38)
**Date:** 8/10/1965
**Location:** Seattle, WA
**Description:** Boeing aerospace engineer saw two silvery, disc-shaped objects that hovered for several minutes, departed upward at high speed one after the other
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_52
### Event 25380 (1774513B)
**Date:** 8/10/1965
**Location:** Pacific Northwest
**Description:** 9:40 P.M. Fireball meteor traveling easterly across northeast sky.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_53
### Event 25381 (84C4E0CA)
**Date:** 8/10/1965
**Description:** (1) At 3:40 a.m. an orange to crimson colored ball of light maneuvered, and then sped head-on toward a truck windscreen in Warminster, Wiltshire, England. The driver swerved in order to avoid a collision. Later than day a private pilot attorney saw two discs flying below the clouds near Nashville, Tennessee on this day. They accelerated and sped away. At 8 p.m. an aerospace engineer in Seattle, Washington watched as two silver discs hovered, then shot up out of sight.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** (1) Arthur Shuttlewood, The Warminister Mystery: Astounding UFO sightings, p. 59; Ron Halliday, UFO Scotland: The secret history of Scotland's UFO phenomenon, p. 14; (2) Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty-Year Report, p. 117; (3) Richard H. Hall, ibid., p. 151
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4820
### Event 25382 (BF781634)
**Date:** 8/11/1965
**Location:** Whiteman AFB, MO
**Description:** Radar At Minuteman Site Tracks UFOs (R/V) (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5)
**Reference:** NICAP: [650811](http://www.nicap.org/650811whitemandir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2852
### Event 25383 (8B4D1A93)
**Date:** 8/11/1965
**Location:** Beaver, PA
**Description:** Dog "went crazy" at hovering disc (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2853
### Event 25384 (280626DF)
**Date:** 8/11/1965
**Description:** Perseid meteor shower (mean date).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_54
### Event 25385 (18FDF3A5)
**Date:** 8/11/1965?
**Location:** Waverly, Iowa
**Description:** 3:30 p.m. David Gibson is sitting in the front yard of his house in Waverly, Iowa, with his father and sister. They hear a high-pitched whine and see an object descending to the south. The silvery UFO is about 15–20 feet in diameter and looks like two saucers put together. It lands on a tree-lined hill out of view and the whining sound fades away. Gibson walks about a half-mile to take a look and briefly sees a “being,” about 3–3.5 feet tall, watching him from behind a tree at the top of the hill. It quickly vanishes and he hears a rush of air. He reaches the spot but sees no footprints. About 40 feet south of the tree he finds a burned area about 15–20 feet in diameter and three rectangular impressions in the shape of a triangle.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Jerome Clark, “[Iowa’s Bashful Humanoid,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201975%20V%2021%20N%203-4.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 21, no. 3/4 \(November 1975\): 52–53
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3927
### Event 25386 (554AEC90)
**Date:** 8/11/1965
**Description:** At 7:25 p.m. a 62-year-old woman named Clarkson reported observing two silver objects shaped like four-leaf clovers hovering over the suburb of Menands, Albany County, New York. She also reported the smell of smoke. At around midnight that same night Mr. & Mrs. De Turca of Brighton Township, Beaver County, Pennsylavania said that their dog "went crazy" barking at a hovering disc-shaped object that made a humming sound.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albany Knickerbocker News, March 30, 1966; Richard Bonenfant, Proceedings of the 1976 CUFOS Conference, p. 47; John G. Fuller, Incident at Exeter, p. 176; Jean Fuller, Flying Saucer Review, September-October 1967, p. 26
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4870
### Event 25387 (2B105E6D)
**Date:** 8/12/1965
**Location:** BRAZIL, Sao Paulo
**Description:** (Translated from French) Joao Do Rio was peacefully fishing on the banks of the Paraiba, when a space visitor, about 70 cm tall and with strangely bright eyes, addressed him in Portuguese. Before getting back into his spacecraft, the extraterrestrial gave his interlocutor a piece of unknown metal "to convince the skeptics". (1965, before August 12)
**Reference:** Guy TARADE: "S.V. AND CIVILIZATIONS FROM BEYOND SPACE" - J'ai Lu 1969, p. 187
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2333
### Event 25388 (167E8A52)
**Date:** 8/12/1965
**Description:** Pilot and 2+ground RADAR. Large bright night light drifts. Shoots going quickly northwest. Can't catch.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** STEIGER, Brad & WHRITENOUR, Joan: FLYING SAUCER INVASION. Award Books, NY 1969. 156pp PB. 15 Essays + catalog. (Index 55)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7312
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RDR:** Radar traces/blips
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "165", **HatchDesc:** "SW/WILKES-BARRE,PA:PILOT+2+GND RDR:LRG BRITE NLT DRIFTS:SHOOTS>>NW:CANT CATCH", **LatLong:** "41.166669 -75.916670", **LatLongDMS:** "41:10:00 N 75:55:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.166669,-75.916670)", **State/Prov:** "Pennsylvania", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 25389 (C82049DA)
**Date:** 8/12/1965
**Time:** 12:00?
**Location:** NEAR LINCOLN, NE
**Description:** 4 observer(s). Saucer circles work-train. Going down [to] as if watching. Silent. / r204p89+/ r78p46.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 41)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7313
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **NUC:** Nuclear facility related, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "345", **HatchDesc:** "nr LINCOLN,NE:4 OBS:SCR CCLs WORK-TRAIN:↓ as if watching:SLNT:/r204p89+/r78p46", **LatLong:** "40.800002 -96.666671", **LatLongDMS:** "40:48:00 N 96:40:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.800002,-96.666671)", **State/Prov:** "Nebraska", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 25390 (00F8629C)
**Date:** 8/12/1965
**Time:** 14:00
**Location:** LIEPAYA, LATVIA
**Description:** Several pilots. Brill white ovoid. Size = moon / 2. Makes 100dgr arc / sky.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: UFO CHRONICLES of the SOVIET UNION; Ballentine Books HB 1992. 212pp. (Index 187)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7314
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Estonia, Latvia& Lithuania", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "LIEPAYA,LATVIA:SVRL PILOTS:BRILL WHT OVOID:SIZE=MOON/2:MAKES 100dgr ARC/SKY", **LatLong:** "56.516669 20.983334", **LatLongDMS:** "56:31:00 N 20:59:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/56.516669,20.983334)", **State/Prov:** "Latvia", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 25391 (BA137D44)
**Date:** 8/12/1965
**Location:** Springfield, OH
**Description:** Object Has 3 Ascents & 3 Descents (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** NICAP: [650812](http://www.nicap.org/650812springfield%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2854
### Event 25392 (099413E3)
**Date:** 8/12/1965
**Location:** Springfield, Ohio
**Description:** 11:15 a.m. Maj. Jack D. Bond is sitting in a passenger seat of a T-29 aircraft on a heading of 300° and descending from 4,000 feet to 3,000 feet near Springfield, Ohio. He sees a UFO ascending and descending that is slightly higher than the T-29. It appears to be 5–7 miles away and moving in a general direction of 90°. The object’s speed is highly erratic during the 3 ascents and descents that the object makes. On its third descent the object appears to level off and accelerate at a speed of 690 mph or more. Project Blue Book evaluates this sighting as a solar mirage, even though the position and time of day rule that out.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** NICAP, “[Object Has 3 Ascents and 2](http://www.nicap.org/650812springfield%5Fdir.htm) [Descents](http://www.nicap.org/650812springfield%5Fdir.htm)”; Clark III 388–389
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3928
### Event 25393 (F279EB71)
**Date:** 8/13/1965
**Location:** USA, near Kent, Washington
**Description:** (Translated from French) At around 7:30 in the morning, two young girls (Ellen Ryan, 16 and Laura Ryan, 13 years old) got out of their car (note of vog??? - the American text also says it...) on a road and three men (1.85m and 1.90m tall) who were in a bean field (of Yas Narita) approached them. These beings had dome-shaped heads (with white dots where there are usually hair) and protruding eyes. The faces had no expression, the eyes were gray like stone and the lower part of the face seemed heavily tanned. They wore V-neck sleeveless jerseys of purple color, with white shirts underneath. The frightened young girls ran away for 15 meters and when they looked back, they had disappeared.
**Reference:** for the information in parentheses: APRG
**Reference:** Charles BOWEN: "In Search of Humanoids" - J'ai Lu 1974, p. 204, he calls the place "Renton" instead of "Kent".
**Reference:** They went to the police
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2334
### Event 25394 (7B406E81)
**Date:** 8/13/1965
**Location:** Canada, Monroe (Ontario)
**Description:** (Translated from French) Christine Van Acker had the surprise of her life. A being more than 2 meters tall with hair "like spikes" approached her car with the window rolled down. The creature put its hand through the window and poked Christine Van Acker's left eye!...
**Reference:** Jean FERGUSON: "The Humanoids..." ed. Leméac, Ottawa, 1977, p. 123, 124
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2335
### Event 25395 (0A5CFB0F)
**Date:** 8/13/1965
**Time:** 00:00
**Location:** BADEN, PA
**Description:** 100M saucer going north / 50mph. Blue light. Trees shake. Observer(s) suffers / UV exposure. / USAF Tech. Intel. Center. (ATIC.)
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA; H. Regnery, Chicago HC 1969 & Contemporary Books,Chicago 1993. 372pp. (Index 677)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7315
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **TRC:** Physical traces, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "274", **HatchDesc:** "BADEN,PA:100M SCR >N/50mph:BLUE LITE:TREES SHAKE:OBS SUFFERS/UV EXPOSURE:/Atic", **LatLong:** "40.633335 -80.227782", **LatLongDMS:** "40:38:00 N 80:13:40 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.633335,-80.227782)", **State/Prov:** "Pennsylvania", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 25396 (63551250)
**Date:** 8/13/1965
**Location:** CRUZEIRO, SP, BRZ
**Description:** Saucer. 70CM small humanoid (or Grey) gives piece of metal to fisherman as token.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 134)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7316
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **CVS:** Conversation/communication, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "18", **Elev:** "493", **HatchDesc:** "CRUZEIRO,SP,BRZ:SCR:70CM OID GIVES PIECE OF METAL TO FISHERMAN AS TOKEN", **LatLong:** "-22.566668 -44.966669", **LatLongDMS:** "22:34:00 S 44:58:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-22.566668,-44.966669)", **State/Prov:** "São Paulo", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 25397 (EC5FB4C7)
**Date:** 8/13/1965
**Time:** 00:50
**Location:** LYNN, MASS
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Slow white globe going [to] over bakery. Descends over power towers nearby.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FOWLER, Raymond E.: UFO'S, INTERPLANETARY VISITORS; Prentice Hall & Bantam Books, NY 1979. 346pp. (Index 67)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7317
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "4", **Elev:** "9", **HatchDesc:** "LYNN,MASS:2 OBS:SLOW WHT GLOBE > OVR BAKERY:DESCENDS OVR POWER TOWERS NEARBY", **LatLong:** "42.466669 -70.950003", **LatLongDMS:** "42:28:00 N 70:57:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.466669,-70.950003)", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 25398 (6F02404C)
**Date:** 8/13/1965
**Time:** 07:00
**Location:** RENTON, WA
**Description:** Blue Book. Possible abduction-try / 2 girls. 2 5.5' ugly pseudo-humans/entities. / FSRv21#4+v12#2+/ r47p123.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA; H. Regnery, Chicago HC 1969 & Contemporary Books,Chicago 1993. 372pp. (Index 678)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7318
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NFO:** No craft seen, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "RENTON,WA:BBK:POSS.ABD-TRY/2 GIRLS:2 5.5'UGLY PSHs:/FSRv21#4+v12#2+/r47p123", **LatLong:** "47.483336 -122.216672", **LatLongDMS:** "47:29:00 N 122:13:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.483336,-122.216672)", **State/Prov:** "Washington", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 25399 (3713CC37)
**Date:** 8/13/1965
**Location:** Baden, PA
**Description:** Object Crosses Moon / Medical Effects on Witness (NICAP: 05 - Medical Incidents, Code: M, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** NICAP: [650813](http://www.nicap.org/650813baden%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2855
### Event 25400 (18FBE507)
**Date:** 8/13/1965
**Location:** Baden, Pennsylvania
**Description:** A 37-year-old civilian had just put his car in the garage when he saw an object about 100 m in diameter, shaped like a disk, which flew in front of the moon in a northerly direction at about 80 km/h. It was surrounded with orange lights that weakened as a blue source came on, very intense for about 3 sec then all lights disappeared as the object was about 700 m away. This was followed by a sort of "shock-wave" effect, and tree leaves were shaken. The witness entered his house and called the Air Force. Twenty minutes later his vision became hazy and his eyes were painful. He gradually lost vision in both eyes, and his entire body was "sunburned." Medical examination compared the symptoms to ultraviolet exposure. His vision came back gradually over a period of several days.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Atic ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_677
### Event 25401 (8C01D078)
**Date:** 8/13/1965
**Time:** 0700
**Location:** Renton, Washington
**Description:** Ellen G. Ryerson, 16, and her sister, Laura, were going to work in a bean field when they observed three creatures about 1.60 m tall, with bulging eyes, expressionless faces, white craniums, large pores, and a protrusion at the back of their heads. They wore purple jerseys and white shirts. They had disappeared when the running girls looked back.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** FSR 66, 2 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_678
### Event 25402 (46EE45C6)
**Date:** 8/13/1965
**Location:** Portsmouth, NH
**Description:** Portsmouth (NH) Herald editorial: "Perhaps we really do have visitors from somewhere beyond our present ken."
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_55
### Event 25403 (6FB33BE3)
**Date:** 8/13/1965
**Locations:** Baden, Pennsylvania; Beaver, Pennsylvania
**Description:** 9:30 p.m.? Leonard Chalupiak has just put his car into his garage at Baden, Pennsylvania, when he sees a disc-shaped object about 300 feet in diameter flying in front of the moon toward the north at about 50 mph and 2,300 feet away. It is surrounded with orange lights that weaken as a blue light comes on, which is intense for about 3 seconds. Then all the lights disappear and a sort of “shock wave” that shakes the tree leaves commences. The witness goes into his house and calls the Air Force. About 20 minutes later his vision becomes hazy, his eyes grow painful, and he gradually loses vision in both eyes. He notices his entire body is sunburned. A medical examination indicates exposure to ultraviolet radiation. His vision returns gradually over several days. The Air Force labels it a hoax, perhaps confusing it with the Beaver, Pennsylvania, hoax photo of August 8.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** NICAP, “[Object Crosses Moon / Medical Effects on Witness](http://www.nicap.org/650813baden%5Fdir.htm)”; Vallée, Magonia, [p. 313](https://archive.org/details/passporttomagoni0000vall/page/312/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3929
### Event 25404 (3D85FA87)
**Date:** 8/13/1965
**Description:** As he drove away after dropping off his two daughters Mr. Ryerson noticed two unusual "persons" walking along the side of the road next to a bean field. His two teenagers, Ellen Grace Ryerson, age 16, and Laura Jean Ryerson, 13, in Renton, Washington approached these two very unusual beings, while walking next to the bean field at seven o'clock in the morning. The little men were grey colored "like stone", had no hair, and had large bulging eyes. The first “person” was described as like a gnome and wrinkled. He wore a funny little hat. He was dancing and jumping around in front of the other being as they approached. He was making a cackling sound that the girls thought sounded like laughter. The other being was approximately 5 feet tall. He had a very unusual head. His face was gray but the back of his head had a bulbous extension with veins showing through it. It pulsated. On the rest of his cranium there were large pores and this part of his head was white. His eyes were described as like a frog’s eyes. In his mouth he had a little pipe, and he was blowing on it and making a shrill sound. The taller one wore shiny clothes, like satin. Both beings wore sleveless purple vests over white coveralls. Ellen feared that they were going to grab her, so she yelled at her sister to run. The girls fled, and when they looked back after running 50 feet the beings had completely vanished.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jerome Clark, Flying Saucer Review, March-April 1966, p. 10; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1965-32 (A0643), citing Jerome Clark; Leneesa Garouttee, Alternate Perceptions (electronic version), February 2005
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4970
### Event 25405 (1E11BFFF)
**Date:** 8/13/1965
**Description:** David G., age 14, and his father and sister were sitting in their yard at four o'clock in the afternoon in Waverly, Iowa when they heard a high-pitched whining sound and saw an aluminum object 15-20 feet in diameter, looking like “two saucers glued together,” descend slowly from the sky. It disappeared behind a hill a third of a mile away, and the young man walked over to the hill to investigate. When about 150 yards from the site, he saw a humanoid being 3.5 feet tall, with a baldhead, peeking out from behind a tree. He did not see the figure leave, but a minute or so later he saw a “blur” and heard a rush of air. At the landing site, in an old quarry, he found a 15-20 foot circle of burnt glass, within which were three indentations of 5” x 12” and an inch deep. The encounter lasted about a minute and occurred during a minor wave of reports from Iowa and elsewhere.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Ralph DeGraw, APRO Bulletin, January-February 1975, p. 9; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1965-33 (A0644), citing Ralph DeGraw
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4971
### Event 25406 (08DE545C)
**Date:** 8/13/1965
**Description:** At 12:55 p.m. EDT two bakers saw a slow moving, red tinged white globe glide noiselessly over their bakery in Lynn, Massachusetts. The UFO then descended into an area of some electrical power line pylons, one mile away.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Raymond E. Fowler, UFOs: Interplanetary Visitors, p. 333
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4972
### Event 25407 (0C4E1F32)
**Date:** 8/14/1965
**Time:** 02:00
**Location:** STANRAER, SCT
**Description:** Giant saucer going [to] over dock. Lands. Vanishes! / r78p46+/ Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v11#6+/ r8#629.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 41)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7319
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "24", **HatchDesc:** "STANRAER,SCT:GIANT SCR > OVR DOCK:LANDS:VANISHES!:/r78p46+/FSR v11#6+/r8#629", **LatLong:** "54.900003 -5.022222", **LatLongDMS:** "54:54:00 N 05:01:20 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/54.900003,-5.022222)", **State/Prov:** "Scotland", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 25408 (ABFA6767)
**Date:** 8/14/1965
**Time:** 20:00
**Description:** 1 / car. Black silent 90M domed saucer 1.2M over road. Follows terrain. Quickly going up.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GRANCHI, Irene: UFO's and ABDUCTIONS in BRAZIL: Horus House Press, Madison, WI: 1992 (English translation 1994) ISBN 1-881852-09-1 (Index 39)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7320
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "15", **Elev:** "910", **HatchDesc:** "SW/ITABIRA,BRZL:1/CAR:BLK SLNT 90M DOMED SCR 1.2M OVR ROAD:folos terrain:↑↑", **LatLong:** "-19.750001 -43.333335", **LatLongDMS:** "19:45:00 S 43:20:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-19.750001,-43.333335)", **RelAlt:** "1", **State/Prov:** "Minas Gerais", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 25409 (E456A85E)
**Date:** 8/14/1965
**Time:** 21:10
**Location:** LNAR, CZK
**Description:** 4 saucers / vertical line / sky. Vanish. 12 orbs 6x2 same way. Each splits / 2. All go.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HOBANA Ion & WEVERBERGH,Julien: UFO'S from BEHIND the IRON CURTAIN; Bantam Books,1975. 308pp. (Index 216)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7321
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Czech and Slovak Republics", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "6", **HatchDesc:** "LNAR,CZK:4 SCRS/VERT LINE/SKY:VANISH:12 ORBS 6x2 SAME WAY:EACH SPLITS/2:ALL GO", **LatLong:** "49.450002 13.816667", **LatLongDMS:** "49:27:00 N 13:49:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.450002,13.816667)", **State/Prov:** "JHC", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 25410 (E59CA06F)
**Date:** 8/14/1965
**Time:** 0200
**Location:** Stranraer, Scotland
**Description:** Patrick Nash and his family were awaiting a ferry boat when a brilliant, orange-red object shaped like a large soup plate appeared 50 m away, rose from the ground, flew low over the car, landed 20m away on the other side, vanishing suddenly.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** FSR 65,6 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_679
### Event 25411 (1990ABEC)
**Date:** 8/14/1965
**Description:** On this day on the banks of the river in Cruzeiro, Santa Catarina province, Brazil, a little man only 28" tall, introduced himself to a fisherman named Joao do Rio as a UFOnaut. He had large luminous eyes, and spoke perfect Portuguese. He gave Sr. do Rio an "unearthly" metal. The metal was given to the national railroad car factory for analysis. At 8:00 p.m. that same evening a motorist had a close encounter with a black, 90-meter-wide domed disc, which hovered silently over a highway southwest of Itabira, Minas Gerais province, Brazil. The craft hovered just 1.2 meters above the surface of the road, and it followed the contours of the terrain when it departed.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** (1) Baltimore Sun, August 16, 1965; John Keel, Strange Creatures From Time and Space, p. 151; (2) Irene Granchi, UFO Abductions and Reports from Brazil, p. 39
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5004
### Event 25412 (85548DEC)
**Date:** 8/14/1965
**Description:** At around 10:00 p.m. two youngsters, Marc & Luc Lafreniere, were in their home in Ville Lemoyne, Quebec, Canada when a strong light attracted them to the window. Looking outside they saw a large oval-shaped craft floating just above the ground. A tall humanoid figure with long dangling arms, and wearing a silvery jumpsuit, stood in front of the craft. The being walked towards the house and touched the front door briefly, and then returned to the craft, while the terrified witnesses hid in their room. They did not dare look to see the craft or the alien depart.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, 1965 Humanoid Contact Database, citing Marc Leduc, CASUFO
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5005
### Event 25413 (148BF2CD)
**Date:** 8/14/1965
**Description:** At 11:00 p.m. five people driving in a car in Salto, Uruguay heard a loud hum and saw a UFO land directly in front of their car, causing the engine to stall. Its brilliant white luminescence changed colors from red to yellow and green. The object itself, a leaden metallic color, stood nine feet high and was as wide as the road. Three beings inside the craft, who looked human, were illuminated by an interior green light and could be seen moving around inside the craft. Finally, with a burst of orange flame, the object rose vertically into the sky and vanished.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1965-35, citing Donald Hanlon, in Charles Bowen (editor), The Humanoids
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5006
### Event 25414 (0A2A8380)
**Date:** 8/15/1965
**Time:** 02:00
**Location:** NABLUS, PALESTN
**Description:** Guard fires at flaming "boat". Circles farm. Figure(s) seen. / FSRv12#1+/ r8.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 793)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7322
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **TLP:** Telepathy, **NWS:** News media report, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc.
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "?", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "NABLUS,PALESTn:GUARD FIRES @ FLAMING "BOAT":CCLS FARM:FIGs SEEN:/FSRv12#1+/r8", **LatLong:** "32.216668 35.266668", **LatLongDMS:** "32:13:00 N 35:16:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/32.216668,35.266668)", **State/Prov:** "OCC", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 25415 (A668F976)
**Date:** 8/15/1965?
**Time:** 02:00
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Noisy metallic saucer lands / farm. Going quickly north / flames. 15' burn / field.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 253)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7323
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "nr BASINGSTOKE,HAMPs:2 OBS:NOISY MTLC SCR LANDS/FARM:>>N/FLAMES:15'BURN/FIELD", **LatLong:** "51.250002 -1.166667", **LatLongDMS:** "51:15:00 N 01:10:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.250002,-1.166667)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 25416 (6648F140)
**Date:** 8/15/1965 (approximate)
**Time:** 17:00
**Description:** 1+several observer(s). 2 big orange spheres zigzag all over/all about. Livestock panics.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LDLN CONTACT LECTEURS: by Series and #. May'68 -JAN'72 (Entire set of 18 issues) LDLN local chapters & individual members' UFO reports. (Index 51)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7324
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "60", **Elev:** "147", **HatchDesc:** "PITLOCHRY,SCOTL:1+SVRL OBS:2 BIG ORG SPHERES ZIGZAG ALLO:LIVESTOCK PANICS", **LatLong:** "56.711114 -3.716667", **LatLongDMS:** "56:42:40 N 03:43:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/56.711114,-3.716667)", **State/Prov:** "Scotland", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 25417 (417F0112)
**Date:** 8/15/1965 (approximate)
**Time:** ~21:00
**Location:** CUMANACOA, VNZL
**Description:** 3 / car. Glow / roadside. Metallic disk hovers / 5M altitude. Follows car. Quickly going up [to] and away.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 793)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7325
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Venezuela", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "309", **HatchDesc:** "CUMANACOA,VNZL:3/CAR:GLOW/ROADSIDE:MTLC DISK HVRS/5M alt:FOLOS CAR:↑↑+AWAY", **LatLong:** "10.250000 -63.916670", **LatLongDMS:** "10:15:00 N 63:55:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/10.250000,-63.916670)", **RelAlt:** "5", **State/Prov:** "SCR", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 25418 (39AC2F90)
**Date:** 8/15/1965
**Time:** 23:00
**Location:** SALEM, NH
**Description:** Classic saucer with mast over dome. Hovers 30m over lake 90m away / 2 observer(s). Hums.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FOWLER, Raymond E.: UFO'S, INTERPLANETARY VISITORS; Prentice Hall & Bantam Books, NY 1979. 346pp. (Index 321)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7326
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "40", **HatchDesc:** "SALEM,NH:CLASSIC SCR W/MAST OVR DOME:HVRS 30m OVR LAKE 90m AWAY/2 OBS:HUMS", **LatLong:** "42.788891 -71.200003", **LatLongDMS:** "42:47:20 N 71:12:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.788891,-71.200003)", **RelAlt:** "30", **State/Prov:** "New Hampshire", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 25419 (A664D420)
**Date:** 8/15/1965
**Time:** 23:00
**Location:** SALTO, URG
**Description:** 5 observer(s). 8 Mx3.5M saucer lands / road. 3 figure(s) move inside. Up and away. / r67p42+/ r8.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LORENZEN, Coral & Jim: ENCOUNTERS with UFO OCCUPANTS; APRO/Berkley Medallion Books 1976. 424pp (Index 156)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7327
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Uruguay", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "52", **HatchDesc:** "SALTO,URG:5 OBS:8Mx3.5M SCR LANDS/ROAD:3 FIGs MOVE INSIDE:UP+AWAY:/r67p42+/r8", **LatLong:** "-31.383335 -57.950003", **LatLongDMS:** "31:23:00 S 57:57:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-31.383335,-57.950003)", **State/Prov:** "SAL", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 25420 (6281ED2C)
**Date:** 8/15/1965
**Time:** 0200
**Location:** Nablus, Jordan
**Description:** A guard saw a boatlike object flying at high speed, with red flames on its sides. It circled and came low over a farm. In fear, the man fired at it with his rifle.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** FSR 66, 1 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_680
### Event 25421 (B7BE72D6)
**Date:** 8/15/1965
**Time:** 2300
**Location:** Salto, Uruguay
**Description:** Five persons in a car heard a humming sound, and an object with changing colored lights landed and blocked the road while the car engine stalled. The object was as wide as the road, and 3 m high. Before it took off, three human beings were seen inside.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Humanoids 42 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_681
### Event 25422 (5A00A5CA)
**Date:** 8/15/1965
**Description:** At 5:00 p.m. two large orange spheres zig-zagged over a pasture in Pitlochry, Tayside, Scotland, causing the livestock to panic. There were several witnesses, and the sighting lasted for an hour.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Larry Hatch, U computer database, case # 6880, citing Lumieres dans la Nuit
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5035
### Event 25423 (13370864)
**Date:** 8/15/1965
**Description:** On a highway in Salto, Uruguay at 11:00 p.m. five people in a car heard a loud hum and then saw a UFO land directly in front of their car, stalling the car's engine. Its brilliant white luminescent glow changed to red, then to yellow, and then to green. The object itself, a leaden color, was nine feet in height and as wide as the road. Three human-looking figures could be seen moving inside the UFO, illuminated by a green light. Finally, with a burst of orange flame, the object rose vertically and vanished.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Coral & Jim Lorenzen, Flying Saucer Occupants, p. 113; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1965-35 (A0646), citing Donald Hanlon, in Charles Bowen (editor), The Humanoids, p. 42
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5036
### Event 25424 (66226958)
**Date:** 8/15/1965
**Description:** An hour later, at 11:00 p.m. EDT, a domed disc hovered 100 feet over the lake in Salem, New Hampshire. The dome had a central mast and its rim glowed red and yellow, and it was making a humming sound.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Raymond E. Fowler, UFOs: Interplanetary Visitors, p. 333
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5037
### Event 25425 (05171B62)
**Date:** 8/16/1965
**Time:** 00:00
**Location:** BROUGH, CUMBRIA
**Description:** 3+1 observer(s). Sheep and cows restless and noisy. Dark shape with 2 orange lights seen.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 138)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7328
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "75", **Elev:** "260", **HatchDesc:** "BROUGH,CUMBRIA:3+1 OBS:SHEEP+COWS RESTLESS+NOISY:DARK SHAPE W/2 ORG LITES SEEN", **LatLong:** "54.533336 -2.333333", **LatLongDMS:** "54:32:00 N 02:20:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/54.533336,-2.333333)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 25426 (59012939)
**Date:** 8/16/1965
**Time:** 10:50
**Location:** SEDALIA, MO
**Description:** Woman abduction. 4 hours / missing time. Small humanoids (or Greys) gather grass and dirt. Physical exam. Complex conversion.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CLARK, Jerome: High Strangeness: UFO's from 1960 through 1979. The UFO ENCYCLOPEDIA Volume 3. 1996 Omnigraphics Inc Detroit, MI ISBN 1-55888-742-3 (Index 100)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7329
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **TLP:** Telepathy, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **RBT:** Possible robot or "Grey", mechanical motions, **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens, **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly, **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **CVS:** Conversation/communication, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "240", **Elev:** "277", **HatchDesc:** "SEDALIA,MO:WOMAN ABD:4hrs/MST:OIDS GATHER GRASS+DIRT:PHYS.EXAM:COMPLEX CONVRSN", **LatLong:** "38.700002 -93.250004", **LatLongDMS:** "38:42:00 N 93:15:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.700002,-93.250004)", **State/Prov:** "Missouri", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 25427 (5982D93E)
**Date:** 8/16/1965
**Time:** 22:50
**Location:** BIENNE, SWZ
**Description:** Opaque triangle going northeast. Lights / corners. Makes big turn and vanishes suddenly.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Database/website: Chez HEIDI site: Alain Stauffer. GREPI / Switzerland http://home.worldcom.ch/~dbenaroy/heidi.html
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7330
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Switzerland", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "BIENNE,SWZ:OPAQUE TRIANGLE >NE:LITES/CORNERS:MAKES BIG TURN+VANISHES SUDDENLY", **LatLong:** "47.166669 7.233334", **LatLongDMS:** "47:10:00 N 07:14:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.166669,7.233334)", **State/Prov:** "Berne", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 25428 (EC9D71D7)
**Date:** 8/16/1965
**Location:** US
**Description:** Christian Science Monitor editorial: "[UFOs] sighted early this month over Texas may give scientists something to think about for a long time. . . . They give the clearest evidence of all that something strange actually was in the sky. . . . It makes the clearest case yet for a thorough look at the saucer mystery."
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_56
### Event 25429 (12628E6F)
**Date:** 8/16/1965
**Location:** northwest edge of Sedalia, Missouri
**Description:** 10:45 p.m.–12:20 a.m. A woman leaves her house on the northwest edge of Sedalia, Missouri, to drive to a drug store. As she is returning home, she sees an unusual figure in the ditch to her right. It turns and waves at her, then stumbles as it climbs out of the ditch. Something \(a large bird?\) flies up in the air a few feet from the car. She steps on the gas and goes home, where her husband asks her where she has been because it is now 12:25 a.m. In 1977, she undergoes hypnotic regression with hypnotist Ron Owen and recalls an abduction experience where she undergoes some type of examination.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clark III 278–279; Patrick Gross, [URECAT](https://ufologie.patrickgross.org/ce3/1965-08-16-usa-sedalia.htm)[,](https://ufologie.patrickgross.org/ce3/1965-08-16-usa-sedalia.htm) August 25, 2008
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3930
### Event 25430 (8E392ECA)
**Date:** 8/16/1965
**Description:** At midnight in Brough, Durham County, England three women reported that their sheep and cattle were agitated and noisy when a dark shape with two orange lights appeared in the sky. The close encounter lasted 75 minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Gordon Creighton, FSR, November-December 1970, p. 28
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5077
### Event 25431 (91656529)
**Date:** 8/16/1965
**Description:** A woman was driving home at 11:00 p.m. and was within a mile of her house in Sedalia, Missouri when she saw a light in a field with “smoke” around it. In a nearby ditch she noticed two large “birds,” one of which flew at her car. She arrived home at 12:25 a.m. unable to account for the lapse of time. Under hypnotic regression she recalled that the “birds” in the ditch where in fact two entities wearing spacesuits. One carried a sack on its back, into which the other was putting clumps of grass and soil samples. They were “bouncing up & down, their arms flopping at their sides” in a “stiff” manner suggestive of robots. One started to come out of the ditch, slipped back, then emerged and stood in front of her; its helmet beginning to glow brilliantly. She could now see that its head was wrapped up in tape like a mummy, with only the eyes visible. It stood slightly over five feet tall. At this point a football-shaped UFO landed on the road ahead of her car. Two beings with slightly pointed heads & “wrap around” eyes emerged from the object and opened her car door. They conducted her inside the craft, assuring her telepathically that she would not be hurt. The air inside the UFO was “heavy” and difficult to breathe. Once she was inside they flew the ship over a nearby field, which caused its interior lights to change from white to red. One of the entities, who did most of the communicating, appeared to be a scientist or doctor, and he wore an insignia of three rings on his chest. Another had a red lighting flash symbol on his uniform, and she took him to be the pilot. A third entity appeared to be a woman. All three stood 5’10” tall. The “doctor” put an object of some kind over her head, and she felt as if something were going into her brain. A round black object was then taken out of the wall, and with it “pictures” were taken of her; the object glowed blue when the pictures were taken. On a screen on the wall appeared a pattern: seven vertical lines with markings between them, which she thought must be some type of tabular representation of her brain and body. Two more figures, about a foot shorter than the other three, made their appearance. These beings resembled “gnomes,” and they aroused fear in the woman. They appeared old because their foreheads were wrinkled. She was told by the "doctor" that they and the “mummies” came from different planets. Finally she was led back to her car; the UFO ascended, and then vanished while still at low altitude.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case # 1965-78, citing Ron Owen & Jerome Clark
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5078
### Event 25432 (80D70410)
**Date:** 8/17/1965
**Location:** (LOC UNK), EL SALVADOR
**Description:** Circular luminous/glowing object going [to] overhead. Photographs / prize winning photograph. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 40)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7331
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "El Salvador", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "700", **HatchDesc:** "(loc unk),EL SALVADOR:CIRC.LUMn OBJ > OVHD:FOTOS/PRIZE WINNING PHOTOGR:NFD", **LatLong:** "13.500001 -88.666671", **LatLongDMS:** "13:30:00 N 88:40:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/13.500001,-88.666671)", **State/Prov:** "Unknown", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 25433 (75E1A7BB)
**Date:** 8/17/1965
**Time:** ~20:00
**Location:** LIMA, PERU
**Description:** Small humanoid (or Grey) knocks / door. Woman screams. He runs. Luminous sphere/orb/globe going quickly west overhead. / ultima Hora.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BOWEN, Charles (ed.) The HUMANOIDS: HB Henry Regnery, Chicago 1969. 256pp. PB 1977 Futura, London (Index 117)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7332
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **CVS:** Conversation/communication, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Peru", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "107", **HatchDesc:** "LIMA,PERU:OID KNOCKS/DOOR:WOMAN SCREAMS:HE RUNS:LUMN.ORB >>W OVHD:/ULTIMA HORA", **LatLong:** "-12.083334 -77.050004", **LatLongDMS:** "12:05:00 S 77:03:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-12.083334,-77.050004)", **State/Prov:** "LIM", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 25434 (56B2D5B6)
**Date:** 8/17/1965
**Time:** 21:50
**Location:** SOUTH / CARACAS, VNZ
**Description:** Many observer(s). Glowing-ovoid hovers / reservoir. Lands / lawn. Car malfunctions due to EME (electro-magnetic effects). / r111p242.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 801)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7333
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Venezuela", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "30", **Elev:** "600", **HatchDesc:** "S/CARACAS,VNZ:MANY OBS:GLOW-OVOID HVRS/RSVR:LANDS/LAWN:CAR EMES:/r111p242", **LatLong:** "10.216667 -66.966670", **LatLongDMS:** "10:13:00 N 66:58:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/10.216667,-66.966670)", **State/Prov:** "MRN", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 25435 (D0BA7B1F)
**Date:** 8/18/1965
**Location:** NOBLESVILLE, IN
**Description:** Domed top-saucer with body lights hovers over car. Engine electro-magnetic effect (EME) and Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). / NICAP.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO Evidence II: HB: Scarecrow Press Lanham, MD. http://www.scarecrowpress.com ISBN 0-8108-3881-8 (Index 249)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7334
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "142", **HatchDesc:** "NOBLESVILLE,IN:DOMED TOP-SCR W/BODY LITES HVRS OVR CAR:ENGINE EME+RFI:/NICAP", **LatLong:** "40.033335 -86.000004", **LatLongDMS:** "40:02:00 N 86:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.033335,-86.000004)", **State/Prov:** "Indiana", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 25436 (15AD6FE8)
**Date:** 8/18/1965
**Location:** TRAVERSE CITY, MI
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #555? unidentified. Heller and many. Photographs no good-blacked out / USAF.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFOCAT CATALOG: Assorted Printouts. Donald A. Johnson Ph.D (CUFOS). P.O. Box 446, Concord, NH 03302-0446 (Index 78)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7335
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "180", **HatchDesc:** "TRAVERSE CITY,MI:BBK#555? UID:HELLER+MANY:FOTOS NO GOOD-BLACKED OUT/USAF", **LatLong:** "44.766669 -85.622226", **LatLongDMS:** "44:46:00 N 85:37:20 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.766669,-85.622226)", **State/Prov:** "Michigan", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 25437 (CD165F52)
**Date:** 8/18/1965
**Time:** 21:30
**Description:** Slow unidentified object with green light goes over Sao Martinho.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LOURENCO, Victor: The PORTUCAT CATALOG; (BBS Download). (Index 94)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7336
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Atlantic Ocean + islands", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "FUNCHAL,MADEIRA ISls:SLOW UID OBJ W/GREEN LITE GOES OVER SAO MARTINHO:", **LatLong:** "32.650002 -16.883334", **LatLongDMS:** "32:39:00 N 16:53:00 W", **Locale:** "Islands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/32.650002,-16.883334)", **State/Prov:** "MDR", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 25438 (64145DCF)
**Date:** 8/18/1965
**Location:** Noblesville, IN
**Description:** Top-shaped object with dome, body lights, hovered over car. Report in NICAP files (E,R) (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2856
### Event 25439 (29B1B28B)
**Date:** 8/18/1965
**Location:** Noblesville, Indiana
**Description:** 9:50 p.m. Michael S. Henry and another college student are driving 3 miles south of Noblesville, Indiana, when a large red lighted object swoops down on their car. The radio and ignition go dead. The UFO looks like a top, with a large, gray cone and a flat or slightly domed top.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Herbert S. Taylor, “An Update on Vehicle Interference Reports, Part Two,” IUR 34, no. 1 \(Sept. 2011\): 15
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3931
### Event 25440 (FC67B5D0)
**Date:** 8/18/1965
**Description:** In Noblesville, Indiana at 10:50 p.m. the engine and radio of a car with two occupants inside died when a top-shaped object with a dome and body lights hovered over the car. The close encounter lasted for four minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty-Year Report, p. 249
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5126
### Event 25441 (9A55A8A1)
**Date:** 8/19/1965
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) At Cheffy Creek \(New York\), Miss William Butcher, her 17-year-old son Harold and a child witness a large elliptical object, with reddish steam beneath it, approach the ground. When the object is on the ground, a continuous beep is heard. Shortly after, a strange smell is noticed. Then all of a sudden the object departs into the clouds, a few seconds later. Radio is distorted by static effects, the engine of a tractor stops. (August 19, 8:20 PM)
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#9806 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1965.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2131
### Event 25442 (75C70085)
**Date:** 8/19/1965
**Location:** LANN-BIHOUE, FR
**Description:** Military observer(s) / (seen thru) binoculars. Sphere stops over airbase. 2 dark sections / bottom.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BOEDEC, Jean-Francois: Les OVNI EN BRETAGNE, Anatomie d'un Phenomene. 1978 Editions Fernand Lanore, Paris. (Index 31)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7337
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "LANN-BIHOUE,FR:MIL.OBS/BINOCS:SPHERE STOPS OVR AIRBASE:2 DARK SECTIONS/BOTTOM", **LatLong:** "47.750002 -3.433333", **LatLongDMS:** "47:45:00 N 03:26:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.750002,-3.433333)", **State/Prov:** "Morbihan", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 25443 (B78E4017)
**Date:** 8/19/1965
**Time:** 20:20
**Location:** CHERRY CREEK, NY
**Description:** Several observer(s). Radio and tractor electro-magnetic effect (EME). Saucer going down / ground. Lights clouds. Going southwest. / r41p57.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 791)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7338
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "398", **HatchDesc:** "CHERRY CREEK,NY:SVRL OBS:RDO+TRACTOR EME:SCR↓/GND:LITES CLOUDS:>SW:/r41p57", **LatLong:** "42.266669 -79.083337", **LatLongDMS:** "42:16:00 N 79:05:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.266669,-79.083337)", **State/Prov:** "New York", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 25444 (3920F03C)
**Date:** 8/19/1965
**Time:** 20:30
**Location:** MEXICO, DF, MEXICO
**Description:** 2 students. Saucer going down / tripod. 2 80CM small humanoids (or Greys). Piece / metal with markings. / APRO.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BOWEN, Charles (ed.) The HUMANOIDS: HB Henry Regnery, Chicago 1969. 256pp. PB 1977 Futura, London (Index 117)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7339
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HOX:** Suspicion of hoax, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Mexico", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "8", **Elev:** "2221", **HatchDesc:** "MEXICO,DF,MEX:2 STUDENTS:SCR↓/TRIPOD:2 80CM OIDS:PIECE/MTL W/MARKINGS:/APRO", **LatLong:** "19.466668 -99.150005", **LatLongDMS:** "19:28:00 N 99:09:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/19.466668,-99.150005)", **State/Prov:** "DF", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 25445 (466F5825)
**Date:** 8/19/1965
**Location:** Cherry Creek, NY
**Description:** Cherry Creek (Butcher) Trace Case (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions, Code: An, Rating: 5, BB: 9806) (NICAP: 05 - Medical Incidents) (NICAP: 06 - Trace Cases) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases) (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases)
**Reference:** NICAP: [650819](http://www.nicap.org/650819cherrycreek2%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2857
### Event 25446 (D4AFE7F9)
**Date:** 8/19/1965
**Time:** 8:20 PM
**Location:** Cherry Creek New York
**Description:** Witnesses: Mrs. William Butcher, son Harold, 17, and children. A large elliptical object, with a reddish vapor underneath, came close to the ground, then shot straight up into the clouds a few seconds later. Radio drowned out by static, a tractor engine stopped. When the object was on the ground, a steady beeping sound could be heard. Afterwards, a strange odor was noticed, and the next day, a purplish liquid, 2"x2" marks and patches of singed grass were found at the site. A bull bellowed and tried to break its bonds.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_526
### Event 25447 (C63951D8)
**Date:** 8/19/1965
**Location:** Cherry Creek, NY
**Description:** E-M effects in barn, elliptical object landed nearby, animals reacted, beeping sound. Object shot straight up into clouds. Physical traces at site
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_57
### Event 25448 (203E8677)
**Date:** 8/19/1965
**Location:** Mount Airy, North Carolina
**Description:** 3:00 a.m. Thelma B. Schumaker and her mother, Mrs. W. H. Blackburn, are awakened by an explosion in their backyard in Mount Airy, North Carolina. The sound seems to rise and travel west. They see a bright golden cigar hovering in the north. The object moves to the right then to the left, then up and down, left again, then disappears behind some high oak trees. The next morning, the witnesses find a 6-inch-wide circle of depressed sod that is worn down to the soil. The circle is 12 feet in diameter.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Ted Phillips, [Physical Traces Associated with](http://cufos.org/books/Physical%5FTraces.pdf) [UFO Sightings](http://cufos.org/books/Physical%5FTraces.pdf), CUFOS, 1975, p. 37
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3932
### Event 25449 (427FD7E0)
**Date:** 8/19/1965
**Locations:** Cherry Creek, New York; Niagara Falls Air Force Base; Lockport Air Force Station
**Description:** 8:20–9:00 p.m. Harold Butcher, 16, is milking the cows in his father’s barn in Cherry Creek, New York, and listening to radio station WKBW. Just outside, a 3-year old bull is tied by its nose to a metal pipe. Harold hears the bull make a noise “like I have never heard come from an animal before.” Looking out the window, he sees the animal is bending the pipe. Simultaneously, he sees a metallic-looking, football-shaped UFO about 50 feet long and approximately 20 feet thick hovering just above the trees an estimated 450 feet from the barn. Slowly, the object descends behind a maple tree, emitting a red vapor from around its edges and a “beep-beep” sound. Meanwhile, the radio is emitting static, even though WKBW usually has a clear signal. Harold calls the house on an intercom, then runs outside. As he approaches the bull, the UFO rises and moves behind some clouds “as fast as a snap of my fingers” emitting red vapor toward the ground, then bounces back to the ship as it hovers about 10 feet in the air. The noise also increases to a level approximating a sonic boom as it goes up. As the UFO disappears, the clouds turn green. Inside, the boy’s mother, Mrs. William Butcher, notes that there is “definite interference” in her radio reception. Harold’s brother, Robert, also goes outside and the two boys see that the UFO has reappeared, this time hovering over a pine grove. It ascends again, emitting the red vapor and turning the clouds green. Others in the house include William Butcher Jr. and Kathleen Brougham, a friend. They do not see the object. It returns twice at 8:45 and 9:00 p.m., finally disappearing to the southwest. Trooper E. J. Haas and a fellow officer arrive on the scene shortly thereafter. As they all walk out to inspect the area of the initial sighting, they notice a pungent odor. Harold and the young daughter suffer from upset stomachs. Mrs. Butcher says the cows produce only one can of milk that evening, as opposed to their usual two and a half cans. Harold discovers a purple, oily-smelling liquid and gives a sample of it to the state police, who turn it over to Capt. James A. Dorsey and five others from Niagara Falls Air Force Base \[now Niagara Falls Air Reserve Station\], who come to investigate the report the following afternoon. When NICAP investigator Jeffrey Gow arrives on the scene, he notices the foot-tall grass in the area “seemed to be bent over in long curved sweeps.” Radar targets are picked up between 8:00–8:30 p.m. by an AN/FPS-6 Long Range Height Finder Radar of the 763rd Radar Squadron at Lockport Air Force Station \[now closed\] near Shawnee, New York. The target is sighted near the upper limit of the radar.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** NICAP, “[Close Encounter Has Radar Evidence](http://www.nicap.org/650819cherrycreek%5Fdir.htm)”; NICAP, “[Cherry Creek \(Butcher\) Trace Case](http://www.nicap.org/650819cherrycreek2%5Fdir.htm)”; Center for UFO Studies, \[[case documents](http://www.cufos.org/cases/1965%5F08%5F19%5FUS%5FNY%5FCherry-Creek%5FGALGANSKI%5FButcher-CE-II.pdf)\]; “[Landing Probed by NICAP, AF,](http://cufos.org/UFOI%5Fand%5FSelected%5FDocuments/UFOI/028%20AUG-SEPT%201965.pdf)” UFO Investigator 3, no. 4 \(July/Aug. 1965\): 7; “[The Cherry Creek Incident,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201965%2011%2000%20-%20November-December.pdf)” APRO Bulletin, Nov./Dec. 1965, p. 7; [Schopick](http://cufos.org/books/A%5FStudy%5Fof%5FSecondary%5FEffects-An%5FUnpublished%5FManuscript%5Fof%5FUFO%5FE-M%5FCases.pdf), pp. 178–184; Hynek UFO Report, [pp. 170–172](https://archive.org/details/hynekuforeport00alle/page/170/mode/2up); Robert A. Galganski, “Incident at Cherry Creek,” IUR 21, no. 3 \(Fall 1996\): 3– 12, 27–29; [Sparks](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf), p. 307; Randle, Levelland, 2021, pp. 118–124
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3933
### Event 25450 (D2A14EBC)
**Date:** 8/19/1965
**Description:** At 8:20 p.m. in Cherry Creek, New York Mrs. William Butcher, her son Harold, age 17, and other children saw a large elliptical object, with reddish vapor underneath, that came close to the ground, then shot straight up into the clouds a few seconds later. Their radio was drowned out by static, and a tractor engine stopped. When the object was on the ground, a steady beeping sound could be heard. Afterwards, a strange odor was noticed, and the next day, a purplish liquid, 2"x2" marks and patches of singed grass were found at the site. A bull bellowed and tried to break its bonds.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Don Berliner, Project Bluebook UFO Unknowns
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5156
### Event 25451 (8D8B1906)
**Date:** 8/20/1965
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) A purple liquid, 2x2 inch marks, and pieces of grass were found at the observation site from the previous night. A bull bellowed and tried to break its bonds. (August 20)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1965.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2132
### Event 25452 (86C40231)
**Date:** 8/20/1965
**Time:** 03:00
**Location:** MOUNT AIRY, NC
**Description:** Luminous vertical cylinder/cigar-shape maneuvers. Goes going [to] trees. Observer(s) frozen. 4M crushed grass. / NICAP.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA; H. Regnery, Chicago HC 1969 & Contemporary Books,Chicago 1993. 372pp. (Index 682)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7340
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "336", **HatchDesc:** "MOUNT AIRY,NC:LUM VERT CGR MNVRS:GOES>TREES:OBS FROZEN:4M CRUSHED GRASS:/NICAP", **LatLong:** "36.500002 -80.600004", **LatLongDMS:** "36:30:00 N 80:36:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/36.500002,-80.600004)", **State/Prov:** "North Carolina", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 25453 (85C7891B)
**Date:** 8/20/1965
**Time:** 11:00
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Motorcycle stalls. 2 spheres roam erratically. Gone / bang.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RODEGHIER, Mark/CUFOS: UFO REPORTS INVOLVING VEHICLE INTERFERENCE; CUFOS 1979. Available as CUFOS UFO Archive #1 CD-ROM. http://www.cufos.org/Pubform.pdf (Index 25)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7341
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "124", **HatchDesc:** "nr DILTON MARSH,WILTs:2 OBS:MCYCLE STALLS:2 SPHERES ROAM ERRATICALLY:GONE/BANG", **LatLong:** "51.250002 -2.216667", **LatLongDMS:** "51:15:00 N 02:13:00 W", **Locale:** "Wetlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.250002,-2.216667)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 25454 (680700C3)
**Date:** 8/20/1965
**Time:** 11:20
**Description:** Several separate observer(s). 2 night light-saucers maneuver. Watches and motors stop.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SHUTTLEWOOD, Arthur: The WARMINSTER MYSTERY. Neville-Spearman/Tandem Books PB 1967, London. (Index 77)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7342
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "8", **Elev:** "140", **HatchDesc:** "CHAPMANSLADE,ENGL:SVRL SEP.OBS:2 NLT-SCRS MNVR:WATCHES+MOTORS STOP.", **LatLong:** "51.227780 -2.250000", **LatLongDMS:** "51:13:40 N 02:15:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.227780,-2.250000)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 25455 (6B05FC30)
**Date:** 8/20/1965
**Time:** 11:50
**Location:** NEAR CUZCO, PERU
**Description:** Tiny small humanoids (or Greys) / Inca ruins see observers. Going quickly [to] 1.5M saucer and fly. / r67p43+/ r113p156.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 793)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7343
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Peru", **Credibility:** "5", **Duration:** "8", **Elev:** "3330", **HatchDesc:** "nr CUZCO,PERU:TINY OIDS/INCA RUINS SEE OBSs:>> 1.5M SCR+FLY:/r67p43+/r113p156", **LatLong:** "-13.500001 -72.000003", **LatLongDMS:** "13:30:00 S 72:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-13.500001,-72.000003)", **State/Prov:** "CUZ", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 25456 (673B17F2)
**Date:** 8/20/1965
**Time:** 17:30
**Location:** HAVERHILL, MASS
**Description:** Former Navy aircraft spotter on hilltop sees saucer hover over city.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FOWLER, Raymond E.: UFO'S, INTERPLANETARY VISITORS; Prentice Hall & Bantam Books, NY 1979. 346pp. (Index 68)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7344
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "8", **HatchDesc:** "HAVERHILL,MASS:FORMER NAVY AIRCRAFT SPOTTER on HILLTOP SEES SCR HVR OVR CITY:", **LatLong:** "42.766669 -71.066670", **LatLongDMS:** "42:46:00 N 71:04:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.766669,-71.066670)", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 25457 (99435913)
**Date:** 8/20/1965
**Time:** 23:00
**Location:** MARCH DEL PLATA, ARG
**Description:** Several observer(s). Saucer lands right in town. Small humanoids (or Greys) work on it. / r67p42+/ r8.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LORENZEN, Coral & Jim: ENCOUNTERS with UFO OCCUPANTS; APRO/Berkley Medallion Books 1976. 424pp (Index 156)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7345
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "30", **Elev:** "39", **HatchDesc:** "MAR DEL PLATA,ARG:SVRL OBS:SCR LANDS RIGHT IN TOWN:OIDS WORK ON IT:/r67p42+/r8", **LatLong:** "-37.983335 -57.566669", **LatLongDMS:** "37:59:00 S 57:34:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-37.983335,-57.566669)", **State/Prov:** "Buenos Aires", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 25458 (BF27A68C)
**Date:** 8/20/1965
**Location:** Plattsburgh, NY
**Description:** (McDonald list) GCA Radar Tracks Flat Disc (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** NICAP: [650820](http://www.nicap.org/650820plattsburgh%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2862
### Event 25459 (BFDFA526)
**Date:** 8/20/1965
**Location:** Pease AFB, NH
**Description:** CPN-18 Tracks UFO / Visual Sighting (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5)
**Reference:** NICAP: [650820](http://www.nicap.org/650820peaseafb%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2863
### Event 25460 (C3ACA3FD)
**Date:** 8/20/1965
**Time:** 0300
**Location:** Mount Airy, North Carolina
**Description:** Mrs. T. E. Schumaker was awakened by a loud humming sound and found she could not speak or move for a while. When she finally reached her window, she saw a vertical, cigarshaped, luminous object. It moved right and left, then back, etc. Ultimately it disappeared behind some trees. The next morning a circle of crushed grass, 4 m in diameter, was found in the yard.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** FSR 66,2 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_682
### Event 25461 (E546C013)
**Date:** 8/20/1965
**Time:** 1150
**Location:** Cuzco, Peru
**Description:** Several tourists, including Alberto Ugarte and Elwin Voter, observed a strange craft landing near the Inca ruins that they were visiting. Two creatures described as luminous dwarfs, who seemed to have "vertical mouths," were seen briefly.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Humanoids 43 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_683
### Event 25462 (888C7802)
**Date:** 8/20/1965
**Time:** 1820
**Location:** Cherry Creek, New York
**Description:** Four students working on a farm noted radio interference and a peculiar "beeping sound," then saw an object at low altitude on the farm of William Butcher. It was shaped like two saucers glued together, had a shiny chromelike surface, diameter of 15 m, height of 6 m, and left a trail and smell of burned gasoline. It rose straight up into the clouds, which were illuminated with green light. Five min later it came down again over a woods, rose, and finally flew off to the southwest. Effects were noted on animals: milk production decreased from 2 1/2 barrels to one; a dog barked, and other animals were terrified.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Atic ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_684
### Event 25463 (1C33FA3F)
**Date:** 8/20/1965
**Time:** 2300
**Location:** Mar del Plata, Argentina
**Description:** Mr. and Mrs. Yacobi heard a loud humming sound and saw a glowing, oval, flashing object land 200 m away. Figures moved around it, as if examining the craft, which took off again.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Humanoids 42 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_685
### Event 25464 (99965905)
**Date:** 8/20/1965
**Description:** At 3:00 a.m. EDT Mrs. T. E. Schumaker of Mount Airy, North Carolina was awakened by a loud humming sound and found she could not speak or move for awhile. When she finally was able to reach her window and look out, she saw a vertical, cigar- shaped, luminous object. It moved right and left, then back and forth, etc. Ultimately it disappeared behind some trees. The next morning a circle of crushed grass, four meters in diameter, was found in her yard.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case # 682; Flying Saucer Review, March-April 1966
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5177
### Event 25465 (D1F5AB46)
**Date:** 8/20/1965
**Description:** At 5:20 a.m. EDT a former Navy aircraft spotter sighted a grayish-silver disc hovering over the city of Haverhill, Massachusetts as he approached in his car from the crest of a high hill. It made no sound.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Raymond E. Fowler, UFOs: Interplanetary Visitors, p. 70
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5178
### Event 25466 (81A9EDB1)
**Date:** 8/20/1965
**Description:** At 11:50 a.m. several tourists in Cuzco, Peru, including Alberto Ugarte and Elwin Voter, observed a strange craft land near the Inca ruins that they were visiting. The object was a small silvery disc, only five feet in diameter, and it landed on a terrace of the Sacsahuaman Inca site. Two luminous dwarfish beings, “of strange shape and dazzling brightness,” briefly emerged from it. They were also described as having "vertical mouths." They quickly got back inside into their craft, which then flew off.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case # 1965-38; APRO Bulletin, January-February 1966; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case # 683; FSR Special Issue #1: The Humanoids, p. 43
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5179
### Event 25467 (9FDA7E73)
**Date:** 8/20/1965
**Description:** At 11:00 p.m. local time Eduardo Lujan Yacobi and his wife, Teresa Ernestina Acuna, were returning to their home in Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires province, Argentina when they heard a loud humming sound and saw a reddish glowing, oval-shaped object pass overhead and land 200 meters away. The object, which was flashing and rotating, brushed the tops of nearby trees in its passage overhead and, after landing, the Yacobis could see luminous red or violet figures moving about and examining the craft, as if in some type of repair activity. After a short while these figures re-entered the machine, which took off and disappeared within a few seconds. Others in the neighborhood had seen the object’s passage overhead, and still others had heard the humming noise. Total duration of incident was 30 minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case # 1965-39; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case # 685; FSR Special Issue #1: The Humanoids, p. 42
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5180
### Event 25468 (DBFAB7A6)
**Date:** 8/21/1965
**Location:** ISLAND PARK, LI, NY
**Description:** Man woken / light. 4 night lights / 2 hours. Photographs show 4 identical irregular shapes.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** TIME-LIFE: The UFO PHENOMENON; Time-Life Books, Alexandria, VA. ( undated coffee-table hardcover.) (Index 93)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7346
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "120", **Elev:** "43", **HatchDesc:** "ISLAND PARK,LI,NY:MAN WOKEN/LITE:4 NLTS/2hrs:FOTOS SHOW 4 IDENT IRREG. SHAPES", **LatLong:** "40.605557 -73.655559", **LatLongDMS:** "40:36:20 N 73:39:20 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.605557,-73.655559)", **State/Prov:** "New York", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 25469 (5F6643F9)
**Date:** 8/21/1965
**Time:** ~07:00
**Location:** MALABAR, FL
**Description:** Aerospace Tech. 3 saucers scout Gemini 5 launch contrail. Photographs. / MJ#268.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 40)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7347
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "8", **HatchDesc:** "MALABAR,FL:AEROSPACE TECH:3 SCRS SCOUT GEMINI 5 launch contrail:FOTOS:/MJ#268", **LatLong:** "28.000001 -80.566671", **LatLongDMS:** "28:00:00 N 80:34:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/28.000001,-80.566671)", **State/Prov:** "Florida", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 25470 (0F8EDD6D)
**Date:** 8/21/1965
**Time:** 1530
**Location:** Bury's Bridge, Eire
**Description:** A man was repairing the broken chain of his motorbike when an object shaped like a top, gray, spinning, 1.8 m high, same diameter, suddenly appeared 5 m away, 1.5 m above the road. It shot off toward the northeast.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** FSR 65,6 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_686
### Event 25471 (90E0DC06)
**Date:** 8/21/1965
**Location:** US
**Description:** Science editor, Christian Science Monitor: "Flying saucers are all but literally knocking on the laboratory door. . . . Something definitely is going on that cannot yet be explained."
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_58
### Event 25472 (7D8D439C)
**Date:** 8/21/1965
**Location:** 37.0000 -116.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Ticking” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_422
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0000 -116.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:00 N 116:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0000,-116.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Ticking", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 25473 (CF9AC461)
**Date:** 8/21/1965
**Description:** On this day at a school outside of Mexico City, Mexico two groups of students had separate but identical meetings with aliens. The students were in two groups of three, and encountered a landed metallic disc 150 feet wide. The occupants were blond, blue-eyed human-looking beings who were seven feet tall and wore metallic coveralls. They were taken on a three hour long space journey and telepathic messages.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb and Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, cases A0653 and A0654, citing Terrance McGarry for UPI
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5209
### Event 25474 (1B52C84E)
**Date:** 8/22/1965 (approximate)
**Time:** ~16:00
**Description:** 20' saucer descends. 3' small humanoid (or Grey) vanishes. Burnt grass and indents.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LORENZEN, Coral & Jim: ENCOUNTERS with UFO OCCUPANTS; APRO/Berkley Medallion Books 1976. 424pp (Index 197)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7348
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "301", **HatchDesc:** "WAVERLY> Event 25475 (3097A609)
**Date:** 8/22/1965
**Time:** ~22:00
**Description:** 4 hunters. 12 luminous disks appear. 1 responds / flashlight..
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 793)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7349
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Mexico", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "100", **HatchDesc:** "San QUENTIN VALLEY,MX:4 HUNTERS:12 LUMn.DISKS APPEAR:1 RESPONDs/FLASHLITE..", **LatLong:** "32.450002 -116.966672", **LatLongDMS:** "32:27:00 N 116:58:00 W", **Locale:** "Desert", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/32.450002,-116.966672)", **State/Prov:** "Baja California", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 25476 (A35256D3)
**Date:** 8/23/1965
**Location:** MEXICO CITY
**Description:** 2 separate groups / students taken / space station / 2.1M pseudo-human/entity and odd types. / MJ#226.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BOWEN, Charles (ed.) The HUMANOIDS: HB Henry Regnery, Chicago 1969. 256pp. PB 1977 Futura, London (Index 118)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7350
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **TLP:** Telepathy, **HOX:** Suspicion of hoax, **CNT:** Contactee related, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **CVS:** Conversation/communication, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Mexico", **Credibility:** "4", **Duration:** "200", **Elev:** "2221", **HatchDesc:** "MEXICO CITY:2 SEP.GRPS/STUDENTS TAKEN/SPACE STATION/2.1M PSH+ODD TYPES:/MJ#226", **LatLong:** "19.466668 -99.166671", **LatLongDMS:** "19:28:00 N 99:10:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/19.466668,-99.166671)", **State/Prov:** "DF", **Strangeness:** "12"
### Event 25477 (0B3F4DF1)
**Date:** 8/23/1965
**Time:** 01:00
**Location:** APOSTOLES, ARG
**Description:** 5M saucer lands / railroad/railway tracks. Door opens. Figure looks around. / r8#687.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LORENZEN, Coral & Jim: ENCOUNTERS with UFO OCCUPANTS; APRO/Berkley Medallion Books 1976. 424pp (Index 155)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7351
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "150", **HatchDesc:** "APOSTOLES,ARG:5M SCR LANDS/RR TRACKS:DOOR OPENS:FIGURE LOOKS AROUND:/r8#687", **LatLong:** "-27.900001 -55.750003", **LatLongDMS:** "27:54:00 S 55:45:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-27.900001,-55.750003)", **State/Prov:** "MSN", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 25478 (82FC8A11)
**Date:** 8/23/1965
**Time:** 0100
**Location:** Apostoles, Argentina
**Description:** Casimiro Zuk was riding his bicycle near a railroad crossing when he saw a luminous object above him that circled, then landed near the tracks. It was round, 5 m in diameter, and 2.5 m high. A door opened, and a man dressed like a pilot emerged, walked around, and reentered the object, which flew off in a spiral.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** 158 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_687
### Event 25479 (BC337C79)
**Date:** 8/23/1965
**Description:** At one o'clock in the morning Casimiro Zuk was riding his bicycle near a railroad crossing in Apostoles, Argentina when he saw a luminous object above him that circled, then landed near the tracks. It was round, five meters in diameter, and 2.5 meters high. A door opened and a man dressed like a pilot emerged, walked around, and then re-entered the object, which flew off in a spiral.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case # 687
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5254
### Event 25480 (AA108999)
**Date:** 8/24/1965
**Location:** GEMINI 5
**Description:** Chris Kraft radios up. Unidentified object / RADAR 2K-10' away. Same size / G5. No visual!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** EMENEGGER, Robert: UFO'S PAST PRESENT & FUTURE; Ballentine Books 1974. (Index 118)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7352
**Attributes:** **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **RDR:** Radar traces/blips, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Earth Orbit or seen from space stations/capsules", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "GEMINI 5:CHRIS KRAFT RADIOS UP:UID OBJ/RDR 2K-10'AWAY:SAME SIZE/G5:no visual!", **LatLong:** "90.000004 -0.000000", **LatLongDMS:** "90:00:00 N 00:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/90.000004,-0.000000)", **State/Prov:** "USA", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 25481 (2146AB7C)
**Date:** 8/24/1965
**Time:** 10:10
**Location:** CALLAO, PERU
**Description:** 20+college. Luminous/glowing disk going down / school. Roof shakes. Going quickly northeast. / FSR'67#6+/ r8#689.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 793)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7353
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Peru", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "CALLAO,PERU:20+COLLEGE:LUMn DISK ↓/SCHOOL:ROOF SHAKES:>>NE:/FSR'67#6+/r8#689", **LatLong:** "-12.033334 -77.116670", **LatLongDMS:** "12:02:00 S 77:07:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-12.033334,-77.116670)", **RelAlt:** "10", **State/Prov:** "LIM", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 25482 (67F6E746)
**Date:** 8/25/1965 (approximate)
**Time:** 02:00
**Location:** SEATTLE, WA
**Description:** 25cm object lands / tripod. Tiny figure(s) exit / ramp. Make repairs. Reboard and away.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CLARK, Jerome & COLEMAN, Joren: THE UNIDENTIFIED; Warner PBs, NY 1975 (Index 21)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7354
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HOX:** Suspicion of hoax, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "3", **Duration:** "20", **Elev:** "105", **HatchDesc:** "SEATTLE,WA:25cm OBJ LANDS/TRIPOD:TINY FIGS EXIT/RAMP:MAKE REPAIRS:REBOARD+AWAY", **LatLong:** "47.616669 -122.316672", **LatLongDMS:** "47:37:00 N 122:19:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.616669,-122.316672)", **State/Prov:** "Washington", **Strangeness:** "12"
### Event 25483 (61418FF3)
**Date:** 8/25/1965
**Time:** 03:00
**Description:** Moon-size ovoid / strong yellow-orange light close / ground. Going quickly south. / Otto Binder.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA; H. Regnery, Chicago HC 1969 & Contemporary Books,Chicago 1993. 372pp. (Index 688)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7355
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Mexico", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "38", **Elev:** "1160", **HatchDesc:** "TORREON,COAH,MEX:MOONSIZE OVOID/STRONG YEL-ORG LITE CLOSE/GND:>>S:/Otto Binder", **LatLong:** "25.533335 -103.433338", **LatLongDMS:** "25:32:00 N 103:26:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/25.533335,-103.433338)", **State/Prov:** "CHL", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 25484 (EE52B330)
**Date:** 8/25/1965
**Time:** ~10:00
**Description:** 2 / car stop. 4 ovoids maneuver and spin. Crowd / tourists sees and ignores!!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SHUTTLEWOOD, Arthur: The WARMINSTER MYSTERY. Neville-Spearman/Tandem Books PB 1967, London. (Index 48)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7356
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "STONEHENGE,WILTs:2/CAR STOP:4 OVOIDS MNVR+SPIN:CROWD/TOURISTS SEES+IGNORES!!", **LatLong:** "51.166669 -1.833333", **LatLongDMS:** "51:10:00 N 01:50:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.166669,-1.833333)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 25485 (4C8B0339)
**Date:** 8/25/1965
**Time:** 0300
**Location:** Terreon, Mexico
**Description:** Zoilo Campos Aguilar observed an object very close to the ground for 38 min. It was semi-oval, with a powerful yellow-orange light and left rapidly toward the south with a double trail. Apparent diameter was that of the full moon. The witness was a night watchman.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Binder ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_688
### Event 25486 (49C4647E)
**Date:** 8/25/1965
**Time:** 1010
**Location:** Callao, Peru
**Description:** A red object shaped like a plate, emittting fire and smoke through two openings in its lower section, shook a school building as it allegedly landed on the roof. Faculty and students at the Santa Leonor College observed the craft, which had two antennae on top, rise spinning and emitting red light beams It flew off to the northeast.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** FSR 67, 6 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_689
### Event 25487 (297488EE)
**Date:** 8/25/1965
**Description:** At three o'clock in the morning Zoilo Campos Aguilar, a night watchman, observed an object very close to the ground in Terreon, Mexico for 38 minutes. It was semi-oval shaped with a powerful yellow-orange light and left rapidly toward the south with a double trail. The apparent diameter was that of the full moon.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case # 688, citing Otto Binder
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5319
### Event 25488 (C8FE0C11)
**Date:** 8/25/1965
**Description:** At 10:10 a.m. a red object shaped like a plate with two antennae on top and emittting fire and smoke through two openings in its lower section, shook a school building as it allegedly landed on the roof in Callao, Peru. Faculty and students at the Santa Leonor College observed the craft when it rose from the building, spinning and emitting red light beams as it flew off to the northeast.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Flying Saucer Review, November-December 1967; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case # 689
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5320
### Event 25489 (5A774B95)
**Date:** 8/26/1965
**Description:** At 1:30 a.m. Hector Crespo, a highway engineer, his son Urgenio, and Francisco Lopez were approaching Zhulleng, 11 miles from Cuenca, Ecuador when they saw two beams of bright light shining up into the sky. On going to investigate what they believed was a car wreck; they found a circular object 20 feet in diameter, with a transparent dome on top. A bright amber light kept flashing around the edge, and flickering red and blue beams were shining downwards. The three men approached to within 60 feet of the UFO, and could see through an open doorway instruments and lights inside it. Three human-like figures were seen outside the object, one apparently adjusting the light beam projector, and the other two handing him tools. They all moved very slowly, “as if under water.” They were dressed in metallic-looking, silvery white, close-fitting coveralls, with wide white belts, dark epaulets, and shiny helmets. At one point two of the “men” turned and looked directly at the spot where the witnesses were watching from, as though knowing the operation was being observed, but simply returned to the repairs. The object stood on telescopic legs with curved dish-like footpads, although they were uncertain as to whether there were three or four legs. Crespo’s son became so frightened that he became nauseated, so they went back to their car. After awhile they saw the object take off, and the light moving around the edge was now a brilliant red and the vertical white beams had been extinguished. Just before it “took off like lighting,” it became too bright to look at.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case # 1965-43 (A0657), citing Wendelle C. Stevens, Saga UFO Report, Spring 1975
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5362
### Event 25490 (AB063995)
**Date:** 8/27/1965
**Time:** 13:51:13.1
**Location:** 37.1373 -116.0701
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Centaur” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_423
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1373 -116.0701", **LatLongDMS:** "37:08:14 N 116:04:12 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1373,-116.0701)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.17", **NukeName:** "Centaur", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 25491 (1D2F65E8)
**Date:** 8/28/1965
**Time:** 18:40
**Location:** EAST DERRY, NH
**Description:** 3 scouts. 9 black orbs pass / groups / 3. Buzzing sound. Light beams to/from/between last 3.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FOWLER, Raymond E.: UFO'S, INTERPLANETARY VISITORS; Prentice Hall & Bantam Books, NY 1979. 346pp. (Index 68)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7357
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "130", **HatchDesc:** "E.DERRY,NH:3 SCOUTS:9 BLK ORBS PASS/GROUPS/3:BUZZING SOUND:LITE BEAMS<>LAST 3.", **LatLong:** "42.894446 -71.288892", **LatLongDMS:** "42:53:40 N 71:17:20 W", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.894446,-71.288892)", **State/Prov:** "New Hampshire", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 25492 (DC60B6E3)
**Date:** 8/28/1965
**Location:** Glasgow AFB, MT
**Description:** Round Silver Object Maneuvers Over Base (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, Code: D, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** NICAP: [650828](http://www.nicap.org/650828glasgowafb%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2864
### Event 25493 (0004CA79)
**Date:** 8/28/1965
**Description:** At 6:40 p.m. three women in rural East Derry, New Hampshire sighted nine UFOs flying at treetop level over a field. The objects flew in three groups of three, and passed about 400 feet away from them. They appeared to be black domes with straight silver fuselages and an upright fin. They made a buzzing sound.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Raymond E. Fowler, UFOs: Interplanetary Visitors, p. 333; Raymond Fowler case investigation dated September 9, 1965
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5418
### Event 25494 (AC2F49CA)
**Date:** 8/29/1965
**Location:** MELBOURNE, AUS
**Description:** Many odd night lights. 1/2-moon night light going quickly [to] over then dives / prince Phillip bay.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SANDERSON, Ivan: INVISIBLE RESIDENTS; World Publishing HB 1970 & Avon Books PB 1973 (Index 43)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7358
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **SUB:** Submersible: Rises from or submerges into water, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "25", **HatchDesc:** "MELBOURNE,AUS:MANY ODD NLTS:1/2-MOON NLT>>OVR THEN DIVES/PRINCE PHILLIP BAY.", **LatLong:** "-37.783335 144.983340", **LatLongDMS:** "37:47:00 S 144:59:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-37.783335,144.983340)", **State/Prov:** "Victoria", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 25495 (885A1F82)
**Date:** 8/29/1965
**Time:** 20:30
**Description:** Several observer(s) and photographs / classic domed saucer. Dark rectangular patch / top. / r227p71.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** INFORESPACE Journal. SOBEPS Group, Belgium; bimonthly (Index 28)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7359
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "120", **HatchDesc:** "WARMINSTER,WILTs:SVRL OBS+FOTOS/CLASSIC DOMED SCR:DARK RECT.PATCH/TOP:/r227p71", **LatLong:** "51.200002 -2.200000", **LatLongDMS:** "51:12:00 N 02:12:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.200002,-2.200000)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 25496 (ADC2EEF6)
**Date:** 8/30/1965
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In Urbana, Ohio, Mr. A. Lilly, N. Smith and T. Nastoff saw a white ball 5 to 8 feet in diameter, followed by a light 2 to 3 feet, hit the road 100 feet in front of the witnesses' car, bounce and fly away. The observation lasted 3 to 4 s \[\[case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#9864 unsolved\]\]. (August 30, 10:30 PM)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1965.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2133
### Event 25497 (217D519E)
**Date:** 8/30/1965
**Time:** ~17:00
**Description:** Top-saucer spins and rises / ground. Trail / smoke. R78p48+/ r8#690.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 793)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7360
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Venezuela", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "LA BLANQUILLA Isl,VNZ:TOP-SCR SPINS+RISES/GND:TRAIL/SMOKE:r78p48+/r8#690", **LatLong:** "11.888889 -64.538892", **LatLongDMS:** "11:53:20 N 64:32:20 W", **Locale:** "Islands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/11.888889,-64.538892)", **State/Prov:** "ISL", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 25498 (8A55F361)
**Date:** 8/30/1965
**Time:** 22:30
**Location:** URBANA, OH
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #9864. 3 observer(s). 6' plain sphere going down. Bounces off road. Flies away. 3-4 second(s).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SCIENCE & MECHANICS (eds.) OFFICIAL GUIDE to UFO'S; Ace Books, NY. 1968. (Index 151)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7361
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "320", **HatchDesc:** "URBANA,OH:BBK#9864:3 OBS:6' PLAIN SPHERE ↓:BOUNCES OFF ROAD:FLIES AWAY:3-4sec", **LatLong:** "40.111113 -83.766671", **LatLongDMS:** "40:06:40 N 83:46:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.111113,-83.766671)", **State/Prov:** "Ohio", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 25499 (C0DDE680)
**Date:** 8/30/1965
**Location:** Urbana, OH
**Description:** White Ball Hits Road Flies Away (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, Code: C, Rating: 5, BB: 9864)
**Reference:** NICAP: [650830](http://www.nicap.org/650830urbana%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2865
### Event 25500 (16579DDD)
**Date:** 8/30/1965
**Location:** La Blanquilla, Venezuela
**Description:** A spinning, top-shaped object with openings through which an orange light was visible was observed taking off with a "foggy" trail.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** APRO Jan., 66 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_690
### Event 25501 (CAE898C1)
**Date:** 8/30/1965
**Time:** 10:30 PM
**Location:** Urbana, Ohio
**Description:** Witnesses: M.A. Lilly, N. Smith, T. Nastoff. One white ball, 5-8' in diameter and trailed by a 2-3' light, hit the road 100' in front of the witness' car, bounced and flew away. Sighting lasted 3-4 seconds.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_527
### Event 25502 (7B130CA5)
**Date:** 8/30/1965
**Locations:** Pentagon; National Academy of Sciences
**Description:** [Hynek](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J.%5FAllen%5FHynek) writes to Lt. Col. John Spaulding in the Office of the Secretary of the Air Force to suggest that the Pentagon work with the National Academy of Sciences to establish a panel of physical and social scientists to study the UFO phenomenon.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Center for UFO Studies, \[[Hynek correspondence](http://cufos.org/cases/1965-69%5F00%5F00%5FUS%5FIL%5FHynek-AF-letters.pdf)\], p. 1; Swords 306
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3934
### Event 25503 (E5BF4B3A)
**Date:** 8/30/1965
**Description:** In La Blanquilla, Nueva Esparta, Venezuela a spinning, top-shaped object with openings through which an orange light was visible was observed taking off with a "foggy" trail.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** APRO Bulletin, January-February 1966; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 690; George D. Fawcett, Flying Saucers, October 1966, p. 30
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5492
### Event 25504 (24355CDE)
**Date:** 8/30/1965
**Description:** On this night two people driving on the Pan-American Highway near near Arequipa, Peru saw “a strange being, a Martian, who resembled a shrub,” who was only 31 inches tall, and had one golden colored eye in its head, but also had “other smaller eyes located along its body.” A few seconds later, they saw a flying saucer pass overhead.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Gordon Creighton, The Humanoids: FSR Special Edition No. 1, p. 43; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1965-44 (A0658) citing a newspaper source
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5493
### Event 25505 (D105A160)
**Date:** 8/30/1965
**Description:** M. A. Lilly, N. Smith, and T. Nastoff of Urbana, Ohio sighted a low flying, small white ball of white at 10:30 p.m. while driving near the fairgrounds. The sphere was between 5 and 8 feet in diameter and trailed by a three-foot light. It hit the road 100 feet in front of the witnesses' car, bounced and flew away. The sighting lasted 3-4 seconds. (Sources: Project Blue Book files counted in official statistics, case # 9864; Lloyd Mallan, Science & Mechanics, December 1966, p. 30; Richard Hall, The UFO Evidence, p. 152; Don Berliner, Project Bluebook UFO Unknowns).
1967 - Two newspaper delivery cyclists, Jones and Hollander, had come to a bridge in Crewe, Cheshire, England at 8:30 a.m. when they saw a hovering domed disc-shaped UFO. It had a transparent dome with an antenna, an elliptical body, and an undercarriage with three dark circles and many wires or tubes that were evident. A very well documented report.At 8:55 p.m. two witnesses in a residential neighborhood at Shrewbridge Crescent in Nantwich, Cheshire, England viewed in the sky what they described as a yellow elongated rugby ball with a dome through binoculars. It was as bright as the full moon, and estimated to be half a mile away, at 25 degrees elevation. It flew in an arc, hovered, and then went in front of a dark cloud, behind another low cloud. It made a sound like a turbojet. A shiny white cigar-shaped object was seen by five witnesses in Sandbach, Cheshire, England at 9:00 p.m. It was brighter than the moon and had blurry edges, but appeared to be solid. It flew from south to northwest low in the sky, and went in front of a black cloud. It was viewed for 30 seconds and made no sound.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Roger H. Stanway & Anthony Pace, UFOs Unidentified Undeniable, p. 8 & 28
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5494
### Event 25506 (21E92A5F)
**Date:** 8/31/1965
**Location:** PERU, near Arequipa
**Description:** (Translated from French) Two people were driving on the Pan-American Highway when 20 km from Arequipa they saw "a strange being, a Martian" that "looked like a bush, was only 80 cm tall and had only one eye." The creature was blackish in color. In addition to the single golden eye on its head, it also had "other smaller eyes along its body". A few seconds later the witnesses saw a flying saucer pass over them.
**Reference:** Charles BOWEN: "In Search of Humanoids" - J'ai Lu 1974, p. 146
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2336
### Event 25507 (F81E7100)
**Date:** 8/31/1965
**Description:** 1-eyed 80CM "shrub" with small eyes all over/all about. Saucer going quickly [to] overhead. / La Cronica.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BOWEN, Charles (ed.) The HUMANOIDS: HB Henry Regnery, Chicago 1969. 256pp. PB 1977 Futura, London (Index 120)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7362
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **MON:** Monster: Life form fits no category
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Peru", **Credibility:** "4", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "2410", **HatchDesc:** "nr AREQUIPA,PERU:1-EYED 80CM "SHRUB" W/SML EYES ALLO:SCR>>OVHD:/La CRONICA", **LatLong:** "-16.450001 -71.500003", **LatLongDMS:** "16:27:00 S 71:30:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-16.450001,-71.500003)", **State/Prov:** "Arequipa", **Strangeness:** "12"
### Event 25508 (DFB0570D)
**Date:** 8/31/1965
**Location:** ESPOO, FINL
**Description:** 3 observer(s). Silent 20' washtub-saucer going [to] just over trees. Vague figure inside moves.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** AWARENESS (Quarterly) CONTACT INTERNATIONAL/UK: listed by year. (Index 76)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7363
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Scandanavian and Finland", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "ESPOO,FINL:3 OBS:SLNT 20'WASHTUB-SCR >JUST OVR TREES:VAGUE FIG.INSIDE MOVES ", **LatLong:** "60.166670 24.750001", **LatLongDMS:** "60:10:00 N 24:45:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/60.166670,24.750001)", **State/Prov:** "Finland", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 25509 (73C05386)
**Date:** 8/31/1965
**Location:** Tonopah & Winnemucca, NV
**Description:** (McDonald list) Two Ground Radars Track Object at 15,000' (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** NICAP: [650831](http://www.nicap.org/650831nevada%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2866
### Event 25510 (1504D0A4)
**Date:** 9/1965
**Location:** CHILE, San Kintin Valley
**Description:** (Translated from French) A group of hunters who were travelling through the valley suddenly found themselves in front of a real fleet of twelve flying saucers. At midnight four hunters saw above them a large luminous saucer. They shone the headlights of their cars on the object (note from vog: how did they do this?). Soon eleven new arrivals had joined the first saucer and formed a circle above the hunters. One of the latter, having had the idea to turn on and off his headlights alternately, the saucers did the same. (1965, before September)
**Reference:** Frank EDWARDS: "Les S.V. affaire sérieuse" - trad. Laffont 1976, p. 236
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2337
### Event 25511 (E7F0E853)
**Date:** 9/1965
**Location:** MEXICO, Coatepec
**Description:** (Translated from French) Four independent witnesses saw a strange silhouette, dressed in black, on Campillo Avenue. The being had luminous hands, cat eyes and carried a wheel of metal or crystal, which it manipulated to produce a beam of light. (Janet and Colin BORD: "Modern Mysteries of the World" - Guild Publishing London 1989, p. 343) In Jalapa, an object was seen hovering whose circumference was pierced with luminous slots and in which an entity dressed in black, with eyes shining like those of a cat, was seen holding a kind of metal bar that shone. The entity suddenly disappeared while a journalist from the place, two taxi drivers and a bullfighter observed it in the street.
**Reference:** Jacques VALLEE: "Chronicles of E.T. Appearances" - DENOEL 1972 - coll. J'AI LU, p. 104, 105
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2339
### Event 25512 (44B7AAB3)
**Date:** 9/1965
**Location:** BELGIUM, Rosières (Brabant)
**Description:** (Translated from French) Between 7:30 and 8:00 PM, Mrs. A.V. was driving at 90 km/h. Her husband was following in another car at a maximum of 500 m. When she arrived at the sharp turn, she felt that the direction of the car was no longer responding, the steering wheel was going left and right without any apparent reason. She felt strangely lifted with the car a few centimeters above the ground. At the same time, "a small neon" appeared a few centimeters from the windshield, opaque, light yellow in color, and it stayed there for a few seconds. It was like a tube 70 cm long and 4 cm thick, slightly curved upwards, with sharp and well-defined contours. Then, it suddenly disappeared. The car regained contact with the ground and the witness had passed the turn by a good 50 m. During the "transportation", she had seen the dust from the road flying at a height of about one meter..
**Reference:** Inforespace n° 35 - p. 4 to 8
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2346
### Event 25513 (BEDBEFAE)
**Date:** 9/1965
**Location:** Argentina
**Description:** Argentine navy reports fifteen UFO incidents since 1963. Non-US military.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [_UFOs and the National Security State: Chronology of a Cover-up, 1941–1973_, by Richard Dolan](https://archive.org/details/ufosnationalsecu00dola/mode/2up)
**Source:** Dolan, **ID:** Dolan_263
### Event 25514 (3D024520)
**Date:** 9/1965
**Time:** 01:50
**Location:** LITCHFIELD, NH
**Description:** 6 kids abduction / house. Small humanoids (or Greys) / saucer / operations all regressed later. Scary.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 270)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7364
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly, **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **OPR:** Operations on humans/animal mutilation/surgery, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "30", **Elev:** "39", **HatchDesc:** "LITCHFIELD,NH:6 KIDS ABD/HOUSE:OIDS/SCR/OPERATIONS ALL REGRESSED LATER:SCARY", **LatLong:** "42.844446 -71.472226", **LatLongDMS:** "42:50:40 N 71:28:20 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.844446,-71.472226)", **RelAlt:** "1", **State/Prov:** "New Hampshire", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 25515 (51548927)
**Date:** 9/1965
**Time:** 17:00
**Location:** PLEURE, FR
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Silent silver saucer going southeast slow. Makes 135° turn going quickly north toward(s) Dole. Extremely fast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 124)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7365
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "PLEURE,FR:2 OBS:SLNT SLVR SCR > SE SLOW:MAKES 135°TURN >>N twrd DOLE:XFAST", **LatLong:** "46.916669 5.500000", **LatLongDMS:** "46:55:00 N 05:30:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.916669,5.500000)", **State/Prov:** "Jura", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 25516 (6C1AB60A)
**Date:** 9/1965
**Time:** 19:00
**Location:** ARTEGNA, ITL
**Description:** 2 soldiers / railroad/railway tracks. 2M polygon exits woods 4M away! Pulsates.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** ITACAT, Catalogo Italiano degli Incontri Ravvicinati. Maurizio Verga, 1989 CISU/Torino, Italy. (Index 57)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7366
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Italy", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "ARTEGNA,ITL:2 SOLDIERS/RR TRACKS:2M POLYGON EXITS WOODS 4M away!:PULSATES", **LatLong:** "46.233336 13.111112", **LatLongDMS:** "46:14:00 N 13:06:40 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.233336,13.111112)", **State/Prov:** "UD", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 25517 (4BA18872)
**Date:** 9/1965
**Time:** 19:30
**Description:** Car lifted / tube-night light. Observer(s) / marks / skin. Small humanoids (or Greys) visit later? / IFS#35.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: UNINVITED GUESTS; Aurora Press, Santa Fe, NM 1988. 381pp. (Index 254)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7367
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Belgium, Netherlandsand Luxembourg", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "ROSIERES,BELG:CAR LIFTED/TUBE-NLT:OBS/MARKS/SKIN:OIDS VISIT LATER? /IFS#35", **LatLong:** "50.711114 4.544445", **LatLongDMS:** "50:42:40 N 04:32:40 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.711114,4.544445)", **State/Prov:** "Belgium", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 25518 (9752A609)
**Date:** 9/1/1965
**Location:** KOSICE, SLOVAKIA
**Description:** Hundreds complain of UFO's to police. Red and black orbs over villages.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HOBANA Ion & WEVERBERGH,Julien: UFO'S from BEHIND the IRON CURTAIN; Bantam Books,1975. 308pp. (Index 217)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7368
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **GSA:** Covert Security Agency, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Czech and Slovak Republics", **Credibility:** "12", **Duration:** "44", **HatchDesc:** "KOSICE,SLOVAKIA:100s COMPLAIN of UFOS TO POLICE:RED+BLK ORBS OVER VILLAGES", **LatLong:** "48.716669 21.283334", **LatLongDMS:** "48:43:00 N 21:17:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.716669,21.283334)", **State/Prov:** "VDS", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 25519 (B1F9159D)
**Date:** 9/1/1965
**Time:** 05:00
**Location:** HUANUCO, PERU
**Description:** 85CM small humanoid (or Grey) with big head exits saucer. Tries / commercial aircraft with man. Gives up and flies. / r8.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LORENZEN, Coral & Jim: ENCOUNTERS with UFO OCCUPANTS; APRO/Berkley Medallion Books 1976. 424pp (Index 156)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7369
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **CVS:** Conversation/communication, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Peru", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "18", **Elev:** "1794", **HatchDesc:** "HUANUCO,PERU:85CM OID W/BIG HEAD EXITS SCR:TRIES/COMM W/MAN:GIVES UP+FLIES:/r8", **LatLong:** "-9.916667 -76.216670", **LatLongDMS:** "09:55:00 S 76:13:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-9.916667,-76.216670)", **State/Prov:** "HUA", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 25520 (03AF95D7)
**Date:** 9/1/1965
**Time:** 0500
**Location:** Huanuco, Peru
**Description:** A worker observed the landing of an oval object on an airfield where he had gone "drawn by a strange feeling." Four other persons also saw the object, from which a dwarfish creature, 85 cm tall, emerged. The entity had a head double the size of a normal human head, and made gestures that were not understood. He reentered the machine, which became illuminated and took off, first vertically, then toward the west.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Personal ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_691
### Event 25521 (E6555AD7)
**Date:** 9/1/1965
**Time:** 20:08:00.0
**Location:** 37.0230 -116.0090
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed, salvo. Country: USA Name: “Moa” YieldMax: 40KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_424
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0230 -116.0090", **LatLongDMS:** "37:01:23 N 116:00:32 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0230,-116.0090)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.30", **NukeMb:** "4.20", **NukeName:** "Moa", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU_SALVO", **NukeYMax:** "40"
### Event 25522 (26A91451)
**Date:** 9/1/1965
**Description:** An oval-shaped object landed on an estate near the Huanaco, Peru airport at 5:00 a.m. A being with a big head emerged, gestured, and then re-entered the craft. The UFO shot straight up at high speed.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 691; Richard Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume 2: A Thirty Year Report, p. 472, citing Charles Bowen, The Humanoids, p. 120; Coral & Jim Lorenzen, Flying Saucer Occupants, p. 114
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5555
### Event 25523 (D8A4C501)
**Date:** 9/2/1965
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) The [FBI](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/FBI.html) has heard from a confidential source that agents of the [NASA](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/NASA.html) are clandestinely leaking "house information" related to UFOs outside of the agency. (September 2)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1965.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2134
### Event 25524 (0C32918D)
**Date:** 9/2/1965
**Time:** ~20:00
**Description:** Silent 20M saucer. Glows orange. Going quickly northwest under 1000' cloud cover.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HOBANA Ion & WEVERBERGH,Julien: UFO'S from BEHIND the IRON CURTAIN; Bantam Books,1975. 308pp. (Index 218)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7370
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Czech and Slovak Republics", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "HRADISTE S/BLOVICE,CZK:SLNT 20M SCR:GLOWS ORANGE:>>NW UNDER 1000' CLOUD COVER", **LatLong:** "49.550002 13.516667", **LatLongDMS:** "49:33:00 N 13:31:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.550002,13.516667)", **State/Prov:** "ZPD", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 25525 (6C742FC7)
**Date:** 9/3/1965
**Location:** Angleton, TX
**Description:** Project Blue Book File #(?): Damon/Angleton, TX. Deputy Sheriffs Billy E. McCoy and Robert W. Goode were investigating an UFO in the back-woods roads when the purplish UFO shot instantly towards them to within 150 feet and hovered at 100 feet off the ground. The bright glow illuminated the interior of the car and the surrounding fields (11:30 p.m.). “Every blade of grass stood out clearly” in the field. Officer Goode, who was driving with his arm out the window, felt heat on his arm and later reported that a cut that was on his arm healed more rapidly than normal [U/V effects].
**Type:** ufo encounter
**Reference:** [Pea Research](https://www.academia.edu/9813787/GOVERNMENT_INVOLVEMENT_IN_THE_UFO_COVER_UP_CHRONOLOGY_based)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_629
### Event 25526 (54934D6E)
**Date:** 9/3/1965
**Location:** USA, Exeter (New Hampshire)
**Description:** (Translated from French) 2 a.m. Witnesses: Exeter police officers Eugene Bertrand, Jr. and David Hunt, and civilian Norman Muscarello. A dark, elliptical object, surrounded by a series of red lights, maneuvered silently and erratically around houses and trees, while the lights blinked in sequence. Farm animals were screaming. Observation lasted about an hour. (Project Blue Book - cfr Don Berliner). 1:45 p.m. (note de vog: ???) a young man, Norman Muscarello, 18 years old, stumbled into the Exeter police station. He was out of breath from his run, green with fear and trembling so much that he couldn't speak. When he calmed down he was able to tell Officer Tolan and Agent Bertrand that as he was returning home on Route 150, the area in front of him was suddenly illuminated by a blinding red light, then a strange aerial vessel rose above a clump of trees. As the craft approached Muscarello saw 4 or 5 bright red beams, coming out alternately from its base, in a continuous line back and forth. The lights blinked in an increasing and decreasing sequence: 1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1. Panicked, Muscarello rushed behind a stone wall, which the craft slowly and silently flew over at less than 30 meters high, before hovering just above the house of a neighbor, Clyde Russel. This allowed the witness to observe that the craft was longer than the house and must have measured about thirty meters. Agents Bertrand and David Hunt also saw the craft.
**Reference:** Science et Vie, special edition 1997: 50 years of UFO, Atlas of Unsolved Cases, p. 60 to 63
**Reference:** Henry DURRANT: "Le dossier des OVNI" - Laffont 1973 - p. 62-63
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2338
### Event 25527 (9BFE959D)
**Date:** 9/3/1965
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In Houston, a huge object 15 x 60 m is observed levitating a few meters off the ground by 2 police officers.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1965.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2135
### Event 25528 (D8586E5F)
**Date:** 9/3/1965
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) [Observation at Damon](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/1965-09-03\_Damon.html) \(Texas\). (23 h)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1965.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2136
### Event 25529 (5A8DF4E3)
**Date:** 9/3/1965
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) [Observation at Exeter](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/1965-09-03\_Exeter.html) \(New Hampshire\). (1 h 30)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1965.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2137
### Event 25530 (87A10BCA)
**Date:** 9/3/1965
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) The same observation takes place at the same time in [Houston](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/lieux.html\#Houston) \(Texas\).
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1965.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2138
### Event 25531 (FD72C1E3)
**Date:** 9/3/1965
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In Jalapa \(Mexico\), a local journalist, two taxi drivers and a bullfighter see an object hovering, its circumference pierced by luminous slits and in which one can see a being dressed in black, with eyes shining like a cat's, holding a kind of metal bar that shines. The entity suddenly disappears.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1965.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2139
### Event 25532 (7DC8FB4D)
**Date:** 9/3/1965
**Time:** 00:10
**Description:** Many observer(s). Saucer with 2 headlights. Lights go out. Jets scramble going quickly north. Coverup.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FAWCETT, Lawrence & GREENWOOD, Barry: The UFO COVERUP (Formerly Clear Intent); Prentice Hall, NJ 1984. 264pp. (Index 58)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7371
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **MIL:** Military investigation, **COV:** Indication of coverup
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "30", **HatchDesc:** "PEASE AFB,NH:MANY OBS:SCR W/2 HEADLITES:LITES GO OUT:JETS SCRAMBLE>>N:COVERUP", **LatLong:** "43.083335 -70.816670", **LatLongDMS:** "43:05:00 N 70:49:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.083335,-70.816670)", **State/Prov:** "New Hampshire", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 25533 (DF36630D)
**Date:** 9/3/1965
**Time:** 01:20
**Location:** SAN JUSTO, ARG
**Description:** Humming. 2M saucer lands tin roof. Shoots going up. Marks. / r8#692 / r180p38 / r67p115.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 12)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7372
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TRC:** Physical traces, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "29", **HatchDesc:** "SAN JUSTO,ARG:HUM:2M SCR LANDS TIN ROOF:SHOOTS↑:MARKS:/r8#692/r180p38/r67p115", **LatLong:** "-34.666668 -58.550003", **LatLongDMS:** "34:40:00 S 58:33:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-34.666668,-58.550003)", **RelAlt:** "3", **State/Prov:** "Buenos Aires", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 25534 (1C18545E)
**Date:** 9/3/1965
**Time:** 01:30
**Location:** EXETER, NH
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #9890. 6 separate observer(s). 2 drop to avoid direct hit / 30m saucer! / APRO Nov'65.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 40)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7373
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "60", **Elev:** "14", **HatchDesc:** "EXETER,NH:BBK#9890:6 SEP.OBS:2 DROP TO AVOID DIRECT HIT/30m SCR!:/APRO Nov'65", **LatLong:** "42.966669 -70.966670", **LatLongDMS:** "42:58:00 N 70:58:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.966669,-70.966670)", **RelAlt:** "1", **State/Prov:** "New Hampshire", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 25535 (41B1A810)
**Date:** 9/3/1965
**Time:** 01:30
**Location:** SR133 / IPSWITCH, MA
**Description:** Classic saucer. Static electrical felt. Near radio-(seen thru) telescope. / r218#143.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FOWLER, Raymond E.: UFO'S, INTERPLANETARY VISITORS; Prentice Hall & Bantam Books, NY 1979. 346pp. (Index 89)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7374
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "8", **HatchDesc:** "SR133/IPSWITCH,MA:CLASSIC SCR:STATIC ELECTR.FELT:nr radio-tscope:/r218#143", **LatLong:** "42.683335 -70.833337", **LatLongDMS:** "42:41:00 N 70:50:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.683335,-70.833337)", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 25536 (BE384626)
**Date:** 9/3/1965
**Time:** ~22:00
**Location:** CUZCO, PERU
**Description:** Thousands / observer(s). 4 saucers going [to] overhead. 1 swoops down near observer(s) and back up. Maneuvers. Going quickly [to] horizon.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 793)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7375
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Peru", **Credibility:** "13", **Duration:** "120", **Elev:** "3330", **HatchDesc:** "CUZCO,PERU:1000s/OBS:4 SCRS >OVHD:1 SWOOPS DOWN nr OBS+BACK UP:MNVRS:>> HRZN", **LatLong:** "-13.516667 -71.966670", **LatLongDMS:** "13:31:00 S 71:58:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-13.516667,-71.966670)", **State/Prov:** "APP", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 25537 (A8A38BD9)
**Date:** 9/3/1965
**Time:** 23:00
**Location:** DAMON, TX
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #9915. 2 cops / car zapped / saucer. Wound heals fast. 2 Men in Black later. / r41p41.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 789)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7376
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **MIB:** Men in Black, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies, **COV:** Indication of coverup
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "30", **HatchDesc:** "DAMON,TX:BBK#9915:2 COPS/CAR ZAPPED/SCR:WOUND HEALS FAST:2 MIBs LATER:/r41p41", **LatLong:** "29.288890 -95.733338", **LatLongDMS:** "29:17:20 N 95:44:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/29.288890,-95.733338)", **State/Prov:** "Texas", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 25538 (451A5736)
**Date:** 9/3/1965
**Location:** Damon, TX
**Description:** Dark Grey Disc Shadows Police Car (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, Code: C, Rating: 5, BB: 9915)
**Reference:** NICAP: [650903](http://www.nicap.org/650903damon%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2867
### Event 25539 (50ECD9BC)
**Date:** 9/3/1965
**Location:** Exeter, NH
**Description:** The Exeter / Muscarello Case (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, Code: C, Rating: 5, BB: 9890) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)
**Reference:** NICAP: [650903](http://www.nicap.org/650903exeter%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2868
### Event 25540 (A5CB982A)
**Date:** 9/3/1965
**Time:** 0120
**Location:** San Justo, Argentina
**Description:** J. Fernandez was awakened by a humming sound and saw a luminous, oval object rising from the roof of his house. Its color varied from white to red, and it left marks on the roof.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Humanoids 41 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_692
### Event 25541 (F38AFF77)
**Date:** 9/3/1965
**Time:** 0200
**Location:** Exeter, New Hampshire
**Description:** A young man and two Police officers observed five lights in a rigid configuration moving over a field, sometimes fluttering to low altitude with a falling-leaf motion. The lights illuminated the countryside and flashed in sequence.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Fuller ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_693
### Event 25542 (174C8545)
**Date:** 9/3/1965
**Time:** evening
**Location:** Damon, Texas
**Description:** Two Angleton sheriffs, McCoy and Robert Goode saw from their car a huge object 70 m long, 15 m high, with a bright, violet light at one end and a pale-blue light at the other. They stopped to watch it and saw the craft fly within 30 m, casting a huge shadow when it intercepted the moonlight. They felt a heat wave and drove away in fear, but returned to the site a second time, only to turn around when they found the object was still there. Goode had been bitten by an animal before the sighting, and his left index finger swelled and bled freely. After exposure to the light from the object, the pain was gone, and the wound cured unnaturally. Later that evening, two men found him at a restaurant and described the object in detail, adding he should keep future encounters to himself.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** NICAP Aug.,65 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_694
### Event 25543 (270797FF)
**Date:** 9/3/1965
**Time:** 2 AM
**Location:** Exeter, New Hampshire
**Description:** Witnesses: Exeter Patrolmen Eugene Bertrand, Jr. and David Hunt, and Norman Muscarello. One large, dark, elliptical object with a row of red lights around it, moved slowly and erratically around houses and trees, while lights blinked in sequence. Farm animals were very noisy. Sighting lasted about 1 hour.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_528
### Event 25544 (DB4E1AA4)
**Date:** 9/3/1965
**Time:** 11 PM
**Location:** Damon, Texas
**Description:** Witnesses: Brazoria County Chief Sheriff's Deputy Billy McCoy and Deputy Robert Goode. One triangular object, 150-200' long, 40-50' thick at middle and dark grey, with a long, bright, pulsing, purple light on the right side and a long blue light on the left side. Came from distance to 150' off highway and 100' in the air. Purple light illuminated ground beneath object and interior of police car. Driver felt heat on his left arm. Initial sighting lasted 5-10 minutes. Second sighting.occurred later that night.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_529
### Event 25545 (118421BB)
**Date:** 9/3/1965
**Location:** Exeter, NH
**Description:** Citizen reports of glowing red, elliptical object at low level, verified by police, row of bright pulsating red lights, animal reactions
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_59
### Event 25546 (9C7BB7BC)
**Date:** 9/3/1965
**Location:** Damon, TX
**Description:** Two sheriffs saw huge, brightly illuminated object speed toward their patrol car, hover, illuminate them and the terrain in purple light. Heat felt
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_60
### Event 25547 (FA643F9D)
**Date:** 9/3/1965
**Locations:** Exeter, New Hampshire; State Highway 101; Route 150 (Amesbury Road); Kensington, New Hampshire; Exeter police station; Route 150; Pease AFB [now Pease Air National Guard Base] in Portsmouth; Boston
**Description:** Around 1:00 a.m. Exeter, New Hampshire, Police Officer [Eugene F. Bertrand Jr.](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/44131765/eugene-f%5F-bertrand) comes across a woman parked on State Highway 101. “She was real upset,” he says, “and told me that a red glowing object had chased her.” Around 2:00 a.m., while walking home to Exeter on Route 150 \(Amesbury Road\) near Kensington, New Hampshire, teenager [Norman J. Muscarello](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/43739662/norman-j%5F-muscarello) is terrorized by a large object with four or five bright red lights that approaches from nearby woods and hovers over a field. Horses are spooked. Muscarello gets a ride to the Exeter police station, pale and shaken, and reports the incident at 2:24 a.m. Officer Bertrand drives him back to the field along Route 150 to investigate. When he is called to investigate Muscarello’s report, the earlier incident causes him to pay attention. At first Bertrand and Muscarello see nothing, but when Bertrand flashes a light around the field around 3:00 a.m., a huge dark object with red flashing lights rises up over the trees, moving back and forth, tilts, and comes toward them. They both see pulsating red lights that dim from left to right then right to left in a 5- 4-3-2-1 then 1-2-3-4-5 pattern. Each cycle takes about 2 seconds. The object hovers for several minutes, and everything is silent except for the dogs and horses. Then it darts, turns sharply, slows down, and begins to move away. Another patrolman, [David R. Hunt](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/135259184/david-r%5F-hunt)[,](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/135259184/david-r%5F-hunt) pulls up and sees the pulsating lights and the UFO. Bertrand says the lights are always in a line and at a 60° angle; when the object moves, the lower lights are always forward of the others. In the daytime, the police station calls Pease AFB \[now Pease Air National Guard Base\] in Portsmouth to reconfirm the incident. By 1:00 p.m., 2–4 police officers arrive to interview the three witnesses at length. Journalist [John G. Fuller](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John%5FG.%5FFuller) investigates the case during the next month. He finds a huge gap between media coverage and local perceptions. [Raymond Fowler](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raymond%5FE.%5FFowler) finds that the local advertising plane operated by Sky-Lite Aerial Advertising Agency of Boston was not running between August 21 and September 10.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Exeter](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exeter%5Fincident) [incident](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exeter%5Fincident)”; “[UFOs Panic Police, Motorists,](http://cufos.org/UFOI%5Fand%5FSelected%5FDocuments/UFOI/028%20AUG-SEPT%201965.pdf)” UFO Investigator 3, no. 4 \(Aug./Sept. 1965\): 1, 3–4; “[The Exeter,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201965%2011%2000%20-%20November-December.pdf) [N.H. Case,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201965%2011%2000%20-%20November-December.pdf)” APRO Bulletin, Nov./Dec. 1965, pp. 7–8; John G. Fuller, “[Outer-Space Ghost Story,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/0%20-%20Articles/United%20States/Look/1966%2002%2022%5FLook%5FJohn%20G%20Fuller%5FOuter%20Space%20Ghost%20Story%5FLagrange%20scan.pdf)” Look, February 22, 1966, pp. 36–42; Clark III 440–444; Hynek UFO Report, [pp. 154–166](https://archive.org/details/hynekuforeport00alle/page/154/mode/2up); John G. Fuller, Incident at Exeter, Putnam’s Sons, 1966; [Schopick](http://cufos.org/books/A%5FStudy%5Fof%5FSecondary%5FEffects-An%5FUnpublished%5FManuscript%5Fof%5FUFO%5FE-M%5FCases.pdf), pp. 197–199; [Sparks](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf), p. 307; Jean Fuller, “[The Exeter Incidents,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201967%20V%2013%20N%205.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 13, no. 5 \(Sept./Oct. 1967\): 25–27; “Tale of an ‘Exeter Terrestrial,’” IUR 8, no. 5 \(Sept./Oct. 1983\): 12– 14, excerpted from Exeter Area High School newspaper, Talon 5, no. 1 \(1981\); Kim Hansen, “UFO Casebook,” UFOs 1947–1987, Fortean Tomes, 1987, pp. 69–72; Michael D. Swords, GrassRoots UFOs: Case Reports from the Timmerman Files, Fund for UFO Research, 2005, pp. 143–145; Schuessler, “[The Exeter, N.H. UFO Case,](http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Books/Digitized%5Fby%5FAFU/Schuessler%2C%20John%20F%20-%20The%20Exeter%2C%20N.H.%20UFO%20case.pdf) [September 3, 1965: Briefing Document,](http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Books/Digitized%5Fby%5FAFU/Schuessler%2C%20John%20F%20-%20The%20Exeter%2C%20N.H.%20UFO%20case.pdf)” October 2002; Martin Shough, “[Exeunt Exeter? Should This 1965 New](http://www.martinshough.com/aerialphenomena/EXETER%20N.H.%20Sep%202-3%201965.pdf) [Hampshire Classic Finally Shuffle Off the Stage?](http://www.martinshough.com/aerialphenomena/EXETER%20N.H.%20Sep%202-3%201965.pdf)” April 2012; Center for UFO Studies, \[[case documents](http://cufos.org/cases/1965%5F09%5F03%5FUS%5FNH%5FExeter%5FNICAP%5FMultiWit.pdf)\]; Center for UFO Studies, \[John G. Fuller tape-recorded interview transcripts, [part one](http://cufos.org/cases/1965%5F09%5F03%5FUS%5FNH%5FExeter%5FNICAP%5FMultiWit%5FTranscriptsR%5FPartI.pdf), [part two](http://cufos.org/cases/1965%5F09%5F03%5FUS%5FNH%5FExeter%5FNICAP%5FMultiWit%5FTranscriptsR%5FPartII.pdf)\]; Patrick Gross, “[The](https://ufologie.patrickgross.org/htm/exeter65.htm) [Exeter Cases, 1965](https://ufologie.patrickgross.org/htm/exeter65.htm)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3935
### Event 25548 (1D36CB99)
**Date:** 9/3/1965
**Locations:** Brazoria County; Highway 36; West Columbia; Damon, Texas
**Description:** 11:00 p.m. Brazoria County Sheriff’s Deputies [Billy E. McCoy](https://www.dignitymemorial.com/obituaries/clute-tx/billy-mccoy-6019911) and Robert Goode are patrolling Highway 36 between West Columbia and Damon, Texas. They see a dark-gray triangular object, 150–200 feet long and 40–50 feet thick at the middle, with a long, bright, pulsing, purple light on the right side and a long blue light on the left side. It approaches to within 150 feet from the highway and 100 feet in the air. Purple light illuminates the ground beneath the object and the interior of the police car, and the object casts a shadow in the moonlight. Goode feels heat on his left arm; an alligator bite on his left index finger is suddenly relieved of pain, later healing rapidly but unnaturally. They drive away in fear but return later that night to find the object still there.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** NICAP, “[Dark Grey Disc Shadows Police Car](http://www.nicap.org/650903damon%5Fdir.htm)”; “[UAO Pursues Police,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201965%2009%2000%20-%20September-October.pdf)” APRO Bulletin, Sept./Oct. 1965, pp. 1, 3; Clark III 355–357; [Sparks](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf)[,](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf) p. 308; Michael D. Swords, “[Damon, Texas Comments, by Request from Kandinsky,](https://thebiggeststudy.blogspot.com/2011/03/damontexas-comments-by-request-from.html)” The Big Study, March 26, 2011; “[Damon 1965,](http://roswellbooks.com/museum/?page%5Fid=687)” Texas UFO Museum and Research Library, February 5, 2014; Patrick Gross, “[Damon, Texas, September 1965](https://ufologie.patrickgross.org/htm/mccoy.htm)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3936
### Event 25549 (DAB7EC99)
**Date:** 9/3/1965
**Description:** In San Justo, Santa Fe State, Argentina J. Fernandez was awakened at 1:20 a.m. by a humming sound, and saw a two-meter wide, luminous, oval object that had landed on the roof of his house. Its color varied from white to red. It shot up into the sky, and it left marks on the roof.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case # 692; Gordon Creighton, The Humanoids, p. 41
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5591
### Event 25550 (D21C4C3D)
**Date:** 9/3/1965
**Description:** At midnight all the lights at Pease Air Force Base, New Hampshire went off for 30-40 seconds while an unknown, elongated flying object flew over. It had blinding headlights with other lights perhaps in the rear, and flew at an altitude of only 300-400 feet. It passed directly over the guard shack at the main gate. There were three military guards on duty, including the main witness, Robert Mark.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** UNICAT, case # 618, citing Lawrence Fawcett & Barry Greenwood, Clear Intent: The Government Cover-up of the UFO Experience, p. 58
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5592
### Event 25551 (B1F5E1F0)
**Date:** 9/3/1965
**Description:** At 1:30 a.m. Mr. D. Winters, a school teacher, was driving in Ipswich, Massachusetts when he saw a yellow UFO hovering over the golf course. It looked like an inverted saucer with white lights around the rim. The sighting nearly caused him to drive off the road for a moment.The hairs on the back of his neck rose during the encounter.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Raymond E. Fowler, UFOs: Interplanetary Visitors, p. 334
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5593
### Event 25552 (4B270553)
**Date:** 9/3/1965
**Description:** At 2:00 a.m. several independent witnesses as well as two police officers watched a dark object with a row of flashing red lights as it wobbled and descended in a falling leaf motion over Exeter, New Hampshire. Dogs howled and horses reacted by kicking and neighing during its presence.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Raymond E. Fowler case files, report dated September 11, 1965; Raymond E. Fowler, UFOs: Interplanetary Visitors, p. 334; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II. A Thirty Year Report, pp. 279, 371; UNICAT, case 4; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case # 693
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5594
### Event 25553 (A29B6E9C)
**Date:** 9/3/1965
**Description:** At 11:00 p.m. a football-field sized purple oval or cigar-shaped object, 40 feet high, approached a stopped sheriff's patrol car in Damon, Texas. The two sheriff officers in the car, McCoy and Goode, saw the huge illuminated object speed toward their patrol car, hover, and illuminate them and the surrounding terrain in a purple light. They reported that there were bright lights on either end of the object: a weak blue light was seen on the extreme right of the object, which came out in two steps, and a purple light on the left, which lit the ground and bathed the car's interior.The UFO hovered within 30 meters of them, casting a huge shadow when it intercepted the moonlight . They felt a sensation of heat, and drove away in fear. Later they returned to investigate and had another close encounter. One of the officers reported that a skin lession he had healed rapidly after their UFO close encounter.Goode had been bitten by an animal before the sighting, and his left index finger swelled and bled freely. After exposure to the light from the object the pain was gone, and the wound cured unnaturally quickly. Later that evening, two men found him at a restaurant and described the object in detail, adding he should keep future encounters to himself.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Coral E. Lorenzen, Flying Saucers: The Startling Evidence of the Invasion from Outer Space, p. 245; Frank Edwards, Flying Saucers - Serious Business, p. 295; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II. A Thirty Year Report, pp. 267, 453; UNICAT, case # 509, citing James E. McDonald; Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case # 694
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5595
### Event 25554 (BE0F1BE6)
**Date:** 9/3/1965
**Description:** On this night Mrs. M. Gorzelle, age 45, had remembered going to bed, but suddenly found herself awake and driving on a rural asphalt road near Des Plaines, Illinois. Then she came to a spot where a man was standing on the road, waving a lantern. She stopped, believing there had been an accident, and got out. The man was tall, normal in appearance except for a very high forehead, and was dressed in a white coverall with a metal buckle at the waist. She was led across the grass to an area that was suddenly brightly illuminated from a door opening in a craft, which she described as a large round mass sitting on legs, about 100 feet from the road. There were three more cars stopped along the road, and the occupants of these vehicles were also being escorted into the craft. Their abductors were all over 6 feet tall, with very high foreheads, and bald. Inside the vessel were two “normal appearing” men, also in white coveralls, one with white hair. He was the only one who spoke during the experience, and he did so in a language unknown to the witness. The other “human” looked Italian, and was younger. The four tall occupants each appeared to be in charge of the four abductees and were identical in appearance. The room was filled with electronic equipment and control knobs, and telepathically she was told she would not recall the incident. The next thing she remembered was being led outside again by her “host,” and being helped into her car. The other three men were likewise being assisted to their cars. Mrs Gorzelle made a U-turn, and drove straight home, where she went directly to bed. Self-hypnosis indicated that a medical examination had been conducted, and that this was actually her second abduction experience.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb, Proceedings of the CUFOS Conference: 1976, p. 268; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case # 1965-46, citing Fred Merritt for CUFOS, report dated February 13, 1976
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5596
### Event 25555 (9BF68A1B)
**Date:** 9/4/1965
**Time:** 22:00?
**Location:** CASS LAKE, MN
**Description:** Family and others. Strange object sweeps shores / blinding white light. Flashes.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 793)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7377
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "354", **HatchDesc:** "CASS LAKE,MN:FAMILY+OTHERS:STRANGE OBJ SWEEPS SHORES/BLINDING WHT LITE:FLASHES", **LatLong:** "47.377780 -94.605560", **LatLongDMS:** "47:22:40 N 94:36:20 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.377780,-94.605560)", **State/Prov:** "Minnesota", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 25556 (ABB403D2)
**Date:** 9/4/1965
**Description:** In an isolated area of the Green River Gorge, Washington State a man named Salsbury encountered a landed white, disc-shaped craft from which a loud voice resembling a “loud speaker” originated. It told him not to be afraid, and to put down his gun. Once he did that, an oval-shaped door opened under the lower part of the object, and a man came out walking slowly towards him. The man was described as six feet tall, appearing to be about 30 years of age. He was dressed in a one-piece tight-fitting suit made of some sort of metallic coating, resembling aluminum or chrome, but dull reflecting. He also wore a helmet that was very tight-fitting on his skull. On his side he carried an odd-looking sidearm with a barrel about the size of a regular flashlight, but instead of a hole in it, it had some sort of oval lens of a purplish-bluish color. He spoke to the witness in a very refined voice, telling him “Don’t be alarmed, I am not here to cause you any injury or harm.” The man told the witness that he was the captain of his craft, and invited him onboard for a brief tour.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, 1965 Humanoid Sighting Reports database, case # 2580, citing Andy Page
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5629
### Event 25557 (5D1EF66F)
**Date:** 9/5/1965
**Location:** CORPUS CHRISTI, TX
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #unknown. 4 separate sightings. Adams and Maldonado and 1+1. CE2+photos.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFOCAT CATALOG: Assorted Printouts. Donald A. Johnson Ph.D (CUFOS). P.O. Box 446, Concord, NH 03302-0446 (Index 79)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7378
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "CORPUS CHRISTI,TX:BBK#UNK:4 SEP SIGHTINGS:ADAMS+MALDONADO+1+1:CE2+PHOTOS", **LatLong:** "27.800001 -97.400005", **LatLongDMS:** "27:48:00 N 97:24:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/27.800001,-97.400005)", **State/Prov:** "Texas", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 25558 (3C64B21D)
**Date:** 9/5/1965
**Time:** 05:00
**Description:** 2 80CM small humanoids (or Greys) walk on snow. Saucers seen widely / Andes. / FSR'66#2.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BOWEN, Charles (ed.) The HUMANOIDS: HB Henry Regnery, Chicago 1969. 256pp. PB 1977 Futura, London (Index 122)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7379
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Peru", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "4713", **HatchDesc:** "SANTA BARBARA,PERU:2 80CM OIDS WALK ON SNOW:SCRS SEEN WIDELY/ANDES:/FSR'66#2", **LatLong:** "-12.883334 -74.983337", **LatLongDMS:** "12:53:00 S 74:59:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-12.883334,-74.983337)", **State/Prov:** "HCV", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 25559 (607BD700)
**Date:** 9/5/1965 (approximate)
**Time:** 22:30
**Description:** 10M cream colored saucer. Windows all around edge. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SALISBURY, Frank: The UTAH UFO DISPLAY -- a Biologist Reports; 1974 Devin Adair, New Greenwich,CT. HB 286pp. ISBN 0-815-97000-5 (Index 241)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7380
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "1580", **HatchDesc:** "1 MI NE/ROOSEVELT,UT:10M CREAM CLRD SCR:WINDOWS ALL AROUND EDGE:NFD", **LatLong:** "40.311113 -109.983339", **LatLongDMS:** "40:18:40 N 109:59:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.311113,-109.983339)", **State/Prov:** "Utah", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 25560 (ED79F7FF)
**Date:** 9/5/1965
**Time:** 0500
**Location:** Santa Barbara, Peru
**Description:** Governor Sebastian Macha saw two dwarfish creatures, 80 cm tall, on the snow near Ceulacocha. They entered a craft, which left with a thundering noise.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** FSR 66, 2 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_695
### Event 25561 (56B618E2)
**Date:** 9/5/1965
**Description:** At five o'clock in the morning Governor Sebastian Macha of Santa Barbara, Peru saw two dwarfish creatures, 80 cm tall, on the snow near Ceulacocha. They entered a craft, which took off and left making a thundering noise.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Flying Saucer Review, March-April 1966, p. 38; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 695
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5653
### Event 25562 (0D37A18D)
**Date:** 9/6/1965
**Time:** ~21:00
**Location:** NEAR ARICA, CHILE
**Description:** LAN flight 904. Saucer follows / 14 minute(s). Away / incredible speed/velocity. / R. hall listing.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: ABOVE TOP SECRET; Sidgewick & Jackson, London 1987 & Quill Books, 1988. 592pp. (Index 311)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7381
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Chile", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "14", **Elev:** "16", **HatchDesc:** "nr ARICA,CHILE:LAN FLT 904:SCR FOLOS/14min:AWAY/INCREDIBLE SPD:/R.HALL listing", **LatLong:** "-18.650001 -70.133337", **LatLongDMS:** "18:39:00 S 70:08:00 W", **Locale:** "Desert", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-18.650001,-70.133337)", **State/Prov:** "COR", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 25563 (B3D6F6BD)
**Date:** 9/6/1965
**Locations:** northern Chile; Arica; Iquque
**Description:** 9:30 p.m. Capt. Marcelo Cisternas is piloting a DC-6b at 8,500 feet for LAN Chile Flight 904 in northern Chile when he sees a zigzagging object change course and approach his airliner. The UFO follows the aircraft for 13–14 minutes at a distance of 1.8 miles. It is emitting a light of an intense color that shifts to radiant white. Cisternas checks with control towers in Arica and Iquque, but no other flights are expected in the area.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Good Above, [p. 311](https://archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/310/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3937
### Event 25564 (C5B469F4)
**Date:** 9/6/1965
**Description:** In what remains of Lake Texcoco, in Mexico City, Mexico a saucer-shaped UFO landed in one of the several pond-sized pools in the otherwise dried-up lake bed. Many people witnessed the event.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Los Angeles Times, September 6, 1965; Ivan T. Sanderson, Invisible Residents, pp. 234-235
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5682
### Event 25565 (E5706C28)
**Date:** 9/7/1965
**Time:** 20:20
**Description:** Army Major. Car shakes and malfunctions due to EME (electro-magnetic effects). Lights dim. Object 1500' overhead.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RODEGHIER, Mark/CUFOS: UFO REPORTS INVOLVING VEHICLE INTERFERENCE; CUFOS 1979. Available as CUFOS UFO Archive #1 CD-ROM. http://www.cufos.org/Pubform.pdf (Index 25)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7382
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "120", **HatchDesc:** "N/WARMINSTER,WILTs:ARMY MAJOR:CAR SHAKES+EMES:LITES DIM:OBJ 1500'OVHD:", **LatLong:** "51.238891 -2.183333", **LatLongDMS:** "51:14:20 N 02:11:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.238891,-2.183333)", **RelAlt:** "450", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 25566 (1D1E74E0)
**Date:** 9/7/1965
**Time:** 2100
**Location:** San Joaquin, Peru
**Description:** More than 200 witnesses saw two objects come to ground level, leaving crater-like depressions.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Personal ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_696
### Event 25567 (C96DB408)
**Date:** 9/7/1965
**Description:** In Warminster, England a British Army major reported that his headlights flickered and his car engine stopped when a UFO hovered 1500 feet overhead. The object rose vertically when it departed, making a tremendous noise.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Geoffrey Falla, BUFORA Vehicle Interference Project Report, p. 31, case 2
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5719
### Event 25568 (4DAFFB65)
**Date:** 9/7/1965
**Description:** At 9:00 p.m. in San Joaquin, Peru more than 200 witnesses saw two objects come to ground level, leaving behind crater-like depressions.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case # 696
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5720
### Event 25569 (7EA0216B)
**Date:** 9/8/1965
**Location:** PERU, Puno
**Description:** (Translated from French) Late at night, in the patio of a house on Calle Acora, a 7-year-old boy saw beings 80 cm tall with only one eye. He ran to get help and when the family arrived, all they saw was an intensely bright light rising quickly into the sky. Around the same time, athlete Jorge Chaves was driving with his family in the outskirts of Juli and Pomata when they saw a strange object softly land on the road in front of them. Jorge Chaves tried to approach it but it rose and disappeared at great speed. (...)
**Reference:** Charles BOWEN: "In Search of Humanoids" - J'ai Lu 1974, p. 147
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2340
### Event 25570 (AE6108CB)
**Date:** 9/8/1965
**Time:** ~20:00
**Location:** ALTO PURUS R., BRZ
**Description:** Longitude & latitude coords. = approximate. Huge saucer going down. Doors open. Rubber workers flee. / LDLN#84.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA; H. Regnery, Chicago HC 1969 & Contemporary Books,Chicago 1993. 372pp. (Index 697)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7383
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "20", **Elev:** "250", **HatchDesc:** "ALTO PURUS R.,BRZ:LL=APRX:HUGE SCR↓:DOORS OPEN:RUBBER WORKERS FLEE:/LDLN#84", **LatLong:** "-9.166667 -70.000003", **LatLongDMS:** "09:10:00 S 70:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Rainforest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-9.166667,-70.000003)", **State/Prov:** "ACR", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 25571 (2F7A0188)
**Date:** 9/8/1965
**Time:** 21:20
**Location:** BEJA, PORTUGAL
**Description:** Cop. Luminous object zigzags away in sky. No further details. / Diario do Alentejo.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LOURENCO, Victor: The PORTUCAT CATALOG; (BBS Download). (Index 100)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7384
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Portugal", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "BEJA,PORTUGAL:COP:LUMN.OBJ ZIGZAGS AWAY IN SKY:NFD:/DIARIO do ALENTEJO", **LatLong:** "38.050002 -7.900000", **LatLongDMS:** "38:03:00 N 07:54:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.050002,-7.900000)", **State/Prov:** "BXA", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 25572 (8CAF3589)
**Date:** 9/8/1965
**Time:** 22:00
**Location:** PUNO, PERU
**Description:** Boy. 7 80CM 1-eyed small humanoids (or Greys). Others see saucer take off. / Don Hanlon and more / r8.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BOWEN, Charles (ed.) The HUMANOIDS: HB Henry Regnery, Chicago 1969. 256pp. PB 1977 Futura, London (Index 120)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7385
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **MON:** Monster: Life form fits no category, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Peru", **Credibility:** "4", **Duration:** "20", **Elev:** "3808", **HatchDesc:** "PUNO,PERU:BOY:7 80CM 1-EYED OIDS:OTHERS SEE SCR TAKE OFF:/Don Hanlon+/r8", **LatLong:** "-15.833334 -70.033337", **LatLongDMS:** "15:50:00 S 70:02:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-15.833334,-70.033337)", **State/Prov:** "TIT", **Strangeness:** "11"
### Event 25573 (255BB01B)
**Date:** 9/8/1965
**Time:** evening
**Location:** Alto Purus, Brazil
**Description:** After work, latex collectors saw an object resembling a huge wheel, intensely bright, with two flaming openings in front, about to land near them. They went into hiding, and observed the craft as it flew away.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** LDLN 84 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_697
### Event 25574 (C041D602)
**Date:** 9/8/1965
**Time:** 2200
**Location:** Puno, Peru
**Description:** A child reported the observation of a luminous object from which seven creatures, 80 cm tall, with only one eye, emerged. The same day a newsman was said to have seen an object land in the vicinity of Puno, and to have made an unsuccesful attempt at communication.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Personal ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_698
### Event 25575 (8B3331D7)
**Date:** 9/8/1965
**Description:** An erratic moving, blurry object emitting green, red and & white light was seen at 10:00 p.m. in Tenterfield, New South Wales, Australia. Seen through binoculars there were aerial-like structures on the top.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Michael Hervey, UFOs over the Southern Hemisphere, p. 88
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5758
### Event 25576 (7D4A4248)
**Date:** 9/8/1965
**Description:** At 9:15 p.m. local time a luminous object zigzagged away from the town of Beja, Portugal.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Victor Lourenco, PORTUCAT, case 100
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5759
### Event 25577 (12A0FF78)
**Date:** 9/8/1965
**Description:** On this evening after work, rubber latex gatherers in Alto Purus, Brazil witnessed a flying object resembling a near by them. They hid, and observed the craft as it flew away.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Gordon Creighton, The Humanoids: FSR Special Edition No. 1, p. 43; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 697, citing Lumieres dans la Nuit
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5760
### Event 25578 (374BA37E)
**Date:** 9/8/1965
**Description:** Children reported seeing a luminous object from which seven or eight Cyclops creatures, 80 cm tall, with only one eye, emerged. The same day a newsman was said to have seen an object land in the vicinity of Puno, Peru and to have made an unsuccessful attempt at communication.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 698; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case A0663
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5761
### Event 25579 (E57409E6)
**Date:** 9/9/1965
**Time:** 20:40
**Location:** ALDERSHOT, HAMPS
**Description:** 1 observer. Dog won't move. Object with headlamps and rotating lights overhead.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 138)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7386
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "ALDERSHOT,HAMPs:1 OBS:DOG WON'T MOVE:OBJ W/HEADLAMPS+ROTATING LITES OVHD", **LatLong:** "51.250002 -0.733333", **LatLongDMS:** "51:15:00 N 00:44:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.250002,-0.733333)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 25580 (2451DCDA)
**Date:** 9/9/1965
**Description:** Ms. Martindale in a residential area near Aldershot, Hampshire, England reported that at 8:40 p.m. her dog won't move but remained transfixed when a UFO with headlamps and rotating lights passed overhead.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Gordon Creighton, FSR, January 1970, p. 28
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5787
### Event 25581 (50C31824)
**Date:** 9/10/1965
**Location:** BRAZIL, Sao Joao (Pernambouc)
**Description:** (Translated from French) At 8:30 in the morning, Antonio Pau Ferro, a black farmer, was working in his cornfield when he heard "a loud whistling noise" and, turning, he saw two bright discs about 1.5 meters wide and 60 cm thick slowly land a little below him, on the side of the hill. They stopped and then rose to about 5 meters, leaving behind two small beings about 70 to 80 cm tall, who apparently had come out of the discs. The small creatures looked like men, were well proportioned, with smooth, reddish-brown faces "exactly like wax" and normal eyes. They wore one-piece clothing that fit very tightly. Terrified, the farmer leaned against a tree, holding a pickaxe in one hand, and the creatures that had approached returned, speaking an unintelligible language. When the farmer thought "Could these be the people from the flying saucers they talk about?" they turned, smiled, approached him, examining a tomato plant and plucking a fruit as they passed. Then they moved away again, the discs hovering descended, and apparently the little people got on board because when the discs shot up vertically with a sharp whistle, the little men had disappeared. (...)
**Reference:** Charles BOWEN: "In Search of Humanoids" - J'ai Lu 1974, p. 148, 149
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2341
### Event 25582 (347B3EB5)
**Date:** 9/10/1965
**Location:** COATEPEC, MEXICO
**Description:** 4+observer(s). Saucer hovers overhead. Small humanoid (or Grey) / street lifts metal rod and vanishes! / r8#699.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: DIMENSIONS, A Casebook of Alien Contact Ballentine, NY 1989. PB (Index 0)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7387
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Mexico", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "1179", **HatchDesc:** "COATEPEC,MEXICO:4+OBS:SCR HVRS OVHD:OID/STREET LIFTS MTL ROD+VANISHES!:/r8#699", **LatLong:** "19.450001 -96.966671", **LatLongDMS:** "19:27:00 N 96:58:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/19.450001,-96.966671)", **State/Prov:** "VRC", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 25583 (A6802210)
**Date:** 9/10/1965
**Time:** 08:30
**Location:** SAO JOAO, BRZ
**Description:** 2 brown 75cm small humanoids (or Greys) / 1.5M saucer chatter. Take tomatoes! / r41p472+/ r67.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LORENZEN, Coral & Jim: ENCOUNTERS with UFO OCCUPANTS; APRO/Berkley Medallion Books 1976. 424pp (Index 156)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7388
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **TLP:** Telepathy, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens, **CVS:** Conversation/communication, **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "15", **Elev:** "688", **HatchDesc:** "SAO JOAO,BRZ:2 BROWN 75cm OIDS/1.5M SCR CHATTER:TAKE TOMATOS!:/r41p472+/r67", **LatLong:** "-8.033334 -36.450002", **LatLongDMS:** "08:02:00 S 36:27:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-8.033334,-36.450002)", **State/Prov:** "PNB", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 25584 (652CD817)
**Date:** 9/10/1965
**Time:** 16:00
**Location:** D562 / ROUBINE, FR
**Description:** 1 observer. Big silent cone-saucer 200M away. Small fin / side. Tilts. Vanishes.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 120)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7389
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "D562/ROUBINE,FR:1 OBS:BIG SLNT CONE-SCR 200M AWAY:SML FIN/SIDE:TILTS:VANISHES", **LatLong:** "43.500002 6.411111", **LatLongDMS:** "43:30:00 N 06:24:40 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.500002,6.411111)", **State/Prov:** "Var", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 25585 (F2C9C3CB)
**Date:** 9/10/1965
**Location:** Jalapa, Mexico
**Description:** Four persons saw a creature with glowing catlike eyes, dressed in black, walking in a street. The entity was holding a metallic tube, was pursued, and vanished suddenly.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** 159; Magonia ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_699
### Event 25586 (E341A54B)
**Date:** 9/10/1965
**Location:** Mexico City, Mexico
**Description:** Three women were said to have observed a group of beings, 3 m tall, without noses or mouths with red, bright eyes, wearing gray clothing and boots. No object was described. Approximate date.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** 159 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_700
### Event 25587 (FA54BEF3)
**Date:** 9/10/1965
**Time:** 17:12:00.0
**Location:** 37.0780 -116.0167
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: Britain Name: “Charcoal” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 200KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1772
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0780 -116.0167", **LatLongDMS:** "37:04:41 N 116:01:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0780,-116.0167)", **NukeCountry:** "Britain", **NukeDepth:** "0.46", **NukeMb:** "5.16", **NukeName:** "Charcoal", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCUG", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "200"
### Event 25588 (546A53C3)
**Date:** 9/10/1965
**Locations:** São João; Garanhuns; Pernambuco; Brazil
**Description:** 8:30 a.m. Farmer Antônio Pau Ferro is working on his farm in São João, near Garanhuns, Pernambuco, Brazil, when he hears a noise and sees two metallic objects descending from the sky about 26 feet away. They touch the ground in a uniform motion, let two humanoids about 2.5 feet tall exit, then rise up again to 16 feet and hover. The beings approach Ferro, then move back to the two UFOs. They pick up a tomato and examine it. The objects descend and envelop them, then take off with a whining and then a low sound.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clark III 523; Brazil 76; Patrick Gross, [URECAT](https://ufologie.patrickgross.org/ce3/1965-09-10-brazil-garahuns.htm)[,](https://ufologie.patrickgross.org/ce3/1965-09-10-brazil-garahuns.htm) May 17, 2008
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3938
### Event 25589 (F04A8690)
**Date:** 9/10/1965
**Description:** Antonio Pau Ferro, a farmer, was working in his cornfield in Sao Joao, Pernambuco State, Brazil at 8:30 in the morning when he heard a rushing noise and saw two luminous discs five feet wide and two feet thick, come down nearby. They discharged two small beings, 27-31” tall, and then rose to hover at 15 feet. The entities had reddish brown, wax-like complexions and wore tight fitting one piece-outfits. They spoke an unknown language, smiled at the witness, and picked a tomato; then the two discs came down and picked them up, rising vertically with a whistling sound. The farmer said that they appeared quite human, except for their strange skin color and their size.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1965-50 (A0665), citing Walter Buhler, SBEVD; Coral E. Lorenzen, Flying Saucer Occupants, p. 114; Tribuna Santo, September 12, 1965; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty Year Report, p. 472
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5825
### Event 25590 (C78F9AE3)
**Date:** 9/10/1965
**Description:** On this night a hovering object was seen from a street in Jalapa, Veracruz, Mexico. It discharged yellow, blue, and orange lights from slits around its circumference. Four people--a local reporter, a bullfighter, and two taxi drivers--saw a creature with glowing catlike eyes dressed in black, walking down the street. The entity was holding a metallic tube. When they pursued the being it vanished suddenly.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Chicago Tribune, October 14, 1965; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 699
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5826
### Event 25591 (BC647DA6)
**Date:** 9/10/1965
**Description:** On or about this date three women in Mexico City, Mexico were said to have observed a group of giant beings, three meters tall, without noses or mouths but with bright red eyes, wearing gray uniforms and boots. No object was described.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 700
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5827
### Event 25592 (CF19F26B)
**Date:** 9/11/1965
**Time:** 0800
**Location:** Guarulhos, Brazil
**Description:** Antonio Pau Ferro saw two objects land. Two dwarfish beings emerged, 70 cm tall, dressed like humans, with "ugly" skin. They appeared to examine some tomato plants, reentered their craft, 6 m in diameter, and flew off. They spoke in a language which was not understood.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** LDLN 84 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_701
### Event 25593 (D88542E9)
**Date:** 9/12/1965
**Location:** PERU, Huancavelica (Andes)
**Description:** (Translated from French) Two small "Martians" had been seen and shortly after a squadron composed of one large disc and four smaller discs flew over the district for 3 or 4 minutes and was seen by hundreds of witnesses. Lieutenant Sebastian Mancha had observed for two minutes two "Martians" of 80 cm walking in the snow near Lake Ceulacocha. When they returned to their saucer and flew away, there was a sound like thunder. The machine had left tracks in the snow.
**Reference:** Charles BOWEN: "In Search of Humanoids" - J'ai Lu 1974, p. 149
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2342
### Event 25594 (99A2F348)
**Date:** 9/12/1965 (approximate)
**Description:** Hundreds / observer(s). 1 large and 3 small saucers. 2 80cm small humanoids (or Greys) walk / snow. / r112p114.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 793)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7390
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Peru", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "12", **Elev:** "3981", **HatchDesc:** "HUANCAVELICA,PERU:100s/OBS:1 LRG+3 SML SCRS:2 80cm OIDS WALK/SNOW:/r112p114", **LatLong:** "-12.783334 -75.033337", **LatLongDMS:** "12:47:00 S 75:02:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-12.783334,-75.033337)", **State/Prov:** "HUA", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 25595 (BF3ED0AD)
**Date:** 9/13/1965
**Time:** 08:30
**Description:** 2+observer(s). Night lights maneuver flash and play all over Army camp area.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SHUTTLEWOOD, Arthur: The WARMINSTER MYSTERY. Neville-Spearman/Tandem Books PB 1967, London. (Index 118)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7391
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "30", **Elev:** "80", **HatchDesc:** "nr CODFORD St.MARY,WILTs:2+OBS:NLTS MNVR FLASH+PLAY ALL OVR ARMY CAMP AREA", **LatLong:** "51.133336 -2.033333", **LatLongDMS:** "51:08:00 N 02:02:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.133336,-2.033333)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 25596 (8C1586FE)
**Date:** 9/14/1965
**Location:** FINLAND, Langenhoe
**Description:** (Translated from French) 01:00, starry sky, Paul Green, engineer, driving on the highway. A strange sound reaches him, while to the east he sees a blue glow. After some stalling the engine stops, the headlights go out. The same happens to a scooter following the same road. Getting out of the car Paul Green sees an object as high as a gasometer approaching, topped with a dome lit from the inside, while the buzzing increases. Then, unable to move, the witness feels paralysis taking over. The dark base of the craft stops a few decimeters from his head. He feels cardiac and cervical fluctuations, dizziness and receives an electric shock leaving him unconscious but standing. A little further the scooterist is also petrified. Later Paul Green notices his clothes cracking, his hair wrinkling and breaking. A dog from the nearby village has its fur affected in the same way, after the passage of a bluish phenomenon in the sky.
**Reference:** J.G. DOHMEN: "To Identify and the Adamski Case" - ed. Guy Dohmen, Biarritz 1972, p. 127
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2343
### Event 25597 (88721A7A)
**Date:** 9/14/1965
**Time:** 01:00
**Description:** 2 motorcycles electro-magnetic effect (EME). Saucer lands / swamp. Electric shocks felt. / BFJ v1#7.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 150)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7392
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "MERSEA ISL,ESSEX:2 MCYCLEs EME:SCR LANDS/SWAMP:ELECTRIC SHOCKS FELT:/BFJ v1#7", **LatLong:** "51.783336 0.916667", **LatLongDMS:** "51:47:00 N 00:55:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.783336,0.916667)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 25598 (0D9C2858)
**Date:** 9/14/1965
**Location:** Langenhoe, Essex, UK
**Description:** Glowing blue domed disc approached, buzzing sound; paralysis and shock See Section IV (E,L) (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2870
### Event 25599 (E295F983)
**Date:** 9/14/1965
**Location:** Langenhoe, Essex, UK
**Description:** Domed disc descended, humming sound, blue light. Motorbike engine failed, witness paralyzed, shock, static electricity
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_61
### Event 25600 (5C6156D2)
**Date:** 9/14/1965
**Locations:** Langenhoe, Essex, UK; Langenhoe Hall Lane
**Description:** 1:00 a.m. Engineer Paul Green is riding a motorcycle south of Langenhoe, Essex, UK, near Langenhoe Hall Lane when he hears a high-pitched humming to the east and notices a pinpoint of blue light moving in his direction. The humming becomes a loud buzzing, and his engine sputters and dies and the headlight goes out. The light resolves into an enormous domed disc that tilts and slowly descends. The underside of the disc has numerous round items. Green walks toward the object, but he feels paralyzed as the flashing blue light becomes intense, fluctuating in rhythm with his heartbeat. He feels a tingling like an electric shock. The object seems to land in an area with farmhouses. Green notes that another cyclist has had a similar problem, but with some difficulty he gets his cycle started. The next day he notices that his hair and clothes are imbued with static electricity.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Bernard E. Finch, “[The Langenhoe Incident,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%2C1965%2CNov-Dec%2CV%2011%2CN%206.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 11, no. 6 \(Nov./Dec. 1965\): 3–4
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3939
### Event 25601 (4288ED80)
**Date:** 9/14/1965
**Description:** At 1:00 a.m. an engineer on a motorbikein Langenhoe, Essex, England heard a high-pitched hum, which changed to a buzz when a domed disc-shaped object approached to a close range, and then his engine coughed, sputtered, and finally died. There was a blue light coming from the translucent dome on the object. The witness also received an electric shock, and suffered temporary paralysis. He could not move or speak, and his body tingled like he had received an electric shock. The buzzing diminished as the object descended and landed in a swampy area near some houses. The witness also experience strong static electricity throughout the next day.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, p. 25; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty Year Report, pp. 249, 267, 454
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5952
### Event 25602 (6209B088)
**Date:** 9/15/1965
**Location:** BARINAS, VNZ
**Description:** Sheriff and crowd. Giant luminous/glowing disk / low altitude. Going [to] toward(s) hill. Veers sharply quickly going up.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 793)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7393
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Venezuela", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "197", **HatchDesc:** "BARINAS,VNZ:SHERIFF+CROWD:GIANT LUMn DISK/LO ALT:> TWRD HILL:VEERS SHARPLY ↑↑", **LatLong:** "9.583334 -70.250003", **LatLongDMS:** "09:35:00 N 70:15:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/9.583334,-70.250003)", **RelAlt:** "3", **State/Prov:** "BRN", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 25603 (5CF52321)
**Date:** 9/15/1965
**Description:** Many observer(s). "Flying saucer" lands in lake. / LA Times.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SANDERSON, Ivan: INVISIBLE RESIDENTS; World Publishing HB 1970 & Avon Books PB 1973 (Index 228)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7394
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **SUB:** Submersible: Rises from or submerges into water, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Mexico", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "2257", **HatchDesc:** "LAKE TEXCOCO,MEXICO:MANY OBS:"FLYING SAUCER" LANDS IN LAKE:/L.A.TIMES", **LatLong:** "19.500001 -99.000005", **LatLongDMS:** "19:30:00 N 99:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/19.500001,-99.000005)", **State/Prov:** "MEX", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 25604 (9605BCF0)
**Date:** 9/15/1965
**Time:** 20:00
**Description:** 3 observer(s). Silent 12M cone with portholes hovers. Beams going down. Back several X. / r8#654.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 182)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7395
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "500", **HatchDesc:** "LORETANI Vly,ARG:3 OBS:SLNT 12M CONE W/PORTS HVRS:BEAMS↓:back svrl X:/r8#654", **LatLong:** "-31.733335 -64.516670", **LatLongDMS:** "31:44:00 S 64:31:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-31.733335,-64.516670)", **State/Prov:** "CRD", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 25605 (44B94464)
**Date:** 9/15/1965
**Time:** 23:50
**Location:** NEAR SUDBURY, MASS
**Description:** Car malfunctions due to EME (electro-magnetic effects). Headlight dim. Saucer hovers and whines 200' overhead. Car OK afterward.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FOWLER, Raymond E.: UFO'S, INTERPLANETARY VISITORS; Prentice Hall & Bantam Books, NY 1979. 346pp. (Index 90)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7396
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "58", **HatchDesc:** "nr SUDBURY,MASS:CAR EMES:HLITE DIM:SCR HVRS+WHINES 200' OVRHD:CAR OK AFTERWARD", **LatLong:** "42.383335 -71.416670", **LatLongDMS:** "42:23:00 N 71:25:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.383335,-71.416670)", **RelAlt:** "60", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 25606 (79F6BDCA)
**Date:** 9/15/1965
**Time:** 2400
**Location:** Silverton, South Africa
**Description:** Two policemen, John Lockem and Koos de Klerk, were on a patrol of the Pretoria-Bronkhorstspruit Road when their headlights illuminated a disk 10 m in diameter, copper-colored, resting on the road. Ten sec later it took off in a pool of flames, at high speed. The tar on the road kept burning for some time.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Humanoids 71 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_702
### Event 25607 (97E239A6)
**Date:** 9/15/1965
**Description:** Two policemen, John Lockem and Koos de Klerk, were on patrol on the Pretoria-Bronkhorstspruit Road in Silverton, South Africa just before midnight when their headlights illuminated a disc-shaped object resting on the road. It was 10 meters in diameter and copper-colored. Ten seconds later it took off in a pool of flames at high speed. The tar on the road kept burning for some time after the UFO left, leaving behind a large hole in the bitumen.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Charles Bowen, The Humanoids: FSR Special Edition No. 1, p. 71; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 702
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5985
### Event 25608 (6D836CC5)
**Date:** 9/15/1965
**Description:** At 11:45 p.m. in Sudbury, Massachusetts Mr. R. Schofield's car engine skipped and the lights dimmed, and he stopped to check engine in midst of rainstorm. When the driver got out of the car, he saw a disc-shaped object with a glowing rim that sparked in sequence, 200 feet above him.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Raymond E. Fowler case files, report dated March 18, 1967
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5986
### Event 25609 (07BE0914)
**Date:** 9/16/1965
**Location:** Pretoria, South Africa
**Description:** NICAP Report #(?): Pretoria, S. Africa: Constables John Lockem and Koos de Klerk while on patrol (after midnight) suddenly had a domed, disc shaped object come into their van headlights. It was sitting on the road. The UFO was copper colored and about 30 ft. in diam. Immediately the UFO lifted off, emitting tongues of flame from two tubes or channels on the underside. The flames deflected about three feet off the macadam road surface and were still visible after loosing sight of the craft. Road damage: part of the road was caved-in, and in a 6 foot area the gravel was separated from the tar. Samples of the road surface were taken for analysis, report was never released. Lt. Col. J.B. Brits, District Commandant of Pretoria North said the incident was “highly secret”, and inquiry is being conducted in top circles.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [Pea Research](https://www.academia.edu/9813787/GOVERNMENT_INVOLVEMENT_IN_THE_UFO_COVER_UP_CHRONOLOGY_based)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_630
### Event 25610 (63D3B004)
**Date:** 9/16/1965
**Time:** 00:10
**Location:** SILVERTON, RSA
**Description:** Cops. 10M-saucer rises / road and going northwest. Asphalt burns. / r111p242 / r25 / r67 / r180.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO Evidence II: HB: Scarecrow Press Lanham, MD. http://www.scarecrowpress.com ISBN 0-8108-3881-8 (Index 183)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7397
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Republic of South Africa", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "8", **HatchDesc:** "SILVERTON,RSA:COPS:10M-SCR RISES/ROAD+>NW:ASPHALT BURNS:/r111p242/r25/r67/r180", **LatLong:** "-25.750001 28.250001", **LatLongDMS:** "25:45:00 S 28:15:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-25.750001,28.250001)", **State/Prov:** "TRV", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 25611 (C3F260E8)
**Date:** 9/16/1965
**Location:** Silverton, S. Africa
**Description:** Multiple police, landing, traces. (#214) (NICAP: 06 - Trace Cases)
**Reference:** NICAP: [650916](https://web.archive.org/web/100/http://www.nicap.org/650916dir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2871
### Event 25612 (188B0537)
**Date:** 9/16/1965
**Location:** Pretoria, S. Africa
**Description:** Saucer Blasts Off From Highway (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, Code: C, Rating: 5)
**Reference:** NICAP: [650916](http://nicap.org/650916pretoria%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2872
### Event 25613 (EF42BC3D)
**Date:** 9/16/1965
**Location:** Pretoria, South Africa
**Description:** Constables in police van encountered domed disc on highway, object lifted off emitting flame. Tar and gravel road severely damaged
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_62
### Event 25614 (5E38BDFB)
**Date:** 9/16/1965
**Locations:** Pretoria-Bronkhorstspruit highway; South Africa
**Description:** Just after 12:00 midnight. Constables John Lockem and Koos de Klerk are patrolling on the Pretoria- Bronkhorstspruit highway in South Africa when their police van headlights suddenly illuminate a domed, disc- shaped object sitting on the road. The UFO is copper colored and about 30 feet in diameter. Within seconds, the object lifts off the road, emitting tongues of flame from two tubes or channels on the underside. Flames from the macadam road surface shoot up in the air about 3 feet as the UFO departs, blazing long after it is out of sight. Later investigation shows that part of the road is caved in as if from a heavy weight, and the gravel is separated from the tar in a severely burned area about 6 feet in diameter. Lt. Col. J. B. Brits, district commandant of Pretoria North, tells the media that the incident is considered “as being of a highly secret nature and an inquiry is being conducted in top circles.” Samples of the road surface are taken for analysis by a leading scientific agency; the report is never made public.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Philipp Human, “[Two Policemen See Saucer on Main Road,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%2C1965%2CNov-Dec%2CV%2011%2CN%206.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 11, no. 6 \(Nov./Dec. 1965\): 9–11; “[Police See UFO Blast Off from Highway,](http://cufos.org/UFOI%5Fand%5FSelected%5FDocuments/UFOI/028%20AUG-SEPT%201965.pdf)” UFO Investigator 3, no. 4 \(Aug./Sept. 1965\): 5; [Schopick](http://cufos.org/books/A%5FStudy%5Fof%5FSecondary%5FEffects-An%5FUnpublished%5FManuscript%5Fof%5FUFO%5FE-M%5FCases.pdf)[,](http://cufos.org/books/A%5FStudy%5Fof%5FSecondary%5FEffects-An%5FUnpublished%5FManuscript%5Fof%5FUFO%5FE-M%5FCases.pdf) pp. 187–192; UFOEv II 183–184
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3940
### Event 25615 (BB83EBF4)
**Date:** 9/16/1965
**Description:** Pretoria, South Africa. Two police officer witnesses in an approaching car, Lockem and De Klerk, watched in astonishment as a copper-colored, domed disc-shaped UFO, 30 feet in diameter, lifted off from the road in front of them at 12:10 a.m., emitting flames from two tubes on the underside. The physical traces included a burned five foot diameter depression on the macadam road.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP UFO Investigator, September 1965, p. 5; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II. A Thirty Year Report, pp. 171, 262
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6011
### Event 25616 (F8E4EA7D)
**Date:** 9/17/1965
**Location:** BAZA, GRANADA, SP
**Description:** White rectangular object with nose cone hovers / 5 hours. = balloon sonde?
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LOFTIN, Robert: IDENTIFIED FLYING SAUCERS: D. McKay, NY 1968 (Index 52)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7398
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "44", **HatchDesc:** "BAZA,GRANADA,SP:WHT RECTANGULAR OBJ with NOSE CONE HVRS/5hrs:=balloon sonde?", **LatLong:** "37.483335 -2.766667", **LatLongDMS:** "37:29:00 N 02:46:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.483335,-2.766667)", **State/Prov:** "Grenada", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 25617 (FB2A3E1C)
**Date:** 9/17/1965
**Location:** MEDINA DEL CAMPO, SP
**Description:** 2 pilots and ground observer(s). White triangle hovers / high altitude. 4X size / airliner.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 793)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7399
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "44", **HatchDesc:** "MEDINA del CAMPO,SP:2 PILOTS+GND OBS:WHT TRIANGLE HVRS/HI ALT:4X SIZE/AIRLINER", **LatLong:** "41.316669 -4.905556", **LatLongDMS:** "41:19:00 N 04:54:20 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.316669,-4.905556)", **State/Prov:** "VLD", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 25618 (C81E3487)
**Date:** 9/17/1965
**Time:** 15:08:23.1
**Location:** 37.1110 -116.0346
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Elkhart” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_425
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1110 -116.0346", **LatLongDMS:** "37:06:40 N 116:02:05 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1110,-116.0346)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.22", **NukeName:** "Elkhart", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 25619 (8C9C7961)
**Date:** 9/17/1965
**Time:** 04:00:00.1
**Location:** 49.8116 78.1467
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: .001KT YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1271
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.8116 78.1467", **LatLongDMS:** "49:48:42 N 78:08:48 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.8116,78.1467)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.60", **NukeSource:** "BOCHAROV", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** ".001", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 25620 (64874ADC)
**Date:** 9/17/1965
**Location:** Medina del Campo, Valladolid, Spain
**Description:** A UFO is seen hovering above Medina del Campo, Valladolid, Spain, for several hours. Heliodoro Carrión takes off in his light plane and goes to 15,000 feet. An Iberia Airlines jet passes him on the way up at 24,000 feet. Carrión estimates the UFO is at least 4 times larger than the jet.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[More Sightings over Spain,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201966%2001%2000%20-%20January-February.pdf)” APRO Bulletin, Jan./Feb. 1966, p. 1
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3941
### Event 25621 (EF5BEA29)
**Date:** 9/19/1965
**Time:** 12:00?
**Description:** Light plane / near collision / huge luminous object / 3km altitude. Several photographs.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 793)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7400
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Venezuela", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "1450", **HatchDesc:** "AUYAN TEPUI MTN,VNZ:LITE PLANE/nr COLLISION/HUGE LUMn.OBJ/3km alt:svrl fotos ", **LatLong:** "5.850000 -62.383336", **LatLongDMS:** "05:51:00 N 62:23:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/5.850000,-62.383336)", **RelAlt:** "3000", **State/Prov:** "BLV", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 25622 (429CE60D)
**Date:** 9/20/1965
**Location:** PERU, Pichaca (Puno)
**Description:** (Translated from French) At 4:30 pm a shepherdess saw six entities from 80 to 90 cm tall emerge from a UFO on the ground. They spoke an incomprehensible language that resembled "the cackling of geese". The shepherdess fled and hid. The creatures left some traces on the ground - those of a liquid resembling oil. The clothing of the entities was white and emitted intermittent flashes of light.
**Reference:** Charles BOWEN: "In Search of Humanoids" - J'ai Lu 1974, p. 150
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2344
### Event 25623 (C8460E95)
**Date:** 9/20/1965
**Time:** 16:30
**Location:** PICHACA, PERU
**Description:** 6 80cm small humanoids (or Greys) / saucer quack like geese. Oily traces. / r180p38+/ r113p157.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BOWEN, Charles (ed.) The HUMANOIDS: HB Henry Regnery, Chicago 1969. 256pp. PB 1977 Futura, London (Index 122)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7401
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **CVS:** Conversation/communication, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Peru", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "12", **Elev:** "3800", **HatchDesc:** "PICHACA,PERU:6 80cm OIDS/SCR QUACK like GEESE:OILY TRACES:/r180p38+/r113p157", **LatLong:** "-15.966667 -70.033337", **LatLongDMS:** "15:58:00 S 70:02:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-15.966667,-70.033337)", **State/Prov:** "PUN", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 25624 (11BB898E)
**Date:** 9/20/1965
**Time:** 1630
**Location:** Pichaca, Peru
**Description:** A farm woman saw an object land, and six dwarfs, 80 cm tall, emerged from it. They wore very shiny white clothes and "walked like ducks." She hid during the observation, and noted that they spoke in a language she could not understand. After their departure, a liquid resembling vinegar was found on the ground.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Personal ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_703
### Event 25625 (5732BF0B)
**Date:** 9/20/1965
**Description:** At 4:30 p.m. a young farm woman saw an object land in Pichaca, Peru and six dwarves, 80 cm tall, emerged from it. They wore very shiny white suits that emitted flashes of light, and "walked like ducks." She hid during the observation, and noted that they spoke in a language she could not understand. After their departure, a liquid resembling vinegar or oil was found on the ground.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** P. M. H. Edwards, FSR, May-June 1970, p. 23; Coral E. Lorenzen, Flying Saucer Occupants, p. 114; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 703
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6127
### Event 25626 (3B21E292)
**Date:** 9/20/1965
**Description:** At 8:30 p.m. an orange oval-shaped object emitting a hum passed low over observers in Felixstowe, Suffolk, England. the witnesses were terrified by the experience, and one observer was hospitalized for shock.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Gordon I. R. Lore, Jr., Strange Effects from UFOs, p. 70
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6128
### Event 25627 (43FC0898)
**Date:** 9/22/1965
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** RIO VISTA, CA
**Description:** Cops and 400. Glowing-cigar lands by water tower. .22 shots ricochet.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 269)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7402
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "12", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "7", **HatchDesc:** "RIO VISTA,CA:COPS+400:GLOW-CIGAR LANDS by WATER TOWER:.22 SHOTS RICOCHET:", **LatLong:** "38.166668 -121.700006", **LatLongDMS:** "38:10:00 N 121:42:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.166668,-121.700006)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 25628 (F0F28E9C)
**Date:** 9/22/1965 (approximate)
**Time:** 21:20
**Location:** FORT / FRANCE, MTQ
**Description:** 2 submarine/submerged crews. Huge saucer loops. Light power = 2.3MW. Going west. / LDLN#145+/ r5p23.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** STURROCK, Dr. Peter A.: The UFO ENIGMA; Warner Books, NY 1999; ISBN 0-446-52565-0 HB 404pp. (Index 221)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7403
**Attributes:** **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **RDA:** Radiation/high energy fields detected, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **MIL:** Military investigation
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Caribbean area", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "30", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "FORT/FRANCE,MTQ:2 SUBM.CREWS:HUGE SCR LOOPS:LITE Pwr=2.3MW:>W:/LDLN#145+/r5p23", **LatLong:** "14.616667 -61.100003", **LatLongDMS:** "14:37:00 N 61:06:00 W", **Locale:** "Islands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/14.616667,-61.100003)", **State/Prov:** "MRT", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 25629 (AE91DF80)
**Date:** 9/22/1965
**Time:** 22:20
**Description:** Several separate observer(s). Silver lampshade saucer. Photographs faulty or show nothing!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SHUTTLEWOOD, Arthur: The WARMINSTER MYSTERY. Neville-Spearman/Tandem Books PB 1967, London. (Index 115)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7404
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "8", **Elev:** "120", **HatchDesc:** "WARMINSTER,WILTS:SVRL SEP.OBS:SLVR LAMPSHADE SCR:FOTOS FAULTY OR SHOW NOTHING!", **LatLong:** "51.250002 -2.150000", **LatLongDMS:** "51:15:00 N 02:09:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.250002,-2.150000)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 25630 (6219B3F6)
**Date:** 9/22/1965
**Location:** Clover, MN
**Description:** Close Encounter With 4' Sphere (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, Code: C, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** NICAP: [650922](http://www.nicap.org/650922clover%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2873
### Event 25631 (EA8642B3)
**Date:** 9/22/1965
**Location:** Landis, NC
**Description:** Two Orange Discs Fly In Straight Line (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, Code: D, Rating: 5, BB: BB)
**Reference:** NICAP: [650922](http://www.nicap.org/650922landis%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2874
### Event 25632 (2E4F807F)
**Date:** 9/23/1965
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Power outage in Cuernavaca. (September 23)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1965.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2140
### Event 25633 (7F621EDA)
**Date:** 9/23/1965
**Location:** Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico
**Description:** A major blackout in Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico, coincides with the appearance of a glowing, disc- shaped UFO hovering low over the city. Witnesses include the governor of Morelos state, Emilio Riva Palacio; [Valentín López González](https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Valent%C3%ADn%5FL%C3%B3pez%5FGonz%C3%A1lez), the mayor of Cuernavaca; 24th military zone chief Gen. Rafael Enrique Vega; [Joaquín](https://web.archive.org/web/100/https://clubdeleonescuernavacaac.club/1965-1966-joaquin-diaz-gonzalez/) [Díaz González](https://web.archive.org/web/100/https://clubdeleonescuernavacaac.club/1965-1966-joaquin-diaz-gonzalez/)[,](https://web.archive.org/web/100/https://clubdeleonescuernavacaac.club/1965-1966-joaquin-diaz-gonzalez/) president of the Lion’s Club; founder of the Folkloric Ballet of Mexico, [Amalia Hernández](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amalia%5FHern%C3%A1ndez); and future Mexican President [Luis Echeverría](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luis%5FEcheverr%C3%ADa). The power only fails as long as the UFO is there.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Frank Edwards, FS Serious Business, Bantam ed., 1966, [p. 145](https://archive.org/details/flyingsaucersser00edwa/page/144/mode/2up); [Schopick](http://cufos.org/books/A%5FStudy%5Fof%5FSecondary%5FEffects-An%5FUnpublished%5FManuscript%5Fof%5FUFO%5FE-M%5FCases.pdf)[,](http://cufos.org/books/A%5FStudy%5Fof%5FSecondary%5FEffects-An%5FUnpublished%5FManuscript%5Fof%5FUFO%5FE-M%5FCases.pdf) pp. 192–196; Antonio Huneeus, “[UFO Sighting by](http://www.openminds.tv/ufo-sighting-by-mexican-president-luis-echeverria/12459) [Mexican President Luis Echeverría,](http://www.openminds.tv/ufo-sighting-by-mexican-president-luis-echeverria/12459)” OpenMinds, October 6, 2011
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3943
### Event 25634 (3B1C403F)
**Date:** Fall 1965
**Locations:** Chesapeake & Ohio; Fostoria, Ohio
**Description:** 10:30 a.m. A Chesapeake & Ohio train is moving 8 miles south of Fostoria, Ohio, when the fireman and engineer see a large cigar-shaped object in the sky a considerable distance away. It is dark in color and positioned at a 45° angle from the horizon. It appears to be creating its own cloud screen. Suddenly a small object falls out of the tail and descends slowly in a fluttering fashion. Near the ground the small object stabilizes, emits coal-black smoke from its top, and then rises upward faster and faster. Three more objects leave the large one, each taking 10–12 minutes. They go off in different directions. After the last one leaves, a white cloud forms around the large object, which remains in the sky with other normal white clouds.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Herbert S. Taylor, “Satellite Objects and Cloud Cigars,” IUR 29, no. 1 \(Spring 2004\): 3
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3946
### Event 25635 (A1DAD7AF)
**Date:** 9/23/1965
**Description:** A luminous UFO flew over the city of Cuernavaca, Mexico on this evening and caused three separate power failures. The domed object was seen by thousands, including the mayor.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP UFO Investigator, December 1965, p. 3; Charles Bowen, Flying Saucer Review, January-February 1966, p. 14; Frank Edwards, Flying Saucers -Serious Business, p. 259
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6254
### Event 25636 (C59C56B7)
**Date:** 9/24/1965
**Description:** Astronomer. Saucer / lit portholes. Makes nosedive and maneuvers. / r84p287.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 204)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7405
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Georgia", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "NOVYY AFON,ABKHAZIA:ASTRONOMER:SCR/LIT PORTHOLES:MAKES NOSEDIVE+MNVRs:/r84p287", **LatLong:** "43.083335 40.833335", **LatLongDMS:** "43:05:00 N 40:50:00 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.083335,40.833335)", **State/Prov:** "Abkhazia", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 25637 (1D5D1F99)
**Date:** 9/25/1965
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) At Chisholm, Minnesota, Bett Diamond observed for 1 minute 5 orange lights flying quickly in a line and making an abrupt turn. (9:55)
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#9970 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1965.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2141
### Event 25638 (832A881F)
**Date:** 9/25/1965
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) At Rodio \(Rodeo?\), New Mexico, Dr. George Walton, a physicist-chemist, and his wife saw two white, round objects flying side by side, between 30 and 50 feet, advancing at the same pace as the witnesses for 6 minutes. (22 h)
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#9971 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1965.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2142
### Event 25639 (86CCB27A)
**Date:** 9/25/1965
**Location:** MEXICO, MX
**Description:** Thousands / observer(s). Saucer hovers and vanishes in place! Back 29 September. / r204p91+/ r79p53.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 41)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7406
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Mexico", **Credibility:** "13", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "2221", **HatchDesc:** "MEXICO,MX:1000s/OBS:SCR HVRS+VANISHES IN PLACE!:BACK 29SEPT:/r204p91+/r79p53", **LatLong:** "19.450001 -99.150005", **LatLongDMS:** "19:27:00 N 99:09:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/19.450001,-99.150005)", **State/Prov:** "DF", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 25640 (89CCED3A)
**Date:** 9/25/1965
**Time:** 09:50
**Location:** CHISHOLM, MN
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #9970. 3 observer(s). 5 fast orange night lights in a row. Make abrupt turn.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BERLINER, DON: The BLUEBOOK UNKNOWNS; (FUFOR). (Index 34)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7407
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "312", **HatchDesc:** "CHISHOLM,MN:BBK#9970:3 OBS:5 FAST ORG NLTS IN A ROW:MAKE ABRUPT TURN", **LatLong:** "47.488891 -92.916671", **LatLongDMS:** "47:29:20 N 92:55:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.488891,-92.916671)", **State/Prov:** "Minnesota", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 25641 (DF58E0EA)
**Date:** 9/25/1965
**Time:** 20:20
**Location:** ALLENTOWN, PA
**Description:** Ivan Sanderson and 1. Night light divides / 2+maneuvers. Changes colors. Vanishes.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SANDERSON, Ivan: UNINVITED VISITORS; Cowles Educational Corp. NY 1967 HB (Index 23)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7408
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "105", **HatchDesc:** "ALLENTOWN,PA:IVAN SANDERSON+1:NLT DIVIDES/2+MNVRS:CHANGES COLORS:VANISHES", **LatLong:** "40.616669 -75.466670", **LatLongDMS:** "40:37:00 N 75:28:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.616669,-75.466670)", **State/Prov:** "Pennsylvania", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 25642 (B83A4E30)
**Date:** 9/25/1965
**Time:** 21:40
**Description:** 6 / lighthouse. Bright white top-saucer maneuvers. Several similar / 1965.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO RESEARCH AUSTRALIA NEWSLETTER. (Details missing) (Index 824)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7409
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "12", **HatchDesc:** "MATSUYKER Isl,TASMANIA:6/LITEHOUSE:BRITE WHT TOP-SCR MNVRS:SVRL SIMILAR/1965", **LatLong:** "-43.666669 146.400007", **LatLongDMS:** "43:40:00 S 146:24:00 E", **Locale:** "Offshore", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-43.666669,146.400007)", **State/Prov:** "TSM", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 25643 (8BEA6E95)
**Date:** 9/25/1965
**Time:** 22:00
**Location:** US80 / RODEO, NM
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #9971. Pilot / chemist and 1 buzzed / 2 saucers / 3 minute(s). Panic going [to] 80mph. 1 going southeast and 1 going east.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO Evidence II: HB: Scarecrow Press Lanham, MD. http://www.scarecrowpress.com ISBN 0-8108-3881-8 (Index 151)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7410
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "6", **Elev:** "1258", **HatchDesc:** "US80/RODEO,NM:BBK#9971:PILOT/CHEMIST+1 BUZZED/2 SCRS/3min:PANIC>80mph:1>SE+1>E", **LatLong:** "31.850002 -109.000005", **LatLongDMS:** "31:51:00 N 109:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/31.850002,-109.000005)", **State/Prov:** "New Mexico", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 25644 (36961F33)
**Date:** 9/25/1965
**Location:** Chisholm, MN
**Description:** 5 orange lights in a row fly fast make an abrupt turn (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 9970)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2875
### Event 25645 (0C351058)
**Date:** 9/25/1965
**Location:** Rodeo, NM
**Description:** Two Lights Illuminate Car At 30-50' Altitude (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, Code: C, Rating: 5, BB: 9971, NC)
**Reference:** NICAP: [650925](http://www.nicap.org/650925rodeo%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2876
### Event 25646 (2345D3E4)
**Date:** 9/25/1965
**Time:** 9:55 AM
**Location:** Chisholm, Minnesota
**Description:** Witness: Bett Diamon. Five orange lights in a row flew fast and made an abrupt turn during the 1 minute sighting.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_530
### Event 25647 (CB95E0ED)
**Date:** 9/25/1965
**Time:** 10 PM
**Location:** Rodeo, New Mexico
**Description:** Witnesses: Dr. George Walton, physical chemist, and wife. Two round white objects flew side-by-side, at 30-50' altitude, pacing the witnesses' car for 6 minutes.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_531
### Event 25648 (E65E59D3)
**Date:** Late 9/1965
**Location:** Fort-de-France, Martinique
**Description:** 9:15 p.m. Two French submarines, the Junon \(S648\) and the Daphné \(S641\), escorted by the logistic support vessel Rhône, are anchored off Fort-de-France, Martinique, when a large luminous object the color of a fluorescent tube arrives slowly and silently from the west. Michel Figuet on the Junon goes into the coming tower and gets six pairs of binoculars that he distributes to companions. There are 300 witnesses, including four officers on the Junon, three officers on the Daphné, a dozen French sailors, and personnel of the weather observatory. All witnesses aboard the Junon see the object as a large ball of light or a disc on edge arriving from the west. It moves slowly, horizontally, at a distance estimated at 6 miles south of the ships, from west to east. It leaves a whitish trace similar to the glow of a TV screen. When it was directly south of the ships the object drops toward the earth, makes two complete loops, then hovers in the midst of a faint halo. Figuet watches the object vanish in the center of its glow “like a bulb turned off.” The trail and the halo remain visible in the sky for a full minute. At 9:45 p.m. the halo reappears at the same place, and the object switches on again. It rises, makes two more loops, and flies away to the west, where it disappears at 9:50 p.m.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallée, “[Estimates of Power Optical Output in Six](https://www.scientificexploration.org/docs/12/jse%5F12%5F3%5Fvallee%5F1.pdf) [Cases of Unexplained Aerial Objects with Defined Luminosity Characteristics,](https://www.scientificexploration.org/docs/12/jse%5F12%5F3%5Fvallee%5F1.pdf)” Journal of Scientific Exploration 12, no. 3 \(1998\): 348–350
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3942
### Event 25649 (CFA112D6)
**Date:** 9/25/1965
**Description:** At 9:55 a.m. in Chisholm, Minnesota Bett Diamon saw five orange lights flying in a row at a high speed, and then execute an abrupt turn. The duration of the sighting was one minute.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Project Blue Book files counted in official statistics, case # 9970; Don Berliner, Project Bluebook UFO Unknowns; Don Berliner, Australasian Ufologist, April 1999, p. 52; Jay Rath, The M-Files: True Reports of Minnesota's Unexplained Phenomena, p. 38
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6314
### Event 25650 (04815471)
**Date:** 9/25/1965
**Description:** At ten o'clock in the evening Dr. George Walton, a physical chemist with a Ph.D., and his wife witnessed two round white objects that flew side-by-side in the sky over Rodeo, New Mexico. The objects flew at 30 to 50 feet above the ground, on a collision course with the witnesses' car, then moved parallel to the road and paced their car at 50-80 mph for six minutes. The object changed to a blue color. Light illuminated the car interior.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Don Berliner, Project Bluebook UFO Unknowns; Don Berliner, Australasian UFOlogist, April 1999, p. 52; Mort Young, UFO Top Secret, p. 106-111; UNICAT, case # 636
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6315
### Event 25651 (E2121D91)
**Date:** 9/26/1965
**Location:** Licking County, OH
**Description:** (McDonald list) High Speed Object Tracked On Radar (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** NICAP: [650926](http://www.nicap.org/650926licking%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2877
### Event 25652 (3039CD11)
**Date:** 9/26/1965
**Location:** Milan, Italy
**Description:** The Centro Ufologico Nazionale is founded in Milan, Italy, as a test of cooperation among several regional UFO groups. It begins publishing Notiziario UFO, edited by [Roberto Pinotti](https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roberto%5FPinotti)[,](https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roberto%5FPinotti) in January 1966.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Story, [p.](https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofuf0000unse/page/66/mode/2up) [67](https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofuf0000unse/page/66/mode/2up); 1Pinotti 143–146; [Notiziario UFO](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/Italy/Notiziario%20UFO%20%28CUN%29/Notiziario%20UFO%20-%201967%20No%201.pdf) 1 \(1967\)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3944
### Event 25653 (11CDD359)
**Date:** 9/27/1965
**Time:** 08:20
**Location:** FREDONIA, NY
**Description:** 10M silvery object rises / woods. Box held beneath. Also Blue Book photos / Swan Lake.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA; H. Regnery, Chicago HC 1969 & Contemporary Books,Chicago 1993. 372pp. (Index 704)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7411
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "222", **HatchDesc:** "FREDONIA,NY:10M SILVERY OBJ RISES/WOODS:BOX HELD BENEATH:+BBK PHOTOS/SWAN LAKE", **LatLong:** "42.416669 -79.333337", **LatLongDMS:** "42:25:00 N 79:20:00 W", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.416669,-79.333337)", **RelAlt:** "1", **State/Prov:** "New York", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 25654 (820300A9)
**Date:** 9/27/1965
**Time:** 17:20
**Location:** WESTERVILLE, OH
**Description:** Research chemist. Aluminum cylinder/cigar-shape going west over road. Banks going southwest. Silent. Separate observer(s).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO Evidence II: HB: Scarecrow Press Lanham, MD. http://www.scarecrowpress.com ISBN 0-8108-3881-8 (Index 160)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7412
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "267", **HatchDesc:** "WESTERVILLE,OH:RESEARCH CHEMIST:ALUM.CGR > W OVR ROAD:BANKS >SW:SLNT:sep obs", **LatLong:** "40.127780 -82.927782", **LatLongDMS:** "40:07:40 N 82:55:40 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.127780,-82.927782)", **State/Prov:** "Ohio", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 25655 (D00582C2)
**Date:** 9/27/1965
**Time:** 19:30
**Location:** ANDOVER, MASS
**Description:** Navy physicist. Fireball no meteor. It kept on going. Faster than planes.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FOWLER, Raymond E.: UFO'S, INTERPLANETARY VISITORS; Prentice Hall & Bantam Books, NY 1979. 346pp. (Index 322)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7413
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "55", **HatchDesc:** "ANDOVER,MASS:NAVY PHYSICIST:FBL NO METEOR:IT KEPT ON GOING:FASTER THAN PLANES", **LatLong:** "42.666669 -71.150003", **LatLongDMS:** "42:40:00 N 71:09:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.666669,-71.150003)", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 25656 (F736DFBD)
**Date:** 9/27/1965
**Location:** Columbus, OH
**Description:** At 5:15 P.M., scientist saw metallic-appearing, cigar-shaped object that changed course (UFOE II, Section, IV). (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2878
### Event 25657 (BDB77F7D)
**Date:** 9/27/1965
**Time:** 0815
**Location:** Fredonia, New York
**Description:** Addie Jones, 61, saw a silvery object, 10 m in diameter, rise from a wooded area and hover silently before leaving toward the west. Under the object was a boxlike device. Distance to witness: 400 m. No light.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** 160 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_704
### Event 25658 (0A79C5D8)
**Date:** 9/27/1965
**Location:** Columbus, OH
**Description:** At 5:15 P.M., scientist saw metallic-appearing, cigar-shaped object that changed course
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_63
### Event 25659 (83E5DCD7)
**Date:** 9/27/1965
**Location:** Northeastern United States
**Description:** Fireball meteor sighting at 7:56 P.M. American Meteor Society No. 2389.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_64
### Event 25660 (A7EB620B)
**Date:** 9/27/1965
**Description:** A physicist employed by the U.S. Air Force sighted a sharply defined, brillian white ball of light in Andover, Massachusetts at 7:28 p.m. He first thought it could be a meteor, but it did not burn out when he stopped to watch it. It moved faster than any known conventional aircraft.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Raymond E. Fowler, UFOs: Interplanetary Visitors, p. 334
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6379
### Event 25661 (B2C179BD)
**Date:** 9/28/1965
**Time:** 15:40
**Description:** Vertical cylinder/cigar-shape and saucers? Observer(s) zapped. 8mm camera and watch ruined.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SHUTTLEWOOD, Arthur: The WARMINSTER MYSTERY. Neville-Spearman/Tandem Books PB 1967, London. (Index 121)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7414
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "120", **HatchDesc:** "WARMINSTER,WILTS:VERTICAL CGR+SCRS?:OBS ZAPPED:8mm CAMERA+WATCH RUINED", **LatLong:** "51.205558 -2.172222", **LatLongDMS:** "51:12:20 N 02:10:20 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.205558,-2.172222)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 25662 (47B1F02D)
**Date:** 9/28/1965
**Location:** US
**Description:** Memo from Maj. Gen. E. B. LeBailly, USAF director of information, to USAF Scientific Advisory Board requesting a scientific panel to review the methods and findings of Project Blue Book. LeBailly noted: "Many of the reports that cannot be explained have come from intelligent and technically well-qualified individuals whose integrity cannot be doubted."
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_65
### Event 25663 (41094F2E)
**Date:** 9/28/1965
**Location:** Wright-Patterson AFB
**Description:** USAF Director of Information Gen. [Eugene B. LeBailly](https://www.af.mil/About-Us/Biographies/Display/Article/106475/lieutenant-general-eugene-b-lebailly/) writes to the military director of the USAF Scientific Advisory Board, saying that Gen. [Arthur C. Agan](https://www.af.mil/About-Us/Biographies/Display/Article/107889/lieutenant-general-arthur-c-agan/) has found Project Blue Book to be a worthwhile program and that the Air Force should continue to investigate UFOs “to assure that such objects do not present a threat to our national security.” The project will remain at the Foreign Technology Division \(Wright-Patterson AFB\). He also requests that a “working scientific panel composed of both physical and social scientists be organized to review Project Blue Book—its resources, methods, and findings.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Maj. Gen. E. B. LeBailly, “[Unidentified Flying Objects \(UFOs\),](http://www.nicap.org/docs/650928lebailly%5Fdocs.pdf)” memorandum for military director, Scientific Advisory Board, September 28, 1965
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3945
### Event 25664 (B726BB09)
**Date:** 9/29/1965
**Location:** PERU, Arequipa
**Description:** (Translated from French) Julio Lopez de Ramana and Antonio Chaves Bedoya in a car almost ran over a strange being that was on the road. It was about 80 cm tall and had only one eye. Its body was surrounded by gold and silver bands. Shortly after, a UFO appeared and flew over the car for some time. Then, 20 km away, a similar UFO flying very low was seen by various people.
**Reference:** Charles BOWEN: "In Search of Humanoids" - J'ai Lu 1974, p. 150
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2345
### Event 25665 (339ED037)
**Date:** 9/29/1965
**Location:** AREQUIPA, PERU
**Description:** 1-eyed 80CM small humanoid (or Grey) / roadside. Saucer follows car. Other observer(s) / same day. / r8.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BOWEN, Charles (ed.) The HUMANOIDS: HB Henry Regnery, Chicago 1969. 256pp. PB 1977 Futura, London (Index 123)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7415
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **MON:** Monster: Life form fits no category, **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Peru", **Credibility:** "4", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "2414", **HatchDesc:** "AREQUIPA,PERU:1-EYED 80CM OID/ROADSIDE:SCR FOLOS CAR:OTHER OBS/SAME DAY:/r8", **LatLong:** "-16.433334 -71.511115", **LatLongDMS:** "16:26:00 S 71:30:40 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-16.433334,-71.511115)", **State/Prov:** "Arequipa", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 25666 (1DCCFF8D)
**Date:** 9/29/1965
**Location:** Swanlake, NY
**Description:** (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2879
### Event 25667 (7BCAAC9E)
**Date:** 9/29/1965
**Location:** Arequipa, Peru
**Description:** Two men in a car, Julio L. de Romana and Antonio Chavez Bedoya, saw a strange being, 80 cm tall, by the side of the road. The creature had only one eye, and gold and silver stripes over its entire body. Soon afterward a craft flew over their car. Several persons living 20 km away also reported an unidentified object within min of this sighting.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Personal ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_705
### Event 25668 (8D3A387F)
**Date:** 9/29/1965
**Description:** Mr. & Mrs. Carlsson sighted a UFO with at least one occupant aboard at 6:30 p.m. in their yard in Arboga, Vastmanland, Sweden.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** UFO Information Sweden, November 1974, p. 20
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6420
### Event 25669 (3DE3C041)
**Date:** 9/29/1965
**Description:** Julio Lopez de Ramana and Antonio Chaves Bedoya, while driving in Arequipa, Peru nearly ran down a strange bipedal creature in the road. It was short, only 31 inches tall, and had only one eye. It also had silver and golden stripes running down its body. Soon afterwards, a UFO flew above their car for some time. That night others in the area reported also seeing low flying UFOs.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case # 705; John A. Keel, UFOs: Operation Trojan Horse, p. 145; Gordon Creighton, The Humanoids: FSR Special Edition No. 1, p. 45; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case # 1965-56 (A0672), citing Donald Hanlon
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6421
### Event 25670 (68B673E4)
**Date:** 9/30/1965 (approximate)
**Time:** ~09:00
**Description:** Classic saucer buzzes Air Force helicopter. Forced secrecy.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FAWCETT, Lawrence & GREENWOOD, Barry: The UFO COVERUP (Formerly Clear Intent); Prentice Hall, NJ 1984. 264pp. (Index 59)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7416
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **NUC:** Nuclear facility related, **MIL:** Military investigation, **COV:** Indication of coverup
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "917", **HatchDesc:** "ELLSWORTH AFB> Event 25671 (33EE5E7A)
**Date:** 10/1965
**Location:** Baikonur Cosmodrome, Soviet Kazakhstan
**Description:** Soviet N-1 super heavy rocket development is begun
**Type:** aerospace
**Reference:** [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/N1_(rocket))
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_631
### Event 25672 (3176DBF4)
**Date:** 10/1965
**Time:** 12:00?
**Location:** LAKE NORMAN, NC
**Description:** 2 / light plane photograph 3 saucers over McGuire nuclear power station/depot/facility. / r95 v5#3.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 422)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7417
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **NUC:** Nuclear facility related, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "232", **HatchDesc:** "LAKE NORMAN,NC:2/LITE PLANE FOTO 3 SCRS OVR MCGUIRE NUCL POWER STN:/r95 v5#3", **LatLong:** "35.511113 -80.872226", **LatLongDMS:** "35:30:40 N 80:52:20 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/35.511113,-80.872226)", **State/Prov:** "North Carolina", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 25673 (26D66DDB)
**Date:** 10/1965
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** MONACA, PA
**Description:** 2 observer(s). 45' metallic saucer / hayfield. 20' high. Figure(s) / 3 portholes. Retracts beams. Physical trace(s).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PHILLIPS, Ted: Study of PHYSICAL TRACES ASSOCIATED with UFO SIGHTINGS; CUFOS 1975. (Index 38)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7418
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "15", **Elev:** "274", **HatchDesc:** "MONACA,PA:2 OBS:45'MTLC SCR/HAYFIELD:20'HI:Figs/3 PORTHOLES:RETRACTS BEAMS:TRC", **LatLong:** "40.688891 -80.322226", **LatLongDMS:** "40:41:20 N 80:19:20 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.688891,-80.322226)", **State/Prov:** "Pennsylvania", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 25674 (6AE48F96)
**Date:** 10/1965
**Location:** Lake Norman, NC
**Description:** Three UFOs over McGuire Nuclear Power Station (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, NC)
**Reference:** NICAP: [6510xx](http://www.nicap.org/6510XXlakenorman%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2880
### Event 25675 (DBAD6092)
**Date:** 10/1965
**Location:** Hobart, Tasmania
**Description:** The Tasmanian UFO Investigation Centre is formed in Hobart, Tasmania, by Robert Burge. It publishes the TUFOIC Newsletter for many years, but the organization folds in December 2015.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** [TUFOIC Newsletter](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/Australia/TUFOIC%20Newsletter/TUFOIC%20Newsletter%20-%20No%20007%20-%201971.pdf), no. 7 \(1971\); Keith Basterfield, Vladimir Godic, and Pony Godic, “Australian Ufology: A Review,” JUFOS 2 \(1990\): 25
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3947
### Event 25676 (E762B797)
**Date:** 10/1/1965
**Location:** AGUAS BLANCAS, ARG
**Description:** 3 small humanoids (or Greys) with green skin try / grab terrified kids. / Codovni and more / r88p181.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA; H. Regnery, Chicago HC 1969 & Contemporary Books,Chicago 1993. 372pp. (Index 706)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7419
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HOX:** Suspicion of hoax, **NFO:** No craft seen, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **MON:** Monster: Life form fits no category, **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "3", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "562", **HatchDesc:** "AGUAS BLANCAS,ARG:3 OIDS W/GRN SKIN TRY/GRAB TERRIFIED KIDS:/CODOVNI+/r88p181", **LatLong:** "-22.733334 -64.366670", **LatLongDMS:** "22:44:00 S 64:22:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-22.733334,-64.366670)", **State/Prov:** "SLT", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 25677 (9200E9A6)
**Date:** 10/1/1965
**Location:** Aguas Blancas, Argentina
**Description:** Three students, Santos Vallejos, Antonia Aparti, and Adela Sanchez, who were walking to General San Martin School, were attacked by small creatures with greenish skin. The children ran away, and arrived at the school in a state of terror.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** CODOVNI ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_706
### Event 25678 (E9D6AA23)
**Date:** 10/1/1965
**Time:** 10:00:00.0
**Location:** 24.0649 5.0340
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground. Country: France Name: “corindon” Yield: 0KT YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1851
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "24.0649 5.0340", **LatLongDMS:** "24:03:54 N 05:02:02 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/24.0649,5.0340)", **NukeCountry:** "France", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "corindon", **NukeSource:** "BOLT", **NukeType:** "U", **NukeY:** "0", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 25679 (D2E766BE)
**Date:** 10/1/1965
**Locations:** Sweden; Swedish National Defence Research Institute
**Description:** The Swedish Defense Staff transfers the responsibility for UFO investigation to the Swedish National Defence Research Institute \[now the Swedish Defence Research Agency\] in Sweden, where it remains. Few civilian reports are classified as secret, but sensitive reports by the military are restricted.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Swords 367–368
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3948
### Event 25680 (0D46319D)
**Date:** 10/1/1965
**Description:** Three school students, Santos Vallejos, Antonia Aparti, and Adela Sanchez were walking to General San Martin School, Aguas Blancas, Salta province, Argentina when they were attacked by small creatures with greenish skin. The children ran away, and arrived at the school in a state of terror.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 706, citing CODOVNI
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6471
### Event 25681 (1975EB50)
**Date:** 10/2/1965
**Time:** 20:20
**Location:** SALEM, MASS
**Description:** Many calls. Cylinder/cigar-shape with hump hovers over power plant / 45 degree angle. Sways and hisses.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FOWLER, Raymond E.: UFO'S, INTERPLANETARY VISITORS; Prentice Hall & Bantam Books, NY 1979. 346pp. (Index 91)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7420
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "SALEM,MASS:MANY CALLS:CGR W/HUMP HVRS OVR POWER PLANT/45dgr ANGLE:SWAYS+HISSES", **LatLong:** "42.516669 -70.900003", **LatLongDMS:** "42:31:00 N 70:54:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.516669,-70.900003)", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 25682 (EAF52BA4)
**Date:** 10/2/1965
**Location:** Salem, MA
**Description:** Cigar Hovers Over Smoke Stacks (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, Code: C, Rating: 5)
**Reference:** NICAP: [651002](http://www.nicap.org/651002salem%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2881
### Event 25683 (9B60D932)
**Date:** 10/2/1965
**Locations:** Exeter; Pease AFB
**Description:** [John G. Fuller](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John%5FG.%5FFuller) summarizes the Exeter sighting in his “Trade Winds” column in the Saturday Review. He writes to his editors beforehand that “reliable, but off-the-record information from the Pease AFB indicates frequent radar blips and fighters are constantly scrambled to pursue these objects. This information is not official, but it comes from a reliable source.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** John G. Fuller, “[Trade Winds,](https://archive.org/details/sim%5Fsaturday-review%5F1965-10-02%5F48%5F40/page/n9/mode/2up)” Saturday Review 48, no. 40 \(October 2, 1965\): 10, 16
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3949
### Event 25684 (1FEB2A04)
**Date:** 10/2/1965
**Description:** At 8:20 p.m. J. Centorino saw a dark UFO hovering over the power plant in Salem, Massachusetts. It was cigar-shaped with an off-centered hump and had a white light on each end. It swayed back-and-forth, inclined at a 45-degree angle.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Raymond E. Fowler case files, report dated October 5, 1965; Raymond E. Fowler, UFOs: Interplanetary Visitors, p. 94 & 334
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6496
### Event 25685 (F445E1C5)
**Date:** 10/4/1965
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In Middletown \(Ohio\), observation of Tucker. (4 October)
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1965.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2143
### Event 25686 (0AF47C8D)
**Date:** 10/4/1965
**Time:** ~20:00
**Location:** RIO VISTA, CA
**Description:** 3 creatures visible / domed saucer. No landing seen. / FSR'66#3.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA; H. Regnery, Chicago HC 1969 & Contemporary Books,Chicago 1993. 372pp. (Index 708)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7421
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "7", **HatchDesc:** "RIO VISTA,CA:3 CREATURES VISIBLE/DOMED SCR:NO LANDING SEEN:/FSR'66#3", **LatLong:** "38.150002 -121.683339", **LatLongDMS:** "38:09:00 N 121:41:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.150002,-121.683339)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 25687 (662FE3CD)
**Date:** 10/4/1965
**Location:** Southington, Connecticut
**Description:** An object was said to have landed near Southington. No details.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** NICAP ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_707
### Event 25688 (D4E42383)
**Date:** 10/4/1965
**Time:** evening
**Location:** Rio Vista, California
**Description:** Betty Valine and her 12-yearold son Robbie observed a large, plate-shaped machine with a dome on top, inside which three creatures were clearly visible. The witnesses did not see the object touch down.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** FSR 66, 3 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_708
### Event 25689 (3D5B07EF)
**Date:** 10/4/1965
**Time:** Unknown time
**Location:** Middletown, Ohio
**Description:** Witness: Tucker. Case missing from official files.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_532
### Event 25690 (D6D55C0B)
**Date:** 10/5/1965
**Time:** 22:10
**Description:** Lighthouse. White ovoid back and 6+15+17+18 / October and 24 November and several / Dec. '65.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO RESEARCH AUSTRALIA NEWSLETTER. (Details missing) (Index 824)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7422
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "106", **HatchDesc:** "MATSUYKER I,TASMANIA:LIGHTHOUSE:WHT OVOID BACK+6+15+17+18/OCT+24NOV+SVRL/DEC65", **LatLong:** "-43.700002 146.400007", **LatLongDMS:** "43:42:00 S 146:24:00 E", **Locale:** "Islands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-43.700002,146.400007)", **State/Prov:** "TSM", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 25691 (C9981C60)
**Date:** 10/5/1965
**Description:** Fout saucer-shaped objects, the size of airliners, flew over Ballarat, Victoria, Australia in a diamond formation.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Michael Hervey, UFOs over the Southern Hemisphere, p. 118). On this same day sheriff deputies in Coldwater, Michigan saw a yellowish-white UFO hovering and moving around in the sky. It shot straight up at high speed as it departed. (Source: Richard Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty-year Report, p. 171
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6575
### Event 25692 (B60D4735)
**Date:** 10/7/1965
**Location:** USA, Edward's Air Force Base
**Description:** (Translated from French) The audio documentation of Sam Sherman, "The Edwards Air Force Base Encounter" from the night of October 7, 1965, contains copies of the current voice recordings made available by the Air Force. During this night of October 7, 1965, twelve extremely bright UFOs invaded the airspace and descended to low altitude above the runways of Edwards Base, where operator Chuck Sorrels, in the control tower, saw them and reported the event to his superiors. I met Sorrels who can be heard on the tape and he confirms that this is indeed what he said. The UFOs are described and an interception decision is taken involving F-106s. This is without a doubt the best audio tape ever heard about UFOs and the recording itself is an unparalleled event. A copy can be obtained for (May 1999) $14.95 each, plus shipping $2.00, for a total of $16.95 -- The buyer can also send a check to Independent International, Box 565, Dept. GF, Old Bridge, New Jersey 08857. [note from vog: I'm not advertising the cassette, I'm just translating the accounts of the "events". Here it is obviously ufobusiness…]
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2348
### Event 25693 (E5AE1385)
**Date:** 10/7/1965
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Sergeant Tech Charles "Chuck" Sorrels, an Edwards Air Base control tower operator, sees a group of objects emitting red, white, and blue lights approaching the airfield. When these objects begin to perform unusual maneuvers, he concludes that this is not ordinary and notifies the Air Defense Command - in this case, a unit called LAADS \(*Los Angeles Air Defense Sector*\). Major Struble of LAADS orders the conversations to be recorded. He involves NORAD and other air bases: Norton, Hamilton, George, and March. The major wants to send planes towards the objects but cannot do so until a captain from Edwards has approved the sending of the planes. This captain is the "UFO officer" responsible at the base. It is requested that the planes can depart from the 28th Air Division at Hamilton, or else they will not take off at all. (October 7th, 0:30)
**Reference:** UFO Window
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1965.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2144
### Event 25694 (64C523A6)
**Date:** 10/7/1965
**Location:** Edwards AFB, CA
**Description:** Ground radar tracked 12 objects and pilot sighted objects, G,V (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU, NC)
**Reference:** NICAP: [651007](http://www.nicap.org/651007edwards%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2883
### Event 25695 (077C5656)
**Date:** 10/7/1965
**Location:** Edwards AFB, CA
**Description:** Major alert. Audio recordings (NICAP: 10 - Nuclear Connection, BB: BBU, NC) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)
**Reference:** NICAP: [651007](http://www.nicap.org/651007edwards%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2884
### Event 25696 (CCCDCE76)
**Date:** 10/7/1965
**Location:** Edwards AFB, CA
**Description:** Radar-visual sighting of 12 UFOs, jet interceptor pursuit
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_66
### Event 25697 (2940D4B6)
**Date:** 10/8/1965
**Time:** 00:30
**Description:** Glow / sky. Car malfunctions due to EME (electro-magnetic effects). 2 saucers-1 on road. 2 small humanoids (or Greys) / roadside.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RODEGHIER, Mark/CUFOS: UFO REPORTS INVOLVING VEHICLE INTERFERENCE; CUFOS 1979. Available as CUFOS UFO Archive #1 CD-ROM. http://www.cufos.org/Pubform.pdf (Index 26)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7423
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "109", **HatchDesc:** "HEYTESBURY,WILTs:GLOW/SKY:CAR EMES:2 SCRS-1 ON ROAD:2 OIDS/ROADSIDE:", **LatLong:** "51.166669 -2.100000", **LatLongDMS:** "51:10:00 N 02:06:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.166669,-2.100000)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 25698 (2F026697)
**Date:** 10/8/1965
**Time:** 06:00:00.4
**Location:** 49.8259 78.1114
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: .001KT YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1272
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.8259 78.1114", **LatLongDMS:** "49:49:33 N 78:06:41 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.8259,78.1114)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.70", **NukeSource:** "BOCHAROV", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** ".001", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 25699 (71DF12F8)
**Date:** 10/8/1965
**Description:** In Heytesbury, Wiltshire, England a Ms. Randall's car motor and headlights died at 12:25 a.m. The witness then saw two objects in the sky, one of which was close while the other was hovering in the sky. The second object took off to a higher altitude, and changed color from orange to red while doing so, then emitted red and blue sparks. The witness also thought she saw two beings by the roadside.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, p. 26; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case # A0679
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6649
### Event 25700 (C7875FE1)
**Date:** 10/8/1965
**Description:** In the early evening after work, rubber plantation latex collectors in Alto Purus, Brazil saw evening an object resembling a huge wheel coming down to land near them. They described it as intensely bright with two flaming openings in the front. They quickly went into hiding, and observed the craft as it flew away.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Lumieres dans la Nuit, issue # 84
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6650
### Event 25701 (24FDC495)
**Date:** 10/8/1965
**Description:** A child in Puno, Peru reported seeing a luminous object at ten o'clock in the evening, from which seven 80 cm tall creatures with only one eye emerged. On the same day a newsman was said to have seen another object land in the vicinity of Puno, and to have made an unsuccesful attempt at communication.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6651
### Event 25702 (BF983D42)
**Date:** 10/13/1965
**Location:** MINOT, ND
**Description:** 2 girls. Large metal ovoid lands / park. Crushed grass found. / FSR'60#9+'66#3.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA; H. Regnery, Chicago HC 1969 & Contemporary Books,Chicago 1993. 372pp. (Index 709)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7424
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **NUC:** Nuclear facility related, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "467", **HatchDesc:** "MINOT,ND:2 GIRLS:LRG MTL OVOID LANDS/PARK:CRUSHED GRASS FOUND:/FSR'60#9+'66#3", **LatLong:** "48.250002 -101.300005", **LatLongDMS:** "48:15:00 N 101:18:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.250002,-101.300005)", **State/Prov:** "North Dakota", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 25703 (C4662A19)
**Date:** 10/13/1965
**Location:** Minot, North Dakota
**Description:** Two adolescent girls, Marg Gudajtes and Judy Norlock, saw a large, metallic, oval object with bluish lights land in a park at the edge of town. It had left by the time they returned with help. An oval area of crushed grass was observed.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** FSR 66, 3 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_709
### Event 25704 (D50DDA96)
**Date:** 10/14/1965
**Location:** Sawyer AFB, MI
**Description:** KC-135 Crew Watches Object Accelerate (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** NICAP: [651014](http://www.nicap.org/651014sawyerafb%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2886
### Event 25705 (0C76F66A)
**Date:** 10/14/1965
**Time:** 04:00:00.2
**Location:** 49.9906 77.6357
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Sary-Uzen 1003” Yield: 1.1KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1273
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.9906 77.6357", **LatLongDMS:** "49:59:26 N 77:38:09 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.9906,77.6357)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "PNE:Sary-Uzen 1003", **NukeSource:** "BOCHAROV", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** "1.1"
### Event 25706 (B5B0990F)
**Date:** 10/15/1965 (approximate)
**Time:** 09:30
**Description:** 1 observer. Small humanoid (or Grey)-size airplane / farm field. No jets / props. Gone later.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LORENZEN, Coral & Jim: UFO's OVER THE AMERICAS; Signet Books, NY 1968. 243p. (Index 92)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7425
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "15", **Elev:** "1228", **HatchDesc:** "NW/COCHRANE,ALTA:1 OBS:OID-SIZE AIRPLANE/FARM FIELD:NO JETS/PROPS:GONE LATER", **LatLong:** "51.288891 -114.555561", **LatLongDMS:** "51:17:20 N 114:33:20 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.288891,-114.555561)", **State/Prov:** "Alberta", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 25707 (05778DD1)
**Date:** Mid 10/1965
**Locations:** Cochrane, Alberta; Circle J Ranch
**Description:** 9:30 a.m. [Bill Hertzke](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/134747591/william-hertzke)[,](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/134747591/william-hertzke) a ranch hand on the Circle J Ranch near Cochrane, Alberta, is on his horse in a pasture when he sees an object like a small airplane parked on the ground. It is silver-gray with swept-back wings, about 16 feet long, a wingspan of about 12 feet, and its fuselage is about 4-5 feet deep. He rides over and examines it. The exterior is irregular, “like a waffle.” A transparent dome covers the cockpit. Through it he can see complicated instruments \(knobs, dials, and switches\), a TV screen, and two transparent \(like Plexiglas\) bucket seats. There are no visible motors, propellers, jets, insignia, or identifying marks of any kind. It has an exterior door about 2 feet wide and 3 feet high that is open about 2 inches. His horse is extremely skittish, so he ties it to a tree and returns on foot. He spends 10–15 minutes examining it and can see no landing gear \(although it seems to be suspended 18–20 inches off the ground\) or seams of any kind. He realizes he can go inside the door but is a bit too scared to even touch the object, and has to return to chores anyway.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Lorenzen, UFOs over the Americas, Signet, 1968, pp. 87–102
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3950
### Event 25708 (DA3610A4)
**Date:** 10/16/1965
**Time:** 12:00?
**Location:** SPRING GROVE, PA
**Description:** 50cm chrome saucer lands near schoolhouse. Many kids. Stories agree.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 41)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7426
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "142", **HatchDesc:** "SPRING GROVE,PA:50cm CHROME SCR LANDS nr SCHOOLHOUSE:MANY KIDS:STORIES AGREE", **LatLong:** "39.877780 -76.866670", **LatLongDMS:** "39:52:40 N 76:52:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.877780,-76.866670)", **State/Prov:** "Pennsylvania", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 25709 (987A73FA)
**Date:** 10/17/1965
**Description:** A domed, disc-shaped object with red lights around the edge zig-zagged below the clouds in Tully, Queensland, Australia on this day. It had landing gear displayed underneath. At 7:45 p.m. a Mr. Cock witnessed a flight of seven UFOs which passed overhead, then circled the city of Cairns, Queensland. They did not keep in a perfect line, but 1-2 dropped out of place from time to time. They flew off to the west.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Michael Hervey, UFOs over the Southern Hemisphere, p. 152, 155
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6921
### Event 25710 (1F53449A)
**Date:** 10/17/1965
**Description:** At 7:15 p.m. a couple saw four disc-shaped objects flying in a half wing formation pass over La Jolla, California.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, report uploaded April 16, 2005
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6922
### Event 25711 (8D5BD2BE)
**Date:** 10/18/1965
**Location:** PONTE / PRAIA FUNDA, BRZ
**Description:** Thousands / observer(s). Saucer circles beach. Lands near Santos Air Force Base. / LDLN#84.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA; H. Regnery, Chicago HC 1969 & Contemporary Books,Chicago 1993. 372pp. (Index 710)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7427
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **MIL:** Military investigation
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "13", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "PONTE/PRAIA FUNDA,BRZ:1000s/OBS:SCR CCLs BEACH:LANDS nr SANTOS AFB:/LDLN#84", **LatLong:** "-23.066668 -43.550002", **LatLongDMS:** "23:04:00 S 43:33:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-23.066668,-43.550002)", **State/Prov:** "RDJ", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 25712 (DBC2C9DC)
**Date:** 10/18/1965
**Time:** 21:10
**Description:** 2 / car. Large silent circle / amber light glides and wavers over hilltops.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SHUTTLEWOOD, Arthur: The WARMINSTER MYSTERY. Neville-Spearman/Tandem Books PB 1967, London. (Index 135)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7428
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "120", **HatchDesc:** "WARMINSTER,WILTs:2/CAR:LRG SLNT CIRCLE/AMBER LITE GLIDES+WAVERS OVR HILLTOPS", **LatLong:** "51.216669 -2.183333", **LatLongDMS:** "51:13:00 N 02:11:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.216669,-2.183333)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 25713 (2ACE84FB)
**Date:** 10/18/1965
**Time:** 22:20
**Location:** SHARON, MASS
**Description:** 3+observer(s). Ovoid with flashing lights moves slowly. 100' altitude. 1500' / observer(s).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FOWLER, Raymond E.: UFO'S, INTERPLANETARY VISITORS; Prentice Hall & Bantam Books, NY 1979. 346pp. (Index 322)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7429
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "92", **HatchDesc:** "SHARON,MASS:3+OBS:OVOID W/FLASHING LITES MOVES SLOWLY:100' ALT:1500'/OBS", **LatLong:** "42.133335 -71.166670", **LatLongDMS:** "42:08:00 N 71:10:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.133335,-71.166670)", **RelAlt:** "30", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 25714 (0E2B81EF)
**Date:** 10/18/1965
**Location:** Ponte Praia, Brazil
**Description:** Thousands of persons saw a circular object that flew over the beach, circling. Later two witnesses saw it land in an isolated spot between Cuaranga and the Santos Air Base.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Ouranos 32; LDLN 84 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_710
### Event 25715 (4295D7FE)
**Date:** 10/18/1965
**Description:** At 10:20 p.m. an oval-shaped object with a flashing red light on top and green, red and white lights around the perimeter was seen in Sharon, Massachusetts. It moved slowly 100 feet above ground, and only 500 yards away from the witnesses.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Ray Fowler case files, report dated March 5, 1967
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6958
### Event 25716 (B48B70B7)
**Date:** 10/21/1965
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Observation in Gibbon \(Minnesota\). See images/1965-10-21.gif. (October 21st)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1965.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2145
### Event 25717 (22B88259)
**Date:** 10/21/1965
**Time:** 18:10
**Location:** ST. GEORGE, MN
**Description:** Blue Book. Cop and 4 / (seen thru) binoculars. Saucer with portholes. 15° tilt. Good photograph. / r100p351+/ r59p61.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 791)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7430
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "307", **HatchDesc:** "St GEORGE,MN:BBK:COP+4/BINOCS:SCR W/PORTs:15°TILT:GOOD FOTO:/r100p351+/r59p61", **LatLong:** "44.383335 -94.533338", **LatLongDMS:** "44:23:00 N 94:32:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.383335,-94.533338)", **State/Prov:** "Minnesota", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 25718 (4C54B9E0)
**Date:** 10/21/1965
**Time:** 21:30
**Location:** EXETER, NH
**Description:** Red cylinder/cigar-shape offloads saucer. Saucer drops to power lines. Pipe extends to wire!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LORENZEN, Coral: FLYING SAUCERS, the Starting Evidence; Signet Books, NY 1962 & 1966. 278pp. Originally "The Great F. S. Hoax". (Index 247)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7431
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "14", **HatchDesc:** "EXETER,NH:RED CGR OFFLOADS SCR:SCR DROPS TO POWER LINES:PIPE EXTENDS TO WIRE!", **LatLong:** "42.950002 -70.966670", **LatLongDMS:** "42:57:00 N 70:58:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.950002,-70.966670)", **RelAlt:** "10", **State/Prov:** "New Hampshire", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 25719 (60A726E6)
**Date:** 10/21/1965
**Locations:** Saint George, Minnesota; Gibbon
**Description:** 6:10 p.m. Five witnesses are in a car near Saint George, Minnesota, returning to their homes in Gibbon from a bow-hunting trip. [Arthur A. Strauch](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/3506478/arthur-alfred-strauch), a Sibley County deputy sheriff, is the first to spot a strange object that seems to be 2,000 feet above the ground and a quarter of a mile distant in the northwest sky. After watching for about 10 minutes from the car, the group drives down the road about a half mile and stops. Strauch observes it both with the naked eye and through 7x35 binoculars. At first they hear no sound, but as the object flies over them, Donald Martin Grewe describes the sound as a “whistling whine.” Strauch snaps a photograph just as the object begins to move. The object then flies into the wind for several hundred feet, then stops for a few seconds, at which time its lights change from bright white to dull orange, alternating several times. It then moves toward the southeast at a high rate of speed and disappears out of sight.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** NICAP, “[The St. George Multiple-Witness](http://www.nicap.org/651021st.george%5Fdir.htm) [Photo Case](http://www.nicap.org/651021st.george%5Fdir.htm)”; “[Deputy Snaps UAO Color Photo,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201965%2011%2000%20-%20November-December.pdf)” APRO Bulletin, Nov./Dec. 1965, pp. 1, 3; Story, [pp. 351–352](https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofuf0000unse/page/350/mode/2up); Patrick Gross, “[The St. George Multiple-Witness Sighting and Photograph, USA, 1965](http://ufologie.patrickgross.org/htm/stgeorge65.htm)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3951
### Event 25720 (513B063E)
**Date:** 10/22/1965
**Location:** Canhotinho, Brazil
**Description:** Approximate date. Jose Camilo Filho saw two creatures near a landed object.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** LDLN 84 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_711
### Event 25721 (F1017B50)
**Date:** 10/22/1965
**Locations:** Gauteng, South Africa; Hartebeesthoek Radio Astronomy Observatory; Jet Propulsion Lab
**Description:** Afternoon. Geof Gray-Cobb, a Canadian technician working with the Deep Space Instrumentation Facility \[now the Hartebeesthoek Radio Astronomy Observatory\] in Gauteng, South Africa, in tracking [Mariner 4](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mariner%5F4)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mariner%5F4) is present when the spacecraft’s signal strength begins rising at a point when it should not have. The team alerts the Jet Propulsion Lab. The signal strength is now so high that the instruments are clicking as they max out. Gray- Cobb says the “raw radio energy” is coming in indecipherable “blips and dashes.” Nothing can be seen visually. Eight minutes later, everything goes silent. JPL later asks them to point their dish in the direction it was pointing when they picked up the signal. They do, but forget to correct for the earth’s rotation. Nonetheless, they get the signal again, which means it is a local source. Nothing is visible in the sky, but a sound sweep reveals that the source is a perfect circle 2° in diameter. The team directs a packet of radio pulses at the source, but it falls silent. Two months later, Gray-Cobb discovers that the pages for the event are gone from the log; the tape recording of the event is also missing. The manager tells him that two men with “authorization” had come three days after the event to confiscate the tapes.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Michael D. Swords, “Gazing at the Moons,” IUR 32, no. 4 \(October 2009\): 16
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3952
### Event 25722 (FF3DED26)
**Date:** 10/22/1965
**Location:** Canhotinho, Pernambuco, Brazil
**Description:** Evening. José Camilo Filho is walking through a field near the city cemetery in Canhotinho, Pernambuco, Brazil, when he runs across two little men only 3 feet high with whitish hair sitting next to a tube 4 feet tall and resting on the ground. When they see Camilo, they jump up in a disorganized fashion, colliding with each other. One picks up the tube and the other points a straw at Camilo, who runs ahead. He decides to return and take a closer look, but the men and tube are gone.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Gordon Creighton, “[The Humanoids in Latin America,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR-SI%201966%20N%201%2CThe%20Humanoids.pdf)” in Charles Bowen, ed., The Humanoids, special issue of FSR, Oct./Dec. 1966, p. 45; Patrick Gross, [URECAT](https://ufologie.patrickgross.org/ce3/1965-10-22-brazil-canhotinho.htm)[,](https://ufologie.patrickgross.org/ce3/1965-10-22-brazil-canhotinho.htm) July 27, 2008; Brazil 75
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3953
### Event 25723 (E16DD476)
**Date:** 10/22/1965
**Description:** On or about this date Jose Camilo Filho saw two creatures near a landed object in Canhotinho, Pernambuco State, Brazil.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case # 711, citing Lumieres dans la Nuit, issue # 84
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7020
### Event 25724 (C3D05870)
**Date:** 10/23/1965
**Time:** 19:20
**Location:** LONG PRAIRIE, MN
**Description:** Car malfunctions due to EME (electro-magnetic effects). 35' rocket on fins / road. 6"cans walk. / r55p206+/ r249p104.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 791)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7432
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **RBT:** Possible robot or "Grey", mechanical motions, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "30", **Elev:** "406", **HatchDesc:** "LONG PRAIRIE,MN:CAR EMES:35'ROCKET ON FINS/ROAD:6"CANS WALK:/r55p206+/r249p104", **LatLong:** "45.972224 -94.800005", **LatLongDMS:** "45:58:20 N 94:48:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.972224,-94.800005)", **State/Prov:** "Minnesota", **Strangeness:** "11"
### Event 25725 (91980339)
**Date:** 10/23/1965
**Location:** Long Prairie (4 miles from), MN
**Description:** Road Blocked By "Rocket", Three "Creatures" (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases, Code: En, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** NICAP: [651023](http://www.nicap.org/651023longprairie%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2887
### Event 25726 (E4C4150B)
**Date:** 10/23/1965
**Time:** 1915
**Location:** Long Prairie, Minnesota
**Description:** James Townsend, 19, was driving on Highway 27 when his engine, lights, and radio stopped operating. He then observed an object 10 m tall, about 3 m in diameter, shaped somewhat like a rocket, sitting on fins on the road. Three creatures with "tripod legs and matchstick arms," brownish-black in color, having no eyes or facial features, stood in a large, lighted circle under it, facing the witness for a few moments before disappearing in the intense light. The object rose straight up for 400 m, with a high-pitched humming sound, stopped and vanished. The car then resumed normal operation by itself.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** FSR 66, 3 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_712
### Event 25727 (C1A99FD8)
**Date:** 10/23/1965
**Locations:** State Highway 27; Long Prairie, Minnesota
**Description:** Night. KEYL-AM radio announcer James F. Townsend, 19, is driving on State Highway 27 four miles east of Long Prairie, Minnesota, when he slams on his brakes to avoid hitting a rocket-like device resting on three legs or fins. As his car skids to a stop 20 feet from the object, the vehicle’s motor and electrical system die. The object looks like it is made of stainless steel, stands 30–40 feet high, and is 10 feet in diameter. In a circle of light under it, Townsend sees three things that resemble beer cans with “tripod legs and three matchstick arms.” They have no eyes, but Townsend feels as if they are looking at him. He gets out of the car to try to knock one over, but they come over to him and they stand there looking at him. Eventually they turn around and “scoot under the ship,” disappearing into the light beneath it. An ear-splitting humming sound emanates from the UFO, which assumes a bright illumination and shoots off. The Todd County sheriff and UFO investigators assume that Townsend, a deeply religious man, is sincere.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[‘Space Things’](https://www.newspapers.com/clip/95125276/) [Stop His Car,](https://www.newspapers.com/clip/95125379/)” Minneapolis Star, October 25, 1965, pp. 1, 4; [Sparks](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf)[,](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf) p. 308; “[‘Little, Little Men’ in Minn.,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201965%2011%2000%20-%20November-December.pdf)” APRO Bulletin, Nov./Dec. 1965, p. 8; Clare John Jansen, “Little Tin Men in Minnesota,” Fate 19, no. 2 \(February 1966\): 36–40; Clark III 280; Patrick Gross, [URECAT](https://ufologie.patrickgross.org/ce3/1965-10-23-usa-longprairie.htm), January 5, 2008
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3954
### Event 25728 (223F6B91)
**Date:** 10/23/1965
**Description:** James Townsend, age 19, a radio announcer for KEYL Radio, had a close encounter with a UFO and three creatures at about 7:15 p.m. on a road about four miles east of Long Prairie, Minnesota. As he was driving around a curve in the road he saw an upright, rocket-like object straddling the road. It was about 30 or 40 feet high and about 10 feet in diameter, resting on legs or fins. His car engine stalled, the lights and radio went out, and he slammed on the brakes and stopped twenty feet in front of it. His first thought was to knock it over with the car so he would have some evidence, but the engine had already stalled. Then he got out with the idea of trying to push it over by hand.
"When I got to the front of my car, three creatures that looked like individual tin cans on tripods, and were six inches tall, came from behind the rocket. They didn't have eyes that I could see, but I knew they were looking at me. I stopped. I didn't have any desire to get closer. There was no sound--just dead silence. It seemed like ages as we looked at each other. Then they went up into the rocket, which had a bright colorless light glowing out of the bottom. There was a loud hum. The rocket went up and disappeared. When the light on the bottom went out after it was in the air, my car radio and light came on, and my engine started without having to touch the starter."
Townsend said his car had an automatic transmission and he had placed the selector lever in "park." Townsend said his heart was pounding and his legs were like rubber. He drove at high speed back to Long Prairie to report his close encounter. Townsend said the craft took off, looking "just like a flashlight that is turned on and then lifted up from the table with the light at the bottom." That night several hunters in the Long Prairie area claimed to have seen a strong light above them that lit up the ground. Other hunters reported seeing a lighted object circle around and around in the sky over their farm.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Bob Gribble, Looking Back October 1965, National UFO Reporting Center website; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 712, citing Flying Saucer Review
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7044
### Event 25729 (FB9BAD74)
**Date:** 10/25/1965
**Location:** Quincy Center UFO group
**Description:** The [Betty and Barney Hill](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barney%5Fand%5FBetty%5FHill) story is publicly revealed in an article by reporter [John H. Luttrell](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/201568868/john-h%5F-luttrell) in the Boston Traveler newspaper. He has obtained a copy of the tape recording at the Quincy Center UFO group, as well as a tape of an interview the Hills gave to UFO investigators after they completed their therapy. UPI picks up the story the same day. The Hills are caught completely by surprise.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clark III 585
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3955
### Event 25730 (A041E513)
**Date:** 10/26/1965
**Time:** 12:00
**Location:** CANHOTINHO, BRZ
**Description:** 2 "old" small humanoids (or Greys) stumble. Grab 1.2M cylinder/cylindrical object and run. UFO seen after. / LDLN#84.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BOWEN, Charles (ed.) The HUMANOIDS: HB Henry Regnery, Chicago 1969. 256pp. PB 1977 Futura, London (Index 124)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7433
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "12", **Elev:** "554", **HatchDesc:** "CANHOTINHO,BRZ:2 "OLD" OIDS STUMBLE:GRAB 1.2M CYL+RUN:UFO SEEN AFTER:/LDLN#84", **LatLong:** "-8.316667 -35.916668", **LatLongDMS:** "08:19:00 S 35:55:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-8.316667,-35.916668)", **State/Prov:** "PNB", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 25731 (3E0BC487)
**Date:** 10/26/1965
**Description:** A man by the name of Camilho encountered two little men sitting on stump around noon in Canhotinho, Pernambuco state, Brazil. They were one meter tall, with white hair, large heads, slanted eyes, and a brown wrinkled complexion. They wore shiny blue-green clothes with a belt; one wore a cap.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case A0681, citing The Humanoids: FSR Special Edition No. 1, p. 124
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7146
### Event 25732 (2A7557C8)
**Date:** 10/27/1965
**Location:** Anderson AFB, Guam
**Description:** 24 total Radar Sightings (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5)
**Reference:** NICAP: [651027](http://www.nicap.org/651027guam%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2888
### Event 25733 (0580F226)
**Date:** 10/27/1965
**Locations:** Exeter, New Hampshire; Westover AFB [now Westover Air Reserve Base] near Chicopee, Massachusetts
**Description:** The Air Force issues a press release that gives two basic explanations for the Exeter, New Hampshire, sightings: Some stem from a high-altitude SAC exercise out of Westover AFB \[now Westover Air Reserve Base\] near Chicopee, Massachusetts; others are explained by temperature inversion that causes the appearance of stars and planets to dance and twinkle. Around the same time, [John Fuller](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John%5FG.%5FFuller) hears from an Air Force pilot that pilots have been ordered to shoot down UFOs when possible, but the objects appear to be “invulnerable” and can outmaneuver any aircraft.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** John G. Fuller, Incident at Exeter, Putnam’s Sons, 1966, pp. 201–202, 205–206
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3956
### Event 25734 (7D6819FE)
**Date:** 10/28/1965
**Time:** ~22:00
**Location:** UPHAM, ND
**Description:** 6 teens. Car malfunctions due to EME (electro-magnetic effects). Saucer going down / tripod. Antenna extends. Quickly going up. Traces / ground / r180p39.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 362)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7434
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **NUC:** Nuclear facility related, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "440", **HatchDesc:** "UPHAM,ND:6 TEENS:CAR EMEs:SCR↓/TRIPOD:ANTENNA EXTENDS:↑↑:TRACES/GND/r180p39", **LatLong:** "48.577780 -100.727783", **LatLongDMS:** "48:34:40 N 100:43:40 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.577780,-100.727783)", **State/Prov:** "North Dakota", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 25735 (AC476113)
**Date:** 10/29/1965
**Time:** 21:00:00.1
**Location:** 51.4381 179.1826
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Long Shot” Yield: 80KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_426
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "51.4381 179.1826", **LatLongDMS:** "51:26:17 N 179:10:57 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.4381,179.1826)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.70", **NukeMb:** "6.10", **NukeName:** "Long Shot", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "80"
### Event 25736 (767E5E3B)
**Date:** 10/30/1965
**Time:** 17:20
**Location:** ST. MAURICE RIVER, QB
**Description:** Numerous observer(s). 22' metallic saucer lands and sinks / river. Water current reverses.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SANDERSON, Ivan: INVISIBLE RESIDENTS; World Publishing HB 1970 & Avon Books PB 1973 (Index 228)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7435
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **SUB:** Submersible: Rises from or submerges into water, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "125", **HatchDesc:** "St MAURICE Rvr,QB:NMRS OBS:22'MTL.SCR LANDS+SINKS/RIVER:WATER CURRENT REVERSES", **LatLong:** "47.333336 -72.916670", **LatLongDMS:** "47:20:00 N 72:55:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.333336,-72.916670)", **State/Prov:** "Quebec", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 25737 (A8E1B16D)
**Date:** 10/30/1965
**Time:** 23:00?
**Location:** PINHAL, BRZ
**Description:** Numerous observer(s). Huge night light blocks road. Going up [to] and going quickly [to] overhead. Luminous disk / factory. / r8#713.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 801)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7436
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "4", **Elev:** "903", **HatchDesc:** "PINHAL,BRZ:NMRS OBS:HUGE NLT BLOCKS ROAD:↑+>>OVHD:LUMn.DISK/FACTORY:/r8#713", **LatLong:** "-22.200001 -46.750002", **LatLongDMS:** "22:12:00 S 46:45:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-22.200001,-46.750002)", **State/Prov:** "São Paulo", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 25738 (7F33EE5C)
**Date:** 10/30/1965
**Time:** night
**Location:** Pinhal, Brazil
**Description:** Witnesses in a Volkswagen encountered a strong light on the road. A truck and another Volkswagen arrived and went near the object, which took off suddenly and flew over them. It was also observed by dozens of witnesses at the Pinhal Junction.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** APRO Sep., 66 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_713
### Event 25739 (7FE34222)
**Date:** 11/1965
**Location:** Fort Riley, KA
**Description:** Fort Riley, KA: “AK” (Aaron Kaback) was on guard duty at 2 a.m. when the duty officer drove up and ordered him to hop into the jeep. He and 3 other officers were driven out to a remote area where a large oval object was resting. An army chopper was hovering above the object and shining a bright light on it. The object was approx. 35–48 ft. in diam., had a fin on the end and an exhaust port or some kind of hole below the fin. It had rows of squares around the rim and remained completely dead for the 2 1/2 hours they guarded it. (Kaback seems to be confused as to the actual date this incident occurred.)
**Type:** crash retrieval
**Reference:** [Pea Research](https://www.academia.edu/9813787/GOVERNMENT_INVOLVEMENT_IN_THE_UFO_COVER_UP_CHRONOLOGY_based)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_632
**See also:** 12/10/64
### Event 25740 (42EBFBA5)
**Date:** 11/1965
**Location:** SOUDAN, Dibaid (near Khartoum)
**Description:** (Translated from French) Not far from Khartoum and the Blue Nile, a celestial phenomenon, a rain of fire, has been burning daily for eleven days, from five to six peasant houses. The authorities are unable to justify this phenomenon responsible for 70 fires.
**Reference:** J.G. DOHMEN: "To Identify and the Adamski Case" - ed. Guy Dohmen, Biarritz 1972, p. 61
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2350
### Event 25741 (4525826F)
**Date:** 11/1965
**Time:** 20:00
**Location:** REZAY, FR
**Description:** Silent luminous orange 60cm sphere / 15M altitude. Follows woman all the way home.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LDLN CONTACT LECTEURS: by Series and #. May'68 -JAN'72 (Entire set of 18 issues) LDLN local chapters & individual members' UFO reports. (Index 16)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7437
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "8", **HatchDesc:** "REZAY,FR:SLNT LUMn.ORG 60cm SPHERE/15M alt:FOLOS WOMAN ALL THE WAY HOME", **LatLong:** "46.672224 2.183333", **LatLongDMS:** "46:40:20 N 02:11:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.672224,2.183333)", **State/Prov:** "Cher", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 25742 (82284E4A)
**Date:** 11/1965
**Time:** ~21:00
**Description:** 30M saucer 15M high. Green-light / portholes clearly seen.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA; H. Regnery, Chicago HC 1969 & Contemporary Books,Chicago 1993. 372pp. (Index 714)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7438
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Zimbabwe & Zambia", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "BROKEN HILL=KABWE,ZAMBIA:30M SCR 15M HIGH:GRN-LITE/PORTHOLES CLEARLY SEEN", **LatLong:** "-14.450001 28.450001", **LatLongDMS:** "14:27:00 S 28:27:00 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-14.450001,28.450001)", **State/Prov:** "ZAM", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 25743 (BD384230)
**Date:** 11/1965
**Time:** 23:00?
**Location:** FAYETTEVILLE, NC
**Description:** Several observer(s). Silent 30m saucer going [to] directly overhead / 60m altitude. "Got a good look".
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CUFON UFO Network Site (former BBS) various downloads. http://www.cufon.org (Index 70)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7439
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "73", **HatchDesc:** "FAYETTEVILLE,NC:SVRL OBS:SLNT 30m SCR >DIRECTLY OVHD/60m alt:"GOT A GOOD LOOK"", **LatLong:** "35.033335 -78.883337", **LatLongDMS:** "35:02:00 N 78:53:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/35.033335,-78.883337)", **RelAlt:** "60", **State/Prov:** "North Carolina", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 25744 (827E8D48)
**Date:** 11/1965
**Time:** dusk
**Location:** Broken Hill, Zambia
**Description:** Eric Williams saw a large object, 30 m in diameter, 15 m high, about 75 m away. He reported seeing clearly a row of portholes illuminated with a greenish light.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** FSR 66, 4 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_714
### Event 25745 (BFF50CD9)
**Date:** 11/1965
**Locations:** Fort Riley Military Reservation; Kansas
**Description:** 2:00 a.m. Aaron David Kaback is on duty at the motor pool in the Army’s Fort Riley Military Reservation in Kansas when the duty officer takes him to a remote area of the base where they see a landed UFO with an Army helicopter flying above it. He contacts [Leonard Stringfield](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leonard%5FH.%5FStringfield) about his story. A subsequent investigation by Citizens Against UFO Secrecy finds many discrepancies in Kaback’s account and very little credibility.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Ft.](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/Just%20Cause%20%28CAUS%29/Just%20Cause%20-%20Old%20Series/Just%20Cause%20-%20Vol%201%20Issue%2006%20-%20Old%20Series.pdf) [Riley Landing: Hoax or Delusion?](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/Just%20Cause%20%28CAUS%29/Just%20Cause%20-%20Old%20Series/Just%20Cause%20-%20Vol%201%20Issue%2006%20-%20Old%20Series.pdf)” Just Cause 1, no. 6 \(September 1978\): 11–14; Clark III 603–604; Kevin D. Randle, A History of UFO Crashes, Avon, 1995, [p. 201](https://archive.org/details/historyofufocras0000rand/page/200/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3958
### Event 25746 (105A09BC)
**Date:** 11/1/1965
**Time:** 17:00
**Location:** HUANUCO, PERU
**Description:** Saturn saucer hovers / 400M. Antenna rotates / top. Going quickly north / observers near. / r111p243.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 801)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7440
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Peru", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "1794", **HatchDesc:** "HUANUCO,PERU:SATURN SCR HVRS/400M:ANTENNA ROTATES/TOP:>>N/OBSs NEAR:/r111p243", **LatLong:** "-9.916667 -76.233337", **LatLongDMS:** "09:55:00 S 76:14:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-9.916667,-76.233337)", **RelAlt:** "400", **State/Prov:** "HNC", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 25747 (AC11EED4)
**Date:** Early 11/1965
**Location:** Houston, Texas
**Description:** The USAF Scientific Advisory Board meets in Houston, Texas, to discuss the UFO investigation and the possibility of an independent study.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** USAF Scientific Advisory Board, [Special Report of the USAF Scientific](http://www.cufon.org/cufon/obrien.htm) [Advisory Board Ad Hoc Committee to Review Project “Blue Book,”](http://www.cufon.org/cufon/obrien.htm) Brian O’Brien, chairman of the Advisory Board, March 1966
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3957
### Event 25748 (323E3BCC)
**Date:** 11/4/1965
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Sighting in Middletown \(Ohio\). (November 4)
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#10066 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1965.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2146
### Event 25749 (27C65979)
**Date:** 11/4/1965
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Power outages across the United States. Another outage will affect Buenos Aires, located in the southern hemisphere, yet in summer. (November 4-9)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1965.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2147
### Event 25750 (ACDDC815)
**Date:** 11/4/1965
**Location:** MIDDLETOWN, OH
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #10066. Observer(s) = Tucker. Night light hovers and dives / Great Miami River. Flies off.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SANDERSON, Ivan: INVISIBLE RESIDENTS; World Publishing HB 1970 & Avon Books PB 1973 (Index 228)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7441
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **SUB:** Submersible: Rises from or submerges into water, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "5", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "203", **HatchDesc:** "MIDDLETOWN,OH:BBK#10066:OBS=TUCKER:NLT HVRS+DIVES/GREAT MIAMI RIVER:FLIES OFF ", **LatLong:** "39.516669 -84.400004", **LatLongDMS:** "39:31:00 N 84:24:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.516669,-84.400004)", **State/Prov:** "Ohio", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 25751 (78276841)
**Date:** 11/4/1965
**Location:** Middletown, OH
**Description:** Bright, flashing red and white object, w/sparks shooting off (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 10066)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2882
### Event 25752 (A3777195)
**Date:** 11/4/1965
**Location:** Middletown, OH
**Description:** Object Lands on River Bank (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, Code: D, Rating: 5, BB: 10066)
**Reference:** NICAP: [651104](http://www.nicap.org/651104middletown%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2889
### Event 25753 (DC435865)
**Date:** 11/5/1965
**Location:** ARGENTINA, Duringo
**Description:** (Translated from French) A shepherd, José Luis Fernandez and his 15-year-old son Ignacio, were on a high plateau and saw a disk that stopped in the sky. After a minute of waiting, a round hole opened in the base of the spacecraft, from which reddish vapors emerged. Then a Martian appeared, which the two witnesses agreed to describe in the same way: "It looked like a big lizard, 80 cm long; it had mouse ears, six tubular arms and a long tail ending in an olive leaf. He held an object, a kind of metal umbrella, with three very thin supports that he waved as if he were making signals. After observing everything carefully, he jumped to the ground and, of course, José and Ignacio ran away.
**Reference:** Peter KOLOSIMO: "Shadows on the Stars" - Albin Michel 1970, p. 353
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2349
### Event 25754 (9E23AAB8)
**Date:** 11/5/1965?
**Location:** Luleå, Sweden
**Description:** Day. Mauritz Löugren and a friend see a triangular-shaped object moving back and forth for 20 minutes over Luleå, Sweden. It disappears silently to the west at great speed.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[World Round-Up,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201966%20V%2012%20N%201.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 12, no. 1 \(Jan./Feb. 1966\): iii
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3959
### Event 25755 (8C7EBDB1)
**Date:** 11/8/1965
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) [Hynek](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/HynekJosephAllen.html) states: Instead of investigating UFO sightings, we should investigate the people who report them. (November 8)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1965.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2148
### Event 25756 (634BC652)
**Date:** 11/8/1965
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Glowing seen in New York during the November power outage. See images/1965-11.jpg.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1965.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2149
### Event 25757 (C78F652C)
**Date:** 11/9/1965
**Time:** 09:00
**Location:** CAMILLUS, NY
**Description:** 2+3 kids. City lights dim as domed fireball goes over. Lights out when gone.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 271)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7442
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "123", **HatchDesc:** "CAMILLUS,NY:2+3 KIDS:CITY LITES DIM AS DOMED FBL GOES OVR:LITES OUT WHEN GONE.", **LatLong:** "43.016669 -76.300004", **LatLongDMS:** "43:01:00 N 76:18:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.016669,-76.300004)", **State/Prov:** "New York", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 25758 (8451C768)
**Date:** 11/9/1965
**Time:** 09:10
**Location:** EAST / CICERO SWAMP, NY
**Description:** 2 / light plane. Huge ball / fire where high tension power lines lines cross river.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 271)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7443
**Attributes:** **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "120", **HatchDesc:** "E/CICERO SWAMP,NY:2/LITE PLANE:HUGE BALL/FIRE WHERE HIV LINES CROSS RIVER", **LatLong:** "43.144447 -76.083337", **LatLongDMS:** "43:08:40 N 76:05:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.144447,-76.083337)", **State/Prov:** "New York", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 25759 (CB0D016B)
**Date:** 11/9/1965
**Time:** 09:50
**Location:** TIDIOUTE, PA
**Description:** 2 objects pace 2 men / light plane. Jets pursue! Objects shoot away. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** KEHOE, Maj Donald: ALIENS FROM SPACE; Doubleday, Garden City, NY 1973 HB (Index 209)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7444
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "340", **HatchDesc:** "TIDIOUTE,PA:2 OBJs PACE 2 MEN/LITE PLANE:JETS PURSUE!:OBJs SHOOT AWAY:NFD", **LatLong:** "41.683335 -79.405559", **LatLongDMS:** "41:41:00 N 79:24:20 W", **Locale:** "Oil & Coal", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.683335,-79.405559)", **State/Prov:** "Pennsylvania", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 25760 (5467B946)
**Date:** 11/9/1965
**Time:** 17:10
**Location:** CLAY, NY
**Description:** Night lights seen / main electric transmission line. Huge power outage / northeast USA and E. Canada.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FOWLER, Raymond E.: UFO'S, INTERPLANETARY VISITORS; Prentice Hall & Bantam Books, NY 1979. 346pp. (Index 93)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7445
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **HST:** Historical account, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK, **GSA:** Covert Security Agency, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "120", **Elev:** "380", **HatchDesc:** "CLAY,NY:NLTS SEEN/MAIN ELEC XMISSION LINE:HUGE POWER OUTAGE/NE USA+E.CANADA.", **LatLong:** "43.200002 -76.200004", **LatLongDMS:** "43:12:00 N 76:12:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.200002,-76.200004)", **RelAlt:** "40", **State/Prov:** "New York", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 25761 (CF741DB7)
**Date:** 11/9/1965
**Time:** 17:20
**Location:** SYRACUSE, NY
**Description:** Several pilots / runway. 50' fireball / 100' altitude near airport. Same again 10 mn later.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 271)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7446
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "11", **Elev:** "120", **HatchDesc:** "SYRACUSE,NY:SVRL PILOTS/RUNWAY:50'FBL/100'alt nr AIRPORT:SAME AGAIN 10mn LATER", **LatLong:** "43.033335 -76.166670", **LatLongDMS:** "43:02:00 N 76:10:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.033335,-76.166670)", **RelAlt:** "30", **State/Prov:** "New York", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 25762 (03344244)
**Date:** 11/9/1965
**Location:** many cities, NY
**Description:** NE power grid failure & possibly related sightings (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)
**Reference:** NICAP: [651109](http://www.nicap.org/nyne.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2890
### Event 25763 (B04A7C79)
**Date:** 11/9/1965
**Time:** dawn
**Location:** New York City, New York
**Description:** During the great power blackout, actor Stuart Whitman was startled to hear a whistling sound outside his 12th floor window and to observe two hovering objects, one orange and the other blue giving off a luminescent light. He then heard an English message indicating that the blackout was a "demonstration."
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** FSR 66, 6 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_715
### Event 25764 (6673C265)
**Date:** 11/9/1965
**Locations:** Ontario; Connecticut; Massachusetts; New Hampshire; New Jersey; New York; Rhode Island; Pennsylvania; Vermont; Queenston, Ontario; Niagara Falls; Syracuse; Holliston, Massachusetts
**Description:** 5:16 p.m. The Northeast power blackout, a significant disruption in the supply of electricity, affects parts of Ontario, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, and Vermont. Over 30 million people and 80,000 square miles are left without electricity for up to 13 hours. The cause of the failure is the setting of a protective relay on one of the transmission lines from the Sir Adam Beck Hydroelectric Power Station No. 2 in Queenston, Ontario, near Niagara Falls. Prior to and coincident with the blackout, there are a number of reports of unusual lights in Syracuse and Niagara Falls, New York, and Holliston, Massachusetts, and there is speculation that the blackout is related to UFO activity in some way. But there is no evidence of a direct connection.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Northeast blackout of 1965](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Northeast%5Fblackout%5Fof%5F1965)”; “[New Clues to UFO Electrical](http://cufos.org/UFOI%5Fand%5FSelected%5FDocuments/UFOI/029%20NOV-DEC%201965.pdf) [Interference,](http://cufos.org/UFOI%5Fand%5FSelected%5FDocuments/UFOI/029%20NOV-DEC%201965.pdf)” UFO Investigator 3, no. 5 \(Nov./Dec. 1965\): 3–4; “[The Question of the Power Blackouts,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201965%2011%2000%20-%20November-December.pdf)” APRO Bulletin, Nov./Dec. 1965, pp. 4–6; John G. Fuller, Incident at Exeter, Putnam’s Sons, 1966, pp. 230–235; [Schopick](http://cufos.org/books/A%5FStudy%5Fof%5FSecondary%5FEffects-An%5FUnpublished%5FManuscript%5Fof%5FUFO%5FE-M%5FCases.pdf)[,](http://cufos.org/books/A%5FStudy%5Fof%5FSecondary%5FEffects-An%5FUnpublished%5FManuscript%5Fof%5FUFO%5FE-M%5FCases.pdf) pp. 201–203; Condon, [pp. 110–115](https://archive.org/details/scientificstudyo0000unse%5Fl5t2/page/110/mode/2up); Yurko Bondarchuk, UFO Sightings, Landings, and Abductions, Methuen, 1979, pp. 130–137; Michael D. Swords, GrassRoots UFOs: Case Reports from the Timmerman Files, Fund for UFO Research, 2005, p. 145; Chris Rutkowski and Geoff Dittman, The Canadian UFO Report, Dundurn Press, 2006, pp. 99–102
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3960
### Event 25765 (09F3E186)
**Date:** 11/10/1965
**Location:** Northeastern US
**Description:** Massive power blackout in northeastern United States at about 5:25 P.M. (EST). Some reports of UFOs coincided, with resulting speculation about a possible relationship
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_67
### Event 25766 (3F76C664)
**Date:** 11/10/1965
**Location:** Manhattan, New York City
**Description:** Before dawn. Actor [Stuart Whitman](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stuart%5FWhitman) is staying in a hotel in Manhattan, New York City, during the Northeast power blackout. He hears a “sound, like a whippoorwill whistling outside my twelfth-story window.” He steps to the window and sees 2 luminous UFOs hovering nearby, one orange, the other blue. He hears voices from the UFOs in his head, telling him they are fearful of earth because humans are messing around with “unknown quantities” that might disrupt the balance of the universe. They claim the blackout is a small demonstration of their power and ask Whitman to do what he can to fight malice, prejudice, and hate on earth. The objects disappear.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[El Paso Blackout Recalls New York Experience to Actor,](https://www.newspapers.com/clip/95137296/)” El Paso \(Tex.\) Herald-Post, December 24, 1965, p. 4; Jerome Clark, “[The Greatest Flap Yet? Part IV,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201966%20V%2012%20N%206.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 12, no. 6 \(Nov./Dec. 1966\): 10; Clark III 1280–1281; Patrick Gross, [URECAT](https://ufologie.patrickgross.org/ce3/1965-11-09-usa-newyorkcity.htm)[,](https://ufologie.patrickgross.org/ce3/1965-11-09-usa-newyorkcity.htm) July 25, 2008
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3961
### Event 25767 (BAA0136E)
**Date:** 11/11/1965
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** MOGI-GUACU, BRZ
**Description:** UFO beams going up. Small humanoid (or Grey) takes plants leaves and twigs. Watches horse. FSRv16#6.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 801)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7447
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens, **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "608", **HatchDesc:** "MOGI-GUACU,BRZ:UFO BEAMS↑:OID TAKES PLANTS LEAVES+TWIGS:WATCHES HORSE:FSRv16#6", **LatLong:** "-22.366668 -46.950002", **LatLongDMS:** "22:22:00 S 46:57:00 W", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-22.366668,-46.950002)", **State/Prov:** "São Paulo", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 25768 (E49F8AC7)
**Date:** 11/11/1965
**Description:** A UFO was seen on the ground near a farm gate in Mogi Guacu, Sao Paulo state, Brazil at around 9 p.m. by a woman and her grandson. Two dwarfs were beside the object, picking up leaves and twigs, and examining a mare that stood docile by the fence. A green colored beam then made a sound like an explosion, causing the two witnesses to flee in panic inside their farmhouse.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Flavio Pereira, APRO Bulletin, September-October 1966, p 8; Coral E. Lorenzen, Flying Saucers: The Startling Evidence of the Invasion from Outer Space, p. 244, citing investigation by Dr. Olavo T. Fontes; Coral E. Lorenzen, Flying Saucer Occupants, p. 192
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7596
### Event 25769 (37E6B6B0)
**Date:** 11/12/1965
**Location:** Undisclosed city in Argentina, Arg
**Description:** UFO caused compass on ship to swing off course. (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2891
### Event 25770 (88116312)
**Date:** 11/12/1965
**Time:** 18:00:00.1
**Location:** 37.0500 -116.0221
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Sepia” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_427
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0500 -116.0221", **LatLongDMS:** "37:03:00 N 116:01:20 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0500,-116.0221)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.24", **NukeName:** "Sepia", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 25771 (21F2B04A)
**Date:** 11/13/1965
**Time:** 11:30
**Location:** OFF RUGGED ISL., NZ
**Description:** 2 odd craft surface. Float 5M over water. Vanish! / r44p56.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Book: HASSAL, Peter; The NZ FILES, UFO's in New Zealand; 1998 [1965 Stewart Isl. USO on Page 93.]
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7448
**Attributes:** **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **SUB:** Submersible: Rises from or submerges into water, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "New Zealand", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "8", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "off RUGGED Isl.,NZ:2 ODD CRAFT SURFACE:FLOAT 5M OVR WATER:VANISH!:/r44p56", **LatLong:** "-46.688891 167.700008", **LatLongDMS:** "46:41:20 S 167:42:00 E", **Locale:** "Offshore", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-46.688891,167.700008)", **State/Prov:** "SI", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 25772 (52D554F9)
**Date:** 11/13/1965
**Time:** ~22:00
**Location:** MOGI-GUACU, BRZ
**Description:** Several observer(s). Saucer lands. Shoots beam going up. 3 small humanoids (or Greys) exit / outfits. / r111p245.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 801)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7449
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens, **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "20", **Elev:** "608", **HatchDesc:** "MOGI-GUACU,BRZ:SVRL OBS:SCR LANDS:SHOOTS BEAM ↑:3 OIDS EXIT/OUTFITS:/r111p245", **LatLong:** "-22.366668 -46.966669", **LatLongDMS:** "22:22:00 S 46:58:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-22.366668,-46.966669)", **State/Prov:** "São Paulo", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 25773 (C5CCD46D)
**Date:** 11/13/1965
**Location:** Mogi-Guassu, Brazil
**Description:** Dario Filho, his wife, his grandson, and a bank director saw an object land 100 m away, flashing a beam of light toward the sky. Two policemen on the scene also observed the incident. Near the object were two dwarfs. One of them wore coveralls, the other had a gray shirt and brown trousers. By what seemed an optical effect, a third being with a flat, squarish head, wearing something like a surgeon's apron, was also seen near them. The object and the creatures were very bright.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** APRO Sep., 66 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_716
### Event 25774 (1324EFDB)
**Date:** 11/13/1965
**Description:** Two odd looking craft were seen floating or hovering near the surface of the ocean at the southern tip of New Zealand. Two fisherman, Mr. R. D. Hanning, age 41, skipper of the fishing vessel Eleoneai, and Mr. W. J. Johnson made the sighting. They had set out from Bluff, the port of Invercargill, New Zealand, to tend pots in the area of Stewart Island, the southernmost part of New Zealand. At 11:30 a.m. they were about half a mile off Rugged Islands when they saw a strange craft come out of the water. Its tapered structure rose about 15 feet above the water and measured 5 feet high at the top and 12 feet at the water line. Then, about 30 feet away, a second box-shaped object, about 10 feet long and 5 feet high, was seen. There was no sign of any periscope or railing and nothing but the 'tower' and 'box' were visible. The water was smooth and the objects were in clear view 300 yards away. After 10 seconds there was suddenly a great surging of water and both object vanished beneath the surface. Both men were rather startled at this display and in fact were somewhat frightened by it. They hung around for a few minutes, decided not to wait any longer, and steamed off. The water at the spot where they had made the sighting was about 30 fathoms deep to a sandy bottom.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Otago Daily Times, November 18, 1965; Henk J. Hinfelaar, Flying Saucer Review, July-August 1966, p. 29; Ivan T. Sanderson, Invisible Residents, p. 56; Carl Feindt, www.waterufo.net/item.php?id=330
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7631
### Event 25775 (8308D529)
**Date:** 11/13/1965
**Description:** In the late evening in Mogi-Guacu, Sao Paulo State, Brazil Sr. Dario Filho, his wife, his grandson, and a bank director saw an object land 100 meters away, flashing a beam of light towards the sky. Two policemen on the scene also observed the incident. Near the object were two dwarves. One of them wore coveralls, while the other had on a gray shirt and brown trousers. By what seemed an optical effect, a third being with a flat, squarish head, wearing something like a surgeon's apron, was also seen near them. The object and the creatures were very brightly lit. The incident lasted 30 minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** APRO Bulletin, September-October 1966, p. 8; Coral E. Lorenzen, Flying Saucers: The Startling Evidence of the Invasion from Outer Space, p. 244, citing Olavo T. Fontes; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 716
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7632
### Event 25776 (256BDA70)
**Date:** 11/14/1965
**Time:** ~20:00
**Location:** CLINTON, IN
**Description:** 3 cops and many. Disk maneuvers over town. "Highly maneuverable. No further details. / r204p90.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 41)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7450
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "160", **HatchDesc:** "CLINTON,IN:3 COPS+MANY:DISK MNVRS ovr TOWN:"HIGHLY MANEUVERABLE:NFD:/r204p90", **LatLong:** "39.655557 -87.400004", **LatLongDMS:** "39:39:20 N 87:24:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.655557,-87.400004)", **State/Prov:** "Indiana", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 25777 (4EC40374)
**Date:** Late Autumn 1965
**Location:** ENGLAND, Warminster
**Description:** (Translated from French) UFO sightings, and all sorts of other phenomena had become by the year 1965 so commonplace in Warminster, that no one was surprised by anything anymore. A flock of dead pigeons fell in the locality and the naturalist David Holton, after examining the dead birds, concluded that they had succumbed to unknown sonic vibrations on Earth [note from vog: how could he conclude such a nonsense?] (1965, Late Autumn)
**Reference:** Roger BOAR and Nigel BLUNDEL: "The World's Greatest UFO Mysteries" ed. Hamlyn 1995, p. 128
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2347
### Event 25778 (D73CE360)
**Date:** 11/16/1965
**Description:** Military observer(s). No further details [in] at all.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFOCAT CATALOG: Assorted Printouts. Donald A. Johnson Ph.D (CUFOS). P.O. Box 446, Concord, NH 03302-0446 (Index 80)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7451
**Attributes:** **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Pacific Ocean and non - Asian islands", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "PACIFIC 138°44E-25°04N BBK#UNK:MIL OBS:NFD AT ALL", **LatLong:** "25.066668 138.733340", **LatLongDMS:** "25:04:00 N 138:44:00 E", **Locale:** "High Seas", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/25.066668,138.733340)", **State/Prov:** "NPC", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 25779 (9BE67BCE)
**Date:** 11/16/1965
**Time:** 03:30
**Location:** HWY17 NEAR LUVERNE, MN
**Description:** Car radio dies. Engine coughs. Object / sky beams light going down [to] ground.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RODEGHIER, Mark/CUFOS: UFO REPORTS INVOLVING VEHICLE INTERFERENCE; CUFOS 1979. Available as CUFOS UFO Archive #1 CD-ROM. http://www.cufos.org/Pubform.pdf (Index 26)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7452
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "436", **HatchDesc:** "Hwy17 nr LUVERNE,MN:CAR RADIO DIES:ENGINE COUGHS:OBJ/SKY BEAMS LITE ↓ GND.", **LatLong:** "43.655558 -96.211116", **LatLongDMS:** "43:39:20 N 96:12:40 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.655558,-96.211116)", **State/Prov:** "Minnesota", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 25780 (4D23B7C0)
**Date:** 11/16/1965
**Time:** 19:00
**Location:** SALEM, MASS
**Description:** 4 observer(s). Large red and small white night lights over power plant. Rainy day. Go off and back 3X.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FOWLER, Raymond E.: UFO'S, INTERPLANETARY VISITORS; Prentice Hall & Bantam Books, NY 1979. 346pp. (Index 93)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7453
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "SALEM,MASS:4 OBS:LRG RED+SML WHT NLTS OVR POWER PLANT:RAINY DAY:GO OFF+BACK 3X", **LatLong:** "42.533335 -70.894448", **LatLongDMS:** "42:32:00 N 70:53:40 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.533335,-70.894448)", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 25781 (82F37149)
**Date:** 11/16/1965
**Time:** ~20:00
**Location:** WEST / CYRUS, MN
**Description:** Red-glowing cylinder/cylindrical object with cone on top. 4M x 2 meters diameter. Car slows / passing. Rises and going quickly northwest.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA; H. Regnery, Chicago HC 1969 & Contemporary Books,Chicago 1993. 372pp. (Index 717)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7454
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "339", **HatchDesc:** "W/CYRUS,MN:RED-GLO.CYL W/CONE ON TOP:4M x 2Mdia:CAR SLOWS/PASSING:RISES+>>NW", **LatLong:** "45.616669 -95.766671", **LatLongDMS:** "45:37:00 N 95:46:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.616669,-95.766671)", **State/Prov:** "Minnesota", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 25782 (D1874C2C)
**Date:** 11/16/1965
**Location:** Cyrus, Minnesota
**Description:** T. Untiedt was driving on Highway 28 about 5 km west of Cyprus when he saw a red flourescent, cylindrical object with a cone on top, 4 km long and 2 m in diameter, surrounded with a white glow. The car slowed down as the observer was 400 km away from the object, which took off toward the northeast.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** FSR 66, 6 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_717
### Event 25783 (68D37F7E)
**Date:** 11/17/1965
**Location:** NEAR AGRA, KS
**Description:** 2+2 observer(s) / car. Vibrant bright object buzzes car. Returns and follows car going [to] town. Windows?
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GREEN, Gabriel: LETS FACE THE FACTS ABOUT UFO's. Popular Library, NY 1967. [JMC] (Index 30)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7455
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "3", **Duration:** "6", **Elev:** "351", **HatchDesc:** "nr AGRA,KS:2+2 OBS/CAR:VBRITE OBJ BUZZES CAR:RETURNS+FOLOS CAR>TOWN:WINDOWS?", **LatLong:** "39.761113 -99.116671", **LatLongDMS:** "39:45:40 N 99:07:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.761113,-99.116671)", **State/Prov:** "Kansas", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 25784 (B1CEECC5)
**Date:** 11/18/1965
**Time:** 20:00?
**Description:** 3+observer(s). Bright horseshoe-ovoid going quickly [to] overhead low and extremely fast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 305)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7456
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "29", **HatchDesc:** "FLORES distr/BUENOS AIRES,ARG:3+OBS:BRITE HORSESHOE-OVOID >>OVHD LOW+XFAST: ", **LatLong:** "-34.633335 -58.472225", **LatLongDMS:** "34:38:00 S 58:28:20 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-34.633335,-58.472225)", **State/Prov:** "BA", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 25785 (4D434477)
**Date:** 11/20/1965
**Time:** 16:20
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Bright circular object going southwest. Sudden turn going quickly west. Fast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 46)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7457
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Atlantic Ocean + islands", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "SW/BIRD ROCK Stn,S.ATLANTIC:2 OBS:BRITE CIRC.OBJ > SW:SUDDEN TURN >>W:FAST", **LatLong:** "-54.000003 -38.050002", **LatLongDMS:** "54:00:00 S 38:03:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-54.000003,-38.050002)", **State/Prov:** "???", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 25786 (D687A96A)
**Date:** 11/21/1965
**Time:** 04:58:00.0
**Location:** 49.8192 78.0636
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 29KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1274
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.8192 78.0636", **LatLongDMS:** "49:49:09 N 78:03:49 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.8192,78.0636)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.80", **NukeSource:** "BOCHAROV", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** "29"
### Event 25787 (5505610F)
**Date:** 11/22/1965
**Description:** A UFO engaged in falling leaf maneuvers over Wiesbaden, Germany at 10:35 p.m. for 10 minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** UFO Nachtrichten, February 1971
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7797
### Event 25788 (6E0A33FC)
**Date:** 11/23/1965
**Location:** 37.0000 -116.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Kermet” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_428
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0000 -116.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:00 N 116:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0000,-116.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Kermet", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 25789 (ADD7E359)
**Date:** 11/23/1965
**Description:** At 9:30 p.m. a man named Quigley sighted a flourescent, blue cluster of lights tinged orange on the sides, about a mile away in the sky over Adelaide, South Australia. When he signaled with a flashlight a second time it moved closer.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Michael Hervey, UFOs Over the Southern Hemisphere, p. 174
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7841
### Event 25790 (7C46B116)
**Date:** 11/24/1965
**Description:** James Allen Aldridge and his family heard a loud blast outside their mobile home trailer in Cooper City, Florida and saw a flash in the western sky at 18:45 p.m. Aldridge went to his barn to check on his stock and there he saw a man about five feet tall, with wide shoulders and a narrow waist. He shouted at the man but got no response. His dog was shaking with fright at the sight of the strange figure. Aldridge then drove off to get the police, but when they returned they could find no one.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1965-67, citing local police and a newspaper source dated November 25, 1965
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7871
### Event 25791 (69B8D0DC)
**Date:** 11/26/1965
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Launch by a *Diamant A* rocket of the satellite *Astérix*. (November 26)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1965.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2150
### Event 25792 (CF88DC50)
**Date:** 11/26/1965
**Time:** 20:00
**Location:** ST. PAUL, MN
**Description:** Many observer(s). Blue night lights all over/all about. Power outages and cars electro-magnetic effect (EME). / APRO Jan'66+/ r98#65.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 41)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7458
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "9", **Elev:** "234", **HatchDesc:** "ST PAUL,MN:MANY OBS:BLU NLTS ALLO:POWER OUTAGES+CARS EME:/APRO Jan'66+/r98#65", **LatLong:** "44.933335 -93.100004", **LatLongDMS:** "44:56:00 N 93:06:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.933335,-93.100004)", **State/Prov:** "Minnesota", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 25793 (F8513EA5)
**Date:** 11/26/1965
**Location:** St. Paul, Minnesota
**Description:** 8:00–9:00 p.m. Numerous power outages around St. Paul, Minnesota, are accompanied by observations of white or blue lights in the sky.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Power Outages Accompanied by Flashes,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201966%2001%2000%20-%20January-February.pdf)” APRO Bulletin, Jan./Feb. 1966, pp. 3–4; [Schopick](http://cufos.org/books/A%5FStudy%5Fof%5FSecondary%5FEffects-An%5FUnpublished%5FManuscript%5Fof%5FUFO%5FE-M%5FCases.pdf)[,](http://cufos.org/books/A%5FStudy%5Fof%5FSecondary%5FEffects-An%5FUnpublished%5FManuscript%5Fof%5FUFO%5FE-M%5FCases.pdf) pp. 199–201
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3962
### Event 25794 (9DD31C41)
**Date:** 11/26/1965
**Description:** In 1965 in a wide area from St. Paul, Minnesota to the Wisconsin border, blue lights in the sky, power failures, and electro-magnetic effects on cars were reported. At 8:00 p.m. many residents of Totem Town, St. Paul, Minnesota saw strange objects flying overhead, emitting blue and orange flashes. Some reported that their house lights went out when the objects passed overhead. One person in a car said that his headlights and radio had failed as the objects passed nearby.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP UFO Investigator, December 1965, p.1; Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, case 156, citing Flying Saucer Review, Vol. 12, No. 6
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7937
### Event 25795 (E4AEC300)
**Date:** 11/29/1965
**Time:** ~22:00
**Location:** SPRINGHILL, NS
**Description:** Domed saucer / ground level. Mechanical arm / fingers extends / opening! / r204p92+/ r8.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 42)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7459
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **RBT:** Possible robot or "Grey", mechanical motions, **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "15", **Elev:** "121", **HatchDesc:** "SPRINGHILL,NS:DOMED SCR/GND LVL:MECH ARM/FINGERS EXTENDS/OPENING!:/r204p92+/r8", **LatLong:** "45.650002 -64.050003", **LatLongDMS:** "45:39:00 N 64:03:00 W", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.650002,-64.050003)", **State/Prov:** "Nova Scotia", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 25796 (0C2ABE76)
**Date:** 11/29/1965
**Time:** evening
**Location:** Springhill, Nova Scotia
**Description:** Kevin Davis, 12, and Gary Jardine, 10, saw an object with a blinking red dome fly over the Cooper Creek area and come to ground level. They observed portholes and a long bar with fingerlike devices emerging from an opening. Snow was blown away and bushes were flattened.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** NICAP Jan., 66 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_718
### Event 25797 (EEC250CF)
**Date:** 11/29/1965
**Description:** On this evening Kevin Davis, 12, and Gary Jardine, 10, saw an object with a blinking red dome fly over the Cooper Creek area and come to ground level in Springhill, Nova Scotia, Canada. They observed portholes and a long bar with fingerlike devices emerging from an opening. Snow was blown away and bushes were flattened during the near landing.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP UFO Investigator, January-February 1966; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case # 718; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II. A Thirty Year Report, p. 263
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8031
### Event 25798 (E233842F)
**Date:** 11/30/1965
**Time:** 03:30
**Location:** CORNWALLIS, NS
**Description:** Slim cylinder/cylindrical object flies into saucer / beach. Rocks pushed away / takeoff. / MJ#271.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 42)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7460
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "20", **HatchDesc:** "CORNWALLIS,NS:SLIM CYL FLIES INTO SCR/BEACH:ROCKS PUSHED AWAY/TAKEOFF:/MJ#271", **LatLong:** "44.650002 -65.633336", **LatLongDMS:** "44:39:00 N 65:38:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.650002,-65.633336)", **State/Prov:** "Nova Scotia", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 25799 (5DD2F762)
**Date:** 11/30/1965
**Locations:** Canadian Forces Base Cornwallis; Cornwallis Park; Nova Scotia
**Description:** 3:30 a.m. Seaman Ian Kinsey is on watch at Canadian Forces Base Cornwallis \[now Cornwallis Park\] in Nova Scotia. As he is passing a window, he sees a lighted yellow oval object resting on the beach. Five minutes later a sliding door on the object’s side opens, emitting a white light. Then a smaller, cigarette-shaped UFO enters the larger object through the dear. The bigger object rises, pushing rocks and logs away from the center of the beach. It cruises slowly over a mountain and disappears.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Donald E. Keyhoe and Gordon I. R. Lore Jr., [Strange](http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Books/Other/Lore%2C%20Gordon%20-%20Strange%20Effects%20from%20UFOs.pdf) [Effects from UFOs](http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Books/Other/Lore%2C%20Gordon%20-%20Strange%20Effects%20from%20UFOs.pdf)[,](http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Books/Other/Lore%2C%20Gordon%20-%20Strange%20Effects%20from%20UFOs.pdf) NICAP, 1969, pp. 59–61
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3963
### Event 25800 (FD3D0A66)
**Date:** 11/30/1965
**Description:** Police constable Edward Pinnock on foot patrol in Warminster, England during the middle of the afternoon saw a bright silver ball hurtle through the sky, like a "giant plate of light that lit up the whole horizon with a glare." It appeared to be spinning.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Gary Heseltine, UFO Magazine (UK), July 2003, p. 5
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8071
### Event 25801 (86601CB5)
**Date:** 11/30/1965
**Description:** In Cornwallis, Annapolis Valley, Nova Scotia, Canada at 3:30 a.m. at least one UFO landed, leaving behind left ground traces.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP UFO Investigator, February 1966, p. 4; Gordon I. R. Lore, Jr., Strange Effects from UFOs, p. 59
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8072
### Event 25802 (AB4206CD)
**Date:** 12/1965
**Time:** 12:00
**Description:** Machinist knocked off bicycle / UFO. Type unknown. Official investigation/investigators. No joke.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BALLESTER OLMOS, Vicente-Juan: CATALOG of 200 TYPE-1 EVENTS in SPAIN & PORTUGAL; CUFOS 1976. (Index 9)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7461
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **MIL:** Military investigation
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "MURCIA AFB,SP:MACHINIST KNOCKED OFF BICYCLE/UFO:TYPE UNK:OFFICIAL INV:NO JOKE", **LatLong:** "37.983335 -1.133333", **LatLongDMS:** "37:59:00 N 01:08:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.983335,-1.133333)", **State/Prov:** "MUR", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 25803 (5CC2C36A)
**Date:** 12/1/1965
**Time:** 20:30
**Location:** ADHARA OBSV, ARG
**Description:** Astronomer. Night lights follow satellites. Self luminous. Maneuvers. Fantastic speed/velocity.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GARREAU, Charles: SOUCOUPES VOLANTES, Vingt-cinq Ans d'Enquetes. 3rd Editn = 1973? Maison Mame ISBN 2-250-00464-1 (Index 81)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7462
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "20", **Elev:** "60", **HatchDesc:** "ADHARA Obsv,ARG:ASTRONOMER:NLTS FOLO SATELLITES:SELF LUMns:MNVRS:FANTASTIC SPD", **LatLong:** "-34.555557 -58.711114", **LatLongDMS:** "34:33:20 S 58:42:40 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-34.555557,-58.711114)", **State/Prov:** "Buenos Aires", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 25804 (E0C1F709)
**Date:** 12/1/1965
**Time:** 10:30:00.1
**Location:** 24.0437 5.0469
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground. Country: France Name: “tourmaline” Yield: 0KT YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1852
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "24.0437 5.0469", **LatLongDMS:** "24:02:37 N 05:02:49 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/24.0437,5.0469)", **NukeCountry:** "France", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.10", **NukeName:** "tourmaline", **NukeSource:** "BOLT", **NukeType:** "U", **NukeY:** "0", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 25805 (D8A96CA7)
**Date:** 12/2/1965
**Location:** OFF SAN PEDRO, CA
**Description:** 2 observer(s) photograph red-glow object. Dives / ocean. Steam rises. Missile?
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SANDERSON, Ivan: INVISIBLE RESIDENTS; World Publishing HB 1970 & Avon Books PB 1973 (Index 43)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7463
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **SUB:** Submersible: Rises from or submerges into water, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "15", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "off SAN PEDRO,CA:2 OBS FOTO RED-GLOW OBJ:DIVES/OCEAN:STEAM RISES:MISSILE?", **LatLong:** "33.633335 -118.266672", **LatLongDMS:** "33:38:00 N 118:16:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/33.633335,-118.266672)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "3"
### Event 25806 (3B546B82)
**Date:** 12/2/1965
**Description:** A close encounter with electro-magnetic effects happened in El Paso, Texas on this day.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Frank Edwards, Flying Saucers -Serious Business, p. 266
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8124
### Event 25807 (BFBE9782)
**Date:** 12/3/1965
**Time:** 15:13:02.1
**Location:** 37.1648 -116.0523
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Corduroy” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 200KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_429
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1648 -116.0523", **LatLongDMS:** "37:09:53 N 116:03:08 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1648,-116.0523)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.68", **NukeMb:** "5.62", **NukeName:** "Corduroy", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "200"
### Event 25808 (BB2F32FB)
**Date:** 12/4/1965
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In the night, [Frank Borman](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BormanFrank.html) and [James Lovell](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/LovellJamesA.html) hear "something" hitting the window of their capsule [Gemini 7](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/Gemini.html\#Gemini7), flying at 28000 km/h at a distance varying between 160 and 205 km from the Earth's surface. Hardly recovered from their fright, the young astronauts see a strange object nearby, surrounded by fluorescent particles. (4/5 December)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1965.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2151
### Event 25809 (FD532CC7)
**Date:** 12/4/1965
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** DERIDDER, LA
**Description:** Glowing object / treetops. Follows car. Several separate report(s) / area / same night.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GREEN, Gabriel: LETS FACE THE FACTS ABOUT UFO's. Popular Library, NY 1967. [JMC] (Index 30)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7464
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "3", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "62", **HatchDesc:** "DeRIDDER,LA:GLOWING OBJ/TREETOPS:FOLOS CAR:SVRL SEP.RPTS/AREA/SAME NITE", **LatLong:** "30.833335 -93.300004", **LatLongDMS:** "30:50:00 N 93:18:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/30.833335,-93.300004)", **RelAlt:** "15", **State/Prov:** "Louisiana", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 25810 (D9BEC7A1)
**Date:** 12/4/1965
**Time:** 22:00?
**Location:** NEAR TUCUMAN, ARG
**Description:** 12 observer(s). Saucer lands / field. Paper found-"CHNY Ynoss" written on it.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GREEN, Gabriel: LETS FACE THE FACTS ABOUT UFO's. Popular Library, NY 1967. [JMC] (Index 75)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7465
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "3", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "435", **HatchDesc:** "nr TUCUMAN,ARG:12 OBS:SCR LANDS/FIELD:PAPER FOUND-"CHNY YNOSS" WRITTEN ON IT", **LatLong:** "-26.833335 -65.250003", **LatLongDMS:** "26:50:00 S 65:15:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-26.833335,-65.250003)", **State/Prov:** "TCM", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 25811 (1EACF730)
**Date:** 12/5/1965
**Description:** During the [Gemini 7](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gemini%5F7) mission, the astronauts mention a “bogey.” [James Oberg](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James%5FOberg)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James%5FOberg) based on his trajectory analysis of the mission, describes the astronauts’ comments as referring to booster-associated debris and not a reference to some sort of UFO. Astronaut [Frank Borman](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frank%5FBorman) later confirms that what he saw was not a UFO. When he offers to go on the television show Unsolved Mysteries to clarify, the producers tell him, “Well, I’m not sure we want you on the program.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[UFO sightings in outer space](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UFO%5Fsightings%5Fin%5Fouter%5Fspace)”; Condon, [pp. 207–208](https://archive.org/details/scientificstudyo0000unse%5Fl5t2/page/206/mode/2up); Good Above, [p. 378](https://archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/378/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3964
### Event 25812 (7C0DFBDF)
**Date:** 12/6/1965
**Time:** 19:50
**Description:** Fireball hovers / houses. Going up and down. Vanishes. Night lights buzz car..
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 797)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7466
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "100", **HatchDesc:** "INDOOROOPILLY+BRISBANE,AUSTRL:FBL HVRS/HOUSES:↑+↓:VANISHES:NLTS BUZZ CAR..", **LatLong:** "-27.533335 153.116674", **LatLongDMS:** "27:32:00 S 153:07:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-27.533335,153.116674)", **State/Prov:** "Queensland", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 25813 (A4D5170F)
**Date:** 12/7/1965
**Time:** 20:00
**Description:** 4 observer(s) near Castelo do Quiejo. 2 saucers over sea. Blue lights / edge.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LOURENCO, Victor: The PORTUCAT CATALOG; (BBS Download). (Index 101)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7467
**Attributes:** **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Portugal", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "MATOSINHOS,PORTUGAL:4 OBS nr CASTELO do QUIEJO:2 SCRS OVR SEA:BLUE LITES/EDGE", **LatLong:** "41.200002 -8.700000", **LatLongDMS:** "41:12:00 N 08:42:00 W", **Locale:** "Offshore", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.200002,-8.700000)", **State/Prov:** "Douro", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 25814 (5FBF7FFB)
**Date:** 12/8/1965
**Location:** TANGENT, OR
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Observer(s) = Blatchford. Luminous hoops maneuver in sky. No press coverage.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFOCAT CATALOG: Assorted Printouts. Donald A. Johnson Ph.D (CUFOS). P.O. Box 446, Concord, NH 03302-0446 (Index 80)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7468
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "75", **HatchDesc:** "TANGENT,OR:BBK#UNK:OBS=BLATCHFORD:LUM HOOPS MNVR IN SKY:NO PRESS COVERAGE", **LatLong:** "44.538891 -123.105561", **LatLongDMS:** "44:32:20 N 123:06:20 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.538891,-123.105561)", **State/Prov:** "Oregon", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 25815 (A48FABC8)
**Date:** 12/8/1965
**Time:** 21:00?
**Description:** Phony land rover without wheels passes car. Whines and vanishes!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SHUTTLEWOOD, Arthur: The WARMINSTER MYSTERY. Neville-Spearman/Tandem Books PB 1967, London. (Index 147)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7469
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "78", **HatchDesc:** "A36 nr BECKINGTON,ENGL:PHONY LAND ROVER W/O WHEELS PASSES CAR:WHINES+VANISHES!", **LatLong:** "51.255558 -2.283333", **LatLongDMS:** "51:15:20 N 02:17:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.255558,-2.283333)", **RelAlt:** "1", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 25816 (B65BD2E1)
**Date:** 12/8/1965
**Location:** Tangent, OR
**Description:** Luminous Loops Seen (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, Code: D, Rating: 5, BB: BB)
**Reference:** NICAP: [651208](http://www.nicap.org/651208tangent%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2892
### Event 25817 (B8CA1816)
**Date:** 12/8/1965
**Description:** In 1965 in Beckington, Wiltshire, England a phantom automobile, shaped like a Land Rover but without wheels, passed the witness’s car. It made a whining noise, then vanished.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Larry Hatch, U database, case #7027
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8267
### Event 25818 (2F54515B)
**Date:** 12/9/1965
**Location:** Kecksburgh, PA
**Description:** A UFO crash-landed in the Kecksburgh, PA woods. It had appeared as a fireball flying across several U.S. states and Canada. Dozens of witnesses described military personnel cordoning off the landing area. The object was transported away by military truck. In Feb. 1969, the key witness (John Murphy ) to this incident was struck and killed by a car on a highway near Ventura. Researcher, Stan Gordon kept the research of this incident alive. The Blue Book report changed the name of Kecksburg to “Acme” PA. After 20 yrs. Bill Bulebush came forward with a description of the downed UFO.
**Type:** crash retrieval
**Reference:** [Pea Research](https://www.academia.edu/9813787/GOVERNMENT_INVOLVEMENT_IN_THE_UFO_COVER_UP_CHRONOLOGY_based)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_633
### Event 25819 (7BDF97A1)
**Date:** 12/9/1965
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) [Kecksburg incident](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/1965-12-09\_Kecksburg.html). (December 9)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1965.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2152
### Event 25820 (78F2E523)
**Date:** 12/9/1965
**Location:** Kecksburg, PA
**Description:** Possible crash/retrieval of UFO.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [_UFOs and the National Security State: Chronology of a Cover-up, 1941–1973_, by Richard Dolan](https://archive.org/details/ufosnationalsecu00dola/mode/2up)
**Source:** Dolan, **ID:** Dolan_266
### Event 25821 (ADEA50DD)
**Date:** 12/9/1965
**Time:** 16:20
**Location:** WEST / KECKSBURG, PA
**Description:** Meteor flames down. Recovery grossly exaggerated. / r95v6#1.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 445)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7470
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **RDA:** Radiation/high energy fields detected, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "90", **Elev:** "370", **HatchDesc:** "W/KECKSBURG,PA:METEOR flames down:recovery grossly exaggerated:/r95v6#1", **LatLong:** "40.188891 -79.566670", **LatLongDMS:** "40:11:20 N 79:34:00 W", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.188891,-79.566670)", **State/Prov:** "Pennsylvania", **Strangeness:** "2"
### Event 25822 (ED1C41FE)
**Date:** 12/9/1965
**Locations:** Detroit, Michigan; Windsor, Ontario; Michigan; Northern Ohio; Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; Kecksburg, Pennsylvania; Johnson Atoll; Vandenberg AFB
**Description:** 4:47 p.m. A large, brilliant fireball is seen by thousands in at least six states and Ontario, Canada. It streaks over the Detroit, Michigan–Windsor, Ontario, area, reportedly drops hot metal debris over Michigan and northern Ohio starting some grass fires and causes sonic booms in the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, metropolitan area. It is generally assumed and reported by the press to be a meteor after authorities discount other proposed explanations such as a plane crash, errant missile test, or reentering satellite debris. However, eyewitnesses in the small village of Kecksburg, Pennsylvania, claim something has crashed in the woods. A boy sees the object land; his mother [Frances Kalp](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/134458868/frances-margaret-kalp) sees a wisp of blue smoke rising from the woods and alerts local radio station WHJB. Another observer reports feeling a vibration and “a thump” about the time the object reportedly lands. Others from Kecksburg, including local volunteer fire department members \(Carl Metz and Paul Shipco\), report seeing an object in the shape of an acorn and about as large as a Volkswagen Beetle. Writing resembling Egyptian hieroglyphs is also said to be in a band around the base of the object. A reporter and news director for WHJB, [John J. Murphy](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/129235426/john-j-murphy)[,](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/129235426/john-j-murphy) arrives on the scene of the event before authorities have arrived, in response to several calls to the station from alarmed citizens. He takes several photographs and conducts interviews with witnesses. His former wife Bonnie Millslagle later reports that all but one roll of the film is confiscated by military personnel. WHJB office manager Mabel Mazza describes one of the pictures: “It was very dark and it was with a lot of trees around and everything. And I don’t know how far away from the site he was. But I did see a picture of a sort of a cone-like thing. It’s the only time I ever saw it.” Witnesses further report that an intense military presence, most notably the US Army, is secures the area, orders civilians out, seals the area within 2 hours of the event, and then removes an object on a flatbed truck. The military claims they have searched the woods and can find “absolutely nothing.” The official explanation of the widely seen fireball is that it is a mid-sized meteor, as suggested, for example, by University of Michigan astronomer [William P. Bidelman](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William%5FP.%5FBidelman)[.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William%5FP.%5FBidelman) However, speculation as to the identity of the Kecksburg object \(if there was one—reports vary\) include an alien craft; debris from [Kosmos 96](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kosmos%5F96) \([James](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James%5FOberg) [Oberg](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James%5FOberg)\), a Soviet space probe intended for Venus that fails and never leaves the Earth’s atmosphere \(now seen as unlikely\); a General Electric Mark 2 Reentry Vehicle launched from Johnson Atoll in the Pacific Ocean on December 7 by the Air Force as a spy satellite \([John](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm3277379/bio) [Ventre](https://www.newsweek.com/ufo-sightings-mufon-2018-john-ventre-alien-extraterrestrial-905060) and [Owen Eichler](https://www.coasttocoastam.com/guest/eichler-owen/75215)\); and a secret Corona spy satellite, [KH-4A 1027](https://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/nmc/spacecraft/display.action?id=1965-102A)[,](https://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/nmc/spacecraft/display.action?id=1965-102A) launched from Vandenberg AFB \[now Vandenberg Space Force Base\] on December 9 \([Bob](https://bobwenzelgross.com/) [Wenzel Gross](https://bobwenzelgross.com/)\).
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Kecksburg UFO incident](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kecksburg%5FUFO%5Fincident)”; Stan Gordon, “[The Kecksburg UFO Crash: An Interim](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201992%20V%2037%20N%201.pdf) [Report,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201992%20V%2037%20N%201.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 37, no. 1 \(Spring 1992\): 2–5; Kevin D. Randle, A History of UFO Crashes, Avon, 1995, [pp. 95–120](https://archive.org/details/historyofufocras0000rand/page/94/mode/2up); Leslie Kean, “Forty Years of Secrecy: NASA, the Military, and the 1965 Kecksburg Crash,” IUR 30, no. 1 \(October 2005\): 3–9, 28–32; Robert R. Young and Leslie Kean, “Kecksburg Controversy,” IUR 30, no. 3 \(May 2006\): 25–28; Peter Brookesmith, “Rockets, Reptiles, and a Resurrection,” Fortean Times 360 \(December 2017\): 28; Clark III 340; Good Need, [pp. 255–258](https://archive.org/details/needtoknow00good/page/254/mode/2up); “[Five Decades Later, the Kecksburg UFO Is](https://www.post-gazette.com/news/science/2015/12/06/50-years-later-the-Kecksburg-Westmoreland-County-UFO-is-identified-probably/stories/201512060146) [Identified \(Probably\),](https://www.post-gazette.com/news/science/2015/12/06/50-years-later-the-Kecksburg-Westmoreland-County-UFO-is-identified-probably/stories/201512060146)” Pittsburgh \(Pa.\) Post-Gazette, December 6, 2015; Matthew Dinkel, “[Acorn from Space:](https://pabook.libraries.psu.edu/literary-cultural-heritage-map-pa/feature-articles/acorn-space-kecksburg-incident) [The Kecksburg Incident,](https://pabook.libraries.psu.edu/literary-cultural-heritage-map-pa/feature-articles/acorn-space-kecksburg-incident)” Pennsylvania Center for the Book, Fall 2010; Center for UFO Studies, \[[case](http://cufos.org/cases/1965%5F12%5F09%5FUS%5FPA%5FKecksburg%5FNICAP-CUFOS%5FMultiWit%5FBolide%5FRedacted.pdf) [documents](http://cufos.org/cases/1965%5F12%5F09%5FUS%5FPA%5FKecksburg%5FNICAP-CUFOS%5FMultiWit%5FBolide%5FRedacted.pdf)\]; “[Missile, Reentry Vehicle, Mark 2,](https://airandspace.si.edu/collection-objects/missile-reentry-vehicle-mark-2/nasm%5FA19751430000)” Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3965
### Event 25823 (E05B3272)
**Date:** 12/9/1965
**Description:** A major military operation took place on this night to recover a bronze colored, bullet or acorn-shaped object, 12 feet long and 10 feet in diameter, that came down in the woods near Kecksburg, Pennsylvania at 4:50 p.m.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** UNICAT database, case 787, citing Stan Gordon, MUFON Journal, February 1991, p. 3
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8284
### Event 25824 (51F98CB9)
**Date:** 12/10/1965
**Description:** An anonymous Air Force security team member at Lockbourne AFB near Columbus, OH states he guarded an object on 10 December 1965 after it arrived from Pennsylvania. He states it was there for the morning and sent to WPAFB. Another source, a truck driver, states he saw a flatbed trailer with an object shaped like a “bell” under a tarp sitting upright.
This matches what witnesses say they saw crashed in Kecksburg, PA on 9 December 1965, a bell shaped object. John Podesta stated in 2003 that it was questionable how the “unexplained crash” records were not released by NASA.
* _[Majic Eyes Only](https://www.amazon.com/Majic-Eyes-Only-Ryan-Wood/dp/0977205908), p160_
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_112
### Event 25825 (90EDCE67)
**Date:** 12/11/1965
**Description:** Charles Jones, who claims to be psychic and has frequently reported UFO sightings ever since 1947, was driving home between Sheridan and Lamong, Indiana at 1:05 p.m. when he saw a lighted object come down through the low clouds. It was shaped like a cigar, but with the rear end cut off on a bevel, and it bore a red and white blinking light. The front had a transparent surface and through it Jones could see a very stockily built, six-foot tall occupant. The being appeared to be hiding his face from the witness. He wore a tight-fitting headpiece, continuous with the coveralls, that obscured the hair and ears. Jones did however observe one eye, which he said was larger than normal sized and set more toward the side of the head. The face also had a wide nose and jowls. The complexion of the face was dark bronze, and the entity was wearing a one-piece brown coverall. The object was less than 60 feet off the ground and approximately 150 feef from the left side of the road, traveling north.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Janet Bord, FSR, May-June 1972, p. 20; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1965-68
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8341
### Event 25826 (92B1F1C8)
**Date:** 12/13/1965
**Locations:** Fort Worth, Texas; Moon; Arcturus
**Description:** An amateur astronomer in Fort Worth, Texas, watches a UFO through several different telescopes. It has a recessed ring with small dark objects attached around its edge and a dark cross on its bottom. It moves from directly beneath the Moon and past Arcturus, then suddenly disappears.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Michael D. Swords, “Gazing at the Moons,” IUR 32, no. 4 \(October 2009\): 14
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3966
### Event 25827 (B21EA5AD)
**Date:** 12/13/1965
**Description:** On this night Sr. Jaime, the police commissioner's son in Estacion Palavecino, Entre Rios province, Argentina was blinded for a while and unable to speak as result of the close encounter he had with a spherical UFO that changed colors in front of him.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Oscar A. Uriondo, FSR Case Histories, December 1973, p. 18, citing La Razon, December 14, 1965
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8371
### Event 25828 (9CA28737)
**Date:** 12/14/1965
**Time:** ~20:00
**Location:** SALT SPRINGS, FL
**Description:** 3 observer(s). 45M saucer beams light going down / high-tension lines. CB radios electro-magnetic effect (EME). Odor.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 272)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7471
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **ODR:** Odors associated with UFO's
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "70", **Elev:** "7", **HatchDesc:** "SALT SPRINGS,FL:3 OBS:45M SCR BEAMS LITE ↓/HI-TENSION LINES:CB RADIOS EME:ODOR", **LatLong:** "29.350001 -81.733337", **LatLongDMS:** "29:21:00 N 81:44:00 W", **Locale:** "Wetlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/29.350001,-81.733337)", **State/Prov:** "Florida", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 25829 (3B95A7A5)
**Date:** 12/15/1965
**Location:** USA
**Description:** (Translated from French) It was up to the Americans to masterfully succeed in the first "rendezvous" in space, first in December 1965 with the two inhabited spacecrafts "Gemini VI" and "Gemini VII".
**Reference:** "Conquest of Space" - Thomas de Galiana, ed. Larousse Poche, 1967, p. 257
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2351
### Event 25830 (944288C6)
**Date:** 12/15/1965 (approximate)
**Description:** Phony land rover without lights passes car. Vanishes / puff / smoke.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SHUTTLEWOOD, Arthur: The WARMINSTER MYSTERY. Neville-Spearman/Tandem Books PB 1967, London. (Index 147)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7472
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "300", **HatchDesc:** "COTSWOLD HILLS,AVON:PHONY LAND ROVER W/O LITES PASSES CAR:VANISHES/PUFF/SMOKE", **LatLong:** "51.583336 -2.266667", **LatLongDMS:** "51:35:00 N 02:16:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.583336,-2.266667)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 25831 (2673324E)
**Date:** 12/15/1965
**Location:** Worcester Park, southwest London, England
**Description:** 8:45 p.m. C. M. W. Martyn of Worcester Park, southwest London, England, watches a “candle-wax white” triangular object, about 130 feet wide and completely silent, pass over his home toward the northwest at about 1,200 mph.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Surrey Deltavolant?](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201966%20V%2012%20N%202.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 12, no. 2 \(March/April 1966\): 35
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3967
### Event 25832 (3B5ECAA1)
**Date:** 12/15/1965
**Description:** In 1965 a phantom automobile was seen in the Cotswold Hills in Avon county, England at around midnight. A vehicle shaped like a Land Rover, but without wheels, passed a car, and then vanished in a puff of smoke.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Larry Hatch, U computer database, case 7030, citing Arthur Shuttlewood
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8409
### Event 25833 (6F5CE0EB)
**Date:** 12/16/1965
**Time:** 02:10
**Description:** Ship crew. Cloud going north. Strong beam going down. Almond object exits. / r204p93.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 42)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7473
**Attributes:** **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Pacific Ocean and non - Asian islands", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "200mi W/BAJA CALIF:SHIP CREW:CLOUD> N:STRONG BEAM↓:ALMOND OBJ EXITS:/r204p93", **LatLong:** "24.000001 -115.000005", **LatLongDMS:** "24:00:00 N 115:00:00 W", **Locale:** "High Seas", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/24.000001,-115.000005)", **State/Prov:** "NPC", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 25834 (22B6E09E)
**Date:** 12/16/1965
**Location:** Sauce Viejo, Argentina
**Description:** A railroad worker, Cesar T. Gallardo, was surprised when his carbide lamp and his radio stopped working. He saw strange lights outside the sleeping coach where he was reading, and a luminous being whose legs were clad in shiny dark cloth came in, tore up his newspaper, poured the contents of an oil can into a small bottle and went away, leaving the witness amazed. Other people saw "a luminous man" walking along the tracks. Police report.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** FSR 66, 1 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_719
### Event 25835 (76CC1B08)
**Date:** 12/16/1965
**Time:** 15:39:18.2
**Location:** 37.1408 -116.0632
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Emerson” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_430
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1408 -116.0632", **LatLongDMS:** "37:08:27 N 116:03:48 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1408,-116.0632)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.26", **NukeName:** "Emerson", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 25836 (A6D136FB)
**Date:** 12/16/1965
**Time:** 19:15:00.0
**Location:** 37.0726 -116.0291
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Buff” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 200KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_431
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0726 -116.0291", **LatLongDMS:** "37:04:21 N 116:01:45 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0726,-116.0291)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.50", **NukeMb:** "5.30", **NukeName:** "Buff", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "200"
### Event 25837 (19D0F45E)
**Date:** 12/16/1965
**Description:** In Chineham, Basingstoke, England at 7:45 p.m. two police officers, J. Harwood and B. Gibbons, sighted a tadpole-shaped UFO with a large green dome on top and a red flaming tail two to three times its length. It passed overhead at an extreme speed. There were low lying clouds at the time and the UFO passed under the clouds.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Gary Heseltine, UFO Magazine (UK), July 2003, p. 5, citing R. Chapman
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8443
### Event 25838 (0F216D81)
**Date:** 12/19/1965
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Re-election of De Gaulle. (December 19)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1965.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2153
### Event 25839 (7C345968)
**Date:** 12/19/1965
**Location:** Herman, Minnesota
**Description:** 11:45 p.m. Edward A. Bruns is driving his father’s 1962 Ford pickup truck, heading west just south of Herman, Minnesota. He sees a bright, oval-shaped object hovering several feet above the road. It covers the entire road and is shaped like two saucers with a dome on top. A window-like structure surrounds the dome and emits a green light. Suddenly the truck engine stops, the headlights go out, and the vehicle lifts up, spins violently to the right, ending up in a ditch on the other side of the road. Stunned, Bruns stares at the UFO, which makes a whistling sound, emits sparks, shoots upward, and disappears. He runs home, scared and nervous. His father goes to the site of the crash but cannot get the truck out. A reporter later confirms seeing the truck in the ditch with a complete “absence of skid marks in the snow to account for how it got there.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Donald E. Keyhoe and Gordon I. R. Lore Jr., [Strange Effects from UFOs](http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Books/Other/Lore%2C%20Gordon%20-%20Strange%20Effects%20from%20UFOs.pdf)[,](http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Books/Other/Lore%2C%20Gordon%20-%20Strange%20Effects%20from%20UFOs.pdf) NICAP, 1969, p. 50
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3968
### Event 25840 (AC45C18B)
**Date:** 12/20/1965
**Time:** 23:50
**Location:** HERMAN, MN
**Description:** Night light. Saucer. Truck malfunctions due to EME (electro-magnetic effects). Missing time. Driver wakes / truck in ditch. / MJ#272+/ r41p250.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA; H. Regnery, Chicago HC 1969 & Contemporary Books,Chicago 1993. 372pp. (Index 720)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7474
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly, **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TRC:** Physical traces, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "60", **Elev:** "326", **HatchDesc:** "HERMAN,MN:NLT:SCR:TRUCK EMEs:MST:DRIVER WAKES/TRUCK IN DITCH:/MJ#272+/r41p250", **LatLong:** "45.811113 -96.144449", **LatLongDMS:** "45:48:40 N 96:08:40 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.811113,-96.144449)", **State/Prov:** "Minnesota", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 25841 (7A549259)
**Date:** 12/20/1965
**Location:** Herman, MN
**Description:** Disc with dome, green light, hovered just above road, whistling sound, truck thrown off road. Report in NICAP files (E,L) truck (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2893
### Event 25842 (2CB74AEE)
**Date:** 12/20/1965
**Location:** Herman, Minnesota
**Description:** Edward Burnd, 15, was driving west in a farm truck when he saw an object 2 m above the road about 30 m away. As the engine died, the object glowed red and the witness lost consciousness. When he awoke, the truck was facing east and rested in a ditch.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** FSR 66, 6 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_720
### Event 25843 (81609D2C)
**Date:** 12/20/1965
**Location:** Herman, MN
**Description:** Domed disc, E-M effects on engine and headlights, truck spun off road into ditch. Object ascended with whistling sound, sparks from underside
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_68
### Event 25844 (19D24904)
**Date:** 12/20/1965
**Description:** A 15-year-old youth named Burns was driving home in his pickup truck in Herman, Minnesota at 11:45 p.m. when a glowing green disc-shaped UFO suddenly appeared, hovering six feet over the road. The object made a whistling sound while the truck’s engine stalled and its headlights died. The object began to glow red and rose straight up into the air, giving off sparks. The witness lost consciousness. When he awoke, he found that his truck had been turned around and was resting in a roadside ditch.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Flying Saucer Review, November-December, 1966; Gordon I. R. Lore, Strange Effects from UFOs, p. 50; Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, case 157
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8531
### Event 25845 (4493C7B7)
**Date:** 12/21/1965
**Time:** 17:00
**Location:** HUESCA, SPAIN
**Description:** Uneven dumbbell object photographed. Similar to Romanian object. Balloon?
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HOBANA Ion & WEVERBERGH,Julien: UFO'S from BEHIND the IRON CURTAIN; Bantam Books,1975. 308pp. (Index 249)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7475
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "200", **HatchDesc:** "HUESCA,SPAIN:UNEVEN DUMBBELL OBJ FOTOd:SIMILAR to ROMANIAN OBJ:balloon?", **LatLong:** "42.116669 -0.416667", **LatLongDMS:** "42:07:00 N 00:25:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.116669,-0.416667)", **State/Prov:** "HSC", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 25846 (78538F00)
**Date:** 12/21/1965
**Location:** Putnam, CT
**Description:** Object Flies In Front Of DC-6, Accelerates (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5, BB: BB)
**Reference:** NICAP: [651221](http://www.nicap.org/651221putnam%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2894
### Event 25847 (91F9C8AF)
**Date:** 12/22/1965
**Time:** 06:50
**Location:** BECHAR, ALGERIA
**Description:** Fr. Air Force transport crew. Fast dark dome. 2 passes / same altitude over airport.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** WEINSTEIN, Dominique; UAP: 80 Years of Pilot Sightings Privately published. 7 avenue Bartholome. 75015 Paris, FRANCE. (Index 17)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7476
**Attributes:** **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Algeria", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "BECHAR,ALGERIA:FR.AF.XPORT CREW:FAST DRK DOME:2 PASSES/SAME alt ovr AIRPORT", **LatLong:** "31.583335 -2.283333", **LatLongDMS:** "31:35:00 N 02:17:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/31.583335,-2.283333)", **State/Prov:** "Bechar", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 25848 (3DC3F0F8)
**Date:** 12/23/1965
**Time:** 23:00
**Location:** SOUTH / GOODRIDGE, MN
**Description:** 3 / car / malfunctions due to EME (electro-magnetic effects). 9m saucer just over highway. Car restarts as saucer flies.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 272)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7477
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "358", **HatchDesc:** "S/GOODRIDGE,MN:3/CAR/EMEs:9m SCR JUST OVR HWY:CAR RESTARTS as SCR FLIES", **LatLong:** "48.066669 -95.811116", **LatLongDMS:** "48:04:00 N 95:48:40 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.066669,-95.811116)", **State/Prov:** "Minnesota", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 25849 (B974388F)
**Date:** 12/24/1965
**Time:** 05:00:00.2
**Location:** 49.8045 78.1067
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: .001KT YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1275
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.8045 78.1067", **LatLongDMS:** "49:48:16 N 78:06:24 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.8045,78.1067)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.20", **NukeSource:** "BOCHAROV", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** ".001", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 25850 (850A3875)
**Date:** 12/24/1965
**Description:** At 6:36 p.m. a yellow colored flying object with three bright spotlights was sighted by 13 young women working at a factory as it flew from the northwest to the west over Gifu prefecture, Japan. It kept changing its speed and apparent size as it flew. Fourteen minutes later a disc shaped object with a flat bottom and two spotlights flew toward the northeast on a horizontal trajectory. It was seen for four minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Y. J. Matsumura, Flying Saucers, October 1966, p. 39
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8588
### Event 25851 (34CCFA80)
**Date:** 12/26/1965
**Description:** 2 / car. Saucer with flame / rear. Photographs public / London papers. / r204p93.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 42)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7478
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "28", **HatchDesc:** "nr CAPPOQUIN,IREL:2/CAR:SCR W/FLAME/REAR:FOTOS PUBl/LONDON PAPERS:/r204p93", **LatLong:** "52.138891 -7.844445", **LatLongDMS:** "52:08:20 N 07:50:40 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/52.138891,-7.844445)", **State/Prov:** "Ireland", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 25852 (C0F758FA)
**Date:** 12/26/1965
**Description:** At 3:15 p.m. In County Waterford in Cappoquin, Ireland several clear photos were taken by two single women of a luminous disc with a flame coming from the rear of the object. The photos published in London newspapers.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Charles Harvard Gibbs-Smith, Flying Saucer Review, March-April 1966, p. 4
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8613
### Event 25853 (3F14B860)
**Date:** 12/28/1965
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) At [Groom Lake](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/Area51.html), an A-12 \(\#126\) crashes immediately after takeoff. The pilot, Vojvodich, ejects and survives. (December 28)
**Reference:** McIninch
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1965.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2154
### Event 25854 (9880DFC5)
**Date:** 12/28/1965
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Death of [George Adamski](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/AdamskiGeorge.html). Creation of the [Adamski Foundation](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://www.gafintl-adamski.com), whose declared objective is to promote the scientific facts and relevant philosophical thought to understand that human life is the rule, and not the exception, in the universe.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1965.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2155
### Event 25855 (A4DEAFB8)
**Date:** 12/30/1965
**Time:** 12:00?
**Location:** PR11 30KM WITH LONGLAC, ONT
**Description:** Scientist/science teacher. Bright yellow saucer hovers 8M over trees / 20 minute(s).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 797)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7479
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "20", **Elev:** "280", **HatchDesc:** "PR11 30km W/LONGLAC,ONT:SCI.TEACHER:BRITE YLW SCR HVRS 8M ovr TREES/20min", **LatLong:** "49.650002 -86.733337", **LatLongDMS:** "49:39:00 N 86:44:00 W", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.650002,-86.733337)", **RelAlt:** "12", **State/Prov:** "Ontario", **Strangeness:** "6"
## Year: 1966, 1612 Event(s), (Back to Top)
### Event 25856 (DDCAF786)
**Date:** 1966
**Location:** San Diego, CA
**Description:** Envelope found with hand written notes in private BSRA/BSRF archives containing the addresses of the 3 other named witnesses to the 4/1954 Edwards AFB meeting.
**Type:** hand written note
**Reference:** [Twitter](https://twitter.com/richgel999/status/1555315016508776448)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_634
### Event 25857 (DFCFA6CB)
**Date:** 1966
**Location:** Wright-Patterson AFB
**Description:** James Mitchell: While working at Wright-Patterson AFB, was shown photo of dead 3.5 foot alien after a skirmish with military in Arizona. Later reprimanded for having photo, had to return it.
**Type:** crash retrieval
**Reference:** [Leonard Stringfield's 1978 MUFON Symposium](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/1978_Mufon_Symposium_Stringfield.pdf)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_976
### Event 25858 (486094D0)
**Date:** 1966
**Location:** AUSTRALIA, Forster, New South Wales
**Description:** (Translated from French) In the evening, at 9:30 PM, Mr. Bishenden and a friend were in a car. At a certain point they saw in the meadows a circular object on the ground. Through the rectangular windows a red light pulsed. A luminous entity of 240 cm was seen very close. It had a conical head, and its right hand was placed on its hip. This entity seemed to want to approach the stopped car of the witnesses, who put the gas on without asking for their rest. (1966,)
**Reference:** PUFORG Newsletter. Dec 1982 - Keith Baskerfield
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2409
### Event 25859 (D7A663EB)
**Date:** 1966
**Location:** Elista, Kalmuk (east of), Russia
**Description:** 9:50 p.m. Russian coal and gas scientists watched a high-flying silent disc-shaped object spiral through the sky east of Elista, Kalmuk. (Source: Larry Hatch, \*U\* Database, case #7772, citing Lumieres dans la Nuit, issue #204) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2895
### Event 25860 (2D9F10A6)
**Date:** 1966
**Description:** [Jacques](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacques%5FVall%C3%A9e) and [Janine Vallée](http://www.tributes.com/obituary/show/Janine-Marcelle-Vallee-87751069) publish Challenge to Science: The UFO Enigma, a general survey of the present state of the UFO problem. The first section gives an analysis of UFO patterns by examining UFO features, the second part deals with sighting frequencies, and the third part analyzes cases according to type.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Jacques and Janine Vallée, [Challenge to Science: The UFO Enigma](https://archive.org/details/challengetoscien00vall)[,](https://archive.org/details/challengetoscien00vall) Regnery, 1966; Clark III 1213
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3969
### Event 25861 (1CAC9992)
**Date:** 1966
**Location:** Cornell University
**Description:** Cornell University astronomer [Carl Sagan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carl%5FSagan) coauthors a book with Russian astrophysicist [Iosif Shklovsky](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iosif%5FShklovsky) on Intelligent Life in the Universe \(an expansion of Shklovsky’s 1962 book\) in which he speculates that Earth might have been visited by aliens many times in the past few billion years, at least once in “historical times.” Discussing the biological as well as astronomical issues of the subject, its unique format—alternating paragraphs written by Shklovsky and Sagan—allows them to express their views without compromise.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** I. S. Shklovskii and Carl Sagan, [Intelligent Life in the Universe](https://archive.org/details/intelligentlifei00shkl/page/n5/mode/2up)[,](https://archive.org/details/intelligentlifei00shkl/page/n5/mode/2up) Holden-Day, 1966; Michael D. Swords, “SETI/ETI and UFOs,” JUFOS 5 \(1994\): 142–145
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3970
### Event 25862 (4B879CA7)
**Date:** 1966
**Description:** Roger A. MacGowan and [Frederick I. Ordway III](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frederick%5FI.%5FOrdway%5FIII) publish Intelligence in the Universe, discussing cosmology, biological origins and evolution, SETI within and outside the solar system, and speculations on intelligence.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Roger A. MacGowan and Frederick I. Ordway, Intelligence in the Universe, Prentice-Hall, 1966; Michael D. Swords, “SETI/ETI and UFOs,” JUFOS 5 \(1994\): 145–146
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3971
### Event 25863 (EE87EA10)
**Date:** 1966
**Location:** Forbach, Moselle, France
**Description:** Francis Schaefer founds the Cercle Français de Recherches Ufologiques in Forbach, Moselle, France. From 1975 to 1984 it publishes Ufologia.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** [Ufologia](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/France/Ufologia/Ufologia%20-%20No%2001%20-%20Novembre-Decembre%201975.pdf), no. 1 \(Nov./Dec. 1975\)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3972
### Event 25864 (2C590EDA)
**Date:** 1966
**Description:** A radar technician, the father of “Paul” in Michigan, claims he witnessed a disc crash at a radar facility affiliated with Area 51 in Cedar City, Utah.
* [https://www.earthfiles.com/2006/09/16/disc-crash-at-cedar-breaks-radar-site-utah/](https://www.earthfiles.com/2006/09/16/disc-crash-at-cedar-breaks-radar-site-utah/)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_118
### Event 25865 (5B2AEA6C)
**Date:** 1966
**End date:** 1967
**Description:** Ret. USAF pilot Warren Botz in 1966 and journalist Jack D. Pickett in 1967 state they see USAF-decaled flying disc craft with tail fins at MacDill AFB.
Pickett and his business partner Harold Baker claim they were invited to MacDill to write about USAF experimental aircraft and were shown four decommissioned “X-planes,” all discs, measuring 20, 40, 70 and 116 feet in diameter. Pickett and Baker say they interviewed base personnel who said the discs were developed in the 1950s for reconnaissance purposes, had supersonic capabilities and reached the edge of space.
* [https://manmade-ufos.com/usaf-flying-saucer](https://manmade-ufos.com/usaf-flying-saucer)
>**_Note_**: Eighteen years earlier, a NACA (predecessor to NASA) employee saw a disc with tail fin in Oregon cataloged by **Project Grudge**.
>* [http://www.nicap.org/docs/1949_05_24_US_OR_Rogue%20River%20Oregon%20NACA%20BB%20Rivera-Heaphy%20CU.pdf](http://www.nicap.org/docs/1949_05_24_US_OR_Rogue%20River%20Oregon%20NACA%20BB%20Rivera-Heaphy%20CU.pdf)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_119
### Event 25866 (09B680B1)
**Date:** 1/1966
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In Madrid \(Spain\), Sesma receives the first telephone call from the [Ummites](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/Ummo.html).
**Reference:** Sesma
**Reference:** Petit 1995
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1966.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2156
### Event 25867 (A6EBE544)
**Date:** 1/1966?
**Time:** ~06:00
**Description:** 2 / plane. 6 metallic lens-saucers / circular formation going north. Shoot going quickly NNE.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO RESEARCH AUSTRALIA NEWSLETTER. (Details missing) (Index 823)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7480
**Attributes:** **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Kenya", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "NAIROBI> N:SHOOT >>NNE", **LatLong:** "-2.666667 38.250002", **LatLongDMS:** "02:40:00 S 38:15:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-2.666667,38.250002)", **State/Prov:** "Unknown", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 25868 (E54D5408)
**Date:** 1/1/1966
**Description:** At 6:23 a.m. thirty sky watchers in Tokyo, Japan sighted a huge bow-shaped, dark brown UFO, its length ten times the apparent diameter of the Moon. It hung over the northern horizon for eight minutes. At 6:40 a.m. a second huge stick-like craft was seen that blew forth a mass of white clouds behind it. A bright flash of light was seen high in the sky that day in Aitape, Papua New Guinea. It was visible for five minutes and left behind a smoke trail.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Y. J. Matsumura, Flying Saucers, October 1966, p. 39; Michael Hervey, UFOs over the Southern Hemisphere, p. 156
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7
### Event 25869 (D35752C8)
**Date:** 1/3/1966
**Time:** 21:00?
**Location:** LOS ALTOS, CA
**Description:** Rocket expert. Night lights maneuver. 1200mph. Going quickly west. Searchlights sweep. / r73p58.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 42)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7481
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **MIL:** Military investigation
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "50", **HatchDesc:** "LOS ALTOS,CA:ROCKET EXPERT:NLTS MNVR:1200mph:>>W:searchlites sweep:/r73p58", **LatLong:** "37.383335 -122.100006", **LatLongDMS:** "37:23:00 N 122:06:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.383335,-122.100006)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 25870 (70311809)
**Date:** 1/3/1966
**Location:** Los Altos, CA
**Description:** Night. Army colonel expert on rockets and missiles sighted a group of bright light sources speeding overhead at an estimated 1,000-1,200 m.p.h., maneuvering back and forth. Soon afterwards he observed several searchlights sweeping the area as if trying to spot the flying objects. (NICAP report; U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. Ill, No. 6, Jan.-Feb. 1966, p. 2.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2896
### Event 25871 (07D2F911)
**Date:** 1/3/1966
**Description:** On this evening Mr. Staver, a rocket expert, watched a group of nocturnal lights maneuver in the sky over Los Altos, California, then shoot off to the west at an estimated 1,200 mph.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP UFO Investigator, February 1966, p. 2; Frank Edwards, Flying Saucers - Here and Now, pp. 58, 97
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_54
### Event 25872 (0334A235)
**Date:** 1/4/1966
**Description:** Three witnesses riding in a truck in Concepcion del Urugruay, Argentina had a close encounter on this night with a luminous green object surrounded by haze. The EM effects on truck caused the engine to slow and flip over. No serious injuries were reported.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Cronica, January 5, 1966; Uriondo Oscar A. Uriondo, FSR Case Histories, June 1973, p. 11; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II, p. 273
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_87
### Event 25873 (0519CEE6)
**Date:** 1/5/1966
**Description:** Violet Bricker was driving two miles north of La Harpe, Illinois on Rte. 94 at 8:15 a.m. when she observed a light flash that she first believed was an approaching plane. As it neared she saw it was more dirigible-shaped and closed rapidly on a collision course with her. It stopped and hovered over the telephone lines opposite her car. It was ovoid shaped and made no sound, and was about as long as a Piper Club. It had a single bright yellow-white light on the end facing her. There were no doors, ports, or landing gear visible, but a lateral line like a seam encircled the UFO. It began revolving in a clockwise motion on its axis, bringing the other end in view and exposing a two-foot platform on which stood a "man" wearing a bulky, white, one-piece suit. He was about five and one half feet tall, stocky build, and he stood with his left hand against the object and his right hand on his hip, staring directly down on the witness. His face had a ruddy complexion and his eyes were dark, but he looked entirely normal otherwise. The object drifted about on its axis and the man was lost from view. Ms. Bricker was so taken aback by the experience she could not recall if she actually stopped her car or not. She recalled seeing a man and a woman on foot not 20 feet away to whom she signaled frantically to catch their attention, but to no avail.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Robert Smulling, Skylook, August 1970, p. 19; David F. Webb and Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1966-01 (A0691); Francis L. Ridge, Regional Encounters, p. 20
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_116
### Event 25874 (1F16B9B4)
**Date:** 1/6/1966
**Description:** Three gray discs and two multi-colored cigar-shaped UFOs, with the colors pink, blue, and white, were seen hovering over Sapporo, Japan at 1:49 p.m. by Miss S. Fujii. At 1:55 p.m. 16 more UFOs appeared to the left of these, gradually vanishing after 30 seconds. Many more appeared in a display at 2:09 p.m.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Y. J. Matsumura, Flying Saucers, October 1966, p. 39
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_164
### Event 25875 (CE3A5FE6)
**Date:** 1/7/1966
**Location:** USA, Georgetown (Alabama)
**Description:** (Translated from French) An 18-year-old student reported seeing a round object, approximately 3 to 3.5 meters in diameter, silver in color, with a protruding ring or circle 20 to 25 cm at its equator. It had a hatch of 1.5 meters at its lower part. The witness's watch stopped at the moment of observation. The object remained stationary at 1.5 meters from the ground and 6 meters from the witness. After 1 to 2 minutes the object disappeared in a gradual ascent towards the northeast while the engine noise increased, then, with a very rapid acceleration, it left in a few seconds. (January 7, 1966)
**Reference:** J. Allen HYNEK: "New Report on UFOs" - Belfond 1979, p. 42, 43
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2352
### Event 25876 (5098DDEB)
**Date:** 1/7/1966
**Description:** Glowing disk follows and 'observes' airliner / 30 minute(s) going southwest.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 795)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7482
**Attributes:** **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "30", **Elev:** "130", **HatchDesc:** "BUENOS AIRES >> NEQUEN,ARG:GLOWING DISK FOLOS+'OBSERVES' AIRLINER/30min >SW:", **LatLong:** "-37.000002 -64.000003", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:00 S 64:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-37.000002,-64.000003)", **State/Prov:** "AIR", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 25877 (94E03318)
**Date:** 1/7/1966
**Time:** 15:30
**Location:** WILMER, AL
**Description:** 4M domed saucer / road. Car malfunctions due to EME (electro-magnetic effects). Watch stops. Sulfury crud. Saucer going northeast. / r55p42.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 817)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7483
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK, **ODR:** Odors associated with UFO's
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "78", **HatchDesc:** "WILMER,AL:4M DOMED SCR/ROAD:CAR EMEs:WATCH STOPS:SULFURY CRUD:SCR>NE:/r55p42", **LatLong:** "30.822224 -88.361115", **LatLongDMS:** "30:49:20 N 88:21:40 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/30.822224,-88.361115)", **State/Prov:** "Alabama", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 25878 (F941C6C7)
**Date:** 1/7/1966
**Location:** Georgetown (3 miles SW of ), AL
**Description:** E-M Effects On Car and Watch (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases, Code: E, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** NICAP: [660107](http://www.nicap.org/660107georgetown%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2897
### Event 25879 (EEB9A7EE)
**Date:** 1/7/1966
**Location:** Winslow, UK
**Description:** 4:10 a.m. LT. Hearing a high-pitched whine, a police constable turned to investigate and saw a domed disc (rounded on top, flat on bottom) hovering low above a field. A greenish glow was visible around the top. After 5 seconds the UFO flew away rapidly. An independent witness later corroborated the sighting. (Flying Saucer Review, 12(2), March-April 1966, p. 3.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2900
### Event 25880 (54091670)
**Date:** 1/7/1966
**Time:** 15l7
**Location:** Wilmer, Alabama
**Description:** A civilian had to stop his car when an object he first thought was a helicopter landed on the road about 5 km southwest of Georgetown. The craft was about 8 m in diameter, supported a cone with a flashing green light, made a loud whirring sound. It appeared to hover, then left at high speed. The witness could then restart his engine, which had died during the close approach. Sulphur or a "rotten egg" smell was noted.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Atic ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_721
### Event 25881 (B8879848)
**Date:** 1/7/1966
**Locations:** Alderley Road; Wilmslow; Cheshire; England
**Description:** 4:10 a.m. Police Constable Colin Perks is checking business property along Alderley Road in Wilmslow, Cheshire, England, when he hears a high-pitched whine. He sees a greenish-gray glow in the sky about 300 feet away and 35 feet in the air. It comes from a glowing elliptical object about 30 feet long and 20 feet wide that remains stationary for 5 seconds before moving away quickly to the east-southeast.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** J. Cleary-Baker, “[Police](http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20Kingdom/BUFORA%20-%201964-1981%20BUFORA%20JOURNAL%20Vols.1%20to%2010/BUFORA%20Journal%20-%20Volume%2001%20No%2009%20-%20Summer%201966.pdf) [Constable Observes a UFO,](http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20Kingdom/BUFORA%20-%201964-1981%20BUFORA%20JOURNAL%20Vols.1%20to%2010/BUFORA%20Journal%20-%20Volume%2001%20No%2009%20-%20Summer%201966.pdf)” BUFORA Journal and Bulletin 1, no. 9 \(Summer 1966\): 5; UFOFiles2, [pp. 73–75](https://archive.org/details/the-ufo-files-the-inside-story-of-real-life-sightings-david-clarke/page/n121/mode/2up); Jenny Randles, “Perks of the Job,” Fortean Times 344 \(October 2016\): 29
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3973
### Event 25882 (A67AAE68)
**Date:** 1/7/1966
**Locations:** Wilmer-Georgetown Road; Georgetown, Alabama
**Description:** 3:27 p.m. High school student Gary Finch is driving on the Wilmer-Georgetown Road about 3 miles southwest of Georgetown, Alabama. He sees a large silver ball about 15–20 feet in diameter that descends then hovers about 5 feet above the road. On top of it is a cone with a large green light, and it is making a whining sound. As he approaches it, his car engine cuts out and his watch stops. After 1–2 minutes, it disappears in a gradual climb.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Mobile Reports Flying Objects,](https://www.newspapers.com/clip/99801734/)” Selma \(Ala.\) Times-Journal, January 13, 1966, p. 10; NICAP, “[E-M Effects on Car and Watch](http://www.nicap.org/660107georgetown%5Fdir.htm)”; [Schopick](http://cufos.org/books/A%5FStudy%5Fof%5FSecondary%5FEffects-An%5FUnpublished%5FManuscript%5Fof%5FUFO%5FE-M%5FCases.pdf)[,](http://cufos.org/books/A%5FStudy%5Fof%5FSecondary%5FEffects-An%5FUnpublished%5FManuscript%5Fof%5FUFO%5FE-M%5FCases.pdf) pp. 75–76; Hynek UFO Report, [p. 42](https://archive.org/details/hynekuforeport00alle/page/42/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3974
### Event 25883 (C6DBE15D)
**Date:** 1/7/1966
**Description:** An 18-year-old high school student in Georgetown, Alabama was returning home from school when he observed a large silver ball about 15-20 feet in diameter. The ball was only 15 feet from his car at its closest approach. As it hovered near the car the engine died. The object was making a whining sound. It then moved behind the car and left. The car could then be restarted. The witness's watch also stopped working.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, case 158, citing Schopick
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_181
### Event 25884 (7C86360C)
**Date:** 1/8/1966
**Time:** ~21:00
**Location:** VALENCIA, VNZL
**Description:** Many observer(s). Luminous disk going southwest / very low altitude. 2 more going south / high altitude / 2200hrs.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 795)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7484
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Venezuela", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "60", **Elev:** "552", **HatchDesc:** "VALENCIA,VNZL:MANY OBS:LUMn.DISK >SW/VERY LOW alt:2 MORE >S/HI alt/2200hrs:", **LatLong:** "10.183334 -68.016670", **LatLongDMS:** "10:11:00 N 68:01:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/10.183334,-68.016670)", **RelAlt:** "10", **State/Prov:** "CRB", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 25885 (C0B49C6F)
**Date:** 1/8/1966
**Location:** Valencia, Venezuela
**Description:** Night. A luminous, disc-shaped object cruises low from north to southwest among the buildings of Valencia, Venezuela. At 10:00 p.m., two similar objects are seen flying at a higher altitude.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[More S.A. Sightings,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201966%2003%2000%20-%20March-April.pdf)” APRO Bulletin, March/Apr. 1966, p. 8
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3975
### Event 25886 (2BE984FE)
**Date:** 1/9/1966
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) A fireball is observed vertically over Capri \(Italy\) and causes a general power outage in the entire city, as well as in the South of the peninsula for 40 minutes. Then, the same fireball flies over Naples \(Italy\). (9 January)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1966.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2157
### Event 25887 (4762F291)
**Date:** 1/9/1966
**Location:** NATO BASE / NAPOLI, IT
**Description:** Air and ground observer(s). Fireball over base. Jets chase. Big blackout. / LDLN#247.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** WEINSTEIN, Dominique; UAP: 80 Years of Pilot Sightings Privately published. 7 avenue Bartholome. 75015 Paris, FRANCE. (Index 17)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7485
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Italy", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "NATO BASE/NAPOLI,IT:AIR+GND OBS:FBL OVR BASE:JETS CHASE:BIG BLACKOUT:/LDLN#247", **LatLong:** "40.833335 14.233334", **LatLongDMS:** "40:50:00 N 14:14:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.833335,14.233334)", **State/Prov:** "NA", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 25888 (40B9DFA1)
**Date:** 1/9/1966
**Time:** 22:00?
**Location:** CHASCOMUS, ARG
**Description:** 3 / car. Motor and lights electro-magnetic effect (EME). UFO flys away. AOK after. / r215p50. / r79p27.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 17)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7486
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "17", **HatchDesc:** "CHASCOMUS,ARG:3/CAR:MOTOR+LITES EME:UFO FLYS AWAY:AOK AFTER:/r215p50:/r79p27", **LatLong:** "-35.516668 -58.016669", **LatLongDMS:** "35:31:00 S 58:01:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-35.516668,-58.016669)", **State/Prov:** "Buenos Aires", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 25889 (4AD03CAF)
**Date:** 1/9/1966
**Location:** Chascomus, Arg
**Description:** Object with blue light beam observed flying away. Flying Saucer Review Histories, Supplement 17 (E.L.) car (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2898
### Event 25890 (1A2420C1)
**Date:** 1/9/1966
**Description:** On this night the engine and lights of a car with three women passengers suddenly died in Chascomus, Argentina. At the same time they saw an object flying slowly away from their car. It was emitting a blue beam of light. After the object had disappeared from view the car could be restarted.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, citing FSR Case Histories, Supplement No. 17
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_220
### Event 25891 (2B61D7B0)
**Date:** 1/11/1966
**Location:** Miami, FL
**Description:** Engineer Norman S. Bean gives a lecture on flying saucers at Palm Beach Towers, FL
**Type:** lecture
**Reference:** [NICAP](http://www.nicap.org/articles/Bean,%20N.pdf#page=6)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_641
### Event 25892 (66C680C7)
**Date:** 1/11/1966
**Location:** USA, Meyerstown (Pennsylvania)
**Description:** (Translated from French) RR1 7:40 PM - 4 witnesses - duration: 10 minutes. "It was just as if I had seen an airplane right above me from below. Perfectly still and absolutely silent. We watched it for maybe five minutes - and then the thing took off at a prodigious speed and disappeared in a flash. And still without a sound."
**Reference:** J. Allen HYNEK: "UFOs, Myth or Reality?" - trans. Belfond 1974 - p.114, 276
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2353
### Event 25893 (8B8BF212)
**Date:** 1/11/1966
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In Meyerstown, Pennsylvania, 4 witnesses in a car \(including 1 nurse\) observe for 10 minutes a disc-shaped object that then flies over them for a long time at a short distance in a stationary flight: As for its shape, you know those saucers that kids slide down hills on, you know what I mean? They fit together without the edges touching. Honestly, I can't describe it any better. I won't say it reflected light, but rather that it was luminous, you know, like the luminous dial of an alarm clock at night. I know it was something material, and I won't budge on that. The outline was very clear. At no point was it blurry. We had the impression that it was a solid body, like when you look at an airplane... It was exactly as if, from below, I had seen an airplane just above me... Perfectly still... We had been observing the thing for maybe 5 minutes when it shot off at a dizzying speed. And yet, without a single sound being heard. (January 11, 3:05 AM)
**Reference:** Poher 2003
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1966.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2158
### Event 25894 (E2EE1A10)
**Date:** 1/11/1966
**Time:** 07:40
**Location:** MEYERSDALE, PA
**Description:** Nurse and 5 / car. Headlights dim. Silent classic saucer going quickly northwest / fantastic speed.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RODEGHIER, Mark/CUFOS: UFO REPORTS INVOLVING VEHICLE INTERFERENCE; CUFOS 1979. Available as CUFOS UFO Archive #1 CD-ROM. http://www.cufos.org/Pubform.pdf (Index 27)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7487
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "602", **HatchDesc:** "MEYERSDALE,PA:NURSE+5/CAR:HEADLITES DIM:SLNT CLASSIC SCR >>NW/FANTASTIC SPEED", **LatLong:** "39.816669 -79.027782", **LatLongDMS:** "39:49:00 N 79:01:40 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.816669,-79.027782)", **State/Prov:** "Pennsylvania", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 25895 (5E97BB70)
**Date:** 1/11/1966
**Time:** 23:50
**Description:** Cops and more/others. Night light cavorts. White beams going down. Others to 11 Oct. '66. / APRO May'66.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 42)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7488
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "120", **Elev:** "75", **HatchDesc:** "WANAQUE RSVR,NJ:COPS++:NLT CAVORTS:WHT BEAMS↓:others to 11OCT66:/APRO May'66", **LatLong:** "41.050002 -74.283337", **LatLongDMS:** "41:03:00 N 74:17:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.050002,-74.283337)", **State/Prov:** "New Jersey", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 25896 (CC7AE353)
**Date:** 1/11/1966
**Location:** Pacific Ocean, At Sea
**Description:** Large, cigar shaped object passes within 1 mile of ship (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** NICAP: [660111](http://www.nicap.org/660111dir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2899
### Event 25897 (5D8898BD)
**Date:** 1/11/1966
**Location:** Wanaque, NJ
**Description:** 6:20 p.m. EST. Police and citizens reported first a brilliant light source, then later a bright egg-shaped object that hovered at low altitude, flew in circular patterns over a reservoir, occasionally making abrupt changes in altitude (vertical maneuvers). Sightings continued for more than an hour. (NICAP notes; U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. Ill, No. 6, Jan.-Feb. 1966, p. 3; New York Journal-American, Jan. 12, 1966). (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2901
### Event 25898 (DDE5C96D)
**Date:** 1/11/1966
**Location:** Myerstown, PA
**Description:** 7:40 p.m. EST. About 140 miles west-southwest of Wanaque, N.J., in the vicinity of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, a nurse and others together in a car saw a luminous disc, like one saucer inverted on top of another, at relatively close range as it hovered above the car. After about 5 minutes, the object suddenly accelerated and sped away. (Hynek, 1972, pp. 89-90, 238.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2902
### Event 25899 (10843D11)
**Date:** 1/11/1966
**Location:** Myerstown, Pennsylvania
**Description:** 7:40 p.m. A nurse and others together in a car near Myerstown, Pennsylvania, see a luminous disc, like one saucer inverted on top of another, at relatively close range as it hovers above their car. After about 5 minutes, the object suddenly accelerates and speeds away.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** J. Allen Hynek, The UFO Experience, Ballantine ed., 1974, [pp.](https://archive.org/details/ufoexperience00jall/page/102/mode/2up) [102–103](https://archive.org/details/ufoexperience00jall/page/102/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3976
### Event 25900 (B52D66C6)
**Date:** 1/11/1966
**Description:** Beginning at 6:20 p.m. EST, police and citizens reported first a brilliant light source, then later a bright egg-shaped object that hovered at low altitude over Wanaque Reservoir, New Jersey. It flew in circular patterns over the reservoir, occasionally making abrupt changes in altitude and other vertical maneuvers. Sightings by up to a hundred independent witnesses continued for more than an hour.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP UFO Investigator, Jan.-Feb. 1966, p. 3; New York Journal-American, Jan. 12, 1966
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_254
### Event 25901 (ABC4CEC8)
**Date:** 1/11/1966
**Description:** Six people were driving to a scout hall in Myerstown, Pennsylvania at 7:40 p.m. when the headlights of their car repeatedly dimmed out and came back on. The radio also had heavy static. They proceeded to the scout hall without further incident. On the return trip, they saw a silent disc-shaped metallic UFO approach the car, swerve to the right, and parallel the car for several minutes. The glowing object hovered for five minutes over an open field while they watched, then "got a tremendous burst of speed" and left nearly instantaneously towards the northwest. There was no electrical interference when the UFO was actually in view.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** J. Allen Hynek, The UFO Experience, p. 89; UNICAT, case # 375; Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, case 160, citing Project Bluebook
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_255
### Event 25902 (759877E7)
**Date:** 1/12/1966
**Location:** Edwards AFB, California
**Description:** Pilots [Alvin S. White](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alvin%5FS.%5FWhite) and [Carl Cross](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/37954719/carl-s-cross) reach a speed of 2,020 mph in a North American XB-70 Valkyrie at Edwards AFB, California.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[North American XB-70 Valkyrie](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/North%5FAmerican%5FXB-70%5FValkyrie)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3977
### Event 25903 (5239F5C2)
**Date:** 1/13/1966
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) A receiving station for the *Telstar* communication satellite is hit by a power outage that affects an area of 120 km in diameter and lasts for nearly 7 hours. In explanation, a statement from the responsible electric company, the *Central Maine Power Company*, indicates that it apparently was an equipment failure that corrected itself. (January 13)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1966.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2159
### Event 25904 (63761BE3)
**Date:** 1/13/1966
**Time:** 15:37:43.1
**Location:** 37.1162 -116.0275
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Maxwell” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_432
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1162 -116.0275", **LatLongDMS:** "37:06:58 N 116:01:39 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1162,-116.0275)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.18", **NukeName:** "Maxwell", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 25905 (4F26EDBF)
**Date:** 1/14/1966
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Death of [Sergeï Korolev](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/KorolevSerguei.html). (14 January)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1966.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2160
### Event 25906 (7A3B7C12)
**Date:** 1/14/1966
**Time:** 15:50
**Location:** WESTON, MASS
**Description:** Mit scientist/science with (seen thru) binoculars and 3. Night light maneuvers. Cylinder/cigar-shape with spotlights back on 16 Apr. '66.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HYNEK, J. Allen: The UFO EXPERIENCE, A Scientific Inquiry; Ballentine Books, NY 1974,1977. (Index 43)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7489
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "15", **Elev:** "55", **HatchDesc:** "WESTON,MASS:MIT SCI W/BINOCS+3:NLT MNVRs::CGR W/SPOTLITES BACK ON 16APR66", **LatLong:** "42.366669 -71.305559", **LatLongDMS:** "42:22:00 N 71:18:20 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.366669,-71.305559)", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 25907 (351989D4)
**Date:** 1/14/1966
**Locations:** Weston, Massachusetts; Massachusetts Institute of Technology
**Description:** 5:55 p.m. After his 11-year-old son runs into the house in Weston, Massachusetts, and says a flying saucer is outside, an associate laboratory director at Massachusetts Institute of Technology goes outside with the rest of the family and sees an erratically moving bright light. They observe it through binoculars for 5–10 minutes.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** J. Allen Hynek, The UFO Experience, Ballantine ed., 1974, [pp. 43](https://archive.org/details/ufoexperience00jall/page/42/mode/2up), [52–53](https://archive.org/details/ufoexperience00jall/page/52/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3978
### Event 25908 (417CFC9E)
**Date:** 1/14/1966
**Description:** A black or dark gray cigar-shaped object with two amber lights was sighted hovering over Wanaque Reservoir, New Jersey at 1:45 a.m.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** James Moseley, Saucer News, Summer 1966, p. 26
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_316
### Event 25909 (883A1AED)
**Date:** 1/16/1966
**Location:** FRANCE, Bolazec
**Description:** (Translated from French) At 04:00, Eugène Coquil was in his car when he saw a light like a headlight in a field. He then saw an object pass over his car and land on the other side of the road. It was square (note from vog: drawing of the witness: cubic object, the size of at least two cars), with 4 vertical lights, resembling lamps (note from vog: with a light around the perimeter on all sides like a neon light and in the middle of each visible side a row of three huge oval horizontal lights). The witness left and did not see the object leave.
**Reference:** also see in extenso the article from the daily newspaper "Le Télégramme de Brest" of January 18, 1966 in: "Jean François BOEDEC: "Les OVNI en BRETAGNE, Anatomie d'un Phénomène, ed. Fernand Lanore p. 70 to 73
**Reference:** Jacques VALLEE: "Chronicles of E.T. Appearances" - DENOEL 1972 - coll. J'AI LU, p. 300
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2354
### Event 25910 (D253E35F)
**Date:** 1/16/1966
**Time:** 04:00
**Location:** BOLAZEC, FR
**Description:** 4M luminous box going up / roadside going [to] over car. Lands. Portholes. / r251p70+/ APRO 5'66+/ r8.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PHENOMENES SPATIAUX: Group GEPA, Gen. M. Lionel Chassin Paris. Quarterly 1964?-1977. Merged into Grp. GEPAN (Index 7)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7490
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "BOLAZEC,FR:4M LUMn.BOX↑/ROADSIDE > OVR CAR:LANDS:PORTS:/r251p70+/APRO 5'66+/r8", **LatLong:** "48.461113 -3.566667", **LatLongDMS:** "48:27:40 N 03:34:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.461113,-3.566667)", **State/Prov:** "Finistère", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 25911 (8DFDDE55)
**Date:** 1/16/1966
**Time:** 04:00
**Location:** MT. SUNAPEE, NH
**Description:** 1 observer. White ovoid over power lines. Rod touches wire and retracts. / MJ#278.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 48)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7491
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "6", **Elev:** "766", **HatchDesc:** "Mt SUNAPEE,NH:1 OBS:WHT OVOID OVR PWR LINES:ROD TOUCHES WIRE+RETRACTS:/MJ#278", **LatLong:** "43.311113 -72.066670", **LatLongDMS:** "43:18:40 N 72:04:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.311113,-72.066670)", **RelAlt:** "10", **State/Prov:** "New Hampshire", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 25912 (02417171)
**Date:** 1/16/1966
**Time:** 10:10
**Location:** WAIKIKI, HI
**Description:** Commercial aircraft pilot. White disc going quickly north / 3000kph. Pulls straight up and gone.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** ADLER, Bill (ed.): LETTERS to the AIR FORCE on UFO's; Dell Paperbacks 1967; (Index 82)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7492
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "WAIKIKI,HI:COMM PILOT:WHT DISC >>N/3000kph:PULLS STRAIGHT UP+GONE", **LatLong:** "21.400001 -157.972230", **LatLongDMS:** "21:24:00 N 157:58:20 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/21.400001,-157.972230)", **State/Prov:** "Hawaii", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 25913 (0E432B82)
**Date:** 1/16/1966
**Location:** El Paso, TX
**Description:** 10:00 p.m. CST. An American Airlines flight from San Francisco to Houston, Texas, was paced by a bright object just after take-off from El Paso en route to Houston via San Antonio. (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2903
### Event 25914 (36EBAEA9)
**Date:** 1/16/1966
**Time:** 0400
**Location:** Bolazec, France
**Description:** On the Morlaix-Callac Road, 23-year-old Eugene Coquil was driving his Renault Dauphine when he saw headlights in a field and observed an object come over his car and land on the other side of the road. It was square with four vertical lights resembling lamps. The witness drove away and did not see the object leave.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Personal; 161 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_722
### Event 25915 (CFEE4D46)
**Date:** 1/16/1966
**Description:** At four o’clock in the morning, Mr. Coquil, age 23, was driving by a pasture in Kerrodien en Bolazec, France when he saw a luminous, box-shaped UFO rise from the roadside. The object was about five meters in length and had portholes and red lights on the corners. It passed over his car and landed in a field on the other side of the road.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Phenomenes Spatiaux, March 1966; APRO Bulletin, May-June 1966; Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, p. 27
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_348
### Event 25916 (1ED9BA05)
**Date:** 1/17/1966
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) A giant B-52 bomber from the [SAC](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/SAC.html) and its refueling plane become entangled in mid-air off the coast of Palomares. Witnesses, asked to be discreet afterwards, saw not two planes but three that had collided; two crashed and the other sank. The resulting explosion took the form of a 1 km diameter, very bright, ball-shaped cloud, which was photographed. (January 17)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1966.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2161
### Event 25917 (C842B196)
**Date:** 1/17/1966
**Time:** 19:00
**Location:** ATHENS, GA
**Description:** 4 separate observer(s). Silver disk / low altitude. Jet chases. Object going quickly [to] going quickly [to] going south leaving jet behind.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HITT, Michael D: GEORGIA'S AERIAL PHENOMENON 1947-1987 Self published 1999. ref. Jan Aldrich. (Index 41)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7493
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "231", **HatchDesc:** "ATHENS,GA:4 SEP.OBS:SLVR DISK/LO ALT:JET CHASES:OBJ >>>>>S leaving jet behind", **LatLong:** "33.961113 -83.377782", **LatLongDMS:** "33:57:40 N 83:22:40 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/33.961113,-83.377782)", **State/Prov:** "Georgia", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 25918 (5A49BD90)
**Date:** 1/17/1966
**Time:** 20:50
**Description:** 3 kids. Chain / white lights. Some vanish / Pop. Others maneuver. Balloons?
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SHUTTLEWOOD, Arthur: The WARMINSTER MYSTERY. Neville-Spearman/Tandem Books PB 1967, London. (Index 144)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7494
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "120", **HatchDesc:** "WARMINSTER,WILTS:3 KIDS:CHAIN/WHT LITES:SOME VANISH/POP:OTHERS MNVR:BALLOONS?", **LatLong:** "51.200002 -2.216667", **LatLongDMS:** "51:12:00 N 02:13:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.200002,-2.216667)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 25919 (AD178508)
**Date:** 1/17/1966
**Locations:** Mediterranean Sea off the coast of Spain; Palomares, Spain; Savannah River plant in South Carolina
**Description:** A B-52G Strategic Air Command bomber collides with a KC-135 tanker during mid-air refueling at 31,000 feet over the Mediterranean Sea off the coast of Spain. The tanker is completely destroyed and the B-52G breaks apart, killing 3 of its 7 crew members. Of the four Mk28-type hydrogen bombs the B-52G carries, three are found on land near the small fishing village of Palomares, Spain. The non-nuclear explosives in two of the weapons detonate upon impact with the ground, resulting in the contamination of a 0.77-square-mile area by plutonium. The fourth, which falls into the Mediterranean, is recovered intact after a 2 1⁄2-month-long search. Some 800 individuals with no hands-on expertise improvise search and decontamination procedures. More than 1,400 tons of radioactive soil and plant life are excavated and shipped to the Savannah River plant in South Carolina for burial.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[1966 Palomares B-52 crash](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1966%5FPalomares%5FB-52%5Fcrash)”; Jacobsen, Area 51, [pp. 297–300](https://archive.org/details/area51uncensored0000jaco/page/296/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3979
### Event 25920 (B22E1C93)
**Date:** 1/18/1966
**Time:** 16:50
**Location:** CHINA LAKE NAS, CA
**Description:** 2 observer(s). "Arrowhead" skims terrain / 10' altitude north going quickly south. Gravitational effects?
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** INTERNATIONAL UFO REPORTER (IUR) Bimonthly. CUFOS, Chicago. Highly regarded. (Index 86)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7495
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "690", **HatchDesc:** "CHINA LAKE NAS,CA:2 OBS:"ARROWHEAD" SKIMS TERRAIN/10'alt N>>S:GRAV.EFFECTS?", **LatLong:** "35.666668 -117.000006", **LatLongDMS:** "35:40:00 N 117:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/35.666668,-117.000006)", **RelAlt:** "3", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 25921 (585154D0)
**Date:** 1/18/1966
**Time:** 18:00
**Location:** NEW BRITAIN, CT
**Description:** Metallurgist. Round object with lights rotates slow. Row / red lights blinks.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 42)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7496
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "7", **Elev:** "60", **HatchDesc:** "NEW BRITAIN,CT:METALLURGIST:RND OBJ W/LITES ROTATES SLOW:ROW/RED LITES BLINKS", **LatLong:** "41.661113 -72.777781", **LatLongDMS:** "41:39:40 N 72:46:40 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.661113,-72.777781)", **State/Prov:** "Connecticut", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 25922 (EE869E02)
**Date:** 1/18/1966
**Location:** New Britain, CT
**Description:** 6:00 p.m. A round object rotating slowly in a clockwise direction was observed by a senior metallurgist for about 7 to 10 minutes as it passed overhead at his workplace. It had a string of red lights that blinked on and off. (U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. Ill, No. 6, Jan.-Feb 1966, p. 3.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2904
### Event 25923 (1C97C979)
**Date:** 1/18/1966
**Location:** 37.0000 -116.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Sienna” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_433
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0000 -116.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:00 N 116:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0000,-116.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Sienna", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 25924 (87AF4D0B)
**Date:** 1/18/1966
**Time:** 18:35:00.0
**Location:** 37.0917 -116.0187
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Lampblack” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 200KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_434
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0917 -116.0187", **LatLongDMS:** "37:05:30 N 116:01:07 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0917,-116.0187)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.56", **NukeMb:** "5.20", **NukeName:** "Lampblack", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "200"
### Event 25925 (1D7DC3B1)
**Date:** 1/18/1966
**Locations:** China Lake Naval Ordnance Test Station; Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake; western Mojave Desert, California
**Description:** 4:55 p.m. Two surveyors are taking readings at China Lake Naval Ordnance Test Station \[now Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake\] in the western Mojave Desert, California. The surveyor using a theodolite hears a hum, looks up, and sees a UFO flying nearly straight at him from an angle of 35°–40° and from almost exact north. It passes directly overhead at less than 150 feet, then dives smoothly, turns to the east, then comes to within 10 feet of the sloping ground. The surveyor observes the object through the theodolite until it is lost in front of a lava flow about 2 miles away. Both observers \(the other one is in a truck\) say it is moving at 150 mph and it is a dull black color and very quiet. They attempt to report the sighting, but the radio is garbled. Their truck has difficulty starting, and the theodolite exhibits an odd change in the gravity reference indicator, requiring it to be re-leveled.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “A Professional Observation,” IUR 7, no. 2 \(March 1982\): 7–8
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3980
### Event 25926 (C464E5B0)
**Date:** 1/18/1966
**Description:** Near Fetebrogh, New Jersey the lights of a Volkswagen car failed as an object with pulsating lights appeared nearby. This object then began to make a pass at the car, so the witness drove away quickly.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, case 162, citing Allen L. Erskine, Why Are They Watching Us?
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_368
### Event 25927 (7D852B64)
**Date:** 1/18/1966
**Description:** Two surveyors were working near the China Lake Naval Ordnance Depot in Kern County, California at 4:55 p.m. when a black, humming UFO came straight at them. It passed directly overhead at an estimated 150 feet. It trailed a "wake" behind it like a jet dumping fuel. They noticed that the object had some kind of field effect on their theodolite, moving its setting west by 5 level gradations.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** J. Allen Hynek, International UFO Reporter, March 1982, p. 7
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_369
### Event 25928 (0DDDB5B0)
**Date:** 1/18/1966
**Description:** Two surveyors are taking readings at China Lake Naval Ordnance Test Station (now Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake) see a UAP flying straight at them from the north. It passes overhead less than 150 feet, dives smoothly, turns east and comes within 10 feet of the ground before flying over the horizon. The surveyors say it is traveling at 150mph, dull black, quiet and its presence interfered with their radio. They also have a theodolite and notice the gravity reference indicator exhibits an “odd” change.
* _“A Professional Observation,” IUR 7, no. 2, March 1982_
* [http://www.cufos.org/iurdvd.html](http://www.cufos.org/iurdvd.html)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_113
### Event 25929 (3A3D1126)
**Date:** 1/19/1966
**Location:** AUSTRALIA, Tully (Queensland)
**Description:** (Translated from French) At 9 o'clock in the morning, farmer George Pedley was returning to his farm driving his tractor. Suddenly he heard a loud whistling that overpowered the noise of the engine, like the sound of air escaping from a punctured tire. While still driving he checked his tires: they were intact. He continued on his way without paying further attention to the noise. "Suddenly I saw a large machine, of metallic appearance, rise from the marshland, at great speed, about 25 m from me. It was a bluish-gray color, 8 to 10 m wide and almost 3 m high. It seemed to me that it was spinning on its axis at an extremely high speed. It rose from the ground to about twenty meters, then it made a slight downward movement before quickly rising to the sky, where it disappeared in a few seconds at a fantastic speed. I saw no windows or antennas. Neither in the machine nor outside, I noticed any sign of life. (...) "
**Reference:** Henry DURRANT: "The UFO File" - Laffont 1973 - p. 158
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2355
### Event 25930 (4B6FE47B)
**Date:** 1/19/1966
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In New Mexico, [Paul Villa](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/VillaApolinarA.html) takes photographs of a purported UFO.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1966.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2162
### Event 25931 (9BD2237B)
**Date:** 1/19/1966
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) At Tully \(Australia\), George Pedlez, who owns a banana plantation, was driving his tractor near a marsh called *Horseshoe Lagoon* when he suddenly heard a very loud, high-pitched whistle: It was as if air was escaping from a tire, he said. About 25 yards in front of him, he saw a machine taking off from the marsh. Blue-gray in color, it measured about 25 feet wide and 9 feet high. It circled and rose about 6 feet before taking off. All was finished in a few seconds, the craft departed at a terrifying speed, Pedley would declare. He later discovered the first "nest" with the reeds flattened in the direction of the clock hands. Other similar "saucer nests" were discovered nearby. See images/tully.jpg.
**Reference:** Vallée 1969
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1966.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2163
### Event 25932 (6A3190B9)
**Date:** 1/19/1966
**Time:** 09:00
**Location:** EURAMO, QLD
**Description:** 25' saucer hisses and going up / swamp. Spins. Going southwest. Tractor malfunctions due to EME (electro-magnetic effects). Nest. / r73p32+/ r174p111.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 183)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7497
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **SUB:** Submersible: Rises from or submerges into water, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TRC:** Physical traces, **MIL:** Military investigation, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "190", **HatchDesc:** "EURAMO,QLD:25'SCR HISSES+↑/SWAMP:SPINS:>SW:TRACTOR EMEs:NEST:/r73p32+/r174p111", **LatLong:** "-17.900001 145.866674", **LatLongDMS:** "17:54:00 S 145:52:00 E", **Locale:** "Wetlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-17.900001,145.866674)", **State/Prov:** "Queensland", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 25933 (9A4A77A8)
**Date:** 1/19/1966
**Time:** 22:00?
**Location:** ACARIGUA, VNZ
**Description:** 2 luminous/glowing-objects. 1 going south. 1 going west. All power out when they meet over town. / r73p35.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 795)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7498
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Venezuela", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "195", **HatchDesc:** "ACARIGUA,VNZ:2 LUMn-OBJS:1>S:1>W:ALL POWER OUT WHEN THEY MEET OVR TOWN:/r73p35", **LatLong:** "9.561112 -69.200003", **LatLongDMS:** "09:33:40 N 69:12:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/9.561112,-69.200003)", **State/Prov:** "COJ", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 25934 (84D34858)
**Date:** 1/19/1966
**Location:** Tully, AU
**Description:** January 19, 1966; Tully, Australia. Daylight sighting, single witness, HS (#223). (NICAP: 06 - Trace Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2905
### Event 25935 (89886884)
**Date:** 1/19/1966
**Time:** 0900
**Location:** Horseshoe Lagoon, near Tully, Australia
**Description:** George Pedley, 27, was driving his tractor when he heard a high-pitched sound and saw a strange gray-blue craft, 8 m in diameter, 3 m high, rise from the lagoon 25 m away. It was spinning like a top, rose to 20 m, and flew to the southwest on a fast, oblique course. Flattened reeds were found in several places.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** FSR 66,2; Magonia ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_723
### Event 25936 (5716C723)
**Date:** 1/19/1966
**Location:** Tully, Queensland, Australia
**Description:** Around 9:00 a.m. A banana grower, George Pedley, is driving a tractor about one half mile from a farmhouse at Tully, Queensland, Australia, owned by Albert Pennisi. Pedley’s attention is drawn by a hissing sound, clearly heard over the noise from the tractor’s engine. He looks about for the source of the noise and sees an unusual object about 75 feet away. It is some 30 feet in the air, rising vertically, and is shaped like “two saucers face to face.” It is light gray in color, dull, and non-reflective. He estimates its size as 25 feet long by 8–9 feet deep. The hissing diminishes as the object rises to a height of 60 feet, then departs, climbing at about an angle of 45°, extremely fast, to the southwest. The duration of his observation is only 5–6 seconds. The object appears to be always rotating. After its departure, Pedley finds a clearly defined, nearly circular depression in swamp grass, in a water-filled lagoon, at the point where he first saw it. The marking is about 32 feet long by 25 feet wide. The grass on the surface of the water is flattened in a clockwise direction. Royal Australian Air Force intelligence officers find a variety of circles in the area, ranging from 8 to 30 feet in diameter. Within each circle the plant roots are pulled completely out of the soil, as if the ground has been subjected to an intense rotary force.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[The Tully ‘Nests’: How Freakish Can Whirlwinds Be?](http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/Australia/Australian%20Flying%20Saucer%20Review/Australian%20Flying%20Saucer%20Review%20-%201966%2007%20-%20no%205%20VFSRS.pdf)” Australian Flying Saucer Review \(Victorian Edition\), no. 5 \(July 1966\): 3–7; “[UFOs No Strangers to Tully,](http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/Australia/Australian%20Flying%20Saucer%20Review/Australian%20Flying%20Saucer%20Review%20-%201966%2011%20-%20no%209%20UFOIC.pdf)” Australian Flying Saucer Review, no. 9 \(November 1966\): 15; “[1966: Tully…After Tully,](http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/Australia/Australian%20Flying%20Saucer%20Review/Australian%20Flying%20Saucer%20Review%20-%201966%2011%20-%20no%209%20UFOIC.pdf)” Australian Flying Saucer Review, no. 9 \(November 1966\): 16–21; Keith Basterfield, Vladimir Godic, and Pony Godic, “Australian Ufology: A Review,” JUFOS 2 \(1990\): 26–27; Bill Chalker, “[The 1966 Tully Saucer ‘Nest’: A Classic UFO Physical Trace Case,](http://www.project1947.com/forum/bctully.htm)” 1997; Bill Chalker, “Tully Saucer Nests of 1966—Part One,” IUR 22, no. 4 \(Winter 1997–1998\): 14–20; Bill Chalker, “Tully Saucer Nests of 1966, Part Two,” IUR 23, no. 1 \(Spring 1998\): 17, 31; Clark III 1136–1138
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3981
### Event 25937 (A643436D)
**Date:** 1/19/1966
**Location:** Acarigua, Venezuela
**Description:** 7:55 p.m. Two luminous objects pass over Acarigua, Venezuela, one from the north, the other from the east. When the paths of the two objects cross, the lights go out in the entire city.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[More S.A. Sightings,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201966%2003%2000%20-%20March-April.pdf)” APRO Bulletin, March/Apr. 1966, p. 8
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3982
### Event 25938 (6F020ADD)
**Date:** 1/20/1966
**Location:** KATANNING, AUS
**Description:** Blinding object hovers over car. Going up and down. Bee buzz sound. Paralysis..
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO Evidence II: HB: Scarecrow Press Lanham, MD. http://www.scarecrowpress.com ISBN 0-8108-3881-8 (Index 198)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7499
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "KATANNING,AUS:BLINDING OBJ HVRS OVR CAR:↑+↓:BEE BUZZ SOUND:PARALYSIS..", **LatLong:** "-33.700002 117.550006", **LatLongDMS:** "33:42:00 S 117:33:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-33.700002,117.550006)", **State/Prov:** "NSW", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 25939 (F08437A5)
**Date:** 1/20/1966
**Location:** Katanning, AU
**Description:** 11-12:30 a.m. An object with a row of bright body lights was observed to hover, and to move up and down, while emitting a blinding light and making a sound like bees humming. After a long period of time, the lights brightened and the object suddenly sped away (luminosity/speed correlation). (Flying Saucer Review, May- June 1966, p. 32; Newcastle Morning Herald, Jan. 24, 1966.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2906
### Event 25940 (0CC27C65)
**Date:** 1/20/1966
**Description:** At 12:30 a.m. a blindingly bright oval-shaped UFO hovered over a car eleven miles west of Katanning, New South Wales, Australia. It made a buzzing sound like swarming bees and caused a temporary paralysis of the four witnesses inside the vehicle.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Charles Bowen, Flying Saucer Review, September-October 1966, p. 32: Richard Hall, The UFO Evidence (Volume 2): A Thirty Year Report, pp. 198 & 267
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_392
### Event 25941 (ADBDD83F)
**Date:** 1/21/1966
**Time:** 23:50
**Description:** 3 figure(s) / space-suits jump into hedgerow. Saucer rises / lake and away.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SHUTTLEWOOD, Arthur: The WARMINSTER MYSTERY. Neville-Spearman/Tandem Books PB 1967, London. (Index 156)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7500
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "155", **HatchDesc:** "nr HORNINGSHAM,WILTs:3 FIGs/SPACE-SUITS JUMP INTO HEDGEROW:SCR RISES/LAKE+AWAY", **LatLong:** "51.172225 -2.272222", **LatLongDMS:** "51:10:20 N 02:16:20 W", **Locale:** "Wetlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.172225,-2.272222)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 25942 (5A8FAAB3)
**Date:** 1/21/1966
**Time:** 18:28:00.0
**Location:** 37.0317 -116.0158
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Dovekie” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_435
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0317 -116.0158", **LatLongDMS:** "37:01:54 N 116:00:57 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0317,-116.0158)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.33", **NukeName:** "Dovekie", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 25943 (BD599553)
**Date:** 1/21/1966
**Description:** At around midnight near Shearwater Lake in Crockerton, Wiltshire, England a resident of Frome, riding on a motorcycle, saw three "gray garbed and white faced" figures, looking like frogmen, jump into a hedgerow. They had wide-spaced eyes and no apparent mouths. One figure was seen to have fair hair. They were shorter than normal humans, but with big shoulders, rather large heads, and thin legs. He turned around and came back, and saw a "large saucer of light" rise from the lakeside. The saucer hovered briefly before flying off in the direction of Cley Hill. Ground traces were found at the site.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Larry Hatch, U computer database, case #7058, citing Arthur Shuttlewood, The Warminster Mystery, pp. 156-158; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1966-02 (A0692)
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_403
### Event 25944 (A11BECBF)
**Date:** 1/22/1966
**Location:** 37.0000 -116.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Reo” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_436
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0000 -116.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:00 N 116:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0000,-116.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Reo", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 25945 (65987AD2)
**Date:** 1/23/1966
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In Sydney \(Australia\), the *Sydney Sun Herald* headlines on the front page: More Flying Saucer Nests!. (23 January)
**Reference:** Vallée 1969
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1966.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2164
### Event 25946 (90DA4A5F)
**Date:** 1/23/1966
**Location:** COOKTOWN, TULLY, QL, AUS
**Description:** More UFO nests / Sydney sun Herald. Crushed reeds. / r246p131.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: DIMENSIONS, A Casebook of Alien Contact Ballentine, NY 1989. PB (Index 52)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7501
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "COOKTOWN,TULLY,QL,AUS:MORE UFO NESTS/SYDNEY SUN HERALD:CRUSHED REEDS:/r246p131", **LatLong:** "-17.916668 145.850007", **LatLongDMS:** "17:55:00 S 145:51:00 E", **Locale:** "Wetlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-17.916668,145.850007)", **State/Prov:** "Queensland", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 25947 (27A7B6A0)
**Date:** 1/23/1966
**Description:** More saucer nests were discovered in crushed reeds in Cooktown, Queensland, Australia.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, The Invisible College, p. 52
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_441
### Event 25948 (A76073C4)
**Date:** 1/23/1966
**Description:** Two witnesses who wished to remain anonymous reported to NICAP that they were changing a tire near Essex, California at 11:45 p.m. when they saw a disc-shaped object land 200 yards away from them. Upon closer investigation they found the object to be 75-100 feet in diameter and 25 feet in height. A door slid open and a seven-foot tall being appeared. He called to them by name, and conversed with them via telepathy. He said his race was from another star and that 400 American citizens are actually from his race.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1966-05
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_442
### Event 25949 (F94228F7)
**Date:** 1/29/1966
**Time:** 00:10
**Location:** REXBURG, ID
**Description:** Truck-size glowing-object blocks road. 2 observer(s) turn and drive back. / USAF Tech. Intel. Center. (ATIC.)
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA; H. Regnery, Chicago HC 1969 & Contemporary Books,Chicago 1993. 372pp. (Index 724)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7502
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "1483", **HatchDesc:** "REXBURG,ID:TRUCK-SIZE GLOW-OBJ BLOCKS ROAD:2 OBS TURN AND DRIVE BACK:/Atic", **LatLong:** "43.816669 -111.783339", **LatLongDMS:** "43:49:00 N 111:47:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.816669,-111.783339)", **State/Prov:** "Idaho", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 25950 (CB20736D)
**Date:** 1/29/1966
**Location:** Rexburg, ID
**Description:** Flat, well-defined object blocking the road, the size of a truck (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2907
### Event 25951 (CA09581F)
**Date:** 1/29/1966
**Time:** 0010
**Location:** Rexburg, Idaho
**Description:** Two civilians returning from a sporting event observed what they first thought was the moon. After driving for about 1 km, they saw that it was a flat, well-defined object, which had blocked the road. The object was the size of a truck and cast an intense yellow-orange light on the ground. The witnesses turned around and drove back to Rexburg.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Atic ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_724
### Event 25952 (5FA81866)
**Date:** 1/30/1966
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) A reader of the *Sydney Sun Herald* suggests that the "nests" discovered in Queensland \(Australia\) a few days earlier are caused by a large, shy bird with a blue body and red spots on its head, a type of crane or blue heron. Many times when he was barefoot in the bushes, he said he had seen the birds dancing but they flew away quickly before he could reach them. They looked like a blue, vaporous cloud that, for sure, made a shrill noise when flying away. The ornithologist of the Australian Museum, H. J. Disney, states that cranes cannot make circular depressions of a geometric design. Likewise, he is skeptical of the theory of the bald coot put forward by another man, Ken Adams, from Gooloogong. I have never heard of this appearance in the bird, Disney declares. (January 30)
**Reference:** Vallée 1969
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1966.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2165
### Event 25953 (C6C21A11)
**Date:** 1/31/1966
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) The [Luna 9](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/projets.html\#Luna9) probe lands \(in free fall\) on the [Moon](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/Lune.html). (January 31)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1966.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2166
### Event 25954 (16158A54)
**Date:** 2/2/1966
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Sighting in Salisbury \(North Carolina\). (February 2)
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#10193 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1966.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2167
### Event 25955 (28AE50DD)
**Date:** 2/2/1966
**Time:** 23:20
**Location:** SALISBURY, NC
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #10193. Unidentified. 2 / (seen thru) binoculars. 10 balls orbit diamond-saucer. Going north. Curves going east.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** EMENEGGER, Robert: UFO'S PAST PRESENT & FUTURE; Ballentine Books 1974. (Index 0)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7503
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "103", **Elev:** "227", **HatchDesc:** "SALISBURY,NC:BBK#10193:UID:2/BINOCS:10 BALLS ORBIT DIAMOND-SCR:> N:CURVES >E:", **LatLong:** "35.666668 -80.466671", **LatLongDMS:** "35:40:00 N 80:28:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/35.666668,-80.466671)", **State/Prov:** "North Carolina", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 25956 (9A2F513D)
**Date:** 2/2/1966
**Location:** Salisbury, NC
**Description:** Silver, diamond-shaped object with several balls (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 10193)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2908
### Event 25957 (73CECEBD)
**Date:** 2/2/1966
**Time:** 11:15 PM
**Location:** Salisbury, North Carolina
**Description:** Witnesses: Mr. and Mrs. L.J. Wise. One silver, diamond-shaped object with several balls constantly in very fast motion around it, and much light. Object hovered over the trees for 3-4 minutes, while a dog barked, and then zipped out of sight. Sighting lasted 1 hour.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_533
### Event 25958 (1DA08887)
**Date:** 2/2/1966
**Description:** Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Wise of Salisbury, North Carolina saw a silver colored, diamond-shaped object in the sky at 11:15 p.m.. It had several smaller balls of light constantly circling it in very fast motion around it in a dazzling light show. The UFO hovered over some trees for 3-4 minutes while a dog barked, and then zipped out of sight. The sighting lasted for an hour.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Project Blue Book files counted in official statistics, case # 10193; Don Berliner, Project Bluebook UFO Unknowns; Don Berliner, Australasian Ufologist, April 1999, p. 52; Lloyd Mallan, Science and Mechanics, December 1966, p. 30
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_665
### Event 25959 (118B9A60)
**Date:** 2/3/1966
**Location:** USSR, Baikonour
**Description:** (Translated from French) The Soviet craft "Luna IX" made a soft landing on the Moon. Two months later, in April, "Luna X" was put into an orbit around the Moon. (February 3, 1966)
**Reference:** "Conquest of Space" - Thomas de Galiana, ed. Larousse Poche, 1967, p. 10
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2356
### Event 25960 (4F4B8A13)
**Date:** 2/3/1966
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) The [USAF](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/USAF.html) convenes the [O'Brien Committee](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://ncas.sawco.com/condon/text/appndx-a.htm) to judge the methods of the [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) project, facade or waste. (February 3)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1966.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2168
### Event 25961 (BFEF6F6E)
**Date:** 2/3/1966
**Location:** US
**Description:** USAF Scientific Advisory Board met to review Project Blue Book. Issued report dated "March 1966" recommending contracts to universities to study selected UFO sightings.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_69
### Event 25962 (8CF3CA04)
**Date:** 2/3/1966
**Time:** 18:17:37.1
**Location:** 37.1263 -116.0695
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Plaid II” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_437
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1263 -116.0695", **LatLongDMS:** "37:07:35 N 116:04:10 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1263,-116.0695)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.27", **NukeMb:** "4.30", **NukeName:** "Plaid II", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 25963 (549BF6FC)
**Date:** 2/3/1966
**Location:** Wright-Patterson AFB in Dayton, Ohio
**Description:** A six-member Ad Hoc Committee to Review Project Blue Book, headed by University of Rochester optical physicist [Brian O’Brien](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brian%5FO%27Brien)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brian%5FO%27Brien) meets at Wright-Patterson AFB in Dayton, Ohio. All but one \(astronomer [Carl Sagan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carl%5FSagan)\) are members of the Air Force Scientific Advisory Board \(psychologist [Launor F. Carter](https://prabook.com/web/launor%5Ffranklin.carter/362018)[,](https://prabook.com/web/launor%5Ffranklin.carter/362018) industrial psychologist [Jesse Orlansky](https://prabook.com/web/jesse.orlansky/3479778)[,](https://prabook.com/web/jesse.orlansky/3479778) rocket scientist [Richard W. Porter](https://www.nytimes.com/1996/10/10/us/richard-w-porter-83-led-early-space-effort.html), computer engineer [Willis Ware](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Willis%5FWare)\), and none have any sympathy with the idea that UFO reports represent anything extraordinary. Also attending is Lt. Col. [Harold A. Steiner](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/175992768/harold-a-steiner), assistant secretary to the Scientific Advisory Board. They receive a briefing from [Quintanilla](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hector%5FQuintanilla)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hector%5FQuintanilla) review the Robertson Panel report, and examine a few UFO cases. The group recommends that Blue Book “be strengthened to provide opportunity for scientific investigation of selected sightings in more detail and depth than has been possible to date.” Furthermore, USAF should negotiate contracts “with a few selected universities to provide scientific teams to investigate promptly and in depth certain selected sightings of UFOs…. The universities should be chosen to provide good geographical distribution.” They also conclude that “perhaps 100 sightings a year might be subjected to this close study, and that possibly an average of 10 man-days might be required per sighting so studied. The information provided by such a program might bring to light new facts of scientific value.” The group recommends that Blue Book data be given “wide unsolicited circulation among prominent members of the Congress and other public persons.” The Air Force ignores their recommendations. \(
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** USAF Scientific Advisory Board, [Special Report of the USAF Scientific Advisory Board Ad Hoc Committee to Review](http://www.cufon.org/cufon/obrien.htm) [Project “Blue Book,”](http://www.cufon.org/cufon/obrien.htm) Brian O’Brien, chairman of the Advisory Board, March 1966; Clark III 1191
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3983
### Event 25964 (F2F2A001)
**Date:** 2/5/1966
**Time:** 14:30
**Description:** Several observer(s). Thunder. 2 mushroom shapes shrink and swell going quickly west.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BANCHS, Rodolfo: LAS EVIDENCIAS de los OVNI; Rudolfo Alonso Editor, Argentina. 1976 (Index 150)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7504
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "138", **HatchDesc:** "nr OBISPO TREJO,ARG:SVRL OBS:THUNDER:2 MUSHROOM SHAPES SHRINK+SWELL>>W:", **LatLong:** "-30.766668 -63.416670", **LatLongDMS:** "30:46:00 S 63:25:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-30.766668,-63.416670)", **State/Prov:** "CRD", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 25965 (64AB60B8)
**Date:** 2/6/1966
**Location:** USA, Nederland (Texas)
**Description:** (Translated from French) 5:45 a.m. Witnesses: Mr. and Mrs. K.R. Gulley (two witnesses). A yellow luminous object at 500 meters altitude turning red when descending. Interference with the lights in the house and a high frequency noise that hurt the witnesses' ears. Duration: 5-10 minutes. (Project Blue Book - cfr Don Berliner). RR1. 06 h 05 - 3 witnesses - duration: 5 minutes. "Looking out the window I realized that a red glow was illuminating the whole neighborhood. (...) I called my wife telling her to come and see, that something must have happened nearby. And then suddenly I realized that the light was coming from above. Looking up I could make out the outline of an object passing over my roof, at an altitude between 75 and 150 meters. The red glow was coming from underneath the object, towards the center. It looked like a stream of light coming out of an opening. My neighbor's green truck looked brown. An airplane took off from the aerodrome and passed over the object. All the lights went out until the plane had passed. Then after blinking rapidly three or four times, it changed its westward course for a south-west route and entered the clouds." (February 6, 1966)
**Reference:** J. Allen HYNEK: "UFOs, Myth or Reality?" - Belfond 1974 - p. 110, 115, 276
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2357
### Event 25966 (0DC18EBE)
**Date:** 2/6/1966
**Location:** SPAIN, Madrid-Aluche
**Description:** (Translated from French) UMMO Affair. Around 8 pm on February 7 (note from vog: February 7?? deliberate mistake?) a UFO was seen near the Casa de Campo. According to witnesses, the object landed for a few moments in the El Relajal domain, then took off and disappeared immediately. On the ground, the area was burned for several square meters. One of the witnesses, Vicente Ortuno (vog: = aùi de J.L. Pena and according to some, accomplice for the photographs taken) who was at his window saw the landing and takeoff of the orange-colored disc. (February 6, 1966)
**Reference:** A. RIBERA: "These Mysterious UFOs" - De Vecchi 1976, pp. 535-545 and A. RIBERA/R. FARRIOLS: "Proof of the Existence of UFOs" De Vecchi 1975, pp. 50-96
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2358
### Event 25967 (29D3FAF5)
**Date:** 2/6/1966
**Location:** Aluche
**Description:** (Translated from French) Around 7 pm (note from vog: one day and one hour earlier?) in Aluche, several military personnel were on guard duty at an ammunition depot. Suddenly, they saw in the sky a flying saucer about 10 meters in diameter, which landed in front of them and almost immediately took off, leaving three rectangular imprints in the ground forming an equilateral triangle about 1.50m on each side and 1.30m in height. (...) José Jordan (note from vog = Pena) clearly saw the underside of the craft where he could see the famous Ummo symbol (...) [followed by June 1, 1967 in San Jose de Valderas]
**Reference:** Maurice CHATELAIN: "The Messengers of the Cosmos" - Laffont 1980, pp. 102-103
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2359
### Event 25968 (605813C4)
**Date:** 2/6/1966
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Sighting in Nederland \(Texas\). (February 6)
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#10196 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1966.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2169
### Event 25969 (D3D6FF77)
**Date:** 2/6/1966
**Time:** 05:50
**Location:** NEDERLAND, TX
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #10196. Street all lit / red. Saucer at 300'. Darkens / plane passes. Going west.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HYNEK, Dr. J. Allen: THE HYNEK UFO REPORT; Dell Publ., NY 1977. 298pp. (Index 186)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7505
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "4", **HatchDesc:** "NEDERLAND,TX:BBK#10196:STREET ALL LIT/RED:SCR@300':DARKENS/PLANE PASSES:>W", **LatLong:** "29.966668 -93.983338", **LatLongDMS:** "29:58:00 N 93:59:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/29.966668,-93.983338)", **State/Prov:** "Texas", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 25970 (8D3C4102)
**Date:** 2/6/1966
**Location:** Nederland, TX
**Description:** Tadpole-shaped object about 14 ft long 2 ft wide (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases, BB: 10196)
**Reference:** NICAP: [660206](https://web.archive.org/web/100/http://www.nicap.org/nederland660206dir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2909
### Event 25971 (771B03C2)
**Date:** 2/6/1966
**Location:** Madrid, Spain
**Description:** 8:00 p.m. LT. Several civilians and soldiers saw a glowing orange disc with three legs landing and taking off again. Rectangular imprints of the legs (15 cm x 30 cm) and scorch marks were found at the site. Electromagnetic (EM) effects occurred in the area at the time of the sighting. (Ballester-Olmos, 1976, p. 9; Flying Saucer Review, 12:3, 1966:28-31, Flying Saucer Review, 15:5, 1969:3-4.) (NICAP: 06 - Trace Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2910
### Event 25972 (2537B18D)
**Date:** 2/6/1966
**Time:** 2000
**Location:** Aluche, Spain
**Description:** Vicente Ortuno and another man observed a bright orange disk, about 11 m in diameter, with three legs, which came down, landed, and took off again at high speed on the "El Relajal" estate.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** FSR 63, 3 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_725
### Event 25973 (56EC835E)
**Date:** 2/6/1966
**Time:** 5:45 AM
**Location:** Nederland, Texas
**Description:** Witnesses: Mr. and Mrs. K.R. Gulley. One yellow, lighted object at 500; altitude and a pulsating red glow on the lawn. The house lights went out, and high frequency bothered the witnesses' ears. Sighting lasted 5-10 minutes.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_534
### Event 25974 (17C63CA3)
**Date:** 2/6/1966
**Location:** Aluche, Madrid, Spain
**Description:** Brightly lighted disc with legs seen landing and taking off again. Imprints and scorch marks found at site
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_70
### Event 25975 (1AA8B5F5)
**Date:** 2/6/1966
**Location:** Nederland, Texas
**Description:** 6:05 a.m. Mr. and [Mrs.](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/176088286/rosetta-l-gulley) [Kenneth R. Gulley](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/72265511/kenneth-r-gulley) see a tadpole-shaped object about 14 feet long and 2 feet wide with eight yellow-and-red, neon-like lights at 250–500 feet altitude in Nederland, Texas. It casts a pulsating red glow on the lawn. Her house and street lights go out as high-frequency sound assaults the witnesses’ ears. The object blinks out when aircraft pass overhead, then comes on again afterward. It departed to the west about 1.5 miles to the vicinity of the airport, where an aircraft’s landing lights light up the UFO. Then it disappears in a slow climb.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** NICAP, “[House Lights Go Out When ‘Tadpole’ Flies Over](http://www.nicap.org/660206nederland%5Fdir.htm)” ; [Sparks](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf)[.](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf) p. 309; J. Allen Hynek, The UFO Experience, Ballantine ed., 1974, [pp. 103–104](https://archive.org/details/ufoexperience00jall/page/102/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3984
### Event 25976 (C512319E)
**Date:** 2/6/1966
**Locations:** Aluche, Madrid, Spain; Spain
**Description:** Around 8:00 p.m. Several persons in the barrio of Aluche, Madrid, Spain, allegedly see an unusual flying object. Looking out a window, Maria Ruiz Torres watches an object descending. She sees a “gigantic eye” looking at her through a porthole. Another witness, Juan Jiminez Dias, thinks he sees a door open in the craft. Other observers include soldiers at a nearby ammunition dump. Motorist [José Luis Jordán Peña](https://www.ummowiki.fr/index.php/Jos%C3%A9%5FLuis%5FJord%C3%A1n%5FPe%C3%B1a) gets a close, extended view of the object, which he characterizes as “enormous.” Jordán Peña sends Spanish ufologist [Antonio](https://www.ummowiki.fr/index.php/Antonio%5FRibera) [Ribera](https://www.ummowiki.fr/index.php/Antonio%5FRibera) a sketch of the UFO, which has three legs and a curious symbol on its underside—something like two reverse parentheses with a vertical bar positioned between them. No other witness mentions anything like this. In 1992, Jordán Peña confesses to hoaxing his sighting, including the landing marks and physical traces, in order to prove his theory that paranoia is much more widespread in Spain that psychiatrists are willing to admit.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Antonio Ribera, “[The San José de Valderas Photographs,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201969%20V%2015%20N%205.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 15, no. 5 \(Sept./Oct. 1969\): 3–10; “Background of ‘Ummo’ and the Sightings,” CUFOS Bulletin, Spring 1977, pp. 2–3; Clark III 1183; Scott Corrales, “[The UMMO Experience: Are You Experienced?](http://www.strangemag.com/ummo.html)” Strange Magazine, January 31, 2001; Alain Moreau, “[UMMO: Une imposture?](https://web.archive.org/web/100/https://www.mondenouveau.fr/presence-extraterrestre-ummo-une-imposture-ou-pas/)” Les Cles de l’Inexplique
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3985
### Event 25977 (7EED206A)
**Date:** 2/6/1966
**Description:** At 5:05 a.m. Mr. & Mrs. K. R. Gulley of Nederland, Texas sighted a yellow lighted disc or tadpole-shaped object at 500 feet altitude. It cast a pulsating red glow that illuminated their lawn. Their house lights went out, and a high frequency sound disturbed the ears of both witnesses.The sighting lasted from 5-10 minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** J. Allen Hynek, The UFO Experience, p. 17; The Hynek UFO Report, p. 186; UNICAT, case # 287; Project Blue Book files counted in official statistics, case # 10196; Don Berliner, Australasian Ufologist, April 1999, p. 52
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_720
### Event 25978 (98901A0B)
**Date:** 2/6/1966
**Description:** A domed disc-shaped object maneuvered through the sky over Obispo Trejo, Cordoba Province, Argentina for over a minute at 2:30 p.m. There were five witnesses.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Roberto Enrique Banchs, Flying Saucer Review, January-February 1966, p. 9; September-October 1966, p. 29
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_721
### Event 25979 (BFAE16E8)
**Date:** 2/6/1966
**Description:** At 8:00 p.m. Vicente Ortuno and another man observed a bright luminous orange disc-shaped object, about 11 meters in diameter and with three legs, which came down making a humming sound, landed in a pasture on the "El Relajal" estate in Aluche, Madrid province, Spain and took off again shortly thereafter at high speed. It left behind three rectangular holes 15 cm x 30 cm, 6 meters apart, and a circular area of burned grass at the landing site.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 725; Anotonio Ribera, FSR, September-October 1969, p. 4; Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos, Catalogue of 200 Type-I UFO Events in Spain and Portugal, p. 9 case 40; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II. A Thirty Year Report, p. 263
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_722
### Event 25980 (E07E7581)
**Date:** 2/8/1966
**Time:** 13:00?
**Location:** NEAR RIO DJ, BRZ
**Description:** 7 / C130+Air Traffic Controllers. White night light chases training flight. Away and back. Hovers / steeple.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 337)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7506
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "25", **HatchDesc:** "nr RIO DJ,BRZ:7/C130+ATCs:WHT NLT CHASES TRAINING FLITE:AWAY+BACK:HVRS/STEEPLE", **LatLong:** "-22.900001 -43.250002", **LatLongDMS:** "22:54:00 S 43:15:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-22.900001,-43.250002)", **State/Prov:** "RDJ", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 25981 (3BE5E46F)
**Date:** 2/9/1966
**Time:** 20:20
**Description:** 1 observer. Glowing ovoid hovers. 8 circular maneuvers / 15 minute(s). Changes colors.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SHUTTLEWOOD, Arthur: The WARMINSTER MYSTERY. Neville-Spearman/Tandem Books PB 1967, London. (Index 157)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7507
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "15", **Elev:** "109", **HatchDesc:** "HEYTESBURY,WILTS:1 OBS:GOWING OVOID HVRS:8 CIRC.MNVRS/15min:CHANGES COLORS", **LatLong:** "51.183336 -2.105556", **LatLongDMS:** "51:11:00 N 02:06:20 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.183336,-2.105556)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 25982 (8597B9C6)
**Date:** 2/9/1966
**Description:** At 8:20 p.m. a glowing ovoid object hovered and made circular maneuvers in the sky for 15 minutes in Heytesbury, near Warminster in Wiltshire, England. It changed colors as well, reported the witness, a man named Baldwin.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Arthur Shuttlewood, The Warminister Mystery, p. 157; Larry Hatch, U computer database, case 7066; Contact U.K. catalogue of UFO reports
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_771
### Event 25983 (B4345B59)
**Date:** 2/11/1966
**Time:** 23:30
**Location:** SKOWHEGAN, ME
**Description:** 2 cops. 6M saucer 100m away. Blip / tight low turns / Dow Air Force Base RADAR. / r41p242.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 42)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7508
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **RDR:** Radar traces/blips, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "53", **HatchDesc:** "SKOWHEGAN,ME:2 COPS:6M SCR 100m away:BLIP/TIGHT LOW TURNS/DOW AFB RDR:/r41p242", **LatLong:** "44.766669 -69.722226", **LatLongDMS:** "44:46:00 N 69:43:20 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.766669,-69.722226)", **RelAlt:** "30", **State/Prov:** "Maine", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 25984 (34284443)
**Date:** 2/11/1966
**Location:** Skowhegan, ME
**Description:** Radar Tracks Maneuvering Object Seen Over City (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5)
**Reference:** NICAP: [660211](http://nicap.org/660211showhegan%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2911
### Event 25985 (5375E30F)
**Date:** 2/11/1966
**Location:** Skowhegan, ME
**Description:** Glowing orange object with domed top hovered, maneuvered over area, seen by police and citizens. Tracked on Air Force and Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) radar
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_71
### Event 25986 (FF1658BA)
**Date:** 2/11/1966
**Description:** Two witnesses named Barnes and La Porte reported that at 11:55 p.m. a glowing orange object with a dome hovered near the Skowhegan, Maine airfield. It maneuvered in the sky for four minutes, and was seen by police as well as civilians. It was also tracked on both Air Force and FAA radar.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** James Moseley, Saucer News, June-July 1966, p. 28; Robert Barnes, NICAP UFO Investigator, February 1966, p. 1; Bangor Daily News, February 14, 1966; Maine Daily News, February 14, 1966; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty Year Report, pp. 6, 242; Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, p. 28
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_823
### Event 25987 (D9511C2A)
**Date:** 2/13/1966
**Time:** 10:00
**Location:** SOUTH / CALABOZO, VNZL
**Description:** Man / light plane. Domed disk / 2400M altitude. Several photographs. 1 sent to APRO.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 807)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7509
**Attributes:** **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Venezuela", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "90", **HatchDesc:** "S/CALABOZO,VNZL:MAN/LITE PLANE:DOMED DISK/2400M alt:SVRL FOTOS:1 sent to APRO", **LatLong:** "8.666667 -67.450003", **LatLongDMS:** "08:40:00 N 67:27:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/8.666667,-67.450003)", **RelAlt:** "2400", **State/Prov:** "GRC", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 25988 (E4B00D2A)
**Date:** 2/13/1966
**Time:** 20:30
**Location:** METHOW, WA
**Description:** 3 / home. 1M luminous disk peeks / windows! Hides from observers. Fast maneuvers.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 803)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7510
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "351", **HatchDesc:** "METHOW,WA:3/HOME:1M LUMn.DISK PEEKS/WINDOWS!:HIDES FROM OBSs:FAST MNVRS", **LatLong:** "48.127780 -120.000006", **LatLongDMS:** "48:07:40 N 120:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.127780,-120.000006)", **RelAlt:** "2", **State/Prov:** "Washington", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 25989 (668E4BE6)
**Date:** 2/13/1966
**Time:** 04:58:00.1
**Location:** 49.8089 78.1210
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 125KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1276
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.8089 78.1210", **LatLongDMS:** "49:48:32 N 78:07:16 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.8089,78.1210)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "6.20", **NukeSource:** "BOCHAROV", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** "125"
### Event 25990 (936D117D)
**Date:** 2/14/1966
**Location:** YAGOONA, NSW
**Description:** Smelly circular indent / swamp. Possible UFO-nest. Reeds sucked out.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** EDWARDS, Frank: FLYING SAUCERS-HERE AND NOW; 1967 Lyle Stewart & Bantam Books 1968. (Index 34)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7511
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NFO:** No craft seen, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **ODR:** Odors associated with UFO's
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "YAGOONA,NSW:SMELLY CIRC.INDENT/SWAMP:POSSIBLE UFO-NEST:REEDS SUCKED OUT", **LatLong:** "-33.916668 151.027785", **LatLongDMS:** "33:55:00 S 151:01:40 E", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-33.916668,151.027785)", **State/Prov:** "NSW", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 25991 (A8C32303)
**Date:** 2/14/1966
**Location:** Witbank, S. Africa
**Description:** 7:40 p.m. LT. A farm woman heard a very loud sound and saw a cigar-shaped object descend and hover, the sound level increasing. The UFO had a very bright light at the front, small portholes along the side, and a bluish glow at the trailing end. The object suddenly shot upwards and disappeared. (Flying Saucer Review, 12(4), July-August 1966, pp. 32-33.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2912
### Event 25992 (2065A387)
**Date:** 2/16/1966
**Time:** 20:30
**Location:** BRUNSWICK NAS, ME
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Luminous object lands / woods. Flashes. 2nd UFO joins. No further details. / USAF Tech. Intel. Center. (ATIC.)
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA; H. Regnery, Chicago HC 1969 & Contemporary Books,Chicago 1993. 372pp. (Index 726)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7512
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "23", **HatchDesc:** "BRUNSWICK NAS,ME:BBK#UNK:LUM OBJ LANDS/WOODS:FLASHES:2nd UFO JOINS:NFD:/Atic", **LatLong:** "43.894447 -69.938892", **LatLongDMS:** "43:53:40 N 69:56:20 W", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.894447,-69.938892)", **State/Prov:** "Maine", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 25993 (594FABD4)
**Date:** 2/16/1966
**Location:** Brunswick NAS, ME
**Description:** Luminous object flashing red, blue, and green lights lands in the woods (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2913
### Event 25994 (7A2A1237)
**Date:** 2/16/1966
**Time:** 2030
**Location:** Brunswick Naval Air Station, Maine
**Description:** A luminous object was said to have landed in the woods. It showed flashing red, blue, and green lights. A second object was later seen to join the first one.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Atic ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_726
### Event 25995 (379CDF5D)
**Date:** 2/16/1966
**Time:** 11:00:00.0
**Location:** 24.0441 5.0412
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground. Country: France Name: “grenat” Yield: 0KT YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1853
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "24.0441 5.0412", **LatLongDMS:** "24:02:39 N 05:02:28 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/24.0441,5.0412)", **NukeCountry:** "France", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "4.94", **NukeName:** "grenat", **NukeSource:** "BOLT", **NukeType:** "U", **NukeY:** "0", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 25996 (720FC561)
**Date:** 2/16/1966
**Description:** A luminous object was said to have landed in the woods near Brunswick Naval Air Station, Maine at 10:30 p.m. The UFO had flashing red, blue, and green lights. A second object was later seen coming to join the first one.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 726, citing U.S. Air Force ATIC; Data-Net, January 1971, citing Jacques Vallee
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_943
### Event 25997 (AB7C52DC)
**Date:** 2/17/1966
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) A *Diamant* rocket puts the geodetic satellite *Diapason* into orbit. (February 17)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1966.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2170
### Event 25998 (428FA3A1)
**Date:** 2/17/1966
**Time:** 08:10
**Location:** NORTH / NOONAN, ND
**Description:** Farmer. 2 Saturn-night lights going quickly north and northwest over border. USAF investigation/investigators indicates RADAR too.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLICKENGER, Don: NORTH DAKOTA UFO files. Well Documented NICAP files for the 1960s: Xeroxed by Tom Tulien (Index 16)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7513
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **NUC:** Nuclear facility related, **RDR:** Radar traces/blips, **MIL:** Military investigation
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "600", **HatchDesc:** "N/NOONAN,ND:FARMER:2 SATURN-NLTS >>N+NW ovr BORDER:USAF INV INDICATES RDR too", **LatLong:** "48.966669 -103.011116", **LatLongDMS:** "48:58:00 N 103:00:40 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.966669,-103.011116)", **RelAlt:** "45", **State/Prov:** "North Dakota", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 25999 (F1ED7FDC)
**Date:** 2/17/1966
**Location:** US
**Description:** NICAP contacted by United Nations Secretary General U Thant's office requesting information and documents on UFOs.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_72
### Event 26000 (53020B18)
**Date:** 2/22/1966
**Location:** Exeter, NH
**Description:** Look Magazine reports UFO sightings near Exeter, NH. In one sighting the witness went and got a policeman, who also witnessed the UFO.
**Type:** ufo sightings
**Reference:** [NICAP](http://www.nicap.org/articles/Bean,%20N.pdf#page=6)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_642
### Event 26001 (01CAF190)
**Date:** 2/22/1966
**Location:** Miami, FL
**Description:** Miami News: Engineer, inventor and lecturer Norman S. Bean is interviewed. States that after enough reports are gathered flight paths can be determined, craft can fly at 5000mph, wobble after stopping and can turn on a dime, must use some sort of gravitational propulsion to avoid destruction from high G-forces, occupant description, Wright-Field has had wreckage of 4 crashed discs for years, many sightings are related to water being pumped in or out of crafts. Reports forwarded to the Foreign Technology Division at Wright-Patterson AFB.
**Type:** interview
**Reference:** [NICAP](http://www.nicap.org/articles/Bean,%20N.pdf#page=6)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_643
### Event 26002 (51C61673)
**Date:** 2/22/1966
**Location:** USSR, Baikonour
**Description:** (Translated from French) In the meantime, on February 22, two dogs were satellized on a craft "Cosmos 110" and, for no less than 22 days, they penetrated each revolution of the satellite, into the first of the two radioactive zones that encircle our planet [note from vog: Van Allen belt] (February 22, 1966)
**Reference:** "Conquest of Space" - Thomas de Galiana, ed. Larousse Pocket, 1967, p. 10
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2360
### Event 26003 (8BE5754E)
**Date:** 2/22/1966
**Time:** 21:10
**Location:** SOUTH KINGSTON, NH
**Description:** 6 observer(s). Domed saucer maneuvers and wobbles / 35 minute(s). Rectangular windows. Ring / red portholes.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Book: THE UFO ENIGMA. Report No. 83-205 SPR, Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress, June 20, 1983. UG 633 Marcia S. Smith /Aerospace, Science Policy Research Div.
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7514
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "35", **Elev:** "57", **HatchDesc:** "S.KINGSTON,NH:6 OBS:DOMED SCR MNVRS+WOBBLES/35min:RECT.WINDOWS:RING/RED PORTS", **LatLong:** "42.883335 -71.066670", **LatLongDMS:** "42:53:00 N 71:04:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.883335,-71.066670)", **State/Prov:** "New Hampshire", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 26004 (A808B816)
**Date:** 2/22/1966
**Description:** At 9:05 p.m. a domed disc-shaped flying object with portholes approached a woman's parked car next to a lake in South Kingston, New Hampshire. It backed away, landed, then rose in a rocking, reverse-falling leaf motion, and finally started to fly away. The witness gave chase, following it in her car. Her car's headlights shone on two objects. One departed, while the other danced around in the sky for 35 minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Gordon I. R. Lore, Jr., UFOs: A New Look, p. 44; Kathleen Marden, MUFON field investigations database, case 980205SE
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1046
### Event 26005 (5666EF57)
**Date:** 2/24/1966
**Time:** 15:55:07.0
**Location:** 37.2718 -116.4338
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Rex” Yield: 19KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_438
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.2718 -116.4338", **LatLongDMS:** "37:16:18 N 116:26:02 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.2718,-116.4338)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.67", **NukeMb:** "5.00", **NukeName:** "Rex", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "19"
### Event 26006 (E5BD5C4E)
**Date:** 2/25/1966
**Time:** 22:20
**Location:** QUIPAPA, BRZ
**Description:** 3 observer(s). Large disk / ground. 3 small humanoids (or Greys) and pseudo-human/entity. Circles area. Silent. Traces. / r180p40.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 206)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7515
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "456", **HatchDesc:** "QUIPAPA,BRZ:3 OBS:LRG DISK/GND:3 OIDS+PSH:CCLS AREA:SLNT:TRACES:/r180p40 ", **LatLong:** "-8.816667 -36.033335", **LatLongDMS:** "08:49:00 S 36:02:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-8.816667,-36.033335)", **State/Prov:** "PNB", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 26007 (88C17315)
**Date:** 2/25/1966
**Location:** Quipapa, Brazil
**Description:** 10:15 p.m. LT. Two young female factory workers while walking home saw lights in the road, then saw that it was a large disc with two bright lights (body lights) and three small beings about the size of 9-year-old children standing alongside, along with one being over 6 feet tall. The object rose, then landed in a new location. The girls ran home with the object following. It circled the area near their house, then flew away. No sound was heard. One of the girls suffered unspecified "effects" for a period of time. Grass was found depressed (imprints) at the landing spot. (Phillips, 1975. p. 40; from Flying Saucer Review, March 1971 .) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) (NICAP: 05 - Medical Incidents) (NICAP: 06 - Trace Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2914
### Event 26008 (35BD9284)
**Date:** 2/25/1966
**Description:** In Quipapa, Brazil three young women in their twenties were walking home at 9:15 p.m. near some railroad tracks when they spotted a 9-12-foot diameter disc hovering over their road. The UFO had two headlights. Three little men, who wore large headgear and one-piece coverall suits that had a luminous band across the chest, were seen nearby. There was also a tall being about six feet in height. The women ran and the UFO gave chase. Traces were found at the sight.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Dr. Walter Buhler, FSR, March 1971, p. 9
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1100
### Event 26009 (7CED606B)
**Date:** 2/26/1966
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Launch of the Apollo AS-201 module using a *Saturn 1B* rocket. (February 26)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1966.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2171
### Event 26010 (53BB9131)
**Date:** 2/26/1966
**Location:** KELOWNA, BC
**Description:** UFO hovers over Lake Okangan. 2nd object surfaces! Both quickly going up [to] and away. Local (as a local wave) wave.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 797)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7516
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **SUB:** Submersible: Rises from or submerges into water, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "15", **Elev:** "372", **HatchDesc:** "KELOWNA,BC:UFO HVRS ovr LAKE OKANGAN:2nd OBJ SURFACES!:BOTH ↑↑ + AWAY:lcl wave", **LatLong:** "49.900002 -119.333339", **LatLongDMS:** "49:54:00 N 119:20:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.900002,-119.333339)", **State/Prov:** "British Columbia", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 26011 (15254DAF)
**Date:** 2/26/1966
**Time:** 20:00?
**Location:** SOUTH / CORSLEY, WILTS
**Description:** RAF man and 3. Night light east going west loops and fantastic maneuvers circles and accelerations / 115min.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SHUTTLEWOOD, Arthur: The WARMINSTER MYSTERY. Neville-Spearman/Tandem Books PB 1967, London. (Index 158)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7517
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "115", **Elev:** "137", **HatchDesc:** "S/CORSLEY,WILTs:RAF MAN+3:NLT E>W LOOPS+FANTASTIC MNVRS CIRCLES+ACCELs/115min", **LatLong:** "51.200002 -2.255556", **LatLongDMS:** "51:12:00 N 02:15:20 W", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.200002,-2.255556)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 26012 (BE31F171)
**Date:** 2/26/1966
**Time:** 20:00
**Location:** TRIVOLI, IL
**Description:** East / Farmington. Domed saucer circles car 2X. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) = signal and noise. Going north. / r8#727.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RODEGHIER, Mark/CUFOS: UFO REPORTS INVOLVING VEHICLE INTERFERENCE; CUFOS 1979. Available as CUFOS UFO Archive #1 CD-ROM. http://www.cufos.org/Pubform.pdf (Index 28)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7518
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "229", **HatchDesc:** "TRIVOLI,IL:E/FARMINGTON:DOMED SRC CCLs CAR 2X:RFI=SIGNAL+NOISE:>N:/r8#727", **LatLong:** "40.694446 -89.866671", **LatLongDMS:** "40:41:40 N 89:52:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.694446,-89.866671)", **State/Prov:** "Illinois", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 26013 (CA9DF05A)
**Date:** 2/26/1966
**Location:** Farmington (5 miles E of), IL
**Description:** Flying oval object, the size of a car, came within 10 ft of car (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2917
### Event 26014 (747E32CE)
**Date:** 2/26/1966
**Location:** Hanna City, Illinois
**Description:** A civilian witness was driving 8 km east of Farmington when a flying oval object, the size of a car, came within 3 m of him, then circled twice and left toward the north. It emitted a bright red glow, supported a sort of dome with a green light on top, produced radio interference, and made a strange "signallike noise."
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Atic ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_727
### Event 26015 (C1C0644C)
**Date:** 2/26/1966
**Description:** Hanna City, Illinois - An oval object about 15-20 feet in diameter came within three meters of a car around 8:00 p.m. There was interference on the car radio as it passed nearby. The object was glowing red with a dome on top and it made a strange "signal-like" noise. It eventually moved off to the north.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia; A Century of Landings; Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, case 165, citing Vallee
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1128
### Event 26016 (6B45E2F9)
**Date:** 2/27/1966
**Locations:** Princeton University; Exeter
**Description:** A nationally broadcast public affairs interview program, The Open Mind, presents a panel discussion titled “Are Flying Saucers Only Science Fiction?” Princeton University history professor [Eric F. Goldman](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eric%5FF.%5FGoldman) is moderator. Panelists include astronomer [Donald H. Menzel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald%5FHoward%5FMenzel)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald%5FHoward%5FMenzel) plant physiologist [Frank B. Salisbury](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frank%5FB.%5FSalisbury)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frank%5FB.%5FSalisbury) journalist [John G. Fuller](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John%5FG.%5FFuller), psychologist [R. Leo Sprinkle](http://kevinrandle.blogspot.com/2021/11/leo-sprinkle-has-died.html)[,](http://kevinrandle.blogspot.com/2021/11/leo-sprinkle-has-died.html) and astronomer [J. Allen Hynek](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J.%5FAllen%5FHynek)[.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J.%5FAllen%5FHynek) Menzel calls the Exeter police officers “hysterical subjects,” although he cannot remember their names and is unfamiliar with the case.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Notable Broadcasts of the](http://www.nicap.org/jufoh/JournalUFOHistoryVol1No2.pdf) [Past:](http://www.nicap.org/jufoh/JournalUFOHistoryVol1No2.pdf) [The Open Mind](http://www.nicap.org/jufoh/JournalUFOHistoryVol1No2.pdf) [NBC Public Affairs Presentation, February 27, 1966,](http://www.nicap.org/jufoh/JournalUFOHistoryVol1No2.pdf)” Journal of UFO History 1, no. 2 \(May/June 2004\): 3–6
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3986
### Event 26017 (151371C1)
**Date:** 2/27/1966
**Description:** An eighteen year old was driving near Keith, South Australia when he saw a bluish disc-shaped UFO with lights, about 5 meters in diameter. The object hovered, and then vanished.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Michael Hervey, UFOs Over the Southern Hemisphere, p. 175
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1153
### Event 26018 (E788E38A)
**Date:** 2/28/1966 (approximate)
**Time:** 08:00
**Description:** Geologist and more. 2 luminous disks / low altitude. Shoot beams going down. Going quickly northeast. / r9p187.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 966)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7519
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Russia", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "9", **HatchDesc:** "12m NE/SARANPAUL,USSR:GEOLOGIST+:2 LUM.DISKS/LO alt:SHOOT BEAMS ↓:>>NE:/r9p187", **LatLong:** "64.383336 61.100003", **LatLongDMS:** "64:23:00 N 61:06:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/64.383336,61.100003)", **State/Prov:** "KMO", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 26019 (835CB962)
**Date:** 2/30/1966
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Smooth landing on the lunar surface successfully achieved by the Soviet spacecraft [Luna 9](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/projets.html\#Luna9). (February 30)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1966.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2172
### Event 26020 (31ECE740)
**Date:** 3/1966
**Location:** VIETNAM
**Description:** PFC W. J. McREYNOLDS. UFO's zigzag repeatedly in track / artillery shells!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PERSONAL INTERVIEW or Experience. (Index 0)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7520
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HST:** Historical account
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Vietnam", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "232", **HatchDesc:** "VIETNAM:PFC W.J.McREYNOLDS:UFOS ZIGZAG REPEATEDLY in TRACK/ARTILLERY SHELLS!", **LatLong:** "15.750001 108.000005", **LatLongDMS:** "15:45:00 N 108:00:00 E", **Locale:** "Rainforest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/15.750001,108.000005)", **State/Prov:** "SVT", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 26021 (ABE34496)
**Date:** 3/1966
**Location:** US
**Description:** Midwestern and northeastern U.S. sighting wave (see separate chronology, section VIII).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_73
### Event 26022 (27D0442E)
**Date:** 3/1966
**Locations:** Toledo, Oregon; Reeves home
**Description:** Kathleen Reeves and a friend are walking on a rural road near their homes in Toledo, Oregon, when they think they see a neighbor’s field on fire. The fire seems oddly dome-shaped. They continue walking and see another smaller, duller light. Kathleen thinks it might be a prank, so she throws a rock at it. Suddenly, a group of much larger lights come on all around the small one. Frightened, the girls run home. Over the next few months, through October, the Reeves home experiences such poltergeist phenomena as whirring or sawing noises, rose-colored lights inside, small rings of light that crawl over the bedroom walls, and light beams.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Michael D. Swords, “A Trick of the Light,” IUR 31, no. 2 \(June 2007\): 8
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3987
### Event 26023 (CE8E2E81)
**Date:** 3/1/1966
**Description:** A man by the name of Quemby had a close encounter with a domed disc in Kelowna, British Columbia.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Vancouver Sun, March 2, 1966; James Moseley, Saucer News, June 1966, p. 30; Charles Bowen, Flying Saucer Review, May-June 1966, p. 33
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1203
### Event 26024 (D7FCC6F4)
**Date:** 3/2/1966
**Time:** 19:00
**Location:** US40 2 MILES EAST / ROOSEVELT, UT
**Description:** Flashing night light hovers. Shoots up at great speed..
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SALISBURY, Frank: The UTAH UFO DISPLAY -- a Biologist Reports; 1974 Devin Adair, New Greenwich,CT. HB 286pp. ISBN 0-815-97000-5 (Index 241)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7521
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "1582", **HatchDesc:** "US40 2MI E/ROOSEVELT,UT:FLASHING NLT HOVERS:SHOOTS UP AT GREAT SPEED..", **LatLong:** "40.311113 -109.972227", **LatLongDMS:** "40:18:40 N 109:58:20 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.311113,-109.972227)", **State/Prov:** "Utah", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 26025 (7C436812)
**Date:** 3/2/1966
**Description:** Two years later two silver metallic objects chased an airplane near an aerodrome in Harlin, Queensland, Australia at 10:30 p.m. The UFOs then moved back and forth in the sky, vanished and reappeared, cruised around the sky lazily, and then vanished.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Michael Hervey, UFOs Over the Southern Hemisphere, p. 152
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1246
### Event 26026 (6D30613A)
**Date:** 3/2/1966
**Description:** A woman watched a flashing light the sky two miles east of Roosevelt, Utah on this evening at 7 p.m. It stood still for 15 minutes, then shot straight up in the sky at high speed and was gone.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Frank Salisbury, The Utah UFO Display, case A08
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1247
### Event 26027 (D0463489)
**Date:** 3/3/1966
**Time:** 19:20
**Location:** OSWEGO, NY
**Description:** Several observer(s). UFO going south slowly. Hovers close by. Goes going quickly southwest. Type unknown. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA; H. Regnery, Chicago HC 1969 & Contemporary Books,Chicago 1993. 372pp. (Index 728)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7522
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "90", **HatchDesc:** "OSWEGO,NY:SVRL OBS:UFO > S SLOWLY:HVRS CLOSE BY:GOES >>SW:type unk:NFD", **LatLong:** "43.455558 -76.511115", **LatLongDMS:** "43:27:20 N 76:30:40 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.455558,-76.511115)", **State/Prov:** "New York", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 26028 (247143BA)
**Date:** 3/3/1966
**Location:** Oswego, NY
**Description:** Object fly slowly to the S, hover, come within 50 ft, then fly off to the SW (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2918
### Event 26029 (59483A0D)
**Date:** 3/3/1966
**Time:** 1920
**Location:** Oswego, New York
**Description:** Several civilians reported an object that flew slowly toward the south, hovered, came within 15 m of them, and finally flew off toward the southwest.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Atic ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_728
### Event 26030 (374C2294)
**Date:** 3/3/1966
**Description:** Several civilians in Oswego, New York reported that an object that flew toward the south slowly, hovered, and then came within 15 meters of them. It finally flew off toward the southwest.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 728
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1271
### Event 26031 (82B7E627)
**Date:** 3/5/1966
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) First free test flight of a D-21 drone near Point Mugu, launched from a Blackbird out of [Groom Lake](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/Area51.html). (March 5)
**Reference:** Federal Register
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1966.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2173
### Event 26032 (FFE4AD1A)
**Date:** 3/5/1966
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** MELBOURNE, AUS
**Description:** 2 observer(s). 20M bowl saucer with hexagonal cabin hovers / golf course. Hums. Extremely fast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Database/website: BASTERFIELD, KEITH: AUFORN group, with Diane Harrison. http://www.fan.net.au/~tkbnetw/new
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7523
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "MELBOURNE,AUS:2 OBS:20M BOWL SCR W/HEXAGONAL CABIN HVRS/GOLF COURSE:HUMS:XFAST", **LatLong:** "-37.800002 144.950007", **LatLongDMS:** "37:48:00 S 144:57:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-37.800002,144.950007)", **State/Prov:** "Victoria", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 26033 (AEBF1A5F)
**Date:** 3/5/1966
**Time:** 18:15:00.1
**Location:** 37.1745 -116.2084
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Red Hot” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_439
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1745 -116.2084", **LatLongDMS:** "37:10:28 N 116:12:30 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1745,-116.2084)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.41", **NukeMb:** "4.11", **NukeName:** "Red Hot", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 26034 (7A88822A)
**Date:** 3/5/1966
**Location:** California
**Description:** The D-21 is first launched from an M-21 off the coast of California. The drone is released but stays close to the M-21’s back for a few seconds, which seems like “two hours” to the M-21 crew.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Lockheed D-](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lockheed%5FD-21) [21](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lockheed%5FD-21)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3988
### Event 26035 (B7BEEA5F)
**Date:** 3/5/1966
**Description:** At 9:00 p.m. a 20 meter in diameter bowl-shaped saucer with a hexagonal cabin hovered over a golf course in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia making a humming sound. It shot away extremely fast.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Larry Hatch, U computer database, case # 7082
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1312
### Event 26036 (A0B37852)
**Date:** 3/6/1966
**Time:** 02:00
**Location:** SOUTH / BARRA / TIJUCA, BRZ
**Description:** Bright ovoid maneuvers over sea. Phones out. Back / 16 March. / r111p271.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 795)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7524
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "120", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "S/BARRA/TIJUCA,BRZ:BRITE OVOID MNVRS ovr SEA:PHONES OUT:BACK/16MAR:/r111p271", **LatLong:** "-23.033334 -43.300002", **LatLongDMS:** "23:02:00 S 43:18:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-23.033334,-43.300002)", **State/Prov:** "RDJ", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 26037 (693299A7)
**Date:** 3/6/1966
**Location:** Lourenço Jorge Municipal Hospital in Barra da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
**Description:** 2:00 a.m. Ivan de Almeida and other medical staff at the Lourenço Jorge Municipal Hospital in Barra da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, watch an oval object with a bright red-orange light that shines on the ocean waters below. After 2 hours it climbs up slowly, dims, and disappears.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Olavo T. Fontes, “[Report from Brazil: The First](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201966%2003%2000%20-%20March-April.pdf) [UAO Sightings in 1966,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201966%2003%2000%20-%20March-April.pdf)” APRO Bulletin, March/April 1966, p. 5
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3989
### Event 26038 (ED0298EF)
**Date:** 3/7/1966
**Time:** 20:30
**Location:** NEAR LIMA, PERU
**Description:** C46 pilot. Silent blinding white 25cm solid ball turns going quickly southeast. / A. Berali.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 125)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7525
**Attributes:** **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Peru", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "150", **HatchDesc:** "nr LIMA,PERU:C46 PILOT:SLNT BLINDING WHT 25cm SOLID BALL TURNS >>SE:/A.BERALI", **LatLong:** "-12.083334 -76.900004", **LatLongDMS:** "12:05:00 S 76:54:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-12.083334,-76.900004)", **State/Prov:** "LMA", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 26039 (51CF72A9)
**Date:** 3/7/1966
**Time:** 18:41:00.1
**Location:** 37.0374 -116.0294
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed, salvo. Country: USA Name: “Finfoot” YieldMax: 40KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_440
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0374 -116.0294", **LatLongDMS:** "37:02:15 N 116:01:46 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0374,-116.0294)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.20", **NukeName:** "Finfoot", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU_SALVO", **NukeYMax:** "40"
### Event 26040 (82A38970)
**Date:** 3/8/1966
**Time:** 14:30
**Location:** CHESTERTON, IN
**Description:** Domed wok-saucer with 4 small turrets hovers over clouds / 4 minute(s). / r98#51.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RIDGE, Francis: REGIONAL ENCOUNTERS in the FC Files. 170pp. UFO FILTER CENTER, Mt. Vernon, IN 1994 (Index 10)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7526
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "180", **HatchDesc:** "CHESTERTON,IN:DOMED WOK-SCR W/4 SML TURRETS HVRS OVR CLOUDS/4min:/r98#51", **LatLong:** "41.633335 -87.050004", **LatLongDMS:** "41:38:00 N 87:03:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.633335,-87.050004)", **State/Prov:** "Indiana", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 26041 (F1E8AE57)
**Date:** 3/8/1966
**Location:** Chesteron, IN
**Description:** 2:30 p.m. EST. An ex-Marine airplane mechanic and another witness saw an inverted silvery disc with four projections on top, surrounded by bright haze, that hovered above a cloud bank for 4-5 minutes. The object then tilted and sped away. (NICAP report.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2919
### Event 26042 (309C5EDC)
**Date:** 3/8/1966
**Description:** A retired Marine Corps aircraft mechanic saw a domed disc-shaped UFO hover over Chesterton, Indiana at 2:30 in the afternoon. The UFO was surrounded by a bright, misty haze, and hovered above a cloud bank for 4-5 minutes. It then tilted at an angle and shot away.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Gordon I.R. Lore, Jr., UFOs: A New Look, p. 46
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1379
### Event 26043 (69FDE36B)
**Date:** 3/11/1966
**Location:** Indio, CA
**Description:** 2:30 a.m. PST. Three glowing yellowish objects with legs were seen resting on the ground in the California Desert. The brilliant luminosity concealed the exact shape of the objects. "Antennas" (projections) extended and retracted rapidly from the objects, their tips glowed green. One of the objects paced a car for 3 hours between Indio, California, and Salome, Arizona. (NICAP notes; NICAP report.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2920
### Event 26044 (8C94F8ED)
**Date:** 3/11/1966
**Location:** Ringwood, NJ
**Description:** Time not reported. A Catholic Mother Superior reported seeing a very bright UFO hovering over the Ringwood iron mines. A distant smaller light flashed as if signaling, and the larger object flew away to the west leaving a red glow in its wake. (NICAP notes.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2921
### Event 26045 (1835D0AE)
**Date:** 3/12/1966
**Time:** 10:40
**Location:** NORTH / RIO DJ, BRAZIL
**Description:** 50 / military motor plant. Fast silent 6M ovoid going down / 300M altitude. General panic.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 795)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7527
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **MIL:** Military investigation
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "40", **Elev:** "8", **HatchDesc:** "N/RIO DJ,BRZL:50/MIL.MOTOR PLANT:FAST SLNT 6M OVOID ↓/300M alt:general panic", **LatLong:** "-22.816668 -43.250002", **LatLongDMS:** "22:49:00 S 43:15:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-22.816668,-43.250002)", **RelAlt:** "300", **State/Prov:** "RDJ", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 26046 (8CA72389)
**Date:** 3/12/1966
**Time:** 18:04:13.1
**Location:** 37.1437 -116.0525
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Clymer” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_441
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1437 -116.0525", **LatLongDMS:** "37:08:37 N 116:03:09 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1437,-116.0525)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.40", **NukeName:** "Clymer", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 26047 (8F311257)
**Date:** 3/12/1966
**Locations:** Fábrica Nacional de Motores; Duque de Caxias, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
**Description:** 10:40 a.m. A security guard at the Fábrica Nacional de Motores in Duque de Caxias, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, alerts 10 employees to a mysterious light that is approaching the factory. It descends to 1,500–1,800 feet and hovers above the plant. The object is approximately 18 feet in diameter and emits a brilliant white light that makes it difficult to look at directly. It periodically flashes even brighter. Plant director Col. Jorge Alberto Silveira Martins calls the Army and Air Force. After 30 minutes, the object dims and moves away at tremendous speed before the Army trucks arrive.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Olavo T. Fontes, “[Report from Brazil: The First UAO Sightings in 1966,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201966%2003%2000%20-%20March-April.pdf)” APRO Bulletin, March/April 1966, p. 5
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3990
### Event 26048 (0A4F64D4)
**Date:** 3/13/1966
**Location:** PORTSMOUTH, NH
**Description:** Family. Egg-shape 45M over power lines. Power brownout. Vibration felt.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO Evidence II: HB: Scarecrow Press Lanham, MD. http://www.scarecrowpress.com ISBN 0-8108-3881-8 (Index 318)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7528
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "6", **HatchDesc:** "PORTSMOUTH,NH:FAMILY:EGG-SHAPE 45M OVR POWER LINES:PWR BROWNOUT:VIBRATION FELT", **LatLong:** "43.083335 -70.766670", **LatLongDMS:** "43:05:00 N 70:46:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.083335,-70.766670)", **RelAlt:** "50", **State/Prov:** "New Hampshire", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 26049 (C1CE78C7)
**Date:** 3/13/1966
**Location:** Portsmouth, NH
**Description:** Time not available. A reporter and his family saw an egg-shaped object about 150 feet over power lines. TV and house lights dimmed (EM effects), and a vibration was felt. (New Hampshire NICAP Subcommittee report.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2922
### Event 26050 (05701E28)
**Date:** 3/13/1966
**Location:** LaCross, WI
**Description:** 9:30 p.m. CST. Police and citizens saw two bluish-green lighted objects and heard a beeping noise as if signals were being exchanged between the two. Dogs reacted to the objects (animal reactions.) (NICAP notes.) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2924
### Event 26051 (EF370A89)
**Date:** 3/13/1966
**Description:** On this night a news reporter and his family saw an egg-shaped object 150 feet over some power lines in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. The felt a vibration and the TV and house lights dimmed. That same night in Black River Falls, Wisconsin a greenish-white object was seen from a house, emitting loud beeps. The witnesses' dogs reacted by barking, and there was static on the TV and stereo radio.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** (1) Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty-Year Report, p. 318; (2) Allen Utke case investigation files; Gordon I. R. Lore, Jr., Strange Effects from UFOs, p. 70
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1453
### Event 26052 (3856A126)
**Date:** 3/14/1966
**Location:** Selfridge AFB, MI
**Description:** Radar tracking of objects; extreme speed & maneuverability.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [_UFOs and the National Security State: Chronology of a Cover-up, 1941–1973_, by Richard Dolan](https://archive.org/details/ufosnationalsecu00dola/mode/2up)
**Source:** Dolan, **ID:** Dolan_267
### Event 26053 (A1D25A7D)
**Date:** 3/14/1966
**Location:** SOUTHPORT, CT
**Description:** Domed disk swoops down in front of car. Going up [to] just in time! / J. Fuller.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 43)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7529
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "24", **HatchDesc:** "SOUTHPORT,CT:DOMED DISK SWOOPS DOWN IN FRONT OF CAR:↑ just in time!:/J.Fuller", **LatLong:** "41.138891 -73.283337", **LatLongDMS:** "41:08:20 N 73:17:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.138891,-73.283337)", **RelAlt:** "2", **State/Prov:** "Connecticut", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 26054 (78983996)
**Date:** 3/14/1966
**Time:** 03:50
**Location:** DEXTER, MI
**Description:** Dozens / cops. Several saucers hover and maneuver. Sharp turns. Extremely fast. Air Force Base RADAR's. / r47p184.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 43)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7530
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RDR:** Radar traces/blips, **MIL:** Military investigation, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "20", **Elev:** "275", **HatchDesc:** "DEXTER,MI:DOZENS/COPS:SVRL SCRS HVR+MNVR:SHARP TURNS:XFAST:AFB RDRs:/r47p184", **LatLong:** "42.350002 -83.850004", **LatLongDMS:** "42:21:00 N 83:51:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.350002,-83.850004)", **State/Prov:** "Michigan", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 26055 (3DDFA4D9)
**Date:** 3/14/1966
**Location:** Southport, CT
**Description:** 9:00-9:30 p.m. EST. A motorist saw an unidentified aerial object with a dome on top, and a row of red and white flashing lights, that paced his car. The object then changed color to white and sped away (color change-motion correlation). Later (11:30 p.m.), an unidentified aerial object with domed top, flat bottom, and red and white flashing lights, descended abruptly in front of the witness's car, and hovered inches off the road. The driver slammed on the brakes, and the object took off. The object was so large that it overlapped the road. (NICAP report, investigation by John Fuller). (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2925
### Event 26056 (56AB26A4)
**Date:** 3/14/1966
**Location:** Dexter and Hillsdale, MI
**Description:** Landing, structured object, multiple witnesses (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** NICAP: [660314](https://web.archive.org/web/100/http://www.nicap.org/660314dir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2926
### Event 26057 (33486A6D)
**Date:** 3/14/1966
**Location:** Dexter and Hillsdale, MI
**Description:** Landing, structured object, multiple witnesses, animal reaction (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)
**Reference:** NICAP: [660314](https://web.archive.org/web/100/http://www.nicap.org/660314dir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2927
### Event 26058 (B433FF5B)
**Date:** 3/14/1966
**Location:** Dexter and Hillsdale, MI
**Description:** G,V, Selfridge AFB & UFOs over L. Erie (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases)
**Reference:** NICAP: [660314](https://web.archive.org/web/100/http://www.nicap.org/660314dir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2928
### Event 26059 (AAFB7976)
**Date:** 3/14/1966
**End date:** 3/20/1966
**Location:** Dexter, Milan, and Ann Arbor, MI
**Description:** Sheriffs reported disc-shaped objects moving at fantastic speeds and making sharp turns, diving and climbing, hovering. Selfridge AFB confirmed tracking UFOs over Lake Erie
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_74
### Event 26060 (F3D510F8)
**Date:** 3/14/1966
**Locations:** Washtenaw County; Dexter, Michigan; Lake Erie; Selfridge AFB; Mount Clemens
**Description:** 3:30 –5:30 a.m. Washtenaw County sheriff’s deputies Buford Bushroe and John Foster see highly maneuverable disc-shaped UFOs with flashing red and green lights over Dexter, Michigan. They call in a report that sets off a two-and-a-half hour chase that stretches over three counties and out over Lake Erie. Police from five jurisdictions are involved. Selfridge AFB \[now Selfridge Air National Guard Base\], near Mount Clemens, reports tracking UFOs on radar over Lake Erie.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** UFOEv II 184–185; O’Connell 177; Patrick Gross, “[Michigan](https://ufologie.patrickgross.org/htm/michi66.htm) [1966: Sheriffs Watch High-Performance Discs, Also Tracked on Radar](https://ufologie.patrickgross.org/htm/michi66.htm)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3991
### Event 26061 (332B96AA)
**Date:** 3/14/1966
**Description:** At 3:50 a.m. in Dexter, Michigan two police officers, Bushroe and Foster, saw four highly maneuverable disc-shaped UFOs that had red and green flashing lights. They swung back and forth in the sky like pendulums over a swamp.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP UFO Investigator, April 1966, p. 5; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty-Year Report, pp. 6, 171, 318; Richard F. Haines, Project Delta: A Study of Multiple UFO, p. 187; Gordon I. R. Lore, Jr. & Harold H. Dennault, Jr., Mysteries of the Skies: UFOs in Perspective, p. 178
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1481
### Event 26062 (9611436B)
**Date:** 3/14/1966
**Description:** In the pre-dawn hours UFOs were also tracked on radar over Lake Erie from Selfridge AFB in Michigan. The objects displayed extreme speed and maneuverability.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP UFO Investigator, April 1966, p. 5; Richard H. Hall, Volume II: A Thirty-Year Report, p. 242; Richard M. Dolan, UFO's and the National Security State: Chronology of a Cover-up 1941-1973, p. 413
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1482
### Event 26063 (8A680801)
**Date:** 3/14/1966
**Description:** In Southport, Connecticut a domed disc with a row of red lights paced a car along a country road, then swooped down and landed on the road ahead of the car. It rose just in time to avoid a collision.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** John Fuller, NICAP UFO Investigator, April 1966, p. 3; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty-Year Report, p. 318
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1483
### Event 26064 (D244D76B)
**Date:** 3/15/1966
**Location:** Youngstown, OH
**Description:** Time not reported. A police officer and other witnesses saw a metallic-appearing circular object with blue lights in apparent portholes along its side. The UFO stopped overhead, trailing two exhaust flames, then shot away to the northwest. (NICAP notes.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2929
### Event 26065 (E8ACE4D3)
**Date:** 3/16/1966
**Location:** USA
**Reference:** "Conquest of Space" - Thomas de Galiana, ed. Larousse Poche, 1967, p. 10 and 257
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2361
### Event 26066 (96275504)
**Date:** 3/16/1966
**Time:** 17:50
**Description:** Explosion. White 'parachute' quickly going down / sea. Fireball going west. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v17#3+/ r44p43.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 795)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7531
**Attributes:** **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **SUB:** Submersible: Rises from or submerges into water, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "12", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "CAGARRA ISL,BRZ:EXPLOSION:WHT 'PARACHUTE' ↓↓/SEA:FBL >W:/FSR v17#3+/r44p43", **LatLong:** "-23.050001 -43.183335", **LatLongDMS:** "23:03:00 S 43:11:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-23.050001,-43.183335)", **State/Prov:** "RDJ", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 26067 (55EDCF62)
**Date:** 3/16/1966
**Location:** Eliot, ME
**Description:** 6:30-6:45 p.m. EST. A family saw a bright red ball of light with halo effect at close range for 10-15 minutes. The UFO emitted a high-pitched "beep" every 1 -2 seconds synchronized with a blinking red light. Dogs barked and howled (animal reactions), and ran toward the object, which gradually | disappeared behind trees to the southeast. (New Hampshire NICAP Subcommittee s report.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2930
### Event 26068 (D0D8E0EA)
**Date:** 3/16/1966
**Location:** Burnham, ME
**Description:** 7:45 p.m. Two large, moon-sized orange discs flying slowly, then accelerating, body lights blinking on and off. (NICAP notes.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2932
### Event 26069 (DA83D6E2)
**Date:** 3/16/1966
**Locations:** Atlantic Ocean; Ilha Cagarras; Ipanema, Brazil
**Description:** 5:45 p.m. Many people see a white, oval object crash into the Atlantic Ocean close to the Ilha Cagarras off Ipanema, Brazil. Some see a few smaller white parachute-shaped objects fall from it. A thorough search turns up nothing in the sea or the island itself.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Lorenzen, UFOs over the Americas, Signet, 1968, p. 54
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3992
### Event 26070 (4234DEB6)
**Date:** 3/16/1966
**Description:** A revolving domed disc with lights around its rim circled Great Lake in Portland, Connecticut three times before flying off to the east toward Cobalt. A radio report of another UFO sighting in West Hartford, Connecticut was heard by the five witnesses, two teenage girls and their family members, immediately after their sighting.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Donald A. Johnson case files, report dated April 3, 1967
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1530
### Event 26071 (8CF5A5FB)
**Date:** 3/17/1966
**Location:** HARROW, ONTARIO
**Description:** UFO lands / field. 12 meters diameter X 7M high. Portholes. Rotating section.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA; H. Regnery, Chicago HC 1969 & Contemporary Books,Chicago 1993. 372pp. (Index 729)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7532
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "193", **HatchDesc:** "HARROW,ONTARIO:UFO LANDS/FIELD:12Mdia X 7M HI:PORTHOLES:ROTATING SECTION:", **LatLong:** "42.027780 -82.900004", **LatLongDMS:** "42:01:40 N 82:54:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.027780,-82.900004)", **State/Prov:** "Ontario", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 26072 (33B43E96)
**Date:** 3/17/1966
**Time:** 01:50
**Location:** BARRA / TIJUCA, BRZ
**Description:** Several observer(s). Glowing-ovoid going up [to] slow. Circles Pt. Marisco. Going west. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v17#3.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 795)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7533
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **SUB:** Submersible: Rises from or submerges into water, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "34", **Elev:** "30", **HatchDesc:** "BARRA/TIJUCA,BRZ:SVRL OBS:GLO-OVOID ↑ SLOW:CCLS Pt.MARISCO:>W:/FSR v17#3", **LatLong:** "-23.000001 -43.300002", **LatLongDMS:** "23:00:00 S 43:18:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-23.000001,-43.300002)", **State/Prov:** "RDJ", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 26073 (328D2405)
**Date:** 3/17/1966
**Time:** 04:20
**Location:** MILAN, MI
**Description:** 16m delta/triangle/box-like craft follows cop-car / 1km. Radio electro-magnetic effect (EME). 4 objects total. Going quickly northwest. / r8+/ APROv14#6.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO Evidence II: HB: Scarecrow Press Lanham, MD. http://www.scarecrowpress.com ISBN 0-8108-3881-8 (Index 318)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7534
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "140", **Elev:** "211", **HatchDesc:** "MILAN,MI:16m DLT FOLOS COP-CAR/1km:RADIO EME:4 OBJs TOTAL:>>NW:/r8+/APROv14#6", **LatLong:** "42.094446 -83.683337", **LatLongDMS:** "42:05:40 N 83:41:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.094446,-83.683337)", **State/Prov:** "Michigan", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 26074 (6F8CB266)
**Date:** 3/17/1966
**Location:** Grand Rapids, MI
**Description:** Sunset, EST. Three young girls saw a large oval with glowing red light, evenly spaced portholes around the rim from which lights flashed alternately. The UFO moved slowly, then accelerated and sped away. (NICAP notes.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2933
### Event 26075 (FDE95D68)
**Date:** 3/17/1966
**Location:** Milan, MI
**Description:** Object w/colored lights spinning came within 80 ft of the patrol car (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)
**Reference:** NICAP: [660317](https://web.archive.org/web/100/http://www.nicap.org/660314dir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2934
### Event 26076 (8D27DF36)
**Date:** 3/17/1966
**Location:** Harrow, Canada
**Description:** Mr. Ward saw an object 12 m in diameter and 7 m high, emitting a pulsating white light, in a field. It had a revolving section with portholes.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** FS Aug., 66 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_729
### Event 26077 (7BD031D7)
**Date:** 3/17/1966
**Time:** 0000
**Location:** Milan, Michigan
**Description:** A police officer observed an object in the southwest. He thought it was a plane about to crash, although no sound was audible. He tried to contact the police headquarters, but his radio transmitter did not work properly. The object, which now colored lights spinning at the periphery, and a diameter of 16 m, came within 25 m of the patrol car, following it for 1 km, then flew off toward the northwest. The witness had been a policeman for 10 years, and had never seen anything like that object.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Atic ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_730
### Event 26078 (5BEB7CEE)
**Date:** 3/17/1966
**Location:** Milan, Michigan
**Description:** 4:25 a.m. Police Sgt. Neil Schneider and Deputy David Fitzpatrick see top-shaped objects making sharp maneuvers over Milan, Michigan. They alternatively hover, rise and fall quickly, dart around at jet-like speed, dimming and brightening periodically. Two objects are operating together, while a third UFO hovers at a lower altitude.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** UFOEv II 185; O’Connell 177; [Sparks](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf), p. 310
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3993
### Event 26079 (2775709F)
**Date:** 3/17/1966
**Description:** A glowing ovoid object descended slowly over Barra de Tijuca, Brazil at 1:50 a.m. It circled Pt. Marisco, and then flew off the the west.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Larry Hatch, U computer database
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1536
### Event 26080 (F2728BC4)
**Date:** 3/17/1966
**Description:** Mr. Ward saw an object 12 meters in diameter and 7 meters high over Harrow, Ontario, Canada. It emitted a pulsating white light, and landed in a field. It had a revolving section on it with portholes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Ray Palmer, Flying Saucers, August 1966; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 729, p. 323; Data-Net, May 1970
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1537
### Event 26081 (315BECC1)
**Date:** 3/17/1966
**Description:** A police officer in Milan, Michigan observed an object in the southwestern sky at midnight. He thought it was a plane about to crash, although no sound was audible. He tried to contact the police headquarters, but his radio transmitter did not work properly. The 16 meter wide object, which now had colored lights spinning around its periphery, came to within 25 meters of the patrol car, followed it for a kilometer, then flew off toward the northwest. The object was described as being like a "very huge pie" lighted with red, blue, and white lights spinning completely around it. The witness had been a policeman for 10 years, and had never seen anything like it before.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 730; Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, case 166; Lloyd Mallan, The Official Guide to UFOs
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1538
### Event 26082 (3EAC089C)
**Date:** 3/18/1966
**Location:** ARGENTINA, near Deseade, south of the San Jorge Gulf
**Description:** (Translated from French) At 4:00 PM, on a deserted beach about fifteen kilometers north of Deseade (south of the San Jorge Gulf), Carlos Corosan, a thirty-five year old farmer, saw a large wingless cigar-shaped craft. He said it was less than thirty-five meters away and estimated its length to be about twenty meters; it had a metallic look and reflected the rays of the setting sun. Its color was gray-black and its surface, apparently smooth, without visible markings or windows or any kind of external organs. However, gray smoke was coming out of the tail.
Corosan said that "it was rocking quietly" with a sound like an automobile having engine trouble. And then "the mysterious craft stopped and emitted a brief, muffled jet of smoke (sic), after which the smoke became "very dark black". Corosan, having judged that it was not a normal craft, ran to take cover. At that moment, the object was hovering about a dozen meters above the water; it kept this position for a few minutes. Then it began to buzz and "vibrate all over as if it was going to explode". The buzzing was followed by another brief explosion, and the craft began to rise slowly, heading northeast, with the same rocking movements. Corosan was about to leave his shelter, intending to report the thing to the authorities, but he heard a much louder explosion, followed by a decrease in the buzzing. He turned around and just had time to see the object "crash" into the sea. "It didn't float at all. It just hit the water with a huge splash and went down very quickly."
**Reference:** Yvan T. SANDERSON: "The Invisibles Under the Seas" Albin Michel 1979 p. 75-76
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2362
### Event 26083 (B81FF45C)
**Date:** 3/18/1966
**Description:** 11M cylinder/cigar-shape smokes and chugs. Hovers 40' over ocean. Big noise. Submerges.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SANDERSON, Ivan: INVISIBLE RESIDENTS; World Publishing HB 1970 & Avon Books PB 1973 (Index 57)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7535
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **SUB:** Submersible: Rises from or submerges into water, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "20", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "PUERTO DESEADO,ARG:11M CGR SMOKES+CHUGS:HVRS 40'OVR OCEAN:BIG NOISE:SUBMERGES", **LatLong:** "-47.633336 -65.750003", **LatLongDMS:** "47:38:00 S 65:45:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-47.633336,-65.750003)", **State/Prov:** "STC", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 26084 (ED15E327)
**Date:** 3/18/1966
**Time:** 19:00:00.0
**Location:** 37.0093 -116.0091
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Purple” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_442
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0093 -116.0091", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:33 N 116:00:33 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0093,-116.0091)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.33", **NukeName:** "Purple", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 26085 (E35CC3C6)
**Date:** 3/18/1966
**Description:** One year later (1966), at 4:00 p.m., a shiny metallic cigar-shaped UFO, approximately 60 feet long, and completely smooth and featureless, was sighted off the coast, 10 miles north of Puerto Deseado, Argentina. The UFO emitted a gray vapor from its rear. It then vibrated; made a louder rumbling noise, and a black smoke emerged from the rear. The nose of the object tilted up as the object flew erratically to the northeast, then hit the water and disappeared beneath the surface.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Phenomenes Spatiaux, March 1970, p. 17
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1550
### Event 26086 (3AB8A768)
**Date:** 3/19/1966
**Time:** 18:00?
**Location:** NITEROI, BRZ
**Description:** Several / (seen thru) binoculars. Flat-top cone-saucer with oval portholes hovers. Going west and going quickly east. Jets chase.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GRANCHI, Irene: UFO's and ABDUCTIONS in BRAZIL: Horus House Press, Madison, WI: 1992 (English translation 1994) ISBN 1-881852-09-1 (Index 44)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7536
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "6", **HatchDesc:** "NITEROI,BRZ:SVRL/BINOCs:FLAT-TOP CONE-SCR W/OVAL PORTS HVRS:> W+>>E:JETS CHASE", **LatLong:** "-22.900001 -43.100002", **LatLongDMS:** "22:54:00 S 43:06:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-22.900001,-43.100002)", **State/Prov:** "RDJ", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 26087 (62F45829)
**Date:** 3/19/1966
**Location:** Big Rapids, MI
**Description:** 5:20 a.m. CST. Several witnesses saw an elliptical object with a row of rectangular windows, and with a surrounding blue-white haze. Lights on the bottom (body lights) flicked on and off one at a time. A light beam shone into the house. (Keyhoe & Lore, 1969a, p. 46) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2936
### Event 26088 (70424A85)
**Date:** 3/19/1966
**Location:** LaPorte, In
**Description:** Dawn, EST. Police and others saw a round luminous yellow-white object with projections on top. The UFO paced a car, swerving from side to side, its light reflected from the hood of the car. (NICAP notes.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2937
### Event 26089 (41F87200)
**Date:** 3/19/1966
**Location:** Bethesda, MD
**Description:** 9:05 p.m. EST. Col. Howard Wright, retired Air Force pilot, and family saw a bright white light approach from the south, stop and hover, accelerate, zig-zag, then continue north, joined by a second light. (NICAP notes.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2938
### Event 26090 (5E142C1C)
**Date:** 3/19/1966
**End date:** 3/20/1966
**Location:** Freeport, TX
**Description:** 1:25 a.m. CST. Witnesses saw a bright flash of blue light, then a hovering oval UFO was sighted by crew members of the Coast Guard Cutter "Legare." EM effects were experienced on local electric power systems, house lights blinked off and on rapidly. The UFO was orange and had windows or ports with a hazy appearance in the interior. After a while the object slowly rose about 1,000 feet, emitted a blue glow, then disappeared. Shortly afterwards, two bright lights shot up from the ground and disappeared within seconds. An extensive power failure occurred in Freeport about 2 hours earlier (11:10 p.m.) (NICAP report) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2939
### Event 26091 (303B9E69)
**Date:** 3/19/1966
**Description:** In the pre-dawn hours of 1966, police and others in La Porte, Indiana saw a 40-foot-long luminous football shaped object surrounded by misty white rings. It emitted a brilliant white light as it paced a police car. It was described as having horn-shaped antenna-like projections on the underside that were 13-14 feet long.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Fred V. Sacksteder, Flying Saucers, October 1966, p. 15). At 5:20 a.m. an elliptical UFO with a row of lights along the bottom was seen over Big Rapids, Michigan. The lights flickered on-and-off one at a time. (Source: Gordon Lore, Jr., UFOs: A New Look, p. 46
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1566
### Event 26092 (036A4CA4)
**Date:** 3/19/1966
**Description:** At 6 p.m. a flat-topped cone-shaped UFO w oval-shaped windows hovered over Niteroi, Brazil. It was viewed through binoculars as it flew slowly to the west, then shot off towards the east as jet aircraft pursued it.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Irene Granchi, UFO Abductions and Reports from Brazil, p. 44). That night at 11:10 p.m. three crewman aboard the Coast Guard Cutter "Legare" had a close encounter with an oval-shaped UFO near Freeport, Texas. There was a power failure in the city at the time. (Source: Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence Volume II: A Thirty-year Report, p. 318
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1567
### Event 26093 (B1DA9BA0)
**Date:** 3/20/1966
**Location:** Dexter, MI
**Description:** Dexter, MI.: Frank Mannor, age 47, and Ronald Mannor, age 19, went out at night through swampy, hummocky terrain to investigate flashing lights in the swamp. They saw a domed, elliptical object with aquilted surface hovering about 8 ft. off the ground in a patch of apparent mist. The object glowed “blood red” and the body lights disappeared. They lost sight of the UFO and didn’t see it again.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [Twitter](https://twitter.com/richgel999/status/1555315016508776448)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_635
**See also:** 3/21/66
**See also:** 4/1/66
### Event 26094 (33DC2024)
**Date:** 3/20/1966
**Location:** La Porte, IN
**Description:** La Porte, IN: Patrolman Michael Spevak was on duty when 2 youths pulled over and pointed out an UFO that they said had been following them from Michigan City to La Porte. According to the young men, the object frequently burst into such a bright glare that it blinded them, forcing them off the highway. It had been following them at an altitude of about 60 ft. Both the young men and the patrolman noticed a cross-shaped appendage protruding from the lower portion of the UFO.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [Pea Research](https://www.academia.edu/9813787/GOVERNMENT_INVOLVEMENT_IN_THE_UFO_COVER_UP_CHRONOLOGY_based) (B1-F, p257)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_636
### Event 26095 (0AAE7964)
**Date:** 3/20/1966
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Observation at Mims \(Florida\).
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#10247 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1966.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2174
### Event 26096 (68E43DEF)
**Date:** 3/20/1966
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) [Observation of Hillsdale](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/1966-03-20\_Hillsdale.html) \(Michigan\), which [Hynek](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/HynekJosephAllen.html) initially explained as "swamp gas" \(will-o'-the-wisps\).
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1966.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2175
### Event 26097 (E87BC9B6)
**Date:** 3/20/1966
**Location:** LA PORTE, IN
**Description:** UFO with X-antenna / underside chases 2 / car. Cop car paced. / r19p45.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO Evidence II: HB: Scarecrow Press Lanham, MD. http://www.scarecrowpress.com ISBN 0-8108-3881-8 (Index 318)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7537
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "30", **Elev:** "245", **HatchDesc:** "LA PORTE,IN:UFO W/X-ANTENNA/UNDERSIDE CHASES 2/CAR:COP CAR PACED:/r19p45", **LatLong:** "41.605558 -86.722226", **LatLongDMS:** "41:36:20 N 86:43:20 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.605558,-86.722226)", **State/Prov:** "Indiana", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 26098 (889458F8)
**Date:** 3/20/1966
**Time:** 00:20
**Location:** MIMS, FL
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #10247. USAF / NASA man. Night light pulses blue and white. Erratic ascent. Going quickly north.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BERLINER, DON: The BLUEBOOK UNKNOWNS; (FUFOR). (Index 34)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7538
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "MIMS,FL:BBK#10247:USAF/NASA MAN:NLT PULSES BLU+WHT:ERRATIC ASCENT:>>N", **LatLong:** "28.683335 -80.750004", **LatLongDMS:** "28:41:00 N 80:45:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/28.683335,-80.750004)", **State/Prov:** "Florida", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 26099 (AF7B77D6)
**Date:** 3/20/1966
**Time:** 01:30
**Location:** FREEPORT, TX
**Description:** 3 USCG men / (seen thru) binoculars. Orange glowing-ovoid. Figure(s) move behind portholes / r204p152.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 43)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7539
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "FREEPORT,TX:3 USCG MEN/BINOCS:ORG.GLO-OVOID:FIGS MOVE BHND PORTHOLES/r204p152", **LatLong:** "28.933335 -95.350005", **LatLongDMS:** "28:56:00 N 95:21:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/28.933335,-95.350005)", **State/Prov:** "Texas", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 26100 (4C442133)
**Date:** 3/20/1966
**Time:** 14:10
**Description:** Several military observer(s). 3 metallic disks going quickly south. Enter odd cloud. Never emerge.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SHUTTLEWOOD, Arthur: The WARMINSTER MYSTERY. Neville-Spearman/Tandem Books PB 1967, London. (Index 162)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7540
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "120", **HatchDesc:** "WARMINSTER,WILTS:SVRL MIL.OBS:3 MTLC DISKS>>S:ENTER ODD CLOUD:NEVER EMERGE", **LatLong:** "51.211114 -2.177778", **LatLongDMS:** "51:12:40 N 02:10:40 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.211114,-2.177778)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 26101 (9CE45EA7)
**Date:** 3/20/1966
**Time:** 19:30
**Location:** DEXTER, MI
**Description:** Cops and more/others. 5 3M saucers. 1 going down / swamp. Rods extend going down. Very low altitude. / r235p21+/ r41p186.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 795)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7541
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **RDR:** Radar traces/blips, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK, **COV:** Indication of coverup
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "18", **Elev:** "175", **HatchDesc:** "DEXTER,MI:COPS++:5 3M SCRS:1 ↓/SWAMP:RODS EXTEND ↓:VLO alt:/r235p21+/r41p186", **LatLong:** "42.350002 -83.866671", **LatLongDMS:** "42:21:00 N 83:52:00 W", **Locale:** "Wetlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.350002,-83.866671)", **RelAlt:** "1", **State/Prov:** "Michigan", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 26102 (1FE4F6D1)
**Date:** 3/20/1966
**Time:** 20:00
**Location:** ANN ARBOR, MI
**Description:** Falling star becomes delta-UFO. Maneuvers over homes. Coral-like surface.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** EDWARDS, Frank: FLYING SAUCERS-HERE AND NOW; 1967 Lyle Stewart & Bantam Books 1968. (Index 7)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7542
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "265", **HatchDesc:** "ANN ARBOR,MI:FALLING STAR BECOMES DELTA-UFO:MNVRS OVR HOMES:CORAL-LIKE SURFACE", **LatLong:** "42.266669 -83.750004", **LatLongDMS:** "42:16:00 N 83:45:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.266669,-83.750004)", **RelAlt:** "99", **State/Prov:** "Michigan", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 26103 (2A5F042F)
**Date:** 3/20/1966
**End date:** 3/21/1966
**Location:** Exeter, NH
**Description:** 10:00 p.m.- 2:40 a.m. EST. Police and citizens saw an egg-shaped object with flashing body lights across the center (red-white-blue-green-red) that hovered over power lines, bobbed around and rocked in a pendulum motion. Through binoculars, a dome-like area was visible on top. The object finally ascended to the east, moved out over the ocean and disappeared. (Fuller, 1966; Massachusetts NICAP Subcommittee report.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2941
### Event 26104 (544EC835)
**Date:** 3/20/1966
**Location:** Miami, FL
**Description:** Pulsating light, varying from white to intense blue (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 10247)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2942
### Event 26105 (7E092417)
**Date:** 3/20/1966
**Location:** Dexter, MI
**Description:** Hovering object over swamp about 1,500 ft away car-sized (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** NICAP: [660320](https://web.archive.org/web/100/http://www.nicap.org/660314dir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2943
### Event 26106 (C74CD759)
**Date:** 3/20/1966
**Time:** 2000
**Location:** Dexter, Michigan
**Description:** Frank Mannor and his son, Ronald, saw a luminous object hovering over a swamp. It was described as brown, with a "scaly" surface, coneshaped, and showing bluish lights that turned red. Then the whole object lighted up with a yellowish glow and flew away at high speed with a whistling sound.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Atic ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_731
### Event 26107 (A06711AA)
**Date:** 3/20/1966
**Time:** 12:15 AM
**Location:** Miami, Florida
**Description:** Witness: USAF Res. Maj. K.C. Smith, employee of NASA at Cape Kennedy. One pulsating light which varied from white to intense blue made a jerky ascent and then rapidly accelerated away to the north after 5 minutes.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_535
### Event 26108 (ED1A20F2)
**Date:** 3/20/1966
**End date:** 3/21/1966
**Location:** Exeter, NH
**Description:** Egg-shaped object with flashing lights across the center (red-white-blue-green-red) hovered over power lines, bobbed around, and rocked in a pendulum motion
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_75
### Event 26109 (3312C885)
**Date:** 3/20/1966
**Time:** 05:50:00.3
**Location:** 49.7616 78.0239
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 100KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1277
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.7616 78.0239", **LatLongDMS:** "49:45:42 N 78:01:26 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.7616,78.0239)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "6.20", **NukeSource:** "BOCHAROV", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** "100"
### Event 26110 (CB0B099A)
**Date:** 3/20/1966
**Locations:** Dexter Township, Michigan; Quigley Road
**Description:** 7:30 p.m. After his dogs start making a racket, [Frank Mannor](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/49963015/frank-e%5F-mannor) and his 26-year-old son Ronald see strange lights over a swampy area in Dexter Township, Michigan. They walk over to the area for a look, taking about 30 minutes, and see a pyramid-shaped object with a rounded top, corrugated surface, and blue, red, and white lights. Mannor’s son-in-law Bob Wagner, back at the house, sees the object light up and rise to 500 feet, then come down again making some noise. Washtenaw County sheriff’s deputies David Fitzpatrick and [Stanley McFadden](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/136211746/stanley-arthur-mcfadden) arrive about 9:00 p.m. drive towards the swamp on Quigley Road. They see a brilliant light that dims and then reappears. By this time a crowd has gathered. One man reports that when two flashlights appear in the distance, the object seems to react by flying away at high speed. At another point the object passes directly over the Mannors with a whistling sound like a rifle bullet ricocheting. It remains in the swampy area for 30 minutes.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Swamp Gas Answer Disproved](http://www.cufos.org/UFOI%5Fand%5FSelected%5FDocuments/UFOI/031%20MAR-APR%201966.pdf),” UFO Investigator 3, no. 7 \(March/April 1966\): 5; UFOEv II 185–186; O’Connell 175–177, 184–185; [Sparks](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf), p. 310; Center for UFO Studies, \[[case documents](http://cufos.org/cases/1966%5F03%5F20-21%5FUS%5FMI%5FDexter-Hillsdale%5FCUFOS%5FMultiWit%5FNLr.pdf)\]; Patrick Gross, “[Hillsdale, Michigan, 1966: The Infamous ‘Swamp Gas’ Case](https://ufologie.patrickgross.org/htm/hillsdale66.htm)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3994
### Event 26111 (0AECEF43)
**Date:** 3/21/1966
**Location:** Miami, FL
**Description:** Engineer, inventor, and lecturer Norman S. Bean is quoted in the Miami News: “We have good reason to believe that the Air Force has wreckage from at least four of these small vehicles and has been conducting studies of such wreckage at Wright Field for years”. Also mentions what is now known as the US Gravity Control Research Program.
**Type:** newspaper article
**Reference:** [Medium](https://medium.com/@richgel99/television-engineer-inventor-and-speaker-norman-s-6bb01740bd05)
**Reference:** [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_gravity_control_propulsion_research)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_637
### Event 26112 (8674BF40)
**Date:** 3/21/1966
**Location:** Dexter, MI
**Description:** Law enforcement officer F.B. (initials) at Dexter, Michigan, and officer “C” (initial) on patrol sighted a landed saucer in a swamp. Description: Large craft, like a pot; no windows; had a dull glow and steam was coming up from the water. Sounded like a turbine, a low whine or hum. He notified Selfridge AFB which immediately sent out MP’s, well armed. All law officers were ordered back and their film was confiscated. Later his report and other reports disappeared from police headquarters. Then, everyone in the force, including he and “C”, were transferred to other parts of the county. The UFO wasn’t disabled. F.B. saw it take-off and climb straight up.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [Pea Research](https://www.academia.edu/9813787/GOVERNMENT_INVOLVEMENT_IN_THE_UFO_COVER_UP_CHRONOLOGY_based) (A5, B3-C)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_638
**See also:** 3/1/67
### Event 26113 (2FC9AD66)
**Date:** 3/21/1966
**Location:** USA, Hillsdale (Michigan)
**Description:** (Translated from French) Several professors and at least 80 students from the college observed at 02:00 an exciting light show in a marsh a short distance from their college. William Van Horn, director of the Civil Defense Committee of the county, was among the witnesses. The objects had the shape of a rugby ball, had bright red and blue-green lights at the front and back, and they traveled in formation, varying from time to time. (Frank EDWARDS: "Du nouveau sur les S.V." - Laffont 1968 - p. 25) Ann Harbor. United Press International report of 21.4.1966: At least forty people, including twelve policemen, said they saw an strange object today, guarded by 4 accompanying vessels, land in a marsh near here in the night of Sunday.
**Reference:** Jean-Gabriel GRESLE: OVNI, un pilote de ligne parle», éd. Guy Trédaniel, 1993, p 65
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2363
### Event 26114 (EA3F1ABF)
**Date:** 3/21/1966
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) A telex from the *United Press International* mentions that 40 people, including 12 police officers, reported seeing a strange object that seemed to be guarded by 4 accompanying vessels, land in a nearby swamp during the night of Sunday. The incident took place in Ann Harbor \(Michigan\). (March 21)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1966.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2176
### Event 26115 (B52F4421)
**Date:** 3/21/1966
**Time:** 20:40
**Location:** NITEROI, BRZ
**Description:** Invisible disk ringed / lights maneuvers all over/all about. Planes chase. / r5p11.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 795)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7543
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "6", **HatchDesc:** "NITEROI,BRZ:INVISIBLE DISK RINGED/LITES MNVRs ALLO:planes chase:/r5p11.", **LatLong:** "-22.883334 -43.083335", **LatLongDMS:** "22:53:00 S 43:05:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-22.883334,-43.083335)", **State/Prov:** "RDJ", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 26116 (D6010792)
**Date:** 3/21/1966
**Time:** 22:00
**Location:** EXETER, NH
**Description:** Cops and more/others. Domed glowing-ovoid. Goes going up [to] going down [to] and left and right all over/all about power lines. / r41p186.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FOWLER, Raymond E.: UFO'S, INTERPLANETARY VISITORS; Prentice Hall & Bantam Books, NY 1979. 346pp. (Index 323)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7544
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "14", **HatchDesc:** "EXETER,NH:COPS++:DOMED GLOW-OVOID:GOES ↑↓+<+> ALLO POWER LINES:/r41p186", **LatLong:** "42.966669 -70.983337", **LatLongDMS:** "42:58:00 N 70:59:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.966669,-70.983337)", **State/Prov:** "New Hampshire", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 26117 (365C046E)
**Date:** 3/21/1966
**Time:** 22:30
**Description:** 100+. Domed saucer maneuvers / 2 hours. Objects orbit. / r8#732+/ MJ#195.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** YOUNG, Mort: UFO-TOP SECRET; Essandess Special Edition, 1967. PB (Index 46)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7545
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "120", **Elev:** "332", **HatchDesc:** "HILLSDALE COLLEGE,MI:100+:DOMED SCR MNVRS/2hrs:OBJs ORBIT:/r8#732+/MJ#195", **LatLong:** "41.922224 -84.633337", **LatLongDMS:** "41:55:20 N 84:38:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.922224,-84.633337)", **State/Prov:** "Michigan", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 26118 (1F74B47F)
**Date:** 3/21/1966
**Location:** Hillsdale, MI
**Description:** College students saw a football-shaped object with red-green-white lights (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** NICAP: [660321](https://web.archive.org/web/100/http://www.nicap.org/660314dir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2944
### Event 26119 (9D83B21A)
**Date:** 3/21/1966
**Location:** Hillsdale, Michigan
**Description:** William Van Horn, Civil Defense Director, and a group of students observed a pattern of lights on the ground. The source of the light appeared to manuever for about two hours.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Atic ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_732
### Event 26120 (06D523CF)
**Date:** 3/21/1966
**Location:** Hillsdale, MI
**Description:** Officials, college students saw UFO settle in a hollow, emitting orange, red, and white lights
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_76
### Event 26121 (635CC596)
**Date:** 3/21/1966
**Locations:** Hillsdale (Michigan) College; Slayton Arboretum
**Description:** 10:32 p.m. Cynthia “Pinky” Poffenberger and 16 other Hillsdale \(Michigan\) College students see a football- shaped object with red, green, and white pulsating lights descend from the sky and pass close to their dorm. It settles in a hollow in the Slayton Arboretum about 1,500 feet away. Some 87 students collect to watch the UFO, then they notify Civil Defense Director William Van Horn, who arrives with police. From the dormitory, the landed lights appear yellowish-white, dimming and intensifying. Only student [Barbara Kohn](https://www.ncnewsonline.com/archives/barbara-kohn/article%5Fac8bed04-0b06-5a0d-9a0e-05368dbed1f7.html) stays most of the night, watching the lights vanish, reappear, and recede. Around 5:10 a.m., Kohn sees a lighted object move away and disappear from sight. Radiation is later detected at the landing area of about 330–600 microroentgens/hr, roughly 10–20 times the background level.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** O’Connell 177–180, 185–188; Clark III 950; [Sparks](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf), p. 311; Center for UFO Studies, \[[case documents](http://cufos.org/cases/1966%5F03%5F20-21%5FUS%5FMI%5FDexter-Hillsdale%5FCUFOS%5FMultiWit%5FNLr.pdf)\]; Jack Butler, “[UFO: In 1966, Hillsdale Had Its Own Close Encounter,](http://hillsdalecollegian.com/2015/03/ufo-in-1966-hillsdale-had-its-own-close-encounter/)” The Collegian \(Hillsdale College\), March 19, 2015
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3995
### Event 26122 (56565885)
**Date:** 3/21/1966
**Description:** At 8:40 p.m. a ring of lights was seen maneuvering in the sky over Niteroi, Brazil. It was difficult to see the body of the object, but it was assumed to be a disc. Planes appeared and chased the UFO.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Larry Hatch, U computer database, case 7102
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1596
### Event 26123 (93A359EB)
**Date:** 3/21/1966
**Description:** A police officer investigated a vertically descending luminous object in Exeter, New Hampshire. He came upon it moving back and forth over some power lines at 10:00 p.m. Other police soon arrived, and described the object looking like a glowing egg with a dome, having red, white and green lights around the rim.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Raymond E. Fowler, UFOs: Interplanetary Visitors, p. 335
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1597
### Event 26124 (EA024AA0)
**Date:** 3/21/1966
**Description:** At 11:30 p.m. William Van Horn, Civil Defense Director, and over 80 Hillsdale College coeds in Hillsdale, Michigan watched a UFO from the college dormitory. They first saw a pattern of lights on the ground. The source of the lights next appeared to hover and do manuevers over a marsh for the next two hours.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Duluth (Minnesota) News-Tribune, March 22, 1966; NICAP UFO Investigator, April 1966, p. 05; Mort Young, UFO Top Secret, p. 46; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 732
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1598
### Event 26125 (202A3E4B)
**Date:** 3/22/1966
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Sighting in Houston \(Texas\). (March 22)
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#10262 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1966.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2177
### Event 26126 (F7AF4102)
**Date:** 3/22/1966
**Location:** KEY WEST, FL
**Description:** Boca Chica NAS buzzed / orange glow saucers. Going quickly north over Gulf / Mexico. / r73p27.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 43)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7546
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **MIL:** Military investigation
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "KEY WEST,FL:BOCA CHICA NAS BUZZED/ORG.GLOW SCRS:>>N OVER GULF/MEXICO:/r73p27", **LatLong:** "24.566668 -81.750004", **LatLongDMS:** "24:34:00 N 81:45:00 W", **Locale:** "Islands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/24.566668,-81.750004)", **State/Prov:** "Florida", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 26127 (253B0A7C)
**Date:** 3/22/1966
**Time:** 01:30
**Location:** HOUSTON, TX
**Description:** 1 observer. White night lights flash. Air fills with smoke. "Yen" sound heard closely.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BERLINER, DON: The BLUEBOOK UNKNOWNS; (FUFOR). (Index 34)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7547
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "4", **Elev:** "20", **HatchDesc:** "HOUSTON,TX:1 OBS:WHT NLTS FLASH:AIR FILLS W/SMOKE:"YEN" SOUND HEARD CLOSELY", **LatLong:** "29.750001 -95.400005", **LatLongDMS:** "29:45:00 N 95:24:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/29.750001,-95.400005)", **RelAlt:** "99", **State/Prov:** "Texas", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 26128 (E8F6A303)
**Date:** 3/22/1966
**Location:** Normal, IL
**Description:** 7:15 p.m. CST. At least 10 witnesses watched a large oval object with four blinking body lights fly overhead, hover over some trees, then move away. (NICAP notes.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2945
### Event 26129 (B351EB38)
**Date:** 3/22/1966
**End date:** 3/23/1966
**Location:** Key West, FL
**Description:** Night, EST. FL. Several discs with flashing lights around their edges (body lights) were reported from an outdoor theater. The objects hovered for 4-5 seconds, then shot away northward out of sight in about 1 second. (NICAP notes.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2946
### Event 26130 (7F84B190)
**Date:** 3/22/1966
**Location:** Houston, TX
**Description:** White flashing lights light up witness' apartment (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: 10262)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2947
### Event 26131 (D929A5E7)
**Date:** 3/22/1966
**Time:** 1:30 AM
**Location:** Houston, Texas
**Description:** Witness: S.J. Musachia. White flashing lights, and the air full of smoke. Lit up witness' apartment. Sound of "yen " heard up close during 4 minute sighting.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_536
### Event 26132 (E6EDBAA1)
**Date:** 3/22/1966
**Location:** Key West, Florida
**Description:** Morning. Contactee [George Hunt Williamson](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George%5FHunt%5FWilliamson) sees three large UFOs with brilliant, flashing, blue-white lights hover above him for one minute in Key West, Florida. He hears a familiar buzzing in his head.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Michael D. Swords, “A Little Walk in the Strange Life of George Hunt Williamson,” IUR 26, no. 2 \(Summer 2001\): 14, 32
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3996
### Event 26133 (C9B04F24)
**Date:** 3/22/1966
**Location:** Waterfront Playhouse in Key West, Florida
**Description:** 10:00 p.m. Several people standing outside the Waterfront Playhouse in Key West, Florida, during an intermission, see three UFOs ringed with flashing blue-white lights hovering nearby. They zoom off over the Gulf.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Keys Theatre-Goers Report ‘Flying Discs,’](https://www.newspapers.com/clip/92455628/)” Miami \(Fla.\) Herald, March 24, 1966, p. 3-C
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3997
### Event 26134 (CE9F8595)
**Date:** 3/22/1966
**Description:** On this night near the airfield in Key West, Florida in 1966 several disc-shaped UFOs with flashing lights around the rim were sighted from an outdoor theater. The UFOs hovered, then shot away.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Richard Hall, The UFO Evidence Volume II: A Thirty Year Report, p. 318
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1614
### Event 26135 (9BA8E7E2)
**Date:** 3/23/1966
**Location:** USA, Temple (Oklahoma)
**Description:** (Translated from French) 5:05 a.m. Witness: W.E. Laxson. One large object, like a wingless C-124 transport plane; 75' long, 8' high and 12' wide; with a bubble canopy on top. Sat on highway, a man dressed in military work clothes entered, and it rose after about 40 seconds. (Project Blue Book - cfr Don Berliner). Laxson, an instructor at the US Air Force, was driving towards Sheppard at 5 o'clock in the morning. He found the road blocked by a large object the size of a Douglas C. 124 Globemaster, without wings or engines, which was resting on cushions. A man in a jumpsuit and wearing a baseball cap was examining something under the sides of the aircraft. Laxson is convinced he met an old army mechanic.
**Reference:** Jacques VALLEE: "Chronicles of E.T. Appearances" - DENOEL 1972 - coll. J'AI LU, p. 216, 217
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2364
### Event 26136 (5ECD1681)
**Date:** 3/23/1966
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) [Joseph Hynek](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/HynekJosephAllen.html), summoned to explain the incident of March 21st, out of arguments, proposed marsh gas. The press had a field day with it.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1966.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2178
### Event 26137 (8CDAFA5F)
**Date:** 3/23/1966
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) At Temple \(Oklahoma\), an electronics instructor from Sheppard Air Force Base was driving to work on Route 65 and approaching the intersection with Highway 70: "At about 1500 meters from the intersection, I saw a very bright light about 1500 meters to my right and thought it was a truck in trouble on the highway. I turned West onto Highway 70. 400 meters further on, I changed my mind and thought it was a prefabricated house coming down the highway at an early hour. It was parked on the side of the road, I got to within a hundred meters, stopped, got out of the car and walked towards the object leaving my headlights on and my engine running. I took about 15 steps and then remembered I had a Kodak on the front seat and wanted to take a picture. I hesitated for a second and then saw the man dressed in military fatigues. I thought it was a sergeant... he had the insignia on his right arm and some kind of cap with the visor up. He weighed about 80 kg and was about 1.70 m tall. He was just a regular G.I. mechanic in civilian clothes... or a crew chief or something like that. He had a flashlight in his hand and was almost kneeling on his right knee, his left hand touching the bottom of the fuselage. The object looked like an aluminum airliner without wings or tail, and without seams along the fuselage. It rose vertically, about 1.50 m, then headed southeast, almost backwards, at about 1200 km/h judging by the barns it lit up as it flew along the valley. It was the size of a cargo plane but had no visible propulsion device. The witness was bombarded with questions by officers from the air base. A truck driver had observed the same object on the road. (5 PM)
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#10270 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1966.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2179
### Event 26138 (D86B24AB)
**Date:** 3/23/1966
**Location:** Temple, OK
**Description:** Employee of Sheppard AFB sees UFO blocking road.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [_UFOs and the National Security State: Chronology of a Cover-up, 1941–1973_, by Richard Dolan](https://archive.org/details/ufosnationalsecu00dola/mode/2up)
**Source:** Dolan, **ID:** Dolan_268
### Event 26139 (62133EFB)
**Date:** 3/23/1966
**Location:** JOPPA, IL
**Description:** ~12 observer(s). Ovoid with cluster / lights maneuvers slow and silent over town. / r73p27.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** EDWARDS, Frank: FLYING SAUCERS-HERE AND NOW; 1967 Lyle Stewart & Bantam Books 1968. (Index 27)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7548
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **NUC:** Nuclear facility related
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "107", **HatchDesc:** "JOPPA,IL:~12 OBS:OVOID w/CLUSTER/LITES MNVRS SLOW+SILENT ovr town:/r73p27", **LatLong:** "37.205557 -88.844449", **LatLongDMS:** "37:12:20 N 88:50:40 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.205557,-88.844449)", **State/Prov:** "Illinois", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 26140 (02DA7B1B)
**Date:** 3/23/1966
**Location:** FORT PIERCE, FL
**Description:** Blue Book. Glowing balloon too bright to watch. Vanishes without trace. P324.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA; H. Regnery, Chicago HC 1969 & Contemporary Books,Chicago 1993. 372pp. (Index 733)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7549
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "FORT PIERCE,FL:BBK:GLOWING BALLOON TOO BRITE TO WATCH:VANISHES W/O TRACE:p324", **LatLong:** "27.433335 -80.316670", **LatLongDMS:** "27:26:00 N 80:19:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/27.433335,-80.316670)", **State/Prov:** "Florida", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 26141 (6EF6D53B)
**Date:** 3/23/1966
**Location:** CROWN POINT, NY
**Description:** Elongated object hovers over house. Beams going down / bottom. Shot up til gone.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO Evidence II: HB: Scarecrow Press Lanham, MD. http://www.scarecrowpress.com ISBN 0-8108-3881-8 (Index 319)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7550
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "65", **HatchDesc:** "CROWN POINT,NY:ELONGATED OBJ HVRS OVR HOUSE:BEAMS ↓/BOTTOM:SHOT UP TIL GONE", **LatLong:** "43.950002 -73.438892", **LatLongDMS:** "43:57:00 N 73:26:20 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.950002,-73.438892)", **State/Prov:** "New York", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 26142 (141AEF4C)
**Date:** 3/23/1966
**Time:** 05:00
**Location:** SOUTH / TEMPLE, OK
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #10270. Laxson. Domed cylinder/cigar-shape / road. Man / military Togs boards. Going southeast. / r55p208.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 797)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7551
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "300", **HatchDesc:** "S/TEMPLE,OK:BBK#10270:LAXSON:DOMED CGR/ROAD:MAN/MIL TOGS BOARDS:>SE:/r55p208", **LatLong:** "34.166668 -98.244449", **LatLongDMS:** "34:10:00 N 98:14:40 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/34.166668,-98.244449)", **State/Prov:** "Oklahoma", **Strangeness:** "12"
### Event 26143 (FD19740A)
**Date:** 3/23/1966
**Time:** 16:50
**Location:** TRINIDAD, CO
**Description:** Many separate observer(s). Silent silver domed disks maneuver and land. Shoot away. / r211p112.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 795)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7552
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "1835", **HatchDesc:** "TRINIDAD,CO:MANY SEP.OBS:SLNT SLVR DOMED DISKS MNVR+LAND:SHOOT AWAY:/r211p112", **LatLong:** "37.172224 -104.500005", **LatLongDMS:** "37:10:20 N 104:30:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.172224,-104.500005)", **State/Prov:** "Colorado", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 26144 (EE2D0F27)
**Date:** 3/23/1966
**Time:** 23:50
**Location:** BANGOR, ME
**Description:** Cop car malfunctions due to EME (electro-magnetic effects). Huge saucer lands. Moves / brush. 4 shots ricochet. / r47p119.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 43)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7553
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "4", **Elev:** "47", **HatchDesc:** "BANGOR,ME:COP CAR EMEs:HUGE SCR LANDS:MOVES/BRUSH:4 SHOTS RICOCHET:/r47p119", **LatLong:** "44.800002 -68.777781", **LatLongDMS:** "44:48:00 N 68:46:40 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.800002,-68.777781)", **State/Prov:** "Maine", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 26145 (0863307B)
**Date:** 3/23/1966
**Location:** Trinidad, CO
**Description:** 5:00 p.m. MST. At least a dozen witnesses saw two light-reflective disc-shaped objects with domes flying in-line, traveling with a bobbing motion over the terrain. (McDonald, 1968a, Case 14, pp. 51-52; NICAP notes). (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2948
### Event 26146 (E701D258)
**Date:** 3/23/1966
**Location:** Fort Pierce, FL
**Description:** Bright object like a balloon covered with fluorescent paint in woods (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2949
### Event 26147 (219FB4CA)
**Date:** 3/23/1966
**Location:** Temple, OK
**Description:** Road blocked by a wingless aircraft, perch fish-shaped (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: 10270)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2950
### Event 26148 (7C3C5974)
**Date:** 3/23/1966
**Location:** Bangor, ME
**Description:** Landed ellipse with body lights, within 50 ft., humming sound. Report in NICAP files. (E,L) car. Section II (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** NICAP: [660323](http://www.nicap.org/bangor660323dir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2951
### Event 26149 (038FDE06)
**Date:** 3/23/1966
**Location:** Joppa, IL
**Description:** Night, CST. An oblong object surrounded by smaller bright lights was observed by a dozen people. (NICAP notes.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2952
### Event 26150 (4BCC95DE)
**Date:** 3/23/1966
**Location:** Crown Point, NY
**Description:** 8:40 p.m. EST. An elongated object with rays of light (light beams) from its underside was observed hovering above a neighbor's house. The witness called out another neighbor to see the object, which finally shot upwards out of sight. (NICAP report.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2953
### Event 26151 (0E334DD9)
**Date:** 3/23/1966
**Location:** Fort Pierce, Florida
**Description:** Two young men were walking through a wooded area when they saw a bright object that they thought was a balloon covered with fluorescent paint but it became so intensely bright that they could not look directly at it. As they walked closer, it exploded, leaving no trace.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Atic ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_733
### Event 26152 (CDE19DDB)
**Date:** 3/23/1966
**Time:** 0505
**Location:** Temple, Oklahoma
**Description:** An electronics instructor, who was driving to work at a local Air Force Base, observed an object blocking the road. It was shaped like an airplane fuselage, 25 m long, with a "bubble" on top resembling the canopy on a B-26, rested on legs, and had very bright aft and forward lights. There was a door and a short stairway to the side of the object, and a man in coveralls appeared to be examining the craft which bore the identification "TL 4768" (see case 417). When the witness approached, the "pilot" went back inside, a sound resembling that of a highspeed drill was heard, and the object rose. No engine was observed. The witness was familiar with all conventional military aircraft.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Atic; Magonia ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_734
### Event 26153 (65D30834)
**Date:** 3/23/1966
**Time:** 5:05 AM
**Location:** Temple, Oklahoma
**Description:** Witness: W.E. Laxson. One large object, like a wingless C-124 transport plane; 75' long, 8' high and 12' wide; with a bubble canopy on top. Sat on highway, a man dressed in military work clothes entered, and it rose after about 40 seconds.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_537
### Event 26154 (DD23C50E)
**Date:** 3/23/1966
**Location:** Temple, OK
**Description:** Huge, elongated craft blocking high-way, flashing body lights, port, door, antenna on top, spindly legs. Human-like figure entered, craft took off, hovered, sped away
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_77
### Event 26155 (FED3BB78)
**Date:** 3/23/1966
**Locations:** Sheppard AFB (near Wichita Falls, Texas); US Highway 70 eight miles south of Temple, Oklahoma
**Description:** 5:05 a.m. As Sheppard AFB \(near Wichita Falls, Texas\) civilian instructor William E. “Eddie” Laxson is driving west on US Highway 70 eight miles south of Temple, Oklahoma, he finds the road blocked by a wingless aircraft, shaped like a fish, in the road. It is about 75 feet long, nearly 8 feet high, 12 feet wide, with a Plexiglas bubble on top, and bright lights forward and aft. Laxson stops his car about 300 feet away and walks to within 50 feet, noticing a designation on its side like “TLA138” or “TLA738” or “TL 4768.” He sees a “man” wearing a baseball cap or mechanic’s hat climbing up steps or a ladder on the object. Soon after it lifts off with a hissing or high-speed drilling sound and heads off southeast at about 700 mph. There are no landing traces. Laxson finds another witness, truck driver C. W. Anderson, parked a mile down the road. Laxson thinks it is some kind of military vehicle.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** NICAP, “[Wingless Craft Blocks Road / ‘Man’ Observed](http://www.nicap.org/660323temple%5Fdir.htm)”; Hynek UFO Report, [pp. 208–210](https://archive.org/details/hynekuforeport00alle/page/208/mode/2up); Clark III 681–682; [Sparks](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf)[,](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf) p. 312
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3998
### Event 26156 (B71F48C4)
**Date:** 3/23/1966
**Location:** Trinidad, Colorado
**Description:** 5:00 p.m. At least a dozen adults and children in Trinidad, Colorado, see two disc-shaped objects with domes flying in-line, traveling with a bobbing motion over the terrain.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Discs at Trinidad, Colorado,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201966%2003%2000%20-%20March-April.pdf)” APRO Bulletin, March/April 1966, p. 1; James E. McDonald, “[Statement on Unidentified Flying Objects,](https://www.project1947.com/shg/symposium/mcdonald.html\#multiwit)” in Symposium on Unidentified Flying Objects, Hearings, US House Committee on Science and Astronautics, 90th Cong., 2nd Sess., July 29, 1968, pp. 51–52
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_3999
### Event 26157 (542249CE)
**Date:** 3/23/1966
**Location:** Bangor, Maine
**Description:** 11:50 p.m. John T. King sees a yellowish, elliptical object with a dome-like projection on top just off the ground near Bangor, Maine. It has a yellow-orange light in the center, a bluish light on the right, and a white light on the left. When the object moves toward his car, the car lights dim and his radio stops playing. King says he can hear the elderberry bushes scraping as it approaches and hovers 50 feet away. Frightened, he takes his .22 magnum pistol and fires it four times at the UFO, which glows brightly and takes off at high speed, making a “zinging” sound like the recoil of a spring.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Close-Range Sightings Increase,](http://cufos.org/UFOI%5Fand%5FSelected%5FDocuments/UFOI/031%20MAR-APR%201966.pdf)” UFO Investigator 3, no. 7 \(March/April 1966\): 3
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4000
### Event 26158 (6A3BE55C)
**Date:** 3/23/1966
**End date:** 3/25/1966
**Locations:** Michigan; Dexter; Hillsdale
**Description:** [Hynek](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J.%5FAllen%5FHynek) spends three days in Michigan, interviewing witnesses in Dexter and Hillsdale, finding the reports contradictory and vague, and encountering a media frenzy. He participates in a police UFO chase that turns out to be the star Arcturus. A photograph taken by Deputy David Fitzpatrick on March 17 is obviously a time lapse of the Moon and Venus. He interviews two Hillsdale students, Sara Robechek and Jo Wilson. William Van Horn tells him that he at first thought the lights were marsh gas until they rose into the air 150 feet and he seemed to perceive a “convex-shaped” solid mass between two lights.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** O’Connell 183–190
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4001
### Event 26159 (C82F2969)
**Date:** 3/23/1966
**Description:** Two young men, one name Hallonquist, were walking through a wooded area in Fort Pierce, Florida when they saw a bright object that they thought at first was a balloon covered with fluorescent paint. However, it became so intensely bright that they could not look at it directly. As they walked closer to it, it exploded, leaving no trace.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 733; George D. Fawcett, Flying Saucers, September 1970, p. 7
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1626
### Event 26160 (DE4E7276)
**Date:** 3/23/1966
**Description:** An electronics instructor who was driving to work at a local Air Force Base at 5:05 a.m. observed an object blocking the road in Temple, Oklahoma. It was shaped like an airplane fuselage, 25 meters long, with a "bubble" on top resembling the canopy on a B-26. It rested on legs, and had very bright aft and forward lights. There was a door and a short stairway to the side of the object, and a man in coveralls appeared to be examining the craft which bore the identification "TL 4768." When the witness approached, the "pilot" went back inside, and a sound resembling that of a high-speed drill was heard and the object rose. No engine was observed. The witness was familiar with all conventional military aircraft.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 734
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1627
### Event 26161 (5C94620F)
**Date:** 3/23/1966
**Description:** At shortly before 5 p.m. two domed discs were seen by five witnesses over a forest in Trinidad, Colorado. They tilted, and bobbed up and down in flight.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Coral E. Lorenzen, Flying Saucers: The Startling Evidence of the Invasion from Outer Space, p. 270; NICAP UFO Investigator, April 1966, p. 8, citing James E. McDonald
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1628
### Event 26162 (51AC1E65)
**Date:** 3/23/1966
**Description:** At 11:45 p.m. John King, 22 years old, was driving his in Bangor, Maine when he saw some lights nearby. When they came closer he saw they were part of an elliptical UFO with a dome on top that was glowing yellow, blue, and white. It had a bluish light at one end and a white light at the other. The UFO then landed. As it moved closer through the underbrush, the witness leaned out of his car, which he had stopped for a better look, and fired his pistol at it when it was less than 100 feet away. King fired four shots at the 60-foot long ellipsoid object. He believes that one bullet hit the craft. His car lights immediately dimmed and the radio stopped playing at this point. The UFO stopped at a distance of 50 feet, and emitted a slight humming noise. After a few more moments, it glowed brighter and took off quickly, shooting straight upward.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP UFO Investigator, March-April 1966; Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, case 139; Geoffrey Falla, BUFORA Vehicle Interference Project Report, case 34; George D. Fawcett, Flying Saucers, October 1966, p. 30; Richard F. Haines, CE-5: Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind, p. 116; Donald E. Keyhoe, Aliens from Space…The Real Story of Unidentified Flying Objects, p. 119
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1629
### Event 26163 (5D48E167)
**Date:** 3/24/1966
**Location:** NEAR NEW ORLEANS, LA
**Description:** Retired Air Force Colonel and several. Night lights maneuver. Make sharp turn and away. / r73p27.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 43)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7554
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "6", **HatchDesc:** "nr NEW ORLEANS,LA:Ret.AF COLONEL+SVRL:NLTS MNVR:MAKE SHARP TURN+AWAY:/r73p27", **LatLong:** "30.016668 -90.066671", **LatLongDMS:** "30:01:00 N 90:04:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/30.016668,-90.066671)", **State/Prov:** "Louisiana", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 26164 (1F37BBD8)
**Date:** 3/24/1966
**Location:** HOLLAND, MICH
**Description:** Glowing red and white object going quickly [to] across road 60m ahead / car. Type unknown. / r73p27.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 43)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7555
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "203", **HatchDesc:** "HOLLAND,MICH:GLOWING RED+WHT OBJ >>ACROSS ROAD 60m AHEAD/CAR:TYPE UNK:/r73p27", **LatLong:** "42.750002 -86.166671", **LatLongDMS:** "42:45:00 N 86:10:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.750002,-86.166671)", **State/Prov:** "Michigan", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 26165 (105F12E7)
**Date:** 3/24/1966
**Time:** 02:00
**Description:** 3M brilliant silent metallic saucer nearly lands / house. Observer(s) speechless.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 795)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7556
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "201", **HatchDesc:** "JACAREPAGUA,BRZL:3M BRILL.SLNT MTLC SCR nearly LANDS/HOUSE:OBS SPEECHLESS", **LatLong:** "-22.922223 -43.350002", **LatLongDMS:** "22:55:20 S 43:21:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-22.922223,-43.350002)", **RelAlt:** "5", **State/Prov:** "RDJ", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 26166 (1CD37630)
**Date:** 3/24/1966
**Time:** ~16:00
**Location:** NEAR COOK, MN
**Description:** Trapper. Large UFO / portholes lands / snow. Matching traces found. / r73p27.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 43)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7557
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "410", **HatchDesc:** "nr COOK,MN:TRAPPER:LRG UFO/PORTHOLES LANDS/SNOW:MATCHING TRACES FOUND:/r73p27", **LatLong:** "47.850002 -92.688893", **LatLongDMS:** "47:51:00 N 92:41:20 W", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.850002,-92.688893)", **State/Prov:** "Minnesota", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 26167 (3ED9EF70)
**Date:** 3/24/1966
**Time:** 20:00?
**Location:** VICTORIA, TX
**Description:** Cops and 9. Blue glow = domed disk shape. Hovers / 5 minute(s). Suddenly shoots going quickly northwest.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SOULE, Gardner: UFO's & IFOs - A Factual Report..; Putnam's Sons, NY. 1968? (Index 154)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7558
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "35", **HatchDesc:** "VICTORIA,TX:COPS+9:BLUE GLOW=DOMED DISK SHAPE:HVRS/5min:SUDDENLY SHOOTS>>NW", **LatLong:** "28.800001 -97.005560", **LatLongDMS:** "28:48:00 N 97:00:20 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/28.800001,-97.005560)", **State/Prov:** "Texas", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 26168 (6CAE8DDF)
**Date:** 3/24/1966
**Time:** 22:20
**Location:** SHEBOYGAN, WI
**Description:** Bowl-shape over road. Seen again going south going north. Intense white lights. P324.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA; H. Regnery, Chicago HC 1969 & Contemporary Books,Chicago 1993. 372pp. (Index 735)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7559
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "189", **HatchDesc:** "SHEBOYGAN,WI:BOWL-SHAPE OVR ROAD:SEEN AGAIN GOING S>N:INTENSE WHT LITES:p324", **LatLong:** "43.750002 -87.716671", **LatLongDMS:** "43:45:00 N 87:43:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.750002,-87.716671)", **State/Prov:** "Wisconsin", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 26169 (101E2F45)
**Date:** 3/24/1966
**Location:** Ypsilanti-Hillsdale, MI
**Description:** Time not reported. A train crew watched a UFO pace their train, pull ahead, hover, and climb (maneuver). The Civil Defense director was notified, and also saw the object. Together with other witnesses he watched a "docking" operation as a second UFO linked with the first. (NICAP notes.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2954
### Event 26170 (D9B97DC5)
**Date:** 3/24/1966
**Location:** Holland, MI
**Description:** Time not reported. A car was buzzed by a glowing circular object with red and white body lights at an estimated 150-200 feet altitude. (NICAP notes.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2955
### Event 26171 (E0AA5810)
**Date:** 3/24/1966
**Location:** Cook, MN
**Description:** 6:50 p.m. CST. A trapper and guide saw an oval object with glass dome on the front approach angling downward, flashing lights visible around its center, and emitting a loud generator-like humming sound. The object was rotating clockwise around a horizontal axis. It appeared to land in the distance. Next day a large melted oval area about 35 feet by 100 feet and apparent landing gear or skid marks (physical traces) were found in the snow at the landing site. (NICAP report.) (NICAP: 06 - Trace Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2956
### Event 26172 (168DFEBC)
**Date:** 3/24/1966
**Location:** New Orleans, LA
**Description:** 7:10 p.m. CST. A retired Air Force colonel and a General Electric computer programmer watched a glowing oval object speed across the sky. Two smaller lights also hovered, and maneuvered around. (NICAP notes.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2957
### Event 26173 (20561A88)
**Date:** 3/24/1966
**Location:** China Grove, NC
**Description:** 8:30 p.m. EST. A round silver object with multi-colored body lights was seen about 200 feet above a house. Witnesses were attracted to it by a "weird" humming sound. Several other North Carolina sightings were reported on the same date. (NICAP notes.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2958
### Event 26174 (F5F01653)
**Date:** 3/24/1966
**Location:** Sheboygan, WI
**Description:** A glowing bowl-shaped object on the road hovering (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2959
### Event 26175 (BDDE7D66)
**Date:** 3/24/1966
**Time:** 2215
**Location:** Sheboygan, Wisconsin
**Description:** Two women saw a glowing object on the road. As they came near it, they found that it hovered and showed two intense white lights, as well as a green and red light. The object was bowlshaped, and they lost sight of it when they drove away. They saw it again later, flying low on a southnorth trajectory.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Atic ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_735
### Event 26176 (319D315B)
**Date:** 3/24/1966
**Time:** 14:55:28.1
**Location:** 37.1133 -116.0314
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Templar” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_443
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1133 -116.0314", **LatLongDMS:** "37:06:48 N 116:01:53 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1133,-116.0314)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.15", **NukeName:** "Templar", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 26177 (417CF57B)
**Date:** 3/24/1966
**Description:** In the afternoon a trapper and a guide saw an oval object with a dome approach them in the forest near Cook, Minnesota. It had flashing lights around its center, and made a loud noise like a generator humming. It angled downward and landed in the distance. When they got to the place where it had landed it had already left, but it left a large melted oval in the snow.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP UFO Investigator, March 1966, p. 8; George D. Fawcett, Flying Saucers, October 1966, p. 30; Frank Edwards, Flying Saucers - Here and Now! p. 54; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty-Year Report, pp. 263 & 319; Jay Rath, The M-Files: True Reports of Minnesota's Unexplained Phenomena, p. 38
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1636
### Event 26178 (231E2BC3)
**Date:** 3/24/1966
**Description:** At 10:15 p.m. two women driving in Sheboygan, Wisconsin saw a glowing object on the road. As they came near to it they found that it was hovering and displayed two intense white lights, as well as one green and one red light. The object was bowl-shaped, and they lost sight of it when they drove away. They saw it again later, flying low on a south-north trajectory.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 735
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1637
### Event 26179 (16232795)
**Date:** 3/24/1966
**Description:** That same night a police reservist in Monroe Township, New Jersey saw a saucer-shaped object flying low enough that he could distinguish two figures moving about inside it. He chased the UFO to police headquarters before it disappeared from sight.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1966-10 (A0699), citing a newspaper report dated March 29, 1966
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1638
### Event 26180 (81CD87A0)
**Date:** 3/25/1966
**Location:** UPPER SANDUSKY, OH
**Description:** 2 / farm. Top-saucer with bright body lights hovers over woods. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO Evidence II: HB: Scarecrow Press Lanham, MD. http://www.scarecrowpress.com ISBN 0-8108-3881-8 (Index 319)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7560
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "262", **HatchDesc:** "UPPER SANDUSKY,OH:2/FARM:TOP-SCR W/BRITE BODY LITES HVRS OVR WOODS:NFD", **LatLong:** "40.827780 -83.283337", **LatLongDMS:** "40:49:40 N 83:17:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.827780,-83.283337)", **State/Prov:** "Ohio", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 26181 (F1FEEA25)
**Date:** 3/25/1966
**Location:** TOLEDO, OH
**Description:** Policemen. Large glowing sphere/orb/globe / treetop level. Hovers and flies. No further details / r73p27.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 43)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7561
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "185", **HatchDesc:** "TOLEDO,OH:POLICEMEN:LRG GLOWING ORB/TREETOP LEVEL:HVRS+FLIES:NFD/r73p27", **LatLong:** "41.677780 -83.550004", **LatLongDMS:** "41:40:40 N 83:33:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.677780,-83.550004)", **RelAlt:** "10", **State/Prov:** "Ohio", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 26182 (F3177320)
**Date:** 3/25/1966
**Location:** Upper Sandusky, OH
**Description:** 1:00 a.m. EST. A top-shaped object with bright body lights visible on its outer edge was seen hovering about 25 feet over woods, point downward, by a farm couple for about an hour. (Associated Press story, few details.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2960
### Event 26183 (3BE33719)
**Date:** 3/25/1966
**Location:** Truax Field, WI
**Description:** Yellow Object Tracked By Telescope & Radar (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5)
**Reference:** NICAP: [660325](http://www.nicap.org/660325truax%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2961
### Event 26184 (0533A9F2)
**Date:** 3/25/1966
**Location:** Bangor, Maine
**Description:** John King, 22, working with the Bangor Police Department, suddenly saw above him a very bright object with a dark underside. He fired at it four times, hearing the bullets hit a metal surface as the object flew off.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** LDLN 84 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_736
### Event 26185 (44CA2BBE)
**Date:** 3/25/1966
**Locations:** Selfridge AFB; Selfridge Air National Guard Base; Mount Clemens, Michigan
**Description:** [Quintanilla](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hector%5FQuintanilla) needs quick answers, so he schedules a press conference at Selfridge AFB \[now Selfridge Air National Guard Base\] near Mount Clemens, Michigan, for [Hynek](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J.%5FAllen%5FHynek) to make a statement. Hynek, disappointed with the quality of the sightings and suspecting a mundane explanation, announces: “It would seem to me that the association of the sightings with swamps, in these particular cases, is more than coincidence. No group of witnesses observed any craft coming to or going away from the swamps. The glow was localized there…. It appears to me that all the major conditions for the appearance of swamp lights were satisfied.” The swamp gas theory doesn’t go over very well with the witnesses, the media, or the public.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Termed Marsh Gases by Air Force](https://www.newspapers.com/clip/95258199/) [Expert,](https://www.newspapers.com/clip/95258199/)” Lansing \(Mich.\) State Journal, March 25, 1966, p. 11; “[Gas Theory Belittled by Viewers of UFOs,](https://www.newspapers.com/clip/57781176/lansing-state-journal/)” Lansing \(Mich.\) State Journal, March 26, 1966, p. 1; “[Swamp Gas Answer Disproved](http://www.cufos.org/UFOI%5Fand%5FSelected%5FDocuments/UFOI/031%20MAR-APR%201966.pdf),” UFO Investigator 3, no. 7 \(March/April 1966\): 5; O’Connell 190–198; Swords 307; Jennie Zeidman, “I Remember Blue Book,” IUR 16, no. 2 \(Mar./Apr. 1991\): 12
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4002
### Event 26186 (9BCCD5A1)
**Date:** 3/25/1966
**Locations:** Southern Michigan; Rest of the Country
**Description:** House Minority Leader [Gerald Ford](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gerald%5FFord) \(R-Mich.\) issues a press release proposing that Congress investigate the rash of UFO reports in southern Michigan and the rest of the country: “I think the American people would feel better if there was a full-blown investigation of these incidents, which some persons allege have taken place.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library, \[[Ford UFO news releases and other documents](https://www.fordlibrarymuseum.gov/library/document/0054/4525586.pdf)\]
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4003
### Event 26187 (C933F601)
**Date:** 3/25/1966
**Locations:** British Columbia; Saanich Inlet
**Description:** Mrs. R. H. Chappell and her sister Janie Kidd see two triangular UFOs hovering 40–50 feet above Saanich Inlet, British Columbia. Ruby-red lights flash back and forth between them, as if they are signaling. The objects remain motionless for a couple of minutes before moving off slowly and gracefully.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Marler 79
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4004
### Event 26188 (92B0C507)
**Date:** 3/25/1966
**Location:** LaSalle, Illinois
**Description:** Evening. Mrs. Robert Gorisek of LaSalle, Illinois, sees a triangular object hover above her car for more than an hour as she is driving home from work. The object keeps up with them as they drive through several towns. It has red, orange, and white lights.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[UFO Sightings Widespread over Country,](https://www.newspapers.com/clip/98871710/)” Great Bend \(Kan.\) Daily Tribune, March 25, 1966, p. 1
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4005
### Event 26189 (ACB72146)
**Date:** 3/25/1966
**Description:** At 11:45 p.m. John King, age 22, working with the Bangor, Maine Police Department, suddenly saw above him a very bright object with a dark underside. He fired at it four times with his pistol, hearing the bullets hit a metal surface as the object flew off.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 736
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1652
### Event 26190 (06C5D4C6)
**Date:** 3/26/1966
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Sighting in Texahoma \(Oklahoma\). (March 26)
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#10291 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1966.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2180
### Event 26191 (E2F4C534)
**Date:** 3/26/1966
**Time:** 13:30
**Location:** ATTIGNEVILLE, FR
**Description:** Farmer. White 80cm cog-wheel rolls away going quickly north. Vanishes. 18cm thick.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FIGEUT, Michel & RUCHON, Jean-Louis: OVNI - Le Premier Dossier..; Alain LeFeuvre, Paris 1979. (Index 260)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7562
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "ATTIGNEVILLE,FR:FARMER:WHT 80cm COG-WHEEL ROLLS AWAY>>N:VANISHES:18cm THICK", **LatLong:** "48.383336 5.816667", **LatLongDMS:** "48:23:00 N 05:49:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.383336,5.816667)", **State/Prov:** "Vosges", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 26192 (321E6543)
**Date:** 3/26/1966
**Time:** 23:50
**Location:** TEXHOMA, OK
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #10291. Unidentified. Motor and lights fail. UFO going quickly [to] over car. Shape unknown. / r8#738.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RODEGHIER, Mark/CUFOS: UFO REPORTS INVOLVING VEHICLE INTERFERENCE; CUFOS 1979. Available as CUFOS UFO Archive #1 CD-ROM. http://www.cufos.org/Pubform.pdf (Index 28)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7563
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "1055", **HatchDesc:** "TEXHOMA,OK:BBK#10291:UID:MOTOR+LITES FAIL:UFO >> OVR CAR:SHAPE UNK:/r8#738", **LatLong:** "36.505557 -101.783338", **LatLongDMS:** "36:30:20 N 101:47:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/36.505557,-101.783338)", **State/Prov:** "Oklahoma", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 26193 (11162AB0)
**Date:** 3/26/1966
**Location:** Texahoma, OK
**Description:** Object with waffle like surface glowing intense red light (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 10291)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2962
### Event 26194 (90A45EE7)
**Date:** 3/26/1966
**Location:** Ann Arbor, MI
**Description:** Time not reported. Engineers and technicians watched a glowing red disc maneuver, descend to about 10 feet, and fly parallel with the road for several moments. (U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. Ill, No. 7, Mar.-Apr. 1966, p. 4.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2963
### Event 26195 (8407A019)
**Date:** 3/26/1966
**Location:** Attigneville, France
**Description:** Jean Voilquin, 54, saw a strange "wheel" roll 15 m away at a speed of about 30 km/h. It was about 80 cm in diameter, 25 cm thick; it rolled away and vanished.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** LDLN; GEPA 8 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_737
### Event 26196 (C3D85B6C)
**Date:** 3/26/1966
**Time:** 2400
**Location:** Texahoma, Oklahoma
**Description:** Two civilian women were driving back from Amarillo when they saw an object aproaching from the north. The engine died and the headlights failed. The object flew over the car and hovered 400 m away. After 10 min, the witnesses were able to start their car and leave. They reported the object had a wafflelike surface and glowed with an intense red light.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Atic ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_738
### Event 26197 (DF8946C7)
**Date:** 3/26/1966
**Time:** Midnight
**Location:** Texhoma, Oklahoma
**Description:** Witnesses: Mrs. P.N. Beer and Mrs. E. Smith. One flashing light buzzed their car from the front then hovered. Sighting lasted l0 minutes.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_538
### Event 26198 (DB93D986)
**Date:** 3/26/1966
**Description:** Jean Voilquin, age 54, saw a strange looking "wheel" roll 15 meters away from him in Attigneville, France. It moved at a speed of about 30 kilometers per hour. It was about 80 centimeters in diameter, 25 cm thick; it rolled away at 1:30 p.m. and then vanished.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, p. 182 case 737
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1672
### Event 26199 (13106322)
**Date:** 3/26/1966
**Description:** Engineers and technicians in Ann Arbor, Michigan watched a glowing red disc-shaped object maneuver around the sky, descend, and then fly parallel with the road for several minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP UFO Investigator, April 1966, p. 4; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty-Year Report, p. 319
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1673
### Event 26200 (D31441D4)
**Date:** 3/26/1966
**Description:** On the same night a 13-year-old boy named C. Cozens saw two white oval UFOs land in a field behind the police station in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. He walked up to them and touched one. When he touched the antenna he received a strong electric shock, and burns on the hand. Investigators rated his story as reliable.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Hamilton Spectator, April 4, 1966; Erich A. Aggen, Jr., Flying Saucers, October 1969, p. 5; T. Scott Crain, Flying Saucers, June 1971, p. 8
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1674
### Event 26201 (207DD874)
**Date:** 3/26/1966
**Description:** Two women were driving back from Amarillo, Texas at just before midnight when they saw a UFO approaching them from the north. Their car engine died and the headlights failed. The object flew over the car and hovered 400 meters away. After 10 minutes the witnesses were able to start their car and leave. They reported the object had a waffle-like surface and glowed with an intense red light.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, p. 182 case 738
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1675
### Event 26202 (5A7E756B)
**Date:** 3/27/1966
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) [Gerald Ford](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/FordGeraldRudolf.html) requests in a letter the opening of an investigation into how the [USAF](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/USAF.html) is carrying out its task regarding UFOs: It is time that this mystery be cleared up. (March 27)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1966.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2181
### Event 26203 (867C21F2)
**Date:** 3/27/1966
**Location:** Vancouver, British Columbia, CAN
**Description:** Time not reported. About 100 people watched a revolving disc-shaped object that hovered for an hour, flashing red, blue, green, and white lights (body lights). The object then slowly ascended and disappeared. (Flying Saucer Review, Vol. 12, No. 6, 1966, p. 32; from Vancouver Sun). (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2964
### Event 26204 (7D82DBE0)
**Date:** 3/27/1966
**Location:** Columbus, GA
**Description:** G,V, CTO RV of maneuv. UFO (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Rating: 5)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2965
### Event 26205 (70BD7450)
**Date:** 3/27/1966
**Location:** Muscogee County, GA
**Description:** 5:30 a.m. Both Federal Aviation Administration and military control tower operators reported a radar-visual sighting of a maneuvering, oblong, green-white object. (NICAP notes; Columbus Ledger, Ohio, Mar. 28, 1966.) A Georgia investigator reports that on this date at 5:30 am in Muscogee County, a radar- visual sighting was made of an object that appeared to change shape from cigar to wedge to triangle; apparently the same sighting. (Hitt, 1999) (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Rating: 5)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2966
### Event 26206 (28624693)
**Date:** 3/27/1966
**Location:** Loraine, OH
**Description:** 7:10 p.m. EST. A family saw what appeared to , be a double-decked craft with brightly lit windows on the upper surface. The object hovered, dimmed, shot eastward, returned, got brighter again, then sped away to the west. (NICAP notes.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2967
### Event 26207 (FD045859)
**Date:** 3/27/1966
**Location:** Columbus, GA
**Description:** Control tower personnel, police. Radar-visual sighting of maneuvering object
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_78
### Event 26208 (E8990840)
**Date:** 3/27/1966
**Locations:** Muscogee County Airport; Fort Benning; Columbus, Georgia
**Description:** 5:30 a.m. Both Federal Aviation Administration operators at Muscogee County Airport \[now Columbus Metropolitan Airport\] and military operators at Fort Benning report a radar-visual sighting of a maneuvering, oblong, green-white object over Columbus, Georgia. The object appears to change shape from cigar to wedge to triangle.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Glowing Object in Sky Is Sighted in Georgia,](https://www.newspapers.com/clip/98873193/)” Casper \(Wyo.\) Star-Tribune, March 28, 1966, p. 14; Center for UFO Studies, \[[case documents](http://cufos.org/cases/1966%5F03%5F27%5FUS%5FGA%5FColumbus%5FNICAP%5FMultiWit-RV.pdf)\]
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4006
### Event 26209 (9EE3D4CB)
**Date:** 3/27/1966
**Description:** Two women, Smith and Beer, driving from Amarillo, Texas saw a UFO approach their car from the north near Texhoma, Oklahoma. Their car engine died and the headlights failed. The UFO flew over the car, and then hovered at an altitude of approximately 400 meters. The object had a waffle shaped surface on the bottom, and glowed with an intense red light.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Project Bluebook files counted in official statistics, case 10291; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, p. 325 (case 738); Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, p. 28, citing Vallee
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1693
### Event 26210 (CC55AF44)
**Date:** 3/28/1966
**Location:** LINDEN, MI
**Description:** Police chief and more/others. Red blue and white night lights hover over town. Speed going quickly north. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** YOUNG, Mort: UFO-TOP SECRET; Essandess Special Edition, 1967. PB (Index 64)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7564
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "280", **HatchDesc:** "LINDEN,MI:POLICE CHIEF++:RED BLU+WHT NLTS HOVER OVER TOWN:SPEED>>N:NFD", **LatLong:** "42.800002 -83.783337", **LatLongDMS:** "42:48:00 N 83:47:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.800002,-83.783337)", **State/Prov:** "Michigan", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 26211 (EA551B0C)
**Date:** 3/28/1966
**Location:** BRETON WOODS, NJ
**Description:** Former Air Force pilot and 3. 100' shiny saucer with rim / edge dangles / 1500' altitude.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** YOUNG, Mort: UFO-TOP SECRET; Essandess Special Edition, 1967. PB (Index 65)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7565
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "BRETON WOODS,NJ:FORMER AF PILOT+3:100'SHINY SCR W/RIM/EDGE DANGLES/1500'alt", **LatLong:** "40.038891 -74.100004", **LatLongDMS:** "40:02:20 N 74:06:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.038891,-74.100004)", **State/Prov:** "New Jersey", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 26212 (CA39AFBB)
**Date:** 3/28/1966
**Time:** ~02:00
**Location:** NEAR NILES, MI
**Description:** 11M saucer paces trucks. Responds / flashing lights. / r73p28+/ r41p319.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 43)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7566
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "228", **HatchDesc:** "nr NILES,MI:11M SCR PACES TRUCKS:RESPONDS/FLASHING LITES:/r73p28+/r41p319", **LatLong:** "41.827780 -86.255560", **LatLongDMS:** "41:49:40 N 86:15:20 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.827780,-86.255560)", **State/Prov:** "Michigan", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 26213 (1666318A)
**Date:** 3/28/1966
**Time:** ~03:00
**Description:** Cops and 30 calls. Night lights dive / swamp. Blink and zigzag all over/all about. / r41p319.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** YOUNG, Mort: UFO-TOP SECRET; Essandess Special Edition, 1967. PB (Index 64)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7567
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "99", **Elev:** "189", **HatchDesc:** "WARREN+ANN ARBOR,MI:COPS+30 CALLS:NLTS DIVE/SWAMP:BLINK+ZIGZAG ALLO:/r41p319", **LatLong:** "42.466669 -83.033337", **LatLongDMS:** "42:28:00 N 83:02:00 W", **Locale:** "Wetlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.466669,-83.033337)", **RelAlt:** "1", **State/Prov:** "Michigan", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 26214 (D57F6570)
**Date:** 3/28/1966
**Time:** 05:30?
**Description:** 2 distant RADAR's and 6 cops and more/others. Green-white cylinder/cigar-shape / 1500M altitude. Going quickly southeast. / r183p65.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 43)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7568
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RDR:** Radar traces/blips, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "60", **Elev:** "78", **HatchDesc:** "MUSCOGEE Apt,GA:2 DISTANT RDRS+6 COPS++:GRN-WHT CGR/1500M alt:>>SE:/r183p65", **LatLong:** "32.500002 -84.966671", **LatLongDMS:** "32:30:00 N 84:58:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/32.500002,-84.966671)", **RelAlt:** "1500", **State/Prov:** "Georgia", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 26215 (594B9AF9)
**Date:** 3/28/1966
**Time:** 20:00
**Location:** FAYETTEVILLE, TN
**Description:** Car / 60mph malfunctions due to EME (electro-magnetic effects) as 7M saucer rises / road. Lights burnt out. / r8#739.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RODEGHIER, Mark/CUFOS: UFO REPORTS INVOLVING VEHICLE INTERFERENCE; CUFOS 1979. Available as CUFOS UFO Archive #1 CD-ROM. http://www.cufos.org/Pubform.pdf (Index 28)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7569
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TRC:** Physical traces, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "219", **HatchDesc:** "FAYETTEVILLE,TN:CAR/60mph EMES AS 7M SCR RISES/ROAD:LITES BURNT OUT:/r8#739", **LatLong:** "35.150002 -86.572226", **LatLongDMS:** "35:09:00 N 86:34:20 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/35.150002,-86.572226)", **State/Prov:** "Tennessee", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 26216 (005900E6)
**Date:** 3/28/1966
**Time:** 20:30
**Description:** 5 observer(s). Classic photograph / 3 saucers near power pole. Likely fake / BUFORA.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HAINES, Richard Ph.D: PROJECT DELTA; 1994, LDA Press, PO Box 880, Los Altos, CA 94023 USA (Index 129)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7570
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **HOX:** Suspicion of hoax, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "2", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "67", **HatchDesc:** "CONISBROUGH,ENGL:5 OBS:CLASSIC FOTO/3 SCRS nr POWER POLE::likely fake/BUFORA", **LatLong:** "53.483336 -1.216667", **LatLongDMS:** "53:29:00 N 01:13:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/53.483336,-1.216667)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 26217 (0AEA0251)
**Date:** 3/28/1966
**Location:** Niles, MI
**Description:** Early a.m. EST. A truck driver reported that an unidentified aerial object with red, green, and white body lights had paced his truck. When he blinked his headlights, the UFO blinked in apparent response (light reaction), veered away and disappeared. (NICAP notes.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2968
### Event 26218 (86695CE5)
**Date:** 3/28/1966
**Location:** Wilmington, DE
**Description:** 11:30 p.m. EST. Two witnesses in separate locations independently reported watching a hovering object that was flashing brilliant lights. The object, which made a humming sound, gyrated around erratically. (NICAP notes.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2969
### Event 26219 (6407A691)
**Date:** 3/28/1966
**Location:** Fayetteville, TN
**Description:** Large lighted object 3 ft above the road on a hilltop (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2970
### Event 26220 (8407BAFB)
**Date:** 3/28/1966
**Time:** 2000
**Location:** Fayetteville, Tennessee
**Description:** A man driving at a speed of about 100 km/h suddenly encountered a large lighted object 1 m above the road on a hilltop. It flew off, as the car engine and headlights died. The light bulbs had to be replaced. The object was oval, 7 m long, dark gray, and showed about 30 lights along its periphery.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Atic ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_739
### Event 26221 (8603DDE7)
**Date:** 3/28/1966
**Location:** US
**Description:** Rep. Gerald Ford (R-Mich.) issued call for UFO hearings.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_79
### Event 26222 (3A2DCBCE)
**Date:** 3/28/1966
**Location:** US
**Description:** NICAP press conference at National Press Club.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_80
### Event 26223 (9FDE0C3F)
**Date:** 3/28/1966
**Location:** Michigan
**Description:** [Gerald Ford](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gerald%5FFord) writes to [George P. Miller](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George%5FP.%5FMiller) \(D-Calif.\), chairman of the House Science and Astronautics Committee, and [L. Mendel Rivers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/L.%5FMendel%5FRivers) \(D-S.C.\), chairman of the Armed Services Committee, saying he is dissatisfied with [Hynek](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J.%5FAllen%5FHynek)’s explanation of the Michigan sightings. He “strongly recommends” a House committee investigation into the “UFO phenomena.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library, \[[Ford UFO news releases and other](https://www.fordlibrarymuseum.gov/library/document/0054/4525586.pdf) [documents](https://www.fordlibrarymuseum.gov/library/document/0054/4525586.pdf)\]
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4007
### Event 26224 (8D54B551)
**Date:** 3/28/1966
**Locations:** University of Arizona; National Academy of Sciences
**Description:** University of Arizona atmospheric physicist [James E. McDonald](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James%5FE.%5FMcDonald) writes a 2-page letter to [Thomas F.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas%5FF.%5FMalone) [Malone](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas%5FF.%5FMalone)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas%5FF.%5FMalone) chairman of the National Academy of Sciences’ Committee on the Atmospheric Sciences, urging that a panel be set up by a scientific body to study Blue Book’s UFO files. He also writes to his legislator Rep. [Morris](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mo%5FUdall) [K. Udall](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mo%5FUdall) \(D-Ariz.\) about the idea, asking him to pass the letter on in confidence to [Gerald Ford](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gerald%5FFord) \(R-Mich.\).
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Bill Murphy, “The Swamp Gas Aftermath: Some Notes from the Gerald Ford Files,” IUR 33, no. 2 \(July 2010\): 11, 13; Clark III 696
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4008
### Event 26225 (871E2FFF)
**Date:** 3/28/1966
**Location:** Fayetteville, Tennessee
**Description:** 8:00 p.m. A man driving about 60 mph in Fayetteville, Tennessee, encounters a large, lighted object only 3 feet above the road on a hilltop. The object is oval-shaped, 23 feet long, dark gray, and has about 30 lights around its perimeter. As it flies off, his car engine and headlights die. The driver has to replace the light bulbs in his headlights after the incident.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Herbert S. Taylor, “An Update on Vehicle Interference Reports, Part Two,” IUR 34, no. 1 \(September 2011\): 19; [Sparks](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf), p. 312
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4009
### Event 26226 (42371BC2)
**Date:** 3/28/1966
**Description:** The chief of police in Linden, Michigan saw red, blue, and white lights hover over his town, then speed away to the north. A truck driver In Niles, Michigan had a UFO with red, green and white lights pace his truck at two o'clock in the morning. When he blinked his headlights it veered away sharply and disappeared. Around 3 a.m. in Warren, Michigan police received over thirty phone calls from residents reporting lights in the sky zigzagging and diving into a swamp.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Mort Young, UFO Top Secret, pp. 64-65; NICAP UFO Investigator, April 1966, p. 8
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1710
### Event 26227 (3A72C8D6)
**Date:** 3/28/1966
**Description:** At eight o'clock in the evening in Fayetteville, Tennessee a man driving at a speed of about 60 mph suddenly encountered a large lighted object only one meter above the road on a hilltop. As it flew off his car engine and headlights died. The light bulbs in the headlights had to be replaced. The object was oval shaped, seven meters long, dark gray in color, and showed about 30 lights along its periphery.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 739
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1711
### Event 26228 (69F01FDA)
**Date:** 3/29/1966
**Time:** 02:30
**Location:** FT. BENNING, GA
**Description:** 2 separate observer(s) / 4 hours. Flat red-glowing ovoid hovers and swings to and fro. Lights / rim.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HITT, Michael D: GEORGIA'S AERIAL PHENOMENON 1947-1987 Self published 1999. ref. Jan Aldrich. (Index 42)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7571
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "240", **Elev:** "94", **HatchDesc:** "Ft.BENNING,GA:2 SEP.OBS/4 hrs:FLAT RED-GLO OVOID HVRS+SWINGS to+fro:LITES/RIM", **LatLong:** "32.333335 -84.950004", **LatLongDMS:** "32:20:00 N 84:57:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/32.333335,-84.950004)", **State/Prov:** "Georgia", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 26229 (63A692AD)
**Date:** 3/29/1966
**Time:** 16:20
**Location:** HAMPTON FALLS, NH
**Description:** Boys. 2 boxy objects with rotating lights. 1 going down [to] and paces car / 1000'. / Catena.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FOWLER, Raymond E.: UFO'S, INTERPLANETARY VISITORS; Prentice Hall & Bantam Books, NY 1979. 346pp. (Index 323)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7572
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "12", **HatchDesc:** "HAMPTON FALLS,NH:BOYS:2 BOXY OBJS W/ROTATING LITES:1 ↓+PACES CAR/1000':/Catena", **LatLong:** "42.938891 -70.838892", **LatLongDMS:** "42:56:20 N 70:50:20 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.938891,-70.838892)", **RelAlt:** "300", **State/Prov:** "New Hampshire", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 26230 (930257A1)
**Date:** 3/29/1966
**Time:** 16:20
**Location:** HENNIKER, NH
**Description:** L-box probe / ground / 4 legs. Maneuvers through trees. Going up. Traces. Odd! / r83p323.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 867)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7573
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "131", **HatchDesc:** "HENNIKER,NH:L-BOX PROBE/GND/4 LEGS:MNVRS THRU TREES:↑:TRACES:ODD!:/r83p323", **LatLong:** "43.177780 -71.822226", **LatLongDMS:** "43:10:40 N 71:49:20 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.177780,-71.822226)", **State/Prov:** "New Hampshire", **Strangeness:** "12"
### Event 26231 (1BC88FB8)
**Date:** 3/29/1966
**Time:** 19:30
**Location:** ELIOT, ME
**Description:** 1+6 observer(s). Meteor stops and continues. Dogs bark. UFO hovers low. Ping sound.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FOWLER, Raymond E.: UFO'S, INTERPLANETARY VISITORS; Prentice Hall & Bantam Books, NY 1979. 346pp. (Index 323)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7574
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "35", **Elev:** "6", **HatchDesc:** "ELIOT,ME:1+6 OBS:METEOR STOPS+CONTINUES:DOGS BARK:UFO HVRS LO:PING SOUND", **LatLong:** "43.155558 -70.800003", **LatLongDMS:** "43:09:20 N 70:48:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.155558,-70.800003)", **State/Prov:** "Maine", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 26232 (4A8E321B)
**Date:** 3/29/1966
**Time:** 19:50
**Location:** EAST / ELIOT, ME
**Description:** Silver saucer hovers just over high-V power lines. 5 portholes glow / edge. / r41p319.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FOWLER, Raymond E.: UFO'S, INTERPLANETARY VISITORS; Prentice Hall & Bantam Books, NY 1979. 346pp. (Index 111)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7575
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "E/ELIOT,ME:SLVR SCR HVRS JUST OVR HI-V PWR LINES:5 PORTHLs GLOW/EDGE:/r41p319", **LatLong:** "43.166669 -70.766670", **LatLongDMS:** "43:10:00 N 70:46:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.166669,-70.766670)", **State/Prov:** "Maine", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 26233 (E0FB6964)
**Date:** 3/29/1966
**Time:** 21:20
**Location:** HAVERHILL, MASS
**Description:** 3+1 observer(s). Large bright night light hovers over houses. Changes colors. Zings off.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FOWLER, Raymond E.: UFO'S, INTERPLANETARY VISITORS; Prentice Hall & Bantam Books, NY 1979. 346pp. (Index 111)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7576
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "8", **HatchDesc:** "HAVERHILL,MASS:3+1 OBS:LRG BRITE NLT HVRS OVR HOUSES:CHANGES COLORS:ZINGS OFF", **LatLong:** "42.783335 -71.083337", **LatLongDMS:** "42:47:00 N 71:05:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.783335,-71.083337)", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 26234 (8048B3BB)
**Date:** 3/29/1966
**Time:** 21:20
**Location:** HAMILTON, ONT
**Description:** 2 8' x4'OVOIDS land. Observer(s) shocked / touches aerial. / FSR'66#4+/ MJ#275.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HAINES, Richard Ph.D: CE-5, CLOSE ENCOUNTERS of the 5th KIND. 1999 Sourcebooks Inc. Naperville, IL ISBN 1-57071-427-4. 242 case files. (Index 48)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7577
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "5", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "234", **HatchDesc:** "HAMILTON,ONT:2 8'x4'OVOIDS LAND:OBS SHOCKED/TOUCHES AERIAL:/FSR'66#4+/MJ#275", **LatLong:** "43.250002 -79.850004", **LatLongDMS:** "43:15:00 N 79:51:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.250002,-79.850004)", **State/Prov:** "Ontario", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 26235 (55BBBE4A)
**Date:** 3/29/1966
**Time:** 22:50
**Location:** WINDSOR, ONT
**Description:** 1 observer. Large saucer west gassy halo swoops over house. Whirls away going quickly east.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 275)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7578
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "187", **HatchDesc:** "WINDSOR,ONT:1 OBS:LARGE SCR W GASSY HALO SWOOPS OVR HOUSE:WHIRLS AWAY >>E", **LatLong:** "42.316669 -83.000004", **LatLongDMS:** "42:19:00 N 83:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.316669,-83.000004)", **State/Prov:** "Ontario", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 26236 (E2B97B9C)
**Date:** 3/29/1966
**Time:** 23:00
**Location:** MUZEMA, BRZ
**Description:** 1 observer. Bright silent saucer swoops going down / Jacarepagua Lagoon. Maneuvers all over/all about. Going quickly southwest.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 795)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7579
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "200", **HatchDesc:** "MUZEMA,BRZ:1 OBS:BRITE SLNT SCR SWOOPS ↓/JACAREPAGUA LAGOON:MNVRS ALLO:>>SW", **LatLong:** "-22.933334 -43.383335", **LatLongDMS:** "22:56:00 S 43:23:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-22.933334,-43.383335)", **State/Prov:** "RDJ", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 26237 (CB97A037)
**Date:** 3/29/1966
**Time:** 23:50
**Location:** LONDON, ONT
**Description:** 6 observer(s). 35' silent domed saucer hovers 700' over hospital. Flips over. Going up [to] to clouds.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 275)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7580
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "6", **Elev:** "263", **HatchDesc:** "LONDON,ONT:6 OBS:35'SLNT DOMED SCR HVRS 700'OVR HOSPITAL:FLIPS OVR:↑ to CLOUDS", **LatLong:** "43.016669 -81.316671", **LatLongDMS:** "43:01:00 N 81:19:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.016669,-81.316671)", **RelAlt:** "210", **State/Prov:** "Ontario", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 26238 (6C26B2E9)
**Date:** 3/29/1966
**Location:** Columbus, GA
**Description:** 2:30 a.m. EST. A red oval object was observed moving with an oscillating motion, swinging like a pendulum. The object suddenly brightened and made a rapid departure (luminosity/speed correlation). (Hitt, 1999.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2971
### Event 26239 (A1CC7869)
**Date:** 3/29/1966
**Location:** Eliot, ME
**Description:** 7:50 p.m. EST. While driving, a nurse's aide saw a large, bright red elliptical object with dome, five or six portholes emitting bright white light. The object was surrounded by a halo, and hovering near electric power transmission lines. Its body was dull silver and "like crumpled aluminum foil." Dogs were barking (animal reactions) and a pinging sound attracted other witnesses to the UFO. The object descended before finally moving out of sight. (Fowler, 1974, pp. 116, 335, 337; NICAP notes.) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2972
### Event 26240 (ECC4EA52)
**Date:** 3/29/1966
**Location:** Haverhill-Merrimac, MA
**Description:** 9:15 p.m. EST. About 15-20 miles southwest of Hampton, New Hampshire, several professional people including a deputy sheriff and a teacher saw a pulsating luminous white object moving back and forth. Its color changing from white to red to green to blue, and back to white. The object, circled, hovered, and then sped away leaving a short bluish tail, disappearing in an estimated 3 seconds. (Fowler, 1974, p. 336.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2973
### Event 26241 (9A5D31F1)
**Date:** 3/29/1966
**Location:** Hamilton, Ontario, CAN
**Description:** 9:15 p.m. EST. A teenage boy saw two luminous oval objects about 8 feet in diameter descend and land, making a buzzing sound. The objects had a row of multicolored lights around the rims (body lights) "flickering like a computer." He approached for a closer look, and touched the nearest object, which felt hard and smooth like metal. No heat or cold was felt. The boy then touched an antenna-like projection at the end of one of the objects and received a shock. Frightened, he ran home. His parents confirmed a 3-inch burn mark on his hand and questioned him thoroughly before reporting the incident to authorities. His first-degree burn was treated at a hospital and healed normally. (Keyhoe & Lore, 1969b, pp. 4-5; Bondarchuk, pp. 45-46, from the Hamilton Spectator, Apr. 2, 1966.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) (NICAP: 05 - Medical Incidents)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2974
### Event 26242 (EB564C5E)
**Date:** 3/29/1966
**Location:** Hampton (area), NH
**Description:** Box like object landed in woods (NICAP: 06 - Trace Cases)
**Reference:** NICAP: [660329](http://www.nicap.org/ar-660329dir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2976
### Event 26243 (637404C7)
**Date:** 3/29/1966
**Location:** undisclosed rural area, NH
**Description:** Dog does not react to landed box (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)
**Reference:** NICAP: [660329](http://www.nicap.org/ar-660329dir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2977
### Event 26244 (3F11AB46)
**Date:** 3/29/1966
**Location:** London, Ontario, CAN
**Description:** 11:15 p.m. EST. A bright saucer-shaped (disc) object with central dome and two protuberances (projections) on one side was seen hovering above Westminster Hospital for about 5 minutes. The object then flipped on edge, blue flame was emitted from the protuberances, and it rose into the clouds leaving a comet-like trail. An independent witness confirmed the sighting. (Flying Saucer Review, Vol. 12, No. 4, July-August 1966, P. 31.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2978
### Event 26245 (3E62582A)
**Date:** 3/29/1966
**Description:** NICAP board member [Charles A. Maney](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/129667039/charles-a%5F-maney) writes to [Gerald Ford](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gerald%5FFord), imploring him to contact NICAP for proof that the Air Force is withholding evidence about UFOs.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Bill Murphy, “The Swamp Gas Aftermath: Some Notes from the Gerald Ford Files,” IUR 33, no. 2 \(July 2010\): 12
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4010
### Event 26246 (15D23AFB)
**Date:** 3/29/1966
**Location:** Hampton Falls, New Hampshire
**Description:** 4:15 p.m. A 10-year-old boy and his Dalmatian are walking familiar paths in a wood lot behind their home near Hampton Falls, New Hampshire. He notices something silver on a ridge and walks toward it. He sees an “L” shaped box, long side parallel to the ground, sitting on tripod legs. His dog runs ahead and sniffs the boxy structure, and then, appearing uninterested, the dog goes off into the woods. The boy stops about 24 feet away, not sure what he is seeing. The object makes intermittent sounds and movements in the following minutes. Then a blast of air from the object sends debris flying. A short high-pitched, then low-pitched, sound is heard as the object lifts off the ground about one foot, stops, swings in a clockwise motion, and settles back on the ground. Intermittent electric-like humming sounds are heard until the object again, with a blast of air stirring up debris and the same sounds as earlier, ascends vertically, this time to about 10 feet, where it pauses, moves horizontally, pauses and rotates clockwise again, then accelerates straight up. On the final ascent, the sound increases in pitch and loudness. The witness’s mother and sister who were at some distance from him also hear the sound. When the object moved horizontally, saplings directly under it swayed. Three elongated imprints are found in the form of a triangle. Reportedly plants do not grow in the area for the next 2 years.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** NICAP, “[Hampton Area, New](http://www.nicap.org/ar-660329dir.htm) [Hampshire: March 29, 1966](http://www.nicap.org/ar-660329dir.htm)”; Raymond Fowler, “The Flying Box, and Other Cases,” IUR 28, no. 2 \(Summer 2003\): 15–20, 26
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4011
### Event 26247 (DE4EAA45)
**Date:** 3/29/1966
**Locations:** Hamilton Mountain Police Station; Hamilton, Ontario
**Description:** 9:15 p.m. Charles Cozens, 13, is strolling in a field behind the Hamilton Mountain Police Station in Hamilton, Ontario. He sees two luminous oval objects about 8 feet in diameter descend and land, making a buzzing sound. The objects have a row of multicolored lights around their rims “flickering like a computer.” He approaches for a closer look and touches the nearest object, which feels hard and smooth like metal, but neither hot nor cold. He then touches an antenna-like projection at the end of one of the objects and receives a shock. Frightened, he runs home. His parents confirm a 3-inch burn mark on his hand and question him thoroughly before reporting the incident to authorities. His first-degree burn is treated at a hospital and heals normally.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Donald E. Keyhoe and Gordon I. R. Lore Jr., [Strange Effects from UFOs](http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Books/Other/Lore%2C%20Gordon%20-%20Strange%20Effects%20from%20UFOs.pdf)[,](http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Books/Other/Lore%2C%20Gordon%20-%20Strange%20Effects%20from%20UFOs.pdf) NICAP, 1969, pp. 4–5; Yurko Bondarchuk, UFO Sightings, Landings, and Abductions, Methuen, 1979, pp. 45–46
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4012
### Event 26248 (C75C3C4D)
**Date:** 3/29/1966
**Description:** There are sixteen unexplained UFO reports recorded for this day in UFOCAT. All occurred in either the late afternoon or evening, between 4 p.m. and 11 p.m. local time. One occurred in Australia and one in Brazil. The rest were in the Northeastern United States and Canada.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1718
### Event 26249 (5A5D81A1)
**Date:** 3/29/1966
**Description:** At 4:15 p.m. in Hampton Falls, New Hampshire a witness saw a brown, box-shaped object with silvery tripod legs on the ground, from a distance of only 24 feet. It maneuvered out from under trees before accelerating straight up and out of sight. It made a humming sound and then a higher-pitched whining sound when it accelerated. The witness felt a blast of air from the object, which left landing imprints in the soil.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1719
### Event 26250 (8ACF22AE)
**Date:** 3/29/1966
**Description:** At 4:20 p.m. a L-shaped box was seen sitting on the ground on four legs in Henniker, New Hampshire. It too maneuvered through trees and then ascended. Landing traces were also found at this site.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1720
### Event 26251 (B468945F)
**Date:** 3/29/1966
**Description:** Five hours later, at 9:15 p.m. in Hamilton, Ontario Mr. Cozens saw two white oval-shaped UFOs land in a field. When the witness walked up and touched the four-foot long antenna on one of the objects his hand was burned. There was a flash and a buzzing sound when the injury occurred. The objects had red, blue and green flashing lights in a circle around their centers.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Raymond E. Fowler, UFOs Interplanetary Visitors, p. 336; Project Blue Book files counted in official statistics; James E. McDonald case investigation files
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1721
### Event 26252 (BA47E03D)
**Date:** 3/30/1966
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Sighting in Ottawa \(Ohio\). (March 30)
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#10329 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1966.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2182
### Event 26253 (2E2047FE)
**Date:** 3/30/1966
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) The Balwin UFO photographed. See images/balwin.jpg.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1966.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2183
### Event 26254 (3F68EB98)
**Date:** 3/30/1966
**Location:** WALL TOWNSHIP, NJ
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Observer(s) = Wilgas. CE2+still photos taken. No further details in available sources.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFOCAT CATALOG: Assorted Printouts. Donald A. Johnson Ph.D (CUFOS). P.O. Box 446, Concord, NH 03302-0446 (Index 82)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7581
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "39", **HatchDesc:** "WALL TOWNSHIP,NJ:BBK#UNK:OBS=WILGAS:CE2+STILL PHOTOS TAKEN:NFD.", **LatLong:** "40.155557 -74.055559", **LatLongDMS:** "40:09:20 N 74:03:20 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.155557,-74.055559)", **State/Prov:** "New Jersey", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 26255 (77D2D77A)
**Date:** 3/30/1966
**Location:** PECOS, TX
**Description:** 30M x 9M object lands near highway / 5 minute(s). Type unknown. No further details. / r8#740+/ r73p28.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 43)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7582
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "788", **HatchDesc:** "PECOS,TX:30M x 9M OBJ LANDS nr HIGHWAY/5min:TYPE UNK:NFD:/r8#740+/r73p28", **LatLong:** "31.422224 -103.494449", **LatLongDMS:** "31:25:20 N 103:29:40 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/31.422224,-103.494449)", **State/Prov:** "Texas", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 26256 (48683C54)
**Date:** 3/30/1966
**Location:** MONTAUK BEACH, NY
**Description:** 65 ford truck malfunctions due to EME (electro-magnetic effects) completely. Cylinder/cigar-shape-ovoid over beach. Circles area.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO Evidence II: HB: Scarecrow Press Lanham, MD. http://www.scarecrowpress.com ISBN 0-8108-3881-8 (Index 319)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7583
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "MONTAUK BEACH,NY:65 FORD TRUCK EMES COMPLETELY:CGR-OVOID OVR BEACH:CCLS AREA", **LatLong:** "41.027780 -71.966670", **LatLongDMS:** "41:01:40 N 71:58:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.027780,-71.966670)", **State/Prov:** "New York", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 26257 (EC6A8007)
**Date:** 3/30/1966
**Time:** 05:20
**Location:** MARINETTE, WI
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Observer(s) = J. Erdmann. Night light lands 8' / house-window. Moves to lawn.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** ADLER, Bill (ed.): LETTERS to the AIR FORCE on UFO's; Dell Paperbacks 1967; (Index 82)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7584
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "70", **Elev:** "185", **HatchDesc:** "MARINETTE,WI:BBK#UNK:OBS=J.ERDMANN:NLT LANDS 8'/HOUSE-WINDOW:MOVES TO LAWN", **LatLong:** "45.100002 -87.638893", **LatLongDMS:** "45:06:00 N 87:38:20 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.100002,-87.638893)", **State/Prov:** "Wisconsin", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 26258 (14701F94)
**Date:** 3/30/1966
**Time:** 20:20
**Location:** REHOBOTH, MA
**Description:** 5+4+2 observer(s). Dark ovoid flashes red lights. Scouts road and woods. / r41p319.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FOWLER, Raymond E.: UFO'S, INTERPLANETARY VISITORS; Prentice Hall & Bantam Books, NY 1979. 346pp. (Index 121)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7585
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "110", **Elev:** "15", **HatchDesc:** "REHOBOTH,MA:5+4+2 OBS:DARK OVOID FLASHES RED LITES:SCOUTS ROAD+WOODS:/r41p319", **LatLong:** "41.833335 -71.250003", **LatLongDMS:** "41:50:00 N 71:15:00 W", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.833335,-71.250003)", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 26259 (C3C78949)
**Date:** 3/30/1966
**Time:** 20:40
**Location:** LEWISBURG, IN
**Description:** 1+5 kids / car. Saucer nears. Car speaker pulses-saucer is silent. Follows / 13km.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA; H. Regnery, Chicago HC 1969 & Contemporary Books,Chicago 1993. 372pp. (Index 741)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7586
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "18", **Elev:** "203", **HatchDesc:** "LEWISBURG,IN:1+5 KIDS/CAR:SCR NEARS:CAR SPEAKER PULSES-SCR is SLNT:FOLOS/13km", **LatLong:** "40.750002 -86.211115", **LatLongDMS:** "40:45:00 N 86:12:40 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.750002,-86.211115)", **State/Prov:** "Indiana", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 26260 (056ADF95)
**Date:** 3/30/1966
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** NAPEAGUE BEACH, LI, NY
**Description:** Truck malfunctions due to EME (electro-magnetic effects) 2X. Night light going [to] Mackay radio towers. TVs electro-magnetic effect (EME). Saucer / TV towers.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 43)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7587
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "30", **Elev:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "NAPEAGUE BEACH,LI,NY:TRUCK EMEs 2X:NLT>MACKAY RDO TOWERS:TVs EME:SCR/TV TOWERS", **LatLong:** "41.016669 -72.016670", **LatLongDMS:** "41:01:00 N 72:01:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.016669,-72.016670)", **State/Prov:** "New York", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 26261 (78228B13)
**Date:** 3/30/1966
**Time:** 22:00
**Description:** Hundreds / calls / police. Saucers and more/others all going quickly south over / 2 hrs.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** YOUNG, Mort: UFO-TOP SECRET; Essandess Special Edition, 1967. PB (Index 13)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7588
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies, **COV:** Indication of coverup
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "12", **Duration:** "120", **Elev:** "90", **HatchDesc:** "OSWEGO,NY+CAYUGA+ONTARIO+SENECA co:100s/CALLS/POLICE:SCRS++ ALL >>S OVR/2hrs.", **LatLong:** "43.450002 -76.516670", **LatLongDMS:** "43:27:00 N 76:31:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.450002,-76.516670)", **State/Prov:** "New York", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 26262 (BD7E1B1F)
**Date:** 3/30/1966
**Time:** 22:00
**Location:** MANSFIELD, OH
**Description:** Saucer lands near state college. Door opens. Small humanoid (or Grey) seen. Saucer follows observer(s)' car.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA; H. Regnery, Chicago HC 1969 & Contemporary Books,Chicago 1993. 372pp. (Index 742)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7589
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "381", **HatchDesc:** "MANSFIELD,OH:SCR LANDS nr STATE COLLEGE:DOOR OPENS:OID SEEN:SCR FOLOS OBS' CAR", **LatLong:** "40.766669 -82.516671", **LatLongDMS:** "40:46:00 N 82:31:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.766669,-82.516671)", **State/Prov:** "Ohio", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 26263 (FD6E62F2)
**Date:** 3/30/1966
**Location:** Rehoboth, MA
**Description:** 8:00 p.m. EST. Three separate groups of witnesses had a series of sightings over a period of nearly two hours, including an object with amber body lights that passed over a car and hovered just off the road; an oval object with bright red and orange body lights that hovered over the road ahead of a car, taking off at high speed just as another car approached: and an object with flashing red body lights emitting a whistling or humming sound. (BB files, Fowler, 1974, pp. 125-27.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** NICAP: [660330](http://www.nicap.org/rehoboth660330dir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2979
### Event 26264 (D3516C70)
**Date:** 3/30/1966
**Location:** East Hampton, Montauk, LI, NY
**Description:** 9:00 p.m. EST. A tree surgeon and his family saw a bright white object maneuvering around power lines and a radio tower, making a "swooshing" sound. Static was heard on the radio (EM effect) at the time. A "light beam was emitted downward from the object onto a utility pole. Domestic animals in the area were excited and agitated (animal reactions) while the UFO hovered, circled, and moved quickly from point to point. At 11:30 p.m... a Ford truck experienced total electrical failure as a cigar-shaped or elliptical object was seen low over sand dunes. The object circled the area and flew overhead. (Keyhoe & Lore, 1969a, p. 8; New York NICAP Subcommittee report; U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. Ill, No. 7, Mar.-Apr. 1966). (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2980
### Event 26265 (E55EBFC9)
**Date:** 3/30/1966
**Location:** Pecos, TX
**Description:** Time not reported. An oblong object estimated to be 85-100 feet long, with lights at top and bottom (body lights), landed near a highway, then took off about 5 minutes later. (NICAP notes; United Press International story.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2981
### Event 26266 (268EBA6D)
**Date:** 3/30/1966
**Location:** Ottawa, OH
**Description:** (NARA) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 10329)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2982
### Event 26267 (B18823CA)
**Date:** 3/30/1966
**Location:** Lexisburg (10 miles N of), IN
**Description:** Family saw an oval object crossing the road as they were driving (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2983
### Event 26268 (535DCBBB)
**Date:** 3/30/1966
**Location:** Pecos, Texas
**Description:** An elongated object about 30 m long and 9 m high was reported to have landed near a highway for 5 min.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** NICAP Mar., 66 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_740
### Event 26269 (8F37A758)
**Date:** 3/30/1966
**Time:** 2035
**Location:** Lexisburg, Indiana
**Description:** A civilian woman and her four children observed an oval object crossing the road as they were driving south about 15 km north of Lexisburg. It came close to the car, and a pulsating sound was heard, increasing in frequency as the object came nearer, but it seemed to come through the car radio rather than directly from the object. The witness drove away in fear, but was followed for 13 km by the object, whose color suddenly changed from reddishorange to bluish-white before accelerating out of sight.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Atic ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_741
### Event 26270 (FD516D73)
**Date:** 3/30/1966
**Time:** 2200
**Location:** Mansfield, Ohio
**Description:** An anonymous witness saw a round object with two lights land near the Ohio State University campus. A door opened and a very thin, child-sized figure was seen. The object then began to move torward the witness's car and rose rapidly.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Gribble Jun., 66 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_742
### Event 26271 (442922BB)
**Date:** 3/30/1966
**Location:** US
**Description:** The Christian Science Monitor editorialized that the Michigan sightings had "deepened the mystery" and "it is time for the scientific community to conduct a thorough and objective study of the 'unexplainable.'"
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_81
### Event 26272 (68D0DEBE)
**Date:** 3/30/1966
**Location:** 9 miles north of Lewisburg, Indiana
**Description:** 8:35 p.m. A woman and her four children watch an oval object crossing the road as they are driving south about 9 miles north of Lewisburg, Indiana. It comes close to the car and she hears a pulsating sound, but it seems to come through the car radio, not directly from the object. She drives away, but the UFO pursues her for 8 miles. It changes from reddish-orange to blue-white before it accelerates away.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** [Sparks](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf), p. 313
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4013
### Event 26273 (D0C9F5F9)
**Date:** 3/30/1966
**Description:** There are 19 unexplained UFO reports recorded for this date in the UFOCAT database, coming off the peak that occurred on March 28.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1732
### Event 26274 (922C893B)
**Date:** 3/30/1966
**Description:** A dark oval-shaped object carrying two bright red flashing lights was seen by three independent groups in the same area of Rehoboth, Massachusetts at different times, beginning at 8:15 p.m. One group saw it hover over a road, then descend slowly into a wooded area.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Raymond E. Fowler, case file, report dated April 2, 1966
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1733
### Event 26275 (9565865C)
**Date:** 3/30/1966
**Description:** A 90-foot long oblong object landed near a highway in Pecos, Texas. It stayed on the ground for five minutes. On the same night in Suffolk County, New York in communities such as East Hampton and Napeague, there were numerous reports of oblong-shaped craft hovering, maneuvering, and then flying out to sea. These reports were accompanied by electromagnetic effects that interfered with automobile ignitions, lights, and radio and TV reception. At ten o'clock in the evening in Montauk, New York Mr. Field's 1965 Ford pickup truck experienced total engine failure when the driver came up to the top of a rise in the road and encountered a cigar-shaped object low over the sand dunes. After losing power Mr. Field allowed his car to roll backward away from the UFO. The engine restarted. The UFO took off, circled, and flew out over the ocean. At about the same time the police station in Oswego, New York received many calls over a two-hour period reporting UFOs.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP UFO Investigator, April 1966, p. 8; Frank Edwards, Flying Saucers - Here and Now! p. 55; East Hampton (NY) Star, April 17, 1966; Gordon I.R. Lore, Jr., UFOs: A New Look, p. 8; Mort Young, UFO Top Secret, p. 13
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1734
### Event 26276 (D2D92DE4)
**Date:** 3/30/1966
**Description:** At the same time as the New York reports a man waiting in a parked car on the Ohio University campus in Mansfield, Ohio saw a round UFO with two lights land nearby. A door in the craft opened and he could see a "very thin" child-sized standing in the doorway. The object rose, moved toward him, rose again, then disappeared.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Mansfield (OH) News Journal, April 8, 1966; John Keel, Operation Trojan Horse, p. 15; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia, case 742
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1735
### Event 26277 (0D3C74F4)
**Date:** 3/30/1966
**Description:** Mrs. Gillem and her four children were driving through farm country nine miles north of Lewisburg, Indiana at 10:35 p.m. when they observed a reddish-white oval-shaped UFO approach the car. A pulsating sound came over the car radio and increased in frequency when the UFO got close. The UFO changed color to blue, and then pursued their car for several miles.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Project Bluebook files counted in official statistics, Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia, case 740
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1736
### Event 26278 (67C931AE)
**Date:** 3/31/1966
**Time:** 02:00
**Location:** NEAR VICKSBURG, MI
**Description:** Man / car buzzed and beamed / saucer. Low humming. Motor malfunctions due to EME (electro-magnetic effects). Going up [to] and going quickly east. / r25p37+/ r41.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 43)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7590
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "262", **HatchDesc:** "nr VICKSBURG,MI:MAN/CAR BUZZED+BEAMED/SCR:LO HUM:MOTOR EMES:↑+>>E:/r25p37+/r41", **LatLong:** "42.127780 -85.527782", **LatLongDMS:** "42:07:40 N 85:31:40 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.127780,-85.527782)", **State/Prov:** "Michigan", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 26279 (529FA0FF)
**Date:** 3/31/1966
**Time:** 06:00
**Location:** SAN FRANCISCO, CA
**Description:** Large object / windows and antenna rests / construction area. Figure(s) inside. Post St.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** STEIGER, Brad & WHRITENOUR, Joan: FLYING SAUCERS ARE HOSTILE; Award Books PB 1967. (Index 117)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7591
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "3", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "20", **HatchDesc:** "SAN FRANCISCO,CA:LRG OBJ/WINDOWS+ANTENNA RESTS/CONSTR AREA:FIGs INSIDE:POST St", **LatLong:** "37.783335 -122.433339", **LatLongDMS:** "37:47:00 N 122:26:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.783335,-122.433339)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 26280 (15A5EAA1)
**Date:** 3/31/1966
**Time:** ~20:00
**Location:** WYLYE, WILTS
**Description:** Several with (seen thru) telescope. Black cylinder/cigar-shape with green beams. Night lights play nearby. 1 enters cylinder/cigar-shape..
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SHUTTLEWOOD, Arthur: The WARMINSTER MYSTERY. Neville-Spearman/Tandem Books PB 1967, London. (Index 163)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7592
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "8", **HatchDesc:** "WYLYE,WILTs:SVRL W/TSCOPE:BLK CGR W/GRN BEAMS:NLTS PLAY NEARBY:1 ENTERS CGR..", **LatLong:** "51.133336 -1.983333", **LatLongDMS:** "51:08:00 N 01:59:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.133336,-1.983333)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 26281 (EE6CAA6D)
**Date:** 3/31/1966
**Location:** LAKE CARMEL, NY
**Description:** 7 and more/others observer(s). Night lights and delta/triangle/box-like crafts and saucers and cigars logged 24 separate nights to 15 May. '66!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** YOUNG, Mort: UFO-TOP SECRET; Essandess Special Edition, 1967. PB (Index 90)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7593
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "106", **Elev:** "158", **HatchDesc:** "LAKE CARMEL,NY:7++OBS:NLTS+DLTS+SCRS+CGRS LOGGED 24 SEP.NITES TO 15MAY66!", **LatLong:** "41.466669 -73.666670", **LatLongDMS:** "41:28:00 N 73:40:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.466669,-73.666670)", **State/Prov:** "New York", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 26282 (57192D3A)
**Date:** 3/31/1966
**Location:** Vicksburg, MI
**Description:** 2:00 a.m. CST. A motorist encountered a brightly lighted disc-like object, grayish with various body lights, hovering just off the road surface, blocking the roadway. The car was violently buffeted as the object darted around from point to point, emitting a hum like a swarm of bees. The object finally rose and sped away at a steep angle. (NICAP investigation report; Keyhoe & Lore, 1969a, p. 23; U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. Ill, No. 7, Mar.-Apr. 1966, p. 3) (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2984
### Event 26283 (BD1CD633)
**Date:** 3/31/1966
**Time:** 0200
**Location:** Vicksburg, Michigan
**Description:** A man driving home saw lights on the road and discovered a gray,lens-shaped object hovering at 1 m altitude. It had one intense white light and three colored flashing lights. Driving within 2 m of it, he became afraid and backed up, but the object suddenly flew over and behind him. A noise similar to that of a swarm of bees was audible. It left at high speed toward the east.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Personal ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_743
### Event 26284 (49A8B04F)
**Date:** 3/31/1966
**Time:** 0600
**Location:** San Francisco, California
**Description:** Two women observed a large object with a pulsating bluish light on top, an orange light below, windows, and antennae, resting in a construction area. Silhouettes could be seen moving inside, one of them gesturing as the craft took off.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Gribble Jun., 6 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_744
### Event 26285 (DBB69CE1)
**Date:** 3/31/1966
**Time:** 2115
**Location:** Hamilton, Canada
**Description:** Charles Kozens, 13, saw two objects, 2.5 m long, 1.2 m high, with flashing lights, land near Hamilton. When he tried to touch an antenna on one of the objects, he received an electric shock.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** FSR 66, 4 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_745
### Event 26286 (9E05463F)
**Date:** 3/31/1966
**Location:** Vicksburg, MI
**Description:** Luminous object hovered, blocked roadway, bobbed up and down, moved quickly. Car buffeted, humming sound. Object rose, sped off at steep angle
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_82
### Event 26287 (E3CBF90F)
**Date:** 3/31/1966
**Location:** Indianapolis, IN
**Description:** Editorial, Indianapolis (IN) News: "What is needed, obviously, is more public inquiry conducted under scrupulously objective auspices. . . . Too many people have seen too many things for the subject to be dismissed with mere off-hand explanations."
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_83
### Event 26288 (4D44E20D)
**Date:** 3/31/1966
**Location:** Vicksburg, Michigan
**Description:** 2:00 a.m. Jeno Udvardy is driving home from a late work shift near Vicksburg, Michigan. He sees a cluster of lights on the highway ahead and slows down. When he is within 10 feet, he realizes the lights are on a disc hovering a few feet above the road. It has a brilliant white light, and red, green, and purple blinking lights. Udvardy backs up and his car is buffeted by gusts of wind as the object lifts up. The car motor stalls. He rolls down the window and hears a humming sound. Moments later, the UFO speeds off at a steep angle.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Close-](http://www.cufos.org/UFOI%5Fand%5FSelected%5FDocuments/UFOI/031%20MAR-APR%201966.pdf) [Range Sightings Increase,](http://www.cufos.org/UFOI%5Fand%5FSelected%5FDocuments/UFOI/031%20MAR-APR%201966.pdf)” UFO Investigator 3, no. 7 \(March/April 1966\): 3
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4014
### Event 26289 (FFBC4684)
**Date:** 3/31/1966
**Description:** JANAP 146\(E\), a joint Canadian–US instruction, adds that photos should be sent to the US Director of Naval Intelligence and adds special CIRVIS reporting instructions for unidentifiable objects. The Canadian Air Defence Command ends its investigation of UFOs and transfers the responsibility to the Directorate of Operations.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Joint Chiefs of Staff, “[JANAP 146\(E\) Canadian–United States Communications Instructions for](http://www.cufon.org/cufon/janp1462.htm) [Reporting Vital Intelligence Sightings,](http://www.cufon.org/cufon/janp1462.htm)” March 31, 1966; Antonio F. Rullán, “[Blue Book UFO Reports at Sea by](http://www.waterufo.net/bluebook/bbpdf.pdf) [Ships,](http://www.waterufo.net/bluebook/bbpdf.pdf)” December 10, 2002; Yurko Bondarchuk, UFO Canada, Signet, 1981, pp. 171–172
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4015
### Event 26290 (F442FEE3)
**Date:** 3/31/1966
**Description:** At 2:00 a.m. a cluster of lights ahead over the road in Vicksburg, Michigan resolved itself into a lighted disc-shaped object when the witnesses' car got closer. Mr. Udvardy, age 32, heard a low hum like a swarm of bees, and his car engine stalled. The UFO also had a brilliant white searchlight.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP case investigation files; Gordon I. R. Lore, Strange Effects from UFOs, p. 70, Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, p. 29; Geoffrey Falla, Vehicle Interference Project Report, p. 34
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1764
### Event 26291 (42464C3B)
**Date:** 3/31/1966
**Description:** In San Francisco, California two women observed a large object with a pulsating bluish light on top, an orange light below, windows, and antennae, resting in a construction area at 6:00 a.m. Silhouettes could be seen moving about inside, one of them gesturing as the craft took off.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 744
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1765
### Event 26292 (347D3DCC)
**Date:** 3/31/1966
**Description:** Charles Kozens, age 13, saw two objects land near Hamilton, Ontario, Canada at 9:15 p.m. They were each 2.5 meters long, 1.2 meters high, and had flashing lights. When he approached and tried to touch an antenna on one of the objects, he received an electric shock.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 743
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1766
### Event 26293 (F9CF0529)
**Date:** 4/1966
**Location:** USA, Newport (Oregon)
**Description:** (Translated from French) (cf. Summer 1874) In 1966 there were no living witnesses of Muriel Trevenard's disappearance left. The almost forgotten affair had already become part of folklore. But in April 1966 strange phenomena occurred again in Newport. (...) That evening, in Newport, 16-year-old teenager Kathy Reeves and a friend were walking back to Kathy's home at Pioneer Mountain when they had the strange feeling of being followed. At one point they turned around and saw "like a flashlight covered with a cloth". "I thought someone was playing a joke on us. So I picked up a stone and threw it at the light. At that moment a lot of big lights lit up everywhere and with fear in our hearts we ran towards the house." What they saw next made them petrify in place. Three bizarre shapes were moving in the meadow, heading towards the multicolored lights below. Aliens? Kathy described them as "three little bits crossing the meadow. They had no head or arms, and their legs looked like tree roots." The trio seemed to be wearing multicolored clothes in "orange, blue, white, yellow and ". Screaming, the young girls ran towards the house at "v prime" speed. In the following days there were several "poltergeist" manifestations in the Reeves' house, and the harassed family finally left the house where there was no longer any way to live in peace. (April 1966)
**Reference:** Weird America by Jim Brandon, E.P. Dutton, New York, N.Y., 1978, pages 189 and 190; Also Project Blue Book, edited by Brad Steiger, Ballantine Books, New York, N.Y., 1976, page 369; Spokane, Wash. Spokesman-Review for October 18, 1966, page 1.
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2369
### Event 26294 (B74EC5B1)
**Date:** 4/1966 (approximate)
**Description:** Spring. UFO's seen. Alarms. 10 missiles inoperative. / r120p302.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FAWCETT, Lawrence & GREENWOOD, Barry: The UFO COVERUP (Formerly Clear Intent); Prentice Hall, NJ 1984. 264pp. (Index 29)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7594
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **NUC:** Nuclear facility related, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **MIL:** Military investigation
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "20", **Elev:** "1075", **HatchDesc:** "MALMSTROM AFB,MT:SPRING:UFOS SEEN:ALARMS:10 MISSILES INOPERATIVE:/r120p302", **LatLong:** "47.500002 -111.150005", **LatLongDMS:** "47:30:00 N 111:09:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.500002,-111.150005)", **State/Prov:** "Montana", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 26295 (4EB20B2A)
**Date:** 4/1966
**Time:** 02:00
**Description:** Guard. 65cm small humanoids (or Greys) cross road going [to] trees. Head = INVd pear.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BALLESTER OLMOS, Vicente-Juan: CATALOG of 200 TYPE-1 EVENTS in SPAIN & PORTUGAL; CUFOS 1976. (Index 9)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7595
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **NFO:** No craft seen, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **MIL:** Military investigation
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "LOS ALCAZARES MIL CAMP,SP:GUARD:65cm OIDS CROSS ROAD>TREES:HEAD=INVd PEAR", **LatLong:** "38.016668 -1.166667", **LatLongDMS:** "38:01:00 N 01:10:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.016668,-1.166667)", **State/Prov:** "MUR", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 26296 (7B05211B)
**Date:** 4/1966 (approximate)
**Time:** 20:30
**Location:** SAG HARBOR, LI, NY
**Description:** Several / (seen thru) binoculars. Dog whines. Large red-glow saucer going quickly south over house. / p19.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Book: GREENFIELD, Irving A.: The UFO REPORT; Lancer Books, NY 1967. (USS Supply 1904 pg 59. Sag Harbor, NY 1966 pg 19)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7596
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "SAG HARBOR,LI,NY:SVRL/BINOCS:DOG WHINES:LRG RED-GLOW SCR >>S OVR HOUSE:/p19", **LatLong:** "40.994446 -72.294448", **LatLongDMS:** "40:59:40 N 72:17:40 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.994446,-72.294448)", **State/Prov:** "New York", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 26297 (EB8DDD92)
**Date:** 4/1966?
**Time:** 22:00
**Location:** EUGENE, OR
**Description:** Astronomer and many. Self-luminous box changes color brightness and shape going [to] delta.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** STURROCK, Dr. Peter A: REPORT / SURVEY of the AMERICAN ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY of the UFO PROBLEM; Stanford, CA 1977. (Index 84)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7597
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **NWS:** News media report, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "126", **HatchDesc:** "EUGENE,OR:ASTRONOMER+MANY:SELF-LUMN.BOX CHANGES CLR BRIGHTNESS+SHAPE>DELTA", **LatLong:** "44.050002 -123.083339", **LatLongDMS:** "44:03:00 N 123:05:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.050002,-123.083339)", **State/Prov:** "Oregon", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 26298 (60F81C14)
**Date:** 4/1966
**Location:** Malmstrom AFB, MT
**Description:** UFOs, alarms, 10 missiles inoperative (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases, NC)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2985
### Event 26299 (5C08A1EF)
**Date:** 4/1/1966
**Location:** Dextor, MI
**Description:** From LIFE magazine: In a hastily called press conference, the USAF spokesman J. Allen Hynek suggested that the Dextor, MI, UFO and others seen in the swamps near Hillsdale may have been marsh (or swamp) gas that had spontaneously ignited.
**Type:** magazine article
**Reference:** [Pea Research](https://www.academia.edu/9813787/GOVERNMENT_INVOLVEMENT_IN_THE_UFO_COVER_UP_CHRONOLOGY_based)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_639
**See also:** 3/20/66
**See also:** 3/21/66
### Event 26300 (77644B42)
**Date:** 4/1/1966
**Time:** 03:00
**Location:** DEARBORN, MICH
**Description:** 2 / car follow domed saucer. Lands. Chases car. Radio electro-magnetic effect (EME). Silent. Ground traces.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** STEIGER, Brad & WHRITENOUR, Joan: FLYING SAUCERS ARE HOSTILE; Award Books PB 1967. (Index 50)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7598
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "30", **Elev:** "184", **HatchDesc:** "DEARBORN,MICH:2/CAR FOLO DOMED SCR:LANDS:CHASES CAR:RDO EME:SILENT:GND TRACES", **LatLong:** "42.333335 -83.166671", **LatLongDMS:** "42:20:00 N 83:10:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.333335,-83.166671)", **State/Prov:** "Michigan", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 26301 (68D91992)
**Date:** 4/1/1966
**Time:** 04:50
**Description:** 5 observer(s). Huge silver cylinder/cigar-shape west going east. Glows and splits. 6 red fireballs exit going north.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SHUTTLEWOOD, Arthur: The WARMINSTER MYSTERY. Neville-Spearman/Tandem Books PB 1967, London. (Index 13)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7599
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "120", **HatchDesc:** "WARMINSTER,WILTs:5 OBS:HUGE SLVR CGR W > E:GLOWS+SPLITS:6 RED FBLS EXIT>N", **LatLong:** "51.211114 -2.172222", **LatLongDMS:** "51:12:40 N 02:10:20 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.211114,-2.172222)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 26302 (3E265178)
**Date:** 4/1/1966
**Time:** 22:00?
**Description:** Green fireball blinds 3 / truck. Malfunctions due to EME (electro-magnetic effects) and overturns. / r79p29.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 15)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7600
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "CONCEPCION DEL URUGUAY,ARG:GRN FBL BLINDS 3/TRUCK:EMEs+OVERTURNS:/r79p29", **LatLong:** "-32.516668 -58.166669", **LatLongDMS:** "32:31:00 S 58:10:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-32.516668,-58.166669)", **State/Prov:** "ENT", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 26303 (96FBCA5F)
**Date:** 4/1/1966
**Time:** 22:40
**Location:** SOUTH / TANGIER, OK
**Description:** 6m green glowing-object flies over car / malfunctions due to EME (electro-magnetic effects). Shriek-sound and heat wave. / r79p29.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA; H. Regnery, Chicago HC 1969 & Contemporary Books,Chicago 1993. 372pp. (Index 746)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7601
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "666", **HatchDesc:** "S/TANGIER,OK:6m GRN GLO-OBJ FLIES OVR CAR/EMEs:SHRIEK-SOUND+HEAT WAVE:/r79p29", **LatLong:** "36.350002 -99.500005", **LatLongDMS:** "36:21:00 N 99:30:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/36.350002,-99.500005)", **State/Prov:** "Oklahoma", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 26304 (4D6696D6)
**Date:** 4/1/1966
**Time:** 23:50
**Location:** LIBERTY, MO
**Description:** Night lights / field. Hide when train passes and return. Manlike shadows. Odd voices.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA; H. Regnery, Chicago HC 1969 & Contemporary Books,Chicago 1993. 372pp. (Index 747)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7602
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **CVS:** Conversation/communication, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "12", **Elev:** "306", **HatchDesc:** "LIBERTY,MO:NLTS/FIELD:HIDE WHEN TRAIN PASSES+RETURN:MANLIKE SHADOWS:ODD VOICES", **LatLong:** "39.244446 -94.416671", **LatLongDMS:** "39:14:40 N 94:25:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.244446,-94.416671)", **RelAlt:** "2", **State/Prov:** "Missouri", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 26305 (655015C4)
**Date:** 4/1/1966
**Location:** Dearborn, MI
**Description:** 12:30 a.m. EST. An elliptical object with domes on top and bottom, and blinking red and green body lights, maneuvered near a car. Static (EM effect) was experienced on the car radio. (NICAP report.) (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2986
### Event 26306 (6A4AAAD5)
**Date:** 4/1/1966
**Location:** Conception Del Uruguay, Argentina
**Description:** Night. A luminous green object surrounded by haze approached a truck, which experienced EM effects as the object neared. The truck slowed and overturned. (Rodeghier, 1981, p. 29) (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2987
### Event 26307 (920F6DF8)
**Date:** 4/1/1966
**Location:** Tangier (5 miles S of), OK
**Description:** Green object wider than the road flying N at very high speed (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2988
### Event 26308 (A2F9EA60)
**Date:** 4/1/1966
**Time:** 2240
**Location:** Tangier, Oklahoma
**Description:** A civilian man, 34, was driving about 10 km south of Tangier when he reached a hilltop and saw a green object flying north at very high speed, emitting a shrieking noise and a "heat wave." The car engine died. The witness noted that the object was wider than the road.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Atic ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_746
### Event 26309 (415B229B)
**Date:** 4/1/1966
**Time:** 2400
**Location:** Liberty, Missouri
**Description:** Darlene Underwood and her mother saw two starlike objects land in a field. One of them rose rapidly when a train came into view. It went behind a hill, while the second one hovered at tree height with its lights off. When the train had passed, both objects landed again and two manlike shadows were seen. Voices shouting in a foreign language and what sounded like a pig being butchered were heard. Light signals.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** IIR May., 66 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_747
### Event 26310 (0332B595)
**Date:** 4/1/1966
**Time:** 18:40:00.0
**Location:** 37.1027 -116.0199
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Lime” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_444
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1027 -116.0199", **LatLongDMS:** "37:06:10 N 116:01:12 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1027,-116.0199)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.56", **NukeName:** "Lime", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 26311 (A84CC090)
**Date:** 4/1/1966
**Location:** Tangier, Oklahoma
**Description:** 10:40 p.m. A man driving 5 miles south of Tangier, Oklahoma, reaches a hilltop and sees a green object wider than the road flying north at very high speed, emitting a shrieking noise and a “heat wave.” The car engine dies.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** [Sparks](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf)[,](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf) p. 313
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4016
### Event 26312 (7F1D2C95)
**Date:** 4/1/1966?
**Locations:** Western Michigan University; Kalamazoo, Michigan
**Description:** Night. Students at Western Michigan University in Kalamazoo, Michigan, see a star-like object that looks football-shaped through binoculars. It moves in geometric angles around two bright stars until it shoots straight up and disappears.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Michael D. Swords, “We Know Where You Live,” IUR 30, no.2 \(January 2006\): 10–11
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4017
### Event 26313 (1E12485C)
**Date:** 4/1/1966
**Description:** At midnight, Darlene Underwood and her mother of Liberty, Missouri saw two luminous objects land on a hill nearby their house. They watched them them through binoculars, and described them as egg-shaped and about the size of a large car. They then saw the shadows of one or two human-looking figures, and heard the beings shouting at each other loudly in a foreign, unintelligible language. After this they heard the sound of a pig squealing. Next, a point of green light issued from one of the objects, and they both took off and flew away rapidly.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb and Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1966-15, citing Ray Palmer, Flying Saucers, April 1968; Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1966
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1784
### Event 26314 (976C98DC)
**Date:** 4/1/1966
**Description:** At 4:45 a.m. five witnesses in Warminster, England saw a huge silver cigar-shaped object fly across the sky from west to east. Six red balls of light exited from the object and flew away toward the north.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Contact UK; Arthur Shuttlewood, The Warminister Mystery: Astounding UFO Sightings, p. 13
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1785
### Event 26315 (AA30CE07)
**Date:** 4/2/1966
**Location:** AUSTRALIA, Balwyn (Victoria)
**Description:** (Translated from French) At 2:20 PM the witness was occupied in the garden when he suddenly perceived a strong illumination that made him look up to the sky. "It was as if a gigantic mirror was in my garden and was reflecting a blinding light: a shining object came towards me gliding. It must have had a diameter of 20 to 25 feet, and its altitude was probably around 120 feet. It looked like a big mushroom with its tail pointing towards the ground. It rotated around its vertical axis and thus took the position in which I photographed it. Again it started to rotate slowly but on its horizontal axis and its tail faced me. Suddenly, while it was almost stationary, it accelerated so strongly that it disappeared in a few seconds. Several seconds after it had disappeared a "bang" similar to that of an airplane passing the sound barrier was heard.
**Reference:** Inforespace n° 11 - p.24, 25 - 1973 - SOBEPS
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2365
### Event 26316 (5012BC89)
**Date:** 4/2/1966
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In Australia \(Melbourne\), a resident of Balwin \(Victoria\) took a UFO photo. He recounts that the object was bright and hovering about 40 m from the ground. From nearly stationary, the object then disappeared at high speed towards the North. See images/1966-04-02.jpg. (April 2, 14 h 20)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1966.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2184
### Event 26317 (B818BE10)
**Date:** 4/2/1966
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Reversal of [Joseph Hynek](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/HynekJosephAllen.html) expressing a series of criticisms on the way UFO study was handled by the [USAF](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/USAF.html), thus countering [Quintanilla](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/QuintanillaHectorV.html), the new head of the [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) project. UFOs have been seen by scientists, he declares. He publishes a book defending the necessity of an independent scientific study of the phenomenon.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1966.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2185
### Event 26318 (AD6BF1B3)
**Date:** 4/2/1966
**Time:** 05:20
**Location:** TUCSON, AZ
**Description:** 4 boys. Flash / sky. 3-4 disks going east / 4 min. apart. Lights / bottom/underside. 6mm / arms length.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 803)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7603
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "12", **Elev:** "717", **HatchDesc:** "TUCSON,AZ:4 BOYS:FLASH/SKY:3-4 DISKS >E/4min. APART:LITES/BTM:6mm/ARMS LENGTH", **LatLong:** "32.233335 -110.916672", **LatLongDMS:** "32:14:00 N 110:55:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/32.233335,-110.916672)", **State/Prov:** "Arizona", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 26319 (7454FD1D)
**Date:** 4/2/1966
**Time:** 14:20
**Location:** BALWYN, AUS
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Photograph shiny silver bell-saucer. Possible fake / VUFORS. / r249p498+/ r111p252.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 797)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7604
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "5", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "BALWYN,AUS:2 OBS:FOTO SHINY SLVR BELL-SCR:poss.fake/VUFORS:/r249p498+/r111p252", **LatLong:** "-37.816668 145.083340", **LatLongDMS:** "37:49:00 S 145:05:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-37.816668,145.083340)", **State/Prov:** "Victoria", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 26320 (E4E5E68F)
**Date:** 4/2/1966
**Location:** Melbourne (near), AU
**Description:** Brown photo (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2989
### Event 26321 (10D0B973)
**Date:** 4/2/1966
**Locations:** Melbourne; Balwyn, Victoria; University of Arizona; Canada
**Description:** 2:02 p.m. James Kibel, a Melbourne businessman who is a member of the Victorian Flying Saucer Research Society, sees a shiny, hemispherical object above his garden in Balwyn, Victoria. It looks to be 20–25 feet in diameter and 120 feet in the air. “It seemed to float down towards me,” he says. “It resembled a big mushroom with a stalk pointing towards the earth.” He snaps a Polaroid photo, after which the object takes off and disappears to the north. However, when [B. Roy Frieden](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/B.%5FRoy%5FFrieden)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/B.%5FRoy%5FFrieden) professor of optical sciences at the University of Arizona, examines the photo, he finds a jagged line of discontinuity running across the center of the image suggesting there are separate photos joined together and rephotographed. In 2017, Canadian researcher François Beaulieu reexamines the original and notices the reflection of the house below in the shiny object, and he finds that the discontinuity is actually caused by the Polaroid developing chemicals spreading unevenly across the photo.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[V.F.S.R.S. Member Snaps a UFO,](http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/Australia/Australian%20Flying%20Saucer%20Review/Australian%20Flying%20Saucer%20Review%20-%201966%2007%20-%20no%205%20VFSRS.pdf)” Australian Flying Saucer Review \(Victorian Edition\), no. 5 \(July 1966\): 2; “[Report on UFO Photographed at Balwyn,](http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/Australia/Australian%20Flying%20Saucer%20Review/Australian%20Flying%20Saucer%20Review%20-%201966%2012%20-%20no%206%20VFSRS.pdf)” Australian Flying Saucer Review \(Victorian Edition\), no. 6 \(December 1966\): 11–12; Story, [p. 40](https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofuf0000unse/page/40/mode/2up); Keith Basterfield and Paul Dean, “[Stage One Report on the 2nd April](http://www.project1947.com/kbcat/Balwyn%5FUFO%5Fstage%5Fone%5Freport%5Ffinal%5Fversion.pdf) [1966, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, UFO Observation and Photgograph by James Johnson Kibel,](http://www.project1947.com/kbcat/Balwyn%5FUFO%5Fstage%5Fone%5Freport%5Ffinal%5Fversion.pdf)” 2016; Keith Basterfield and Paul Dean, “[Stage Two Report on the 2nd April 1966, Balwyn, Melbourne, Victoria, Visual and](http://www.project1947.com/kbcat/Balwyn%5FUFO%5Fstage%5Ftwo%5Ffinal%5Fversion.pdf) [Photographic UFO Sighting by James Johnson Kibel,](http://www.project1947.com/kbcat/Balwyn%5FUFO%5Fstage%5Ftwo%5Ffinal%5Fversion.pdf)” 2016; François Beaulieu, “[A Re-evaluation of the Balwyn](https://www.project1947.com/kbcat/Balwyn%5FFrancois%5FBeaulieu%5F2017.pdf) [UFO Photograph,](https://www.project1947.com/kbcat/Balwyn%5FFrancois%5FBeaulieu%5F2017.pdf)” February 23, 2017
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4018
### Event 26322 (C527CAB6)
**Date:** 4/3/1966
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #unknown. 2+many observer(s). 20M saucer hovers near radio tower. / r73p28.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 43)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7605
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "189", **HatchDesc:** "nr FRANKLIN+UNION,NJ:BBK#UNK:2+MANY OBS:20M SCR HVRS nr RADIO TOWER:/r73p28", **LatLong:** "41.122224 -74.600004", **LatLongDMS:** "41:07:20 N 74:36:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.122224,-74.600004)", **RelAlt:** "100", **State/Prov:** "New Jersey", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 26323 (151FBBE0)
**Date:** 4/3/1966
**Location:** LOS ANGELES, CA
**Description:** Helicopter pilot and more/others. Oblong object with pairs of lights near LAX airport.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 43)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7606
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "100", **HatchDesc:** "LOS ANGELES,CA:COPTER PILOT++:OBLONG OBJ W/PAIRS of LITES nr LAX AIRPORT", **LatLong:** "33.983335 -118.416672", **LatLongDMS:** "33:59:00 N 118:25:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/33.983335,-118.416672)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 26324 (98B66FEB)
**Date:** 4/3/1966
**Location:** Franklin, NJ
**Description:** Time not reported. A disc-shaped object with three portholes hovered near a radio transmitter tower, seen by the station owner and his wife after hearing a deep rumbling noise. The object appeared to be "twice the size of a jet fighter plane." (Brief United Press International story.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2990
### Event 26325 (A0B780CE)
**Date:** 4/3/1966
**Location:** Playa Del Ray, CA
**Description:** 6:50 p.m. PST. Along the coast of the Pacific Ocean near Los Angeles International Airport, a Coast Guard helicopter pilot and another witness reported seeing four pairs of flashing red lights in changing geometric formations, estimated to be one mile offshore. The pilot reported seeing an oblong object with body lights. (NICAP report forms.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2991
### Event 26326 (F7C88BB4)
**Date:** 4/3/1966
**Location:** Burlington, Ontario, CAN
**Description:** 10:15 p.m. EST. A domed UFO emitting a yellow glow hovered about 75 feet above Bronte Gorge, followed a car, then sped up and disappeared to the northeast. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2992
### Event 26327 (0763ACB8)
**Date:** 4/3/1966
**Description:** Rep. Gerald R. Ford states the Air Force assured him an upcoming scientific study on UAP (what would become the Condon Committee) would not be connected “in any way” with the Air Force. Ford was dissatisfied with **Project Blue Book** and was seeking an independent analysis.
This assurance was later revealed to be untrue, as the USAF provided Condon with an “informal liaison” to assist with “certain technical activities” to analyze cases, a declassified memo shows.
* [https://www.fordlibrarymuseum.gov/library/document/0054/4525586.pdf](https://www.fordlibrarymuseum.gov/library/document/0054/4525586.pdf) (p12)
* [https://archive.org/details/CIAUFO/U.S.%20AIR%20FORCE%20CONTRACT%20WITH%20THE%20UNIVERSITY%20OF%20COLORADO%20TO%20REPORT%20ON%20THE%20UFO/mode/1up](https://archive.org/details/CIAUFO/U.S.%20AIR%20FORCE%20CONTRACT%20WITH%20THE%20UNIVERSITY%20OF%20COLORADO%20TO%20REPORT%20ON%20THE%20UFO/mode/1up)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_114
### Event 26328 (3482427E)
**Date:** 4/4/1966
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Observation of [Ronald Sullivan](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/temoins.html\#SullivanRonald) near Bendigo \(Australia\). (April 4)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1966.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2186
### Event 26329 (73A66E46)
**Date:** 4/4/1966 (approximate)
**Location:** ROME AND UTICA, NY
**Description:** Several report(s). Silent 25M boomerang 30M over canal. Hides / search planes.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 797)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7607
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "136", **Elev:** "154", **HatchDesc:** "ROME+UTICA,NY:SVRL RPTS:SLNT 25M BOOMERANG 30M OVR CANAL:HIDES/SEARCH PLANES", **LatLong:** "43.216669 -75.450004", **LatLongDMS:** "43:13:00 N 75:27:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.216669,-75.450004)", **RelAlt:** "30", **State/Prov:** "New York", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 26330 (7A4C0CB2)
**Date:** 4/4/1966
**Time:** 06:10
**Location:** HAGUE, FL
**Description:** Blue Book Case #. Man tries / touch 2 Mx70CM craft / ground. Flies 5M and vanishes. 10cm windows.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA; H. Regnery, Chicago HC 1969 & Contemporary Books,Chicago 1993. 372pp. (Index 748)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7608
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "4", **Elev:** "51", **HatchDesc:** "HAGUE,FL:BBK#:MAN TRIES/TOUCH 2Mx70CM CRAFT/GND:FLIES 5M+VANISHES:10cm WINDOWS", **LatLong:** "29.772224 -82.411115", **LatLongDMS:** "29:46:20 N 82:24:40 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/29.772224,-82.411115)", **State/Prov:** "Florida", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 26331 (899905F3)
**Date:** 4/4/1966
**Time:** 20:00
**Location:** WYCHEPROOF, AUST
**Description:** Headlights bend toward(s) 25' luminous cone saucer / ground. / FSRv32#4+/ APRO 5'66.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CHALKER,Bill: The OZ FILES. Australian Sightings. 1996 Duffy & Snellgrove. NSW,Australia. ISBN 1-875989-04-8 (Index 114)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7609
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "WYCHEPROOF,AUST:HEADLITEs BEND TWRD 25'LUM CONE SCR/GND:/FSRv32#4+/APRO 5'66", **LatLong:** "-36.133335 142.850007", **LatLongDMS:** "36:08:00 S 142:51:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-36.133335,142.850007)", **State/Prov:** "Victoria", **Strangeness:** "12"
### Event 26332 (F14B3FEB)
**Date:** 4/4/1966
**Time:** 22:00?
**Description:** 6 orange orbs trail large cylinder/cigar-shape. Cylinder/cigar-shape going quickly south. Orbs maneuver / all directions. 3 going west.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SHUTTLEWOOD, Arthur: The WARMINSTER MYSTERY. Neville-Spearman/Tandem Books PB 1967, London. (Index 14)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7610
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "110", **HatchDesc:** "A38 W/HEYTESBURY,WILTs:6 ORG ORBS TRAIL LRG CGR:CGR>>S:ORBS MNVR/ALL DIRs:3>W", **LatLong:** "51.183336 -2.116667", **LatLongDMS:** "51:11:00 N 02:07:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.183336,-2.116667)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 26333 (20EE48E8)
**Date:** 4/4/1966
**Time:** 23:00?
**Location:** NEAR ODESSA, UKR
**Description:** Air and ground RADAR blips. 150k' and 500mph. Going down / ground level / 45 minute(s)! / LDLN#337.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: UFO CHRONICLES of the SOVIET UNION; Ballentine Books HB 1992. 212pp. (Index 187)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7611
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RDR:** Radar traces/blips, **MIL:** Military investigation
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Ukraine", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "40", **HatchDesc:** "nr ODESSA,UKR:AIR+GND RDR BLIPS:150k'+500mph:↓/GROUND LVL/45min!:/LDLN#337", **LatLong:** "46.466669 30.733335", **LatLongDMS:** "46:28:00 N 30:44:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.466669,30.733335)", **State/Prov:** "ODE", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 26334 (AAF859BF)
**Date:** 4/4/1966
**Location:** Burkes Flat, Victoria, AU
**Description:** 8:00 p.m. LT. As a strange light phenomenon (including an oval with a cone containing multi-colored shafts or tubes of light moving up and down) hovered near ground level off the road, an approaching motorist reported his headlights were bent (gravitational effect) toward the object. The object seemed to close in on itself and then disappeared. (Chalker, 1996, pp. 114-15.) (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2993
### Event 26335 (8EE7D604)
**Date:** 4/4/1966
**Location:** Liberal, KS
**Description:** Time not reported. A blue-green sphere hovered at low altitude, ascended and departed to the southwest. (NICAP notes.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2994
### Event 26336 (CF3928A3)
**Date:** 4/4/1966
**Location:** Hague (<1 mile SE of), FL
**Description:** Elongated object on the ground, 6 ft long, 2 ft high, with 6 openings (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2995
### Event 26337 (A6522505)
**Date:** 4/4/1966
**Time:** 0605
**Location:** Hague, Florida
**Description:** A civilian man, 40, saw an object resting on the ground as he was going to work, less than 2 km southeast of Hague. It was an elongated craft, 2 m long, 70 cm high. When he tried to touch it, the craft left at great speed toward the west. It had six openings, 10 cm in diameter, and made a "turbine" noise so loud that the witness had to put his hands over his ears. After going away for a few meters, it vanished suddenly. Rain was falling throughout the observation, which lasted four min.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Atic ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_748
### Event 26338 (D920D5BE)
**Date:** 4/4/1966
**Locations:** Burkes Flat, Victoria, Australia; Wycheproof
**Description:** 7:50 p.m. Businessman Ron Sullivan is driving about 60 mph near Burkes Flat, Victoria, Australia. In the distance he sees a light near the road. Suddenly, the headlights of his vehicle bend to the right and light up a nearby fence. He brakes his car. In the middle of an adjacent field, he sees a column of light some 25 feet high and shaped like an inverted ice cream cone, 3 feet wide at the bottom and 10 feet wide at the top. It then rises to a height of 20 feet, after which the whole light complex disappears. There is no associated noise. Sullivan drives on to Wycheproof, where he checks his lights but finds nothing wrong. On the night of April 7, 19-year-old Gary Taylor is killed at the same spot when the car he is driving leaves the road and hits a tree. Police find a circular impression about 2–5 inches deep and 5 feet in diameter in the freshly plowed field.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** NICAP, “[Bent Headlights](http://www.nicap.org/660404australia-dir.htm) [Case](http://www.nicap.org/660404australia-dir.htm)”; Bill Chalker, “[The Bent Headlight Beam Case Revisited,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/Australia/UFO%20Research%20Australia%20Newsletter/UFO%20Research%20Australia%20newsletter%20vol%205%20no%203.pdf)” UFO Research Australia Newsletter 5, no. 3 \(May/June 1984\): 17–29
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4019
### Event 26339 (62123D90)
**Date:** 4/4/1966
**Description:** A famous UFO close encounter case involving the bending of a car's headlights occurred on this night in Bourke's Flat, Victoria, Australia on the road between Bendigo and Saint Arnaud. Mr. R. Sullivan, age 38, was driving home when he encountered a heavy mist and a shining white, oval-shaped UFO that appeared above him with a cone of light descending from beneath it. Rainbow colored rays of light ran down the sides of the cone. His car's headlight beams were bent toward the object "as if they were pieces of pipe." Mr. Sullivan overcompensated in his driving and nearly crashed, but was able to stop the car. He then saw brilliant lights flashing in a field, followed by the abrupt departure of the UFO. The car headlights were OK after the incident.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Victorian UFO Research Society, Flying Saucer Review, May-June 1966, p. 3; Phenomenes Spatiaux, June 1966; Coral E. Lorenzen, UFOs: The Whole Story, p. 160; Jenny Randles, Time Storms: Amazing evidence for time warps, space rifts, and time travel, p. 29; Bill Chalker, The OZ Files, p. 114; Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, p. 29
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1834
### Event 26340 (ACA71B60)
**Date:** 4/4/1966
**Description:** Two UFOs were seen over the Trenton, Ontario airport on this night, and one landed on runway 113. It was about 20 feet in diameter. Two small men were seen near it. When the service police approached, the beings got back in the craft and it took off.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb and Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case A0706, citing NICAP; Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1966
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1835
### Event 26341 (C7E6F7E3)
**Date:** 4/5/1966
**Location:** Washington DC
**Description:** Congressman, Gerald Ford announces to Congress the need to extensively examine UFOs. Brief Hearing, C. Sagan.
**Type:** announcement
**Reference:** [Pea Research](https://www.academia.edu/9813787/GOVERNMENT_INVOLVEMENT_IN_THE_UFO_COVER_UP_CHRONOLOGY_based) (B1-G p64)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_640
### Event 26342 (B6A14C84)
**Date:** 4/5/1966
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Observation in Alto \(Tennessee\).
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#10384 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1966.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2187
### Event 26343 (D5030EC0)
**Date:** 4/5/1966
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Observation at Lycoming \(New York\).
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#10385 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1966.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2188
### Event 26344 (BA64B02B)
**Date:** 4/5/1966
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) The Secretary of State [Harold Brown](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BrownHarold.html) proposed the creation of a civilian organization \(which would be the [Condon](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html\#Condon) Commission, represented by an independent university\) conducting a scientific study of UFOs and allowing scientists to consult the USAF's files on the subject.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1966.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2189
### Event 26345 (76000356)
**Date:** 4/5/1966
**Time:** 01:30
**Location:** DURHAMVILLE, NY
**Description:** 3 observer(s). Flash. Luminous/glowing UFO pulses and circles / low altitude over trailer. / O. Binder.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA; H. Regnery, Chicago HC 1969 & Contemporary Books,Chicago 1993. 372pp. (Index 750)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7612
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "133", **HatchDesc:** "DURHAMVILLE,NY:3 OBS:FLASH:LUMn UFO PULSES+CCLS/LO ALT OVR TRAILER:/O. Binder", **LatLong:** "43.133335 -75.666670", **LatLongDMS:** "43:08:00 N 75:40:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.133335,-75.666670)", **RelAlt:** "5", **State/Prov:** "New York", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 26346 (2BA55CC6)
**Date:** 4/5/1966
**Time:** 03:00
**Location:** LYCOMING, NY
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #10385. 1 observer 3M steaming sphere/orb/globe spins / 6M altitude. Goes slowly. / USAF Tech. Intel. Center. (ATIC) report.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA; H. Regnery, Chicago HC 1969 & Contemporary Books,Chicago 1993. 372pp. (Index 751)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7613
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "102", **HatchDesc:** "LYCOMING,NY:BBK#10385:1 OBS 3M STEAMING ORB SPINS/6M ALT:GOES SLOWLY:/Atic Rpt", **LatLong:** "43.483335 -76.372226", **LatLongDMS:** "43:29:00 N 76:22:20 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.483335,-76.372226)", **RelAlt:** "6", **State/Prov:** "New York", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 26347 (9298ECA6)
**Date:** 4/5/1966
**Time:** 18:50
**Location:** CASTLETON, NY
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Silent 30M disk hovers over power lines. Lands / woods. White beam.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Newspaper account: Knickerbocker News, Albany, NY 1966 (date unknown) (via Joe Ritrovato)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7614
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "8", **Elev:** "6", **HatchDesc:** "CASTLETON,NY:2 OBS:SLNT 30M DISK HVRS OVR POWER LINES:LANDS/WOODS:WHITE BEAM", **LatLong:** "42.516669 -73.750004", **LatLongDMS:** "42:31:00 N 73:45:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.516669,-73.750004)", **State/Prov:** "New York", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 26348 (46D85368)
**Date:** 4/5/1966
**Time:** 19:00
**Location:** KITTERY, ME
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #unknown. 4 observer(s) / (seen thru) binoculars. Landed saucer takes off. No further details. / USAF Tech. Intel. Center. (ATIC) records.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA; H. Regnery, Chicago HC 1969 & Contemporary Books,Chicago 1993. 372pp. (Index 752)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7615
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "7", **HatchDesc:** "KITTERY,ME:BBK#UNK:4 OBS/BINOCS:LANDED SCR TAKES OFF:NFD:/Atic records", **LatLong:** "43.088891 -70.738892", **LatLongDMS:** "43:05:20 N 70:44:20 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.088891,-70.738892)", **State/Prov:** "Maine", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 26349 (12E0463D)
**Date:** 4/5/1966
**Time:** 20:00
**Description:** Many observer(s). Silent pulsing saucer hovers / transmitter. Maneuvers all over/all about.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 797)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7616
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "20", **Elev:** "30", **HatchDesc:** "VICTORIA+VANCOUVER,BC:MANY OBS:SLNT PULSING SCR HVRS/TRANSMITTER:MNVRS ALLO:", **LatLong:** "48.833336 -123.250006", **LatLongDMS:** "48:50:00 N 123:15:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.833336,-123.250006)", **State/Prov:** "British Columbia", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 26350 (E0CC6624)
**Date:** 4/5/1966
**Time:** 23:50
**Location:** ALTO, TN
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #10384. 2 observer(s). 30M cylinder/cigar-shape over swamp. Animals react. USAF PHOTOs later.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA; H. Regnery, Chicago HC 1969 & Contemporary Books,Chicago 1993. 372pp. (Index 753)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7617
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "150", **Elev:** "311", **HatchDesc:** "ALTO,TN:BBK#10384:2 OBS:30M CGR OVR SWAMP:ANIMALS REACT:USAF PHOTOs later.", **LatLong:** "35.261113 -85.950004", **LatLongDMS:** "35:15:40 N 85:57:00 W", **Locale:** "Wetlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/35.261113,-85.950004)", **State/Prov:** "Tennessee", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 26351 (B3B94F8D)
**Date:** 4/5/1966
**Location:** Anderson AFB, Guam
**Description:** Radar Sighting, #6 of 24 Incidents (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5)
**Reference:** NICAP: [660405](http://www.nicap.org/660405guam%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2996
### Event 26352 (EB531A97)
**Date:** 4/5/1966
**Location:** Lycoming, NY
**Description:** Spinning vapor-like sphere, 10 ft in diameter (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 10385)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2997
### Event 26353 (3064B7E1)
**Date:** 4/5/1966
**Location:** Kittery, ME
**Description:** 4 people saw a landed object through binoculars (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2998
### Event 26354 (00F52FC0)
**Date:** 4/5/1966
**Location:** Alto, TN
**Description:** Object 100 ft long oval with a dark top appeared cone-shaped (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: 10384)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_2999
### Event 26355 (FA5653F7)
**Date:** 4/5/1966
**Location:** Heflin, AL
**Description:** 4:00 p.m. CST. An obiect emitting a humming sound was observed, and reportedly caused "anti-gravitational effects," finally disappearing in clouds. (Letter, NICAP report form, clipping.) (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3000
### Event 26356 (8954CB4D)
**Date:** 4/5/1966
**Location:** Wycheproof, Australia
**Description:** R. Sullivan was driving toward Maryborough when his headlight beams appeared to "bend" to the right. He then observed a vertical, conical beam of light in a nearby field, very white at ground level and rainbowlike up to an altitude of 7 m. Top and bottom diameters: 3 and 1 m respectively. The object producing the light flew away.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** APRO May., 66 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_749
### Event 26357 (7276C3A0)
**Date:** 4/5/1966
**Time:** 0130
**Location:** Durhamville, New York
**Description:** A woman was awakened by a flash, thought her heater had exploded, but found everything in order. The next day she was told that a pulsating, luminous object had flown at very low altitude over her trailer, circled and left. Three witnoises. Low buzzing sound.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Binder ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_750
### Event 26358 (74648893)
**Date:** 4/5/1966
**Time:** 0300
**Location:** Lycoming, New York
**Description:** A civilian woman, 42, went to get a glass of water in her kitchen and saw a spinning object, 3 m in diameter, 6 m above ground near her house. It departed very suddenly, leaving a trail.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Atic ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_751
### Event 26359 (23F0CE5A)
**Date:** 4/5/1966
**Time:** 1900
**Location:** Kittery, Maine
**Description:** A landed object was observed through binoculars by four persons. It took off, hovered for a while, and left.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Atic ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_752
### Event 26360 (C1D3FB87)
**Date:** 4/5/1966
**Time:** 2400
**Location:** Alto, Tennessee
**Description:** Two civilian men stopped to watch an object hovering above a swamp, tried to follow it, but it flew awav. They observed that animals (cows, dogs, horses) were restless in all the areas that the object crossed. A photographic reconstitution by the U.S. Air Force showed an oval object, 30 m long, flying at 5 m altitude, between a high-tension line and a row of trees.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Atic ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_753
### Event 26361 (F2ACF9DC)
**Date:** 4/5/1966
**Time:** 11:55 PM
**Location:** Alto, Tennessee
**Description:** Witness: W. Smith. One oval object with a dark top, appeared cone-shaped when moving. It made a high-frequency noise during the 2.5 hour sighting.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_539
### Event 26362 (94FF2E96)
**Date:** 4/5/1966
**Time:** 3 AM
**Location:** Lycoming, New York
**Description:** Witness: Lillian Louis. One vapor-like sphere hovered and spun at low altitude, shooting its exhaust onto the ground below. Sighting of 1 minute.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_540
### Event 26363 (279FA250)
**Date:** 4/5/1966
**Location:** US
**Description:** House Armed Services Committee hearing on UFOs in U.S. Congress. Only Air Force witnesses called to testify. Hearings used as forum to announce that new independent scientific study would be undertaken.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_84
### Event 26364 (638FE2B4)
**Date:** 4/5/1966
**Location:** Durhamville, New York
**Description:** 1:30 a.m. A woman in Durhamville, New York, is awakened by a flash. She thinks her trailer heater has exploded, but everything is in order. The next day, three witnesses tell her a pulsating, luminous object had flown directly above her trailer.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Vallée, Magonia, [p. 327](https://archive.org/details/passporttomagoni0000vall/page/326/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4020
### Event 26365 (4957FA15)
**Date:** 4/5/1966
**Location:** Lycoming, New York
**Description:** 3:00 a.m. [Lillian Louis](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/163475830/lillian-e%5F-louis), in Lycoming, New York, sees a spinning object from her kitchen window. It seems to be 10 feet in diameter and is shooting exhaust 20 feet above the ground near her house. It departs suddenly, leaving a trail.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** [Sparks](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf)[,](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf) p. 313
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4021
### Event 26366 (B5FF7658)
**Date:** 4/5/1966
**Location:** USAF Office of Scientific Research
**Description:** The House Armed Services Committee conducts the first public hearing by the US Congress on the topic of UFOs. Air Force Secretary [Harold Brown](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harold%5FBrown%5F%28Secretary%5Fof%5FDefense%29) testifies that while USAF has done an excellent job on UFOs, perhaps there is room for “even stronger emphasis on the scientific aspects.” [Hynek](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J.%5FAllen%5FHynek) recommends that a “civilian panel of physical and social scientists … examine the UFO problem critically for the express purpose of determining whether a major problem exits.” [Quintanilla](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hector%5FQuintanilla) is the only other witness. After Committee Chairman [L. Mendel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/L.%5FMendel%5FRivers) [Rivers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/L.%5FMendel%5FRivers) expresses some enthusiasm for the idea, Brown suddenly realizes that maybe he has found a way to get the Air Force out of UFO investigations. Shortly after the hearing, Brown tells the USAF Office of Scientific Research to accept the February 3 [O’Brien](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brian%5FO%27Brien) recommendation to seek a university that will accept a contract to study the 600 officially unidentified UFO sightings.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** US House Committee on Armed Services, Hearing, [Unidentified Flying Objects](https://ia600402.us.archive.org/1/items/UfoHearing19662/ufo%5Fhearing1966%201.pdf)[,](https://ia600402.us.archive.org/1/items/UfoHearing19662/ufo%5Fhearing1966%201.pdf) 89th Congress, 2nd Session, April 5, 1966; Clark III 1192
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4022
### Event 26367 (D9BB8891)
**Date:** 4/5/1966
**Location:** Alto, Tennessee
**Description:** Midnight. W. Smith and another man in Alto, Tennessee, stop to watch a 100-foot long UFO hovering 15 feet above a swamp. They try to follow it, but it flies away, flying between a high-tension power line and a row of trees. Cows, dogs, and horses are restless in all the areas where the object passes over.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** [Sparks](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf), p. 313
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4023
### Event 26368 (3F1A3B18)
**Date:** 4/5/1966
**Description:** At 3:00 a.m. Lillian Louis sighted a vapor-like sphere hovering at a low altitude in Lycoming, New York. The object hovered low over the ground and was spinning, shooting its exhaust onto the ground below. The entire episode lasted about a minute.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Don Berliner, Project Bluebook UFO Unknowns
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1847
### Event 26369 (FFACB94D)
**Date:** 4/5/1966
**Description:** In Alto, Tennessee at 11:55 p.m. witness W. Smith sighted an oval object with a dark top. The object appeared cone-shaped when moving. It made a high-frequency noise. The sighting lasted 2.5 hours.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Don Berliner, Project Bluebook UFO Unknowns
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1848
### Event 26370 (33EEC9B8)
**Date:** 4/5/1966
**Description:** USAF Maj. Hector Quintanilla tells the House Armed Services Committee that **Project Blue Book** had “no radar cases which are unexplained.”
Declassified records show this is a lie, as the Project was cataloging at least one radar “unknown” per month in its first year alone. **Blue Book** scientific advisor J. Allen Hynek later corroborated this, providing several radar unidentifieds such as 1951 Goose Bay, 1956 Lakenheath and 1957 Shreveport.
Hynek also noted Quintanilla’s deception in a book written six years later.
* [http://www.cisu.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/Sparks-CATALOG-BB-Unknowns-1.27-Dec-20-2016.pdf](http://www.cisu.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/Sparks-CATALOG-BB-Unknowns-1.27-Dec-20-2016.pdf)
* [https://archive.org/details/ufoexperience00jall/page/80/mode/2up](https://archive.org/details/ufoexperience00jall/page/80/mode/2up) (p80)
* [http://web.archive.org/web/20001025094433/www.isso.org/inbox/ubd/app/congress.htm](https://www.google.com/url?q=http://web.archive.org/web/20001025094433/www.isso.org/inbox/ubd/app/congress.htm&sa=D&source=editors&ust=1690698543900790&usg=AOvVaw0FJCD5LaVQ9EDZRz_dqRdJ)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_115
### Event 26371 (B6775ECB)
**Date:** 4/6/1966
**Time:** 11:00
**Location:** CLAYTON, VCT
**Description:** Science class. Domed saucer maneuvers / trees. Planes chase. / r174p116+/ r111.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 797)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7618
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "20", **HatchDesc:** "CLAYTON,VCT:SCIENCE CLASS:DOMED SCR MNVRS/TREES:PLANES CHASE:/r174p116+/r111", **LatLong:** "-37.933335 145.116674", **LatLongDMS:** "37:56:00 S 145:07:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-37.933335,145.116674)", **State/Prov:** "Victoria", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 26372 (4580827F)
**Date:** 4/6/1966
**Location:** Selkirk, NY
**Description:** Time not reported. A huge grayish-white egg-shaped object with body lights and portholes hovered above trees, rocking back and forth. Finally it accelerated and sped away leaving a trail. (NICAP notes.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3001
### Event 26373 (516A6F56)
**Date:** 4/6/1966
**Time:** 13:57:17.1
**Location:** 37.1395 -116.1409
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Stutz” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_445
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1395 -116.1409", **LatLongDMS:** "37:08:22 N 116:08:27 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1395,-116.1409)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.23", **NukeMb:** "4.45", **NukeName:** "Stutz", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 26374 (6C2B7806)
**Date:** 4/6/1966
**Locations:** Clayton South, Victoria, Australia; Westall High School; Westall Secondary College; The Grange; Westall State School
**Description:** Around 11:00 a.m. A class of students and a teacher from Westall High School \[now Westall Secondary College\] in Clayton South, Victoria, Australia, are just completing a sport activity on the main oval when they see an object, described as a gray saucer-shaped craft with a slight purple hue and about twice the size of a family car. Witness descriptions are mixed: Andrew Greenwood, a science teacher, tells The Dandenong Journal at the time that he saw a silvery-green disc. According to witnesses, the object is descending and then crosses and flies over the high school’s southwest corner, going in a southeasterly direction before disappearing from sight as it descends behind a stand of trees and into a paddock at The Grange in front of the Westall State School \(primary students\). After about 20 minutes, the object—with witnesses now numbering over 200—then climbs at speed and departs towards the northwest. As the object gains altitude, some accounts describe it as being pursued from the scene by five unidentified aircraft that circle it. Some describe one disc, others claim to see three. The Victorian Flying Saucer Research Society arrives on the site on April 8, speaks to students, and views the ground marking, originally described as a large patch of yellow, flattened grass with a swirly pattern.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Audio Reveals Creepy](https://archive.ph/5TnZj) [Details of Australian UFO Mystery,](https://archive.ph/5TnZj)” Melbourne Herald Sun, August 7, 2018; Wikipedia, “[Westall UFO](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Westall%5FUFO)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4024
### Event 26375 (F58031D9)
**Date:** 4/6/1966
**Description:** NICAP Assistant Director [Richard Hall](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard%5FH.%5FHall) writes to [Gerald Ford](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gerald%5FFord)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gerald%5FFord) congratulating him on his call for a congressional investigation, saying, “History will record the important role you have played in helping to bring about a rational study of UFOs and public enlightenment on the subject.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Bill Murphy, “The Swamp Gas Aftermath: Some Notes from the Gerald Ford Files,” IUR 33, no. 2 \(July 2010\): 10, 13
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4025
### Event 26376 (79FFD7E1)
**Date:** 4/6/1966
**Description:** At eleven o'clock in the morning in Clayton, Victoria, Australia numerous independent witnesses including dozens of schoolchildren and teachers from Westall High School watched a metallic disc-shaped UFO land in a nearby field, then take off again, while several Cessna-type aircraft and other silvery "plane-like" objects circled the area. Some of the witnesses found a perfect circle of flattened grass on the ground, while others encountered military or government personnel in the area who warned them to stay away. Some witnesses said they saw a cow in the paddock where the object came down. The animal was reportedly to have been in such a distressed state that it eventually had to be put down. One student who arrived before the others was found in a dazed, trance-like state. Other schoolchildren saw the UFO on the ground and a normal looking man in white coveralls walking around it, telling everyone to stay back. Another man appeared, this one wearing a dark uniform with an emblem on it. One of the men was seen entering the object, while the other vanished. The object emitted a loud humming sound and then took off.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Bill Chalker, The OZ Files; Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1966, case # 3125
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1859
### Event 26377 (16B30089)
**Date:** 4/7/1966
**Time:** 02:30
**Description:** 2 Army officers. Silent top-saucer east going quickly west / very fast. Turns and rises. Leaves (something behind) trail.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SHUTTLEWOOD, Arthur: The WARMINSTER MYSTERY. Neville-Spearman/Tandem Books PB 1967, London. (Index 14)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7619
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "120", **HatchDesc:** "WARMINSTER,WILTs:2 ARMY OFFICERS:SLNT TOP-SCR E>>W/VFAST:TURNS+RISES:LVS TRAIL", **LatLong:** "51.216669 -2.166667", **LatLongDMS:** "51:13:00 N 02:10:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.216669,-2.166667)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 26378 (C9AA6305)
**Date:** 4/7/1966
**Time:** 21:30
**Location:** WEST / SEDALIA, CO
**Description:** 6 teens. 2.2M figure(s) / campsite. 1 / roof of shed. 4 domed saucers. / r211p8.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 795)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7620
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **MIB:** Men in Black, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **NUC:** Nuclear facility related, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "20", **Elev:** "1800", **HatchDesc:** "W/SEDALIA,CO:6 TEENS:2.2M figs/CAMPSITE:1/ROOF of SHED:4 DOMED SCRS:/r211p8", **LatLong:** "39.750002 -105.250005", **LatLongDMS:** "39:45:00 N 105:15:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.750002,-105.250005)", **State/Prov:** "Colorado", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 26379 (69B89105)
**Date:** 4/7/1966
**Location:** Beulah, MI
**Description:** Time not reported. A cigar-shaped object with red and green body lights flew ahead of a car, circled back emitting sound (unspecified), and settled down behind a ridge. (NICAP notes.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3002
### Event 26380 (98D32176)
**Date:** 4/7/1966
**Location:** Springfield, KY
**Description:** Time not reported. A large object described as an "overgrown washtub" moved southeast over the airport, dog barked (animal reactions). (NICAP notes.) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3003
### Event 26381 (7FB25BC7)
**Date:** 4/7/1966
**Location:** Grove City, PA
**Description:** Night. Motorists saw lights rise from the ground, then an unidentified object passed over their car causing E-M effects, noise (unspecified), physical and psychological effects. Independent observation: Same day at Ligonier, 105 miles to the southeast in Pennsylvania, silver cigar-shaped objects were observed flying into a storm. (NICAP notes) (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases) (NICAP: 05 - Medical Incidents)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3004
### Event 26382 (7E5D2761)
**Date:** 4/7/1966
**Location:** Littleton, CO
**Description:** Time not reported. A group of people on a picnic saw white, blue, and red lights in a wooded area, and heard a weird buzzing sound. EM effects occurred on their car when a white object followed them as they left the area. (NICAP notes.) (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3006
### Event 26383 (8994693E)
**Date:** 4/7/1966
**Location:** Lincoln, NE
**Description:** 7:00-8:00 p.m. CST. A group of doctors, lawyers, and pilots saw a constellation of lights, including a large white "beacon" with 4-5 bright red lights, hovering at low altitude (estimated to be about 400 feet) for about 7 minutes during heavy rain. The object(s) suddenly sped away at "fantastic speed." (NICAP report.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3007
### Event 26384 (38544823)
**Date:** 4/7/1966
**Location:** Mansfield, OH
**Description:** Time not reported. Two sheriffs deputies while on patrol chased a bright round object at high speed, seeing it or a similar object five times. The UFO alternately hovered and sped up, the last time departing vertically upward. (NICAP notes.) \[Compare to April 17, 1966, Ravenna, Ohio, sheriffs deputies case.\] (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3008
### Event 26385 (8C0B537B)
**Date:** 4/7/1966
**Time:** 2130
**Location:** Daniels Park, Colorado
**Description:** Six teenagers reported strange lights following their car as they left the site of a picnic in a state of extreme fear. An unknown man, 2.20 m tall, wearing black clothes, had been seen passing in front of the shelter entrance and walking on the roof.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Personal ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_754
### Event 26386 (276BA69D)
**Date:** 4/7/1966
**Time:** 22:27:30.0
**Location:** 37.0174 -115.9922
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Tomato” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_446
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0174 -115.9922", **LatLongDMS:** "37:01:03 N 115:59:32 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0174,-115.9922)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.23", **NukeName:** "Tomato", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 26387 (5DAC89C0)
**Date:** 4/7/1966
**Description:** At 2:30 a.m. in Warminster, England two Army officers witnessed a top-shaped UFO fly from the east to the west at a high rate of speed. The UFO turned and rose, leaving a trail in the sky. It made no sound.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Larry Hatch, U computer database, case 6166; Arthur Shuttlewood,The Warminister Mystery: Astounding UFO Sightings, p. 14
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1881
### Event 26388 (28E6372A)
**Date:** 4/7/1966
**Description:** At 9:30 p.m. in Daniels Park near Denver, Colorado six 17-year-old young men and women were in a shelter in the park when they heard footsteps on the roof. Two boys went out to investigate and heard a buzzing noise that seemed to surround them. In the field they saw two red lights each about a foot in diameter. Meanwhile those left behind in the shelter witnessed a very tall man dressed in black standing outside. They left and started back to their car. When the buzzing started again they saw two blue lights low in the sky, which were joined by a very bright white light. Watching from the car, they continued to hear the sound, and saw "four things like footballs with domes on them." They drove away---with difficulty, for the engine kept stalling---and were followed by a "huge light" which did not reflect in the rearview mirror.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** J. Allen Hynek, case investigation files; David F. Webb and Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case A0707, citing Herb Roth for NICAP; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 754; Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1966
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1882
### Event 26389 (27519F9E)
**Date:** 4/7/1966
**Description:** That same evening several luminous objects with bright red lights were seen hovering at a low altitude in Lincoln, Nebraska. They sped away.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Richard Hall, The UFO Evidence Volume II: A Thirty Year Report, p. 320
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1883
### Event 26390 (8329CC5B)
**Date:** 4/8/1966
**Location:** SOUTH DAYTONA, FL
**Description:** 1 observer. 8M UFO in front / car. Going up / 30M altitude and going quickly east to sea. Red fireballs. / r111p29.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 299)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7621
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "S.DAYTONA,FL:1 OBS:8M UFO IN FRONT/CAR:↑/30M alt+>>E TO SEA:RED FBLS:/r111p29.", **LatLong:** "29.166668 -81.005559", **LatLongDMS:** "29:10:00 N 81:00:20 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/29.166668,-81.005559)", **RelAlt:** "1", **State/Prov:** "Florida", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 26391 (17DBCAAB)
**Date:** 4/8/1966
**Time:** 08:10
**Location:** NORWALK, CT
**Description:** 2.5M saucer hunts 2 kids who hide / trees and bridge. Antenna. / r111p272+/ r8.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 797)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7622
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **SUB:** Submersible: Rises from or submerges into water, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "110", **Elev:** "14", **HatchDesc:** "NORWALK,CT:2.5M SCR HUNTS 2 KIDS who HIDE/TREES+BRIDGE:ANTENNA:/r111p272+/r8", **LatLong:** "41.133335 -73.416670", **LatLongDMS:** "41:08:00 N 73:25:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.133335,-73.416670)", **RelAlt:** "3", **State/Prov:** "Connecticut", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 26392 (57334843)
**Date:** 4/8/1966
**Time:** 0805
**Location:** Norwalk, Connecticut
**Description:** Mike Dorsey and Gary Hunt, 12 were walking to school when they saw a circling object making the sound of humming bees. They ran for cover, trying to stop a car. The craft resembled an upside-down plate, very smooth, apparently metallic, with a black spot near the rim, a red light and an antennalike projection, and red and white lights spinning counterclockwise. Diameter2.5 m, height, 1.5 m. Minimum altitude was 2 m, held for 5 min, with a slight rocking motion. The object then took off at great speed.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Lor. III 108 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_755
### Event 26393 (ABB1A433)
**Date:** 4/8/1966
**Locations:** Redcoat Road; Norwalk, Connecticut; Holy Ghost Seminary
**Description:** 8:05 a.m. Mike Dorsey and Gary Hunt, both 12, are walking along Redcoat Road in Norwalk, Connecticut, when they see sunlight reflecting off a distant object to the west and behind them. It zooms toward them in a flash, passes overhead from west to east, turns, makes a second pass from east to west, turns again, and makes a third pass. It makes a low humming sound when it passes about 15 feet above them. The boys run to the Holy Ghost Seminary nearby and hide under a nearby bridge abutment as the object continues to maneuver. When it hovers, it does so edge down and makes a fluttering motion. The disc looks metallic, 8 feet in diameter, has a black spot on top near its rim, and a red light on top of an antenna-like protrusion. Red and white lights appear to rotate counterclockwise. Nearly 2 hours later, the object takes off in a burst of speed.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Boys Chased by UAO,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201966%2005%2000%20-%20May-June.pdf)” APRO Bulletin, May/June 1966, p. 5
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4026
### Event 26394 (C39CD786)
**Date:** 4/8/1966
**Description:** At 11:40 p.m. at Daniels Park near Denver, Colorado six teenagers heard footsteps on the roof of a park shelter where they were sitting and talking. They next saw a big humanoid figure pass in front of a landed light in a nearby field. Four domed football shaped objects maneuvered around in the sky, making a pulsating sound. When they tried to flee the area in their car the car's engine wouldn't start.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Timothy Green Beckley, Flying Saucers, March 1967, p. 24
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1900
### Event 26395 (57D6523E)
**Date:** 4/9/1966
**Location:** Westport, MA
**Description:** Time not reported. An unidentified object approached a car from behind, hovered over it, moved ahead, and ascended vertically out of sight. (NICAP notes.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3009
### Event 26396 (D2AEEBF3)
**Date:** 4/10/1966
**Location:** EAST / GOLDEN, CO
**Description:** Cops and hundreds. Red glowing-ball hovers and maneuvers / 350M over south table mountain / 20 minute(s).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 795)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7623
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **NUC:** Nuclear facility related, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "12", **Duration:** "20", **Elev:** "1720", **HatchDesc:** "E/GOLDEN,CO:COPS+100s:RED GLOW-BALL HVRS+MNVRS/350M OVR SOUTH TABLE Mtn/20min", **LatLong:** "39.766669 -105.200005", **LatLongDMS:** "39:46:00 N 105:12:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.766669,-105.200005)", **State/Prov:** "Colorado", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 26397 (58648862)
**Date:** 4/10/1966
**Location:** BOSLER, WY
**Description:** Several cars stop. 'Balloon' hovers. Vanishes. Reappears. Crosses road. Extremely quickly going up.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 795)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7624
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "2160", **HatchDesc:** "BOSLER,WY:SVRL CARS STOP:'BALLOON' HVRS:VANISHES:REAPPEARS:CROSSES ROAD:↑↑↑", **LatLong:** "41.500002 -105.694449", **LatLongDMS:** "41:30:00 N 105:41:40 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.500002,-105.694449)", **State/Prov:** "Wyoming", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 26398 (AB110DA0)
**Date:** 4/10/1966
**Location:** Lebanon, IN
**Description:** Night. An engineering draftsman and his wife saw a cone of nine white lights, with a line of 10-12 small blue lights below it. The lights abruptly blinked off. (NICAP notes.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3010
### Event 26399 (058D4C83)
**Date:** 4/11/1966
**Time:** 00:00
**Location:** GREENSBURG, PA
**Description:** 15M cigar 5M / ground. Rises going up [to] fog. Returns. Flashes and whistles. / USAF Tech. Intel. Center. (ATIC.)
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA; H. Regnery, Chicago HC 1969 & Contemporary Books,Chicago 1993. 372pp. (Index 756)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7625
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "335", **HatchDesc:** "GREENSBURG,PA:15M CIGAR 5M/GND:RISES ↑ FOG:RETURNS:FLASHES+WHISTLES:/Atic", **LatLong:** "40.300002 -79.533337", **LatLongDMS:** "40:18:00 N 79:32:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.300002,-79.533337)", **State/Prov:** "Pennsylvania", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 26400 (9B4C18B8)
**Date:** 4/11/1966
**Location:** Greensburg, PA
**Description:** Well-defined cigar shaped object 50 ft long with no wings or tail (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3011
### Event 26401 (F360748B)
**Date:** 4/11/1966
**Time:** 0000
**Location:** Greensburg, Pennsylvania
**Description:** A civilian man, 43, saw a well-defined object 5 m above ground, 100 m away. It showed a flashing red light, rose, was lost in the fog, then came back at treetop level with a strong whistling sound. Its shape was that of a cigar, 15 m long. It had no wings, tail assembly, or wheels.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Atic ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_756
### Event 26402 (1D15B6BE)
**Date:** 4/11/1966
**Description:** A police officer in New Hampshire stopped his patrol car to check on a building at 2:30 a.m. He glanced up and saw a glowing, white elliptical object hovering overhead. He took a Polaroid photograph of the UFO and when pulling the film through the camera the UFO moved off.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Raymond E. Fowler case files, report dated April 16, 1966
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1954
### Event 26403 (8FF7E0F4)
**Date:** 4/12/1966
**Time:** 19:50
**Location:** DORCHESTER, MA
**Description:** Blue Book. Power outage. Many observer(s) domed saucer lands / school roof. / FSR'66#4.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA; H. Regnery, Chicago HC 1969 & Contemporary Books,Chicago 1993. 372pp. (Index 757)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7626
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "37", **HatchDesc:** "DORCHESTER,MA:BBK:POWER OUTAGE:MANY OBS DOMED SCR LANDS/SCHOOL ROOF:/FSR'66#4", **LatLong:** "42.316669 -71.066670", **LatLongDMS:** "42:19:00 N 71:04:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.316669,-71.066670)", **RelAlt:** "4", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 26404 (50E8A5E2)
**Date:** 4/12/1966
**Time:** 20:10
**Location:** BROCKTON, MASS
**Description:** 1 observer. Elongated ovoid hovers off SR24. Bright red-orange light / each end.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FOWLER, Raymond E.: UFO'S, INTERPLANETARY VISITORS; Prentice Hall & Bantam Books, NY 1979. 346pp. (Index 324)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7627
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "34", **HatchDesc:** "BROCKTON,MASS:1 OBS:ELONGATED OVOID HVRS OFF SR24:BRITE RED-ORG LITE/EACH END.", **LatLong:** "42.083335 -71.033337", **LatLongDMS:** "42:05:00 N 71:02:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.083335,-71.033337)", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 26405 (70665687)
**Date:** 4/12/1966
**Location:** Dorchester, MA
**Description:** 7:45 p.m. EST. Witnesses reported a low-flying oval object with dome on top and colored lights around its perimeter, circling over a schoolhouse and bobbing up and down. Coincident power failure (EM effects) in nearby Roxbury. (Fowler 1974, p. 337; Boston Record American, Apr. 13, 1966, quoted in Flying Saucer Review, 12(4), pp. iii-iv.) (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3012
### Event 26406 (5467F10F)
**Date:** 4/12/1966
**Location:** Brockton, MA
**Description:** 10:00 p.m. EST. An elongated elliptical (or cigar-like) object with a bright red- orange light at each end was seen hovering off Route 24. (Fowler, 1974, p. 337.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3013
### Event 26407 (AB4D8670)
**Date:** 4/12/1966
**Time:** 1945
**Location:** Dorchester, Massachusetts
**Description:** During a power failure many residents, including Robert Moses and Robert McCambly, saw an oval object with a dome on top and lights (red to white to green) around the bottom, which appeared to land on the roof of the Oliver Wendelle Holmes grammar school after a series of maneuvers.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** FSR 66, 4 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_757
### Event 26408 (3928CCF9)
**Date:** 4/12/1966
**Description:** At 7:45 p.m. EST witnesses in Dorchester, Massachusetts reported a low-flying oval object with a dome on top and colored lights around its perimeter, circling over a schoolhouse and bobbing up and down. There was a coincident power failure (EM effects) in nearby Roxbury. At 10:00 p.m. EST an elongated elliptical (or cigar-like) object with a bright red-orange light at each end was seen hovering off Route 24 in Brockton, Massachusetts.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Raymond Fowler, UFOs: Interplanetary Visitors, p. 337; Boston Record American, April 13, 1966, quoted in Flying Saucer Review, July-August 1966 (volume 12, #4), pp. iii-iv
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1970
### Event 26409 (0C9EF710)
**Date:** 4/13/1966
**Time:** 05:30
**Location:** NEAR DEXTER, MI
**Description:** Silent orange 9M spiral-shape / low altitude going up [to] slow and going northwest when hit / headlights.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 797)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7628
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "275", **HatchDesc:** "nr DEXTER,MI:SLNT ORG.9M SPIRAL-SHAPE/LO alt ↑ SLOW+>NW when HIT/HEADLITES:", **LatLong:** "42.250002 -83.850004", **LatLongDMS:** "42:15:00 N 83:51:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.250002,-83.850004)", **RelAlt:** "3", **State/Prov:** "Michigan", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 26410 (EAE925F6)
**Date:** 4/13/1966
**Location:** Kalamazoo, MI
**Description:** Time not reported. A police officer and other witnesses saw an elliptical object with flashing white lights, alternating red and green lights. (NICAP report; police department form.)' (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3014
### Event 26411 (B21AEF99)
**Date:** 4/14/1966
**Time:** 04:00
**Location:** (SE), MI
**Description:** 2 fast disks maneuver / several counties. USAF sees but not / RADAR. 4 more join. Going quickly northwest.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 797)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7629
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "90", **Elev:** "200", **HatchDesc:** "(SE),MI:2 FAST DISKS MNVR/SVRL COUNTIES:USAF SEES but NOT/RDR:4 MORE JOIN:>>NW", **LatLong:** "42.000002 -83.500004", **LatLongDMS:** "42:00:00 N 83:30:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.000002,-83.500004)", **State/Prov:** "Michigan", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 26412 (346A4CDB)
**Date:** 4/14/1966
**Time:** 14:13:43.1
**Location:** 37.2427 -116.4309
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Duryea” Yield: 70KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_447
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.2427 -116.4309", **LatLongDMS:** "37:14:34 N 116:25:51 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.2427,-116.4309)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.54", **NukeMb:** "5.40", **NukeName:** "Duryea", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "70"
### Event 26413 (DA7B2038)
**Date:** 4/15/1966
**Time:** 09:30
**Description:** 10 second(s) filmclip / ovoid-lens saucer taken / helicopter. Going north / 200mph.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 899)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7630
**Attributes:** **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "S/SANTA CATALINA Isl,CA:10sec FILMCLIP/OVOID-LENS SCR TAKEN/COPTER:>N/200mph", **LatLong:** "33.300002 -118.333339", **LatLongDMS:** "33:18:00 N 118:20:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/33.300002,-118.333339)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 26414 (04610C5C)
**Date:** 4/15/1966
**Location:** F. E. Warren AFB, WY
**Description:** UFO over missile silo (NUFORC) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** NICAP: [660415](http://www.nicap.org/fewarren660415dir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3015
### Event 26415 (18D9737F)
**Date:** 4/15/1966
**Location:** Interior, SD
**Description:** UFO tracked on USAF radar over Minuteman ICBM complex.. Two tracking radar systems that were looking for a Low level B-52 at the time got a lockon to a UFO that was later confirmed to be hovering over a missle silo. (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases) (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases)
**Reference:** NICAP: [660415](http://www.nicap.org/interior660415dir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3016
### Event 26416 (49F8C5C3)
**Date:** 4/15/1966
**Location:** Catalina Island, CA
**Description:** Catalina Island, CA (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)
**Reference:** NICAP: [660415](http://www.nicap.org/cat66.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3018
### Event 26417 (50CECFC9)
**Date:** 4/15/1966
**Description:** While flying near Santa Catalina Island, California a professional Hollywood movie cameraman named Hansen shot a motion picture film of a disc-shaped object while shooting an action film from a helicopter. The television show NOVA claimed the film shows what probably was a light aircraft.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** APRO Bulletin, December 1974, p. 1; Xenolog, September 1978, p. 11; CUFOS case files
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2023
### Event 26418 (220CA331)
**Date:** 4/16/1966
**Time:** 19:50
**Location:** SHERBORN, MASS
**Description:** 1 observer. Elongated ovoid hovers off SR16. Same description / Brockton UFO.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FOWLER, Raymond E.: UFO'S, INTERPLANETARY VISITORS; Prentice Hall & Bantam Books, NY 1979. 346pp. (Index 324)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7631
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "53", **HatchDesc:** "SHERBORN,MASS:1 OBS:ELONGATED OVOID HVRS OFF SR16:SAME DESCRIPT/BROCKTON UFO", **LatLong:** "42.250002 -71.383337", **LatLongDMS:** "42:15:00 N 71:23:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.250002,-71.383337)", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 26419 (9970256E)
**Date:** 4/16/1966
**Location:** Portage County, OH
**Description:** Various officers chased 30-45 ft metallic object from Ohio to PA (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** NICAP: [660416](https://web.archive.org/web/100/http://www.nicap.org/portagedir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3019
### Event 26420 (23374477)
**Date:** 4/16/1966
**Location:** Sherborn, MA
**Description:** 7:55 p.m. EST. An elongated elliptical object with bright red light on each end and blue lights along its perimeter was seen hovering off Route 16. \[Compare to April 12, Brockton, Mass., sighting.\] (Fowler, 1974, p. 337.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3020
### Event 26421 (2DB2AE6F)
**Date:** 4/16/1966
**Description:** At 7:55 p.m. an elongated elliptical object hovered over Highway 16 in Sherborn, Massachusetts. It had bright red lights affixed to each end, and blue lights along its length. At 10:44 p.m. in Weston, Massachusetts police were called to investigate two reports of an object resembling a dirigible or blimp-shaped UFO carrying bright lights.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Raymond E. Fowler, UFOs: Interplanetary Visitors, p. 337
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2053
### Event 26422 (0FC1AC7B)
**Date:** 4/17/1966
**Location:** Ravenna, OH
**Description:** Ravenna, OH, to Conway, Penn.: Deputy Sheriffs Dale Spaur and Wilbur Neff of Portage Countywere on patrol when an UFO stopped above them, illuminating them and the surroundings (it was just about dawn). As the UFO moved away from them at about 300–500 ft. above the road, it would alternately start and stop ahead of them playing cat and mouse. At E. Palestine, OH, officer Wayne Huston joined in the pursuit. At speeds of 100 mph in unfamiliar territory, they were soon low on gas and had to give up the game with the UFO. Through local police dispatch the officers alerted the Air Force, who sent out fighter planes to investigate the UFO. As the officers saw the AF planes approaching the UFO shot straight up and out of sight.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [Pea Research](https://www.academia.edu/9813787/GOVERNMENT_INVOLVEMENT_IN_THE_UFO_COVER_UP_CHRONOLOGY_based) (B1-F p259)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_644
**See also:** 6/24/66
### Event 26423 (6BE930FA)
**Date:** 4/17/1966
**Location:** USA, Portage County (Ohio)
**Description:** (Translated from French) RR1 - 05:05 - 4 witnesses - duration: 1 hour 35 Deputy Sheriff Dale F. Spaur, (...) they are informed by radio that a resident of Summit County reports an object brightly lit as big as a house, flying over the neighborhood at too low an altitude. Jokes fly. (...) Spaur tells: "Neff gets out on the right side and I get out on the left side. (...) When my eyes fell on the wooded area behind us, I saw this thing. At that moment it was rising. It climbed up to the top of the trees, about thirty meters. It passed over the trees and I didn't take my eyes off it. It was so low that you could only see it if it came to us. I looked at Neff, he was watching the car in front of ours. The whole corner was beginning to light up and I told him to look over his shoulder. That's what he did. He didn't say anything, he just stayed for a minute with his mouth open and he must have lowered his eyes because the brightness was too strong. (...) The only thing, the only sound we heard was a rumble, neither loud nor piercing, resembling the sound of a transformer in charge. For two minutes I was scared and I stayed petrified and then I moved my right foot and everything seemed in order. We rushed together to the car, got in and didn't move anymore. (...) I took the microphone and I just said to Bob who was on the line: "This bright object, the one everyone says is circulating around here, well, it's there". And he answered me "Bring it down". It must be said that this thing was not a toy; Good Lord, it was as big as a house and so bright that it made your eyes water. They were asked to take the sighting in pursuit: what they did over 110 km, sometimes exceeding 170 km/h. (...) and that's how there were 2 other witnesses, including Frank Panzanella of the Conway police. (...) (J. Allen HYNEK: "UFOs, Myth or Reality?" - Belfond 1974 - pp. 125-133, 276) The Associated Press agency reported that pilots from the Air Force stationed in Youngstown (Ohio) tried to give chase to the object, but could not do so because the speed of the UFO was much too slow compared to that of their jets. Some police officers reportedly heard these pilots talking to each other on the radio during the pursuit. Gerald Buchert, chief of the police of Mantua (Ohio) learning that the object was approaching, went out with his camera. He saw it (or a similar one) and took a snapshot.
**Reference:** Frank EDWARDS: "Something New About UFOs" - Laffont 1968 - pp. 50-52
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2366
### Event 26424 (B1AA4A3A)
**Date:** 4/17/1966
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Case of the Spaur Hunt in Ravenna \(Ohio\). (April 17)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1966.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2190
### Event 26425 (D78869F4)
**Date:** 4/17/1966
**Location:** Ohio and Pennsylvania
**Description:** Possible jet interception of UFO; long police chase.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [_UFOs and the National Security State: Chronology of a Cover-up, 1941–1973_, by Richard Dolan](https://archive.org/details/ufosnationalsecu00dola/mode/2up)
**Source:** Dolan, **ID:** Dolan_269
### Event 26426 (C82D3656)
**Date:** 4/17/1966
**Location:** MILLERSVIEW, TX
**Description:** 4M ovoid follows car. Crosses road behind car / 5M altitude. / USAF Tech. Intel. Center. (ATIC) report.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA; H. Regnery, Chicago HC 1969 & Contemporary Books,Chicago 1993. 372pp. (Index 758)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7632
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "501", **HatchDesc:** "MILLERSVIEW,TX:4M OVOID FOLLOWS CAR:CROSSES ROAD BEHIND CAR/5M ALT:/Atic rpt", **LatLong:** "31.411113 -99.755560", **LatLongDMS:** "31:24:40 N 99:45:20 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/31.411113,-99.755560)", **RelAlt:** "5", **State/Prov:** "Texas", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 26427 (72E7CD19)
**Date:** 4/17/1966
**Time:** 05:00
**Description:** Cops chase 40' saucer. Other cops and USAF join. / MJ#276+/ APRO 5'66+/ r41.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 43)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7633
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **MIL:** Military investigation, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "12", **Duration:** "95", **Elev:** "344", **HatchDesc:** "RAVENNA,OH >>E:COPS CHASE 40'SCR:OTHER COPS+USAF join:/MJ#276+/APRO 5'66+/r41", **LatLong:** "41.166669 -81.166671", **LatLongDMS:** "41:10:00 N 81:10:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.166669,-81.166671)", **State/Prov:** "Ohio", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 26428 (69CF6582)
**Date:** 4/17/1966
**Time:** 19:20
**Location:** DANVERS, MASS
**Description:** Several groups / observer(s). Boxcar size ovoid circles slowly. Enters "cloud".
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FOWLER, Raymond E.: UFO'S, INTERPLANETARY VISITORS; Prentice Hall & Bantam Books, NY 1979. 346pp. (Index 325)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7634
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "15", **HatchDesc:** "DANVERS,MASS:SVRL GROUPS/OBS:BOXCAR SIZE OVOID CIRCLES SLOWLY:ENTERS "CLOUD"", **LatLong:** "42.583335 -70.916670", **LatLongDMS:** "42:35:00 N 70:55:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.583335,-70.916670)", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 26429 (DCC4C806)
**Date:** 4/17/1966
**Time:** 19:30
**Location:** PEABODY, MASS
**Description:** 4+4 observer(s). Red UFO circles and zigzags. Domed saucer going up [to] < going down [to] going [to] and hovers over school.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FOWLER, Raymond E.: UFO'S, INTERPLANETARY VISITORS; Prentice Hall & Bantam Books, NY 1979. 346pp. (Index 325)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7635
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "45", **Elev:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "PEABODY,MASS:4+4 OBS:RED UFO CCLs+ZIGZAGS::DOMED SCR ↑<↓>+ HVRS OVR SCHOOL", **LatLong:** "42.527780 -70.927781", **LatLongDMS:** "42:31:40 N 70:55:40 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.527780,-70.927781)", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 26430 (7986DB4E)
**Date:** 4/17/1966
**Time:** 20:30
**Location:** WAKEFIELD, MASS
**Description:** Saucer shoots beams / white-blue-red light. Goes going up [to] going down. Goes to 50' over lake.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FOWLER, Raymond E.: UFO'S, INTERPLANETARY VISITORS; Prentice Hall & Bantam Books, NY 1979. 346pp. (Index 325)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7636
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "30", **HatchDesc:** "WAKEFIELD,MASS:SCR SHOOTS BEAMS/WHT-BLU-RED LITE:GOES ↑↓:GOES TO 50' OVER LAKE", **LatLong:** "42.505558 -71.072226", **LatLongDMS:** "42:30:20 N 71:04:20 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.505558,-71.072226)", **RelAlt:** "15", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 26431 (6F442FF8)
**Date:** 4/17/1966
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** ABINGTON, MASS
**Description:** 3+3 observer(s) / (seen thru) telescope. Ovoid with 2 bright white lights. Hovers. Goes going up and down [to] and all directions.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FOWLER, Raymond E.: UFO'S, INTERPLANETARY VISITORS; Prentice Hall & Bantam Books, NY 1979. 346pp. (Index 325)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7637
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "33", **HatchDesc:** "ABINGTON,MASS:3+3 OBS/TSCOPE:OVOID W/2 BRITE WHT LITES:HVRS:GOES ↑+↓+ALL DIRs", **LatLong:** "42.105558 -70.944448", **LatLongDMS:** "42:06:20 N 70:56:40 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.105558,-70.944448)", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 26432 (074B41C8)
**Date:** 4/17/1966
**Location:** Danvers, MA
**Description:** 7:15 p.m. EST. Several groups of witnesses reported an elliptical object with rotating white lights around its perimeter. The object circled slowly, then disappeared into clouds. (Fowler 1974, p. 337.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3021
### Event 26433 (360CF2C2)
**Date:** 4/17/1966
**Location:** Peabody, MA
**Description:** 7:30-7:45 p.m. EST. Fifteen minutes later 5 miles south of Danvers, a series of sightings was reported by independent witnesses. An oval object with dome on top, and red, green, blue, and white flashing body lights, was seen flying in circular and zig-zag patterns. The object suddenly darted away at high speed and disappeared. One UFO hovered over a school, then moved away rapidly with up and down oscillatory motion. (Fowler 1974, p. 338.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3022
### Event 26434 (0AAC8835)
**Date:** 4/17/1966
**Location:** Wakefield, MA
**Description:** 8:30 p.m. EST. About 9 miles southwest of Peabody, witnesses reported an oval object making a humming sound. It bobbed up and down rapidly and emitted white, red, and blue light beams as it descended to low level above Lake Quannapowitt. (Fowler 1974, p. 338.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3023
### Event 26435 (812EFE08)
**Date:** 4/17/1966
**Location:** Millersville, TX
**Description:** Man in car saw an sun-reflecting oval, car-sized object follow him (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3024
### Event 26436 (EA7B5097)
**Date:** 4/17/1966
**Location:** Millersville, Texas
**Description:** A person in a car saw an oval object the size of a car follow his vehicle, then cross the road behind it at 5 m altitude. The object reflected sunlight.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Atic ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_758
### Event 26437 (C6CAC895)
**Date:** 4/17/1966
**Location:** Ravenna, OH
**Description:** Sheriffs confronted by glowing object, light beam illuminated road, humming sound. Chased UFO across state line, other police witnesses en route. Object shot straight up out of sight
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_85
### Event 26438 (B7F5ED8E)
**Date:** 4/17/1966
**Locations:** Portage County; Randolph, Ohio; Mahoning County; East Palestine, Ohio; Salem, Ohio; Youngstown, Ohio; Conway, Pennsylvania; Rochester, Pennsylvania; Pittsburgh; Greater Pittsburgh International Airport
**Description:** 5:00 a.m. Portage County Deputy Sheriff [Dale F. Spaur](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/165680198/dale-floyd-spaur) and Deputy Wilbur Neff are 4 miles east of Randolph, Ohio, when they see a moving light through some trees at the top of a small hill along the road. The light is headed in their direction. They have heard of a UFO reported over police radio that night and figure this must be what was seen. The object hovers 50–100 feet in the air, bathing the two officers in a bright light. Spaur’s eyes water up. They rush to the cruiser and radio the station; the dispatcher says to wait there until a car with a camera arrives. The object makes some sharp maneuvers, and Spaur drives toward it cautiously. The UFO is 18–24 feet thick and about 35–45 feet in diameter. The object is so bright he hardly needs his headlights to drive. It speeds up whenever Spaur accelerates, and soon he is driving at 80 mph. As the UFO reaches Mahoning County, the pursuit is being broadcast over police radios in three counties. As they reach East Palestine, Ohio, Patrolman [H. Wayne](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/133276534/howard-wayne-huston) [Huston](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/133276534/howard-wayne-huston) sees the UFO and follows Spaur and Neff, at times reaching 100 mph. Just before 5:30 a.m., two police officers in Salem, Ohio, see the UFO as a “bright ball” much larger than a jet. They also see three jets following it, apparently Air Force Reserve planes from Youngstown, Ohio. Police officer Frank Panzarella in Conway, Pennsylvania, sees the UFO, very bright and in the “shape of a half of a football.” He hears on his radio that a jet interception is in progress. Now in Pennsylvania, Spaur and Neff are given orders to abandon the chase. For most of the event, the object has remained at 1,000 feet, but now it rises to 3,500 feet and hovers. Then it shoots even higher and disappears. In 30 minutes, many police and civilians have seen the UFO. Panzarella alerts the Rochester, Pennsylvania, police operator, John Beighey, and asks him to contact the Greater Pittsburgh International Airport. Beighey calls Panzarella and says the Air Force wants to talk to the police witnesses. Spaur, Neff, and Huston go to the Rochester, Pennsylvania, police station and Spaur phones the USAF station at Pittsburgh. Spaur speaks to some colonel who tries to convince him he has seen something conventional. NICAP’s William B. Weitzel, a philosophy professor, begins his own investigation, tracking down witnesses. Within a few weeks, he or his NICAP associates have interviewed all the police officers, as well as several others who have figured in the UFO chase, either as dispatchers or as those who overheard the radio communications. NICAP members also interview some civilians who claim to have seen a UFO at the same time of the chase and/or had monitored police scanners.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** NICAP, “[Portage County UFO Chase](http://www.nicap.org/660417ravenna%5Fdir.htm)”; [Sparks](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf), p. 314; “[Saucer Chase](https://www.newspapers.com/clip/30825497/the-akron-beacon-journal/) [Sets Probers Humming,](https://www.newspapers.com/clip/27079563/revenna-saucer-story-continued-p-a2/)” Akron \(Ohio\) Beacon-Journal, April 18, pp. 1–2; J. Allen Hynek, The UFO Experience, Ballantine ed., 1974, [pp. 113–124](https://archive.org/details/ufoexperience00jall/page/112/mode/2up); Patrick Gross, “[1966 Portage County UFO Chase by Policemen](https://ufologie.patrickgross.org/htm/portage66.htm)”; William B. Weitzel, “[The P-13 UFO: Summary Report on April 17, 1966, UFO ‘Chase’ from Portage County, Ohio, into](http://www.cufos.org/Portage-County/1966%5F04%5F17%5FUS%5FOH%5FPortage-County%5FNICAP%5FWeitzel%5FP-13%5FUFO%5FReportr.pdf) [Conway, Pennsylvania,](http://www.cufos.org/Portage-County/1966%5F04%5F17%5FUS%5FOH%5FPortage-County%5FNICAP%5FWeitzel%5FP-13%5FUFO%5FReportr.pdf)” June 28, 1966; William B. Weitzel, “[The Portage County Sighting,](http://www.cufos.org/Portage-County/1966%5F04%5F17%5FUS%5FOH%5FPortage-County%5FNICAPr.pdf)” April 8, 1967; NICAP, \[[case photos and drawings](http://www.cufos.org/Portage-County/1966%5F04%5F17%5FUS%5FOH%5FPortage-County%5FNICAP%5FPhotos%26Drawings.pdf)\]; Michael D. Swords, \[[case files and clippings](http://ufohistoryfiles.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/146C.pdf)\]; Center for UFO Studies, \[[Gerald Buchert photo case file](http://www.cufos.org/Portage-County/1966%5F04%5F17%5FUS%5FOH%5FPortage%5FCounty%5FBB%5FSpaur%26Neff.pdf)\]; Center for UFO Studies, \[clippings, [part one](http://www.cufos.org/Portage-County/1966%5F04%5F17%5FUS%5FOH%5FPortage%5FCounty%5FClips%5FPart1R.pdf)[,](http://www.cufos.org/Portage-County/1966%5F04%5F17%5FUS%5FOH%5FPortage%5FCounty%5FClips%5FPart1R.pdf) [part two](http://www.cufos.org/Portage-County/1966%5F04%5F17%5FUS%5FOH%5FPortage%5FCounty%5FClips%5FPart2R.pdf)\]; Clark III 906–914
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4027
### Event 26439 (E6831FC8)
**Date:** 4/17/1966
**Description:** Beginning at around 5:00 a.m., Portage County Deputy Sheriffs Dale Spaur and Wilbur Neff and two other officers chased a 40-foot diameter glowing disc or football shaped object from Ravenna, Ohio to Atwater, Pennsylvania in the pre-dawn hours of this morning. It rose up out of the woods and stopped overhead. The UFO played cat-and-mouse with them in the pursuit: approaching, waiting for them to catch up, then moving away. It beamed an intense light onto the road. They chased it for 90 minutes. It was last seen shooting straight up into the sky and out of sight. At about the same time and in roughly the same vicinity, a man named George Buchert took a photograph of a double-saucer shaped object in Mantua, Ohio. Dale Spaur's psychological condition and professional career deteriorated in the months following his close encounter. This famous case was the basis for the dramatic UFO chase in Steven Spielberg's movie Close Encounters of the Third Kind.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** J. Allen Hynek, UNICAT, case # 383; J. Allen Hynek, The UFO Experience, p. 100; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence Volume II: A Thirty Year Report, pp. 44, 172 & 320; NICAP UFO Investigator, March-April 1966, p. 1; Columbus Dispatch, April 19, 1966; Frank Edwards, Flying Saucers--Here and Now, p. 56
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2081
### Event 26440 (24E2DD65)
**Date:** 4/17/1966
**Description:** At 7:15 p.m. in Danvers, Massachusetts three witnesses watched an elongated oval-shaped object with rotating white lights. It was estimated to be the same size as a passenger train car. It circled slowly in the sky before entering a localized cloud. At 7:30 p.m. in nearby Peabody, Massachusetts four witnesses reported seeing a bright red glowing object flying in circular and zigzag patterns. It suddenly darted away at an incredible speed, faster than any aircraft. In Wakefield, Massachusetts at 8:30 p.m. a multicolored disc-shaped object shot off beams of white, then blue, and finally red light. It moved rapidly up-and-down and made a humming sound. It descended to just 50 feet above Lake Quanapowitt.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Raymond E. Fowler, UFOs: Interplanetary Visitors, pp. 337-338
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2082
### Event 26441 (2098C1D4)
**Date:** 4/18/1966
**Location:** LANCASTER, OH
**Description:** Near collision. Car and blinding object / road. Flies off through cornfield!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO Evidence II: HB: Scarecrow Press Lanham, MD. http://www.scarecrowpress.com ISBN 0-8108-3881-8 (Index 320)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7638
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "262", **HatchDesc:** "LANCASTER,OH:NR COLLISION:CAR+BLINDING OBJ/ROAD:FLIES OFF THRU CORNFIELD!", **LatLong:** "39.711113 -82.600004", **LatLongDMS:** "39:42:40 N 82:36:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.711113,-82.600004)", **State/Prov:** "Ohio", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 26442 (4EE78768)
**Date:** 4/18/1966
**Time:** 19:20
**Location:** PEABODY, MASS
**Description:** 4 observer(s). Long ovoid hovers briefly and shoots going [to] horizon. Repeats this maneuver 3x!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FOWLER, Raymond E.: UFO'S, INTERPLANETARY VISITORS; Prentice Hall & Bantam Books, NY 1979. 346pp. (Index 325)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7639
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "PEABODY,MASS:4 OBS:LONG OVOID HVRS BRIEFLY+SHOOTS>HRZN:REPEATS THIS MNVR 3x!", **LatLong:** "42.527780 -70.938892", **LatLongDMS:** "42:31:40 N 70:56:20 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.527780,-70.938892)", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 26443 (1BAC684A)
**Date:** 4/18/1966
**Time:** 21:50
**Location:** COHASSET, MASS
**Description:** Saucer with lights / edge. Goes dark and goes going up [to] when ground searchlights beam on it.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FOWLER, Raymond E.: UFO'S, INTERPLANETARY VISITORS; Prentice Hall & Bantam Books, NY 1979. 346pp. (Index 325)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7640
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "15", **HatchDesc:** "COHASSET,MASS:SCR W/LITES/EDGE:GOES DARK+GOES↑ WHEN GND SEARCHLITES BEAM ON IT", **LatLong:** "42.244446 -70.805559", **LatLongDMS:** "42:14:40 N 70:48:20 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.244446,-70.805559)", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 26444 (2627F96F)
**Date:** 4/18/1966
**Time:** 22:10
**Location:** BATTLE CREEK, MI
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #unknown. 25M domed saucer / windows paces car. Truck tire noise. / USAF Tech. Intel. Center. (ATIC.)
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA; H. Regnery, Chicago HC 1969 & Contemporary Books,Chicago 1993. 372pp. (Index 759)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7641
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "246", **HatchDesc:** "BATTLE CREEK,MI:BBK#UNK:25M DOMED SCR/WINDOWS PACES CAR:TRUCK TIRE NOISE:/Atic", **LatLong:** "42.316669 -85.177782", **LatLongDMS:** "42:19:00 N 85:10:40 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.316669,-85.177782)", **RelAlt:** "99", **State/Prov:** "Michigan", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 26445 (148D88C0)
**Date:** 4/18/1966
**Time:** 23:30
**Location:** SHARON, MASS
**Description:** 7+2+1 include/including cops. Car size ovoid with ring / windows / edge. Red lights / ends.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FOWLER, Raymond E.: UFO'S, INTERPLANETARY VISITORS; Prentice Hall & Bantam Books, NY 1979. 346pp. (Index 124)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7642
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "45", **Elev:** "92", **HatchDesc:** "SHARON,MASS:7+2+1 INCL COPS:CAR SIZE OVOID W/ RING/WINDOWS/EDGE:RED LITES/ENDS", **LatLong:** "42.133335 -71.183337", **LatLongDMS:** "42:08:00 N 71:11:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.133335,-71.183337)", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 26446 (5BB82000)
**Date:** 4/18/1966
**Location:** Peabody, MA
**Description:** 7:15 p.m.EST. Several witnesses reported an oval object with blue glow, reddish- green flashing lights on each end. The object hovered, and sped back and forth several times. (Fowler 1974, p. 338.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3025
### Event 26447 (47FBEC41)
**Date:** 4/18/1966
**Location:** Cohasset, MA
**Description:** 9:45 p.m. EST. About 25 miles southeast of I Peabody, witnesses reported an oval object with flashing red lights around its-circumference, and two smaller white body lights. The object reacted to searchlights (light reaction) shone on it by zig- zagging, accelerating straight up and disappearing. (Fowler 1974, p. 339.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3026
### Event 26448 (6E3E351B)
**Date:** 4/18/1966
**Location:** Battle Creek, MI
**Description:** Egg-shaped object, 75 ft long, 15 ft high, gray-colored (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3027
### Event 26449 (13FB39AC)
**Date:** 4/18/1966
**Location:** Lancaster, OH
**Description:** 11:55 p.m. A motorist almost struck a> blindingly bright object which had landed on the highway. It had brilliant white lights and intense red body lights. When he turned back to investigate, the UFO flew off through a corn field, at one point illuminating the terrain. Then the lights blinked off and the obiect disappeared. Next day his eyes were sore and bloodshot (physiological effects). (U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. Ill, No. 8, May-June 1966, p. 7.) (NICAP: 05 - Medical Incidents)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3028
### Event 26450 (1CEC4268)
**Date:** 4/18/1966
**Time:** 2210
**Location:** Battle Creek, Michigan
**Description:** An egg-shaped object, 25 m long, 5 m high, gray-colored, was observed from a distance of 25 m by a 42-year-old witness driving a car. The object supported a cockpit with windows and three rows of lights, emitted red flames, and made the same noise as a heavy truck on wet pavement. The object followed the car for some time.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Atic ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_759
### Event 26451 (715B878A)
**Date:** 4/18/1966
**Location:** Portage County, Ohio
**Description:** The Air Force begins a cursory investigation into the Portage County, Ohio, police chase case. Initially they telephone local news outlets, seeking information. However, local newspapers and radio have only vague outlines of the case. Air Force investigators also interviewed meteorologists and weather agency personnel, hoping to learn that a weather balloon was launched in the area during the UFO chase. They learn that there were no weather balloons launched that morning, and also that the wind had been so mild that the police would have had no difficulty catching up with any wind-borne object. [Quintanilla](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hector%5FQuintanilla) calls [Spaur](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/165680198/dale-floyd-spaur) to ask him about “this mirage you saw.” Spaur insists he has seen a clearly defined metallic object maneuvering at very low altitudes. When Quintanilla asks if they watched the object for more than a few minutes, Spaur asserts that he and Neff chased it for over half an hour, and that [Huston](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/133276534/howard-wayne-huston) saw the object for much of that period, and that Panzanella too had seen it. Quintanilla then, as Spaur said, “kind of lost interest.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clark III 910
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4028
### Event 26452 (87D050E1)
**Date:** 4/18/1966
**Location:** Battle Creek, Michigan
**Description:** An egg-shaped object, 80 feet in diameter and 15 feet high, is observed from a distance of 80 feet by a 42- year-old witness driving a car near Battle Creek, Michigan. The object supports a cockpit with windows and three rows of lights, emits red flames, and makes the same noise as a heavy truck on wet pavement. The object follows the car for some time.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Vallée, Magonia, [p. 329](https://archive.org/details/passporttomagoni0000vall/page/328/mode/2up); [Sparks](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf)[,](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf) p. 314
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4029
### Event 26453 (E98E39B3)
**Date:** 4/18/1966
**Description:** On this evening there were four good UFO reports made in the northeastern United States in Massachusetts, New York, and Ohio. At 7:15 p.m. an elongated oval-shaped UFO with reddish green flashing lights on each end hovered over Peabody, Massachusetts, zipped around, and maneuvered to the horizon and back three times. The perimeter of the object glowed blue. A dense light was seen hovering only three feet above a roadway in Albany, New York. A blinding bright object with intense red lights landed on a road in Lancaster, Ohio and then flew off through a corn field. The witness, Mr. P. Friend, had sore and bloodshot eyes after his sighting from looking at the object. At 9:45 p.m. a UFO responded to a searchlight directed at it in Cohasset, Massachusetts by zigzagging, turning off its lights, and shooting straight up into the sky.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Raymond E. Fowler, UFOs: Interplanetary Visitors, p. 338; Richard Bonenfant, Proceedings of the 1976 CUFOS Conference, p. 48, citing the Albany Knickerbocker; NICAP UFO Investigator, June 1966, p. 7; Walter N. Webb case investigation files, case 60
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2114
### Event 26454 (4F06A9E9)
**Date:** 4/19/1966
**Description:** Cops and several. Dumbell. Round ends glow white. Brilliant red bar.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 795)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7643
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "1862", **HatchDesc:** "GREEN RIVER+EVANSTON,WY:COPS+SVRL:DUMBELL:ROUND ENDS GLOW WHT:BRILL.RED BAR", **LatLong:** "41.527780 -109.466672", **LatLongDMS:** "41:31:40 N 109:28:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.527780,-109.466672)", **State/Prov:** "Wyoming", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 26455 (9CD201A5)
**Date:** 4/19/1966
**Time:** 20:10
**Location:** HARTFORD, CT
**Description:** 3 saucers with red and green lights hover right over veterans home / hospital.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FOWLER, Raymond E.: UFO'S, INTERPLANETARY VISITORS; Prentice Hall & Bantam Books, NY 1979. 346pp. (Index 326)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7644
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "12", **HatchDesc:** "HARTFORD,CT:3 SCRS W/RED+GREEN LITES HOVER RIGHT OVER VETERANS HOME/HOSPITAL", **LatLong:** "41.766669 -72.683337", **LatLongDMS:** "41:46:00 N 72:41:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.766669,-72.683337)", **RelAlt:** "20", **State/Prov:** "Connecticut", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 26456 (4CAD9A73)
**Date:** 4/19/1966
**Time:** 22:00
**Location:** BELLINGHAM, MASS
**Description:** Cylinder/cigar-shape whistles and maneuvers. Hides / 5 planes and helicopter search area! / r8#760.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FOWLER, Raymond E.: UFO'S, INTERPLANETARY VISITORS; Prentice Hall & Bantam Books, NY 1979. 346pp. (Index 126)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7645
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **MIL:** Military investigation, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "89", **HatchDesc:** "BELLINGHAM,MASS:CGR WHISTLES+MNVRS:HIDES/5 PLANES+COPTER SEARCH AREA!:/r8#760", **LatLong:** "42.100002 -71.483337", **LatLongDMS:** "42:06:00 N 71:29:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.100002,-71.483337)", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 26457 (0BC879B7)
**Date:** 4/19/1966
**Time:** 23:50
**Location:** PEABODY, MA
**Description:** 2+5 observer(s). Night light circles and lands / SR114. At 2355 2 see saucer / field with searchlight.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FOWLER, Raymond E.: UFO'S, INTERPLANETARY VISITORS; Prentice Hall & Bantam Books, NY 1979. 346pp. (Index 126)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7646
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "105", **Elev:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "PEABODY,MA:2+5 OBS:NLT CIRCLES+LANDS/SR114:@2355 2 SEE SCR/FIELD W/SEARCHLITE", **LatLong:** "42.538891 -70.927781", **LatLongDMS:** "42:32:20 N 70:55:40 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.538891,-70.927781)", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 26458 (13B41DE1)
**Date:** 4/19/1966
**Time:** 23:50
**Location:** QUINCY, MASS
**Description:** 1+3 observer(s). 1 large and 2 small disks. Flash hover and swing like pendulums.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FOWLER, Raymond E.: UFO'S, INTERPLANETARY VISITORS; Prentice Hall & Bantam Books, NY 1979. 346pp. (Index 126)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7647
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "6", **HatchDesc:** "QUINCY,MASS:1+3 OBS:1 LARGE+2 SML DISKS:FLASH HOVER+SWING LIKE PENDULUMS", **LatLong:** "42.250002 -71.000003", **LatLongDMS:** "42:15:00 N 71:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.250002,-71.000003)", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 26459 (D19C2E20)
**Date:** 4/19/1966
**Location:** Sharon, MA
**Description:** 12:15 a.m. EST. Citizens and police called to the scene to investigate saw an oval or egg-shaped obiect with a glowing rim that looked like lighted windows, and a steady red light on each end. The object hovered, then disappeared when an aircraft approached (aircraft avoidance), reappearing after it left. (Fowler 1974, pp. 128-130, 340; NICAP report.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3029
### Event 26460 (49645017)
**Date:** 4/19/1966
**Location:** Peabody, MA
**Description:** 12:00 p.m. EST. On the north-northeast side of the Boston metroplex, witnesses reported an oval object with red, green, f and white body lights, oscillating up and down when in motion. The object appeared to land in a field. Later two witnesses approached the field and saw unidentified lights rise and fly away. (Fowler, 1974, p. 339.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3030
### Event 26461 (DC63630D)
**Date:** 4/19/1966
**Location:** Hartford, Ct
**Description:** 8:00 p.m. EST. Two oval objects with red and green body lights hovered directly over the Rock Hill Veterans Home and Hospital. (Fowler 1974, p. 339.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3031
### Event 26462 (3977A74D)
**Date:** 4/19/1966
**Location:** Bellingham, Ct
**Description:** 10:00 p.m. EST. Two hours later about 80 miles east-northeast of Hartford, an elongated elliptical object with bright red lights on each end flew low, hovered, and made a hissing sound when moving. A separate report was received of a "piercing, humming object" two hours earlier at Stoughton. (Massachusetts NICAP Subcommittee report; Fowler 1974, p. 339) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3032
### Event 26463 (9D5816B3)
**Date:** 4/19/1966
**Location:** Quincy, MA
**Description:** 11:45 p.m. EST. Several persons saw a large disc-shaped object accompanied by two smaller discs that flashed red and white lights, hovered and swung back and forth like a pendulum. (Fowler 1974, < p. 339.) \[Note: Bellingham, Cohasset, Quincy, Sharon, and Stoughton, Mass., all are within about a 30-mile radius of Boston, in an arc from the southeast to the southwest.\] (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3033
### Event 26464 (45CCEE42)
**Date:** 4/19/1966
**Time:** 2200
**Location:** Bellingham, Massachusetts
**Description:** Two women saw a cigar-shaped object, with bright, red lights at both ends, flying erratically. It made a whistling sound when moving, was silent when hovering. Minimum distance: 100 m, length, 20 m. The lights began flashing and the object went down behind some trees when five planes and a helicopter came over the area. Two of the aircraft circled the location, then flew on. The whistling sound was again heard, but the object was not seen after the departure of the planes.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Personal ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_760
### Event 26465 (E9D6B603)
**Date:** 4/19/1966
**Time:** 2245
**Location:** Peabody, Massachusetts
**Description:** A man saw what he thought was a crashing plane, then observed it was oval, had white, red, and green lights, flew low over him, circled, came down with pendulum motion, and appeared to land on Route 114. At midnight, two men driving along that route saw a beam sweep the road, stopped, and saw the object in a field. It was a disk with a white, a green, and three red lights. The two reports were independent.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Personal ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_761
### Event 26466 (A763C5F9)
**Date:** 4/19/1966
**Locations:** Peabody, Massachusetts; State Highway 114
**Description:** 10:45 p.m. In Peabody, Massachusetts, witnesses report an oval object with red, green, and white body lights, oscillating up and down when in motion. The object appears to land in a field off State Highway 114. At 12:00 midnight, two men driving along that route see the lighted disc rise and fly away.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Vallée, Magonia, [p. 329](https://archive.org/details/passporttomagoni0000vall/page/328/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4030
### Event 26467 (3F23D1E1)
**Date:** 4/19/1966
**Description:** There were five UFO reports this day from Massachusetts and one from neighboring Connecticut. At 12:15 a.m. in Sharon, Massachusetts an oval-shaped UFO has a glowing rim that looked like they might be lighted windows. It had a steady red light on each end and was the size of a car. At 8:00 p.m. an object described as a high-flying, bright purple light flew over Stoughton, Massachusetts giving off a loud, piercing humming sound. At 8:11 p.m. two oval-shaped UFOs with red and green lights hovered directly over the veterans' home and hospital in Hartford, Connecticut. At 10:00 p.m. an elongated oval-shaped craft with bright red lights on each end was seen descending into a wooded area in Bellingham, Massachusetts. Five aircraft and a helicopter flew over the area after the UFO landed remotely, and two aircraft seemed to be circling the area. At 11:45 p.m. a large disc flew over Quincy, Massachusetts accompanied by two smaller discs. They flashed red and white lights, hovered, and swung in the sky in a pendulum motion. At midnight a UFO about the size of a car was seen by two witnesses in a field in Peabody, Massachusetts. It had red, green and white lights, moved with an up-and-down motion, and appeared to land. When the witnesses approached they saw the lights rise from the ground and fly away.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Raymond E. Fowler investigation files, reports dated April 20-May 14, 1967; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 761
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2134
### Event 26468 (96F746FF)
**Date:** 4/20/1966
**Location:** Over, PA
**Description:** Early morning. An airline pilot observed an unidentified bright orange object. (Project 1947 reports, Aldrich fit Greenwood; cited in Weinstein, 1999, p. 34) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3034
### Event 26469 (7797D0B0)
**Date:** 4/20/1966
**Location:** Charlevoix, MI
**Description:** Time not reported. A couple reported watching six gray objects make a sharp turn in unison, separate slightly, climb and take off at high speed. (NICAP notes.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3035
### Event 26470 (8D26A6B3)
**Date:** 4/21/1966
**Time:** 16:00?
**Location:** WESTBY, WI
**Description:** Domed saucer follows woman / car home. Seen / (seen thru) binoculars / one hour. Silent. Big dog scared.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** STEIGER, Brad & WHRITENOUR, Joan: FLYING SAUCERS ARE HOSTILE; Award Books PB 1967. (Index 49)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7648
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "70", **Elev:** "396", **HatchDesc:** "WESTBY,WI:DOMED SCR FOLOS WOMAN/CAR HOME:SEEN/BINOCS/1hr:SILENT:BIG DOG SCARED", **LatLong:** "43.655558 -90.855560", **LatLongDMS:** "43:39:20 N 90:51:20 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.655558,-90.855560)", **State/Prov:** "Wisconsin", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 26471 (B037A1F5)
**Date:** 4/21/1966
**Description:** Lyrid meteor shower (mean date).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_86
### Event 26472 (20634FF2)
**Date:** 4/21/1966
**Location:** US
**Description:** Rep. Gerald Ford (R-Mich.) issued news release announcing that USAF was arranging for a "study of UFOs by topflight scientists not connected in any way with the Air Force."
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_87
### Event 26473 (EF652917)
**Date:** 4/21/1966
**Time:** 03:58:00.1
**Location:** 49.8097 78.1000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: .001KT YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1278
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.8097 78.1000", **LatLongDMS:** "49:48:35 N 78:06:00 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.8097,78.1000)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.40", **NukeSource:** "BOCHAROV", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** ".001", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 26474 (11E4CFCD)
**Date:** 4/21/1966
**Location:** Ottawa, Ontario
**Description:** [William Dean Howe](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William%5FDean%5FHowe)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William%5FDean%5FHowe) MP for Ottawa, Ontario, urges a serious investigation of UFOs in the Canadian House of Commons.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Canadian Projects,](http://cufos.org/UFOI%5Fand%5FSelected%5FDocuments/UFOI/046%20FEB-MAR%201969.pdf)” UFO Investigator 4, no. 10 \(Feb./March 1969\): 6
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4031
### Event 26475 (1274DD87)
**Date:** 4/22/1966
**Location:** USA, Beverly (Massachusetts)
**Description:** (Translated from French) RR1 - 21 hours - 10 witnesses - duration: 45 minutes. "As the object approached it seemed to be getting bigger and bigger. Above my head I could see nothing else, in the blur of the atmosphere, than lights emitting very bright signals at intervals. (...) If the object had not come closer I would not have run away, but I thought it was going to crash on me." Another witness said: "I started to run. (...) I looked up and I was frozen in place. I saw a large round object just at the level of the rooftops. It was solid. I didn't hear any noise but I thought this thing was going to fall on me. It was like a giant mushroom. I was fascinated, stunned, unable to think and I found myself running to escape it." One of the police officers dispatched to the scene was to add: "There were three lights: red, green and white. This object hovered above the school and seemed to almost stop. The lights shone in flashes. The object flew over the school twice, then moved away." (J. Allen HYNEK: "UFOs, Myth or Reality?" - Belfond 1974 - p. 118, 119, 276) Several people observe around 21 hours three luminous objects circling in the sky. A woman having made hand signals, one of the UFOs approaches at short distance. The witnesses then call the police and two officers take advantage of the show. The television was scrambled during the observation.
**Reference:** Science and Vie, Special Edition 1997: 50 Years of UFO, Atlas of Unsolved Cases, p. 60 to 63
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2367
### Event 26476 (3FFF1126)
**Date:** 4/22/1966
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In Beverly \(Massachusetts\), several people observed 3 luminous objects spinning in a circle in the sky. A woman who waved her hand, one of the UFOs approached at a short distance: The object, as it approached, seemed to be getting bigger and bigger... Above my head, I could see nothing else, in the blur of the atmosphere, than lights emitting very bright signals \(they weren't blinking\). I was very excited - but not scared - and very curious. If the object hadn't come closer, I wouldn't have run away, but I thought it was going to crash on me. Another witness ran away: I started to run. Then a friend shouted 'Look, it's right above us!' --- I looked up, and I was frozen in place. It was exactly like the bottom of a plate. It was solid... I didn't hear any noise, but I thought this thing was going to fall on me \(...\). I was fascinated, stunned, unable to think, and I found myself running to escape it. (9 PM)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1966.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2191
### Event 26477 (4EBB2EC2)
**Date:** 4/22/1966
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) After the witnesses called the police, 2 officers went to enjoy the show. One of them testified: At 21:45, on orders from the police station, I went \(...\) to Beverly High School, on Salem Road, where an UFO was reported. On my arrival, I observed what seemed to be a large plate hovering above the school buildings. There were 3 lights --- red, green and white ---but no noise that could indicate that it was an airplane. This object hovered above the school and seemed almost motionless. The lights shone in flashes. The object flew over the school twice then moved away. The television was scrambled during the observation. (21 h 45)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1966.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2192
### Event 26478 (03A7B20D)
**Date:** 4/22/1966
**Time:** 00:20
**Location:** WEST / ALLIANCE, OH
**Description:** 2 / car. Dark 45' saucer low over golf CRS. Lights / rim rotate. Follows car. Going quickly east.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RIDGE, Francis: REGIONAL ENCOUNTERS in the FC Files. 170pp. UFO FILTER CENTER, Mt. Vernon, IN 1994 (Index 12)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7649
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "350", **HatchDesc:** "W/ALLIANCE,OH:2/CAR:DRK 45'SCR LO OVR GOLF CRS:LITES/RIM ROTATE:FOLOS CAR:>>E", **LatLong:** "40.933335 -81.183337", **LatLongDMS:** "40:56:00 N 81:11:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.933335,-81.183337)", **RelAlt:** "2", **State/Prov:** "Ohio", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 26479 (34E2B63F)
**Date:** 4/22/1966
**Time:** 02:30
**Location:** NEAR RANDLETT, OK
**Description:** 2+kids. Large saucer to and fro over I35. 4 men inside. Ozone odor. Area lit.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SALISBURY, Frank: The UTAH UFO DISPLAY -- a Biologist Reports; 1974 Devin Adair, New Greenwich,CT. HB 286pp. ISBN 0-815-97000-5 (Index 22)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7650
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **ODR:** Odors associated with UFO's
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "3", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "1463", **HatchDesc:** "nr RANDLETT,OK:2+KIDS:LRG SCR TO+FRO OVR I35:4 MEN INSIDE:OZONE ODOR:AREA LIT", **LatLong:** "34.250002 -98.500005", **LatLongDMS:** "34:15:00 N 98:30:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/34.250002,-98.500005)", **State/Prov:** "Oklahoma", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 26480 (3B0E0369)
**Date:** 4/22/1966
**Time:** 15:30
**Location:** BAGLEY, MN
**Description:** Several observer(s). Saucer going down [to] low and lands. 4 small humanoids (or Greys) "make repairs". / FS Mag-Ray Palmer.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA; H. Regnery, Chicago HC 1969 & Contemporary Books,Chicago 1993. 372pp. (Index 762)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7651
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "457", **HatchDesc:** "BAGLEY,MN:SVRL OBS:SCR ↓ LO+LANDS:4 OIDS "MAKE REPAIRS":/FS Mag-Ray Palmer", **LatLong:** "47.522224 -95.400005", **LatLongDMS:** "47:31:20 N 95:24:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.522224,-95.400005)", **State/Prov:** "Minnesota", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 26481 (23BC58E4)
**Date:** 4/22/1966
**Time:** ~19:30
**Location:** FARMINGTON, NM
**Description:** 3 airliners and passengers. 4 photographs. Brilliant "cloud". See reference plate 58.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CONDON, Dr. Edward: SCIENTIFIC STUDY of UFO..etc; Bantam 1969. 965pp. (Index 463)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7652
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "7", **Elev:** "1615", **HatchDesc:** "FARMINGTON,NM:3 AIRLINERS+PASSENGERS:4 FOTOS:BRILL."CLOUD":see ref plate 58", **LatLong:** "36.761113 -108.200005", **LatLongDMS:** "36:45:40 N 108:12:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/36.761113,-108.200005)", **State/Prov:** "New Mexico", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 26482 (1036A08F)
**Date:** 4/22/1966
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** BEVERLY, MASS
**Description:** 10 observer(s). 3 silent car-size saucers. 1 buzzes school. / r235p18+/ r83p128.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 44)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7653
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "45", **Elev:** "8", **HatchDesc:** "BEVERLY,MASS:10 OBS:3 SLNT CAR-SIZE SCRS:1 BUZZES SCHOOL:/r235p18+/r83p128", **LatLong:** "42.566669 -70.883337", **LatLongDMS:** "42:34:00 N 70:53:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.566669,-70.883337)", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 26483 (CCDB2F88)
**Date:** 4/22/1966
**Time:** 21:00
**Description:** Orange sphere over coast. No further details. / Voz da Figueira.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LOURENCO, Victor: The PORTUCAT CATALOG; (BBS Download). (Index 102)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7654
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Portugal", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "FIGUEIRA do FOZ,PORTUGAL:ORANGE SPHERE OVR COAST:NFD:/VOZ da FIGUEIRA", **LatLong:** "40.166669 -8.833334", **LatLongDMS:** "40:10:00 N 08:50:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.166669,-8.833334)", **State/Prov:** "Beira littoral", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 26484 (9190E038)
**Date:** 4/22/1966
**Time:** 21:30
**Location:** ARCHIGNY, FR
**Description:** Silent 10M cylinder/cigar-shape hovers vertical. 2 solid beams retract! Away fast. / r30p261.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 241)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7655
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc.
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "ARCHIGNY,FR:SLNT 10M CGR HVRS VERTCL:2 SOLID BEAMS RETRACT!:away fast:/r30p261", **LatLong:** "46.683336 0.650000", **LatLongDMS:** "46:41:00 N 00:39:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.683336,0.650000)", **State/Prov:** "Vienne", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 26485 (61731082)
**Date:** 4/22/1966
**Time:** 21:30
**Location:** WENHAM, MASS
**Description:** 3+1+1. Orange UFO glides over road / 100' altitude. 90-turns. Goes into trees.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FOWLER, Raymond E.: UFO'S, INTERPLANETARY VISITORS; Prentice Hall & Bantam Books, NY 1979. 346pp. (Index 127)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7656
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "20", **Elev:** "18", **HatchDesc:** "WENHAM,MASS:3+1+1:ORG UFO GLIDES OVR ROAD/100'alt:90-TURNS:GOES INTO TREES", **LatLong:** "42.605558 -70.894448", **LatLongDMS:** "42:36:20 N 70:53:40 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.605558,-70.894448)", **RelAlt:** "30", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 26486 (E7071D88)
**Date:** 4/22/1966
**Location:** Beverly, MA
**Description:** A platter shaped object the size of a large car with 3 red-green-white lights (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3036
### Event 26487 (F0EDF397)
**Date:** 4/22/1966
**Location:** Halifax, MA
**Description:** Time not reported. About 60 miles south of Beverly, three women saw a round object with colored blinking body lights pace above and ahead of heir car. A low humming sound was heard. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3037
### Event 26488 (4FD7268C)
**Date:** 4/22/1966
**Location:** Springfield, MA
**Description:** Time not reported. About 110 miles west-southwest of Beverly, a teacher and a boy saw a dome-shaped object with three lights on its underside hover, then accelerate away. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3038
### Event 26489 (7A53BF76)
**Date:** 4/22/1966
**Location:** Alliance, OH
**Description:** 12:15 a.m. A disc emitting bright white light from a dome on top and with rotating red lights around the rim approached a car within about 40 feet, and hovered. The frightened witnesses fled at high speed, and the UFO apparently followed. The object was finally seen speeding away to the northeast. (Keyhoe & Lore, 1969a, p. 8; report by Walter N. Webb.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3039
### Event 26490 (1F704BE4)
**Date:** 4/22/1966
**Location:** Long Island, Douglastown, NY
**Description:** Time not reported. A Department of Defense engineering technician saw a disc with a row of windows like mercury vapor lamps. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3040
### Event 26491 (D79443BE)
**Date:** 4/22/1966
**Location:** Bagley, MN
**Description:** 3:30 p.m. CST. Several witnesses reported seeing an object flying at low altitude and apparently landing. Four small occupants (described as "dwarfs") apparently made repairs and the craft flew away. (Vallee, 1969, pp. 329-30). (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3041
### Event 26492 (7496EA98)
**Date:** 4/22/1966
**Location:** Wenham, MA
**Description:** 9:30 p.m. EST. Several witnesses at a college saw an orange circular object approach to within 600 feet at about 100 feet altitude. The object made a right angle turn and moved out of sight behind trees. (Fowler 1974, p. 340.) \[Note: There are two towns named Wenham, one north and one south of Boston.\] (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3042
### Event 26493 (16B12110)
**Date:** 4/22/1966
**Time:** 1530
**Location:** Bagley, Minnesota
**Description:** Several people were said to have observed an object fly at low altitude and land outside Bagley. Four dwarfs seemed to make repairs, then the craft flew away.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** FS Mar., 67 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_762
### Event 26494 (799AD2A1)
**Date:** 4/22/1966
**Time:** 2100
**Location:** Beverly, Massachusetts
**Description:** A child saw a blinding, multicolored source of light making a buzzing sound as it flew over the road 15 m away from the house. It seemed to land in a field near the school. Three adults came out to calm the child and also saw the object circling and hovering. They called the police. Two officers arrived and saw the object appearing to "dance" with two other craft. All witnesses then observed the arrival of one helicopter and two aircraft, as the remaining object flew away to the southwest. Police described the object as plate-shaped when stationary above the school building. TV reception was blurred throughout the observation.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Personal ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_763
### Event 26495 (5B2124CA)
**Date:** 4/22/1966
**Time:** 02:58:00.3
**Location:** 47.8290 47.9350
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Azgir A-1” Yield: 1.1KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1279
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "47.8290 47.9350", **LatLongDMS:** "47:49:44 N 47:56:06 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.8290,47.9350)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.16", **NukeMb:** "4.70", **NukeName:** "PNE:Azgir A-1", **NukeSource:** "SULTANOV", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** "1.1"
### Event 26496 (91A6850D)
**Date:** 4/22/1966
**Locations:** Portage County, Ohio; Pennsylvania
**Description:** [Quintanilla](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hector%5FQuintanilla) announces in a press release that the Portage County, Ohio, UFO is an Echo satellite, with later observations \(in Pennsylvania\) of Venus. Quintanilla calls [Spaur](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/165680198/dale-floyd-spaur)’s superior, Portage County Sheriff [Ross](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/181108098/ross-dustman) [Dustman](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/181108098/ross-dustman)[,](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/181108098/ross-dustman) to give him this explanation, and Dustman laughs out loud.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clark III 910
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4032
### Event 26497 (FEEFFC2A)
**Date:** 4/22/1966
**Locations:** USAF Directorate of Science and Technology; MIT; Harvard; University of California; Northwestern University; University of North Carolina
**Description:** Lt. Col. [Robert R. Hippler](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/65715202/robert-r-hippler) of the USAF Directorate of Science and Technology is tasked with recruiting a university for the UFO project suggested by the O’Brien committee in February. He assembles a panel of experts that suggests he bring in [H. Guyford Stever](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guyford%5FStever), head of the Air Force Scientific Advisory Board. Stever queries MIT, Harvard, the University of California, Northwestern University, and the University of North Carolina, but all refuse to deal with UFOs.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Swords 307–308
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4033
### Event 26498 (72938FBA)
**Date:** 4/22/1966
**Locations:** Beverly, Massachusetts; Beverly High School
**Description:** 9:00–9:45 p.m. Witnesses in Beverly, Massachusetts, including two police officers, see a platter-shaped object the size of a large automobile with 3 red-green-white lights hover silently over Beverly High School then depart to the southwest. At one point, witnesses see the object only 20–30 feet above the head of another witness.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Condon, [pp. 266–270](https://archive.org/details/scientificstudyo0000unse%5Fl5t2/page/266/mode/2up); J. Allen Hynek, The UFO Experience, Ballantine ed., 1974, [pp. 106–108](https://archive.org/details/ufoexperience00jall/page/106/mode/2up); Roy Craig, UFOs: An Insiders’ View of the Official Quest for Evidence, University of North Texas, 1995; [Sparks](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf), p. 314; Patrick Gross, “[The Case in Beverly, Massachusetts, USA, on April 22, 1966](https://ufologie.patrickgross.org/htm/beverly66.htm)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4034
### Event 26499 (616A8EE0)
**Date:** 4/22/1966
**Description:** Edward Vojtko, a music teacher, and his wife saw a red light in the sky at 12:15 a.m. while driving home from a late night teachers meeting in Alliance, Ohio. They were near the golf course traveling north, about five miles west of the town, when the object silently moved towards them, revealing itself to be a large disc with a dome on top. It was dark with a white light on top, 45 feet in diameter, and with a row of rotating red lights. It came closer and hovered only 40 feet away. Frightened, they drove off at high speed and it pursued them. After two minutes it broke off and went behind some trees.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Gordon I. R. Lore, Jr., UFOs: A New Look, p. 8; Francis Ridge, Regional Encounters, pp. 22-23
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2215
### Event 26500 (1A4C7CE4)
**Date:** 4/22/1966
**Description:** At 2:00 a.m. Dr. Eula Page, a psychologist, was driving home from Texas with her two children and a friend when she noticed a luminous object as big as the moon darting back-and-forth across the highway. She had just crossed the Red River bridge into Oklahoma near Thackerville when she noticed she had driven directly underneath it so she stopped the car. It descended and hovered close to the car. The UFO was luminous and lens-shaped, more than twice the length of her station wagon. It was surrounded by a spherical framework that was revolving around it. On one side of the disc was a long window through which four human-looking occupants could clearly be seen. They had slanted, "Oriental" shaped eyes and were wearing tight fitting, silverly gray uniforms. Her daughter said that one was a woman. Standing outside the car, Dr. Page watched the UFO for about 20 minutes. A "force field" around the craft made it difficult for her to breathe, and a hot wind blew from the sphere that smelt "electrical." Finally another car approached, and the UFO quickly moved away toward the river.They felt a hot wind from the UFO as well.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb and Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case A0708, citing Dr. R. Cedric Leonard and Walt Andrus for MUFON, Hayden Hewes; Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1966).
Thirty minutes later near Randlett, Oklahoma two teenagers saw a large disc-shaped craft swinging back and forth over I-35. Four human-looking occupants are clearly observed inside through a transparent opening. The area around the witnesses was brightly illuminated and there was a smell of ozone in the air. (Sources: Larry Hatch, U computer database; Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1966
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2216
### Event 26501 (1F4072AD)
**Date:** 4/22/1966
**Description:** At 9:30 p.m. two witnesses reported a 10-meter long, cigar-shaped object hovering vertically over Chauvigny, Vienne, France. They saw two solid, coherent light beams retract inside the object. Finally, it shot away fast.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Lumieres dans la Nuit, issue 241; NICAP files
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2217
### Event 26502 (63D90526)
**Date:** 4/22/1966
**Description:** An orange sphere was seen flying over the coast at Figueira da Foz, Portugal at nine p.m. local time. At 3:30 p.m. CDT--within an hour of the sighting in Portugal--a flying saucer flew down the main street of Bagley, Minnesota at a low altitude, jumped over a school bus and landed on the outskirts of town. Four beings of small stature got out of the UFO, seemed to do some work on it, got back in and then took off.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos case investigation files; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1966-18; Ray Palmer, Flying Saucers, March 1967, p. 24; Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1966; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 762
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2218
### Event 26503 (57BAF595)
**Date:** 4/22/1966
**Description:** At 9:00 p.m. EDT a plate-shaped UFO flashing multi-colored lights was observed low over a school in Beverly, Massachusetts for 30 minutes by ten youths. The UFO made a humming sound and created television interference. It hovered just thirty feet over the Beverly High School building. There were intense, flashing blue, green, and red lights racing around the perimeter of the object, as well as a soft white light. Estimated to be about the size of a car, it tilted and flew away.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Raymond E. Fowler, case investigation files, report dated April 24, 1966; Raymond E. Fowler, UFOs: Interplanetary Visitors, p. 340; J. Allen Hynek, The UFO Experience, p. 93; UNICAT database, case 377, citing Raymond Fowler
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2219
### Event 26504 (4060EA4C)
**Date:** 4/22/1966
**Description:** Thirty minutes later, at 9:30 p.m. Gordon College students and a maintenance man in Wenham, Massachusetts saw an orange, circular object approach to within 600 feet at an altitude of only 100. It made a 90 degree turn, and went behind some trees.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Raymond E. Fowler, case investigation files, report dated June 29, 1966; Raymond E. Fowler, UFOs: Interplanetary Visitors, pp. 136 & 340
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2220
### Event 26505 (FE81C362)
**Date:** 4/23/1966
**Location:** USA, near Boston
**Description:** (Translated from French) In the evening, the Kalnicki family had observed a UFO moving along Dorchester Avenue near their 3rd floor apartment. At 5am on the 24th, their daughter Judy, 11 years old, noticed that the object was very close to the window, so close that she could have touched it if the window had been open. She screamed in fear. There was then a loud, deep sound, as if someone had struck the house with a giant blacksmith's hammer. The windows vibrated and the girl's bed was shaken. (1966, April 23rd and 24th)
**Reference:** Michel BOUGARD: "Des S.V. aux OVNI" - SOBEPS 1976 - p. 211
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2368
### Event 26506 (56EEE8A5)
**Date:** 4/23/1966
**Time:** 02:10
**Location:** YORKTOWN, IA
**Description:** Roar! 60' cylinder/cigar-shape lands / 20 legs. Area lit / red. Ozone. Cows upset. / FSRv17#1.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO Evidence II: HB: Scarecrow Press Lanham, MD. http://www.scarecrowpress.com ISBN 0-8108-3881-8 (Index 198)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7657
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded, **ODR:** Odors associated with UFO's
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "20", **Elev:** "308", **HatchDesc:** "YORKTOWN,IA:ROAR!:60'CGR LANDS/20 LEGS:AREA LIT/RED:OZONE:COWS UPSET:/FSRv17#1", **LatLong:** "40.750002 -95.133338", **LatLongDMS:** "40:45:00 N 95:08:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.750002,-95.133338)", **State/Prov:** "Iowa", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 26507 (6EA97DA7)
**Date:** 4/23/1966
**Time:** 10:00?
**Location:** BINGHAM, ME
**Description:** Girl / 6. Silver bubble going down. Man / helmet exits. 15' / crushed grass. / r218p81.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 266)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7658
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CNT:** Contactee related, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **CVS:** Conversation/communication, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "5", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "113", **HatchDesc:** "BINGHAM,ME:GIRL/6:SLVR BUBBLE ↓:MAN/HELMET EXITS:15'/CRUSHED GRASS:/r218p81 ", **LatLong:** "45.061113 -69.883337", **LatLongDMS:** "45:03:40 N 69:53:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.061113,-69.883337)", **State/Prov:** "Maine", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 26508 (89F3A55D)
**Date:** 4/23/1966
**Time:** 20:40
**Location:** RANDOLPH, MASS
**Description:** Cops and others. Saucer with white lights / perimeter. Colored lights flash / bottom.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FOWLER, Raymond E.: UFO'S, INTERPLANETARY VISITORS; Prentice Hall & Bantam Books, NY 1979. 346pp. (Index 325)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7659
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "8", **Elev:** "56", **HatchDesc:** "RANDOLPH,MASS:COPS+OTHERS:SCR W/WHT LITES/PERIMETER:COLORED LITES FLASH/BOTTOM", **LatLong:** "42.161113 -71.044448", **LatLongDMS:** "42:09:40 N 71:02:40 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.161113,-71.044448)", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 26509 (EF988025)
**Date:** 4/23/1966
**Location:** Yorktown, IA
**Description:** 2:10 a.m. CDT. A farm family saw a cigar-shaped object with lights at each end illuminating the ground with red light. The object had two blue lights extending above the left end, a red light at the right end, and an amber glow emanating from its underside. A loud roaring sound was heard as it settled onto the ground. Then they heard loud crackling sounds like gunshots, and their cattle bolted. An odor of ozone was in the air. Later they found imprints in the field where the object had landed, apparently caused by the undercarriage. (Keyhoe & Lore, 1969a, p. 22.) (NICAP: 06 - Trace Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3043
### Event 26510 (F5DCBEAD)
**Date:** 4/23/1966
**Location:** Warren, OH
**Description:** Time not reported. A round white object approached and followed a car. (NICAP notes.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3044
### Event 26511 (27A5F78B)
**Date:** 4/23/1966
**Location:** Randolph, MA
**Description:** Shaped" (elliptical) object with white lights around its perimeter, colored flashing lights on its underside. (Fowler 1974, p. 340.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3045
### Event 26512 (A189D0A7)
**Date:** 4/23/1966
**End date:** 4/24/1966
**Location:** Dorchester, MA
**Description:** 10:30 p.m. EST. Members of a family about 13 miles north of Randolph, Mass., saw a disc with dome on top and blinking red lights around the edge, and a brilliant yellow light on top of the dome, bobbing up and down as it moved. The yellow light blinked or flashed alternately with the red lights. The object stopped, hovering over a building. After a while it approached the family's apartment building and maneuvered between it and the adjacent building, emitting a humming sound. It hovered again briefly at the end of the alley, then moved away erratically to the east and disappeared. The same or an identical object was seen again several hours (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3047
### Event 26513 (C6EBB25F)
**Date:** 4/23/1966
**Location:** 37.0000 -116.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Fenton” Yield: 1.4KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_448
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0000 -116.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:00 N 116:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0000,-116.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Fenton", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "1.4"
### Event 26514 (1F47BB35)
**Date:** 4/23/1966
**Locations:** Dorchester, Massachusetts; Kalnicki apartment; Boston
**Description:** 10:45 p.m. On hearing a listener call in a live UFO sighting on WMEX radio, Jeanne Kalnicki of Dorchester, Massachusetts, goes to the window with her two daughters and sees an oval, domed UFO with a ring of blinking red lights bobbing up and down above a building across the street. A yellow light is on top of the dome and alternately flashes on when the red lights blink off. It moves across the street and appears to be moving directly toward them at eye level. Humming, the object moves between their apartment building and the one next door, where it hovers for a few minutes. When the yellow light goes off, Kalnicki can see a glow within the dome. The object then moves erratically away to the east. The family goes to bed, but at 5:00 a.m., 11-year-old Judy Kalnicki is too upset to sleep, She wakes up when she sees a light coming in her window and realizes that the UFO is right outside, bobbing up and down, looking about the size of their 1955 Lincoln automobile, and flashing its lights as before. Thinking it is going to come inside her bedroom, Judy screams. Seemingly in response, the object speeds up its bobbing motion, and she hears a heavy thudding sound. The windows rattle, Judy’s bed rocks, and all the lights in the house go off. Downstairs, their German shepherd is whining and scratching at the door. The entire family rushes to the back porch, where they watch the object for about 12 minutes moving to the north toward Boston. The lights come back on. NICAP’s investigation shows that the power failure affected 2,500 homes in the area and was caused by two cables burning out a block away from the Kalnicki apartment. One particle on the window sill registered a strong radiation reading of .025 millimentgens per hour from a Geiger counter.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Donald E. Keyhoe and Gordon I. R. Lore Jr., [Strange Effects from UFOs](http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Books/Other/Lore%2C%20Gordon%20-%20Strange%20Effects%20from%20UFOs.pdf)[,](http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Books/Other/Lore%2C%20Gordon%20-%20Strange%20Effects%20from%20UFOs.pdf) NICAP, 1969, pp. 46–47
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4035
### Event 26515 (A0C2CDE7)
**Date:** 4/23/1966
**Description:** At around 2:00 a.m. a 60-foot long cigar-shaped object with multiple legs for landing gear and a light beam, making a roaring noise, landed on the Johnson farm in Clarinda, Iowa. It illuminated the area surrounding it with a red color, and cattle on the farm bolted and ran in response to the object's presence. It left behind a smell like ozone and deep impressions in the ground, with 20 imprints.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Gordon I. R. Lore, Jr., Strange Effects from UFOs, pp. 22 & 70; NICAP case investigation files; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty-Year Report, pp. 198, 263, 279 & 320; Ted Phillips, Physical Traces Associated with UFO Sightings, p. 41; Gordon Creighton, FSR, January-February 1971, p. 28
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2254
### Event 26516 (C99639EE)
**Date:** 4/23/1966
**Description:** At 2:15 in the afternoon in Bingham, Maine Miss Kim Baker, a 6-year-old girl, saw a shiny metallic, lens-shaped object, 18 feet wide, descend and land a few yards from her in a field. It had red lights on each side, a flashing green light on top, and a rectangular window through which she saw a man's face. He winked and smiled at her, and said something she could not hear. He had a "bubble" on his head that he took off before speaking. He then stood up, and she could see that he was wearing "shiny white" clothing with numerous black buttons on his chest. Then the object took off again. At the site her parents found a circular area of crushed pussy willow bushes, about 15 feet in diameter.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1966-20, citing Richard Bonenfant; Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1966
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2255
### Event 26517 (FB06D760)
**Date:** 4/24/1966
**Location:** FLEMING, NY
**Description:** Fireball swoops quickly going down / car. Passenger paralyzed / electric shock. Cone maneuvers / separate observer(s).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 797)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7660
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "277", **HatchDesc:** "FLEMING,NY:FBL SWOOPS ↓↓/CAR:PASSENGER PARALYZED/ELEC.SHOCK:CONE MNVRS/SEP.OBS", **LatLong:** "42.833335 -76.583337", **LatLongDMS:** "42:50:00 N 76:35:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.833335,-76.583337)", **State/Prov:** "New York", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 26518 (74863CF4)
**Date:** 4/24/1966
**Time:** 03:30
**Description:** Camper. 7M glowing-disk with row / lights. Treetop level. Going quickly southwest. / r41p320.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 44)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7661
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "363", **HatchDesc:** "PEDERNALES Rvr,TX:CAMPER:7M GLOW-DISK W/ROW/LITES:TREETOP LVL:>>SW:/r41p320", **LatLong:** "30.433335 -98.066671", **LatLongDMS:** "30:26:00 N 98:04:00 W", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/30.433335,-98.066671)", **State/Prov:** "Texas", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 26519 (93D25F45)
**Date:** 4/24/1966
**Time:** 05:20
**Location:** TASHKENT, UZBEK
**Description:** Huge earthquake. Meteor seen / northeast USA / same exact time. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v17#1.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HOBANA Ion & WEVERBERGH,Julien: UFO'S from BEHIND the IRON CURTAIN; Bantam Books,1975. 308pp. (Index 287)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7662
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Uzbek Republic", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "30", **HatchDesc:** "TASHKENT,UZBEK:HUGE EARTHQUAKE:METEOR SEEN/NE USA/SAME EXACT TIME:/FSR v17#1", **LatLong:** "41.383335 69.066670", **LatLongDMS:** "41:23:00 N 69:04:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.383335,69.066670)", **State/Prov:** "TSH", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 26520 (CDBA400C)
**Date:** 4/24/1966
**Time:** 18:10
**Location:** ASHBY, MASS
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Silent UFO / blue light / top dives at car. 2 observer(s). Flies off. p330.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA; H. Regnery, Chicago HC 1969 & Contemporary Books,Chicago 1993. 372pp. (Index 765)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7663
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "276", **HatchDesc:** "ASHBY,MASS:BBK#UNK:SILENT UFO/BLUE LITE/TOP DIVES AT CAR:2 OBS:FLIES OFF. p330", **LatLong:** "42.666669 -71.822226", **LatLongDMS:** "42:40:00 N 71:49:20 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.666669,-71.822226)", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 26521 (34D4ABA3)
**Date:** 4/24/1966
**Time:** ~22:00
**Description:** Astronomer. Saucer circles city. Obvious intelligent control.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFOCAT CATALOG: Assorted Printouts. Donald A. Johnson Ph.D (CUFOS). P.O. Box 446, Concord, NH 03302-0446 (Index 83)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7664
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Chile", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "7", **Elev:** "163", **HatchDesc:** "VALPARAISO,CHILE:ASTRONOMER:SCR CIRCLES CITY:OBVIOUS INTELLIGENT CONTROL:", **LatLong:** "-33.033335 -71.600003", **LatLongDMS:** "33:02:00 S 71:36:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-33.033335,-71.600003)", **State/Prov:** "VAL", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 26522 (A1E83BE9)
**Date:** 4/24/1966
**Time:** 22:30
**Location:** DORCHESTER, MA
**Description:** Domed ovoid hits apartment building. Power cable burnt out. / r83p327.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 44)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7665
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "37", **HatchDesc:** "DORCHESTER,MA:DOMED OVOID HITS APARTMENT BLDG:POWER CABLE BURNT OUT:/r83p327", **LatLong:** "42.333335 -71.083337", **LatLongDMS:** "42:20:00 N 71:05:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.333335,-71.083337)", **RelAlt:** "8", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 26523 (F952D383)
**Date:** 4/24/1966
**Location:** Ashby, MA
**Description:** Silent object with a bright blue light on top dive within 100 ft of a car (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3046
### Event 26524 (4BC4E4F3)
**Date:** 4/24/1966
**Location:** Dorchester, MA
**Description:** 5:00 a.m. EDT. The same family as in the previous entry saw an identical oval or discoidal object with dome and yellow light on top and red lights around the edge. flashing in the same pattern as the night before. The object emitted a humming sound and "weird, whirring, mechanical noises" as it bobbed around apparently close to the building. An explosive sound was heard, the windows rattled and furniture shook, and the lights went out. The family German shepherd doa whined and scratched at the door (animal reaction). The start of a power failure, which affected about 2,500 homes in the area, was officially timed at 4:57 a.m. It was later attributed to a breakdown in the insulation of the wiring at a point very near the apartment building. Later that evening investigators detected some abnormal radiation on the window sill where the object had been seen. (Keyhoe & Lore, 1969b, pp. 45-47; Walter N. Webb investigation report; U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. Ill, No. 8, May-June 1966, pp. 7-8; Fowler 1974, p. 340.) (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3048
### Event 26525 (9ABCDFDA)
**Date:** 4/24/1966
**Location:** Johnson City, TX
**Description:** 3:30 a.m. CDT. An architect and Naval reserve officer camping out with his daughter heard a fluttering sound, then they saw a disc-like object (estimated 20 feet diameter) with a double row of lights or ports around the rim hovering 150- 200 feet away at treetop height. It appeared to be rotating, and a blue light pulsated around its rim. The UFO gradually accelerated and moved away to the southwest. (NICAP report form; U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. Ill, No. 8, May-June 1966, p. 8 ). (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3050
### Event 26526 (EB28D267)
**Date:** 4/24/1966
**Time:** 0330
**Location:** Pedernales River, Texas
**Description:** Tom M. Lasseter, architect, was camping near the river when he was awakened by a fluttering sound and observed a glowing white disk, 7 m in diameter, at treetop level 60 m away. It had a row of lights.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** NICAP May., 66 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_764
### Event 26527 (DC497527)
**Date:** 4/24/1966
**Time:** 1810
**Location:** Ashby, Massachusetts
**Description:** Two men saw an object dive within 30 m of their car. It was silent, had a bright blue light on top, suddenly accelerated, and was lost to sight toward Mt. Watatic.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Atic ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_765
### Event 26528 (2506E0B1)
**Date:** 4/24/1966
**Locations:** State Highway 34B; Fleming, New York
**Description:** Night. [Marvin](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/187212747/marvin-g%5F-swartwood) and [Viola Swartwood](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/133656225/viola-r-swartwood) are driving in a rainstorm on State Highway 34B near Fleming, New York, when a “brilliant, flashing ball of fire” appears three feet above the front and slightly to the right of their car. The fire ball lights up the surrounding area, falls onto the car with a loud snap, and vanishes. As the ball lightning hits, Viola feels a shock in her neck and an impulse in her right arm. They drive to the sheriff’s office and then to a local hospital because the right side of Viola’s body is partially paralyzed. She is in satisfactory condition 5 days later. There is no damage to the car or any reports of normal lightning in the area.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[‘Ball of Fire’](https://www.newspapers.com/clip/92312228/) [Hits Car; Woman Passenger Hurt,](https://www.newspapers.com/clip/92312228/)” Syracuse \(N.Y.\) Post-Standard, April 28, 1966, p. 38; “[Ball-of-Fire Victim’s](https://www.newspapers.com/clip/92312540/) [Condition Improving,](https://www.newspapers.com/clip/92312540/)” Binghamton \(N.Y.\) Press and Sun-Bulletin, April 29, 1966, p. 3C; Mark Rodeghier, “UFO/Vehicle Very Close Encounters,” IUR 27, no. 1 \(Spring 2002\): 24
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4036
### Event 26529 (6E91A4F4)
**Date:** 4/24/1966
**Description:** At 3:30 a.m. Mr. Tom M. Lasseter, an architect, was camping near the Pedernales River in Texas when he was awakened by a fluttering sound and observed a glowing white disc that was at treetop level 60 meters away. It was seven meters in diameter and had a row of lights.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 764
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2276
### Event 26530 (8FF92CF0)
**Date:** 4/24/1966
**Description:** Thirty minutes later, at 5:00 a.m. Eastern time, Mrs. Kalnicki saw a multicolored domed disc with blinking red lights on its rim move between two apartment buildings in Dorchester, Massachusetts. It had a yellow light on top, and emitted a humming noise.There were a total of five witnesses, and the sighting lasted 12 minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Walter Webb, case files report #63; Gordon I. R. Lore, Jr., Strange Effects from UFOs, p. 46; Richard Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty Year Report, p. 320; Raymond E. Fowler, Casebook of a UFO Investigator, p. 173
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2277
### Event 26531 (770BB83F)
**Date:** 4/24/1966
**Description:** At 6:10 p.m. two men in Ashby, Massachusetts saw an object dive within 30 meters of their car. It was silent, had a bright blue light on top, suddenly accelerated, and was lost to sight toward Mt. Watatic.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 763
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2278
### Event 26532 (B9731882)
**Date:** 4/25/1966
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) William Haydon Burns, Governor of Florida campaigning for re-election, departs from Orlando for Tallahassee \(state capital\). On board the Convair, co-pilot Herb Bates spots two bright yellow globes side by side. At 6000 feet near Ocala \(north Florida\), Burns leaves the cockpit and announces: "We have a UFO next to us. I'm going to ask the pilot to head towards it." Frank Stockton, the Deputy Secretary, Captain Nathan Sharron of the State Highway Patrol, and all the journalists on board can then see the phenomenon to starboard. Some will describe two bright crescent-shaped lights, with a weaker section, like a column of light, between them. The yellow-orange lights vary in brightness, but remain very distinct. As the plane heads towards the UFO, it then quickly rises and disappears after accompanying the plane for 40 miles. Duane Bradford, director of the Capitol Bureau of the Tampa Tribune, will declare: "I began to think that these UFO stories weren't so funny after all." Bill Mansfield, director of the Miami Herald's central bureau, will declare: "There was something there. Something we all saw clearly. Something that still remains to be explained." The Governor \(who had already seen a UFO according to a documentary broadcast on a Miami television in October of the previous year\) confirmed the observation, but would not say any more. (April 25)
**Reference:** Bulletin of NICAP, May/June 1966
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1966.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2193
### Event 26533 (68FDE932)
**Date:** 4/25/1966
**Location:** TOWANDA, PA
**Description:** Car motor and lights electro-magnetic effect (EME). Saucer / portholes hovers 250' away. Heat felt. / r203p145.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RODEGHIER, Mark/CUFOS: UFO REPORTS INVOLVING VEHICLE INTERFERENCE; CUFOS 1979. Available as CUFOS UFO Archive #1 CD-ROM. http://www.cufos.org/Pubform.pdf (Index 29)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7666
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "225", **HatchDesc:** "TOWANDA,PA:CAR MOTOR+LITES EME:SCR/PORTHOLES HVRS 250'AWAY:HEAT FELT:/r203p145", **LatLong:** "41.766669 -76.450004", **LatLongDMS:** "41:46:00 N 76:27:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.766669,-76.450004)", **State/Prov:** "Pennsylvania", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 26534 (006516CE)
**Date:** 4/25/1966
**Location:** SYRACUSE, NY
**Description:** Cop. 2 circular clouds going north. 1 hovers near water tower. Both going quickly south. / r111p272.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 797)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7667
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "5", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "120", **HatchDesc:** "SYRACUSE,NY:COP:2 CIRC.CLOUDS > N:1 HVRS nr WATER TOWER:BOTH >>S:/r111p272", **LatLong:** "43.050002 -76.150004", **LatLongDMS:** "43:03:00 N 76:09:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.050002,-76.150004)", **RelAlt:** "30", **State/Prov:** "New York", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 26535 (530AB9D1)
**Date:** 4/25/1966
**Location:** MERRILL, MICH
**Description:** 2 / car. Delta / very strong light. Glides going southeast. Stops over trees. Drops going down. Flash.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** STEIGER, Brad & WHRITENOUR, Joan: FLYING SAUCERS ARE HOSTILE; Award Books PB 1967. (Index 49)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7668
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "205", **HatchDesc:** "MERRILL,MICH:2/CAR:DELTA/VSTRONG LITE:GLIDES>SE:STOPS OVR TREES:DROPS ↓:FLASH", **LatLong:** "43.411113 -84.327782", **LatLongDMS:** "43:24:40 N 84:19:40 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.411113,-84.327782)", **State/Prov:** "Michigan", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 26536 (605E84A9)
**Date:** 4/25/1966
**Time:** 20:50
**Location:** OVER OCALA, FL
**Description:** Governor and 6 / plane. Glowing-saucer hovers. Plane chases. / MJ#160+/ APRO May'66.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 44)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7669
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "15", **Elev:** "22", **HatchDesc:** "ovr OCALA,FL:GOVERNOR+6/PLANE:GLO-SCR HVRS:PLANE CHASES:/MJ#160+/APRO May'66", **LatLong:** "29.500001 -83.000004", **LatLongDMS:** "29:30:00 N 83:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/29.500001,-83.000004)", **State/Prov:** "Florida", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 26537 (754CA863)
**Date:** 4/25/1966
**Location:** Towanda, PA
**Description:** Night. As their car engine and headlights failed and they felt heat, motorists saw a UFO with four portholes hovering about 350 feet away, flames shooting off of it. (Rodeghier, 1981, p. 29) (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3051
### Event 26538 (A9E5F5A4)
**Date:** 4/25/1966
**Location:** Ocala, FL
**Description:** Governor's plane paced by globes (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5)
**Reference:** NICAP: [660425](http://www.nicap.org/660425ocala%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3052
### Event 26539 (F00C5686)
**Date:** 4/25/1966
**Time:** 18:38:00.1
**Location:** 36.8874 -115.9407
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Pin Stripe” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_449
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "36.8874 -115.9407", **LatLongDMS:** "36:53:15 N 115:56:27 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/36.8874,-115.9407)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.30", **NukeMb:** "4.51", **NukeName:** "Pin Stripe", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 26540 (8C661549)
**Date:** 4/25/1966
**Locations:** Florida; Orlando, Florida; Tallahassee; Ocala
**Description:** 8:52 p.m. Florida Gov. [W. Haydon Burns](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/W.%5FHaydon%5FBurns)’s campaign airplane is paced by a UFO. Copilot Herb Bates first notices the UFO when the Convair takes off from Orlando, Florida, headed for Tallahassee. It appears as two bright yellow globes side by side. In the vicinity of Ocala, at about 6,000 feet, everyone on board is alerted and watches the object pacing the plane on the right side. The lights fluctuate in brightness but are very distinct. Burns orders the pilot to turn toward the UFO, and the lights quickly begin a steep climb then disappear.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Bill Mansfield, “[I Was with Burns and Saw ‘Flying Saucer,’](https://www.newspapers.com/clip/95313657/)” Miami \(Fla.\) Herald, April 27, 1966, p. 1; “[Florida Governor](http://www.cufos.org/UFOI%5Fand%5FSelected%5FDocuments/UFOI/032%20MAY-JUN%201966.pdf) [Sights UFO,](http://www.cufos.org/UFOI%5Fand%5FSelected%5FDocuments/UFOI/032%20MAY-JUN%201966.pdf)” UFO Investigator 3, no. 8 \(May/June 1966\): 3; “[Governor Haydon Burns Sees a UFO,](http://www.educatinghumanity.com/2016/04/governor-sees-ufos.html)” Educating Humanity, April 26, 2016
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4037
### Event 26541 (861F1A28)
**Date:** Late 4/1966
**Locations:** Portage County (Ohio); Ohio
**Description:** When he learns that Rep. [J. William Stanton](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J.%5FWilliam%5FStanton) \(R-Ohio\) has expressed an interest in the UFO chase, NICAP investigator William B. Weitzel writes him a detailed letter, outlining the inconsistencies and shortcomings of [Quintanilla](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hector%5FQuintanilla)’s explanations. Portage County \(Ohio\) Judge [Robert Eugene Cook](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert%5FE.%5FCook) \(an acquaintance of [Spaur](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/165680198/dale-floyd-spaur) and Neff\) also writes to Stanton, defending the police officers’ judgment and characterizing the Air Force investigation as “grossly unfair” to Spaur and Neff. Stanton fails to get an answer from the Air Force, so he contacts USAF Chief of Community Relations Division Lt. Col. [John Spalding](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/121029499/john-robert-spalding)[,](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/121029499/john-robert-spalding) who promises to send an investigator. Stanton later writes to Defense Secretary [Robert McNamara](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert%5FMcNamara) about Blue Book’s treatment of his constituents.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clark III 911
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4038
### Event 26542 (BB80EA93)
**Date:** 4/25/1966
**Description:** On this night at around 8:15 p.m. two motorists in Towanda, Pennsylvania felt heat and had their car engine and headlights fail when they encountered a UFO with four portholes hovering about 350 feet away, with flames shooting off of it.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Timothy Green Beckley, Flying Saucers, December 1969, p. 21; Berthold E. Schwarz, Beyond Condon: FSR Special Edition No. 2, p. 46; Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, p. 29
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2295
### Event 26543 (4D52ACC9)
**Date:** 4/25/1966
**Description:** At 8:52 p.m. EDT the governor of Florida's plane was paced by two UFOs over Ocala, Florida. The crew and passengers of the Convair aircraft carrying Florida Governor Haydon Burns sighted two apparently connected bright yellow or yellow-orange globe-shaped objects that paced the plane for about 40 miles. Witnesses included newsmen and state officials. When Burns ordered his pilot to turn toward the UFOs, they climbed steeply and disappeared.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Palm Beach Post, April 28, 1966; NICAP UFO Investigator, May-June 1966. p. 3; Frank Edwards, Flying Saucers Here and Now, p. 59; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence Volume II: A Thirty-Year Report, p. 117
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2296
### Event 26544 (61914507)
**Date:** 4/26/1966
**Time:** 23:30
**Location:** FOLLANSBEE, WV
**Description:** Man / SR2. Classic 10M saucer. Altitude = 30M. "2 bowls together".
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA; H. Regnery, Chicago HC 1969 & Contemporary Books,Chicago 1993. 372pp. (Index 766)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7670
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "213", **HatchDesc:** "FOLLANSBEE,WV:MAN/SR2:CLASSIC 10M SCR:alt=30M:"2 BOWLS TOGETHER":", **LatLong:** "40.327780 -80.583337", **LatLongDMS:** "40:19:40 N 80:35:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.327780,-80.583337)", **RelAlt:** "30", **State/Prov:** "Western Virginia", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 26545 (BBF8104D)
**Date:** 4/26/1966
**Location:** Follansbee, WV
**Description:** Silent 30 ft object shaped like 2 bowls, at 100 ft altitude ahead of a car (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3053
### Event 26546 (228442D4)
**Date:** 4/26/1966
**Time:** 2330
**Location:** Follansbee, West Virginia
**Description:** A young man saw a silent object shaped like two bowls glued together, 30 m altitude, ahead of his car. Estimated diameter: 10 m. He drove away without looking behind.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Atic ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_766
### Event 26547 (C6C4B5BC)
**Date:** 4/26/1966
**Description:** A young man was driving his car in Follansbee, West Virginia at 11:30 p.m. when he saw a silent UFO shaped like two bowls glued together. It flew at 30 meters altitude, ahead of his car. He estimated the diameter of the object at 10 meters. He drove away as quickly as he could without looking back.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee: Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 766, citing US Air Force ATIC; http://www.nicap.org/waves/1966fullrep.htm
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2337
### Event 26548 (FF21A8BC)
**Date:** 4/27/1966
**Location:** Anderson AFB, Guam
**Description:** Radar Sighting, #7 of 24 Incidents (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5)
**Reference:** NICAP: [660427](http://www.nicap.org/660427guam%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3054
### Event 26549 (0007012C)
**Date:** 4/28/1966
**Location:** Sawtry, Cambridgeshire, UK
**Description:** 5:00 a.m. LT. Two men suddenly awoke in their van, with an acidic taste in their mouths and difficulty breathing (physiological effects), birds were shrieking. They looked out and saw two large spherical objects moving away. (Flying Saucer Review, May/June 1967. cited in Schuessler, 1996, p. 42). (NICAP: 05 - Medical Incidents)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3055
### Event 26550 (5A1814D2)
**Date:** 4/29/1966
**Time:** 15:50
**Description:** Saucer with portholes and exhaust pipes circles private pilot / 10K' altitude. Extremely fast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 125)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7671
**Attributes:** **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Paraguay", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "50", **HatchDesc:** "SE/ASUNCION,PARAGy:SCR W/PORTHOLES+EXHAUST PIPES CCLs Pvt.PILOT/10K'alt:XFAST", **LatLong:** "-27.000001 -57.000003", **LatLongDMS:** "27:00:00 S 57:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-27.000001,-57.000003)", **State/Prov:** "SE", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 26551 (7DBBEB7E)
**Date:** 4/29/1966
**Location:** Paraguay, Ascuncion, Argentina
**Description:** 3:55 p.m. LT. The pilot of a Beechcraft Bonanza en route to Posadas, Argentina, saw a gray object like one plate inverted on top of the other (disc) with portholes, and emitting an apparent exhaust. (Weinstein, 1999, p. 34, from Lumieres Dan La Nuit, No. 125) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3056
### Event 26552 (A1C1B0C1)
**Date:** 4/29/1966
**Location:** 37.0000 -116.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Ochre” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_450
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0000 -116.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:00 N 116:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0000,-116.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Ochre", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 26553 (F563427A)
**Date:** 4/29/1966
**Description:** At 3:55 p.m. a disc-shaped object with portholes and exhaust pipes circled a Beechcraft Bonanza aircraft flown by a single private pilot at 10,000 feet altitude. According to the witness, who was flying between Asuncion, Paraguay to Posadas, Argentina, the UFO moved extremely fast.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Dominique Weinstein, Aircraft UFO Encounters, p. 34
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2410
### Event 26554 (8EAFBF54)
**Date:** 4/30/1966
**Location:** PASADENA, CA
**Description:** Chemist / private plane. 3 round objects change position in formation. / r150p18.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO Evidence II: HB: Scarecrow Press Lanham, MD. http://www.scarecrowpress.com ISBN 0-8108-3881-8 (Index 152)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7672
**Attributes:** **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "263", **HatchDesc:** "PASADENA,CA:CHEMIST/Pvt.PLANE:3 RND OBJs CHANGE POSITION IN FORMn:/r150p18", **LatLong:** "34.183335 -118.166672", **LatLongDMS:** "34:11:00 N 118:10:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/34.183335,-118.166672)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 26555 (A928C095)
**Date:** 4/30/1966
**Time:** 03:20
**Location:** SACRAMENTO, CA
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #sUNK. Night light maneuvers / sky / 150min. Earlier sighting / 28 April / No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BERLINER, DON: The BLUEBOOK UNKNOWNS; (FUFOR). (Index 34)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7673
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "150", **Elev:** "7", **HatchDesc:** "SACRAMENTO,CA:BBK#sUNK:NLT MNVRS/SKY/150min::EARLIER SIGHTING/28APR./NFD", **LatLong:** "38.600002 -121.483339", **LatLongDMS:** "38:36:00 N 121:29:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.600002,-121.483339)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 26556 (AB812994)
**Date:** 4/30/1966
**Location:** Sacramento, CA
**Description:** Woman saw a light move around the sky (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3057
### Event 26557 (70572F58)
**Date:** 4/30/1966
**Location:** Pasadena, CA
**Description:** Three objects near airplane (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5)
**Reference:** NICAP: [660430](http://www.nicap.org/660430pasadena%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3058
### Event 26558 (335B5AC0)
**Date:** 4/30/1966
**Time:** 3:15 AM
**Location:** Sacramento, California
**Description:** Witness: Anita Miller. One light moved around the sky for 2.5 hours. No further detail in files.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_541
### Event 26559 (DC9C5D9B)
**Date:** 4/30/1966
**Description:** At 3:15 a.m. Anita Miller saw a light moving around in the sky for 2.5 hours over Sacramento, California.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Don Berliner, Project Bluebook UFO Unknowns
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2426
### Event 26560 (A70B0E17)
**Date:** 5/1966
**Location:** NATAL PROV, RSA
**Description:** Pilot. Blue-green disk follows liner. No further details. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v15#3+F. Edwards / radio.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** WEINSTEIN, Dominique; UAP: 80 Years of Pilot Sightings Privately published. 7 avenue Bartholome. 75015 Paris, FRANCE. (Index 18)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7674
**Attributes:** **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Republic of South Africa", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "NATAL prov,RSA:PILOT:BLU-GRN DISK FOLOS LINER:NFD:/FSR v15#3+F.Edwards/radio", **LatLong:** "-29.000001 30.500001", **LatLongDMS:** "29:00:00 S 30:30:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-29.000001,30.500001)", **State/Prov:** "KwaZulu-Natal", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 26561 (829CDDC3)
**Date:** 5/1966
**Location:** Whiteman AFB, MO
**Description:** Multi witness, daylight landing, (#234) occupants (NICAP: 06 - Trace Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3059
### Event 26562 (3449E447)
**Date:** 5/1/1966
**Location:** HOLLY, MICH
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Observer(s) = Todd. CE2. Still photos taken. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFOCAT CATALOG: Assorted Printouts. Donald A. Johnson Ph.D (CUFOS). P.O. Box 446, Concord, NH 03302-0446 (Index 83)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7675
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "286", **HatchDesc:** "HOLLY,MICH:BBK#UNK:OBS=TODD:CE2:STILL PHOTOS TAKEN:NFD", **LatLong:** "42.794446 -83.627782", **LatLongDMS:** "42:47:40 N 83:37:40 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.794446,-83.627782)", **State/Prov:** "Michigan", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 26563 (1674BB07)
**Date:** 5/1/1966
**Time:** 22:00
**Location:** WATERTOWN, MASS
**Description:** 4 observer(s). Low-flying ovoid with rotating colored lights goes over arsenal.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FOWLER, Raymond E.: UFO'S, INTERPLANETARY VISITORS; Prentice Hall & Bantam Books, NY 1979. 346pp. (Index 327)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7676
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "11", **HatchDesc:** "WATERTOWN,MASS:4 OBS:LO-FLYING OVOID W/ROTATING COLORED LITES GOES OVR ARSENAL", **LatLong:** "42.383335 -71.183337", **LatLongDMS:** "42:23:00 N 71:11:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.383335,-71.183337)", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 26564 (AFC679C1)
**Date:** 5/1/1966
**Location:** Watertown, MA
**Description:** 10:00 p.m. EDT. Four witnesses saw an oval object with bright rotating red, green, and white lights pass over the Watertown Arsenal. (Fowler 1974, p. 341) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3060
### Event 26565 (406224E5)
**Date:** 5/1/1966
**Description:** A low-flying oval-shaped object with bright rotating red, green and white lights flew over the Watertown Arsenal in Middlesex County, Massachusetts at 10:00 p.m.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Raymond E. Fowler, case investigation, report dated May 6, 1966; Raymond E. Fowler, UFOs: Interplanetary Visitors, p. 341
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2439
### Event 26566 (4896958E)
**Date:** 5/4/1966
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Two commercial airplanes \(from Braniff and *American Airlines*\) following each other at 32 km apart, as well as a ground radar, locate a target to the right of the Braniff above it and then at its height. The Braniff sees an intense light, alternately red, green and white. The following plane asks the first if it has turned on its landing lights and refuses to testify. The radar records the speed of the target at 1600 km/h. It makes a 180° turn in an area of 9 km, and there is no response to the transponder. (Wednesday, May 4th)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1966.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2194
### Event 26567 (FE7F6DD8)
**Date:** 5/4/1966
**Time:** 04:30
**Location:** CHARLESTON, WVA
**Description:** 2 airliners and Air Traffic Controller RADAR. Night light makes 90° turn going quickly northwest at 1000MPH.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HYNEK, J. Allen: The UFO EXPERIENCE, A Scientific Inquiry; Ballentine Books, NY 1974,1977. (Index 83)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7677
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RDR:** Radar traces/blips, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "190", **HatchDesc:** "CHARLESTON,WVA:2 AIRLINERS+ATC RDR:NLT MAKES 90°TURN >>NW @1000MPH", **LatLong:** "38.350002 -81.600004", **LatLongDMS:** "38:21:00 N 81:36:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.350002,-81.600004)", **State/Prov:** "Western Virginia", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 26568 (4FD3B753)
**Date:** 5/4/1966
**Time:** ~22:00
**Location:** CARDINGTON, OH
**Description:** 10 observer(s). White disk going [to] by. Hovers low over farm / 30 minute(s). Going quickly [to] fast / plane nears.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 797)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7678
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "30", **Elev:** "309", **HatchDesc:** "CARDINGTON,OH:10 OBS:WHT DISK > BY:HVRS LOW OVR FARM/30min:>> FAST/PLANE NEARS", **LatLong:** "40.500002 -82.894448", **LatLongDMS:** "40:30:00 N 82:53:40 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.500002,-82.894448)", **State/Prov:** "Ohio", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 26569 (970AD61B)
**Date:** 5/4/1966
**Location:** Charleston, WV
**Description:** Air traffic controller & pilot saw white-blue object, G,V (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** NICAP: [660504](http://www.nicap.org/660504charlestondir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3061
### Event 26570 (88B74A38)
**Date:** 5/4/1966
**Location:** Charleston, WV
**Description:** Braniff Airlines Flt. 42 (AL) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** NICAP: [660504](http://www.nicap.org/660504charlestondir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3062
### Event 26571 (46F7FE46)
**Date:** 5/4/1966
**Location:** Cardington, OH
**Description:** Time not reported. About 10 people watched a saucer-shaped glowing object hover above the trees for 30 minutes. Smaller lights, occasionally flashing, darted to and from it. The object departed when an aircraft approached the area (aircraft avoidance). (NICAP notes.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3063
### Event 26572 (AB558D56)
**Date:** 5/4/1966
**Time:** 13:32:17.1
**Location:** 37.1371 -116.1371
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Traveler” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_451
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1371 -116.1371", **LatLongDMS:** "37:08:14 N 116:08:14 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1371,-116.1371)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.20", **NukeMb:** "5.50", **NukeName:** "Traveler", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 26573 (4D928333)
**Date:** 5/4/1966
**Location:** Charleston, West Virginia
**Description:** 4:30 a.m. An FAA air traffic controller tracks an unidentified non-transponding target for about 5 miles at Charleston, West Virginia. The crew of Braniff Airline Flight 42, headed east at 33,000 feet, sees a white-blue object giving off brilliant, flaming light of alternating white-green-red colors. The radar shows the object veering 8–10 miles away at the 10 o’clock position, then approaching the Braniff airliner to a distance of 3 miles. It then makes a 180° left turn to the northwest within a diameter of 5 miles at 1,000 mph, which the Braniff crew confirms as the object descends from 20° above the horizon.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** NICAP, “[Charleston R/V Case](http://www.nicap.org/660504charlestondir.htm)”; J. Allen Hynek, The UFO Experience, Ballantine ed., 1974, [pp. 83–86](https://archive.org/details/ufoexperience00jall/page/82/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4039
### Event 26574 (908E7A6D)
**Date:** 5/4/1966
**Description:** At 3:40 a.m. an FAA air traffic controller in Charleston, West Virginia tracked an unidentified, non-transponding target about five miles to the 11 o'clock position from Braniff Airline Flight 42 headed east at 33,000 feet, which the crew saw high above them as a bluish-white object giving off a brilliant flaming light of alternating white-green-red colors. Radar showed the object veering away to 8-10 miles away at the 10 o'clock position, then come at the Braniff airliner to within three miles distance, then made a 180° left turn to the NW again within a diameter of 5 miles at 1,000 mph [5 G's]. The Braniff crew confirmed the object descending from 20° elevation above horizon.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** J. Allen Hynek, The UFO Experience, p. 73; Dominique Weinstein, Aircraft UFO Encounters, p. 34; UNICAT, case # 319; Gordon D. Thayer, in Edward Condon, Scientific Study of Unidentified Flying Objects, p. 163
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2506
### Event 26575 (F4A61A7B)
**Date:** 5/4/1966
**Description:** Later that evening at 10 p.m. a white disc flew up to a farm in Cardington, Ohio and hovered low over a farmyard for 30 minutes. It took off fast when an airplane came into view. Two more sighting reports were made that day to Project Blue Book from nearby Columbus, Ohio.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Larry Hatch, U computer database, case #7237; APRO Bulletin, May-June 1966; Project Blue Book files
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2507
### Event 26576 (77C1FA5C)
**Date:** 5/5/1966
**Time:** 14:00:00.0
**Location:** 37.0506 -116.0379
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Cyclamen” Yield: 12KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_452
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0506 -116.0379", **LatLongDMS:** "37:03:02 N 116:02:16 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0506,-116.0379)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.31", **NukeMb:** "4.40", **NukeName:** "Cyclamen", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "12"
### Event 26577 (FBF9DC77)
**Date:** 5/5/1966
**Description:** One year later, at 5:45 p.m. four UFOs were sighted at 20 degrees elevation by the navigating officer and several other crewmen aboard the HMAS ANZAC while sailing south of the Santa Cruz Islands. They were closely grouped, and the lead object glowed red. The trailing three objects were green, and formed an equilateral triangle. They left trails of color six times the size of the objects.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Debbie Payne, Australasian Ufologist, October 2004, p. 34
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2541
### Event 26578 (0D302434)
**Date:** 5/6/1966
**Time:** 21:00?
**Location:** EAST / NAPLES, FL
**Description:** 30m glowing-sphere/orb/globe follows car / miles up to 180kph. Passes and goes going up. / r73p31.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 797)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7679
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "E/NAPLES,FL:30m GLOW-ORB FOLOS CAR/MILES up to 180kph:PASSES+GOES↑:/r73p31", **LatLong:** "26.116668 -81.666671", **LatLongDMS:** "26:07:00 N 81:40:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/26.116668,-81.666671)", **RelAlt:** "2", **State/Prov:** "Florida", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 26579 (36BE82B4)
**Date:** 5/6/1966
**Location:** Carnestown, FL
**Description:** 2:05 a.m. EDT. In Collier County, southwest Florida, vicinity of Naples, a shaken motorist made a statement to Naples police about his car being approached from behind by a "large white light" that came within about 100-150 feet of his car, changing color to blue-green. He tried to flee, but the UFO zoomed past him making a "whooshing" noise, and circled around to the left and disappeared. (NICAP notes, police statement in Donald E. Keyhoe Archives.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3064
### Event 26580 (3F8EBC53)
**Date:** 5/6/1966
**Time:** 15:00:00.1
**Location:** 37.3480 -116.3219
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Chartreuse” Yield: 73KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_453
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.3480 -116.3219", **LatLongDMS:** "37:20:53 N 116:19:19 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.3480,-116.3219)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.67", **NukeMb:** "5.50", **NukeName:** "Chartreuse", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "73"
### Event 26581 (BB2FCBCC)
**Date:** 5/6/1966
**Description:** At 2:05 a.m. EDT. in Collier County, southwest Florida, near Carnestown in the vicinity of Naples, a shaken motorist made a statement to Naples police about his car being approached from behind by a "large white light" that came within about 100-150 feet of his car, changing color to blue-green. He tried to flee, but the UFO zoomed past him making a "whooshing" noise, and circled around to the left and disappeared.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Miami Herald, May 7, 1966; NICAP notes, police statement in Donald E. Keyhoe Archives; Frank Edwards, Flying Saucers: Here and Now, p. 59
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2583
### Event 26582 (F5D79F3F)
**Date:** 5/7/1966
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Observation at the [USAF](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/USAF.html) base in Goodfellow \(Texas\). (Saturday, May 7th)
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#10535 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1966.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2195
### Event 26583 (AB764E67)
**Date:** 5/7/1966
**Time:** 21:50
**Description:** Airman. Short cylinder/cylindrical object / pointed ends. Light / each end. South-L flight / 35 second(s).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BERLINER, DON: The BLUEBOOK UNKNOWNS; (FUFOR). (Index 34)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7680
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "561", **HatchDesc:** "GOODFELLOW AFB,TX:AIRMAN:SHORT CYL/POINTED ENDS:LITE/EACH END:S-L FLITE/35sec", **LatLong:** "31.433335 -100.333338", **LatLongDMS:** "31:26:00 N 100:20:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/31.433335,-100.333338)", **State/Prov:** "Texas", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 26584 (32BBF8E9)
**Date:** 5/7/1966
**Location:** Goodfellow AFB, TX
**Description:** Short, cylindrical object with pointed ends (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 10535)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3065
### Event 26585 (C8E44B2D)
**Date:** 5/7/1966
**Time:** 9:55 PM
**Location:** Goodfellow AFB, Texas
**Description:** Witness: A/3c W.L. Whitehead. One short, cylindrical object with pointed ends and a yellow light at one end and blue light at the other, flew straight and level for 35 seconds.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_542
### Event 26586 (7685DE0F)
**Date:** 5/7/1966
**Time:** 03:58:00.2
**Location:** 49.7429 78.1050
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 4KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1280
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.7429 78.1050", **LatLongDMS:** "49:44:34 N 78:06:18 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.7429,78.1050)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "4.80", **NukeSource:** "BOCHAROV", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** "4"
### Event 26587 (68691EF1)
**Date:** 5/7/1966
**Description:** A short, cylindrical object with pointed ends was sighted over Goodfellow Air Force Base, Texas at 9:55 p.m. by Airman 3rd class W. L. Whitehead. It had a yellow light at one end, a blue light at the other, and flew straight and level for 35 seconds. A Project Blue Book "unknown."
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Project Blue Book files counted in official statistics, case # 10535; Don Berliner, Australasian Ufologist, April 1999, p. 53
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2617
### Event 26588 (DE7B63FB)
**Date:** 5/8/1966
**Location:** BRAZIL, Ipameri
**Description:** (Translated from French) James Pfeiffer had 50 combat air missions during World War II. He received 5 Air Medals and 12 citations for bravery, so it can be inferred that he was not easily frightened: "There was no sound at all and it was as big as an airliner, but without any indication of a company... My body reacted as if I had brushed against danger. I was shaken all day. Photo taken with an Instamatic camera. (J. Allen HYNEK: "UFOs, Myth or Reality?" - Belfond 1974 - p. 30) During a stop at a small restaurant by the river, a strange object suddenly appeared in the sky. In the shape of a sphere, moving 500 m above the front of the house, its diameter was about 20 m before it moved away at a speed of 200 mph. It first emitted a shrill scream, becoming deeper and so powerful that all the restaurant staff rushed outside. Mr. Pfeiffer managed to take two shots.
**Reference:** A. SCHNEIDER-H. MALTHANER: "The Secret File of UFOs", ed. De Vecchi, 1978, p. 144, 145
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2370
### Event 26589 (1BDE534F)
**Date:** 5/8/1966
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) About fifteen kilometers north of Ipameri \(Brazil\), two men in a restaurant saw an object resembling a hot air balloon, making oscillations in stationary flight above the trees on the opposite banks of the Ipaméri River. As the object began to descend, one of the two men, James Pfeiffer, an American industrialist, photographed it. Then the object veered westward. (Sunday, May 8)
**Reference:** VSD 2007 H
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1966.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2196
### Event 26590 (4F340811)
**Date:** 5/8/1966
**Time:** ~15:00
**Location:** NORTH / IPAMERI, BRZ
**Description:** 2 observer(s) photograph 75' diamond going quickly south. 90° turn going quickly west inland. / time / life / Newsweek.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** INFORESPACE Journal. SOBEPS Group, Belgium; bimonthly (Index 27)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7681
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "772", **HatchDesc:** "N/IPAMERI,BRZ:2 OBS FOTO 75'DIAMOND>>S:90°TURN >>W INLAND:/TIME/LIFE/NEWSWEEK", **LatLong:** "-17.550001 -48.150002", **LatLongDMS:** "17:33:00 S 48:09:00 W", **Locale:** "Rainforest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-17.550001,-48.150002)", **State/Prov:** "GOI", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 26591 (255824C8)
**Date:** 5/8/1966
**Location:** US
**Description:** Gallup Poll reported 96 percent public awareness of UFOs, and that nearly half of the adult population believed UFOs were real.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_88
### Event 26592 (D08AE952)
**Date:** 5/8/1966
**Description:** A Gallup Poll taken April 14–19 reveals that 46% of Americans who have heard about UFOs think they are real, although only 7% think they are from outer space. 5% of US adults have seen a UFO.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Five Million Say](http://www.cufos.org/UFOI%5Fand%5FSelected%5FDocuments/UFOI/032%20MAY-JUN%201966.pdf) [They’ve Seen Saucers,](http://www.cufos.org/UFOI%5Fand%5FSelected%5FDocuments/UFOI/032%20MAY-JUN%201966.pdf)” UFO Investigator 3, no. 8 \(May/June 1966\): 7; Robert J. Durant, “Evolution of Public Opinion on UFOs,” IUR 18, no. 6 \(Nov./Dec. 1993\): 11–12; Lydia Saad, “[Eyewitnesses to Flying Saucers,](https://news.gallup.com/vault/190592/gallup-vault-eyewitnesses-flying-saucers.aspx)” Gallup Vault, April 12, 2016
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4040
### Event 26593 (09AC0EBA)
**Date:** 5/8/1966
**Description:** [Quintanilla](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hector%5FQuintanilla) calls [Spaur](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/165680198/dale-floyd-spaur) again and tells him to be ready for an interview the next day.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4041
### Event 26594 (F47DA66F)
**Date:** 5/8/1966
**Description:** A 16-year-old named Bruce Pollock took three photographs of three hexagonal flying objects at 5:30 a.m. in New Plymouth, New Zealand.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Charles Bowen, Flying Saucer Review, July-August 1966, p. 32; J. Bernard Delair, UFO Register, Volume 7 (1976), page 60
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2653
### Event 26595 (DB80E523)
**Date:** 5/8/1966
**Description:** On this afternoon a 75-foot long diamond-shaped object was photographed north of Ipamari, Goias State, Brazil as it flew to the south over the rainforest on the other side of the river. It made a 90 degree turn making a low-pitched whining sound, and sped off inland to the west. The color photograph appeared in LIFE magazine. The photographer's name was Pfeiffer.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** APRO Bulletin, July 1977, p. 4; James Moseley, Saucer News, March 1967, p. 35; Inforespace, June 1976
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2654
### Event 26596 (2EF04C06)
**Date:** 5/8/1966
**Description:** John Beers and a female friend were driving south on County Road G in Beaver Dam, Dodge County, Wisconsin when they noticed some blinking white and green lights pacing their car. The lights were first seen above the roadside telephone poles, and they followed his car to Highway 151, and then to Columbus, Wisconsin.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jay Rath, The W-Files: True Reports of Wisconsin's Unexplained Phenomena, p. 62
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2655
### Event 26597 (DD66C0D3)
**Date:** 5/9/1966
**Time:** 08:00:00.0
**Location:** 41.5000 88.5000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, presumed. Country: China Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 200KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1794
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "41.5000 88.5000", **LatLongDMS:** "41:30:00 N 88:30:00 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.5000,88.5000)", **NukeCountry:** "China", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "BOLT", **NukeType:** "NAPC", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "200"
### Event 26598 (F69BFEBB)
**Date:** 5/9/1966
**Location:** Portage County police headquarters in Ravenna, Ohio
**Description:** Weitzel is at Portage County police headquarters in Ravenna, Ohio, to record [Spaur](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/165680198/dale-floyd-spaur)’s interview and has brought two reporters and UFO researcher David Webb. [Dustman](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/181108098/ross-dustman) is there too. [Quintanilla](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hector%5FQuintanilla) asks Weitzel and Webb to leave, and the reporters leave as well. The interview becomes heated at times.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “Interview with Deputy Sheriff Dale Spaur, 1966,” SpaceTimeForum YouTube channel, March 28, 2013; Clark III 911–912
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4042
### Event 26599 (C06A827C)
**Date:** 5/10/1966
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) The famous American reporter Walter Cronkite does a report on the Michigan observations in *CBS Reports*, presenting the witnesses as not very credible. It shows [Donald Menzel](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/MenzelDonaldHoward.html) pouring benzene on an acetone-filled aquarium to demonstrate elementary facts of optics known since the 18th century. He tries to convince Americans that UFOs are only mirages. This is followed by an interview with a "lunatic" describing his encounters with the "space brothers". In contrast, an impressive interview with [Carl Sagan](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/SaganCarlEdward.html), who forcefully argues with mathematical arguments the improbability of an extraterrestrial visit. The documentary then contains a discussion with a military officer who claims that UFOs are never detected by radar, and with an astronomer who states that UFOs are never seen or photographed by satellite observation stations. (May 10)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1966.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2197
### Event 26600 (02BC998A)
**Date:** 5/10/1966
**Time:** 16:50
**Location:** NEAR CARACAS, VNZ
**Description:** Saucer going down. 2 2M pseudo-human/entity examine plants etc. / instruments and lights. Beam aboard!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA; H. Regnery, Chicago HC 1969 & Contemporary Books,Chicago 1993. 372pp. (Index 768)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7682
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Venezuela", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "20", **Elev:** "950", **HatchDesc:** "nr CARACAS,VNZ:SCR ↓:2 2M PSH EXAMINE PLANTS etc/INSTRUMNTS+LITES:BEAM ABOARD!", **LatLong:** "10.466667 -67.000003", **LatLongDMS:** "10:28:00 N 67:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/10.466667,-67.000003)", **State/Prov:** "CAR", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 26601 (CEAA7AD8)
**Date:** 5/10/1966
**Time:** 1652
**Location:** Marisela Caracas, Venezuela
**Description:** A man observed the landing of an oval object and two beings, who ame out of the object through a system of light beams. They used strange instruments to examine a number of objects, especially plants. They were 2 m tall, had oversized heads, appeared bright and "transparent." Their eyes were slanted, their shoulders very broad. They wore no apparent weapon, but their belts were very wide and emitted light rays. They did not touch anything without first illuminating it with these beams. They went back aboard their craft "as if carried by the light."
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Personal ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_767
### Event 26602 (ADC3805B)
**Date:** 5/10/1966
**Time:** 2200
**Location:** Atafona Campos, Brazil
**Description:** Approximate date. The crowd at a movie projection panicked, thinking it was an earthquake, as an unknown object exploded. According to police, a sulphurous odor and a trace 25 cm deep, 35 cm wide, were noted at the site.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** LDLN 84 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_768
### Event 26603 (80CC5A28)
**Date:** 5/10/1966
**Location:** US
**Description:** CBS Reports "Flying Saucers: Friend, Foe or Fantasy?" presented extremely negative Air Force and "scientific" views, primarily those of Dr. Donald Menzel and Dr. Carl Sagan, both skeptics.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_89
### Event 26604 (12C2CE48)
**Date:** 5/10/1966
**Location:** Smithsonian's archives
**Description:** The documentary “UFOs: Friend, Foe, or Fantasy?” appears on CBS Reports, hosted by [Walter Cronkite](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Walter%5FCronkite) and narrator [Bill Stout](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill%5FStout)[.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill%5FStout) Guests include [Carl Sagan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carl%5FSagan), [Donald Menzel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald%5FHoward%5FMenzel), [Harold Brown](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harold%5FBrown%5F%28Secretary%5Fof%5FDefense%29), [Lawrence Tacker](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/30450384/lawrence-j-tacker), [Donald](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald%5FKeyhoe) [Keyhoe](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald%5FKeyhoe)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald%5FKeyhoe) and [J. Allen Hynek](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J.%5FAllen%5FHynek)[.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J.%5FAllen%5FHynek) The tenor of the show is to debunk UFOs, although Cronkite says the CIA has been secretly tracking UFO sightings around the world, even as it denies doing so. Air Force Capt. Gary Reese claims that NORAD’s satellite-tracking radar covers altitudes from 100,000 feet to 2,000 miles up but never finds any UFOs. He neglects to mention that UFOs are found in the atmosphere below 100,000 feet. \(Even so, NORAD has been detecting occasional Unidentified Satellites, USATs, for years.\) Reese makes a broad statement that the Air Force has never substantiated a “flying saucer” despite NORAD’s covering “nearly every square foot of the US” on its radar. USAF Maj. Albert Morse of NORAD spacetrack network supports Reese. A handwritten letter by Robertson Panel member [Thornton Page](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thornton%5FLeigh%5FPage), discovered in the Smithsonian’s archives by [Michael Swords](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael%5FD.%5FSwords), confirms the CIA’s long-suspected role in the CBS program. In the September 10, 1966, letter, Page relates to [Frederick C.](https://www.thespacereview.com/article/2856/1) [Durant](https://www.thespacereview.com/article/2856/1) that he “helped organize the CBS TV show around the Robertson Panel’s conclusions.” [Quintanilla](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hector%5FQuintanilla) has spent 3 days editing and censoring the TV program’s script to make sure it conforms to USAF public relations policy.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[UFOs: Friend, Foe or Fantasy? 1966](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VVpNqFz-h2c)” nutsandbolts ufo YouTube channel, February 15, 2013; “[Columnists Hit NBC Documentary,](http://www.cufos.org/UFOI%5Fand%5FSelected%5FDocuments/UFOI/032%20MAY-JUN%201966.pdf)” UFO Investigator 3, no. 8 \(May/June 1966\): 8; Clark III 808; Jacobsen, Area 51, [pp. 206–207](https://archive.org/details/area51uncensored0000jaco/page/206/mode/2up); Terry Hanson, “[Close Encounters of the Nuclear Kind,](https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/ciencia/ciencia%5Fflyingobjects108.htm)” Online Journal, March 31, 2009; Swords 195–196, 308
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4043
### Event 26605 (64FE3B06)
**Date:** 5/10/1966
**Description:** In Marisela, an area of Caracas, Venezuela a man observed the landing of an oval-shaped object and two beings at 4:52 p.m. The beings emerged from the object through a system of light beams. The creings used strange instruments to examine a number of objects, especially some plants. They were two meters tall, had oversized heads, and appeared bright and "transparent." Their eyes were slanted and they had very broad shoulders. They wore no apparent weapons, but their belts were very wide and emitted light rays. They did not touch anything without first illuminating it with these beams. They went back aboard their craft "as if carried by the light."
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee: Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 768
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2716
### Event 26606 (A075D14D)
**Date:** 5/10/1966
**Description:** At 10:00 p.m. on or about this date, a crowd of people in Atafona Campos, Brazil were watching an outdoor movie when an unknown aerial object crashed and exploded. They panicked, thinking at the time it was perhaps related to an earthquake. According to the police, a sulphurous odor and a hole in the ground 25 cm deep and 35 cm wide were noted at the site.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee: Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 767
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2717
### Event 26607 (0425AAE7)
**Date:** 5/11/1966
**Time:** ~23:00
**Description:** Numerous observer(s). UFO going down [to] and stops in exhaust / NASA Saturn 4 test. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Newspaper account: File UFO907 / UFOBBS via Dr. Don Johnson http://www.ufobbs.com/txt1/907.ufo
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7683
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "7", **HatchDesc:** "STENNIS TEST Ctr,MS:NMRS OBS:UFO ↓+STOPS in EXHAUST/NASA SATURN 4 TEST:NFD", **LatLong:** "30.372224 -89.466671", **LatLongDMS:** "30:22:20 N 89:28:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/30.372224,-89.466671)", **RelAlt:** "3", **State/Prov:** "Mississippi", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 26608 (CD46170A)
**Date:** 5/11/1966
**Description:** During a night test firing of the NASA Saturn-V-B second stage rocket at the Stennis NASA Test Facility in Pearl River, Hancock County, Mississippi, a 200 foot diameter disc-shaped UFO approached at high speed, then hovered directly over the exhaust blast coming from the rocket for 90 seconds. According to the principal reporting witness, a retired Boeing engineer named Allen, there where 30 witnesses, including a group of 19 who were on the roof of a nearby building and a 35-mm motion picture film crew who filmed the entire episode. The following day the NASA facility employees were debriefed and informed that what they had witnessed was an unmanned Air Force weather balloon. The film from the test firing has never been released by the government.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Donald A. Johnson and Don Olson case investigation files, MUFON files
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2736
### Event 26609 (6CEA7404)
**Date:** 5/12/1966
**Time:** 19:37:26.2
**Location:** 37.1343 -116.0711
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Tapestry” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_454
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1343 -116.0711", **LatLongDMS:** "37:08:03 N 116:04:16 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1343,-116.0711)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.25", **NukeMb:** "4.30", **NukeName:** "Tapestry", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 26610 (D60FB719)
**Date:** 5/13/1966
**Time:** 13:30:00.0
**Location:** 37.0869 -116.0334
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Piranha” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 200KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_455
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0869 -116.0334", **LatLongDMS:** "37:05:13 N 116:02:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0869,-116.0334)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.55", **NukeMb:** "5.60", **NukeName:** "Piranha", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "200"
### Event 26611 (E41F9BDF)
**Date:** 5/15/1966
**Time:** 17:30
**Location:** ITAGUAI, BRAZIL
**Description:** 1 observer. Airliner sized dark 'tire' hovers and wobbles. Going north. Hole in center.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GRANCHI, Irene: UFO's and ABDUCTIONS in BRAZIL: Horus House Press, Madison, WI: 1992 (English translation 1994) ISBN 1-881852-09-1 (Index 43)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7684
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "28", **HatchDesc:** "ITAGUAI,BRZL:1 OBS:AIRLINER SIZED DARK 'TIRE' HVRS+WOBBLES:>N:hole in center", **LatLong:** "-22.900001 -43.783335", **LatLongDMS:** "22:54:00 S 43:47:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-22.900001,-43.783335)", **State/Prov:** "RDJ", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 26612 (DE49A734)
**Date:** 5/15/1966
**Description:** A dark donut or tyre-shaped object with a hole in the center hovered and wobbled over Itaguai, Rio Janeiro State, Brazil at 5:30 p.m. It appeared to be about the size of an airliner.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Irene Granchi, UFO Abductions and Reports from Brazil, p. 43
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2855
### Event 26613 (54E1A129)
**Date:** 5/16/1966
**Location:** SPAIN, Cordoba
**Description:** (Translated from French) Manuel Hernandez, returning from the fields near the town, saw an object in the shape of a disk land a hundred meters from him and small beings that looked like green birds quickly emerged, then they departed. (Jean FERGUSON: "Everything about Flying Saucers", ed. Leméac, Ottawa, 1972, p. 214) Passengers descend from an object on the ground but when they realize they are being observed, they go back inside and the object takes off.
**Reference:** Henry DURRANT: "First Investigations on ET Humanoids" - Laffont 1977 - p. 175 and 179
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2371
### Event 26614 (310E4FF5)
**Date:** 5/16/1966
**Time:** 12:00?
**Location:** CORDOBA, SP
**Description:** Saucer lands. Small humanoids (or Greys) look like odd green birds. Re-entry and fly when seen.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BALLESTER OLMOS, Vicente-Juan: CATALOG of 200 TYPE-1 EVENTS in SPAIN & PORTUGAL; CUFOS 1976. (Index 10)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7685
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **MON:** Monster: Life form fits no category, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "4", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "CORDOBA,SP:SCR LANDS:OIDS LOOK LIKE ODD GREEN BIRDS:RE-ENTRY+FLY WHEN SEEN.", **LatLong:** "37.916668 -4.766667", **LatLongDMS:** "37:55:00 N 04:46:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.916668,-4.766667)", **State/Prov:** "CRD", **Strangeness:** "11"
### Event 26615 (FB7CE500)
**Date:** 5/16/1966
**Time:** 12:30
**Location:** TEMPLE CITY, CA
**Description:** Green glow diamond-saucer hovers. Then going quickly northeast. Back 24 May. / MJ#103.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO Evidence II: HB: Scarecrow Press Lanham, MD. http://www.scarecrowpress.com ISBN 0-8108-3881-8 (Index 321)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7686
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "116", **HatchDesc:** "TEMPLE CITY,CA:GRN GLOW DIAMOND-SCR HVRS:then >>NE::BACK 24MAY:/MJ#103", **LatLong:** "34.105557 -118.055561", **LatLongDMS:** "34:06:20 N 118:03:20 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/34.105557,-118.055561)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 26616 (D0AA2B26)
**Date:** 5/16/1966
**Time:** 15:30
**Location:** CHESHIRE, CT
**Description:** 1 / car. 20' cylinder/cylindrical object 4' over ground. No supports. Mltc coral surface. Moves slowly.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 304)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7687
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "80", **HatchDesc:** "CHESHIRE,CT:1/CAR:20'CYL 4'OVR GND:NO SUPPORTS:MLTC CORAL SURFACE:MOVES SLOWLY", **LatLong:** "41.516669 -72.933337", **LatLongDMS:** "41:31:00 N 72:56:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.516669,-72.933337)", **RelAlt:** "1", **State/Prov:** "Connecticut", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 26617 (485A6712)
**Date:** 5/16/1966
**Location:** Temple City, CA
**Description:** 12:30 p.m. PDT. A newspaper editor and office manager were called outdoors to see a grayish-green object high in the northern sky changing shape from rectangular, or roughly diamond-shaped, to domed disc. The object, apparently metallic, was reflecting sunlight. Haze-like heat waves surrounded it. For 15 minutes the object moved around lazily, then suddenly sped off to the northeast and disappeared. The editor compared the departure speed to that of a jet aircraft. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3066
### Event 26618 (444DA85B)
**Date:** 5/16/1966
**Location:** Temple City, CA
**Description:** About 1:10 p.m. at a school in the area, the principal noticed the children on the playground staring at something in the sky. He looked and saw a dark disc-shaped object with dome on top moving from high overhead toward the east. Several other witnesses made similar reports between 1:00 and 1:30 pm. (Los Angeles NICAP Subcommittee report.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3067
### Event 26619 (8BA9174F)
**Date:** 5/16/1966
**Location:** Cordoba, Spain
**Description:** Manuel Hernandez was coming back from the fields near Cordoba when he saw a disk-shaped object land 100 m away. Small beings resembling "green birds" came out for a few instants, then took off again.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** 162 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_769
### Event 26620 (1BB8BC97)
**Date:** 5/16/1966
**Description:** Manuel Hernandez was coming back from the fields near Cordoba, Spain when he saw a disc-shaped object land 100 meters away. Small beings resembling "green birds" came out for a few instants, then took off again.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee: Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 769; Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos, Catalogue of 200 Type-I UFO Events in Spain and Portugal, case 42, citing the Paris Journal, May 18, 1966
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2887
### Event 26621 (6E8B9333)
**Date:** 5/16/1966
**Description:** At 12:30 p.m. a newspaper editor and officer manager in Temple City, California were called out to the parking lot to see an unusual object in the sky. A grayish-green object, changing shape from rectangular to roughly diamond-shaped, to a domed disc, was reflecting sunlight and apparently metallic. It was visible high in the northern sky. Hazy heat waves surrounded it. For 15 minutes the object moved around lazily, then it suddenly sped off to the northeast and disappeared. The editor compared the speed to that of a jet. At 1:10 p.m. a school principal saw children on the school's playground staring at a dark, disc-shaped object with a dome on top moving high overhead toward the east. At about the same time Charles Hardman was walking on Alessandra Street in Temple City when he noticed something that he first thought was a kite or balloon in the north-northwest sky moving slowly northeast. Through binoculars he saw that the object's surface was glossy, gray or black, yet light reflective. At times the top was obscured by hazelike smoke. Without the binoculars Hardman could see that this was due to different angles of vision as the object tumbled over in its path. It was shaped like a diamond with concave sides.
About 1:30 p.m. Mrs. Beverly Harding of Temple City, California was driving about a mile south of the center of town when she saw an aerial object paralleling the path of her car, but traveling a little faster than she was. It looked like "a big bowl of jelly, plastic-like and shiny..." The object was roundish, but irregularly shaped. Finally, at 3:25 p.m. Mrs. Janice Oyler of San Gabriel, California was driving through Temple City when she saw a "black and silver cone-shaped object" in the sky. She stopped her car to watch, and saw the object bobbing around and circling slowly in one small area of the sky for about three minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Los Angeles NICAP subcommittee; Ann Druffel, Skynet, May 1966, p. 27; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II. A Thirty-Year Report, p. 321
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2888
### Event 26622 (6A91B72B)
**Date:** 5/16/1966
**Description:** Manuel Hernandez was coming back from the fields during this afternoon near Cordoba, Spain when he saw a disc-shaped object land 100 m away. Small beings resembling "green birds" came out for a few instants, before the object took off again.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 769, citing Paris Jour, May 18, 1966; Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos, FSR, May 1973, p. 19
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2889
### Event 26623 (29A98B74)
**Date:** 5/16/1966
**Description:** At 3:30 p.m. a driver in a car in Cheshire, Connecticut had a close encounter with a 20-foot cylindrical UFO just four feet over the ground. It was hovering with no supports touching the ground. It had a metallic coral surface, and moved slowly.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Larry Hatch, U computer database, citing UFO Newsclipping Service, issue 302
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2890
### Event 26624 (B3024EFA)
**Date:** 5/17/1966
**Time:** 03:10
**Location:** MENTOR, OH
**Description:** Aero engineer. Large UFO "collects" up 4+6 very dim objects. Turns going west and gone.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 277)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7688
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "210", **HatchDesc:** "MENTOR,OH:AERO ENGINEER:LRG UFO "COLLECTS" UP 4+6 VERY DIM OBJS:TURNS>W+GONE", **LatLong:** "41.666669 -81.338893", **LatLongDMS:** "41:40:00 N 81:20:20 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.666669,-81.338893)", **State/Prov:** "Ohio", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 26625 (FA4251CD)
**Date:** 5/17/1966
**Time:** 04:00
**Description:** 7 small night lights circle large UFO. 4 enter. 3 leave and return and enter.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 277)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7689
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "90", **Elev:** "470", **HatchDesc:** "US26 NW/WARM SPRINGS,OR:7 SML NLTS CIRCLE LRG UFO:4 ENTER:3 LEAVE+RETURN+ENTER", **LatLong:** "44.766669 -121.266672", **LatLongDMS:** "44:46:00 N 121:16:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.766669,-121.266672)", **State/Prov:** "Oregon", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 26626 (2C06C499)
**Date:** 5/17/1966
**Location:** New Orleans, LA
**Description:** Day. A Boeing engineer was among the witnesses who saw two discs flying off each wingtip of an airliner. The outer discs lagged briefly during a turn by the airliner. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3068
### Event 26627 (74DFF1AB)
**Date:** 5/17/1966
**Location:** Mentor, OH
**Description:** Time not reported. An aircraft design engineer saw a bluish-white object pickup 10 smaller objects in groups, brightening each time a pick-up was made, then dimming (luminosity/motion correlation). The parent object then turned to the west and accelerated away. (NICAP notes.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3069
### Event 26628 (6FDC0B2A)
**Date:** 5/17/1966
**Description:** Weitzel writes to [Quintanilla](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hector%5FQuintanilla) with another critique of the Blue Book explanation. Even [Hynek](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J.%5FAllen%5FHynek) urges FTD to change the designation to “unknown.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4044
### Event 26629 (FD2F1295)
**Date:** 5/17/1966
**Description:** At 3:10 a.m. an aircraft design engineer in Mentor, Ohio saw a bluish-white object pickup 10 smaller objects in groups, brightening each time a pick-up was made, then dimming. The parent object then turned to the west and accelerated away. At 4:00 a.m. on US Highway 26 near Warm Springs, Ohio seven small nocturnal lights circled a large UFO; 4 entered, 3 left, returned and then entered again.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Robert Gribble, MUFON UFO Journal, May 1991, p.16
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2927
### Event 26630 (230D1F80)
**Date:** 5/17/1966
**Description:** At 6:40 p.m. a Boeing engineer in Arabi, near New Orleans, Louisiana was among the witnesses who saw two discs flying off each wingtip of an airliner. The outer discs lagged briefly during a turn by the airliner.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP report form; Colorado UFO Study files
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2928
### Event 26631 (4766D09D)
**Date:** 5/19/1966
**Time:** 13:56:28.1
**Location:** 37.1111 -116.0579
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Dumont” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 200KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_456
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1111 -116.0579", **LatLongDMS:** "37:06:40 N 116:03:28 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1111,-116.0579)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.67", **NukeMb:** "5.90", **NukeName:** "Dumont", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "200"
### Event 26632 (FD584203)
**Date:** 5/21/1966
**Time:** 15:20
**Description:** 20' domed saucer buzzes 2 Navy jets and private plane. / MJ#277+/ r41p44.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 48)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7690
**Attributes:** **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "91", **HatchDesc:** "nr WILLOW GROVE,PA:20'DOMED SCR BUZZES 2 NAVY JETS+Pvt PLANE:/MJ#277+/r41p44", **LatLong:** "40.144446 -75.116670", **LatLongDMS:** "40:08:40 N 75:07:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.144446,-75.116670)", **State/Prov:** "Pennsylvania", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 26633 (E69068B8)
**Date:** 5/21/1966
**Time:** 18:00?
**Location:** BELGRADE, SERBIA
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Fast brilliant object follows canal? Type unknown.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HOBANA Ion & WEVERBERGH,Julien: UFO'S from BEHIND the IRON CURTAIN; Bantam Books,1975. 308pp. (Index 203)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7691
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Former Yugoslavia", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "7", **HatchDesc:** "BELGRADE,SERBIA:2 OBS:FAST BRILL.OBJ FOLLOWS CANAL?:type unk.", **LatLong:** "44.816669 20.516668", **LatLongDMS:** "44:49:00 N 20:31:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.816669,20.516668)", **State/Prov:** "SRB", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 26634 (FC456DC8)
**Date:** 5/21/1966
**Location:** Willow Grove, PA
**Description:** Domed Disc Observed By Pilot & Passenger (Powell Case) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5)
**Reference:** NICAP: [660521](http://www.nicap.org/660521willowgrove%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3070
### Event 26635 (6E48D792)
**Date:** 5/21/1966
**Location:** Willow Grove, PA
**Description:** Experienced pilot in light plane encountered disc with dome that made sharp turn, passed beneath his wing
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_90
### Event 26636 (79CB420A)
**Date:** 5/21/1966
**Locations:** Willow Grove, Pennsylvania; NAS Willow Grove; NAS Joint Reserve Base Willow Grove
**Description:** 3: 15 p.m. William C. Powell is flying a light Luscombe aircraft over Willow Grove, Pennsylvania, with one passenger, Muriel McCrave. He spots a bright-red circular disc with a dome on top as it is apparently following an outbound flight of Navy jets from NAS Willow Grove \[now NAS Joint Reserve Base Willow Grove\] at 4,500 feet. The object makes a sharp turn without banking and approaches his plane on a near-collision course, passing below the starboard wing about 300 feet away and disappearing to the rear. They both get a good look at the object, which has no wings or visible means of propulsion.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** NICAP, “[Domed Disc Observed by Pilot and](http://www.nicap.org/660521willowgrove%5Fdir.htm) [Passenger \(Powell Case\)](http://www.nicap.org/660521willowgrove%5Fdir.htm)”; James E. McDonald, “[Statement on Unidentified Flying Objects,](https://www.project1947.com/shg/symposium/mcdonald.html\#pilots)” in Symposium on Unidentified Flying Objects, Hearings, US House Committee on Science and Astronautics, 90th Cong., 2nd Sess., July 29, 1968, pp. 45–46
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4045
### Event 26637 (96F6D4E3)
**Date:** 5/21/1966
**Description:** At 3:15 p.m. an experienced pilot flying in a light plane on a clear day encountered a domed disc that made sharp turns and passed beneath the wing of his aircraft while flying near Willow Grove Naval Air Station, Pennsylvania.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP UFO Investigator, April 1967, p. 7
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3018
### Event 26638 (24C61186)
**Date:** 5/22/1966
**Locations:** Blue River, British Columbia; Jasper, Alberta
**Description:** A witness driving between Blue River, British Columbia, and Jasper, Alberta, sees a gray object the size of a car and shaped like a bowl land on the road and make a whining noise. After it silently takes off, the object leaves three impressions of landing pads about 4 feet square.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Chris Rutkowski, Canada’s UFOs: Declassified, August Nihgt, 2022, p. 184
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4046
### Event 26639 (866C785D)
**Date:** 5/23/1966
**Location:** Gainesville, FL
**Description:** University campus police saw a round glowing object with outer ring of red lights, and a white flashing light in the center, hover above the athletic field, then fly away. (NICAP notes from newspaper story.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3071
### Event 26640 (5EAF5EE1)
**Date:** 5/24/1966
**Location:** Temple City, CA
**Description:** 4:15 p.m. PDT. A woman driving in Temple City saw a strange object approach from the southwest, hover and bob around. She stopped and observed the object at relatively close range, at treetop level across a wide highway. "It was the shape of two geranium pots put together with the bands in the center," she said. Although the object was clearly outlined, there was a slight haze surrounding it. The color was bright green. Flashes of sunlight reflected off the surface, giving it a metallic sheen. On the body were what appeared to be a row of louvers and an antenna-like projection. After several minutes the object climbed to the northeast, observed as it moved away by employees of a nearby restaurant who were alerted by the witness. (Los Angeles NICAP Subcommittee report.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3072
### Event 26641 (CB029619)
**Date:** 5/26/1966
**Time:** 11:00?
**Location:** AMHERST, NY
**Description:** 3 teens and teacher / field trip. 2+photographs / classic saucer over high-tension lines.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** STEIGER, Brad & WHRITENOUR, Joan: FLYING SAUCERS ARE HOSTILE; Award Books PB 1967. (Index 66)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7692
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "183", **HatchDesc:** "AMHERST,NY:3 TEENS+TEACHER/FLD TRIP:2+ FOTOS/CLASSIC SCR OVR HI-TENSION LINES", **LatLong:** "42.966669 -78.800004", **LatLongDMS:** "42:58:00 N 78:48:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.966669,-78.800004)", **State/Prov:** "New York", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 26642 (6B6166C5)
**Date:** 5/27/1966
**Location:** NEAR TEMPLE CITY, CA
**Description:** Mercury capsule or chemical beaker shape glows red-orange / night sky.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 103)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7693
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "116", **HatchDesc:** "nr TEMPLE CITY,CA:MERCURY CAPSULE or CHEM.BEAKER SHAPE GLOWS RED-ORG/NITE SKY:", **LatLong:** "34.105557 -118.033339", **LatLongDMS:** "34:06:20 N 118:02:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/34.105557,-118.033339)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 26643 (A4066D4B)
**Date:** 5/27/1966
**Time:** 20:00:00.0
**Location:** 37.1784 -116.0978
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Discus Thrower” Yield: 22KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_457
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1784 -116.0978", **LatLongDMS:** "37:10:42 N 116:05:52 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1784,-116.0978)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.34", **NukeMb:** "5.10", **NukeName:** "Discus Thrower", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "22"
### Event 26644 (D58D7925)
**Date:** 5/28/1966
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Launch of the 1st module [Apollo](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/Apollo.html) *SA-6*. (May 28)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1966.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2198
### Event 26645 (81A0BEC2)
**Date:** 5/30/1966
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) *Surveyor 1* lands softly on the [Moon](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/Moon.html). (May 30)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1966.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2199
### Event 26646 (9F47327C)
**Date:** 6/1966
**Location:** USA
**Description:** (Translated from French) In June 1966, very sophisticated military telecommunications satellites were put into service in the "IDSCP" (Initial Defense Satellite Communication Program) series. Launched in groups of 3 to 8 units, four times, these satellites were placed in a geostationary orbit, i.e. above the equator at 36,000 km altitude. (...) This network was complete, with 26 satellites, two years later. (June 1966)
**Reference:** "The War of the Satellites" - Volume 3 - Pierre Kohler, ed. Famot 1982, p. 91
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2372
### Event 26647 (C89BAB26)
**Date:** 6/1966
**Location:** USA
**Description:** (Translated from French) There is also the "Pageos" case in orbit since June 1966, this satellite was well known to sky watchers, as it was easily visible to the naked eye. It was a 30 meter diameter "Mylar" balloon orbiting at 4300 km altitude. Despite this great distance, it shone on the night sky, illuminated by the sun, with the brightness of the North Star. Its coating reflected 98% of the light received. At this altitude it took three hours to complete a lap around the Earth and it happened that one could follow it with the naked eye for more than half an hour, from one horizon to the other. (June 1966)
**Reference:** "The War of the Satellites" - Volume 3 - Pierre Kohler, ed. Famot 1982, p. 147
**Reference:** continued on July 12, 1975
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2373
### Event 26648 (A714DA5B)
**Date:** 6/1966
**Location:** ROMANIA, between Arpasul de Jos and Cirtisoara
**Description:** (Translated from French) An object in the shape of a saucer landed between 4:30 and 5:00, as the Sun was rising, near a dried-up well halfway between Arpasul de Jos and Cirtisoara. A night watchman who was about a hundred meters away rushed over but was struck by a beam that "surrounded him with flames" and produced a "singing sound". When the reporter of the facts arrived at the scene later, with several official investigators, they examined an oval burn mark left on the ground. (...)
**Reference:** Ion HOBANA/Julien WEVERBERGH: "Les OVNI en URSS et dans les Pays de l'Est" - translation Laffont 1976, p. 302-303
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2377
### Event 26649 (CECDA27C)
**Date:** 6/1966 (approximate)
**Time:** 01:30
**Location:** NORTHEAST / CARPIO, ND
**Description:** Saucer? hovers low / lake / 15 mn. 3 curved lit windows visible. Missiles near.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLICKENGER, Don: NORTH DAKOTA UFO files. Well Documented NICAP files for the 1960s: Xeroxed by Tom Tulien (Index 5)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7694
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **NUC:** Nuclear facility related
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "15", **Elev:** "487", **HatchDesc:** "NE/CARPIO,ND:SCR? HVRS LOW/LAKE/15mn:3 CURVED LIT WINDOWS VSBL:missiles nr", **LatLong:** "48.466669 -101.583338", **LatLongDMS:** "48:28:00 N 101:35:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.466669,-101.583338)", **State/Prov:** "North Dakota", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 26650 (4408756C)
**Date:** 6/1966
**Time:** 04:30
**Description:** Saucer lands. Flies when observer(s) nears. Traces / ground.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HOBANA Ion & WEVERBERGH,Julien: UFO'S from BEHIND the IRON CURTAIN; Bantam Books,1975. 308pp. (Index 234)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7695
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Romania", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "30", **HatchDesc:** "ARPASUL DE JOS> Event 26651 (C8E40457)
**Date:** 6/1966
**Description:** Broadcaster [Frank Edwards](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frank%5FEdwards%5F%28writer%5Fand%5Fbroadcaster%29) publishes Flying Saucers—Serious Business, and it becomes one of the best-selling UFO books of all time.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Frank Edwards, [Flying Saucers—Serious Business](https://archive.org/details/flyingsaucersser00edwa), Bantam, 1966; Clark III 435; Nick Redfern, “[Spying on the Saucer Writers,](https://mysteriousuniverse.org/2012/02/spying-on-the-saucer-writers/)” Mysterious Universe, February 20, 2012
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4047
### Event 26652 (CF7E3AF9)
**Date:** 6/1966
**Location:** Chelmsford, Massachusetts
**Description:** 3:15 a.m. Edward Argerake is asleep at his home in Chelmsford, Massachusetts, when his bedroom explodes in light. He hears a pinging noise a light source begins pulsing with diffraction rings outside his window shades. He begins to feel numb and weak, but the sounds grows louder and he lapses into unconsciousness. He wakes up at 6:15 a.m. and the light and noise are gone. Because of this event he becomes interested in UFOs and joins NICAP’s Massachusetts subcommittee.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Michael D. Swords, “A Trick of the Light,” IUR 31, no. 2 \(June 2007\): 10–11
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4048
### Event 26653 (270F6932)
**Date:** 6/1/1966 (approximate)
**Time:** 22:30
**Location:** OFF CLARKSON, ON
**Description:** 2 / boat. Domed saucer with flat bottom. Ringed / lights. 2 beams. Away extremely fast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 45)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7696
**Attributes:** **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "74", **HatchDesc:** "off CLARKSON,ON:2/BOAT:DOMED SCR W/FLAT BOTTOM:RINGED/LITES:2 BEAMS:AWAY XFAST", **LatLong:** "43.383335 -79.666670", **LatLongDMS:** "43:23:00 N 79:40:00 W", **Locale:** "Offshore", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.383335,-79.666670)", **State/Prov:** "Ontario", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 26654 (9D1B7B5D)
**Date:** 6/1/1966
**Location:** Lake Ontario, CAN
**Description:** 10:30 p.m. LT. A former RCAF pilot and a friend were cruising on the lake when they saw lights on the water ahead. As they approached within a mile, the lights rose with an audible "swish" and a pulsating humming sound. The two men now could see that it was a disc with dome on top, and it cast an oval reflection on the lake surface. Around the dome was a row of bright yellow lights, and blue-green lights were visible around the lower perimeter (body lights). After hovering briefly, the UFO took off at high speed and quickly disappeared. (U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. Ill, No. 9, Aug.-Sept. 1966, p. 5) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3073
### Event 26655 (FAE8CA7B)
**Date:** 6/1/1966
**Locations:** Lake Ontario; Clarkson, Ontario
**Description:** 10:30 p.m. On Lake Ontario, off Clarkson, Ontario, former RCAF pilot Richard H. Plewman and Jack Grant are cruising on the lake when they see lights on the water ahead. They can see a disc with a dome on top casting an oval reflection on the lake surface. Around the dome is a row of bright yellow lights; blue-green lights are visible around the lower perimeter. After hovering briefly, the UFO takes off at high speed and disappears.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[New](http://www.cufos.org/UFOI%5Fand%5FSelected%5FDocuments/UFOI/033%20AUG-SEPT%201966.pdf) [Reports by Space Experts Add to UFO Proof,](http://www.cufos.org/UFOI%5Fand%5FSelected%5FDocuments/UFOI/033%20AUG-SEPT%201966.pdf)” UFO Investigator 3, no. 9 \(Aug./Sept. 1966\): 5
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4049
### Event 26656 (054AF2E0)
**Date:** 6/1/1966
**Description:** On or around this day two Ontario residents had a chance encounter with a disc-like UFO hovering close to the dark waters of Lake Ontario. The object, which had rows of lights flashing around its perimeter, took off rapidly as the witnesses approached it in a motor boat. The incident was reported to NICAP by Richard Plewman. Plewman, a former RCAF Flight Lieutenant and pilot instructor, was cruising with a friend, Jack Grant about 2-1/2 miles offshore of Clarkson at about 10:30 p.m. While proceeding in a NE direction, the men noticed some lights like headlights on the water ahead. They continued talking, and approaching the lights at a moderate speed, not suspecting anything unusual. When they got to an estimated distance of 3/4 to 1 mile, the lights slowly rose with a "swish," emitting a low "pulsating hum." Plewman and Grant could now see a disc with a bubble-type dome on top and a flat bottom, casting an oval reflection on the lake surface. A row of bright yellow lights encircled the dome, blue-green lights around the lower perimeter. After hovering briefly, the UFO took off at high speed disappearing "Like a light bulb turned out." Plewman said the perimeter lights clearly outlined the dark object, the colors changing from dull white to fluorescent tones as the UFO started to rise.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP UFO Investigator, August-September 1966, p. 5
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3200
### Event 26657 (AE13517D)
**Date:** 6/2/1966
**Location:** Massillon, OH
**Description:** Day. A moving luminous cigar-shaped object stopped, then discharged three smaller objects which rose, separated, and flew off in different directions. The parent object then went straight up at terrific speed. (NICAP notes.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3074
### Event 26658 (A924C334)
**Date:** 6/2/1966
**Time:** 15:30:00.1
**Location:** 37.2271 -116.0555
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Pile Driver” Yield: 62KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_458
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.2271 -116.0555", **LatLongDMS:** "37:13:38 N 116:03:20 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.2271,-116.0555)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.46", **NukeMb:** "5.60", **NukeName:** "Pile Driver", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "62"
### Event 26659 (D9CB809E)
**Date:** 6/2/1966
**Location:** Massillon, Ohio
**Description:** 7:30 p.m. Harold Harper is talking with neighbors in his front yard in Massillon, Ohio, when they see a large lighted object coming from the southwest. It is about 50–60 feet in diameter, smoky in color, and cigar-shaped with a ball on one end. It stops and hovers at about 1,000 feet altitude. Then three smaller objects appear to come from it; they gain altitude, separate, and disappear at terrific speed in different directions. The large object goes straight up at terrific speed.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Massillon \(Ohio\) Evening Independent, June 3, 1966; Herbert S. Taylor, “Satellite Objects: A Further Look,” IUR 29, no. 2 \(Summer 2004\): 25–26
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4050
### Event 26660 (6B99BABE)
**Date:** 6/2/1966
**Description:** A luminous cigar-shaped object stopped in mid-air, then discharged three smaller objects that flew off in different directions over Massillon, Ohio.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Richard Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty Year Report, p. 414
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3230
### Event 26661 (48C3DF7B)
**Date:** 6/3/1966
**Description:** 1 observer. Red and green night lights rise / water. Whoosh sound. Fly away fast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SANDERSON, Ivan: INVISIBLE RESIDENTS; World Publishing HB 1970 & Avon Books PB 1973 (Index 288)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7697
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **SUB:** Submersible: Rises from or submerges into water, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "200", **HatchDesc:** "LAKE NIPISSING,ONT:1 OBS:RED+GRN NLTS RISE/WATER:WHOOSH SOUND:FLY AWAY FAST", **LatLong:** "46.283336 -79.500004", **LatLongDMS:** "46:17:00 N 79:30:00 W", **Locale:** "Wetlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.283336,-79.500004)", **State/Prov:** "Ontario", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 26662 (101EE596)
**Date:** 6/3/1966
**Time:** 21:50
**Location:** WEST POINT, PA
**Description:** 2 observer(s). 7M diameter object hovers 3M over ground. Lights / top and bottom/underside and rim. Going quickly east fast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA; H. Regnery, Chicago HC 1969 & Contemporary Books,Chicago 1993. 372pp. (Index 770)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7698
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "101", **HatchDesc:** "WEST POINT,PA:2 OBS:7M diam.OBJ HVRS 3M OVER GND:LITES/TOP+BTM+RIM:>>E FAST:", **LatLong:** "40.205557 -75.300004", **LatLongDMS:** "40:12:20 N 75:18:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.205557,-75.300004)", **RelAlt:** "3", **State/Prov:** "Pennsylvania", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 26663 (4F60901D)
**Date:** 6/3/1966
**Time:** 2145
**Location:** West Point City, Pennsylvania
**Description:** Two witnesses observed a stationary object 3 m above ground. It had a diameter of 7 m, lights on top and bottom and smaller lights at the rim. It flew away very fast to the east.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Personal ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_770
### Event 26664 (23D79DE9)
**Date:** 6/3/1966
**Time:** 14:00:00.0
**Location:** 37.0684 -116.0353
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Tan” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 200KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_459
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0684 -116.0353", **LatLongDMS:** "37:04:06 N 116:02:07 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0684,-116.0353)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.56", **NukeMb:** "5.70", **NukeName:** "Tan", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "200"
### Event 26665 (09AC4A46)
**Date:** 6/3/1966
**Description:** Cape Canaveral, Florida - Three boys were playing behind their apartment about 7:30 p.m. when they saw a "rocket or jet" zip across the sky and disappear behind the building, apparently dropping into the water. They ran to the beach and saw, about 30 yards ahead, two men, talking, with their backs to them. The boys said the two men wore "glass helmets and gray suits with something that looked like scuba tanks on their backs." One of the youngsters was so surprised that he made a sound, startling the men. They scrambled quickly aboard a "round white thing" which sped to a strange floating device about 300 feet offshore. There were windows in the floating object, they said, and they could see people moving inside. On one side, there was a gray star with some type of identifying letters. The boys ran back at the same time the men raced for the object, and when they paused to look back, they were expecting the craft to take to the air. Instead, it submerged and vanished.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Lucius Farish & Dale Titler, Official UFO magazine, May 1977, p. 54; Tom Longhurst, Orlando Sentinel, June 5, 1966; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case A0717
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3248
### Event 26666 (1F67D9CE)
**Date:** 6/3/1966
**Description:** Two witnesses in West Point City, Pennsylvania observed a stationary object three meters above the ground at 9:45 p.m. It had a diameter of seven meters, with lights on top and bottom and smaller lights on the rim. It flew away very fast to the east.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee: Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 770
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3249
### Event 26667 (EDAEBA7E)
**Date:** 6/6/1966
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Sighting at Spooner \(Wisconsin\). (June 6)
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#10626 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1966.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2200
### Event 26668 (45461923)
**Date:** 6/6/1966
**Time:** 17:40
**Location:** ALL / GRAFTON, AUSTR
**Description:** Luminous ring circles town / 2 hours. Cops follow going southwest. Shoots away. / r73p60.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 799)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7699
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "120", **HatchDesc:** "all/GRAFTON,AUSTR:LUMn.RING CCLs TOWN/2hrs:COPS FOLO >SW:SHOOTS AWAY:/r73p60", **LatLong:** "-29.633335 153.083341", **LatLongDMS:** "29:38:00 S 153:05:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-29.633335,153.083341)", **State/Prov:** "NSW", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 26669 (CB6BF440)
**Date:** 6/6/1966
**Time:** 21:30
**Location:** SPOONER, WI
**Description:** 1 observer. 2 domed saucers with square windows. Tops sparkle. Rotate and disturb lake.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BERLINER, DON: The BLUEBOOK UNKNOWNS; (FUFOR). (Index 34)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7700
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "328", **HatchDesc:** "SPOONER,WI:1 OBS:2 DOMED SCRS W/SQR WINDOWS:TOPS SPARKLE:ROTATE+DISTURB LAKE", **LatLong:** "45.833336 -91.883338", **LatLongDMS:** "45:50:00 N 91:53:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.833336,-91.883338)", **State/Prov:** "Wisconsin", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 26670 (0D3A7D77)
**Date:** 6/6/1966
**Location:** Spooner, WI
**Description:** 2 domed discs with sparkling upper surfaces (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 10626)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3075
### Event 26671 (B57DC7C6)
**Date:** 6/6/1966
**Time:** 9:30 PM
**Location:** Spooner, Wisconsin
**Description:** Witness: Dorothy Gray. Two domed discs with sparkling upper surfaces and square windows in their tops, revolved above a lake, apparently causing strange behavior of the lake water during the 25 second sighting.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_543
### Event 26672 (0C3A390F)
**Date:** 6/6/1966
**Locations:** Wright-Patterson AFB; Dayton, Ohio
**Description:** [James McDonald](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James%5FE.%5FMcDonald) has obtained a small amount of money from the Office of Naval Research to travel to Wright- Patterson AFB in Dayton, Ohio, and examine the Blue Book files. On his first visit, he is steered to an unedited copy of the Robertson Panel report. As it has not been released, McDonald is disturbed, seeing it as evidence that the CIA is directing a cover-up.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clark III 1017
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4051
### Event 26673 (D201992F)
**Date:** 6/6/1966
**End date:** 6/10/1966
**Locations:** New York City Subway system; New York City
**Description:** The US Army releases Bacillus globigii into the tunnels of the New York City Subway system during peak travel hours as part of a field experiment on the vulnerability of subway passengers in New York City to covert attack with biological agents.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[How the U.S. Government Exposed Thousands of Americans to Lethal Bacteria](https://www.democracynow.org/2005/7/13/how%5Fthe%5Fu%5Fs%5Fgovernment%5Fexposed) [to Test Biological Warfare,](https://www.democracynow.org/2005/7/13/how%5Fthe%5Fu%5Fs%5Fgovernment%5Fexposed)” Democracy Now!, July 13, 2005
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4052
### Event 26674 (A892B2A0)
**Date:** 6/6/1966
**Description:** At 9:30 p.m. in Spooner, Wisconsin Ms. Dorothy Gray sighted two domed discs with sparkling upper surfaces and square windows on their tops hovered revolved above a lake, causing a strange turbulence on the surface of the lake. The sighting lasted 25 seconds.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Project Blue Book files counted in official statistics, case # 10626; Don Berliner, Project Bluebook UFO Unknowns
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3323
### Event 26675 (24B962CF)
**Date:** 6/8/1966
**Location:** USA, BAF Edwards
**Description:** (Translated from French) (cf: 21.9.64) On June 8, 1966, the second (prototype) XB-70A took off. On board were North American test pilot Al White and Major Carl Cross as co-pilot, for its first flight of this type of aircraft. The aircraft was to be tested at varying altitudes and speeds, and it was to make a passage at Mach 1.4 at 9450 meters altitude above the base to collect information on the supersonic bang. There was another point to check, the Air Force at the request of General Electric was testing the engines of this company. These were GE J93. The tests were to be done with the participation of a Navy F-4B Phantom, a T-38A Talon and an Air Force YF-5A and a NASA F-104N Starfighter piloted by Joe Walker. A Lear Jet also participated for the photos (for publicity). The day before, John Fritz, test pilot of General Electric who would be on board the YF-5A, had asked to fly in free formation with an approximate wingspan between each aircraft. [Ref 9-7] The XB-70A took off from Edwards at 7:15, followed by the T-38A piloted by Pete Hoag and Joe Cotton. (...) At 7:59 White and Cross climbed in altitude, while Hoag and Cotton landed to refuel the T-38. White and Cross made their supersonic passage at 8:30 and were then heading for the rendezvous point, Lake Isabella. At 8:43 all the others had thus joined the large white triangular aircraft (XB 70 A) which was to fly in the lead. (...) The weather was cloudy and in flight the formation plans were changed (for the needs of the photos) and that was the accident: the F 104 N of Joe Walker was too close to the XB 70 A and its stabilizer touched the tip of the front wing before hitting it and getting its wing in that of the other aircraft. It was the crash of the F-104N and the XB-70A. (NASA website 1997 "on The Frontier") It was the jamming of the on-board instruments that cost the lives of two of the best American test pilots: Joe Walker and Carl Cross. The F 104 piloted by Walker came crashing against the giant delta-winged XB 70 bomber, powered by six engines, tearing off part of the rear ailerons. The two planes nosedived and crashed on the Edward base. Al White managed to get out of the burning debris and was taken to hospital in a serious condition. The collision took place when the F 104 was flying at 3000 km/h. [vog: so this incident has absolutely nothing to do with UFOs; there was no jamming, there was certainly human error.]
**Reference:** Guy TARADE: "S.V. and extraterrestrial civilizations" - J'AI LU 1969, p. 239
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2374
### Event 26676 (17DED011)
**Date:** 6/8/1966
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Sighting in Kansas \(Ohio\). (June 8)
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#10629 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1966.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2201
### Event 26677 (BA154807)
**Date:** 6/8/1966
**Time:** 06:50
**Location:** KANSAS, OH
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #10629. 1 observer. Wingless 60M cylinder/cigar-shape buzzes car. Absolute(ly) silent. Flies low going northeast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BERLINER, DON: The BLUEBOOK UNKNOWNS; (FUFOR). (Index 34)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7701
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "221", **HatchDesc:** "KANSAS,OH:BBK#10629:1 OBS:WINGLESS 60M CGR BUZZES CAR:ABS SILENT:FLIES LO>NE", **LatLong:** "41.238891 -83.277782", **LatLongDMS:** "41:14:20 N 83:16:40 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.238891,-83.277782)", **State/Prov:** "Ohio", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 26678 (178838BD)
**Date:** 6/8/1966
**Location:** Toledo (Between Kansas and), OH
**Description:** Bright silver, cigar-shaped object, as long as an airliner (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 10629)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3076
### Event 26679 (F2F4A666)
**Date:** 6/8/1966
**Location:** Castlegar, British Columbia, CAN
**Description:** 11:00 p.m. LT. Three persons reported that their car was followed by an oval object about 6 feet in diameter moving about 10 feet above the power lines on a parallel path. The object was emitting a bluish glow, and two light beams extended from it, one pointing upward and the other downward. No sound was heard. (Flying Saucer Review, Vol. 12, No. 6, Nov.-Dec. 1966, p. iii; from the Castlegar News.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3077
### Event 26680 (97C7B286)
**Date:** 6/8/1966
**Time:** 0645
**Location:** Sandusky Road, Ohio
**Description:** A civilian man, 43, driving west between Kansas and Toledo, saw an object appear out of nowhere. It was cigar-shaped, bright metallic, and flew low to the northeast. Minimum distance: 30 m. The object was completely silent, and the size of an airliner.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Atic ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_771
### Event 26681 (33F20A3E)
**Date:** 6/8/1966
**Time:** 6:45 AM
**Location:** Kansas, Ohio
**Description:** Witness: Max Baker. One bright silver, cigar-shaped object, as long as an airliner, buzzed the witness' car. Sighting lasted 1 minute.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_544
### Event 26682 (A05F7356)
**Date:** 6/8/1966
**Location:** Lindheimer Astrophysical Research Center in Evanston, Illinois
**Description:** [McDonald](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James%5FE.%5FMcDonald) visits [Hynek](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J.%5FAllen%5FHynek) at the Lindheimer Astrophysical Research Center in Evanston, Illinois, saying heatedly that he should have spoken up about the CIA cover-up and all the absurd explanations that he made up: “Allen, how could you have sat on this data for 18 years and not let us know about it?” Hynek’s then-associate [Jacques](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacques%5FVall%C3%A9e) [Vallée](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacques%5FVall%C3%A9e) has to intervene. Hynek replies that if he did, the Air Force would just replace him and he would lose access to all the files. McDonald says Hynek should have spoken up in 1953 and cannot get Hynek to agree that he is even a little bit timid.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** O’Connell 201; Clark III 696
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4053
### Event 26683 (BA179A35)
**Date:** 6/8/1966
**Location:** Barstow, California
**Description:** X-15 pilot [Joseph A. Walker](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph%5FA.%5FWalker) is killed when his F-104 Starfighter chase aircraft collides with a North American XB-70 Valkyrie. At an altitude of about 25,000 feet, Walker’s Starfighter is one of five aircraft in a tight group formation for a General Electric publicity photo when his F-104 drifts into contact with the XB-70’s right wingtip. The F-104 flips over, and, rolling inverted, passes over the top of the XB-70, striking both its vertical stabilizers and its left wing in the process, and explodes, killing Walker. The Valkyrie enters an uncontrollable spin and crashes into the ground north of Barstow, California, killing copilot [Carl S. Cross](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/37954719/carl-s-cross). Its pilot, [Alvin S.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alvin%5FS.%5FWhite) [White](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alvin%5FS.%5FWhite)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alvin%5FS.%5FWhite) ejects and is the sole survivor.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Joseph A. Walker](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph%5FA.%5FWalker\#Death)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4054
### Event 26684 (3954B5D3)
**Date:** 6/8/1966
**Description:** Two ice cream truck drivers, Armstrong and Polomka, watched a domed craft maneuvering in the sky for 20 minutes between Kingston and Naracoorte, South Australia. A white light made up the body of the craft, while a red light looked like a dome on top; the white light was interlaced with smaller colored lights. It moved at fantastic speeds.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Michael Hervey, UFOs Over the Southern Hemisphere, p. 176; Keith Basterfield, Keith Basterfield investigation files, case S017
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3371
### Event 26685 (B75D9792)
**Date:** 6/8/1966
**Description:** Max Baker, age 43, was driving west on Sandusky Road between Kansas, Ohio and Toledo at 6:45 a.m. when a bright silver, metallic cigar-shaped object appeared out of nowhere and buzzed his car. The UFO was completely silent, and passed within 30 meters of his car, flying low to the northeast. The close encounter lasted one minute. His report to the Air Force remains a Project Blue Book unexplained case.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Project Blue Book files counted in official statistics, case # 10629; J. Allen Hynek, The UFO Experience, p. 15; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, p. 331; Don Berliner, Project Bluebook UFO Unknowns; UNICAT, case # 185
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3372
### Event 26686 (CEABD36A)
**Date:** 6/8/1966
**Description:** Also on that same evening, three young Canadians were driving south of Castlegar Airport in British Columbia when they were chased by an oval shaped object, about six feet in diameter. It gave off a bluish glow and stayed parallel with the car as they drove along the highway at about 45 m.p.h. It had beams of light pointing upward and downward coming from it, as it flew about 10 feet above the power lines. It made no noise.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Charles Bowen, World Round-up, FSR, November 1966, p. 33
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3373
### Event 26687 (1A7505AF)
**Date:** 6/10/1966
**Time:** 14:30:00.0
**Location:** 37.0594 -116.0388
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Puce” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_460
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0594 -116.0388", **LatLongDMS:** "37:03:34 N 116:02:20 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0594,-116.0388)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.49", **NukeName:** "Puce", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 26688 (29609EC3)
**Date:** 6/11/1966
**Location:** NEAR CORO, VNZL
**Description:** Several observer(s). Triangle hovers and maneuvers and hovers.. . Beam searches ground. Loops going quickly north.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 799)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7702
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc.
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Venezuela", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "28", **HatchDesc:** "nr CORO,VNZL:SVRL OBS:TRIANGLE HVRS+MNVRS+HVRS...:BEAM SEARCHES GND:LOOPS >>N", **LatLong:** "11.416667 -69.650003", **LatLongDMS:** "11:25:00 N 69:39:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/11.416667,-69.650003)", **State/Prov:** "FLC", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 26689 (E2CDE221)
**Date:** 6/11/1966
**Time:** 03:50
**Location:** WESTPORT, MASS
**Description:** Domed saucer dives at car. Observer(s) watches / 2 minute(s). Tilts 45 dg. 90 dg turns.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FOWLER, Raymond E.: UFO'S, INTERPLANETARY VISITORS; Prentice Hall & Bantam Books, NY 1979. 346pp. (Index 327)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7703
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "4", **Elev:** "15", **HatchDesc:** "WESTPORT,MASS:DOMED SCR DIVES AT CAR:OBS WATCHES/2min:TILTS 45dg:90dg TURNS", **LatLong:** "41.616669 -71.100003", **LatLongDMS:** "41:37:00 N 71:06:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.616669,-71.100003)", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 26690 (7A60B488)
**Date:** 6/11/1966
**Location:** Westport, MA
**Description:** 3:45 a.m. EDT. A disc shaped like two plates one on top of the other, with a dome on top, white, yellow, blue, and green flashing lights around the circumference (body lights), buzzed over a car and hovered ahead over the road. (Fowler, 1974, p. 341; Boston Traveler, June 13, 1966, quoted in Flying Saucer Review, Vol. 12, No. 5, Sept.-Oct. 1966, p. 30.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3078
### Event 26691 (B939D50C)
**Date:** 6/11/1966
**Time:** 0345
**Location:** Westport, Connecticut
**Description:** A civilian who was going fishing saw an object dive toward his car and hover at treetop level, stopped and observed it for two min. It was shaped like two plates glued together, and had a smaller, oval object on top. It took a 45 (degree) inclination, rose, made a right-angle turn, and changed color (white to yellow to blue to green) as it accelerated.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** NICAP ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_772
### Event 26692 (18BC2FA7)
**Date:** 6/11/1966
**Locations:** Dabajuro; Coro, Falcón State, Venezuela
**Description:** Early morning. Several witnesses driving from Dabajuro to Coro, Falcón State, Venezuela, stop to watch a triangular object that stops and hovers in midair for short intervals. The object gives off a beam of light in various directions.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[The South American Scene,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201966%2007%2000%20-%20July-August.pdf)” APRO Bulletin, July/Aug. 1966, p. 8
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4055
### Event 26693 (E06257D2)
**Date:** 6/11/1966
**Description:** A man in Westport, Massachusetts who was going fishing early in the morning (3:45 a.m.) saw an object dive toward his car and hover at treetop level. He stopped his car and observed it for two minutes. It was shaped like two plates glued together, and had a smaller oval dome on top. It took a 45-degree inclination, rose, made a right-angle turn, and changed color from white to yellow to blue to green as it accelerated.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, pg. 331
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3419
### Event 26694 (2854BBAF)
**Date:** 6/13/1966
**Time:** 02:30
**Location:** MILAN, MICH
**Description:** 2 cops. Phony plane on street intersection! Going quickly southeast when approached!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA; H. Regnery, Chicago HC 1969 & Contemporary Books,Chicago 1993. 372pp. (Index 773)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7704
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "211", **HatchDesc:** "MILAN,MICH:2 COPS:PHONY PLANE on STREET INTERSECTION!:>>SE WHEN APPROACHED!", **LatLong:** "42.100002 -83.683337", **LatLongDMS:** "42:06:00 N 83:41:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.100002,-83.683337)", **State/Prov:** "Michigan", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 26695 (5491A047)
**Date:** 6/13/1966
**Location:** Milan, MI
**Description:** Cops saw object on 3/17 and another on the ground on 6/13 (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3079
### Event 26696 (66640B96)
**Date:** 6/13/1966
**Location:** Milan, Michigan
**Description:** The policeman who had observed an object over Milan on Mar. 17 saw an unidentified machine on the ground at a street intersection. He drove toward it with his headlights illuminating the object, which took off like an airplane, flying away to the southeast. Investigation by Selfridge AFB.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Atic ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_773
### Event 26697 (0B07CD31)
**Date:** 6/13/1966
**Description:** A policeman who had observed an UFO over Milan, Michigan on March 17 of this year saw an unidentified machine on the ground at a street intersection on this day. As he drove towards it, with his headlights illuminating the object, it took off like an airplane and flew away toward the southeast in the direction of Selfridge AFB.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, p. 332, case 773
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3460
### Event 26698 (F12A8DBA)
**Date:** 6/15/1966
**Location:** FRANCE, somewhere in Aveyron
**Description:** (Translated from French) Around 9:30 PM the 76-year-old grandmother saw through the window three white lights the size of a human head. They were far away and getting closer. The son-in-law was called: after a few minutes he saw one at 15 m from the house. It went out, then others appeared in the distance, every 2 or 3 seconds one of these lights lit up somewhere, then went out. So he went out. At that moment there were 6 balls spinning on a field, 50 m apart from each other. They lined up and moved slowly. There was no noise. Then they approached a huge white "shell". The witness's son also saw it. This whole scene lasted a very long time. The shell had three branches on each side and at one point each branch had a ball. (see January 6, 1967: continuation).
**Reference:** L.D.L.N. "Mysterious Flying Saucers" - ALBATROS-ETAPES 1973 - pp. 147-159
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2375
### Event 26699 (0D73CD38)
**Date:** 6/15/1966
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In Aveyron \(France\), on a calm night, a 76 year old woman living in an isolated farmhouse observes spherical "flaming" objects: "I was at the window, just for a moment, because at my age you need to take the air wherever you are. But I had never seen lights like that, nor anything similar! It was not just lights, it was fires! The objects cross the fields. The old woman gets scared: All these fires, I'm too old, I don't want to see things like that. If things start moving like this, what are we all going to become? After that it moved again, in the corner of the vineyard, you remember , that's when I called you, that's when I was scared, but if it gets closer, it will go into the barn and everything will go up in smoke, the house and us with it. So I called him, I called him. The son-in-law, who ran the farm and had seen the same thing as the old woman, goes out to check on the spot: The objects were rounded on top and rather flattened underneath; they vanished on the spot as if they were controlled by a switch. At one point there were 6, less than 2 km away; they moved in line at the speed of a tractor, then merged into a large luminous object resembling a flaming tree, an illuminated shell. Everything disappeared. The witnesses returned, completely amazed. The whole phenomenon took place without a sound. Later she will go to bed dressed for fear of "what could happen". (June 15)
**Reference:** speaking to her son-in-law
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1966.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2202
### Event 26700 (29B70A79)
**Date:** 6/15/1966
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) At the [USAF](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/USAF.html) base in Nha Trang \(South Vietnam\), in addition to the usual base activities, 8 bulldozers are at work, soldiers are watching a movie outdoors, and 2 Douglas A-IE Skyraider attack planes are preparing to take off on the nearby runway. In the bay, a Shell tanker is at anchor. The sky to the north suddenly lights up. The initial reactions are that it is an enemy flare, but the light starts to move, approaching the base. As it gets close to the observers, it slows down and then stops, remaining stationary over the base at an altitude between 90 and 150 m, illuminating the entire valley. At this point, all the machines and power systems of the base stop working, as do those of the tanker in the bay and some Diesels. After remaining in this position for about 4 minutes, the UFO shoots up and disappears from sight in less than 3 seconds. After the object's departure, all the base's power returns as quickly and inexplicably as it had disappeared. (9:45 PM)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1966.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2203
### Event 26701 (783183D9)
**Date:** 6/15/1966
**Location:** FARM / AVEYRON, FR
**Description:** 2+observer(s). 6 fireballs enter luminous vertical cylinder/cigar-shape / ground. Vanish! / FSRv16#5+/ r4p160.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 107)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7705
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "6", **HatchDesc:** "FARM/AVEYRON,FR:2+OBS:6 FBLS ENTER LUM.VERT.CGR/GND:VANISH!:/FSRv16#5+/r4p160", **LatLong:** "44.283335 2.666667", **LatLongDMS:** "44:17:00 N 02:40:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.283335,2.666667)", **State/Prov:** "Aveyron", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 26702 (4237855E)
**Date:** 6/15/1966
**Location:** LUSAKA, ZAMBIA
**Description:** Bright MTCL object wavers and hovers. Freak whirlwind suspends trashcan.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** AWARENESS (Quarterly) CONTACT INTERNATIONAL/UK: listed by year. (Index 75)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7706
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Zimbabwe & Zambia", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "LUSAKA,ZAMBIA:BRITE MTCL OBJ WAVERS+HVRS:FREAK WHIRLWIND SUSPENDS TRASHCAN", **LatLong:** "-15.400001 28.283335", **LatLongDMS:** "15:24:00 S 28:17:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-15.400001,28.283335)", **State/Prov:** "ZAM", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 26703 (4ECCF650)
**Date:** 6/15/1966
**Location:** Whiteman AFB, MO
**Description:** Military sighting of saucer like object in Missouri (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases) (NICAP: 10 - Nuclear Connection)
**Reference:** NICAP: [660615](http://www.nicap.org/whiteman660615dir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3080
### Event 26704 (FED654A0)
**Date:** 6/15/1966
**Time:** 17:00:00.0
**Location:** 37.0097 -116.2024
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Double Play” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_461
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0097 -116.2024", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:35 N 116:12:09 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0097,-116.2024)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.33", **NukeName:** "Double Play", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 26705 (DB6FC015)
**Date:** 6/15/1966
**Time:** 18:02:47.1
**Location:** 37.1715 -116.0489
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Kankakee” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 200KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_462
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1715 -116.0489", **LatLongDMS:** "37:10:17 N 116:02:56 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1715,-116.0489)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.45", **NukeName:** "Kankakee", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "200"
### Event 26706 (5A4B0B9B)
**Date:** Mid 6/1966
**Locations:** Hibbing, Minnesota; Duluth Air National Guard Base; Northern Minnesota; Southern Canada
**Description:** 1:30 a.m. Student pilot [Joseph Gambucci](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/87246102/joseph-gambucci) is flying near Hibbing, Minnesota, when he sees a bright, elliptical light making three 360° turns to the left at approximately 3,000 mph. The light is white, mixed with green and red. It climbs to 40° above the horizon then disappears at a height of 31,000 feet. Gambucci checks with Duluth Air National Guard Base, which reports having a UFO on radar at the same position as his aircraft. Other radar units in northern Minnesota and southern Canada are said to track the object.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** NICAP case file
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4056
### Event 26707 (9E1386DA)
**Date:** 6/16/1966
**Time:** 21:50
**Description:** Scientists. Disk maneuvers / spiral. Missile test? High and silent. / r9p187.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 204)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7707
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **NUC:** Nuclear facility related
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Russia", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "ELISTA,KALMUK,RUSS:SCIENTISTS:DISK MNVRS/SPIRAL:MISSILE TEST?:HI+SLNT:/r9p187", **LatLong:** "46.533336 44.216669", **LatLongDMS:** "46:32:00 N 44:13:00 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.533336,44.216669)", **State/Prov:** "TRC", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 26708 (E0986EE3)
**Date:** 6/16/1966
**Location:** Elista, Kalmuk, USSR
**Description:** Scientist report UFO maneuv nr missile test (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, NC)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3083
### Event 26709 (628A1202)
**Date:** 6/16/1966
**Location:** Mt. Sunapee, NH
**Description:** Time not reported. A woman saw a large glowing obiect hovering near telephone lines. An articulated glowing pink to red-colored rod extended to the wires, withdrew, and then the object sped away over the mountains. (New Hampshire NICAP Subcommittee report.) The time probably is included in the NICAP file report.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3084
### Event 26710 (32106661)
**Date:** 6/16/1966
**Location:** Uniopolis, Ohio
**Description:** Dusk. Several witnesses in Uniopolis, Ohio, watch a domed black disc with lights and a powerful light beam shining from its bottom. One of the observers is alerted by his dog barking persistently and looking to the south. The object flies directly over the house, heading north, and is also seen by his wife, a neighbor, and the neighbor’s children. The light beam shines into a nearby wood, lighting up the trees.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Michael D. Swords, “The Timmerman Files,” IUR 26, no. 4 \(Winter 2001–2002\): 13–14
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4057
### Event 26711 (EF011A3D)
**Date:** 6/16/1966
**Description:** Russian oil and gas scientists watched a high flying silent disc-shaped object spiral through the sky east of Elista, Kalmuk, Russia at 9:50 p.m.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Larry Hatch, U computer database, case #7772, citing Lumieres dans la Nuit, issue #204
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3513
### Event 26712 (0131D199)
**Date:** 6/17/1966
**Time:** 00:30
**Location:** GEORGETOWN, ONT
**Description:** Huge silver saucer goes over 2 cars. Paint Job ruined / tiny clear bubbles.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** STEIGER, Brad & WHRITENOUR, Joan: FLYING SAUCERS ARE HOSTILE; Award Books PB 1967. (Index 51)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7708
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "258", **HatchDesc:** "GEORGETOWN,ONT:HUGE SLVR SCR GOES OVR 2 CARS:PAINT JOB RUINED/TINY CLR BUBBLES", **LatLong:** "43.650002 -79.933337", **LatLongDMS:** "43:39:00 N 79:56:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.650002,-79.933337)", **State/Prov:** "Ontario", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 26713 (8BF413F5)
**Date:** 6/17/1966
**Time:** 19:50
**Location:** ABINGDON, ENGL
**Description:** Astronomer and Scientist and 5. Domed saucer with headlights maneuver / 90 mn / (seen thru) telescope.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** EDWARDS, Frank: FLYING SAUCERS-HERE AND NOW; 1967 Lyle Stewart & Bantam Books 1968. (Index 61)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7709
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "90", **HatchDesc:** "ABINGDON,ENGL:ASTRONOMER+SCIENTIST+5:DOMED SCR W/HEADLITES MNVR/90mn/TSCOPE", **LatLong:** "51.677780 -1.300000", **LatLongDMS:** "51:40:40 N 01:18:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.677780,-1.300000)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 26714 (BADA879D)
**Date:** 6/17/1966
**Location:** Abington, Berkshire, UK
**Description:** 8:50 p.m. LT. Two nuclear scientists reported seeing a very bright yellow object above a cloud bank on the western horizon, moving slowly. The object then accelerated northward and disappeared behind a tall bank of clouds. About 10 minutes later the same or a similar object appeared traveling from north to south, stopped and hovered in the northwest sky for about 30 minutes. The object then diminished in apparent size and was hidden by clouds near the horizon. When viewed through 10 x 60 binoculars, the object had a conical shape and was reflecting sunlight. Its length was computed to be about 60 feet. (Flying Saucer Review, Vol. 12, No. 5, Sept.-Oct. 1966, pp. 27-28.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3085
### Event 26715 (43C38654)
**Date:** 6/18/1966
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Sighting in Burnsville \(North Carolina\). (June 18)
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#10663 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1966.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2204
### Event 26716 (B4E720DF)
**Date:** 6/18/1966
**Time:** 03:50
**Location:** BAR-SUR-LOUP, FR
**Description:** Mayor sees large round UFO / yellow and green lights on hilltop. / r8#774.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FIGEUT, Michel & RUCHON, Jean-Louis: OVNI - Le Premier Dossier..; Alain LeFeuvre, Paris 1979. (Index 262)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7710
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "BAR-SUR-LOUP,FR:MAYOR SEES LRG ROUND UFO/YEL+GREEN LITES ON HILLTOP:/r8#774", **LatLong:** "43.700002 6.994445", **LatLongDMS:** "43:42:00 N 06:59:40 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.700002,6.994445)", **State/Prov:** "Alpes Maritimes", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 26717 (B8785726)
**Date:** 6/18/1966
**Time:** 04:00
**Location:** LE ROURET, FR
**Description:** 1 observer. Disk hovers over town / 5 minute(s). Lights alternate red / green. / LDLN#84.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA; H. Regnery, Chicago HC 1969 & Contemporary Books,Chicago 1993. 372pp. (Index 775)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7711
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "LE ROURET,FR:1 OBS:DISK HVRS OVR TOWN/5min:LITES ALTERNATE RED/GRN:/LDLN#84", **LatLong:** "43.672224 7.011111", **LatLongDMS:** "43:40:20 N 07:00:40 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.672224,7.011111)", **State/Prov:** "Alpes Maritimes", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 26718 (D4938208)
**Date:** 6/18/1966
**Time:** 04:00
**Description:** Fishermen. 3 metallic disks going quickly west toward(s) boat. Turn going quickly northwest.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 282)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7712
**Attributes:** **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "off St.FLORENT,CORSICA:FISHERMEN:3 MTLC DISKS >> W TWRD BOAT:TURN >>NW", **LatLong:** "42.733335 9.283334", **LatLongDMS:** "42:44:00 N 09:17:00 E", **Locale:** "Offshore", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.733335,9.283334)", **State/Prov:** "Haute Corse", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 26719 (F458D806)
**Date:** 6/18/1966
**Time:** 23:50
**Location:** MT. MITCHELL, NC
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #10663. Bell-saucer hovers / 5 hours. Lands. 6 others. Traces. / CUFOS / r180.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA; H. Regnery, Chicago HC 1969 & Contemporary Books,Chicago 1993. 372pp. (Index 776)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7713
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **NUC:** Nuclear facility related, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "94", **Elev:** "975", **HatchDesc:** "Mt MITCHELL,NC:BBK#10663:BELL-SCR HVRS/5 HRS:LANDS:6 OTHERS:TRACES:/CUFOS/r180", **LatLong:** "35.900002 -82.300004", **LatLongDMS:** "35:54:00 N 82:18:00 W", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/35.900002,-82.300004)", **State/Prov:** "North Carolina", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 26720 (0D85A825)
**Date:** 6/18/1966
**Location:** Burnsville, NC
**Description:** Red bell shaped object with 3 flashing red lights (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 10663)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3086
### Event 26721 (BC42D0EE)
**Date:** 6/18/1966
**Time:** 0345
**Location:** Bar-sur-Loup, France
**Description:** The Mayor of Bar-sur-Loup, Leon Barbier, saw a large, round object with yellow and green lights on a hilltop.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** LDLN 89 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_774
### Event 26722 (2B4B7671)
**Date:** 6/18/1966
**Time:** 0400
**Location:** Le Rouret, France
**Description:** A truck driver, Mr. Dugelay, saw a disk-shaped object over Le Rouret. It remained motionless for five min, then disappeared. Its lights were alternately red and bluish-green.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** LDLN 84; 163 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_775
### Event 26723 (903F130A)
**Date:** 6/18/1966
**Time:** 2400
**Location:** Mount Mitchell, North Carolina
**Description:** Four campers saw an object with three flashing red lights land on the ground 200 m away. It remained there all night, rose at dawn, was then observed through binoculars as a red-colored, bell-shaped craft. Broken trees and other traces were found.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Atic ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_776
### Event 26724 (E2EBE326)
**Date:** 6/18/1966
**Time:** 12:30 AM
**Location:** Burnsville, North Carolina
**Description:** Witnesses: members of a Boy Scout group, including Sterrett. One bell-shaped object with three flashing red lights hovered for 5 hours and was then joined by six others.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_545
### Event 26725 (109A52BA)
**Date:** 6/18/1966
**Description:** Leon Barbier, the mayor of Bar-sur-Loup, France saw a large, round object with yellow and green lights on a hilltop at 3:45 a.m. At 4:00 a.m. a truck driver, Mr. Dugelay, saw a disc-shaped object over Le Rouret, France. It remained motionless for five minutes, then disappeared. Its lights were alternately red and bluish-green.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, cases 774 & 775
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3533
### Event 26726 (6E3F96D4)
**Date:** 6/18/1966
**Description:** Just before midnight four campers at Mount Mitchell, North Carolina saw an object with three flashing red lights land on the ground 200 meters away. It remained there all night, rose at dawn, was then was observed through binoculars as a red-colored, bell-shaped craft. Broken trees and other traces were found.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 776
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3534
### Event 26727 (BDAF5859)
**Date:** 6/19/1966
**Location:** USA, near Albuquerque N.M.
**Description:** (Translated from French) (cf. beginning of the Villa affair 1963; then 1965, April 18) Villa is able to take pictures of a smaller saucer that lands. This saucer is again surrounded by round projectiles.
**Reference:** Mitarbeiter, "Ufo Geheimnisse", Berlin, January 1998
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2376
### Event 26728 (019CC9D6)
**Date:** 6/19/1966 (approximate)
**Time:** 21:50
**Location:** NHA TRANG, VTN
**Description:** Many soldiers. Saucer overhead. 6 generators and 2 planes and trucks and ship electro-magnetic effect (EME). / MJ#203.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 883)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7714
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **RDR:** Radar traces/blips, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **MIL:** Military investigation, **GSA:** Covert Security Agency
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Vietnam", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "NHA TRANG,VTN:MANY GIs:SCR OVHD:6 GENERATORS+2 PLANES+TRUCKS+SHIP EME:/MJ#203", **LatLong:** "12.200001 109.150005", **LatLongDMS:** "12:12:00 N 109:09:00 E", **Locale:** "Rainforest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/12.200001,109.150005)", **State/Prov:** "NHT", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 26729 (841AC60D)
**Date:** 6/19/1966
**Location:** Nha Trang, Vietnam
**Description:** Major E-M Case Over Missile Site (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases, Code: E, Rating: 5)
**Reference:** NICAP: [660619](http://nicap.org/660619nhatrang%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3087
### Event 26730 (A65F2781)
**Date:** 6/19/1966
**Location:** Mt. Mitchell, NC
**Description:** 12:05 a.m. EDT. A group of Boy Scouts while camping out, saw three red pulsating lights in a triangular pattern approaching (body lights), then hovering from about midnight to 5:00 am. At sunrise the object lifted up, appearing red and bell-shaped through binoculars, Six smaller objects were hovering nearby on either side of the larger object, changing formations, and then the group disappeared behind a mountain. When the Scouts started to explore in the direction of the objects, about 60 feet from their camp they discovered trees with broken branches and some crushed undergrowth, plus three holes in the ground forming an equilateral triangle (physical traces). (Report to Center for UFO Studies.) (NICAP: 06 - Trace Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3088
### Event 26731 (29D6C07F)
**Date:** 6/19/1966
**Location:** Nha Trang, Vietnam
**Description:** Brilliantly lighted object illuminated terrain at Army base, widespread E-M effects on vehicles and machinery. Object shot straight up out of sight within seconds
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_91
### Event 26732 (691E218C)
**Date:** 6/19/1966
**Location:** Mount Mitchell State Park, North Carolina
**Description:** 12:05 a.m. A group of Boy Scouts camping out at Mount Mitchell State Park, North Carolina, sees three red pulsating lights in a triangular pattern approach, then hover until about 5:00 a.m. The lights blink at different speeds, with the center one turning white every fifth pulsation. At sunrise, the object lifts up, appearing red and bell-shaped through binoculars. Six smaller objects are hovering nearby on either side of the larger object, changing formation. The group then disappears behind a mountain. When the Scouts start to explore in the direction of the objects, about 60 feet from their camp they discover trees with broken branches and some crushed undergrowth, plus three holes in the ground forming an equilateral triangle.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Fred Merritt, “A Preliminary Classification of Some Reports of UFOs,” IUR 28, no. 3 \(Fall 2003\): 10; [Sparks](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf), p. 315
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4058
### Event 26733 (98E8C5F2)
**Date:** Summer 1966
**Location:** Iowa
**Description:** Results of an Iowa Poll, Iowa: 45% Iowans queried believe UFOs to be real objects. Of the 45%, 21% were of the opinion that the UFOs were of extraterrestrial origin.
**Type:** poll
**Reference:** [Pea Research](https://www.academia.edu/9813787/GOVERNMENT_INVOLVEMENT_IN_THE_UFO_COVER_UP_CHRONOLOGY_based)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_645
### Event 26734 (8A45840A)
**Date:** Summer 1966
**Location:** Nha Trang, Vietnam
**Description:** Nha Trang, Vietnam: At this active Army Base at about 9:45 p.m., what was thought to be a flare lit up the north sky. The bright UFO approached the base alternately moving at low to high speeds. Upon descending toward the soldiers it hovered at an altitude of 300–500 ft. All of a sudden the 6 generators failed along with the engines of the idling Skyraiders, bulldozers and trucks. The entire valley and surrounding mountains were illuminated by the hovering UFO for about 4 min. after which it went straight up and disappeared in about 3 sec. After the incident a plane load of officials from Washington arrived to investigate.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [Pea Research](https://www.academia.edu/9813787/GOVERNMENT_INVOLVEMENT_IN_THE_UFO_COVER_UP_CHRONOLOGY_based)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_646
**See also:** 3/4/1969
### Event 26735 (2830CD23)
**Date:** Summer 1966
**Location:** FRANCE, Alsace
**Description:** (Translated from French) (cfr 1950, Summer, Canada, Manitoba) While travelling with her parents, the young woman entered a forest in Alsace, in a game-rich area, hoping to spot a deer. It seemed to her that she had only been there a few minutes, but her parents had been looking for her for 3/4 of an hour. Her apron was stained with blood, yet she had no wounds or even scratches. (In 1980, under hypnosis, she revealed that she had been taken in a UFO, where flesh was removed from her calf and something was implanted in her nose - in Alsace this implant was later removed from her). (1966, Summer)
**Reference:** Bertrand MEHEUST: "En soucoupes volantes" - Imago 1992 - p. 43, 44
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2380
### Event 26736 (826EBF11)
**Date:** 6/23/1966
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) From Coralles, New Mexico, Julian Sandoval, an Apollo engineer and pilot with 7000 hours of flight experience, observed through binoculars for 51 minutes from Route 85 a brilliant tetrahedron 10 meters long, 4 blue-green lights in the tail, 4000 meters above the Sandia Crest antenna tower. The incandescence increased with movement. He estimated its speed at 35 km/h. The object descended to 3000 m, then rose again to disappear at a dizzying speed, estimated at 6000 km/h. (June 23, 3:42 PM)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1966.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2205
### Event 26737 (75F29C32)
**Date:** 6/23/1966
**Location:** Albuquerque, NM
**Description:** Apollo space project engineer, others, see fast UFO.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [_UFOs and the National Security State: Chronology of a Cover-up, 1941–1973_, by Richard Dolan](https://archive.org/details/ufosnationalsecu00dola/mode/2up)
**Source:** Dolan, **ID:** Dolan_270
### Event 26738 (E82C6E60)
**Date:** 6/23/1966
**Time:** 12:00
**Location:** MENINDEE, AUST
**Description:** 4 observer(s). Splash. UFO rises / angle from lake surface and away. No description.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SANDERSON, Ivan: INVISIBLE RESIDENTS; World Publishing HB 1970 & Avon Books PB 1973 (Index 228)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7715
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **SUB:** Submersible: Rises from or submerges into water, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "MENINDEE,AUST:4 OBS:SPLASH:UFO RISES/ANGLE FROM LAKE SURFACE+AWAY:NO DESCRIPT", **LatLong:** "-32.383335 142.500007", **LatLongDMS:** "32:23:00 S 142:30:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-32.383335,142.500007)", **State/Prov:** "NSW", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 26739 (19582FAE)
**Date:** 6/23/1966
**Time:** 15:50
**Location:** PLACITAS, NM
**Description:** Apollo engineer. 300' cylinder/cylindrical object glows and hovers / 90 minute(s). Going quickly northeast / MACH 6. / MJ#278+APRO 7'66.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 45)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7716
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "90", **Elev:** "1814", **HatchDesc:** "PLACITAS,NM:APOLLO ENG:300'CYL GLOWS+HVRS/90min:>>NE/MACH 6:/MJ#278+APRO 7'66", **LatLong:** "35.305557 -106.416672", **LatLongDMS:** "35:18:20 N 106:25:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/35.305557,-106.416672)", **State/Prov:** "New Mexico", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 26740 (3FCB2B7A)
**Date:** 6/23/1966
**Time:** 21:30
**Location:** HAMBURG, NY
**Description:** 4 observer(s). Intense red light. 1M saucer outside house. Flies like bullet.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA; H. Regnery, Chicago HC 1969 & Contemporary Books,Chicago 1993. 372pp. (Index 777)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7717
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "251", **HatchDesc:** "HAMBURG,NY:4 OBS:INTENSE RED LITE:1M SCR OUTSIDE HOUSE:FLIES LIKE BULLET", **LatLong:** "42.716669 -78.827782", **LatLongDMS:** "42:43:00 N 78:49:40 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.716669,-78.827782)", **RelAlt:** "2", **State/Prov:** "New York", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 26741 (D6DDF710)
**Date:** 6/23/1966
**Location:** Hamburg, NY
**Description:** An intense red light lit the ground near a house (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3089
### Event 26742 (ED15B3F3)
**Date:** 6/23/1966
**Location:** Placitas, NM
**Description:** 3:42 a.m. MDT. Julian Sandoval, a NASA contract flight engineer, also an experienced pilot and navigator, and two independent witnesses saw a glowing elongated object with ablunt end. lt had a series of four body lights varying from brilliant green to a bluish tinge, and was hovering at an estimated 12,000 feet. When the object moved, its glow brightened and it appeared to be a powered craft (luminosity/motion correlation). The witness watched the object for an hour and a half, after which it climbed vertically, accelerated to a high velocity and disappeared to the northeast in about 12 seconds. In a report to NICAP, Sandoval estimated the departure speed at "Mach 6 or better." (Christian Science Monitor, July 11, 1966; I/. P.O. Investigator, Vol. Ill, No. 9, Aug.-Sept. 1966, p. 3.) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3090
### Event 26743 (B70DA06E)
**Date:** 6/23/1966
**Time:** 2130
**Location:** Hamburg, New York
**Description:** A 61-year-old civilian woman was reading when an intense red light illuminated the ground near her house. She went outside and saw a lighted object 20 m away 1 m in diameter, which backed up and flew away "like a bullet." Three other persons saw it from the next house. (Atic) <*>
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_777
### Event 26744 (B6ABF649)
**Date:** 6/23/1966
**Location:** Placitas, New Mexico
**Description:** 3:42 a.m. NASA contract flight engineer Julian Sandoval and two independent witnesses see a glowing elongated object with a blunt end. It has a series of four body lights varying from brilliant green to a bluish tinge, and is hovering at an estimated 12,000 feet near Placitas, New Mexico. When the object moves its glow brightens, and it appears to be a powered craft. The witnesses watch the object for an hour and a half, after which it climbs vertically, accelerates to a high velocity, and disappears to the northeast in about 12 seconds. In a report to NICAP, Sandoval estimates the departure speed at “Mach 6 or better.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[New Reports by Space Experts Add to](http://www.cufos.org/UFOI%5Fand%5FSelected%5FDocuments/UFOI/033%20AUG-SEPT%201966.pdf) [UFO Proof,](http://www.cufos.org/UFOI%5Fand%5FSelected%5FDocuments/UFOI/033%20AUG-SEPT%201966.pdf)” UFO Investigator 3, no. 9 \(Aug./Sept. 1966\): 3
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4059
### Event 26745 (B53826A5)
**Date:** 6/23/1966
**Description:** Four adults in Menindee, New South Wales, Australia heard a splash at noon from a nearby lake. No object was visible on the lake surface, but a UFO was seen climbing from the lake diagonally, then "disappeared in seconds."
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Ivan T. Sanderson, Invisible Residents, p. 228, citing Broken Hill, (N.S.W.) Barrier Truth, June 23, 1966
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3619
### Event 26746 (2EEDCF6F)
**Date:** 6/23/1966
**Description:** One of the earliest reported cases of "missing time" began on this day in a bedroom in West Chelmsford, Massachusetts. The incident took place in the pre-dawn hours, beginning at around 3:15 a.m.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David Webb, Analysis of Humanoid/Abduction Reports, Proceedings of the 1976 CUFOS Conference, pg. 267
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3620
### Event 26747 (26F5420C)
**Date:** 6/23/1966
**Description:** At 3:42 a.m. an Apollo Space Project engineer, Julian Sandoval, saw a fast moving 300 foot long tetrahedron shaped UFO with four blue-green tail lights maneuvering in the sky while driving on Highway 85 in Corrales, New Mexico. His sighting was confirmed by Police Patrolman Gallegos and Dorothy Lovato of Bernalillo. The sighting lasted a total of 51 minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Christian Science Monitor, July 11, 1966; NICAP UFO Investigator, August 3, 1966; UNICAT database, case 690, citing James E. McDonald, Frank Edwards, Flying Saucers Here and Now, p. 179
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3621
### Event 26748 (9250BD9B)
**Date:** 6/23/1966
**Description:** At 9:30 p.m. a 61-year-old woman was at home reading in Hamburg, New York when an intense red light illuminated the ground near her house. She went outside and saw a lighted object 20 meters away, just one meter in diameter, which backed up and flew away "like a bullet." Three other people saw it from the next house.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 777
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3622
### Event 26749 (2B0808E6)
**Date:** 6/24/1966
**Location:** Richmond, VA
**Description:** Officer William L. Stevens, Jr., observed a dirigible-shaped UFO at 3:30 in the morning near the fairgrounds. It was about 100 ft. long and 30 ft. thick with greenish-yellow lights on its perimeter. Stevens attempted to chase the UFO but it maintained an even distance from him even though he sped up and slowed down. “The object seemed to be playing cat & mouse with me,” he later said. After 10–15 min. the UFO accelerated and sped away.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [Pea Research](https://www.academia.edu/9813787/GOVERNMENT_INVOLVEMENT_IN_THE_UFO_COVER_UP_CHRONOLOGY_based)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_647
**See also:** 4/17/66
### Event 26750 (1CA4ECBC)
**Date:** 6/24/1966
**Time:** 03:30
**Location:** RICHMOND, VA
**Description:** Cop. 100x30' cylinder/cigar-shape / mist. 100mph car chase going quickly north. / r235p19+r25p261+r41p187.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 45)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7718
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "15", **Elev:** "57", **HatchDesc:** "RICHMOND,VA:COP:100x30'CGR/MIST:100mph CAR CHASE >>N:/r235p19+r25p261+r41p187", **LatLong:** "37.533335 -77.466670", **LatLongDMS:** "37:32:00 N 77:28:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.533335,-77.466670)", **State/Prov:** "Virginia", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 26751 (9A2F337F)
**Date:** 6/24/1966
**Time:** 20:30
**Location:** ROCHESTER, NY
**Description:** 15x2' pipe-cylinder/cylindrical object hovers over Dupont strikers / 15 min. 1 observer sees saucer.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LORENZEN, Coral: FLYING SAUCERS, the Starting Evidence; Signet Books, NY 1962 & 1966. 278pp. Originally "The Great F. S. Hoax". (Index 274)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7719
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "15", **Elev:** "155", **HatchDesc:** "ROCHESTER,NY:15x2' PIPE-CYL HVRS OVR DUPONT STRIKERS/15 MIN:1 OBS SEES SCR", **LatLong:** "43.166669 -77.616670", **LatLongDMS:** "43:10:00 N 77:37:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.166669,-77.616670)", **State/Prov:** "New York", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 26752 (804AFFC0)
**Date:** 6/24/1966
**Location:** Richmond, VA
**Description:** 3:30 a.m. EDT. A police officer on patrol saw a hovering elliptical object with body lights, surrounded by mist or vapor. The lights were alternately yellow and green. As he approached to investigate, the UFO began moving away, leading him on a cat-and-mouse chase. Finally the object accelerated and sped away. Separate police witnesses observed a UFO in the same general area about 40 minutes later. (U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. III, No. 9, Aug.-Sept. 1966, p. 3; Keyhoe & Lore, 1969a, p. 9.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3091
### Event 26753 (B8A6CC77)
**Date:** 6/24/1966
**Location:** Charlotte, NC
**Description:** Night. A school teacher, ex-member of Army intelligence saw a flattened ellipse with fuzzy edges, two or three port-like black spots along the body, flying overhead. The object was visible for about 2 minutes in hazy conditions. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3092
### Event 26754 (BC32BD24)
**Date:** 6/24/1966
**Location:** Richmond, VA
**Description:** Elliptical object with body lights, surrounded by mist or vapor, observed by police officer, led him on cat-and-mouse chase. Object accelerated and sped away
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_92
### Event 26755 (53D1216D)
**Date:** 6/24/1966
**Description:** Police officer William L. Stevens had a close encounter with a dirigible-shaped object 100 feet long and 30 feet thick at 3:30 a.m. He was driving on the Henrico Turnpike in Richmond, Virginia when the UFO approached. It had alternating white and greenish-yellow lights around its perimeter, and it was surrounded by a mist. It began to play a game of cat and mouse with his police cruiser. "It seemed to be playing with me," he said. It moved away when the officer turned on its flashing lights, maintaining a distance of a few hundred feet. After several minutes it departed, accelerating suddenly and making a high speed vertical climb. (Sources: Richard Hall, Uninvited Guests, p. 261; Gordon I. R. Lore, Jr., UFOs: A New Look, p. 9; Richard F. Haines, CE-5: Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind, p. 164; MUFON UFO Journal, June 1991, p. 12; UNICAT database, case 654, citing James E. McDonald). 1967, Trenton, Maine - Two people sighted a silver-gray, hat-shaped object hovering about 500 feet from the shoreline in Trenton, Maine at around 10 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time. It emitted a vapor at its base. The object ascended into a fog bank and descended again at a greater distance before moving away.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Raymond E. Fowler, UFOs Interplanetary Visitors, pg. 349
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3640
### Event 26756 (97F3414E)
**Date:** 6/25/1966
**Time:** 17:13:00.1
**Location:** 37.1553 -116.0722
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Vulcan” Yield: 25KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_463
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1553 -116.0722", **LatLongDMS:** "37:09:19 N 116:04:20 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1553,-116.0722)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.32", **NukeName:** "Vulcan", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "25"
### Event 26757 (785CFE64)
**Date:** 6/25/1966
**Location:** Ellsworth AFB H-01 missile launch facility southwest of Union Center, South Dakota
**Description:** 9:30 p.m. Several objects violate the air space over the Ellsworth AFB H-01 missile launch facility southwest of Union Center, South Dakota, setting off the vibration sensors. Helicopters attempt to chase the objects, but they fly away quickly to the north-northeast. Other sightings take place over the next week.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** National UFO Reporting Center, \[[case report](http://cufos.org/cases/1966%5F06%5F25%5FUS%5FSD%5FEllsworth-AFB%5FNUFORC%5FCE-II.pdf)\]; Nukes 241–245
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4060
### Event 26758 (D3BD266C)
**Date:** 6/27/1966
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Observation in the Pacific \(19' North, 172" East\). (June 27)
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#10693 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1966.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2206
### Event 26759 (2649A8A0)
**Date:** 6/27/1966
**Location:** MOON
**Description:** Astronomers Hedley-Robinson and Sartory. Light flashes / 15 minute(s) / inside wall / crater Plato.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PINDEVIC, Thierry: Le NOEUD GORDIEN ou la FANTASTIQUE HISTOIRE des OVNI. Editions France-Empire, Paris 1979. (Index 52)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7720
**Attributes:** **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **NFO:** No craft seen, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **HST:** Historical account
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "The Moon", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "15", **HatchDesc:** "MOON:ASTRs HEDLEY-ROBINSON+SARTORY:LITE FLASHES/15min/INSIDE WALL/CRATER PLATO", **LatLong:** "90.000004 -0.000000", **LatLongDMS:** "90:00:00 N 00:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/90.000004,-0.000000)", **State/Prov:** "CRT", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 26760 (D51AC09C)
**Date:** 6/27/1966
**Time:** 04:00
**Location:** CISTELLA, SP
**Description:** Saucer lands. Then 2 cylinders! All take off / smoke. Twisted branches. Burns.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BALLESTER OLMOS, Vicente-Juan: CATALOG of 200 TYPE-1 EVENTS in SPAIN & PORTUGAL; CUFOS 1976. (Index 10)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7721
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "8", **HatchDesc:** "CISTELLA,SP:SCR LANDS:THEN 2 CYLS!:ALL TAKE OFF/SMOKE:TWISTED BRANCHES:BURNS", **LatLong:** "42.150002 2.500000", **LatLongDMS:** "42:09:00 N 02:30:00 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.150002,2.500000)", **State/Prov:** "GER", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 26761 (EAAB4A23)
**Date:** 6/27/1966
**Time:** 04:00
**Description:** Silent 600' cloud-saucer stops over ship / 10 minute(s). Goes right going up.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 278)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7722
**Attributes:** **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Pacific Ocean and non - Asian islands", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "PACIFIC nr JOHNSTON Isl:SLNT 600' CLOUD-SCR STOPS OVR SHIP/10min:GOES RIGHT ↑", **LatLong:** "16.750001 -169.516675", **LatLongDMS:** "16:45:00 N 169:31:00 W", **Locale:** "High Seas", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/16.750001,-169.516675)", **State/Prov:** "JHN", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 26762 (5436E2C5)
**Date:** 6/27/1966 (approximate)
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** NORTHEAST / BERGEN, ND
**Description:** Silent 11M saucer going down / farm 100M / observer(s). 2 men move / lit dome. Rises and going quickly northwest.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLICKENGER, Don: NORTH DAKOTA UFO files. Well Documented NICAP files for the 1960s: Xeroxed by Tom Tulien (Index 4)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7723
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **NUC:** Nuclear facility related, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "4", **Elev:** "490", **HatchDesc:** "NE/BERGEN,ND:SLNT 11M SCR ↓/FARM 100M/OBS:2 MEN MOVE/LIT DOME:RISES+>>NW", **LatLong:** "48.016669 -100.700005", **LatLongDMS:** "48:01:00 N 100:42:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.016669,-100.700005)", **State/Prov:** "North Dakota", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 26763 (75D4434F)
**Date:** 6/27/1966
**Location:** Cistella, Spain
**Description:** 4:00 a.m. LT. A farm woman and farm hands saw a large disc-shaped object with bright green, red, yellow and blue body lights descend behind some woods about 500 meters away. A few minutes later two cylindrical objects also with body lights appeared, and the disc reappeared, taking up position between the two cylinders, which closed in on the disc, turned, and all three as a unit shot up at terrific speed and disappeared in less than a second. (NICAP: 05 - Medical Incidents) (NICAP: 06 - Trace Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3093
### Event 26764 (B5A2BF27)
**Date:** 6/27/1966
**Location:** Wake Island (Pacific, 400 miles E of), At Sea
**Description:** Radio Officer saw a "cloud" expand with a light inside (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 10693)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3095
### Event 26765 (6C298719)
**Date:** 6/27/1966
**Time:** 4 AM
**Location:** 400 miles east of Wake Island (19' N, 172' E)
**Description:** Witness: Radio Officer Steffen Soresen, of the S/ Mt. Vernon Victory. One "cloud" expanded with a light inside, and then accelerated away after several minutes.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_546
### Event 26766 (255402FB)
**Date:** 6/27/1966
**Description:** Cistella, Spain - Three Spanish witnesses named Masso, Crous, and Arajil watched two clearly defined, hexagonal cylinders rise into the air, approximately 1,800 feet apart from each other. A disc-shaped UFO flew into view and positioned itself between the cylinders as if to link them. Dense smoke arose, drying the mouths and noses of the witnesses the whole day, and one witness felt a wave of heat. The strange, three-part structure was visible for several minutes before departing at blinding speed. Over an area some ten meters across in a potato field all the leaves were brittle and yellowish. A branch of a nearby pear tree was newly broken off, thrown some distance, and twisted around.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Antonio Ribera, FSR, November 1966, pp. 3-4
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3695
### Event 26767 (4DFB5F30)
**Date:** 6/28/1966
**Location:** Anderson AFB, Guam
**Description:** Air Intercept & Radar Tracks (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5)
**Reference:** NICAP: [660628](http://www.nicap.org/660628anderson%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3096
### Event 26768 (BD1D8E93)
**Date:** 6/29/1966
**Time:** 06:58:00.5
**Location:** 49.8344 78.0734
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 150KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1281
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.8344 78.0734", **LatLongDMS:** "49:50:04 N 78:04:24 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.8344,78.0734)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.60", **NukeSource:** "BOCHAROV", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "150"
### Event 26769 (980E2C30)
**Date:** 6/30/1966
**Time:** 22:15:00.1
**Location:** 37.3158 -116.2990
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Halfbeak” Yield: 365KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_464
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.3158 -116.2990", **LatLongDMS:** "37:18:57 N 116:17:56 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.3158,-116.2990)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.82", **NukeMb:** "6.10", **NukeName:** "Halfbeak", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "365"
### Event 26770 (85B1D84E)
**Date:** 6/30/1966
**Locations:** Wright-Patterson AFB; Dayton, Ohio
**Description:** On [James E. McDonald](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James%5FE.%5FMcDonald)’s second visit to Wright-Patterson AFB in Dayton, Ohio, his request for a photocopy of the Robertson Panel report is denied.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clark III 696
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4061
### Event 26771 (6BF832BC)
**Date:** 6/30/1966
**Location:** Viet Cong
**Description:** [Richard Helms](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard%5FHelms) becomes director of central intelligence. He is the first DCI since [Dulles](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allen%5FDulles) to push hard for results in the mind-control field. Operation MKSearch goes into overdrive. Old projects are resurrected, abandoned projects reactivated. The safe houses are told to expect a steady supply of Viet Cong expendables to experiment on. One of the projects to be revived is the less than successful Operation Mindbender. Renamed Operation Spellbinder, the assignment is to create a sleeper killer, a real-life Manchurian Candidate. A hypnotist is recruited from the American Society of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis. He becomes known to the CIA staff as “Dr. Fingers” and is selected because his file states that he has no qualms about conducting potentially terminal experiments. The intended victim of the experiment is [Fidel Castro](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fidel%5FCastro)[.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fidel%5FCastro) After attempts to program several would-be assassins, the operation is discontinued and written off as a complete failure.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Sid Taylor, “[A History of](http://all.net/journal/deception/MKULTRA/www.profreedom.free4all.co.uk/skeletons%5F1.html) [Secret CIA Mind Control Research,](http://all.net/journal/deception/MKULTRA/www.profreedom.free4all.co.uk/skeletons%5F1.html)” Nexus, April/May 1992; “[Project Spellbinder,](https://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/Project%2BSpellbinder)” in Brad Steiger and Sherry Steiger, Conspiracies and Secret Societies: The Complete Dossier, 2nd ed., Visible Ink, 2012
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4062
### Event 26772 (C6FDDC24)
**Date:** 7/1966
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In the Helva region, 6 Mystère IVs crashed together within minutes of flying from Palomares, several hours after an enormous unknown craft passed over Fréjus and the Var.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1966.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2207
### Event 26773 (9F243EAD)
**Date:** 7/1966
**Location:** Pacific bt. Pearl Harbor & Seattle, Washington, At Sea
**Description:** Saucer Enters & Exits Water Tracked by Sonar & Radar (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 0)
**Reference:** NICAP: [6607XX](http://www.nicap.org/6607XXpacific%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3097
### Event 26774 (586F6B04)
**Date:** 7/1966
**Location:** Provo, Utah
**Description:** 11:00 a.m. An Air Force Douglas C-47 Skytrain is flying 25 miles southwest of Provo, Utah, when the pilot snaps two color-slide photos of a reddish disc-shaped object that briefly comes into view before speeding away. The Condon commission declines to examine the photos in detail, noting some discrepancies.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Condon, [pp. 270–273](https://archive.org/details/scientificstudyo0000unse%5Fl5t2/page/270/mode/2up); Patrick Gross, “[UFOs Photographed](https://ufologie.patrickgross.org/htm/usafprovo66.htm\#condon)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4063
### Event 26775 (B76D90C9)
**Date:** 7/1/1966
**Time:** 04:10
**Location:** LIEKSA, FINL
**Description:** 3 observer(s). Metallic disk hovers / water tower / 7 minute(s). Wobbles. Slow then fast going quickly northeast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** AWARENESS (Quarterly) CONTACT INTERNATIONAL/UK: listed by year. (Index 76)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7724
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Scandanavian and Finland", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "9", **HatchDesc:** "LIEKSA,FINL:3 OBS:MTLC DISK HVRS/WATER TOWER/7min:WOBBLES:SLO then FAST>>NE:", **LatLong:** "63.283336 30.016668", **LatLongDMS:** "63:17:00 N 30:01:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/63.283336,30.016668)", **State/Prov:** "Finland", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 26776 (ABBDFDC1)
**Date:** 7/1/1966
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** NORTH / SNOPOUSOV, CZK
**Description:** 3 observer(s). 2 large domed saucers descend. Emit smoke. Go going quickly northeast. / r84p218.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PHENOMENES SPATIAUX: Group GEPA, Gen. M. Lionel Chassin Paris. Quarterly 1964?-1977. Merged into Grp. GEPAN (Index 15)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7725
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Czech and Slovak Republics", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "8", **HatchDesc:** "N/SNOPOUSOV,CZK:3 OBS:2 LRG DOMED SCRS DESCEND:EMIT SMOKE:GO >>NE:/r84p218", **LatLong:** "49.500002 13.366667", **LatLongDMS:** "49:30:00 N 13:22:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.500002,13.366667)", **State/Prov:** "ZPS", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 26777 (569CB2C0)
**Date:** 7/1/1966?
**Time:** 23:00
**Location:** LAKE BALA, WALES
**Description:** 30 Army reserves seek plane wreckage. Several trucks electro-magnetic effect (EME) / 2 days.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 256)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7726
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **TLP:** Telepathy, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **MIL:** Military investigation, **COV:** Indication of coverup
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "196", **Elev:** "210", **HatchDesc:** "LAKE BALA,WALES:30 ARMY RESERVES SEEK PLANE WRECKAGE:SVRL TRUCKS EME/2 DAYS", **LatLong:** "52.916669 -3.616667", **LatLongDMS:** "52:55:00 N 03:37:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/52.916669,-3.616667)", **State/Prov:** "WLS", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 26778 (31901BF0)
**Date:** 7/2/1966
**Time:** 15:34:00.0
**Location:** -22.0000 -139.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Aldebaron” YieldMax: 200KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1854
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "-22.0000 -139.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "22:00:00 S 139:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-22.0000,-139.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "France", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Aldebaron", **NukeSource:** "CEA/DAM", **NukeType:** "NACF", **NukeYMax:** "200"
### Event 26779 (C6E5A4E8)
**Date:** 7/4/1966
**Description:** The Freedom of Information Act, requiring the full or partial disclosure of previously unreleased information and documents controlled by the US government, is signed into law by President [Lyndon B. Johnson](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lyndon%5FB.%5FJohnson).
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Freedom of Information Act \(United States\)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freedom%5Fof%5FInformation%5FAct%5F%28United%5FStates%29)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4064
### Event 26780 (81DB7637)
**Date:** 7/5/1966
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** CHACLACAYO, PERU
**Description:** Several observer(s) / panic. Small silent creature walks streets. Leaves (something behind) luminous/glowing trail!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA; H. Regnery, Chicago HC 1969 & Contemporary Books,Chicago 1993. 372pp. (Index 778)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7727
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **NFO:** No craft seen, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc.
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Peru", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "1059", **HatchDesc:** "CHACLACAYO,PERU:SVRL OBS/PANIC:SML SLNT CREATURE WALKS STREETS:LVS LUMn TRAIL!", **LatLong:** "-11.966667 -76.766670", **LatLongDMS:** "11:58:00 S 76:46:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-11.966667,-76.766670)", **State/Prov:** "LIM", **Strangeness:** "12"
### Event 26781 (3DC2B732)
**Date:** 7/5/1966
**Time:** 22:00
**Description:** 4 observer(s). Octagon with lights makes 2 passes over field. Shoots straight going up.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** KEEL, John: OPERATION TROJAN HORSE; Putnam's Sons, NY 1970. (Index 152)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7728
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "480", **HatchDesc:** "NW/NORFOLK,NE:4 OBS:OCTAGON W/LITES MAKES 2 PASSES OVR FIELD:SHOOTS STRAIGHT ↑", **LatLong:** "42.061113 -97.450005", **LatLongDMS:** "42:03:40 N 97:27:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.061113,-97.450005)", **State/Prov:** "Nebraska", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 26782 (A57A0477)
**Date:** 7/5/1966
**Location:** Chaclacayo, Peru
**Description:** Several persons reported seeing a very small creature leaving a luminous trail, quietly walking along the streets, while children and adults panicked.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** 164 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_778
### Event 26783 (C4EEBB95)
**Date:** 7/7/1966
**Location:** Pentagon
**Description:** In a Blue Book briefing, Brig. Gen. [William C. Garland](http://www.project1947.com/fig/garland.htm)[,](http://www.project1947.com/fig/garland.htm) deputy chief of USAF Public Information at the Pentagon, again denies that NORAD radars have picked up any “spaceships,” interplanetary “interlopers,” or “extraterrestrial vehicles.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clark III 808
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4065
### Event 26784 (06605BF6)
**Date:** 7/9/1966
**Location:** Idaho Falls, Idaho
**Description:** 2:00 p.m. [Kenneth Arnold](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kenneth%5FArnold) takes a 16mm film of a UFO over Idaho Falls, Idaho. The object looks like a weather balloon, but it is flying at a speed of 45–75 mph into a north-northwest wind.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Kim Hansen, “UFO Casebook,” UFOs 1947–1987, Fortean Tomes, 1987, p. 53
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4066
### Event 26785 (7AD2AD6C)
**Date:** 7/11/1966
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Sighting in Union \(Pennsylvania\). (July 11)
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#10739 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1966.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2208
### Event 26786 (B51F3B97)
**Date:** 7/11/1966
**Time:** 20:50
**Location:** KIRKWOOD, PA
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #10739. 2 observer(s). 100' saucer lands / field / 60 minute(s). Portholes. Grinding noise.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA; H. Regnery, Chicago HC 1969 & Contemporary Books,Chicago 1993. 372pp. (Index 779)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7729
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "60", **Elev:** "163", **HatchDesc:** "KIRKWOOD,PA:BBK#10739:2 OBS:100'SCR LANDS/FIELD/60min:PORTHOLES:GRINDING NOISE", **LatLong:** "39.855557 -76.077781", **LatLongDMS:** "39:51:20 N 76:04:40 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.855557,-76.077781)", **State/Prov:** "Pennsylvania", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 26787 (10FE0F8E)
**Date:** 7/11/1966
**Location:** Union-Kirkwood, PA
**Description:** Large (100 ft wide, 20 ft high) bright red luminous object (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 10739)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3099
### Event 26788 (00775B6A)
**Date:** 7/11/1966
**Location:** Union-Kirkwood, Pennsylvania
**Description:** Two civilian women saw a red, luminous object 30 m away in a field. It had small openings and made a whirring sound. Length, 30 m; height, 6 m; duration, 90 min.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Atic ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_779
### Event 26789 (26B277CF)
**Date:** 7/11/1966
**Time:** 7:45 PM
**Location:** Union, Pennsylvania
**Description:** Witnesses: Carl Wood and Charles Hawthorne. One large (100' wide, 20' high) bright red object with small windows and yellow lights. The object emitted a humming noise, seemingly from the outside, and a qrinding noise which seemed to come from inside. Observed for 1 hour.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_547
### Event 26790 (9993F105)
**Date:** 7/11/1966
**Description:** At 7:45 p.m. Carl Wood and Charles Hawthorne of Union, Pennsylvania observed a large, 100-foot wide bright red object with small windows and yellow lights. The UFO emitted a humming sound, seemingly from the outside, and a grinding noise that seemed to come from inside the craft. They watched it for an hour.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Don Berliner, Project Bluebook UFO Unknowns
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3992
### Event 26791 (C6245857)
**Date:** 7/12/1966
**Time:** 17:30
**Description:** Scientist/science. Huge saucer buzzes airliner. Turns. Maneuvers. Changes shape?
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HYNEK & VALLEE: The EDGE of REALITY, A Progress Report, Chicago, Regnery 1975. 301pp 24cm (Index 291)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7730
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Russia", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "ovr BOLOGOYE,TVER,RUS:SCI:HUGE SCR BUZZES AIRLINER:TURNS:MNVRS:CHANGES SHAPE?", **LatLong:** "57.866669 34.033335", **LatLongDMS:** "57:52:00 N 34:02:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/57.866669,34.033335)", **State/Prov:** "TVR", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 26792 (5E6398EB)
**Date:** 7/13/1966
**Time:** 02:20
**Location:** FORNACETTE, ITL
**Description:** 4 observer(s). Saucer going down / island / canal. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). 2 small humanoids (or Greys) board and away. / LDLN#86+/ r39p58.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO - Rivista di informazione Ufologica; 2 issues/year CISU. Giovanni Settimo ed.; C.P.82, 10100 Torino, ITALY. (Index 8)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7731
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Italy", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "FORNACETTE,ITL:4 OBS:SCR ↓/ISLAND/CANAL:RFI:2 OIDS BOARD+away:/LDLN#86+/r39p58", **LatLong:** "43.666669 10.566667", **LatLongDMS:** "43:40:00 N 10:34:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.666669,10.566667)", **State/Prov:** "TSC", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 26793 (C07832CE)
**Date:** 7/13/1966
**Location:** Pontedera, Italy
**Description:** Camillo Faieta, 35, a lineman, was on duty when a light dazzled him, and he observed that it came from an object on a small island on the Emissario Canal. Two little men were seen briefly on the ground before the departure of the object. There are four other witnesses.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** LDLN 86; FSR 67, 1 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_780
### Event 26794 (CB2D6A10)
**Date:** 7/13/1966
**Locations:** Fornacette, Pisa, Italy; Emissario Canal; Camp Darby military complex
**Description:** 2:00 a.m. Railway linesman Camillo Faieta is on duty at the crossing in Fornacette, Pisa, Italy, when he is dazzled by a powerful light coming from the Emissario Canal. The light goes out and he sees an object hovering above a small islet in the canal. Two little men emerge, but the bright light comes on again and the object takes off. Police turn up other witnesses, but Italian and US air force officers from the nearby Camp Darby military complex tell Faieta not to speak about the incident any further.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** 1Pinotti 147–148
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4067
### Event 26795 (D1E49921)
**Date:** 7/13/1966
**Description:** Camillo Faieta, age 35, a lineman for the local utility company, was on duty at 2:20 a.m. when a brilliant light dazzled him. He determined that the light came from an object on a small island in the Emissario Canal near Pontedera, Italy. Two little men were seen briefly on the ground before the object took off. There were four other witnesses to the sighting in addition to Sr. Faieta.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Lumieres dans la Nuit, issue no. 86; Flying Saucer Review, January-February 1967; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, p. 333
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4032
### Event 26796 (DE359D22)
**Date:** 7/15/1966
**Location:** FRANCE, Lachaud (Corrèze)
**Description:** (Translated from French) A farmer in his fields heard an explosion sound. Immediately a kind of suffocating and burning fog fell upon him, causing burns to his legs, arms and face. He suffered lasting effects: vision problems and anemia.
**Reference:** Janet and Colin BORD: "Modern Mysteries of the World" - Guild Publishing London 1989, p. 331
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2378
### Event 26797 (41508A6B)
**Date:** 7/15/1966 (approximate)
**Time:** 22:20
**Location:** MONT-DE-MARSAN, FR
**Description:** 5 20cm glowing-balls snake across cemetery / wave. Vanish / gate slams.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 137)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7732
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "MONT-de-MARSAN,FR:5 20cm GLO-BALLS SNAKE ACRS CEMETERY/WAVE:VANISH/GATE SLAMS", **LatLong:** "43.900002 -0.516667", **LatLongDMS:** "43:54:00 N 00:31:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.900002,-0.516667)", **State/Prov:** "Landes", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 26798 (8252A90C)
**Date:** 7/16/1966
**Time:** 11:10
**Location:** WILLIS, MI
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Silent silver disk / 300M altitude. Fast. Stops. Turns back. Circles. Goes going up and down.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** KEEL, John: OPERATION TROJAN HORSE; Putnam's Sons, NY 1970. (Index 153)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7733
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "7", **Elev:** "210", **HatchDesc:** "WILLIS,MI:2 OBS:SLNT SLVR DISK/300M alt:FAST:STOPS:TURNS BACK:CIRCLES:GOES↑+↓", **LatLong:** "42.161113 -83.566671", **LatLongDMS:** "42:09:40 N 83:34:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.161113,-83.566671)", **State/Prov:** "Michigan", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 26799 (5AD3A286)
**Date:** 7/17/1966
**Time:** 0345
**Location:** Rebouillon, France
**Description:** Rene Pebre and two others were driving back from Draguignan when they saw a gray oval, metallic object, about 5 m long, hovering at low altitude, about 300 m from them. They noticed several window-like openings on the craft, which emitted a light beam. All the dogs in the vicinity were barking.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** GEPA Sep., 66 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_781
### Event 26800 (16DE0B1B)
**Date:** 7/17/1966
**Description:** Rebouillon, France. Rene Pebre and two others were driving back from Draguignan at 3:45 a.m. when they saw a gray oval-shaped metallic object, about five meters long, hovering at a low altitude about 300 meters away from them. It emitted a beam of light. They also noticed that there were several window-like openings on the craft. All the dogs in the vicinity were barking.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case # 781, citing GEPA, September 1966
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4128
### Event 26801 (670399AD)
**Date:** 7/18/1966
**Location:** GEMINI 10
**Description:** Young and Collins. Large cylinder/cylindrical object and small bright objects. Photographs and ask / RADAR confirm. R22p9.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HYNEK & VALLEE: The EDGE of REALITY, A Progress Report, Chicago, Regnery 1975. 301pp 24cm (Index 64)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7734
**Attributes:** **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Earth Orbit or seen from space stations/capsules", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "GEMINI 10:YOUNG+COLLINS:LRG CYL+SML BRITE OBJs:FOTOS+ASK/RDR CONFIRM:r22p9", **LatLong:** "90.000004 -0.000000", **LatLongDMS:** "90:00:00 N 00:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/90.000004,-0.000000)", **State/Prov:** "USA", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 26802 (D8112D06)
**Date:** 7/18/1966
**Time:** 03:40
**Location:** D955 NEAR LENTIER, FR
**Description:** 5M saucer / 4 portholes. All dogs bark. Light beams going down. / r8#781+/ LDLN#139.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HAINES, Richard Ph.D: CE-5, CLOSE ENCOUNTERS of the 5th KIND. 1999 Sourcebooks Inc. Naperville, IL ISBN 1-57071-427-4. 242 case files. (Index 5)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7735
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "20", **HatchDesc:** "D955 nr LENTIER,FR:5M SCR/4 PORTS:ALL DOGS BARK:LITE BEAMS ↓:/r8#781+/LDLN#139", **LatLong:** "43.550002 6.422223", **LatLongDMS:** "43:33:00 N 06:25:20 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.550002,6.422223)", **State/Prov:** "Var", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 26803 (9C40258F)
**Date:** 7/18/1966
**Time:** 03:50
**Description:** 2 / car and shepherd. 13' ovoid with portholes going down / 25M altitude. Spins. Beams going down.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FIGEUT, Michel & RUCHON, Jean-Louis: OVNI - Le Premier Dossier..; Alain LeFeuvre, Paris 1979. (Index 265)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7736
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "nr CHATEAUDOUBLE,VAR:2/CAR+SHEPHERD:13'OVOID W/PORTHS ↓/25M alt:SPINS:BEAMS↓", **LatLong:** "43.600002 6.416667", **LatLongDMS:** "43:36:00 N 06:25:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.600002,6.416667)", **State/Prov:** "Var", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 26804 (E6190EDD)
**Date:** 7/18/1966
**Time:** 09:00
**Location:** BAYTOWN, TX
**Description:** 2+15 separate observer(s). 50' saucer 1500' over trees. Rim = row / square windows. Going quickly west fast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SOULE, Gardner: UFO's & IFOs - A Factual Report..; Putnam's Sons, NY. 1968? (Index 50)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7737
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "BAYTOWN,TX:2+15 SEP.OBS:50'SCR 1500'OVR TREES:RIM=ROW/SQR WINDOWS:>>W FAST", **LatLong:** "29.883335 -93.983338", **LatLongDMS:** "29:53:00 N 93:59:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/29.883335,-93.983338)", **RelAlt:** "450", **State/Prov:** "Texas", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 26805 (688BAF24)
**Date:** 7/18/1966
**Location:** Baytown, TX
**Description:** 9:00 a.m. CDT. Service station personnel saw a white object shaped like two saucers face to face (disc) with a row of square windows in between. The object was hovering above a store about 100 yards distant, then it began moving, rapidly accelerated and sped away. (McDonald, 1968a, pp. 57-58; Houston Post, Oct. 8, 1966.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3100
### Event 26806 (821849BC)
**Date:** 7/18/1966
**Location:** Baytown, Texas
**Description:** 9:00 a.m. Service station personnel in Baytown, Texas, see a white object shaped like two saucers face-to-face with a row of square windows in between. The object is hovering above a store about 300 feet away, then it begins moving, rapidly accelerates, and speeds away.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** James E. McDonald, “[Statement on Unidentified Flying](https://www.project1947.com/shg/symposium/mcdonald.html\#cities) [Objects,](https://www.project1947.com/shg/symposium/mcdonald.html\#cities)” in Symposium on Unidentified Flying Objects, Hearings, US House Committee on Science and Astronautics, 90th Cong., 2nd Sess., July 29, 1968, pp. 57–58
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4068
### Event 26807 (7A459FF4)
**Date:** 7/19/1966
**Time:** 15:05:00.0
**Location:** -22.0000 -139.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Tamore” YieldMax: 200KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1855
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "-22.0000 -139.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "22:00:00 S 139:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-22.0000,-139.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "France", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Tamore", **NukeSource:** "CEA/DAM", **NukeType:** "NACF", **NukeYMax:** "200"
### Event 26808 (CFFD7447)
**Date:** 7/19/1966
**Location:** UK
**Description:** MP [John Langford-Holt](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John%5FLangford-Holt) asks UK Prime Minister [Harold Wilson](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harold%5FWilson) in the House of Commons whether, since the Defence Secretary is responsible only for air defense implications of UFOs, he would allocate the assessment of their wider implications to another department. Wilson says he will not, but that reports are taken seriously when there is adequate information.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Good Above, [p. 60](https://archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/60/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4069
### Event 26809 (EA8ED8C8)
**Date:** 7/20/1966
**Time:** 22:30
**Location:** JAFFREY, NH
**Description:** 3 observer(s). Long UFO goes over Bible conf. grounds. Parallel rows / point-lights.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FOWLER, Raymond E.: UFO'S, INTERPLANETARY VISITORS; Prentice Hall & Bantam Books, NY 1979. 346pp. (Index 327)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7738
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "309", **HatchDesc:** "JAFFREY,NH:3 OBS:LONG UFO GOES OVR BIBLE CONF. GRNDS:PARALLEL ROWS/POINT-LITES", **LatLong:** "42.816669 -72.022226", **LatLongDMS:** "42:49:00 N 72:01:20 W", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.816669,-72.022226)", **State/Prov:** "New Hampshire", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 26810 (1FECB9BE)
**Date:** 7/20/1966
**Location:** Jaffrey, NH
**Description:** 10:30 p.m. EDT. An elliptical object with two rows of body lights passed over a religious center. As it progressed, the lights changed color from white to red to orange to yellow to green and back to white. (Fowler 1974, p. 341.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3101
### Event 26811 (76901D2D)
**Date:** 7/20/1966
**Location:** Wright-Patterson AFB in Ohio
**Description:** [James E. McDonald](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James%5FE.%5FMcDonald)’s third visit to Wright-Patterson AFB in Ohio. He is again denied a copy of the Robertson Panel report because it has been “reclassified.” He is convinced that USAF has done a lousy job of investigating UFOs and that UFOs are actually good evidence for the ETH.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clark III 696
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4070
### Event 26812 (37E1097F)
**Date:** 7/20/1966
**Description:** An elongated object carrying parallel points of horizontal lights passed over the Mount Monadnock Bible Conference Grounds in Jaffrey, New Hampshire at 10:30 p.m. EDT. The lights on the object changed from white to red to orange to yellow to green and back to white. It made no sound as it flew.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Raymond E. Fowler, UFOs: Interplanetary Visitors, p. 341
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4241
### Event 26813 (B403A6E2)
**Date:** 7/21/1966
**Time:** 03:58:00.0
**Location:** 49.7367 78.0970
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 150KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1282
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.7367 78.0970", **LatLongDMS:** "49:44:12 N 78:05:49 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.7367,78.0970)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.40", **NukeSource:** "BOCHAROV", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "150"
### Event 26814 (1F429153)
**Date:** 7/21/1966
**Description:** At 7:30 p.m. a man saw a UFO land in the desert near his home in Van Horn, Texas. Approaching its reddish glow, he ran into three small creatures standing near a scrub tree. They spun around toward him, and one of them yelled something in a high-pitched, child like voice. The little beings then all ran back to the saucer-shaped UFO, which flashed away seconds later.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1966-28, citing Kevin Randle & Ted Bloecher
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4268
### Event 26815 (A17C3CE9)
**Date:** 7/21/1966
**Description:** The FBI tells multiple U.S. citizens UAP is not and “never has been a matter that is within \[its\] investigative jurisdiction.” This contradicts many now declassified files including a 1957 memorandum where SAC Kansas City writes the FBI Director about a film of a UAP taken by a U.S. citizen, suggesting it be retrieved, sent to HQ and coordinated with AFOSI. The FBI also admits in a 1952 memo that it did “conduct some investigations regarding flying saucers,” but reached an agreement with USAF to refer cases to them on 27 September 1947.
* [https://archive.org/details/FbiUnidentifiedFlyingObjects-Part2/page/n217/mode/2up](https://archive.org/details/FbiUnidentifiedFlyingObjects-Part2/page/n217/mode/2up) (p217-p220)
* [https://archive.org/details/FbiUnidentifiedFlyingObjects-Part2/page/n97/mode/2up](https://archive.org/details/FbiUnidentifiedFlyingObjects-Part2/page/n97/mode/2up) (p97)
* [https://archive.org/details/FbiUnidentifiedFlyingObjects-Part2/page/n20/mode/1up](https://archive.org/details/FbiUnidentifiedFlyingObjects-Part2/page/n20/mode/1up) (p20)
* [https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/aa4aac_f0eedb874d1543789a0c586ad02b88cc.pdf](https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/aa4aac_f0eedb874d1543789a0c586ad02b88cc.pdf)
>**_Note_**: A 4 February 1948 memo from USAF Capt. Richard W. Guess states USAF commanders are charged with evaluating incidents, but they’re to be passed to local FBI offices. FBI seems to have had an ongoing relationship with USAF where UAP data was passed between local offices and USAF. One example of this is on 15 May 1952 where FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover writes AFOSI about flying discs seen above an AEC facility in South Carolina.
>* [http://www.nicap.org/docs/480204investigation_reporting.pdf](http://www.nicap.org/docs/480204investigation_reporting.pdf)
>* [https://ia801301.us.archive.org/view_archive.php?archive=/8/items/bluebook/1950s.zip&file=1950s%2F1952-05-9613233-Ellenton-SouthCarolina.pdf](https://ia801301.us.archive.org/view_archive.php?archive=/8/items/bluebook/1950s.zip&file=1950s%2F1952-05-9613233-Ellenton-SouthCarolina.pdf)
>* [https://vault.fbi.gov/UFO/UFO%20Part%2010%20of%2016](https://vault.fbi.gov/UFO/UFO%20Part%2010%20of%2016) (p19)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_116
### Event 26816 (6D91BA0A)
**Date:** 7/22/1966
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) An American naval officer is driving at night with his son John. An object is flying above the car: "I lowered my head to look through the windshield, and I saw it all - it was right in front of me. I said to John: 'My God, it's a flying saucer.' It was almost like the [science fiction](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/ScienceFiction.html) movies on television... It stayed suspended there, absolutely silent, like a church bell tower lit up at night. Or it looked like those Japanese suicide planes that threw themselves at night into the beams of the searchlights - it reminded me of them. It turned around for about 100 m - absolutely as if it was disheartened. 2 other cars arrive and the mysterious machine will turn off exactly like a thermostat in a household appliance, leaving only a shadow. The UFO disappears in a bluish wake. (July 22)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1966.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2209
### Event 26817 (5B4D1477)
**Date:** 7/22/1966
**Time:** 20:00
**Location:** BLOOMSBURG, PA
**Description:** Several observer(s). 2 silver saucers / 25km altitude. 1 circles town 2x. 1 going north 1 going west. 'Snow' going down.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 803)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7739
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "30", **Elev:** "162", **HatchDesc:** "BLOOMSBURG,PA:SVRL OBS:2 SLVR SCRS/25km alt:1 CCLS TOWN 2x:1 >N 1 >W:'snow' ↓", **LatLong:** "41.000002 -76.455559", **LatLongDMS:** "41:00:00 N 76:27:20 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.000002,-76.455559)", **RelAlt:** "25000", **State/Prov:** "Pennsylvania", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 26818 (89668946)
**Date:** 7/22/1966
**Time:** 23:30
**Location:** FREMONT, IN
**Description:** Saucer buzzes car. 2 exit car. Saucer comes within 15' / 1 observer(s). / F. Edwards p65.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HYNEK, J. Allen: The UFO EXPERIENCE, A Scientific Inquiry; Ballentine Books, NY 1974,1977. (Index 108)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7740
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "7", **Elev:** "324", **HatchDesc:** "FREMONT,IN:SCR BUZZES CAR:2 EXIT CAR:SCR COMES WITHIN 15'/1 OBS:/F.Edwards p65", **LatLong:** "41.733335 -84.933337", **LatLongDMS:** "41:44:00 N 84:56:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.733335,-84.933337)", **State/Prov:** "Indiana", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 26819 (6F6AC61B)
**Date:** 7/22/1966
**Location:** Fremont, IN
**Description:** 11:25 p.m.. While driving his son home from the railway station, a realtor (retired WWII Navy officer) and his son saw an illuminated, 25-foot diameter disc with portholes on its lower convex surface. The object descended low over the car and hovered above it. When two other cars approached, the object extinguished its lights, then shot straight up into the sky leaving a trail of bluish light. (Hynek, 1972, pp. 95-96, 238; Ridge, 1994, pp. 12-13; NICAP notes.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3102
### Event 26820 (FE473DF9)
**Date:** 7/22/1966
**Locations:** Ludlow Museum; Llandrindod Wells, Powys, Wales
**Description:** 9:00 p.m. W. J. Norton, curator of the Ludlow Museum, and his family see a UFO shaped like a silver isosceles triangle to the east of Llandrindod Wells, Powys, Wales. It hovers for 30–40 seconds and emits a low hum.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Llandrindod Triangle,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201966%20V%2012%20N%206.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 12, no. 6 \(Nov./Dec. 1966\): 32
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4071
### Event 26821 (2E75C782)
**Date:** 7/22/1966
**Location:** Fremont, Indiana
**Description:** 11:25 p.m. While driving his son home from the railway station in Fremont, Indiana, a realtor and retired WWII Navy officer see an illuminated, 25-foot diameter disc with portholes on its lower convex surface. The object descends low over the car and hovers above it. They have it in view about 5–8 minutes. When two other cars approach, the object extinguishes its lights, then shoots straight up into the sky, leaving a trail of bluish light.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** J. Allen Hynek, The UFO Experience, Ballantine ed., 1974, [pp. 108–109](https://archive.org/details/ufoexperience00jall/page/108/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4072
### Event 26822 (47562DB8)
**Date:** 7/23/1966
**Time:** 02:30
**Description:** 4 objects near base. 1 So low it seemed about to land / military observer(s). No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** STEIGER, Brad & WHRITENOUR, Joan: FLYING SAUCERS ARE HOSTILE; Award Books PB 1967. (Index 69)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7741
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "370", **HatchDesc:** "SHILO AFB,MBa:4 OBJS nr BASE:1 SO LO IT SEEMED ABOUT TO LAND/MIL OBS:NFD", **LatLong:** "49.777780 -99.661116", **LatLongDMS:** "49:46:40 N 99:39:40 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.777780,-99.661116)", **RelAlt:** "1", **State/Prov:** "Manitoba", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 26823 (4EB44006)
**Date:** 7/23/1966
**Time:** 03:40
**Location:** ATLANTA, GA AND 26 JULY
**Description:** Blue Book. FAA men and cops and RADAR's. 4 ovoids maneuver and turn. Sharp acceleration. / r41p242.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** EDWARDS, Frank: FLYING SAUCERS-HERE AND NOW; 1967 Lyle Stewart & Bantam Books 1968. (Index 62)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7742
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RDR:** Radar traces/blips, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "80", **Elev:** "320", **HatchDesc:** "ATLANTA,GA+26JLY:BBK:FAA MEN+COPS+RDRs:4 OVOIDS MNVR+TURN:SHARP ACCEL:/r41p242", **LatLong:** "33.766668 -84.383337", **LatLongDMS:** "33:46:00 N 84:23:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/33.766668,-84.383337)", **State/Prov:** "Georgia", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 26824 (296F579B)
**Date:** 7/23/1966
**Description:** At 2:30 a.m. four UFOs where seen near the Shilo Royal Canadian AF airbase in Manitoba. One was at so low an altitude that it seemed about to land.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Brad Steiger and Joan Whritenour, Flying Saucers are Hostile, p. 69
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4322
### Event 26825 (F64C97D6)
**Date:** 7/23/1966
**Description:** Jacques Vallée states he and colleagues received a letter from an aerospace engineer asking them to send their 20 best cases to a “mysterious group of scientists” from Wright Field. This was not **Project Blue Book** but something else.
* [https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2010/01/aerospace-companies-and-ufos-2.html](https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2010/01/aerospace-companies-and-ufos-2.html)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_117
### Event 26826 (4C9D3749)
**Date:** 7/24/1966
**Time:** 16:30
**Location:** REVIN, FR
**Description:** 1 observer. 2 80cm red balls land. Join. Quickly going up [to] and going quickly north. Traces / dirt. / M. Levin. / r30p262.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 125)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7743
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "REVIN,FR:1 OBS:2 80cm RED BALLS LAND:JOIN:↑↑+>>N:TRACES/DIRT:/M.Levin:/r30p262", **LatLong:** "49.933336 4.616667", **LatLongDMS:** "49:56:00 N 04:37:00 E", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.933336,4.616667)", **State/Prov:** "Ardennes", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 26827 (6D46319F)
**Date:** 7/25/1966
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Sighting in Vanceboro \(North Carolina\). (July 25)
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#10781 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1966.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2210
### Event 26828 (5FA606F9)
**Date:** 7/25/1966 (approximate)
**Time:** 00:00
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Red disk pulses. Low speed and low altitude. Seen / 5 minute(s). No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: UFO CHRONICLES of the SOVIET UNION; Ballentine Books HB 1992. 212pp. (Index 188)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7744
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Russia", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "nr VORONEZH,RUSS:2 OBS:RED DISK PULSES:LOW SPEED+LO ALTITUDE:seen/5min:NFD", **LatLong:** "51.700002 39.133335", **LatLongDMS:** "51:42:00 N 39:08:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.700002,39.133335)", **State/Prov:** "VOR", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 26829 (682C5B35)
**Date:** 7/25/1966 (approximate)
**Time:** 19:00
**Location:** MEXICO CITY
**Description:** Traffic jam. All stop and watch sphere/orb/globe offload small objects. Dims shrinks and gone.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LORENZEN, Coral & Jim: UFO's OVER THE AMERICAS; Signet Books, NY 1968. 243p. (Index 11)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7745
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Mexico", **Credibility:** "12", **Duration:** "30", **Elev:** "2221", **HatchDesc:** "MEXICO CITY:TRAFFIC JAM:ALL STOP+WATCH ORB OFFLOAD SML OBJS:DIMS SHRINKS+GONE.", **LatLong:** "19.483334 -99.133338", **LatLongDMS:** "19:29:00 N 99:08:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/19.483334,-99.133338)", **State/Prov:** "DF", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 26830 (3956917F)
**Date:** 7/25/1966
**Time:** 19:50
**Location:** CHARLESTON, SC
**Description:** Boat crew and many. 30M disk / light over harbor. Quickly going up / 22000kph!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 801)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7746
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "CHARLESTON,SC:BOAT CREW+MANY:30M DISK/LITE ovr HARBOR:↑↑/22000kph!", **LatLong:** "32.783335 -79.916670", **LatLongDMS:** "32:47:00 N 79:55:00 W", **Locale:** "Offshore", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/32.783335,-79.916670)", **State/Prov:** "South Carolina", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 26831 (69A8A392)
**Date:** 7/25/1966
**Time:** 19:50
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #10781. Saucer chases car to 100mph and more. Goes going up. VOA transmitter near.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA; H. Regnery, Chicago HC 1969 & Contemporary Books,Chicago 1993. 372pp. (Index 781)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7747
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "60", **Elev:** "17", **HatchDesc:** "nr GREENVILLE,NC:BBK#10781:SCR CHASES CAR TO 100mph+:GOES ↑:VOA XMITTER NEAR", **LatLong:** "35.633335 -77.400004", **LatLongDMS:** "35:38:00 N 77:24:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/35.633335,-77.400004)", **State/Prov:** "North Carolina", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 26832 (D64FF398)
**Date:** 7/25/1966
**Location:** Fulton County Airport, GA
**Description:** 3:50 a.m. Federal Aviation Administration officials observed multi-colored oval objects that alternately hovered and moved around, confirmed on radar. One sped away. At 4:25 am another oblong object was observed hovering. Similar sightings occurred early the following morning, but this time not seen on radar. (Hitt, 1999.) (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5)
**Reference:** NICAP: [660725](http://www.nicap.org/660725fultoncountydir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3103
### Event 26833 (933B7FFA)
**Date:** 7/25/1966
**Location:** Vanceboro, NC
**Description:** Pulsating object change color (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 10781)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3104
### Event 26834 (F1B9B763)
**Date:** 7/25/1966
**Time:** 0200
**Location:** Vancehars, North Carolina
**Description:** A man driving between Greenville and Vancehars saw a glow in the woods and was followed by the light even at speeds of 170 km/hr. He finally stopped to observe it, but became afraid when he saw that it came from a pulsating object that flew within 100 m of the car, 15 m above ground. The color changed in sequence, orange to red to blue to green, and the object wobbled on its axis. It came within 30 m, then suddenly left straight up.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Atic ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_782
### Event 26835 (81E31634)
**Date:** 7/25/1966
**Time:** 1 AM
**Location:** Vanceboro, North Carolina
**Description:** Witness: college student James Clark. One object which changed color from orange to red to blue to green and back to orange. Followed witness' car at high speed, then stopped and hovered over the car. Rose and flew up and out of sight in less than 5 seconds. Entire sighting involved about 1 hour.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_548
### Event 26836 (C7451779)
**Date:** Late 7/1966
**Locations:** National Center for Atmospheric Research; Boulder, Colorado; University of Colorado
**Description:** Col. [J. Thomas Ratchford](https://www.aaas.org/archives/j-thomas-ratchford-files), an AFOSR scientist, approaches the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colorado, about contracting with the Air Force for a UFO study. Its director, [Walter Orr Roberts](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Walter%5FOrr%5FRoberts) is interested, but [William W. Kellogg](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William%5FWelch%5FKellogg)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William%5FWelch%5FKellogg) associate director of the Laboratory of Atmospheric Physics, is not. Roberts suggests the University of Colorado. Ratchford talks to prominent University of Colorado physicist [Edward U.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward%5FCondon) [Condon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward%5FCondon)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward%5FCondon) who hesitates but finds the $300,000 offered by the Air Force \(plus $13,000 in operating expenses\) attractive.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clark III 1192
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4073
### Event 26837 (5BEF1DB1)
**Date:** Late 7/1966
**Location:** Mexico City, Mexico
**Description:** 7:00 p.m. Raquel Jodorowsky is in a traffic jam in Mexico City, Mexico, as people are getting out of their cars and looking to the sky. A large glowing object is hanging at 45° above the horizon to the east. The object ejects smaller bright objects that fly away. After 30 minutes the large object dims, becomes smaller, and disappears.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Lorenzen, UFOs over the Americas, Signet, 1968, p. 11
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4074
### Event 26838 (9B4A2A4A)
**Date:** 7/25/1966
**Description:** College student James Clark was driving home after 1:00 a.m. between Greenville and Vanceboro, North Carolina when he saw a flying object that followed him even though he drove at high speeds attempting to elude it. He finally stopped to watch it, but became afraid when it flew within 100 meters of the car, only 15 meters above the ground. The lights on the object pulsated, and the color changed in sequence, orange to red to blue to green and then back to orange, and it also wobbled on its axis. It came within 30 meters, then suddenly left straight up. It flew up and out of sight in less than five seconds. The entire incident lasted an hour.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Project Blue Book files counted in official statistics, case 10781; Don Berliner, Project Bluebook Unknowns; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 782
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4383
### Event 26839 (C614384D)
**Date:** 7/26/1966
**Location:** Atlanta, GA
**Description:** G,V, FAA & oval UFOs (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Rating: 5)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3098
### Event 26840 (C34E30E3)
**Date:** 7/26/1966
**Location:** Atlanta, GA
**Description:** Six FAA personnel observed oval UFOs, radar-visual sighting. One object accelerated rapidly
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_93
### Event 26841 (4A26347A)
**Date:** 7/27/1966
**Time:** 03:00
**Description:** Soldiers. 3 night lights 5mi apart at 20K'. Go going up and down. Change colors.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** EDWARDS, Frank: FLYING SAUCERS-HERE AND NOW; 1967 Lyle Stewart & Bantam Books 1968. (Index 62)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7748
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "143", **HatchDesc:** "FORT GORDON+AUGUSTA,GA:SOLDIERS:3 NLTS 5mi APART @20K':GO ↑+↓:CHANGE COLORS", **LatLong:** "33.422224 -82.161115", **LatLongDMS:** "33:25:20 N 82:09:40 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/33.422224,-82.161115)", **RelAlt:** "6000", **State/Prov:** "Georgia", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 26842 (2C81102F)
**Date:** 7/28/1966
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Mr. Lacoste, a photographer from Saumur, and his wife were walking around Montsoreau \(Maine-et-Loire\). Suddenly, they saw a red sphere crossing the sky. The light emitted by the sphere was so intense that it lit up the whole countryside. It seemed to touch the ground and then rise again, hovering at mid-height for some time. Lacoste and his wife, now convinced that it was a military remote-controlled device, approached to a distance of about 300 m from the object, and it left and was lost from sight behind the woods. The observation lasted 4 minutes. A check will be made to see if any military experiments have taken place in that area: there were none. (July 28th, in the evening)
**Reference:** Vallée 1969
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1966.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2212
### Event 26843 (F6DFF46B)
**Date:** 7/28/1966
**Time:** 22:50
**Location:** MONTSOREAU, FR
**Description:** Red sphere/orb/globe maneuvers and going down. Quickly going up / headlights hit. 3M circle / flat wheat and oil. / r148p90.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: DIMENSIONS, A Casebook of Alien Contact Ballentine, NY 1989. PB (Index 51)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7749
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "MONTSOREAU,FR:RED ORB MNVRS+↓:↑↑/HEADLITES HIT:3M CCL/FLAT WHEAT+OIL:/r148p90", **LatLong:** "47.216669 0.050000", **LatLongDMS:** "47:13:00 N 00:03:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.216669,0.050000)", **State/Prov:** "Maine-et-Loire", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 26844 (F624C1D3)
**Date:** 7/28/1966
**Time:** 23:10
**Description:** Several / car. Brilliant object / rice Paddy. White beam searches. Going quickly west. Whoosh!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 799)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7750
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Venezuela", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "800", **HatchDesc:** "nr CALABOZO,VNZL:SVRL/CAR:BRILL.OBJ/RICE PADDY:WHT BEAM SEARCHES:>>W:whoosh!", **LatLong:** "8.766667 -67.466670", **LatLongDMS:** "08:46:00 N 67:28:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/8.766667,-67.466670)", **State/Prov:** "GRC", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 26845 (C573BA45)
**Date:** 7/28/1966
**Time:** evening
**Location:** Montsoreau, France
**Description:** A photographer, Mr. Lacoste, and his wife, saw a red, lighted object cross the sky and appear to touch the ground. It then rose, hovered, and disappeared. The next day a wheat field was found flattened over an area 3 m in diameter, and covered with an oily substance.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** 166; Magonia ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_783
### Event 26846 (1012FDB3)
**Date:** 7/28/1966
**Time:** 15:33:30.1
**Location:** 37.1403 -116.0989
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Saxon” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_465
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1403 -116.0989", **LatLongDMS:** "37:08:25 N 116:05:56 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1403,-116.0989)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.15", **NukeName:** "Saxon", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 26847 (EE33211F)
**Date:** 7/28/1966
**Description:** A photographer, Mr. Lacoste, and his wife, saw a red lighted object cross the sky in Montsoreau, France and appear to touch the ground. It then rose, hovered, and disappeared. The next day a wheat field was found flattened over a three meter wide area and covered with an oily substance.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 783
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4454
### Event 26848 (8BE65496)
**Date:** 7/29/1966
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Alain Rouillet, a farmer from Monstsoreau \(Maine-et-Loire\), reports that his wheat field has been flattened over an area of about 8 m2 and covered with an oily and yellowish substance. (July 29)
**Reference:** Vallée 1969
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1966.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2213
### Event 26849 (F82821D7)
**Date:** 7/29/1966
**Description:** U2 plane vanishes. Panama RADAR spots UFO near U2 / same time.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** INFORESPACE Journal. SOBEPS Group, Belgium; bimonthly (Index 19)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7751
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **RDR:** Radar traces/blips, **COV:** Indication of coverup
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Caribbean area", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "50", **HatchDesc:** "OVER CUBA LOC UNK:U2 PLANE VANISHES:PANAMA RDR SPOTS UFO NR U2/SAME TIME", **LatLong:** "22.500001 -80.000004", **LatLongDMS:** "22:30:00 N 80:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/22.500001,-80.000004)", **State/Prov:** "CUB", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 26850 (56899CD4)
**Date:** 7/29/1966
**Location:** Portage County, Ohio
**Description:** [J. Allen Hynek](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J.%5FAllen%5FHynek) writes to a citizen interested in UFOs and says that he thinks the Portage County, Ohio, case should be labeled unidentified and has told the Air Force as much. Its evaluation as a satellite or Venus has not originated with him as a mere consultant.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Bill Murphy, “The Swamp Gas Aftermath: Some Notes from the Gerald Ford Files,” IUR 33, no. 2 \(July 2010\): 12
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4075
### Event 26851 (3DCB481F)
**Date:** 7/30/1966
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) A D-21 drone is launched over Point Mugu, but returns to the A-12 \(\#135\) destroying it. The two crew members eject, but one of them drowns before being recovered at sea. All D-21 launches from this day forward will be conducted by B-52s.. (July 30)
**Reference:** Peebles 1995
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1966.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2211
### Event 26852 (6A25E12E)
**Date:** 7/30/1966
**Location:** 150 miles off the coast of California
**Description:** The fourth and final launch of a D-21 drone from an M-21 ends in disaster 150 miles off the coast of California. Unlike the three previous launches, this one is performed straight and level, not in an outside loop to assist in the separation of the drone from the aircraft. The D-21 suffers engine problems and strikes the M-21’s tail after separation, leading to the destruction of both aircraft. The two crew members eject and land at sea. The pilot, [Bill Park](http://roadrunnersinternationale.com/park.html)[,](http://roadrunnersinternationale.com/park.html) survives, but the launch control officer, Ray Torrick, drowns. [Johnson](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kelly%5FJohnson%5F%28engineer%29) decides to refit the D-21 to launch from a B-52 bomber in order to not endanger any more M-21s.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Lockheed D-21](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lockheed%5FD-21)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4076
### Event 26853 (C4DE42C4)
**Date:** 7/31/1966
**Location:** USA, Presque Isle State Park, Pennsylvania.
**Description:** (Translated from French) 7:25 p.m. Witnesses: Douglas Tibbetts, 16; Betty Klem, 16; Anita Haifley, 22; and Gerald Labelle, 29. An object square or hexagonal with luminous or reflective outlines, fell from the sky to the right, spinning to the left. It stopped above the beach at 2 to 3 m altitude and a circle of spots on the upper part was visible when it descended even lower. Observation of 5 minutes.
**Reference:** Project Blue Book - cfr Don Berliner
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2379
### Event 26854 (141F738D)
**Date:** 7/31/1966
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Observation at Presque Isle National Park \(Pennsylvania\). (July 31)
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#10798 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1966.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2214
### Event 26855 (768444B6)
**Date:** 7/31/1966
**Time:** 22:00
**Location:** PRESQUE ISLE, PA
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #10798. Top-hat maneuvers and lands. Sweeps area / beam. Pseudo-human/entity. / MJ#279.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 799)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7752
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **MON:** Monster: Life form fits no category, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TRC:** Physical traces, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "20", **Elev:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "PRESQUE ISLE,PA:BBK#10798:TOP-HAT MNVRS+LANDS:SWEEPS AREA/BEAM:PSH:/MJ#279", **LatLong:** "42.161113 -80.100004", **LatLongDMS:** "42:09:40 N 80:06:00 W", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.161113,-80.100004)", **State/Prov:** "Pennsylvania", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 26856 (1AB91AC6)
**Date:** 7/31/1966
**Time:** 22:30
**Location:** POLKVILLE, NJ
**Description:** Ivan Sanderson and 3. Extremely bright ovoid south going north. 22 minute(s) trajectory..
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SANDERSON, Ivan: UNINVITED VISITORS; Cowles Educational Corp. NY 1967 HB (Index 27)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7753
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "22", **Elev:** "177", **HatchDesc:** "POLKVILLE,NJ:IVAN SANDERSON+3:EXTREMELY BRITE OVOID S>N:22min TRAJECTORY..", **LatLong:** "40.950002 -75.033337", **LatLongDMS:** "40:57:00 N 75:02:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.950002,-75.033337)", **State/Prov:** "New Jersey", **Strangeness:** "3"
### Event 26857 (0F6D0FC6)
**Date:** 7/31/1966
**Location:** Erie (Presque Isle State Park), PA
**Description:** Square or hexagonal object with edges lit or reflecting light (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 10798)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3105
### Event 26858 (04F719DA)
**Date:** 7/31/1966
**Location:** Lake Canandaigua, NY
**Description:** 9:30 p.m. EDT. An engineer with the Federal Communications Commission saw a maneuvering light that descended with a falling leaf motion (oscillating from side to side). Then he discerned it as three lights in V formation. (New York NICAP Subcommittee report.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3106
### Event 26859 (CE57CF78)
**Date:** 7/31/1966
**Time:** 2025
**Location:** Erie, Preque-Ile Park, Pennsylvania
**Description:** Young witnesses reported an object flying erratically and landing 300 m away. It had the shape of a mushroom and swept the area with a light beam. A strange being, 1.80 m tall, was seen. Police report.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** 167; FSR 66, 6 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_784
### Event 26860 (2213DE5C)
**Date:** 7/31/1966
**Time:** 7:25 PM
**Location:** Presque Isle State Park, Pennsylvania
**Description:** Witnesses: Douglas Tibbetts, 16; Betty Klem, 16; Anita Haifley, 22; and Gerald Labelle, 29. Square or hexagonal object with edges lit or reflecting light, came tumbling down from right to left. Stopped 5-10' above the beach and settled heavily down; circle of spotlights at top were visible when it was on the ground. Sighting lasted 5 minutes.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_549
### Event 26861 (23ECDB2A)
**Date:** 7/31/1966
**Description:** At Presque Isle State Park near Erie, Pennsylvania at around 8:25 p.m. EDT Douglas Tibbetts, age 16, Betty Klem, 16, Anita Haifley, 22, and Gerald Labelle, 29 were enjoying the evening at the swimming beach on Lake Erie when they saw a square or hexagonal object with lit edges come tumbling down out of the sky from right to left. It stopped 5-10 feet above the beach, and then came down heavily onto the sand. It had a circle of spotlights at the top that were visible when it was on the ground. A strange being, 1.80 meters tall, was briefly seen. The sighting lasted five minutes. Ground marks were found in the sand.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Don Berliner, Project Bluebook UFO Unknowns; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia, A Century of Landings, case 784
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4527
### Event 26862 (ED0E98D1)
**Date:** 8/1966
**Location:** MALAYSIA, Segamat
**Description:** (Translated from French) A "giant" is seen by various people. It leaves footprints 45 cm long. A guard on duty at night says it is more than 3.5 m tall.
**Reference:** Janet and Colin BORD: "Modern Mysteries of the World" - Guild Publishing London 1989, p. 342
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2384
### Event 26863 (2E20DE26)
**Date:** 8/1966
**Time:** 00:00
**Location:** POTES, SPAIN
**Description:** 3 / cornfield. 3M saucer seen. 1 Mx20cm patch of soil gone. Claw marks?
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BALLESTER OLMOS, Vicente-Juan: CATALOG of 200 TYPE-1 EVENTS in SPAIN & PORTUGAL; CUFOS 1976. (Index 10)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7754
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "POTES,SPAIN:3/CORNFIELD:3M SCR SEEN:1Mx20cm PATCH of SOIL GONE:CLAW MARKS?", **LatLong:** "43.133335 -4.600000", **LatLongDMS:** "43:08:00 N 04:36:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.133335,-4.600000)", **State/Prov:** "SNT", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 26864 (9766458E)
**Date:** 8/1966 (approximate)
**Time:** 02:00
**Location:** CAVEZZA, ITL
**Description:** Farmer. Fireball stops over trees. Tractor malfunctions due to EME (electro-magnetic effects). Voices and beams / opposite direction.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** ITACAT, Catalogo Italiano degli Incontri Ravvicinati. Maurizio Verga, 1989 CISU/Torino, Italy. (Index 59)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7755
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **TLP:** Telepathy, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Italy", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "CAVEZZA,ITL:FARMER:FBL STOPS OVR TREES:TRACTOR EMEs:VOICES+BEAMS/opposite dir", **LatLong:** "44.833335 11.033334", **LatLongDMS:** "44:50:00 N 11:02:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.833335,11.033334)", **State/Prov:** "MO", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 26865 (7DBC30AF)
**Date:** 8/1966
**Time:** 03:00
**Location:** ST. CLAUDE, FR
**Description:** 3 observer(s). Rectangular panel / light in field. Vanishes. No traces found.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 112)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7756
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "St.CLAUDE,FR:3 OBS:RECTANGULAR PANEL/LITE in FIELD:VANISHES:no traces found", **LatLong:** "46.383336 5.883334", **LatLongDMS:** "46:23:00 N 05:53:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.383336,5.883334)", **State/Prov:** "Jura", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 26866 (EB988E3C)
**Date:** 8/1966 (approximate)
**Time:** ~20:00
**Location:** HARRISON CO, WV
**Description:** 3+observer(s). 3 jets chase shiny saucer going quickly south / very low altitude over farm. Small portholes.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The WEST VIRGINIA UFO NEWSLETTER. Bob Teets editor. Headline Books Inc. PO Box 52; Terra Alta, WV 26764 Bimonthly. Terra Alta at AOL.com 304/789-5951 (Index 6)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7757
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "310", **HatchDesc:** "HARRISON co,WV:3+OBS:3 JETS CHASE SHINY SCR >>S/VLO ALT OVR FARM:SML PORTHOLES", **LatLong:** "39.283335 -80.383337", **LatLongDMS:** "39:17:00 N 80:23:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.283335,-80.383337)", **State/Prov:** "Western Virginia", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 26867 (82B5AD6F)
**Date:** 8/1966
**Time:** ~20:40
**Location:** HUNEDOARA, ROM
**Description:** Venus-size night light rises. Vanishes. Back Aug. '68 with zigzag sawtooth trajectory.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HOBANA Ion & WEVERBERGH,Julien: UFO'S from BEHIND the IRON CURTAIN; Bantam Books,1975. 308pp. (Index 241)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7758
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Romania", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "HUNEDOARA,ROM:VENUS-SIZE NLT RISES:VANISHES::BACK AUG68 W/ZIGZAG SAWTOOTH TRAJ", **LatLong:** "45.750002 22.900001", **LatLongDMS:** "45:45:00 N 22:54:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.750002,22.900001)", **State/Prov:** "HND", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 26868 (1A3476DE)
**Date:** 8/1966
**Time:** 21:30
**Location:** SEAL COVE / MANAN I, NB
**Description:** 9 observer(s). 30' saucer hovers over trees pond and homes. Dives going southeast toward(s) sea.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 262)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7759
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **SUB:** Submersible: Rises from or submerges into water, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "22", **HatchDesc:** "SEAL COVE/MANAN I,NB:9 OBS:30'SCR HVRS OVR TREES POND+HOMES:DIVES >SE TWRD SEA", **LatLong:** "44.650002 -66.833337", **LatLongDMS:** "44:39:00 N 66:50:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.650002,-66.833337)", **RelAlt:** "20", **State/Prov:** "New Brunswick", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 26869 (BFE396BE)
**Date:** 8/1966
**Time:** 23:00
**Location:** PRESCOTT, ON
**Description:** 2 teens. Saucer zigzags up near. Hovers over tree / golf course. Zigzags away.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CAMERON, Vicky: UFO EXPERIENCES in CANADA, Don't tell anyone but.. ; 1995 General Store Publishing ; Burnstown, Ontario ISBN 1-896182-20-8 (Index 39)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7760
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "87", **HatchDesc:** "PRESCOTT,ON:2 TEENS:SCR ZIGZAGS UP NEAR:HVRS OVR TREE/GOLF COURSE:ZIGZAGS AWAY", **LatLong:** "44.633335 -75.583337", **LatLongDMS:** "44:38:00 N 75:35:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.633335,-75.583337)", **State/Prov:** "Ontario", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 26870 (7729EF05)
**Date:** 8/1966
**Alternate date:** 9/1966
**Location:** Norwood, Massachusetts
**Description:** Mid-afternoon. Two men are returning home from bowling in Norwood, Massachusetts. The Moon is visible in about three-quarter phase in the sky. Both glance up and see a group of 6–7 disc-shaped objects moving horizontally toward the Moon. When they reach a position just below the Moon, they loop around it in an upward, back, and onward motion, then continue on their way.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Michael D. Swords, “We Know Where You Live,” IUR 30, no. 2 \(January 2006\): 9–10
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4091
### Event 26871 (F323DE13)
**Date:** 8/1/1966
**Time:** 00:30
**Location:** SPRINGFIELD, MO
**Description:** 3 girls. 6' ovoid rattles. Lands / 3 minute(s). Figure seen. Grass matted and marks.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PHILLIPS, Ted: Study of PHYSICAL TRACES ASSOCIATED with UFO SIGHTINGS; CUFOS 1975. (Index 43)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7761
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "4", **Elev:** "390", **HatchDesc:** "SPRINGFIELD,MO:3 GIRLS:6'OVOID RATTLES:LANDS/3min:FIG.SEEN:GRASS MATTED+MARKS", **LatLong:** "37.216668 -93.283338", **LatLongDMS:** "37:13:00 N 93:17:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.216668,-93.283338)", **State/Prov:** "Missouri", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 26872 (71ABE7B3)
**Date:** 8/1/1966
**Time:** ~02:00
**Description:** Physicist and many. Ovoid whines all over/all about. Dogs howl. / APRO 7'66+/ r47p125.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 45)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7762
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "100", **Elev:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "BALTIMORE++,MD:PHYSICIST+MANY:OVOID WHINES ALLO:DOGS HOWL:/APRO 7'66+/r47p125", **LatLong:** "38.833335 -76.850004", **LatLongDMS:** "38:50:00 N 76:51:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.833335,-76.850004)", **State/Prov:** "Maryland", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 26873 (25AA2EE2)
**Date:** 8/1/1966
**Time:** 19:50
**Location:** RUSHVILLE, IN
**Description:** Several separate observer(s). Silver saucer rocks / 75' altitude. Solid with fuzzy rim. / r109p109.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 799)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7763
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "6", **Elev:** "296", **HatchDesc:** "RUSHVILLE,IN:SVRL SEP.OBS:SLVR SCR ROCKS/75'alt:SOLID W/FUZZY RIM:/r109p109", **LatLong:** "39.611113 -85.444449", **LatLongDMS:** "39:36:40 N 85:26:40 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.611113,-85.444449)", **RelAlt:** "22", **State/Prov:** "Indiana", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 26874 (0675FC19)
**Date:** 8/1/1966
**Location:** Prince George's County, MD
**Description:** 12:30 a.m. EDT. Citizens and police in College Park, Lanham, Bowie, Seat Pleasant, and elsewhere around the region saw maneuvering, fast-moving lighted objects. When a police officer approached a hovering object that had pulsating red, green, and white lights, it began a series of maneuvers, descended almost to the ground, then sped away "like a shot." Before it sped away, the object emitted a strange multi-colored light beam that moved rapidly to the ground, also observed by another officer. Andrews AFB denied to a County police dispatcher that they had any unknown objects on radar, but the dispatcher said a control tower operator had acknowledged seeing a fast-moving lighted object, and he later learned that Andrews did have a UFO on its radar but would not admit it officially. (U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. Ill, No. 9, Aug. -Sept. 1966, p. 4.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3107
### Event 26875 (66DE6D15)
**Date:** 8/1/1966
**Time:** 1945
**Location:** Rushville, Indiana
**Description:** Several young witnesses reported seeing an unidentified object at low altitude.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Lor. III 109 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_785
### Event 26876 (643FA94B)
**Date:** 8/1/1966
**Description:** [Jacques Vallée](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacques%5FVall%C3%A9e) meets, through his friend [Aimé Michel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aim%C3%A9%5FMichel)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aim%C3%A9%5FMichel) with physicist [Yves Rocard](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yves%5FRocard) and gives him a copy of outstanding Blue Book UFO reports, but the contact goes no further.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallée, Forbidden Science, North Atlantic, 1992, [pp. 55](https://archive.org/details/forbiddenscience00vall%5F0/page/55/mode/2up)[,](https://archive.org/details/forbiddenscience00vall%5F0/page/55/mode/2up) [198](https://archive.org/details/forbiddenscience00vall%5F0/page/197/mode/2up)[,](https://archive.org/details/forbiddenscience00vall%5F0/page/197/mode/2up) [201–202](https://archive.org/details/forbiddenscience00vall%5F0/page/201/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4077
### Event 26877 (4601447A)
**Date:** 8/1/1966
**Location:** Rushville, Indiana
**Description:** 7:45 p.m. Several children are playing outside in Rushville, Indiana, when they see an object hovering above a tree near them. Its altitude is about 75 feet. They describe it as round, brighter than the moon, silver, and about 4 times larger than the full moon. It has a fuzzy edge and rocks slightly as it hovers. One girl, Donna Glosser, calls it to the attention of others who are about a half-block away. When she does, the object changes to reddish- orange, seems to revolve, and moves across a road so fast it seems to jump. It stops abruptly over some trees on a hill about one block away. At least one adult watches the object for 5 minutes. The same object is apparently seen by a group of teens at the Dairy Delight Drive-In about a mile and a half away. It becomes brighter after 45 seconds and speeds away.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Children Watch Object in Central Indiana,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201966%2007%2000%20-%20July-August.pdf)” APRO Bulletin, July/Aug. 1966, p. 8
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4078
### Event 26878 (B3ACD67A)
**Date:** 8/1/1966
**Description:** At 12:30 a.m. EDT citizens and police in College Park, Lanham, Bowie, Seat Pleasant, and elsewhere around Prince Georges County, Maryland saw maneuvering, fast-moving lighted objects. When a police officer approached a hovering object that had pulsating red, green, and white lights, it began a series of maneuvers, descended almost to the ground, then sped away "like a shot." Before it sped away, the object emitted a strange multi-colored light beam that moved rapidly to the ground, which was also observed by another police officer. Andrews AFB denied to a County police dispatcher that they had any unknown objects on radar, but the dispatcher said a control tower operator had acknowledged seeing a fast-moving lighted object, and he later learned that Andrews did indeed have a UFO on its radar but would not admit it officially.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP UFO Investigator, August-September 1966, p. 4.
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4565
### Event 26879 (6C3F34EB)
**Date:** 8/1/1966
**Description:** At 12:30 a.m. CDT Kathy Palmer, age 14, looked out the window of her home in Springfield, Missouri before going to bed and saw a luminous object bearing red and blue lights on the lawn. It was about six feet long, ovoid shaped, and four feet wide by four feet high, and it made a "rattling" sound. From a square hatch two 5-foot tall slender occupants emerged, who either had "large heads" or wore helmets. They walked about for three minutes, apparently communicating with each other, and examined some bicycles. Then they returned to the craft and it took off. The total duration of the encounter was about 30 minutes in all. At the landing site the grass was matted down, and there was a white substance which proved to be calcium phosphate.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case # 1966-31, citing Patricia Rudig for NICAP; Ted R. Phillips, Physical Traces Associated with UFO Sightings, p. 43, case # 685
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4566
### Event 26880 (0D61F274)
**Date:** 8/1/1966
**Description:** At 7:45 p.m. several young witnesses in Rushville, Indiana reported seeing an unidentified object at low altitude.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia, A Century of Landings, case 785
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4567
### Event 26881 (FCF00449)
**Date:** 8/2/1966
**Location:** Vancouver, B.C., CAN
**Description:** 10:30 p.m. LT. A man saw a disc-shaped object behind his house hovering about 400-500 feet off the ground. The object made no sound . It was a darker gray than the overcast sky. After about 45 seconds it accelerated, displaying twinkling lights, and disappeared. (Flying Saucer Review, Vol. 12, No. 6, Nov. -Dec. 1966, p. iii.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3109
### Event 26882 (00AFAC86)
**Date:** 8/3/1966
**Time:** 05:30
**Location:** NEAR ERIE, PA
**Description:** 2 cops and more/others. Metal saucer going down. 165cm small humanoid (or Grey) walks / streets. Dogs howl and follow. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v17#1.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 801)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7764
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "130", **Elev:** "200", **HatchDesc:** "nr ERIE,PA:2 COPS++:MTL SCR↓:165cm OID WALKS/STREETS:DOGS HOWL+FOLO:/FSR v17#1", **LatLong:** "42.050002 -80.066670", **LatLongDMS:** "42:03:00 N 80:04:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.050002,-80.066670)", **State/Prov:** "Pennsylvania", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 26883 (D168F0D5)
**Date:** 8/5/1966
**Location:** Erie, PA
**Description:** 9:30 p.m. EDT. A woman and four children saw an aluminum-colored oblong object with five evenly spaced yellow windows for about 30 seconds. (Pennsylvania NICAP Subcommittee report.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3110
### Event 26884 (E8D36BC7)
**Date:** 8/5/1966
**Time:** 03:57:59.6
**Location:** 49.7643 78.0424
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: .001KT YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1283
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.7643 78.0424", **LatLongDMS:** "49:45:51 N 78:02:33 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.7643,78.0424)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.50", **NukeSource:** "BOCHAROV", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** ".001", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 26885 (0825D63F)
**Date:** 8/6/1966
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In a fairly isolated house in Texas, 3 young children \(aged 6 to 9\) noticed a dark object in the shape of an overturned bowl. Although it was afternoon, the children had not seen the object arrive. The object was dark, without color or light. Then a yellow glow appeared, as if a door was opening, and a small creature appeared in this square of light. The entity, 90 cm to 1.20 m tall, wore a black garment with yellow or golden reflections. The show lasted a few minutes, then the door closed. A low sound, like a buzzing, was heard, and the object left at an exceptional speed. The object never touched the ground: it hovered at a height of about 4.50 m, near a tree that was not damaged and which is about 10 m from the house. (August 6)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1966.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2215
### Event 26886 (7BCBFA14)
**Date:** 8/6/1966
**Time:** 14:00
**Description:** All / family. Saucer lands. Square door opens. Small humanoid (or Grey) seen / yellow light. Going quickly northeast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: DIMENSIONS, A Casebook of Alien Contact Ballentine, NY 1989. PB (Index 66)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7765
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "30", **Elev:** "210", **HatchDesc:** "nr KELLY AFB,TX:ALL/FAMILY:SCR LANDS:SQR DOOR OPENS:OID SEEN/YELLOW LITE:>>NE", **LatLong:** "29.366668 -98.583338", **LatLongDMS:** "29:22:00 N 98:35:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/29.366668,-98.583338)", **State/Prov:** "Texas", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 26887 (056D43E6)
**Date:** 8/6/1966
**Location:** Harlingen, TX
**Description:** Dark obj hover over house and a dwarf in shiny overalls appears (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3111
### Event 26888 (3575DE9E)
**Date:** 8/6/1966
**Time:** 1400
**Location:** Texas
**Description:** A civilian man and his family observed a dark object hovering near their isolated house. It had a square "door" emitting a yellow light. Three children saw a dwarf through the opening. He was dressed in shiny black coveralls. The object left slowly with a soft humming sound.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Atic; Magonia ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_786
### Event 26889 (347AEF7C)
**Date:** 8/6/1966
**Description:** At 2:20 a.m. in rural Bellingham, Massachusetts a couple heard a hissing sound for several minutes. One got out of bed, looked out, and saw a multicolored disc-shaped object hovering at 500 feet, then depart at high speed. The 35-year-old female witness reportedly heard a "hum", then the object "came from behind the barn", hovered over a tree near their home, and finally shot off to the northeast.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Morton Schafer, MUFON field investigation files, case # 881202
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4728
### Event 26890 (D29A49C0)
**Date:** 8/6/1966
**Description:** At 2:00 p.m. a man and his family near Kelly Air Force Base in Cameron County, Texas observed a dark object hovering near their isolated house. It had a square "door" emitting a yellow light. Three children saw a dwarf through the opening. He was dressed in shiny black coveralls. The object left slowly with a soft humming sound.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 786; Jacques Vallee, Dimensions: A Casebook of Alien Contact, p. 66
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4729
### Event 26891 (2AD6BA30)
**Date:** 8/7/1966
**Location:** Washington
**Description:** The Washington Star runs an article on UFOs by retired USAF Lt. Col. [Charles Cooke](https://obits.mlive.com/obituaries/jackson/obituary.aspx?n=charles-t-cooke-chuck&pid=139169141) saying that he has analyzed first-hand UFO encounters by Air Force pilots that show strong support for the ETH.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4079
### Event 26892 (68BF8848)
**Date:** 8/9/1966
**Time:** 22:30
**Description:** 10M saucer 60M over farm. Cop aims light. Saucer quickly going up. Dog found dead later.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Newspaper account: Richmond, VA Times-Dispatch, 29 Oct., 1999 (via UFO Updates) www.gatewayva.com/rtd/dailynews/virginia/ufo29.shtml
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7766
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "45", **HatchDesc:** "NW/GLENDALE,VA:10M SCR 60M OVR FARM:COP AIMS LIGHT:SCR ↑↑:dog found dead later", **LatLong:** "37.466668 -77.266670", **LatLongDMS:** "37:28:00 N 77:16:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.466668,-77.266670)", **RelAlt:** "60", **State/Prov:** "Virginia", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 26893 (B34BDA3C)
**Date:** 8/9/1966
**Location:** US
**Description:** Robert J. Low, later coordinator of the Colorado UFO project, sent a memo to University of Colorado officials suggesting how they could deal with scientific disdain of UFO sightings. "The trick would be" to make it "appear a totally objective study"
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_94
### Event 26894 (1DB8340E)
**Date:** 8/9/1966
**Location:** University of Colorado Graduate School
**Description:** [Robert J. Low](http://ufohistoryfiles.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/CO%2067%20NEWS.pdf)[,](http://ufohistoryfiles.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/CO%2067%20NEWS.pdf) assistant dean in the University of Colorado Graduate School, is also interested in the UFO project. He consults with several scientists and reports on what they tell him in a memo to E. James Archer, dean of the graduate school, and [Thurston E. Manning](https://www.legacy.com/obituaries/name/thurston-manning-obituary?pid=171867180), university vice president. The memo, which is not sent to [Condon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward%5FCondon) and is intended to show university officials that the project will not embarrass them, says: “Our study would be conducted almost exclusively by nonbelievers who, although they couldn’t possibly prove a negative result, could and probably would add an impressive body of evidence that there is no reality to the observations. The trick would be, I think, to describe the project so that, to the public, it would appear a totally objective study but to the scientific community, would present the image of a group of nonbelievers trying their best to be objective but having an almost zero expectation of finding a saucer.” He recommends stressing the psychology and sociology of the witnesses rather than physical evidence. The memo stays under wraps for a year and a half.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Robert J. Low, “[Some Thoughts on the UFO Project,](http://www.nicap.org/docs/660809lowmemo.htm)” memo to E. James Archer and Thurston E. Manning, August 9, 1966; J. Allen Hynek, The UFO Experience, Ballantine ed., 1974, [p. 239](https://archive.org/details/ufoexperience00jall/page/238/mode/2up); Clark III 1192
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4080
### Event 26895 (6CE4CE5A)
**Date:** 8/10/1966
**Time:** 00:30
**Description:** 3' fireball skirts walls and ceiling inside cabin. Ball-lightning?
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FOWLER, Raymond E.: UFO'S, INTERPLANETARY VISITORS; Prentice Hall & Bantam Books, NY 1979. 346pp. (Index 327)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7767
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "182", **HatchDesc:** "MOULTONBOROUGH,NH:3' FBL SKIRTS WALLS+CEILING INSIDE CABIN:BALL-LIGHTNING?", **LatLong:** "43.750002 -71.400003", **LatLongDMS:** "43:45:00 N 71:24:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.750002,-71.400003)", **RelAlt:** "1", **State/Prov:** "New Hampshire", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 26896 (B010D9F1)
**Date:** 8/10/1966
**Time:** 13:16:00.1
**Location:** 37.1687 -116.0477
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Rovena” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_466
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1687 -116.0477", **LatLongDMS:** "37:10:07 N 116:02:52 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1687,-116.0477)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.20", **NukeName:** "Rovena", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 26897 (34F4EFEF)
**Date:** 8/10/1966
**Description:** At 12:30 a.m. in Moultonborough, New Hampshire a three foot in diameter red-orange globe with a central black design skirted about the walls and ceiling inside a cabin.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Raymond E. Folwer, UFOs: Interplanetary Visitors, p. 341
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4821
### Event 26898 (D917450B)
**Date:** 8/11/1966
**Location:** AUSTRALIA, Melbourne
**Description:** (Translated from French) Miss Marlene Travers, of Melbourne, reported having observed a large silver disc that landed near her. It is said that she was abducted and raped by an extraterrestrial wearing a metallic green tunic. Investigations revealed that this case was a journalistic hoax. (Keith Baskerfield - Australian Abductees, 1989) (note from vog: this Mrs. Marlene Travers passed away in 1996...) In her childhood Marlene Travers had already observed UFOs. In 1966 she was at a friend's house in the countryside. In the evening, out of cigarettes, she went out alone to get more from a store 600 m away. Her attention was drawn to a star in the sky that grew disproportionately. Soon she saw a 15m diameter and 3m thick disc land in a field not far from her. A door opened and a tall and beautiful being, in a metallic green tunic, came out of the craft. He looked at her and telepathically announced that she would have the honor of being the first Earth woman to have a child from an inhabitant of another planet. Frozen with fear, Marlene Travers felt compelled by an irresistible force to follow the creature inside the saucer where he raped her. Just before leaving the spaceship, the young woman stumbled upon a kind of electric button: a flash burn crossed her ankle and she fainted. When she came to, she was lying in the field. No more saucer. Limping, she returned to her friends' house and learned that she had been absent for seven hours. A doctor was called to treat the burn she did not have when she left the house. It would seem that she was indeed pregnant but this state was never followed by a birth.
**Reference:** Marie-Thérèse de BROSSES: "Enquête sur les enlèvements E.T." - Plon 1995, p. 48, 49
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2381
### Event 26899 (D949E639)
**Date:** 8/11/1966 (approximate)
**Time:** 20:00
**Location:** FORTY FORT, PA
**Description:** Astronomer. Ovoid flashes 1 / 20 second(s). Groups / night lights in formation. Not Perseids.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** STURROCK, Dr. Peter A: REPORT / SURVEY of the AMERICAN ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY of the UFO PROBLEM; Stanford, CA 1977. (Index 94)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7768
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "169", **HatchDesc:** "FORTY FORT,PA:ASTRONOMER:OVOID FLASHES 1/20sec:GRPS/NLTS/FORMn:NOT PERSEIDS", **LatLong:** "41.300002 -75.866670", **LatLongDMS:** "41:18:00 N 75:52:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.300002,-75.866670)", **State/Prov:** "Pennsylvania", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 26900 (C2EACCBA)
**Date:** 8/11/1966
**Description:** An abduction and forced sexual encounter allegedly occurred near Melbourne, Victoria, Australia on this evening. Marlene Travers, age 24, was visiting friends in the country and had taken a walk alone after dinner. She heard a sound like an airplane and saw a 50-foot diameter disc land in a field. A tall man dressed in a loose-fitting green tunic got out of the craft. She tried to run away but couldn't move. When he touched her she felt compelled to obey, and followed him aboard the craft past an instrumental panel into a "wildly furnished" room. She understood through telepathy that he intended to impregnate her.
After sexual intercourse he escorted her out of the ship, but when she tripped over some kind of a switch the resultant flash burned her ankles and she fainted. When she woke up she found herself lying in the field where the UFO had landed. Her friends had been searching for her for several hours. A doctor who examined her found burns on her legs and ankles. She brought her friends back to the spot where she claimed to have been inside the UFO, and a large indentation was found in the earth. She later was examined again by a medical doctor and found to be pregnant. There is no account of how the pregnancy turned out.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Hans Holzer, The UFOnauts, pp. 247-248; Frank Edwards, Flying Saucers--Here and Now, p. 147; Thomas E. Bullard, UFO Abductions: The Measure of a Mystery, case # 125
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4871
### Event 26901 (EB1A35B4)
**Date:** 8/12/1966
**Location:** 37.0000 -116.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Tangerine” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_467
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0000 -116.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:00 N 116:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0000,-116.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Tangerine", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 26902 (3241766B)
**Date:** 8/13/1966
**Location:** ENGLAND Lakenheath
**Description:** (Translated from French) During the night, the radars of two different bases detected a mysterious object above Lakenheath. At the same time, several observers noticed the presence in the sky of several round, luminous, and very fast objects. RAF fighters took off to attempt interception. The on-board radars also recorded the presence of objects. Suddenly, one of them rushed towards one of the fighters and began to circle around it. Terrified, the pilot attempted to escape several times with extremely violent maneuvers. The object followed him as if playing. This game of cat and mouse lasted 10 minutes. And the craft moved away... Case studied by the Condon Commission. Pages 248 to 256 of the "report". Conclusion of the investigators on this observation: The participation of at least one authentic (sic!) UFO is extremely probable. (1966, night of August 13th to 14th)
**Reference:** Charles GARREAU: "Flying Saucers: 20 Years of Investigations" - Mame 1971 - p. 57
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2382
### Event 26903 (DD3F78CA)
**Date:** 8/13/1966
**Location:** McDonald, OH
**Description:** Time not reported. A policeman and others saw a large object accompanied by about 10 smaller objects. When an airplane approached, the smaller objects rushed to the large object, (aircraft avoidance). The sighting lasted 4 hours. (NICAP notes.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3112
### Event 26904 (2F101CE6)
**Date:** 8/15/1966
**Location:** CHARLESTON, WV
**Description:** 3 teens. Car malfunctions due to EME (electro-magnetic effects). 8' domed saucer overhead. Observer(s) run. Saucer chases then rises.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GREEN, Gabriel: LETS FACE THE FACTS ABOUT UFO's. Popular Library, NY 1967. [JMC] (Index 28)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7769
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "3", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "183", **HatchDesc:** "CHARLESTON,WV:3 TEENS:CAR EMES:8'DOMED SCR OVHD:OBS RUN:SCR CHASES then RISES", **LatLong:** "38.316668 -81.600004", **LatLongDMS:** "38:19:00 N 81:36:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.316668,-81.600004)", **RelAlt:** "10", **State/Prov:** "Western Virginia", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 26905 (2A76B0D1)
**Date:** 8/15/1966
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** FORT SMITH, AR
**Description:** 1500+observer(s). 4 night lights / 4h. Time photograph like intestine. / APRO 7'66+/ r211p111.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 45)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7770
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **RDR:** Radar traces/blips, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK, **COV:** Indication of coverup
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "13", **Duration:** "240", **Elev:** "134", **HatchDesc:** "FORT SMITH,AR:1500+OBS:4 NLTS/4h:TIME FOTO like INTESTINE:/APRO 7'66+/r211p111", **LatLong:** "35.400002 -94.400005", **LatLongDMS:** "35:24:00 N 94:24:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/35.400002,-94.400005)", **State/Prov:** "Arkansas", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 26906 (576269FD)
**Date:** 8/15/1966
**Location:** Wood Green, London, UK
**Description:** 2:00 a.m. LT. A couple saw an intensely bright glowing disc approach and hover about 1 50 yards from their house above an old tree. Some apparent damage to foliage, circular holes in the ground, and a large depression with flattened grass were found beneath the area where the object had hovered. (Flying Saucer Review, Vol. 12, No. 6, Nov.-Dec. 1966, pp. 4-5.) (NICAP: 06 - Trace Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3113
### Event 26907 (31E3A6F0)
**Date:** 8/15/1966
**Location:** Boston, MA
**Description:** 2:30 p.m. EST. An art instructor saw a thin disc with flat dome, and vertical ribbing visible on the dome, for 1 -2 minutes. The object was beneath a cloud or fog layer. (Walter N. Webb report.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3114
### Event 26908 (8147B9B0)
**Date:** 8/15/1966
**Location:** Forest Park, IL
**Description:** 5:40 p.m. CST. A Navy technician watched a flat, round object (disc) with red and yellow segments on the underside. The object had a dark center section, and colors around the rim. It flew slowly overhead for 5 minutes as a storm gathered. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3115
### Event 26909 (46F68C27)
**Date:** 8/15/1966
**Location:** Regina, Saskatchewan, CAN
**Description:** Elongated Sphere Encountered By C-130 (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5)
**Reference:** NICAP: [660815](http://www.nicap.org/660815canada%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3116
### Event 26910 (093AC646)
**Date:** 8/15/1966
**Location:** USAF Community Relations Division
**Description:** Office of Scientific Intelligence Deputy Director Karl H. Weber writes to Col. Gerald E. Jorgensen, chief of the USAF Community Relations Division, that “We are most anxious that further publicity not be given to the information that the \[Robertson\] panel was sponsored by the CIA.” Weber notes that there is already a sanitized version available to the public.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Gerald K. Haines, “[CIA’s Role in the Study of UFOs, 1947–90,](https://www.cia.gov/static/105bd8290b90de13ee136fecc9fe863f/cia-role-study-UFOs.pdf)” Studies in Intelligence 40, no. 5 \(1997\): 67–84
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4081
### Event 26911 (483B9165)
**Date:** Mid 8/1966
**Location:** Mich.
**Description:** Rep. [J. Edward Hutchinson](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J.%5FEdward%5FHutchinson) \(R-Mich.\) introduces HR 866 for an investigation into Project Blue Book’s methods.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4082
### Event 26912 (84FC540A)
**Date:** 8/15/1966
**Description:** At around 2:00 a.m. Mr. & Mrs. Palmer in Wood Green, outside of London, England had a ten minute close encounter with a disc-shaped object that caused lasting physiological effects and left ground traces on the ground.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Antonio Ribera, Flying Saucer Review, November-December 1966, p. 4
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5038
### Event 26913 (7D95A21A)
**Date:** 8/16/1966
**Time:** 09:00
**Location:** SHADY COVE, OR
**Description:** Miners. Glowing disk hovers. Tips. Spins. Wobbles. Darts to and fro. Going quickly west.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 801)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7771
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "30", **Elev:** "426", **HatchDesc:** "SHADY COVE,OR:MINERS:GLOWING DISK HVRS:TIPS:SPINS:WOBBLES:DARTS TO+FRO:>>W", **LatLong:** "42.600002 -122.800006", **LatLongDMS:** "42:36:00 N 122:48:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.600002,-122.800006)", **State/Prov:** "Oregon", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 26914 (8E286280)
**Date:** 8/16/1966
**Location:** Duluth, MN
**Description:** 10:45 p.m. CST. Three persons in a car saw a very large, spinning greenish-blue object that had revolving red body lights. The object at one point emitted an extremely bright light beam that blinded the driver. (NICAP report form, newspaper clippings.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3117
### Event 26915 (BFB9F330)
**Date:** 8/16/1966
**Location:** Various in MN, ND, WI, Various
**Description:** MN, N. Dakota, Wisconsin, scope photo (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3118
### Event 26916 (09AFEB53)
**Date:** 8/16/1966
**Location:** Minot (15 miles south of), ND
**Description:** Football-shaped object that was white with an orange tint appear in front of their car (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** NICAP: [660816](http://www.nicap.org/minot660816dir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3119
### Event 26917 (E9537026)
**Date:** 8/16/1966
**Locations:** Iraq; Israel; US; Area 51
**Description:** Iraqi Air Force Col. [Munir Redfa](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Munir%5FRedfa) defects by flying a MiG-21 to Israel. In what is considered one of Mossad’s most successful operations, Redfa’s entire extended family is smuggled safely out of Iraq to Israel. The MiG-21 fighter is evaluated by the Israeli Air Force and later loaned to the US for testing and intelligence analysis at Area 51. Knowledge obtained from analysis of the aircraft is instrumental to the successes achieved by the Israeli Air Force in the Six-Day War.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Munir Redfa](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Munir%5FRedfa)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4083
### Event 26918 (3D4F9518)
**Date:** 8/16/1966
**Location:** Australian Directorate of Public Relations
**Description:** The chief of the Australian Directorate of Public Relations writes to the Directorate of Air Force Intelligence requesting reconsideration of its decision to stop making summaries of UFO sightings reported to the Department of Air available to the public. DPR hopes the summaries will be useful in responding to public inquiries and thinks that restricting them will reinforce the theory that the government has something to hide. The summaries continue to be published erratically through the end of the 1970s.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Swords 393–394
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4084
### Event 26919 (CDA487E6)
**Date:** 8/17/1966
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Miguel José Viana and Manuel Pereira da Cruz descend from their jeep at the foot of Mooro do Vintem, accompanied by 2 other people. We see them climbing the hill. (17 h)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1966.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2216
### Event 26920 (3C991E41)
**Date:** 8/17/1966
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) [Affair of Morro](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/1966-08-17\_Morro.html) \(Brazil\). (19 h 15)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1966.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2217
### Event 26921 (A4550406)
**Date:** 8/17/1966
**Time:** 18:30
**Location:** MORRO DO VINTEM, BRZ
**Description:** Saucer seen. 2 dead men with masks and odd papers. Plants burnt. / r5p1.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 801)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7772
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "25", **HatchDesc:** "MORRO do VINTEM,BRZ:SCR SEEN:2 DEAD MEN W/MASKS+ODD PAPERS:PLANTS BURNT:/r5p1", **LatLong:** "-22.866668 -43.066669", **LatLongDMS:** "22:52:00 S 43:04:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-22.866668,-43.066669)", **State/Prov:** "RDJ", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 26922 (8AD7F449)
**Date:** 8/17/1966
**Location:** Ashtabula, OH
**Description:** Family saw a silvery disc-shaped object hovering and emitting a humming sound. The object then dove down and disappeared from view. (NICAP notes.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3120
### Event 26923 (9C05ADFE)
**Date:** 8/17/1966
**Description:** Late in the afternoon of this day two men named Pereira and Viana, alleged UFO contactees, were found dead with welders masks and strange papers on them in Niteroi Morro do Vintem, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Plants in their vicinity were burnt. A disc shaped UFO had been seen earlier.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Confrontations: A Scientist's Search for Alien Contact, p. 4
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5113
### Event 26924 (BD2D84CA)
**Date:** 8/18/1966
**Location:** BARINAS, VNZ
**Description:** Hunters. Woods lit up. Very large ovoid / 2M altitude. Lit portholes. / r8#787.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 801)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7773
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Venezuela", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "197", **HatchDesc:** "BARINAS,VNZ:HUNTERS:WOODS LIT UP:VLARGE OVOID/2M alt:LIT PORTHOLES:/r8#787", **LatLong:** "9.600000 -70.233337", **LatLongDMS:** "09:36:00 N 70:14:00 W", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/9.600000,-70.233337)", **RelAlt:** "2", **State/Prov:** "BRN", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 26925 (01F0D2CE)
**Date:** 8/18/1966
**Location:** Oil City, PA
**Description:** Time not reported. A train crew saw a thin elongated (cigar-shaped) object whose glow cast a green light over the area (environmental illumination). The glow lasted for about 7 seconds, and then the object shot away and disappeared. (NICAP notes.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3121
### Event 26926 (B99F556D)
**Date:** 8/18/1966
**Location:** Barinas, Venezuela
**Description:** Three hunters, E. Beucomo, J. Zapata and J. Ramos, observed a strange glow in the forest and discovered a very large, egg-shaped object, stationary 2 m above ground. It had large, circular openings emitting a multicolored light, and it made a whistling sound. The hunters ran away.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** APRO Sep., 66 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_787
### Event 26927 (8BCE6546)
**Date:** 8/18/1966
**Description:** Three hunters, E. Beucomo, J. Zapata and J. Ramos, observed a strange glow in the forest near Barinas, Venezuela and discovered a very large, egg-shaped object, hovering stationary two meters above ground. It had large, circular openings emitting a multicolored light, and it made a whistling sound. The hunters ran away.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 786
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5127
### Event 26928 (3A138155)
**Date:** 8/19/1966
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Observation at Donnybrook \(North Dakota\).
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#10872 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1966.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2218
### Event 26929 (5F3B2511)
**Date:** 8/19/1966
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In the evening, a teenager living at the foot of Morro do Vintem hill goes to retrieve his kite and discovers 2 bodies about 300 m from the hill, hidden by thick vegetation. Lying side by side, their arms along their bodies, the corpses are wearing Sunday clothes protected by 2 identical new raincoats. Next to them are lead masks with visors, similar to those used by electronics technicians to protect their eyes when soldering. Despite the traces of blood near the bodies, there does not seem to have been a struggle.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1966.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2219
### Event 26930 (358C1A97)
**Date:** 8/19/1966
**Location:** SAULT STE.MARIE, MI
**Description:** Separate observer(s). 30' saucer hovers / steel plant and power station/depot/facility. Going quickly north. / APRO Jly'66.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 45)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7774
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "30", **Elev:** "189", **HatchDesc:** "SAULT Ste.MARIE,MI:SEP.OBS:30'SCR HVRS/STEEL PLANT+POWER Stn:>>N:/APRO Jly'66", **LatLong:** "46.483336 -84.350004", **LatLongDMS:** "46:29:00 N 84:21:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.483336,-84.350004)", **State/Prov:** "Michigan", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 26931 (E796784C)
**Date:** 8/19/1966 (approximate)
**Time:** 15:00
**Location:** MINOT, ND
**Description:** 5 teens. Domed silver-chrome saucer hovers and flips. Low altitude. Tilts and quickly going up [to] extremely fast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLICKENGER, Don: NORTH DAKOTA UFO files. Well Documented NICAP files for the 1960s: Xeroxed by Tom Tulien (Index 6)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7775
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **NUC:** Nuclear facility related
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "470", **HatchDesc:** "MINOT,ND:5 TEENS:DOMED SLVR-CHROME SCR HVRS+FLIPS:LO ALT:TILTS+↑↑ XFAST", **LatLong:** "48.233336 -101.300005", **LatLongDMS:** "48:14:00 N 101:18:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.233336,-101.300005)", **State/Prov:** "North Dakota", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 26932 (E6AA7958)
**Date:** 8/19/1966
**Time:** 16:50
**Location:** DONNYBROOK, ND
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #10872. Radio beeps. Silent 10M domed saucer wavers and hovers and going up. / r24v4#9.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 280)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7776
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **NUC:** Nuclear facility related, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "4", **Elev:** "535", **HatchDesc:** "DONNYBROOK,ND:BBK#10872:RADIO BEEPS:SLNT 10M DOMED SCR WAVERS+HVRS+↑:/r24v4#9", **LatLong:** "48.511113 -101.883338", **LatLongDMS:** "48:30:40 N 101:53:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.511113,-101.883338)", **State/Prov:** "North Dakota", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 26933 (4F1C4F5E)
**Date:** 8/19/1966
**Location:** Sault Ste. Marie, MI
**Description:** Time not reported. A disc like an inverted dinner plate, with red and green body lights on top and bottom and flashing lights on the circumference, hovered over the Algoma steel plant. The object abruptly took off to the north at high speed, seen over a wide area. (NICAP notes; U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. Ill, No. 9, Aug. -Sept. 1966, p. 4.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3122
### Event 26934 (183552AA)
**Date:** 8/19/1966
**Location:** Donnybrook, ND
**Description:** Bright, shiny, round disc, 30 ft in diameter and 15 ft high (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 10872)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3123
### Event 26935 (667AD895)
**Date:** 8/19/1966
**Time:** 1650
**Location:** Donnybrook, North Dakota
**Description:** A border patrolman saw a bright, shiny disk on its edge, 10 m in diameter, 5 m high, floating down the side of a hill, wobbling from side to side 3 m above ground. It reached the valley floor, climbed to about 30 m, and moved across to a small reservoir where it assumed a horizontal position. A dome then became visible on top of the disk. It hovered for one min and seemed about to land less than 80 m away, but tilted back on edge and flew into the clouds at high speed.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Atic ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_788
### Event 26936 (3CA67F96)
**Date:** 8/19/1966
**Time:** 4:50 PM
**Location:** Donnybrook, North Dakota
**Description:** Witness: U.S. Border Patrolman Don Flickenger. Round disc with domed top, 30' in diameter and 15' high, colored white, silvery or aluminum. Moved across a valley from the southeast, hovered over a reservoir, appeared to land in a small field, then rose up into clouds very rapidly. Sighting lasted 5 minutes.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_550
### Event 26937 (9DA16384)
**Date:** 8/19/1966
**Time:** 03:52:59.9
**Location:** 49.8271 78.1088
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: .001KT YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1284
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.8271 78.1088", **LatLongDMS:** "49:49:38 N 78:06:32 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.8271,78.1088)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.10", **NukeSource:** "BOCHAROV", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** ".001", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 26938 (A4D9E2A3)
**Date:** 8/19/1966
**Locations:** US Border; Donnybrook, North Dakota
**Description:** 4:50 p.m. US Border Patrolman Donald E. Flickinger, in the process of taking two prisoners back to Canada, sees a silvery domed disc floating down the side of a hill near Donnybrook, North Dakota, about 10 feet off the ground. It moves across a valley and climbs to 100 feet, hovers over a reservoir, then appears to land in a field 250 feet away. It tilts on edge and rises into the clouds at high speed. Flickinger finds three odd indentations in the field in the form of a triangle with sides of 10–12 feet. Some stones alo seem to have been moved recently.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Hynek UFO Report, [photo](https://archive.org/details/hynekuforeport00alle/page/n159/mode/2up) betw. pp. 152–153; Condon, [pp. 273–274](https://archive.org/details/scientificstudyo0000unse%5Fl5t2/page/272/mode/2up); [Sparks](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf), p. 317
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4085
### Event 26939 (833C8C11)
**Date:** 8/19/1966
**Description:** At 4:50 p.m. in Donnybrook, North Dakota U.S. Border Patrolman Don Flickenger sighted a bright white, shiny thirty-foot diameter round disc made of a silvery or aluminum material. It was ten meters meters in diameter, five meters high, and floated down the side of a hill, wobbling from side to side about three meters above the ground. The object moved across the valley from the southeast, climbed to about 30 meters altitude, and hovered for one minute over a small reservoir where it assumed a horizontal position. A dome then became visible on top of the disc. It next appeared to almost land in a small field less than 80 meters away, but titled back on edge, then rose up vertically into the clouds at high speed.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Don Berliner, Project Bluebook UFO Unknowns
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5157
### Event 26940 (89BC53F4)
**Date:** 8/20/1966
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) The inhabitant living at the foot of Morro do Vintem Hill informs the police and firefighters of his discovery.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1966.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2220
### Event 26941 (6AAB3282)
**Date:** 8/20/1966
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) The police and fire department went to the slopes of Morro do Vintem. They discovered a handkerchief, a piece of crumpled blue and white aluminum foil, some Cellophane paper soaked in a chemical and some crumpled paper strips. On some of them, one can read mathematical or electrical formulas as well as on two others: At 4:30 in the afternoon, be at the designated point. At 6:30, swallow the capsules with an orange. Once their effect is in progress, protect half of the face with lead masks. Then wait for the agreed signal. and Sunday, one capsule before the meal; Monday, one capsule in the morning; Tuesday, one capsule before the meal; Wednesday, one capsule before bedtime. The investigation was entrusted to Inspector José Venancio Bittencourt of the Rio de Janeiro police. The two victims were Miguel José Viana, 34 years old, and Manuel Pereira da Cruz, 32 years old, both electronics technicians and specialists in television. Both married, they lived in the city of Campos where they were well known. The analyses will show that the blood found near the dead was not theirs, and the autopsy could not determine the cause of their death. Inspector Bittencourt is categorical on this subject: Our specialists have excluded the possibility of poisoning, an act of violence or death by asphyxiation. According to a forensic doctor, the death, which dated back to August 16 or 17, was natural \(heart attack\). Inspector Bittencourt did not make the link between this double death and the UFO, nor even with any scientific experiment that had gone wrong. It was for him a staging organized by the murderer or murderers in order to conceal a theft - it is said that the victims had left home with a very large sum of money in cash. A recidivist later declared to be the author of the crime, but he was ruled out.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1966.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2221
### Event 26942 (ED7F33DE)
**Date:** 8/20/1966
**Location:** Donnybrook, ND
**Description:** Border officer sees domed UFO maneuver, zoom away.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [_UFOs and the National Security State: Chronology of a Cover-up, 1941–1973_, by Richard Dolan](https://archive.org/details/ufosnationalsecu00dola/mode/2up)
**Source:** Dolan, **ID:** Dolan_271
### Event 26943 (E2795188)
**Date:** 8/20/1966
**Time:** 05:00?
**Location:** HEALDSBURG, CA
**Description:** 6-story object. Rainbow colors cascade down. Noise. Animals edgy.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA; H. Regnery, Chicago HC 1969 & Contemporary Books,Chicago 1993. 372pp. (Index 789)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7777
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "33", **HatchDesc:** "HEALDSBURG,CA:6-STORY OBJ:RAINBOW COLORS CASCADE DOWN:NOISE:ANIMALS EDGY", **LatLong:** "38.600002 -122.883339", **LatLongDMS:** "38:36:00 N 122:53:00 W", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.600002,-122.883339)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 26944 (C60D93B2)
**Date:** 8/20/1966
**Time:** ~21:00
**Location:** RANDLETT, UT
**Description:** Glowing saucer emits red light-beam. Flies away when kids near. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SALISBURY, Frank: The UTAH UFO DISPLAY -- a Biologist Reports; 1974 Devin Adair, New Greenwich,CT. HB 286pp. ISBN 0-815-97000-5 (Index 19)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7778
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "1463", **HatchDesc:** "RANDLETT,UT:GLOWING SCR EMITS RED LITE-BEAM:FLIES AWAY WHEN KIDS NEAR:NFD", **LatLong:** "40.233335 -109.805561", **LatLongDMS:** "40:14:00 N 109:48:20 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.233335,-109.805561)", **State/Prov:** "Utah", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 26945 (073B39CF)
**Date:** 8/20/1966
**Location:** Unitah Basin, UT
**Description:** Dusk, MDT. About a dozen witnesses saw a glowing orange disc that hovered, emitting a red light beam from the underside. When children ran toward it, the object took off and disappeared. (Salisbury 1974, Appendix B, Table 1.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3124
### Event 26946 (73BA77E1)
**Date:** 8/20/1966
**Time:** early
**Location:** Heraldsburg, California
**Description:** Otto Becker, his son, and daughter-in-law woke up to find the whole house bathed in bright light, and they observed a "six-story" object at treetop level 60 m away. It gave off rainbow colors which appeared to pour off its edges "like water" in a fantastic display. Distinct engine noise was heard before it took off vertically. Domestic animals had been greatly disturbed, and the witness had inflamed eyes for several days.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Gribble Jan., 67 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_789
### Event 26947 (64666E3C)
**Date:** 8/20/1966
**Location:** Niteroi, Brazil
**Description:** A woman called police to report a luminous object rising and descending on top of a high hill. When policemen climbed to the site they found the bodies of two men, electronics technicians Pereira da Cruz and Viana. The bodies had lead masks on the upper part of the face. An autopsy failed to disclose the cause of death. Investigation disclosed several earlier incidents and an organization to which these men belonged.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Personal ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_790
### Event 26948 (13555AF1)
**Date:** 8/20/1966
**Locations:** Morro do Vintém in Niterói, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Campos dos Goytacazes; Niterói; Jacques Vallée
**Description:** Afternoon. Some boys looking for a lost kite on the Morro do Vintém in Niterói, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, discover the bodies of two dead males and report them to the authorities. The Morro do Vintém is a hill with difficult terrain, and the police are unable to reach the bodies until August 21. When a small team of police and firefighters arrive, they encounter an odd scene: the bodies are resting next to each other, partly covered by grass. Each one is wearing a formal suit, a lead eye mask, and a waterproof coat. There are no signs of trauma or struggle. Next to the corpses, police find an empty water bottle and a packet containing two wet towels. A small notebook is also identified, on which were written the cryptic instructions, “16:30 be at the specified location. 18:30 ingest capsules, after the effect protect metals await signal mask.” The two men are identified as Manoel Pereira da Cruz and Miguel José Viana, two electronic technicians from Campos dos Goytacazes. Following an investigation, police reconstruct a plausible narrative of the men’s last days. On August 17, Cruz and Viana leave Campos dos Goytacazes saying that they needed to purchase some materials for work \(although they tell others they are on a secret mission\). The two men then board a bus to Niterói and arrive at 2:30 p.m. Evidence shows that the waterproof coats were purchased at a shop there, and one bottle of water from a local bar. Upon being interviewed, the waitress from the bar described Miguel as “very nervous,” and noticed he frequently checked his watch. That is the last time they are known to have been seen alive; it is presumed they go directly from the bar to the spot where they were discovered. One theory revolves around the testimony of a friend of the two men, who claims that they are members of a group of “scientific spiritualists” who are apparently attempting to contact extraterrestrials or spirits using psychedelic drugs. Believing that such an encounter would be accompanied by blinding light, the men cut metal masks to shield their eyes and may have died of drug overdoses. This account is corroborated by the esoteric diary entry found at the scene and by mask-making materials and literature concerning spirits found at the men’s homes. In April 1980, [Jacques Vallée](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacques%5FVall%C3%A9e) locates the exact spot where the bodies were found and notes that no vegetation is growing there.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Lead Masks Case](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lead%5FMasks%5FCase)”; Charles Bowen, “[The Mystery of the Morro do Vintem,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201967%20V%2013%20N%202.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 13, no. 2 \(Mar./Apr. 1967\): 11–14; Clark III 774–775; Jacques Vallée, Confrontations: A Scientist’s Search for Alien Contact, Ballantine, 1990, [pp. 3–15](https://archive.org/details/confrontationssc00vall%5F0/page/3/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4086
### Event 26949 (BAAA5F54)
**Date:** 8/20/1966
**Description:** Early in the morning Otto Becker, his son, and daughter-in-law woke up to find their entire house in Heraldsburg, California bathed in bright light. They next observed a "six-story" tall object at treetop level sixty meters away. It gave off rainbow colors that appeared to pour off its edges "like water" in a fantastic display. A distinct engine noise was heard before it took off vertically. Domestic animals had been greatly disturbed, and the witness had inflamed eyes for several days.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case # 789, citing Bob Gribble, January 1967
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5181
### Event 26950 (6AEB0604)
**Date:** 8/20/1966
**Description:** Later that day outside of Bozeman, Montana Dan Duggleby was up in the hills with a .22 caliber rifle when he heard a "whooshing" noise and looked up to see a large rocket-shaped object about 60 feet in diameter and 300 feet tall, which landed close by. An opening appeared in the side of the cylinder and a ramp slid out, and five robotic metal "boxes" with small wheels on the bottoms and four "arms" on the sides came down the ramp. One took ground samples, while three of the others took air, grass, and flower samples and the last one "just stood there." When finished they rolled back up the ramp, the ramp slid in, and the ship took off straight up and vanished in the fog. The witness had seen disc-like UFOs on many previous occasions.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case # 1966-33, citing Duggleby's letter to the FBI
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5182
### Event 26951 (C041E290)
**Date:** 8/20/1966
**Description:** In Niteroi, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil a woman called the police to report a luminous object rising and descending on top of a high hill. When policemen climbed to the site they found the bodies of two men, electronic technicians Pereira da Cruz and Viana. The bodies were wearing lead masks on the upper part of the face. An autopsy failed to disclose the cause of death, but the investigation disclosed several earlier incidents and a mysterious organization to which these men belonged.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case # 790, citing a personal investigation
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5183
### Event 26952 (582AD498)
**Date:** 8/20/1966
**Description:** In Randlett, Utah at sunset a 12-year-old girl named Cuch spotted a glowing yellow-orange domed disc hovering in the sky. It glowed orange, approached, and then a red beam came out of the bottom. When children ran toward it, it flew away.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Frank Salisbury, The Utah UFO Display, Appendix A, case 10; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II. A Thirty Year Report, p. 380
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5184
### Event 26953 (A755115B)
**Date:** 8/22/1966
**Location:** USA, Malvern, Arkansas
**Description:** (Translated from French) After a number of UFOs were observed, reliable people reported seeing a monster 2 to 3 meters tall whose color changed from red to orange and yellow (sic!) (Jean FERGUSON: "The Humanoids..." - ed. Leméac, Ottawa 1977, p. 168) Faber Niles, a merchant, and four other people saw the creature, some at less than ten meters, the others at 180 meters. The thing was at least 2.4 meters tall and its color changed from red to orange and then yellow. Niles took a photo of it from the window of his house. The photo is said to be in the hands of the authorities, who of course have never released the picture.
**Reference:** APRG, on the Internet in May 1997
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2383
### Event 26954 (E0EB3C01)
**Date:** 8/22/1966
**Location:** Easton, PA
**Description:** 10:15 p.m. EDT. An orange-red mass of light undergoing apparent shape changes was reported. The object fluttered down, moved away, changed to cone shape, then to a thin line, and finally sped away disappearing in seconds. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3125
### Event 26955 (5BABB7A5)
**Date:** 8/22/1966
**Location:** US
**Description:** "Plasma Theory May Explain Many UFOs," by Philip J. Klass, Aviation Week.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_95
### Event 26956 (EFA84DAD)
**Date:** 8/22/1966
**Description:** [Phil Klass](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philip%5FJ.%5FKlass) asserts in Aviation Week that the Exeter UFO was a plasma discharge from high-voltage power lines.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Philip J. Klass, “Plasma Theory May Explain Many UFOs,” Aviation Week and Space Technology 85 \(August 22, 1966\): 48–61
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4087
### Event 26957 (8F07A220)
**Date:** 8/22/1966
**Description:** On this night the crew of a USAF F-102 witnessed a silver, dragon-shaped UFO that hovered over Ramstein Air Force Base, Germany.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** James Moseley, Saucer News, December 1966, p. 32, citing London Daily Telegraph, August 23, 1966
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5223
### Event 26958 (F81500DA)
**Date:** 8/22/1966
**Description:** A landing with ground marks occurred shortly after 6:00 p.m. in Leiters Ford, Fulton County, Indiana and was witnessed by two families, including the Brockleys.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Flying Saucers, September 1972, p. 36
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5224
### Event 26959 (B44921EA)
**Date:** 8/22/1966
**Description:** On this night in Malvern, Arkansas local residents reported seeing an eight-foot tall creature. The "thing" was humanoid in shaped, and changed color from red to orange to yellow. A witness named Mr. Niles reportedly snapped a picture of the "thing" from his window as it passed by his house. This humanoid encounter occurred six days after several UFOs had been seen in the area.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Malvern (AR) Daily Record, August 23, 1966; John A. Keel, UFOs: Operation Trojan Horse, p. 145; Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1966, case # 2583, citing John Keel
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5225
### Event 26960 (65F13E82)
**Date:** 8/23/1966
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Sighting in Columbus \(Ohio\). (August 23)
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#10888 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1966.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2222
### Event 26961 (332D3A19)
**Date:** 8/23/1966
**Time:** 09:20
**Location:** KANDILLI, TURK
**Description:** UTC. Astronomers photograph 2 large objects. Pass suns face / 17 minute(s). / r223p44.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** STURROCK, Dr. Peter A: REPORT / SURVEY of the AMERICAN ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY of the UFO PROBLEM; Stanford, CA 1977. (Index 187)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7779
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Earth Orbit or seen from space stations/capsules", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "18", **HatchDesc:** "KANDILLI,TURK:UTC:ASTRONOMERS FOTO 2 LRG OBJS:PASS SUNS FACE/17min:/r223p44", **LatLong:** "90.000004 -0.000000", **LatLongDMS:** "90:00:00 N 00:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/90.000004,-0.000000)", **State/Prov:** "TUR", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 26962 (E562D4D6)
**Date:** 8/23/1966
**Time:** 19:00?
**Location:** COLUMBUS, OH
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Luminous circular white object splits / 5 parts. All fly going quickly west. Seen / 15 minute(s).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BERLINER, DON: The BLUEBOOK UNKNOWNS; (FUFOR). (Index 35)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7780
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "15", **Elev:** "240", **HatchDesc:** "COLUMBUS,OH:2 OBS:LUM.CIRC.WHT.OBJ SPLITS/5 PARTS:ALL FLY >>W:SEEN/15min", **LatLong:** "39.950002 -83.000004", **LatLongDMS:** "39:57:00 N 83:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.950002,-83.000004)", **State/Prov:** "Ohio", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 26963 (B84083DA)
**Date:** 8/23/1966
**Time:** 22:30
**Location:** VALENCIA, VNZL
**Description:** Many observer(s). Top-saucer maneuvers all over/all about east-side / city. Makes jet sound. Going quickly south.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 799)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7781
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Venezuela", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "552", **HatchDesc:** "VALENCIA,VNZL:MANY OBS:TOP-SCR MNVRS ALLO EAST-SIDE/CITY:makes jet sound:>>S", **LatLong:** "10.166667 -68.000003", **LatLongDMS:** "10:10:00 N 68:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/10.166667,-68.000003)", **State/Prov:** "CRB", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 26964 (C945CD87)
**Date:** 8/23/1966
**Location:** Da Nang, Vietnam
**Description:** (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3126
### Event 26965 (872354ED)
**Date:** 8/23/1966
**Location:** Columbus, OH
**Description:** Circular, luminous white object split into 5 objects (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 10888)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3127
### Event 26966 (5F87D2D2)
**Date:** 8/23/1966
**Location:** New York City, NY
**Description:** 8:45 p.m. EDT. A businessman saw an oblong obiect with a row of lights or windows around the middle, antennas (projections) on top, and lights at each end (body lights). The object moved silently at variable speed. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3128
### Event 26967 (72C44A68)
**Date:** 8/23/1966
**Time:** 77 PM
**Location:** Columbus, Ohio
**Description:** Witnesses: Broomall and Gilpin. One circular, luminous white object split into five objects and all streaked away toward the west. Sighting lasted 15 minutes.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_551
### Event 26968 (815F3D9B)
**Date:** 8/23/1966
**Description:** Columbus, Ohio. - At seven o'clock in the evening two witnesses, Broomall and Gilpin, reported seeing a circular, luminous white object split into five objects. All five objects streaked away toward the west. The sighting lasted 15 minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Don Berliner, Project Bluebook UFO Unknowns
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5255
### Event 26969 (C85ED9EF)
**Date:** 8/24/1966
**Location:** Minot AFB, ND
**Description:** Radar/visual of landed UFO; strike team inspects; four hours.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [_UFOs and the National Security State: Chronology of a Cover-up, 1941–1973_, by Richard Dolan](https://archive.org/details/ufosnationalsecu00dola/mode/2up)
**Source:** Dolan, **ID:** Dolan_272
### Event 26970 (B2E7A50B)
**Date:** 8/24/1966
**Time:** 22:00
**Description:** 3 missile sites. 4 hours / night lights. Radio Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). RADAR blips. Objects / ground level.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FOWLER, Raymond E.: UFO'S, INTERPLANETARY VISITORS; Prentice Hall & Bantam Books, NY 1979. 346pp. (Index 286)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7782
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **NUC:** Nuclear facility related, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **RDR:** Radar traces/blips, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **MIL:** Military investigation, **GSA:** Covert Security Agency, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "230", **Elev:** "636", **HatchDesc:** "MINOT AFB,ND:3 MISSILE SITES:4hrs/NLTS:RADIO RFI:RDR BLIPS:OBJs/GND LEVEL", **LatLong:** "48.383336 -101.400005", **LatLongDMS:** "48:23:00 N 101:24:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.383336,-101.400005)", **State/Prov:** "North Dakota", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 26971 (E8D037EE)
**Date:** 8/24/1966
**Location:** Battle Creek, MI
**Description:** 8:20 a.m. EDT. A disc inclined at an angle was observed by a railroad conductor and his family for 5 minutes, using 7x50 binoculars. Super 8mm movie film reportedly was taken of the object, but the film was not made available for study. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3129
### Event 26972 (C6744496)
**Date:** 8/24/1966
**Location:** Minot AFB, ND
**Description:** Missile site personnel sight a multi-colored light high in the sky (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases, Code: E, Rating: 5, BB: BBU, NC)
**Reference:** NICAP: [660824](http://www.nicap.org/660824minot%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3130
### Event 26973 (EF8944CD)
**Date:** 8/24/1966
**Time:** 2200
**Location:** Minot Air Force Base, North Dakota
**Description:** An airman observed and reported by radio a multi-colored light high in the sky. A strike team was sent to his location and confirmed the unknown. A second object, white, was seen to pass in front of clouds. At the radar base, an object was detected and tracked. The observations lasted nearly 4 hours and were confirmed by three different missile sites. Radio interference was noted by teams sent to locations where the object was sometimes described as hovering at ground level.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Atic ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_791
### Event 26974 (56FF3611)
**Date:** 8/24/1966
**Locations:** Minot AFB M-6 Minuteman launch site southeast of Norma, North Dakota; N-7 (near Mohall)
**Description:** 10:00 p.m. Airman 3d Class Michael D. Mueller reports by base radio seeing a multicolored light high in the sky above the Minot AFB M-6 Minuteman launch site southeast of Norma, North Dakota. A team goes to his location and confirms the object and sees a second white object passing in front of clouds. The base radar detects the object, which is tracked at about 100,000 feet \(20 miles\). The object rises and descends a number of times, and each time Maj. Chester A. Shaw Jr., in charge of the M-6 missile crew, finds his radio transmission interrupted by static, even though he is 60 feet underground. The UFO gradually descends to ground level 10–15 miles south of the base. The Air Force sends a strike team to check on it. When they are within 10 miles of the site, static disrupts their radio contact. Five to eight minutes later, the glow diminishes and the UFO takes off. Another UFO is sighted and tracked on radar; the first object flies underneath this second one. The two objects disappear separately. The entire episode lasts about 4 hours and is confirmed by two other missile launch sites, M- 4 and N-7 \(near Mohall\). Another report from the same time period mentions that some missiles went off alert for 24 hours after a UFO sighting at the N-1 missile alert facility.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** NICAP, “[Minuteman Site Jammed by UFO](http://www.nicap.org/660824minot%5Fdir.htm)”; Condon, [pp. 274–277](https://archive.org/details/scientificstudyo0000unse%5Fl5t2/page/274/mode/2up); [Sparks](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf)[,](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf) p. 317; Robert L. Salas and James Klotz, Faded Giant, BookSurge, 2005, p. 5–6; Nukes 238–240, 248–251
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4088
### Event 26975 (CDA0D151)
**Date:** 8/24/1966
**Description:** At ten o'clock in the evening an airman at Minot Air Force Base, North Dakota observed and reported by radio a multi-colored light high in the sky. A strike team was sent to his location and confirmed the presence of the unknown object. A second object, white in color, was seen to pass in front of the clouds. At the radar base an object was detected and tracked. The observations lasted nearly four hours and were confirmed by three different missile sites. Radio interference was noted by teams sent to locations where the object was sometimes described as hovering at ground level.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 791
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5289
### Event 26976 (83BA96F0)
**Date:** 8/25/1966
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Launch of the Apollo AS-202 development module.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1966.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2223
### Event 26977 (D39BA081)
**Date:** 8/25/1966
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) An UFO is doing low passes over the missile base of [Minot](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/ZonesMilitaires.html\#Minot) and cutting off the transmissions from the anti-atomic radio room. President [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/JohnsonLyndonBaines.html) says he wants the truth at all costs. He will appoint the [Commission Condon](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html\#Condon) at the end of the year.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1966.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2224
### Event 26978 (018AEC7A)
**Date:** 8/25/1966
**Location:** MALIBU, CA
**Description:** Ex-Navy pilot. Disk with dome makes complex maneuvers. No further details / reference. / NICAP files.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO Evidence II: HB: Scarecrow Press Lanham, MD. http://www.scarecrowpress.com ISBN 0-8108-3881-8 (Index 152)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7783
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "34", **HatchDesc:** "MALIBU,CA:EX-NAVY PILOT:DISK W/DOME MAKES COMPLEX MNVRS:NFD/ref:/NICAP files", **LatLong:** "34.050002 -118.650006", **LatLongDMS:** "34:03:00 N 118:39:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/34.050002,-118.650006)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 26979 (4B309F29)
**Date:** 8/25/1966
**Location:** Malibu, CA
**Description:** Sunrise, PDT. A diesel mechanic and former Navy aircraft crewman saw a lens- shaped disc with dome on top, apparent windows or portholes rotating slowly around it. The object performed complex, high-speed maneuvers. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3131
### Event 26980 (D98AEE4F)
**Date:** 8/25/1966
**Location:** Omaha, NE
**Description:** 11:30 p.m. CDT. A radio station staff and dozens of others saw a dark disc-shaped object with flashing red light, surrounded by white or pale green haze, hover, swoop down, and reverse direction. The object was visible for 15 minutes. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3132
### Event 26981 (1888C7B2)
**Date:** 8/25/1966
**Description:** On this day a domed, disc-shaped craft made complex, high speed maneuvers over Malibu, California.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II. A Thirty Year Report, p. 152
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5321
### Event 26982 (2E4BAC68)
**Date:** 8/26/1966
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Sighting in Gaylesville \(Alabama\). (August 26)
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#10899 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1966.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2225
### Event 26983 (F6CBA6ED)
**Date:** 8/26/1966
**Time:** 20:50
**Location:** GAYLESVILLE, AL
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #10899. NASA Aerospace engineer and 4. 9M saucers / 900m altitude. Going quickly west extremely fast. / r19p71.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 45)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7784
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "179", **HatchDesc:** "GAYLESVILLE,AL:BBK#10899:NASA AEROSPC ENG+4:9M SCRS/900m alt:>>W XFAST:/r19p71", **LatLong:** "34.188891 -85.550004", **LatLongDMS:** "34:11:20 N 85:33:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/34.188891,-85.550004)", **RelAlt:** "900", **State/Prov:** "Alabama", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 26984 (F91194AE)
**Date:** 8/26/1966
**Location:** Gaylesville, AL
**Description:** Cluster of 4 small, glowing, orange yellow lights (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 10899)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3133
### Event 26985 (34E008D5)
**Date:** 8/26/1966
**Time:** 8:50 PM
**Location:** Gaylesville, Alabama
**Description:** Witnesses: Mr. and Mrs. Funk and their three children. A cluster of four small, glowing, orange-yellow lights in a triangular formation, moved from east to west for 4.5 minutes.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_552
### Event 26986 (56162373)
**Date:** 8/26/1966
**Description:** In Gaylesville, Alabama at 8:50 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Funk and their three children witnessed a cluster of four small, glowing, orange-yellow lights in a triangular formation, moved from east to west for 4.5 minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Don Berliner, Project Bluebook UFO Unknowns
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5363
### Event 26987 (154F81C1)
**Date:** 8/27/1966
**Location:** BLACK FOREST, GERM
**Description:** Several RADAR's and visual (observation). Silver UFO changes form. 2 F102s chase. Going up / space.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** INFORESPACE Journal. SOBEPS Group, Belgium; bimonthly (Index 19)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7785
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RDR:** Radar traces/blips, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **MIL:** Military investigation
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Germany", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "BLACK FOREST,GERM:SVRL RDRS+VIS:SLVR UFO CHANGES FORM:2 F102s CHASE:↑/SPACE", **LatLong:** "47.750002 9.333334", **LatLongDMS:** "47:45:00 N 09:20:00 E", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.750002,9.333334)", **State/Prov:** "Bade-Wurtemberg", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 26988 (B72FA90A)
**Date:** 8/27/1966
**Location:** CICERO, IL
**Description:** Engineer. Saturn shaped disk seen. No further details / this reference. / NICAP files.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO Evidence II: HB: Scarecrow Press Lanham, MD. http://www.scarecrowpress.com ISBN 0-8108-3881-8 (Index 152)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7786
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "185", **HatchDesc:** "CICERO,IL:ENGINEER:SATURN SHAPED DISK SEEN:NFD/this ref:/NICAP files", **LatLong:** "41.833335 -87.750004", **LatLongDMS:** "41:50:00 N 87:45:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.833335,-87.750004)", **State/Prov:** "Illinois", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 26989 (9FFA0CC8)
**Date:** 8/27/1966
**Location:** Civero, IL
**Description:** 9:30 p.m. CDT. A production engineer saw a lens-shaped disc with domes on top and bottom, surrounded by a soft bluish glow. The object was visible for 3 minutes. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3134
### Event 26990 (807074DA)
**Date:** 8/27/1966
**Location:** US
**Description:** Dr. J. A. Hynek released to the press a letter rejected by Science magazine reporting a "pattern" to UFO sightings that "suggests that something is going on" and disputing seven misconceptions about UFOs. Science had a belated change of heart and published the letter on October 21, with the headline, "UFOs Merit Scientific Study."
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_96
### Event 26991 (5C01174B)
**Date:** 8/27/1966
**Description:** [Hynek](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J.%5FAllen%5FHynek) releases to the press a letter rejected by Science magazine in which he reports a pattern to UFO sightings that “suggests that something is going on” and disputing seven misconceptions about UFOs.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Expert](https://www.newspapers.com/clip/95331604/) [Criticizes Scientists for Dismissing UFOs,](https://www.newspapers.com/clip/95331604/)” Miami \(Fla.\) Herald, August 28, 1966, p. 5-C
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4089
### Event 26992 (DE4703A3)
**Date:** 8/27/1966
**Description:** There were multiple radar trackings and visual sightings of a silvery UFO over Stuttgart, Germany this night. The UFO changed shape as it flew. Two F-102 jets gave chase, but it ascended into outer space.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** APRO Bulletin, July 1966, p. 1
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5397
### Event 26993 (61BBD0CA)
**Date:** 8/31/1966
**Location:** Makklya, Finland
**Description:** 8:20 p.m. LT. A woman was called by her two daughters to observe from a balcony an object shaped like two plates, one inverted on top of the other (disc), flying at an altitude of about 200 meters. (Flying Saucer Review, 12(6), November-December 1966; from the He/s/ng/a Sanomet, Sept. 1, 1966.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3135
### Event 26994 (F4031076)
**Date:** 8/31/1966
**Location:** University of Colorado
**Description:** Col. [Ivan C. Atkinson](https://www.legacy.com/obituaries/washingtonpost/obituary.aspx?n=ivan-c-atkinson&pid=153400531)[,](https://www.legacy.com/obituaries/washingtonpost/obituary.aspx?n=ivan-c-atkinson&pid=153400531) deputy executive director of the Air Force Office of Scientific Research, formally approaches the University of Colorado with a request to conduct a comprehensive and independent examination of the UFO problem.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4090
### Event 26995 (E0589842)
**Date:** 9/1966
**Location:** Minot, North Dakota
**Description:** Air Force members, including Capt. David Schindele, from the Minot base experienced an incident in the Minot missile field in which a flying object took “off alert” all 10 of the nuclear-tipped missiles, causing them to be unlaunchable. About a dozen military members topside at the missile launch control facility observed the mysterious flying object with bright flashing lights hovering near the perimeter fence on that September night. Schindele, a Minuteman ICBM launch control officer and deputy missile combat crew commander, was at a launch control center near Mohall, where the incident occurred.
**Type:** article
**Reference:** [Minot Daily News](https://www.minotdailynews.com/news/local-news/2023/06/former-missile-officer-ufo-whistleblower-demonstrates-tremendous-courage/)
**Reference:** [Archived link](https://archive.ph/2NXea)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_938
### Event 26996 (3749691E)
**Date:** 9/1966
**Time:** 03:30
**Location:** EL CAMPO, TX
**Description:** Cop / 120mph going north nearly hits fireball / road! 2nd UFO follows car. / r8#792+/ r79.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 805)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7787
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "35", **HatchDesc:** "EL CAMPO,TX:COP/120mph>N NEARLY HITS FBL/ROAD!:2ND UFO FOLOS CAR:/r8#792+/r79", **LatLong:** "29.194446 -96.272227", **LatLongDMS:** "29:11:40 N 96:16:20 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/29.194446,-96.272227)", **State/Prov:** "Texas", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 26997 (AAD85C67)
**Date:** 9/1966
**Time:** 04:00
**Location:** PRA, ITL
**Description:** Strong light. 3M silver saucer comes from mountain. Makes 2 turns and hums overhead. Going [to] back.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** ITACAT, Catalogo Italiano degli Incontri Ravvicinati. Maurizio Verga, 1989 CISU/Torino, Italy. (Index 59)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7788
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Italy", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "PRA,ITL:STRONG LITE:3M SLVR SCR COMES from MTN:MAKES 2 TURNS+HUMS OVHD:> BACK", **LatLong:** "44.433335 8.783334", **LatLongDMS:** "44:26:00 N 08:47:00 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.433335,8.783334)", **State/Prov:** "GE", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 26998 (3DE942FC)
**Date:** 9/1966
**Time:** 0330
**Location:** El Campo, Texas
**Description:** A police officer was driving at nearly 200 km/h toward the north on Route 71 when he suddenly saw an object on the road ahead and another one following his car. The first one looked like a flaming car and was the size of a 3-story house. It flew away as the policeman was about to hit it.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** 168 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_792
### Event 26999 (83631278)
**Date:** 9/1966
**End date:** 12/1966
**Location:** Uintah Basin, UT
**Description:** Local concentration peaking in late 1966 and 1967
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_97
### Event 27000 (E141DA84)
**Date:** 9/1966
**Locations:** Heathrow Airport Air Traffic Control; London, England
**Description:** Early morning. A UFO is seen hovering at low altitude by all personnel at Heathrow Airport Air Traffic Control in London, England, at a time when no aircraft are in motion. The UFO is tracked on radar and its speed at departure is clocked at 3,000 mph. The Ministry of Defence is notified, and investigators arrive on the scene and tell the witnesses that they have seen nothing, threatening to charge them under the Official Secrets Act if they reveal the sighting publicly.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Good Above, [pp. 71–72](https://archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/70/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4093
### Event 27001 (2BA67007)
**Date:** 9/1966
**Locations:** Malmstrom AFB; Conrad, Montana; Pondera County
**Description:** 1:30 a.m. Airman 1C Patrick McDonough is working on an astro-azimuth observation at one of the Malmstrom AFB missile launch facilities near Conrad, Montana, when a UFO comes in from the north and stops directly overhead at 300 feet. It is about 30–50 feet in diameter and disc-shaped, with dim lights outlining it and a white light emanating from the center. It remains about 20–30 seconds, then shoots away noiselessly to the east at tremendous speed. Montana Highway Patrol dispatchers in Pondera County receive more than 20 UFO reports that morning.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Nukes 247–248
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4094
### Event 27002 (76190C06)
**Date:** 9/1966
**Locations:** El Campo, Texas; State Highway 71; Wharton Regional Airport
**Description:** 4:00 a.m. Deputy Sheriff Ed Korenek is driving north of El Campo, Texas, on State Highway 71 when he sees something like a car on fire ahead of him. Suddenly he notices that another object is pacing him, He hits his brakes and reaches for the radio, but it is dead. He sees another flaming object above Wharton Regional Airport to the east. He accelerates toward the object ahead of him, which slides off the highway to the right, sucking its flame up behind it as it moves away. The object above the airfield disappears, and when Korenek turns his car around, his radio begins working again.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[The Texas Flap,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201967%2001%2000%20-%20January-February.pdf)” APRO Bulletin, Jan./Feb. 1967, p. 3
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4095
### Event 27003 (F760AC60)
**Date:** 9/1/1966
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Observation in Willsboro \(New York\). (September 1st)
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#10917 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1966.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2226
### Event 27004 (F37F1158)
**Date:** 9/1/1966
**Location:** SCOTT, MS
**Description:** Several observer(s). Man-shaped object flutters around in sky. Balloon? kite?
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLAMMONDE, Paris: The AGE of FLYING SAUCERS; Hawthorne Books, NY 1971 (Index 190)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7789
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "43", **HatchDesc:** "SCOTT,MS:SVRL OBS:MAN-SHAPED OBJ FLUTTERS AROUND IN SKY:BALLOON? KITE?", **LatLong:** "33.594446 -91.072227", **LatLongDMS:** "33:35:40 N 91:04:20 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/33.594446,-91.072227)", **State/Prov:** "Mississippi", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 27005 (55176CC9)
**Date:** 9/1/1966
**Time:** 18:00
**Description:** Several / 2 cars. Huge flaming 'toadstool' quickly going up / roadside.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 807)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7790
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "1500", **HatchDesc:** "US70 SW/WHITE SANDS,NM:SVRL/2 CARS:HUGE FLAMING 'TOADSTOOL' ↑↑/ROADSIDE:", **LatLong:** "32.666668 -106.250005", **LatLongDMS:** "32:40:00 N 106:15:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/32.666668,-106.250005)", **State/Prov:** "New Mexico", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 27006 (2CF23678)
**Date:** 9/1/1966
**Time:** 22:30
**Description:** Red-orange night light. Round and slow. Rises and falls several times. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SALISBURY, Frank: The UTAH UFO DISPLAY -- a Biologist Reports; 1974 Devin Adair, New Greenwich,CT. HB 286pp. ISBN 0-815-97000-5 (Index 241)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7791
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "1520", **HatchDesc:** "nr FORT DUCHESNE,UT:RED-ORG NLT:ROUND+SLOW:RISES+FALLS SVRL TIMES:NFD", **LatLong:** "40.288891 -109.872227", **LatLongDMS:** "40:17:20 N 109:52:20 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.288891,-109.872227)", **State/Prov:** "Utah", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 27007 (75AF94E1)
**Date:** 9/1/1966
**Location:** Willsboro, NY
**Description:** Oval object with lights flashing red and white, and blue (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 10917)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3136
### Event 27008 (9060EC53)
**Date:** 9/1/1966
**Time:** 2:45 PM
**Location:** Willsboro, New York
**Description:** Witness: T.H. Ridman. One oval object with lights that flashed red and white and occasionally blue, travelled west, then disappeared downward. It returned, several minutes later, at which time a loud noise was heard. The entire sighting lasted 30 minutes.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_553
### Event 27009 (BE1D5A53)
**Date:** 9/1/1966
**Description:** In Willsboro, New York at 2:45 p.m. T. H. Ridman sighted an oval object with lights that flashed red and white and occasionally blue, traveled west, and then disappeared downward. It returned several minutes later, at which time a loud noise was heard. The entire sighting lasted 30 minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Don Berliner, Project Bluebook UFO Unknowns
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5556
### Event 27010 (2D9609EA)
**Date:** 9/1/1966
**Description:** At 10:30 p.m. six men, including Mr. C. Murdock, sighted an orange-reddish domed disc with multicolored lights around the rim moving around the sky in Fort Duchesne, Utah. There were several occasions when it went slowly up in the sky and then came back down again.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5557
### Event 27011 (177C4597)
**Date:** Early 9/1966
**Locations:** Gargano promontory; southern Italy
**Description:** Night. Bank official Gerardo Bagnulo is on a pleasure outing with members of his family when he sees two objects moving across the sky on the coast of the Gargano promontory in southern Italy. He manages to take one color photo before the objects disappear near the northwest horizon. The photo shows both a round object and a cylindrical object.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Roberto Pinotti, “The Gargano Peninsula Cigar,” IUR 9, no. 6 \(Nov./Dec. 1984\): 6; “[As is often the case,](http://cufos.org/CUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter/1984-85%5FCUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter%5FV5.pdf)” CUFOS Associate Newsletter 5, no. 6 \(Dec. 1984/Jan. 1985\): 8; Roberto Pinotti, “[Evidence for UFOs in the Italian Past,](http://cufos.org/books/The%5FSpectrum%5Fof%5FUFO%5FResearch.pdf)” The Spectrum of UFO Research, CUFOS, 1988, pp. 115–116; 1Pinotti 154–156
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4092
### Event 27012 (DDA76ADC)
**Date:** 9/3/1966
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In the same house where the [August 6](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/1966.html\#66-08-06) event took place, almost the entire family went out. Only the eldest daughter stayed with a friend. They were watching television in the afternoon when it suddenly went out. The house was lit up by a strange, red and yellow light, which seemed to spin around. The girls looked outside and saw an object hovering in the same place, near the same tree, as in the first event. Its shape was still that of an overturned bowl on a flat circle, like a saucer. It was bathed in light and took off shortly afterwards. There was no sign of life inside or outside the craft. (September 3)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1966.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2227
### Event 27013 (2AF43D0A)
**Date:** 9/3/1966
**Time:** 03:00
**Location:** OLHAO, PORTUGAL
**Description:** 2 spheres pass / sky. May. '71 round nightlights become figure-8s.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LOURENCO, Victor: The PORTUCAT CATALOG; (BBS Download). (Index 105)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7792
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Portugal", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "OLHAO,PORTUGAL:2 SPHERES PASS/SKY::MAY71 ROUND NITELITES BECOME FIGURE-8s", **LatLong:** "37.033335 -7.900000", **LatLongDMS:** "37:02:00 N 07:54:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.033335,-7.900000)", **State/Prov:** "Algarve", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 27014 (D2B0A369)
**Date:** 9/3/1966
**Time:** 03:50
**Location:** MOON
**Description:** 3 astronomers. Time = UTC. Light flashes / sides / crater / 3 minute(s). Exact repeat 25 September.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PINDEVIC, Thierry: Le NOEUD GORDIEN ou la FANTASTIQUE HISTOIRE des OVNI. Editions France-Empire, Paris 1979. (Index 52)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7793
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **NFO:** No craft seen, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "The Moon", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "MOON:3 ASTRONOMERS:time=UTC:LITE FLASHES/SIDES/CRATER/3min:EXACT REPEAT 25SEPT", **LatLong:** "90.000004 -0.000000", **LatLongDMS:** "90:00:00 N 00:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/90.000004,-0.000000)", **State/Prov:** "CRT", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 27015 (0C9E069F)
**Date:** 9/3/1966
**Time:** 14:00
**Description:** TV blurs. Spinning night light illuminates whole house. Then flies off.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: DIMENSIONS, A Casebook of Alien Contact Ballentine, NY 1989. PB (Index 67)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7794
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **NUC:** Nuclear facility related, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "210", **HatchDesc:** "nr KELLY AFB,TX:TV BLURS:SPINNING NLT ILLUMINATES WHOLE HOUSE:THEN FLIES OFF", **LatLong:** "29.366668 -98.600005", **LatLongDMS:** "29:22:00 N 98:36:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/29.366668,-98.600005)", **State/Prov:** "Texas", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 27016 (90C9C61E)
**Date:** 9/3/1966
**Time:** 18:30
**Location:** EAST / PICHER, OK = "SPOOKSTOWN"
**Description:** Abandoned Lead mines and slag. UFO's nightly since 1935!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LOFTIN, Robert: IDENTIFIED FLYING SAUCERS: D. McKay, NY 1968 (Index 99)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7795
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **MIL:** Military investigation
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "232", **HatchDesc:** "E/PICHER,OK="SPOOKSTOWN":ABANDONED LEAD MINES+SLAG:UFOS NIGHTLY SINCE 1935!", **LatLong:** "36.983335 -94.750005", **LatLongDMS:** "36:59:00 N 94:45:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/36.983335,-94.750005)", **State/Prov:** "Oklahoma", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 27017 (C3B7BBDF)
**Date:** 9/3/1966
**Location:** Harlingen, TX
**Description:** Fantastic spinning object same as aug 6th sighting (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3137
### Event 27018 (556E79AB)
**Date:** 9/3/1966
**Time:** 1400
**Location:** Texas
**Description:** Two young witnesses went outside when the TV set became blurred. They observed a fantastic spinning light illuminating the house. It came from an object hovering at the same location as an earlier sighting (see Case 786).
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Atic; Magonia ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_793
### Event 27019 (345A1F7D)
**Date:** 9/3/1966
**Location:** US
**Description:** "The Disputed CIA Documents on UFOs," by John Lear in Saturday Review discusses oddities about the January 1953 Robertson Panel report before it was declassified.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_98
### Event 27020 (1F9BB0F0)
**Date:** 9/3/1966
**Description:** Science columnist John Lear receives a declassified \(sanitized\) copy of the Robertson Panel report and publishes a version of it in the Saturday Review. He calls for the release of the full document.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** John Lear, “[The](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/0%20-%20Articles/United%20States/Saturday%20Review/1966%2009%2003%5FSaturday%20Review%5FJohn%20Lear.pdf) [Disputed CIA Document on UFOs,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/0%20-%20Articles/United%20States/Saturday%20Review/1966%2009%2003%5FSaturday%20Review%5FJohn%20Lear.pdf)” Saturday Review, September 3, 1966, pp. 45–50; Clark III 1017
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4096
### Event 27021 (235B6495)
**Date:** 9/3/1966
**Description:** Two young teenage witnesses went outside when their TV set became blurred near Kelly AFB, Texas. They observed a fantastic spinning light illuminating the house. It came from an object hovering at the same location as a sighting earlier that month.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 791
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5597
### Event 27022 (E07BE804)
**Date:** 9/5/1966
**Location:** USA, a small town in Texas
**Description:** (Translated from French) In the night, the father of the family sitting on his bed, had his eyes on the entrance that led to the sons' bedroom. In the darkness he suddenly saw a small person of 3 or 4 feet tall, dressed in clothes that stuck to his body, enter the dark room. He thought it was his daughter going into the next room to talk to the mother who was there with the boys. Ten minutes later he saw something like a luminous bar that seemed to crumble. He got up, went into the boys' room where they all had seen the bar. He had not seen the little person leave and his wife said that their little daughter had not set foot in the room. No evidence was found to confirm the presence in the house of this small person.
**Reference:** Jacques VALLEE: "Chronicles of E.T. Appearances" - DENOEL 1972 - coll. J'AI LU - p. 81
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2385
### Event 27023 (4DC2290F)
**Date:** 9/5/1966
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) The father is sitting in his bed, and can see the dark doorway of his sons' bedroom. Suddenly, he sees a small being about 1 to 1.20 meters tall, dressed in white and tight-fitting clothing, entering the dark room. He thinks it is his little daughter who wants to talk to her mother, in the boys' room. About 10 minutes later, he sees a kind of "light bar" that seems to crumble. He then gets up and goes to the boys' room, who all saw the light bar. He does not see the creature in white. His wife will declare that their daughter had not set foot in the room. No evidence will be found to confirm the presence of the small person in the house. (September 5)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1966.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2228
### Event 27024 (44E65C56)
**Date:** 9/5/1966
**Time:** ~19:00
**Description:** Father of 4 kids sees small humanoid (or Grey) in house. Vanishes in "bar of light".
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: DIMENSIONS, A Casebook of Alien Contact Ballentine, NY 1989. PB (Index 67)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7796
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NFO:** No craft seen, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **NUC:** Nuclear facility related, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "210", **HatchDesc:** "nr KELLY AFB,TX:FATHER OF 4 KIDS SEES OID IN HOUSE:VANISHES IN "BAR OF LIGHT"", **LatLong:** "29.350001 -98.566671", **LatLongDMS:** "29:21:00 N 98:34:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/29.350001,-98.566671)", **State/Prov:** "Texas", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 27025 (660AC7A1)
**Date:** 9/5/1966
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** US40 1 MILE(S) EAST / ROOSEVELT, UT
**Description:** 3M classic saucer with colored lights 1/2 mile away. / APRO Sep. '66.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SALISBURY, Frank: The UTAH UFO DISPLAY -- a Biologist Reports; 1974 Devin Adair, New Greenwich,CT. HB 286pp. ISBN 0-815-97000-5 (Index 241)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7797
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "1581", **HatchDesc:** "US40 1Mi. E/ROOSEVELT,UT:3M CLASSIC SCR W/CLRD LITES 1/2 MILE away:/APRO Sep66", **LatLong:** "40.311113 -109.988894", **LatLongDMS:** "40:18:40 N 109:59:20 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.311113,-109.988894)", **State/Prov:** "Utah", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 27026 (87204452)
**Date:** 9/5/1966
**Time:** 21:30
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #1321. 2 separate report(s). R / G / west night light and RADAR. 2 F89s chase.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CONDON, Dr. Edward: SCIENTIFIC STUDY of UFO..etc; Bantam 1969. 965pp. (Index 119)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7798
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RDR:** Radar traces/blips, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "5", **Duration:** "30", **Elev:** "255", **HatchDesc:** "FINLAND AFS+GRAND MARAIS,MN:BBK#1321:2 SEP RPTS:R/G/W NLT+RDR:2 F89s CHASE", **LatLong:** "47.416669 -91.333338", **LatLongDMS:** "47:25:00 N 91:20:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.416669,-91.333338)", **State/Prov:** "Minnesota", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 27027 (7BE37C01)
**Date:** 9/5/1966
**Location:** Finland AFS, MN
**Description:** Egg-Shaped Object Tracked By Air & Gnd Radar (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** NICAP: [660905](http://www.nicap.org/660905finland%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3138
### Event 27028 (9100B85A)
**Date:** 9/5/1966
**Location:** unknown location, TX
**Description:** Peculiar light phenomenon and a small figure that entered a bedroom (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3139
### Event 27029 (3B95D865)
**Date:** 9/5/1966
**Time:** evening
**Location:** Texas
**Description:** A civilian man observed a peculiar light phenomenon and a small figure that appeared to enter a bedroom. The figure was not seen again.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Atic; Magonia ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_794
### Event 27030 (C5DC4BAE)
**Date:** 9/5/1966
**Location:** Church of San Giorgio Maggiore in Venice, Italy
**Description:** 2:00 p.m. Franz Trautsamwieser takes a photo of the Church of San Giorgio Maggiore in Venice, Italy, from the other side of the canal. He does not see anything, but the developed photo shows a UFO-shaped whitish object next to the tower. \(“[UFO over Venice?](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201967%20V%2013%20N%204.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 13, no. 4
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** July/Aug. 1967, cover, 17
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4097
### Event 27031 (4DA5766F)
**Date:** 9/5/1966
**Description:** On this night in Harlingen, Texas, near Kelly Air Force Base, Mr. Morrison, a father of four, was propped up in bed when he saw a small person, 3.5 to four feet tall, dressed in white tight-fitting clothing, enter his son's bedroom. About ten minutes later he saw something like "a bar of light, which appeared to crumble." The boys and their mother had not seen anyone enter the bedroom, but they had seen the bar of light.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1966-40 (A0607), citing USAF Project Blue Book Files; Jacques Vallee, Dimensions: A Casebook of Alien Contact, p. 67
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5654
### Event 27032 (12B78CD6)
**Date:** 9/6/1966
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Observation at the [USAF](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/USAF.html) base in Suffolk County \(New York\). (September 6)
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#10933 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1966.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2229
### Event 27033 (21AC36DF)
**Date:** 9/6/1966
**Location:** Suffolk County AFB, NY
**Description:** White cylinder of light come from the E at high speed (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 10933)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3140
### Event 27034 (E5422BEE)
**Date:** 9/6/1966
**Time:** 6:50 PM
**Location:** Suffolk County AFB, New York
**Description:** Witnesses: Stahl and Ladesic. One white cylinder of light came from the east at high speed, stopped and hovered for 3 minutes, and then turned and slowly disappeared. Sighting lasted 8 minutes.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_554
### Event 27035 (11027261)
**Date:** 9/6/1966
**Description:** At the Suffolk County Air Field, New York Witnesses Stahl and Ladesic sighted a white cylinder of light that came from the east at high speed at 6:50 p.m. It stopped and hovered in place for three minutes, and then turned and slowly disappeared. The sighting lasted a total of eight minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Project Blue Book files counted in official statistics, case #10933; Don Berliner, Project Bluebook UFO Unknowns
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5683
### Event 27036 (2721A2B1)
**Date:** 9/7/1966
**Location:** BEJA, PORTUGAL
**Description:** Bright night light zigzags in sky over city. No further details. / Diario de Noticias.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LOURENCO, Victor: The PORTUCAT CATALOG; (BBS Download). (Index 106)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7799
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Portugal", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "BEJA,PORTUGAL:BRITE NLT ZIGZAGS IN SKY OVR CITY:NFD:/DIARIO de NOTICIAS", **LatLong:** "38.066668 -7.900000", **LatLongDMS:** "38:04:00 N 07:54:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.066668,-7.900000)", **State/Prov:** "BXA", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 27037 (2CED7CFB)
**Date:** 9/7/1966
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** ICA, ICA, PERU
**Description:** 200+. 2 saucers slowly descend. Hover / 10 minute(s). Go going up. Crater-depressions left.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** STEIGER, Brad & WHRITENOUR, Joan: FLYING SAUCERS ARE HOSTILE; Award Books PB 1967. (Index 110)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7800
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Peru", **Credibility:** "12", **Duration:** "11", **Elev:** "447", **HatchDesc:** "ICA,ICA,PERU:200+:2 SCRS SLOWLY DESCEND:HVR/10min:GO ↑:CRATER-DEPRESSIONS LEFT", **LatLong:** "-14.150001 -75.700004", **LatLongDMS:** "14:09:00 S 75:42:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-14.150001,-75.700004)", **State/Prov:** "ICA", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 27038 (92B67CDF)
**Date:** 9/7/1966
**Time:** 22:00
**Location:** 15KM EAST / DURAND, WI
**Description:** Cop and kids. 10M cylinder/cigar-shape hovers 1M / ground. Deafening. Tilts and away. / r8#795.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 801)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7801
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "264", **HatchDesc:** "15km E/DURAND,WI:COP+KIDS:10M CGR HVRS 1M/GND:DEAFENING:TILTS+AWAY:/r8#795", **LatLong:** "44.627780 -91.966671", **LatLongDMS:** "44:37:40 N 91:58:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.627780,-91.966671)", **RelAlt:** "1", **State/Prov:** "Wisconsin", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 27039 (5560323B)
**Date:** 9/7/1966
**Time:** 23:30
**Location:** MAESER, UT
**Description:** House-size saucer with blue-lighted dome lands. Pulsating red and yellow.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SALISBURY, Frank: The UTAH UFO DISPLAY -- a Biologist Reports; 1974 Devin Adair, New Greenwich,CT. HB 286pp. ISBN 0-815-97000-5 (Index 19)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7802
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "1707", **HatchDesc:** "MAESER,UT:HOUSE-SIZE SCR WITH BLU-LITED DOME LANDS:PULSATING RED+YLW", **LatLong:** "40.633335 -109.588894", **LatLongDMS:** "40:38:00 N 109:35:20 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.633335,-109.588894)", **State/Prov:** "Utah", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 27040 (C94FDCCE)
**Date:** 9/7/1966
**Time:** 2000
**Location:** Durand, Wisconsin
**Description:** About 15 km east of Durand, Mrs. E. Bruns and her two children observed an elongated object, about 10 m long, with revolving lights, hovering 1 m above ground and making a deafening noise. After 30 sec, it tilted and took off.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** APRO Sep., 66 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_795
### Event 27041 (8E70A3D2)
**Date:** 9/7/1966
**Time:** 03:51:59.7
**Location:** 49.8288 78.0638
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: .001KT YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1285
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.8288 78.0638", **LatLongDMS:** "49:49:44 N 78:03:50 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.8288,78.0638)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "4.80", **NukeSource:** "BOCHAROV", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** ".001", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 27042 (12458DC2)
**Date:** 9/7/1966
**Description:** A bright light zigzagged over the city of Beja, Portugal at midnight. At 8:00 p.m. Mrs. E. Bruns and her two children observed an elongated object about 15 km east of Durand, Wisconsin. It was about 10 meters long with revolving lights and hovered one meter above theground, making a deafening noise. After 30 seconds it tilted at an angle and took off. At 9:25 p.m. a UFO with red, blue and white lights bobbed, hovered, darted, and went away and came back several times over a 45 minute period in the city of Eau Claire, Wisconsin. It was observed by police and a newspaper reporter. At 11:25 a UFO the size of a house landed 1.5 miles away from the witness northwest of Vernal, Utah. It had a bluish-white light in the dome and pulsating red and yellow lights.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** (1) Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos; Victor Lourenco, PORTUCAT computer catalogue of Portuguese UFO reports citing Diario Noticio, September 9, 1966; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case # 795, (3) Frank Edwards, Flying Saucers-Here and Now! p. 112; (4) Frank Salisbury, The Utah UFO Display, p. 19
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5721
### Event 27043 (B91429CE)
**Date:** 9/7/1966
**Description:** At 11:25 p.m Mr. V. Massey watched as a disc-shaped UFO landed remotely 1.5 miles away, northwest of Vernal, Utah. It was estimated to be the size of a house, with a bluish-white light in the dome. It landed on the ground and was pulsating reddish orange and yellow.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Frank Salisbury, The Utah UFO Display, case A13
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5722
### Event 27044 (C5E4529F)
**Date:** 9/8/1966
**Location:** Marquette, MI
**Description:** 11:50 p.m. EDT. A legal secretary saw a yellow-white disc shaped like a soup plate that made a soft swishing sound as it flew across the highway, climbed, leveled off, and flew away. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3141
### Event 27045 (B0446094)
**Date:** 9/9/1966
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Observation at Franklin Springs \(New York\).
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#10942 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1966.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2230
### Event 27046 (A3298481)
**Date:** 9/9/1966
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) An teletype message from the USAF base in Kelly arrives in Dayton through military channels. It has the header "Miscellaneous Current Affairs" and the title "UFO Report Submitted in Accordance with AFR 200-2". The report concerns two separate events that occurred on August 6th and September 3rd in a small Texas town. The author of the report is a father of four children. His house is located in a fairly isolated area and he has never spoken of these events to his neighbors. The carcass of Lady, a young filly, is discovered in Alamosa County \(Colorado\). Doctor John Atshuler will perform the autopsy.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1966.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2231
### Event 27047 (B2B639BF)
**Date:** 9/9/1966
**Time:** 21:00
**Description:** SR34. Project Bluebook Case #10942. Unidentified. UFO descends / cloudback and lands. Bands / light.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA; H. Regnery, Chicago HC 1969 & Contemporary Books,Chicago 1993. 372pp. (Index 796)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7803
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "30", **Elev:** "138", **HatchDesc:** "FRANKLIN SPRINGS,NY:SR34:BBK#10942:UID:UFO DESCENDS/CLOUDBACK+LANDS:BANDS/LITE", **LatLong:** "43.027780 -75.388892", **LatLongDMS:** "43:01:40 N 75:23:20 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.027780,-75.388892)", **State/Prov:** "New York", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 27048 (35CC65E3)
**Date:** 9/9/1966
**Location:** Franklin Springs, NY
**Description:** Object larger than an army tank, w/3 horizontal bands of light (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 10942)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3142
### Event 27049 (17B2DB07)
**Date:** 9/9/1966
**Time:** 2100
**Location:** Franklin Springs, New York
**Description:** A man saw an object descend from a cloud bank, slow down, and land with a soft whirring sound. It showed three horizontal bands of light-blue, red and green.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Personal ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_796
### Event 27050 (3E8C1228)
**Date:** 9/9/1966
**Time:** 9 PM
**Location:** Franklin Springs, New York
**Description:** Witness: Jacobson. One solid object, larger than an army tank, with lights all around it, made a low humming sound and disappeared into woods at the end of the 30 minute sighting.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_555
### Event 27051 (E61EC2D9)
**Date:** 9/9/1966
**Description:** At 9:00 p.m. a man in Franklin Springs, New York saw a solid object, larger than an Army tank, descend from a cloud bank, slow down, and land with a soft whirring sound. It had lights all around it, with three horizontal bands of light-blue, red, and green. It disappeared into some woods. The sighting lasted 30 minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Don Berliner, Project Bluebook UFO Unknowns; Don Berliner, Australasian Ufologist, April 1999, p. 53; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 796
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5788
### Event 27052 (ED5E96DC)
**Date:** 9/10/1966
**Time:** 21:20
**Location:** CHATEAU-FARINE, FR
**Description:** 2 / car. Teardrop-ovoid follows car. Windows / side. Going quickly west over Franois.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 107)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7804
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "CHATEAU-FARINE,FR:2/CAR:TEARDROP-OVOID FOLOS CAR:WINDOWS/SIDE:>>W OVR FRANOIS:", **LatLong:** "47.216669 5.938889", **LatLongDMS:** "47:13:00 N 05:56:20 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.216669,5.938889)", **State/Prov:** "Doubs", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 27053 (F0011C48)
**Date:** 9/11/1966
**Time:** 17:30:00.0
**Location:** -22.0000 -139.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Betelguese” YieldMax: 200KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1856
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "-22.0000 -139.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "22:00:00 S 139:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-22.0000,-139.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "France", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Betelguese", **NukeSource:** "CEA/DAM", **NukeType:** "NACF", **NukeYMax:** "200"
### Event 27054 (439D886F)
**Date:** 9/12/1966
**Location:** IN SPACE
**Description:** (Translated from French) R. Gordon and Peter Conrad, Gemini XI: at the 18th orbit, above Madagascar, they spot a huge object which they photograph. (Philippe SCHNEYDER: "Ovni, premier bilan" - ed. du Rocher 1983, p. 232) GEMINI XI, September 12, 1966 (Richard Gordon, Charles Conrad) An elongated object is observed above Madagascar. NORAD says it is the Soviet PROTON 3. But the PROTON 3 was traveling more than 350 miles beyond at the time of the observation. (Bruce Maccabee) Three photos are taken, enlarged and widely published. These photos are "hazy" and do not show at all what the astronauts said they saw with their own eyes. (1989 - listing and research by Harvey S. Stewart) Richard Gordon and Charles Conrad report the presence of an orange-yellow UFO about ten kilometers away from them. (note by vog: what precision! for astronauts in space without any reference point...) It dives in front of them and disappears when they try to photograph it.
**Reference:** J. Allen HYNEK and Jacques VALLEE: "Aux limites de la réalité" - ed. Albin Michel 1978, p 84
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2386
### Event 27055 (FA3EC9F0)
**Date:** 9/12/1966
**Time:** 15:30:00.5
**Location:** 36.8769 -115.9506
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Derringer” Yield: 7.8KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_468
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "36.8769 -115.9506", **LatLongDMS:** "36:52:37 N 115:57:02 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/36.8769,-115.9506)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.26", **NukeMb:** "4.60", **NukeName:** "Derringer", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "7.8"
### Event 27056 (73FFBA62)
**Date:** 9/12/1966
**Description:** The Air Force turns down a proposal [Hynek](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J.%5FAllen%5FHynek) has made for them to create a computer program to put Blue Book’s UFO reports into a machine-readable format, ostensibly because it is too preoccupied with the Vietnam War.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Center for UFO Studies, \[[Hynek correspondence](http://cufos.org/cases/1965-69%5F00%5F00%5FUS%5FIL%5FHynek-AF-letters.pdf)\], p. 2
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4098
### Event 27057 (333533CC)
**Date:** 9/13/1966
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Observation at Gwinner \(North Dakota\). (September 13)
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#10944 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1966.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2232
### Event 27058 (B6DEE03C)
**Date:** 9/13/1966
**Location:** GEMINI 11
**Description:** 16th orbit over Madagascar. Gordon and Conrad. Long unidentified object tumbles / 1 reports.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 932)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7805
**Attributes:** **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Ivory Coast,Ghana,Togo,Benin,Liberia etc.", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "GEMINI 11:16th ORBIT ovr MADAGASCAR:GORDON+CONRAD:LONG UID OBJ TUMBLES/1 rps", **LatLong:** "-18.083334 43.200002", **LatLongDMS:** "18:05:00 S 43:12:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-18.083334,43.200002)", **State/Prov:** "SPC", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 27059 (6EC2D990)
**Date:** 9/13/1966
**Time:** 07:30
**Location:** STIRUM, ND
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #10944. Saucer lands / farm. No radiation/radioactivity. 20cm indents. / r8+/ r180p43+/ r112p29.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 799)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7806
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **TRC:** Physical traces, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "414", **HatchDesc:** "STIRUM,ND:BBK#10944:SCR LANDS/FARM:NO RDA:20cm INDENTS:/r8+/r180p43+/r112p29", **LatLong:** "46.211113 -97.833338", **LatLongDMS:** "46:12:40 N 97:50:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.211113,-97.833338)", **State/Prov:** "North Dakota", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 27060 (8FDC18AE)
**Date:** 9/13/1966
**Location:** Stirum, ND
**Description:** Silvery-grey elliptical object w/a clear bubble dome on top (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 10944)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3143
### Event 27061 (EE237306)
**Date:** 9/13/1966
**Time:** 0730
**Location:** Stirum, North Dakota
**Description:** A child of 11 years saw a disk-shaped object land near a farm. It had a tripod landing gear, two red lights, two white and one green light, and a transparent dome. A businessman from Gwinner and an Air Force Lt. Col. went to the site and discovered three traces, apparently left by spherical objects, 18 cm deep, very compact. Radiation measured at 0.1 milliroentgen (normal). The child reported that the object "went away so fast that it vanished."
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Atic ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_797
### Event 27062 (659D3176)
**Date:** 9/13/1966
**Time:** 7:30 AM
**Location:** Gwinner, North Dakota
**Description:** Witness: Rotenberger. One silvery-grey ellipse with a clear bubble protruding from its top, hovered about a mile away, then landed within 300 yards and took off very fast. It made a low-pitched whine during the 5 minute sighting.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_556
### Event 27063 (D89581D5)
**Date:** 9/13/1966
**Location:** Stirum, North Dakota
**Description:** 7:30 a.m. 11-year-old [Randy Rotenberger](https://www.armstrongfuneralhomes.com/obituary/Randy-Rotenberger), near Stirum, North Dakota, sees a silvery domed disc hover about one mile away, approach, then land within 900 feet, making a low-pitched whine. It takes off so fast it just vanishes.” An Air Force investigator finds landing indentations 7 inches deep and \[possibly\] radiation level of 100 microroentgens/hour. Electrical power is off in the area for about 4 hours.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** NICAP, “[Domed Object Leaves](http://www.nicap.org/660913stirum%5Fdir.htm) [Traces](http://www.nicap.org/660913stirum%5Fdir.htm)”; [Sparks](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf)[,](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf) p. 319; Donald E. Keyhoe and Gordon I. R. Lore Jr., [Strange Effects from UFOs](http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Books/Other/Lore%2C%20Gordon%20-%20Strange%20Effects%20from%20UFOs.pdf)[,](http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Books/Other/Lore%2C%20Gordon%20-%20Strange%20Effects%20from%20UFOs.pdf) NICAP, 1969, pp. 58–59; Clark III 950
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4099
### Event 27064 (EC8265F5)
**Date:** 9/13/1966
**Description:** At 7:30 a.m. a 12-year-old boy, Randy Rotenberger, saw a silvery-gray ellipsoid object with a clear bubble dome protruding from its top; it hovered about a mile away, then landed with a falling leaf motion near a farm between Gwinner and Stirum, North Dakota within 300 yards of him. It made a low-pitched whine during the five-minute sighting. It had tripod landing gear, two red lights, two white and one green light, and the transparent dome. A businessman from Gwinner and an Air Force Lt. Colonel went to the site and discovered three ground traces, apparently left by spherical objects, 18 centimeters deep, which were very compact. The ground imprint marks were in the arrangement of an isoceles triangle 7.9 m x 6.5 m x 6.5 m. Radiation measured at 0.1 milliroentgen (normal). The boy reported that the object "went away so fast that it vanished."
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP UFO Investigator, November 1966, p. 4; APRO Bulletin, July 1966, p. 1; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 797; Project Blue files counted in official statistics, case 10944; Don Berliner, Project Bluebook UFO Unknowns; UNICAT, case 369
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5914
### Event 27065 (269D347F)
**Date:** 9/13/1966
**Description:** The two astrononauts on Gemini XI, Dick Gordon and Pete Conrad, during their 18th orbit of the Earth, took a photograph of a unknown object in outer space while over the Greenwich Time Zone at 18.25 hours.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP UFO Investigator, August 1977, p. 1; Margaret Sachs, Celestial Passengers, p. 183
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5915
### Event 27066 (6B4BE3C1)
**Date:** 9/14/1966
**Time:** 03:30
**Description:** Engineer and 6 / boat. Ovoid / sea surface fires beams quickly going up.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** ITACAT, Catalogo Italiano degli Incontri Ravvicinati. Maurizio Verga, 1989 CISU/Torino, Italy. (Index 59)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7807
**Attributes:** **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **SUB:** Submersible: Rises from or submerges into water, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Italy", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "off S.MARGHERITA LIGURE,ITL:ENGINEER+6/BOAT:OVOID/SEA SURFACE FIRES BEAMS ↑↑", **LatLong:** "44.283335 9.216667", **LatLongDMS:** "44:17:00 N 09:13:00 E", **Locale:** "Offshore", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.283335,9.216667)", **State/Prov:** "GE", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 27067 (E33821D4)
**Date:** 9/15/1966
**Time:** ~02:00
**Description:** All tower personnel. Saucer / low altitude. Flies away / 3000mph!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: ABOVE TOP SECRET; Sidgewick & Jackson, London 1987 & Quill Books, 1988. 592pp. (Index 71)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7808
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **MIL:** Military investigation, **COV:** Indication of coverup
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "HEATHROW APT,LONDON:ALL TOWER PERSONNEL:SCR/LO ALT:FLIES AWAY/3000mph!", **LatLong:** "51.450002 -0.450000", **LatLongDMS:** "51:27:00 N 00:27:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.450002,-0.450000)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 27068 (17CD05C1)
**Date:** 9/15/1966
**Time:** 14:00
**Location:** WHITEROCKS, UT
**Description:** 55' saucer with windows in forest. Fast vertical takeoff. / APRO Sep'66.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SALISBURY, Frank: The UTAH UFO DISPLAY -- a Biologist Reports; 1974 Devin Adair, New Greenwich,CT. HB 286pp. ISBN 0-815-97000-5 (Index 22)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7809
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "1836", **HatchDesc:** "WHITEROCKS,UT:55' SCR W/WINDOWS IN FOREST:FAST VERT TAKEOFF:/APRO Sep'66", **LatLong:** "40.483335 -109.933339", **LatLongDMS:** "40:29:00 N 109:56:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.483335,-109.933339)", **State/Prov:** "Utah", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 27069 (C5E9DC24)
**Date:** 9/15/1966
**Time:** ~20:00
**Location:** LAPOINT, UT
**Description:** Indian. Silver disk = classic saucer seen far away. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SALISBURY, Frank: The UTAH UFO DISPLAY -- a Biologist Reports; 1974 Devin Adair, New Greenwich,CT. HB 286pp. ISBN 0-815-97000-5 (Index 241)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7810
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "1695", **HatchDesc:** "LAPOINT,UT:INDIAN:SLVR DISK = CLASSIC SCR SEEN FAR AWAY:NFD", **LatLong:** "40.405557 -109.794450", **LatLongDMS:** "40:24:20 N 109:47:40 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.405557,-109.794450)", **State/Prov:** "Utah", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 27070 (483B225E)
**Date:** 9/15/1966
**Description:** At two o'clock in the afternoon J. Koch sighted a 35-foot in diameter revolving gray disc w dark windows around the rim in White Rocks, Uintah County, Utah. It had a flashing red light on the top, and a glowing green flashing light on the bottom. It also had what looked like exhaust pipes (see sketch below).
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Frank Salisbury, The Utah UFO Display, case # A15
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5987
### Event 27071 (B8050034)
**Date:** 9/16/1966
**Description:** Fast cylinder/cigar-shape passes / 1km altitude. No further details. / Montmorense news.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LOURENCO, Victor: The PORTUCAT CATALOG; (BBS Download). (Index 107)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7811
**Attributes:** **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Portugal", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "VIANA do CASTELO,PORTUGAL:FAST CGR PASSES/1km ALT:NFD:/MONTMORENSE NEWS", **LatLong:** "41.700002 -8.733334", **LatLongDMS:** "41:42:00 N 08:44:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.700002,-8.733334)", **State/Prov:** "MNH", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 27072 (64D21D2A)
**Date:** 9/16/1966
**Time:** 04:30
**Location:** ANDERSON, IN
**Description:** Gaslike flame maneuvers. Antenna / top? Separate observer(s). Back / 30 separate. / r73p70.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 46)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7812
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "277", **HatchDesc:** "ANDERSON,IN:GASLIKE FLAME MNVRS:ANTENNA/TOP?:SEP.OBS:BACK/30SEP:/r73p70", **LatLong:** "40.100002 -85.683337", **LatLongDMS:** "40:06:00 N 85:41:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.100002,-85.683337)", **State/Prov:** "Indiana", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 27073 (7C24D15E)
**Date:** 9/17/1966
**Location:** USSR, Tyuratam
**Reference:** "The War of the Satellites" - Volume 3 - Pierre Kohler, ed. Famot 1982, p. 126, 127
**Reference:** continued November 2, 1966
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2387
### Event 27074 (7012B283)
**Date:** 9/17/1966
**Time:** 04:50
**Location:** CRANE BEACH, MA
**Description:** Cylinder/cigar-shape hovers vertical. 2 bright night lights fly in and out several x. / r83p328.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 46)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7813
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "60", **Elev:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "CRANE BEACH,MA:CGR HVRS VERTICAL:2 BRITE NLTS FLY IN+OUT svrl x:/r83p328", **LatLong:** "42.666669 -70.750003", **LatLongDMS:** "42:40:00 N 70:45:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.666669,-70.750003)", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 27075 (9FC4554A)
**Date:** 9/17/1966
**Location:** Cranes Beach, Ipswich Bay, MA
**Description:** 4:45 a.m. EDT. A glowing cigar-shaped object oriented vertically, tilted at times, was observed for about an hour near the edge of the water. (Massachusetts NICAP Subcommittee report; U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. Ill, No. 10, Oct.-Nov. 1966, p. 4; Fowler 1974, p. 341.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3144
### Event 27076 (258EDB77)
**Date:** 9/17/1966
**Time:** 0445
**Location:** Cranes Beach, Massachusetts
**Description:** Mr. and Mrs. Ronald MacGilvary saw a golden-white, luminous object resting on the beach, with two bright lights flying in and out of the craft. It went away after one hour.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** LDLN 88; NICAP Oct., 66 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_798
### Event 27077 (D0E3F7D8)
**Date:** 9/17/1966
**Locations:** Crane Beach, Ipswich, Massachusetts; Ipswich Bay
**Description:** 4:45 a.m. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald MacGilvary see a glowing cigar-shaped object oriented vertically, tilted at times, for about an hour near the edge of the water at Crane Beach, Ipswich, Massachusetts. Two smaller glowing objects approach the larger object, moving around erratically, with an up-and-down skipping motion. The two rendezvous with the larger object, then a third smaller object is seen. The smaller objects periodically leave the larger object and flies around the area. One flies low over Ipswich Bay toward the witnesses’ home. At closer range it shows an elliptical shape illuminated by a faint glow.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[‘Satellite’ UFO Landing Case in Massachusetts,](http://cufos.org/UFOI%5Fand%5FSelected%5FDocuments/UFOI/034%20OCT-NOV%201966.pdf)” UFO Investigator 3, no. 10 \(Oct./Nov. 1966\): 4
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4100
### Event 27078 (9E43AA57)
**Date:** 9/17/1966
**Description:** Mr. and Mrs. Ronald MacGilvary of Cranes Beach, Massachusetts saw a golden-white, luminous cigar-shaped object resting on the beach at 4:45 a.m. It had two or three bright lights that flew in and out of the craft. They moved around with an up-and-down skipping motion. It left after an hour.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Raymond E. Fowler, UFOs: Interplanetary Visitors, p. 341; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 798; NICAP UFO Investigator, November 1966, p. 4; Richard Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty Year Report, p. 414
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6043
### Event 27079 (6014F8A5)
**Date:** 9/18/1966
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) See December 18. (September 18)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1966.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2233
### Event 27080 (22819850)
**Date:** 9/18/1966
**Time:** 01:00
**Location:** SAULT STE MARIE, MI
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #1323. 2 Sergeants and RADAR and range finders. Bright ovoid. Disappears.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CONDON, Dr. Edward: SCIENTIFIC STUDY of UFO..etc; Bantam 1969. 965pp. (Index 130)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7814
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RDR:** Radar traces/blips, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "190", **HatchDesc:** "SAULT STE MARIE,MI:BBK#1323:2 SGTs+RDR+RANGE FINDERS:BRITE OVOID:DISAPPEARS", **LatLong:** "46.494447 -84.355560", **LatLongDMS:** "46:29:40 N 84:21:20 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.494447,-84.355560)", **State/Prov:** "Michigan", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 27081 (2107B1F1)
**Date:** 9/18/1966
**Description:** Police constable Dack and two others witnessed a UFO that hovered motionless over the city of Southampton, England. It had flashing red, white and blue lights, and was dropping flares. It made no engine sounds, nor was it shaped like any known aircraft. It shot off at high speed towards Eastleigh.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Charles Bowen, Flying Saucer Review, November-December 1966, p. 31; Gary Heseltine, UFO Magazine (UK), July 2003, p. 5
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6069
### Event 27082 (5B71FD7A)
**Date:** 9/19/1966
**Location:** GEMINI 11
**Description:** Crew sees and photographs flashing object on path in front and below their craft. Unidentified.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 320)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7815
**Attributes:** **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Earth Orbit or seen from space stations/capsules", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "GEMINI 11:CREW SEES+FOTOS FLASHING OBJ ON PATH IN FRONT+BELOW THEIR CRAFT:UID", **LatLong:** "90.000004 -0.000000", **LatLongDMS:** "90:00:00 N 00:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/90.000004,-0.000000)", **State/Prov:** "USA", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 27083 (73C7748D)
**Date:** 9/19/1966
**Location:** US
**Description:** Air Force Regulation (AFR) 80-17 promulgated to replace AFR 200-2, placing UFOs under the Research and Development command and reflecting the University of Colorado Project study in progress.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_99
### Event 27084 (46C71A57)
**Date:** 9/19/1966
**Location:** Colorado
**Description:** Air Force Regulation 200-2 is replaced by AFR 80-17, which orders members of the military who investigate UFO reports to release information if there is an explanation, but if there is none to withhold the information, even from the Colorado project \(explicitly modified November 9\). Radarscope photos are automatically classified. However, it does require that every Air Force base have an official with scientific background responsible for investigating UFOs.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** US Department of the Air Force, “[Research and Development:](http://www.noufors.com/Documents/AFR%5F80-17.pdf) [Unidentified Flying Objects,](http://www.noufors.com/Documents/AFR%5F80-17.pdf)” Air Force Regulation 80-17, September 19, 1966
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4101
### Event 27085 (5959A18E)
**Date:** 9/20/1966
**Time:** 10:00
**Location:** NEAR SEBRING, FL
**Description:** Private pilot / 2900m chased / 300m cone. Going up. / LDLN#337+/ r73p67+/ r41p128.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 46)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7816
**Attributes:** **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "4", **Elev:** "40", **HatchDesc:** "nr SEBRING,FL:Pvt PILOT/2900m CHASED/300m CONE:↑:/LDLN#337+/r73p67+/r41p128", **LatLong:** "27.488890 -81.450004", **LatLongDMS:** "27:29:20 N 81:27:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/27.488890,-81.450004)", **State/Prov:** "Florida", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 27086 (BE94FFBB)
**Date:** 9/20/1966
**Time:** 20:30
**Location:** RANDLETT, UT
**Description:** House lit up red.. inside and out! Humming saucer 11M over roof. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SALISBURY, Frank: The UTAH UFO DISPLAY -- a Biologist Reports; 1974 Devin Adair, New Greenwich,CT. HB 286pp. ISBN 0-815-97000-5 (Index 23)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7817
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "1463", **HatchDesc:** "RANDLETT,UT:HOUSE LIT UP RED..INSIDE+OUT!:HUMMING SCR 11M OVER ROOF:NFD", **LatLong:** "40.233335 -109.811116", **LatLongDMS:** "40:14:00 N 109:48:40 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.233335,-109.811116)", **State/Prov:** "Utah", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 27087 (9C6F0CBF)
**Date:** 9/20/1966
**Location:** Sebring, FL
**Description:** Giant Cone Shadows Private Aircraft (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5)
**Reference:** NICAP: [660920](http://www.nicap.org/660920sebring%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3145
### Event 27088 (867D302D)
**Date:** 9/20/1966
**Location:** Sebring, FL
**Description:** Private pilot encountered coneshaped object, "singing" noise. Object descended, followed aircraft, accelerated up and away
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_100
### Event 27089 (1C79A30E)
**Date:** 9/20/1966
**Description:** A huge cone-shaped UFO paced a private aircraft being flown by J. O'Connor over Sebring, Florida at 10:00 a.m. The object made a "singing" noise. At first the object descended, then followed the aircraft, and finally accelerated up and away at high speed. The encounter lasted 17 minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP UFO Investigator, October 1966, p. 4; Robert Gribble, MUFON UFO Journal, September 1991, p. 11
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6129
### Event 27090 (871B3409)
**Date:** 9/20/1966
**Description:** A yellow-orange domed disc with pulsating white lights around the rim, and a red searchlight directed at the ground, was seen in a close encounter in Randlett, Uintah County, Utah at 8:30 p.m. by P. Sireech. The witness experienced a levitation effect.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Frank Salisbury, The Utah UFO Display, case A16
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6130
### Event 27091 (713650BF)
**Date:** 9/21/1966
**Location:** Prince Edward Is., Canada
**Description:** Eight RCAF members see bright object stop, land, ascend. Non-US military.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [_UFOs and the National Security State: Chronology of a Cover-up, 1941–1973_, by Richard Dolan](https://archive.org/details/ufosnationalsecu00dola/mode/2up)
**Source:** Dolan, **ID:** Dolan_273
### Event 27092 (AB1B4126)
**Date:** 9/21/1966
**Time:** 06:30
**Location:** SUMMERSIDE, PEI
**Description:** 8 pilots and more. UFO going down. Hovers. Shoots quickly going up. Also separate observer(s) / Burton. / r179p48+/ r73p68.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 46)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7818
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **MIL:** Military investigation
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "20", **Elev:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "SUMMERSIDE,PEI:8 PILOTS+:UFO↓:HVRS:SHOOTS ↑↑:+SEP.OBS/BURTON:/r179p48+/r73p68", **LatLong:** "46.400002 -63.783336", **LatLongDMS:** "46:24:00 N 63:47:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.400002,-63.783336)", **State/Prov:** "Prince Edward Island", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 27093 (4F17BBC6)
**Date:** 9/21/1966
**Location:** Summerside, Prince Edward Island, CAN
**Description:** 6:30 a.m. LT. Eight RCAF pilots and crew members observed a bright circular object flying at high speed and maneuvering. The object stopped abruptly, descended and hovered near the ground for about 20 minutes. It then shot straight up and disappeared. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3146
### Event 27094 (FE2CCCA6)
**Date:** 9/21/1966
**Location:** Burton, CAN
**Description:** Early on that same morning two fisherman at Burton, 45 miles northwest of Summerside, saw a rapidly-moving light like a "particularly bright star" traveling from west to east in the general direction of Summerside. Both coastal towns face the Northumberland Strait. (Weinstein, 1999, p. 34; U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. III, No. 10, Oct.-Nov. 1966, p. 4.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3147
### Event 27095 (E64B430B)
**Date:** 9/21/1966
**Time:** 0630
**Location:** Summerside, Canada
**Description:** Eight members of the Royal Canadian Air Force saw a bright object that flew down at high speed, stopped abruptly, remained at ground level for 20 min, and flew away straight up.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** NICAP Oct., 66 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_799
### Event 27096 (419C9ECE)
**Date:** 9/21/1966
**Locations:** Summerside, Prince Edward Island, Canada; Burton, Prince Edward Island
**Description:** 6:30 a.m. Eight RCAF airmen are refueling an aircraft in Summerside, Prince Edward Island, Canada, when they see an object in the east moving at great speed. It comes to a complete stop, descends, and hovers for 20 minutes. It then shoots up and disappears quickly. At about the same time, fishermen Ivan Collicut and Patrick O’Halloran are out for an early morning catch at Burton, Prince Edward Island, when they see a rapidly moving light.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Near-Landing Observed by RCAF,](http://www.cufos.org/UFOI%5Fand%5FSelected%5FDocuments/UFOI/034%20OCT-NOV%201966.pdf)” UFO Investigator 3, no. 10 \(Oct./Nov. 1966\): 4
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4102
### Event 27097 (3E547143)
**Date:** 9/21/1966
**Locations:** University of Colorado; Trindade Island
**Description:** At a meeting of the University of Colorado psychology department, [Stuart W. Cook](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stuart%5FW.%5FCook) announces that the university is considering taking on the UFO project, with [Condon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward%5FCondon) directing. Cook says it will need the help of psychologists. [William A. Scott](https://psycnet.apa.org/record/1993-27194-001) and [David R. Saunders](https://psycnet.apa.org/record/1993-27194-001) are interested. Around this time, Condon agrees to an informal question-and-answer session about the project. [George Gamow](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George%5FGamow) and Richard Sigismond are in attendance. Gamow is surprised that Condon has never heard of the Trindade Island UFO photos. Sigismond applies for an opening on the committee and is accepted, but he declines the offer after a 20-minute interview with Condon, whose negative bias on the subject is unyielding.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Richard Sigismond, “A Confrontation with Dr. Condon: Prelude and Aftermath,” IUR 8, no. 5 \(Sept./Oct. 1983\): 3–5, 16; “Condon Confrontation Continues,” IUR 9, no. 1 \(Jan./Feb. 1984\): 9; Clark III 1192
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4103
### Event 27098 (9783DE18)
**Date:** 9/21/1966
**Description:** Eight members of the Royal Canadian Air Force saw a bright object that flew down at high speed in Summerside, Prince Edward Island, Canada. It stopped abruptly, remained at ground level for 20 minutes, then flew away straight up. There was radar-visual confirmation of the UFO over a missile site. NORAD was alerted and jet interceptors were scrambled.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP UFO Investigator, November 1966, p. 4; Frank Edwards, Flying Saucers--Here and Now, p. 111; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 799; Richard Dolan, UFO's and the National Security State: Chronology of a Coverup, 1941-1973, p. 413
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6182
### Event 27099 (940D6DEC)
**Date:** 9/22/1966
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In Deadwood \(South Dakota\), 4 police officers observe night lights for 1 hour. 2 pairs of police officers on patrol in 2 neighboring towns observe a large, round, white and shiny object at 50° above the horizon. Radio communications between the two groups allow for an approximate triangulation that locates the object in the sky about halfway between the two towns... They try to get closer: The object remained suspended, motionless, for about 15 minutes, extinguishing when we directed our spotlights on it. It was the size of a dollar coin held at arm's length. Shortly after, a smaller object - a light - streaked across the sky and also stopped next to the large light. Then the big light described a square trajectory, sending blue light beams to the ground from time to time. After maneuvering like this for about 1/2 hour, the lights shot off at full speed in the direction from which they came and disappeared in about 5 seconds. And all this absolutely silently. (September 22, 3 AM)
**Reference:** [Poher](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/PoherClaude.html) 2003
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1966.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2234
### Event 27100 (6C5EE7A2)
**Date:** 9/22/1966
**Time:** 03:00
**Location:** US14A NEAR STURGIS, SD
**Description:** 2 cops and more. Large object darts. Blue beams. 2 night lights join. Going quickly northwest. / r41p187.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HYNEK, J. Allen: The UFO EXPERIENCE, A Scientific Inquiry; Ballentine Books, NY 1974,1977. (Index 49)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7819
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **NUC:** Nuclear facility related, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "65", **Elev:** "987", **HatchDesc:** "US14A nr STURGIS,SD:2 COPS+:LRG OBJ DARTS:BLU BEAMS:2 NLTS JOIN:>>NW:/r41p187", **LatLong:** "44.416669 -103.516672", **LatLongDMS:** "44:25:00 N 103:31:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.416669,-103.516672)", **State/Prov:** "South Dakota", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 27101 (7FF926D9)
**Date:** 9/22/1966
**Location:** Deadwood, SD
**Description:** 3:00 a.m. CDT. Police from several vantage points saw a large white hovering object, changing color to green, red, and back to white. When a spotlight was shone on it, the object would black out (light reaction). Two smaller white objects operating independently approached and hovered nearby. The large object bobbed around and emitted light beams toward the ground, and finally sped away. (Sagan & Page, 1972, pp. xxii-xxiii.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** NICAP: [660922](http://www.nicap.org/deadwood660922dir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3148
### Event 27102 (021C39A8)
**Date:** 9/22/1966
**Location:** Deadwood, SD
**Description:** Hovering object with smaller satellite objects operating independently, emitted light beams, finally sped away
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_101
### Event 27103 (9F8F15AE)
**Date:** 9/22/1966
**Location:** Deadwood, South Dakota
**Description:** 3:00 a.m. Police from several vantage points in Deadwood, South Dakota, see a large white hovering object, changing color to green to red then back to white. It hangs motionless for 15 minutes. When a spotlight is shone on it, the object blacks out. Two smaller white objects operating independently approach and hover nearby. The large object bobs around and emits blue light beams toward the ground, and finally speeds away in 3 seconds.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** NICAP, “[Satellite Objects, Sept. 22, 1966, Deadwood, SD](http://www.nicap.org/660922deadwood%5FFI-4.pdf)”; J. Allen Hynek, The UFO Experience, Ballantine ed., 1974, [pp. 49–50](https://archive.org/details/ufoexperience00jall/page/48/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4104
### Event 27104 (FF181659)
**Date:** 9/22/1966
**Location:** Colorado
**Description:** Psychologist Michael Wertheimer tells [Cook](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stuart%5FW.%5FCook) he will participate in the Colorado project. \(Clark III 1193\) September 22 — [Hynek](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J.%5FAllen%5FHynek) appeals to Secretary of the Air Force [Harold Brown](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harold%5FBrown%5F%28Secretary%5Fof%5FDefense%29) to create a program to put UFO reports into a machine-readable database. He also recommends a more scientific approach to data acquisition that will make the Air Force look better to the public and the scientific community.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Center for UFO Studies, \[[Hynek](http://cufos.org/cases/1965-69%5F00%5F00%5FUS%5FIL%5FHynek-AF-letters.pdf) [correspondence](http://cufos.org/cases/1965-69%5F00%5F00%5FUS%5FIL%5FHynek-AF-letters.pdf)\], pp. 3–5
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4105
### Event 27105 (744B3456)
**Date:** 9/23/1966
**Location:** Decatur, AL
**Description:** 7:30 p.m. CDT. A former army aerial photo specialist and others saw two large objects (shape not specified in notes), one making a high-frequency whistling noise. The two objects performed complex flight patterns for about an hour. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3149
### Event 27106 (A77B6846)
**Date:** 9/23/1966
**Time:** 18:00:00.0
**Location:** 37.0209 -116.0364
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Daiquiri” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_469
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0209 -116.0364", **LatLongDMS:** "37:01:15 N 116:02:11 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0209,-116.0364)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.56", **NukeName:** "Daiquiri", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 27107 (AA591E87)
**Date:** Autumn 1966
**Location:** Rockford, Illinois
**Description:** Night. A young couple parking in a rural area near Rockford, Illinois, see a bright light that appears over some nearby trees. It is so intense that it hurts their eyes, so they start the car up and drive down a gravel road. The light is gone, but near where it had been they can now see two gray figures with large slanted eyes and wearing clothing with a square insignia on the torso. As they leave the area, they smell a pungent, metallic odor.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “Letter,” IUR 9, no. 2 \(March/April 1984\): 6, 9; “Out of the Past,” IUR 9, no. 2 \(March/April 1984\): 8–9
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4107
### Event 27108 (3D6488F9)
**Date:** 9/24/1966
**Location:** PEORIA, ILL
**Description:** Large blue object flies over car. Takes control / several miles. Flies away.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RODEGHIER, Mark/CUFOS: UFO REPORTS INVOLVING VEHICLE INTERFERENCE; CUFOS 1979. Available as CUFOS UFO Archive #1 CD-ROM. http://www.cufos.org/Pubform.pdf (Index 30)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7820
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "30", **Elev:** "141", **HatchDesc:** "PEORIA,ILL:LRG BLU OBJ FLIES OVR CAR:TAKES CONTROL/SVRL MILES:FLIES away", **LatLong:** "40.700002 -89.583338", **LatLongDMS:** "40:42:00 N 89:35:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.700002,-89.583338)", **State/Prov:** "Illinois", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 27109 (9B285246)
**Date:** 9/24/1966
**Time:** 21:20
**Description:** Car engine and lights fail. 15' cloud lands. Vanishes.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RODEGHIER, Mark/CUFOS: UFO REPORTS INVOLVING VEHICLE INTERFERENCE; CUFOS 1979. Available as CUFOS UFO Archive #1 CD-ROM. http://www.cufos.org/Pubform.pdf (Index 30)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7821
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "A360 SHREWTON> Event 27110 (46678088)
**Date:** 9/24/1966
**Time:** 17:00:00.0
**Location:** -22.0000 -139.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Rigel” YieldMax: 200KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1857
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "-22.0000 -139.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "22:00:00 S 139:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-22.0000,-139.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "France", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Rigel", **NukeSource:** "CEA/DAM", **NukeType:** "NACF", **NukeYMax:** "200"
### Event 27111 (50ED2BB2)
**Date:** 9/24/1966
**Location:** Peoria, Illinois
**Description:** 3:30 a.m. A man named Gaines is driving his girlfriend home in Peoria, Illinois, when they see a large, luminous, blue sphere hovering low in the sky. It shoots off, so he drops the girlfriend off. On the way home the blue ball returns; his car begins to pick up speed, the brakes won’t work, and the doors won’t open. He races on this way for a few blocks, then the UFO takes off.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Michael D. Swords, “Messing Around with the Force,” IUR 31, no. 4 \(Mar. 2008\): 17
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4106
### Event 27112 (148049D3)
**Date:** 9/24/1966
**Description:** At 9:20 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Burwood were driving between Tilshead and Shrewton on Highway A360 in Wiltshire County, England when their car headlights and engine died. A red misty light descended and landed behind their car. It was 15 feet in diameter and only 30 feet away. When another car came around the corner it vanished.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** T. Burwood, Flying Saucer Review, November-December 1966, p. 18; Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, p. 30
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6285
### Event 27113 (CF3A9F32)
**Date:** 9/25/1966
**Time:** 01:00
**Location:** TRIDELL, UT
**Description:** Saucer with green domed with red lights / edge hovers. .. "goes up like crazy".
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SALISBURY, Frank: The UTAH UFO DISPLAY -- a Biologist Reports; 1974 Devin Adair, New Greenwich,CT. HB 286pp. ISBN 0-815-97000-5 (Index 242)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7822
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "6", **Elev:** "1722", **HatchDesc:** "TRIDELL,UT:SCR with GRN DOMED W/RED LITES/EDGE HOVERS:.."goes up like crazy"", **LatLong:** "40.455557 -109.850005", **LatLongDMS:** "40:27:20 N 109:51:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.455557,-109.850005)", **State/Prov:** "Utah", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 27114 (F6B1EB9B)
**Date:** 9/26/1966
**Location:** GASTONIA, NC
**Description:** 3 / taxi and several cops. Big donut buzzes cab. Woman aboard hysterical.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** STEIGER, Brad & WHRITENOUR, Joan: FLYING SAUCERS ARE HOSTILE; Award Books PB 1967. (Index 53)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7823
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "248", **HatchDesc:** "GASTONIA,NC:3/TAXI+SVRL COPS:BIG DONUT BUZZES CAB:WOMAN ABOARD HYSTERICAL", **LatLong:** "35.266668 -81.183337", **LatLongDMS:** "35:16:00 N 81:11:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/35.266668,-81.183337)", **State/Prov:** "North Carolina", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 27115 (CAC98714)
**Date:** 9/26/1966
**Time:** 00:50
**Location:** 800M NORTHEAST / VERNAL, UT
**Description:** Saucer pulsates multicolors. Wakes and freaks cows. Hovers. Takes off.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SALISBURY, Frank: The UTAH UFO DISPLAY -- a Biologist Reports; 1974 Devin Adair, New Greenwich,CT. HB 286pp. ISBN 0-815-97000-5 (Index 242)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7824
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "12", **Elev:** "1545", **HatchDesc:** "800M NE/VERNAL,UT:SCR PULSATES MULTICOLORS:WAKES+FREAKS COWS:HVRS:TAKES OFF", **LatLong:** "40.483335 -109.516672", **LatLongDMS:** "40:29:00 N 109:31:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.483335,-109.516672)", **State/Prov:** "Utah", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 27116 (6A404498)
**Date:** 9/26/1966
**Location:** Bridgeport, NJ
**Description:** 3:30 p.m. EDT. A group of people saw a metallic-appearing oblong object (shaped like a cold capsule), emitting a brilliant glow even when in clouds. The object tilted upward, spun, and turned on its side. (NICAP notes from newspaper story.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3150
### Event 27117 (CD654754)
**Date:** 9/28/1966
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Sighting in Wilmington \(Ohio\). (September 28)
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#10973 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1966.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2235
### Event 27118 (5EA37C8D)
**Date:** 9/28/1966
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Coleman von Keviczky, a Hungarian emigrant working at the [UN](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/orgsCiviles.html\#ONU), urges the Secretary-General of the organization to set up an international study commission on UFOs.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1966.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2236
### Event 27119 (925C2D51)
**Date:** 9/28/1966
**Time:** 15:40
**Location:** WILMINGTON, OH
**Description:** 1 observer. 3 metallic saucers with rotating rims. 2 hover. 3rd goes going up and down / 90 second(s).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BERLINER, DON: The BLUEBOOK UNKNOWNS; (FUFOR). (Index 35)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7825
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "310", **HatchDesc:** "WILMINGTON,OH:1 OBS:3 MTLC SCRS W/ROTATING RIMS:2 HVR:3rd GOES ↑+↓/90sec", **LatLong:** "39.433335 -83.827782", **LatLongDMS:** "39:26:00 N 83:49:40 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.433335,-83.827782)", **State/Prov:** "Ohio", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 27120 (BCF6463E)
**Date:** 9/28/1966
**Time:** 22:30
**Description:** Airliner-size saucer approaches 2 different cars / 50-100 Yds.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SALISBURY, Frank: The UTAH UFO DISPLAY -- a Biologist Reports; 1974 Devin Adair, New Greenwich,CT. HB 286pp. ISBN 0-815-97000-5 (Index 24)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7826
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "20", **Elev:** "1515", **HatchDesc:** "S/FORT DUCHESNE,UT:AIRLINER-SIZE SCR APPROACHES 2 DIFFERENT CARS/50-100 YDS.", **LatLong:** "40.250002 -109.866672", **LatLongDMS:** "40:15:00 N 109:52:00 W", **Locale:** "Oil & Coal", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.250002,-109.866672)", **State/Prov:** "Utah", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 27121 (6EE960E4)
**Date:** 9/28/1966
**Location:** Wilmington, OH
**Description:** 3 round, oval-shaped, aluminum-colored objects w/rotating rings (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 10973)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3151
### Event 27122 (85D70580)
**Date:** 9/28/1966
**Time:** 3:38 PM
**Location:** Wilmington, Ohio
**Description:** Witness: Clarke. Three round, oval-shaped, aluminum-colored objects with rotating rings around them. Two remained stationary, while the third varied its altitude during the 90 second sighting.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_557
### Event 27123 (E23A4BE1)
**Date:** 9/28/1966
**Description:** A witness with the last name of Clarke reported to the U.S. Air Force that three round, oval-shaped, aluminum-colored objects with rotating rings around them appeared over Wilmington, Ohio at 3:38 p.m. Two of the objects remained stationary while the third one varied its altitude, and rose vertically. The sighting lasted 90 seconds.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Don Berliner, Project Bluebook UFO Unknowns
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6392
### Event 27124 (8CB2703F)
**Date:** 9/29/1966
**Time:** 14:45:30.1
**Location:** 37.1687 -116.0461
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Newark” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_470
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1687 -116.0461", **LatLongDMS:** "37:10:07 N 116:02:46 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1687,-116.0461)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.23", **NukeMb:** "4.10", **NukeName:** "Newark", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 27125 (14242F52)
**Date:** 9/30/1966
**Location:** USA, Near Roosevelt (Utah)
**Description:** (Translated from French) Curtis Eckanbrack, 15 years old, accompanied by his two twin brothers Kevin and Bevin (10 years old) was driving a tractor through the fields near the Roosevelt airfield. Around 4:30 pm all three of them saw, at 70 meters distance, a strange device, animated by slight oscillations and flying above the treetops. Immediately they jumped off the tractor and ran 20 meters in the direction of the metallic and shining object that was silently moving at 17 meters altitude. The UFO covered another thirty meters at a speed of 50 km/h then, suddenly, like a rocket, it rose straight up and disappeared into the clouds.
**Reference:** A. SCHNEIDER-H. MALTHANER: "Le dossier secret des OVNI", ed. De Vecchi, 1978, p. 83,84
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2388
### Event 27126 (AC16D347)
**Date:** 9/30/1966
**Time:** 16:30
**Location:** NEAR ROOSEVELT, UT
**Description:** 55' saucer / 15M altitude wobble-hovers / 50kph. Shoots away and quickly going up. / APRO Sep'66.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SALISBURY, Frank: The UTAH UFO DISPLAY -- a Biologist Reports; 1974 Devin Adair, New Greenwich,CT. HB 286pp. ISBN 0-815-97000-5 (Index 243)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7827
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "1580", **HatchDesc:** "nr ROOSEVELT,UT:55'SCR/15M alt WOBBLE-HVRS/50kph:SHOOTS AWAY+↑↑:/APRO Sep'66", **LatLong:** "40.305557 -110.005561", **LatLongDMS:** "40:18:20 N 110:00:20 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.305557,-110.005561)", **State/Prov:** "Utah", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 27127 (F2584FC3)
**Date:** 9/30/1966
**Time:** 17:30
**Description:** Saucer descends. White / top and green / bottom/underside. Vanishes on landing!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SALISBURY, Frank: The UTAH UFO DISPLAY -- a Biologist Reports; 1974 Devin Adair, New Greenwich,CT. HB 286pp. ISBN 0-815-97000-5 (Index 243)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7828
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "6", **Elev:** "1530", **HatchDesc:** "4MI N/FORT DUCHESNE,UT:SCR DESCENDS:WHT/TOP+GRN/BTM:VANISHES ON LANDING!", **LatLong:** "40.355557 -109.872227", **LatLongDMS:** "40:21:20 N 109:52:20 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.355557,-109.872227)", **State/Prov:** "Utah", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 27128 (698B2809)
**Date:** 9/30/1966
**Location:** New Kingston, PA
**Description:** Disc hovered near Cessna (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5)
**Reference:** NICAP: [660930](http://www.nicap.org/660930nkingston%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3152
### Event 27129 (E4EC46D6)
**Date:** 9/30/1966
**Location:** Anderson, IN
**Description:** 2:00 a.m. EDT. Police sighted a white ball of light surrounded by a bluish-white pulsating glow (halo effect), sometimes flashing red. The object maneuvered, made a sharp turn and flew southwest beneath an overcast, hovered over trees, rose and descended. (Indiana NICAP Subcommittee report; NICAP report form; police department report). (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3153
### Event 27130 (ED2932ED)
**Date:** 9/30/1966
**Time:** 05:59:51.0
**Location:** 38.9680 64.5170
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Urtabulak” Yield: 30KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1286
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "38.9680 64.5170", **LatLongDMS:** "38:58:05 N 64:31:01 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.9680,64.5170)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "1.53", **NukeMb:** "5.10", **NukeName:** "PNE:Urtabulak", **NukeSource:** "SULTANOV", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** "30"
### Event 27131 (ED386DD6)
**Date:** 9/30/1966
**Description:** A 60-foot wide Saturn-shaped UFO was seen northeast of Roosevelt Airport in Utah at 4:30 p.m. by three men.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Frank Salisbury, The Utah UFO Display, p. 36 case # A22
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6443
### Event 27132 (116A93C2)
**Date:** 10/1966
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) 13th "Annual Spacecraft Convention" in October at Giant Rock \(California\). See images/1966-10_GiantRock_AnnualSpacecraftConvention.jpg.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1966.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2237
### Event 27133 (4B251FA9)
**Date:** 10/1966
**Time:** 21:00?
**Location:** FIGUERAS, SP
**Description:** Highway Nii. 3 cars electro-magnetic effect (EME) completely. Luminous 15M saucer wobbles. Going quickly east to roses bay.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RODEGHIER, Mark/CUFOS: UFO REPORTS INVOLVING VEHICLE INTERFERENCE; CUFOS 1979. Available as CUFOS UFO Archive #1 CD-ROM. http://www.cufos.org/Pubform.pdf (Index 30)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7829
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "FIGUERAS,SP:hwy NII:3 CARS EME COMPLETELY:LUM 15M SCR WOBBLES:>>E to ROSES BAY", **LatLong:** "42.266669 2.950000", **LatLongDMS:** "42:16:00 N 02:57:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.266669,2.950000)", **State/Prov:** "GER", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 27134 (B3DCA43F)
**Date:** 10/1966
**Time:** 21:00?
**Location:** LINCOLN, ME
**Description:** Night lights maneuver near radio tower. Seen / many. Station/depot/facility aired regular ufo programs.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** EDWARDS, Frank: FLYING SAUCERS-HERE AND NOW; 1967 Lyle Stewart & Bantam Books 1968. (Index 73)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7830
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "20", **Elev:** "67", **HatchDesc:** "LINCOLN,ME:NLTS MNVR nr RADIO TOWER:SEEN/MANY:Stn aired regular ufo programs", **LatLong:** "45.361113 -68.505559", **LatLongDMS:** "45:21:40 N 68:30:20 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.361113,-68.505559)", **State/Prov:** "Maine", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 27135 (2BAAC3E9)
**Date:** 10/1966 (approximate)
**Time:** 22:50
**Location:** HAMAGUIR, ALG
**Description:** Fr. weatherman. Odd whirlwind. Shadow blocks full moon. No object visible.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 239)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7831
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Algeria", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "HAMAGUIR,ALG:FR.WEATHERMAN:ODD WHIRLWIND:SHADOW BLOCKS FULL MOON:no obj visibl", **LatLong:** "30.900001 -3.033333", **LatLongDMS:** "30:54:00 N 03:02:00 W", **Locale:** "Desert", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/30.900001,-3.033333)", **State/Prov:** "SAH", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 27136 (A4992F97)
**Date:** 10/1966
**Description:** [Hynek](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J.%5FAllen%5FHynek)’s lengthy letter about UFOs and Project Blue Book is published in Science magazine. It addresses seven misconceptions about UFOs. “I cannot dismiss the UFO phenomenon with a shrug,” he concludes.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** O’Connell 201–204
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4108
### Event 27137 (9B819295)
**Date:** 10/1966
**Description:** The Canadian Directorate of Operations issues Canadian Forces Administrative Order 71-6, “Reporting of Unidentified Flying Objects,” to make it easier to obtain UFO reports from military bases and police forces.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Yurko Bondarchuk, UFO Canada, Signet, 1981, p. 173
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4109
### Event 27138 (E4A61DF5)
**Date:** 10/1/1966
**Description:** [James E. McDonald](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James%5FE.%5FMcDonald) writes to [Thomas Ratchford](https://www.aaas.org/archives/j-thomas-ratchford-files) of the USAF Office of Scientific Research to tell him that he will soon speak out for radical changes in the handling of UFO reports.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clark III 697
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4110
### Event 27139 (3AD34C78)
**Date:** 10/2/1966
**Time:** 20:20
**Location:** CINCINNATI, OH
**Description:** 2+2+45 observer(s). Foul odor. Saucer with square portholes. Small humanoid (or Grey) faces projected. See reference.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** STRINGFIELD, Leonard: SITUATION RED - The UFO Siege. Fawcett Crest, NY 1977 (Index 52)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7832
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **TLP:** Telepathy, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **ODR:** Odors associated with UFO's
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "120", **Elev:** "207", **HatchDesc:** "CINCINNATI,OH:2+2+45 OBS:FOUL ODOR:SCR W/SQR PORTS:OID FACES PROJECTED:see ref", **LatLong:** "39.116669 -84.550004", **LatLongDMS:** "39:07:00 N 84:33:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.116669,-84.550004)", **State/Prov:** "Ohio", **Strangeness:** "11"
### Event 27140 (79D8530E)
**Date:** 10/2/1966
**Time:** 23:00?
**Location:** TAREE, NSW, AUSTR
**Description:** 5 observer(s). Cigar / row / portholes on side. Erratic course / 15 minute(s).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** EDWARDS, Frank: FLYING SAUCERS-HERE AND NOW; 1967 Lyle Stewart & Bantam Books 1968. (Index 72)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7833
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "15", **HatchDesc:** "TAREE,NSW,AUSTR:5 OBS:CIGAR/ROW/PORTHOLES ON SIDE:ERRATIC COURSE/15min:", **LatLong:** "-31.866668 152.350007", **LatLongDMS:** "31:52:00 S 152:21:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-31.866668,152.350007)", **State/Prov:** "NSW", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 27141 (7BAD99A1)
**Date:** 10/2/1966
**Location:** Cincinnati, Ohio
**Description:** 8:20 p.m. Mrs. Everett Steward is talking on the telephone at her home in Cincinnati, Ohio, when she smells a foul odor in the room. She goes to her bedroom, but she has a feeling of being watched. Looking out the window, she sees an oval-shaped object with portholes and red, green, and white lights revolving around it. It is 75 feet in diameter and hovering at 100 feet. She wakes up her husband, who also sees it, and calls her married daughter, Mrs. Janet Emery, a mile away; the Emerys also see it, and a neighbor with binoculars can see that it has square windows glowing yellow. Janet goes outdoors and sees the UFO eject a red ball, which maneuvers while the first UFO takes off southward. The red ball flies 75–100 feet over Janet’s head; its underside is shiny like aluminum foil. Mrs. Steward goes to bed, but the odor is still in the house. After some time, the room is filled for an instant with brilliant white light; then this vanishes and a globe of light about 21 inches in diameter appears at the foot of her bed. Inside are 5 “non-human, hairless heads” with oval, sunken eyes. Instead of noses, there are slits, and they have no mouths. Telepathically, they repeat several times: “We have made contact.” Mrs. Steward screams and the globe disappears. She is so disquieted by the experience that she goes under psychiatric care for the next 2 years.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Stringfield, Situation Red, Doubleday, 1977, pp. 33–36
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4111
### Event 27142 (D794A3A4)
**Date:** 10/2/1966
**Description:** Mrs. Everett Steward, a flight attendant, was talking on the telephone from her home in Cincinnati, Ohio at 10:20 p.m. when she smelled a foul odor in the room. She went to her bedroom, where she had a feeling of being watched. Looking out the window, she saw an oval-shaped object with portholes and red, green, and white lights revolving around it. It was 75 feet in diameter and 100 feet above the ground. She woke her husband, who also saw it, and called her married daughter, Mrs. Janet Emery, a mile away. The Emerys also saw it, and a neighbor with binoculars could see that it had illuminated yellow square windows. Next, her daughter Janet went outdoors and saw the UFO eject a red ball, which maneuvered about while the first UFO took off southward. The red ball flew 100 feet over Jane's head. It too was oval shaped, and its underside was shiny like aluminum foil. It was "bigger than my cottage and yard combined." She also smelled the garbage like odor. Mrs. Steward went to bed, but the odor still persisted in the house. Sometime later that night the room was filled with a brilliant white light, which then vanished, and a globe of light about 21 inches in diameter appeared at the foot of her bed. Inside the globe were the images of five "non-human, hairless heads" with oval, sunken eyes. "Instead of noses, there were slits, and they had no mouths." Telepathically, they repeated several times that "we have made contact." Mrs Steward screamed, and the globe disappeared. She was so upset by the experience that she began psychiatric counseling and continued it for the next two years.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Leonard H. Stringfield, Situation Red: The UFO Siege, pp. 35-36 & 51-52; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case # 1966-41, citing Leonard H. Stringfield
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6497
### Event 27143 (84C6749F)
**Date:** 10/3/1966
**Location:** NEAR TEMPLE, OK
**Description:** Cops and several observer(s). 4 pulsing red night lights maneuver low near roadsides. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** EDWARDS, Frank: FLYING SAUCERS-HERE AND NOW; 1967 Lyle Stewart & Bantam Books 1968. (Index 71)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7834
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "307", **HatchDesc:** "nr TEMPLE,OK:COPS+SVRL OBS:4 PULSING RED NLTS MNVR LOW nr ROADSIDES:NFD", **LatLong:** "34.272224 -98.233338", **LatLongDMS:** "34:16:20 N 98:14:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/34.272224,-98.233338)", **State/Prov:** "Oklahoma", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 27144 (EAE59B5A)
**Date:** 10/3/1966
**Time:** 04:50
**Location:** GULFPORT, MS
**Description:** Saucers cavort / 40 minute(s). Blimplike UFO appears. Also seen / New Orleans.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** EDWARDS, Frank: FLYING SAUCERS-HERE AND NOW; 1967 Lyle Stewart & Bantam Books 1968. (Index 71)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7835
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "50", **Elev:** "7", **HatchDesc:** "GULFPORT,MS:SCRS CAVORT/40min:BLIMPLIKE UFO APPEARS:also seen/NEW ORLEANS", **LatLong:** "30.383335 -89.100004", **LatLongDMS:** "30:23:00 N 89:06:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/30.383335,-89.100004)", **State/Prov:** "Mississippi", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 27145 (FF64DF22)
**Date:** 10/3/1966 (approximate)
**Time:** 08:30
**Location:** GRENOBLE, FR
**Description:** Night light = 7M domed saucer. 2 portholes and legs. Lands by garage. Rumbles. Goes.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FIGEUT, Michel & RUCHON, Jean-Louis: OVNI - Le Premier Dossier..; Alain LeFeuvre, Paris 1979. (Index 266)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7836
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "GRENOBLE,FR:NLT=7M DOMED SCR:2 PORTHOLES+LEGS:LANDS BY GARAGE:RUMBLES:GOES.", **LatLong:** "45.166669 5.733334", **LatLongDMS:** "45:10:00 N 05:44:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.166669,5.733334)", **State/Prov:** "Isère", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 27146 (806117D3)
**Date:** 10/3/1966
**Location:** US
**Description:** "Many UFOs Are Identified as Plasmas," by Philip J. Klass in Aviation Week.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_102
### Event 27147 (D38CF3D8)
**Date:** 10/3/1966
**Description:** [Phil Klass](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philip%5FJ.%5FKlass) has another article in Aviation Week on plasmas as an explanation for UFOs. \(Philip J. Klass, “Many UFOs Are Identified as Plasmas,” Aviation Week and Space Technology 85 \(October 3, 1966\): 54–73\) October 4, 18 — Excerpts of [John G. Fuller](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John%5FG.%5FFuller)’s book about the [Betty and Barney Hill](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barney%5Fand%5FBetty%5FHill) abduction case, Interrupted Journey, appear in a two-part article of Look magazine.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Barney and Betty Hill](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barney%5Fand%5FBetty%5FHill\#Interrupted%5FJourney)”; John G. Fuller, “[Aboard a](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/0%20-%20Articles/United%20States/Look/1966%2010%2004%5FLook%5FJohn%20Fuller%5FAboard%20A%20Flying%20Saucer%5FLagrange%20scan.pdf) [Flying Saucer, Part I,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/0%20-%20Articles/United%20States/Look/1966%2010%2004%5FLook%5FJohn%20Fuller%5FAboard%20A%20Flying%20Saucer%5FLagrange%20scan.pdf)” Look 30, no. 20 \(October 4, 1966\): 44–48, 53–56; John G. Fuller, “[Aboard a Flying](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/0%20-%20Articles/United%20States/Look/1966%2010%2018%5FLook%5FJohn%20Fuller%5FAboard%20UFO%202%5FLagrange%20scan.pdf) [Saucer, Part II,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/0%20-%20Articles/United%20States/Look/1966%2010%2018%5FLook%5FJohn%20Fuller%5FAboard%20UFO%202%5FLagrange%20scan.pdf)” Look 30, no. 21 \(October 18, 1966\): 111–121; Clark III 585
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4112
### Event 27148 (A55091A2)
**Date:** 10/4/1966
**Time:** 21:00:00.0
**Location:** -22.0000 -139.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Sirus” YieldMax: 1000KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1858
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "-22.0000 -139.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "22:00:00 S 139:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-22.0000,-139.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "France", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Sirus", **NukeSource:** "CEA/DAM", **NukeType:** "NACF", **NukeYMax:** "1000"
### Event 27149 (51F8DB23)
**Date:** 10/4/1966
**End date:** 10/5/1966
**Location:** John Street in Connersville, Indiana
**Description:** 5:00 a.m. Jack Jones is delivering newspapers on John Street in Connersville, Indiana. He notices a group of lights in a field to the west past the dead end. He thinks it might be a new light installation and moves on. The next day, Jones is with another paper carrier, Don Doe, and he suggests they go see the new lights. Jack sees the lights, but they are in a different position somewhat to the north. Both boys sit on their bicycles and watch a dark disc-shaped object with flashing red, green, and white lights on it that is apparently on the ground some 840 feet into the field. They estimate it is 27 feet in diameter and 10 feet high. They hear a high-pitched whirring sound and smell a faint odor of sulfur and tannic acid. After watching it a few minutes, they hear a new sound as if someone is walking slowly toward them through some thick weeds. They take off on their bicycles and don’t look back. Some days later, investigators find three holes, 8 feet apart in an equilateral triangle, where the object was seen. The holes measure 7 inches at the top and 1 inch at the bottom.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[UAO Landing in Indiana,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201966%2011%2000%20-%20November-December.pdf)” APRO Bulletin, Nov./Dec. 1966, pp. 1, 3
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4113
### Event 27150 (4F539AB1)
**Date:** 10/5/1966
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Sighting at Osceola \(Wisconsin\). (October 5)
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#10996 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1966.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2238
### Event 27151 (83F8962D)
**Date:** 10/5/1966
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Following various pressures \(public opinion, [Ford](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/FordGeraldRudolf.html), [Hynek](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/HynekJosephAllen.html), [von Keviczky](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/VonKeviczkyColeman.html), [Mac Donald](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/MacDonaldJamesE.html)\), the [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) project is examined by a committee of scientists who propose to entrust the work of a thorough scientific study of UFOs to an American university whose impartiality could not be called into question. Congress approves the project and entrusts this task to the [Condon Commission](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html\#Condon) at the University of Colorado.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1966.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2239
### Event 27152 (C6321B1A)
**Date:** 10/5/1966
**Location:** POTOMAC, MD
**Description:** Boy. Domed saucer with row / lights / ground level. Going up [to] fast. Wave / heat felt. NICAP Oct'66.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA; H. Regnery, Chicago HC 1969 & Contemporary Books,Chicago 1993. 372pp. (Index 800)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7837
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "104", **HatchDesc:** "POTOMAC,MD:BOY:DOMED SCR W/ROW/LITES/GND LVL:↑FAST:WAVE/HEAT FELT:NICAP Oct'66", **LatLong:** "39.016669 -77.211115", **LatLongDMS:** "39:01:00 N 77:12:40 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.016669,-77.211115)", **State/Prov:** "Maryland", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 27153 (C38A79E1)
**Date:** 10/5/1966
**Location:** OSCEOLA, WI
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #10996. Several observer(s). Small moon-shaped object hovers / 20 minute(s). Then shoots away.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BERLINER, DON: The BLUEBOOK UNKNOWNS; (FUFOR). (Index 35)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7838
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "20", **Elev:** "275", **HatchDesc:** "OSCEOLA,WI:BBK#10996:SVRL OBS:SML MOON-SHAPED OBJ HVRS/20min:THEN SHOOTS AWAY", **LatLong:** "45.316669 -92.683338", **LatLongDMS:** "45:19:00 N 92:41:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.316669,-92.683338)", **State/Prov:** "Wisconsin", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 27154 (9F37FA27)
**Date:** 10/5/1966
**Time:** 05:40
**Description:** 2 boys. Dark saucer / ground. Sulfur odor. Footsteps heard. / r109p111.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 803)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7839
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded, **ODR:** Odors associated with UFO's
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "263", **HatchDesc:** "E.CONNERSVILLE,IN:2 BOYS:DRK SCR/GND:SULFUR ODOR:FOOTSTEPS HEARD:/r109p111", **LatLong:** "39.566669 -85.100004", **LatLongDMS:** "39:34:00 N 85:06:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.566669,-85.100004)", **State/Prov:** "Indiana", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 27155 (EF9BD3E5)
**Date:** 10/5/1966
**Location:** Osceola, WI
**Description:** Small, bright orange, moon-shaped object stationary in the NE (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 10996)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3154
### Event 27156 (78A1D287)
**Date:** 10/5/1966
**Location:** Potomac, Maryland
**Description:** A boy saw a disk-shaped object with a transparent dome and a row of lights, at ground level. It rose at high speed, emitting a "heat wave," and was lost in the clouds.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** NICAP Oct., 66 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_800
### Event 27157 (E8D7A88C)
**Date:** 10/5/1966
**Time:** Time unknown
**Location:** Osceola, Wisconsin
**Description:** Witnesses: several members of one family. One small, bright orange, moon-shaped object remained stationary in the northeast for about 20 minutes, then suddenly took off very fast to the WNW.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_558
### Event 27158 (2FE6A8D8)
**Date:** 10/5/1966
**Location:** University of Arizona Department of Meteorology
**Description:** At a University of Arizona Department of Meteorology colloquium, [James E. McDonald](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James%5FE.%5FMcDonald) gives his views on the reality of UFOs and the Air Force’s concealment of information. His colleagues respond negatively, and McDonald acknowledges to [Gerard Kuiper](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gerard%5FKuiper) that what he is doing is professionally risky. Nevertheless, the university’s Space Sciences Committee gives him a $1,300 grant toward his research expenses.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[UFOs Are](https://www.newspapers.com/clip/95391798/) [‘Real,’ Physicist Asserts,](https://www.newspapers.com/clip/95391798/)” Arizona Daily Star, October 6, 1966, p. B-1; Clark III 697
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4114
### Event 27159 (02FFD21C)
**Date:** 10/5/1966
**Description:** A boy in Potomac, Maryland saw a disc-shaped object with a transparent dome and a row of lights, at ground level. It rose at high speed, emitting a "heat wave," and was lost in the clouds.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 800
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6576
### Event 27160 (8A378602)
**Date:** 10/6/1966
**Time:** 20:30
**Location:** FORT DUCHESNE, UT
**Description:** Classic saucer near observer(s). Slow then away at great speed. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SALISBURY, Frank: The UTAH UFO DISPLAY -- a Biologist Reports; 1974 Devin Adair, New Greenwich,CT. HB 286pp. ISBN 0-815-97000-5 (Index 244)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7840
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "1520", **HatchDesc:** "FORT DUCHESNE,UT:CLASSIC SCR NEAR OBS:SLOW then AWAY at GREAT SPEED:NFD", **LatLong:** "40.288891 -109.866672", **LatLongDMS:** "40:17:20 N 109:52:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.288891,-109.866672)", **State/Prov:** "Utah", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 27161 (FA291A5A)
**Date:** 10/6/1966
**Location:** University of Colorado
**Description:** [Thurston Manning](https://www.legacy.com/obituaries/name/thurston-manning-obituary?pid=171867180) signs the University of Colorado contract with the Air Force. The project is to run from November 15, 1966, to January 1968.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clark III 1193
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4115
### Event 27162 (76529B1F)
**Date:** 10/7/1966
**Time:** 20:30
**Location:** INDIAN LAKE, MICH
**Description:** 14 observer(s). UFO seen / 60 min. Traces? No further details [in] = catalog listing only.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HYNEK, J. Allen: The UFO EXPERIENCE, A Scientific Inquiry; Ballentine Books, NY 1974,1977. (Index 270)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7841
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "66", **Elev:** "234", **HatchDesc:** "INDIAN LAKE,MICH:14 OBS:UFO SEEN/60 min:TRACES?:NFD = catalog listing only", **LatLong:** "45.994447 -86.333337", **LatLongDMS:** "45:59:40 N 86:20:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.994447,-86.333337)", **State/Prov:** "Michigan", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 27163 (2FCDF687)
**Date:** 10/7/1966
**Location:** US
**Description:** USAF public announcement of grant to University of Colorado for a UFO study to be headed by Dr. E. U. Condon.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_103
### Event 27164 (1E91DA96)
**Date:** 10/7/1966
**Locations:** University of Colorado; University of Arizona
**Description:** The Air Force publicly announces the creation of the University of Colorado UFO project. [Low](http://ufohistoryfiles.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/CO%2067%20NEWS.pdf) is made project coordinator. The primary team will be [Saunders](https://psycnet.apa.org/record/1993-27194-001)[,](https://psycnet.apa.org/record/1993-27194-001) ESSA astronomer [Franklin Roach](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Franklin%5FE.%5FRoach), Wertheimer, chemist [Roy Craig](https://legacy.lib.utexas.edu/taro/tamucush/00151/tamu-00151.html)[,](https://legacy.lib.utexas.edu/taro/tamucush/00151/tamu-00151.html) University of Arizona electrical engineer Norman Levine, administrative assistant Mary Lou Armstrong, University of Arizona astronomer [William K. Hartmann](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William%5FKenneth%5FHartmann), physicist [Frederick Ayer](https://archive.seattletimes.com/archive/?date=19981022&slug=2779034), and psychologists [Dan Culberson](https://www.linkedin.com/in/dan-culberson-3427b218) and James Wadsworth.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Office of Assistant Secretary of Defense \(Public Affairs\), “Air Force Selects University of Colorado to Investigate Unidentified Flying Object Reports,” October 7, 1966, release no. 847-66, in Lorenzen, UFOs over the Americas, Signet, 1968, pp. 222–224; “[UFO Probe Given to Colorado U.,](https://www.newspapers.com/clip/95391145/)” San Francisco Examiner, October 7, 1966, p. 42; Clark III 697, 1193
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4116
### Event 27165 (26A20534)
**Date:** 10/7/1966
**Description:** [McDonald](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James%5FE.%5FMcDonald) speaks to the media about the secret Robertson Panel report. The CIA has ordered the Air Force to debunk UFOs, he says.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[UFO Hush](https://www.newspapers.com/clip/95392849/) [Blamed on CIA Men,](https://www.newspapers.com/clip/95393279/)” Phoenix Arizona Republic, October 7, 1966, pp. 21–22
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4117
### Event 27166 (F30E1F63)
**Date:** 10/8/1966
**Location:** USA, somewhere in Virginia
**Description:** (Translated from French) Thomas Ury was returning home in the evening, after visiting friends. "The creature arrived in the manner of a helicopter and immediately circled above my car. It then made large circles, two or three times, rising higher than the telephone pole along the road. I pressed the accelerator and the speedometer read 70 mph, but the 'thing' followed me easily. (...) It was a creature of a grayish brown with a small beak. The body of this flying being had a human aspect and the wingspan of its wings could have been ten feet".
**Reference:** Jean FERGUSON: "Les Humanoïdes ..." - ed. Leméac, Ottawa, 1977, p. 199, 200
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2389
### Event 27167 (E827EDD5)
**Date:** 10/8/1966
**Time:** 19:00
**Location:** TENBY, WALES
**Description:** 12+observer(s). Blue luminous/glowing cloud-cylinder/cigar-shape circles. Offloads dark object going southwest. Cylinder/cigar-shape going quickly east.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 220)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7842
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "TENBY,WALES:12+OBS:BLU LUMN CLOUD-CGR CIRCLES:OFFLOADS DRK OBJ> SW:CGR>>E", **LatLong:** "51.683336 -4.716667", **LatLongDMS:** "51:41:00 N 04:43:00 W", **Locale:** "Offshore", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.683336,-4.716667)", **State/Prov:** "WLS", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 27168 (D13898AC)
**Date:** 10/8/1966
**Description:** [Condon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward%5FCondon) is widely quoted in the media as saying it is “highly improbable” that UFOs exist. “The view that UFOs are hallucinatory will be a subject of our investigation, to discover what it is that makes people imagine they see things.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Chesly Manly, “[UFOs Prober](https://www.newspapers.com/clip/95388374/) [Keeps Open Mind and Door,](https://www.newspapers.com/clip/95388589/)” Chicago Tribune, October 16, 1966, pp. 1, 4
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4118
### Event 27169 (4F162275)
**Date:** 10/8/1966
**Locations:** Loch Ness; Tenby harbor, Pembrokeshire, Wales
**Description:** 7:00 p.m. Loch Ness monster researcher [Frederick William “Ted” Holiday](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fredrick%5FWilliam%5FHoliday) is fishing on the lifeboat slipway at Tenby harbor, Pembrokeshire, Wales, when he and other fishermen notice a small, bluish, luminous cloud moving in a circle about three times its own diameter above them. After a short time, he resumes his fishing, but 10 minutes later a dark object emerges from the cloud and beams down a brilliant ruby light on them. The cloud moves west and the object moves southwest. By the time he retrieves binoculars from his car, both objects are gone.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** F. W. Holiday, “[Was God at Aberfan?](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201972%20V%2018%20N%204.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 18, no. 4 \(July/Aug. 1972\): 3–4
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4119
### Event 27170 (B3A0EECA)
**Date:** 10/8/1966
**Description:** At 7:00 p.m. in Tenby, England a blue luminous cloud cigar circled, hovered, and emitted a dark object that flew off to the southwest. The larger object sped off to the east.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** F. W. Holiday, FSR, July-August 1972, p. 3
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6652
### Event 27171 (299C2F3D)
**Date:** 10/8/1966
**Description:** A red and white object was observed at treetop level from Highway 44 in Rushville, Indiana making a "screaming sound." TV interference was reported, and German shepard dogs howled during the six minute close encounter.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Donald Worley, APRO Bulletin, November-December 1966, p. 4
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6653
### Event 27172 (E9C55C5C)
**Date:** 10/9/1966
**Time:** 19:20
**Location:** FORT DUCHESNE, UT
**Description:** Yellow saucer with red rim. Bigger than airliner. 90M altitude. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SALISBURY, Frank: The UTAH UFO DISPLAY -- a Biologist Reports; 1974 Devin Adair, New Greenwich,CT. HB 286pp. ISBN 0-815-97000-5 (Index 37)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7843
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "1520", **HatchDesc:** "FORT DUCHESNE,UT:YELLOW SCR W/RED RIM:BIGGER THAN AIRLINER:90M alt:NFD", **LatLong:** "40.294446 -109.872227", **LatLongDMS:** "40:17:40 N 109:52:20 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.294446,-109.872227)", **State/Prov:** "Utah", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 27173 (13F46605)
**Date:** 10/10/1966
**Location:** USA, Newton, Illinois
**Description:** (Translated from French) Mrs. A. was around 5:20 PM, busy in the kitchen, five of her children were playing outside. The children called their mother to come and see the silent plane. When she went out, the object was arriving just south of the grain silo (72 feet high) going from east to west, slowly. The object was about 35 feet in altitude and the witness thought it was an airplane trying to make an emergency landing, but then she saw it in its entirety. This oval machine measured 50 feet by 100 feet, around the ends there was a bluish glow as well as around the bottom. This glow looked more like a kind of opaque mist. The craft itself was blue and seemed to be metallic and on the sides there were ribs. The object was not luminous. There was only one black window at the front. At the rear end, a part like a spur protruded. The object disappeared by raising its nose and leaving like an arrow.
**Reference:** Blue Book #1199, NICAP
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2390
### Event 27174 (1952FBCF)
**Date:** 10/10/1966
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Intervention of Doctor [James Mac Donald](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/MacDonaldJamesE.html), eminent physicist and member of the Academy of Sciences for an objective and public study of UFOs. (October 10)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1966.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2240
### Event 27175 (9C4886AD)
**Date:** 10/10/1966
**Time:** 17:20
**Location:** NEAR NEWTON, IL
**Description:** 6 / farm. 6m x 2m cylinder/cigar-shape / 15m altitude. Glows and sparks. Lights ground. TV Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) / r98#60.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SAGAN/PAGE:UFO'S a SCIENTIFIC DEBATE: Cornell Univ. Press, Ithaca, NY 1972 (Index 268)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7844
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "4", **Elev:** "163", **HatchDesc:** "nr NEWTON,IL:6/FARM:6m x 2m CGR/15m alt:GLOWS+SPARKS:LITES GND:TV RFI/r98#60", **LatLong:** "39.000002 -88.166671", **LatLongDMS:** "39:00:00 N 88:10:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.000002,-88.166671)", **RelAlt:** "15", **State/Prov:** "Illinois", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 27176 (3D491AA7)
**Date:** 10/10/1966
**Time:** 21:30
**Location:** MEDFORD, MASS
**Description:** 2 observer(s) include/including former Air Force man. Ring of windows turns. Structure not seen.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FOWLER, Raymond E.: UFO'S, INTERPLANETARY VISITORS; Prentice Hall & Bantam Books, NY 1979. 346pp. (Index 328)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7845
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "4", **HatchDesc:** "MEDFORD,MASS:2 OBS INCL FORMER AF MAN:RING OF WINDOWS TURNS:STRUCTURE NOT SEEN", **LatLong:** "42.416669 -71.116670", **LatLongDMS:** "42:25:00 N 71:07:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.416669,-71.116670)", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 27177 (FD5BFCB2)
**Date:** 10/10/1966
**Location:** Wanaque, NJ
**Description:** 9:15 p.m. EDT. Police officers observed a spherical object with a protrusion on one side emitting an extremely bright, blinding light that lit up the terrain (environmental illumination). The UFO hovered, and moved around erratically at high speeds, making sharp turns and leaving a misty trail in its wake when it moved. (U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. Ill, No. 10, Oct.-Nov. 1966, p. 6; NICAP report, investigation by John Pagano.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3155
### Event 27178 (8595A28B)
**Date:** 10/10/1966
**Description:** [Hynek](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J.%5FAllen%5FHynek) discusses UFOs in Newsweek.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “UFO’s for Real?” Newsweek, October 10, 1966, p. 70
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4120
### Event 27179 (C5F66339)
**Date:** 10/10/1966
**Location:** Wanaque (New Jersey) Reservoir
**Description:** 9:15 p.m. Police Sgt. Benjamin Thompson of the Wanaque \(New Jersey\) Reservoir Police watches a bright light performing fantastic maneuvers over the reservoir. He notices a slight mist in the wake of its movements. It descends to 150 feet above the water, then shoots up. Thompson has also seen UFOs at the reservoir in January and March. Some teenagers see a UFO in the area 2 nights later.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[UFOs Return to Wanaque Reservoir,](http://www.cufos.org/UFOI%5Fand%5FSelected%5FDocuments/UFOI/034%20OCT-NOV%201966.pdf)” UFO Investigator 3, no. 10 \(Oct./Nov. 1966\): 6; Sanderson, [InvRes](https://www.scribd.com/document/429706119/Invisible-Residents-The-Reality-of-Underwater-UFOs)[,](https://www.scribd.com/document/429706119/Invisible-Residents-The-Reality-of-Underwater-UFOs) pp. 58–62; Center for UFO Studies, \[[case files](http://cufos.org/cases/1966%5F10%5F10-26%5FUS%5FNJ%5FWanaque-Reservoir%5FNICAP%5FMultipleWit.pdf)\]
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4121
### Event 27180 (81ED6CD3)
**Date:** 10/10/1966
**Description:** At 5:20 p.m. six witnesses in Newton, Illinois saw a metallic oval-shaped object or football with a tail appendage come down over some power lines. It made a whirling sound, and shot away at terrific speed.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** J. Allen Hynek, The UFO Experience, p. 238; UNICAT, case 252; George Kocher, UFO's: What to Do? (Rand Corporation document), p. 18
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6713
### Event 27181 (754A9842)
**Date:** 10/10/1966
**Description:** A person contacted the National UFO Reporting Center in Seattle to report that at around 9:00 p.m. in Live Oak, Florida a saucer-shaped object zapped energy from some powerlines while at the same time his pregnant mother received a mental message from the UFO not to pass on any information about the close encounter.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, report uploaded May 11, 2005
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6714
### Event 27182 (3D874947)
**Date:** 10/10/1966
**Description:** At 9:15 p.m. police officers Pastro and Thompson at Wanaque Reservoir in Wanaque, New Jersey observed a spherical object with a protrusion on one side emitting an extremely bright, blinding light that lit up the surrounding terrain. The UFO first hovered, and then moved around erratically at high speeds, making sharp turns and leaving a misty trail in its wake when it moved.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP UFO Investigator, Oct.-Nov. 1966, p. 6; NICAP case files, report by John Pagano; Frank Edwards, Flying Saucers--Here and Now, p. 20
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6715
### Event 27183 (C405D965)
**Date:** 10/10/1966
**Description:** At 9:30 p.m. an Air Force pilot and his wife driving on Interstate 93 in Medford, Massachusetts sighted a wheel and spoke like object in the sky. It had slow moving lights, like mirrors on a carousel with dark gaps in between.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Raymond Fowler, UFOs: Interplanetary Visitors, p. 341, investigation report dated November 23, 1966
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6716
### Event 27184 (5084E1B6)
**Date:** 10/11/1966
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** FT. THOMPSON, SD
**Description:** 1+3 cops. Ferris-wheel night light hovers over Indian Reservation / hours. Going east. 2nd joins.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SOULE, Gardner: UFO's & IFOs - A Factual Report..; Putnam's Sons, NY. 1968? (Index 7)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7846
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "130", **Elev:** "490", **HatchDesc:** "Ft.THOMPSON,SD:1+3 COPS:FERRIS-WHEEL NLT HVRS OVR INDIAN RSV/hrs:>E:2nd JOINS", **LatLong:** "44.055558 -99.438894", **LatLongDMS:** "44:03:20 N 99:26:20 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.055558,-99.438894)", **State/Prov:** "South Dakota", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 27185 (E342019F)
**Date:** 10/11/1966
**Time:** 22:00
**Location:** WANAQUE, NJ
**Description:** Various dates. Cops and more/others. Night lights and sphere over reservoir. Jets and helicopters chase. / r75p6.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 46)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7847
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **MIL:** Military investigation, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies, **COV:** Indication of coverup
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "50", **Elev:** "75", **HatchDesc:** "WANAQUE,NJ:various dates:COPS++:NLTS+SPHERE ovr RSVR:JETS+COPTERS CHASE:/r75p6", **LatLong:** "41.033335 -74.300004", **LatLongDMS:** "41:02:00 N 74:18:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.033335,-74.300004)", **State/Prov:** "New Jersey", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 27186 (9FA572BC)
**Date:** 10/11/1966
**Location:** Davenport, IA
**Description:** 6:15 p.m. CDT. Several persons saw two brightly luminous objects in daylight, one sped below a jet aircraft's contrail moving like a sailed plate (oscillating motion), once stopping abruptly. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3156
### Event 27187 (0A879C00)
**Date:** 10/11/1966
**Location:** Jonesboro, TN
**Description:** 7:10 p.m. EDT. Several people sighted a cigar-shaped object which, after about 2 minutes, lit up brightly and moved quickly to the north. A short while later two round objects appeared. Each had a "bulge" (dome?) on top and bright light shining from the bottom. (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3157
### Event 27188 (E1BB9B26)
**Date:** 10/11/1966
**Location:** US
**Description:** Project Sign ("Saucer") report of February 1949 declassified from its formerly SECRET status.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_104
### Event 27189 (32C829E8)
**Date:** 10/11/1966
**Locations:** Elizabeth, New Jersey; East Jersey Street; New Jersey Turnpike
**Description:** 9:45 p.m. Two boys in Elizabeth, New Jersey—Martin Munov and James Yanchitis—are walking home on 4th Street near East Jersey Street, adjacent to the elevated New Jersey Turnpike. Yanchitis tells his friend that there is someone following them. They turn and see a man standing behind a high wire fence separating them from the turnpike 30 feet above them. The fence is 8 feet high and the embankment running up to it is steep. John Keel interviews the two boys three days after the incident. They tell him that the man is 7 feet tall, has a dark complexion, and is wearing a green work suit. He has a bald head, large eyes, and a huge grinning mouth full of white teeth.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** John Keel, Strange Creatures from Time and Space, Fawcett, 1970, p. 176
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4122
### Event 27190 (E086B469)
**Date:** 10/11/1966
**Description:** A glowing round object with a dome like up the waters of Wanaque Reservoir, New Jersey at 9:15 p.m. It hovered 250 feet over the water at a distance of 250 feet, giving off a blinding white light. It made a square turn maneuver. The sighting by Police Sgt. Thompson lasted for three minutes. The witnesses noted a suction effect upon the water, and heavy mist as the object departed.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Dwight Connelly, Skylook, May 1976, p. 14; John A. Keel, Operation Trojan Horse, p. 177; UNICAT, case 698, citing Berthold E. Schwarz
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6763
### Event 27191 (18D77AA1)
**Date:** 10/12/1966
**Time:** 09:00
**Location:** BARCELONA, VNZL
**Description:** Humming. Ovoid follows high-V lines. Truck malfunctions due to EME (electro-magnetic effects). Fuzzy visual.. sharp photographs.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 807)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7848
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Venezuela", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "BARCELONA,VNZL:HUM:OVOID FOLOS HI-V LINES:TRUCK EMEs:FUZZY VISUAL..SHARP FOTOS", **LatLong:** "10.150000 -64.683336", **LatLongDMS:** "10:09:00 N 64:41:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/10.150000,-64.683336)", **State/Prov:** "CRC", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 27192 (6367D4D6)
**Date:** 10/12/1966
**Time:** 12:00
**Location:** JONESBORO, TN
**Description:** Many observer(s). 50+saucers spew caustic threads. Animals avoid. / MJ#282.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 46)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7849
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "250", **Elev:** "516", **HatchDesc:** "JONESBORO,TN:MANY OBS:50+SCRS SPEW CAUSTIC THREADS:ANIMALS AVOID:/MJ#282", **LatLong:** "36.300002 -82.466671", **LatLongDMS:** "36:18:00 N 82:28:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/36.300002,-82.466671)", **State/Prov:** "Tennessee", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 27193 (AFEAB7AC)
**Date:** 10/12/1966
**Location:** Jonesboro, TN
**Description:** Noon. Prolonged sighting (more than 5 hours) by many witnesses of numerous discs, fall of so-called "angel's hair," which was sticky and reportedly caused physiological effects on some who touched it (burning sensation, itching, nausea). According to reports, dogs and cows in the neighborhood "acted odd." (Tennessee NICAP Subcommittee report; U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. Ill, No. 10, Oct.-Nov. 1966, pp. 5-6.) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions) (NICAP: 05 - Medical Incidents)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3158
### Event 27194 (F89A8E55)
**Date:** 10/14/1966
**Location:** USA, Albuquerque (New Mexico)
**Description:** (Translated from French) It was a terrible stormy evening when patrolman James Chelsea saw an airplane dragging a massive cloud of black smoke. The plane disappeared into the cloud and then two black objects emerged and flew away. It was around 7:45 PM. Meanwhile, C.D. McClure, 19 years old, in a car, saw the monster, of the appearance of a man, but crying like a baby to be pitied. It was black in body with a white face without details, standing on two legs, one meter fifty tall. McClure said he met it often, and that each time the creature appeared, the car radio stopped.
**Reference:** APRG, Internet May 1997
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2391
### Event 27195 (C1D56C25)
**Date:** 10/14/1966
**Time:** 18:50
**Location:** NEWTON, IL
**Description:** Saucer near house. Static / phone lines. Dog hides / corner. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v17#1.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA; H. Regnery, Chicago HC 1969 & Contemporary Books,Chicago 1993. 372pp. (Index 801)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7850
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "163", **HatchDesc:** "NEWTON,IL:SCR nr HOUSE:STATIC/PHONE LINES:DOG HIDES/CORNER:/FSR v17#1", **LatLong:** "38.988891 -88.150004", **LatLongDMS:** "38:59:20 N 88:09:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.988891,-88.150004)", **State/Prov:** "Illinois", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 27196 (EE783DBA)
**Date:** 10/14/1966
**Location:** Newton, IL
**Description:** 6:45 p.m. CDT. A yellow-orange disc-shaped object with a blue rim and a row of red lights just under the rim was observed at low level, its glow illuminating the ground. Static interfered with the telephone, and TV interference also was experienced (EM effects) during the sighting. (Keyhoe & Lore, 1969a, p. 45.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3160
### Event 27197 (C81151C7)
**Date:** 10/14/1966
**Time:** 1845
**Location:** Newton, Illinois
**Description:** A adolescent first saw a bright light, then a plate-shaped object hovering near the house. It took off at high speed, causing static on the phone as the boy was calling his mother to describe it. When she came home, she found her son in a state of shock and the dog hiding in a corner.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Personal ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_801
### Event 27198 (5A466DF0)
**Date:** 10/14/1966
**Time:** 2230
**Location:** Fork, West Virginia
**Description:** James Roberts saw two round pinkish-red objects on a hillside near his home. He fled when they took off with a hissing sound emitting streams of fire.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Gribble Jan., 67 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_802
### Event 27199 (D5DFB5F1)
**Date:** Mid 10/1966
**Location:** USA, Monongabela Forest (Virginia)
**Description:** (Translated from French) Priestly was driving his car following a group of friends in a bus. Suddenly his engine had misfires and stopped. He then saw a being more than 2 m tall with a monkey-like look, all hairy. (..) the witness stayed in his car until the bus driver, worried to see that he was not following them anymore, came back on his route. (…) the bus had scared the monster who dropped his long hair over his eyes. As soon as he did this, to the great surprise of the motorist, his engine started again. He did not tell anything to his friends for fear of being considered crazy. … a few meters from the first incident, his engine had misfires again. Priestly then saw sparks coming out from under the hood as if there was a short circuit. He looked at the side of the road and frozen with fear he saw again the giant looking at him. The bus came back again and this time the creature fled into the forest. (1966, mid-October)
**Reference:** Jean FERGUSON: "Les Humanoïdes..." - ed. Leméac, Ottawa 1977, p. 165
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2392
### Event 27200 (08FEB14C)
**Date:** 10/15/1966
**Time:** 04:30
**Location:** SPLIT ROCK POND, NJ
**Description:** Disk trails. Car / malfunctions due to EME (electro-magnetic effects). Car self-restarts. / r219p7+/ r25p40.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO Evidence II: HB: Scarecrow Press Lanham, MD. http://www.scarecrowpress.com ISBN 0-8108-3881-8 (Index 37)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7851
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **RDA:** Radiation/high energy fields detected, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "15", **Elev:** "244", **HatchDesc:** "SPLIT ROCK POND,NJ:DSK TRAILS:CAR/EMEs:car self-restarts:/r219p7+/r25p40", **LatLong:** "40.966669 -74.466670", **LatLongDMS:** "40:58:00 N 74:28:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.966669,-74.466670)", **State/Prov:** "New Jersey", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 27201 (ABA30577)
**Date:** 10/15/1966
**Time:** 22:30
**Location:** ROOSEVELT, UT
**Description:** Silver 35' saucer shines bluish light through windows. Altitude = 300'.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SALISBURY, Frank: The UTAH UFO DISPLAY -- a Biologist Reports; 1974 Devin Adair, New Greenwich,CT. HB 286pp. ISBN 0-815-97000-5 (Index 37)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7852
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "1580", **HatchDesc:** "ROOSEVELT,UT:SLVR 35' SCR SHINES BLUISH LITE THRU WINDOWS:ALT=300' ", **LatLong:** "40.311113 -110.000005", **LatLongDMS:** "40:18:40 N 110:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.311113,-110.000005)", **State/Prov:** "Utah", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 27202 (DEBFEBE7)
**Date:** 10/15/1966
**Location:** Split Rock Pond, NJ
**Description:** Disc-shaped object near car, effects associated with light; extreme physiological effects. See Section I, (E,L) car (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3162
### Event 27203 (6938AE2A)
**Date:** 10/15/1966
**Location:** Split Rock Pond, NJ
**Description:** Red-orange disc-shaped object followed car, ground brightly illuminated, engine, headlights failed. Physiological effects
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_105
### Event 27204 (4D04B91F)
**Date:** 10/15/1966
**Location:** 37.0000 -116.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Khaki” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_471
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0000 -116.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:00 N 116:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0000,-116.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Khaki", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 27205 (6CF903A6)
**Date:** 10/15/1966
**Location:** Split Rock Pond, south of Newfoundland, New Jersey
**Description:** 4:45 a.m. Forester Jerry H. Simons is driving home from a camping expedition, notices a reddish glow behind him, and stops his car near Split Rock Pond, south of Newfoundland, New Jersey, to investigate. A flat- bottom, red-orange disc with a dome on top is hovering above and behind his car. Near panic, he flees the area with the object following him. When the light from the object illuminates the ground around him, his car engine, dashlights, and headlights all fail. When the object recedes, his lights and engine function normally. This sequence is repeated three times, strongly demonstrating a direct correlation between the light from the UFO and the failure of his car’s electrical system. Shortly after the sighting, Simons begins experiencing a recurring illness \(the reason for his story appearing in a medical journal\); it is characterized by fatigue, anorexia, soreness, muscle weakness, chills, and significant weight loss. After about 6 months he has fully recovered.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Berthold Eric Schwarz, “[UFOs: Delusion or Dilemma,](https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/UFOs%3A-delusion-or-dilemma.-Schwarz/0258161f6ed733279963cfcfe4df78aa4f361458)” Medical Times 96 \(October 1968\): 967–981; UFOEv II 37; Herbert S. Taylor, “An Update on Vehicle Interference Reports, Part 2,” IUR 34, no. 1 \(Sept. 2011\): 14
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4123
### Event 27206 (26CA0D6D)
**Date:** Mid 10/1966
**Description:** [Keyhoe](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald%5FKeyhoe) is stressed by [Condon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward%5FCondon)’s statements, so he calls both Condon and [Low](http://ufohistoryfiles.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/CO%2067%20NEWS.pdf)[.](http://ufohistoryfiles.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/CO%2067%20NEWS.pdf) Both assure him they were misquoted and ask for NICAP’s support. He expresses his doubts to [Saunders](https://psycnet.apa.org/record/1993-27194-001)[,](https://psycnet.apa.org/record/1993-27194-001) who with [Richard Hall](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard%5FH.%5FHall) convinces him to lend his support to the project, for now.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** UFOs Yes, 117
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4124
### Event 27207 (1E20474A)
**Date:** 10/15/1966
**Description:** Jerry H. Simons had a close encounter with an orange domed disc-shaped object while driving at Split Rock Pond, New Jersey at 4:30 a.m. The UFO emitted a brilliant light beam. The engine and lights of his car died, and although the engine restarted spontaneously there was permanent damage to the mechanics. His physiological effects included chronic illness, fatigue, anorexia, weight loss, weakness, and chills.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Gordon I. R. Lore, Jr., UFOs: A New Look, p. 9
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6861
### Event 27208 (24211D2D)
**Date:** 10/16/1966
**Time:** 16:50
**Location:** WANAQUE, NJ
**Description:** Engineer and boys. Metallic flat-bottom ovoid hovers / 210M altitude. Lights. Vanishes!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 801)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7853
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "75", **HatchDesc:** "WANAQUE,NJ:ENGINEER+BOYS:MTLC FLAT-BOTTOM OVOID HVRS/210M alt:LITES:vanishes!", **LatLong:** "41.033335 -74.283337", **LatLongDMS:** "41:02:00 N 74:17:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.033335,-74.283337)", **RelAlt:** "210", **State/Prov:** "New Jersey", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 27209 (813137F9)
**Date:** 10/17/1966
**Time:** 05:50
**Location:** LAPOINT, UT
**Description:** 2 silvery saucers seen / seconds. "Way way up in sky". No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SALISBURY, Frank: The UTAH UFO DISPLAY -- a Biologist Reports; 1974 Devin Adair, New Greenwich,CT. HB 286pp. ISBN 0-815-97000-5 (Index 244)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7854
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "1695", **HatchDesc:** "LAPOINT,UT:2 SILVERY SCRS SEEN/seconds:"WAY WAY UP IN SKY":NFD", **LatLong:** "40.405557 -109.788894", **LatLongDMS:** "40:24:20 N 109:47:20 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.405557,-109.788894)", **State/Prov:** "Utah", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 27210 (F105ED9F)
**Date:** 10/17/1966
**Time:** 13:00?
**Location:** NEAR PIACENZA, ITL
**Description:** 4 jet pilots and many. Large metallic domed delta/triangle/box-like craft hovers still. Balloon?
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO - Rivista di informazione Ufologica; 2 issues/year CISU. Giovanni Settimo ed.; C.P.82, 10100 Torino, ITALY. (Index 16)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7855
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Italy", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "nr PIACENZA,ITL:4 JET PILOTS+MANY:LRG MTLC DOMED DLT HVRS STILL:balloon?", **LatLong:** "44.916669 9.700000", **LatLongDMS:** "44:55:00 N 09:42:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.916669,9.700000)", **State/Prov:** "EMR", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 27211 (AF67D010)
**Date:** 10/17/1966
**Time:** 21:10
**Location:** CHELMSFORD, MA
**Description:** 2 observer(s). 2 bright red night lights with string / blue lights between. Object unseen.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FOWLER, Raymond E.: UFO'S, INTERPLANETARY VISITORS; Prentice Hall & Bantam Books, NY 1979. 346pp. (Index 328)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7856
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "46", **HatchDesc:** "CHELMSFORD,MA:2 OBS:2 BRITE RED NLTS W/STRING/BLU LITES BETWEEN:OBJ UNSEEN", **LatLong:** "42.594446 -71.355559", **LatLongDMS:** "42:35:40 N 71:21:20 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.594446,-71.355559)", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 27212 (3F822B88)
**Date:** 10/17/1966
**Description:** Two bright red lights with dim bluish white lights in between, which moved as if attached to one object, passed directly overhead in Chelmsford, Massachusetts at 9:05 p.m.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Raymond E. Folwer, UFOs: Interplanetary Visitors, p. 342
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6923
### Event 27213 (19D77764)
**Date:** 10/18/1966
**Time:** 05:50
**Location:** EAST / CYNTHIANA, KY
**Description:** Top-shaped object flies over car. Loud whine. Flaming aura. Observer(s) scared.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** EDWARDS, Frank: FLYING SAUCERS-HERE AND NOW; 1967 Lyle Stewart & Bantam Books 1968. (Index 74)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7857
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "220", **HatchDesc:** "E/CYNTHIANA,KY:TOP-SHAPED OBJ FLIES OVR CAR:LOUD WHINE:FLAMING AURA:OBS SCARED", **LatLong:** "38.388891 -84.250004", **LatLongDMS:** "38:23:20 N 84:15:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.388891,-84.250004)", **State/Prov:** "Kentucky", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 27214 (0A6DECEF)
**Date:** 10/19/1966
**Time:** 03:57:59.9
**Location:** 49.7471 78.0205
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 150KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1287
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.7471 78.0205", **LatLongDMS:** "49:44:50 N 78:01:14 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.7471,78.0205)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.70", **NukeSource:** "BOCHAROV", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "150"
### Event 27215 (77833111)
**Date:** 10/19/1966
**Location:** Washington, D.C.
**Description:** [James E. McDonald](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James%5FE.%5FMcDonald) speaks to the Washington, D.C., Chapter of the American Meteorological Society on the inadequacy of military UFO investigations and the need to take seriously the “possibility that these aerial objects may be some type of extraterrestrial probes.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** James E. McDonald, “[The Problem of the Unidentified](http://kirkmcd.princeton.edu/JEMcDonald/mcdonald%5F102166.pdf) [Flying Objects,](http://kirkmcd.princeton.edu/JEMcDonald/mcdonald%5F102166.pdf)” October 19, 1966; Clark III 697
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4125
### Event 27216 (909A8AE5)
**Date:** 10/20/1966
**Time:** 15:00
**Location:** KHERSON, UKRN
**Description:** Crowds. Silver saucer going east. 1 / 3 moon diameter. No balloon. / LDLN#204+/ r193#15.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 52)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7858
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Ukraine", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "KHERSON,UKRN:CROWDS:SLVR SCR >E:1/3 MOON diam.:NO BALLOON:/LDLN#204+/r193#15", **LatLong:** "46.633336 32.566668", **LatLongDMS:** "46:38:00 N 32:34:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.633336,32.566668)", **State/Prov:** "CRM", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 27217 (2C10BCC9)
**Date:** 10/20/1966
**Time:** 23:50
**Location:** MOOSE JAW, SSK
**Description:** 2 observer(s) / 4 min. 1 observer = 25 yr Vet / RCAF. Night lights maneuver inexplicably.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HYNEK, J. Allen: The UFO EXPERIENCE, A Scientific Inquiry; Ballentine Books, NY 1974,1977. (Index 45)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7859
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "4", **Elev:** "548", **HatchDesc:** "MOOSE JAW,SSK:2 OBS/4 MIN:1 OBS= 25yr VET/RCAF:NLTS MANEUVER INEXPLICABLY.", **LatLong:** "50.383336 -105.533338", **LatLongDMS:** "50:23:00 N 105:32:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.383336,-105.533338)", **State/Prov:** "Sasketchewan", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 27218 (C5D09422)
**Date:** 10/20/1966
**Location:** Boulder, Colorado
**Description:** [Hynek](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J.%5FAllen%5FHynek) visits [Franklin Roach](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Franklin%5FE.%5FRoach) in Boulder, Colorado, to meet [Condon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward%5FCondon) and other Colorado project members. He notes that Condon has a “basically negative attitude.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clark III 1193
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4126
### Event 27219 (8D7103F2)
**Date:** 10/20/1966
**Location:** Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan
**Description:** 11:50 p.m. A telecommunications technician in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, sees a strangely behaving nocturnal light.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** J. Allen Hynek, The UFO Experience, Ballantine ed., 1974, [p. 45](https://archive.org/details/ufoexperience00jall/page/44/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4127
### Event 27220 (03F652DA)
**Date:** 10/21/1966
**Time:** 01:20
**Location:** SOUTH / PATCHOGUE, LI, NY
**Description:** 3 cops and more/others. Night light maneuvers all over/all about. Changes color(s). 4 photographs / NY Daily News.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SOULE, Gardner: UFO's & IFOs - A Factual Report..; Putnam's Sons, NY. 1968? (Index 31)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7860
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "240", **Elev:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "S/PATCHOGUE,LI,NY:3 COPS++:NLT MNVRS ALLO:CHANGES CLRS:4 FOTOS/NY DAILY NEWS", **LatLong:** "40.733335 -73.016670", **LatLongDMS:** "40:44:00 N 73:01:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.733335,-73.016670)", **State/Prov:** "New York", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 27221 (54A38F1B)
**Date:** 10/21/1966
**Time:** 19:30
**Location:** GUSHER, UT
**Description:** Night light buzzes plane. Makes noise and vanishes. 500M altitude. 500kph estimated. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SALISBURY, Frank: The UTAH UFO DISPLAY -- a Biologist Reports; 1974 Devin Adair, New Greenwich,CT. HB 286pp. ISBN 0-815-97000-5 (Index 244)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7861
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "1540", **HatchDesc:** "GUSHER,UT:NLT BUZZES PLANE:MAKES NOISE+VANISHES:500M alt:500kph estm:NFD", **LatLong:** "40.311113 -109.844450", **LatLongDMS:** "40:18:40 N 109:50:40 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.311113,-109.844450)", **RelAlt:** "500", **State/Prov:** "Utah", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 27222 (3730F522)
**Date:** 10/21/1966
**Time:** 21:50
**Location:** WEST / SURREY, ND
**Description:** 1 / car. Saucer with lights and blue-lit windows / dome. 180° turn going east. Follows car / turns.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLICKENGER, Don: NORTH DAKOTA UFO files. Well Documented NICAP files for the 1960s: Xeroxed by Tom Tulien (Index 8)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7862
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **NUC:** Nuclear facility related, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "20", **Elev:** "475", **HatchDesc:** "W/SURREY,ND:1/CAR:SCR W/LITES+BLU-LIT WINDOWS/DOME:180°TURN >E:FOLOS CAR/TURNS", **LatLong:** "48.250002 -101.200005", **LatLongDMS:** "48:15:00 N 101:12:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.250002,-101.200005)", **RelAlt:** "30", **State/Prov:** "North Dakota", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 27223 (E4D66C02)
**Date:** 10/21/1966
**Location:** Livermore, CA
**Description:** 4:25 p.m. PDT. Two Sandia Corporation ; engineers saw a sphere which at first appeared translucent, then reflecting light. The object hovered, then ascended very rapidly until out of sight. (NICAP \* report form, newspaper clippings.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3163
### Event 27224 (81623AB8)
**Date:** 10/21/1966
**Description:** [Hynek](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J.%5FAllen%5FHynek)’s letter on misconceptions about UFOs is belatedly published in Science.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** J. Allen Hynek, “[UFO’s](https://www.jstor.org/stable/1719233?refreqid=excelsior%3A2a1122ffa895b7dc3c96c05f040cc7ef) [Merit Scientific Study,](https://www.jstor.org/stable/1719233?refreqid=excelsior%3A2a1122ffa895b7dc3c96c05f040cc7ef)” Science 154 \(1966\): 329
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4128
### Event 27225 (2DC769EE)
**Date:** 10/21/1966
**Location:** Amsterdam, New York
**Description:** Night. Three junior high school students are standing at one end of their street in Amsterdam, New York, when they notice a star-like light to the right of the Moon. The star proceeds to draw aright-angle step around the Moon and continues northward, where it joins two other objects. The three objects then form 90° angles, equilateral triangles, and other geometrical figures. Two of the students go home for binoculars, and while they are away the sky show stops. They remain in the sky, but stationary. The objects look spherical through binoculars with some sort of lighted, colored areas that rotate.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Michael D. Swords, “We Know Where You Live,” IUR 30, no. 2 \(January 2006\): 10
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4129
### Event 27226 (3B4FBF84)
**Date:** 10/23/1966
**Time:** 18:00
**Location:** SOUTHAMPTON, LI, NY
**Description:** 1 observer. Sparkling object glides / power lines. Arms protrude. Hums.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BERLINER, DON: The BLUEBOOK UNKNOWNS; (FUFOR). (Index 36)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7863
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "4", **Elev:** "14", **HatchDesc:** "SOUTHAMPTON,LI,NY:1 OBS:SPARKLING OBJ GLIDES/POWER LINES:ARMS PROTRUDE:HUMS", **LatLong:** "40.883335 -72.388892", **LatLongDMS:** "40:53:00 N 72:23:20 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.883335,-72.388892)", **RelAlt:** "20", **State/Prov:** "New York", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 27227 (6DA42220)
**Date:** 10/23/1966
**Time:** 23:30
**Location:** BRONX, NY
**Description:** Detective and 5. UFO = "25c coin / ARMs length". Same time / 3 nights running!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SOULE, Gardner: UFO's & IFOs - A Factual Report..; Putnam's Sons, NY. 1968? (Index 37)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7864
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "84", **Elev:** "37", **HatchDesc:** "BRONX,NY:DETECTIVE+5:UFO="25c COIN/ARMs LENGTH":SAME TIME/3 NITES RUNNING!", **LatLong:** "40.844446 -73.877781", **LatLongDMS:** "40:50:40 N 73:52:40 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.844446,-73.877781)", **State/Prov:** "New York", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 27228 (7A952ABD)
**Date:** 10/23/1966
**Location:** Randolph Twp, NJ
**Description:** 8:45 p.m. EDT. A policeman watched as a bright yellow oval UFO approached slowly at low altitude, then sped away when he shone a spotlight on it (light reaction.). (NICAP notes, from newspaper story-) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3164
### Event 27229 (965E3A67)
**Date:** 10/23/1966
**Location:** Southhampton, Long Island, NY
**Description:** Object with arms in front of it which sparkled like an arc-light (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3165
### Event 27230 (9D849634)
**Date:** 10/23/1966
**Time:** 6 PM
**Location:** Southhampton, Long Island, New York
**Description:** Witness: Mr Acquino. One object with arms in front of it which sparkled like an arc-light. Traveled south along some power lines, then turned southwest. Made a slight humming sound during the 4 minute sighting.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_559
### Event 27231 (981D2456)
**Date:** 10/23/1966
**Description:** In Adelaide, South Australia at 2:30 a.m. a bright oval-shaped object with a cone shape beneath it hung stationary in the sky at 20-degrees elevation above the horizon. It glowed a bright orange-yellow color. A "sodium-light" yellow colored object flew toward the northeast over Burnside, South Australia at 8:25 p.m. After four minutes of flight it slowed down and turned toward the north. It descended, gained speed and was gone by 8:35 p.m.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Michael Hervey, UFOs over the Southern Hemisphere, p. 177
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7045
### Event 27232 (1B02776B)
**Date:** 10/24/1966
**Time:** 21:30
**Description:** Tribal police / (seen thru) binoculars. 2 night lights pulsate and hover / 1 hour.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SALISBURY, Frank: The UTAH UFO DISPLAY -- a Biologist Reports; 1974 Devin Adair, New Greenwich,CT. HB 286pp. ISBN 0-815-97000-5 (Index 244)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7865
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "60", **Elev:** "1510", **HatchDesc:** "S/FORT DUCHESNE,UT:TRIBAL POLICE/BINOCS:2 NLTS PULSATE+HOVER/1 HOUR ", **LatLong:** "40.233335 -109.866672", **LatLongDMS:** "40:14:00 N 109:52:00 W", **Locale:** "Desert", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.233335,-109.866672)", **State/Prov:** "Utah", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 27233 (623DAB78)
**Date:** 10/26/1966
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Launch of the first satellite *Intelsat 2.*
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1966.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2241
### Event 27234 (10AA705D)
**Date:** 10/26/1966
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Observation at Cold Bay AFS \(Alaska\).
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#11092 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1966.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2242
### Event 27235 (8288F875)
**Date:** 10/26/1966
**Location:** COLD BAY AFS, AK
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #11092. Air Traffic Controller. White object 50' over runway. Away when lights go on.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BERLINER, DON: The BLUEBOOK UNKNOWNS; (FUFOR). (Index 36)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7866
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "30", **HatchDesc:** "COLD BAY AFS,AK:BBK#11092:ATC:WHT OBJ 50'OVER RUNWAY:AWAY WHEN LITES GO ON", **LatLong:** "55.183336 -162.550008", **LatLongDMS:** "55:11:00 N 162:33:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/55.183336,-162.550008)", **State/Prov:** "Alaska", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 27236 (D22F240F)
**Date:** 10/26/1966
**Location:** Cold Bay AFS, AK
**Description:** Tower operator saw a white object approach runway (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: 11092)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3166
### Event 27237 (B818F5FC)
**Date:** 10/26/1966
**Location:** La Plata, MD
**Description:** 11:45 p.m. EDT. A drug store owner reported that he was paralyzed with fear as he observed a large round "craft" with flashing red and green lights on the underside, and a central light beam that illuminated a field. During the sighting he heard a whirring sound and experienced heavy static (EM effects) on his car radio. (Washington, D.C, NICAP Subcommittee, report.) (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3167
### Event 27238 (C17EF2B0)
**Date:** 10/26/1966
**Time:** No time given
**Location:** Cold Bay Air Force Station, Alaska
**Description:** Witness: civilian control tower operator Ralston. One white object approached runway at 50' altitude. Runway lights were then turned on, and object accelerated and climbed away so fast that witness was unable to use binoculars. Sighting lasted 3 seconds.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_560
### Event 27239 (9786D45E)
**Date:** 10/26/1966
**Location:** Takoma Park, Maryland
**Description:** 11:50 p.m. A man is driving in a rural, wooded area near Takoma Park, Maryland, when he sees a disc that seems about to land in a clearing. It puts on a red-and-green light show as it hovers. A large central beam of light shines onto the field below. The car radio bursts with static, and he hears a whirring sound coming from the object. He tries to accelerate the car, but it won’t move. Radio and drive functions resume when the UFO moves away.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Michael D. Swords, “Messing Around with the Force,” IUR 31, no, 4 \(March 2008\): 17, 29
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4130
### Event 27240 (0676BBCE)
**Date:** 10/26/1966
**Description:** Cold Bay Air Force Station, Alaska. No time given. Sometime after dark a civilian control tower operator spotted a white object approach the runway at 50 feet altitude. The runway lights were then turned on, and object accelerated and climbed away so fast that the witness was unable to use his binoculars. Sighting lasted 3 seconds.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Don Berliner, Project Bluebook UFO Unknowns
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7147
### Event 27241 (EA436DDF)
**Date:** 10/27/1966
**Location:** CHINA
**Reference:** "The War of the Satellites" - Volume 3 - Pierre Kohler, ed. Famot 1982, p. 15
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2393
### Event 27242 (04667100)
**Date:** 10/27/1966
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Recovery of a body following a crash in the northwest of Arizona. (October 27)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1966.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2243
### Event 27243 (81A2731D)
**Date:** 10/27/1966
**Location:** 73.7500 54.7500
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 150KT YieldMax: 1500KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1288
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "73.7500 54.7500", **LatLongDMS:** "73:45:00 N 54:45:00 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/73.7500,54.7500)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "RFAE", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** "150", **NukeYMax:** "1500"
### Event 27244 (81A2731D)
**Date:** 10/27/1966
**Time:** 05:57:58.1
**Location:** 73.3870 54.8360
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 150KT YieldMax: 1500KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1289
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "73.3870 54.8360", **LatLongDMS:** "73:23:13 N 54:50:10 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/73.3870,54.8360)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "6.49", **NukeSource:** "RICHARDS", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** "150", **NukeYMax:** "1500"
### Event 27245 (C9350572)
**Date:** 10/27/1966
**Time:** 01:10:00.0
**Location:** 41.5000 88.5000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air. Country: China
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1795
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "41.5000 88.5000", **LatLongDMS:** "41:30:00 N 88:30:00 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.5000,88.5000)", **NukeCountry:** "China", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "NRDC", **NukeType:** "A"
### Event 27246 (8F9E4C62)
**Date:** 10/28/1966
**Time:** 01:00
**Location:** LAWRENCE, MASS
**Description:** 1+1+3 observer(s). Cylinder/cigar-shape / 45-angle over water tower. Portholes or lights on side.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FOWLER, Raymond E.: UFO'S, INTERPLANETARY VISITORS; Prentice Hall & Bantam Books, NY 1979. 346pp. (Index 328)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7867
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "15", **HatchDesc:** "LAWRENCE,MASS:1+1+3 OBS:CGR/45-ANGLE OVR WATER TOWER:PORTS or LITES ON SIDE", **LatLong:** "42.705558 -71.161115", **LatLongDMS:** "42:42:20 N 71:09:40 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.705558,-71.161115)", **RelAlt:** "100", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 27247 (97606BCD)
**Date:** 10/28/1966
**Location:** Lawrence, MD
**Description:** 1:00 a.m. EDT. A newspaper editor responding to phone calls saw a glowing white, cigar-shaped object hovering at a 45-degree angle over water towers. A closer witness saw bright white lights along its side. (Fowler 1974, p. 342.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3168
### Event 27248 (6A63CFE3)
**Date:** 10/28/1966
**Location:** Cheyenne Mountain, Colorado
**Description:** The Space Defense Center’s satellite-tracking Delta I computer system at Cheyenne Mountain, Colorado, becomes operational.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Space Defense Center](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space%5FDefense%5FCenter)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4131
### Event 27249 (19163D08)
**Date:** 10/28/1966
**Description:** A white cigar-shaped UFO hovered silently at a 45 degree tilt over some water towers in Lawrence, Massachusetts at 1:00 a.m. for 30 minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Raymond E. Fowler, UFOs: Interplanetary Visitors, p. 342
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7226
### Event 27250 (3F5B13CA)
**Date:** 10/29/1966
**Time:** 03:58:00.0
**Location:** 49.7847 77.9994
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: .001KT YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1290
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.7847 77.9994", **LatLongDMS:** "49:47:05 N 77:59:58 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.7847,77.9994)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "KRR", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** ".001", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 27251 (CC90D036)
**Date:** 10/29/1966
**Description:** A cigar-shaped object with satellite objects was seen in Rushville, Indiana for over an hour by a group of women, beginning at 6:35 p.m. There were other UFO sightings by other witnesses at 7:30 p.m. and 8 p.m.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** APRO Bulletin, November-December 1966, p. 5
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7272
### Event 27252 (7294FFF9)
**Date:** 10/30/1966
**Time:** 01:30
**Location:** CHERRY HILL, NJ
**Description:** 2 / car. 100M blimp with RADAR dish hooks line to RCA Building towers!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 809)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7868
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "90", **Elev:** "12", **HatchDesc:** "CHERRY HILL,NJ:2/CAR:100M BLIMP W/RDR DISH HOOKS LINE to RCA BLDG TOWERS!", **LatLong:** "39.733335 -75.033337", **LatLongDMS:** "39:44:00 N 75:02:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.733335,-75.033337)", **State/Prov:** "New Jersey", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 27253 (6FE2E355)
**Date:** 10/30/1966
**Location:** Southhampton, Long Island, NY
**Description:** Same as 10/23 case\[Same as Oct. 23 case?\] (FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3169
### Event 27254 (8576AD32)
**Date:** 10/30/1966
**Description:** Two couples driving on Route 38 in Cherry Hill, New Jersey at 2:30 a.m. saw a carrot-shaped object 400 feet long, hovering 50 feet over the roof of the RCA industrial plant, 400 feet away from the highway. It was in a horizontal position, and had huge running lights and windows. A ramp came down from the craft to the plant roof, and they could see figures moving about on the roof. They watched them for 10 minutes before leaving. A truck driver who also saw the object drove his truck into a telephone pole he was so excited.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** APRO Bulletin, May-June 1967, p. 11; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case # 1966-47 (A0741), citing Michael Campione, Richard Heiden, and John Keel
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7303
### Event 27255 (1A8B3D8B)
**Date:** 10/31/1966
**Time:** 19:10
**Location:** ACAPULCO, MEXICO
**Description:** 25+/ airliner. Night lights hover near airport. RADAR blips match. Shoot away very fast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** INFORESPACE Journal. SOBEPS Group, Belgium; bimonthly (Index 19)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7869
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RDR:** Radar traces/blips
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Mexico", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "37", **HatchDesc:** "ACAPULCO,MEX:25+/AIRLINER:NLTS HVR nr AIRPORT:RDR BLIPS MATCH:SHOOT AWAY VFAST", **LatLong:** "16.850001 -99.916671", **LatLongDMS:** "16:51:00 N 99:55:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/16.850001,-99.916671)", **State/Prov:** "GRR", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 27256 (B28A5805)
**Date:** 10/31/1966
**Locations:** Gloucester, Massachusetts; Ursa Major
**Description:** Night. An observer in Gloucester, Massachusetts, notices a particularly bright star in the southwestern sky that is moving in a wide arc. When it reaches Ursa Major, it paces along the Big Dipper, then turns and takes an approximately parallel course to the front of the constellation.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Michael D. Swords, “We Know Where You Live,” IUR 30, no. 2 \(January 2006\): 10
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4132
### Event 27257 (B75CEC0F)
**Date:** 11/1966
**Location:** BELGIUM, Vlierzele (Flanders)
**Description:** (Translated from French) Coming from Ghent and driving towards Alost, a motorist suddenly heard a brief detonation behind him. Through the rearview mirror he saw at human height, above the road, a blue fireball, as if an object had just exploded at that spot.
**Reference:** Gesag n°15, p.4, "Het Volk" of 19.11.66
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2401
### Event 27258 (082FCDC1)
**Date:** 11/1966
**Location:** BELGIUM, Aische en Refail
**Description:** (Translated from French) G.P., 19 years old, on a Flandria 49cc moped, was returning home at night, around 11 pm. As he approached a small hill in S, he noticed that in front of him the sky was blazing red and at the same time the moped's engine weakened and the headlight dimmed greatly. He was unable to restart the engine. "I saw on my left an circular object from which the light was coming. From 3 to 4 m high for 4 to 5 m base: a flat disc topped with an elongated dome that looked like a beehive. The dome was dark, the base of the craft illuminated with a mixture of red, yellow and white, forming a reddish halo in which the shape was outlined, it was coming towards me emitting a dull noise." The object flew so low that G.P. thought it was going to collide with him, but it certainly passed 10 or 15 m from the ground and continued on its trajectory towards the fields that it illuminated. When G.P. saw this thing up close he noticed a flat dark background circled with reddish-yellow lights, like portholes. When the UFO had moved away 50 m, the moped started again all at once, the machine jumped and G.P. had difficulty controlling it." Total duration of the observation: 15 seconds. (1966, November, one weekend)
**Reference:** Inforespace n° 33 - 1977, p. 5 to 7
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2407
### Event 27259 (7D549C4F)
**Date:** 11/1966 (approximate)
**Time:** 17:00
**Location:** TIMISOARA, ROM
**Description:** Observer(s) / (seen thru) binoculars. Delta/triangle/box-like craft / high altitude. Circles and maneuvers. Soyuz launch around this date.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HOBANA Ion & WEVERBERGH,Julien: UFO'S from BEHIND the IRON CURTAIN; Bantam Books,1975. 308pp. (Index 234)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7870
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Romania", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "60", **HatchDesc:** "TIMISOARA,ROM:OBS/BINOCS:DLT/HI ALT:CCLs+MNVRS:Soyuz launch around this date", **LatLong:** "45.766669 21.216668", **LatLongDMS:** "45:46:00 N 21:13:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.766669,21.216668)", **State/Prov:** "TMS", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 27260 (99194653)
**Date:** 11/1966
**Time:** 23:00
**Location:** LIERNU, BELGIUM
**Description:** Motorcycle dies. 5M domed saucer goes 12M overhead. Engine restarts. / IFS#33 p6.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RODEGHIER, Mark/CUFOS: UFO REPORTS INVOLVING VEHICLE INTERFERENCE; CUFOS 1979. Available as CUFOS UFO Archive #1 CD-ROM. http://www.cufos.org/Pubform.pdf (Index 31)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7871
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Belgium, Netherlandsand Luxembourg", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "LIERNU,BELG:MCYCLE DIES:5M DOMED SCR GOES 12M OVHD:ENGINE RESTARTS:/IFS#33 p6", **LatLong:** "50.605558 4.822222", **LatLongDMS:** "50:36:20 N 04:49:20 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.605558,4.822222)", **State/Prov:** "Belgium", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 27261 (11F5EC6F)
**Date:** 11/1/1966
**Description:** Windowed saucer flies alongside car then zips off.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SALISBURY, Frank: The UTAH UFO DISPLAY -- a Biologist Reports; 1974 Devin Adair, New Greenwich,CT. HB 286pp. ISBN 0-815-97000-5 (Index 245)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7872
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "1500", **HatchDesc:** "HALFWAY HOLLOW nr ROOSEVELT,UT:WINDOWED SCR FLIES ALONGSIDE CAR THEN ZIPS OFF.", **LatLong:** "40.338891 -109.605561", **LatLongDMS:** "40:20:20 N 109:36:20 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.338891,-109.605561)", **State/Prov:** "Utah", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 27262 (40E4C8BE)
**Date:** 11/1/1966
**Time:** 06:50
**Location:** LAPOINT, UT
**Description:** Brilliant orange object darkens resolving into classic saucer.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SALISBURY, Frank: The UTAH UFO DISPLAY -- a Biologist Reports; 1974 Devin Adair, New Greenwich,CT. HB 286pp. ISBN 0-815-97000-5 (Index 245)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7873
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "1695", **HatchDesc:** "LAPOINT,UT:BRILLIANT ORANGE OBJ DARKENS resolving into classic SCR:", **LatLong:** "40.411113 -109.794450", **LatLongDMS:** "40:24:40 N 109:47:40 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.411113,-109.794450)", **State/Prov:** "Utah", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 27263 (75E98394)
**Date:** 11/1/1966
**Time:** 20:00
**Location:** NEWFIELDS, NH
**Description:** 2 observer(s). House lights blink. Huge UFO with 4+4 windows. Beam knocks observer(s) going down.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 283)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7874
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "14", **HatchDesc:** "NEWFIELDS,NH:2 OBS:HOUSE LITES BLINK:HUGE UFO W/4+4 WINDOWS:BEAM KNOCKS OBS↓", **LatLong:** "43.038891 -70.950003", **LatLongDMS:** "43:02:20 N 70:57:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.038891,-70.950003)", **State/Prov:** "New Hampshire", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 27264 (78E9696C)
**Date:** 11/1/1966
**Location:** US
**Description:** Official contract starting date of Colorado UFO Project.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_106
### Event 27265 (5679942B)
**Date:** 11/1/1966
**Location:** University of Colorado
**Description:** The University of Colorado UFO project officially launches. [Michael D. Swords](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael%5FD.%5FSwords) writes: “It was one of the most peculiar scientific grants of all time. Normally a governmental grant goes to a scientist who has initiated it or is at least vitally interested and experienced in the field, and essentially knows exactly what he is going to do. This grant was to a scientist who was pushed into it, had little interest and apparently no experience, and, despite his brilliance, ‘didn’t have a clue.’ Because the reports of the UFO phenomenon are so complex and multidimensional, this short-term ‘backwards grant’ was doomed to fail before it was even signed.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Swords 309– 312
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4133
### Event 27266 (33D7D820)
**Date:** 11/1/1966
**Locations:** Newfields, New Hampshire; Exeter, New Hampshire
**Description:** 8:00 p.m. Mrs. Ray Tibbetts is talking on the phone in her home at Newfields, New Hampshire, when her son, Dale, yells that there is a strange light outside. Her foster daughter, Anita Purrington, joins Dale and they both get excited. Mrs. Tibbetts runs to a window when the house lights begin blinking on and off. She goes to her son’s room and sees a huge object with two tiers of four windows from which a strange, yellow-green light is shining. The size of one of the windows is as big as her living room wall. An apparent ceiling line is visible in the bottom tier. Suddenly an intense white light shoots out from the object at Mrs. Tibbetts, who is knocked backward and gets spots before her eyes. When her vision clears, the UFO is gone. She has pains in her eyes the next two days and they are extremely sensitive to light. She drives to a clinic in Exeter, New Hampshire, which finds a spasm in the eyelid and tearing, but it attributes this to the cobalt therapy she has been getting.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Donald E. Keyhoe and Gordon I. R. Lore Jr., [Strange Effects from UFOs](http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Books/Other/Lore%2C%20Gordon%20-%20Strange%20Effects%20from%20UFOs.pdf)[,](http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Books/Other/Lore%2C%20Gordon%20-%20Strange%20Effects%20from%20UFOs.pdf) NICAP, 1969, pp. 10–11
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4134
### Event 27267 (6B2F59F0)
**Date:** 11/1/1966
**Description:** A disc-shaped object was sighted by a Mr. Clerico at 6:45 a.m. in LaPoint, Utah in Unitah County.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Frank Salisbury, The Utah UFO Display, case A31
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7375
### Event 27268 (A310FA4E)
**Date:** 11/1/1966
**Description:** In Point Pleasant, West Virginia a national guardsman saw a large brownish man-shaped figure on the limb of a tree.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** John A. Keel, FSR, July-August 1968, p. 13; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1966-50, citing John Keel
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7376
### Event 27269 (BAC359C1)
**Date:** 11/1/1966
**Description:** A huge, circular object with two tiers of four windows that were emitting a bright yellowish-green light, was watched over Newfields, New Hampshire at 8:00 p.m. by a family of three. A very intense beam of light from the UFO knocked the mother down. She reported having an eye inflamation and pain as a result, which caused her to make a visit to her doctor.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Gordon I. R. Lore, Jr., Strange Effects from UFOs, p. 10
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7377
### Event 27270 (89D53069)
**Date:** 11/2/1966
**Location:** USSR, Tyuratam
**Reference:** "The War of the Satellites" - Volume 3 - Pierre Kohler, ed. Famot 1982, p. 127
**Reference:** following November 11, 1966
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2394
### Event 27271 (8373E4B6)
**Date:** 11/2/1966 (approximate)
**Location:** USA, Parkersburg (West Virginia)
**Description:** (Translated from French) Mr. Darenberger saw on the road a dark object flattened at the base and rounded at the top. As the witness stopped, the object came within 20 cm of the road surface. A man with a dark complexion wearing an ordinary shiny blue shirt and trousers emerged and smiled at him. The witness then felt as if he was receiving a message without any words being spoken. This message described another world called Lanulos and suggested that the sighting be reported to the authorities. The man from the saucer promised to return. Several people who were passing at that moment on the road reported having seen the man talking to the witness and that they saw a strange vehicle in the clouds. (November 2 (3?), 1966)
**Reference:** Inforespace No. 19 - February 1975 - p. 9
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2395
### Event 27272 (601CD50D)
**Date:** 11/2/1966
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In Virginia, [meeting with Woodraw Derenberger](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/1966-11-02\_Derenberger.html). (November 2)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1966.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2244
### Event 27273 (44377AAB)
**Date:** 11/2/1966
**Time:** 18:30
**Location:** NORTH / NEOLA, UT
**Description:** SR121. Extra star / big dipper suddenly zips away. Looks very distant.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SALISBURY, Frank: The UTAH UFO DISPLAY -- a Biologist Reports; 1974 Devin Adair, New Greenwich,CT. HB 286pp. ISBN 0-815-97000-5 (Index 245)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7875
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "1850", **HatchDesc:** "N/NEOLA,UT:SR121:EXTRA STAR/BIG DIPPER SUDDENLY ZIPS AWAY:LOOKS VERY DISTANT.", **LatLong:** "40.450002 -110.050005", **LatLongDMS:** "40:27:00 N 110:03:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.450002,-110.050005)", **State/Prov:** "Utah", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 27274 (A4BE3347)
**Date:** 11/2/1966
**Time:** 19:30
**Location:** PARKERSBURG, WVA
**Description:** Trucker. 'Car' going down [to] and blocks road. 2 pseudo-human/entity-1 outside. Telepathy / dumb questions.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 803)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7876
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **TLP:** Telepathy, **CNT:** Contactee related, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **CVS:** Conversation/communication, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "3", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "198", **HatchDesc:** "PARKERSBURG,WVa:TRUCKER:'CAR' ↓+BLOCKS ROAD:2 PSH-1 OUTSIDE:TLP/dumb questions", **LatLong:** "39.238891 -81.561115", **LatLongDMS:** "39:14:20 N 81:33:40 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.238891,-81.561115)", **State/Prov:** "Western Virginia", **Strangeness:** "12"
### Event 27275 (DAD868F8)
**Date:** 11/2/1966
**Time:** ~20:00
**Location:** EL CAMPO, TX
**Description:** UFO over road. Flies over fields now and then. Goes behind trees. / news.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA; H. Regnery, Chicago HC 1969 & Contemporary Books,Chicago 1993. 372pp. (Index 803)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7877
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "20", **Elev:** "33", **HatchDesc:** "EL CAMPO,TX:UFO OVR ROAD:FLIES OVR FIELDS NOW+THEN:GOES BEHIND TREES:/news", **LatLong:** "29.183335 -96.266671", **LatLongDMS:** "29:11:00 N 96:16:00 W", **Locale:** "Oil & Coal", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/29.183335,-96.266671)", **State/Prov:** "Texas", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 27276 (D77407B5)
**Date:** 11/2/1966
**Time:** evening
**Location:** El Campo, Texas
**Description:** Mrs. Mark deFriend, 32, saw an object at ground level in front of her car on a rainy night. It would leave the road and fly over the fields from time to time. The greenish-blue object flew back in front of the car, then was lost to sight behind some trees.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** 168 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_803
### Event 27277 (8BE8C17E)
**Date:** 11/2/1966
**Time:** 1925
**Location:** Parkersburg, West Virginia
**Description:** W. Derenberger, salesman, saw a dark object ahead of him on the road. It was flat on the bottom and rounded on top. As he stopped, the object came within 20 cm of the road surface, and a man of dark complexion, dressed with a shirt and ordinary trousers, both a shiny blue color, came out, smiled at the witness who then thought that he received a message, although no word was spoken. The message described a hypothetical "other world" and suggested that the observation be reported to authorities. The man also promised to return. Several people who drove by the witness did report seeing a man speaking to him, as well as a strange vehicle nearby.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** 169; FSR 67, 1 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_804
### Event 27278 (5CB31BB9)
**Date:** Early 11/1966
**Locations:** Minot; Donnybrook; North Dakota; Parkersburg; West Virginia; Interstate 77
**Description:** [Low](http://ufohistoryfiles.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/CO%2067%20NEWS.pdf) and [Hynek](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J.%5FAllen%5FHynek) make the Colorado project’s first field trip, to Minot and Donnybrook, North Dakota. November 2 — 7:25 p.m. [Woodrow Derenberger](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/53218997/woodrow-wilson-derenberger) is driving his panel truck home to Parkersburg, West Virginia, on Interstate 77 when a low-flying dark object about 35 feet wide cuts in front of him and forces him to stop. It hovers a foot above the ground, only 20 feet ahead. The object has a profile similar to a kerosene lamp chimney flattened on the bottom side. A door opens and a smiling man of dark complexion descends, wearing a topcoat \(“blue and quite shiny, having a glistening effect”\) over shiny blue trousers. Without opening his mouth, which bears a fixed grin, he addresses Derenberger telepathically, asking him to open his window. For the next 10 minutes he conducts a telepathic conversation, first asking Derenberger’s name and saying that his own is “Indrid Cold” from a planet called Lanulos in the “Ganymede galaxy.” He tells Derenberger not to think of him as an alien and concludes by saying, “We will see you again.” After admitting Mr. Cold, the UFO rises vertically and disappears. A truck driver named [Walter Vanscoy](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/116946916/walter-glenn-vanscoy) is going north on I-77 and sees, in apparent confirmation of the encounter, a truck parked on the berm of the southbound I-77 lanes with a man wearing a knee-length coat standing by the passenger side. Derenberger’s space adventures are only beginning.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[The Woodrow Derenberger](https://themothman.fandom.com/wiki/The%5FWoodrow%5FDerenberger%5FInterview) [Interview, November 3, 1966,](https://themothman.fandom.com/wiki/The%5FWoodrow%5FDerenberger%5FInterview)” The MothMan Wikia; “[Parkersburg Salesman](https://www.newspapers.com/clip/95400976/) [Speaks with Spaceman,](https://www.newspapers.com/clip/8137890/parkersburg-salesman-speaks-with/)” Beckley \(W.Va.\) Raleigh Register, November 4, 1966, pp. 1–2; John A. Keel, The Mothman Prophecies, Tor ed., 1991, [pp. 50–52](https://archive.org/details/mothmanprophecie00keelrich/page/50/mode/2up); Woodrow W. Derenberger and Harold W. Hubbard, Visitors from Lanulos, Vantage, 1971; Clark III 402–403; Jerome Clark, “The Adventures of Woody Derenberger,” IUR 20, no. 1 \(Jan./Feb. 1995\): 7–8; Taunia Derenberger-Bowman, Beyond Lanulos: Our Fifty Years with Indrid Cold, The Author, 2016; Theo Paijmans, “The Terrible Grinning Men,” Fortean Times 397 \(October 2020\): 32–34
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4135
### Event 27279 (6E8310F9)
**Date:** 11/2/1966
**Description:** In Parkersburg, West Virginia Mr. Woodrow Derenberger, a travelling salesman, saw a dark object ahead of him on the road. It was flat on the bottom and rounded on top. As he stopped the object came to within 20 cm of the road surface, and a man of dark complexion, dressed in a shirt and ordinary trousers that were both shiny blue in color, came out. He smiled at the witness who then thought that he received a telepathic message. The message described a hypothetical "other world" and suggested that the observation be reported to authorities. The man also promised to return. Several people who drove by the witness reported seeing a man speaking to him, as well as a strange vehicle nearby.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 804
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7416
### Event 27280 (5BFABFA4)
**Date:** 11/2/1966
**Description:** During the evening Mrs. Mark deFriend, age 32, saw an object at ground level in front of her car in El Campo, Texas on this rainy night. It would leave the road and fly over the fields from time to time. The greenish-blue object flew back in front of her car, and then was lost to sight behind some trees.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 803
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7417
### Event 27281 (7F3DE377)
**Date:** 11/4/1966
**Time:** 22:30
**Location:** ALTON, VA
**Description:** TV Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) and blackout. Large round luminous/glowing object going up and down. Going [to] under power lines and across field.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 47)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7878
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "171", **HatchDesc:** "ALTON,VA:TV RFI+BLACKOUT:LRG RND LUMn OBJ ↑+↓:> UNDER POWER LINES+ACRS FIELD", **LatLong:** "36.572224 -79.005559", **LatLongDMS:** "36:34:20 N 79:00:20 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/36.572224,-79.005559)", **RelAlt:** "10", **State/Prov:** "Virginia", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 27282 (8A69B093)
**Date:** 11/4/1966
**Location:** Alton, VA
**Description:** 10:30 p.m. EST. While watching television, a woman saw her set experience severe interference, then black out completely (EM effects). She glanced out the window and saw a huge red light that appeared to be rotating behind a glassy surface of some kind. Above the light was a very large object surrounded by a halo of white light. (U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. HI, No. 11, Jan.-Feb. 1967, p. 3) (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3170
### Event 27283 (7B45C5F6)
**Date:** 11/4/1966
**Locations:** US Highway 50 near Parkersburg, West Virginia; intersection of I-77 and State Highway 47
**Description:** [Derenberger](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/53218997/woodrow-wilson-derenberger) has another encounter when he lapses into a trance while driving a truck with a colleague along US Highway 50 near Parkersburg, West Virginia. He starts speaking, sometimes mumbling, other times conveying messages about “ships.” Derenberger later says that Cold was sending him a telepathic message that his ship was directly above the truck. A sighting of a UFO “like two glass chimneys from a kerosene lamp welded together at their widest or bulging ends” at 6:45 p.m. by [Irma Hudgins](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/186221336/irma-hudgins) and her daughter [Pamela Sue](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/205012268/pamela-sue-chase) near the intersection of I-77 and State Highway 47 seems to confirm some UFO activity. Derenberger has further meetings with Indrid Cold and his companion Carl Ardo, who often pass undetected among earthlings, through the early 1970s and in 1984.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** John A. Keel, The Mothman Prophecies, Tor ed., 1991, [pp. 54–55](https://archive.org/details/mothmanprophecie00keelrich/page/54/mode/2up); Clark III 404–410; Jerome Clark, “The Adventures of Woody Derenberger,” IUR 20, no. 1 \(Jan./Feb. 1995\): 8–11, 20–23
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4136
### Event 27284 (35C0228D)
**Date:** 11/5/1966
**Time:** 14:45:00.0
**Location:** 37.1699 -116.0472
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Simms” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_472
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1699 -116.0472", **LatLongDMS:** "37:10:12 N 116:02:50 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1699,-116.0472)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.20", **NukeName:** "Simms", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 27285 (DD65785E)
**Date:** 11/5/1966
**Description:** [Condon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward%5FCondon) tells the press that he knows “some people \[[McDonald](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James%5FE.%5FMcDonald)\] who believe the air force is misleading us, but I don’t think so. Maybe they are. I don’t care much.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Keyhoe, Aliens from Space, Signet ed., 1974, [p.](https://archive.org/details/aliensfromspacer00keyh/page/112/mode/2up) [113](https://archive.org/details/aliensfromspacer00keyh/page/112/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4137
### Event 27286 (D4ADD2D4)
**Date:** 11/5/1966
**Description:** On this night Mrs. Kathleen glanced out the kitchen door of her house in Arlington, Indiana and saw a lighted object, which moved toward her and hovered 50 feet away, some 20-30 feet up in the air. It was as big as a house and Saturn-shaped. In the middle of the object were brightly lit windows. Mrs. Kathleen could see in these windows a man and two women, who appeared to be on different floors. The man, muscular in build, was manipulating something like a steering wheel and was staring directly at her, which frightened her. One of the women who was on the lower level handed him a small object "like a cup of coffee." After about three minutes the object began to move westward, then rose steeply emitting a multicolored exhaust. It moved off at a speed greater then a jet.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1966-52 (A0746), citing Don Worley
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7475
### Event 27287 (0D7E11C8)
**Date:** 11/6/1966
**Alternate date:** 11/12/1966
**Location:** White Plains (3 miles W of), NY
**Description:** Rectangular object emitting steady bluish light moving slowly to the N (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3171
### Event 27288 (1264738A)
**Date:** 11/6/1966
**Locations:** State Highway 47; Parkersburg, West Virginia; American Viscose plant; Little Kanawha River
**Description:** 6:30 p.m. A driver on State Highway 47 near Parkersburg, West Virginia, sees a UFO and gets out to watch it. At first it looks like two lights near the American Viscose plant across the Little Kanawha River. The object crosses the river and the highway then turns off its lights at about 100–150 feet altitude. The lights come back on and it starts moving toward the witness, stopping right over his car and focusing a bright beam of light on him for 10 seconds. It shuts off and the object moves leisurely away to the south.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clark III 405
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4138
### Event 27289 (A6977ED9)
**Date:** 11/7/1966
**Time:** 01:30
**Location:** EAST AKRON, OH
**Description:** 2+1 separate cops. Brilliant bowl saucer going north. Hovers / 60M altitude. Veers going quickly northeast rising.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 803)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7879
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "315", **HatchDesc:** "E.AKRON,OH:2+1 SEP.COPS:BRILL.BOWL SCR > N:HVRS/60M alt:VEERS >>NE RISING:", **LatLong:** "41.100002 -81.450004", **LatLongDMS:** "41:06:00 N 81:27:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.100002,-81.450004)", **RelAlt:** "60", **State/Prov:** "Ohio", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 27290 (1DD1F01D)
**Date:** 11/8/1966
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Observation in Saginaw \(Minnesota\).
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#11135 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1966.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2245
### Event 27291 (6C33DB5C)
**Date:** 11/8/1966
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) 35 Brazilian astrophysicists gathered in Sao Paulo at the Congress of the Brazilian Institute of Astronautics affirm: UFOs exist.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1966.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2246
### Event 27292 (765003D4)
**Date:** 11/8/1966
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Promulgation of the [AFR 80-17A](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/glossair.html\#AFR-80-17-A).
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1966.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2247
### Event 27293 (4EAC9850)
**Date:** 11/8/1966
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Mission [Gemini 12](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/gemini.html\#Gemini12).
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1966.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2248
### Event 27294 (CFCF96A0)
**Date:** 11/8/1966
**Time:** 22:00?
**Location:** SAGINAW, MI
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #11135. Ground and F94 RADAR-visual (observation). UFO flies in over sag.bay. Turns 180° and goes.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FULLER, John G: ALIENS IN THE SKIES; Putnam's Sons and Berkley Books, NY 1969. (Index 84)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7880
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RDR:** Radar traces/blips, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "170", **HatchDesc:** "SAGINAW,MI:BBK#11135:GND+F94 RDR-VIS:UFO FLIES IN OVR SAG.BAY:TURNS 180°+GOES", **LatLong:** "43.422224 -83.950004", **LatLongDMS:** "43:25:20 N 83:57:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.422224,-83.950004)", **State/Prov:** "Michigan", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 27295 (BB43E72C)
**Date:** 11/8/1966
**Location:** Saginaw, MI
**Description:** Group of lights flash and change color while hovering (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 11135)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3172
### Event 27296 (05904944)
**Date:** 11/8/1966
**Time:** At night
**Location:** Saginaw, Michigan
**Description:** Witness: college graduate Annis. A group of lights that flashed and changed color hung stationary, almost touching the road, and would abruptly vanish during the 5 minute sighting.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_561
### Event 27297 (0F0F04E5)
**Date:** 11/9/1966
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Observation shown above in Woonsocket \(Rhode Island\). See images/1966-11-09.jpg. (November 9)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1966.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2249
### Event 27298 (64F716EB)
**Date:** 11/10/1966
**Time:** 18:00
**Location:** LAPOINT, UT
**Description:** SR121. 2 silvery saucers. 1st makes buzzing sound. 2nd follows 1 St.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SALISBURY, Frank: The UTAH UFO DISPLAY -- a Biologist Reports; 1974 Devin Adair, New Greenwich,CT. HB 286pp. ISBN 0-815-97000-5 (Index 245)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7881
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "1695", **HatchDesc:** "LAPOINT,UT:SR121:2 SLVRY SCRS:1ST MAKES BUZZING SOUND:2ND FOLLOWS 1ST.", **LatLong:** "40.400002 -109.783339", **LatLongDMS:** "40:24:00 N 109:47:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.400002,-109.783339)", **State/Prov:** "Utah", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 27299 (73C9C737)
**Date:** 11/10/1966
**Time:** 22:00
**Location:** 1 MILE EAST / ROOSEVELT, UT
**Description:** Round object just above tree. Alternately bright / dim. Never moved.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SALISBURY, Frank: The UTAH UFO DISPLAY -- a Biologist Reports; 1974 Devin Adair, New Greenwich,CT. HB 286pp. ISBN 0-815-97000-5 (Index 245)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7882
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HOX:** Suspicion of hoax, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "1581", **HatchDesc:** "1MI E/ROOSEVELT,UT:ROUND OBJ JUST ABOVE TREE:ALTERNATLY BRITE/DIM:NEVER MOVED", **LatLong:** "40.311113 -109.994450", **LatLongDMS:** "40:18:40 N 109:59:40 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.311113,-109.994450)", **State/Prov:** "Utah", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 27300 (5053077D)
**Date:** 11/10/1966
**Location:** Pinellas Park, FL
**Description:** 9:20 p.m. EST. A young boy saw a very bright red, self-luminous, cigar-shaped object emerging from clouds. Then 10 smaller objects like dishes approached and entered the larger object. The parent object had what looked like portholes near its upper edge. (NICAP report in Donald E. Keyhoe Archives.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3173
### Event 27301 (513FF971)
**Date:** 11/10/1966
**Description:** At 3:30 a.m. a disc-shaped object landed at the local military airport in Fubara, Italy. It carried flashing police type lights on its top and bottom. From the object emerged four men or pilots (not described) who walked around the ground briefly then returned to the object. The object then circled the area and left.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Maurizio Verga, ITACAT: Italian UFO catalogue
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7592
### Event 27302 (CCE16E46)
**Date:** 11/11/1966
**Location:** USSR, SPACE
**Description:** (Translated from French) (cf. November 2, 1966) NEW ELEMENT TO BE ADDED TO THE SATELLITE FILE. COSMOS U 1 EXPLODES IN SPACE. (continued: November 29, 1966) ("The War of the Satellites" - Volume 3 - Pierre Kohler, ed. Famot 1982, p. 128) USA, SPACE: Jim Lovell and Edwin Aldrin see four winged UFOs. The two astronauts affirm that the objects are not stars. (J. Allen HYNEK and Jacques VALLEE: "At the Limits of Reality" - ed. Albin Michel 1978, p 84) and (NUFORC, Looking back, by Bob Gribble) (note from vog: and they didn't see Cosmos U 1 explode?) Jacques Lowell and Edward Aldrin with Gemini XII: perceive two UFOs at about a kilometer distance. (Philippe SCHNEYDER: "UFO, First Balance" - ed. du Rocher 1983, p. 233) GEMINI XII, 12 November 1966 (James Lovell, Edwin Aldrin) The two astronauts report having observed two UFOs, at a distance of about 1/2 mile from the capsule. They were present for some time and photos were taken.
**Reference:** 1989 - listing and research by Harvey S. Stewart
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2396
### Event 27303 (99F7C224)
**Date:** 11/11/1966
**Time:** 12:00:00.1
**Location:** 37.1344 -116.0498
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Ajax” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_473
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1344 -116.0498", **LatLongDMS:** "37:08:04 N 116:02:59 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1344,-116.0498)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.24", **NukeName:** "Ajax", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 27304 (66126BD8)
**Date:** 11/11/1966
**Description:** [Hynek](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J.%5FAllen%5FHynek) and [Vallée](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacques%5FVall%C3%A9e) give an extended briefing to [Condon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward%5FCondon) and his staff. Hynek urges the project to adopt a rating system, by which if a sighting emerges as both strange and credible, it will be deemed worthy of further investigation. Vallée recommends standardized report forms that ask all the right questions. They both sense that [Low](http://ufohistoryfiles.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/CO%2067%20NEWS.pdf)[,](http://ufohistoryfiles.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/CO%2067%20NEWS.pdf) not Condon, is “clearly the decision-maker.” Hynek tells [Craig](https://legacy.lib.utexas.edu/taro/tamucush/00151/tamu-00151.html) that the project must recommend that scientific investigation of UFOs be continued.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clark III 1193; UFOs Yes, 50–61; [Sparks](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf), p. 5
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4139
### Event 27305 (F768E9A5)
**Date:** 11/11/1966
**Description:** On this night a married woman named Kathleen saw a Saturn-shaped UFO with many brightly lit windows from her kitchen window in Arlington, Indiana. The UFO was only 50 feet away. A muscular looking man and two women were seen inside the craft. The man stared directly at the witness.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case A0746, citing APRO investigation by Donald Worley
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7597
### Event 27306 (2CA5B2EC)
**Date:** 11/12/1966
**Location:** USA, Clendenin (West Virginia)
**Description:** (Translated from French) Near Clendenin, five men were busy digging a grave in a cemetery when something that looked like "a brown human being" flew over their heads from a clump of trees. The five men were astonished: the "thing" had no bird-like appearance but seemed to be "a man with wings".
**Reference:** Jacques BERGIER/Georges GALLET: "Le Livre du Mystère" - Albin Michel 1975- p. 162
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2397
### Event 27307 (F33349A3)
**Date:** 11/12/1966
**Time:** 00:00
**Location:** FORT ONTARIO, NY
**Description:** Domed disk with portholes hovers. Shoots up until gone. No further details. / NICAP.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO Evidence II: HB: Scarecrow Press Lanham, MD. http://www.scarecrowpress.com ISBN 0-8108-3881-8 (Index 410)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7883
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "91", **HatchDesc:** "FORT ONTARIO,NY:DOMED DISK W/PORTHOLES HVRs:SHOOTS UP until gone:NFD:/NICAP", **LatLong:** "43.450002 -76.511115", **LatLongDMS:** "43:27:00 N 76:30:40 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.450002,-76.511115)", **State/Prov:** "New York", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 27308 (022CB456)
**Date:** 11/12/1966
**Location:** Montevideo, Buenos Aires, S.America
**Description:** Local astronomer took twelve slides of the sun and a saucerlike object was visible in the foreground. (See Dec. 19, Dept. of State AIRGRAM) (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3174
### Event 27309 (8D1788E3)
**Date:** 11/12/1966
**Location:** Fort Ontario, NY
**Description:** 9:35 p.m. EST. A number of witnesses including a former Navy radarman reported a dark domed disc with a row of orange portholes along the lower portion. The object, illuminated by a faint glow, first hovered and then shot upwards out of sight. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3175
### Event 27310 (D85703F2)
**Date:** 11/12/1966
**Description:** On this night a domed disc-shaped object with portholes hovered over Fort Ontario, New York and was witnessed by a radar operator. It shot straight up until it was gone from sight.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Richard Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty Year Report, p. 152
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7610
### Event 27311 (43D01798)
**Date:** 11/12/1966
**Description:** During the day five men digging a grave in a cemetery in Clendenin, West Virginia saw something that looked like "a brown human being" that flew from some nearby trees and maneuvered low over their heads. It was in sight for about a minute.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** John A. Keel, FSR, July-August 1968, p. 13; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1966-53 (A0747), citing John Keel
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7611
### Event 27312 (7A6AEA3C)
**Date:** 11/13/1966
**Location:** Fords, NJ
**Description:** 5:35 p.m. EST. Several witnesses including a private pilot saw a very bright, round, pulsating orange light that hovered over a school emitting a humming sound. (NICAP notes.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3176
### Event 27313 (E8EBB9E4)
**Date:** 11/13/1966
**Location:** Roseville, Ohio
**Description:** Barber and amateur astronomer [Ralph Ditter Jr.](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/189417696/ralph-william-ditter) of Roseville, Ohio, takes several “spectacular” photos of a daylight disc. Later, Raytheon deals with the photographic analysis of the photos. The report states that the object in the photos is 3–4 inches in diameter, not 30 feet as claimed by Ditter; the object is not at a considerable distance, but a mere 3–4 feet from the camera lens; and the photos are not taken in rapid succession, but approximately 70 minutes has elapsed between photos. Also, the numbers on the backs of the photographs are out of sequence with Ditter’s story.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** NICAP, “[The Ditter Photo Hoax](http://www.nicap.org/661113zanesville%5Fdir.htm)”; Center for UFO Studies, \[[Ditter photos](http://cufos.org/cases/ZanesvilleDocs/1966%5F11%5F13%5FZanesille%5FPhotos.pdf)\]; Center for UFO Studies, \[case documents, [part one](http://cufos.org/cases/ZanesvilleDocs/Zanesville%5FDocuments.pdf)[,](http://cufos.org/cases/ZanesvilleDocs/Zanesville%5FDocuments.pdf) [part two](http://cufos.org/cases/ZanesvilleDocs/Zanesville%5FDocuments%5F2.pdf)\]; E. L. Merritt, “[Photogrammetric Analysis of a](http://cufos.org/cases/ZanesvilleDocs/Zanesville%5FPhotogrammetric.pdf) [Non-Synchronous Pair of U.F.O. Exposures,](http://cufos.org/cases/ZanesvilleDocs/Zanesville%5FPhotogrammetric.pdf)” June 1967
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4140
### Event 27314 (38EC02E9)
**Date:** 11/14/1966
**Location:** USA, Point Pleasant (West Virginia)
**Description:** (Translated from French) Around midnight, two young couples, the Scarberrys and Mallette, were driving in a car, seven miles north of Point Pleasant. (...) They were passing by one of the two abandoned electric stations, when they saw on the side of the road, a strange vertical creature observing them. The being "was of human appearance, but tall, between 6 and 7 feet tall [about 2 meters], and it had two large wings folded on its back," declared Roger Scarberry. And his wife Linda added: "But what struck the most was its eyes. They were huge, red, like car headlights." The car slowed down. For about a minute, the mysterious creature and the four passengers stared at each other in silence. Then the being turned around and entered the electric cabin, whose door was open.. (1966, night of November 14th to 15th)
**Reference:** continued: see December 15th, 1966
**Reference:** Jacques BERGIER/George GALLET: "Le Livre du Mystère" - Albin Michel 1975- p. 162-163
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2398
### Event 27315 (6ECCB15A)
**Date:** 11/14/1966
**Location:** NORTH / DAYTON, WY
**Description:** Night lights. Circle / cut grass. Deers head cut clean off at edge of circle!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 283)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7884
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OPR:** Operations on humans/animal mutilation/surgery, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "1312", **HatchDesc:** "N/DAYTON,WY:NLTS:CIRCLE/CUT GRASS:DEERS HEAD CUT CLEAN OFF at EDGE of CIRCLE!", **LatLong:** "44.900002 -107.266672", **LatLongDMS:** "44:54:00 N 107:16:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.900002,-107.266672)", **State/Prov:** "Wyoming", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 27316 (18B92AAF)
**Date:** 11/14/1966
**Location:** Colorado
**Description:** [Quintanilla](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hector%5FQuintanilla)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hector%5FQuintanilla) Lt. [William Marley](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/103904684/william-h-marley), and Col. [Robert Hippler](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/65715202/robert-r-hippler) of AFOSR brief the Colorado project staff. Quintanilla contradicts [Hynek](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J.%5FAllen%5FHynek)’s account of the swamp gas explanation.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** UFOs Yes, 61
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4141
### Event 27317 (A9C06A5B)
**Date:** 11/14/1966
**Description:** At 10:30 p.m. Mr. Newell Partridge was sitting at home in Salem, West Virginia when suddenly the TV blacked out. A fine herringbone pattern appeared on the tube, and simultaneously the TV began making a loud whining noise, winding up to a high pitch as if on a musical scale. He said it sounded like a generator winding up. Outside on his front porch his dog Bandit began wailing. Partridge picked up a flashlight and went outside to investigate. The dog was sitting on the end of the porch, howling down toward the hay barn in the bottom. Partridge shined his light in that direction and it picked up two red circles, or eyes, which looked like bicycle reflectors. There was something about the eyes that was difficult to explain. The eyes were huge and plainly visible at a distance of 150 yards. As soon as the flashlight picked out the "eyes" Bandit snarled and ran toward them. A "cold chill" swept over the man and he felt a wave of fear, which kept him from following the dog. That night he slept with a loaded gun beside his bed. The next day he went looking for his dog with some neighbors. They found tracks. At the approximate position of the "eyes" he found a large number of dog tracks. The tracks were going in a circle, as if the dog had been chasing his tail. Then the tracks vanished, the dog was never seen again.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** John A. Keel, The Mothman Prophecies
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7669
### Event 27318 (0A3D4522)
**Date:** 11/15/1966
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) First observation of the [Mothman](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/Mothman.html) near [Point Pleasant](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/PointPleasant.html) \(West Virginia\). (23 h 30)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1966.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2250
### Event 27319 (30FB3DEC)
**Date:** 11/15/1966
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Another group sees the same creature 3 times
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1966.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2251
### Event 27320 (D4D80887)
**Date:** 11/15/1966
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Another person reports that their dog attacked the creature and never returned home. A detail of the testimony of the two couples is that they saw the body of a dead dog next to the road and that later the dog was no longer there. It apparently was the same dog, its owner having followed its tracks, which suddenly stopped.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1966.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2252
### Event 27321 (F65D04ED)
**Date:** 11/15/1966
**Time:** 07:20
**Location:** BEVERLY, MASS
**Description:** 2 hunters offshore. 2 cylinder/cigar-shape-shapes over Beverly farms area.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FOWLER, Raymond E.: UFO'S, INTERPLANETARY VISITORS; Prentice Hall & Bantam Books, NY 1979. 346pp. (Index 328)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7885
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "8", **HatchDesc:** "BEVERLY,MASS:2 HUNTERS OFFSHORE:2 CGR-SHAPES OVER BEVERLY FARMS AREA", **LatLong:** "42.538891 -70.877781", **LatLongDMS:** "42:32:20 N 70:52:40 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.538891,-70.877781)", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 27322 (5848B623)
**Date:** 11/15/1966
**Time:** 19:00?
**Location:** WALLACE, WVA
**Description:** TV malfunctions due to EME (electro-magnetic effects). Dog howls. Dog chases. Tracks end. Car paced by "Mothman".
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RANDLES, Jenny: ALIEN CONTACTS & ABDUCTIONS; Sterling Publ., NY 1993. (Index 59)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7886
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **NFO:** No craft seen, **MON:** Monster: Life form fits no category, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "5", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "310", **HatchDesc:** "WALLACE,WVa:TV EMEs:DOG HOWLS:DOG CHASES:TRACKS END:CAR PACED BY "MOTHMAN"", **LatLong:** "39.416669 -80.500004", **LatLongDMS:** "39:25:00 N 80:30:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.416669,-80.500004)", **State/Prov:** "Western Virginia", **Strangeness:** "12"
### Event 27323 (7CC6BB13)
**Date:** 11/15/1966
**Time:** ~22:00
**Location:** GALLIPOLIS, OH
**Description:** TV malfunctions due to EME (electro-magnetic effects). Night light / field. Dog chases.. crushed and bloodless in crop circle!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 205)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7887
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "173", **HatchDesc:** "GALLIPOLIS,OH:TV EMEs:NLT/FIELD:DOG CHASES..CRUSHED+BLOODLESS in CROP CIRCLE!", **LatLong:** "38.800002 -82.200004", **LatLongDMS:** "38:48:00 N 82:12:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.800002,-82.200004)", **State/Prov:** "Ohio", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 27324 (15E0C9D2)
**Date:** 11/15/1966
**Time:** 23:50
**Description:** Mothman follows car / 3M wings. Going [to] abandoned power plant. / r4p88.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 803)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7888
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **NFO:** No craft seen, **MON:** Monster: Life form fits no category, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "5", **Duration:** "15", **Elev:** "175", **HatchDesc:** "nr POINT PLEASANT,WV:MOTHMAN FOLOS CAR/3M WINGS:> ABANDONED POWER PLANT:/r4p88", **LatLong:** "38.816669 -82.111115", **LatLongDMS:** "38:49:00 N 82:06:40 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.816669,-82.111115)", **State/Prov:** "Western Virginia", **Strangeness:** "12"
### Event 27325 (381CF89C)
**Date:** 11/15/1966
**Location:** Gaffney, MA
**Description:** 7:15 a.m. EST. Two hunters in a boat off the coast saw two cigar-shaped objects hovering in a horizontal position over the Beverly Farms area. (Fowler 1974, p. 342.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3177
### Event 27326 (7D3A81CF)
**Date:** 11/15/1966
**Locations:** Point Pleasant, West Virginia; McClintic Wildlife Management Area; Mason County Courthouse
**Description:** 11:30 p.m. Two young couples from Point Pleasant, West Virginia—Roger and [Linda Scarberry](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/92851560/linda-sue-scarberry) and Steve and Mary Mallette—are joyriding in an area outside of town known as the “TNT area” \[the site of a former World War II munitions plant and now part of the McClintic Wildlife Management Area\] when they encounter a large gray creature whose eyes glow red when the car’s headlights pick it up. Scarberry describes it as shaped like a man but nearly 7 feet tall. They describe it as a “large flying man with 10-foot wings” that are folded against its back. Terrified, they drive away but pass a similar creature on a hill by the road. As they pass it, it spreads its wings, rises into the air, and pursues their car, keeping pace at even 100 mph. The entity does not pursue them into town, but they drive directly to the Mason County Courthouse, where they tell their story to Deputy [Millard Halstead](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/63046926/millard-w%5F-halstead)[,](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/63046926/millard-w%5F-halstead) who accompanies the witnesses back to the site. He hears strange static disturbances coming from his radio, but they find no evidence of the encounter. On November 16, Sheriff [George E. Johnson](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/61853560/george-e-johnson) holds a press conference to discuss the sighting, the press begins calling the creature “Mothman” based on a comic book character. The Scarberrys and Mallettes go back to the site in the daylight and find odd-looking tracks like “two horseshoes put together.” After this sighting, more people begin reporting encounters, and hundreds of cars swarm out to the TNT area at night in search of a Mothman sighting. In May 1976, representatives of the Ohio UFO Investigators League reinterview several witnesses, all of whom stick to their stories and sometimes add interesting details.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** John A. Keel, The Mothman Prophecies, Tor ed., 1991, [pp. 59–61](https://archive.org/details/mothmanprophecie00keelrich/page/58/mode/2up); Clark III 779–781; “[Scarberry and Mallette’s Mothman Sighting,](https://themothman.fandom.com/wiki/Scarberry%5Fand%5FMallette%27s%5FMothman%5FSighting)” The MothMan Wikia
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4142
### Event 27327 (E8DE992C)
**Date:** 11/15/1966
**Description:** Two duck hunters in a boat offshore of Beverly, Massachusetts saw a cigar-shaped object hovering over the Beverly Farms area around 7:15 a.m.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Ray Fowler, UFOs: Interplanetary Visitors, p. 342.
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7689
### Event 27328 (8AFEDBAD)
**Date:** 11/15/1966
**Description:** Newell Partridge was sitting at home at 10:30 p.m. in Salem, West Virginia when suddenly the TV blanked out. A very fine herringbone pattern appeared on the tube, and at the same time the set started making a loud whining noise, increasing to a high pitch, peaking and then breaking off, as if on a musical scale, sounding like a generator winding up. Outside on his porch, his dog Bandit began wailing. Partridge picked up a flashlight and went out in the yard to investigate. The dog was sitting at the end of the porch, howling down toward the hay barn in the bottom. Partridge shined the light in that direction, and it picked up two red circles or eyes, which looked like bicycle reflectors. There was something about the eyes that was difficult to explain. They were huge and plainly visible at a distance of 150 yards. As soon as the flashlight picked out the eyes his dog Bandit snarled and ran toward them. A "cold chill" swept over the man and he felt a wave of fear, which kept him from following the dog. That night he slept with a loaded gun beside his bed. The next day he went looking for his dog with a friend. They found tracks, and at the approximate position of the "eyes" he found a large number of dog tracks. The tracks were going in a circle, as if the dog had been chasing its tail. Then the tracks vanished, the dog was never seen again. At around 11:30 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Mallette and Mr. and Mrs. Roger Scarberry reported that their car was followed in Point Pleasant, West Virginia around 11:30 p.m. by a gray "bird-like creature" six to seven feet tall and with a ten foot wingspan. When the car headlights struck the creature its eyes, about two inches in diameter, glowed red. It finally scurried into a field and disappeared.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** UPI press dispatch in the Cleveland Press, November 16, 1966; APRO Bulletin, November-December 1966, p. 10; John A Keel, FSR, July 1968, p. 7; John Keel, The Mothman Prophecies, p. 59
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7690
### Event 27329 (5C19C68A)
**Date:** 11/16/1966
**Location:** USA, Point Pleasant (West Virginia)
**Description:** (Translated from French) At around 9 pm, the Wamsleys and Mrs Marcella Bennett, accompanied by her two-year-old daughter, were driving through the T.N.T. Area on their way to visit some mutual friends, the Thomases. Suddenly, a strange and large red light appeared in the sky, moving above the T.N.T. Area. It was certainly not an airplane. When they arrived at their destination, the Wamsleys and Mrs Bennett were getting out of the car when an enormous gray figure suddenly appeared behind the car and rose slowly. It was bigger than a man, with two terrifyingly bright eyes. Panic seized the small group: the Wamsleys ran towards the house, followed by Mrs Bennett carrying her crying daughter. (November 16, 1966)
**Reference:** Jacques BERGIER/Georges GALLET: "Le Livre du Mystère" - Albin Michel 1975- p. 163-164
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2399
### Event 27330 (057DFB3F)
**Date:** 11/16/1966
**Description:** At 9:00 p.m. in Point Pleasant, West Virginia Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Wamsley and Mrs Marcella Bennett were driving to the house of Ralph Thomas, when they saw a big red light maneuvering over the "TNT" dump area. When they arrived and got out, a "big gray thing bigger than a man, with glowing red eyes" rose up from the ground. They ran into the house, but the creature shuffled onto the porch and peered into windows. It was gone by the time police arrived. Mr. & Mrs. Steve Mallette and Mr. & Mrs Roger Scarberry reported that their car was followed about midnight by a gray "bird like creature" 6-7 feet tall with a 10 foot wingspan. When the car headlights struck its eyes, which were two inches in diameter, they glowed red. It finally scurried into a field and disappeared.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, cases 1966-54 and 55, citing John A. Keel
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7717
### Event 27331 (139AB424)
**Date:** 11/17/1966
**Time:** 04:00
**Location:** GAFFNEY, SC
**Description:** 2 cops. 7M saucer lands. Door and ladder. Small humanoid (or Grey) exits. Perfect English! / LDLN#97.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PHILLIPS, Ted: Study of PHYSICAL TRACES ASSOCIATED with UFO SIGHTINGS; CUFOS 1975. (Index 44)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7889
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **CVS:** Conversation/communication, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "234", **HatchDesc:** "GAFFNEY,SC:2 COPS:7M SCR LANDS:DOOR+LADDER:OID EXITS:PERFECT ENGLISH!:/LDLN#97", **LatLong:** "35.083335 -81.666671", **LatLongDMS:** "35:05:00 N 81:40:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/35.083335,-81.666671)", **State/Prov:** "South Carolina", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 27332 (3C29E291)
**Date:** 11/17/1966
**Time:** 04:00
**Location:** NEAR SINTON, TX
**Description:** Trucker paced / flashing dome. Many cops see. Going north then going quickly southeast and quickly going up.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** EDWARDS, Frank: FLYING SAUCERS-HERE AND NOW; 1967 Lyle Stewart & Bantam Books 1968. (Index 77)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7890
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "70", **Elev:** "15", **HatchDesc:** "nr SINTON,TX:TRUCKER PACED/FLASHING DOME:MANY COPS SEE:> N THEN >>SE AND ↑↑", **LatLong:** "28.038890 -97.511116", **LatLongDMS:** "28:02:20 N 97:30:40 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/28.038890,-97.511116)", **State/Prov:** "Texas", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 27333 (0B2E23F7)
**Date:** 11/17/1966
**Time:** 04:50
**Location:** CHESHIRE, OH
**Description:** Dog barks. Luminous saucer hovers. Colored sections. Zigzags and away. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v17#1.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 803)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7891
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "175", **HatchDesc:** "CHESHIRE,OH:DOG BARKS:LUMn.SCR HVRS:CLRD SECTIONS:ZIGZAGS+AWAY:/FSR v17#1", **LatLong:** "38.944446 -82.111115", **LatLongDMS:** "38:56:40 N 82:06:40 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.944446,-82.111115)", **State/Prov:** "Ohio", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 27334 (114F1BA8)
**Date:** 11/17/1966
**Time:** 11:30
**Description:** Fast silver object flies fast and low toward and behind some trees. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SALISBURY, Frank: The UTAH UFO DISPLAY -- a Biologist Reports; 1974 Devin Adair, New Greenwich,CT. HB 286pp. ISBN 0-815-97000-5 (Index 245)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7892
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "1590", **HatchDesc:** "3MI NE/ROOSEVELT,UT:FAST SLVR OBJ FLIES FAST+LOW TOWARD+BEHIND SOME TREES:NFD", **LatLong:** "40.344446 -109.966672", **LatLongDMS:** "40:20:40 N 109:58:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.344446,-109.966672)", **State/Prov:** "Utah", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 27335 (215D67B3)
**Date:** 11/17/1966
**Location:** Gaffney, MA
**Description:** 4:00 a.m. EST. Two police officers saw a round, glowing object with a wide, flat rim around the center resting on the ground. They estimated the diameter to be about 20 feet. As they watched from less than 50 feet away, a door opened and a small humanoid being descended. The observation lasted several minutes. Footprints later were found at the site. (Phillips 1975, p. 44.) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3178
### Event 27336 (7CAA1FA0)
**Date:** 11/17/1966
**Time:** 0400
**Location:** Gaffney, South Carolina
**Description:** Patrolmen A. G. Huskey and C. Hutchins saw a dark, spherical machine with a flat rim land near them. Estimated diameter: 7 m. An opening and a short ladder became visible, and a small man, dressed in a shiny gold suit, emerged, came within 6 m of them, and spoke in perfect English before taking off.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** FSR 68, 2 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_805
### Event 27337 (2321FED1)
**Date:** 11/17/1966
**Location:** Gaffney, South Carolina
**Description:** 4:00 a.m. Two police officers see a round, glowing object with a wide, flat rim around the center resting on the ground near Gaffney, South Carolina. They estimate the diameter to be about 20 feet. As they watch from less than 50 feet away, a door opens and a small humanoid being descends. The observation lasts several minutes. Footprints are found at the site.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** John A. Keel, “[The Little Man of Gaffney,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201968%20V%2014%20N%202.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 14, no. 2 \(March/April 1968\): 17–19
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4143
### Event 27338 (918AC1E3)
**Date:** 11/17/1966
**Description:** At 1:30 a.m. Margaret Marchute saw on the ground in Collegeville, Pennsylvania a luminous object that seemed to be made of polished metal. After about half an hour a red flame shot upward from the object, then two very bright lights approached it from the distance. When these were near it something like a luminous balloon sprang up from it and hovered in the air. At this point she could see 3 or 4 figures moving about the large object on the ground, which was pulsating from dim to bright. They were dressed in a "gold shiny material." She watched them for about two hours before going to bed.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1966-56, citing NICAP
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7722
### Event 27339 (5B510A29)
**Date:** 11/17/1966
**Description:** In Gaffney, South Carolina police patrolmen A. G. Huskey and C. Hutchins rounded a corner and saw a dark, spherical machine with a flat rim land in front of their patrol car at four o'clock in the morning. They estimated it was seven meters in diameter and about twenty feet above the ground. Hutchins described it as being spherical, like a ball, with a wide, flat rim around it. There were no lights or portholes visible on it. It was completely dark, reflecting a dull gold color in the headlights of the police car. A small doorway opened noiselessly on the underside of the sphere and a short ladder dropped down. A small man dressed in a shiny gold suit emerged. White light poured out of the opening, but neither man could see anything in the interior. The small being descended the ladder and walked slowly and deliberately toward the two police officers. When the figure reached a point about fifteen to twenty feet from the two men, it stopped.
"He didn't move stiffly," officer Hutchins said. "He moved just like anybody else, but kind of slow...like he was taking his time. He wasn't scared of us or anything like that." In appearance, the humanoid was about the size of a twelve-year-old boy, maybe four feet tall. He wore no helmet or headgear and was dressed in a gold suit with no buttons or zippers. His costume was shiny, like metal, in the reflection of the headlights, but it was not self-luminous. The humanoid asked numerous questions and ignored the witnesses when they asked any questions. Hutchins could not remember seeing the feet of the creature. It was standing on high grass and the feet must have been hidden. Both men could not really remember the full context of the "conversation". Hutchins claimed the alien spoke perfect English. "Didn't have any accent or anything. He acted like he knew exactly what he was saying and doing...didn't make any quick moves or false moves. He just stood there and talked to the witnesses." He wanted to know why both men were dressed alike. His speech was very precise. He pronounced each work very carefully. When asked where he was from, he just laughed. The meeting was brief, perhaps only two or three minutes. Then, Hutchins say, the creature announced, "I...will...return...in...two...days." He turned, walked slowly back to the ladder and climbed into the object. The door closed quietly and the craft began to make a soft whirring sound like an engine with a muffler on it. The object rose slowly and vanished into the sky. A local councilman found numerous footprints at the site where the little man had stood. There was no return visit by the alien.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1966-57, citing John A Keel; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 805
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7723
### Event 27340 (88415B58)
**Date:** 11/18/1966
**Location:** USA, Point Pleasant
**Description:** (Translated from French) Sandhill Cranes are large, grey, aggressive birds with big red eyes. The TNT area is right next to the McClintic Wildlife Station, a sanctuary for birds and other wild animals. On November 18, the volunteer fire brigade of Point Pleasant, Captain Paul Yoder accompanied by Benjamin Enochs, were driving through the TNT area when they saw a large creature with huge red eyes. They had never seen anything like it before. But what they could certainly affirm was that the big beast was some kind of bird. (November 18, 1966)
**Reference:** "The Idiot Boy" - article by William Wordsworth, Internet 1997
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2400
### Event 27341 (119A8DBC)
**Date:** 11/18/1966
**Time:** 21:30
**Location:** HAWKINSVILLE, GA
**Description:** Police chief and 3. Silent 12M grey disk with portholes hovers / farm. Lights all over/all about.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HITT, Michael D: GEORGIA'S AERIAL PHENOMENON 1947-1987 Self published 1999. ref. Jan Aldrich. (Index 44)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7893
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "76", **HatchDesc:** "HAWKINSVILLE,GA:POLICE CHIEF+3:SLNT 12M GRY DISK W/PORTS HVRS/FARM:LITES ALLO", **LatLong:** "32.283335 -83.472226", **LatLongDMS:** "32:17:00 N 83:28:20 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/32.283335,-83.472226)", **State/Prov:** "Georgia", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 27342 (5F7DC6BD)
**Date:** 11/18/1966
**Location:** McMinnville, OR
**Description:** 12:25 a.m. PST. Several witnesses in a car reported an elongated greenish-white oval that hovered or moved slowly at low altitude. The driver felt and heard a deep vibration. (NICAP report.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3179
### Event 27343 (E3386E92)
**Date:** 11/18/1966
**Location:** Hawkinsville, GA
**Description:** 9:30 p.m. EST. Several witnesses including the chief of police saw a dark gray or black disc, with red, blue, green, and white body lights around its perimeter, hovering silently. It had a length to width ratio of 4:1. After a while the object started to move away, and receded into the distance where six more objects were visible (rendezvous). After 5-10 minutes, the objects suddenly disappeared. (Hitt, 1999.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3180
### Event 27344 (31AFFFCB)
**Date:** 11/18/1966
**Time:** 15:02:00.0
**Location:** 37.0428 -116.0103
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Cerise” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_474
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0428 -116.0103", **LatLongDMS:** "37:02:34 N 116:00:37 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0428,-116.0103)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.21", **NukeName:** "Cerise", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 27345 (6DB000AF)
**Date:** 11/18/1966
**Description:** On this night in Point Pleasant, West Virginia police captain Paul Yoder and B. Enochs saw a huge bird-like creature, with big red eyes, in the "TNT" dump area.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1966-59, citing John A. Keel
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7731
### Event 27346 (1B23E206)
**Date:** 11/19/1966
**Description:** Bang! Green fireball appears behind car. 18 Nov. '68 green fireball hits 2 separate cars.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** INFORESPACE Journal. SOBEPS Group, Belgium; bimonthly (Index 23)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7894
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Belgium, Netherlandsand Luxembourg", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "VLIERZELE,BELG:BANG!:GRN FBL APPEARS BHND CAR::18NOV68 GRN FBL HITS 2 SEP.CARS", **LatLong:** "50.916669 3.911111", **LatLongDMS:** "50:55:00 N 03:54:40 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.916669,3.911111)", **State/Prov:** "Belgium", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 27347 (AD7FDC00)
**Date:** 11/19/1966
**Time:** 07:50
**Location:** BAYONNE, NJ
**Description:** Sphere / 2M antennas flies behind house. Search / bay finds nothing.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA; H. Regnery, Chicago HC 1969 & Contemporary Books,Chicago 1993. 372pp. (Index 806)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7895
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **SUB:** Submersible: Rises from or submerges into water, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "15", **HatchDesc:** "BAYONNE,NJ:SPHERE/2M ANTENNAS FLIES BHND HOUSE:SEARCH/BAY FINDS NOTHING", **LatLong:** "40.683335 -74.116670", **LatLongDMS:** "40:41:00 N 74:07:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.683335,-74.116670)", **RelAlt:** "3", **State/Prov:** "New Jersey", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 27348 (C1535D68)
**Date:** 11/19/1966
**Time:** 0750
**Location:** Bavonne, New Jersey
**Description:** Two local businessmen observed a dark, gray, metallic sphere, from the top of which projected a dozen "tentacles" over 2 m long, flying at about 40 m altitude and then coming down behind a house. It was assumed that it plunged into the bay, but a search by patrol boats was unsuccessful.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Personal ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_806
### Event 27349 (132E6467)
**Date:** 11/19/1966
**Time:** 03:58:00.0
**Location:** 49.8297 78.0575
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: .001KT YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1291
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.8297 78.0575", **LatLongDMS:** "49:49:47 N 78:03:27 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.8297,78.0575)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "KRR", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** ".001", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 27350 (B71DCF8C)
**Date:** 11/20/1966
**Description:** In Campbells Creek, West Virginia on this day in 1966, six teenagers saw a gray man-sized creature with red eyes flying over the area. On this evening in Union City, New Jersey two women saw a UFO described as looking like a silver pumpkin. It had an antenna. Roof lights of their apartment building reflected off the bottom of the object. Across the Ohio River from West Virginia in Gallipolis, Ohio William Watson's German shepherd dog disappeared. It was found dead a week later in the center of an isolated field. The knee-high grass around the dog's body was pressed flat in a perfect circle 20 feet in diameter. Every bone in the dog's body was crushed, and no blood was in evidence.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** (1) John Keel, FSR, July 1968, p. 13; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1966-60, citing John Keel; (2) James Moseley, Saucer News, March 1967, p. 31; (3) John Keel, FSR, July 1968, p.14
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7748
### Event 27351 (210F5987)
**Date:** 11/21/1966
**Time:** 06:50
**Description:** Silver "fish-shape" goes going up and down [to] and left and right. Hovers. Away V-fast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SALISBURY, Frank: The UTAH UFO DISPLAY -- a Biologist Reports; 1974 Devin Adair, New Greenwich,CT. HB 286pp. ISBN 0-815-97000-5 (Index 245)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7896
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "1700", **HatchDesc:** "NW/LAPOINT,UT:SLVR "FISH-SHAPE" GOES ↑+↓+LEFT+RIGHT:HOVERS:AWAY V-FAST.", **LatLong:** "40.433335 -109.700005", **LatLongDMS:** "40:26:00 N 109:42:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.433335,-109.700005)", **State/Prov:** "Utah", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 27352 (8798DF27)
**Date:** 11/21/1966 (approximate)
**Time:** 07:30
**Location:** BONANZA, UT
**Description:** SR45. Day unknown. Milkman sees 2 stopped cars. Soon a saucer takes off.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SALISBURY, Frank: The UTAH UFO DISPLAY -- a Biologist Reports; 1974 Devin Adair, New Greenwich,CT. HB 286pp. ISBN 0-815-97000-5 (Index 246)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7897
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "20", **Elev:** "1663", **HatchDesc:** "BONANZA,UT:SR45:DAY UNK:MILKMAN SEES 2 STOPPED CARS:SOON A SCR TAKES OFF.", **LatLong:** "40.022224 -109.177783", **LatLongDMS:** "40:01:20 N 109:10:40 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.022224,-109.177783)", **State/Prov:** "Utah", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 27353 (B83CC05D)
**Date:** 11/21/1966
**Description:** At 10:15 p.m. Richard West called police to report that a "batman" was sitting on the roof of the house next to his home at an undisclosed location in West Virginia. The being was six feet tall and had a wingspan of six to eight feet, with great big red eyes. It flew straight up, like a helicopter.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** John A. Keel, UFOs: Operation Trojan Horse, p. 167; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1966-61, citing John Keel
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7771
### Event 27354 (932BACA6)
**Date:** 11/22/1966
**Location:** Spain, Costa Brava
**Description:** (Translated from French) At 5:30 PM Gunther Wildermann photographed a flying saucer, which remained motionless for about fifteen minutes (S. DELLO STROLOGO: "What Governments Hide About UFOs" - De Vecchi 1975, photographic insert between pages 96 and 97) IN REALITY: Gunther Fensky brought back from the Costa Brava the color photo of a UFO which had remained motionless for 15 minutes. After the photo was taken, the UFO allegedly headed at high speed towards the sun. This is pure fantasy, it was an authentic cloud caused by the Foehn.
**Reference:** A. SCHNEIDER-H. MALTHANER: "The Secret File of UFOs", ed. De Vecchi, 1978, p. 264
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2402
### Event 27355 (0CE0965D)
**Date:** 11/22/1966
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In Spain, Günther Wildemann observed for 15 minutes an object of lenticular shape rotating clockwise. He took a photo, which strongly resembled a lenticular cloud. (Tuesday, November 22nd, 5:30 PM)
**Reference:** VSD 2007 H
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1966.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2253
### Event 27356 (6A847190)
**Date:** 11/22/1966
**Time:** 10:00
**Description:** Disk rises / valley. Humming heard. Tent and treetop burnt. 2 photographs.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PHILLIPS, Ted: Study of PHYSICAL TRACES ASSOCIATED with UFO SIGHTINGS; CUFOS 1975. (Index 44)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7898
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **TRC:** Physical traces, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "323", **HatchDesc:** "ROARING RIVER ST.PARK,MO:DISK RISES/VLY:HUM HEARD:TENT+TREETOP BURNT:2 FOTOS", **LatLong:** "36.583335 -93.833338", **LatLongDMS:** "36:35:00 N 93:50:00 W", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/36.583335,-93.833338)", **State/Prov:** "Missouri", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 27357 (CDAE2260)
**Date:** 11/22/1966
**Time:** 16:20
**Location:** NY, NY
**Description:** 8+observer(s). Rounded rectangle going south. Stops over UN building. Bobs. Going up [to] and going southwest slowly. Balloon?
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 47)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7899
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "NY,NY:8+OBS:ROUNDED RECTANGLE > S:STOPS ovr UN Bldg:BOBS:↑+>SW SLOWLY:balloon?", **LatLong:** "40.733335 -73.983337", **LatLongDMS:** "40:44:00 N 73:59:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.733335,-73.983337)", **State/Prov:** "New York", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 27358 (DC87FD78)
**Date:** 11/22/1966
**Time:** 16:30
**Location:** MANHATTAN, NY
**Description:** 8 observer(s). UFO hovers over U.N. building. Rocks. Blinks. Going up [to] and shoots away. Type unknown.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FULLER, John G: ALIENS IN THE SKIES; Putnam's Sons and Berkley Books, NY 1969. (Index 72)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7900
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "MANHATTAN,NY:8 OBS:UFO HVRs OVR U.N. BLDG:ROCKS:BLINKS:↑+SHOOTS AWAY:TYPE UNK", **LatLong:** "40.783335 -73.950004", **LatLongDMS:** "40:47:00 N 73:57:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.783335,-73.950004)", **State/Prov:** "New York", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 27359 (1BA16229)
**Date:** 11/22/1966
**Time:** 18:30
**Location:** OFF WHITE ISLAND, NH
**Description:** USCG plane. Near collision with fireball. Pease Air Force Base RADAR confirms object.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FOWLER, Raymond E.: UFO'S, INTERPLANETARY VISITORS; Prentice Hall & Bantam Books, NY 1979. 346pp. (Index 328)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7901
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **RDR:** Radar traces/blips
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "OFF WHITE ISL,NH:USCG PLANE:NR COLLISION W/FBL:PEASE AFB RDR CONFIRMS OBJECT", **LatLong:** "42.983335 -70.550003", **LatLongDMS:** "42:59:00 N 70:33:00 W", **Locale:** "Offshore", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.983335,-70.550003)", **State/Prov:** "New Hampshire", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 27360 (AA3F5A37)
**Date:** 11/22/1966
**Location:** Roaring River, MO
**Description:** Multiple witness, daylight, (#253) photos (NICAP: 06 - Trace Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3181
### Event 27361 (F114752C)
**Date:** 11/22/1966
**Location:** 37.0000 -116.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Vigil” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_475
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0000 -116.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:00 N 116:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0000,-116.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Vigil", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 27362 (3D499307)
**Date:** 11/22/1966
**Location:** Colorado
**Description:** [McDonald](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James%5FE.%5FMcDonald) informally visits several Colorado project members. He explains radar complexities and mirage effects and tells them that they will soon be “confronting astonishing evidence of mishandling of the UFO problems by your sponsoring agency.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** UFOs Yes, 64
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4144
### Event 27363 (0CD96B03)
**Date:** 11/22/1966
**Locations:** State Highway 58; Willamette Pass, Oregon; Diamond Peak overlook
**Description:** 9:00–10:00 a.m. A biochemist and consultant to a logging company and his wife are traveling on State Highway 58 through the Willamette Pass, Oregon, when he decides to stop and take photos of some scenery. He stops at the Diamond Peak overlook, takes 2 photos, then pauses to take a third. Suddenly, he claims, a disc- shaped object with a domed top ascends into his field of view. After stopping for 3 seconds, it shoots off toward the right and disappears into a cloud bank. When he develops the roll of film, the photos show a blurred disc- shaped object with two black bands beneath and sitting atop a seeming column of vapor. NICAP is given the photo but is not impressed. In 1989, physicist [Irwin Wieder](https://www.aip.org/history-programs/niels-bohr-library/photos/wieder-irwin-b1) performs a detailed analysis of the photo and determines that it is a blurred photo of the “Diamond Peak” sign taken from a passing car.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clark III 1281–1283; Irwin Wieder, “[The Willamette Pass Oregon UFO Photo Revisited: An Explanation,](https://www.scientificexploration.org/docs/7/jse%5F07%5F2%5Fweider.pdf)” Journal of Scientific Exploration 7, no. 2 \(1993\): 173–198; Irwin Wieder, “The Willamette Pass Photo Explained,” IUR 18, no. 6 \(Nov./Dec. 1993\): 18–19
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4145
### Event 27364 (51AD694B)
**Date:** 11/22/1966
**Location:** Roaring River State Park, Missouri
**Description:** 10:00 a.m. A deer hunter searching for game near Roaring River State Park, Missouri, returns to his group’s camp and becomes alarmed when he sees smoke rising from it. He finds their tent and other camping equipment destroyed. The tent is still smoldering, one of the aluminum tent poles is singed, and the aluminum cots are melted. The tent is set up under two trees, but their leaves show no traces of damage at all. About 15 feet away is a dead tree with its top still burning. The witness then heasr a low humming sound and sees an object rising from the valley about 300 feet away. He is able to take a photograph of it as it ascends and manages a second photo a few seconds later. It is an aluminum-colored disc, about 25 feet in diameter and 8 feet thick, with a band around its center and some kind of projection at its rear. The humming sound intensifies as the object picks up speed and disappears in 20 seconds.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** CUFOS case file; Ted Phillips, [Physical Traces Associated with UFO](http://cufos.org/books/Physical%5FTraces.pdf) [Sightings](http://cufos.org/books/Physical%5FTraces.pdf)[,](http://cufos.org/books/Physical%5FTraces.pdf) Center for UFO Studies, 1978, p. 44; B. J. Booth, “[UFO Encountered, Photographed, Roaring River,](https://www.ufocasebook.com/roaringriver.html) [Missouri, 1966,](https://www.ufocasebook.com/roaringriver.html)” UFO Casebook
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4146
### Event 27365 (AEB053C4)
**Date:** 11/22/1966
**Locations:** New York City; 750 Third Avenue; East River; United Nations building
**Description:** 4:20 p.m. At least eight employees of the American Newspaper Publishers Association in New York City watch a UFO from their offices on the 17th floor at 750 Third Avenue. The UFO is a rectangular, “cushion- shaped” object whose bright, reflective surface first catches the eye of Assistant General Manager Donald R. McVay. They go outside onto the terrace and watch the object move southward over the East River, then hover above the United Nations building. It flutters and bobs “like a ship on agitated water.” It rises slowly and moves south then west. One of the other witnesses is the manager of the Publications Department, William H. Leick.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Major Sighting Wave,](http://cufos.org/UFOI%5Fand%5FSelected%5FDocuments/UFOI/035%20JAN-FEB%201967.pdf)” UFO Investigator 3, no. 11 \(Jan,/Feb. 1967\): 4; James E. McDonald, “[Statement on](https://www.project1947.com/shg/symposium/mcdonald.html\#cities) [Unidentified Flying Objects,](https://www.project1947.com/shg/symposium/mcdonald.html\#cities)” in Symposium on Unidentified Flying Objects, Hearings, US House Committee on Science and Astronautics, 90th Cong., 2nd Sess., July 29, 1968, p. 54
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4147
### Event 27366 (61AD81A4)
**Date:** 11/22/1966
**Description:** At ten a.m. a deer hunter named Bresee in Roaring River State Park, Missouri saw a disc-shaped object rise from a valley about 300 feet away, emitting a humming sound. Physical traces included some burn damage to a tent as well as to a treetop. Photographic evidence was submitted.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Ted Phillips, Physical Traces Associated with UFO Sightings, p. 44 (case 92)
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7798
### Event 27367 (F136936B)
**Date:** 11/22/1966
**Description:** At 4:20 p.m. eight witnesses on the 17th floor of the office building at 750 Third Avenue in New York City, New York watched a rectangular, cushion-shaped object fly south over the United Nations and the East River. It hovered for several minutes, bobbing like a ship, and reflected sunlight with a golden glint. It shot up vertically, stopped, and sped off to the east.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP UFO Investigator, January-February 1967, p. 4; UNICAT, case # 710, citing James E. McDonald, 1968 Congressional Hearings, p. 54; Dennis Stacy, Field Guide to UFOs, p. 104
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7799
### Event 27368 (F3D26BD1)
**Date:** 11/22/1966
**Description:** At 6:25 p.m. two U.S. Coast Guard pilots on a training flight 10 miles off the coast of New Hampshire saw a white rocket appear one mile away. It disappeared, then rose vertically in front of them only 100 feet away. There was radar confirmation of the object from Pease AFB.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Raymond E. Fowler, UFOs: Interplanetary Visitors, p. 342
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7800
### Event 27369 (CCA7031C)
**Date:** 11/24/1966
**Description:** At 7:15 a.m. Mr. Thomas Ury was driving home when the "Mothman", a bird-like creature six feet tall and with a ten foot wingspan, circled over his car. He sped up to 70-75 miles per hour but the creature kept up with his car. He had been close to the area of the TNT dumpsite in Point Pleasant, West Virginia. That same night Mary Myer, a newspaper reporter, saw the red eyes of "Mothman" when she visited the abandoned power plant in Point Pleasant, West Virginia where it had been seen before.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** UPI, November 25, 1966; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, cases 1966-63 and 1966-62 (A0756); John A. Keel, FSR, July-August 1968, p. 13; John A. Keel, The Mothman Prophesies, p. 68
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7872
### Event 27370 (3FD46327)
**Date:** 11/25/1966
**Location:** USA, Point Pleasant (Virginia)
**Description:** (Translated from French) At 7:15 in the morning Thomas Ury saw a large, gray flying object that took off from a nearby field. It rose like a helicopter and flew over his car. It accelerated up to 75 miles per hour but the "bird" was still there, circling from time to time. It seemed to be 6 feet long with a wingspan of 8 to 10 feet. (Jacques VALLEE: "Chronicles of E.T. Appearances" - DENOEL 1972 - J'AI LU collection, p. 118) also in (November 25, 1966)
**Reference:** Jacques BERGIER/George GALLET: "The Book of Mystery" -Albin Michel 1975- p. 164
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2403
### Event 27371 (F0430006)
**Date:** 11/25/1966
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Near Point Pleasant, Clarksburg, [Thomas Ury](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/temoins.html\#UryThomas) encounters a flying creature. (Friday, November 25th, 7:15am)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1966.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2254
### Event 27372 (A74D81FE)
**Date:** 11/25/1966
**Time:** 19:30
**Location:** LAPOINT, UT
**Description:** 35' saucer flies over town / 5 min. Darkens out. 60M estimated altitude. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SALISBURY, Frank: The UTAH UFO DISPLAY -- a Biologist Reports; 1974 Devin Adair, New Greenwich,CT. HB 286pp. ISBN 0-815-97000-5 (Index 246)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7902
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "1695", **HatchDesc:** "LAPOINT,UT:35'SCR FLIES OVR TOWN/5 MIN:DARKENS OUT:60M estm.alt:NFD", **LatLong:** "40.405557 -109.783339", **LatLongDMS:** "40:24:20 N 109:47:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.405557,-109.783339)", **State/Prov:** "Utah", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 27373 (CA9DEBCB)
**Date:** 11/25/1966
**Description:** In 1966, while driving home in the morning daylight at 7:15 a.m. on Highway 62 in Point Pleasant, West Virginia Mr. Ury, 25-years-old, became yet another "Mothman" witness. The bird-like creature, six feet tall with a ten-foot wingspan, circled his car as he drove down the highway. He increased his speed to between 70-75 miles per hour but the creature easily kept up with his car.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** John Keel, FSR, July 1968, p. 8
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7906
### Event 27374 (2334A487)
**Date:** 11/26/1966
**Time:** 02:00
**Location:** 3KM NORTH / TALMADGE, UT
**Description:** Green glowing circle lights house and fields. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SALISBURY, Frank: The UTAH UFO DISPLAY -- a Biologist Reports; 1974 Devin Adair, New Greenwich,CT. HB 286pp. ISBN 0-815-97000-5 (Index 246)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7903
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "2110", **HatchDesc:** "3km N/TALMADGE,UT:GREEN GLOWING CIRCLE LITES HOUSE+FIELDS:NFD", **LatLong:** "40.383335 -110.444450", **LatLongDMS:** "40:23:00 N 110:26:40 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.383335,-110.444450)", **State/Prov:** "Utah", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 27375 (AD10818A)
**Date:** 11/26/1966
**Time:** 22:30
**Location:** DENBIGH, ND
**Description:** 4 / (seen thru) binoculars / Minot. Large domed saucer. Tilts and maneuvers and changes shape. Clearly seen.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLICKENGER, Don: NORTH DAKOTA UFO files. Well Documented NICAP files for the 1960s: Xeroxed by Tom Tulien (Index 9)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7904
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **NUC:** Nuclear facility related
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "180", **Elev:** "461", **HatchDesc:** "DENBIGH,ND:4/BINOCS/MINOT:LRG DOMED SCR:TILTS+MNVRS+CHANGES SHAPE:CLEARLY SEEN", **LatLong:** "48.316669 -100.583338", **LatLongDMS:** "48:19:00 N 100:35:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.316669,-100.583338)", **State/Prov:** "North Dakota", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 27376 (986E051C)
**Date:** 11/26/1966
**Description:** In St. Albans, West Virginia a woman saw "Mothman" standing on her front lawn. She described the creature as about six feet tall with a "funny little face" with "big red eyes that popped out." She screamed and ran inside her house. In Lowell, Ohio during the afternoon Marvin Shock and three others reported seeing four "giant birds" that stood 4-5 feet tall and had 10-foot wing spreads and bills 5-6 inches long. They kept them in sight for two hours.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** John A. Keel, FSR, July 1968, p. 13, David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, cases 1966-62 and 64, citing John Keel
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7938
### Event 27377 (31A0C797)
**Date:** 11/27/1966
**Location:** USA Point Pleasant (West Virginia)
**Description:** (Translated from French) On November 27, an 18-year-old girl (a tutor), Connie Carpenter, was driving home from church around 10:30 in the morning. She had just left New Haven when she saw a tall gray figure standing at the side of the road. The being opened two large wings about 10 feet wide, rose vertically and headed towards the car. It was coming face-on and the young girl was able to observe its face for a moment: something horrible, with two huge red incandescent eyes, with a hypnotic power.
**Reference:** Jacques BERGIER/Georges GALLET: "Le Livre du Mystère" - Albin Michel 1975- pp. 164-165
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2404
### Event 27378 (810ACF9B)
**Date:** 11/27/1966
**Location:** USA, Lovell (Ohio)
**Description:** (Translated from French) Lovell is 70 miles away from Point Pleasant. A group of several people observed for two hours a flock of birds in flight, each the size of a man, with a gray breast, and a wingspan of at least 3 meters.
**Reference:** "The Idiot Boy" - article by William Wordsworth, Internet 1997
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2405
### Event 27379 (F0261B4F)
**Date:** 11/27/1966
**Description:** At 10:30 a.m. Miss Connie Carpenter saw the "Mothman" in New Haven, West Virginia. Mothman, a tall winged figure in gray, was standing on the golf course on this morning. It unfolded its ten foot wide wings and flew directly at her windshield. She saw its red eyes. It then veered off and disappeared from sight. After the encounter her eyes were red, swollen, and itchy for two full weeks.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** John A. Keel, FSR, July-August 1968, p. 8; John A. Keel, The Mothman Prophesies, p. 16; David F. Webb and Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1966-66, citing John A. Keel
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7957
### Event 27380 (50968852)
**Date:** 11/27/1966
**Description:** Later that same night in St. Albans, West Virginia, 13-year-old Sheila Cain and her sister were walking home when they saw the Mothman creature standing by the road. It was seven feet tall, and was gray and white in color with big red eyes. They screamed and ran home, and it flew low over their heads as they ran.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** John A. Keel, FSR, July-August 1968, p. 13; John A. Keel, The Mothman Prophesies, p. 71; David F. Webb and Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1966-67, citing John A. Keel
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7958
### Event 27381 (22011F43)
**Date:** 11/28/1966
**Location:** EL CAMPO, TX
**Description:** 2 / car. Dark red night light / roadside. Follows same car 2 weeks later. / r8#807.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 805)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7905
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "33", **HatchDesc:** "EL CAMPO,TX:2/CAR:DRK RED NLT/ROADSIDE:FOLOS SAME CAR 2 WEEKS LATER:/r8#807", **LatLong:** "29.183335 -96.283338", **LatLongDMS:** "29:11:00 N 96:17:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/29.183335,-96.283338)", **State/Prov:** "Texas", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 27382 (2ECDBB3D)
**Date:** 11/28/1966
**Location:** El Campo, Texas
**Description:** Two witnesses observed a dark, red object land by the side of the road, later following their car.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** 168 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_807
### Event 27383 (9B84EDEF)
**Date:** 11/28/1966
**Locations:** Colorado; Redmond, Oregon
**Description:** At [Saunders](https://psycnet.apa.org/record/1993-27194-001)’s invitation, [Hall](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard%5FH.%5FHall) and [Keyhoe](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald%5FKeyhoe) brief the Colorado project members. They meet with [Low](http://ufohistoryfiles.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/CO%2067%20NEWS.pdf) and show him some strong NICAP reports like the 1959 Redmond, Oregon, case. Low dismisses it as too old because the witnesses “wouldn’t remember the details.” Keyhoe focuses on the cover-up, while Hall argues that the best way to assess UFO evidence is to look at the aggregated evidence.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clark III 1193; UFO Yes, 62–63; Keyhoe, Aliens from Space, Signet ed., 1974, [pp. 108–110](https://archive.org/details/aliensfromspacer00keyh/page/108/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4148
### Event 27384 (8940B220)
**Date:** 11/28/1966
**Locations:** Spanish; Ummo
**Description:** 12:10 a.m. Spanish contactee [Enrique Villagrasa](https://www.ummowiki.fr/index.php/Enrique%5FVillagrasa) receives by telephone his first message from inhabitants of the planet Ummo. The caller speaks in a slow monotone and with a foreign accent, answering questions about history and science. Villagrasa has the impression he is talking to an “electronic brain.” Other messages follow, and Villagrasa passes them on to [Fernando Sesma](https://www.ummowiki.fr/index.php/Fernando%5FSesma), an employee of the Spanish telegraph service and head of Amigos de los Visitantes del Espacio.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clark III 1184
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4149
### Event 27385 (8836F856)
**Date:** 11/28/1966
**Location:** Farm Road 1300 northwest of El Campo, Texas
**Description:** Night. Janis Bodungen, 17, is on her way home on Farm Road 1300 northwest of El Campo, Texas, when she sees teo bright lights coming toward her. As they approach, the two lights turn into one large golden light as tall as the trees. She turns the car around and speeds away.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[The Texas Flap,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201967%2001%2000%20-%20January-February.pdf)” APRO Bulletin, Jan./Feb. 1967, pp. 3, 5
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4150
### Event 27386 (ECBFCBF4)
**Date:** 11/28/1966
**Description:** At 5:15 a.m. a man named Nipper driving between Lennox and Valdosta, Georgia near the town of Sparks saw a luminous object land on the road; his car engine stalls, and his radio goes dead.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Mona Darden, Fate magazine, June 1967, p. 66; Michael A. Persinger, Space-Time Transients and Unusual Events, p. 59
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7986
### Event 27387 (6EAEED67)
**Date:** 11/28/1966
**Description:** On this night two 17-year-old teenagers, a man and a woman, were driving on Highway 1300 in El Campo, Wharton County, Texas when they were pursued by a UFO. They first observed a dark, red object land by the side of the road, and later it took off and started following their car.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Houston Tribune, January 19, 1967; APRO Bulletin, January-February 1967, p. 3; Jim & Coral Lorenzen, UFOs over the Americas, p. 24; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia, A Century of Landings, case # 807; Flying Saucers, February 1968, p. 23
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7987
### Event 27388 (DBB64687)
**Date:** 11/29/1966
**Location:** USSR - SPACE
**Reference:** "The War of the Satellites" - Volume 3 - Pierre Kohler, ed. Famot 1982, p. 128
**Reference:** continued October 1967
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2406
### Event 27389 (021D637F)
**Date:** 11/30/1966
**Location:** NEW KINGSTOWN, PA
**Description:** Private pilot. Disk with blinking light hovers by Cessna. Shoots quickly going up. / r150.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO Evidence II: HB: Scarecrow Press Lanham, MD. http://www.scarecrowpress.com ISBN 0-8108-3881-8 (Index 410)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7906
**Attributes:** **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "135", **HatchDesc:** "NEW KINGSTOWN,PA:Pvt.PILOT:DISK W/BLINKING LITE HVRS BY CESSNA:SHOOTS ↑↑:/r150", **LatLong:** "40.250002 -77.133337", **LatLongDMS:** "40:15:00 N 77:08:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.250002,-77.133337)", **State/Prov:** "Pennsylvania", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 27390 (1794D402)
**Date:** 11/30/1966
**Time:** 17:50
**Location:** US31 / TAYLORSVILLE, IN
**Description:** Very very fast saucer slows / 90kph. Paces car / malfunctions due to EME (electro-magnetic effects). Buzzes. Going northeast. / r41p250.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RODEGHIER, Mark/CUFOS: UFO REPORTS INVOLVING VEHICLE INTERFERENCE; CUFOS 1979. Available as CUFOS UFO Archive #1 CD-ROM. http://www.cufos.org/Pubform.pdf (Index 31)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7907
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "199", **HatchDesc:** "US31/TAYLORSVILLE,IN:VVFAST SCR SLOWS/90kph:PACES CAR/EMEs:BUZZES:>NE:/r41p250", **LatLong:** "39.300002 -85.955560", **LatLongDMS:** "39:18:00 N 85:57:20 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.300002,-85.955560)", **State/Prov:** "Indiana", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 27391 (D53454E5)
**Date:** 11/30/1966
**Location:** Taylorsville, IN
**Description:** Ellipse approached car, slowed, buzzing sound heard. CUFOS report; see Rodeghier, 1981, p. 31, (E,L) car (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3182
### Event 27392 (06B30A00)
**Date:** 11/30/1966
**Location:** New Kingston, PA
**Description:** Time not reported. A private pilot watched a disc with a blinking red light hover alongside his Cessna 150, then : shoot straight up and out of sight. (Pittsburgh NICAP Subcommittee report.) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3183
### Event 27393 (49A4D770)
**Date:** 11/30/1966
**Location:** New Kingstown, Pennsylvania
**Description:** 4:35 p.m. J. G. Hockenberry is flying a Cessna 150 near New Kingstown, Pennsylvania, when he sees a saucer-shaped object, about 30 feet in diameter, approach and hover beside the aircraft. It has a dull, gray-white finish and one blinking red light. When the pilot flies into a cloud layer, the object rises straight up and out of sight.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** NICAP case file
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4151
### Event 27394 (85AD5E0B)
**Date:** 11/30/1966
**Description:** At 4:35 P.M. a disc-shaped object with a blinking red light hovered for 30 seconds near a Cessna 150 light airplane being flown by a Mr. Hockenberry over New Kingston, Pennsylvania. It then shot straight up until it was gone from sight.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Pittsburgh NICAP Subcommittee report, Dominique Weinstein, Aircraft UFO Encounters, p. 35; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty-Year Report, p. 118
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8073
### Event 27395 (EAC71FE6)
**Date:** 11/30/1966
**Description:** Taylorsville, Indiana - At 5:55 p.m. an egg-shaped object zoomed towards the driver of a car "like a meteorite," then slowed to an approach speed of 60 mph. The engine and headlights of the witness's car slowly faded and died as the UFO came near. The object was metallic and had three red and three green flashing lights. It gave off a buzzing sound like an electric transformer. The object passed by the stalled car and increased in altitude to between 500-1000 feet, then flew away towards the northeast. The car could then be restated.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, case 180, citing CUFOS; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty-Year Report, p. 250
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8074
### Event 27396 (610F29E9)
**Date:** 11/30/1966
**Description:** A young woman was changing a tire on a lonely road near Brooksville, Florida on this night when she was approached by a huge hairy biped creature with large green eyes and encased in an eerie greenish glow.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, 1966 Humanoid Sighting Reports database, case # 1578, citing John Keel, Fortean Times, issue # 51
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8075
### Event 27397 (2EBD6B8C)
**Date:** 12/1966
**Time:** 11:00?
**Description:** Airline crew. 3 cigars and 20 saucers pass plane. Compasses deviate.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HAINES, Richard Ph.D: PROJECT DELTA; 1994, LDA Press, PO Box 880, Los Altos, CA 94023 USA (Index 141)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7908
**Attributes:** **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Scandanavian and Finland", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "HELSINKI> Event 27398 (43E38E94)
**Date:** 12/1966
**Time:** 20:30
**Description:** Flaming pear shape / sky. Exposed skin burnt. Atomic test?
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 96)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7909
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Pacific Ocean and non - Asian islands", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "FOCOLA,NEW CALEDONIA:FLAMING PEAR SHAPE/SKY:EXPOSED SKIN BURNT:atomic test?", **LatLong:** "-21.700001 165.783341", **LatLongDMS:** "21:42:00 S 165:47:00 E", **Locale:** "Islands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-21.700001,165.783341)", **State/Prov:** "NCD", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 27399 (15EAE5CB)
**Date:** 12/1966
**Location:** Washington, D.C.
**Description:** [Low](http://ufohistoryfiles.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/CO%2067%20NEWS.pdf) visits NICAP headquarters in Washington, D.C. He admits that [Condon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward%5FCondon) thinks the early reports are worthless. [Keyhoe](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald%5FKeyhoe) tells Low that before he wastes any time supplying them with reports, he wants to know what Condon thinks of the 1965 cases they already provided. Otherwise, NICAP might pull out.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Keyhoe, Aliens from Space, Signet ed., 1974, [p. 112](https://archive.org/details/aliensfromspacer00keyh/page/112/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4152
### Event 27400 (0BA9B466)
**Date:** 12/1966
**Location:** Colorado
**Description:** Colorado project member and psychologist [William A. Scott](https://psycnet.apa.org/record/1993-27194-001) devises a witness questionnaire. One page is devoted to the UFO, the other 20 are about the psychological profile of the witness. When he discovers that the witness is not the project’s main focus, he goes home.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** UFOs Yes, 67–69
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4153
### Event 27401 (B17035A7)
**Date:** 12/1/1966
**Time:** 18:40
**Location:** MIDDLEBORO, MASS
**Description:** 1 observer. Saucer with 2 bright red lights dives at car. Goes into woods.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FOWLER, Raymond E.: UFO'S, INTERPLANETARY VISITORS; Prentice Hall & Bantam Books, NY 1979. 346pp. (Index 218)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7910
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "30", **HatchDesc:** "MIDDLEBORO,MASS:1 OBS:SCR W/2 BRITE RED LITES DIVES AT CAR:GOES INTO WOODS", **LatLong:** "41.894446 -70.911114", **LatLongDMS:** "41:53:40 N 70:54:40 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.894446,-70.911114)", **RelAlt:** "15", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 27402 (09C31C9A)
**Date:** 12/1/1966
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** PRESTON, MD
**Description:** 4 kids / car. Silent 18M pink-glowing saucer 30M / treetops. Going down / 10M. Enters woods.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 803)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7911
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "16", **HatchDesc:** "PRESTON,MD:4 KIDS/CAR:SLNT 18M PINK-GLO SCR 30M/TREETOPS:↓/10M:ENTERS WOODS", **LatLong:** "38.711113 -75.911115", **LatLongDMS:** "38:42:40 N 75:54:40 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.711113,-75.911115)", **RelAlt:** "30", **State/Prov:** "Maryland", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 27403 (F371DBE3)
**Date:** 12/1/1966
**Location:** Middleboro, MA
**Description:** 6:35 p.m. EST. An obiect with a curved surface, apparently oval, with two large bright red pulsating lights, dived in front of a car and hovered over woods just off the road. (Fowler 1974, p. 342.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3184
### Event 27404 (D5848BC7)
**Date:** 12/1/1966
**Description:** At 6:35 p.m. in Middleboro, Massachusetts an apparently oval-shaped object dove in front of the witness's car on Highway 25. It carried two large bright red pulsating lights. It stopped to hover silently over some woods just off the road. A curved shaped could be seen behind the lights.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Raymond E. Fowler, UFOs: Interplanetary Visitors, p. 342
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8104
### Event 27405 (1EFBD501)
**Date:** 12/2/1966
**Location:** Lake Sarah, MN
**Description:** 2:00 a.m. CST. A farmer saw a disc-shaped object an estimated 40 feet in diameter hovering over a corn field, making a noise like whirling wind. The object moved away, returned and hovered again, then lifted straight up and moved away to the east emitting a red glow. (NICAP notes based on newspaper story.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3185
### Event 27406 (63208FA8)
**Date:** 12/2/1966
**Locations:** Washington, D.C.; National Airport
**Description:** Wertheimer goes to Washington, D.C., to interview witnesses of the National Airport radar-visual sightings of 1952. Virtually every witness disputes Gen. [John A. Samford](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John%5FA.%5FSamford)’s explanation of temperature inversions.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** UFOs Yes, 72–74
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4154
### Event 27407 (9E07CA36)
**Date:** 12/3/1966
**Time:** 12:15:00.1
**Location:** 31.1421 -89.5699
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Sterling” Yield: .38KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_476
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "31.1421 -89.5699", **LatLongDMS:** "31:08:32 N 89:34:12 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/31.1421,-89.5699)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.83", **NukeName:** "Sterling", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** ".38"
### Event 27408 (AE39A3A1)
**Date:** 12/3/1966
**Time:** 05:02:00.2
**Location:** 49.7469 78.0334
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed, salvo. Country: USSR Yield: .002KT YieldMax: 40KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1292
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.7469 78.0334", **LatLongDMS:** "49:44:49 N 78:02:00 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.7469,78.0334)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "4.80", **NukeSource:** "BOCHAROV", **NukeType:** "NUCS_SALVO", **NukeY:** ".002", **NukeYMax:** "40"
### Event 27409 (E32F3A7E)
**Date:** 12/4/1966
**Time:** ~02:00
**Location:** BROOKSVILLE, FL
**Description:** Saucer lands again. Photographs / circular traces. Independent observer(s) / saucer / US19. / r214p144+.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 803)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7912
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "64", **HatchDesc:** "BROOKSVILLE,FL:SCR LANDS AGAIN:FOTOS/CIRC.TRACES::IND OBS/SCR/US19:/r214p144+", **LatLong:** "28.550001 -82.400004", **LatLongDMS:** "28:33:00 N 82:24:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/28.550001,-82.400004)", **State/Prov:** "Florida", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 27410 (BE7B553A)
**Date:** 12/4/1966
**Description:** At the Gallipolis, Ohio airport in the middle of the afternoon five pilots saw what at first appeared to be an airplane. Instead it was a flying humanoid. It was a winged figure about 300 feet up in the sky, and flying at 70 mph without flapping its wide wings. The creature had a long neck and was turning its head from side to side as it flew.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1966-70, citing John A. Keel, The Mothman Prophesies, p. 77
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8175
### Event 27411 (DAEB4D1E)
**Date:** 12/5/1966 (approximate)
**Location:** VACAVILLE, CA
**Description:** Anonymous observer(s) takes photograph / domed saucer near power lines. See reference photograph section.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** STEIGER, Brad & WHRITENOUR, Joan: FLYING SAUCERS ARE HOSTILE; Award Books PB 1967. (Index 64)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7913
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "55", **HatchDesc:** "VACAVILLE,CA:ANON.OBS TAKES FOTO/DOMED SCR nr PWR LINES:see REF FOTO SECTION", **LatLong:** "38.350002 -121.983339", **LatLongDMS:** "38:21:00 N 121:59:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.350002,-121.983339)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 27412 (0EA563C3)
**Date:** 12/5/1966
**Time:** 02:00
**Location:** COL. D'UZES, FR
**Description:** 2 / car / snowstorm. Dark silent saucer going [to] over straight & level flight. 300kph / 150M altitude. Lights / rim.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 180)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7914
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "Col d'UZES,FR:2/CAR/SNOWSTORM:DRK SLNT SCR >OVR S&L:300kph/150M alt:LITES/RIM", **LatLong:** "44.000002 4.416667", **LatLongDMS:** "44:00:00 N 04:25:00 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.000002,4.416667)", **State/Prov:** "Gard", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 27413 (696C554E)
**Date:** 12/5/1966
**Time:** 07:30
**Location:** LISBON, OH
**Description:** Family. Bright 5M dish-saucer hovers / hilltop. Blue stripe / rim. Away fast. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 803)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7915
**Attributes:** **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "4", **Elev:** "310", **HatchDesc:** "LISBON,OH:FAMILY:BRITE 5M DISH-SCR HVRS/HILLTOP:BLUE STRIPE/RIM:away fast:NFD", **LatLong:** "40.772224 -80.766671", **LatLongDMS:** "40:46:20 N 80:46:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.772224,-80.766671)", **State/Prov:** "Ohio", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 27414 (D9DB93CA)
**Date:** 12/5/1966
**Description:** At 2:00 a.m. a dark disc-shaped object with lights around the rim passed over a car in a snowstorm in the mountains of Col d'Uzes, Gard, France. It flew at an estimated altitude of 150 meters, a speed of 300 kilometers per hour, and made no discernable sound.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Lumieres dans la Nuit, November 1978
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8199
### Event 27415 (451570BB)
**Date:** 12/5/1966
**Description:** Several witnesses had a close encounter with a UFO in Lakewood, New Jersey on this day.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Ocean County (NJ) Citizen, December 6, 1966; John A. Keel, Flying Saucer Review, March-April 1967, p. 8
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8200
### Event 27416 (D85A1DA2)
**Date:** 12/6/1966
**Description:** Two adults, one a high school teacher, were driving near the local TNT dump site on this night when they saw a giant gray man-like figure with glowing red eyes in Point Pleasant, West Virginia.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** John A. Keel, FSR, July-August 1968, p. 13; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1966-71 (A0765)
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8232
### Event 27417 (3AE0555B)
**Date:** 12/7/1966
**Location:** NNW / LUANDA, ANGOLA
**Description:** Luminous points / clear sky pace and buzz airliner. Numerous observer(s). Location unknown.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 805)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7916
**Attributes:** **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Angola", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "NNW/LUANDA,ANGOLA:LUMn.POINTS/CLR SKY PACE+BUZZ AIRLINER:NMRS OBS:loc.unknown", **LatLong:** "-8.000000 12.500001", **LatLongDMS:** "08:00:00 S 12:30:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-8.000000,12.500001)", **State/Prov:** "SEA", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 27418 (0102D2AF)
**Date:** 12/7/1966
**Location:** Luanda, Angola
**Description:** A TAP Air Portugal airliner piloted by Capt. Henrique Maia is paced by two luminous objects near Luanda, Angola.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Lorenzen, UFOs over the Americas, Signet, 1968, p. 24
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4155
### Event 27419 (C1BE1E26)
**Date:** 12/7/1966
**Description:** On this night four women driving on Route 33 near Gallipolis, Ohio--the town just across the Ohio River from Point Pleasant, West Virginia--saw a brownish silver humanoid flying creature with glowing red eyes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** John A. Keel, FSR, July-August 1968, p. 13; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1966-72, citing John Keel
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8257
### Event 27420 (8BB3B28A)
**Date:** 12/8/1966
**Time:** 06:30
**Location:** KYGER CREEK, OH
**Description:** Separate observer(s). Object with red lights hovers / Ohio River. Small figure(s) outside. All quickly going up.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 803)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7917
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "179", **HatchDesc:** "KYGER CREEK,OH:SEP.OBS:OBJ W/RED LITES HVRS/OHIO Rvr:SML FIGS OUTSIDE:ALL ↑↑", **LatLong:** "38.966669 -82.100004", **LatLongDMS:** "38:58:00 N 82:06:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.966669,-82.100004)", **State/Prov:** "Ohio", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 27421 (FDD58B47)
**Date:** 12/8/1966
**Description:** At 6:30 a.m. Charles Hern and his wife were walking their dog in Cheshire, Ohio when they noticed a red light on the opposite bank of Kyger Creek. Several short men could be seen moving about. Two other witnesses joined them, and then red and orange lights began flashing on and off. A beam of light seemed to be constantly directed at the water. Finally the lights went out and a bright greenish light came on. Then the craft shot up into the air and disappeared into the sky.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** APRO Bulletin, November-December 1966, p. 10; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case A0767; Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1966, case # 1398, citing John Keel, The Mothman Prophecies, p. 83
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8268
### Event 27422 (C0812B42)
**Date:** 12/9/1966
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Signing of the treaty between the Australian and American governments for the installation of a [JDSRF](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/glossair.html\#JDSRF) at [Pine Gap](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/ZonesMilitaires.html\#PineGap) \(Australia\). (9 December)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1966.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2255
### Event 27423 (BDE3A008)
**Date:** 12/12/1966
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Facing an audience gathered at the Scribe Hotel in Nice, under the auspices of the Rationalist Union, the director of the Nice Observatory, Jean-Claude Pecker, states that it is likely that life exists outside of the terrestrial world. (12 December)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1966.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2256
### Event 27424 (358FA33E)
**Date:** 12/12/1966
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Observation near Lake Tiopati \(New York\) on December 18. See images/1966-12-18_LacTiorati_NewYork.jpg.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1966.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2257
### Event 27425 (EF5395D5)
**Date:** 12/12/1966 (approximate)
**Time:** 19:00
**Location:** SR34 NEAR LANSING, NY
**Description:** 60' saucer controls car / white beam. Voices say friend died. He did.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SCIENCE & MECHANICS (eds.) OFFICIAL GUIDE to UFO'S; Ace Books, NY. 1968. (Index 67)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7918
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **TLP:** Telepathy, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **CVS:** Conversation/communication, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "120", **HatchDesc:** "SR34 nr LANSING,NY:60'SCR CONTROLS CAR/WHT BEAM:VOICES SAY FRIEND DIED:HE DID.", **LatLong:** "42.583335 -76.516670", **LatLongDMS:** "42:35:00 N 76:31:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.583335,-76.516670)", **State/Prov:** "New York", **Strangeness:** "14"
### Event 27426 (01014F38)
**Date:** 12/13/1966
**Time:** 01:00
**Location:** ROWLEY, MASS
**Description:** Orange-glowing saucer nears 2 observer(s). Going quickly [to] behind road-bank. Back 26 Jul. '67 / power lines.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FOWLER, Raymond E.: UFO'S, INTERPLANETARY VISITORS; Prentice Hall & Bantam Books, NY 1979. 346pp. (Index 147)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7919
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "15", **HatchDesc:** "ROWLEY,MASS:ORG-GLO SCR NEARS 2 OBS:>>BHND ROAD-BANK:BACK 26JLY67/POWER LINES", **LatLong:** "42.716669 -70.877781", **LatLongDMS:** "42:43:00 N 70:52:40 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.716669,-70.877781)", **RelAlt:** "2", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 27427 (D8C4C381)
**Date:** 12/13/1966
**Location:** Rowley, MA
**Description:** 1:00 a.m. EST. A glowing red-orange oval object with a halo of light around it descended and approached the witnesses, t then disappeared behind an embankment. (Fowler 1974, p. 343.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3186
### Event 27428 (8966CDBC)
**Date:** 12/13/1966
**Location:** 37.0000 -116.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Sidecar” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_477
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0000 -116.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:00 N 116:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0000,-116.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Sidecar", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 27429 (71D36022)
**Date:** 12/13/1966
**Time:** 21:00:00.1
**Location:** 36.8773 -115.9379
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “New Point” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_478
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "36.8773 -115.9379", **LatLongDMS:** "36:52:38 N 115:56:16 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/36.8773,-115.9379)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.24", **NukeMb:** "4.60", **NukeName:** "New Point", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 27430 (9821E52B)
**Date:** 12/13/1966
**Description:** At around one o'clock at night In a rural area of Rowley, Massachusetts an orange-red glowing oval object with a halo of light around its perimeter descended and approached two witnesses before silently going behind a road embankment.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Raymond E. Fowler, UFOs: Interplanetary Visitors, p. 343
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8372
### Event 27431 (75E00359)
**Date:** 12/13/1966
**Description:** At 3:53 p.m. Mrs. Elsie Vargo and her daughter were out driving the delivery of newspapers in rural Strongsville, Ohio when they saw a low flying "batwing" shaped object cross the road at 100 feet altitude and about 100 feet away. It then turned toward them, terrifying the girl. It was about the size of an automobile and bright silver in color, with a bubble cupola or dome on top. It carried an antenna bearing a flashing red light. Inside the dome was a small human form dressed in black and wearing a helmet. Mrs Vargo did not see where the object went. It made no sound and there was no interference with the car's radio.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1966-74, citing Richard Straka & E. J. Neff, Cleveland Ufology Project
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8373
### Event 27432 (17D2A2D5)
**Date:** 12/14/1966
**Description:** Still RADAR blip. Globe lights ship going down / sea. Night lights maneuver / shore observer(s).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 805)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7920
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **SUB:** Submersible: Rises from or submerges into water, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RDR:** Radar traces/blips, **MIL:** Military investigation
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Scandanavian and Finland", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "PORSANGEN FJORD,NORW:STILL RDR BLIP:GLOBE LITES SHIP ↓/SEA:NLTS MNVR/SHORE OBS", **LatLong:** "70.250003 25.333335", **LatLongDMS:** "70:15:00 N 25:20:00 E", **Locale:** "Offshore", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/70.250003,25.333335)", **State/Prov:** "Norway", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 27433 (706EB908)
**Date:** 12/14/1966
**Location:** Cedarville, CA
**Description:** Early a.m. An elliptical object with visible undercarriage (legs), and a red body light was observed. At one point the object emitted a red ball of light. (NICAP notes.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3187
### Event 27434 (5D40C959)
**Date:** 12/15/1966
**Locations:** northwest toward Woodstown, New Jersey; Woodstown
**Description:** 5:30 p.m. Four witnesses driving northwest toward Woodstown, New Jersey, see a triangular object with rounded corners and three blinking lights. It is moving slowly in the opposite direction. When they leave Woodstown to the southeast at 6:15 p.m., it reappears and passes over the car.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Marler 134
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4156
### Event 27435 (E03F546B)
**Date:** 12/16/1966
**Time:** 21:30
**Location:** MIRAMAR NAS, CA
**Description:** 14 military observer(s). 3 saucers in formation / 50k' altitude. Hover and maneuver. Fourth joins. Going quickly east. / r19p73.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 803)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7921
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "9", **Elev:** "114", **HatchDesc:** "MIRAMAR NAS,CA:14 MIL.OBS:3 SCRS/FORMn/50k'alt:HVR+MNVR:4rth JOINS:>>E:/r19p73", **LatLong:** "32.833335 -117.133339", **LatLongDMS:** "32:50:00 N 117:08:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/32.833335,-117.133339)", **RelAlt:** "15000", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 27436 (1A3A4F9A)
**Date:** 12/17/1966
**Location:** US
**Description:** "Are Flying Saucers Real?" by Dr. J. A. Hynek in Saturday Evening Post, stating that hundreds of puzzling UFO cases exist and urging a serious inquiry
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_107
### Event 27437 (2A9194C4)
**Date:** 12/17/1966
**Description:** [Hynek](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J.%5FAllen%5FHynek)’s article, in which he states that hundreds of puzzling UFO cases exit and urges a serious inquiry, appears in the Saturday Evening Post.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** J. Allen Hynek, “[Are Flying Saucers Real?](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/0%20-%20Articles/United%20States/Saturday%20Evening%20Post/1966%2012%2017%5FSaturday%20Evening%20Post%5FHynek.pdf)” Saturday Evening Post, December 17, 1966, pp. 17–21, [transcribed](http://www.nicap.org/articles/SatEvePost-661217.htm) by NICAP
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4157
### Event 27438 (3426B89A)
**Date:** 12/18/1966
**Time:** 16:30
**Location:** LAKE TIORATI, NY
**Description:** Fisherman. 2 good photographs / 18' saucer. Going northeast. Hoax / USAF. / r24v4#1.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HYNEK, Dr. J. Allen: THE HYNEK UFO REPORT; Dell Publ., NY 1977. 298pp. (Index 239)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7922
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK, **COV:** Indication of coverup
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "261", **HatchDesc:** "LAKE TIORATI,NY:FISHERMAN:2 GOOD FOTOS/18'SCR:>NE:HOAX/USAF:/r24v4#1", **LatLong:** "43.066669 -74.022226", **LatLongDMS:** "43:04:00 N 74:01:20 W", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.066669,-74.022226)", **State/Prov:** "New York", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 27439 (C1BDE97C)
**Date:** 12/18/1966
**Location:** E Lake Tiorati (Bear Mtn. State Park), NY
**Description:** Silver-brown domed-disc, wobbling, noiseless (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3189
### Event 27440 (74BE820D)
**Date:** 12/18/1966
**Time:** 04:58:00.0
**Location:** 49.9246 77.7472
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 150KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1293
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.9246 77.7472", **LatLongDMS:** "49:55:29 N 77:44:50 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.9246,77.7472)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.90", **NukeSource:** "BOCHAROV", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "150"
### Event 27441 (BF83BE2C)
**Date:** 12/18/1966
**Description:** At 4:40 p.m. a 23-year-old man at the eastern shore of Lake Tiorati in Bear Mountain State Park, Orange County, New York looked up and saw a silver-brown domed disc-shaped object in the western sky at 45° elevation, heading northeast. It was wobbling and noiseless. He was able to take a photograph of the object before it disappeared over and behind a fire tower on a 1,320 foot hill about half a mile away.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP case investigation files; J. Allen Hynek, The Hynek UFO Report, pp. 239-245
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8489
### Event 27442 (E57E8D85)
**Date:** 12/20/1966
**Time:** 15:30:00.1
**Location:** 37.3021 -116.4083
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Greeley” Yield: 870KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_479
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.3021 -116.4083", **LatLongDMS:** "37:18:08 N 116:24:30 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.3021,-116.4083)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "1.22", **NukeMb:** "6.30", **NukeName:** "Greeley", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "870"
### Event 27443 (A370552B)
**Date:** 12/21/1966
**Description:** Lockheed test pilot [William C. Park](http://roadrunnersinternationale.com/park.html) flies an A-12 for 10,198 statute miles in only 6 hours, at an average speed of 1,660 mph.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[William C. Park Jr.,](https://roadrunnersinternationale.com/park.html)” Roadrunners Internationale
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4158
### Event 27444 (6746ABF8)
**Date:** 12/22/1966
**Location:** MOON
**Description:** Astronomer Kelsey. Flashes light-beams and brilliant glows / 2 separate craters. 30+55 minute(s).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PINDEVIC, Thierry: Le NOEUD GORDIEN ou la FANTASTIQUE HISTOIRE des OVNI. Editions France-Empire, Paris 1979. (Index 52)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7923
**Attributes:** **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **NFO:** No craft seen, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "The Moon", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "55", **HatchDesc:** "MOON:ASTRONOMER KELSEY:FLASHES LITE-BEAMS+BRILL.GLOWS/2 SEP.CRATERS:30+55min", **LatLong:** "90.000004 -0.000000", **LatLongDMS:** "90:00:00 N 00:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/90.000004,-0.000000)", **State/Prov:** "CRT", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 27445 (497F9BCC)
**Date:** 12/22/1966
**Time:** 00:50
**Description:** 1+2 observer(s). White oval glow hovers and swings. Street lights go on / off 3X.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FOWLER, Raymond E.: UFO'S, INTERPLANETARY VISITORS; Prentice Hall & Bantam Books, NY 1979. 346pp. (Index 329)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7924
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "304", **HatchDesc:** "CUTTINGSVILLE,VT:1+2 OBS:WHT OVAL GLOW HVRS+SWINGS:STREET LITES go ON/OFF 3X", **LatLong:** "43.494447 -72.883337", **LatLongDMS:** "43:29:40 N 72:53:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.494447,-72.883337)", **State/Prov:** "Vermont", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 27446 (8858AAC1)
**Date:** 12/22/1966
**Description:** At 12:45 a.m. EST a frosty white UFO with a central bright spot, shaped like an ellipse and making a humming sound, swung in a pendulum motion over Cuttingsville, Vermont. The street lights went off and on three times during the sighting.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Raymond E. Fowler, case files, report dated December 27, 1966; Raymond E Fowler, UFOs: Interplanetary Visitors, p. 343
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8563
### Event 27447 (791FC49F)
**Date:** 12/24/1966
**Location:** WEST / MONTEVIDEO, URU
**Description:** Glowing-saucer chases 1 / car all the way to police station/depot/facility. Cops see also.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 805)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7925
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Uruguay", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "20", **Elev:** "20", **HatchDesc:** "W/MONTEVIDEO,URU:GLOW-SCR CHASES 1/CAR ALL THE WAY TO POLICE Stn:cops see also", **LatLong:** "-34.533335 -56.500003", **LatLongDMS:** "34:32:00 S 56:30:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-34.533335,-56.500003)", **State/Prov:** "MTV", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 27448 (687B3995)
**Date:** 12/24/1966
**Location:** Charleston, WV
**Description:** 7:40 p.m. EST. Two Air Force pilots in a T-33 at 27,000 feet above a solid undercast saw a bright object in clear sky above them, at an estimated 1,000 feet. The object hovered for about 2 minutes, then suddenly rushed away. (NICAP report form, confidential report.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3188
### Event 27449 (5127ACD4)
**Date:** 12/25/1966
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Sighting in Monroe \(Oregon\). (25 December)
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#11239 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1966.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2258
### Event 27450 (44D8CE56)
**Date:** 12/25/1966
**Time:** 03:00
**Location:** MONROE, OR
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #11239. Several observer(s). 3 saucers rise / field. Blow steam. Pace car. Big blast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BERLINER, DON: The BLUEBOOK UNKNOWNS; (FUFOR). (Index 36)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7926
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "90", **Elev:** "88", **HatchDesc:** "MONROE,OR:BBK#11239:SVRL OBS:3 SCRS RISE/FIELD:BLOW STEAM:PACE CAR:BIG BLAST", **LatLong:** "44.316669 -123.288895", **LatLongDMS:** "44:19:00 N 123:17:20 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.316669,-123.288895)", **State/Prov:** "Oregon", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 27451 (6263AE6D)
**Date:** 12/25/1966
**Location:** Monroe, OR
**Description:** 3 round objects, as large as cars, give off vapor (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 11239)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3190
### Event 27452 (E4ACBFC9)
**Date:** 12/25/1966
**Time:** 3 AM
**Location:** Monroe, Oregon
**Description:** Witnesses: civilians and military persons. Three round objects, as large as cars, gave off vapor, then became three bright reddish-orange lights. Blast at beginning of 90 minute sighting pushed one witness against a car.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_562
### Event 27453 (45B786A5)
**Date:** 12/25/1966
**Description:** Three objects rose from a field with a screaming hi-pitched noise, maneuvered, then paced a car at three a.m. near a farm two miles south of Monroe, Oregon. A blast of wind from the UFOs knocked one of the five witnesses against a car. Flattened grass was found at the landing site.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Geoffrey Falla, BUFORA Vehicle Project Report, case 036-06, citing NICAP; Project Blue Book files counted in official statistics, case 11239; APRO Bulletin, November-December 1966, p. 6; Gordon I. R. Lore, Jr., Strange Effects from UFOs, p. 71
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8600
### Event 27454 (928D344C)
**Date:** 12/28/1966
**Time:** 04:00:00.0
**Location:** 41.5000 88.5000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air. Country: China
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1796
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "41.5000 88.5000", **LatLongDMS:** "41:30:00 N 88:30:00 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.5000,88.5000)", **NukeCountry:** "China", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "NRDC", **NukeType:** "A"
### Event 27455 (9DBD9CCB)
**Date:** 12/28/1966
**Description:** The Defense Department makes a recommendation to President [Johnson](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lyndon%5FB.%5FJohnson) to terminate the A-12 program due to budget concerns and because of the development of the SR-71 Blackbird. It is to be phased out by June 1968.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Lockheed A-12](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lockheed%5FA-12)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4159
### Event 27456 (6C8C7086)
**Date:** 12/29/1966 (approximate)
**Location:** In flight, between Lima and Mexico
**Description:** (Translated from French) In the night of December 29, 1966, the Canadian Pacific DC 8, flight 421, was en route from Lima to Mexico, altitude: 12,000 meters. South of the equator, an object with two white lights descended towards it. "There must have been a solid cockpit between the two lights," said Captain Robert Millbank with all the authority of his twenty-six years of practice, there was also a belt of lights, very similar to a row of lit windows on a passenger plane. For two minutes, the UFO had maintained its position slightly behind the left wing of the DC 8. The entire crew had been able to observe it. Then it had glided back and had soon disappeared. (Donald KEYHOE: "The Strangers from Space" - Pocket Press 1975 - p. 265-266) Robert Milbank, captain of the Canadian Pacific DC 8, submitted a report after landing in Mexico: It was 02:00, the passengers were sleeping. We were flying at 11,000 m, off the Peruvian coast, just below the equator. Two white lights appeared. They were observed by the co-pilot John Dale, the navigator Mike Mole, the trainee pilot Wolfgang Poepperi and the flight attendant Joseph Lugs (in addition to the captain). (...) It stopped at the height of our left wing and in the moonlight we distinguished between the two extreme light points a structure that seemed higher in the middle. The thing flew at our height for a minute or two, then disappeared behind our aircraft. (1966, December 29 (30?))
**Reference:** Frank EDWARDS: "Something New about UFOs" - Laffont 1968, p. 196, 197, which dates this to December 30
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2408
### Event 27457 (499486F9)
**Date:** 12/30/1966
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) The crew of a Canadian Pacific DC-8 flying from Lima to Mexico saw two white lights varying in intensity, approaching and moving away from each other and the plane. Two V-shaped beams came out. The lights approached up to the left wing. One stopped. A row of lights was between the two white lights. All this for 1 to 2 minutes, then everything disappeared behind the plane. (December 30)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1966.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2259
### Event 27458 (16C05AFE)
**Date:** 12/30/1966
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) [Jacques Vallée](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/ValleeJacques.html), during a conference on UFOs in the West at the World Union of Mathematicians Congress in Moscow, pulls ufologists out of their inertia and encourages some scientists to speak out.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1966.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2260
### Event 27459 (B0B1B0B2)
**Date:** 12/30/1966
**Time:** ~02:40
**Location:** OFF NORTHWEST / PERU
**Description:** DC8 / 35K' paced? Lights and V-beams quickly going up. Quickly going down [to] and lost. Agena re-entry? / MJ#284.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 47)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7927
**Attributes:** **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Pacific Ocean and non - Asian islands", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "7", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "off NW/PERU:DC8/35K' PACED?:LITES+V-BEAMS ↑↑:↓↓+lost:Agena re-entry?:/MJ#284", **LatLong:** "-6.000000 -81.700004", **LatLongDMS:** "06:00:00 S 81:42:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-6.000000,-81.700004)", **State/Prov:** "EQP", **Strangeness:** "3"
### Event 27460 (D9B20839)
**Date:** 12/30/1966
**Time:** 20:20
**Description:** Physics Professor. Vibrant bright saucer. Light and burns = 900MW power. / r5p32+/ r8#808.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** STURROCK, Dr. Peter A.: The UFO ENIGMA; Warner Books, NY 1999; ISBN 0-446-52565-0 HB 404pp. (Index 223)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7928
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "112", **HatchDesc:** "N/HAYNESVILLE,LA:PHYSICS PROF:VBRITE SCR:LITE+BURNS=900MW POWER:/r5p32+/r8#808", **LatLong:** "32.916668 -93.133338", **LatLongDMS:** "32:55:00 N 93:08:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/32.916668,-93.133338)", **State/Prov:** "Louisiana", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 27461 (0F6930DF)
**Date:** 12/30/1966
**Location:** Haynesville, LA
**Description:** Bright, pulsating glow, changing from orange to white, in the woods (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3191
### Event 27462 (2CB4D070)
**Date:** 12/30/1966
**Location:** Peruvian Coast (near), At Sea
**Description:** Pair Of Luminous Objects Hover Near DC-8 (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 5)
**Reference:** NICAP: [661230](http://www.nicap.org/661230peru%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3192
### Event 27463 (5E04DBFB)
**Date:** 12/30/1966
**Time:** 2015
**Location:** Haynesville, Louisiana
**Description:** A physics professor driving through a wooded area saw a bright, pulsating glow, changing from orange to white, in the woods about 1.7 km away. Coming back the next day, he located traces of burns, and called the Air Force and the University of Colorado.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Personal; Magonia ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_808
### Event 27464 (F1BE0DD3)
**Date:** 12/30/1966
**Location:** Peru
**Description:** Two luminous objects paced Canadian Pacific Airlines plane at 35,000 feet for seven minutes, emitted light beams up, then down, accelerated away
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_108
### Event 27465 (04569C3B)
**Date:** 12/30/1966
**Location:** Haynesville, Louisiana
**Description:** 8:15 p.m. A physics professor named Galloway \[possibly [Louie A. Galloway III](https://www.dignitymemorial.com/obituaries/houston-tx/louie-galloway-7703617)\] is driving through a wooded area near Haynesville, Louisiana, and sees a bright, pulsating glow, changing from orange to white, in the woods about one mile away. He estimates its visible light power output at about one megawatt. Coming back the next day, he locates traces of burns and calls the USAF and University of Colorado UFO project.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Condon, [pp.](https://archive.org/details/scientificstudyo0000unse%5Fl5t2/page/60/mode/2up) [61,](https://archive.org/details/scientificstudyo0000unse%5Fl5t2/page/60/mode/2up) [277–280](https://archive.org/details/scientificstudyo0000unse%5Fl5t2/page/60/mode/2up); [Sparks](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf)[,](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf) p. 320; Jacques Vallée, “[Estimates of Power Optical Output in Six Cases of Unexplained](https://www.scientificexploration.org/docs/12/jse%5F12%5F3%5Fvallee%5F1.pdf) [Aerial Objects with Defined Luminosity Characteristics,](https://www.scientificexploration.org/docs/12/jse%5F12%5F3%5Fvallee%5F1.pdf)” Journal of Scientific Exploration 12, no. 3 \(1998\): 350– 352
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4160
### Event 27466 (80C48963)
**Date:** 12/30/1966
**Description:** At 3:03 a.m. two luminous objects paced a Canadian Pacific Airlines plane at 35,000 feet over the Pacific Ocean for seven minutes while flying from Lima, Peru to Mexico City, Mexico. It emitted light beams up, then down, and then climbed and shot away. There were five witnesses on board the aircraft.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Frank Edwards, UFOs--Here and Now!, p. 128; John Magor, Canadian UFO Report, March 1969; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty-Year Report, pp. 9, 118 & 322
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8653
### Event 27467 (2B745367)
**Date:** 12/30/1966
**Description:** Driving through Emerson, Arkansas on a foggy night, Dr. Galloway and his wife saw a UFO at 8:15 p.m. ahead of their car and to the left. It was seen through trees, and was pulsating regularly from dull red to bright orange every two seconds. It gave off no flame and made no discernable sound. At a distance of one mile the UFO brightened to blinding white and woke up their two children.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Gordon Creighton, FSR, January 1971, p. 29; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 808; UNICAT case # 668, citing Edward Condon, Scientific Study of Unidentified Flying Objects, p. 277
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8654
## Year: 1967, 2631 Event(s), (Back to Top)
### Event 27468 (34670C3B)
**Date:** 1967
**Location:** Lake Karachay, Russia
**Description:** In 1967 a drought reduced water levels in Lake Karachay where nuclear waste was being dumped, exposing radioactive dust. The dust was spread by gale-force winds in the area, spread over 25,000 square kilometers and exposing another 500,000 residents to nuclear fallout. The lake would eventually accumulate over 120 million curies of radionuclides. To put that in perspective, the Chernobyl incident released 1 million.
**Type:** radiological event
**Reference:** [link](https://sometimes-interesting.com/the-most-contaminated-place-on-earth-chelyabinsk-40/)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_212
### Event 27469 (BD55408F)
**Date:** 1967
**End date:** 1969
**Location:** Santa Monica, California
**Description:** A $500,000 effort by the [McDonnell-Douglas Aircraft Company](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/McDonnell_Douglas) (formely the [Douglas Aircraft Company](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Douglas_Aircraft_Company)), to derive some commercial advantage from studying UFO reports (including reports by abductees and contactees). They planned a mobile field unit to gather data using various instruments and also employed a psychic.
**Type:** UFO research project
**Reference:** [Isaac Koi's Blog](https://isaackoiup.blogspot.com/2022/09/mcdonnell-douglas-aircraft-company-ufo.html)
**Reference:** Oke Shannon's notes
**Reference:** Presentation by Dr. Robert M. Wood
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_906
### Event 27470 (DE4B14E2)
**Date:** 1967
**Location:** USSR
**Description:** (Translated from French) From January 1967, American NORAD operators noticed from time to time the satellization of Cosmos, which barely completed one orbit around the Earth before falling back, to the point that optical and radar installations could locate them precisely. The first of its kind was Cosmos 139, which was followed by several other identical satellites, launched at a variable rate. There were 9 of them in 1967 and on November 3, 1967, US Defense Minister Mac Namara could announce that the US Air Force had identified the nature of this Soviet space program, to which the acronym "FOBS" (Fractional Orbital Bombardment System) was attributed.
**Reference:** "La Guerre des Satellites" - Volume 3 - Pierre Kohler, ed. Famot 1982, p. 130
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2410
### Event 27471 (A7A06A32)
**Date:** 1967
**Location:** USA
**Description:** (Translated from French) It was with "The 5" placed in geostationary orbit in 1967 that the technique of tactical communications was tested for the first time.
**Reference:** "The War of the Satellites" - Volume 3 - Pierre Kohler, ed. Famot 1982, p. 93
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2411
### Event 27472 (17F68F1F)
**Date:** 1967
**Location:** PERU, Huaypo Lagoon
**Description:** (Translated from French) On a Saturday night, this merchant from Cuzco in a car towards his property in Urubamba to spend the weekend, saw around 9 pm and in a cloudy sky his car break down 50 or 60 m from the banks of the lake. He got out with his flashlight to examine the engine when a bright light illuminated the whole area and there was a very distinct sound of running water. On his right the witness then saw a disc emerge from the water, about 8 m in diameter, with a metallic shine and greenish reflections, equipped with several portholes and crowned with a rotating dome and leave at great speed passing on the other side of the road, vertically from the witness. Once the UFO was far away, the car started normally.
**Reference:** Inforespace n° 27 - 1976, p. 15
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2495
### Event 27473 (961E5F7E)
**Date:** 1967
**Location:** USA, Maumee (Ohio)
**Description:** (Translated from French) A collision was said to have occurred between a car and a UFO. The next day, the driver found a piece of metal at the observation site and he took a fibrous metal sample from the car. This fibrous sample contained 92% magnesium according to Lorenzen and according to Condon.
**Reference:** Jacques VALLEE: "Confrontations" - Laffont 1991, p. 68
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2496
### Event 27474 (73AE1857)
**Date:** 1967
**Location:** AUSTRALIA - in the west of the country
**Description:** (Translated from French) Mr. Campbell first observed an unusual object in the sky, in the evening. Then he "felt" a presence. He decided to speak to it, and little by little, with small blue and yellow lights, a humanoid shape appeared, which vanished into nothingness.
**Reference:** ABC radio "Investigations" 24/3/75. - Keith Baskerfield
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2497
### Event 27475 (85C0CC30)
**Date:** 1967
**Description:** The US nuclear stockpile reaches its peak at 31,255 bombs.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Ryan Crierie, “[U.S. Nuclear Stockpile, 1945–2009](https://web.archive.org/web/20190123105349/https://www.alternatewars.com/BBOW/ABC%5FWeapons/US%5FNuclear%5FStockpile.htm)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4161
### Event 27476 (CE5820BA)
**Date:** 1967
**Locations:** Gibsons, British Columbia; Strait of Georgia; Keats Island
**Description:** Night. Miss E. R. East, of Gibsons, British Columbia, is awakened by a banging noise and sees a brilliant orange-red light soaring above hills behind the town. As she watches, its color changes to glowing white and the object moves toward the Strait of Georgia. Suddenly, a 10-foot-wide beam of light shoots down to the water. As it strikes the surface, it bends and lies flat on the surface, lighting up the wharf on Keats Island. As she stares at it, her eyes begin to sting.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** John Magor, Our UFO Visitors, Hancock House, 1977, pp. 37–38
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4162
### Event 27477 (C3144018)
**Date:** 1967
**Location:** France
**Description:** A French government UFO project, to be led by former inspector general at the Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique [Jean-Luc Bruneau](https://rr0.org/people/b/BruneauJeanLuc/)[,](https://rr0.org/people/b/BruneauJeanLuc/) is approved. Bruneau recommends that the study first become a project of the Centre Nationale d’Études Spatiales, and later a European initiative. But the project is postponed because of the political crisis in France in May 1968.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Gildas Bourdais, “From GEPAN to SEPRA: Official UFO Studies in France,” IUR 25, no. 4 \(Winter 2000–2001\): 11
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4163
### Event 27478 (8E7C08A7)
**Date:** 1967
**Location:** Colorado
**Description:** [Robert M. Wood](https://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php/Robert%5FM.%5FWood), physicist and aerospace manager for McDonnell Douglas Corporation, is assigned the task of exploring breakthroughs in gravity propulsion. The project includes laboratory evaluation of hypotheses, field observations, and examination of UFO literature. At one point there are 4 full-time and 3 part-time employees involved in the effort, code-named BITBR \(“Boys in the Back Room”\). Wood networks with [James E.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James%5FE.%5FMcDonald) [McDonald](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James%5FE.%5FMcDonald)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James%5FE.%5FMcDonald) [J. Allen Hynek](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J.%5FAllen%5FHynek)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J.%5FAllen%5FHynek) [Carl Sagan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carl%5FSagan)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carl%5FSagan) and the Colorado project. The initiative is terminated in 1969 at Wood’s recommendation due to its inability to project a technological payoff.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Robert M. Wood, “A Little Physics…A Little Friction: A Close Encounter with the Condon Committee,” IUR 18, no. 4 \(July/Aug. 1993\): 6–10
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4164
### Event 27479 (04707D79)
**Date:** 1967
**Description:** Source “AF” claims his brother Pete saw a saucer in a hangar at Naval Air Base in Yuma, AZ in 1967; he states Pete took photos, got into trouble and went AWOL and fled to Mexico. AF later states Pete was approached by an “agency” and wants to avoid attention.
* _[Retrievals of the Third Kind presented at MUFON 1978, Leon Stringfield](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/1978_Mufon_Symposium_Stringfield.pdf), p177_
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_120
### Event 27480 (93E7FEF2)
**Date:** 1967
**Description:** McDonnell Douglas Corporation physicist Robert M. Wood states he is assigned the task of exploring breakthroughs in gravity propulsion. The project includes laboratory evaluation of hypotheses, field observations and examination of UAP literature. Four full-time and three part-time employees make up the project code-named **BITBR (Boys in the Back Room)**.
Wood meets James E. McDonald and USAF **Project Blue Book** advisor J. Allen Hynek through his work. Wood recommends BITBR be canceled in 1969 due to little technological payoff.
* [https://majesticdocuments.com/about/investigation-team/dr-robert-m-wood/](https://majesticdocuments.com/about/investigation-team/dr-robert-m-wood/)
* [https://documents.theblackvault.com/documents/MUFON/Journals/2008/October_2008.pdf](https://documents.theblackvault.com/documents/MUFON/Journals/2008/October_2008.pdf)
* [https://www.remoteviewed.com/McDonell%20Douglas/Douglas%20UFO%20Docs.pdf](https://www.remoteviewed.com/McDonell%20Douglas/Douglas%20UFO%20Docs.pdf)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_121
### Event 27481 (02D0B4F9)
**Date:** Early 1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) At Joyceville \(Canada\), Stanley Moxon, from Toronto, driving green to Montreal, between Joyceville and Glen Grove Rd when he meets a large disk-shaped craft and 2 creatures 1.20 m tall, wearing helmets and white clothing. At one point they fly back into the object, which silently takes off at high speed. (Early)
**Reference:** Lor. III 32 \< [Vallée](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/ValleeJacques.html) 1969
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2354
### Event 27482 (C1B9718C)
**Date:** Early 1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In Kolmarden \(Sweden\), a boy and a girl \(both 15 years old\) noticed a red glow descending into the woods. Later they saw a large source of light in the open air and heard piercing whistles, then footsteps, and saw a bounding creature, at 10 m distance. It was about 1.30 m tall, had a head larger than normal, made jerky movements, lifted a tube in its arms, and had a "shimmering" appearance. (20 h)
**Reference:** [APRO](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/APRO.html) Sep., 67 \< [Vallée](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/ValleeJacques.html) 1969
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2355
### Event 27483 (40FD6F99)
**Date:** 1/1967
**Location:** PERU, Lima
**Description:** (Translated from French) (cf: India, between Bombay and Madras, 1964) Pallmann was on a business trip to Peru when he had to be hospitalized at the "Maison Française" clinic with a kidney inflammation. Around 3 o'clock in the morning, suffering a thousand pains, he was about to call the night nurse, when suddenly Xiti, the beautiful extraterrestrial, was near him. She touched him with her finger, transmitted energy to him, gave him a pill and little by little the pain went away. Xiti assured him that in 6 months he would be completely healed. Two days later he was so well recovered that he could leave the hospital. He spent the day with Xiti, who gave him gold ingots. (vog: isn't she generous, and we would like that too...) He negotiated them and they went shopping with the money
**Reference:** Mitarbeiter, "Ufo Geheimnisse", Berlin, January 1998
**Reference:** continued February 17, 67
**Reference:** books and records...
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2418
### Event 27484 (1F5B5DD9)
**Date:** 1/1967
**Location:** Galesburg, IL
**Description:** One Knoxville farmer and several motorists reported that the UFO "was round, big as a house, had no flying lights, but let off a greenish-blue light." Vibrations from the craft could be felt in the farmer's truck as it followed him along the Victoria blacktop about 7:00 PM. ( Skylook 41, p. 13) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3193
### Event 27485 (E59C8489)
**Date:** 1/1967
**End date:** 5/1967
**Description:** Intensive U.S. and international UFO sighting wave (see separate chronology, section VIII).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_109
### Event 27486 (B8FCD1AA)
**Date:** 1/1967
**Location:** Hammaguir, Algeria
**Description:** Night. French rocket scientist [Jean-Pierre Morin](https://rr0.org/people/m/MorinJeanPierre/) is driving three members of a launch team to the tower at Interarmy Special Vehicles Test Center at Hammaguir, Algeria. When they arrive at a row of buildings, they notice a light in the sky silently coming toward them. Their car engine sputters and fails. It stops and hovers at an elevation of 45° about 1,600 feet away. Morin thinks it is attached to a black, cylindrical object 980–1,300 feet in length and 100 feet in diameter with “flames” of different colors along its side. The light begins moving slowly again, and a car with astrophysicists stops and watches it for another 20–30 minutes before it ascends and disappears.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Good Need, [pp. 296–297](https://archive.org/details/needtoknow00good/page/296/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4165
### Event 27487 (A28E3F71)
**Date:** Early 1/1967
**Locations:** State Highway 55; Farwell, Minnesota
**Description:** 7:30 p.m. Robert Blaine is driving with five other witnesses on State Highway 55 two miles southeast of Farwell, Minnesota, when his headlights and engine suddenly go out. He sees an orange flash to his left at the level of his hood and tiny beads of light cross in front of the windshield. A passenger sees an orange-and-red flash go by on the driver’s side at window level. The car coasts to a stop, then the engine and headlights go back on again by themselves.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Car Buzzing Incidents on Increase,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201967%2005%2000%20-%20May-June.pdf)” APRO Bulletin, May/June 1967, p. 5
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4166
### Event 27488 (A8EC51DA)
**Date:** 1/3/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Drawing by Dorothy Lewis of the object she observed on January 3. See images/1967-01-03_Lewis_Sarnia\_Ont.jpg. (January 3)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2261
### Event 27489 (1C95A30D)
**Date:** 1/3/1967 (approximate)
**Location:** ATHENS, OH
**Description:** Small man enters courthouse. Asks directions. Fascinated / ballpoint pen.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HOLZER, Hans: THE UFO-NAUTS; Fawcett Gold Medal Books, Greenwich, CT 1976. (Index 288)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7929
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NFO:** No craft seen, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **MIB:** Men in Black, **CVS:** Conversation/communication, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "221", **HatchDesc:** "ATHENS,OH:SML MAN ENTERS COURTHOUSE:ASKS DIRECTIONS:FASCINATED/BALLPOINT PEN", **LatLong:** "39.350002 -82.100004", **LatLongDMS:** "39:21:00 N 82:06:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.350002,-82.100004)", **State/Prov:** "Ohio", **Strangeness:** "3"
### Event 27490 (D33AB8BB)
**Date:** 1/3/1967
**Time:** 02:00
**Location:** NEW RICHMOND, IN
**Description:** Bright object over car. Car can't acceleration. Odd maneuver / sky and away. / r24v4#9.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO Evidence II: HB: Scarecrow Press Lanham, MD. http://www.scarecrowpress.com ISBN 0-8108-3881-8 (Index 208)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7930
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "15", **Elev:** "238", **HatchDesc:** "NEW RICHMOND,IN:BRITE OBJ OVR CAR:CAR CAN'T ACCEL:ODD MNVR/SKY+away:/r24v4#9", **LatLong:** "40.183335 -86.966671", **LatLongDMS:** "40:11:00 N 86:58:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.183335,-86.966671)", **State/Prov:** "Michigan", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 27491 (D58C8552)
**Date:** 1/3/1967
**Location:** New Richmond, IN
**Description:** Dome-shaped object hovered over car, roadway brightly illuminated. Forward motion slowed, unable to accelerate, loss of steering control (Section VI). (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3194
### Event 27492 (887DCA94)
**Date:** 1/3/1967
**Location:** New Richmond, IN
**Description:** Dome-shaped object hovered over car, roadway brightly illuminated. Forward motion slowed, unable to accelerate, loss of steering control
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_110
### Event 27493 (3CA1D47D)
**Date:** 1/3/1967
**Description:** Quadrantid meteor shower (mean date).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_111
### Event 27494 (F5A99859)
**Date:** 1/3/1967
**Location:** New Richmond, Michigan
**Description:** 2:00 a.m. A dome-shaped object hovers for several miles and 10–15 minutes above a car in New Richmond, Michigan. It illuminates the road, and the car draws to a stop with loss of steering control and the radio failing. Examination of the car by Fred Hooven and David Moyer, engineers at the Ford Motor Company, two months later shows no faults unexplainable by ordinary causes.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Condon, [pp. 102–106](https://archive.org/details/scientificstudyo0000unse%5Fl5t2/page/102/mode/2up)[,](https://archive.org/details/scientificstudyo0000unse%5Fl5t2/page/102/mode/2up) [282–285](https://archive.org/details/scientificstudyo0000unse%5Fl5t2/page/282/mode/2up); Randle, Levelland, 2021, pp. 65–66
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4167
### Event 27495 (0569A081)
**Date:** 1/3/1967
**Description:** At two o'clock in the morning a woman professional secretary driving down a road in New Richmond, Indiana had a close encounter with a bright, domed disc-shaped UFO. She described the object as looking like an inverted mushroom; it hovered over her car as she drove for 10-15 minutes. Her forward motion slowed, and she could not make her car accelerate to get out from under the UFO. The object finally made an odd maneuver in the sky and flew away.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Richard Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty-Year Report, pp. 199, 454
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_55
### Event 27496 (657D69C3)
**Date:** 1/3/1967
**Description:** On this day in 1967 a strange little man entered the county courthouse in Athens, Ohio and asked for directions. He was fascinated with a ballpoint pen, as if he had never seen one before.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Hans Holzer, The UFOnauts, p. 288
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_56
### Event 27497 (1ABEECEF)
**Date:** 1/4/1967
**Time:** 06:00
**Description:** Huge saucer over housing project. Also rash / sightings / following year.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** DRUFFEL, Ann & ROGO, D. Scott:The TUJUNGA CANYON CONTACTS Signet Books PB 1989 (Index 221)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7931
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "121", **HatchDesc:** "SE YORBA LINDA,CA:HUGE SCR OVER HOUSING PROJECT:+RASH/SIGHTINGS/FOLLOWING YEAR", **LatLong:** "33.866668 -117.783339", **LatLongDMS:** "33:52:00 N 117:47:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/33.866668,-117.783339)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 27498 (7D019AF1)
**Date:** 1/5/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) An A-12 \(\#125\) runs out of fuel 70 miles from [Groom Lake](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/Area51.html) and crashes. The pilot, Ray, ejects but fails to separate from his seat and is killed. (5 January)
**Reference:** McIninch
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2262
### Event 27499 (2DA01384)
**Date:** 1/5/1967
**Time:** 17:40
**Location:** PHILADELPHIA, PA
**Description:** 4 observer(s). Disk buzzes and circles and flips vertical several times. Going quickly south. Box going quickly north.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 47)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7932
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "13", **HatchDesc:** "PHILADELPHIA,PA:4 OBS:DISK BUZZES+CCLs+FLIPS VERTICAL SVRL TIMES:>>S:BOX >>N", **LatLong:** "39.916669 -75.183337", **LatLongDMS:** "39:55:00 N 75:11:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.916669,-75.183337)", **State/Prov:** "Pennsylvania", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 27500 (F5CB6565)
**Date:** 1/5/1967 (approximate)
**Time:** 19:30
**Description:** 6 / car / malfunctions due to EME (electro-magnetic effects). Tiny lights pass windshield. Car OK after. / r113p44.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 809)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7933
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "430", **HatchDesc:** "2mi SE/FARWELL,MN:6/CAR/EMEs:TINY LITES PASS WINDSHIELD:CAR OK AFTER:/r113p44", **LatLong:** "45.733336 -95.583338", **LatLongDMS:** "45:44:00 N 95:35:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.733336,-95.583338)", **State/Prov:** "Minnesota", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 27501 (5DC4614B)
**Date:** 1/5/1967
**Location:** Philadelphia, PA
**Description:** 5:40 p.m. EST. A bank employee and three others watched a disc-shaped object with alternate red and green lights around it. The object circled over the area and emitted a buzzing sound. Shortly afterwards, many aircraft were active in the sky. (U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. III, No. 11, Jan.-Feb., 1967, p. 4.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3195
### Event 27502 (F0C16EB7)
**Date:** 1/5/1967
**Location:** Winsted, MN
**Description:** 75 ft object landed on road, man dressed in blue overalls exited craft (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3196
### Event 27503 (2AE25F39)
**Date:** 1/5/1967
**Time:** 0430
**Location:** Winsted, Minnesota
**Description:** A civilian man, 32, driving to work in his 1964 Chevy truck, had to stop and inspect the vehicle when its engine stalled. Only then did he observe an intense light to his right, coming closer. He saw it land on the road, and locked himself inside the cabin. The craft settled on a tripod landing gear; it measured 25 m in diameter and was 10 m high. Something similar to an elevator came down from it, and a man dressed in blue coveralls "with something like a glass fishbowl on his head," of medium height, seemed to check something and left.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Atic ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_812
### Event 27504 (D45AEBF1)
**Date:** 1/5/1967
**Location:** Lindheimer Observatory at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois
**Description:** [Hynek](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J.%5FAllen%5FHynek) writes to [Condon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward%5FCondon)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward%5FCondon) telling him that he, [Jacques Vallée](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacques%5FVall%C3%A9e), and William T. Powers are devoting more personal time to the UFO problem and are setting up a file area in the Lindheimer Observatory at Northwestern University in Evansto, Illinois. He mentions that there is enough underground interest in UFOs among his scientific colleagues that he is thinking of creating an informal “invisible college” to discuss the subject quietly. He mentions that he sat in on a hypnosis session a few weeks previously with Benjamin Simon and was allowed to question [Betty and Barney Hill](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barney%5Fand%5FBetty%5FHill)[.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barney%5Fand%5FBetty%5FHill) He also suggests that the Colorado project recommend that police squad cars carry cameras that can document ongoing UFO reports.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Center for UFO Studies, \[[Hynek correspondence](http://cufos.org/cases/1965-69%5F00%5F00%5FUS%5FIL%5FHynek-AF-letters.pdf)\], pp. 6– 7
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4168
### Event 27505 (734A2FCC)
**Date:** 1/5/1967
**Locations:** Leith Canyon, Nevada; Groom Dry Lake
**Description:** An A-12 flown by pilot [Walter Ray](http://roadrunnersinternationale.com/ray.html) is lost during a training flight near Leith Canyon, Nevada. Due to a faulty fuel gauge, the aircraft runs out of fuel 70 miles from Groom Dry Lake. Ray glides to a lower altitude to perform a controlled bailout but cannot separate his parachute from his ejection seat. He is the first pilot to be killed in an A-12 accident.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Lockheed A-12](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lockheed%5FA-12)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4169
### Event 27506 (7D564059)
**Date:** 1/5/1967
**Description:** At 4:00 a.m. a 32-year-old man was driving to work in Winsted, Minnesota in his 1964 Chevy truck when he had to get out and inspect his vehicle when the engine stalled. Only then did he observe an intense light to his right, coming closer. He saw it land on the road and locked himself inside the cab of his truck. The craft settled on a tripod landing gear; it measured 25 meters in diameter and was 10 meters high. Something similar to an elevator came down from it, and a man dressed in blue coveralls "with something like a glass fish bowl on his head," of medium height, seemed to check something and then left.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 809
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_117
### Event 27507 (4C7FAC35)
**Date:** 1/5/1967
**Description:** At 5:40 p.m. four observers in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania watched a disc-shaped object for 45 minutes as it buzzed, circled, and flipped over several times, then shot off to the south. A box-shaped object was then seen flying north.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Larry Hatch, U computer database, case # 7424; NICAP UFO Investigator, February 1967, p. 4
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_118
### Event 27508 (5DF40476)
**Date:** 1/5/1967
**Description:** On or about this date six witnesses from three families driving on Highway 55 two miles east of Farwell, Minnesota had their car engine falter when several tiny lights passed their windshield. The car functions alright after the lights had departed.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** APRO Bulletin, May-June 1967, p. 5; Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, p. 31
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_119
### Event 27509 (0D7CF6C5)
**Date:** 1/6/1967
**Location:** FRANCE, somewhere in Aveyron
**Description:** (Translated from French) (cf: see June 15, 1966) In the evening, the farmer had gone out to take care of the animals when he suddenly saw a sphere 50 m away from him. He decided to go around it to see what it was, but when he passed the door, the sphere was there waiting for him. Just a moment before it had been in the courtyard. The man then decided to take a small path through the fields to go around the object, but the sphere followed him for 60 m before blocking the entrance of the path! The farmer called his son and they saw 6 spheres that scared them so much that they immediately went back into the house. The large object in the shape of a shell was also there and it was emitting a beam similar to that of a lighthouse.
**Reference:** Jacques VALLEE: "Autres dimensions" - trad. Robert Laffont 1989, p. 206, 207
**Reference:** Continued on January 11, 1967
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2412
### Event 27510 (1A892A9F)
**Date:** 1/6/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) The luminous spheres observed on June 15th 1966 return after 6 months to the same farm in Aveyron. The farmer, who had gone out to take care of the animals, suddenly sees a sphere 50 m away from him. He decides to go behind the thing to see what it was, having already assumed that there was one in front and one behind; but when he passes the door, the sphere is just there waiting for him, while it was still in the courtyard a moment earlier. The man then decides to take a small path through the fields to go around the object but the sphere follows him for 60 m before blocking the entrance of the path: This thing followed me for about 60 m, quite close to me... so there was a small path where I wanted to pass... to go around it from behind, then it followed me all the way... until I stopped there where I wanted to go around it, and the "machine" stops too, just at the entrance of the path. So I said, there, there's no arguing, I can't pass! The farmer then calls his son and both of them see 6 spheres that scare them so much that they immediately go back into the house. The large oblong object is also there and it emits a beam similar to that of a lighthouse: There was a lighthouse above, just at the end, to the right, and it was lighting up this window up there, it was lighting up the whole room... I had the window open in front. - Was it a diffuse beam, or rather concentrated? - Oh, concentrated, very concentrated. - And it was lighting up your room? - Yes, it was lighting up it... going and coming... it was turning... it was always turning. - Was it turning in a circle, like a lighthouse? - Yes, sometimes it was lighting up the window below... it kept turning in a circle... but it was there, at 11 PM already, maybe 11:15 or something like that. And then, all of a sudden, everything went out. Everything went out and I didn't see anything anymore. I don't know if it had left or if it was still there. (January 6th, 11 PM)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2263
### Event 27511 (FB133953)
**Date:** 1/6/1967
**Time:** 23:00
**Location:** FARM /, FR
**Description:** 6 spheres and glowing-pillar back. Small humanoids (or Greys). Beams. Telepathy = "you'll write book". / r4p161.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 109)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7934
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **TLP:** Telepathy, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly, **CVS:** Conversation/communication, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "farm/,FR:6 SPHERES+GLOW-PILLAR BACK:OIDS:BEAMS:TLP="YOU'LL WRITE BOOK":/r4p161", **LatLong:** "44.294447 2.666667", **LatLongDMS:** "44:17:40 N 02:40:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.294447,2.666667)", **State/Prov:** "Aveyron", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 27512 (3D1C367D)
**Date:** 1/6/1967
**Time:** 23:50
**Location:** HARWICH, MA
**Description:** Disk with 2 lights / bottom/underside. Observers signal with house lights. Object mimics sequence!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO Evidence II: HB: Scarecrow Press Lanham, MD. http://www.scarecrowpress.com ISBN 0-8108-3881-8 (Index 325)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7935
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "17", **HatchDesc:** "HARWICH,MA:DISK W/2 LITES/BTM:OBSs SIGNAL W/HOUSE LITES:OBJ MIMICS SEQUENCE!", **LatLong:** "41.688891 -70.077781", **LatLongDMS:** "41:41:20 N 70:04:40 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.688891,-70.077781)", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 27513 (1D77EA09)
**Date:** 1/6/1967
**Location:** Harwich, MA
**Description:** 11:45 p.m. EST. A man and his daughter saw a thick, double-convex (lens-) shaped disc with a dark upper surface, trapezoidal sections of fluorescent light on the lower portion, and pulsating colored lights (body lights). The obiect responded to house spotlights by blinking in the same sequence (light reaction). (Air Force report form in Colorado Project files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3198
### Event 27514 (612C27E2)
**Date:** 1/6/1967
**Location:** Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland
**Description:** [Hynek](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J.%5FAllen%5FHynek) speaks to an overflow crowd at the Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland. He says he has had to revise his thinking on UFOs, urges scientists to take an active role in investigations, and confirms reports that NORAD and SAC radar has tracked UFOs, citing a case in which SAC radar tracked a UFO at 4,000 mph on an erratic flight path.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Story, [p. 413](https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofuf0000unse/page/412/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4170
### Event 27515 (101DA099)
**Date:** 1/6/1967
**Description:** Six luminous spheres were seen flying over Aveyron, France at eleven o'clock at night. A luminous shaft of light descended towards the ground near the witness. A humanoid figure was seen standing inside the luminous shaft. The being communicated via telepathy with the witness and told him that someday "He will write a book."
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, The Invisible College, p. 31, citing Lumieres dans la Nuit, issue # 109; Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1967, case # 2427, citing Jacques Vallee
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_165
### Event 27516 (68A6842A)
**Date:** 1/7/1967
**Time:** 17:50
**Location:** ST. LOUIS, MO
**Description:** Disk. Lights on dome. Hovers still the speeds away. No further details. / NICAP files.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO Evidence II: HB: Scarecrow Press Lanham, MD. http://www.scarecrowpress.com ISBN 0-8108-3881-8 (Index 325)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7936
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "137", **HatchDesc:** "St.LOUIS,MO:DISK:LITES ON DOME:HVRS STILL the SPEEDS AWAY:NFD:/NICAP files", **LatLong:** "38.616669 -90.166671", **LatLongDMS:** "38:37:00 N 90:10:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.616669,-90.166671)", **State/Prov:** "Missouri", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 27517 (FB3FB6C0)
**Date:** 1/7/1967
**Location:** St. Louis, MO
**Description:** 5:45 p.m. CST. A man first saw 4-5 square lights in a tilted row (body lights). The object, a domed disc shaped like a straw hat with flickering lights on the dome, then turned bright red. It appeared to be metallic. It hovered, tilted, leveled off, and sped away. (Letter dated 1/21/67 in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3199
### Event 27518 (B248583F)
**Date:** 1/7/1967
**Location:** Goose Bay AFB, Labrador, CAN
**Description:** Pilot and ground radar operators tracked object at 2,100 knots (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** NICAP: [670107](http://www.nicap.org/670107goosebay%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3200
### Event 27519 (052225F6)
**Date:** 1/7/1967
**Description:** At 5:45 p.m. a domed disc with lights on the dome appeared over St. Louis, Missouri. It hovered silently, then sped away. The entire sighting lasted ten minutes, according to the witness Mr. Siebel, who wrote and account of his sighting to the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP files, letter dated January 21, 1967; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty-Year Report, p. 325
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_182
### Event 27520 (8D52DFF3)
**Date:** 1/9/1967
**Time:** 01:00
**Description:** Wave / night lights / area. Times differ.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 172)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7937
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "12", **Duration:** "120", **Elev:** "96", **HatchDesc:** "CONWAY,AR+AUGUSTA+SEARCY+NEWPORT+POTTSVILLE,AR:WAVE/NLTS/AREA:TIMES DIFFER", **LatLong:** "35.088891 -92.444449", **LatLongDMS:** "35:05:20 N 92:26:40 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/35.088891,-92.444449)", **State/Prov:** "Arkansas", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 27521 (9FCBE02A)
**Date:** 1/9/1967
**Location:** Malta, MT
**Description:** Dog barks as rectangular object flies by (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)
**Reference:** NICAP: [670109](http://www.nicap.org/ar-670109dir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3201
### Event 27522 (3F025154)
**Date:** 1/9/1967
**Location:** Lake St. Clair, MI
**Description:** 2:30 p.m. Photos by Grant and Dan Jaroslaw, Mt. Clemens, Michigan, four Polaroids depicting a flying saucer. The boys claimed that they observed the saucer pass over low and silently not far from their home. The object remained in view for ten minutes, after which they reported seeing an Air Force helicopter give chase. Dr. Hynek examined the photos and stated in a Detroit News article that there appeared to be no indication of a hoax. Unfortunately, it was. In 1976 the Jaroslaw brothers admitted to perpetrating the prank. (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)
**Reference:** NICAP: [670109](http://www.nicap.org/images/jaroslaw670109.jpg)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3202
### Event 27523 (B24A46EE)
**Date:** 1/9/1967
**Time:** Morning
**Location:** Danbury, CT
**Description:** Another such nest was found by Ronald E. Januzzi, a mineralogist of Danbury, near his museum on the Danbury-Brewster highway. It was found on the morning of the 9th of January 1967 and was considered to be too large to have been caused by an animal, however, no UFO was seen in the vicinity which could be linked to the spot.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [Trace Cases](https://www.thenightskyii.org/trace.html)
**Source:** Trace, **ID:** Trace_8
### Event 27524 (9A886A70)
**Date:** 1/9/1967
**Locations:** Mount Clemens, Michigan; Lake St. Clair; Selfridge AFB [now Selfridge Air National Guard Base]
**Description:** Two teenage brothers of Mount Clemens, Michigan, Daniel A. and [Grant P. Jaroslaw](http://temrowski.tributes.com/obituary/show/Grant-Paul-Jaroslaw-94892245), take some Polaroid photos from the backyard of their home of a domed object moving slowly above Lake St. Clair. After they release the images to a wire service, the Air Force requests the originals for analysis. They refuse to relinquish them but give an officer at Selfridge AFB \[now Selfridge Air National Guard Base\] some copies. Maj. [Raymond Nyls](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/200131916/raymond-woodrow-nyls) attempts to recreate the photos at the original site using a block of wood hanging from a string on a children’s swing set. USAF turns the copies and Nyls’s recreations over to the National Photographic Interpretation Center, which takes a serious look and suspects a hoax but cannot prove it conclusively.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Two Brothers Photograph](http://www.noufors.com/two%5Fbrothers%5Fphotograph%5Fcircular%5Fobject%5Fin%5FMichigan.html) [Circular Object in Michigan,](http://www.noufors.com/two%5Fbrothers%5Fphotograph%5Fcircular%5Fobject%5Fin%5FMichigan.html)” Northern Ontario UFO Research and Study; Joey Del Ponte, “[Formerly Secret](https://www.muckrock.com/news/archives/2018/feb/14/ufo-photo-analysis/) [Memo Shows How the Air Force Investigated UFO Sightings,](https://www.muckrock.com/news/archives/2018/feb/14/ufo-photo-analysis/)” Muckrock, February 14, 2018; Curt Collins, “[Dr.](https://thesaucersthattimeforgot.blogspot.com/2021/10/dr-hynek-and-ufo-photo-investigation-of.html) [Hynek and the UFO Photo Investigation of 1967,](https://thesaucersthattimeforgot.blogspot.com/2021/10/dr-hynek-and-ufo-photo-investigation-of.html)” The Saucers That Time Forgot, October 21, 2021
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4171
### Event 27525 (F36968BB)
**Date:** 1/9/1967
**Description:** At 5:30 p.m. there was a knock at Edward Christiansen's home in Wildwood, New Jersey. Seventeen-year-old Connie Christiansen went to the door. Stunned, she reported back to her mother, "It's the strangest looking man I've ever seen." Mrs. Christiansen then went to the door and unlatched it and looked outside. It was growing dark and was bitter cold out. There was no car in view and this seemed unusual because the Christiansen home was in an isolated area and guests were unlikely to be arriving on foot. A tall man stood at the door and asked if Edward Christiansen lived there. He then said he was from "the Missing Heirs Bureau" and asked to be let in. They invited the stranger inside. The visitor must have been at least two meters (six and a half feet) tall, and was enormously broad shouldered. He wore a Russian fur hat with a black visor on it and a very long black coat that seemed to be made out of thin material--too thin for the cold weather. He told the family "this will only take forty minutes." As he removed his hat he revealed an unusually shaped head that was large and round, while his face seemed angular and pointed. He had black hair, which was closely cropped. There was a perfectly round spot on the back of his head as if that area had been shaved recently. His nose and mouth seemed relatively normal, but his eyes were large, protruding, like "thyroid eyes," and set wide apart. One eye appeared to have a cast, like a glass eye, and did not move in unison with its companion.
During the course of the conversation Mr. Christiansen noticed a badge on the stranger's shirt pocket, which he quickly covered with his hand and removed, placing it in his coat pocket. It resembled a gold or brass badge and it seemed to have a big K on it with a small x alongside and letters and numbers around the edge, according to Connie Christiansen. Underneath his thin outer coat he was wearing a short-sleeved shirt made of a Dacron like material. His trousers were of a dark gray or black material, and were a little too short. He wore dark shoes with unusually thick rubber soles. A strange feature on his leg fascinated Connie and Mrs. Christiansen. When he sat down they could see a long thick green wire attached to the inside of his leg. It came out or his socks and disappeared under his trousers. At one point it seemed to be indented into his leg and was covered with a large brown spot. The Christiansen's noted that the visitor had an unnatural pallor. His speech was also strange, with a high "tinny" voice that seemed especially peculiar coming from such a large man. He also spoke in a strange, hard to understand, sing-song manner. At one point when his face reddened he asked for a glass of water, and swallowed a large yellow capsule which he gulped down. He then returned to normal. After about 40 minutes he donned his hat and coat and told Mr. Christiansen that he would be in touch. When he reached the road, he made a gesture and a black 1963 Cadillac drove through the trees and pulled up. He climbed into the car and it drove away with its headlights off.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1967, case 22, citing John A. Keel, The Mothman Prophecies
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_221
### Event 27526 (7BC0D8BA)
**Date:** 1/9/1967
**Description:** On the same night Jules Derome, age 60, of Acton Vale, Quebec, Canada reported that he encountered and photographed several 90-centimeter tall luminous humanoid forms in his garage. The strange forms disappeared by moving through the wall of the garage and presumably outside. The photos only show a vague luminous area. The witness apparently has had additional subsequent encounters.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1967, case 23, citing CASUFO and Denys Breysse, Project Becassine
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_222
### Event 27527 (F154FD85)
**Date:** 1/10/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) At [Groom Lake](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/Area51.html), it is decided to gradually replace the activity of the A-12 program in favor of the SR-71. The replacement must be completely finished by January 1968. (January 10)
**Reference:** Peebles 1995
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2264
### Event 27528 (9469BEED)
**Date:** 1/10/1967
**Time:** 20:30
**Location:** BRUCEVILLE, IN
**Description:** 2 / car. Grey 9m x 2.5m ovoid with blue halo 8m over car. Going quickly southeast. Lights / rim.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RIDGE, Francis: REGIONAL ENCOUNTERS in the FC Files. 170pp. UFO FILTER CENTER, Mt. Vernon, IN 1994 (Index 19)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7938
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "156", **HatchDesc:** "BRUCEVILLE,IN:2/CAR:GRY 9m x 2.5m OVOID W/BLU HALO 8m ovr CAR:>>SE:LITES/RIM", **LatLong:** "38.761113 -87.416671", **LatLongDMS:** "38:45:40 N 87:25:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.761113,-87.416671)", **RelAlt:** "8", **State/Prov:** "Indiana", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 27529 (F234FBCB)
**Date:** 1/10/1967
**Time:** 22:30
**Location:** PT. PLEASANT, WV
**Description:** Dogs frantic. Car-sized UFO with lit windows by hen Coop. / APRO'67.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 206)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7939
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "174", **HatchDesc:** "Pt.PLEASANT,WV:DOGS FRANTIC:CAR-SIZED UFO W/LIT WINDOWS by HEN COOP:/APRO'67", **LatLong:** "38.822224 -82.122226", **LatLongDMS:** "38:49:20 N 82:07:20 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.822224,-82.122226)", **State/Prov:** "Western Virginia", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 27530 (FA8BEAC1)
**Date:** 1/10/1967
**Location:** Bruceville, IN
**Description:** 8:30 p.m. EST. A woman and her son, 16, were driving home when they saw an elliptical dull gray object glowing a bluish color around the rim. It was estimated to be 25 feet over the car, 30 feet in diameter and 8 feet thick. The object hovered, moved slowly, then accelerated away. It displayed a disc shape when it banked slightly, and it had several dim lights (body lights) on its rim. (Ridge, 1994, p. 19. from APRO Bulletin No. 15.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3203
### Event 27531 (C68BD95F)
**Date:** 1/10/1967
**Location:** Bangor, ME
**Description:** 10:50 p.m. EST. An electronics technician heard an intermittent sound that changed in pitch, then saw over the treetops two brilliant lights. Each light was dome-shaped and had a ring at the outer circumference. (Narrative from witness in Donald E. Keyhoe Archives files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3204
### Event 27532 (9BBB5177)
**Date:** 1/10/1967
**Description:** A gray 30-foot long ovoid UFO with a blue halo flew only 25 feet above a car on a road in Bruceville, Indiana at 8:30 p.m. It had lights on its rim and made no sound as it flew. It show away toward the southeast. The sighting lasted two minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Francis L. Ridge, Regional Encounters, p. 19
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_241
### Event 27533 (CEFFEDA9)
**Date:** 1/11/1967
**Location:** FRANCE, somewhere in Aveyron
**Description:** (Translated from French) (cf: January 6, 1967) The son, in a car, saw the shell descend near the house. He approached it in the car and noticed it was really very big. Two small spheres entered it, then it became very bright. The witness heard a whistling. The shell inclined at 45° and left at a vertiginous speed. Another object arrived which had the shape of a disk with two transparent domes at the top, and lit up inside with a green light with fog inside or outside, and he thought he saw two people inside. With green aviator suits with white stripes. The witness was in the car stopped and at the departure of the shell he had lowered the windows. He then felt a wave of heat and he felt almost... he couldn't move his hands or feet as long as it lasted.
**Reference:** Jacques VALLEE: "Autres dimensions" - trad. Robert Laffont 1989 - p. 207, 208
**Reference:** continued on September 1, 1972
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2413
### Event 27534 (0199D11B)
**Date:** 1/11/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In the car, the farmer's son sees the shell descend near the house. He approaches it in the car and notices that it is really very big. 2 of the small spheres enter it, then it becomes very bright. The witness hears a whistling. The shell inclines at 45° and leaves at a vertiginous speed. Another object arrives. It has the shape of a disc with 2 transparent domes at the top: Inside... it seemed to me that it was lit up like a green light... in the two domes... and I saw... note that I'm not sure... it was very dark, one could say that there was a kind of fog, inside or outside... I don't know... inside or outside of the 2 domes. In any case, I thought I saw 2... well, I saw 2 people like... human beings, you see?... astronauts. They were wearing green aviator suits with white stripes. The object itself oscillates back and forth: - Were the car doors closed during this time? - Yes, yes... I had to open the window, I think... Or maybe it was after, when it left, that I opened the window... and then I felt a wave of heat and I felt almost... I couldn't move my hands or feet as long as it lasted.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2265
### Event 27535 (5D71A799)
**Date:** 1/11/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Observation of the same flying creature as 2 months ago by [Mrs. McDaniel](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/temoins.html\#McDaniel).
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2266
### Event 27536 (AA05CEFA)
**Date:** 1/11/1967
**Location:** AVEYRON, FR
**Description:** Glowing orbs enter pillar. Saucer with small humanoid (or Grey) in each / 2 domes. Observer(s) abduction. / r98#193p33.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 205)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7940
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly, **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **CVS:** Conversation/communication, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "AVEYRON,FR:GLO ORBS ENTER PILLAR:SCR W/OID in EACH/2 DOMES:OBS ABD:/r98#193p33", **LatLong:** "44.288891 2.677778", **LatLongDMS:** "44:17:20 N 02:40:40 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.288891,2.677778)", **State/Prov:** "Aveyron", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 27537 (6EF3E15C)
**Date:** 1/11/1967
**Location:** Aveyon, France
**Description:** White ball, oval near ground, whistling sound; heat, paralysis, car vibrating road sign, Flying Saucer Review, Vol. 17, No.1; see Rodeghier, 1981, p. 31, (E,L) (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3205
### Event 27538 (BBFBB0BD)
**Date:** 1/11/1967
**Description:** Mrs. Park McDaniel was outside her home during the day in Point Pleasant, West Virginia when she saw what she first took to be a small plane approaching. As it drew closer she saw that it was man-shaped and had wings. The creature swooped low over her house and circled above a nearby building before going out of sight.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb and Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1967-5, citing John A. Keel; Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1967, case 24
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_256
### Event 27539 (9029D3C7)
**Date:** 1/11/1967
**Description:** That same night in Aveyron, Basses Pyrenees, France a farmer sighted a "shell" shaped object taking off from his farm. The man then proceeded to chase a ball of light in his car. The nocturnal light stayed 150 yards ahead of him until his engine died and his lights went out, when he then noticed a "saucer shaped" object descend. The saucer was slightly bigger than a Peugeot car, 9-12 feet above the ground, and came down about 60 feet away. The top of the object had two transparent cupolas in each of which he could see a helmeted figure, human like and dressed in green and white coveralls. He felt a wave of heat and a temporary sensation of paralysis. He watched a nearby road sign vibrating near the oval object. With a whistling sound the UFO rose to 50 meters altitude then dropped back again to near ground level. Becoming brilliantly yellow-white, it finally took off at tremendous speed. As it did so his lights came back on and he was able to start the car normally. Several days later the witness experienced trouble sleeping, followed by some weeks of excessive sleepiness. The area had been the site of repeated UFO incidents for a year.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb and Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1967-6, citing G. Canouges, J. Chasseign, Fernand Legarde, & F. Dupin de la Gueriviere; Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1967, case 25; Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, case 182, citing FSR, volume 17, no. 1
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_257
### Event 27540 (D20C2BA2)
**Date:** 1/12/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Photo taken in Baton Rouge on January 12. See images/1967-01-12_BatonRouge_Louisiane.jpg. (January 12)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2267
### Event 27541 (117398DF)
**Date:** 1/12/1967
**Time:** 16:30
**Location:** SOUTHEAST / INNIS, LA
**Description:** Fisherman photographs double-domed saucer. More photographs / 13 Jan! "Genuine" / analysts.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 48)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7941
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "136", **Elev:** "14", **HatchDesc:** "SE/INNIS,LA:FISHERMAN FOTOS DBL-DOMED SCR:more fotos/13JAN!:"GENUINE"/analysts", **LatLong:** "30.861113 -91.672227", **LatLongDMS:** "30:51:40 N 91:40:20 W", **Locale:** "Wetlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/30.861113,-91.672227)", **State/Prov:** "Louisiana", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 27542 (78A118C9)
**Date:** 1/12/1967
**Location:** Boulder, Colorado
**Description:** The USAF advisory committee holds a special briefing in Boulder, Colorado. [Condon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward%5FCondon) discusses project plans and asks the Air Force where the project should place its emphasis. Lt. Col. [Hippler](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/65715202/robert-r-hippler), along with Col. [Raymond Sleeper](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/149575947/raymond-starrett-sleeper)[,](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/149575947/raymond-starrett-sleeper) Blue Book’s boss as Foreign Technology Division Commander, says the project is not required to prove or disprove anything, but that “we don’t want any recommendation from you unless you feel strongly about it.” He rejects Wertheimer’s suggestion that the project should concentrate on witnesses, not sightings. Hippler and [Ratchford](https://www.aaas.org/archives/j-thomas-ratchford-files) do not adequately respond to [Low](http://ufohistoryfiles.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/CO%2067%20NEWS.pdf)’s question about what USAF wants from the project.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Air Force Advisory Panel Briefing,](http://www.cufos.org/1967%5F01%5F12%5FAF%5FPanelBriefing.pdf)” January 12, 1967; Roy Craig, UFOs: An Insiders’ View of the Official Quest for Evidence, University of North Texas, 1995, p. 235; Michael D. Swords, “[The USAF-Sponsored](http://www.project1947.com/shg/articles/swordscc.html) [Colorado Project for the Scientific Study of UFOs,](http://www.project1947.com/shg/articles/swordscc.html)” 1995 MUFON Symposium Proceedings, MUFON, 1995; Clark III 1194; Swords 314–315
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4172
### Event 27543 (06F0F309)
**Date:** 1/12/1967
**Locations:** Agadir, Morocco; Rabat
**Description:** 7:30 p.m. A luminous object crosses the sky off Agadir, Morocco. It leaves a white trail that turns into a rainbow and falls into the sea with a deafening sound. The US Defense attaché in Rabat, Naval Capt. C. G. Strum, says the sighting “could be valuable in pursuit of Project Moon Dust.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** US Department of Defense, “[UFO](http://www.noufors.com/Documents/Majestic-12%20Documents%20-%20New%20Batch/Project%20Moondust/moondust%5Fmorocco%5F18jan67.pdf) [Sighting over Agadir, Morocco,](http://www.noufors.com/Documents/Majestic-12%20Documents%20-%20New%20Batch/Project%20Moondust/moondust%5Fmorocco%5F18jan67.pdf)” January 18, 1967
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4173
### Event 27544 (3E8CCF3E)
**Date:** 1/13/1967
**Location:** USA, near Winslow (Arizona)
**Description:** (Translated from French) R0 - 22 hours - 3 witnesses - duration 25 minutes. A conversation had started between the Albuquerque control tower and the pilot of a jet Lear, located near Winslow. He had indicated that he saw a red light, first at his 10 o'clock position, which lit up and went out, then turned into four lights arranged vertically. Albuquerque radar, when the light lit up "painted" an object and remained silent when it went out. The light repeatedly generated four other lights, seeming to re-ingest the lights below it. Then, as the tower warned the plane that the object was approaching it, the latter seemed to play cat and mouse with it, notably through very rapid accelerations. After about 25 minutes and with a prodigious acceleration according to the plane's pilot, the object rose at an angle of 30° and disappeared in less than 10 seconds. Albuquerque radar "painted" the object until its final acceleration.
**Reference:** J. Allen HYNEK: "UFOs, Myth or Reality?" - Belfond translation 1974 p. 94, 95, 275
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2414
### Event 27545 (AB67F37F)
**Date:** 1/13/1967
**Time:** 01:50
**Location:** IOLA, KS
**Description:** Young boy. 5M domed disk with windows. Figure / doorway. Traces. / r41p325+/ NICAP.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PHILLIPS, Ted: Study of PHYSICAL TRACES ASSOCIATED with UFO SIGHTINGS; CUFOS 1975. (Index 46)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7942
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "5", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "309", **HatchDesc:** "IOLA,KS:YOUNG BOY:5M DOMED DISK W/WINDOWS:FIG/DOORWAY:TRACES:/r41p325+/NICAP", **LatLong:** "37.922224 -95.400005", **LatLongDMS:** "37:55:20 N 95:24:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.922224,-95.400005)", **State/Prov:** "Kansas", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 27546 (809CC6B2)
**Date:** 1/13/1967
**Time:** 22:00
**Location:** NEAR WINSLOW, AZ
**Description:** 2 pilots and 3+ground RADAR. Red object plays cat and mouse with Lear jet. Shoots off.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HYNEK, J. Allen: The UFO EXPERIENCE, A Scientific Inquiry; Ballentine Books, NY 1974,1977. (Index 82)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7943
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **RDR:** Radar traces/blips, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "25", **Elev:** "1475", **HatchDesc:** "nr WINSLOW,AZ:2 PILOTS+3+GND RDR:RED OBJ PLAYS CAT+MOUSE W/LEAR JET:SHOOTS OFF", **LatLong:** "35.033335 -110.766672", **LatLongDMS:** "35:02:00 N 110:46:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/35.033335,-110.766672)", **State/Prov:** "Arizona", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 27547 (22E370BE)
**Date:** 1/13/1967
**Location:** Winslow (near), AZ
**Description:** Arizona, G,V (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** NICAP: [670113](http://www.nicap.org/670113winslowdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3206
### Event 27548 (66CC6344)
**Date:** 1/13/1967
**Location:** Winslow (near), AZ
**Description:** Lear/Nat'l Airlines (P, AL) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** NICAP: [670113](http://www.nicap.org/670113winslowdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3207
### Event 27549 (C6D44C1C)
**Date:** 1/13/1967
**Location:** Iola, KS
**Description:** 1:30 a.m. CST. A 9-year-old saw a circular object with lighted dome, numerous body lights, short wings, three wheels hanging down, a door, and windows. A strange-looking man wearing a crinkley green suit stood in the door, sometimes illuminated by a rotating red light. The object hovered over a field, circled the house, and flew away. (Report from a dairy farm owner, Iola , KS, in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3208
### Event 27550 (E7AE833B)
**Date:** 1/13/1967
**Locations:** Cheyenne Mountain; NORAD’s underground Space Defense Center complex; Colorado; Boulder
**Description:** [Condon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward%5FCondon) and [Low](http://ufohistoryfiles.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/CO%2067%20NEWS.pdf) visit Cheyenne Mountain, NORAD’s underground Space Defense Center complex in Colorado, for a “classified briefing” by orbital analysts 1Lt. [Henry B. Eckert Jr.](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/196875867/henry-baldwin-eckert) and Capt. Dick A. Cable of the 9th Aerospace Defense Division’s 1st Aerospace Control Squadron about NORAD’s radar network, hours after another classified briefing for Condon and staff at Boulder concludes. The Cheyenne Mountain briefing is the first in a series of tactical moves designed to discourage Condon’s project staff, [Hynek](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J.%5FAllen%5FHynek)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J.%5FAllen%5FHynek) and [McDonald](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James%5FE.%5FMcDonald) from using NORAD as a source of UFO data or resource for future investigations or instrumentation.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clark III 804–805; UFOs Yes, 66
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4174
### Event 27551 (B4CD33C5)
**Date:** 1/13/1967
**Locations:** Joplin, Missouri; Pittsburg, Kansas; Stone's Corner; Coffeyville, Kansas; Springfield, Missouri; Newton County, Missouri; northeast Oklahoma
**Description:** Early morning. Sgt. Norman Finley of the Joplin, Missouri, police alerts fellow officers about an unexplained object overhead. Pittsburg, Kansas, police dispatcher James Cunningham notifies the Joplin police that a UFO has been seen over Pittsburg. He describes it as an object with bright colors of “vivid blue-green with flashing lights.” Cunningham alerts the Joplin station because the object seems to be leaving Kansas and heading for Missouri. After receiving that call, Joplin’s Lt. [Charles Hickman](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/62696468/charles-r%5F-hickman) drives to Stone’s Corner near the Joplin airport. He waits for nearly an hour before spotting a UFO in the sky, which he watches for more than an hour. It is about 1,000 feet high and seems about as big as two houses. It makes turns and maneuvers “as if it were being controlled.” For the next three days, there are more sightings in the early morning hours at Coffeyville, Kansas; Joplin, Springfield, and Newton County, Missouri; and northeast Oklahoma.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** UFOs Yes, 109–110; Condon, [pp.](https://archive.org/details/scientificstudyo0000unse%5Fl5t2/page/286/mode/2up) [286–290](https://archive.org/details/scientificstudyo0000unse%5Fl5t2/page/286/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4175
### Event 27552 (87BBF33D)
**Date:** 1/13/1967
**Locations:** southwestern New Mexico; Albuquerque; Winslow, Arizona; Los Angeles; Flagstaff
**Description:** 10:00 p.m. The crew of a Lear Jet flying at 41,000 feet over southwestern New Mexico sees a flashing red luminous object in their 10 o’clock position. The object splits into four smaller red objects vertically several times, each separated by about 2,000 feet and each emitting a “red ray.” It then retracts the lowest objects into the top object. Albuquerque radar tracks a target 39 miles ahead of the Lear Jet moving on the same heading, with no transponder signal. At that moment the object blinks off visually for 30 seconds then blinks back on. The UFO floods the jet with an intense red light so bright that the pilot has difficulty seeing his instrument panel. It maintains its position in front for a few minutes then blinks out, comes on again, and falls back behind the left wing. It then pulls forward again. Albuquerque radar reports that it looks like the target had merged with the jet. Both the UFO and the jet make left turns over Winslow, Arizona, after which Los Angeles Center radar picks up both targets. Past Flagstaff, the object climbs at a 30° angle and disappears to the west in less than 10 seconds.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** NICAP, “[R/V](http://www.nicap.org/670113winslowdir.htm)”; [Sparks](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf)[,](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf) p. 321; J. Allen Hynek, The UFO Experience, Ballantine ed., 1974, [pp. 82–83](https://archive.org/details/ufoexperience00jall/page/82/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4176
### Event 27553 (15229CC6)
**Date:** 1/13/1967
**Description:** Nine-year old Freddie Amos woke up at 1:30 a.m. in his farmhouse in Iola, Kansas to see a round object hovering motionless low over an adjoining field. It was 25 feet in diameter, had a dome on top, short wing-like protrusions, and three wheels on its underside. There were red lights on the ends of the "wings," and a blue light on top of the dome. A man stood inside the dome looking out, and another man was visible sitting behind a console behind him. The man standind wore a "crinkly" green uniform that covered him entirely; his face was in shadow and his facial features could not be seen. This "terrible" man frightened the boy although he could not say why. He got back into bed but continued to watch the object, which circled his house and hovered again for five minutes back in its original position before flying off. In the morning some of their cows were found to have broken through the fence around their pasture. One had broken her leg. A pond in the pasture near the site continued to remain unfrozen although the temperatures were well below freezing. This encounter occurred during a minor concentration of UFO sightings at nearby locales.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb and Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1967-7, citing Mary Conger for NICAP; Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1967, case 26
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_296
### Event 27554 (11072912)
**Date:** 1/13/1967
**Description:** At 10:00 p.m. Pilot Carl M., a flight officer, and passenger Jimmie Moran on a Lear Jet 23 en route from Houston, Texas to Las Vegas, Nevada flying at 41,000 feet and 300 knots saw a red oval luminous object in the 10 o'clock position. The object split into four similar red oval objects vertically a number of times, each separated by about 2,000 ft and each emitting a "red ray". They then retracted up into the top object. Albuquerque radar tracked the object 39 miles ahead of the Lear jet moving on the same heading, with no transponder signal. The object blinked off visually for 30 seconds then blinked back on. Albuquerque control contacted a National Airlines DC-8 over Casa Grande, Arizona, whose pilot confirmed the Lear Jet pilot's reports. Albuquerque control warned the Lear that the object suddenly darted towards the Lear at high speed, and within seconds the radar blips merged. The object flooded the Lear Jet with intense red light so bright the pilot had difficulty seeing his instrument panel, and it maintained a position in front of the Lear for a few minutes. Then, it blinked off-on again and started to fall back behind the left wing, but then pulled forward again. When the object blinked off the Albuquerque radar controllers would lose contact with the object, then regain it when it blinked on again. Both the UFO and Lear jet made left turns over Winslow, Arizona, when Los Angeles ARTC Center radar picked up both targets. Past Flagstaff the object climbed at a 30° angle disappearing to the west in less than 10 seconds.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** J. Allen Hynek, Hynek UFO Experience, p. 72; Charles Bowen, FSR, May-June 1972, p. 13, Dominique Weinstein, Aircraft UFO Encounters, p. 35; UNICAT, case # 318
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_297
### Event 27555 (E8D44437)
**Date:** 1/15/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) American Airlines Flight 162 from San Francisco to Houston observed a bright UFO after taking off from El Paso. (January 15th, 10 PM)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2268
### Event 27556 (65702A08)
**Date:** 1/15/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Loftin finds a 1 m diameter disc which he gives to the *U. S. Testing Company* to be analyzed. This case is cited in *Identified Flying Saucers,* published in 1968 by David McKay publishers.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2269
### Event 27557 (5BDEB0A2)
**Date:** 1/15/1967
**Location:** PINANG, MALAYSIA
**Description:** Lawyer and 1 with (seen thru) binoculars. Saucer going up and down [to] over harbor. Lights and bars / dome. / FSRv30#5.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 809)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7944
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Malaysia", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "PINANG,MALAYSIA:LAWYER+1 W/BINOCS:SCR ↑+↓ OVR HARBOR:LITES+BARS/DOME:/FSRv30#5", **LatLong:** "5.333334 100.416671", **LatLongDMS:** "05:20:00 N 100:25:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/5.333334,100.416671)", **State/Prov:** "PNG", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 27558 (4615C81B)
**Date:** 1/15/1967
**Time:** ~03:00
**Location:** BOXFORD, MASS
**Description:** Red oval object ringed with white halo circles house.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FOWLER, Raymond E.: UFO'S, INTERPLANETARY VISITORS; Prentice Hall & Bantam Books, NY 1979. 346pp. (Index 329)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7945
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "29", **HatchDesc:** "BOXFORD,MASS:RED OVAL OBJ RINGED W/WHITE HALO CIRCLES HOUSE.", **LatLong:** "42.116669 -70.983337", **LatLongDMS:** "42:07:00 N 70:59:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.116669,-70.983337)", **RelAlt:** "10", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 27559 (B4535559)
**Date:** 1/15/1967
**Time:** 17:50
**Location:** NORTH GRANBY, CT
**Description:** 3 / car. Domed 15M saucer. White lit portholes / bottom. Buzzes. Going quickly east. / r24v3#11.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Book: THE UFO ENIGMA. Report No. 83-205 SPR, Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress, June 20, 1983. UG 633 Marcia S. Smith /Aerospace, Science Policy Research Div.
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7946
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "89", **HatchDesc:** "N.GRANBY,CT:3/CAR:DOMED 15M SCR:WHT LIT PORTS/BOTTOM:BUZZES:>>E:/r24v3#11", **LatLong:** "41.983335 -72.822226", **LatLongDMS:** "41:59:00 N 72:49:20 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.983335,-72.822226)", **State/Prov:** "Connecticut", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 27560 (E2F32EBF)
**Date:** 1/15/1967
**Time:** 18:00
**Location:** 3MI NORTH / ROOSEVELT, UT
**Description:** Saucers dome gives big yellow glow. Farmers watch / 10 minutes.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SALISBURY, Frank: The UTAH UFO DISPLAY -- a Biologist Reports; 1974 Devin Adair, New Greenwich,CT. HB 286pp. ISBN 0-815-97000-5 (Index 246)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7947
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "1590", **HatchDesc:** "3MI N/ROOSEVELT,UT:SCR'S DOME GIVES BIG YELLOW GLOW:FARMERS WATCH/10 MINUTES", **LatLong:** "40.361113 -110.000005", **LatLongDMS:** "40:21:40 N 110:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.361113,-110.000005)", **State/Prov:** "Utah", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 27561 (3050DBCD)
**Date:** 1/15/1967
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** SHELBYVILLE, KY
**Description:** 1 observer. 2 cylinders / light join and hover / 50 minute(s) then vanish. Power outage follows.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 809)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7948
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "60", **Elev:** "241", **HatchDesc:** "SHELBYVILLE,KY:1 OBS:2 CYLs/LITE JOIN+HVR/50min THEN VANISH:POWER OUTAGE FOLOS", **LatLong:** "38.200002 -85.216671", **LatLongDMS:** "38:12:00 N 85:13:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.200002,-85.216671)", **State/Prov:** "Kentucky", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 27562 (0820E5FD)
**Date:** 1/15/1967?
**Location:** Boxford, MA
**Description:** 3:00 a.m. EST. A witness saw a bright red object that looked like an upside down saucer (disc) with a white glowing rim. The object approached and circled the witness's home before moving away and disappearing. (Fowler, 1974, p. 343.). (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3209
### Event 27563 (73B442E9)
**Date:** 1/15/1967
**Location:** Granville, MA
**Description:** 5:45 p.m. EST. A woman and her two nieces saw a domed disc with white light emanating from portholes in its base. The object was seen three times within 20 minutes before disappearing. (Hartford Courant, Conn., 1/16/67; Gillmor, 1969, case 13; Keyhoe and Lore, 1969a, p. 45; U.F.O Investigator, Vol. Ill, No. 11, Jan. - Feb., 1967, p. 4.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3210
### Event 27564 (865DB9EE)
**Date:** 1/15/1967
**Location:** North Granby, CN
**Description:** Unspecified time. Six miles to the southeast of Granville, MA in North Granby, Conn., two women saw a disc-shaped object with a flange around it and white beams of light from portholes. The object passed between witnesses and a mountain. (Springfield Union, Mass., 2/22/67, copy in Keyhoe Archives) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3211
### Event 27565 (0174B56E)
**Date:** 1/15/1967
**Location:** Roosevelt, UT
**Description:** 6:00 p.m. MST. Two couples saw a yellow glow coming from inside a dome- shaped object estimated to be two miles away. The object hovered and moved around slowly. (Salisbury, 1974, Case 40, Table 1) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3212
### Event 27566 (CAB772E3)
**Date:** 1/15/1967
**Location:** Granville, Massachusetts
**Description:** 5:45 p.m. Helen Godard and her two nieces see a domed disc with white light emanating from portholes in its base in Granville, Massachusetts. They hear a humming sound, and the sky and ground are illuminated by white light. Red flame jets appear at one end when the object moves. Speed is variable. At one point, all the lights go out, and when they come back on the portholes are showing red light. The object is seen three times within 20 minutes before it disappears over a mountain to the east.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Major Sighting Wave,](http://cufos.org/UFOI%5Fand%5FSelected%5FDocuments/UFOI/035%20JAN-FEB%201967.pdf)” UFO Investigator 3, no. 11 \(Jan./Feb. 1967\): 4; Condon, [pp. 285–286](https://archive.org/details/scientificstudyo0000unse%5Fl5t2/page/284/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4177
### Event 27567 (1A9BA52A)
**Date:** 1/15/1967
**Description:** At 6:30 a.m. local time a 69-year old woman in Ikuri, Finland suddenly awoke to see through her bedroom window that a 1.2-1.4 meter tall creature was in her yard, walking through the deep snow using stiff mechanical steps. The being wore a blue-green tunic and baglike trousers, and had some kind of helmet with four antennas. It also wore some kind of mittens on its hands. The face could not be seen. It walked past the swing in the yard and disappeared into thin air. It left round footprints on the snow.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1967, citing Mervi Virtanen
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_332
### Event 27568 (1DB74EF4)
**Date:** 1/15/1967
**Description:** At 3:00 a.m. EST, or about three and one-half hours later, a red oval-shaped UFO that looked like an upside-down saucer with a white glowing rim, approached and circled the witness's home in Boxford, Massachusetts before flying away.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Raymond E. Fowler, UFOs: Interplanetary Visitors, p. 343
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_333
### Event 27569 (1E65AF0C)
**Date:** 1/15/1967
**Description:** After another three and one-half hours, at 7:30 p.m. local time, attorney Ong Huck Hong and his son observed a domed disc in Selat Utara, Malaysia. The object moved up and down, slowed its pace, and appeared to be changing its shape. There were whirling bars of light on the dome that resembled windows. The UFO flew off toward the south.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Ahmad Jamaludin, Summary of Unidentified Flying Objects and related events in Malaysia, p. 25
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_334
### Event 27570 (2E18E4E3)
**Date:** 1/15/1967
**Description:** Wildwood, New Jersey. Two nights after the Christiansen family heard strange metallic sounds over their house, Mr. & Mrs. Christiansen returned home to find their children in a very distraught state. They had heard the strange metallic sound again, and then heard heavy footsteps crunching through the thick woods outside. A 19-year old neighbor present at the time looked out the window to see a tall humanoid figure hurrying away from the house. He was wearing a long white cape. When the man reached a five-foot high fence he leaped over it effortlessly disappeared into the woods.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1967, case 27, citing John A. Keel, The Mothman Prophecies
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_335
### Event 27571 (84D7173D)
**Date:** 1/16/1967
**Time:** 18:10
**Location:** CHARLESTON, SC
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #1065. 2 silver-blue saucers / 30° elevation. Poor RADAR's. Vanish in place.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CONDON, Dr. Edward: SCIENTIFIC STUDY of UFO..etc; Bantam 1969. 965pp. (Index 129)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7949
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RDR:** Radar traces/blips, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "15", **Elev:** "36", **HatchDesc:** "CHARLESTON,SC:BBK#1065:2 SLVR-BLU SCRS/30°elev:POOR RDRs:VANISH IN PLACE", **LatLong:** "32.766668 -79.933337", **LatLongDMS:** "32:46:00 N 79:56:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/32.766668,-79.933337)", **State/Prov:** "South Carolina", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 27572 (F23D8CA6)
**Date:** 1/16/1967
**Time:** 19:30
**Location:** ST. MICHAELS, MD
**Description:** 1 / car. Flying meat-platter / sharp maneuvers. Stops as plane passes. Going quickly south.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 47)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7950
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "60", **Elev:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "St.MICHAELS,MD:1/CAR:FLYING MEAT-PLATTER/SHARP MNVRS:STOPS as PLANE PASSES:>>S", **LatLong:** "38.783335 -76.222226", **LatLongDMS:** "38:47:00 N 76:13:20 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.783335,-76.222226)", **State/Prov:** "Maryland", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 27573 (4F4B7121)
**Date:** 1/16/1967
**Location:** Warner, NH
**Description:** 5:00 p.m. EST. A motorist noticed a bright light seemingly pacing him. A long cigar-shaped object with amber windows eventually came toward him on a slow and steady course, and he heard a soft purring sound. (New Hampshire NICAP Subcommittee report, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3213
### Event 27574 (978AF159)
**Date:** 1/16/1967
**Location:** Warner, NH
**Description:** 5:15 p.m. A couple in the same area reported seeing a slow-moving gray object with body lights. At 5:30 pm a woman and her daughter saw an object that looked like a box kite without paper (presumably rectangular) with two bright headlights on the front. The object was moving slowly, and hovering soundlessly, but there was a purring sound when it started to move away rapidly. All witnesses reported the object to be huge. (U.F.O Investigator, Vol. Ill, No. 12, Mar.-Apr., 1967, p. 5.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3214
### Event 27575 (D078A27A)
**Date:** 1/16/1967
**Location:** Charleston, SC
**Description:** (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3215
### Event 27576 (651E5100)
**Date:** 1/16/1967
**Location:** Southeastern United States
**Description:** Approximately 4:30-6:30 A.M. Sodium vapor clouds from rocket launched at Eglin AFB, FL, blue-green color, visible over wide area.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_112
### Event 27577 (332EB23E)
**Date:** 1/16/1967
**Description:** [Hippler](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/65715202/robert-r-hippler) writes to [Condon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward%5FCondon), saying that “No one knows of a visitation. It should therefore follow there has been no \[extraterrestrial\] visitation to date.” Moreover, Condon should “consider the cost of the Air Force program on UFOs, and determine if the taxpayer should support this for the next decade.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Lt. Col. Robert H. Hippler, [Letter to Edward U. Condon](http://www.nicap.org/docs/HipplerLetters.pdf)[,](http://www.nicap.org/docs/HipplerLetters.pdf) January 16, 1967; Kevin D. Randle, “[The Hippler Letter,](http://kevinrandle.blogspot.com/2007/03/hippler-letter.html)” A Different Perspective, March 21, 2007
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4178
### Event 27578 (90E5D9FF)
**Date:** 1/16/1967
**Description:** At 6:10 p.m. a man in Charleston, South Carolina saw two round objects in the sky. They were described as silver and blue with a red ring. A beam of light projected from the end. Radar contact with the object was initially confirmed but later discounted by later analysis of the weather conditions at the time. Six people traveling in a car between Mount Sunapee and Warner, New Hampshire at around 7 p.m. encountered a dark, battleship-gray Manta Ray shaped UFO with two lights. It paced their car for three minutes and later swooped low over a home.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Gordon D. Thayer, in Edward Condon (ed.) Scientific Study of Unidentified Flying Objects, p. 129; NICAP case investigation files; NICAP UFO Investigator, April 1967, p. 5
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_349
### Event 27579 (EF95205D)
**Date:** 1/17/1967
**Time:** 03:00
**Location:** WINDALE, AUSTR
**Description:** 2 cops. UFO flies in from sea going northwest. Bright white headlight looks forward.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** EDWARDS, Frank: FLYING SAUCERS-HERE AND NOW; 1967 Lyle Stewart & Bantam Books 1968. (Index 133)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7951
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "WINDALE,AUSTR:2 COPS:UFO FLIES IN FROM SEA >NW:BRITE WHT HEADLITE LOOKS FWD", **LatLong:** "-33.150002 151.916674", **LatLongDMS:** "33:09:00 S 151:55:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-33.150002,151.916674)", **State/Prov:** "NSW", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 27580 (C308F4AA)
**Date:** 1/17/1967
**Time:** 09:10
**Location:** DUNBAR, WV
**Description:** 1 / truck. 6M metal sphere/orb/globe / I64. Legs and antennas and window / top. Flies. / r157v1#3.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 47)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7952
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **SUB:** Submersible: Rises from or submerges into water, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "184", **HatchDesc:** "DUNBAR,WV:1/TRUCK:6M METAL ORB/I64:LEGS+ANTENNAS+WINDOW/TOP:FLIES:/r157v1#3", **LatLong:** "38.361113 -81.750004", **LatLongDMS:** "38:21:40 N 81:45:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.361113,-81.750004)", **State/Prov:** "Western Virginia", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 27581 (F2DDD653)
**Date:** 1/17/1967
**Time:** 18:50
**Location:** ROMIERES, FR
**Description:** Separate observer(s). Saucer / sky searches ground / 1M white beam. Shuts off. Red lights. Going up.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA; H. Regnery, Chicago HC 1969 & Contemporary Books,Chicago 1993. 372pp. (Index 809)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7953
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "ROMIERES,FR:SEP.OBS:SCR/SKY SEARCHES GND/1M WHITE BEAM:SHUTS OFF:RED LITES:↑", **LatLong:** "45.388891 4.322222", **LatLongDMS:** "45:23:20 N 04:19:20 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.388891,4.322222)", **State/Prov:** "Haute-Loire", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 27582 (51F2B5F2)
**Date:** 1/17/1967
**Time:** 19:20
**Location:** OMAHA, NE
**Description:** Ovoid with 8 square windows. Light beam / front. R&G lights. Stops and hovers. / APRO 1'67.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO Evidence II: HB: Scarecrow Press Lanham, MD. http://www.scarecrowpress.com ISBN 0-8108-3881-8 (Index 325)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7954
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "312", **HatchDesc:** "OMAHA,NE:OVOID W/8 SQR WINDOWS:LITE BEAM/FRONT:R&G LITES:STOPS+HVRS:/APRO 1'67", **LatLong:** "41.283335 -95.900005", **LatLongDMS:** "41:17:00 N 95:54:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.283335,-95.900005)", **State/Prov:** "NEB", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 27583 (AC59BD0C)
**Date:** 1/17/1967
**Time:** 23:00?
**Location:** SEYMOUR, IN
**Description:** 2 separate observer(s). 9M saucer / colored lights. Car going [to] into ditch. / APRO Jan'67+/ r109p22.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 47)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7955
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "177", **HatchDesc:** "SEYMOUR,IN:2 SEP.OBS:9M SCR/CLRD LITES:CAR > INTO DITCH:/APRO Jan'67+/r109p22", **LatLong:** "39.016669 -86.127782", **LatLongDMS:** "39:01:00 N 86:07:40 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.016669,-86.127782)", **State/Prov:** "Indiana", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 27584 (54A249D2)
**Date:** 1/17/1967
**Location:** Freetown, IN
**Description:** Francis Bedel, Jr., (23) of Portland, Indiana, was driving on State Highway 135, a two-lane blacktop road, north of Freetown, he later reported to State Police, when a brilliant glowing white light darted into his field of vision. (NICAP files) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3216
### Event 27585 (77F6C9F5)
**Date:** 1/17/1967
**Location:** Freetown, IN
**Description:** On the same stretch of highway on the same night, Mr. & Mrs. Phil Patton of Freetown, reported to State Police that a brightly lighted disc-shaped craft, about 30 feet in diameter, came down alongside their car. (NICAP files) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3217
### Event 27586 (CC9C1273)
**Date:** 1/17/1967
**Time:** 1845
**Location:** Romieres, France
**Description:** A woman walking home saw a beam of light about 1 m in section sweep the ground in her direction. It came from a circular, white object that turned off its main light. She then saw reddish spots before it vanished entirely. Another witness saw the phenomenon from a separate location, 2 km away (LDLN).
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_809
### Event 27587 (CD70DC33)
**Date:** 1/17/1967
**Time:** night
**Location:** Freetown, Indiana
**Description:** F. Bedel, 23, driving on Route 135 about 8 km north of Freetown saw a plate-shaped object with red, yellow, blue, and white blinking lights, lost control of his car, and ran off the road. Less than 2 km away, Phil Patton saw an identical object that came within 30 m of his car.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Lor. III 22 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_810
### Event 27588 (E59EF27E)
**Date:** 1/17/1967
**Locations:** State Highway 135; Freetown, Indiana
**Description:** Night. Francis Bedel Jr. is driving on State Highway 135 five miles north of Freetown, Indiana, when a glowing white light darts into his field of vision. It hovers above the road for a few seconds, then slowly reverses its course. Bedel is so busy staring at the spectacle that he loses control of his car, which goes off the road and is badly damaged. Phil Patton and his wife apparently see the same object, about 30 feet in diameter, that comes within 100 feet of their car on the same road. It has a brilliant red light and flashing ywllow and white lights on its perimeter.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** NICAP, “[The 1967 UFO Chronology](http://www.nicap.org/chronos/1967fullrep.htm)”; “[UFO Caused Car Wreck?](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201967%2001%2000%20-%20January-February.pdf)” APRO Bulletin, Jan./Feb. 1967, p. 1
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4179
### Event 27589 (43D8DA3F)
**Date:** 1/17/1967
**Description:** Mr. F. Bedel, age 23, was driving on Route 135 about 8 kilometers north of Freetown, Indiana on this night when he saw a plate-shaped object with red, yellow, blue and white blinking lights. He lost control of his car and ran off the road. Less than two kilometers away and at about the same time, Phil Patton saw an identical object that came within 30 meters of his car.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 810
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_358
### Event 27590 (EE34E1C7)
**Date:** 1/17/1967
**Description:** A woman walking home in Romieres, France at 6:45 p.m. saw a beam of light, about one meter in width, sweep across the ground in her direction. It came from a circular, white object that turned off its main light. She then saw reddish spots before it vanished entirely. Another witness saw the phenomenon from a separate location, two kilometers away.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 811
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_359
### Event 27591 (8C0EE3E3)
**Date:** 1/18/1967
**Time:** 00:20
**Description:** Flash and power outage. Domed glowing-disk. Paces car. / r41p325.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FOWLER, Raymond E.: UFO'S, INTERPLANETARY VISITORS; Prentice Hall & Bantam Books, NY 1979. 346pp. (Index 329)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7956
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "265", **HatchDesc:** "S.WILLIAMSTOWN,MA:FLASH+POWER OUTAGE:DOMED GLO-DISK:PACES CAR:/r41p325", **LatLong:** "42.683335 -73.155559", **LatLongDMS:** "42:41:00 N 73:09:20 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.683335,-73.155559)", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 27592 (A54593F5)
**Date:** 1/18/1967
**Time:** 03:10
**Location:** CAPE GIRARDEAU, MO
**Description:** Cops and many. 4-day wave. Object with blue and red and white lights. / r31p4.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 47)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7957
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "136", **Elev:** "104", **HatchDesc:** "CAPE GIRARDEAU,MO:COPS+MANY:4-DAY WAVE:OBJ w/BLU+RED+WHT LITES:/r31p4", **LatLong:** "37.283335 -89.533338", **LatLongDMS:** "37:17:00 N 89:32:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.283335,-89.533338)", **State/Prov:** "Missouri", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 27593 (241489A6)
**Date:** 1/18/1967
**Time:** 18:00
**Location:** SHAMOKIN, PA
**Description:** Observer(s) / (seen thru) binoculars. 18' saucer / low altitude with beams going down. Quickly going up [to] and joins 2nd object. Going west. / r24v3#12.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Book: THE UFO ENIGMA. Report No. 83-205 SPR, Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress, June 20, 1983. UG 633 Marcia S. Smith /Aerospace, Science Policy Research Div.
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7958
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "219", **HatchDesc:** "SHAMOKIN,PA:OBS/BINOCS:18'SCR/LO ALT W/BEAMS ↓:↑↑+JOINS 2nd OBJ:>W:/r24v3#12", **LatLong:** "40.800002 -76.566670", **LatLongDMS:** "40:48:00 N 76:34:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.800002,-76.566670)", **State/Prov:** "Pennsylvania", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 27594 (15172946)
**Date:** 1/18/1967
**Location:** Williamstown, MA
**Description:** 12:15 a.m.EST. Four witnesses saw a flash in the sky just before a power failure occurred. Then they saw a domed disc with body lights. It was near the ground on the opposite bank of the Green River. A red glowing object buzzed their car as they drove away. (Air Force report, Project Blue Book files, National Archives; Fowler, 1974, p. 343.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3218
### Event 27595 (E252272C)
**Date:** 1/18/1967
**Location:** Norton, MA
**Description:** 6:30-6:45 a.m. EST. A man saw a cloud-like object with flat bottom, a dome on top, and a blue stripe. It hovered over an airport, then accelerated and sped away, disappearing in 3 seconds. (Robinson letter, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3219
### Event 27596 (8BADEA29)
**Date:** 1/18/1967
**Location:** Shamokin, PA
**Description:** 6:00 p.m. EST. A family watched a disc with a red light on a projection at the rear approach at low altitude (estimated 400-500 feet), viewed through binoculars. As it neared, the object emitted two pinkish-white light beams downward at about a 45- degree angle from its forward edge. It then turned, rose suddenly, joined a second object and both sped away. (Keyhoe and Lore,1969a, p.43.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3220
### Event 27597 (5AB708A1)
**Date:** 1/18/1967
**Location:** 37.0000 -116.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Rivet I” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_480
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0000 -116.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:00 N 116:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0000,-116.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Rivet I", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 27598 (B9DB4ECE)
**Date:** 1/18/1967
**Location:** Shamokin, Pennsylvania
**Description:** 6:00 p.m. A family in Shamokin, Pennsylvania, watches through binoculars a disc with a red light on a projection at the rear approach them at about 400–500 feet altitude. As it nears, the object emits two pinkish-white light beams downward at about a 45° angle from its forward edge. It then turns, rises suddenly, joins a second object, and both speed away.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Donald E. Keyhoe and Gordon I. R. Lore Jr., UFOs: A New Look, NICAP, 1969, [Appendix D](http://www.nicap.org/newlook/appendD.htm)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4180
### Event 27599 (ACF6F976)
**Date:** 1/18/1967
**Description:** At midnight a flash in the sky was noted shortly before a power outage in Williamstown, Massachusetts. Fifteen minutes later a lighted reddish orange domed disc was sighted on the opposite bank of the Green River from four witnesses. When they drove in get help a red glowing object buzzed their car.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Raymond E. Fowler, Casebook of a UFO Investigator, p.173
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_370
### Event 27600 (5AB7003D)
**Date:** 1/18/1967
**Description:** In Shamokin, Pennsylvania a disc-shaped UFO approached at a low altitude, emitted two beams of light downward, turned, then rose suddenly into the sky and joined a second UFO. Both sped away horizontally.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Mount Carmel (PA) Item, January 19, 1967
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_371
### Event 27601 (D25C022F)
**Date:** 1/19/1967
**Time:** 00:20
**Location:** RIPON, WI
**Description:** Car going west paced / 220km / 18M glowing-ovoid. Hides near towns. Follows turns / road.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLICKENGER, Don: NORTH DAKOTA UFO files. Well Documented NICAP files for the 1960s: Xeroxed by Tom Tulien (Index 11)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7959
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "150", **Elev:** "287", **HatchDesc:** "RIPON,WI:CAR >W PACED/220km/18M GLO-OVOID:HIDES nr TOWNS:FOLOS TURNS/ROAD", **LatLong:** "43.844447 -88.833338", **LatLongDMS:** "43:50:40 N 88:50:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.844447,-88.833338)", **RelAlt:** "75", **State/Prov:** "Wisconsin", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 27602 (E81F6B9C)
**Date:** 1/19/1967
**Time:** 15:00
**Location:** MILAN, IN
**Description:** Rumble. Boy / 15 photographs silent 2M beanpot jar. Clearly seen. / r237p19+r73p134.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 805)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7960
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "300", **HatchDesc:** "MILAN,IN:RUMBLE:BOY/15 FOTOS SLNT 2M BEANPOT JAR:CLEARLY SEEN:/r237p19+r73p134", **LatLong:** "39.122224 -85.133337", **LatLongDMS:** "39:07:20 N 85:08:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.122224,-85.133337)", **State/Prov:** "Indiana", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 27603 (8F6E2FA8)
**Date:** 1/19/1967
**Time:** 18:30
**Description:** Cops. Saucer hovers 500' over Mississippi R. Flashes. Lands?
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** EDWARDS, Frank: FLYING SAUCERS-HERE AND NOW; 1967 Lyle Stewart & Bantam Books 1968. (Index 134)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7961
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "8", **Elev:** "92", **HatchDesc:** "CAIRO,IL> Event 27604 (AF413D3B)
**Date:** 1/19/1967
**Location:** Dunbar, WV
**Description:** 9:05 a.m. EST. The owner of an appliance store saw a dull aluminum-colored sphere with a flange around the middle and a window at the top hovering about 4 feet over the road ahead of him. He estimated it to be 25 feet in diameter. When he was 10 feet from it, the object took off and swiftly rose out of sight. (NICAP report; Charleston Gazette, 1/20/67; Huntington Herald 1/20/67; Keyhoe and Lore, 1969a, sketch p. 46; Flying Saucer Review, 13 (3), May-June 1967, p. 4; U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. Ill, No. 11, Jan.-Feb., 1967, p. 4, dated as Jan. 17.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3221
### Event 27605 (1723FA09)
**Date:** 1/19/1967
**Location:** Milan, IN
**Description:** 3:00 p.m. A photograph was reportedly taken of a UFO by Reed Thompson, a 15- year-old boy from Milan. The town constable stated that the boy was reliable and said that he had seen the photo himself. (Ridge, APRO & NICAP files) (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3222
### Event 27606 (CD7004A0)
**Date:** 1/19/1967
**Location:** Shamokin (area), PA
**Description:** Around 6:00 p.m. Another family reported two objects, one with light beams with red/green blinking lights across the front, a halo of bright light, and two "antennae" on the top. About 45 minutes later, a pastor reported following an object in his car that had two antennae on the top near the rear of the object. (U.F.O. Investigator, Jan.-Feb., 1967, p. 8.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3223
### Event 27607 (89EC3ABD)
**Date:** 1/19/1967
**Time:** 0905
**Location:** Charleston (West Virginia) Tad Jones, 38, was driving near Charleston when he saw a large, metal sphere, about 6 m in diameter, having four legs equipped with wheels and a very small propeller underneath
**Description:** Two min later it flew away.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** FSR 67, 3 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_811
### Event 27608 (D360F12F)
**Date:** 1/19/1967
**Time:** 16:45:00.1
**Location:** 37.1437 -116.1352
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Nash” Yield: 39KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_481
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1437 -116.1352", **LatLongDMS:** "37:08:37 N 116:08:07 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1437,-116.1352)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.37", **NukeMb:** "5.40", **NukeName:** "Nash", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "39"
### Event 27609 (1D123909)
**Date:** 1/19/1967
**Location:** Dunbar, West Virginia
**Description:** 9:05 a.m. Tad Jones is driving a truck in Dunbar, West Virginia, when he sees a dull, aluminum sphere about 20–25 feet in diameter hovering about 4 feet above the road some 500 feet ahead of him. It has two antennae protruding from the top and two legs beneath it, with a propellor between them that rotates slowly when hovering \(but faster when flying\). There is a window at the top and a flange in the middle. When he gets to about 10 feet of it, the object ascends swiftly.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Major Sighting Wave,](http://cufos.org/UFOI%5Fand%5FSelected%5FDocuments/UFOI/035%20JAN-FEB%201967.pdf)” UFO Investigator 3, no. 11 \(Jan./Feb. 1967\): 4
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4181
### Event 27610 (CF805A15)
**Date:** 1/19/1967
**Description:** A 15-year old boy was in his room at four o'clock in the afternoon, in an undisclosed town in Indiana when he heard a sound like a rumbling train. He went to his window to check and was startled to see a shiny flying object moving slowly 25 feet above the ground. The UFO was described as jar shaped with a silver quilted surface and had an opening on the top. The object seemed to follow the contour of the land and made several sharp-angle turns around trees. The teen grabbed a small plastic camera and snapped several photos. One of the photos seems to show the head of a humanoid like figure protruding from the opening on top of the object.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1967, case # 1841, citing Francis L. Ridge, Regional Encounters: The Filter Center Files
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_386
### Event 27611 (D9C87019)
**Date:** 1/20/1967
**Time:** 18:50
**Location:** METHUEN, MA
**Description:** 6+3 observer(s). Car malfunctions due to EME (electro-magnetic effects). Bowl saucer by road. Going quickly southwest. AOK after. / r24v3#11+/ r41p326.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FOWLER, Raymond E.: UFO'S, INTERPLANETARY VISITORS; Prentice Hall & Bantam Books, NY 1979. 346pp. (Index 135)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7962
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **RDR:** Radar traces/blips, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TRC:** Physical traces, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "15", **Elev:** "35", **HatchDesc:** "METHUEN,MA:6+3 OBS:CAR EMES:BOWL SCR by ROAD:>>SW:AOK AFTER:/r24v3#11+/r41p326", **LatLong:** "42.683335 -71.200003", **LatLongDMS:** "42:41:00 N 71:12:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.683335,-71.200003)", **RelAlt:** "2", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 27612 (7334B799)
**Date:** 1/20/1967
**Location:** Methuen, MA
**Description:** Inverted-bowl shaped object moving slowly, accelerated. Fowler, 1974, pp. 138- (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3224
### Event 27613 (C1DFC486)
**Date:** 1/20/1967
**Location:** Over Lake Ontario, in air space
**Description:** 10:15 p.m. EST A pilot and his three passengers saw a round, glowing white object the size of a large apartment building, with a ring of red lights around it that blinked off and on. The object was above the plane at about 2,000 feet. (Letter to APRO dated April 2, 1967, posted on NICAP web site.) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3225
### Event 27614 (4A56B72F)
**Date:** 1/20/1967
**Time:** 17:40:03.4
**Location:** 37.0999 -116.0038
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Bourbon” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 200KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_482
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0999 -116.0038", **LatLongDMS:** "37:06:00 N 116:00:14 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0999,-116.0038)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.56", **NukeMb:** "5.30", **NukeName:** "Bourbon", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "200"
### Event 27615 (BB2893D3)
**Date:** 1/20/1967
**Location:** Methuen, Massachusetts
**Description:** 6:30 p.m. Three girls \(Kimberly Lodge, Ellen Kenney, and Janice Shafer\), 16–17 years old, are driving near Methuen, Massachusetts, when they see a string of 9–10 bright red lights on a dark object that is moving over a field. The object hovers and swings around, revealing lights of a different color and configuration. When the girls stop to watch, their car stalls and the radio and lights go off. It has four glowing lights in the shape of a trapezoid, with red lights on top and white lights forming the base. The lights appear to be reflecting off a metal surface. The object starts moving slowly and then shoots away at high speed. A second car about 3 miles away also sees 7–8 bright lights flying low.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** NICAP, “[Car Stalls after Girls See UFO over Field](http://www.nicap.org/670120methuen%5Fdir.htm)”; “[Major Sighting Wave,](http://cufos.org/UFOI%5Fand%5FSelected%5FDocuments/UFOI/035%20JAN-FEB%201967.pdf)” UFO Investigator 3, no. 11 \(Jan./Feb. 1967\): 3–4; Raymond Fowler, UFOs: Interplanetary Visitors, Prentice-Hall, 1974, pp. 138–143
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4182
### Event 27616 (E79698FC)
**Date:** 1/20/1967
**Description:** In 1967 in Methuen, Massachusetts three teenaged girls saw a string of red lights moving low to the ground about 500 feet away. As they drove nearer, the object connected with the lights swung around to reveal a trapezoid shape with two red and two white lights and a metallic body. The object was now hovering at 100-300 feet altitude and as it moved to the side of the road, the engine, radio and headlights of the girls' car suddenly failed. The generator light continued to pulse, however. The object abruptly shot away to the southwest at 6:45 p.m. and everything in the car worked normally again. Later that evening another group of three witness observed the same object 15 minutes later.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Raymond Fowler, UFOs: Interplanetary Visitors, Jericho, NY, 1975, p. 343; Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, case 183, citing Fowler
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_393
### Event 27617 (9812ED7C)
**Date:** 1/21/1967
**Time:** 19:00
**Location:** HOUSTON, TX
**Description:** PhD and 8 police report(s). Glowing-boomerang / erratic maneuvers. Instant stops. Extremely fast..
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SOULE, Gardner: UFO's & IFOs - A Factual Report..; Putnam's Sons, NY. 1968? (Index 154)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7963
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **NWS:** News media report, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "90", **Elev:** "15", **HatchDesc:** "HOUSTON,TX:PhD+8 POLICE Rpts:GLO-BOOMERANG/ERRATIC MNVRS:INSTANT STOPS:XFAST..", **LatLong:** "29.733335 -95.350005", **LatLongDMS:** "29:44:00 N 95:21:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/29.733335,-95.350005)", **State/Prov:** "Texas", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 27618 (7F6361FC)
**Date:** 1/21/1967
**Location:** Gering, NE
**Description:** 4:15 a.m. MST. Two men saw a white or silver object with red, white, and blue pulsating body lights. It hovered for about 2 minutes and then seemed to follow their car. (Hall letter, Scottsbluff, NE., in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3226
### Event 27619 (7535A039)
**Date:** 1/22/1967
**Location:** USA, Houston (Texas)
**Description:** (Translated from French) During the evening, the Houston police were to receive eight reports concerning a UFO moving quickly. Among the witnesses was Dr. Albert Kuntz who, along with a neighbor, observed the antics of a UFO resembling a boomerang and carrying one or more red lights for 30 minutes. It zigzagged through the sky, stopped, and then repeated the same course in reverse. The movements seemed disordered. The appearance ceased when the sky clouded over around 8:30 PM. (January 22, 1967)
**Reference:** Frank EDWARDS: "Du nouveau sur les S.V." - Laffont 1968, p. 217
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2415
### Event 27620 (348AD050)
**Date:** 1/22/1967
**Time:** 05:50
**Location:** HONOLULU, HI
**Description:** 7 cops and ships crew and airliners. Yellow fireball east going west. 2nd object west going east. Blue glowing all over/all about.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** EDWARDS, Frank: FLYING SAUCERS-HERE AND NOW; 1967 Lyle Stewart & Bantam Books 1968. (Index 142)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7964
**Attributes:** **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **MIL:** Military investigation, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "12", **Duration:** "20", **Elev:** "6", **HatchDesc:** "HONOLULU,HI:7 COPS+SHIPS CREW+AIRLINERS:YEL FBL E>W:2nd OBJ W>E:BLU GLO ALLO", **LatLong:** "21.311112 -157.872230", **LatLongDMS:** "21:18:40 N 157:52:20 W", **Locale:** "Islands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/21.311112,-157.872230)", **State/Prov:** "Hawaii", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 27621 (B40AEF17)
**Date:** 1/22/1967
**Time:** 19:50
**Description:** 8 separate reports. Saucers and boomerang. Erratic darting maneuvers. Big news.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** EDWARDS, Frank: FLYING SAUCERS-HERE AND NOW; 1967 Lyle Stewart & Bantam Books 1968. (Index 143)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7965
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "35", **Elev:** "33", **HatchDesc:** "EL CAMPO+WHARTON,TX:8 SEP.REPts:SCRS+BOOMERANG:ERRATIC DARTING MNVRS:big news", **LatLong:** "29.194446 -96.266671", **LatLongDMS:** "29:11:40 N 96:16:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/29.194446,-96.266671)", **State/Prov:** "Texas", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 27622 (D44229C6)
**Date:** 1/22/1967
**Location:** Providence, NC
**Description:** 8:35 p.m. EST. A man saw a bright light that changed to a series of lights which maneuvered, hovered, and bobbed like a cork on water. The object seemed to ascend with less effort than when it descended . (Compare to Sept. 20, 1966, Sebring, Fla., case.) A wind-like sound was heard. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3227
### Event 27623 (DAD3F15A)
**Date:** 1/22/1967
**Description:** There were eight separate reports of saucers and a boomerang-shaped object from Wharton and El Campo, Texas on this evening, starting at around 8 p.m. The UFOs were engaged in erratic darting maneuvers. It made big news at the time.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Frank Edwards, Flying Saucers - Here and Now, p. 143
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_413
### Event 27624 (2B41DB91)
**Date:** 1/23/1967
**Description:** Another abduction by aliens occurred to Betty Andreassen and four other members of her family in South Ashburnham, Massachusetts. The abduction involved a medical exam with instruments used during the exam, communication, and psychological aftereffects.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II. A Thirty Year Report, p. 529
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_443
### Event 27625 (F44BD6EE)
**Date:** 1/24/1967
**Time:** 17:30
**Description:** Teen photographs UFO. Looks fake but tests good. / r97#36+/ r100p398.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO Evidence II: HB: Scarecrow Press Lanham, MD. http://www.scarecrowpress.com ISBN 0-8108-3881-8 (Index 286)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7966
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **HOX:** Suspicion of hoax, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "4", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "121", **HatchDesc:** "SE/YORBA LINDA,CA:TEEN FOTOS UFO:looks fake but tests good:/r97#36+/r100p398", **LatLong:** "33.883335 -117.800006", **LatLongDMS:** "33:53:00 N 117:48:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/33.883335,-117.800006)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 27626 (010F94E9)
**Date:** 1/24/1967 (approximate)
**Time:** 18:00
**Location:** TRES ESTEROS, CHL
**Description:** Saucer going down. Odd 1.5M man / transparent suit appears. / r8+/ LDLN#187+/ r109p59.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 93)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7967
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Chile", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "2227", **HatchDesc:** "TRES ESTEROS,CHL:SCR ↓:ODD 1.5M MAN/XPRNT SUIT APPEARS:/r8+/LDLN#187+/r109p59", **LatLong:** "-33.616668 -70.250003", **LatLongDMS:** "33:37:00 S 70:15:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-33.616668,-70.250003)", **State/Prov:** "OSO", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 27627 (8B6B1086)
**Date:** 1/24/1967
**Time:** 20:20
**Location:** CROMWELL, CT
**Description:** Ex-USAF man. 100M cylinder/cigar-shape / 15M altitude. WHIRRs and rocks. Going north. Stops over high tension power lines lines.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 809)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7968
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "11", **HatchDesc:** "CROMWELL,CT:EX-USAF MAN:100M CGR/15M alt:WHIRRs+ROCKS:>N:STOPS OVR HIV LINES", **LatLong:** "41.616669 -72.650003", **LatLongDMS:** "41:37:00 N 72:39:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.616669,-72.650003)", **RelAlt:** "15", **State/Prov:** "Connecticut", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 27628 (181CB8FD)
**Date:** 1/24/1967
**Location:** Astoria, NY
**Description:** 1:00 a.m. EST. A witness saw a large solid object with two bright red vertical blinking body lights descend, emitting a sound like an electric shaver (buzzing). (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3228
### Event 27629 (CA29DE73)
**Date:** 1/24/1967
**Location:** Westport, CN
**Description:** 6:00 a.m. EST. A driver for a news service saw an elliptical object with many colored lights or ports on the underside, some red, some green. The object hovered over a house for 15 minutes, then flew away. (Westport News, 1/26/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3229
### Event 27630 (F4224B05)
**Date:** 1/24/1967
**Location:** Yorba Linda, CA
**Description:** 5:25 p.m. PST. A 14-year-old boy saw and photographed a metallic-appearing object shaped like a top hat with four legs projecting from the bottom. (Hall, 2001, pp. 286-87, from "The Yorba Linda Photograph" in Flying Saucer Review, Special Issue, Nov. 1967, pp. 26-35.) (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3230
### Event 27631 (F6C30097)
**Date:** 1/24/1967
**Location:** Yorba Linda, California
**Description:** 5:25 p.m. A 14-year-old boy in Yorba Linda, California, sees an object shaped like a top hat apparently hovering above houses across the street. It seems large and cylindrical, dull metallic, and has four legs. He grabs a camera and snaps a photo of the object, which has started moving away.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Ann Druffel, “[The Yorba Linda](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR-SI%201973%20N%205%2CUFO%20Encounters.pdf) [Photograph,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR-SI%201973%20N%205%2CUFO%20Encounters.pdf)” in Charles Bowen, ed., UFO Encounters, special issue no. 5 of FSR, November 1973, pp. 26–35; UFOEv II 286–287; Patrick Gross, “[Yorba Linda, California, January 24, 1967](https://ufologie.patrickgross.org/htm/yorba.htm)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4184
### Event 27632 (85C11C7E)
**Date:** 1/24/1967
**Description:** A 14-year-old youth with the last name of Kirsch took a photograph of a disc-shaped structured object over Yorba Linda, California at 5:25 p.m. The photo was reported in the Santa Ana Register newspaper, and subsequently evaluated by NICAP as that of a genuine (not hoaxed) flying object.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Santa Ana Register, June 7, 1967; Ann Druffel, MUFON UFO Journal, June 1976, p. 10; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty-Year Report, p. 286
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_480
### Event 27633 (2002ABAF)
**Date:** 1/24/1967
**Description:** At 8:10 p.m. Nicholas Rinaldi, a 37-year-old commercial artist, as well as 19 other people driving along Interstate 91 in Cromwell, Connecticut spotted a 300 foot long dark cigar-shaped object flying low over some highway construction on the new Route 9 interstate highway extension. Rinaldi drew a sketch of the object, which had three bright red lights, one at each end and one in the center. The UFO made a whirring sound. The total duration of the sighting, based upon the times reported by the independent witnesses, was 15 minutes. The Air Force attempted to explain the craft as a mis-identified helicopter, based on the notion that a helicopter would have had three red running lights.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Donald A. Johnson, on-site investigation; Middletown Press, January 26, 1967; APRO Bulletin, May-June 1967, p. 9
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_481
### Event 27634 (A386D458)
**Date:** 1/25/1967
**Location:** GREAT BRITAIN, Studham Common
**Description:** (Translated from French) At around 1:45 pm there was a sudden flash. It was raining, the atmosphere was heavy. Seven young boys were on their way to school, walking along the Dell, a low valley, ideal for hide and seek. Alex Butler, 10 years old, suddenly saw to the south, a small man in blue with a beard in a clearing above the Dell. He called his friends and they ran towards the silhouette. They were 20 yards away when it disappeared like a puff of smoke. As the silhouette had not scared them, they kept looking for it. They saw it again on the opposite side and it disappeared again, this time to the bottom of the Dell. They then heard "voices" in the bushes and started to be afraid. They saw the man a fourth time before the whistle forced them to go back to school.
**Reference:** Jacques VALLEE: "Chronicles of E.T. Appearances" - DENOEL 1972 - coll. J'AI LU, p. 105, 106
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2416
### Event 27635 (ED5A395E)
**Date:** 1/25/1967
**Location:** USA, South Ashburnham (Massachusetts)
**Description:** (Translated from French) Betty Andreasson Case (memories only under hypnosis in 1977)In the evening of January 25, Betty Andreasson was at home with her seven children and her parents, who had come to help her while her husband was recovering from a car accident in the hospital. Around 7 pm the lights in the house dimmed, Betty saw a pink light shining through the kitchen window. Her father saw small creatures, just like Halloween monsters, in the yard. One of them looked at him and he felt strange. Then the lights came back on. Everyone was petrified in a kind of catatonic trance, but Betty saw four 1.20 m tall beings enter the house passing through the closed door. These beings were typical "grays" wearing tight-fitting blue uniforms. Bette remembered nothing else before undergoing hypnosis regression in 1977 (etc.. etc..) ("UFO Files", ed. Marshall Cavendish, Paris 1998, Special Issue, p. 29) At 6:35 pm the lighting flickers and goes out and an orange pulsating light appears in the garden. Becky (11 years old) and her grandfather rush to the window and see small, big-headed figures hopping closer to the house. Then no one remembers anything else. There were Betty Andreasson, 37 years old, her 7 children, and her parents. Under hypnosis the scene was reconstructed 10 years later (in 1977): the entities float through the walls into the house, the mother also floats into the UFO with the inevitable medical examination etc..
**Reference:** Bertrand MEHEUST: "In Flying Saucers" - Imago 1992, p. 37, 38
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2417
### Event 27636 (6F15596E)
**Date:** Late 1/1967
**Location:** FRANCE, Plateau de Valensole
**Description:** (Translated from French) Five people surprised a small bearded being in an empty room of a farm under repair. A chase ensued through the room to catch the strange apparition. In vain, as something like invisible forces made it slip through their hands and finally, after escaping through the window, it disappeared during the ultimate pursuit in the countryside. (1967, late January)
**Reference:** M. FIGUET/ J.L. RUCHON: "Ovni, Premier dossier complet..." ed. Alain Lefeuvre 1979, p. 267
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2419
### Event 27637 (27CE45E7)
**Date:** Late 1/1967
**Location:** CHILE, near Osorno
**Description:** (Translated from French) A man crossing the forest saw a beam of light and a UFO, and was immediately paralyzed. A humanoid entity of 1m30 to 1m50 appeared, as if made of air, almost transparent in a translucent matte suit. (1967, late January)
**Reference:** Janet and Colin BORD: "Modern Mysteries of the World" - Guild Publishing London 1989, p. 321
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2420
### Event 27638 (59072579)
**Date:** 1/25/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In South Ashburnham \(Massachusetts\), [Betty Andreasson](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/temoins.html\#AndreassonBetty) and her family are visited at home by lights, then by small creatures similar to [Gris](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/glossair.html\#Gris). Betty is taken away, and will not remember anything else about this event until she undergoes hypnosis regression at the beginning of 1977 \(see that year\). (January 25th, 7 PM)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2270
### Event 27639 (F895A345)
**Date:** 1/25/1967
**Time:** 04:30
**Location:** WINSTED, MN
**Description:** Blue Book. Truck malfunctions due to EME (electro-magnetic effects). 25M saucer lands / tripod. Man / fishbowl helmet exits. / USAF Tech. Intel. Center. (ATIC.)
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA; H. Regnery, Chicago HC 1969 & Contemporary Books,Chicago 1993. 372pp. (Index 812)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7969
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "314", **HatchDesc:** "WINSTED,MN:BBK:TRUCK EMEs:25M SCR LANDS/TRIPOD:MAN/FISHBOWL HELMET EXITS:/ATIC", **LatLong:** "45.061113 -94.072227", **LatLongDMS:** "45:03:40 N 94:04:20 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.061113,-94.072227)", **State/Prov:** "Minnesota", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 27640 (3F4D19B7)
**Date:** 1/25/1967
**Time:** 16:00?
**Location:** HAMPTON, VA
**Description:** Teen sees and photographs saucer near power lines. Authentic / local Air Force investigation/investigators.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HYNEK, Dr. J. Allen: THE HYNEK UFO REPORT; Dell Publ., NY 1977. 298pp. (Index 152)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7970
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "HAMPTON,VA:TEEN SEES+FOTOS SCR nr PWR LINES:AUTHENTIC/LOCAL AF INV:", **LatLong:** "37.033335 -76.366670", **LatLongDMS:** "37:02:00 N 76:22:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.033335,-76.366670)", **State/Prov:** "Virginia", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 27641 (14A0CD1F)
**Date:** 1/25/1967
**Time:** 18:40
**Description:** Betty Andreason abducted. Full fantastic account / R. E. Fowler.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Book: FOWLER, Raymond: The ANDREASSON AFFAIR; Prentice-Hall 1979 & Bantam 1980.
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7971
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **TLP:** Telepathy, **CNT:** Contactee related, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **RBT:** Possible robot or "Grey", mechanical motions, **MON:** Monster: Life form fits no category, **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly, **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **OPR:** Operations on humans/animal mutilation/surgery, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations, **MIL:** Military investigation
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "220", **Elev:** "274", **HatchDesc:** "S.ASHBURNHAM,MASS:BETTY ANDREASON ABDUCTED:FULL FANTASTIC ACCOUNT/R.E.FOWLER", **LatLong:** "42.611113 -71.938892", **LatLongDMS:** "42:36:40 N 71:56:20 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.611113,-71.938892)", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "13"
### Event 27642 (77C377BB)
**Date:** 1/25/1967
**Location:** South Ashburnham, MA
**Description:** Betty Andreassen abduction case. Craft described as oval with a rim around its circumference, and resting on three legs. (Hall, 2001, pp. 529-30, from Fowler, 1979, 1982, 1990, 1995, section XIII). (NICAP: 06 - Trace Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3231
### Event 27643 (FAC9D17B)
**Date:** 1/25/1967
**Description:** Dr. E. U. Condon, scientific director of the Colorado UFO Project, spoke to the Corning, NY, section of the American Chemical Society, stating that the government should get out of the UFO business, since there was apparently nothing to it.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_113
### Event 27644 (EE0108DB)
**Date:** 1/25/1967
**Location:** South Ashburnham, MA
**Description:** Betty Andreasson abduction
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_114
### Event 27645 (F4154A53)
**Date:** Late 1/1967
**Locations:** Colorado; National Academy of Sciences
**Description:** [McDonald](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James%5FE.%5FMcDonald) is lobbying [Frederick Seitz](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frederick%5FSeitz)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frederick%5FSeitz) president of the National Academy of Sciences, with some mild criticisms of the Colorado project and the establishment of a UFO research panel. Seitz is not convinced.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clark III 698
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4183
### Event 27646 (C4DCF68B)
**Date:** 1/25/1967
**Location:** Corning, New York
**Description:** [Condon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward%5FCondon) gives a talk in Corning, New York, and says: “It is my inclination right now to recommend that the government get out of this business. My attitude right now is that there’s nothing to it … but I’m not supposed to reach a conclusion for another year.” [Keyhoe](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald%5FKeyhoe) is astonished by Condon’s remarks.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Most UFOs Explainable, Says](https://www.newspapers.com/clip/95440493/) [Scientist,](https://www.newspapers.com/clip/95440493/)” Elmira \(N.Y.\) Star-Gazette, January 26, 1967, p. 19; UFOs Yes, 117–119
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4185
### Event 27647 (9D4A7ED1)
**Date:** 1/25/1967
**Location:** South Ashburnham, Massachusetts
**Description:** 6:35 p.m. [Betty Andreasson](https://www.ufocasebook.com/andreassonluca.html) has her first abduction experience in South Ashburnham, Massachusetts. Placed under hypnosis on several occasions in 1977, Andreasson relates that following the appearance of the creatures every member of the family except her enters a state of paralysis “as if time had stopped for them.” A Christian evangelical, Andreasson thinks they must be angels. The culminating event is when Andreasson witnesses a giant phoenix-like bird burn up and reappear from the ashes as a giant worm. Further hypnotic probing brings forth apparent memories of lifelong interactions with extraterrestrials. [Raymond E. Fowler](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raymond%5FE.%5FFowler)’s 1979 book about the case contains the first reference to an implant in abduction literature, a motif that later becomes much more common.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clark III 114–122; Raymond E. Fowler, The Andreasson Affair, Prentice-Hall, 1979; Raymond E. Fowler, [The Andreasson Affair: Phase Two](https://archive.org/details/andreassonaffair00fowl/mode/2up)[,](https://archive.org/details/andreassonaffair00fowl/mode/2up) Prentice-Hall, 1982; Raymond E. Fowler, [The](https://archive.org/details/watcherssecretde00fowl/mode/2up) [Watchers](https://archive.org/details/watcherssecretde00fowl/mode/2up)[,](https://archive.org/details/watcherssecretde00fowl/mode/2up) Bantam, 1990; Raymond E. Fowler, [The Watchers II](https://archive.org/details/raymond-e.-fowler-the-watchers-2-exploring-ufos-the-near-death-experience-abridg%5F202012/page/n1/mode/2up), Wild Flower, 1995; Raymond E. Fowler, The Andreasson Legacy, Marlowe, 1997; Betty Andreasson Luca and Bob Luca, A Lifting of the Veil, The Authors, 2017; Mark Cashman, “Behavioral Classification System for UFO Occupants,” IUR 24, no. 1 \(Spring 1999\): 19; Marcus Lowth, “[The Extraordinary Claims of Betty Andreasson,](https://www.ufoinsight.com/aliens/abductions/claims-betty-andreasson)” UFO Insight, March 24, 2018
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4186
### Event 27648 (EEFFC2FA)
**Date:** 1/25/1967
**Description:** Harold Lenz was driving to work in Winsted, Minnesota at 4:30 a.m. when the engine of his pickup truck stalled near Howard Lake. He got out to check under the hood and saw a bright luminous object, 75 feet long by 30 feet wide, approach and land on three legs on the highway. It made a loud whirring noise. Something like an elevator descended from the bottom and a man walked out. He was dressed in a silver-blue, tight-fitting coverall uniform with a "fish-bowl" helmet over his head. He was about average height and appeared to be human. The UFO occupant seemed to examine something on the object. He then got back into the UFO and it took off. The total event lasted between 3-4 minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1967-08, citing USAF Project Blue Book files; Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, case , citing 184, citing Vallee
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_506
### Event 27649 (A6D57948)
**Date:** 1/25/1967
**Description:** At around two a.m. three teenage girls--Susan, Tanya and Marianne--were enjoying a typical teenage pajama party in Pittsfield, Pennsylvania and were doing anything but sleeping when all three simultaneously spotted a peculiar light shimmering through the closed curtains of Susan's bedroom. Without warning the drapes parted of their own accord and a midget-sized triangular object was revealed, hovering a few feet from the house. It began beaming a pinkish light of a painfully brilliant intensity into the bedroom. When the triangle moved to the second window, the curtains repeated their opening act, and the light intensity increased several fold. At this point the girls became quite frightened and tried to flee, but all three girls quickly became weak and paralyzed, unable to cry out or do more than whimper helplessly. After a few more torturous moments the light effect dissipated and their mobility was restored, although a dizzy sensation continued to haunt the girls for nearly an hour.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1967, citing Robert A. Goerman
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_507
### Event 27650 (1F31EFD8)
**Date:** 1/25/1967
**Description:** Shortly after sunset, Betty Andreasson, her parents and her seven children were frightened by a pulsating reddish-orange light outside their backyard in South Ashburnham, Massachusetts. This was accompanied by a "silent vacuum" and failure of all the lights in the house. Four entities appeared before Betty in the kitchen after passing through a closed door. The beings were nearly identical in appearance, with large baldheads, gray skin, large wrap-around eyes with hazy, light gray interiors. They had "scar like" mouths and holes for noses and ears. They wore sparkly, dark blue uniforms with a lighter blue "Sam Browne" strap. They had bulky hands, possibly gloved, and wore boots.
Their leader, named Quazgaa, was slightly taller and his suit was darker that the others. The reported height of the entities was between 3 1/2 and five feet. Quazgaa began telepathic communication with Betty in the kitchen. He asked her for some food and was offered some left over meat. The beings declined, asking that it be cooked again and she cooked it on the stove. They followed her into the living room where she handed the leader a Bible. He created several copies and handed them to the crew. He in turn handed her a thin, blue book containing their form of knowledge, which remained in her possession for nine days. During these proceedings the other family members were sitting in the living room in a trance state. However, Betty's daughter remembered and confirmed part of the above testimony. Betty was then "talked into" going onboard the entities' craft. She was on board for an estimated two hours. During this time she was led through several rooms, was given a physical exam, and had a needle inserted in her nostril and another in her navel, and had a body scan by a device that looked like a giant eye. She was then placed in an enclosed seat that was filled with a soothing liquid, in which she was "prepared" for an unusual journey.
Accompanied by two guides she visited an alien realm where she saw cities, strange bug-eyed creatures, and a vast ocean. She had a traumatic religious experience, which led her to believe that the beings were some form of "angels." Returning from the journey she was led back to her home by two of the entities, one named Joohop. Her family was still in a state of suspended animation. Her daughter later recalled being "baby sat" by the one remaining entity. The beings, holding spheres of light in their hands, proceeded to put the family to bed, Betty the abductee being the last. The incident included automatic writing, speaking in strange tongues, visions, message transfer and telephone "contact," some of these occurring under hypnosis and others during the investigation. Betty was found to have several previous contacts and numerous post-1967 abduction experiences as well.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1967-127, citing Ray Fowler, Joe Santangelo, Jules Vaillancourt, David Webb, Fred Youngren & Dr. Herbert Edelstein
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_508
### Event 27651 (A1D46BEF)
**Date:** 1/26/1967
**Time:** 20:30
**Location:** HEIDELBURG, GERM
**Description:** 50+observer(s). 16M metallic blimp / 30M over US Army base. Jets near. Object going [to] fast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 809)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7972
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **MIL:** Military investigation
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Germany", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "HEIDELBURG,GERM:50+OBS:16M MTLC BLIMP/30M ovr US ARMY BASE:JETS NEAR:OBJ >FAST", **LatLong:** "49.416669 8.716667", **LatLongDMS:** "49:25:00 N 08:43:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.416669,8.716667)", **State/Prov:** "Bade-Wurtemberg", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 27652 (5309D939)
**Date:** 1/26/1967
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** COFFEEN, IL
**Description:** Minister. 20 Mx3M slow silent saucer crosses SR185 near Coffeen Lake. / USAF Tech. Intel. Center. (ATIC.)
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA; H. Regnery, Chicago HC 1969 & Contemporary Books,Chicago 1993. 372pp. (Index 813)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7973
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "193", **HatchDesc:** "COFFEEN,IL:MINISTER:20Mx3M SLOW SLNT SCR CROSSES SR185 nr COFFEEN LAKE:/ATIC", **LatLong:** "39.088891 -89.388893", **LatLongDMS:** "39:05:20 N 89:23:20 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.088891,-89.388893)", **State/Prov:** "Illinois", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 27653 (9DF95E7A)
**Date:** 1/26/1967
**Location:** Coffeen (near), IL
**Description:** 60 ft object, flat on the bottom, rounded on top 10 ft thick (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3232
### Event 27654 (56B8D1E6)
**Date:** 1/26/1967
**Location:** Jamaica, NY
**Description:** 1:30 a.m. EST. Three witnesses saw an oblong or oval object, gray or silver, with a red top. On top were several protrusions, along which moved green flashes of light. The object moved in erratic flight with a swirling motion and made a "weird" noise. A dog was reported to be upset by the phenomenon (animal reaction) during the sighting. (New York NICAP Subcommittee report and letter with a copy of Air Force report form, in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3233
### Event 27655 (EA272F29)
**Date:** 1/26/1967
**Location:** Kirkwood, MO
**Description:** 5:40 a.m. CST. A woman saw a disc-shaped object that was flat on the bottom and had a rounded top (dome). A group of closely spaced red lights was visible on the bottom. The object flew straight for 5-6 seconds before disappearing. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3234
### Event 27656 (EF89C56F)
**Date:** 1/26/1967
**Location:** Havre, MT
**Description:** 8:15 p.m. MST. A man saw a solid ball (sphere) with blinking yellow body light(s) which descended, circled a mountain, and flew off. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3235
### Event 27657 (A50632E6)
**Date:** 1/26/1967
**Location:** Heidelberg, Germany
**Description:** 8:30 p.m. LT. Witnesses first heard a -pulsating sound, then saw a shiny, metallic dirigible-shaped (elliptical) object; hovering over a building. As jets approached the object, it took off (aircraft avoidance) with its lights flashing in a regular cycle. (APRO Bulletin, May-June 1967, p. 4.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3236
### Event 27658 (5CFB5F45)
**Date:** 1/26/1967
**Time:** 2100
**Location:** Coffeen, Illinois
**Description:** A Methodist minister was driving on Route 185 near Coffeen when he saw an object, flat on the bottom, rounded on top, cross the road silently 100 m away, at low speed. Length, 20 m; height, 3 m.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Atic ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_813
### Event 27659 (40938F89)
**Date:** 1/26/1967
**Location:** 37.0000 -116.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Rivet II” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_483
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0000 -116.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:00 N 116:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0000,-116.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Rivet II", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 27660 (D90B076F)
**Date:** 1/26/1967
**Locations:** Heidelberg, Germany; Apartment building
**Description:** 8:30 p.m. The teenage daughter of a lieutenant colonel residing on a US Army base in Heidelberg, Germany, hears a strange pulsating sound. She tells her father, and they look out the window to see a dirigible- shaped object about 50–60 feet long hovering about 150 feet off the ground above a motor vehicle shed. Before long, a crowd of 50–60 people gather around their apartment building to watch the object, which is only 100 feet away. Some observers with binoculars say it is metallic and has lights that alternate in red, blue, and green colors. After about 20 minutes, US Air Force jets approach in response to a call from the base, and the UFO’s lights increase in intensity and it speeds away.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Around the Globe,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201967%2005%2000%20-%20May-June.pdf)” APRO Bulletin, May/June 1967, p. 4
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4187
### Event 27661 (EAB6612F)
**Date:** 1/26/1967
**Description:** Sixty military witnesses at a U.S. base in Heidelberg, Germany heard a pulsating sound at 8:30 p.m., and then saw a shiny metallic dirigible-shaped object hovering over a building 100 feet away. As jets approached to investigate the object, it took off with lights flashing in a regular cycle.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** APRO Bulletin, May-June 1967, p. 4; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty-Year Report, p. 326
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_520
### Event 27662 (6B192DA4)
**Date:** 1/26/1967
**Description:** Three women saw an oblong, gray and red object, with prongs of various colors was seen over Jamaica, Queens borough, New York at 1:30 a.m. Parts of the UFO seemed to move independently. The sighting lasted more than two hours.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP New York case investigation; Condon Committee UFO Study
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_521
### Event 27663 (D5003AE4)
**Date:** 1/26/1967
**Description:** On this morning, about a week after seeing a large metallic sphere hovering above a highway near Charleston, West Virginia, Tad Jones was driving along the same highway at the same time when he came upon a man standing on the roadside in the same spot where the sphere had hovered. Thinking that it was a hitchhiker Tad slowed down and called to him. The man did not reply but merely waved him on. He described the man as very tanned, wearing a blue coat, and a blue cap with a visor. He was holding a box in his hand. It appeared to be some kind of instrument with a dial on it, like a clock, and a wire ran from it to his other hand. A later check with the local gas company proved negative as far as it being one of their men. Furthermore, no such instrument described by Jones was in use anywhere by any of their employees. He saw the same man again the next day, but drove on.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** John Keel, FSR, May-June 1967, p. 4; Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1967, case # 3096, citing John Keel, The Mothman Prophecies
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_522
### Event 27664 (475ACC4F)
**Date:** 1/26/1967
**Description:** A Methodist minister was driving on Route 185 near Coffeen, Illinois at 9:00 p.m. when he saw an object that was flat on the bottom and rounded on top cross the road 100 meters in front of him. It made no noise and moved slowly. He estimated that it was 20 meters in length and three meters in height.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 812, citing USAF Air Technical Intelligence Center
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_523
### Event 27665 (848CEE07)
**Date:** 1/27/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) At Cape Kennedy, fire on board the cockpit of [Apollo 1](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/Apollo.html\#Apollo1). The temperature reaches 1400°C in a few seconds due to the flammability of pure oxygen, and the 3 astronauts \(Gus Grissom, [Ed White](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/pilotes.html\#WhiteEdward), and Roger Chaffee\) are asphyxiated by carbon monoxide. (January 27th, 6:30 PM)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2271
### Event 27666 (89C2AFC6)
**Date:** 1/28/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) The Blue Man, p. 115. (January 28th, 1:45 PM)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2272
### Event 27667 (46699170)
**Date:** 1/28/1967 (approximate)
**Location:** NEAR VALENSOLE, FR
**Description:** 5 observer(s) surprise and chase strange small humanoid (or Grey) / farm. Strange force stops them.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FIGEUT, Michel & RUCHON, Jean-Louis: OVNI - Le Premier Dossier..; Alain LeFeuvre, Paris 1979. (Index 267)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7974
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **NFO:** No craft seen, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **MON:** Monster: Life form fits no category, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "nr VALENSOLE,FR:5 OBS SURPRISE+CHASE STRANGE OID/FARM:STRANGE FORCE STOPS THEM", **LatLong:** "43.850002 5.983334", **LatLongDMS:** "43:51:00 N 05:59:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.850002,5.983334)", **State/Prov:** "Alpes de Haute Provence", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 27668 (3B5655FF)
**Date:** 1/28/1967
**Time:** 03:00
**Location:** GRANITE CITY, IL
**Description:** Classic domed saucer seen / 6 cops and more / (seen thru) binoculars. Goes going up [to], going down [to], <, going. Not Venus.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** EDWARDS, Frank: FLYING SAUCERS-HERE AND NOW; 1967 Lyle Stewart & Bantam Books 1968. (Index 135)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7975
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "130", **HatchDesc:** "GRANITE CITY,IL:CLASSIC DOMED SCR SEEN/6 COPS+/BINOCS:GOES ↑,↓,<,>:NOT VENUS.", **LatLong:** "38.700002 -90.150004", **LatLongDMS:** "38:42:00 N 90:09:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.700002,-90.150004)", **State/Prov:** "Illinois", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 27669 (4FA284EF)
**Date:** 1/28/1967
**Time:** 13:50
**Location:** STUDHAM, ENGL
**Description:** 7 boys. 3' small humanoid (or Grey) / helmet appears and vanishes 4X. Smoke. / FSR'67#4+/ LDLN#186.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: DIMENSIONS, A Casebook of Alien Contact Ballentine, NY 1989. PB (Index 81)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7976
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HOX:** Suspicion of hoax, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **NFO:** No craft seen, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "STUDHAM,ENGL:7 BOYS:3'OID/HELMET APPEARS+VANISHES 4X:SMOKE:/FSR'67#4+/LDLN#186", **LatLong:** "51.783336 -0.533333", **LatLongDMS:** "51:47:00 N 00:32:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.783336,-0.533333)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 27670 (9807D501)
**Date:** 1/28/1967
**Location:** Irish Valley, PA
**Description:** 6:00 p.m. Members of three families saw two objects, one saucer shaped (disc) with projections and a dome on top, blinking red and green lights across the front and a silver object protruding from the top. The objects variously maneuvered and hovered, together and independently. Many other area sightings also were reported. (Shamokin News Dispatch, Pa., 1/29/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3237
### Event 27671 (A35ED605)
**Date:** 1/28/1967
**Time:** 1345
**Location:** Studham, Great Britain
**Description:** Children observed "a little blue man with a tall hat and a beard" that disappeared in a puff of smoke; they later saw him again, and heard "foreign-sounding" voices.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** FSR 67, 4; Magonia ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_814
### Event 27672 (16A01D6A)
**Date:** 1/28/1967
**Locations:** Studham Common; Studham Lower School, Bedfordshire, England
**Description:** 1:45 p.m. Alex Butler, 10, and five young friends are playing on Studham Common as they are making their way to Studham Lower School, Bedfordshire, England. Suddenly a flash of lightning strikes nearby, and Alex sees a little blue man about 3 feet tall with a high bowler hat and beard standing motionless on the opposite bank. It is clothed in a one-piece garment with a broad black belt and black box in front. A dim glow envelops him, giving him a blue color. The other boys see it too. They begin to run toward the creature, but it disappears in a puff of smoke. The little man appears in a different spot, and the boys start running there, but again he disappears. As the vanishing act repeats again, the boys hear a deep-toned sound emanating from two spots nearby. At that point the school bell sounds, and the boys rush off to class. Miss Newcomb, the school headmistress, interviews the boys and collects their written reports in a scrapbook \(now lost\).
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** R. H. B. Winder, “[The Little Blue Man on Studham Common,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201967%20V%2013%20N%204.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 13, no. 4 \(July/Aug. 1967\): 3–4; Theo Paijmans, “In Search of the Little Blue Man,” Fortean Times 339 \(May 2016\): 56–57
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4188
### Event 27673 (91B22CF8)
**Date:** 1/28/1967
**Description:** At 1:45 p.m. a group of school boys encountered a "little blue man" about three feet tall, wearing a helmet, on Studham Common in England. The humanoid said something unintelligible, and disappeared and re-appeared four times, leaving behind a cloud of smoke.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Flying Saucer Review, July 1967, p. 3
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_552
### Event 27674 (83591E46)
**Date:** 1/28/1967
**Description:** By this date things were more or less back to normal at the Kushner household in Pittsfield, Pennsylvania following a frightening close encounter experience with a brilliant pink triangular UFO three nights earlier (on January 25th). However, shortly after dinner two strange men arrived at the door. They identified themselves as military investigators and flashed what appeared to be USAF identification. Mrs. Kushner described the ID card as having black printing on a durable white stock. Both men wore tan trench coats which they kept buttoned from knee to collar. The taller of the two, who did all the talking, was described as thin and deeply tanned, and having blond hair and green eyes. The other gentleman was heavy set with dark hair, piercing blue eyes and was also deeply tanned. The men were polite but very insistent about one thing: they wanted every shred of information about the girl's experience. Neither parent could explain why they allowed their children to be so intensely grilled by these "government agents." The men moved about the house with apparently total knowledge of the contents of the rooms, the placement of furniture and other objects. Their clothing looked as if it had been newly purchased and the bottoms of their shoes were unscuffed. When the mystery men left they backed their vehicle out onto the roadway, turned off their headlights, and powered away down the road. At one point one man was seen writing strange symbols in vertical columns, starting from the left, going down one column, up the next, and down the third. This was in a small booklet.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1967, citing Robert A. Goerman
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_553
### Event 27675 (8A4375EB)
**Date:** 1/29/1967
**Description:** At around 10:00 p.m. Mrs. Enid Campbell saw from her window in her home near Knox City, Missouri what at first looked like the full moon, but as it got closer she could see that it was a Saturn-shaped object, with the main body white in color like a frosted light bulb and a shiny gold horizontal ring around the center which had numerous round holes. The object came up to within several feet of her window before stopping, and through its semi-transparent material she could see a control panel with a lever on top, and two occupants, one seated at the panel, the other standing. They wore "shiny, silvery wetsuits." She called her sons Gene, age 18, and George, age 14, who came to the window in time to see the object as it rose and moved away. While it hovered nearby two smaller white luminous spheres approached and entered the craft through an opening, after which the holes in the central ring jetted out red fire. Then the object ascended vertically and disappeared. The snow on the ground under the spot where it had been hovering was melted, and the ground over which the object first approached the house failed to grow plants, while plants elsewhere grew normally.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Skylook, April 1971, p. 12 and November 1972, p. 8; Francis L. Ridge, Regional Encounters, p. 27; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1967-10, citing Ted Phillips for MUFON
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_575
### Event 27676 (B026DB07)
**Date:** 1/30/1967
**Time:** 07:10
**Location:** LANDER, WY
**Description:** Ex Air Force man. Long thin cylinder/cigar-shape going northeast / 15 second(s). Intense blue light / entire length.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 47)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7977
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "1632", **HatchDesc:** "LANDER,WY:EX AF MAN:LONG THIN CGR >NE /15 sec:INTENSE BLUE LITE/entire length", **LatLong:** "42.866669 -108.766672", **LatLongDMS:** "42:52:00 N 108:46:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.866669,-108.766672)", **State/Prov:** "Wyoming", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 27677 (E44EB89D)
**Date:** 1/30/1967
**Time:** 08:00
**Location:** ROSS, ND
**Description:** Janitor. Plain flat-bottom/underside dome going southeast / 60 seconds. 20 mm / apparent size. Vibrant bright. Sharp outlines.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLICKENGER, Don: NORTH DAKOTA UFO files. Well Documented NICAP files for the 1960s: Xeroxed by Tom Tulien (Index 14)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7978
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "697", **HatchDesc:** "ROSS,ND:JANITOR:PLAIN FLAT-BTM DOME >SE/60 secs:20mm/BDB:VBRITE:SHARP OUTLINES", **LatLong:** "48.311113 -102.544449", **LatLongDMS:** "48:18:40 N 102:32:40 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.311113,-102.544449)", **State/Prov:** "North Dakota", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 27678 (878E5417)
**Date:** 1/30/1967
**Time:** 08:00
**Location:** CROSBY, ND
**Description:** 5+2 observer(s) include/including commercial pilot. Ovoid rises / behind barn. Up and away. See / r72#14.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HYNEK, J. Allen: The UFO EXPERIENCE, A Scientific Inquiry; Ballentine Books, NY 1974,1977. (Index 73)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7979
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **NUC:** Nuclear facility related, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "597", **HatchDesc:** "CROSBY,ND:5+2 OBS INCL Coml PILOT:OVOID RISES/BHND BARN:UP+AWAY:see /r72#14", **LatLong:** "48.927780 -103.300005", **LatLongDMS:** "48:55:40 N 103:18:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.927780,-103.300005)", **RelAlt:** "1", **State/Prov:** "North Dakota", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 27679 (04F7BF00)
**Date:** 1/30/1967
**Location:** Crosby (5 miles SW and 20 miles W of), ND
**Description:** Bright white sharply outlined lozenge-shaped object (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3238
### Event 27680 (0CEA755D)
**Date:** 1/30/1967
**Time:** 04:01:59.5
**Location:** 49.7674 77.9914
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed, salvo. Country: USSR Yield: .002KT YieldMax: 40KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1294
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.7674 77.9914", **LatLongDMS:** "49:46:03 N 77:59:29 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.7674,77.9914)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "4.80", **NukeSource:** "BOCHAROV", **NukeType:** "NUCS_SALVO", **NukeY:** ".002", **NukeYMax:** "40"
### Event 27681 (B7DB041D)
**Date:** 1/30/1967
**Locations:** Crosby, North Dakota; Highways 5 and 85
**Description:** 8:04 a.m. Commercial pilot [Delton Schwanz](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/29931189/delton-delbert-schwanz) is with his wife [Della](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/29931188/della-gertrude-schwanz) and three children 5 miles southwest of Crosby, North Dakota, when they see a bright-white, sharply outlined, lozenge-shaped object to the west. It momentarily hovers, then moves in level flight to the left, with a smooth climb in the southwest. It drops white “strips” of light that descend vertically and disappears to the south by ascending to about 30°–45° elevation. At around the same time, George Larsen \(Larson?\) and Larry Pateof \(Pace?\) are driving by car 20 miles west of Crosby near the intersection of Highways 5 and 85 and see a large white light moving rapidly from west to south dropping something and disappearing suddenly.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** [Sparks](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf)[,](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf) p. 321; Hynek, The UFO Experience, Ballantine ed., 1974, [pp. 73–74](https://archive.org/details/ufoexperience00jall/page/72/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4189
### Event 27682 (997B03AF)
**Date:** 1/30/1967
**Locations:** State Highway 99; Sandusky, Ohio
**Description:** 6:45 p.m. [Reinhardt N. Ausmus](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/112023883/reinhardt-norbert-ausmus) and his wife [Ruth](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/134346224/ruth-m-swint) are driving north on State Highway 99 in Sandusky, Ohio, when they spot a bright light in the sky. Stopping their car, they watch it hover for several minutes before it is suddenly extinguished.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[UFO over NASA Station,](http://cufos.org/UFOI%5Fand%5FSelected%5FDocuments/UFOI/036%20MAR-APR%201967.pdf)” UFO Investigator 3, no. 12 \(March/April 1967\): 6
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4190
### Event 27683 (89F8D383)
**Date:** 1/30/1967
**Description:** At 7:05 a.m. in Lander, Wyoming Mr. J. Kenney, an ex-Air Force man, sighted a long, thin cigar-shaped object that flew to the northeast for 15 seconds. There was an intense blue light the entire length of the object.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP UFO Investigator, February 1967, p. 4
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_603
### Event 27684 (33976FFF)
**Date:** 1/30/1967
**Description:** At 7:30 p.m. CST nine people in Granite City, Illinois reported sighting a cup-shaped object with a dome on top.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Gilbert L. Bernier, UFO-INFO, April 1967, p. 12
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_604
### Event 27685 (ED3ADFAA)
**Date:** 1/30/1967
**Description:** At 8:04 p.m. CST Delton Schwanz, a commercial pilot with 29 years experience and a past U.S. Air Force serviceman, was driving with his wife Della and children Robert, Roger and Diane five miles southwest and 20 miles west of Crosby, North Dakota when they saw a bright white, sharply outlined lozenge-shaped object in the western sky. It had a length to width ratio of 4:1 and an elevation of 15°-20°. It momentarily stopped, then moved in level flight to the left, making a smooth climb in the southwest and dropping white "strips" of light that descended vertically. It disappeared to the south at azimuth 170° by ascending to about 30°-45° elevation. Two other men were independent witnesses, driving by car west of Crosby near the intersection of Highways 5 and 85, where they reported seeing a large white light moving rapidly from west to south and dropping a "piece" of the object, then vanishing suddenly.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** J. Allen Hynek, The UFO Experience, pp. 64-65; Willy Smith, UNICAT, case # 315
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_605
### Event 27686 (55DC4F68)
**Date:** 1/31/1967
**Location:** Kirkwood, MO
**Description:** 12:01 a.m. CST. A McDonnell aviation company engineer saw a brilliant bluish- white light going fast in a zig-zag path. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3239
### Event 27687 (F696EF2C)
**Date:** 1/31/1967
**Locations:** Washington, D.C.; Corning, New York
**Description:** [Saunders](https://psycnet.apa.org/record/1993-27194-001) stops in at NICAP in Washington, D.C., to pick up some case material. [Keyhoe](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald%5FKeyhoe) and [Hall](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard%5FH.%5FHall) show him a clipping about [Condon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward%5FCondon)’s statements in Corning, New York. Saunders suggests that Condon is misquoted. But several NICAP members had been in the audience and one has already resigned to protest NICAP’s support of a sham investigation.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clark III 1194
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4191
### Event 27688 (F70DAD46)
**Date:** 2/1967
**Location:** USA, Winsted (Connecticut)
**Description:** (Translated from French) Two girls heard in the evening, coming from the barn, a noise resembling that of a lawnmower engine. They then saw three humanoid creatures approaching the house. A car that was passing by seemed to frighten the creatures, and a few minutes later the girls and their neighbor saw a UFO take off from a nearby hill. (February or March 1967)
**Reference:** Roger BOAR and Nigel BLUNDELL: "The World's greatest Ufo Mysteries" ed. Hamlyn 1995, p. 136
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2426
### Event 27689 (93D6B807)
**Date:** 2/1967
**Time:** 13:00?
**Location:** NEAR TIKSI, RUSSIA
**Description:** Airline(s)/airliner crew / daytime. Pearly disk passes IL-18 / 8km altitude. 90° turn quickly going up.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 204)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7980
**Attributes:** **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Russia", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "nr TIKSI,RUSS:AL CREW/DAYTIME:PEARLY DISK PASSES IL-18/8km alt:90° TURN ↑↑", **LatLong:** "71.600003 128.800006", **LatLongDMS:** "71:36:00 N 128:48:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/71.600003,128.800006)", **State/Prov:** "PLR", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 27690 (A9E82533)
**Date:** 2/1967
**Location:** Zanesville, OH
**Description:** Ralph Ditter, a Zanesville, Ohio barber took two photographs of this unknown object. Ditter was an amateur astronomer, and avid sky watcher. He made the two photos available to the press. Later found to be a hoax. (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)
**Reference:** NICAP: [670200](http://www.ufocasebook.com/zanesvilleohio1967large.jpg)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3240
### Event 27691 (61EC5C3F)
**Date:** 2/1967
**Location:** Brown County, IN
**Description:** 5:30 a.m. EST. A woman saw a shiny round object with a flat bottom hover over her house and then fly away. The object made a loud whistling sound. (Brown Co. Democrat, Nashville, Ind., 2/9/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3241
### Event 27692 (08FA60EB)
**Date:** 2/1967
**Location:** San Antonio, TX
**Description:** Night. FAA Flight Service Specialists plus control tower personnel saw a large round red object that moved slowly under the cloud layer. Smaller objects emerged from the larger and flew away rapidly toward the southwest. (Letter dated 2/22/67, in NICAP files (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3242
### Event 27693 (F7F9B0FF)
**Date:** 2/1967
**Location:** Colorado
**Description:** Although a UFO wave is in progress, practically no one at the Colorado project has the knowledge or resources to perform a serious investigation. Other than [Low](http://ufohistoryfiles.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/CO%2067%20NEWS.pdf) and the junior staff, nearly everyone lacks basic equipment, questionnaires, cameras, or tape measures.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** UFOs Yes, 110
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4192
### Event 27694 (E04B78DB)
**Date:** 2/1967
**Description:** [John A. Keel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John%5FKeel) speaks with USAF Col. [George P. Freeman](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/130745860/george-parrish-freeman)[,](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/130745860/george-parrish-freeman) who tells him that “Mysterious men dressed in Air Force uniforms or bearing impressive credentials from government agencies have been silencing UFO witnesses.” The Air Force is unable to find out anything about them because this is a federal offense.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** John A. Keel, The Mothman Prophecies, Tor ed., 1991, [p. 25](https://archive.org/details/mothmanprophecie00keelrich/page/24/mode/2up); Nick Redfern, “[MIB Are Not from the Government,](https://mysteriousuniverse.org/2015/06/mib-are-not-from-the-government/)” Mysterious Universe, June 23, 2015
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4193
### Event 27695 (30DC7D33)
**Date:** 2/1967
**Location:** USSR
**Description:** Soviet cosmologist [Felix Ziegel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Felix%5FZiegel) writes an article revealing that “UFOs have been seen all over the USSR; the craft of every possible shape, small, large, flattened, spherical. They are able to remain stationary in the atmosphere or shoot along at 100,000 kilometers per hour. They move without producing the slightest sound, by creating around themselves a pneumatic vacuum that protects them from burning up in our stratosphere. Their craft have the mysterious capacity to vanish and reappear at will. Besides, they are able to affect our power resources, putting to a halt our electricity-generating plants, our radio stations, and our engines, without, however, leaving any permanent damage. So refined a technology can only be the fruit of an intelligence that is indeed far superior to ours.” The article is regarded in the West as the first-ever evidence that the Soviets are aware of UFO phenomena too.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** CIA translation of Felix Ziegel, “[UFOs: What Are They?](https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP79B00752A000300090001-6.pdf)” Smena, no. 7 \(February 1967\): 27– 29
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4194
### Event 27696 (9161378A)
**Date:** 2/1/1967
**Time:** 2100
**Location:** Boadilla del Monte, Spain
**Description:** Three witnesses independently saw a craft emitting light signals land a few meters away.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** LDLN 93 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_815
### Event 27697 (5948E37F)
**Date:** 2/1/1967
**Location:** Boulder, Colorado
**Description:** In Boulder, Colorado, [Saunders](https://psycnet.apa.org/record/1993-27194-001) confronts [Condon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward%5FCondon)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward%5FCondon) who confirms the Corning quote and wonders why Saunders is making a fuss. After 30 minutes, Saunders persuades him that he is having a negative effect. Finally, Condon writes [Keyhoe](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald%5FKeyhoe) saying that his words were taken out of context and that he will look at the NICAP case files.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clark III 1194
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4195
### Event 27698 (79242358)
**Date:** 2/1/1967
**Description:** At 9:00 p.m. three witnesses in Boadilladel Monte, Spain independently saw a craft emitting light signals land a few meters away.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 813
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_653
### Event 27699 (2F2C3DF4)
**Date:** 2/2/1967
**Location:** PERU, between Piura and Lima, in flight
**Description:** (Translated from French) The plane had taken off from Piura to Lima. It was 6 pm when the 52 passengers and the seven crew members saw an object in the shape of a cone near the aircraft. For 60 minutes it performed a series of acrobatic maneuvers. It constantly changed color: red, orange, blue, white. A second UFO came to join it and both of them moved away at the speed of light. During their passage, radio signals were interrupted and the light in the cabin weakened.
**Reference:** Inforespace n° 20 - April 1975 - p. 2 and 3
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2421
### Event 27700 (9D74CCE4)
**Date:** 2/2/1967
**Time:** 03:40
**Location:** WEST FRANKFORT, IL
**Description:** Room size domed saucer with windows just over TV antenna / house / 20 minute(s).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 286)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7981
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "20", **Elev:** "122", **HatchDesc:** "W.FRANKFORT,IL:ROOM SIZE DOMED SCR W/WINDOWS JUST OVR TV ANTENNA/HOUSE/20min", **LatLong:** "37.900002 -88.933338", **LatLongDMS:** "37:54:00 N 88:56:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.900002,-88.933338)", **RelAlt:** "8", **State/Prov:** "Illinois", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 27701 (C7CFC4D0)
**Date:** 2/2/1967
**Time:** 16:00
**Location:** STANFORD, CA
**Description:** 2 boys photograph huge silver donut saucer. Windows / edge. Lights blink. Humming and buzz.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 809)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7982
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HOX:** Suspicion of hoax, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "5", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "20", **HatchDesc:** "STANFORD,CA:2 BOYS FOTO HUGE SLVR DONUT SCR:WINDOWS/EDGE:LITES BLINK:HUM+BUZZ", **LatLong:** "37.422224 -122.177784", **LatLongDMS:** "37:25:20 N 122:10:40 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.422224,-122.177784)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 27702 (D0C07BC1)
**Date:** 2/2/1967
**Time:** 18:30
**Description:** 2 70M cone saucers pace DC4 / 800km. Cabin lights dim. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). / APRO 1'67.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PHENOMENES SPATIAUX: Group GEPA, Gen. M. Lionel Chassin Paris. Quarterly 1964?-1977. Merged into Grp. GEPAN (Index 17)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7983
**Attributes:** **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Peru", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "70", **Elev:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "nr CHICLAYO,PERU:2 70M CONE SCRs PACE DC4/800km:CABIN LITES DIM:RFI:/APRO 1'67", **LatLong:** "-6.750000 -79.833337", **LatLongDMS:** "06:45:00 S 79:50:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-6.750000,-79.833337)", **State/Prov:** "LMA", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 27703 (D601413F)
**Date:** 2/2/1967
**Location:** Lima, Peru
**Description:** This is the only surviving photo of the funnel-shaped flying object that paced the Fawcett Airlines DC-4 passenger liner in flight from Piura to Lima on February 2, 1967, at 06:30 P.M. One passenger, who insisted on remaining anonymous, succeeded in saving his film from which this single photograph was made. (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)
**Reference:** NICAP: [670202](http://www.ufocasebook.com/limaperularge.jpg)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3243
### Event 27704 (718B3AF3)
**Date:** 2/2/1967
**Location:** Lima, Peru
**Description:** Cone paced airliner (E-M) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3244
### Event 27705 (55EC1F9C)
**Date:** 2/2/1967
**Location:** Sumner, IL
**Description:** A well-known craftsman, who requested anonymity, reported to the Lawrenceville- Vincennes Airport that he observed an object for one and a half hours that was doing some pretty good stunts. (Ridge, NICAP files). (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3245
### Event 27706 (9FB0E2C8)
**Date:** 2/2/1967
**Location:** Lima, Peru
**Description:** Airliner buzzed by maneuvering coneshaped object, took position above tail. Lights in plane dimmed, radio interference, radio compass oscillated
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_115
### Event 27707 (9E0B1510)
**Date:** 2/2/1967
**Locations:** Chiclayo; Lima; Jorge Chávez International Airport in Callao
**Description:** 6:30 p.m. Capt. Oswaldo Sanvitti is flying a Faucett Perú DC-4 airliner from Chiclayo to Lima, Peru, when the crew and passengers notice a bright light coming toward them from the west. Sanvitti estimates it is about 9 miles away, but it soon reaches the aircraft and hovers above it. The cabin lights dim, the plane’s compass fluctuates, and the radio gives off static. The UFO speeds away to the east, increasing its luminosity by 50%, but reappears 5 minutes later with another object. Both UFOs trail the aircraft until 5 minutes before it lands at Jorge Chávez International Airport in Callao.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Lorenzen, UFOs over the Americas, Signet, 1968, pp. 24–25; Good Above, [p. 533](https://archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/532/mode/2up); Patrick Gross, “[Aircraft Encounters with UFOs](https://ufologie.patrickgross.org/htm/peru2feb1967.htm)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4196
### Event 27708 (77D7A73F)
**Date:** 2/2/1967
**Description:** At 12:30 a.m. pilot Sanvitti and co-pilot Calderon were onboard a Fawcett Airlines DC-4 airliner flying between Chiclayo and Lima, Peru when their plane was paced by a cone-shaped object. The aircraft's magnetic compass oscillated 15 degrees left, then 20 degrees right, the cabin lights dimmed, and their radio went out. The bright luminous UFO first came toward them, then stopped above them giving off a blue beam of light; it went away, then came at then again joined by a second object flying behind. Finally, both UFOs sped away. The close encounter lasted for more than six minutes, and was witnessed by a total of 58 passengers and crew.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty-Year Report, pp. 9, 118 & 326, UNICAT case #551, citing Lumieres dans la Nuit, April 1982, p. 16; Richard F. Haines, Project Delta: A Study of Multiple UFO, p. 187
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_666
### Event 27709 (FEDB2A74)
**Date:** 2/3/1967
**Location:** Piggott, AR
**Description:** Time not reported. Numerous witnesses saw maneuvering objects with domes and flashing lights. Separate (satellite) and merging objects also were reported. Dogs reacted (animal reactions). (Keyhoe and Lore, 1969b, p. 71.) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3246
### Event 27710 (45C86D14)
**Date:** 2/3/1967
**Location:** Lindsborg, KS
**Description:** 7:40 p.m. CST (8:40 p.m. EST). Five people watched a disc or ellipse that first flew like an airplane, but then moved with irregular, jerky, up and down motions, and sometimes with hesitating forward motion. The object hovered over the highway for 15-20 seconds, then sped from sight in 15 seconds. Witnesses could see military bombing practice in the distance at the same time. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3247
### Event 27711 (593ED514)
**Date:** 2/3/1967
**Location:** Hamilton, Ontario, CAN
**Description:** 8:30 p.m. EST. A man saw an object estimated to be 30 feet in diameter and 15 feet thick with a row of white lights and a tangerine-colored light on the bottom (body lights). The object zipped back and forth at terrific speed. Observations were made from various points coordinated by two-way radios. (Hamilton Spectator, 2/4/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3248
### Event 27712 (22BA43E2)
**Date:** 2/3/1967
**Description:** Numerous witnesses saw UFOs with flashing lights and domes maneuvering in the sky over Piggott, Arkansas. Small satellite objects and merging objects were seen during the event. Dogs reacted by barking.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Gordon I. R. Lore, Jr., Strange Effects from UFOs, p. 71
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_679
### Event 27713 (78385757)
**Date:** 2/4/1967
**Location:** Gary, IN
**Description:** 7:00 p.m. CST. A woman saw two large, square amber lights with a green light between them from her home. The lights approached silently and hovered an estimated 30 feet above the ground about 100 feet away from her. (Letter from witness, 2/5/67, Donald E. Keyhoe Archives files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3249
### Event 27714 (BB7B569D)
**Date:** 2/4/1967
**Location:** Homer City, PA
**Description:** 9:15 p.m. EST. A sales engineer and a county assessor saw an egg-shaped object for 10 minutes, apparently on or near a hill at a reservoir. The object rose slowly to around 50 feet, hovered, then moved away after performing several radical maneuvers. (Johnstown Tribune-Democrat, Pa., 3/11/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3250
### Event 27715 (F9CB9D1A)
**Date:** 2/5/1967
**Location:** FRANCE, Sauvigny-les-Blois (Sauvigny le Bois?) (Yonne)
**Description:** (Translated from French) At around 9:45 PM, Mr. Monin was closing the gate to his property as he did every night. When he turned around, he saw a light without a visible source in front of him. The light was sweeping the horizon above the cemetery (60 meters away from him) and it was yellow. The light was coming in a straight line from the cemetery and was increasing in intensity: it was dazzling like a neon bar. The cemetery was lit up as if it were daytime. The witness then called his wife and 17-year-old granddaughter. They were all three on the porch looking. His wife was scared and almost immediately went back inside. As it approached, the object took shape: it was a cigar-shaped object, and no sound was heard. It stopped 35 meters away from the witnesses, directly above the garden. It began to swing in a pendulum motion, and the light was now reddish. No structure was visible. After swinging, the craft descended quickly in a vertical motion. As soon as it touched down, it emitted flames at each end. The right one was yellow and the left one was red. The right one gave off a blowtorch effect. The center of the object was red. On the right side, it sounded like burning brush, with crackling. The light was still blinding, and the object was about 20 meters long and 6-7 meters high. "Then, almost at the same time that we saw the flames appear, we noticed a being, a dwarf, no taller than 1 meter 10 or 1 meter 20. My granddaughter immediately went back inside and I followed her. I asked my wife to come out and see what was happening, but when I went back out I only saw a big red ball taking off. I only saw the little man for 2 or 3 seconds: he was quite big, as if he was wearing a suit. I can't say if he had arms and legs, because in that short time he didn't move." (L.D.L.N. "Mystérieuses Soucoupes Volantes" - ALBATROS-ETAPES 1973 - p. 54 to 57) Mr. and Mrs. Monin and their granddaughter experienced a fairly typical third kind encounter. An object shaped like a cigar lit up the environment, silently approached 25 meters away from the witnesses, oscillated and touched the ground. A dwarf in a suit came out. Then, back in their house, they saw a red ball form, take off, and move away in the sky. No trace was left.
**Reference:** Science et Vie, special edition 1997: 50 years of UFO, Atlas of Unsolved Cases, p. 60 to 63
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2422
### Event 27716 (E1FECC2F)
**Date:** 2/5/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In Sauvigny-le-Bois \(Yonne\), Mr. and Mrs. Monin and their granddaughter experience a [RR3](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/glossair.html\#RR3): an object in the shape of a cigar illuminates the environment, silently approaches 25 m from the witnesses, oscillates and touches the ground. A small being in a suit descends from it. Then, back in their house, they see a red ball form, take off and move away in the sky. No trace is found. (February 5th)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2273
### Event 27717 (F6CE32BF)
**Date:** 2/5/1967
**Time:** 01:50
**Location:** OAKLAND CITY, IN
**Description:** 7 musicians and 5 separate observer(s). Boomerang seen / 5-6 minute(s). Going northwest. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RIDGE, Francis: REGIONAL ENCOUNTERS in the FC Files. 170pp. UFO FILTER CENTER, Mt. Vernon, IN 1994 (Index 20)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7984
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "6", **Elev:** "140", **HatchDesc:** "OAKLAND CITY,IN:7 MUSICIANS+5 SEP.OBS:BOOMERANG SEEN/5-6min:>NW:NFD", **LatLong:** "38.338891 -87.344449", **LatLongDMS:** "38:20:20 N 87:20:40 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.338891,-87.344449)", **State/Prov:** "Indiana", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 27718 (1958A170)
**Date:** 2/5/1967
**Time:** 02:30
**Description:** Cop follows ball / colored lights / 10 mile(s). Flat bottom. Shoots going south.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RIDGE, Francis: REGIONAL ENCOUNTERS in the FC Files. 170pp. UFO FILTER CENTER, Mt. Vernon, IN 1994 (Index 20)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7985
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "20", **Elev:** "171", **HatchDesc:** "CROTHERSVILLE,IN:COP FOLOS BALL/CLRD LITES/10mi:FLAT BOTTOM:SHOOTS>S", **LatLong:** "38.800002 -85.844449", **LatLongDMS:** "38:48:00 N 85:50:40 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.800002,-85.844449)", **State/Prov:** "Indiana", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 27719 (77B25820)
**Date:** 2/5/1967
**Time:** 20:00?
**Location:** HILLIARD, OH
**Description:** Saucer lands / tripod. Small humanoids (or Greys) exit and put balls / ground. Try abduction observer(s)! / r13 p67.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 49)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7986
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens, **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "25", **Elev:** "285", **HatchDesc:** "HILLIARD,OH:SCR LANDS/TRIPOD:OIDS EXIT+PUT BALLS/GND:TRY ABD OBS!:/r13 p67", **LatLong:** "40.044446 -83.166671", **LatLongDMS:** "40:02:40 N 83:10:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.044446,-83.166671)", **State/Prov:** "Ohio", **Strangeness:** "11"
### Event 27720 (4FC59C83)
**Date:** 2/5/1967
**Time:** 21:50
**Location:** SAUVIGNY-LS-BOIS, FR
**Description:** 20M glowing-ovoid going down / garden. 1.2M small humanoid (or Grey) / helmet exits? / r30p268.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PHENOMENES SPATIAUX: Group GEPA, Gen. M. Lionel Chassin Paris. Quarterly 1964?-1977. Merged into Grp. GEPAN (Index 22)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7987
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "SAUVIGNY-ls-BOIS,FR:20M GLO-OVOID ↓/GARDEN:1.2M OID/HELMET EXITS?:/r30p268", **LatLong:** "47.516669 3.933334", **LatLongDMS:** "47:31:00 N 03:56:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.516669,3.933334)", **State/Prov:** "YNN", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 27721 (72A9BE58)
**Date:** 2/5/1967
**Location:** Oakland City, IN
**Description:** 1:45 a.m. EST. Seven members of a band saw an object that first looked like a boomerang, then appeared like a teardrop. It was a pale greenish-blue color with a cluster of white lights (body lights). The object also was seen by people in another car as it moved northwest. (Ridge, 1994, p. 20.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3251
### Event 27722 (F4A5EF62)
**Date:** 2/5/1967
**Location:** Crothersville, IN
**Description:** 2:30 a.m. Richard D. Barker of the Seymour State Police post reported he followed a huge ball of greenish-blue and white lights for some 10 miles about 2:30 AM before the light moved west towards Bedford. (Ridge, NICAP files) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3252
### Event 27723 (B3BFE53A)
**Date:** 2/5/1967
**Location:** Bedford, IN
**Description:** 6:00 a.m. The woman reporting requested anonymity. The report she gave to the DAILEY HERALD-TELEPHONE provided the most vivid description of an unidentified flying object observed as far southwest as Oakland City and as far east as Crothersville. 35 miles away. At this time she arose because of noises on the roof roof. (Ridge, Clipping in NICAP files) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3253
### Event 27724 (6842340C)
**Date:** 2/5/1967
**Location:** Hilliard, OH
**Description:** Same evening. Humanoid sighting. An object that was described as an ellipse, landed, humanoid beings emerged and placed small spheres on the ground around the craft. Witnesses observed them interacting with humans. Further, up-to-date research, would show many more HR cases for the year, but at least 14 were found without much effort. (UFOE II, p. 326) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3254
### Event 27725 (8DBBA6AD)
**Date:** 2/5/1967
**Location:** Barkhamsted, CT
**Description:** 8:00 p.m. EST. Two couples in a car at the Barkhamsted Reservoir saw a dark sphere with randomly blinking red, green and white lights (body lights) around the edge. The object approached the witnesses, then hovered over the reservoir. (NICAP report form and report from Ted Thorben, NICAP investigator, 10/20/67.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3255
### Event 27726 (CB713181)
**Date:** 2/5/1967
**Time:** evening
**Location:** Hilliards, Ohio
**Description:** A young man heard a strange noise and a barking dog, and saw an egg-shaped object land. From an elevatorlike shaft came human figures that placed small spheres around the craft. A man walked to them and appeared to speak with the entities. The witness was seen, the creatures tried to abduct him, and then took off.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** NICAP May., 67 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_816
### Event 27727 (37DEDE9A)
**Date:** 2/5/1967
**Location:** Hilliard, Ohio
**Description:** Evening. A young man in Hilliard, Ohio, hears a strange noise and a barking dog. He looks up and sees an object approaching at a low altitude over a road shoulder. It lands on three legs in a field. The object is egg- shaped and about 75 feet long and 45 feet high. An “elevator-like” shaft opens and beings emerge carrying small, circular balls that they place on the ground around the UFO. The human-like creatures appear to be waiting for something. Then a man approaches from across the field and talks to them, apparently by telepathy. The witness accidentally steps on a twig, and the beings hear it. One runs toward him and catches him by the back of the neck, leaving a burned wound. Another being comes and both drag him toward the object. As they get close, the beings look at each other, seemingly panic-stricken. They drop the witness, collect the balls, and run inside the UFO, which takes off.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Startling Cases Investigated,](http://cufos.org/UFOI%5Fand%5FSelected%5FDocuments/UFOI/037%20MAY-JUN%201967.pdf)” UFO Investigator 4, no. 1 \(May/June 1967\): 6
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4197
### Event 27728 (0E80805F)
**Date:** 2/5/1967
**Description:** At 1:45 a.m. a boomerang-shaped object was seen for six minutes by seven musicians and five other observers in Oakland City, Indiana. The UFO flew off to the northwest.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Francis L. Ridge, Regional Encounters, p. 27
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_698
### Event 27729 (F2E027AC)
**Date:** 2/5/1967
**Description:** On this evening Timothy Johnson, a 14-year-old teenager in Hilliards, Ohio heard his dog barking and a strange noise, and then saw an 75-foot long ovoid object descend with tripod legs extended. The UFO had a rotating pattern of lights and came down to 30 feet over some railroad tracks, then landed near a school. It made a steady humming sound. From an elevator-like shaft came five or six tall, human-looking figures wearing black robes, who placed small spheres around the craft. A man walked up to them and appeared to speak with the entities. The teen was then noticed and the man ran after him, catching him by the back of the neck and causing burn marks. The man next dragged Timothy almost to the craft when his captors suddenly became panic-stricken, dropped him, hurriedly gathered up the spheres, and reboarded the craft, which took off rapidly.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP UFO Investigator, May-June 1967, p. 6; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 816; Richard Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty-Year Report, pp. 326, 472; Raymond E. Fowler, Casebook of a UFO Investigator, p. 181; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1967-13 (A0782)
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_699
### Event 27730 (82331581)
**Date:** 2/5/1967
**Description:** At 9:45 p.m. M. Louis Monin, age 49, was outside his house in Sauvigny-les-Bois, L'Yonne, France when he saw an intensely yellow luminous ovoid object coming at very low altitude over a nearby cemetery. He called his 17-year-old granddaughter Marie Solange to watch it. The fat cigar-shaped object approached, then oscillated and turned red-orange, and finally landed in Monin's garden, 110 feet away from them. It was about 60 feet long and 20 feet high. At each end of the cigar was a jet of "flames," directed obliquely downward, and a crackling noise could be heard. Next, a stout little man, 3.5-4.0 feet tall, appeared standing beside the object. Monin and his granddaughter immediately went back into the house to call his wife, but when the three of them came out again the little man was gone and the UFO now appeared as a red-luminous ball about 25 feet in diameter. This ball took off and was soon lost from view. The observation lasted five minutes, and no landing traces were found in the garden.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1967-14 (A0783), citing M. Copin & Fernand Legarde for LDLN; UNICAT, case # 608, citing Joel Mesnard, GEPA Phenomenes Spatiaux, December 1969
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_700
### Event 27731 (7CA38C3A)
**Date:** 2/6/1967
**Time:** 12:00
**Location:** DEMING, NM
**Description:** 2 green cigars with rows / windows. 1 paces car. 2nd on ground joins. Both going quickly [to] extremely fast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO Evidence II: HB: Scarecrow Press Lanham, MD. http://www.scarecrowpress.com ISBN 0-8108-3881-8 (Index 327)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7988
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "1322", **HatchDesc:** "DEMING,NM:2 GRN CGRS W/ROWS/WINDOWS:1 PACES CAR:2nd ON GND JOINS:BOTH >> XFAST", **LatLong:** "32.266668 -107.750005", **LatLongDMS:** "32:16:00 N 107:45:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/32.266668,-107.750005)", **State/Prov:** "New Mexico", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 27732 (BE62D3B4)
**Date:** 2/6/1967
**Time:** 20:50
**Location:** ODESSA, DE
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #11350. 2 observer(s). 50' Saturn-saucer hovers / trees. Going north. Vanishes! / r41p327.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BERLINER, DON: The BLUEBOOK UNKNOWNS; (FUFOR). (Index 36)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7989
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "15", **HatchDesc:** "ODESSA,DE:BBK#11350:2 OBS:50'SATURN-SCR HVRS/TREES:>N:VANISHES!:/r41p327", **LatLong:** "39.450002 -75.650004", **LatLongDMS:** "39:27:00 N 75:39:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.450002,-75.650004)", **RelAlt:** "25", **State/Prov:** "Delaware", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 27733 (F1533A18)
**Date:** 2/6/1967
**Location:** Deming, NM
**Description:** Noon MST. A woman saw two green cigar-shaped objects with a row of windows. Two small "propellers" were on top of each end. One object hovered over the highway, then paced the car and was joined by the second object that rose up from the ground. (Lubbock Avalanche-Journal, Texas, 8/10/67; NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3256
### Event 27734 (372587FB)
**Date:** 2/6/1967
**Location:** Hazard, KY
**Description:** 11:30 p.m. EST. Four policemen and a rescue worker saw an object with red flashing lights and blue lights (body lights) that flew very low making a roaring sound. (Hazard Herald 2/13/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3257
### Event 27735 (95EE0679)
**Date:** 2/6/1967
**End date:** 2/7/1967
**Location:** St. Louis, MO
**Description:** Midnight CST (1:00 a.m. EST). A couple was approached by an oval object that hovered just above the ground displaying red, blue, green, and white flashing lights. The object then flew away. (St. Louis Post Dispatch, 2/7/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3258
### Event 27736 (ED5CA0ED)
**Date:** 2/6/1967
**Time:** 8:45 PM
**Location:** Odessa, Delaware
**Description:** Witnesses: Donald and Marie Guseman. One large, Saturn-shaped object--5O' in diameter and 20' high--with two bright lights, a green light on one side and a red light on the other. Hovered motionless over the trees, then slowly moved north and suddenly disappeared after 2 minutes.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_563
### Event 27737 (E9AF233E)
**Date:** 2/6/1967
**Locations:** Ent AFB [now the US Olympic Training Center] in Colorado Springs, Colorado; NORAD command center in Cheyenne Mountain, Colorado
**Description:** The mission of the Space Defense Center’s satellite-tracking radar \(useless for UFOs\) moves from Ent AFB \[now the US Olympic Training Center\] in Colorado Springs, Colorado, to “adjacent to the NORAD command center” \(air defense UFO trackers\) in Cheyenne Mountain, Colorado. However, they are separated from each other by partitions and use separate computers.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Space Defense Center](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space%5FDefense%5FCenter)”; Clark III 808
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4198
### Event 27738 (AEA3736A)
**Date:** 2/6/1967
**Description:** Mr. Donald Guseman and Mrs. Marie Guseman spotted a large, Saturn-shaped object at 8:45 p.m. in Odessa, Delaware. The UFO was 50 feet in diameter and 20 feet in height and had two bright lights, a green light on one side and a red light on the other. It hovered motionless over some trees, then slowly moved north and suddenly vanished after two minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Don Berliner, Project Bluebook UFO Unknowns
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_723
### Event 27739 (DCB739F2)
**Date:** 2/6/1967
**Description:** Miss R. Ford was driving between Deming and Las Cruces, New Mexico at about noon when a cigar-shaped object started pacing her car. It was green with a long row of shiny windows, and had two small propellers atop each end. It hovered over the highway, while a second object rose from ground and joined up with the first, and then both sped out of sight in seconds. Note: Deming contains copper mines.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP case files, citing the Lubbock Aval. Journal, August 10, 1967; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II. A Thirty Year Report, pp. 327 & 375
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_724
### Event 27740 (E9661FB7)
**Date:** 2/7/1967
**Location:** Westport, CT
**Description:** 12:20 a.m. EST. A former Navy pilot and airline navigator saw a brilliant white light, sometimes with a strong red light. The object oscillated as it flew along over the Merritt Parkway and returned. (Westport News, 2/9/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3259
### Event 27741 (B1411D3F)
**Date:** 2/7/1967
**Location:** Westport, CT
**Description:** 1:00 a.m. A woman saw an elliptical object with two flashing white lights and two steady white light beams. It flew at low altitude, slowly and silently. (Westport News 2/9/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3260
### Event 27742 (F84C89CE)
**Date:** 2/7/1967
**Location:** Owen County, IN
**Description:** 8:00 p.m. An egg-shaped object was reported by Paul Poorman on a farm near some strip mines. Poorman was a 33-year-old specialized police officer and qualified pilot. The object was white and well-defined, turned to a blood-red color, then a pale blue. (Don Worley files) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3261
### Event 27743 (076DBFF3)
**Date:** 2/7/1967
**Location:** Oakhurst, CA
**Description:** 11:55 p.m.PST. A couple saw a solid round object and a silver cigar-shaped object oriented vertically. The round object emitted many "contrails" and apparently disintegrated, then the cigar-shaped object flew rapidly away. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3262
### Event 27744 (A336D102)
**Date:** 2/7/1967
**Description:** At 11:55 p.m. two married women in Oakhurst, California watched as a solid round object sprayed out many contrails and disintegrated in the sky. Next, a silver cigar-shaped object hovered vertically, then flew away rapidly to the southwest.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP case files
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_734
### Event 27745 (DEC20B67)
**Date:** 2/8/1967
**Location:** Newbury, MA
**Description:** 2:00 p.m. EST. A commercial photographer and his son saw two silvery cigar- shaped objects that flew in a straight line, then separately zoomed up and away. A photo was taken but shows little. (A. Collis, USNR retired, letter in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3263
### Event 27746 (E7E07A2A)
**Date:** 2/8/1967
**Location:** Deep River, Ontario, CAN
**Description:** 6:43 p.m. EST. Several witnesses saw a circular object with a core of dazzling, pulsating central yellow lights. From this core, red lights appeared to be pulsating outward toward the rim. The object was an estimated quarter of a mile away and remained visible for 40 minutes, during which the witnesses' TV would not work (EM effect). (Bondarchuk, 1979, pp. 124-126.) (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3264
### Event 27747 (F2619AB0)
**Date:** 2/8/1967
**Location:** Rossville, KS
**Description:** Night. Three teenaged boys saw what looked like two car lights that came down to within 20 feet of the ground. The object shone a light beam on the witnesses after they had pointed a spotlight at it (light reaction). (Topeka State Journal, Kans., 2/18/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3265
### Event 27748 (EFBC90A8)
**Date:** 2/8/1967
**Location:** Pleasant Valley, CT
**Description:** 10:00 p.m. EST. A newspaper reporter watched a bright orange ball or cylinder hovering over pine trees for several minutes. (Hartford Courant, Conn., 2/14/67, copy in NICAP files and in Donald E. I Key hoe Archives files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3266
### Event 27749 (B079FBDF)
**Date:** 2/8/1967
**Time:** 15:15:00.1
**Location:** 37.1675 -116.0471
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Ward” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_484
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1675 -116.0471", **LatLongDMS:** "37:10:03 N 116:02:50 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1675,-116.0471)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.26", **NukeMb:** "4.80", **NukeName:** "Ward", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 27750 (8ACEEBA2)
**Date:** 2/8/1967
**Locations:** Deep River, Ontario; 3 miles south of Deep River, Ontario
**Description:** 6:43 p.m. Mary McCarthy and five of her young nieces and nephews see a glowing object as they are eating dinner at their farm 3 miles south of Deep River, Ontario. The television immediately stops working properly. About a quarter of a mile away on a hill is a circular “craft” with a large core of dazzling, pulsating yellow lights in its center. From this core, red lights pulsate outward toward the rim, somewhat like neon lights. They have it in view for 40 minutes. After the object leaves, the TV starts working again. A Canadian Forces spokesperson says the lights were airplanes shooting flares in the area.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Yurko Bondarchuk, UFO Sightings, Landings, and Abductions, Methuen, 1979, pp. 124–126
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4199
### Event 27751 (07D757D6)
**Date:** 2/8/1967
**Description:** In Newbury, Massachusetts at two o'clock in the afternoon two silvery cigar shaped objects moved in a straight line, then separately shot straight up vertically and were gone.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP investigation files, report dated February 14, 1967
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_753
### Event 27752 (1F2DE625)
**Date:** 2/9/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Sighting in Odessa \(Delaware\). (February 9)
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#11350 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2274
### Event 27753 (127FEB32)
**Date:** 2/9/1967
**Location:** NEAR GODDARD, KS
**Description:** 15 observer(s). Colored object hovers / one hour. Red beams going down. Barn afire / nearby. / r73p138.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 805)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7990
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "65", **Elev:** "447", **HatchDesc:** "nr GODDARD,KS:15 OBS:CLRD OBJ HVRS/1hr:RED BEAMS ↓:barn afire/nearby:/r73p138", **LatLong:** "37.661113 -97.577782", **LatLongDMS:** "37:39:40 N 97:34:40 W", **Locale:** "Oil & Coal", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.661113,-97.577782)", **State/Prov:** "Kansas", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 27754 (41569EF2)
**Date:** 2/9/1967
**Location:** KOORDA, WEST AUSTR
**Description:** Farmer. Orange saucer / 4M altitude. Dirt swirls under. Dog chases. Lands / 15 February.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 819)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7991
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "KOORDA,W.AUSTR:FARMER:ORG SCR/4M alt:DIRT SWIRLS UNDER:DOG CHASES::LANDS/15FEB", **LatLong:** "-30.833335 117.483339", **LatLongDMS:** "30:50:00 S 117:29:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-30.833335,117.483339)", **State/Prov:** "Western Australia", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 27755 (75E55466)
**Date:** 2/9/1967
**Location:** Odessa, DE
**Description:** Saturn shaped object, 50 ft in diameter and 20 ft high (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 11350)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3267
### Event 27756 (AB88EBAC)
**Date:** 2/9/1967
**Location:** Chester, MT
**Description:** 6:30 a.m. PST. A railroad foreman saw a saucer (disc) with a bright body light hovering over the railroad depot. The depot was engulfed in light (environmental illumination). The object departed straight up. (Spokane Spokesman-Review, Wash. State, 2/12/67, copy in NICAP (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3268
### Event 27757 (B4FD24A3)
**Date:** 2/9/1967
**Location:** Seymour, IN
**Description:** 7:50 p.m. EST. A state policeman saw a huge object, moving slowly, changing colors from white to red to orange, the color change associated with changes of speed (color/speed correlation). Venus was visible separately at the same time. (Ridge, 1994, p. 21.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3269
### Event 27758 (A1265893)
**Date:** 2/9/1967
**Description:** [Condon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward%5FCondon) recommends NICAP’s UFO Evidence to geophysicist [Merle Tuve](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Merle%5FTuve).
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Swords 319
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4200
### Event 27759 (04C6D241)
**Date:** 2/9/1967
**Location:** Chester, Montana
**Description:** 6:30 p.m. George Kawalski, a section foreman for the Great Northern railroad, sees an object hovering above the depot in Chester, Montana, from his home two blocks away. The object disappears straight up after bathing the depot in light.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Third Report of UFOs Heard from Chester Area,](https://www.newspapers.com/clip/95537842/)” Great Falls \(Mont.\) Tribune, February 11, 1967, p. 5
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4201
### Event 27760 (6B13440A)
**Date:** 2/9/1967
**Description:** Police officer D. E. Swider was driving on Interstate 65 eight miles south of Seymour, Indiana at 7:50 p.m. when he encountered a huge, round object that moved slowly, changing colors from white to red to orange as it slowed, then accelerated. Venus was visible at the time.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Francis L. Ridge, Regional Encounters, p. 28
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_772
### Event 27761 (614F1607)
**Date:** 2/9/1967
**Description:** At 8:45 p.m. Donald and Marie Guseman were driving on U.S. Highway 13 in Odessa, Delaware when they encountered a 50 foot wide disc-shaped object with a cupola and ports underneath, and forwardly placed light beams. It also had a green light on one side and a red light on the other. It hovered motionless over some trees, then emitted light beams that swung upwards at a 45-degree angle into the sky. The object began moving away, and then suddenly disappeared. Their close encounter lasted two minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Project Blue Book files counted in official statistics, case # 11350; Gordon I. R. Lore, Jr., UFOs: A New Look, p. 12; Don Berliner, Australasian Ufologist, April 1999, p. 54; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty Year Report, p. 327
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_773
### Event 27762 (B6131282)
**Date:** 2/10/1967
**Time:** 03:40
**Location:** SOUTH / SANDUSKY, OH
**Description:** Cop. 8M saucer hover 12M over NASA and Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) nuclear facility. Blue beam going down. / r73p137.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 48)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7992
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **NUC:** Nuclear facility related, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "6", **Elev:** "190", **HatchDesc:** "S/SANDUSKY,OH:COP:8M SCR HVR 12M OVR NASA+AEC NUCL.FACILITY:BLU BEAM↓:/r73p137", **LatLong:** "41.383335 -82.705559", **LatLongDMS:** "41:23:00 N 82:42:20 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.383335,-82.705559)", **RelAlt:** "12", **State/Prov:** "Ohio", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 27763 (A699A1BB)
**Date:** 2/10/1967
**Time:** 04:00
**Location:** US54 SOUTH / OSCURA, NM
**Description:** 1 / car. 10M domed disk hovers / roadside. Shoots going quickly south. / police report.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 805)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7993
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "1530", **HatchDesc:** "US54 S/OSCURA,NM:1/CAR:10M DOMED DISK HVRS/ROADSIDE:SHOOTS >>S:/police report", **LatLong:** "33.450002 -106.055561", **LatLongDMS:** "33:27:00 N 106:03:20 W", **Locale:** "Desert", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/33.450002,-106.055561)", **State/Prov:** "New Mexico", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 27764 (BF94877E)
**Date:** 2/10/1967
**Time:** 17:30
**Location:** WORCESTER, MA
**Description:** Object with 3 bright lights hovers near home. TV and fridge malfunction. / news.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO Evidence II: HB: Scarecrow Press Lanham, MD. http://www.scarecrowpress.com ISBN 0-8108-3881-8 (Index 327)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7994
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "144", **HatchDesc:** "WORCESTER,MA:OBJ W/3 BRITE LITES HVRS nr HOME:TV+FRIDGE MALFUNCTION:/news", **LatLong:** "42.266669 -71.800003", **LatLongDMS:** "42:16:00 N 71:48:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.266669,-71.800003)", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 27765 (357B1910)
**Date:** 2/10/1967
**Time:** 17:50
**Location:** WOODSTOCK, CT
**Description:** 4+3 observer(s). Silent delta/triangle/box-like craft hovers over homes. Photographs / lit corners. Electro-magnetic effect (EME). Going quickly west / noise.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FOWLER, Raymond E.: UFO'S, INTERPLANETARY VISITORS; Prentice Hall & Bantam Books, NY 1979. 346pp. (Index 329)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7995
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "180", **HatchDesc:** "WOODSTOCK,CT:4+3 OBS:SLNT DLT HVRS OVR HOMES:FOTOS/LIT CORNERS:EME:>>W/noise", **LatLong:** "41.950002 -71.983337", **LatLongDMS:** "41:57:00 N 71:59:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.950002,-71.983337)", **State/Prov:** "Connecticut", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 27766 (467C5EBB)
**Date:** 2/10/1967
**Location:** Caledonia, Ontario, CAN
**Description:** 2:20 a.m. EST. A couple saw a metallic-appearing, saucer-shaped object with bright red and white lights (body lights). The object hovered for about 15 minutes and then flew away. A whirring sound was heard. (Hamilton Spectator, Ontario, 2/11/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3270
### Event 27767 (CE2C1452)
**Date:** 2/10/1967
**Location:** Woodstock, CT
**Description:** 5:45 p.m. EST. Two separate groups of four and three people, respectively, reported seeing a triangular object with a white light at each apex. The object was silent when hovering but made a rumbling or roaring sound when it moved. EM effects were reported on TV. (Fowler, 1974, p. 344.) (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3271
### Event 27768 (FA2A3902)
**Date:** 2/10/1967
**Location:** Alton, IL
**Description:** 7:30 p.m. CST. A couple saw a round, rotating, 25-foot diameter luminous object which changed color from red to white with occasional flashes of green. The object also had white lights in a triangle on the bottom (body lights). It flew, hovered, and passed over the witnesses. While hovering, a humming or droning sound was heard. (St. Louis Globe-Democrat, Missouri, 2/11/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3272
### Event 27769 (2CD3D5B9)
**Date:** 2/10/1967
**Location:** McCune, KS
**Description:** 10:30 p.m. CST. A high school teacher saw an unidentified light that changed from red to white to green. The object hovered, then left with a tremendous burst of speed (rapid acceleration). (NICAP report form.). (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3273
### Event 27770 (DB7F7636)
**Date:** 2/10/1967
**Location:** Sandusky, OH
**Description:** Saucer hovers over AEC facility with blue beam (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, NC)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3274
### Event 27771 (A2DC371F)
**Date:** 2/10/1967
**End date:** 2/11/1967
**Location:** Cincinnati, OH
**Description:** 11:45 p.m. EST. A number of independent sightings were reported of a reddish, glowing cigar- or football-shaped object either hovering or moving slowly overhead. At about 1:45 a.m. the following morning, in Milford (eastern suburb of Cincinnati), a railroad employee and companion were driving when they noticed a white glowing light in the woods. (McDonald, 1967, Case 8, reprinted in Vaughan, 1995, p. 206; Keyhoe and Lore, 1969a, p. 21, and 1969b, p. 54; Ridge, 1994, p. 21.) (NICAP: 06 - Trace Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3275
### Event 27772 (4AEF1B2C)
**Date:** 2/10/1967
**Locations:** Erie County; NASA’s Plum Brook Station; Neil A. Armstrong Test Facility; Sandusky, Ohio
**Description:** 3:42 a.m. Erie County Constable Gary Butler is patrolling in the area of NASA’s Plum Brook Station \[now the Neil A. Armstrong Test Facility\] in Sandusky, Ohio, when he sees a bright, bluish disc moving toward the southwest some 2 miles away. As it was disappearing behind some trees, he tries to radio in a report, but experiences some interference.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[UFO over NASA Station,](http://cufos.org/UFOI%5Fand%5FSelected%5FDocuments/UFOI/036%20MAR-APR%201967.pdf)” UFO Investigator 3, no. 12 \(March/April 1967\): 6
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4202
### Event 27773 (B0E57305)
**Date:** 2/10/1967
**Location:** Woodstock, Connecticut
**Description:** 5:30 p.m. Two separate groups of four and three people in Woodstock, Connecticut, see a triangular object with a white light at each apex. It is moving with its blunt end forward from northeast to southwest at 1,000 feet altitude. The object is silent when hovering but makes a rumbling or roaring sound when it moves. The family TV set reception is disrupted when it passes by.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Marler 135–136
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4203
### Event 27774 (E652CFAC)
**Date:** 2/10/1967
**Location:** Alton, Illinois
**Description:** 7:30 p.m. A couple in Alton, Illinois, sees a round, rotating, 25-foot diameter luminous object that changes color from red to white with occasional flashes of green. The object also has white lights in a triangle on the bottom. It flies, hovers, and passes over the witnesses. While hovering, a humming or droning sound is heard.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** St. Louis Globe-Democrat, February 11, 1967
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4204
### Event 27775 (B6F972E1)
**Date:** 2/10/1967
**Description:** Several people in Haliburton, Ontario witnessed a large yellow, glowing object fly over at treetop level at 2:30 a.m. It made a loud roaring noise. At 3:42 a.m. an eight-meter wide blue disc was seen hovering very low over the NASA/AEC nuclear facility at the Plum Brook Naval Air Station in Erie County, Ohio. It was seen by a male witness as it was about 1.5 miles away from his car. The disc moved toward the ground and heavy static came over the car radio as he tried to contact his headquarters at the Air Station.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP, citing the Lindsay Post, February 18, 1967; Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, case 185, citing NICAP UFO Investigator, March-April 1967
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_796
### Event 27776 (2FB918E6)
**Date:** 2/10/1967
**Description:** At 5:30 that same evening a dark, triangular shaped UFO flew blunt-end forward over North Woodstock, Connecticut and hovered over a farm. The object had a white light in each corner, and was quiet when hovering, but made a roaring sound when it moved off. Television interference was also reported during the sighting. At the same time in nearby Worcester, Massachusetts a UFO with three bright lights hovered over a house. The refrigerator contents reportedly froze, and the color TV set in the house had the color fade out of the picture during the encounter. After five minutes the UFO flew south, stopped briefly, and then sped away. Ninety minutes later two UFOs were seen circling low over a house in Mahopec, Putnam County, New York. Six human-appearing occupants were seen on board the craft, and one of them appeared to wave at the two witnesses, who drove their car following the UFO. Reportedly one of the witnesses received a telepathic message from the occupants.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** The Hartford Courant, February 11, 1967; Worcester Gazette, February 20, 1967; Fred Dennis, on-site investigation, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case A1556
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_797
### Event 27777 (7D2DF591)
**Date:** 2/11/1967
**Time:** 01:50
**Location:** MILFORD, OH
**Description:** 2 observer(s). 30' ovoid drops tube going down / creek. Traces. / r180p46+/ r235p19+/ r237p21.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 805)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7996
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "195", **HatchDesc:** "MILFORD,OH:2 OBS:30'OVOID DROPS TUBE↓/CREEK:TRACES:/r180p46+/r235p19+/r237p21", **LatLong:** "39.177780 -84.294448", **LatLongDMS:** "39:10:40 N 84:17:40 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.177780,-84.294448)", **State/Prov:** "Ohio", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 27778 (48A1BF07)
**Date:** 2/11/1967
**Location:** Greenwich, CT
**Description:** Night. An engineer and his wife saw a cylinder with a string of red and white lights (body lights). A steady light beam was emitted from the bottom. The object descended rapidly, then rose again. (Westport News, Conn., 2/16/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3276
### Event 27779 (CF49EFCE)
**Date:** 2/11/1967
**Time:** 0145
**Location:** Milford, Ohio
**Description:** Miss Hildebrand, 19, and Michael McKee fled when they saw a large shiny object off the road. Returning to the scene with a policeman, the found broken branches at the site.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** APRO Jan., 67 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_817
### Event 27780 (DAE6FDB0)
**Date:** 2/11/1967
**Description:** At 1:45 a.m. Miss Hildebrand, age 19, and Michael McKee fled when they saw a large shiny object off to the side of the road in Milford, Ohio. Returning a short while later to the scene with a policeman they found broken branches at the site.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 817
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_824
### Event 27781 (F48FB899)
**Date:** 2/12/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Observation in Grand Rapids \(Michigan\). (February 12)
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#11355 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2275
### Event 27782 (C9E9E5D4)
**Date:** 2/12/1967
**Time:** 03:40
**Location:** GRAND RAPIDS, MI
**Description:** 1 observer. 4 glowing-footballs chirp going quickly northeast / rigid formation. / r41p327.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BERLINER, DON: The BLUEBOOK UNKNOWNS; (FUFOR). (Index 36)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7997
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "183", **HatchDesc:** "GRAND RAPIDS,MI:1 OBS:4 GLOW-FOOTBALLS CHIRP >>NE/RIGID FORMn:/r41p327", **LatLong:** "42.950002 -85.683337", **LatLongDMS:** "42:57:00 N 85:41:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.950002,-85.683337)", **State/Prov:** "Michigan", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 27783 (91BA4157)
**Date:** 2/12/1967
**Time:** 18:00
**Location:** KENSINGTON, CT
**Description:** 2+? observer(s). Bright white ovoid hovers / roadside. Red light on each side.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FOWLER, Raymond E.: UFO'S, INTERPLANETARY VISITORS; Prentice Hall & Bantam Books, NY 1979. 346pp. (Index 329)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7998
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "26", **HatchDesc:** "KENSINGTON,CT:2+? OBS:BRITE WHT OVOID HVRS/ROADSIDE:RED LITE on EACH SIDE", **LatLong:** "41.633335 -72.772226", **LatLongDMS:** "41:38:00 N 72:46:20 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.633335,-72.772226)", **State/Prov:** "Connecticut", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 27784 (794BB43E)
**Date:** 2/12/1967
**Time:** ~18:00
**Location:** WHARTON, TX
**Description:** Airport/apartment manager and many. Round domed object colored lights rotate. Skims treetops etc.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO Evidence II: HB: Scarecrow Press Lanham, MD. http://www.scarecrowpress.com ISBN 0-8108-3881-8 (Index 160)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_7999
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "100", **Elev:** "31", **HatchDesc:** "WHARTON,TX:APT MGR+MANY:RND DOMED OBJ CLRD LITES ROTATE:SKIMS TREETOPS etc.", **LatLong:** "29.311113 -96.100005", **LatLongDMS:** "29:18:40 N 96:06:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/29.311113,-96.100005)", **State/Prov:** "Texas", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 27785 (BF280D86)
**Date:** 2/12/1967
**Time:** 18:50
**Location:** PT BARROW, AK
**Description:** 3+saucers going west. Land / ice offshore. Go over buildings / town. Generators electro-magnetic effect (EME) / one hour.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** EDWARDS, Frank: FLYING SAUCERS-HERE AND NOW; 1967 Lyle Stewart & Bantam Books 1968. (Index 137)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8000
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "90", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "Pt BARROW,AK:3+SCRS >W:LAND/ICE OFFSHORE:GO OVR BLDGS/TOWN:GENERATORS EME/1hr", **LatLong:** "71.294448 -156.788896", **LatLongDMS:** "71:17:40 N 156:47:20 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/71.294448,-156.788896)", **State/Prov:** "Alaska", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 27786 (F0CC39A7)
**Date:** 2/12/1967
**Location:** Grand Rapids, MI
**Description:** 4 fluorescent, football-shaped objects (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 11355)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3277
### Event 27787 (0BAE23F7)
**Date:** 2/12/1967
**Location:** Wharton, TX
**Description:** Evening. Many people, including an airport manager, saw a bell-shaped object with bright light in the dome and revolving red, green, blue, and amber lights at the bottom edge (body lights). The object flew over the witness's car just above phone wires along the road, appearing big enough to cover the highway. It was later seen at tree-top level, where it hovered, banked, and took off. (Hall, 2001, p. 160; Houston Chronicle, Texas, 2/15/67.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3278
### Event 27788 (5BE411A3)
**Date:** 2/12/1967
**Location:** Barrow, AK
**Description:** Night. A man saw a basically red object that also emitted some bright green light. The object maneuvered and reportedly landed on ice for up to 20 minutes. It also hovered over a theater. A power failure occurred about the same time. (Fairbanks News-Miner, Alaska, 2/14/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3279
### Event 27789 (61D66FEC)
**Date:** 2/12/1967
**Location:** Kensington, CT
**Description:** 6:00 p.m. EST. Two known witnesses (plus other curious motorists) stopped to observe a bright white glowing object that had a red light on each side (body lights) hovering just off the road. (Fowler, 1974, p. 344.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3280
### Event 27790 (3E637EED)
**Date:** 2/12/1967
**Location:** Willington, CT
**Description:** 6:10 p.m. A man saw a bright white object that looked like a welding arc hovering over power lines. It was blindingly bright and brought tears to his eyes. (The Hartford Courant, Conn., 2/14/67, copy in Donald E. Keyhoe Archives files.). (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3281
### Event 27791 (C1FBD7DC)
**Date:** 2/12/1967
**Time:** 3:40 AM
**Location:** Grand Rapids, Michigan
**Description:** Witness: Mr. Lou Atkinson. Four fluorescent, football-shaped objects, a dull, almost grey luminous color; flew northeast in a very rigid formation for 4-10 seconds. Made a chirping noise.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_564
### Event 27792 (3E8326A7)
**Date:** 2/12/1967
**Location:** Wharton, TX
**Description:** Domed disc with revolving lights at bottom edge flew over car just above phone lines. Later at treetop level, stopped, banked, and took off
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_116
### Event 27793 (F9AB5268)
**Date:** 2/12/1967
**Description:** The witness, a civilian named Atkinson, first heard a "chirping"noise at between 3:30-3:40 a.m., then saw four glowing oval-shaped objects in the sky over Grand Rapids, Michigan. Three were in a line formation while the fourth was off to one side. The UFOs went behind some buildings. The case is listed as a Project Blue "unknown."
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Project Blue Book files counted in official statistics, case # 11355; Condon Colorado UFO Study, case N1030, citing NICAP; Don Berliner, Australasian Ufologist, April 1999, p. 54
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_864
### Event 27794 (DF3B6A81)
**Date:** 2/12/1967
**Description:** At 6:00 p.m. a silent, white glowing object hovered just over Highway 15 in Kensington, Connecticut.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Raymond E. Fowler, UFOs: Interplanetary Visitors, p. 344
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_865
### Event 27795 (8D2CA286)
**Date:** 2/12/1967
**Description:** At 9:45 p.m. a domed disc with rotating colored lights was sighted from an apartment building in Wharton, Texas. The disc skimmed over the treetops and performed other maneuvers. The sighting lasted 10 minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP case files; Condon Colorado UFO Study, case N1022, citing NICAP; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty Year Report, pp. 9, 152
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_866
### Event 27796 (676CB561)
**Date:** 2/13/1967
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Observer(s) = Nethken. CE2. Photographs and instrument readings. UFO. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFOCAT CATALOG: Assorted Printouts. Donald A. Johnson Ph.D (CUFOS). P.O. Box 446, Concord, NH 03302-0446 (Index 90)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8001
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "55", **HatchDesc:** "DAVIDSONVILLE,MD:BBK#UNK:OBS=NETHKEN:CE2:FOTOS+INSTRUMENT READINGS:UFO:NFD", **LatLong:** "38.922224 -76.627781", **LatLongDMS:** "38:55:20 N 76:37:40 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.922224,-76.627781)", **State/Prov:** "Maryland", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 27797 (A37D8AE2)
**Date:** 2/13/1967
**Time:** 18:00
**Location:** TOKYO, JP
**Description:** Man photographs moon. Sharp image / ovoid alongside. 1 / 16th moon-size. Satellite?
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 809)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8002
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Japan", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "TOKYO,JP:MAN FOTOS MOON:SHARP IMAGE/OVOID ALONGSIDE:1/16th MOONSIZE:satellite?", **LatLong:** "35.700002 139.783340", **LatLongDMS:** "35:42:00 N 139:47:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/35.700002,139.783340)", **State/Prov:** "Honshu Island", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 27798 (E0CB67A5)
**Date:** 2/13/1967
**Time:** 19:20
**Location:** NEAR DAVIS, CA
**Description:** 2 / car and separate California Highway Patrol (CHP) Officer. Huge saucer with lights / bottom/underside buzzes car. Going quickly southwest. / r41p327.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MACDONALD, James E.: Report to the American Society of Newspaper Editors. (Index 19)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8003
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "15", **HatchDesc:** "nr DAVIS,CA:2/CAR+SEP.CHP OFCR:HUGE SCR W/LITES/BTM BUZZES CAR:>>SW:/r41p327", **LatLong:** "38.566669 -121.733339", **LatLongDMS:** "38:34:00 N 121:44:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.566669,-121.733339)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 27799 (B2BE5DD4)
**Date:** 2/13/1967
**Time:** 22:00
**Location:** BIGFORK, MT
**Description:** Truck motor and lights fail. Night light overhead. Motor starts itself after! / r233p40.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RODEGHIER, Mark/CUFOS: UFO REPORTS INVOLVING VEHICLE INTERFERENCE; CUFOS 1979. Available as CUFOS UFO Archive #1 CD-ROM. http://www.cufos.org/Pubform.pdf (Index 32)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8004
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "905", **HatchDesc:** "BIGFORK,MT:TRUCK MOTOR+LITES FAIL:NLT OVHD:MOTOR STARTS ITSELF AFTER!:/r233p40", **LatLong:** "48.066669 -114.072228", **LatLongDMS:** "48:04:00 N 114:04:20 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.066669,-114.072228)", **State/Prov:** "Montana", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 27800 (FF12FA3E)
**Date:** 2/13/1967
**Time:** 22:50
**Description:** Static / car radio. Visual type unknown. Prickly sensation.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RODEGHIER, Mark/CUFOS: UFO REPORTS INVOLVING VEHICLE INTERFERENCE; CUFOS 1979. Available as CUFOS UFO Archive #1 CD-ROM. http://www.cufos.org/Pubform.pdf (Index 32)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8005
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "18", **HatchDesc:** "A197 ASHINGTON> Event 27801 (6A8592EF)
**Date:** 2/13/1967
**Location:** Novato, CA
**Description:** 12:30 p.m. PST. A witness watching aircraft first saw a white disc passing overhead at high speed. Three other discs then appeared from different directions and fell in behind the first (rendezvous). The last one was black. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3282
### Event 27802 (2461AB9C)
**Date:** 2/13/1967
**Location:** Tabor, IA
**Description:** Early Evening. A man saw a large round red object with a searchlight (light beam) directed downwards that was sweeping the ground. The object moved slowly at first, then accelerated. (Letter dated 2/22/67 in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3283
### Event 27803 (8DDB521E)
**Date:** 2/13/1967
**Location:** Davis, CA
**Description:** 7:15 p.m. PST. Two women driving home saw an object that came within 100 yards of their car. The initial light resolved itself into three huge lights in a triangular formation. (NICAP report form; McDonald, 1967, case 7; reprinted in Vaughan, 1995, pp. 205-6.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3284
### Event 27804 (7D347D0D)
**Date:** 2/13/1967
**Location:** Woodland, CA
**Description:** 8:30 p.m. PST. An ex-Air Force man with pilot training saw a bright light for 25 minutes which maneuvered and seemed to pace his car. (NICAP report form, Los Angeles NICAP Subcommittee report, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3285
### Event 27805 (D585A5FB)
**Date:** 2/13/1967
**Location:** Tokyo, Japan
**Description:** 5:58 p.m. Sachio Sakuma is taking photographs of the Moon with a Petri V6 camera in Tokyo, Japan. On developing one image, he finds a luminous, oval-shaped object with a slight trail a short distance above the lunar crescent.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Report from Japan,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201967%2005%2000%20-%20May-June.pdf)” APRO Bulletin, May/June 1967, p. 1
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4205
### Event 27806 (608F2098)
**Date:** 2/13/1967
**Location:** Bigfork, Montana
**Description:** 10:00 p.m. Mrs. James Thompson is driving through Bigfork, Montana, with her two children when her pickup’s engine fails and the lights go out. Getting out, she sees overhead an intense greenish-blue light. She feels heat coming from the object. It changes direction abruptly, veering to the right as it changes to reddish-orange. As it moves away, the truck starts up on its own.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Brad Steiger and Joan Whritenour, New UFO Breakthrough, Universal, 1968, [p. 40](https://archive.org/details/newufobreakthrou0000stei/page/40/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4206
### Event 27807 (17615E44)
**Date:** 2/13/1967
**Description:** A witness driving alone at 10:55 p.m. between Ashington and Peg's Wood, Northumberland, England felt a prickly feeling as he sighted a UFO nearby. There was heavy static on the car radio simultaneous with the sighting.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, case 186, citing CONTACT (UK)
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_894
### Event 27808 (7EFCEC30)
**Date:** 2/13/1967
**Description:** The engine and headlights of a pickup truck failed simultaneously in Big Fork, Montana at around ten o'clock in the evening. The witnesses stepped out of the vehicle and saw a blue-green light overhead, which changed to a reddish-orange color. They felt a great deal of heat. As the light moved away to the right side of the road, the engine of the truck re-started by itself.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, case 187, citing Brad Steiger & Joan Whritenour, The New UFO Breakthrough
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_895
### Event 27809 (34DB90A3)
**Date:** 2/13/1967
**Description:** At 7:15 p.m. an object with three lights in a triangle buzzed a car in Davis, California. It tipped up, revealing a disc-like base with a central red light, and 5-6 dimmer white lights. The object turned and sped away to the southwest.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II. A Thirty Year Report, p. 327; James E. McDonald talk to American Society of Newspaper Editors, April 22, 1967, case 7
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_896
### Event 27810 (77D77B23)
**Date:** 2/14/1967
**Location:** HANNON, ONT
**Description:** Numerous observers. Disk forces car off road. Returns and hovers. Lands / snow. / NICAP.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO Evidence II: HB: Scarecrow Press Lanham, MD. http://www.scarecrowpress.com ISBN 0-8108-3881-8 (Index 327)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8006
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "88", **HatchDesc:** "HANNON,ONT:NMRS OBSs:DISK FORCES CAR OFF ROAD:RETURNS+HVRS:LANDS/SNOW:/NICAP", **LatLong:** "43.233335 -79.833337", **LatLongDMS:** "43:14:00 N 79:50:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.233335,-79.833337)", **State/Prov:** "Ontario", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 27811 (8B980013)
**Date:** 2/14/1967
**Time:** 07:00
**Location:** MILLER CO, MO
**Description:** 4M saucer / field. Invisible barrier 5M away. 65cm figure / spacesuit. / r113p191+/ r41.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 837)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8007
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **RBT:** Possible robot or "Grey", mechanical motions, **MON:** Monster: Life form fits no category, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens, **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "225", **HatchDesc:** "MILLER co,MO:4M SCR/FLD:INVSBL BARRIER 5M away:65cm FIG/SSUIT:/r113p191+/r41", **LatLong:** "38.216668 -92.433338", **LatLongDMS:** "38:13:00 N 92:26:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.216668,-92.433338)", **State/Prov:** "Missouri", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 27812 (FF931CA7)
**Date:** 2/14/1967
**Location:** Hannon, Ontario, CA
**Description:** Time not reported. A saucer-shaped object (disc) with blinking red lights (body lights) forced a car off the road. It returned and hovered in view of many witnesses, landing in a nearby field. Marks were found in the snow (physical traces) at the landing spot next day. (Letter dated 2/23/67 in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 06 - Trace Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3286
### Event 27813 (639F489E)
**Date:** 2/14/1967
**Location:** Jefferson City, MO
**Description:** 7:00 a.m. CE-III. A disc-shaped object was seen resting on a shaft in a field. Small beings were reportedly moving around rapidly beneath it. They disappeared behind the shaft, the object rocked back and forth, took off, and sped away. (UFOE II, p. 327) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3287
### Event 27814 (F318DAC4)
**Date:** 2/14/1967
**Location:** Bellingham, WA
**Description:** 6:30 p.m. PST (8:30 p.m.). A woman saw a cigar-shaped object with rotating red, green, orange, and white lights (body lights). The object both hovered and darted around in various directions. The witness could see its reflection in the lake. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3288
### Event 27815 (AC607EC4)
**Date:** 2/14/1967
**Location:** Suncrest, WV
**Description:** 6:45 p.m. EST. Two women and other family members saw a silvery disc, with porthole-like openings visible around the perimeter. Rays of light (light beams) occasionally were emitted from these openings in a variety of colors. The object hovered, then moved off making a sound like a strong wind. (Morgantown Dominion News, West Virginia, 2/15/67, copy in NICAP files; undated Kalapaca investigation report in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3289
### Event 27816 (071CF250)
**Date:** 2/14/1967
**Location:** Lee's Summit, MO
**Description:** 7:50-8:30 p.m. CST. Two women saw a house-sized oval object with red, green, and blue blinking lights (body lights). The object hovered at about 40-50 feet altitude. Later it maneuvered around a U.S. Air Force plane that was searching for it, directed by one of the women via telephone. According to the newspaper report, the pilot was unable to see the object. (Kansas City Star, 2/16/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3290
### Event 27817 (651CE900)
**Date:** 2/14/1967
**Location:** West Frankfort, IL
**Description:** 8:20 p.m. CST. A woman saw an object shaped like a derby hat (domed disc) with a metallic sheen. The object hovered, then flew low over trees, remaining visible for 3-4 minutes. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3291
### Event 27818 (BF2F0DFC)
**Date:** 2/14/1967
**Location:** Abington, VA
**Description:** 9:00 p.m. EST (8:00 p.m. CST). A woman saw a triangular object with green lights at two points and a red light at the third (body lights). It moved across the sky and then returned to its original position (maneuvered). (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3292
### Event 27819 (26A40D0E)
**Date:** 2/14/1967
**Location:** Jefferson City, MO
**Description:** Disc-shaped object in field, small beings moved around beneath it. Beings disappeared behind shaft, object sped away
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_117
### Event 27820 (E7A8C3A9)
**Date:** 2/14/1967
**Location:** Miller County, Missouri
**Description:** 7:00 a.m. A farmer in Miller County, Missouri, notices that his cows are all staring in one direction. He goes to investigate and sees a landed object about 360 feet away. He sees several entities moving around it, so he picks up some stones and approaches it. From about 30 feet away, the object looks like a hovering parachute or a grayish-green shell. The creatures, apparently wearing overalls, scurry behind the craft and go inside. The farmer throws one stone, but it stops in midair about 15 feet away and drops to the ground. He throws the other stone to try to strike the top of the object, but it bounces off something. When he gets to 15 feet away, he walks into an invisible wall and can’t see the object at all.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** CUFOS case file
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4207
### Event 27821 (20A6A365)
**Date:** 2/14/1967
**Description:** In Tuscumbia, Missouri at seven o'clock in the morning a Mr. Edwards saw a disc hovering just off ground. It was apparently resting on a shaft in a muddy field, and was rocking back and forth. Several small humanoid beings, grayish green in color, moved around rapidly beneath it. The creatures had very wide set eyes and no visible legs, but they did have quick moving arms. After about five minutes they disappeared behind the shaft, the object rocked, took off, then sped away.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** APRO Bulletin, September-October 1969, p. 5; Ted R. Phillips, Skylook, August 1975, p. 15; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case A0785, citing Skylook; Richard F. Haines, CE-5: Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind, p. 118; Coral E. Lorenzen, Encounters with UFO Occupants, p. 191; Richard Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty Year Report, pp. 9, 327
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_916
### Event 27822 (17B010BB)
**Date:** 2/15/1967
**Time:** 02:30
**Location:** KENMARE, ND
**Description:** Silent disk / 20 degree tilt. 2 men / dome! Going east over house / 150kph. No maneuvers.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLICKENGER, Don: NORTH DAKOTA UFO files. Well Documented NICAP files for the 1960s: Xeroxed by Tom Tulien (Index 15)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8008
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **NUC:** Nuclear facility related
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "5", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "579", **HatchDesc:** "KENMARE,ND:SLNT DISK/20dgr TILT:2 MEN/DOME!:>E ovr HOUSE/150kph:no mnvrs", **LatLong:** "48.672225 -102.083338", **LatLongDMS:** "48:40:20 N 102:05:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.672225,-102.083338)", **State/Prov:** "North Dakota", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 27823 (6F78F63A)
**Date:** 2/15/1967
**Location:** Denton, TX
**Description:** 8:10-8:40 p.m.. CST. A teacher's car was followed by a flashing red light at various distances (car pacing). Two of the witness's students confirmed the report. (Letter dated 2/17/67 in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3293
### Event 27824 (514ECB44)
**Date:** 2/15/1967
**Location:** Arizona, Tennessee and Texas, Various
**Description:** 8:30 p.m. Widespread reports from Arizona, Tennessee, and Texas of a prominent fiery object shedding sparks and leaving a trail. A loud sound, flames, falling debris reported. Estimated duration 1-2 minutes. \[Note: Positively identified as a satellite re-entry.\] (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3294
### Event 27825 (FFEE50C0)
**Date:** 2/15/1967
**Locations:** Guatemala; Mexico
**Description:** Night. A Guatemalan Aviateca airliner piloted by Col. Alfredo Castaneda and Col. Carlos Samyoa encounters an object like a flying top as they are flying over Mexico at 10,000 feet. They put the aircraft into a sharp turn in order to avoid a collision, just before the object zooms out of sight.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Lorenzen, UFOs over the Americas, Signet, 1968, p. 25
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4208
### Event 27826 (989AAA57)
**Date:** 2/16/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Sighting in Stoughton \(Wisconsin\). (February 16)
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#11383 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2276
### Event 27827 (468CA559)
**Date:** 2/16/1967
**Time:** 01:10
**Description:** Pilot and ground RADAR's. Pulsing night light going down. Shoots back up to 2400M altitude.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 807)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8009
**Attributes:** **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RDR:** Radar traces/blips
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Atlantic Ocean + islands", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "ASCENSION Isl.,ATL:PILOT+GND RDRs:PULSING NLT ↓:SHOOTS BACK UP to 2400M alt", **LatLong:** "-8.000000 -13.000001", **LatLongDMS:** "08:00:00 S 13:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-8.000000,-13.000001)", **RelAlt:** "2400", **State/Prov:** "SAT", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 27828 (889E8970)
**Date:** 2/16/1967
**Time:** 21:10
**Location:** STOUGHTON, WI
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #11383. 1 observer. Night light paces car / 5-6 minute(s). Fading edges. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BERLINER, DON: The BLUEBOOK UNKNOWNS; (FUFOR). (Index 36)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8010
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "6", **Elev:** "257", **HatchDesc:** "STOUGHTON,WI:BBK#11383:1 OBS:NLT PACES CAR/5-6min:FADING EDGES:NFD", **LatLong:** "42.916669 -89.216671", **LatLongDMS:** "42:55:00 N 89:13:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.916669,-89.216671)", **State/Prov:** "Wisconsin", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 27829 (DFD74C49)
**Date:** 2/16/1967
**Time:** ~22:00
**Location:** MASSENA, NY
**Description:** Lady and 2 cops. Large glowing orange ball drifts across sky. Hovers over house.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** EDWARDS, Frank: FLYING SAUCERS-HERE AND NOW; 1967 Lyle Stewart & Bantam Books 1968. (Index 139)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8011
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "80", **HatchDesc:** "MASSENA,NY:LADY+2 COPS:LRG GLOWING ORG BALL DRIFTS ACROSS SKY:HOVERS OVR HOUSE", **LatLong:** "44.927780 -74.894448", **LatLongDMS:** "44:55:40 N 74:53:40 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.927780,-74.894448)", **State/Prov:** "New York", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 27830 (3B11709E)
**Date:** 2/16/1967
**Time:** 22:20
**Location:** BANDON, OR
**Description:** Rectangular UFO just over school gym. Light going down. Crosses lake. Going quickly west to sea.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** EDWARDS, Frank: FLYING SAUCERS-HERE AND NOW; 1967 Lyle Stewart & Bantam Books 1968. (Index 139)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8012
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "12", **Elev:** "20", **HatchDesc:** "BANDON,OR:RECTANGULAR UFO JUST OVR SCHOOL GYM:LITE ↓:CROSSES LAKE:>>W TO SEA.", **LatLong:** "43.116669 -124.400006", **LatLongDMS:** "43:07:00 N 124:24:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.116669,-124.400006)", **RelAlt:** "30", **State/Prov:** "Oregon", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 27831 (2EB9543A)
**Date:** 2/16/1967
**Time:** 22:20
**Location:** AMHERST, MASS
**Description:** 2 cops on UFO complaint. Small red object leaves large white object.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FOWLER, Raymond E.: UFO'S, INTERPLANETARY VISITORS; Prentice Hall & Bantam Books, NY 1979. 346pp. (Index 330)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8013
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "90", **HatchDesc:** "AMHERST,MASS:2 COPS on UFO COMPLAINT:SML RED OBJ LEAVES LRG WHT OBJ", **LatLong:** "42.366669 -72.511115", **LatLongDMS:** "42:22:00 N 72:30:40 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.366669,-72.511115)", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 27832 (C36A079E)
**Date:** 2/16/1967
**Time:** 23:40
**Description:** Object aims beam going down / angle. Lights desert floor. Joins night lights. / r98#60+/ r41.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 51)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8014
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "1000", **HatchDesc:** "SW/KINGMAN,AZ:OBJ AIMS BEAM ↓/ANGLE:lites desert floor:JOINS NLTS:/r98#60+/r41", **LatLong:** "35.150002 -114.116672", **LatLongDMS:** "35:09:00 N 114:07:00 W", **Locale:** "Desert", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/35.150002,-114.116672)", **State/Prov:** "Arizona", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 27833 (C947C331)
**Date:** 2/16/1967
**Location:** Towanda, PA
**Description:** 6:00 p.m. EST. A woman saw a big round light that moved and hovered, then shot out of sight. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3295
### Event 27834 (C9652885)
**Date:** 2/16/1967
**Location:** Helena, NY
**Description:** 7:00 p.m. EST. A woman saw a large round white light with a ring of stars. The color changed and the shape changed to oval. The object was low near a barn and slowly disappeared over the horizon to west. Dogs barked wildly (animal reaction). (Letter from witness, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3296
### Event 27835 (CBA64FDC)
**Date:** 2/16/1967
**Location:** Bombay, NY
**Description:** 7:15 p.m. A woman saw a round, white shiny object with a ring of orange stars around it at treetop level. The object stopped, hovered, and bobbed around. (Letter in NICAP files.) (Ogdensburg Journal, N.Y., 2/17/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3297
### Event 27836 (131F1AEA)
**Date:** 2/16/1967
**Location:** Amherst, MA
**Description:** 10:15 p.m. EST. Three independent reports from five witnesses (including two policemen) of a glowing bright white, light-bulb-shaped object that hovered in the sky, ejected a small red object, moved back and forth, then suddenly accelerated away. A swishing sound was reported. (Fowler, 1974, p. 344.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3298
### Event 27837 (73B7A79E)
**Date:** 2/16/1967
**Location:** Topeka, KS
**Description:** 10:40 p.m. CST (11:40 p.m. EST). Three witnesses, one identified as a colonel, saw a bright object which appeared to drip white phosphorus-like fire. The object was stationary for 4 minutes and then faded out. (Topeka Daily Capital 2/18/67, copy in NICAP files.) \[Note: Very likely a flare- or candle-carrying hot-air balloon hoax.\] (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3299
### Event 27838 (A61C97DB)
**Date:** 2/16/1967
**Location:** Augusta, GA
**Description:** 11:00 p.m. EST. A very bright luminous orange obiect rose out of the woods, its glow illuminating the terrain (environmental illumination). The object followed two women in a car on U.S. 1 south of the city, disappearing after about 5 minutes. (Hitt, 1999.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3300
### Event 27839 (56E587F7)
**Date:** 2/16/1967
**Location:** Kingman, AZ
**Description:** 11:45 p.m. MST. A soldier and his wife saw an pval object with red and green body lights approach their car at low altitude late on a cloudy night. The ground was illuminated (environmental illumination) by a moving light beam emitted from its bottom center. (Letter from witness, 9/14/67, NICAP files; U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. IV, No. 3, Nov.- Dec.. 1967, p. 3; Keyhoe and Lore, 1969a, p.44). (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3301
### Event 27840 (5457B449)
**Date:** 2/16/1967
**Location:** Stoughton, WI
**Description:** A light with faded edges follow car (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: 11383)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3302
### Event 27841 (EC5CB38B)
**Date:** 2/16/1967
**Time:** 9:11 PM
**Location:** Stoughton, Wisconsin
**Description:** Witness: Miss Lynn Marsh. One light with faded edges seemed to follow observer in her car for 5-6 minutes.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_565
### Event 27842 (F2D4CB84)
**Date:** 2/16/1967
**Locations:** Route 66; Kingman, Arizona
**Description:** 11:43 p.m. S/Sgt Max Recod and his wife are driving along Route 66 south of Kingman, Arizona, when they see a formation of four lights, three red and one green, approaching their car at low altitude. The lights are attached to an object that emits a light beam from its bottom center that moves around and illuminates the desert. The lights disappear, but a few minutes later the UFO reappears from behind a hill a mile away, followed by two white lights flying in step formation, one of which lands or nearly lands. The remaining light merges with the large object.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Sighting Evidence Grows,](http://cufos.org/UFOI%5Fand%5FSelected%5FDocuments/UFOI/039%20NOV-DEC%201967.pdf)” UFO Investigator 4, no. 3 \(Nov./Dec. 1967\): 3
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4209
### Event 27843 (67CA14BB)
**Date:** 2/16/1967
**Description:** A UFO was tracked by radar and witnessed visually flying over Ascension Island in the Atlantic Ocean at 1:05 a.m. local Time.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** APRO Bulletin, March-April 1967, p. 11
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_944
### Event 27844 (C3076AA7)
**Date:** 2/16/1967
**Description:** Raymond Wettling said that in the early morning hours a 180 foot long, cigar-shaped UFO landed in a field beside Interstate 70 near St. Louis, Missouri. Three silver-suited occupants emerged from the craft and invited him aboard for breakfast. He said he spent a pleasant hour and 45 minutes chatting with them inside their craft, over coffee. His hosts showed him through the craft's two rooms. One was lit up with bright red lights, the other looked like a modern office. After he left the ship, it took off straight up at a high rate of speed. No one else reported seeing it, but there was another UFO landing that evening near Weston, Missouri (see below).
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Chicago American, February 17, 1967; Dennis Stamey, Flying Saucers, June 1970, p. 36; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1967-18 (A0786), citing the Chicago American
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_945
### Event 27845 (D7EDD89E)
**Date:** 2/16/1967
**Description:** At 10:15 p.m. EST two policemen witnessed a glowing object like a bright light bulb hovering in the sky over a rural part of Amherst, Massachusetts. It ejected a small red object that moved back and forth before suddenly accelerating out of sight over the horizon. The UFO made a swishing sound.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Raymond E. Fowler, UFOs: Interplanetary Visitors, p. 344; Raymond E. Fowler, Casebook of a UFO Investigator, p. 164
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_946
### Event 27846 (F44B9E7C)
**Date:** 2/16/1967
**Description:** A male witness reported that a UFO landed east of Weston, Missouri in Platte County near Hwy. P at 8:30 p.m. not far from the Missouri River. This report is potentially an important sighting, because it is at the intersection of two orthotenic lines of three UFO reports each, from as far west as Yorba Linda, California and as far east as Ascension Island, occurring on this date. To see a map, [Map unavailable].
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Ted Phillips, Skylook, August 1970, p. 3 for Weston, Missouri; Ann Druffel, Skynet case files, report dated July 11, 1967
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_947
### Event 27847 (CE5B0511)
**Date:** 2/16/1967
**Description:** An oval-shaped flying object with three red lights, one green one, and multiple rows of windows flew over US Route 66 in the desert south of Kingman, Arizona at 11:43 p.m. at under 300 feet altitude. As the UFO passed over the highway the car being driven by the witnesses, Mr. & Mrs. Max Recod, was illuminated by a beam of light that also lit up the surrounding terrain. Two other white lights joined the first UFO; they merged with the oval-shaped UFO, then shot up into the sky and away at an extremely fast speed. Mr. Recod is listed as a military witness.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP UFO Investigator, November-December 1967, pp. 1,3; Gordon I. R. Lore, Jr. UFOs: A New Look, p. 44; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty Year Report, p. 328
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_948
### Event 27848 (60E530C1)
**Date:** 2/17/1967
**Location:** PERU, Huancayo
**Description:** (Translated from French) (cf: January 67, Lima, Peru) Pallmann and Xiti filled the trunk of the car with what they had bought and left Lima for Huancayo. There, Satura Ra was waiting for them with another car. They went into the mountains, and in a completely isolated place, a saucer came to pick them up. On Itibi Ra, they had moved their Moon (Caxa Xixan) and the people were very philosophical, devoted to Cosmophilosophy, called Amat Mayna. They lived very close to nature, nature identified with God. Pallmann visited the colony and the Dschungel plantations. After two days Pallmann was brought back to Earth, to a train station in Peru, and returned to Lima [note from vog: what does he do with his car that is in Huancayo????] (February 17, 1967)
**Reference:** Mitarbeiter, "Ufo Geheimnisse", Berlin, January 1998
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2423
### Event 27849 (E8E64202)
**Date:** 2/17/1967
**Location:** MOON
**Description:** Astronomers Moore and Moseley. Flashes / southwest edge / crater Alfonse. Also bright red light.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PINDEVIC, Thierry: Le NOEUD GORDIEN ou la FANTASTIQUE HISTOIRE des OVNI. Editions France-Empire, Paris 1979. (Index 52)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8015
**Attributes:** **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **NFO:** No craft seen, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "The Moon", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "MOON:ASTRONOMERS MOORE+MOSELEY:FLASHES/SW EDGE/CRATER ALFONSE:+BRITE RED LITE", **LatLong:** "90.000004 -0.000000", **LatLongDMS:** "90:00:00 N 00:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/90.000004,-0.000000)", **State/Prov:** "CRT", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 27850 (29766570)
**Date:** 2/17/1967
**Time:** 01:10
**Location:** DORCHESTER, MASS
**Description:** Cymbal-shape saucer / treetop level over elderly rest-home. Lights / edge.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FOWLER, Raymond E.: UFO'S, INTERPLANETARY VISITORS; Prentice Hall & Bantam Books, NY 1979. 346pp. (Index 330)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8016
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "37", **HatchDesc:** "DORCHESTER,MASS:CYMBAL-SHAPE SCR/TREETOP LVL OVR ELDERLY REST-HOME:LITES/EDGE", **LatLong:** "42.300002 -71.066670", **LatLongDMS:** "42:18:00 N 71:04:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.300002,-71.066670)", **RelAlt:** "10", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 27851 (12AA718F)
**Date:** 2/17/1967
**Time:** 18:50
**Location:** NEAR METHUEN, MA
**Description:** Separate observer(s). Delta/triangle/box-like craft stops over road. Rectangle / lights / underside. / r83p330.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 48)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8017
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "35", **HatchDesc:** "nr METHUEN,MA:SEP.OBS:DLT STOPS OVR ROAD:RECTANGLE/LITES/UNDERSIDE:/r83p330", **LatLong:** "42.666669 -71.200003", **LatLongDMS:** "42:40:00 N 71:12:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.666669,-71.200003)", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 27852 (C806F71B)
**Date:** 2/17/1967
**Time:** 20:20
**Location:** PALMER, MA
**Description:** Observer(s) films silent orbs / maneuvers. 4 figure(s) also show! 2 going SSE. 1 quickly going up. 1 going quickly west. / r100p202.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Periodical: FSR Special Issue #5: November 1973.
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8018
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "100", **Elev:** "101", **HatchDesc:** "PALMER,MA:OBS FILMS SLNT ORBS/MNVRs:4 FIGs also show!:2>SSE:1↑↑:1>>W:/r100p202", **LatLong:** "42.155558 -72.322226", **LatLongDMS:** "42:09:20 N 72:19:20 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.155558,-72.322226)", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 27853 (58571A4A)
**Date:** 2/17/1967
**Location:** Dorchester, MA
**Description:** 6:55 p.m. EST. A witness saw a cymbal-shaped object (disc) with a dome on top and 4-5 purplish lights around its perimeter (body lights). The object hovered at treetop height over a housing project for the elderly, then moved away. It made a whirring/beeping sound, which two other people also heard. (Fowler, 1974, p. 344.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3303
### Event 27854 (52FF2436)
**Date:** 2/17/1967
**Location:** Andover, MA
**Description:** About 6:55 p.m. An airline salesman driving on route 93 slowed his car as he saw an object hovering silently just over the road. Uncomfortably, he drove underneath it and saw other people in cars looking at it. (Massachusetts NICAP Subcommittee Report, NICAP files; Project Blue Book files, National Archives; U.F.O. Investigator, Vol.. Ill, No. 12, March-April 1967, p. 6; Fowler, 1974, p. 344.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3304
### Event 27855 (7FAB2FCA)
**Date:** 2/17/1967
**Location:** Lawrence, MA
**Description:** 7:45 p.m. An electrical engineer and his wife going south on Route 93 saw a loose cluster of 8-9 red, green, and white lights apparently on an object at low altitude and moving very slowly. A bright white light was at the bottom of the cluster (body lights). The object, going NE, passed over the road. (U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. Ill, No. 12, March-April 1967, p. 6). (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3305
### Event 27856 (53E77E93)
**Date:** 2/17/1967
**Location:** Palmer, MA
**Description:** 8:15 p.m. EST. Three yellow-reddish-orange globes of light moving with a smooth gliding motion were seen within 50 feet of a power line. The objects sometimes bounced up and down, and they moved away as a car approached. (Haines, 1994, p. 114; from Story, 1980, p. 202.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3306
### Event 27857 (74F9DF7C)
**Date:** 2/17/1967
**Alternate date:** 2/18/1967
**Locations:** Ware Road; Old Warren Road; Flynt Street; Palmer, Massachusetts; New Jersey
**Description:** Around 10:00 p.m. Contactee [Stella V. Lansing](https://www.legacy.com/obituaries/gazettenet/obituary.aspx?n=stella-v-lansing-murphy&pid=160113746&fhid=15490) takes motion picture footage on a borrowed Keystone 8mm Capri camera of some yellow-orange lights on Ware Road near the junctions of Old Warren Road and Flynt Street in Palmer, Massachusetts. Suddenly a white light shoots upward in a zigzag motion and she is able to film some of its maneuvers. Subsequent frames seem to show low-contrast images of four human-like beings apparently conversing. Lansing is later studied by New Jersey psychiatrist [Berthold E. Schwarz](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Berthold%5FE.%5FSchwarz), who finds her repeat UFO sightings, further UFO films, and photographs showing superimposed clock-like patterns a subject of some interest.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Story, [pp. 202–204](https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofuf0000unse/page/202/mode/2up); Berthold Eric Schwarz, “[Stella Lansing’s UFO Motion Pictures,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201972%20V%2018%20N%201.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 18, no. 1 \(Jan./Feb. 1972\): 3–12, 20; Berthold Eric Schwarz, “[Stella Lansing’s Movies:](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR-SI%201973%20N%205%2CUFO%20Encounters.pdf) [Four Entities and a Possible UFO,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR-SI%201973%20N%205%2CUFO%20Encounters.pdf)” in Charles Bowen, ed., UFO Encounters, special issue no. 5 of FSR, November 1973, pp. 3–9; Berthold Eric Schwarz, “[Stella Lansing’s Clocklike UFO Patterns,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201974%20V%2020%20N%204.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 20, no. 4 \(January 1975\): 3–9; Berthold Eric Schwarz, “[Stella Lansing’s Clocklike UFO Patterns—Part](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201974%20V%2020%20N%205.pdf) [2,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201974%20V%2020%20N%205.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 20, no. 5 \(March 1975\): 20–27; Berthold Eric Schwarz, “[Stella Lansing’s Clocklike](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201974%20V%2020%20N%206.pdf) [UFO Patterns—Part 3,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201974%20V%2020%20N%206.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 20, no. 6 \(April 1975\): 18–22; Berthold Eric Schwarz, “[Stella](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201975%20V%2021%20N%201.pdf) [Lansing’s Clocklike UFO Patterns—Part 4,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201975%20V%2021%20N%201.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 21, no. 1 \(June 1975\): 14–17; Berthold Eric Schwarz, “UFO Contactee Stella Lansing: Possible Medical Implications of Her Motion Picture Experiments,” Journal of the American Society of Psychosomatic Dentistry and Medicine 23, no. 2 \(1976\): 60–68
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4210
### Event 27858 (A564D5EE)
**Date:** 2/17/1967
**Description:** At 1:05 a.m. in Dorchester, Massachusetts a metallic domed disc-shaped object with 4-5 purple lights around its perimeter hovered at treetop level over a rest home for the elderly before moving away. At 6:55 p.m. in Lawrence, Massachusetts a dazzlingly bright V-shaped object, with a variety of body lights, hovered low over the interstate highway for three minutes. The witness drove under it. There were a series of other, similar reports close by at Methuen and Andover at about the same time.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Raymond E. Fowler, UFOs: Interplanetary Visitors, p. 344; Richard Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty Year Report, p. 328
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_962
### Event 27859 (C617FF6C)
**Date:** 2/18/1967
**Location:** GLASTONBURY, CT
**Description:** Blue Book. Noises / barn. Small humanoids (or Greys) hide / house until car passes. Saucer flies away.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BLUNDELL, Nigel & BOAR, Roger: The WORLDS GREATEST UFO MYSTERIES; Octopus, London 1989 & PB/Berkley Books, NY 1990 (Index 159)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8019
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "5", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "27", **HatchDesc:** "GLASTONBURY,CT:BBK:NOISES/BARN:OIDS HIDE/HOUSE UNTIL CAR PASSES:SCR FLIES AWAY", **LatLong:** "41.716669 -72.616670", **LatLongDMS:** "41:43:00 N 72:37:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.716669,-72.616670)", **State/Prov:** "Connecticut", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 27860 (6B40A899)
**Date:** 2/18/1967
**Location:** Chatsworth, GA
**Description:** 4:30 p.m. EST. Three people saw a shiny cigar-shaped object along with two round objects for several minutes. The objects hovered, then accelerated away. "Low roaring sound" heard. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3307
### Event 27861 (0EDB7878)
**Date:** 2/18/1967
**Location:** Carmel, NY
**Description:** 5:30 p.m. EST. A man saw two glowing ovals that hovered, accelerated, and vanished into a funnel-shaped cloud. The objects were viewed through binoculars. (NICAP report form.). (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3308
### Event 27862 (C0DCCB6E)
**Date:** 2/18/1967
**Description:** At 4:30 p.m. a cigar-shaped object was seen accompanied by two smaller satellite objects in Chatsworth, Georgia. At 5:45 p.m. west of Syracuse, New York Jerome and Cohen sighted a UFO that left a vapor trail. The object fell downwards, curved until it straightened up its descent, and then vanished. Jerome took two color slides that show a dark smoke or vapor trail. At 9:00 p.m. a coin shaped object surmounted by an orange glow that flickered floated in the sky above West Sacramento, California at a 45 degree angle. It then appeared to approach the ground.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP investigation files, Syracuse report dated February 24, 1967
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_981
### Event 27863 (B49BE6A2)
**Date:** 2/19/1967
**Location:** USA, Wharton
**Description:** (Translated from French) Among the dozens of witnesses: K.R. Miller and his wife, and Frank Jones, editor of the "Journal". Miller saw, from his car, a red light that was quickly approaching and losing altitude: he pulled his car to the side of the road. "The thing descended quickly, at the height of the telephone poles. It crossed the road in front of my car, 20 m away from us, just high enough to avoid the trees. It was an enormous circular craft that must have been 15 to 20 m in diameter. My wife and I had been able to see a row of lights of red, amber, blue and green colors, encircling the lower part of the craft. It had the shape of a bell, or a cup topped with a dome, we couldn't tell exactly because of the dazzling light emitted by some kind of white beacon at its upper part. I then saw two similar lights in the distance and drove towards Lane City and called Frank Jones. Miller, who had served for 4 years in the Air Force, added: "These things didn't look like anything I had seen. The one that passed over the road made no sound, no air turbulence, although its speed seemed to be around 120 km/h. I was able to see a large opening lit up at its upper part, above the craft's rotating beacons". (February 19, 1967)
**Reference:** Frank EDWARDS: "Du nouveau sur les S.V." - Laffont 1968, p. 218, 219
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2424
### Event 27864 (AFE17A86)
**Date:** 2/19/1967
**Location:** USA, Costa Mesa (California)
**Description:** (Translated from French) A large creature, over 2 m tall, with long pointed ears, completely covered in fur was seen in the area between 51st Street and Santa Ana Avenue. The police were alerted by a frightened man who entered the police station at 11:45 PM. Other witnesses came forward, one of them saying that the creature (hanging onto the car?) was looking out the side window while he was driving. It looked like a monkey and was moving its arms. (February 19, 1967)
**Reference:** APRG, Internet, May 1997
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2425
### Event 27865 (DE0A509B)
**Date:** 2/19/1967
**Time:** 16:30
**Location:** HOLLYWOOD, FL
**Description:** Metallic disk. Row / green lights rotates. Yellow windows. Antenna. Hovers / 6M altitude.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO Evidence II: HB: Scarecrow Press Lanham, MD. http://www.scarecrowpress.com ISBN 0-8108-3881-8 (Index 328)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8020
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "HOLLYWOOD,FL:MTLC DISK:ROW/GRN LITES ROTATES:YLW WINDOWS:ANTENNA:HVRS/6M alt", **LatLong:** "26.016668 -80.166670", **LatLongDMS:** "26:01:00 N 80:10:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/26.016668,-80.166670)", **RelAlt:** "6", **State/Prov:** "Florida", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 27866 (4C3EC683)
**Date:** 2/19/1967
**Time:** 22:00?
**Location:** LANE CITY, TX
**Description:** Domed disk crosses road. Large window / top. Colored lights / bottom/underside. Hovers and accelerations.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO Evidence II: HB: Scarecrow Press Lanham, MD. http://www.scarecrowpress.com ISBN 0-8108-3881-8 (Index 328)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8021
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "31", **HatchDesc:** "LANE CITY,TX:DOMED DISK CROSSES ROAD:LRG WINDOW/TOP:CLRD LITES/BTM:HVRS+ACCELS", **LatLong:** "29.200001 -96.016671", **LatLongDMS:** "29:12:00 N 96:01:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/29.200001,-96.016671)", **State/Prov:** "Texas", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 27867 (0E45C6AA)
**Date:** 2/19/1967
**Location:** Putnam, CT
**Description:** 2:00 a.m. EST. Two police officers saw and pursued a large orange glowing object that moved with a fluttering side-to-side (oscillatory) motion. The object moved fast, hovered, moved slowly, and changed color to pink. (Worcester Evening Gazette, Mass. 2/20/67, and Hartford Courant, 2/21/67, copies in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3309
### Event 27868 (EAF79AC5)
**Date:** 2/19/1967
**Location:** Hollywood, FL
**Description:** 4:30 p.m. EST. Two people saw a gun-metal gray oval object hovering 20 feet high. The object had a rough bottom, a row of revolving green lights (body lights), a row of shield-shaped yellow-lit windows, and "antenna." Heads of people (occupants) were seen in the windows. (Hollywood Sun-Tattler 3/11/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3310
### Event 27869 (DBD3990C)
**Date:** 2/19/1967
**Location:** Wharton, TX
**Description:** Night. A series of independent sightings was reported overnight southwest of Houston near the Gulf coast in Wharton, Bay City, and Lane City. Witnesses included businessmen and prominent citizens. Exact times generally were not specified. (Houston Tribune, Texas, 2/23/67, copy in NICAP files and in Donald E. Keyhoe Archives files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3311
### Event 27870 (50A0137E)
**Date:** 2/19/1967
**Location:** Ozarks, MO
**Description:** Dog alerts owner to near-ground object (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)
**Reference:** NICAP: [670219](http://www.nicap.org/anreact/ar-670219.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3312
### Event 27871 (04BE206D)
**Date:** 2/19/1967
**Description:** At 4:30 p.m. Mrs. Lambert and Mrs. Rigel watched a gun-metal gray blunt oval shaped disc, about 25 feet in diameter with a rough bottom, hovering at 20 feet altitude over a plaza in Hollywood, Florida. It had a row of revolving green lights, a row of yellow windows, and an antenna. The heads of people could be seen looking out from inside the windows of the craft.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case A0789; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty Year Report, p. 328
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_997
### Event 27872 (43520A43)
**Date:** 2/19/1967
**Description:** On this night some prominent local citizens had a close encounter with a 50-60 foot wide domed disc-shaped object with a large window on top and a band of colored lights on the bottom. It crossed the highway in Lane City, Texas just 54 meters ahead of the car at treetop level. It then stopped and hovered, and finally sped away.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Houston Tribune, 19670223; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty Year Report, p. 328 & 452
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_998
### Event 27873 (0E28A625)
**Date:** 2/20/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Sighting in Oxford \(Wisconsin\). (February 20)
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#11394 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2277
### Event 27874 (7C04E441)
**Date:** 2/20/1967
**Time:** 03:10
**Location:** OXFORD, WI
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #11384. Ex-airman. Orange-red dome paces truck. Going [to] behind trees. / r41p328.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BERLINER, DON: The BLUEBOOK UNKNOWNS; (FUFOR). (Index 36)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8022
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "261", **HatchDesc:** "OXFORD,WI:BBK#11384:EX-AIRMAN:ORG-RED DOME PACES TRUCK:> BHND TREES:/r41p328", **LatLong:** "43.783335 -89.572226", **LatLongDMS:** "43:47:00 N 89:34:20 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.783335,-89.572226)", **State/Prov:** "Wisconsin", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 27875 (166ADA8B)
**Date:** 2/20/1967
**Location:** Oxford, WI
**Description:** An orange red object fly parallel to a truck (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: 11394)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3313
### Event 27876 (5BB1D8C6)
**Date:** 2/20/1967
**Location:** Laconia, NH
**Description:** 5:45 p.m. EST. A man saw a bright light with smaller associated lights above it (satellite objects). The larger object swung like a pendulum (oscillation), then suddenly accelerated away. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3314
### Event 27877 (3480186A)
**Date:** 2/20/1967
**Location:** Wharton, TX
**Description:** Evening. Three bank employees in the Wharton area watched a moving red light that when viewed through binoculars appeared to be a saucer-shaped object, like two incandescent platters inverted one on top of the other and glued together at the rims. The object was flashing red, blue, yellow, and white lights (body lights). It hovered over smoke-stacks, shot up at a 90 degree angle, then dove and retraced its pattern several times. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3315
### Event 27878 (9837EAC1)
**Date:** 2/20/1967
**Location:** Binghampton, NY
**Description:** 9:10 p.m. EST. A Salvation Army Director while driving saw an object with airplane-like lights (body lights), but it then acquired a brilliant glow and flame was emitted from one end. The object hovered over the car, then sped away. (Binghampton Sun Bulletin, 2/21/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3316
### Event 27879 (914E8F3B)
**Date:** 2/20/1967
**Location:** Limerick, Saskatchewan, CAN
**Description:** 10:30 p.m. A woman saw a bright lighted object speed in and hover under a power line, then retrace its approach path (reverse direction) as it left. House lights dimmed (EM effects) while the light hovered. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3317
### Event 27880 (F3D1F954)
**Date:** 2/20/1967
**Time:** 3:10 AM
**Location:** Oxford, Wisconsin
**Description:** Witness: USAF veteran/truck driver Stanton Summer. One orange-red object flew parallel to truck for 2 minutes.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_566
### Event 27881 (C1E9F3CA)
**Date:** 2/20/1967
**Locations:** Fort Belvoir, Fairfax County, Virginia; Pentagon
**Description:** [Condon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward%5FCondon)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward%5FCondon) [Saunders](https://psycnet.apa.org/record/1993-27194-001)[,](https://psycnet.apa.org/record/1993-27194-001) [Low](http://ufohistoryfiles.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/CO%2067%20NEWS.pdf)[,](http://ufohistoryfiles.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/CO%2067%20NEWS.pdf) William Price of AFRSTA\(?\), and [Thomas Ratchford](https://www.aaas.org/archives/j-thomas-ratchford-files), USAF senior scientist, visit the CIA’s National Photographic Interpretation Center in Fort Belvoir, Fairfax County, Virginia, to meet with its founder [Arthur C. Lundahl](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arthur%5FC.%5FLundahl) and acquaint themselves with the CIA’s analysis capabilities. NPIC personnel will be available to perform work of a “photogrammatic nature, such as attempting to measure objects imaged on photographs,” but it will be strictly technical and no written comments or documentation is to be made public. After lunch, the group meets in the Pentagon with Brig. Gen. [Edward B. Giller](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward%5FB.%5FGiller), director of the AF Special Weapons Center at Kirtland AFB, New Mexico.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Arthur C. Lundahl](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arthur%5FC.%5FLundahl\#Unidentified%5FFlying%5FObjects)”; ClearIntent, [pp. 141–142](https://archive.org/details/clearintentgover00fawc/page/140/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4211
### Event 27882 (AA4CB43B)
**Date:** 2/20/1967
**Description:** At 3:10 a.m. an orange-red dome-shaped object descended from the sky in Oxford, Wisconsin and flew parallel to a truck for two minutes, finally going behind some trees. The truck was driven by a US Air Force veteran.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Project Blue Book files counted in official statistics, case 11394; J. Allen Hynek case files; Don Berliner, Australasian UFOlogist, April 1999, p. 54; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty Year Report, p. 328
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1022
### Event 27883 (EE0CD900)
**Date:** 2/21/1967
**Location:** TOLEDO, OH
**Description:** Nurse. Orange flat sphere hovers / road. Beam going down. Paces car. Speedo and watch electro-magnetic effect (EME.)
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO Evidence II: HB: Scarecrow Press Lanham, MD. http://www.scarecrowpress.com ISBN 0-8108-3881-8 (Index 199)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8023
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "185", **HatchDesc:** "TOLEDO,OH:NURSE:ORG FLAT SPHERE HVRS/ROAD:BEAM↓:PACES CAR:SPEEDO+WATCH EME", **LatLong:** "41.672224 -83.561115", **LatLongDMS:** "41:40:20 N 83:33:40 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.672224,-83.561115)", **State/Prov:** "Ohio", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 27884 (BA2F8925)
**Date:** 2/21/1967
**Location:** Hungerford, TX
**Description:** 9:55 a.m. CST. A rancher saw a glowing disc at low altitude. The object was viewed for 10 minutes, until it shot straight up making an impossible L-shaped maneuver. (Houston Tribune, 2/23/67, copy in NICAP files and in Donald E. Keyhoe Archives files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3318
### Event 27885 (ACAE3DD3)
**Date:** 2/21/1967
**Location:** Parkville, MD
**Description:** 12:45 p.m. EST (11:45 a.m. CST). A man along with his mother saw a metallic- appearing object that hovered, circled (maneuvered), then accelerated and flew away rapidly. (Letter dated 3/25/67 in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3319
### Event 27886 (99CF1F3E)
**Date:** 2/21/1967
**Location:** Toledo, OH
**Description:** 7:40 p.m. EST. A registered nurse encountered a large pulsating orange-yellow ball of light that flattened out and changed color to pink-red, and hovered over the highway at treetop height emitting a ray of light (light beam) toward the ground. EM effects were noted on the speedometer and on her new wristwatch, which stopped for several days. (Letter dated 3/8/67 in NICAP) (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3320
### Event 27887 (2111737D)
**Date:** 2/21/1967
**Location:** Winfield, KS
**Description:** 8:35-9:00 p.m. CST. Two people saw a brilliant white cylinder that moved up and down, and back and forth, with a "quivering" motion. The object flew off, returned, hovered again, changed color to glowing red and departed. It then returned, hovered again for 3 minutes, and finally sped away. (Winfield Daily Courier 2/23/67, copy in NICAP files.) \[Note: There is a Titan II ICBM Missile site located near Winfield.\] (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3321
### Event 27888 (0B6BE161)
**Date:** 2/21/1967
**Locations:** Western Avenue; Sheboygan Falls, Wisconsin
**Description:** 8:30 p.m. Sherry Kohler is driving east on Western Avenue in Sheboygan Falls, Wisconsin, when she sees a greenish spherical object with a wispy white trail flying at airplane speed on her right side for about 10 seconds. A second witness, [Richard R. Dern Sr.](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/160081043/richard-roland-dern), sees a similar object about 10 minutes later.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Center for UFO Studies, \[[case documents](http://cufos.org/cases/1967%5F02%5F21%5FUS%5FWI%5FSheboygan-Falls%5FNICAP%5FKohler-Dern.pdf)\]
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4212
### Event 27889 (13A2E198)
**Date:** 2/21/1967
**Description:** Mrs. Wolf, a nurse, was driving down a road in Toledo, Ohio at 7:40 p.m. EST when she had a close encounter with an orange-yellowish flattened sphere. It hovered over the road at treetop height, pulsating, and then emitted a wide beam of light downward. It started pacing her car. Her speedometer was affected and her wristwatch stopped. She also reported that as a result of the close encounter her skin condition cleared up.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP case files, letter dated March 8, 1967; Richard Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty Year Report, pp. 199, 267 & 328-329
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1033
### Event 27890 (92A3AA5D)
**Date:** 2/21/1967
**Description:** Two hours after the Toledo close encounter, another close encounter involving electromagnetic effects and physical traces occurred in Sheboygan, Wisconsin. At 8:40 p.m. CST dogs began yelping when a UFO flew by fast and low. The object's light went out, and the object dropped to the ground. A high-pitched whine with an undertone of humming occurred later for 30 seconds. A 15 foot in diameter ice area was found at the landing site, which caused a compass to spin.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP case files, report by W. Martiny
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1034
### Event 27891 (ECC60E50)
**Date:** 2/22/1967
**Time:** 01:50
**Location:** SOUTHWEST / MINOT, ND
**Description:** Saucer(?) going east turns back going west over golf course. Then quickly going up. Very low altitude. Lit dome.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLICKENGER, Don: NORTH DAKOTA UFO files. Well Documented NICAP files for the 1960s: Xeroxed by Tom Tulien (Index 17)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8024
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **NUC:** Nuclear facility related, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "475", **HatchDesc:** "SW/MINOT,ND:SCR(?) > E TURNS BACK >W ovr GOLF COURSE:THEN ↑↑:VLO ALT:LIT DOME", **LatLong:** "48.222225 -101.327783", **LatLongDMS:** "48:13:20 N 101:19:40 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.222225,-101.327783)", **State/Prov:** "North Dakota", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 27892 (81F0B0F1)
**Date:** 2/22/1967
**Time:** 06:30
**Location:** MILTON, IN
**Description:** Disk follows creek / 50M altitude. Slow. 2 bright lights / front. Dogs frantic.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO Evidence II: HB: Scarecrow Press Lanham, MD. http://www.scarecrowpress.com ISBN 0-8108-3881-8 (Index 329)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8025
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "283", **HatchDesc:** "MILTON,IN:DISK FOLOS CREEK/50M alt:SLOW:2 BRITE LITES/FRONT:DOGS FRANTIC", **LatLong:** "39.783335 -85.150004", **LatLongDMS:** "39:47:00 N 85:09:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.783335,-85.150004)", **RelAlt:** "50", **State/Prov:** "Indiana", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 27893 (5341BB59)
**Date:** 2/22/1967
**Time:** 23:00?
**Description:** 3 observer(s). UFO glides. Circles. Lands / field. Spins going northeast. / FSR'67#4.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA; H. Regnery, Chicago HC 1969 & Contemporary Books,Chicago 1993. 372pp. (Index 818)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8026
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "6", **Elev:** "66", **HatchDesc:** "CHIPPENHAM,WILTs:3 OBS:UFO GLIDES:CIRCLES:LANDS/FIELD:SPINS >NE:/FSR'67#4", **LatLong:** "51.466669 -2.116667", **LatLongDMS:** "51:28:00 N 02:07:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.466669,-2.116667)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 27894 (FAC9D4A6)
**Date:** 2/22/1967
**Location:** Hagerstown, IN
**Description:** Evening. A minister and his wife saw two airborne lights like headlights along with other colored lights. (Richmond Palldium-ltem, Ind., 3/3/67, copy in NICAP files; Keyhoe and Lore, 1969b, p. 34.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3322
### Event 27895 (A6F67092)
**Date:** 2/22/1967
**Location:** Milton, IN
**Description:** Dogs excited/fearful of oval with lights (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)
**Reference:** NICAP: [670222](http://www.nicap.org/anreact/ar-670222.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3323
### Event 27896 (EBA29FD1)
**Date:** 2/22/1967
**Time:** night
**Location:** Chippenham, Great Britain
**Description:** G. Grammond saw an object with flashing red and green lights glide, circle, and land in a field. He saw it again spinning in the northeast when he came out with two other witnesses 5 min later.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** FSR 67, 4 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_818
### Event 27897 (0ADEAFA6)
**Date:** 2/22/1967
**Location:** Milton, Indiana
**Description:** 6:30 a.m. As Mrs. James A. Clevenger stands by her kitchen sink in Milton, Indiana, her collie dog jumps against the window and races around, barking and jumping. She notices an oval object with a row of bright lights. She lets the frightened dog inside and it promptly hides. She goes out to the end of her front walk and sees the UFO moving slowly at 100–200 feet altitude, following the course of a creek. She runs inside and calls her neighbor Mrs. Judd Alford, who can see a ring of white lights at 200 feet. Her fox terrier runs inside at full speed and hides under a chair. The object disappears behind trees a few minutes later.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Donald E. Keyhoe and Gordon I. R. Lore Jr., [Strange Effects from UFOs](http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Books/Other/Lore%2C%20Gordon%20-%20Strange%20Effects%20from%20UFOs.pdf)[,](http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Books/Other/Lore%2C%20Gordon%20-%20Strange%20Effects%20from%20UFOs.pdf) NICAP, 1969, p. 34
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4213
### Event 27898 (1BC245A2)
**Date:** 2/22/1967
**Description:** On this morning at 6:30 a.m. a flying disc was seen at low level over a farm in Milton, Ohio by Mrs. Clevenger. Her dogs reacted strongly to the presence of the UFO. The encounter lasted several minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Gordon I. R. Lore, Jr., Strange Effects from UFOs, p. 34; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty-Year Report, p. 279
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1047
### Event 27899 (36AFD507)
**Date:** 2/22/1967
**Description:** On this night Mr. G. Grammond of Chippenham, England saw an object with flashing red and green lights glide, circle, and then land in a field. He saw it again spinning in the northeast when he came out with two other witnesses five minutes later.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 818
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1048
### Event 27900 (D9D17C4F)
**Date:** 2/23/1967
**Time:** 20:00
**Location:** ROOSEVELT, UT
**Description:** 7 separate report(s) / night lights and saucers. Luminous orange object follows car / Boneta, UT / r41p329.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SALISBURY, Frank: The UTAH UFO DISPLAY -- a Biologist Reports; 1974 Devin Adair, New Greenwich,CT. HB 286pp. ISBN 0-815-97000-5 (Index 246)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8027
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **HOX:** Suspicion of hoax, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "1580", **HatchDesc:** "ROOSEVELT,UT:7 SEP.RPTS/NLTS+SCRS:LUMn.ORG.OBJ FOLOS CAR/BONETA,UT/r41p329", **LatLong:** "40.316669 -110.000005", **LatLongDMS:** "40:19:00 N 110:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.316669,-110.000005)", **State/Prov:** "Utah", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 27901 (3BF0DA8A)
**Date:** 2/23/1967
**Time:** 21:30
**Location:** MARION, IL
**Description:** Red ovoid hovers over truck then a car. Glow halo all over/all about object. Speeds away.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO Evidence II: HB: Scarecrow Press Lanham, MD. http://www.scarecrowpress.com ISBN 0-8108-3881-8 (Index 329)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8028
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "137", **HatchDesc:** "MARION,IL:RED OVOID HVRS OVR TRUCK then A CAR:GLOW HALO ALLO OBJ:SPEEDS AWAY", **LatLong:** "37.716668 -88.916671", **LatLongDMS:** "37:43:00 N 88:55:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.716668,-88.916671)", **State/Prov:** "Illinois", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 27902 (0F40392F)
**Date:** 2/23/1967
**Location:** Glasgow AFB, MT
**Description:** (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) MG-13 Radar Confirms Two Separate Visuals (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** NICAP: [670223](http://www.nicap.org/670223glaskow%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3324
### Event 27903 (811A6D12)
**Date:** 2/23/1967
**Location:** Boneta, UT
**Description:** 8:00 p.m. MST (9:00 p.m. CST). A milk truck driver saw a luminous orange object that paced his truck. When he stopped his truck and turned the lights off, the object shot straight up and out of sight. (Salisbury, 1974, Table 1, Case 41F.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3325
### Event 27904 (38CDB6D8)
**Date:** 2/23/1967
**Location:** Carterville, IL
**Description:** 8:10 p.m. CST. Two women saw a light so bright it hurt their eyes to look directly at it (brilliant luminosity). The object hovered, accelerated, and appeared to land in a clump of trees. It emitted a constant humming sound. The object disappeared after about 25 minutes. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3326
### Event 27905 (C55F8C66)
**Date:** 2/23/1967
**Location:** Marion, IL
**Description:** 9:30 p.m. CST. A woman saw a red oval object surrounded by a pink glow (halo effect). The object hovered over a truck, then over the witness's car after the truck moved away. (Report in NICAP files; Marion Weekly Leader 2/23/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3327
### Event 27906 (30BB4BFA)
**Date:** 2/23/1967
**Time:** 1030
**Location:** Linstead, Maryland
**Description:** Mrs. Rice and Mrs. Weston were talking on the phone when they were surprised to hear a very strong sound and saw an object flying low over their area. A third person saw the object, and many heard it. The snow was swirling under it. The object was mushroom-shaped, supported a dome with a fin, was greenish, and left toward the Severn River.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** 170 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_819
### Event 27907 (FCD8177E)
**Date:** 2/23/1967
**Time:** 18:34:00.0
**Location:** 37.0175 -116.0159
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Persimmon” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_485
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0175 -116.0159", **LatLongDMS:** "37:01:03 N 116:00:57 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0175,-116.0159)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.30", **NukeMb:** "4.40", **NukeName:** "Persimmon", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 27908 (BDE4225B)
**Date:** 2/23/1967
**Time:** 18:50:00.0
**Location:** 37.1269 -116.0664
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Agile” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 200KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_486
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1269 -116.0664", **LatLongDMS:** "37:07:37 N 116:03:59 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1269,-116.0664)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.73", **NukeMb:** "5.80", **NukeName:** "Agile", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "200"
### Event 27909 (540E0E5D)
**Date:** 2/23/1967
**Location:** University of Colorado
**Description:** Lt. Col. [Robert Hippler](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/65715202/robert-r-hippler) says that Secretary of the Air Force [Harold Brown](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harold%5FBrown%5F%28Secretary%5Fof%5FDefense%29) has established the policy that all USAF information on UFOs classified up to and including Secret is to be provided to the University of Colorado project.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** NICAP, “[Declassification of UFO Reports](http://www.nicap.org/waves/670223declassreps.htm)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4214
### Event 27910 (15F01073)
**Date:** 2/23/1967
**Description:** At 10:30 a.m. Mrs. Rice and Mrs. Weston were talking on the phone in Linstead, Maryland when they were surprised to hear a very loud noise and saw a low flying object pass over their area. A third person also saw the object and many others heard it. The falling snow was swirling underneath it. The object was mushroom-shaped and it supported a dome on top and also a fin. It was green in color, and left in the direction of the Severn River.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 819, citing Baltimore News, February 25, 1967
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1062
### Event 27911 (B9EC6E90)
**Date:** 2/23/1967
**Description:** At 8:00 p.m. MST a luminous orange object paced a car in Boneta, Utah for ten minutes, and then shot straight up on departure.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Frank B. Salisbury, The Utah UFO Display, p. 39 and Appendix case 41F; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty-Year Report, p. 329
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1063
### Event 27912 (02E67764)
**Date:** 2/23/1967
**Description:** At 9:30 p.m. CST a red oval object hovered first over a truck, then over the witness's car in Marion, Illinois. A glowing halo surrounded the object. It sped away after a few minutes. The city has industries that manufacture explosives and batteries, and has several coal mines.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty-Year Report, p. 329, citing NICAP
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1064
### Event 27913 (ECFF9D7A)
**Date:** 2/24/1967
**Location:** Lucan, Ontario, CAN
**Description:** 10:00 p.m. EST. Two members of a family saw a glowing orange object, also seen separately by an Ontario provincial policeman. The policeman described it as a "flashing orangey-colored object." (London Free Press, Ontario, 2/27/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3328
### Event 27914 (AE0A367C)
**Date:** 2/24/1967
**Location:** Atlantic City, NJ
**Description:** G,V, FAA tracked 2-mins (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Rating: 5)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3329
### Event 27915 (4576769D)
**Date:** 2/24/1967
**Location:** Riachuelo, Chile
**Description:** Approximate date. An engineer from Osorno, well-known locally, saw an object touch down and a strange being, 1.50 m tall, emerge, wearing a transparent suit. He had a very white face and white hands, a pronounced jawbone, and no apparent nose. Seeing the witness, he got back inside the machine, which took off at great speed.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Lor. III 59; Vuillequez ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_820
### Event 27916 (92B7EFA9)
**Date:** 2/24/1967
**Locations:** National Technical University of Athens, Greece; Greece
**Description:** [Paul Santorinis](https://el.wikipedia.org/wiki/%CE%A0%CE%B1%CF%8D%CE%BB%CE%BF%CF%82%5F%CE%A3%CE%B1%CE%BD%CF%84%CE%BF%CF%81%CE%AF%CE%BD%CE%B7%CF%82)[,](https://el.wikipedia.org/wiki/%CE%A0%CE%B1%CF%8D%CE%BB%CE%BF%CF%82%5F%CE%A3%CE%B1%CE%BD%CF%84%CE%BF%CF%81%CE%AF%CE%BD%CE%B7%CF%82) civil engineer of the National Technical University of Athens, Greece, gives a lecture to the Greek Astronautical Society, stating that a “world blanket of secrecy” surrounds UFO reports and describes his experience with ghost rockets over Greece in 1946.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Good Above, [p. 23](https://archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/22/mode/2up); Keyhoe, Aliens from Space, Signet ed., 1974, [p. 117](https://archive.org/details/aliensfromspacer00keyh/page/116/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4215
### Event 27917 (9121D7D8)
**Date:** 2/24/1967
**Location:** Osorno, Chile
**Description:** A well-known engineer in Osorno, Chile, sees a disc-shaped object land near him. Seconds after touching down, a strange being, about 4.5 feet tall and wearing a transparent outfit, emerges. It has a white face and hands, a pronounced jawbone, and no neck. When it sees the man looking, it gets back into the object and takes off.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Lorenzen, UFOs over the Americas, Signet, 1968, p. 59
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4216
### Event 27918 (6F14C0C8)
**Date:** 2/25/1967
**Location:** WEST / CHOELE CHOEL, ARG
**Description:** Humming. 12M silver disk spins. Dogs scared. 12M / scorch / ground. / r180p46.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 15)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8029
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "120", **HatchDesc:** "W/CHOELE CHOEL,ARG:HUM:12M SLVR DISK SPINS:DOGS SCARED:12M/SCORCH/GND:/r180p46", **LatLong:** "-39.266669 -65.800003", **LatLongDMS:** "39:16:00 S 65:48:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-39.266669,-65.800003)", **State/Prov:** "RNG", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 27919 (D8673D7E)
**Date:** 2/25/1967
**Time:** 19:00
**Location:** MINNEAPOLIS, MN
**Description:** Newsman and wife. 3 20M red-glowing disks turn going quickly southeast. 10M apart / 300M altitude.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 807)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8030
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "245", **HatchDesc:** "MINNEAPOLIS,MN:NEWSMAN+WIFE:3 20M RED-GLO DISKS TURN >>SE:10M apart/300M alt", **LatLong:** "44.966669 -93.216671", **LatLongDMS:** "44:58:00 N 93:13:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.966669,-93.216671)", **RelAlt:** "300", **State/Prov:** "Minnesota", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 27920 (57C440A2)
**Date:** 2/25/1967
**Location:** Minneapolis, MN
**Description:** 7:02 p.m. CST. Seven witnesses saw three "brushed aluminum" discs with a row of lights or ports around the edges. At one point the lead disc glowed red like molten iron, then the glow diminished. The three objects banked into a turn in unison. (Air Force Intelligence Report in Colorado Project and in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3330
### Event 27921 (52BA0827)
**Date:** 2/25/1967
**Location:** Fargo, ND
**Description:** 7:50 p.m. CST. Two teenaged boys saw around or disc-shaped brightly illuminated object. It moved higher gaining speed (accelerated) and flew away to the northeast. (Fargo Forum, 2/25/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3331
### Event 27922 (73E27317)
**Date:** 2/25/1967
**Location:** Fargo, North Dakota
**Description:** 7:50 p.m. Two teenage boys in Fargo, North Dakota, see a round or disc-shaped brightly illuminated object only a few feet in diameter. It moves higher, accelerates, and flies away to the northeast.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Fargo \(N.Dak.\) Forum, February 25, 1967; J. Allen Hynek, The UFO Experience, Ballantine ed., 1974, [p. 56](https://archive.org/details/ufoexperience00jall/page/56/mode/2up); Center for UFO Studies, \[[Hynek correspondence](http://cufos.org/cases/1965-69%5F00%5F00%5FUS%5FIL%5FHynek-AF-letters.pdf)\], pp. 27–29
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4217
### Event 27923 (2E00E8CE)
**Date:** 2/25/1967
**Description:** At 5:40 p.m. in Urbana, Illinois a chemical engineering teaching assistant from the University of Illinois saw a bright unexplained light in the sky that changed color from white to red, dimmed and then went out. The light was first seen in the northern sky and flew toward the west; it rose slightly as it flew.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP case files, report dated February 27, 1967
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1101
### Event 27924 (1BA06EC4)
**Date:** 2/25/1967
**Description:** In Ann Arbor, Michigan at 7:00 p.m. a married couple sighted three brilliant red lights, each with a blinking green light on top with a hazy blue light preceding it. No structural form was seen between the lights, flew relatively slow, made sweeping turn
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** E.U. Condon University of Colorado UFO study case files, through NICAP
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1102
### Event 27925 (687F5C29)
**Date:** 2/25/1967
**Description:** At 7:02 p.m. in Minneapolis, Minnesota seven people sighted three "brushed aluminum" disc-shaped objects with a row of lights or ports around the center of each. The objects banked into a turn, whereupon the lead disc glowed red one time, appearing like molten iron, then the glow diminished. The three objects banked into the turn in unison.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP case files; APRO Bulletin, March-April 1967, p. 6; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty-Year Report, p. 329
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1103
### Event 27926 (FE56ACE3)
**Date:** 2/25/1967
**Description:** In Sioux City, Iowa at 5:25 p.m., Fargo, North Dakota at 7:50 p.m., and Syracuse, New York at 6:05 p.m. UFO photographs were taken of nocturnal lights. In Fargo two teenagers took two Polaroid photos of a round, possibly disc-shaped UFOs, entirely lit with a plain bright light. The UFOs flew up from a low altitude at a 30-degree angle, sped up, and then flew off quickly toward the northeast.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** US Air Force Project Blue Book files counted in official statistics, J. Allen Hynek case files; Fargo Forum, February 25, 1967; J. Allen Hynek, The UFO Experience, p. 236; Terence M. Wright, The Intelligent Man's Guide to Flying Saucers, p. 189
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1104
### Event 27927 (0DCD7CFF)
**Date:** 2/26/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Photo in Fargo \(North Dakota\). See images/1967-02-26.gif (February 26)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2278
### Event 27928 (F6068978)
**Date:** 2/26/1967
**Time:** 02:00
**Location:** MARLBORO, MASS
**Description:** Ovoid swings to and fro over house. Sounds like car without muffler!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FOWLER, Raymond E.: UFO'S, INTERPLANETARY VISITORS; Prentice Hall & Bantam Books, NY 1979. 346pp. (Index 330)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8031
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "27", **HatchDesc:** "MARLBORO,MASS:OVOID SWINGS TO+FRO ovr HOUSE:SOUNDS LIKE CAR W/O MUFFLER!", **LatLong:** "42.716669 -70.972226", **LatLongDMS:** "42:43:00 N 70:58:20 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.716669,-70.972226)", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 27929 (53E5193C)
**Date:** 2/26/1967
**Time:** 19:50
**Location:** NEAR FARGO, ND
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Fireball-saucer on ground. Photograph taken flying off. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HYNEK & VALLEE: The EDGE of REALITY, A Progress Report, Chicago, Regnery 1975. 301pp 24cm (Index 122)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8032
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "4", **Elev:** "270", **HatchDesc:** "nr FARGO,ND:2 OBS:FBL-SCR ON GROUND:FOTO TAKEN FLYING OFF:NFD", **LatLong:** "46.877780 -96.833338", **LatLongDMS:** "46:52:40 N 96:50:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.877780,-96.833338)", **RelAlt:** "1", **State/Prov:** "North Dakota", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 27930 (CDFA06C5)
**Date:** 2/26/1967
**Location:** Marlboro, MA
**Description:** 2:00-2:20 a.m. EST. A former teacher and her husband were awakened by an intermittent roaring sound. They sighted a white T glowing egg-shaped object with a red light on each side (body lights). Fowler, 1974, p. 345; Massachusetts NICAP Subcommittee report in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3332
### Event 27931 (45D15F39)
**Date:** 2/26/1967
**Location:** Abbotstown, PA
**Description:** 3:45 p.m. EST. A couple saw a small gray object approach just above the treetops and hover for about 2 minutes, glowing like white-hot metal and wobbling while stationary. (NICAP report form, 3/28/67.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3333
### Event 27932 (E4508877)
**Date:** 2/26/1967
**Location:** Oxford, MA
**Description:** 6:30 p.m. EST. Five people, including a newspaper reporter, saw a bright amber oval which at times turned red. The object alternately hovered and moved at high speed. According to the story, the reporter took a photograph of the object. (Worcester Evening Gazette, 2/27/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3334
### Event 27933 (9F4A7FDA)
**Date:** 2/26/1967
**Location:** Wiarton, Ontario, CAN
**Description:** 7:30 p.m. EST. Nine people in southeastern Ontario, including four provincial policemen, saw a bright shining object with lights changing color from white to green (body lights). (London Free Press (Ontario) 2/27/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3335
### Event 27934 (408FDCC2)
**Date:** 2/26/1967
**Location:** Coshocton, OH
**Description:** 7:45 p.m. EST. Two policemen saw two light-colored saucers of different sizes with associated red flames. The larger object was stationary and the smaller object hovered about it (satellite object). (Dover Daily Reporter, Ohio, 2/28/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3336
### Event 27935 (36139DEE)
**Date:** 2/26/1967
**Location:** Across U.S
**Description:** and some other countries. 6:30-9:30 P.M. Objects with streams of lights, erratic motions. No USAF unknowns or Colorado Project cases for this date. Suspected extraordinary phenomenon (meteor train?) or military maneuvers.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_118
### Event 27936 (3F25F4BF)
**Date:** 2/26/1967
**Time:** 03:57:59.8
**Location:** 49.7457 78.0823
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 150KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1295
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.7457 78.0823", **LatLongDMS:** "49:44:45 N 78:04:56 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.7457,78.0823)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "6.00", **NukeSource:** "BOCHAROV", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "150"
### Event 27937 (AEC08B5F)
**Date:** 2/26/1967
**Description:** At 6:00 p.m. local time a low flying, bullet-shaped object flew over Dublin Airport, Ireland. It gave off blue and yellow flashes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP files, press clipping dated February 27, 1967; Dermot Butler, Conspiracy of Silence: UFOs in Ireland, p. 20
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1129
### Event 27938 (242515D3)
**Date:** 2/26/1967
**Description:** One hour later, a sound like a car without a muffler woke up a school teacher and her husband in Marlboro, Massachusetts at two o'clock in the morning EST. They looked outside and saw a white glowing egg-shaped object with a red light on each side in the sky, swinging back-and-forth in a pendulum motion making a purring sound. At 6:30 p.m. five people in Oxford, Massachusetts, including a newspaper reporter, saw a bright amber oval-shaped object which at times turned red. The UFO alternately hovered and moved at high speed. The reporter took a photograph of the object.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** (1) Raymond E. Fowler, UFOs: Interplanetary Visitors, p. 345; Raymond E. Fowler, Casebook of a UFO Investigator, p. 164; (2) Worcester (MA) Evening Gazette, February 27, 1967; NICAP files
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1130
### Event 27939 (C4B0B7D1)
**Date:** 2/26/1967
**Description:** At 3:45 p.m. EST a married couple named Young in Abbotsford, Pennsylvania saw a small gray object approach just above the treetops and hover for about two minutes, glowing like white-hot metal and wobbling while stationary. The object moved slowly across the highway, stopped, then finally moved away to the west-southwest and disappeared after five minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP report form dated March 28, 1967
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1131
### Event 27940 (F6A50517)
**Date:** 2/26/1967
**Description:** At 7:30 p.m. nine witnesses including four policemen in Wiarton, southeastern Ontario, Canada saw a bright shining object with body lights changing color from white to green. The UFO appeared to have streamers of light around it. It flitted about, hovered, and then disappeared.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** London (ON) Free Press, February 27, 1967; NICAP files; Gene Duplantier, Saucers, Space & Science, Summer 1967, p. 7
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1132
### Event 27941 (D9BDAB8C)
**Date:** 2/26/1967
**Description:** At 7:45 p.m. two policemen, Edie and Border, in Coshocton, Ohio saw two light-colored saucers of different sizes with associated red flames. The larger object was stationary and the smaller satellite object moved about it. The two objects moved in and out of sight together. Other residents reportedly also had sightings.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Dover (OH) Daily Reporter, February 28, 1967; NICAP files
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1133
### Event 27942 (CD42C64A)
**Date:** 2/27/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Observation in Grand Haven \(Michigan\). (February 27)
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#11419 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2279
### Event 27943 (D1234F43)
**Date:** 2/27/1967
**Time:** 19:00
**Location:** TOPEKA, KS
**Description:** Wide top-saucer hovers over trees. Red and blue body lights. TV Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). / news.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO Evidence II: HB: Scarecrow Press Lanham, MD. http://www.scarecrowpress.com ISBN 0-8108-3881-8 (Index 329)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8033
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "300", **HatchDesc:** "TOPEKA,KS:WIDE TOP-SCR HVRS OVR TREES:RED+BLU BODY LITES:TV RFI:/news", **LatLong:** "39.033335 -95.700005", **LatLongDMS:** "39:02:00 N 95:42:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.033335,-95.700005)", **State/Prov:** "Kansas", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 27944 (472A85BE)
**Date:** 2/27/1967
**Time:** 19:30
**Location:** US40 WITH VERNAL, UT
**Description:** 30M saucer covers road. Follows car to Roosevelt / 30 min. / r41p329.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SALISBURY, Frank: The UTAH UFO DISPLAY -- a Biologist Reports; 1974 Devin Adair, New Greenwich,CT. HB 286pp. ISBN 0-815-97000-5 (Index 39)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8034
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "30", **Elev:** "1545", **HatchDesc:** "US40 W/VERNAL,UT:30M SCR COVERS ROAD:FOLOS CAR to ROOSEVELT/30 MIN:/r41p329", **LatLong:** "40.533335 -109.583339", **LatLongDMS:** "40:32:00 N 109:35:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.533335,-109.583339)", **State/Prov:** "Utah", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 27945 (F4E38E59)
**Date:** 2/27/1967
**Time:** 20:20
**Location:** GRAND HAVEN, MI
**Description:** Cop and several. Large night light. Instant 90° turn. Darts. Hovers over road. / r41p329.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BERLINER, DON: The BLUEBOOK UNKNOWNS; (FUFOR). (Index 36)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8035
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "71", **Elev:** "180", **HatchDesc:** "GRAND HAVEN,MI:COP+SVRL:LRG NLT:INSTANT 90°TURN:DARTS:HVRS OVR ROAD:/r41p329", **LatLong:** "43.061113 -86.227782", **LatLongDMS:** "43:03:40 N 86:13:40 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.061113,-86.227782)", **State/Prov:** "Michigan", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 27946 (F43F4659)
**Date:** 2/27/1967
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** EDMONTON, ALTA
**Description:** Cylinder/cigar-shape hovers / hospital. Lights white / top and red / bottom/underside. Spins? Siren noise.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO Evidence II: HB: Scarecrow Press Lanham, MD. http://www.scarecrowpress.com ISBN 0-8108-3881-8 (Index 330)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8036
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "660", **HatchDesc:** "EDMONTON,ALTA:CGR HVRS/HOSPITAL:LITES WHT/TOP+RED/BTM:SPINS?:SIREN NOISE:", **LatLong:** "53.516669 -113.450005", **LatLongDMS:** "53:31:00 N 113:27:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/53.516669,-113.450005)", **State/Prov:** "Alberta", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 27947 (68D371B0)
**Date:** 2/27/1967
**Location:** Topeka, KS
**Description:** 7:05 p.m. CST. A woman saw a top-shaped object with red and blue body lights hovering over trees, remaining in view for 3 minutes. A neighbor reported TV interference (EM effects) at that time. (Topeka State Journal, 2/28/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3337
### Event 27948 (5A041A67)
**Date:** 2/27/1967
**Location:** Vernal, UT
**Description:** 7:20 p.m. MST (8:20 p.m. CST). A registered nurse while driving encountered a luminous orange dome-shaped object (ball with bottom third cut off), clearly outlined, with blue-green, occasionally red, flame-like streaks coming from the underside. The object paced her car and dipped low before disappearing after 30 minutes. (Salisbury, 1974, p. 39-46.) (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3338
### Event 27949 (7BE690FE)
**Date:** 2/27/1967
**Location:** Port McNeil, British.Columbia, CAN
**Description:** 7:30-8:30 p.m. PST. Four people saw a large bright oval with a tail, white on top, blue on bottom and later bright red. The object at times traveled in a straight line, made turns (maneuvered), disappeared, and reappeared. I was also viewed through a 45x telescope. (Letter in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3339
### Event 27950 (B5177871)
**Date:** 2/27/1967
**Location:** Omaha, NE
**Description:** 8:00 p.m. CST. A couple saw a round bright light, pulsating and changing color. Red lights were either blinking or moving around the main white light (body lights). (Omaha World Herald, 2/28/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3340
### Event 27951 (B645BB15)
**Date:** 2/27/1967
**Location:** Grand Haven, MI
**Description:** Large white light, with smaller red and green lights to the sides (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 11419)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3341
### Event 27952 (E321F6F5)
**Date:** 2/27/1967
**Location:** Edmonton, Alberta, CAN
**Description:** 9:00 p.m. MST (8:00 p.m.). A woman saw a cigar-shaped object with a red light on bottom and a white light on top (body lights) that was hovering over a hospital and spinning. The object emitted a siren-like sound. Other sightings reported about the same time were identified as RCAF aircraft. (Edmonton Journal, 2/28/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3342
### Event 27953 (BA878F74)
**Date:** 2/27/1967
**Time:** 8:19 PM
**Location:** Grand Haven, Michigan
**Description:** Witnesses: Sheriff Grysen, wife and others. Large white light, with smaller red and green lights seen to the sides. Made almost instantaneous 90^ turn to left, shot out over road and stopped, moving too fast to follow. Sighting lasted 1 hour, 11 minutes.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_567
### Event 27954 (2F9B6D41)
**Date:** 2/27/1967
**Description:** There were seven good UFO reports made in North America on this day. Two 12-year-old boys in Bunkie, Louisiana saw two points of light with tails moving in spurts through the sky for about ten minutes at 1:30 a.m. At eleven o'clock in the morning, an engineer named Scott sighted a round, luminescent object the size of a dime at arm's length flying in a "lazy, lackadaisical manner" for 40 seconds in Newburgh, New York. A resident of Topeka, Kansas noticed a wide top-shaped UFO with red and blue body lights at 7:05 p.m. local time. The sighting lasted three minutes, and he noted that there was electrical interference on his television at the time. Less than 15 minutes later, at 8:19 EST, a multicolored oval object with red and green lights and a bright white light in the middle, made a ninety degree turn in the sky and then shot out over a road in Grand Haven, Michigan. It stopped in place, then shot away at a speed that was too fast to follow with the eye. At 7:30 p.m. MST in Vernal, Utah a luminous orange dome-shaped object, blue-green and with occasional red flamelike lights on the underside, dipped low and then disappeared over a hill after more than 30 minutes. In Port McNeill, British Columbia at 7:30 p.m. PST four witnesses named Flick, Harrison, and Siemens watched a large, bright, oval-shaped UFO that was white on top and blue on the bottom. They viewed it through a 45x telescope for several minutes. It later changed color to a bright red as it went straight, left, right, and disappeared and reappeared several times. Finally, at nine p.m. MST a cigar-shaped object briefly hovered over a hospital in Edmonton, Alberta. It was white on top and red on the bottom, and made a sound like a siren.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP case investigation files; US Air Force Project Blue Book files counted in official statistics, case #11419; Don Berliner, Project Bluebook UFO Unknowns; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty Year Report, p. 329-330
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1154
### Event 27955 (2CA8E6AB)
**Date:** 2/28/1967
**Time:** 04:20
**Location:** FALLON NAS, NV
**Description:** Red fireball going quickly south fast. Stops near airbase. Jumps about. Curves going up [to] and away slow.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 807)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8037
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "4", **Elev:** "1208", **HatchDesc:** "FALLON NAS,NV:RED FBL >>S FAST:STOPS nr AIRBASE:JUMPS ABOUT:CURVES ↑+AWAY SLOW", **LatLong:** "39.455557 -118.750006", **LatLongDMS:** "39:27:20 N 118:45:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.455557,-118.750006)", **State/Prov:** "Nevada", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 27956 (A6829D83)
**Date:** 2/28/1967
**Location:** Madisonville, KY
**Description:** 6:30 p.m. EST. A couple saw a round object hovering overhead for about a minute. It had red and green body lights. The object then accelerated and sped away. It made a sound like a "low roar." (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3343
### Event 27957 (216E9D3F)
**Date:** 2/28/1967
**Location:** Grand Haven, MI
**Description:** Night. Twelve people, including six deputy sheriffs, observed an unexplained object for several minutes. They provided two descriptions: (1) a reddish-orange object, and (2) a cluster of lights with bright center, reddish edges, and oval shape. (Ann Arbor News, Michigan, 3/1/67, copy in NICAP files.) . (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3344
### Event 27958 (35230CF4)
**Date:** 2/28/1967
**Location:** Piggott, AR
**Description:** Night. Several independent reports overnight. A 21-year-old man reported that an unidentified object glided parallel to his car about 300 yards away. The object then abruptly headed for the car (vehicle encounter), swerved away, and left at terrific speed. (Memphis Press-Scimitar, 3/4/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3345
### Event 27959 (30CBF53D)
**Date:** 3/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Disks photographed in March by Augusto Arranda. See images/1967-03.jpg.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2280
### Event 27960 (261932BA)
**Date:** 3/1967
**Location:** Cuba
**Description:** Two Cuban jets attempt UFO intercept; one UFO "disintegrates". Non-US military.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [_UFOs and the National Security State: Chronology of a Cover-up, 1941–1973_, by Richard Dolan](https://archive.org/details/ufosnationalsecu00dola/mode/2up)
**Source:** Dolan, **ID:** Dolan_278
### Event 27961 (5413DC18)
**Date:** 3/1967
**Location:** NORTHEAST / CUBA
**Description:** 2 MIG 21s chase plain sphere. 1 opens fire and explodes. Object going quickly SSE / r148p173.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 943)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8038
**Attributes:** **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **RDR:** Radar traces/blips, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations, **MIL:** Military investigation, **GSA:** Covert Security Agency
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Caribbean area", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "NE/CUBA:2 MIG 21s CHASE PLAIN SPHERE:1 OPENS FIRE+EXPLODES:OBJ>>SSE/r148p173", **LatLong:** "21.000001 -75.000004", **LatLongDMS:** "21:00:00 N 75:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Offshore", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/21.000001,-75.000004)", **State/Prov:** "CBA", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 27962 (4DAE7455)
**Date:** 3/1967
**Time:** 05:10
**Description:** 6M ovoid jumps car. Instant motions. Glows and hums. Lands.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 821)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8039
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Scandanavian and Finland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "SMALANDSSTAMER,SWEDEN:6M OVOID JUMPS CAR:INSTANT MOTIONS:GLOWS+HUMS:LANDS", **LatLong:** "57.166669 13.400001", **LatLongDMS:** "57:10:00 N 13:24:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/57.166669,13.400001)", **State/Prov:** "Sweden", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 27963 (9CEC9645)
**Date:** 3/1967
**Time:** 10:00?
**Location:** YUNGAY, PERU
**Description:** Man photographs 2-3 domed saucers / 40° angle. Genuine / Hynek and Beckman. / r114p133.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 829)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8040
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Peru", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "2714", **HatchDesc:** "YUNGAY,PERU:MAN FOTOS 2-3 DOMED SCRS/40°ANGLE:GENUINE/HYNEK+BECKMAN:/r114p133", **LatLong:** "-9.166667 -77.716670", **LatLongDMS:** "09:10:00 S 77:43:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-9.166667,-77.716670)", **State/Prov:** "LIM", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 27964 (D3479DA8)
**Date:** 3/1967 (approximate)
**Time:** 18:00
**Location:** SAIGON, VIETNAM
**Description:** Many observer(s). Phony sun dances all over/all about sky / 15 minute(s). General panic. Exit unknown.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LDLN CONTACT LECTEURS: by Series and #. May'68 -JAN'72 (Entire set of 18 issues) LDLN local chapters & individual members' UFO reports. (Index 41)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8041
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Vietnam", **Credibility:** "12", **Duration:** "15", **HatchDesc:** "SAIGON,VIETNAM:MANY OBS:PHONY SUN DANCES ALLO SKY/15min:GENERAL PANIC:exit unk", **LatLong:** "10.850001 106.816672", **LatLongDMS:** "10:51:00 N 106:49:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/10.850001,106.816672)", **State/Prov:** "SGN", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 27965 (6A197990)
**Date:** 3/1967
**Time:** 23:00
**Location:** DRY CREEK BASIN, CO
**Description:** Luminous bowl saucer going [to] slow. Accelerates. Car engine and radio and lights electro-magnetic effect (EME.)
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO Evidence II: HB: Scarecrow Press Lanham, MD. http://www.scarecrowpress.com ISBN 0-8108-3881-8 (Index 250)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8042
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "1980", **HatchDesc:** "DRY CREEK BASIN,CO:LUMn.BOWL SCR > SLOW:ACCELERATES:CAR ENGINE+RADIO+LITES EME", **LatLong:** "38.416668 -108.083338", **LatLongDMS:** "38:25:00 N 108:05:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.416668,-108.083338)", **State/Prov:** "Colorado", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 27966 (74C73784)
**Date:** 3/1967
**Time:** 20:00
**Location:** FLOODWOOD, MN
**Description:** Brilliant object hovers glides and shoots around. Back / 8PM each night for days.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SIFAKIS, Carl: The OFFICIAL QUIDE to UFO SIGHTINGS; Sterling Publ, NY 1979. (Gee whiz!) (Index 78)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8082
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "60", **Elev:** "331", **HatchDesc:** "FLOODWOOD,MN:BRILL.OBJ HVRS GLIDES+SHOOTS AROUND:BACK/8PM EACH NITE FOR DAYS", **LatLong:** "46.927780 -92.916671", **LatLongDMS:** "46:55:40 N 92:55:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.927780,-92.916671)", **State/Prov:** "Minnesota", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 27967 (C3FD8F7C)
**Date:** 3/1967
**Location:** Hillsboro, KS
**Description:** Evening. Three people saw a flash of light, then an object that appeared flat , and like an upside down saucer. ; The object turned red and approached the car, which began to rock violently \* (physical effect). As the object neared the engine quit (EM effect). (Salina Journal, Kansas, 4/2/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3346
### Event 27968 (392C6468)
**Date:** 3/1967
**Location:** Dry Creek Basin, CO
**Description:** Luminous inverted bowl-shaped object approached within 100 ft., heat felt. Gillmor, 1969, pp. 295-297 (E,R,L) car (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3347
### Event 27969 (2EB90886)
**Date:** 3/1967
**Location:** NE of Cuba, Cuba
**Description:** The 1967 Cuban Jet Incident (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 0) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)
**Reference:** NICAP: [670300](http://nicap.org/6703XXcuba%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3348
### Event 27970 (3AB52BFD)
**Date:** 3/1967
**Location:** Yungay, Peru
**Description:** March 1967; Yungay, Peru (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)
**Reference:** NICAP: [670300](http://www.nicap.org/peru67.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3350
### Event 27971 (523D30F3)
**Date:** 3/1967
**Location:** New Cuyama, CA
**Description:** Night. A teacher saw a dome-shaped object with orange body lights on the ground (landed), which then rose, hovered, and departed. The witness claimed to be silenced by the U.S. Air Force. (Los Angeles NICAP Affiliate report, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3351
### Event 27972 (C00BEFC9)
**Date:** 3/1967
**Location:** Trenton, NJ
**Description:** Night. Multiple witnesses reported a two-tiered, green-red disc with a halo, and a white light on top. The object was visible for 3 hours. It hovered and maneuvered over the city. A radio station reportedly blacked out when it passed over. Other EM effects also were reported. Jets appeared to chase the object. (Trenton/an, 9/12/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3352
### Event 27973 (0FD2ECD7)
**Date:** 3/1967
**Location:** Medicine Lodge, KS
**Description:** On some unspecified date in the spring, some 525 miles southeast of Minatare, Nebraska, a man saw a large craft on the ground and small humanoids who disembarked and circled around the craft. Footprints of the humanoids reportedly were photographed. (Miller letter, Kirksville, MO, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3457
### Event 27974 (D2EF0E78)
**Date:** 3/1967
**Location:** Washington
**Description:** [Low](http://ufohistoryfiles.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/CO%2067%20NEWS.pdf) calls [Keyhoe](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald%5FKeyhoe) and reveals that none of the Blue Book cases have been spot-checked for inaccuracies because “[Condon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward%5FCondon) hasn’t found any AF explanations he considers untrue.” Low later visits NICAP in Washington and Keyhoe asks him how many NICAP cases he has examined. Low says, “Probably four or five.” Low says he ultimately hopes to review 85–90 cases.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Keyhoe, Aliens from Space, Signet ed., 1974, [p. 120](https://archive.org/details/aliensfromspacer00keyh/page/120/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4219
### Event 27975 (0C4AF81C)
**Date:** 3/1967
**Locations:** Colorado; APRO headquarters
**Description:** Members of the Colorado project visit APRO headquarters; the [Lorenzens](http://robert-barrow.blogspot.com/2007/05/remembering-coral-lorenzen.html) give them some case leads that are never followed up because they are old.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Lorenzen, UFOs over the Americas, Signet, 1968, p. 196
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4220
### Event 27976 (DC983B40)
**Date:** 3/1967
**Location:** Mountain View, California
**Description:** Michel M. Jaffe, a ham radio operator in Mountain View, California, begins publishing Data-Net Report, a UFO newsletter for radio enthusiasts that continues to 1973.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** [Data-Net Report](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20Kingdom/Awareness%20%28Contact%20UK%29/Awareness%20-%201967%20-%20International%20News%20Letter%20No%201.pdf)[,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20Kingdom/Awareness%20%28Contact%20UK%29/Awareness%20-%201967%20-%20International%20News%20Letter%20No%201.pdf) no. 1 \(March 1967\)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4221
### Event 27977 (C3A645F8)
**Date:** 3/1967
**Locations:** Huascarán mountains; Yungay, Peru
**Description:** Day. Augusto Arranda is taking photographs of the scenery in the Huascarán mountains near Yungay, Peru. He takes three photos of a disc-shaped object and one photo showing two objects. A Kodak employee sends one to ufologist Richard Greenwell, and APRO obtains the other three in 1969 from Eastman Kodak’s International Division. The circumstances of the sighting remain unknown.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Patrick Gross, “[The Yungay Photographs, Peru,](https://ufologie.patrickgross.org/htm/yungay.htm) [1967](https://ufologie.patrickgross.org/htm/yungay.htm)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4222
### Event 27978 (FA7D113E)
**Date:** 3/1967
**Locations:** Cuba; South America; Homestead AFB [now Homestead Air Reserve Base] in Miami–Dade County, Florida; Fort George G. Meade in Maryland
**Description:** Cuban air defense radar controllers report a UFO approaching Cuba from the northwest, moving at 660 mph at an altitude of 33,000 feet. Two MiG-21s are scrambled and are guided to within 3 miles of the object. The flight leader radios in that the UFO is a bright metallic sphere with no visible markings. He is unable to establish radio contact with it and Cuban air defense orders him to shoot it down. The flight leader reports that his radar is locked and missiles ready. Seconds later, a wingman screams into the radio that the flight leader’s MiG has disintegrated. The UFO then accelerates and climbs above 90,000 feet, heading towards South America. The US 6947th Security Squadron headquartered at Homestead AFB \[now Homestead Air Reserve Base\] in Miami–Dade County, Florida, is monitoring the incident and sends a report to the NSA at Fort George G. Meade in Maryland. NSA orders the squadron to ship all tapes and data to them and list the airplane loss as “equipment malfunction.” The details sound like it might be the CIA’s Oxcart A-12, the Air Force version of which is the SR-71, which are known to overfly Cuba.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** NICAP, “[The 1967 Cuban Jet Incident](http://www.nicap.org/6703XXcuba%5Fdir.htm)”; ClearIntent, [pp. 195–201](https://archive.org/details/clearintentgover00fawc/page/194/mode/2up); “1967: Two Cuban Jets Pursue a UFO, the UFO Destroys One Jet,” IUR 3, no. 9 \(September 1978\): 11–13; Good Above, [pp. 421–](https://archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/420/mode/2up) [422](https://archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/420/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4223
### Event 27979 (45840ACA)
**Date:** 3/1967
**Locations:** Ramón Martín Middle School; Guaynabo, Puerto Rico
**Description:** 11:00 a.m. A group of students at the Ramón Martín Middle School in Guaynabo, Puerto Rico, watch a triangle-shaped object above a nearby mountain. It has a cupola on top and flies around silently before vanishing.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Jorge Martín, “[Triangular UFOs over Puerto Rico,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201999%20V%2044%20N%203.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 44, no. 3 \(Autumn 1999\): 22
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4224
### Event 27980 (A9A91995)
**Date:** 3/1967
**Locations:** Dry Creek Basin; San Miguel County; Colorado
**Description:** 11:00 p.m. A luminous hemispherical object is seen over Dry Creek Basin, San Miguel County, Colorado, moving slowly, then accelerating. The witness’s car engine, radio, and lights experience interference.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Condon, [pp. 295–297](https://archive.org/details/scientificstudyo0000unse%5Fl5t2/page/294/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4225
### Event 27981 (4165B615)
**Date:** 3/1/1967
**Location:** Dayton, OH
**Description:** Lt. Gen. Hewitt T. Wheless, USAF, sends notice to all branches of the military warning of persons imitating military officers and harassing private citizens and confiscating UFO photos.
**Type:** notice
**Reference:** [Pea Research](https://www.academia.edu/9813787/GOVERNMENT_INVOLVEMENT_IN_THE_UFO_COVER_UP_CHRONOLOGY_based)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_648
**See also:** 3/21/66
### Event 27982 (79552ED7)
**Date:** 3/1/1967
**Description:** Many observer(s). 4 bright domed saucers north going south. West / flashing red and blue lights.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LORENZEN, Coral & Jim: UFO's OVER THE AMERICAS; Signet Books, NY 1968. 243p. (Index 59)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8043
**Attributes:** **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Chile", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "163", **HatchDesc:** "VALPARAISO,CHILE:MANY OBS:4 BRITE DOMED SCRS N>S:W/FLASHING RED+BLU LITES:", **LatLong:** "-33.033335 -71.583337", **LatLongDMS:** "33:02:00 S 71:35:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-33.033335,-71.583337)", **State/Prov:** "VLP", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 27983 (3E47DA34)
**Date:** 3/1/1967
**Time:** 19:30
**Location:** SHARON, MASS
**Description:** 1+1 observer(s). Silent white glowing ovoid maneuvers near homes. White glowing trail.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FOWLER, Raymond E.: UFO'S, INTERPLANETARY VISITORS; Prentice Hall & Bantam Books, NY 1979. 346pp. (Index 330)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8044
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "8", **Elev:** "92", **HatchDesc:** "SHARON,MASS:1+1 OBS:SILENT WHT GLOWING OVOID MNVRS nr HOMES:WHT GLOWING TRAIL.", **LatLong:** "42.116669 -71.183337", **LatLongDMS:** "42:07:00 N 71:11:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.116669,-71.183337)", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 27984 (1D847BCD)
**Date:** 3/1/1967
**Time:** 22:10
**Location:** POLAND, IN
**Description:** 4 / car chased home / several miles. Dark domed saucer. Hovers outside. / Don Worley.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RIDGE, Francis: REGIONAL ENCOUNTERS in the FC Files. 170pp. UFO FILTER CENTER, Mt. Vernon, IN 1994 (Index 21)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8045
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "9", **Elev:** "213", **HatchDesc:** "POLAND,IN:4/CAR CHASED HOME/SVRL MILES:DRK DOMED SCR:HVRS OUTSIDE:/Don Worley", **LatLong:** "39.433335 -86.961115", **LatLongDMS:** "39:26:00 N 86:57:40 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.433335,-86.961115)", **State/Prov:** "Indiana", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 27985 (784DD757)
**Date:** 3/1/1967
**Location:** Blairsville, PA
**Description:** 7:00 p.m. EST. Two witnesses watched an object the shape of a lamp shade (truncated cone) with a bright center stripe. The object hovered level, tilted, then accelerated and flew away very fast after 5 minutes. (Air Force UFO report form, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3353
### Event 27986 (13F15088)
**Date:** 3/1/1967
**Location:** Sharon, MA
**Description:** 7:25 p.m. EST. Two separate witnesses saw a white glowing oval object which moved about in the area of their homes. The object was silent and left a white flowing fuzzy trail in its wake. (Fowler, 1974, p. 345.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3354
### Event 27987 (996FEC72)
**Date:** 3/1/1967
**Location:** Toledo, OH
**Description:** 7:30 p.m. EST. Two couples saw a saucer-shaped object with flashing red and green lights. The object hovered briefly, then suddenly accelerated and zoomed out of sight. It was observed several times over a period of 20 minutes. (Toledo Record, 3/4 or 3/5/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3355
### Event 27988 (28211F04)
**Date:** 3/1/1967
**Location:** Gosport, IN
**Description:** 9:30 p.m. EST. Five people in a car saw a red object, fuzzy around the edges, estimated 50 feet long and 9 feet high (narrow oval or cigar-shaped). The object stopped, hovered, moved back and forth 500 feet away, then accelerated and departed at high speed. (Ridge, 1994, p. 21.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3356
### Event 27989 (DD2D8076)
**Date:** 3/1/1967
**Location:** Poland, IN
**Description:** 10:05 p.m. About 20 miles northwest of Gosport, four people in a car saw a luminous red disc with a dome. It followed the car for miles (vehicle encounter), then hovered. (Ridge, 1994, p. 21.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3357
### Event 27990 (F428403B)
**Date:** 3/1/1967
**Location:** Portland, IN
**Description:** 10:06 p.m. A dark-colored disc with a dome, performing slow and low flights in Owen County, was reported to have followed persons in an auto for miles until they reached their home at Poland, in Clay County. The flight was reported as as low as 40' and two automobiles had their hoods up, indicating possible E-M effects. (Don Worley files) (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3358
### Event 27991 (851A1A67)
**Date:** 3/1/1967
**Description:** Lt. Gen. [Hewitt T. Wheless](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hewitt%5FT.%5FWheless)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hewitt%5FT.%5FWheless) USAF assistant vice chief of staff, circulates a memo on “Impersonations of Air Force Officers,” which outlines [Rex Heflin](http://www.nicap.org/reports/Goodbye%5FRex%5FHeflin.pdf)’s accounts of the NORAD impostor and another case in which it reports that “a person in an Air Force uniform approached local police and other citizens who had sighted a UFO, assembled them in a school room and told them that they did not see what they thought they saw and that they should not talk to anyone about the sighting.” All USAF personnel hearing about such incidents should report them to AFOSI.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** ClearIntent, [p. 237](https://archive.org/details/clearintentgover00fawc/page/236/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4226
### Event 27992 (2F009757)
**Date:** 3/1/1967
**Location:** Valparaiso, Chile
**Description:** Many residents of Valparaiso, Chile, watch four bright domed objects, flashing blue and red lights, move south to north above the city.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Lorenzen, UFOs over the Americas, Signet, 1968, p. 59
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4227
### Event 27993 (668A71C5)
**Date:** 3/1/1967
**Description:** DeWitt Baldwin was raccoon hunting at night in the woods near Eden, New York when he heard a noise like buzzing bees around 1:30 a.m. He flashed his flashlight on a gold colored, unlighted saucer-shaped object that had landed on the ground. A sliding door opened and a man emerged, dressed in a black, tight-fitting suit and wearing a helmet with goggles. He asked the witness some questions, such as what he was doing there at that hour and where he had been born. He then took Baldwin's gun, looked at it and then handed it back. Baldwin claimed the humanoid broke the muzzle of the gun while examining it. Baldwin said, "He wasn't white and he wasn't black. He talked very plainly and with no accent. He had black curly hair." He told me he would be back, walked up to the saucer, got in and seconds later zipped off out of sight. No footprints or landing imprints were found in the snow where the object had rested.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** James Sipprell & James M. Reed, NICAP case investigation files; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1967-22, citing NICAP
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1204
### Event 27994 (FC47846E)
**Date:** 3/1/1967
**Description:** Four bright domed discs flew from north to south over Valparaiso, Chile on this day. They had flashing red and blue lights. There were many witnesses.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jim & Coral Lorenzen, UFOs over the Americas, p. 59; Larry Hatch, U computer database, case # 7597
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1205
### Event 27995 (D3A415C6)
**Date:** 3/1/1967
**Description:** At 7:25 p.m. a white glowing ovoid maneuvered silently near some homes in Sharon, Massachusetts, leaving a white luminous trail.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Raymond E. Fowler, UFOs: Interplanetary Visitors, p. 345; Raymond E. Fowler, Casebook of the UFO Investigator, p. 164).
1967 At 7:30 p.m. in Toledo, Ohio a disc-shaped object with flashing red & green lights was seen by two married couples, Mr. & Mrs. Keitl and Mr. & Mrs. Hiner. The UFO hovered briefly, and then suddenly zoomed out of sight; it did this several times over the course of 20 minutes. (Sources: Toledo Record, March 5, 1967; APRO Bulletin, May-June 1967, p. 10
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1206
### Event 27996 (5E0D2AA8)
**Date:** 3/1/1967
**Description:** In Poland, Indiana at 10:10 p.m. four people in a car were chased to their home for several miles by a dark domed disc. The UFO then hovered outside their house.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Francis L. Ridge, Regional Encounters, p. 21, citing Don Worley
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1207
### Event 27997 (F99EF329)
**Date:** 3/1/1967
**Description:** USAF Lt. Gen. Hewitt T. Wheless writes a memo about “Impersonations of Air Force Officers,” which states men in uniform are approaching U.S. citizens who have seen UAP and told them not to talk about the sighting and they did not see what they thought they saw. The memo requests any sightings of these men to be sent to AFOSI. One U.S. citizen, Rex Heflin, claimed a man with a badge from NORAD confiscated his photos of a flying disc.
* [https://archive.org/details/clearintentgover00fawc/page/237/mode/1up](https://archive.org/details/clearintentgover00fawc/page/237/mode/1up) (page 237)
* [https://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=](https://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi= (p7)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_122
### Event 27998 (A549E5D9)
**Date:** 3/2/1967
**Time:** 10:30
**Location:** WHITE SANDS, NM
**Description:** 20 silver disks overhead. RADAR blips / 7km altitude. Circle base. Going quickly east. / r37p150+/ r41.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 807)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8046
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **NUC:** Nuclear facility related, **RDR:** Radar traces/blips
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "57", **Elev:** "1250", **HatchDesc:** "WHITE SANDS,NM:20 SLVR DSKs OVHD:RDR BLIPS/7km alt:CCL BASE:>>E:/r37p150+/r41", **LatLong:** "32.850002 -106.533338", **LatLongDMS:** "32:51:00 N 106:32:00 W", **Locale:** "Desert", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/32.850002,-106.533338)", **State/Prov:** "New Mexico", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 27999 (3E3E6985)
**Date:** 3/2/1967
**Time:** 11:30
**Location:** US70 NEAR LA LUZ, NM
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Silver disks with green glow / bottom. Separate observer(s) / Las Cruces and more/others.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 807)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8047
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "1445", **HatchDesc:** "US70 nr La LUZ,NM:2 OBS:SLVR DISKS W/GRN GLOW/BOTTOM::SEP.OBS/Las CRUCES++", **LatLong:** "33.033335 -105.983338", **LatLongDMS:** "33:02:00 N 105:59:00 W", **Locale:** "Desert", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/33.033335,-105.983338)", **State/Prov:** "New Mexico", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 28000 (56B2D024)
**Date:** 3/2/1967
**Time:** 20:30
**Location:** WEST / DUNSEITH.ND
**Description:** Misty ovoid? with 3 lights paces cop car. 18 mm / airline(s)/airliner. Going quickly west when spotlighted.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLICKENGER, Don: NORTH DAKOTA UFO files. Well Documented NICAP files for the 1960s: Xeroxed by Tom Tulien (Index 22)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8048
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **NUC:** Nuclear facility related, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "250", **Elev:** "520", **HatchDesc:** "W/DUNSEITH.ND:MISTY OVOID? W/3 LITES PACES COP CAR:18mm/AL:>>W when spotlited", **LatLong:** "48.811113 -100.094449", **LatLongDMS:** "48:48:40 N 100:05:40 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.811113,-100.094449)", **RelAlt:** "150", **State/Prov:** "North Dakota", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 28001 (F0689241)
**Date:** 3/2/1967
**Location:** Patterson, AR
**Description:** 9:30 p.m. CST. A man saw an unexplained object with red lights (body lights) which hovered over homes and then moved on. Dogs barked during the sighting (animal reaction). (Memphis Press-Scimitar, Tenn., 3/4/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3359
### Event 28002 (32A43F5E)
**Date:** 3/2/1967
**Location:** Memphis, TN
**Description:** 11:30 p.m. A slender ellipse or cigar-shaped object with body lights along its length was reported. The lights were pulsating in a rhythmic pattern opposite to the direction of motion. (Air Force report, Project Blue Book files, National Archives.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3360
### Event 28003 (5398BBA5)
**Date:** 3/2/1967
**Location:** Piggott, AR
**Description:** 11:30 p.m. CST. About 130 miles north-northwest of Memphis, Tenn., a junior high school science teacher and coach saw four lights that hovered at treetop level, then joined by more lights (rendezvous). (Memphis Press-Scimitar, 3/4/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3361
### Event 28004 (A8BC6FEC)
**Date:** 3/2/1967
**Location:** Alamogordo, NM
**Description:** Objects sighted and tracked on radar (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Rating: 5, NC)
**Reference:** NICAP: [670302](https://web.archive.org/web/100/http://www.nicap.org/alamo670302dir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3362
### Event 28005 (D997EE19)
**Date:** 3/2/1967
**Location:** White Sands, NM
**Description:** Two Radars Plotted 20 silver objects, radar blips at 7 mile alt (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, NC)
**Reference:** NICAP: [670302](http://www.nicap.org/670302alamo%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3363
### Event 28006 (15D48874)
**Date:** 3/2/1967
**Location:** White Sands Missile Range, NM
**Description:** Radar-visual sightings of three to four silvery discs traveling about 2,000 mph. News blackout invoked by military
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_119
### Event 28007 (92C43038)
**Date:** 3/2/1967
**Time:** 15:00:00.0
**Location:** 37.1659 -116.0487
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Rivet III” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_487
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1659 -116.0487", **LatLongDMS:** "37:09:57 N 116:02:55 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1659,-116.0487)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.27", **NukeMb:** "4.20", **NukeName:** "Rivet III", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 28008 (939C02AA)
**Date:** Early 3/1967
**Locations:** Colorado; Rand Corporation; Jet Propulsion Laboratory
**Description:** [Low](http://ufohistoryfiles.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/CO%2067%20NEWS.pdf) writes a position paper that expects the Colorado project will fail to support the ETH. Before sharing his paper with project members, he shares his views in talks with the Rand Corporation, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, and Boeing. Despite his attempts to “build the record,” the project’s failure to move quickly has forced it to prepare a proposal to extend its contract.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** UFOs Yes, 130–133
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4218
### Event 28009 (04C7D817)
**Date:** 3/2/1967
**Location:** White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico
**Description:** 10:25 a.m.–1:30 p.m. Two radars at White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico, plot 20 silver objects, radar blips at an altitude of 7 miles. A news blackout is invoked by the military. Twenty-nine people report seeing one or more objects in groups, ranging in appearance from silvery objects flying overhead to a saucer-shaped object. Intermittent unexplained radar targets are seen during this time.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** NICAP, “[Two Radars Plot 20 Objects](http://www.nicap.org/670302alamo%5Fdir.htm)”; Condon, [pp. 150–151,](https://archive.org/details/scientificstudyo0000unse%5Fl5t2/page/150/mode/2up) [291–295](https://archive.org/details/scientificstudyo0000unse%5Fl5t2/page/290/mode/2up); [Sparks](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf), p. 322
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4228
### Event 28010 (B63141A6)
**Date:** 3/2/1967
**Description:** Two to four silver lights or disc-shaped objects flew over White Sands, New Mexico at 10:25 a.m. and were detected on radar at an altitude of seven kilometers. They circled the White Sands missile base and flew away toward the east. They flew at an estimated speed of 2,000 mph. Several silver discs with green glowing bottoms were sighted by a separate observer in Las Cruces, New Mexico at 11:30 a.m.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** APRO Bulletin, Volume 15, No. 5; El Paso Times, March 5, 1967; Richard Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume 2: A Thirty Year Report, p. 330; Patrick Huyghe, Special Report on 1968 Cases
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1248
### Event 28011 (B5463E73)
**Date:** 3/2/1967
**Description:** That night in Patterson, Arkansas at 9:30 p.m. a man witnessed a UFO with red lights hovering over some homes, and then move away. Dogs were barking at the time. Two hours later in Piggot, Arkansas, which is five miles to the northwest of Patterson, two high school teachers witnessed four lights in the sky. The first hovered at treetop level, then was joined by the second light, followed by two more. The four objects maneuvered about in different directions, hovered, and then flew away.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP files, citing Memphis Press, March 4, 1967
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1249
### Event 28012 (62B4A8A2)
**Date:** 3/3/1967
**Time:** 17:40
**Location:** NORTH TOLEDO, OH
**Description:** 2 teens. 25M silver saucer quickly going down [to] over freeway construction. Photographs. Quickly going up [to] and gone.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 809)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8049
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "183", **HatchDesc:** "N.TOLEDO,OH:2 TEENS:25M SLVR SCR ↓↓ OVR FREEWAY CONSTRUCTION:FOTOS:↑↑+GONE", **LatLong:** "41.683335 -83.550004", **LatLongDMS:** "41:41:00 N 83:33:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.683335,-83.550004)", **State/Prov:** "Ohio", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 28013 (1B1BB0B8)
**Date:** 3/3/1967
**Time:** 20:00
**Description:** 4 observer(s). Odd beeps. Round night light rises / ground into treetops. Then away.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** STEIGER, Brad & WHRITENOUR, Joan: The ALLENDE LETTERS. 1968 Eugene Olsen Publ + Award Books, NY PB (Index 41)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8050
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "200", **HatchDesc:** "NW/BLODGETT,OR:4 OBS:ODD BEEPS:ROUND NLT RISES/GND INTO TREETOPS:THEN AWAY", **LatLong:** "44.633335 -123.533339", **LatLongDMS:** "44:38:00 N 123:32:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.633335,-123.533339)", **State/Prov:** "Oregon", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 28014 (8773E359)
**Date:** 3/3/1967
**Time:** 20:00?
**Location:** LEWISTOWN, IL
**Description:** Ovoid with windows hovers over trees. Banks. Away with whine or humming sound.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO Evidence II: HB: Scarecrow Press Lanham, MD. http://www.scarecrowpress.com ISBN 0-8108-3881-8 (Index 330)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8051
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "180", **HatchDesc:** "LEWISTOWN,IL:OVOID W/WINDOWS HVRS OVR TREES:BANKS:AWAY W/WHINE or HUM SOUND", **LatLong:** "40.383335 -90.150004", **LatLongDMS:** "40:23:00 N 90:09:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.383335,-90.150004)", **State/Prov:** "Illinois", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 28015 (477E1079)
**Date:** 3/3/1967
**Time:** 22:00
**Location:** WEST / MAKOTI, ND
**Description:** Several observer(s) and USAF RADAR. Dome-saucer with lights / flat-bottom/underside rim. Night lights join. See reference.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLICKENGER, Don: NORTH DAKOTA UFO files. Well Documented NICAP files for the 1960s: Xeroxed by Tom Tulien (Index 24)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8052
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **NUC:** Nuclear facility related, **MIL:** Military investigation
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "120", **Elev:** "634", **HatchDesc:** "W/MAKOTI,ND:SVRL OBS+USAF RDR:DOME-SCR W/LITES/FLAT-BTM RIM:NLTS JOIN:see ref", **LatLong:** "47.972225 -101.916672", **LatLongDMS:** "47:58:20 N 101:55:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.972225,-101.916672)", **State/Prov:** "North Dakota", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 28016 (47DED2B1)
**Date:** 3/3/1967
**Time:** 23:50
**Location:** RED HILL, NH
**Description:** Clam saucer going up and down. Follows car / very low altitude. Going quickly northeast. Dog hair pulled up. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v17#2.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 48)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8053
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "20", **Elev:** "618", **HatchDesc:** "RED HILL,NH:CLAM SCR ↑+↓:FOLOS CAR/vlo alt:>>NE:DOG HAIR PULLED UP:/FSR v17#2", **LatLong:** "43.755558 -71.461115", **LatLongDMS:** "43:45:20 N 71:27:40 W", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.755558,-71.461115)", **State/Prov:** "New Hampshire", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 28017 (C90FC8F0)
**Date:** 3/3/1967
**Location:** Wheaton, IL
**Description:** 7:00 p.m. CST (8:00 p.m. EST). Two people had several sightings of a bright fuzzy ball of light (spherical) one-fourth of a degree in diameter. It moved rapidly and made direction changes (maneuvered). (Letter dated 3/3/67 in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3364
### Event 28018 (CEA5BC11)
**Date:** 3/3/1967
**Location:** Red Hill, NH
**Description:** Object paced car at 100 feet, dog reacted (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)
**Reference:** NICAP: [670303](http://www.nicap.org/ar-redhilldir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3365
### Event 28019 (657BDC10)
**Date:** 3/3/1967
**Location:** Wheaton, MA
**Description:** 7:25 p.m. EST. Two people watched a glowing yellow disc with a small red body light moving slowly to the west. The object stopped and hovered for a long time, then flew away to the east. A sound like a swarm of bees (buzzing) could be heard. (Letter 3/8/67, in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3366
### Event 28020 (694E3CBB)
**Date:** 3/3/1967
**Location:** Plantation, FL
**Description:** 9:00 p.m. EST. Seven high school students saw two glowing pyramids (truncated cones?), followed by an orange flash. The objects landed in the middle of a road, then rose and disappeared. Other sightings were reported in the area. (Pompano Beach Sun-Sentinel, Florida, 3/7/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3367
### Event 28021 (2C5B8DE4)
**Date:** 3/3/1967
**Location:** Lewiston, IL
**Description:** 10:20 p.m. CST. A couple saw a large oblong object with 4-6 large square luminous windows in a row along the side. (Lewistown newspaper, copy in NiCAP files; Air Force report, Project Blue Book files, National Archives.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3368
### Event 28022 (0A0EB21E)
**Date:** 3/3/1967
**Location:** Dorchester, MA
**Description:** 7:25 p.m. EST. Two people watched a glowing yellow disc with a small red body light moving slowly to the west. The object stopped and hovered for a long time, then flew away to the east. A sound like a swarm of bees (buzzing) could be heard. (Letter 3/8/67, in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3369
### Event 28023 (FF44EAD0)
**Date:** 3/3/1967
**Location:** Red Hill, New Hampshire
**Description:** Mr. and Mrs. Fellows were driving toward Sandwich when they saw a lighted object going up and down, turning from white to greenish blue, and following their car for 20 min until they reached Route 113. It left to the northeast. They reported feeling an "electric discharge" as it left, and their dog was very nervous during the observation.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** NICAP Mar., 67 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_821
### Event 28024 (62914811)
**Date:** 3/3/1967
**Location:** 37.0000 -116.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Mushroom” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_488
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0000 -116.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:00 N 116:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0000,-116.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Mushroom", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 28025 (F218BF27)
**Date:** 3/3/1967
**Description:** Seven white lights flew in formation from north to south over Chicago Heights, Illinois at around 8 p.m. They changed color to orange and then to red just before fading from sight. They also appeared to be giving off sparks.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Chicago American, March 4, 1967
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1272
### Event 28026 (6668134D)
**Date:** 3/3/1967
**Description:** A group of high school students came upon two glowing pyramid shaped objects sitting in the middle of the road in Plantation, Florida at 9:00 p.m. The UFOs gave off an orange flash, shot straight up into the sky, and were gone.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Pompano Sun Sentinel, March 7, 1967
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1273
### Event 28027 (D1325A12)
**Date:** 3/3/1967
**Description:** Mr. and Mrs. Fellows were driving toward Centre Sandwich, New Hampshire around midnight when they saw an illuminated clam-shaped object going up and down in the sky "like a yo-yo" near Red Hill. It was turning from white to greenish blue, and followed their car for 20 minutes until they reached Route 113. It left to the northeast. They reported feeling several "pinging" electric discharges as it left, and their dog was very nervous during the observation. It made an electric motor sound.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP UFO Investigator, April 1967, p. 6; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 821
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1274
### Event 28028 (F2F05C48)
**Date:** 3/4/1967
**Time:** 01:30
**Location:** VILHELMINA, SWD
**Description:** 30M and 15M saucers hover / 20M altitude. Going north slow then extremely fast. Forest lit. / r8#822.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 807)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8054
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Scandanavian and Finland", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "15", **HatchDesc:** "VILHELMINA,SWD:30M+15M SCRs HVR/20M alt:>N SLOW then XFAST:FOREST LIT:/r8#822", **LatLong:** "64.616670 16.500001", **LatLongDMS:** "64:37:00 N 16:30:00 E", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/64.616670,16.500001)", **State/Prov:** "Sweden", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 28029 (ADFD6565)
**Date:** 3/4/1967
**Location:** Vicco, KY
**Description:** 2:30 a.m. EST. Two witnesses saw a half-egg-shell (dome-) shaped object; its color varied from brown-red to dull orange to bright white. The object hovered and maneuvered at low level, as smaller objects emerged from its underside. The sighting lasted more than 35 minutes. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3370
### Event 28030 (69E74D0C)
**Date:** 3/4/1967
**Time:** 2400
**Location:** Vilhelmina, Swedish Laponia
**Description:** The Sodestrom family obsered two plate-shaped objects, one 30 m in diameter, the other smaller and gray in color. They hovered at 20 111 altitude for 15 min. The object left with a hushed whistling sound, illuminating the forest with intense light.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** 171 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_822
### Event 28031 (9CFDEAC2)
**Date:** 3/4/1967
**Description:** Just before midnight the Sodestrom family observed two plate-shaped objects, one 30 meters in diameter, the other smaller and gray in color, in Vilhelmina, Sweden. They hovered at close range for 15 minutes. The objects left with a hushed whistling sound, illuminating the forest with intense light.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 822
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1293
### Event 28032 (2B278CE9)
**Date:** 3/4/1967
**Description:** After midnight in Centre Sandwich, New Hampshire a clam-shaped UFO followed a car at a low level for several minutes. A dog in the car at the time was highly agitated, and its hair bristled in reaction to the close approach of the UFO. Approximately two hours later in Vicco, Kentucky another UFO shaped like half an eggshell cut lengthwise, hovered and maneuvered at a low level. A smaller object emerged from the underside of the object and flew away. The UFO varied in color from brown to red to orange to white.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Richard Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty Year Report, p. 279; NICAP case files
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1294
### Event 28033 (C7379F42)
**Date:** 3/5/1967
**Location:** USA, Huntington (Ohio)
**Description:** (Translated from French) At the beginning of March 1965, likely the 5th, a Red Cross car was driving through towns to collect blood from volunteer donors, on Highway 2 near the Ohio River. Suddenly, a large, shining object descended above the vehicle and lowered two long tentacles, like arms, on either side of the car. The driver, 21-year-old Beau Shertzer, was extremely frightened and accelerated. But the object followed, and the arms seemed to want to grab the entire car. Fortunately, a number of vehicles came in the opposite direction. When they appeared, the craft retracted its tentacles and fled. An nurse was in the Shertzer car and she was extremely excited when they arrived in Huntington. (March 5, 1967)
**Reference:** Charles GARREAU: "Flying Saucers: 20 Years of Investigation" - Mame 1971 - p. 108
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2427
### Event 28034 (0FEBE84A)
**Date:** 3/5/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) A NORAD radar detects an echo descending 30 km towards the USAF base in Minot \(Montana or North Dakota?\), which missile silos are slowly overflown by the UFO followed by 3 trucks of armed soldiers with orders to capture it without damaging it. The object takes off vertically when a F-106 patrol receives orders to intercept it. An officer who stayed close to the incident site gets sick for 3 days, several tens of missiles are taken out of service, and the craft remains unidentified by the USAF. (March 5)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2281
### Event 28035 (7B6C6F9D)
**Date:** 3/5/1967
**Location:** Minot AFB, ND
**Description:** Radar/visual of UFO over missile site; NORAD; strike team; jets.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [_UFOs and the National Security State: Chronology of a Cover-up, 1941–1973_, by Richard Dolan](https://archive.org/details/ufosnationalsecu00dola/mode/2up)
**Source:** Dolan, **ID:** Dolan_274
### Event 28036 (E1827154)
**Date:** 3/5/1967
**Time:** 00:30
**Location:** SOUTHWEST / MINOT, ND
**Description:** 2 civil / car follow flat-bottom/underside dome. Going southwest. Returns. Circles farm. Going southwest again.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLICKENGER, Don: NORTH DAKOTA UFO files. Well Documented NICAP files for the 1960s: Xeroxed by Tom Tulien (Index 25)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8055
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **NUC:** Nuclear facility related, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "60", **Elev:** "470", **HatchDesc:** "SW/MINOT,ND:2 CIV/CAR FOLO FLAT-BTM DOME:>SW:RETURNS:CCLs FARM:>SW AGAIN:", **LatLong:** "48.166669 -101.366672", **LatLongDMS:** "48:10:00 N 101:22:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.166669,-101.366672)", **State/Prov:** "North Dakota", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 28037 (5C93B37C)
**Date:** 3/5/1967
**Time:** 17:30
**Location:** HALLAM, VCT
**Description:** Silent silver saucer circles 2 kids near railroad/railway station/depot/facility. 5 photographs. Low altitude. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v14#1.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 809)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8056
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "HALLAM,VCT:SLNT SLVR SCR CIRCLES 2 KIDS nr RR Stn:5 FOTOS:LO ALT:/FSR v14#1", **LatLong:** "-38.016668 145.266674", **LatLongDMS:** "38:01:00 S 145:16:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-38.016668,145.266674)", **State/Prov:** "Victoria", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 28038 (E17F0882)
**Date:** 3/5/1967
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** NORTH / CARPIO, ND
**Description:** 3 USAF airmen / car chase multi-color object / 1 hr. Maneuvers and touches down. Going quickly north.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLICKENGER, Don: NORTH DAKOTA UFO files. Well Documented NICAP files for the 1960s: Xeroxed by Tom Tulien (Index 26)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8057
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **NUC:** Nuclear facility related, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "60", **Elev:** "517", **HatchDesc:** "N/CARPIO,ND:3 USAF AIRMEN/CAR CHASE MULTI-CLR OBJ/1 hr:MNVRS+TOUCHES DOWN:>>N", **LatLong:** "48.594447 -101.700005", **LatLongDMS:** "48:35:40 N 101:42:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.594447,-101.700005)", **RelAlt:** "1", **State/Prov:** "North Dakota", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 28039 (77C03095)
**Date:** 3/5/1967
**Time:** 22:00?
**Location:** 10 MI EAST / HAYES, SD
**Description:** 2 / car. V-delta/triangle/box-like craft paces car / low altitude. Light humming and away. / r233p41+/ r41p331.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 807)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8058
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "20", **Elev:** "550", **HatchDesc:** "10mi E/HAYES,SD:2/CAR:V-DLT PACES CAR/LO ALT:LITE HUM+AWAY:/r233p41+/r41p331", **LatLong:** "44.388891 -100.866671", **LatLongDMS:** "44:23:20 N 100:52:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.388891,-100.866671)", **State/Prov:** "South Dakota", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 28040 (8E17E17B)
**Date:** 3/5/1967
**Time:** 23:00?
**Location:** NEAR MINOT, ND
**Description:** Saucer circles missile site. Trucks chase. Quickly going up [to] as jets scramble. / r120.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO Evidence II: HB: Scarecrow Press Lanham, MD. http://www.scarecrowpress.com ISBN 0-8108-3881-8 (Index 80)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8059
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **NUC:** Nuclear facility related, **RDR:** Radar traces/blips, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "467", **HatchDesc:** "nr MINOT,ND:SCR CCLs MISSILE SITE:TRUCKS CHASE:↑↑ as JETS SCRAMBLE:/r120", **LatLong:** "48.233336 -101.283338", **LatLongDMS:** "48:14:00 N 101:17:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.233336,-101.283338)", **State/Prov:** "North Dakota", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 28041 (38B370EA)
**Date:** 3/5/1967
**Location:** Pierre/Hayes, SD
**Description:** Night. A family's car was paced at telephone-wire heiaht by a V-shaped object emittina a bright light that illuminated the ground for oerhaps 5 minutes. (Rapid City Journal, S. Dak., 3/7/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3371
### Event 28042 (FE8860A5)
**Date:** 3/5/1967
**Location:** Minot AFB, ND
**Description:** Disc Hoveres 500' Over Missile Silos / ADC Radar Confirms (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU, NC) (NICAP: 10 - Nuclear Connection)
**Reference:** NICAP: [670305](http://www.nicap.org/670305minot%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3372
### Event 28043 (E784140B)
**Date:** 3/5/1967
**Location:** Minot AFB, ND
**Description:** Radar tracked object descending over missile sites, security teams saw disc with flashing lights hover about 500 feet off ground. Object departed straight up
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_120
### Event 28044 (B6930153)
**Date:** 3/5/1967
**Location:** Lövåsen, Vilhelmina, Sweden
**Description:** 1:25 a.m. Lenny and Tommy Söderström are returning home to their farm in Lövåsen, Vilhelmina, Sweden, when they notice a “spaceship” behind a barn. They rush inside and wake their parents and a sibling. Looking through the kitchen window, they see a dark, cigar-shaped object, 82–130 feet wide, silhouetted against the sky. Wobbling slightly on its axis, it hovers 24 feet in the air. After someone turns on the kitchen light, the UFO shoots off toward the north, emitting a whistling sound, as a smaller object appears from behind it. This UFO is a silvery globe about 20–40 feet in diameter; it turns and approaches the farmhouse. When it passes above a power line, it stops and hovers for 4 minutes. It takes off toward the northeast.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Two from Sweden,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201967%2003%2000%20-%20March-April.pdf)” APRO Bulletin, March/April 1967, p. 9; Clas Svahn, “[Skräcknatten i Vilhelmina,](https://www.ufo.se/index.php/fakta/arti/verkligheten-bakom-ufopodden-i-p3/1790-vilhelmina)” Riksorganisationen UFO-Sverige; Clark III 246–247
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4229
### Event 28045 (396B992D)
**Date:** 3/5/1967
**Location:** Hallam, Victoria, Australia
**Description:** 5:30 p.m. John and Miriam Coyle take a series of six photos of a silvery UFO at Hallam, Victoria, Australia. The object circles them slowly.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[U.F.O. Photographed over Hallam,](http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/Australia/Australian%20Flying%20Saucer%20Review/Australian%20Flying%20Saucer%20Review%20-%201967%2009%20-%20no%207%20VFSRS.pdf)” Australian Flying Saucer Review, no. 7 \(September 1967\): 15; Keith Basterfield, Vladimir Godic, and Pony Godic, “Australian Ufology: A Review,” JUFOS 2 \(1990\): 25–26
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4230
### Event 28046 (6D176A65)
**Date:** 3/5/1967
**Locations:** Minot AFB, North Dakota; Minuteman ICBM missile silos of the 91st Strategic Missile Wing
**Description:** ADC radar at Minot AFB, North Dakota, tracks an unidentified target descending over the Minuteman ICBM missile silos of the 91st Strategic Missile Wing. Base security teams see a metallic, disc-shaped object ringed with bright flashing lights moving slowly, maneuvering, then stopping and hovering about 500 feet above the ground. The object circles directly over the launch control facility. F-106 fighters are scrambled, but at that moment the object climbs straight up and disappears at high speed.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** NICAP, “[Disc Hovers 500ʹ over Missile Silos / ADC](http://www.nicap.org/670305minot%5Fdir.htm) [Radar Confirms](http://www.nicap.org/670305minot%5Fdir.htm)”; [Sparks](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf), p. 322; Donald E. Keyhoe, Aliens from Space, Signet, 1974, pp. 8–9
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4231
### Event 28047 (8AD3232E)
**Date:** 3/5/1967
**Locations:** Hayes, South Dakota; US Highway 14
**Description:** Night. The Russell Carter Jr. family is traveling about 10 miles east of Hayes, South Dakota, on US Highway 14 when a bright light follows their car. The V-shaped object approaches from far away and is lower than the telephone wires, bathing the road and an area around the car in a brilliant light. They hear a humming sound and experience a feeling of numbness at its closest approach.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Pierre Family Sees UFO in Hayes Area,](https://www.newspapers.com/clip/99634015/)” Rapid City \(S.Dak.\) Journal, March 7, 1967, p. 1; “[Car Followed by Flying Object,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRG%20Reporter%20%28Gribble%29/APRG%20Reporter%20-%20Vol%205%20No%2008%20-%20No%2056%20-%2005%201967.pdf)” APRG Reporter, no. 56 \(May 1967\): 5
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4232
### Event 28048 (DFD1652D)
**Date:** 3/5/1967
**Description:** At 1:25 a.m. in Lovasen, Vilhelmina, Sweden two discs, one 30 meters in diameter and the other 15 meters in diameter, hovered at 20 meters altitude near an electric plant. They flew to the north, slowly at first and then extremely fast, lighting up the surrounding forest.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Axe Jonsson, FSR, March-April 1968, p. 12
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1313
### Event 28049 (E26B9455)
**Date:** 3/5/1967
**Description:** Four members of the Carter family were driving together between Pierre and Midland, South Dakota on this night when they were approached at telephone pole height by a V-shaped object with a bright light. It made a humming sound as it passed low over the car and it illuminated the ground with a bright light, and the occupants felt a numbness. It thensped away erratically.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Rapid City Journal, March 7, 1967; APRO Bulletin, March-April 1967, p. 11; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence: Volume II. A Thirty Year Report, p. 267 & 331
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1314
### Event 28050 (0B03F363)
**Date:** 3/5/1967
**Description:** At 11:00 p.m. U.S. Air Force security personnel watched as a disc-shaped object descended and hovered over a missile site near Minot AFB, North Dakota. Reported by the guards, other airmen in trucks chased it. It shot up vertically when jets were scrambled. There was radar confirmation of the presence of the object.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Donald E. Keyhoe, Aliens from Space...The Real Story of Unidentified Flying Objects, p. 10; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence: Volume II. A Thirty Year Report, pp. 80, 331, 372
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1315
### Event 28051 (603BB739)
**Date:** 3/6/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Observation at Bentor Harbor \(Michigan\). (March 6)
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#11454 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2282
### Event 28052 (FE6610B2)
**Date:** 3/6/1967
**Time:** 00:10
**Location:** BENTON HARBOR, MI
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #11454. Several observer(s). 15M cylinder/cylindrical object and saucers. 1 going west. Opens top and joined / 2nd.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO Evidence II: HB: Scarecrow Press Lanham, MD. http://www.scarecrowpress.com ISBN 0-8108-3881-8 (Index 331)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8060
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "40", **Elev:** "180", **HatchDesc:** "BENTON HARBOR,MI:BBK#11454:SVRL OBS:15M CYL+SCRS:1 >W:OPENS TOP+JOINED/2nd", **LatLong:** "42.116669 -86.450004", **LatLongDMS:** "42:07:00 N 86:27:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.116669,-86.450004)", **State/Prov:** "Michigan", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 28053 (2B8C83C6)
**Date:** 3/6/1967
**Time:** 04:20
**Location:** HENDERSON, IL
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #11460. Cop. Domed saucer / low altitude. Rim pulses. Bottom/underside spins. Hiss. / r237p21.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO Evidence II: HB: Scarecrow Press Lanham, MD. http://www.scarecrowpress.com ISBN 0-8108-3881-8 (Index 331)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8061
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "11", **Elev:** "248", **HatchDesc:** "HENDERSON,IL:BBK#11460:COP:DOMED SCR/lo alt:RIM PULSES:BTM SPINS:HISS:/r237p21", **LatLong:** "41.016669 -90.366671", **LatLongDMS:** "41:01:00 N 90:22:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.016669,-90.366671)", **State/Prov:** "Illinois", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 28054 (ABDA3BAE)
**Date:** 3/6/1967
**Time:** 20:20
**Location:** OLPE, KS
**Description:** Blue-green cone with lit interior going [to] over house. Circles and hovers. Shot up. Drifted down.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO Evidence II: HB: Scarecrow Press Lanham, MD. http://www.scarecrowpress.com ISBN 0-8108-3881-8 (Index 331)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8062
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "366", **HatchDesc:** "OLPE,KS:BLU-GRN CONE W/LIT INTERIOR >OVR HOUSE:CCLS+HVRS:SHOT UP:DRIFTED DOWN", **LatLong:** "38.250002 -96.166671", **LatLongDMS:** "38:15:00 N 96:10:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.250002,-96.166671)", **State/Prov:** "Kansas", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 28055 (96B70F7E)
**Date:** 3/6/1967
**Location:** Bentor Harbor, MI
**Description:** Oval-shaped object with red, green and yellow lights (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 11454)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3374
### Event 28056 (80060B12)
**Date:** 3/6/1967
**Location:** Galesburg-Moline, IL
**Description:** Object shaped like a rubber cup placed under a furniture (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 11460)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3375
### Event 28057 (CD8B8D74)
**Date:** 3/6/1967
**Location:** Alberta, CAN
**Description:** G,V, civil & mil radar, airline crew obs (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Rating: 5)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3376
### Event 28058 (3DA6A8CD)
**Date:** 3/6/1967
**Time:** 12:01 AM
**Location:** Benton Harbor, Michigan
**Description:** Witnesses: Jerome Wolanin, assistant news director of radio station and former policeman, and wife. One round saucer or oval-shaped object with red, green and yellow lights around bottom rim which pulsated red. Flew level, east to west, and was joined by second object from west. First object opened top, second came over and hovered for 30 seconds and disappeared. Sighting lasted more than 40 minutes. Objects made hissing sound.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_568
### Event 28059 (208CD398)
**Date:** 3/6/1967
**Time:** 4:25 AM
**Location:** Galesburg-Moline, Illinois
**Description:** Witness: Deputy Sheriff Frank Courson. One object shaped like a rubber cup which is placed under furniture leg, with a dome set in the cup. Bottom of object spun rapidly, rim pulsated red. Approached witness and passed overhead at low altitude, making a hieeing sound.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_569
### Event 28060 (C909F603)
**Date:** 3/6/1967
**Description:** Mr. and Mrs. Wolanin of Benton Harbor, Michigan reported sighting an oval-shaped or disc-shaped UFO with red, green, and yellow lights around its bottom rim, and with a pulsating red light, at one minute past midnight. The UFO flew on a level flight path from east to west over Benton Harbor. After several minutes a second UFO joined it. Both objects hovered for 30 seconds and then vanished. A hissing sound was reported. This is a Project Blue Book "unidentified" case. The entire duration of the sighting was estimated to be more than 40 minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** U.S. Air Force Project Blue Book files counted in official statistics, case 11454; Don Berliner, Australasian Ufologist, April 1999, p. 54; Richard Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty Year Report, p. 331
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1333
### Event 28061 (2B5E05DA)
**Date:** 3/6/1967
**Description:** Police officer Courson of Galesburg, Illinois witnessed a domed disc while driving in farm country between Galesburg and Moline at 4:25 a.m. The UFO had a pulsating red rim and a bottom that rotated rapidly. The UFO approached the witness, then passed overhead at a low altitude. Like the Benton Harbor, Michigan UFO of the same night, this object also made a hissing sound. This is also a Project Blue Book "unidentified" case.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** U.S. Air Force Project Blue Book files counted in official statistics, case 11460; Don Berliner, Australasian Ufologist, April 1999, p. 54; Richard Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty Year Report, p. 331
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1334
### Event 28062 (8619958B)
**Date:** 3/6/1967
**Description:** At 8:15 p.m. in Olpe, Kansas nine witnesses spotted a cone-shaped, blue-green light that was estimated to be 15 feet in height. The UFO emitted a reddish-orange light as it went over the house. They decided to follow the low flying UFO in a car. The UFO was observed to hover for awhile. It then shot up vertically, and descended slowly. It was described as a lighted interior. The sighting lasted ten minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP investigation files, citing Topeka Journal, March 7, 1967
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1335
### Event 28063 (01B49034)
**Date:** 3/7/1967
**Time:** 00:30
**Location:** KEENEYVILLE, IL
**Description:** 15' saucer west light beams over US20. Odd mist follows car home. / r25p225.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 807)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8063
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "20", **Elev:** "236", **HatchDesc:** "KEENEYVILLE,IL:15'SCR W LITE BEAMS OVR US20:ODD MIST FOLOS CAR HOME:/r25p225", **LatLong:** "41.966669 -88.122226", **LatLongDMS:** "41:58:00 N 88:07:20 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.966669,-88.122226)", **State/Prov:** "Illinois", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 28064 (02499F0E)
**Date:** 3/7/1967
**Time:** 09:50
**Location:** SOUTHWEST / MINOT, ND
**Description:** 4 observer(s). Shiny ovoid. 25 mm / apparent size. 2 antenna / rear. Chased going quickly southeast / USAF jet!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLICKENGER, Don: NORTH DAKOTA UFO files. Well Documented NICAP files for the 1960s: Xeroxed by Tom Tulien (Index 27)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8064
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **NUC:** Nuclear facility related, **MIL:** Military investigation
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "470", **HatchDesc:** "SW/MINOT,ND:4 OBS:SHINY OVOID:25mm/BDB:2 ANTENNA/REAR:CHASED >>SE/USAF JET!", **LatLong:** "48.211113 -101.322227", **LatLongDMS:** "48:12:40 N 101:19:20 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.211113,-101.322227)", **State/Prov:** "North Dakota", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 28065 (DE07BEF9)
**Date:** 3/7/1967
**Time:** 16:50
**Location:** PARIS, TX
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #1207. 2 night lights make 90° turn. Separate and rejoin. Rise going up / fantastic speed.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CONDON, Dr. Edward: SCIENTIFIC STUDY of UFO..etc; Bantam 1969. 965pp. (Index 131)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8065
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RDR:** Radar traces/blips, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "5", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "167", **HatchDesc:** "PARIS,TX:BBK#1207:2 NLTS MAKE 90°TURN:SEPARATE+REJOIN:RISE ↑/FANTASTIC SPEED", **LatLong:** "33.661113 -95.555560", **LatLongDMS:** "33:39:40 N 95:33:20 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/33.661113,-95.555560)", **State/Prov:** "Texas", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 28066 (F5834EA6)
**Date:** 3/7/1967
**Time:** 20:00
**Location:** AMHERST, MASS
**Description:** "Venus" seen. (Seen thru) binoculars show no detail. Changes color and moves away.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FOWLER, Raymond E.: UFO'S, INTERPLANETARY VISITORS; Prentice Hall & Bantam Books, NY 1979. 346pp. (Index 330)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8066
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "90", **HatchDesc:** "AMHERST,MASS:"VENUS" SEEN:BINOCS SHOW NO DETAIL:CHANGES COLOR+MOVES AWAY", **LatLong:** "42.383335 -72.500003", **LatLongDMS:** "42:23:00 N 72:30:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.383335,-72.500003)", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 28067 (851BA589)
**Date:** 3/7/1967 (approximate)
**Time:** 20:00
**Description:** Flash! 150M cylinder/cylindrical object glows red / hilltop. Blinks out. No trace found.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLICKENGER, Don: NORTH DAKOTA UFO files. Well Documented NICAP files for the 1960s: Xeroxed by Tom Tulien (Index 39)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8067
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "1240", **HatchDesc:** "nr BUFFALO LAKE,MT:FLASH!:150M CYL GLOWS RED/HILLTOP:BLINKS OUT:NO TRACE FOUND", **LatLong:** "48.883336 -112.733339", **LatLongDMS:** "48:53:00 N 112:44:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.883336,-112.733339)", **State/Prov:** "Montana", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 28068 (6A7DF83F)
**Date:** 3/7/1967
**Location:** Keeneyville & Bartlett, between, IL
**Description:** Dog in car alarmed as disc directs light beam into vehicle (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)
**Reference:** NICAP: [670307](http://www.nicap.org/ar-keeneyvilledir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3377
### Event 28069 (3682B513)
**Date:** 3/7/1967
**Locations:** US Highway 20; Keeneyville, Illinois; Bartlett, Illinois
**Description:** 12:30 a.m. Lucille Drzonek and her daughters, ages 24 and 17, are driving northwest on US Highway 20 just past Keeneyville, Illinois. Their beagle is with them. They see a solid object, estimated at 15 feet in diameter, outlined in bright white lights and with two big beams in front. As it nears the ground it takes on a disc shape and begins flashing red and green lights. The beagle is so frightened that its hair stands up straight on its back. As they turn off the highway toward Bartlett, Illinois, the object descends into a woods, lighting the trees with a red glare. It projects two white light beams into the rear window of their car. As they pull into their home, the UFO is hovering about 10 feet above a tree in their yard. A strange, localized gray mist appears and when it dissipates the UFO is gone. The beagle is visibly upset for the next two days. A veterinarian suggests he might have heard a noise inaudible to humans.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Donald E. Keyhoe and Gordon I. R. Lore Jr., [Strange Effects from UFOs](http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Books/Other/Lore%2C%20Gordon%20-%20Strange%20Effects%20from%20UFOs.pdf)[,](http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Books/Other/Lore%2C%20Gordon%20-%20Strange%20Effects%20from%20UFOs.pdf) NICAP, 1969, pp. 34–35
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4233
### Event 28070 (B57809B9)
**Date:** 3/7/1967
**Description:** A UFO pursued a car near Elgin, Illinois and then landed in some woods at 12:30 a.m. Something zoomed out of the UFO directly at the car, and then two white beams of light shone through the car's back window. A dog in the car was badly frightened. The UFO, which was reportedly surrounded by a fog or mist, followed the car home. Ten minutes later in St. Joseph, Michigan a multi-colored UFO was reported hovering over Lake Michigan. It was observed through binoculars, and was described as about the size of a tangerine at arm's length. It changed colors from red to green to white, and had what were described as police cruiser lights on its bottom. It made a sound like "a hot-rod" initially, which later changed to a swishing-crunching sound.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1364
### Event 28071 (517CDDCD)
**Date:** 3/7/1967
**Description:** Later that evening UFO investigator Raymond Fowler received a UFO report from Amherst, Massachusetts of a light in the sky, twice the brightness of Venus, that changed color from white to orange as it moved away. It was also seen through binoculars, but no structure could be discerned.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP investigation files, reports dated March 7 and 9, 1967; Raymond E. Fowler, UFOs Interplanetary Visitors, p. 345
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1365
### Event 28072 (5884324D)
**Date:** 3/8/1967
**Location:** USA, Leominster (Massachusetts)
**Description:** (Translated from French) RR2, around 01:05 - 2 witnesses, husband and wife, painter and hairdresser (William Wallace and his wife). As they drove along the cemetery which seemed to be covered in a blanket of fog, although the night was particularly clear. They suddenly noticed a light. Thinking that a fire was burning in the cemetery and that the fog was the smoke coming from it, they turned around and came back. Having done so, he lowered his windows and leaving the road, he drove along the cemetery towards the light which was just above. He got out of the car, closed the door (the window remained lowered, and raised his arm to point to the object. Several events happened simultaneously then: all the car lights, the radio and the engine stopped working, he felt an electric shock, felt numb and unable to move. The arm he had raised was suddenly thrown back against the roof of the car with such force that it was imprinted in the glass that covered it. Mr. W. could no longer move a muscle, yet he heard perfectly and his brain seemed to function normally. Then the radio and the car lights came back on while the object, which had not stopped swaying, suddenly climbed emitting a kind of buzzing and was lost above the blanket of fog.
**Reference:** J. Allen HYNEK: "Les Ovni, mythe ou réalité?" trad. Belfond 1974 p. 140, 148, 149, 277
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2428
### Event 28073 (2AD59524)
**Date:** 3/8/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In Leominster \(Massachusetts\), two witnesses observe a UFO for 4 minutes from their broken-down car. One of the witnesses feels an electric shock and then is paralyzed, his arm is violently thrown back. The object then suddenly climbs and moves away, and everything returns to normal. Excerpt from the investigation report: Having made a U-turn, he lowered the windows and, leaving the road, he drove along the cemetery, towards the light that was just above... He got out of the car, closed the door \(the window remaining open\) and raised his arm to point to the object. Several events then occurred simultaneously: all the lights, the radio and the engine stopped working; he felt an electric shock, felt numb and unable to move, the arm he had raised fell back violently against the roof of the car, with such force that it was imprinted in the glass that covered it... Mr. W. could not move a muscle, yet he could perfectly hear and his brain seemed to function normally. Then the radio and the car lights came back on while the object, which had not stopped swaying, suddenly climbed emitting a kind of buzzing and was lost above the fog blanket. (March 8, 1:05 AM)
**Reference:** Poher 2003
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2284
### Event 28074 (6F2E5E89)
**Date:** 3/8/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In the United States, a motorist is paralyzed by a UFO. As he drives along a cemetery, an unusual light appears. The investigator recounts: He got out of the car, closed the door and raised his arm to point to the object. Several events then happened simultaneously: all the lights, the radio and the engine stopped working; he felt an electric shock, felt numb and unable to move; the arm he had raised was suddenly thrown back against the roof of the car, with such force that it was imprinted in the glass that covered it... Mr. W. could not move a muscle; yet he could hear perfectly and his brain seemed to be functioning normally. Then the radio and car lights came back on while the object, which had not stopped swaying, suddenly rose emitting a kind of buzzing and was lost above the blanket of fog. (March 8)
**Reference:** a passenger is in the car
**Reference:** *UFOs, Myth or Reality?* p.156
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2285
### Event 28075 (8457CC86)
**Date:** 3/8/1967
**Location:** COMAS, PERU
**Description:** Hundreds / observer(s). 15 silent saucers slowly circle low over city / several minutes. / APRO 3'67.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LORENZEN, Coral & Jim: UFO's OVER THE AMERICAS; Signet Books, NY 1968. 243p. (Index 59)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8068
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Peru", **Credibility:** "12", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "4282", **HatchDesc:** "COMAS,PERU:100s/OBS:15 SLNT SCRS SLOWLY CCL LOW OVR CITY/SVRL MINs:/APRO 3'67", **LatLong:** "-11.766667 -75.083337", **LatLongDMS:** "11:46:00 S 75:05:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-11.766667,-75.083337)", **State/Prov:** "Arequipa", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 28076 (0F30DEAD)
**Date:** 3/8/1967
**Time:** 01:10
**Location:** LEOMINSTER, MA
**Description:** 13M saucer over low fog. Car malfunctions due to EME (electro-magnetic effects). 2 observer(s). 1 paralyzed / 20 mile(s). / MJ#210+/ r83p139.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 48)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8069
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "25", **Elev:** "122", **HatchDesc:** "LEOMINSTER,MA:13M SCR OVR LO FOG:CAR EMEs:2 OBS:1 PRLZD/20mi:/MJ#210+/r83p139", **LatLong:** "42.533335 -71.755559", **LatLongDMS:** "42:32:00 N 71:45:20 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.533335,-71.755559)", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 28077 (0F06666B)
**Date:** 3/8/1967
**Time:** 10:10
**Location:** CANTERBURY, AUS
**Description:** 3 observer(s). 30' gray saucer / 40' altitude south going north / 20mph. Hums. Phones out. / r174p124.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 809)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8070
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "CANTERBURY,AUS:3 OBS:30'GRAY SCR/40'alt S>N/20mph:HUMS:PHONES OUT:/r174p124", **LatLong:** "-33.916668 151.116674", **LatLongDMS:** "33:55:00 S 151:07:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-33.916668,151.116674)", **State/Prov:** "NSW", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 28078 (B8C6B294)
**Date:** 3/8/1967
**Time:** 19:00
**Location:** FROSTBURG, MD
**Description:** Bright object blinks out when plane nears. Slowly relights. Several observer(s).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** EDWARDS, Frank: FLYING SAUCERS-HERE AND NOW; 1967 Lyle Stewart & Bantam Books 1968. (Index 140)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8071
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "632", **HatchDesc:** "FROSTBURG,MD:BRIGHT OBJ BLINKS OUT WHEN PLANE NEARS:SLOWLY RELIGHTS:SVRL OBS", **LatLong:** "39.655557 -78.927782", **LatLongDMS:** "39:39:20 N 78:55:40 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.655557,-78.927782)", **State/Prov:** "Maryland", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 28079 (8FD2AF20)
**Date:** 3/8/1967
**Time:** 19:20
**Location:** CALEDONIA, MO
**Description:** 2 observer(s). 10M silver watermelon with colored lights / periphery. Hovers / 20 minute(s) and away.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SIFAKIS, Carl: The OFFICIAL QUIDE to UFO SIGHTINGS; Sterling Publ, NY 1979. (Gee whiz!) (Index 80)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8072
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "20", **Elev:** "290", **HatchDesc:** "CALEDONIA,MO:2 OBS:10M SLVR WATERMELON W/CLRD LITES/PERIPHERY:HVRS/20min+away", **LatLong:** "37.766668 -90.800004", **LatLongDMS:** "37:46:00 N 90:48:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.766668,-90.800004)", **State/Prov:** "Missouri", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 28080 (FA13A4FE)
**Date:** 3/8/1967
**Time:** 20:00
**Location:** MARION, KS
**Description:** Several cops with (seen thru) binoculars. Object changes color(s). Same / Henryetta.OK / 2045h. / r201p68.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** WILSON, Clifford: The ALIEN AGENDA; 1974 & Signet PB 1988. (religious interpretation.) (Index 19)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8073
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "30", **Elev:** "424", **HatchDesc:** "MARION,KS:SVRL COPS W/BINOCS:OBJ CHANGES CLRS:SAME/HENRYETTA.OK/2045h:/r201p68", **LatLong:** "38.350002 -97.033338", **LatLongDMS:** "38:21:00 N 97:02:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.350002,-97.033338)", **State/Prov:** "Kansas", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 28081 (B6F585BB)
**Date:** 3/8/1967
**Time:** 20:00
**Location:** DETROIT, MI
**Description:** 8 calls / police. "Burning orange ovoid" over Liggett school. Photographs. Air Force investigation/investigators.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SIFAKIS, Carl: The OFFICIAL QUIDE to UFO SIGHTINGS; Sterling Publ, NY 1979. (Gee whiz!) (Index 76)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8074
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "190", **HatchDesc:** "DETROIT,MI:8 CALLS/POLICE:"BURNING ORG.OVOID" ovr LIGGETT SCHOOL:FOTOS:AF INV", **LatLong:** "42.366669 -83.050004", **LatLongDMS:** "42:22:00 N 83:03:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.366669,-83.050004)", **RelAlt:** "99", **State/Prov:** "Michigan", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 28082 (C8DDA8EE)
**Date:** 3/8/1967
**Time:** ~21:00
**Location:** BRINKLEY, ARK
**Description:** 3 observer(s). Red-orange round object TURNs white as it speeds away. / r35p19.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SIFAKIS, Carl: The OFFICIAL QUIDE to UFO SIGHTINGS; Sterling Publ, NY 1979. (Gee whiz!) (Index 49)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8075
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "63", **HatchDesc:** "BRINKLEY,ARK:3 OBS:RED-ORG ROUND OBJ TURNs WHT as it SPEEDS AWAY:/r35p19", **LatLong:** "34.877779 -91.200004", **LatLongDMS:** "34:52:40 N 91:12:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/34.877779,-91.200004)", **State/Prov:** "Arkansas", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 28083 (832C014D)
**Date:** 3/8/1967
**Time:** 21:00?
**Location:** SHARON SPRINGS, KS
**Description:** Many and cops. 14' sphere/orb/globe / 12' disk beneath. Going down [to] going up [to] going down [to] going up. Going quickly north. / r235p19.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** INFORESPACE Journal. SOBEPS Group, Belgium; bimonthly (Index 20)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8076
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "8", **Elev:** "753", **HatchDesc:** "SHARON SPRINGS,KS:MANY+COPS:14'ORB/12' DISK BENEATH:↓↑↓↑:>>N:/r235p19", **LatLong:** "38.900002 -101.750005", **LatLongDMS:** "38:54:00 N 101:45:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.900002,-101.750005)", **State/Prov:** "Kansas", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 28084 (136A27FD)
**Date:** 3/8/1967
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** DENVER, CO
**Description:** Green domed disk straight and level. Gentle curve down and back. Gone / 30 seconds. Balloon?
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO Evidence II: HB: Scarecrow Press Lanham, MD. http://www.scarecrowpress.com ISBN 0-8108-3881-8 (Index 332)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8077
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "1580", **HatchDesc:** "DENVER,CO:GRN DOMED DISK S/L:GENTLE CURVE DOWN+BACK:GONE/30secs:balloon?", **LatLong:** "39.744446 -104.955561", **LatLongDMS:** "39:44:40 N 104:57:20 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.744446,-104.955561)", **State/Prov:** "Colorado", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 28085 (4605D237)
**Date:** 3/8/1967
**Location:** Leominster, MA
**Description:** Luminous oval hovering, rocking; witness felt shock, paralysis. See Section VI (E,R,L) car (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3378
### Event 28086 (7A5B6104)
**Date:** 3/8/1967
**Location:** Goodland, KS
**Description:** 2:00 a.m. MST. A newspaper editor and two policemen saw a torpedo-shaped object with multi-colored flashing body lights that flew irregularly at high speed. The object had bright light beams at each end, and a made a sound like a huge vacuum cleaner. (Wichita Eagle, Kansas, 3/9/67, copy in NICAP files; McDonald, 1967, Case 6, reprinted in Vaughan, 1995, p. 205.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3379
### Event 28087 (F011FD82)
**Date:** 3/8/1967
**Location:** Sidney, AU
**Description:** 10:10 a.m. LT. Two women saw a grayish disc come out of clouds, disappear behind a railroad station, reappear and go back into the clouds, disappearing after 15 minutes. The object made a weird humming sound. (Sydney Sun-Herald, 3/12/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3380
### Event 28088 (985AB1A1)
**Date:** 3/8/1967
**Location:** Aurora, IL
**Description:** 12:00 Noon CST. A couple saw a brilliant red and blue circular object that emitted a beam of light. The object hovered, approached, then rose up and disappeared into or behind a small cloud after 3-4 minutes. (Aurora Beacon-News, 3/9/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3381
### Event 28089 (0F6B6C1C)
**Date:** 3/8/1967
**Location:** Westmont, IL
**Description:** 6:55 p.m. CST (7:55 p.m. EST). About 300 miles to the West of Grosse Pointe Woods, Mich. (see previous entry), several witnesses saw red and green lights that approached slowly at treetop level, then shot upwards, leveled off and moved quickly across the sky, disappearing behind trees and radio towers near the horizon. (Report by local resident received 10/25/67, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3382
### Event 28090 (115592FE)
**Date:** 3/8/1967
**Location:** Caledonia, MO
**Description:** 7:15 p.m. ST (8:15 p.m. EST). A couple saw a shiny metallic watermelon- (elliptical-) shaped object with many body lights around the perimeter (green and red, plus white, blue, and yellow-orange). The object hovered overhead, then moved away rapidly. (Bardstown Standard, Kentucky, 3/16/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3383
### Event 28091 (9B432F86)
**Date:** 3/8/1967
**Location:** Grosse Pointe Woods, MI
**Description:** 7:45-8:10 p.m. EST. Five witnesses saw a fiery glowing object shaped like a camp lantern or cone. Pictures were taken but reportedly show little. There were also reports of both civilian and military radar contact. (Frey report in NICAP files, NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3384
### Event 28092 (98F61733)
**Date:** 3/8/1967
**Location:** Oswego, NY
**Description:** 8:10 p.m. EST (7:10 p.m. CST). A woman and her young daughter saw an oval with three red ports. The object emitted green" flashes as it passed overhead in straight level flight at moderate speed. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3385
### Event 28093 (0344966D)
**Date:** 3/8/1967
**Location:** Houston, TX
**Description:** 8:35 p.m. CST (9:35 p.m. EST). A woman and four children saw an object described as "tower" shaped, with large "wings" and red, green, and white body lights. The object hovered over some trees for several minutes, then took off straight up and disappeared. (Houston Post, 3/9/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3386
### Event 28094 (9B7D5574)
**Date:** 3/8/1967
**Location:** Denver, CO
**Description:** 9:00 p.m. MST (10:00 p.m. CST). A greenish disc with dome was observed moving on a level course, then curving downward. (Air Force report No. 00534B in Colorado UFO Project files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3387
### Event 28095 (DA915736)
**Date:** 3/8/1967
**Location:** Newpoint, VT
**Description:** 9:30 p.m. EST (8:30 p.m. CST). Two women saw a greenish-blue oval hovering over a field, moving up and down. The object changed color to yellow, then to bright white. When the object began moving toward their car, the car refused to start (EM effects). The object was visible for about 7 minutes. (Letter 3/11/67 in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3388
### Event 28096 (26672F87)
**Date:** 3/8/1967
**Location:** Manistique, MI
**Description:** Night. A woman and three children saw a diamond-shaped object, green on top, white in the middle, red on the bottom. The object hung motionless (hovered) for an hour and then faded out of sight. A power failure occurred during the sighting (EM effect). (Marquette Mining Journal, Midi., 3/10/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3389
### Event 28097 (E64A503E)
**Date:** 3/8/1967
**Location:** Leominster, MA
**Description:** Luminous oval, hovering, rocking, witness felt shock, paralysis. (See Section VI) (E.R.L.) car. (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3390
### Event 28098 (2BD33530)
**Date:** 3/8/1967
**Time:** 0105
**Location:** Leominster, Massachusetts
**Description:** Two persons observed deep fog in the vicinity of a cemetery and saw a light in the center, coming from an object hovering 100 m above ground. Thinking it was a fire, the witnesses stopped. Paralysis and ignition interference were then noted while the object, about 13 m in diameter, oscillated and then departed with a whirring sound. It took about 20 min for the witnesses to recover muscular coordination.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** NICAP Mar., 67 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_823
### Event 28099 (FD481A33)
**Date:** 3/8/1967
**End date:** 3/9/1967
**Location:** Henderson and Galesburg, IL
**Description:** Domed circular object with red body lights approached witnesses, gave off burst of brilliant white light, hissing sound, accelerated away
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_121
### Event 28100 (4B2F6C57)
**Date:** 3/8/1967
**Locations:** Leominster, Massachusetts; St. Leo’s Cemetery
**Description:** 1:05 a.m. Mr. and Mrs. William L. Wallace are returning home to Leominster, Massachusetts, when they pass through a dense fog near St. Leo’s Cemetery and notice a bright light on the left. Wallace turns the car around and heads back for a closer look. The glow is from a light that is hovering 400–500 feet above the cemetery. Intrigued, Wallace places the car in neutral, pulls the emergency brake, and steps outside. As he points toward the light, something pulls his arm back and drops it on the roof of the car, which then stalls and the electrical system goes out. He remains immobile for more than 30 seconds even as his wife is trying to pull him back. As the lights and radio come back on, the UFO rocks back and forth, rises with a humming sound, and disappears. Wallace goes back into the car, which now starts normally. Wallace still feels “slow and sluggish” on the drive back, and he collides with the garage door as he pulls into his driveway. They return to the cemetery 10 minutes later, but the fog is gone.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Driver Shocked, Paralyzed,](http://cufos.org/UFOI%5Fand%5FSelected%5FDocuments/UFOI/036%20MAR-APR%201967.pdf)” UFO Investigator 3, no. 12 \(March/April 1967\): 7; Donald E. Keyhoe and Gordon I. R. Lore Jr., [Strange Effects from UFOs](http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Books/Other/Lore%2C%20Gordon%20-%20Strange%20Effects%20from%20UFOs.pdf)[,](http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Books/Other/Lore%2C%20Gordon%20-%20Strange%20Effects%20from%20UFOs.pdf) NICAP, 1969, pp. 7–8; Michael D. Swords, “Can UFOs Cause Physiological Effects? Part 1,” IUR 33, no. 4 \(May 2011\): 10; Clark III 251; Randle, Levelland, 2021, pp. 139–142
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4234
### Event 28101 (5D2D6002)
**Date:** 3/8/1967
**Location:** Comas, Peru
**Description:** Many people in Comas, Peru, watch 15 discs circle noiselessly low above town for 15 minutes.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Lorenzen, UFOs over the Americas, Signet, 1968, p. 59
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4235
### Event 28102 (069FA4A6)
**Date:** 3/8/1967
**Description:** There were at least 27 UFO reports made on this day from Australia, Spain, North America, and Peru.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1380
### Event 28103 (12548F2A)
**Date:** 3/8/1967
**Description:** Mr. and Mrs. Wallace were driving in Leominster, Massachusetts at 1:05 in the morning when they noticed an unusual light flying over a nearby cemetery. They drove closer to investigate and saw the UFO surrounded by a heavy fog or mist. They described the object as a bright bluish-white, glowing dome-shaped object that was hovering low to the ground with a rocking, pendulum motion. The rim of the object glowed as bright as an acetylene torch. The car's engine, lights, and radio failed. Mr. Wallace got out of the car and felt his arm tugged by some force against the body of the car. He felt tingling electric shocks and felt paralyzed in close presence to the object. The UFO wobbled, hummed, and then shot up vertically into sky.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Raymond E. Fowler, UFOs: Interplanetary Visitors, p. 345; NICAP UFO Investigator, March 1967, p. 7; Richard Hall, The UFO Evidence Volume 2: A Thirty Year Report, pp. 199, 250, 267 & 331
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1381
### Event 28104 (50D5ADA6)
**Date:** 3/8/1967
**Description:** That night in Galesburg, Illinois a domed disc-shaped object with a spinning rim and a pulsating red light passed overhead, making a hissing sound.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP case investigation files; John A. Keel, Operation Trojan Horse, p. 24; Richard Hall, The UFO Evidence Volume 2: A Thirty Year Report, p. 10
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1382
### Event 28105 (539DB486)
**Date:** 3/8/1967
**Description:** Also that same night an elongated flying object with flashing body lights and light beams at each end was reported by multiple independent witnesses in Goodland, Kansas. The UFO reportedly made a sound "like a vacuum cleaner."
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Norton (Kansas) Daily Telegram, March 1967; John A. Keel, Operation Trojan Horse, p. 24; Richard Hall, The UFO Evidence Volume 2: A Thirty Year Report, pp. 173 & 332, citing James McDonald
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1383
### Event 28106 (177D5092)
**Date:** 3/9/1967
**Location:** USA, Galesburg, Illinois.
**Description:** (Translated from French) 7:10 p.m. Witnesses: two housewives. A saucer with a dome pulsating with red and white lights around the edge. It approaches the witnesses and then seems to explode in an immense white light that lasts 10 seconds and blinds the women. Then it accelerates and disappears in a northerly direction.
**Reference:** Project Blue Book - cfr Don Berliner
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2429
### Event 28107 (E9A3F055)
**Date:** 3/9/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Sighting at Onawa \(Iowa\). (9 March)
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#11480 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2286
### Event 28108 (EA0613F7)
**Date:** 3/9/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Photograph taken on March 12th near Picacho Peak \(New Mexico\). See images/1967-03-12_14-00_PicachoPeak.jpg.
**Reference:** Bettman
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2287
### Event 28109 (A1EF9789)
**Date:** 3/9/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Other intercontinental missile bases, located near the Canadian border, Great Falls \(Montana\), are visited by luminous objects that descend to very low altitude above the installations. At these two last strategic sites, several tens of missiles are taken out of service.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2288
### Event 28110 (FAEEA988)
**Date:** 3/9/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) The men of Detachment A of the 6947th Security Squadron \(charged with monitoring Cuban Air Force communications\) based at Key West Naval Air Station in Boca Chica Key, about 150 km from Cuba, suddenly heard Cuban radar controllers report the approach, at 10,000 m altitude and Mach 1 \(a little over 1050 km/h\) of an unidentified aircraft from the northeast. Immediately, 2 MIG-21 fighters were sent to intercept the intruder. The 2 pilots soon discovered a shiny metal sphere devoid of any identification marks. After exhausting radio contact attempts, the Cuban Air Defense Headquarters ordered the mission leader to destroy the UFO. He then confirmed that the target was being tracked by his firing radar and that he had armed his missiles. These were his last words. A few seconds later, the other pilot began to scream into his microphone that the MIG-21 had exploded, or rather, he specified a moment later, had suddenly disintegrated without fire or smoke. The Americans of Boca Chica Key then heard the Cuban radar controllers announce that, following an incredible acceleration, the UFO had suddenly risen to nearly 30,000 m and had disappeared in the direction of South America. The [NSA](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/NSA.html) under the operational control of which the Air Force Security Service units are located then demanded that all documents related to the accident be sent to it within the hour and that it be immediately recorded in the surveillance unit's archives as due to a mechanical malfunction. The case remained secret until 1978, when one of the witnesses of Boca Chica Key --- whose anonymity is protected --- revealed it to [Stanton Friedman](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/FriedmanStanton.html).
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2289
### Event 28111 (3B653F8C)
**Date:** 3/9/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) A Red Cross car travelling through towns to collect blood from volunteer donors passes on Highway 2, near the Ohio River \(USA\). Suddenly, a kind of star quickly descends towards it and places itself just above the vehicle. It lowers two long tentacles, in the shape of arms, on each side of the car, even though the driver accelerates. The arms seem to want to grab the car. The machine finally retracts its arms, probably due to cars coming in the opposite direction. It then disappears into the sky at a prodigious speed.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2290
### Event 28112 (7AE2E078)
**Date:** 3/9/1967
**Time:** 00:30
**Location:** WEST / SURREY, ND
**Description:** Brilliant sphere/orb/globe going west going northwest and curves going south near Air Force Base and Minot. Going east. Up and down extremely fast. 30 mm / apparent size.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLICKENGER, Don: NORTH DAKOTA UFO files. Well Documented NICAP files for the 1960s: Xeroxed by Tom Tulien (Index 28)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8078
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **NUC:** Nuclear facility related
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "40", **Elev:** "500", **HatchDesc:** "W/SURREY,ND:BRILL.ORB >W >NW+CURVES >S nr AFB+MINOT:>E:UP+DN XFAST:30mm/BDB", **LatLong:** "48.250002 -101.216671", **LatLongDMS:** "48:15:00 N 101:13:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.250002,-101.216671)", **State/Prov:** "North Dakota", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 28113 (78C1A44E)
**Date:** 3/9/1967
**Time:** 02:00
**Location:** GOODLAND, KS
**Description:** 2 cops and many. 14+50' ovoids 360m over town. Going quickly east toward(s) Colby, KS. / r201p89.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** EDWARDS, Frank: FLYING SAUCERS-HERE AND NOW; 1967 Lyle Stewart & Bantam Books 1968. (Index 141)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8079
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "4", **Elev:** "1114", **HatchDesc:** "GOODLAND,KS:2 COPS+MANY:14+50'OVOIDS 360m ovr TOWN:>>E twrd COLBY,KS:/r201p89", **LatLong:** "39.333335 -101.700005", **LatLongDMS:** "39:20:00 N 101:42:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.333335,-101.700005)", **RelAlt:** "360", **State/Prov:** "Kansas", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 28114 (90BC8224)
**Date:** 3/9/1967
**Time:** 13:30
**Location:** MOLINE, IL
**Description:** Cop. 25' / 8mm film / luminous ovoid. No balloon. 6-day wave. / r66p203.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 807)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8080
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **NUC:** Nuclear facility related, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "183", **HatchDesc:** "MOLINE,IL:COP:25'/8mm FILM/LUMn.OVOID:no balloon:6-DAY WAVE:/r66p203", **LatLong:** "41.500002 -90.511115", **LatLongDMS:** "41:30:00 N 90:30:40 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.500002,-90.511115)", **State/Prov:** "Illinois", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 28115 (26D8CDB9)
**Date:** 3/9/1967
**Time:** 19:10
**Location:** GALESBURG, IL
**Description:** 2 women. Domed pancake nears. Blinding flash / 10 second(s). Going quickly north. / r41p332.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BERLINER, DON: The BLUEBOOK UNKNOWNS; (FUFOR). (Index 36)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8081
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "236", **HatchDesc:** "GALESBURG,IL:2 WOMEN:DOMED PANCAKE NEARS:BLINDING FLASH/10sec:>>N:/r41p332", **LatLong:** "40.950002 -90.366671", **LatLongDMS:** "40:57:00 N 90:22:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.950002,-90.366671)", **State/Prov:** "Illinois", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 28116 (B8589782)
**Date:** 3/9/1967
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** FOLLANSBEE, WV
**Description:** 3 / car / SR2. Saucer hovers / rooftop level. Lights / underside.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA; H. Regnery, Chicago HC 1969 & Contemporary Books,Chicago 1993. 372pp. (Index 824)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8083
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "213", **HatchDesc:** "FOLLANSBEE,WV:3/CAR/SR2:SCR HOVERS/ROOFTOP LEVEL:LITES/UNDERSIDE:", **LatLong:** "40.333335 -80.583337", **LatLongDMS:** "40:20:00 N 80:35:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.333335,-80.583337)", **RelAlt:** "8", **State/Prov:** "Western Virginia", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 28117 (1DD54562)
**Date:** 3/9/1967
**Time:** 21:10
**Location:** ONAWA, IA
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #11480. Huge white disk going quickly east fast. Separate observer(s) / Eldora, IA / 2030h. / r210p76.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BERLINER, DON: The BLUEBOOK UNKNOWNS; (FUFOR). (Index 36)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8084
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "319", **HatchDesc:** "ONAWA,IA:BBK#11480:HUGE WHT DISK >>E FAST::sep.obs/ELDORA,IA/2030h:/r210p76", **LatLong:** "42.027780 -96.094449", **LatLongDMS:** "42:01:40 N 96:05:40 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.027780,-96.094449)", **State/Prov:** "Iowa", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 28118 (E7E25B2E)
**Date:** 3/9/1967
**Time:** 22:30
**Location:** ANDOVER, MASS
**Description:** Triangular cluster / lights over country club grounds. No structure seen.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FOWLER, Raymond E.: UFO'S, INTERPLANETARY VISITORS; Prentice Hall & Bantam Books, NY 1979. 346pp. (Index 331)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8085
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "55", **HatchDesc:** "ANDOVER,MASS:TRIANGULAR CLUSTER/LITES OVR COUNTRY CLUB GNDS:NO STRUCTURE SEEN", **LatLong:** "42.650002 -71.150003", **LatLongDMS:** "42:39:00 N 71:09:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.650002,-71.150003)", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 28119 (9AB3F45A)
**Date:** 3/9/1967
**Alternate date:** 3/11/1967
**Location:** Galesburg, IL
**Description:** Object shaped like a pancake with a rounded top,red lights on rim (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3391
### Event 28120 (CD82F460)
**Date:** 3/9/1967
**Location:** Follansbee, WV
**Description:** Car-sized obj, lights on underside, hovering, left at high speed (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3392
### Event 28121 (781692D8)
**Date:** 3/9/1967
**Location:** Onawa, IA
**Description:** Bright white, saucer-shaped object fly straight and fast (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 11480)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3393
### Event 28122 (C41E5DFF)
**Date:** 3/9/1967
**Location:** Shamokin, PA
**Description:** Time not reported. A bank treasurer and his wife saw an enormous row of lights that eventually took on a round shape as an object neared and hovered over a mountain tree line. (U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. Ill, No. 12, Mar.-Apr. 1967, p. 8.) . (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3394
### Event 28123 (97937F66)
**Date:** 3/9/1967
**Location:** Moline, IL
**Description:** Policeman spotted two UFOs in the afternoon. Police officer William Fisher said he was riding his motorcycle on patrol when he spotted a boxcar-sized object hovering at about 3,000 feet. Fisher took color motion pictures of the objects, one frame of which is displayed at the top of this page. (NICAP & MUFON files) (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3395
### Event 28124 (0808D452)
**Date:** 3/9/1967
**Location:** Plain City, OH
**Description:** 8:30 p.m. EST. Two men saw a cigar-shaped object with flashing red, blue, and green body lights. Something was attached to its underside. The object moved slowly, then accelerated and sped away and disappeared to the southeast after 30 minutes. The report said that a Polaroid photo was taken. (Columbus Dispatch, Ohio, 3/10/67, copy NICAP files.) (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3396
### Event 28125 (5115706A)
**Date:** 3/9/1967
**Location:** Savanna, IL
**Description:** 8:35 p.m. CST (9:35 p.m. EST). Police and others saw a glowing disc with flashing red, green, and yellow body lights. The object hovered at first, then moved at high speed. Many other sightings were reported in the area. (Clinton Herald, Iowa, 3/10/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3397
### Event 28126 (614E9C55)
**Date:** 3/9/1967
**Location:** Fort Wayne, IN
**Description:** 9:15 p.m. EST. A man (minister, ex-prison guard) saw a group of lights in an X formation that hovered, blinked on and off in sequence, turned like a top (rotated), and shot away. (Federspiel letter in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3398
### Event 28127 (B1F1CC8E)
**Date:** 3/9/1967
**Location:** Las Cruces, NM
**Description:** 9:30 p.m. MST (10:30 p.m. CST). Two administrative staff members of the White Sands Test Facility northeast of Las Cruces saw a fuzzy, fluorescent orange light moving in front of the Organ Mountains to the southeast. (Tillett report in NICAP files). (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3399
### Event 28128 (8CD6DD97)
**Date:** 3/9/1967
**Time:** 2100
**Location:** Follansbee, Virginia
**Description:** Three witnesses observed an object as they were driving on Route 2. It was round, hovered at rooftop level, left suddenly at high speed. Its size was that of a car, and the underside showed several lights.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Atic ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_824
### Event 28129 (C381C96E)
**Date:** 3/9/1967
**Time:** 7:10 PM
**Location:** Galesburg, Illinois
**Description:** Witnesses: two housewives. One object shaped like a pancake with a rounded top; object was pulsating red, with red lights around its rim. Approached witnesses and seemed to explode with a brilliant white light that lasted 10 seconds and almost blinded them. Then it accelerated to the north and disappeared.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_570
### Event 28130 (10F67489)
**Date:** 3/9/1967
**Time:** 9:05 PM
**Location:** Onawa, Iowa
**Description:** Witness: Jack Lindley. One bright white, saucer-shaped object, as big as a jet airliner, flew straight and fast to the east for 2 minutes.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_571
### Event 28131 (61B3DFDB)
**Date:** 3/9/1967
**Location:** Onawa, Iowa
**Description:** 9:05 p.m. Jack Lindley sees a bright white saucer-shaped light, as big as an airliner, fly straight and fast to the east over Onawa, Iowa.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** [Sparks](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf), p. 323
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4236
### Event 28132 (9FA83D47)
**Date:** 3/9/1967
**Description:** At 1:30 p.m. Moline, Illinois police officer Mr. Fisher, age 32, filmed 8mm motion pictures of a luminous oval or disc shaped daylight UFO flying near the Mississippi River. There are 25 feet of film, and the photographer is considered highly reliable, but the UFO has no details that are evident in the film.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** New York Post, March 10, 1967; APRO Bulletin, March-April 1967, p. 7; Larry Hatch, U computer database, case #7631
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1393
### Event 28133 (5B12D502)
**Date:** 3/9/1967
**Description:** At 8:25 p.m. a triangular cluster of two red and one white lights hovered at an estimated altitude of 1,000 feet at the Andover, Massachusetts country club. The lights were steady and bright.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Raymond E. Fowler case files, report dated March 9, 1967; Raymond E. Fowler, UFOs: Interplanetary Visitors, pp. 331, 345
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1394
### Event 28134 (F9EB1D8C)
**Date:** 3/9/1967
**Description:** At 9:00 p.m. EST three witnesses in Follansbee, Virginia observed an object as they were driving on Route 2. It was round, hovered at rooftop level, and left suddenly at high speed. Its was the size of a car, and the underside showed several lights.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 824, citing U.S. Air Force ATIC
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1395
### Event 28135 (3B418DB7)
**Date:** 3/9/1967
**Description:** At 9:05 p.m. CST a huge white disc was seen flying fast towards the east in Onawa, Iowa. It was also seen by independent witness in Eldora, Iowa at 8:30 p.m. The case was listed as an "unknown" by the Air Force.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Project Blue Book files counted in official statistics, case # 11,480; J. Allen Hynek case files; Don Berliner, Australasian Ufologist, April 1999, p. 54; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty Year Report, p. 332
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1396
### Event 28136 (D3613182)
**Date:** 3/10/1967 (approximate)
**Location:** NEAR BLACK ROCK, AR
**Description:** Truck malfunctions due to EME (electro-magnetic effects). 15m saucer lands. Aliens exit. Telepathy = "keep landing secret.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 172)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8086
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **TLP:** Telepathy, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **CVS:** Conversation/communication, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "91", **HatchDesc:** "nr BLACK ROCK,AR:TRUCK EMEs:15m SCR LANDS:ALIENS EXIT:TLP="KEEP LANDING SECRET", **LatLong:** "36.100002 -91.100004", **LatLongDMS:** "36:06:00 N 91:06:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/36.100002,-91.100004)", **State/Prov:** "Arkansas", **Strangeness:** "11"
### Event 28137 (7C9191E2)
**Date:** 3/10/1967
**Time:** 18:30
**Description:** 7 / car. Dark domed football / 30M altitude. Going [to] 400kph. Surrounded / haze.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 807)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8087
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "DARETON>400kph:surrounded/haze", **LatLong:** "-34.150002 142.100007", **LatLongDMS:** "34:09:00 S 142:06:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-34.150002,142.100007)", **State/Prov:** "VC?", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 28138 (F9DB76FE)
**Date:** 3/10/1967
**Location:** Phillipston, MA
**Description:** 12:20 a.m. EST. A witness saw an object shaped like a half ball with its flat side down (dome-shaped). The object glowed a bright orange-red all over and was about 10 times the apparent diameter of the moon, which was visible. (Fowler, 1974, p. 346.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3400
### Event 28139 (48151A15)
**Date:** 3/10/1967
**Location:** Dareton, AU
**Description:** 6:30 p.m. An oval object with a tall dome, surrounded by haze, hovered above the road ahead of a car, and then accelerated away. (Flying Saucer Review, July-Aug. 1967, p. 30; APRO Bulletin, Mar.-Apr. 1967, p. 11.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3401
### Event 28140 (5E52CEFE)
**Date:** 3/10/1967
**Location:** Pawtucket, RI
**Description:** 9:00 p.m. EST. A man saw a large dark oval object that appeared solid and metallic, with a small light in front. It moved on an erratic path, tipping from side to side at 5-10 mph. After being in view for; about 30 seconds, it disappeared behind the gas station. (Massachusetts NICAP , Subcommittee report.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3402
### Event 28141 (1952C464)
**Date:** 3/10/1967
**Location:** Salol, MN
**Description:** 9:45 p.m. CST. Two women and three youngsters in northwest Minnesota saw a bright orange oval which pulsated. The object hovered for 3-4 minutes, then went up and out of sight with a roar. (Roseau County Times-Region, Minn., 3/16/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3403
### Event 28142 (1AC6E419)
**Date:** 3/10/1967
**Location:** Ft. Chaffee, AR
**Description:** 11:30 p.m. CST. Three teenagers saw a house-sized object that had three huge lights. The object hovered over trees as if to land for about 5 minutes, then disappeared. (Ft. Smith SW Times Record, Arkansas, 3/12/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3404
### Event 28143 (E70E77AC)
**Date:** 3/10/1967
**Location:** 37.0000 -116.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Fizz” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_489
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0000 -116.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:00 N 116:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0000,-116.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Fizz", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 28144 (9FEAA739)
**Date:** 3/10/1967
**Description:** At 12:20 a.m. a glowing orange-red hemisphere with the flat side down was seen in a rural area of Phillipston, Massachusetts by a single witness. It was ten times the apparent diameter of the moon.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Raymond E. Fowler, UFOs: Interplanetary Visitors, p. 346
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1403
### Event 28145 (60B30419)
**Date:** 3/10/1967
**Description:** Two men were driving in a remote part of Piggott, Arkansas when their truck's engine failed. Before they could get out of the vehicle to investigate they saw a 50-foot wide saucer shaped object descend to the ground in front of them. Two bizarre looking "aliens" emerged from the object and walked over to their truck. The humanoids were described as of average human height, but with large heads that were flat in the back, and gray in color. They had normal eyes, noses, and mouths. They also wore tight-fitting gray diver's suits. The men felt like they were being bombarded with vibrations and had the uncanny feeling that the aliens knew what they were thinking. Rolling down the truck windows, the men spoke to one of the aliens, who reportedly told them that they meant them no harm and they could continue on their journey if they promised to keep this meeting a secret.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1967, case # 2583, citing MUFON UFO Journal, issue # 172
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1404
### Event 28146 (ED5A6CB4)
**Date:** 3/11/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Observation in Galesburg, Moline \(Illinois\). (6-11 March)
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#11460 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2283
### Event 28147 (25AA2636)
**Date:** 3/11/1967
**Time:** 15:30
**Location:** TETON CANYON, MT
**Description:** Large saucer half hidden behind snowbank / mountains. Remote. Missile sites near.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLICKENGER, Don: NORTH DAKOTA UFO files. Well Documented NICAP files for the 1960s: Xeroxed by Tom Tulien (Index 29)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8088
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **NUC:** Nuclear facility related, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "45", **Elev:** "1600", **HatchDesc:** "TETON CANYON,MT:LRG SCR HALF HIDDEN BHND SNOWBANK/MTNS:REMOTE:MSITES NEAR", **LatLong:** "47.888891 -112.700005", **LatLongDMS:** "47:53:20 N 112:42:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.888891,-112.700005)", **State/Prov:** "Montana", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 28148 (CED3F950)
**Date:** 3/11/1967
**Location:** Ashtabula, OH
**Description:** Time not reported. An electrical engineer and four other witnesses saw three glowing, golden-colored objects approach from the northeast. The objects circled (maneuvered), and departed to the northeast very fast. (Columbus Dispatch 3/12/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3405
### Event 28149 (65C34D17)
**Date:** 3/11/1967
**Location:** Taranaki (off coast of), NZ
**Description:** 10:20 p.m. LT. A pilot, copilot, and hostess of an airliner flying at 17,000 feet saw a cluster of 10-12 soft-glowing, amber-colored lights approach their aircraft at a lower altitude, passing below and out of sight. (Witness reports in NICAP files; U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. IV, No. 3, Nov.-Dec. 1967, p. 1; Weinstein, 1999, p. 35.) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3406
### Event 28150 (AD0950A5)
**Date:** 3/11/1967
**End date:** 3/13/1967
**Location:** Tillamook, OR
**Description:** Colored Lights & Radar Returns (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5)
**Reference:** NICAP: [670311-13](http://www.nicap.org/670311tillamook%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3407
### Event 28151 (D66F9DA0)
**Date:** 3/11/1967
**End date:** 3/13/1967
**Locations:** Tillamook, Oregon; Mount Hebo Air Force Station
**Description:** Night. Red, green, and white lights are observed in the air by several witnesses at Tillamook, Oregon, including police and sheriff’s deputies. Radar contact is made in the same area as the visual sightings by the radar station at Mount Hebo Air Force Station \[now closed\]. On March 11, objects are observed for one hour. On March 12, they are again observed for one hour. On March 13, the objects are seen for four hours and 35 minutes. The radar returns show hovering and rapid movement of the targets. The visual sightings also show rapid movement of the objects at times. One radar sighting shows a rapid distance change from 39–48 miles within one minute.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** NICAP, “[Colored Lights and Radar Returns](http://www.nicap.org/670311tillamook%5Fdir.htm)”; Condon, [pp. 122–123](https://archive.org/details/scientificstudyo0000unse%5Fl5t2/page/122/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4237
### Event 28152 (A05BF24B)
**Date:** 3/12/1967
**Time:** ~03:00
**Location:** PARAGOULD, ARK
**Description:** Disk hovers / low altitude 50M away / observer(s). Sweeps ground / white beam. Red night lights exit.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO Evidence II: HB: Scarecrow Press Lanham, MD. http://www.scarecrowpress.com ISBN 0-8108-3881-8 (Index 332)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8089
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "4", **Elev:** "91", **HatchDesc:** "PARAGOULD,ARK:DISK HVRS/LO ALT 50M AWAY/OBS:SWEEPS GND/WHT BEAM:RED NLTS EXIT", **LatLong:** "36.116668 -90.500004", **LatLongDMS:** "36:07:00 N 90:30:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/36.116668,-90.500004)", **State/Prov:** "Arkansas", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 28153 (3005CB1F)
**Date:** 3/12/1967
**Time:** 10:00?
**Location:** ROCHESTER, MN
**Description:** Blue Book. Inverted mushroom 10M / ground. Car-size. Tilts 45+going quickly northeast. 3 photos.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA; H. Regnery, Chicago HC 1969 & Contemporary Books,Chicago 1993. 372pp. (Index 825)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8090
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "297", **HatchDesc:** "ROCHESTER,MN:BBK:INVERTED MUSHROOM 10M/GND:CAR-SIZE:TILTS 45+>>NE:3 PHOTOS", **LatLong:** "44.016669 -92.466671", **LatLongDMS:** "44:01:00 N 92:28:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.016669,-92.466671)", **RelAlt:** "10", **State/Prov:** "Minnesota", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 28154 (CF226ED9)
**Date:** 3/12/1967
**Time:** ~14:00
**Location:** WEST / LAS CRUCES, NM
**Description:** 1 observer. Photograph / silver saucer / edge over rocks. Silent. Burnt smell. / r100p249.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 807)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8091
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **ODR:** Odors associated with UFO's
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "1200", **HatchDesc:** "W/LAS CRUCES,NM:1 OBS:FOTO/SLVR SCR/EDGE ovr ROCKS:SLNT:BURNT SMELL:/r100p249", **LatLong:** "32.311113 -106.844450", **LatLongDMS:** "32:18:40 N 106:50:40 W", **Locale:** "Desert", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/32.311113,-106.844450)", **State/Prov:** "New Mexico", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 28155 (4AC11A3A)
**Date:** 3/12/1967
**Time:** 19:20
**Location:** WEST / MCINTOSH, SD
**Description:** 3+3 observer(s). Green night lights low / road. Possible structure. Car malfunctions due to EME (electro-magnetic effects) and rocks. / r109p26.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 809)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8092
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "687", **HatchDesc:** "W/McINTOSH,SD:3+3 OBS:GRN NLTS LOW/ROAD:POSS.STRUCT:CAR EMES+ROCKS:/r109p26", **LatLong:** "45.922224 -101.366672", **LatLongDMS:** "45:55:20 N 101:22:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.922224,-101.366672)", **RelAlt:** "2", **State/Prov:** "South Dakota", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 28156 (6272DD2D)
**Date:** 3/12/1967
**Time:** 20:20
**Description:** "Row of windows" beams down blue lights.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SALISBURY, Frank: The UTAH UFO DISPLAY -- a Biologist Reports; 1974 Devin Adair, New Greenwich,CT. HB 286pp. ISBN 0-815-97000-5 (Index 46)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8093
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "1500", **HatchDesc:** "HALFWAY HOLLOW,15M W/VERNAL,UT:"ROW OF WINDOWS" BEAMS DOWN BLUE LITES.", **LatLong:** "40.338891 -109.611116", **LatLongDMS:** "40:20:20 N 109:36:40 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.338891,-109.611116)", **State/Prov:** "Utah", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 28157 (6CF6C2EB)
**Date:** 3/12/1967
**Time:** 22:30
**Location:** GLENS FALLS, NY
**Description:** Metal-grey top-saucer near ground. Figure(s) move / windows! Steam / holes / rim. Silent going up.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO Evidence II: HB: Scarecrow Press Lanham, MD. http://www.scarecrowpress.com ISBN 0-8108-3881-8 (Index 332)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8094
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "100", **HatchDesc:** "GLENS FALLS,NY:MTL-GRY TOP-SCR nr GND:FIGs MOVE/WINDOWS!:STEAM/HOLES/RIM:SLNT↑", **LatLong:** "43.300002 -73.633337", **LatLongDMS:** "43:18:00 N 73:38:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.300002,-73.633337)", **RelAlt:** "2", **State/Prov:** "New York", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 28158 (F1356D4E)
**Date:** 3/12/1967
**Location:** Paragould, AR
**Description:** Early morning CST. Four witnesses saw a disc with bright white light beams that swept the ground. Red lights like roman candles shot out from all sides. The object floated low, and hovered. Witnesses felt vibrations and heard a sound like an alternating frequency beep. (Arkansas Gazette, 3/14/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3408
### Event 28159 (972CCE8B)
**Date:** 3/12/1967
**Location:** Virginia, MN
**Description:** Time not reported. In St. Louis County, northeast Minnesota, about 250 miles from Rochester, four bovs 9-12 vears old reportedly encountered a landed craft and one or more humanoid beings. (Boyer letter dated 5/5/67 in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3409
### Event 28160 (89BF11EF)
**Date:** 3/12/1967
**Location:** Rochester, MN
**Description:** Car-sized inverted mushroom-shaped object hovering 30 ft above ground (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3410
### Event 28161 (6CBAAF45)
**Date:** 3/12/1967
**Location:** Vernal and Roosevelt bt., UT
**Description:** 8:15 p.m.MST. A couple saw the ground illuminated in front of their car. Looking for the source of the light, they saw a large object an estimated 150 feet above the ground shoot by. The object was shaped like a tapered boxcar and flame was coming out the rear. (Salisbury, 1974, pp. 46-48.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3411
### Event 28162 (4F43E36D)
**Date:** 3/12/1967
**Location:** Glens Falls, NY
**Description:** 10:30 p.m. EST. A man saw a gun-metal-gray object shaped like a child's musical top, with lights around the circumference. Vapor trails emerged from points along the outer edge of the object. It hovered silently near the ground, then rose silently. Signs of life reportedly were seen inside. (Glens Falls Times, 3/14/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3412
### Event 28163 (62D3F70D)
**Date:** 3/12/1967
**Location:** Rochester, Minnesota
**Description:** A boy who had gone outside to buy a newspaper saw an object resembling an inverted mushroom hovering 10 m above ground. It was not larger than a car, took a 45 (degree) orientation, oscillated, and left to the northwest. Three photographs were reportedly taken.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Atic ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_825
### Event 28164 (29E9AB13)
**Date:** 3/12/1967
**Location:** McIntosh, South Dakota
**Description:** 7:15 p.m. Larry Burke sees an object with red, green, and white flashing lights southwest of McIntosh, South Dakota. He picks up three friends—Dick Makens, Junior Edinger, and Charles Warren—to go investigate. On a country road one mile west of town they see four blinding, fluorescent-green lights low above the road ahead. As they are driving up a hill, the car engine stops. Frightened, they let the car coast back down the hill, and the engine starts again. The witnesses disagree on the size, shape, and altitude of the lights.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Car Buzzing Incidents](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201967%2005%2000%20-%20May-June.pdf) [on Increase,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201967%2005%2000%20-%20May-June.pdf)” APRO Bulletin, May/June 1967, p. 5
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4238
### Event 28165 (DF1FE125)
**Date:** 3/12/1967
**Description:** A boy who had gone outside in Rochester, Minnesota to buy a newspaper saw an object resembling an inverted mushroom hovering 10 meters above the ground. It was not larger than a car, tilted to a 45 degree orientation, oscillated, and left towards the northwest. He took three photographs of the UFO.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 825
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1434
### Event 28166 (549FD21B)
**Date:** 3/12/1967
**Description:** Four boys, Bob & John Kangas, Mike Kauppi, and Scott Mackay, ages 9-12, were riding on a snowmobile in Palo, Minnesota at 2:15 p.m. when they saw a very bright light coming from an old abandoned hayshed, and a second beam of light about 100 yards away in an open field. Near the latter were 5 moving black "objects" about three to four feet high, arranged in a diamond formation with a fifth at the center. These "objects" or beings seemed to glide over the deep snow, then moved toward the beam of light and when they reached it, both the light and the "objects" faded out of sight. The boys headed for the nearest house, "visibly shaken, almost to the point of hysteria." Two footprints of an unidentifiable shape were found later at the site.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb and Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1967-23 (A0794), citing Annette J. Boyer, NICAP field investigator
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1435
### Event 28167 (69407B2B)
**Date:** 3/12/1967
**Description:** At 7:15 p.m. in McIntosh, South Dakota a single witness saw an object with red, green, and white lights. After he reported the incident, four young men went to the area to investigate. They saw four green lights hovering low over the road, but the engine of their car stalled as they approached. Because their car had stalled on a hill, they turned the car around and coasted downhill. The car re-started then, so they drove away without investigating further.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, case 191, citing Coral & Jim Lorenzen, UFOs Over the Americas
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1436
### Event 28168 (F67C98AC)
**Date:** 3/12/1967
**Description:** Clyde L. Dwyer observed a large disc-shaped object from a window in his South Glenn Falls, New York home at 10:30 p.m. It was approximately 100 feet in diameter and hovered motionless 175-200 yards southeast of his home. Three large square windows were spaced around the midline of the object and just below these, jets of what appeared to be steam were emitted continually from a number of equidistant points around the object. Its dark mass was illuminated by a nearby street lamp. A white light shone from the windows, and two men and a woman could be seen in the central window, with two more men standing behind the window to the right. Although no distinguishing characteristics could be seen, "these figures were definitely of human appearance." After hovering for about five minutes, the object gradually departed toward the southwest. No sound was heard at any time.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb and Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1967-24, citing Richard Bonenfant, CUFOS
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1437
### Event 28169 (8D88EE3E)
**Date:** 3/12/1967
**Description:** A woman and her daughter driving home from church at 11:30 p.m. in Letart Falls, Ohio rounded a corner in a wooded area and saw a huge white figure appear suddenly in front of their car. The creature appeared to have very long hair and was in sight for several seconds before it shot upward into the sky and disappeared. The witnesses assumed they had seen an "angel."
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** John A. Keel, FSR, July-August 1968, p. 13; John A Keel, The Mothman Prophecies, p. 119
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1438
### Event 28170 (0718E45E)
**Date:** 3/13/1967
**Time:** 20:20
**Location:** SAN DE FUCA, WA
**Description:** 2+3 / separate cars. Night light follows car. Plays peekaboo. Engine and lights electro-magnetic effect (EME.)
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** STEIGER, Brad & WHRITENOUR, Joan: The ALLENDE LETTERS. 1968 Eugene Olsen Publ + Award Books, NY PB (Index 42)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8095
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "SAN DE FUCA,WA:2+3/SEP.CARS:NLT FOLOS CAR:PLAYS PEEKABOO:ENGINE+LITES EME:", **LatLong:** "48.233336 -122.722228", **LatLongDMS:** "48:14:00 N 122:43:20 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.233336,-122.722228)", **State/Prov:** "Washington", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 28171 (BE717743)
**Date:** 3/13/1967
**Time:** 20:30
**Description:** Orange saucer follows and paces car / county road. Door visible..
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SALISBURY, Frank: The UTAH UFO DISPLAY -- a Biologist Reports; 1974 Devin Adair, New Greenwich,CT. HB 286pp. ISBN 0-815-97000-5 (Index 248)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8096
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "1600", **HatchDesc:** "LAPOINT,UT> Event 28172 (B9ACA155)
**Date:** 3/13/1967
**Time:** 22:30
**Location:** TILLAMOOK, OR
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #1212. Many observer(s). CE3+RADAR's. Wild jumps / position. Going northwest. Type unknown.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CONDON, Dr. Edward: SCIENTIFIC STUDY of UFO..etc; Bantam 1969. 965pp. (Index 123)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8097
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RDR:** Radar traces/blips, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "98", **Elev:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "TILLAMOOK,OR:BBK#1212:MANY OBS:CE3+RDRs:WILD JUMPS/POSITION:>NW:type unkn", **LatLong:** "45.461113 -123.844450", **LatLongDMS:** "45:27:40 N 123:50:40 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.461113,-123.844450)", **State/Prov:** "Oregon", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 28173 (4A16EDC3)
**Date:** 3/13/1967
**Location:** San De Fuca, WA
**Description:** 8:15 p.m. PST. Two men watched a pulsating yellow-orange light for a half hour as it paced their car at close range. The following car had an electrical system failure (EM effects). (Washington State NICAP Subcommittee report, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3413
### Event 28174 (0042227B)
**Date:** 3/14/1967
**Time:** 22:00?
**Description:** WX observers and scientists and satellite? Night lights offshore. Observer(s) signal. Objects close in.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Book: ALDRICH, Jan: Interview with witness etc. Filed here as Xmasisland1967.txt
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8098
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Pacific Ocean and non - Asian islands", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "CHRISTMAS ISL:WX OBSs+SCIs+SATELLITE?:NLTS OFFSHORE:OBS SIGNAL:OBJs CLOSE IN", **LatLong:** "2.000000 -157.500008", **LatLongDMS:** "02:00:00 N 157:30:00 W", **Locale:** "Islands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/2.000000,-157.500008)", **State/Prov:** "KRB", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 28175 (00387A52)
**Date:** 3/14/1967
**Time:** 22:10
**Location:** VELVA, ND
**Description:** 2+cop. Saucer with colored curved windows / rim. Part invisible? Maneuvers / school. Going north.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLICKENGER, Don: NORTH DAKOTA UFO files. Well Documented NICAP files for the 1960s: Xeroxed by Tom Tulien (Index 30)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8099
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **NUC:** Nuclear facility related, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "30", **Elev:** "461", **HatchDesc:** "VELVA,ND:2+COP:SCR W/CLRD CURVED WINDOWS/RIM:PART INVSBLE?:MNVRS/SCHOOL:>N", **LatLong:** "48.061113 -100.933338", **LatLongDMS:** "48:03:40 N 100:56:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.061113,-100.933338)", **RelAlt:** "150", **State/Prov:** "North Dakota", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 28176 (0AE8CAC8)
**Date:** 3/14/1967
**Location:** Southeast Asia, Asia
**Description:** Daytime. A U.S. Air Force flight surgeon aboard and the pilot and crew of a KC- 135 flving at 15,000 feet observed a vertically inclined, huge, black metallic cylinder an estimated 2 miles from the plane. (Jacksonville Daily News, Arkansas, 3/27/69, copy in NICAP files; phone conversation with surgeon's wife 5/12/69, notes in : NICAP files.) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3414
### Event 28177 (F17CDD64)
**Date:** 3/14/1967
**Location:** Daytona Beach, FL
**Description:** 12:45 p.m. EST. Two woman saw a disc with a flat bottom and peaked top moving very slowly. The object was described as a very bright white, brighter than a conventional aircraft. It moved south parallel to U.S. Route A1A, then turned to the right and disappeared to the southwest after 3-5 minutes. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3415
### Event 28178 (A6BD9624)
**Date:** 3/15/1967
**Location:** NORTHEAST / CUBA
**Description:** 2 MIGs chase metal sphere. 1 MIG disintegrates. Object going quickly SSE. / International UFO Reporter (CUFOS Group, USA) V3#9.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FAWCETT, Lawrence & GREENWOOD, Barry: The UFO COVERUP (Formerly Clear Intent); Prentice Hall, NJ 1984. 264pp. (Index 195)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8100
**Attributes:** **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **RDR:** Radar traces/blips, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **MIL:** Military investigation, **GSA:** Covert Security Agency
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Caribbean area", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "18", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "NE/CUBA:2 MIGs CHASE MTL SPHERE:1 MIG DISINTEGRATES:OBJ >>SSE:/IUR V3#9", **LatLong:** "22.500001 -76.000004", **LatLongDMS:** "22:30:00 N 76:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Offshore", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/22.500001,-76.000004)", **State/Prov:** "CUB", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 28179 (EE428567)
**Date:** 3/15/1967 (approximate)
**Time:** 01:00?
**Location:** RAVENSWOOD, WV
**Description:** Garbage truck lights and engine fail. Glowing saucer hovers overhead.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RODEGHIER, Mark/CUFOS: UFO REPORTS INVOLVING VEHICLE INTERFERENCE; CUFOS 1979. Available as CUFOS UFO Archive #1 CD-ROM. http://www.cufos.org/Pubform.pdf (Index 33)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8101
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "189", **HatchDesc:** "RAVENSWOOD,WV:GARBAGE TRUCK LITES+ENGINE FAIL:GLOWING SCR HOVERS OVERHEAD:", **LatLong:** "38.950002 -81.750004", **LatLongDMS:** "38:57:00 N 81:45:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.950002,-81.750004)", **State/Prov:** "Western Virginia", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 28180 (EB5FF010)
**Date:** 3/15/1967 (approximate)
**Time:** 13:00?
**Location:** NORTH / CHU LAI, VIETN
**Description:** Silent silver object buzzes Army convoy. Gi takes fuzzy photograph. / r208p309.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 833)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8102
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Vietnam", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "N/CHU LAI,VIETN:SLNT SLVR OBJ BUZZES ARMY CONVOY:GI TAKES FUZZY FOTO:/r208p309", **LatLong:** "15.533334 108.566672", **LatLongDMS:** "15:32:00 N 108:34:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/15.533334,108.566672)", **State/Prov:** "DNG", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 28181 (8F8A9934)
**Date:** 3/15/1967
**Location:** Linda, CA
**Description:** 4:30 a.m. PST. A woman saw a triangular object surrounded by red glow (halo effect). The object had two blinking red lights and four steady white body lights. It hovered over a highway intersection, then moved away after 10-15 minutes. (Marysville Appeal-Democrat, Calif., 3/15/67, report in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3416
### Event 28182 (7D9F9963)
**Date:** 3/15/1967
**Location:** Nebo, NC
**Description:** 9:15 p.m. EST. A woman saw a teardrop-shaped object, long axis horizontal, with two lighted portholes. Its body was blue-brown and dull. The witness's dog reacted to the presence of the object. (Witness letter in NICAP files, NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3417
### Event 28183 (0C16AB59)
**Date:** Mid 3/1967
**Locations:** Malmstrom AFB; Great Falls, Montana; Judith Basin
**Description:** Night. Future UFO researcher [Robert Hastings](https://www.ufohastings.com/bio) has a part-time job as a janitor in Malmstrom AFB near Great Falls, Montana. One night as he is cleaning out the Radar Approach Control center, one of the FAA controllers calls him over to look at 5 unidentified targets that two jet fighters have gone up to intercept. Soon he is asked to leave and clean the room later. Later on, he hears that the targets ascended vertically, leaving the jets far behind, and that the incident takes place in the Judith Basin area many miles to the south.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Nukes 6–7, 279, 282–286
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4239
### Event 28184 (A5F50F16)
**Date:** 3/16/1967
**Time:** 00:30
**Location:** FREE SOIL, MI
**Description:** Glowing-ovoid / 2M altitude. Ringed / lights. Loud humming. Bobs going up and down. Fast vertical quickly going up.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO Evidence II: HB: Scarecrow Press Lanham, MD. http://www.scarecrowpress.com ISBN 0-8108-3881-8 (Index 333)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8103
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "206", **HatchDesc:** "FREE SOIL,MI:GLOW-OVOID/2M alt:RINGED/LITES:LOUD HUM:BOBS↑+↓:fast vertical ↑↑", **LatLong:** "44.105558 -86.216671", **LatLongDMS:** "44:06:20 N 86:13:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.105558,-86.216671)", **State/Prov:** "Michigan", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 28185 (0662A511)
**Date:** 3/16/1967
**Time:** 01:00?
**Location:** LEBANON, OH
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Separate observers. 50' saucer / treetops. Headlight go out. Whistles. / FSRv17#2.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RODEGHIER, Mark/CUFOS: UFO REPORTS INVOLVING VEHICLE INTERFERENCE; CUFOS 1979. Available as CUFOS UFO Archive #1 CD-ROM. http://www.cufos.org/Pubform.pdf (Index 33)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8104
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "45", **Elev:** "234", **HatchDesc:** "LEBANON,OH:BBK#UNK:SEP.OBSs:50'SCR/TREETOPS:HEADLITE GO OUT:WHISTLES:/FSRv17#2", **LatLong:** "39.433335 -84.205560", **LatLongDMS:** "39:26:00 N 84:12:20 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.433335,-84.205560)", **RelAlt:** "20", **State/Prov:** "Ohio", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 28186 (3F20EC3F)
**Date:** 3/16/1967
**Time:** 08:40
**Description:** RADAR-visual (observation) / UFO. 10 missiles kaput. Same / great falls / 1966. / r120.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO Evidence II: HB: Scarecrow Press Lanham, MD. http://www.scarecrowpress.com ISBN 0-8108-3881-8 (Index 10)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8105
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **NUC:** Nuclear facility related, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **RDR:** Radar traces/blips, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK, **COV:** Indication of coverup
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "20", **Elev:** "1075", **HatchDesc:** "MALMSTROM AFB,MT:RDR-VIS/UFO:10 MISSILES KAPUT:SAME/GREAT FALLS/1966:/r120", **LatLong:** "47.483336 -111.166672", **LatLongDMS:** "47:29:00 N 111:10:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.483336,-111.166672)", **State/Prov:** "Montana", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 28187 (729908FE)
**Date:** 3/16/1967
**Time:** 15:50
**Location:** SALEM, OR
**Description:** 2 teens photograph ovoid. Hovers briefly. Shoots going quickly west 'too fast for balloon'.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 807)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8106
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "5", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "47", **HatchDesc:** "SALEM,OR:2 TEENS FOTO OVOID:HVRS BRIEFLY:SHOOTS >>W 'too fast for balloon'", **LatLong:** "44.933335 -123.050006", **LatLongDMS:** "44:56:00 N 123:03:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.933335,-123.050006)", **State/Prov:** "Oregon", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 28188 (C74ADF7B)
**Date:** 3/16/1967
**Time:** 20:30
**Description:** Silver ovoid just over ground. Hatch open. Radio Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Follows car going north.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CHALKER,Bill: The OZ FILES. Australian Sightings. 1996 Duffy & Snellgrove. NSW,Australia. ISBN 1-875989-04-8 (Index 121)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8107
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "20", **HatchDesc:** "N/ALBANY DOWNS,AUS:SLVR OVOID JUST OVR GND:HATCH OPEN:RADIO RFI:FOLOS CAR >N", **LatLong:** "-27.094446 148.666674", **LatLongDMS:** "27:05:40 S 148:40:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-27.094446,148.666674)", **State/Prov:** "Queensland", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 28189 (C70DBBDB)
**Date:** 3/16/1967
**Location:** Free Soil, MI
**Description:** 12:30 a.m. EST. A woman saw a glowing egg-shaped object with lights around it as if they were on wires. The object was 6-8 feet above the ground. It dropped rapidly, then went straight up and repeated the maneuver. The object made a loud humming sound. (Manistee News-Advocate, Manistee County, Mien., 3/17/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3418
### Event 28190 (C67D6C5F)
**Date:** 3/16/1967
**Location:** Montevideo, Uraguay
**Description:** Daytime. Personnel of Antares astronomical observatory saw an oval object with dark colored dome and an open hatch in the middle. Numerous color and black- and-white photographs were reported to have been taken and offered for sale. (El Universal, Caracas, Venezuela, 3/18/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3419
### Event 28191 (19555AFF)
**Date:** 3/16/1967
**Location:** Roy (near), MT
**Description:** Deactivation of 6-8 missiles during red saucer-shaped object (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3420
### Event 28192 (A9558A2C)
**Date:** 3/16/1967
**Location:** Lewistown (15 miles N of), MT
**Description:** Deactivation of 10 missiles for 1 day after UFOs hovered near silos (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3421
### Event 28193 (1450E8BD)
**Date:** 3/16/1967
**Location:** Malmstrom AFB, MT
**Description:** "Echo Flight" Missile Incident (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases, Code: E, Rating: 5, NC)
**Reference:** NICAP: [670316](http://www.nicap.org/670316malmstrom%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3422
### Event 28194 (7B7CD209)
**Date:** 3/16/1967
**Location:** Keene, NH
**Description:** 11:10 p.m. EST. An associate editor of a local newspaper saw a glowing cigar that drifted back and forth about 30 feet above a snowy field in front of trees for 8 minutes. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3423
### Event 28195 (130B2C08)
**Date:** 3/16/1967
**Location:** Malmstrom AFB, MT
**Description:** Security guards saw glowing red disc hover near missile site, weapons shut down
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_122
### Event 28196 (978E2D1F)
**Date:** 3/16/1967
**Locations:** Malmstrom AFB Echo-Flight missile launch facility; Winfred; Hilger, Montana
**Description:** 8:30 a.m. At the Malmstrom AFB Echo-Flight missile launch facility between Winfred and Hilger, Montana, 1Lt Walter Figel, deputy crew commander of the Missile Combat Crew, sees one of his Minuteman missiles go into “no-go” status. He calls the missile site to see if there is scheduled maintenance and is told no. The guard tells him of a large, round object over the site. Within seconds, the nine other missiles shut down. Strike teams are dispatched to the two Launch Control Centers, where maintenance and security personnel tell them about the UFOs. The missiles are offline for the greater part of the day.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Robert Salas and James Klotz, Faded Giant, BookSurge, 2005; Robert L. Hastings, “[The Echo and Oscar Flight Incidents,](https://www.ufohastings.com/index.php/articles/the-echo-and-oscar-flight-incidents)” UFOs & Nukes, November 12, 2012; Nukes 254–258, 265–268
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4240
### Event 28197 (6A4FBD1A)
**Date:** 3/16/1967
**Location:** Belvedere, New Jersey
**Description:** 7:00 p.m. [Beryl Dux](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/21035478/beryl-e%5F-dux) sees two white cloud-like objects over Belvedere, New Jersey. She calls her sister Olive to watch, and suddenly a dull orange object comes out of the cloud on the right. It is spinning rapidly and descending quickly, but it goes into the white cloud on the right. The two clouds merge and vanish gradually.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Herbert S. Taylor, “Mystery Clouds and the UFO Connection,” IUR 29, no. 4 \(July 2005\): 19
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4241
### Event 28198 (077CD306)
**Date:** 3/17/1967
**Location:** NORTH / MONTEVIDEO
**Description:** Astronomers. Photographs / domed ovoid / 6km. 3 small ovoids and gases exit hatch.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 807)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8108
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Uruguay", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "90", **Elev:** "20", **HatchDesc:** "N/MONTEVIDEO:ASTRONOMERS:FOTOS/DOMED OVOID/6km:3 SML OVOIDS+GASES EXIT HATCH", **LatLong:** "-34.666668 -56.166669", **LatLongDMS:** "34:40:00 S 56:10:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-34.666668,-56.166669)", **State/Prov:** "MTV", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 28199 (26E7BD84)
**Date:** 3/17/1967
**Time:** 13:20
**Location:** SOUTH / FT. YATES, ND
**Description:** 2+observer(s). Large dull metallic flat-bottom/underside dome going quickly east 10x jet-speed. Jets follow.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLICKENGER, Don: NORTH DAKOTA UFO files. Well Documented NICAP files for the 1960s: Xeroxed by Tom Tulien (Index 32)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8109
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "500", **HatchDesc:** "S/Ft.YATES,ND:2+OBS:LRG DULL MTLC FLAT-BTM DOME >>E 10x JET-SPEED:JETS FOLO:", **LatLong:** "46.016669 -100.622227", **LatLongDMS:** "46:01:00 N 100:37:20 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.016669,-100.622227)", **RelAlt:** "3000", **State/Prov:** "North Dakota", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 28200 (6419946D)
**Date:** 3/17/1967
**Time:** 19:50
**Location:** OHIOPYLE, PA
**Description:** Saucer follows car home / 30M altitude. Hovers over house / 5 min. Several observer(s). / r113p45.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 809)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8110
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "372", **HatchDesc:** "OHIOPYLE,PA:SCR FOLOS CAR HOME/30M alt:HVRS OVR HOUSE/5 min.:SVRL OBS:/r113p45", **LatLong:** "39.872224 -79.488893", **LatLongDMS:** "39:52:20 N 79:29:20 W", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.872224,-79.488893)", **RelAlt:** "30", **State/Prov:** "Pennsylvania", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 28201 (B0716E4B)
**Date:** 3/17/1967
**Location:** Lebanon, OH
**Description:** Night. A woman reported an object so bright she could look at it only brieflv (brilliant illumination). The object hovered over her home, and made a loud sound (unspecified). Her dog was greatly upset (animal reaction). Possible EM effect on car headlights. (Unidentified clipping in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3424
### Event 28202 (B422CC05)
**Date:** 3/17/1967
**Location:** Central area, PA
**Description:** 7:00 p.m.EST. A couple and their three children saw a fat boomerang-shaped object with three red lights in the center (body lights). It flew overhead, changing color, and seemed to follow their car. (Letter dated 3/29/67 in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3425
### Event 28203 (7F5427DC)
**Date:** 3/17/1967
**Location:** Ann Arbor, MI
**Description:** 7:45 p.m. A man saw a red light that changed to blue as it moved slowly across the sky and disappeared. Then what he thought was the same light reappeared but as two white lights that slowly passed overhead (body lights). (Letter from witness dated 1 /9/68 in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3426
### Event 28204 (F12D0286)
**Date:** 3/17/1967
**Location:** Ohio Pyle, PA
**Description:** 8:00 p.m. EST. About 345 miles southeast of Ann Arbor, Mich., a couple in southwest Pennsylvania saw a fiery orange object that paced their car for more than a mile, then hovered over their home. (Uniontown Morning Herald, Pa., 3/18/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3427
### Event 28205 (FBA1A15C)
**Date:** 3/17/1967
**Location:** Evansville, VT
**Description:** 10:30 p.m. EST. A couple saw an oval with a body light changing color from red to blue. The object seemed to follow their car before flying away over the horizon after 15 minutes. (White letter, 4/8/67, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3428
### Event 28206 (E4D0B575)
**Date:** 3/18/1967
**Time:** 19:50
**Location:** STOW, MASS
**Description:** 3 observer(s). Domed saucer over power lines. Violet glow hovering-red when moving.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FOWLER, Raymond E.: UFO'S, INTERPLANETARY VISITORS; Prentice Hall & Bantam Books, NY 1979. 346pp. (Index 331)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8111
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "70", **HatchDesc:** "STOW,MASS:3 OBS:DOMED SCR OVR POWER LINES:VIOLET GLOW HOVERING-RED WHEN MOVING", **LatLong:** "42.438891 -71.505559", **LatLongDMS:** "42:26:20 N 71:30:20 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.438891,-71.505559)", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 28207 (DC648D27)
**Date:** 3/18/1967
**Location:** Stow, MA
**Description:** 7:50 p.m. EST. Three witnesses saw a domed oval object surrounded with a ring of vapor. When the object was stationary (hovering), it glowed violet but when moving, it turned to reddish orange (color change/motion correlation). It moved with a dancing motion. (Fowler, 1974, p. 346.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3429
### Event 28208 (5B9EE36F)
**Date:** 3/18/1967
**Location:** Champaign, IL
**Description:** 7:30 p.m. CST (8:30 p.m. EST). Three people saw an oval or bowl-like object with a dome on too and a series of red lights around the circumference (body lights) that flashed in a pattern. There was a bright white spotlight on the bottom near the front. The object hovered over a field before disappearing, possibly landing. (Munday report, Urbana, 9/6/67, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3433
### Event 28209 (C4529A90)
**Date:** 3/18/1967
**Description:** In 1967 at 7:50 p.m. a domed oval or domed disc was seen surrounded by a ring of vapor in Stow, Massachusetts. The UFO glowed violet when it was stationary, but changed to a reddish orange color when it danced around in the sky.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Raymond E. Fowler, UFOs: Interplanetary Visitors, p. 346
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1551
### Event 28210 (BAAB2DD6)
**Date:** 3/18/1967
**Description:** That same night in Lebanon, Ohio a 50-foot diameter, round object hovered over the treetops near a highway. It was glowing white, sometimes red, with a "halo effect" and appeared to be rotating. The headlights of a car passing nearby went out. The object emitted a high-pitched sound, and after its departure, the car's headlights functioned normally.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** FSR, March-April 1971; Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, case 193
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1552
### Event 28211 (168F41C9)
**Date:** 3/20/1967
**Location:** Malmstrom AFB, MT
**Description:** Disruption of missile circuitry by UFO.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [_UFOs and the National Security State: Chronology of a Cover-up, 1941–1973_, by Richard Dolan](https://archive.org/details/ufosnationalsecu00dola/mode/2up)
**Source:** Dolan, **ID:** Dolan_275
### Event 28212 (B54A6317)
**Date:** 3/20/1967
**Time:** 22:50
**Location:** BUTLER, PA
**Description:** Globes going down. 5 odd pseudo-human/entity / roadside. 170cm. Eyes = slits. Dressed / hunters. / r249p99.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA; H. Regnery, Chicago HC 1969 & Contemporary Books,Chicago 1993. 372pp. (Index 826)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8112
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "8", **Elev:** "317", **HatchDesc:** "BUTLER,PA:GLOBES↓:5 ODD PSH/ROADSIDE:170cm:EYES=SLITS:DRESSED/HUNTERS:/r249p99", **LatLong:** "40.861113 -79.894448", **LatLongDMS:** "40:51:40 N 79:53:40 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.861113,-79.894448)", **State/Prov:** "Pennsylvania", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 28213 (68BE731F)
**Date:** 3/20/1967
**Location:** Tuscumbia, MO
**Description:** Daylight landing, (#1014), occupants, close approach (NICAP: 06 - Trace Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3430
### Event 28214 (6C9CC74D)
**Date:** Spring 1967
**Location:** Haverhille, MA
**Description:** 2:00 a.m. EST,. An airport owner, alerted by a whirring sound, saw an object like two silver saucers placed rim-to-rim (disc) with a transparent dome. Inside the dome were two moving figures. Portholes glowed on the perimeter of the object. An odor was reported, and a yard light was affected (EM effects). (Fowler, 1974, p. 348.) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3467
### Event 28215 (CBE0D703)
**Date:** 3/20/1967
**Time:** 2245
**Location:** Butler, Pennsylvania
**Description:** A man and his daughter saw two lights that they thought were landing lights on aircraft, but they came to ground level, flew straight toward the car, and suddenly vanished. At the same time, five figures appeared about 3 m away. They had narrow, pointed noses, mouths and eyes like slits, blond hair, rough skin, and were dressed in loose "hunterlike" clothes. Witnesses drove away as fast as they could.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** FSR 68, 5 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_826
### Event 28216 (5CE814F7)
**Date:** 3/20/1967
**Location:** Butler, Pennsylvania
**Description:** 11:00 p.m. A man and his daughter living in Butler, Pennsylvania, take the car out to go looking for lights his wife had seen in the sky earlier. After stopping with the car lights off for a while, he sees two yellowish-white globes of light at 200 feet altitude, which start moving toward the car in a parallel course. The objects descend a quarter mile away, then shoot toward the witnesses at 70–80 mph. The daughter hears a “chorus of voices” in her head saying “don’t move” repeatedly. The man switches on the headlights, the lights disappear, and the voices stop. Moments later, 10 feet from the car, they see five figures standing in an irregular semicircle. The man gets into the car but the daughter continues staring at the figures, which have slits for eyes and mouths. All have long blond hair and are wearing something like baseball caps. They wear loose-fitting clothing. The witnesses drive away quickly and go to their minister’s home.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Robert A. Schmidt, “[Humanoids Seen at Butler,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201968%20V%2014%20N%205.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 14, no. 5 \(Sept./Oct. 1968\): 5–6; Clark III 277–278
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4242
### Event 28217 (0C161BD6)
**Date:** Spring 1967
**Location:** Colorado
**Description:** Psychologist [David R. Saunders](https://psycnet.apa.org/record/1993-27194-001)[,](https://psycnet.apa.org/record/1993-27194-001) a principal investigator for the Colorado project, launches UFOCAT, a computerized database of UFO cases, after researcher [Jacques Vallée](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacques%5FVall%C3%A9e) gives the project 3,000 cases from his own collection. Saunders codes the cases with such parameters as source, date, time, location, state and county, country, witness names, age, gender, special features, duration, and other elements.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Center for UFO Studies, “[UFOCAT-2009](http://www.cufos.org/UFOCAT.html)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4256
### Event 28218 (F7012E74)
**Date:** Spring 1967
**Location:** Cleveland, Ohio
**Description:** The United Aerial Phenomena Agency begins publishing Flying Saucer Digest, edited by Allan J. Manak in Cleveland, Ohio. [Rick Hilberg](http://www.mufonohio.com/mufono/2015confSUMM.html) takes over as chief editor in 2003. It continues until at least fall 2017.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** [Flying](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/Flying%20Saucer%20Digest%20%28UAPA%2C%20Hilberg%29/Flying%20Saucer%20Digest%20-%20No%20001%20-%201967.pdf) [Saucer Digest](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/Flying%20Saucer%20Digest%20%28UAPA%2C%20Hilberg%29/Flying%20Saucer%20Digest%20-%20No%20001%20-%201967.pdf) 1, no. 1 \(Spring 1967\)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4257
### Event 28219 (CBEC1B5F)
**Date:** Spring 1967
**Location:** Shreveport, Louisiana
**Description:** Night. Centenary College Instructor John O. Williams has taken his astronomy class to an open field on the Shreveport, Louisiana, campus to observe the sky. The see a bright orange light precisely due west of them at an elevation of about 30° approaching at a modest angular rate of 1° per second. It remains silent even as it passes above them. A second light, much fainter and blue in color, is following it. The second light turns away and moves south into the distance. The orange light continues eastward, then performs a tight 180° turn and returns to their zenith. It accelerates west and disappears from view. After about 20 minutes it disappears, followed by a thread of rippling blue light. The thread breaks into 7–8 individual blue lights, which exit in several directions.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** John O. Williams, “Louisiana Lights in 1967,” IUR 22, no. 4 \(Winter 1997–1998\): 10–11
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4258
### Event 28220 (E55C98D5)
**Date:** 3/20/1967
**Description:** At 10:45 p.m. a man and his daughter in Butler, Pennsylvania saw two lights that they thought were landing lights on an aircraft, but they came to ground level and flew straight toward the car, then suddenly vanished. At the same time, five figures appeared about three meters away. They had narrow, pointed noses, mouths and eyes like slits, blond hair, rough skin, and were dressed in loose "hunterlike" clothes. Witnesses drove away as fast as they could.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 826
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1586
### Event 28221 (C48E5249)
**Date:** 3/21/1967
**Location:** USA, New Baden (Illinois)
**Description:** (Translated from French) At 02:00 in the night, Mrs. L.B. was awoken by the excessive heat in the room. She got up and saw a large light in a nearby field. She woke up her 25 year old daughter and together they observed the object through binoculars: it was a bright orange dome, on the ground, with a diameter of about 18 m and 300 m away from them. After 10 or 15 minutes, Mrs. L.B. opened the window to get a better view and to listen: at that moment, the object slowly rose and moved away without making any noise. (Traces).
**Reference:** Inforespace n° 58 of 1981, p. 41, 42
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2430
### Event 28222 (DFBE4B0E)
**Date:** 3/21/1967
**Location:** Brazil
**Description:** Brazilian military craft paced by red, glowing object.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [_UFOs and the National Security State: Chronology of a Cover-up, 1941–1973_, by Richard Dolan](https://archive.org/details/ufosnationalsecu00dola/mode/2up)
**Source:** Dolan, **ID:** Dolan_276
### Event 28223 (E9B6E8F9)
**Date:** 3/21/1967
**Description:** Air Force C47+ground observer(s). Airliner paced / orange saucer. Circles. / r120p311.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LORENZEN, Coral & Jim: UFO's OVER THE AMERICAS; Signet Books, NY 1968. 243p. (Index 59)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8113
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "25", **Elev:** "60", **HatchDesc:** "nr PORTO ALEGRE,BRZ:AF C47+GND OBS:AIRLINER PACED/ORG SCR:CIRCLES:/r120p311", **LatLong:** "-3.000000 -51.250002", **LatLongDMS:** "03:00:00 S 51:15:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-3.000000,-51.250002)", **State/Prov:** "RGS", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 28224 (4E74763A)
**Date:** 3/21/1967
**Time:** 02:00
**Location:** NEW BADEN, IL
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Heat. Saucer / ground. Going up. Sharp silent turns. Going quickly west. 54' trace and gunk. / r41p333.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PHILLIPS, Ted: Study of PHYSICAL TRACES ASSOCIATED with UFO SIGHTINGS; CUFOS 1975. (Index 46)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8114
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "141", **HatchDesc:** "NEW BADEN,IL:2 OBS:HEAT:SCR/GND:↑:SHARP SLNT TURNS:>>W:54'TRACE+GUNK:/r41p333", **LatLong:** "38.550002 -89.700004", **LatLongDMS:** "38:33:00 N 89:42:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.550002,-89.700004)", **State/Prov:** "Illinois", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 28225 (9FD8BFB5)
**Date:** 3/21/1967
**Time:** ~19:00
**Location:** WEST / HILLSBORO, KS
**Description:** Domed flat glowing-saucer buzzes and rocks car. Car malfunctions due to EME (electro-magnetic effects). / r113p45+/ r41p273.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 809)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8115
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "437", **HatchDesc:** "W/HILLSBORO,KS:DOMED FLAT GLOW-SCR BUZZES+ROCKS CAR:CAR EMEs:/r113p45+/r41p273", **LatLong:** "38.350002 -97.188894", **LatLongDMS:** "38:21:00 N 97:11:20 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.350002,-97.188894)", **State/Prov:** "Kansas", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 28226 (066C77CF)
**Date:** 3/21/1967
**Time:** 19:30
**Location:** HOMER, AK
**Description:** Farmer. Glowing-object with square windows hovers. Whirrs. Cows react strongly. Type unknown.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO Evidence II: HB: Scarecrow Press Lanham, MD. http://www.scarecrowpress.com ISBN 0-8108-3881-8 (Index 333)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8116
**Attributes:** **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "26", **HatchDesc:** "HOMER,AK:FARMER:GLO-OBJ W/SQR WINDOWS HVRS:WHIRRS:COWS REACT STRONGLY:TYPE UNK", **LatLong:** "59.666670 -151.533341", **LatLongDMS:** "59:40:00 N 151:32:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/59.666670,-151.533341)", **State/Prov:** "Alaska", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 28227 (3A94AC01)
**Date:** 3/21/1967
**Location:** Hillsboro, KS
**Description:** "Upside-down cup on a saucer" hovered over car, which rocked violently. APRO Bulletin, May-June 1967, (E) p. 5, car (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3431
### Event 28228 (3234B19D)
**Date:** 3/21/1967
**Location:** New Baden, IL
**Description:** Multiple witnesses, landing, (#268). (NICAP: 06 - Trace Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3432
### Event 28229 (D7AC2791)
**Date:** 3/21/1967
**Location:** Minneapolis, MN
**Description:** 7:45 p.m. CST. A couple saw a bright red oval that approached, stopped and hovered, four times emitting light or lighted objects toward the ground. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3434
### Event 28230 (BDA2C38C)
**Date:** 3/21/1967
**Location:** Homer, AK
**Description:** 7:30 p.m. AKST (10:30 p.m. CST). Two families saw an object that had a long row of square windows of different colors. Cows reacted violently (animal reactions). The object hovered, then disappeared beyond the trees. (Report in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3435
### Event 28231 (92BC7A76)
**Date:** 3/21/1967
**Locations:** Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil; Salgado Filho Airport near Gravataí; Cruzeiro do Sul
**Description:** A Brazilian military aircraft with 14 passengers encounters a glowing-red, oblong object over the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, while on its way to Salgado Filho Airport near Gravataí. The control tower operator there alerts pilots of a Cruzeiro do Sul aircraft coming in from the southwest. Minutes later these pilots see apparently the same object, which follows them for 25 minutes before zipping up into the sky.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Lorenzen, UFOs over the Americas, Signet, 1968, pp. 58–59
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4243
### Event 28232 (F31C72F2)
**Date:** 3/21/1967
**Locations:** US Highway 56; Hillsboro, Kansas
**Description:** Night. Mary Beth Neufeld and three other teenagers are driving on US Highway 56 one mile west of Hillsboro, Kansas, when they see a bright object “like an upside-down cup on a saucer.” They start driving toward it, but it approaches them and hovers above the car for a few seconds. The car starts rocking and the engine quits. When the UFO leaves, they are able to start it up again.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Car Buzzing Incidents on Increase,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201967%2005%2000%20-%20May-June.pdf)” APRO Bulletin, May/June 1967, p. 5
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4244
### Event 28233 (59338892)
**Date:** 3/21/1967
**Description:** On this night several teenage girls were driving in a car in Hillsboro, Kansas when they saw a bright light ahead on the road. The light then approached the car and hovered directly over the roof. It was shaped like an upside-down cup on a saucer. The car's engine failed as the object hovered overhead, and although the car was stopped, it rocked back and forth quite violently. The UFO eventually left and the car could be restarted without any trouble.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, case 194; APRO Bulletin, May-June 1967, p. 5; Coral & Jim Lorenzen, UFOs Over the Americas, p. 26
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1599
### Event 28234 (DFEBC081)
**Date:** 3/22/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Sighting in Wapello \(Iowa\). (March 22)
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#11541 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2291
### Event 28235 (A7952FCA)
**Date:** 3/22/1967
**Description:** Airliner chased / 120'"dart" shapes. Shoot away near Lima airport.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** STEIGER, Brad & WHRITENOUR, Joan: The ALLENDE LETTERS. 1968 Eugene Olsen Publ + Award Books, NY PB (Index 43)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8117
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Peru", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "100", **HatchDesc:** "PIURA>>LIMA,PERU:AIRLINER CHASED/120'"DART" SHAPES:SHOOT AWAY nr LIMA AIRPORT ", **LatLong:** "-8.666667 -78.833337", **LatLongDMS:** "08:40:00 S 78:50:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-8.666667,-78.833337)", **State/Prov:** "LMA", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 28236 (9F8CEF98)
**Date:** 3/22/1967
**Location:** MOON
**Description:** Astronomer Moseley. Red light and flashes / crater Gassendi. Same / similar 20 May.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PINDEVIC, Thierry: Le NOEUD GORDIEN ou la FANTASTIQUE HISTOIRE des OVNI. Editions France-Empire, Paris 1979. (Index 53)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8118
**Attributes:** **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **NFO:** No craft seen, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "The Moon", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "MOON:ASTRONOMER MOSELEY:RED LITE+FLASHES/CRATER GASSENDI:SAME/SIMILAR 20MAY", **LatLong:** "90.000004 -0.000000", **LatLongDMS:** "90:00:00 N 00:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/90.000004,-0.000000)", **State/Prov:** "CRT", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 28237 (EDB3417E)
**Date:** 3/22/1967
**Time:** 22:20
**Location:** WAPELLO, IA
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #11541. Observer(s) = Eutsler. Derby-hat with antennas and lights and flat panel / windows.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 103)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8119
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "179", **HatchDesc:** "WAPELLO,IA:BBK#11541:OBS=EUTSLER:DERBY-HAT W/ANTENNAS+LITES+FLAT PANEL/WINDOWS", **LatLong:** "41.183335 -91.188893", **LatLongDMS:** "41:11:00 N 91:11:20 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.183335,-91.188893)", **State/Prov:** "Iowa", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 28238 (94BACC72)
**Date:** 3/22/1967
**Time:** 23:00
**Location:** TJUVKIL, SWEDEN
**Description:** 15M disk whines. Circles car / 400M altitude. Green glow. Follows / 15 minute(s).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 809)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8120
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Scandanavian and Finland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "15", **HatchDesc:** "TJUVKIL,SWEDEN:15M DISK WHINES:CIRCLES CAR/400M alt:GREEN GLOW:FOLOS/15min", **LatLong:** "57.900003 11.716667", **LatLongDMS:** "57:54:00 N 11:43:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/57.900003,11.716667)", **State/Prov:** "Sweden", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 28239 (B2D70548)
**Date:** 3/22/1967
**Location:** Yungay, Peru
**Description:** 5:30 p.m. Hundreds of Yungainos and tourists, were reportedly visited by two UFOs. They flew over the snow covered Huascaran mountains and the city of Yungay-Peru. Photo by: Augusto Arrando. (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)
**Reference:** NICAP: [670322](http://www.ufocasebook.com/Peruyungay1967large.jpg)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3436
### Event 28240 (7CCD84B8)
**Date:** 3/22/1967
**Location:** Biscay Bay, Spain
**Description:** Night. The crew of an airliner flying above the French-Spanish border saw two unexplained blinking lights that changed color and were tracked by ground radar. (Weinstein, 1999, p. 35, from Good, 1996.) (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Rating: 5)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3437
### Event 28241 (84EA1B4B)
**Date:** 3/22/1967
**Location:** Wapello, IA
**Description:** Fluorescent, solid, multicolored lights stand still, then fly away (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 11541)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3438
### Event 28242 (4B9FBFC9)
**Date:** 3/22/1967
**Location:** Camarillo, CA
**Description:** 8:50 p.m. PST (10:50 p.m. CST). A barking dog alerted five witnesses (animal reactions), who saw 5 or 6 lights in a cluster. The lights moved across the sky, and suddenly climbed straight up and disappeared after being visible for several minutes. (Camarillo News, 3/23/67, copy in NICAP (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3439
### Event 28243 (D10A1938)
**Date:** 3/22/1967
**Time:** 10:20 PM
**Location:** Wapello, Iowa
**Description:** Witness: Douglas Eutsler, 15. Fluorescent, solid, multicolored lights stood still, then flew away at high speed after 1 minute.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_572
### Event 28244 (AD2F3C2A)
**Date:** 3/22/1967
**Location:** Tjuvkil, Västra Götaland, Sweden
**Description:** 11:00 p.m. Ann-Lis Danielsson is driving home to Tjuvkil, Västra Götaland, Sweden, when she notices a greenish illumination outside her car. Slowing down, she sees a disc about 15 feet in diameter hovering 500 feet away at an altitude of 1,500 feet. It begins to circle the area slowly, rising and sinking and giving off a whining noise. After pacing her for 15 minutes, it climbs vertically with an oscillating motion.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Girl Reconnoitred by](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201967%2003%2000%20-%20March-April.pdf) [Disc,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201967%2003%2000%20-%20March-April.pdf)” APRO Bulletin, March/April 1967, p. 9
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4245
### Event 28245 (D4110F92)
**Date:** 3/22/1967
**Description:** A 14-year-old teenager named from Wapello, Iowa reported seeing a domed, disc-shaped flying object with legs near his home. The UFO had a central row of portholes and multicolored lights. The UFO hovered for a short while, then flew away at high speed. This is a Project Blue Book "unidentified" case.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Ann Druffel, MUFON UFO Journal, June 1976, p. 10; Richard Hall, The UFO Evidence Volume II: A Thirty Year Report, p. 333; Don Berliner, Australasian Ufologist, April 1999, p. 54
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1615
### Event 28246 (F06C1A43)
**Date:** 3/23/1967
**Time:** 11:30
**Description:** Silver wingless DC3 fuselage maneuvers / airport. Shoots going quickly northeast into cloud.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RIDGE, Francis: REGIONAL ENCOUNTERS in the FC Files. 170pp. UFO FILTER CENTER, Mt. Vernon, IN 1994 (Index 22)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8121
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "138", **HatchDesc:** "E/LAWRENCEVILLE,IL:SLVR WINGLESS DC3 FSLG MNVRS/AIRPORT:SHOOTS>>NE INTO CLOUD", **LatLong:** "38.700002 -87.616671", **LatLongDMS:** "38:42:00 N 87:37:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.700002,-87.616671)", **State/Prov:** "Illinois", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 28247 (1AE52D09)
**Date:** 3/23/1967
**Time:** ~20:00
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Observer(s) = Deluce. 2 night lights / field. Pace car. Fly over house. / CUFOS.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RODEGHIER, Mark/CUFOS: UFO REPORTS INVOLVING VEHICLE INTERFERENCE; CUFOS 1979. Available as CUFOS UFO Archive #1 CD-ROM. http://www.cufos.org/Pubform.pdf (Index 32)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8122
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "52", **HatchDesc:** "EASTHAMPTON,MASS:BBK#UNK:OBS=DELUCE:2 NLTS/FIELD:PACE CAR:FLY OVR HOUSE:/CUFOS", **LatLong:** "42.266669 -72.672226", **LatLongDMS:** "42:16:00 N 72:40:20 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.266669,-72.672226)", **RelAlt:** "2", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 28248 (BEC6CCC9)
**Date:** 3/23/1967
**Location:** Omaha, NE
**Description:** 3:00-3:30 a.m. CST. A nurse, a nursing supervisor, and an aide saw a slowing white light that at times had a surrounding red glow (halo effect). The shape was said to be " like a bowl atop a plate" (domed disc). (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3440
### Event 28249 (80B5E861)
**Date:** 3/23/1967
**Location:** Omaha, NE
**Description:** During the same time period, a woman in another area of Omaha saw two large (moon-size) lights making turns (maneuvering) in the sky. (Omaha World Herald, 3/23/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3441
### Event 28250 (79971193)
**Date:** 3/23/1967
**Location:** Great Falls, MT
**Description:** 9:00 p.m. MST. Sheriff's deputies and other witnesses saw a yellow object with a red glow coming from the top and the bottom. The object hovered, then flew away. Many sightings reported all over the state. (Great Falls Leader, 3/24/67, copy in NICAP files.) \[Malmstrom AFB, MT, Minuteman ICBM Complex\] (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3442
### Event 28251 (D9BD0C59)
**Date:** 3/23/1967
**Location:** Lawrenceville, IL
**Description:** 11:30 a.m. Man requesting his name be kept confidential reported that he observed an object, near the airport, in the west that appeared to be an aircraft fuselage (DC- 3) without wings. It was white in color, and after a minute of observation, took off fast towards the northwest into a cloud. (Ridge, NICAP files) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3443
### Event 28252 (B1D2634A)
**Date:** 3/24/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Sighting at Belt \(Montana\). (March 24)
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#11551 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2292
### Event 28253 (61508B46)
**Date:** 3/24/1967
**Location:** Near Malmstrom AFB, ND
**Description:** Reported UFO landing, investigation.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [_UFOs and the National Security State: Chronology of a Cover-up, 1941–1973_, by Richard Dolan](https://archive.org/details/ufosnationalsecu00dola/mode/2up)
**Source:** Dolan, **ID:** Dolan_277
### Event 28254 (E648DF75)
**Date:** 3/24/1967
**Time:** 05:30
**Location:** WEST / WELLINGTON, TX
**Description:** USAF family. Saucer chases car to 100mph. Splits / 2. Quickly going up. / r113p45.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 809)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8123
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "621", **HatchDesc:** "W/WELLINGTON,TX:USAF FAMILY:SCR CHASES CAR to 100mph:SPLITS/2:↑↑:/r113p45", **LatLong:** "34.850002 -100.216671", **LatLongDMS:** "34:51:00 N 100:13:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/34.850002,-100.216671)", **State/Prov:** "Texas", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 28255 (7BBFC7BD)
**Date:** 3/24/1967
**Time:** 08:50
**Location:** LOS ALAMOS, NM
**Description:** 2 separate observer(s). Silent silver-white disk hovers / 10 minute(s). Going quickly [to] against wind going [to] clouds.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HYNEK, J. Allen: The UFO EXPERIENCE, A Scientific Inquiry; Ballentine Books, NY 1974,1977. (Index 64)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8124
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **NUC:** Nuclear facility related
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "2231", **HatchDesc:** "LOS ALAMOS,NM:2 SEP.OBS:SLNT SLVR-WHT DISK HVRS/10min:>> AGAINST WIND >CLOUDS", **LatLong:** "35.888891 -106.294450", **LatLongDMS:** "35:53:20 N 106:17:40 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/35.888891,-106.294450)", **State/Prov:** "New Mexico", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 28256 (A5B61B14)
**Date:** 3/24/1967
**Time:** 10:50
**Description:** Silent 70M saucer / 1000kph. 10 mk away. No plane or balloon / astronomer.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** STURROCK, Dr. Peter A: REPORT / SURVEY of the AMERICAN ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY of the UFO PROBLEM; Stanford, CA 1977. (Index 138)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8125
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "2791", **HatchDesc:** "CATALINA OBS.,AZ:SLNT 70M SCR/1000kph:10mk AWAY:NO PLANE or BALLOON/ASTRONOMER", **LatLong:** "32.444446 -110.750005", **LatLongDMS:** "32:26:40 N 110:45:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/32.444446,-110.750005)", **State/Prov:** "Arizona", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 28257 (48E9956B)
**Date:** 3/24/1967
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** GEORGETOWN, MASS
**Description:** 3 observer(s). Saucer hovers / rock pond. Faster / jet planes. 2 saucers back 20 Apr. '67.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FOWLER, Raymond E.: UFO'S, INTERPLANETARY VISITORS; Prentice Hall & Bantam Books, NY 1979. 346pp. (Index 331)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8126
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "24", **HatchDesc:** "GEORGETOWN,MASS:3 OBS:SCR HVRS/ROCK POND:FASTER/JET PLANES:2 SCRS BACK 20APR67", **LatLong:** "42.722224 -70.988892", **LatLongDMS:** "42:43:20 N 70:59:20 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.722224,-70.988892)", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 28258 (51E65567)
**Date:** 3/24/1967
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** BELT, MT
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #11551. Many separate observer(s). Domed saucer lands. Air Force helicopter search = 0. / APRO 5'67.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO Evidence II: HB: Scarecrow Press Lanham, MD. http://www.scarecrowpress.com ISBN 0-8108-3881-8 (Index 333)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8127
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **NUC:** Nuclear facility related, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "1088", **HatchDesc:** "BELT,MT:BBK#11551:MANY SEP.OBS:DOMED SCR LANDS:AF COPTER SEARCH=0:/APRO 5'67", **LatLong:** "47.377780 -110.950005", **LatLongDMS:** "47:22:40 N 110:57:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.377780,-110.950005)", **State/Prov:** "Montana", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 28259 (3A05D6DF)
**Date:** 3/24/1967
**Location:** Los Alamos, NM
**Description:** Disc hovers for 10 minutes. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3444
### Event 28260 (1526D6EB)
**Date:** 3/24/1967
**Location:** Atlantic Ocean, in air space
**Description:** 2134Z (4:34 p.m. EST). An Irish Airlines flight crew saw an object that was as bright as Venus, but that also was being tracked on ground radar. (Weinstein, 1999, p. 35.) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3445
### Event 28261 (50F3F50C)
**Date:** 3/24/1967
**Location:** Kent, CT
**Description:** 7:18 p.m. EST. Many people saw an object hovering in the sky to the northwest. It was changing colors in a cycle from red to blue-green to white, and back to red. After about 25 minutes, the object made a swift departure. (Unidentified newspaper clipping, 3/25/67, copy in Donald E. Keyhoe Archives.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3446
### Event 28262 (0B1A266C)
**Date:** 3/24/1967
**Location:** Georgetown, MA
**Description:** 9:00 p.m. EST. Three witnesses described an object as being shaped like a turtle shell with flashing red and white lights. The object hovered over Rock Pond before moving off faster than a jet aircraft. (Fowler, UFOS: INTERPLANETARY VISITORS, December 1979, Bantam Edition, page 331) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3447
### Event 28263 (5643C4E0)
**Date:** 3/24/1967
**Location:** Belt, MT
**Description:** Dome-Shaped Object Lands In Ravine (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, Code: C, Rating: 5, BB: 11551)
**Reference:** NICAP: [670324](http://www.nicap.org/670324belt%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3448
### Event 28264 (42A32212)
**Date:** 3/24/1967
**Location:** Los Alamos, NM
**Description:** Disc hovers for 10 minutes (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, NC)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3449
### Event 28265 (6887B786)
**Date:** 3/24/1967
**Location:** Malmstrom AFB (Nr. Roy), MT
**Description:** Oscar Flight / Malmstrom AFB Missile Incident (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases, Code: E, Rating: 5, BB: BBU, NC)
**Reference:** NICAP: [670324](http://nicap.org/670324malmstrom%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3450
### Event 28266 (38C325DB)
**Date:** 3/24/1967
**Location:** Belt, Montana
**Description:** Numerous reports came from this area, including one of a landing observation. At dawn, police and a Malmstrom AFB helicopter made a search, with negative results.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Atic ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_827
### Event 28267 (2621D128)
**Date:** 3/24/1967
**Time:** 99 PM
**Location:** Belt, Montana
**Description:** Witness: truck driver Ken Williams. One dome-shaped object, emitting a bright light, landed in a ravine. As the witness approached, it took off and settled back, hidden from the highway. Sighting lasted several minutes.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_573
### Event 28268 (E722CFC9)
**Date:** 3/24/1967
**Locations:** Loco, Texas; Wellington
**Description:** 5:30 a.m. USAF S/Sgt Johnny Ferguson is traveling with his wife and three children near Loco, Texas, where they are terrified by a mysterious bright blue-neon light that chases them at high speed along the road. It finally splits into two, changes to a reddish color, and disappears behind a hill. Ferguson reports the incident to Deputy Sheriff [George Hooten](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/171184243/george-samuel-hooten), then drives into nearby Wellington.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Curt Collins, “[Contact in Texas: The Lost](https://www.blueblurrylines.com/2021/11/contact-in-texas-lost-ufo-photos.html) [UFO Photos,](https://www.blueblurrylines.com/2021/11/contact-in-texas-lost-ufo-photos.html)” Blue Blurry Lines, November 18, 2021
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4246
### Event 28269 (BD521718)
**Date:** 3/24/1967
**Location:** Los Alamos, New Mexico
**Description:** 8:45 a.m. An airline pilot watches a small silvery-white disc hovering for 10 minutes above Los Alamos, New Mexico. Then it moves across the sky and disappears into clouds.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** J. Allen Hynek, The UFO Experience, Ballantine ed., 1974, [p. 64](https://archive.org/details/ufoexperience00jall/page/64/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4247
### Event 28270 (6B6E5FB0)
**Date:** 3/24/1967
**Location:** Catalina Station observatory on Mount Bigelow 18 miles northeast of Tucson, Arizona
**Description:** 10:45 a.m. An astronomer at the Catalina Station observatory on Mount Bigelow 18 miles northeast of Tucson, Arizona, sees a white oval disc the apparent size of the moon moving silently in a straight line from northwest to northeast. It slowly changes from an elongated shape to a more circular one. He estimates its speed as 600 mph, size as 230 feet, and distance as 6–12 miles. It disappears after 50 seconds.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “Astronomers and UFO’s: A Survey, Part 2, Sightings,” IUR 2, no. 4 \(April 1977\): 4
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4248
### Event 28271 (B673E0D0)
**Date:** 3/24/1967
**Locations:** Malmstrom AFB; Roy, Montana; Launch Control Center; SAC USAF 341st Strategic Missile Wing; Boeing's Seattle plant
**Description:** Late evening. An airman with the Malmstrom AFB Oscar-Flight Launch Control Center for the SAC USAF 341st Strategic Missile Wing south of Roy, Montana, sees a star-like object zigzagging high above him. Soon, a larger and closer light appears and behaves similarly. He calls his NCO and the two men watch as the lights streak through the sky, maneuvering in impossible ways. The NCO phones his commander, 1Lt. [Robert Salas](https://ufology.fandom.com/wiki/Robert%5FSalas), who is below ground in the LCC. Salas is dubious and tells them to let him know if they get any closer. A few minutes later the NCO calls him again and shouts that a red, glowing UFO is hovering outside the front gate. Salas tells him to make sure the site is secure while he phones the command post. Meanwhile, one of the guards is injured when he approaches the UFO and has to be evacuated by helicopter. As Salas briefs Lt. [Fred Meiwald](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/103653003/frederick-charles-meiwald), an alarm rings through the small LCC and both men see a “no-go” light turn on for one of the missiles. Within seconds, 4– 7 more Minutemen nuclear ICBMs go offline in succession. The USAF investigation includes full-scale tests on- site, as well as lab tests at Boeing’s Seattle plant. No cause for the shutdown can be found.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[‘Echo Flight’ Missile](http://www.nicap.org/670316malmstrom%5Fdir.htm) [Incident](http://www.nicap.org/670316malmstrom%5Fdir.htm)”; [Sparks](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf)[,](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf) pp. 4, 323; Jim Klotz and Robert Salas, “[The Malmstrom AFB UFO/Missile Incident,](http://www.cufon.org/cufon/malmstrom/malm1.htm)” November 27, 1996; Robert L. Hastings, “Remarkable Reports from the Missile Field,” IUR 32, no. 1 \(August 2008\): 9–10; Robert Salas and James Klotz, Faded Giant, BookSurge, 2005; Nukes 259–263, 268–277; Kevin D. Randle, “[Robert Salas and Me,](http://kevinrandle.blogspot.com/2013/05/robert-salas-and-me.html)” A Different Perspective, May 19, 2013
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4249
### Event 28272 (A76F2ABD)
**Date:** 3/24/1967
**Locations:** US Highway 87/89; Belt, Montana; Malmstrom AFB
**Description:** 9:00 p.m. Truck driver Ken Williams driving northwest on US Highway 87/89 sees a dome-shaped object emitting a bright light land in a ravine near Belt, Montana. As he approaches, it takes off and settles back, hidden from the highway. Numerous other reports come in from this area. At dawn, police and a helicopter from Malmstrom AFB conduct a search without success.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** NICAP, “[Dome-Shaped Object Lands in Ravine](http://www.nicap.org/670324belt%5Fdir.htm)”; [Sparks](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf)[,](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf) p. 323; Robert L. Hastings, “Remarkable Reports from the Missile Field,” IUR 32, no. 1 \(August 2008\): 9–10
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4250
### Event 28273 (EFEF8415)
**Date:** 3/24/1967
**Description:** Numerous reports came from Belt, Montana including one of an unknown object landing. A truck driver named Williams spotted a very large dome-shaped object emitting an intense light that had landed in a ravine. As he approached, it took off and settled back further away, hidden from the highway. At dawn, police and a Malmstrom Air Force Base helicopter made a search of the area, with negative results.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Richard Hall, The UFO Evidence (Volume I), p. 158; APRO Bulletin, May-June 1967, p. 6; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 827; Don Berliner, Australasian Ufologist, April 1999, p. 54; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty-Year Report, pp. 333
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1639
### Event 28274 (BB0EEA1D)
**Date:** 3/25/1967
**Time:** ~02:00
**Location:** JOPLIN, MO
**Description:** 3 red saucers hover / highway 10C. White lit windows. Rise going west. Fourth joins. / APRO 5'67.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO Evidence II: HB: Scarecrow Press Lanham, MD. http://www.scarecrowpress.com ISBN 0-8108-3881-8 (Index 334)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8128
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "297", **HatchDesc:** "JOPLIN,MO:3 RED SCRS HVR/Hwy 10C:WHT LIT WINDOWS:RISE >W:4RTH JOINS:/APRO 5'67", **LatLong:** "37.083335 -94.500005", **LatLongDMS:** "37:05:00 N 94:30:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.083335,-94.500005)", **State/Prov:** "Missouri", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 28275 (2CB0DE6F)
**Date:** 3/25/1967
**Time:** ~06:00
**Description:** Intensely luminous object / ground level. Seen / cars and trains and others.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA; H. Regnery, Chicago HC 1969 & Contemporary Books,Chicago 1993. 372pp. (Index 828)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8129
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Mexico", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "761", **HatchDesc:** "IGUALA,GUERRERO,MEX:INTENSELY LUM OBJ/GROUND LEVEL:SEEN/CARS+TRAINS +OTHERS:", **LatLong:** "18.300001 -99.566671", **LatLongDMS:** "18:18:00 N 99:34:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/18.300001,-99.566671)", **State/Prov:** "GRR", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 28276 (06BC3216)
**Date:** 3/25/1967
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** WEST / BELT, MT
**Description:** Trucker and cop. Metallic object / ground reflects colored flashes. Quickly going up [to] extremely fast. Lands again.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLICKENGER, Don: NORTH DAKOTA UFO files. Well Documented NICAP files for the 1960s: Xeroxed by Tom Tulien (Index 34)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8130
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **NUC:** Nuclear facility related, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "8", **Elev:** "1088", **HatchDesc:** "W/BELT,MT:TRUCKER+COP:MTLC OBJ/GND REFLECTS CLRD FLASHES:↑↑ XFAST:LANDS AGAIN ", **LatLong:** "47.383336 -110.938894", **LatLongDMS:** "47:23:00 N 110:56:20 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.383336,-110.938894)", **State/Prov:** "New Mexico", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 28277 (677920BE)
**Date:** 3/25/1967
**Time:** 22:10
**Location:** NORTH / TOLLEY, ND
**Description:** 2 / car. Round object 18 mm / apparent size hovers low / missile site. Up and back down. Separate observer(s).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLICKENGER, Don: NORTH DAKOTA UFO files. Well Documented NICAP files for the 1960s: Xeroxed by Tom Tulien (Index 35)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8131
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **NUC:** Nuclear facility related, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "564", **HatchDesc:** "N/TOLLEY,ND:2/CAR:RND OBJ 18mm/BDB HVRS LO/MISSILE SITE:UP+BACK DOWN:sep.obs", **LatLong:** "48.744447 -101.827783", **LatLongDMS:** "48:44:40 N 101:49:40 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.744447,-101.827783)", **State/Prov:** "North Dakota", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 28278 (0AFA9907)
**Date:** 3/25/1967 (approximate)
**Time:** 22:30
**Location:** NORTHEAST / MINOT, ND
**Description:** 2+observer(s). Domed saucer seen clearly. Up and down over 3 farms / low altitude. Beams down.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLICKENGER, Don: NORTH DAKOTA UFO files. Well Documented NICAP files for the 1960s: Xeroxed by Tom Tulien (Index 38)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8132
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **NUC:** Nuclear facility related, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "470", **HatchDesc:** "NE/MINOT,ND:2+OBS:DOMED SCR SEEN CLEARLY:UP+DN ovr 3 FARMS/LO ALT:BEAMS DOWN:", **LatLong:** "48.266669 -101.266671", **LatLongDMS:** "48:16:00 N 101:16:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.266669,-101.266671)", **RelAlt:** "50", **State/Prov:** "North Dakota", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 28279 (D394809B)
**Date:** 3/25/1967
**Location:** Joplin, MO
**Description:** Early a.m. CST. Two reoorters saw three discs with domes and flat bottoms (domed discs) that were later joined by a fourth. White light was coming from windows positioned around the circumference of the domes. The discs hovered over a highway, then slowly moved away. (Joplin Globe, Missouri, 3/26/67, copy in NICAP files; APRO Bulletin, May-June 1967, p. 1.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3451
### Event 28280 (DAAC9B04)
**Date:** 3/25/1967
**Location:** Canton, IL
**Description:** 6:25 p.m.CST. A man and his 11-year-old son saw a hovering, dark egg-shaped object that began to glow red when it moved low overhead (luminosity/motion correlation). It made a sound like a quiet washing machine (swishing). The sound varied and pulsated as did the light. (NICAP report form and letter in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3452
### Event 28281 (BC4E8E19)
**Date:** 3/25/1967
**Location:** Memphis, TN
**Description:** 7:00 p.m. CST. About 480 miles south of Canton, >> Illinois (see previous entry), two witnesses saw a solid, self-luminous, bright ^ reddish-orange circular object that at one point passed in front of a house and in front of power lines. The object disappeared but was then seen again, & and finally departed at tremendous speed. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3453
### Event 28282 (7CF15469)
**Date:** 3/25/1967
**Time:** dawn
**Location:** Iguala, Mexico
**Description:** An intensely luminous object woke up several residents. People in trains going toward Acapulco and people traveling by car saw the same phenomenon. It came to ground level with a blinding light, then took off.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** 177 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_828
### Event 28283 (D3184A99)
**Date:** 3/25/1967
**Time:** 05:58:01.1
**Location:** 49.7536 78.0630
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed, salvo. Country: USSR Yield: .002KT YieldMax: 40KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1296
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.7536 78.0630", **LatLongDMS:** "49:45:13 N 78:03:47 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.7536,78.0630)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.30", **NukeSource:** "BOCHAROV", **NukeType:** "NUCS_SALVO", **NukeY:** ".002", **NukeYMax:** "40"
### Event 28284 (96AC7410)
**Date:** 3/25/1967
**Description:** Three red discs hovered over Highway 10C in Joplin, Missouri in the predawn hours. They had windows with white light coming from them. The rose and flew toward the west, where they were joined by a fourth flying disc.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** APRO Bulletin, May-June 1967, p. 1
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1653
### Event 28285 (CCBF764D)
**Date:** 3/25/1967
**Description:** An intensely luminous object woke up several residents in Iguala, Mexico at dawn. People in trains going to Acapulco and people travelling by car saw the same phenomenon. The UFO came down to ground level giving off a blinding light, then took off.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 828
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1654
### Event 28286 (28DC7A73)
**Date:** 3/26/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In New Mexico, a witness observed this amazing thing: A small silver white disc of unknown diameter, at an unknown altitude, but with a definite material existence; while we watched, it first appeared stationary for about 10 minutes. Then it crossed the sky, seemed to pass under the clouds and finally disappeared into the white clouds. No sound was detected..
**Reference:** Les OVNI, mythe ou réalité ? op. cit. p.82
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2293
### Event 28287 (24C0F8CC)
**Date:** 3/26/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) 5 people saw a UFO in the sky of Ohio: The object was oval-shaped and was heading straight from the Southeast to the Northwest. The UFO, or whatever it was, passed over the road we were driving on. The sun, very bright, was reflecting off the object which was metal, but not aluminum-colored like airplanes - I would say it was more the color of yellow or red copper. What was propelling the object, we don't know, but we didn't hear any sound.
**Reference:** Les OVNI, mythe ou réalité ? p. 92
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2294
### Event 28288 (1CDA065F)
**Date:** 3/26/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Observation in New Winchester \(Ohio\) = previous case?.
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#11559 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2295
### Event 28289 (C4E27631)
**Date:** 3/26/1967
**Time:** 16:00
**Location:** NEW WINCHESTER, OH
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #11559. 3+2 observer(s). Silent saucer tumbles over road / 30 minute(s).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BERLINER, DON: The BLUEBOOK UNKNOWNS; (FUFOR). (Index 37)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8133
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "30", **Elev:** "314", **HatchDesc:** "NEW WINCHESTER,OH:BBK#11559:3+2 OBS:SLNT SCR TUMBLES OVR ROAD/30min", **LatLong:** "40.716669 -82.916671", **LatLongDMS:** "40:43:00 N 82:55:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.716669,-82.916671)", **State/Prov:** "Ohio", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 28290 (17903F2E)
**Date:** 3/26/1967
**Time:** 19:30
**Location:** MINATARE, NE
**Description:** 2 observer(s). 2 luminous objects hover low. 165cm small humanoid (or Grey) / suit seen. Dog reacts. / r180p47.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO Evidence II: HB: Scarecrow Press Lanham, MD. http://www.scarecrowpress.com ISBN 0-8108-3881-8 (Index 334)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8134
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "60", **Elev:** "1200", **HatchDesc:** "MINATARE,NE:2 OBS:2 LUMN.OBJs HVR LO:165cm OID/SUIT SEEN:DOG REACTS:/r180p47", **LatLong:** "41.811113 -103.505560", **LatLongDMS:** "41:48:40 N 103:30:20 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.811113,-103.505560)", **RelAlt:** "5", **State/Prov:** "Nebraska", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 28291 (9D94330B)
**Date:** 3/26/1967
**Time:** 20:50
**Description:** Dark object lights countryside pink near radio towers. Vanishes.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA; H. Regnery, Chicago HC 1969 & Contemporary Books,Chicago 1993. 372pp. (Index 829)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8135
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "247", **HatchDesc:** "ALTONA>GRETNA,MBa:DARK OBJ LITES COUNTRYSIDE PINK nr RADIO TOWERS:VANISHES", **LatLong:** "49.050002 -97.550005", **LatLongDMS:** "49:03:00 N 97:33:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.050002,-97.550005)", **State/Prov:** "Manitoba", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 28292 (9801444A)
**Date:** 3/26/1967
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** US91 NORTHWEST / VAUGH, MT
**Description:** Luminous round object paces 2 / car. Many calls / radio station/depot/facility. Object stops / Conrad.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLICKENGER, Don: NORTH DAKOTA UFO files. Well Documented NICAP files for the 1960s: Xeroxed by Tom Tulien (Index 37)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8136
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **NUC:** Nuclear facility related, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "6", **Elev:** "1030", **HatchDesc:** "US91 NW/VAUGH,MT:LUMN.RND OBJ PACES 2/CAR:MANY CALLS/RDO STN:OBJ STOPS/CONRAD", **LatLong:** "47.600002 -111.577783", **LatLongDMS:** "47:36:00 N 111:34:40 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.600002,-111.577783)", **RelAlt:** "300", **State/Prov:** "Montana", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 28293 (1065656D)
**Date:** 3/26/1967
**Time:** 21:30
**Location:** SOUTH / NIOBE, ND
**Description:** Several observer(s). Fiery object hovers / low altitude. Possible spin. Fades? See case #35.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLICKENGER, Don: NORTH DAKOTA UFO files. Well Documented NICAP files for the 1960s: Xeroxed by Tom Tulien (Index 36)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8137
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **NUC:** Nuclear facility related
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "60", **Elev:** "620", **HatchDesc:** "S/NIOBE,ND:SVRL OBS:FIERY OBJ HVRS/LO ALT:POSS.SPIN:FADES?:see case #35", **LatLong:** "48.677780 -102.216672", **LatLongDMS:** "48:40:40 N 102:13:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.677780,-102.216672)", **RelAlt:** "100", **State/Prov:** "North Dakota", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 28294 (7B3D42EC)
**Date:** 3/26/1967
**Location:** New Winchester, OH
**Description:** Oval object, like copper or brass fly with tumbling motion (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 11559)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3454
### Event 28295 (7E28AC4A)
**Date:** 3/26/1967
**Location:** Minatare, NE
**Description:** 7:30 p.m. MST. Two separate groups of 1 witnesses reported a variety of UFO activity. In one case a man saw two "solid :-lights" that hovered near the ground. A 5-1/2-foot tall humanoid being in what 3 looked like white coveralls was seen, and the man's dog was disturbed at this time (animal reaction). The other witnesses described strange footprints found at the site and apparently also saw the humanoid being but do not describe it. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3455
### Event 28296 (0C685EDC)
**Date:** 3/26/1967
**Time:** 2045
**Location:** Altona, Canada
**Description:** Mr. and Mrs. John Dick and Mrs. W. Buhr were driving toward Gretna. Near three radio towers situated 3.5 km south of Altona, they saw a very bright object at ground level, illuminating the countryside with a pink glow. The object itself was dark, with a luminous band around it, was motionless and pulsated, then suddenly disappeared.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** 173 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_829
### Event 28297 (E6AB205B)
**Date:** 3/26/1967
**Time:** 4 PM
**Location:** New Winchester, Ohio
**Description:** Witnesses: man, woman, three boys. One oval object, which looked like copper or brass with the sun shining on it, flew from southeast to northwest with tumbling motion for 30 minutes.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_574
### Event 28298 (B241CE2C)
**Date:** 3/26/1967
**Location:** New Winchester, Ohio
**Description:** 4:00 p.m. Five witnesses in New Winchester, Ohio, see an oval object, like copper or brass with the sun shining on it, fly from southeast to northwest with a tumbling motion.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** [Sparks](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf), p. 323; J. Allen Hynek, The UFO Experience, Ballantine ed., 1974, [p. 74](https://archive.org/details/ufoexperience00jall/page/74/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4251
### Event 28299 (BAB87839)
**Date:** 3/26/1967
**Description:** The Bailey and Lore families had observed UFOs in the area of their homes in Minitare, Nebraska on several occasions. On the evening of March 26 at around 7:30 p.m., Robert Lore and Cecil Bailey drove north of their farms to look for lights that looked like they had landed on an isolated section of farmland. The two men drove past a man in white coveralls standing alone by the side of the road. Their dog was riding in the car, and it "really kicked up a fuss" and appeared to be terrified. When the men got home the lights were once more visible in the sky. One particular bright light was strong enough to light up the hill behind it. When they returned to the site where they had seen the stranger the next day, they found numerous nearly rectangular footprints, some of them 9.75 inches long and others 8.5 incheslong.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1967-26, citing Richard Hall; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty-Year Report, p. 334
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1676
### Event 28300 (D3C17B2D)
**Date:** 3/26/1967
**Description:** At 9:45 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. John Dick and Mrs. W. Buhr were driving toward Gretna, Manitoba, Canada. They saw a very bright object at ground level near three radio towers situated 3.5 kilometers south of Altona, Manitoba, illuminating the countryside with a pink glow. The object itself was dark with a luminous band around it, was motionless, and pulsated. It disappeared very suddenly.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 829, citing the Altona Echo, April 19, 1967
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1677
### Event 28301 (674766BB)
**Date:** 3/27/1967
**Location:** BELGIUM, Middelkerke
**Description:** (Translated from French) At 21:12 an emerald-colored object emitting a flame like that of gas lighting quickly flew off to the northeast and disappeared over the horizon towards the interior.
**Reference:** J.G. DOHMEN: "To Identify and the Adamski Case" - ed. Guy Dohmen, Biarritz 1972, p. 68
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2431
### Event 28302 (AD52D184)
**Date:** 3/27/1967
**Location:** SWITZERLAND, Gy (Geneva)
**Description:** (Translated from French) A student from Gy in the canton of Geneva observed on March 29, 1967 between 19:30 and 20:00 an elliptical object of dark yellow color "like a storm-cloud" which moved more slowly than an airplane above the Jura, at an estimated altitude of 2300 to 3000 meters, and whose apparent diameter was that of a fist. The sky was starry, and the wind was nil. "I was coming out of my house. I saw this craft moving towards the northwest. Once it arrived above the Jura, it stopped for 3 or 4 seconds, then it went towards Geneva for 15 seconds; it went in reverse, it stopped in the same place as the first time; it continued its route in the opposite direction to Geneva, then it returned to its stopping point. Then it returned towards the southeast for 15 seconds, then it went towards the Jura behind which it disappeared. The object seemed to turn on itself. It had a small notch on each side (above and below)."
**Reference:** Les Soucoupes chez Heidi, cfr GREPI, Switzerland, 1997
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2432
### Event 28303 (34C0B61D)
**Date:** 3/27/1967
**Location:** Picaco Park, NM
**Description:** Photograph. No other information available at this time. (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)
**Reference:** NICAP: [670327](http://www.ufocasebook.com/picacoparknm031267.jpg)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3458
### Event 28304 (2B3A5A5B)
**Date:** 3/27/1967
**Locations:** Serviços Aéreos Cruzeiro do Sul; Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil; Salgado Filho International Airport
**Description:** Day. The crew of a Brazilian Air Force C-47 and the crew of a Serviços Aéreos Cruzeiro do Sul photo- mapping aircraft see a UFO in the vicinity of Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The BAF crew describes it as a “reddish-colored full moon” that is flying in circles. They report the sighting to the tower at Salgado Filho International Airport, which asks the mapping aircraft to identify the object. The Cruzeiro plane follows the UFO for 15 minutes before it disappears.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Good Above, [p. 311](https://archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/310/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4252
### Event 28305 (1C28EC2B)
**Date:** 3/28/1967 (approximate)
**Location:** USA, Munroe Falls (Ohio)
**Description:** (Translated from French) David Moran (Morris?), in a car, was returning home from work when he saw a glow from the other side of the hill. He arrived at the crest around 2:20am and saw the outline of an object shaped like a cone at 25 or 30 yards, to the left in a field. It appeared as a triangle 7 to 8 meters high and 3 to 4 meters wide. At the top there was a ball. His curiosity turned to horror when he saw five creatures running quickly towards him on the road. He put his foot down and in the beams of his headlights he saw that the creatures were luminous, red-orange, like the object in the field. He couldn't stop in time, heard a thud, and hit one of the creatures. He didn't dare stop, but looking in the rearview mirror, he saw nothing on the road (nothing lying down) behind him, except the whole group, running in a disordered way. (APRG, on the Internet in May 1997) It could be 13 meters high and its base must be 7 meters. It is cone-shaped and glowing red. (1967, March 28 (or 30?))
**Reference:** Jean FERGUSON: "The Humanoids..." ed. Leméac, Ottawa, 1977, p. 31
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2433
### Event 28306 (4371C10D)
**Date:** 3/28/1967
**Time:** 02:20
**Location:** WEST / KENT, OH
**Description:** Fog. Saucer / field. 4+small humanoids (or Greys) cross road. Car hits 1. Dents. / r249p339+/ r113p186.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 807)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8138
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "335", **HatchDesc:** "W/KENT,OH:FOG:SCR/FLD:4+ OIDS CROSS ROAD:CAR HITS 1:DENTS:/r249p339+/r113p186", **LatLong:** "41.150002 -81.383337", **LatLongDMS:** "41:09:00 N 81:23:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.150002,-81.383337)", **State/Prov:** "Ohio", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 28307 (935B0BD1)
**Date:** 3/28/1967
**Location:** Munroe Falls, OH
**Description:** 2:30 a.m. EST. A 20-year-old electric company worker saw a glowing red-orange, cone-shaped object just off the ground. The object was estimated to be 12 feet wide at the base and 25 feet high to the point, where there was a ball-shaped object. Large-headed humanoids were seen moving rapidly back and forth. The report said that one being was hit by the car, leaving visible damage on the vehicle. (Ravenna Record-Courier, Ohio, 3/31/67; Keyhoe and Lore, 1969a, p. 30; Keyhoe and Lore,1969b, pp.28-29; APRO Bulletin, March-April 1967, p. 1.) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3459
### Event 28308 (BA6E6B9E)
**Date:** 3/28/1967
**Locations:** Munroe Falls, Ohio; Kent
**Description:** 2:25 a.m. Electrical worker [David Morris](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/12057986/david-wallace-morris)[,](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/12057986/david-wallace-morris) 20, is driving home to Munroe Falls, Ohio, from nearby Kent when he sees a glowing red-orange object shaped like an inverted cone hovering just above the ground. The object is about 12 feet wide at the base and 25 feet high, with a ball-shaped object at its top. Looking at the road ahead, Morris sees four or five large-headed humanoids moving rapidly back and forth about 50 feet ahead. He slams on his brakes, but it is too late. He feels a thump against the right front corner of his car and sees an arm with a thumbless mitten fly up, then down. The car stops 10 feet later; Morris thinks about providing assistance, but the otherworldliness of the situation causes him to get away quickly. In his rearview mirror he sees a group of the entities position themselves around something lying on the ground. In the morning, Morris finds three dents in the front bumper and right headlight ring of his car.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Youth’s Car Strikes UAO Occupant,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201967%2003%2000%20-%20March-April.pdf)” APRO Bulletin, March/April 1967, pp. 1–4; Donald E. Keyhoe and Gordon I. R. Lore Jr., [Strange Effects from UFOs](http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Books/Other/Lore%2C%20Gordon%20-%20Strange%20Effects%20from%20UFOs.pdf), NICAP, 1969, pp. 28–29; Clark III 782–783
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4253
### Event 28309 (0F305421)
**Date:** 3/28/1967
**Location:** Colorado
**Description:** A second briefing for [Robert Low](http://ufohistoryfiles.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/CO%2067%20NEWS.pdf) by NORAD analysts effectively diverts researcher attention away from NORAD’s 500 defense radars and onto its useless handful of space defense satellite-tracking radars and cameras \(referred to as “spacetrack” and are the least likely to detect UFOs\). Low tries to find out if NORAD can help with identifying satellites that might be misreported as UFOs and whether NORAD can’t track a UFO entering the atmosphere from outer space \(or just aren’t\), but the analysts are evasive. NORAD says its satellite-tracking radars \(with non-ballistic maneuvering and erratic flight paths\) actually can “see” UFOs, but no one will ever know because the data that does not fit satellite or ballistic trajectories are thrown out automatically by system computers. No mention is made of NORAD’s high priority for not ignoring unpredictable, UFO-like maneuverable cruise missiles or hypersonic space planes. This discussion is distributed as a briefing paper to all Colorado project members on June 6, including [Condon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward%5FCondon)[.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward%5FCondon)
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clark III 804–810
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4254
### Event 28310 (BF8F08EC)
**Date:** 3/28/1967
**Description:** In Conifer, Colorado at 12:30 a.m., D. Davis saw a shining light on a hill on the adjoining ranch. As witnesses drove over towards it to check it out the light went out. Two sisters who had stayed back at the ranch saw a man running down the hill. He vanished near the corral.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Ted Bloecher case files
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1712
### Event 28311 (E6A11C50)
**Date:** 3/28/1967
**Description:** About the same time as the Colorado event (2:25 a.m. Eastern Time) a cone was seen hovering several feet over a field between Kent and Munroe Falls, Ohio. Four or five beings, each under four-feet tall, stocky and with large heads emerged. They wore helmets and glowed an orange-red color. The witness's car hit one of them, and they saw an arm fly up w a "mitten" on the hand. The car had dents and scratches as a result of the collision.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** APRO Bulletin, March-April 1967, p. 1
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1713
### Event 28312 (302E0F38)
**Date:** 3/29/1967
**Time:** 19:30
**Location:** NEAR GENEVA, SWZ
**Description:** 'Storm-lantern' ovoid going northeast. Stops / Jura mountain. Reverses course 2-3X.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Database/website: Chez HEIDI site: Alain Stauffer. GREPI / Switzerland http://home.worldcom.ch/~dbenaroy/heidi.html
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8139
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Switzerland", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "nr GENEVA,SWZ:'STORM-LANTERN' OVOID >NE:STOPS/JURA Mtn:REVERSES COURSE 2-3X", **LatLong:** "46.250002 6.166667", **LatLongDMS:** "46:15:00 N 06:10:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.250002,6.166667)", **State/Prov:** "GNV", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 28313 (7D00871F)
**Date:** 3/29/1967
**Time:** 19:50
**Location:** NEW ULM, MN
**Description:** Disk with windows hovers. Fast acceleration and away. No further details. USAF / Blue Book report.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO Evidence II: HB: Scarecrow Press Lanham, MD. http://www.scarecrowpress.com ISBN 0-8108-3881-8 (Index 334)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8140
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "308", **HatchDesc:** "NEW ULM,MN:DISK W/WINDOWS HVRS:FAST ACCEL+AWAY:NFD:USAF/BBK RPT", **LatLong:** "44.311113 -94.461116", **LatLongDMS:** "44:18:40 N 94:27:40 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.311113,-94.461116)", **State/Prov:** "Minnesota", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 28314 (0903C645)
**Date:** 3/29/1967
**Location:** North Granby, CT
**Description:** 7:35 p.m. EST. A woman sighted a glowing disc. She drove home and returned with two more witnesses. The object moved slowly, and disappeared when aircraft approached (aircraft avoidance). (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3460
### Event 28315 (7351B59E)
**Date:** 3/29/1967
**Location:** Newulm, MN
**Description:** 7:45 p.m. CST (8:45 p.m. EST). A disc with windows hovered, then accelerated away. (Air Force report in Project Blue Book files, National Archives.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3461
### Event 28316 (41B4F779)
**Date:** 3/30/1967
**Time:** 20:30
**Description:** Car malfunctions due to EME (electro-magnetic effects). Saucer rises / field. Also night lights / 2130+2nd saucer / 2230h.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RODEGHIER, Mark/CUFOS: UFO REPORTS INVOLVING VEHICLE INTERFERENCE; CUFOS 1979. Available as CUFOS UFO Archive #1 CD-ROM. http://www.cufos.org/Pubform.pdf (Index 33)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8141
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "8", **HatchDesc:** "Nr PETERBOROUGH,S.AUSTR:CAR EMEs:SCR RISES/FIELD:+nlts/2130+2nd SCR/2230h", **LatLong:** "-32.883335 138.966673", **LatLongDMS:** "32:53:00 S 138:58:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-32.883335,138.966673)", **State/Prov:** "South Australia", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 28317 (60C12262)
**Date:** 3/30/1967
**Location:** Burghfield, Berkshire, UK
**Description:** 7:30 p.m. GMT. Five people saw a carrot-shaped (cone-shaped) object about twice the size of an airliner. It moved sideways at first, then climbed and accelerated away. (Reading Evening Post, England, 3/31/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3462
### Event 28318 (3BF15761)
**Date:** 3/30/1967
**Location:** Malmstrom AFB, MT
**Description:** Radar/visual, UFO 10 missiles shut down (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Rating: 5, NC)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3463
### Event 28319 (628DBDA9)
**Date:** 3/30/1967
**Location:** Eastern Seaboard, in air space
**Description:** 7:20-7:40 p.m. EST. A NASA launch that created a sodium vapor cloud in the atmosphere caused several false UFO reports. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3464
### Event 28320 (2AAF98DD)
**Date:** 3/30/1967
**Location:** Westmont, IL
**Description:** 8:25 p.m. CST. Three people saw a disc with a dome and two red body lights hovering near the horizon. They observed it through binoculars, and it appeared to oscillate erratically. Report from local resident, received 10/25/67, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3465
### Event 28321 (453A9070)
**Date:** 3/30/1967
**Description:** On this night near Peterborough, South Australia a car's engine failed and the two male witnesses then saw a disc-shaped object rise from a field by the road. The object gave off a blue and violet glow. It rapidly disappeared into the sky. A few minutes later another disc shot up from another field, emitting sparks the color of a blue mercury-vapor lamp. After the second UFO had gone the car could then be restarted.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Michael Hervey, UFOs over the Southern Hemisphere, p. 178; Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, p. 33
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1737
### Event 28322 (27E18B45)
**Date:** 3/31/1967
**Location:** USA, near Wellington (Texas)
**Description:** (Translated from French) Carroll Volts, a farmer, was returning home when he saw a light where an abandoned house had been for a long time. So he veered to go and see. He then saw, at less than 10 meters away, an object thirty meters long and three meters high. He stopped and walked around it. He found a door and knocked. A mechanical voice began to speak to him, asking if he wanted to submit to a complete physical examination and if satisfactory, he could then accompany the crew in flight. The voice added that only adult male humans were selected.
**Reference:** APRG, on the Internet in May 1997
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2434
### Event 28323 (822945F1)
**Date:** 3/31/1967
**Location:** HANLEY, STAFFS
**Description:** 3 strange objects glow orange and shower green sparks / field. No further details. / FSR'67#6.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA; H. Regnery, Chicago HC 1969 & Contemporary Books,Chicago 1993. 372pp. (Index 830)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8142
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "150", **HatchDesc:** "HANLEY,STAFFs:3 STRANGE OBJs GLOW ORG+SHOWER GRN SPARKS/FIELD:NFD:/FSR'67#6", **LatLong:** "53.033336 -2.133333", **LatLongDMS:** "53:02:00 N 02:08:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/53.033336,-2.133333)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 28324 (5B64B11E)
**Date:** 3/31/1967
**Time:** 22:30
**Location:** WELLINGTON, TX
**Description:** 100' cylinder/cigar-shape / ground. Door opens. Observer(s) invited / exam and spaceflight. Unidentified map / wall.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO Evidence II: HB: Scarecrow Press Lanham, MD. http://www.scarecrowpress.com ISBN 0-8108-3881-8 (Index 334)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8143
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **CNT:** Contactee related, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **CVS:** Conversation/communication, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "3", **Duration:** "15", **Elev:** "621", **HatchDesc:** "WELLINGTON,TX:100'CGR/GND:DOOR OPENS:OBS INVITED/EXAM+SPACEFLITE:UID MAP/WALL", **LatLong:** "34.866668 -100.200005", **LatLongDMS:** "34:52:00 N 100:12:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/34.866668,-100.200005)", **State/Prov:** "Texas", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 28325 (E9EA1449)
**Date:** 3/31/1967
**Location:** Wellington, TX
**Description:** 10:30 p.m. CST. A witness reported seeing a cylindrical object about 100 feet long that was hovering just off the ground and emitting a motor-like sound. Other sounds also were heard, including a voice requesting that he undergo a physical examination. When the witness refused to do so, the craft took off. (Washington Star, D.C. (United Press International), 4/2/67; Flying Saucer Review, July-Aug. 1967, p. 31; Air Force report in Project Blue Book files, National Archives.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3466
### Event 28326 (2BDE413C)
**Date:** 3/31/1967
**Location:** Hanley, Great Britain
**Description:** Three strange objects, a bright, orange light emitting a shower of green sparks, and two smaller sources, were seen in a field. No details.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** FSR 67, 6 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_830
### Event 28327 (5E1F17E1)
**Date:** 3/31/1967
**Location:** Wellington, TX
**Description:** Carroll Watts contactee case. Cylindrical craft hovering just above ground, voice communicated with witness
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_123
### Event 28328 (B1A9308A)
**Date:** 3/31/1967
**Location:** Loco, Texas
**Description:** 10:30 p.m. Farmer Carroll Wayne Watts reportedly sees a cylindrical object about 100 feet long that is hovering just off the ground near Loco, Texas, and emitting a motor-like sound. A voice addresses him from within the object requesting that he undergo a physical examination so that he can go on a flight. When Watts refuses to do so, the craft takes off. Watts has another encounter, an apparent abduction, on April 11. In a series of other experiences and sightings, on June 7, 11, and 13, he manages to take Polaroid photographs. In all, he haw 10 photographs of the cylindrical UFO in flight, and another shot of a little man from the ship. Most of Watts’s pictures are black and white, but at least three of them are shot in color. He later admits the observation is a hoax.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Another UFO Visit Reported from Loco,](https://www.newspapers.com/clip/13949449/the-wellington-leader/)” Wellington \(Tex.\) Leader, April 6, 1967, p. 1; Curt Collins, “[UFO](https://www.blueblurrylines.com/2017/03/ufo-contact-april-1-1967-from-loco-tx.html) [Contact: April 1, 1967, from Loco, TX,](https://www.blueblurrylines.com/2017/03/ufo-contact-april-1-1967-from-loco-tx.html)” Blue Blurry Lines, March 31, 2017; Kevin D. Randle, “[Carroll Wayne](http://kevinrandle.blogspot.com/2020/04/carroll-wayne-watts-contactabduction.html) [Watts Contact/Abduction,](http://kevinrandle.blogspot.com/2020/04/carroll-wayne-watts-contactabduction.html)” A Different Perspective, April 25, 2020; Curt Collins, “[Contact in Texas: The Lost](https://thesaucersthattimeforgot.blogspot.com/2021/11/contact-in-texas-lost-ufo-photos.html) [UFO Photos,](https://thesaucersthattimeforgot.blogspot.com/2021/11/contact-in-texas-lost-ufo-photos.html)” The Saucers That Time Forgot, November 18, 2021
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4255
### Event 28329 (1D12AAA4)
**Date:** 3/31/1967
**Description:** Three strange objects--a bright, orange light emitting a shower of green sparks, and two smaller sources--were seen in a field in Hanley, England.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 830
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1767
### Event 28330 (F3613E8D)
**Date:** 3/31/1967
**Description:** Carol Watts had the first of a number of alleged contacts with aliens at 10:30 p.m. in Wellington, Texas. He saw a 100 foot long cigar-shaped UFO on the ground. A door opened and Watts was invited to come inside by the occupants and he agreed to go. They gave him a physical exam and took him on a flight into space. He recalled seeing an unidentified map on the wall inside the craft. The encounter with journey lasted no more than 20 minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP case investigation files, report dated April 2, 1967; Hans Holzer, The UFOnauts, p. 154; Thomas E. Bullard, UFO Abductions: The Measure of a Mystery. Volume 2: Catalogue of Cases, case 117A; Seattle Post-Intelligencer, April 2, 1967
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1768
### Event 28331 (DA084698)
**Date:** 4/1967
**Location:** FINLAND, Bottom Bay
**Description:** (Translated from French) Elis Grahn was walking in the forest at night and glanced up at the clear, beautifully starry sky. Motionless and silent, a few hundred meters above the treetops, there was a luminous disc about three times the size of a full moon, deep green and red inside. Boys from the village arrived and were also witnesses. Soon the thing began to rotate on its axis, becoming uniformly greenish-white. Grahn ran to get binoculars and returned with his wife. The disc had moved a bit and was still shining, although its outlines were less clear. Then he soon noticed that near the edges he could see the stars through the object, while the center remained opaque. The strange disc then began to slowly disappear, maintaining the same position. It lost its consistency after a few minutes, and everything had disappeared. Independently, a couple of motorists had seen the disc vanish with the same vaporous aspect. (April 1967)
**Reference:** Pierre VIEROUDY: "These UFOs that Announce the Superman" - Laffont 1979, p. 82
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2442
### Event 28332 (21C30E59)
**Date:** 4/1967 (approximate)
**Time:** 02:00
**Location:** HAVERHILL, MA
**Description:** Saucer hovers / airstrip. 2 figure(s) move / dome. Glowing-portholes / rim. Sulfur odor. Going quickly.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FOWLER, Raymond E.: UFO'S, INTERPLANETARY VISITORS; Prentice Hall & Bantam Books, NY 1979. 346pp. (Index 332)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8144
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **ODR:** Odors associated with UFO's
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "8", **HatchDesc:** "HAVERHILL,MA:SCR HVRS/AIRSTRIP:2 FIGS MOVE/DOME:GLOW-PORTS/RIM:SULFUR ODOR:>>", **LatLong:** "42.783335 -71.066670", **LatLongDMS:** "42:47:00 N 71:04:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.783335,-71.066670)", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 28333 (54559511)
**Date:** 4/1967
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** SCARBOROUGH, ON
**Description:** 2 teens. Large domed saucer zigzags east going quickly west overhead. Steady whirr or humming.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CAMERON, Vicky: UFO EXPERIENCES in CANADA, Don't tell anyone but.. ; 1995 General Store Publishing ; Burnstown, Ontario ISBN 1-896182-20-8 (Index 41)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8145
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "124", **HatchDesc:** "SCARBOROUGH,ON:2 TEENS:LRG DOMED SCR ZIGZAGS E>>W OVHD:STEADY WHIRR or HUM", **LatLong:** "43.716669 -79.216670", **LatLongDMS:** "43:43:00 N 79:13:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.716669,-79.216670)", **State/Prov:** "Ontario", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 28334 (9A3EF067)
**Date:** 4/1967
**Location:** Brixham, Devon, UK
**Description:** Huge Cone-Shaped UFO Tracked on Radar (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5)
**Reference:** NICAP: [670400](http://www.nicap.org/6704XXdevondir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3468
### Event 28335 (DB6B7347)
**Date:** 4/1967
**Location:** Moberly, MO
**Description:** Evening. A couple saw an object with a short cylindrical body, dome-shaped top, and flat bottom (turret shape). Eventually it sped up and crossed the road in front of the car. (MoberLy Monitor-Indexand Evening Democrat, 7/14/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3469
### Event 28336 (57E41D25)
**Date:** 4/1967
**Location:** Tortuguero, Islagrande, PR
**Description:** 11:15 a.m. A flight instructor and student in a U.S. Navy Cessna aircraft saw a flat oval object, which appeared to be a metallic dull white in color, that followed the aircraft. (Weinstein, 1999, p. 35.) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3470
### Event 28337 (80D39EC9)
**Date:** 4/1967
**Location:** London, England
**Description:** [Brinsley Le Poer Trench](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brinsley%5FLe%5FPoer%5FTrench%2C%5F8th%5FEarl%5Fof%5FClancarty) founds Contact \(UK\) in London, England, to promote contact between ufologists internationally. It launches a newsletter first called International Sky Scouts Newsletter, then retitled Awareness, which continues through 2012.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** [International Sky Scouts Newsletter](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20Kingdom/Awareness%20%28Contact%20UK%29/Awareness%20-%201967%20-%20International%20News%20Letter%20No%201.pdf)[,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20Kingdom/Awareness%20%28Contact%20UK%29/Awareness%20-%201967%20-%20International%20News%20Letter%20No%201.pdf) no. 1 \(April 1967\); Story, [p. 89](https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofuf0000unse/page/88/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4259
### Event 28338 (1520C7F8)
**Date:** 4/1/1967?
**Location:** SJAELLENS ODDE, DK
**Description:** 2 boys. UFO with tripod / near landing. Dumps rocks. 8 pseudo-human/entity. See reference.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** STEIGER, Brad & WHRITENOUR, Joan: The ALLENDE LETTERS. 1968 Eugene Olsen Publ + Award Books, NY PB (Index 45)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8146
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Scandanavian and Finland", **Credibility:** "4", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "SJAELLENS ODDE,DK:2 BOYS:UFO W/TRIPOD/NR LANDING:DUMPS ROCKS:8 PSH:see rf", **LatLong:** "55.950003 11.333334", **LatLongDMS:** "55:57:00 N 11:20:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/55.950003,11.333334)", **State/Prov:** "Danemark", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 28339 (9A45DAF5)
**Date:** 4/1/1967
**Time:** 11:30
**Location:** US 285 / KENOSHA PASS, CO
**Description:** 2 / car. Saucers seen / 2 minute(s). No further details / catalog listing only.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HYNEK, J. Allen: The UFO EXPERIENCE, A Scientific Inquiry; Ballentine Books, NY 1974,1977. (Index 265)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8147
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "3048", **HatchDesc:** "US 285/KENOSHA PASS,CO:2/CAR:SCRS SEEN/2min:NFD/ catalog listing only", **LatLong:** "39.394446 -105.777783", **LatLongDMS:** "39:23:40 N 105:46:40 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.394446,-105.777783)", **State/Prov:** "Colorado", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 28340 (3E9C5FC8)
**Date:** 4/1/1967
**Time:** 18:30
**Description:** 12M saucer going down [to] by 2 kids. Beams going down / ground. Adult sees exit.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 49)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8148
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "6", **Elev:** "98", **HatchDesc:** "FISHING CREEK Vly,PA:12M SCR ↓ by 2 KIDS:BEAMS ↓/GND:adult sees exit", **LatLong:** "39.794446 -76.266670", **LatLongDMS:** "39:47:40 N 76:16:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.794446,-76.266670)", **RelAlt:** "1", **State/Prov:** "Pennsylvania", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 28341 (72538BF2)
**Date:** 4/1/1967
**Time:** 19:20
**Location:** HESSEL, CA
**Description:** Red-glowing domed object stops in front of car. Going [to] treetops. High frequency whine.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO Evidence II: HB: Scarecrow Press Lanham, MD. http://www.scarecrowpress.com ISBN 0-8108-3881-8 (Index 334)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8149
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "40", **HatchDesc:** "HESSEL,CA:RED-GLO DOMED OBJ STOPS IN FRONT OF CAR:>TREETOPS:HIGH FREQ.WHINE", **LatLong:** "38.333335 -122.766673", **LatLongDMS:** "38:20:00 N 122:46:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.333335,-122.766673)", **RelAlt:** "1", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 28342 (17C5B9D6)
**Date:** 4/1/1967
**Time:** 20:00
**Description:** 2 boys. Fast 1M saucer. Stops. Hovers / 20M altitude / 3 minute(s). P342.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA; H. Regnery, Chicago HC 1969 & Contemporary Books,Chicago 1993. 372pp. (Index 831)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8150
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "5", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "90", **HatchDesc:** "NEW WESTMINSTER,BC:2 BOYS:FAST 1M SCR:STOPS:HVRS/20M alt/3min:p342", **LatLong:** "49.216669 -122.966673", **LatLongDMS:** "49:13:00 N 122:58:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.216669,-122.966673)", **RelAlt:** "20", **State/Prov:** "British Columbia", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 28343 (A695DAA6)
**Date:** 4/1/1967
**Location:** Wayne County, IN
**Description:** 5:45 a.m. A farm wife was putting milkers on cows in a barn when she observed a round, red-yellow object the size of the full moon for about a minute. It hovered about 200 yards away, then climbed and disappeared in about three seconds. (Don Worley files) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3471
### Event 28344 (D109D46F)
**Date:** 4/1/1967
**Location:** Hessel, CA
**Description:** 7:15 p.m. PST (10:15 p.m. EST). A family saw an unusual reddish light that approached their car after they flashed their headlights at it (light reaction). The object hovered in front of the car, glowing red with a dome visible on top. It had a hazv indefinite lower part at least as large as the upper part. (NICAP report form; U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. IV, No. 2, Oct. 1967, p. 3; NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3472
### Event 28345 (CAC02DED)
**Date:** 4/1/1967
**Location:** Harrisburg, PA
**Description:** 9:15 p.m. EST. A woman reported an illuminated bell-shaped object, estimated to be 35 feet long and 20 feet high (length to height ratio 1.75:1), with white lights and a pulsating red light (body lights). (Pennsylvania NICAP Subcommittee report, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3473
### Event 28346 (59762124)
**Date:** 4/1/1967
**Location:** Fishing Creek Valley, PA
**Description:** Two dogs barked at object 150' away (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)
**Reference:** NICAP: [670401](http://www.nicap.org/ar-670401dir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3474
### Event 28347 (7FA3B0F9)
**Date:** 4/1/1967
**Time:** 2000
**Location:** New Westminster, Canada
**Description:** Two boys saw an orange disk, less than 1 m in diameter, flying at high speed, stop and hover for three min, 20 m above ground. Chief of Police Peter Mehan confirmed that the sighting was under investigation.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** 174 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_831
### Event 28348 (2BD9B8D0)
**Date:** 4/1/1967
**Description:** In a series of night-time incidents that began on March 28th, in Conifer, Colorado at 1:30 a.m. a light like a flashlight came halfway down a hill on the Davies ranch. Rancher D. F. Davies fired ten .38-caliber bullets at it and it disappeared. At 2:30 a.m. Randy Davies, who was still awake, saw a man with a light walk past the ranch house, so he ran outside calling to him. The light went out and the man ran away. At 3:30 a.m. Louise Davies looked out the window and saw a man in the yard, who wore dark clothes and a mask that covered his face down to his shoulders.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1967-31 (A0802), citing Oleta Havelock & David Saunders
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1786
### Event 28349 (A0AD7687)
**Date:** 4/1/1967
**Description:** At 6:30 p.m. EST in Fishing Creek Valley, Pennsylvania a 12-meter diameter disc descended near two 12-year-old children and directed beams of light to the ground. An adult saw the UFO leave.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP case investigation files, NICAP UFO Investigator, June 1967, p. 1
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1787
### Event 28350 (33C4AEDA)
**Date:** 4/1/1967
**Description:** At 7:15 that same evening a glowing red domed disc approached a car with five occupants in Hessel, California. The UFO hovered in front of the car and emitted a brilliant light; it then moved off at treetop level and sped away. A high-pitched whine was heard coming from the object.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP case investigation files, report dated July 29, 1967; NICAP UFO Investigator, October 1967, p. 3; Richard Hall, The UFO Evidence Volume II: A Thirty Year Report, p. 334
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1788
### Event 28351 (69EAC4A5)
**Date:** 4/1/1967
**Description:** At eight o'clock in the city of New Westminster, British Columbia a fast moving, one-meter wide disc stopped and hovered at only 20 meters altitude near two young men for three minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Gene Duplantier, Saucers, Space & Science, Summer 1967, p. 9; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 831
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1789
### Event 28352 (B1427CEB)
**Date:** 4/2/1967
**Time:** 09:30
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Observer(s) photos saucer. Circular traces. Great falls Leader 1.5.67.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The UFO REGISTER. CONTACT INTERNATIONAL/UK. (annual sightings catalog.) (Index 77)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8151
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **TRC:** Physical traces, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "1823", **HatchDesc:** "nr HUGHESVILLE,MT:BBK#UNK:OBS PHOTOS SCR:CIRC.TRACES:Great Falls Leader 1.5.67", **LatLong:** "47.083336 -110.633339", **LatLongDMS:** "47:05:00 N 110:38:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.083336,-110.633339)", **State/Prov:** "Montana", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 28353 (BE61344B)
**Date:** 4/2/1967
**Time:** 21:50
**Location:** STOCKHOLM, SWD
**Description:** Amateur astronomer. Dot grows to classic saucer high / sky. Amazing speeds.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** REHN, K. Gosta: UFO's HERE and NOW; Translated/Swedish Patricia Crompton: London; Abelard 1974 (Index 128)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8152
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Scandanavian and Finland", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "STOCKHOLM,SWD:AM.ASTRONOMER:DOT GROWS TO CLASSIC SCR HI/SKY:AMAZING SPEEDS", **LatLong:** "59.366669 18.016668", **LatLongDMS:** "59:22:00 N 18:01:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/59.366669,18.016668)", **State/Prov:** "Sweden", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 28354 (089D3D15)
**Date:** 4/2/1967
**Description:** Late on this night in Medina, New York Miss Shane Kurz, who had been observing UFOs maneuvering in the skies for the past several nights, had gone to bed after seeing another one. She suddenly felt paralyzed, and then lost track of time. She remembers a bright light outside her window and a loud humming sound. Her next memory is waking up with her foot covered with mud, her eyes swollen shut, and a triangular shaped burn mark on her abdomen. Later under hypnosis, she remembered being somehow taken into an ovoid metallic gray craft with lights around a revolving rim. She found herself inside an octagon-shaped room with lights that seemed to emanate from all around her. She was then placed on a black slab like table and was unable to move. Later she saw a being with an oval-shaped face, very light skin, and large black almond shaped eyes. The being communicated with her, apparently by using telepathy, and told her she would not be harmed.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1967, case # 1937, citing personal communication from the witness, Shane (Kurz) Sia
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1799
### Event 28355 (693A6257)
**Date:** 4/3/1967
**Time:** 23:00
**Location:** EAST / BERGEN, ND
**Description:** 2 / farm. Object / railroad/railway tracks and ground. Blue light / 4 rectangular windows. Red fireball flashes.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLICKENGER, Don: NORTH DAKOTA UFO files. Well Documented NICAP files for the 1960s: Xeroxed by Tom Tulien (Index 41)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8153
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **NUC:** Nuclear facility related, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "484", **HatchDesc:** "E/BERGEN,ND:2/FARM:OBJ/RR TRACKS+GND:BLUE LITE/4 RECT.WINDOWS:RED FBL FLASHES", **LatLong:** "48.000002 -100.683338", **LatLongDMS:** "48:00:00 N 100:41:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.000002,-100.683338)", **State/Prov:** "North Dakota", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 28356 (CC618DA6)
**Date:** 4/4/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) CADILLAC \(AP\) - Police reported a rush of sightings of unidentified flying objects in a three-county area in northwest Michigan Friday night. A Cadillac police officer and others reported the sightings to Traverse City in Grand Traverse County, Reed City in Osceola County and Cadillac in Wexford County. Cadillac is roughly halfway between Traverse City and Reed City, a distance of about 100 miles. The reports came three days after similar reports in Grand Haven on Lake Michigan and hours after a Northwestern University investigator left Michigan after examining the Grand Haven reports. "I saw something, but I don't know what it was," said Cadillac patrolman Harry Hagstrom. Hagstrom said the object was bright white and appeared in a clear sky over Lake Cadillac. He said two other police officers verified the sighting. "It seemed to change directions," Hagstrom said. "Up, down, left, right and then it stayed stationary for a moment. It was bright white the first time I saw it, but the color faded to a duller white, then red, then green. It was a very clear night and all the stars were bright," he added, "But I'm sure it wasn't a star. Other than that, I don't know what it was." [William T. Powers](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/PowerWilliamT.html), a member of Dr. [J. Allen Hynek](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/HynekJosefAllen.html)'s team at Northwestern University, Evanston \(Illinois\), was in Grand Haven most of Friday investigating the Grand Haven sightings. Dr. [Hynek](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/HynekJosefAllen.html) was commissioned by the Air Force to conduct an independent investigation of such sightings. (April 4)
**Reference:** Ray Varner \< Michigan UFOs
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2296
### Event 28357 (D02D2E9F)
**Date:** 4/4/1967
**Time:** 20:00
**Location:** SAN CATALDO, ITL
**Description:** 30M saucer / 5M altitude. 3 pseudo-human/entity / ground study birds / cage. Reboard / invisible stair.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO - Rivista di informazione Ufologica; 2 issues/year CISU. Giovanni Settimo ed.; C.P.82, 10100 Torino, ITALY. (Index 8)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8154
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Italy", **Credibility:** "4", **Duration:** "6", **HatchDesc:** "SAN CATALDO,ITL:30M SCR/5M alt:3 PSH/GND STUDY BIRDS/CAGE:REBOARD/INVSBL STAIR", **LatLong:** "37.483335 13.966667", **LatLongDMS:** "37:29:00 N 13:58:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.483335,13.966667)", **State/Prov:** "CL", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 28358 (3C344A09)
**Date:** 4/4/1967
**Location:** US
**Description:** FAA Notice N7230.29 published, establishing procedures for "Reporting of Unidentified Flying Objects" to the Colorado UFO Project.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_124
### Event 28359 (F0E02916)
**Date:** 4/4/1967
**Location:** 37.0000 -116.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Oakland” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_490
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0000 -116.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:00 N 116:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0000,-116.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Oakland", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 28360 (17A892F5)
**Date:** 4/4/1967
**Location:** Colorado
**Description:** The Federal Aviation Agency issues N 7230.29, requiring air traffic controllers to forward UFO reports to the Colorado project.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** US Federal Aviation Agency, “[Reporting of Unidentified Flying Objects,](http://files.ncas.org/condon/text/appndx-f.htm)” FAA Notice N 7230.29, April 4, 1967
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4260
### Event 28361 (304AC2B9)
**Date:** 4/4/1967
**Location:** San Cataldo, Caltanissetta, Sicily, Italy
**Description:** Carlo Cammarata watches a metallic object about 100 feet in diameter hovering some 20 feet above the terrace of his house in San Cataldo, Caltanissetta, Sicily, Italy. He also sees three humanoids wearing silvery suits and green belts with lights on them. They seem interested in the birds Cammarata is keeping caged on the terrace, touching them occasionally. They ascend into the object on a luminous beam and speed away.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** 1Pinotti 157
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4261
### Event 28362 (701BD1B7)
**Date:** 4/5/1967
**Location:** USA, Jonestown (Pennsylvania)
**Description:** (Translated from French) At 7:45 PM, Justice of the Peace John H. Demler was driving north on Route 72 when the engine of his vehicle stalled and his headlights went out. He then saw an object 10 m in diameter hovering low above his car. The object made a sound like an electric motor and produced sparks. It gave off a smell of sulfur and camphor oil and the car was shaken as it flew away. Twelve hours later the witness experienced physiological effects: sweating and desquamation. (April 5, 1967)
**Reference:** Henry DURRANT: "The UFO File" - Laffont 1973 - p. 73
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2435
### Event 28363 (DB88DDA3)
**Date:** 4/5/1967
**Time:** ~03:00
**Description:** Camper abduction / 4 small humanoids (or Greys). Chamber / glass canopy. Std tests and samples.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 295)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8155
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens, **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly, **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **OPR:** Operations on humans/animal mutilation/surgery, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "60", **Elev:** "1500", **HatchDesc:** "LOS PADRES FOREST,CA:CAMPER ABD/4 OIDS:CHAMBER/GLASS CANOPY:Std TESTS+SAMPLES", **LatLong:** "34.711113 -119.261117", **LatLongDMS:** "34:42:40 N 119:15:40 W", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/34.711113,-119.261117)", **RelAlt:** "1", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 28364 (2D43CC57)
**Date:** 4/5/1967
**Time:** 19:50
**Location:** JONESTOWN, PA
**Description:** Car malfunctions due to EME (electro-magnetic effects). 10M saucer / chemical smell going northwest. Car rocks. Observer(s) skin peels. / r41p208.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 49)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8156
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **RDA:** Radiation/high energy fields detected, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations, **ODR:** Odors associated with UFO's
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "145", **HatchDesc:** "JONESTOWN,PA:CAR EMEs:10M SCR/CHEM SMELL>NW:CAR ROCKS:OBS.SKIN PEELS:/r41p208", **LatLong:** "40.411113 -76.477781", **LatLongDMS:** "40:24:40 N 76:28:40 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.411113,-76.477781)", **State/Prov:** "Pennsylvania", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 28365 (FFE33C34)
**Date:** 4/5/1967
**Time:** 19:50
**Location:** PETERBOROUGH, ON
**Description:** Small glowing-sphere with metallic band nears car. Backs off and paces car / news.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO Evidence II: HB: Scarecrow Press Lanham, MD. http://www.scarecrowpress.com ISBN 0-8108-3881-8 (Index 335)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8157
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "188", **HatchDesc:** "PETERBOROUGH,ON:SML GLOW-SPHERE W/MTLC BAND NEARS CAR:BACKS OFF+PACES CAR/news", **LatLong:** "44.300002 -78.333337", **LatLongDMS:** "44:18:00 N 78:20:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.300002,-78.333337)", **State/Prov:** "Ontario", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 28366 (88E786B0)
**Date:** 4/5/1967
**Time:** 20:30
**Location:** BELLEVILLE, KS
**Description:** Disk with cone top. Green light / peak. Body yellow and red. Going [to] over car 1km altitude.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO Evidence II: HB: Scarecrow Press Lanham, MD. http://www.scarecrowpress.com ISBN 0-8108-3881-8 (Index 335)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8158
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "469", **HatchDesc:** "BELLEVILLE,KS:DISK W/CONE TOP:GRN LITE/PEAK:BODY YLW+RED:>OVR CAR 1km alt", **LatLong:** "39.816669 -97.616671", **LatLongDMS:** "39:49:00 N 97:37:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.816669,-97.616671)", **RelAlt:** "1000", **State/Prov:** "Kansas", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 28367 (BD4DEAB9)
**Date:** 4/5/1967
**Location:** Jonestown, PA
**Description:** Round object, flashing blue light, moved over car, tilted, sped away; car lifted off ground as UFO departed. See Section VI, (E,L) car (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3475
### Event 28368 (095E59F3)
**Date:** 4/5/1967
**Location:** Davis, CA
**Description:** 1:50 a.m. PST (4:40 p.m. EST).-A woman saw a basket-shaped (truncated cone) object with flashing lights for 10 minutes. The object was described as tumbling end over end. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3476
### Event 28369 (6C37C76F)
**Date:** 4/5/1967
**Location:** Menominee, MI
**Description:** 4:00 a.m. EST. Two University of Wisconsin students saw three large orange oval objects in formation that appeared behind their car, then moved in front of it, north of town. When they stopped the car, the objects hovered over the trees, their color changing from orange to purple. They then emitted a blinding light that lit up the area, and vanished suddenly. (Escanaba Daily Press, Mich., 4/6/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3477
### Event 28370 (A4B54259)
**Date:** 4/5/1967
**Location:** Peterborough, Ontario, CAN
**Description:** 7:45 p.m. EST. About 450 miles north-northwest of Jonestown, a woman and her two children saw a small glowing sphere with a metallic band aooroach their car. (Peterborough Examiner 4/14/67.) About 45 minutes later in Welland, Ontario, about 165 miles northeast of Peterborough, a man saw an obiect with bright blue light that moved slowly and hovered, emitting a strange humming sound. (Letter 4/9/67 in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3478
### Event 28371 (B2D8BF83)
**Date:** 4/5/1967
**Location:** Belleville, KS
**Description:** 8:30 p.m. CST (9:30 p.m. EST). A manager of the Chamber of Commerce, his wife and grandson saw a disc with a peaked top surmounted by a green light. Its body was yellowish (like house lights) with red sections. The object flew over their car at an estimated 3,000 feet altitude. (Belleville Telescope, 4/6/67, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3479
### Event 28372 (FB84B30A)
**Date:** 4/5/1967
**Time:** 1945
**Location:** Jonestown, Pennsylvania
**Description:** Justice of the Peace John H. Demler was driving north on Route 72 when his car stalled and the lights went out. He then saw an object, 10 m in diameter, which gave off a smell of sulphur and camphorated oil, hovering low over the car, which was pulled and rocked when the object took off. Physiological effects (perspiration and peeling skin) were reported after 12 hours. The object gave off a sound resembling an electric motor, and emitted sparks.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** NICAP May., 67 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_832
### Event 28373 (35A4D716)
**Date:** 4/5/1967
**Location:** US
**Description:** Jonestown/Lickdale, PA. Disc passed over car, gave off sparks, car rocked, engine failed, humming sound heard. Sulphur-like smell. Physiological effects
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_125
### Event 28374 (66168A0B)
**Date:** 4/5/1967
**Locations:** State Highway 72; Lickdale, Pennsylvania
**Description:** 7:45 p.m. Justice of the Peace John H. Demler is driving north on State Highway 72 just south of Lickdale, Pennsylvania, when his car’s engine sputters and stops and the lights go out. He sees an object approaching about 20 feet above the road. It is about 30 feet across and looks like “it had lights in back of a painted black glass.” It flies over the car as Demler lowers his window and he notices a smell of sulfur and oil. It emit a sound like an electric motor, which grows louder as it leaves the area. The UFO shoots off sparks similar to that of “grinding on an emory wheel.” The UFO comes to a stop alongside the car, tilts, starts off slowly, then puts on such a terrific burst of speed that Demler and his automobile seem to be pulled to it. The car settles down so fast that he is moved all the way across the front seat. When he looks up again, the object has “turned to a bluish tinge” and is far in the distance. The next day, the skin on his hands and feet begin to peel and Demler is a nervous wreck. His coworkers confirm he is in a state of physical or psychological shock for many hours.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Startling Cases](http://cufos.org/UFOI%5Fand%5FSelected%5FDocuments/UFOI/037%20MAY-JUN%201967.pdf) [Investigated,](http://cufos.org/UFOI%5Fand%5FSelected%5FDocuments/UFOI/037%20MAY-JUN%201967.pdf)” UFO Investigator 4, no. 1 \(May/June 1967\): 6
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4262
### Event 28375 (495572EB)
**Date:** 4/5/1967
**Description:** At 5:15 p.m. on Highway 50 west of Sedalia, Missouri a truck driver reported that a silver disc hovered over the cab of his truck for more than a minute.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Ted Phillips, Skylook, February 1968, p. 2
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1849
### Event 28376 (9DCD20C4)
**Date:** 4/5/1967
**Description:** Ninety minutes later, at 7:45 p.m. EDT between Jonestown and South Lickdale, Pennsylvania on Highway 72 Justice of the Peace John H. Demler saw a ten-meter diameter blue disc making a humming sound like an electric motor. The object flew over his car emitting a chemical odor and sparks. The car's headlights and engine died, and the car was buffeted about as the object took off. The witness was very nervous and agitated after the close encounter, and the top layer of his skin peeled off the next few days.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP UFO Investigator, May 1967, p. 6; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 832
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1850
### Event 28377 (D6355347)
**Date:** 4/5/1967
**Description:** At the same time as the Pennsylvania close encounter, the Dauncey family saw a small glowing sphere with a metallic band around the middle in Peterborough, Ontario. The object emitted two vapor trails and, making a humming noise, approached and paced the witnesses' car.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP files, citing newspaper clipping dated April 14, 1967; Richard Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty-Year Report, p. 335
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1851
### Event 28378 (2F7547D2)
**Date:** 4/6/1967
**Location:** USA, Crestview (Florida)
**Description:** (Translated from French) Hundreds of schoolchildren, teachers, and residents saw a group of UFOs, topped with domes, near the elementary school of Crestview, north of Miami. Most of these observations took place in good weather, in broad daylight, at distances ranging from 200 to 3200 m. The schoolchildren screamed and shouted as they ran through the school buildings. Many were visibly upset and some had hysterical fits. Some adults observed the UFOs through binoculars and reported hearing strange sounds. The school was closed for the rest of the day. (1967, April 6-8)
**Reference:** Henry DURRANT: "The UFO File" - Laffont 1973 - p. 110-111
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2436
### Event 28379 (4F81CA52)
**Date:** 4/6/1967
**Time:** 11:20
**Location:** NORTH / VEGA BAJA, PR
**Description:** 2 / Cessna. 30M dull metallic ovoid follows 2nd Cessna. 90° turn going quickly north.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 851)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8159
**Attributes:** **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "N/VEGA BAJA,PR:2/CESSNA:30M DULL MTLC OVOID FOLOS 2nd CESSNA:90°TURN >>N", **LatLong:** "18.533334 -66.383336", **LatLongDMS:** "18:32:00 N 66:23:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/18.533334,-66.383336)", **State/Prov:** "Puerto Rico", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 28380 (581E11E2)
**Date:** 4/6/1967
**Time:** 12:50
**Location:** OPA-LOCKA, FL
**Description:** 200+separate observer(s) / 3 days. Domed saucers and night lights. Nike base near. / r109p112.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 807)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8160
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "12", **Duration:** "136", **Elev:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "OPA-LOCKA,FL:200+SEP.OBS/3 DAYS:DOMED SCRS+NLTS:NIKE BASE NEAR:/r109p112", **LatLong:** "25.900001 -80.250004", **LatLongDMS:** "25:54:00 N 80:15:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/25.900001,-80.250004)", **State/Prov:** "Florida", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 28381 (90F64A8E)
**Date:** 4/6/1967
**Time:** 21:30
**Location:** EDMONTON, ALTA
**Description:** NCP#1206. Bright night light / NNW. Zooms. Hovers. Commercial aircraft pilot chases night light. / r37p130.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 807)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8161
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RDR:** Radar traces/blips, **MIL:** Military investigation, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "35", **Elev:** "660", **HatchDesc:** "EDMONTON,ALTA:NCP#1206:BRITE NLT/NNW:ZOOMS:HVRS:COMM PILOT CHASES NLT:/r37p130", **LatLong:** "53.550003 -113.466672", **LatLongDMS:** "53:33:00 N 113:28:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/53.550003,-113.466672)", **State/Prov:** "Alberta", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 28382 (A43C0FC3)
**Date:** 4/6/1967
**Time:** 22:00?
**Location:** REDVALE, CO
**Description:** 100' saucer. Heat. Paces car / malfunctions due to EME (electro-magnetic effects). Hovers over roadside store. 2 separate observer(s).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RODEGHIER, Mark/CUFOS: UFO REPORTS INVOLVING VEHICLE INTERFERENCE; CUFOS 1979. Available as CUFOS UFO Archive #1 CD-ROM. http://www.cufos.org/Pubform.pdf (Index 33)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8162
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "1975", **HatchDesc:** "REDVALE,CO:100' SCR:HEAT:PACES CAR/EMES:HOVRS OVER ROADSIDE STORE:2 SEP.OBS", **LatLong:** "38.177780 -108.416672", **LatLongDMS:** "38:10:40 N 108:25:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.177780,-108.416672)", **RelAlt:** "20", **State/Prov:** "Colorado", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 28383 (84D59644)
**Date:** 4/6/1967
**Location:** North Salinas, CA
**Description:** 8:45 p.m. PST; 9:45 p.m. MST). A couple watched a fly-by of a red disc with windows at low altitude. ((NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3480
### Event 28384 (B694D71F)
**Date:** 4/6/1967
**Location:** Los Angeles, CA
**Description:** 10:05 p.m. PST (11:05 p.m. MST). Two peoplen saw a fat, solid-gray cigar (ellipse) with a blinking red light for about 4 minutes. ^ The object flew tilted, and two smaller objects came from the path of the first (satellite objects). The objects were viewed through binoculars. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3481
### Event 28385 (EEA195FD)
**Date:** 4/6/1967
**Location:** Edmonton, Alberta, CAN
**Description:** Object paced airliner (radar) (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Rating: 5) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3482
### Event 28386 (BFFEC3E0)
**Date:** 4/6/1967
**Time:** 1245
**Location:** Crestview, Florida
**Description:** An entire class at an elementary school observed an object 20 m above ground, 2 km away. It vanished suddenly as the children and their teacher, 33-year-old Robert Apfel, were watching it.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** 176 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_833
### Event 28387 (94988AFA)
**Date:** 4/6/1967
**Location:** 37.0000 -116.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Heilman” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_491
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0000 -116.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:00 N 116:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0000,-116.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Heilman", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 28388 (24B209EA)
**Date:** 4/6/1967
**Location:** Arizona
**Description:** The Arizona Daily Wildcat publishes an interview with [James E. McDonald](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James%5FE.%5FMcDonald), who says he has found “almost no correlation between so-called ‘evaluations or explanations’ that are made by Blue Book and the facts of the case.” He adds that the good cases have been “swept under the rug in a most disturbing way by Project Blue Book investigators and their consultants” and that “nobody there with any strong scientific competence is looking into the problem.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “The UFO Phenomenon: A New Frontier Awaiting Serious Scientific Exploration,” Arizona Daily Wildcat 58, no. 110 \(April 6, 1967\): 4–8
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4263
### Event 28389 (30AE230C)
**Date:** 4/6/1967
**Locations:** Crestview Elementary School; Opa-locka, Florida
**Description:** 12:45 p.m. Robert Apfal, a teacher at Crestview Elementary School in Opa-locka, Florida, is in the schoolyard with six students, facing northeast. They spot a metallic, slightly reflective, disc-shaped object hovering about 60 feet above the ground over a telephone pole about one mile away. The object disappears as they watch.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Lorenzen, UFOs over the Americas, Signet, 1968, p. 112
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4264
### Event 28390 (D7E11E8D)
**Date:** 4/6/1967
**Locations:** Pacific Western Airlines; Edmonton, Alberta, International Airport
**Description:** 9:45 p.m. A Pacific Western Airlines pilot and crew see a dull orange-red object that flies erratically as it paces the aircraft, then speeds away. Confirmed by radar at Edmonton, Alberta, International Airport.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Condon, [pp.](https://archive.org/details/scientificstudyo0000unse%5Fl5t2/page/130/mode/2up) [130–131](https://archive.org/details/scientificstudyo0000unse%5Fl5t2/page/130/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4265
### Event 28391 (D5E2CB57)
**Date:** 4/6/1967
**Description:** In a series of nightly encounters that began March 28th, in Conifer, Colorado on this night at 12:30 a.m. two lights appeared that looked like flashlights on a hill over the Davis ranch. The sister, K. Davies, saw a man in dark clothes and wearing a hood on top of the big hill, and later saw a lighted object hovering at the level of the horizon for a long time, that later ascended.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case A0805, citing Oleta Havelock and David Saunders
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1860
### Event 28392 (0F55B720)
**Date:** 4/6/1967
**Description:** In the same state in Redvale, Colorado later that evening, a single witness saw an orange-colored UFO about 100 feet in diameter upon driving over a hill. The car's lights went out and the engine backfired but it did continue running. The witness felt increased heat, so turned the car around. However, the object started following the car. Eventually it left the car and hovered over a store by the road. A second witness saw this portion of this event.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, case 196, citing CUFOS
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1861
### Event 28393 (BD42298B)
**Date:** 4/6/1967
**Description:** At shortly after 9:00 p.m. a reddish-orange light paced a Canadian Pacific Western airliner flying near Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, and then sped away. The UFO was tracked on radar for 20 seconds.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** APRO Bulletin, March-April 1967, p. 11; Gene Duplantier, Flying Saucers, December 1967, p. 11; Richard Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty Year Report, pp. 118, 243, 335
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1862
### Event 28394 (01BDE664)
**Date:** 4/7/1967
**Location:** BULGARIA, Stara Zagora
**Description:** (Translated from French) A triangular object remained suspended for forty-five minutes above the city. Researchers from the M. Belinski Observatory determined its trajectory, shape, and light intensity.
**Reference:** Ion HOBANA/Julien WEVERBERGH: "Les OVNI en URSS et dans les pays de l'Est" - trad. Laffont 1976 - p. 240
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2437
### Event 28395 (A6C8ECFF)
**Date:** 4/7/1967
**Location:** STARA ZAGORA, BULG
**Description:** Delta/triangle/box-like craft hovers / 45 minute(s). Shoots off / high speed. / Belinski observer(s). / r156#13p8.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HOBANA Ion & WEVERBERGH,Julien: UFO'S from BEHIND the IRON CURTAIN; Bantam Books,1975. 308pp. (Index 193)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8163
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **NWS:** News media report, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Bulgaria", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "45", **HatchDesc:** "STARA ZAGORA,BULG:DLT HVRS/45min:SHOOTS OFF/HI SPEED:/BELINSKI OBS:/r156#13p8", **LatLong:** "42.433335 25.616668", **LatLongDMS:** "42:26:00 N 25:37:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.433335,25.616668)", **State/Prov:** "KKV", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 28396 (86CB82C4)
**Date:** 4/7/1967
**Time:** 10:00
**Location:** OPA-LOCKA, FL
**Description:** 2 teachers and 200 kids. Metallic saucer going down / field by school. USAF investigation.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 809)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8164
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **MIL:** Military investigation
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "OPA-LOCKA,FL:2 TEACHERS+200 KIDS:MTLC SCR ↓/FIELD by SCHOOL:USAF INVESTIGATION", **LatLong:** "25.883335 -80.250004", **LatLongDMS:** "25:53:00 N 80:15:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/25.883335,-80.250004)", **State/Prov:** "Florida", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 28397 (CC7AEC74)
**Date:** 4/7/1967
**Time:** 23:00?
**Location:** BALMORAL, AUS
**Description:** 3 observer(s) spotlight / 2M silent ovoid. Get buzzed. Object lands / 13 April. / LDLN#94.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 809)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8165
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "BALMORAL,AUS:3 OBS SPOTLITE/2M SLNT OVOID:GET BUZZED:OBJ LANDS/13APR:/LDLN#94", **LatLong:** "-42.233335 141.816673", **LatLongDMS:** "42:14:00 S 141:49:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-42.233335,141.816673)", **State/Prov:** "Victoria", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 28398 (C053167D)
**Date:** 4/7/1967
**Time:** 0945
**Location:** Crestview, Florida
**Description:** More than two hundred children and three teachers saw an oval object, with a light at each end, come to ground level. Several other objects also were seen, moving up and down with a pendulum motion.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** FSR 67, 3 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_834
### Event 28399 (C5E12231)
**Date:** 4/7/1967
**Time:** 15:00:00.0
**Location:** 37.0544 -116.0222
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Fawn” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_492
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0544 -116.0222", **LatLongDMS:** "37:03:16 N 116:01:20 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0544,-116.0222)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.27", **NukeMb:** "3.90", **NukeName:** "Fawn", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 28400 (946F2991)
**Date:** 4/7/1967
**Locations:** Crestview Elementary School; Opa-locka, Florida
**Description:** 10:00 a.m. Some 200 children at morning recess at Crestview Elementary School in Opa-locka, Florida, see an oval-shaped object hovering above some trees to the north of the school. It seems to move toward the school and then drop below a pine tree. Some of the kids notice an antenna-like structure, while others think there are two objects. The UFO is also seen by teachers Virginia Martin, Marian Waters, and Robert Apfal, who has his students sketch what they had seen. The drawings depict a turreted structure in the treetops. The Air Force claims a helicopter is in the area practicing takeoffs and landings.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[10 Chaotic Minutes, and the Kids Screamed,](https://www.newspapers.com/clip/70858819/the-miami-herald/)” Miami Herald, April 8, 1967, p. 1-B; “[AF Says ‘It’ Was Copter; People Who Saw It Say No,](https://www.newspapers.com/clip/102461589/the-miami-herald/)” Miami Herald, April 11, 1967, p. 1-B; NICAP, “[Teachers, 200 Children See UFO in Broad Daylight](http://www.nicap.org/670407opalocka%5Fdir.htm)”; “[The North Dade Affair,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201967%2003%2000%20-%20March-April.pdf)” APRO Bulletin, March/April 1967, p. 10; Lorenzen, UFOs over the Americas, Signet, 1968, p. 112
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4266
### Event 28401 (4637CB36)
**Date:** 4/7/1967
**Description:** At 11:00 p.m. three men in Balmoral, Victoria, Australia witnessed a small, silent ovoid-shaped UFO and shone a spotlight on it. The UFO buzzed the witnessed in response.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** APRO Bulletin, May-June 1967, p. 4
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1884
### Event 28402 (0DB9F365)
**Date:** 4/8/1967
**Time:** 11:00?
**Location:** BANNER ELK, NC
**Description:** 4 students. Glow / ground. Car malfunctions due to EME (electro-magnetic effects). Radio static. UFO going up. 3 imprints / triangle.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RODEGHIER, Mark/CUFOS: UFO REPORTS INVOLVING VEHICLE INTERFERENCE; CUFOS 1979. Available as CUFOS UFO Archive #1 CD-ROM. http://www.cufos.org/Pubform.pdf (Index 33)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8166
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "1140", **HatchDesc:** "BANNER ELK,NC:4 STUDENTS:GLOW/GND:CAR EMEs:RDO STATIC:UFO↑:3 IMPRINTS/TRIANGLE", **LatLong:** "36.161113 -81.872226", **LatLongDMS:** "36:09:40 N 81:52:20 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/36.161113,-81.872226)", **State/Prov:** "North Carolina", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 28403 (A849FC0D)
**Date:** 4/8/1967
**Time:** 20:30
**Location:** MORRILTON, ARK
**Description:** Dull orange glow object 60m over Arkansas River going quickly northeast. / CB Radio reports.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 172)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8167
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "118", **HatchDesc:** "MORRILTON,ARK:DULL ORG GLOW OBJ 60m OVR ARKANSAS RIVER >>NE:/CB RADIO REPORTS", **LatLong:** "35.150002 -92.744449", **LatLongDMS:** "35:09:00 N 92:44:40 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/35.150002,-92.744449)", **RelAlt:** "60", **State/Prov:** "Arkansas", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 28404 (B63DEE4D)
**Date:** 4/8/1967
**Location:** Millersburg, PA
**Description:** Afternoon. Three women and three children saw an elongated object, split in the middle, possibly saucer-shaped, that was hovering near a telephone tower on a mountain. It then shot straight up and disappeared. (Harrisburg Patriot-News, Pa., 4/9/67, copy in NICAP files) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3484
### Event 28405 (41C7FDD3)
**Date:** 4/8/1967
**Location:** Banner Elk, North Carolina
**Description:** Four college students on a double date in Banner Elk, North Carolina, notice a greenish fluorescent glow on the ground 180 feet away. Their car engine fails and the radio is flooded with static. An object passes near the car and disappears into the distance. The witnesses panic then push the car to a main road where they are able to restart it. They find three round imprints, about 6 inches in diameter and 2 inches deep, in the shape of an equilateral triangle.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Fred Merritt, “A Preliminary Classification of Some Reports of UFOs,” IUR 28, no. 3 \(Fall 2003\): 10
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4267
### Event 28406 (FEDE2BCF)
**Date:** 4/8/1967
**Description:** Four college students saw a greenish fluorescent glow on the ground 180 feet away from their car while driving in the morning eight miles outside of Banner Elk, North Carolina. Their radio experienced interference and their car's engine quit. The glow came from an object, apparently on the ground, which flew up and passed nearby and then flew away. Three imprints in the shape of an equilateral triangle were found in the ground.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Ted Phillips, Physical Traces Associated with UFO Sightings, case 269; Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, p. 33; George D. Fawcett, Flying Saucers, March 1972, p. 6
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1901
### Event 28407 (F3C8B67F)
**Date:** 4/9/1967
**Location:** BULGARIA, Sofia
**Description:** (Translated from French) An unidentified conical-shaped object slowly flew over the capital. It was photographed by journalists and various witnesses. These photos were shown a few days later on television.
**Reference:** Ion HOBANA/Julien WEVERBERGH: "Les OVNI en URSS et dans les pays de l'Est" - trad. Laffont 1976 - p. 240
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2438
### Event 28408 (C79FED26)
**Date:** 4/9/1967
**Location:** SOFIA, BULGARIA
**Description:** Conical UFO over city. Photos. Newspapers. TV airs films. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HOBANA Ion & WEVERBERGH,Julien: UFO'S from BEHIND the IRON CURTAIN; Bantam Books,1975. 308pp. (Index 193)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8168
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Bulgaria", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "20", **HatchDesc:** "SOFIA,BULGARIA:CONICAL UFO OVR CITY:PHOTOS:NEWPAPERS:TV AIRS FILMS:NFD", **LatLong:** "42.716669 23.350001", **LatLongDMS:** "42:43:00 N 23:21:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.716669,23.350001)", **State/Prov:** "Sofia", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 28409 (ECB8C9E9)
**Date:** 4/9/1967
**Description:** A conical-shaped UFO was photographed over Sofiya, the capital city of Bulgaria.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Ion Hobana & Julien Weverbergh, UFOs from Behind the Iron Curtain, p. 193
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1926
### Event 28410 (74739B64)
**Date:** 4/9/1967
**Description:** Five witnesses at the intersection of Highway 30 and Highway 281 saw a UFO near the Cornhusker Ordnance Plant in Grand Island, Nebraska at dusk.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Norma Short, Skylook, August 1972, p. 12
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1927
### Event 28411 (DA876F14)
**Date:** 4/10/1967
**Location:** HOUMA, LA
**Description:** Blue Book. 8 observer(s). CE2+RADAR confirm. Cloudy weather. No further details. (Details anyone?)
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFOCAT CATALOG: Assorted Printouts. Donald A. Johnson Ph.D (CUFOS). P.O. Box 446, Concord, NH 03302-0446 (Index 93)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8169
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RDR:** Radar traces/blips, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "4", **HatchDesc:** "HOUMA,LA:BBK:8 OBS:CE2+RDR CONFIRM:CLOUDY WEATHER:NFD:(details anyone?)", **LatLong:** "29.583335 -90.716671", **LatLongDMS:** "29:35:00 N 90:43:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/29.583335,-90.716671)", **State/Prov:** "Louisiana", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 28412 (B8BB0A0D)
**Date:** 4/10/1967
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** LIER, BELGIUM
**Description:** 3 observer(s). Large ovoid hovers. 2 bell-shapes exit and orbit. All vanish at once.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 809)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8170
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Belgium, Netherlandsand Luxembourg", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "LIER,BELGIUM:3 OBS:LRG OVOID HVRS:2 BELL-SHAPES EXIT+ORBIT:all vanish at once", **LatLong:** "51.133336 4.566667", **LatLongDMS:** "51:08:00 N 04:34:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.133336,4.566667)", **State/Prov:** "Belgium", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 28413 (B55E84FE)
**Date:** 4/10/1967
**Location:** Fayette County, IN
**Description:** 9:45 p.m. A glowing orange-yellow ball that swung in a large arc was observed by two witnesses for 20 minutes. It moved closer and became a huge dark object which reminded the witnesses of a passenger coach of a train with seven tall windows emitting light. (Don Worley) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3485
### Event 28414 (C08BCC74)
**Date:** 4/10/1967
**End date:** 4/11/1967
**Location:** Houma, LA
**Description:** (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) Radar Visuals / MPS-14 & FPS-10 Radars (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** NICAP: [670410-11](http://www.nicap.org/670410houma%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3486
### Event 28415 (C49F0704)
**Date:** 4/10/1967
**End date:** 4/15/1967
**Location:** Danville, PA
**Description:** 3:30-4:00 a.m. EST. A woman saw a shiny inverted bowl with flashing red lights hovering above trees. It emitted five light beams from the underside, took off in "three steps" and quickly disappeared. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3487
### Event 28416 (A4B723CC)
**Date:** 4/10/1967
**End date:** 4/11/1967
**Location:** Malmstrom AFB, Great Falls, Montana
**Description:** A bright white object circles one Minuteman launch site near Malmstrom AFB, Great Falls, Montana, for prolonged periods. It eventually ascends to an altitude higher than the capabilities of Air Force interceptors. The local radio station is told to keep quiet about it.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Raymond Fowler, Casebook of a UFO Investigator, Prentice- Hall, 1981, [p. 187](https://archive.org/details/casebookofufoinv00fowl/page/186/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4268
### Event 28417 (D293A1F5)
**Date:** 4/11/1967
**Time:** 18:40
**Location:** ORANGE, MA
**Description:** 3 observer(s). Ovoid hovers / Tully Pond. Red light turns / bottom/underside. Back 19-20 Apr. '67.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FOWLER, Raymond E.: UFO'S, INTERPLANETARY VISITORS; Prentice Hall & Bantam Books, NY 1979. 346pp. (Index 331)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8171
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "155", **HatchDesc:** "ORANGE,MA:3 OBS:OVOID HVRS/TULLY POND:RED LITE TURNS/BTM:BACK 19-20APR67", **LatLong:** "42.616669 -72.316670", **LatLongDMS:** "42:37:00 N 72:19:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.616669,-72.316670)", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 28418 (7DC09C84)
**Date:** 4/11/1967
**Location:** Orange, MA
**Description:** 6:45 p.m. EST. Three people saw a flattened disc or ellipse with a rotating red light on the underside. The object hovered 100 feet over a pond, moved slowly, then sped away. (Massachusetts NICAP Subcommittee report, NICAP files; Fowler, 1974, p. 346.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3488
### Event 28419 (CB592DC1)
**Date:** 4/11/1967
**Location:** Royalston, MA
**Description:** 6:50 p.m. EST. (11 miles northeast of Orange). Two witnesses saw a mass of very bright lights, brighter than the moon which was visible. They descended and hovered, before moving slowly out of sight on an upward course. (Fowler, 1974, p. 346.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3489
### Event 28420 (6B132358)
**Date:** 4/11/1967
**Location:** Woodville, ID
**Description:** 9:30 p.m. PST. While driving, a woman saw an amber-colored object shaped like a disc with a tall dome. She estimated that it was at a height of two telephone poles and as large as a car. (Ricks letter, NICAP files; The l/.F.O. Investigator, Vol. IV, No. 1, May-June 1967, p. 1.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3490
### Event 28421 (4CDC938A)
**Date:** 4/11/1967
**Description:** On this day a cigar-shaped object with bright red and white lights was sighted at Chemong Lake, Ontario. It made a humming noise. At 6:45 p.m. in Orange, Massachusetts three witnesses saw a bright glowing object shaped like a "squashed egg." It hovered 100 feet over a pond, and then shot off. It had a rotating red light on the bottom. Five minutes later, at 6:50 p.m. a mass of very bright lights descended and hovered in Royalston, Massachusetts before moving out of sight on an upward course. The lights were brighter than the Moon, which was visible during the sighting. At 9:33 p.m. Carol Watts had his second close encounter with UFO entities. An egg-shaped object stalled his truck as he was driving in Loco, Texas. Four beings, under five feet tall and with wrap around eyes, slit mouths, and white coveralls emerged and invited him aboard. He was given some kind of exam onboard the craft by a machine.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** (1) Gene Duplantier, Saucers, Space & Science, Autumn 1967, p. 15; (2) Raymond E. Fowler case files, report dated April 30, 1967; (3) Raymond E. Fowler case files, report dated May 26, 1967; (4) Hartford Courant, February 25, 1968
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1955
### Event 28422 (BDAA9001)
**Date:** 4/12/1967
**Time:** 20:20
**Location:** TORONTO, ON
**Description:** 4 lens saucers circle group / 20 observers! 2 shoot away as plane nears. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO Evidence II: HB: Scarecrow Press Lanham, MD. http://www.scarecrowpress.com ISBN 0-8108-3881-8 (Index 335)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8172
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "76", **HatchDesc:** "TORONTO,ON:4 LENS SCRS CCL GROUP/20 OBSs!:2 SHOOT AWAY as plane nears:NFD", **LatLong:** "43.666669 -79.366670", **LatLongDMS:** "43:40:00 N 79:22:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.666669,-79.366670)", **State/Prov:** "Ontario", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 28423 (F5AC0AD5)
**Date:** 4/12/1967
**Time:** 20:30
**Location:** NORTH GRANBY, CT
**Description:** Extremely bright red-glow bowl-saucer. Fast maneuvers. Extends rod / 5 minute(s). Shoots away.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO Evidence II: HB: Scarecrow Press Lanham, MD. http://www.scarecrowpress.com ISBN 0-8108-3881-8 (Index 335)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8173
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "89", **HatchDesc:** "N.GRANBY,CT:XBRITE RED-GLOW BOWL-SCR:FAST MNVRS:EXTENDS ROD/5min:SHOOTS AWAY", **LatLong:** "41.983335 -72.816670", **LatLongDMS:** "41:59:00 N 72:49:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.983335,-72.816670)", **State/Prov:** "Connecticut", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 28424 (93412412)
**Date:** 4/12/1967
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** VIENNA, WV
**Description:** Teen. 2 blobs / light maneuver over TV towers. Truncated cone / light searches going down.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 809)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8174
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "30", **Elev:** "199", **HatchDesc:** "VIENNA,WV:TEEN:2 BLOBS/LITE MNVR ovr TV TOWERS:TRUNCATED CONE/LITE SEARCHES ↓", **LatLong:** "39.300002 -81.500004", **LatLongDMS:** "39:18:00 N 81:30:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.300002,-81.500004)", **State/Prov:** "Western Virginia", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 28425 (31AFA358)
**Date:** 4/12/1967
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** PHOENIX, AZ
**Description:** Blue Book-unidentified. 3 observer(s). Saucer hovers / streetlamp. Paces car / malfunctions due to EME (electro-magnetic effects). Banks and away. / r79p34.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO Evidence II: HB: Scarecrow Press Lanham, MD. http://www.scarecrowpress.com ISBN 0-8108-3881-8 (Index 250)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8175
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "310", **HatchDesc:** "PHOENIX,AZ:BBK-UID:3 OBS:SCR HVRS/STREETLAMP:PACES CAR/EMES:BANKS+AWAY:/r79p34", **LatLong:** "33.450002 -112.050005", **LatLongDMS:** "33:27:00 N 112:03:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/33.450002,-112.050005)", **RelAlt:** "20", **State/Prov:** "Arizona", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 28426 (5135FA37)
**Date:** 4/12/1967
**Location:** Hackettstown, NJ
**Description:** Night. Five people, including a policeman, watched a revolving object with a red middle, green lights on both ends, and white lights on the bottom (body lights) for 1.25 hours. The object left a white trail, and it started and stopped many times, becoming all white when not moving (color/motion correlation). (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3491
### Event 28427 (ADBBA23E)
**Date:** 4/12/1967
**Location:** Toronto, Ontario, CAN
**Description:** 8:15 p.m. EST. An adult leader and :! 18 Girl Guides saw four lens-shaped discs with flashing lights on the rims (body lights). The objects circled the witnesses, and two shot away when an airplane Jet approached (aircraft avoidance). (Henry McKay report, 4/17/67, in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3492
### Event 28428 (8B1611E5)
**Date:** 4/12/1967
**Location:** North Granby, CT
**Description:** 8:30 p.m. EST. A woman and her two "< children, ages 11 and 8, saw a glowing, red-orange bowl-shaped object that was emitting very bright light ("painful to stare at"). The object made rapid motions and hovered. A rod extended from it for about 5 minutes. Finally it shot ;-away to the northwest. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3493
### Event 28429 (042FF1D5)
**Date:** 4/12/1967
**Location:** Coastal Keys Highway, CA
**Description:** 8:30 p,m. EST. Six members of a team while doing underwater film work for ABC News saw five bright white lights in formation, “pulsating bright-dim on a 1/2- second cycle and maneuvering around each other as they passed at about 200 feet altitude. (Letter to Herb Roth, 5/5/67, in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3494
### Event 28430 (7DD55EE0)
**Date:** 4/12/1967
**Location:** Phoenix, AZ
**Description:** 8:59 p.m MST. A bell-shaped object buzzed a car, which experienced EM effects on its engine. The object then banked, s turned, and flew away. (Project Blue Book files, National Archives.) (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3495
### Event 28431 (B40E568D)
**Date:** 4/12/1967
**Location:** Phoenix, AZ
**Description:** Bell-shaped object buzzed car, banked, turned and flew away. Project Blue Book files, (E) National Archives, car (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3496
### Event 28432 (04CB3529)
**Date:** 4/12/1967
**Location:** Phoenix, Arizona
**Description:** 8:59 p.m. In Phoenix, Arizona, a bell-shaped object approaches a car from the left side, glowing red-orange with yellow-orange pulsations. It hovers over a streetlight, then makes a pass at the car. At that point, the car engine stops. The UFO banks eastward, then westward, and flies away. The three witnesses continue their trip and see the same object eight more times, plus another whitish object. The car engine continues to operate normally throughout the remaining sightings.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Mark Rodeghier, [UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference](http://www.cufos.org/books/UFO%5FREPORTS%5FINVOLVING%5FVEHICLE%5FINTERFERENCE.pdf), CUFOS, 1981, p. 34; Randle, Levelland, 2021, p. 142
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4269
### Event 28433 (5572DCEF)
**Date:** 4/12/1967
**Description:** In Toronto, Ontario, Canada at 8:15 p.m. four lens-shaped discs with flashing lights on their rims circled a group of about 20 witnesses. Two of the object shot away on approach of an airplane. There were also sightings in Rice Lake, and Scarborough, Ontario and a close encounter in Richmond Hill, Ontario.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP files, report dated April 17, 1967; Gene Duplantier, Flying Saucers, December 1967, p. 11; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty-Year Report, p. 335, 372
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1971
### Event 28434 (FEA65682)
**Date:** 4/12/1967
**Description:** In North Granby, Connecticut at 8:30 p.m. three witnesses saw a glowing, red-orange, bowl-shaped object emitting a "painfully" bright light. It made rapid motions for five minutes, and a rod extended from object. It shot away.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP files; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty-Year Report, p. 335
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1972
### Event 28435 (D35FBBFC)
**Date:** 4/12/1967
**Description:** Also at 8:30 p.m. six members of a team doing underwater film work for ABC News saw five bright white lights in formation while near the Coastal Keys Highway off of Key Largo, Florida. The lights pulsated bright-and-dim on a half-second cycle, and maneuvered around each other as they passed overhead at about 200 feet altitude. The witnesses, in two 16-foot boats in windy weather with choppy waves, included a former aircraft carrier pilot, two former submarine sailors, and a boat captain guide.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Letter to Herb Roth, May 5, 1967, NICAP files
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1973
### Event 28436 (088BE8D2)
**Date:** 4/12/1967
**Description:** At 8:59 p.m. in Phoenix, Arizona a close encounter occurred when a bell-shaped object buzzed a car with three witnesses; it banked, turned, and then flew away. The engine of the car was affected.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Project Blue Book files; Mark Rodeghier, UFOs Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, p. 34
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1974
### Event 28437 (783D44DA)
**Date:** 4/12/1967
**Description:** At 9:00 p.m. in Vienna, West Virginia two blobs of light maneuvered over the TV towers of WTAP-TV; a truncated cone of light searched the ground.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** APRO Bulletin, May-June 1967, p. 11
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1975
### Event 28438 (11650A1B)
**Date:** 4/12/1967
**Description:** At 10:10 p.m. in Hackettstown, New Jersey near a fish hatchery, five witnesses including a police officer had a UFO encounter lasting over an hour that involved an animal reaction. They watched a revolving object with a red light in the middle, green lights on both ends, and white lights on the bottom. The object left a white trail, and it started and stopped many times, becoming all white when not moving.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Berthold E. Schwarz, FSR, March 1971, p. 5 & January 1972, p. 9
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1976
### Event 28439 (E761EEFD)
**Date:** 4/13/1967
**Description:** Two young boys saw a dark gray object overhead at sunset in Sjaellands, Denmark. One ran home while the other hid in a ditch. The UFO descended and put out three legs as if to land, but then retraced them and moved out over the Kattegat. As it passed over the shore it threw out some "boxes." Hovering low over the water, the object lowered a box on an arm-thick cable, and eight small humanoid figures emerged from the large object and descended on the cable. They were the same size as the boy and all but one wore striped suits and had scuba like packs on their backs. The eighth UFOnaut wore a blue uniform and had no pack. They all had on striped caps and lights on their shoulders, and carried objects that looked like binoculars or cameras. They waved to the boy before the object disappeared. A lump of strange material was later found on the shore. When it was analyzed it was found to be an unprecedented mixture of substances.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Flying Saucer Review, September-October 1967; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1967-35
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2004
### Event 28440 (DB17EF61)
**Date:** 4/14/1967
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** HICKSVILLE, LI, NY
**Description:** Car malfunctions due to EME (electro-magnetic effects). Radio = odd voices. Small saucer lands. Small humanoid (or Grey) / hatch. Dirt taken.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RODEGHIER, Mark/CUFOS: UFO REPORTS INVOLVING VEHICLE INTERFERENCE; CUFOS 1979. Available as CUFOS UFO Archive #1 CD-ROM. http://www.cufos.org/Pubform.pdf (Index 34)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8176
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens, **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "45", **HatchDesc:** "HICKSVILLE,LI,NY:CAR EMES:RADIO=ODD VOICES:SML SCR LANDS:OID/HATCH:DIRT TAKEN", **LatLong:** "40.766669 -73.527781", **LatLongDMS:** "40:46:00 N 73:31:40 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.766669,-73.527781)", **State/Prov:** "New York", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 28441 (50D64E55)
**Date:** 4/14/1967
**Location:** Melville, NY
**Description:** Circular object landed, small figure seen in doorway; radio (off) made strange noises. CUFOS report; See Rodeghier, 1981, p. 34, (E,R) car (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3497
### Event 28442 (235BBFC9)
**Date:** 4/14/1967
**Description:** At 9:00 p.m. a motorist driving near Melville, New York saw a glowing object overhead. Suddenly his car engine stalled and a smaller circular metallic object landed besides the road. His car radio, which had been turned off, began broadcasting in a strange language. A tiny metallic robot-like figure appeared in the doorway of the object. It came out and dug up some dirt and then placed it inside the craft. The doorway then closed and the object turned a bright red color as it rose into the sky, emitting a whirring sound. It appeared to join the large glowing craft overhead.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2009
### Event 28443 (C06E5B60)
**Date:** 4/15/1967 (approximate)
**Location:** HOBART, IN
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Distant orange-yellow silent vertical cylinder/cigar-shape. Moves going south until gone.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HENDRY, Allan: The UFO HANDBOOK. Doubleday, Garden City, NJ 1979. (Index 161)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8177
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "196", **HatchDesc:** "HOBART,IN:2 OBS:DISTANT ORG-YEL SLNT VERTICAL CGR:MOVES >S UNTIL GONE", **LatLong:** "41.533335 -87.255560", **LatLongDMS:** "41:32:00 N 87:15:20 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.533335,-87.255560)", **State/Prov:** "Indiana", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 28444 (97D498B7)
**Date:** 4/15/1967
**Time:** 20:30
**Location:** GAVEA PEAK, BRZ
**Description:** Doctors etc. / (seen thru) binoculars. Vibrant bright small saucer shoots white beams. Signal flashes?
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 207)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8178
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "15", **Elev:** "50", **HatchDesc:** "GAVEA PEAK,BRZ:MDs ETC/BINOCS:VBRITE SML SCR SHOOTS WHT BEAMS:SIGNAL FLASHES?", **LatLong:** "-22.983334 -43.283335", **LatLongDMS:** "22:59:00 S 43:17:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-22.983334,-43.283335)", **State/Prov:** "RDJ", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 28445 (A4C9FBF0)
**Date:** Mid 4/1967
**Locations:** Dayton, Oregon; river basin
**Description:** Dusk. Gary Statenberg is working with a tractor on [Jamie Ediger](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/118403105/jamie-walter-ediger)’s farm in Dayton, Oregon, when he sees an object moving toward him down the river basin at about 500 feet altitude. It stops, descends to 100 feet, and hovers about 600–700 feet away. He shuts off the tractor but can hear no sound coming from the object, which has red flashing lights around its base. There is a small dome with portholes on the top. Suddenly it takes off to the north, the lights changing to green as it does so. Statenberg returns home badly shaken.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Robert Low papers, American Philosophical Society, June 14, 1967
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4270
### Event 28446 (B99EA0F2)
**Date:** 4/15/1967
**Description:** Two young boys sawa dark gray UFO hovering over the eastern coast of Denmark in the early afternoon. An elevator descended from the bottom, with eight occupants sliding down a thick cable. They wore masks and breathing apparatus boxes on their backs, and one of them wore a blue colored uniform. They waved at the witnesses.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Dennis Stamey, Flying Saucers, June 1970, p. 36; Charles Bowen, FSR, September-October 1967, p. 32, citing UFONYT
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2024
### Event 28447 (7D0F0619)
**Date:** 4/16/1967
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Fast glowing ovoid stops and lands. Flies away when neared.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LORENZEN, Coral & Jim: UFO's OVER THE AMERICAS; Signet Books, NY 1968. 243p. (Index 60)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8179
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Venezuela", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "180", **HatchDesc:** "nr SAN FELIPE,VNZL:2 OBS:FAST GLOWING OVOID STOPS+LANDS:FLIES AWAY WHEN NEARED", **LatLong:** "10.216667 -68.750003", **LatLongDMS:** "10:13:00 N 68:45:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/10.216667,-68.750003)", **State/Prov:** "YRC", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 28448 (D746ABF5)
**Date:** 4/16/1967
**Location:** Ramey AFB(Shoreline at NE corner of), Puerto Rico
**Description:** Disc shaped object with two levels -Hovering just above water (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3498
### Event 28449 (27284E7A)
**Date:** 4/16/1967
**Location:** Downsville, Ontario, CAN
**Description:** 1:15 a.m. EST. Two rotating red, glowing dome-shaped objects separated by a bar (dumbbell shape) hovered overhead, then accelerated away. (Letter dated 4/16/67 in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3499
### Event 28450 (0F0696AA)
**Date:** 4/16/1967
**Location:** Boraure, Venezuela
**Description:** Guillermo Roldan, his daughter, and other persons saw a glowing, egg-shaped object fly across the sky at high speed, stop suddenly and descend to ground level. As the witnesses rushed toward the area, the object took off at very high speed.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Lor. III 60 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_835
### Event 28451 (3A634404)
**Date:** 4/16/1967
**Location:** Boraure, Venezuela
**Description:** Businessman Guillermo Roldan and his daughter Chichita see a glowing, egg-shaped object fly across the sky above Boraure, Venezuela, at great speed. It stops abruptly then descends and lands. Roldan rushes toward the spot, but the object takes off at high speed.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Lorenzen, UFOs over the Americas, Signet, 1968, p. 60
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4271
### Event 28452 (DC1DEB0C)
**Date:** 4/16/1967
**Description:** A fast moving, glowing ovoid UFO stopped and landed in Boraure, Venezuela on this day. It took off and flew away when approached.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jim and Coral Lorenzen, UFOs over the Americas, p. 60; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 835
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2054
### Event 28453 (7B2E940F)
**Date:** 4/17/1967
**Location:** USA, Jefferson City (Missouri)
**Description:** (Translated from French) RR1 9:00 PM - 4 witnesses: duration 10 to 15 minutes. "I was on my way home from a Parent-Teacher Association meeting; it was night and I was driving through the countryside on a small road, thinking about the blackboard the association had promised to provide for the school. Suddenly I noticed a light above the hill and I thought, there's one of those old planes that has gone off course and is going to land in that cornfield. (...) And then this incredible object - which had a bit of the shape of a World War I helmet - passed over the hill. So I slowed down. I couldn't understand how an airplane could follow a gliding trajectory - when this huge object, which I estimate was over 90 meters long, detached itself from the hill and stayed above me for a fraction of a second, like an aircraft changing direction. Then it headed for the airfield. It was a terribly bright light. The roof of the car didn't even seem to be a screen anymore. When I looked at my friends, it was like an X-ray photo. "So I went to the airfield. Oh, I didn't have to say anything to the people on the ground. They had seen it. Two lawyers from Kansas City were still standing there, their mouths wide open in amazement. It had practically flown over the airfield. The unglazed control tower had not yet been warned. They were busy with the arrival of an Ozark. The Ozark pilot said when announcing his landing: "I see it, it's below me, it's huge". (April 17, 1967)
**Reference:** J. Allen HYNEK: "UFOs, Myth or Reality?" - trans. Belfond 1974 - pp. 121, 122, 276
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2439
### Event 28454 (E107E05D)
**Date:** 4/17/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In Jefferson City \(Missouri\), a school principal was driving on a deserted road when he noticed a huge object: I was on my way home after an Association of Parents and Teachers meeting; it was night and I was driving through the countryside \(...\). Suddenly I noticed a light above the hill --- and I thought, hey, that's one of those old planes \(a C-47\) that has gone off course and is going to land in that cornfield \(...\). And then this incredible object - which had a bit of the shape of a WWI helmet --- went over the hill... So I slowed down... I couldn't understand how an airplane could follow a gliding trajectory --- when this huge object, which I estimate was over 90 m, detached itself from the hill and stayed above me for a fraction of a second like an aircraft changing course; then it headed towards the airport... It was a terribly strong light. The roof of the car didn't even seem to be a shield. It's incredible, a light so intense. When I looked at my hands, it was like an X-ray photo. Several teachers will witness the event. (April 17th, at night)
**Reference:** \[Reported case to Blue Book\] \[Hendry 1979, p. 10\]
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2297
### Event 28455 (C2C26087)
**Date:** 4/17/1967
**Time:** 02:20
**Description:** Intelligence report. 5 huge ovoids / cluster formation. Very fast. Jets chase.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLAMMONDE, Paris: UFO EXIST!; Ballentine Books, NY 1976. PB 480pp. (Index 439)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8180
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK, **COV:** Indication of coverup
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Vietnam", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "VO TANH,SAIGON,VIETNAM:INT.RPT:5 HUGE OVOIDS/CLUSTER FORMn:VFAST:JETS CHASE:", **LatLong:** "10.850001 106.800005", **LatLongDMS:** "10:51:00 N 106:48:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/10.850001,106.800005)", **State/Prov:** "SAI", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 28456 (9DF8DA77)
**Date:** 4/17/1967
**Time:** 02:20
**Location:** WORTHING, SUSSEX
**Description:** Loud humming. Glowing-saucer crosses sky. Humming again. Saucer maneuvers. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) Jly'67.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO Evidence II: HB: Scarecrow Press Lanham, MD. http://www.scarecrowpress.com ISBN 0-8108-3881-8 (Index 336)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8181
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "WORTHING,SUSSEX:LOUD HUM:GLO-SCR CROSSES SKY:HUM AGAIN:SCR MNVRS:/FSR Jly'67", **LatLong:** "50.800002 -0.366667", **LatLongDMS:** "50:48:00 N 00:22:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.800002,-0.366667)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 28457 (5697D04D)
**Date:** 4/17/1967
**Time:** 13:00
**Location:** SR46 NORTH / GOODING, ID
**Description:** Trucker. 5M grey object follows terrain / 12M altitude 1km away. Brief.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 809)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8182
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "1095", **HatchDesc:** "SR46 N/GOODING,ID:TRUCKER:5M GRY OBJ FOLOS TERRAIN/12M alt 1km away:brief", **LatLong:** "42.700002 -114.700005", **LatLongDMS:** "42:42:00 N 114:42:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.700002,-114.700005)", **RelAlt:** "12", **State/Prov:** "Idaho", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 28458 (449CABFB)
**Date:** 4/17/1967
**Time:** 20:50
**Location:** NEW HAVEN, WV
**Description:** Many observer(s). Huge UFO going [to] up Ohio River. Responds / lights. Beams going down. / MJ#288+r41.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 49)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8183
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "180", **HatchDesc:** "NEW HAVEN,WV:MANY OBS:HUGE UFO > UP OHIO Rvr:RESPONDS/LITES:BEAMS↓:/MJ#288+r41", **LatLong:** "38.966669 -81.972226", **LatLongDMS:** "38:58:00 N 81:58:20 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.966669,-81.972226)", **State/Prov:** "Western Virginia", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 28459 (525412F7)
**Date:** 4/17/1967
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** JEFFERSON CITY, MO
**Description:** 1+1+2+airliner. 300' saucer. Terrific beams / light. Very fast maneuvers. / r150.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HYNEK, J. Allen: The UFO EXPERIENCE, A Scientific Inquiry; Ballentine Books, NY 1974,1977. (Index 110)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8184
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "15", **Elev:** "167", **HatchDesc:** "JEFFERSON CITY,MO:1+1+2+AIRLINER:300'SCR:TERRIFIC BEAMS/LITE:VFAST MNVRs:/r150", **LatLong:** "38.583335 -92.172227", **LatLongDMS:** "38:35:00 N 92:10:20 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.583335,-92.172227)", **State/Prov:** "Missouri", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 28460 (951F83FC)
**Date:** 4/17/1967
**Location:** Saigon, Vo Than, Viet Nam
**Description:** Time not given. Five white oval objects, oriented vertically, moved across the sky in 5 seconds, periodically passing behind small scattered clouds. Five minutes later jet aircraft at high altitude flew in the same direction as the objects. (Haines, 1994, pp. 88-89; Smith 1997, UNICAT #371). (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3500
### Event 28461 (07E330AB)
**Date:** 4/17/1967
**Location:** Worthing, Sussex, UK
**Description:** 2:15 a.m. (9:15 p.m. EST, April 16). A loud humming sound was heard as a glowing object shaped like an upturned saucer flew across the sky. The sound was heard again later and the object was seen moving sideways. (Flying Saucer Review, July-Aug. 1967, p. 30.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3501
### Event 28462 (A0628CD1)
**Date:** 4/17/1967
**Location:** Shelley, ID
**Description:** 9:30-10:00 p.m. PST. A woman and her daughter, age 16, saw a large amber- colored light approaching their car at an altitude of 60-80 feet. As it moved closer, the object was seen to be round with windows on top, and light coming from a bottom bulge. (Ricks letter in NICAP files; U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. IV, No. 1, May-June 1967, p. 1.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3502
### Event 28463 (EE23E78C)
**Date:** 4/17/1967
**Location:** Jefferson City, MO
**Description:** 300 ft WWI helmet shaped object come over a car bathing it in intense light (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3503
### Event 28464 (7ADAD0F9)
**Date:** 4/17/1967
**Location:** New Haven, WV
**Description:** Dog and pony reacted to beam of light (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)
**Reference:** NICAP: [670417](http://www.nicap.org/ar-670417dir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3504
### Event 28465 (A3C432F5)
**Date:** 4/17/1967
**Locations:** Saigon; Ho Chi Minh City; Vietnam
**Description:** 2:20 a.m. SP4 Robert M. Harkinson of the US Army’s 524th Military Intelligence Detachment is stationed in Saigon \[now Ho Chi Minh City\], Vietnam, when he sees five bright-white, oval-shaped objects traveling in close formation at high speed across the sky. They flash by in about 5 seconds and disappear behind a cloud. He estimates their speed to be about five times that of any jet aircraft. About 5 minutes later, he sees several jets flying on the same course as the objects.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** John J. Stahl Jr., “[Unidentified Flying Objects,](http://www.nicap.org/docs2/670417Saigon%5Fdocs.pdf)” case report, April 17, 1967
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4272
### Event 28466 (D44C3D0A)
**Date:** 4/17/1967
**Locations:** Jefferson City, Missouri; Jefferson City Memorial Airport; Missouri River bluff; Highway 94
**Description:** 9:00 p.m. School principal John L. Metz and three teachers in separate cars are driving home in Jefferson City, Missouri, and see a 350–400 foot, bluish-white, WWI-helmet–shaped object come over the Missouri River bluff and move directly above their cars, bathing them in intense light. Metz observes it through 8x binoculars. The object hovers above power lines for about 10 minutes then heads toward the airport. Two smaller objects emerge from its base; they are disc- or helmet-shaped and the size of a DC-3. Metz drives to the airport on Highway 94 and finds two more witnesses. Jefferson City Memorial Airport employees watch a flat, circular, star- like orange light flashing an intermittent red-blue through a 30x 40mm telescope around 9:40–10:08 p.m. The Ozark Airliner Flight 319 crew sees two large round objects moving in various directions below their airplane during its final landing approach.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** [Sparks](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf)[,](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf) p. 324; J. Allen Hynek, The UFO Experience, Ballantine ed., 1974, [pp.](https://archive.org/details/ufoexperience00jall/page/110/mode/2up) [110–111](https://archive.org/details/ufoexperience00jall/page/110/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4273
### Event 28467 (F52E6A51)
**Date:** 4/17/1967
**Description:** At 2:20 a.m. military witness Robert Harkinson in Vo Tanh, near Saigon (now Ho Chi Minh City), Vietnam saw five lluminated white ovals that passed behind small scattered clouds. The formation fluctuated slightly, and then moved at five times the speed of a jet. Five minutes later, several jets at high altitude were seen pursuing the same course as the UFOs.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** J. Allen Hynek, The UFO Experience, p. 252; UNICAT, case # 371; Richard F. Haines, Project Delta: A Study of Multiple UFO, p. 88
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2083
### Event 28468 (1D2181FA)
**Date:** 4/17/1967
**Description:** At 2:15 a.m. Mr. & Mrs. Moseley of Worthing, West Sussex, England heard a loud humming noise, then saw a glowing oval like an "upturned saucer" (domed disc) that flew across the sky and behind a hill. Later, the sound was heard again and the UFO was again seen, moving sideways.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Charles Bowen, Flying Saucer Review, July-August 1967, p. 30; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence Volume II: A Thirty Year Report, p. 336
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2084
### Event 28469 (29E42D09)
**Date:** 4/17/1967
**Description:** A huge elliptical object with portholes was seen at 8:45 p.m. in New Haven, West Virginia. It had two light beams that were directed downward. Dogs howled and barked and a pony reacted to the beams of light, and there was also severe TV interference. There were five independent reports of the close encounter, which lasted several minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP UFO Investigator, May-June 1967, p. 6; MUFON UFO Journal, April 1992, p. 18; Richard F. Haines, CE-5: Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind, p. 33; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence Volume II: A Thirty Year Report, pp. 199, 280, 336
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2085
### Event 28470 (FDF9D517)
**Date:** 4/17/1967
**Description:** At 9:00 p.m. over Jefferson City, Missouri an Ozark Airlines airliner coming in for a landing had a dramatic encounter with a domed disc that was shaped like a World War I helmet, and was over 300 feet in diameter. Captain Metz exclaimed, "below me, it's huge!" It gave off an intense, bluish-white, cold light from the underside of the object. It was accompanied by two small objects the size of a DC-3 aircraft, that dropped down and made very fast maneuvers in various directions. The objects shot off to the north and also to the east.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** J. Allen Hynek, The UFO Experience, p. 96; Richard F. Haines, Project Delta: A Study of Multiple UFO, p. 175; Robert Gribble, MUFON UFO Journal, April 1992, p. 18; UNICAT, case # 380; Dominique Weinstein, Aircraft UFO Encounters, p. 35; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence Volume II: A Thirty Year Report, p. 118
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2086
### Event 28471 (BB7BA386)
**Date:** 4/18/1967
**Location:** Point Pleasant, WV
**Description:** 8:00 p.m. EST. A pilot and ground observers reported an anomalous "light-bearing object." The pilot attempted to close in on the object and flashed his landing lights, but there was no response and the object disappeared. (West Virginia Register, 4/1/67,(??) copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3505
### Event 28472 (A7F4EF20)
**Date:** 4/18/1967
**Location:** Athens, OH
**Description:** At 8:05 p.m. About 40 miles north of Point Pleasant, a Ph.D. professor at Ohio University, who is also a private pilot, and four others saw an unidentified light source that alternated between yellow and pink as it moved over a wide arc of sky at moderate speed. It was observed for 10 minutes. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3506
### Event 28473 (C4B54ED3)
**Date:** 4/18/1967
**Description:** At 8:05 p.m. in Athens, Ohio a college professor and four others watched an unidentified light source that alternated between yellow and pink as it moved over a wide arc of sky at moderate speed. Their sighting lasted 10 minutes. At 8:30 p.m. the wife of the Ohio University director of the center for social science education saw a dull white oval for ten seconds.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP report forms, www.nicap.org
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2115
### Event 28474 (319A622D)
**Date:** 4/18/1967
**Description:** At 8:00 p.m. in Point Pleasant, West Virginia a pilot and ground observers saw an anomalous "light bearing object" in the sky. The pilot attempted to close with the object and flashed his landing lights to get its attention, but there was no response and the object disappeared.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** West Virginia Register, April 1967; NICAP files
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2116
### Event 28475 (2B7CA094)
**Date:** 4/19/1967
**Location:** Tully, MA
**Description:** 7:30 p.m. EST. Four witnesses saw a cream-colored domed object with flashing lights, bright white at first and then turning to red. The object hovered, made sharp turns, and moved off slowly. (Fowler, 1974, p. 347.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3507
### Event 28476 (4C84009F)
**Date:** 4/19/1967
**Location:** Huntinton, WV
**Description:** 8:45 p.m. EST. A witness reported to the newspaper having seen a round object with red and white colors which followed their car and appeared to move with a gliding motion. (Point Pleasant Register, W.Va., 4/22/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3508
### Event 28477 (24377D75)
**Date:** 4/19/1967
**Location:** Port Clinton, OH
**Description:** 9:00 p.m. EST. Six neighbors saw a bright light that moved straight up, then crossed the sky, stopped, brightened, and emitted two smaller lights. The observation lasted 3 hours. (Port Clinton Daily News 4/20/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3509
### Event 28478 (59D79801)
**Date:** 4/19/1967
**Description:** A cream colored UFO with a dome, a little larger than a large car, hovered over Tully, Massachusetts at 7:30 p.m. It flashed bright white lights, then red lights. It made some sharp turns, then moved off slowly.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Raymond E. Fowler investigation files, report dated April 29, 1967
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2135
### Event 28479 (AB11C876)
**Date:** 4/20/1967
**Time:** 21:40
**Location:** BOLTON, MA
**Description:** 3 observer(s). Mushroom-shape hums. Vapor. 8 yellow portholes / edge. R and west lights.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FOWLER, Raymond E.: UFO'S, INTERPLANETARY VISITORS; Prentice Hall & Bantam Books, NY 1979. 346pp. (Index 332)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8185
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "118", **HatchDesc:** "BOLTON,MA:3 OBS:MUSHROOM-SHAPE HUMS:VAPOR:8 YLW PORTHOLES/EDGE:R+W LITES", **LatLong:** "42.433335 -71.611115", **LatLongDMS:** "42:26:00 N 71:36:40 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.433335,-71.611115)", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 28480 (4E608F34)
**Date:** 4/20/1967
**Location:** Orange, MA
**Description:** 7:15 p.m. EST. Four witnesses saw an object with eight red blinking lights and two white lights (body lights). The object hovered, then moved away slowly. (Fowler, 1974, p. 347.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3510
### Event 28481 (604B6416)
**Date:** 4/20/1967
**Location:** Coldwater, MI
**Description:** 8:15 p.m. EST. A man saw a large cigar-shaped object with many body lights arranged in groupings. It flew low and slow from east to west. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3511
### Event 28482 (B5C136BF)
**Date:** 4/20/1967
**Location:** Georgetown, MA
**Description:** 8:30 p.m. EST. Six witnesses saw two dark objects with two bright flashing red lights and two dimmer white lights (body lights). The objects moved in a pattern, stopping and reversing direction (maneuvering) at times. (Fowler, 1974, p. 347.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3512
### Event 28483 (FF50C499)
**Date:** 4/20/1967
**Location:** Bolten, MA
**Description:** 9:40 p.m. EST. Three people saw a domed disc with eight glowing yellow ports around the perimeter, white light on top, and red light on the bottom, turauoise lights front and rear (body lights). (Massachusetts NICAP Subcommittee report in NICAP files; Fowler, 1974, p. 347.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3513
### Event 28484 (19958A0B)
**Date:** 4/20/1967
**Time:** 04:08:00.0
**Location:** 49.7416 78.1054
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 150KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1297
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.7416 78.1054", **LatLongDMS:** "49:44:30 N 78:06:19 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.7416,78.1054)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.70", **NukeSource:** "BOCHAROV", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "150"
### Event 28485 (89198D7F)
**Date:** 4/20/1967
**Description:** At 3:30 a.m., near Estacion Casalegno in Santa Fe, Argentina the conductor of a train, Enrique R. Galimberti and another crew member saw what appeared to be bright multi-colored lights about 120 meters away from the tracks. Thinking it was a fire, Galimberti stopped the train and both men attempted to approach the scene, armed with fire extinguishers. When they got close to the area they saw the multicolored lights moving around in a circular motion, and then both observed a square metallic object over three meters in width behind the lights. It had several lighted windows around its edge. At the front the UFO had what appeared to be a "rotating wheel" that emitted multicolored light flashes. Several short humanoid beings were seen walking around the object. They wore silvery gray shiny uniforms, appeared to be bareheaded, and carried what resembled "rifles" or weapons on their shoulders. The witnesses used the train horn to check for a reaction from the creatures but there was none. Another railway employee, Salvador Pomidoro, reported seeing the same square metallic object on the ground about 15 minutes earlier.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1967, citing S. von Wurmb, Hoy newspaper, Asuncion, Paraguay
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2156
### Event 28486 (34275096)
**Date:** 4/20/1967
**Description:** At 8:30 p.m. two dark objects with two bright flashing red lights and two dimmer white lights flew over a lake in Georgetown, Massachusetts. They made no noise. At 9:40 p.m. a mushroom shaped object with a frosted white light on top and a red light on bottom hovered over Bolton, Massachusetts. It had turquioise colored lights fore and aft, and eight yellow lights on its perimeter.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Raymond E. Fowler, UFOs: Interplanetary Visitors, p. 347
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2157
### Event 28487 (13ACC6A8)
**Date:** 4/21/1967
**Location:** USA, Ephrata (Washington)
**Description:** (Translated from French) RR2. Night around 01:00 - 4 witnesses, two businessmen and their wives; On a clear country road; duration 5 minutes. According to the driver, the accelerator no longer responded when the object approached, the engine slowed down and began to cough as if there was no more juice. At the moment when the distance between them and the object seemed the shortest, the latter no longer shone but appeared clearly and distinctly defined, lenticular in shape and of a muted amber color, like the yellow of flashing lights but more attenuated. (...) Object: ovoid, with objects embedded on the entire surface like car headlights, each sending a beam of white light, so that the device seemed bristling with rays of light diffusing in all directions. Then it had the appearance of an ovoid object of amber color. (April 21, 1967)
**Reference:** J. Allen HYNEK: "UFOs, Myth or Reality?" - trans. Belfond 1974 - p. 140, 148, 277
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2440
### Event 28488 (E27765B8)
**Date:** 4/21/1967
**Location:** USA, South Hill (Virginia)
**Description:** (Translated from French) On April 21, Mr. Crowder had left the store of his company around 9 pm. When he reached a turn in the paved road, he discovered an obstacle that looked like an orange metal tank, at least 4 m in diameter, resting on legs about one meter high and without any openings or particular features. It was just an object resembling a tank that blocked the way. When he got to about 60 m from the thing, Crowder flashed his headlights. At that moment, in a brilliant blaze emitted from its base, the object rose quickly into the air. It had gone off like lightning, but Crowder had seen it in his headlights. It was 5 to 6 m high. The blazing breath from its base had set the asphalt on fire. When the police arrived at the scene with Crowder, they found a 90 x 75 cm plate still hot from the fire. The next morning, four holes about 18 mm deep and 12 mm wide were found in the asphalt, forming a rectangle about 5 m long.
**Reference:** Henry DURRANT: "The UFO File" - Laffont 1973 - p. 157-158
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2441
### Event 28489 (40F6EE48)
**Date:** 4/21/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In South Hill \(Virginia\), Mr. Crowder is driving home when he sees an object on the road 70 meters away: a 5 meter diameter vertical cylinder, supported by 4 legs, with a half-sphere at its top. The object is gray and its base is 1 meter above the pavement. When the witness turns on his headlights, the device emits a vertical light and disappears. The road burns for 15 minutes. Mr. Martin, who lives nearby, also sees the light. Holes, burn marks and charred matches are noted at the site. (April 21, 9 PM)
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#11677 unsolved \< [Vallée](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/ValleeJacques.html) 1969
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2298
### Event 28490 (48804C14)
**Date:** 4/21/1967
**Time:** 06:00
**Location:** MILOLII, HI
**Description:** 1+dog. Swish sound. Moon-size sun-like orange disk / globe flies toward(s) town.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 819)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8186
**Attributes:** **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "6", **HatchDesc:** "MILOLII,HI:1+DOG:SWISH SOUND:MOONSIZE SUNLIKE ORG. DISK/GLOBE FLIES twrd TOWN", **LatLong:** "19.183334 -155.900007", **LatLongDMS:** "19:11:00 N 155:54:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/19.183334,-155.900007)", **State/Prov:** "Hawaii", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 28491 (789A34B6)
**Date:** 4/21/1967
**Time:** 06:20
**Location:** NEAR HILO, HI
**Description:** 1 / car 5 orange disks and bent tube hangs / thing cloud. Metallic saucer with 2 portholes going west.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 809)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8187
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "12", **HatchDesc:** "nr HILO,HI:1/CAR 5 ORG.DISKS+BENT TUBE HANGS/THING CLOUD:MTLC SCR W/2 PORTs>W", **LatLong:** "19.700001 -155.000007", **LatLongDMS:** "19:42:00 N 155:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/19.700001,-155.000007)", **State/Prov:** "Hawaii", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 28492 (3C7740D8)
**Date:** 4/21/1967
**Time:** 16:00
**Location:** COCOA BEACH, FL
**Description:** Domed disk hovers. Tilts / small plane passes. Plane makes 180° turn.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO Evidence II: HB: Scarecrow Press Lanham, MD. http://www.scarecrowpress.com ISBN 0-8108-3881-8 (Index 336)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8188
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "4", **HatchDesc:** "COCOA BEACH,FL:DOMED DISK HVRS:TILTS/SML PLANE PASSES:plane makes 180° turn", **LatLong:** "28.322224 -80.605559", **LatLongDMS:** "28:19:20 N 80:36:20 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/28.322224,-80.605559)", **State/Prov:** "Florida", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 28493 (6B05A414)
**Date:** 4/21/1967
**Time:** 19:50
**Location:** GEORGETOWN, MASS
**Description:** 3 observer(s) / (seen thru) binoculars. UFO with rectangular-box shaped portholes. Goes going up / clouds when jets converge.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FOWLER, Raymond E.: UFO'S, INTERPLANETARY VISITORS; Prentice Hall & Bantam Books, NY 1979. 346pp. (Index 332)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8189
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "24", **HatchDesc:** "GEORGETOWN,MASS:3 OBS/BINOCS:UFO W/RECT PORTS:GOES↑/CLOUDS WHEN JETS CONVERGE", **LatLong:** "42.716669 -71.000003", **LatLongDMS:** "42:43:00 N 71:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.716669,-71.000003)", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 28494 (DCF77E4D)
**Date:** 4/21/1967
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** SOUTH HILL, VA
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #11677. Crowder. Bullet-cylinder/cylindrical object quickly going up / road. Burnt tar. Hoax / r98#39.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 48)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8190
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HOX:** Suspicion of hoax, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "4", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "134", **HatchDesc:** "SOUTH HILL,VA:BBK#11677:CROWDER:BULLET-CYL ↑↑/ROAD:BURNT TAR:HOAX/r98#39", **LatLong:** "36.733335 -78.133337", **LatLongDMS:** "36:44:00 N 78:08:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/36.733335,-78.133337)", **State/Prov:** "Virginia", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 28495 (B948F505)
**Date:** 4/21/1967
**Time:** 21:50
**Location:** TUCSON, AZ
**Description:** Yellow dome with flat bottom/underside and shaft / yellow light up. Tips and sways / descent. Possible lands.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO Evidence II: HB: Scarecrow Press Lanham, MD. http://www.scarecrowpress.com ISBN 0-8108-3881-8 (Index 336)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8191
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "717", **HatchDesc:** "TUCSON,AZ:YLW DOME W/FLAT BTM+SHAFT/YLW LITE UP:TIPS+SWAYS/DESCENT:poss.lands", **LatLong:** "32.183335 -110.883339", **LatLongDMS:** "32:11:00 N 110:53:00 W", **Locale:** "Desert", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/32.183335,-110.883339)", **State/Prov:** "Arizona", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 28496 (C0D721F6)
**Date:** 4/21/1967
**Time:** 22:30
**Description:** Former USAF man / (seen thru) binoculars. 9 saucers in violent maneuvers / 20K' altitude.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SALISBURY, Frank: The UTAH UFO DISPLAY -- a Biologist Reports; 1974 Devin Adair, New Greenwich,CT. HB 286pp. ISBN 0-815-97000-5 (Index 248)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8192
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "25", **Elev:** "1625", **HatchDesc:** "MAESER> Event 28497 (F3AC2C9B)
**Date:** 4/21/1967
**Location:** Ephrata, WA
**Description:** 1:30 a.m. PST. Two couples saw an unexplained light ahead and chased it in their car. Then they came upon an unidentified object sitting on the road and had to slam on the brakes to avoid hitting it . (June Larson report, 8/1/67, in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3514
### Event 28498 (975CAE0B)
**Date:** 4/21/1967
**Location:** Cocoa Beach, FL
**Description:** 4:00 p.m. EST. A woman saw a shiny disc with a dome and hazy underside. The object hovered, and tilted as a small aircraft passed beneath it. The plane reversed course possibly to look at the UFO. (Florida NICAP Subcommittee report, NICAP report form, in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3515
### Event 28499 (12558D25)
**Date:** 4/21/1967
**Location:** Georgetown, MA
**Description:** 7:45 p.m. EST. Three witnesses saw two groups of lights, each composed of three red and one white lights flashing in sequence. A large white light viewed through binoculars showed the appearance of rectangular windows. The object moved into the overcast when aircraft converged on the area (aircraft avoidance). (Fowler, 1974, p. 347.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3516
### Event 28500 (94186434)
**Date:** 4/21/1967
**Location:** Phillipston, MA
**Description:** 8:00 p.m. EST. Three witnesses plus another separate individual reported a dark object with 2-3 bright red body lights that hovered and descended behind trees. Aircraft seemed to have been chasing it. (Fowler, 1974, p. 348.) . (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3517
### Event 28501 (7F2182A0)
**Date:** 4/21/1967
**Location:** Tucson, AZ
**Description:** 9:55 p.m. MST. A yellow, dome-shaoed object with a flat bottom (hemisphere) and with a shaft of light (light beam) pointed upward, descended , tipping and swaying. (APRO Bulletin, May- June 1967, p. 7.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3518
### Event 28502 (6E48400C)
**Date:** 4/21/1967
**Location:** Maeser -Vernal, UT
**Description:** 10:30 p.m. MST A retired Air Force man saw nine silver, lens-shaped objects (discs) making violent maneuvers at an estimated 20,000 feet altitude. Viewed through binoculars, the objects had no visible rudders or tails and no vapor trails. (Salisbury, 1974, Table 1, case 46.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3519
### Event 28503 (AD5AB31A)
**Date:** 4/21/1967
**Location:** South Hill, VA
**Description:** Road blocked by storage tank-shaped obj w/dome top (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: 11677)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3520
### Event 28504 (E485FF73)
**Date:** 4/21/1967
**Time:** 2100
**Location:** South Hill, Virginia
**Description:** Mr. Crowder was driving home when he saw an object on the road 70 m away. Supported by four legs, it was a vertical cylinder, 5 m in diameter, with a half-sphere on top. It was gray and its base was 1 m above the pavement. When the witness turned his high beams on, the craft gave off a vertical light and vanished. The road burned for 15 min. Mr. Martin, who lived nearby, also observed the light. Holes, traces of burns, and calcined matches were noted at the site.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Atic ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_836
### Event 28505 (2B92ED9A)
**Date:** 4/21/1967
**Description:** Lyrid meteor shower (mean date).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_126
### Event 28506 (AC8D8936)
**Date:** 4/21/1967
**Time:** 15:09:00.0
**Location:** 37.0193 -116.0374
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Chocolate” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_493
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0193 -116.0374", **LatLongDMS:** "37:01:09 N 116:02:15 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0193,-116.0374)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.24", **NukeMb:** "4.30", **NukeName:** "Chocolate", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 28507 (1B1E9C1B)
**Date:** 4/21/1967
**Location:** Ephrata, Washington
**Description:** 1:30 a.m. Two couples see an unexplained light near Ephrata, Washington, and chase it in their car. They came upon a UFO sitting on the road and have to slam on the brakes to avoid hitting it. The object takes off, moves behind the car, and follows it for 5 minutes, then disappears as traffic became heavier. The witnesses are badly shaken by the experience.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** NICAP, “[The 1967 UFO Chronology](http://www.nicap.org/chronos/1967fullrep.htm)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4274
### Event 28508 (923B9F85)
**Date:** 4/21/1967
**Location:** Colorado
**Description:** [Robert J. Low](http://ufohistoryfiles.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/CO%2067%20NEWS.pdf) issues a position paper that outlines, after months of discussions and briefings, a framework for the Colorado project’s goals and procedures. It includes acquiring data on new cases, contracted reviews on such special topics as radar and mirages, a special section on photo cases, and a statistical treatment of bulk data. He divides the research question into three tiers: “Are there really sightings that are unexplained?” “Are any of these external stimuli solid objects?” and “Are any of these objects extraterrestrial spaceships?” He asks the group to discuss criteria for answering those questions.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Swords 317–318
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4275
### Event 28509 (ADB680B3)
**Date:** 4/21/1967
**Description:** Coup d’état in Greece. Although there are persistent rumors about an active support of the coup by the US government, there is no evidence to support such claims. The timing of the coup apparently catches the CIA by surprise.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Greek military junta of 1967](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greek%5Fjunta\#American%5Finfluence%5Fin%5FGreece)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4276
### Event 28510 (3FA0F58D)
**Date:** 4/21/1967
**Locations:** South Hill, Virginia; Northwestern University
**Description:** 8:55 p.m. [Clifton N. Crowder](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/53375387/clifton-neal-crowder)[,](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/53375387/clifton-neal-crowder) manager of the Mobil Chemical Company warehouse in South Hill, Virginia, leaves the warehouse and starts home. About 50–75 yards down a narrow asphalt highway his headlights fall on an object 400 feet away on the road ahead. It is pewter-colored, shaped like a storage tank, about 12 feet in diameter, and 15–16 feet high. It is standing on legs about 3–3.5 feet long. He switches to his bright lights and the object belches a white burst of flame from the bottom and ascends rapidly. Meanwhile, the road is on fire. After it dies out, Crowder drives to South Hill and contacts police. They return and find a kidney-shaped black spot on the road, about 3 feet wide at the widest point. William T. Powers, assistant to [J. Allen Hynek](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J.%5FAllen%5FHynek) of Northwestern University, arrives on the scene to examine the spot. Using kerosene, gasoline, and a blowtorch, he attempts to simulate the black spot, but has no luck. Where each leg of the machine rested he finds two spike holes, similar to those made by football cleats. They are about 6 inches apart, 7/8 inch in diameter, and about one inch deep. The four feet are about 11.5–12 feet apart and the diagonals are 16 feet 1 inch and 16 feet 6 inches, respectively. Powers concludes that the center of gravity is above the firepoint and notes that the intersections of the diagonals deviate 2 degrees from 90°.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[South Hill, Va. Landing,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201967%2005%2000%20-%20May-June.pdf)” APRO Bulletin, May/June 1967, p. 11; [Sparks](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf), p. 324; Fred Merritt, “A Preliminary Classification of Some Reports of UFOs,” IUR 28, no. 3 \(Fall 2003\): 10; Gordon Lore, Flying Saucers from beyond the Earth: A UFO Researcher’s Odyssey, BearManor, 2018, pp. 60–64
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4277
### Event 28511 (1451F003)
**Date:** 4/21/1967
**Description:** Driving near a dam 10 miles south of Ephrata, Washington two couples had a close encounter with a UFO on the road at 1:30 a.m. They braked to avoid collision with the object and stopped 10 feet away. When the UFO took off, it went behind their car, and paced them for five minutes. The engine of the car missed when it was passed on left by the oncoming white and yellow-orange blinking lights of the craft. The witnesses were badly shaken by the incident.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** J. Allen Hynek, The UFO Experience, p. 115; Frank Edwards, Flying Saucers: Here and Now, p. 239; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence Volume II: A Thirty Year Report, p. 455
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2179
### Event 28512 (6C3BADDA)
**Date:** 4/21/1967
**Description:** At six o'clock in the morning a sun-like orange disc or globe was seen flying toward the town of Milolii, Hawaii. It made a "swishing" sound.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** APRO Bulletin, May-June 1967, p. 8
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2180
### Event 28513 (CE0E5A29)
**Date:** 4/21/1967
**Description:** At 4:00 p.m. EDT a domed, disc-shaped UFO was seen hovering to the west of Cocoa Beach, Florida. It tilted as a small plane passed beneath it. The airplane then reversed course in an apparent effort to take a closer look at the UFO.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Richard Hall, The UFO Evidence Volume II: A Thirty Year Report, p. 336
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2181
### Event 28514 (3A20571F)
**Date:** 4/21/1967
**Description:** At 7:45 p.m. EDT a UFO was sighted in Georgetown, Massachusetts. The object was viewed through binoculars and appeared to have four rectangular windows. A white light flashed in sequence from the windows.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Raymond E. Fowler case investigation files, report dated April 23, 1967; Raymond E. Fowler, UFOs: Interplanetary Visitors, p. 332, 347
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2182
### Event 28515 (161F4A8A)
**Date:** 4/21/1967
**Description:** A pewter colored object shaped like a storage tank landed in South Hill, Virginia at 9:00 p.m. It stood 4.9 meters high including the legs, which were an estimated 1.1 meters long. A white burst of flame came from the object, which shot up into the sky. There were four imprints on the asphalt road forming a rectangle with sides from 3.35 to 3.66 meters in length. There was also a burnt spot in the center measuring 0.9 meters in diameter. There were two male witnesses named Crowder and Martin.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP investigation files; NICAP UFO Investigator, April 1967, p. 1; Frank Edwards, Flying Saucers: Here and Now, p. 237; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence Volume II: A Thirty Year Report, p. 263; UNICAT case # 715
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2183
### Event 28516 (B07CAA16)
**Date:** 4/21/1967
**Description:** While driving home from work in Rapid City, Michigan at 9:00 p.m. Charles D. Scott saw a large round, bluish white lighted object descend to land in a wooded area. When he got home he notified the sheriff's office, then drove back to the site with his wife and children and accompanied by a deputy sheriff. While Mrs. Scott and the children waited in the car, Mr. Scott and the officer searched the wooded area and became separated. The deputy found nothing, but the witness came upon the craft resting on small legs in a marshy area. Standing next to it was a medium sized man. He called out "hello" but got no response; he then repeated the greeting and this time received a mental warning, "Get away from here!" He turned and fled to his car, badly frightened and in an agitated state. When he returned home he told his wife about his encounter.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1967-36, citing Richard Hall, NICAP
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2184
### Event 28517 (B95FF08C)
**Date:** 4/21/1967
**Description:** At 9:55 p.m. a yellow dome-shaped object, flat on bottom, was seen by two women in Tucson, Arizona. A light beam was directed upward from the object, as it descended tipping and swaying in a falling leaf motion, apparently attempting to land.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** APRO Bulletin, May-June 1967, p. 7; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty-Year Report, p. 336
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2185
### Event 28518 (BD5C8F42)
**Date:** 4/22/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Statement from Dr. [MacDonald](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/scientifiques.html\#MacDonaldJamesE) to the American Society of Newspaper Editors. (April 22)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2299
### Event 28519 (596EBAEA)
**Date:** 4/22/1967
**Time:** 01:00
**Location:** SOUTH / EPHRATA, WA
**Description:** 4 / car. Night light buzzes and paces. Car malfunctions due to EME (electro-magnetic effects). Physical traces / pavement. / r0p138+/ r41p455.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 809)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8193
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "381", **HatchDesc:** "S/EPHRATA,WA:4/CAR:NLT BUZZES+PACES:CAR EMEs:TRCs/PAVEMENT:/r0p138+/r41p455", **LatLong:** "47.150002 -119.583339", **LatLongDMS:** "47:09:00 N 119:35:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.150002,-119.583339)", **State/Prov:** "Washington", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 28520 (CE26DE7D)
**Date:** 4/22/1967
**Time:** ~03:00
**Location:** ELIZABETH, NJ
**Description:** Ovoid with lights hovers / 8M altitude. Going quickly southwest as headlights hit. Cows and dogs react.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO Evidence II: HB: Scarecrow Press Lanham, MD. http://www.scarecrowpress.com ISBN 0-8108-3881-8 (Index 336)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8194
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "12", **HatchDesc:** "ELIZABETH,NJ:OVOID W/LITES HVRS/8M alt:>>SW as headlights hit:COWS+DOGS REACT", **LatLong:** "42.316669 -90.222227", **LatLongDMS:** "42:19:00 N 90:13:20 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.316669,-90.222227)", **RelAlt:** "8", **State/Prov:** "Illinois", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 28521 (B6F5581B)
**Date:** 4/22/1967
**Time:** ~20:00
**Location:** LAPOINT, UT
**Description:** Man / car turns off lights. 15M saucer / driveway rises and away fast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SALISBURY, Frank: The UTAH UFO DISPLAY -- a Biologist Reports; 1974 Devin Adair, New Greenwich,CT. HB 286pp. ISBN 0-815-97000-5 (Index 248)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8195
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "4", **Elev:** "1695", **HatchDesc:** "LAPOINT,UT:MAN/CAR TURNS OFF LITES:15M SCR/DRIVEWAY RISES+away fast", **LatLong:** "40.405557 -109.800005", **LatLongDMS:** "40:24:20 N 109:48:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.405557,-109.800005)", **State/Prov:** "Utah", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 28522 (FBA2C8B9)
**Date:** 4/22/1967
**Location:** LaPoint, UT
**Description:** Evening. A witness drove into a driveway and saw a 50-foot diameter red ellipse resting on the ground. The object rose,-,. And departed rapidly when the car lights were turned off. Dogs were barking animal reaction). (Salisbury, 1974, Table 1, Case 47.) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3521
### Event 28523 (BDC4F7F5)
**Date:** 4/22/1967
**Location:** Maryville, TN
**Description:** 9:50 p.m. EST. An airline mechanic and his wife w observed a bright disc that climbed slowly, sped up, slowed, changed direction (maneuvered), with erratic motions. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3522
### Event 28524 (E800398E)
**Date:** 4/22/1967
**Location:** US
**Description:** American Society of Newspaper Editors sponsors panel discussion on UFOs at its annual meeting in Washington, DC. Panelists included Dr. James E. McDonald, Dr. Donald Menzel, and Maj. Hector Quintanilla.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_127
### Event 28525 (27887117)
**Date:** 4/22/1967
**Location:** Washington, D.C.
**Description:** At the annual meeting of the American Society of Newspaper Editors in Washington, D.C., [James E.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James%5FE.%5FMcDonald) [McDonald](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James%5FE.%5FMcDonald) says of [Donald Menzel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald%5FHoward%5FMenzel), “when he comes to analyzing UFO reports, he seems to calmly cast aside well-known scientific principles almost with abandon, in an all-out effort to be sure that no UFO report survives his attack.” He also says, “I have learned from a number of unquotable sources that the Air Force has long wished to get rid of the burden of the troublesome UFO problem and has twice tried to ‘peddle’ it to NASA—without success.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** James E. McDonald, “[UFOs: Greatest Scientific Problem of Our Times?](http://kirkmcd.princeton.edu/JEMcDonald/mcdonald%5Fasne%5F67.pdf)” April 22, 1967; Clark III 699; “[Our Speaker\(s\) Tonight: James E. McDonald, Donald H. Menzel, Hector Quintanilla,](https://www.saturdaynightuforia.com/html/articles/articlehtml/ost-macdonald.html)” Saturday Night Uforia
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4278
### Event 28526 (6164D23F)
**Date:** 4/22/1967
**Description:** An elongated UFO with a red light on one end and a green light on the other; with a large pulsating red light in the middle, hovered 20-30 feet above a pasture in Elizabeth, Illinois before dawn. Cattle in the area were extremely agitated.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP case investigation files, file dated April 26, 1967; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty-Year Report, pp. 280, 336
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2221
### Event 28527 (FC226E79)
**Date:** 4/22/1967
**Description:** A fifty-foot diameter red ellipse-shaped object was seen on the ground in the evening in Lapoint, Utah. Dogs were barking at the time. When the driver turned off his car's headlights the UFO rose and flew away quickly.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Frank Salisbury, The Utah UFO Display, Appendix case 47
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2222
### Event 28528 (FAD384E2)
**Date:** 4/23/1967
**Location:** Elizabeth, IL
**Description:** 12:15 a.m. CST. A man saw a very large^ elongated object (estimated 50 feet long and 20 feet in width; 2.5:1 length to 4 width ratio) with a red light at one end and a green light at the other end. It roared louder than a jet, and cattle and dogs r reacted (animal reaction).(NICAP report form; Elizabeth Weekly News, 4/26/67, a copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3523
### Event 28529 (8DF0C929)
**Date:** 4/23/1967
**Location:** Orange, MA
**Description:** 8:45 p.m. EDT,. A witness saw a circle of nine white lights that enclosed two red lights, hovering near a church. (Fowler, 1974, & p. 348.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3524
### Event 28530 (B6CAAFF6)
**Date:** 4/24/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Cosmonaut Komarov disappears in the *Soyouz 1* accident. (April 24)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2300
### Event 28531 (DF90223E)
**Date:** 4/24/1967
**Time:** 20:30
**Location:** RICHMOND, VA
**Description:** Silver ovoid hovers / ground. Green lights all over/all about. Shakes and beeps and quickly going up [to] as kids scream.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO Evidence II: HB: Scarecrow Press Lanham, MD. http://www.scarecrowpress.com ISBN 0-8108-3881-8 (Index 337)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8196
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "57", **HatchDesc:** "RICHMOND,VA:SLVR OVOID HVRS/GND:GRN LITES ALLO:SHAKES+BEEPS+↑↑ as kids scream", **LatLong:** "37.550002 -77.450004", **LatLongDMS:** "37:33:00 N 77:27:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.550002,-77.450004)", **State/Prov:** "Virginia", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 28532 (6867773B)
**Date:** 4/24/1967
**Locations:** US; Maj. Rolando Cubela Secades
**Description:** After reading a March 7 column by [Drew Pearson](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drew%5FPearson%5F%28journalist%29) that alleges the US attempted to assassinate [Fidel Castro](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fidel%5FCastro)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fidel%5FCastro) President [Johnson](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lyndon%5FB.%5FJohnson) directs CIA Director [Richard Helms](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard%5FHelms) to conduct an investigation. The result is a 133-page report by CIA Inspector General [John S. Earman](https://wikispooks.com/wiki/John%5FEarman)[,](https://wikispooks.com/wiki/John%5FEarman) transmitted on April 24 to Helms, that clearly shows the CIA was in contact with and cooperated with Maj. [Rolando Cubela Secades](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rolando%5FCubela%5FSecades) of the Cuban military in plans to assassinate Castro. The operation is known as Project AMLASH. After receiving the report, Helms orally briefs the President about its contents. According to his testimony before the Select Committee, when asked if he has told the President “that efforts to assassinate Fidel Castro had continued into Johnsonʼs presidency, Helms replied, ‘I just can’t answer that, I just don’t know. I can’t recall having done so.’”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** US Department of State, Office of the Historian, “Document 315,” in Foreign Relations of the United States, 1964-1968, Volume XXXII, Dominican Republic; Cuba; Haiti; Guyana
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4279
### Event 28533 (4764307B)
**Date:** 4/25/1967
**Time:** 17:00
**Location:** LILLE, FR
**Description:** 1 observer. 10M triangle / metal tubes. Black orbs / corners. Point down. Going up [to] until gone.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LDLN CONTACT LECTEURS: by Series and #. May'68 -JAN'72 (Entire set of 18 issues) LDLN local chapters & individual members' UFO reports. (Index 13)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8197
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "LILLE,FR:1 OBS:10M TRIANGLE/MTL TUBES:BLK ORBS/CORNERS:POINT DOWN:↑ UNTIL GONE", **LatLong:** "50.600002 3.033333", **LatLongDMS:** "50:36:00 N 03:02:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.600002,3.033333)", **State/Prov:** "Nord", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 28534 (404CE8A7)
**Date:** 4/25/1967
**Time:** ~20:00
**Description:** 2+2 observer(s). Small metallic ovoid over bridge. Flashes yellow-white.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** ITACAT, Catalogo Italiano degli Incontri Ravvicinati. Maurizio Verga, 1989 CISU/Torino, Italy. (Index 60)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8198
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Italy", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "CAMPOBELLO di LICATA,ITL:2+2 OBS:SML MTLC OVOID OVR BRIDGE:FLASHES YLW-WHT", **LatLong:** "37.250002 13.916667", **LatLongDMS:** "37:15:00 N 13:55:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.250002,13.916667)", **State/Prov:** "TP", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 28535 (BD6C94B2)
**Date:** 4/26/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In Kitchener \(Canada\), Brian Dorscht sees a dark object 1 m in diameter and 1.5 m high, with flashing green and white lights. At 1 m from the ground, 6 feet come out, and it lands on a lawn near the National Grocers company. The buzzing of the object stops, and the witness gets scared and runs away. The police find 6 footprints on the site. (April 26, 9 PM)
**Reference:** SS&S Summer, 67 \< [Vallée](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/ValleeJacques.html) 1969, 177
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2301
### Event 28536 (2F65E0C6)
**Date:** 4/26/1967
**Time:** 20:30
**Location:** ST. CATHARINES, ON
**Description:** Blinding red object going down. Turns green. Beams at dog. Erratic exit.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO Evidence II: HB: Scarecrow Press Lanham, MD. http://www.scarecrowpress.com ISBN 0-8108-3881-8 (Index 337)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8199
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "97", **HatchDesc:** "St.CATHARINES,ON:BLINDING RED OBJ ↓:TURNS GREEN:BEAMS at DOG:erratic exit", **LatLong:** "43.150002 -79.233337", **LatLongDMS:** "43:09:00 N 79:14:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.150002,-79.233337)", **State/Prov:** "Ontario", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 28537 (BD43BE6F)
**Date:** 4/26/1967
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** KITCHENER, ON
**Description:** 1.5M small humanoid (or Grey)-drum cylinder/cylindrical object going down. Extends 6 legs and lands. 6 marks / ground. Night lights / Toronto.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA; H. Regnery, Chicago HC 1969 & Contemporary Books,Chicago 1993. 372pp. (Index 837)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8200
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "5", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "312", **HatchDesc:** "KITCHENER,ON:1.5M OID-DRUM CYL ↓:EXTENDS 6 LEGS+LANDS:6 MARKS/GND:nlts/Toronto", **LatLong:** "43.450002 -80.500004", **LatLongDMS:** "43:27:00 N 80:30:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.450002,-80.500004)", **State/Prov:** "Ontario", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 28538 (B76D6BD8)
**Date:** 4/26/1967
**Location:** Richmond, VA
**Description:** 8:30 p.m. EDT. Two siblings, 13 and 16 yearsb old, saw a silver oval object that had central flashing green lights and a bright light underneath (body lights). The object was hovering near the ground. (NICAP report form and letter.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3525
### Event 28539 (EF43EB1D)
**Date:** 4/26/1967
**Location:** Kitchener, Ontario, CAN
**Description:** 9:30 p.m. EDT. A witness saw a small cylinder, estimated 3 feet in diameter and 5 feet tall, with flashing lights. The object landed, deploying six legs when it was about 4 feet from the ground. A whirring sound during landing stopped once the object was at rest. Ground impressions (physical traces) were found at the landing site. (NICAP report form and unidentified newspaper clipping dated 9/8/67 in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 06 - Trace Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3526
### Event 28540 (3039EAFE)
**Date:** 4/26/1967
**Location:** Mt. St. Helens, WA
**Description:** Night. Two teenagers saw a saucer-shaped object with a dome, swept back wings, and red body lights. As it pursued the witnesses' car and illuminated it with a light beam, a whistling sound could be heard. (Unidentified newspaper clipping, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3527
### Event 28541 (981314E6)
**Date:** 4/26/1967
**Location:** St. Catherines, Ontario, CAN
**Description:** Dog sitting very quietly as engulfed in UFO beam (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)
**Reference:** NICAP: [670426](http://www.nicap.org/ar-670426dir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3528
### Event 28542 (AAD6FFBB)
**Date:** 4/26/1967
**Time:** 2100
**Location:** Kitchener, Canada
**Description:** Brian Dorscht saw a dark object, measuring 1 m in diameter and 1.5 m in height, with flashing green and white lights. When 1 m above ground, six legs came out, and it landed on a lawn near the National Grocers Company. The whirring sound the object was making stopped, and the witness became afraid and ran away. Police found six prints at the site.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** 177; SS&S; Summer, 67 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_837
### Event 28543 (BDA2BF0A)
**Date:** 4/26/1967
**Description:** At 8:30 p.m. a Miss Roberts of St. Catherines, Ontario saw a blindingly red object ascend into the sky, then turn a green color. It next shot beams of light at a dog on the ground, and made an exit with erratic maneuvers. In nearby Waterloo, Ontario at 9:00 p.m. a Mr. Dorscht saw an oil-drum shaped cylinder descend from the sky, extend six legs, and then land on his farm. The 1.5 meter tall object left behind six landing imprints in the ground after it departed. At 9:30 p.m. EDT a witness in Kitchener, Ontario saw a small cylinder, estimated to be 3 feet in diameter and 5 feet tall, with flashing lights. The object landed, deploying six legs when it was about four feet from the ground. A whirring sound during landing stopped once the object was at rest. Ground impressions (physical traces) were found at the landing site.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** (1) NICAP UFO Investigator, June 1967, p. 3; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty-Year Report, p. 337; (2) Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 837, Ted R. Phillips, Physical Traces Associated with UFO Sightings, case 272; (3) NICAP report form and unidentified newspaper clipping dated September 8, 1967 in NICAP files
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2338
### Event 28544 (DFBBB32C)
**Date:** 4/26/1967
**Description:** On this night in Mount St. Helens, Washington two teenagers saw a saucer-shaped object with a dome. It had a swept back wing, and red body lights. As it pursued the witnesses' car and illuminated it with a light beam, a whistling sound could be heard. The object then turned away and started to follow a truck that passed.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Unidentified newspaper clipping, NICAP files; http://www.nicap.org/waves/1967fullrep.htm
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2339
### Event 28545 (1AA8E986)
**Date:** 4/27/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) 1st manned flight of *Soyouz 1*. Cosmonaut Kormarov perished upon landing.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2302
### Event 28546 (1458CCFA)
**Date:** 4/27/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) At a lake in Wisconsin, 4 boys with binoculars observe an object descending with oscillating movements, illuminating the woods at a distance of 1 km. It has a conch-like shape, with a blue underside, and a top that changes from red to orange to white. (22 h)
**Reference:** [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \< [Vallée](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/ValleeJacques.html) 1969
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2303
### Event 28547 (E0762241)
**Date:** 4/27/1967
**Time:** 22:00
**Location:** GREEN LAKE, WI
**Description:** 4 / (seen thru) binoculars. Cone wobbles. Going down [to] lighting up the woods. Blue undersides.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA; H. Regnery, Chicago HC 1969 & Contemporary Books,Chicago 1993. 372pp. (Index 838)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8201
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "252", **HatchDesc:** "GREEN LAKE,WI:4/BINOCS:CONE WOBBLES:↓ LIGHTING UP THE WOODS:BLUE UNDERSIDES", **LatLong:** "43.844447 -88.961115", **LatLongDMS:** "43:50:40 N 88:57:40 W", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.844447,-88.961115)", **RelAlt:** "30", **State/Prov:** "Wisconsin", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 28548 (12F14CC1)
**Date:** 4/27/1967
**Time:** 22:20
**Description:** 3 separate observer(s). Domed saucer / red lights / edge. 2 legs / bottom. / r83p333.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 50)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8202
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "40", **HatchDesc:** "SALEM+KINGSTON,NH:3 SEP.OBS:DOMED SCR/RED LITES/EDGE:2 LEGS/BOTTOM:/r83p333", **LatLong:** "42.866669 -71.133337", **LatLongDMS:** "42:52:00 N 71:08:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.866669,-71.133337)", **State/Prov:** "New Hampshire", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 28549 (79673A41)
**Date:** 4/27/1967
**Location:** Bloomfield, NM
**Description:** 4:34 p.m. MDT. Two men, one a Federal Aviation Administration electronic technician, saw a huge, polished, metallic-appearing ball that hovered, started to descend, and then disappeared when an aircraft approached (aircraft avoidance). (Letter received 11 /28/67, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3529
### Event 28550 (7B334BDE)
**Date:** 4/27/1967
**Location:** SW part of State, OK
**Description:** 8:30 p.m. Three witnesses saw an object that flashed light beams onto a car and paced the car at J an estimated altitude of 200 feet, remaining visible for several minutes. (Arkansas ' Gazette, 4/29/67, copy in NICAP files.) . (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3530
### Event 28551 (A84A39BE)
**Date:** 4/27/1967
**Location:** Kingston, NH
**Description:** 10:10 p.m. EDT (9:30 p.m. CDT). Three adults independently saw a dirigible- shaped (elliptical) object with "bubble" dome on top and two protrusions on its underside. (NICAP report form; Reynolds report received 7/26/67, NICAP files; U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. IV, No. 2, Oct. 1967, p. 3; Fowler, 1974, p. 348.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3531
### Event 28552 (88C62B76)
**Date:** 4/27/1967
**Location:** Green Lake, WI
**Description:** Cone-shaped object w/blue underside come lower with oscillating motions (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3532
### Event 28553 (BFC22980)
**Date:** 4/27/1967
**Time:** 2200
**Location:** Green Lake, Wisconsin
**Description:** Four boys with binoculars observed an object come lower with oscillating motions, illuminating the woods 1 km away. It was concshaped, with a blue underside, and a top that changed from red to orange to white.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Atic ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_838
### Event 28554 (8113B443)
**Date:** 4/27/1967
**Time:** 14:45:00.0
**Location:** 37.1388 -116.0632
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Effendi” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_494
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1388 -116.0632", **LatLongDMS:** "37:08:20 N 116:03:48 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1388,-116.0632)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.22", **NukeMb:** "3.80", **NukeName:** "Effendi", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 28555 (5AF77F26)
**Date:** 4/27/1967
**Description:** At 4:34 p.m. MDT two men in Bloomfield, New Mexico, one a Federal Aviation Administration electronic technician, saw a huge, polished, metallic-appearing ball that hovered, started to descend, and then disappeared when an aircraft approached.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Letter received 11 /28/67, NICAP files; http://www.nicap.org/waves/1967fullrep.htm
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2369
### Event 28556 (110A949E)
**Date:** 4/27/1967
**Description:** A dark object chased a car down a highway through rangeland in Mangum, Greer County, Oklahoma at 8:30 p.m. The UFO directed beams of light toward the ground. It was absolutely silent, and there were several independent witnesses.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Condon Committee Colorado UFO Study, case N1250, citing NICAP; NICAP files, citing newspaper clipping dated April 29, 1967
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2370
### Event 28557 (4BA296DA)
**Date:** 4/27/1967
**Description:** In Kingston, New Hampshire at 10:10 p.m. EDT an elliptical object with a dome on top and two visible legs skimmed over the trees and paced a car being driven by witnesses Keiran, Tobin and Lowe for two minutes. It had red lights in a circular pattern, 2-3 more flashing lights, and made a shrill beeping sound. The object tilted before moving away and flying off to the west.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP case files, John J. Reynolds field investigator; NICAP UFO Investigator, October 1967, p. 3; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty-Year Report, pp. 337 & 452
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2371
### Event 28558 (76E29A15)
**Date:** 4/27/1967
**Description:** At 10:00 p.m. CDT four boys with binoculars in Green Lake, Wisconsin observed an object come lower with oscillating motions, illuminating the woods one kilometer away. It was cone-shaped, with a blue underside, and a top that changed from red to orange to white.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 838
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2372
### Event 28559 (4617521E)
**Date:** 4/28/1967
**Time:** 12:00
**Location:** BRIXHAM, DEVON
**Description:** 8 coast guard and many. 60M tall cone with hatch underneath. / r120p60.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 49)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8203
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RDR:** Radar traces/blips, **COV:** Indication of coverup
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "60", **Elev:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "BRIXHAM,DEVON:8 COAST GUARD+MANY:60M TALL CONE W/HATCH UNDERNEATH:/r120p60", **LatLong:** "50.616669 -3.433333", **LatLongDMS:** "50:37:00 N 03:26:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.616669,-3.433333)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 28560 (997961D6)
**Date:** 4/28/1967
**Time:** 20:20
**Location:** MANGUM, OK
**Description:** Several separate observer(s). Dark object chases car. Beams going down. Absolute(ly) silent. Type unknown. / r113p46.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 809)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8204
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "501", **HatchDesc:** "MANGUM,OK:SVRL SEP.OBS:DRK OBJ CHASES CAR:BEAMS ↓:ABS SILENT:type unk:/r113p46", **LatLong:** "34.872224 -99.505560", **LatLongDMS:** "34:52:20 N 99:30:20 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/34.872224,-99.505560)", **State/Prov:** "Oklahoma", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 28561 (C409077C)
**Date:** 4/28/1967
**Time:** 21:00?
**Location:** MONROE, NC
**Description:** Silent saucer responds / headlights. Follows car closely. Separate observer(s). / r113p46.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 809)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8205
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "40", **Elev:** "181", **HatchDesc:** "MONROE,NC:SLNT SCR RESPONDS/HEADLITES:FOLOS CAR CLOSELY:SEP.OBS:/r113p46", **LatLong:** "34.983335 -80.550004", **LatLongDMS:** "34:59:00 N 80:33:00 W", **Locale:** "High Seas", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/34.983335,-80.550004)", **State/Prov:** "North Carolina", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 28562 (89C3E0C3)
**Date:** 4/28/1967
**Location:** Brixham, Devon, UK
**Description:** G,V (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Rating: 5)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3533
### Event 28563 (19E16DD2)
**Date:** 4/28/1967
**Location:** Toronto, Ontario, CAN
**Description:** 9:00 p.m. EDT. A real estate agent and occupants of three other cars saw a shiny, metallic-appearing flattened sphere ^ an estimated 20 feet in diameter and 15 feet tall, with a band of alternate non- ; blinking red and green body lights around the middle. (NICAP report 1 form; U.F.O. Investigator, May-June 1967, p. 3.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3534
### Event 28564 (6529E8DC)
**Date:** 4/28/1967
**Location:** Shelley, ID
**Description:** 9:35 p.m. MDT (11:35 p.m. EDT). A private pilot and his family saw a flattened ellipse with a superstructure and a large orange light. (Ricks-Carter report dated 5/24/67, NICAP files; U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. IV, No. 1, May-June 1967, p. 3) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3535
### Event 28565 (322A27F0)
**Date:** 4/28/1967
**Description:** [Condon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward%5FCondon) recommends [J. Allen Hynek](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J.%5FAllen%5FHynek) and [Richard H. Hall](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard%5FH.%5FHall) to Encyclopedia Britannica as excellent persons to write UFO entries.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Swords 319
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4280
### Event 28566 (0E021253)
**Date:** 4/28/1967
**Location:** Brixham, Devon, England
**Description:** 11:30 a.m. Brian F. Jenkins and seven other coast guards at Brixham, Devon, England, watch a huge, cone- shaped object through 25x binoculars mounted on a tripod. The object is hovering at 15,000 feet and seems to be revolving. Jenkins says the cone is pointing down, and the object seems made of glass or highly polished metal: “Near the bottom there was a triangular-shaped opening or door with a white rim on the top that reflected a lot of sunlight. The bottom was crinkled, very white, and seemed to consist of strips of metal hanging down.” It drifts to the northwest, rising to 22,000 feet and 8 miles away. At 12:40 p.m., a jet aircraft approaches it, flies above it, passes it, turns, and approaches it from below before it disappears from sight. Possible balloon.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[British](http://cufos.org/UFOI%5Fand%5FSelected%5FDocuments/UFOI/037%20MAY-JUN%201967.pdf) [Radar/Visual Case,](http://cufos.org/UFOI%5Fand%5FSelected%5FDocuments/UFOI/037%20MAY-JUN%201967.pdf)” UFO Investigator 4, no. 1 \(May/June 1967\): 8; Good Above, [pp. 60–62](https://archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/60/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4281
### Event 28567 (CFD1D72F)
**Date:** 4/28/1967
**Description:** A metallic elliptical object with a belt of alternate red and green lights was seen flying over Toronto, Ontario at 9 p.m. It hovered and then descended. The witness became frightened and fled the scene when the UFO got too close for comfort. On the same night a silent disc-shaped UFO followed a car closely in Monroe, North Carolina. It responded to signals made by the driver using the car headlights. There were independent witnesses.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP UFO Investigator, March 1967, p. 6; Richard Hall, The UFO Evidence,Volume II: A Thirty Year Report, p. 337; APRO Bulletin, May-June 1967, p. 5
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2393
### Event 28568 (1D50B6CC)
**Date:** 4/29/1967
**Locations:** Mount Whaleback, Western Australia; airstrip near Mount Whaleback, Western Australia
**Description:** 7:40 p.m. Ian McGregor and two other oil drillers drive out to an airstrip near Mount Whaleback, Western Australia, to look for a UFO that has been appearing in the area for several nights. Toward the southeast a bright haze appears that turns into an inverted cone of light that is followed by an orange disc that rises vertically, turns on its edge, and approaches them. They flash their headlights and the object stops moving. It then returns in the direction it came from and lands in the same spot. Their compasses are not working accurately. They wait iuntil 11:30 p.m., but do not see it again.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** L. J. Locke, “[UFOs in Western Australia: From Mayanup to Mt, Newman,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/Australia/Australian%20Flying%20Saucer%20Review/Australian%20Flying%20Saucer%20Review%20-%201968%2000%20-%20no%208%20VUFORS.pdf)” Australian Flying Saucer Review, no. 8 \(1968\): 16
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4282
### Event 28569 (370EE37A)
**Date:** 4/30/1967
**Location:** Orange, MA
**Description:** Evening. Many witnesses reported five objects with three green lights in a row and two red lights (body lights) underneath. (The Worcester Evening Gazette, Mass., - 5/2/67, copy in NICAP files.) \[See previous case re: dropped "fire ball."\] (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3536
### Event 28570 (06E51E93)
**Date:** 5/1967
**Time:** 00:30
**Location:** VAUXHALL, ALTA
**Description:** 2 separate cars. Headlights electro-magnetic effect (EME). Night light distant in sky. Shape indiscernible.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RODEGHIER, Mark/CUFOS: UFO REPORTS INVOLVING VEHICLE INTERFERENCE; CUFOS 1979. Available as CUFOS UFO Archive #1 CD-ROM. http://www.cufos.org/Pubform.pdf (Index 35)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8206
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "774", **HatchDesc:** "VAUXHALL,ALTA:2 SEP CARS:HEADLITES EME:NLT DISTANT IN SKY:SHAPE INDISCERNIBLE:", **LatLong:** "50.072225 -112.127783", **LatLongDMS:** "50:04:20 N 112:07:40 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.072225,-112.127783)", **State/Prov:** "Alberta", **Strangeness:** "3"
### Event 28571 (B5852C14)
**Date:** 5/1967
**Time:** 12:30
**Description:** 23 / French Foreign legion. 8M ovoid lands / end. 2.75h / missing time. Physical traces. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v23#1.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 160)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8207
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **TRC:** Physical traces, **MIL:** Military investigation
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Ivory Coast,Ghana,Togo,Benin,Liberia etc.", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "165", **HatchDesc:** "loc.unk,MADAGASCAR:23/FF.LEGION:8M OVOID LANDS/END:2.75h/MST:TRCS:/FSR v23#1", **LatLong:** "-20.000001 47.000002", **LatLongDMS:** "20:00:00 S 47:00:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-20.000001,47.000002)", **State/Prov:** "Unknown", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 28572 (8E9A16F8)
**Date:** 5/1967
**Time:** 23:30
**Location:** SR 76 NEAR CASSVILLE, MO
**Description:** 2 / car. Dark 6m 'grey ovoid on road. Near collision. Gone later.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 8)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8208
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "452", **HatchDesc:** "SR 76 nr CASSVILLE,MO:2/CAR:DRK 6m 'GRY OVOID ON ROAD:NR COLLISION:GONE LATER", **LatLong:** "36.677780 -93.866671", **LatLongDMS:** "36:40:40 N 93:52:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/36.677780,-93.866671)", **State/Prov:** "Missouri", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 28573 (1B7F2CCA)
**Date:** 5/1967
**Location:** Samoset, FL
**Description:** 9:00 p.m. EDT. A couple saw a cigar-shaped object that resembled a plane about to land. It appeared to have lights inside and a red light on top (body lights), an estimated 4-5 feet from the body of the craft. (NICAP report form, copy in Donald E. Keyhoe Archives files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3537
### Event 28574 (B114E919)
**Date:** 5/1967
**Locations:** Vietnam; South Vietnamese
**Description:** The CIA launches the Phoenix Program in Vietnam to gather information on the Viet Cong, whose members would then be neutralized \(captured, converted, or killed\). Emphasis for the enforcement of the operation is placed on local government militia and police forces, rather than the military. Heavy-handed operations—such as random cordons and searches, large-scale and lengthy detentions of innocent civilians, excessive use of firepower, torture, and targeted killings—have a negative effect on the civilian population. Between 1968 and 1972, Phoenix “neutralizes” 81,740 people \(26,369 are killed\) suspected of belonging to the National Liberation Front. The reported torture is carried out by South Vietnamese forces with the CIA and special forces playing a supervisory role.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Richard Helms](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard%5FHelms\#Vietnam%3A%5FPhoenix)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4283
### Event 28575 (5CDFA420)
**Date:** 5/1967
**Location:** Owatonna, Minnesota
**Description:** A man identifying himself as Maj. Richard French visits a woman in Owatonna, Minnesota, who has had a UFO encounter the previous November. He is 5 feet 9 inches with an olive complexion and hair too long for an Air Force officer. He is wearing a fashionable gray suit, white shirt, and black tie. At one point, French complains of stomach problems, and the woman recommends Jell-O. He says he will return if the symptoms persist, so he shows up the following morning. The woman sits him down with a bowl of Jell-O, which he tries to drink. “I had to show him how to eat it with a spoon,” the woman tells [John A. Keel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John%5FKeel)[.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John%5FKeel)
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** John A. Keel, UFOs: Operation Trojan Horse, Manor Books ed., 1976, [pp. 171–173](https://archive.org/details/whyufosoperation00keel/page/170/mode/2up); Clark III 734
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4284
### Event 28576 (2C0BDC24)
**Date:** 5/1967
**Location:** Madagascar
**Description:** 12:30–3:15 p.m. During a reconnaissance exercise in Madagascar, a detachment of 23 officers and men serving with the French Foreign Legion watch a bright object landing in a “falling leaf” motion. When it touches down on tripod legs, the glow dissipates. The egg-shaped craft is 23–26 feet high and has no visible markings except for openings at the base through which flames are visible. The witnesses seem paralyzed or at least extremely distracted while the UFO is on the ground. When they recover their senses, they find that 2.75 hours have elapsed. For 2 days afterward, they all have violent headaches, a buzzing in their ears, and a throbbing in their temples.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** H. Julien, “[A 1967 Landing in Madagascar,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201977%20V%2023%20N%201.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 23, no. 1 \(June 1977\): pp. 29–30; Good Need, [pp. 297–298](https://archive.org/details/needtoknow00good/page/296/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4285
### Event 28577 (ABC256AA)
**Date:** 5/1967
**Location:** Swift Current, Saskatchewan
**Description:** Evening. A woman in Swift Current, Saskatchewan, sees a light shining through her basement window. Across the street she notices a large object beaming with three colored lights and rotating. She goes outside with another woman and watch the slight slowly spin for 20 minutes above a neighbor’s house. When she tries to call the neighbors, all she gets is a busy signal, and when she looks outside again, the object is gone. The next day, the neighbor tells her that there was nothing wrong with the phone and that all evening she had been playing cards with friends and talking about UFOs.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Michael D. Swords, “Timmermania: A Step Too Far into the Timmerman Files?” IUR 27, no. 4 \(Winter 2002–2003\): 8
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4286
### Event 28578 (FB6813FB)
**Date:** 5/1967
**Location:** Holbæk, Denmark
**Description:** Evening. A farmer near Holbæk, Denmark, is working outside when he sees a strange lilac-colored light. Approaching, he sees a domed object with windows. Something is moving behind it. He goes home but returns to the spot the next day and finds an odd substance. It looks like “cotton wool,” but is finer than cotton. He leaves it in the same spot, but it dissipates over the next three days. There is also a depressed area where the object had been, and some wire is pulled away from some pylons.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Denmark: Flying Saucer Landed in a Field outside](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/Saucer%20Scoop/Saucer%20Scoop%20-%20vol%202%20no%2004.pdf) [‘Holbak’?????](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/Saucer%20Scoop/Saucer%20Scoop%20-%20vol%202%20no%2004.pdf)” Saucer Scoop 2, no. 4 \(July 1967\): 4; Michael D. Swords, “Angel Hair: Spindrift between Worlds,” IUR 32, no. 1 \(August 2008\): 7
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4287
### Event 28579 (DD5F047F)
**Date:** 5/1967
**Alternate date:** 6/1967
**Location:** Alberton, South Australia
**Description:** A couple captures on an 8mm film camera 10 frames \(2.5 seconds\) of footage of an unusual object at Alberton, South Australia. The UFO is enveloped in a striking blue light that gives the appearance of a searchlight moving around its circumference. The developed film appears to show a craft with portholes and a sweeping searchlight.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** David Reneke, “[The Australian UFO Photo File,](http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/Australia/UFO%20Research%20Australia%20Newsletter/UFO%20Research%20Australia%20newsletter%20vol%202%20no%204.pdf)” UFO Research Australia Newsletter 2, no. 4 \(July/Aug. 1981\): 10–15; Keith Basterfield, Vladimir Godic, and Pony Godic, “Australian Ufology: A Review,” JUFOS 2 \(1990\): 26; Patrick Gross, “[The Alberton UFO Footage, Australia, 1967](https://ufologie.patrickgross.org/htm/alberton67.htm)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4288
### Event 28580 (12431A1F)
**Date:** 5/1/1967
**Location:** ITALY, Brindisi
**Description:** (Translated from French) In the evening, a luminous lozenge split into two parts which then reunited before finally separating, one heading north, the other east.
**Reference:** J.G. DOHMEN: "To Identify and the Adamski Case" - ed. Guy Dohmen, Biarritz 1972, pp. 62-64
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2443
### Event 28581 (00D6C74B)
**Date:** 5/1/1967
**Location:** PEELTREE, WV
**Description:** Car and radio electro-magnetic effect (EME). 12M hidden saucer nears. Intense heat. Vision loss see reference.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO Evidence II: HB: Scarecrow Press Lanham, MD. http://www.scarecrowpress.com ISBN 0-8108-3881-8 (Index 338)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8209
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "526", **HatchDesc:** "PEELTREE,WV:CAR+RDO EME:12M HIDDEN SCR NEARS:INTENSE HEAT:VISION LOSS see ref", **LatLong:** "39.116669 -80.200004", **LatLongDMS:** "39:07:00 N 80:12:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.116669,-80.200004)", **State/Prov:** "Western Virginia", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 28582 (2E3B5DEC)
**Date:** 5/1/1967
**Location:** Peel Tree, WV
**Description:** Elliptical object hovered close to car, intense heat felt; later headaches and vision problems. Report in NICAP files, (E,R) car (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3538
### Event 28583 (BEDCD6BD)
**Date:** 5/1/1967
**Location:** Colorado
**Description:** The Colorado project issues a press release calling for photos of UFOs taken by private citizens and provides recommendations to the photographers and the information it should include. The release is basically a rewrite of a document prepared by NPIC staff and approved by [Lundahl](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arthur%5FC.%5FLundahl) on March 24.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Peter A. Sturrock, The UFO Enigma, Warner, 1999, [p. 48](https://archive.org/details/ufoenigma00pete/page/48/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4289
### Event 28584 (D334BE8B)
**Date:** 5/1/1967
**Location:** Peeltree, West Virginia
**Description:** Night. A man’s car engine fails while he is driving near Peeltree, West Virginia. He sees a 40-foot-long elliptical object emerge from behind a shed and hover 15 feet from his car. It tilts toward the car at a 30° angle. He hears static on the radio, and the dashboard temperature gauge goes off the dial. He feels an intense wave of heat when he puts his head out the window, and his hands burn when he touches the horn rim and dashboard. He also reports headaches and a partial loss of vision.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Herbert S. Taylor, “An Update on Vehicle Interference Reports, Part Two,” IUR 34, no. 1 \(Sept. 2011\): 19
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4290
### Event 28585 (2768CA6D)
**Date:** 5/1/1967
**Description:** At 10 p.m. nine witnesses in Simoca, Tucuman province, Argentina, returning from a hunting expedition, were riding on a trailer being pulled by a tractor when they observed a very bright object in the sky that they first thought was the moon. The object emitted an intense orange-reddish light and approached rapidly at high speed. It briefly moved away, but returned when one of the men signaled at it with a flashlight. It then hovered over the tractor, swinging back and forth like a pendulum. It was a domed disc, shaped like to plates put together with a crystal-like dome on top. Around its edge they could see several square window-like openings, from which a bluish light emanated. They also saw the figure of a man come out of one of the windows, who then moved up to the dome and then climbed back down to the window and entered. Finally the UFO moved away, gaining altitude and disappearing at high speed.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1967, citing Proyecto CATENT, Argentina
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2440
### Event 28586 (288364C2)
**Date:** 5/2/1967
**Time:** 20:20
**Location:** MONTEZUMA, IA
**Description:** 1 / farm. Silent grey ovoid hovers / field. Lights / rim and top. Quickly going up [to] and angles going quickly west. / r41.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 809)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8210
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "55", **Elev:** "283", **HatchDesc:** "MONTEZUMA,IA:1/FARM:SLNT GRY OVOID HVRS/FLD:LITES/RIM+TOP:↑↑+ANGLES >>W:/r41", **LatLong:** "41.583335 -92.527782", **LatLongDMS:** "41:35:00 N 92:31:40 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.583335,-92.527782)", **State/Prov:** "Iowa", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 28587 (56184BDB)
**Date:** 5/2/1967
**Location:** Montezuma, IA
**Description:** 8:25 p.m. CDT. A gray misty oval object was reported with red blinking lights and a steady white light on top (body lights). It hovered, then rose straight up. (APRO Bulletin, May-June 1967, p. 8.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3539
### Event 28588 (7B0163D6)
**Date:** 5/2/1967
**Description:** A scientist and his wife sighted a white cigar-shaped object flying east of Tranmere, South Australia. It had a globe-shaped light at the front and it left a luminescent trail. They watched it for five minutes as it went over the horizon. There were two more sightings that evening over Mount Whaleback in Western Australia, one at 8:30 p.m. and another at 11:50 p.m.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Michael Hervey, UFOs Over the Southern Hemisphere, p. 179; L. J. Locke, Flying Saucers, October 1969, p. 11, citing Australian Flying Saucer Review
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2454
### Event 28589 (CA5CFE0A)
**Date:** 5/2/1967
**Description:** A misty gray oval with four blinking red lights and a steady white light on top was seen in Montezuma, Iowa by a nineteen-year-old named Latcham at 8:25 p.m. It hovered, rose straight up, and then angled off to the west, climbing rapidly.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** APRO Bulletin, May-June 1967, p. 8; Richard Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty-Year Report, p. 338
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2455
### Event 28590 (1BD70D9F)
**Date:** 5/3/1967
**Location:** PHILADELPHIA, PA
**Description:** Metallic disk low / road. Paces ahead / car. Quickly going up [to] to overcast. Observer(s) / jaw-ache.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO Evidence II: HB: Scarecrow Press Lanham, MD. http://www.scarecrowpress.com ISBN 0-8108-3881-8 (Index 338)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8211
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "50", **HatchDesc:** "PHILADELPHIA,PA:MTLC DISK LO/ROAD:PACES AHEAD/CAR:↑↑ to OVERCAST:OBS/JAW-ACHE", **LatLong:** "39.966669 -75.200004", **LatLongDMS:** "39:58:00 N 75:12:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.966669,-75.200004)", **RelAlt:** "20", **State/Prov:** "Pennsylvania", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 28591 (74BE225F)
**Date:** 5/3/1967
**Time:** 23:20
**Description:** Numerous observer(s) / Minot. Oval night light zigzags mostly going quickly north. Up and down.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLICKENGER, Don: NORTH DAKOTA UFO files. Well Documented NICAP files for the 1960s: Xeroxed by Tom Tulien (Index 45)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8212
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **NUC:** Nuclear facility related
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "30", **Elev:** "503", **HatchDesc:** "E/MINOT AFB,ND:NMRS OBS/MINOT:OVAL NLT ZIGZAGS MOSTLY >>N:UP+DOWN:", **LatLong:** "48.383336 -101.300005", **LatLongDMS:** "48:23:00 N 101:18:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.383336,-101.300005)", **State/Prov:** "North Dakota", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 28592 (4969F17F)
**Date:** 5/3/1967
**Location:** Philadelphia, PA
**Description:** 6:30 a.m. EDT. A metallic-appearing gray disc paced ahead of a car, top section revolving and a row of window-like markings visible around the center. A vapor stream was produced, which changed to red sparks. (APRO Bulletin, May-June 1967, p. 12.) (NICAP: 05 - Medical Incidents)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3540
### Event 28593 (CADD893D)
**Date:** 5/3/1967
**Description:** At 6:30 a.m. EDT in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania a gray metallic-appearing disc paced ahead of a car being driven by a Mrs. Smyth on the Schuylkill Expressway near Roxborough. The top section of the craft was revolving and a row of windows was visible around the center. A vapor stream was produced, which changed to red sparks. The object shot up into the overcast, and when it did so the witness experienced jaw pain at that moment.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** APRO Bulletin, May-June 1967, p. 12; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence Volume II: A Thirty-Year Report, pp. 268, 338
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2471
### Event 28594 (BBD51267)
**Date:** 5/4/1967
**Description:** Eta Aquarid meteor shower (mean date).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_128
### Event 28595 (BA08BDBA)
**Date:** 5/5/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In a letter to Yuzuke J. Matsumura, [Roesmin Nurjadin](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/militaires.html\#RoesminNurjadin), Commander-in-Chief of the Indonesian Air Force, indicates that UFOs sometimes pose a problem for them, and that they have shot at them once. (May 5)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2304
### Event 28596 (3C8FF2F4)
**Date:** 5/5/1967
**Location:** MARLIENS, 21, FR
**Description:** Deep cylinder/cylindrical object hole / ground. Blue powder in deep sloping cavities. / r30p269.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FIGEUT, Michel & RUCHON, Jean-Louis: OVNI - Le Premier Dossier..; Alain LeFeuvre, Paris 1979. (Index 269)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8213
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **NFO:** No craft seen, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "MARLIENS,21,FR:DEEP CYL HOLE/GND:BLUE POWDR in DEEP SLOPING CAVITIES:/r30p269", **LatLong:** "47.216669 5.183334", **LatLongDMS:** "47:13:00 N 05:11:00 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.216669,5.183334)", **State/Prov:** "Côte-d'Or", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 28597 (411E7009)
**Date:** 5/5/1967
**Location:** Minot, ND
**Description:** North Dakota, G,V (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Rating: 5)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3541
### Event 28598 (87DD72CD)
**Date:** 5/5/1967
**Locations:** Roseville, Ohio; Alexandria, Virginia
**Description:** [Condon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward%5FCondon), [Low](http://ufohistoryfiles.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/CO%2067%20NEWS.pdf)[,](http://ufohistoryfiles.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/CO%2067%20NEWS.pdf) [Hartmann](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William%5FKenneth%5FHartmann)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William%5FKenneth%5FHartmann) [Ratchford](https://www.aaas.org/archives/j-thomas-ratchford-files), and Charles Reed of the National Research Council are briefed by an unnamed specialist \[probably Everitt L. Merritt of the Autometrics Division of the Raytheon Company of Alexandria, Virginia\] at the NPIC on a photogrammetric analysis he had carried out on the November 1966 UFO photo case from Roseville, Ohio. The analysis debunks the photo. The committee is again impressed with the technical work performed, and Condon remarks that for the first time a scientific analysis of a UFO will stand up to investigation.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Arthur Lundahl](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arthur%5FC.%5FLundahl\#Unidentified%5FFlying%5FObjects)”; E. L. Merritt, “[Photogrammatric Analysis of a Non-Synchronous](http://cufos.org/cases/ZanesvilleDocs/Zanesville%5FPhotogrammetric.pdf) [Pair of U.F.O. Exposures,](http://cufos.org/cases/ZanesvilleDocs/Zanesville%5FPhotogrammetric.pdf)” June 1967; Peter A. Sturrock, The UFO Enigma, Warner, 1999, [pp. 48–49](https://archive.org/details/ufoenigma00pete/page/48/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4291
### Event 28599 (024844EE)
**Date:** 5/5/1967
**Description:** Indonesian Air Marshal [Roesmin Noerjadin](https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roesmin%5FNoerjadin) admits that sometimes UFOs pose a problem for the country’s air defense, and sometimes the military is forced to fire on them.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Good Need, [p. 254](https://archive.org/details/needtoknow00good/page/254/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4292
### Event 28600 (A06F4388)
**Date:** 5/6/1967
**Location:** FRANCE, Champ du Feu (Schirmeck-Strassbourg)
**Description:** (Translated from French) Mr. and Mrs. Schirrmann, their son Jean-Luc (10 years old), and his friend Philippe Wassmer (11 years old) came to spend the weekend in the chalet at Champ du Feu. It was 7 pm, the occupants had finished dinner and were going out to the terrace to admire the sunset. The sky was very clear, without any clouds. Suddenly, a row of 7 or 8 well-aligned and equidistant objects appeared in the west-northwest, at a distance of about 2 km. Each object consisted of a dark part surrounded by a halo like a smoke ring. The objects seemed to be a few tens of meters above the woods and, since the terrain sloped in the direction of observation, their altitude was roughly the same as that of the witnesses (1000 m). In the minutes that followed their appearance, the objects slowly glided south towards the hamlet of Bellefosse. Suddenly they disappeared in place, then reappeared a little further south, dispersed and simultaneously ceased to be visible. To the west, where the objects had disappeared, the forest was all red as if on fire, although the sun had already set. Dozens of red spots were gently oscillating above the forest. Observed through binoculars, the trembling spots had shapes that evoked tomatoes or boxing gloves. It was past 8 pm, night was falling. The red spots also disappeared. Shortly after 9 pm, the four witnesses saw an enormous black object - or appearing black - in the shape of a lens with a diameter of 15 to 20 m, coming from the south, about a hundred meters from the chalet. In total silence, the saucer slowly approached the chalet. It was horizontal and a little higher than the witnesses, who could barely distinguish the underside. The saucer was now only 20 or 30 m from the chalet. Suddenly, a white-yellowish luminous ribbon appeared under the object. It seemed to end with a bulge and was animated by a movement that evoked a snake for Mr. Schirrmann and an octopus tentacle for Jean-Luc. After about ten seconds, the snake disappeared or went out. Mrs. Schirrmann left the terrace to go to the south-west facing kitchen, turned on the light and opened the window with the intention of closing the shutters, perhaps pushed by an instinctive desire to put something between the object and the witnesses. Yet, neither she nor her husband or the children were seized by panic. Suddenly, a luminous rod shot out from under the saucer, Mrs. Schirrmann screamed and called her husband, who joined her at the kitchen window, followed by the children. The saucer was there, motionless, a few meters from the chalet and at the height of the roof. A shiver ran through the Strasbourgers when a click or a slight sound was heard. Two luminous rods had joined the first. They were parallel to it, but while the first was whitish blue, the other two were greenish purple. Their sections were also different: the first rod was as thick as the thumb, the other two were finer like the little finger. These rods ended about 1 m from the ground. All three seemed to be in a non-vertical plane and were a few tens of centimeters apart. According to Mr. Schirrmann, the ends of the rods were cut off neatly like a sausage. Another curious luminous phenomenon is to be noted: on the ground, a white luminous band follows the shape of three sides of a trapezoid. This band is as wide as the hand. The three luminous rods point towards the inside of the trapezoid, whose two non-parallel sides end at the foot of the wall of the chalet. Perhaps the luminous band extended on the wall, perhaps it closed on itself? The witnesses did not lean out to observe the wall. The observation of these luminous phenomena lasted only about ten or fifteen seconds and everything disappeared or went out suddenly, with a sharp click. Mr. Schirrmann said: "I don't like this, let's go in!" and closed the window, then, driven by curiosity, returned to the terrace. The object slowly glided north, away from the house. The witnesses could then distinguish on its upper face, a greenish luminous cone. Suddenly, the object disappeared in place, still without any sound, while it was about a hundred meters from the chalet. It was a little after 10 pm, the witnesses went to bed.
**Reference:** Henry DURRANT: "Le dossier des OVNI" - Laffont 1973 - p. 133 to 136
**Reference:** ..
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2444
### Event 28601 (DDB68D8B)
**Date:** 5/6/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In Durango \(Mexico\), a mechanical engineer and his daughter see an object in the shape of a disk on the ground near a highway. They stop their car and take 3 photos of the object as it takes off. The first shows the object at the top of the trees, the second shows it in flight, and the third missed the object. (May 6, 11am)
**Reference:** Lor. III 65 \< [Vallée](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/ValleeJacques.html) 1969
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2305
### Event 28602 (9371788A)
**Date:** 5/6/1967
**Time:** 01:40
**Location:** ST. GEORGE, UT
**Description:** 15M saucer / US91. OBS's shots / ricochet. Away extremely fast. / r148p210. / r41p338.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 49)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8214
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "842", **HatchDesc:** "St GEORGE,UT:15M SCR/US91:OBS's SHOTS/RICOCHET:AWAY XFAST:/r148p210:/r41p338", **LatLong:** "37.105557 -113.577783", **LatLongDMS:** "37:06:20 N 113:34:40 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.105557,-113.577783)", **RelAlt:** "2", **State/Prov:** "Utah", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 28603 (E0FF364F)
**Date:** 5/6/1967
**Time:** 11:00
**Location:** WEST / DURANGO, MEXICO
**Description:** Engineer and 1 / car. Saucer / roadside. 3 photos / takeoff;2 are good. / r8#839.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LORENZEN, Coral & Jim: UFO's OVER THE AMERICAS; Signet Books, NY 1968. 243p. (Index 65)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8215
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Mexico", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "1900", **HatchDesc:** "W/DURANGO,MEX:ENGINEER+1/CAR:SCR/ROADSIDE:3 PHOTOS/TAKEOFF;2 ARE GOOD:/r8#839", **LatLong:** "24.000001 -105.000005", **LatLongDMS:** "24:00:00 N 105:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/24.000001,-105.000005)", **State/Prov:** "DRG", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 28604 (2E29D9E1)
**Date:** 5/6/1967
**Time:** 19:00
**Location:** SSE / SHIRMECK, FR
**Description:** 8 saucers go by. Bands / light end / midair! 1 near chalet. RADAR. / r30p271.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PHENOMENES SPATIAUX: Group GEPA, Gen. M. Lionel Chassin Paris. Quarterly 1964?-1977. Merged into Grp. GEPAN (Index 14)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8216
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **RDR:** Radar traces/blips, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "180", **HatchDesc:** "SSE/SHIRMECK,FR:8 SCRS GO BY:BANDS/LITE END/MIDAIR!:1 nr CHALET:RDR:/r30p271", **LatLong:** "48.400002 7.266667", **LatLongDMS:** "48:24:00 N 07:16:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.400002,7.266667)", **State/Prov:** "Bas-Rhin", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 28605 (5B7A3739)
**Date:** 5/6/1967
**Time:** 19:30
**Location:** DUPUYER, MT
**Description:** TV image malfunctions due to EME (electro-magnetic effects). Large metallic saucer / low altitude. Lights / rim. Good photograph. No traces.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLICKENGER, Don: NORTH DAKOTA UFO files. Well Documented NICAP files for the 1960s: Xeroxed by Tom Tulien (Index 46)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8217
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **NUC:** Nuclear facility related, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "126", **HatchDesc:** "DUPUYER,MT:TV IMAGE EMEs:LRG MTLC SCR/LO ALT:LITES/RIM:GOOD FOTO:NO TRACES", **LatLong:** "48.188891 -112.500005", **LatLongDMS:** "48:11:20 N 112:30:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.188891,-112.500005)", **RelAlt:** "18", **State/Prov:** "Montana", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 28606 (1DBCB5BE)
**Date:** 5/6/1967
**Location:** St. George, UT
**Description:** 1:43 a.m. MDT. A motorist on U.S. 91 heard a loud hum, stoooed the car, and saw a 40-foot diameter, amber-colored, circular object with domed top hovering 20-30 feet overhead. (Salt Lake City Tribune, 5/7/67, copy in NiCAP files; L/.F.O. Investigator, Vol. IV, No. 1, May-June 1967, p. 6; APRO Bulletin, May-June 1967, p. 6 (case misdated as May 13.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3542
### Event 28607 (13C5A19F)
**Date:** 5/6/1967
**Location:** Schirmeck, Bas-Rhein, Germany
**Description:** 7:00 p.m. LT. Seven lenticular (disc-shaped) black objects, aligned diagonally, each with a diameter estimated as 50 feet or more, were seen above a grove of trees about 2 km away. Each had a "smoky halo" around it. The objects suddenly vanished, then reappeared and vanished again, leaving traces in the forest. Truncated light beams ("solid light") were emitted from three of the objects, one white and two greenish. (Haines, 1994, pp. 91-92, from UNICAT catalogue #403.) (NICAP: 06 - Trace Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3543
### Event 28608 (7B85BC99)
**Date:** 5/6/1967
**Time:** 1100
**Location:** Durango, Mexico
**Description:** A mechanical engineer and his daughter saw a disk-shaped object on the ground off a highway. They stopped the car and took three photos of the object as it was taking off. The first one showed the object at treetop level, the second showed it in flight, and the third photo missed the object.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Lor. III 65 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_839
### Event 28609 (FCC5D98F)
**Date:** 5/6/1967
**Locations:** Durango–Mazatlán Highway; Mexico
**Description:** 11:00 a.m. A mechanical engineer and his daughter are driving on the Durango–Mazatlán Highway in Mexico. They spot a disc-shaped object landed on the ground off the highway. They stop the car and he takes three photos as the object takes off. The first photo shows the object at treetop level, partially hidden by a tree, with a portion of its landing gear visible. The second object shows the object in flight against a clear sky. The third photo shows nothing.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Lorenzen, UFOs over the Americas, Signet, 1968, p. 65
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4293
### Event 28610 (6460D5E7)
**Date:** 5/6/1967
**Description:** A 24-year-old man named Campeadore was driving on the main highway 17 miles west of St. George, Utah at 12:43 a.m. when he heard a loud humming sound and stopped his car to investigate. He got out of his vehicle and saw a 40-foot wide, amber colored domed disc hovering only 20-30 feet over his head. He took out his pistol and fired a complete clip of bullets at the object. He reported that he heard the bullets ricochet off. He also suffered some physiological after effects as the result of his close encounter.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP case files; NICAP UFO Investigator, June 1967, p. 6; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty-Year Report, p. 338; Richard F. Haines, CE-5: Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind, p. 120; APRO Bulletin, May-June 1967, p. 5
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2584
### Event 28611 (8E4A7CFF)
**Date:** 5/6/1967
**Description:** On this morning a man in Black River Falls, Wisconsin had a 10 minute sighting of a disc flying in the sky.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Sherman Larsen case files, report dated October 13, 1969
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2585
### Event 28612 (48647D47)
**Date:** 5/6/1967
**Description:** A mechanical engineer and his daughter were driving between Durango and Mazatlan, Mexico around 11:00 a.m. when they sighted a disc-shaped object on the ground off to the side of the highway. The engineer took three photographs while the UFO took off. Two parts of the landing gear are shown in first photo, while the second showed no legs and presumably had been retracted. The third photo missed the object.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jim and Coral Lorenzen, UFOs over the Americas, p. 65; Scott Corrales, Fate, May 2002, p. 19; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 839
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2586
### Event 28613 (61706BC1)
**Date:** 5/6/1967
**Description:** Raymond Schirrmann, his wife, and two children of Schirmeck, Bas-Rhine department, France first sighted seven or eight black, lenticular objects at 7:00 p.m. over a grove of trees at an estimated distance of two kilometers. They were aligned in a straight, diagonal line in the sky, and each was surrounded by a halo of smoke. At 9:00 p.m. a large lens-shaped object, 15-20 meters in diameter, was seen close to the ground near their chalet only 25 meters away. A coherent beam of light snaked away from the object, ending in midair. It detached, then retracted into the object. Following this some landing legs appeared. The event lasted three hours, and the UFOs were tracked by radar at a nearby military base.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Michel Figuet Jean-Louis Ruchon, OVNI: Le Premier Dossier Complet des Rencontres Rapprochees en France, p. 271; Richard F. Haines, Project Delta: A Study of Multiple UFO, p. 91, citing UNICAT; UNICAT database, case 403, citing Figuet & Ruchon; Phenomenes Spatiaux, December 1967
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2587
### Event 28614 (ABB5A721)
**Date:** 5/7/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In Edmonton \(Canada\), Ricky Banyard, 14, sees a strange object in the sky and follows it with a friend, Glenn Coates, with binoculars. It hovers over a cemetery, emitting a muffled whistle and illuminating the ground with a vertical beam of light. The object suddenly departs with a roar like that of a jet, and a series of "bangs." Stones are found charred at the site. (May 7, 2:00)
**Reference:** Vallée 1969, 178
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2306
### Event 28615 (E830A506)
**Date:** 5/7/1967 (approximate)
**Location:** TABASCO, MEXICO
**Description:** 2+several. Cone responds / flashing headlights. Away / guns raised. / r109p60.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 811)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8218
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Mexico", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "20", **Elev:** "8", **HatchDesc:** "TABASCO,MEX:2+SVRL:CONE RESPONDS/FLASHING HEADLITES:AWAY/GUNS RAISED:/r109p60", **LatLong:** "18.000001 -93.000004", **LatLongDMS:** "18:00:00 N 93:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/18.000001,-93.000004)", **State/Prov:** "TBS", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 28616 (6D2B773A)
**Date:** 5/7/1967
**Time:** 02:00
**Location:** EDMONTON, ALTA
**Description:** Kids / (seen thru) binoculars. Saucer hovers / cemetery. Strong light going down. Gone / bang! / r109p160.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 809)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8219
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **TRC:** Physical traces, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "660", **HatchDesc:** "EDMONTON,ALTA:KIDS/BINOCS:SCR HVRS/CEMETERY:STRONG LITE ↓:GONE/BANG!:/r109p160", **LatLong:** "53.566669 -113.466672", **LatLongDMS:** "53:34:00 N 113:28:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/53.566669,-113.466672)", **State/Prov:** "Alberta", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 28617 (6E5F3DD7)
**Date:** 5/7/1967
**Time:** ~22:00
**Location:** ARNETT, OK
**Description:** 1 of 2. Night light follows car home. 3 observer(s). Going quickly west fast. Solid looking. / r113p47.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 809)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8220
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "745", **HatchDesc:** "ARNETT,OK:1 OF 2:NLT FOLOS CAR HOME:3 OBS:>>W FAST:SOLID LOOKING:/r113p47", **LatLong:** "36.133335 -99.772227", **LatLongDMS:** "36:08:00 N 99:46:20 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/36.133335,-99.772227)", **State/Prov:** "Oklahoma", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 28618 (A6EE030A)
**Date:** 5/7/1967
**Location:** Edmonton, Alberta, CAN
**Description:** 2:00 a.m. MST. A 14-year-old boy and four others saw a spherical object with spinning top and bottom and with red and green lights (body lights) which they followed and observed for 4 hours. Black streaks were found on the charred road surface (physical traces). (Edmonton Journal, 5/8/67, copy in Donald E. Keyhoe Archives files; L/.F.O. Investigator, Vol. IV, No. 1, May-June 1967, p. 3; APRO Bulletin, May-June 1967, p. 7; Phillips, 1975, p. 48.) (NICAP: 06 - Trace Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3544
### Event 28619 (BC9B2AAD)
**Date:** 5/7/1967
**Time:** 0200
**Location:** Edmonton, Canada
**Description:** Ricky Banyard, 14, saw a strange object in the sky and followed it with a friend, Glenn Coates, through binoculars. It hovered near a cemetery, making a hushed whistling sound and illuminating the ground with a vertical beam of light. The object left suddenly with a roar similar to that of a jet, and a series of "bangs." Stones were found calcined at the site.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** 178 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_840
### Event 28620 (119E7B17)
**Date:** 5/7/1967
**Locations:** Edmonton, Alberta; Mount Pleasant Cemetery
**Description:** 2:00 a.m. Ricky Banyard, 17, and four others watch and follow a spherical object with a spinning top and bottom and with red and green lights for 4 hours in Edmonton, Alberta, in the Mount Pleasant Cemetery. As it hovers at about 200 feet, a light beam comes from the bottom of the object, illuminating the ground. They hear a muffled whistling noise as the object hovers, then a screaming noise like a jet engine starting up. All its lights go out, and the object takes off in a flurry of explosive sounds. Black streaks are later found on the charred road surface.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[A UFO in Detail,](https://www.newspapers.com/clip/100419025/)” Edmonton \(Alberta\) Journal, May 8, 1967, p. 33; “[Eerie Object in Graveyard,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201967%2005%2000%20-%20May-June.pdf)” APRO Bulletin, May/June 1967, p. 7
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4294
### Event 28621 (B788C1F2)
**Date:** 5/7/1967?
**Location:** Tabasco, Mexico
**Description:** A couple are driving through the state of Tabasco, Mexico, when they see a bright point of light in the sky. It descends to a spot about 500 feet away and gives off an intense white-orange light from its cone-shaped body. The couple stops and shuts off their headlights. When the object approaches closer, the man turns the headlights on again. The UFO stops in midair and blinks its light off and on twice. The couple become frightened and drive to the nearest town. Several people return with them to the spot and the object is still there. When they turn their headlights off and on, it approaches them. Some of the men run to the object with weapons raised, and it takes off into the sky within seconds.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Lorenzen, UFOs over the Americas, Signet, 1968, p. 60
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4295
### Event 28622 (85430147)
**Date:** 5/7/1967
**Description:** At around one o'clock in the morning in Necochea, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina a close encounter involving four UFOs happened that lasted three hours.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Richard F. Haines, Project Delta: A Study of Multiple UFO, p. 187; UNICAT, case # 554
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2618
### Event 28623 (5DECC708)
**Date:** 5/7/1967
**Description:** A domed disc-shaped object hovered at 200 feet altitude over a cemetery in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada at around 2:00 a.m. It was seen by five teenagers, including a 14-year-old named Ricky Banyard and another named Glenn Coates. A muffled whistling sound was heard coming from the object, and the object directed a vertical light beam to the ground. They looked at it through binoculars. A series of bangs and a "screaming" noise like a jet were heard when the object took off. Charring of stones and other physical traces were found at the site.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Edmonton Journal, May 8, 1967; APRO Bulletin, May-June 1967, p. 7; NICAP UFO Investigator, June 1967, p. 3; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case # 840; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II. A Thirty-Year Report, p. 338
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2619
### Event 28624 (072A5DFE)
**Date:** 5/7/1967
**Description:** Later that evening a nocturnal light followed a car with the Luck family of three through the rural countryside of Arnett, Oklahoma back home. It then shot off to the west at high speed. It looked solid in appearance, according to the witnesses.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** APRO Bulletin, May-June 1967, p. 6; Coral & Jim Lorenzen, Encounters with UFO Occupants, p. 47
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2620
### Event 28625 (3B9A8838)
**Date:** 5/8/1967
**Location:** Chester Heights, PA
**Description:** 11:00 p.m. EDT. A woman saw a round object with four red lights (body lights) in a curving row and a very bright center light that flashed on and off. (Ritter report received 7/28/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3545
### Event 28626 (F0A7FCD5)
**Date:** 5/8/1967
**Description:** At 11:00 p.m. Ms. L. Geisler in Chester Heights, Pennsylvania saw a round object with four red lights in a curving row, and a very bright white center light that flashed on and off. The object hovered, moved up and down, and from side to side. It darted away, reappeared, and hovered again before moving away for good. The sighting lasted 15 minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP files, citing Ritter report July 28, 1967; Gilbert Bernier, UFO-INFO, July 1, 1967
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2656
### Event 28627 (1DD9E93C)
**Date:** 5/9/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) At Marliens \(France\), in a field belonging to the mayor, Mr. Maillotte, a depression is discovered, and a blue powder is found in small radiating ditches from this area. A formidable pod seems to have rested there. No radioactivity. (May 9)
**Reference:** Vallée 1969, 179
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2307
### Event 28628 (C133F236)
**Date:** 5/9/1967
**Location:** Champaign, IL
**Description:** Evening. Two people saw a white-lighted object that changed color to red as it flew rapidly from north to south. The object circled the airport, turned on a bright light, made turns, and hovered, then moved south above the witnesses, who followed it in a car at speeds over 90 m.p.h. (Witness letter, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3546
### Event 28629 (B55C6455)
**Date:** 5/9/1967
**Location:** Beloit, WI
**Description:** 9:05 p.m. CDT. On the same evening, about 200 miles 11 north-northeast of Champaign, Illinois, a woman heard a hissing sound, then saw an object with flashing blue, red, green, and yellow lights. The object "swayed, jumped," and shot out of sight. (The Daily News, 5/10/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3547
### Event 28630 (213E6A5D)
**Date:** 5/9/1967
**Location:** Marliens, France
**Description:** In a field which belonged to the Mayor, Mr. Maillotte, a depression was discovered, and blue powder was found in small trenches radiating from that area. A formidable weight seemed to have rested at the spot. No radioactivity.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** 179 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_841
### Event 28631 (60060B88)
**Date:** 5/9/1967
**Description:** In a field that belonged to Mr. Maillotte, the mayor of Marliens, France, a depression was discovered and blue powder was found in small trenches radiating from the area. A formidable weight seemed to have rested at the spot. No radioactivity was found at the site.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 841, citing France Soir, May 12, 1967; M. Roger Perrinjaquet, Flying Saucer Review, September-October 1967, p. 14
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2684
### Event 28632 (772386F3)
**Date:** 5/9/1967
**Description:** On this evening two witnesses in Champaign, Illinois saw a white-lit object that changed color to red as it flew rapidly from north to south. The object circled the airport, turned on a bright light, made turns, and hovered. It then moved south, passing over the witnesses, who followed it at speeds over 90 mph.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP files, letter from witness
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2685
### Event 28633 (AA415148)
**Date:** 5/9/1967
**Description:** In Beloit, Wisconsin at 9:05 p.m., which is about 200 miles north-northeast of Champaign, a woman named Vance heard a hissing sound, then saw an object with flashing blue, red, green, and yellow lights. The object "swayed, jumped" and shot out of sight
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP files, citing The Daily News, May 10, 1967
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2686
### Event 28634 (11030F08)
**Date:** 5/10/1967
**Location:** FRANCE, between Combs la Ville and Lieusaint
**Description:** (Translated from French) At around 8:30 PM, Armand Chauvot was in the train coming from Paris. Through the left window he was looking at the scenery, to the right the sun was setting. At km 28, 150 m from the tracks, an object in the shape of a pyramid seemed to be resting on the path: the witness thought of jumping off the train to go and take a look, but he decided against it. The object was 1.5 m tall, the face turned towards the train was glowing red like resistors and crossed two thirds of the way up by a horizontal white line, glowing like a fluorescent tube. The posterior faces of the object were glowing with a pink luminescence, like opalescence.
**Reference:** M. FIGUET/ J.L. RUCHON: "Ovni, Premier dossier complet..." - éd. Alain Lefeuvre 1979, p. 274
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2445
### Event 28635 (52C3209E)
**Date:** 5/10/1967
**Time:** 20:30
**Description:** 1.5M pyramid lands / road by railroad/railway tracks. Glows. / r30p274.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PHENOMENES SPATIAUX: Group GEPA, Gen. M. Lionel Chassin Paris. Quarterly 1964?-1977. Merged into Grp. GEPAN (Index 14)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8221
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "SE/COMBES-la-VILLE,FR:1.5M PYRAMID LANDS/ROAD by RR TRACKS:GLOWS:/r30p274", **LatLong:** "48.650002 2.550000", **LatLongDMS:** "48:39:00 N 02:33:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.650002,2.550000)", **State/Prov:** "Seine-et-Marne", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 28636 (5167ECD8)
**Date:** 5/10/1967
**Location:** Wayne County, IN
**Description:** 3:00 a.m.EDT. Fishermen saw a missile-shaped (elongated) object that had a glowing red ball at each end. A white glowing object seemed to land and grew increasingly bright causing the witnesses to fear an explosion. Witnesses left to get the sheriff. No physical traces found. (Ridge, 1994, -? P-22.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3548
### Event 28637 (2C27E548)
**Date:** 5/10/1967
**Time:** 13:40:00.0
**Location:** 37.0779 -115.9953
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Mickey” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 200KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_495
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0779 -115.9953", **LatLongDMS:** "37:04:40 N 115:59:43 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0779,-115.9953)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.50", **NukeMb:** "5.00", **NukeName:** "Mickey", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "200"
### Event 28638 (B3D9281D)
**Date:** 5/10/1967
**Location:** White House
**Description:** [Richard Helms](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard%5FHelms) goes to the White House to give President [Lyndon Johnson](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lyndon%5FB.%5FJohnson) the answers to the questions he’d been asked seven weeks earlier. The only account of that meeting is Helms’s own. He says he described the \[inspector general’s\] conclusions and that Johnson said: “Then you were not responsible for [Trujillo](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rafael%5FTrujillo)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rafael%5FTrujillo) ‘No.’ Correct answer. ‘[Diem](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ngo%5FDinh%5FDiem)?’ ‘No.’ Correct answer. ‘[Castro](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fidel%5FCastro)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fidel%5FCastro) he’s still alive, okay.’” At the same meeting Helms also tells Johnson about the mail interception program “and some other things that were going on.” Johnson’s response to that was equally laconic; he just nodded and said something along the line of, ‘But be careful, don’t get caught.’”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Thomas Powers, The Man Who Kept the Secrets: Richard Helms and the CIA, Random House, 1979, [pp. 156–157](https://archive.org/details/manwhokeptsecret0000powe/page/156/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4296
### Event 28639 (9BC03CE2)
**Date:** 5/10/1967
**Description:** At 8:30 p.m. southeast of the town of Combs-la-Ville, France a 1.5 meter pyramid shaped UFO landed on a road by the railroad tracks, and then illuminated the surrounding area.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Phenomenes Spatiaux, December 1967
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2718
### Event 28640 (F972565C)
**Date:** 5/11/1967
**Location:** USA, Saint George (Utah)
**Description:** (Translated from French) Michael Campeadore, a 25-year-old hospital employee, was driving towards Salt Lake City when he heard a noise like that of a truck, but he saw nothing. Then a yellow light became visible to his left and, thinking it was an airplane about to crash, he got out of his car. He saw the light stop 30 m away from him and 30 m in altitude. It had the shape of an upturned bowl with a dome on top and seemed metallic. The witness was scared and emptied his 25 caliber Beretta towards the craft. He heard the bullets hit the metal, and the object took off at full speed. When he told his story at a nearby gas station, the attendant told him that around twenty testimonies had been recently recorded.
**Reference:** Henry DURRANT: "The UFO File" - Laffont 1973 - p. 31
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2446
### Event 28641 (414DE3A2)
**Date:** 5/11/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In Saint George \(Utah\), Michael Campeadore, 25 years old, an employee of a hospital, was driving towards Salt Lake City when he heard a noise similar to that of a truck, but saw nothing. Then a yellow light became visible on the left, and thinking it was a jet about to crash, he got out and saw it stop at 30 m distance and 30 m altitude. It had the shape of an inverted bowl with a dome on top and seemed metallic. The witness got scared and emptied his Beretta .25 towards the craft. He heard the bullets hit the metal and the object took off at great speed. When he told his story to a nearby gas station, the attendant replied that about 20 reports had been made recently in the Saint George area. (May 11, 2 AM)
**Reference:** Vallée 1969, 180
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2308
### Event 28642 (66BDD3B6)
**Date:** 5/11/1967
**Time:** 02:10
**Location:** WAREHAM, MASS
**Description:** 4 observer(s). 2 saucers hover. Go going [to] cranberry bog. Police spots drive them away.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FOWLER, Raymond E.: UFO'S, INTERPLANETARY VISITORS; Prentice Hall & Bantam Books, NY 1979. 346pp. (Index 333)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8222
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "6", **HatchDesc:** "WAREHAM,MASS:4 OBS:2 SCRS HVR:GO > CRANBERRY BOG:POLICE SPOTS DRIVE THEM AWAY.", **LatLong:** "41.761113 -70.722226", **LatLongDMS:** "41:45:40 N 70:43:20 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.761113,-70.722226)", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 28643 (196E858F)
**Date:** 5/11/1967
**Time:** 13:00?
**Location:** HOLBAEK, DK
**Description:** Domed UFO / farm field. Figure moves / window. Angel hair found.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** STEIGER, Brad & WHRITENOUR, Joan: The ALLENDE LETTERS. 1968 Eugene Olsen Publ + Award Books, NY PB (Index 46)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8223
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Scandanavian and Finland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "HOLBAEK,DK:DOMED UFO/FARM FIELD:FIGURE MOVES/WINDOW:ANGEL HAIR FOUND", **LatLong:** "55.700003 11.694445", **LatLongDMS:** "55:42:00 N 11:41:40 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/55.700003,11.694445)", **State/Prov:** "Danemark", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 28644 (4C96E0F6)
**Date:** 5/11/1967
**Time:** 21:10
**Description:** Invisible whistling-rumbling entity passes over man. No plane..
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: UFO CHRONICLES of the SOVIET UNION; Ballentine Books HB 1992. 212pp. (Index 188)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8224
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Russia", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "nr MOSCOW AIRPT:INVISIBLE WHISTLING-RUMBLING ENTITY PASSES OVER MAN:NO PLANE..", **LatLong:** "55.583336 37.750002", **LatLongDMS:** "55:35:00 N 37:45:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/55.583336,37.750002)", **State/Prov:** "MOS", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 28645 (70A2BEE6)
**Date:** 5/11/1967
**Location:** Wareham, MA
**Description:** 2:05 a.m. EDT. Four witnesses saw two inverted- -I dish (saucer-) shaped objects with rotating lights. The objects hovered, descended behind trees into a bog, bobbed up and down like a yo-yo, and sped away when police shone a light at them (light reaction). (Fowler, 1974, p. 348.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3549
### Event 28646 (3B363F51)
**Date:** 5/11/1967
**Location:** Torrance, CA
**Description:** This picture, although a fairly clear shot, does not have a lot of details. Taken on a Saturday night, a group of pals, Allen, Bobby, Rick, and Danny were hanging out when they saw this object that "glowed reddish-white." One of the boys had a camera, and allegedly took this photo. (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)
**Reference:** NICAP: [670511](http://www.ufocasebook.com/torrancecalifornia1967large.jpg)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3550
### Event 28647 (100507DC)
**Date:** 5/11/1967
**Time:** 0200
**Location:** Saint George, Utah
**Description:** Michael Campeadore, 25, a hospital employee, was driving to Salt Lake City when he heard a noise similar to that of a truck, but saw nothing. Then a yellow light became visible to the left, and thinking that it was a jet plane about to crash, he got out and saw it stop 30 m away at 30 m altitude. It was shaped like an inverted bowl with a dome on top and looked metallic. The witness became afraid and emptied his .25 Beretta in the direction of the craft. He heard the bullets hit metal and the object took off at great speed. When he told his story at a nearby service station, the attendant replied that about 20 reports had been made in the Saint George area recently.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** 180 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_842
### Event 28648 (884C67F3)
**Date:** 5/11/1967
**Description:** At 2:05 a.m. four police officers in Wareham, Massachusetts in Plymouth County sighted two inverted dish-shaped objects with revolving red and white lights around the rim. One descended behind some trees into a cranberry bog. It moved up-and-down like a yo-yo, and sped away when the police tried to shine a spotlight on it.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Raymond E. Fowler, UFOs: Interplanetary Visitors, pp. 333 & 348; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty Year Report, p. 339
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2737
### Event 28649 (25ED7164)
**Date:** 5/11/1967
**Description:** At 2:00 a.m. Michael Campeadore, age 25, a hospital employee in St. George, Utah in route to Salt Lake City when he heard a noise similar to that of a truck. However, he saw nothing. Then a yellow light became visible to his left, and thinking that it was a jet plane about to crash, he stopped the truck and got out. He saw it stop 30 meters away at an altitude of 30 meters. It was shaped like an inverted bowl with a dome on top and looked metallic. He became frightened and emptied his .25 calibre Beretta in the direction of the craft. He heard the bullets hit metal and the object took off at a great speed. When he told his story at a nearby service station, the attendant replied that about 20 reports had been made of UFOs in the Saint George area recently.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** APRO Bulletin, May-June 1967, p. 5; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 842; National Enquirer, August 27, 1967
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2738
### Event 28650 (29D071EF)
**Date:** 5/11/1967
**Description:** In Holbaek, Denmark in Vestsjaellan province a domed disc was sighted on this night hovering over a field at a farm. A silhouette of a humanoid figure was seen moving behind a window in the craft. Angel hair residue was found at the site.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Larry Hatch, U computer database, case 7763, citing Brad Steiger & Joan Whritenour, The Allende Letters, p. 46
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2739
### Event 28651 (DBEC820F)
**Date:** 5/12/1967
**Location:** GALION, OHIO
**Description:** Saucer 25' overhead beams circle / light going down / paperboy. Paralyzed. Missing time. Possible abduction?
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HENDRY, Allan: The UFO HANDBOOK. Doubleday, Garden City, NJ 1979. (Index 46)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8225
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly, **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "355", **HatchDesc:** "GALION,OHIO:SCR 25' OVHD BEAMS CCL/LITE ↓/PAPERBOY:PRLYZD:MST:POSSIBLE ABD?", **LatLong:** "40.733335 -82.788893", **LatLongDMS:** "40:44:00 N 82:47:20 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.733335,-82.788893)", **State/Prov:** "Ohio", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 28652 (85790D59)
**Date:** 5/12/1967
**Time:** 20:00
**Location:** 5M SOUTH / NEOLA, UT
**Description:** 12M x 5M featureless saucer. Follows roadway briefly. Sharply outlined.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SALISBURY, Frank: The UTAH UFO DISPLAY -- a Biologist Reports; 1974 Devin Adair, New Greenwich,CT. HB 286pp. ISBN 0-815-97000-5 (Index 249)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8226
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "6", **Elev:** "1710", **HatchDesc:** "5M S/NEOLA,UT:12M x 5M FEATURELESS SCR:FOLOS ROADWAY BRIEFLY:SHARPLY OUTLINED", **LatLong:** "40.366669 -110.038894", **LatLongDMS:** "40:22:00 N 110:02:20 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.366669,-110.038894)", **State/Prov:** "Utah", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 28653 (1B3D840D)
**Date:** 5/12/1967
**Location:** Putney, UK
**Description:** 11:10 p.m. GMT. A glowing yellow elliptical object with three round spots on the underside passed below clouds and was observed through binoculars. (Flying Saucer Review, Sept.-Oct. 1967, p. 31.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3551
### Event 28654 (D3138DBA)
**Date:** 5/12/1967
**Location:** Neola, UT
**Description:** 8:00 p.m. MDT (2:00 a.m. GMT, May 13). Two men saw a silver ellipse or disc, 45 feet long and 15 feet thick (3:1 length to width ratio), ; with a distinct outline, that approached, slowed, descended level with a road, tilted and went over a hill. (Salisbury, 1974, Appendix B, Table 1, Case 48.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3552
### Event 28655 (826043C6)
**Date:** 5/12/1967
**Description:** At 11:10 p.m. a glowing yellow elliptical object with three round spots on the underside passed below the clouds and was observed through binoculars in Putney, England.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Flying Saucer Review, September-October 1967, p. 31
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2758
### Event 28656 (1D9FE557)
**Date:** 5/12/1967
**Description:** Miss N. Parshall, a sixteen-year-old girl in California, reported sighting a cigar-shaped object with a dull aluminum finish"shoot around in sky" at around four o'clock in the afternoon. It came to within 60 feet of the aircraft and then veered away. It seemed ready to ram the plane from behind, but instead shot away very fast. The sighting lasted an estimated 90 seconds.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP case files, report dated July 26, 1967; Condon University of Colorado UFO Study, case N1378
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2759
### Event 28657 (651EF14F)
**Date:** 5/12/1967
**Description:** At 8:00 p.m. a silver ellipse-shaped UFO rapidly approached two people driving in a vehicle, five miles south of Neola, Utah. It slowed its speed and descended level with the road. It then tilted and flew over the crest of a nearby hill and was gone from sight.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Frank Salisbury, The Utah UFO Display, p. 69 and appendix case A48; Richard Hall, The UFO Evidence Volume II: A Thirty Year Report, p. 339
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2760
### Event 28658 (90C93FE0)
**Date:** 5/12/1967
**Description:** That same night a disc-shaped object swooped down to just 25 feet above the ground in Galion, Ohio. It projected a circle of light down around a paperboy with the last name Prim, who found himself unable to move and with a gap in his memory of what happened next.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Allan Hendry, The UFO Handbook, p. 46
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2761
### Event 28659 (5382107A)
**Date:** 5/13/1967
**Location:** USA, Colorado Springs (Colorado)
**Description:** (Translated from French) Panic on the landing field of Colorado Springs. A UFO flew over the airfield at less than 60 meters altitude. Radars recorded its passage. Case studied by the Condon Commission (pages 310 to 316 of the "report"). Conclusions of the Condon investigators: This case certainly constitutes one of the most singular radar detections ever recorded, and no conclusion is possible. (Charles GARREAU: "Flying Saucers: 20 Years of Investigations" - Mame 1971 - p. 58) (...) nothing appeared to the direct view, while the screens denounced the rapid movement of a voluminous object. The operators were too trained to confuse an echo with a real object. The flight characteristics could be those of an F 100 or an F 104. From the airport tower, the flight controllers were still trying to see the mysterious object when a Braniff airline plane landed. Almost instantly, the mysterious object still invisible to the naked eye came to the right. Now, according to the radar, it was flying over the field at less than seventy meters. This is a normal procedure for an approach without an actual landing. The craft passed about 2500 meters from the tower, still invisible, even with binoculars.
**Reference:** Donald KEYHOE: "Strangers from Space" - Pocket Press 1975 - p. 268-269
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2447
### Event 28660 (3D46C982)
**Date:** 5/13/1967
**Time:** 01:40
**Location:** WEST / ST. GEORGE, UT
**Description:** Saucer 8M over car. Observer(s) fires shots. Metallic ricochet. / MJ#289+/ r109p46.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 809)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8227
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "840", **HatchDesc:** "W/St.GEORGE,UT:SCR 8M ovr CAR:OBS FIRES SHOTS:MTLC RICOCHET:/MJ#289+/r109p46", **LatLong:** "37.100002 -113.733339", **LatLongDMS:** "37:06:00 N 113:44:00 W", **Locale:** "Desert", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.100002,-113.733339)", **RelAlt:** "8", **State/Prov:** "Utah", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 28661 (1A6EE4C5)
**Date:** 5/13/1967
**Time:** 02:00
**Location:** SOUTH / DUTTON, MT
**Description:** Car malfunctions due to EME (electro-magnetic effects). 20M silver cylinder/cigar-shape on US91. Going up / 30M. Slow climb going west then going quickly NNW.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLICKENGER, Don: NORTH DAKOTA UFO files. Well Documented NICAP files for the 1960s: Xeroxed by Tom Tulien (Index 47)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8228
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **NUC:** Nuclear facility related, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "1133", **HatchDesc:** "S/DUTTON,MT:CAR EMES:20M SLVR CGR on US91:↑/30M:SLOW CLIMB > W THEN >>NNW", **LatLong:** "47.833336 -111.711116", **LatLongDMS:** "47:50:00 N 111:42:40 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.833336,-111.711116)", **State/Prov:** "Montana", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 28662 (5174F780)
**Date:** 5/13/1967
**Time:** 05:50
**Description:** 15M metallic saucer glows blue quickly going down. Stops and darkens. Glows again on exit.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 831)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8229
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "82", **HatchDesc:** "WREXHAM,N.WALES:15M MTLC SCR GLOWS BLUE ↓↓:STOPS+DARKENS:GLOWS AGAIN on EXIT", **LatLong:** "53.050003 -2.983333", **LatLongDMS:** "53:03:00 N 02:59:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/53.050003,-2.983333)", **State/Prov:** "WLS", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 28663 (0D39367A)
**Date:** 5/13/1967
**Time:** 15:40
**Location:** COLORADO SPRS, CO
**Description:** Blips / airport/apartment and USAF RADAR's all agree. Nobody can see objects! / r24v4#9.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CONDON, Dr. Edward: SCIENTIFIC STUDY of UFO..etc; Bantam 1969. 965pp. (Index 170)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8230
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RDR:** Radar traces/blips, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "1802", **HatchDesc:** "COLORADO SPRS,CO:BLIPS/Apt+USAF RDRs ALL AGREE:NOBODY CAN SEE OBJS!:/r24v4#9", **LatLong:** "38.800002 -104.783338", **LatLongDMS:** "38:48:00 N 104:47:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.800002,-104.783338)", **State/Prov:** "Colorado", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 28664 (639E1A72)
**Date:** 5/13/1967
**Time:** 20:00
**Location:** VERMILLION, SD
**Description:** Lens-saucer going south below cloud cover. Flips over. Turns going southwest and away. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO Evidence II: HB: Scarecrow Press Lanham, MD. http://www.scarecrowpress.com ISBN 0-8108-3881-8 (Index 339)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8231
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "850", **HatchDesc:** "VERMILLION,SD:LENS-SCR > S BELOW CLOUD COVER:FLIPS OVR:TURNS >SW+away:NFD", **LatLong:** "42.766669 -96.927782", **LatLongDMS:** "42:46:00 N 96:55:40 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.766669,-96.927782)", **State/Prov:** "South Dakota", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 28665 (49696E39)
**Date:** 5/13/1967
**Location:** Vermillion, SD
**Description:** 8:00 p.m. CDT. A University of South Dakota faculty member and five others saw a lens-shaped object (disc) that passed under clouds, turned over, and changed direction (maneuvered). (Witness report, 7/18/67, in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3553
### Event 28666 (F518D517)
**Date:** 5/13/1967
**Location:** Colorado Springs, CA
**Description:** At 1640 MDT, at the Colorado Springs airport an object was picked up on radar. During this time a Braniff flight was coming in for a landing on runway 35. The track of the object behaved like a ghost echo, perhaps a ground return being reflected from the Braniff aircraft. (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)
**Reference:** NICAP: [670513](http://www.nicap.org/670513coloradospringsdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3554
### Event 28667 (219F68D6)
**Date:** 5/13/1967
**Locations:** Arizona; St. George, Utah
**Description:** 1:43 a.m. Michael Campeadore is driving in Arizona about 17 miles southwest of St. George, Utah, when he hears a loud humming sound. After stopping the car and getting out, he notices a huge object, 45–50 feet in diameter, hovering 25–30 feet above him. He reaches into the car and gets a .25 caliber pistol, loads it, and fires point blank at the object. He hears the bullets hit and ricochet as they strike. Before he has finished the clip, the object begins moving off and disappears in seconds.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Car Buzzing Incidents on Increase,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201967%2005%2000%20-%20May-June.pdf)” APRO Bulletin, May/June 1967, p. 6
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4297
### Event 28668 (13941CFB)
**Date:** 5/13/1967
**Location:** Colorado Springs, Colorado
**Description:** 4:40 p.m. An object is picked up on radar at the Colorado Springs, Colorado, airport. A Braniff flight is coming in for a landing on runway 35. The track of the object behaves like a ghost echo, perhaps a ground return being reflected from the Braniff aircraft. The blip appears at about twice the range of the Braniff blip. When the Braniff airliner touches down, however, the situation changes radically. The UFO blip pulls to the right \(east\) and passes over the airport at an estimated height of about 200 feet. The object track passes within 1.5 miles of the control tower. The object is not visible even through binoculars by personnel in the control tower. The Colorado project finds this to be one of the most puzzling radar cases on record.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** NICAP, “[Invisible UFO Tracked on](http://www.nicap.org/670513coloradospringsdir.htm) [Radar](http://www.nicap.org/670513coloradospringsdir.htm)”; Condon, [pp. 170–171,](https://archive.org/details/scientificstudyo0000unse%5Fl5t2/page/170/mode/2up) [310–316](https://archive.org/details/scientificstudyo0000unse%5Fl5t2/page/310/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4298
### Event 28669 (BD421FA1)
**Date:** 5/13/1967
**Description:** At 5:45 a.m. a close encounter occurred in Lavister, near Wrexham, Wales. A 15-meter diameter metallic disc glowed blue. It shot up, stopped, and then darkened. It glowed again on exit. The witness, Mr. Williams, viewed the object for 5 minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** APRO Bulletin, March-April 1969, p. 8
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2806
### Event 28670 (1EC16405)
**Date:** 5/13/1967
**Description:** At the Colorado Springs, Colorado airport an unidentified flying object was picked up on radar at 4:40 a.m. MDT. During this time a Braniff flight was coming in for a landing, and the track of the object behaved like a ghost echo, perhaps a ground return being reflected off the Braniff aircraft. The radar blip appeared at about twice the range of the Braniff blip. When Braniff touched down, however, the situation changed radically. The UFO pulled to the east (right) and passed over the airport at an indicated height of 200 feet. The object passed within 1.5 miles of the control tower, but was not visible even through binoculars by personnel in the control tower. This case was written up in the Condon report, and it was stated there: This must remain as one of the most puzzling radar cases on record, and no conclusion is possible at this time. It seems inconceivable that an anomalous propagation echo would behave in the manner described, particularly with respect to the reported altitude changes, even if AP had been likely at the time. In view of the meteorological situation, it would seem that AP was rather unlikely.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Gordon Thayer, in Edward U. Condon, Scientific Study of Unidentified Flying Objects, pp. 170, 310
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2807
### Event 28671 (CBAD190B)
**Date:** 5/13/1967
**Description:** At 8:00 p.m. CDT a University of South Dakota faculty member in Vermillion, South Dakota and five others saw a lens-shaped object (disc) that passed under the clouds, turned over, and changed directions. It first moved north to south, then northeast to southwest.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP files, witness report dated July 18, 1967; Richard Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II. A Thirty-Year Report, p. 339
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2808
### Event 28672 (231E742B)
**Date:** 5/14/1967
**Time:** 23:20
**Location:** ALAMOSA, CO
**Description:** Brilliant cylinder/cigar-shape pulses red glow 100M from car. 2 rear tires burst! Going quickly [to] extremely fast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO Evidence II: HB: Scarecrow Press Lanham, MD. http://www.scarecrowpress.com ISBN 0-8108-3881-8 (Index 339)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8232
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "2299", **HatchDesc:** "ALAMOSA,CO:BRILL.CGR PULSES RED GLOW 100M frm CAR:2 rear tires burst!:>> XFAST", **LatLong:** "37.483335 -105.872227", **LatLongDMS:** "37:29:00 N 105:52:20 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.483335,-105.872227)", **State/Prov:** "Colorado", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 28673 (5902AFAA)
**Date:** 5/14/1967
**Description:** While driving near Alamosa, Colorado at 11:15 p.m. an Adams State College student named Hardwick stopped his car and tried to approach a cigar-shaped UFO that was in a pasture pulsating with a red glow 100 meters away. It changed color from blue to red to orange to blue. Both rear tires of his car went flat for no apparent reason, and the object shot away making no sound.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP files, citing Alamosa Valley Courier, May 17, 1967; Jim and Coral Lorenzen, UFOs over the Americas, p. 163; Geoffrey Falla, BUFORA Vehicle Interference Project Report, p. 40; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty-Year Report, p. 339
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2829
### Event 28674 (441B2159)
**Date:** 5/15/1967 (approximate)
**Time:** 23:00
**Location:** GUANAJUATO, MX
**Description:** 2 / car. Flat-bottom dome hovers. Follows car / 2 minute(s). Shoots away. / r109p60.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 811)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8233
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Mexico", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "4", **Elev:** "2109", **HatchDesc:** "GUANAJUATO,MX:2/CAR:FLAT-BOTTOM DOME HVRS:FOLOS CAR/2min:SHOOTS AWAY:/r109p60", **LatLong:** "21.000001 -101.250005", **LatLongDMS:** "21:00:00 N 101:15:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/21.000001,-101.250005)", **State/Prov:** "GTO", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 28675 (08B2E735)
**Date:** 5/15/1967
**Time:** 23:20
**Description:** Pilot and cops and RADAR and more/others. Fat cylinder/cigar-shape. No blimps up. Brilliant lights. Going up [to] extremely fast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** EDWARDS, Frank: FLYING SAUCERS-HERE AND NOW; 1967 Lyle Stewart & Bantam Books 1968. (Index 152)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8234
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RDR:** Radar traces/blips, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "25", **Elev:** "215", **HatchDesc:** "NE/INDIANAPOLIS,IN:PILOT+COPS+RDR++:FAT CGR:NO BLIMPS UP:BRILL.LITES:↑ XFAST", **LatLong:** "39.866669 -86.033337", **LatLongDMS:** "39:52:00 N 86:02:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.866669,-86.033337)", **State/Prov:** "Indiana", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 28676 (1F3317FA)
**Date:** 5/15/1967
**Location:** Indianapolis (NE of), IN
**Description:** 7:30 p.m. EDT. A pilot and a sheriffs deputy saw a 50-foot cigar-shaped object with a brilliant white light in front, a rapidly blinking red light on the rear, and red lights pulsating from front to back underneath (body lights). Indianapolis airport radar reportedly tracked the object. (Telephone call report from Frank Edwards, 5/18/67, NICAP files; Ridge, 1994, pp. 22-23 from Edwards, 1968, p. 152.) (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Rating: 5)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3556
### Event 28677 (24E540B6)
**Date:** 5/15/1967
**Location:** Scarborough, Ontario, CAN
**Description:** 10:00 p.m. EDT. Three witnesses 500 miles to the northeast, in Scarborough, Ontario, Canada, saw an elongated object with one red and one white light. (Air Force report form, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3557
### Event 28678 (0C14267F)
**Date:** Mid 5/1967
**Location:** Guanajuato, Mexico
**Description:** 11:00 p.m. Patricio Hanessian and Alfredo Padilla are driving in the state of Guanajuato, Mexico, and see a flat-bottomed, domed object in the sky. The central part is bright white and the edge is bright pink or red. It holds its position for 2–3 minutes then moves away, reappearing about 500 feet in front of their car, where it hovers for 2 minutes before speeding off.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Lorenzen, UFOs over the Americas, Signet, 1968, pp. 60–61
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4299
### Event 28679 (B6E4C836)
**Date:** 5/15/1967
**Description:** After attending an amateur astronomy club meeting, Benito Hamburgo Valenzuela returned to his home in La Paz, Baja California, Mexico at around 11:00 p.m. where he encountered a giant, nine foot tall man. The man had large blue eyes, red hair, and very large ears. He wore a tight fitting red coverall like garment with short sleeves, boots, and bracelets on both arms. On his chest he wore an insignia of white dots, and he wore a white cap on his head that looked nickel-plated. He also wore a wide belt, from which hung a small box with a small antenna. The collosus pulled up a large piece of wood and sat down on it. He greeted Hamburgo in slightly accented Spanish, and introduced himself as "Wirkle, Chief of the Guard." He answered Benito's questions, anticipating them before the witness actually spoke them. He said he was from a very distant "region" and that they were an advanced race, concerned about the misuse of atomic energy. When he left he refused to shake hands, explaining that contact with him would aggravate Benito's cardiac condition.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1967-39 (A0812), citing Mike Culbert & Paul Cerny; Daily Gazette, July 24, 1968
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2856
### Event 28680 (F19D4DEE)
**Date:** 5/15/1967
**Description:** A pilot and police along with several other witnesses in northeast Indianapolis, Indiana sighted a fat, multi-colored cigar-shaped UFO with a brilliant light in front at 11:15 p.m. There were no blimps flying at the time. It shot straight up (or at a very steep angle) very rapidly. The object was confirmed on radar.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Frank Edwards, Flying Saucers - Here and Now! p. 246
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2857
### Event 28681 (9D8D10E8)
**Date:** 5/16/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In Nieva-Segovia \(Spain\), Roman and Jose Arribas observe an object landing in a pine forest to the North of the city. They see people entering the dust-colored craft, which takes off straight away, at high speed. (May 16)
**Reference:** [LDLN](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/LDLN.html) 89 \< [Vallée](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/ValleeJacques.html) 1969
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2309
### Event 28682 (7AA20559)
**Date:** 5/16/1967
**Time:** 22:10
**Description:** 4 observer(s) / 50 minute(s). UFO. RADAR confirm. Type unknown. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HYNEK, J. Allen: The UFO EXPERIENCE, A Scientific Inquiry; Ballentine Books, NY 1974,1977. (Index 267)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8235
**Attributes:** **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RDR:** Radar traces/blips, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Caribbean area", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "50", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "SS POINT SUR off GULF COAST:4 OBS/50min:UFO:RDR CONFIRM:TYPE UNK:NFD", **LatLong:** "29.000001 -87.000004", **LatLongDMS:** "29:00:00 N 87:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Offshore", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/29.000001,-87.000004)", **State/Prov:** "GMX", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 28683 (1DE2FD73)
**Date:** 5/16/1967
**Location:** Gulf of Mexico, At Sea
**Description:** U.S.S Point Sur (Hynek UFO Exp ch. 7, case RV-9) (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3558
### Event 28684 (D0336494)
**Date:** 5/16/1967
**Location:** Half Moon Bay, CA
**Description:** 1:30 a.m. PDT. A family saw a triangular object with a row of red lights and a white light on one end (body lights). The object hovered over the ground near a pond, made a roaring sound, then took off soaring over the house. (Redwood City Times, Calif., 5/16/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3559
### Event 28685 (BB2B3837)
**Date:** 5/16/1967
**Location:** Nieva-Segovia, Spain
**Description:** Roman and Jose Arribas observed an object land in a pine forest north of Nieva-Segovia. They saw "people" enter the ashcolored craft, which took off straight up, at high speed.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** LDLN 89 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_843
### Event 28686 (73A48CAA)
**Date:** 5/16/1967
**Locations:** North Vietnam; Kadena Air Base; Okinawa, Japan
**Description:** CIA Director [Richard Helms](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard%5FHelms) makes one last pitch for the A-12 Oxcart program to President [Johnson](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lyndon%5FB.%5FJohnson), saying the aircraft are essential for finding the SAM missile launch sites responsible for shooting down pilots in North Vietnam. They can’t want for the Air Force’s SR-71 to become operational. Johnson authorizes A-12’s to deploy to Kadena Air Base in Okinawa, Japan, before the monsoons start.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Jacobsen, Area 51, [pp. 265–266](https://archive.org/details/area51uncensored0000jaco/page/264/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4300
### Event 28687 (172341E8)
**Date:** 5/16/1967
**Locations:** Gulf of Mexico; Pacific Coast Transport
**Description:** 10:10 p.m. Ship Master Donald W. Dee and 3rd Mate Homer Hawthorne, seamen Earle Bradley and Eric Koster, all crew of the Pacific Coast Transport ship SS Point Sur, see six red point-source lights that seem to be pacing the ship over the Gulf of Mexico. One object is confirmed by sporadic radar returns as at 12,000 feet, 11 miles away. Through 7 x 50 binoculars, the objects appear brilliant yellow with red lights across upper two-thirds, but to the naked eye, the colors blend to reddish-orange point sources. They pulsate with a 4.5-second period and an approximate 1:3 brightness ratio. The lower objects rise and fall near the horizon.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** NICAP, “[SS](http://www.nicap.org/670516gulf%5Fdir.htm) [Point Sur](http://www.nicap.org/670516gulf%5Fdir.htm) [Case](http://www.nicap.org/670516gulf%5Fdir.htm)”; [Sparks](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf)[,](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf) p. 325
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4301
### Event 28688 (80AB76D7)
**Date:** 5/16/1967
**Description:** Roman and Jose Arribas observed an object land in a pine forest north of Nieva-Segovia, Cordoba, Spain. They saw "people" enter the ash-colored craft, which took off straight up, at high speed.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 843, citing Lumieres dans la Nuit; issue 89
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2891
### Event 28689 (7E3E91CF)
**Date:** 5/16/1967
**Description:** Half Moon Bay, San Mateo County, California. At 1:30 a.m. PDT a family saw a triangular object with a row of red lights and a white light on one end. The object hovered over the ground near a pond, made a roaring sound, then took off, soaring over their house.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Redwood City Times, Calif., May 16, 1967, copy in NICAP files.
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2892
### Event 28690 (DC41ED36)
**Date:** 5/16/1967
**Description:** Four members of the crew of the SS Point Sur in the Gulf of Mexico at 10:10 p.m. had radar-visual confirmation with a UFO that was observed for 50 minutes, shape undetermined.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** J. Allen Hynek, The UFO Experience, p. 237
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2893
### Event 28691 (B3F1D0DD)
**Date:** 5/17/1967
**Location:** USSR, Kamyshin
**Description:** (Translated from French) At 10pm, Major Y.B. Popov from Novosibirsk and Junior Lieutenant A.S. Nikitenko as well as several local inhabitants saw a cascade of lights crossing the sky from the northeast in parallel rows. These lights were on the surface of a cigar-shaped object the size of an ocean liner, flying at only 1000 meters, in absolute silence. (1967, 17 May)
**Reference:** Felix Zigel and FSR
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2448
### Event 28692 (66584134)
**Date:** 5/17/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Sighting in Rural Hall \(North Carolina\). (May 17)
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#11744 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2310
### Event 28693 (3B975EAD)
**Date:** 5/17/1967
**Time:** 02:30
**Description:** (1 of 3). Faint-glow disk 4x moon-size west going east / 30 minute(s).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: UFO CHRONICLES of the SOVIET UNION; Ballentine Books HB 1992. 212pp. (Index 189)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8236
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Ukraine", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "30", **HatchDesc:** "CHAPAYEVKA,UKRAINE:(1 of 3):FAINT-GLOW DISK 4x MOON-SIZE W>E /30min", **LatLong:** "49.550002 32.200002", **LatLongDMS:** "49:33:00 N 32:12:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.550002,32.200002)", **State/Prov:** "CRK", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 28694 (D8CB4BD3)
**Date:** 5/17/1967
**Time:** 03:50
**Description:** Engineer. Saucer 2 xMOON south going north / 2 min. Vibrant bright. Beams / side.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: UFO CHRONICLES of the SOVIET UNION; Ballentine Books HB 1992. 212pp. (Index 189)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8237
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **NUC:** Nuclear facility related
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Kazakh Republic", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "UST'KAMENOGORSK,KAZAKH SSR:ENGINEER:SCR 2xMOON S>N/2 MIN:VBRITE:BEAMS/SIDE.", **LatLong:** "49.966669 82.933337", **LatLongDMS:** "49:58:00 N 82:56:00 E", **Locale:** "Desert", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.966669,82.933337)", **State/Prov:** "SEM", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 28695 (DFA8A6F4)
**Date:** 5/17/1967
**Time:** 20:30
**Location:** RURAL HALL, NC
**Description:** 1 / ground. 30' red-orange saucer zigzags back and forth over passing jet going northeast / 5 minute(s).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BERLINER, DON: The BLUEBOOK UNKNOWNS; (FUFOR). (Index 37)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8238
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "304", **HatchDesc:** "RURAL HALL,NC:1/GND:30'RED-ORG SCR ZIGZAGS BACK+FORTH OVR PASSING JET >NE/5min", **LatLong:** "36.238891 -80.294448", **LatLongDMS:** "36:14:20 N 80:17:40 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/36.238891,-80.294448)", **State/Prov:** "North Carolina", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 28696 (762EA217)
**Date:** 5/17/1967
**Time:** 22:00
**Location:** KAMYSHIN, RUSSIA
**Description:** Stream / night lights = windows / huge cylinder/cigar-shape northeast going quickly southwest. Lost going up [to] space!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: UFO CHRONICLES of the SOVIET UNION; Ballentine Books HB 1992. 212pp. (Index 189)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8239
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Russia", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "KAMYSHIN,RUSSIA:STREAM/NLTS = WINDOWS/HUGE CGR NE>>SW:LOST ↑ SPACE!", **LatLong:** "50.133336 45.333335", **LatLongDMS:** "50:08:00 N 45:20:00 E", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.133336,45.333335)", **State/Prov:** "NOV", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 28697 (78C5FDFE)
**Date:** 5/17/1967
**Time:** 22:10
**Description:** Levels / 1m altitude. = large dark body.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: UFO CHRONICLES of the SOVIET UNION; Ballentine Books HB 1992. 212pp. (Index 189)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8240
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Russia", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "15", **HatchDesc:** "VAKHRUSEV=PORONAYSK,SAKHALIN,RUS,NLT DROPS/W SKY:LEVELS/1m ALT:=LRG DRK BODY", **LatLong:** "49.350002 143.383340", **LatLongDMS:** "49:21:00 N 143:23:00 E", **Locale:** "Islands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.350002,143.383340)", **State/Prov:** "SAK", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 28698 (FFEE05A4)
**Date:** 5/17/1967
**Location:** Ust'kamenogorsk, Russia
**Description:** 2:30 a.m. LT. An engineer named T.N. Kanshov saw a bright body twice as large as the moon moving across the sky from south to north for over two minutes. It expanded to three times its original size before disappearing. (Ref. 3) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3560
### Event 28699 (B1EFC74F)
**Date:** 5/17/1967
**Location:** Kamyshin, Russia
**Description:** 10:00 p.m. LT. Major Y.B. Popov, of Novosibirsk, together with Junior Lieutenant A.S. Nikitenko and several local residents saw a cascade of lights rushing across the night sky from the northeast in even rows. It was observed for two or three minutes. It passed almost over-head and took off into space. (Ref. 3) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3561
### Event 28700 (EF85D593)
**Date:** 5/17/1967
**Location:** Bakhrushev, Russia
**Description:** 10:05 p.m. LT. By a warm, quiet evening several witnesses including S.V. Ostrovskiy saw a bright point descending in the western sky. It flew down to an altitude estimated as about one mile, when it changed to a horizontal course. (Ref. 3) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3562
### Event 28701 (E47BE255)
**Date:** 5/17/1967
**Location:** Rural Hall, NC
**Description:** Round, orange-colored obj. zigzag back and forth over jet (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: 11744)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3563
### Event 28702 (1C7C825F)
**Date:** 5/17/1967
**Time:** 8:30 PM
**Location:** Rural Hall, North Carolina
**Description:** Witness: Red Ledford. One round, orange-colored object, similar in size to a small aircraft, zigzagged back and forth over a jet that was heading northeast for 5 minutes.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_575
### Event 28703 (C2C27795)
**Date:** 5/17/1967
**Location:** Moscow Aviation and Cosmonautics Center
**Description:** The first official Soviet UFO Study Group is launched in a preliminary meeting at the Moscow Aviation and Cosmonautics Center with Maj. Gen. Porfiri Stolyarov at the helm and cosmologist [Felix Ziegel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Felix%5FZiegel) as his deputy. Also in attendance are Heinrich Ludwig, [Nikolai Zhirov](http://atlantipedia.ie/samples/zhirov-nicolai-feodosyevich/)[,](http://atlantipedia.ie/samples/zhirov-nicolai-feodosyevich/) [Igor Bestuzhev-Lada](https://prabook.com/web/igor.bestuzhev-lada/1031743), [Valentin Akkuratov](https://clever-geek.github.io/articles/2237020/index.html), Leonid Reino, Georgi Uger, Georgi Zevalkin, [Grigory Sivkov](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grigory%5FSivkov)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grigory%5FSivkov) [Yekaterina Ryabova](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yekaterina%5FRyabova), and [Natalia Kravtsova](https://www.meisterdrucke.us/fine-art-prints/Russian-Photographer/497411/Soviet-Female-Pilots%3B-Natalia-Kravtsova-%28Meklin%29-and-Irina-Srebrova%2C-1943.html)[.](https://www.meisterdrucke.us/fine-art-prints/Russian-Photographer/497411/Soviet-Female-Pilots%3B-Natalia-Kravtsova-%28Meklin%29-and-Irina-Srebrova%2C-1943.html)
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Felix Ziegel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Felix%5FZiegel)”; Good Above, [p. 570](https://archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/570/mode/2up); Felix Ziegel, “[Unidentified Flying Objects,](https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=uc1.31210023618901&view=1up&seq=103&skin=2021)” Soviet Life, no. 137 \(February 1968\): 29
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4302
### Event 28704 (E4B019CB)
**Date:** 5/17/1967
**Description:** At 10:00 p.m. a stream of lights seen in the sky in Kamyshin, Volgograd, Russia were actually windows on a huge cigar-shaped UFO that flew from the northeast to southwest, and was lost from view as it ascended up into space. Major Y. B. Popov, of Novosibirsk, together with Junior Lieutenant A. S. Nikitenko and several local residents saw a cascade of lights rushing across the night sky from the northeast in even rows. The lights were located on the surface of a very large cigar-shaped object; the impression was that of an ocean-going vessel.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, UFO Chronicles of the Soviet Union: A Cosmic Samizdat, p. 189
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2929
### Event 28705 (4C7D54CF)
**Date:** 5/17/1967
**Description:** At 8:30 p.m. in Rural Hall, North Carolina witness Red Ledford observed a round, orange-colored object, similar in size to a small aircraft, which zigzagged back-and-forth for five minutes over a jet that was heading northeast.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Don Berliner, Australasian Ufologist, April 1999, p. 54; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II. A Thirty-Year Report, p. 339, UNICAT, case # 716
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2930
### Event 28706 (815C3BFA)
**Date:** 5/18/1967
**Time:** 06:40
**Location:** I76 WITH ROXBOROUGH, PA
**Description:** 1 / car. 12M metallic saucer follows moving van. Steams. Quickly going up. Toothache!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 809)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8241
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "95", **HatchDesc:** "I76 W/ROXBOROUGH,PA:1/CAR:12M MTLC SCR FOLOS MOVING VAN:STEAMS:↑↑:toothache!", **LatLong:** "40.000002 -75.250004", **LatLongDMS:** "40:00:00 N 75:15:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.000002,-75.250004)", **State/Prov:** "Pennsylvania", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 28707 (8A293694)
**Date:** 5/19/1967
**Time:** 04:00
**Location:** WEST / BERTHOLD, ND
**Description:** 1M top-shape hides / trees. Follows 2 / car. Back at Stanley, ND. 12M away.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLICKENGER, Don: NORTH DAKOTA UFO files. Well Documented NICAP files for the 1960s: Xeroxed by Tom Tulien (Index 48)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8242
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **NUC:** Nuclear facility related, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "50", **Elev:** "635", **HatchDesc:** "W/BERTHOLD,ND:1M TOP-SHAPE HIDES/TREES:FOLOS 2/CAR:BACK at STANLEY,ND:12M away", **LatLong:** "48.311113 -101.772227", **LatLongDMS:** "48:18:40 N 101:46:20 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.311113,-101.772227)", **RelAlt:** "2", **State/Prov:** "North Dakota", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 28708 (C586E11F)
**Date:** 5/19/1967
**Location:** Grove City, OH
**Description:** 4:00-4:30 a.m. EDT. Four men saw a cigar-shaped object for 20 minutes that made various movements (maneuvered). One witness said it descended to within 150 feet of the ground, then made a 90-degree turn and flew off to the west. (Grove City Record, 5/25/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3564
### Event 28709 (0D05ECD7)
**Date:** 5/19/1967
**Description:** In Grove City, Ohio between 4:00 and 4:30 a.m. EDT four men, including the main witness named Schmidhammer, saw a cigar-shaped object for 20 minutes that maneuvered in the sky and descended to within 150 feet of the ground. It then made a 90-degree turn and flew off to the west. The object made an odd noise "that made your ears ring."
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Grove City Record, May 25, 1967; NICAP files
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2977
### Event 28710 (14B46CB0)
**Date:** 5/20/1967
**Location:** CANADA, Falcon Lake
**Description:** (Translated from French) At 12:15, Steve Michalak (deceased at the end of 2000), of Polish origin, aged 52, a mechanic and prospector, saw two glowing objects flying at high speed. One of them blew away the vegetation when it landed, surrounded by incandescence. Steve observed it for 30 minutes before a door opened, revealing a violet inner light. He also noted a shrill sound and a smell like that of an overloaded electrical circuit. Approaching, the witness heard voices. When he touched the craft his rubber glove burned. He was blown away by the hot air when the object began to spin. The witness felt dizzy, suffered minor burns on his face, second and third degree burns on his chest, had frequent vomiting for four days and lost more than 10 kg. Diameter of the craft: 11 m, height 3 m, with a superstructure of 1 m. (Henry DURRANT: "The UFO File" - Laffont 1973 - pp. 73-74) Stephen Michalak approaches a 10 m diameter disc that has just landed nearby while a second UFO disappears into the sky. The craft buzzes, emits a bright light and seems to cool down. Michalak takes a look inside and touches the wall of the object, but his glove is burned. A hot breath ignites his clothes and makes him spin, then the craft takes off and disappears in a few moments. The victim will be hospitalized for his burns and various ailments, perhaps due to radiation. (Science et Vie, special edition 1997: 50 years of UFO, Atlas of Unsolved Cases, pp. 60 to 63) A young man suffers first degree burns after encountering a UFO landed on the ground. (1967, May 20 or 21)
**Reference:** Jean-Gabriel GRESLE: UFO, a pilot speaks, ed. Guy Trédaniel, 1993, pp. 66,67
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2449
### Event 28711 (CA6E67B8)
**Date:** 5/20/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Meeting of [Stephen Michalak](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/temoins.html\#MichalakStephen) at Falcon Lake \(Canada\). (May 20)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2311
### Event 28712 (3669D19B)
**Date:** 5/20/1967
**Time:** 12:10
**Location:** FALCON LK, MB
**Description:** 2 saucers. 1 going down. 3 pseudo-human/entity inside. Observer(s) burnt / chest. Physical traces. / FSRv27#1+/ APRO 5'67.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 49)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8243
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **CVS:** Conversation/communication, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **RDA:** Radiation/high energy fields detected, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "35", **Elev:** "360", **HatchDesc:** "FALCON LK,MB:2 SCRS:1↓:3 PSH INSIDE:OBS BURNT/CHEST:TRCs:/FSRv27#1+/APRO 5'67", **LatLong:** "49.716669 -95.316671", **LatLongDMS:** "49:43:00 N 95:19:00 W", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.716669,-95.316671)", **State/Prov:** "Manitoba", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 28713 (5C0CC190)
**Date:** 5/20/1967
**Location:** Falcon Lake, Manitoba, CAN
**Description:** Falcon Lake/Michalak Encounter (NICAP: 05 - Medical Incidents, Code: M, Rating: 5)
**Reference:** NICAP: [670520](http://www.nicap.org/670520falconlake%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3565
### Event 28714 (D5A31072)
**Date:** 5/20/1967
**Location:** Lexington, KY
**Description:** 10:45 p.m. EDT. A couple saw an intensely glowing object with shimmering white lights. The object alternated between hovering and moving at an estimated altitude of 1,500-2,000 feet. (Witness letter, 5/25/67, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3566
### Event 28715 (4C23BE00)
**Date:** 5/20/1967
**Time:** 1213
**Location:** Falcon Lake, Canada
**Description:** Polish-born Steve Michalac, 52, industrial mechanic and prospector, saw two redglowing objects flying at high speed. One of them blew vegetation as it landed, surrounded by a glow, and it was observed for 30 min before a door opened, showing a purple light. A high-pitched sound and an odor resembling a burning electrical circuit were noted. Approaching, the witness heard voices, and upon touching the craft, he burned his rubber-coated glove, and was "blown out" by hot air when the subject started spinning. The witness felt dizzy, suffered minor face burns, second and third degree burns on his chest, vomited frequently for 4 days, and lost over 10 kg. Diameter of craft, 11 m; height, 3 m, with a 1-m-high superstructure.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Lor. III 60; Condon 316 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_844
### Event 28716 (BCE1DF9B)
**Date:** 5/20/1967
**Location:** Falcon Lake, Manitoba, Canada
**Description:** Witness approached landed object, violet light, rushing air sound, voices heard. Experienced severe burns on chest, weight loss, and vomiting
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_129
### Event 28717 (994D0856)
**Date:** 5/20/1967
**Time:** 15:00:00.0
**Location:** 37.1304 -116.0639
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Commodore” Yield: 250KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_496
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1304 -116.0639", **LatLongDMS:** "37:07:49 N 116:03:50 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1304,-116.0639)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.75", **NukeMb:** "5.90", **NukeName:** "Commodore", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "250"
### Event 28718 (212056B0)
**Date:** 5/20/1967
**Locations:** Falcon Lake, Manitoba; Misericordia Hospital in Winnipeg; Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota
**Description:** 12:15 p.m. [Stefan Michalak](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/204651773/stefan-michalak) is quartz prospecting near Falcon Lake, Manitoba, when he sees two red, glowing, cigar-shaped objects in the sky. One object begins to hover then move away, while the other lands on a large, flat rock 160 feet away. The landed object is more than 35 feet wide and 10 feet thick with a 3-foot high cupola. It goes through several color changes then appears like hot stainless steel with blinding purple-colored lights coming through slits in the cupola. It is making a whirring sound and warm air seems to be coming from it. Michalak sits and sketches the object for 30 minutes, then a small door opens on the side, revealing a lighted interior. Michalak walks to 60 feet away and hears voices inside. Thinking it is a US aircraft, he steps forward and shouts. “Okay, Yankee boys, having trouble? Come on out and we’ll see what we can do about it.” He says the same thing in five other languages. There is no response, so he puts green lenses over his glasses and looks inside, where he sees a series of flashing lights. He pulls his head back, noting that the wall is 18 inches thick. Almost immediately the opening closes. When his glove accidentally touches the surface, it burns and melts. The UFO angles upwards and he sees a 9-by-6 inch gridlike vent with a uniform pattern of small holes. A blast of hot gas erupts from the grid, searing his chest, sending him reeling backwards, and burning his shirt and undershirt. He rips the flaming clothing off just as the UFO ascends in a rush of air. It heads off to the west, the same direction the other UFO has gone. Michalak now has a headache and severe nausea, so he starts driving back to his motel. He eventually gets to Misericordia Hospital in Winnipeg and receives a sedative. His chest burn heals, but the gridlike burn lesions on his abdomen persist. The symptoms continue well into 1968, when Michalak visits the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, staying there 2 weeks and undergoing outpatient treatment. He relocates the landing site on June 30, 1967, and the RCAF visits it in July, noting a 15-foot circle of cleared vegetation on the flat rock. Michalak obtains metal samples of unknown provenance from the site in 1968.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Falcon Lake](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Falcon%5FLake%5FIncident) [Incident](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Falcon%5FLake%5FIncident)”; NICAP, “[Falcon Lake / Michalak Encounter](http://www.nicap.org/670520falconlake%5Fdir.htm)”; Stephen Michalak, My Encounter with the UFO, Osnova, 1967; Lorenzen, UFOs: The Whole Story, Signet, 1969, pp. 195–198; Condon, [pp. 316–324](https://archive.org/details/scientificstudyo0000unse%5Fl5t2/page/316/mode/2up); Yurko Bondarchuk, UFO Sightings, Landings, and Abductions, Methuen, 1979, pp. 37–45; Chris Rutkowski, “[The](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201981%20V%2027%20N%201.pdf) [Falcon Lake Incident, Part 1: Prologue 1967,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201981%20V%2027%20N%201.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 27, no. 1 \(June 1981\): 14–16; Chris Rutkowski, “[The Falcon Lake Incident, Part 2,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201981%20V%2027%20N%202.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 27, no. 2 \(August 1981\): 15–18; Chris Rutkowski, “[The Falcon Lake Incident, Part 3,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201981%20V%2027%20N%203.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 27, no. 3 \(November 1981\): 21–25; Chris Rutkowski, “Burned by a UFO? The Story of a Bungled Investigation,” IUR 12, no. 6 \(Nov./Dec. 1987\): 21–24; Edward M. Barker, “Letter,” IUR 13, no. 2 \(March/April 1988\): 21–22; Good Above, [pp. 195–200](https://archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/194/mode/2up); Chris Rutkowski, “The Falcon Lake Case: Too Close an Encounter,” JUFOS 5 \(1994\): 1–34; Don Berliner, with Marie Galbreath and Antonio Huneeus, UFO Briefing Document: The Best Available Evidence, Dell, 2000, [pp. 81–86](https://archive.org/details/ufobriefingdocum0000berl/page/80/mode/2up); Chris Rutkowski and Geoff Dittman, The Canadian UFO Report, Dundurn Press, 2006, pp. 72–93; Chris Rutkowski, “The Cold, Hard Facts about UFOs in Canada,” IUR 34, no. 1 \(September 2011\): 10, 22; Clark III 475–481; Chris Rutkowski and Stan Michalak, When They Appeared: Falcon Lake 1967, August Night, 2019; Chris Rutkowski, Canada’s UFOs: Declassified, August Night, 2022, pp. 107–118, 154–157
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4303
### Event 28719 (DF66F452)
**Date:** 5/20/1967
**Locations:** Madrid, Spain; Ummo
**Description:** A bizarre announcement is published in the Spanish newspaper Informaciones declaring that soon a spacecraft will land in Madrid, Spain, and fly earthbound terrestrials back to their home planet Ummo.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clark III 1184
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4304
### Event 28720 (A317FFE8)
**Date:** 5/20/1967
**Description:** Polish-born Steve Michalac, age 52, an industrial mechanic and prospector, saw two red-glowing objects flying at high speed while prospecting at Falcon Lake, Manitoba, Canada. One of them landed nearby, and blew up vegetation as it landed. It was surrounded by a glow, and he watched it for 30 minutes before a door opened, revealing a purple glow inside. A high-pitched humming sound and an odor resembling a burning electrical circuit were noted. Seeing no further activity Mr. Michalac approached the landed craft, but he then heard voices, and when he touched the craft he burned his rubber-coated glove, and he was blown backwards by a hot blast of air. The object then started spinning. The witness felt dizzy, suffered minor face burns, and second and third degree burns on his chest. He vomited frequently for the next four days, and was hospitalized, losing over 10 kilograms. The landed craft was estimated to be 11 meters in diameter and three meters tall, with a one meter high superstructure.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** APRO Bulletin, May-June 1967, p. 1; Edward U. Condon (ed.), Scientific Study of Unidentified Flying Objects, New York: Bantam (1969), p. 316; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 844
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3008
### Event 28721 (EBBCDCD5)
**Date:** 5/21/1967
**Location:** Union County, IN
**Description:** 3:00 a.m. A dark object with a circle of red pulsating lights which lit up the area was observed for two minutes by two witnesses. The object moved slowly along a highway below tree-top level. (Don Worley files) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3567
### Event 28722 (9CDB6829)
**Date:** 5/21/1967
**Location:** Union County, IN
**Description:** 8:00 a.m. A farmer out hunting looked up when he heard a brief swishing sound. Six or eight light gray watermelon shaped objects in semicircle formation at undetermined height were moving rapidly to the east. (Don Worley files) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3568
### Event 28723 (E768BABB)
**Date:** 5/22/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) The first A-12 departs [Groom Lake](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/Area51.html) for Kadena Air Base \(Okinawa\) for the start of Black Shield, their first operational deployment. Black Shield includes reconnaissance flights to North Vietnam.
**Reference:** Peebles 1995
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2312
### Event 28724 (BCFED8B7)
**Date:** 5/22/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In Evillers \(France\), Mr. Tyrode, a 45-year-old teacher, sees a light, then an object in the shape of an overturned plate emitting a greenish-blue light. It flies less than 20 m above his car, at 40 km/h. (Evening)
**Reference:** [LDLN](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/LDLN.html) 94 \< [Vallée](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/ValleeJacques.html) 1969
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2313
### Event 28725 (B187C9DB)
**Date:** 5/22/1967
**Time:** 22:00
**Location:** EVILLERS, FR
**Description:** Jean Tyrode / car. 20M saucer going [to] overhead / 20M altitude. 20kph. / LDLN#94+/ r8#845.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FIGEUT, Michel & RUCHON, Jean-Louis: OVNI - Le Premier Dossier..; Alain LeFeuvre, Paris 1979. (Index 275)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8244
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "EVILLERS,FR:Jean TYRODE/CAR:20M SCR >OVHD/20M alt:20kph:/LDLN#94+/r8#845", **LatLong:** "47.000002 6.233334", **LatLongDMS:** "47:00:00 N 06:14:00 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.000002,6.233334)", **State/Prov:** "Doubs", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 28726 (07EEF91F)
**Date:** 5/22/1967
**Time:** evening
**Location:** Evillers, France
**Description:** A teacher, 45-year-old Mr. Tyrode, saw a glow, then an object shaped like an inverted plate emitting a greenish-blue light. It flew less than 20 m above his car, at 40 km/h.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** LDLN 94 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_845
### Event 28727 (B04B02C8)
**Date:** 5/22/1967
**Description:** On this evening Mr. Tyrode, a 45-year-old school teacher, saw a glow and then an object shaped like an inverted plate emitting a greenish-blue light in Evillers, France. It flew less than 20 meters above his car at at estimated speed of 40 km/hour.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case # 845
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3038
### Event 28728 (18BF1910)
**Date:** 5/23/1967
**Time:** 14:00:00.0
**Location:** 37.2751 -116.3700
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Scotch” Yield: 155KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_497
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.2751 -116.3700", **LatLongDMS:** "37:16:30 N 116:22:12 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.2751,-116.3700)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.98", **NukeMb:** "5.70", **NukeName:** "Scotch", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "155"
### Event 28729 (89F8DB8C)
**Date:** 5/24/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In Arbonne \(France\), Rémy Deneuville and his family see a white light on the side of the road, but it goes out when they drive within 150 m of the spot. Minutes later, they see a luminous spherical object flying away for several minutes. (May 24th, 11 PM)
**Reference:** [GEPA](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/GEPA.html) Dec., 67 \< [Vallée](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/ValleeJacques.html) 1969
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2314
### Event 28730 (21EE32D6)
**Date:** 5/24/1967
**Time:** 23:00
**Location:** FLEURY-EN-BIERE, FR
**Description:** 3 / car. White light hovers / road. Darkens. Sphere flies. / r30p275.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PHENOMENES SPATIAUX: Group GEPA, Gen. M. Lionel Chassin Paris. Quarterly 1964?-1977. Merged into Grp. GEPAN (Index 14)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8245
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "FLEURY-en-BIERE,FR:3/CAR:WHT LITE HVRS/ROAD:DARKENS:SPHERE FLIES:/r30p275", **LatLong:** "48.433336 2.533333", **LatLongDMS:** "48:26:00 N 02:32:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.433336,2.533333)", **State/Prov:** "Seine-et-Marne", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 28731 (3E7CAE9A)
**Date:** 5/24/1967
**Time:** 2300
**Location:** Arbonne, France
**Description:** Remy Deneuville and his family saw a white light to the side of the road, but it was turned off when they drove within 150 m of its location. Minutes later, they saw a luminous spherical object fly away for several minutes.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** GEPA Dec., 67 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_846
### Event 28732 (E21BE224)
**Date:** 5/24/1967
**Description:** Remy Deneuville and his family saw a white light to the side of the road in Arbonne, France at eleven p.m., but it was turned off when they drove to within 150 meters of its location. Minutes later, they saw a luminous spherical object fly away for several minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Phenomenes Spatiaux, December 1967; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case # 841
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3067
### Event 28733 (74842537)
**Date:** 5/24/1967
**Description:** At 3:00 p.m. Mr. & Mrs. De Carvalho were putting a new tile roof on a shed in Parque en Grande, Brazil when they noticed a 15 foot long ovoid object with four legs. It was light grey in color. A short occupant wearing a helmet leaned out of the craft to observe them; it then took off.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** FSR, March-April 1971, p 30, citing Ultima Hora, May 30, 1967; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case A0816, citing FSR
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3068
### Event 28734 (555B1E77)
**Date:** 5/25/1967
**Time:** 22:30
**Location:** CASTRO VALLEY, CA
**Description:** 2 / porch. 16M saucer with rivets shoots flame / bottom. Zigzags away. / r41.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 51)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8246
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "55", **HatchDesc:** "CASTRO Vly,CA:2/PORCH:16M SCR W/RIVETS SHOOTS FLAME/BOTTOM:ZIGZAGS away:/r41", **LatLong:** "37.694446 -122.083339", **LatLongDMS:** "37:41:40 N 122:05:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.694446,-122.083339)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 28735 (E4FCB4F8)
**Date:** 5/25/1967
**Location:** Fostoria, OH
**Description:** 9:30 p.m. A witness saw a flat-bottomed , object, with a domed top (domed disc) that had rainbow-like light. When his car headlights shone on the object, its light flared up and within seconds it took off , straight up (light reaction). The witness felt his hair stand on end and a tingling like static electricity (physiological effects). (Letter from Chuck Thaxton, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 05 - Medical Incidents)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3569
### Event 28736 (2BE663D5)
**Date:** 5/25/1967
**Location:** Shreveport, LA
**Description:** 8:55 p.m. CDT (9:55 p.m. EDT). Two people saw a cigar-shaped object with a string of white lights down the center and a red light at front, and a green light at the rear (body lights). (Witness letter, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3570
### Event 28737 (F71B5575)
**Date:** 5/25/1967
**Location:** Castro Valley, CA
**Description:** 10:30 p.m. PDT. A couple saw a metallic-appearing disc that descended to about 5,000 feet above the ground, emitting a bright red flame which shot from a 3-4 foot round aperture in the underside. (NICAP report form; U.F.O Investigator, Vol. IV, No. 3, Nov.-Dec. 1967, p. 3.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3571
### Event 28738 (FB7C5158)
**Date:** 5/25/1967
**Description:** At 10:00 p.m. in Castro Valley, California Mr. & Mrs. Ofinowicz saw a metallic domed disc descend and hover at an estimated 5000 feet altitude. It emitted a bright red flame from an aperture underneath as it hovered. The flame withdrew and the object zig-zagged away.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP case files; NICAP UFO Investigator, December 1967, p. 3; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty-Year Report, p. 339
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3087
### Event 28739 (2CBAA1F5)
**Date:** 5/26/1967
**Time:** 04:30
**Location:** E&W / RAY, ND
**Description:** 2 / car. Double dome Saturn-saucer going west south / town. Comes within 6M of car.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLICKENGER, Don: NORTH DAKOTA UFO files. Well Documented NICAP files for the 1960s: Xeroxed by Tom Tulien (Index 48)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8247
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **NUC:** Nuclear facility related, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "30", **Elev:** "695", **HatchDesc:** "E&W/RAY,ND:2/CAR:DOUBLE DOME SATURN-SCR >W S/TOWN:COMES WITHIN 6M OF CAR", **LatLong:** "48.344447 -103.166672", **LatLongDMS:** "48:20:40 N 103:10:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.344447,-103.166672)", **State/Prov:** "North Dakota", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 28740 (E2BA1FBB)
**Date:** 5/26/1967
**Time:** 22:10
**Location:** ALBUQUERQUE, NM
**Description:** 3 teens / car buzzed / night light. Car malfunctions due to EME (electro-magnetic effects). Going quickly southwest fast. Car OK after. / r113p47.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 809)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8248
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "1490", **HatchDesc:** "ALBUQUERQUE,NM:3 TEENS/CAR BUZZED/NLT:CAR EMEs:>>SW FAST:CAR OK AFTER:/r113p47", **LatLong:** "35.050002 -106.666672", **LatLongDMS:** "35:03:00 N 106:40:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/35.050002,-106.666672)", **RelAlt:** "10", **State/Prov:** "New Mexico", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 28741 (4B680214)
**Date:** 5/26/1967
**Location:** Albuquerque, NM
**Description:** Luminous object chased car, hovered above it; able to restart engine after UFO sped away. APRO Bulletin, May-June 1967 (E,L) car (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases, NC)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3572
### Event 28742 (95E1C91D)
**Date:** 5/26/1967
**Location:** 37.0000 -116.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Absinthe” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_498
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0000 -116.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:00 N 116:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0000,-116.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Absinthe", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 28743 (C60BEBE6)
**Date:** 5/26/1967
**Time:** 15:00:01.5
**Location:** 37.2479 -116.4802
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Knickerbocker” Yield: 76KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_499
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.2479 -116.4802", **LatLongDMS:** "37:14:52 N 116:28:49 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.2479,-116.4802)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.63", **NukeMb:** "5.54", **NukeName:** "Knickerbocker", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "76"
### Event 28744 (EE40A18B)
**Date:** 5/26/1967
**Locations:** Atrisco Drive NW; Central Avenue; Albuquerque, New Mexico
**Description:** 10:15 p.m. Three teenagers \(Bobby Grant, Joseph Romero, and Johnny Sanchez\) are driving along Atrisco Drive NW, north of Central Avenue in Albuquerque, New Mexico. A white light seems to follow them, weaving back and forth over the road. Finally it catches up with the car and hovers silently above it. The engine quits and the headlights fail. The teens leap from the car and the object suddenly flies off to the southwest. They can start the car again.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Car Buzzing Incidents on Increase,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201967%2005%2000%20-%20May-June.pdf)” APRO Bulletin, May/June 1967, p. 6
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4305
### Event 28745 (17112C53)
**Date:** 5/26/1967
**Description:** At 10:15 p.m. a strange white light chased a car with three teenagers in Albuquerque, New Mexico then hovered directly overhead while the car was still moving. After a few moments, the engine and headlights of the car ceased operating. When the car had come to a complete stop the light sped away and the car couId then be restarted.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** APRO Bulletin, May-June, 1967, p. 6; Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, case 204
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3102
### Event 28746 (B688AD67)
**Date:** 5/27/1967
**Time:** 01:00
**Description:** Saucer landed / field takes off with noise / vacuum cleaner.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FIGEUT, Michel & RUCHON, Jean-Louis: OVNI - Le Premier Dossier..; Alain LeFeuvre, Paris 1979. (Index 276)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8249
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "St-ANDRE-TREIZE-VOIES,FR:SCR LANDED/FIELD TAKES OFF W/NOISE/VACUUM CLEANER", **LatLong:** "46.933336 -1.416667", **LatLongDMS:** "46:56:00 N 01:25:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.933336,-1.416667)", **State/Prov:** "Vendée", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 28747 (4876F463)
**Date:** 5/27/1967
**Time:** 23:30
**Location:** SERMERIEU, FR
**Description:** 2 luminous trails over ground. 4 dead cows 400M burnt crops. Odors. / FSRv17#2.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 93)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8250
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations, **ODR:** Odors associated with UFO's
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "SERMERIEU,FR:2 LUM TRAILS OVR GND:4 DEAD COWS 400M BURNT CROPS:ODORS:/FSRv17#2", **LatLong:** "45.672224 5.405556", **LatLongDMS:** "45:40:20 N 05:24:20 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.672224,5.405556)", **State/Prov:** "Isère", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 28748 (94B21CED)
**Date:** 5/27/1967
**Description:** At one o'clock in the morning a disc landed in a field in St.-Andre-Treize-Voies, Vendee department, France. When it took off it made a noise like a vacuum cleaner.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Michel Figuet & Jean-Louis Ruchon, OVNI: Le Premier Dossier Complet des Rencontres Rapprochees en France, p. 276
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3117
### Event 28749 (9DCA57BF)
**Date:** 5/27/1967
**Description:** Two luminous trails were found over the ground in Sermerieu, France. Four dead cows were found together with an area of 400 meter wide area of burned crops.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Lumieres dans la Nuit, issue 93
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3118
### Event 28750 (BC7B3201)
**Date:** 5/28/1967
**Time:** 00:30
**Location:** MANKATO, MN
**Description:** Bright red-orange domed ovoid swoops over town. "Roaring swoosh sound".
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO Evidence II: HB: Scarecrow Press Lanham, MD. http://www.scarecrowpress.com ISBN 0-8108-3881-8 (Index 340)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8251
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "311", **HatchDesc:** "MANKATO,MN:BRITE RED-ORG DOMED OVOID SWOOPS OVR TOWN:"roaring swoosh sound"", **LatLong:** "44.161113 -94.000004", **LatLongDMS:** "44:09:40 N 94:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.161113,-94.000004)", **State/Prov:** "Minnesota", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 28751 (CEE4AA8C)
**Date:** 5/28/1967
**Location:** Corinth, NY
**Description:** 1:25 a.m. EDT. A couple saw three light green glowing discs that flew low above treetops and then went straight up and out of sight. (Letter dated 5/28/67, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3573
### Event 28752 (229859C2)
**Date:** 5/28/1967
**Location:** Wallingford, CT
**Description:** 12:01 p.m. EDT. An engineer and his son (age 12) saw a bright silver, wingless object, apparently longer than a Boeing 707 jetliner. Two large transparent domes were visible on top of the object and three oblong windows along the side. (Letter dated 6/5/67, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3574
### Event 28753 (22A9B32C)
**Date:** 5/28/1967
**Time:** 04:07:59.6
**Location:** 49.7564 78.0169
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed, salvo. Country: USSR Yield: .002KT YieldMax: 40KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1298
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.7564 78.0169", **LatLongDMS:** "49:45:23 N 78:01:01 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.7564,78.0169)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.50", **NukeSource:** "BOCHAROV", **NukeType:** "NUCS_SALVO", **NukeY:** ".002", **NukeYMax:** "40"
### Event 28754 (0E758B37)
**Date:** 5/28/1967
**Description:** A glowing object flew over Murray Bridge, South Australia at two o'clock in the morning. It flew to the west at a speed under 100 mph.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** UFO Research South Australia, report # SA67005
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3134
### Event 28755 (16F02CEC)
**Date:** 5/28/1967
**Description:** A bright reddish orange domed ovoid objecty swooped over the town of Mankato, Minnesota at 12:30 a.m. It made a roaring "swoosh" sound as it did.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP files, report dated May 30, 1967
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3135
### Event 28756 (EEF861DF)
**Date:** 5/28/1967
**Description:** At 12:01 p.m. a cigar-shaped object with windows and protrusions flew over Wallingford, Connecticut. With clouds as a reference in the background, it was estimated to be about 3000 feet distant, and moved at an estimated speed of 500 mph as in went behind some clouds.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP files, report dated June 5, 1967
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3136
### Event 28757 (BBD265C7)
**Date:** 5/29/1967
**Time:** 02:40
**Location:** SAUGUS, MASS
**Description:** 1 observer. "Glowing red Scallop" rocks slowly. Shoots going up [to] and out-of-sight.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FOWLER, Raymond E.: UFO'S, INTERPLANETARY VISITORS; Prentice Hall & Bantam Books, NY 1979. 346pp. (Index 333)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8252
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "6", **HatchDesc:** "SAUGUS,MASS:1 OBS:"GLOWING RED SCALLOP" ROCKS SLOWLY:SHOOTS ↑+ OUT-OF-SIGHT", **LatLong:** "42.466669 -71.011114", **LatLongDMS:** "42:28:00 N 71:00:40 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.466669,-71.011114)", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 28758 (F15F0735)
**Date:** 5/29/1967
**Location:** Saugus, MA
**Description:** 2:40 a.m. EDT. One witness saw a glowing red scallop-shaped object (disc) that had white flashing lights along its surface. The object moved slowly with a rocking motion, then departed upward at high speed. (Fowler, 1974, p. 348.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3575
### Event 28759 (BAC8849A)
**Date:** 5/29/1967
**Location:** Bay City, MI
**Description:** Night. Two teenagers saw a large, shiny circular object with whirling lights. The object hovered, moved, descended near a grove of trees, then later rose straight up, hovered, and flew away. (Bay City Times, 6/14/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3576
### Event 28760 (71E1BE38)
**Date:** 5/29/1967
**Description:** A "glowing red scallop" shaped object rocked slowly in the sky over Saugus, Massachusetts ay 2:45 a.m., and then shot straight up out of sight.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Raymond E. Fowler, UFOs: Interplanetary Visitors, p. 333
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3148
### Event 28761 (A67BE69A)
**Date:** 5/29/1967
**Description:** At one o'clock in the afternoon a small UFO, three feet in diameter, traveled across Trout Brook Lake in New Brunswick, Canada. It moved in a "spinning fashion, spraying water seven to eight feet high, noisy, zipped into bushes. It came back and submerged."
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** report form in NICAP files from a military witness named Nason
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3149
### Event 28762 (4C52B905)
**Date:** 5/30/1967
**Time:** 03:00
**Description:** 2 observer(s). 5M cylinder/cigar-shape / very low altitude. 4 legs. Small humanoid (or Grey) leans / small window. Going [to] extremely fast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 206)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8253
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "796", **HatchDesc:** "RIBEIRAO PIRES,BRZL:2 OBS:5M CGR/VLO ALT:4 LEGS:OID LEANS/SML WINDOW:> XFAST", **LatLong:** "-23.716668 -46.416669", **LatLongDMS:** "23:43:00 S 46:25:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-23.716668,-46.416669)", **RelAlt:** "1", **State/Prov:** "São Paulo", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 28763 (9FBCD486)
**Date:** 5/30/1967
**Time:** 19:50
**Description:** 2 / car. Orange-glowing mushroom zigzags over PR57. High humming and swish.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 809)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8254
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "New Zealand", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "SW/PALMERSTON N.,NZ:2/CAR:ORG-GLO MUSHROOM ZIGZAGS ovr PR57:HIGH HUM+SWISH", **LatLong:** "-40.466669 175.516675", **LatLongDMS:** "40:28:00 S 175:31:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-40.466669,175.516675)", **State/Prov:** "NI", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 28764 (662643D6)
**Date:** 5/30/1967
**Locations:** North Vietnam; Kadena Air Base on Okinawa, Japan
**Description:** A-12 spy planes begin Operation Black Shield in North Vietnam out of Kadena Air Base on Okinawa, Japan, locating and photographing surface-to-air missile sites that are shooting down US pilots. The A-12s fly at 80,000 feet and at about Mach 3.1, carrying out 22 sorties in 1967. However, the Russians monitor the flights and the Vietnamese move their SAM sites immediately after flyovers.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Lockheed A-12](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lockheed%5FA-12)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4306
### Event 28765 (A7A77923)
**Date:** 5/30/1967
**Description:** Shortly before 8:00 p.m. an orange glowing mushroom-shaped UFO zig-zagged over Highway 57, southwest of Palmerston North, New Zealand. It was humming and making a swishing sound. There were two witnesses to the close encounter, and the entire event lasted 12 minutes. The same or a similar object was seen at Ohakea Air Force Base by two more witnesses a short time later.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** APRO Bulletin, May-June 1967, p. 4
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3167
### Event 28766 (5A2D06E5)
**Date:** 5/30/1967
**Description:** At around 3:00 a.m. a five meter long cigar-shaped object was seen at very low altitude over a farm in Ribeirao Pires, Sao Paulo State, Brazil. It had 4 legs for landing gear. A short humanoid was seen leaning against a small window in the craft, which shot away at an extremely fast speed.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Larry Hatch, U computer database, case 7790, citing FSR, March-April 1971
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3168
### Event 28767 (2CC34A41)
**Date:** 5/31/1967
**Location:** Danville, PA
**Description:** Evening. A woman and three children saw an object with red and green rotating lights. It took off down river, and turned after a short distance. The colored lights were not visible after the turn, but there was a large light like a locomotive headlight visible. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3577
### Event 28768 (C672600F)
**Date:** 5/31/1967
**Location:** Beausejour, Manitoba, CAN
**Description:** 11:30 p.m. CDT. A woman reported a luminous red, saucer-shaped object with blue light that approached from the south and hovered about 125 yards away. The object landed and left physical traces, including a burned area and radioactive soil. (Winnipeg Free Press, Manitoba, 7/21/67, copy in NICAP files; APRO Bulletin, May-June 1967, p. 2.) (NICAP: 06 - Trace Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3578
### Event 28769 (92601DC7)
**Date:** 5/31/1967
**Time:** 11:30pm
**Location:** Beausejour, Manitoba, Canada
**Description:** Another landing took place near a farm outside Beausejour, Manitoba, about 45 miles from Winnipeg. A farm woman, who requests anonymity, was sitting on her front porch at 11:30 p.m. waiting for her husband to come home. She said she saw a brilliant red light with a smaller blue light beside it come toward her from the South. It illuminated the ground and appeared to land, whereupon she became frightened and went into the house. The next morning, she and her husband investigated the area where the object had apparently landed and found a semi circular area 90' x 150' in flames. The strange aspect of this case is that on the 15th of June, the area was still smouldering despite the fact that there had been considerable rain in the interim. Soil samples taken at the site yielded nothing.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [Trace Cases](https://www.thenightskyii.org/trace.html)
**Source:** Trace, **ID:** Trace_6
### Event 28770 (B3D0C58A)
**Date:** 5/31/1967
**Locations:** Madrid, Spain; San José de Valderas, Madrid; London, Germany; Austria; New Zealand; Yugoslavia; Canada
**Description:** [Fernando Sesma](https://www.ummowiki.fr/index.php/Fernando%5FSesma)[,](https://www.ummowiki.fr/index.php/Fernando%5FSesma) president of the Amigos de los Visitantes del Espacio, speaks to an audience of 40 persons gathered at a café in Madrid, Spain. He says that the Ummites \(who have been supplying him with messages since 1965 describing in excruciating detail life on the planet Ummo, which revolves around a star 14.6 light years away\) have given him a startling printed message predicting that a spacecraft will appear on the evening of June 1. The space people have supplied the exact geographical coordinates: the area of San José de Valderas, Madrid. All the Ummite messages, passed on to Sesma by his associates [Enrique Villagrasa](https://www.ummowiki.fr/index.php/Enrique%5FVillagrasa) and [Alicia Araujo](https://www.ummowiki.fr/index.php/Alicia%5FAraujo), are usually postmarked in Madrid, but as time goes by, other postmarks indicate mailings from London, Germany, Austria, New Zealand, Yugoslavia, and Canada.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clark III 1184–1185; Fernando Sesma, UMMO, otro planeta habitado, Gráficas Espejo, 1967
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4307
### Event 28771 (31F4A0EA)
**Date:** 5/31/1967
**Location:** Beausejour, Manitoba
**Description:** 11:30 p.m. A woman at a farmhouse near Beausejour, Manitoba, sees an intensely bright red light with a smaller blue light on the bottom that approaches from the south and hovers about 375 feet away. A white light on the bottom becomes brighter as the object hovers, its glow illuminating the ground. The object lands and leaves a burning area 90 feet by 150 feet in size with radioactive soil. The area is still smoldering on June 15, despite several rains.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Second Landing in Canada,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201967%2005%2000%20-%20May-June.pdf)” APRO Bulletin, May/June 1967, p. 2
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4308
### Event 28772 (B5C83199)
**Date:** 5/31/1967
**Description:** On the 31st of May in 1967 a farm woman living outside of Beausejour, Manitoba, Canada (about 45 miles from Winnipeg) was sitting on her front porch at 11:30 p.m. waiting for her husband to return home. She saw a brilliant red light with a smaller blue light beside it come towards her from the south. The light lit up the ground and appeared to land. She became frightened and ran inside her house. The next morning she and her husband went out to investigate where the object had landed. They found a 30 by 50 yard semi-circular area that was still in flames. The strange fact about this case is that on June 15th the area was still smoldering, despite considerable rain having fallen in the area. Radioactive soil was found at the site.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** James Thompson, "Second Landing in Canada", APRO Bulletin, May-June 1967, p. 2; Winnipeg Free Press, June 21, 1967; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty-Year Report, pp. 263, 340; Coral & Jim Lorenzen, Encounters with UFO Occupants, p. 13
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3182
### Event 28773 (233E6237)
**Date:** 6/1967
**Time:** 18:00
**Location:** THOMPSON, MBA
**Description:** 11 observer(s). Beeps. Whirlwind. Silent metal box rotates / air. Girl levitates!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 210)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8255
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "208", **HatchDesc:** "THOMPSON,MBa:11 OBS:BEEPS:WHIRLWIND:SLNT MTL BOX ROTATES/AIR:GIRL LEVITATES!", **LatLong:** "55.800003 -97.983338", **LatLongDMS:** "55:48:00 N 97:59:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/55.800003,-97.983338)", **State/Prov:** "Manitoba", **Strangeness:** "12"
### Event 28774 (2B46E335)
**Date:** 6/1967
**Time:** 23:00
**Location:** BLAUZAC, FR
**Description:** 35cm glowing-ball over dog / dining room. Observer(s) paralyzed. Dog dies / 3 days.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 191)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8256
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "BLAUZAC,FR:35cm GLOW-BALL ovr DOG/DINING ROOM:OBS PRLZD:dog dies/3 days", **LatLong:** "43.966669 4.366667", **LatLongDMS:** "43:58:00 N 04:22:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.966669,4.366667)", **State/Prov:** "Gard", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 28775 (4DE8383E)
**Date:** 6/1967
**Location:** Fremont, OH
**Description:** Evening. A pilot and his wife saw an object with amber to red body lights moving an estimated 100 mph at about 2,000 feet altitude. (Stroud letter, 7/21/67, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3581
### Event 28776 (78BCB28A)
**Date:** 6/1967
**Locations:** Colorado; August
**Description:** [Low](http://ufohistoryfiles.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/CO%2067%20NEWS.pdf) says he wants the Colorado project to compile a case book of its best UFO reports. [Richard Hall](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard%5FH.%5FHall) is invited for 2 days of consulting and narrows the case list to 100. A small team agrees to go over the list and decide which ones deserve more intensive analysis. By August, [Saunders](https://psycnet.apa.org/record/1993-27194-001) becomes the lone staffer selecting cases and he only has 12.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** UFOs Yes, 81–83
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4309
### Event 28777 (EC341F8E)
**Date:** 6/1967
**Location:** Camberley, Surrey, England
**Description:** The newly formed Surrey Investigation Group on Aerial Phenomena publishes the SIGAP Newsletter in Camberley, Surrey, England, until June 1969. It revitalizes the newsletter as the New SIGAP Bulletin from 1977 to 1979.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** [SIGAP Newsletter](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20Kingdom/SIGAP%20Newsletter/SIGAP%20Newsletter%20No%2001%201967-06.pdf)[,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20Kingdom/SIGAP%20Newsletter/SIGAP%20Newsletter%20No%2001%201967-06.pdf) no. 1 \(June 1, 1967\); [SIGAP Bulletin](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20Kingdom/SIGAP%20Bulletin/SIGAP%20Bulletin%20-%20No%2015%201968%2008.pdf), no. 15 \(August 1, 1968\); [The New SIGAP](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20Kingdom/New%20SIGAP%20Bulletin%2C%20The/The%20New%20SIGAP%20Bulletin%20No%201%201977-07.pdf) [Bulletin](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20Kingdom/New%20SIGAP%20Bulletin%2C%20The/The%20New%20SIGAP%20Bulletin%20No%201%201977-07.pdf)[,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20Kingdom/New%20SIGAP%20Bulletin%2C%20The/The%20New%20SIGAP%20Bulletin%20No%201%201977-07.pdf) no. 1 \(July 1977\)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4310
### Event 28778 (5E1C1D4B)
**Date:** 6/1967
**Locations:** Montalcino, Siena, Italy; University of Florence's Mineralogical Institute
**Description:** Night. Giuseppe Aldini, 17, is with his family in Montalcino, Siena, Italy, when he sees a round, luminous object from his window. Later he notices a glowing red light on a nearby hill. The next day he goes to the spot and finds a circular burned area 100 feet in diameter with four imprints in its center. Inside are many black minerals that are analyzed by the University of Florence’s Mineralogical Institute and found to be quartz crystals.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** 1Pinotti 157
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4311
### Event 28779 (9AA4AF66)
**Date:** 6/1/1967
**Location:** SPAIN, San José de Valderas and Santa Monica
**Description:** (Translated from French) UMMO Affair. On May 20, 1967, the newspaper "Informaciones" of Alicante reported that between May 30 and June 2, a cosmic vessel would land in the vicinity of Madrid. The information came from a certain F. Sesma who claimed to have obtained it from an extraterrestrial friend. (A. SCHNEIDER-H. MALTHANER: "The Secret File of UFOs", ed. De Vecchi, 1978, pp. 173-182) At 8:20 pm, about a hundred people (vog: really a hundred? I could only count about a dozen, at most...) saw an enormous, lenticular, disc-shaped object with a luminous dome on its upper part, near the top of the Estramadure road. The observation lasted 12 minutes, the object remained motionless, oscillating slightly. On its underside it bore the symbol "UMMO" - photographed. In Santa Monica it is said to have landed and left "tubes" inside which a "plastic" material was found. (June 1, 1967)
**Reference:** A. RIBERA/ R. FARRIOLS: "Proofs of the Existence of UFOs" - De Vecchi 1975 - pp. 97-260
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2450
### Event 28780 (BFD07452)
**Date:** 6/1/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In San José de Valderas \(Madrid\), several witnesses reportedly observed and photographed \(see below\) a luminous disc \(the [Ummo](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/Ummo.html) case\). (20 h)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2315
### Event 28781 (1540D1B5)
**Date:** 6/1/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In Richmond \(Virginia\), John Norton, 7 years old, had to be taken to the hospital after observing an object shaped like a disk, humming, the size of a Volkswagen, with green and red lights, which landed in a clearing and took off like a flash. (23 h 30)
**Reference:** [NICAP](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/NICAP.html) May 67 \< [Vallée](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/ValleeJacques.html) 1969
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2316
### Event 28782 (C30DA60E)
**Date:** 6/1/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Six-Day War.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2317
### Event 28783 (ABBA030E)
**Date:** 6/1/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Observation of June 10th in Woonsocket. See images/1967-06-10.jpg.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2318
### Event 28784 (261B0577)
**Date:** 6/1/1967
**Time:** 07:00?
**Description:** Metallic saucer with glassy dome paces school bus. Responds / headlights.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 54)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8257
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "916", **HatchDesc:** "nr SHAUNAVON,SSK:MTLC SCR W/GLASSY DOME PACES SCHOOL BUS:RESPONDS/HEADLITES", **LatLong:** "49.650002 -108.416672", **LatLongDMS:** "49:39:00 N 108:25:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.650002,-108.416672)", **State/Prov:** "Sasketchewan", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 28785 (D3DAEC29)
**Date:** 6/1/1967
**Time:** 11:30
**Location:** RICHMOND, VA
**Description:** Buzzing saucer. Size / Volkswagen. Observer(s) age7 taken / hospital. / r8 #847.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 49)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8258
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "5", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "57", **HatchDesc:** "RICHMOND,VA:BUZZING SCR:SIZE/VOLKSWAGEN:OBS age7 TAKEN/HOSPITAL:/r8 #847", **LatLong:** "37.533335 -77.483337", **LatLongDMS:** "37:32:00 N 77:29:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.533335,-77.483337)", **State/Prov:** "Virginia", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 28786 (5598B74A)
**Date:** 6/1/1967
**Location:** Santa Monico, Madrid, Spain
**Description:** Time not reported. A yellow-orange disc with windows and three less (tripod landing gear) landed , leaving three holes and burned grass (physical traces) at the landing site. (BallesterOlmos, 1976, p. 11.) (NICAP: 06 - Trace Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3582
### Event 28787 (F68D10FA)
**Date:** 6/1/1967
**Location:** St. Augustine, FL
**Description:** 8:12 a.m. EDT. A woman saw a revolving disc with peaked top for 2-3 minutes. It passed in front of a cloud and made a sound like a jet aircraft. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3583
### Event 28788 (952AADCB)
**Date:** 6/1/1967
**Location:** Richmond, VA
**Description:** 11:30 a.m. EDT. A pre-teen boy and a 16-year-old S girl saw a hubcap-shaped (disc) object with red and green lights (body lights) 4 around the perimeter, white and golden at the bottom. The Volkswagen-sized J object landed in a clearing in the woods. (U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. IV, No. 1, May-June f 1967, p. 7; unidentified newspaper clipping, 6/2/67, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3584
### Event 28789 (4FF2588A)
**Date:** 6/1/1967
**Location:** Warrensburg, MO
**Description:** Witnesses in their car on the way home from College classes at Central Mo. State University in Warrensburg on Hwy. 13. They reported two lights cross in front of their windshield very, very rapidly. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** NICAP: [670601](http://www.nicap.org/warrensburg670601dir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3585
### Event 28790 (F9941C0A)
**Date:** 6/1/1967
**Location:** Shaunavon, Saskatchenwan, CAN
**Description:** 5:00 p.m. MDT. A school-bus driver saw a circular, dull aluminum object that had a superstructure with eight circular marks or portholes around its midsection. Above that was a glass-like dome. The object paced the bus for 2 miles. (Clausen report, NICAP files; U.F.O Investigator, school bus Vol. IV, No. 1, May-June, p. 3.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3586
### Event 28791 (AF8D6322)
**Date:** 6/1/1967
**Time:** 2330
**Location:** Richmond, Virginia
**Description:** John Norton, 7, had to be taken to a hospital after observing a disk-shaped, buzzing object, the size of a Volkswagen, with green and red lights, which landed in a clearing and took off "like lightning."
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** NICAP May., 67 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_847
### Event 28792 (BEAAB057)
**Date:** 6/1/1967
**Locations:** Aluche, Madrid, Spain; San José de Valderas
**Description:** The UFO seen by [José Luis Jordán Peña](https://rr0.org/people/p/PenaJoseLuisJordan/) in Aluche, Madrid, Spain, allegedly reappears in the neighborhood of San José de Valderas. This time, Jordán Peña plays UFO investigator, taking statements from witnesses who describe a low-flying disc-shaped object with the same strange symbol on the underside. An anonymous man takes several photographs that he drops off at a photo lab on June 2. He then calls newspaper photographer Antonio San Antonio, telling him where to pick them up. All but one show an edge-on view of what appears to be a large, squat disc with a rim through its midsection. One photo shows the bottom of the UFO with the Aluche symbol, this time with a horizontal bar crossing the verticals and linking the two arms. In August, another photographer calling himself Antonio Pardo produces two more photos of the edge-on disc taken the same day, as well as some hard green-colored plastic strips bearing the distinctive Aluche symbol supposedly found in a capsule that leaflets by a “Henri Dagousset” predicted in June would be found. Jordán Peña later confesses to hoaxing the plastic strips, which are made of Tedlar \(polyvinyl fluoride\) produced by DuPont for the US space program. Independent analyses by French space scientist [Claude Poher](https://minotb52ufo.com/poher/cpb.php) and the US group Ground Saucer Watch determine that the San José de Valderas photo with the Ummo symbol is a small model—an 8-inch plate suspended by a string or fishing line— held close to the camera. The symbol apparently is drawn in ink.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Ummo](https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ummo\#Detractores)”; Antonio Ribera, “[The San José de Valderas Photographs,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201969%20V%2015%20N%205.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 15, no. 5 \(Sept./Oct. 1969\): 3–10; Oscar Rey Brea, “[Algo sobre las fotografias del sepuesto OVNI de San José de](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/Spain%20and%20Catalonia/Stendek%20%28CEI%2C%20eISSN%202604-1383%29/Stendek%20-%20Vol%2003%20No%2009%20-%20August%201972.pdf) [Valderas,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/Spain%20and%20Catalonia/Stendek%20%28CEI%2C%20eISSN%202604-1383%29/Stendek%20-%20Vol%2003%20No%2009%20-%20August%201972.pdf)” Stendek 3, no. 9 \(August 1972\): 5–11; Antonio Ribera and Rafael Farriols, Un caso perfecto, Plaza y Janés, 1976; Fred Adrian, “Ground Saucer Watch Computer Photographic Analysis \(Critique\), San José de Valderas, Spain, 1967,” CUFOS Bulletin, Spring 1977, pp. 11–13; Claude Poher, “Remarks on Aluche, San José de Valderas, and the ‘Ummo’ Affair: A Monstrous Hoax!” CUFOS Bulletin, Spring 1977, pp. 3–10; Scott Corrales, “[The UMMO Experience: Are You Experienced?](http://www.strangemag.com/ummo.html)” Strange Magazine, January 31, 2001; Clark III 1183
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4312
### Event 28793 (F6B7DC72)
**Date:** 6/1/1967
**Description:** A yellow-orange disc-shaped object with three legs and windows allegedly landed in Santa Monica near Madrid, Spain at 11 p.m. Ground traces included three holes in the ground and burnt grass at the landing site. The holes were rectangular in shape and 15 cm x 30 cm in size. An aluminum colored powder and some mysterious tubes were also discovered. An object, said to be lens-shaped, was photographed 30 minutes earlier in San Jose de Valderas, Spain. The photo shows an "H" insignia on the bottom of the craft. The photograph, however, is regarded by many UFO investigators as a hoax.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Antonio Ribera, FSR, September-October 1969, p. 4; Richard Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty-Year Report, p. 263
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3201
### Event 28794 (DD6F797C)
**Date:** 6/1/1967
**Description:** John Norton, age 7, of Richmond, Virginia had to be taken to a hospital after observing a disc-shaped, buzzing object, the size of a Volkswagen, with green and red lights, which landed in a clearing at 11:30 p.m. and took off "like lightning."
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP UFO Investigator, June 1967, pp. 2, 7; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case #847
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3202
### Event 28795 (2178F706)
**Date:** 6/2/1967
**Time:** 13:00?
**Location:** NORTH SAN JUAN, CA
**Description:** 2 boys. Good clear photographs / 10M saucer / ground at old mine. USAF investigation.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 809)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8259
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "648", **HatchDesc:** "N.SAN JUAN,CA:2 BOYS:GOOD CLEAR FOTOs/10M SCR/GND at OLD MINE:USAF INVESTIGn", **LatLong:** "39.383335 -121.100006", **LatLongDMS:** "39:23:00 N 121:06:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.383335,-121.100006)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 28796 (75E6815E)
**Date:** Early 6/1967
**Location:** Khoper River, Russia
**Description:** 11:00 p.m. LT. While walking along the banks of the river M. Gavrilyuk and his wife saw a luminous object shaped like a half moon. (Ref. 3) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3580
### Event 28797 (BFE712AC)
**Date:** 6/2/1967
**Location:** McKeesport, PA
**Description:** Conflicting data on whether to ID this as meteor. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3587
### Event 28798 (DDF0FFD9)
**Date:** 6/2/1967
**Location:** Philadelphia, PA
**Description:** 10:20 p.m. EDT. A man saw a glowing orange disc for 8-10 minutes. The object moved slowly, then suddenly accelerated away. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3588
### Event 28799 (06376E9E)
**Date:** 6/3/1967
**Location:** Extremadura, Spain
**Description:** Two Spanish Air Force fighter pilots chased UFO, radios failed. Cat and mouse pursuit. Object shot straight up and disappeared (section II). (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3589
### Event 28800 (93D0F5B5)
**Date:** 6/3/1967
**Location:** Extremadura, Spain
**Description:** Two Spanish Air Force fighter pilots chased UFO, radios failed. Cat and mouse pursuit. Object shot straight up and disappeared
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_130
### Event 28801 (ED75CBDA)
**Date:** 6/3/1967
**Locations:** St. Paul, Alberta; Canada
**Description:** The town of St. Paul, Alberta, officially dedicates a UFO landing pad as a public park and as a safe place for aliens to land. Minister of National Defence [Paul Hellyer](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul%5FHellyer) flies in by helicopter to launch the pad. It consists of a raised platform with a map of Canada embossed on the back stop, consisting of stones provided by each province of Canada.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[St. Paul, Alberta](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/St.%5FPaul%2C%5FAlberta\#Attractions)”; “[World’s First UFO Landing Pad,](https://www.atlasobscura.com/places/world-s-first-ufo-landing-pad)” Atlas Obscura, April 19, 2010; George M. Eberhart, “Postcards with a UFO Theme,” IUR 29, no. 2 \(Summer 2004\): 20; Chris Rutkowski and Geoff Dittman, The Canadian UFO Report, Dundurn Press, 2006, pp. 240–243
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4313
### Event 28802 (70A22B5D)
**Date:** 6/3/1967
**Description:** At 12:30 a.m. a secretary in Moorestown, New Jersey saw two disc-shaped UFOs, one with a bright white light, the second with white, red and green lights. The UFOs hovered over a huge radar antenna. The second disc "pulsed" first.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP case file, investigation report dated July 5, 1967
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3250
### Event 28803 (6188F2F3)
**Date:** 6/3/1967
**Description:** Shortly after 10 p.m., on Lake Nipissing, Ontario a buoy tender named Arcand observed green and white lights between two small islands. Thinking another boatman might be in trouble, the buoy tender headed toward the lights. He was about 100 feet away when the lights rose from the water "with a whoosh" and sped off into the night.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP UFO Investigator, March 1968, p. 5; Ivan T. Sanderson, Invisible Residents, p. 228
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3251
### Event 28804 (7C49095C)
**Date:** 6/4/1967
**Location:** PASSINS, FR
**Description:** Night lights seen. 4 cows die / no apparent cause. Crop circles found. / r30p277. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FIGEUT, Michel & RUCHON, Jean-Louis: OVNI - Le Premier Dossier..; Alain LeFeuvre, Paris 1979. (Index 277)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8260
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "PASSINS,FR:NLTS SEEN:4 COWS DIE/no apparent cause:CROP CCLS FOUND:/r30p277:NFD", **LatLong:** "45.694447 5.433334", **LatLongDMS:** "45:41:40 N 05:26:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.694447,5.433334)", **State/Prov:** "Isère", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 28805 (77B40905)
**Date:** 6/5/1967 (approximate)
**Time:** 20:00?
**Location:** SR 2 / PT. PLEASANT, WV
**Description:** Large brilliant UFO extends tentacles. Tries / grab bloodmobile!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 93)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8261
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "171", **HatchDesc:** "SR 2/Pt.PLEASANT,WV:LRG BRILL.UFO EXTENDS TENTACLES:TRIES/GRAB BLOODMOBILE!", **LatLong:** "38.800002 -82.150004", **LatLongDMS:** "38:48:00 N 82:09:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.800002,-82.150004)", **State/Prov:** "Western Virginia", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 28806 (31D17B88)
**Date:** 6/5/1967
**Time:** 23:00
**Description:** Night lights resolve to half-moon saucer. Going quickly southeast silently. Shower / sparks.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: UFO CHRONICLES of the SOVIET UNION; Ballentine Books HB 1992. 212pp. (Index 189)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8262
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Russia", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "SHAKTY,DON Rvr,RUS:NLTS RESOLVE TO HALF-MOON SCR:>>SE SILENTLY:SHOWER/SPARKS", **LatLong:** "47.683336 40.183335", **LatLongDMS:** "47:41:00 N 40:11:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.683336,40.183335)", **State/Prov:** "RST", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 28807 (A415FB0C)
**Date:** 6/5/1967
**Location:** Selkirk, Manitoba, CAN
**Description:** 1:00 p.m. CDT. A Mounted Policeman and a Royal Canadian Air Force squadron leader saw a silvery circular or slightly oblong object flying rapidly to the north with a wobbling motion. The object was “visible for about 15 seconds. (Winnipeg Free Press, Manitoba, 6/29/67, copy in NICAP files; Winnipeg Free Press 6/7/67 with date of sighting indicated as June 6, copy in NICAP files; case reported to the University of Colorado Project). (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3590
### Event 28808 (77FC634C)
**Date:** 6/5/1967
**Location:** Shamokin, PA
**Description:** Evening. A school principal, teachers, and many elementary school students saw three objects for 1 ½ hours. Two were high, and one was low near transmission lines. The sighting occurred during an area electric power blackout (EM effects). The local newspaper reported damaged generators at Shamokin Dam Plant. (Cook report, NICAP files; The Shamokin Dam News.) (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3591
### Event 28809 (641959BB)
**Date:** 6/5/1967
**Location:** Uncasville, CT
**Description:** 9:20 p.m. EDT. A man saw three lights in triangular formation that hovered over a power station, emitted a brilliant blue flash, and moved away. Two of the lights were red and pulsating, and the third was a steady white. They were viewed through binoculars. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3592
### Event 28810 (4373911A)
**Date:** 6/5/1967
**Location:** Vancouver Island, BC, CAN
**Description:** 10:30 p.m. PDT. Five neighbors saw a large saucer-shaped, orange-yellow object with distinct"\* edges. The object flew into view, hovered for 2 minutes, tilted on edge, and took off at high speed. (Letter dated 6/9/67, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3593
### Event 28811 (752CB2D5)
**Date:** 6/5/1967
**Time:** 19:00:00.0
**Location:** -22.0000 -139.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Altair” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1859
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "-22.0000 -139.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "22:00:00 S 139:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-22.0000,-139.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "France", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Altair", **NukeSource:** "CEA/DAM", **NukeType:** "NACF", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 28812 (C6B4EAD6)
**Date:** 6/5/1967
**Description:** In 1967 a school principal, several teachers, and students saw three UFOs, one of them low near some power lines during a daytime power outage at Shamokin Dam, Pennsylvania. When the UFOs left the electricity in the school came back on. Damage was reported on two generators at the dam power plant. There were power failures reported at 10:16 a.m. in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland, and Delaware according to the Federal Power Commission. Later that evening at 8 p.m. on State Route 2 outside of Point Pleasant, West Virginia an unidentified flying object extended some kind of robotic tentacles and attempted to abduct a bloodmobile.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP investigation files dated August 7, 1967; Lumieres dans la Nuit, issue 93
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3298
### Event 28813 (47591FC8)
**Date:** 6/6/1967
**Location:** Colonsay, Saskatchewan, CAN
**Description:** 8:40 p.m. CDT. A former World War II paratrooper and others saw an object with shiny, bright, white oval lights (body lights). It approached within 400 feet, stopped, glided from side-to-side, then sped away. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3594
### Event 28814 (0A0F6EEE)
**Date:** 6/6/1967
**Location:** Itajuba, Brazil
**Description:** Mushroom-shaped buzzed car, humanoid faces seen through window. Flying Saucer Review, Vol. 14, No. 6; Rodeghier, 1981, p. 35 (E,L) car (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3595
### Event 28815 (D10591C4)
**Date:** 6/6/1967
**Location:** Pine Grove, PA
**Description:** 11:55 p.m. EDT. A woman and her son saw a silvery disc-shaped object that flew two to three times the speed of a jet. (Witness letter to Cook, 7/12/67, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3596
### Event 28816 (54509531)
**Date:** 6/6/1967
**Location:** Extremadura, Spain
**Description:** Time not reported. A Spanish Air Force jet trainer flying at 1,200 meters altitude encountered an unidentified object that played "cat and mouse" with the plane. The object speeded up and slowed down, and moved above and below the T-33. The aircraft's radio emitted static and ceased to function (EM effects) when the object was close to the plane. (Good, 1987, p. 149; from Flying Saucer Review, Vol. 14, No. 3, 1968, p. 26.) (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3597
### Event 28817 (5E01F186)
**Date:** 6/6/1967
**Description:** At 1:30 a.m. a strange object buzzed a car near Itajuba, Brazil and the car's motor and headlights then failed. The object was mushroom-shaped. The witness also saw the faces of humanoids through the transparent front of the UFO. It flew away and the car could be restarted.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, case 205, citing FSR, Vol. 14, No. 6; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty-Year Report, p. 251
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3324
### Event 28818 (9DC25CBE)
**Date:** 6/6/1967
**Description:** At 11:55 p.m. a silver disc flew twice as fast as the fastest jet over Pine Grove, Pennsylvania. It was in sight for three seconds.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP files, case dated July 12, 1967
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3325
### Event 28819 (6F8B1443)
**Date:** 6/7/1967
**Time:** 01:30
**Description:** Car electro-magnetic effect (EME). Brill 5M saucer. 5 cat-faces / portholes. / r8+/ r79+/ r41.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 815)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8263
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "5", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "900", **HatchDesc:** "SERRA da MANTIQUERA,BRZ:CAR EME:BRILL 5M SCR:5 CAT-FACES/PORTS:/r8+/r79+/r41", **LatLong:** "-22.000001 -44.750002", **LatLongDMS:** "22:00:00 S 44:45:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-22.000001,-44.750002)", **State/Prov:** "Minas Gerais", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 28820 (04785ED1)
**Date:** 6/7/1967
**Time:** 0130
**Location:** Itajuba, Brazil
**Description:** A vehicle stalled in the vicinity of a brilliant, transparent, mushroom-shaped object, aboard which occupants with catlike faces were seen. Under the object was a quadrangular protuberance.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** FSR 68, 6 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_848
### Event 28821 (0086DA8F)
**Date:** 6/7/1967
**Location:** US
**Description:** Dr. James E. McDonald, University of Arizona atmospheric physicist, gave a presentation on UFOs to the Outer Space Affairs Group of the United Nations. Secretary General U Thant expressed deep concern over UFO situation.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_131
### Event 28822 (63A0D7CE)
**Date:** 6/7/1967
**Locations:** New York City; United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs
**Description:** [James E. McDonald](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James%5FE.%5FMcDonald) speaks before the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs meeting in New York City on the “International scientific aspects of the problem of the unidentified flying objects.” UN Secretary-General [U](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/U%5FThant) [Thant](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/U%5FThant) has arranged for the lecture, based on conversations he has had with [John G. Fuller](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John%5FG.%5FFuller) and [J. Allen Hynek](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J.%5FAllen%5FHynek) in early 1966. McDonald urges the UN to undertake a systematic global study of the UFO problem, but it does not act on the recommendation.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** James E. McDonald, [Letter to UN Secretary-General U Thant,](http://kirkmcd.princeton.edu/JEMcDonald/mcdonald%5Fun%5F060767.pdf) June 5, 1967, p. 1; James E. McDonald, “[Statement on International Scientific Aspects of the Problem of the Unidentified Flying](http://kirkmcd.princeton.edu/JEMcDonald/mcdonald%5Fun%5F060767.pdf) [Objects,](http://kirkmcd.princeton.edu/JEMcDonald/mcdonald%5Fun%5F060767.pdf)” presented to the UN Outer Space Affairs group, June 7, 1967, pp. 2–3; Clark III 698, 1189; Patrick Gross, “[Scientists Taking Position](https://ufologie.patrickgross.org/htm/mcdonaldun.htm)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4314
### Event 28823 (E2C782AC)
**Date:** 6/7/1967
**Description:** At 1:30 a.m. a disc-shaped object with a rectangular protuberance on its underside flew close to an ambulance being driven by Geraldo Baqueiro in Itajuba, Minas Gerais state, Brazil and caused the complete failure of its electrical system. Through a brightly illuminated transparent surface of the object the faces of strange beings, resembling bipedal cat-like creatures with cat-like eyes, stared intently at the stunned witness.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb and Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1967-47, citing H. B. Aleixo, FSR, Vol. 14 # 6; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia, A Century of Landings, case 848
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3351
### Event 28824 (1F3061EA)
**Date:** 6/9/1967
**Description:** Air Force T33s cat & mouse. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Jets chase. Quickly going up / extremely fast. / LDLN#338p32.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HAINES, Richard & WEINSTEIN,Dominique: Preliminary Study of 64 Pilot Sightings involving EME on Aircraft Systems NARCAP TR-3 2001 (Index 27)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8264
**Attributes:** **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **MIL:** Military investigation
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "15", **HatchDesc:** "ESTREMADURA prv,SPN:AF T33s CAT&MOUSE:RFI:JETS CHASE:↑↑/XFAST:/LDLN#338p32", **LatLong:** "38.666669 -6.500000", **LatLongDMS:** "38:40:00 N 06:30:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.666669,-6.500000)", **State/Prov:** "Badajoz", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 28825 (DADF2A4B)
**Date:** 6/9/1967
**Location:** Pittsburgh, PA
**Description:** 9:35 p.m. EDT. Three adults and three children ! saw a fast-flying object with a large white light on top (body lights). The object ; also had lights around the edge like windows, which appeared to revolve. (Letter dated 6/20/67, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3599
### Event 28826 (86D02498)
**Date:** 6/9/1967
**Locations:** Extremadura region, Spain; Talavera la Real Air Base in Badajoz; Torrejón Air Base in Madrid
**Description:** Day. Two Spanish Air Force pilots flying Lockheed T-33s at 4,000 feet encounter a UFO over the Extremadura region, Spain. Attempts at radio contact fail, and when they fly above or below the object, their radios cease to function and emit interference noises. The UFO soon moves off, easily outstripping the jets, stopping and waiting for them to approach, then moving on again, The two pilots notify the Talavera la Real Air Base in Badajoz and Torrejón Air Base in Madrid, from which two faster fighters are scrambled. The new fighters experience the same radio interference and maneuvers until the object shoots straight up at high speed.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Antonio Ribera, “[Spanish Jets](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201968%20V%2014%20N%203.pdf) [Chase UFO,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201968%20V%2014%20N%203.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 14, no. 3 \(May/June 1968\): 26–27
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4315
### Event 28827 (E6DD2BF8)
**Date:** 6/9/1967
**Description:** Four Spanish Air Force pilots, in a T-33 and an F-86, were chasing a UFO over Extremadura, Jaen, Spain when their communication radios failed. The UFO played cat-and-mouse with the T-33 aircraft when the pilot attempted pursuit. After several minutes the object shot straight up and disappeared.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos files; Geoffrey Falla, BUFORA Vehicle Interference Project Report, p. 40; FSR, May-June 1968, p. 26; Dominique Weinstein, Aircraft UFO Encounters, p. 50
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3386
### Event 28828 (5B98BCB5)
**Date:** 6/9/1967
**Description:** Six-year-old Leland Wlazlak was in the bathroom in Seattle, Washington at 9 p.m. when a red ball came in through the window and struck him in the forehead. It then "went up through the ceiling." He looked outside and saw bright blue, red, and black lights, and a strange being who had short horns, slanting eyes, and a lipless mouth. The stranger asked the boy what the garden soil was, and told him to "watch the rocket ship--he'd be back." Then he flew up on the roof with the aide of two tanks on his back shooting out white smoke. The boy said, "He didn't have a body." Two more strange beings were visible in the ship. Then the first being came back, asked Leland what a tree in the backyard was, and pointed a device that looked like a gun at him. The boy screamed and ran out of the bathroom.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb and Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1967-48, citing Richard Hall for NICAP; letter to NICAP June 17, 1967
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3387
### Event 28829 (B8EB48E3)
**Date:** 6/10/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Observation \(see below\) in Woonsocket, Rhode Island. (June 10, 12 PM)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2319
### Event 28830 (F53F4985)
**Date:** 6/10/1967
**Location:** ORMOND BEACH, FL
**Description:** Girl / 8. Large orange object drops net. Nets something. Rises straight going up.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 299)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8265
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "ORMOND BEACH,FL:GIRL/8:LRG ORG OBJ DROPS NET:NETS SOMETHING:RISES STRAIGHT ↑", **LatLong:** "29.283335 -81.055559", **LatLongDMS:** "29:17:00 N 81:03:20 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/29.283335,-81.055559)", **State/Prov:** "Florida", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 28831 (490337F1)
**Date:** 6/10/1967
**Location:** Freeport, TX
**Description:** 6:30 a.m. CDT. A man saw four light sources for about an hour that moved fast, stopped, zigzagged, straightened, made right-angle turns and other maneuvers. One object emitted a red flash. (Texas NICAP Subcommittee report, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3600
### Event 28832 (6B0811F0)
**Date:** 6/10/1967
**Description:** A daytime photograph of a disc-shaped object was taken in East Woonsocket, Rhode Island by UFO contactee Harold Trudel. The photograph shows a slightly asymmetric hubcap shaped object with a small dome and aerial extending from the bottom. To even the untrained eye it looks like a fake, more than likely produced by suspending a model from a string. Trudel believed he was in mental contact with space people, who sent him telepathic messages as to where and when they would appear. Oddly enough, two more cases of photographs being taken of UFOs occurred on this day in Austria. Two people, one named Tutter, took a photograph of a UFO in Vienna (Wien), Austria at 9:55 p.m., and two more people, one named Brettschneider, took a photo in Ganserndorf, Austria at 11:35 p.m.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Timothy Green Beckley, Flying Saucers, December 1970, pg. 26; UFO Nachtrichten, August 1967
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3408
### Event 28833 (259EAB48)
**Date:** 6/11/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In Price Hill \(Ohio\), two children see an object 1 m in diameter and 25 cm thick, making a metallic noise while hovering 10 m above them. They take a series of photos which only show something blurry. (June 11, 8 PM)
**Reference:** [Vallée](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/ValleeJacques.html) 1969, 181
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2320
### Event 28834 (ED27E057)
**Date:** 6/11/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Observation of June 16th in Rhode Island. See images/1967-06-16.jpg.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2321
### Event 28835 (46791B6E)
**Date:** 6/11/1967
**Location:** DA NANG, VIET
**Description:** Many observer(s). Silver cylinder/cylindrical object hovers overhead. F102s scramble. Can't find. / APRO 5'67.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 59)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8266
**Attributes:** **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **MIL:** Military investigation
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Vietnam", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "DA NANG,VIET:MANY OBS:SLVR CYL HVRS OVHD:F102s SCRAMBLE:cant find:/APRO 5'67", **LatLong:** "16.083334 108.200005", **LatLongDMS:** "16:05:00 N 108:12:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/16.083334,108.200005)", **State/Prov:** "DAN", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 28836 (DDFFCE06)
**Date:** 6/11/1967
**Time:** 09:30
**Location:** N50 SOUTHWEST / GAVRELLE, FR
**Description:** 3 / car. Grey cylinder/cylindrical object upright / 30M altitude / field. Spins and going up / extremely fast. Silent exit.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BOURRET, Jean-Claude: Le NOUVEAU DEFI des OVNI. Editions France Loisirs, Paris. 1976 ISBN 2-7242-0104-3 395pp. (Index 51)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8267
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "N50 SW/GAVRELLE,FR:3/CAR:GRY CYL UPRIGHT/30M alt/FIELD:SPINS+↑/XFAST:SLNT EXIT", **LatLong:** "50.333336 2.883333", **LatLongDMS:** "50:20:00 N 02:53:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.333336,2.883333)", **State/Prov:** "Pas-de-Calais", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 28837 (40F4632F)
**Date:** 6/11/1967
**Location:** Harrisburg, PA
**Description:** 11:15 p.m. EDT. A woman saw a bright cigar-shaped object with a red light. The object hovered, accelerated straight up and disappeared. The red light turned green when the object ascended (color/motion correlation). (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3601
### Event 28838 (8CFD5E32)
**Date:** 6/11/1967
**Location:** Da Nang, Vietnam
**Description:** Two F-102's chased silver cylinder (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3602
### Event 28839 (D3356E9A)
**Date:** 6/11/1967
**Location:** Dorval, Montreal, CAN
**Description:** 11:30 p.m. EDT. Two witnesses, including a graduate student in psychology at Harvard, saw an oval, dull gray object with three colored lights (body lights) and a glowing pink band around the middle. The object moved slowly at tree-top level from lake to shore, hovered, then moved behind trees, finally disappearing. It was estimated to have passed 100-150 feet away from the witnesses at eye level. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3603
### Event 28840 (87186344)
**Date:** 6/11/1967
**Time:** 2000
**Location:** Price Hill, Ohio
**Description:** Two children saw a disk-shaped object 1 m in diameter and 25 cm thick, making a metallic noise as it hovered 10 m above them. They took a series of photos that show only a blur.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** 181 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_849
### Event 28841 (ACE19DCD)
**Date:** 6/11/1967
**Location:** Da Nang, Vietnam
**Description:** Silvery cylinder seen for several minutes, chased by two F-102 interceptors
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_132
### Event 28842 (C12E129F)
**Date:** 6/11/1967
**Description:** Da Nang, Vietnam - In the early evening two silver cylindrical UFOs were seen by several U.S. military personnel on the ground near the military base for several minutes. The UFOs were chased off by two F-102 U.S. Air Force interceptors.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP UFO Investigator, May 1969, p. 1; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty-Year Report, pp. 10, 77, 118; Dominique Weinstein, Aircraft UFO Encounters, p. 35
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3420
### Event 28843 (00A21E66)
**Date:** 6/11/1967
**Description:** In the middle of the afternoon Carroll Watts saw a large cigar-shaped object land on a farm near Loco, Texas. A short being exited the craft and began walking around it. The being was wearing a white, tight-fitting uniform, had a baldhead, slit-like ears and somewhat larger eyes than humans. Watts attempted to take a picture of the being, who quickly ran back into the object which took off and flew to the north out of sight.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1967, case # 3348, citing Timothy Good, Alien Base
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3421
### Event 28844 (BD67957A)
**Date:** 6/11/1967
**Description:** At 8:00 p.m. two children in Price Hill, Ohio saw a disc-shaped object one meter in diameter and 25 cm thick, making a metallic noise as it hovered 10 meters above them. They took a series of photos but they showed only a blurry light.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, pg. 346 (case 849), citing the Cincinnati Enquirer, June 12, 1967
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3422
### Event 28845 (BD639563)
**Date:** 6/12/1967
**End date:** 6/13/1967
**Location:** Colorado
**Description:** The Colorado project plays host to 34 Air Force officers having UFO responsibility at various bases. [Low](http://ufohistoryfiles.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/CO%2067%20NEWS.pdf) and [Saunders](https://psycnet.apa.org/record/1993-27194-001) try to get them excited about reporting UFOs to the project, but aren’t very successful.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** NICAP, “[UFO Investigators Meeting 12 and 13 June 1967](http://www.nicap.org/waves/670612ufoi%5Fmeet.htm)”; UFOs Yes, 125–126
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4316
### Event 28846 (B4B87832)
**Date:** 6/13/1967
**Location:** CANADA, Caledonia (Ontario)
**Description:** (Translated from French) It was 2:30 a.m. when Carmen Cuneo, a miner, stepped out of one of the Domtar Quarrys barracks for some fresh air. Caledonia is located between Lakes Ontario and Erie. As he stepped out, he was surprised by what he saw: an object shaped like a cigar, about twelve meters long, close to the ground, and a circular object about 5 m in diameter hovering above him. Not sure of what he was seeing, he noticed four windows along the side of the cigar. He was even more amazed when he saw three small figures wearing bubble-shaped helmets with an amber light on top, picking up things from the ground. Not believing his eyes, Cuneo stayed there looking for about ten minutes before entering the barracks and waking up other workers. They came out just in time to see the two objects rise from the ground. However, they were still surprised as the objects hovered above the square between the barracks for another 20 minutes before heading southwest, flashing lights of all colors but without making a sound. At the landing site, a kind of oily substance was mixed with the soil. Samples were analyzed and the result was that the oil was a common lubricating oil...
**Reference:** Source: "Gateway to Oblivion" by Hugh Cochrane, on the Internet in June 1997
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2451
### Event 28847 (D97BFBD5)
**Date:** 6/13/1967
**Time:** 02:40
**Location:** CALEDONIA, ONT
**Description:** 15' saucer hovers 4M / ground. 3 small humanoids (or Greys) hang / boom. Oil traces. / r8#850+/ r113p202.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 815)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8268
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "25", **Elev:** "196", **HatchDesc:** "CALEDONIA,ONT:15'SCR HVRS 4M/GND:3 OIDS HANG/BOOM:OIL TRACES:/r8#850+/r113p202", **LatLong:** "43.066669 -79.950004", **LatLongDMS:** "43:04:00 N 79:57:00 W", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.066669,-79.950004)", **RelAlt:** "4", **State/Prov:** "Ontario", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 28848 (28356AE4)
**Date:** 6/13/1967
**Time:** ~22:00
**Location:** SUMMERDALE, PA
**Description:** 2 observer(s) paralyzed. 10' ovoid spins overhead. High pitched whine. Zooms going up.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 230)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8269
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "122", **HatchDesc:** "SUMMERDALE,PA:2 OBS PARALYZED:10'OVOID SPINS OVHD:HI PITCHED WHINE:ZOOMS↑", **LatLong:** "40.305557 -76.927781", **LatLongDMS:** "40:18:20 N 76:55:40 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.305557,-76.927781)", **State/Prov:** "Pennsylvania", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 28849 (73C8C9A2)
**Date:** 6/13/1967
**Location:** Caledonia, Ontario, CAN
**Description:** 2:30 a.m. Three 3 to 4' tall beings, light colored clothing, helmets, moved around beneath cigar-shaped craft with windows. Physical traces found at site. (Hall, 1964-1967, pages 474-482, Vol. II, The UFO Evidence) (NICAP: 06 - Trace Cases) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3604
### Event 28850 (BB6F19C7)
**Date:** 6/13/1967
**Location:** Caledonia, Canada
**Description:** An object hovering 4 m above ground, and three dwarfs, were observed. Traces and an oily substance were found at the site.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** APRO Nov., 67 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_850
### Event 28851 (F67A7707)
**Date:** 6/13/1967
**Location:** Caledonia, Ontario
**Description:** 2:30 a.m. Carmen Cuneo, a mine worker in Caledonia, Ontario, steps out of the mine headquarters building and sees two strange objects near a pond in the vicinity of the mine dump. One is cigar-shaped and about 36 feet long with four windows along the side; a boom-like aerial protrudes from one side. The other is disc-shaped and about 15 feet across. Both are hovering 12 feet above the ground. Three small men wearing what look like miners’ hats with four amber lights are underneath the boom. After watching for 10 minutes, Cuneo goes back to find another witness, but when he returns the men are gone. The two objects, however, remain until 3:05 a.m. when they take off to the southwest, flashing multicolored lights.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[June Sighting of Occupants in Canada,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201967%2011%2000%20-%20November-December.pdf)” APRO Bulletin, Nov./Dec. 1967, p. 4
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4317
### Event 28852 (038A5725)
**Date:** 6/13/1967
**Description:** At 2:30 a.m. Carmen Cuneo, a night shift worker at a factory in Caledonia, Ontario saw two objects near the factory's scrap heap and dump area: a large cigar-shaped object on the ground, 35 feet long by 15 feet thick, and a hovering disc-shaped object about 15 feet in diameter. The smaller object, tilted up at a 45-degree angle, had a row of orange-lighted windows around its periphery. In the larger object were four square windows emitting a pulsating orange light, and from one end of it projected upward at a 45 degree angle a rod 15 feet long, bearing a large red light at the end. Beneath this light moved three small humanoid figures about three feet tall, wearing miner's hats with small lights on them. They were picking up and examining small objects on the ground with quick, jerky movements. After watching for 10 minutes, Cuneo called co-worker Marvin Hannigan to see it, but by the time Hannigan arrived the humanoids were gone. The two craft started very slowly to rise straight up into the air. After they reached a height of 50 feet they departed at about 40-45 mph without making a sound. At the landing site branches were broken and the brush charred, and an oily liquid was found on the ground.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb and Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1967-49, citing field investigators James J. Ferrito & Jeffrey J. Gow for NICAP; APRO Bulletin, November-December 1967, pg. 4; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 849
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3461
### Event 28853 (506757FB)
**Date:** 6/14/1967
**Description:** A man sitting in his yard in Eastern Henrico County, Virginia saw a bright UFO overhead that dropped a substance that struck his arm. He received burns on his arm and the left side of his face.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Flying Saucers, April 1968, p. 29
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3477
### Event 28854 (19E5F655)
**Date:** 6/15/1967
**Time:** 02:30
**Location:** YORK, ND
**Description:** 3 / truck and separate observer(s). 4M glowing-cylinder/cigar-shape going west over US2. Close. Figure / cockpit! Up and away / angle.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLICKENGER, Don: NORTH DAKOTA UFO files. Well Documented NICAP files for the 1960s: Xeroxed by Tom Tulien (Index 49)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8270
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "490", **HatchDesc:** "YORK,ND:3/TRUCK+SEP.OBS:4M GLO-CGR >W OVR US2:CLOSE:FIG/COCKPIT!:UP+away/angle", **LatLong:** "48.311113 -99.572227", **LatLongDMS:** "48:18:40 N 99:34:20 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.311113,-99.572227)", **RelAlt:** "100", **State/Prov:** "North Dakota", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 28855 (6EF10EDF)
**Date:** 6/15/1967?
**Time:** ~22:00
**Description:** Plane landing aborted. Night lights on runway! Night lights shoot away.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BALLESTER OLMOS, Vicente-Juan: CATALOG of 200 TYPE-1 EVENTS in SPAIN & PORTUGAL; CUFOS 1976. (Index 11)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8271
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **MIL:** Military investigation
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "PRAT de LLOBREGAT,SP:PLANE LANDING ABORTED:NLTS on RUNWAY!:NLTS SHOOT AWAY.", **LatLong:** "41.333335 2.100000", **LatLongDMS:** "41:20:00 N 02:06:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.333335,2.100000)", **State/Prov:** "Barcelone", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 28856 (7F20100C)
**Date:** Mid 1967
**Location:** Manchester, UK
**Description:** Daytime. The co-pilot of a BEA Vanguard Airliner saw a fast-moving, disc-shaped object estimated to be nearly 100 feet in diameter flying to the right of the aircraft. (Weinstein, 1999, p. 35, from Good, 1996.) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3579
### Event 28857 (2E1174FF)
**Date:** 6/15/1967
**Location:** Caledonia, Ontario, CAN
**Description:** 2:35 a.m. EDT. Two people saw two stationary objects, one disc-shaped and the other cigar-shaped, on or near the ground in the vicinity of a factory for about 20 minutes. Three occupants less than 4 feet tall, in light colored uniforms, and wearing "helmets" with four lights, were observed scurrying around outside the cigar. Physical traces found at the site included a burned area, disturbed grass, and an oily substance. (Cuneo letter, 6/19/67, NICAP files; APRO Bulletin, Nov. - Dec. 1967, p. 4.) (NICAP: 06 - Trace Cases) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3606
### Event 28858 (F96F1865)
**Date:** 6/15/1967
**Description:** On this evening a couple in Lexington, Michigan who reported seeing strange lights on Lake Huron told the Sheriff Department that they spotted an object resembling a "submarine with what appeared to be a Russian insignia" as well as what seemed to be figures of men dressed in frogman's suits. The woman shone a light towards in the direction of the craft and it submerged.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1967, citing Shadow Research Inc.
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3500
### Event 28859 (C5E4BD40)
**Date:** 6/16/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Observation \(see below\) in Rhode Island. (June 16)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2322
### Event 28860 (739009DD)
**Date:** 6/16/1967
**Description:** On this night Mrs. Wallace and her family watched a cone-shaped UFO with rotating green and red flashing lights for one hour over Port McNeill, British Columbia, Canada.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Gene Duplantier, Saucers, Space & Science, Autumn 1967, p. 15
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3514
### Event 28861 (F560F8F9)
**Date:** 6/17/1967
**Time:** 00:40
**Description:** Orange-glowing beer-key lands and flies. 2 observer(s) follow in car. Clicks. / r249p501.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CHALKER,Bill: The OZ FILES. Australian Sightings. 1996 Duffy & Snellgrove. NSW,Australia. ISBN 1-875989-04-8 (Index 122)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8272
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "15", **HatchDesc:** "nr YASS,AUSTRL:ORG-GLO BEER-KEY LANDS+FLIES:2 OBS FOLO IN CAR:CLICKS:/r249p501", **LatLong:** "-34.883335 147.633340", **LatLongDMS:** "34:53:00 S 147:38:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-34.883335,147.633340)", **State/Prov:** "NSW", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 28862 (C1E78835)
**Date:** 6/17/1967
**Time:** 00:19:08.2
**Location:** 40.7440 89.7750
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, presumed. Country: China Yield: 3300KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1797
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "40.7440 89.7750", **LatLongDMS:** "40:44:38 N 89:46:30 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.7440,89.7750)", **NukeCountry:** "China", **NukeMb:** "4.70", **NukeSource:** "GUPTA-JED", **NukeType:** "NAPC", **NukeY:** "3300"
### Event 28863 (EE18CDBD)
**Date:** 6/18/1967
**Time:** 23:00
**Location:** FALCON LAKE, ONT
**Description:** 6 observer(s). 35' saucer chases boat. Tree limbs burnt. Strong Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Going quickly [to] WNW.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HYNEK, J. Allen: The UFO EXPERIENCE, A Scientific Inquiry; Ballentine Books, NY 1974,1977. (Index 150)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8273
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "30", **Elev:** "328", **HatchDesc:** "FALCON LAKE,ONT:6 OBS:35'SCR CHASES BOAT:TREE LIMBS BURNT:STRONG RFI:>>WNW", **LatLong:** "49.716669 -95.083338", **LatLongDMS:** "49:43:00 N 95:05:00 W", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.716669,-95.083338)", **RelAlt:** "3", **State/Prov:** "Ontario", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 28864 (7D666158)
**Date:** 6/18/1967
**Location:** Woodsocket, RI
**Description:** The photo actually appears to be from a much earlier time period as it has a strange resemblence to an Adamski ship of the 1950s. Probable hoax. (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)
**Reference:** NICAP: [670618](http://www.ufocasebook.com/rhodeIsland1967.jpg)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3608
### Event 28865 (22460430)
**Date:** 6/18/1967
**Location:** Falcon Lake, CAN
**Description:** Evening. A family crossing the lake by boat saw a shiny, metallic-appearing oval object with a slight rise on top. The object was an estimated 30 feet in diameter and 15 feet thick. When the object approached the witnesses' boat, it took on an orange tinge. (Bondarchuk, 1979, p. 31-34.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3609
### Event 28866 (F70C643E)
**Date:** 6/18/1967
**Location:** Falcon Lake, CAN
**Description:** Evening. A family crossing the lake by boat saw a shiny, metallic-appearing oval object with a slight rise on top. No sound was heard. Others on shore were alerted during the 15-minute sighting, and one person reported static on the radio (EM effects). Trees with wilted leaves on top were later noted (physical effects). (Bondarchuk, 1979, p. 31-34.) (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3610
### Event 28867 (1A70BF23)
**Date:** 6/18/1967
**Location:** Falcon Lake, CAN
**Description:** Evening. A family crossing the lake by boat saw a shiny, metallic-appearing oval object with a slight rise on top. Trees with wilted leaves on top were later noted (physical effects). (Bondarchuk, 1979, p. 31-34.) (NICAP: 06 - Trace Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3611
### Event 28868 (816118D1)
**Date:** 6/18/1967
**Locations:** Mulluri; Viña del Mar, Chile
**Description:** Several people in Mulluri, \[perhaps near Viña del Mar\], Chile, see three discs flying in a V formation above the town. They flash orange and blue lights alternately and make no sound. They maneuver for 10 minutes before disappearing at high speed.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Lorenzen, UFOs over the Americas, Signet, 1968, p. 61
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4318
### Event 28869 (8EFE983C)
**Date:** 6/18/1967
**Location:** Clearwater Bay on Shoal Lake, Ontario
**Description:** Late evening. A family is returning home by boat near Clearwater Bay on Shoal Lake, Ontario, when they notice a bright oval object hovering 50 feet above the treetops about a half-mile away. As they approach, the object turns an orange tinge and suddenly sweeps toward their boat at great speed. They beat a hasty retreat to the other shore, while the UFO returns to its original position. The same thing happens when they approach the object again. After about 15 minutes, the object takes off at an incredible speed to the northwest. One resident, who is not aware of the UFO, reports later that the static on his radio was so bad that he had to turn it off. Wilted leaves on the top of birch, hazel, and chokecherry trees are discovered in the sighting area. Leaf samples are analyzed by the Canadian Department of Forestry, which cannot find an explanation for their condition other than heat. The University of Manitoba finds evidence of fungus on one sample but not on others.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** J. Allen Hynek, The UFO Experience, Ballantine ed., 1974, [pp. 150–152](https://archive.org/details/ufoexperience00jall/page/150/mode/2up); Yurko Bondarchuk, UFO Sightings, Landings, and Abductions, Methuen, 1979, pp. 31–34; Christ Rutkowski, Canada’s UFOs: Declassified, August Night, 2022, pp. 55–56
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4319
### Event 28870 (BC7E03FA)
**Date:** 6/20/1967
**Location:** FINLAND, Suomussalmi
**Description:** (Translated from French) At 12 o'clock, farmer Arvi Juntunen heard a buzzing and saw at a distance of 6 m a shiny, gray circular object, 50 cm from the ground. It had a dome-shaped top with a fin, and measured 75 cm in diameter. The farmer was about to grab the object. It rose with an explosion, made a circle and flew away.
**Reference:** Henry DURRANT: "The UFO File" - Laffont 1973 - p. 47
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2452
### Event 28871 (1527EBD0)
**Date:** 6/20/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In Suomussalmi \(Finland\), farmer Arvi Juntunen hears a loud rumbling sound and sees a round, shiny object 50 cm above the ground, 6 m away. It has a dome-shaped top with a fin and is 75 cm in diameter. As he is about to grab it, the object rises with a gust, makes a turn and flies away. (June 20, 12 PM)
**Reference:** [FSR](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/FSR.html) 68, 3 \< [Vallée](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/ValleeJacques.html) 1969
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2323
### Event 28872 (D162F954)
**Date:** 6/20/1967
**Time:** 12:00
**Description:** Farmer tries / grab 75cm UFO near ground. Flies with blast. / FSR'68#3.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA; H. Regnery, Chicago HC 1969 & Contemporary Books,Chicago 1993. 372pp. (Index 851)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8274
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Scandanavian and Finland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "SUOMUSSALMI,FINL:FARMER TRIES/GRAB 75cm UFO nr GND:FLIES W/BLAST:/FSR'68#3", **LatLong:** "64.911114 29.016668", **LatLongDMS:** "64:54:40 N 29:01:00 E", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/64.911114,29.016668)", **State/Prov:** "Finland", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 28873 (E0BB7657)
**Date:** 6/20/1967
**Time:** 1200
**Location:** Suomussalmi, Finland
**Description:** Farmer Arvi Juntunen heard a loud humming sound and saw a round, shiny gray object 50 cm above ground, 6 m away. It had a domed top with a fin and measured 75 cm in diameter. As he was about to seize it, the object rose with a blast, circled and flew away.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** FSR 68, 3 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_851
### Event 28874 (522DCCC4)
**Date:** 6/20/1967
**Description:** Farmer Arvi Juntunen in Suomussalmi, Finland heard a loud humming sound at noon and saw a round, shiny gray object 50 cm above ground, 6 meters away. It had a domed top with a fin and measured 75 cm in diameter. As he was about to seize it, the object rose with a blast, circled and flew away.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Gordon Creighton, FSR, May-June 1968, p. 25; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 851
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3553
### Event 28875 (01700D97)
**Date:** Summer 1967
**Location:** USA, between Colorado and California
**Description:** (Translated from French) A family was travelling in a caravan towards California. At a petrol station they saw a round flying object, it looked like a child's bonnet and the thing was surrounded by a bright ring with multicolored lights. Underneath was a kind of searchlight that swept the ground. The beam stopped on the caravan and the object quickly flew over it. Then it disappeared as it had come. The next day, after having driven a long way, the family was surprised to find the same flying device which this time came as close as 25 meters to the caravan. Taken by fear, the mother of the family fainted. When the craft finally moved away, the witnesses had another big surprise. Inside the caravan, a carrot placed on the table had grown roots so quickly that they almost touched the ground... (1967, Summer)
**Reference:** Jean-Marie DOUCHET - Nostra - 10.7.1979
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2463
### Event 28876 (926BF232)
**Date:** 6/21/1967
**Time:** 00:00
**Description:** Huge domed object rises / woods / rocket noise. Trees broken. / NICAP.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PHILLIPS, Ted: Study of PHYSICAL TRACES ASSOCIATED with UFO SIGHTINGS; CUFOS 1975. (Index 49)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8275
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "52", **HatchDesc:** "MECHANICSVILLE,VA:HUGE DOMED OBJ RISES/WOODS/ROCKET NOISE:TREES BROKEN:/NICAP", **LatLong:** "37.616668 -77.383337", **LatLongDMS:** "37:37:00 N 77:23:00 W", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.616668,-77.383337)", **State/Prov:** "Virginia", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 28877 (8DEE2226)
**Date:** 6/21/1967
**Time:** 22:50
**Description:** Cop and several separate observer(s). Domed saucer hovers / high wind over reservoir. Going northwest. Portholes / rim?
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLICKENGER, Don: NORTH DAKOTA UFO files. Well Documented NICAP files for the 1960s: Xeroxed by Tom Tulien (Index 50)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8276
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **NUC:** Nuclear facility related
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "575", **HatchDesc:** "SE/KENMARE,ND:COP+SVRL SEP.OBS:DOMED SCR HVRS/HI WIND ovr RSVR:>NW:PORTS/RIM?", **LatLong:** "48.650002 -102.066672", **LatLongDMS:** "48:39:00 N 102:04:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.650002,-102.066672)", **RelAlt:** "1600", **State/Prov:** "North Dakota", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 28878 (9507BCE3)
**Date:** 6/21/1967
**Location:** Mechanicsville, VA
**Description:** 3:00 a.m. EDT. A woman saw a large lighted object with a rounded bottom and domed top that rose straight up from the woods into the sky with a roar like a jet. Trees in the woods reportedly were bent and broken (physical traces), all at the same height. (Heath letter 6/26/67, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 06 - Trace Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3612
### Event 28879 (FF5EEBC8)
**Date:** 6/21/1967
**Location:** Los Angeles, CA
**Description:** 2:30 a.m. PDT (5:30 a.m. EDT). Two witnesses in a very barren area outside of the city observed two bright, cone-shaped objects, one after the other, that undulated, appeared to change to disc shape, and rose abruptly, the second joining the first in the sky. After hovering briefly, the objects vanished. (Los Angeles NICAP Subcommittee report in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3613
### Event 28880 (EB105F25)
**Date:** 6/21/1967
**Location:** Kenmare, ND
**Description:** 10:45 p.m. CDT. Three boys and a policeman saw a hovering oblong object that had a row of lighted windows or ports. They viewed it through binoculars for about one minute. (North Dakota NICAP Subcommittee report, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3614
### Event 28881 (D6CBB885)
**Date:** Summer 1967
**Location:** Wurzburg, Germany
**Description:** 9:00 p.m. LT. A glowing, round, pale yellow object that sometimes pulsated, moved slowly and precisely in a pattern over a military facility was seen by many witnesses. Radar contact with an unidentified object was reported. (Campbell letter, 8/31/67, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Rating: 5)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3688
### Event 28882 (36886A90)
**Date:** 6/21/1967
**Description:** Cordoba, Argentina - Four days prior of a massive wave of UFO sightings in the region, a man dressed in black showed up at the newsroom of Cordoba's Los Principios daily newspaper, where he dropped off a letter addressed to the editor stating that before the week was out the Southern Cone would experience a massive flyover involving hundreds of extraterrestrial craft. The day before the sightings began, the newspaper received a phone call stating, "Attention, it will begin at any moment..."
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1967, case # 3186, citing Dr. Rafael Lara
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3576
### Event 28883 (BD1BFCE3)
**Date:** 6/21/1967
**Description:** Mr. and Mrs. Larsen recalled being abducted on this night by aliens while driving on a New Mexico highway.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** R. Leo Sprinkle, investigator, in David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case A2081
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3577
### Event 28884 (DD818A9D)
**Date:** 6/22/1967
**Time:** 12:30
**Location:** BRIXHAM, DEVON
**Description:** RAF jet circles Brill 200' cone. Many HIQ military and civil observer(s).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLAMMONDE, Paris: UFO EXIST!; Ballentine Books, NY 1976. PB 480pp. (Index 439)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8277
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "8", **Elev:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "BRIXHAM,DEVON:RAF JET CIRCLES BRILL 200'CONE:MANY HIQ MIL+CIV OBS:", **LatLong:** "50.400002 -3.500000", **LatLongDMS:** "50:24:00 N 03:30:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.400002,-3.500000)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 28885 (B6278FFA)
**Date:** 6/22/1967
**Location:** Danville, VA
**Description:** 9:30 p.m. EDT. A couple saw a central white light surrounded by alternating rows of revolving yellow lights or ports on a dark object. The object tipped 45 degrees, righted, hovered, and reversed direction before disappearing. (Letter dated 6/23/67, NICAP files.). (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3615
### Event 28886 (E4C0694C)
**Date:** 6/22/1967
**Time:** 13:10:00.0
**Location:** 37.1256 -116.0287
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Switch” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_500
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1256 -116.0287", **LatLongDMS:** "37:07:32 N 116:01:43 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1256,-116.0287)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.30", **NukeName:** "Switch", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 28887 (0EADE360)
**Date:** 6/22/1967
**End date:** 6/25/1967
**Locations:** Colorado; New York City; Hotel Commodore
**Description:** [Condon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward%5FCondon) attends, at the invitation of [James W. Moseley](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James%5FW.%5FMoseley) and against the better judgment of the rest of the Colorado project staff, the Congress of Scientific Ufologists at the Hotel Commodore in New York City for the 20th anniversary of the [Kenneth Arnold](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kenneth%5FArnold) sighting. Speakers include [Gray Barker](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gray%5FBarker), [John A. Keel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John%5FKeel), Moseley, Art Ford, Gordon Evans, actor [Roy Thinnes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roy%5FThinnes)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roy%5FThinnes) and [Ivan T Sanderson](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ivan%5FT.%5FSanderson). Kenneth Arnold and [Raymond A. Palmer](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raymond%5FA.%5FPalmer) are originally scheduled but cancel.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Swords 316, 320; James W. Moseley and Karl T. Pflock, Shockingly Close to the Truth! Confessions of a Grave-Robbing Ufologist, Prometheus, 2002, pp. 209–218; Karl Machtanz, “[Saucer News](https://www.jimmoseley.com/2014/02/saucer-news-nyc-convention-memories/) [NYC Convention Memories,](https://www.jimmoseley.com/2014/02/saucer-news-nyc-convention-memories/)” In Honor of Jim Moseley, February 3, 2014; Rick Hilberg, “[Jim Moseley’s Giant](https://www.jimmoseley.com/jims-greatest-hits/) [UFO Show,](https://www.jimmoseley.com/jims-greatest-hits/)” In Honor of Jim Moseley; Curt Collins, “[The National UFO Conference,](https://www.jimmoseley.com/2014/03/the-national-ufo-conference/)” In Honor of Jim Moseley, March 11, 2014; Curt Collins, “[The UFO Anniversary and the Giant New York Convention of 1967,](https://thesaucersthattimeforgot.blogspot.com/2018/06/the-ufo-anniversary-and-giant-new-york.html)” The Saucers That Time Forgot, June 22, 2018
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4320
### Event 28888 (A0913119)
**Date:** 6/23/1967
**Description:** Broadcaster [Frank Edwards](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frank%5FEdwards%5F%28writer%5Fand%5Fbroadcaster%29) dies of a heart attack.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Death of Frank Edwards,](http://www.cufos.org/UFOI%5Fand%5FSelected%5FDocuments/UFOI/038%20OCT%201967.pdf)” UFO Investigator 4, no 2 \(October 1967\): 8
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4321
### Event 28889 (FA5E5910)
**Date:** 6/24/1967
**Location:** USA, Austin, Texas.
**Description:** (Translated from French) 3:12 a.m. Witness: Ray Stanford. A solid, elliptical, pale blue object flew from NW to NE and stopped for one and a half minutes in response to a beacon call. Then the object continued on its original trajectory and disappeared into the clouds after 9 minutes.
**Reference:** Project Blue Book - cfr Don Berliner
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2453
### Event 28890 (C0D8EFB7)
**Date:** 6/24/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Sighting in Austin \(Texas\). (June 24)
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#11815 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2324
### Event 28891 (FC26D697)
**Date:** 6/24/1967
**Location:** Argentina & Uruguay
**Description:** Thousands of witnesses, including military, report UFOs. Non-US military.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [_UFOs and the National Security State: Chronology of a Cover-up, 1941–1973_, by Richard Dolan](https://archive.org/details/ufosnationalsecu00dola/mode/2up)
**Source:** Dolan, **ID:** Dolan_279
### Event 28892 (9425A87B)
**Date:** 6/24/1967
**Time:** 03:10
**Location:** AUSTIN, TX
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #11815. Small car signals / headlights. Blue cylinder/cigar-shape appears. Going quickly south into clouds.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RANDLE, Kevin D.: The UFO CASEBOOK; Warner Books 1989. 256pp. (Index 131)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8278
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "9", **Elev:** "151", **HatchDesc:** "AUSTIN,TX:BBK#11815:SML CAR SIGNALS/HEADLIGHTS:BLU CGR APPEARS:>>S into CLOUDS", **LatLong:** "30.250001 -97.733338", **LatLongDMS:** "30:15:00 N 97:44:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/30.250001,-97.733338)", **State/Prov:** "Texas", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 28893 (F1B61387)
**Date:** 6/24/1967
**Time:** 10:00
**Location:** TRENTON, ME
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Silver saucer hovers 500' / shore. Going up [to] to clouds. Going down [to] again further out..
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FOWLER, Raymond E.: UFO'S, INTERPLANETARY VISITORS; Prentice Hall & Bantam Books, NY 1979. 346pp. (Index 333)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8279
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "TRENTON,ME:2 OBS:SLVR SCR HVRS 500'/SHORE:↑ to CLOUDS:↓ AGAIN FURTHER OUT..", **LatLong:** "44.438891 -68.372225", **LatLongDMS:** "44:26:20 N 68:22:20 W", **Locale:** "Offshore", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.438891,-68.372225)", **State/Prov:** "Maine", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 28894 (D295066B)
**Date:** 6/24/1967 (approximate)
**Time:** 22:00?
**Description:** 1 observer / lonely path. Strange figure digs / dirt / small trowel. Odd scream.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** AWARENESS (Quarterly) CONTACT INTERNATIONAL/UK: listed by year. (Index 77)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8280
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **NFO:** No craft seen, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "BOVINGDON,HERTFs:1 OBS/LONELY PATH:STRANGE FIG.DIGS/DIRT/SML TROWEL:ODD SCREAM", **LatLong:** "51.716669 -0.533333", **LatLongDMS:** "51:43:00 N 00:32:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.716669,-0.533333)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 28895 (B5A380D9)
**Date:** 6/24/1967
**Time:** ~22:00
**Description:** 3 observer(s). Night light = cylinder/cigar-shape. Sudden stop over woods. Tilts. Objects exit. Quickly going up.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 93)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8281
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "EPPING FOREST,ENGL:3 OBS:NLT=CGR:SUDDEN STOP ovr WOODS:TILTS:OBJS EXIT:↑↑", **LatLong:** "51.666669 0.033333", **LatLongDMS:** "51:40:00 N 00:02:00 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.666669,0.033333)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 28896 (0DFADB03)
**Date:** 6/24/1967
**Location:** Trenton, ME
**Description:** 10:00 a.m. EDT. Two people saw a silver-gray, hat-shaped object hovering over the ocean about 500 feet from the shore. The object emitted vapor at its base. Finally it ascended into a fog bank, descended again farther away (maneuvered), then moved out of sight. (Fowler, 1974, p. 349.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3616
### Event 28897 (07934510)
**Date:** 6/24/1967
**Location:** Austin, TX
**Description:** Solid, blue-white, elliptical object fly in response to flashlight (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 11815)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3617
### Event 28898 (0D093E5C)
**Date:** 6/24/1967
**Location:** Warrenton, VA
**Description:** 11:00 p.m. EDT. Two people saw three small objects and a large object that was white, blue, green, and red colored (multicolored lights). Finally the three smaller objects merged with the larger one and disappeared after about an hour. (Pickrell report, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3618
### Event 28899 (E6447657)
**Date:** 6/24/1967
**Location:** Paso de los Libres, Argentina
**Description:** At 10:00 pm in Paso de los Libres, policemen saw 8-10 bright lights that flew in formation over a military post at an estimated 15,000 feet altitude. (La Voz Del Interior 6/26/67, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3619
### Event 28900 (10E91DBA)
**Date:** 6/24/1967
**Location:** Asuncion, Paraguay
**Description:** In Paraguay, Asuncion, many residents saw six objects in formation maneuvering over the city. Communications interference (EM effects) was reported by the airport control tower director. (Baltimore Sun 6/26/67,.copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3620
### Event 28901 (F46ADDBB)
**Date:** 6/24/1967
**Location:** Manchester, UK
**Description:** A group of International Sky Scouts in England saw a cigar-shaped object while engaging in a skywatch near London. In Manchester, five unidentified objects were observed making "gyrations and extraordinary maneuvers." (Baltimore Sun 6/26/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3621
### Event 28902 (A5668FF1)
**Date:** 6/24/1967
**Time:** 3:12 AM
**Location:** Austin, Texas
**Description:** Witness: artist Ray Stanford. One solid, blue-white, elliptical object flew from northwest to northeast and stopped, seemingly in response to flashlight signal, for 1.5 minutes. The object then proceeded along its original path at high speed and disappeared behind clouds. Sighting lasted 9 minutes.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_576
### Event 28903 (DD76869D)
**Date:** 6/24/1967
**Locations:** Paso de los Libres, Corrientes, Argentina; Yapeyú and Santo Tomé in Corrientes; Oberá in Misiones; Resistencia and Barranqueras in Chaco, Argentina
**Description:** 10:00 p.m. At Paso de los Libres, Corrientes, Argentina, policemen see 8–10 bright lights that fly in formation over a military post at an estimated 15,000 feet altitude. Other groups of UFOs are seen the same night at Yapeyú and Santo Tomé in Corrientes; Oberá in Misiones; and Resistencia and Barranqueras in Chaco, Argentina. All are observed for at least 1–2 minutes.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Lorenzen, UFOs over the Americas, Signet, 1968, pp. 61–62
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4322
### Event 28904 (5D7B55ED)
**Date:** 6/24/1967
**Location:** Asunción, Paraguay
**Description:** In Asunción, Paraguay, many residents see six objects in formation maneuvering over the city. Communications interference is reported by the airport control tower director.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** NICAP, “[The 1967 UFO](http://www.nicap.org/chronos/1967fullrep.htm) [Chronology](http://www.nicap.org/chronos/1967fullrep.htm)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4323
### Event 28905 (B75B07D1)
**Date:** 6/24/1967
**End date:** 6/25/1967
**Location:** Riccione, Rimini
**Description:** The Centro Ufologico Nazionale holds the first UFO conference in Italy at Riccione, Rimini.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** 1Pinotti 143–146
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4324
### Event 28906 (593AD410)
**Date:** 6/24/1967
**Description:** A man walking alone at night along a bridal path in Bovington, England came upon a strange figure bent down by the side of the path. The figure was short and was wearing what looked like a black, one-piece leather suit. He had a trowel in his hand and appeared to be digging in the earth. When he noticed the witness approaching the figure made a strange, high-pitched sound and was lost from sight.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb and Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1967-51 (A1559), citing Jenny Randles, Awareness, Winter 1977
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3641
### Event 28907 (432CACA9)
**Date:** 6/25/1967
**Time:** ~21:00
**Location:** BETHEL, CT
**Description:** 6 teens. Silent domed saucer. Radio Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Traces / ground found later. / r180p49+/ r79.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 811)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8282
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "117", **HatchDesc:** "BETHEL,CT:6 TEENS:SLNT DOMED SCR:RDO RFI:TRACES/GND FOUND LATER:/r180p49+/r79", **LatLong:** "41.383335 -73.400003", **LatLongDMS:** "41:23:00 N 73:24:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.383335,-73.400003)", **State/Prov:** "Connecticut", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 28908 (078237B3)
**Date:** 6/25/1967
**Location:** Harrisburg, PA
**Description:** 2:05 a.m. EDT. A couple saw a bright sparkling white light for 10-15 minutes about 10-20 feet above the ground, emitting a "low-pitched, constant droning sound." Dogs were barking and howling (animal reactions). (Cook report, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3622
### Event 28909 (2A2F78DD)
**Date:** 6/25/1967
**Location:** Wilmington, DE
**Description:** 9:30 p.m. A man saw a lens-shaped, metallic-appearing object (disc) with a "deck" and a "pole" (protrusion) at the rear. The object passed over the house, turned about a half mile away, and came back over the house again before disappearing. (Phone call from witness, 7/20/67, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3623
### Event 28910 (4F2F26D2)
**Date:** 6/25/1967
**Description:** Dogs howled when a UFO flew ten to twenty feet off the ground, making a low-pitched, droning noise, three miles north of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. As police approached the object the light went out and the dogs stopped barking. The two principal witnesses could hear voices coming from the UFO, talking in a high-pitched, incomprehensible "gibberish" at 2:05 a.m.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb and Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1967-50; George Cook, NICAP investigation files
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3653
### Event 28911 (9D27C348)
**Date:** 6/25/1967
**Description:** On this night in Bethel, Connecticut six teenagers were sleeping out in the backyard of a home when they saw a bright light. They drove to Sunset Hill to get a better view and saw it was a domed disc with red and green flashing lights around the dome. Their car radio experienced interference when the object was in view. Several weeks later, some members of the group found an area of grass matted down where the object had hovered close to the ground.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, case 206, citing Ted R. Phillips, PhysicaI Traces Associated with UFO Sightings
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3654
### Event 28912 (C91844E0)
**Date:** 6/25/1967
**Description:** At 10:30 p.m. Robert Luca was driving from Durham, Connecticut to Hamnonassett Beach when he saw two large, cigar-shaped objects in the sky. From one of them came two smaller objects; one flew to the east, the other to the west. One of the discs came towards him, descending in falling leaf motion behind some trees about 1/4 mile away. It was dull metallic in color. The next thing he remembered was arriving at the beach shortly before two a.m., with no memory of the intervening three hours. Under hypnosis in 1977, Luca remembered being nude in a room with a white floor, lighted by indirect blue white light. In a later session, he remembered being on a table in this room, with two "persons" at his head and feet. The entities had large baldheads, no noses and "tapered" faces.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb and Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1967-52; David Webb & Richard Nycz case investigation files
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3655
### Event 28913 (9F9BDFF1)
**Date:** 6/26/1967
**Location:** Wailuku, Maui, HI
**Description:** 8:40 a.m. HDT. A woman and her son saw a double disc (like one plate inverted on top of the other) that hovered and was observed through a 20x telescope. (Witness interviewed by Richard Hall who was visiting in Maui at the time; report in NICAP files.) : (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3624
### Event 28914 (2FBBC8B6)
**Date:** 6/26/1967
**Time:** 16:00:00.0
**Location:** 37.2021 -116.2078
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Midi Mist” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_501
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.2021 -116.2078", **LatLongDMS:** "37:12:08 N 116:12:28 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.2021,-116.2078)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.38", **NukeMb:** "5.10", **NukeName:** "Midi Mist", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 28915 (59107131)
**Date:** 6/27/1967
**Location:** FRANCE, Saint Geneys near St Paulien
**Description:** (Translated from French) At around 10pm, the witness was travelling on the N 106. Just at the entrance of a small road leading to Champvert, their attention was drawn to a very strong light coming from a wood. Upon arriving at the path, they discovered an enormous craft of at least 100m in length less than 50m from the road. What struck them the most was the extraordinary luminosity of the "spine" of the craft, whose edges were blurry and misty.
**Reference:** M. FIGUET/ J.L. RUCHON: "Ovni, Premier dossier complet..." - ed. Alain Lefeuvre 1979, p. 278
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2454
### Event 28916 (ACA2ABDB)
**Date:** 6/27/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Observation of June 27th in Wichita. See images/1967-06-27.jpg. (June 27)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2325
### Event 28917 (FFDF57F3)
**Date:** 6/27/1967
**Time:** 22:00
**Location:** ST.-GENEYS, FR
**Description:** N106. 100M cylinder/cigar-shape emerges / woods. Bright spine and foggy edges. / r30p278.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 95)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8283
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "St-GENEYS,FR:N106:100M CGR EMERGES/WOODS:BRITE SPINE+FOGGY EDGES:/r30p278", **LatLong:** "45.161113 3.822222", **LatLongDMS:** "45:09:40 N 03:49:20 E", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.161113,3.822222)", **State/Prov:** "Haute-Loire", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 28918 (E27C21FD)
**Date:** 6/27/1967
**Time:** 23:00
**Location:** WINNIPEG, MBA
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Large silent soup-bowl saucer hovers / 100M altitude. Going north. Stops again. Going north.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 811)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8284
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "8", **Elev:** "229", **HatchDesc:** "WINNIPEG,MBA:2 OBS:LRG SLNT SOUP-BOWL SCR HVRS/100M alt:>N:STOPS AGAIN:>N", **LatLong:** "49.866669 -97.133338", **LatLongDMS:** "49:52:00 N 97:08:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.866669,-97.133338)", **RelAlt:** "100", **State/Prov:** "Manitoba", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 28919 (D4E3729D)
**Date:** 6/27/1967
**Location:** Winnipeg, Manitoba, CAN
**Description:** 1:00 pm. CDT. A couple saw a glowing yellow object shaped like a large soup bowl (dome shaped). The object hovered about 300 feet over a service station, moved slowly, hovered again over a river, then disappeared below the tree line. (McPhillips report, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3625
### Event 28920 (AB09BCC6)
**Date:** 6/27/1967
**Location:** Wichita, KS
**Description:** Wichita, KS (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3626
### Event 28921 (2C6416A5)
**Date:** 6/27/1967
**Time:** 18:30:00.0
**Location:** -22.0000 -139.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Antares” YieldMax: 200KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1860
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "-22.0000 -139.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "22:00:00 S 139:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-22.0000,-139.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "France", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Antares", **NukeSource:** "CEA/DAM", **NukeType:** "NACF", **NukeYMax:** "200"
### Event 28922 (C875504F)
**Date:** 6/27/1967
**Location:** Australia
**Description:** [McDonald](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James%5FE.%5FMcDonald) is in Australia, financed by a small grant from the Office of Naval Research, to do cloud-physics research. Earlier in June, in a memo to [Low](http://ufohistoryfiles.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/CO%2067%20NEWS.pdf), he said he planned to do some UFO investigating and lecturing. Low forwards the letter to [Philip Klass](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philip%5FJ.%5FKlass) in December.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clark III 700
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4325
### Event 28923 (5BFF1FC4)
**Date:** 6/28/1967
**Time:** 13:00?
**Location:** NEW CASTLE, PA
**Description:** 2 Polaroid photographs / soup-dish saucer. Hovers / 15 second(s). 'Sound = 100 jets'. Going quickly northwest.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 811)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8285
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **HOX:** Suspicion of hoax, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "3", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "246", **HatchDesc:** "NEW CASTLE,PA:2 POLAROID FOTOS/SOUP-DISH SCR:HVRS/15sec:'SOUND=100 JETS':>>NW", **LatLong:** "41.016669 -80.350004", **LatLongDMS:** "41:01:00 N 80:21:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.016669,-80.350004)", **State/Prov:** "Pennsylvania", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 28924 (5419D471)
**Date:** 6/28/1967
**Location:** Tehran, Iran
**Description:** 8:00 p.m. LT. Reportedly 10,000 people saw a bright round, glowing object three times larger than the full moon. It hovered, sped away, landed, and took off. (Tehran Yomiori, 7/1/67, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3627
### Event 28925 (C62A19C5)
**Date:** 6/28/1967
**Location:** Merritt Island, Florida
**Description:** A NASA management instruction issued by [Kurt H. Debus](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kurt%5FH.%5FDebus), director of Kennedy Space Center on Merritt Island, Florida, on “Processing Reports of Sightings of Space Vehicle Fragments” notes that “Under no circumstances will the origin of the object be discussed with the observer or person making the call,” including “reports of sightings of objects not related to space vehicles.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** John F. Kennedy Space Center, “[Processing](http://www.cufon.org/cufon/kmi8610.htm) [Reports of Sightings of Space Vehicle Fragments,](http://www.cufon.org/cufon/kmi8610.htm)” NASA Management Instruction KMI 8610.4, June 28, 1967
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4326
### Event 28926 (ACDDFE70)
**Date:** 6/29/1967
**Location:** USA, Scotch Plains, New Jersey.
**Description:** (Translated from French) 1:30 a.m. Witness: truck driver Damon Brown. An object, like an oyster, 200 feet wide and 25 to 30 feet thick, with a huge red light on each side of the base and a row of blue lights crossing the base. Circled around at the speed of an airplane, then moved quickly and followed the truck at about 500 feet altitude, turned south and left at high speed after 8-10 minutes.
**Reference:** Project Blue Book - cfr Don Berliner
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2455
### Event 28927 (9EDD4AA8)
**Date:** 6/29/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Sighting at Scotch Plain \(New Jersey\). (June 29)
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#11831 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2326
### Event 28928 (AB475DE7)
**Date:** 6/29/1967
**Time:** 01:30
**Location:** SCOTCH PLAINS, NJ
**Description:** Driver. 200' clam-saucer with many lights circles plane. Follows car. Going quickly south.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BERLINER, DON: The BLUEBOOK UNKNOWNS; (FUFOR). (Index 37)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8286
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "46", **HatchDesc:** "SCOTCH PLAINS,NJ:DRIVER:200'CLAM-SCR W/MANY LITES CCLs PLANE:FOLOS CAR:>>S", **LatLong:** "40.650002 -74.388892", **LatLongDMS:** "40:39:00 N 74:23:20 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.650002,-74.388892)", **State/Prov:** "New Jersey", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 28929 (56D93742)
**Date:** 6/29/1967
**Location:** Newington, CT
**Description:** 10:50 p.m. EDT. The 18-year-old daughter of an engineering instructor saw a luminous disc for 1 minute as it darted among clouds with abrupt motions. (Letter from witness' father dated 7/6/67, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3628
### Event 28930 (E4CA89DD)
**Date:** 6/29/1967
**Location:** Scotch Plain, NJ
**Description:** Oyster-shaped object 200 ft wide 25-30 ft thick (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 11831)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3630
### Event 28931 (146CAC0E)
**Date:** 6/29/1967
**Time:** 1:30 AM
**Location:** Scotch Plains, New Jersey
**Description:** Witness: truck driver Damon Brown. One oyster-shaped object--2OO' wide, and 25-30' thick--with a huge red light at each end and one on the bottom, and a row of blue lights along the bottom. Circled m.n aircraft, hovering then moving rapidly, and then followed the witness' car for about 500', veered south and departed at great speed after 8-10 minutes.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_577
### Event 28932 (31DD992C)
**Date:** 6/29/1967
**Time:** 11:25:00.0
**Location:** 37.0286 -116.0226
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Umber” Yield: 10KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_502
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0286 -116.0226", **LatLongDMS:** "37:01:43 N 116:01:21 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0286,-116.0226)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.31", **NukeMb:** "4.60", **NukeName:** "Umber", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "10"
### Event 28933 (F3514AEA)
**Date:** 6/29/1967
**Time:** 02:56:59.9
**Location:** 49.8167 78.0490
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: .001KT YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1299
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.8167 78.0490", **LatLongDMS:** "49:49:00 N 78:02:56 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.8167,78.0490)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.30", **NukeSource:** "BOCHAROV", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** ".001", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 28934 (8800D745)
**Date:** 6/29/1967
**Description:** A man and a woman driving at 1:30 a.m. sighted an oyster-shaped UFO near Scotch Plains, New Jersey. It was very large, perhaps 200 feet wide, and 25-30 feet thick. It had three red lights and a row of blue lights. The UFO followed their car for 500 feet, then veered off to the south and took off. A Project Blue Book "unknown."
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Project Blue Book files counted in official statistics, case # 11831; J. Allen Hynek case files; Don Berliner, Australasian UFOlogist, April 1999, p. 55
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3729
### Event 28935 (AA96FA3F)
**Date:** 6/30/1967
**Time:** 02:00
**Location:** RAPID CITY, SD
**Description:** Several cops / (seen thru) binoculars. UFO going up / ground. Hovers / trees. Flashes and zigzags. 3 windows.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** STEIGER, Brad & WHRITENOUR, Joan: The ALLENDE LETTERS. 1968 Eugene Olsen Publ + Award Books, NY PB (Index 48)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8287
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **NUC:** Nuclear facility related, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "14", **Elev:** "975", **HatchDesc:** "RAPID CITY,SD:SVRL COPS/BINOCS:UFO↑/GND:HVRS/TREES:FLASHES+ZIGZAGS:3 WINDOWS", **LatLong:** "44.083335 -103.200005", **LatLongDMS:** "44:05:00 N 103:12:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.083335,-103.200005)", **State/Prov:** "South Dakota", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 28936 (FD06D64E)
**Date:** 6/30/1967
**Location:** Rapid City, SD
**Description:** 2:00 a.m. MDT. Three patrolmen saw a large object with red, green, and white flashing lights (body lights) and windows that emitted light illuminating the ground. The object took off and hovered just above trees, exhibited jerky movements, landed again, the white light growing brighter as it neared the ground (luminosity/motion correlation). (Rapid City Journal, 7/2/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3629
### Event 28937 (7552AF4F)
**Date:** 6/30/1967
**Description:** [Condon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward%5FCondon)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward%5FCondon) [David Saunders](https://psycnet.apa.org/record/1993-27194-001)[,](https://psycnet.apa.org/record/1993-27194-001) Norm Levine, [Franklin Roach](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Franklin%5FE.%5FRoach), Mary Lou Armstrong, and visiting journalism grad student Herbert Strentz hold a meeting about a “case book” of significant cases. Condon tries to dissuade Saunders and Levine from pursuing this, but they prevail.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Swords 320
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4327
### Event 28938 (425E58CC)
**Date:** 6/30/1967
**Description:** At two o'clock in the morning in Rapid City, South Dakota three police officers named Eisnach, Ferguson, and Sinner had a close encounter with a huge multi-colored object with three windows and red, green, and white flashing lights. They witnessed it as it took off from the ground, hovered just above some nearby trees, made some jerky movements, and then landed again. It took off once again and went over hill. As it did so the white light on the object intensified. The entire incident lasted two and a half hours.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP files, citing Rapid City Journal, July 2, 1967; Brad Steiger, Strangers from the Skies, p. 48
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3748
### Event 28939 (EEA11B8C)
**Date:** 6/30/1967
**Description:** Mrs. Lemarquandsa was walking through her house around six o'clock in the evening in Thompson, Manitoba when she heard an odd beeping sound. It was repeated at regular intervals about once a second, and she wondered what was causing it. She looked out her kitchen window, and saw dirt and loose pieces of paper flying in a large circle around her house. Outside, she found her husband, who had just come home, and five children staring up into the sky. A young boy was holding her eight-year-old daughter down on the ground. Up in the sky a box-shaped or rectangular object hung in the air, slowly rotating counter-clockwise and showing alternating silver metallic and black sides. It was black on its lower surface, and made no noise. The object began moving off at an angle, stopped and hovered, and then continued towards the southeast. Until this time the circle of dirt and dust had persisted, but it now died down. The whirlwind was confined to the area immediately around their house and did not affect any other houses on the street. When the object moved away, the dirt fell to the ground. Going to the children, the woman found they were calming down except her daughter, who seemed dazed. The boy explained that the five of them had been playing in the yard when the object first appeared overhead. As they watched, her daughter had been levitated into the air, and this levitation was apparently caused by the UFO in the sky. By the time the other children had come to her aid, she was about one meter off the ground and her clothes had edged up her body. Her daughter said she did not remember anything from the time she felt the wind until the time she recovered after being dragged back to the ground.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Gene Duplantier, Saucers, Space & Science, September 1967, p. 15; Joseph M. Brill, Skylook, January 1976, p. 15; Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1967, citing Chris Rutkowski, Unnatural History, True Manitoba Mysteries
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3749
### Event 28940 (EEE2C707)
**Date:** 7/1967
**Location:** Spain, Balearic Islands, Palma
**Description:** (Translated from French) At 3 o'clock in the morning, Miss de Ribas was suddenly awakened by an intense light coming from the patio. She distinguished at the window two small silhouettes that seemed to be talking to each other. They had a big head and huge eyes. In a state of extreme agitation, the young girl tried to turn on the light, but nothing happened, as if the electricity had been cut off. She changed rooms to get a coat, as she intended to flee, but when she returned, she saw nothing. She went out and noticed that there were two footprints of small feet in front of the window. (July, 1967)
**Reference:** Jean FERGUSON: "Everything about Flying Saucers", ed. Leméac, Ottawa, 1972, p. 200
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2456
### Event 28941 (D351950F)
**Date:** 7/1967
**Location:** NETHERLANDS, Oosterschelde (arm of the sea)
**Description:** (Translated from French) Industrialist Stefan Danaerde is at anchor on the Oosterschelde with his sailboat. His son tells him that the radar is defective. As the evening promises to be calm, Danaerde is not really worried. In the evening he starts the engine and sets sail for the Burgsluis lock. Then a kind of blue sun appears in the sky emitting a shrill noise. On the water floats like a dead man and Danaerde jumps into the sea to bring back the dead. That's when the "sun" presents itself as a fairly flat metal saucer and a staircase descends to the water, while a dark silhouette is outlined. Danaerde is sucked towards the saucer and panics. He finds himself in the presence of beings 1.40 m tall, dressed in astronaut costumes with multiple ornaments. They have a very high forehead, pointed ears and speak with a mechanical voice in English. "Can understand you us?" - "Yes, I do." They thank Danaerde for having come to the aid of one of their own who had fallen into the sea and say they are from another planet but have been on Earth for a long time. Danaerde then receives, as a sign of recognition, a metal piece. Through the computer and television (note from vog: in 67? On board a sailboat?) he is taught all kinds of things about the planet Jarga, which would be 10 light years from Earth. People there live in cylinders, as the planet is overpopulated. They practice a kind of absolute communism and private property does not exist there. There is no money either. Their only goal is "omni spiritual creativity".
**Reference:** Mitarbeiter, "Ufo Geheimnisse", Berlin, January 1998
**Reference:** etc...
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2458
### Event 28942 (0DBA655D)
**Date:** 7/1967
**Location:** PORTUGAL, Monte (Oleiros, Ponte da Barca) - Viana do Castelo
**Description:** (Translated from French) At 7 pm the farmer saw an object flying in the sky at very high speed and projecting beams of yellow, red and green light. Meanwhile, his two daughters, who were keeping the flock, saw with understandable fear two humanoids standing on a wall 30 meters away from them. They had big heads. Their arms and legs reflected the light of the sun. They were small, less than one meter tall. They jumped off the wall (50 cm high) with both feet and disappeared. When the girls told their father about this adventure, they went to the wall to look for traces, but there was nothing.
**Reference:** Collaboration of Larry Fenwick, CUFORN, Joaquim Fernandes, CNIFO, Willy Smith, UNICAT Project; listing of Victor Lourenço; CEAFI
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2464
### Event 28943 (6CC6D2A8)
**Date:** 7/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) [Robert Richardson](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/temoins.html\#RichardsonRobert) strikes an unknown object on the road one night.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2327
### Event 28944 (3C584A01)
**Date:** 7/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) [3 witnesses photograph an unknown object in Alberta](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/1967-07-03\_Alberta.html). (18 h 30)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2328
### Event 28945 (6D2246F4)
**Date:** 7/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) 3 police officers see a circular object surrounded by an orange glow maneuvering above the New Forest in the south of England.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2329
### Event 28946 (5D442B92)
**Date:** 7/1967
**Time:** 01:00
**Description:** UFO lands behind row of houses. Huge glow like daylight.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FIGEUT, Michel & RUCHON, Jean-Louis: OVNI - Le Premier Dossier..; Alain LeFeuvre, Paris 1979. (Index 280)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8288
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "VICHY>>HAUTERIVE,03,FR:UFO LANDS BHND ROW OF HOUSES:HUGE GLOW LIKE DAYLITE", **LatLong:** "46.100002 3.427778", **LatLongDMS:** "46:06:00 N 03:25:40 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.100002,3.427778)", **State/Prov:** "Allier", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 28947 (FC15DD11)
**Date:** 7/1967
**Time:** 01:10
**Location:** CADOUIN, FR
**Description:** 4 observer(s). Glowing-object lands. Ratchet sound. Photograph taken. 3 saucers / horizon.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FIGEUT, Michel & RUCHON, Jean-Louis: OVNI - Le Premier Dossier..; Alain LeFeuvre, Paris 1979. (Index 280)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8289
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **TRC:** Physical traces, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "20", **HatchDesc:** "CADOUIN,FR:4 OBS:GLOW-OBJ LANDS:RATCHET SOUND:FOTO TAKEN:3 SCRS/HORIZON", **LatLong:** "44.800002 0.872222", **LatLongDMS:** "44:48:00 N 00:52:20 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.800002,0.872222)", **State/Prov:** "Dordogne", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 28948 (D7F5B57C)
**Date:** 7/1967
**Time:** 03:00
**Location:** PALMA, MAJORCA, SP
**Description:** Power out. Light / patio. 2 small humanoids (or Greys) confer. Marks / wall. Footprints. / r50.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PHENOMENES SPATIAUX: Group GEPA, Gen. M. Lionel Chassin Paris. Quarterly 1964?-1977. Merged into Grp. GEPAN (Index 19)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8290
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NFO:** No craft seen, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "5", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "PALMA,MAJORCA,SP:POWER OUT:LITE/PATIO:2 OIDS CONFER:MARKS/WALL:FOOTPRINTS:/r50", **LatLong:** "39.600002 2.633333", **LatLongDMS:** "39:36:00 N 02:38:00 E", **Locale:** "Islands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.600002,2.633333)", **State/Prov:** "BLR", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 28949 (87026216)
**Date:** 7/1967
**Time:** 19:00
**Description:** Farmer and 2. UFO passes. 2 classic small humanoids (or Greys) jump over wall.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LOURENCO, Victor: The PORTUCAT CATALOG; (BBS Download). (Index 110)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8291
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Portugal", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "nr PONTE da BARCA,PORTUGAL:FARMER+2:UFO PASSES:2 CLASSIC OIDS JUMP OVR WALL:", **LatLong:** "41.800002 -8.416667", **LatLongDMS:** "41:48:00 N 08:25:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.800002,-8.416667)", **State/Prov:** "MNH", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 28950 (B9A1C2D7)
**Date:** 7/1967
**Time:** 20:50
**Location:** BUCHAREST, ROM
**Description:** Point / light going southeast / 30s. Drops / 4000M altitude / 15 second(s). Goes going up [to] and going quickly southeast again.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HOBANA Ion & WEVERBERGH,Julien: UFO'S from BEHIND the IRON CURTAIN; Bantam Books,1975. 308pp. (Index 235)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8292
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Romania", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "BUCHAREST,ROM:POINT/LITE >SE/30s:DROPS/4000M ALT/15sec:GOES ↑ AND >>SE AGAIN.", **LatLong:** "44.433335 26.083335", **LatLongDMS:** "44:26:00 N 26:05:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.433335,26.083335)", **State/Prov:** "Bucharest", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 28951 (E9F4E162)
**Date:** 7/1967
**Time:** 23:50
**Description:** 4 observer(s). 6M and silent metallic object hovers / wind / 350M altitude. Quickly going up. Separate observer(s) chased.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GRANCHI, Irene: UFO's and ABDUCTIONS in BRAZIL: Horus House Press, Madison, WI: 1992 (English translation 1994) ISBN 1-881852-09-1 (Index 50)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8293
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "920", **HatchDesc:** "MIGUEL PEREIRA,BRZ:4 OBS:6M+SLNT MTLC OBJ HVRS/WIND/350M alt:↑↑:sep.obs chased", **LatLong:** "-22.450001 -43.366669", **LatLongDMS:** "22:27:00 S 43:22:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-22.450001,-43.366669)", **RelAlt:** "350", **State/Prov:** "RDJ", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 28952 (65A09839)
**Date:** 7/1967
**Location:** Taipei, Taiwan
**Description:** Time not reported. Personnel at Yuanshan Observatory saw a red, cigar-shaped object that flew low and fast to the southwest. (Pacific Stars & Stripes, 7/6/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3631
### Event 28953 (1699FFD1)
**Date:** 7/1967
**End date:** 12/1967
**Description:** Intensive U.S. and international sighting wave. (See separate chronology, Section VIII.)
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_133
### Event 28954 (C6A32126)
**Date:** 7/1967
**Location:** Colorado
**Description:** Even though the Colorado project is requesting UFO reports from NICAP, [Keyhoe](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald%5FKeyhoe) is withholding them. [Roy](https://legacy.lib.utexas.edu/taro/tamucush/00151/tamu-00151.html) [Craig](https://legacy.lib.utexas.edu/taro/tamucush/00151/tamu-00151.html) discovers the [Low](http://ufohistoryfiles.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/CO%2067%20NEWS.pdf) memorandum while searching for unrelated information in the files. He shares it with Norm Levine and [David Saunders](https://psycnet.apa.org/record/1993-27194-001)[,](https://psycnet.apa.org/record/1993-27194-001) who realize that it clearly implies that the project is a “whitewash noninvestigation.” The memo makes the rounds of project personnel, then gets refiled.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Keyhoe, Aliens from Space, Signet ed., 1974, [p. 121](https://archive.org/details/aliensfromspacer00keyh/page/120/mode/2up); UFOs Yes, 135
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4328
### Event 28955 (4735D868)
**Date:** 7/1967
**Location:** Mount Lofty Ranges, South Australia
**Description:** 10:00 p.m. A witness sees an intense orange light through the window of her home in the Mount Lofty Ranges, South Australia. She calls her mother and they go outside to watch a cigar-shaped light hovering, moving up and down slightly, and turning over on its side. It has portholes around its lower edge. After 20 minutes, it moves off to the western horizon at a high rate of speed.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “Foreign Forum,” IUR 3, no. 6 \(June 1978\): 2
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4329
### Event 28956 (25887C5B)
**Date:** 7/1/1967
**Locations:** Denver; Colorado
**Description:** The Denver Post reveals that the Colorado project has requested an additional $280,000 to extend it into September. [Condon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward%5FCondon) is upset. USAF ultimately approves an additional $183,155, plus $29,750 for expenses, bringing the total to $525,905.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** UFOs Yes, 182
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4330
### Event 28957 (8E36AD0A)
**Date:** 7/2/1967
**Time:** 17:30:00.0
**Location:** -22.0000 -139.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Arcturus” YieldMax: 200KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1861
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "-22.0000 -139.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "22:00:00 S 139:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-22.0000,-139.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "France", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Arcturus", **NukeSource:** "CEA/DAM", **NukeType:** "NACF", **NukeYMax:** "200"
### Event 28958 (D96206D5)
**Date:** 7/3/1967
**Location:** Camp Pendleton, San Diego, CA
**Description:** R. T. (initials), with ALPHA RED TOP SECRET CRYPTO Clearance, rank PFC, assigned to Canine Corps at Camp Pendleton, San Diego, CA., states that he and his dogs were air transported 2.5 hrs. to a sight in a desert (unknown location) UFO crash-sight. Saucer: Metallic, 30 ft. diameter, domed top, no windows. He also observed: Large walk-in refrigerator, empty body bags, men at work with technical instruments.
**Type:** crash retrieval
**Reference:** [Pea Research](https://www.academia.edu/9813787/GOVERNMENT_INVOLVEMENT_IN_THE_UFO_COVER_UP_CHRONOLOGY_based)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_649
### Event 28959 (0A2CB839)
**Date:** 7/3/1967
**Time:** 18:30
**Location:** NEAR MT. HEAD, ALTA
**Description:** 3 prospectors. 8M ovoid drops small object. Vanishes? 2 good photographs.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CONDON, Dr. Edward: SCIENTIFIC STUDY of UFO..etc; Bantam 1969. 965pp. (Index 469)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8294
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "2000", **HatchDesc:** "nr MT.HEAD,ALTA:3 PROSPECTORS:8M OVOID DROPS SML OBJ:VANISHES?:2 GOOD FOTOS", **LatLong:** "50.500002 -114.666672", **LatLongDMS:** "50:30:00 N 114:40:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.500002,-114.666672)", **State/Prov:** "Alberta", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 28960 (25EF1548)
**Date:** 7/3/1967
**Time:** 21:20
**Location:** LEAWOOD, KS
**Description:** Aero-engineer and 4. 50' metal saucer going quickly south / 100mph. 2500' altitude. Explodes. Fragments going down. / r249p138.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 59)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8295
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "259", **HatchDesc:** "LEAWOOD,KS:AERO-ENG+4:50'MTL SCR >>S/100mph:2500'alt:EXPLODES:FRAGs↓:/r249p138", **LatLong:** "38.966669 -94.616671", **LatLongDMS:** "38:58:00 N 94:37:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.966669,-94.616671)", **State/Prov:** "Kansas", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 28961 (04EC53E8)
**Date:** 7/3/1967
**Location:** Saginaw, MI
**Description:** 12:05 a.m. EDT. Two people saw a large bright object that emitted four smaller objects, each with an attached ray of light (light beam). At a certain point, these rays of light disappeared, and the four objects sped off in different directions and disappeared after about 3 minutes. (NICAP , report form, 7/18/67.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3632
### Event 28962 (0A2EFEA7)
**Date:** 7/3/1967
**Location:** Calgary, Alberta, CAN
**Description:** Dr. J. Allen Hynek stated: "best daylight disc photograph I have personally investigated. That says it all! Warren Smith and two of his friends were returning from a weekend prospecting trip when they spotted the object. Smith grabbed the camera, and took two photos of the object. Definitely one of the best of the early days. (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)
**Reference:** NICAP: [670703](http://www.ufoevidence.org/photographs/section/1960s/Photo344.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3633
### Event 28963 (26C06E5A)
**Date:** 7/3/1967
**Location:** Richards-Gebauer AFB (near), MO
**Description:** 9:30 p.m. CDT. At least seven adults saw a highly reflective disc with three bright orange lights on the rim (body lights) approach from the northeast going on a southerly course. (Report submitted to University of Colorado UFO Study, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3634
### Event 28964 (0BADB857)
**Date:** 7/3/1967
**Location:** Durban, S. Africa
**Description:** Evening. Four people, including a retired U.S. Air Force major with missile tracking experience, saw an egg-shaped, bright orange, glowing light that hovered, moved erratically, and flashed. (Cape Argus 7/5/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3635
### Event 28965 (34B52A2E)
**Date:** 7/3/1967
**Locations:** Highwood Ranger Station; Calgary, Alberta; Canada; American; Colorado
**Description:** 5:30 p.m. Warren Smith and two friends hiking in the mountains near Highwood Ranger Station, 50 miles southwest of Calgary, Alberta, take two color photos of a daylight disc that appears to be about 25 feet in diameter. The disc appears from less than 2 miles away and at an altitude of approximately 2,000 feet. It travels toward the hikers, gradually losing altitude, then at a distance of about one-half mile it hovers for a moment and an object appears to fall from it. It disappears from sight at treetop level at great speed. The photos are examined by both Canadian and American authorities; [Hynek](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J.%5FAllen%5FHynek) describes them as some of the best photos on record at the time. An analysis by Canadian National Defence finds the object is an oblate ellipsoid with a diameter of 40–50 feet and a thickness of 11–14 feet. The witnesses sign statutory declarations to the effect that the photos are not a hoax; if proven false, they would be subject to prosecution under the Canada Evidence Act. Nevertheless, the Colorado Committee thinks the object could be a hoaxed hand-thrown model. Ground Saucer Watch declares it genuine.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Canada, National Research Council, \[[case documents](https://www.lac-bac.gc.ca/databases/ufo/001057-119.02-e.php?isn%5Fid%5Fnbr=4726&page%5Fid%5Fnbr=3614&record%5Fid=4726-3617-10407)\], 1967, pp. 13–33; Condon, [pp. 469–475](https://archive.org/details/scientificstudyo0000unse%5Fl5t2/page/468/mode/2up); J. Allen Hynek, The UFO Experience, Ballantine ed., 1974, [pp. 67–68](https://archive.org/details/ufoexperience00jall/page/66/mode/2up); Yurko Bondarchuk, UFO Sightings, Landings, and Abductions, Methuen, 1979, pp. 9–13; Wendelle C. Stevens, “[Hikers near Calgary Photograph a UFO in 1967,](http://www.openminds.tv/hikers-calgary-ufo-1967/6781)” OpenMinds, November 24, 2010; Chris Rutkowski, Canada’s UFOs: Declassified, August Night, 2022, pp. 119– 125, 158–159
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4331
### Event 28966 (42FA0477)
**Date:** 7/3/1967
**Location:** Woonsocket, Rhode Island
**Description:** 7:15 p.m. Joe Ferriere sees a large, cigar-shaped object about 75–100 feet long hanging low in the sky above Woonsocket, Rhode Island. A peculiar piston-like apparatus appears to be pumping in and out of its left end. It is moving right to left in the manner of a pendulum. Before it moves off to the east, it releases a glowing disc- shaped object, about 12–15 feet in diameter. He takes a total of 6 photos of the objects.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Long Rectangular](http://cufos.org/CUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter/1981%5FCUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter%5FV2.pdf) [UFOs: Five Different Cases of Similarly Shaped Objects,](http://cufos.org/CUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter/1981%5FCUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter%5FV2.pdf)” CUFOS Associate Newsletter 2, no. 9 \(September 1981\): 1
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4332
### Event 28967 (EEC91646)
**Date:** 7/3/1967
**Location:** Leawood, Kansas
**Description:** 9:15 p.m. [Thomas H. Nicholl](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/195156860/thomas-h-nicholl), his family, and another couple, Mr. and Mrs. John Dowd, are sitting on the Nicholls’s porch in Leawood, Kansas, when they see an unusual orange-red light approach from the north- northeast. It is bright metallic in color, about 50 feet in diameter, and traveling 100 mph at an altitude of 2,000– 3,000 feet. The red-orange color emanates from three lights on the rear side. After 5 minutes, the object blows up, leaving in its wake a “nearly pure white” cloud that dissipates. The witnesses see fragments falling to earth.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Exploding Disc,](http://cufos.org/UFOI%5Fand%5FSelected%5FDocuments/UFOI/047%20MAY%201969.pdf)” UFO Investigator 4, no. 11 \(May 1969\): 7–8; Clark III 340–341
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4333
### Event 28968 (AE2FCDAE)
**Date:** 7/3/1967
**Description:** An 8-mm home movie was made at 1:00 a.m. in Buckhorn, Ontario when a family saw 15 lights darting about in the sky. Mr. Denniss shot a few feet of film in the direction of flight. On the film is a red, round luminous object, flattened slightly on the top. They next saw three lights traveling in a triangle formation.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Skylook, January 1968, p. 7
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3804
### Event 28969 (F66F90C4)
**Date:** 7/3/1967
**Description:** Marine “RT” with Alpha Red TS Crypto Clearance states he was at a CR site in 1967 where he departed from Camp Pendleton to a retrieval site “somewhere in the desert” on 3 July 1967. When he landed there were tents and a pre-fab hangar and at the site were men in fatigues without insignia. RT was assigned guard duty. RT states he looked inside the hangar and saw a metallic disc with a dome on top with no windows, around the craft were men at work and tables with technical instruments. A large walk-in refrigerator unit on skids had several empty body bags.
RT states he was seen looking into the tent, escorted to the officer in command Col. “P”, USAF Medical Corps, reminded of his Security Oath and confined to his quarters before being sent back to Pendleton for punishment. RT states when he called APRO about the CR he began receiving threats, he was visited by an intelligence agent and reminded of his Security Oath, his apartment was pillaged on 21 July 1980, visited on 22 July 1980 and threatened where RT performed a citizen’s arrest with a gun and the police booked the man before another man in a “limousine” showed the police their credentials and he was released.
On 28 July 1980 RT states he was visited by a man dressed in black who offered to exchange UFO information and it was the last call made. The visitor’s ID allegedly said CIA. After his admissions RT then got a job at the AEC and stopped telling his story of the CR.
* [https://www.earthfiles.com/2005/03/07/part-3-ufo-crashretrievals-status-report-iii-amassing-the-evidence/](https://www.earthfiles.com/2005/03/07/part-3-ufo-crashretrievals-status-report-iii-amassing-the-evidence/)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_123
### Event 28970 (D14C7AB6)
**Date:** 7/4/1967
**Location:** DURBAN, RSA
**Description:** Ex-Air Force missile tracker. Bright orange ovoid hovers. Erratic maneuvers. Flashes.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO Evidence II: HB: Scarecrow Press Lanham, MD. http://www.scarecrowpress.com ISBN 0-8108-3881-8 (Index 152)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8296
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Republic of South Africa", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "DURBAN,RSA:EX-AF MISSILE TRACKER:BRITE ORG OVOID HVRS:ERRATIC MNVRS:FLASHES", **LatLong:** "-29.750001 30.983335", **LatLongDMS:** "29:45:00 S 30:59:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-29.750001,30.983335)", **State/Prov:** "KwaZulu-Natal", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 28971 (A0767782)
**Date:** 7/4/1967
**Description:** Separate cops. Ovoid with beams. Accelerations. Away in seconds. / McDonald.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO Evidence II: HB: Scarecrow Press Lanham, MD. http://www.scarecrowpress.com ISBN 0-8108-3881-8 (Index 173)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8297
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "83", **HatchDesc:** "CORNING+ORLAND,CA:SEP COPS:OVOID W/BEAMS:ACCELs:AWAY IN SECONDS:/McDonald", **LatLong:** "39.916669 -122.200006", **LatLongDMS:** "39:55:00 N 122:12:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.916669,-122.200006)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 28972 (1F587713)
**Date:** 7/4/1967
**Location:** Corning, CA
**Description:** 5:15 a.m. PDT. At least five witnesses from two independent locations saw an odd oblong, metallic-appearing object with a brilliant light on top and a smaller light on the bottom near the front (body lights). (Corning Daily Observer, 7/6/67, UFO NICAP files; McDonald, 1968b, p. 74, reprinted in Vaughan, 1995, pp. 129-30.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3636
### Event 28973 (BCA03D95)
**Date:** 7/4/1967
**Location:** Shakhty, Russia
**Description:** 9:15 p.m. Docent Y. Krasuntsev and his son were resting near the Don River when they saw a half moon shaped object. They first noticed two luminous points that looked like artificial satellites. (Ref.3) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3637
### Event 28974 (93005123)
**Date:** 7/4/1967
**Location:** Harrisburg, PA
**Description:** 9:30 p.m. EDT. A woman saw a torpedo-shaped object with two bright white lights and three vertical lines of light toward the rear (body lights). The object was directly over the trees about 300 feet away, and as it approached two smaller red lights were seen. (Cook report, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3638
### Event 28975 (CCB8FD53)
**Date:** 7/4/1967
**Locations:** Corning, California; two independent locations about 5 miles west of Corning, California
**Description:** 5:15 a.m. At least five witnesses from two independent locations about 5 miles west of Corning, California, see an oblong, metallic-appearing object with a brilliant light on top and a smaller light on the bottom near the front. Jay Munger, proprietor of an all-night bowling alley, and two police officers, Frank Rakes and James Overton, describe it as a dark-gray flattened sphere with a brilliant light beam on top directed upward, and a smaller and dimmer light on the bottom directed downward. A dark band circles the midsection. Two men north of Corning independently see the object. The witnesses estimate a diameter of 50–100 feet. At first the object appears to be hovering, then it moves slowly a few hundred feet above the ground, finally picking up speed and disappearing from view to the south after being visible for about 10 minutes.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** James E. McDonald, “[Statement on Unidentified](https://www.project1947.com/shg/symposium/mcdonald.html\#photo) [Flying Objects,](https://www.project1947.com/shg/symposium/mcdonald.html\#photo)” in Symposium on Unidentified Flying Objects, Hearings, US House Committee on Science and Astronautics, 90th Cong., 2nd Sess., July 29, 1968, p. 74
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4334
### Event 28976 (9C2C008E)
**Date:** 7/5/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In Clifton \(Great Britain\), a hundred people reported seeing a silver, disc-shaped object, about 10 m long, land in the area. (July 5)
**Reference:** [FSR](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/FSR.html) 67, 5 \< [Valley](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/ValleeJacques.html) 1969
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2331
### Event 28977 (DC2DCBF5)
**Date:** 7/5/1967
**Description:** 100 observer(s). Silver 10M saucer lands. No further details. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v67#5.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA; H. Regnery, Chicago HC 1969 & Contemporary Books,Chicago 1993. 372pp. (Index 852)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8298
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "12", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "CLIFTON-HAMPDEN,OXFORDs:100 OBS:SLVR 10M SCR LANDS:NFD:/FSR v67#5", **LatLong:** "51.650002 -1.216667", **LatLongDMS:** "51:39:00 N 01:13:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.650002,-1.216667)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 28978 (5C897042)
**Date:** 7/5/1967
**Time:** 04:20
**Location:** COVENTRY, CT
**Description:** Ball / light hovers low / sky. Grass twisted flat. Big Comm. base. / LDLN#93.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LORENZEN, Coral & Jim: ENCOUNTERS with UFO OCCUPANTS; APRO/Berkley Medallion Books 1976. 424pp (Index 13)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8299
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "162", **HatchDesc:** "COVENTRY,CT:BALL/LITE HVRS LO/SKY:GRASS TWISTED FLAT:big comm.base:/LDLN#93", **LatLong:** "41.783335 -72.283337", **LatLongDMS:** "41:47:00 N 72:17:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.783335,-72.283337)", **State/Prov:** "Connecticut", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 28979 (9D3FE640)
**Date:** 7/5/1967
**Location:** Coventry, CT
**Description:** On Route 31 near the Depot Road area in Coventry, a motorist sighted an orange ball of light which appeared to be hanging from a tree. The driver immediately drove into Coventry and notified the police, but by the time officers arrived on the scene, the area was deserted. After receiving the full report from the police, a field investigator examined the area and found a grassy spot which had been swirled flat as if compressed be some rotating force just a few yards off the road from the point where the ball of light had been seen.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [Trace Cases](https://www.thenightskyii.org/trace.html)
**Source:** Trace, **ID:** Trace_7
### Event 28980 (9F16000D)
**Date:** 7/5/1967
**Location:** Clifton, Great Britain
**Description:** One hundred persons claimed to have seen a silvery disk-shaped object, about 10 m long, land in the area.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** FSR 67, 5 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_852
### Event 28981 (3A4F2BCC)
**Date:** 7/5/1967
**Locations:** State Highway 31; Depot Road area of Coventry, Connecticut; Coventry; University of Colorado
**Description:** 4:20 a.m. A motorist on State Highway 31, near the Depot Road area of Coventry, Connecticut, sees an orange ball of light that appears to be hanging from a tree. He drives into Coventry and reports the matter to the police but the object is gone when they arrive on the scene. Investigators from the University of Colorado and APRO find an area of grass some yards from the location that appears to have been swirled flat as if subject to a rotating force. A photograph taken of the scene turns out black.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Lorenzen, UFOs over the Americas, Signet, 1968, p. 63; Condon, [pp. 329–331](https://archive.org/details/scientificstudyo0000unse%5Fl5t2/page/328/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4335
### Event 28982 (7EFB78F1)
**Date:** 7/5/1967
**Locations:** Murray Bridge, South Australia; Karoonda Highway
**Description:** Night. A witness is driving five miles north-northeast of Murray Bridge, South Australia, on the Karoonda Highway when he notices interference on the car radio, which becomes a high-pitched whine. He turns the radio off. Within 300–450 feet, his car engine stops by itself. The ignition is on but the warning lights on the dash come on. Looking up, he sees a distinct break in the fog with stars visible and a “large dark shadow” at a height of 20 feet. The shadow seems 120 feet thick. Above it is a grayish-blue glow. The top of the shadow appears convex. He stops the vehicle and gets out to look, but the shadow and light are gone. There is no sound, and the object has vanished. The witness returns to the vehicle, tries the ignition, and the motor works. There is no longer radio interference.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Herbert S. Taylor, “An Update on Vehicle Interference Reports, Part Two,” IUR 34, no. 1 \(September 2011\): 19
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4336
### Event 28983 (EFE22A6E)
**Date:** 7/5/1967
**Description:** One hundred people in Clifton, England claimed to have seen a silvery disc-shaped object, about ten meters meters long, land in the area.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia, A Century of Landings, case 852
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3843
### Event 28984 (43056DFF)
**Date:** 7/6/1967
**Location:** Winnipeg, CAN
**Description:** Radar Shows Acceleration of 720 to 3600 Knots in 70 Secs. (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5)
**Reference:** NICAP: [670706](http://www.nicap.org/670706winnipeg%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3639
### Event 28985 (2002EEB2)
**Date:** 7/6/1967
**Location:** Palmer Park, MD
**Description:** 9:30 p.m. EDT. A 13-year-old girl saw an oval object with pointed ends (ellipse), a dome on top, a red light at each end, and two rapidly blinking white lights in the center (body lights). (Telephone call 7/7/67, notes in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3640
### Event 28986 (86081E2C)
**Date:** 7/6/1967
**Locations:** Colorado; Red Bluff
**Description:** The Colorado project staff meet again to nominate the first set of UFO reports for its “case book.” [Condon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward%5FCondon) refuses to nominate a case, but [Low](http://ufohistoryfiles.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/CO%2067%20NEWS.pdf) proposes the Red Bluff police report of August 1960, which is far outside Condon’s concept of limiting cases to no more than a year old.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Swords 120
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4337
### Event 28987 (19FAB0BA)
**Date:** 7/6/1967
**Locations:** Winnipeg, Manitoba; Vivian
**Description:** 6:00 p.m. An Air Canada DC-9 Vanguard has just taken off from its stop in Winnipeg, Manitoba, and is heading east. Air traffic controllers notice an unexpected radar return, also heading east, near the aircraft. In the space of 70 seconds, they watch the target accelerate from 800 to more than 4,000 mph before it zips off the scope near the town of Vivian.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Chris Rutkowski, Canada’s UFOs: Declassified, August Night, 2022, p. 126
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4338
### Event 28988 (BBCA0933)
**Date:** 7/6/1967
**Location:** Kenora, Ontario
**Description:** 9:24 p.m. A radar operator in the airport at Kenora, Ontario, notes an unidentified target heading northeast. It approaches to about 40 miles, then turns and retreats to 50 miles away. At 9:35 p.m. another target appears, following an Air Canada flight; it turns northeast and disappears from the scope. At 9:53 p.m., an additional blip follows another Air Canada airliner before veering away to the northeast. None of the pilots see anything unusual.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Chris Rutkowski, Canada’s UFOs: Declassified, August Night, 2022, pp. 127–128
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4339
### Event 28989 (60D860B8)
**Date:** 7/6/1967
**Description:** A very bright, white, star-like object rose slowly over Stoney Cross in the New Forest, England at 2:15 a.m. It stopped, flew "half-way back", then made numerous high-speed loops and dives at fantastic speeds. It then disappeared in a cloudy mist.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP investigation files
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3878
### Event 28990 (B2B56B4D)
**Date:** 7/7/1967
**Location:** BRAZIL, Serra de Mantiqueira
**Description:** (Translated from French) Geraldo Baqueiro, 45 years old, a driver, aboard his car climbing painfully at 40 km/h to the top of the Serra de Mantiqueira, saw at 01:30 a blinking red light coming towards him. As it approached, the vehicle advanced less and less and the engine responded in intensity to the pulsations of the light. There were some misfires and then everything stopped: engine, headlights, radio. The thing stayed at 10 or 15 m high and at about thirty meters it became increasingly red and finally a disc-shaped object emerged and the light became neon white. In the lower part a square dome, and a kind of windshield 2 m long on this disc making about 5 m in diameter and 3 m high. It remained suspended silently and the white light emitted came from inside the object. At the height of the windshield an humanoid appeared, followed by 4 others: he only saw their faces: like cats! They made no sign, only looked at the car for a short time. With a violent gust of wind and a deafening whistle the UFO left from where it came. As soon as it was away, everything worked again in the car. Total duration of the observation: 5 minutes
**Reference:** Inforespace n° 39, p. 34, 35
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2457
### Event 28991 (9006A11C)
**Date:** 7/7/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Observation of July 7th at Cumberland. See images/1967-07-07.jpg. (July 7)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2330
### Event 28992 (A63CA7D1)
**Date:** 7/7/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In Milan \(Italy\), Antonio Brambila and one other man see a light coming from a disk 6.5 m in diameter and 2.5 m high, with a dome on top and four telescopic feet, emitting a strange vibration. (July 7th, 11:30 PM)
**Reference:** [LDLN](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/LDLN.html) 91 \< [Vallée](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/ValleeJacques.html) 1969
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2332
### Event 28993 (79D65FB3)
**Date:** 7/7/1967 (approximate)
**Location:** NEAR KENORA, ONT
**Description:** Airport Radars. UFO chases planes about / 3 hours! Type unknown.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: ABOVE TOP SECRET; Sidgewick & Jackson, London 1987 & Quill Books, 1988. 592pp. (Index 200)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8300
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RDR:** Radar traces/blips
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "180", **Elev:** "330", **HatchDesc:** "nr KENORA,ONT:AIRPORT RADARS:UFO CHASES PLANES ABOUT/3 HRS!:type unk", **LatLong:** "49.783336 -94.433338", **LatLongDMS:** "49:47:00 N 94:26:00 W", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.783336,-94.433338)", **State/Prov:** "Ontario", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 28994 (E971CB29)
**Date:** 7/7/1967
**Time:** 23:30
**Location:** MILANO, ITL
**Description:** 2 observer(s). 6.5M domed glowing-saucer. 4 telescopic legs. Glows and vibrates. / LDLN#91.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** ITACAT, Catalogo Italiano degli Incontri Ravvicinati. Maurizio Verga, 1989 CISU/Torino, Italy. (Index 61)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8301
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Italy", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "122", **HatchDesc:** "MILANO,ITL:2 OBS:6.5M DOMED GLO-SCR:4 TELESCOPIC LEGS:GLOWS+VIBRATES:/LDLN#91", **LatLong:** "45.466669 9.183334", **LatLongDMS:** "45:28:00 N 09:11:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.466669,9.183334)", **State/Prov:** "Lombardy", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 28995 (CB887A00)
**Date:** 7/7/1967
**Location:** Canyon Ferry, MT
**Description:** Nr. midnight. A relative of NICAP member George Earley saw a bright cigar- shaped object with revolving lights of red, white, and blue, that hovered for 12 minutes (timed by watch). He looked away for a moment, and when he looked back the object was gone. (Letter to George Earley, 1/4/69.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3641
### Event 28996 (6A1C2150)
**Date:** 7/7/1967
**Location:** Kenora, Ontario, CAN
**Description:** Evening. Air traffic controllers, while monitoring an eastbound Air Canada flight on radar, noticed an unidentified object moving at high speed toward Kenora.For three hours the object executed various maneuvers, including 180-degree turns, and twice followed Air Canada flights before resuming its northeast course and disappearing off the radar scope. (Good, 1987, p. 200.) (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Rating: 5)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3642
### Event 28997 (1EC73EAA)
**Date:** 7/7/1967
**Time:** 2330
**Location:** Milan, Italy
**Description:** Antonio Brambila and another man saw a glow coming from a disk, 6.5 m in diameter and 2.5 m high, with a dome on top and four telescopic legs, which emitted a strange vibration.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** LDLN 91 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_853
### Event 28998 (E7F1ECDD)
**Date:** 7/7/1967
**Locations:** Winnipeg International Airport; Manitoba; Kenora, Ontario; Kenora Airport
**Description:** 7:00 p.m. Air traffic controllers at Winnipeg International Airport in Manitoba, while monitoring an eastbound Air Canada flight on radar, notice a target moving at high speed toward Kenora, Ontario. At 9:24 p.m., the same or a similar object is detected on the Kenora Airport radar headed northeast. For three hours the object executes various maneuvers, including 180° turns and twice follows Air Canada flights before resuming its northeast course and disappearing off the scope.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Gregory M. Kanon, “[UFOs and the Canadian Government,](http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/Canada/Canadian%20UFO%20Report%20%28Magor%29/Canadian%20UFO%20Report%20-%20vol%203%20no%206%20-%201975.pdf)” Canadian UFO Report 3, no. 6 \(1975\): 21; Good Above, [p. 200](https://archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/200/mode/2up); Chris Rutkowski, Canada’s UFOs: Declassified, August Night, 2022, p. 57
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4340
### Event 28999 (47F3AF63)
**Date:** 7/7/1967
**Locations:** Rondò-Torretta quarter; Milan, Italy
**Description:** 11:30 p.m. Antonio Brambilla and another man watch a UFO land on some grass in a deserted part of the Rondò-Torretta quarter in Milan, Italy. A glow comes from the object, which is about 21 feet in diameter and 8 feet high. It has a dome on top and four telescopic legs with spheres on their tips. They feel a strange vibration that makes them weak, but the feeling dissipates as the legs of the UFO retract and it takes off.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** 1Pinotti 157
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4341
### Event 29000 (D67FC4D2)
**Date:** 7/7/1967
**Description:** At 3:00 a.m. an intense light coming from their patio had awakened the daughter of the Count de Ribas on the Mediterranean island of Palma de Majorca, Balearic Islands, Spain. From her window she saw two small figures apparently speaking to each other. They had very large heads, possibly due to the presence of helmets, and huge eyes. The witness tried turning on the lights but they did not work. She then went to get candles and when she returned both beings and the light had vanished. Two small marks on the outside of the wall were found that could only be removed by scraping the wall; after it had been painted, the marks reappeared.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb and Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Humanoid Sighting Reports, case 1967-56, citing Antonio Ribera
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3904
### Event 29001 (47103A1C)
**Date:** 7/7/1967
**Description:** At 11:30 p.m. Antonio Brambila and another man in Milan, Italy saw a glow coming from a domed disc-shaped UFO, 6.5 meters in diameter and 2.5 meters high. The UFO had four telescopic legs, which emitted a strange vibration.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 853, citing Lumieres dans la Nuit, issue # 91
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3905
### Event 29002 (F7A62A22)
**Date:** 7/8/1967
**Time:** 21:30
**Location:** ROMNY, SUMY, UKRAINE
**Description:** 2 observer(s). "Ordinary" cloud north going quickly south fast. Other clouds are still..
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: UFO CHRONICLES of the SOVIET UNION; Ballentine Books HB 1992. 212pp. (Index 190)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8302
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Ukraine", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "ROMNY,SUMY,UKRAINE:2 OBS:"ORDINARY" CLOUD N>>S FAST:other clouds are still..", **LatLong:** "50.766669 33.516668", **LatLongDMS:** "50:46:00 N 33:31:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.766669,33.516668)", **State/Prov:** "SMY", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 29003 (FA15AD93)
**Date:** 7/8/1967
**Time:** 23:00
**Description:** Orange half-moon UFO goes west going east. Regular moon elsewhere. Goes going [to] forest.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: UFO CHRONICLES of the SOVIET UNION; Ballentine Books HB 1992. 212pp. (Index 190)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8303
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Russia", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "VOLGOGRAD,RUSS:ORG HALF-MOON UFO GOES W>E:REGULAR MOON ELSEWHERE:GOES> FOREST.", **LatLong:** "48.666669 42.333335", **LatLongDMS:** "48:40:00 N 42:20:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.666669,42.333335)", **State/Prov:** "VLG", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29004 (A6EFD136)
**Date:** 7/8/1967
**Location:** North Sea off English Coast, At sea
**Description:** Time not reported. A ship captain and his crew saw a saturn-shaped object hovering over the sea. It then moved off until out of sight. (Letter from captain, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3643
### Event 29005 (D711BFAA)
**Date:** 7/9/1967
**Location:** Harrisburg, PA
**Description:** 10:25 p.m. EDT. Two boys, 12 and 14, saw a round1 object with red lights on top and bottom and two bright white lights on the front , (body lights). The object approached about 60 feet off the ground with a fluttering motion and making a humming sound. (The Evening News, Harrisburg, 7/12/67, copy in , NICAP files; Cook report, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3644
### Event 29006 (BD03B3E2)
**Date:** 7/9/1967
**Description:** At 10:25 p.m. two boys shone a spotlight on a red and white UFO "fluttering across" the Susquehanna River near Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. It approached them with a sideways motion and beamed a white light at them. Making a humming sound, it backed up and disappeared.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP case investigation files, report dated July 12, 1967
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3956
### Event 29007 (FB379DBE)
**Date:** 7/10/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Sighting in Lizelia \(Mississippi\). (July 10)
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#11869 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2333
### Event 29008 (B168951E)
**Date:** 7/10/1967
**Time:** 08:50
**Location:** NEWPORT, WALES
**Description:** 2+12 observer(s). White disk going down / close / ground. Going quickly [to] trees. Large areas / flat.barley. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR.)
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PHILLIPS, Ted: Study of PHYSICAL TRACES ASSOCIATED with UFO SIGHTINGS; CUFOS 1975. (Index 50)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8304
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "NEWPORT,WALES:2+12 OBS:WHT DISK↓/CLOSE/GND:>>TREES:LRG AREAS/FLAT.BARLEY:/FSR", **LatLong:** "51.600002 -2.983333", **LatLongDMS:** "51:36:00 N 02:59:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.600002,-2.983333)", **State/Prov:** "WLS", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 29009 (3C2E9A22)
**Date:** 7/10/1967
**Time:** 17:50
**Location:** LIZELIA, MS
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #11869. Car malfunctions due to EME (electro-magnetic effects). Radio dies. Large saucer tilts quickly going up [to] to clouds. Car OK.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RANDLE, Kevin D.: The UFO CASEBOOK; Warner Books 1989. 256pp. (Index 134)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8305
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "90", **HatchDesc:** "LIZELIA,MS:BBK#11869:CAR EMEs:RADIO DIES:LRG SCR TILTS ↑↑ to CLOUDS:CAR OK.", **LatLong:** "32.838890 -88.627782", **LatLongDMS:** "32:50:20 N 88:37:40 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/32.838890,-88.627782)", **State/Prov:** "Mississippi", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 29010 (6BE631A3)
**Date:** 7/10/1967
**Time:** 20:00?
**Description:** 2 / car. Cylinder/cigar-shape / ground 400M / roadside. Lit portholes. Flies! / r156#13.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PHENOMENES SPATIAUX: Group GEPA, Gen. M. Lionel Chassin Paris. Quarterly 1964?-1977. Merged into Grp. GEPAN (Index 41)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8306
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "Sta.CLARA del MAR,ARG:2/CAR:CGR/GND 400M/ROADSIDE:LIT PORTS:FLIES!:/r156#13", **LatLong:** "-37.822224 -57.400003", **LatLongDMS:** "37:49:20 S 57:24:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-37.822224,-57.400003)", **State/Prov:** "Buenos Aires", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 29011 (A43DFB03)
**Date:** 7/10/1967
**Time:** 20:10
**Description:** "Flying glass buoy" east going west / 6 minute(s). 2 blue lights / top. / LDLN#93.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LDLN CONTACT LECTEURS: by Series and #. May'68 -JAN'72 (Entire set of 18 issues) LDLN local chapters & individual members' UFO reports. (Index 14)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8307
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Greece and Island nations", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "6", **HatchDesc:** "MONTE CARLO,MONACO:"FLYING GLASS BUOY" E>W/6min:2 BLUE LITES/TOP:/LDLN#93", **LatLong:** "43.744447 7.422223", **LatLongDMS:** "43:44:40 N 07:25:20 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.744447,7.422223)", **State/Prov:** "MNC", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29012 (20BB37A6)
**Date:** 7/10/1967
**Time:** 23:00
**Description:** Man sees half-moon UFO flying north going south. Same thing 3 days later.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: UFO CHRONICLES of the SOVIET UNION; Ballentine Books HB 1992. 212pp. (Index 190)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8308
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Belorus", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "KRUGLOYE,BELORUS:MAN SEES HALF-MOON UFO FLYING N>S:SAME THING 3 DAYS LATER.", **LatLong:** "54.316669 29.950001", **LatLongDMS:** "54:19:00 N 29:57:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/54.316669,29.950001)", **State/Prov:** "MOG", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29013 (5BEC82A5)
**Date:** 7/10/1967 (approximate)
**Time:** 23:50
**Location:** ST. PAULIEN, FR
**Description:** 1 / car. Long rectangular cylinder/cigar-shape vertical over woods. Glows and blows smoke. Away fast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 92)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8309
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "St.PAULIEN,FR:1/CAR:LONG RECT.CGR VERTCL OVR WOODS:GLOWS+BLOWS SMOKE:away fast", **LatLong:** "45.133335 3.816667", **LatLongDMS:** "45:08:00 N 03:49:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.133335,3.816667)", **State/Prov:** "Haute-Loire", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29014 (2C17A0C3)
**Date:** 7/10/1967
**Location:** Lizelia, MS
**Description:** 5:50 p.m. CDT. A golf pro, also Marine Corps retired, saw a domed object, the top gunmetal blue and the bottom the color of old lead. The object moved across the highway, tilted up, accelerated and disappeared into the clouds with a swishing sound. (Air Force unexplained case, Project Blue Book files, National Archives.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: 11869)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3645
### Event 29015 (9040F71F)
**Date:** 7/10/1967
**Time:** 5:50 PM
**Location:** Lizelia, Mississippi
**Description:** Witness: golf pro Harold Washington (Capt, USMC, ret.). One object with a dome, the top colored gunmetal blue, the bottom the color of old lead. Moved east, crossed the highway tilted upward, moved to the right, accelerated and disappeared into the clouds after 3-5 seconds. Object made a swishing sound.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_578
### Event 29016 (BC5625A5)
**Date:** 7/10/1967
**Description:** In Lizelia, Mississippi at 5:50 p.m. CDT golf pro Harold Washington (retired Captain, USMC) sighted a domed disc when his car engine and radio died. The top was colored gunmetal blue and the bottom was the color of lead. It moved east, crossed a highway, tilted upward, moved to the right, accelerated and disappeared into the clouds after 3-5 seconds. The disc made a swishing sound.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Project Blue Book files counted in official statistics, case no. 11869; Don Berliner, Project Bluebook Unknowns; Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, p. 35
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3984
### Event 29017 (EBF58AA2)
**Date:** 7/10/1967
**Description:** About ten minutes later, at 8:00 p.m. local time, two people driving on a highway in Santa Clara del Mar, Brazil saw a huge cigar-shaped object on the ground, 400 meters away from the roadway. It had lit portholes. They watched it for two minutes as it took off.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Oscar A Uriondo, FSR Case Histories, February 1973, p. 14; Phenomenes Spatiaux, June 1974
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3985
### Event 29018 (0EA0CDD5)
**Date:** 7/11/1967
**Location:** ARGENTINA, Santa Clara del Mar
**Description:** (Translated from French) On this evening two motorists saw near Mar del Plata, a flying cigar resting on the ground. The device, which was about 400 m from the road, resembled a passenger train car. After taking off it quickly gained altitude and disappeared. The two witnesses stated that a bright light passed through its rectangular portholes.
**Reference:** Henry DURRANT: "The UFO File" - Laffont 1973 - p. 36
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2459
### Event 29019 (AD6394D9)
**Date:** 7/11/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In Santa Clara del Mar \(Argentina\), 2 people see an object shaped like a cigar on the ground, 400 m away from the road, which takes off, rising quickly. It has openings similar to windows, emitting a bright light. (July 11, evening)
**Reference:** [Vallée](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/ValleeJacques.html) 1969, 183
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2334
### Event 29020 (FE402969)
**Date:** 7/11/1967
**Time:** 20:00?
**Location:** LONE BUTTE, BC
**Description:** 3+observer(s). 5 night lights humming / 400hz over lake. Saucer joins. Going quickly / different directions. / FSRv17#2.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MAGOR, John: OUR UFO VISITORS. Hancock House, Canada & Seattle, WA. 1977. (Index 65)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8310
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "1150", **HatchDesc:** "LONE BUTTE,BC:3+OBS:5 NLTS HUM/400hz OVR LAKE:SCR JOINS:>>/DIFF.DIRs:/FSRv17#2", **LatLong:** "51.583336 -121.200006", **LatLongDMS:** "51:35:00 N 121:12:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.583336,-121.200006)", **State/Prov:** "British Columbia", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29021 (FE29D014)
**Date:** 7/11/1967
**Location:** Lone Butte, BC, CAN
**Description:** Evening. Witnesses saw 13 objects in units of three, with red and green blinking lights (body lights). One was seen to be saucer shaped. Dogs, cattle and horses reacted. (Vancouver Sun, British Columbia, 7/27/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3646
### Event 29022 (95636312)
**Date:** 7/11/1967
**Time:** evening
**Location:** Santa Clara del Mar, Argentina
**Description:** Two persons saw a cigar-shaped object on the ground, 400 m away from the road, which took off, rising rapidly. It had windowlike openings emitting a bright light.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** 183 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_854
### Event 29023 (0A2DFB96)
**Date:** 7/11/1967
**Description:** On this evening in Santa Clara del Mar, Argentina two persons saw a cigar-shaped object on the ground, 400 meters away from the road. It took off, rising rapidly. It had window-like openings emitting a bright light.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 854
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3993
### Event 29024 (69F3BCCF)
**Date:** 7/12/1967
**Location:** Irving, NJ
**Description:** 9:47 p.m. EDT. Three witnesses saw a solid disc with a thick rim and windows. Light was coming out of the windows. The object revolved and disappeared behind trees after 2-3 minutes. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3647
### Event 29025 (79075F7D)
**Date:** 7/12/1967
**Location:** Bristol, VT
**Description:** Bt. 10:00-11:00 p.m. EDT. Several witnesses saw a bright object with two sets of lights, some of them green (body lights). The object landed in a pasture about 500 feet from the witnesses. (Burlington Free Press, Vt., 7/14/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3648
### Event 29026 (18A50D62)
**Date:** 7/12/1967
**Location:** Orion, MI
**Description:** Nr. midnight. A family saw two large orange; spheres that hovered over their driveway. One ball disappeared inside the other t (objects merged), which then ascended and disappeared. (Pontiac Press, Mich., 7/14/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3649
### Event 29027 (AA486271)
**Date:** 7/13/1967
**Time:** 23:30
**Location:** MAUMEE, OH
**Description:** Blue Book. Car hits UFO! 92% Mg fragments. / r113p56+/ r180p50+/ APRO Jly'67.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** STURROCK, Dr. Peter A.: The UFO ENIGMA; Warner Books, NY 1999; ISBN 0-446-52565-0 HB 404pp. (Index 244)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8311
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **MIB:** Men in Black, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK, **COV:** Indication of coverup
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "192", **HatchDesc:** "MAUMEE,OH:BBK:CAR HITS UFO!:92% Mg FRAGs:/r113p56+/r180p50+/APRO Jly'67", **LatLong:** "41.577780 -83.616671", **LatLongDMS:** "41:34:40 N 83:37:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.577780,-83.616671)", **RelAlt:** "1", **State/Prov:** "Ohio", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 29028 (14650CC7)
**Date:** 7/13/1967
**Location:** Whitehouse, Ohio
**Description:** 11:26 p.m. Robert Richardson and Jerry Quay are driving near Whitehouse, Ohio. When rounding a bend, they encounter a brilliant blue-white light blocking the road. It appears to be a triangle 8 feet tall and 21 feet wide. Richardson brakes and close their eyes. They feel a bump but can see nothing. The local police do not take the incident seriously. However, the accident is investigated by the state police and highway patrol, who find only skid marks at the scene. The next day Richardson returns to the site and finds a piece of metal in the road. Marks on his car hood and bumper suggest a collision with an object taking off. On July 18 and 23, Richardson is visited by mysterious men, those on the second occasion being foreign-looking, who make a threat against his wife. [Roy](https://legacy.lib.utexas.edu/taro/tamucush/00151/tamu-00151.html) [Craig](https://legacy.lib.utexas.edu/taro/tamucush/00151/tamu-00151.html) of the Colorado project conducts a test on the metal and finds it consists of iron and chromium, with traces of nickel and manganese. Fibrous material from the front bumper is 92% magnesium, 5% aluminum, 2% zinc, and 1% manganese.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[UAO Struck by Automobile in Ohio,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201967%2007%2000%20-%20July-August.pdf)” APRO Bulletin, July/Aug. 1967, pp. 1, 3; Condon, [p.](https://archive.org/details/scientificstudyo0000unse%5Fl5t2/page/92/mode/2up) [93](https://archive.org/details/scientificstudyo0000unse%5Fl5t2/page/92/mode/2up); Mark Rodeghier, “UFO/Vehicle Very Close Encounters,” IUR 27, no. 1 \(Spring 2002\): 25–26
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4342
### Event 29029 (70E465F9)
**Date:** 7/14/1967
**Location:** Palmerston North, NZ
**Description:** 1:30 a.m. LT. A youth saw a "ring of lights" (also described as a huge white oval light the length of a football field). The object(s) stopped (hovered) two or three times. (Evening Standard 7/15/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3650
### Event 29030 (AD8FBD3B)
**Date:** 7/14/1967
**Location:** Harrisburg, PA
**Description:** 10:30 p.m. EDT. Two couples, including an ex-military pilot, saw an orange ball (sphere) hovering at low altitude, clearly visible beneath a heavy overcast. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3651
### Event 29031 (B8CD124C)
**Date:** 7/14/1967
**Location:** 37.0000 -116.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Vito” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_503
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0000 -116.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:00 N 116:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0000,-116.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Vito", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 29032 (8522EE1A)
**Date:** 7/15/1967
**Time:** ~19:00
**Location:** 1 MILE SOUTH / SEDALIA, MO
**Description:** Domed disk exits and re-enters isolated cloud. / UFOLOG #80.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** AWARENESS (Quarterly) CONTACT INTERNATIONAL/UK: listed by year. (Index 77)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8312
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "277", **HatchDesc:** "1mi S/SEDALIA,MO:DOMED DISK EXITS+RE-ENTERS ISOLATED CLOUD:/UFOLOG #80", **LatLong:** "38.683335 -93.233338", **LatLongDMS:** "38:41:00 N 93:14:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.683335,-93.233338)", **State/Prov:** "Missouri", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29033 (DD7A5AC7)
**Date:** 7/15/1967
**Location:** San Jose, CA
**Description:** 2:00 a.m. PDT. Two people saw two bright lights that flew in parallel emitting a sound. (California NICAP Subcommittee report, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3652
### Event 29034 (C131A0D0)
**Date:** 7/15/1967
**Location:** Harrisburg, PA
**Description:** 10:30 p.m. EDT. A couple saw an object with a red light on one end and green light on the other, with a row of revolving flashing white lights on the top (body lights). The object moved slowly at low altitude until lost behind trees. (Pennsylvania NICAP Subcommittee report, 9/15/67, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3653
### Event 29035 (7D926EEF)
**Date:** 7/15/1967
**Location:** Enola, PA
**Description:** 10:30 p.m. EDT. About 50 witnesses reported seeing an orange-red ball (see July 12, Orion, Mich., and July 14, Harrisburg, Pa.) that hung over the WHP radio towers, moved toward a mountain, hovered again, then dropped out of sight behind the mountain. (Cook report, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3654
### Event 29036 (00E66AD8)
**Date:** 7/15/1967
**Location:** Silver Spring, MD
**Description:** 11:30 p.m. EDT. An MIT graduate and retired Army engineer saw a small cylinder (estimated 4 feet long and 1 foot diameter) made of material like clear plastic with lighted grillwork and an open top. Initially, the object approached in the sky as a red light. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3655
### Event 29037 (E7086F10)
**Date:** 7/15/1967
**Location:** Kirkwood, MO
**Description:** 10:30 p.m. CDT (11:30 p.m. EDT). A chemist and other witnesses saw a luminous orange sphere (see above reports) at tree-top level. The object slowly ascended, then broke in half. Each half broke into two pieces and their light went out (multiple lights/objects). (Epstein letter, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3656
### Event 29038 (C5EBD560)
**Date:** 7/15/1967
**Time:** 03:26:59.9
**Location:** 49.8359 78.1182
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: .001KT YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1300
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.8359 78.1182", **LatLongDMS:** "49:50:09 N 78:07:06 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.8359,78.1182)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.40", **NukeSource:** "BOCHAROV", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** ".001", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 29039 (30D4DFD5)
**Date:** 7/15/1967
**Description:** At 7:00 p.m. near Sedalia, Missouri a domed disc-shaped object was seen emerging from an isolated cloud. It re-entered the cloud, and then re-emerged again.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Norma Short, Skylook, December 1970, p. 8
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4072
### Event 29040 (CC7EEB24)
**Date:** 7/16/1967
**Location:** Lovelock, NV
**Description:** Time not reported. Three miners reported a honeycomb-shaped object with windows and with glowing lights inside. First seen on the ground (landed), the object then ascended vertically. No marks were found on the ground. (Reno Evening Gazette, Nev., 7/20/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3657
### Event 29041 (C664123C)
**Date:** 7/16/1967
**Location:** Kudepst, Russia
**Description:** V.N. Chernyavski and his wife, with N. Ognevoy and S. Voronov, were close to the shore when they saw a yellow-rose disk-shaped object moving from west to east in the sky from the direction of the sea. (Ref. 30) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3658
### Event 29042 (A71E2FEF)
**Date:** 7/17/1967
**Location:** FRANCE, Arc-sous-Cicon (Doubs)
**Description:** (Translated from French) A group of young children had gone for a walk in the pastures at the foot of the woods, when the youngest girl of 6 years old exclaimed "I saw three black Chinese people". The small group saw nothing but ran towards the village. The little girl said that they were small and that they spoke to each other in a kind of music: ra, ra, lé, tré, la. It was then 3 o'clock in the afternoon. A 15 year old girl then went to the site, but saw nothing. She returned around 4 o'clock accompanied by several other young people. Sitting on a rock about ten meters from a dirt road that serves the pasture: the terrain is rugged. Suddenly they saw a small black being running on the flat part: it was about 1.10m tall and completely black. It had a head that was roughly normal for its size, but it shone: was it covered with something? Except for the belly, which was big, the rest seemed proportionate. It passed 25m from the witnesses at 4pm in the middle of summer, so they saw it well. It ran like a man and disappeared into the hedge. It was wearing some kind of black tights. They rushed after it, but in vain. The next day people found a circle of 4m where the grass was burned: a particular smell emanated from it, not comparable to the smell of burned grass. The circle was more burned in the center than on the edges. In the northeast were traces of small feet. (July 17, 1967)
**Reference:** L.D.L.N. "Mysterious Flying Saucers" - ALBATROS-ETAPES 1973 - pp. 122 to 127
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2460
### Event 29043 (2BA4D8E9)
**Date:** 7/17/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) [Meeting of Arc-sous-Cicon \(Doubs\)](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/1967-07-17\_ArcSousCicon.html). (16 to 17 h)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2335
### Event 29044 (36AAF521)
**Date:** 7/17/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In Belfast \(Northern Ireland\), E. Browne is walking in a wood and sees an object shaped like a disk, matte grey-blue with a rough surface, hovering about 2 m from the ground. An opening becomes visible in the middle section and two silver-clad men emerge, walk in the woods, then enter the craft, which takes off and disappears from view. (In the evening)
**Reference:** [FSR](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/FSR.html) 67, 6 \< [Vallée](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/ValleeJacques.html) 1969
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2336
### Event 29045 (054115A3)
**Date:** 7/17/1967
**Location:** CHATOU, FR
**Description:** Blinding fireball passes 20M / observer(s). Steers around tree 20m / observer(s). / r30p283.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LDLN CONTACT LECTEURS: by Series and #. May'68 -JAN'72 (Entire set of 18 issues) LDLN local chapters & individual members' UFO reports. (Index 28)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8313
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "CHATOU,FR:BLINDING FBL PASSES 20M/OBS:STEERS AROUND TREE 20m/OBS:/r30p283", **LatLong:** "48.900002 2.150000", **LatLongDMS:** "48:54:00 N 02:09:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.900002,2.150000)", **State/Prov:** "Yvelines", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29046 (CBE78A78)
**Date:** 7/17/1967
**Time:** 15:20
**Location:** ARC-SOUS-CICON, FR
**Description:** 4 kids. 3 dark small humanoids (or Greys). Musical speech. Broken plants and footprints. / r30.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 95)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8314
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NFO:** No craft seen, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "65", **HatchDesc:** "ARC-SOUS-CICON,FR:4 KIDS:3 DRK OIDS:MUSICAL SPEECH:BROKEN PLANTS+FPRINTS:/r30", **LatLong:** "47.066669 6.383334", **LatLongDMS:** "47:04:00 N 06:23:00 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.066669,6.383334)", **State/Prov:** "Doubs", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 29047 (1AF7429C)
**Date:** 7/17/1967
**Time:** 20:00?
**Location:** BELFAST, NORTH IRE
**Description:** Saucer hovers. 2 men / silver suits going [to] woods and return. Board and away. / FSR'67#6.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA; H. Regnery, Chicago HC 1969 & Contemporary Books,Chicago 1993. 372pp. (Index 856)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8315
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "9", **HatchDesc:** "BELFAST,N.IRE:SCR HVRS:2 MEN/SLVR SUITS > WOODS+RETURN:BOARD+AWAY:/FSR'67#6", **LatLong:** "54.600003 -5.916667", **LatLongDMS:** "54:36:00 N 05:55:00 W", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/54.600003,-5.916667)", **State/Prov:** "Northern Ireland", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 29048 (0A491E92)
**Date:** 7/17/1967 (approximate)
**Time:** 22:00
**Location:** SAUBENS, FR
**Description:** 3 teens. Small silent disk quickly going down / odd cloud. Hovers over empty house. Ladder going down [to]..
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 177)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8316
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "SAUBENS,FR:3 TEENS:SML SLNT DISK ↓↓/ODD CLOUD:HVRS ovr EMPTY HOUSE:ladder ↓..", **LatLong:** "43.466669 1.350000", **LatLongDMS:** "43:28:00 N 01:21:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.466669,1.350000)", **State/Prov:** "Haute Garonne", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 29049 (6B3F3428)
**Date:** 7/17/1967
**Time:** 23:00
**Description:** Editor and 4. Flat disk / shining edge. Going east / prop-plane speed.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: UFO CHRONICLES of the SOVIET UNION; Ballentine Books HB 1992. 212pp. (Index 191)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8317
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Georgia", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "SUKHUMI,GEORGIAN SSR:EDITOR+4:FLAT DISK/SHINING EDGE:>E /PROP-PLANE SPEED.", **LatLong:** "43.033335 41.033335", **LatLongDMS:** "43:02:00 N 41:02:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.033335,41.033335)", **State/Prov:** "Abkhazia", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29050 (834A10DF)
**Date:** 7/17/1967
**Time:** 23:30
**Location:** NORTH / MILLERTON, NY
**Description:** 13cm sphere/orb/globe cracks windshield. Car engine and lights out. Missing time.. / MJ#231.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LORENZEN, Coral & Jim: UFO's OVER THE AMERICAS; Signet Books, NY 1968. 243p. (Index 166)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8318
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "214", **HatchDesc:** "N/MILLERTON,NY:13cm ORB CRACKS WINDSHIELD:CAR ENGINE+LITES OUT:MST..:/MJ#231", **LatLong:** "41.983335 -73.511115", **LatLongDMS:** "41:59:00 N 73:30:40 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.983335,-73.511115)", **RelAlt:** "1", **State/Prov:** "New York", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 29051 (59CE1F17)
**Date:** 7/17/1967
**Location:** Newville, PA
**Description:** 1:00 a.m. EDT. Three people saw a round object (10-15 feet diameter) with a bright orange hue. (See above reports.) The interior appeared to be partly visible, and a creature or being of some kind was seen within it. (NICAP report form and letter from Pennsylvania NICAP Subcommittee, 8/29,67, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3659
### Event 29052 (B23CC00C)
**Date:** 7/17/1967
**Location:** Washington, DC
**Description:** 2:00 a.m. EDT. A witness saw a "blob" described as yellow and "rosy gold" (i.e., red-orange) that contracted and expanded in one spot until it disappeared after 10 minutes. (Phone call to NICAP) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3660
### Event 29053 (9AD07BB7)
**Date:** 7/17/1967
**Location:** Belfast, Ireland
**Description:** Evening. Two silver-suited humanoids emerged from a craft and entered the woods. They returned and drifted back into the craft. (Flying Saucer Review, Nov.- Dec. 1967, p. 31. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3661
### Event 29054 (9A581247)
**Date:** 7/17/1967
**Location:** Sukhumi (Agudzeri), Russia
**Description:** 11:00 p.m. L.V. Antonova, an editor with the publishing house "Thought", and T.I. Dantseva, fellow of the Kurchatov scientific institute, observed a strange object along with four other people. The weather was clear at the time. The object looked like a flat disk with shining edge, flying at an altitude of some 350 feet at the speed of a propeller aircraft. (Ref. 3) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3662
### Event 29055 (CC34074D)
**Date:** 7/17/1967
**Time:** 1600
**Location:** Arc-sous-Cicon, France
**Description:** Children were terrified by four dwarfish creatures dressed in black clothing, about 1 m tall, who moved very rapidly among the bushes. They were dark-skinned, had bulging eyes, and spoke among themselves in a strange, musical dialect.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** 182 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_855
### Event 29056 (58DED827)
**Date:** 7/17/1967
**Time:** evening
**Location:** Belfast, Northern Ireland
**Description:** E. Browne, walking in a wood, saw a disklike, dull, blue-gray object with a rough surface, hovering about 2 m above ground. An opening became visible in the middle section and two men dressed in silvery clothes emerged, walked in the woods, then reentered the craft, which rose and vanished from sight.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** FSR 67, 6 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_856
### Event 29057 (FDDACACC)
**Date:** 7/17/1967
**Locations:** State Highway 22; Millerton, New York
**Description:** 11:25 p.m. Emma Funk is driving on State Highway 22 north of Millerton, New York, when a black, shiny object the size of a baseball flies into her headlight beams. It heads toward the windshield, brushes against it, then veers off to the left. As it brushes, her car lights up “like a great electric light bulb,” her engine quits, and the headlights go out. Funk is stunned, and when she regains her senses, the car is facing the opposite direction, toward the south. The engine starts up normally, but there is a cracked area in the windshield the size of a fist. She can’t account for about 15 minutes.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Object Hit Car in Millerton; Engine Stalled, Lights Went Out,](https://www.newspapers.com/clip/52302728/poughkeepsie-journal/)” Poughkeepsie \(N.Y.\) Journal, July 19, 1967, p. 6; Mark Rodeghier, “UFO/Vehicle Very Close Encounters,” IUR 27, no. 1 \(Spring 2002\): 24–25
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4343
### Event 29058 (854DCA81)
**Date:** 7/17/1967
**Description:** While driving home at 1:00 a.m. in Newville, Pennsylvania Mr. Stanley L. noticed a light that he first thought was the moon, but it moved towards him and dropped into a position directly in front of his car. It paced him, keeping a distance of 15 to 20 yards, while he drove along at 55 mph. It was a rounded object, 10-15 in diameter, and was glowing brightly with an orange light. Stanley thought he could see the shadowy silhouette of a man inside the object working controls. When he slowed down the UFO rose above the telephone wires but continued to pace him the rest of the way home. At home he called out his sister Joanne, and her boyfriend Carl, and all three of them saw the object hovering over a field. When he drove away it followed his car again, and returned with him to the house where they could now make out the form of the occupant inside the object. The object made no sound. While they went inside the house the UFO disappeared. This encounter occurred during a continuing wave of UFO sighting reports in south central Pennsylvania.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1967-58 (A0830), citing Ivan Kerns, NICAP
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4129
### Event 29059 (457AFFDA)
**Date:** 7/17/1967
**Description:** At 3:15 in the afternoon in Arc-sous-Cicon, Doubs department, France four children saw three dark humanoids with protruding stomachs who spoke an unintelligible language that sounded like musical tones. They were dressed in black suits. Broken vegetation, a circle of burnt grass four meters in diameter, and three small footprints were found at the site. Several hours later there were widespread reports of fireballs seen by hundreds of people throughout Europe. Some believed these sightings were the result of a satellite re-entry or possibly a spectacular meteor. According to investigator Eric Zurcher, "We now know that the beings in question were already in the area three days earlier, since they were seen on the 14th and 15th by an agricultural worker."
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** France Soir, July 20, 1967; Lumieres dans la Nuit, issue no. 95; Ted R. Phillips, Physical Traces Associated with UFO Sightings, case 285 citing Spacelink magazine; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, cases 1967-59 & 1967-61, citing Eric Zurcher and Joel Mesnard for GEPA; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case # 855
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4130
### Event 29060 (02189E2E)
**Date:** 7/17/1967
**Description:** Mr. E. Browne of Belfast, Northern Ireland was walking in the woods near his home on this evening when he came upon a "dish-like" object hovering eight feet above the ground. It was a dull blue-gray color with a rough and pitted outer surface, and about the size of a car. An opening appeared in the center of the underside and two silver suited, human-like figures dropped slowly to the ground and then walked away into the woods. Several minutes later they came back and drifted back into the craft, which rose silently into the air and vanished from sight.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1967-60, citing Flying Saucer Review, November-December 1967; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case # 856; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II. A Thirty Year Report, p. 473
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4131
### Event 29061 (363ED88B)
**Date:** 7/17/1967
**Description:** At 11:25 p.m. Mrs. Emma Funk was driving down Route 22 north of Millertown, New York when a shiny black object about the size of a baseball flew into the car's headlights. It came right up to her car, seemed to brush against the windscreen, then veered off to the left. When it made contact the car lit up "like a giant electric light bulb." The engine and headlights failed and she lost consciousness. When she recovered the car was pointing in the opposite direction and there was a cracked area the size of a man's fist in the windshield. In September she underwent hypnotic regression in which she spoke of the radio being filled with static and unspecified beings, which turned the car around and struck her across the chest with a rod.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Larry Fawcett, APRO; Peter Rogerson, Worldwide Catalogue of Type I Reports, citing William Donovan, A.I.R.
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4132
### Event 29062 (CBFABE9B)
**Date:** 7/18/1967
**Location:** USA, Boardman (Ohio)
**Description:** (Translated from French) The Reverend Anthony Polo was awoken by a noise similar to that of a science-fiction television background music. He had the impression that he was being told to come down. Which he did. Outside he saw a figure in bright clothing. He went out. The noise started again and he received the message that he had nothing to fear, that no harm would be done to him and he would do none. He approached and another message came to him: "Danger. I must go." He saw a kind of light in the sky and when he looked down again the entity had disappeared. (vog: Was the Reverend really awoken or was he dreaming?
**Reference:** Jacques VALLEE: "Chronicles of E.T. Appearances" - DENOEL 1972 - coll. J'AI LU, p. 216
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2461
### Event 29063 (3252B0C7)
**Date:** 7/18/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Several people observe above France luminous phenomena, more or less bright, which causes a wave of phone calls to several official organizations. The phenomena appear to be moving towards the northeast. Specialists advance the thesis of [ball lightning](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BallLighting.html) similar to those that occur when lightning strikes. A new statement, drawn from calculations of the US administration for aeronautics and space, transforms "the" fireballs into "one" single luminous ball, and identifies it as the last stage of the carrier rocket of the Soviet satellite Cosmos-169 which burned during its reentry into the atmosphere. The Soviet authorities do not respond to this statement. (1:15)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2337
### Event 29064 (ABB2E22D)
**Date:** 7/18/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In Boardman \(Ohio\), a minister is woken up by a strange sound and has the "impulse" to go down the stairs and look outside. Between his house and the next one, he sees a figure wearing a luminous suit. He thinks someone is playing a prank, but the apparition is well defined and seems real. It turns into a shapeless light and vanishes. (1 h 30)
**Reference:** [Keel](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/KeelJohnA.html) \< Magonia / [Vallée](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/ValleeJacques.html) 1969
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2338
### Event 29065 (66CA6892)
**Date:** 7/18/1967
**Time:** 01:20
**Location:** NICE, FR AND WIDE AREA
**Description:** Cosmos 169 re-entry going southeast. 1 report = cylinder/cigar-shape with 5 portholes. / APRO 7'67.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 306)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8319
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "NICE,FR+WIDE AREA:COSMOS 169 RE-ENTRY>SE:1 RPT=CGR W/5 PORTHOLES:/APRO 7'67", **LatLong:** "43.700002 7.283334", **LatLongDMS:** "43:42:00 N 07:17:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.700002,7.283334)", **State/Prov:** "Alpes Maritimes", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29066 (D86B9DC2)
**Date:** 7/18/1967
**Time:** 01:30
**Location:** BOARDMAN, OH
**Description:** Noise. Minister goes out on impulse. Silhouette / luminous suit vanishes.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA; H. Regnery, Chicago HC 1969 & Contemporary Books,Chicago 1993. 372pp. (Index 857)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8320
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **TLP:** Telepathy, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **NFO:** No craft seen, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "5", **Duration:** "15", **Elev:** "338", **HatchDesc:** "BOARDMAN,OH:NOISE:MINISTER GOES OUT ON IMPULSE:SILHOUETTE/LUM SUIT VANISHES", **LatLong:** "41.022224 -80.661115", **LatLongDMS:** "41:01:20 N 80:39:40 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.022224,-80.661115)", **State/Prov:** "Ohio", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 29067 (1B1BEC1B)
**Date:** 7/18/1967
**Time:** 14:50
**Description:** Dull object hangs / sky. Affects sound / trains? Possible re-entry.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: UFO CHRONICLES of the SOVIET UNION; Ballentine Books HB 1992. 212pp. (Index 191)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8321
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Ukraine", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "9", **HatchDesc:** "AMVROSIYEVSKA,UKRAINE:DULL OBJ.HANGS/SKY:AFFECTS SOUND/TRAINS?:poss.re-entry", **LatLong:** "47.850002 38.216668", **LatLongDMS:** "47:51:00 N 38:13:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.850002,38.216668)", **State/Prov:** "DON", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 29068 (AE516DF0)
**Date:** 7/18/1967
**Time:** ~21:00
**Location:** KAZAN, RUSSIA
**Description:** Astronomers and more/others. Huge crescent. Cusps / rear. 5km / second(s). / r193#15+/ r47p154.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 52)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8322
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Russia", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "KAZAN,RUSS:ASTRONOMERS++:HUGE CRESCENT:CUSPS/REAR:5km/sec:/r193#15+/r47p154", **LatLong:** "49.300002 55.833336", **LatLongDMS:** "49:18:00 N 55:50:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.300002,55.833336)", **State/Prov:** "TAT", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 29069 (3C816D74)
**Date:** 7/18/1967
**Location:** Rome, Italy
**Description:** 10:00 a.m. Drew Wright took this picture. "I had a terrible hangover from all the cheap red wine I had imbibed the night before, my first night in Italy. As I saw the "thing," some local boys were saying "il disco," and pointing skyward. I snapped this quick shot before it vanished. I never made it to the Sixtine Chapel." (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)
**Reference:** NICAP: [670718](http://www.ufocasebook.com/rome1967large.jpg)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3663
### Event 29070 (D2D14BE1)
**Date:** 7/18/1967
**Location:** Amvrosiyevka, Russia
**Description:** 2:47 p.m. Student Y. Divak and a friend were fishing when they saw the reflection of a strange flying object in the water. Looking up, they saw a lusterless craft in the sky. It seemed to affect the sounds from the trains and from the nearby town. (Ref. 3) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3664
### Event 29071 (2BC096BD)
**Date:** 7/18/1967
**Location:** Miami, FL
**Description:** 10:20 p.m. EDT. Seven witnesses saw an orange, yellow, and red (red-orange) glowing oval, apparently translucent, pass by at an estimated altitude of less than 500 feet. One of the witnesses was a World War II flier. (NICAP report form, Stokesberry report, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3665
### Event 29072 (E40D2551)
**Date:** 7/18/1967
**Time:** 0130
**Location:** Boardman, Ohio
**Description:** A minister was awakened by a strange sound and had the "impulse" to go downstairs and look outside. Between his house and the next one, he saw a silhouette wearing a luminous suit. He thought someone was playing a prank, but the apparition was well-defined and looked real. It turned into a shapeless glow and vanished.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Keel; Magonia ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_857
### Event 29073 (1248D12D)
**Date:** 7/18/1967
**Description:** At 1:20 a.m. Rev. Anthony De Polo, an Assembly of God minister, was lying in bed in Boardman, Ohio when he heard a very loud whining sound that rose and fell in pitch. Then he received a distinct mental message telling him to go to the window. He did so, and saw a five foot tall figure wearing a luminous tight-fitting "spacesuit." There was also a source of light coming from above the figure. At first he thought someone was playing a prank, but the apparition was well-defined and looked real. He stepped out onto his porch and mentally heard the words,"You have nothing to fear."
He began to walk toward the being when the whining noise began again and he heard, "Danger; I must go." Then the figure dissolved into a blurred glow of light. Before it completely disappeared De Polo received another message of a personal nature. On the same night and not far from De Polo's home, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dixon heard a loud noise outside, looked out, and saw an object hovering over their house. It moved off toward the south after about five minutes. De Polo has had a number of subsequent UFo sightings and "contacts."
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** John A. Keel, FSR, January-February 1968, p. 26; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 857; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1967-62, citing John Keel, Virgil Tarleton, & Prof. Theodore Spickler for MUFON
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4170
### Event 29074 (670A7D14)
**Date:** 7/19/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) *Le Soir* publishes an article about the observation of Arc-sous-Cicon on Monday [l'observation d'Arc-sous-Cicon](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/1967-07-17\_ArcSousCicon.html). (Wednesday 19th July)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2339
### Event 29075 (204DB9C0)
**Date:** 7/19/1967
**Location:** ENDERBY, BC
**Description:** Pacific-western airline(s)/airliner pilot. Pink object zigzags through clouds. Hovers. Vanishes.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** WEINSTEIN, Dominique; UAP: 80 Years of Pilot Sightings Privately published. 7 avenue Bartholome. 75015 Paris, FRANCE. (Index 18)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8323
**Attributes:** **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "350", **HatchDesc:** "ENDERBY,BC:PACIFIC-WESTERN AL PILOT:PINK OBJ ZIGZAGS THRU CLOUDS:HVRS:VANISHES", **LatLong:** "50.550002 -119.166672", **LatLongDMS:** "50:33:00 N 119:10:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.550002,-119.166672)", **State/Prov:** "British Columbia", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29076 (FE530738)
**Date:** 7/19/1967
**Time:** 21:00
**Description:** Fireball zigzags. Going down / 2M altitude. Wanders. Zigzags away. / r193#14 / wave.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FIGEUT, Michel & RUCHON, Jean-Louis: OVNI - Le Premier Dossier..; Alain LeFeuvre, Paris 1979. (Index 283)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8324
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "CHAULNES> Event 29077 (4D73FEDB)
**Date:** 7/19/1967
**Time:** 23:00?
**Location:** WILMINGTON, CA
**Description:** 24M UFO low over lumberyard. Watchman fires 6 shots. Darkens and away.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HAINES, Richard Ph.D: CE-5, CLOSE ENCOUNTERS of the 5th KIND. 1999 Sourcebooks Inc. Naperville, IL ISBN 1-57071-427-4. 242 case files. (Index 214)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8325
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "11", **HatchDesc:** "WILMINGTON,CA:24M UFO LO OVR LUMBERYARD:WATCHMAN FIRES 6 SHOTS:DARKENS+AWAY", **LatLong:** "33.800002 -118.266672", **LatLongDMS:** "33:48:00 N 118:16:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/33.800002,-118.266672)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 29078 (301FAAA8)
**Date:** 7/19/1967
**Location:** Webster City, IA
**Description:** 11:30 p.m. CDT. Two brothers saw a circular object with a large white light in the middle, two red lights and two green, lights along the outer edge (body lights). The object approached at low altitude, passed overhead, made a tight U-turn (maneuvered) and returned, hovered, and moved away slowly. (Letter : received 12/26/67, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3666
### Event 29079 (E6684BFD)
**Date:** 7/19/1967
**Location:** Enderby, B.C., CAN
**Description:** Object zigzagged near aircraft (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3669
### Event 29080 (D17B7005)
**Date:** 7/19/1967
**Description:** A young girl saw a saucer-shaped object hovering above a cornfield in Sao Benedito Do Sul, Pernambuco, Brazil. Inside the object she could see a humanoid entity of small stature, and a second similar entity was observed outside. The second entity made gestures at the girl, who interpreted them to be an inquiry about the edibility of the corn. At some point a dog nearby began barking, and the second entity quickly boarded the vehicle, which ascended rapidly.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1967-64, citing Enock Burgos, SBDEV
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4202
### Event 29081 (084F3EE2)
**Date:** 7/19/1967
**Description:** While flying at 14,000 feet over Enderby, British Columbia at 10 p.m., Mr. H. Schindler, an airline pilot, saw a pink object zigzag through the clouds, hover, and then disappear.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP case investigation files, report dated July 25, 1967
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4203
### Event 29082 (18040B0A)
**Date:** 7/20/1967
**Location:** GUERNICA, ARG
**Description:** 20+observer(s). 7M saucer spins. Stops over trees. S and Cu and Si fragments / 1600° C. / r180p50.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 15)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8326
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "16", **HatchDesc:** "GUERNICA,ARG:20+OBS:7M SCR SPINS:STOPS OVR TREES:S+Cu+Si FRAGS/1600°C:/r180p50", **LatLong:** "-34.933335 -58.416669", **LatLongDMS:** "34:56:00 S 58:25:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-34.933335,-58.416669)", **State/Prov:** "Buenos Aires", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 29083 (EE9E7209)
**Date:** 7/20/1967
**Time:** 00:10
**Location:** TOURS, FR
**Description:** 1 observer / home. Saucer and cylinder/cigar-shape hover outside. Boxes hang from saucer. Silent. Away fast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 92)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8327
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "TOURS,FR:1 OBS/HOME:SCR+CGR HVR OUTSIDE:BOXES HANG from SCR:SLNT:AWAY FAST", **LatLong:** "47.383336 0.666667", **LatLongDMS:** "47:23:00 N 00:40:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.383336,0.666667)", **State/Prov:** "Indre-et-Loire", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29084 (5A61BB38)
**Date:** 7/20/1967
**Time:** 18:20
**Location:** ATLANTIC
**Description:** 32M glowing-cylinder/cigar-shape emerges. Follows steamship Naviero / 15 minute(s). Going down. / r44p23+/ Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v14#2.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PHENOMENES SPATIAUX: Group GEPA, Gen. M. Lionel Chassin Paris. Quarterly 1964?-1977. Merged into Grp. GEPAN (Index 16)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8328
**Attributes:** **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **SUB:** Submersible: Rises from or submerges into water, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Atlantic Ocean + islands", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "18", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "ATLANTIC:32M GLOW-CGR EMERGES:FOLOS SS NAVIERO/15min:↓:/r44p23+/FSR v14#2", **LatLong:** "-28.800001 -46.733336", **LatLongDMS:** "28:48:00 S 46:44:00 W", **Locale:** "High Seas", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-28.800001,-46.733336)", **State/Prov:** "SAT", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 29085 (7C21769A)
**Date:** 7/20/1967
**Time:** 23:30
**Description:** Night light paces car. Goes when oncoming car seen. / r113p14+/ LDLN#93.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 811)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8329
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "nr ISLAMORADA,FL:NLT PACES CAR:GOES WHEN ONCOMING CAR SEEN:/r113p14+/LDLN#93", **LatLong:** "24.922223 -80.627782", **LatLongDMS:** "24:55:20 N 80:37:40 W", **Locale:** "Islands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/24.922223,-80.627782)", **State/Prov:** "Florida", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29086 (2A3C4AFB)
**Date:** 7/20/1967
**Time:** 23:50
**Location:** PYLE, WALES
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Luminous sparkle-cloud = metallic saucer. Spins. Jet-noise. Vanishes in sight.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 815)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8330
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "76", **HatchDesc:** "PYLE,WALES:2 OBS:LUMn.SPARKLE-CLOUD=MTLC SCR:SPINS:JET-NOISE:VANISHES in SIGHT", **LatLong:** "51.527780 -3.700000", **LatLongDMS:** "51:31:40 N 03:42:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.527780,-3.700000)", **State/Prov:** "WLS", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 29087 (4D05656A)
**Date:** 7/20/1967
**Location:** Titusville, FL
**Description:** 9:15 p.m. EDT. A woman and her daughter saw a bell-shaped object with a dull metal finish and five square windows. An intense white light came from the inside. A humanoid with slim torso, an egg-shaped head, and long rubbery-looking arms was visible at one of the windows, and "shadowy movements" were seen in other windows. (NICAP report form; Florida NICAP Subcommittee report, 8/11/67, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3667
### Event 29088 (2FEC2076)
**Date:** 7/20/1967
**Location:** Summerdale, PA
**Description:** 10:45 p.m. EDT. Three people saw a round green light hovering over the WHP radio towers. The light turned red and descended to 200 feet above the ground. (Cook report, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3670
### Event 29089 (4BF68730)
**Date:** 7/20/1967
**End date:** 7/21/1967
**Locations:** North Key Largo, Florida; Jewfish Creek; Pompano Beach; US Highway 1
**Description:** 11:30 p.m. Barbara Fawcett is driving alone on North Key Largo, Florida, near Jewfish Creek. She sees a large light in her rear-view mirror apparently following the car. The burning yellow light seems to be floating 6–8 feet off the ground, and it stays over the road. She accelerates to 100 mph as the light overtakes her car and seems to be about to land on top of it. As a car approaches in the opposite direction, the object emits a bright yellow glow that lights up the road and then disappears. She decides to return home to Pompano Beach with her sister the same morning, and at 2:30 a.m. they are on US Highway 1 near the same spot when she sees the light again, rising from a swamp and moving toward them 15 feet above the ground. Her sister’s toy poodle is terrified. The light veers away from the road and appears to land on a sand dune.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Landing in Florida,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201967%2007%2000%20-%20July-August.pdf)” APRO Bulletin, July/Aug. 1967, p. 7
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4344
### Event 29090 (4D43DA0B)
**Date:** 7/20/1967
**Description:** At midnight a sparkling cloud seen over Pyle, England revealed itself to be a metallic saucer-shaped object on closer approach. It was spinning and made a noise like a jet plane. It vanished while still in sight.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** APRO Bulletin, November-December 1967, p. 6
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4242
### Event 29091 (85A72410)
**Date:** 7/20/1967
**Description:** Pedro Petrelli of Guernica, Argentina heard a loud noise like a burst of wind from a hurricane and saw a bright object pass over his house at night. It seemed to be about seven-meter in diameter, circular or disc shaped, and was observed to be spinning. Some twenty people in the vicinity saw it. It stopped and hovered over some nearby trees and threw off some metallic fragments. The next morning two trees showed cuts at a height of five meters, and a third tree at three meters. On the ground were found fragments of what seemed to be burnt wood, but the inside looked like fused glass. Chemical analysis of the fragments established the presence of sulphur, copper and silicon that had been subjected to a heat of more than 1600º Celsius.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Oscar A. Uriondo, FSR Case Histories, June 1973, p. 11, citing letter from Rev. P. Reyna of Buenos Aires dated May 5, 1969 to Phenomenes Spatiaux, issue no. 20, June 1969
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4243
### Event 29092 (64F56E79)
**Date:** 7/20/1967
**Description:** At 9:15 p.m. EDT Mrs. Elizabeth Douglas had tripped and fallen on her lawn in Titusville, Florida and was just getting up when she saw a UFO about 200 feet away about 60-70 feet above the ground. It was a sixty foot in diameter, gray bell-shaped object, with an intense light coming from five square windows. In the fourth window was a thin humanoid figure with an egg-shaped head and a featureless face. It had long arms that were raised. She viewed the entity for about two minutes. Mrs. Douglas's daughter Ingrid joined her, and also saw the UFO as it moved away, but did not see the occupant. Ninety minutes later at 10:45 p.m. EDT a round green light was seen hovering over the radio transmission tower of WHP Radio in Summerdale, Pennsylvania. The object turned red, descended to around 200 feet above the ground, and an intense white light came on. It flew away behind the treeline toward the northwest.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP case investigation files, reports dated July 30, 1967 and August 9, 1967; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1967-63, citing Clark McClelland for NICAP
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4244
### Event 29093 (5142883E)
**Date:** 7/21/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In Jewish Creek, Florida, Barbara Fawcett, 18, and her sister witness a "shredded" yellow object rise above a swamp and land on a hill. Air Force investigators find a large scorched area at the site. (Friday, July 21st, 2:30 AM)
**Reference:** [APRO](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/APRO.html) July 67 \< [Valley](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/ValleeJacques.html) 1969
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2340
### Event 29094 (9FDAF393)
**Date:** 7/21/1967
**Time:** 02:30
**Location:** JEWISH CREEK, FL
**Description:** Car buzzed / fireball again. Dog shakes. Sand burnt. / FSRv17#2+/ r113p14.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 50)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8331
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "JEWISH CREEK,FL:CAR BUZZED/FBL AGAIN:DOG SHAKES:SAND BURNT:/FSRv17#2+/r113p14", **LatLong:** "25.333335 -80.500004", **LatLongDMS:** "25:20:00 N 80:30:00 W", **Locale:** "Wetlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/25.333335,-80.500004)", **State/Prov:** "Florida", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 29095 (9BF2B08A)
**Date:** 7/21/1967
**Location:** Pompano Beach, FL
**Description:** Dog in car fearful at low flying light (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)
**Reference:** NICAP: [670721](http://www.nicap.org/ar-670721dir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3674
### Event 29096 (08814673)
**Date:** 7/21/1967
**Location:** Jewish Creek \[Homestead?\],, FL
**Description:** Yellow "jagged" object rise above a swamp and land on a hill (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3675
### Event 29097 (2E537304)
**Date:** 7/21/1967
**Time:** 0230
**Location:** Jewish Creek, Florida
**Description:** Barbara Fawcett, 18, and her sister saw a yellow "jagged" object rise above a swamp and land on a hill. Air Force investigators found a very large scorched area at the spot.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** APRO Jul., 67 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_858
### Event 29098 (F6DA3B1E)
**Date:** 7/21/1967
**Locations:** Pamlico County, North Carolina; New York
**Description:** Ronnie Hill, 14, of Pamlico County, North Carolina, sends a color photo of what looks like a little man in a spacesuit standing in front of a spherical UFO to a New York magazine editor. It winds up in the hands of [John A.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John%5FKeel) [Keel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John%5FKeel)[.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John%5FKeel) Hill tells him the UFO landed in his backyard. Keel gathers affidavits from Ronnie’s teachers, parents, and the local 4-H club, and submits the photo to “several professional photographers” in New York, who cannot find evidence of a hoax. Soon, however, Keel has doubts and the photo is revealed to be that of a small model positioned in front of an egg.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** John A. Keel, “[The ‘Little Man’ of North Carolina,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201969%20V%2015%20N%201.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 15, no. 1 \(Jan./Feb. 1969\): 15–16; Margaret Sachs, The UFO Encyclopedia, Putnam, 1980, [p. 230](https://archive.org/details/ufoencyclopedia00marg/page/229/mode/2up); Clark III 603; Aaron Sakulich, “[The Strange Tale of Ronnie Hill,](http://www.theironskeptic.com/articles/ronniehill/ronniehill.htm)” The Iron Skeptic, January 13, 2007
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4345
### Event 29099 (59062F6B)
**Date:** 7/21/1967
**Description:** At 12:30 a.m. a 40-year-old witness was out in his garden in Wissons, France when he noticed a greenish glow on the ground. The glow was in a nearby field next to a cemetery. Within the glow he could see two shiny silvery figures moving about, apparently floating just above the ground. The figures soon disappeared from sight. Later, two V-shaped depressions were found on the ground in the same area.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1967, citing Lumieres dans la Nuit, issue # 195, Denys Breysse, Project Becassine
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4269
### Event 29100 (6373F643)
**Date:** 7/21/1967
**Description:** At 2:30 a.m. Barbara Fawcett, age 18, and her sister saw a yellow "jagged" object rise above a swamp near Jewfish Creek, Florida. A dog riding in their car became fearful of the low flying yellow light, which flew just 15 feet above the roadway in Pompano Beach. The UFO then veered off to the right and landed on a sand dune to the east of the road. Air Force investigators found a very large scorched area at the spot.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** APRO Bulletin, July-August 1967, p. 7; NICAP UFO Investigator, October1967, p. 4; Coral & Jim Lorenzen, Encounters with UFO Occupants, p. 14; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 858, citing APRO
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4270
### Event 29101 (76A5B390)
**Date:** 7/21/1967
**Description:** On this afternoon in Pamlico County, North Carolina 14-year-old Ronnie Hill was playing in the garden when he noticed a strange odor in the air, and his eyes began to tear. He then saw a spherical object about three meters in diameter descend from the sky and land in a nearby field. Thinking that nobody would believe him, he ran inside his home and obtained a small Kodak camera. Once back outside he saw a small figure emerge from behind the object. The figure was about 1.25 meters in height, wore a tight-fitting silvery suit and carried in its hand a black object that it inserted into the ground, The entity then returned to the object, which took off into the sky at high speed. The odor was described as resembling propane gas. Ronnie Hill also noticed a total lack of sound during the encounter. A controversial photograph of the humanoid and UFO was taken and subsequently publicized. The photograph is widely regarded as a hoax by UFO investigators, with an eggshell used to model the UFO.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** John A. Keel, FSR, January-February 1969, p. 15
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4271
### Event 29102 (8F4A23C1)
**Date:** 7/21/1967
**Description:** At 10:15 p.m. a security guard, Sidney Zipkin, age 50, was driving through a large parking lot in Churchville, New York when he observed a 16-meter-long cigar-shaped object with green lights under it land on the parking lot pavement. He stopped his truck within 30 meters of the object with the truck headlights aimed on it, and was surprised to see two dwarfs dressed in shiny black uniforms rush by his vehicle and enter the craft, which took off straight up in a vertical ascent.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case # 860
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4272
### Event 29103 (746AC095)
**Date:** 7/23/1967
**Location:** Popponessett Beach, MA
**Description:** (Hynek-CUFOS-Willy Smith files; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3676
### Event 29104 (8A1163CB)
**Date:** 7/24/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Between Mareuil \(France\) and Sainte-Hermine, Daniel Bonifait and his family saw a red disc, the size of a building, fall 300 meters away behind a hill. Dark shapes were observed on the surface of the discs, and the forest seemed to be on fire as the frightened witnesses fled by driving. (Monday, July 24th, 10 PM)
**Reference:** \[[GEPA](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/GEPA.html) Dec., 68 \< [Vallée](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/ValleeJacques.html) 1969
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2341
### Event 29105 (AD06E4B1)
**Date:** 7/24/1967
**Time:** 22:00
**Location:** NEAR STE-HERMINE, FR
**Description:** Huge red saucer goes behind hill. Figure(s) seen. Forest lit up. / r8#859.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PHENOMENES SPATIAUX: Group GEPA, Gen. M. Lionel Chassin Paris. Quarterly 1964?-1977. Merged into Grp. GEPAN (Index 18)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8332
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "nr Ste-HERMINE,FR:HUGE RED SCR GOES BHND HILL:FIGs SEEN:FOREST LIT UP:/r8#859", **LatLong:** "46.550002 -1.133333", **LatLongDMS:** "46:33:00 N 01:08:00 W", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.550002,-1.133333)", **State/Prov:** "Vendée", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 29106 (62A3F257)
**Date:** 7/24/1967
**Time:** 2200
**Location:** Mareuil, France
**Description:** Between Mareuil and Ste-Hermine, Daniel Bonifait and his family saw a red disk, the size of a building, fall 300 m away behind a hill. Dark forms were observed on the disks surface, and the forest seemed to be ablaze as the witnesses drove away in fear.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** GEPA Dec., 68 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_859
### Event 29107 (B5617E8C)
**Date:** 7/24/1967
**Description:** At ten p.m. Daniel Bonifait and his family were driving between Mareuil and Ste-Hermine, France when they saw a red disc the size of a building, fall behind a hill 300 meters away from them. Dark forms were observed on the disc's surface, and the forest seemed to be ablaze as the witnesses drove away in fear.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 859
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4354
### Event 29108 (BE3588D3)
**Date:** 7/25/1967
**Location:** ROMANIA, Oradea
**Description:** (Translated from French) Around 11:30 a.m. an object was located about 5° above the roof of the school. It remained motionless and the object, similar to aluminum in the shape of a cigar, with pointed ends and without wings. When it suddenly started moving again, a faint light lit up at the back and in twenty seconds the object was hidden by the houses.
**Reference:** Ion HOBANA/Julien WEVERBERGH: "Les OVNI en URSS et dans les pays de l'Est" - trad. Laffont 1976 - p. 304
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2462
### Event 29109 (16637C0B)
**Date:** 7/25/1967
**Time:** 11:30
**Location:** ORADEA, ROM
**Description:** Cigar / pointed ends hovers silently over school. Going quickly [to] behind apartment block.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HOBANA Ion & WEVERBERGH,Julien: UFO'S from BEHIND the IRON CURTAIN; Bantam Books,1975. 308pp. (Index 235)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8333
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Romania", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "ORADEA,ROM:CIGAR/POINTED ENDS HVRS SILENTLY OVR SCHOOL:>>BHND APARTMENT BLOCK", **LatLong:** "47.050002 21.900001", **LatLongDMS:** "47:03:00 N 21:54:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.050002,21.900001)", **State/Prov:** "Bihor", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29110 (C22333A2)
**Date:** 7/25/1967
**Time:** 22:30
**Location:** EAST / GARRISON, ND
**Description:** Farmer. Dog and cows edgy. UFO hovers / military base. Maneuvers. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v17#2+/ r41p280.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 50)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8334
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "584", **HatchDesc:** "E/GARRISON,ND:FARMER:DOG+COWS EDGY:UFO HVRS/MIL.BASE:mnvrs:/FSR v17#2+/r41p280", **LatLong:** "47.650002 -101.400005", **LatLongDMS:** "47:39:00 N 101:24:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.650002,-101.400005)", **State/Prov:** "North Dakota", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29111 (20C5E1C8)
**Date:** 7/25/1967
**Location:** Southern part of State, MI
**Description:** 11:30 p.m. EDT (10:30 p.m. CDT). A woman and several teenagers about 1,200 miles to the southeast reported a very similar phenomenon. They saw 5-6 objects radiating bright white lights "wobbling" over a field. When a plane flew into the area, the objects (lights) rapidly disappeared after turning bright red (color change/speed correlation). As the color changed, dogs in the area howled (animal reactions). (Stinson letter, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3671
### Event 29112 (F91FB4BA)
**Date:** 7/25/1967
**Location:** Garrison, ND
**Description:** Cattle nervous and dog looks toward round glowing object (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)
**Reference:** NICAP: [670725](http://www.nicap.org/ar-670725dir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3677
### Event 29113 (25753AF3)
**Date:** 7/25/1967
**Location:** Garrison, ND
**Description:** Round, blue-white object hovered near missile site, animals reacted. Object started, stopped, moved up and down. changed color to red when accelerating
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_134
### Event 29114 (9CCFF077)
**Date:** 7/26/1967
**Location:** Rowley, MA
**Description:** 11:15 p.m. EDT. A woman looked out her bedroom window when she heard a loud whining, whirring sound and saw a glowing orange object in the sky. (Fowler, 1974, pp. 151-52, 349.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3673
### Event 29115 (663CD4B4)
**Date:** 7/26/1967
**Location:** Dauphin, PA
**Description:** 11:20 p.m. EDT. A woman saw a red light hovering near her house and illuminating the interior of her house. The color changed to white and then to rose, and the light seemed to rotate as the color changed. (Pennsylvania NICAP Subcommittee report, 10/4/67, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3678
### Event 29116 (CD42D71E)
**Date:** 7/26/1967
**Location:** Dauphin, PA
**Description:** 11:20 p.m. EDT. A woman saw a red light hovering near her house and illuminating the interior of her house. TV interference was reported (EM effects). (Pennsylvania NICAP Subcommittee report, 10/4/67, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3679
### Event 29117 (F1A07FFF)
**Date:** 7/26/1967
**Locations:** Westfall River; Rocky Mountains of British Columbia; Kamloops
**Description:** 8:38 p.m. Capt. Shindler is piloting Pacific Western Airlines Flight 748 westbound near the Westfall River in the Rocky Mountains of British Columbia. He notices a small pink light moving erratically at about 16,000 feet. It zips away after 18 minutes. Radar operators in Kamloops also observe the object.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Chris Rutkowski, Canada’s UFOs: Declassified, August Night, 2022, p. 128
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4346
### Event 29118 (7C92B896)
**Date:** 7/26/1967
**Description:** At 8:00 p.m. a multi-colored elliptical object flew over Seacliff, South Australia making a humming noise. Eighteen hours later, at 11:15 p.m. in Rowley, Massachusetts, R. Ricker witnessed an orange UFO that made a whining sound.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Project Blue Book files; Don Berliner, Project Blue Book Unknowns
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4416
### Event 29119 (D45A8CA9)
**Date:** 7/27/1967
**Time:** 01:00
**Location:** NEWTON, NH
**Description:** 2 amateur astronomers. Saucer-night light responds / flashlight! Avoids plane. / r83 p147.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 50)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8335
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "30", **Elev:** "61", **HatchDesc:** "NEWTON,NH:2 AM.ASTRONs:SCR-NLT RESPONDS/FLASHLITE!:AVOIDS PLANE:/r83 p147", **LatLong:** "42.900002 -71.016670", **LatLongDMS:** "42:54:00 N 71:01:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.900002,-71.016670)", **State/Prov:** "New Hampshire", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 29120 (2261C3FF)
**Date:** 7/27/1967
**Location:** Farmville, NC
**Description:** 12:30 a.m. EDT. Two witnesses saw an orange-yellow, "tri-level" object with lights coming from the upper area, apparently from within. The object appeared to be spinning. (Greenville Reflector, N.C., 7/28/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3680
### Event 29121 (7846E011)
**Date:** 7/27/1967
**Location:** Newton, NH
**Description:** 1:00 a.m. EDT. Three people, including an electronics technician and former Air Force radar operator, and a laboratory technician and former Navy radar operator, saw an orange-red starlike light that began to move. (Fowler report, 8/14/67, NICAP files; NICAP report forms; U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. IV, No. 2, Oct. 1967, p. 3; Fowler, 1974, pp. 152-55, 349.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3681
### Event 29122 (55D94341)
**Date:** 7/27/1967
**Location:** Alexandria-Leesville, LA
**Description:** 2:00 a.m. EDT. Throughout several states, distress calls were heard on Citizen's Band radio from a pilot whose plane reportedly crashed. The pilot said that a red glowing object with a bright glow toward the tail approached the side of the aircraft and then the tail, forcing the aircraft down. (Shreveport Times, LA., 7/28/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3682
### Event 29123 (3E3EC99F)
**Date:** 7/27/1967
**Time:** 13:00:00.0
**Location:** 37.1487 -116.0485
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Stanley” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 200KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_504
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1487 -116.0485", **LatLongDMS:** "37:08:55 N 116:02:55 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1487,-116.0485)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.48", **NukeMb:** "5.00", **NukeName:** "Stanley", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "200"
### Event 29124 (42E6E12F)
**Date:** 7/27/1967
**Description:** An elongated oval-shaped UFO, carrying bright white lights fore and aft and a central red light, with a string of smaller white lights flashing in sequence along the side, was sighted by three amateur astronomers at 1:00 a.m. over Newton, New Hampshire. The UFO flashed in exact response to flashlight signals, and evaded a jet that flew over the area.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Raymond E. Fowler, UFOs: Interplanetary Visitors, p. 349
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4435
### Event 29125 (16EAFE45)
**Date:** 7/27/1967
**Description:** At around 1:00 a.m. a distress call came from a private pilot flying between Alexandria and Leesville, Louisiana that a UFO had approached the side and then the tail of his airplane, forcing the plane to crash. The pilot, badly injured, kept transmitting until he faded out. A Civil Aviation Board report was logged of a crash at Oak Grove, Louisiana earlier (2000 hrs).
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP files, citing newspaper report in the Shreveport Times, July 28, 1967
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4436
### Event 29126 (27A9BE91)
**Date:** 7/28/1967
**Time:** 20:30
**Description:** Saucer with 4 lights seen same hour / 2 weeks! Bright trail each time.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LOURENCO, Victor: The PORTUCAT CATALOG; (BBS Download). (Index 111)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8336
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Portugal", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "16", **HatchDesc:** "TAROUCA,PORTUGAL:SCR W/4 LITES SEEN SAME HOUR/2 WEEKS!:BRITE TRAIL EACH TIME", **LatLong:** "41.000002 -7.750000", **LatLongDMS:** "41:00:00 N 07:45:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.000002,-7.750000)", **State/Prov:** "BRA", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 29127 (3CBE2E87)
**Date:** 7/28/1967
**Time:** 21:30
**Location:** PACHECO PASS, CA
**Description:** Forester. Blue-glowing sponge maneuvers and circles. Beams going down. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Going quickly northwest. / LDLN#93.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 50)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8337
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "430", **HatchDesc:** "PACHECO PASS,CA:FORESTER:BLU-GLO SPONGE MNVRS+CCLS:BEAMS ↓:RFI:>>NW:/LDLN#93", **LatLong:** "37.066668 -121.216672", **LatLongDMS:** "37:04:00 N 121:13:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.066668,-121.216672)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29128 (75646123)
**Date:** 7/28/1967
**Location:** Gilroy, CA
**Description:** 9:30 p.m. PDT. A state forestry employee at a fire lookout tower saw an oval blue- white light coming toward him at low altitude, a dark band visible around the middle (see July 4, Corning, Calif.). A bright white light also was visible on the top (body lights). The object alternately hovered and moved around, circling the fire tower. At one point it emitted a blue-white light beam which illuminated the ground. As the object circled the tower, the citizen's band radio emitted a variable pitch whining noise (EM effects), interfering with any effort to communicate. (NICAP report form; U.F.O, Investigator, Vol. IV, No. 2, October1967, p. 3; Gillmor, 1969, case 28.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3683
### Event 29129 (D0BE717E)
**Date:** 7/28/1967
**Location:** Gilroy, CA
**Description:** Oval object approached fire lookout tower, hovered, illuminated ground
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_135
### Event 29130 (4F88378D)
**Date:** 7/29/1967
**Location:** Arnold, CA
**Description:** 1:00 a.m. PDT. Two witnesses saw an orange light "like a ball of fire" that approached from the horizon. It stopped (hovered), changed color to white, ascended slowly, changed direction (maneuvered), and continued ascending. After the color change, it moved in a "pulsating fashion as though leaping through space." (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3684
### Event 29131 (06218B15)
**Date:** 7/29/1967
**Location:** Olympia, WA
**Description:** 9:00 p.m. PDT. A woman saw an oval light, sometimes silver and sometimes red and blue, that descended suddenly, hovered moved laterally, then descended until lost behind the horizon. (Civil Defense report form, 8/28/67, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3685
### Event 29132 (D83D6482)
**Date:** 7/29/1967
**Description:** Delta Aquarid meteor shower (mean date).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_136
### Event 29133 (99F055DD)
**Date:** 7/30/1967
**Time:** 22:20
**Location:** KERNVILLE, CA
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Night lights play / sky. Vanish. Report going [to] Edwards Air Force Base. RADAR confirm. Project Bluebook Case #1306.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CONDON, Dr. Edward: SCIENTIFIC STUDY of UFO..etc; Bantam 1969. 965pp. (Index 122)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8338
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RDR:** Radar traces/blips, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "0", **Elev:** "808", **HatchDesc:** "KERNVILLE,CA:2 OBS:NLTS PLAY/SKY:VANISH:REPT> EDWARDS AFB:RDR CONFIRM:BBK#1306", **LatLong:** "35.755557 -118.422228", **LatLongDMS:** "35:45:20 N 118:25:20 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/35.755557,-118.422228)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 29134 (CD9623F8)
**Date:** 7/30/1967
**Location:** Kernville, CA
**Description:** (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3689
### Event 29135 (052A4B8B)
**Date:** 7/30/1967
**Locations:** Garopaba, Santa Catarina, Brazil; The Naviero
**Description:** 6:15 p.m. The Naviero, a ship of the Argentine Shipping Lines Company, is 120 miles off the coast of Garopaba, Santa Catarina, Brazil, when Office Jorge Montoya notices a strange object in the ocean about 50 feet away on the starboard side. Capt. Julián Lucas Ardanza comes to the deck and sees a cigar-shaped UFO about 110 feet long, glowing blue and white. It paces the ship for 15 minutes, then suddenly dives and passes underneath the ship, vanishing in the depths. Chief Officer Carlos Lasca describes the object as a “submergible UFO with its own illumination.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Oscar A. Galíndez, “[Crew of Argentine Ship See Submarine UFO,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201968%20V%2014%20N%202.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 14, no. 2 \(March/April 1968\): 22
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4347
### Event 29136 (73484AE1)
**Date:** 7/30/1967
**Locations:** Kernville, California; Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake; Walker Pass; Edwards AFB; Boron AFS ADC radar site
**Description:** 10:17 p.m. [George](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/113854680/george-m-petyak) and [Brownie Petyak](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/113854679/brownie-h-petyak) see a bright yellow star-like light at about 65° elevation to the east of Kernville, California. It is later joined by a second similar object appearing to try to “steer” the first onto a “definite course.” Through binoculars the first object appears bright blue. A second independent observation from Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake in the Mojave Desert locates an object visually and/or on radar to the west over Walker Pass \(about 20 miles\) and is reported to Edwards AFB. Thus the visual sighting lines intersect from opposite directions. A controller at Edwards uses RAPCON \(Radar Approach Control\) radar \(or Boron AFS FPS-35 search radar\) and confirms the visual report at China Lake but tries to dismiss the 115 mph target as merely civil aircraft that “frequently” fly over the area. The Kernville witnesses report by phone during their sighting to the Boron AFS ADC radar site. Blue Book claims the date of the sighting is in question because the questionnaire sent to the Petyaks uses the military time \(Greenwich Meridian Time or Zulu time\) instead of local time.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** NICAP, “[Radar/Visual and Sighting Lines Intersect](http://www.nicap.org/670730kernville%5Fdir.htm)”; [Sparks](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf)[,](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf) p. 326; Condon, [p. 122](https://archive.org/details/scientificstudyo0000unse%5Fl5t2/page/122/mode/2up); Clark III 392
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4348
### Event 29137 (3E97AA33)
**Date:** 7/31/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In Churchville \(New York\), a guard, Sidney Zipkin, 50 years old, is driving in a large parking lot when he observes an object in the shape of a cigar, 16 m long, with green lights underneath, landing on the pavement. He stops his truck less than 30 m from the object, headlights pointed at it, and is surprised to see two dwarves dressed in shiny black uniforms rush next to the vehicle and enter the apparatus, which takes off straight away." (July 31, 10:15 PM)
**Reference:** Vallée 1969, 184
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2342
### Event 29138 (013900E4)
**Date:** 7/31/1967
**Location:** CARACAS, VNZ
**Description:** Devastating earthquake. Wave / saucers and small humanoids (or Greys) within hours.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LORENZEN, Coral & Jim: ENCOUNTERS with UFO OCCUPANTS; APRO/Berkley Medallion Books 1976. 424pp (Index 223)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8339
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Venezuela", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "0", **Elev:** "910", **HatchDesc:** "CARACAS,VNZ:DEVASTATING EARTHQUAKE:WAVE/SCRS+OIDS WITHIN HOURS:", **LatLong:** "10.466667 -66.950003", **LatLongDMS:** "10:28:00 N 66:57:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/10.466667,-66.950003)", **State/Prov:** "CAR", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 29139 (AE42797C)
**Date:** 7/31/1967
**Time:** 21:20
**Description:** Farmer sees dark red saucer go southwest going northeast / 40 second(s).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: UFO CHRONICLES of the SOVIET UNION; Ballentine Books HB 1992. 212pp. (Index 191)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8340
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Russia", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "KAVKASKIY,TRANSCAUCASUS,RUSS:FARMER SEES DARK RED SCR GO SW>NE/40 SEC:", **LatLong:** "45.433335 40.583335", **LatLongDMS:** "45:26:00 N 40:35:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.433335,40.583335)", **State/Prov:** "TRC", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29140 (C7E7D2B1)
**Date:** 7/31/1967
**Time:** 22:20
**Location:** CHURCHVILLE, NY
**Description:** 15M Saturn saucer going down / parking Lot. 2 small humanoids (or Greys) board and fly. / MJ#231+/ r41p360.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 811)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8341
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **RBT:** Possible robot or "Grey", mechanical motions, **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "138", **HatchDesc:** "CHURCHVILLE,NY:15M SATURN SCR ↓/PARKING LOT:2 OIDS BOARD+FLY:/MJ#231+/r41p360", **LatLong:** "43.100002 -77.877781", **LatLongDMS:** "43:06:00 N 77:52:40 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.100002,-77.877781)", **RelAlt:** "1", **State/Prov:** "New York", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 29141 (E8BE9ECD)
**Date:** 7/31/1967
**Location:** Kavkazkiy, Russia
**Description:** 9:15 p.m. I. Kosov, his wife and farmer P.I. Marchenko saw a dark red disk flying from the southwest to the northeast. The witness had time to count to forty-two before the object disappeared. (Ref. 3) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3686
### Event 29142 (90959C14)
**Date:** 7/31/1967
**Location:** Churchville, NY
**Description:** Two small beings, shiny black garb. Saturn-shaped craft seen near ground in truck headlights. Beings boarded, took off straight up. (Hall, 1964-1967, pages 474-482, Vol. II, The UFO Evidence) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3687
### Event 29143 (2650EBE0)
**Date:** 7/31/1967
**Time:** 2215
**Location:** Churchville, New York
**Description:** A guard, Sidney Zipkin, 50, was driving through a large parking lot when he observed a cigar-shaped object, 16 m long, with green lights under it, land on the pavement. He stopped his truck within 30 m of the object, with the headlights aimed on it, and was surprised to see two dwarfs dressed in shiny black uniforms rush by the vehicle and enter the craft, which took off straight up.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** 184 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_860
### Event 29144 (8AF01952)
**Date:** 7/31/1967
**Location:** Churchville, New York
**Description:** 10:15 p.m. Sidney Zipkin is driving a truck on Main Street in Churchville, New York, when he sees a cigar- shaped object about 50 feet long in a parking lot. It has greenish blinking lights underneath it, on or near the ground. He shines the truck headlights on the object and sees two small men in shiny black uniforms board the object, which takes off straight up.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[UFOs in](https://www.newspapers.com/clip/4175662/article-two-page-one/) [Churchville?](https://www.newspapers.com/clip/4175676/article-two-page-two/)” Rochester \(N.Y.\) Democrat and Chronicle, August 3, 1967, pp. 1B–2B
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4349
### Event 29145 (CDD1796C)
**Date:** 7/31/1967
**Description:** At 10:15 p.m. a guard, Sidney Zipkin, age 50, was driving through a large parking lot in Churchville, New York when his truck headlights fell upon a cigar-shaped object, 16 meters long, with green lights under it, landed on the pavement. He stopped his truck within 30 meters of the object with the truck's headlights aimed at it. The craft had a spherical central body with side extensions tipped with green lights, and he was surprised to see two 3-foot-tall dwarf beings dressed in shiny black uniforms rush by his vehicle and enter the craft, which took off straight up with a hissing sound.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP case files, report dated August 3, 1967; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 860; Richard Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume 2: A Thirty Year Report, p. 473
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4528
### Event 29146 (C4419EE0)
**Date:** 8/1967 (approximate)
**Location:** VENEZUELA, Catia la Mar
**Description:** (Translated from French) At around 5pm Ruben Norato saw three large discs emerge from the sea, after he had observed a sudden movement of the water. (Henry DURRANT: "Le dossier des OVNI" - Laffont 1973 - p. 53) The witness saw three grey discs emerge from the sea on the 27th of August. They flew away. (1967, 25 (27?) August)
**Reference:** Janet and Colin BORD: "Modern Mysteries of the World" - Guild Publishing London 1989, p. 172
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2468
### Event 29147 (C7C88A4D)
**Date:** 8/1967
**Time:** 12:30
**Location:** FERRARA, ITL
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Ovoid hovers. Going down / 50cm altitude only 5M away. Sudden vertical takeoff.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** ITACAT, Catalogo Italiano degli Incontri Ravvicinati. Maurizio Verga, 1989 CISU/Torino, Italy. (Index 62)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8342
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Italy", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "FERRARA,ITL:2 OBS:OVOID HVRS:↓/50cm alt only 5M away:SUDDEN VERTICAL TAKEOFF:", **LatLong:** "44.816669 11.583334", **LatLongDMS:** "44:49:00 N 11:35:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.816669,11.583334)", **State/Prov:** "EMR", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 29148 (308C316C)
**Date:** 8/1967 (approximate)
**Time:** 23:00
**Location:** ROANNE, FR
**Description:** Noises. Vague figure / gate. Dark object by woods = 6M saucer / 40M altitude. / r30p278.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 137)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8343
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "ROANNE,FR:NOISES:VAGUE FIG./GATE:DARK OBJ.by WOODS=6M SCR/40M ALT:/r30p278", **LatLong:** "46.050002 4.033334", **LatLongDMS:** "46:03:00 N 04:02:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.050002,4.033334)", **State/Prov:** "Loire", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 29149 (42B54E8A)
**Date:** 8/1967 (approximate)
**Time:** 23:10
**Description:** Physicist and 1 / car. 4-5 silent glowing-ovoids glide going east / treetops.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 877)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8344
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "318", **HatchDesc:** "E/UNIVERSITY Hts,OH:PHYSICIST+1/CAR:4-5 SLNT GLOW-OVOIDS GLIDE >E/TREETOPS:", **LatLong:** "41.483335 -81.600004", **LatLongDMS:** "41:29:00 N 81:36:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.483335,-81.600004)", **RelAlt:** "20", **State/Prov:** "Ohio", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29150 (FDE3DF99)
**Date:** 8/1967
**Time:** 23:30
**Location:** CHINGFORD, ENGL
**Description:** 2 / car and 1 separate observer(s). Night lights come near car. 1-2 50cm small humanoids (or Greys) path. / r79p36.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 277)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8345
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "7", **HatchDesc:** "CHINGFORD,ENGL:2/CAR+1 SEP.OBS:NLTS COME NEAR CAR:1-2 50cm OIDS PATH:/r79p36", **LatLong:** "51.616669 -0.016667", **LatLongDMS:** "51:37:00 N 00:01:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.616669,-0.016667)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 29151 (A6F37273)
**Date:** 8/1967
**Description:** Many power outages. Several pigs gone / high fences. Saucers seen.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SPENCER, John: The UFO ENCYCLOPEDIA; BUFORA/Acon Books, NY. 1991. 340pp. (Index 111)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8378
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "232", **Elev:** "21", **HatchDesc:** "FARMINGDALE AGR COLLEGE,NY:MANY PWR OUTAGES:SVRL PIGS GONE/HI FENCES:SCRS SEEN", **LatLong:** "40.733335 -73.450004", **LatLongDMS:** "40:44:00 N 73:27:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.733335,-73.450004)", **State/Prov:** "New York", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 29152 (2A649B7D)
**Date:** 8/1967
**Location:** Venice, CA
**Description:** Daytime, PDT. A summer school class and teacher saw a disc-shaped object that was making a loud roaring noise. The object moved directly overhead, now making a sound like an "electronic police car siren." (Amos letter, 9/26/68, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3690
### Event 29153 (620B495D)
**Date:** 8/1967
**End date:** 11/1967
**Location:** UK
**Description:** Hundreds of sightings in wave that peaked in October. House of Commons took interest in November.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_142
### Event 29154 (7386A87D)
**Date:** 8/1967
**Locations:** Idaho; Tennessee
**Description:** At the request of President [Johnson](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lyndon%5FB.%5FJohnson)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lyndon%5FB.%5FJohnson) the CIA sets up Operation CHAOS to gather intelligence about foreign influence on American dissent. Its mission is to gather and evaluate all information about foreign links to racial, antiwar, and other protest activity. The operation is launched under DCI [Richard Helms](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard%5FHelms) and counter-intelligence chief [James Jesus Angleton](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James%5FJesus%5FAngleton)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James%5FJesus%5FAngleton) and headed by [Richard Ober](https://spartacus-educational.com/JFKober.htm)[.](https://spartacus-educational.com/JFKober.htm) The program runs through 1973, amassing 10,000 files on more than 300,000 individuals and 100 domestic groups. The operation also infiltrates foreign intelligence targets and domestic radical organizations. The NSA assists in the surveillance with its own Project MINARET. Operating between 1967 and 1973, over 5,925 foreigners and 1,690 organizations and US citizens are included on the Project MINARET watch lists. NSA Director [Lew Allen](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lew%5FAllen) testifies before the Senate Intelligence Committee in 1975 that the NSA has issued over 3,900 reports on the watch-listed Americans. At some point, the NSA is tasked with monitoring the overseas telephone calls and cable traffic of two prominent members of Congress, Sen. [Frank](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frank%5FChurch) [Church](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frank%5FChurch) \(D-Idaho\) and Sen. [Howard Baker](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Howard%5FBaker) \(R-Tenn.\). The FBI begins COINTELPRO–BLACK HATE, which focuses on [Martin Luther King Jr.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martin%5FLuther%5FKing%5FJr) and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference as well as the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, the Revolutionary Action Movement, the Deacons for Defense and Justice, Congress of Racial Equality, and the Nation of Islam. BLACK HATE establishes the Ghetto Informant Program and instructs 23 FBI offices to “disrupt, misdirect, discredit, or otherwise neutralize the activities of black nationalist hate type organizations.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Operation CHAOS](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation%5FCHAOS)”; Wikipedia, “[Project MINARET](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project%5FMINARET)”; Wikipedia, “[COINTELPRO](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/COINTELPRO)”; Matthew M. Ald and William Burr, “[Secret Cold War Documents Reveal NSA](https://foreignpolicy.com/2013/09/25/secret-cold-war-documents-reveal-nsa-spied-on-senators/) [Spied on Senators,](https://foreignpolicy.com/2013/09/25/secret-cold-war-documents-reveal-nsa-spied-on-senators/)” Foreign Policy, September 25, 2013
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4350
### Event 29155 (6E183FE9)
**Date:** 8/1967
**Location:** Wapakoneta, Ohio
**Description:** 2:00 a.m. A man is returning to his mother’s home in Wapakoneta, Ohio, when he sees a strangely bright star to the left of Polaris. As he watches, it grows a bit brighter and begins to move directly beneath Polaris and then continues to the right. It repeats this in reverse and then goes under Polaris and stops. The star then migrates north and south, tracing out the elements of a large cross. It does this several times rapidly. Then it comes back below Polaris and just sits there. After nearly 3 hours, the witness decides to stop watching. At that, the star goes up to Polaris and shoots away to the left.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Michael D. Swords, “We Know Where You Live,” IUR 30, no. 2 \(January 2006\): 11
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4351
### Event 29156 (00B1DB51)
**Date:** 8/1/1967
**Location:** Chester, PA
**Description:** 9:00 p.m. EDT. The wife and daughter of a pastor saw three red, metallic- appearing, saucer-shaped objects with domes and portholes. The object was estimated to be about the size of a two-engine plane. (WXUR News report, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3691
### Event 29157 (2CE47783)
**Date:** 8/1/1967
**Description:** The wife and daughter of a pastor in Chester, Pennsylvania saw three red, metallic, saucer-shaped objects with domes and portholes at 9:00 p.m. Two were in the northern sky, and a third approached from the north, brightened and changed color to white as it neared. It then flew at tree-top level and hovered at low altitude close to the witnesses. Finally, it climbed fast and disappeared. The object was estimated to be about the size of a two-engine plane.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** WXUR News report, copy in NICAP files.
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4568
### Event 29158 (57256108)
**Date:** 8/2/1967
**Time:** 21:30
**Location:** CAPE ANN, MA
**Description:** 250 observer(s) / several towns. Night lights and disks. 1 object size of 727 plane / 700' altitude.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 50)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8346
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "12", **Duration:** "30", **Elev:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "CAPE ANN,MA:250 OBS/SVRL TOWNS:NLTS+DISKS:1 OBJ SIZE OF 727 PLANE/700' alt", **LatLong:** "42.666669 -70.666670", **LatLongDMS:** "42:40:00 N 70:40:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.666669,-70.666670)", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "3"
### Event 29159 (CD4A8659)
**Date:** 8/2/1967
**Time:** 22:50
**Description:** Power out 2X. Rose-colored ovoid 25M over rooftops. Pulses and going quickly south.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 813)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8347
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "15", **Elev:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "ARBROATH,SCOTL:POWER OUT 2X:ROSE-CLRD OVOID 25M ovr ROOFTOPS:PULSES+>>S", **LatLong:** "56.561114 -2.588889", **LatLongDMS:** "56:33:40 N 02:35:20 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/56.561114,-2.588889)", **RelAlt:** "25", **State/Prov:** "Scotland", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29160 (5A8E6FB6)
**Date:** 8/2/1967
**Time:** 23:30
**Location:** NORWEGIAN SEA
**Description:** Soviet ship Izhevsk. White sphere/orb/globe going south. White ovoid and ovoid going east and turns going quickly south.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: UFO CHRONICLES of the SOVIET UNION; Ballentine Books HB 1992. 212pp. (Index 191)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8348
**Attributes:** **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Atlantic Ocean + islands", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "25", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "NORWEGIAN SEA:SOV SHIP IZHEVSK:WHT ORB >S:WHT OVOID+ OVOID > E + TURNS >>S", **LatLong:** "66.900003 1.716667", **LatLongDMS:** "66:54:00 N 01:43:00 E", **Locale:** "High Seas", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/66.900003,1.716667)", **State/Prov:** "NWG", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29161 (E5D248F9)
**Date:** 8/2/1967
**Description:** On this day in Arbroath, Tayside, Scotland a domed oval-shaped craft, 20-30 feet in length, moved slowly at 100 feet above a teenager riding on a bicycle. There was a red glow coming from the dome, which started to flash. The object was completely quiet.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Flying Saucer Review, November-December 1967, p. 29; Ron Halliday, UFO Scotland: The Secret History of Scotland's UFO Phenomenon, p. 124
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4601
### Event 29162 (446577A7)
**Date:** 8/2/1967
**Description:** At 11:30 p.m. in the Norweigan Sea four Russian crewman aboard the S. S. Izhevsk saw a white sphere in the dark sky as it sailed slowly south. A bright football-shaped light appeared several minutes later and rushed from west to east. It threw off sparks, increased in size, stopped, became an egg in appearance, and gave off a thick white mist that emerged as the object grew dim. The entire incident lasted for more than 25 minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Norma Short, Skylook, February 1968, p. 7; Richard F. Haines, Project Delta: A Study of Multiple UFO, p. 139; Jacques Vallee, UFO Chronicles of the Soviet Union: A Cosmic Samizdat, p. 191
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4602
### Event 29163 (218775DD)
**Date:** 8/3/1967
**Location:** BRAZIL, in the vicinity of Rio
**Description:** (Translated from French) Jonil Feydt Vieira, lawyer, and the driver of the jeep Amauri Barboso were inconvenienced by a dazzling UFO standing in front of them on the road they were following, then were pursued by this thing. They had the opportunity to see that there was a large dome, with a blue light at one end and a yellow light at the other. The object made no noise. The dome was rotating. The pursuit lasted from 8 pm to 8:40 pm. The driver experienced a great pain in his forehead between the two eyes, which lasted for 16 days after the observation and the lawyer had a yellow complexion and had a feeling of lightness. It seemed to the two witnesses that they had received some kind of mental message about the possible life on other planets.
**Reference:** Inforespace n° 47 of 1979, pp. 15-17
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2465
### Event 29164 (F01BDF69)
**Date:** 8/3/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Conrado \(Brazil\), J. Vieira, a lawyer, and his driver, at km 15 on the Miguel Peraira highway, see 2 yellowish lights, then many others, about 500 m to the left. They blink and fade. Similar lights are seen again in Conrado. When the driver flashes the car headlights, the objects seem to respond. An object that illuminates the entire area is seen resting in the woods. (20 h)
**Reference:** Lor. III 17 \< [Vallée](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/ValleeJacques.html) 1969
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2343
### Event 29165 (E5E78CA6)
**Date:** 8/3/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In Caracas \(Venezuela\), two people see a whitish luminous object 10 m in diameter, resembling two plates stuck together. The whole garden is illuminated and a rumbling sound is heard. A door opens at the base of the device, and something similar to an electric bulb lowers to the ground level. This thing also has an opening, from which a small man in luminous silver clothes, his head surrounded by vapor, emerges. He is about 5 m from the witnesses, and is observed picking up stones, examining them, looking up and seeming to communicate with the main object. He then drops the stones and enters the "bulb" which enters the device, which takes off (23:30)
**Reference:** Lor. III 44 \< [Vallée](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/ValleeJacques.html) 1969
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2344
### Event 29166 (90426798)
**Date:** 8/3/1967
**Time:** 11:40
**Location:** PERIGUEUX, FR
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Silent flat disk maneuvers in exact sharp U-shaped trajectory 5X.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PHENOMENES SPATIAUX: Group GEPA, Gen. M. Lionel Chassin Paris. Quarterly 1964?-1977. Merged into Grp. GEPAN (Index 39)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8349
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "PERIGUEUX,FR:2 OBS:SLNT FLAT DISK MNVRS in EXACT SHARP U-SHAPED TRAJ 5X:", **LatLong:** "45.183335 0.716667", **LatLongDMS:** "45:11:00 N 00:43:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.183335,0.716667)", **State/Prov:** "Dordogne", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 29167 (E4101B88)
**Date:** 8/3/1967
**Time:** 20:00
**Description:** 1+2 / jeep paced / saucer. Responds / headlights. Telepathy. / r109p16.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 813)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8350
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **TLP:** Telepathy, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "15", **Elev:** "731", **HatchDesc:** "CONRADO> Event 29168 (058EE76B)
**Date:** 8/3/1967 (approximate)
**Time:** 21:20
**Description:** 6 observer(s). Silent phony half-moon and star going east as if connected.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 966)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8351
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Russia", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "ROSTOV OBLAST,RUSS:6 OBS:SLNT PHONY HALF-MOON+STAR >E as if connected:", **LatLong:** "47.633336 39.250002", **LatLongDMS:** "47:38:00 N 39:15:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.633336,39.250002)", **State/Prov:** "RST", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29169 (3330435E)
**Date:** 8/3/1967
**Time:** 23:30
**Location:** CARACAS, VNZ
**Description:** 2 observer(s). 10M saucer lowers small humanoid (or Grey) / globe. Takes gravel. Recent quake. / r109p43.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 813)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8352
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens, **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Venezuela", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "920", **HatchDesc:** "CARACAS,VNZ:2 OBS:10M SCR LOWERS OID/GLOBE:TAKES GRAVEL:recent quake:/r109p43", **LatLong:** "10.483334 -66.916670", **LatLongDMS:** "10:29:00 N 66:55:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/10.483334,-66.916670)", **State/Prov:** "CAR", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 29170 (B934FD5C)
**Date:** 8/3/1967
**Location:** Caracus, Venezuela
**Description:** 11:30 p.m. LT. A 3-foot-tall being (humanoid) emerged from a hovering, luminous disc and took gravel samples. (APRO Bulletin, Sept.-Oct. 1967, p. 12.) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3692
### Event 29171 (CD03F343)
**Date:** 8/3/1967
**Location:** Sawyer, ND
**Description:** 11:30 p.m. CDT. Two men saw a small white glowing object like a "light bulb" that flew from west to east, disappearing behind hills. The object reappeared at about 100 feet altitude, hovered over a wheat field and , slowly landed. (North Dakota NICAP Subcommittee report, NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3693
### Event 29172 (A42C2AAD)
**Date:** 8/3/1967
**Time:** 2000
**Location:** Conrado, Brazil
**Description:** J. Vieira, a lawyer, and his driver, Amauri, at km 15 on the Miguel Peraira Highway saw two yellowish lights, then many others, about 500 m away to the left. They blinked and faded. Similar lights were seen again at Conrado. When the driver blinked the car's headlights, the objects seemed to respond. An object which illuminated the whole area was seen resting in a woods.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Lor. III 17 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_861
### Event 29173 (5202A9CE)
**Date:** 8/3/1967
**Time:** 2330
**Location:** Caracas, Venezuela
**Description:** Two persons saw a luminous, whitish object, 10 m in diameter, resembling two plates glued together. The whole yard was illuminated and a humming sound was heard. A door opened in the base of the craft, and something similar to a light bulb lowered itself to ground level. This, too, had an opening, from which stepped a small man in silvery, luminous clothes, his head surrounded with vapor. He was about 5 m away from the witnesses, and was observed to pick up stones, examine them, look up and seem to communicate with the main object. He then dropped the stones and stepped into the "bulb" that reentered the craft, which took off.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Lor. III 44 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_862
### Event 29174 (9C6DB49A)
**Date:** 8/3/1967
**Locations:** Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Japeri; Miguel Pereira; Arcádia; La Chaumiere
**Description:** 8:00 p.m. Amauri Barbosa da Silva and Jonil Faydit Vieira are driving on the road to Japeri from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, when they see several yellowish lights that eventually extinguish themselves, one at a time. Later, they see similar lights positioned directly in front of them. Da Silva blinks his headlights, and the lights respond similarly. The lights maintain their position in front of them, moving from one side of the road to the other. When they are approaching Miguel Pereira on a mud road between Arcádia and La Chaumiere, they see two bright beams of light, one yellow and one blue, about 1,000 feet away from them on the right, apparently attached to the dome of a disc. The object follows them for at least 40 minutes and is seen by Nelson Gonçalves Ferreira at their destination in Miguel Pereira.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Lorenzen, UFOs over the Americas, Signet, 1968, pp. 16–21
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4352
### Event 29175 (D368717B)
**Date:** 8/3/1967
**Location:** Caracas, Venezuela
**Description:** 11:30 p.m. A married couple and their teenage son are sleeping in their car outside their home in Caracas, Venezuela. They wake up and see a white, disc-shaped object hovering 100 feet above a nearby palm tree. Within a few minutes, an opening appears in the UFO, and a smaller lightbulb-shaped object emerges and drifts downward, stopping just inches from the ground near their front porch. A door slides open and a small, glowing figure steps out, who bends over, picks up some stones, examines them, and looks up at the larger object, apparently communicating with someone. He looks toward their car frequently. After a few minutes, the figure reenters the small object, which returns to the large disc and enters it. The disc speeds away and disappears in seconds.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Occupants Seen at Caracas,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201967%2009%2000%20-%20September-October.pdf)” APRO Bulletin, Sept./Oct. 1967, p. 12
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4353
### Event 29176 (E23CC8BB)
**Date:** 8/3/1967
**Description:** At 11:35 a.m. in the town of Perigueux, Dordogne, France a silent disc-shaped object made five falling leaf maneuvers in the sky.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** GEPA Phenomenes Spatiaux, March 1974, p. 22
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4628
### Event 29177 (4095BEBC)
**Date:** 8/3/1967
**Description:** At 8:00 p.m. J. Vieira, a lawyer, and his driver Amauri, were at kilometer 15 on the Miguel Peraira Highway when they saw two yellowish lights, then many others, about 500 meters away to the left. The lights would blink and fade. Similar lights were seen again at Conrado, Brazil. When the driver blinked the car's headlights the objects seemed to respond. A domed disc-shaped object that illuminated the whole area was next seen resting in some woods. Physiological after-effects included headaches, dizziness, and jaundiced facial skin.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Irene Granchi, APRO Bulletin, September-October 1967, p. 11; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 861
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4629
### Event 29178 (4CE9C503)
**Date:** 8/3/1967
**Description:** At 11:30 p.m. a married couple named DeSoto in Caracas, Venezuela saw a luminous, disc-shaped whitish object, 10 meters in diameter. The entire yard was illuminated and a humming sound was heard. A door opened in the base of the craft and something like a light bulb lowered itself to the ground. This, too, had an opening from which stepped a small man about three feet tall, dressed in silvery luminous clothes. His head was surrounded by vapor. He was only about five meters away from the witnesses, and they watched him pick up stones, examine them, look up, and appear to communicate with the disc-shaped craft. He then dropped the stones and stepped into the "bulb" that reentered the craft, which took off.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jim & Coral Lorenzen, UFOs Over the Americas, p. 43; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 862
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4630
### Event 29179 (0C770F11)
**Date:** 8/4/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In Recife \(Venezuela\), engineer Hugo S. Yepes is on a beach to the North of Recife when he sees a 6 m diameter disc emerge from the water. It is gray, appears to be metallic, stays stationary for a few seconds at 1 m altitude, then slowly rises to the East and disappears. (August 4th, early)
**Reference:** [NICAP](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/NICAP.html) March 68 \< [Vallée](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/ValleeJacques.html) 1969
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2345
### Event 29180 (C5BBEA19)
**Date:** 8/4/1967
**Time:** ~06:00
**Location:** NORTH / RECIFE, BRZ
**Description:** 6M saucer rises / sea. Hovers and drips. Going south slow. Triangular portholes. / r109p54+/ r41.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 53)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8353
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **SUB:** Submersible: Rises from or submerges into water, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "N/RECIFE,BRZ:6M SCR RISES/SEA:HVRS+DRIPS:>S SLOW:TRIANGLR PORTS:/r109p54+/r41", **LatLong:** "-8.000000 -34.750002", **LatLongDMS:** "08:00:00 S 34:45:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-8.000000,-34.750002)", **State/Prov:** "PNB", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 29181 (4F7C14CF)
**Date:** 8/4/1967
**Time:** 21:00?
**Location:** PORTO ALEGRE, BRZ
**Description:** Bright saucer zigzags all over sky / 30 minute(s). Many photographs and big news.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LORENZEN, Coral & Jim: UFO's OVER THE AMERICAS; Signet Books, NY 1968. 243p. (Index 67)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8354
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "12", **Duration:** "30", **Elev:** "55", **HatchDesc:** "PORTO ALEGRE,BRZ:BRITE SCR ZIGZAGS ALL OVR SKY/30min:MANY FOTOS+BIG NEWS", **LatLong:** "-30.033335 -51.216669", **LatLongDMS:** "30:02:00 S 51:13:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-30.033335,-51.216669)", **State/Prov:** "RGS", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29182 (F933B7C1)
**Date:** 8/4/1967
**Time:** 22:30
**Description:** Engineer. Meteor makes several 90° turns. Climbs! Dumbell shape.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HOBANA Ion & WEVERBERGH,Julien: UFO'S from BEHIND the IRON CURTAIN; Bantam Books,1975. 308pp. (Index 156)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8355
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Romania", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "SINGEORZ-BAI,ROMANIA:ENGINEER:METEOR MAKES SVRL 90°TURNS:CLIMBS!:DUMBELL SHAPE", **LatLong:** "47.366669 24.677779", **LatLongDMS:** "47:22:00 N 24:40:40 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.366669,24.677779)", **State/Prov:** "BST", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29183 (56BE0A92)
**Date:** 8/4/1967
**Time:** 23:50
**Location:** PHILPOT, KY
**Description:** Pop! Barrel going up / field to 30M. Tilts horizontal. Going quickly north. 10M circle / burnt soy found.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Newspaper account: PHILPOT, KY: 4-5AUG67: PHILPOT.TXT file in C:/DOWNLOADS Credit: Mike Christol & Richard Hall
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8356
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "PHILPOT,KY:POP!:BARREL ↑/FIELD to 30M:TILTS HZTL:>>N:10M CCL/BURNT SOY FOUND", **LatLong:** "37.733335 -86.983337", **LatLongDMS:** "37:44:00 N 86:59:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.733335,-86.983337)", **State/Prov:** "KNT", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 29184 (09BB96AC)
**Date:** 8/4/1967
**Location:** La Guaira, Federal District, Venezuela
**Description:** Morning. A lawyer who was fishing from a boat saw a gray-blue, double-saucer (Saturn-shaped) object with a rotating ring around the circumference and triangular windows. The ring was red and blue. (El Universal, Caracas, 8/20/67, 8/28/67 copies in NICAP files; U.F.O. Investigator, March 1968, p. 5.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3694
### Event 29185 (40F485BC)
**Date:** 8/4/1967
**Location:** Stoke-On-Trent, Kidsgrove, Staffordshire, UK
**Description:** 11:00 p.m. LT (7:00 p.m. EDT). Four witnesses saw a bright metallic-appearing disc with bright red dome moving from northeast to the south. Visible around the perimeter of the underside were 15-20 bright red rotating lights. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3695
### Event 29186 (B2AC3A3F)
**Date:** 8/4/1967
**Location:** Syracuse, NY
**Description:** 9:20 p.m. EDT. Four people saw a bell-shaped object with a horizontal row of red lights around the top, a series of white lights near the middle, and white-green light coming from the bottom (body lights). (Lorczak letter, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3696
### Event 29187 (4ECE27AC)
**Date:** 8/4/1967
**Location:** Philpot, KY
**Description:** Nr. midnight. A man saw an object the size and shape of a large can (cylinder). Following a "squealing sound" and a slight explosion, it went straight up with flame coming from the bottom (exhaust). The object leveled off about 50-100 feet off the ground and flew away to the southeast. A scorched area 20 feet in diameter was found in the bean field where the object was seen (physical traces), and a sample was sent to NICAP. Investigation found no evidence of a hoax. (Christol letter, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3697
### Event 29188 (F7491AA9)
**Date:** 8/4/1967
**Time:** early
**Location:** Recife, Venezuela
**Description:** Engineer Hugo S. Yepes was on a beach 25 km north of Recife when he saw a disk, 6 m in diameter, come out of the water. It was gray, looked metallic, hovered for a few sec at 1 m altitude, then rose slowly to the east and disappeared.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** NICAP Mar., 68 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_863
### Event 29189 (6D343C30)
**Date:** 8/4/1967
**Location:** La Guaira, Federal District, Venezuela
**Description:** Saturn-shaped object with rotating ring emerged from sea, hovered, ascended slowly, accelerated into sky and out of sight
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_137
### Event 29190 (3DD59376)
**Date:** 8/4/1967
**Location:** 37.0000 -116.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Gibson” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_505
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0000 -116.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:00 N 116:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0000,-116.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Gibson", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 29191 (2C01D98D)
**Date:** 8/4/1967
**Time:** 06:58:00.3
**Location:** 49.7603 78.0555
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed, salvo. Country: USSR Yield: .002KT YieldMax: 40KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1301
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.7603 78.0555", **LatLongDMS:** "49:45:37 N 78:03:20 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.7603,78.0555)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.30", **NukeSource:** "BOCHAROV", **NukeType:** "NUCS_SALVO", **NukeY:** ".002", **NukeYMax:** "40"
### Event 29192 (B42BB2F7)
**Date:** 8/4/1967
**Locations:** 15 miles north of Arrecife; La Guaira; Vargas, Venezuela
**Description:** Early morning. An engineer, Hugo Sierra Yepez \[or Yepes\], is fishing from his boat in the sea about 15 miles north of Arrecife \[or La Guaira\], Vargas, Venezuela, when he feels a vibration and the water begins to boil “in big bubbles, in a circle about six meters in diameter.” A gray-blue, flat globe emerges. As it hovers close to the surface, dripping water, he notices a revolving rim with triangular windows of blue and red. It ascends in a curve then shoots upward.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[The Question of Submerging UFO’s,](http://www.cufos.org/UFOI%5Fand%5FSelected%5FDocuments/UFOI/041%20MAR%201968.pdf)” UFO Investigator 4, no. 5 \(March 1968\): 5; Lorenzen, UFOs over the Americas, Signet, 1968, p. 54
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4354
### Event 29193 (F6D55EB1)
**Date:** 8/4/1967
**Locations:** Morro do Policia; Porto Alegre; Brazil
**Description:** Night. A bright object appears in the sky in the area of Morro do Policia in Porto Alegre, Brazil, for 30 minutes and is photographed by Brazilian Air Force technician Otacilio Freitas Dias. It flies in an erratic zigzag path, sometimes slowly, at other times at high speed, and sometimes hovering.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Lorenzen, UFOs over the Americas, Signet, 1968, pp. 67–68
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4355
### Event 29194 (297900E5)
**Date:** 8/4/1967
**Description:** A red domed disc-shaped object was sighted flying to the north over Kidsgrove, Stoke-on-Trent, England at 11:10 p.m. It was the size of two bungalows, and had 10 to 12 bright red lights arranged around its circumference on the lower part. It changed direction to approach the witnesses, and hovered a few seconds above the bungalows at the top of the road. The witnesses were two married couples, Mr. & Mrs. Brogan and Mr. & Mrs. Turner. The incident lasted about one minute.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Roger H. Stanway & Anthony Pace, UFOs: Unidentified, Undeniable, p. 6; UNICAT, case # 536
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4651
### Event 29195 (4A4A21E7)
**Date:** 8/4/1967
**Description:** Engineer Hugo S. Yepez was on a beach 25 km north of Arrecife in Venezuela when he saw the water violently disturbed near a fishing boat. A Saturn-shaped UFO, six meters in diameter, came out of the water. It was gray, looked metallic, and hovered for a few seconds just a meter above the surface. It then rose slowly to the east and flew away.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP UFO Investigator, March 1968, p. 5; Ivan T. Sanderson, Invisible Residents, p. 44; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case # 864, citing NICAP: Richard Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty-Year Report, pp. 11 & 200
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4652
### Event 29196 (3ACC4248)
**Date:** 8/5/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) At Sawyer \(North Dakota\), Ronald Sherven and Robert Bodine see a white, shining object on a West-East trajectory north of the town. The object is first masked by a hill but suddenly appears again above a cemetery, arrives at ground level, and quickly flies away to the North. (August 5, 11:30 PM)
**Reference:** [NICAP](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/NICAP.html) October 67 \< [Vallée](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/ValleeJacques.html) 1969
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2346
### Event 29197 (DDD730D1)
**Date:** 8/5/1967
**Location:** DUHAMEL, ALTA
**Description:** 6 separate crop-circles found. Photographs going quickly [to] Condon Comm. Hoax unlikely. / r180p51.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** STURROCK, Dr. Peter A: REPORT / SURVEY of the AMERICAN ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY of the UFO PROBLEM; Stanford, CA 1977. (Index 179)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8357
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **TRC:** Physical traces, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "0", **Elev:** "875", **HatchDesc:** "DUHAMEL,ALTA:6 SEP.CROP-CCLS FOUND:FOTOS>>CONDON COMM.:HOAX UNLIKELY:/r180p51", **LatLong:** "52.916669 -112.950005", **LatLongDMS:** "52:55:00 N 112:57:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/52.916669,-112.950005)", **State/Prov:** "Alberta", **Strangeness:** "3"
### Event 29198 (F1FA96F5)
**Date:** 8/5/1967
**Time:** 14:00
**Description:** 3 / car. Silent metallic 10' beer-keg hugs rough terrain up and down.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 281)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8358
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "nr PORTHMADOC,N.WALES:3/CAR:SLNT MTLC 10'BEER-KEG HUGS ROUGH TERRAIN UP+DOWN", **LatLong:** "52.933336 -4.150000", **LatLongDMS:** "52:56:00 N 04:09:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/52.933336,-4.150000)", **RelAlt:** "1", **State/Prov:** "WLS", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 29199 (64CD3294)
**Date:** 8/5/1967
**Time:** 20:50
**Location:** PERM, NOVOS, RUSSIA
**Description:** 3 observer(s). Odd ring-object crosses western sky. Size = airliner. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: UFO CHRONICLES of the SOVIET UNION; Ballentine Books HB 1992. 212pp. (Index 140)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8359
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Russia", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "15", **HatchDesc:** "PERM,NOVOS,RUSS:3 OBS:ODD RING-OBJ CROSSES WESTERN SKY:SIZE=AIRLINER:NFD", **LatLong:** "58.000003 56.250003", **LatLongDMS:** "58:00:00 N 56:15:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/58.000003,56.250003)", **State/Prov:** "PRM", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 29200 (59CE082F)
**Date:** 8/5/1967
**Time:** 23:30
**Location:** NORTH / SAWYER, ND
**Description:** 2' glowing-sphere/orb/globe going east. Appears over cemetery. Lands. Going quickly north. / r24v4#2+/ Lumieres dans la Nuit (monthly, Paris) #94+.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLICKENGER, Don: NORTH DAKOTA UFO files. Well Documented NICAP files for the 1960s: Xeroxed by Tom Tulien (Index 52)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8360
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **NUC:** Nuclear facility related, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "480", **HatchDesc:** "N/SAWYER,ND:2' GLO-ORB > E:APPEARS OVR CEMETERY:LANDS:>>N:/r24v4#2+/LDLN #94+", **LatLong:** "48.116669 -101.055560", **LatLongDMS:** "48:07:00 N 101:03:20 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.116669,-101.055560)", **State/Prov:** "North Dakota", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 29201 (46D8CA3C)
**Date:** 8/5/1967
**Location:** Eglin AFB, FL
**Description:** 6:40 p.m. CDT. A man saw three whitish oval objects approach Eglin at high speed in a V-formation. They stopped abruptly, hovered over the base at the radar station, then accelerated out over the Gulf of Mexico. The departure course appeared to follow the path of a radio navigation beam. (Hunkins letter, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3698
### Event 29202 (BF8DA896)
**Date:** 8/5/1967
**Location:** Perm, Russia
**Description:** 8:50 p.m.Y.G. Solovyev, his wife and his son observed a ring-shaped object flying across the sky. An airliner flying at an altitude of 1,200 feet would have fit inside this ring. It was observed for over ten minutes in the western part of the sky. (Ref. 3) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3699
### Event 29203 (A35206F2)
**Date:** 8/5/1967
**Time:** 2330
**Location:** Sawyer, North Dakota
**Description:** Ronald Sherven and Robert Bodine saw a glowing, white object on a west-east trajectory north of Sawyer. The object was hidden by a hill at first but all of a sudden it appeared again over a cemetery, came to ground level, and sped away to the north.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** NICAP Oct., 67 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_864
### Event 29204 (7FE365C7)
**Date:** 8/5/1967
**Locations:** Duhamel, Alberta; CFB Namao [now CFB Edmonton]; Defense Research Establishment Suffield [now DRDC Suffield]
**Description:** Morning. After a night of heavy rain, Edgar Schielke finds a circular mark more than 30 feet in diameter in his cow pasture near Duhamel, Alberta. A UFO group from Edmonton visits the field and finds three additional rings. An RCAF team from CFB Namao \[now CFB Edmonton\], along with [Gareth H. S. Jones](https://adsabs.harvard.edu/full/2000BAAS...32.1672A) of the Defense Research Establishment Suffield \[now DRDC Suffield\], visits the farm on August 11 after much of the evidence has been trampled. Jones finds two more rings. The marks vary from 5 to 7 inches wide and from 31 feet 9 inches to 36 feet 3 inches, and each is incomplete on its western side. He is puzzled as to what made the marks, can find no evidence of a hoax, and seriously considers whether an aerial object could have made them.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Chris Rutkowski, Canada’s UFOs: Declassified, August Night, 2022, pp. 162–165, 197–205
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4356
### Event 29205 (FD1185C1)
**Date:** 8/5/1967
**Description:** At two o'clock in the afternoon three teenagers in Porthmadog near Mount Snowdon, Wales witnessed a metallic, 10-foot long, beer keg-shaped object flying low and hugging the rough terrain in a silent flight up and down the mountains.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** FSR, February 1978, p. 30
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4678
### Event 29206 (BC8D54E3)
**Date:** 8/5/1967
**Description:** In Duhamel, Alberta, Canada four rings created by pressure from a heavy force or object were found in a pasture and were believed to have been caused by a landed UFO. The smallest measured 31.75 feet in diameter and the largest 36.25 feet.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Gene Duplantier, Saucers, Space & Science, Spring 1968, p. 5
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4679
### Event 29207 (7CB83E78)
**Date:** 8/5/1967
**Description:** At 11:30 p.m. two men, Ronald Sherven and Robert Bodine, saw a glowing, white flying object head from the west towards the east, north of Sawyer, North Dakota. The UFO was hidden from view by a hill, but suddenly appeared again over the cemetery, came down to ground level, and then sped away to the north.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP UFO Investigator, October 1967, p. 3; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 864, citing NICAP
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4680
### Event 29208 (9AAAD121)
**Date:** 8/6/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In Hidalgo \(Mexico\), Antonio Neri Perez and several other people see 3 shining red discs take off from a field near the house. (August 6)
**Reference:** Lor. III 65 \< [Vallée](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/ValleeJacques.html) 1969
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2347
### Event 29209 (7E811DD6)
**Date:** 8/6/1967
**Time:** 02:00
**Location:** CARACAS, VNZL
**Description:** Man wakened / shaking. Small small humanoid (or Grey) by bed. Flies out window! Traces / ground.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 813)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8361
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Venezuela", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "910", **HatchDesc:** "CARACAS,VNZL:MAN WAKENED/SHAKING:SML OID by BED:FLIES OUT WINDOW!:TRACES/GND", **LatLong:** "10.466667 -66.933337", **LatLongDMS:** "10:28:00 N 66:56:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/10.466667,-66.933337)", **RelAlt:** "1", **State/Prov:** "CRD", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 29210 (4EA7ACF9)
**Date:** 8/6/1967
**Time:** 19:00?
**Description:** Several observer(s). 3 red-glowing saucers take off from field. Going quickly northwest / r8#865.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LORENZEN, Coral & Jim: UFO's OVER THE AMERICAS; Signet Books, NY 1968. 243p. (Index 65)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8362
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Mexico", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "2098", **HatchDesc:** "TETEPANGO SW/TULA,MEX:SVRL OBS:3 RED-GLO SCRS TAKE OFF FROM FIELD:>>NW/r8#865", **LatLong:** "20.100001 -99.166671", **LatLongDMS:** "20:06:00 N 99:10:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/20.100001,-99.166671)", **State/Prov:** "NVL", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 29211 (2FB1CD14)
**Date:** 8/6/1967
**Time:** 19:00?
**Location:** TAMPICO, MEXICO
**Description:** Thousands / observer(s). 4-5 saucers from sea going quickly northwest going [to] Mexico going [to] Guanajuato going [to] Veracruz. / MJ#155.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LORENZEN, Coral & Jim: UFO's OVER THE AMERICAS; Signet Books, NY 1968. 243p. (Index 65)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8363
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Mexico", **Credibility:** "13", **Duration:** "70", **Elev:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "TAMPICO,MEX:1000s/OBS:4-5 SCRS fm SEA>>NW>MEXICO>GUANAJUATO>VERACRUZ:/MJ#155", **LatLong:** "22.200001 -97.883338", **LatLongDMS:** "22:12:00 N 97:53:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/22.200001,-97.883338)", **State/Prov:** "VRC", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 29212 (E05312ED)
**Date:** 8/6/1967
**Time:** 20:00
**Description:** 5 / airline crew. Globe / light all over/all about. No other planes up. / r109p22.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 813)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8364
**Attributes:** **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Peru", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "15", **Elev:** "30", **HatchDesc:** "PISCO> Event 29213 (0B919C17)
**Date:** 8/6/1967
**Time:** ~20:00
**Description:** Thousands / observer(s). Groups / saucers and night lights. 1 cuts going quickly east others continue going quickly south.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LORENZEN, Coral & Jim: UFO's OVER THE AMERICAS; Signet Books, NY 1968. 243p. (Index 66)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8365
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Mexico", **Credibility:** "13", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "50", **HatchDesc:** "POZA RICA+VERACRUZ,MEX:1000s/OBS:GROUPS/SCRS+NLTS:1 CUTS>>E OTHERS CONTINUE>>S", **LatLong:** "20.550001 -97.450005", **LatLongDMS:** "20:33:00 N 97:27:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/20.550001,-97.450005)", **State/Prov:** "VRC", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29214 (47BB975E)
**Date:** 8/6/1967
**Time:** 20:10
**Description:** Separate observer(s). 4 white silent saucers and 1 red. Turn / 30 rpm. Night lights going [to] by airline(s)/airliner.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 155)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8366
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Mexico", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "2109", **HatchDesc:** "GUANAJUATO+SALAMANCA,MX:SEP.OBS:4 WHT SLNT SCRS+1 RED:TURN/30rpm:NLTS > by AL", **LatLong:** "21.016668 -101.266671", **LatLongDMS:** "21:01:00 N 101:16:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/21.016668,-101.266671)", **State/Prov:** "GTO", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29215 (B4B60A7E)
**Date:** 8/6/1967
**Location:** San Bernadino, Venezuela
**Description:** Approx. 2:00 a.m. LT. Two sleeping witnesses were awakened by a small being with a large head (humanoid) wearing a "rubber suit." The being jumped out a window toward an object outside that had blinding, multicolored lights. Investigators found scrape marks and footprints (physical traces) at the site. (El Universal, 8/8/67, and El Mundo, 8/9/67, copies in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 06 - Trace Cases) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3700
### Event 29216 (A74108E0)
**Date:** 8/6/1967
**Location:** Wyoming Flats, PA
**Description:** 3:30 p.m. EDT. Six witnesses saw a shiny metal-like, saucer-shaped object about 3 feet in diameter descend from above high tension lines with a buzzing sound. The object gave off a red glow as it descended, landed, then shot back up and away to the east. (Unidentified clipping and Bufalino report, 8/9/67, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3702
### Event 29217 (48573526)
**Date:** 8/6/1967
**Location:** Mexico City, Mexico
**Description:** 8:17 p.m. LT. Airport control tower personnel and others saw 10 yellow-orange- red objects moving in close formation going south to north. The objects changed formation (maneuvered) as they passed over the airport. (Ramos letter, 8/8/67, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3703
### Event 29218 (AAC8C913)
**Date:** 8/6/1967
**Location:** Hidalgo, Mexico
**Description:** Antonio Neri Perez and several other people saw three glowing, red disks take off from a field near the house.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Lor. III 65 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_865
### Event 29219 (5EA2A8A9)
**Date:** 8/6/1967
**Location:** Tetepango, Hidalgo, Mexico
**Description:** Office worker Antonio Neri Perez and several others watch three glowing red discs take off in V formation from a field near their house in Tetepango, Hidalgo, Mexico.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Lorenzen, UFOs over the Americas, Signet, 1968, p. 65
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4357
### Event 29220 (440EA682)
**Date:** 8/6/1967
**Locations:** Mexico; Tamaulipas; Tlaxcala; Hidalgo; Veracruz; Lake Pátzcuaro; Michoacán; Mexico City International Airport; Salamanca, Guanajuato, Mexico; Cape Canaveral
**Description:** 7:55–8:20 p.m. Formations of lights in groups of 3–5 are seen in many states of Mexico, including Tamaulipas, Tlaxcala, Hidalgo, Veracruz, and Lake Pátzcuaro in Michoacán. Most are generally moving west to east. Many people at the Mexico City International Airport watch a group between 8:10 and 8:20 p.m. Technicians in the control tower can make out 9–10 objects through binoculars. Capt. Angel Fojo Ceballos and Capt. José Luis Espejo are flying an Aeronaves de México \[now Aeroméxico\] DC-9 at 23,000 feet over Salamanca, Guanajuato, Mexico. They see three bright points flying in formation from northwest to southeast an estimated 30–40 miles away. They cross the horizon at 55,000–60,000 feet in 40–45 seconds. One of the objects appears to break formation and approach the aircraft, showing a round shape and metallic composition, but then it veers away and out of sight. The events are thought to be the reentry of the Pioneer 7 rocket body that had launched from Cape Canaveral on August 15, 1966.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Lorenzen, UFOs over the Americas, Signet, 1968, pp. 65– 67
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4358
### Event 29221 (71DF87E9)
**Date:** 8/6/1967
**Locations:** Lima, Peru; Pisco, Peru
**Description:** 8:00 p.m. A Peruvian airliner piloted by Capt. Samuel Sanguaza, copilot César Jordan, and subofficers Oscar Guevara and Jorge Sarguaza encounters a globe of light while flying between Lima, and Pisco, Peru. The light changes color from red to orange and blue as it paces the aircraft for 15 minutes, bobbing up and down, moving closer and receding, before it zooms away as the airplane nears Pisco.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Lorenzen, UFOs over the Americas, Signet, 1968, pp. 21–22
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4359
### Event 29222 (50C8949A)
**Date:** 8/6/1967
**Description:** Again in the San Bernardino area of Caracas, Venezuela (see report above from 1965), at 2:00 a.m. Pedro Riera was awakened by someone shaking his bed. When he focused his eyes he saw in front of him a small humanoid being with a disproportionately large head, wearing a "rubber suit." He jumped out of bed and grabbed the little man, but the dwarf wriggled free and went out the second floor window. Riera looked out and saw a round, multicolored, luminous object so brilliant that he had to close his eyes. In the morning he found deposits of a rust-like substance, and small footprints in this "rust" on the pavement below his balcony. Several neighbors had also observed the UFO.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case # 1967-72, citing Jose Schael Guillermo; APRO Bulletin, September-October 1967, p. 13
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4730
### Event 29223 (84ED23ED)
**Date:** 8/6/1967
**Description:** Antonio Neri Perez and several other people in Hidalgo, Mexico saw three glowing, red discs take off from a field near his house.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jim & Coral Lorenzen, UFOs Over the Americas, p. 65; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 865
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4731
### Event 29224 (BEEBC9C0)
**Date:** 8/6/1967
**Description:** On this afternoon at 3:30 p.m. in Wyoming Flats, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania six men reporting witnessing a shiny, metallic disc only three feet in diameter. It made a buzzing sound and descended from above some power lines, and landed giving off a red glow. It shot back up into the sky after a short while, flying east. A five-foot wide circular burned area was found, but a local farmer said he had burned some brush there.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP case files, citing a newspaper clipping dated August 9, 1967
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4732
### Event 29225 (F17CA74E)
**Date:** 8/6/1967
**Description:** Again in Mexico at 8:10 p.m. control tower operators at Mexico City's international airport, and thousands of other ground witnesses, watched 10 yellow-red-orange objects change formation, then pass over the airport.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Richard H. Hall
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4733
### Event 29226 (0FCCCBED)
**Date:** 8/7/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In San Bernardino, Caracas \(Venezuela\), Pedro Riera, from Avila Ave., is woken up by the shaking of his bed and sees a creature in his room that "flies" out through the open window. Lights on the ground blind the witness when he steps out onto the balcony. Other people see a strange vehicle parked in the street. This afternoon, a strange dwarf enters the office of Dr. S. Vegas, who examines it. The being speaks perfect Spanish, has particular heart sounds, and does not understand the notion of "age". (August 7th, 2am)
**Reference:** Lor. III 74 \< [Vallée](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/ValleeJacques.html) 1969
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2348
### Event 29227 (CD282009)
**Date:** 8/7/1967
**Time:** 02:00
**Location:** CARACAS, VNZ
**Description:** Pseudo-human/entity / doctors office. "Not from earth". Warns / undersea earthquake fault. / r109p75.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 813)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8367
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **HOX:** Suspicion of hoax, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **CVS:** Conversation/communication, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Venezuela", **Credibility:** "3", **Duration:** "100", **Elev:** "910", **HatchDesc:** "CARACAS,VNZ:PSH/DOCTORS OFFICE:"not fm earth":WARNS/UNDERSEA EQ.FAULT:/r109p75", **LatLong:** "10.483334 -66.983337", **LatLongDMS:** "10:29:00 N 66:59:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/10.483334,-66.983337)", **State/Prov:** "CAR", **Strangeness:** "12"
### Event 29228 (FA847D77)
**Date:** 8/7/1967
**Time:** 20:30
**Location:** LABAROCHE, FR
**Description:** Pith-helmet saucer circles Petit-Honach Mountain several times. Fault zone.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LDLN CONTACT LECTEURS: by Series and #. May'68 -JAN'72 (Entire set of 18 issues) LDLN local chapters & individual members' UFO reports. (Index 15)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8368
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "LABAROCHE,FR:PITH-HELMET SCR CCLS PETIT-HONACH Mtn SVRL TIMES:fault zone", **LatLong:** "48.116669 7.027778", **LatLongDMS:** "48:07:00 N 07:01:40 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.116669,7.027778)", **State/Prov:** "Haut-Rhin", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29229 (5B11E47C)
**Date:** 8/7/1967
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** IGRIES, SP
**Description:** "Twice-moon-size" saucer lands. Blinks 3X. Goes. Observer(s) panics. Others see..
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BALLESTER OLMOS, Vicente-Juan: CATALOG of 200 TYPE-1 EVENTS in SPAIN & PORTUGAL; CUFOS 1976. (Index 12)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8369
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "IGRIES,SP:"TWICE-MOON-SIZE" SCR LANDS:BLINKS 3X:GOES:OBS PANICS:OTHERS SEE..", **LatLong:** "42.483335 0.383333", **LatLongDMS:** "42:29:00 N 00:23:00 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.483335,0.383333)", **State/Prov:** "HSC", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 29230 (F2A9B617)
**Date:** 8/7/1967
**Time:** 0200
**Location:** Caracas, Venezuela
**Description:** In the San Bernardino section, Pedro Riera, of Avila Ave., was awakened by the shaking of his bed and saw a creature in his room, which "flew" out through the open window. Lights on the ground blinded the witness when he rushed to the balcony. Other people had seen a strange vehicle parked in the street. That afternoon, a strange dwarf entered the office of Dr. S. Vegas, who examined him. The being spoke perfect Spanish, had peculiar heart sounds, and did not understand the notion of "age."
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Lor. III 74 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_866
### Event 29231 (77DFF4BB)
**Date:** 8/7/1967
**Description:** At 2:00 a.m. Pedro Riera of San Bernardino, Caracas, Venezuela was awakened when his bed was suddenly shaken, and he saw in front of him a small being with an unusally large head wearing a "rubber suit." Sr. Riera jumped out of bed and grabbed the little man, but he wriggled free and went out the second floor window of his bedroom. Riera looked out and saw a round, multicolored luminous object so brilliant that he had to close his eyes. In the morning he found deposits of a rust-like substance, and small footprints in this "rust" on the pavement below his balcony. Several neighbors had observed the UFO. Two teenagers and a child saw a saucer-shaped object on the ground on the same street as Riera lived.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jose Schael Guillermo, El Universal, August 8, 1967; APRO Bulletin, November-December 1973, p. 4; Jim & Coral Lorenzen, UFOs Over the Americas, pp. 74-77; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1967-72, citing Jose Schael Guillermo and APRO Bulletin
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4763
### Event 29232 (63D58231)
**Date:** 8/7/1967
**Description:** That afternoon in Caracas, Venezuela a physician, Dr. Sanchez Vegas, had a most unusual visit from a four foot tall alien in his office at the Caracas Hospital. The man wore a silver suit, spoke perfect Spanish, and moved strangely. The creature talked to the doctor and told him he wanted a physical exam. The being had no ear orifices, round shaped eyes, ten teeth, a higher than normal temperature, and a faster than normal heartbeat.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** APRO Bulletin, September-October 1967, p. 12; Coral E. Lorenzen, UFOs: The Whole Story, p. 75; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 866; newspaper clipping dated August 17, 1967
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4764
### Event 29233 (0C52A4D1)
**Date:** 8/7/1967
**Description:** That evening at 9:00 p.m. a motorcyclist named Alcazar in Igries, Huesca province, Spain saw a disc-shaped UFO object fly 150 meters above him and land. It was white in color and blinked three times as it landed. The witness panicked and fled, but others saw it.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos, Catalogue of 200 Type-I UFO Events in Spain and Portugal, case 49
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4765
### Event 29234 (994AD181)
**Date:** 8/8/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) A large UFO flies over the Institute of Astrophysics of Kislovodsk \(USSR\) in front of a dozen members of the Academy of Sciences.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2349
### Event 29235 (0C84C67D)
**Date:** 8/8/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) At Salina \(Venezuela\), Evangelic Pastor Estanislao Lugo Contreras is on the coast when he sees an object in the shape of a disk with a very bright orange glow emitting a humming sound, rising out to sea, staying for a few seconds then rising obliquely. (Evening)
**Reference:** Lor. III 55 \< [Vallée](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/ValleeJacques.html) 1969
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2350
### Event 29236 (0E50CD90)
**Date:** 8/8/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In the USSR, a communication from the Academy of Sciences indicated that the [Tunguska disaster](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/1908-06-30\_Tunguska.html) in 1908 had all the characteristics of a nuclear explosion. At the Conference of Space Civilizations, Armenian astronomer V. Ambartsymyan argues that, the existence of an extraterrestrial civilization in our galaxy being almost certain, it is time to address the scientific and technical issues that will arise from relations with these unknown worlds.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2351
### Event 29237 (8B55A31C)
**Date:** 8/8/1967
**Time:** ~20:00
**Location:** OFF SALINA COVE, VNZ
**Description:** Orange-glowing saucer rises / sea. Buzzes. Hovers. Going quickly west and up. / r8#867.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LORENZEN, Coral & Jim: UFO's OVER THE AMERICAS; Signet Books, NY 1968. 243p. (Index 54)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8370
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **SUB:** Submersible: Rises from or submerges into water, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Venezuela", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "off SALINA COVE,VNZ:ORG-GLO SCR RISES/SEA:BUZZES:HVRS:>>W+UP:/r8#867", **LatLong:** "10.633334 -67.150003", **LatLongDMS:** "10:38:00 N 67:09:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/10.633334,-67.150003)", **State/Prov:** "DF", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 29238 (CC2719A0)
**Date:** 8/8/1967
**Time:** 21:50
**Description:** Huge crescent going [to] over astronomic station/depot/facility / 11Kmph. / r11p267+/ r47p154+/ r9.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 966)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8371
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **GSA:** Covert Security Agency, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Russia", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "KISLOVODSK,RUS:HUGE CRESCENT > OVR ASTRONOMIC STN/11Kmph:/r11p267+/r47p154+/r9", **LatLong:** "43.916669 42.733335", **LatLongDMS:** "43:55:00 N 42:44:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.916669,42.733335)", **State/Prov:** "KRC", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29239 (060D2EA8)
**Date:** 8/8/1967
**Location:** Kislovodsk, Russia
**Description:** 8:40 p.m. An object shaped like a sharply outlined asymmetrical crescent flew over the mountain astronomical station of the Academy of Sciences. The object was slightly smaller than the moon, about twenty minutes of arc, with a color described as reddish by some observers, yellow for others. (Ref.3) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3704
### Event 29240 (FAD794DA)
**Date:** 8/8/1967
**Time:** evening
**Location:** Salina, Venezuela
**Description:** Evangelic Pastor Estanislao Lugo Contreras was at the shore when he saw a diskshaped object with a very bright orange glow emitting a buzzing sound, rise out of the sea, hover a few seconds then rise obliquely.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Lor. III 55 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_867
### Event 29241 (9B0B8F7A)
**Date:** 8/8/1967
**Location:** Catia La Mar, Vargas, Venezuela
**Description:** Evangelical pastor Estanislao Lugo Contreras is on the shore at Catia La Mar, Vargas, Venezuela, when he sees the water stirring up in a vast round area. The water begins to turn light blue, then whitish, yellowish, then brilliant orange. An orange disc rises out of the sea about 1,650 feet from shore, hovers, then rises obliquely and disappears. It makes an intense buzzing sound.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Lorenzen, UFOs over the Americas, Signet, 1968, pp. 54–55
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4360
### Event 29242 (4C6593EE)
**Date:** 8/8/1967
**Locations:** Kislovodsk Mountain Astronomical Station; Kislovodsk, North Caucasus, Russia
**Description:** 8:40 p.m. An object shaped like a sharply outlined asymmetrical crescent flies over the Kislovodsk Mountain Astronomical Station near Kislovodsk, North Caucasus, Russia. The object is slightly smaller than the moon with a color described as reddish by some observers, yellow by others. It flies from west to east about 20° above the horizon, moving from the Big Dipper to Cassiopeia in about 30 seconds at a uniform speed. The witnesses are Anatoli Sazanov, a specialist in the ionosphere; V. A. Tsion of the Leningrad Polytechnical Institute; and seven members of a biological expedition.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Felix Ziegel, “[Unidentified Flying Objects,](https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=uc1.31210023618901&view=1up&seq=103&skin=2021)” Soviet Life, no. 137 \(February 1968\): 28; James E. McDonald, “[Statement on Unidentified Flying Objects,](https://www.project1947.com/shg/symposium/mcdonald.html\#astronomers)” in Symposium on Unidentified Flying Objects, Hearings, US House Committee on Science and Astronautics, 90th Cong., 2nd Sess., July 29, 1968, p. 61; Hobana and Weverbergh 288–289; Jacques Vallée, UFO Chronicles of the Soviet Union: A Cosmic Samizdat, Ballantine, 1992, [p. 192](https://archive.org/details/ufochroniclesofs00vall/page/192/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4361
### Event 29243 (9BBD6FFE)
**Date:** 8/8/1967
**Description:** Evangelical Pastor Estanislao Lugo Contreras was at the shore in Salina, Venezuela on this evening when he saw a disc-shaped object with a very bright orange glow and emitting a buzzing sound, rise out of the sea. It hovered a few seconds and then rose obliquely into the sky.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jim & Coral Lorenzen, UFOs over the Americas, pp. 54-55; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 867
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4773
### Event 29244 (A187BBD0)
**Date:** 8/9/1967
**Time:** 15:00
**Description:** White ovoid / black rods zips over Lakeshore. Comes back.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: UFO CHRONICLES of the SOVIET UNION; Ballentine Books HB 1992. 212pp. (Index 192)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8372
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Ukraine", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "8", **HatchDesc:** "CARPATHIAN Mtns,SW UKRAINE:WHT OVOID/BLACK RODS ZIPS OVR LAKESHORE:COMES BACK", **LatLong:** "48.000002 25.000001", **LatLongDMS:** "48:00:00 N 25:00:00 E", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.000002,25.000001)", **State/Prov:** "Unknown", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29245 (509BCC9E)
**Date:** 8/9/1967
**Location:** Belye Krinitsy, Russia
**Description:** 3:00 p.m.Mr. Lytkiny and his wife were on vacation resting by the shore of a lake, when they saw a fast-moving oval object. It was milky white, with some small black rods arranged randomly on its surface. (Ref. 3) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3705
### Event 29246 (4674A965)
**Date:** 8/9/1967
**Location:** Grey Friars, Stattordshire, UK
**Description:** 2:30 AM. A disc-shaped object about the size of a rugby ball was sighted by a married couple in Grey Friars. It flashed blue lights all around its rim, and seemed to be spinning in time with sound coming from it. It caused their dog to begin barking. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3706
### Event 29247 (4AA7F5F6)
**Date:** 8/9/1967
**Description:** A disc-shaped object about the size of a rugby ball was sighted by a married couple in Grey Friars, Stattordshire, England at 2:30 a.m. It flashed blue lights all around its rim, and seemed to be spinning in time with sound coming from it. It caused their dog to begin barking. The witnesses reported that they were too frightened to sleep after their encounter. Later that evening another close encounter occurred in Weston-on-Trent, England. The witness reported a "dull penetrating sound," then sighting a red light that moved up, down, and "all over the place." This witness's dog also whimpered, barked, and scratched at the door in response to the UFO. The noise persisted throughout the night, even after the UFO had gone.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Roger H. Stanway & Anthony Pace, UFOs Unidentified Undeniable, p. 6
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4796
### Event 29248 (40272CE5)
**Date:** 8/9/1967
**Description:** At 11:30 p.m. a bright, cage-like UFO shaped like an inverted bowl, with a row of yellow lights on its surface, flew over Grand Rapids, Michigan very fast at an estimated altitude of 5,000 feet.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Grand Rapids Press, August 11, 1967
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4797
### Event 29249 (EFF90985)
**Date:** 8/10/1967
**Time:** 21:40
**Description:** 22M object / type unknown hovers / field / 37M altitude. Paces 2 / car both sides / road.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 51)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8373
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "97", **HatchDesc:** "nr HARRISBURG,PA:22M OBJ/type unk HVRS/FLD/37M alt:PACES 2/CAR both sides/road", **LatLong:** "40.283335 -76.900004", **LatLongDMS:** "40:17:00 N 76:54:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.283335,-76.900004)", **RelAlt:** "37", **State/Prov:** "Minnesota", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 29250 (5D143669)
**Date:** 8/10/1967
**Time:** 23:50
**Location:** NORTH / VELVA, ND
**Description:** Several / (seen thru) binoculars. Domed saucer hovers. Going up and down / place. Tilts. Back / 11 August. Red and green lights.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLICKENGER, Don: NORTH DAKOTA UFO files. Well Documented NICAP files for the 1960s: Xeroxed by Tom Tulien (Index 53)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8374
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **NUC:** Nuclear facility related
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "60", **Elev:** "465", **HatchDesc:** "N/VELVA,ND:SVRL/BINOCS:DOMED SCR HVRS:↑+↓/PLACE:TILTS:BACK/11AUG:RED+GRN LITES", **LatLong:** "48.083336 -100.933338", **LatLongDMS:** "48:05:00 N 100:56:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.083336,-100.933338)", **State/Prov:** "North Dakota", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29251 (7FDCEB79)
**Date:** 8/10/1967
**Location:** Harrisburg, PA
**Description:** 9:40 p.m. EDT. A top official with a telephone company saw a huge object, estimated 75 feet long, that was hovering about 125 feet over a field. It was an elongated, diamond-shaped object with white lights at each end, a red light on one side, a blue-green light on the other side (body lights), and a girder-type structure in the middle. (Pennsylvania NICAP Subcommittee report, NICAP files; U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. IV, No. 3, Nov.-Dec. 1967, p. 3.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3708
### Event 29252 (600C0D6A)
**Date:** 8/10/1967
**Time:** 14:10:00.0
**Location:** 37.1567 -116.0473
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Washer” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_506
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1567 -116.0473", **LatLongDMS:** "37:09:24 N 116:02:50 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1567,-116.0473)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.47", **NukeName:** "Washer", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 29253 (6A554A0A)
**Date:** 8/10/1967
**Location:** Winter Haven, Florida
**Description:** 9:30 p.m. Harry E. King and Michael Swartz see a bright round ball, about 50–60 feet in diameter, in the air about 1,300 feet away near Winter Haven, Florida. It hovers for 3–4 minutes, then moves slowly for a quarter mile, rises, shoots away, and disappears in one second. At 10:00 p.m., they watch a bright light descend for 5 minutes, move back and forth for one minute, then suddenly disappear.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** NICAP case file
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4362
### Event 29254 (E1B281A3)
**Date:** 8/11/1967
**Location:** Little Rock, AS
**Description:** Orange hovering object chased by Air Force jets. (NUFORC) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** NICAP: [670811](http://www.nicap.org/littlerock670811dir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3709
### Event 29255 (0499680A)
**Date:** 8/11/1967
**Location:** Churchtown, PA
**Description:** 11:00 p.m. EDT. Two people saw a cigar-shaped object with a row of lights along its length that flashed in sequence (body lights). The object seemed to be as big as an aircraft and maneuvered erratically. (Pennsylvania NICAP Subcommittee report, 9/7/67, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3710
### Event 29256 (0A992AD8)
**Date:** 8/11/1967
**Location:** Enola, PA
**Description:** Time not reported. Two men saw a glowing object, with a light beam, that moved slowly in a rectangular pattern at low altitude, then accelerated upward and out of sight. At one point the witnesses drove to within one-half block of the object. (Pennsylvania NICAP Subcommittee report, 9/7/67, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3711
### Event 29257 (C43DB840)
**Date:** 8/11/1967
**Description:** Perseid meteor shower (mean date).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_138
### Event 29258 (534E6EC7)
**Date:** 8/12/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In Ogema \(Wisconsin\), Mr. and Mrs. Miedtke, awakened by their dog's barking, see a large hemispherical object with a fluorescent glow and a short flash of light. Too terrified to go outside, they hear heavy footsteps around their trailer. At dawn there is a sound like that of a generator, and seconds later the object is gone. (August 12, 2:30 AM)
**Reference:** Lor. III 27 \< [Vallée](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/ValleeJacques.html) 1969
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2352
### Event 29259 (EF1C3D74)
**Date:** 8/12/1967
**Time:** 02:30
**Location:** OGEMA, WI
**Description:** Dog barks. Saucer flashes near trailer / hours. Footsteps. / r8+/ LDLN#144+/ r109p27.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 813)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8375
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "240", **Elev:** "482", **HatchDesc:** "OGEMA,WI:DOG BARKS:SCR FLASHES nr TRAILER/hrs:footsteps:/r8+/LDLN#144+/r109p27", **LatLong:** "45.444447 -90.300004", **LatLongDMS:** "45:26:40 N 90:18:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.444447,-90.300004)", **State/Prov:** "Wisconsin", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 29260 (82554F17)
**Date:** 8/12/1967
**Location:** Omega, WI
**Description:** 2:30 a.m. CDT. A couple saw a glowing object with a light beam for 2-1/2 hours. Barking dogs (animal reaction) alerted the witnesses. The object was hovering and the beam of light was directed toward a farm building near the witnesses. (Unidentified newspaper clipping, 10/27/67, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3712
### Event 29261 (E2B1208C)
**Date:** 8/12/1967
**Location:** Barrie, Ontario, CAN
**Description:** 9:15 a.m. EDT. A man saw two dark-colored, elongated objects that hovered, started moving, banked, and accelerated, out of sight leaving a red trail. An aircraft passed beneath the objects during the sighting. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3713
### Event 29262 (935B8904)
**Date:** 8/12/1967
**Time:** 0230
**Location:** Ogema, Wisconsin
**Description:** Mr. and Mrs. Miedtke, awakened by the barking of their dog, saw a large hemispherical object with a fluorescent glow and a short flash of light. Too terrified to go outside, they heard heavy footsteps around their trailer. At dawn there was a sound like that of a generator, and seconds later the object was gone.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Lor. III 27 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_868
### Event 29263 (C3162888)
**Date:** 8/12/1967
**Locations:** County Highway I; Ogema, Wisconsin
**Description:** 2:30 a.m. [Robert P. Miedtke](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/225108697/robert-p-miedtke) and his wife are sleeping in a camper on property belonging to some relatives on County Highway I some 11 miles west of Ogema, Wisconsin. They are awakened by their dog barking outside. They look out the window and see a large, fluorescent, half-moon-shaped object in a neighboring pasture about 450 feet away. It is shining a beam of light at a milk house only 25 feet from their camper. The dog has stopped barking and they can hear none of the usual night sounds. After about one hour, they hear the sound of someone walking in the gravel and sand outside. Three times the footsteps are heard going from north to south. The Miedtkes remain in bed, hoping no one would know they are in the camper. After another hour, just before dawn, they hear the dog whimpering and barking, followed by the muffled noise like a huge generator that fades away after 6–8 seconds.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Possible Landing in Wisconsin,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201967%2009%2000%20-%20September-October.pdf)” APRO Bulletin, Sept./Oct. 1967, p. 11
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4363
### Event 29264 (A8F93B18)
**Date:** 8/12/1967
**Description:** In Ogema, Wisconsin Mr. And Mrs. Miedtke, awakened by the barking of their dog at 2:30 a.m., soon observed a large hemispherical object with a fluorescent glow and a short flash of light. Too terrified to go outside, they heard heavy footsteps around their trailer for the next two and a half hours. At dawn there was a sound like that of a generator, and seconds later the object was gone.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Allen Utke, case investigation files; Jim & Coral Lorenzen, UFOs Over the Americas, p. 27; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 868
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4941
### Event 29265 (30546B88)
**Date:** 8/12/1967
**Description:** On this night in St Louis de Kent, New Brunswick, Canada a dozen teenagers reported that they saw a "huge, black monster" that descended from a lighted craft in a wooded area. They were returning home from a dance when they caught sight of the figure dressed in black, with a black face or face mask and goggles. They didn't approach "the monster," who quickly disappeared.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1967-74, citing Moncton (NB) Times, August 17, 1967
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4942
### Event 29266 (19C735B1)
**Date:** 8/13/1967
**Location:** BRAZIL, Santa Maria
**Description:** (Translated from French) Ignaço da Souza, an agricultural worker, fired at the normal-sized humanoids with his Winchester 44. He was instantly paralyzed by a green beam coming from the UFO that had landed nearby, fell to the ground, became ill and died some time later from leukemia. (Henry DURRANT: "First Investigations on ET Humanoids" - Laffont 1977 - p. 66,67) Returning home around 4:00 PM, Ignaço and Maria da Souza noticed a strange object shaped like a bowl with its opening facing downwards, on the landing strip of the property. This device had a diameter of 35 m. Between it and the house were three unknowns, of human appearance, except that they were bald. They were playing and frolicking like children, but in silence. When they saw Ignaço they pointed at him and started running towards him. He made his wife go back into the house, and she ran there. As he had his rifle with him, he shot at the closest one, at which point a green light came out of the device and hit him in the chest and he fell to the ground. His wife ran up, but by then the men had already gone back into their craft which rose vertically at great speed, making a sound like that of bees. (...) Ignaço da Souza fell ill, his condition only worsened, his whole body was covered in yellow-white spots, he suffered horrible pains, and died on October 11, 1967.
**Reference:** "UFO Files", ed. Marshall Cavendish, Paris 1998, Special Issue, p. 32, which places all this exactly one year later
**Reference:** Inforespace n° 12, p. 38 to 40
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2466
### Event 29267 (34711ED4)
**Date:** 8/13/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Meeting with [Inacio De Souza](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/DeSouzaInacio.html) near Brasilia. (August 13th, 4 PM (8 PM?))
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2353
### Event 29268 (C125EE65)
**Date:** 8/13/1967
**Time:** 16:00
**Location:** PILAR DE GOIAS, BRZ
**Description:** Man shoots going [to] 3 small humanoids (or Greys) / saucer. Zapped / beam. Dies / leukemia. / FSRv15#2.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PHENOMENES SPATIAUX: Group GEPA, Gen. M. Lionel Chassin Paris. Quarterly 1964?-1977. Merged into Grp. GEPAN (Index 19)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8376
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "817", **HatchDesc:** "PILAR de GOIAS,BRZ:MAN SHOOTS>3 OIDS/SCR:ZAPPED/BEAM:DIES/LEUKEMIA:/FSRv15#2", **LatLong:** "-14.683334 -49.450002", **LatLongDMS:** "14:41:00 S 49:27:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-14.683334,-49.450002)", **State/Prov:** "GOI", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 29269 (114CD36E)
**Date:** 8/13/1967
**Time:** 23:00
**Location:** YALYA, UKRAINE
**Description:** Pilot. Very large ovoid seen. No further details [in] at all. / r120.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** WEINSTEIN, Dominique; UAP: 80 Years of Pilot Sightings Privately published. 7 avenue Bartholome. 75015 Paris, FRANCE. (Index 49)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8377
**Attributes:** **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Ukraine", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "YALYA,UKRAINE:PILOT:VERY LARGE OVOID SEEN:NFD at all:/r120", **LatLong:** "44.483335 34.200002", **LatLongDMS:** "44:29:00 N 34:12:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.483335,34.200002)", **State/Prov:** "CRM", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29270 (DCA1C5A2)
**Date:** 8/13/1967
**Locations:** Pilar de Goiás; Crixás, Goiás, Brazil; Estancia de Santa Maria; Goiânia
**Description:** 8:00 p.m. Between Pilar de Goiás and Crixás, Goiás, Brazil, a plantation worker at the Estancia de Santa Maria, Ignácio da Souza, is returning home from work when he and his wife see an object in the form of an upside-down basin 115 feet in diameter sitting on the landing strip of the ranch. They initially think it is some flying machine tested by the ranch owner, Ibiracy de Moraes, a wealthy man and former president of the Bank of Brazil. Between the object and the couple, there are three humanoid, child-size beings that they initially think are naked children before realizing that they are hairless creatures wearing a tight suit of yellow. The beings seem to be playing around silently, but then move quickly towards them. Da Souza tells his wife to lock herself up in their house. He is armed with a rifle and frightened, so da Souza shoots the closest of the beings. At the same time, the UFO emits a ray of green light that hits him, throwing him to the ground unconscious. Seeing her husband fall from the kitchen window, his wife runs onto the scene shouting, interposes herself between the beings and the body of her husband, and picks up his rifle. But during this time the beings have retrieved the one that had fallen to ground and quickly flee to enter the craft. After a short time, it slowly rises vertically while emitting a buzz similar to that of a swarm of bees. Taken to the hospital of Goiânia, the state capital, de Souza suffers from nausea and a general numbness. Burns are noted, initially attributed to a toxic plant, but when de Souza and de Moraes hear the erroneous diagnosis and are told what had happened, doctors perform a blood analysis that returns with a diagnosis of advanced leukemia with life expectancy of two months. Da Souza quickly deteriorates, suffers, develops yellowish spots, and dies on October 11. In accordance with his instructions, his wife burns the bed, the mattress, and the clothing that he has used.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clark III 353–354; Brazil 85–88; Patrick Gross, [URECAT](https://ufologie.patrickgross.org/ce3/1967-13-08-brazil-crixas.htm)[,](https://ufologie.patrickgross.org/ce3/1967-13-08-brazil-crixas.htm) August 15, 2006
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4364
### Event 29271 (E42B7606)
**Date:** 8/13/1967
**Description:** At about four o'clock in the afternoon Inacio De Souza, age 41, and his wife Maria were approaching their home at Santa Maria, Brazil near the town of Crixas Pilar de Goias, when they saw three figures "playing about" on the landing strip of the owner of the Fazenda. The beings were as tall as young children, had no hair and were wearing skin-tight clothing of a pale yellow color. At the end of the landing strip was a landed UFO having the shape of an inverted washbasin. De Souza, carrying a .44 caliber carbine, fired a shot at the nearest being. Just then a beam of green light came from the UFO and struck De Souza on the head and shoulders, knocking him unconscious. The three entities entered the object, which then took off vertically at a high speed with a sound like buzzing bees. De Souza incurred a circular burned patch six inches in diameter, and he was also diagnosed with leukemia by a physician, from which he died less than two months later.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** APRO Bulletin, March-April 1969, p. 1; Coral E. Lorenzen, Encounters with UFO Occupants, p. 169; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1967-75, citing Dr. Olavo T. Fontes, Jader Pereira & F. Carrion; Richard F. Haines, CE-5: Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind, p. 223
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4973
### Event 29272 (7D762EF1)
**Date:** 8/14/1967
**Location:** Walnut Creek, CA
**Description:** 10:30 p.m. PDT. Four people saw a boomerang-shaped object with a white light on the front and a green light on the rear (body lights). The object was dull gray and apparently solid. It glided slowly along a low-altitude, horizontal path. (NICAP report forms.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3714
### Event 29273 (AD053046)
**Date:** 8/14/1967
**Description:** Two days after the St. Louis de Kent humanoid encounter in New Brunswick, Canada an unidentified woman from St. Charles, New Brunswick reported sighting a similar figure in the woods near the same road. The Richibucto RCMP searched the area. Although they located a man dressed in black, he had was no apparent connection with the encounters.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1967-76, citing Royal Canadian Mounted Police
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5007
### Event 29274 (9CCFD788)
**Date:** 8/15/1967
**Location:** HUEY, IL
**Description:** Red night light pulses / 45 minute(s). 3m circle / dried soybeans found. Not burnt.. dried!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PHILLIPS, Ted: Study of PHYSICAL TRACES ASSOCIATED with UFO SIGHTINGS; CUFOS 1975. (Index 51)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8379
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "45", **Elev:** "138", **HatchDesc:** "HUEY,IL:RED NLT PULSES/45min:3m CCL/DRIED SOYBEANS FOUND:not burnt..dried!", **LatLong:** "38.600002 -89.283338", **LatLongDMS:** "38:36:00 N 89:17:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.600002,-89.283338)", **State/Prov:** "Illinois", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 29275 (F334CB01)
**Date:** 8/15/1967
**Time:** 01:00
**Location:** NEAR HANNA, UT
**Description:** Orange night light sails up canyon of N. fork / Duchesne River going northwest. "Vanishes".
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SALISBURY, Frank: The UTAH UFO DISPLAY -- a Biologist Reports; 1974 Devin Adair, New Greenwich,CT. HB 286pp. ISBN 0-815-97000-5 (Index 249)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8380
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "6", **Elev:** "2088", **HatchDesc:** "nr HANNA,ut:ORG NLT SAILS UP CANYON of N.FORK/DUCHESNE RIVER >NW:"VANISHES"", **LatLong:** "40.455557 -110.838894", **LatLongDMS:** "40:27:20 N 110:50:20 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.455557,-110.838894)", **State/Prov:** "Utah", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 29276 (98A208C1)
**Date:** 8/15/1967 (approximate)
**Time:** 13:00?
**Location:** CALEDONIA, NS
**Description:** 2 / power station/depot/facility. 2 brilliant silver disks to and fro over faulty transformer. Join cylinder/cigar-shape.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LEDGER, Don: MARITIME UFO FILES: 1998 Nimbus Publ. Ltd. Halifax, NS. ISBN 1-55109-269-7 162pp. trade paper. (Index 50)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8381
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "117", **HatchDesc:** "CALEDONIA,NS:2/POWER Stn:2 BRILL.SLVR DISKS TO+FRO ovr FAULTY XFORMER:JOIN CGR", **LatLong:** "44.366669 -65.033336", **LatLongDMS:** "44:22:00 N 65:02:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.366669,-65.033336)", **RelAlt:** "20", **State/Prov:** "Nova Scotia", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29277 (24DBC929)
**Date:** 8/15/1967
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** CHIARAVALLE, ITL
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Domed ovoid hovers / 10M altitude by bonfire. Zigzag maneuvers. Going quickly northwest.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** ITACAT, Catalogo Italiano degli Incontri Ravvicinati. Maurizio Verga, 1989 CISU/Torino, Italy. (Index 61)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8382
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Italy", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "CHIARAVALLE,ITL:2 OBS:DOMED OVOID HVRS/10M alt by BONFIRE:ZIGZAG MNVRS:>>NW", **LatLong:** "43.600002 13.316667", **LatLongDMS:** "43:36:00 N 13:19:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.600002,13.316667)", **State/Prov:** "Ancona", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 29278 (7DC68C2E)
**Date:** 8/15/1967?
**Time:** 22:00
**Location:** MCLEESE LAKE, BC
**Description:** Several observer(s). 1' red sphere/orb/globe south going quickly north over new yet-unused high-tension lines.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MAGOR, John: OUR UFO VISITORS. Hancock House, Canada & Seattle, WA. 1977. (Index 59)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8383
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "565", **HatchDesc:** "McLEESE LAKE,BC:SVRL OBS:1'RED ORB S>>N OVR NEW YET-UNUSED HI-TENSION LINES", **LatLong:** "52.594447 -122.261117", **LatLongDMS:** "52:35:40 N 122:15:40 W", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/52.594447,-122.261117)", **State/Prov:** "British Columbia", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29279 (AA29F787)
**Date:** Mid 8/1967
**Location:** Nova Scotia Light and Power substation in Caledonia, Nova Scotia
**Description:** About 12:00 noon. Electrical engineer Albert Fulton and superintendent Sherman Anderson are making rounds at the Nova Scotia Light and Power substation in Caledonia, Nova Scotia. They notice steam rising from one of three large transformers, then Fulton spots two silvery disc-shaped objects maneuvering around the sky some distance away. The pair watches them a they zip back and forth in different directions from horizon to horizon in 3–4 seconds. Each time they leave a silvery line about 10 times their length behind them, which disappears when the objects stop. They watch this spectacle for about one minute, then both discs come to a common point in front of a suddenly visible gray, cigar-shaped object. After stopping briefly the two smaller objects merge into the cigar, taking 12–15 seconds. The large object disappears.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Herbert S. Taylor, “Satellite Objects: A Further Look,” IUR 29, no. 2 \(Summer 2004\): 4–5
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4365
### Event 29280 (D7354AC9)
**Date:** 8/15/1967
**Description:** A young boy on a farm near Port Perry, Durham county, Ontario, Canada heard a loud oscillating noise at 7:30 a.m., and went over a hill in the direction of the sound to investigate. On the other side he saw what appeared to be a landed disc-shaped craft with four metallic legs, but instead of resting on the landing gear it was actually hovering just above the ground. On a platform around its perimeter were seated eight to ten little men about three feet tall, who wore tight fitting brown uniforms. A circular depression 12 feet in diameter was later found on the ground at the site.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case # A1562, citing John Brent Musgrave, UFO Occupants and Critters
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5039
### Event 29281 (D96488E1)
**Date:** 8/16/1967
**Location:** El Dorado Hills, CA
**Description:** 9:30 p.m. PDT. Two witnesses saw two saucer-shaped objects with flashing red and white body lights. The objects hovered in separate parts of the sky, suddenly accelerated out of sight leaving a "trail of light" on departure. (Sacramento Bee, Calif., 8/18/67, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3715
### Event 29282 (97973C3C)
**Date:** 8/16/1967
**Description:** Pedro Jose Ramirez in Caracas, Venezuela reported seeing a four-foot-tall being with an oversized head and large eyes, abnormal teeth and mouth, and five fingers on his hands. The being was agile, lightweight, hoarse-voiced, and wore a shiny suit. He spoke Spanish. The entity told Ramirez that the Earth "was cracking and they wished to save it."
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case # 1967-77 (A0851), citing Scheffer Vladimir Scheffer, letter to NICAP dated August 22, 1967
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5079
### Event 29283 (06A3E039)
**Date:** 8/16/1967
**Description:** On the same day, in Antimano, Federal District, Venezuela 10-year-old Jose Gregorio Bouaci was in his bedroom in the early afternoon when he encountered a "little man" who tried to talk to him. The being was short, white skinned, and had an over-sized head, with no arms. The boy left his room screaming, saying that he had seen a Martian. He was so frightened he threw up.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case # 1967-78 (A0852), citing Richard Heiden
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5080
### Event 29284 (A3D0DC3F)
**Date:** 8/18/1967
**Location:** Mechanicsburg, PA
**Description:** 10:20 p.m. EDT. A woman saw a horizontal row of blinking red and white lights. They appeared to hover, and then moved off and disappeared behind a mountain. A high-pitched hum was heard that diminished as the object moved away. (Pennsylvania NICAP Subcommittee report, 9/7/67, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3716
### Event 29285 (D8BE4076)
**Date:** 8/18/1967
**Time:** 20:12:30.0
**Location:** 37.0122 -116.0365
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Bordeaux” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_507
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0122 -116.0365", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:44 N 116:02:11 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0122,-116.0365)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.33", **NukeMb:** "4.60", **NukeName:** "Bordeaux", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 29286 (DCF18600)
**Date:** 8/18/1967
**Description:** A CIA report summarizes interviews with unnamed Russian astronomers that may possibly have been conducted by members of the Condon commission.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Central Intelligence Agency, “[Report on Conversations with](https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/DOC%5F0005515701.pdf) [Soviet Scientists on Subject of Unidentified Flying Objects in the USSR,](https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/DOC%5F0005515701.pdf)” August 18, 1967; Good Above, [pp.](https://archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/230/mode/2up) [230–231](https://archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/230/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4366
### Event 29287 (DEAABD0E)
**Date:** 8/19/1967
**Location:** Greensboro, NC
**Description:** 5:30 a.m. EDT. A man saw a sphere with triangular fin-like projections . The object moved erratically and appeared to "bounce," approaching the witness. At one point it made a U-turn in the space of its own diameter, before eventually moving off. (Witness letter, 8/23/67, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3717
### Event 29288 (A3B3A784)
**Date:** 8/19/1967
**Location:** Chambersburg, PA
**Description:** 9:45 pm.m EDT. Two men saw a white light hovering over a field and maneuvered their car to illuminate the area. In their headlights they saw a small creature (humanoid) with unusual hands and dressed in shiny clothing. (Pennsylvania NICAP Subcommittee report, 10/4/67, NICAP files) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3718
### Event 29289 (CB60C6D9)
**Date:** 8/22/1967
**End date:** 8/31/1967
**Locations:** Prague, Czechoslovakia; London, England; Loch Ness, Scotland
**Description:** [Low](http://ufohistoryfiles.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/CO%2067%20NEWS.pdf)[,](http://ufohistoryfiles.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/CO%2067%20NEWS.pdf) [Roach](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Franklin%5FE.%5FRoach)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Franklin%5FE.%5FRoach) and [Hynek](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J.%5FAllen%5FHynek) attend the XIIIth General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union in Prague, Czechoslovakia \[now Czech Republic\]. Low wastes an opportunity to meet with [Charles Bowen](http://www.isaackoi.com/ufo-personalities/bowen-charles.html) in London, England, and instead goes to Loch Ness, Scotland, “because neither the Loch Ness monster nor UFOs exist.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Michael D. Swords, “[The USAF-Sponsored Colorado Project for the Scientific Study of UFOs,](http://www.project1947.com/shg/articles/swordscc.html)” 1995 MUFON Symposium Proceedings, MUFON, 1995; Swords 321; Good Above, [p. 230](https://archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/230/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4367
### Event 29290 (6153F3CE)
**Date:** 8/23/1967
**Time:** 20:00
**Location:** ABY, SWD
**Description:** 2 kids. Red glow quickly going down / woods. 1.3M jerky small humanoid (or Grey). Footprints. / APRO 9'67+/ r8+/ r180.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** AFU NEWSLETTER (English). Anders Liljegren (ed). Archives for UFO Research; PO Box 11027; S-600 11 Norrkoping, SWEDEN (Index 25)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8384
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Scandanavian and Finland", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "20", **HatchDesc:** "ABY,SWD:2 KIDS:RED GLOW↓↓/WOODS:1.3M JERKY OID:FPRINTS:/APRO 9'67+/r8+/r180", **LatLong:** "58.666669 16.155556", **LatLongDMS:** "58:40:00 N 16:09:20 E", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/58.666669,16.155556)", **State/Prov:** "Sweden", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 29291 (FBF2C707)
**Date:** 8/23/1967
**Time:** 21:50
**Description:** Airliner. White night lights. Ground RADAR confirm. 2 day wave. / LDLN#93+/ r28p439.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 50)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8385
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RDR:** Radar traces/blips
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "84", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "SW/HALIFAX,NS:AIRLINER:WHT NLTS:GND RDR CONFIRM:2 DAY WAVE:/LDLN#93+/r28p439", **LatLong:** "44.216669 -64.166670", **LatLongDMS:** "44:13:00 N 64:10:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.216669,-64.166670)", **State/Prov:** "Nova Scotia", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29292 (A247C5A2)
**Date:** 8/23/1967
**Time:** 22:00?
**Location:** JOYCEVILLE, ON
**Description:** 30' saucer / ground. 2 small humanoids (or Greys) / helmets. Dirt and plant samples? / MJ#232+/ r109p172.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 813)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8386
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK, **COV:** Indication of coverup
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "91", **HatchDesc:** "JOYCEVILLE,ON:30'SCR/GND:2 OIDS/HELMETS:DIRT+PLANT SAMPLES?:/MJ#232+/r109p172", **LatLong:** "44.411113 -76.250004", **LatLongDMS:** "44:24:40 N 76:15:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.411113,-76.250004)", **State/Prov:** "Ontario", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 29293 (1475BDB5)
**Date:** 8/23/1967
**Location:** Joyceville, Ontario, CAN
**Description:** 4:00 a.m. EDT. A man drove down a side road to investigate a green light he saw in a field. His headlights illuminated a large, metallic-appearing disc on or near the ground. It was shaped like an inverted bowl and had three legs. Burn marks and impressions (physical traces) were found at the site. (Hall, 2001, p. 480; MUFON UFO Journal, August 1987, p. 19.) (NICAP: 06 - Trace Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3719
### Event 29294 (2B8F440C)
**Date:** 8/23/1967
**Location:** Joyceville, Ontario, CAN
**Description:** 4:00 a.m. EDT. A man drove down a side road to investigate a green light he saw in a field. His headlights illuminated a large, metallic-appearing disc on or near the ground. It was shaped like an inverted bowl and had three legs. The witness saw three beings about 3-4 feet tall and wearing helmets (humanoids). They appeared to be gathering specimens. (Hall, 2001, p. 480; MUFON UFO Journal, August 1987, p. 19.) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3720
### Event 29295 (999D2D3A)
**Date:** 8/23/1967
**Location:** Hamilton County, IN
**Description:** Landing report. Source and details unknown. (NICAP: 06 - Trace Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3721
### Event 29296 (AEA020EE)
**Date:** 8/23/1967
**Location:** Porthill, Newcastle-Under-Lyme, Staffordshire, UK
**Description:** 11:00 p.m. LT (7:00 p.m. EDT). A bright yellow-white elongated oval object was observed hovering in the northeast sky, sharply outlined and solid appearing. The yellowish glow pulsated or flickered in brightness. (Stanway and Pace, 1968, p. 6.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3722
### Event 29297 (5EB7AFC4)
**Date:** 8/23/1967
**Location:** Halifax, Nova Scotia, CAN
**Description:** Lights Observed / Tracked On Radar (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5)
**Reference:** NICAP: [670823](http://www.nicap.org/670823halifax%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3723
### Event 29298 (6492E5AC)
**Date:** 8/23/1967
**Time:** early
**Location:** Joycevi]le, Canada
**Description:** Stanley Moxon, of Toronto, driving to Montreal, was between Joyceville and the Glen Grove Rd. when he encountered a large, diskshaped craft and two creatures, 1.20 m tall, dressed in white suits and helmets. They "flew back" into the object at once and it left silently at high speed.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Lor. III 32 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_869
### Event 29299 (58A41758)
**Date:** 8/23/1967
**Time:** 2000
**Location:** Kolmarden, Sweden
**Description:** A boy and a girl, both 15, noticed a red glow coming down in the woods. Later they saw a large source of light in mid-air and heard piercing whistling sounds, then footsteps, and saw a jumping creature, 10 m away. It was about 1.30 m tall, had an oversized head, made jerky motions, raised a tube in its arms, and had a "shimmering" appearance.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** APRO Sep., 67 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_870
### Event 29300 (9C9ECBD7)
**Date:** 8/23/1967
**Location:** Joyceville, Ontario, Canada
**Description:** Huge disc on or just above ground in field, three small humanoid beings emerged, apparently gathered specimens. Physical traces
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_139
### Event 29301 (9819B6DA)
**Date:** 8/23/1967
**Locations:** Ontario Highway 15; Joyceville, Ontario; Pine Grove Road
**Description:** 4:00 a.m. Stanley Moxon is driving on Ontario Highway 15 between Joyceville, Ontario, and Pine Grove Road when he sees a green light in a field to the south. He turns off his lights and drives down a side road to get closer. Minutes later, he turns on his lights again and they shine on a huge metallic disc hovering just above the ground. Two entities, 4 feet tall and dressed in white suits and helmets, appear to be startled and hurry back into the craft, which takes off at tremendous speed.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Occupant in Ontario,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201967%2009%2000%20-%20September-October.pdf)” APRO Bulletin, Sept./Oct. 1967, p. 14
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4368
### Event 29302 (5F69FB3E)
**Date:** 8/23/1967
**Location:** Kolmården ridge area in Östergötland, Sweden
**Description:** 8:00 p.m. Two 15-year-olds are strolling around the Kolmården ridge area in Östergötland, Sweden, when they see a reddish glow moving back and forth in the nearby woods. Continuing home, they run across a locked, deserted shack that seems to have some yellowish lights moving around in one room and noises like muted thuds. The red glow reappears moving close to the ground from the west. Suddenly it turns brilliant white and appears to land on the other side of a brook. They run home and see a huge light like a flashlight hovering 13 feet above the ground near the house. They hear a whistling sound coming from the brook and what seem to be footsteps coming toward them. They run to a ravine where they see, about 35 feet away, a small being with a disproportionately large head and wearing dark clothing. It lifts its arms and seems to be holding a box-like apparatus with a tube. Two thin, wire-like bands appear around the creature’s ankles and give off an intense white light. They run home again. The next day they return to where the being was and find some odd three-toed footprints about 6 inches long.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[‘Monster’ Report from Sweden,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201967%2009%2000%20-%20September-October.pdf)” APRO Bulletin, Sept./Oct. 1967, pp. 1, 5
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4369
### Event 29303 (953A2CCC)
**Date:** 8/23/1967
**Description:** Joyceville, Ontario - While driving from his home in Toronto to Montreal at four o'clock in the morning Stanley Moxon, age 20, saw a green light in a field ahead of him, not far from the road. He turned off his headlights and swung onto a side road to get closer. Turning his lights on again, he saw a huge greenish colored lens-shaped craft, and two somewhat bulky human-like entities about four feet tall, wearing white uniforms and helmets. They "seemed to be at work around the machine." When they were discovered, they quickly jumped into the craft, which took off silently at tremendous speed.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Toronto Telegram, August 23, 1967; Kingston Whig Standard, August 24, 1967; APRO Bulletin, September-October 1967, p. 14; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1967-81, citing APRO and police reports; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case # 869; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty-Year Report, pp. 264, 473
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5256
### Event 29304 (DF1EAC0F)
**Date:** 8/23/1967
**Description:** Two young men, Ricardo Hurtado and Antonio Piedra, in Caracas, Santa Monica district, Venezuela heard a noise like "horses galloping" in their kitchen. They encountered two small beings who when discovered left hurriedly. There were no lights on in the room and their details could not be discerned very well, but they did not believe the visitors could have been children.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** APRO Bulletin, September-October 1967, p. 13
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5257
### Event 29305 (F8CF3290)
**Date:** 8/23/1967
**Description:** In Kolmarden, Sodermanland, Sweden a 15-year-old boy and girl, Erik and Inga, were walking together in the evening when they saw a reddish glow descend into the woods at 8:00 p.m. When they reached an abandoned cabin they saw a conical light beam cast onto its wall, and the red light re-appeared. Alarmed by this, they walked to the home of the boy's sisters, where they found a round, brightly luminous object hovering about 13 feet in the air. Then they heard a whistling sound and footsteps, and finally a little being jumped out from behind some bushes, 35 feet away. The being was 4 feet 4 inches tall, and its face was at first completely in shadow. Then it jerkily raised its head and arms, holding a box from which a short tube protruded. Its head was very large, covered by hair or a helmet. It had large dark eyes, and a nose and mouth that together formed an "X." It was bowlegged, and around each ankle was a brilliant, white glowing wire. The witnesses ran for home. The next day at the site the boy found some apples that had been broken apart, some of them with the marks of five fingernails or claws on the broken surface. Other apples were coated with a foul smelling slime. Also found outside the house were deep, odd footprints, 6 inches long and with three-toe marks.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1967-82, citing K. Gosta Rehn, APRO and Sven Schalin; Ted Phillips, Physical Traces Associated with UFO Sightings, case 712; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case # 870, citing APRO Bulletin, September-October 1967
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5258
### Event 29306 (8BEF5CD5)
**Date:** 8/23/1967
**Description:** At 10:15 p.m. a 19-year-old teenager riding on a motocycle two miles north of Lacombe, Alberta, Canada was chased by a red UFO with a vertical stripe down the middle. It followed him two miles down a twisting country road. The motorcycle engine "coughed", but did not stall. He felt heat, and heard a loud whistle sound.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Lacombe Globe, August 23, 1967; Gene Duplantier, Saucers, Space & Science, Autumn 1967, p. 10; Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, p. 36
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5259
### Event 29307 (ADFDAF68)
**Date:** 8/24/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) On Sydney-Melbourne Road \(Australia\), a motorcyclist is suddenly engulfed in a bright blue-white light, forcing him to stop. He then sees a metallic object, 30 m away, shaped like two saucers stacked on top of each other, with a dome on top, silver in color, the lower half dark grey, about 10 m in diameter, and bearing a black mark or insignia. Next to it appear two figures about 1.5 m tall, wearing silver suits and opaque helmets. One of their gestures frightens the witness, who drives away but is followed by the object. (August 24, 5 PM)
**Reference:** [FSR](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/FSR.html) 68, 2 \< [Vallée](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/ValleeJacques.html) 1969
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2356
### Event 29308 (C3964A96)
**Date:** 8/24/1967
**Time:** 17:00
**Location:** WODONGA, AUS
**Description:** 10M saucer and 5' small humanoids (or Greys) / helmets. Chase motorcycle to 120mph. / MJ#232 / APRO Sep'67.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO Evidence II: HB: Scarecrow Press Lanham, MD. http://www.scarecrowpress.com ISBN 0-8108-3881-8 (Index 480)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8387
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "WODONGA,AUS:10M SCR+5'OIDS/HELMETS:CHASE MCYCLE to 120mph:/MJ#232/APRO Sep'67", **LatLong:** "-36.133335 147.000007", **LatLongDMS:** "36:08:00 S 147:00:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-36.133335,147.000007)", **State/Prov:** "Victoria", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 29309 (E9E4EB02)
**Date:** 8/24/1967
**Location:** Wodonga, Victoria, AU
**Description:** Two humanoid beings in silvery suits, round helmets, emerged from disc with dome (sections IX, XII). (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3724
### Event 29310 (E27EC5A5)
**Date:** 8/24/1967
**Location:** Cape Perry, Northwest Territories, CAN
**Description:** Time not reported. (Beauford Sea) - Officials at Cape Perry Distant Early Warning radar site saw a large, translucent spherical object moving so slowly it was in the vicinity for 10 hours. It did not register on radar. (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3725
### Event 29311 (631FB7E3)
**Date:** 8/24/1967
**Location:** Pultneyville, NY
**Description:** 9:25 p.m. EDT. A woman saw three bright white ovals or elongated objects, each the size of the moon, that moved over Lake Ontario in a V-formation. The objects suddenly ascended and accelerated out of sight. A "beeping" sound was heard during the sighting. (Hall letter, 8/28/67, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3726
### Event 29312 (F21357CA)
**Date:** 8/24/1967
**Time:** 1700
**Location:** Sydney-Melbourne Road, Australia
**Description:** A motorcyclist was suddenly engulfed in a bluish-white light so dazzling that he had to stop. He then saw a metallic object, 30 m away, its shape that of two saucers one on top of the other, with a dome on top, silvery, the lower half dark gray, about 10 m in diameter, and bearing a black mark or insignia. Near it appeared two figures about 1.5 m tall, wearing silvery coveralls and opaque helmets. A gesture from them scared the witness, who drove away but was followed by the object.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** FSR 68, 2 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_871
### Event 29313 (A74407E3)
**Date:** 8/24/1967
**Location:** Wodonga, Victoria, Australia
**Description:** Two humanoid beings in silvery suits, round helmets, emerged from disc with dome
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_140
### Event 29314 (AEF7603E)
**Date:** 8/24/1967
**Location:** 37.0000 -116.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Lexington” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_508
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0000 -116.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:00 N 116:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0000,-116.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Lexington", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 29315 (427AA655)
**Date:** 8/24/1967
**Location:** Wodonga, Victoria, Australia
**Description:** 5:00 p.m. Ron Hydes is riding his motorcycle near Wodonga, Victoria, Australia, when he is surrounded by a blinding blue-white light that illuminates the road. As he stops, a bright lens-shaped domed disc, estimated to be 25–30 feet in diameter, descends within a few feet of the ground about 100 feet away. Two humanoids about 5– 5.5 feet tall with round helmets and silver coveralls emerge. One steps nearer to the witness, who flees. The object, surrounded by a pinkish glow, follows the motorcycle at about 100 feet off the ground. Hydes can hear a humming sound above the motorcycle’s engine. He stops again and the object hovers, the hum subsiding. After 30 seconds, the color around the object changes from pink to brilliant red, and it tilts up at a 45° angle, then shoots away.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Occupants Attempt to Lure Motorcyclist,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201967%2009%2000%20-%20September-October.pdf)” APRO Bulletin, Sept./Oct. 1967, pp. 13–14
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4370
### Event 29316 (D7B698B7)
**Date:** 8/24/1967
**Description:** At 5:00 p.m. a motorcyclist named Ron Hyde was riding on the Sydney to Melbourne highway between New South Wales and Victoria, Australia when he was suddenly engulfed in a bluish-white light that so dazzling he had to stop, near Wodonga, Victoria. He then saw a metallic object on or near the ground 30 meters away. Its shape was like that of two lens-shaped saucers on top of each other, with a dome on top. It was silvery on top but the lower half was dark gray, and it was about 10 meters in diameter. It also bore a black mark or insignia. Next to it appeared two human figures about 1.5 meters tall, wearing silvery coveralls and opaque helmets. A gesture from them scared the witness, who drove away but was subsequently followed by the object.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case # 871, citing FSR, March-April 1968; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty-Year Report, pp. 11, 473, 480
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5290
### Event 29317 (E555BDB2)
**Date:** 8/25/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) At Catia la Mar \(Venezuela\), Ruben Norato saw in the sea a precipitous movement of the water, then 3 large discs emerged. (August 25, 5 PM)
**Reference:** [NICAP](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/NICAP.html) Mar., 68 \< [Vallée](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/ValleeJacques.html) 1969
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2357
### Event 29318 (2FD89253)
**Date:** 8/25/1967
**Time:** 16:00
**Location:** ELDON, MO
**Description:** 2 / car. Silent ovoid going southwest slow. 240m altitude. Car follows. Tilts / circular and vanishes.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 8)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8388
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "287", **HatchDesc:** "ELDON,MO:2/CAR:SLNT OVOID>SW SLOW:240m alt:CAR FOLOS:TILTS/CIRCULAR+VANISHES", **LatLong:** "38.350002 -92.583338", **LatLongDMS:** "38:21:00 N 92:35:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.350002,-92.583338)", **RelAlt:** "240", **State/Prov:** "Missouri", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29319 (DB4C7223)
**Date:** 8/25/1967
**Time:** 17:00
**Description:** Sea boils. 3 huge saucers emerge / water and fly away! / r44p44.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SANDERSON, Ivan: INVISIBLE RESIDENTS; World Publishing HB 1970 & Avon Books PB 1973 (Index 44)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8389
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **SUB:** Submersible: Rises from or submerges into water, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Venezuela", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "N/CATIA LA MAR,VNZ:SEA BOILS:3 HUGE SCRS EMERGE/WATER+FLY AWAY!:/r44p44", **LatLong:** "10.633334 -67.033337", **LatLongDMS:** "10:38:00 N 67:02:00 W", **Locale:** "Offshore", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/10.633334,-67.033337)", **State/Prov:** "DF", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 29320 (985B5AE5)
**Date:** 8/25/1967
**Location:** Paragould, AR
**Description:** Early the following morning, witnesses in Paragould, Ark., saw three oval objects, two red and one white, that hovered, then moved in straight-line formation "in circular manner." Other witnesses reportedly heard a buzzing or humming sound. (Arkansas Democrat, 8/25/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3727
### Event 29321 (1A5E24EF)
**Date:** 8/25/1967
**Location:** Catia La Mar, Venezuela
**Description:** 5:00 p.m. LT. A man on the beach saw precipitous movement of water out of which three huge plate-shaped discs emerged and streaked out of sight. (U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. IV, No. 5, March 1968, p. 5.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3728
### Event 29322 (11DAC68E)
**Date:** 8/25/1967
**Location:** Roswell, NM
**Description:** 5:25 a.m. MDT. A man with training in aircraft identification and his wife saw a bright white light and a blue glow with three vertical bands of lights (body lights) between them. The object approached at an estimated altitude of 500 feet, disappeared into a cloud bank and reappeared at closer range, hovered, and at one point approached the witnesses. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3729
### Event 29323 (CCB003FE)
**Date:** 8/25/1967
**Time:** 1700
**Location:** Catia la Mar, Venezuela
**Description:** Three disks of large dimension were seen to emerge from the sea by Ruben Norato, after he observed a "precipitous movement of the water."
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** NICAP Mar., 68 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_872
### Event 29324 (E191F166)
**Date:** 8/25/1967
**Location:** Catia La Mar, Vargas, Venezuela
**Description:** 5:00 p.m. Ruben Norato sees a “precipitous movement of the water” from the beach at Catia La Mar, Vargas, Venezuela, from which arise “three huge plate-shaped discs” that streak out of sight.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[The Question of](http://www.cufos.org/UFOI%5Fand%5FSelected%5FDocuments/UFOI/041%20MAR%201968.pdf) [Submerging UFO’s,](http://www.cufos.org/UFOI%5Fand%5FSelected%5FDocuments/UFOI/041%20MAR%201968.pdf)” UFO Investigator 4, no. 5 \(March 1968\): 5
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4371
### Event 29325 (95B90E1A)
**Date:** 8/25/1967
**Description:** At 4:00 p.m. in Eldon, Missouri an ovoid object flew slowly and silently to the southwest at 800 feet altitude. Two witnesses in a car attempted to follow it, but it tilted and vanished.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Ted R. Phillips, FSR Case Histories, December 1971, p. 9
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5322
### Event 29326 (02797BA4)
**Date:** 8/25/1967
**Description:** In Catia la Mar, Venezuela three large-sized disc-shaped objects were seen to emerge from the sea at five o'clock in the afternoon by Ruben Norato, after he observed a "precipitous movement of the water."
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case # 872, citing NICAP UFO Investigator, March 1968
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5323
### Event 29327 (83D07D7C)
**Date:** 8/25/1967
**Description:** Shortly after 11:00 p.m. a round, hazy mass of orange-red light, about a quarter of a mile away, was sighted by two witnesses in Rising Brook, Staffordshire, England. It was estimated to be about 60 feet in diameter, and at a maximum height of 300-400 feet from the ground. It hovered, then moved slowly to the south, stopped, and then moved back again. It made no sound.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Roger H. Stanway & Anthony Pace, UFOs Unidentified Undeniable, p. 7
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5324
### Event 29328 (C38178E7)
**Date:** 8/26/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) At Maiquetia Airport, Esteban D. Cova, a soldier in the Marines, is relieved of his duty and returns to his quarters. He then meets a horrible dwarf, 1 m tall, with an enormous head, globular eyes, and a body covered with something hairy or wire-like. It makes a deep whistling sound, and Cova feels tingling in his body. In perfect Spanish, the creature says: Wouldn't you like to come with me? We need a human being. Cova faints. (2 h)
**Reference:** Lor. III 79 \< [Vallée](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/ValleeJacques.html) 1969
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2358
### Event 29329 (F7BC2E81)
**Date:** 8/26/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In Maturin \(Venezuela\), Saki Macharechi spots an object flying, which he thinks is a heron, landing near a bridge. He then sees that it is a dwarf about 1 m tall, with huge eyes.
**Reference:** Lor. III 78 \< [Vallée](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/ValleeJacques.html) 1969
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2359
### Event 29330 (B5A817F1)
**Date:** 8/26/1967
**Location:** MATURIN, VNZ
**Description:** "Heron" lands / bridge. Actually = 1M small humanoid (or Grey) with huge eyes. / r8#874+/ r109p78.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 813)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8390
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **NFO:** No craft seen, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Venezuela", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "48", **HatchDesc:** "MATURIN,VNZ:"HERON" LANDS/BRIDGE:ACTUALLY=1M OID W/HUGE EYES:/r8#874+/r109p78", **LatLong:** "9.800000 -63.150003", **LatLongDMS:** "09:48:00 N 63:09:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/9.800000,-63.150003)", **RelAlt:** "1", **State/Prov:** "MNG", **Strangeness:** "11"
### Event 29331 (A98BD9F0)
**Date:** 8/26/1967
**Time:** 02:00
**Description:** Small humanoid (or Grey) / hangar. "Come with US. need 1 human". Observer(s) faints. / r113p157.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 813)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8391
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **NFO:** No craft seen, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly, **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **CVS:** Conversation/communication, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Venezuela", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "104", **HatchDesc:** "MAIQUETIA APT,VNZ:OID/HANGAR:"COME WITH US. NEED 1 HUMAN":OBS FAINTS:/r113p157", **LatLong:** "10.583334 -66.966670", **LatLongDMS:** "10:35:00 N 66:58:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/10.583334,-66.966670)", **State/Prov:** "CAR", **Strangeness:** "12"
### Event 29332 (F39FF603)
**Date:** 8/26/1967
**Location:** Eagle Lake, Allagash Waterway, ME
**Description:** Campers saw glowing oval that beamed light down, engulfed canoe. Memory loss and abduction. (See section XIII bibliography, Fowler, 1990a.) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3730
### Event 29333 (477B12B3)
**Date:** 8/26/1967
**Time:** 0200
**Location:** Maiquetia Airport, Venezuela
**Description:** Esteban D. Cova, a private in the Marines, was relieved of duty at the airport and returned to his quarters. Then he met an ugly dwarf, 1 m tall, with a huge head, bulgy eyes, and a body covered with "hairy stuff or wiry metal." It made a deep whistling sound, and Cova felt a prickling sensation in his body. In perfect Spanish the creature said: "Won't you come with me? We need one human being." Cova fainted.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Lor. III 79 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_873
### Event 29334 (5077301F)
**Date:** 8/26/1967
**Location:** Maturin, Venezuela
**Description:** Saki Macharechi spotted an object in flight, which he thought was a heron, land near a bridge. He then saw that it was a dwarf, about 1 m tall, with huge eyes.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Lor. III 78 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_874
### Event 29335 (9740ABEB)
**Date:** 8/26/1967
**Location:** Eagle Lake, Allagash Waterway, ME
**Description:** Campers saw glowing oval that beamed light down, engulfed canoe. Memory loss and abduction. (See section XIII bibliography, Fowler, 1990a.)
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_141
### Event 29336 (C2F28851)
**Date:** 8/26/1967
**Description:** At 2:00 a.m. Marine Private Esteban D. Cova was just leaving the hangar at Maquetia Airport, Venezuela when he was accosted by a little man about three feet tall who was covered with wiry hair. The little man had a very large head, bulging eyes, and made a deep whistling sound that gave the witness a prickling sensation throughout his body. The little man then spoke in Spanish, asking Cova, "Won't you come with us? We need one more." Cova passed out.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1967-85, citing APRO Bulletin, September-October 1967; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case # 873, citing Coral & Jim Lorenzen, UFOs over the Americas, p. 79
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5364
### Event 29337 (BC9AC3CA)
**Date:** 8/26/1967
**Description:** Driving on the highway to Maturin, Venezuela on this morning Mr. Saki Macharechi saw what appeared to be a large bird flying overhead. When it landed near a bridge he took it to be a heron, but when he got closer he saw that it was a small human-like figure. He passed within ten feet of the creature. Frightened, he stepped on the gas and drove away.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1967-84, citing APRO Bulletin, September-October 1967; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case # 873, citing Coral & Jim Lorenzen, UFOs over the Americas, p. 78
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5365
### Event 29338 (EE0A7177)
**Date:** 8/27/1967
**Time:** 23:20
**Location:** TEXAS CREEK, CO
**Description:** 3 cars electro-magnetic effect (EME). Saucer / roadside. 1 man nears. Flash! cannot move! / r79p36.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 831)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8392
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "1881", **HatchDesc:** "TEXAS CREEK,CO:3 CARS EME:SCR/ROADSIDE:1 MAN NEARS:FLASH! CANNOT MOVE!:/r79p36", **LatLong:** "38.411113 -105.583338", **LatLongDMS:** "38:24:40 N 105:35:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.411113,-105.583338)", **State/Prov:** "Colorado", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 29339 (9744CCE7)
**Date:** 8/27/1967
**Location:** Texas Creek, CO
**Description:** Oval on ground beside road; one driver walked toward it, flash of light knocked him out, APRO Bulletin, Mar.-Apr. 1969 (E,L) 3 cars (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3731
### Event 29340 (B18A583C)
**Date:** 8/27/1967
**Location:** Colorado
**Description:** [David Saunders](https://psycnet.apa.org/record/1993-27194-001) proposes to the Colorado project team that they issue technical reports on whatever phase or case they have concentrated on. These will be circulated among the staff for review but not for veto. They would stand as the author’s own work without censure. Appropriate disclaimers would be attached before they are issued to the public. A final report might be cobbled together from these technical reports. [Condon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward%5FCondon) and [Low](http://ufohistoryfiles.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/CO%2067%20NEWS.pdf) apparently disapprove of this immediately.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Swords 323
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4372
### Event 29341 (0C22146B)
**Date:** 8/27/1967
**Locations:** Texas Creek, Colorado; Pueblo
**Description:** 11:20 p.m. Kenneth Flack is passing a car near Texas Creek, Colorado, when his engine and car lights fail. He pulls to the side of the road, along with the car he is passing and a camper-trailer. He sees a large object in a field some 900–1,200 feet away. It is football-shaped and silvery. He approaches it on foot and is hit by a bright light coming from the object that knocks him out. Bystanders from other cars carry him back to the roadside and tell him that he had been frozen in a standing position for 5 minutes. Flack is intensely cold and sleepy, so another unidentified driver gives him a ride back to Pueblo in a camper
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[1967 Landing in Colorado,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201969%2003%2000%20-%20March-April%201969.pdf)” APRO Bulletin, March/April 1969, pp. 3–4; Lorenzen, The Shadow of the Unknown, New American Library, 1970, pp. 138–139; Herbert S. Taylor, “An Update on Vehicle Interference Reports, Part Two,” IUR 34, no. 1 \(September 2011\): 21; Randle, Levelland, 2021, pp. 143–144; CUFOS case file
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4373
### Event 29342 (EA7CDD9D)
**Date:** 8/28/1967
**Location:** Rivers, Manitoba, CAN
**Description:** Time not reported. A couple reported that an object hovered over their car, followed them, then hovered to the rear of the car. The car was illuminated by light beams and was reported to heat up. (Brandon Sun, Manitoba, 10/4/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3732
### Event 29343 (F8CC9F7B)
**Date:** 8/28/1967
**Location:** Rockport, MA
**Description:** 7:15 p.m. EST. Three witnesses saw a row of 8-10 revolving white lights and a parallel upper row of yellowish lights (body lights) apparently attached to a curved surface of an object concealed behind the lights. (Fowler, 1974, p. 350.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3733
### Event 29344 (64FCDC03)
**Date:** 8/28/1967
**End date:** 8/29/1967
**Locations:** Rivers, Manitoba; CFB Rivers; one mile east of Rivers; eight miles east of Rivers
**Description:** 11:30 p.m.–1:10 a.m. Leslie and Jacqueline Dowdell see a 3–4 dancing lights zigzagging to the northeast over Rivers, Manitoba. The lights resolve into one object the color of a mandarin orange that hovers for 2–3 minutes, changing colors, before zooming away to the north. At 12:30 a.m., Cpl. A. Fedun of CFB Rivers \[now closed\] sees a round ball of orange light moving northwest. At 12:45 a.m., Commissionaire G. Stefanson hears a loud noise, and LAC J. Hebert and Judy Ross, driving one mile east of Rivers, watch a white flashing light that remains stationary for 30–50 seconds. They later find some odd dust on their car and some bubbling of the paint on the top. At 1:00 a.m., Cpl. K. McArthur hears another loud blast that rattles windows on the base. At 1:10 a.m., LAC K. Taylor, 8 miles east of Rivers, sees a red ball of flame trailed by a blue light at 3,000–4,000 feet. An investigating team from RCAF Trainiong Command Headquarters in Winnipeg immediately comes out to investigate.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Chris Rutkowski, Canada’s UFOs: Declassified, August Night, 2022, pp. 251–260
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4374
### Event 29345 (DD2834ED)
**Date:** 8/28/1967
**Description:** Joseph Purcell, age 19, sighted a cigar-shaped object over Dublin, Ireland. It was very bright at one end, and gave off an orange hue at the other.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Butler Dermot, Conspiracy of Silence: UFOs in Ireland, p. 18
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5419
### Event 29346 (B916CEA3)
**Date:** 8/28/1967
**Description:** An important close encounter with physiological effects happened at Rivers Canadian RAF Base in Manitoba on this date. There were two 20 year old military witnesses involved.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Gene Duplantier, Saucers, Space & Science, Summer 1968; Gene Duplantier, Flying Saucers, June 1968, p. 22
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5420
### Event 29347 (9061BF26)
**Date:** 8/29/1967
**Location:** FRANCE, Cussac (Cantal)
**Description:** (Translated from French) François Delpeuch, 13 years old, and his sister Anne-Marie, 9 years old, on school holidays, went with their dog Médor to drive about ten cows into the pasture of the place called "les Tuiles". At one point, the cows wanted to cross a wall separating a neighboring pasture where there were about thirty cows. François got up to call the dog to divert the animals from their purpose. He then saw, on the other side of the D. 57, about sixty meters away, what he took to be four children he did not recognize. He called his sister and, already happy for a possible diversion, she called out: "Are you coming to play with us?" The strangers did not answer. Behind them, half hidden by the fence, François and Anne-Marie saw a shining object, 2 to 2.50 m in diameter, painful to look at because of the bright light. They did not see any openings in it. Two of the strangers were standing to the left of the object and looking at each other, the third had his back to them, it seemed he was kneeling and scratching the ground. The fourth was standing and looking in the direction of the children. He was holding a rectangular object "a mirror" 20 x 30 cm with two faces. Its brilliance blinded the children. The children quickly realized they were dealing with what they called "little black men". They were long and thin in proportion, with an elongated head, arms proportionally longer than a man's, thin and short legs. A bulge near their ears gave them a kind of fluffy beard. Black hair and a beard covered their neck and chin. They were dressed in a tight, shiny black suit "like a mechanic" François said. They were all the same size, those on the left a bit smaller (1 m) than those on the right. The hands were not described. François climbed onto a small wall to get a better view. Seeming to have become aware of this presence, the beings returned to the object. First the two on the left, then the one who was kneeling, and finally the one with the mirror. They propelled themselves upwards, arms glued to their bodies, and entered through the top, head first, plunging into the upper part of the sphere. The fourth seemed to have forgotten something on the ground, he went back and then went up to catch up with the sphere which, having taken off in a spiral, was already higher than the trees. During this ascent, other details were noticed. The feet were of a special shape "webbed feet like ducks". Anne-Marie mentioned the pointed nose. After the latecomer's return, the object described a few more spirals, then a soft whistle was heard, the sound of the breath was perceived, the object became dazzling, blinding: "my eyes hurt, I was crying .." and the sphere disappeared straight into the sky, towards the northwest. The dog was barking, the cows were mooing, those from the neighbor had left their pasture and had joined François's herd, mooing, there was a smell of sulfur in the air. François took care of the cows and they returned home crying, bringing the herd back. (1967, 22 or 29 August)
**Reference:** L.D.L.N. "Mysterious Flying Saucers" - ALBATROS-ETAPES 1973 - pp. 127 to 132
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2467
### Event 29348 (DA6F015C)
**Date:** 8/29/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) [Cussac Meeting](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/1967-08-29\_Cussac.html) \(Cantal\). (August 29, 10:30)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2360
### Event 29349 (A4A5DB8D)
**Date:** 8/29/1967
**Time:** 10:30
**Location:** CUSSAC, FR
**Description:** 2M sphere/orb/globe going down. 4 small humanoids (or Greys) exit. 1 floats / air see reference. / LDLN#145+/ r8+/ Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v17#2.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PHENOMENES SPATIAUX: Group GEPA, Gen. M. Lionel Chassin Paris. Quarterly 1964?-1977. Merged into Grp. GEPAN (Index 16)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8393
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "CUSSAC,FR:2M ORB ↓:4 OIDS EXIT:1 FLOATS/AIR see ref:/LDLN#145+/r8+/FSR v17#2", **LatLong:** "45.700002 0.850000", **LatLongDMS:** "45:42:00 N 00:51:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.700002,0.850000)", **State/Prov:** "Haute-Vienne", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 29350 (A6DDF363)
**Date:** 8/29/1967
**Time:** 13:30
**Location:** CARACAS, VNZ
**Description:** Several separate observer(s). Luminous/glowing metallic disk lands / botanical garden briefly. Going quickly northeast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LORENZEN, Coral & Jim: UFO's OVER THE AMERICAS; Signet Books, NY 1968. 243p. (Index 79)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8394
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Venezuela", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "915", **HatchDesc:** "CARACAS,VNZ:SVRL SEP.OBS:LUMN MTLC DISK LANDS/BOTANICAL GARDEN BRIEFLY:>>NE", **LatLong:** "10.500001 -66.916670", **LatLongDMS:** "10:30:00 N 66:55:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/10.500001,-66.916670)", **State/Prov:** "RCR", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 29351 (0D5BD2DA)
**Date:** 8/29/1967
**Time:** 23:10
**Location:** OKA, QB
**Description:** 3 kids. Animals frantic. Clam saucer fires sharp beam going down / ground. Going quickly NNE. See reference!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PHENOMENES SPATIAUX: Group GEPA, Gen. M. Lionel Chassin Paris. Quarterly 1964?-1977. Merged into Grp. GEPAN (Index 18)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8395
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "15", **Elev:** "23", **HatchDesc:** "OKA,QB:3 KIDS:ANIMALS FRANTIC:CLAM SCR FIRES SHARP BEAM ↓/GND:>>NNE:see ref!", **LatLong:** "45.450002 -74.083337", **LatLongDMS:** "45:27:00 N 74:05:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.450002,-74.083337)", **State/Prov:** "Quebec", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 29352 (1FF7C31E)
**Date:** 8/29/1967
**Location:** Crewe, Cheshire, UK
**Description:** 8:30 am .LT (4:30 a.m. EDT). Two witnesses saw an oval object with tall transparent dome approach from the west, slow and hover at an estimated 100-200 feet above them for about 30 seconds. (Stanway and Pace, 1968, p. 8.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3734
### Event 29353 (B2DA5221)
**Date:** 8/29/1967
**Location:** North York, PA
**Description:** Twilight. Five people, two of them adults, saw a round object with a dome. Soft red light was seen in the dome, and a string of white lights was visible around the bottom of the object (body lights). (Pennsylvania NICAP Subcommittee report, 9/19/67, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3735
### Event 29354 (FF0A212C)
**Date:** 8/29/1967
**Location:** Toledo, OH
**Description:** Evening, EDT. A pilot was requested by Toledo airport control tower to check out an unidentified light. He saw a large, bright orange light at 6,000 feet and estimated its diameter as 50-60 feet. The pilot chased the light but it eluded him over Lake Erie. (Phone call to NICAP from Walter Stroud, Toledo, 8/30/67, NICAP files.) , (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3736
### Event 29355 (D72A0F23)
**Date:** 8/29/1967
**Location:** Oka, Quebec, CAN
**Description:** 11:10 p.m.EDT. A man saw a round object with pulsating, multicolored lights around the circumference and a white light on top (body lights). The object moved slowly at tree-top level, retraced its path, hovered, and suddenly ascended. The witness had physiological effects (not specified) afterwards. (Montreal Le Petit Journal, 10/1/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3737
### Event 29356 (5D15F75B)
**Date:** 8/29/1967
**Time:** 1030
**Location:** Cussac, France
**Description:** Two children saw a sphere, 2 m in diameter, and "four little devils." One of them was bending over, apparently busy with something on the ground, and another held a mirrorlike object. They hovered and flew around the sphere, then dived into it as it rose with a soft whistling sound. A smell of sulphur began to spread, and the object flew away.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** FSR 68, 5; LDLN 90 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_875
### Event 29357 (C4C9B30C)
**Date:** 8/29/1967
**Location:** Cussac, Cantal, France
**Description:** 10:30 a.m. François Delpeuch, 13, and his sister Anne-Marie, 9, are herding cows at Cussac, Cantal, France. They see four small black beings about 47 inches tall with large heads and pointed chins around a landed sphere 15 feet in diameter. As the UFO begins to take off, the beings are sucked into it head-first, and it leaves very quickly in a blinding light. The police note “sulfur odor and the dried grass” at the landing spot. The case is reopened and studied in depth by [Claude Poher](https://minotb52ufo.com/poher/cpb.php).
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Close encounter of Cussac](https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rencontre%5Fde%5FCussac)”; Jöel Mesnard and Claude Pavy, “[Encounter with Devils,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201968%20V%2014%20N%205.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 14, no. 5 \(Sept./Oct. 1968\): 7–9; Lorenzen, UFOs: The Whole Story. Signet, 1969, pp. 280–282; \[Claude Poher\], “[Enquête sur l’Observation du 29.08.67 de Cussac](https://web.archive.org/web/20081115220146/www.cielinsolite.fr/IMG/pdf/Ovnilandcom%5FGepan%5FCussac%5F1978.pdf) [\(Cantal\),](https://web.archive.org/web/20081115220146/www.cielinsolite.fr/IMG/pdf/Ovnilandcom%5FGepan%5FCussac%5F1978.pdf)” Groupe d’Étude des Phénomènes Aérospatiaux Non-identifiés, Centre Nationale d’Étude Spatiales, 1978; Gildas Bourdais, “The Death and Rebirth of Official French UFO Studies,” IUR 31, no. 2 \(June 2007\): 16
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4375
### Event 29358 (112955A8)
**Date:** 8/29/1967
**Description:** In Cussac, Cantal department, France at 10:30 a.m. 13-year-old Francois Delpeuch and his younger sister, Anne Marie, age 9, were tending their family cows when they saw four dwarfish figures, 3.5 to four feet tall, on the other side of the road, dressed in black. Nearby was a six foot spherical object of dazzling brilliance that rested on the ground. On closer examination they saw that the beings were completely black---either naked, or wearing skin tight black coveralls. They had pointed heads or helmets, which were also black. One was picking something up from the ground, and another had a bright object, like a mirror. When the entities became aware of the children they rose up into the air vertically, one after the other, and plunged head first into the top of the sphere, which then rose in a spiral pattern with a whistling noise. It left behind a smell of sulphur.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1967-88 (A0862), citing Joel Mesnard & Claude Pavy for GEPA; UNICAT database, case 423; citing Michel Figuet; Michel Figuet & Jean-Louis Ruchon, OVNI: Le Premier Dossier Complet des Rencontres Rapprochees en France, p. 285; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 875, citing FSR, November-December 1968; Spacelink, September 1968; Coral & Jim Lorenzen, UFOs: The Whole Story, p. 280
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5461
### Event 29359 (C0ED4DEE)
**Date:** 8/29/1967
**Description:** In Warminster at Cradle Hill, England a cone-shaped UFO was seen by 25 witnesses watching for UFOs on this night. It landed 100 meters from a copse of trees on Cradle Hill. Arthur Shuttlewood went toward the landing sight, and at 300 meters distance he spoke to a being (there are no details describing the being). The UFO went dark, and as he walked back a creature of some sort flew overhead.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1967-87 (A0861), citing Arthur Shuttlewood
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5462
### Event 29360 (FFDCD267)
**Date:** 8/30/1967
**Time:** 20:50
**Description:** Saucer makes wide arc / sky. Goes going NNE. Silent. Seen / (seen thru) binoculars.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: UFO CHRONICLES of the SOVIET UNION; Ballentine Books HB 1992. 212pp. (Index 192)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8396
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Ukraine", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "DNEPRODZERZHINSK,UKRAINE:SCR MAKES WIDE ARC/SKY:GOES>NNE:SILENT:SEEN/BINOCS", **LatLong:** "48.533336 34.633335", **LatLongDMS:** "48:32:00 N 34:38:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.533336,34.633335)", **State/Prov:** "DNE", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29361 (F2490B8C)
**Date:** 8/30/1967
**Location:** Dneprodzerzhinsk, Russia
**Description:** 8:50 p.m. A round, bright, uniformly illuminated light yellow disk was seen describing a wide arc in the sky. It disappeared to the north-northeast. There was no sound. (Ref. 3) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3738
### Event 29362 (CDC01F22)
**Date:** 8/30/1967
**Location:** Stoke-On-Trent, Staffordshire, UK
**Description:** 10:00-10:30 p.m. LT (6:00-6:30 p.m. EDT). Multiple independent witnesses had a complex series of UFO sightings. One witness gave a detailed description of an object first seen with unaided eye, then through a telescope. Other sightings in the area featured "bright" or "brilliant," often red-orange objects that alternately hovered and moved around. (Stanway and Pace, 1968, pp. 29-34.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3739
### Event 29363 (997C369B)
**Date:** 8/31/1967
**Location:** Cussac, France
**Description:** Time not reported. Two small humanoids in black garb were seen. They entered a disc-shaped craft and took off. Cows were agitated (animal reactions) during the sighting. (APRO Bulletin, Sept.-Oct. 1967, p. 8) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3740
### Event 29364 (43A113F3)
**Date:** 8/31/1967
**Location:** Bentilee, Stoke-On-Trent, Staffordshire, UK
**Description:** 9:30 p.m. LT (5:30 p.m. EDT). Two young women reported watching a large, silvery-white object shaped like an inverted soup bowl (dome-shaped) that approached and hovered over a high school for about 5 minutes. (Stanway and Pace, 1968, pp. 10, 34-35.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3741
### Event 29365 (B43D04A3)
**Date:** 8/31/1967
**Location:** Lewisberry, PA
**Description:** 8:35 p.m. EDT. A woman, her sister, and her children saw a dark gray, disc-shaped object with a row of white lights on the bottom (body lights). Harrisburg airport control tower had reported an odd cloud the same day. (Pennsylvania NICAP Subcommittee report, 10/4/67, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3742
### Event 29366 (B2AB4CC8)
**Date:** 8/31/1967
**Time:** 16:30:00.0
**Location:** 37.1776 -116.2089
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Door Mist” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_509
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1776 -116.2089", **LatLongDMS:** "37:10:39 N 116:12:32 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1776,-116.2089)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.45", **NukeMb:** "5.00", **NukeName:** "Door Mist", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 29367 (CB06DA38)
**Date:** 9/1967
**Time:** 11:00
**Description:** 2 observer(s). White crescent drops 3 night lights / sequence. Other night lights rise and gone.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HAINES, Richard Ph.D: PROJECT DELTA; 1994, LDA Press, PO Box 880, Los Altos, CA 94023 USA (Index 84)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8397
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Russia", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "CHELYABINSK,RUSS:2 OBS:WHT CRESCENT DROPS 3 NLTS/SEQUENCE:OTHER NLTS RISE+GONE", **LatLong:** "55.183336 61.416670", **LatLongDMS:** "55:11:00 N 61:25:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/55.183336,61.416670)", **State/Prov:** "NVS", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29368 (D7382F7E)
**Date:** 9/1967
**Time:** 20:00
**Location:** IOKA, UT
**Description:** SR87 10M with Roosevelt. = SEPT67. Domed cigar goes straight up and going quickly west.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SALISBURY, Frank: The UTAH UFO DISPLAY -- a Biologist Reports; 1974 Devin Adair, New Greenwich,CT. HB 286pp. ISBN 0-815-97000-5 (Index 249)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8398
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "1615", **HatchDesc:** "IOKA,UT:SR87 10M W/ROOSEVELT:=SEPT67:DOMED CIGAR GOES STRAIGHT UP + >>W.", **LatLong:** "40.272224 -110.166672", **LatLongDMS:** "40:16:20 N 110:10:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.272224,-110.166672)", **State/Prov:** "Utah", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29369 (9DFA6A23)
**Date:** 9/1967
**Location:** Drumheller, Alberta, CAN
**Description:** Time not reported. A couple saw an object like two saucers rim to rim (disc) that swooped down toward their car so that the witnesses expected a collision. Then it moved up into the sky and flew away. (Ca/gary Albertan, 10/18/67, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3743
### Event 29370 (2B51BFAF)
**Date:** 9/1967
**Location:** White Pine, MI
**Description:** Dog unaffected by hovering disc (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)
**Reference:** NICAP: [670900](http://www.nicap.org/ar-6709xxdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3744
### Event 29371 (4024D3A2)
**Date:** 9/1967
**Location:** Taber, Alberta, CAN
**Description:** Evening. A truck driver saw a green oval object with double decks (like two flattened bells, one above the other) hovering near the ground. Beeps were heard over the truck radio during the sighting and the engine died (EM effects). (Calgary Herald, 9/5/67, copies in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3745
### Event 29372 (5E388B91)
**Date:** 9/1967
**Location:** DeSoto, MO
**Description:** 12:30 a.m. CDT. Two couples saw five round objects with flashing, multi-colored lights. The objects circled and maneuvered rapidly in the sky. Barking dogs (animal reactions) first attracted the witnesses' attention to the objects. (DeSoto Press Times, 9/25/67, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3746
### Event 29373 (E566A5C3)
**Date:** 9/1967?
**Location:** Wright-Patterson AFB in Ohio
**Description:** [Saunders](https://psycnet.apa.org/record/1993-27194-001) and Levine visit Wright-Patterson AFB in Ohio to look at the Project Blue Book files. They find cases stored adjacent to the official files, and some in a classified safe. Saunders also finds problems when he examines the statistics in Blue Book Special Report no. 14. Plus all of Battelle’s original IBM cards have been thrown away.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** UFOs Yes, 115–116
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4376
### Event 29374 (7675E2C5)
**Date:** 9/1967
**Alternate date:** 10/1967
**Locations:** Floreşti, Romania; Bucharest
**Description:** 4:45 p.m. Some 40 soldiers and officers at an antiaircraft artillery unit stationed at Floreşti, Romania, watch an aluminum-colored object hovering about 2,400 feet in the sky. The unit commander reports it to the General Command in Bucharest, who order him to shoot it down if it makes any hostile maneuvers. The object stays in position for more than two hours, but disappears after a white cloud passes in front of it.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Romania 16–17
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4377
### Event 29375 (BDF4FDB0)
**Date:** 9/1967
**Locations:** Vyborg Bay; western Russia
**Description:** 1:30 a.m. Capt. Grigory Demyanovich Oleynikov of the Russian fishing boat Kama is in Vyborg Bay in western Russia when he notices a luminescent, milky-white disc descending through the cloud layer. It stops and hovers at an altitude of 1,300 feet and seems to have a diameter of about 50 feet. The bottom portion contains nozzles that emit flames. Athen in complete silence it takes off straight up.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Stonehill and Mantle, Russia’s USO Secrets, Flying Disk, 2020, p. 153
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4378
### Event 29376 (83C0FE78)
**Date:** 9/1967
**Description:** The Midwest UFO Network publishes its first issue of Skylook.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4379
### Event 29377 (A3403A51)
**Date:** 9/1967
**Location:** Vietnam
**Description:** The CIA staff’s frank opinions on Vietnam are sometimes modified before reaching President [Johnson](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lyndon%5FB.%5FJohnson). At one point the CIA analysts estimate enemy strength at 500,000, while the military insists it is only 270,000. No amount of discussion resolves the difference. In September 1967, the CIA under DCI [Richard Helms](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard%5FHelms) goes along with the military’s lower number for the combat strength of the Vietnamese Communist forces. This leads a CIA analyst directly involved in this work to file a formal complaint against Helms, which is accorded due process within the agency.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Richard Helms](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard%5FHelms\#Viet%5FCong%5Fnumbers)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4380
### Event 29378 (1CCA16C0)
**Date:** 9/1967
**Location:** Vélizy-Villacoublay, Yvelines, France
**Description:** Afternoon. [Paul Stehlin](https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul%5FStehlin), military aviator and vice-president of Bugatti, is flying his own plane near Vélizy- Villacoublay, Yvelines, France, when he sees a silver, cigar-shaped object beside him. The object accompanies the aircraft for a few minutes, then it accelerates and leaves the plane behind at terrific speed.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** NICAP case file
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4381
### Event 29379 (62219B43)
**Date:** 9/1/1967
**Location:** Edwards AFB
**Description:** Possible base UFO sighting; official obstruction and denials.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [_UFOs and the National Security State: Chronology of a Cover-up, 1941–1973_, by Richard Dolan](https://archive.org/details/ufosnationalsecu00dola/mode/2up)
**Source:** Dolan, **ID:** Dolan_280
### Event 29380 (C94E4989)
**Date:** 9/1/1967
**Time:** 23:50
**Location:** NEAR OURAY, UT
**Description:** 2 find truck / gulch. Oil still drips. No driver / footprints. Saucer all about.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SALISBURY, Frank: The UTAH UFO DISPLAY -- a Biologist Reports; 1974 Devin Adair, New Greenwich,CT. HB 286pp. ISBN 0-815-97000-5 (Index 49)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8399
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "1419", **HatchDesc:** "nr OURAY,UT:2 FIND TRUCK/GULCH:OIL STILL DRIPS:NO DRIVER/FPRINTS:SCR ALL ABOUT", **LatLong:** "40.100002 -109.666672", **LatLongDMS:** "40:06:00 N 109:40:00 W", **Locale:** "Desert", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.100002,-109.666672)", **State/Prov:** "Utah", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 29381 (E0594F87)
**Date:** 9/1/1967?
**Locations:** Colorado; Edwards AFB, California
**Description:** The Colorado project obtains a third-hand report of a UFO sighting at Edwards AFB, California, on or around this date. A civilian employee at the base has seen the report, mentions it to a relative, who then discusses it with a scientist cooperating with the project. According to the story, 6 UFOs follow an X-15 as it lands. When project members call Edwards, they get a runaround. After 2 weeks of phone calls, they find that no X-15 flew on September 1. \(There are flights on August 21, 25, and October 3 and 4, however.\) But no one denies that a UFO sighting took place.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** UFOs Yes, 124–125; Condon, [pp. 341–342](https://archive.org/details/scientificstudyo0000unse%5Fl5t2/page/340/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4383
### Event 29382 (66815C25)
**Date:** Early 9/1967
**Location:** BRAZIL, Ubatuba
**Description:** (Translated from French) Three anonymous fishermen witness the explosion of a flying disc. Some debris is recovered and analyzed. It was claimed that it was made of magnesium with an unknown density and purity on Earth. The hypothesis of a Brazilian rocket, carrying an illuminating or incendiary charge, explains the facts well. (1967, early September)
**Reference:** Science et Vie, special edition 1997: 50 years of UFO, Atlas of Unexplained Cases, pp. 60-63
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2469
### Event 29383 (9C2FDF7E)
**Date:** Early 9/1967
**Location:** FRANCE, Missancourt
**Description:** (Translated from French) In the night, between 1:30 and 2 o'clock two men were hunting. One of them was sitting under an apple tree at the edge of the forest and the other was about to sit down too: they were waiting for a third companion. Then they saw a light like a burning car, yet everything was silent. Without speaking they advanced towards the phenomenon, guns armed. An object was there 20 cm from the ground, beautiful like a meadow mushroom (Coulemelle or rosé des prés), it looked like a fluorescent tube with a red rectangle in the center like the morning sun. The white part of the "mushroom" was 7 to 8 m long and 2.20m to 2.50m high of a bright white. They arrived at 25 m from the thing and suddenly they were both stopped dead, as if paralyzed. The white part of the mushroom dilated and came towards them like a rolling cloud. (...) Serious physiological and psychological effects on the two witnesses. (M. FIGUET/ J.L. RUCHON: "Ovni, Premier dossier complet..." - éd. Alain Lefeuvre 1979, p. 289, 290) Two hunters were patrolling an immense field of freshly mechanized wheat. Suddenly they saw at a distance of 150 to 200 m a "car on fire". (...) It was at this moment that the object dilated in a kind of mist that rushed towards the witnesses, the red rectangle remaining perfectly clear and in the middle of this cloud. The two hunters had different reactions at this moment. The first, in a painful effort, turned around and waited for it to pass, while the second, in a reflex of fear, shouldered his gun towards the phenomenon. But he could not fire... After a few seconds, the first, who had felt nothing, straightened up and found his companion frozen in the previous position, dazed, unable to make a gesture or pronounce a correct sentence. He had felt a feeling of heat when the phenomenon passed over his head (at 2 m) and he had instantly dreamed that he was levitating holding his dead son in his arms. (the witness has a 30-year-old son in 1979 and in perfect health). (1967, late September or early October)
**Reference:** Erich ZURCHER: "Les apparitions d'humanoïdes" - éd. Alain Lefeuvre 1979, p. 264
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2475
### Event 29384 (984B2B43)
**Date:** 9/2/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) At Hato Viejo Farm \(Venezuela\), Nelson Gutierrez, a night vendor, sees an object on the Plains highway, and a creature, which he takes several photographs of. (September 2)
**Reference:** Lor. III 78, [Vallée](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/ValleeJacques.html) 1969
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2361
### Event 29385 (01B85909)
**Date:** 9/2/1967
**Time:** 02:10
**Location:** HADLOCK, WA
**Description:** 4 separate observer(s). 150' saucer over fence. New house paint-Job ruined. All cracked.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 293)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8400
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "20", **Elev:** "37", **HatchDesc:** "HADLOCK,WA:4 SEP.OBS:150'SCR OVR FENCE:NEW HOUSE PAINT-JOB RUINED:ALL CRACKED", **LatLong:** "48.033336 -122.755561", **LatLongDMS:** "48:02:00 N 122:45:20 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.033336,-122.755561)", **State/Prov:** "Washington", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 29386 (03058D01)
**Date:** 9/2/1967
**Time:** 23:40
**Description:** Scientists / camp. Fog = going [to] saucer. Fast maneuver. Back = going [to] fog going east. / r9p193.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 966)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8401
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Russia", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "12", **HatchDesc:** "PSKOVSKAYA OBL,RUSS:SCIENTISTS/CAMP:FOG=> SCR:FAST MNVR:BACK=>FOG >E:/r9p193", **LatLong:** "58.083336 28.250001", **LatLongDMS:** "58:05:00 N 28:15:00 E", **Locale:** "Tundra", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/58.083336,28.250001)", **State/Prov:** "NYM", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29387 (B083129F)
**Date:** 9/2/1967
**Location:** Bentilee, Stoke-On-Trent, Staffordshire, UK
**Description:** 9:15 p.m. LT (5:15 p.m. EDT). Several witnesses watched an orange disc with bright red glowing dome as it flew low overhead and apparently landed in a field about 400 yards away. No sound was heard, but one witness felt "wind" as it passed overhead. A complex case with many facets. (Stanway and Pace, 1968, pp. 11,13, 40-43; witness interview transcripts 46i-46xii.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3747
### Event 29388 (700C4824)
**Date:** 9/2/1967
**Time:** night
**Location:** Hato Viejo Farm, Venezuela
**Description:** Nelson Gutierrez, a salesman, saw an object on the Plains Highway, and a creature, of which he took several photographs.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Lor. III 78 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_876
### Event 29389 (220B1F8F)
**Date:** 9/2/1967
**Time:** 04:04:00.0
**Location:** 49.7419 78.0256
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: .001KT YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1302
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.7419 78.0256", **LatLongDMS:** "49:44:31 N 78:01:32 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.7419,78.0256)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "KRR", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** ".001", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 29390 (521BF5A7)
**Date:** Early 9/1967
**Location:** Highway 36 south of Taber, Alberta
**Description:** Evan Evanson, 18, is returning home in a pickup truck on Highway 36 south of Taber, Alberta, when his engine heats up and he pulls to the side of the road to let it cool off. Through the driver’s window he sees a soundless, green, glowing object like two plates put together. It seems near enough to touch. The music on the truck radio is replaced with a beeping sound. Suddenly the object disappears, and Evanson notices that the truck engine has stopped.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[First Sighting of UFO Reported at Taber,](https://www.newspapers.com/clip/95043013/calgary-herald/)” Calgary \(Alberta\) Herald, September 5, 1967, p. 49
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4382
### Event 29391 (F62FB40E)
**Date:** 9/2/1967
**Description:** At 1:30 a.m. Ms. Barbara Ward, awakened by her baby, glanced out her window on the Bentilee Estate, Stoke-on-Trent, England and saw, a very bright yellow object with an orange light on top in the adjacent field. It was shaped like an inverted saucer. It appeared to be on the ground or just above it, and its light fluctuated in intensity. She could hear no sound, though she was behind a glass window. She reported to investigators Roger Stanway and Anthony Pace that she "half imagined" she could see shadowy figures moving back and forth in front of the bright light generated by the object. She could not be certain because the bright light caused her eyes to strain when looking at the object. After watching for half an hour she became tired and went back to bed. The UFO had not moved during her observation. Subsequent examination of the field failed to reveal any traces. This sighting occurred during a spate of several UFO incidents in the same area.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Roger Stanway & Anthony Pace, UFOs Unidentified Undeniable, p. 11; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1967-87 (A0863), citing Roger Stanway & Anthony Pace; UNICAT, case # 567
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5569
### Event 29392 (7DC3D29F)
**Date:** 9/2/1967
**Description:** On this night Nelson Gutierrez, a salesman, encountered a landed UFO on the Plains Highway, near the Hato Viejo farm outside of Caracas, Venezuela. A being emerged from the object, and according to press acounts the witness claimed to have taken a photograph of the being. A copy of this photograph was not made available, and the photographer's intent was to sell it when he had it developed.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Coral & Jim Lorenzen, UFOs: The Whole Story, p. 78; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1967-89, citing Jim & Carol Lorenzen, UFOs Over the Americas, p. 78; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case # 877
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5570
### Event 29393 (1F75F6E8)
**Date:** 9/3/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In Caracas \(Venezuela\), Paula Valdez, suffering from a headache, is suddenly awakened by a whistling and sees a small man, with a large head and prominent eyes, saying: I want you to come with us, so you will know other worlds, and you will realize how small your world is. The witness screams with all his might, and the apparition flees. (September 3)
**Reference:** Lor. III 80, [Vallée](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/ValleeJacques.html) 1969
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2362
### Event 29394 (39C15A10)
**Date:** 9/3/1967
**Time:** 21:00?
**Location:** CARACAS, VNZ
**Description:** Woman wakes. Small humanoid (or Grey)-"come / US / other worlds. see how small your world is.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LORENZEN, Coral & Jim: ENCOUNTERS with UFO OCCUPANTS; APRO/Berkley Medallion Books 1976. 424pp (Index 224)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8402
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **TLP:** Telepathy, **CNT:** Contactee related, **NFO:** No craft seen, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **CVS:** Conversation/communication, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Venezuela", **Credibility:** "4", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "910", **HatchDesc:** "CARACAS,VNZ:WOMAN WAKES:OID-"COME/US/OTHER WORLDS. SEE HOW SMALL YOUR WORLD IS", **LatLong:** "10.500001 -66.950003", **LatLongDMS:** "10:30:00 N 66:57:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/10.500001,-66.950003)", **RelAlt:** "1", **State/Prov:** "CAR", **Strangeness:** "12"
### Event 29395 (D39D1BC5)
**Date:** 9/3/1967
**Location:** Rockport, MA
**Description:** 1:00 a.m. EDT. Many witnesses saw two yellow-orange lights that were stationary in the sky and blinking off and on randomly. Police radar reportedly suffered interference (EM effects) at the time of the sighting. (Massachusetts NICAP Subcommittee report, 9/12/67, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3748
### Event 29396 (48178120)
**Date:** 9/3/1967
**Location:** Edina, MA
**Description:** 5:07 p.m. CDT. A man saw a silver sphere that approached an incoming aircraft on an apparent collision course. The object passed above the aircraft at close range and disappeared in the distance. It appeared to be about one-fourth the size of the plane and traveling twice as fast. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3749
### Event 29397 (E407D661)
**Date:** 9/3/1967
**Location:** Caracas, Venezuela
**Description:** Paula Valdez, suffering from a headache, was suddenly aroused by a whistling sound and saw a small man, with a large head and prominent eyes, who said: "I want you to come with us, so that you'll know other worlds, and you'll realize how small your world is." The witness screamed wildly, and the apparition ran.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Lor. III 80 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_877
### Event 29398 (EF4D5D64)
**Date:** 9/3/1967
**Description:** On this evening in Caracas, Venezuela Miss Paula Valdez, a young actress, came home from work with a headache. Lying down on bed, she soon became aware that someone else was nearby and she heard a whistling sound. A small being with a large head and prominent eyes (a Grey humanoid) was leaning over her bed. He said to her, "I want you to come with us, so that you'll know other worlds…". She screamed and the being ran from room. Her family came into the room to find out why she had screamed.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Coral E. Lorenzen, Encounters with UFO Occupants, p. 224; Jim & Coral Lorenzen, UFOs over the Americas, p. 80; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 877; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case A0865, citing Ganteaume Horacio Gonzalez
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5598
### Event 29399 (A8F1CAC9)
**Date:** 9/3/1967
**Description:** At 11:05 p.m. in Avon, Connecticut a motorist saw a "robot-like" being walking at the side of the road. The being wore a one-piece silvery garment that covered its hands and feet, and was wearing an opaque helmet. It moved its arms stiffly, as if trying to stop cars.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Hartford Courant, September 5, 1967;
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5599
### Event 29400 (5300D31D)
**Date:** 9/4/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In Valencia \(Venezuela\), police officer P. A. Andrade is on duty at City Hall when he hears a rumbling sound and footsteps in a garage. He encounters a one-meter-tall dwarf with a large head and glowing, globular, reddish eyes wearing a silver, metallic-looking jumpsuit. Andrade points his machine gun at the creature, but a voice from a parked disc in Spanish says he should not hurt the creature. The dwarf then tries to convince Andrade to come to their world, adding that it is very far away and much bigger than Earth, and with many advantages for Earthlings. When Andrade refuses, the creature flies back into the object, which departs. (September 4th, 5:10am)
**Reference:** Lor. III 82 \< [Vallée](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/ValleeJacques.html) 1969
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2363
### Event 29401 (3C022FB1)
**Date:** 9/4/1967
**Time:** 02:50
**Description:** 1 observer. 50M hat-disk going east. 03 October astronomers. Gold triangle going east.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 813)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8403
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Greece and Island nations", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "THESSALONIKI,GREECE:1 OBS:50M HAT-DISK >E::03OCT ASTRONOMERS:GOLD TRIANGLE >E", **LatLong:** "40.633335 22.983334", **LatLongDMS:** "40:38:00 N 22:59:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.633335,22.983334)", **State/Prov:** "GRC", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29402 (AD82BDEC)
**Date:** 9/4/1967 (approximate)
**Time:** 20:50
**Location:** OWENSBORO, KY
**Description:** 1 observer. 7 silent white ovoids going south. Turn west overhead. Turn going north again / no acceleration.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Book: Personal acct: Michael Christol: http://www.icq.com
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8404
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "107", **HatchDesc:** "OWENSBORO,KY:1 OBS:7 SLNT WHT OVOIDS > S:TURN W OVHD:TURN >N AGAIN/no accel", **LatLong:** "37.772224 -87.111115", **LatLongDMS:** "37:46:20 N 87:06:40 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.772224,-87.111115)", **State/Prov:** "Kentucky", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29403 (21BCCE07)
**Date:** 9/4/1967
**Time:** 21:20
**Description:** White crescent flies northeast going southwest. Straight trajectory. Altitude = 2500'.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: UFO CHRONICLES of the SOVIET UNION; Ballentine Books HB 1992. 212pp. (Index 193)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8405
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Ukraine", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "YEVPATORIYA,CRIMEA,UKR:WHT CRESCENT FLIES NE>SW:STRAIGHT TRAJ:ALT=2500'", **LatLong:** "45.233335 33.383335", **LatLongDMS:** "45:14:00 N 33:23:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.233335,33.383335)", **State/Prov:** "CRM", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29404 (7573F295)
**Date:** 9/4/1967
**Location:** Yevpatoriya, Russia
**Description:** 9:17 p.m. N.N. Pronin, senior editor with the "Mysl" publishing house in Moscow, accompanied by his wife, saw a white, crescent-shaped object fly over from the northeast to the southwest along a straight line at an altitude of about 2,500 feet. The object moved with the convex part facing forward. The weather was clear. (Ref. 3) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3750
### Event 29405 (166F07B1)
**Date:** 9/4/1967
**Time:** 0510
**Location:** Valencia, Venezuela
**Description:** Police Officer P. A. Andrade was on duty at City Hall when he heard a humming noise and footsteps in a garage. He met a dwarf, 1 m tall, with a big head and bulging, reddish glowing eyes, wearing a silver-colored, metallic-looking coverall. Andrade pointed his machine gun at the creature, but a voice from a hovering disk said in Spanish that he should not harm the creature. The dwarf then tried to convince Andrade to come to "their world," adding it was "very distant and much larger than the Earth, and with many advantages for Earthlings." When Andrade declined, the creature flew back into the object, which left.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Lor. III 82 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_878
### Event 29406 (F5665FE8)
**Date:** 9/4/1967
**Location:** Valencia, Venezuela
**Description:** 5:10 a.m. Police officer P. A. Andrade is on duty at city hall in Valencia, Venezuela, when he hears a humming noise and footsteps in a nearby garage. He meets a dwarf, 3 feet tall, with a big head and bulging, reddish, glowing eyes, wearing a silver-colored, metallic-looking coverall. Andrade points his automatic weapon at the creature, but a voice from a hovering disc says in Spanish that he should not harm the creature. The dwarf then tries to convince Andrade to “come to their world,” adding it is “very distant and much larger than the Earth, and with many advantages for Earthlings.” When Andrade declines, the creature flies back into the object, which takes off.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Lorenzen, UFOs over the Americas, Signet, 1968, p. 82; Vallée, Magonia, [pp. 351–352](https://archive.org/details/passporttomagoni0000vall/page/350/mode/2up); Mark Cashman, “Behavioral Classification System for UFO Occupants,” IUR 24, no. 1 \(Spring 1999\): 18
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4384
### Event 29407 (83B15602)
**Date:** 9/4/1967
**Locations:** Clevedon, England; Welford, Berkshire; Isle of Sheppey in the Thames Estuary; Royal Aircraft Establishment in Farnborough
**Description:** Dawn. A paperboy in Clevedon, England, discovers a 5-foot-wide, saucer-shaped, metallic object in a field. He calls the police, who send it to the guided weapons division of British Aerospace, whose chief design engineer declares it an expensive hoax. Soon five identical objects are found in fields and golf courses in the southern part of England. The sites lie on a straight path 220 miles long that spans 1° of latitude, running west to east from Clevedon to the Isle of Sheppey in the Thames Estuary. A USAF intelligence officer takes photos of one in Welford, Berkshire, and chemists with Britain’s Home Office analyze samples of a foul liquid that is seeping from one of the objects. But the objects are a prank involving 15 engineering apprentices, primarily [Christopher Southall](https://my.greenparty.org.uk/candidates/105896) and [Roger Palmer](http://www.airphotoservices.co.uk/about%5Fus.htm)[,](http://www.airphotoservices.co.uk/about%5Fus.htm) at the Royal Aircraft Establishment in Farnborough. The objects are made of fiberglass, and the smelly liquid is a fermented mixture of flour and water.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[1967 British](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1967%5FBritish%5Fflying%5Fsaucer%5Fhoax) [flying saucer hoax](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1967%5FBritish%5Fflying%5Fsaucer%5Fhoax)”; Clark III 604–605; Jenny Randles, UFO Retrievals, Blandford, 1995, [pp. 108–111](https://archive.org/details/uforetrievalsrec0000rand/page/108/mode/2up); John Keeling, “Invasion 1967,” Fortean Times 228 \(November 2007\): 32–41; “[The Great Saucer Invasion: The Day](https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-41110193) [Six ‘Spaceships’ Landed in England,](https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-41110193)” BBC News, September 3, 2017; Curt Collins, “[The UK Saucer Invasion of](https://thesaucersthattimeforgot.blogspot.com/2019/08/the-uk-saucer-invasion-of-1967.html) [1967,](https://thesaucersthattimeforgot.blogspot.com/2019/08/the-uk-saucer-invasion-of-1967.html)” The Saucers That Time Forgot, August 30, 2019
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4385
### Event 29408 (CEA6F866)
**Date:** 9/4/1967
**Description:** The Industrial Psychologists’ section of the American Psychological Association sponsors a program on “Problems and Methods of Gathering Data on UFOs.” Participants include [Harold Greenwald](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harold%5FGreenwald), [Richard H. Hall](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard%5FH.%5FHall), [Gustave J. Rath](https://www.chicagotribune.com/news/ct-xpm-2004-03-27-0403270135-story.html)[,](https://www.chicagotribune.com/news/ct-xpm-2004-03-27-0403270135-story.html) [R. Leo Sprinkle](http://kevinrandle.blogspot.com/2021/11/leo-sprinkle-has-died.html), and [David Saunders](https://psycnet.apa.org/record/1993-27194-001)[.](https://psycnet.apa.org/record/1993-27194-001)
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Story, [p. 413](https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofuf0000unse/page/412/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4386
### Event 29409 (5270050C)
**Date:** 9/4/1967
**Description:** At 5:10 a.m. police officer P. A. Andrade was on duty at City Hall in Valencia, Venezuela when he heard a humming noise and footsteps in the garage. He entered the garage and encountered a one-meter tall dwarf humanoid, with a big head and bulging, reddish glowing eyes. The being wore a silver colored, metallic-looking coverall. Andrade pointed his machine gun at the creature, but a voice from a hovering disc-shaped object said in Spanish that he should not harm the creature. The dwarf then tried to convince Andrade to come to "their world," adding it was "very distant and much larger than the Earth, and with many advantages for earthlings." When Andrade declined, the creature flew back into the object, which left.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jim & Coral Lorenzen, UFOs over the Americas, p. 82; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1967-92 (A0868), citing Jim & Coral Lorenzen; Jacques Vallee: Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case # 878
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5630
### Event 29410 (FF72CBB6)
**Date:** 9/5/1967?
**Time:** 00:30
**Description:** Pickup overheats. Saucer hovers next / truck. Malfunctions due to EME (electro-magnetic effects). Radio = beeps. Vanishes.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LORENZEN, Coral & Jim: UFO's OVER THE AMERICAS; Signet Books, NY 1968. 243p. (Index 32)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8406
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "812", **HatchDesc:** "SW/TABER,ALTA:PICKUP OVERHEATS:SCR HVRS NEXT/TRUCK:EMEs:RADIO=BEEPS:VANISHES", **LatLong:** "49.783336 -112.133339", **LatLongDMS:** "49:47:00 N 112:08:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.783336,-112.133339)", **State/Prov:** "Alberta", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 29411 (B6D38C31)
**Date:** 9/5/1967 (approximate)
**Time:** 10:00
**Location:** ST. ANDRE / SURAN, FR
**Description:** 2 / field. Rounded cone buoy whistles when going up and down. 2 beams going down / observers.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LDLN CONTACT LECTEURS: by Series and #. May'68 -JAN'72 (Entire set of 18 issues) LDLN local chapters & individual members' UFO reports. (Index 14)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8407
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "240", **HatchDesc:** "St.ANDRE/SURAN,FR:2/FIELD:ROUNDED CONE BUOY WHISTLES when ↑+↓:2 BEAMS ↓/OBSs", **LatLong:** "46.083336 5.350000", **LatLongDMS:** "46:05:00 N 05:21:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.083336,5.350000)", **State/Prov:** "Ain", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29412 (51851F4A)
**Date:** 9/5/1967
**Location:** Port Townsend, WA
**Description:** 2:00 a.m. PDT. Four witnesses saw a white, dome-shaped object come from behind a hill and appear to land on a golf course. A burned ring (physical traces) was found on the golf course next day. (Port Townsend Leader, 9/7/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 06 - Trace Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3751
### Event 29413 (7DAFDA39)
**Date:** 9/5/1967
**Location:** Nantwich, Cheshire, UK
**Description:** 8:55 p.m. LT (4:55 p.m. EDT). Two witnesses saw a brilliant white oval, its light flickering, hovering in the northeast sky. After about 2 minutes, the object began moving, accelerated rapidly and disappeared in the west. No sound was heard. (Stanway and Pace, 1968, p. 14.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3752
### Event 29414 (CB3699D4)
**Date:** 9/5/1967
**Location:** Waterford, CT
**Description:** 9:40 p.m. EDT. A man saw a dark, metallic-appearing, cigar-shaped object with a red glow at one end and a white light at the other (body lights). As the object crossed the sky, a bright white light flashed three times amid the red glow. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3753
### Event 29415 (48473671)
**Date:** 9/5/1967
**Description:** [Saunders](https://psycnet.apa.org/record/1993-27194-001) suggests to [Low](http://ufohistoryfiles.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/CO%2067%20NEWS.pdf) that his academic commitments might require a reorganization of project duties, namely that Low, [Roach](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Franklin%5FE.%5FRoach)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Franklin%5FE.%5FRoach) and himself report directly to [Condon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward%5FCondon), with others reporting to them. Low blows up. Low ultimately agrees but replaces Roach with Norm Levine.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** UFOs Yes, 139–140
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4387
### Event 29416 (7AD7EE84)
**Date:** 9/6/1967
**Location:** Lake Superior
**Description:** Multiple radar tracks of twenty targets at 2,000 mph; right angles; denials.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [_UFOs and the National Security State: Chronology of a Cover-up, 1941–1973_, by Richard Dolan](https://archive.org/details/ufosnationalsecu00dola/mode/2up)
**Source:** Dolan, **ID:** Dolan_281
### Event 29417 (468BD316)
**Date:** 9/6/1967
**Time:** 21:50
**Description:** 3 observer(s). Ovoid exits odd sausage shaped cloud. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** AWARENESS (Quarterly) CONTACT INTERNATIONAL/UK: listed by year. (Index 77)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8408
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "132", **HatchDesc:** "STOKE-on-TRENT,STAFFs:3 OBS:OVOID EXITS ODD SAUSAGE SHAPED CLOUD:NFD:", **LatLong:** "53.016669 -2.166667", **LatLongDMS:** "53:01:00 N 02:10:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/53.016669,-2.166667)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29418 (AF740AD2)
**Date:** 9/6/1967
**Time:** 22:30
**Location:** BETHPAGE, NY
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Cylinder/cigar-shape-UFO low / sky. Car engine and lights fail. Radio "chatters".
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RODEGHIER, Mark/CUFOS: UFO REPORTS INVOLVING VEHICLE INTERFERENCE; CUFOS 1979. Available as CUFOS UFO Archive #1 CD-ROM. http://www.cufos.org/Pubform.pdf (Index 36)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8409
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "9", **HatchDesc:** "BETHPAGE,NY:2 OBS:CGR-UFO LO/SKY:CAR ENGINE+LITES FAIL:RADIO "CHATTERS":", **LatLong:** "40.744446 -73.483337", **LatLongDMS:** "40:44:40 N 73:29:00 W", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.744446,-73.483337)", **State/Prov:** "New York", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 29419 (D5190116)
**Date:** 9/6/1967
**Time:** 22:30
**Location:** POLASTRON, FR
**Description:** Silent 35cm saucer near high-tension lines. Going quickly east when hit with light. / r193#14.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 92)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8410
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "POLASTRON,FR:SLNT 35cm SCR nr HI-TENSION LINES:>>E when HIT w/LIGHT:/r193#14", **LatLong:** "43.533335 0.850000", **LatLongDMS:** "43:32:00 N 00:51:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.533335,0.850000)", **State/Prov:** "Gers", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 29420 (60A8E4B3)
**Date:** 9/6/1967
**Location:** Meier, Stoke-On-Trent, Staffordshire, UK
**Description:** 9:50 p.m. LT. Several witnesses saw a vertically oriented "sausage-shaped cloud" in the eastern sky, behind which a light flashed for about 20 seconds at irregular intervals. (Stanway and Pace, 1968, pp. 14-15.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3754
### Event 29421 (5A2BCC61)
**Date:** 9/6/1967
**Location:** Meir, Stoke-in-Trent, England
**Description:** 9:50 p.m. Several witnesses at Meir, Stoke-in-Trent, England, see a vertically oriented “sausage-shaped cloud” in the eastern sky, behind which a light flashes for about 20 seconds at irregular intervals. A bright, glowing orange oval then emerges from the cloud and heads southeast at “fantastic speed.” A light again flashes in the cloud for about 10 seconds, then stops. The mode of disappearance of the cloud is not reported.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Roger Stanway and Anthony R. Pace, Flying Saucer Report, UFOs: Unidentified, Undeniable, Newchapel Observatory, 1968, pp. 14–15; Herbert S. Taylor, “Cloud Cigars: A Further Look,” IUR 30, no. 3 \(May 2006\): 12
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4388
### Event 29422 (C9B6EB0E)
**Date:** 9/6/1967
**Description:** At 9:50 p.m. in Meir, Stoke-on-Trent, England an oval object emerged from a vertical, sausage-shaped cloud. The light flashed at irregular intervals.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Roger Stanway and Pace, UFOs: Unidentified, undeniable, p. 14, case 50
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5684
### Event 29423 (4BADCFF7)
**Date:** 9/7/1967
**Time:** 07:30
**Location:** NEAR VICUNA, CHILE
**Description:** Several soldiers. 50M silver saucer hovers. Maneuvers. Shoots away / high speed.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 118)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8411
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Chile", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "709", **HatchDesc:** "nr VICUNA,CHILE:SVRL SOLDIERS:50M SLVR SCR HVRS:MNVRS:SHOOTS AWAY/HI SPEED", **LatLong:** "-30.033335 -70.700003", **LatLongDMS:** "30:02:00 S 70:42:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-30.033335,-70.700003)", **State/Prov:** "CQM", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29424 (2470DBB7)
**Date:** 9/7/1967
**Time:** 22:00?
**Description:** Cops and many. Power outage / transformer fails. Glowing object seen.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** STEIGER, Brad & WHRITENOUR, Joan: The ALLENDE LETTERS. 1968 Eugene Olsen Publ + Award Books, NY PB (Index 50)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8412
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "40", **Elev:** "300", **HatchDesc:** "SHENANGO Vly,PA:COPS+MANY:POWER OUTAGE/TRANSFORMER FAILS:GLOWING OBJ SEEN", **LatLong:** "41.250002 -80.377782", **LatLongDMS:** "41:15:00 N 80:22:40 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.250002,-80.377782)", **State/Prov:** "Pennsylvania", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29425 (931D9A76)
**Date:** 9/7/1967
**Time:** 13:45:00.0
**Location:** 37.1532 -116.0528
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Yard” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 200KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_510
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1532 -116.0528", **LatLongDMS:** "37:09:12 N 116:03:10 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1532,-116.0528)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.52", **NukeMb:** "5.00", **NukeName:** "Yard", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "200"
### Event 29426 (B3FE42B3)
**Date:** 9/7/1967
**Description:** At 7:30 in the morning in Huanta, Chile a 50-meter wide silver disc hovered, maneuvered, and then shot away at high speed. It was observed by several soldiers. In Toronto, Ontario a woman reported meeting a man wearing an "astronaut suit." He gave her a stone with a high nickel content. At 10:45 p.m. a taxi cab driver four kilometers outside of Arriondas, Spain saw a phosphorescent tube-like object land nearly 30 meters away. It had a rectangular tube structure approximately 4.5 meters in width, and made a sound like a refrigerator.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** (1) Roberto Banchs, Las evidencias del fenomeno OVNI; (2) Albert Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database, case 1968-150; (3) Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos, Catalogue of 200 Type-I Events in Spain and Portugal, case 76
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5723
### Event 29427 (0395F2CC)
**Date:** 9/8/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) 1st analysis of the [lunar](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/Lune.html) soil by *Surveyor 5.*
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2364
### Event 29428 (FB1B4288)
**Date:** 9/8/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In Caracas \(Venezuela\), A. Aguilar, 23 years old, sees a creature through the window of his room and screams. His parents rush into the room in time to see it climbing over the roofs of the houses, surrounded by a bluish-yellow light. It moves as if it were suspended from a balloon. A strong smell of "molten iron" is detected by all. (2:30)
**Reference:** Lor. III 81 \< [Vallée](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/ValleeJacques.html) 1969
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2365
### Event 29429 (FCE96C5F)
**Date:** 9/8/1967
**Time:** 02:30
**Location:** CARACAS, VNZ
**Description:** Girl screams. Figure / window. Parents see it fly as if suspended / balloon.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LORENZEN, Coral & Jim: ENCOUNTERS with UFO OCCUPANTS; APRO/Berkley Medallion Books 1976. 424pp (Index 225)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8413
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **NFO:** No craft seen, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Venezuela", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "910", **HatchDesc:** "CARACAS,VNZ:GIRL SCREAMS:FIG/WINDOW:PARENTS SEE IT FLY AS IF SUSPENDED/BALLOON", **LatLong:** "10.450000 -66.966670", **LatLongDMS:** "10:27:00 N 66:58:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/10.450000,-66.966670)", **State/Prov:** "CAR", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 29430 (4A383C2F)
**Date:** 9/8/1967
**Time:** 22:30
**Location:** NEWTON, NH
**Description:** 4 observer(s). Domed saucer responds / flashlight signals with 20 second(s) lag. Back 26 Oct. '67.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FOWLER, Raymond E.: UFO'S, INTERPLANETARY VISITORS; Prentice Hall & Bantam Books, NY 1979. 346pp. (Index 334)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8414
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "61", **HatchDesc:** "NEWTON,NH:4 OBS:DOMED SCR RESPONDS/FLASHLITE SIGNALS W/20sec LAG:BACK 26OCT67", **LatLong:** "42.916669 -71.016670", **LatLongDMS:** "42:55:00 N 71:01:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.916669,-71.016670)", **State/Prov:** "New Hampshire", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 29431 (374F99F3)
**Date:** 9/8/1967
**Location:** Newton, NH
**Description:** 10:30 p.m. EDT. Four people saw a Saturn-shaped object with two white lights on its leading edge. Pinkish lights were visible along its rim, and a red light on top (body lights). (Massachusetts NICAP Subcommittee report, NICAP files; Fowler, 1974, p. 349.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3755
### Event 29432 (B7ACDEE7)
**Date:** 9/8/1967
**Time:** 0230
**Location:** Caracas, Venezuela
**Description:** A. Aguilar, 23, saw a creature outside her bedroom window and screamed. Her parents ran into the room in time to see it soaring over rooftops, surrounded by a bluish-yellow glow. It moved as if suspended from a balloon. A strong smell of "melted iron" was detected by all.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Lor. III 81 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_879
### Event 29433 (25C8D720)
**Date:** 9/8/1967
**Description:** Caracas, Venezuela - Miss Alicia Rivas Aguilar, age 23, was getting ready for bed at 2:30 a.m. when she noticed a strange looking being just outside her bedroom window. It seemed to be gesticulating but she did not get a good look because she began screaming and the creature flew off. Her brother in law and her parents saw the creature flying off over the neighborhood rooftops. It was surrounded by a yellow glow. Gumersindo Neiro, her brother in law, got the best view from his own room. When he heard her screaming he looked out his window and saw a little being shove off from the window sill. It "soared as if he were lighter than air, with its hands and feet pointed backwards." The creature flew eastward and out of sight among the tall buildings in that part of the city. They all said he was wearing a kind of metallic suit, and the odor of "melted iron" lingered in the air.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jim & Coral Lorenzen, UFOs over the Americas, p. 81; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1967-93 (A0870), citing Horacio Gonzalez Ganteaume for APRO; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case # 879
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5762
### Event 29434 (85108362)
**Date:** 9/8/1967
**Description:** In Newton, New Hampshire four witnesses saw a disc-shaped object with white flashing lights on the rim and a red light on top at 10:30 p.m. It passed back and forth in front of the witnesses.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Raymond E. Fowler, UFOs: Interplanetary Visitors, p. 349; Richard.Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty Year Report, p. 360, 373
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5763
### Event 29435 (39102683)
**Date:** 9/9/1967
**Location:** USA, San Luis Valley (Colorado)
**Description:** (Translated from French) The Appaloosa mare "Lady" was found dead and mutilated. One cheek, the tongue, and all internal organs were removed. This "surgery" seemed to have been done with laser instruments.
**Reference:** Animal Mutilations, Internet November 1996, with photo
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2470
### Event 29436 (5EE31961)
**Date:** 9/9/1967
**Time:** 05:10
**Location:** VALENCIA, VNZ
**Description:** Cop. Small humanoid (or Grey) / garage. "Come / US. our world much larger. Many advantages / humming.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LORENZEN, Coral & Jim: ENCOUNTERS with UFO OCCUPANTS; APRO/Berkley Medallion Books 1976. 424pp (Index 225)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8415
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **TLP:** Telepathy, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **CVS:** Conversation/communication, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Venezuela", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "552", **HatchDesc:** "VALENCIA,VNZ:COP:OID/GARAGE:"COME/US. OUR WRLD MUCH LARGER:MANY ADVANTAGES/HUM", **LatLong:** "10.166667 -68.016670", **LatLongDMS:** "10:10:00 N 68:01:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/10.166667,-68.016670)", **State/Prov:** "CRB", **Strangeness:** "11"
### Event 29437 (1F92A611)
**Date:** 9/9/1967
**Location:** 20 MI NORTHEAST / ALAMOSA, CO
**Description:** Snippy / lady = horse mutilated. Saucers seen same day. Radiation/radioactivity traces / area.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LORENZEN, Coral & Jim: UFO's OVER THE AMERICAS; Signet Books, NY 1968. 243p. (Index 148)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8416
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens, **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **OPR:** Operations on humans/animal mutilation/surgery, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **RDA:** Radiation/high energy fields detected, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "0", **Elev:** "2300", **HatchDesc:** "20mi NE/ALAMOSA,CO:SNIPPY/LADY=HORSE MUTd:SCRS SEEN SAME DAY:RDA TRACES/AREA", **LatLong:** "37.566668 -105.616672", **LatLongDMS:** "37:34:00 N 105:37:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.566668,-105.616672)", **State/Prov:** "Colorado", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 29438 (87877D85)
**Date:** 9/9/1967
**Time:** 20:20
**Location:** DONETSK, UKRAINE
**Description:** 1 observer. Concave object going quickly northeast. Color = molten metal. Bright "star" follows.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: UFO CHRONICLES of the SOVIET UNION; Ballentine Books HB 1992. 212pp. (Index 193)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8417
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Ukraine", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "DONETSK,UKRAINE:1 OBS:CONCAVE OBJ >>NE:CLR=MOLTEN METAL:BRITE "STAR" folos", **LatLong:** "48.000002 37.583335", **LatLongDMS:** "48:00:00 N 37:35:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.000002,37.583335)", **State/Prov:** "DNT", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 29439 (3975FA1E)
**Date:** 9/9/1967
**Locations:** San Luis Valley, Colorado; Great Sand Dunes National Monument; Ross Medical Center in Denver; Great Sand Dunes; Pueblo Chieftain; Colorado State University’s College of Veterinary Medicine; Alamosa
**Description:** A 3-year-old saddle horse named Lady \[not Snippy\] belonging to [Nellie Lewis](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/69052497/nellie%5Fe%5F-lewis) of the [Harry King](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/69052216/harry-edward-king) Ranch in the San Luis Valley, Colorado, just south of Great Sand Dunes National Monument, is found dead a couple days after it has gone missing. The animal appears to have been skinned from the neck to the shoulders, which are nothing but bleached bones. The cut in the neck looks smooth and surgical. The soil beneath the horse is damp, and there is a medicine-like smell. A nearby bush is flattened oddly. Alamosa County Sheriff Ben Phillips blames Lady’s death on lightning. A few days later, rangers at Great Sand Dunes arrest [John Henry Altshuler](https://rr0.org/people/a/AltshulerJohnHenry/), a pathologist at Ross Medical Center in Denver, for trespassing after dark; he has actually gone to the area to look for UFOs. When they find out he is a specialist in blood coagulation, they say they will drop the arrest record if he takes a look at the dead horse. He finds that Lady’s lungs, heart, and thyroid are completely missing and finds the complete absence of blood distressing. Altshuler begins to think the dead horse has something to do with the UFOs he had seen when he was in the Great Sand Dunes. Nellie Lewis also admits she has been watching something in the sky every night. [Duane Martin](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/69050807/duane-edwin-martin), a US Forest Service ranger, records a pulse of unusually high radioactivity near Lady’s carcass, although others think it is only background radiation. The Pueblo Chieftain reports on the case in its October 5 edition and it gets picked up by the AP. Pathologist Robert O. Adams, chief of surgery at Colorado State University’s College of Veterinary Medicine, investigates Lady for the Colorado project and concludes that bacteria, birds, and coyotes are responsible for the lack of blood and organs. He finds an infection in the horse’s right flank that could have killed it; the cut at the neck might have been someone’s mercy killing. “Exhaust marks” found are probably fungal infestations, and indentations are probably weathered hoofprints. Alamosa veterinarian Wallace Leary later finds evidence of two bullet holes in Lady’s rump.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[The](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201967%2009%2000%20-%20September-October.pdf) [Snippy Case,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201967%2009%2000%20-%20September-October.pdf)” APRO Bulletin, Sept./Oct. 1967, pp. 1, 6; “[Colorado Horse Death Ruled No UFO Case,](http://cufos.org/UFOI%5Fand%5FSelected%5FDocuments/UFOI/038%20OCT%201967.pdf)” UFO Investigator 4, no. 2 \(October 1967\): 4; Donald Merker, “The Appaloosa from Alamosa,” Fate 21, no. 3 \(March 1968\): 35, 45–52; Lorenzen, UFOs over the Americas, Signet, 1968, pp. 148–158; Condon, [pp. 344–347](https://archive.org/details/scientificstudyo0000unse%5Fl5t2/page/344/mode/2up); UFOs Yes, 155–169; “[Town Gets Snippy about Skeleton of Mutilated Horse,](https://www.denverpost.com/2006/12/08/town-gets-snippy-about-skeleton-of-mutilated-horse/)” Denver Post, December 8, 2006; Greg Newkirk, “[Death on the Great Sand Dunes: The Strange Case of Snippy the Horse, the First Cattle Mutilation,](http://weekinweird.com/2013/01/08/death-dunes-ufos-start-cattle-mutilation-san-luis-valley/)” Week in Weird, January 8, 2013; Sylvia Lobato, “[After 50 Years, Snippy Still a Mystery,](https://alamosanews.com/article/after-50-years-snippy-still-a-mystery)” Alamosa \(Colo.\) Valley Courier, September 29, 2017; Clark III 130–132
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4389
### Event 29440 (BF847531)
**Date:** 9/9/1967
**Description:** At 7:45 p.m. Mrs. Ritchie and three children saw 18 red lights in a trapezoid pattern, only 1.5 feet above a rural road in Winchester, Connecticut. The object behind the light pattern was at least as tall as a telephone pole and as wide as the road (15 feet). It was close to a nearby microwave tower; it moved off the road, and vanished behind some trees. Ground marks were found.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Donald Johnson, APRO-Connecticut; Bill Ayer, NICAP; Edward U. Condon, Scientific Study of Unidentified Flying Objects, p. 342; UNICAT, case # 680
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5789
### Event 29441 (AFF4683D)
**Date:** 9/10/1967
**Location:** BRUZUAL, VNZL
**Description:** Several observer(s). Luminous white saucer follows Apure River west going east / low altitude. Very circular.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LORENZEN, Coral & Jim: UFO's OVER THE AMERICAS; Signet Books, NY 1968. 243p. (Index 69)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8418
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Venezuela", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "80", **HatchDesc:** "BRUZUAL,VNZL:SVRL OBS:LUM.WHT SCR FOLOS APURE RIVER W>E/LO ALT:VERY CIRCULAR", **LatLong:** "8.050000 -69.333337", **LatLongDMS:** "08:03:00 N 69:20:00 W", **Locale:** "Rainforest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/8.050000,-69.333337)", **RelAlt:** "10", **State/Prov:** "APR", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 29442 (856652EB)
**Date:** 9/10/1967
**Location:** Barcelona, Spain
**Description:** Aircraft Encounter Near Barcelona (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: A, Rating: 3)
**Reference:** NICAP: [670910](http://www.nicap.org/670910barcelona%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3756
### Event 29443 (BECCFDB4)
**Date:** 9/10/1967
**Location:** Shepherdstown, PA
**Description:** 10:35 p.m. EDT. Two men in separate cars stopped and discussed their sighting of a bullet-shaped object with a flashing red light on each end (body lights) and a white glow on the bottom that moved slowly across the sky at low altitude. (Pennsylvania NICAP Subcommittee report, 10/4/67, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3757
### Event 29444 (E1F3B95A)
**Date:** 9/10/1967
**Location:** Barcelona, Spain
**Description:** Cone-shaped object, haze or mist around lower portion, approached airliner from west, passed under starboard wing, turning and maneuvering
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_143
### Event 29445 (8A8A47AB)
**Date:** 9/10/1967
**Locations:** Bruzual, Apure, Venezuela; Apure River
**Description:** Several residents of Bruzual, Apure, Venezuela, watch a white, luminous disc following the course of the Apure River from west to east at low altitude.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Lorenzen, UFOs over the Americas, Signet, 1968, p. 69
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4390
### Event 29446 (2E01BC61)
**Date:** 9/10/1967
**Description:** At 6:03 p.m. flying over the Pyrenees Mountains in a DC-6 at 16,000 feet altitude, 65 miles north of Reus, Tarragona, Spain three men, Underhill, Hope and Dunlop, sighted an inverted flying cone, silver on top, with a curved base, that looked metallic and solid. Its minimum distance was estimated to be 1/2 mile, and it was moving opposite to the plane. It was initially higher, then half a mile below. The sighting lasted more than two minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** APRO Bulletin, September-October 1967, p. 6; Alastair Prevost, Flying Saucer Review, September 1967, p. 2; UNICAT, case 638; Robert Gribble, MUFON UFO Journal, September 1987, p. 19; Dominique Weinstein, Aircraft UFO Encounters, p. 36
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5828
### Event 29447 (446BFA46)
**Date:** 9/11/1967
**Time:** 06:40
**Description:** 3 / DC6 crew. 100' silver cone maneuvers / 3 minute(s). Going quickly [to] 3500mph. / APRO Sep'67.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 51)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8419
**Attributes:** **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "NW/BARCELONA,SP:3/DC6 crew:100'SLVR CONE MNVRS/3min:>>3500mph:/APRO Sep'67", **LatLong:** "42.500002 1.333333", **LatLongDMS:** "42:30:00 N 01:20:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.500002,1.333333)", **State/Prov:** "LRD", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29448 (D0ADD90A)
**Date:** 9/11/1967
**Time:** 15:30
**Location:** SOUTH / PORT ELGIN, ON
**Description:** Several observer(s). Night light going quickly east stops. Drops object / lake. Back searching. / r109p31.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 813)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8420
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "212", **HatchDesc:** "S/PORT ELGIN,ON:SVRL OBS:NLT >>E STOPS:DROPS OBJ/LAKE::BACK SEARCHING:/r109p31", **LatLong:** "44.433335 -81.416671", **LatLongDMS:** "44:26:00 N 81:25:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.433335,-81.416671)", **RelAlt:** "1", **State/Prov:** "Ontario", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29449 (E928ABD3)
**Date:** 9/11/1967
**Time:** 21:30
**Description:** 4M saucer lands / field / 4 hours / big storm. Traces and radiation/radioactivity! / r215p107.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 15)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8421
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **RDA:** Radiation/high energy fields detected, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "240", **Elev:** "43", **HatchDesc:** "VILLA CONSTITUCION,ARG:4M SCR LANDS/FLD/4hrs/BIG STORM:TRACES+RDA!/r215p107", **LatLong:** "-33.250002 -60.316670", **LatLongDMS:** "33:15:00 S 60:19:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-33.250002,-60.316670)", **State/Prov:** "STF", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 29450 (BC5D0259)
**Date:** 9/11/1967
**Time:** 22:40
**Description:** 13+2+2 RADAR blips going quickly east through forbidden zone / 2Kmph. No visual observer(s).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CONDON, Dr. Edward: SCIENTIFIC STUDY of UFO..etc; Bantam 1969. 965pp. (Index 164)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8422
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RDR:** Radar traces/blips, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "80", **Elev:** "200", **HatchDesc:** "KINCHELOE AFB,MI:13+2+2 RDR BLIPS >>E THRU FORBIDDEN ZONE/2Kmph:NO VISUAL OBS", **LatLong:** "46.266669 -84.455560", **LatLongDMS:** "46:16:00 N 84:27:20 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.266669,-84.455560)", **State/Prov:** "Michigan", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 29451 (11F61B43)
**Date:** 9/11/1967
**Location:** Kincheloe AFB, MI
**Description:** (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) 17 Unknowns In 80 Minute Period (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** NICAP: [670911](http://www.nicap.org/670911kincheloe%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3758
### Event 29452 (D6F36A26)
**Date:** 9/11/1967
**Location:** Port Elgin, Ontario, CAN
**Description:** 3:30 p.m. EDT. Six or more employees of a nuclear power plant saw a saucer- shaped object passing over the plant going east. The object hovered about 1.5 miles out over the lake and dropped something into the water. (Bondarchuk, 1979, pp. 122-24.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3760
### Event 29453 (0FF3775D)
**Date:** 9/11/1967
**Location:** Silver Spring, MD
**Description:** 9:30 p.m. EDT. A couple and their five children saw a flash of bright orange light, then resolved into a bright light seemingly mounted on an object about the size of an automobile. The object appeared to make a search of a park area, moving back and forth and in figure 8's, at about 200-300 feet altitude. (Letter and visit to NICAP Office 11/8/68, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3761
### Event 29454 (332CD4B3)
**Date:** 9/11/1967
**Location:** Arlington, VA
**Description:** 12:35 p.m. EDT. A witness in the vicinity of Washington National Airport saw a silver disc with a dome (sombrero shape) hovering, then it banked and moved out of sight behind trees. (Phone call from witness, 9/12/67, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3762
### Event 29455 (58EC3FCE)
**Date:** 9/11/1967
**Time:** 2130
**Location:** Villa Constitucion, Argentina
**Description:** During a raging storm, an entire family watched a large, glowing object in a field 300 m away, giving off brilliant beams of light for 4 hours, after which it took off in seconds. Sootlike material with an unpleasant smell and tracks on flattened grass were noted.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** FSR 68, 6 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_880
### Event 29456 (FDF8A560)
**Date:** 9/11/1967
**Description:** [Richard H. Hall](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard%5FH.%5FHall) resigns as assistant director of NICAP for personal reasons and is replaced by [Gordon I.](https://www.coasttocoastam.com/guest/lore-gordon/95941) [R. Lore](https://www.coasttocoastam.com/guest/lore-gordon/95941)[.](https://www.coasttocoastam.com/guest/lore-gordon/95941)
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Assistant Director Hall Resigns, Is Replaced by Gordon Lore,](http://cufos.org/UFOI%5Fand%5FSelected%5FDocuments/UFOI/038%20OCT%201967.pdf)” UFO Investigator 4, no. 2 \(October 1967\): 2
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4391
### Event 29457 (20320694)
**Date:** 9/11/1967
**Locations:** Douglas Point Nuclear Generating Station; Kincardine, Ontario; Lake Huron
**Description:** 3:30 p.m. About a dozen employees of the Douglas Point Nuclear Generating Station near Kincardine, Ontario, watch a UFO pass over the plant in an easterly direction. At one point it hovers above Lake Huron about a mile and a half offshore and drops something into the water. Other plant workers see similar objects over the lake or above the plant on five succeeding nights. The plant isn’t operational for another year.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Yurko Bondarchuk, UFO Sightings, Landings, and Abductions, Methuen, 1979, pp. 122–123
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4392
### Event 29458 (ABABFD0B)
**Date:** 9/11/1967
**Location:** Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina
**Description:** 9:30 p.m. During a raging storm near Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina, a family watches a huge, glowing orange object hovering in a field about 1,000 feet away from the farmhouse. The object emits brilliant beams of light. After 4 hours it ascends and is lost to sight in seconds. The next day, the witnesses find a sootlike material on the ground and tracks about 2 inches wide in the flattened grass.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Lorenzen, UFOs over the Americas, Signet, 1968, p. 69
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4393
### Event 29459 (DA988FCF)
**Date:** 9/11/1967
**Locations:** Kincheloe AFB [now Chippewa County International Airport]; Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan; Lake Superior; Duluth, Minnesota; Colorado
**Description:** 10:42 p.m. According to radar operators at Kincheloe AFB \[now Chippewa County International Airport\] south of Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan, more than 20 radar targets appear and disappear over the middle of Lake Superior over an 80-minute period, tracked at speeds of up to 2,000 mph, sometimes turning at sharp right angles and involving separation and merging of distinct targets. Radar at Duluth, Minnesota, has also picked up the targets. The Colorado project sends [John Ahrens](https://www.linkedin.com/in/john-ahrens-a8633835) and Norm Levine to investigate. They check out rumors of visual sightings at Sault Ste. Marie, but these do not conform to the radar trackings. At Duluth, they draw a complete blank with denials all around.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** NICAP, “[17 Unknowns in 80 Minute Period](http://www.nicap.org/670911kincheloe%5Fdir.htm)”; UFOs Yes, 123–124; Condon, [pp. 164–165](https://archive.org/details/scientificstudyo0000unse%5Fl5t2/page/164/mode/2up); [Sparks](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf)[,](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf) p. 326
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4394
### Event 29460 (30750BEE)
**Date:** 9/13/1967
**Location:** USA, Great Sand Dunes (Colorado)
**Description:** (Translated from French) Mrs. Lewis Berle's and her brother Harry King's horse, Snippy, had disappeared from the King ranch. It was found on the 15th, its head and neck stripped of flesh, the skin pulled back to bare the skull, and its vital organs removed. Near the carcass was a flattened chico bush, and there were 6 identical holes, 2 inches wide and 4 inches deep, in the ground. A quarter of a mile from where the corpse was found, an elderly woman had seen a large object pass almost at rooftop level on the day of the disappearance.
**Reference:** Jacques VALLEE: "Chronicles of the E.T. Appearances" - DENOEL 1972 - coll. J'AI LU, p. 72
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2471
### Event 29461 (9B0E6FDF)
**Date:** 9/13/1967
**Location:** East Bridgewater, MA
**Description:** 10:53 p.m. EDT. A man saw a row of orange-yellow lights (body lights) with a vague form behind them. The object hovered, changed to one light, then returned to its original appearance. (Letter from witness, 9/15/67, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3763
### Event 29462 (860ADA74)
**Date:** 9/13/1967
**Location:** Southbridge, MA
**Description:** Evening, time not specified. Multiple witnesses, including a pilot, saw a cigar- shaped object with a row of white lights (body lights) on the side. The object hovered and maneuvered around, and once appeared to approach an airport as if to land. (Southbridge Evening News, 9/14/67 and 9/15/67, copies in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3764
### Event 29463 (A8B1E03E)
**Date:** 9/13/1967
**Locations:** National Bureau of Standards; Gaithersburg, Maryland
**Description:** [Condon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward%5FCondon) gives a dinner speech at a spectroscopy symposium at the National Bureau of Standards in Gaithersburg, Maryland, and talks primarily about contactees and crackpots.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** UFOs Yes, 247–248
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4395
### Event 29464 (E1FF7443)
**Date:** 9/13/1967
**Description:** A very bright strobe light was seen, and then six red lights in a row appeared at the same spot and hovered over the Haddam Neck, Connecticut Yankee Nuclear Power Plant at 8:45 p.m. It was seen by Mrs. Rarey and her two children from their home across the Connecticut River in Haddam, Connecticut. The sighting lasted 15 minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Donald A. Johnson field investigation case files
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5916
### Event 29465 (E6960A77)
**Date:** 9/14/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) At La Baleia \(Brazil\), Fabio J. Diniz, 16, was walking near a hospital when he saw a mushroom-shaped device on a playground. It had a dome on top, and a door like a guillotine that slid up. The boy ran away, but a voice in Portuguese said to him: Don't run away. He then saw two 2m tall men, dressed in tight green clothing, telling him not to be afraid and to come back the next day. Otherwise we will take your family. They had a greenish skin and very widely spaced round eyes. (September 14th, 11am)
**Reference:** [FSR](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/FSR.html) 68, 6 \< [Vallée](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/ValleeJacques.html) 1969
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2367
### Event 29466 (7FB5DD34)
**Date:** 9/14/1967
**Time:** 11:00
**Location:** LA BALEIA, BRZ
**Description:** Domed saucer / field. Door slides up. 2 2M men going [to] "come back tomorrow".
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA; H. Regnery, Chicago HC 1969 & Contemporary Books,Chicago 1993. 372pp. (Index 881)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8423
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **CVS:** Conversation/communication, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "La BALEIA,BRZ:DOMED SCR/FIELD:DOOR SLIDES UP:2 2M MEN>"COME BACK TOMORROW"", **LatLong:** "-25.511112 -48.427780", **LatLongDMS:** "25:30:40 S 48:25:40 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-25.511112,-48.427780)", **State/Prov:** "PRN", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 29467 (04C1AF75)
**Date:** 9/14/1967
**Time:** 20:00
**Location:** WICHITA, KS
**Description:** Boys and mom. Saucer lands / field. Light rotates / edge-windows. Clear dome / top.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 813)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8424
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "392", **HatchDesc:** "WICHITA,KS:BOYS+MOM:SCR LANDS/FIELD:LITE ROTATES/EDGE-WINDOWS:CLEAR DOME/TOP", **LatLong:** "37.683335 -97.366671", **LatLongDMS:** "37:41:00 N 97:22:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.683335,-97.366671)", **State/Prov:** "Kansas", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 29468 (0649B5B3)
**Date:** 9/14/1967
**Time:** 20:00
**Location:** BUNCETON, MO
**Description:** 1 observer. Ovoid flashes colored lights / 2 hours. Maneuvers going up and down. Many similar report(s).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SIFAKIS, Carl: The OFFICIAL QUIDE to UFO SIGHTINGS; Sterling Publ, NY 1979. (Gee whiz!) (Index 80)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8425
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "120", **Elev:** "235", **HatchDesc:** "BUNCETON,MO:1 OBS:OVOID FLASHES CLRD LITES/2hrs:MNVRS ↑+↓:MANY SIMILAR Rpts", **LatLong:** "38.788891 -92.800004", **LatLongDMS:** "38:47:20 N 92:48:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.788891,-92.800004)", **State/Prov:** "Missouri", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29469 (4E00D7A8)
**Date:** 9/14/1967
**Location:** Kanagulk, Victoria, AU
**Description:** Night. A man saw an object shaped like an inverted bowl (dome-shaped) flashing red and white for 10 minutes. The object hovered, moved to another position, and hovered again. The man's car radio would not work (EM effect) during the sighting. (Unidentified newspaper clipping, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3765
### Event 29470 (9437597B)
**Date:** 9/14/1967
**Location:** Washington, DC
**Description:** 2:20 a.m. EDT. A woman saw a bright, orange-yellow sphere that hovered and then sped away. The object was many times brighter than the moon and was seen for 10 minutes. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3766
### Event 29471 (24A53727)
**Date:** 9/14/1967
**Location:** Rockville, MD
**Description:** Unspecified time. A boy saw a bright sphere hovering near the moon. The sphere divided into three parts, two of which accelerated out of sight, and the third lingered, then sped away in a different direction from the first two. (Phone call from witness's father, 9/15/67, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3767
### Event 29472 (B811B24A)
**Date:** 9/14/1967
**Location:** Western part of State, VA
**Description:** 4:00 p.m. EDT. A man onboard a plane enroute from Atlanta to Pittsburgh saw a flat object that appeared orange at long range and white when closer. The object moved past the plane in the same direction of travel, but at much greater speed. (Report from Colorado NICAP Subcommittee, 9/26/67, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3768
### Event 29473 (5D265096)
**Date:** 9/14/1967
**Location:** Barstow, CA
**Description:** 7:50 p.m. PDT (10:50 p.m. EDT). A man saw n a green light in the sky that sometimes appeared white. It circled, zig-zagged, moved up and down (maneuvered), and appeared to circle an aircraft. (NICAP report form and letter, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3769
### Event 29474 (EDA2ABC1)
**Date:** 9/14/1967
**Time:** 1100
**Location:** La Baleia, Brazil
**Description:** Fabio J. Diniz, 16, was walking near a hospital when he saw a mushroom-shaped craft on a playing field. It had a cupola on top, and a guillotinelike door that slid up. The boy fled, but a voice told him in Portuguese: "Don't run away." He saw two men, 2 m tall, dressed in green tight-fitting clothes. They told him not to be afraid and to return the next day, "otherwise we will take your family." They had greenish skin, and round eyes set wide apart.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** FSR 68, 6 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_881
### Event 29475 (71EC597D)
**Date:** 9/14/1967
**Alternate date:** 9/17/1967
**Locations:** Hospital da Baleia; Belo Horizonte, Brazil
**Description:** 10:50 a.m. “Fábio Jose Diniz,” 16, is walking along an asphalt path near the deserted grounds of an isolation unit at Hospital da Baleia on the outskirts of Belo Horizonte, Brazil. He notices an object in an adjacent football field. It is shaped like a mushroom with a domed top and surrounded by a row of portholes and a thick central “stalk” in contact with the soil. A hazy screen like a force field drops around the object, and a door appears out of nowhere and slides upward along the column. Two humanlike figures, 6 feet tall, emerge, dressed in one-piece diving suits of greenish material and helmets. One of them carries a tube-like implement, and the other has a probe sticking up from his helmet and talks to Diniz in Portuguese, telling him not to run away. He starts running anyway, but the figure tells him to come back the next day or they will take his family. The figure reenters the UFO, which takes off vertically. He sees psychologist and UFO researcher [Hulvio Aleixo](http://documents.theblackvault.com/documents/MUFON/Pratt/BrazilianUFOlogists.pdf), who says he is in severe shock. At the landing site, police find some foul-smelling black material that crumbles easily. This is examined by geophysicist Roberto Murto, who finds it is made of iron, magnesium, and silica. An impression like a large footprint is also found. Aleixo subjects the boy to psychological testing and he finds no disorder. The UFO fails to return the next day.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Flying Saucer Is Reported,](https://www.newspapers.com/clip/102403919/the-baltimore-sun/)” Baltimore \(Md.\) Sun, September 25, 1967, p. 3; Lorenzen, UFOs over the Americas, Signet, 1968, p. 85; Jenny Randles, UFO Conspiracy, Cassell, 1987, [pp. 97–](https://archive.org/details/ufoconspiracyfir00rand/page/n107/mode/2up) [99](https://archive.org/details/ufoconspiracyfir00rand/page/n107/mode/2up); Clark III 177–178; Brazil 88–91; Mark Cashman, “Behavioral Classification System for UFO Occupants,” IUR 24, no. 1 \(Spring 1999\): 18–19
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4396
### Event 29476 (675213B2)
**Date:** 9/14/1967
**Description:** At eleven o'clock in the morning Fabio J. Diniz, age 16, was walking near a hospital in La Baleia, Minas Gerais State, Brazil when he saw a mushroom-shaped craft on a playing field. It had a cupola on top, and a guillotine-like door that slid up. The boy started to flee, but a voice in Portuguese told him, "Don't run away." He next saw two tall men, two meters in height, dressed in green tight-fitting uniforms. They told him not to be afraid and to return the next day, or "otherwise we will take your family." They had a greenish skin tone, and round eyes that were set wide apart.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case # 881, citing FSR, November-December 1968, p. 8; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case # A0872
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5953
### Event 29477 (BA015348)
**Date:** 9/15/1967
**Location:** USA, Winstead (Connecticut)
**Description:** (Translated from French) Strange creatures are observed in the glow of an elliptical shaped light. They are observed near a barn, and howl, like the wind, when they are caught in the beams of headlights. The silhouettes, run on human legs, towards the object which fades away. Around 9pm, two young girls at the window of the upper floor, see a large light come above a large tree, at some distance. The light appeared as big as a Volkswagen. At a few hundred meters distance, it was white and became red, dancing up and down. Alone at home, the young girls were scared. Then they heard noises in the barn a few meters from the house. It was like a coffee grinder that someone was trying to start. Looking in that direction, they saw three dark creatures, about one and a half meters tall, at some distance, standing near the mailbox. On the hill the glowing ball still shone. It was at this moment that a car arrived. The creatures started to run towards the bushes and the light on the hill went out."
**Reference:** APRG, on the Internet in May 1997
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2472
### Event 29478 (9C381EB3)
**Date:** 9/15/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In Alamosa \(Colorado\), the carcass of a horse named Snippy is discovered. Unusual radioactivity and strange traces were reportedly found at the site.
**Reference:** [Condon](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/Documents/Officiels/condon/case32.htm) 344; Magonia \< [Vallée](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/ValleeJacques.html) 1969
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2368
### Event 29479 (E463DA52)
**Date:** 9/15/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In Winsted \(Connecticut\), two teenagers observe a large, shiny object, and three small figures about 1.25 m tall, with large heads, running near a barn. From the object comes a sound like a combine when it starts but fails to start. The object blacked out, and the figures were hidden when a car passed, after which the object pulsed between a very bright white and a dull red, and moved diagonally several times. (8:45 PM)
**Reference:** Lor. III 166; Condon 347 \< [Vallée](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/ValleeJacques.html) 1969
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2369
### Event 29480 (B038CE58)
**Date:** 9/15/1967
**Time:** 20:50
**Location:** WINSTED, CT
**Description:** 2 girls and separate observer(s). Saucer and 3 small humanoids (or Greys) near barn hide / cars pass. / r8#883+/ r113p188.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 933)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8426
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "40", **Elev:** "217", **HatchDesc:** "WINSTED,CT:2 GIRLS+SEP.OBS:SCR+3 OIDS nr BARN HIDE/CARS PASS:/r8#883+/r113p188", **LatLong:** "41.922224 -73.061115", **LatLongDMS:** "41:55:20 N 73:03:40 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.922224,-73.061115)", **State/Prov:** "Connecticut", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 29481 (D1592B8A)
**Date:** 9/15/1967
**Location:** Winsted, CT
**Description:** 7:50 p.m. EDT. Two witnesses saw a red-orange, clam-shell-shaped (disc), fuzzy object move across the sky. The object stopped and hovered, then moved away. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3770
### Event 29482 (AF6D3932)
**Date:** 9/15/1967
**Location:** Winsted, CT
**Description:** 8:50 p.m. EDT. Separate witnesses in Winsted reported seeing a large glowing, pulsating object hovering nearby and several small beings with large heads (humanoids) moving around it. The object's light dimmed when cars approached. (Report in NICAP files; Gillmor, 1969, p. 347.) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3771
### Event 29483 (F540B189)
**Date:** 9/15/1967
**Location:** Alamosa, Colorado
**Description:** The carcass of a horse named Snippy was discovered. Unusual radioactivity and strange traces were claimed to have been found at the spot.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Condon 344; Magonia ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_882
### Event 29484 (2B33A097)
**Date:** 9/15/1967
**Time:** 2045
**Location:** Winsted, Connecticut
**Description:** Two teenage girls observed a large, glowing object, and three small figures, about 1.25 m tall, witll oversized heads, running near a barn. From the object came a noise similar to that of "a power mower when it fires but fails to start." The object blacked out, and the figures hid while a car passed, after which the object pulsated between very bright white and dull red, and moved diagonally several times.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Lor. III 166; Condon 347 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_883
### Event 29485 (F22BFA78)
**Date:** 9/15/1967
**Location:** 37.0000 -116.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Gilroy” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_511
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0000 -116.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:00 N 116:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0000,-116.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Gilroy", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 29486 (68F72558)
**Date:** 9/15/1967
**Description:** Astronomer [William Markowitz](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William%5FMarkowitz) publishes an article in Science magazine that declares extraterrestrial UFOs to be a priori impossible because they do not follow the laws of physics.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** William Markowitz, “[The](https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.157.3794.1274) [Physics and Metaphysics of Unidentified Flying Objects,](https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.157.3794.1274)” Science 157 \(1967\): 1274–1279
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4397
### Event 29487 (3F527F6F)
**Date:** 9/15/1967
**Location:** Winsted, Connecticut
**Description:** 8:50 p.m. Separate witnesses in Winsted, Connecticut, see a large glowing, pulsating object hovering nearby and several small beings with large heads moving around it. The object’s light dims when cars approach.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Flap Continues in the States,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201967%2009%2000%20-%20September-October.pdf)” APRO Bulletin, Sept./Oct. 1967, p. 9; Condon, [pp. 347–351](https://archive.org/details/scientificstudyo0000unse%5Fl5t2/page/346/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4398
### Event 29488 (99068CDD)
**Date:** 9/15/1967
**Description:** The carcass of a horse named "Lady", but misnamed in press reports as "Snippy", was discovered mutilated on a ranch outside of Alamosa, Colorado. Unusual radioactivity and strange traces were claimed to have been found at the spot. This was the first highly publicized case of many more such animal and cattle mutilations to occur in the San Luis Valley.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case # 883, Edward U. Condon (editor), Scientific Study of Unidentified Flying Objects, p. 344
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5988
### Event 29489 (899B9CF9)
**Date:** 9/15/1967
**Description:** In Winsted, Connecticut at 8:45 p.m. two teenage girls observed a large, glowing object, and three small figures, about 1.25 meters tall, with oversized heads, running across a road near a barn. From the object came a noise similar to that of "a power mower when it fires but fails to start." The object blacked out, and the figures hid while a car passed, afterwards the object pulsated between very bright white and dull red, and moved diagonally several times.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jim & Coral Lorenzen, UFOs Over the Americas, p. 166; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case # 883, citing Lorenzens and Edward U. Condon (editor), Scientific Study of Unidentified Flying Objects, p. 347
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5989
### Event 29490 (D81B809B)
**Date:** 9/16/1967
**Time:** 04:04:00.3
**Location:** 49.9372 77.7281
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: .001KT YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1303
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.9372 77.7281", **LatLongDMS:** "49:56:14 N 77:43:41 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.9372,77.7281)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.30", **NukeSource:** "BOCHAROV", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** ".001", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 29491 (C3E74FC4)
**Date:** 9/17/1967
**Time:** 21:00
**Description:** Saucer on ground in park. 7' pseudo-human/entity ask boy to return / next day.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LORENZEN, Coral & Jim: UFO's OVER THE AMERICAS; Signet Books, NY 1968. 243p. (Index 85)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8427
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **GNT:** Giant: Large/tall alien, **CVS:** Conversation/communication, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "5", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "876", **HatchDesc:** "BELO HORIZONTE,BRZ:SCR ON GND IN PARK:7'PSH ASK BOY TO RETURN/NEXT DAY", **LatLong:** "-19.916668 -43.950002", **LatLongDMS:** "19:55:00 S 43:57:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-19.916668,-43.950002)", **State/Prov:** "Minas Gerais", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 29492 (4171D43C)
**Date:** 9/17/1967
**Location:** Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais State, Brazil
**Description:** Time not given. Two witnesses reported that a saucer with portholes landed on a soccer field. Physical traces were left by the object. (Baltimore Morning Sun, Maryland, 9/25/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 06 - Trace Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3772
### Event 29493 (E572553D)
**Date:** 9/17/1967
**Location:** Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais State, Brazil
**Description:** Time not given. Two witnesses reported that a saucer with portholes landed on a soccer field. (Beings seen in association with the object were over 6 feet tall, hefty, used breathing apparatus, and had bulging eyes. (Baltimore Morning Sun, Maryland, 9/25/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3773
### Event 29494 (69EB16F8)
**Date:** 9/17/1967
**Location:** Colorado
**Description:** [Roach](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Franklin%5FE.%5FRoach) resigns from the Colorado project in order to pursue academic interests.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** UFOs Yes, 140
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4399
### Event 29495 (4A93112C)
**Date:** 9/17/1967
**Description:** At around 2:00 a.m. An anonymous witness observed an eight-foot tall humanoid in a wooded area near Langley, British Columbia, Canada. It was reported to be pink colored and covered with scaly skin.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case A2085, citing John Brent Musgrave, UFO Occupants and Critters
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6044
### Event 29496 (B1B39A93)
**Date:** 9/18/1967
**Location:** ROMANIA, Danube Delta.
**Description:** (Translated from French) I was on the ferry-boat Tulcea - Sfintul-Gheorghe, on the starboard bridge, it was 8:30 pm. A light rain was falling from the uniformly cloudy sky and it was very dark. At 8:45 pm the clouds changed color, very high above me and became luminous with a red fringe all around. Suddenly, without any noise, a luminous object appeared, shaped like a frying pan with its tail. It was going west. It stopped abruptly at 500 or 600 m from the boat and at perhaps 200 or 300 m in height. It was swaying, a bit like the flame of a candle. The disc seemed to be 5 to 6 m in diameter, as well as the tail whose base was half the size of the disc and which was getting thinner and thinner towards the end. The disc was a dark red, more precisely a garnet. At its periphery and the elongated part of the tail it had the color of methane when it burns. Globular sparks were ejected from the tail but they disappeared as soon as they came out. I was stunned, if not scared. After staying there for about four minutes, the object slowly pivoted around an axis without making any noise, then returned to its initial position. It then resumed its advance on my left parallel to the surface of the water pointing its tail towards the west. Then it stopped again after covering 200 to 300 m. Finally it disappeared into the clouds, still without a sound and without having made any lateral maneuver. The object had described a total U-shaped trajectory. I then looked at my watch again: it was 8:52 pm
**Reference:** Ion HOBANA/Julien WEVERBERGH: "Les OVNI en URSS et dans les pays de l'Est" - trad. Laffont 1976 - p. 305
**Reference:** Valeriu Bita
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2473
### Event 29497 (7E3E038F)
**Date:** 9/18/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In Nanton \(Canada\), forest employee Russell Hill hears a strange pulsing sound and sees an object emitting a green glow hovering near his cabin. Radio interference. (September 18, 1 AM)
**Reference:** Lor. III 34 \< [Vallée](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/ValleeJacques.html) 1969
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2370
### Event 29498 (32F8213E)
**Date:** 9/18/1967
**Time:** 01:00
**Location:** WEST / NANTON, ALTA
**Description:** Forester. Pulsing sound. Green-glowing saucer near. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) and electro-magnetic effect (EME). / r8+/ r109p33.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 813)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8428
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "1025", **HatchDesc:** "W/NANTON,ALTA:FORESTER:PULSING SOUND:GRN-GLO SCR NEAR:RFI+EME:/r8+/r109p33", **LatLong:** "50.333336 -114.000005", **LatLongDMS:** "50:20:00 N 114:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.333336,-114.000005)", **State/Prov:** "Alberta", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 29499 (EC642013)
**Date:** 9/18/1967
**Time:** 17:30
**Location:** ANDORRA-LA-VELLA
**Description:** Hundreds / observer(s). 11 disks maneuvers / all directions. Small sphere/orb/globe exits. Possible balloons.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PHENOMENES SPATIAUX: Group GEPA, Gen. M. Lionel Chassin Paris. Quarterly 1964?-1977. Merged into Grp. GEPAN (Index 14)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8429
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "12", **Duration:** "30", **HatchDesc:** "ANDORRA-la-VELLA:100s/OBS:11 DISKS MNVRS/ALL DIRs:SML ORB EXITS:poss.balloons", **LatLong:** "42.516669 1.533333", **LatLongDMS:** "42:31:00 N 01:32:00 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.516669,1.533333)", **State/Prov:** "Andorre", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 29500 (F2A1FDD1)
**Date:** 9/18/1967
**Time:** 20:50
**Location:** NEAR ST. GHEORGE, ROM
**Description:** 6M saucer with tail paces ferryboat. U-turn back going west. / r84p236.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 60)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8430
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Romania", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "22", **HatchDesc:** "nr St.GHEORGE,ROM:6M SCR W/TAIL PACES FERRYBOAT:U-TURN back >W:/r84p236", **LatLong:** "45.000002 29.333335", **LatLongDMS:** "45:00:00 N 29:20:00 E", **Locale:** "Wetlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.000002,29.333335)", **State/Prov:** "TLC", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29501 (6BC64480)
**Date:** 9/18/1967
**Location:** Cannock, Staffordshire, UK
**Description:** 9:00 p.m. LT (5:00 p.m. EDT). A family had several sightings of red lights like glowing coals beginning about 8:30 pm. At 9:00 pm, two red lights glided in front of a full moon, disappearing behind nearby rooftops. (Stanway and Pace, 1968, p. 15.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3774
### Event 29502 (0FCB6F8D)
**Date:** 9/18/1967
**Location:** Sault Ste. Marie, MI
**Description:** 6:00 p.m. CDT (7:00 p.m. EDT). A woman saw a flat, round (disc-shaped), dark- colored object with a band of light around its circumference. The object landed in a field, ascended, then moved out of sight. No traces of the landing were found in the field. (Evening News, Sault. Ste. Marie, 9/20/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3775
### Event 29503 (7554C015)
**Date:** 9/18/1967
**Time:** 0100
**Location:** Nanton, Canada
**Description:** Forestry employee Russell Hill heard a strange pulsating sound and saw an object giving off a green glow hover near his cabin. Radio interference.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Lor. III 34 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_884
### Event 29504 (C2C9243E)
**Date:** 9/18/1967
**Description:** [Saunders](https://psycnet.apa.org/record/1993-27194-001)[,](https://psycnet.apa.org/record/1993-27194-001) [Low](http://ufohistoryfiles.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/CO%2067%20NEWS.pdf)[,](http://ufohistoryfiles.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/CO%2067%20NEWS.pdf) and [Condon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward%5FCondon) meet for 3 hours to discuss Saunders’s suggestions for improving the public image. Saunders argues that the public can tell the project is headed toward a negative conclusion. Condon says that if they find extraterrestrial evidence, he would not disclose it to the public.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** UFOs Yes, 140–141; Swords 324
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4400
### Event 29505 (7B4843C1)
**Date:** 9/18/1967
**Locations:** Russell Hill; Raspberry Ridge station; Mount Burke, Alberta; Highwood Ranger Station
**Description:** 1:00 a.m. Russell Hill is stationed as a forestry lookout at the Raspberry Ridge station near Mount Burke, Alberta. He hears a strange pulsating sound as a green light sweeps the walls of the lookout cabin. He sees an object hovering to the southwest and giving off a greenish glow. He attempts to radio the nearby Highwood Ranger Station, but the radio ane lights do not work. The object turns white and shoots up straight into the sky.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Object Photographed in Canada,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201967%2009%2000%20-%20September-October.pdf)” APRO Bulletin, Sept./Oct. 1967, p. 11
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4401
### Event 29506 (513002EF)
**Date:** 9/18/1967
**Description:** Forestry employee Russell Hill heard a strange pulsating sound at one o'clock in the morning in Nanton, Alberta, Canada and then saw an object giving off a green glow hovering near his cabin. He also experienced radio interference during the sighting.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jim & Coral Lorenzen, UFOs over the Americas, p. 34; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case # 884
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6070
### Event 29507 (A4D131F7)
**Date:** 9/19/1967
**Time:** 19:00
**Description:** Crescent UFO and night lights. Then only night light. West going quickly east. / LDLN#204.
**Type:** sighting
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8431
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Ukraine", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "SEVERODONETSK,UKRAINE:CRESCENT UFO+NLTS:THEN ONLY NLT:W>>E:/LDLN#204", **LatLong:** "49.016669 38.366668", **LatLongDMS:** "49:01:00 N 38:22:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.016669,38.366668)", **State/Prov:** "LGN", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29508 (BD1AAAD3)
**Date:** 9/19/1967
**Time:** 19:20
**Description:** Crescent and night lights go southwest going quickly northeast. GC#059. / LDLN#204.
**Type:** sighting
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8432
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Ukraine", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "SVATOVO+VOROSHILOVGRAD,UKRAINE:CRESCENT+NLTS GO SW>>NE:GC#059:/LDLN#204", **LatLong:** "49.383336 38.166668", **LatLongDMS:** "49:23:00 N 38:10:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.383336,38.166668)", **State/Prov:** "LGN", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29509 (F15F9FED)
**Date:** 9/19/1967
**Time:** 19:20
**Description:** Sphere / steady course goes southwest going quickly northeast. GC#056.
**Type:** sighting
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8433
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Russia", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "SERAFIMOVICH,VOLGOGRAD,RUSS:SPHERE/STEADY COURSE GOES SW>>NE:GC#056", **LatLong:** "49.588891 42.366669", **LatLongDMS:** "49:35:20 N 42:22:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.588891,42.366669)", **State/Prov:** "VLG", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29510 (69BF1C6A)
**Date:** 9/19/1967
**Time:** 19:30
**Location:** SOUTH / VOLGOGRAD, RS
**Description:** UFO buzzes Aeroflot IL-14. Engines quit. Restart / object going quickly east. / r58p37.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: ABOVE TOP SECRET; Sidgewick & Jackson, London 1987 & Quill Books, 1988. 592pp. (Index 230)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8434
**Attributes:** **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Russia", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "S/VOLGOGRAD,RS:UFO BUZZES AEROFLT IL-14:ENGINES QUIT:RESTART/OBJ >>E:/r58p37", **LatLong:** "48.616669 40.816669", **LatLongDMS:** "48:37:00 N 40:49:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.616669,40.816669)", **State/Prov:** "VLG", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 29511 (15F4926D)
**Date:** 9/19/1967
**Time:** 19:30
**Description:** Crescent-UFO seen. No further details. / GC#0064.
**Type:** sighting
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8435
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Russia", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "VOLZHSKIY,VOLGOGRAD,RUS:CRESCENT-UFO SEEN:NFD:/GC#0064", **LatLong:** "48.816669 44.800002", **LatLongDMS:** "48:49:00 N 44:48:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.816669,44.800002)", **State/Prov:** "VLG", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29512 (0E0E7781)
**Date:** 9/19/1967
**Time:** 19:40
**Description:** Luminous half-moon going up and down [to] rapidly. Swings. Hovers. Dissolves.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: UFO CHRONICLES of the SOVIET UNION; Ballentine Books HB 1992. 212pp. (Index 193)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8436
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Russia", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "NOVOOSKIL'SK,BELGOROD,USSR:LUM HALF-MOON ↑+↓ RAPIDLY:SWINGS:HOVERS:DISSOLVES", **LatLong:** "50.500002 37.500002", **LatLongDMS:** "50:30:00 N 37:30:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.500002,37.500002)", **State/Prov:** "BLG", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 29513 (3076F696)
**Date:** 9/19/1967
**Time:** 20:00
**Description:** Saucer and night lights buzz plane / electro-magnetic effect (EME). Engine out. Farm lights fail. Going quickly northeast.
**Type:** sighting
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8437
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Ukraine", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "MARIINSKIY,DONETSK,UKR:SCR+NLTS BUZZ PLANE/EME:ENGINE OUT:FARM LITES FAIL:>>NE", **LatLong:** "47.450002 37.600002", **LatLongDMS:** "47:27:00 N 37:36:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.450002,37.600002)", **State/Prov:** "DNT", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 29514 (A739A3EF)
**Date:** 9/19/1967
**Time:** 20:20
**Description:** Spherical UFO seen. South going quickly north. GC#054. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8438
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Ukraine", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "ZHDANOV,MARIUPOL,DONETSK,UKR:SPHERICAL UFO SEEN:S>>N:GC#054:NFD", **LatLong:** "47.116669 37.533335", **LatLongDMS:** "47:07:00 N 37:32:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.116669,37.533335)", **State/Prov:** "DNT", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 29515 (FC14FAA5)
**Date:** 9/19/1967
**Location:** Belgogradskaya, Russia
**Description:** 7:40 p.m. A witness named A. Serdyukov, who was traveling with a group of communications technicians, observed a luminous half-moon rising high in the sky directly in front of them. It descended rapidly, leaving a cone-shaped tail. (Ref. 3) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3776
### Event 29516 (8440B041)
**Date:** 9/19/1967
**Description:** At 7:30 p.m. Aeroflot IL-14 airliner flying over Volgograd, Russia was buzzed by a UFO. The aircraft engines quit temporarily, but then restarted as the object shot off toward the east. Ten minutes later, a luminous crescent-shaped object was seen high in the sky by a group of scientists in Belgogradskaya District, Russia at 7:40 p.m. The object then began making a rapid descent. It had a cone-shaped tail. For 40 seconds it engaged in a falling leaf motion, turned red, then assumed a drop shape, and finally dissolved away and vanished.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Felix Zigel, unpublished manuscript, pp. 32-36; L. M. Gindilis, Observations of Anomalous Atmospheric Phenomena in the USSR, p. 37; Jacques Vallee, UFO Chronicles of the Soviet Union: A Cosmic Samizdat, p. 193
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6085
### Event 29517 (F582868C)
**Date:** 9/20/1967
**Location:** Bucknall, Stoke-On-Trent, Staffordshire, UK
**Description:** 8: 30 p.m. LT. At twilight, with a clear sky and bright moon, seven witnesses watched a large, bright silvery oval move slowly overhead, stop, and hover. Two (possibly three) smaller bright round silvery objects emerged and sped off in different directions. (Stanway and Pace, 1968, p. 16.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3777
### Event 29518 (8AFF3963)
**Date:** 9/20/1967
**Location:** Leek, Staffordshire, UK
**Description:** Around 8:30 p.m. Three witnesses saw a very bright round, slightly oval object "bright as a car headlight" hover overhead in the clear sky for about 30 seconds. (Stanway and Pace, 1968, p. 16.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3778
### Event 29519 (149F97A7)
**Date:** 9/20/1967
**Description:** NICAP provisionally withdraws its support from the Colorado project. [Saunders](https://psycnet.apa.org/record/1993-27194-001) tells [Low](http://ufohistoryfiles.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/CO%2067%20NEWS.pdf) about it.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** UFOs Yes, 141–142
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4402
### Event 29520 (B37116ED)
**Date:** 9/20/1967
**Location:** Stoke-on-Trent, England
**Description:** 8:30–9:30 p.m. Seven people in Stoke-on-Trent, England, see a large, bright, silver-colored, oval-shaped object almost overhead and moving slowly to the northeast. It stops and hovers, then 2–3 smaller silvery objects emerge from the larger one and move rapidly away in different directions. The large UFO moves off to the northeast and slowly disappears.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Roger H. Stanway and Anthony R. Pace, Flying Saucer Report, UFOs: Unidentified, Undeniable, Newchapel Observatory, 1968, p. 16; Herbert S. Taylor, “Satellite Objects: A Further Look,” IUR 29, no. 2 \(Summer 2004\): 26
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4403
### Event 29521 (DD0A49C0)
**Date:** 9/20/1967
**Locations:** Winsted, Connecticut; woods outside her home near Winsted, Connecticut
**Description:** 10:30 p.m. Mrs. Charles Pasko notices a peach-pink glow in the woods outside her home near Winsted, Connecticut. Thinking it is a fire, she wakes up her son Jack and they watch it for a while. Three days later her husband and a forest ranger try to find the burned spot. They locate a burned and depressed teardrop-shaped area about 35 feet in diameter. They also find three triangular imprints forming an equilateral triangle with sides 10 feet long, and a fourth depression in the center. Other witnesses had seen a UFO coming in at a slant, breaking and burning tree leaves. Several tall trees in the area are broken off at the top.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[September Landing in Conn.,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201967%2011%2000%20-%20November-December.pdf)” APRO Bulletin, Nov./Dec. 1967, p. 4
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4404
### Event 29522 (9A3BB23A)
**Date:** 9/21/1967
**Description:** Unidentified observer(s) photographs 3 luminous cloud-ovoids. Photograph in reference.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** DONG, Paul: UFO's Over MODERN CHINA. 1983 UFO Photo Archives; P. O. Box 17206; Tucson, AZ 85710. (Index 14)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8439
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Former Yugoslavia", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "OUTSKIRTS/ZAGREB,CROATIA:UID OBS FOTOS 3 LUMn.CLOUD-OVOIDS:pix in ref", **LatLong:** "45.800002 15.966667", **LatLongDMS:** "45:48:00 N 15:58:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.800002,15.966667)", **State/Prov:** "CRO", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29523 (0ECC4E8D)
**Date:** 9/21/1967
**Time:** 00:30
**Location:** LA ROCA-DEL-VALLES, SP
**Description:** Luminous saucer / ground. Small humanoids (or Greys) go to saucer. Car bucks on saucer takeoff.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BALLESTER OLMOS, Vicente-Juan: CATALOG of 200 TYPE-1 EVENTS in SPAIN & PORTUGAL; CUFOS 1976. (Index 12)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8440
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "LA ROCA-del-Valles,SP:LUM SCR/GROUND:OIDS GO TO SCR:CAR BUCKS ON SCR TAKEOFF", **LatLong:** "41.566669 2.327778", **LatLongDMS:** "41:34:00 N 02:19:40 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.566669,2.327778)", **State/Prov:** "Barcelone", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 29524 (588D8B76)
**Date:** 9/21/1967
**Location:** Barcelona, Spain
**Description:** 12:30 a.m. Small beings (humanoids) with large heads and white garb were seen moving toward a brilliant round object on the ground. Their car was lifted (mass displacement) and witnesses were in shock. (Ballester Olmos, 1976, p. 12.) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3779
### Event 29525 (40BD6817)
**Date:** 9/21/1967
**Time:** 20:45:00.0
**Location:** 37.1660 -116.0384
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Marvel” Yield: 2.2KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_512
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1660 -116.0384", **LatLongDMS:** "37:09:58 N 116:02:18 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1660,-116.0384)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.18", **NukeName:** "Marvel", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "2.2"
### Event 29526 (349FC73B)
**Date:** 9/21/1967
**Description:** At 12:30 a.m. Jose M. Edrosa was driving home to Granoliers, Spain when between the towns of Santa Coloma and La Roca in Barcelona province he saw a very bright "casserole" shaped object on the ground. Near it were several small beings with large heads, who were approaching the UFO. At that point his car "reared" and Sr. Edrosa became panic stricken, fleeing on foot. Unnerved by the experience, he was hospitalized for an extended period of time.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Vicente-Juan Balester Olmos, Catalogue of 200 Type I UFO Events in Spain and Portugal, case 50; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1967-97, citing Alberto Adell
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6183
### Event 29527 (8B463495)
**Date:** 9/21/1967
**Description:** At 10:30 p.m. a fiery light thought to be a UFO was seen at ground level in some woods in Winsted, Connecticut by two witnesses, Pasko and Ellis. Circular ground marks were found later at the site.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** APRO Bulletin, November-December 1967, p. 4
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6184
### Event 29528 (1C7FBEDD)
**Date:** 9/22/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Near Caracas \(Venezuela\), a race car employee is attacked by a very strong creature that surprises him, but runs away when a horse is heard whinnying frantically in the stable. 30 minutes later, a horse is attacked, and an employee sees a dwarf 1 m tall, diminishing as if it was moving away from the building. (September 22, Night)
**Reference:** Lor. III 84 \< [Vallée](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/ValleeJacques.html) 1969
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2371
### Event 29529 (D0A82F3A)
**Date:** 9/22/1967
**Time:** 08:30
**Description:** Priest sees saucer hover and Sashay about. Finally going quickly northeast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SAGAN/PAGE:UFO'S a SCIENTIFIC DEBATE: Cornell Univ. Press, Ithaca, NY 1972 (Index 0)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8441
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "15", **HatchDesc:** "GRAVOIS S/VERSAILLES,FR:PRIEST SEES SCR HOVER+SASHAY ABOUT:FINALLY >>NE", **LatLong:** "48.766669 2.033333", **LatLongDMS:** "48:46:00 N 02:02:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.766669,2.033333)", **State/Prov:** "Yvelines", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29530 (62EBABB0)
**Date:** 9/22/1967
**Time:** 20:00
**Location:** FITTSTOWN, OK
**Description:** 15M saucer stops near men working / truck. Going west. Going quickly southwest / Allen, OK. / r109p168.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 813)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8442
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "30", **Elev:** "254", **HatchDesc:** "FITTSTOWN,OK:15M SCR STOPS nr MEN WORKING/TRUCK:>W::>>SW/ALLEN,OK:/r109p168", **LatLong:** "34.877779 -96.411116", **LatLongDMS:** "34:52:40 N 96:24:40 W", **Locale:** "Oil & Coal", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/34.877779,-96.411116)", **State/Prov:** "Oklahoma", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29531 (86F7B1DC)
**Date:** 9/22/1967
**Time:** 21:30
**Location:** ROSARIO, ARG
**Description:** 2 / farm. Large bright object hovers / 4 hours. 4 antennas. Strong odor and burnt vegetation.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PHILLIPS, Ted: Study of PHYSICAL TRACES ASSOCIATED with UFO SIGHTINGS; CUFOS 1975. (Index 52)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8443
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **TRC:** Physical traces, **ODR:** Odors associated with UFO's
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "240", **Elev:** "15", **HatchDesc:** "ROSARIO,ARG:2/FARM:LRG BRITE OBJ HVRS/4hrs:4 ANTENNAS:STRONG ODOR+BURNT VEGTn", **LatLong:** "-32.900002 -60.783336", **LatLongDMS:** "32:54:00 S 60:47:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-32.900002,-60.783336)", **State/Prov:** "STF", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 29532 (E5920B54)
**Date:** 9/22/1967
**Time:** 22:00?
**Location:** CARACAS, VNZ
**Description:** Abduction try on man & horse / racetrack, 30 minute(s) apart. Small humanoid (or Grey) "zooms" / stable.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LORENZEN, Coral & Jim: ENCOUNTERS with UFO OCCUPANTS; APRO/Berkley Medallion Books 1976. 424pp (Index 226)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8444
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NFO:** No craft seen, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **RBT:** Possible robot or "Grey", mechanical motions, **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Venezuela", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "33", **Elev:** "910", **HatchDesc:** "CARACAS,VNZ:ABD TRY ON MAN & HORSE/RACETRACK,30min APART:OID "ZOOMS"/STABLE", **LatLong:** "10.500001 -66.983337", **LatLongDMS:** "10:30:00 N 66:59:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/10.500001,-66.983337)", **RelAlt:** "2", **State/Prov:** "CAR", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 29533 (3F24AE2F)
**Date:** 9/22/1967
**Time:** night
**Location:** Caracas, Venezuela
**Description:** Near Caracas, a race track employee was attacked by a very strong creature that choked him, but ran away when a horse was heard neighing frantically in the stable. Thirty min later, a horse was attacked, and an employee saw a dwarf, 1 m tall, "zoom" out of the building.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Lor. III 84 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_885
### Event 29534 (35963CFB)
**Date:** 9/22/1967
**Time:** 05:03:59.0
**Location:** 49.9596 77.6911
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 10KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1304
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.9596 77.6911", **LatLongDMS:** "49:57:35 N 77:41:28 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.9596,77.6911)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.30", **NukeSource:** "BOCHAROV", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** "10"
### Event 29535 (865AE7E9)
**Date:** 9/22/1967
**Locations:** Allen; Fittstown; Oklahoma; Highway
**Description:** 8:00 p.m. Simon Williams and his son Eugene, 14, are starting a pickup truck with jumper cables in Allen \[or Fittstown\], Oklahoma, when they see a disc with a brilliant silvery light and smaller flashing lights around the rim heading west. It seems to come closer and hover above a highway. Eugene thinks he can see the headlights of passing cars reflected on its bottom surface. It then proceeds slowly west.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Flap Continues in the](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201967%2009%2000%20-%20September-October.pdf) [States,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201967%2009%2000%20-%20September-October.pdf)” APRO Bulletin, Sept./Oct. 1967, p. 9; Lorenzen, UFOs over the Americas, Signet, 1968, p. 168
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4405
### Event 29536 (C872BEF6)
**Date:** 9/22/1967
**Description:** In Caracas, Venezuela a horse trainer was awakened on this night by the presence of an intruder who first tugged at the trainer's pillow, then grasped his arm tightly. As the man tried to sit up, the attacker encircled his neck with its arm trying to choke him. A horse in the nearby stables began neighing and the attacker let go and fled. The man screamed for help and was found to have several cuts and abrasions where he had been scratched by claws or sharp fingernails. A short while later another stable worker heard a horse acting up again, and as he approached the stall a small figure about the size of a boy, 3.5 feet tall, "zoomed" out of the stall and was gone in seconds. The figure was described as a hairy dwarf, and looking like a chimpanzee or monkey. The horse was skitish for several days following the incident.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jim & Coral Lorenzen, UFOs Over the Americas, p. 83; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1967-98, citing Jim & Coral Lorenzen
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6222
### Event 29537 (9F1F15AB)
**Date:** 9/22/1967
**Description:** At 8:30 p.m. a priest named O'Sullivan saw a luminous ball of light in the sky while driving three miles outside of Gravois Mills, Missouri with two other men. The UFO swung around to the northwest, then to the north, and flew off toward the northeast. It was flat with a dome shape on top. The sighting lasted 15 minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Ted Phillips, Skylook, January 1968, p. 3
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6223
### Event 29538 (FF605D35)
**Date:** 9/23/1967
**Time:** 13:40
**Location:** NEAR SEDONA, AZ
**Description:** Saucer / ground vanishes. Photograph shows 144 strobe images / 60° slope. / r164p49.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 879)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8445
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "1320", **HatchDesc:** "nr SEDONA,AZ:SCR/GND VANISHES:FOTO SHOWS 144 STROBE IMAGES/60° SLOPE:/r164p49", **LatLong:** "34.866668 -111.766672", **LatLongDMS:** "34:52:00 N 111:46:00 W", **Locale:** "Desert", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/34.866668,-111.766672)", **State/Prov:** "Arizona", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 29539 (1F0C90F5)
**Date:** 9/23/1967
**Time:** 13:40
**Location:** AMHERST, MA
**Description:** Geology Professor and 1. 2 wingless silver cylinders going / front of and behind clouds. / r41p161.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FOWLER, Raymond E.: UFO'S, INTERPLANETARY VISITORS; Prentice Hall & Bantam Books, NY 1979. 346pp. (Index 334)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8446
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "90", **HatchDesc:** "AMHERST,MA:GEOLOGY PROF+1:2 WINGLESS SLVR CYLS >/FRONT OF+BHND CLOUDS:/r41p161", **LatLong:** "42.383335 -72.516670", **LatLongDMS:** "42:23:00 N 72:31:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.383335,-72.516670)", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29540 (FFBB523C)
**Date:** 9/23/1967
**Location:** Amherst, MA
**Description:** 1:37 p.m. EST. A geology professor saw an elongated, silver object and then a second similar object about 5 degrees from the first. (Hall, 2001, p. 161; letter to Raymond E. Fowler, Massachusetts NICAP Subcommittee Chairman, copy in NICAP files; Fowler, 1974, p. 349.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3780
### Event 29541 (A065B92B)
**Date:** 9/23/1967
**Location:** Mount Holly Springs, PA
**Description:** 9:35 p.m. EDT. A policeman saw two lights, one was stationary. The second light moved toward the first, and the two merged. The resultant single light hovered, then divided, with one light moving away and the other remaining motionless. (Pennsylvania NICAP Subcommittee report, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3781
### Event 29542 (5A32C0DD)
**Date:** 9/23/1967
**Location:** Amherst, MA
**Description:** Geology professor watched flight of two silvery cigar-shaped objects
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_144
### Event 29543 (9E2332E6)
**Date:** 9/23/1967
**Description:** Four photographs were taken on this evening of an orange, flare-like light that flew in from the south over the Stafford, England railway station. It stopped above the station, shot up, vanished, reappeared, moved around in an odd manner, and then faded away. There was no sound.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Roger H. Stanway & Pace, UFOs: Unidentified, Undeniable, p. 16
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6255
### Event 29544 (0E0B5B36)
**Date:** 9/23/1967
**Description:** At 1:37 p.m. Dr. B. Hand, a geology professor and a NICAP UFO investigator, sighted two silver cylinders moving against the wind in a bright blue sky over Amherst, Massachusetts. They made no sound as they went behind some low lying cumulus clouds and did not emerge.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Raymond E. Fowler, UFOs: Interplanetary Visitors, p. 349
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6256
### Event 29545 (B292963D)
**Date:** 9/24/1967
**Time:** 11:30
**Location:** ITAJUBA, BRAZIL
**Description:** 3 opaque spheres maneuver near weapons plant. 2 hover and 1 nears observer(s). Dome.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 815)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8447
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "914", **HatchDesc:** "ITAJUBA,BRZL:3 OPAQUE SPHERES MNVR nr WEAPONS PLANT:2 HVR+1 NEARS OBS:DOME", **LatLong:** "-22.433334 -45.450002", **LatLongDMS:** "22:26:00 S 45:27:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-22.433334,-45.450002)", **State/Prov:** "Minas Gerais", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29546 (E3B74031)
**Date:** 9/24/1967
**Time:** 22:30
**Description:** 2 saucers going east. Rectangular-box shaped windows / dome. Rough surface. 1 going quickly north. Other going quickly southeast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLICKENGER, Don: NORTH DAKOTA UFO files. Well Documented NICAP files for the 1960s: Xeroxed by Tom Tulien (Index 54)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8448
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **NUC:** Nuclear facility related
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "470", **HatchDesc:** "S/MINOT Apt.,ND:2 SCRS >E:RECT WINDOWS/DOME:ROUGH SURFACE:1 >>N:OTHER >>SE", **LatLong:** "48.283336 -101.300005", **LatLongDMS:** "48:17:00 N 101:18:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.283336,-101.300005)", **State/Prov:** "North Dakota", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29547 (1AD1B65B)
**Date:** 9/24/1967
**Location:** Minot, ND
**Description:** 10:30 p.m. CDT. A podiatrist and his wife saw two disc-shaped objects with domes on top. They first appeared as a string of lights flying at high altitude. (North Dakota NICAP Subcommittee report, received 11 /7/68, NICAP files.) \[Minot AFB Minuteman ICBM Complex\] (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3782
### Event 29548 (E208A87E)
**Date:** Late 9/1967
**Location:** ARGENTINA
**Description:** (Translated from French) Carlos Peccinetti and Fernando Jose Villegas, employees at the casino, had finished work and were in a car on their way home. Arriving at the deserted stretch of Calle Neuquen, they saw a strange machine hovering above a vacant lot, less than a meter from the ground. It was a saucer. At the same time, the car lights went out and a powerful spotlight lit up the strange craft. Before they could realize what was happening, three dwarves with big heads were sliding towards the motorists, who were completely paralyzed, while they saw other dwarves near the UFO. Suddenly feeling extremely tired, they both lost consciousness. Upon waking up, they noticed puncture marks on the tips of their fingers and they had also received a telepathic explanation (...) (1967, late September)
**Reference:** True Flying Saucers and Ufo Quarterly No. 13 of Spring 79, pages 74 and 75
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2474
### Event 29549 (3830D9B1)
**Date:** Late 9/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Between San Quirze Safaja and San Félu de Codines \(Spain\), on the regional road 1413, witnesses in a vehicle saw at 120 m a small figure 70 cm tall, of bright greenish color, crossing the road. Its egg-shaped head is proportionate to its body but no neck is visible. It has disproportionate arms ending in large hands. It walks slowly then accelerates while deviating its course obliquely. Its belly is very developed and the buttocks prominent. A play of elbow and knee accentuated is noticed during the displacement of the small being. The surface of the body is satin, shiny neon green, phosphorescent. The observation lasts about 8 s. No UFO is seen. (Late September, 9:30 PM)
**Reference:** [LDLN](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/LDLN.html), readers contact n° 4, pp.15-16, November 1971
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2372
### Event 29550 (2ED52B62)
**Date:** 9/25/1967
**Time:** 10:00?
**Location:** BURET, BELGIUM
**Description:** 2 chrome 20M saucers exit fog 100M away. Emit red night lights. Going west.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HAINES, Richard Ph.D: PROJECT DELTA; 1994, LDA Press, PO Box 880, Los Altos, CA 94023 USA (Index 84)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8449
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Belgium, Netherlandsand Luxembourg", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "BURET,BELG:2 CHROME 20M SCRS EXIT FOG 100M AWAY:EMIT RED NLTS:>W", **LatLong:** "50.100002 5.866667", **LatLongDMS:** "50:06:00 N 05:52:00 E", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.100002,5.866667)", **State/Prov:** "Belgium", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29551 (67BF7F4E)
**Date:** 9/25/1967
**Time:** 21:30
**Description:** Car nearly hits 70cm small humanoid (or Grey) / road. Tight green suit. / r50p12.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LDLN CONTACT LECTEURS: by Series and #. May'68 -JAN'72 (Entire set of 18 issues) LDLN local chapters & individual members' UFO reports. (Index 52)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8450
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NFO:** No craft seen, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "SAN FELIU de CODINAS,SP:CAR NEARLY HITS 70cm OID/ROAD:TIGHT GRN SUIT:/r50p12", **LatLong:** "41.783335 2.200000", **LatLongDMS:** "41:47:00 N 02:12:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.783335,2.200000)", **State/Prov:** "Barcelone", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 29552 (D41B72AB)
**Date:** 9/25/1967
**Location:** Tavigny, Buret, France
**Description:** Daytime. Two hemispherical objects with flat bottoms were seen by a woman to emerge from some mist. One of the objects flew around a house and the other seemed about to land, then both rose and flew off. (Haines, 1994, p. 84, from UNICAT #629.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3783
### Event 29553 (29A0266F)
**Date:** 9/25/1967
**Location:** Toronto, Ontario, CAN
**Description:** Night. Five policemen saw a white light that moved at low altitude over the highway ahead of a pursuing police car. The object suddenly stopped, then veered and accelerated away. (Toronto Telesram, 9/25/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3784
### Event 29554 (8FE14A58)
**Date:** 9/25/1967
**Location:** Condon's home
**Description:** [Saunders](https://psycnet.apa.org/record/1993-27194-001)[,](https://psycnet.apa.org/record/1993-27194-001) [Low](http://ufohistoryfiles.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/CO%2067%20NEWS.pdf)[,](http://ufohistoryfiles.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/CO%2067%20NEWS.pdf) and [Condon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward%5FCondon) have another meeting at Condon’s home. Saunders tells Condon that the problems with NICAP would not have arisen if Condon had been more circumspect with his negative remarks. Condon says he understands but offers no change.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** UFOs Yes, 142
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4406
### Event 29555 (5A5293AC)
**Date:** 9/25/1967
**Description:** In Buret, Belgium at 7:00 a.m. two witnesses watched as two chrome colored saucers exited a fog bank 100 meters away. They were 20 meters in diameter. They emitted red satellites balls of light, then flew off to the west.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jean Luc Vertongen, Inforespace, May 1972, p. 19; Richard F. Haines, Project Delta, p. 84; UNICAT, case # 629
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6316
### Event 29556 (20CA5678)
**Date:** 9/26/1967
**Description:** In the middle of the afternoon a woman was alone in her house in Seaford, Long Island, New York when she heard a loud humming sound coming from outside. Looking out the window, she saw a hovering silvery disc-shaped object, perfectly smooth without any visible openings. While she was watching her doorbell rang. When she answered the door she was confronted by a tall dark woman wearing a shimmering long gray gown. The woman asked her some questions, apparently confusing her for somebody else. She then asked for a glass of water and salt, claiming that she had to take a pill. When she left she walked away into the bushes, and moments later the humming sound got louder then the disc rose up and shot up into the sky.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1967, case # 1404, citing John A Keel, The Mothman Prophecies
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6349
### Event 29557 (ABD6D4AD)
**Date:** 9/26/1967
**Description:** That night at the Da Baleia Hospital, Minas Gerais, Brazil a sixteen-year-old boy named Diniz had a humanoid encounter with a being from a disc-shaped UFO.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** APRO Bulletin, September-October 1967, p. 13; Coral & Jim Lorenzen, Encounters with UFO Occupants, p. 158
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6350
### Event 29558 (AC37E7B3)
**Date:** 9/27/1967
**Time:** 17:00:00.0
**Location:** 37.0988 -116.0532
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Zaza” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 200KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_513
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0988 -116.0532", **LatLongDMS:** "37:05:56 N 116:03:12 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0988,-116.0532)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.67", **NukeMb:** "5.70", **NukeName:** "Zaza", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "200"
### Event 29559 (536C0593)
**Date:** 9/27/1967
**Location:** Whitehall, London, England
**Description:** BUFORA researchers Anthony R. Pace and Roger H. Stanway visit the S4 UFO desk at the Ministry of Defence in Whitehall, London, England. They talk to a Mr. Cassells, who assures them that all UFO reports are treated seriously but the Ministry’s interest is solely in national defense. He adds that no person from the Ministry ever makes on-the-spot inquiries or field investigations.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Roger H. Stanway and Antony R. Pace, Flying Saucer Report: UFOs Unidentified, Unidentifiable, 1972; Good Above, [pp. 67–68](https://archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/66/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4407
### Event 29560 (47A5A054)
**Date:** 9/27/1967
**End date:** 9/29/1967
**Description:** The Rocky Mountain News publishes a commentary by [Condon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward%5FCondon) wherein he debunks UFOs and disparages NICAP’s contributions. It quotes [Low](http://ufohistoryfiles.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/CO%2067%20NEWS.pdf) in a similar vein. Condon talks to the project staff and retracts nothing, only saying that he was misquoted about being disenchanted about the project. Project members hold a meeting without Low and Condon to decide what to do. Levine pushes for mass resignation. [Craig](https://legacy.lib.utexas.edu/taro/tamucush/00151/tamu-00151.html) is the sole dissenter. [Saunders](https://psycnet.apa.org/record/1993-27194-001) sides with Levine but wants to explore other strategies. Ultimately, they decide to prepare their own report, one “so compelling that Condon would be forced to accept it on its merits.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** UFOs Yes, 142– 146; Swords 325
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4408
### Event 29561 (3134C717)
**Date:** End of 9/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Photo of the observed being. See images/DESSINSANFELU.jpg. (End of September)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2366
### Event 29562 (710E3AB1)
**Date:** 9/28/1967
**Time:** 01:30
**Description:** Air Traffic Controller. 3 luminous saucers going south. 1 dives / sea level. Rejoins others. All going east.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LORENZEN, Coral & Jim: UFO's OVER THE AMERICAS; Signet Books, NY 1968. 243p. (Index 70)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8451
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **SUB:** Submersible: Rises from or submerges into water, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Venezuela", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "MAIQUETIA AIRPt,VNZ:ATC:3 LUM.SCRS > S:1 DIVES/SEA LEVEL:REJOINS OTHERS:ALL >E", **LatLong:** "10.616667 -66.966670", **LatLongDMS:** "10:37:00 N 66:58:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/10.616667,-66.966670)", **State/Prov:** "DF", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29563 (0ED6CB10)
**Date:** 9/28/1967
**Time:** 01:50
**Location:** BRANDON, MB
**Description:** Pilot and 1. Flaming cone and silver object going quickly north. Landing? Burnt trees and grass. Very hot.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** STEIGER, Brad & WHRITENOUR, Joan: FLYING SAUCER INVASION. Award Books, NY 1969. 156pp PB. 15 Essays + catalog. (Index 23)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8452
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "392", **HatchDesc:** "BRANDON,MB:PILOT+1:FLAMING CONE+SLVR OBJ>>N:LANDING?:BURNT TREES+GRASS:VHOT", **LatLong:** "49.816669 -99.950005", **LatLongDMS:** "49:49:00 N 99:57:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.816669,-99.950005)", **RelAlt:** "1", **State/Prov:** "Manitoba", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29564 (EB1FA626)
**Date:** 9/28/1967
**Time:** 16:00
**Location:** CARACAS, VNZ
**Description:** Thousands / observer(s). Luminous disk seems to land / Avila Mountain. Takes off 2 hours later.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LORENZEN, Coral & Jim: UFO's OVER THE AMERICAS; Signet Books, NY 1968. 243p. (Index 70)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8453
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Venezuela", **Credibility:** "13", **Duration:** "120", **Elev:** "950", **HatchDesc:** "CARACAS,VNZ:1000s/OBS:LUM.DISK SEEMS TO LAND/AVILA Mtn:TAKES OFF 2hrs LATER", **LatLong:** "10.483334 -66.933337", **LatLongDMS:** "10:29:00 N 66:56:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/10.483334,-66.933337)", **State/Prov:** "DF", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 29565 (C9092DE1)
**Date:** 9/28/1967
**Time:** 21:30
**Location:** LAKEWOOD, CO
**Description:** Engineer and 1 / (seen thru) telescope. Bright ovoid. 2 night lights shoot out. 3 night lights quickly going down. Ovoid going quickly southeast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LORENZEN, Coral & Jim: UFO's OVER THE AMERICAS; Signet Books, NY 1968. 243p. (Index 164)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8454
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "1661", **HatchDesc:** "LAKEWOOD,CO:ENGINEER+1/TSCOPE:BRITE OVOID:2 NLTS SHOOT OUT:3 NLTS↓↓:OVOID>>SE", **LatLong:** "39.700002 -105.083338", **LatLongDMS:** "39:42:00 N 105:05:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.700002,-105.083338)", **State/Prov:** "Colorado", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29566 (212E076F)
**Date:** 9/28/1967
**Time:** 21:40
**Location:** EAST / MT. BLANCA, CO
**Description:** Several separate observer(s). Night lights and fireballs hover maneuver and explode! 1 rises / ground and follows car.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LORENZEN, Coral & Jim: UFO's OVER THE AMERICAS; Signet Books, NY 1968. 243p. (Index 163)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8455
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "30", **Elev:** "2750", **HatchDesc:** "E/Mt.BLANCA,CO:SVRL SEP.OBS:NLTS+FBLS HVR MNVR+EXPLODE!:1 RISES/GND+FOLOS CAR", **LatLong:** "37.577780 -105.416672", **LatLongDMS:** "37:34:40 N 105:25:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.577780,-105.416672)", **State/Prov:** "Colorado", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29567 (BD479E27)
**Date:** 9/28/1967
**Location:** San Mateo, CA
**Description:** 3:24 p.m. PDT. Two witnesses saw six silver discs that moved rapidly across the sky, entered clouds, emerged with a 7th disc, then moved off until lost in clouds. (Letter from witness, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3785
### Event 29568 (C8533BAC)
**Date:** 9/28/1967
**Locations:** Maiquetia International Airport; Simón Bolívar International Airport; Venezuela
**Description:** 1:30 a.m. Omar Amaya T., chief dispatcher at the Maiquetia International Airport \[now the Simón Bolívar International Airport\], Venezuela, watches three luminous disc pass across the sky from north to south. Suddenly one lags behind and dives toward the sea but veers up just before contact. Resuming its position in the formation, it joins the other objects as they disappear to the east.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Lorenzen, UFOs over the Americas, Signet, 1968, p. 70
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4409
### Event 29569 (795A5E62)
**Date:** 9/28/1967
**Locations:** Caracas, Venezuela; Cerro El Ávila
**Description:** 4:00 p.m. Many people in Caracas, Venezuela, watch a luminous metallic disc cross the sky with an oscillating motion and appear to land on Cerro El Ávila. A Similar object is seen taking off from the same spot about 2 hours later.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Lorenzen, UFOs over the Americas, Signet, 1968, p. 70
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4410
### Event 29570 (20263064)
**Date:** 9/29/1967
**Location:** Zaporoje and Volgograd Bt., Russia
**Description:** Time not reported. An airliner encountered an unidentified object flying above the plane. The aircraft's engines stopped (EM effects) and then started again when the object disappeared. (Weinstein, 1999, pp. 36, 50.) (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3786
### Event 29571 (EDC5A441)
**Date:** 9/29/1967
**Location:** Wernersville, Pennsylvania
**Description:** 8:30 p.m. Four workers in a restaurant at Wernersville, Pennsylvania, are alerted by a neighbor to go outside and watch nine red, pulsating, cigar-shaped objects flying northeastward. A large triangle-shaped object, also pulsating red, flies into view. The triangle stops and changes colors to white, green, then back to red. It takes off in a zigzag motion to the northeast.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** R. G. Shunk, “[Letter,](http://cufos.org/CUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter/1985%5FCUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter%5FV6.pdf)” CUFOS Associate Newsletter 6, no. 1 \(Feb./March 1985\): 4
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4411
### Event 29572 (A40B3CA6)
**Date:** 9/30/1967
**Time:** 19:30
**Description:** 2 girls. 4M ovoid / field. Buzz and beam. Object exits. TV Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). All going quickly north.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 813)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8456
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "202", **HatchDesc:** "N/PRAIRIE du CHIEN,WI:2 GIRLS:4M OVOID/FLD:BUZZ+BEAM:OBJ EXITS:TV RFI:ALL >>N", **LatLong:** "43.094446 -91.133338", **LatLongDMS:** "43:05:40 N 91:08:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.094446,-91.133338)", **RelAlt:** "2", **State/Prov:** "Wisconsin", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 29573 (78DB02BC)
**Date:** 9/30/1967
**Location:** Lakewood, CO
**Description:** 9:45 p.m. MST. A couple and their children saw a hat-shaped object (disc with dome), an "antenna" extending from the top that moved steadily in level flight across the sky, hovered, and dropped three fireballs. (Colorado UFO Project report form, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3787
### Event 29574 (B22428B3)
**Date:** 10/1967
**Location:** USSR
**Description:** (Translated from French) (cf: November 29, 1966) There were two other Soviet satellites with identical characteristics: Cosmos 185 launched into orbit in October 1967 and Cosmos 316, later in December 1969. Only Cosmos 185, among the four, had a relatively high inclination (64°) and performed maneuvers. It re-entered the atmosphere 15 months later. Such a short life span is surprisingly short for a satellite (...) The rapid fall of Cosmos 185 could thus lead to the idea that it was hollow. (October 1967)
**Reference:** see August 18, 1970
**Reference:** "The War of the Satellites" - Volume 3 - Pierre Kohler, ed. Famot 1982, p. 128, 129
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2476
### Event 29575 (CA145912)
**Date:** 10/1967 (approximate)
**Time:** 02:00
**Description:** Sentry. Red ball / light south going north. Circles fast and slow. Stops. Away..
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** DONG, Paul: UFO's Over MODERN CHINA. 1983 UFO Photo Archives; P. O. Box 17206; Tucson, AZ 85710. (Index 48)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8457
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "China", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "15", **HatchDesc:** "TONGXIAN,BEIJING,CH:SENTRY:RED BALL/LITE S>N:CIRCLES FAST+SLOW:STOPS:AWAY..", **LatLong:** "39.905557 116.655561", **LatLongDMS:** "39:54:20 N 116:39:20 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.905557,116.655561)", **State/Prov:** "Beijing", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29576 (96875D70)
**Date:** 10/1967
**Time:** 18:30
**Description:** 3 observer(s). Hat saucer hovers 8' over deep wells. Windows. Going quickly west.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 126)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8458
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "35", **HatchDesc:** "St.J.BAPTISTE/ROUVILLE,QB:3 OBS:HAT SCR HVRS 8'OVR DEEP WELLS:WINDOWS:>>W", **LatLong:** "45.500002 -73.016670", **LatLongDMS:** "45:30:00 N 73:01:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.500002,-73.016670)", **RelAlt:** "3", **State/Prov:** "Quebec", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29577 (D2B87D21)
**Date:** 10/1967
**Time:** 21:00?
**Description:** Many observer(s). Cylinder/cigar-shape hovers over building. Car malfunctions due to EME (electro-magnetic effects). Splits / 2. Vanishes.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RODEGHIER, Mark/CUFOS: UFO REPORTS INVOLVING VEHICLE INTERFERENCE; CUFOS 1979. Available as CUFOS UFO Archive #1 CD-ROM. http://www.cufos.org/Pubform.pdf (Index 36)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8459
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "6", **Elev:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "LYTCHETT MINSTER,DORSET:MANY OBS:CGR HVRS OVR BLDG:CAR EMEs:SPLITS/2:VANISHES", **LatLong:** "50.733336 -2.055556", **LatLongDMS:** "50:44:00 N 02:03:20 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.733336,-2.055556)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 29578 (4B30C193)
**Date:** 10/1967
**Location:** Sukhumi, Russia
**Description:** Noon. Engineer V.N. Chechyanov and his coworkers saw a strange object in the clear blue sky for half an hour. It hovered for a while, then moved along the shore, rose and disappeared. (Ref. 3) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3788
### Event 29579 (B6FAFA37)
**Date:** 10/1967
**Location:** Glencoe, Ontario, CAN
**Description:** Night. Three adults and their children saw a cluster of unidentified red and white lights that seemed to be spinning as they apparently paced the witnesses' car. (London Free Press, Ontario, 10/12/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3789
### Event 29580 (8D563122)
**Date:** 10/1967
**Description:** The DOSAAF Cosmonautics Committee invites the Soviet UFO Study Group to function under its auspices.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Felix Ziegel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Felix%5FZiegel)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4412
### Event 29581 (159F6E69)
**Date:** 10/1967
**Location:** Homer, Louisiana
**Description:** 8:30 p.m. David R. Smith watches a diffuse object with a series of 5–6 lighted square and oval windows about 450–600 feet away at treetop level near Homer, Louisiana. It rises and heads south. After 50 seconds, the lights blink out.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** NICAP case file
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4413
### Event 29582 (0190174C)
**Date:** 10/1/1967
**Location:** ELLIOT LAKE, ONT
**Description:** Glowing UFO maneuvers / 300' altitude. Several cars electro-magnetic effect (EME) when hovering only.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RODEGHIER, Mark/CUFOS: UFO REPORTS INVOLVING VEHICLE INTERFERENCE; CUFOS 1979. Available as CUFOS UFO Archive #1 CD-ROM. http://www.cufos.org/Pubform.pdf (Index 37)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8460
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "392", **HatchDesc:** "ELLIOT LAKE,ONT:GLOWING UFO MNVRS/300' ALT:SVRL CARS EME WHEN HOVERING ONLY", **LatLong:** "46.383336 -82.650004", **LatLongDMS:** "46:23:00 N 82:39:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.383336,-82.650004)", **RelAlt:** "90", **State/Prov:** "Ontario", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 29583 (C47DB682)
**Date:** 10/1/1967 (approximate)
**Time:** 01:30
**Location:** MISSANCOURT, FR
**Description:** White dome going up [to] and going quickly [to] over 2 observer(s). Partial paralysis and insomnia later. / r30.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 149)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8461
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "30", **HatchDesc:** "MISSANCOURT,FR:WHT DOME ↑+>> OVR 2 OBS:PARTIAL PARALYSIS+INSOMNIA LATER:/r30", **LatLong:** "49.627780 3.416667", **LatLongDMS:** "49:37:40 N 03:25:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.627780,3.416667)", **State/Prov:** "Aisne", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29584 (3CC54D76)
**Date:** 10/1/1967
**Time:** 22:30
**Location:** TIBIDABO, SP
**Description:** 1 observer. 4M cylinder/cigar-shape hovers near TV tower. 2 men under and 2 inside. Repairs? Going quickly east.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LDLN CONTACT LECTEURS: by Series and #. May'68 -JAN'72 (Entire set of 18 issues) LDLN local chapters & individual members' UFO reports. (Index 51)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8462
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "30", **HatchDesc:** "TIBIDABO,SP:1 OBS:4M CGR HVRS nr TV TOWER:2 MEN UNDER+2 INSIDE:REPAIRS?:>>E", **LatLong:** "41.483335 2.083333", **LatLongDMS:** "41:29:00 N 02:05:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.483335,2.083333)", **State/Prov:** "Barcelone", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 29585 (43403F55)
**Date:** 10/1/1967
**Description:** Valeriano Ruiz Fontes, a 28-year-old radio technician, observed an illuminated object at 10:30 p.m. in Tibidabo, Barcelona, Spain which he first took to be a large Jeep. However, It was hovering just above the ground about 700-800 yards away. It was about 14 feet long, with half a dozen oval illuminated windows, and had on top a square turret. Near the UFO were four people of normal stature wearing dark uniforms and bright helmets. Two of the beings climbed up the turret, manipulating or fixing some fittings there, while the other two were examined the underside of the object. After watching for about half an hour, the external lights were extinguished, showing only the illuminated portholes. The object then rose vertically with no noise to about 500 feet, showing yellow, red orange, and a triangle of blue-green lights, and took off at extremely high speed.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Antonio Ribera, FSR, May 1968, p. 26; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case # 1967-101 (A0879)
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6472
### Event 29586 (E880130D)
**Date:** 10/2/1967
**Time:** 19:30
**Location:** MELVILLE, NY
**Description:** Aircraft engineering and 2 / (seen thru) binoculars. Silent white disk. Windows / lights / bottom. / r203p30.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO Evidence II: HB: Scarecrow Press Lanham, MD. http://www.scarecrowpress.com ISBN 0-8108-3881-8 (Index 161)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8463
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "39", **HatchDesc:** "MELVILLE,NY:AIRCRAFT ENGn+2/BINOCS:SLNT WHT DISK:WINDOWS/LITES/BOTTOM:/r203p30", **LatLong:** "40.794446 -73.416670", **LatLongDMS:** "40:47:40 N 73:25:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.794446,-73.416670)", **State/Prov:** "New York", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29587 (130F6335)
**Date:** 10/2/1967
**Time:** 20:30
**Location:** IPSWITCH, MASS
**Description:** 4+1+1 observer(s). Domed saucer hovers-spins-goes going up and down. Back 17 Jan with delta.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FOWLER, Raymond E.: UFO'S, INTERPLANETARY VISITORS; Prentice Hall & Bantam Books, NY 1979. 346pp. (Index 334)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8464
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "8", **HatchDesc:** "IPSWITCH,MASS:4+1+1 OBS:DOMED SCR HVRS-SPINS-GOES ↑+↓:BACK 17JAN WITH DELTA", **LatLong:** "42.666669 -70.850003", **LatLongDMS:** "42:40:00 N 70:51:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.666669,-70.850003)", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29588 (8A19B544)
**Date:** 10/2/1967
**Location:** Rockford, IL
**Description:** Time not reported. A policeman, an FAA specialist, and another man saw an unidentified silver-white, egg-shaped object. (Omaha World Herald, Nebraska, 10/3/67, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3790
### Event 29589 (DB9D88BE)
**Date:** 10/2/1967
**Location:** Melville, NY
**Description:** 7:30 p.m. EDT. An aircraft company engineer and his children saw a white disc with rectangular windows, and a white light on top (body lights). A white light beam from the bottom illuminated the ground. (light reaction). (Hall, 2001, p. 161.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3791
### Event 29590 (A190398C)
**Date:** 10/2/1967
**Location:** Ipswich, MA
**Description:** 8:30 p.m. EDT. Four witnesses who were together plus two other single, independent witnesses saw red, greenish blue, and white lights (body lights) apparently on an oval object that save off a yellowish glow. Dogs were barking (animal reaction) during the sighting. (Massachusetts NICAP Subcommittee report, NICAP files; Fowler, 1974, p. 350.) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3792
### Event 29591 (A65A8528)
**Date:** 10/2/1967
**Location:** Melville, NY
**Description:** Aircraft engineer sighted disc-shaped object with windows, blinking lights, light beam illuminating ground
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_145
### Event 29592 (D0A40D16)
**Date:** 10/2/1967
**Description:** At 7:30 p.m. in Melville, New York P. E. Burkhardt, an aerospace computer systems engineer, and several teenagers witnessed a silver disc-shaped object with a set of rectangular-shaped lights that blinked on-and-off, revolving across the lower portion.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP case files, report dated October 3, 1967; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II. A Thirty Year Report, pp. 11, 153
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6498
### Event 29593 (5877001E)
**Date:** 10/2/1967
**Description:** At 8:20 p.m. in Ipswich, Massachusetts several witnesses spotted a domed disc or domed oval-shaped object that glowed yellow around it perimeter. It carried a red, a greenish blue, and a bright white light. At times it glowed red all over. It hovered, spun, and moved up-and-down. Dogs barked during the sighting.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Raymond E. Fowler, UFOs: Interplanetary Visitors, p. 350
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6499
### Event 29594 (7A28F0D2)
**Date:** 10/3/1967 (approximate)
**Time:** 12:00
**Description:** Engineers / (seen thru) binoculars. Delta/triangle/box-like craft hovers and maneuvers / 30 min. Sickle seen / Sochi.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: UFO CHRONICLES of the SOVIET UNION; Ballentine Books HB 1992. 212pp. (Index 193)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8465
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Georgia", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "30", **HatchDesc:** "SUKHUMI,ABKHAZ ASSR:ENGINEERS/BINOCS:DLT HVRs+MNVRs/30 min::SICKLE SEEN/SOCHI", **LatLong:** "43.050002 41.050002", **LatLongDMS:** "43:03:00 N 41:03:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.050002,41.050002)", **State/Prov:** "Abkhazia", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29595 (5EBAC546)
**Date:** 10/3/1967
**Time:** 20:40
**Location:** CAMBRIDGE, MASS
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Saturn UFO / fuzzy amber center. White sparks around outside.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FOWLER, Raymond E.: UFO'S, INTERPLANETARY VISITORS; Prentice Hall & Bantam Books, NY 1979. 346pp. (Index 334)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8466
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "9", **HatchDesc:** "CAMBRIDGE,MASS:2 OBS:SATURN UFO/FUZZY AMBER CENTER:WHT SPARKS AROUND OUTSIDE", **LatLong:** "42.366669 -71.111115", **LatLongDMS:** "42:22:00 N 71:06:40 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.366669,-71.111115)", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29596 (7110697E)
**Date:** 10/3/1967
**Description:** Pilot [William “Pete” Knight](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William%5FJ.%5FKnight) reaches a speed of 4,519 mph \(Mach 6.72\) in a North American X-15 rocket plane, a record that stands today.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[William J. Knight](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William%5FJ.%5FKnight)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4414
### Event 29597 (4E119EC1)
**Date:** 10/3/1967
**Description:** At 7:45 p.m. Kathy Skolem of Portland, Connecticut, age 13, saw an orange cloud bigger than the moon, which changed colors from pink to blue to green. This turned out to be a barium cloud experiment launched by NASA at 7:18 EDT from Wallops Island, Virginia. However, she then saw a white domed disc surrounded by a haze. It had lights around its rim, and it flew off toward the southeast. At 8:40 p.m. a glowing Saturn-shaped object with a fuzzy amber center flew over Cambridge, Massachusetts. It had white lights sparkling around its circumference. This too was not the barium cloud experiment, which they had seen earlier in the evening.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Donald A. Johnson, case investigation files; NICAP case investigation files
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6526
### Event 29598 (70917255)
**Date:** 10/4/1967
**Location:** CANADA off Shag Harbour (Nova Scotia)
**Description:** (Translated from French) The Royal Canadian Air Force confirms the appearance of a brightly lit UFO, seeming to glide over the waters off Shag Harbour. Many coastal inhabitants had seen it. Then, a bubbling of water had occurred, accompanied by yellowish foam. The Canadian Navy had sent some small vessels to the scene; but the UFO had apparently eluded them. (Donald KEYHOE: "The Space Strangers" - Pocket Press 1975 - p. 158) Yvan T.SANDERSON dates this event October 4, 1967. The affair was reported in detail by the Light Herald of Yarmouth, N.S.: The object was first seen at 11:30 pm on Wednesday night, in the Shag Harbour area, Shelburne County, near Bon Portage Island. David Kendricks, who was driving a car with a friend, Norman Smith, in the area between Cape Sable Island and Shag Harbour, saw a bright red-orange light in the sky above Bear Point. According to him, the lights were tiny and seemed lined up in a row, and at one point they blinked. These lights formed an angle of 45°, plunging to the right, advancing in order from bottom to top. Approximately at the same time, Laurie Wiggins, nineteen years old, observed the object as he drove in a car with four other people in Woods Harbour. According to him, there were four lights in a row that went out and lit up in turn and leaned at an angle of 45°. They slowly disappeared into the water. As they got out of the car, they saw the lights change to become a single white light that swayed on the water about 800 meters offshore. Wiggins then called the R.C.M.P. (Royal Canadian Mounted Police) of Wood's Harbour who arrived at the scene after 20 minutes. Constable Ron O'Brien of the Barrington detachment of the R.C.M.P. and two other officers saw the light floating on the water about 800 m from the coast and reported that it was being carried out to sea by the tide and that it disappeared before they could reach it by boat. Meanwhile, a large number of other witnesses reported lights at the same time and in the same area. The R.C.M.P. immediately called the Canadian Coast Guard station in Clark's Harbour and Rescue Boat No. 101 plus eight local fishing boats began to search the area. After an hour, the boats had arrived at the place where the object had disappeared and reported a very large area of bubbling water and foam. According to one of the fishermen, the foam was 25 meters wide and it was yellowish; he said he had never seen anything like it in the area. Seven divers from the navy searched for two and a half days but found nothing and these searches were abandoned. The possibility that it could have been an airplane was ruled out by the Canadian authorities; no aircraft was reported missing.
**Reference:** Yvan T. SANDERSON: "The Invisibles Under the Seas" Albin Michel 1979 p. 59-60
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2477
### Event 29599 (3B3CFEF3)
**Date:** 10/4/1967
**Location:** Shag Harbor, Nova Scotia
**Description:** Bright object enters water; RC Navy investigation. Non-US military.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [_UFOs and the National Security State: Chronology of a Cover-up, 1941–1973_, by Richard Dolan](https://archive.org/details/ufosnationalsecu00dola/mode/2up)
**Source:** Dolan, **ID:** Dolan_282
### Event 29600 (775F52E8)
**Date:** 10/4/1967
**Description:** Gold triangle going east. Possible landing or fall. No trace found.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 813)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8467
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Greece and Island nations", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "ALEXANDROUPOLIS,GREECE:GOLD TRIANGLE >E:POSS.LANDING or FALL:no trace found", **LatLong:** "40.683335 25.850001", **LatLongDMS:** "40:41:00 N 25:51:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.683335,25.850001)", **State/Prov:** "GRC", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29601 (01D899BF)
**Date:** 10/4/1967
**Time:** 23:10
**Location:** SHAG HARBOR, NS
**Description:** Numerous separate observer(s). 60' object hovers. Going down [to] to / sea / angle. Submerges. / APRO Sep'67.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LEDGER, Don: MARITIME UFO FILES: 1998 Nimbus Publ. Ltd. Halifax, NS. ISBN 1-55109-269-7 162pp. trade paper. (Index 72)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8468
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **SUB:** Submersible: Rises from or submerges into water, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "30", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "SHAG HARBOR,NS:NMRS SEP.OBS:60'OBJ HVRS:↓ to/SEA/ANGLE:SUBMERGES:/APRO Sep'67", **LatLong:** "43.677780 -65.761114", **LatLongDMS:** "43:40:40 N 65:45:40 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.677780,-65.761114)", **State/Prov:** "Nova Scotia", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 29602 (7DAA4D54)
**Date:** 10/4/1967
**Location:** Shag Harbour, Nova Scotia, CAN
**Description:** Evening, ADT. From early evening until 11:30 pm, numerous independent witnesses observed unexplained aerial activity. Near Sambro at 9:00 pm, the captain and crew of a fishing boat saw four brilliant red lights in a box formation that appeared to be on or just above the water. (Ledger and Styles, 2001, pp. 14- 17, 21-44.) (NICAP: 06 - Trace Cases)
**Reference:** NICAP: [671004](http://www.nicap.org/shagdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3793
### Event 29603 (5781A863)
**Date:** 10/4/1967
**Locations:** Nova Scotia; Sambro; Brier Island; Weymouth; Shag Harbour; Highway 3; Gulf of Maine; Clark's Harbour; Halifax; Ottawa; Royal Canadian Air Force headquarters; Royal Canadian Navy headquarters; HMCS Granby; Shelburne Harbour
**Description:** From early evening until 11:30 p.m., numerous independent witnesses observe unexplained aerial activity in Nova Scotia. Near Sambro at 9:00 pm, Capt. Leo Howard Mersey and 20 crewmembers of the MV Nickerson see four brilliant red lights in a rectangular formation that appear to be on or just above the water. Occasionally one flares up so brightly that it causes an afterimage in their eves. The objects are also tracked on ship’s radar. They file a report with the Lunenburg CMP office. Between 11:00 and 11:30 pm, northwest of Brier Island, the captain and crew of a fishing vessel see a brilliant white light the size of the moon. As they watch, three brilliant yellow lights emerge and form a triangle around the larger light. The satellite objects then move across the sky and back at high speed. Observations are also made by other vessels. Five miles southwest of Weymouth, a policeman and three game wardens see an orange-colored light just above the tree line moving silently and slowly with spark-like objects emanating. At about 11:20 p.m., just west of Shag Harbour, [Laurie Wickens](http://www.superstitioustimes.com/shag-harbour-witness-cleans-up-interpretative-centre-after-breakin/) and four other teenagers driving in a car along Highway 3 see an object flying low, flashing four lights one after the other, in a straight line. It appears to be slowly descending at a 45° angle. Multiple witnesses hear a whistling sound “like a bomb,” then a “whoosh,” and finally a loud bang. When next seen by the teens, the object has hit the water’s surface 820– 980 feet offshore. It drifts on the surface, showing a pale-yellow light. Wickens contacts the RCMP detachment in Barrington Passage and reports he has seen a large airplane or small airliner crash into the waters off Shag Harbour. Within about 15 minutes, 10 RCMP officers arrive at the scene. Concerned for survivors, the RCMP detachment contacts the Rescue Coordination Centre in Halifax to advise them of the situation and ask if any aircraft were missing. Before any attempt at rescue can be made, the object starts to sink and disappears from view. A rescue mission is quickly assembled. Within half an hour of the crash, local fishing boats go out to the crash site in the waters of the Gulf of Maine off Shag Harbour to look for survivors. No survivors, bodies, or debris are found, either by the fishermen or by a Canadian Coast Guard search and rescue cutter, which arrives about an hour later from nearby Clark’s Harbour. By the next morning, RCC Halifax has determined that no aircraft are missing. The same morning, RCC Halifax also sends a priority telex to the Air Desk at Royal Canadian Air Force headquarters in Ottawa, which handles all civilian and military UFO sightings, informing them of the crash and that all conventional explanations such as aircraft or flares have been dismissed. The head of the Air Desk, Squadron Leader William Bain sends another priority telex to the Royal Canadian Navy headquarters concerning the “UFO report” and recommends an underwater search be mounted. The RCN in turn sends another priority telex tasking Fleet Diving Unit Atlantic with carrying out the search. A detachment of RCN divers from Fleet Diving Unit Atlantic is assembled on the [HMCS](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HMCS%5FVictoriaville%5F%28K684%29) [Granby](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HMCS%5FVictoriaville%5F%28K684%29) on October 6 and for the next three days they comb the seafloor looking for an object. The final report says no trace of an object is found. In the 1990s, researcher [Chris Styles](https://www.coasttocoastam.com/guest/styles-chris/73410) finds evidence that there is a second crash the same night. Witnesses see American naval exercises in Shelburne Harbour 30 miles to the northeast. Speculation is that the original object may have traveled underwater from Shag Harbour to Shelburne.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Shag Harbour UFO incident](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shag%5FHarbour%5FUFO%5Fincident)”; Sanderson, [InvRes](https://www.scribd.com/document/429706119/Invisible-Residents-The-Reality-of-Underwater-UFOs)[,](https://www.scribd.com/document/429706119/Invisible-Residents-The-Reality-of-Underwater-UFOs) pp. 38–39; Condon, [pp. 351–353](https://archive.org/details/scientificstudyo0000unse%5Fl5t2/page/350/mode/2up); Good Need, [pp. 279–282](https://archive.org/details/needtoknow00good/page/278/mode/2up); Don Ledger, “UFO Crash at Shag Harbour,” IUR 22, no. 4 \(Winter 1997–1998\): 8–9, 20; Don Ledger and Chris Styles, Dark Object, Dell, 2001; Chris Rutkowski and Geoff Dittman, The Canadian UFO Report, Dundurn Press, 2006, pp. 94–98; Chris Rutkowski, “The Cold, Hard Facts about UFOs in Canada,” IUR 34, no. 1 \(September 2011\): 9–10; “[The 1967 Shag Harbour](http://www.roswellproof.com/Shag%5FHarbour/Shag%5FHarbour%5FDocuments.html) [UFO Crash: Documents Related to Crash,](http://www.roswellproof.com/Shag%5FHarbour/Shag%5FHarbour%5FDocuments.html)” Roswell Proof; “[Shag Harbour News Articles,](http://www.roswellproof.com/Shag%5FHarbour/Shag%5FHarbour%5Farticles.html)” Roswell Proof; Clark 284–285; Chris Rutkowski, Canada’s UFOs: Declassified, August Night, 2022, pp. 129–137
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4415
### Event 29604 (C72489DD)
**Date:** 10/4/1967
**Description:** At 11:20 p.m. Atlantic Daylight Time at least one and most likely two separate UFOs dove or crashed into the ocean near Bon Portage Island, in the area of Shag Harbour, Nova Scotia, Canada. There were at least a dozen independent witnesses to the event. Canadian Navy divers searched the area for three days but found nothing. This followed a series of six UFO sightings across Quebec and Nova Scotia beginning at 7:19 p.m., when Air Canada Captain Pierre Guy Charbonneau, flying between Sherbrooke and St. Jean, sighted an orange rectangular object followed by a series of smaller lights, followed by a sizeable explosion near the large object that turned into a big white ball-shaped cloud. The cloud turned red, then violet, and then blue. Two minutes later there was another explosion that turned into a second sphere which was orange in color. Like the first one it too eventually faded to blue. The smaller lights on the "kite tail" broke formation with the rectangular object and began to dance around the spheres like fireflies.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Yarmouth Light Herald, October 12, 1967; Ivan T. Sanderson, Invisible Residents, pp. 44-45; Don Ledger & Chris Styles, Dark Object: The world's only government documented UFO crash, pp. 9-13; 28-50, 151-162
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6557
### Event 29605 (23FC89AA)
**Date:** 10/5/1967
**Time:** 21:10
**Location:** DENVER, CO
**Description:** Judge and 2+1. 3 20M luminous circles / triangle. Light humming. Going quickly ESE / 750M altitude. / r109p165.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 50)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8469
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "1578", **HatchDesc:** "DENVER,CO:JUDGE+2+1:3 20M LUMn.CCLs/TRIANGLE:LITE HUM:>>ESE/750M alt:/r109p165", **LatLong:** "39.733335 -105.000005", **LatLongDMS:** "39:44:00 N 105:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.733335,-105.000005)", **RelAlt:** "225", **State/Prov:** "Colorado", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29606 (4DD1A51D)
**Date:** 10/5/1967
**Location:** Johnson City, TN
**Description:** 10:15 p.m. EDT (11:15 p.m. ADT). Multiple witnesses reported an object with blinking multicolored lights, three portholes, and a prism-like component on the bottom that emitted light rays. The object hovered, moved slowly, sometimes rising and falling, and ascended. (Johnson City newspapers of 10/5/67 and 10/17/67, copies in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3794
### Event 29607 (10801672)
**Date:** 10/5/1967
**Locations:** Colorado Superior Court; Denver, Colorado
**Description:** 9:30 p.m. Colorado Superior Court Judge [Charles E. Bennett](https://www.morethanaheadstone.org/all-stories/lending-a-helping-hand-1?rq=charles%2Bbennet) and his wife [Christina](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/233076010/christina-bennett) spot three circular, red- orange objects traveling from the east to the southeast in a triangular formation over Denver, Colorado. They can hear a distinct humming or whirring sound. They move out of sight in 6 seconds.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Flap Continues in the States,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201967%2009%2000%20-%20September-October.pdf)” APRO Bulletin, Sept./Oct. 1967, p. 10
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4416
### Event 29608 (145AC7D0)
**Date:** 10/6/1967
**Time:** 19:00
**Description:** Many unknown RADAR targets out at sea. Odd visuals. Weather? / r37p171.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 55)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8470
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RDR:** Radar traces/blips, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "5", **Duration:** "134", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "VANDENBURG AFB,CA:MANY UNK RDR TARGETS OUT AT SEA:ODD VISUALS:weather?/r37p171", **LatLong:** "34.794446 -120.566672", **LatLongDMS:** "34:47:40 N 120:34:00 W", **Locale:** "Offshore", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/34.794446,-120.566672)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 29609 (535CDBD5)
**Date:** 10/6/1967
**Time:** ~23:30
**Location:** BELFAST, NORTH IRL
**Description:** Man abduction / pseudo-human/entity. Sex with odd female. Left / field. UFO retracts legs and flies.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Book: TRENCH, Brinsley Le Poer: OPERATION EARTH; Neville Spearman 1969 & Tandem, London 1974. (Belfast, N. Irl pg. 18)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8471
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens, **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **OPR:** Operations on humans/animal mutilation/surgery, **CVS:** Conversation/communication, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "40", **Elev:** "9", **HatchDesc:** "BELFAST,N.IRL:MAN ABD/PSH:SEX W/ODD FEMALE:LEFT/FIELD:UFO RETRACTS LEGS+FLIES", **LatLong:** "54.616669 -5.933334", **LatLongDMS:** "54:37:00 N 05:56:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/54.616669,-5.933334)", **State/Prov:** "Northern Ireland", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 29610 (ACC38000)
**Date:** 10/6/1967
**Location:** Vandenburg AFB, CA
**Description:** Condon Case 35 (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 3)
**Reference:** NICAP: [671006](http://www.nicap.org/671006vandenberg%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3795
### Event 29611 (277CA77D)
**Date:** 10/6/1967
**Time:** 06:59:57.5
**Location:** 57.7000 65.2000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Tawda” Yield: .3KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1305
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "57.7000 65.2000", **LatLongDMS:** "57:42:00 N 65:12:00 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/57.7000,65.2000)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.17", **NukeMb:** "4.70", **NukeName:** "PNE:Tawda", **NukeSource:** "SULTANOV", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** ".3"
### Event 29612 (3E68A15C)
**Date:** 10/6/1967
**Locations:** Vandenberg AFB; Lompoc, California; Pacific Ocean; Northern California coast
**Description:** 7:00 p.m. Radar at Vandenberg AFB, near Lompoc, California, detects a very large stationary object some miles over the Pacific Ocean off the Northern California coast. Later, radar detects numerous small but strong targets traveling eastward in irregular flight.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** NICAP, “[Condon Case 35](http://www.nicap.org/671006vandenberg%5Fdir.htm)”; Condon, [pp. 171–172,](https://archive.org/details/scientificstudyo0000unse%5Fl5t2/page/170/mode/2up) [353–365](https://archive.org/details/scientificstudyo0000unse%5Fl5t2/page/352/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4417
### Event 29613 (3751903C)
**Date:** 10/6/1967
**Description:** At seven o'clock in the evening numerous strong radar targets were detected at the same time that elliptical, fuzzy objects with red and green lights were seen overhead at Vandenburg AFB, California. At least two objects were picked up on five separate radars. Scrambled jet fighters did not find them. They moved at speeds of 80 knots, and changed altitude. Most targets were over the ocean. The various Air Force explanations of mirages, birds, and anomalous propagation have been judged to be lacking in credibility.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP UFO Investigator, August 1968, p. 6; Gordon D. Thayer, in Edward U. Condon (ed.) Scientific Study of Unidentified Flying Objects, p. 171; UNICAT, case # 679
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6602
### Event 29614 (29CEE085)
**Date:** 10/6/1967
**Description:** An abduction and sexual encounter occurred in Belfast, Northern Ireland at 10:45 p.m. Eugene Browne was walking home from a jazz club when he saw a craft in the sky. A yellow light came from it, which danced around him and made him feel dizzy and soon lose consciousness. He awoke on an exam table in a windowless, oblong room that was lit by a blue light from the floor. He was strapped by metal bands attached to an apparatus on the side of the table. Four men and a woman surrounded him; although they were human in appearance they had a bluish aura. The tallest was dressed in a dark one-piece uniform and said, "at last, someone who will do," and released him. The woman had long blond hair, high cheekbones and was very fair with a freckled complexion. He had sex with her and she told him they were "from another galaxy" and were experimenting to obtain human seed. Afterwards he was tied up and told it would not be long before he was returned. He blacked out again and recovered in a field about a mile from his original location. He had been abducted for about 40 minutes. He saw the object leave, which took off with a whistling sound as it retracted its tripod landing gear and flew off. He reportedly suffered somephysiological effects after the encounter.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Charles Bowen, FSR, January-February 1970, p. 25
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6603
### Event 29615 (9F661D63)
**Date:** 10/7/1967
**Time:** 20:00
**Location:** WEST / NANTON, ALTA
**Description:** Forester. Electro-magnetic effect (EME). Silent 22M glowing-saucer with portholes going north up valley. / r109p34.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 813)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8472
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "1025", **HatchDesc:** "W/NANTON,ALTA:FORESTER:EME:SLNT 22M GLOW-SCR W/PORTHOLES >N UP VALLEY:/r109p34", **LatLong:** "50.350002 -114.000005", **LatLongDMS:** "50:21:00 N 114:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.350002,-114.000005)", **State/Prov:** "Alberta", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29616 (C1FF5687)
**Date:** 10/7/1967
**Locations:** Alberta; Raspberry Ridge Lookout Station
**Description:** 8:00 p.m. Russell Hill is sitting down to dinner at the Raspberry Ridge Lookout Station in Alberta when the cabin lights begin to flicker. He goes out to check the generator and sees an odd green light moving slowly up the valley from south to north. It approaches to within 500 feet of the cabin. The object is about 75 feet in diameter and looks like two bowls clamped together. Around the rim is a pulsating green light that seems to come from a neon tube. Another green light is rotating slowly inside the top portion, and there are porthole-shaped indentations in the side. Suddenly the light on the rim is extinguished, the upper gfreen light turns white, and the object ascends at a terrific speed, trailing jets of flame.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Object Photographed in Canada,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201967%2009%2000%20-%20September-October.pdf)” APRO Bulletin, Sept./Oct. 1967, p. 11
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4418
### Event 29617 (01AD881F)
**Date:** 10/7/1967
**End date:** 10/9/1967
**Locations:** Bolivia; Cuban
**Description:** Capture and death of [Che Guevara](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Che%5FGuevara) in Bolivia. [Félix Rodríguez](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/F%C3%A9lix%5FRodr%C3%ADguez%5F%28soldier%29), a Cuban exile turned CIA Special Activities Division operative, advised Bolivian troops during the hunt for Guevara in Bolivia. In addition, the 2007 documentary My Enemy’s Enemy alleges that Nazi war criminal [Klaus Barbie](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Klaus%5FBarbie) advised and possibly helped the CIA orchestrate Guevara’s capture.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Che Guevara](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Che%5FGuevara\#Capture%5Fand%5Fdeath)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4419
### Event 29618 (6E6564D5)
**Date:** 10/8/1967 (approximate)
**Description:** Couple follows UFO / miles into Tujunga area. Electro-magnetic effect (EME)? Missing time..
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** DRUFFEL, Ann & ROGO, D. Scott:The TUJUNGA CANYON CONTACTS Signet Books PB 1989 (Index 152)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8473
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "45", **Elev:** "198", **HatchDesc:** "N HOLLYWOOD,CA:COUPLE FOLLOWS UFO/MILES INTO TUJUNGA AREA:EME?:MISSING TIME..", **LatLong:** "34.150002 -118.366672", **LatLongDMS:** "34:09:00 N 118:22:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/34.150002,-118.366672)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 29619 (5A88C6AD)
**Date:** 10/8/1967
**Time:** 04:10
**Location:** OELWEIN, IA
**Description:** Sonic boom. Moon-size object paces 2 cops / car. Quickly going down / hill. Going quickly northeast. / r109p169.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 813)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8474
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "20", **Elev:** "327", **HatchDesc:** "OELWEIN,IA:SONIC BOOM:MOONSIZE OBJ PACES 2 COPS/CAR:↓↓/HILL:>>NE:/r109p169", **LatLong:** "42.672224 -91.911115", **LatLongDMS:** "42:40:20 N 91:54:40 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.672224,-91.911115)", **State/Prov:** "Iowa", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29620 (A6D91660)
**Date:** 10/8/1967?
**Time:** ~08:00
**Location:** MONTADROIT, JURA
**Description:** Very strange landing traces only. 30cm. 12cm deep. No explanation. / r30p288.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 114)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8475
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **NFO:** No craft seen, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "MONTADROIT,JURA:VSTRANGE LANDING TRACES ONLY:30cm:12cm DEEP:NO EXPLAN:/r30p288", **LatLong:** "46.433336 5.616667", **LatLongDMS:** "46:26:00 N 05:37:00 E", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.433336,5.616667)", **State/Prov:** "Jura", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 29621 (7B42B9E1)
**Date:** 10/8/1967
**Time:** ~21:00
**Location:** ELK GARDEN, WV
**Description:** Several observer(s). Turtle-saucer goes 6' over cemetery after burial. Beams going down.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** TEETS, Bob: WEST VIRGINIA UFO's; Headline Books, PO Box 52, Terra Alta, WV 1995 213pp. (Index 191)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8476
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "697", **HatchDesc:** "ELK GARDEN,WV:SVRL OBS:TURTLE-SCR GOES 6' OVR CEMETERY AFTER BURIAL:BEAMS↓", **LatLong:** "39.388891 -79.166670", **LatLongDMS:** "39:23:20 N 79:10:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.388891,-79.166670)", **RelAlt:** "2", **State/Prov:** "Western Virginia", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 29622 (2121A464)
**Date:** 10/8/1967
**Description:** At 9:00 p.m. in Elk Garden, West Virginia a turtle-shaped disc flew over a cemetery shortly after a funeral at only six feet above the ground.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Bob Teets, West Virginia UFOs: Close Encounters in the Mountain State, p. 191
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6654
### Event 29623 (C57C9B62)
**Date:** 10/8/1967
**Description:** Dr. John Altshuler came to Alamosa County, Colorado to examine the carcass of the horse "Lady" thought to have been killed and mutilated by UFOs, and was abducted this night while camping at the Sand Dunes National Monument.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Christopher O'Brien, case files, citing Valley Courier, October 9, 1975
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6655
### Event 29624 (695C2E9A)
**Date:** 10/9/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) East of Tucson \(Arizona\), a boy on his bicycle sees an aluminum cylinder, 3 m tall, 80 cm wide, supported by two feet ending in round pads joined by a bar. He gets within 12 m of the object before it rises vertically with a deep and low humming sound, but without smoke, flame or mist. It leaves two footprints. (October 9, 5:40 PM)
**Reference:** Lor. III 119 \< [Vallée](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/ValleeJacques.html) 1969
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2373
### Event 29625 (489A241E)
**Date:** 10/9/1967
**Time:** 10:00
**Location:** NEAR FT BAYARD, NM
**Description:** 2 separate observer(s). Torpedo or fiery ring passes 30' from 1 observer(s). Going north.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LORENZEN, Coral & Jim: UFO's OVER THE AMERICAS; Signet Books, NY 1968. 243p. (Index 169)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8477
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "1879", **HatchDesc:** "nr Ft BAYARD,NM:2 SEP.OBS:TORPEDO or FIERY RING PASSES 30' FROM 1 OBS:>N", **LatLong:** "32.783335 -108.100005", **LatLongDMS:** "32:47:00 N 108:06:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/32.783335,-108.100005)", **State/Prov:** "New Mexico", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29626 (18D0BE68)
**Date:** 10/9/1967
**Time:** 17:40
**Location:** EAST / TUCSON, AZ
**Description:** Boy. 8' aluminum cylinder/cylindrical object stands / 2 legs. Going up / deep humming. No flame. Physical traces. / r8+/ r113p15.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 813)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8478
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "5", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "720", **HatchDesc:** "E/TUCSON,AZ:BOY:8'ALUM CYL STANDS/2 LEGS:↑/DEEP HUM:NO FLAME:TRCs:/r8+/r113p15", **LatLong:** "32.233335 -110.866672", **LatLongDMS:** "32:14:00 N 110:52:00 W", **Locale:** "Desert", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/32.233335,-110.866672)", **State/Prov:** "Arizona", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 29627 (3116ECE1)
**Date:** 10/9/1967
**Time:** 21:50
**Location:** BESCANCON, FR
**Description:** 1 observer / (seen thru) binoculars. 15M sphere with 5 square windows going northwest. Returns going southeast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 96)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8479
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "BESCANCON,FR:1 OBS/BINOCS:15M SPHERE W/5 SQR WINDOWS > NW:RETURNS >SE", **LatLong:** "47.233336 6.000000", **LatLongDMS:** "47:14:00 N 06:00:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.233336,6.000000)", **State/Prov:** "Doubs", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29628 (5E3CF4F5)
**Date:** 10/9/1967
**Time:** 1740
**Location:** East Tucson, Arizona
**Description:** A boy riding his bicycle saw an aluminum cylinder standing on end, 3 m high, 80 cm wide, supported by two legs ending in round pads joined by a bar. He got within 12 m of the object before it rose vertically with a deep, low-pitched hum, but no smoke, flame, or haze. It left two impressions.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Lor. III 119 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_886
### Event 29629 (0E492472)
**Date:** 10/9/1967
**Location:** Tucson Speedway, Arizona
**Description:** 5:40 p.m. The 13-year-old son of a prominent businessman is riding a bicycle along a wash in the back of his home in the area of the Tucson Speedway in Arizona. He comes across a cylindrical metallic object standing on end and sitting on two legs about 44 feet away from him. The legs end in circular pads and are joined by a curved bar. The object, which is making a low-pitched hum, is about 8 feet tall and more than 2 feet wide. The boy approaches it for a better view, but it takes off vertically and disappears in 12 seconds. He finds two impressions in the hard surface of the wash, 13.4 inches across and about 42 inches apart \(measuring from the outer edges\).
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Landing at Tucson,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201967%2009%2000%20-%20September-October.pdf)” APRO Bulletin, Sept./Oct. 1967, pp. 1, 4
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4420
### Event 29630 (18E7CBDE)
**Date:** 10/10/1967
**Location:** Bow River Forest, Alberta, CAN
**Description:** Time not reported. A forest fire lookout saw an oval object with a rim around the circumference and a green light on top. The light rotated, and when the object moved it turned white (color/motion correlation). (London Evening Free Press,Ontario, 10/16/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3796
### Event 29631 (3129B47E)
**Date:** 10/10/1967
**Location:** Leek, Staffordshire, UK
**Description:** 7:00 p.m. LT (3:00 p.m. EDT). Three witnesses using 7 x 50 binoculars saw a yellowish oval with a small dome on top, a yellow light rotating around the dome. The object also had one red and two green body lights that pulsated off and on. (Stanway and Pace, p. 16.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3797
### Event 29632 (D07AB794)
**Date:** 10/10/1967
**Locations:** Colorado; Boulder Daily Camera
**Description:** The [Lorenzens](http://robert-barrow.blogspot.com/2007/05/remembering-coral-lorenzen.html) visit the Colorado project and find its investigatory procedures “sadly lacking,” with no standard report form or methodology. They also meet with Boulder Daily Camera journalist R. Roger Harkins, who has been covering the Colorado project. They give him a 7-point rationale on why the CIA might be interested in UFOs, just to see if it gets published. Harkins dictates the story to the Associated Press, but it is never published. The Lorenzens suspect the project has a CIA mole. \(Low did work for the CIA in 1949 when it was aiding Albanian resistance fighters.\)
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** UFOs Yes, 129, 175–176; Lorenzen, Encounters with UFO Occupants, Berkley Medallion, 1976, p. 5; Robin W. Winks, Cloak and Gown: Scholars in the Secret War, 1939–1961, Morrow, [pp. 396–397](https://archive.org/details/cloakgownscholar00wink/page/396/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4421
### Event 29633 (8F416B3B)
**Date:** 10/10/1967
**Description:** At 12:45 a.m. Norman Cory was driving home in Lakewood, Colorado when he was flagged down by a tall man with a forked goatee. The man was well over six feet tall, and was wearing a jacket with four gold bars on each shoulder. The man talked to the witness without moving his lips, presumably by telepathy. He asked where the North Star was, and what the date was; in response to the answer, he replied, "In your primitive time." He then asked what the witness had in his mouth, and on being told it was a cigarette, he replied, "Oh, one of your primitive vices." He next asked about the car and said, "Oh, your primitive mode of transportation." When the witness asked him who he was and where he was from, the man replied, "I cannot tell you now, but my colleagues and I will return." Then the man walked about four feet away from the roadside and vanished. Norman then heard a noise and looked up and saw hovering overhead a red object the size of a football field. With a whining noise it went straight up, and then was joined by two more objects, and all three shot away at a tremendous speed.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1967-102 (A0880), citing R. Leo Sprinkle; Lt. Col. A. P. Webb, Project Blue Book
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6717
### Event 29634 (60279A37)
**Date:** 10/10/1967
**Description:** A forest fire lookout in Bow River Provincial Forest, Alberta, Canada saw an oval object with a rim around the circumference and a green light on top. The light rotated, and when the object moved it turned white. The object hovered, then moved off and disappeared emitting four blue flames as it departed.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** London (ON) Evening Free Press, October 16, 1967, copy in NICAP files
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6718
### Event 29635 (AC0166A7)
**Date:** 10/10/1967
**Description:** At 7:00 p.m. three witnesses in Leek, Staffordshire, England using 7 x 50 binoculars saw a yellowish oval with a small dome on top, with a yellow light rotating around the dome. The object also had one red and two green body lights that pulsated on and off. As the lights pulsated, the color of the object changed from yellow to white. At 7:30 p.m. a similar object shot across the sky, stopped and joined the first object (rendezvous). Both objects were gradually obscured by clouds.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Roger Stanway & Anthony Pace, UFOs Unidentified Undeniable, p. 16
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6719
### Event 29636 (49314839)
**Date:** 10/10/1967
**Description:** A cigar-shaped object was seen in the northwestern sky over Dublin, Ireland by several witnesses in the evening.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Dermot Butler, Conspiracy of Silence: UFOs in Ireland, p. 18
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6720
### Event 29637 (74831EA9)
**Date:** 10/11/1967
**Location:** SWITZERLAND, Oberhrendingen (Aargau)
**Description:** (Translated from French) Othmar Willi observed three cylindrical objects with portholes while they hovered about 5 m above a cornfield. Each craft had a small cone and made a sound like that of a swarm of bees. Their dimensions were estimated to be 10 meters in length and 5 meters in diameter. (Jean-Marie DOUCHET - Nostra - 144 of 1979) They were turning slowly and the witness saw two rows of windows in the upper part of the craft. A very particular light was coming out of these small windows. The cylinders emitted a sound like the buzzing of a swarm of bees. Suddenly a hatch opened under one of the craft and a kind of rope appeared at the end of which was suspended an ovoid shape. A container? This stopped at the level of the corn ears, and only the container was illuminated by a light. Then the container was raised. All this lasted about a minute. The three cylinders suddenly started and left at a crazy speed. (Perrin Jack R.: "The Mystery of UFOs" - J'ai Lu / Pygmalion 1976 - pp. 23 to 25) Shortly after midnight, in the night from Tuesday 10 to Wednesday 11 October 1967, while he was contemplating the sky while savoring a last pipe, Mr. Othmar Willi, 37 years old, single, from Oberehrendingen, in the canton of Aargau, saw three cylindrical objects (in a vertical position), surmounted by a small cone, descend from the sky and station themselves about fifty meters from his house, about five meters above a cornfield. The cylinders were 10 meters high and had a diameter of about five meters, estimates Mr. Willi. (...)
**Reference:** The Saucers at Heidi, cfr GREPI, Switzerland, 1997
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2478
### Event 29638 (B87F7206)
**Date:** 10/11/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) At Oberhrendingen \(Switzerland\), Othmar Willi, 37, observed 3 cylinders 10 m high, 5 m in diameter, with 2 rows of square windows and a small cone at the top, stationary at 50 m distance and 5 m above a cornfield, making a sound resembling a swarm of bees. A small object was briefly dropped. (0 h 10)
**Reference:** [FSR](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/FSR.html) 68, 4 \< [Vallée](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/ValleeJacques.html) 1969
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2374
### Event 29639 (6D81A3F3)
**Date:** 10/11/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Death of [Inacio De Souza](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/temoins.html\#DeSouzaInacio).
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2375
### Event 29640 (4B32D22D)
**Date:** 10/11/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) [Feliks Ziegel](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/ZiegelFelixY.html) passes to the Central Television of Moscow.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2376
### Event 29641 (E11DCAA2)
**Date:** 10/11/1967
**Time:** 00:10
**Description:** 3 10x5M vertical cylinders 5M / field. Buzz. Small object drops. / r8#887.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Database/website: Chez HEIDI site: Alain Stauffer. GREPI / Switzerland http://home.worldcom.ch/~dbenaroy/heidi.html
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8480
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Switzerland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "OBEREHRENDINGEN,SWZ:3 10x5M VERT CYLs 5M/FIELD:BUZZ:SML OBJ DROPS:/r8#887", **LatLong:** "47.466669 8.333334", **LatLongDMS:** "47:28:00 N 08:20:00 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.466669,8.333334)", **State/Prov:** "AAR", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 29642 (AE3292DC)
**Date:** 10/11/1967
**Time:** 20:00
**Location:** ALDERSYDE, ALTA
**Description:** Saucer 400' over farm. 2 observer(s). Car malfunctions due to EME (electro-magnetic effects). Starts self after! / r00p270.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RODEGHIER, Mark/CUFOS: UFO REPORTS INVOLVING VEHICLE INTERFERENCE; CUFOS 1979. Available as CUFOS UFO Archive #1 CD-ROM. http://www.cufos.org/Pubform.pdf (Index 37)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8481
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "4", **Elev:** "1040", **HatchDesc:** "ALDERSYDE,ALTA:SCR 400'OVR FARM:2 OBS:CAR EMES:STARTS SELF AFTER!:/r00p270", **LatLong:** "50.688891 -113.905561", **LatLongDMS:** "50:41:20 N 113:54:20 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.688891,-113.905561)", **RelAlt:** "120", **State/Prov:** "Alberta", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 29643 (EA558002)
**Date:** 10/11/1967
**Time:** 20:30
**Location:** NEAR LAPOINT, UT
**Description:** Several separate events. Dome-shaped night lights. All color(s). 1 follows truck / turns.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SALISBURY, Frank: The UTAH UFO DISPLAY -- a Biologist Reports; 1974 Devin Adair, New Greenwich,CT. HB 286pp. ISBN 0-815-97000-5 (Index 55)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8482
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "30", **Elev:** "1695", **HatchDesc:** "nr LaPOINT,UT:SVRL SEP.events:DOME-SHAPED NLTS:ALL CLRs:1 folos truck/turns", **LatLong:** "40.283335 -109.866672", **LatLongDMS:** "40:17:00 N 109:52:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.283335,-109.866672)", **State/Prov:** "Utah", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29644 (E83B022D)
**Date:** 10/11/1967
**Time:** 22:00
**Location:** SHELBURNE, NS
**Description:** 4 observer(s). 60' string / red night lights 1km offshore / 600' altitude. Vanish. 4 more going quickly northeast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LORENZEN, Coral & Jim: UFO's OVER THE AMERICAS; Signet Books, NY 1968. 243p. (Index 174)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8483
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "15", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "SHELBURNE,NS:4 OBS:60'STRING/RED NLTS 1km OFFSHORE/600'alt:VANISH:4 MORE >>NE", **LatLong:** "43.733335 -65.200003", **LatLongDMS:** "43:44:00 N 65:12:00 W", **Locale:** "Offshore", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.733335,-65.200003)", **RelAlt:** "180", **State/Prov:** "Nova Scotia", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 29645 (5006CE76)
**Date:** 10/11/1967
**Location:** Aldersyde, Alta., CAN
**Description:** Oval with dome circled car, driver felt cold; engine restarted by itself as object departed. CUFOS report; see Rodeghier, 1981, p. 37 (E,L) car (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3759
### Event 29646 (E0102B9A)
**Date:** 10/11/1967
**Location:** Unitah Basin, UT
**Description:** 8:30-9:00 p.m. MDT. Many people, singly and in groups, independently reported seeing a brilliant reddish-orange object moving south to north. It was described as a large, flat-bottomed dome (hemisphere) with pulsating red, green and yellow lights (body lights). Its light illuminated the ground as bright as day. (Salisbury, 1974, p. 55-61.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3798
### Event 29647 (B0D5E2D5)
**Date:** 10/11/1967
**Time:** 0010
**Location:** Oberhrendingen, Switzerland
**Description:** Othmar Willi, 37, observed three cylinders, 10 m high, 5 m in diameter, with two rows of square windows and a small cone on top, hovering 50 m away and 5 m above a maize field, making a noise resembling a swarm of bees. A small object was dropped briefly.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** FSR 68, 4 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_887
### Event 29648 (A43942BD)
**Date:** 10/11/1967
**Location:** Bermuda Triangle
**Description:** [Rex Heflin](http://www.nicap.org/reports/Goodbye%5FRex%5FHeflin.pdf) is visited by a strange group of men in air force uniforms. He obtains their names. They ask him about his 1965 photos and topics like the Bermuda Triangle. He notices a figure in the back seat of their car and a violet glow. Heflin thinks he is being photographed or recorded. The FM radio acts strangely.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4422
### Event 29649 (CC6B2BA9)
**Date:** 10/11/1967
**Locations:** Highway 2; Aldersyde, Alberta
**Description:** 8:00 p.m. Nora Tibbs is driving on Highway 2 near Aldersyde, Alberta, when the headlights, radio, and car engine stop. She notices an oval-shaped object with a turret on top that begins to circle her car. It has two white lights and a lighted-up underside. It circles the car four or five times at a height of 1,000 feet, then flies away. The witness feels cold during the sighting. The car engine starts by itself as the object leaves.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Object Photographed](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201967%2009%2000%20-%20September-October.pdf) [in Canada,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201967%2009%2000%20-%20September-October.pdf)” APRO Bulletin, Sept./Oct. 1967, p. 11; Ted Phillips, [Physical Traces Associated with UFO Sightings](http://cufos.org/books/Physical%5FTraces.pdf), Center for UFO Studies, 1978, p. 37
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4423
### Event 29650 (889E912A)
**Date:** 10/11/1967
**Description:** At 7:50 p.m. in Aldersyde, Alberta, Canada an oval-shaped UFO with a dome circled a car. The driver, Mrs. N. Tibbs, felt a sensation of cold, and the car engine and lights died. The engine restarted by itself when the object departed.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP case investigation files; Gene Duplantier, Saucers, Space & Science, Winter 1968, p. 7; APRO Bulletin, September-October 1967, p. 11; Jim & Coral Lorenzen, UFOs over the Americas, p. 33; Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, p. 37; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty Year Report, p. 251
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6764
### Event 29651 (5A1C4344)
**Date:** 10/11/1967
**Description:** There were several UFO sightings in Uintah County, Utah on this night. In one close encounter, Mr. Hackford was driving up a road in Farm Creek, Utah when a UFO hovered over his vehicle for 15 seconds. He suffered physiological effects as a result. At the phosphate plant north of Vernal, Utah Mr. Rasmussen saw a light that hoveredin the sky, then shot straight up vertically and was gone. His daughter also saw it on her way home.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Frank B. Salisbury, The Utah UFO Display, p. A53
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6765
### Event 29652 (B93391F4)
**Date:** 10/11/1967
**Description:** An object with a row of six red lights, 55-60 feet long and at an altitude of 500-600 feet was watched for ten minutes at around 10:00 p.m. in Shelburne, Nova Scotia, Canada. The lights disappeared, but reappeared as 4 lights in a linear formation at a 45 degree angle in the sky.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Gene Duplantier, Saucers, Space & Science, Autumn 1967, p. 11, citing the Toronto Star
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6766
### Event 29653 (DC69E17A)
**Date:** 10/12/1967
**Description:** Cops and 6. Gleaming silver disk over town. Report going [to] RAF. Several sightings.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 813)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8484
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "311", **HatchDesc:** "OKEHAMPTON,DEVON:COPS+6:GLEAMING SLVR DISK ovr TOWN:Rpt>RAF:svrl sightings", **LatLong:** "50.738891 -4.000000", **LatLongDMS:** "50:44:20 N 04:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.738891,-4.000000)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29654 (024AD325)
**Date:** 10/12/1967
**Time:** 03:00
**Location:** WHITEROCKS, UT
**Description:** Luminous/glowing figure in home! metal suit. Glows. Walks out through closed door!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SALISBURY, Frank: The UTAH UFO DISPLAY -- a Biologist Reports; 1974 Devin Adair, New Greenwich,CT. HB 286pp. ISBN 0-815-97000-5 (Index 251)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8485
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NFO:** No craft seen, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "1836", **HatchDesc:** "WHITEROCKS,UT:LUMN FIG. IN HOME! METAL SUIT:GLOWS:WALKS OUT THRU CLOSED DOOR!", **LatLong:** "40.483335 -109.938894", **LatLongDMS:** "40:29:00 N 109:56:20 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.483335,-109.938894)", **RelAlt:** "1", **State/Prov:** "Utah", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 29655 (D798A52F)
**Date:** 10/12/1967
**Time:** 18:30
**Location:** DUBUQUE, IA
**Description:** Kids / picnic. 3M silver ovoid with legs. 15M altitude. Small dome. Quickly going up [to] and going quickly north. / MJ#103.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 813)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8486
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "186", **HatchDesc:** "DUBUQUE,IA:KIDS/PICNIC:3M SLVR OVOID W/LEGS:15M alt:SML DOME:↑↑+>>N:/MJ#103", **LatLong:** "42.500002 -90.716671", **LatLongDMS:** "42:30:00 N 90:43:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.500002,-90.716671)", **RelAlt:** "15", **State/Prov:** "Iowa", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29656 (A7B73265)
**Date:** 10/12/1967
**Time:** 21:30
**Location:** HERRIN, IL
**Description:** College student and mother. Classic silent domed saucer going quickly southwest. Reflects moonlight.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 819)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8487
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "131", **HatchDesc:** "HERRIN,IL:COLLEGE STUDENT+MOTHER:CLASSIC SLNT DOMED SCR >>SW:REFLECTS MOONLITE", **LatLong:** "37.805557 -89.027782", **LatLongDMS:** "37:48:20 N 89:01:40 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.805557,-89.027782)", **State/Prov:** "Illinois", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29657 (064AD69F)
**Date:** 10/12/1967
**Time:** 22:20
**Location:** HIGH RIVER, ALTA
**Description:** Car stalls. Radio and lights electro-magnetic effect (EME). Night light. Dark shape circles. Going quickly east. / r79p39.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 813)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8488
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "1034", **HatchDesc:** "HIGH RIVER,ALTA:CAR STALLS:RADIO+LITES EME:NLT:DARK SHAPE CCLS:>>E:/r79p39", **LatLong:** "50.583336 -113.866672", **LatLongDMS:** "50:35:00 N 113:52:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.583336,-113.866672)", **State/Prov:** "Alberta", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 29658 (980E010B)
**Date:** 10/12/1967
**Location:** Roanoke, VA
**Description:** 6:37 p.m. EDT. A man saw a bright, blue-white sphere hovering over a mountain. The object moved laterally when an aircraft approached it (aircraft avoidance), then accelerated and sped away. Witness had seen similar objects before. (NICAP report form.) . (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3799
### Event 29659 (7CB22976)
**Date:** 10/12/1967
**Location:** Dubuque, IA
**Description:** 6:30 p.m.CDT. Seven children saw a silver, egg-shaped object with legs that appeared to be preparing to land in the yard where the children were. Reportedly a similar object was seen several hours later over a nearby town. (Stars 6t Stripes, 10/15/67, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3800
### Event 29660 (9A48CC34)
**Date:** 10/12/1967
**Location:** Big Sur, California
**Description:** Night. Comedian [Dick Gregory](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dick%5FGregory) is at a party with friends at Big Sur, California, when three lights appear in the sky. One is fiery red, while the other two are bright green. The objects dart about sideways, backwards, in circles, in jagged lines, and in formation. When Gregory’s writer, Jim Saunders, signals with a flashlight, the objects seem to respond by moving in the same direction as the beam. The partygoers watch the lights for about 40 minutes. Gregory takes two Polaroid photographs that show a red object at the top and two green ones at the bottom.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Margaret Sachs, The UFO Encyclopedia, Putnam, 1980, [p. 131](https://archive.org/details/ufoencyclopedia00marg/page/131/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4424
### Event 29661 (1065E56C)
**Date:** 10/13/1967
**Time:** 01:50
**Location:** NORTH / ELNORA, ALTA
**Description:** Railroad/railway crew. 40' saucer follows train / 60 mn. Black cone / top. Hovers / town. / r109p173.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 817)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8489
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "150", **Elev:** "900", **HatchDesc:** "N/ELNORA,ALTA:RR CREW:40'SCR FOLOS TRAIN/60mn:BLK CONE/TOP:HVRS/TOWN:/r109p173", **LatLong:** "52.016669 -113.177783", **LatLongDMS:** "52:01:00 N 113:10:40 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/52.016669,-113.177783)", **State/Prov:** "Alberta", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29662 (EF850A22)
**Date:** 10/13/1967
**Time:** 04:40
**Description:** Cops chase 8M football / 12km. Chases back! / r109p170.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 813)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8490
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "25", **Elev:** "92", **HatchDesc:** "MILLEDGEVILLE+La GRANGE,GA:COPS CHASE 8M FOOTBALL/12km:CHASES BACK!:/r109p170", **LatLong:** "33.077779 -83.233337", **LatLongDMS:** "33:04:40 N 83:14:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/33.077779,-83.233337)", **State/Prov:** "Georgia", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 29663 (CB56E3EE)
**Date:** 10/13/1967
**Time:** 19:00?
**Description:** 25' saucer going down / river. Sucks and churns water. / r180p52+/ r44p228.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 51)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8491
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **SUB:** Submersible: Rises from or submerges into water, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "India", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "LAITKROH+DYMPEP,INDIA:25'SCR ↓/RIVER:SUCKS+CHURNS WATER:/r180p52+/r44p228", **LatLong:** "25.450001 91.833338", **LatLongDMS:** "25:27:00 N 91:50:00 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/25.450001,91.833338)", **State/Prov:** "MEH", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 29664 (D4587F58)
**Date:** 10/13/1967
**Location:** Elnora and Mirror, Alberta bt., CAN
**Description:** 1:50 a.m. A locomotive engineer reported that his freight train was paced by an unidentified object for 30 miles. The object once came within 100 yards. was seen to be flat on the bottom with a dark dome-like structure on top (domed disc). It was estimated to be 40-50 feet wide and 15-18 feet tall. Possible EM effect noted on radio. (Keyhoe and Lore, 1969a, pp. 10-11.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3801
### Event 29665 (4DEDB645)
**Date:** 10/13/1967
**Location:** Colorado
**Description:** McDonnell Douglas aerospace engineer [Robert M. Wood](https://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php/Robert%5FM.%5FWood) briefs the Colorado project on UFOs. Subsequently, Wood writes [Condon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward%5FCondon) a critical but polite letter listing his concerns about the project’s shortcomings. He later learns that Condon has contacted CEO [James Smith McDonnell](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James%5FSmith%5FMcDonnell) and tried to get him fired.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Robert M. Wood, “A Little Physics…A Little Friction: A Close Encounter with the Condon Committee,” IUR 18, no. 4 \(July/Aug. 1993\): 6–10
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4425
### Event 29666 (DE645747)
**Date:** 10/13/1967
**Description:** On this day in Le Mas, France (Lozere department) at 12:45 p.m., a young woman saw three small beings dressed in copper-red suits. Other observers saw only a compass needle deviate and a brief apparition of a line of six luminous discs.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb and Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of humanoid reports, citing Lumieres dans la Nuit, January 1968, p. 19
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6810
### Event 29667 (D44101A0)
**Date:** 10/14/1967
**Time:** ~20:00
**Location:** JCT US40+SR88, UT
**Description:** Huge fiery half-dome loops / sky. Going quickly southwest. Photographs / Alamosa. CO / 0120h.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SALISBURY, Frank: The UTAH UFO DISPLAY -- a Biologist Reports; 1974 Devin Adair, New Greenwich,CT. HB 286pp. ISBN 0-815-97000-5 (Index 53)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8492
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "1500", **HatchDesc:** "JCT US40+SR88,UT:HUGE FIERY HALF-DOME LOOPS/SKY:>>SW::fotos/ALAMOSA.CO/0120h", **LatLong:** "40.338891 -109.600005", **LatLongDMS:** "40:20:20 N 109:36:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.338891,-109.600005)", **State/Prov:** "Utah", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29668 (F21F82D2)
**Date:** 10/14/1967
**Location:** Ouray, UT
**Description:** 7:45 p.m. MDT. Two men in a car saw a sharp-edged, bright orange object shaped like a "haystack on fire" (hemisphere), flat on the bottom, that rose from on or near the ground emitting blinding light as their car approached. (Salisbury, 1974, pp. 53- 55.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3802
### Event 29669 (086AA031)
**Date:** 10/14/1967
**Location:** Mendota, California
**Description:** 2:30 a.m. Physicist [Lewis E. Hollander Jr.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lewis%5FE.%5FHollander%5FJr) and his wife and son are driving near Mendota, California, when they see a reddish-orange light source hovering close to the road. They then notice a triangular shape beneath the light. Thirty seconds later it moves upward to the west, increasing its speed. The triangular shape fades, and Hollander notices a white glow \(“definitely an ionization color”\) behind it. It disappears at an extreme altitude after 3 minutes.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** NICAP case file
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4426
### Event 29670 (08499C85)
**Date:** 10/14/1967
**Locations:** Ouray, Utah; Moon
**Description:** 7:45 p.m. A father and son are returning from a fishing trip when they notice an odd orange object like a “haystack on fire” landed in the desert near Ouray, Utah. They stop, get out of the car, and watch. The object lifts off immediately, looking like a half-moon in shape and size. It then goes over to the Moon and flies a loop around it, keeping its flat side down. Then it flies across the Moon’s face and leaves to the northwest.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Frank B. Salisbury, The Utah UFO Display, Devin-Adair, 1974, pp. 53–55; Michael D. Swords, “We Know Where You Live,” IUR 30, no. 2 \(January 2006\): 10
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4427
### Event 29671 (0BDE00C2)
**Date:** 10/15/1967?
**Time:** ~22:00
**Location:** GREEN LAKE, BC
**Description:** 2+1 observer(s). Huge UFO buzzes 2 lodges. 2 rows / windows. Night lights exit and return.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MAGOR, John: OUR UFO VISITORS. Hancock House, Canada & Seattle, WA. 1977. (Index 70)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8493
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "1040", **HatchDesc:** "GREEN LAKE,BC:2+1 OBS:HUGE UFO BUZZES 2 LODGES:2 ROWS/WINDOWS:NLTS EXIT+RETURN", **LatLong:** "51.383336 -121.250006", **LatLongDMS:** "51:23:00 N 121:15:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.383336,-121.250006)", **State/Prov:** "British Columbia", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29672 (FA2C1529)
**Date:** Late 1967
**Location:** Institute for Aerospace Studies at the University of Toronto, Ontario
**Description:** The Institute for Aerospace Studies at the University of Toronto, Ontario, begins a UFO study. By October 1968, it is on the verge of collapse for “lack of something to investigate.” The study terminates in 1970, but no report on its findings is ever released.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Arthur Bray, “[Government Cover-Up Exposed,](http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/Canada/Canadian%20UFO%20Report%20%28Magor%29/Canadian%20UFO%20Report%20-%20vol%203%20no%202%20-%201974.pdf)” Canadian UFO Report 3, no. 2 \(1975\): 20
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4461
### Event 29673 (83CEC6D7)
**Date:** 10/17/1967
**Time:** 22:00
**Location:** ROOSEVELT, UT
**Description:** Large orange ball hovers over corral. Joined by 2nd. Both go going east.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SALISBURY, Frank: The UTAH UFO DISPLAY -- a Biologist Reports; 1974 Devin Adair, New Greenwich,CT. HB 286pp. ISBN 0-815-97000-5 (Index 251)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8494
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "6", **Elev:** "1580", **HatchDesc:** "ROOSEVELT,UT:LRG ORANGE BALL HOVERS OVR CORRAL:JOINED BY 2ND:BOTH GO >E.", **LatLong:** "40.311113 -110.005561", **LatLongDMS:** "40:18:40 N 110:00:20 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.311113,-110.005561)", **State/Prov:** "Utah", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29674 (31DCB004)
**Date:** 10/17/1967
**Location:** Holmeschapel, Cheshire, UK
**Description:** 6:00 p.m. LT (2:00 p.m.EDT). A truck driver on the M6 Motorway watched a dark circular craft moving parallel to his path for 5-1/2 miles as he drove at 35-40 m.p.h. He stopped and got out to better observe the object, which was disc-shaped with a rim around the center and had illuminated portholes. (Stanway and Pace, 1968, pp. 17, 44-46.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3803
### Event 29675 (F011D3D0)
**Date:** 10/17/1967
**Location:** Somerset County, NJ
**Description:** 9:20 p.m. EDT. A policeman and another man saw red and green lights in a square pattern that glided, hovered, ascended, then divided into two groups which moved off. A popping sound, like fireworks, was heard during the sighting. (Plainfield Courier-News, N.J., 10/18/67, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3804
### Event 29676 (E7FC4366)
**Date:** 10/17/1967
**Location:** Roosevelt, UT
**Description:** 10:00 p.m. MDT. A couple saw a large orange, ball of light that hovered over a corral. It was joined by a second orange ball (rendezvous), and they flew away together to the east. (Salisbury, 1974, Appendix B, Table 1, case 54.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3805
### Event 29677 (691794C5)
**Date:** 10/17/1967
**Location:** Berkeley, CA
**Description:** 10:04 p.m. PDT (11:04 p.m. MDT). A woman saw an egg-shaped object which swooped down, skimmed over rooftops, stopped, retreated, then fell to the ground. (Letter from witness, 10/23/67, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3806
### Event 29678 (09E3795D)
**Date:** 10/17/1967
**Time:** 05:04:00.2
**Location:** 49.7809 78.0038
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed, salvo. Country: USSR Yield: .002KT YieldMax: 40KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1306
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.7809 78.0038", **LatLongDMS:** "49:46:51 N 78:00:14 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.7809,78.0038)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.70", **NukeSource:** "BOCHAROV", **NukeType:** "NUCS_SALVO", **NukeY:** ".002", **NukeYMax:** "40"
### Event 29679 (34D892D9)
**Date:** 10/17/1967
**Description:** Rep. [Louis C. Wyman](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louis%5FC.%5FWyman) \(R-N.H.\) submits House Resolution 946 for a full UFO investigation by the House Committee on Science and Astronautics.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Investigation of Unidentified Flying Objects,](https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/GPO-CRECB-1967-pt21/pdf/GPO-CRECB-1967-pt21-8-2.pdf)” Congressional Record, House, 90th Cong., 1st Sess., October 17, 1967, vol. 113, part 21, p. 28949
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4428
### Event 29680 (8619AD1C)
**Date:** 10/17/1967
**Description:** On this day in Shillong, India an object at 500 feet altitude swooped down to ground level and damaged vegetation, then "sucked and churned the water" over a pond. It finally sped off. There were many witnesses to the event.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Ivan T. Sanderson, Invisible Residents, p. 228
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6924
### Event 29681 (009AAFEF)
**Date:** 10/17/1967
**Description:** At 10:00 p.m. a large orange ball hovered over a corral in Roosevelt, Utah. In a few minutes it was joined by a second one. They left together flying to the east and out of sight.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Frank B. Salisbury, The Utah UFO Display, Appendix case 54
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6925
### Event 29682 (E6BE45C1)
**Date:** 10/18/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) After the Tass agency announced that, according to astronomer Kardatchev, the radio signals of CTA 102 detected in the Pegasus constellation are artificial and can only have an extraterrestrial origin \(later it will be discovered that it was a pulsar\), a meeting of cosmonauts and 400 scientists takes place.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2377
### Event 29683 (5AB6359C)
**Date:** 10/18/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Creation of the [Stolyarof Committee](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/projets.html\#Stolyarof) in the USSR.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2378
### Event 29684 (EE66264D)
**Date:** 10/18/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) First *in situ* measurements of the atmosphere of [Venus](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/Venus.html) by *Venera 4.*
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2379
### Event 29685 (DB1695B6)
**Date:** 10/18/1967
**Time:** 17:20
**Location:** JCT SR121+WHITEROCKS RD, UT
**Description:** Large silvery ovoid crosses path of truck. 3MI distant.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SALISBURY, Frank: The UTAH UFO DISPLAY -- a Biologist Reports; 1974 Devin Adair, New Greenwich,CT. HB 286pp. ISBN 0-815-97000-5 (Index 251)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8495
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "1780", **HatchDesc:** "JCT SR121+WHITEROCKS RD,UT:LRG SLVRY OVOID CROSSES PATH OF TRUCK:3MI DISTANT", **LatLong:** "40.433335 -109.933339", **LatLongDMS:** "40:26:00 N 109:56:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.433335,-109.933339)", **State/Prov:** "Utah", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29686 (99F5963C)
**Date:** 10/18/1967
**Time:** 17:20
**Location:** US40 .25MI WITH FT DUCHESNE, UT
**Description:** Saucer follows airplane into sunset. Glass dome atop.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SALISBURY, Frank: The UTAH UFO DISPLAY -- a Biologist Reports; 1974 Devin Adair, New Greenwich,CT. HB 286pp. ISBN 0-815-97000-5 (Index 251)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8496
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "1516", **HatchDesc:** "US40 .25mi W/FT DUCHESNE,UT:SCR FOLLOWS AIRPLANE INTO SUNSET:GLASS DOME ATOP.", **LatLong:** "40.294446 -109.877783", **LatLongDMS:** "40:17:40 N 109:52:40 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.294446,-109.877783)", **State/Prov:** "Utah", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29687 (FEDE518E)
**Date:** 10/18/1967
**Time:** 17:50
**Description:** Saucer seen. GC#078. Also crescent going quickly northeast / 1900hrs.
**Type:** sighting
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8497
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Georgia", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "NOVYY AFON,ABKHAZ ASSR,GEORGIAN SSR:SCR SEEN:GC#078::+CRESCENT >>NE/1900hrs", **LatLong:** "43.166669 40.916669", **LatLongDMS:** "43:10:00 N 40:55:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.166669,40.916669)", **State/Prov:** "Abkhazia", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29688 (DC3B900A)
**Date:** 10/18/1967
**Time:** 18:00
**Description:** UFO / irregular shape and stars / distinct volume. Northwest going quickly southeast. GC#079.
**Type:** sighting
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8498
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Russia", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "YESSENTUKI,STAVROPOL,RUS:UFO/IRREG SHAPE+STARS/DISTINCT VOLUME:NW>>SE:GC#079", **LatLong:** "44.100002 42.777780", **LatLongDMS:** "44:06:00 N 42:46:40 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.100002,42.777780)", **State/Prov:** "STV", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29689 (5CB8CDF4)
**Date:** 10/18/1967
**Time:** 18:00
**Description:** Astronomer triangulates crescent-UFO. 50 mile(s) altitude & 1800' wide!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: UFO CHRONICLES of the SOVIET UNION; Ballentine Books HB 1992. 212pp. (Index 194)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8499
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Russia", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "PYATIGORSK,RUSS:ASTRONOMER TRIANGULATES CRESCENT-UFO:50mi ALT & 1800' WIDE!", **LatLong:** "44.000002 43.000002", **LatLongDMS:** "44:00:00 N 43:00:00 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.000002,43.000002)", **State/Prov:** "STV", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 29690 (D8157FE1)
**Date:** 10/18/1967
**Time:** 18:10
**Description:** Crescent flies smoothly northeast going quickly southeast. GC#077.
**Type:** sighting
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8500
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Georgia", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "TKVARCHELI,ABKHAZ ASSR,GEORGIAN SSR:CRESCENT FLIES SMOOTHLY NE>>SE:GC#077", **LatLong:** "42.866669 41.700002", **LatLongDMS:** "42:52:00 N 41:42:00 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.866669,41.700002)", **State/Prov:** "Abkhazia", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29691 (B3FA55EA)
**Date:** 10/18/1967
**Time:** 18:10
**Description:** Crescent-UFO makes 2 abrupt course corrections. GC#082.
**Type:** sighting
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8501
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Russia", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "VOLGOGRAD,RUS:CRESCENT-UFO MAKES 2 ABRUPT COURSE CORRECTIONS:GC#082", **LatLong:** "48.683336 42.350002", **LatLongDMS:** "48:41:00 N 42:21:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.683336,42.350002)", **State/Prov:** "VLG", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 29692 (C5B6DD81)
**Date:** 10/18/1967
**Time:** 18:20
**Description:** Engineer. Crescent and star going [to] sky together. Seen 5X / 2 months / r9p130.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 966)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8502
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Russia", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "ROSTOV-on-DON,RUS:ENGINEER:CRESCENT+STAR > SKY TOGETHER:SEEN 5X/2months/r9p130", **LatLong:** "47.266669 39.783335", **LatLongDMS:** "47:16:00 N 39:47:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.266669,39.783335)", **State/Prov:** "ROS", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29693 (3003B39D)
**Date:** 10/18/1967
**Time:** 18:50
**Description:** Crescent and night lights. 1 more night light. Southwest going northeast and southwest going south. GC#022. Longitude & latitude coords. approximate.
**Type:** sighting
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8503
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Ukraine", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "MOLODOGVARDEYSK,UKRAINE:CRESCENT+NLTS:1 MORE NLT:SW>NE+SW>S:GC#022:LL APRX", **LatLong:** "48.450002 38.966669", **LatLongDMS:** "48:27:00 N 38:58:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.450002,38.966669)", **State/Prov:** "LGN", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29694 (E72FD2FF)
**Date:** 10/18/1967
**Time:** 21:00
**Description:** MD and crowd. Bright sphere going east smoothly from sea to land.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: UFO CHRONICLES of the SOVIET UNION; Ballentine Books HB 1992. 212pp. (Index 193)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8504
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Russia", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "DZHUBGA,KRAZNDR,RUSS:MD+CROWD:BRITE SPHERE >E SMOOTHLY FROM SEA TO LAND", **LatLong:** "44.372224 38.705557", **LatLongDMS:** "44:22:20 N 38:42:20 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.372224,38.705557)", **State/Prov:** "KRS", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29695 (C7D8BC6A)
**Date:** 10/18/1967
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** LAKE CHARLES, LA
**Description:** Blue Book. 1 observer. Fireball flashes 4X passing just over treetops. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BERLINER, DON: The BLUEBOOK UNKNOWNS; (FUFOR). (Index 37)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8505
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "6", **HatchDesc:** "LAKE CHARLES,LA:BBK:1 OBS:FBL FLASHES 4X PASSING JUST OVER TREETOPS:NFD", **LatLong:** "30.216668 -93.216671", **LatLongDMS:** "30:13:00 N 93:13:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/30.216668,-93.216671)", **RelAlt:** "20", **State/Prov:** "Louisiana", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 29696 (A9AC74AA)
**Date:** 10/18/1967
**Location:** Pyatigorsk, Russia
**Description:** 6:00 p.m. Astronomer Z. Kadikov, from Kazan Engelgardt observatory, saw a bright object in the northwest. It was a crescent with sharp edges and pointed horns, yellow in color with a pale bluish tail, moving at about 1.5 degrees per second. (Ref. 3) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3807
### Event 29697 (320232FD)
**Date:** 10/18/1967
**Location:** Lake Charles, LA
**Description:** Bright, fiery ball flash 4 times while moving E, just above tree tops (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3808
### Event 29698 (1457903A)
**Date:** 10/18/1967
**Time:** 9 PM
**Location:** Lake Charles, Louisiana
**Description:** Witness: John Herbert. One bright, fiery ball flashed four times while moving east, just above the tree tops. Sighting lasted 1 minute.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_579
### Event 29699 (474C3FCC)
**Date:** 10/18/1967
**Time:** 14:30:00.0
**Location:** 37.1156 -116.0576
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Lanpher” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 200KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_514
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1156 -116.0576", **LatLongDMS:** "37:06:56 N 116:03:27 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1156,-116.0576)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.72", **NukeMb:** "5.70", **NukeName:** "Lanpher", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "200"
### Event 29700 (F4C6B70D)
**Date:** 10/18/1967
**Location:** Russia
**Description:** 400 individuals attend the first meeting of the UFO Study Group of the All-Union Committee on Cosmonautics of the Russian DOSAAF. Retired Soviet Air Force Maj. Gen. Porfiri Stolyarov is elected chairman and [Felix Ziegel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Felix%5FZiegel) agrees to be deputy chairman. Members include author [Alexander Kazantsev](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexander%5FKazantsev), engineer Arkady Tikhonov, a cosmonaut, 18 scientists, and 200 qualified observers stationed throughout the country.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Late News:](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201967%20V%2013%20N%206.pdf) [Official Russian Move on UFOs,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201967%20V%2013%20N%206.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 13, no. 6 \(Nov./Dec. 1967\): 2; Hobana and Weverbergh 35; Good Above, [p. 232](https://archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/232/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4429
### Event 29701 (E1606FE2)
**Date:** 10/18/1967
**Description:** At nine o’clock in the evening in Lake Charles, Louisiana John Herbert witnessed a bright, fiery ball that flashed four times while moving east, just above the treetops. The sighting lasted one minute.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Don Berliner, Project Bluebook UFO Unknowns
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6959
### Event 29702 (011FCA14)
**Date:** 10/19/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) *Mariner 5* flies over [Venus](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/Venus.html) at 4094 km. (October 19)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2380
### Event 29703 (36CE73F5)
**Date:** 10/19/1967
**Time:** 07:00
**Location:** NEAR FALUN, SWEDEN
**Description:** Family. Classic silver domed saucer going [to] over woods. Edges glow. Going quickly [to] WNW fast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 823)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8506
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Scandanavian and Finland", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "nr FALUN,SWEDEN:FAMILY:CLASSIC SLVR DOMED SCR >OVR WOODS:EDGES GLOW:>>WNW FAST", **LatLong:** "60.583336 15.566667", **LatLongDMS:** "60:35:00 N 15:34:00 E", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/60.583336,15.566667)", **State/Prov:** "Sweden", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29704 (B72C74DF)
**Date:** 10/19/1967
**Time:** ~19:00
**Location:** PRAIRIE DU CHIEN, WI
**Description:** 18 observer(s). Car-size saucer 40' over radio announcers house. Goes going north.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LORENZEN, Coral & Jim: UFO's OVER THE AMERICAS; Signet Books, NY 1968. 243p. (Index 170)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8507
**Attributes:** **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "9", **Elev:** "202", **HatchDesc:** "PRAIRIE du CHIEN,WI:18 OBS:CAR-SIZE SCR 40'OVER RADIO ANNOUNCERS HOUSE:GOES>N", **LatLong:** "43.050002 -91.133338", **LatLongDMS:** "43:03:00 N 91:08:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.050002,-91.133338)", **State/Prov:** "Wisconsin", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29705 (BDA18C12)
**Date:** 10/19/1967
**Time:** 22:00
**Location:** AIRDRIE, ALTA
**Description:** 3 observer(s). Red-glowing light-bulb shape glows green. Rapid drop. Shoots quickly going up [to] and away.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 817)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8508
**Attributes:** **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "1076", **HatchDesc:** "AIRDRIE,ALTA:3 OBS:RED-GLO LITE-BULB SHAPE GLOWS GRN:RAPID DROP:SHOOTS ↑↑+AWAY", **LatLong:** "51.266669 -114.066672", **LatLongDMS:** "51:16:00 N 114:04:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.266669,-114.066672)", **State/Prov:** "Alberta", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29706 (0A1ABE4A)
**Date:** 10/19/1967
**Location:** Medicine Hat, Alberta, CAN
**Description:** 9:45 p.m. MDT. Five teenagers saw a disc with two white lights at one end and a red light at the other (body lights). The object appeared to be spinning. It swooped down from high altitude, leveled off, and moved away at high speed. (Unidentified newspaper clipping, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3809
### Event 29707 (DB1B633E)
**Date:** 10/20/1967
**Location:** USA, Bluff Creek (California)
**Description:** (Translated from French) … interesting film taken by Roger Patterson (deceased since) a rancher from Yakima (Washington). (…) Having learned that traces had been found along Bluff Creek, he went there accompanied by an experienced hunter, Bob Gimlin. (…) on the morning of October 20th (…) he saw a huge being partly hidden by a large fallen tree trunk due to the flooding of the stream on the edge of which it was drinking. Patterson's horse began to tremble all over, refused to go any further, snorted and finally fell on its side. "The creature was on my left, about 40 meters away on the other side of the stream. It had an almost human face but the features were much more fleeting, the forehead wide, the nostrils flared. When it walked, the ends of its arms reached almost to its knees. Its body, except for the face, was covered with brown hair between 5 and 10 cm long and appearing lighter on the surface than at the root. (…) pendulous breasts. The creature (…) crossed a sandbank and began to flee towards the hill. The rancher grabbed his camera (…) the (?) humanoid beast turned around and looked at its pursuer with insistence and curiosity. Then, without more, it entered the woods and disappeared (…) Bernard Heuvelmans believes that the film is a hoax, as does John Napier
**Reference:** Jean FERGUSON: "The Humanoids…" ed. Leméac, Ottawa, 1977, p 128, 129
**Reference:** …
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2479
### Event 29708 (EC29418C)
**Date:** 10/20/1967
**Time:** 22:30
**Location:** ITHACA, NY
**Description:** 1 observer. TV electro-magnetic effect (EME). Dogs bark. Silent circular object hovers / field. Circular flattened reeds.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PHILLIPS, Ted: Study of PHYSICAL TRACES ASSOCIATED with UFO SIGHTINGS; CUFOS 1975. (Index 53)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8509
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "119", **HatchDesc:** "ITHACA,NY:1 OBS:TV EME:DOGS BARK:SLNT CIRC.OBJ HVRS/FLD:CIRC.FLATTENED REEDS", **LatLong:** "42.433335 -76.516670", **LatLongDMS:** "42:26:00 N 76:31:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.433335,-76.516670)", **State/Prov:** "New York", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 29709 (A129530C)
**Date:** 10/20/1967
**Location:** Milledgeville, GA
**Description:** 4:36 a.m. EDT. Two police officers reported that a bright red ellipse followed and illuminated the interior of their patrol car. Later police sightings that morning very possibly or probably were astronomical. (Hitt, 1999.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3810
### Event 29710 (24839E1A)
**Date:** 10/20/1967
**Description:** Orionid meteor shower (mean date).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_146
### Event 29711 (483F27E5)
**Date:** 10/21/1967
**Location:** USA, Oklahoma
**Description:** (Translated from French) At around 10pm, four boys were driving on Route 7 when they saw three men on the road who "seemed to fly away" and disappeared. They were about one meter twenty tall and wore bright blue-green clothes. Their faces looked human but with very large ears. The next day, the mysterious footprint of a small foot with only four toes was found in the mud.
**Reference:** Jean-Marie DOUCHET - Nostra 144 of 1979
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2480
### Event 29712 (49573E80)
**Date:** 10/21/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In Duncan \(Oklahoma\), 4 boys are driving East on State Route 7 when they see on the road 3 men, about 1.20 m tall, wearing shiny blue-green clothes, their faces seeming human but with very large ears, who almost fly away and disappear. The next day a small footprint showing 4 toes is found in the mud. (October 21, 10 PM)
**Reference:** \[Lor. III 84 \< [Vallée](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/ValleeJacques.html) 1969
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2381
### Event 29713 (8F0458C1)
**Date:** 10/21/1967
**Time:** 06:20
**Location:** SR10 WITH WELCH, OK
**Description:** 4 hunters. Huge 100M cylinder/cigar-shape / treetops. Fast and silent. Figure(s) move / windows.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 815)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8510
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "250", **HatchDesc:** "SR10 W/WELCH,OK:4 HUNTERS:HUGE 100M CGR/TREETOPS:FAST+SLNT:FIGs MOVE/WINDOWS", **LatLong:** "36.872224 -95.150005", **LatLongDMS:** "36:52:20 N 95:09:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/36.872224,-95.150005)", **RelAlt:** "20", **State/Prov:** "Oklahoma", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 29714 (CBB33A2C)
**Date:** 10/21/1967
**Time:** 06:20
**Description:** 3 observer(s) and RADAR. 2 saucers / 400m altitude going west. Turn southwest and vanish! / r201p50.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HYNEK, J. Allen: The UFO EXPERIENCE, A Scientific Inquiry; Ballentine Books, NY 1974,1977. (Index 75)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8511
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **RDR:** Radar traces/blips, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "79", **HatchDesc:** "BLYTHEVILLE AFB,AR:3 OBS+RDR:2 SCRS/400m alt >W:TURN SW+VANISH!:/r201p50", **LatLong:** "35.950002 -89.950004", **LatLongDMS:** "35:57:00 N 89:57:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/35.950002,-89.950004)", **RelAlt:** "400", **State/Prov:** "Arkansas", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 29715 (5BB86E71)
**Date:** 10/21/1967
**Time:** 20:40
**Location:** BETHEL PARK, PA
**Description:** Several observer(s). 8 night lights going [to] over in formation. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) / 2235hrs. Extremely bright disk going [to] overhead / low altitude.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 815)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8512
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "120", **Elev:** "381", **HatchDesc:** "BETHEL PARK,PA:SVRL OBS:8 NLTS >OVR/FORMn:RFI/2235hrs:XBRITE DISK >OVHD/lo alt", **LatLong:** "40.327780 -80.038893", **LatLongDMS:** "40:19:40 N 80:02:20 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.327780,-80.038893)", **State/Prov:** "Pennsylvania", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29716 (CBE918CC)
**Date:** 10/21/1967
**Time:** 22:00
**Location:** SR7 EAST / DUNCAN, OK
**Description:** 4 boys. 3 small humanoids (or Greys) / roadside. Small footprint / 4 toes. Ovoid quickly going up. / r8#888.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LORENZEN, Coral & Jim: ENCOUNTERS with UFO OCCUPANTS; APRO/Berkley Medallion Books 1976. 424pp (Index 227)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8513
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "5", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "335", **HatchDesc:** "SR7 E/DUNCAN,OK:4 BOYS:3 OIDS/ROADSIDE:SML FOOTPRINT/4 TOES:OVOID ↑↑:/r8#888", **LatLong:** "34.500002 -97.955560", **LatLongDMS:** "34:30:00 N 97:57:20 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/34.500002,-97.955560)", **State/Prov:** "Oklahoma", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 29717 (269D9B5A)
**Date:** 10/21/1967
**Location:** Blytheville AFB, AR
**Description:** RAPCON Tracks Object Two Objects Observed From Ground (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** NICAP: [671021](http://www.nicap.org/671021blytheville%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3811
### Event 29718 (5BA9B369)
**Date:** 10/21/1967
**Time:** 2200
**Location:** Duncan, Oklahoma
**Description:** Four boys were driving east on State Route 7 when they saw three men on the road, who "almost flew off and disappeared." They were about 1.20 m tall and wore shiny blue-green clothing. Their faces looked human, but they had very large ears. The next day a small footprint showing four toes was found in the mud.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Lor. III 84 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_888
### Event 29719 (7CD9EB47)
**Date:** 10/21/1967
**Time:** 04:59:58.5
**Location:** 73.3900 54.8100
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed, salvo. Country: USSR Yield: 170KT YieldMax: 1650KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1307
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "73.3900 54.8100", **LatLongDMS:** "73:23:24 N 54:48:36 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/73.3900,54.8100)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.98", **NukeSource:** "RICHARDS", **NukeType:** "NUCS_SALVO", **NukeY:** "170", **NukeYMax:** "1650"
### Event 29720 (EF388AEB)
**Date:** 10/21/1967
**Locations:** Blytheville Air Force Base; Arkansas International Airport; Blytheville, Arkansas
**Description:** 6:16 a.m. Two control tower operators and an observer at the south end of the runway at Blytheville Air Force Base \[now Arkansas International Airport\] in Blytheville, Arkansas, see two dark oblong objects flying east to west at about 1,200–1,500 feet. They are tracked by RAPCON radar for 2 miles. They make a turn to the southwest and disappear.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** NICAP, “[RAPCON Tracks Object, Two Objects Observed from the Ground](http://www.nicap.org/671021blytheville%5Fdir.htm)”; J. Allen Hynek, The UFO Experience, Ballantine ed., 1974, [pp. 60](https://archive.org/details/ufoexperience00jall/page/60/mode/2up)[,](https://archive.org/details/ufoexperience00jall/page/60/mode/2up) [75](https://archive.org/details/ufoexperience00jall/page/74/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4430
### Event 29721 (931B20C7)
**Date:** 10/21/1967
**Locations:** Duncan, Oklahoma; State Highway 7
**Description:** 10:00 p.m. Ivan Ritter, Jerry Bennet, and two other teens are driving east out of Duncan, Oklahoma, on the new State Highway 7. They see something in the road ahead, far out of the range of their headlights. When the driver turns on his high-beam lights, they see three men who seem to fly off the road and disappear. They are about 4 feet tall and wearing tight-fitting blue-green clothing. Their faces appear human, but with large ears. The next morning, Ritter and Bennet look around for evidence at the landing site, but all they find is a small, four-toes footprint in the muddy bottom of a creek bed about 300 feet from the road.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Lorenzen, UFOs over the Americas, Signet, 1968, pp. 84–85
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4431
### Event 29722 (BB0CDD54)
**Date:** 10/22/1967
**Time:** 04:30
**Location:** NEWNAN, GA
**Description:** Cop chases blue-glowing sphere/orb/globe. Paces car. Yellow rectangle hovers near police station/depot/facility.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LORENZEN, Coral & Jim: UFO's OVER THE AMERICAS; Signet Books, NY 1968. 243p. (Index 171)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8514
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "44", **Elev:** "293", **HatchDesc:** "NEWNAN,GA:COP CHASES BLU-GLO ORB:PACES CAR:YLW RECTANGLE HVRS NR POLICE Stn", **LatLong:** "33.377779 -84.800004", **LatLongDMS:** "33:22:40 N 84:48:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/33.377779,-84.800004)", **State/Prov:** "Georgia", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 29723 (76E4FD18)
**Date:** 10/22/1967
**Location:** Newnan, GA
**Description:** 4:30 a.m. EDT. Two police officers saw a ball of white light flying at treetop level. They stopped to get a fix on it, then tried to approach it, but it apparently outdistanced them so they turned back. (Hitt, 1999.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3812
### Event 29724 (891D10B3)
**Date:** 10/22/1967
**Location:** Maritimes, Nice, France
**Description:** 3:38 p.m. LT. Two witnesses saw a metallic-appearing sphere with a dark central band. The object crossed the sky quickly in a zig-zag pattern. (Report from local investigator, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3813
### Event 29725 (92081A78)
**Date:** 10/22/1967
**Location:** Winnipeg, Manitoba, CAN
**Description:** Evening, CDT. Two real ! estate salesmen saw three brilliant, 2-3 foot diameter, pulsating red lights floating over a field, apparently body lights on a larger craft. A car stopped with six people who also saw the lights. (Bondarchuk, 1979, p. 47-50.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3814
### Event 29726 (931DA032)
**Date:** 10/22/1967
**Location:** Humboldt, Saskatchewan, CAN
**Description:** 7:45-8:00 p.m. CDT. Two witnesses saw three lights that were about 4 feet in diameter. The two outer lights were orange/amber and blinked or flickered. The center light was a bright red inverted teardrop shape that moved up and down at regular 2-3 second intervals. (Clausen report, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3815
### Event 29727 (CB7389AC)
**Date:** 10/22/1967
**Location:** Milledgeville, GA
**Description:** Night. Two groups of policemen about a half-mile apart, while in radio communication, saw a glowing orange-yellow, cylindrical object rise from near the ground about one-quarter of a mile away from one of the groups. (McDonald letter, 12/1/68, Donald E. Keyhoe Archives files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3816
### Event 29728 (7573AACA)
**Date:** 10/22/1967
**End date:** 10/28/1967
**Location:** Lancashire, UK
**Description:** 4:00 a.m. LT (12:00 midnight EDT). Interference on VHF radio (EM effects) caused a witness to go outside where he saw a cigar-shaped metallic object with an incandescent glow and portholes, and heard a whirring sound. (Unidentified newspaper article, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3817
### Event 29729 (9E641E5C)
**Date:** 10/22/1967
**Locations:** Charleswood; Winnipeg, Manitoba; Canada Highway 100
**Description:** Night. Edward Fortney and another real-estate agent are locking up for the night in Charleswood, a suburb of Winnipeg, Manitoba, when they notice a formation of brilliant red, pulsating lights above an adjacent field. They are joined by six other people who have stopped their car to look at the lights. Two similar lights appear and take up a position near the formation. The objects then rise and move away noiselessly in formation. Floating above Canada Highway 100, they appear to change positions, forming a perfect triangle. Fortney looks at them through binoculars and sees dark rectangular objects that the lights are attached to. The formation dips and bobs toward a line of high-voltage towers half a mile away. The three lights in triangular formation break up and form a single file, the wires and towers lighting up with a red glow as they speed over them. They are last seen traveling northwest. On his way home, Fortney experiences a “skullbuster” headache that lasts until midnight. The next day, he visits the site in the field and finds child-like footprints in the moist soil, 7 inches long and under 3 inches wide, leading to and from a peculiar circular pile of fist-sized stones. The heel marks seem deeply impressed in the soil. Fortney also experiences leg and back pain, sunburn on his face and hands, and a yellow- green coating on his tongue.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Yurko Bondarchuk, UFO Sightings, Landings, and Abductions, Methuen, 1979, pp. 47–50
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4432
### Event 29730 (7E360D3D)
**Date:** 10/22/1967
**Description:** Tracks of tiny creatures were discovered in a field in Charleswood, British Columbia, Canada clustered around a small pile of stones laid in a circular heap, after 17 witnesses reported seeing mysterious lights in the area.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Dennis Stamey, Flying Saucers magazine, June 1970, p. 36
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7021
### Event 29731 (D58F18CD)
**Date:** 10/23/1967
**Location:** Bristol, Avon, UK
**Description:** 4:50 a.m. LT. A woman saw a cigar-shaped object, slightly narrower at one end, with a blinding blue light. Hovering near it were three separate, smaller orange and yellowish lights or objects. (Hennessey report, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3818
### Event 29732 (2460430B)
**Date:** 10/23/1967
**Location:** Carlisle, PA
**Description:** 1:30 a.m. EDT. A man saw a silver egg-shaped object with a light blue ring around the center. The object hovered and then flew away, the blue ring changing color to bright pink (color change/motion correlation). (Pennsylvania NICAP Subcommittee report and NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3819
### Event 29733 (C6B66A25)
**Date:** 10/24/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In Newfield \(New York\), Donald Chiszar \(13 years old\) and Pat Crozier \(10 years old\) see a bright object in the sky. It inclines towards them, and they can see two large square windows separated by a bar, beneath which is strange lettering. They report having seen inside two extraterrestrials, and control panels with lights and buttons. The object disappears from the site. (October 24, 9:30 PM)
**Reference:** Lor. III, 180 \< [Vallée](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/ValleeJacques.html) 1969
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2382
### Event 29734 (7976E5BF)
**Date:** 10/24/1967
**Time:** 04:00
**Description:** Flying cross maneuvers. Cops chase over farms. / r193#14+16.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 369)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8515
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "20", **Elev:** "87", **HatchDesc:** "HATHERLEIGH,DEVON++:FLYING CROSS MNVRS:COPS CHASE ovr FARMS:/r193#14+16", **LatLong:** "50.822225 -4.066667", **LatLongDMS:** "50:49:20 N 04:04:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.822225,-4.066667)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 29735 (0D1090C4)
**Date:** 10/24/1967
**Time:** 21:10
**Description:** 4 teens / car and cops later. 40' lens-saucer hovers. Quickly going up [to] to clouds. / r109p174.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 817)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8516
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "45", **Elev:** "505", **HatchDesc:** "SE/LUMSDEN,SSK:4 TEENS/CAR+COPS LATER:40'LENS-SCR HVRS:↑↑ to CLOUDS:/r109p174", **LatLong:** "50.622225 -104.850005", **LatLongDMS:** "50:37:20 N 104:51:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.622225,-104.850005)", **State/Prov:** "Sasketchewan", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29736 (24E830FD)
**Date:** 10/24/1967
**Time:** 21:30
**Location:** NEWFIELD, NY
**Description:** Saucer tilts. 2 square windows / odd lettering. 2 small humanoids (or Greys) and instruments. / r109p179.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 813)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8517
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "158", **HatchDesc:** "NEWFIELD,NY:SCR TILTS:2 SQR WINDOWS/ODD LETTERING:2 OIDS+INSTRUMENTS:/r109p179", **LatLong:** "42.344446 -76.588893", **LatLongDMS:** "42:20:40 N 76:35:20 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.344446,-76.588893)", **State/Prov:** "New York", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 29737 (BD876F20)
**Date:** 10/24/1967
**Time:** 21:40
**Description:** Several separate observer(s). Night lights and ovoids. Rail line nearby.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LORENZEN, Coral & Jim: UFO's OVER THE AMERICAS; Signet Books, NY 1968. 243p. (Index 176)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8518
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "490", **HatchDesc:** "LAST MOUNTAIN LAKE,SSK+PENSE AREA:SVRL SEP.OBS:NLTS+OVOIDS:RAIL LINE NEARBY", **LatLong:** "50.466669 -104.850005", **LatLongDMS:** "50:28:00 N 104:51:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.466669,-104.850005)", **State/Prov:** "Sasketchewan", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29738 (29142174)
**Date:** 10/24/1967
**Time:** 22:20
**Location:** BUXTON, ENGL
**Description:** 30' round object seen. Yellow glow / rear "causes treetops to bend". No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 52)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8519
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "342", **HatchDesc:** "BUXTON,ENGL:30'RND OBJ SEEN:YLW GLOW/REAR "CAUSES TREETOPS TO BEND":NFD", **LatLong:** "53.266669 -1.916667", **LatLongDMS:** "53:16:00 N 01:55:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/53.266669,-1.916667)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 29739 (1CDD02D2)
**Date:** 10/24/1967
**Location:** Hatherleigh, Devon, UK
**Description:** 4:00 a.m. LT. Two policemen saw a bright cross-shaped light that moved at treetop level with witnesses it in pursuit. (Unidentified newspaper clippings and letter from local investigator, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3820
### Event 29740 (EF90254F)
**Date:** 10/24/1967
**Location:** Castine, ME
**Description:** 6:45 p.m. EDT. A man saw three oval orange lights in step formation which ascended by constantly repositioning the bottom light to the top, the bottom light fading out and then appearing in the top position. This cycle repeated and the formation ascended. (Letter, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3821
### Event 29741 (6157AE96)
**Date:** 10/24/1967
**Location:** Newfield, NY
**Description:** 9:30 p.m. EDT. A disc-like object with a knob and antenna (protrusions) on top approached in a tilted down position. (EM effects). (Hall, 2001, p. 458, from: APRO Bulletin, Sept.-Oct. 1967, p.10; Gillmor, 1969, pp. 376-78, case 38.) (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3822
### Event 29742 (7291B857)
**Date:** 10/24/1967
**Time:** 2130
**Location:** Newfield, New York
**Description:** Donald Chiszar, 13, and Pat Crozier, 10, saw a bright object hovcrillg in mid-air. It tilted toward them, and they could see two big, square windows separated by a bar, and strange lettering under them. Two aliens, and control panels with lights and knobs, could be seen inside. It vanished on the spot.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Lor. III, 180 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_889
### Event 29743 (B863A608)
**Date:** 10/24/1967
**Location:** Newfield, NY
**Description:** UFO with windows approached, tilted down. Two humanoid figures and control panels visible. Object tilted back up, shot out of sight in seconds
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_147
### Event 29744 (F4CCF3AC)
**Date:** 10/24/1967
**Locations:** Holsworthy; Hatherleigh; Devon; England
**Description:** 4:00 a.m. Two police constables, Roger Willey and Clifford Waycott, chase a bright cross-shaped light in their patrol car at 90 mph between Holsworthy and Hatherleigh on the A307 road, Devon, England. The object appears to land behind some trees, but takes off before they can reach the site, though they approach to within 120 feet of the object. The UFO is later observed to rendezvous in the sky with a similar object. Other policemen report a UFO on this day and the following day.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Bernard Wignall, “[The Okehampton Incident,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201967%20V%2013%20N%206.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 13, no. 6 \(Nov./Dec. 1967\): 5; UFOFiles2, [pp. 75–76](https://archive.org/details/the-ufo-files-the-inside-story-of-real-life-sightings-david-clarke/page/n125/mode/2up); Geoff Falla, “[The Flying Cross Episode,](https://bufora.org.uk/The-Flying-Cross-Episode--1967--2012.php)” BUFORA, 2012; Ian Ridpath, “[Devon ‘Flying Cross’ of 1967 Revisited,](http://www.ianridpath.com/ufo/flyingcross.html)” Ian Ridpath’s UFO Skeptic, March 2021
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4433
### Event 29745 (735A6226)
**Date:** 10/24/1967
**Location:** Newfield, New York
**Description:** 9:30 p.m. [Donald Chiszar,](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/96734685/donald-g-chiszar) 13, and Pat Crosier, 10, are sitting on the Crosier front porch in Newfield, New York, when they see a bright disc-like object approach them with its leading edge tilted toward them. On top is a knob-like protuberance with an antenna and hanging beneath the object is a “square box” full of red, green, and white lights. Two humanoid figures and control panels are visible through windows. The object then tilts back and shoots out of sight. Their hand-held radios produce loud static during the sighting.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Flap Continues in the](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201967%2009%2000%20-%20September-October.pdf) [States,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201967%2009%2000%20-%20September-October.pdf)” APRO Bulletin, Sept./Oct. 1967, p. 10; Richard H. Hall, “Dyad ‘Scout Craft,’” IUR 25, no. 4 \(Winter 2000–2001\): 23–24; Condon, [pp. 375–379](https://archive.org/details/scientificstudyo0000unse%5Fl5t2/page/374/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4434
### Event 29746 (5798F319)
**Date:** 10/24/1967
**Description:** At 4:10 a.m. two police officers chased a pulsating bright flying cross-shaped UFO across farmland between Okehampton and Holsworthy in Devon, England. It maneuvered at low altitude over the treetops, and a second cross appeared after the first had gone.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Flying Saucer Review, November-December 1967, p. 5
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7078
### Event 29747 (1EB21178)
**Date:** 10/24/1967
**Description:** At 10:15 p.m. a 30 foot in diameter round or disc-shaped object was seen in Buston, Derby, England. There was a yellow glow from the rear of the object that "caused treetops to bend."
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP UFO Investigator, February 1968, p. 8
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7079
### Event 29748 (D7D9CBA0)
**Date:** 10/24/1967
**Description:** A huge disc-shaped object was seen by four teenagers southeast of Lumsden, Saskatchewan, Canada at 9:10 p.m. It hovered and then landed remotely.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** APRO Bulletin, January-February 1968, p. 1; Jim & Coral Lorenzen, UFOs over the Americas, p. 174
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7080
### Event 29749 (07DA9D73)
**Date:** 10/24/1967
**Description:** At 9:30 p.m. Donald Chiszar, age 13, and Pat Crosier, age 10, reported seeing a large light that came closer and hovered over a house in Newfield, New York only 50 yards away. It was a round object with a cupola and antenna on top, and it had an oblong box on the bottom with red, green, and white lights. It was of a dull silver color, about 30 feet in diameter and 6-8 feet high. Around the rim were square shaped red and white lights. It tilted toward them, and they could see two big, square windows separated by a bar in the dome. Through these windows two humanoid beings were visible, each less than 5'7" tall, with "rocky or bumpy" skin of a chocolate brown color. They stood motionless, peering out, while several additional shadows shadows were seen moving behind them. Knobs and electronic equipment were visible inside the lighted section. The domed disc hovered in the same spot for about two minutes, tilted upward in the rear. Then the rim lights became very bright, it assumed a horizontal attitude, and shot away at great speed "like a puff of wind." The following night, Chiszar told investigators he saw two more of the same flying objects. The boys claimed their walkie-talkies malfunctioned during the observation, and a nearby dog was barking.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** APRO Bulletin, September-October 1967, p. 10; Lloyd Mallan, Science & Mechanics, August 1968, p. 51; Jim & Coral Lorenzen, UFOs Over the Americas, pp. 179-180; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 889; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1967-105 (A0883), citing William Donovan for NICAP, Dr. Roy Craig & Dr. Fred Ahrens for the Colorado UFO Study; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II. A Thirty Year Report, pp. 11, 458, 474
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7081
### Event 29750 (536E3653)
**Date:** 10/24/1967
**Description:** On this evening George W. Ritter and three other soldiers were on guard duty at the Hunter Liggett Military Reservation in California when they all observed an orange fluorescent oval-shaped craft slowly approach, leaving a trail behind it. A hatch opened in the bottom of the craft and five small drones dropped out of it. These formed into a V formation and began hovering above the witnesses. As the men looked up they became mesmerized, and Ritter began hearing a "blip-blip" sound like sonar. All four felt paralyzed at this point. Ritter's next recollection was of being abruptly lifted up into one of the objects. He then found himself lying on the floor of the craft with a Grey humanoid looking down on him. The other three soldiers were nowhere in sight. The being had large black oval-shaped eyes, grayish skin, and did not appear to be wearing any clothing. He saw three other similar smaller creatures that appeared to be assistants. He next heard a voice in his head telling him that he was not going to be hurt. Inside the object there was a misty weird light, resembling a black light. He was then given a shot in his thigh near the groin, and then one of the beings came up to his left side and somehow put his whole hand inside the upper left side of his chest. After some time he was taken into another room where he saw a bright ball of light; it communicated telepathically with Ritter and emanated a sensation of energy and love. Ritter was told that "something wonderful was going to happen" in the near future His next recollection was of standing back on the ground, looking up, but the objects had gone. He and the other men reported the incident to the military authorities, and as a result Ritter spent two months in a military mental hospital.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1967, case # 3337, citing Linda Moulton Howe
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7082
### Event 29751 (06340A32)
**Date:** 10/25/1967
**Location:** GREAT BRITAIN, Malvern
**Description:** (Translated from French) Three young boys reported having witnessed the landing of a dome-shaped craft with a "small bump" on top. The object reportedly landed about 200 m away from the witnesses and left some traces.
**Reference:** Jean-Marie DOUCHET - Nostra 144 of 1979
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2481
### Event 29752 (AD01DC2D)
**Date:** 10/25/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In Malvern \(Great Britain\), Clive Robinson, Richard Corben \(14 years old\) and a third boy report the landing of an object in the shape of a dome with a smaller bump on top, 200 meters away. It takes off diagonally, leaving traces. (October 25th, 8:45 PM)
**Reference:** [FSR](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/FSR.html) 68 \< [Vallée](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/ValleeJacques.html) 1969
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2383
### Event 29753 (E203B50C)
**Date:** 10/25/1967
**Time:** 12:30
**Location:** KOOTENAY, BC
**Description:** Cops and 14 / (seen thru) telescope. Metallic domed disk maneuvers and circles and HVRSs. Going quickly west. 1500M altitude.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 817)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8520
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "532", **HatchDesc:** "KOOTENAY,BC:COPS+14/TSCOPE:MTLC DOMED DISK MNVRs+CCLs+HVRSs:>>W:1500M alt", **LatLong:** "49.750002 -116.683339", **LatLongDMS:** "49:45:00 N 116:41:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.750002,-116.683339)", **RelAlt:** "1500", **State/Prov:** "British Columbia", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29754 (65CE47E6)
**Date:** 10/25/1967
**Time:** 15:00
**Description:** Blazing disk follows train / low altitude going west. Railroad/railway man / UV burns or radiation/radioactivity.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LEDGER, Don: MARITIME UFO FILES: 1998 Nimbus Publ. Ltd. Halifax, NS. ISBN 1-55109-269-7 162pp. trade paper. (Index 51)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8521
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **RDA:** Radiation/high energy fields detected, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "100", **Elev:** "90", **HatchDesc:** "WESTCHESTER Stn,NS:BLAZING DISK FOLOS TRAIN/LO ALT >W:RR MAN/UV BURNS or RDA", **LatLong:** "45.616669 -63.666670", **LatLongDMS:** "45:37:00 N 63:40:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.616669,-63.666670)", **State/Prov:** "Nova Scotia", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 29755 (A31D6242)
**Date:** 10/25/1967
**Time:** 16:10
**Description:** 2 observer(s). 2 spheres going southeast / single file. Longitude & latitude coords. = Ostradnoye, Russian.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: UFO CHRONICLES of the SOVIET UNION; Ballentine Books HB 1992. 212pp. (Index 194)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8522
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Russia", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "OSTRADNOY KAMCHATKA,RUS:2 OBS:2 SPHERES >SE/SINGLE FILE:LL=OSTRADNOYE,RUS", **LatLong:** "51.833336 156.550007", **LatLongDMS:** "51:50:00 N 156:33:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.833336,156.550007)", **State/Prov:** "KMC", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29756 (016BB61A)
**Date:** 10/25/1967
**Time:** 20:50
**Location:** GREAT MALVERN, H&W, ENG
**Description:** 3 boys. Domed saucer lands 200M away. Traces. / r180p53.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA; H. Regnery, Chicago HC 1969 & Contemporary Books,Chicago 1993. 372pp. (Index 890)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8523
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "69", **HatchDesc:** "GREAT MALVERN,H&W,ENG:3 BOYS:DOMED SCR LANDS 200M AWAY:TRACES:/r180p53", **LatLong:** "52.116669 -2.316667", **LatLongDMS:** "52:07:00 N 02:19:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/52.116669,-2.316667)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 29757 (9F28723D)
**Date:** 10/25/1967
**Time:** 21:30
**Location:** ROOSEVELT, UT
**Description:** Orange ball going quickly east toward(s) Vernal. Very fast. Jet pursues at high altitude.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SALISBURY, Frank: The UTAH UFO DISPLAY -- a Biologist Reports; 1974 Devin Adair, New Greenwich,CT. HB 286pp. ISBN 0-815-97000-5 (Index 252)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8524
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "1580", **HatchDesc:** "ROOSEVELT,UT:ORANGE BALL >>E TWRD VERNAL:VFAST:JET PURSUES AT HI ALT.", **LatLong:** "40.311113 -110.011116", **LatLongDMS:** "40:18:40 N 110:00:40 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.311113,-110.011116)", **State/Prov:** "Utah", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29758 (889F8C0D)
**Date:** 10/25/1967
**Location:** Hooks, Hampstead, UK
**Description:** Domed disc hovered ahead, driver felt pressure on eardrums. Flying Saucer Review, Nov.-Dec. 1967, p. 6 (E,R,L) truck (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3823
### Event 29759 (BE08CCF5)
**Date:** 10/25/1967
**Location:** Otradnoy Stanista, Russia
**Description:** 4:05 p.m. Witness N. Savrasov, an advanced geography student, and his mother-in- law were able to observe two spherical objects flying from the northwest to the southeast. (Ref. 3) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3824
### Event 29760 (C2015AA5)
**Date:** 10/25/1967
**Time:** 2045
**Location:** Malvern, Great Britain
**Description:** Clive Robinson and Richard Corben, 14, and a third boy, reported the landing of a dome-shaped object with a smaller hump on top, 200 m away. It took off diagonally, leaving some traces.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** FSR 68 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_890
### Event 29761 (2F855361)
**Date:** 10/25/1967
**Location:** 37.0000 -116.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Cognac” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_515
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0000 -116.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:00 N 116:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0000,-116.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Cognac", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 29762 (9B9AEE03)
**Date:** 10/25/1967
**Location:** 37.0000 -116.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Worth” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_516
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0000 -116.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:00 N 116:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0000,-116.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Worth", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 29763 (3DBF900F)
**Date:** 10/25/1967
**Time:** 14:30:00.1
**Location:** 37.0316 -116.0264
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Sazerac” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_517
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0316 -116.0264", **LatLongDMS:** "37:01:54 N 116:01:35 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0316,-116.0264)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.30", **NukeName:** "Sazerac", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 29764 (C8702CA2)
**Date:** 10/25/1967
**Locations:** Truro, Nova Scotia; Moncton, New Brunswick; Wentworth Station, Nova Scotia
**Description:** 3:15 p.m. R. G. Putnam, a brakeman on a train running from Truro, Nova Scotia, to Moncton, New Brunswick, when he sees a disc with green vapor billowing from it pacing the train at treetop level near Wentworth Station, Nova Scotia. Putnam feels an intense blast of radiation, forcing him to cover his face with his hands to look at it. The object soon drifts away from the train, tips to a 45° angle, then turns to a vertical poistion. A jet arrives, seemingly in pursuit, and the object levels out, taking on the appearance of a cigar-shaped cloud. Both fly out of sight to the west after 35 minutes of observation. One week later, the hair on the back of Putnam’s hands disappears, his hands shrivel up, and his eyes are sore and swollen. Two weeks later, his chest and throat get sore. He reports the sighting to the RCMP and the Canadian Forces, but apparently gets no response.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Chris Rutkowski, Canada’s UFOs: Declassified, August Night, 2022, pp. 104–105
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4435
### Event 29765 (D1B5661E)
**Date:** 10/25/1967
**Description:** Clive Robinson and Richard Corben, both age 14, and a third boy, reported that they had witnessed the landing of a dome-shaped object with a smaller hump on top in Malvern, England at 8:45 p.m. The object came down 200 meters away from them, and it took off diagonally, leaving behind some traces.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case # 890, citing FSR, 1968
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7123
### Event 29766 (9CFEEE8B)
**Date:** 10/26/1967
**Location:** GREAT BRITAIN, Reading
**Description:** (Translated from French) A businessman was driving in his car when the electrical equipment of his vehicle stopped working. An object of about twenty meters in diameter passed at a hundred meters and at a height of fifteen meters. The witness spent the rest of the day in a kind of trance.
**Reference:** Jean-Marie DOUCHET- Nostra 144 of 1979
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2482
### Event 29767 (3CA0D9A4)
**Date:** 10/26/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) A businessman driving north between Hook and Reading \(Great Britain\) is intrigued when the electrical system of his car fails. He then observes at a distance of 100 m an object of 20 m in diameter, at an altitude of about 15 m. He completes the rest of his journey in a trance-like state. (October 26, 4:30)
**Reference:** [FSR](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/FSR.html) 67, 6 \< [Vallée](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/ValleeJacques.html) 1969, 891
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2384
### Event 29768 (F036A65F)
**Date:** 10/26/1967
**Time:** 04:30
**Location:** HOOK, HAMPS
**Description:** Van malfunctions due to EME (electro-magnetic effects). Cargo = Titanium parts. Cone hovers. Missing time? Ozone odor. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v13#6.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BOWEN, Charles: ENCOUNTER CASES from FLYING SAUCER REVIEW. Signet Books 1977/78. (Index 11)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8525
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **ODR:** Odors associated with UFO's
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "HOOK,HAMPS:VAN EMEs:cargo=Titanium parts:CONE HVRS:MST?:OZONE ODOR:/FSR v13#6", **LatLong:** "51.266669 -0.966667", **LatLongDMS:** "51:16:00 N 00:58:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.266669,-0.966667)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 29769 (9AE01B67)
**Date:** 10/26/1967
**Time:** 08:00
**Location:** COMMERCE CITY, CO
**Description:** Boy photographs 2 red orbs float around. Photographs show disks instead.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LORENZEN, Coral & Jim: UFO's OVER THE AMERICAS; Signet Books, NY 1968. 243p. (Index 177)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8526
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "1575", **HatchDesc:** "COMMERCE CITY,CO:BOY FOTOS 2 RED ORBS FLOAT AROUND:FOTOS SHOW DISKS INSTEAD.", **LatLong:** "39.816669 -104.933338", **LatLongDMS:** "39:49:00 N 104:56:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.816669,-104.933338)", **State/Prov:** "Colorado", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 29770 (42ECA0D6)
**Date:** 10/26/1967
**Time:** 11:20
**Description:** Cylinder/cylindrical object with 4 arms over nuclear plant. Dogs scared. / LDLN#145+/ r120p64.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 52)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8527
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **NUC:** Nuclear facility related, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "27", **Elev:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "nr PORTLAND,ENGL:CYL W/4 ARMS ovr NUCLEAR PLANT:DOGS SCARED:/LDLN#145+/r120p64", **LatLong:** "50.561114 -2.438889", **LatLongDMS:** "50:33:40 N 02:26:20 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.561114,-2.438889)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 29771 (49083D03)
**Date:** 10/26/1967
**Location:** South Dorset, UK
**Description:** Dog worried by hovering odd shaped object (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)
**Reference:** NICAP: [671026](http://www.nicap.org/ar-671026dir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3825
### Event 29772 (AA2C1E0C)
**Date:** 10/26/1967
**Location:** Portland, UK
**Description:** Cylinder w/ 4 arms over nuc plant, A-R (NICAP: 10 - Nuclear Connection, NC)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3826
### Event 29773 (39A9F956)
**Date:** 10/26/1967
**Location:** Wales, UK
**Description:** 7:00 a.m. LT. Two men saw two cross-shaped objects hovering in the sky for 20 minutes. (From Hennessey, NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3827
### Event 29774 (952632B5)
**Date:** 10/26/1967
**Location:** Middlesex, UK
**Description:** 7:10 a.m. LT. Two copoles saw a soft glowing orange ball (sphere) that changed to long star shape (cross shape) which disappeared leaving a black ball with pinpoints of light on each side. (Hennessey report received 12/11/67.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3828
### Event 29775 (D16D917A)
**Date:** 10/26/1967
**Location:** Rock Hill, SC
**Description:** Dusk, EDT. Two women saw a silver bell-shaped object with red revolving lights at the top (body lights) and an apparent row of windows around the upper portion. (Unidentified newspaper clipping, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3829
### Event 29776 (646C17C3)
**Date:** 10/26/1967
**Location:** Newton, NH
**Description:** 9:30 p.m. EDT. Four witnesses saw a dark object with two horizontal rows of red lights, a green light, and a white light (body lights). The object circled, hovered, reversed direction (maneuvered) and emitted a humming sound. Dogs in the area barked and whined (animal reactions) during the sighting. (Fowler, 1974, p. 350.) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3830
### Event 29777 (69C9FE94)
**Date:** 10/26/1967
**Time:** 0430
**Location:** Reading, Great Britain
**Description:** A businessman driving north between Hook and Reading was puzzled when the electrical system of his car broke down. He then observed a dull object, 20 m in diameter, 100 m away, at about 15 m altitude. He made the rest of his journey in a trancelike state.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** FSR 67, 6 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_891
### Event 29778 (E4983B20)
**Date:** 10/26/1967
**Locations:** Moigne Downs; Ringstead Bay; Dorset, England
**Description:** 11:25 a.m. J. B. W. “Angus” Brooks, a former BOAC pilot and photo interpreter, is walking his Dalmatian and German shepherd at Moigne Downs near Ringstead Bay, Dorset, England. An odd-looking craft descends and hovers at an altitude of 200–300 feet at a distance of about a quarter mile from them for 22 minutes. The German shepherd has been foraging for game; when she returns she seems “distraught” as she stands beside Brooks. Her ears are pricked, indicating she is worried about the sounds she is hearing, although Brooks can detect no sound from the object. The odd-shaped craft has a central round chamber estimated to be 25 feet in diameter and 12 feet thick. Four long slender fuselages \(estimated 75 feet long and 8 feet wide\) extend from the central chamber. In flight, one of the 4 fuselages leads, while the other three are together in the rear. As the object slows to hover, the fuselages move to form a cross. The object rotates 90°, then remains motionless for 22 minutes despite strong winds. Upon departure, the leading fuselage is not the one that led on approach. The remaining 3 fuselages come together in the rear as on the approach, and the object climbs away with increasing speed. The craft appears translucent, taking on the color of the sky above it. There are dark shadows along the bases of the fuselages and the center chamber. On future visits to this area, the German shepherd appears nervous.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Angus Brooks, “[Remarkable Sighting near Dorset,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201968%20V%2014%20N%201.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 14, no. 1 \(Jan./Feb. 1968\): 3–4; R. H. B. Winder, “[Comment on the Angus Brooks Sighting,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201968%20V%2014%20N%201.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 14, no. 1 \(Jan./Feb. 1968\): 4–5; “[‘Flying Cross’](http://cufos.org/UFOI%5Fand%5FSelected%5FDocuments/UFOI/039%20NOV-DEC%201967.pdf) [UFOs over Britain,](http://cufos.org/UFOI%5Fand%5FSelected%5FDocuments/UFOI/039%20NOV-DEC%201967.pdf)” UFO Investigator 4, no. 3 \(Nov./Dec. 1967\): 3; “[Important New Details on Flying Cross,](http://cufos.org/UFOI%5Fand%5FSelected%5FDocuments/UFOI/040%20JAN-FEB%201968.pdf)” UFO Investigator 4, no. 4 \(Jan./Feb. 1968\): 4–5; Good Above, [pp. 63–64](https://archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/62/mode/2up), [455](https://archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/454/mode/2up); UFOFiles2, [pp. 77–79](https://archive.org/details/the-ufo-files-the-inside-story-of-real-life-sightings-david-clarke/page/n129/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4436
### Event 29779 (111CAA0B)
**Date:** 10/26/1967
**Description:** A businessman driving in the pre-dawn hours north between Hook and Reading, England was momentarily puzzled when the electrical system of his car broke down at 4:30 a.m. He then observed a low hovering, dull-colored object about 100 meters away from him. It was 20 meters in diameter and at an altitude of about 15 meters. He was able to restart the car, but made the rest of his journey in a trancelike state.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case # 891, citing Flying Saucer Review, November-December 1967
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7148
### Event 29780 (ABEF59E5)
**Date:** 10/26/1967
**Description:** Four witnesses in Newton, Massachusetts saw a dark object at 9:30 p.m. that had two rows of horizontal red lights, a green light and a white light (see sketch below). The object circled in the sky, hovered for awhile, and then reversed direction, making a humming sound. Dogs barked and whined during the sighting.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Raymond E. Fowler case files, report dated November 21, 1967
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7149
### Event 29781 (22666590)
**Date:** 10/27/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) A Parshall \(North Dakota\), close observation, distance less than 150 m, by 2 independent witnesses, one of them a police officer. The observers were far apart, which allowed for triangulation and the calculation of the distance afterwards. Duration of observation 5 minutes. The observed object first moved horizontally, then made a stationary flight with yo-yo movements, and finally a sudden final ascent. Excerpt from the policeman's account: I had to sit and watch it for 5 good minutes. It bounced like a ball that would jump to a musical rhythm, but when it left - bang - it disappeared in less than 5 seconds. It went straight up, without deviating... I thought it was guided by someone or something, because a balloon floating in the air would not move like that. (3 h)
**Reference:** [Poher](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/PoherClaude.html) 2003
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2385
### Event 29782 (DA64F8E7)
**Date:** 10/27/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) At Dympep \(India\), a 7.5 m diameter rotating object, emitting red and green lights, descended over a river causing a tumultuous agitation of the water, and took off over a forest, with a wave of heat.
**Reference:** [LDLN](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/LDLN.html) 92, [Vallée](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/ValleeJacques.html) 1969, 892
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2386
### Event 29783 (28FB2125)
**Date:** 10/27/1967
**Location:** BACUP, LANCS
**Description:** Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) / police radio. 15M metallic cylinder/cigar-shape glows 75M over antenna. WHIRRs. Going west.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 813)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8528
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "305", **HatchDesc:** "BACUP,LANCs:RFI/POLICE RADIO:15M MTLC CGR GLOWS 75M ovr ANTENNA:WHIRRs:>W", **LatLong:** "53.700003 -2.183333", **LatLongDMS:** "53:42:00 N 02:11:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/53.700003,-2.183333)", **RelAlt:** "75", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 29784 (EBBD0E0E)
**Date:** 10/27/1967
**Time:** 03:00
**Description:** 2 / light plane. Grey triangle with 6 huge white lights. Collision course.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** WEINSTEIN, Dominique; UAP: 80 Years of Pilot Sightings Privately published. 7 avenue Bartholome. 75015 Paris, FRANCE. (Index 45)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8529
**Attributes:** **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Atlantic Ocean + islands", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "NE/JACKSONVL,FL:2/LITE PLANE:GRY TRIANGLE W/6 HUGE WHT LITES:collision course", **LatLong:** "30.750001 -81.000004", **LatLongDMS:** "30:45:00 N 81:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/30.750001,-81.000004)", **State/Prov:** "USA", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29785 (4FCDCCC2)
**Date:** 10/27/1967
**Time:** 03:00
**Location:** PARSHALL, ND
**Description:** Cars O / O / control. Cop buzzed / sphere going north. / r00p101+/ r141#9p22+/ r41p188.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 55)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8530
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **NUC:** Nuclear facility related, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "590", **HatchDesc:** "PARSHALL,ND:CARS O/O/CONTROL:COP BUZZED/SPHERE >N:/r00p101+/r141#9p22+/r41p188", **LatLong:** "47.966669 -102.133338", **LatLongDMS:** "47:58:00 N 102:08:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.966669,-102.133338)", **State/Prov:** "North Dakota", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 29786 (B17963D7)
**Date:** 10/27/1967
**Time:** ~16:00
**Location:** WINCHESTER, ENGL
**Description:** Boy / 13. 4 lightning jets chase black mushroom-saucer. Government denies.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: ABOVE TOP SECRET; Sidgewick & Jackson, London 1987 & Quill Books, 1988. 592pp. (Index 62)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8531
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "WINCHESTER,ENGL:BOY/13:4 LIGHTNING JETS CHASE BLK MUSHROOM-SCR:Gov't denies", **LatLong:** "51.066669 -1.350000", **LatLongDMS:** "51:04:00 N 01:21:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.066669,-1.350000)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29787 (AC8A1236)
**Date:** 10/27/1967 (approximate)
**Time:** 18:00
**Description:** 1 / car. 100' domed saucer over lake. Crosses PR97. Drops into trees.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MAGOR, John: OUR UFO VISITORS. Hancock House, Canada & Seattle, WA. 1977. (Index 76)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8532
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "925", **HatchDesc:** "SE/LAC La HACHE,BC:1/CAR:100'DOMED SCR OVR LAKE:CROSSES PR97:DROPS INTO TREES", **LatLong:** "51.733336 -121.400006", **LatLongDMS:** "51:44:00 N 121:24:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.733336,-121.400006)", **State/Prov:** "British Columbia", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 29788 (B532B364)
**Date:** 10/27/1967
**Location:** Jacksonville (Over Atlantic Ocean NE of), FL
**Description:** 3:00 a.m. EDT. The pilot of a Piper-Twin Comanche, plus two pilots and a passenger on board, saw a " bright light, then visible as six huge, round, bright- white lights in a horizontal row on a darker object (body lights). (Haines, 2000, pp. 58-59.) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3831
### Event 29789 (4E43223B)
**Date:** 10/27/1967
**Location:** Parshall, ND
**Description:** 3:00 a.m. CDT (4:00 a.m. EDT). A waitress driving home saw a large, round, revolving object with alternating triangular areas of coloration. The object was low and moving horizontally an estimated two blocks away. As it paced her car, she saw 2-3 white streaks of light (light beams) coming down vertically from the object. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3832
### Event 29790 (587841CF)
**Date:** 10/27/1967
**Location:** Max, ND
**Description:** 3:30 a.m. CDT. A milk truck driver reported a round, spinning red object that followed his truck for about an hour. At one point it hovered silently over his truck. (Hall, 2001, p. 188; MUFON UFO Journal, Oct. 1987, p. 19; U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. IV, No. 5, March 1968, p. 3; McDonald letter, 12/19/68, Donald E. Reyhoe Archives files; Keyhoe and Lore, 1969a, p. 6.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3833
### Event 29791 (63376C87)
**Date:** 10/27/1967
**Location:** Hampshire, UK
**Description:** 2:20 p.m. LT (10:20 a.m. EDT) A man saw a black, mushroom-shaped object being chased by two aircraft. (Unidentified newspaper clipping and NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3834
### Event 29792 (A944B137)
**Date:** 10/27/1967
**Location:** Weston Coyney, Stoke-On-Trent, Staffordshire, UK
**Description:** 7:15 p.m. LT (3:15 p.m. EDT). A witness saw an object dropping vertically from the sky. The object stopped about 100 feet above the ground and hovered. Its shape was like "squared off" spinning top with a dark band around the center. (Stanway and f, Pace, 1968, p. 18.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3835
### Event 29793 (454FFDE6)
**Date:** 10/27/1967
**Location:** Parshall, ND
**Description:** Sphere rose, paced car, which began steering hard. Object hovered near missile base, shot straight up out of sight in seconds (section V). (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3836
### Event 29794 (99DC4FF3)
**Date:** 10/27/1967
**Location:** Dympep, India
**Description:** A spinning object, 7.5 m in diameter, emitting red and green lights, came down to a river, causing thunderous agitation of the water, and took off over a forest, with a heat wave.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** LDLN 92 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_892
### Event 29795 (625C6DFB)
**Date:** 10/27/1967
**Location:** Parshall, ND
**Description:** Sphere rose, paced car, which began steering hard. Object hovered near missile base, shot straight up out of sight in seconds
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_148
### Event 29796 (97C415F2)
**Date:** 10/27/1967
**Location:** Atlantic northeast of Jacksonville, Florida
**Description:** 3:00 a.m. Charlie Little, the pilot of a Piper-Twin Comanche, with two other pilots and a passenger on board, is flying over the Atlantic northeast of Jacksonville, Florida. They see a bright light, which becomes visible as six huge, round, bright-white lights in a horizontal row on a darker object. It approaches on a collision course and is seen to be a gray equilateral triangle with a triangular opening at its center. The object makes an unbanked 180° turn, then takes off and disappears in a flash.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Willy Smith, “A Huge ‘Open’ Triangular UFO,” IUR 9, no. 5 \(Sept./Oct. 1984\): 4–6; Philip J. Klass, “Letter,” IUR 10, no. 1 \(Jan./Feb. 1985\): 13; “Charles Little Responds,” IUR 10, no. 1 \(Jan./Feb. 1095\): 13
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4437
### Event 29797 (1F6BCBEA)
**Date:** 10/27/1967
**Location:** Parshall, North Dakota
**Description:** 3:00 a.m. A waitress driving home in Parshall, North Dakota, sees a large, round, revolving object with alternating triangular areas of coloration. The object is low and moving horizontally an estimated two blocks away. As it paces her car, she sees 2–3 white light beams coming down vertically from the object. Her car drives like it has flat tires or rocks that are hitting the bottom of the chassis. A second witness, police Lt. Glen G. Brunsell, sees a low-altitude, bright round light like a welding-torch that illuminates the ground. The object moves slowly with vertical oscillations and changes color from blue to green-white. It departs vertically, disappearing in 5 seconds.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[AF Log Reveals Wave,](http://cufos.org/UFOI%5Fand%5FSelected%5FDocuments/UFOI/043%20JUL-AUG%201968.pdf)” UFO Investigator 4, no. 7 \(July/Aug. 1968\): 6–7; J. Allen Hynek, The UFO Experience, Ballantine ed., 1974, [pp. 101–102](https://archive.org/details/ufoexperience00jall/page/100/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4438
### Event 29798 (EF84103B)
**Date:** 10/27/1967
**Location:** US Highway 83 north of Max, North Dakota
**Description:** 3:30 a.m. Truck driver [Chris R. Helgesen](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/179799746/chris-r.-helgesen) observes a spinning, reddish, round object, about 100 feet in diameter, pace his truck for about half a mile on US Highway 83 north of Max, North Dakota. The object then hovers above a field, paces the truck again, hovers, paces the truck again \(stopping when it stops\), turns blue, picks up speed, turns green, then shoots away to the southeast, turns yellow, and vanishes. Helgesen has it in view for about one hour.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[New Close-Ups, Pacings,](http://cufos.org/UFOI%5Fand%5FSelected%5FDocuments/UFOI/041%20MAR%201968.pdf)” UFO Investigator 4, no. 5 \(March 1968\): 3
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4439
### Event 29799 (15683166)
**Date:** 10/27/1967
**Location:** Winchester, Hampshire, England
**Description:** 2:20 p.m. Timothy Robinson, 13, and his family are startled by the roar of a jet aircraft overhead at Winchester, Hampshire, England. He dashes out into the garden and sees two English Electric Lightning fighters fly low overhead. Ahead of the aircraft is a black, mushroom-shaped object streaking away to the west. It changes direction abruptly to the northwest and disappears into a cloud, climbing steeply and outmaneuvering the Lightnings.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Good Above, [p. 62](https://archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/62/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4440
### Event 29800 (D1808F31)
**Date:** 10/27/1967
**Description:** In Dympep, India a spinning multicolored object emitting red and green lights, 7.5 meters in diameter, came down to the surface of a river, causing thunderous agitation of the water, and then took off over a forest with a wave of heat.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case # 892, citing Lumieres dans la Nuit, issue # 92
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7191
### Event 29801 (74990D9F)
**Date:** 10/27/1967
**Description:** At four a.m. a crackling sound was heard over the Bacup, Lancashire, England police station's short wave radio, so police officer B. Earnshaw went outside to investigate. He saw a 50 foot long cigar-shaped object flying at a low altitude, estimated to be only 250 feet. It had portholes on the side and no visible means of propulsion. It was metallic looking yet glowed, and made a whirring noise. At 4:15 a.m. six on-duty police officers in Glossop, Derbyshire, England saw the same UFO from different locations. The object was "swinging from side to side" in a pendulum motion.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** (1) APRO Bulletin, September-October 1967, p. 7; (2) Flying Saucer Review, citing newspaper source
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7192
### Event 29802 (2409F0DE)
**Date:** 10/27/1967
**Description:** A brightly luminous object bobbed up-and-down, and then hovered near a nuclear missile base in Parshall, North Dakota at 3:00 a.m. It was witnessed by a police lieutenant and a civilian. It shot straight up and out of sight in seconds.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP UFO Investigator, August 1968, p. 6; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Experience, Volume II. A Thirty Year Report, p. 173; UNICAT, case # 246, citing J. Allen Hynek, The UFO Experience, p. 89
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7193
### Event 29803 (D5A63FB8)
**Date:** 10/27/1967
**Description:** A near head-on collision between an airliner and a grayish, open triangle or V-shaped craft with six very bright white lights along one side occurred at three o'clock in the morning north of Jacksonville, Florida. The object was so close it caused a green glow to illuminate the cockpit. The UFO made an unbanked, 180 degree turn. It did not appear on radar. There were four witnesses on board the aircraft.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Willy Smith, International UFO Reporter, September-October 1984, p. 4; UNICAT database case # 242
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7194
### Event 29804 (9CAC016B)
**Date:** 10/28/1967
**Time:** 18:50
**Description:** Car engine and lights die. Steeple-UFO rises and going southeast going [to] sea. / FSRv14#3.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RODEGHIER, Mark/CUFOS: UFO REPORTS INVOLVING VEHICLE INTERFERENCE; CUFOS 1979. Available as CUFOS UFO Archive #1 CD-ROM. http://www.cufos.org/Pubform.pdf (Index 37)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8533
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "TUNBRIDGE WELLS,KENT:CAR ENGINE+LITES DIE:STEEPLE-UFO RISES+>SE> SEA:/FSRv14#3", **LatLong:** "51.116669 0.250000", **LatLongDMS:** "51:07:00 N 00:15:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.116669,0.250000)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 29805 (018AA0BA)
**Date:** 10/28/1967
**Time:** 19:00
**Description:** 2 / car. White fireball quickly going up / field. Stops. Going [to] out and back. / r30p290.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 95)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8534
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "St-POURCAIN-sur-SIOULE,FR:2/CAR:WHT FBL ↑↑/FIELD:STOPS:> OUT+BACK:/r30p290", **LatLong:** "46.305558 3.288889", **LatLongDMS:** "46:18:20 N 03:17:20 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.305558,3.288889)", **State/Prov:** "Allier", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 29806 (797F8EF5)
**Date:** 10/28/1967
**Time:** 19:30
**Location:** SSE / NATURITA, CO
**Description:** Group / hunters. Domed saucer. Antenna / top. Square windows. Turns. Follows car?
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LORENZEN, Coral & Jim: UFO's OVER THE AMERICAS; Signet Books, NY 1968. 243p. (Index 178)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8535
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **NUC:** Nuclear facility related, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "1670", **HatchDesc:** "SSE/NATURITA,CO:GRP/HUNTERS:DOMED SCR:ANTENNA/TOP:SQR WINDOWS:TURNS:FOLOS CAR?", **LatLong:** "38.083335 -108.533339", **LatLongDMS:** "38:05:00 N 108:32:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.083335,-108.533339)", **State/Prov:** "Colorado", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 29807 (2FF24AB3)
**Date:** 10/28/1967
**Location:** Tunbridge Wells, Kent, UK
**Description:** Triangular object with bright white lights ahead. Slowly rose and moved away; car could then be restarted. Flying Saucer Review, Vol. 14, No. 3; see Rodeghier, 1981, p. 37 (E,L) car (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3837
### Event 29808 (592C595F)
**Date:** 10/28/1967
**Description:** At 6:45 p.m. a driver in Tunbridge Wells, England had a close encounter with an object with six bright lights that looked like a church steeple. The car engine and lights of the car died.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Dan Lloyd, FSR, May-June 1968, p. 31; Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, p. 37; Geoffrey Falla, BUFORA Vehicle Interference Project, p. 43, citing the Tunbridge Wells Advertiser, November 1, 1967
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7227
### Event 29809 (56898D3B)
**Date:** 10/28/1967
**Description:** At 7:30 p.m. a group of five hunters driving on Lone Cone Mountain southeast of Naturita, Colorado in Montrose County sighted a domed disc-shaped object with an antenna on top and square windows. The object turned and followed their car.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jim & Coral Lorenzen, UFOs over the Americas, p. 177
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7228
### Event 29810 (7C608E5E)
**Date:** 10/29/1967
**Description:** In Santa Adelita, Sao Paolo State, Brazil Mr. P, age 51, was driving home at around 11:00 p.m. when he came to the top of a ridge he saw an aluminum colored object hovering 200 feet away, just four feet above the ground. It was plate shaped with a convex bottom side, and about 30 feet in diameter. When he got to within 50 feet of it his car motor stopped. He described the object as "full of lights", red and other colors, which alternately blinked on and off. Standing near the saucer was a robustly built man about 5-1/2 feet tall, dressed in a light colored garment (the witness could not specify the color because he was color blind). This being walked in front of the witness and turned on a very bright white beam of light from a flashlight like object. The witness thought he would be assaulted, so he half opened the car door, steadied his .22 revolver on it, and fired 6 shots at the UFO occupant. He reported that he was a good shot with this revolver, and after shooting he could no longer see him. Then the saucer-shaped craft began to oscillate, and he heard a sound like a cowbell. At last, the UFO flew away on an oblique course.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1967-109 (A1791), citing Walter Buhler, SBEDV Bulletin, May 1976, p. 9
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7273
### Event 29811 (F7EF26AE)
**Date:** 10/30/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In Boyup Brook \(Australia\), a businessman is driving towards Boyup Brook when his car suddenly stops completely \(although he doesn't remember feeling any deceleration\). He sees a strong beam of light pointed at him from a mushroom-shaped object, 10 m in diameter. He won't remember restarting the car again after the object left. (October 30, 9 PM)
**Reference:** [FSR](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/FSR.html) 68, 4 \< [Vallée](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/ValleeJacques.html) 1969, 893
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2387
### Event 29812 (2EE9FFE4)
**Date:** 10/30/1967
**Time:** 21:20
**Location:** KULIKUP, WEST AUS
**Description:** Ovoid aims blue-beam / car. Electro-magnetic effect (EME). Odd acceleration. Missing time. Abduction? / r47p36+/ r41p273.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 55)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8536
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly, **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "120", **HatchDesc:** "KULIKUP,W.AUS:OVOID AIMS BLU-BEAM/CAR:EME:ODD ACCEL:MST:ABD?:/r47p36+/r41p273", **LatLong:** "-33.816668 116.683339", **LatLongDMS:** "33:49:00 S 116:41:00 E", **Locale:** "Desert", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-33.816668,116.683339)", **State/Prov:** "Western Australia", **Strangeness:** "11"
### Event 29813 (6746C3DE)
**Date:** 10/30/1967
**Location:** Kulikup, AU
**Description:** Luminous, pulsating ellipse, forward motion stopped abruptly. Flying Saucer Review, July-Aug. 1968, pp. 15-16; Journal of UFO Studies, New Series, v.2, 1990, pp. 27-28 (E,L) car (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3838
### Event 29814 (580F33A3)
**Date:** 10/30/1967
**Location:** Holland, MI
**Description:** 4:00 a.m. EST. A policeman saw a bright orange half-moon (hemisphere) shaped object that was three times the size of the moon. The object hovered, but moved off when the witness approached, disappearing behind trees. It reappeared briefly and then moved out of sight. (Holland Sentinel, 10/30/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3839
### Event 29815 (194E8B88)
**Date:** 10/30/1967
**Location:** S. Allentown, PA
**Description:** 7:10 p.m. EST. A woman and her son saw two luminous globe-shaped objects with red, green, and white body lights, at first moving slowly, then maneuvering rapidly as if in a "dogfight." (NICAP report forms and letter.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3840
### Event 29816 (8436F498)
**Date:** 10/30/1967
**Time:** 2100
**Location:** Boyup Brook, Australia
**Description:** A businessman was driving toward Boyup Brook when his car failed completely and stopped, although he did not recall feeling deceleration. He found a strong light beam aimed at him from a mushroom-shaped craft, 10 m in diameter. He had no recollection of starting the car again after the departure of the object.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** FSR 68, 4 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_893
### Event 29817 (B64BF04B)
**Date:** 10/30/1967
**Time:** 06:04:00.0
**Location:** 49.7944 78.0079
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: .001KT YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1308
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.7944 78.0079", **LatLongDMS:** "49:47:40 N 78:00:28 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.7944,78.0079)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.50", **NukeSource:** "BOCHAROV", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** ".001", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 29818 (20489EB0)
**Date:** 10/30/1967
**Locations:** Mayanup; Kojonup; Western Australia
**Description:** 9:30 p.m. [Alexander Spargo](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/213541498/alexander-roy-spargo) is traveling alone in his car on the Mayanup–Kojonup road about 10 miles east of Mayanup in Western Australia at a speed of about 60–65 miles per hour. He is approached by a lighted object from the sky. A beam of light comes from a “tube” on the object and immerses the car. Almost immediately, the car stops dead. However, there is no feeling of deceleration. The vehicle’s motor, lights, and radio go off. Spargo hears no noise. The tube seems 2–3 feet in diameter. It is not uncomfortable to the eyes. After about 5 minutes, the tube closes off and the object disappears. His vehicle is suddenly going at 60–65 miles per hour again, with no feeling of acceleration. The object is only seen from underneath, but he estimates its diameter as 30 feet and about 100 feet up in the air. It glows an iridescent blue.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Keith Basterfield, Vladimir Godic, and Pony Godic, “Australian Ufology: A Review,” JUFOS 2 \(1990\): 27–28; Keith Basterfield, “[Cold Case Investigation: Boyup](https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2012/09/cold-case-investigation-boyup-brook-wa.html) [Brook WA, 30 Oct 1967,](https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2012/09/cold-case-investigation-boyup-brook-wa.html)” Unidentified Aerial Phenomena—Scientific Investigation, September 23, 2012; Keith Basterfield, “[Police Report on the Boyup Brook Encounter, Uncovered,](https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2017/08/police-report-on-boyup-brook-encounter.html)” Unidentified Aerial Phenomena— Scientific Investigation, August 29, 2017
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4441
### Event 29819 (65FC2D0C)
**Date:** 10/30/1967
**Description:** At around nine o'clock in the evening a businessman was driving toward Boyup Brook, Australia when his car failed completely and stopped, although he did not recall feeling any deceleration. He found a strong light beam aimed at him from a mushroom-shaped craft, ten meters in diameter. He had no recollection of starting the car again after the departure of the object.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case # 892, citing FSR, July-August 1968
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7304
### Event 29820 (82691A41)
**Date:** 10/30/1967
**Description:** Approaching his home in Melfort, Saskatchewan, Canada at 9:00 p.m. Donald Marshall saw a light beyond it. When he got closer he saw that it was an object with a large rectangular lighted panel that hovered 12 feet off the ground, 200 feet away. The rectangular lighted panel was about 4 feet high and 16 feet long. It appeared to be a large window in the object whose shape was not clearly seen, but was perhaps 50 feet long. A bright spotlight came on, and he saw then three small humanoid figures, the size of ten-year-old children, coming from the machine. They moved very fast, wore green uniforms, and some type of headgear. They disappeared into the darkness, and the craft took off slowly at about 5 mph. It moved at first into a gully, breaking some trees, where it remained for another 3 or 4 minutes. The total time during which Marshall observed the object was 18-19 minutes. Broken trees were found near the site.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Gene Duplantier, Saucers, Space & Science, Winter 1968, p. 4; Saucer News, December 1968, p. 25; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case # 1967-106 (A0884), citing R. Meizeka, Saskatchewan UFO Bulletin
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7305
### Event 29821 (529B36CB)
**Date:** 10/31/1967
**Location:** AUSTRALIA, Boyup Brook
**Description:** (Translated from French) A man in a car suddenly saw a beam of light fall on him from an object located about thirty meters from the ground. Looking at it through the windshield, he saw that the beam had a diameter of 60 to 90 cm and that it was hollow. (Michel BOUGARD: "Des S.V. aux OVNI". - SOBEPS 1976 - p. 173) Suddenly driving at 100 km/h without knowing why, the car stopped, the headlights went out, the radio went silent. (...) Spargo's car restarted as suddenly as it had stopped, by what effect? This time Spargo stopped deliberately. He looked up at the sky, but all he saw were stars.
**Reference:** Johannes von BUTLAR: "Ovni, we are not alone - Presses de la Cité 1979, p. 180
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2483
### Event 29822 (89D1D18C)
**Date:** 10/31/1967
**Time:** 23:30
**Description:** Airline(s)/airliner crew. Luminous round object hovers. Not on ground RADAR. 2nd airliner sees.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 204)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8537
**Attributes:** **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Russia", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "nr ARKHARA,RUSS:AL CREW:LUMn.RND OBJ HVRS:not on gnd rdr:2nd AIRLINER SEES", **LatLong:** "49.500002 130.166673", **LatLongDMS:** "49:30:00 N 130:10:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.500002,130.166673)", **State/Prov:** "KHB", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29823 (27BB6A7C)
**Date:** 10/31/1967
**Location:** Finucane, AU
**Description:** 9:20 p.m. LT. A man was driving when he saw a tube of light close to his windshield. He then saw a football-shaped object about 30 feet in diameter that was pulsating and was an iridescent blue. The car engine failed (EM effects). (Unidentified newspaper clipping and police report, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3841
### Event 29824 (6FC79901)
**Date:** 10/31/1967
**Location:** Bournemouth, Southampton, UK
**Description:** 8:50 p.m. LT. A man and his family saw two dull red metallic objects shaped like a spinning top or discus. (NICAP report form, received from Hennessey 11/30/67.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3842
### Event 29825 (C684AE66)
**Date:** 10/31/1967
**Location:** Stoke-On-Trent, Werrington, UK
**Description:** 10:35 p.m. LT. A witness saw through a window a glowing orange-red, cigar- shaped object hovering low in the sky, a bluish-green area visible on its underside. It was a clear, starry night. (Stanway and Pace, 1968, p. 18.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3843
### Event 29826 (FFD0A466)
**Date:** 10/31/1967
**Description:** At 9:30 p.m. a blue bell-shaped UFO directed an energy beam of some kind at a car being driven by a man named Spargo in Boyup Brook, Western Australia and halted its movement.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Hugill Joanna, FSR, July-August 1968, p. 15; Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, p. 38
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7336
### Event 29827 (DF7E9720)
**Date:** 10/31/1967
**Description:** On a clear night over Arkhara, Amur, Russia an airliner crew saw a luminous round object hovering at 11:25 p.m. It was also seen by a second airliner. It did not show up on ground radar, although the sighting lasted ten minutes in total duration.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Felix Zigel, unpublished manuscript of Soviet UFO reports, case 119; Lumieres dans la Nuit, April 1981
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7337
### Event 29828 (25ADEC15)
**Date:** 11/1967 (approximate)
**Time:** 01:30
**Location:** PROUILLE, FR
**Description:** 2 / car. 8M saucer seen 3X going south / N623. Lights / rim. Blocks road. Square windows?
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 201)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8538
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "PROUILLE,FR:2/CAR:8M SCR SEEN 3X >S/N623:LITES/RIM:BLOCKS ROAD:SQR WINDOWS?", **LatLong:** "43.233335 2.066667", **LatLongDMS:** "43:14:00 N 02:04:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.233335,2.066667)", **State/Prov:** "Aude", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29829 (28321FF2)
**Date:** 11/1967
**Description:** Ufologist [Ted Bloecher](http://www.nicap.org/bios/WHO-IS/bloecher.htm) privately publishes a massive Report on the UFO Wave of 1947, detailing 853 reports gleaned from his years of research into newspaper archives in June–July 1947. The preface is written by [James E. Mcdonald.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James%5FE.%5FMcDonald)
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Ted Bloecher, [Report on the UFO Wave of 1947](http://nicap.org/waves/Wave47Rpt/ReportOnWaveOf1947.pdf)[,](http://nicap.org/waves/Wave47Rpt/ReportOnWaveOf1947.pdf) The Author, 1967
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4442
### Event 29830 (8C4CEB87)
**Date:** 11/1/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Observation of [Doctor X](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/temoins.html\#X). (November 1st, 4 PM)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2388
### Event 29831 (3ACEAA09)
**Date:** 11/1/1967
**Time:** 12:10
**Location:** SONORA, CA
**Description:** 35 mm movie drama footage. Ascending white ovoid only seen editing film.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CONDON, Dr. Edward: SCIENTIFIC STUDY of UFO..etc; Bantam 1969. 965pp. (Index 475)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8539
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "557", **HatchDesc:** "SONORA,CA:35mm MOVIE DRAMA FOOTAGE:ASCENDING WHT OVOID only seen editing film", **LatLong:** "37.983335 -120.366672", **LatLongDMS:** "37:59:00 N 120:22:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.983335,-120.366672)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 29832 (D15C1BE0)
**Date:** 11/1/1967
**Time:** 23:00?
**Location:** HOLYOKE, MASS
**Description:** "Diesel rumble / night". Sharp perfect 12M indent / ground. Dogs avoid.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Book: STURROCK, Dr. Peter (Stanford, CA): Personal meetings and correspondance.
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8540
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **TRC:** Physical traces, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "35", **HatchDesc:** "HOLYOKE,MAss:"DIESEL RUMBLE/NITE":SHARP PERFECT 12M INDENT/GND:dogs avoid", **LatLong:** "42.183335 -72.633337", **LatLongDMS:** "42:11:00 N 72:38:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.183335,-72.633337)", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29833 (68618047)
**Date:** 11/2/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In Ririe, Idaho, Will Begay and Clyde Soccie \(both in their twenties\) reported that an object landed on the top of their car, forcing them to stop. Two dwarves spoke to them, but without being understood, then the object left. (November 2, Night)
**Reference:** [FSR](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/FSR.html) 68, 1 \< [Vallée](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/ValleeJacques.html) 1969, 894
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2389
### Event 29834 (4DB2D0C2)
**Date:** 11/2/1967
**Time:** 05:30
**Location:** LA HOYADA, SALTA, ARG
**Description:** 3 / taxi. Blinding 5M crown saucer hovers / 2M altitude. Away / truck nears.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 15)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8541
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "15", **Elev:** "1116", **HatchDesc:** "LA HOYADA,SALTA,ARG:3/TAXI:BLINDING 5M CROWN SCR HVRS/2M alt:AWAY/TRUCK NEARS", **LatLong:** "-25.850001 -65.183336", **LatLongDMS:** "25:51:00 S 65:11:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-25.850001,-65.183336)", **RelAlt:** "2", **State/Prov:** "SLT", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 29835 (33FE1E31)
**Date:** 11/2/1967
**Time:** 10:00
**Location:** 65KM SOUTH / WELLS, NV
**Description:** Veteran airman. 3 10M disks 1500M below light plane. Going quickly east.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 933)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8542
**Attributes:** **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "2000", **HatchDesc:** "65km S/WELLS,NV:VETERAN AIRMAN:3 10M DISKS 1500M BELOW LITE PLANE:>>E", **LatLong:** "40.527780 -114.966672", **LatLongDMS:** "40:31:40 N 114:58:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.527780,-114.966672)", **State/Prov:** "Nevada", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29836 (EB7BD9EA)
**Date:** 11/2/1967
**Time:** 21:30
**Location:** NEAR RIRIE, ID
**Description:** Saucer. 2 small humanoids (or Greys) take over 2 / truck. Floats. Abduction try. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v17#3+/ r24v5#1.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO Evidence II: HB: Scarecrow Press Lanham, MD. http://www.scarecrowpress.com ISBN 0-8108-3881-8 (Index 480)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8543
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **CVS:** Conversation/communication, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "1512", **HatchDesc:** "nr RIRIE,ID:SCR:2 OIDS TAKE OVR 2/TRUCK:FLOATS:ABD TRY:/FSR v17#3+/r24v5#1", **LatLong:** "43.616669 -111.216672", **LatLongDMS:** "43:37:00 N 111:13:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.616669,-111.216672)", **State/Prov:** "Idaho", **Strangeness:** "11"
### Event 29837 (53D1EB98)
**Date:** 11/2/1967
**Location:** Ririe, ID
**Description:** Disc with dome above car, two small beings descended, entered car. See Section XII (E) car (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3844
### Event 29838 (A29DAA2A)
**Date:** 11/2/1967
**Time:** night
**Location:** Ririe, Idaho
**Description:** Will Begay and Clyde Soccie, in their early 20's, said that an object landed on top of their car, forcing them to stop. Two dwarfs spoke to them, but were not understood. The object left.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** FSR 68, 1 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_894
### Event 29839 (357FCE77)
**Date:** 11/2/1967
**Location:** Ririe, ID
**Description:** Domed disc, lights along rim, two beings visible in clear dome, hovered above car. Car drawn into adjacent field, witnesses confronted by beings
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_149
### Event 29840 (C096988F)
**Date:** 11/2/1967
**Locations:** Navajo ranch; Ririe, Idaho; US Highway 26; Willard Hammon's farmhouse; Ririe and Rigby, Idaho
**Description:** 9:30 p.m. Navajo ranch hands Willie Begay and Guy Tossie, both 23, are driving south of Ririe, Idaho, on US Highway 26 when they are blinded by a flash of light. Their car comes to a stop, and immediately in front of them they see an object 6–8 feet in diameter and 3 feet thick, hovering 5 feet off the ground and shaped like two saucers joined together. Around the rim is a row of alternately flashing orange and green lights. On top is a transparent dome, where two small entities are visible. The dome flips open, and one occupant floats out and approaches the car. It is 3 feet tall, bald, with ears set high on its head, round eyes, and a mouth like a slit. It is wearing tight-fitting coveralls and carries a pack on its back. It opens the car door and sits behind the wheel as Begay and Tossie move in horror to the right. The car begins to move as if fastened to the craft into a field of wheat stubble where Tossie gets out and runs toward the farmhouse of [Willard Hammon](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/8575628/willard-joseph-hammon) for help, followed by another entity apparently holding a light. Begay stays in the front seat of the car with the first entity, who tries to communicate with him, twice saying something in a high, chirruping voice. The second entity returns, and the two float back to the craft, which rises and departs, a yellow flame-like light coming from the bottom. Hammon lets Tossie inside his farmhouse, where he eventually calms down and tells his story. They go back to the site, where they find Begay in a state of shock in the car. At 11:30 p.m., an anonymous witness driving between Ririe and Rigby, Idaho, sees a landed UFO with a small occupant who stops the car and taps on the side window.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[NICAP](http://cufos.org/UFOI%5Fand%5FSelected%5FDocuments/UFOI/049%20SEPT-OCT%201969.pdf) [Panel Studies Occupant Reports,](http://cufos.org/UFOI%5Fand%5FSelected%5FDocuments/UFOI/049%20SEPT-OCT%201969.pdf)” UFO Investigator 5, no. 1 \(Sept./Oct. 1969\): 5–6; Donald E. Keyhoe and Gordon I. R. Lore Jr., [Strange Effects from UFOs](http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Books/Other/Lore%2C%20Gordon%20-%20Strange%20Effects%20from%20UFOs.pdf), NICAP, 1969, pp. 23–27; Clark III 1009–1010; Randle, Levelland, 2021, pp. 145–147
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4443
### Event 29841 (2E6C3A82)
**Date:** 11/2/1967
**Description:** A woman working in her kitchen late on this night in Point Pleasant, West Virginia heard a loud squeaking sound coming from outside. She looked out and saw a huge shadow spread across the grass, and then a figure described as tall, man-shaped, and gray in color appeared. It glided quickly across a field and disappeared into the woods.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1967, case # 1405, citing John A. Keel, The Mothman Prophecies
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7418
### Event 29842 (BC33D5B3)
**Date:** 11/2/1967
**Description:** At 9:30 p.m. two 23-year-old Navajo Indians, Guy Tossie and Willy Begay, were driving south of Ririe, Idaho when they were blinded by a flash of white light. Their car engine stalled and came to a stop and immediately ahead of them, hovering just five feet off the ground, they saw a domed disc-shaped UFO 6-8 feet in diameter and perhaps three feet thick. On top was a transparent bubble dome, occupied by two small entities. The dome flipped open and one of the occupants floated out and to the ground, then approached the car. Through the UFO's flashing lights the men were able to see that the being was no more than three feet tall, and bald with ears set up high on his head. His facial skin looked scarred and wrinkled, "like a cantaloupe." His eyes were round and showed no pupils, and his mouth had lips so thin as to be barely visible. They saw no nose. He was wearing tight fitting coveralls and carried a pack on his back.
To their horror, the being opened the car door and seated himself behind the wheel. Both of the men slid over to the right as far as they could as the car was towed, or driven, off the highway and out into a field of wheat stubble. As soon as the car's motion stopped a terrified Tossie jumped out of the right side of the car, and began running to the farmhouse of William Hammon a quarter of a mile away. As he ran, he found his shadow preceding him, as though a bright light were shining on him from behind. In the car, Begay cowered in the right side of the front seat as the little being attempted to communicate with him, twice saying something incomprehensible in a high, chirruping voice. Getting no response, the being got out of the car and joined the second being, and then the two floated into the UFO which took off and zig-zagged into the sky as it departed.
At the Hammon farmhouse Tossie banged on the door screaming for help. The farmer and Bob his son admitted him, and it took a period of time to calm him sufficiently to get his story. By the time they accompanied him back to the field the object had departed and Begay was found in a state of near shock in the front seat. The farmer had to escort the youths by car their fear was so great. There were attendant sightings in the area, and cattle had been reportedly "spooked" on several farms that night.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1967-112, citing Cpl. Thomas Harper & C. Reed Ricks, NICAP
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7419
### Event 29843 (BD06F930)
**Date:** 11/3/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In San Jeronimo \(Argentina\), Carlos Spini and one other man were examining cows when they saw a circular, luminous blue object land not far from them. They approached and the object took off. (November 3)
**Reference:** [Vallée](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/ValleeJacques.html) 1969, 895
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2390
### Event 29844 (5C313736)
**Date:** 11/3/1967
**Location:** SAN JERONIMO, ARG
**Description:** 2 observers. Blue luminous saucer lands / pasture. Quickly going up [to] when observer(s) nears. / r8#895.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 815)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8544
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "539", **HatchDesc:** "SAN JERONIMO,ARG:2 OBSs:BLU LUM SCR LANDS/PASTURE:↑↑ WHEN OBS NEARS:/r8#895", **LatLong:** "-33.133335 -66.516670", **LatLongDMS:** "33:08:00 S 66:31:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-33.133335,-66.516670)", **State/Prov:** "SLS", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 29845 (F4D18FAF)
**Date:** 11/3/1967
**Time:** 06:20
**Location:** WELLINGTON, TX
**Description:** 2 / US83. Big silent silver grey cylinder/cigar-shape maneuvers. Flies in front of car. Glows.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 819)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8545
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "621", **HatchDesc:** "WELLINGTON,TX:2/US83:BIG SLNT SLVR GRY CGR MNVRS:FLIES IN FRONT OF CAR:GLOWS", **LatLong:** "34.866668 -100.216671", **LatLongDMS:** "34:52:00 N 100:13:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/34.866668,-100.216671)", **State/Prov:** "Texas", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29846 (1BD2BC1E)
**Date:** 11/3/1967
**Time:** 19:00
**Location:** CASTILLA, PERU
**Description:** Many observer(s). Silver objects / triangle formation. Signal lights back and forth.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 815)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8546
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Peru", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "25", **HatchDesc:** "CASTILLA,PERU:MANY OBS:SLVR OBJs/TRIANGLE FORMn:SIGNAL LITES BACK+FORTH", **LatLong:** "-5.200000 -80.633337", **LatLongDMS:** "05:12:00 S 80:38:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-5.200000,-80.633337)", **State/Prov:** "CST", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29847 (44F60463)
**Date:** 11/3/1967
**Location:** Verner, Ontario, CAN
**Description:** 10:45 p.m. EST. While driving, a couple and their children saw an oval light that moved alongside the highway, crossed over it, crossed back and went out of sight. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3845
### Event 29848 (92AAA5B0)
**Date:** 11/3/1967
**Location:** San Jeronimo, Argentina
**Description:** Carlos Spini and another man saw a luminous, blue, circular object land nearby, as they were examining some cows. It took off when they came near.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Personal ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_895
### Event 29849 (346A4C2C)
**Date:** 11/3/1967
**Description:** Carlos Spini and another man in San Jeronimo, Argentina saw a luminous, blue, circular object land nearby as they were examining some cows in a pasture. It took off when they approached it.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Gordon Creighton, FSR, May-June 1971, p. 29; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 895
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7430
### Event 29850 (AD1D6D8E)
**Date:** 11/4/1967
**Time:** 20:00
**Location:** AREQUIPA, PERU
**Description:** Numerous observer(s). Luminous white disk hovers / 3 minute(s). Blue and red sparks going down. Going quickly east.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 815)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8547
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Peru", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "2413", **HatchDesc:** "AREQUIPA,PERU:NMRS OBS:LUMn.WHT DISK HVRS/3min:BLU+RED SPARKS ↓:>>E:", **LatLong:** "-16.433334 -71.500003", **LatLongDMS:** "16:26:00 S 71:30:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-16.433334,-71.500003)", **State/Prov:** "Arequipa", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29851 (5355EC02)
**Date:** 11/4/1967
**Location:** Greenfield, CA
**Description:** 12:35 a.m. PST (2:35 a.m. CST). Two women saw a bright circular object about 100 feet in diameter hovering 100-150 feet above a house at an angle. (California NICAP Subcommittee report, NICAP report form; U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. IV, No. 5, March 1968, p. 3.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3846
### Event 29852 (725669D4)
**Date:** 11/4/1967
**Location:** Fort Riley, KS
**Description:** 5:00 a.m. CST. Multiple witnesses saw four bright lights that hovered, moved off, changed direction (maneuvered), and went out of sight. An Army unit was dispatched to investigate at the request of local police. (Topeka Capital-Journal, Kans., 11/5/67, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3847
### Event 29853 (F77DEAEE)
**Date:** 11/5/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In Fordingbridge \(Great Britain\), truck driver Karl Farlow told police that while his headlights and radio had stopped working, his diesel engine kept running, he saw an egg-shaped object 3 m long at 15 m distance. A few moments later, a white Jaguar coming in the opposite direction also stopped. The object, emitting a green light and showing a whitish dome on its lower surface, hovered between the two vehicles for 2 minutes and then sped away. (November 5, 11:30 PM)
**Reference:** FSR 67, 6; 68, 3 \< Vallée 1969, 896
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2391
### Event 29854 (43C48D9C)
**Date:** 11/5/1967
**Time:** 03:00
**Location:** OCEAN CITY, NJ
**Description:** 2+1 cops / cars. Night light shifts around and changes color(s). Away / fantastic speed/velocity.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LORENZEN, Coral & Jim: UFO's OVER THE AMERICAS; Signet Books, NY 1968. 243p. (Index 179)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8548
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "30", **Elev:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "OCEAN CITY,NJ:2+1 COPS/CARS:NLT SHIFTS AROUND+CHANGES CLRS:AWAY/FANTASTIC SPD", **LatLong:** "39.277780 -74.577781", **LatLongDMS:** "39:16:40 N 74:34:40 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.277780,-74.577781)", **State/Prov:** "New Jersey", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29855 (4BC12566)
**Date:** 11/5/1967
**Time:** 03:40
**Location:** CENTENO, ARG
**Description:** 2 / farm. Silent blue-glow ovoid going west. Lands. Going west again. Ground flattened.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 6)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8549
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "58", **HatchDesc:** "CENTENO,ARG:2/FARM:SLNT BLU-GLOW OVOID >W:LANDS:>W AGAIN:GND FLATTENED", **LatLong:** "-32.300002 -61.416670", **LatLongDMS:** "32:18:00 S 61:25:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-32.300002,-61.416670)", **State/Prov:** "STF", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 29856 (E432CB68)
**Date:** 11/5/1967
**Location:** Alderwood Manor, WA
**Description:** 5:35 p.m. PST. A witness saw a bright orange oblong object that passed overhead, maneuvered, hovered, and descended. It produced a humming sound. (Washington State NICAP Subcommittee report, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3848
### Event 29857 (E6F3B674)
**Date:** 11/5/1967
**Location:** Fordingbridge, UK
**Description:** Just before midnight. A diesel lorry (truck) driver experienced engine and radio failure (EM effects) and saw a glowing green, egg-shaped object, with a whitish dome or projection underneath, hovering 10 feet over the road. (Flying Saucer Review, Nov. -Dec. 1967, p. 4; London Daily Express, 11/7/67, copy in NICAP files; Hennessey report, NICAP files; U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. IV, No. 5, March 1968, p. 3.) (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3849
### Event 29858 (0D49E7BD)
**Date:** 11/5/1967
**Location:** Fordingbridge, UK
**Description:** Luminous green ellipse hovered just above road, whining sound; batteries dead after sighting. See Section VI. (E,R,L) truck & car (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3850
### Event 29859 (DEE1038C)
**Date:** 11/5/1967
**Time:** 2330
**Location:** Fordingbridge, Great Britain
**Description:** Lorry driver Karl Farlow told police that as his lights and radio blacked out, although his diesel engine continued to work, he saw an egg-shaped object, 3 m long, 15 m away. Moments later, a white Jaguar coming in the opposite direction also stopped. The object, emitting a green light and showing a whitish dome under its lower surface, hovered between the two vehicles for 2 min and left at high speed.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** FSR 67, 6; 68, 3 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_896
### Event 29860 (3FB13817)
**Date:** 11/5/1967
**Description:** Truck driver Karl Farlow told police that at 11:30 p.m. his lights and radio blacked out, although his diesel engine continued to work, when he saw a three-meter long egg-shaped object 15 meters away at Fordingbridge, England. Moments later, a white Jaguar sports car came from the opposite direction and its engine stalled and headlights failed. The UFO, emitting a green light and showing a whitish dome under its lower surface, hovered between the two vehicles for two minutes and left at a high speed.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 896
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7476
### Event 29861 (2194606F)
**Date:** 11/6/1967
**Location:** ENGLAND, Avon - Shopley (Hampshire)
**Description:** (Translated from French) Between 1 and 2 o'clock in the morning, Carl Farlow was driving a truck loaded with stoves on the part of the A 338 road connecting the villages of Sopley and Avon. He was approaching the intersection near a bridge crossing the Avon River, when the headlights of his van went out. His diesel engine continued to run and assuming a simple short circuit, he stopped to look for the cause of this sudden malfunction. Before he had time to get out of the cab, he was surprised to see a curious ovoid object moving from right to left across the road in front of him, about 7.50m from the ground. It was magenta in color with a white base and was about 24 meters long, large enough to overshadow both sides of the road as it crossed it, exhaling a smell like "a drill bit attacking wood" and making a sound like "that of a refrigerator". As it crossed the road, the craft gradually accelerated, and after a few seconds it disappeared completely from Farlow's field of vision. Farlow then realized that a Jaguar that had come from the opposite direction was broken down on the other side of the UFO's trajectory. Its driver, a veterinarian, approached Farlow and explained that his vehicle was out of service and that his passenger was in a state of hysteria. He then offered to call the police, which they did. The police joined them shortly afterwards. A preliminary inspection of the site revealed that the surface of the road seemed to have melted. The veterinarian's passenger, in shock, was taken to the hospital.
**Reference:** "UFO Files", ed. Marshall Cavendish, Paris 1998, Special Issue, p. 30, 31
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2484
### Event 29862 (71BFA3C6)
**Date:** 11/6/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) On the A338 road connecting the villages of Sopley and Avon, in Hampshire \(England\), [Carl Farlow](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/temoins.html\#FarlowCarl) is driving a truck when his headlights go out. He then sees a large magenta and white craft cross his path and disappear. In front of him, another witness coming in the opposite direction is also stopped and his passenger is in shock. The road seems to have melted. Both of them phone the police, who arrive and take them away for questioning. They are also questioned by an official from the Ministry of Defense. (November 6, 1 or 2 AM)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2392
### Event 29863 (E2D43946)
**Date:** 11/6/1967
**Time:** 02:30
**Location:** A338 / SOPLEY, ENG
**Description:** Truck and car electro-magnetic effect (EME). 15' saucer. Box exits and sucks dirt. / r120p64+/ MJ#235+r41.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 815)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8550
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TRC:** Physical traces, **MIL:** Military investigation, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded, **ODR:** Odors associated with UFO's, **COV:** Indication of coverup
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "A338/SOPLEY,ENG:TRUCK+CAR EME:15'SCR:BOX EXITS+SUCKS DIRT:/r120p64+/MJ#235+r41", **LatLong:** "50.783336 -1.783333", **LatLongDMS:** "50:47:00 N 01:47:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.783336,-1.783333)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 29864 (C2183D0D)
**Date:** 11/6/1967
**Time:** 23:00?
**Location:** KAZAN, RUSSIA
**Description:** 2 / airport. Red Saturn sphere/orb/globe hovers and spins and loops. Away fast. R9p194.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 966)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8551
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Russia", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "KAZAN,RUSS:2/AIRPORT:RED SATURN ORB HVRS+SPINS+LOOPS:AWAY FAST:r9p194", **LatLong:** "55.833336 49.300002", **LatLongDMS:** "55:50:00 N 49:18:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/55.833336,49.300002)", **State/Prov:** "KZN", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29865 (81DB0C6B)
**Date:** 11/6/1967
**Location:** River Avon, Hampshire, UK
**Description:** Disables Engine Continues To Run (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases, Code: E, Rating: 5)
**Reference:** NICAP: [671106](http://nicap.org/671106england%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3851
### Event 29866 (0AA3B347)
**Date:** 11/6/1967
**Location:** Treysa, Germany
**Description:** 3:30-5:45 a.m. LT. Five UFOs were reported hovering over Hartdurg area. Two of the UFOs were approximately 15 to 20 feet in diameter and three were approximately eight to ten feet in diameter. All of the UFOs were of a red and white color with a green fringe. Witness photographed the UFOs on color film and submitted the unprocessed film to the Military Police. (NARA-PBB92-607) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)
**Reference:** NICAP: [671106](https://web.archive.org/web/100/http://www.bluebookarchive.org/page.aspx?PageCode=NARA-PBB92-607)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3852
### Event 29867 (8AA66B04)
**Date:** 11/6/1967
**Location:** Kazan, Russia
**Description:** Night. A luminous red Saturn-shaped object hovered for 7-10 minutes spinning on its axis, then accelerated and sped away. (Vallee, 1992, p. 194.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3854
### Event 29868 (C6CD8253)
**Date:** 11/6/1967
**Location:** A338 road [now B3347] south of Sopley, Hampshire, England
**Description:** 1:30 a.m. On a section of the A338 road \[now B3347\] south of Sopley, Hampshire, England, truck driver Karl Farlow \(or Barlow\) finds that the lights on his diesel truck have failed. As he pulls over, he sees a glowing, 15-foot-wide, egg-shaped UFO that moves slowly across the road from the right, passes slowly to the left, then speeds up and disappears. The object makes a sound like a refrigerator and gives off a smell like a drill boring through wood. Before it goes away, a Jaguar sports car comes from the opposite direction, and its engine stalls and lights fail. The UFO glows a vivid green color. The diesel engine is not affected. The driver of the Jaguar is a veterinary surgeon, and he and Farlow call the police from a nearby call box. The witnesses note that there are marks on the ground and the road surface seems to have melted. The veterinarian’s girl passenger is taken to a hospital suffering from shock. A week later, Farlow notices that a 200-foot stretch of the road at the encounter site has been completely resurfaced and the call box has been repainted.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** NICAP, “[Disabled Engine Continues to](http://www.nicap.org/671106england%5Fdir.htm) [Run](http://www.nicap.org/671106england%5Fdir.htm)”; Roy Winstanley, “[Now the UFOs Are Stopping the Traffic,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20Kingdom/Spacelink%20%28Lionel%20Beer%29/Spacelink%201967%20vol%205%20no%201.pdf)” Spacelink 5, no. 1 \(December 1967\): wrap; “[Landings on Increase,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201967%2011%2000%20-%20November-December.pdf)” APRO Bulletin, Nov./Dec. 1967, pp. 1, 3; Good Above, [pp. 64–65](https://archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/64/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4444
### Event 29869 (45F68663)
**Date:** 11/6/1967
**Description:** At 6:15 a.m. in Burnley, England a car's electrical system was damaged by a close encounter with a pulsating yellow disc-shaped UFO.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** FSR, March-April 1968, p. 33
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7501
### Event 29870 (E5E1EBB6)
**Date:** 11/6/1967
**Description:** At 11:00 p.m. a couple in Kazan', Russia saw a red, Saturn-shaped object that hovered for many minutes, spinning on its axis.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Richard Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty Year Report, p. 323
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7502
### Event 29871 (CA152AE3)
**Date:** 11/7/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) [Farlow](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/temoins.html\#FarlowCarl) returns to his truck. A bulldozer levels the road, the telephone booth is repainted and other individuals seem to be examining the place with instruments. About a week later, on the same road, Farlow will notice that about 70 m of this stretch of road have been given a new coating. (November 7)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2393
### Event 29872 (83696E69)
**Date:** 11/7/1967
**Location:** BALLERUP, DK
**Description:** Many observer(s). Cylinder/cigar-shape hovers / 30 minute(s). Other UFO lands / Veksoe to the north.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** STEIGER, Brad & WHRITENOUR, Joan: FLYING SAUCER INVASION. Award Books, NY 1969. 156pp PB. 15 Essays + catalog. (Index 106)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8552
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Scandanavian and Finland", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "30", **HatchDesc:** "BALLERUP,DK:MANY OBS:CGR HVRS/30min:OTHER UFO LANDS/VEKSOE to the north", **LatLong:** "55.727780 12.211112", **LatLongDMS:** "55:43:40 N 12:12:40 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/55.727780,12.211112)", **State/Prov:** "Danemark", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 29873 (8BE54249)
**Date:** 11/7/1967
**Time:** 17:20
**Location:** KAZAN, TATAR, RUSSIA
**Description:** 2 astronomers. Half-moon with trail. Vanishes and reappears. / r9p153.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 138)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8553
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Russia", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "KAZAN,TATAR,RUSS:2 ASTRONOMERS:HALF-MOON W/TRAIL:VANISHES+REAPPEARS:/r9p153", **LatLong:** "55.850003 49.283336", **LatLongDMS:** "55:51:00 N 49:17:00 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/55.850003,49.283336)", **State/Prov:** "TAT", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 29874 (64BCBDBB)
**Date:** 11/8/1967
**Time:** 03:30
**Location:** ELSINORE, CA
**Description:** Foggy weather. Car malfunctions due to EME (electro-magnetic effects). Driver feels pressure / shoulders. 30' saucer overhead.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RODEGHIER, Mark/CUFOS: UFO REPORTS INVOLVING VEHICLE INTERFERENCE; CUFOS 1979. Available as CUFOS UFO Archive #1 CD-ROM. http://www.cufos.org/Pubform.pdf (Index 38)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8554
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "378", **HatchDesc:** "ELSINORE,CA:FOGGY WEATHER:CAR EMES:DRIVER FEELS PRESSURE/SHOULDERS:30'SCR OVHD", **LatLong:** "33.666668 -117.327783", **LatLongDMS:** "33:40:00 N 117:19:40 W", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/33.666668,-117.327783)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 29875 (1B2CD97F)
**Date:** 11/8/1967
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** NEAR SUN PRAIRIE, WI
**Description:** Several separate observer(s). Silent ovoid hovers / 8M altitude. 2 beams. Follows car and boat.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 849)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8555
**Attributes:** **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "20", **Elev:** "290", **HatchDesc:** "nr SUN PRAIRIE,WI:SVRL SEP.OBS:SLNT OVOID HVRs/8M alt:2 BEAMS:FOLOs CAR+BOAT", **LatLong:** "43.183335 -89.216671", **LatLongDMS:** "43:11:00 N 89:13:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.183335,-89.216671)", **RelAlt:** "8", **State/Prov:** "Wisconsin", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29876 (C9AD044E)
**Date:** 11/8/1967
**Location:** Charleston, SC
**Description:** 4:00 a.m. EST. A policeman saw a bright oval light with a red light on one end. It hovered at low altitude, moved back and forth (maneuvered), then disappeared. (Unidentified newspaper clipping, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3855
### Event 29877 (0331DD65)
**Date:** 11/8/1967
**Location:** Ramsgate Harbor, UK
**Description:** 5:05 p.m. GMT. A large unidentified object was seen on radar. It was stationary (hovering) at first, then accelerated to 5 miles/second flying in a semicircle near the harbor, then shot off the scope. (Hennessey report, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Rating: 5)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3856
### Event 29878 (5745FCEA)
**Date:** 11/8/1967
**Location:** Elsinore, CA
**Description:** Red-orange disc, witness felt pressure on head and shoulders. Gillmor, Case 39, 1969, p. 380 (E,R,L) car (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3857
### Event 29879 (2ACE7762)
**Date:** 11/8/1967
**Time:** 15:00:00.0
**Location:** 37.0918 -116.0358
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Cobbler” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_518
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0918 -116.0358", **LatLongDMS:** "37:05:30 N 116:02:09 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0918,-116.0358)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.67", **NukeMb:** "5.10", **NukeName:** "Cobbler", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 29880 (AADD8D12)
**Date:** 11/8/1967
**Location:** Lake Elsinore, California
**Description:** 3:30–4:00 a.m. A business executive is driving near Lake Elsinore, California, when his lights go out, the car stops, and the radio goes out. He feels a strong pressure on his head and shoulders. He then notices a red- orange object 30 feet in diameter hovering in the road ahead at about 160 feet in altitude. The object hovers about 90 seconds before it takes off into the fog.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Condon, [pp. 380–385](https://archive.org/details/scientificstudyo0000unse%5Fl5t2/page/380/mode/2up); Randle, Levelland, 2021, pp. 66–67
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4445
### Event 29881 (2BF57714)
**Date:** 11/8/1967
**Locations:** Devon, England; UK House of Commons
**Description:** MP [Peter Mills](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter%5FMills%5F%28British%5Fpolitician%29) asks about UFO sightings in Devon, England, in the UK House of Commons and receives assurances from Under-Secretary of State for Defence [Merlyn Rees](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Merlyn%5FRees), who says that the October 24 police chase involved either aircraft or the planet Venus. Mills asks if the ministry consulted scientists about the sightings, and Rees replies that both scientists and psychologists have been consulted.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Good Above, [pp. 65–66](https://archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/64/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4446
### Event 29882 (31E6674E)
**Date:** 11/8/1967
**Location:** Britain
**Description:** Through unrelenting pressure by British ufologist [Julian J. A. Hennessey](http://magoniamagazine.blogspot.com/2014/01/hennessey.html)[,](http://magoniamagazine.blogspot.com/2014/01/hennessey.html) the Ministry of Defence and RAF UFO files are no longer discarded every five years as of transitory interest. The MoD confirms that it will retain its remaining UFO documents. Further pressure to retain files comes in 1970 from MP [John Langford-Holt](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John%5FLangford-Holt)[.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John%5FLangford-Holt)
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** UFOFiles2, [pp. 114–115](https://archive.org/details/the-ufo-files-the-inside-story-of-real-life-sightings-david-clarke/page/n187/mode/2up); David Clarke, “[Briefing Document: Unidentified Flying Objects \(UFOs\),](https://cdn.nationalarchives.gov.uk/documents/ufo-research-guide-2013.pdf)” August 2011
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4447
### Event 29883 (9806EA7C)
**Date:** 11/8/1967
**Description:** On this night a humanoid creature described by police as a "mini-skirted" vampire reportedly terrorized locals on the beach along the Amazon River in Manaus, Brazil. Several people who were attacked described the creature as looking like a blond haired woman with sharp pointed teeth, wearing a mini-skirt and black stockings. Two small round marks were said to have been found near the jugular vein of a child that was bitten.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1967, case # 3031, citing Jacques Bergier for INFO
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7536
### Event 29884 (C094BACB)
**Date:** 11/9/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Launch of the [Apollo 4](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/Apollo.html\#Apollo4) mission using a *Saturn V* rocket. (November 9)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2394
### Event 29885 (BBF49DCC)
**Date:** 11/9/1967
**Time:** 12:00?
**Description:** White cylinder/cigar-shape / black dashes / one end. Glides going northwest toward(s) Zlatoust.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: UFO CHRONICLES of the SOVIET UNION; Ballentine Books HB 1992. 212pp. (Index 194)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8556
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Russia", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "MIASS,BASHKIR,RUSS:WHT CGR/BLACK DASHES/ONE END:GLIDES >NW TWRD ZLATOUST.", **LatLong:** "55.000003 60.050003", **LatLongDMS:** "55:00:00 N 60:03:00 E", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/55.000003,60.050003)", **State/Prov:** "NOV", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29886 (E5C5E16C)
**Date:** 11/9/1967
**Time:** 23:50
**Location:** ERIN, TN
**Description:** 2 nurses. Car pulled toward(s) transparent saucer / road. 5 small humanoids (or Greys) inside. Electro-magnetic effect (EME). Missing time. See reference.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RIDGE, Francis: REGIONAL ENCOUNTERS in the FC Files. 170pp. UFO FILTER CENTER, Mt. Vernon, IN 1994 (Index 23)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8557
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **TLP:** Telepathy, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "30", **Elev:** "146", **HatchDesc:** "ERIN,TN:2 NURSES:CAR PULLED TWRD XPRNT SCR/ROAD:5 OIDS INSIDE:EME:MST:see ref.", **LatLong:** "36.316668 -87.694449", **LatLongDMS:** "36:19:00 N 87:41:40 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/36.316668,-87.694449)", **RelAlt:** "2", **State/Prov:** "Tennessee", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 29887 (3874FF0F)
**Date:** 11/9/1967
**Location:** Miass (near Chelyabin), Russia
**Description:** A white cigar-shaped object with some black dashes at one end was seen moving through the sky by I.S. Lunyanov. It was flying toward Zlatoust. (Ref. 3) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3858
### Event 29888 (2E23FE09)
**Date:** 11/9/1967
**Location:** Erin (near), TN
**Description:** 11:45 p.m. CST. Two nurses driving home from a Waverly, Tennessee hospital stopped for a traffic light in Erin, Tennessee. While stopped they saw a large UFO approach and land on the highway in front of them. (MUFON Sympap81, p. 23) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3859
### Event 29889 (B14993DE)
**Date:** 11/9/1967
**Location:** Erin (near), TN
**Description:** 11:45 p.m. CST. Two nurses driving home from a Waverly, Tennessee hospital stopped for a traffic light in Erin, Tennessee. While stopped they saw a large UFO approach and land on the highway in front of them. The lights on their car went out. The next recollection was of the object high in the sky leaving them, but they perceived no time lapse nor did they ever check the time. (MUFON Sympap81, p. 23) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3860
### Event 29890 (E7D5E65F)
**Date:** 11/9/1967
**Description:** Miss Dianne Marable and Mrs. Pearl Robins, nurses, were driving home to Tennessee Ridge and had reached Erin, Tennessee at 11:40 p.m. when they noticed a luminous object in the sky, which they first mistook for the moon. It approached and landed 50 feet in front of them, covering the entire highway. It was dome shaped, in part a fiery orange- yellow color, and in part ash black. Inside the object they could see five dark greenish creatures, four feet tall, "milling about some type of machinery." After five minutes of watching it, they began to approach more closely but the object then swiftly rose up. It traveled a short distance beside their car, then it landed again in a field. The two women again tried to approach it by driving up a gravel road when its lights when out. They could no longer see it, though they could see a bright red light in the sky. The young women then drove home, where they discovered they had experienced 30 minutes of missing time.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Budd Hopkins, field investigation case report filed with CUFOS, April 23, 1979; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1967-110, citing Budd Hopkins; Thomas E. Bullard, MUFON 1981 Conference Proceedings, p. 48
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7567
### Event 29891 (396D8233)
**Date:** 11/10/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) [Felix Zigel](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/ZiegelFelixY.html), Vice President of the [Stolyarof Committee](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/projets.html\#Stolyarof) shows on television drawings of UFOs observed in the Caucasus and photos of unknown flying objects and declares that unidentified flying objects are a very serious subject that must be studied completely. He then calls for the help, in the form of testimonies, of all Soviet citizens for this study which constitutes a real challenge to science. Foreign press correspondents can't believe their ears. They are unaware that the authorities have refused to transmit the enormous mass of top-secret documents on UFOs to General Stolyarov because it was too important for him. (November 10)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2395
### Event 29892 (6A573586)
**Date:** 11/10/1967
**Time:** ~07:00
**Location:** BOGOTA, COLOMBIA
**Description:** Huge classic saucer over city center / 1-2 minute(s). Many observer(s) and news. Going quickly south.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 92)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8558
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Colombia", **Credibility:** "12", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "2619", **HatchDesc:** "BOGOTA,COLOMBIA:HUGE CLASSIC SCR OVR CITY CENTER/1-2min:MANY OBS+NEWS:>>S", **LatLong:** "4.616667 -74.066670", **LatLongDMS:** "04:37:00 N 74:04:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/4.616667,-74.066670)", **State/Prov:** "Bogota", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29893 (FA4361AD)
**Date:** 11/10/1967
**Location:** Wabash, IN
**Description:** 2:00 a.m. EST. A woman heard a sound like a sonic boom and went to the window to investigate. She saw a glimmering, white-green-yellow egg-shaped object hovering in the northwest. (Witness notes and NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3861
### Event 29894 (609D7E46)
**Date:** 11/10/1967
**Description:** Stolyarov and [Ziegel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Felix%5FZiegel)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Felix%5FZiegel) speaking on Russian Central TV, encourage viewers to send their first-hand accounts in to the newly formed Soviet UFO Study Group. The response is overwhelming and embarrassing to the DOSAAF All-Union Committee of Cosmonautics. Army Gen. A. L. Getman dissolves the UFO Study Group by the end of November.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Felix Ziegel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Felix%5FZiegel)”; Good Above, [p. 233](https://archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/232/mode/2up); Joe Brill, “[UFOs behind the Iron](https://vdocuments.mx/reader/full/mufon-ufo-journal-1975-1-january-skylook) [Curtain,](https://vdocuments.mx/reader/full/mufon-ufo-journal-1975-1-january-skylook)” Skylook, no. 86, January 1975, p. 14
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4448
### Event 29895 (2B55A826)
**Date:** 11/11/1967
**Location:** North Olmsted, OH
**Description:** Primary Target Tracked 90 Minutes (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5)
**Reference:** NICAP: [671111](http://www.nicap.org/671111nolmsted%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3862
### Event 29896 (19972BD8)
**Date:** 11/12/1967
**Description:** At nine o'clock in the morning an ovoid object came down slowly into a field of maize in Centeno, Santa Fe province, Argentina, its major axis vertical. It gave out orange bursts of flame, and disappeared behind some trees. No landing traces were found.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Oscar A. Uriondo, FSR Case Histories, December 1973, p. 18
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7612
### Event 29897 (C02FEA45)
**Date:** 11/13/1967
**Time:** 04:00
**Description:** 2 / car. 4' vertical bullet-dome buzzes and follows car. 2 arch-portholes.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 13)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8559
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Scandanavian and Finland", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "SW/PUDASJARVI,FINL:2/CAR:4'VERTICAL BULLET-DOME BUZZES+FOLOS CAR:2 ARCH-PORTS", **LatLong:** "65.250003 26.800001", **LatLongDMS:** "65:15:00 N 26:48:00 E", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/65.250003,26.800001)", **State/Prov:** "Finland", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29898 (E2E9EA98)
**Date:** 11/13/1967
**Time:** 17:00
**Description:** Weathermen. Bright night light hovers. 3 small night lights exit. 1 going east. 1 going south. 1 curves going north.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 112)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8560
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "Le BOURGET Apt,FR:WEATHERMEN:BRITE NLT HVRS:3 SML NLTS EXIT:1>E:1>S:1 CURVES>N", **LatLong:** "48.933336 2.433333", **LatLongDMS:** "48:56:00 N 02:26:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.933336,2.433333)", **State/Prov:** "Paris", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 29899 (86997CFC)
**Date:** 11/13/1967
**Location:** Springfield, OH
**Description:** 4:00 a.m. LT. Described as a 30' diameter orange object. When witness shown spotlight on it it changed to a pinkish object and came towards him. (NARAPBB90-354) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** NICAP: [671113](https://web.archive.org/web/100/http://www.bluebookarchive.org/page.aspx?pagecode=NARA-PBB90-354)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3863
### Event 29900 (E09BBEEA)
**Date:** 11/13/1967
**Locations:** University of Colorado; Colorado project
**Description:** [Condon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward%5FCondon)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward%5FCondon) [Low](http://ufohistoryfiles.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/CO%2067%20NEWS.pdf)[,](http://ufohistoryfiles.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/CO%2067%20NEWS.pdf) and editor Harriet Hunter meet to discuss the final University of Colorado report. Condon deliberately excludes the other senior staff because he is now insisting on no old cases and no “case book.” He insists on including everything in which the Colorado project participated in, even phone calls. He wants to write a section on the harm done by irresponsible UFO authors. The meeting ends with a roughed-out list of subject sections and authors. Condon reserves writing the summary and methodology sections himself. He assigns to Hunter the job of selecting which cases are included and how they are written up \(perhaps he no longer trusts Low to do this\).
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Swords 326–328
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4449
### Event 29901 (AFB79608)
**Date:** 11/13/1967
**Description:** A man and woman were driving down a road in Winterfold Forest in Cranleigh, England at half an hour past midnight when they encountered a heavy fog and were required to stop. A face suddenly appeared in the car window, and an arm reached up to the roof of their car. As they hurriedly drove off they could see the face and arm attached to a dark, conical body, but they saw no legs. They also reported the odor of burnt food at the time of their encounter with the entity.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Charles Bowen, Flying Saucer Review, January 1968, p. 15). Later that evening an EM effects UFO close encounter was reported in Arnheim, The Netherlands. (Source: Flying Saucer Review, January 1968, p. 33
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7633
### Event 29902 (C19F7B6B)
**Date:** 11/14/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In Barinas \(Venezuela\), Orlando Gonzales and 2 other people saw an oval object 1.5 m high, staying in the middle of a highway at 80 m distance. It suddenly flew up. (November 14)
**Reference:** [APRO](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/APRO.html) Nov., 67 \< [Vallée](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/ValleeJacques.html) 1969, 897
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2396
### Event 29903 (C32DA98A)
**Date:** 11/14/1967
**Location:** BARINAS, VNZ
**Description:** 3 / car. Ovoid 1.5M high lands / highway. Quickly going up [to] when approached. / r8#889.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 815)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8561
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Venezuela", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "197", **HatchDesc:** "BARINAS,VNZ:3/CAR:OVOID 1.5M HIGH LANDS/HIGHWAY:↑↑ WHEN APPROACHED:/r8#889", **LatLong:** "9.600000 -70.250003", **LatLongDMS:** "09:36:00 N 70:15:00 W", **Locale:** "Oil & Coal", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/9.600000,-70.250003)", **State/Prov:** "BRN", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 29904 (419C86B9)
**Date:** 11/14/1967
**Time:** 06:00
**Location:** LIEPAYA, LATVIA
**Description:** Several observer(s). Large hemisphere. Extremely bright. Hovers low over grounded. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v19#2.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: UFO CHRONICLES of the SOVIET UNION; Ballentine Books HB 1992. 212pp. (Index 194)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8562
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Estonia, Latvia& Lithuania", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "LIEPAYA,LATVIA:SVRL OBS:LRG HEMISPHERE:XBRITE:HVRS LO OVR GRND:/FSR v19#2", **LatLong:** "56.500003 21.000001", **LatLongDMS:** "56:30:00 N 21:00:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/56.500003,21.000001)", **State/Prov:** "Latvia", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29905 (BFC18153)
**Date:** 11/14/1967
**Time:** 06:50
**Description:** Extremely fast brilliant white cylinder/cigar-shape stops. Beams quickly going up [to] and quickly going down. Shoots into cloud. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 815)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8563
**Attributes:** **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "NE/BOURTON,GLOUCs:XFAST BRILL.WHT CGR STOPS:BEAMS ↑↑+↓↓:SHOOTS INTO CLOUD:NFD", **LatLong:** "51.883336 -1.750000", **LatLongDMS:** "51:53:00 N 01:45:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.883336,-1.750000)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29906 (9FD77263)
**Date:** 11/14/1967
**Location:** Liepaya, Russia
**Description:** A large, luminous object shaped like a hemisphere hovered low over the ground. It moved away quickly with a fiery light that was painful to the eye. There were several witnesses. (Ref. 3) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3864
### Event 29907 (42160774)
**Date:** 11/14/1967
**Location:** Barinas, Venezuela
**Description:** Orlando Gonzales and two other persons saw an oval object, 1.5 m high, resting in the middle of a highway 80 m away. It left straight up.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** APRO Nov., 67 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_897
### Event 29908 (CC08415C)
**Date:** 11/14/1967
**Locations:** Falcon Lake; Shag Harbour; University of Toronto Institute of Aerospace Studies
**Description:** [Keyhoe](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald%5FKeyhoe) writes separate letters to [Condon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward%5FCondon) and [Low](http://ufohistoryfiles.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/CO%2067%20NEWS.pdf), asking if they will agree to examine NICAP’s cases. November 15 — Canadian Forces Wing Commander [Douglas F. Robertson](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/222950246/douglas-f-robertson) prepares a 28-page briefing document, CDS Briefing on Unidentified Flying Objects, on the status of UFO sightings in Canada to Gen. [Jean Victor Allard](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jean%5FVictor%5FAllard), Chief of the Defence Staff. It reviews facts and procedures and describes cases that have been handled within the ministry, including the Falcon Lake and Shag Harbour cases, as well as the Warren Smith photo. Robertson advises that UFO sightings are taking up too much of the military’s time, but that the scientific community, specifically the University of Toronto Institute of Aerospace Studies, might find them interesting.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Chris Rutkowski, Canada’s UFOs: Declassified, August Night, 2022, pp. 24–59
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4450
### Event 29909 (9D441F17)
**Date:** 11/14/1967
**Description:** In 1967, at 6:00 a.m., a luminous dome hovered low above the ground, then shot away quickly in the city of Liepaya, Latvia. The light from the UFO was so brilliant that it was painful to look at.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Felix Zigel, unpublished manuscript, p. 110
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7670
### Event 29910 (4D6D5C31)
**Date:** 11/14/1967
**Description:** Orlando Gonzales and two other people in Barinas, Venezuela saw an oval-shaped object, 1.5 meters high, resting in the middle of a highway, 80 meters away from them. It took off by shooting straight up.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia, A Century of Landings, case 897
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7671
### Event 29911 (8C896E18)
**Date:** 11/15/1967
**Description:** Quebec-air flight 650 sees V-bright UFO at end of runway.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: ABOVE TOP SECRET; Sidgewick & Jackson, London 1987 & Quill Books, 1988. 592pp. (Index 200)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8564
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "SEPT-ILES,QBC:QUEBEC-AIR FLT 650 SEES V-BRITE UFO AT END OF RUNWAY.", **LatLong:** "50.250002 -66.383336", **LatLongDMS:** "50:15:00 N 66:23:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.250002,-66.383336)", **State/Prov:** "Quebec", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29912 (CEB06B35)
**Date:** 11/15/1967
**Location:** FT. SIMPSON, NWTL
**Description:** Airport/apartment weatherman. Blue-green glowing sphere maneuvers / 30 second(s). 90° turns.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 52)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8565
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "144", **HatchDesc:** "Ft.SIMPSON,NWTl:Apt.WEATHERMAN:BLU-GRN GLOWING SPHERE MNVRS/30sec:90°TURNS", **LatLong:** "61.850003 -121.800006", **LatLongDMS:** "61:51:00 N 121:48:00 W", **Locale:** "Tundra", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/61.850003,-121.800006)", **State/Prov:** "Northwest Territories", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29913 (174AB24D)
**Date:** 11/15/1967
**Time:** 04:30
**Description:** V-bright saucer appears 300' diameter. Tongues of "flame" / 30 min.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: UFO CHRONICLES of the SOVIET UNION; Ballentine Books HB 1992. 212pp. (Index 195)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8566
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Estonia, Latvia& Lithuania", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "35", **HatchDesc:** "SASNAVO,LITHUANIA:V-BRITE SCR APPEARS 300' DIAMETER:TONGUES OF "FLAME"/30 MIN", **LatLong:** "54.666669 23.450001", **LatLongDMS:** "54:40:00 N 23:27:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/54.666669,23.450001)", **State/Prov:** "Lithuania", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29914 (3EA16CAF)
**Date:** 11/15/1967
**Time:** 15:30
**Location:** NEAR FIRENZE, ITL
**Description:** BEA pilot. Slender shiny metallic delta/triangle/box-like craft / high altitude. Notch / shortest edge. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 52)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8567
**Attributes:** **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Italy", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "4", **Elev:** "50", **HatchDesc:** "nr FIRENZE,ITL:BEA PILOT:SLENDER SHINY MTLC DLT/HI ALT:NOTCH/SHORTEST EDGE:NFD", **LatLong:** "43.761113 11.250001", **LatLongDMS:** "43:45:40 N 11:15:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.761113,11.250001)", **State/Prov:** "FZ", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29915 (AD2DF0A8)
**Date:** 11/15/1967
**Location:** Yerecoin, AU
**Description:** Time not reported. A farm manager saw a dome-shaped object with two square portholes bracketed by two round ports and emitting a loud humming sound. Possible EM effects on TV. (The West Australian, 11/17/67; Flying Saucer Review, Jan.-Feb. 1968, p. 32.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3865
### Event 29916 (CE8F47BA)
**Date:** 11/15/1967
**Location:** Sasnava, Russia
**Description:** 4:30 a.m. V. Treychis observed a round object in the sky for thirty-five minutes, twenty degrees above the northeast horizon. It seemed to measure 300 feet in diameter. (Ref. 3) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3867
### Event 29917 (CEB850C5)
**Date:** 11/15/1967
**Location:** Florence, Italy
**Description:** 2:30 p.m. LT. The pilot and crew of a British European Airways plane flying at 27,000 feet had a 10-minute encounter with an object that passed over them at about 50,000 feet. (Roth Volunteer Flight Officers Network report, NICAP files; U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. IV, No. 4, Jan.-Feb. 1968, p. 3.) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3868
### Event 29918 (A2F31DCC)
**Date:** 11/15/1967
**Location:** Fort Simpson, NWT, CAN
**Description:** 7:11 a.m. PST. A weather observer at a local airport saw a spherical object glowing blue-green that moved across the sky, made a 90-degree turn, slowed down, turned around, and resumed its original flight path. (Letter from witness, NICAP files; U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. IV, No. 4, Jan.-Feb. 1968, p. 3.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3869
### Event 29919 (B8E7AC04)
**Date:** 11/15/1967
**Location:** Carlisle, PA
**Description:** 8:30 p.m. EST. Two women saw an oblong object which had white glowing lights in front and back (body lights). (Pennsylvania NICAP Subcommittee report and NICAP report form, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3870
### Event 29920 (3ABE3B6E)
**Date:** 11/15/1967
**Location:** Harrisburg, PA
**Description:** 10:00 p.m. EST. Several witnesses saw a shiny metallic-appearing ball with small discs positioned to each side. (Pennsylvania NICAP Subcommittee report, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3871
### Event 29921 (AAF74D30)
**Date:** 11/15/1967
**Location:** Summerdale, PA
**Description:** Bt. 10:50 and 11:15 pm. Multiple witnesses saw a white ball of light, possibly with red blinking lights on the side, bounce around over WTPA TV towers for 2-10 minutes. (Pennsylvania NICAP Subcommittee report and NICAP report forms, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3872
### Event 29922 (3659C130)
**Date:** 11/15/1967
**Locations:** Quebecair Flight 650; Sept-Îles Airport, Quebec
**Description:** The crew of Quebecair Flight 650 sees a bright object at the end of the runway at Sept-Îles Airport, Quebec. It is as large as a star and stationary.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Good Above, [p. 200](https://archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/200/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4451
### Event 29923 (1CF6673B)
**Date:** 11/15/1967
**Description:** At 3:30 p.m. a slender delta-shaped object, shiny and metallic in appearance, was sighted by a BEA pilot at high altitude in flight over Florence, Italy. It had a notch in its shortest edge.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP UFO Investigator, February 1968, p. 3; Dominique Weinstein, Aircraft UFO Encounters, p. 36
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7691
### Event 29924 (51874597)
**Date:** 11/16/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In Storrington \(Great Britain\), Miss Quick and one other woman see a flashing light and a deep red, shiny object at ground level, with a dark figure, slightly larger than a normal man, approaching it. The object suddenly disappears. (17 h)
**Reference:** [FSR](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/FSR.html) 68, 2 \< [Vallée](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/ValleeJacques.html) 1969, 898
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2397
### Event 29925 (5ADFC483)
**Date:** 11/16/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In Yerecoin \(Australia\), farm manager Alan Pool \(43 years old\) sees an object 6 m in diameter and 1.5 m high, with round and square windows, land in a field with a sound of "whimpering". It takes off and disappears, leaving no trace. (18:30)
**Reference:** [FSR](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/FSR.html) 68, 1 \< [Vallée](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/ValleeJacques.html) 1969, 899
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2398
### Event 29926 (87F21B6D)
**Date:** 11/16/1967
**Time:** 18:30
**Description:** 2 observer(s) red-glow object / ground. Large figure approaches. Vanishes. / FSR'68#2.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA; H. Regnery, Chicago HC 1969 & Contemporary Books,Chicago 1993. 372pp. (Index 898)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8568
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **GNT:** Giant: Large/tall alien, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "STORRINGTON,ENGL:2 OBS RED-GLOW OBJ/GND:LRG FIG APPROACHES:VANISHES:/FSR'68#2", **LatLong:** "50.933336 -0.450000", **LatLongDMS:** "50:56:00 N 00:27:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.933336,-0.450000)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 29927 (C9EE40FE)
**Date:** 11/16/1967
**Time:** 18:30
**Description:** 6M saucer quickly going down / field. Portholes. Whines. TV Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). No physical traces. / MJ#235+/ r8+/ r41.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 815)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8569
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "YERECOIN,W.AUSTR:6M SCR ↓↓/FLD:PORTS:WHINES:TV RFI:NO TRCs:/MJ#235+/r8+/r41", **LatLong:** "-30.916668 116.333339", **LatLongDMS:** "30:55:00 S 116:20:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-30.916668,116.333339)", **State/Prov:** "Western Australia", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 29928 (14A4EFC2)
**Date:** 11/16/1967
**Time:** ~23:50
**Location:** LANUS, ARG
**Description:** 7 observer(s). Brilliant fireball hovers / shed. Observer(s) raises rifle and gets frozen / ray! / r215p12.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 16)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8570
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "LANUS,ARG:7 OBS:BRILL.FBL HVRS/SHED:OBS RAISES RIFLE+GETS FROZEN/RAY!:/r215p12", **LatLong:** "-34.700002 -58.400003", **LatLongDMS:** "34:42:00 S 58:24:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-34.700002,-58.400003)", **State/Prov:** "Buenos Aires", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 29929 (B1CE4FCB)
**Date:** 11/16/1967
**Time:** 1700
**Location:** Storrington, Great Britain
**Description:** Mrs. Quick and another woman saw a flickering light and a deep-red, glowing object at ground level, with a dark figure, slightly larger than a normal human, approaching it. The object disappeared suddenly.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** FSR 68, 2 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_898
### Event 29930 (6B5501EA)
**Date:** 11/16/1967
**Time:** 1830
**Location:** Yerecoin, Australia
**Description:** Farm manager Alan Pool, 43, saw an object, 6 m in diameter and 1.5 m high, with round and square windows, land in a field with a whining noise. It took off and vanished, leaving no trace.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** FSR 68, 1 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_899
### Event 29931 (D23E4533)
**Date:** 11/16/1967
**Description:** At 5:00 p.m. Mrs. Quick and another woman in Storrington, England saw a flickering light and a deep-red, glowing object at ground level. A dark figure, seven to ten feet tall, was seen approaching it. The tall being appeared to glide rather than walk. It vanished suddenly, and the UFO also disappeared suddenly.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 898
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7718
### Event 29932 (E12EA01D)
**Date:** 11/16/1967
**Description:** Farm manager Alan Pool, age 43, saw an object, six meters in diameter and 1.5 meters high, with round and square windows, land in a field in Yerecoin, Western Australia with a whining noise at 6:30 p.m. It took off and vanished, leaving no trace.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 899
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7719
### Event 29933 (85F16DBC)
**Date:** 11/17/1967
**Time:** 13:00
**Location:** OFF PALENCIA, SP
**Description:** 10 fishing. Saucer going down / sea level. Maneuvers / 9 minute(s). Shoots up very fast. / r50p12.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 94)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8571
**Attributes:** **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **SUB:** Submersible: Rises from or submerges into water, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "9", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "off PALENCIA,SP:10 FISHING:SCR ↓/SEA LVL:MNVRS/9min:SHOOTS UP VFAST:/r50p12", **LatLong:** "43.483335 -3.033333", **LatLongDMS:** "43:29:00 N 03:02:00 W", **Locale:** "Offshore", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.483335,-3.033333)", **State/Prov:** "VZC", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29934 (3AA7BBB0)
**Date:** 11/17/1967
**Time:** 17:20
**Location:** WINONA, MN
**Description:** Grey domed disk exits clouds. Hovers / old meat-packing plant. Going [to] to clouds.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 815)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8572
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "200", **HatchDesc:** "WINONA,MN:GRY DOMED DISK EXITS CLOUDS:HVRS/OLD MEAT-PACKING PLANT:> to CLOUDS", **LatLong:** "43.983335 -91.450004", **LatLongDMS:** "43:59:00 N 91:27:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.983335,-91.450004)", **State/Prov:** "Minnesota", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29935 (787FC3DE)
**Date:** 11/17/1967
**Time:** 17:50
**Location:** CALGARY, ALTA
**Description:** Teen beamed to saucer / orange light. Small humanoids (or Greys) / crocodile skin. Medical exam. / r54p33.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 246)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8573
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **MON:** Monster: Life form fits no category, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly, **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "2", **Duration:** "40", **Elev:** "1068", **HatchDesc:** "CALGARY,ALTA:TEEN BEAMED to SCR/ORG LITE:OIDS/CROCODILE SKIN:MED.EXAM:/r54p33", **LatLong:** "51.050002 -114.066672", **LatLongDMS:** "51:03:00 N 114:04:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.050002,-114.066672)", **State/Prov:** "Alberta", **Strangeness:** "12"
### Event 29936 (E722F2D9)
**Date:** 11/17/1967
**Location:** Winona, MN
**Description:** 5:20 p.m. CST. A man saw a metallic-appearing saucer that had a large canopy (dome) on top and a smaller one underneath. Once it seemed to hover. (Unidentified newspaper clipping, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3873
### Event 29937 (AE2A0903)
**Date:** 11/17/1967
**Locations:** Calgary, Alberta; University of Alberta
**Description:** 6:00 p.m. David Seewaldt, 13, is crossing a vacant lot in Calgary, Alberta. He hears a high-pitched sound and sees a slivery gray UFO the size of a house about to land. A beam of light shoots from it, putting him in a “trance” and pulling him into the craft, where he meets two hideous-looking entities with brown crocodile skin, slits for mouths, and holes for noses and ears. They wear no clothes and have hands with only four fingers. They take Seewaldt’s clothes off and lead him into another room where one studies his hair, eyes, and nose. An orange ceiling light is directed on him and he is given a shot with a small needle. The entities dress him again and beam him back to the field. He runs home in a state of terror and hides under the bed. All conscious memory of the event vanishes until 5 months later, when it returns in a dream. In 1968 he is hypnotically regressed by a Dr. Masson of the University of Alberta.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** W. K. Allan, “[Crocodile-Skinned Entities at Calgary,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201974%20V%2020%20N%206.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 20, no. 6 \(April 1975\): 25–26; Clark III 280; “David Seewaldt,” etcetrasetcetras, June 13, 2008
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4452
### Event 29938 (6848D043)
**Date:** 11/18/1967
**Location:** Kingston, Jamaica
**Description:** 8:00 p.m. LT. Four people saw two red lights (body lights) on an object with a row of windows below. The object circled, approached the witnesses, tilted, circled, and sped off. (Letter, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3874
### Event 29939 (8770752D)
**Date:** 11/19/1967
**Description:** 1 / car. Blinding fireball flies away. Burnt grass found.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** STEIGER, Brad & WHRITENOUR, Joan: FLYING SAUCER INVASION. Award Books, NY 1969. 156pp PB. 15 Essays + catalog. (Index 24)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8574
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "855", **HatchDesc:** "PR37/GULL LAKE> SHAUNAVON,SSK:1/CAR:BLINDING FBL FLIES AWAY:BURNT GRASS FOUND", **LatLong:** "49.877780 -108.500005", **LatLongDMS:** "49:52:40 N 108:30:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.877780,-108.500005)", **State/Prov:** "Sasketchewan", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 29940 (612A1958)
**Date:** 11/19/1967
**Time:** 21:20
**Location:** SOUTH / SCRIBNER, NE
**Description:** 3 boys hunting. Glowing football ovoid going quickly [to] over Maple Creek / 30M altitude.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 817)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8575
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "400", **HatchDesc:** "S/SCRIBNER,NE:3 BOYS HUNTING:GLOWING FOOTBALL OVOID >> ovr MAPLE CREEK/30M alt", **LatLong:** "41.583335 -96.666671", **LatLongDMS:** "41:35:00 N 96:40:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.583335,-96.666671)", **State/Prov:** "Nebraska", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29941 (ECC38ECE)
**Date:** 11/19/1967
**Location:** Calgary, Alberta, CAN
**Description:** 5:45 p.m. MST. While walking home, a 14-year-old boy saw a silver-grayish object with flashing , multi-colored lights (body lights) around the center. The object was making a high-pitched sound. He ran home, discovered that 45 minutes of time was missing, and an abduction was revealed under hypnosis. (Bondarchuk, 1979, pp. 83-88.) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3875
### Event 29942 (6AB4F161)
**Date:** 11/19/1967
**End date:** 11/20/1967
**Location:** Burlington County, NJ
**Description:** Bt. 3:30-4:00 a.m. EST. A police officer, who is also a private pilot who has tracked aircraft with NORAD, saw a bright circular object about 50 feet in diameter that traveled under the cloud deck at an estimated 1,000 mph. (Letter, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3876
### Event 29943 (95D04E05)
**Date:** 11/19/1967
**Description:** In 1967, a brightly lit object hovered over a field, and then landed at Gull Lake, near Swift Current, Saskatchewan, Canada. A large circular burned area was found at the landing site. At the same time John Keel saw a nocturnal light hovering over the "TNT" area north of Point Pleasant, West Virginia.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** (1) Gene Duplantier, Saucers, Space and Science, March 1968, p. 6; Ted Phillips, Physical Traces Associated with UFO Sightings, case 301; (2) John Keel, FSR, July 1968, p. 12
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7738
### Event 29944 (004F64AD)
**Date:** 11/20/1967
**Location:** GREAT BRITAIN, Lowestoft (Norfolk)
**Description:** (Translated from French) At around 7pm a dense and orderly formation of yellowish lights was seen heading south. It was spotted from the anchored lighthouse boat, and 55,000 spectators of a football match, looking up, were interested in the maneuvers of this aerial formation.
**Reference:** J.G. Dohmen: "To Identify and the Adamski Case" - ed. Guy Dohmen, Biarritz 1972, p. 75
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2485
### Event 29945 (C8B0A914)
**Date:** 11/20/1967
**Location:** In flight, between London and Brussels
**Description:** (Translated from French) In both directions, five planes made calls to Brussels-National. Each pilot said they had been overflown by mysterious lights heading towards the Belgian-German border east-west.
**Reference:** J.G. DOHMEN: "To Identify and the Adamski Case" - ed. Guy Dohmen, Biarritz 1972, p. 75
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2486
### Event 29946 (C5B3CE92)
**Date:** 11/20/1967
**Time:** 13:00
**Location:** BUDAPEST, HUNG
**Description:** Famous poet Lazlo Benjamin sees walnut-saucer according to newspaper. 2+observer(s).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HOBANA Ion & WEVERBERGH,Julien: UFO'S from BEHIND the IRON CURTAIN; Bantam Books,1975. 308pp. (Index 201)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8576
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Hungary", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "BUDAPEST,HUNG:FAMOUS POET LAZLO BENJAMIN SEES WALNUT-SCR per NEWSPAPER:2+ OBS", **LatLong:** "47.500002 19.066668", **LatLongDMS:** "47:30:00 N 19:04:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.500002,19.066668)", **State/Prov:** "BDP", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29947 (E9FB24A0)
**Date:** 11/20/1967
**Time:** 22:00
**Location:** ROOSEVELT, UT
**Description:** Pulsating night lights rotate and maneuver. Several passes. No hard form in binocs.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SALISBURY, Frank: The UTAH UFO DISPLAY -- a Biologist Reports; 1974 Devin Adair, New Greenwich,CT. HB 286pp. ISBN 0-815-97000-5 (Index 252)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8577
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "8", **Elev:** "1580", **HatchDesc:** "ROOSEVELT,UT:PULSATING NLTS ROTATE+MNVR:SVRL PASSES:NO HARD FORM IN BINOCS.", **LatLong:** "40.300002 -110.005561", **LatLongDMS:** "40:18:00 N 110:00:20 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.300002,-110.005561)", **State/Prov:** "Utah", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 29948 (FED599C9)
**Date:** 11/20/1967
**Location:** Roosevelt, UT
**Description:** 10:00 p.m. MST. A man saw pulsating, rotating , red, green, and amber lights about 100 yards away. A shadowy round area could be seen below the lights. (Salisbury, 1974, Appendix B, Table 1, case 58.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3877
### Event 29949 (374A5625)
**Date:** 11/20/1967
**Description:** At 10:00 p.m. east of Roosevelt, Utah a UFO was sighted with pulsating, rotating green, red, and amber lights. The object had a shadowy round shape below the lighted area. It moved slowly at first, then very fast, and made several maneuvers.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Frank Salisbury, The Utah UFO Display, Appendix case no. 58
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7749
### Event 29950 (C3B22338)
**Date:** 11/21/1967
**Time:** 16:40
**Description:** 2M-cylinder/cylindrical object hovers / 10 minute(s). Going quickly northwest. Leaves vapor trail. / LDLN#115.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HOBANA Ion & WEVERBERGH,Julien: UFO'S from BEHIND the IRON CURTAIN; Bantam Books,1975. 308pp. (Index 161)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8578
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Romania", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "11", **HatchDesc:** "POIENARII BURCHI,ROMANIA:2M-CYL HVRS/10min:>>NW:leaves vapor trail:/LDLN#115", **LatLong:** "44.750002 26.016668", **LatLongDMS:** "44:45:00 N 26:01:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.750002,26.016668)", **State/Prov:** "PRH", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 29951 (053A0915)
**Date:** 11/21/1967
**Time:** 17:30
**Location:** SOFIA, BULG
**Description:** Large object / 30km altitude changes shape several X. Film and photographs. / r84p193+/ r193#15.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 52)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8579
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **MIL:** Military investigation
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Bulgaria", **Credibility:** "12", **Duration:** "30", **HatchDesc:** "SOFIA,BULG:LRG OBJ/30km alt CHANGES SHAPE SVRL X:FILM+FOTOS:/r84p193+/r193#15", **LatLong:** "42.700002 23.333334", **LatLongDMS:** "42:42:00 N 23:20:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.700002,23.333334)", **State/Prov:** "Sofia", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29952 (661CD5FB)
**Date:** 11/21/1967
**Location:** Sofia, Bulgaria
**Description:** 5:10 p.m. LT. An unknown number of witnesses saw a slowly moving, high altitude object emitting a pale blue light over the city. First it looked like a large ball, then it stopped directly over Sofia and had a trapezoid shape. (U.F.O. Investigator, 5 Vol. IV, No. 4, Jan.-Feb. 1968, p. 3.) \[Possible high-altitude plastic research balloon\] (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3878
### Event 29953 (288EFF95)
**Date:** 11/21/1967
**Location:** Poienarii Burchii, Romania
**Description:** 4:30 p.m. David V. Marin sees an object that looks like an upside-down candle from his backyard at the edge of Poienarii Burchii, Romania. He watches it for 10 minutes as it hovers at about 90 feet. It starts moving slowly northwest and its tail elongates.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Romania 15–16
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4454
### Event 29954 (473E5951)
**Date:** 11/21/1967
**Description:** An Aer Lingus airliner, flying at 10,000 feet to Dublin, Ireland above Falkirk, Scotland, saw a brightly illuminated white object with a contrail. There was no radar contact of the UFO by Scottish Air Traffic Control.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Dermot Butler, Conspiracy of Silence: UFOs in Ireland, p. 24
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7772
### Event 29955 (D7CD68D4)
**Date:** 11/22/1967
**Location:** FRANCE, Fleury d'Aude (Narbonne)
**Description:** (Translated from French) At 9pm, a group of rugby players training received the visit of a large lens surrounded by blue, which came to frolic above the sports field. It stopped on the ground or very close to the ground and in a strong emission of light returned to its initial orbit. The UFO produced a sound not comparable to that of an engine.
**Reference:** J.G. DOHMEN: "To Identify and the Adamski Case" - ed. Guy Dohmen, Biarritz 1972, p. 76
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2487
### Event 29956 (7CA521E4)
**Date:** 11/22/1967
**Time:** 14:00
**Location:** NEAR PETRILA, ROM
**Description:** Many observer(s). Birds panic. Sombrero-saucer. Antennas / all over/all about. Going quickly northwest. / FSRv17#3.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 60)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8580
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Romania", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "nr PETRILA,ROM:MANY OBS:BIRDS PANIC:SOMBRERO-SCR:ANTENNAS/ALLO:>>NW:/FSRv17#3", **LatLong:** "45.450002 23.416668", **LatLongDMS:** "45:27:00 N 23:25:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.450002,23.416668)", **State/Prov:** "HND", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 29957 (BF55D83A)
**Date:** 11/22/1967
**Time:** 04:03:59.9
**Location:** 49.9419 77.6868
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: .001KT YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1309
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.9419 77.6868", **LatLongDMS:** "49:56:31 N 77:41:12 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.9419,77.6868)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "4.80", **NukeSource:** "BOCHAROV", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** ".001", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 29958 (CC732FAC)
**Date:** 11/22/1967
**Location:** Washington, D.C.
**Description:** [Saunders](https://psycnet.apa.org/record/1993-27194-001) pays [Keyhoe](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald%5FKeyhoe) a surprise visit in Washington, D.C., and allows him to photocopy the [Low](http://ufohistoryfiles.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/CO%2067%20NEWS.pdf) memorandum, saying it should be shared with the NICAP board. Roger Harkins hears about the memo about the same time.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** UFOs Yes, 179, 193–194
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4455
### Event 29959 (CEA7C1A5)
**Date:** 11/22/1967
**Locations:** UK; US
**Description:** MP [Patrick Wall](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patrick%5FWall) asks the UK Secretary of State for Defence [Merlyn Rees](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Merlyn%5FRees) what exchange of UFO information between the UK, US, and Russian governments is taking place. Rees replies that the ministry is in touch with the Americans but not the Russians.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Good Above, [p. 66](https://archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/66/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4456
### Event 29960 (808F1CA6)
**Date:** 11/22/1967
**Location:** Petrila, Romania
**Description:** 12:30 p.m. Ladislau Schmidt is sitting in his kitchen in Petrila, Romania, with the outside door open. Suddenly his chickens run inside the house, terrified. Looking up, he sees a silvery disc-shaped object with a dome and antennas hovering at 15,000 feet. It rotates and moves away at high speed to the northwest until it is out of sight.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Hobana and Weverbergh 166–167
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4457
### Event 29961 (4328F001)
**Date:** 11/22/1967
**Location:** New Hampshire coastline
**Description:** 4:25 p.m. US Coast Guard Lt. Cmdr. [John Rich Butler](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/58413963/john-rich-butler) and copilot Lt. John H. Gould are flying 10 miles off the New Hampshire coastline when they see an object like a white rocket flying with a lateral motion. It first moves upward for 2 seconds at the rear of the aircraft. It reappears and disappears twice, then another object that looks like a light aircraft with an unusual white, flashing light passes above them at a distance of 100–200 feet. Gould has the impression it has swept wings.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** NICAP case file; Jan L. Aldrich, “[Updated Draft Catalogue of](http://www.project1947.com/47cats/usnavydraft2.htm) [UFOs/USOs Reported by Seagoing Services, NavCat 2,0, 1964–2007,](http://www.project1947.com/47cats/usnavydraft2.htm)” 2015
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4458
### Event 29962 (F43020B5)
**Date:** 11/23/1967
**Location:** HILLEROD, DK
**Description:** Slow large glowing object drops sparks. Changes color(s). Vanishes.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** STEIGER, Brad & WHRITENOUR, Joan: FLYING SAUCER INVASION. Award Books, NY 1969. 156pp PB. 15 Essays + catalog. (Index 106)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8581
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Scandanavian and Finland", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "7", **HatchDesc:** "HILLEROD,DK:SLOW LRG GLOWING OBJ DROPS SPARKS:CHANGES CLRS:VANISHES", **LatLong:** "55.916669 12.266667", **LatLongDMS:** "55:55:00 N 12:16:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/55.916669,12.266667)", **State/Prov:** "Danemark", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 29963 (5ADE0CB5)
**Date:** 11/23/1967
**Time:** 04:50
**Description:** 2 observer(s). 2-legged stool-UFO over Lake Krupat. / APRO Jan'68.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HOBANA Ion & WEVERBERGH,Julien: UFO'S from BEHIND the IRON CURTAIN; Bantam Books,1975. 308pp. (Index 203)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8582
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Former Yugoslavia", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "NIKSIC,MONTENEGRO:2 OBS:2-LEGGED STOOL-UFO OVR LAKE KRUPAT:/APRO Jan'68", **LatLong:** "42.811113 19.044445", **LatLongDMS:** "42:48:40 N 19:02:40 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.811113,19.044445)", **State/Prov:** "MNT", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 29964 (7EEC029D)
**Date:** 11/23/1967
**Location:** Zagreb, Yugoslavia
**Description:** Picture taken by Farcich Zoran, near Zagreb. (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)
**Reference:** NICAP: [671123](http://www.ufocasebook.com/zagrebyugoslavia1967large.jpg)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3879
### Event 29965 (7AAE9230)
**Date:** 11/23/1967
**Description:** Two UFOs with lights blinded a man while he was driving his truck at dusk in Ivangrad, Yugoslavia. One object hung close to ground for 15 minutes, then took off vertically.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** APRO Bulletin, November-December 1967, p. 7
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7842
### Event 29966 (36166590)
**Date:** 11/24/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In Rio de Janeiro \(Brazil\), technician Ugo Battaglia \(39 years old\) and 1 boy heard a loud sound and saw a shiny, metallic, disc-shaped object descend, touch a tree and stay, with 3 tall men in white suits walking around. The boy would later suffer from severe headaches. Traces (November 24, 2:30 PM)
**Reference:** [APRO](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/APRO.html) Nov., 67 \< [Vallée](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/ValleeJacques.html) 1969, 900
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2399
### Event 29967 (0880B3E2)
**Date:** 11/24/1967
**Time:** 09:30
**Location:** TUSCUMBIA, MO
**Description:** 1 observer. Silent silver banded cone going east. Circles 360° 3X. Heads back going west.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 8)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8583
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "226", **HatchDesc:** "TUSCUMBIA,MO:1 OBS:SLNT SLVR BANDED CONE > E:CIRCLES 360° 3X:HEADS BACK >W", **LatLong:** "38.233335 -92.455560", **LatLongDMS:** "38:14:00 N 92:27:20 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.233335,-92.455560)", **State/Prov:** "Missouri", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29968 (2AAA017C)
**Date:** 11/24/1967
**Time:** 14:30
**Location:** COPACABANA, BRZ
**Description:** 2+1 observer(s). Saucer going down. Hits tree. Hovers. 3 pseudo-human/entity / white overalls walk. / r222p56.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 815)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8584
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "25", **Elev:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "COPACABANA,BRZ:2+1 OBS:SCR ↓:HITS TREE:HVRS:3 PSH/WHT OVERALLS WALK:/r222p56", **LatLong:** "-22.950001 -43.166669", **LatLongDMS:** "22:57:00 S 43:10:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-22.950001,-43.166669)", **State/Prov:** "RDJ", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 29969 (AE56CAED)
**Date:** 11/24/1967
**Location:** Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
**Description:** 2:30 p.m. Three small white-clad figures (humanoids) were seen around a disc that had a dome and red body lights. Physical traces were found at the site. (APRO Bulletin, Nov.-Dec. 1967, p. 3.) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3880
### Event 29970 (6F2EC9D7)
**Date:** 11/24/1967
**Time:** 1430
**Location:** Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
**Description:** Technician Ugo Battaglia, 39, and a boy, heard a high-pitched sound and saw a bright, metallic, disk-shaped object come down, hit a tree and hover, while three tall men in white coveralls walked around. The boy later suffered severe headaches. Traces.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** APRO Nov., 67 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_900
### Event 29971 (0D025504)
**Date:** 11/24/1967
**Locations:** Canada; University of Toronto
**Description:** Canadian Wing Commander D. F. Robertson, after advocating that the RCAF transfer its UFO files to the National Research Council, writes a memo urging the NRC to work with the University of Toronto and the Department of National Defence in investigating Canadian UFO reports.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Good Above, [p. 192](https://archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/192/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4459
### Event 29972 (971866AA)
**Date:** 11/24/1967
**Description:** At 2:30 p.m. Sr. Ugo Battaglia, a radio technician, and his 14-year-old assistant Carlos Alberto do Nascimento, were in an eighth floor apartment building repairing a phonograph in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil when they heard a high-pitched sound. They looked out a window facing the coastal hills and saw a brilliant metallic disc-shaped object. It landed on a hill opposite the apartment building. The UFO struck and shattered a tree as it came down. Underneath at either end was a red light, and on top was a spinning cupola with slat windows. Three men clad in white coveralls came out of the UFO, which hovered just above the ground. They walked around it side by side with their arms hanging by their sides. After about five minutes they returned to the disc and disappeared underneath it. The two witnesses continued their work and left the building at 2:55 p.m., noticing that the disc was still in the same spot, but by the time they reached a nearby corner the UFO was no longer in view. They had not seen it depart.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Irene Granchi, APRO Bulletin, November-December 1967, p. 3; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1967-117, citing Irene Granchi, APRO; John A. Keel, Operation Trojan Horse, p. 139; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty-Year Report, p. 474
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7873
### Event 29973 (3C6BA937)
**Date:** 11/24/1967
**Description:** At 9:30 a.m. EST a witness named King in Tuscumbia, Missouri observed a silver banded, cone-shaped UFO that flew silently toward the east, then circled 360 degrees three times before heading back to the west.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Ted R. Phillips, FSR Case Histories, December 1971, p. 10
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7874
### Event 29974 (FE5ECD1C)
**Date:** 11/25/1967
**Location:** Mikhaylovka, Russia
**Description:** Midnight. V. Rogov was listening to the radio inside his home when a bright green light called his attention outside. He saw an object flying at great speed across the sky. (Ref. 3) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3881
### Event 29975 (44403BA3)
**Date:** Late 11/1967
**Locations:** Baltic Sea; Liepāja, Latvia
**Description:** Night. A large, illuminated hemispherical object appears low over the shore of the Baltic Sea near Liepāja, Latvia. Its light is difficult to look at with the naked eye. Later it begins to move and quickly vanishes over the horizon.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Stonehill and Mantle, Russia’s USO Secrets, Flying Disk, 2020, p. 171
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4453
### Event 29976 (8B3E5E2B)
**Date:** 11/26/1967
**Description:** Saucer flies / woods. Big forest fire despite rain. / LDLN#94.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HOBANA Ion & WEVERBERGH,Julien: UFO'S from BEHIND the IRON CURTAIN; Bantam Books,1975. 308pp. (Index 203)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8585
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Former Yugoslavia", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "KOMOVI FOREST,MONTENEGRO:SCR FLIES/WOODS:BIG FOREST FIRE DESPITE RAIN:/LDLN#94", **LatLong:** "42.833335 19.666668", **LatLongDMS:** "42:50:00 N 19:40:00 E", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.833335,19.666668)", **State/Prov:** "MNT", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29977 (F9941428)
**Date:** 11/26/1967
**Time:** 15:40
**Location:** 75KM EAST / EL CAJON, CA
**Description:** Pilot. 12M bell saucer paces plane going east / 55km. Going quickly east rising fast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 817)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8586
**Attributes:** **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "4", **Elev:** "1200", **HatchDesc:** "75km E/El CAJON,CA:PILOT:12M BELL SCR PACES PLANE >E/55km:>>E RISING FAST", **LatLong:** "32.750002 -116.250006", **LatLongDMS:** "32:45:00 N 116:15:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/32.750002,-116.250006)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 29978 (2F2C3E37)
**Date:** 11/27/1967
**Location:** Fayette County, IN
**Description:** 9:00 p.m. The object was observed by four witnesses at a rural home. The object dropped down near three other witnesses in a car on a rural road northwest of the Philco-Ford Manufacturing Plant. (Don Worley files) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3882
### Event 29979 (AA0E4B4F)
**Date:** 11/28/1967
**Time:** 02:30
**Location:** AMERICANA, BRZ
**Description:** Cop. 150' metallic cylinder/cigar-shape spins / short axis. Hums. Car malfunctions due to EME (electro-magnetic effects). 2 figure(s) and telepathy. / r148.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 825)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8587
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **TLP:** Telepathy, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **CVS:** Conversation/communication, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "593", **HatchDesc:** "AMERICANA,BRZ:COP:150'MTLC CGR SPINs/SHORT AXIS:HUMS:CAR EMES:2 FIGs+TLP:/r148", **LatLong:** "-22.766668 -47.316669", **LatLongDMS:** "22:46:00 S 47:19:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-22.766668,-47.316669)", **State/Prov:** "São Paulo", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 29980 (FB1078D2)
**Date:** 11/28/1967
**Location:** High River, Alta., CAN
**Description:** Elongated blue-green object, sound like "jet motor," flew by, after which lights, radio worked normally. CUFOS report; see Rodeghier, 1981, p.39 (R,L) car (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3883
### Event 29981 (6D4B8E32)
**Date:** 11/28/1967
**Description:** At 2:18 a.m. farmer Wilson Gusmao, who had been involved in previous humanoid encounters, was awakened in Alexania, Goias State, Brazil by a telepathic voice that called his name. He got out of bed and upon raising the curtain he noticed a huge bright light resting on the ground about 100 meters from his house. He attempted to wake up his wife but to no avail. He also attempted to get his brother in law to wake up, but with the same negative results. Walking to the living room he could now clearly see a landed object encased in a bright blue glow that was about five meters in diameter. He left a written note to his wife, telling her that he was going to check a landed "spacecraft," grabbed a flashlight, and walked outside. It was raining very heavily at the time that Wilson approached the UFO, getting to within three meters. A bright beam of light then struck Wilson around the waist, causing him to levitate closer to the object and completely paralyzing him. A door now opened and Wilson could see the inside of the craft clearly. He saw four humanoids, all dressed in tight-fitting coveralls. They wore a belts with large buckles that had what looke like "piano keys" on them. The beings stared at Wilson intently. Wilson somehow felt inferior when the humanoids watched him. He described them as human looking with long blond hair. Their skin appeared porcelain-white, as if they had never been exposed to any sunlight. The leader of the group conversed with Wilson and gave him several messages dealing with nuclear armaments on Earth. Wilson was to have later contacts along with members of the Brazilian defense establishment including General Uchoa.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case # 895, citing Methodios Kalkaslief; Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1967, citing Revista Brasileira de OVNIS
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7988
### Event 29982 (B12A9C32)
**Date:** 11/28/1967
**Description:** At 2:30 a.m. a Brazilian highway patrolman saw an immense object near Americana, Sau Paulo State, Brazil "as high as a 15-story building, apparently made of aluminum and with enormous rivets on it." It descended and hovered 50 yards from the ground. It carried searchlights too bright to look at, and made a loud humming sound that made the patrolman's head ache. His police car would not start and its lights went out, as well as the lights in the police booth, but they came back on as soon as the object departed.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** APRO Bulletin, September-October 1968, p. 5; Richard F. Haines, CE-5: Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1967-118, citing Methodios Kalkaslief & Dr. Max Berezavsky
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7989
### Event 29983 (2E92DCDD)
**Date:** 11/28/1967
**Description:** At 7:15 p.m. three witnesses in Rockport, Maine had a close encounter with a row of 8-10 blinking white lights, and a parallel upper row of yellow lights, that seemed to be attached to a curved surface of a flying object.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Raymond E. Fowler, UFOs: Interplanetary Visitors, p.
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7990
### Event 29984 (48C4415A)
**Date:** 11/28/1967
**Description:** At 10:20 p.m. near High River, Alberta, Canada a car radio began fading in and out and the headlights and dashboard lights dimmed. The witness then saw a bluish-green, elongated object to his left. It was quite fuzzy and no details could be made out. He stopped the car and heard a noise like a "jet motor," only very loud. The object continued traveling on a straight line towards the east and disappeared, whereupon the lights and radio then started operating properly.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** APRO Bulletin, January-February 1968, p. 5; Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, case 226, citing CUFOS
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7991
### Event 29985 (E6A745CF)
**Date:** 11/29/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In Yarmouth \(Canada\), Percy McBride sees a flashing object, the size of a wagon, with 2 antennas, coming from the East and landing in the woods for 15 minutes. It makes a clicking sound and a noise like 6 radio receivers placed on different stations. It has a square protuberance, like a box supported by a tube underneath (November 29, 2:00)
**Reference:** [APRO](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/APRO.html) Jan., 68 \< [Vallée](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/ValleeJacques.html) 1969, 901
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2400
### Event 29986 (6DD5BBD4)
**Date:** 11/29/1967
**Time:** 02:00
**Location:** YARMOUTH, NS
**Description:** 3M UFO lands / woods / 15 minute(s). Crazy noise. Box hangs / pole. / APRO Jan'68.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 52)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8588
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "15", **Elev:** "12", **HatchDesc:** "YARMOUTH,NS:3M UFO LANDS/WOODS/15min:CRAZY NOISE:BOX HANGS/POLE:/APRO Jan'68", **LatLong:** "43.850002 -66.100003", **LatLongDMS:** "43:51:00 N 66:06:00 W", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.850002,-66.100003)", **State/Prov:** "Nova Scotia", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 29987 (0459C092)
**Date:** 11/29/1967
**Location:** Quinan, Nova Scotia, CAN
**Description:** 2:00 a.m. AST. A man saw an object the size of a car with a rounded back, a pointed end, and two or three lights (body lights). It descended and landed in a clearing in woods for about 5 minutes. (The Vanguard, Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, 12/6/67, copy in NICAP files; U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. IV, No. 4, Jan.-Feb. 1968, p. 6.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3884
### Event 29988 (C631D397)
**Date:** 11/29/1967
**Time:** 0200
**Location:** Yarmouth, Canada
**Description:** Percy McBride saw a flashing object, the size of a station wagon, with two aerials, arrive from the east and land in a woods for 15 min. It made a clicking sound and a noise similar to six radio receivers tuned on different stations. It had a square, boxlike protuberance supported by a pole underneath.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** APRO Jan., 68 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_901
### Event 29989 (1235C6E7)
**Date:** 11/29/1967
**Description:** At around 2:00 a.m. Percy McBride saw a flashing flying object, the size of a station wagon with two aerials, arrive from the east and land in the woods near Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada for 15 minutes. It made a clicking sound and a noise similar to six radio receivers tuned to different stations. It had a square, boxlike protuberance supported by a pole underneath.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** APRO Bulletin, January-February 1968; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case # 901
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8032
### Event 29990 (F84D4982)
**Date:** 11/30/1967
**Location:** Wisconsin State University–Oshkosh
**Description:** Allen R. Utke, Wisconsin State University–Oshkosh assistant professor of chemistry, writes [Gerald Ford](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gerald%5FFord) in support of House Resolution 946 sponsored by Rep. [Louis C. Wyman](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louis%5FC.%5FWyman), remarking that the UFO “phenomenon could be of great importance and concern to this country.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Bill Murphy, “The Swamp Gas Aftermath: Some Notes from the Gerald Ford Files,” IUR 33, no. 2 \(July 2010\): 14
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4460
### Event 29991 (639CDE9D)
**Date:** 12/1967
**Location:** USSR, TIOURATAM
**Reference:** "The War of the Satellites" - Volume 3 - Pierre Kohler, ed. Famot 1982, p. 100
**Reference:** RADAR
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2493
### Event 29992 (3C0A7BFB)
**Date:** 12/1967 (approximate)
**Location:** PRISTINA, SERBIA
**Description:** 100 observer(s). Star outmaneuvers jet. Very high and faster. During Yugo wave.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HOBANA Ion & WEVERBERGH,Julien: UFO'S from BEHIND the IRON CURTAIN; Bantam Books,1975. 308pp. (Index 92)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8589
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **MIL:** Military investigation
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Former Yugoslavia", **Credibility:** "12", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "PRISTINA,SERBIA:100 OBS:STAR OUTMANEUVERS JET:VHIGH+FASTER:DURING YUGO WAVE", **LatLong:** "42.650002 21.200001", **LatLongDMS:** "42:39:00 N 21:12:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.650002,21.200001)", **State/Prov:** "SRB", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 29993 (817DB978)
**Date:** 12/1967
**Time:** 19:30
**Location:** WEST / LAMBALLE, FR
**Description:** Many / train. Luminous ball follows train. Lights inside / cars. 15 minute(s) / panic.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BOEDEC, Jean-Francois: Les OVNI EN BRETAGNE, Anatomie d'un Phenomene. 1978 Editions Fernand Lanore, Paris. (Index 32)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8590
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "15", **HatchDesc:** "W/LAMBALLE,FR:MANY/TRAIN:LUMn.BALL FOLOS TRAIN:LITES INSIDE/CARS:15min/PANIC", **LatLong:** "48.466669 2.583333", **LatLongDMS:** "48:28:00 N 02:35:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.466669,2.583333)", **State/Prov:** "CDN", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 29994 (B88C98E7)
**Date:** 12/1967 (approximate)
**Description:** November-December wave / UFO's. Damaged trees etc.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HOBANA Ion & WEVERBERGH,Julien: UFO'S from BEHIND the IRON CURTAIN; Bantam Books,1975. 308pp. (Index 91)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8591
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **RDR:** Radar traces/blips, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Former Yugoslavia", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "208", **HatchDesc:** "KOMOVI FOREST nr IVANGRAD,MONTENEGRO,YUG:NOV-DEC WAVE/UFOS:DAMAGED TREES ETC", **LatLong:** "42.833335 19.833334", **LatLongDMS:** "42:50:00 N 19:50:00 E", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.833335,19.833334)", **State/Prov:** "MNT", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 29995 (13F951DD)
**Date:** 12/1967
**Location:** Physics Department
**Description:** The Soviet Academy of Sciences’ Physics Department, led by [Lev Artsimovich](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lev%5FArtsimovich)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lev%5FArtsimovich) passes a resolution denouncing studying of UFOs as such. The Soviet UFO Study Group is effectively neutered.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Felix](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Felix%5FZiegel) [Ziegel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Felix%5FZiegel)”; Hobana and Weverbergh 36–37
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4462
### Event 29996 (7FD8BE6F)
**Date:** 12/1/1967
**Location:** Coarsegold, CA
**Description:** Time not reported. A man saw 12 objects displaying green, blue-green, yellow, red, and white lights (body lights). (Phone call, NICAP file memo.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3885
### Event 29997 (C2B78F52)
**Date:** 12/1/1967
**Description:** [Condon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward%5FCondon) and [Low](http://ufohistoryfiles.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/CO%2067%20NEWS.pdf) write [Keyhoe](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald%5FKeyhoe) back separately and do not commit to looking at his reports, although they praise NICAP’s assistance.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[The Colorado Project Report,](http://www.cufos.org/UFOI%5Fand%5FSelected%5FDocuments/UFOI/040%20JAN-FEB%201968.pdf)” UFO Investigator 4, no. 4 \(Jan./Feb. 1968\): 5
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4463
### Event 29998 (45F78869)
**Date:** 12/2/1967
**Location:** ROMANIA, unspecified
**Description:** (Translated from French) Around midnight, while taking the air in his garden (note from vog: in December? what a heat my ancestors!) a Romanian was witness to the passage of a shining object that was moving at an extraordinary speed. The device in question had the shape of a cylinder and its luminosity resembled that of the sun when it is reflected by a window.
**Reference:** Jean-Marie DOUCHET - Nostra - 6.11.1979
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2488
### Event 29999 (B9FBDC68)
**Date:** 12/2/1967
**Time:** 21:30
**Description:** Bullet-cone hovers / 2 hours. Going north. Many HIQ military observer(s). Same 4 Dec. '67.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HOBANA Ion & WEVERBERGH,Julien: UFO'S from BEHIND the IRON CURTAIN; Bantam Books,1975. 308pp. (Index 176)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8592
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **MIL:** Military investigation
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Romania", **Credibility:** "12", **Duration:** "120", **HatchDesc:** "BANEASA AIRFIELD,ROMANIA:BULLET-CONE HVRS/2hrs:>N:MANY HIQ MIL OBS:SAME 4DEC67", **LatLong:** "44.566669 26.088890", **LatLongDMS:** "44:34:00 N 26:05:20 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.566669,26.088890)", **State/Prov:** "Bucharest", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30000 (856B4E88)
**Date:** 12/2/1967
**Locations:** Băneasa Airfield; Aurel Vlaicu International Airport; Bucharest, Romania
**Description:** 9:30 p.m. A lieutenant-major in the Romanian army is on duty in the radar station at Băneasa Airfield \[now Aurel Vlaicu International Airport\] near Bucharest, Romania, when he goes outside to observe an airplane. But the supposed aircraft is a strong, stationary light 30–40° in the north that descends rapidly, ascends again, moves left to right, then descends again. Through binoculars it looks conical or bullet shaped. Dozens of other personnel watch it until it disappears around 11:30 p.m.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Hobana and Weverbergh 176–177
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4464
### Event 30001 (D97825D3)
**Date:** 12/2/1967
**Description:** At 9:30 p.m. a bullet or cone-shaped UFO hovered for two hours over the Baneasa airfield in the Bucuresti province of Romania. It then flew off to the north. There were many high quality military observers.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Ion Hobana and Julien Weberbergh, UFOs from Behind the Iron Curtain, p. 176
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8125
### Event 30002 (C4CB3207)
**Date:** 12/3/1967
**Location:** Nebraska
**Description:** Abduction of Herbert Schirmer, a Nebraska patrolmen. Was told there were alien bases off the Florida coast, the polar region, and off the coast of Argentina. Motherships were cigar shaped, 6ft diameters discs for recon surveillance.
**Type:** abduction
**Reference:** Matrix 1, Valerian
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_650
### Event 30003 (F6C8A0EF)
**Date:** 12/3/1967
**Location:** USA, Ashland (Nebraska)
**Description:** (Translated from French) At 8:30 PM (or 2:30 AM) police officer Herbert Schirmer, patrolling at night in his car, encountered a UFO which paralyzed him with a beam and he had a "conversation" with one of the occupants of the craft. (He saw an object with a row of blinking lights. Thinking it was a truck, the policeman "put on his headlights". The object took off (...) He returned home with a strong headache and heard a buzzing that prevented him from sleeping. He also had a red spot under his left ear) In Boulder (Colorado) he was put into a hypnotic state in order to be questioned about his encounter. It was Dr. Leo Sprinkle, a psychologist at the University of Wyoming, who conducted the hypnosis and the interrogation.
**Reference:** for the parenthetical addition and italics..: Jacques VALLEE: "Autres dimensions" - trad. Robert Laffont 1989 - p. 266
**Reference:** Henry DURRANT: "Le livre noir des S.V." - Laffont 1970 - p.215
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2489
### Event 30004 (F02C26A5)
**Date:** 12/3/1967
**Location:** Spain, Barcelona
**Description:** (Translated from French) A woman encountered a strange small entity resembling a cactus with four limbs leaving deep tracks.
**Reference:** Jean FERGUSON: "All about Flying Saucers", ed. Leméac, Ottawa, 1972, p.214
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2490
### Event 30005 (3B7672F7)
**Date:** 12/3/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Police officer and patrolman [Herbert Schirmer](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/SchirmerHebert.html) encounters creatures outside of Ashland \(Nebraska\). (December 3rd, shortly after midnight)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2401
### Event 30006 (30C98C78)
**Date:** 12/3/1967
**Time:** 02:30
**Location:** ASHLAND, NE
**Description:** Cop Shirmer abduction and told much. / r4p216 / r11p268 / r69p109 / MJ#236 / r98#222.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 815)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8593
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens, **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **CVS:** Conversation/communication, **RDA:** Radiation/high energy fields detected, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "20", **Elev:** "326", **HatchDesc:** "ASHLAND,NE:COP SHIRMER ABD+TOLD MUCH:/r4p216/r11p268/r69p109/MJ#236/r98#222", **LatLong:** "41.050002 -96.383338", **LatLongDMS:** "41:03:00 N 96:23:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.050002,-96.383338)", **State/Prov:** "Nebraska", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 30007 (E07BFC99)
**Date:** 12/3/1967
**Time:** 02:40
**Location:** ASHLAND, NE
**Description:** Same cop. "UFO's show at random to avoid interference..". / NICAP v4#5.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Book: VALLEE, Jacques:The INVISIBLE COLLEGE; E. P. Dutton, NY 1975. Hardcover. (Washington, DC 1959 pg 74. Ashland, NE 1967 pg 57.)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8594
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens, **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **CVS:** Conversation/communication, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "326", **HatchDesc:** "ASHLAND,NE:SAME COP:"UFOs SHOW at random to avoid interference..":/NICAP v4#5", **LatLong:** "41.033335 -96.383338", **LatLongDMS:** "41:02:00 N 96:23:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.033335,-96.383338)", **State/Prov:** "Nebraska", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 30008 (5751B5BB)
**Date:** 12/3/1967
**Time:** 17:10
**Description:** Airline(s)/airliner crews and more/others. Luminous rocket test going quickly east / 5km altitude. Drops red fireball. Beams and more.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 204)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8595
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Russia", **Credibility:** "12", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "CAPE KAMENNY,RS++:AL CREWS++:LUMn.ROCKET TEST >>E/5km alt:DROPS RED FBL:BEAMS+", **LatLong:** "73.083337 74.750004", **LatLongDMS:** "73:05:00 N 74:45:00 E", **Locale:** "Tundra", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/73.083337,74.750004)", **State/Prov:** "PLR", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 30009 (25F43823)
**Date:** 12/3/1967
**Time:** 19:50
**Description:** Farmers chase night lights all over/all about. Appear and vanish. Dome / ground. Car buzzed.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 817)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8596
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "120", **Elev:** "460", **HatchDesc:** "nr CRYSTAL SPRs,SSK:FARMERS CHASE NLTS ALLO:APPEAR+VANISH:DOME/GND:CAR BUZZED", **LatLong:** "52.833336 -105.500005", **LatLongDMS:** "52:50:00 N 105:30:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/52.833336,-105.500005)", **State/Prov:** "Sasketchewan", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30010 (EF23E986)
**Date:** 12/3/1967
**Location:** Ashland, NE
**Description:** 2:30 a.m.CST. A police patrolman (Herbert Schirmer) saw a hovering, bright aluminum, elliptical object estimated to be 15 feet tall and 20 feet wide with flashing red lights inside. (Hall, 2001, p. 530-32, from: Blum and Blum, 1974, pp. 109-121; Gillmor, 1969, pp. 389-91; Story, 1980, pp. 318-19.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3886
### Event 30011 (FB87FAF1)
**Date:** 12/3/1967
**Location:** Ashland, NE
**Description:** 2:30 a.m.CST. A police patrolman (Herbert Schirmer) saw a hovering, bright aluminum, elliptical object estimated to be 15 feet tall and 20 feet wide with flashing red lights inside. Under hypnosis, the officer recalled EM effects on his vehicle, meeting with beings, and being on the craft. (Hall, 2001, p. 530-32, from: Blum and Blum, 1974, pp. 109-121; Gillmor, 1969, pp. 389-91; Story, 1980, pp. 318-19.) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3887
### Event 30012 (CFA30ADA)
**Date:** 12/3/1967
**Location:** Wakaw, Saskatchewan, CAN
**Description:** 7:45-10:00 p.m. CST. Numerous witnesses in several small towns saw four white or orange objects that appeared and disappeared over a 2-hour period. (Saskatoon UFO Club report, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3888
### Event 30013 (25B3D2C4)
**Date:** 12/3/1967
**Time:** 0230
**Location:** Ashland, Nebraska
**Description:** Police Officer Schirmer observed a bright, aluminum-colored object just above the road and approached within 14 m, when the object rose, emitting a shrill beeping noise and a red-orange beam. Under hypnosis at the University of Colorado, the witness reported that a small human form, about 1.30 m tall, came from under the craft and approached him to communicate a message stating that "they" came from space and would meet him again.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** FSR 68, 4 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_902
### Event 30014 (FEAD8438)
**Date:** 12/3/1967
**Location:** Ashland, NE
**Description:** Officer Herbert Schirmer vehicle encounter and abduction case
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_150
### Event 30015 (C2F645BE)
**Date:** 12/3/1967
**Locations:** Ashland, Nebraska; US Highway 6; State Route 63; Boulder, Colorado
**Description:** Early a.m. Police Sgt. [Herbert Schirmer](https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herbert%5FSchirmer) checks on restless cattle twice at a barn near Ashland, Nebraska. At 2:30 a.m. he is driving on US Highway 6 when he notices some red lights along State Route 63 that might be a stalled truck. He drives a short distance up that road and stops with his headlights shining on the object. The red lights are blinking through the windows of a disc hovering at a tilt 150 feet away and 6–8 feet above the road. It looks made of shiny, polished aluminum. It ascends slowly with a sort of siren sound and emits a flamelike substance from the bottom. His head sticking out the window, Schirmer watches it pass overhead then shoot up out of sight. He drives back to the police station and writes in the log book, “Saw a flying saucer at the junction of highways 6 and 63. Believe it or not!” He is puzzled to see it is 3:00 a.m. He gets a headache and a buzzing noise in his head. He also has a red welt below one of his ears. In the morning, Chief Bill Wlaskin goes to the site and finds a piece of metal that he shows to Colorado project investigators. It turns out to be composed of iron and silicon. On February 13, 1968, Schirmer is hypnotized in Boulder, Colorado, by [R. Leo Sprinkle](http://kevinrandle.blogspot.com/2021/11/leo-sprinkle-has-died.html). During the session he remembers that his car engine and radio failed, and a blurry white object came out of the UFO and communicated with him telepathically. He is taken on board by aliens \(who first ask him, “Are you the watchman over this place?”\). They are humanoids, 4–5 feet tall with long heads, gray-white skin, and cat-like eyes. They wear silver-gray helmets with small antennas on the left side of the ear area. Their uniforms and gloves are the same color. An unusual feature of this case is the emblem of a winged serpent on the left breast of each entity’s uniform. The Colorado project comes to a predictable conclusion: “Evaluation of psychological assessment tests, the lack of any evidence, and interviews with the patrolmen left project staff with no confidence that the trooper’s reported UFO experience was physically real.” Schirmer undergoes hypnosis again on June 8, 1968, and more details emerge.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clark III 1034–1038; Condon, [pp. 389–391](https://archive.org/details/scientificstudyo0000unse%5Fl5t2/page/388/mode/2up); Michael D. Swords, “Too Close for Condon: Close Encounters of the 4th Kind,” IUR 28, no. 3 \(Fall 2003\): 3–4; Story, [pp. 318–319](https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofuf0000unse/page/318/mode/2up); Kevin D. Randle, “[The](http://kevinrandle.blogspot.com/2008/10/schirmer-abduction.html) [Schirmer Abduction,](http://kevinrandle.blogspot.com/2008/10/schirmer-abduction.html)” A Different Perspective, October 13, 2008; Randle, Levelland, 2021, pp. 147–149
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4465
### Event 30016 (1DC4CBA0)
**Date:** 12/3/1967
**Description:** On this day in 1967 three important UFO cases occurred. In the middle of the afternoon, airline crews and others near Cape Kamennyy, Russia watched a luminous sphere in the sky drop a red fireball and emit beams of light.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8162
### Event 30017 (15A6D881)
**Date:** 12/3/1967
**Description:** About one-and-a-half hours earlier, at around 2:30 a.m. Central Standard Time, a famous UFO abduction case occurred in Ashland, Nebraska. Mr. Herbert L. Schirmer, a 22-year-old police officer and military veteran, noticed a glow in a nearby paddock while driving his patrol car along a highway. He pulled in to investigate, then his patrol car engine and lights died. He noticed a silver disc about 30 feet in diameter, surrounded by a brilliant orange glow. He remembered that he tried to send a two-way radio message, but an orange and red beam directed at him made it impossible for him to move. He remembered being taken aboard the craft by four aliens about 4.5 to 5 feet tall with slanted eyes. They used language and telepathy to communicate with him. He experienced temporary amnesia for about 30 minutes, followed by headaches and other physiological effects. The case was thoroughly investigated by the Air Force sponsored University of Colorado UFO study, headed by Edward Condon, with mixed conclusions. Hypnosis was used to enhance memory recall, and the two psychological experts called in to evaluate the case developed opposite opinions. One believed the case was a hoax and Mr. Schirmer was a pathological liar, the other felt that Schirmer was totally sincere and found his account convincing.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP Investigator, March 1968, p. 3; APRO Bulletin, November-December 1967, p. 3; Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, p. 39; Richard Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty-Year Report, p. 173
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8163
### Event 30018 (7CCC6BEF)
**Date:** 12/3/1967
**Description:** That same night in Barcelona, Spain a “cactus-like” entity with four appendages—presumably two arms and two legs—was sighted. It left deep footprints in the soil.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos investigation files
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8164
### Event 30019 (4D367143)
**Date:** 12/4/1967
**Description:** Chilean Navy man photographs domed disk. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The UFO REGISTER. CONTACT INTERNATIONAL/UK. (annual sightings catalog.) (Index 77)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8597
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Antarctic below 70 degrees South", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "nr DECEPTION ISL,ANTARCTICA:CHILEAN NAVY MAN FOTOS DOMED DISK:NFD", **LatLong:** "-62.916670 -72.000003", **LatLongDMS:** "62:55:00 S 72:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Offshore", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-62.916670,-72.000003)", **State/Prov:** "DCI", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30020 (4F25629A)
**Date:** 12/4/1967
**Location:** Newfield, NY
**Description:** 1:30 p.m. EST. A couple saw two round convex (disc-like) silver objects with windows around the rim. Their size was estimated as 15-20 feet in diameter and 5 feet thick in the center. The objects hovered at about 100 feet, separated, came back together and disappeared. (Unidentified newspaper clipping, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3889
### Event 30021 (3083D0CA)
**Date:** 12/5/1967
**Location:** Concordia, Kansas
**Description:** 10:30 p.m. Six teenagers returning from a basketball game in Concordia, Kansas, detour to drive by a cemetery. They see a light blinking in the sky ahead, moving in an up-and-down motion to the north. It appears to be flashing different colors or rotating. They follow it for about two miles, hoping for a better look.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Condon, [pp.](https://archive.org/details/scientificstudyo0000unse%5Fl5t2/page/390/mode/2up) [391–394](https://archive.org/details/scientificstudyo0000unse%5Fl5t2/page/390/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4466
### Event 30022 (A8D78A08)
**Date:** 12/6/1967
**Location:** QUINAN, NS
**Description:** Car-sized object lands hill. Rounded rear and pointed front. Flaming takeoff!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Database/website: UFOROM/Manitoba, Canada: Chris Rutkowski: www.iufog.org/zines/sgj/uforom.html
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8598
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "20", **HatchDesc:** "QUINAN,NS:CAR-SIZED OBJ LANDS HILL:ROUNDED REAR+POINTED FRONT:FLAMING TAKEOFF!", **LatLong:** "43.922224 -65.833336", **LatLongDMS:** "43:55:20 N 65:50:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.922224,-65.833336)", **State/Prov:** "Nova Scotia", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 30023 (CF894111)
**Date:** 12/6/1967
**Time:** 07:00
**Description:** 2 observer(s). 110cm small humanoid (or Grey) / bloated suit and helmet glides by. Waves arm 2X.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 195)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8599
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NFO:** No craft seen, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "PIERRE BUFFIERE,FR:2 OBS:110cm OID/BLOATED SUIT+HELMET GLIDES BY:WAVES ARM 2X", **LatLong:** "45.700002 1.350000", **LatLongDMS:** "45:42:00 N 01:21:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.700002,1.350000)", **State/Prov:** "CRZ", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 30024 (42022597)
**Date:** 12/6/1967
**Location:** Harrisburg, PA
**Description:** 9:25 p.m. EST. A woman saw an object with a hump (dome) on top and a "window effect" on the underside showing soft white light, and pulsating blue lights on each end (body lights). (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3890
### Event 30025 (6AC7CBC6)
**Date:** 12/6/1967
**Location:** 37.0000 -116.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Polka” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_519
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0000 -116.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:00 N 116:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0000,-116.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Polka", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 30026 (1DA81E52)
**Date:** 12/7/1967
**Location:** El Paso, TX
**Description:** Early evening. An attorney saw a shiny gray cylindrical object with legs and body lights on the underside. The object hovered at 200 feet, then moved away across the mountains. (Unidentified newspaper clipping, NICAP file; U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. IV, No. 5, March 1968, p. 3.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3891
### Event 30027 (B47B2F2B)
**Date:** 12/7/1967
**Location:** Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, CAN
**Description:** 8:00 p.m. CST. An 11- and a 4-year old saw a large red object that emitted a small fiery object about 8 inches in diameter with manv swirling colors, especially green, pink, and white. (Report from Saskatchewan UFO club, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3892
### Event 30028 (CB0279FC)
**Date:** 12/7/1967
**Description:** On this evening near El Paso, Texas William C. Collins observed an unidentified object hovering about 200 feet in the air. There appeared to be a humanoid figure onboard the object.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP UFO Investigator, March 1968, p. 3; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1967-121, citing a newspaper source
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8258
### Event 30029 (62C62A80)
**Date:** 12/8/1967
**Location:** IDAHO FALLS, ID
**Description:** Low saucer turns and tilts. 2 small humanoids (or Greys) in dome look down. Altitude = 100'. Distant = 300'.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: UNINVITED GUESTS; Aurora Press, Santa Fe, NM 1988. 381pp. (Index 62)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8600
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "1433", **HatchDesc:** "IDAHO FALLS,ID:LO SCR TURNS+TILTS:2 OIDS IN DOME LOOK DOWN:ALT=100':DIST=300'", **LatLong:** "43.516669 -112.016672", **LatLongDMS:** "43:31:00 N 112:01:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.516669,-112.016672)", **State/Prov:** "Idaho", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 30030 (FD2072E7)
**Date:** 12/8/1967
**Location:** Deputy, IN
**Description:** 12:30 a.m. EST. A woman reported a large bowl-shaped orange object that levitated her, and she suffered unspecified physiological effects. She had a time confusion and later reported visits by small beings and physical marks left on her body (suggested abduction). (Ridge, 1994, p. 24.) (NICAP: 05 - Medical Incidents) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3893
### Event 30031 (5E885B13)
**Date:** 12/8/1967
**Location:** Idaho. Falls, ID
**Description:** 7:40 p.m. MST. A 15-year-old girl saw a very bright white illuminated circular object (disc) the size of a car hovering over her house. (Hall, 2001, p. 459, from: Keyhoe and Lore, 1969a, pp. 29-30.) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3895
### Event 30032 (62C5E739)
**Date:** 12/8/1967
**Location:** Idaho Falls, ID
**Description:** Bright illumination from domed disc, object tipped forward, two humanoid figures visible inside. Object rotated, moved away
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_151
### Event 30033 (0556F18F)
**Date:** 12/8/1967
**Time:** 06:03:59.8
**Location:** 49.8171 78.1638
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: .001KT YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1310
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.8171 78.1638", **LatLongDMS:** "49:49:02 N 78:09:50 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.8171,78.1638)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.40", **NukeSource:** "BOCHAROV", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** ".001", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 30034 (0784D485)
**Date:** 12/8/1967
**Location:** Idaho Falls, Idaho
**Description:** 7:40 p.m. Marilyn Wilding, 15, goes out on her front step in Idaho Falls, Idaho, to look for a friend. A light reflecting on the snow on the ground causes her to look up, and she sees a brightly lit circular object “about as big as a car” hovering above the house. The object then tips and rotates so she can see it has a transparent dome on top. Inside the dome are two indistinct figures. The object rotates clockwise, maintaining its inclination. It begins moving away; as it recedes into the distance, its light dims and turns orange.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** UFOEv II 459; Northern Ontario UFO Research and Study, “[Circular Object with Dome and Two ‘Figures’ Inside](http://www.noufors.com/circular%5Fobject%5Fwith%5Fdome%5Fand%5Ftwo%5F%27figures%27%5Finside.html)”; Patrick Gross, “[Falls,](https://ufologie.patrickgross.org/htm/falls1967.htm) [Idaho, December 8, 1967](https://ufologie.patrickgross.org/htm/falls1967.htm)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4467
### Event 30035 (2A41028F)
**Date:** 12/10/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) The *New York Times* announces that the USSR establishes a government project to study UFOs \(the [Stolyarov Committee](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/Stolyarov.html)\). (December 10)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2402
### Event 30036 (AF7F9163)
**Date:** 12/10/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Two Soviet magazines in English, *Soviet Weekly* and *Sputnik*, published translations of a Russian article reporting an astonishing story originally published in a German vegetarian magazine called Das Vegetarische Universum \(with no bibliographical reference\) as well as in another UFO magazine from Germany, *UFO Nachrichten.* This was the discovery of Chinese archaeologist Tschi Pu-tei in 1938.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2403
### Event 30037 (3A9B2531)
**Date:** 12/10/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) The [DIA](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/DIA.html) obtains a MIG 21 which it supplies to [Groom Lake](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/Area51.html) for testing and names the program Have Doughnut. This marks the beginning of a MIG testing program which likely continues to this day.
**Reference:** Peebles 1995
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2404
### Event 30038 (6D0A3C17)
**Date:** 12/10/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) The magazine [*True*](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/TrueMagazine.html) publishes [*The True Report on Flying Saucers*](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/Documents/Articles/true/index.html) under the guidance of prominent figures in ufology, including [Donald Keyhoe](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/KeyhoeDonaldEdward.html), and containing exclusive photos collected by the [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) project, after 17 years of study on the subject.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2405
### Event 30039 (A36B8169)
**Date:** 12/10/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) The [Ummites](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/Ummo.html) begin their first long telephone dialogues. Most of the contacted, including the majority of the Madrid group, literally flee, including Dominguez, Aguire and many others. In Barcelona, Barranechea drops his old companion [Farriols](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/FarriolsRafael.html).
**Reference:** Petit 1991
**Reference:** Petit 1995
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2406
### Event 30040 (F7CFD4CB)
**Date:** 12/10/1967
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In a village \(France\), observation by 3 very close witnesses \(35 m\), with confirmation by 3 other observers for the arrival phase, of an ellipsoidal object of 10 to 12 m approximately of large axis, and 5 to 6 m of height, which brightly illuminates the ground with a white beam along its descent trajectory, during 1 minute, at a reconstructed speed of the order of 200 km/h during the descent, then 10 km/h during the village flyover, before making 4 to 5 oscillations in "dead leaf" at very low altitude, then landing in the garden of the main witness. The craft is orange-red luminous, it emits "flames" briefly by one end with a crackling noise while the rest of the 2 to 3 minutes of the total observation takes place in silence. One of the witnesses believes to have observed briefly a small character next to the UFO during the brief landing, then the device takes off slowly, inclines and is then seen as a very luminous red ball of 10 to 15 m in diameter which then suddenly leaves towards the starry sky where it disappears as a luminous point. The reconstructed duration of this sudden rise is 4 to 5 s. No trace was found on the ground. (9:45 PM)
**Reference:** Report CNES/CT/[GEPAN](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/GEPAN.html) No. 140, June 1978 \< [Poher](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/PoherClaude.html) 2003
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1967.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2407
### Event 30041 (1B3E2576)
**Date:** 12/10/1967
**Time:** 07:30
**Location:** BUCHAREST, ROM
**Description:** Many separate observer(s). Sphere/orb/globe with many antennas hovers / factory. / LDLN#115+/ r84p180.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 60)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8601
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Romania", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "15", **HatchDesc:** "BUCHAREST,ROM:MANY SEP.OBS:ORB W/MANY ANTENNAS HVRS/FACTORY:/LDLN#115+/r84p180", **LatLong:** "44.416669 26.083335", **LatLongDMS:** "44:25:00 N 26:05:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.416669,26.083335)", **State/Prov:** "Bucharest", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 30042 (31A42CE5)
**Date:** 12/10/1967
**Time:** 19:30:00.1
**Location:** 36.6778 -107.2083
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Gasbuggy” Yield: 29KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_520
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "36.6778 -107.2083", **LatLongDMS:** "36:40:40 N 107:12:30 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/36.6778,-107.2083)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "1.29", **NukeMb:** "5.10", **NukeName:** "Gasbuggy", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "29"
### Event 30043 (0A2526C7)
**Date:** 12/10/1967
**Locations:** Republic Factories; Bucharest, Romania; Magnet Strada
**Description:** 7:30 a.m. Psychologist Adina Păun is walking past the Republic Factories in Bucharest, Romania, when she sees a bluish-green object above the plant at about 45°. It has projecting, tapered spines that are as long as half its diameter. It is higher than rain clouds that sometimes obscure it, but lower than high-altitude, fast-moving white clouds. She continues watching it for 15 minutes as she walks along, but it drifts out of sight when she gets home on Magnet Strada.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Hobana and Weverbergh 180
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4468
### Event 30044 (732FD235)
**Date:** 12/10/1967
**Description:** Many independent witnesses at 7:30 a.m. in the city of Bucharest, Romania observed a sphere with many antennae hovering over a factory for 15 minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Ion Hobana & Julien Weverbergh, UFOs from Behind the Iron Curtain, p. 180; Lumieres dans la Nuit, issue 115; NICAP UFO Investigator, volume 4, number 12; Larry Hatch, U computer database, case 8028
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8300
### Event 30045 (186AA15D)
**Date:** 12/11/1967
**Location:** USA, Brooksville (Florida)
**Description:** (Translated from French) A teenage girl looking out the window of her bedroom, saw a furry creature with extremely long arms and legs, standing in the yard of the house. It was very dark but the young girl could clearly distinguish the silhouette of the being in question, swaying in the yard.
**Reference:** Jean FERGUSON: "The Humanoids..." - ed. Leméac, Ottawa 1977, p.169
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2491
### Event 30046 (D363EF50)
**Date:** 12/11/1967
**Location:** Chico, CA
**Description:** Night. Two women saw a hat-shaped object with a rounded top (domed disc), a glowing light in the center of the underside, and a series of blinking white and green lights along the rim (body lights). (Unidentified newspaper clipping, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3896
### Event 30047 (20D537CC)
**Date:** 12/12/1967
**Location:** USA, Ithaca (New York)
**Description:** (Translated from French) The voices seemed to come from a loudspeaker saying in unison the same thing, in an English that seemed translated as the words were chopped. (Henry DURRANT: "First Investigations on ET Humanoids" - Laffont 1977 - p. 186) A lady who wishes to remain anonymous had her car stopped by a flying saucer. She was driving towards her house at 7:15 pm with her 5-year-old son in the back seat. Suddenly she saw flashes of light through the windshield. She thought it was a police check. But then she saw an unusual object passing over her car. There were red and green lights, and the object was oval-shaped. The engine slowed down, all the electricity went out, so she stopped barely 40 meters from the first contact. The aerial object remained suspended above the car. Although the radio was not turned on, she heard like a choir, like a group saying the same thing at the same time, in the same tone but in a foreign language. A single voice seemed to speak in English telling her not to be afraid. Then the flying object started to move, and the car too, while the witness was not driving it, over a distance of two miles. When other cars appeared on the road, the UFO left and the witness finally regained normal control of her vehicle.
**Reference:** APRG, on the Internet in May 1997
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2492
### Event 30048 (4EE4B423)
**Date:** 12/12/1967
**Time:** 19:00
**Location:** LANSING, NY
**Description:** Red night light paces car. Beam. Voice says "your friend hurt bad". / MJ#236.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RODEGHIER, Mark/CUFOS: UFO REPORTS INVOLVING VEHICLE INTERFERENCE; CUFOS 1979. Available as CUFOS UFO Archive #1 CD-ROM. http://www.cufos.org/Pubform.pdf (Index 39)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8602
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **TLP:** Telepathy, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **CVS:** Conversation/communication, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "5", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "120", **HatchDesc:** "LANSING,NY:RED NLT PACES CAR:BEAM:VOICE SAYS "YOUR FRIEND HURT BAD":/MJ#236", **LatLong:** "42.483335 -76.494448", **LatLongDMS:** "42:29:00 N 76:29:40 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.483335,-76.494448)", **State/Prov:** "New York", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 30049 (2E963FAF)
**Date:** 12/12/1967
**Location:** Grand Rapids, MI
**Description:** Exact time not given. A woman and four others saw three silvery-white, oblong objects that were flat on the bottom, hat-shaped on top (domed disc). (Unidentified newspaper clipping, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3897
### Event 30050 (11313D6B)
**Date:** 12/12/1967
**Location:** Ithaca & Auburn bt., NY
**Description:** 6:45 p.m. EST. A woman driving with a child in the car reported that a disc with dome, red and green square windows, and white light from underneath passed near the car illuminating its interior and forcing the car off the road. (Syracuse Herald- Journal, N.Y., 12/21/67, copy in NICAP files. Case investigated by Ted Bloecher and J. E. McDonald, report in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3898
### Event 30051 (0113A3F1)
**Date:** 12/12/1967
**Description:** Levine, [Saunders](https://psycnet.apa.org/record/1993-27194-001)[,](https://psycnet.apa.org/record/1993-27194-001) and Mary Lou Armstrong bring [Hynek](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J.%5FAllen%5FHynek) together with [James McDonald](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James%5FE.%5FMcDonald) to discuss forming a new group after the project ends, no matter what its conclusion is. The meeting goes fairly well. After Hynek leaves, McDonald brings up the [Low](http://ufohistoryfiles.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/CO%2067%20NEWS.pdf) memorandum. He has apparently heard about it from [Keyhoe](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald%5FKeyhoe). Saunders gives him an official copy. Levine approaches [Craig](https://legacy.lib.utexas.edu/taro/tamucush/00151/tamu-00151.html) about a separate report, but Craig considers it mutiny.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** UFOs Yes, 179–180
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4469
### Event 30052 (EE121E67)
**Date:** 12/12/1967
**Location:** British Embassy in Moscow, Russia
**Description:** The British Embassy in Moscow, Russia, is directed by London to look into British-Russian cooperation in the investigation of UFO reports with Stolyarov’s Soviet UFO Study Group. The embassy does not hear back and does not pursue the subject.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Good Above, [pp. 234–235](https://archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/234/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4470
### Event 30053 (6876F728)
**Date:** 12/12/1967
**Locations:** Route 34; Newfield, New York
**Description:** 7:00 p.m. Rita Malley is driving home from work on Route 34 in Newfield, New York, with her young son. She notices a red light behind her. As it draws closer, she sees it is a disc-shaped object as large as a boxcar moving at about 90 feet above the road. Then it passes overhead and causes the car to go off the road into a ditch, and Malley became terrified. Her son in the back seat looks immobilized with his eyes “bugged out.” A white beam emanates from the humming object above her and she hears voices in her head saying that her son would not remember this and that a friend of hers has been killed in a car accident. \(This turns out to be true.\) The car then moves out of the ditch and back onto the road facing the wrong way. She finds that she can control the car again and speeds home.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Lloyd Mallan, “Ithaca’s Terrifying Flying Saucer Epidemic,” Science and Mechanics 39 \(July 1968\): 30–33, 96–97; T. M. Wright, “UFO’s over Ithaca,” Fate 22, no. 2 \(February 1969\): 44–52
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4471
### Event 30054 (023AF1C1)
**Date:** 12/12/1967
**Description:** A woman, Mrs. Rita Malley, was driving down a rural road in North Lansing, New York with her infant daughter when she noticed that she was being followed by a multi-colored, domed disc-shaped object. The saucer hovered directly over her car, a Ford Mustang, and the engine stalled. At the same time she heard a weird chorus of voices informing her of the approaching death of a friend.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Syracuse Herald-Journal, December 21, 1967; Lloyd Mallan, Official Guide to UFOs, p. 69; Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, p. 39
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8353
### Event 30055 (F8B819D1)
**Date:** 12/13/1967
**Time:** 02:00
**Location:** EDMONTON, ALTA
**Description:** Car malfunctions due to EME (electro-magnetic effects). Dome-saucer overhead. Battery and ring and flashlight and car body all hot!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RODEGHIER, Mark/CUFOS: UFO REPORTS INVOLVING VEHICLE INTERFERENCE; CUFOS 1979. Available as CUFOS UFO Archive #1 CD-ROM. http://www.cufos.org/Pubform.pdf (Index 39)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8603
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "60", **Elev:** "660", **HatchDesc:** "EDMONTON,ALTA:CAR EMEs:DOME-SCR OVHD:BATTERY+RING+FLASHLITE+CAR BODY ALL HOT!", **LatLong:** "53.550003 -113.483339", **LatLongDMS:** "53:33:00 N 113:29:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/53.550003,-113.483339)", **State/Prov:** "Alberta", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 30056 (871DFFAC)
**Date:** 12/13/1967
**Location:** North Granby, CT
**Description:** 5:10 p.m. EST. Three members of a family saw multiple cloud-like rings with dark centers that appeared from behind a storm cloud. Unidentified newspaper clipping, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3899
### Event 30057 (0C5BC33C)
**Date:** 12/13/1967
**Location:** Edmonton, Alberta, CAN
**Description:** Dome-shaped object hovering, rocking, heat felt. CUFOS report; see Rodeghier.1981, p. 39 (E,L) car (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3900
### Event 30058 (8326F869)
**Date:** 12/13/1967
**Description:** Geminid meteor shower (mean date).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_152
### Event 30059 (F8681D68)
**Date:** 12/13/1967
**Location:** Edmonton, Alberta
**Description:** 2:00 a.m. As a man is driving near Edmonton, Alberta, his car lights dim and engine sputters. He pulls to the side of the road and opens the hood, when he notices a dome-shaped object hovering 450 feet away. It is metallic, has lights around the edge, and is about 50 feet high. The object rocks back and forth within a range of 10–15 feet but remains above the road. Over the next hour, the car body heats up and the witness’s hair gets hot. His flashlight fails to work. Finally, the object shoots straight up and vanishes in 2–3 seconds. His headlights come back on, but he starts the motor only with difficulty.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Mark Rodeghier, [UFO Reports Involving Vehicle](http://www.cufos.org/books/UFO%5FREPORTS%5FINVOLVING%5FVEHICLE%5FINTERFERENCE.pdf) [Interference](http://www.cufos.org/books/UFO%5FREPORTS%5FINVOLVING%5FVEHICLE%5FINTERFERENCE.pdf)[,](http://www.cufos.org/books/UFO%5FREPORTS%5FINVOLVING%5FVEHICLE%5FINTERFERENCE.pdf) CUFOS, 1981, p. 39
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4472
### Event 30060 (80C5623B)
**Date:** 12/13/1967
**Description:** At 2:00 a.m. near Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, the lights of a car dimmed and the motor sputtered. The driver pulled to the side of the road and opened the hood. He then noticed a dome-shaped object hovering 150 yards away. It was metallic, had lights around the edge, and was about 50 feet high. He felt the battery of the car — it was warm. He got back in and watched the object, which rocked back and forth 10-15 feet but stayed over the road. During the next hour the car body began to heat up and even his hair got hot. His flashlight also wouldn't work. Finally the object shot straight up and disappeared from view in two to three seconds. The headlights came back on, but the motor could only be started with difficulty.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, p. 39, citing CUFOS; Richard Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty Year Report, p. 251
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8374
### Event 30061 (83497B14)
**Date:** 12/14/1967
**Time:** 02:20
**Location:** CORDOBA, ARG
**Description:** 3 / factory. Lights go out. Powerful fireball outside / low altitude changes color(s).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 16)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8604
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "384", **HatchDesc:** "CORDOBA,ARG:3/FACTORY:LITES GO OUT:POWERFUL FBL OUTSIDE/LO ALT CHANGES CLRS", **LatLong:** "-31.383335 -64.200003", **LatLongDMS:** "31:23:00 S 64:12:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-31.383335,-64.200003)", **State/Prov:** "CRD", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30062 (59FC586F)
**Date:** 12/14/1967
**Time:** 23:30
**Location:** NEAR CLINTON, MI
**Description:** 2 pilots / car / US12. Delta/triangle/box-like craft hovers. Nears / low altitude. Sharp turn and away fast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 52)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8605
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "254", **HatchDesc:** "nr CLINTON,MI:2 PILOTS/CAR/US12:DLT HVRS:NEARS/lo alt:SHARP TURN+AWAY FAST", **LatLong:** "42.072224 -83.972226", **LatLongDMS:** "42:04:20 N 83:58:20 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.072224,-83.972226)", **State/Prov:** "Michigan", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30063 (A5718B5A)
**Date:** 12/14/1967
**Location:** Clinton, MI
**Description:** 11:30 p.m. EST. Two aircraft pilots in a car saw a triangular object with a red light at each tip (body lights). (Unidentified newspaper clipping, NICAP files; U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. IV, No. 4, Jan.-Feb. 1968, p. 6.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3901
### Event 30064 (54AE5A84)
**Date:** 12/15/1967
**Time:** 01:00
**Location:** NEAR BESSEMER, MI
**Description:** 3 / car / US2. Sphere drops smaller sphere/orb/globe / drops still smaller sphere/orb/globe..
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 52)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8606
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "435", **HatchDesc:** "nr BESSEMER,MI:3/CAR/US2:SPHERE DROPS SMALLER ORB/DROPS STILL SMALLER ORB..", **LatLong:** "46.500002 -90.000004", **LatLongDMS:** "46:30:00 N 90:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.500002,-90.000004)", **State/Prov:** "Michigan", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 30065 (42A12FEB)
**Date:** 12/15/1967
**Time:** 07:00
**Description:** Many observer(s) and telescope. Disc on horizon / 2 hours. Maneuvers. Sketches.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HOBANA Ion & WEVERBERGH,Julien: UFO'S from BEHIND the IRON CURTAIN; Bantam Books,1975. 308pp. (Index 204)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8607
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Former Yugoslavia", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "120", **HatchDesc:** "S/NIKSJIC,MONTENEGRO:MANY OBS+TELESCOPE:DISC ON HORIZON/2hrs:MNVRS:sketches", **LatLong:** "42.666669 19.000001", **LatLongDMS:** "42:40:00 N 19:00:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.666669,19.000001)", **State/Prov:** "MNT", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30066 (25F6877D)
**Date:** 12/15/1967
**Time:** ~19:00
**Location:** NNE / WENATCHEE, WA
**Description:** 2+cop. Blazing fireball hovers over dam. Goes north and south over Columbia River.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 311)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8608
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "238", **HatchDesc:** "NNE/WENATCHEE,WA:2+COP:BLAZING FBL HVRS OVR DAM:GOES N+S OVR COLUMBIA RIVER", **LatLong:** "47.533336 -120.283339", **LatLongDMS:** "47:32:00 N 120:17:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.533336,-120.283339)", **State/Prov:** "Washington", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30067 (E700EC66)
**Date:** 12/15/1967
**Location:** Saxon, WI
**Description:** 1:00 a.m. CST. Three men driving to Saxon saw a rapidly spinning sphere with a white light on top and on the bottom, and red and green lights around the equator (body lights). The object approached at low altitude, hovered over a nearby field. (U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. IV, No. 4, Jan.-Feb. 1968, p. 6.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, Rating: 0)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3902
### Event 30068 (A5E4D872)
**Date:** 12/15/1967
**Time:** 15:00:00.0
**Location:** 37.0367 -116.0020
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Stilt” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_521
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0367 -116.0020", **LatLongDMS:** "37:02:12 N 116:00:07 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0367,-116.0020)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.33", **NukeName:** "Stilt", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 30069 (17C4A0A7)
**Date:** 12/15/1967
**Locations:** Ohio River; Point Pleasant, West Virginia; Gallipolis, Ohio
**Description:** The Silver Bridge over the Ohio River between Point Pleasant, West Virginia, and Gallipolis, Ohio, collapses under the weight of rush-hour traffic, resulting in the deaths of 46 people.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Silver Bridge](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silver%5FBridge)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4473
### Event 30070 (4A9313F8)
**Date:** 12/15/1967
**Description:** At 1:00 a.m. three men driving to Saxon, Wisconsin on Highway 2 saw a rapidly spinning sphere with a white light on the top and bottom, and red and green lights around the middle. The object approached at low altitude, and then hovered over a nearby field. While hovering a smaller sphere discharged from the bottom, and it in turn discharged a smaller sphere, which then discharged a yet smaller sphere. These small spheres hovered momentarily one beneath the other, then returned to their original positions within each other and into the original object, which then sped out of sight.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP UFO Investigator, Jan.-Feb. 1968, p. 6
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8410
### Event 30071 (CFC1F9BB)
**Date:** 12/16/1967
**Locations:** Australia; Europe; Russia
**Description:** [Philip Klass](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philip%5FJ.%5FKlass)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philip%5FJ.%5FKlass) who has heard of [McDonald](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James%5FE.%5FMcDonald)’s UFO activity in Australia from [Low](http://ufohistoryfiles.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/CO%2067%20NEWS.pdf), starts a letter-writing campaign directed at the Office of Naval Research, wanting to know who approved his funding and whether they are funding his forthcoming trip to Europe and Russia. His campaign continues for the next 18 months, bluntly attacking McDonald’s integrity and calling him a habitual liar.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clark III 700
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4474
### Event 30072 (389BC935)
**Date:** 12/16/1967
**Description:** A man driving with his girlfriend late at night in Winterfold, Surrey, England had stopped his vehicle outside a deserted mansion in order to clean the windshield. His girlfriend meanwhile remained in the car. He noticed an acrid smell. He got back into the car and then noticed a strange figure looking at them from nearby. The humanoid was about four foot six inches tall and had a luminous, oblong-shaped head. Furthermore, the odor seemed to be coming from his direction. The figure approached and put an arm on the roof of the car. At this point the man and woman drove away at high speed.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1967, case # 1640, citing Fortean Times, issue # 10
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8444
### Event 30073 (3DF6DA6E)
**Date:** 12/19/1967
**Locations:** Belleville, Illinois; Southwestern Illinois College; Scott AFB
**Description:** 10:30 p.m. A witness is driving westbound on the east edge of Belleville, Illinois, when he sees a triangular object with a row of square lights on one side. He tries following it and manages to stay roughly beneath it until he loses track of it near Southwestern Illinois College. Because it appears to be heading toward nearby Scott AFB and the witness is familiar with the base, he goes to the control tower there to see if they have tracked anything unusual but they have not.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Marler 204–208, 270
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4475
### Event 30074 (E8BC68D6)
**Date:** 12/21/1967
**Description:** A ship enroute from Auckland, New Zealand to Guam was sailing past the Loyalty Islands at 11:33 a.m. when crewmembers sighted a beam of light like a powerful searchlight extending vertically upward from some clouds on the horizon. The beam extension was 35 degrees of arc in length. The beam seemed to emanate from a small cloud a few degrees above the horizon.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** William R. Corliss: Remarkable Luminous Phenomena in Nature, p. 283
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8551
### Event 30075 (185AA541)
**Date:** 12/22/1967
**Location:** HOLMES CO, OH
**Description:** 6 teens. Silver saucer with pointed top hovers. Heat wave when passes overhead.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA; H. Regnery, Chicago HC 1969 & Contemporary Books,Chicago 1993. 372pp. (Index 903)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8609
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "370", **HatchDesc:** "HOLMES co,OH:6 TEENS:SLVR SCR W/POINTED TOP HVRS:HEAT WAVE when PASSES OVHD", **LatLong:** "40.583335 -82.000004", **LatLongDMS:** "40:35:00 N 82:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.583335,-82.000004)", **State/Prov:** "Ohio", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30076 (97DCCA23)
**Date:** 12/22/1967
**Location:** Millersburg, OH
**Description:** Time not reported. A silvery disc with multicolored body lights revolving around its perimeter buzzed a car. (UFO Fact & Comment, Goodyear UFO Society, Akron, OH, Jan. 9, 1968.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3903
### Event 30077 (488E075E)
**Date:** 12/22/1967
**Location:** Holmes County, Ohio
**Description:** Six teenagers observed a silvery, disk-shaped object with a pointed projection on top and multicolored lights, 100 m away, and felt a heat wave when it hovered above them.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** FS Jun., 68 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_903
### Event 30078 (51E5781E)
**Date:** 12/22/1967
**Description:** Six teenagers observed a silver, saucer-shaped object with a pointed top hovering over Holmes County, Ohio. The UFO was about ten meters in diameter. A wave of heat was felt when it passed overhead. The duration of the encounter was two minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** George D. Fawcett, Flying Saucers, June 1968, p. 19; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 903
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8564
### Event 30079 (46B69F38)
**Date:** 12/24/1967
**Time:** 08:30
**Location:** BELMONT, MASS
**Description:** Doctor and 7 / (seen thru) binoculars. 8 night lights going north / 30s intervals. Small night lights fall from large.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HYNEK, J. Allen: The UFO EXPERIENCE, A Scientific Inquiry; Ballentine Books, NY 1974,1977. (Index 45)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8610
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "15", **Elev:** "13", **HatchDesc:** "BELMONT,MASS:DOCTOR+7/BINOCS:8 NLTs >N/30s INTERVALS:SML NLTS FALL FROM LRG", **LatLong:** "42.394446 -71.183337", **LatLongDMS:** "42:23:40 N 71:11:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.394446,-71.183337)", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 30080 (C19D4762)
**Date:** 12/24/1967
**Time:** 20:30
**Description:** 2 / car. Night light quickly going down. Electro-magnetic effect (EME) and Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Globular / red light passes over car. Going quickly south. / r79p39.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 815)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8611
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "800", **HatchDesc:** "TUCSON Mtns,AZ:2/CAR:NLT ↓↓:EME+RFI:GLOB/RED LITE PASSES OVR CAR:>>S:/r79p39", **LatLong:** "32.216668 -111.083339", **LatLongDMS:** "32:13:00 N 111:05:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/32.216668,-111.083339)", **State/Prov:** "Arizona", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30081 (486DD914)
**Date:** 12/24/1967
**Time:** 22:00
**Location:** ZAGREB, CROATIA
**Description:** Many observer(s). 3 luminous/glowing objects. 1 maneuvers, 2 hover. Photographs and telescope. News report(s).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HOBANA Ion & WEVERBERGH,Julien: UFO'S from BEHIND the IRON CURTAIN; Bantam Books,1975. 308pp. (Index 204)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8612
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Former Yugoslavia", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "ZAGREB,CROATIA:MANY OBS:3 LUMn OBJs:1 MNVRS,2 HOVER:FOTOS+TELESCOPE:NEWS RPTS", **LatLong:** "45.833336 15.966667", **LatLongDMS:** "45:50:00 N 15:58:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.833336,15.966667)", **State/Prov:** "CRO", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30082 (19124FE6)
**Date:** 12/24/1967
**Location:** Belmont, MA
**Description:** Night. Eight witnesses saw 6-7 lights move across the sky one after the other (procession), spaced 30 seconds apart and each following the same path. (Haines, 1994, p. 44, from UNICAT #302.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3904
### Event 30083 (864AEF74)
**Date:** 12/24/1967
**Time:** 04:00:00.0
**Location:** 41.5000 88.5000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air. Country: China
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1798
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "41.5000 88.5000", **LatLongDMS:** "41:30:00 N 88:30:00 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.5000,88.5000)", **NukeCountry:** "China", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "NRDC", **NukeType:** "A"
### Event 30084 (4C467172)
**Date:** 12/24/1967
**Location:** Tucson, Arizona
**Description:** Evening. A couple driving near Tucson, Arizona, see a star-like object fall to earth. Two minutes later, they spot a blob of red light. Their engine and headlights fail. The object approaches the car, passes overhead, then moves away to the south. The engine and lights come back on as it departs.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Mark Rodeghier, [UFO Reports](http://www.cufos.org/books/UFO%5FREPORTS%5FINVOLVING%5FVEHICLE%5FINTERFERENCE.pdf) [Involving Vehicle Interference](http://www.cufos.org/books/UFO%5FREPORTS%5FINVOLVING%5FVEHICLE%5FINTERFERENCE.pdf), CUFOS, 1981, p. 39
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4476
### Event 30085 (DB352D74)
**Date:** 12/24/1967
**Locations:** Harvard Medical School; Belmont, Massachusetts
**Description:** 8:30 p.m. A faculty member of the Harvard Medical School and several members of his family in Belmont, Massachusetts, see a silently moving, bright orange light. It is joined by a second light one minute later, and a third about 30 seconds after that. He retrieves some binoculars and watches all three. The first two stop about 15°–25° above the horizon and remain still; the third is still moving. Three or four more lights arrive, some hovering, others moving. Two or three of the hovering lights appear to drop smaller lights that flash as they fall. All are orange in color. After about 20 minutes, they have all disappeared.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** J. Allen Hynek, The UFO Experience, Ballantine ed., 1974, [pp. 45–48](https://archive.org/details/ufoexperience00jall/page/44/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4477
### Event 30086 (A0EC5C31)
**Date:** 12/24/1967
**Description:** On this evening a couple driving near Tucson, Arizona saw a blob of red light. The engine and headlights of their car then quit. The light came near the car, passed overhead, and moved away to the south. The engine and lights both came back on as it departed. Two minutes before this sighting, both witnesses had seen a star-like object fall to earth.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, case 230, citing CUFOS
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8589
### Event 30087 (0C289FDF)
**Date:** 12/25/1967
**Description:** Gary Lambert, a college student from Omaha, Nebraska was driving home at Christmas during the night when he saw a dimly outlined object with a row of lights hovering over an underpass on the highway between Ashland and Lincoln. His sighting precipitated a number of vivid dreams that night, in which he believes he had been "contacted" by the beings aboard the UFO. He also believes that he may have experienced an actual abduction, the memory of which was erased from his mind. There were no details or other evidence of an abduction that the witness was able to provide.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1967-125, citing NICAP & Condon Committee
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8601
### Event 30088 (917E975B)
**Date:** 12/26/1967
**Location:** ARGENTINA, Catamarca
**Description:** (Translated from French) At around 4 in the morning, Jorge Clerici and his wife were returning to Catamarca. They were driving on a deserted road when suddenly the night was pierced by two beams of violet light, which then turned green. Mr. Clerici stopped the car and turned off the headlights. He then saw a UFO about 2 meters in diameter pass by quickly and disappear. They continued on their way. A few kilometers later, the object reappeared and began to fly over the car, only a few meters above it. Completely panicked, Mr. Clerici made a U-turn and drove back to the village of Andalgala which he had just left. The object moved away. Mr. Clerici waited until daybreak before leaving again.
**Reference:** Charles GARREAU: "Alerte dans le ciel: le dossier des enlèvements" ed. Alain Lefeuvre 1981, p.172, 173
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2494
### Event 30089 (CD926869)
**Date:** 12/26/1967
**Time:** 04:00
**Description:** 2 / car. 1-2M saucer crosses road. Rises and going quickly west toward(s) mountains. / LDLN#94.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HAINES, Richard Ph.D: CE-5, CLOSE ENCOUNTERS of the 5th KIND. 1999 Sourcebooks Inc. Naperville, IL ISBN 1-57071-427-4. 242 case files. (Index 295)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8613
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "974", **HatchDesc:** "nr ANDALGALA,ARG:2/CAR:1-2M SCR CROSSES ROAD:RISES+>>W twrd MTNS:/LDLN#94", **LatLong:** "-27.600001 -66.316670", **LatLongDMS:** "27:36:00 S 66:19:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-27.600001,-66.316670)", **RelAlt:** "2", **State/Prov:** "CTM", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30090 (2A27928E)
**Date:** 12/26/1967
**Time:** 17:00
**Location:** ST. LOUP-DES-CHAUMES, FR
**Description:** Numerous observer(s). Foggy lens-saucer / red trail. Sudden quickly going up. / r230 v1#3.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 95)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8614
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "St.LOUP-des-CHAUMES,FR:NMRS OBS:FOGGY LENS-SCR/RED TRAIL:SUDDEN ↑↑:/r230 v1#3", **LatLong:** "49.822225 2.388889", **LatLongDMS:** "49:49:20 N 02:23:20 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.822225,2.388889)", **State/Prov:** "Cher", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30091 (6D5F6282)
**Date:** 12/26/1967
**Description:** A newlywed couple, Mr. & Mrs. Clerici spotted an unknown light in the sky at four o'clock in the morning while driving near Catamarca, Argentina that would change color from purple to green from time to time. The object followed them as they drove in their car for a few minutes, frightening the witnesses, and then ascended into the air.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** APRO Bulletin, July-August 1968, p. 7
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8614
### Event 30092 (852F1BF9)
**Date:** 12/27/1967
**Time:** 10:00
**Location:** CAMARILLO, CA
**Description:** Movie scene footage. Pale circular image drifts R going [to] L across frames.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CONDON, Dr. Edward: SCIENTIFIC STUDY of UFO..etc; Bantam 1969. 965pp. (Index 477)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8615
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "43", **HatchDesc:** "CAMARILLO,CA:MOVIE SCENE FOOTAGE:PALE CIRC IMAGE DRIFTS R>L ACROSS FRAMES", **LatLong:** "34.216668 -119.050006", **LatLongDMS:** "34:13:00 N 119:03:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/34.216668,-119.050006)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30093 (8E7A646E)
**Date:** 12/27/1967
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** WELLS TWP, PA
**Description:** 2 / car. Domed disk follows rural road. Banks. Square panels glow / bottom/underside. Silent!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** INTERNATIONAL UFO REPORTER (IUR) Bimonthly. CUFOS, Chicago. Highly regarded. (Index 326)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8616
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "360", **HatchDesc:** "WELLS Twp,PA:2/CAR:DOMED DISK FOLOS RURAL ROAD:BANKS:SQR PANELS GLOW/BTM:SLNT!", **LatLong:** "41.950002 -76.883337", **LatLongDMS:** "41:57:00 N 76:53:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.950002,-76.883337)", **RelAlt:** "100", **State/Prov:** "Pennsylvania", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30094 (E543FD28)
**Date:** 12/27/1967
**Locations:** Wells Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania; Elmira, New York
**Description:** 9:00 p.m. Two people are traveling along a back road in Wells Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania, when they see three lights on the horizon. They stop the car as the lights approach. They are attached to a domed disc that is following the road at a height of 300–400 feet. As it approaches to within about 3,000 feet, it makes a banking movement that reveals square, fluorescent panels on the bottom. The dome light in their car turns on spontaneously as the whole bottom of the UFO flashes. The two witnesses get back in their truck and drive on, but the object follows them for a while, then moves off toward Elmira, New York. About 20 minutes later, the parents of one witness experience a power failure in their home on Elmira’s south side.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Michael D. Swords, “Unusual Experiences from the Timmerman Files,” IUR 27, no. 2 \(Summer 2002\): 23
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4478
### Event 30095 (EA56A707)
**Date:** 12/28/1967
**Time:** 20:00
**Description:** Military cops. Night lights maneuver and land / months. Change color(s) / shots fired.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 340)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8617
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **MIL:** Military investigation
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "15", **Elev:** "950", **HatchDesc:** "nr PICHI NEUQUEN,ARG:MIL.COPS:NLTS MNVR+LAND/MONTHS:CHANGE CLRS/SHOTS FIRED", **LatLong:** "-37.883335 -69.850003", **LatLongDMS:** "37:53:00 S 69:51:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-37.883335,-69.850003)", **State/Prov:** "NQN", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30096 (4C67B22B)
**Date:** 12/28/1967
**Description:** At four o'clock in the morning on the Andalgala highway in Catamarca Province, Argentina Mr. & Mrs. Clerici watched a flying object that changed color from purple to green from time to time. The couple became frightened when the object followed them for a few minutes, then it ascended into the air.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Oscar A. Uriondo, FSR Case Histories, August 1973, p. 10, citing La Razon newspaper, December 29, 1967
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8631
### Event 30097 (1CFDA746)
**Date:** 12/29/1967
**Location:** Briarcliff Road, Atlanta, Georgia
**Description:** 10:35 p.m. C. J. McCready, his wife, and daughter see a round, glowing, sparkling, red object above their home on Briarcliff Road, Atlanta, Georgia. It hovers and drops several trails of a white substance that appear to fall like a liquid as the object moves slowly northwest. It is visible for 5 minutes.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** NICAP case file
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4479
### Event 30098 (6714D560)
**Date:** 12/29/1967
**Description:** Coming home from a basketball game in Breese, Illinois at 9:30 p.m., four teenagers watched a motionless bright light in the sky and got out of their car. They felt an intense heat, and heard a humming sound. The sensation of heat became very strong, even in the car. The UFO left after 10 minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Skylook, April 1969, p. 11; Jay Rath, The I-Files: True Reports of Unexplained Phenomena in Illinois, p. 52
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8642
## Year: 1968, 1283 Event(s), (Back to Top)
### Event 30099 (798D5FED)
**Date:** 1968
**Description:** Project xxxxxxxx (name censured) established to evaluate all UFO information pertinent to space technology.
**Type:** majestic document
**Reference:** [Pea Research](https://www.academia.edu/9813787/GOVERNMENT_INVOLVEMENT_IN_THE_UFO_COVER_UP_CHRONOLOGY_based) (B1-A)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_651
**Attributes:** Majestic
**See also:** 1953
**See also:** 12/1969
**See also:** 1976
### Event 30100 (BB292E2F)
**Date:** 1968
**Location:** USA, off the coast of California
**Reference:** "The War of the Satellites" - Volume 3 - Pierre Kohler, ed. Famot 1982, p. 116
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2498
### Event 30101 (DE72CD32)
**Date:** 1968
**Location:** GRANDE-BRETAGNE, Stratford
**Description:** (Translated from French) Two people in a car saw a bright disc in the sky. They slowed down, stopped to get a better look, as it moved in sudden jumps and rapid maneuvers. Finally it descended behind the trees and the witnesses continued on their way. However, on the part of the journey between Burford and Stratford one of the witnesses understood surprising news which she described as "Nature" and "Reality" and which were related to the appearance of this bright disc. After dinner at friends that evening, she went out and saw a strange silhouette and she was seized with a cold panic. It had goat or dog legs, was covered in a silky, dark and shiny fur in the darkness. It was crouching and staring at her with green grape-colored eyes without blinking, slit upwards and without pupils: its eyes shone and it was frightening. It had pointed ears and a long muzzle. If it had stood up it must have been 1.50m tall, its hands and fingers were thin like sticks. The witness went back inside to let her panic pass. She then went to see if the creature was still there: it was but had moved further into the shadows. The witness then did not dare pass near that window for the rest of the evening and linked the appearance of this creature to the observation of the bright disc.
**Reference:** Jacques Vallée: "Autres dimensions" - Trad. Robert Laffont 1989 - p. 55, 56
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2548
### Event 30102 (4690B58D)
**Date:** 1968
**Location:** Lake Norman, NC
**Description:** Late Summer, 1968; Lake Norman, NC. Domed UFO near AEC plant (NICAP: 10 - Nuclear Connection, NC)
**Reference:** NICAP: [680000](http://www.nicap.org/ncp/ncp-lakenorman68.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3905
### Event 30103 (86D5EC15)
**Date:** 1968
**Location:** Canon AFB, NM
**Description:** 1:00 a.m. to 2:00 a.m. On one particular night glowing objects were spotted beyond the fence line of the base and in the distant perimeter. The staff at the Air Force Base pretty much ignored these lights on the first night, wondering if it was just someone playing around, or not thinking a whole lot about it. (Brian Vike, HBCC UFO Research) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** NICAP: [680000](http://www.nicap.org/cannon68xxxxdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3906
### Event 30104 (9051A61E)
**Date:** 1968
**Locations:** continental-scale; Eurasian continent
**Description:** NORAD has control of continental-scale Over the Horizon radars that cover virtually the entire Eurasian continent looking for Russian and Chinese missile launches.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clark III 807
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4480
### Event 30105 (E3364011)
**Date:** 1968
**Location:** Red Sea
**Description:** Presbyterian religious scholar [Barry Downing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barry%5FDowning) publishes The Bible and Flying Saucers, in which he equates Jesus and angels with space visitors and burning bushes, clouds, and [Ezekiel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ezekiel)’s chariot with spacecraft. Downing also believes that Jesus left earth in a flying saucer to another planet, or perhaps another spatial dimension, and that a flying vehicle operated by intelligent alien beings was responsible for the parting of the Red Sea.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Barry Downing. The Bible and Flying Saucers, Lippincott, 1968; Clark III 109; Jerome Clark, “Vimanas Have Landed: Ancient Astronautics in Ufology,” IUR 22, no. 3 \(Fall 1997\): 29
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4481
### Event 30106 (1E07306F)
**Date:** 1968
**Description:** Science-fiction author [Otto Binder](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Otto%5FBinder) publishes Flying Saucers Are Watching Us, which borrows liberally from the theories of engineer [Max W. Flindt](https://www.legacy.com/obituaries/mercurynews/obituary.aspx?n=max-flindt&pid=2782519&fhid=2128) \(cofounder of the Ancient Astronaut Society\), who contends that extraterrestrials had conducted genetic engineering on our apelike ancestors to create modern mankind. Binder writes that space people return every few centuries to interbreed with humans to improve the stock. He follows this up with Mankind—Child of the Stars in 1974, coauthored with Flindt.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Otto O. Binder, Flying Saucers Are Watching Us, 1968; Clark III 109; Jerome Clark, “Vimanas Have Landed: Ancient Astronautics in Ufology,” IUR 22, no. 3 \(Fall 1997\): 29
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4482
### Event 30107 (59AAF83F)
**Date:** 1968
**Locations:** Germany; US; Russia
**Description:** Italian author [Renato Vesco](https://www.skeptica.dk/?p=8267) writes Intercettatelli Senza Sparare, making a case that the Germans had developed anti-gravity devices at the end of World War II, testing disc-shaped and tubular craft that were responsible for foo fighters. After the war, these concepts were acquired by the US and Russia, leading directly to functional flying saucers.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Renato Vesco, Intercept—But Don’t Shoot, Zebra/Grove, 1971; Marcello Pupilli and Giuseppe Stilo, “[Solitudine di un uomo: Le teorie ufologiche e la vita di Renato Vesco \(1924–1999\),](http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/Italy/UFO%20Forum%20%28CISU%29/UFO%20Forum%20-%20No%2018%20-%20agosto%202001.pdf)” UFO Forum, no. 18 \(August 2001\): 33–39
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4483
### Event 30108 (DA3A42C9)
**Date:** 1968
**Description:** UFO skeptic and electrical engineer [Philip J. Klass](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philip%5FJ.%5FKlass) publishes his first UFO book, UFOs—Identified, in which he theorizes that sightings are caused by ball lightning and anomalous free-floating plasmas. Klass’s plasma hypothesis is not well received by anyone on either side of the UFO debate, who note that Klass is using one unverified phenomenon \(his hypothetical plasmas\) to explain another unverified phenomenon \(UFOs\). Klass and physicist [James E. McDonald](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James%5FE.%5FMcDonald) engage in a bitter, 18-month-long debate, leveling a variety of charges and accusations at one another. In September 1968, Klass writes to McDonald’s superiors at the US Navy \(McDonald is formally retired from the Navy, but often works with the Office of Naval Research\), questioning how McDonald could spend so much time on UFO research and still fulfill the requirements for his atmospheric research grant. This does not result in McDonald losing ONR funding, but it does draw some criticism of Klass from members of the UFO community.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Philip J. Klass, UFOs—Identified, Random House, 1968; Clark III 659
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4484
### Event 30109 (6C13F6C7)
**Date:** 1968
**Location:** South Australia
**Description:** Vladimir Godic and Crystal Walsh found UFO Research South Australia, a group committed to use scientific methodology in investigation and research.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Keith Basterfield, Vladimir Godic, and Pony Godic, “Australian Ufology: A Review,” JUFOS 2 \(1990\): 25
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4485
### Event 30110 (E2A351EC)
**Date:** 1968
**Locations:** Australia; Western Australia
**Description:** An Australian nuclear physicist attached to the Directorate of Scientific and Technical Intelligence \(part of the Joint Intelligence Bureau\) cooperates with other defense intelligence scientists to form a “rapid intervention team” to investigate UFO incidents involving physical evidence. The effort lasts until a wave of UFO reports takes place in Western Australia and he is denied further access to RAAF files.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Bill Chalker, “[The UFO Connection:](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201986%20V%2031%20N%205.pdf) [Addendum,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201986%20V%2031%20N%205.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 31, no. 5 \(July 1986\): 20; Good Above, [p. 166](https://archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/166/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4486
### Event 30111 (300E261A)
**Date:** 1968
**Locations:** Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics in Ottawa, Ontario; Public Archives of Canada [now Library and Archives of Canada]
**Description:** The Canadian National Research Council, from its base at the Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics in Ottawa, Ontario, takes over the collection of UFO reports from the Department of National Defence. It partners with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police to do the actual investigations. The NRC’s primary interest is in tracking meteors and meteorite falls. Non-meteoric sightings are kept in a separate file but transferred to the Public Archives of Canada \[now Library and Archives of Canada\] at the end of every year.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Yurko Bondarchuk, UFO Canada, Signet, 1981, p. 175; Chris Rutkowski, Canada’s UFOs: Declassified, August Night, 2022, pp. 9–10
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4487
### Event 30112 (FF51A0D9)
**Date:** 1968
**Location:** Buenos Aires, Argentina
**Description:** [Fabio Zerpa](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fabio%5FZerpa) founds the Organizacion Nacional Investigadora de Fénomenos Espaciales in Buenos Aires, Argentina. It publishes a monthly magazine, Cuarta Dimension.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Margaret Sachs, The UFO Encyclopedia, Putnam, 1980, [p. 233](https://archive.org/details/ufoencyclopedia00marg/page/233/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4488
### Event 30113 (30F4CE93)
**Date:** 1968
**Alternate date:** 1969
**Location:** Warsaw Modlin Airport, Poland
**Description:** 9:00 p.m. A Polish Air Force pilot takes off from Warsaw Modlin Airport, Poland, in a MiG-21 for a short, routine mission. Soon he sees two identical white discs, about 6–10 feet in diameter, moving at the same altitude and speed as his MiG. His wingman also sees them. He approaches to within 50 feet of them. During the 5-minute encounter, radio contact with the controller is lost and contact between the two pilots deteriorates. Four UFOs follow the two MiGs for another 3–6 miles, then they accelerate and overtake them, disappearing ahead.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Poland 65
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4489
### Event 30114 (F6389B80)
**Date:** 1968
**Description:** M.S. Cahn and G.M. Andrew of Northrop Norair publish a paper on Electroaerodynamics in Supersonic Flow, suggesting Northrop was researching methods to reduce the
drag of an aircraft by creating an electrostatic field around the craft. “Dan Marckus,” a pseudonym for a source in the British aerospace industry, states in 2002 that the Pentagon pulled the paper and “made it disappear.” Marckus suggested the B-2 Spirit utilized an electrostatic field around the aircraft to reduce drag, something that still has not been publicly admitted.
* [https://arc.aiaa.org/doi/abs/10.2514/6.1968-24](https://arc.aiaa.org/doi/abs/10.2514/6.1968-24)
* [http://www.worldcat.org/title/electroaerodynamics-in-supersonic-flow/oclc/456432694](http://www.worldcat.org/title/electroaerodynamics-in-supersonic-flow/oclc/456432694)
* [https://archive.org/details/huntforzeropoint0000cook/page/134/mode/1up](https://archive.org/details/huntforzeropoint0000cook/page/134/mode/1up) (page 134)
>**_Note_**: “Marckus” suggests early efforts at drag reduction through electrogravitics may have developed into more robust antigravitic programs later, almost assuredly done in the black. He argues the fact that white world research on the issue stops in the 1960s suggests it was advanced.
>This method is the same Thomas Townsend Brown proposed in the 1950s (see 1952), what Franklin Mead (see June 1972) at Edwards AFB pursued for decades, what Hal Puthoff (see 2002) suggested a black budget program utilizes, and what Mark McCandlish testified (see 9 May 2001) was used to develop USG recreations of UAP craft.
>**_Note_**: One of the only open source books discussing electrogravitics for aerospace purposes was authored by Thomas Valone, a former patent examiner at the USPTO and co-founder of the Integrity Research Institute. [rg: Also see books/presentations by physicist [Paul Laviolette](https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/ciencia/ciencia_flyingobjects44.htm)]
>* [https://www.amazon.com/Electrogravitics-Systems-Reports-Propulsion-Methodology/dp/0964107007](https://www.amazon.com/Electrogravitics-Systems-Reports-Propulsion-Methodology/dp/0964107007)
>* [https://www.integrity-research.org/](https://www.integrity-research.org/)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_124
### Event 30115 (6A9FE58E)
**Date:** 1968
**Description:** A study from Frank Rand, Arthur Lundahl, Gen. James Stewart, Brockway McMillan and Kelly Johnson for President Lyndon B Johnson states there is no doubt UAP exist and are under control; there may have well been some “harmless probes” sent to Earth from other civilizations “beyond our solar system.”
* [https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2021/08/which-aerospace-company-is-hiding-uap.html](https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2021/08/which-aerospace-company-is-hiding-uap.html)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_125
### Event 30116 (5FE698ED)
**Date:** Early 1968
**Location:** Lüda (now Dalian), Liaoning, China
**Description:** Four artillerymen stationed at the naval garrison at Lüda \[now Dalian\], Liaoning, China, see a luminous, gold, oval-shaped object that leaves a thin trail in the air. It climbs steeply at high speed and disappears. When it begins to climb, all communications and radar systems fail, nearly causing an accident in the fleet. The naval patrol goes on alert, and the fleet commander orders his men to prepare for combat. After 30 minutes, comms and radar return to normal. A two-man coast guard patrol allegedly sees the UFO land on the south coast and fires at it with automatic weapons.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wendelle Stevens and Paul Dong, UFOs over Modern China, UFO Photo Archive, 1983, pp. 48–49
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4490
### Event 30117 (65382A03)
**Date:** 1/1968
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) The USSR announces the upcoming dissolution of the [Stolyarof Committee](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/projets.html\#Stolyarof).
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1968.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2408
### Event 30118 (BA07F6A3)
**Date:** 1/1968 (approximate)
**Location:** PAGE, ND
**Description:** Cylinder/cigar-shape with 2 rows / windows up close. Observer(s) tells nobody.. USAF interrogation.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 307)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8618
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **NUC:** Nuclear facility related, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "357", **HatchDesc:** "PAGE,ND:CGR W/2 ROWS/WINDOWS UP CLOSE:OBS TELLS NOBODY..USAF INTERROGATION.", **LatLong:** "47.161113 -97.572227", **LatLongDMS:** "47:09:40 N 97:34:20 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.161113,-97.572227)", **State/Prov:** "North Dakota", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30119 (341B976B)
**Date:** 1/1968 (approximate)
**Location:** LUDA = DALIEN, CH
**Description:** Big military alert. Ovoid maneuvers and lands. All radios and RADAR's out. Nothing found.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** DONG, Paul: UFO's Over MODERN CHINA. 1983 UFO Photo Archives; P. O. Box 17206; Tucson, AZ 85710. (Index 48)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8619
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "China", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "30", **HatchDesc:** "LUDA=DALIEN,CH:BIG MIL.ALERT:OVOID MNVRS+LANDS:ALL RDOs+RDRs OUT:nothing found", **LatLong:** "38.900002 121.583339", **LatLongDMS:** "38:54:00 N 121:35:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.900002,121.583339)", **State/Prov:** "LNG", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 30120 (2989D046)
**Date:** 1/1968
**Time:** 00:20
**Location:** SENEY, MI
**Description:** Cone / green light covers truck / SR28. 5 hours missing time. Driver left in snow nearby.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** STRINGFIELD, Leonard: SITUATION RED - The UFO Siege. Fawcett Crest, NY 1977 (Index 70)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8620
**Attributes:** **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "44", **Elev:** "180", **HatchDesc:** "SENEY,MI:CONE/GRN LITE COVRS TRUCK/SR28:5hrs MST:DRIVER LEFT IN SNOW NEARBY", **LatLong:** "46.783336 -88.483338", **LatLongDMS:** "46:47:00 N 88:29:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.783336,-88.483338)", **State/Prov:** "Michigan", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 30121 (3B3A141F)
**Date:** 1/1968
**Location:** Liverpool, England
**Description:** John Harney and Alan W. Sharp launch a new publication, Merseyside UFO Bulletin \(MUFOB\), in Liverpool, England, as an independent publication from the openly skeptical newsletter begun by the Merseyside UFO Research Group. John Rimmer assumes the post of associate editor with the third issue.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** [Merseyside UFO](https://web.archive.org/web/100/http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20Kingdom/%20Merseyside%20UFO%20Bulletin/Merseyside%20UFO%20Bulletin%20-%20Vol%201%20No%201%20-%201968.pdf) [Bulletin](https://web.archive.org/web/100/http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20Kingdom/%20Merseyside%20UFO%20Bulletin/Merseyside%20UFO%20Bulletin%20-%20Vol%201%20No%201%20-%201968.pdf) 1, No. 1 \(Jan./Feb. 1968\); Clark III 706; “[History of](http://magoniamagazine.blogspot.com/p/future-publications.html) [Magonia,](http://magoniamagazine.blogspot.com/p/future-publications.html)” Magonia Archive
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4491
### Event 30122 (AA14A64B)
**Date:** 1/1/1968
**Location:** YOKOHAMA, JAPAN
**Description:** Large mother-ship offloads 9 UFO's. Types unknown. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** STEIGER, Brad & WHRITENOUR, Joan: FLYING SAUCER INVASION. Award Books, NY 1969. 156pp PB. 15 Essays + catalog. (Index 101)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8621
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Japan", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "YOKOHAMA,JAPAN:LRG MOTHER-SHIP OFFLOADS 9 UFOS:TYPES UNKN:NFD", **LatLong:** "35.633335 139.666673", **LatLongDMS:** "35:38:00 N 139:40:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/35.633335,139.666673)", **State/Prov:** "Honshu Island", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30123 (6CE55CB5)
**Date:** 1/1/1968
**Description:** Mr. Kakizawa of Yokohama, Japan took a photograph of a UFO at 4:45 a.m.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** George D. Fawcett, Flying Saucers, October 1968, p. 16
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8
### Event 30124 (C0770769)
**Date:** 1/2/1968
**Time:** 16:00
**Description:** Snowmobiles electro-magnetic effect (EME). Vibrant bright object pulses / treetops. Heat felt. / r79p40.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 54)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8622
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "640", **HatchDesc:** "nr WHITEHORSE,YKN:SNOWMOBILES EME:VBRITE OBJ PULSES/TREETOPS:HEAT FELT:/r79p40", **LatLong:** "60.666670 -135.000006", **LatLongDMS:** "60:40:00 N 135:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Tundra", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/60.666670,-135.000006)", **RelAlt:** "40", **State/Prov:** "YKN", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 30125 (640075A6)
**Date:** 1/2/1968
**Location:** Whitehorse, Yukon, CAN
**Description:** Bright pulsating yellow-orange object nearby, heat felt. U.F.O. Investigator, MayJune 1968, p. 3; Star, Jan. 4, 1968 (E) snowmobile (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3908
### Event 30126 (C5FDC985)
**Date:** 1/2/1968
**Description:** In Castle Rock, Colorado 12 people saw a transparent bubble with 12 lights. It hovered fifty feet above the ground, and then shot straight up into the sky, shooting out two balls of flame while doing so. The lights were the color of car headlights covered over with mud.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Project Bluebook files counted in official statistics
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_28
### Event 30127 (A67E001B)
**Date:** 1/2/1968
**Description:** Two snowmobile drivers in Whitehorse, Yukon Territory, Canada observed a pulsating, orange-yellow object nearby at 4:00 p.m.. This object was extremely bright. One of the snowmobile's engines stalled during the sighting and its driver felt a sensation of increased heat. The object moved out of sight shortly thereafter and the snowmobile could be restarted.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, case 232, citing NICAP UFO Investigator, Vol. 4, No. 6
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_29
### Event 30128 (880E072A)
**Date:** 1/3/1968 (approximate)
**Time:** ~21:00
**Location:** VIAMAO, BRZ
**Description:** 5 observer(s). 10M saucer 2M over Lakeshore. 2 long-haired pseudo-human/entity and small humanoids (or Greys) exit. / r186#22.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 5)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8623
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "20", **Elev:** "47", **HatchDesc:** "VIAMAO,BRZ:5 OBS:10M SCR 2M OVR LAKESHORE:2 LONG-HAIRED PSH+OIDS EXIT:/r186#22", **LatLong:** "-30.083335 -51.016669", **LatLongDMS:** "30:05:00 S 51:01:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-30.083335,-51.016669)", **State/Prov:** "RGS", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 30129 (938EFA92)
**Date:** 1/3/1968
**Description:** At five o'clock in the morning Ms. Emma Grimble, an early riser, was sweeping the upper hallway of her guest house home in Ashtabula, Ohio when she heard a commotion downstairs near the tenant's mailboxes. Yelling "Get away from those mailboxes!" she rushed downstairs but was dumbfounded to see two little men, greenish yellow in color, clambering around the boxes and attaching themselves to the wall by "suction cups on their hands and feet." They glistened like metal, possibly wearing flexible, tight fitting metallic clothing. At her appearance the two little creatures rushed out the front door. She heard quite a loud scrambling around, as if there may have been five or six of them.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb and Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1968-11, citing D. L. McCulty, Saucer News; Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1968, case 24
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_57
### Event 30130 (F4295F58)
**Date:** 1/5/1968
**Location:** NELSON, BC
**Description:** 6 observer(s) / (seen thru) binoculars. 4 saucers hover over radio tower. "Flames" / top. Flat bottoms.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** STEIGER, Brad & WHRITENOUR, Joan: FLYING SAUCER INVASION. Award Books, NY 1969. 156pp PB. 15 Essays + catalog. (Index 95)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8624
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "821", **HatchDesc:** "NELSON,BC:6 OBS/BINOCS:4 SCRS HVR OVR RADIO TOWER:"FLAMES"/TOP:FLAT BOTTOMS", **LatLong:** "49.483336 -117.283339", **LatLongDMS:** "49:29:00 N 117:17:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.483336,-117.283339)", **State/Prov:** "British Columbia", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 30131 (E8A5DE1B)
**Date:** 1/5/1968 (approximate)
**Time:** 04:00
**Location:** FREIBURG, WEST GER
**Description:** Car malfunctions due to EME (electro-magnetic effects). Night light near. Hood glows and sparks jump off. All over in seconds.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RODEGHIER, Mark/CUFOS: UFO REPORTS INVOLVING VEHICLE INTERFERENCE; CUFOS 1979. Available as CUFOS UFO Archive #1 CD-ROM. http://www.cufos.org/Pubform.pdf (Index 40)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8625
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Germany", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "FREIBURG,W.GER:CAR EMES:NLT NEAR:HOOD GLOWS+SPARKS JUMP OFF:ALL OVR IN SECONDS", **LatLong:** "47.983336 7.850000", **LatLongDMS:** "47:59:00 N 07:51:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.983336,7.850000)", **State/Prov:** "Bade-Wurtemberg", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30132 (2D50FE79)
**Date:** 1/5/1968 (approximate)
**Time:** 08:20
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Bright 10M saucer rises / Mt. San Juan. Curves behind 2nd mountain.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BALLESTER OLMOS, Vicente-Juan: CATALOG of 200 TYPE-1 EVENTS in SPAIN & PORTUGAL; CUFOS 1976. (Index 13)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8626
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "TORRELLAS de FOIX,SP:2 OBS:BRITE 10M SCR RISES/Mt.SAN JUAN:CURVES BHND 2nd Mtn", **LatLong:** "41.372224 1.622222", **LatLongDMS:** "41:22:20 N 01:37:20 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.372224,1.622222)", **State/Prov:** "Barcelone", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 30133 (23AD6415)
**Date:** 1/5/1968
**Description:** On this night six observers with binoculars in Nelson, British Columbia, Canada watched four saucers hover over a radio tower. They had flames coming from the top and flat bottoms.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Brad Steiger & Joan Whritenour, Flying Saucer Invasion, p. 95
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_120
### Event 30134 (11868FE8)
**Date:** 1/5/1968
**Description:** An very bright, yellowish orange, disc-shaped UFO landed at a remote distance from two men, Sr. Massague and Sr. Aguade, in the Torrellas de las Foix mountains, Barcelona, Spain at 8:15 a.m. It was ten meters in diameter, and estimated to be about 3500 meters away.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos, Catalogue of 200 Type-I UFO Events in Spain and Portugal, case 54, citing CEI
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_121
### Event 30135 (A1DDCA3F)
**Date:** 1/6/1968
**Time:** 13:00?
**Location:** ROMA, ITL
**Description:** Woman / zoo. Dog scared. Saucer flashes overhead. Brightens and shoots away.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** ITACAT, Catalogo Italiano degli Incontri Ravvicinati. Maurizio Verga, 1989 CISU/Torino, Italy. (Index 62)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8627
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Italy", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "ROMA,ITL:WOMAN/ZOO:DOG SCARED:SCR FLASHES OVHD:BRIGHTENS and SHOOTS AWAY", **LatLong:** "41.866669 12.483334", **LatLongDMS:** "41:52:00 N 12:29:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.866669,12.483334)", **State/Prov:** "ROM", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30136 (0F8ABC42)
**Date:** 1/6/1968
**Time:** 23:00?
**Location:** MILANO, ITL
**Description:** Guard. 2 small humanoids (or Greys) 'repair' saucer / courtyard. 3rd small humanoids (or Greys) in dome. Flash and takeoff.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** ITACAT, Catalogo Italiano degli Incontri Ravvicinati. Maurizio Verga, 1989 CISU/Torino, Italy. (Index 62)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8628
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Italy", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "0", **Elev:** "50", **HatchDesc:** "MILANO,ITL:GUARD:2 OIDS 'REPAIR' SCR/COURTYARD:3rd OIDS in DOME:FLASH+TAKEOFF", **LatLong:** "45.466669 9.216667", **LatLongDMS:** "45:28:00 N 09:13:00 E", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.466669,9.216667)", **State/Prov:** "Lombardy", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 30137 (DDB4E075)
**Date:** 1/6/1968
**Description:** A night security officer was conducting his rounds in Milano, Italy when he came upon a flat, pancake-shaped object resting in a courtyard. He approached and could see that it had a transparent dome on top and a circular railing around it. Next to the UFO were two human-like figures wearing blue coveralls and black helmets and gloves. Inside the dome a third figure was moving about. The two outside seemed to be performing some repairs on the object. The witness walked up to offer his help and shone a flashlight at the object. The two figures suddenly scrambled into the object, which emitted a bright flash and took off.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Maurizio Verga, ITACAT: Italian UFO Catalogue; Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1968, case 25
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_166
### Event 30138 (B8BC8685)
**Date:** 1/7/1968
**Time:** 03:46:59.9
**Location:** 49.7544 78.0309
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: .001KT YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1311
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.7544 78.0309", **LatLongDMS:** "49:45:16 N 78:01:51 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.7544,78.0309)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.30", **NukeSource:** "BOCHAROV", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** ".001", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 30139 (520616B1)
**Date:** 1/8/1968
**Time:** 23:50
**Location:** JACKSON, NJ
**Description:** TV image fades. Lights dim. Large bowl-saucer maneuvers going down [to] and going up [to] outside house.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 54)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8629
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "36", **HatchDesc:** "JACKSON,NJ:TV IMAGE FADES:LITES DIM:LRG BOWL-SCR MNVRS ↓+↑ outside house", **LatLong:** "39.777780 -74.861115", **LatLongDMS:** "39:46:40 N 74:51:40 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.777780,-74.861115)", **State/Prov:** "New Jersey", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 30140 (B6B5DA50)
**Date:** 1/10/1968
**Location:** EXETER, CA
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Huge metallic cone exits cloud. Flat top. 3 somewhat rectangular (SWR) portholes. Pulsing glow..
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 52)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8630
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "118", **HatchDesc:** "EXETER,CA:2 OBS:HUGE MTLC CONE EXITS CLOUD:FLAT TOP:3 SWR PORTS:PULSING GLOW..", **LatLong:** "36.294446 -119.138895", **LatLongDMS:** "36:17:40 N 119:08:20 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/36.294446,-119.138895)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30141 (5301FB07)
**Date:** 1/12/1968
**Time:** 21:00?
**Location:** CARLISLE, PA
**Description:** 2 nurses. 9M flat disk paces car / 3 km. Swerves in front. See reference.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 53)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8631
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "146", **HatchDesc:** "CARLISLE,PA:2 NURSES:9M FLAT DISK PACES CAR/3 km:SWERVES IN FRONT:see ref.", **LatLong:** "40.200002 -77.200004", **LatLongDMS:** "40:12:00 N 77:12:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.200002,-77.200004)", **State/Prov:** "Pennsylvania", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 30142 (A1F07436)
**Date:** 1/12/1968
**Time:** 21:30
**Location:** SUMMERDALE, PA
**Description:** Numerous separate observer(s). Very large brilliant red-orange ball going up and down / trees. Blinks. Whines..
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 53)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8632
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "99", **Elev:** "122", **HatchDesc:** "SUMMERDALE,PA:NMRS SEP.OBS:VLARGE BRILL.RED-ORG BALL ↑+↓/TREES:BLINKS:WHINES..", **LatLong:** "40.316669 -76.916670", **LatLongDMS:** "40:19:00 N 76:55:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.316669,-76.916670)", **RelAlt:** "20", **State/Prov:** "Pennsylvania", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30143 (628D802C)
**Date:** 1/12/1968
**Description:** On this night while driving on a highway in Carlisle, Pennsylvania two female witnesses, Ms. Lehman and Ms. Little, saw a large round white object, at times reddish, that emitted smaller objects that maneuvered around independently.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP UFO Investigator, March 1968, p. 1
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_277
### Event 30144 (0DDA65DE)
**Date:** 1/13/1968
**Description:** Luminous disk nears campers. Darkens and hovers. Responds / flashlight.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO Evidence II: HB: Scarecrow Press Lanham, MD. http://www.scarecrowpress.com ISBN 0-8108-3881-8 (Index 430)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8633
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "WATTAMOLLA BEACH,NSW:LUMn.DISK NEARS CAMPERS:DARKENS+HVRS:RESPONDS/FLASHLITE", **LatLong:** "-34.116668 151.116674", **LatLongDMS:** "34:07:00 S 151:07:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-34.116668,151.116674)", **State/Prov:** "NSW", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 30145 (D121DDB0)
**Date:** 1/13/1968
**Description:** At 6:20 a.m. in Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania a large round white object, at times reddish, emitted smaller satellite objects that maneuvered independently. The larger UFO was 40 to 50 feet in diameter UFO and about 350 feet in the air. It rose slowly, and gave off a white haze. The white light then changed color from red to reddish-orange then back to white. It emitted four small red balls of light from a hatch, then five white ones. There were at least 20 witnesses. That night in Dillsburg, Pennsylvania the Rev. R. Mossir reported sighting four pulsating objects leaving a white UFO, which seemed to explode in the sky after the red objects left it.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP UFO Investigator, March-April 1968, p. 1; Skylook, February 1968, p. 1 & 5; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II. A Thirty Year Report, p. 414
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_298
### Event 30146 (B5D25B94)
**Date:** 1/15/1968
**Time:** ~07:30
**Location:** THREE HILLS, ALTA
**Description:** 2+3 observer(s). Glowing "stunted Dill pickle" / low altitude. 10 minute(s). / r00p61.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLAMMONDE, Paris: UFO EXIST!; Ballentine Books, NY 1976. PB 480pp. (Index 440)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8634
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "898", **HatchDesc:** "THREE HILLS,ALTA:2+3 OBS:GLOWING "STUNTED DILL PICKLE"/LO ALT:10min:/r00p61", **LatLong:** "50.733336 -113.261117", **LatLongDMS:** "50:44:00 N 113:15:40 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.733336,-113.261117)", **State/Prov:** "Alberta", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30147 (0487A7B1)
**Date:** 1/15/1968
**Description:** The USAF Air Defense Command is renamed the Aerospace Defense Command.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Aerospace](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aerospace%5FDefense%5FCommand) [Defense Command](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aerospace%5FDefense%5FCommand)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4492
### Event 30148 (A322CD7D)
**Date:** 1/15/1968
**Locations:** Three Hills, Alberta; Calgary Airport
**Description:** 7:25 a.m. Two farmers driving a truck near Three Hills, Alberta, see an object that looks “like a stunted dill pickle,” greenish-blue in color and silent. Another truck stops and they point out the object to the others, who say it looks like a flying saucer. They contact the Calgary Airport, but officials there have had no reports.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** J. Allen Hynek, The UFO Experience, Ballantine ed., 1974, [pp. 60–62](https://archive.org/details/ufoexperience00jall/page/60/mode/2up), [63–64](https://archive.org/details/ufoexperience00jall/page/62/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4493
### Event 30149 (A31A94F2)
**Date:** 1/15/1968
**Location:** Villa Park, Illinois
**Description:** 9:00 p.m. Janice, Denise, and Lori Achzehner are playing records in Villa Park, Illinois, when their father’s “Saucer Seeker” UFO detector goes off. They run outside and see a large orange light hovering near the house. For 45 minutes they watch as a series of 6 objects fly in and out of the area. Through binoculars they can see that the objects are triangular or cone-shaped, no more than a mile away, and 500–1,500 feet high. As they watch, one of the objects approaches a commercial airliner, makes a 180° turn without slowing, then follows the aircraft until they are out of sight.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Use of Detectors in Spotting UFO,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201968%2003%2000%20-%20March-April.pdf)” APRO Bulletin, March/April 1968, p. 7
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4494
### Event 30150 (1CCAD20F)
**Date:** 1/17/1968
**Description:** Linda, a young woman, was on her way to Junior Achievement class in Ipswich, Massachusetts at around 6:30 p.m. when suddenly some bright lights in the sky attracted her attention. She looked up and saw a cigar-shaped object hovering overhead with bright flashing lights. She watched as it came down several hundred feet from her and stopped about 150 feet from the ground. The UFO made no noise and had a solid row of red and green lights going on and off in sequence along its midsection. It also had five steady bright white lights spaced evenly along the top section. Linda walked closer just before the UFO rose upm to a higher altitude, levelled off, and then moved away into the distance. She saw a tall man in a dark coat and a dark brimmed hat, who had been standing closer to the object. When she called out to him he turned and ran down the darkened street.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Raymond E. Fowler, UFO Testament; Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1968
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_360
### Event 30151 (0C06DEB1)
**Date:** 1/18/1968
**Location:** NEAR BRASILIA, BRZ
**Description:** 2 deputies. Triangle hovers / 5 minute(s). Then going quickly [to] WSW. No further details. / Sbedv. / r156#2.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 817)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8635
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "1080", **HatchDesc:** "nr BRASILIA,BRZ:2 DEPUTIES:TRIANGLE HVRS/5min:then >>WSW:NFD:/SBEDV:/r156#2", **LatLong:** "-15.816667 -47.650002", **LatLongDMS:** "15:49:00 S 47:39:00 W", **Locale:** "Rainforest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-15.816667,-47.650002)", **State/Prov:** "DF", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30152 (04848943)
**Date:** 1/18/1968
**Time:** 19:30
**Location:** UMBRETE, SPN
**Description:** 3+1 separate observer(s). Brill 1.2M turtle-saucer / 200M over olive grove. Lost / trees.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 112)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8636
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "UMBRETE,SPN:3+1 SEP.OBS:BRILL 1.2M TURTLE-SCR/200M ovr OLIVE GROVE:LOST/TREES", **LatLong:** "37.383335 -6.150000", **LatLongDMS:** "37:23:00 N 06:09:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.383335,-6.150000)", **State/Prov:** "SVL", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 30153 (0E04F5F8)
**Date:** 1/18/1968
**Time:** 16:30:00.0
**Location:** 37.1456 -116.0657
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Hupmobile” Yield: 7.4KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_522
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1456 -116.0657", **LatLongDMS:** "37:08:44 N 116:03:57 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1456,-116.0657)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.25", **NukeName:** "Hupmobile", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "7.4"
### Event 30154 (D65905F5)
**Date:** 1/18/1968
**Description:** At 7:30 p.m. in Umbrete, Spain a brilliant, turtle-shaped domed disc flew over an olive grove. It was estimated to be 1.2 meters in length, and was at an altitude of only 200 meters above the trees. It was lost from sight behind some trees.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Data-Net Report, March 1971
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_372
### Event 30155 (C7305B11)
**Date:** 1/19/1968
**Location:** Moscow, Russia
**Description:** DIA Intelligence Report from Liaison in Moscow, Russia mentioning an attempt by the British Government in 1967 to collaborate with the Soviets in UFO research.
**Type:** intelligence report (["Above Top Secret" by Timothy Good](https://archive.org/details/abovetopsecretwo00good/page/n7/mode/2up) p543)
**Reference:** [Pea Research](https://www.academia.edu/9813787/GOVERNMENT_INVOLVEMENT_IN_THE_UFO_COVER_UP_CHRONOLOGY_based)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_652
**See also:** 2/22/68
### Event 30156 (A7365861)
**Date:** 1/19/1968
**Time:** 15:00:00.0
**Location:** 37.1564 -116.0539
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Staccato” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 200KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_523
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1564 -116.0539", **LatLongDMS:** "37:09:23 N 116:03:14 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1564,-116.0539)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.44", **NukeName:** "Staccato", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "200"
### Event 30157 (59D9BF1E)
**Date:** 1/19/1968
**Time:** 18:15:00.1
**Location:** 38.6343 -116.2153
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Faultless” Yield: 200KT YieldMax: 1000KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_524
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "38.6343 -116.2153", **LatLongDMS:** "38:38:03 N 116:12:55 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.6343,-116.2153)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.98", **NukeMb:** "6.30", **NukeName:** "Faultless", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "200", **NukeYMax:** "1000"
### Event 30158 (FCD8B1D2)
**Date:** 1/19/1968
**Description:** [McDonald](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James%5FE.%5FMcDonald) calls [Low](http://ufohistoryfiles.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/CO%2067%20NEWS.pdf) on the phone and expresses his concerns about the project. The two reach an impasse.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** UFOs Yes, 185; Swords 328
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4495
### Event 30159 (DF6DCE0F)
**Date:** 1/20/1968
**Location:** WELLINGTON, NZ
**Description:** Several observer(s). Large yellow disk going [to] over bay. Descends / water near cook strait.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** STEIGER, Brad & WHRITENOUR, Joan: FLYING SAUCER INVASION. Award Books, NY 1969. 156pp PB. 15 Essays + catalog. (Index 93)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8637
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **SUB:** Submersible: Rises from or submerges into water, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "New Zealand", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "WELLINGTON,NZ:SVRL OBS:LRG YLW DISK>OVR BAY:DESCENDS/WATER nr COOK STRAIT", **LatLong:** "-41.333335 174.783342", **LatLongDMS:** "41:20:00 S 174:47:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-41.333335,174.783342)", **State/Prov:** "NI", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 30160 (E20708A4)
**Date:** 1/20/1968
**Time:** 21:20
**Description:** 4 cops / 2 cars chase white-orange fluorescent tube. 60M altitude. Going quickly south.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 53)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8638
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "6", **Elev:** "98", **HatchDesc:** "nr HARRISBURG,PA:4 COPS/2 CARS CHASE WHT-ORG FLUORESCENT TUBE:60M alt:>>S", **LatLong:** "40.250002 -76.916670", **LatLongDMS:** "40:15:00 N 76:55:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.250002,-76.916670)", **RelAlt:** "60", **State/Prov:** "Pennsylvania", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30161 (B20B507B)
**Date:** 1/20/1968
**Time:** 23:00
**Location:** VERMILLION, SD
**Description:** 2 / car. 10M and orange fireball spins low / field. Chases car. Shoots quickly going up. / r41p200.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 237)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8639
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "850", **HatchDesc:** "VERMILLION,SD:2/CAR:10M+ ORG FBL SPINS LO/FIELD:CHASES CAR:SHOOTS↑↑:/r41p200", **LatLong:** "42.777780 -96.916671", **LatLongDMS:** "42:46:40 N 96:55:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.777780,-96.916671)", **RelAlt:** "3", **State/Prov:** "South Dakota", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30162 (33865D05)
**Date:** 1/20/1968
**Location:** Vermillion, SD
**Description:** Round orange-red object hovered near ground, moved abruptly to position behind car, road illuminated; made repeated passes at car (Section XII, Vol. II, The UFO Evidence). (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3909
### Event 30163 (925CEF7B)
**Date:** 1/20/1968
**Location:** Vermillion, SD
**Description:** Round orange-red object hovered near ground, moved abruptly to position behind car, road illuminated. Made repeated passes at car
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_153
### Event 30164 (8D2B4282)
**Date:** 1/20/1968
**Locations:** Brasília, Brazil; 9 miles outside of Brasília, Brazil
**Description:** 6:00 p.m. Police deputies Bias Fortes and Pinheiro Chagas are driving 9 miles outside of Brasília, Brazil, when they see a triangular UFO. They stop and get out to observe it better and watch it hover for 5 minutes. It accelerates suddenly and speeds to the southwest,
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[First Sightings of 1968 in Brazil,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201968%2001%2000%20-%20January-February.pdf)” APRO Bulletin, Jan./Feb. 1968, p. 3
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4496
### Event 30165 (A5012203)
**Date:** 1/20/1968
**Locations:** Vermillion, South Dakota; State Highway 50
**Description:** 11:00 p.m. Robert Ballard and his wife Lynn are visiting his parents near Vermillion, South Dakota. Robert goes outside to warm up his car for the trip home. He sees a large object and calls to his father to come outside. They watch a big ball of red and orange fire to the east. At first they think it is the moon and go inside, but as Robert and Lynn are leaving, the object gives off a flash, and one of the dogs begins barking vigorously. They drive toward the object, which seems to be flickering in a field. It seems to be spinning and is 20 feet above the ground, sometimes less. When Ballard turns onto State Highway 50, the UFO, about 30 feet in diameter, starts following them. He accelerates to 60 mph and the object jumps to just behind their car. At one point it is hovering only 3 feet above an intersection. It keeps following them at telephone height, even though Ballard speeds up to 110 mph. After another car goes by them, the object speeds up and heads straight toward them from behind. Soon it rises and disappears to the east.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Donald E. Keyhoe and Gordon I. R. Lore Jr., [Strange Effects from UFOs](http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Books/Other/Lore%2C%20Gordon%20-%20Strange%20Effects%20from%20UFOs.pdf)[,](http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Books/Other/Lore%2C%20Gordon%20-%20Strange%20Effects%20from%20UFOs.pdf) NICAP, 1969, pp. 37–38
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4497
### Event 30166 (FEF59A86)
**Date:** 1/21/1968
**Locations:** Thule Air Base, Greenland; Savannah River plant in South Carolina; Pantex, in Amarillo, Texas; Danish Institute for International Studies
**Description:** A fire breaks out in the navigator’s compartment of a USAF B-52 near Thule Air Base, Greenland. The bomber crashes 7 miles from the air base, causing the non-nuclear explosives aboard to detonate and rupturing and dispersing its nuclear payload of four hydrogen bombs carried on an ongoing \(since 1960\) Operation Chrome Dome alert mission to deter a Soviet nuclear first strike. The recovery and decontamination effort is complicated by Greenland’s harsh weather. Contaminated ice and debris are buried at the Savannah River plant in South Carolina. Bomb fragments are recycled by Pantex, in Amarillo, Texas. The incident causes outrage and protests in Denmark. USAF Strategic Air Command Chrome Dome operations are discontinued immediately after the accident, which highlights the safety and political risks of the missions. Safety procedures are reviewed and more stable explosives are developed for use in nuclear weapons. A BBC News report in 2008 seems to confirm through declassified documents and interviews with those involved that one nuclear bomb was lost. However, the Danish Institute for International Studies concludes in August 2009 that there is no missing bomb and that the US underwater operation was a search for the uranium-235 of the fissile core of a secondary, a small object one half meter long. For the first time, the report is able to present an estimate of the amount of plutonium contained in the pits of the primaries.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[1968 Thule Air Base B-52 crash](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1968%5FThule%5FAir%5FBase%5FB-52%5Fcrash)”; Wikipedia, “[Operation Chrome](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation%5FChrome%5FDome) [Dome](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation%5FChrome%5FDome)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4498
### Event 30167 (C71F3E22)
**Date:** 1/22/1968
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Launch of [Apollo 5](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/Apollo.html\#Apollo5), first test of the lunar module in space. (January 22)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1968.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2409
### Event 30168 (80CD2F1E)
**Date:** 1/22/1968
**Description:** In response to a question by MP [Teddy Taylor](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Teddy%5FTaylor), UKSecretary of State for Defence [Merlyn Rees](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Merlyn%5FRees) writes that the total number of reports for 1967 “reflects a wave of public interest in UFOs, reaching a peak toward the end of the year,” and that unexplained sightings \(only 46 out of 362\) are due to lack of sufficient information.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Good Above, [p. 66](https://archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/66/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4499
### Event 30169 (C1C41E81)
**Date:** 1/23/1968
**Time:** 00:50
**Location:** COPAHUE, ARG
**Description:** Many observer(s). Luminous object lands / 4h. Rises going up. Large burnt area. / r180p54+/ r156#13.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 823)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8640
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "240", **Elev:** "2965", **HatchDesc:** "COPAHUE,ARG:MANY OBS:LUMn.OBJ LANDS/4h:RISES↑:LRG BURNT AREA:/r180p54+/r156#13", **LatLong:** "-37.666668 -71.033337", **LatLongDMS:** "37:40:00 S 71:02:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-37.666668,-71.033337)", **State/Prov:** "NQN", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 30170 (C064333C)
**Date:** 1/23/1968
**Time:** 22:00
**Description:** Saucer hovers. Dome is blue / hovers.. red at high-velocity. Maneuvers over mountain.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SALISBURY, Frank: The UTAH UFO DISPLAY -- a Biologist Reports; 1974 Devin Adair, New Greenwich,CT. HB 286pp. ISBN 0-815-97000-5 (Index 252)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8641
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "1838", **HatchDesc:** "5MI W/WHITEROCKS,UT:SCR HVRS:DOME is BLUE/HOVERS..RED @ HI-VELOC:MNVRS OVR MTN", **LatLong:** "40.483335 -110.000005", **LatLongDMS:** "40:29:00 N 110:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.483335,-110.000005)", **State/Prov:** "Utah", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 30171 (29360C3E)
**Date:** 1/23/1968
**Description:** At 12:45 a.m. a luminous object landed in Copahue, Neuquen province, Argentina and stayed on the ground for four hours. It was watched by several witnesses who were too afraid to approach. It finally rose vertically, and left behind a large burnt area.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Oscar A. Uriondo, FSR Case Histories, February 1973, p. 14; APRO Bulletin, July-August 1968, p. 7; Lumieres dans la Nuit, March 1968
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_444
### Event 30172 (38A30A80)
**Date:** 1/23/1968
**Description:** A college yearbook photo editor from Laurentian University in Sudbury, Ontario took 12 photos with a 35mm camera using tri-X film with five other witnesses at 7:15 p.m. The images showed a slightly off-centered, luminous domed disc-shaped object. Another photograph of a luminous UFO was taken by a married couple, Mr. & Mrs. Wood, in Old Haversham, Northamptonshire, England at 5:25 a.m.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** (1) Gene Duplantier, Saucers, Space & Science, Spring 1968, p. 7, citing Sudbury Star, January 24, 1968; (2) David Abbott, FSR, July-August 1968, p. 5
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_445
### Event 30173 (B1A1D732)
**Date:** 1/23/1968
**Description:** At 10:00 p.m., five miles from White Rocks, Utah, a woman named Chapman spotted a blue half dome-shaped object that moved slowly, then changed color to red and moved away very fast! It then maneuvered over the Uintah Mountains.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Frank Salisbury, The Utah UFO Display, p. A-59
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_446
### Event 30174 (B756FE03)
**Date:** 1/24/1968
**Time:** 17:30?
**Location:** INDIANA, PA
**Description:** 1 / car. Saucer with transparent front. 2 pseudo-human/entity inside see observer(s). Work controls and fly.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** STEIGER, Brad & WHRITENOUR, Joan: FLYING SAUCER INVASION. Award Books, NY 1969. 156pp PB. 15 Essays + catalog. (Index 96)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8642
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "397", **HatchDesc:** "INDIANA,PA:1/CAR:SCR W/XPARENT FRONT:2 PSH INSIDE SEE OBS:WORK CONTROLS+FLY", **LatLong:** "40.633335 -79.150004", **LatLongDMS:** "40:38:00 N 79:09:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.633335,-79.150004)", **RelAlt:** "20", **State/Prov:** "Pennsylvania", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 30175 (106085E6)
**Date:** 1/24/1968
**Time:** 22:20
**Location:** FAYETTE CO, IN
**Description:** 3 observer(s). 2 Saturn-saucers over woods. 1 lands. 1 going [to] over house. "Motor sound".
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RIDGE, Francis: REGIONAL ENCOUNTERS in the FC Files. 170pp. UFO FILTER CENTER, Mt. Vernon, IN 1994 (Index 25)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8643
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "20", **Elev:** "252", **HatchDesc:** "FAYETTE co,IN:3 OBS:2 SATURN-SCRS OVR WOODS:1 LANDS:1>OVR HOUSE:"MOTOR SOUND"", **LatLong:** "39.650002 -85.166671", **LatLongDMS:** "39:39:00 N 85:10:00 W", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.650002,-85.166671)", **State/Prov:** "Indiana", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 30176 (F8A238D5)
**Date:** 1/24/1968
**Time:** 23:00
**Description:** Numerous observer(s). Huge glow going southeast. Big power blackout. / r215p60.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 823)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8644
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "CONCEPCION del URUGUAY,ARG:NMRS OBS:HUGE GLOW>SE:BIG POWER BLACKOUT:/r215p60", **LatLong:** "-32.500002 -58.183336", **LatLongDMS:** "32:30:00 S 58:11:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-32.500002,-58.183336)", **State/Prov:** "ENR", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30177 (DEEADEFF)
**Date:** 1/24/1968
**Location:** Fayette County, IN
**Description:** 10:15 p.m. Two orange, glowing saturn-shaped UFO. Motor sound. Twenty minutes. Approaching from distance, objects hovered over woods across road, then one seemed to land while other moved over house. Three women terrified and got bibles and prayed. No landing indications in frozen ground. (Browning) (Worley files) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3910
### Event 30178 (5C28846C)
**Date:** 1/24/1968
**Location:** 37.0000 -116.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Brush” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_525
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0000 -116.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:00 N 116:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0000,-116.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Brush", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 30179 (6DAC5EA8)
**Date:** 1/24/1968
**Description:** At around 3:00 a.m. two men watched from the shore at Henley Beach, South Australia as a yellow shaft of light shot down from a UFO in the dark night sky. The shaft of light was about four inches wide and lighter in color than its yellow source.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Michael Hervey, UFOs Over the Southern Hemisphere, p. 180
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_482
### Event 30180 (27003576)
**Date:** 1/24/1968
**Description:** John Everhart was driving home in Indiana, Pennsylvania at 3:30 p.m. when he saw a round, saucer-shaped object with a dull aluminum finish hovering over a pond some 100-200 feet away. Its top section was transparent, and he could see two men, normal in every appearance, wearing light gray coveralls inside. He could also see levers and little lights as might appear on a computer. Under hypnosis he remembered "hearing" them talk, perhaps telepathically. They were engaged in fixing something and hurried when they saw him watching them. In a subsequent hypnotic session he recalled being led into the UFO by a slender man in black. Inside were four seats on pedestals, and the light inside the craft was so bright that it hurt his eyes. He was sent by elevator into the room where the repairs were going on. The men spoke to each other in English. He was instructed to sit in a chair that rendered him immobile. There was a time lapse in his memory of several hours between his leaving work and his returning home. This case is apparently an early abduction report describing apparently normal human-looking abductors. No further hypnotic regression sessions were attempted.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1968-12 (A0912), citing William Weitzel; George D. Fawcett, Flying Saucers, April 1969, p. 22; Brad Steiger, Saga UFO Report, October 1976, p. 30
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_483
### Event 30181 (51982F37)
**Date:** 1/24/1968
**Description:** At 10:20 p.m. two Saturn-shaped objects were sighted over some woods in Fayette County, Indiana. One of the objects landed, while the other passed over a house, making a motor sound.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Francis L. Ridge, Regional Encounters, p. 25
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_484
### Event 30182 (992FDA1E)
**Date:** 1/24/1968
**Description:** Numerous witnesses reported seeing a huge glow in the sky that flew over Concepcion del Uruguay, Entre Rios, Argentina to the southeast. This was followed by a huge power blackout at 11:00 p.m.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** APRO Bulletin, July-August 1968, p. 7
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_485
### Event 30183 (63306B8D)
**Date:** Late 1/1968
**Location:** URUGUAY, Torres
**Description:** (Translated from French) Axel Aberg was on the beach around 11 pm when he saw, astonished, a luminous craft emerge from the sea in a shower of water. The object approached the beach and stopped about twenty meters away from him. A luminous beam shot out from it and the witness felt as if he was paralyzed. As if in a nightmare, he saw two beings appear standing next to the UFO. Their height exceeded two meters and one was taller than the other. They seemed to be made of crystal, they moved stiffly as if they had no joints or were mummified. (Jean-Marie DOUCHET - Nostra - 20.11.1979) (...) (1968, late January)
**Reference:** Jean FERGUSON: "Les Humanoïdes..." - ed. Leméac, Ottawa, 1977, p.75,76
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2499
### Event 30184 (A29EDE12)
**Date:** 1/25/1968
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In the Mediterranean, the Israeli submarine *Davar*, containing 69 sailors, and last seen north of Alexandria off the southwest coast of Cyprus, disappears.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1968.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2410
### Event 30185 (10D5925D)
**Date:** 1/25/1968
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In the Mediterranean, the French submarine *Minerve* disappears with 52 men in the vicinity of Toulon. Searches are undertaken, and a metal mass is detected by sonar at a point however very far from the route that the *Minerve* should have followed. Only a sandy and hilly terrain is found, without any wreckage. A little later, an echo is detected more precisely south of Cape Cépet. It is again a metal mass, located at 134 m deep and measuring about 8 m wide and 60 m long. This could be a submarine. Moreover, the mass was on the route of the *Minerve*. But, despite the searches undertaken, including with Commander Cousteau's diving saucer, nothing more is found than the carcass of a cargo ship. A little later still, a new echo is received by sonar and located 1.8 km northwest of the first, without anything being discovered. The searches last in all 5 days and occupy half of the total means of the French Navy in the Mediterranean. Rear Admiral Storelli, commander of the submarine forces, confirms that the French Navy has no new element and that it is in absolute ignorance of what could have happened, given the quality of the men, beyond reproach, and of the material. On the other hand, the *Minerve* had been checked as is done at each change of commander and it was in perfect condition.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1968.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2411
### Event 30186 (3E880C2D)
**Date:** 1/25/1968
**Description:** At eleven o'clock at night, Dr. Axel Aberg Cobo, a Professor of Human Relations and Journalism, was walking along the beach in the town of Torres, Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil when a silver colored, luminous object emerged from the ocean only 25 yards away from him. He felt as though he was paralyzed. Shortly, two men over six feet tall, "who looked as though they were made of crystal," walked up to him stiffly, without bending their knees. He felt as if they were communicating with him telepathically. They greeted him by touching shoulders, and one of the beings, which had introduced himself as "Rubinako," said to him, "Krebs, Navis, Karsicujo and Krero." Only partially paralyzed, Cobo noted these words, writing them down with a ballpoint pen on his bare arms. They next told him they would meet him again in Mar Del Plata, Argentina. He had a vague recollection that the craft took off vertically.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb and Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, citing Flying Saucer Review, November-December 1968; Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1968, case 29
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_509
### Event 30187 (69736D69)
**Date:** 1/26/1968
**Time:** ~22:00
**Location:** BOTAFOGO, BRZ
**Description:** Several / (seen thru) binoculars. Dark object with luminous/glowing halo seen 3X. Maneuvers / all directions. / r222p61.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 2)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8645
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "20", **Elev:** "54", **HatchDesc:** "BOTAFOGO,BRZ:SVRL/BINOCS:DRK OBJ W/LUMn HALO SEEN 3X:MNVRS/ALL DIRS:/r222p61", **LatLong:** "-22.933334 -43.183335", **LatLongDMS:** "22:56:00 S 43:11:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-22.933334,-43.183335)", **State/Prov:** "RDJ", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30188 (D4EE715D)
**Date:** 1/26/1968
**Time:** 16:00:00.1
**Location:** 37.2809 -116.5144
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Cabriolet” Yield: 2.3KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_526
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.2809 -116.5144", **LatLongDMS:** "37:16:51 N 116:30:52 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.2809,-116.5144)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.05", **NukeName:** "Cabriolet", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "2.3"
### Event 30189 (814F9326)
**Date:** 1/26/1968
**Locations:** Kadena Air Base; Okinawa, Japan; Changjahwan Bay; Wonsan, North Korea
**Description:** A-12 pilot [Jack Weeks](http://roadrunnersinternationale.com/weeks.html) is dispatched from Kadena Air Base in Okinawa, Japan, on a sortie to locate the [USS Pueblo,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS%5FPueblo%5F%28AGER-2%29) which has been captured by North Korean forces on January 23. His photographs pinpoint the Pueblo’s exact location in the harbor of Changjahwan Bay near Wonsan, North Korea. Instead of war plans, the US proceeds with negotiations for the return of the crew.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Jacobsen, Area 51, [pp. 271–274](https://archive.org/details/area51uncensored0000jaco/page/270/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4500
### Event 30190 (EA44CD5B)
**Date:** 1/26/1968
**Description:** Two men in River Bann, Derryvore, Ireland saw a disc land in a field. Several entities emerged and placed probes into the hides of several paralyzed cows in the field. The UFO then took off and showered a fog-like substance that caused a tingling sensation, and the UFO then disappeared into a cloud.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jenny Randles, Little Giant Encyclopedia of UFOs
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_524
### Event 30191 (16A57830)
**Date:** 1/27/1968
**Time:** 06:00
**Location:** KEATS ISLAND, BC
**Description:** 1 observer. UFO's and Men in Black to May. '95. Men in Black = phony linemen. Fix stovepipe. See reference.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MAGOR, John: OUR UFO VISITORS. Hancock House, Canada & Seattle, WA. 1977. (Index 42)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8646
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **CVS:** Conversation/communication, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "206", **Elev:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "KEATS Isl,BC:1 OBS:UFOs+MIBs to MAY95:MIBs=PHONY LINEMEN:FIX STOVEPIPE:see ref", **LatLong:** "49.366669 -123.455561", **LatLongDMS:** "49:22:00 N 123:27:20 W", **Locale:** "Islands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.366669,-123.455561)", **State/Prov:** "British Columbia", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 30192 (0422F51A)
**Date:** 1/28/1968
**Description:** On this evening over Keats Island, British Columbia in 1968, a dark UFO with red and yellow lights at both ends was seen weaving from side to side. It stopped in place two or three times, and when it did the lights dimmed.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** John Magor, Our UFO Visitors, p. 44
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_554
### Event 30193 (4B3CC1FB)
**Date:** 1/29/1968
**Time:** 01:20
**Location:** EAST / FOS-SUR-MER, FR
**Description:** Saucer lands. Door opens. Pseudo-human/entity exits. Observer(s) frozen. Missing time? Going quickly northeast. / r30.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 195)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8647
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **TLP:** Telepathy, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "E/FOS-sur-MER,FR:SCR LANDS:DOOR OPENS:PSH EXITS:OBS FROZEN:MST?:>>NE:/r30", **LatLong:** "43.450002 4.850000", **LatLongDMS:** "43:27:00 N 04:51:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.450002,4.850000)", **State/Prov:** "Bouches-du-Rhône", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 30194 (5071ADE9)
**Date:** 1/29/1968
**Description:** A woman living alone in an isolated cabin on Keats Island, British Columbia had for several days witnessed mysterious lights and unknown objects maneuvering over some nearby hills and a nearby lake. On this afternoon two men dressed in neatly pressed, apparently new dark coveralls, and claiming to be from the public water company, visited her. The men acted nervous and seemed surprised that she lived there alone. They finally left disappearing down a nearby footpath. They seemed to have no obvious means for getting on or off the island, and she completely disbelieved their story that they were from the public utility.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Guttilla, Saga UFO Report, Summer 1974; John Magor, Our UFO Visitors, p. 44; Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1968, case #1079, citing Peter Guttilla, Saga UFO Report, July 1974
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_576
### Event 30195 (FFC51813)
**Date:** 1/30/1968
**Time:** 02:00?
**Description:** Radio electro-magnetic effect (EME). Saucer and 2 small humanoids (or Greys). Guard shines light. Gassed and faints. Missing time. / r8.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 93)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8648
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations, **MIL:** Military investigation
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Atlantic Ocean + islands", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "CINCO PICOS,AZORES:RDO EME:SCR+2 OIDS:GUARD SHINES LITE:GASSED+FAINTS:MST:/r8", **LatLong:** "38.683335 -27.183335", **LatLongDMS:** "38:41:00 N 27:11:00 W", **Locale:** "Islands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.683335,-27.183335)", **State/Prov:** "Azores", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 30196 (260166D2)
**Date:** 1/30/1968 (approximate)
**Time:** 23:00
**Location:** TORRES, RGS, BRZ
**Description:** Luminous object rises / sea and going down / beach. 3 stiff 2M figure(s) appear. Telepathy. / r246p141.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PHENOMENES SPATIAUX: Group GEPA, Gen. M. Lionel Chassin Paris. Quarterly 1964?-1977. Merged into Grp. GEPAN (Index 18)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8649
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **TLP:** Telepathy, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **SUB:** Submersible: Rises from or submerges into water, **GNT:** Giant: Large/tall alien, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "5", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "TORRES,RGS,BRZ:LUMn.OBJ RISES/SEA+↓/BEACH:3 STIFF 2M FIGs APPEAR:TLP:/r246p141", **LatLong:** "-29.266668 -49.750002", **LatLongDMS:** "29:16:00 S 49:45:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-29.266668,-49.750002)", **State/Prov:** "RGS", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 30197 (8252160C)
**Date:** 1/30/1968
**Description:** At two o'clock in the morning a security guard in Cinco Picos, The Azores experienced radio interference, then had a close encounter with a saucer-shaped object and two humanoids. The guard shined his flashlight at the disc; he was gassed and fainted; this was followed by 10 minutes of missing time.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Larry Hatch, U computer database, case # 8073; Lumieres dans la Nuit, issue 93
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_606
### Event 30198 (2133F896)
**Date:** 1/30/1968
**Description:** At 11:30 p.m. in Torres, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil a luminous object rose from the sea and descended onto the beach. Next, three stiff-walking figures appeared. There was also telepathy reported.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Larry Hatch, U computer database, case # 8182, citing Charles Garreau, Soucoupes Volantes, Vingt-cinq Ans d'Enquetes, p. 141; GEPA Phenomenes Spatiaux, December 1968
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_607
### Event 30199 (B13423CF)
**Date:** 1/31/1968
**Location:** ACORES-PORTUGAL, Criaçao do Cabrito, Terceira
**Description:** (Translated from French) Mr. Serafim Sebastiao, married, 36 years old, security guard in a military installation was working that night and noticed that the radio receiver was not functioning properly. He went outside and saw an oval-shaped object, of metallic appearance with, on the upper part, a "glass tower". He first saw two humanoids. He stepped back to get a different view and then saw that there were two more, making a total of four: two inside the craft and two outside. When the witness directed his flashlight towards them, all he saw was that they seemed to be dressed in lead. He heard a sound like that of a bee hive. The object had a diameter of 6 m and a height of 3 m. The witness does not know how the two entities on the ground got into the craft which then took off at a lightning speed, enveloping the witness in an immense light beam, then in "fumigations" or gases which left him unconscious, just at the moment he decided to call for reinforcement by radio. It was there, at 5 o'clock in the morning, that he was found, still unconscious. He had to be hospitalized for 5 days. (1968, night of January 31st to February 1st)
**Reference:** collaboration of Larry Fenwick, CUFORN, Joaquim Fernandes, CNIFO, Willy Smith, UNICAT Project; listing of Victor Lourenço; "Diario de Lisboa"-26.02.68,"insolito" n°13, n°14
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2500
### Event 30200 (DEB9AF82)
**Date:** 1/31/1968
**Location:** 37.0000 -116.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Mallet” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_527
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0000 -116.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:00 N 116:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0000,-116.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Mallet", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 30201 (C1C16DB0)
**Date:** 1/31/1968
**Description:** [McDonald](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James%5FE.%5FMcDonald) sends [Low](http://ufohistoryfiles.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/CO%2067%20NEWS.pdf) a 7-page, single-spaced letter, citing [Condon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward%5FCondon)’s negative statements, his preoccupation with crackpot elements, Condon’s failure to conduct any investigations himself, the lack of communication between Low and Condon and the active investigators, and the failure of the project to take seriously any assertions of cover-up. He mentions Low’s memorandum, saying “I am rather puzzled by the viewpoints expressed there.” He concludes: “I am not opposed to negative findings—on UFOs or other scientific questions; what bothers me is that it appears that these negative findings were being adumbrated as early as January 1966, and perhaps even earlier.” He sends a copy to the project’s open files.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** UFOs Yes, 185–187
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4501
### Event 30202 (A3C8F3CE)
**Date:** 1/31/1968
**Locations:** Lajes Air Base; Terceira; Azores; Portugal
**Description:** Morning. At Lajes Air Base on Terceira in the Azores, a Portuguese military watchman, Serafim Vieira Sebastião, notices a strange interference on his transistor radio. Looking around, he sees an oval metallic object surmounted by a transparent tower on top of which is a small balustrade on which two beings are leaning. The silhouettes of two more beings are visible in the tower. The object is hovering above a munitions dump. Serafim phones one of the other sentries then shines his flashlight on the machine. As he does so, the men on the tower see him. The object emits a cloud of gaseous dust that overpowers him. When his colleague finds him a few minutes later, the object has vanished.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[OVNI com quatro seres ataca guarda açoriano,](https://www.angelfire.com/space2/insolito/terceira.htm)” Insólito, no. 13 \(June 1976\); Nuno Alves, “[O Caso Ilha Terceira \(31 de Janeiro de 1968\) Serafim Vieira Sebastião,](https://ufoportugal.blogspot.com/2017/10/o-caso-ilha-terceira-31-de-janeiro-de.html)” UFO Portugal, October 28, 2017
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4502
### Event 30203 (117D5D5F)
**Date:** 2/1968
**Location:** CANOAS, BRZ
**Description:** Separate report(s). Huge saucer / 300M altitude. Large luminous/glowing ball / 45° elevation / March / 2300hrs. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 2)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8650
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "19", **HatchDesc:** "CANOAS,BRZ:SEP.RPTS:HUGE SCR/300M ALT::LRG LUMn BALL/45°ELEV/MARCH/2300hrs:NFD", **LatLong:** "-29.950001 -51.066669", **LatLongDMS:** "29:57:00 S 51:04:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-29.950001,-51.066669)", **RelAlt:** "3000", **State/Prov:** "RGS", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30204 (B4F5D201)
**Date:** 2/1968
**Description:** 10 egg-shaped objects / sky. No further details. / Diario de Noticias.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LOURENCO, Victor: The PORTUCAT CATALOG; (BBS Download). (Index 114)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8651
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Atlantic Ocean + islands", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "FUNCHAL,MADEIRA ISLs:10 EGG-SHAPED OBJs/SKY:NFD:/DIARIO de NOTICIAS", **LatLong:** "32.650002 -16.850001", **LatLongDMS:** "32:39:00 N 16:51:00 W", **Locale:** "Islands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/32.650002,-16.850001)", **State/Prov:** "MDR", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30205 (9C0A8F1F)
**Date:** 2/1968
**Time:** 23:00
**Description:** 2 observer(s). 55' saucer / 30' altitude. "Old and metallic". 2 figure(s) on catwalk / edge. Windows.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 210)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8652
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "336", **HatchDesc:** "nr GREENSBURG,PA:2 OBS:55'SCR/30'alt:"OLD+MTLC":2 FIGs ON CATWALK/EDGE:WINDOWS", **LatLong:** "40.316669 -79.516670", **LatLongDMS:** "40:19:00 N 79:31:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.316669,-79.516670)", **RelAlt:** "10", **State/Prov:** "Pennsylvania", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 30206 (73513F4A)
**Date:** 2/1968
**Locations:** Canada; Ottawa, Ontario
**Description:** Canada’s National Research Council agrees to become the official government archive for existing and future UFO reports. The files are kept in an office of the Council’s Upper Atmosphere Section \(Astrophysics Branch\) in Ottawa, Ontario. But the NRC does not investigate reports.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Good Above, [p. 192](https://archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/192/mode/2up); Gregory M. Kanon, “[UFOs and](http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/Canada/Canadian%20UFO%20Report%20%28Magor%29/Canadian%20UFO%20Report%20-%20vol%203%20no%207%20-%201976.pdf) [the Canadian Government,](http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/Canada/Canadian%20UFO%20Report%20%28Magor%29/Canadian%20UFO%20Report%20-%20vol%203%20no%207%20-%201976.pdf)” Canadian UFO Report 3, no. 7 \(Spring 1976\): 18
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4503
### Event 30207 (F3AB21CA)
**Date:** 2/1968
**Locations:** Moscow Aviation Institute, Russia; University of Colorado UFO Project; Tunguska event
**Description:** [Felix Ziegel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Felix%5FZiegel)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Felix%5FZiegel) Soviet cosmologist and assistant professor at the Moscow Aviation Institute, Russia, writes an article on UFOs for Soviet Life with reports supplied by Novosti. He mentions four UFO reports and concludes that they could be extraterrestrial in origin. He thinks the 1908 Tunguska event is a remarkable UFO case and reveals that the USSR established a “UFO Section of the All-Union Cosmonautics Committee” in October 1967. Ziegel soon afterwards receives a letter from [Edward Condon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward%5FCondon), the director of the University of Colorado UFO Project, suggesting that the Soviet and the American groups should cooperate, starting with an information exchange. Ziegel and 12 other members of his group sign a letter requesting the Soviet government to create a state-sponsored organization that would coordinate all the UFO research in the country. Next month he receives an official negative response.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Felix Ziegel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Felix%5FZiegel)”; Felix Ziegel, “[Unidentified Flying Objects,](https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=uc1.31210023618901&view=1up&seq=103&skin=2021)” Soviet Life, no. 137 \(February 1968\): 27–29; Central Intelligence Agency, “[Nothing But the Facts on UFOs, or Which](https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/DOC%5F0000015452.pdf) [Novosti](https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/DOC%5F0000015452.pdf) [Writer Do You Read?](https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/DOC%5F0000015452.pdf)” April 9, 1968
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4504
### Event 30208 (B5622008)
**Date:** 2/1/1968
**Time:** 20:20
**Location:** US40 6MI WITH VERNAL, UT
**Description:** Reddish ball-night light moves very fast. Blinks on / off. Going quickly south.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SALISBURY, Frank: The UTAH UFO DISPLAY -- a Biologist Reports; 1974 Devin Adair, New Greenwich,CT. HB 286pp. ISBN 0-815-97000-5 (Index 252)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8653
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "1545", **HatchDesc:** "US40 6MI W/VERNAL,UT:REDDISH BALL-NLT MOVES VFAST:BLINKS ON/OFF:>>S.", **LatLong:** "40.405557 -109.616672", **LatLongDMS:** "40:24:20 N 109:37:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.405557,-109.616672)", **State/Prov:** "Utah", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 30209 (B6D2305C)
**Date:** 2/1/1968
**Location:** Criacao do Cabrito, Azores
**Description:** Serafim Vieira Sebastiao, a watchman at the Azores Air Station, saw "an oval object with a metallic gleam, topped by a glass tower with a small balustrade on which two beings were standing." (Magonia #904; FSR 68, 5) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3911
### Event 30210 (4A3AF90F)
**Date:** 2/1/1968
**Location:** Criacao do Cabrito, Azores
**Description:** Serafim Vieira Sebastiao, a watchman at the Azores Air Station, saw "an oval object with a metallic gleam, topped by a glass tower with a small balustrade on which two beings were standing." There were two other figures inside the tower. When he shone a light toward it, a cloud of dust surrounded the witness, the craft vanished, and he fainted. Investigation by American military authorities.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** FSR 68, 5 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_904
### Event 30211 (D587B10A)
**Date:** 2/1/1968
**Description:** On this night a sentry at Cinco Picos AFB on the Azores Islands, Sr. Serafin Viera Sebastiao, age 36, noticed interference on his transistor radio then saw a UFO so close to the ground that he could see four occupants. The metallic oval object was topped by a transparent "tower" with a small balustrade against which two of the beings were leaning. The other two could be seen as silhouettes inside the transparent tower. After telephoning another sentry he approached and shone his flashlight on the craft. He was enveloped in smoke emitted by the UFO and fell to the ground in a faint, where the other sentry found him a few minutes later.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** FSR, July-August 1968, p. 34; FSR, September-October 1968, p. 36; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 904; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1968-14, citing FSR
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_654
### Event 30212 (8AD6EDD3)
**Date:** 2/1/1968
**Description:** At 8:15 p.m. two men six miles west of Vernal, Utah named Allred and Barton saw a reddish orange ball of light that was much larger than the biggest star. It moved rapidly, blinked on-off, and disappeared in the south.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Frank B. Salisbury, The Utah UFO Display, Appendix case 60
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_655
### Event 30213 (24C7632A)
**Date:** 2/2/1968
**Location:** NEAR AUCKLAND, NZ
**Description:** Whine. Top-saucer with portholes extends tripod and lands. Beam kills 1 observer(s).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PHILLIPS, Ted: Study of PHYSICAL TRACES ASSOCIATED with UFO SIGHTINGS; CUFOS 1975. (Index 54)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8654
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "New Zealand", **Credibility:** "5", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "nr AUCKLAND,NZ:WHINE:TOP-SCR W/PORTS EXTENDS TRIPOD+LANDS:BEAM KILLS 1 OBS", **LatLong:** "-36.933335 174.716675", **LatLongDMS:** "36:56:00 S 174:43:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-36.933335,174.716675)", **State/Prov:** "NI", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 30214 (FB5208D9)
**Date:** 2/2/1968
**Description:** On this night Serafin Vieria Sebastiao, a military sentry at Criaco do Cabrito on the Azores Islands noticed interference on his transistor radio and then saw a UFO so close to the ground that he could see four of its occupants. The UFO was oval shaped and metallic, and was topped by a transparent "tower" with a small balustrade. Two beings were leaning against the railing, the other two could be seen as silhouettes inside the transparent tower. After phoning another sentry he approached the craft and shone his flashlight on it. Immediately he was enveloped in a fog or smoke emitted by the UFO, and he fell to the ground in a faint. The second sentry found him a few minutes later.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb and Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1968-14, citing FSR, July-August 1968; Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1968, case 37
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_667
### Event 30215 (BA31E526)
**Date:** 2/3/1968 (approximate)
**Time:** ~20:00
**Location:** LONE BUTTE, BC
**Description:** 1 observer. 28' domed saucer over corral. Turns slow. Nothing seen / 4 windows.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MAGOR, John: OUR UFO VISITORS. Hancock House, Canada & Seattle, WA. 1977. (Index 66)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8655
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "1150", **HatchDesc:** "LONE BUTTE,BC:1 OBS:28'DOMED SCR OVR CORRAL:TURNS SLOW:NOTHING SEEN/4 WINDOWS.", **LatLong:** "51.600002 -121.200006", **LatLongDMS:** "51:36:00 N 121:12:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.600002,-121.200006)", **State/Prov:** "British Columbia", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30216 (B876EDE1)
**Date:** 2/4/1968
**Time:** 19:20
**Location:** REDLANDS, CA
**Description:** 200+observer(s). 15M saucer / portholes. Violent maneuvers all over/all about / 90M altitude. / FSRv17#4+/ r41p213.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 821)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8656
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **MIL:** Military investigation
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "12", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "402", **HatchDesc:** "REDLANDS,CA:200+OBS:15M SCR/PORTS:VLNT MNVRs ALLO/90M alt:/FSRv17#4+/r41p213", **LatLong:** "34.033335 -117.183339", **LatLongDMS:** "34:02:00 N 117:11:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/34.033335,-117.183339)", **RelAlt:** "27", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 30217 (A4496A8D)
**Date:** 2/4/1968
**Time:** 22:50
**Location:** HORTA, AZORES
**Description:** Odd ovoid in sky. Another object crosses sky / 28 SEPT70. / newspapers.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LOURENCO, Victor: The PORTUCAT CATALOG; (BBS Download). (Index 116)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8657
**Attributes:** **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Atlantic Ocean + islands", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "HORTA,AZORES:ODD OVOID in SKY::ANOTHER OBJ CROSSES SKY/28SEPT70:/NEWSPAPERS", **LatLong:** "38.583335 -28.750001", **LatLongDMS:** "38:35:00 N 28:45:00 W", **Locale:** "Islands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.583335,-28.750001)", **State/Prov:** "Azores", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30218 (54B78F75)
**Date:** 2/4/1968
**Location:** Redlands, CA
**Description:** 200 witnesses see low-flying disc - 50-60 ft circular obj with 7 lights on the bottom, 8-10 lights on top (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** NICAP: [680204](http://www.nicap.org/ar-680204dir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3912
### Event 30219 (2D555059)
**Date:** 2/4/1968
**Location:** Redlands, CA
**Description:** Barking dog alerts to slow moving round object at 300 feet (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** NICAP: [680204](http://www.nicap.org/ar-680204dir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3913
### Event 30220 (605425AF)
**Date:** 2/4/1968
**Location:** Redlands, CA
**Description:** Barking dogs, unusual sound, attracted attention to round object with ports, flames from underside. Object moved jerkily, rising and falling, hovered briefly, sped away
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_154
### Event 30221 (BF030B93)
**Date:** 2/4/1968
**Locations:** Redlands, California; Columbia Street; Colton Avenue; Norton AFB; San Bernardino; March AFB; Riverside County
**Description:** 7:20 p.m. About 200 residents of Redlands, California, see or hear a huge, low-flying, disc-shaped object as it passes overhead. The UFO is about 50 feet in diameter, with seven lights on its base emitting bright orange flame. Some 8–10 other lights on its rim alternate red and green, giving the impression that the object is rotating. A minister recording his sermon captures a high-pitched, modulated, whining sound from the UFO on tape. The UFO apparently descends just west of Columbia Street and north of Colton Avenue, then proceeds to the northwest for about a mile at an altitude of 300 feet. Coming to a stop, it hovers briefly, jerks forward, hovers again, then shoots straight up in a burst of speed. The object is not detected on radar at Norton AFB \[now closed\] near San Bernardino or March AFB \[now March Air Reserve Base\] in Riverside County. An investigation is conducted for APRO by four University of Redlands faculty: [Philip Seff](http://rickright.com/dr-philip-seff-october-5-1923-february-18-2016/) \(geology\), Judson Sanderson \(math\), Reinhold Krantz \(math\), and [John Brownfield](https://www.redlandscommunitynews.com/obituaries/update-longtime-u-of-r-art-professor-dies-at-79/article%5F735624c4-a68d-11ea-942e-bb4010124e0a.html) \(art\). They conclude that the object is not attributable to any known phenomenon or aircraft, but that the recorded sound comes from an emergency vehicle.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** [Sparks](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf), p. 327; James E. McDonald, “[Statement on Unidentified Flying Objects,](https://www.project1947.com/shg/symposium/mcdonald.html\#multiwit)” in Symposium on Unidentified Flying Objects, Hearings, US House Committee on Science and Astronautics, 90th Cong., 2nd Sess., July 29, 1968, pp. 52–53; Story, [pp.](https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofuf0000unse/page/298/mode/2up) [299–300](https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofuf0000unse/page/298/mode/2up); William F. Krupke, “[Sonic Analysis of the Redlands UFO Tape Recording,](https://www.scientificexploration.org/docs/30/jse%5F30%5F2%5FKrupke.pdf)” Journal of Scientific Exploration 30, no. 2 \(2016\): 175–198
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4505
### Event 30222 (67B93E64)
**Date:** 2/5/1968
**Description:** Several observer(s). Bright fireball seen / 20 minute(s). No further details. / a capital.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LOURENCO, Victor: The PORTUCAT CATALOG; (BBS Download). (Index 117)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8658
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Portugal", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "20", **HatchDesc:** "COVILHA,PORTUGAL:SVRL OBS:BRITE FBL SEEN/20min:NFD:/A CAPITAL", **LatLong:** "40.272224 -7.500000", **LatLongDMS:** "40:16:20 N 07:30:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.272224,-7.500000)", **State/Prov:** "BRB", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 30223 (D1D1E141)
**Date:** 2/5/1968
**Time:** 22:10
**Location:** ALEGRIA, RGS, BRZ
**Description:** Hat shaped object hovers stationary over town. No further details. / GIPOVNI report.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 2)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8659
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "321", **HatchDesc:** "ALEGRIA,RGS,BRZ:HAT SHAPED OBJ HVRS STATIONARY OVR TOWN:NFD:/GIPOVNI Rpt", **LatLong:** "-27.833335 -54.033336", **LatLongDMS:** "27:50:00 S 54:02:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-27.833335,-54.033336)", **State/Prov:** "RGS", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30224 (9945A221)
**Date:** 2/5/1968
**Location:** Boulder, Colorado
**Description:** [McDonald](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James%5FE.%5FMcDonald)’s letter arrives in Boulder, Colorado. [Low](http://ufohistoryfiles.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/CO%2067%20NEWS.pdf) is out of town and the staff read it first. Low does not see it until 4:00 p.m. the following day when Mary Lou Armstrong shows it to him. He explodes, saying whoever gave the memo to McDonald should be fired. [Condon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward%5FCondon) is also furious.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** UFOs Yes, 188
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4506
### Event 30225 (C055DA05)
**Date:** 2/5/1968
**Description:** Nicholas Rinaldi, age 38, a commercial artist, observed a large cigar-shaped object at low level in rural Cromwell, Connecticut at 8:25 p.m. He tried to approach it in his car but it flew away. This was his third low-level sighting of a dark cigar-shaped UFO since his first spectacular close encounter on January 24, 1967 with 19 other separate witnesses.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Donald A. Johnson, on-site investigation
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_701
### Event 30226 (0C7C38DE)
**Date:** 2/7/1968
**Location:** Condon's office
**Description:** [Low](http://ufohistoryfiles.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/CO%2067%20NEWS.pdf) summons [Saunders](https://psycnet.apa.org/record/1993-27194-001) to [Condon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward%5FCondon)’s office, asking him if he knew [McDonald](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James%5FE.%5FMcDonald) had a copy of the memo. Saunders said yes, and didn’t think he needed to alert anyone, since McDonald is a friend of the project. Condon says, “For an act like that, you deserve to be ruined professionally!” Saunders avoids admitting he was responsible \(indirectly\) for McDonald’s having the memo. When Norm Levine arrives, Saunders is ordered to leave. Levine tells him the memo’s release is a group effort. Condon tells Levine not to discuss this meeting or communicate further with McDonald. Levine says he can’t do that, Condon tells him he is no longer useful, and Levine walks out. Condon and Low meet with other staff members the rest of the day.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** UFOs Yes, 188–192
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4507
### Event 30227 (BA12BDCD)
**Date:** 2/8/1968
**Locations:** University of Colorado; Colorado
**Description:** [Condon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward%5FCondon) and [Low](http://ufohistoryfiles.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/CO%2067%20NEWS.pdf) meet with [Thurston Manning](https://www.legacy.com/obituaries/name/thurston-manning-obituary?pid=171867180) and Stuart W. Cook from the University of Colorado’s Psychology Department. Condon tells Mary Lou Armstrong that [Saunders](https://psycnet.apa.org/record/1993-27194-001) and Norm Levine will be fired. Low types the letters himself and Condon signs them. Condon also writes a letter to [Hynek](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J.%5FAllen%5FHynek) asking him to provide 10– 15 of the best cases from his files.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** UFOs Yes, 192–193; Center for UFO Studies, \[[Hynek correspondence](http://cufos.org/cases/1965-69%5F00%5F00%5FUS%5FIL%5FHynek-AF-letters.pdf)\], p. 10
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4508
### Event 30228 (C2F38D83)
**Date:** 2/9/1968
**Location:** PORTUGAL, Redinha
**Description:** (Translated from French) At 4:30 PM, the witnesses, among others, observed a strange, loud object entangled in a cloud of smoke. It flew so low that it created a vacuum above the grass.
**Reference:** collaboration of Larry Fenwick, CUFORN, Joaquim Fernandes, CNIFO, Willy Smith, UNICAT Project; listing of Victor Lourenço; "Diario Popular" 14.4.68
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2501
### Event 30229 (D0CE1D72)
**Date:** 2/9/1968
**Location:** USA, Groveton, Missouri
**Description:** (Translated from French) At 3:20 a.m. the farmer heard his cows mooing in the field near the house, as if something was frightening them. He rushed to the window and saw, a hundred meters away in the dark night, a bright light of such luminosity that he could move around inside without turning on the lamp and outside he saw his animals in a semi-circle to the left of the light. It was an enormous circular craft, and the greenish light came from the concave side. Its apparent size was 30 cm, it remained stationary 6 or 7 meters from the ground, in the middle there were 7 openings or portholes which in real dimensions must have been between 60 and 75 cm in diameter. The cows were standing 30 to 60 meters from the craft and some were looking towards the object. And then, suddenly, one of the cows turned around and ran, tail in the air, towards the barn, the others followed. In a few seconds the field was empty. Throughout the time there was a noise (...) like the whistling of a piece of iron spinning, but it was also jerky at the same time. At the moment of departure this noise became louder and the jerks more rapid. It left quickly towards the southwest at an angle of 45° without ever changing its horizontal position. (February 9, 1968)
**Reference:** J. Allen HYNEK: "New Report on UFOs" - Belfond 1979, pp. 189-191
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2502
### Event 30230 (C5F462B6)
**Date:** 2/9/1968
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Sighting in Groveton \(Missouri\). (February 9)
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#12235 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1968.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2412
### Event 30231 (F2665F18)
**Date:** 2/9/1968
**Time:** 04:00
**Description:** College students photograph UFO. Hides in smoke cloud. Low.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LOURENCO, Victor: The PORTUCAT CATALOG; (BBS Download). (Index 118)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8660
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Portugal", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "30", **HatchDesc:** "COIMBRA+REDINHA,PORTUGAL:COLLEGE STUDENTS FOTO UFO:HIDES IN SMOKE CLOUD:LOW", **LatLong:** "40.216669 -8.383334", **LatLongDMS:** "40:13:00 N 08:23:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.216669,-8.383334)", **State/Prov:** "Beira littoral", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 30232 (F58C05F8)
**Date:** 2/9/1968
**Time:** 04:20
**Location:** GROVETON, MO
**Description:** Noise. 30m saucer lights field / 6m altitude. Windows. Cows missing. Going quickly southwest. / MJ#238.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HYNEK, Dr. J. Allen: THE HYNEK UFO REPORT; Dell Publ., NY 1977. 298pp. (Index 193)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8661
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens, **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "197", **HatchDesc:** "GROVETON,MO:NOISE:30m SCR LITES FLD/6m alt:WINDOWS:COWS MISSING:>>SW:/MJ#238", **LatLong:** "39.583335 -94.566671", **LatLongDMS:** "39:35:00 N 94:34:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.583335,-94.566671)", **RelAlt:** "6", **State/Prov:** "Missouri", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 30233 (F3623311)
**Date:** 2/9/1968
**Location:** Groveton, MO
**Description:** 100 ft circular obj hover 20-25 ft above ground sends cattle running toward barns (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions, BB: 12235)
**Reference:** NICAP: [680209](http://www.nicap.org/anreact/ar-680209.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3914
### Event 30234 (0FFF5EEE)
**Date:** 2/9/1968
**Time:** 4:20 AM
**Location:** Groveton, Missouri
**Description:** Witness: Mr. R.W. Bland. One object, 100' in diameter, with concave sides having "portholes" in the center of each gave off yellow-green light. Hovered 25' above ground, then moved rapidly toward the southwest. Gave off pulsating sound, like a length of wire whirled at high speed above the head. Sighting lasted 1-5 minutes.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_580
### Event 30235 (D6AF1A7E)
**Date:** 2/9/1968
**Location:** US
**Description:** Dr. David Saunders and Dr. Norman Levine, members of Air Force-sponsored Colorado UFO project, fired by Dr. E. U. Condon for alleged "incompetence" in controversy over project management
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_155
### Event 30236 (521F4951)
**Date:** 2/9/1968
**Location:** Boulder Daily Camera
**Description:** [Condon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward%5FCondon) and [Low](http://ufohistoryfiles.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/CO%2067%20NEWS.pdf) meet with [Craig](https://legacy.lib.utexas.edu/taro/tamucush/00151/tamu-00151.html), who admits knowing about the memo and says he was concerned about it. He leaves the meeting “deeply concerned” about the project’s viability. Roger Harkins writes up the events at the project for the Boulder Daily Camera; when he interviews Condon, he realizes that Condon “honestly didn’t know anything about that memo until a couple of days ago.” Condon admits, in contrast to his statements earlier, that [Saunders](https://psycnet.apa.org/record/1993-27194-001) and Levine were fired for insubordination, not incompetence.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** UFOs Yes, 194–195
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4509
### Event 30237 (3191B270)
**Date:** 2/11/1968
**Location:** PICO DA TIJUCA, BRZ
**Description:** 3 observer(s) 20km away. 40M circular night light hovers / transmitter. Quickly going up. / r222p61.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 823)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8662
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "55", **HatchDesc:** "PICO da TIJUCA,BRZ:3 OBS 20km AWAY:40M CIRC.NLT HVRS/TRANSMITTER:↑↑:/r222p61", **LatLong:** "-22.966668 -43.283335", **LatLongDMS:** "22:58:00 S 43:17:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-22.966668,-43.283335)", **State/Prov:** "RDJ", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30238 (E96429B0)
**Date:** 2/11/1968
**Time:** 19:00
**Location:** JOHNSTON, RI
**Description:** Domed saucer passes over observer(s) car. Lights on rim like theatre marquis.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FOWLER, Raymond E.: UFO'S, INTERPLANETARY VISITORS; Prentice Hall & Bantam Books, NY 1979. 346pp. (Index 335)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8663
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "55", **HatchDesc:** "JOHNSTON,RI:DOMED SCR PASSES OVR OBS CAR:LITES ON RIM LIKE THEATRE MARQUIS", **LatLong:** "41.816669 -71.516670", **LatLongDMS:** "41:49:00 N 71:31:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.816669,-71.516670)", **State/Prov:** "Rhode Island", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 30239 (2CDFC7F1)
**Date:** 2/11/1968
**Description:** An oval, domed object passed low over a car at the edge of a pond in Johnston, Rhode Island at 7:00 p.m. It had pulsating white and pinkish-red lights around the rim, making it look like a flashing theater marquee.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Raymond E. Fowler, UFOs: Interplanetary Visitors, p. 351
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_825
### Event 30240 (8CA80C46)
**Date:** 2/12/1968
**Location:** COLOMBIA, Pitipui
**Description:** (Translated from French) An explosion occurred. Several people had previously seen an object flying over the virgin forest. After hearing the explosion, people went to the site and found a hole and also metal fragments. They brought to Bogota on February 20, a piece of 3 m in diameter and weighing 57 kg. The witnesses had tried in vain to break the metal to be able to transport it more easily but in vain. No tool was able to cut the piece. The surface of the metal was covered with small grooves, but even with a hammer or a chisel one could not trace grooves on it. [vog: so there is a fairly substantial UFO piece? we want to see it, touch it, make sure it's true, read the analyses that have been done, everything...]
**Reference:** Henry DURRANT: "The UFO File" - Laffont 1973 - p.164
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2503
### Event 30241 (10C778E2)
**Date:** 2/12/1968
**Description:** Large round green night light turns red. Maneuvers. Shoots away. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SALISBURY, Frank: The UTAH UFO DISPLAY -- a Biologist Reports; 1974 Devin Adair, New Greenwich,CT. HB 286pp. ISBN 0-815-97000-5 (Index 252)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8664
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "1840", **HatchDesc:** "1M NW/WHITEROCKS,UT:LRG ROUND GREEN NLT TURNS RED:MNVRS:SHOOTS AWAY:NFD", **LatLong:** "40.500002 -109.950005", **LatLongDMS:** "40:30:00 N 109:57:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.500002,-109.950005)", **State/Prov:** "Utah", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 30242 (6BEE9738)
**Date:** 2/12/1968
**Description:** On this night a large round object was seen close to the ground in Farm Creek, Utah in Uintah County by a woman named Christiansen. It changed color from green to red, performed a number of maneuvers, and left rapidly.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Frank B. Salisbury, The Utah UFO Display, Appendix case 61
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_867
### Event 30243 (41BFC85A)
**Date:** 2/13/1968
**Time:** 04:00
**Location:** NEAR MISSOULA, MT
**Description:** White-glow ovoid follows ex-Air Traffic Controller and 1 / car at 1km altitude. Sharp maneuvers over road.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO Evidence II: HB: Scarecrow Press Lanham, MD. http://www.scarecrowpress.com ISBN 0-8108-3881-8 (Index 161)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8665
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **NUC:** Nuclear facility related, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "975", **HatchDesc:** "nr MISSOULA,MT:WHT-GLOW OVOID FOLOS EX-ATC+1/CAR @1km alt:SHARP MNVRS ovr ROAD", **LatLong:** "46.833336 -114.000005", **LatLongDMS:** "46:50:00 N 114:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.833336,-114.000005)", **RelAlt:** "1000", **State/Prov:** "Montana", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30244 (67C3A8A4)
**Date:** 2/13/1968
**Time:** 19:00
**Description:** Several observer(s). Grey object going quickly [to] overhead. UFO's / Santa Maria and Funchal / 14 February.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LOURENCO, Victor: The PORTUCAT CATALOG; (BBS Download). (Index 120)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8666
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Atlantic Ocean + islands", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "220", **HatchDesc:** "SAO MIGUEL ISL,AZORES:SVRL OBS:GREY OBJ>>OVHD::UFOS/SANTA MARIA+FUNCHAL/14FEB", **LatLong:** "37.833335 -25.750001", **LatLongDMS:** "37:50:00 N 25:45:00 W", **Locale:** "Islands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.833335,-25.750001)", **State/Prov:** "Azores", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 30245 (7CDA119B)
**Date:** 2/13/1968
**Location:** Missoula, MT
**Description:** Luminous elliptical object followed car for 30 minutes, moved back and forth across road, made sharp turns and unusual maneuvers, suddenly disappeared (Section IV, Vol. II, The UFO Evidence). (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3915
### Event 30246 (21D13C4F)
**Date:** 2/13/1968
**Location:** Missoula, MT
**Description:** Luminous elliptical object followed car for 30 minutes, moved back and forth across road, made sharp turns and unusual maneuvers, suddenly disappeared
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_156
### Event 30247 (2A0E4027)
**Date:** 2/13/1968
**Description:** At 4:00 a.m. Robert Union, a former FAA air traffic controller, and his wife sighted a glowing white elliptical object that paced their car for 30 minutes. It crossed back and forth across the road at an altitude of 2,000 to 5,000 feet near Missoula, Montana, maneuvering and making sharp turns before it finally vanished abruptly.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP case files, report dated February 13, 1968; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II. A Thirty Year Report, pp. 153 & 161
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_897
### Event 30248 (7D331F26)
**Date:** 2/14/1968
**Location:** Wright-Patterson AFB
**Description:** [Hynek](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J.%5FAllen%5FHynek) replies to [Condon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward%5FCondon)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward%5FCondon) saying that he will send him some of his best cases over the next few weeks, but requests that in return they be given a “thorough investigation.” He even offers to go to Wright-Patterson AFB and send him copies of good Blue Book cases, since [Quintanilla](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hector%5FQuintanilla) has scrupulously been sending him copies of only those he asks for.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Center for UFO Studies, \[[Hynek correspondence](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hector%5FQuintanilla)\], pp. 11–12
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4510
### Event 30249 (F864B84F)
**Date:** 2/14/1968
**Location:** MITRE Corporation
**Description:** [F. Robert Naka](https://www.columbiamissourian.com/news/higher%5Feducation/engineering-building-west-renamed-after-renowned-scientist/article%5F5fcca5c6-7c3a-11e6-90a7-1fb315e71c50.html)[,](https://www.columbiamissourian.com/news/higher%5Feducation/engineering-building-west-renamed-after-renowned-scientist/article%5F5fcca5c6-7c3a-11e6-90a7-1fb315e71c50.html) USAF chief reconnaissance scientist at MITRE Corporation, tells [Robert Low](http://ufohistoryfiles.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/CO%2067%20NEWS.pdf) that, contrary to what NORAD had briefed him on in 1967, NORAD radars can and do track UFOs “coming in from outer space.” He does not deny that NORAD has already tracked such objects on occasion.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clark III 804
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4511
### Event 30250 (D8F5ED68)
**Date:** 2/14/1968
**Description:** USAF chief reconnaissance scientist at MITRE Corporation, F. Robert Naka, tells Robert Low that NORAD radars track UAP “coming in from outer space.” He states NORAD has already tracked such objects.
* [https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Encyclopedia-3rd-Jerome-Clark/dp/0780816595](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Encyclopedia-3rd-Jerome-Clark/dp/0780816595) (p804)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_126
### Event 30251 (B372335E)
**Date:** 2/16/1968
**Time:** 17:00
**Location:** FORT NORMAN, NWT
**Description:** Dog team excited. Huge vibrant bright orange ball moves near phone lines.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 821)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8667
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "17", **HatchDesc:** "FORT NORMAN,NWT:DOG TEAM EXCITED:HUGE VBRITE ORG.BALL MOVES nr PHONE LINES", **LatLong:** "64.966670 -125.650006", **LatLongDMS:** "64:58:00 N 125:39:00 W", **Locale:** "Tundra", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/64.966670,-125.650006)", **State/Prov:** "Northwest Territories", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30252 (FC3F49BB)
**Date:** 2/16/1968
**Locations:** Novosti; Moskovskij Komsomolets
**Description:** Novosti Science Commentator Villen Lyustiberg writes “Flying Saucers? They’re a Myth” in the newspaper Moskovskij Komsomolets. Novosti releases an English translation on March 12. It explains US reports as either misobservations or misreporting by the media.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Central Intelligence Agency, “[Nothing But the Facts on](https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/DOC%5F0000015452.pdf) [UFOs, or Which](https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/DOC%5F0000015452.pdf) [Novosti](https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/DOC%5F0000015452.pdf) [Writer Do You Read?](https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/DOC%5F0000015452.pdf)” April 9, 1968
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4512
### Event 30253 (C20A12C1)
**Date:** 2/18/1968
**Location:** YUGOSLAVIA, Sremcica
**Description:** (Translated from French) At around 8:30am, the owner of a restaurant, Sekul Medenica, heard an explosion near his house in Sremcica (18 km from Belgrade), which broke several windows. Three trees were burned and a crater had been dug in the ground right next to the restaurant. The crater contained a striated, dark gray metallic body. Ovoid in shape, about 20 cm in size, it weighed 1900 g and appeared to be made of magnesium. (vog: yet another piece of unknown origin? let's see it then! I bet it was a fragment of an artificial satellite..) Unknown origin.
**Reference:** Ion HOBANA/Julien WEVERBERGH: "Les OVNI en URSS et dans les pays de l'Est" - trad. Laffont 1976 - p. 254
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2504
### Event 30254 (2C5407A0)
**Date:** 2/18/1968
**Time:** 01:00
**Location:** VASHON ISLAND, WA
**Description:** 3 car / rainy day. 9M metallic saucer over pond.. frozen solid / 8cm. / MJ#238.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 819)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8668
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "100", **HatchDesc:** "VASHON Isl,WA:3 CAR/RAINY DAY:9M MTLC SCR OVR POND..FROZEN SOLID/8cm:/MJ#238", **LatLong:** "47.433336 -122.477784", **LatLongDMS:** "47:26:00 N 122:28:40 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.433336,-122.477784)", **State/Prov:** "Washington", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 30255 (7134C7E8)
**Date:** 2/18/1968
**Location:** Vashon, Washington
**Description:** 12:00 midnight. Teenagers Richard Frombach, Boone Powers, and Chris Beachner are parked next to a pond in a gravel pit near Vashon, Washington, when they notice a glowing oval object resting on a hill to the east. They drive into town to pick up an additional witness, Joseph Frabush, and return to the area, park on the main road, and walk into the pond area. The object has moved to the east. Frabush thinks it is metallic and about 30 feet long. They drive back into town for more witnesses, but when they return the light is gone and the 100-foot pond is completely frozen over. Temperatures in the area have been above freezing for several days. Small puddles and mud patches surrounding the pond are not frozen at all. The pond ice is dry, even though it has been raining all night. Investigators find that the ice is 3 inches thick in some spots, composed of 2–5 layers, and riddled with bubbles filled with air and dirt.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[The Strange Case of the Frozen Pond,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201968%2003%2000%20-%20March-April.pdf)” APRO Bulletin, March/April 1968, pp. 1–3
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4513
### Event 30256 (48179209)
**Date:** 2/19/1968
**Time:** 11:50
**Location:** BENGOUGH, SSK
**Description:** 1 observer. Domed saucer with rivets and portholes. Whines. Circles power pole. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v17#4.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 54)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8669
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "20", **Elev:** "699", **HatchDesc:** "BENGOUGH,SSK:1 OBS:DOMED SCR W/RIVETS+PORTS:WHINES:CCLs PWR POLE:/FSR v17#4", **LatLong:** "49.394447 -105.116672", **LatLongDMS:** "49:23:40 N 105:07:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.394447,-105.116672)", **State/Prov:** "Sasketchewan", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 30257 (BCB17B21)
**Date:** 2/19/1968
**Location:** Behgough, Saskatchewan, CAN
**Description:** Dog and cattle fearful of slow moving domed disc (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)
**Reference:** NICAP: [680219](http://www.nicap.org/bengoughdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3916
### Event 30258 (EFF51C68)
**Date:** 2/19/1968
**Location:** Bengough, Saskatchewan, Canada
**Description:** Witness felt "tingling sensations", domed disc with ports maneuvered around farm, emitting high-pitched whine. Dog cowered in snow, tattle bolted
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_157
### Event 30259 (982FA14F)
**Date:** 2/19/1968
**Location:** Bengough, Saskatchewan
**Description:** 11:55 a.m. Martha Heggs is in her farmhouse kitchen about 10 miles west of Bengough, Saskatchewan. She hears a high-pitched whine that has such a penetrating intensity it is similar to a mild electric shock, causing a tingling sensation throughout her body. Looking out, she sees an object 300 feet away circling around a pole with an electric transformer on it. The object is shaped like two saucers edge-to-edge, surmounted by a dome with 6–7 ports, rounded at the top and extending straight down to the base of the dome. These ports are indented and white in color, resembling frosted glass. The saucers are about 8 feet wide and the dome about 4 feet wide. The body of the object looks like dull aluminum. There is a smaller, vented structure on top of the dome and an antenna on top of that. When the object first appears, a dog is seen cowering and lying in the snow, trying to cover its ears with its paws. Sixteen head of cattle, loose in the farmyard, bolt when the object moves into the area. They enter the cattle sheds and do not emerge until at least 30 minutes after the object disappears. The object moves about the farmyard, sometimes hovering, its altitude ranging from 3 feet to 20 feet. After 20 minutes, still 9–12 feet above the ground, the object leaves the farm through a windbreak and moves north until lost to view.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Donald E. Keyhoe and Gordon I. R. Lore Jr., UFOs: A New Look, NICAP, 1969, Section IV, [pp. 11–12](http://www.nicap.org/newlook/section%5FIV.htm)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4514
### Event 30260 (99EDF8E8)
**Date:** 2/19/1968
**Description:** Mrs. Martha Heggs of Bengough, Saskatchewan, Canada had a close encounter with a metallic disc-shaped object with large windows around the domed top. It circled around her farm making a high-pitched sound. Her dog cowered in the snow, and the cattle bolted.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty Year Report, p. 12. 280, & 375
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_999
### Event 30261 (0A03CA0A)
**Date:** 2/20/1968
**Description:** The US Embassy in Moscow sends an unclassified airgram to the US Department of State drawing attention to [Felix Ziegel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Felix%5FZiegel)’s article in the February 1968 issue of Soviet Life, which refers to the Soviet UFO Study Group and concludes that international cooperation in studying UFOs is vital.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Felix Ziegel, “[Unidentified Flying](https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=uc1.31210023618901&view=1up&seq=103&skin=2021) [Objects,](https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=uc1.31210023618901&view=1up&seq=103&skin=2021)” Soviet Life, no. 137 \(February 1968\): 27–29; Good Above, [pp. 235](https://archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/234/mode/2up), [473–474](https://archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/472/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4515
### Event 30262 (90B13F41)
**Date:** 2/21/1968
**Location:** Winsted, CT
**Description:** 12:12 a.m. Ms. Cecilia Brewer and five companions were driving home from work between Barkhamsted and Winsted and heading west when their car's engine started to miss and they encountered a silvery domed disc-shaped UFO on the left side of the highway in a forest clearing. (Source: Donald A. Johnson, Flying Saucer Observer, citing Lawrence Fawcett, APRO field investigator). (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)
**Reference:** NICAP: [680221](http://www.nicap.org/winstead680221dir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3917
### Event 30263 (523A7AE6)
**Date:** 2/21/1968
**Location:** 37.0000 -116.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Torch” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_528
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0000 -116.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:00 N 116:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0000,-116.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Torch", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 30264 (DD6819A8)
**Date:** 2/21/1968
**Time:** 15:30:00.0
**Location:** 37.1166 -116.0537
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Knox” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 200KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_529
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1166 -116.0537", **LatLongDMS:** "37:07:00 N 116:03:13 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1166,-116.0537)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.64", **NukeMb:** "5.80", **NukeName:** "Knox", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "200"
### Event 30265 (82CF18C6)
**Date:** 2/21/1968
**Description:** On this night at 12:12 a.m. Ms. Cecilia Brewer and five companions were driving home from work between Barkhamsted and Winsted, Connecticut and heading west when their car's engine started to miss and they encountered a silvery domed disc-shaped UFO on the left side of the highway in a forest clearing. The object was at a distance of about 150 feet, and had a cone of white light coming from the bottom of the object. It also had a green lit, rectangular window in the dome. They stopped to watch the UFO before it flew away, the total duration of their close encounter being around 15 minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Donald A. Johnson, Flying Saucer Observer, citing Lawrence Fawcett, APRO field investigator
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1035
### Event 30266 (16B129D0)
**Date:** 2/21/1968
**Description:** At eleven o'clock that night Miss Amato, a 12-year-old girl, heard a "bloop-bloop" noise outside her bedroom window and looked out her window at the abandoned Winsted, Connecticut railroad station behind her family's house. She saw a white egg-shaped UFO, a little larger than a station wagon, hovering close to the ground beside the building and railroad tracks. A short beam of light came out of the craft, pointed downward at an angle like a ramp, and 15-20 little men about three feet tall walked down the light beam in single file and jumped from the end of the beam to the ground. They were dressed in dull silver coveralls and wore fishbowl-type helmets. They proceeded to climb up the side of the station, one after another, with a hand over hand movement as if they were swimming or had suction cups on their hands. When they reached the roof, they spread out in different directions and appeared to be interested in looking down inside the building through a skylight. The girl became frightened at this point and went to bed, covering her head with the bedcovers. The building was being used as a storage site for ammonium nitrate fertilizer.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Donald A. Johnson, Flying Saucer Observer, May 1968, citing Larry Fawcett, APRO field investigator; David F. Webb and Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1968-17; Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1968, case 38, citing Larry Fawcett
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1036
### Event 30267 (4155CBD5)
**Date:** 2/21/1968
**Description:** At dusk a woman living in a cabin near the coast on Keats Island, British Columbia saw a single object maneuvering 60 feet above the ocean. It had frosted yellow side lights with a bright red light in the middle, and it slid back and forth across sky as if on rail. Then a "big boat" lit up on the water's surface, and shot six amber 4-foot-wide balls of light up into the sky.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** John Magor, Our UFO Visitors, p. 45
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1037
### Event 30268 (3C2FAEA5)
**Date:** 2/22/1968
**Location:** Soviet Union
**Description:** UNCLASSIFIED AIR GRAM, U.S. Dept. of the State regarding UFOs in the Soviet Union: Feb. 1968, Soviet Life published three pages pertinent to UFOs, by Felix Zigel. He also published a UFO article in 1966. Until recently no study of UFOs had been made in the Soviet Union.
**Type:** unclassified air gram
**Reference:** [Pea Research](https://www.academia.edu/9813787/GOVERNMENT_INVOLVEMENT_IN_THE_UFO_COVER_UP_CHRONOLOGY_based) (["Above Top Secret" by Timothy Good](https://archive.org/details/abovetopsecretwo00good/page/n7/mode/2up) p473)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_654
**See also:** 1/19/68
### Event 30269 (1FC29E3F)
**Date:** 2/22/1968
**Description:** Mary Lou Armstrong tells [Condon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward%5FCondon) that the staff has no confidence in [Low](http://ufohistoryfiles.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/CO%2067%20NEWS.pdf) as project coordinator, that Low has no interest in UFO sightings or reports, and that the staff has come to a radically different conclusion.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** UFOs Yes, 199
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4516
### Event 30270 (B490A477)
**Date:** 2/23/1968
**Time:** 19:00
**Location:** FLORES, AZORES
**Description:** 2+observer(s). Bright white ball becomes ovoid. No further details. (Saucer tilting?)
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LOURENCO, Victor: The PORTUCAT CATALOG; (BBS Download). (Index 124)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8670
**Attributes:** **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Atlantic Ocean + islands", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "FLORES,AZORES:2+OBS:BRITE WHT BALL BECOMES OVOID:NFD:(SCR TILTING?)", **LatLong:** "39.466669 -31.172224", **LatLongDMS:** "39:28:00 N 31:10:20 W", **Locale:** "Islands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.466669,-31.172224)", **State/Prov:** "Azores", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30271 (EC0C7A1B)
**Date:** 2/23/1968
**Locations:** Colorado; Wright-Patterson
**Description:** [Hynek](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J.%5FAllen%5FHynek) writes another letter to [Condon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward%5FCondon), saying that he has reconsidered his decision to send him his best cases, as he thinks the Colorado project will be unable to investigate them adequately before its contractual period is up. He does send him a catalog of recent Blue Book cases and offers to help him obtain from Wright-Patterson any of the unidentified or insufficient evidence cases that he wants to see.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Center for UFO Studies, \[[Hynek](http://cufos.org/cases/1965-69%5F00%5F00%5FUS%5FIL%5FHynek-AF-letters.pdf) [correspondence](http://cufos.org/cases/1965-69%5F00%5F00%5FUS%5FIL%5FHynek-AF-letters.pdf)\], pp. 14–17
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4517
### Event 30272 (6327D47D)
**Date:** 2/23/1968
**Description:** Several independent witnesses, including two named Hendrickson and Sinclair, watched a nocturnal UFO engage in zigzag maneuvers over the suburbs of Adelaide, South Australia at 8:30 p.m. There was also a high pitched sound associated with the object.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Michael Hervey, UFOs Over the Southern Hemisphere, p. 181
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1065
### Event 30273 (AB3B7BF8)
**Date:** 2/24/1968
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Resignation of [Mary Louise Armstrong](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/officiels.html\#ArmstrongMaryLouise) from the [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) project. (February 24)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1968.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2413
### Event 30274 (37A72D99)
**Date:** 2/24/1968
**Time:** 21:00?
**Location:** NEAR CARLISLE, PA
**Description:** Engineer and 1. Ovoid darkens as plane passes. Vanishes when hit / light.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 54)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8671
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "150", **HatchDesc:** "nr CARLISLE,PA:ENGINEER+1:OVOID DARKENS as plane passes:VANISHES when hit/lite", **LatLong:** "40.166669 -77.166670", **LatLongDMS:** "40:10:00 N 77:10:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.166669,-77.166670)", **State/Prov:** "Pennsylvania", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30275 (3CE6232E)
**Date:** 2/24/1968
**Location:** Colorado
**Description:** Armstrong resigns from the Colorado project, citing an “almost unanimous lack of confidence” among senior staffers in [Low](http://ufohistoryfiles.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/CO%2067%20NEWS.pdf)’s competence. She also complains that Low has been less than honest about the radical difference between staff views of UFOs and the views Low and [Condon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward%5FCondon) are expressing.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** \(J. Allen Hynek, The UFO Experience, Ballantine ed., 1974, [pp. 239–241](https://archive.org/details/ufoexperience00jall/page/238/mode/2up), [274–282](https://archive.org/details/ufoexperience00jall/page/274/mode/2up); Clark III 698, 1197\).
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4518
### Event 30276 (E7AE03AF)
**Date:** 2/24/1968
**Description:** Two men in Westhill, Pennsylvania reported sighting an oval shaped UFO with a finlike rear projection on this night. It had red body lights that dimmed when an airplane flew past.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP UFO Investigator, May-June 1968, p. 3; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty-Year Report, p. 153
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1081
### Event 30277 (49E2187A)
**Date:** 2/26/1968
**Description:** An unidentified man in Phoenix, Arizona was awakened at one a.m. by a sharp knock on his door. "I saw a man standing in my room at some distance...wearing dark clothing...I couldn't see his face...he was slender and not tall, perhaps five feet nine. He changed position a few times...and then he was gone."
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb and Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, citing John A. Keel, Strange Creatures from Time and Space; Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1968, case 39
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1134
### Event 30278 (B10F796C)
**Date:** 2/26/1968
**Description:** A huge, hairy creature was seen drinking from a pond in Curbarsi, Barcelona province, Spain during the daytime. Upon discovery by the owners of the property the creature fled. It matched the description by a passing motorist of a large hairy biped seen crossing the road several days earlier in Hostalrich.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb and Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, citing FSR, July-August 1968; Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1968, case 40
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1135
### Event 30279 (FD245B77)
**Date:** 2/27/1968
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Death of Gagarin during a training flight. (February 27)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1968.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2414
### Event 30280 (3D62DD80)
**Date:** 2/27/1968
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In the USSR, the Academy of Sciences declared ufology research to be anti-scientific: no credible witness had ever observed these flying saucers in the sky, which were part of imperialist propaganda.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1968.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2415
### Event 30281 (0FC4C90D)
**Date:** 2/27/1968
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Statement from Professor [Ziegel](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/ZiegelFelixY.html).
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1968.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2416
### Event 30282 (15BBF004)
**Date:** 2/27/1968
**Location:** Templeton, Massachusetts
**Description:** 4:30 a.m. A brilliant flood of light from her window abruptly awakens a woman named Bernor in Templeton, Massachusetts. She becomes paralyzed, her face is immobile, and her hands and feet ache. The light goes on and off about 7–8 times, ending around 5:00 a.m. She slowly recovers over the next few days.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Michael D. Swords, “A Trick of the Light,” IUR 31, no. 2 \(June 2007\): 11
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4519
### Event 30283 (54BA9C69)
**Date:** 2/27/1968
**Locations:** Bideford; Cullompton, Devon, England
**Description:** 6:55 p.m. Truck driver Andrew Perry is driving from Bideford to Cullompton, Devon, England, when he sees a bright light appear at the crest of a hill. As he gets closer, he sees the light is coming from a mushroom- shaped object. As he reaches about 900 feet away from the object, he stops the truck and climbs to the top of the cab to get a better view. He sees about 4–5 figures about 4 feet tall spread out around the object. Suddenly they scramble toward the UFO and disappear inside. The object emits a high-pitched whirring sound that causes his truck to vibrate. Perry gets upset and climbs back into the truck, driving it fast down the road. Meanwhile, the UFO has risen about 200 feet into the air and is passing above his truck, making a noise so loud he can’t hear the engine running. Suddenly the truck engine cuts out. A few seconds later, the noise stops and Perry sees the UFO moving away in the distance. He drives to the nearest police station to report the incident.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** UFOFiles2, [pp. 126–](https://archive.org/details/the-ufo-files-the-inside-story-of-real-life-sightings-david-clarke/page/n205/mode/2up) [127](https://archive.org/details/the-ufo-files-the-inside-story-of-real-life-sightings-david-clarke/page/n205/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4520
### Event 30284 (CB944844)
**Date:** 2/28/1968
**Description:** 3 top weathermen. "Unnatural" sphere / 1km altitude / 7 minute(s).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LOURENCO, Victor: The PORTUCAT CATALOG; (BBS Download). (Index 123)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8672
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Atlantic Ocean + islands", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "7", **HatchDesc:** "ANGRA do HERIOSMO,AZORES:3 TOP WEATHERMEN:"UNNATURAL" SPHERE/1km ALT/7min", **LatLong:** "38.650002 -27.233335", **LatLongDMS:** "38:39:00 N 27:14:00 W", **Locale:** "Islands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.650002,-27.233335)", **State/Prov:** "Azores", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30285 (B37D4026)
**Date:** 2/28/1968
**Description:** [Condon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward%5FCondon) has a slight heart attack.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Center for UFO Studies, \[[Hynek correspondence](http://cufos.org/cases/1965-69%5F00%5F00%5FUS%5FIL%5FHynek-AF-letters.pdf)\], p. 19
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4521
### Event 30286 (AF1F0FF0)
**Date:** 2/29/1968
**Time:** 17:08:30.0
**Location:** 37.1846 -116.2114
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Dorsal Fin” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_530
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1846 -116.2114", **LatLongDMS:** "37:11:05 N 116:12:41 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1846,-116.2114)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.41", **NukeMb:** "5.00", **NukeName:** "Dorsal Fin", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 30287 (819AA686)
**Date:** 2/29/1968
**Description:** Chairman of the Soviet Astronomical Services [Evald Rudolfovich Mustel](https://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/Evald%2BRudolfovich%2BMustel)[,](https://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/Evald%2BRudolfovich%2BMustel) president of the All-Union Astronomical and Geodetic Society D. Marynov, and Secretary of the National Committee of Soviet Physicists V. A. Leshkovtsev write an article in Pravda claiming that there have been no unexplainable sightings of UFOs on Russian soil. UFOs are “anti-Soviet products of decadent capitalistic warmongering.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Good Above, [pp. 235–236](https://archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/234/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4522
### Event 30288 (C02B3461)
**Date:** 2/29/1968
**Description:** There was a daylight disc sighting in Malvern, Arkansas by six witnesses.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** George Eberhart, A Geo-Bibliography of Anomalies, p. 378, citing Skylook, February 1968, p. 29
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1189
### Event 30289 (DC1BF01A)
**Date:** 2/29/1968
**Description:** On this night in Pulham Market, Norfolk County, England a tall luminous shape or figure glided from an entrance in a nearby hedge; it traveled slowly along the road and then disappeared. There was a single witness, named Webb.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** John Keel, Operation Trojan Horse, p. 186
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1190
### Event 30290 (396AD9B6)
**Date:** 3/1968 (approximate)
**Location:** BOLIVIA, Otoko (Uyuni)
**Description:** (Translated from French) At around 6:00 PM, Valentina Flores went out to bring in the flock of sheep and llamas that were grazing a kilometer away. She had just finished locking up the sheep and was returning with the llamas when she noticed that the enclosure she had carefully closed was open and a kind of net was covering it. Inside the enclosure she saw a small man about 1.10 m tall, busy killing her sheep with a large tube with a hook at the end. Thinking it was a sheep thief, she threw stones at him. Then the strange creature headed towards a box resting on four legs, resembling a radio: he turned a wheel on the top of the post and it quickly absorbed all the net stretched over the enclosure. Mrs. Flores armed herself with a stick and approached to punish the thief. But he advanced towards her with the same instrument that had been used to bleed the sheep, throwing it several times against her, inflicting slight cuts on her arms. Each time the instrument returned to his right hand, like a boomerang. Then the humanoid picked up the box that had absorbed the net and a kind of plastic bag containing the viscera of the killed animals. The creature wore a helmet with a visor topped with a rod about 3 cm long, double-curved in the shape of an S. He wore a dark suit, his legs tucked into thick boots that seemed to be lined. On his back he carried a bag with sharp angles held by two wide, thick, light straps crossed over his chest. A rigid rod came out of the bag. Holding the net device in one hand and the viscera bag in the other, two large tubes emerged from under the backpack, on the side, until they touched the ground. Then the little man began to rise into the air and then, accelerating his ascent with an extraordinary whistling noise, he finally disappeared. The alerted police soon arrived: they noted the loss of 34 sheep and on each of the corpses small sections of the digestive tube and organs had been taken. (Henry DURRANT: "First Investigations on ET Humanoids" - Laffont 1977 - p. 98, 99 which dates from March) Mrs. Valentina Flores was busy in the kitchen when she heard her sheep stirring, etc… (1968, March (May 14?))
**Reference:** Jean FERGUSON: "The Humanoids…" ed. Leméac, Ottawa, 1977, p. 31, 32, which dates to May 14
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2508
### Event 30291 (305B274C)
**Date:** 3/1968
**Time:** 03:50
**Location:** MILLERTON, NY
**Description:** Metal swings jump. Brilliant red ovoid / going up [to] backyard. 20' burnt grass. / FS observer(s).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PHILLIPS, Ted: Study of PHYSICAL TRACES ASSOCIATED with UFO SIGHTINGS; CUFOS 1975. (Index 55)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8673
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "214", **HatchDesc:** "MILLERTON,NY:MTL SWINGS JUMP:BRILL.RED OVOID/↑BACKYARD:20'BURNT GRASS:/FS OBS.", **LatLong:** "41.955558 -73.511115", **LatLongDMS:** "41:57:20 N 73:30:40 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.955558,-73.511115)", **State/Prov:** "New York", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 30292 (DCFEFADC)
**Date:** 3/1968
**Time:** 23:00
**Location:** NEAR GRAVATAI, BRZ
**Description:** Luminous/glowing red object follows and circles Air Force plane #2077 / 40 minute(s). No further details / news.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 2)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8674
**Attributes:** **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "40", **Elev:** "75", **HatchDesc:** "nr GRAVATAI,BRZ:LUMn RED OBJ FOLOS+CIRCLES AF PLANE #2077/40min:NFD/NEWS", **LatLong:** "-30.000001 -51.000002", **LatLongDMS:** "30:00:00 S 51:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-30.000001,-51.000002)", **State/Prov:** "RGS", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30293 (245BA3FE)
**Date:** 3/1968
**Location:** Berezovsky (near), Russia
**Description:** Alleged crash/retrieval on the web, and earlier shown on the History Channel. Shows footage of the alleged crashed UFO near Berezovsky (Sverdlovsk region) in 1968 and related alleged KGB documents. (NICAP: 06 - Trace Cases) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)
**Reference:** NICAP: [680300](http://www.aliensthetruth.com/UFO.php?ID=5)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3918
### Event 30294 (2834485F)
**Date:** 3/1968
**Locations:** Area 51; Nevada; Middle East; Groom Lake
**Description:** EG&G technician [Thornton D. Barnes](http://area51specialprojects.com/barnes/area51.html) arrives in Area 51 in Nevada to reverse-engineer the Soviet MiG-21 acquired through defecting Iraqi fighter pilot [Munir Redfa](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Munir%5FRedfa). Soviet-built radar systems acquired in the Middle East are installed around Groom Lake \(to aid stealth testing of the SR-71\), and Barnes is also assigned to evaluate them as well as the ECM capabilities of the MiG.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Jacobsen, Area 51, [pp. 290–293](https://archive.org/details/area51uncensored0000jaco/page/290/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4523
### Event 30295 (5217D878)
**Date:** 3/1968
**Description:** Swiss author [Erich von Däniken](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erich%5Fvon%5FD%C3%A4niken) writes Erinnerungen an die Zukunft, translated into English as Chariots of the Gods?, the first of several books setting out the “ancient astronaut” hypothesis in which ancient gods are space visitors, Homo sapiens was created by cross-breeding or genetic engineering, nuclear wars were fought in the ancient world, and monuments were built by levitation.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Erich von Däniken, [Chariots of the Gods?](https://archive.org/details/chariotsofgodsun00dnrich) Bantam, 1973; Wikipedia, “[Chariots of the Gods?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chariots%5Fof%5Fthe%5FGods%3F)”; Clark III 110; Jerome Clark, “Vimanas Have Landed: Ancient Astronautics in Ufology,” IUR 22, no. 3 \(Fall 1997\): 29–30
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4524
### Event 30296 (1399EC07)
**Date:** 3/1968
**Description:** The Defense Intelligence Agency monitors a crashed “circular metal disc” recovered in Nepal. Four months later, a State Dept. cable subject line “Moon Dust” (referring to a covert USAF **Project Moon Dust** at the time to recover space debris) writes to the DIA, 1127th at Ft. Belvoir, WPAFB, Andrews AFB and MacDill AFB that a diplomatic visit to Kathmandu was a “fishing expedition” for info on “space objects.”
Another cable shows the Royal Nepali Army showed photos of four space objects to U.S. officials, and Nepal’s defense secretary asked the U.S. if it had determined the origin of one object. A possible cover story of a crashed satellite is given, despite NORAD and NASA data showing the Cosmos 208 satellite launched in March 1968 was a success.
* [https://www.dia.mil/FOIA/FOIA-Electronic-Reading-Room/FileId/161544/](https://www.dia.mil/FOIA/FOIA-Electronic-Reading-Room/FileId/161544/) (p55, p57, p104).
* [https://www.archives.gov/files/declassification/iscap/pdf/2009-068-doc212.pdf](https://www.archives.gov/files/declassification/iscap/pdf/2009-068-doc212.pdf) (p2)
* [https://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/nmc/spacecraft/display.action?id=1968-022A](https://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/nmc/spacecraft/display.action?id=1968-022A)
>**_Note_**: The presence of the 1127th on the cable corroborates the USAF document “AFCIN-1E-0 Draft Policy” dated 13 November 1961 that states the 1127th Field Activities Group at Ft.
>Belvoir had responsibility for recovery of foreign space vehicles under **Projects Moon Dust**, **Blue Bly and UFO**. That document distinguishes UAP recovery from crashed Soviet/Bloc vehicles and describes the need for quick reaction teams. The above cable suggests the 1127th monitored and possibly attempted to retrieve the circular metal disc in Nepal.
>**_Note_**: The presence of MacDill AFB on the cable is potentially significant because the location is linked to rumors of housing four reverse engineered flying disc craft with tail fins witnessed by ret. USAF pilot Warren Botz in 1966 and journalist Jack D. Pickett in 1967. Curiously, 18 years earlier, a NACA (predecessor to NASA) employee saw a disc with tail fin in Oregon cataloged by **Project Grudge**.
>* [https://manmade-ufos.com/usaf-flying-saucer](https://manmade-ufos.com/usaf-flying-saucer)
>* [https://www.nicap.org/docs/1949_05_24_US_OR_Rogue%20River%20Oregon%20NACA%20BB%20Rivera-Heaphy%20CU.pdf](https://www.nicap.org/docs/1949_05_24_US_OR_Rogue%20River%20Oregon%20NACA%20BB%20Rivera-Heaphy%20CU.pdf)
>* [http://www.nicap.org/reports/490524rogue.htm](http://www.nicap.org/reports/490524rogue.htm) (alt linked added by rg)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_127
### Event 30297 (D3603DC4)
**Date:** 3/1/1968
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** 3MI WNW / ROOSEVELT, UT
**Description:** Large round object pulsates left going [to] right moving rapidly.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SALISBURY, Frank: The UTAH UFO DISPLAY -- a Biologist Reports; 1974 Devin Adair, New Greenwich,CT. HB 286pp. ISBN 0-815-97000-5 (Index 252)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8675
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "1620", **HatchDesc:** "3MI WNW/ROOSEVELT,UT:LRG ROUND OBJ PULSATES LEFT>RIGHT MOVING RAPIDLY.", **LatLong:** "40.327780 -110.050005", **LatLongDMS:** "40:19:40 N 110:03:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.327780,-110.050005)", **State/Prov:** "Utah", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 30298 (CD51048A)
**Date:** 3/1/1968
**Location:** Boulder, Colorado
**Description:** Boulder, Colorado, police arrest Colorado project officer Jim Wadsworth for possession of marijuana. He pleads no contest and resigns.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** UFOs Yes, 200
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4525
### Event 30299 (A6EDF17F)
**Date:** 3/1/1968
**Location:** NORAD's Cheyenne Mountain facility in Colorado
**Description:** An Over the Horizon Forward Scatter Radar System 440L/Program 673A is turned over to NORAD’s Cheyenne Mountain facility in Colorado by Air Force Intelligence. It has been previously used to collect intelligence on Soviet missile launches since it was built in 1960–1962. It soon picks up unidentified radar returns.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clark III 811
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4526
### Event 30300 (3FF7D0AE)
**Date:** 3/2/1968
**Description:** Airliner paced / UFO briefly. Shoots off / 1500mph.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: ABOVE TOP SECRET; Sidgewick & Jackson, London 1987 & Quill Books, 1988. 592pp. (Index 170)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8676
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "CAIRNS>>IRON RANGE,QLD,AUSTR:AIRLINER PACED/UFO BRIEFLY:SHOOTS OFF/1500mph.", **LatLong:** "-14.966667 144.533340", **LatLongDMS:** "14:58:00 S 144:32:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-14.966667,144.533340)", **State/Prov:** "Queensland", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30301 (E6107965)
**Date:** 3/2/1968
**Location:** RANDLETT, UT
**Description:** Group / observer(s) with binoculars sees silver saucer maneuver. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SALISBURY, Frank: The UTAH UFO DISPLAY -- a Biologist Reports; 1974 Devin Adair, New Greenwich,CT. HB 286pp. ISBN 0-815-97000-5 (Index 252)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8677
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "9", **Elev:** "1463", **HatchDesc:** "RANDLETT,UT:GROUP/OBS W/BINOCULARS SEES SLVR SCR MANEUVER:NFD", **LatLong:** "40.238891 -109.805561", **LatLongDMS:** "40:14:20 N 109:48:20 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.238891,-109.805561)", **State/Prov:** "Utah", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30302 (DD33826E)
**Date:** 3/2/1968
**Time:** 19:00
**Description:** Huge rectangle hovers / 100M altitude. Several cars stop. Away / jet speed.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 821)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8678
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "359", **HatchDesc:** "GILBERT PLAINS,MBa:HUGE RECTANGLE HVRS/100M alt:SVRL CARS STOP:AWAY/JET SPEED", **LatLong:** "51.200002 -100.550005", **LatLongDMS:** "51:12:00 N 100:33:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.200002,-100.550005)", **RelAlt:** "100", **State/Prov:** "Manitoba", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 30303 (22C081D7)
**Date:** 3/2/1968
**Locations:** Horseshoe Lagoon, Tully, Queensland; Cairns; Iron Range; Melbourne, Victoria
**Description:** A magnetic monitoring device with a film camera set up by the Queensland Flying Saucer Research Bureau at Horseshoe Lagoon, Tully, Queensland, is triggered around the time that an airliner flying at 6,000 feet from Cairns to Iron Range is paced by a UFO. About 50 feet of film is exposed. On March 4, another 16 feet is exposed during a local UFO sighting. The film is apparently intercepted by the RAAF after Victor Mele, the owner of the film, sends it to a Kodak processing facility in Melbourne, Victoria.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Good Above, [pp. 170–172](https://archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/170/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4527
### Event 30304 (82AB73D5)
**Date:** 3/2/1968
**Description:** A huge saucer moved up and down in the sky over Kampung Kermat, Malaysia at three o'clock in the afternoon, flashing a bright light. It left a slight smoke trail visible and made a humming sound. It was visible for four minutes before it climbed into the clouds.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** FSR, July-August 1968, p. 34
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1250
### Event 30305 (864C9000)
**Date:** 3/2/1968
**Description:** At noon two people took a photograph of a UFO in Neenah, Wisconsin. That same day three women in Randlett, Utah watched a round, shiny silver objects maneuvering in the sky through binoculars.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Allen Utke investigation files, case 47; Frank B. Salisbury, The Utah UFO Display, case A63
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1251
### Event 30306 (411D2FF0)
**Date:** 3/3/1968
**Time:** 00:50
**Location:** CASTELAR, ARG
**Description:** Power drops. TV black. House flooded / light. Fireball outside shoots away.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 16)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8679
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "29", **HatchDesc:** "CASTELAR,ARG:POWER DROPS:TV BLACK:HOUSE FLOODED/LITE:FBL OUTSIDE SHOOTS AWAY", **LatLong:** "-34.655557 -58.655558", **LatLongDMS:** "34:39:20 S 58:39:20 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-34.655557,-58.655558)", **State/Prov:** "Buenos Aires", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 30307 (56179A52)
**Date:** 3/3/1968
**Time:** 06:20
**Location:** SYRACUSE, NY
**Description:** 20M cylinder/cigar-shape going [to] over car. Electro-magnetic effect (EME). Brief paralysis. / APRO and more / r24 5'68+/ r8#905.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO Evidence II: HB: Scarecrow Press Lanham, MD. http://www.scarecrowpress.com ISBN 0-8108-3881-8 (Index 274)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8680
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "120", **HatchDesc:** "SYRACUSE,NY:20M CGR >OVR CAR:EME:BRIEF PARALYSIS:/APRO+/r24 5'68+/r8#905", **LatLong:** "43.033335 -76.150004", **LatLongDMS:** "43:02:00 N 76:09:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.033335,-76.150004)", **State/Prov:** "New York", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 30308 (CCDC92E5)
**Date:** 3/3/1968
**Time:** 20:50
**Location:** SHOALS, IN
**Description:** 6 observer(s). Saucer / cylinder/cigar-shape with windows. Makes 90° turn going quickly NNE. Zond rocket debris?
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Book: KLASS, Philip J.: UFO's EXPLAINED; Vintage Books/Random House, NY 1974 (Crowder/South Hill, SC 1967 p.135. Shoals, IN 1968 pg. 13 )
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8681
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "50", **Elev:** "137", **HatchDesc:** "SHOALS,IN:6 OBS:SCR/CGR W/WINDOWS:MAKES 90°TURN >>NNE:ZOND ROCKET DEBRIS?", **LatLong:** "38.666669 -86.788893", **LatLongDMS:** "38:40:00 N 86:47:20 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.666669,-86.788893)", **State/Prov:** "Indiana", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 30309 (6191334A)
**Date:** 3/3/1968
**Location:** Northeastern and Central United States, various
**Description:** About 9:50 P.M. (CST). Hundreds of people reported fiery objects streaking across the sky, some showering sparks, leaving bright trails. Zond IV Soviet satellite reentry and decay (Sagan and Page, 1972, 155-161). (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3920
### Event 30310 (89FC2421)
**Date:** 3/3/1968
**Time:** 0615
**Location:** Syracuse, New York
**Description:** Nick Sgouris, while driving to work, observed a luminous, cigar-shaped object, about 20 m long, showing numerous multi-colored lights. The car almost stopped as the object flew low overhead, and the witness was briefly paralyzed.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** APRG Bulletin 67 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_905
### Event 30311 (6D57754C)
**Date:** 3/3/1968
**Location:** Northeastern and Central United States
**Description:** About 9:50 P.M. (CST). Hundreds of people reported fiery objects streaking across the sky, some showering sparks, leaving bright trails. Zond IV Soviet satellite reentry and decay (Sagan and Page, 1972, 155-161).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_158
### Event 30312 (2D6553EC)
**Date:** 3/3/1968
**Locations:** Columbia, Tennessee; Knud Drive
**Description:** 8:30 p.m. Several witnesses are traveling east on Knud Drive in Columbia, Tennessee, when they notice a large rectangular object approaching them silently from behind. When they stop the car, the object is directly overhead and moving east. It has hundreds of small, dimly lit points of light in 5–6 rows on its base. Witness Norman E. Bryant thinks it is 1,000 feet long, 250 feet wide, and flying at an altitude of 2,000 feet. It passes them in a matter of seconds.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Out of the Past,](http://cufos.org/CUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter/1983-84%5FCUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter%5FV4.pdf)” CUFOS Associate Newsletter 4, no. 5 \(Oct./Nov. 1983\): 4–6
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4528
### Event 30313 (1DDF8FA9)
**Date:** 3/3/1968
**Description:** A lawyer's home in Castelar, Argentina was flooded by a bright blue light at 12:45 a.m., and their TV set went blank. A thunderous roar like a jet aircraft flying close by was heard next, and a ball of light was seen shooting off at a dizzying speed.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Oscar A. Uriondo, FSR Case Histories, August 1973, p. 10
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1275
### Event 30314 (D2B95722)
**Date:** 3/4/1968 (approximate)
**Location:** TULLY, QLD, AUS
**Description:** 8MM camera to catch UFO's / electro-magnetic effect (EME) works! Film lost / mail? / r120p170.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 183)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8682
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **MIL:** Military investigation, **COV:** Indication of coverup
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "112", **HatchDesc:** "TULLY,QLD,AUS:8MM CAMERA TO CATCH UFOS/EME WORKS!:FILM LOST/MAIL?:/r120p170", **LatLong:** "-18.016668 145.950007", **LatLongDMS:** "18:01:00 S 145:57:00 E", **Locale:** "Wetlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-18.016668,145.950007)", **State/Prov:** "Queensland", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 30315 (3DFEB70B)
**Date:** 3/4/1968 (approximate)
**Location:** SOUTH / HEALDTON, OK
**Description:** 2 / car. Saucer going south over US70. Circles around and follows car / 8km going north to town.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 821)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8683
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "291", **HatchDesc:** "S/HEALDTON,OK:2/CAR:SCR > S OVR US70:CIRCLES AROUND+FOLOS CAR/8km >N to town", **LatLong:** "34.200002 -97.488894", **LatLongDMS:** "34:12:00 N 97:29:20 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/34.200002,-97.488894)", **State/Prov:** "Oklahoma", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30316 (8E436FC6)
**Date:** 3/4/1968
**Time:** 02:00
**Location:** RAVENSWOOD, WV
**Description:** Several workmen. Series / large luminous globes circle and sway over Ohio River / 2 hours.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** KEEL, John: OPERATION TROJAN HORSE; Putnam's Sons, NY 1970. (Index 158)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8684
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "120", **Elev:** "189", **HatchDesc:** "RAVENSWOOD,WV:SVRL WORKMEN:SERIES/LRG LUM.GLOBES CIRCLE+SWAY OVR OHIO Rvr/2hrs", **LatLong:** "38.933335 -81.750004", **LatLongDMS:** "38:56:00 N 81:45:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.933335,-81.750004)", **State/Prov:** "Western Virginia", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30317 (22532B59)
**Date:** 3/4/1968
**Time:** 18:20
**Location:** WEST SENECA, NY
**Description:** 55' cylinder/cigar-shape / saucer passes car. Car malfunctions due to EME (electro-magnetic effects). Acceleration won't respond.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RODEGHIER, Mark/CUFOS: UFO REPORTS INVOLVING VEHICLE INTERFERENCE; CUFOS 1979. Available as CUFOS UFO Archive #1 CD-ROM. http://www.cufos.org/Pubform.pdf (Index 40)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8685
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "183", **HatchDesc:** "WEST SENECA,NY:55' CGR/SCR PASSES CAR:CAR EMES:ACCEL WONT RESPOND:", **LatLong:** "42.833335 -78.750004", **LatLongDMS:** "42:50:00 N 78:45:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.833335,-78.750004)", **State/Prov:** "New York", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 30318 (F04D482E)
**Date:** 3/4/1968
**Time:** 19:30
**Location:** LAPOINT, UT
**Description:** Observer(s) = Bill Taylor. 6M round object on ground / 30 minute(s). Suddenly goes dark.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SALISBURY, Frank: The UTAH UFO DISPLAY -- a Biologist Reports; 1974 Devin Adair, New Greenwich,CT. HB 286pp. ISBN 0-815-97000-5 (Index 253)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8686
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "30", **Elev:** "1695", **HatchDesc:** "LAPOINT,UT:OBS=BILL TAYLOR:6M ROUND OBJ ON GROUND/30min:SUDDENLY GOES DARK.", **LatLong:** "40.416669 -109.800005", **LatLongDMS:** "40:25:00 N 109:48:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.416669,-109.800005)", **State/Prov:** "Utah", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 30319 (8C489976)
**Date:** 3/4/1968
**Location:** Syracuse, NY
**Description:** Cigar Flies Low Over Car / E-M (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases, Code: E, Rating: 5)
**Reference:** NICAP: [680304](http://www.nicap.org/680304syracuse%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3921
### Event 30320 (B85649E6)
**Date:** 3/4/1968
**Location:** West Seneca, New York
**Description:** 6:15 p.m. A cigar-shaped object approaches a car in West Seneca, New York, and passes in front of it. The object is 50–60 feet long with blinking yellow lights. The witness tries to speed up, but the accelerator does not respond. The object disappears instantly.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Mark Rodeghier, [UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference](http://www.cufos.org/books/UFO%5FREPORTS%5FINVOLVING%5FVEHICLE%5FINTERFERENCE.pdf)[,](http://www.cufos.org/books/UFO%5FREPORTS%5FINVOLVING%5FVEHICLE%5FINTERFERENCE.pdf) CUFOS, 1981, p. 40
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4529
### Event 30321 (9F1BAA0A)
**Date:** 3/4/1968
**Locations:** Glossop, Derbyshire, England; British Aerospace
**Description:** 9:00 p.m. A man is driving his new Triumph Spitfire up a country lane near Glossop, Derbyshire, England, when two golden objects shoot over the top of his car, killing his headlights, radio, and engine. Moments after the objects pass to the north, the headlights come back on, but the radio still fails. He is able to restart his car engine after the lights come on. A BUFORA investigator takes the radio to his workplace at British Aerospace and finds that two key transistors have burned out, seemingly due to a power surge. Once the transistors are replaced, the radio works again.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Jenny Randles, “Flappy Valley, Part 4,” Fortean Times 328 \(July 2015\): 30
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4530
### Event 30322 (D5D24DD3)
**Date:** 3/4/1968
**Description:** Several close encounter reports were recorded for this date. A photograph of a UFO was taken in Tully, Queensland, Australia. At 2:00 a.m. a series of large luminous globes circled and swayed over the Ohio River for two hours near Ravenswood, West Virginia. At 6:00 p.m. a magnetic UFO detector went off when a UFO passed over in Carol Stream, Illinois. At 6:15 p.m. a cigar-shaped object approached a car in West Seneca, New York from the left, then went over the road in front of the car. The object was 50-60 feet long with blinking lights.The witness tried to drive away but the car wouldn't respond to the accelerator. As the UFO came quite near, the witness could only see a bright yellow light. The driver of the car felt sluggish and immobilized until the UFO went away. The object disappeared instantly.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** (1) FSR, May 1969, p. 3; (2) John Keel, Operation Trojan Horse, p. 158; (3) NICAP investigation files; (4) APRO Bulletin, March-April 1968, p. 7; Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, case 234, citing CUFOS files
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1295
### Event 30323 (17203365)
**Date:** 3/4/1968
**Description:** At 8:15 p.m. two young men saw a UFO hover over a car ahead of them near Cochrane, Wisconsin. Its headlights suddenly went out. The object appeared metallic and glowed orange while standing still, but glowed redder and brighter when it was moving. The object then approached their car and their car's engine conked out. It hovered overhead for a moment, during which time the witnesses felt increased heat and "weightless." The object left over a nearby field, emitting a cloudy haze all around its periphery.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, case 235, citing CUFOS
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1296
### Event 30324 (FBEDCC44)
**Date:** 3/4/1968
**Description:** In Lapoint, Utah a 20-foot in diameter round UFO was spotted on the ground at 7:30 p.m. The witness watched if for half an hour, when its light suddenly went out.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Frank Salisbury, The Utah UFO Display, Appendix case A65
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1297
### Event 30325 (C3C26F11)
**Date:** 3/4/1968
**Description:** Ricardo Castillo Trujillo, a janitor, saw a long, very bright UFO at 1:45 a.m. making a noise like an electric motor. It landed in an isolated section of Valparaiso, Chile and two crew members emerged. They were dressed in aluminum colored uniforms. Although he could tell they were light-skinned, he could not make out any facial details. Speaking in strange echo-like voices, they asked him about his nearsightedness, promising him that the condition would be cured. "I didn't understand them too good," he said, "but the fact is that I can see real good now, and without glasses." The humanoids promised to return for the witness.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb and Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT, Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1968-19; Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1968, case 45
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1298
### Event 30326 (B9A0A994)
**Date:** 3/5/1968
**Location:** 37.0000 -116.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Russet” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_531
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0000 -116.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:00 N 116:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0000,-116.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Russet", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 30327 (A2FD20FF)
**Date:** 3/6/1968
**Location:** Amarillo, TX
**Description:** (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3922
### Event 30328 (2B620268)
**Date:** 3/7/1968
**Location:** Madison, OH
**Description:** Time not given. CE, one witness (Robbin) No details. (SL-12) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3923
### Event 30329 (3F2DD84E)
**Date:** 3/8/1968
**Location:** PORTUGAL, Coimbra
**Description:** (Translated from French) At 04:00, a group of ten students were awoken at the university residence by Mr. A. Branco Rodriguez from the Chemistry department. They observed for five minutes an orange, slow-moving object. It alternated between round, like the sun, and triangular with what seemed to be helicopter blades at the ends. It then took an elongated shape before disappearing towards Figueira da Foz. Photos were taken: on one of the photos the object resembled the cone of the Apollo capsule, and on another a shape like an egg was seen resting on a plate. (1968, 8 March)
**Reference:** J.G. DOHMEN: "A Identifier et le Cas Adamski" - Ed. Guy Dohmen, Biarritz 1972, p. 130
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2505
### Event 30330 (72638353)
**Date:** 3/8/1968
**Location:** Kadena Air Base, Okinawa, Japan
**Description:** The first SR-71s arrive at Kadena Air Base, Okinawa, Japan, to replace the Oxcart A-12s.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lockheed%5FSR-71%5FBlackbird)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4531
### Event 30331 (F0010FF9)
**Date:** 3/10/1968
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** PAWTUCKET, RI
**Description:** Dark saucer / small searchlight over power station/depot/facility. Follows power lines going [to] distance.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FOWLER, Raymond E.: UFO'S, INTERPLANETARY VISITORS; Prentice Hall & Bantam Books, NY 1979. 346pp. (Index 335)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8687
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "23", **HatchDesc:** "PAWTUCKET,RI:DARK SCR/SML SEARCHLITE OVR POWER STN:FOLOS PWR LINES > DISTANCE", **LatLong:** "41.877780 -71.400003", **LatLongDMS:** "41:52:40 N 71:24:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.877780,-71.400003)", **State/Prov:** "Rhode Island", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 30332 (49F9DBC4)
**Date:** 3/10/1968
**Locations:** Opoco; Uyuni, Bolivia
**Description:** 6:00 p.m. Valentina Flores is bringing in her llamas on her farm between Opoco and Uyuni, Bolivia, when she discovers that her sheep pen is covered with a net made of some plastic-like material, and that inside the pen is a helmeted being, 3.5 ft tall, who is engaged in killing her sheep using a tubular instrument with a hook on the end. Flores throws stones at the being, whereupon he walks over to an instrument resembling a radio and, moving a wheel on it, quickly absorbs all the netting. The woman approaches the pen with a cudgel, upon which the being throws its instrument at her several times; it returns to him like a boomerang, after it inflicts superficial cuts on her arms. The entity picks up the machine, which has absorbed the net as well as a bag containing sheep entrails, and puts them into a rucksack on his back. Two legs emerge from the rucksack and extend down to the ground, at which time the entity rises straight up into the air with an extraordinary sound and vanishes. 34 sheep are found dead; from every one, “certain small portions of the digestive organs were missing.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Oscar A. Galíndez, “[Violent](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201970%20V%2016%20N%204.pdf) [Humanoid Encountered in Bolivia,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201970%20V%2016%20N%204.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 16, no. 4 \(July/Aug. 1970\): 15–16; Clark III 138–139; Patrick Gross, [URECAT](https://ufologie.patrickgross.org/ce3/1968-03-10-bolivia-otocopotosi.htm)[,](https://ufologie.patrickgross.org/ce3/1968-03-10-bolivia-otocopotosi.htm) November 9, 2007
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4532
### Event 30333 (F73F574F)
**Date:** 3/10/1968
**Description:** At nine o'clock in the evening a dark oval shaped object with a searchlight in the front, wobbled and moved with motion of a boat moving over waves in the ocean. It passed over the local electric power substation in Pawtucket, Rhode Island and flew off following the power lines.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Walter N. Webb, case investigation files; Raymond E. Fowler, UFOs: Interplanetary Visitors, p. 351
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1405
### Event 30334 (C8C629AB)
**Date:** 3/11/1968
**Time:** 06:00
**Description:** White ovoids seen over roads etc. Bright lights.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** STEIGER, Brad & WHRITENOUR, Joan: FLYING SAUCER INVASION. Award Books, NY 1969. 156pp PB. 15 Essays + catalog. (Index 106)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8688
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Scandanavian and Finland", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "30", **HatchDesc:** "LANGELAND BRIDGE+AREA,DK:WHT OVOIDS SEEN OVR ROADS etc:BRITE LITES", **LatLong:** "54.933336 10.666667", **LatLongDMS:** "54:56:00 N 10:40:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/54.933336,10.666667)", **State/Prov:** "Danemark", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30335 (0E03C2F0)
**Date:** 3/12/1968
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Astronautics Symposium in Montreal: [Philip Klass](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/KlassPhilipJulian.html) presents _UFOs, an Atmospheric Electrical Phenomenon_. (11-12 March)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1968.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2417
### Event 30336 (C187A6EC)
**Date:** 3/12/1968
**Time:** 20:30
**Description:** 5 / car. Orange glow disks maneuver / low altitude. 'Lengthy report' / No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 825)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8689
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "35", **HatchDesc:** "THROGS NECK BRIDGE,NY:5/CAR:ORG.GLOW DISKS MNVR/LO ALT:'lengthy report'/NFD", **LatLong:** "40.794446 -73.794448", **LatLongDMS:** "40:47:40 N 73:47:40 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.794446,-73.794448)", **State/Prov:** "New York", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30337 (1DCE90FA)
**Date:** 3/12/1968
**Time:** 17:04:00.0
**Location:** 37.0076 -116.3705
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed, salvo. Country: USA Name: “Buggy-A” Yield: 5.4KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_532
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0076 -116.3705", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:27 N 116:22:14 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0076,-116.3705)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Buggy-A", **NukeSource:** "AEC", **NukeType:** "NUCU_SALVO", **NukeY:** "5.4"
### Event 30338 (35FB3D8E)
**Date:** 3/12/1968
**Location:** Canadian Aeronautics and Space Institute
**Description:** [James E. McDonald](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James%5FE.%5FMcDonald) presents a paper, “UFOs: An International Scientific Problem,” at an astronautics symposium of the Canadian Aeronautics and Space Institute, analyzing in depth [Philip Klass](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philip%5FJ.%5FKlass)’s plasma theory of UFOs and rejecting it as “superficial.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** James E. McDonald, “[UFOs: An International Scientific Problem,](http://kirkmcd.princeton.edu/JEMcDonald/mcdonald%5F031268.pdf)” March 12, 1968; Story, [p. 414](https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofuf0000unse/page/414/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4533
### Event 30339 (13CED0F3)
**Date:** 3/14/1968
**Location:** FRANCE, Malataverne (Montélimar - Drôme)
**Description:** (Translated from French) Mr. Manselon, 37 years old, operating a small quarry, was returning around 7:50 PM from the hut where an employee was stopping the generator. Still lost in his thoughts, the witness walked with his head down. Suddenly a bright light made him look up and immediately he felt immobilized: he tried to back away, in vain, to advance: in vain. To call out: impossible, no sound came out of his mouth. In front of him there was a kind of luminous barrel, 1.50 m from the ground. It was 2 m high and 1.50 m wide. It was a very bright white but not dazzling. Two very bright antennas topped it: the object was 5 or 6 m from the witness. However, the upper edge was indistinct and blurred: the object did not light up around it. He stayed facing this thing for a minute, then it rose slowly vertically. As it rose, the witness was more relaxed. When it reached 8 or 10 m in altitude, the thing tilted and went out. He saw nothing more, heard nothing more, felt nothing more: he was scared and started to tremble. He ran towards the hut but the employee there had not noticed anything
**Reference:** L.D.L.N. "Mysterious Flying Saucers" - ALBATROS-ETAPES 1973 - pp. 99-104
**Reference:** after investigation this seems to be true: from that place he could not see
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2506
### Event 30340 (704BEC06)
**Date:** 3/14/1968
**Description:** Pilot and Air Traffic Controller. Night light follows plane in and back out again. / r226#014.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 421)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8690
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Sahara", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "30", **HatchDesc:** "Vla.CISNEROS,SP.SAHARA:PILOT+ATC:NLT FOLOS PLANE IN+BACK OUT AGAIN:/r226#014", **LatLong:** "23.750001 -16.066667", **LatLongDMS:** "23:45:00 N 16:04:00 W", **Locale:** "Desert", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/23.750001,-16.066667)", **State/Prov:** "SPS", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 30341 (BB566892)
**Date:** 3/14/1968
**Time:** 15:19:00.1
**Location:** 37.0477 -116.0108
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Pommard” Yield: 1.5KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_533
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0477 -116.0108", **LatLongDMS:** "37:02:52 N 116:00:39 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0477,-116.0108)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.21", **NukeName:** "Pommard", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "1.5"
### Event 30342 (5F1366EF)
**Date:** 3/15/1968
**Time:** 00:10
**Description:** Silent 30M saucer paces 2 / car / long valley. Going quickly south. Back going north / 0630h.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 95)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8691
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "20", **HatchDesc:** "S/BAGNERES-de-BIGORRE,FR:SLNT 30M SCR PACES 2/CAR/LONG VALLEY:>>S:BACK>N/0630h", **LatLong:** "43.050002 0.155556", **LatLongDMS:** "43:03:00 N 00:09:20 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.050002,0.155556)", **State/Prov:** "Hautes-Pyrénées", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 30343 (2A4A48E7)
**Date:** 3/15/1968
**Time:** 03:30
**Description:** Purr-noise. Black ovoid hovers. Gold beam going down [to] lights houses. Very fast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 823)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8692
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "Mt.HAWTHORN,W.AUSTRL:PURR-NOISE:BLK OVOID HVRS:GOLD BEAM ↓ LITES HOUSES:VFAST", **LatLong:** "-31.833335 115.833339", **LatLongDMS:** "31:50:00 S 115:50:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-31.833335,115.833339)", **State/Prov:** "Western Australia", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30344 (2853CBC1)
**Date:** 3/16/1968
**Time:** ~00:00
**Description:** Navy crew. Fast underwater glowing-object going quickly southwest. Emerges and flies back northeast. RADAR.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 853)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8693
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **SUB:** Submersible: Rises from or submerges into water, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **RDR:** Radar traces/blips
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Pacific Ocean and non - Asian islands", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "SW/OKINAWA:NAVY CREW:FAST UNDERWATER GLOW-OBJ >>SW:EMERGES+FLIES BACK NE:RDR", **LatLong:** "25.000001 126.000006", **LatLongDMS:** "25:00:00 N 126:00:00 E", **Locale:** "High Seas", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/25.000001,126.000006)", **State/Prov:** "ECS", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 30345 (E9A4F763)
**Date:** 3/16/1968
**Time:** 23:00
**Location:** BESCANCON, FR
**Description:** Anonymous observer(s). 2 colored ovoid hovers still / 6-knot winds. 1 orange and 1 blue.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LDLN CONTACT LECTEURS: by Series and #. May'68 -JAN'72 (Entire set of 18 issues) LDLN local chapters & individual members' UFO reports. (Index 29)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8694
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "BESCANCON,FR:ANON.OBS:2 CLRD OVOID HVRS STILL/6-knot WINDS :1 ORG+1 BLUE:", **LatLong:** "47.250002 6.016667", **LatLongDMS:** "47:15:00 N 06:01:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.250002,6.016667)", **State/Prov:** "Doubs", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30346 (B4007F1A)
**Date:** 3/18/1968
**Time:** 21:00
**Description:** Many observer(s). Fiery sphere. Maneuvers. Sphere vanishes and aura fades away!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HOBANA Ion & WEVERBERGH,Julien: UFO'S from BEHIND the IRON CURTAIN; Bantam Books,1975. 308pp. (Index 237)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8695
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Romania", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "CIMPULUNG,ROMANIA:MANY OBS:FIERY SPHERE:MNVRS:SPHERE VANISHES+AURA FADES AWAY!", **LatLong:** "45.266669 25.050001", **LatLongDMS:** "45:16:00 N 25:03:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.266669,25.050001)", **State/Prov:** "ARG", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30347 (F15E504A)
**Date:** 3/19/1968
**Location:** USA, Beallsville (Ohio)
**Description:** (Translated from French) Gregory Wells was leaving his grandmother's house, just a few steps from his home, around 8:30 pm when he saw a large oval object hovering above the trees. It was red and very bright. Suddenly, a tube emerged from the bottom and headed towards the boy. A beam of light shot out and Gregory was thrown to the ground, screaming in fear as the top of his jacket caught fire. He was taken to the hospital with second-degree burns.
**Reference:** Roger BOAR and Nigel BLUNDELL: "The World's Greatest Ufo Mysteries" ed. Hamlyn 1995, p 146
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2507
### Event 30348 (F12525B0)
**Date:** 3/19/1968
**Time:** 20:30
**Location:** WEST / BEALLSVILLE, OH
**Description:** Cylinder/cigar-shape hovers. Device protrudes and shoots beam / boy / 11. Burns. / r83p288.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 819)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8696
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "385", **HatchDesc:** "W/BEALLSVILLE,OH:CGR HVRs:DEVICE PROTRUDES+SHOOTS BEAM/BOY/11:BURNS:/r83p288", **LatLong:** "39.850002 -81.066671", **LatLongDMS:** "39:51:00 N 81:04:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.850002,-81.066671)", **State/Prov:** "Ohio", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 30349 (81CAE13A)
**Date:** 3/19/1968
**Location:** Beallsville, OH
**Description:** Time not given. CE-2, one witness (Wells). No details. (APROB-16) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3924
### Event 30350 (F2924775)
**Date:** 3/19/1968
**Location:** Beallsville, Ohio
**Description:** 8:30 p.m. 12-year-old Gregory L. Wells is walking toward the trailer home of his parents in Beallsville, Ohio, when he sees an oval-shaped, bright red object hovering above some nearby trees and illuminating the road. It has a band of dimmer red lights around its midsection. Suddenly a big tube emerges from the object and moves around until it is pointed at him. A light beam shoots out and hits the upper part of his arm, knocking him down. His jacket catches fire and he rolls around, screaming with fright. His mother and grandmother come out to help, and they both see the red UFO, which just fades away after 10 minutes. The boy is taken to a hospital and treated for second-degree burns. His scars are still visible three months later.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Boy Burned by UAO in Ohio,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201968%2003%2000%20-%20March-April.pdf)” APRO Bulletin, March/April 1968, pp. 1, 3; James E. McDonald, “[Statement on Unidentified Flying Objects,](https://www.project1947.com/shg/symposium/mcdonald.html\#physical)” in Symposium on Unidentified Flying Objects, Hearings, US House Committee on Science and Astronautics, 90th Cong., 2nd Sess., July 29, 1968, p. 79
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4534
### Event 30351 (70EF23AD)
**Date:** 3/19/1968
**Description:** At 8:30 p.m. ten-year-old Gregory L. Wells was returning from his grandmother's house to his own home next door, when he saw a red oval-shaped UFO hovering just over some trees. The large red object was so bright that it illuminated the road. It had a band of dimmer red lights flashing around its center. "I stopped," Gregory recalled. "I wanted to run or scream but suddenly a big tube came out of the bottom, which moved from side to side until it came to me, and a beam of light shot out." Gregory turned away as the light beam hit the upper part of his arm, knocking him to the ground. His jacket caught fire and the boy rolled around on the ground screaming with fright. Both his mother and grandmother responded. Mrs. James Wells, the boy's mother, also reported seeing the UFO, which "just faded away." During the sighting a large street light on a nearby pole went out and the dog barked uncontrollably. The burning jacket resulted in second-degree burns that required medical attention.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Coral E. Lorenzen, UFOs: The Whole Story, p. 198; Leonard H. Stringfield, Situation Red - The UFO Siege
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1568
### Event 30352 (4750045C)
**Date:** Spring 1968
**Location:** Aurora, IL
**Description:** Evening. An oval shaped light, red at the front ( the direction of travel at the time ), yellow in the middle and blue at the back was observed for a few passes, then moved off, silently and quickly to the north without gaining altitude, getting smaller until it was out of sight. (Brian Vike, Director, HBCC UFO Research) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** NICAP: [68Spring](http://www.nicap.org/aurora68sprgdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3926
### Event 30353 (26D5A7FA)
**Date:** Spring 1968
**Location:** Anza Borrego Desert, California
**Description:** Two prospectors, Ed Sampson and Bill Johnson, are sleeping in the Anza Borrego Desert, California, when they wake up at the sound of an explosion. The sky above is filled with a fading red light, and they see flashes on the western horizon. The two climb to the crest of a hill and look down. Sampson sees a “red, circular flying saucer” hovering over the valley, while entities with glowing red eyes march in single file close to the ridge of an adjacent canyon. Something like a church bell rings out at intervals, and mechanical clanking is also audible. After noticing two glowing-eyed creatures standing behind them, they take off running.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clark III 557
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4541
### Event 30354 (9620CC5D)
**Date:** 3/21/1968
**Location:** ROCKVILLE, CT
**Description:** 4 / (seen thru) telescope. Hat-saucer with poles / rim. Flames / bottom. Going northwest. 180° turn. Hovers. Quickly going up.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 825)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8697
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "122", **HatchDesc:** "ROCKVILLE,CT:4/TSCOPE:HAT-SCR W/POLES/RIM:FLAMES/BOTTOM:> NW:180°TURN:HVRS:↑↑", **LatLong:** "41.866669 -72.450003", **LatLongDMS:** "41:52:00 N 72:27:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.866669,-72.450003)", **State/Prov:** "Connecticut", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30355 (7B319F28)
**Date:** 3/21/1968
**Time:** 16:30
**Location:** NEAR FREDONIA, AZ
**Description:** 7 photographs / saucer. 1 looks great. Possible hoax. See reference photograph section.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SPENCER, John: The UFO ENCYCLOPEDIA; BUFORA/Acon Books, NY. 1991. 340pp. (Index 116)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8698
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HOX:** Suspicion of hoax, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "1", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "424", **HatchDesc:** "nr FREDONIA,AZ:7 FOTOS/SCR:1 LOOKS GREAT:POSSIBLE HOAX:see ref.foto section", **LatLong:** "36.933335 -112.527783", **LatLongDMS:** "36:56:00 N 112:31:40 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/36.933335,-112.527783)", **State/Prov:** "Arizona", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30356 (3801CAE6)
**Date:** 3/21/1968
**Time:** ~20:00
**Location:** WHITEROCKS, UT
**Description:** Half-dome hovers over Henry Wopsock's house / a few minutes.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SALISBURY, Frank: The UTAH UFO DISPLAY -- a Biologist Reports; 1974 Devin Adair, New Greenwich,CT. HB 286pp. ISBN 0-815-97000-5 (Index 253)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8699
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "4", **Elev:** "1836", **HatchDesc:** "WHITEROCKS,UT:HALF-DOME HOVERS OVER HENRY WOPSOCK'S HOUSE/A FEW MINUTES.", **LatLong:** "40.488891 -109.938894", **LatLongDMS:** "40:29:20 N 109:56:20 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.488891,-109.938894)", **State/Prov:** "Utah", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30357 (50B88216)
**Date:** 3/22/1968
**Time:** 01:30
**Description:** Night light lands. Foresters throw stones and run leaving tools behind.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BALLESTER OLMOS, Vicente-Juan: CATALOG of 200 TYPE-1 EVENTS in SPAIN & PORTUGAL; CUFOS 1976. (Index 13)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8700
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "LA CODEROSA W/ALBQ,SP:NLT LANDS:FORESTERS THROW STONES+RUN LEAVING TOOLS BEHND", **LatLong:** "39.211113 -7.177778", **LatLongDMS:** "39:12:40 N 07:10:40 W", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.211113,-7.177778)", **State/Prov:** "Badajoz", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30358 (4CF4CA92)
**Date:** 3/22/1968
**Time:** 20:20
**Location:** CANDANCHU, SP
**Description:** 300+observer(s). Dome-object / border post. Clear hexagonal physical traces / snow. / r180p55.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BALLESTER OLMOS, Vicente-Juan: CATALOG of 200 TYPE-1 EVENTS in SPAIN & PORTUGAL; CUFOS 1976. (Index 13)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8701
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "12", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "CANDANCHU,SP:300+OBS:DOME-OBJ/BORDER POST:CLEAR HEXAGONAL TRCs/SNOW:/r180p55", **LatLong:** "42.766669 -0.533333", **LatLongDMS:** "42:46:00 N 00:32:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.766669,-0.533333)", **State/Prov:** "HSC", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 30359 (3CD0FCCC)
**Date:** 3/22/1968
**Time:** 15:00:00.0
**Location:** 37.3326 -116.3107
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Stinger” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 200KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_534
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.3326 -116.3107", **LatLongDMS:** "37:19:57 N 116:18:39 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.3326,-116.3107)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.67", **NukeMb:** "5.60", **NukeName:** "Stinger", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "200"
### Event 30360 (00F875AB)
**Date:** 3/25/1968
**Time:** 18:44:27.0
**Location:** 36.8717 -115.9311
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Milk Shake” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_535
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "36.8717 -115.9311", **LatLongDMS:** "36:52:18 N 115:55:52 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/36.8717,-115.9311)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.26", **NukeName:** "Milk Shake", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 30361 (FA4B1758)
**Date:** 3/26/1968
**Time:** 22:00
**Location:** NANTES, FR
**Description:** Amateur astronomer. Low-short humming. 3 green-glowing-saucers going east / V formation / extremely fast. Wide turn going quickly south.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LDLN CONTACT LECTEURS: by Series and #. May'68 -JAN'72 (Entire set of 18 issues) LDLN local chapters & individual members' UFO reports. (Index 15)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8702
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "NANTES,FR:AM.ASTRON:LO-SHORT HUM:3 GRN-GLOW-SCRS > E/VFORM/XFAST:WIDE TURN >>S", **LatLong:** "47.233336 -1.566667", **LatLongDMS:** "47:14:00 N 01:34:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.233336,-1.566667)", **State/Prov:** "Loire Atlantique", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30362 (27D0AD85)
**Date:** 3/26/1968
**Location:** Los Angeles
**Description:** [McDonald](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James%5FE.%5FMcDonald) addresses the question, “Are UFOs Extraterrestrial Surveillance Craft?” in a talk at the Los Angeles Chapter of the American Institute for Aeronautics and Astronautics.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** James E. McDonald, “[Are UFOs](http://kirkmcd.princeton.edu/JEMcDonald/mcdonald%5Fnicap%5F061069.pdf) [Extraterrestrial Surveillance Craft?](http://kirkmcd.princeton.edu/JEMcDonald/mcdonald%5Fnicap%5F061069.pdf)” March 26, 1968; Story, [p. 414](https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofuf0000unse/page/414/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4535
### Event 30363 (B1AE3FE6)
**Date:** 3/27/1968
**Time:** 02:20
**Location:** 3 STATES / SOUTH MEXICO
**Description:** Several night lights. Big earth and skyquake. Plunging objects veer back up!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 239)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8703
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **NWS:** News media report, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Mexico", **Credibility:** "13", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "20", **HatchDesc:** "3 STATES/S.MEXICO:SVRL NLTS:BIG EARTH+SKYQUAKE:PLUNGING OBJS VEER BACK UP!", **LatLong:** "18.000001 -94.000004", **LatLongDMS:** "18:00:00 N 94:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/18.000001,-94.000004)", **State/Prov:** "TBS", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30364 (A7A55ABC)
**Date:** 3/27/1968
**Time:** 17:30
**Location:** N489 NEAR ST. VOIR, FR
**Description:** Silent fuselage / low altitude. Shoots truncated rays all over/all about. Away extremely fast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 95)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8704
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "N489 nr St.VOIR,FR:SLNT FSLG/LO ALT:SHOOTS TRUNCATED RAYS ALLO:AWAY XFAST", **LatLong:** "43.750002 4.016667", **LatLongDMS:** "43:45:00 N 04:01:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.750002,4.016667)", **State/Prov:** "Allier", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30365 (FE484E2A)
**Date:** 3/28/1968
**Time:** ~15:00
**Location:** TISMANA, ROM
**Description:** Many observer(s). Cone hovers / hours. Low-frequency Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) fades at higher frequencies. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HOBANA Ion & WEVERBERGH,Julien: UFO'S from BEHIND the IRON CURTAIN; Bantam Books,1975. 308pp. (Index 237)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8705
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Romania", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "44", **HatchDesc:** "TISMANA,ROM:MANY OBS:CONE HVRS/HRS:LO-FREQ RFI fades at higher freqs.:NFD", **LatLong:** "45.050002 22.938890", **LatLongDMS:** "45:03:00 N 22:56:20 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.050002,22.938890)", **State/Prov:** "GRJ", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 30366 (1938F9E9)
**Date:** 3/29/1968
**Time:** 02:30
**Location:** ORAVITA, ROMANIA
**Description:** 120 observer(s). Saucer-delta / 7000M altitude. Theodolite and photos. Seen on-off / hours.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HOBANA Ion & WEVERBERGH,Julien: UFO'S from BEHIND the IRON CURTAIN; Bantam Books,1975. 308pp. (Index 129)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8706
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Romania", **Credibility:** "12", **Duration:** "72", **HatchDesc:** "ORAVITA,ROMANIA:120 OBS:SCR-DELTA/7000M ALT:THEODOLITE+PHOTOS:SEEN ON-OFF/HRS", **LatLong:** "45.038891 21.738890", **LatLongDMS:** "45:02:20 N 21:44:20 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.038891,21.738890)", **State/Prov:** "CRS", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30367 (FAD74643)
**Date:** 3/29/1968
**Time:** 10:00
**Location:** SEMENEC, ROMANIA
**Description:** Weathermen. Odd-shaped UFO. Confirmed via telephone. See Tarcu.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HOBANA Ion & WEVERBERGH,Julien: UFO'S from BEHIND the IRON CURTAIN; Bantam Books,1975. 308pp. (Index 131)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8707
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Romania", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "SEMENEC,ROMANIA:WEATHERMEN:ODD-SHAPED UFO:confirmed via telephone:see Tarcu.", **LatLong:** "45.200002 22.083334", **LatLongDMS:** "45:12:00 N 22:05:00 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.200002,22.083334)", **State/Prov:** "CRS", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30368 (59A3221A)
**Date:** 3/29/1968
**Time:** 16:00
**Description:** Weathermen. Drawings and photos. Delta/triangle/box-like craft "balloon" flies going west against wind.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HOBANA Ion & WEVERBERGH,Julien: UFO'S from BEHIND the IRON CURTAIN; Bantam Books,1975. 308pp. (Index 131)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8708
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Romania", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "TARCU+CUNTU,ROMANIA:WEATHERMEN:DWGS+PHOTOS:DLT "BALLOON" FLIES >W AGAINST WIND", **LatLong:** "45.283335 22.583334", **LatLongDMS:** "45:17:00 N 22:35:00 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.283335,22.583334)", **State/Prov:** "CRS", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 30369 (956EB36C)
**Date:** 3/29/1968
**Time:** 18:30
**Location:** TIRGU-JIU, ROMANIA
**Description:** Delta-saucer very fast from west. Zigzags and hovers. Shoots back going quickly west.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HOBANA Ion & WEVERBERGH,Julien: UFO'S from BEHIND the IRON CURTAIN; Bantam Books,1975. 308pp. (Index 132)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8709
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Romania", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "30", **HatchDesc:** "TIRGU-JIU,ROMANIA:DELTA-SCR VERY FAST FROM W:ZIGZAGS+HOVERS:SHOOTS BACK >>W.", **LatLong:** "45.050002 23.305557", **LatLongDMS:** "45:03:00 N 23:18:20 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.050002,23.305557)", **State/Prov:** "GRJ", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 30370 (1228AFBC)
**Date:** 3/29/1968
**Time:** 22:00
**Description:** Many observer(s). (Seen thru) binoculars and theodolites. Zigzag motion / 5 hours. Photos.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HOBANA Ion & WEVERBERGH,Julien: UFO'S from BEHIND the IRON CURTAIN; Bantam Books,1975. 308pp. (Index 129)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8710
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Romania", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "56", **HatchDesc:** "CIUDANOVITA,ROMANIA:MANY OBS:BINOCS+THEODOLITES:ZIGZAG MOTION/5hrs:PHOTOS", **LatLong:** "45.133335 21.800001", **LatLongDMS:** "45:08:00 N 21:48:00 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.133335,21.800001)", **State/Prov:** "CRS", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30371 (3155A452)
**Date:** 3/29/1968
**Location:** Semenic Mountain, Romania
**Description:** 4:00 p.m. Meteorologist Ştefan Bălaşa and a group of skiers watch a shiny object 75°–80° in the sky near the weather station on Semenic Mountain, Romania. Through binoculars it appears cone-shaped. Bălaşa continues to watch it until 6:40 p.m. when it begins to dim and move slowly to the east-northeast. The same or similar object appears in the same area on the evening of March 30.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Romania 17–18
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4536
### Event 30372 (CD624E75)
**Date:** 3/29/1968
**Location:** Tismana, Romania
**Description:** 6:50 p.m. Spectators at a football match in Tismana, Romania, see a stationary, bright-blue-green conical object that changes its color to red and disappears by 7:30 p.m.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Hobana and Weverbergh 237–238; Romania 18
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4537
### Event 30373 (6E82EC82)
**Date:** 3/29/1968
**Location:** Târgu-Jiu, Romania
**Description:** 7:30 p.m. Two students and two teachers in Târgu-Jiu, Romania, see a whitish-blue isosceles triangle in the southeast sky. It changes color to orange then red and departs to the southwest.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Hobana and Weverbergh 134– 135; Romania 18
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4538
### Event 30374 (C36E2E79)
**Date:** 3/29/1968
**Description:** At 1:15 a.m. a 22-year-old mechanic riding a motorbike between Fos-sur-Mer and Port Saint Louis in Arles, France observed a UFO descend and land near a power transformer. An opening appeared in the base of the object and a bright white light shone out from it. Then a human-looking entity emerged and descended to the ground on a kind of ramp. He wore something resembling a security guard's uniform with a "rolled collar." The suit was light colored and brilliant, and appeared woven with heavy stitches. The man's hair was in a crew-cut and was very light blond or white in color. The UFOnaut examined the ground around him and then noticed the witness, whom he watched for a moment before re-entering the object. The UFO took off gently with a gust of cool air.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb and Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1968-21, citing Joel Mesnard & Jean Marie Bigorne; Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1968, case 47
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1722
### Event 30375 (68557A32)
**Date:** 3/30/1968
**Time:** 08:00
**Description:** Weathermen here phone UFO report. Duration unknown. Same description.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HOBANA Ion & WEVERBERGH,Julien: UFO'S from BEHIND the IRON CURTAIN; Bantam Books,1975. 308pp. (Index 132)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8711
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Romania", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "CARANSEBES,ROMANIA:WEATHERMEN HERE PHONE UFO REPORT:DURATION UNK:SAME DESCRIPT", **LatLong:** "45.411113 22.238890", **LatLongDMS:** "45:24:40 N 22:14:20 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.411113,22.238890)", **State/Prov:** "CRS", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30376 (D3791AAE)
**Date:** 3/30/1968
**Time:** 17:30
**Description:** Many skiers. Several different shapes seen. Going southeast toward(s) Tarcu.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HOBANA Ion & WEVERBERGH,Julien: UFO'S from BEHIND the IRON CURTAIN; Bantam Books,1975. 308pp. (Index 136)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8712
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Romania", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "MUNTELE MIC,ROMANIA:MANY SKIERS:SVRL DIFFERENT SHAPES SEEN:>SE TWRD TARCU.", **LatLong:** "45.355558 22.500001", **LatLongDMS:** "45:21:20 N 22:30:00 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.355558,22.500001)", **State/Prov:** "CRS", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30377 (E463AF7F)
**Date:** 3/30/1968
**Locations:** Oraviţa, Romania; Banat Mine
**Description:** 2:30 a.m. Teofil Iorga and 120 other construction workers at the Banat Mine in Oraviţa, Romania, see a luminous globe in the sky. At 6:10 a.m., a stationary yellowish-white object appears in the northeast. Iorga takes a photo of it at 8:00 a.m. and looks at it through a theodolite at 8:15 a.m. It is shaped like a truncated cone with one side exposed to the sun. At 9:00 a.m., the object ascends and moves to the south.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Hobana and Weverbergh 129– 130; Romania 18
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4539
### Event 30378 (A5A96584)
**Date:** 3/30/1968
**Locations:** Ţarcu Peak, Romania; Berzasca; Danube River; Semenic Mountain; Caransebeş, Romania
**Description:** 8:00 a.m. Meteorologist Vasile Coţoi and Ingeborg Vityi observe a white conical object maneuvering slowly against the wind at the weather station on Ţarcu Peak, Romania. They watch it for 2.5 hours before it disappears. At 1:00 p.m. it is logged by the weather station near Berzasca about 1 mile inland from the Danube River. At 4:00 p.m. it reappears at the Semenic Mountain weather station and is also seen at Caransebeş, Romania, and other places.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Hobana and Weverbergh 131–138; Romania 19–20
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4540
### Event 30379 (7C988F53)
**Date:** 4/1968
**Location:** USSR
**Description:** (Translated from French) The USSR began in 1968 its tests of satellite interception under the cover of Cosmos. Three distinct phases are noted in this experimentation: a first period of tests extending from April 1968 to December 1971: six targets and seven hunters will be used on this occasion. [followed by February 1976] (April 1968)
**Reference:** "The War of the Satellites" - Volume 3 - Pierre Kohler, ed. Famot 1982, p. 148
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2509
### Event 30380 (49A65A3B)
**Date:** 4/1968
**Location:** SPAIN, Tossa de Mar (Gerona)
**Description:** (Translated from French) A bus driver was participating in a youth excursion to Tossa de Mar. All the passengers observed a bright and circular object that was clearly trying to land. It stopped and a tall man emerged. The young people fled and the driver remained alone. The strange visitor had a shining ball in his hand and he walked around his vehicle, then he got back in. The craft rose and flew away. The witness noticed that his watch had stopped. (Jean FERGUSON: "Everything about Flying Saucers", ed. Leméac, Ottawa, 1972, p. 201) (Henry DURRANT: "First Investigations on ET Humanoids" - Laffont 1977 - p. 175 and 179). (April 1968)
**Reference:** Erich ZURCHER: "The Appearances of Humanoids" - ed. Alain Lefeuvre 1979, p. 203
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2512
### Event 30381 (AA017737)
**Date:** 4/1968
**Location:** SOUTH / ELK GARDEN, WV
**Description:** 2+2 observer(s). 30M orange ovoid lights farm up. Follows car. Air Force investigation.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** TEETS, Bob: WEST VIRGINIA UFO's; Headline Books, PO Box 52, Terra Alta, WV 1995 213pp. (Index 183)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8713
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **MIL:** Military investigation
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "700", **HatchDesc:** "S/ELK GARDEN,WV:2+2 OBS:30M ORG OVOID LITES FARM UP:FOLOS CAR::AF INVESTIGATN", **LatLong:** "39.366669 -79.150004", **LatLongDMS:** "39:22:00 N 79:09:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.366669,-79.150004)", **State/Prov:** "Western Virginia", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30382 (83B89A69)
**Date:** 4/1968
**Time:** 12:00?
**Location:** TOSSA DE MARCH, SP
**Description:** Day. Pseudo-human/entity with ball in hand walks around UFO. Observer(s)' watch stops. Flies.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BALLESTER OLMOS, Vicente-Juan: CATALOG of 200 TYPE-1 EVENTS in SPAIN & PORTUGAL; CUFOS 1976. (Index 13)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8714
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "8", **HatchDesc:** "TOSSA DE MAR,SP:DAY:PSH W/BALL IN HAND WALKS AROUND UFO:OBS' WATCH STOPS:FLIES", **LatLong:** "41.766669 2.933333", **LatLongDMS:** "41:46:00 N 02:56:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.766669,2.933333)", **State/Prov:** "GER", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 30383 (88650767)
**Date:** 4/1968
**Time:** ~19:00
**Location:** OFF LE BRUSC, FR
**Description:** 3 / boat. Plain silent silver ovoid hovers / 20 minute(s). Turns horizontal. Vanishes.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 14)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8715
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "25", **HatchDesc:** "off Le BRUSC,FR:3/BOAT:PLAIN SLNT SLVR OVOID HVRS/20min:TURNS HZNTL:VANISHES", **LatLong:** "43.083335 5.733334", **LatLongDMS:** "43:05:00 N 05:44:00 E", **Locale:** "Offshore", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.083335,5.733334)", **State/Prov:** "Var", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30384 (2AF90719)
**Date:** 4/1968
**Time:** 23:00
**Description:** Fr. Navy ship. Luminous rectangle hovers over waves. RADAR invisible.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LDLN CONTACT LECTEURS: by Series and #. May'68 -JAN'72 (Entire set of 18 issues) LDLN local chapters & individual members' UFO reports. (Index 16)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8716
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "20", **HatchDesc:** "E/BRUNY Isl,TASM:Fr.NAVY SHIP:LUMn.RECTANGLE HVRS OVR WAVES:RDR INVISIBLE:", **LatLong:** "-43.500002 147.666674", **LatLongDMS:** "43:30:00 S 147:40:00 E", **Locale:** "Offshore", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-43.500002,147.666674)", **State/Prov:** "TSM", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 30385 (D1DD3272)
**Date:** 4/2/1968
**Location:** US
**Description:** Science fiction movie “2001: A Space Odyssey” is released
**Type:** movie
**Reference:** [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2001:_A_Space_Odyssey_(film))
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_653
### Event 30386 (FCFDC236)
**Date:** 4/3/1968
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In Cochrane \(Wisconsin\), 2 witnesses \(including an air hostess\) observe a UFO for 5 to 10 minutes. Excerpt from the air hostess's account: ...This thing came up from the bottom of the hill, very, very fast, and in a very uniform way, as if it was sliding, but it was lower than an airplane, and it came gliding to stop above this car \[a car that had just passed the witness's\]. Then its lights went out \[those of the other car\] and I stopped, thinking there was a young person driving. Since it had turned everything off, I didn't want to hit it. And meanwhile my headlights were dimming a bit, but I didn't pay attention until everything went out in my car: the engine, the headlights and the radio. That happened when it \[the UFO\] released that car to go back up the road... up above us. It had made a descent from the other car, and it was very low. When I wanted to look at it through the windshield I had to lean on the wheel and turn; I looked up and it was there, above us - and the car was completely stopped. I had opened the window of the door when the lights of the other car went out and it was still open, but I heard absolutely nothing. The object had a triangle shape, like those little triangles of dough that you roll to make croissants. It was orange-red, like the light on a beautiful St. Martin's summer, very colorful... When it was just above us, I tried to restart the car, I tried, I tried, but as long as that thing stayed above us I couldn't make it go, it wouldn't even turn 1/4 of a turn. I turned the key, and it went "ouah" and then nothing at all, it was like the battery was dead... When that thing was there, you heard absolutely nothing, not even the lively noise of nature, it was a strangely worrying calm. And then I remember that I had become light, airy, a bit like in an airplane when it goes down in an air pocket, I felt light as air, without gravity. Then it went down behind us, on my side, and it went to fly over a field near a farm that is there. It moved smoothly, without jerks. Finally, when it released the car, it left with a jolt. I turned the ignition key and the engine started, I was able to start the car, so I kept my foot on the accelerator and I arrived in Cochrane. I saw it passing over the railway and going away slowly. A good while after, my feet were still burning, when I got out of the car, it seemed to me that they were bathing in a source of dry heat. (April 3, 8:10 PM)
**Reference:** Poher 2003
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1968.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2418
### Event 30387 (0C631419)
**Date:** 4/3/1968 (approximate)
**Time:** 20:10
**Location:** COCHRANE, WI
**Description:** 2 cars electro-magnetic effect (EME). Delta overhead. Weightless feeling. Heat. Emits haze. / r79p40.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 825)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8717
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "207", **HatchDesc:** "COCHRANE,WI:2 CARS EME:DELTA OVHD:WEIGHTLESS FEELING:HEAT:EMITS HAZE:/r79p40", **LatLong:** "44.227780 -91.833338", **LatLongDMS:** "44:13:40 N 91:50:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.227780,-91.833338)", **State/Prov:** "Wisconsin", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 30388 (113FE74F)
**Date:** 4/3/1968
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** OFF DURBAN, RSA
**Description:** French naval crew. Large luminous "ship" hovers still over city / one hour. RADAR and more/others.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LDLN CONTACT LECTEURS: by Series and #. May'68 -JAN'72 (Entire set of 18 issues) LDLN local chapters & individual members' UFO reports. (Index 26)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8718
**Attributes:** **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RDR:** Radar traces/blips
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Republic of South Africa", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "60", **HatchDesc:** "off DURBAN,RSA:FRENCH NVL CREW:LRG LUMn."SHIP" HVRS STILL OVR CITY/1hr:RDR++", **LatLong:** "-30.000001 31.500002", **LatLongDMS:** "30:00:00 S 31:30:00 E", **Locale:** "Offshore", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-30.000001,31.500002)", **State/Prov:** "RSA", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30389 (FE1BF296)
**Date:** 4/3/1968
**Time:** 23:30
**Location:** BEAUSEJOUR, MBA
**Description:** 12M saucer paces truck. Lights PR 12. Hums. Colored bands rotate / bottom.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 240)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8719
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "247", **HatchDesc:** "BEAUSEJOUR,MBA:12M SCR PACES TRUCK:LITES PR 12:HUMS:CLRD BANDS ROTATE/BOTTOM", **LatLong:** "50.111114 -96.516671", **LatLongDMS:** "50:06:40 N 96:31:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.111114,-96.516671)", **State/Prov:** "MNT", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 30390 (739A3951)
**Date:** 4/3/1968
**Description:** On this afternoon at around 1:45 p.m. Mrs. Mabel Walch and her nephew, John were driving toward Newport by the shore of one of the Narrabeen Lakes in New South Wales, Australia. They saw a strange creature standing near the road in shallow water. The being was just over four feet tall and had a tough leathery dark gray skin, like an elephant. Its legs were round and thick. Its arms, or forelegs, were small, and as they watched it ambled out of the water with "a strange shuffling walk, but quite fast." They only saw it briefly before it ran into the scrub. Mrs. Walch said "it's head reminded me of an anteater's trunk." The chin or probiscus was rigid and squared off at the end, and "stuck down and out at an angle." It had no ears nor a tail, but it had small eyes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb and Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1968-23, citing Keith Basterfield
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1817
### Event 30391 (BA0B8F29)
**Date:** 4/3/1968
**Description:** A schoolteacher named Mrs. Lietha was driving down the highway with her son in Cochrane, Wisconsin when a red-orange object flew over and hovered above her car, causing the engine and lights to fail as well as that of a second vehicle. The witnesses felt a sensation of weightlessness as well as heat from the object. Twenty minutes later a second vehicle interference case occurred in Waukesha, Wisconsin to a married couple named Blake.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** (1) Brad Sparks, Computer Catalog of Type 9 Cases, case 120; J. Allen Hynek, The UFO Experience, p. 239; APRO Bulletin, September-October 1968, p. 8; UNICAT database, case 385, citing J. Allen Hynek; Geoffrey Falla, BUFORA Vehicle Interference Project Report, p. 47; (2) Glenn McWane, The New UFO Sightings, p. 55
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1818
### Event 30392 (6E91D10E)
**Date:** 4/3/1968
**Description:** Late that same night in Itabara, Brazil several teenage girls were walking home when they encountered a tall man dressed totally in black, who lept out of nowhere and flashed a beam of light at them. The figure then disappeared. Several days later two of the girls accosted by the stranger began to go into trances and speak in strange foreign tongues.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1968, case #1059, citing Brad Steiger, Saga UFO Report, August 1976
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1819
### Event 30393 (434A1AC0)
**Date:** 4/4/1968
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Launch of the first automated mission [Apollo 6](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/Apollo.html\#Apollo6). (April 4)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1968.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2419
### Event 30394 (76DDE3D1)
**Date:** 4/4/1968
**Description:** FAA Air Traffic Controllers. 3 UFO's southwest going quickly northeast. Type unknown. Similar report(s) / Atlanta and Pittsburgh.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The WEST VIRGINIA UFO NEWSLETTER. Bob Teets editor. Headline Books Inc. PO Box 52; Terra Alta, WV 26764 Bimonthly. Terra Alta at AOL.com 304/789-5951 (Index 3)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8720
**Attributes:** **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "189", **HatchDesc:** "KANAWHA Apt,WV:FAA ATCS:3 UFOS SW>>NE:TYPE UNK:similar rpts/Atlanta+Pittsburgh", **LatLong:** "38.316668 -81.583337", **LatLongDMS:** "38:19:00 N 81:35:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.316668,-81.583337)", **State/Prov:** "Western Virginia", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 30395 (597F9878)
**Date:** 4/4/1968
**Time:** 19:20
**Location:** MARSEILLE, FR
**Description:** 1 observer / window. Luminous blue cylinder/cigar-shape hovers horizontal. Sudden takeoff. / r230 v1#3.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 95)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8721
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "MARSEILLE,FR:1 OBS/WINDOW:LUMn.BLUE CGR HVRS HZNTL:SUDDEN TAKEOFF:/r230 v1#3", **LatLong:** "43.283335 5.383334", **LatLongDMS:** "43:17:00 N 05:23:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.283335,5.383334)", **State/Prov:** "Bouches-du-Rhône", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 30396 (D843B645)
**Date:** 4/4/1968
**Time:** 19:30
**Location:** LAPOINT, UT
**Description:** 20' saucer on ground / 30 minute(s). Light goes out. Gone? Observer(s) 1 / 2 miles away.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SALISBURY, Frank: The UTAH UFO DISPLAY -- a Biologist Reports; 1974 Devin Adair, New Greenwich,CT. HB 286pp. ISBN 0-815-97000-5 (Index 253)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8722
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "30", **Elev:** "1695", **HatchDesc:** "LAPOINT,UT:20' SCR ON GROUND/30min:LIGHT GOES OUT:GONE?:OBS 1/2mi AWAY.", **LatLong:** "40.411113 -109.783339", **LatLongDMS:** "40:24:40 N 109:47:00 W", **Locale:** "Desert", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.411113,-109.783339)", **State/Prov:** "Utah", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 30397 (16A8B29E)
**Date:** 4/4/1968
**Time:** 19:30
**Description:** Bright cone maneuvers all over. Fast 90-turns. Hovers. Absolute(ly) silent.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HOBANA Ion & WEVERBERGH,Julien: UFO'S from BEHIND the IRON CURTAIN; Bantam Books,1975. 308pp. (Index 238)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8723
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Romania", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "30", **HatchDesc:** "TIMISOARA,ROMANIA:BRITE CONE MNVRS ALL OVER:FAST 90-TURNS:HOVERS:ABS SILENT", **LatLong:** "45.750002 21.233334", **LatLongDMS:** "45:45:00 N 21:14:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.750002,21.233334)", **State/Prov:** "TMS", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30398 (4C50AA49)
**Date:** 4/4/1968
**Location:** Cochrane, WI
**Description:** Object glowing orange while standing still, bright red while moving, hovered over car; heat, "weightlessness felt". CUFOS report; see Rodeghier, 1981, p. 40 (E,L) 2 cars (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3925
### Event 30399 (E0A0A789)
**Date:** 4/4/1968
**Location:** 37.0000 -116.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Bevel” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_536
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0000 -116.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:00 N 116:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0000,-116.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Bevel", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 30400 (58C37AB8)
**Date:** 4/4/1968
**Location:** Cochrane, Wisconsin
**Description:** 8:15 p.m. Two young men in Cochrane, Wisconsin, see a UFO hover above a car ahead of them; its headlights suddenly go out. The object appears metallic and glows orange when standing still, but gets redder and brighter when moving. The object then comes toward their car and the engine conks out. It hovers overhead for a moment, during which time the witnesses feel increased heat and weightlessness. The object departs over a nearby field, emitting a cloudy haze all around its periphery.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Mark Rodeghier, [UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference](http://www.cufos.org/books/UFO%5FREPORTS%5FINVOLVING%5FVEHICLE%5FINTERFERENCE.pdf)[,](http://www.cufos.org/books/UFO%5FREPORTS%5FINVOLVING%5FVEHICLE%5FINTERFERENCE.pdf) CUFOS, 1981, p. 40
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4543
### Event 30401 (02DD606D)
**Date:** 4/7/1968
**Description:** Uniformly lit saucer crosses sky east going west / high speed. 1 observer.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HOBANA Ion & WEVERBERGH,Julien: UFO'S from BEHIND the IRON CURTAIN; Bantam Books,1975. 308pp. (Index 238)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8724
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Romania", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "RIMNICU-SARAT,ROMANIA:UNIFORMLY LIT SCR CROSSES SKY E>W/HI SPEED:1 OBS", **LatLong:** "45.416669 27.116668", **LatLongDMS:** "45:25:00 N 27:07:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.416669,27.116668)", **State/Prov:** "BZU", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30402 (F3FFB172)
**Date:** 4/8/1968
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Creation of the [Club of Rome](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/ClubDeRome.html). (April 8)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1968.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2425
### Event 30403 (C241F72D)
**Date:** 4/8/1968
**Description:** At a hospital in Magill, South Australia the hospital staff saw a circular craft in the sky that was flashing red, white, and green lights. The hospital's ship-to-shore radio was effected during the sighting.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Michael Hervey, UFOs over the Southern Hemisphere, p. 181
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1902
### Event 30404 (FA092A1B)
**Date:** 4/9/1968
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) 1st launch from the Kourou base \(Guyana\). A rocket *Véronique*. (April 9)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1968.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2420
### Event 30405 (4B091890)
**Date:** 4/9/1968
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) US intelligence services note UFO incursions in the People's Republic of China.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1968.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2421
### Event 30406 (CC8B606D)
**Date:** 4/10/1968
**Time:** 14:00:00.0
**Location:** 37.1544 -116.0789
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed, salvo. Country: USA Name: “Noor” Yield: 19KT YieldMax: 220KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_537
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1544 -116.0789", **LatLongDMS:** "37:09:16 N 116:04:44 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1544,-116.0789)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.38", **NukeMb:** "4.60", **NukeName:** "Noor", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU_SALVO", **NukeY:** "19", **NukeYMax:** "220"
### Event 30407 (A1D7C21E)
**Date:** 4/10/1968
**Description:** At 9:00 p.m. two groups of three bright lights flew in a triangular formation over Ipswich, Massachusetts. They swung in a pendulum motion and changed colors from red to blue to green to white. They made no sound.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Raymond E. Fowler Raymond, UFOs: Interplanetary Visitors, p. 351, case 68-15
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1938
### Event 30408 (B8ABB3F3)
**Date:** 4/12/1968
**Time:** 14:10
**Location:** FARMINGTON, WV
**Description:** 1 observer. Silver disk hovers. Near 90 degree turn. Several sightings 60s and 70s here.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** TEETS, Bob: WEST VIRGINIA UFO's; Headline Books, PO Box 52, Terra Alta, WV 1995 213pp. (Index 94)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8725
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "293", **HatchDesc:** "FARMINGTON,WV:1 OBS:SLVR DISK HVRS:NEAR 90dgr TURN:SVRL SIGHTINGS 60s+70s HERE", **LatLong:** "39.511113 -80.250004", **LatLongDMS:** "39:30:40 N 80:15:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.511113,-80.250004)", **State/Prov:** "Western Virginia", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30409 (F2A8EA15)
**Date:** 4/12/1968
**Time:** 22:20
**Location:** HAMILTON, MASS
**Description:** 1 observer. Cluster / lights blink colors over radio telescopes. Shoot skyward.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FOWLER, Raymond E.: UFO'S, INTERPLANETARY VISITORS; Prentice Hall & Bantam Books, NY 1979. 346pp. (Index 336)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8726
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "16", **HatchDesc:** "HAMILTON,MASS:1 OBS:CLUSTER/LITES BLINK COLORS OVR RDO TELECOPES:SHOOT SKYWARD", **LatLong:** "42.616669 -70.855559", **LatLongDMS:** "42:37:00 N 70:51:20 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.616669,-70.855559)", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 30410 (24B90F0A)
**Date:** 4/12/1968
**Time:** 23:20
**Location:** CAPE NEDDICK, ME
**Description:** Dull orange domed saucer going [to] below moon / total eclipse. Small red lights and 1 white.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Book: THE UFO ENIGMA. Report No. 83-205 SPR, Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress, June 20, 1983. UG 633 Marcia S. Smith /Aerospace, Science Policy Research Div.
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8727
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "15", **HatchDesc:** "CAPE NEDDICK,ME:DULL ORG DOMED SCR >BLW MOON/TOTAL ECLIPSE:SML RED LITES+1 WHT", **LatLong:** "43.183335 -70.633337", **LatLongDMS:** "43:11:00 N 70:38:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.183335,-70.633337)", **State/Prov:** "Maine", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30411 (1F34AB5A)
**Date:** 4/12/1968
**Description:** A cluster of multicolored lights hovered, blinking red to orange to blue, in Hamilton, Massachusetts at 10:15 p.m. They shot upward out of sight.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Raymond Fowler, UFOs: Interplanetary Visitors, p. 352
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1977
### Event 30412 (487940B0)
**Date:** 4/13/1968
**Time:** 23:50
**Location:** ULL DE TER, SP
**Description:** 22 observer(s). Round disk hovers / high altitude. Drops. Becomes delta/triangle/box-like craft! Odd maneuvers and away.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 436)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8728
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "ULL de TER,SP:22 OBS:RND.DISK HVRS/HI ALT:DROPS:BECOMES DLT!:ODD MNVRS+AWAY", **LatLong:** "42.366669 2.250000", **LatLongDMS:** "42:22:00 N 02:15:00 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.366669,2.250000)", **State/Prov:** "Grenada", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30413 (73214D7F)
**Date:** Mid 4/1968
**Location:** MONGOLIA, Gobi Desert
**Description:** (Translated from French) Military personnel working on an irrigation project saw a large disc followed by flames, land on the sand. It flew away as a motorbike team approached to examine it. On the ground remained a cross-shaped trace. (1968, mid-April)
**Reference:** Janet and Colin BORD: "Modern Mysteries of the World" - Guild Publishing London 1989, p. 343
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2510
### Event 30414 (E83E9C77)
**Date:** 4/15/1968 (approximate)
**Time:** 17:00?
**Description:** 3M saucer going down / sand near canal work. Shoots going up [to] as motorcycle troops near. / r120p208.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** DONG, Paul: UFO's Over MODERN CHINA. 1983 UFO Photo Archives; P. O. Box 17206; Tucson, AZ 85710. (Index 49)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8729
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces, **MIL:** Military investigation
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "China", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "60", **HatchDesc:** "N.GOBI DSRT,CH:3M SCR↓/SAND nr CANAL WORK:SHOOTS↑ AS MC TROOPS NEAR:/r120p208", **LatLong:** "41.000002 108.000005", **LatLongDMS:** "41:00:00 N 108:00:00 E", **Locale:** "Desert", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.000002,108.000005)", **State/Prov:** "XNJ", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 30415 (E3C97AD6)
**Date:** Mid 4/1968
**Location:** north Gobi Desert, China
**Description:** Evening. Engineer Gu Ying is sent to a military construction regiment in the north Gobi Desert, China, when the entire battalion notices a huge, luminous, red-orange disc with a flashing light landing in the sand. It is about 9 feet in diameter. The commander dispatches a team of motorcycle troops to approach it. As they get closer, the object shoots up into the sky and disappears. The UFO leaves ground traces like a “seared cross.” The soldiers assume it is a Russian device.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wendelle Stevens and Paul Dong, UFOs over Modern China, UFO Photo Archive, 1983, pp. 49–50
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4542
### Event 30416 (E96D09A0)
**Date:** 4/15/1968
**Description:** A three-foot in diameter reddish orange disc was seen on the ground by several soldiers near a canal north of the Gobi Desert in Xinjiang province, China on this evening. It shot straight up as the soldiers approached.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Wendelle C. Stevens & Paul Dong, UFOs over Modern China, p. 49
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2025
### Event 30417 (431B53A9)
**Date:** 4/16/1968
**Time:** 12:00?
**Location:** OVER AUSTIN, TX
**Description:** Henry Ford II and several. 600' saucer paces plane / 60 mn. / MJ#240+/ r11p118.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 56)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8730
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "60", **Elev:** "165", **HatchDesc:** "ovr AUSTIN,TX:HENRY FORD II+SVRL:600' SCR PACES PLANE/60mn:/MJ#240+/r11p118", **LatLong:** "30.250001 -97.750005", **LatLongDMS:** "30:15:00 N 97:45:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/30.250001,-97.750005)", **RelAlt:** "2", **State/Prov:** "Texas", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30418 (F1DA0AEB)
**Date:** 4/16/1968
**Description:** At 12:10 p.m. Henry Ford II sighted a very large UFO while flying onboard the Ford Motor Company Jet Star near Austin, Texas.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Gordon I. R. Lore, Jr., UFOs: A New Look, p. 1; Donald E. Keyhoe, Aliens from Space…The Real Story of Unidentified Flying Objects, p. 177
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2055
### Event 30419 (0225D76F)
**Date:** 4/17/1968
**Description:** At 7:45 p.m. EDT a dull silver-gray, domed disc-shaped object hovered just over the road near the US Air Force radio telescope installation at Sagamore Hill, Highway 1A, Hamilton, Massachusetts.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Raymond E. Fowler, UFOs: Interplanetary Visitors, p. 352; Raymond Fowler investigator files, case dated April 26, 1968
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2087
### Event 30420 (3B4E91CC)
**Date:** 4/18/1968
**Location:** MEDICINE HAT, ALTA
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Rotating object lights entire sky. Bright and dim. Going north. Turns going east.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** STEIGER, Brad & WHRITENOUR, Joan: FLYING SAUCER INVASION. Award Books, NY 1969. 156pp PB. 15 Essays + catalog. (Index 97)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8731
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "697", **HatchDesc:** "MEDICINE HAT,ALTA:2 OBS:ROTATING OBJ LITES ENTIRE SKY:BRITE+DIM:> N:TURNS>E", **LatLong:** "50.050002 -110.666672", **LatLongDMS:** "50:03:00 N 110:40:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.050002,-110.666672)", **State/Prov:** "Alberta", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30421 (7EB5A196)
**Date:** 4/18/1968
**Location:** SOUTH / ESPANOLA, ON
**Description:** Several observer(s). Glowing-object with colored lights on Georgian bay. Speeds away and up!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** STEIGER, Brad & WHRITENOUR, Joan: FLYING SAUCER INVASION. Award Books, NY 1969. 156pp PB. 15 Essays + catalog. (Index 96)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8732
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **SUB:** Submersible: Rises from or submerges into water, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "176", **HatchDesc:** "S/ESPANOLA,ON:SVRL OBS:GLOW-OBJ W/CLRD LITES ON GEORGIAN BAY:SPEEDS AWAY+UP!", **LatLong:** "46.000002 -81.666671", **LatLongDMS:** "46:00:00 N 81:40:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.000002,-81.666671)", **RelAlt:** "1", **State/Prov:** "Ontario", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 30422 (5942E7E2)
**Date:** 4/18/1968
**Time:** 14:05:00.0
**Location:** 37.1525 -116.0370
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Shuffle” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 200KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_538
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1525 -116.0370", **LatLongDMS:** "37:09:09 N 116:02:13 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1525,-116.0370)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.49", **NukeMb:** "4.90", **NukeName:** "Shuffle", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "200"
### Event 30423 (3B0B98BB)
**Date:** 4/19/1968
**Time:** 02:30
**Location:** MALDEN, MASS
**Description:** Clanging noises. 1 observer sees red-glowing UFO flutter to and over cemetery.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FOWLER, Raymond E.: UFO'S, INTERPLANETARY VISITORS; Prentice Hall & Bantam Books, NY 1979. 346pp. (Index 337)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8733
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "4", **HatchDesc:** "MALDEN,MASS:CLANGING NOISES:1 OBS SEES RED-GLO UFO FLUTTER TO+OVER CEMETERY", **LatLong:** "42.427780 -71.066670", **LatLongDMS:** "42:25:40 N 71:04:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.427780,-71.066670)", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 30424 (F97C6A84)
**Date:** 4/19/1968
**Description:** A woman in Malden, Massachusetts awoke at 2:30 a.m. to a sound "like two steel knives being struck together" and glanced outside. She saw a red glowing object with a point on top that was hovering with a fluttering motion. It flew off over a nearby cemetery.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Raymond E. Fowler investigation files, report dated April 24, 1968
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2136
### Event 30425 (05662E3E)
**Date:** 4/20/1968
**Location:** ROMANIA, Timisoara
**Description:** (Translated from French) At 8:30 the witness saw at a hundred meters above the ground, an object that was gliding slowly and had an elaborate shape: the middle part in the shape of a disk with at the front a kind of conical cabin attached by a neck to the disk and divided into rectangular lamellas; at the back the tail looked like the rudder of an airplane. The observer noted no noise, did not see any smoke but was surprised by its sudden disappearance (Dan Fleseriu). (April 20, 1968)
**Reference:** Ion HOBANA/Julien WEVERBERGH: "Les OVNI en URSS et dans les Pays de l'Est" - translation Laffont 1976, p. 308
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2511
### Event 30426 (C8DDC665)
**Date:** 4/20/1968
**Time:** 08:30
**Description:** Weird saucer with airplane tail-section / rear. Disappears!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HOBANA Ion & WEVERBERGH,Julien: UFO'S from BEHIND the IRON CURTAIN; Bantam Books,1975. 308pp. (Index 238)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8734
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Romania", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "TIMISOARA,ROMANIA:WEIRD SCR W/AIRPLANE TAIL-SECTION/REAR:DISAPPEARS!", **LatLong:** "45.750002 21.216668", **LatLongDMS:** "45:45:00 N 21:13:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.750002,21.216668)", **State/Prov:** "TMS", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 30427 (A536C868)
**Date:** 4/21/1968
**Time:** 20:20
**Location:** HERBITZHEIM, FR
**Description:** Several / (seen thru) binoculars. Green triangle east going quickly west overhead. Slight red glow. Seen widely.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 95)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8735
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "HERBITZHEIM,FR:SVRL/BINOCS:GRN TRIANGLE E>>W OVHD:SLIGHT RED GLOW:seen widely", **LatLong:** "49.022225 7.083334", **LatLongDMS:** "49:01:20 N 07:05:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.022225,7.083334)", **State/Prov:** "Bas-Rhin", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 30428 (8EB8B332)
**Date:** 4/23/1968
**Time:** 20:20
**Location:** US40 / I70 NEAR AGATE, CO
**Description:** 4 observer(s). Red saucer paces car / miles. Thumping radio Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). White beam.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RODEGHIER, Mark/CUFOS: UFO REPORTS INVOLVING VEHICLE INTERFERENCE; CUFOS 1979. Available as CUFOS UFO Archive #1 CD-ROM. http://www.cufos.org/Pubform.pdf (Index 40)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8736
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "1665", **HatchDesc:** "US40/I70 nr AGATE,CO:4 OBS:RED SCR PACES CAR/MILES:THUMPING RADIO RFI:WHT BEAM", **LatLong:** "39.461113 -106.894450", **LatLongDMS:** "39:27:40 N 106:53:40 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.461113,-106.894450)", **State/Prov:** "Colorado", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 30429 (67FDFA61)
**Date:** 4/23/1968
**Time:** 21:30
**Location:** OFF CAT CAY, BAHAMAS
**Description:** 4 / boat. Cylinder/cigar-shape drops. Levels off / 600M. Square windows flash. Going [to] east-northeast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 55)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8737
**Attributes:** **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Caribbean area", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "off CAT CAY,BAHAMAS:4/BOAT:CGR DROPS:LEVELS OFF/600M:SQR WINDOWS FLASH:>ENE", **LatLong:** "25.416668 -77.816670", **LatLongDMS:** "25:25:00 N 77:49:00 W", **Locale:** "Offshore", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/25.416668,-77.816670)", **State/Prov:** "BAH", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30430 (9EC1BFC3)
**Date:** 4/23/1968
**Time:** 17:01:30.0
**Location:** 37.3377 -116.3756
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Scroll” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_539
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.3377 -116.3756", **LatLongDMS:** "37:20:16 N 116:22:32 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.3377,-116.3756)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.22", **NukeMb:** "3.89", **NukeName:** "Scroll", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 30431 (0A0295B1)
**Date:** 4/24/1968
**Location:** HOMESTEAD, FL
**Description:** 5 / (seen thru) binoculars. Dull silver object / pointed top. Portholes / bottom. TV CH.6 fades.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** STEIGER, Brad & WHRITENOUR, Joan: FLYING SAUCER INVASION. Award Books, NY 1969. 156pp PB. 15 Essays + catalog. (Index 97)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8738
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "HOMESTEAD,FL:5/BINOCS:DULL SLVR OBJ/POINTED TOP:PORTHOLES/BOTTOM:TV CH.6 FADES", **LatLong:** "25.466668 -80.477782", **LatLongDMS:** "25:28:00 N 80:28:40 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/25.466668,-80.477782)", **State/Prov:** "Florida", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 30432 (F826CF28)
**Date:** 4/24/1968
**Time:** 10:35:59.7
**Location:** 49.8452 78.1032
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: .001KT YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1312
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.8452 78.1032", **LatLongDMS:** "49:50:43 N 78:06:12 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.8452,78.1032)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.00", **NukeSource:** "BOCHAROV", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** ".001", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 30433 (CF9A0A7C)
**Date:** 4/25/1968
**Time:** 23:50
**Location:** WAHOO, NE
**Description:** 3 observer(s). Cone-saucer hovers. Away fast. Quickly going down [to] behind house. 2nd object going quickly northeast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 825)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8739
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "373", **HatchDesc:** "WAHOO,NE:3 OBS:CONE-SCR HVRS:AWAY FAST:↓↓ BHND HOUSE:2nd OBJ >>NE", **LatLong:** "41.211113 -96.622227", **LatLongDMS:** "41:12:40 N 96:37:20 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.211113,-96.622227)", **State/Prov:** "Nebraska", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 30434 (2EA088EE)
**Date:** 4/25/1968
**Description:** A "saucer nest" crop circle was found in sugar cane near West Cairns, Queensland, Australia. It was oval in shape, 70 feet by 36 feet.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Stan Seers, FSR, May-June 1969, p. 4; Ted R. Phillips, Physical Traces Associated with UFO Sightings, case 321
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2297
### Event 30435 (31AD0A2E)
**Date:** 4/26/1968
**Time:** 15:00:00.0
**Location:** 37.2954 -116.4557
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Boxcar” Yield: 1300KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_540
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.2954 -116.4557", **LatLongDMS:** "37:17:43 N 116:27:21 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.2954,-116.4557)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "1.17", **NukeMb:** "6.30", **NukeName:** "Boxcar", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "1300"
### Event 30436 (559A5CA6)
**Date:** 4/27/1968
**Location:** Colorado
**Description:** The May 14 issue of Look magazine contains an article by [John G. Fuller](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John%5FG.%5FFuller) on the [Low](http://ufohistoryfiles.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/CO%2067%20NEWS.pdf) memorandum and the near-mutiny at the Colorado project.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** John G. Fuller, “[Flying Saucer Fiasco,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/0%20-%20Articles/United%20States/Look/1968%2005%2014%5FLook%5FJohn%20Fuller%5FFlying%20Saucer%20Fiasco%5FLagrange%20scan.pdf)” Look 32, no. 10 \(May 14, 1968\): 58–63
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4544
### Event 30437 (E2566F5E)
**Date:** 4/28/1968
**Location:** SELAH AND YAKIMA, WA
**Description:** Several report(s). Large object and probes. Small humanoids (or Greys) / woods. Footprints. Holes dug. / MJ#240.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 821)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8740
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "40", **Elev:** "341", **HatchDesc:** "SELAH+YAKIMA,WA:SVRL RPTS:LRG OBJ+PROBES:OIDS/WOODS:FPRINTS:HOLES DUG:/MJ#240", **LatLong:** "46.655558 -120.527784", **LatLongDMS:** "46:39:20 N 120:31:40 W", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.655558,-120.527784)", **State/Prov:** "Washington", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 30438 (5DE89F79)
**Date:** 4/28/1968
**Time:** ~21:00
**Location:** BACAU, ROMANIA
**Description:** Light zips over park. 2nd night light zigzags and joins 1st. Both go away fast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HOBANA Ion & WEVERBERGH,Julien: UFO'S from BEHIND the IRON CURTAIN; Bantam Books,1975. 308pp. (Index 239)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8741
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Romania", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "BACAU,ROMANIA:LITE ZIPS OVR PARK:2nd NLT ZIGZAGS+JOINS 1st:BOTH GO AWAY FAST", **LatLong:** "46.666669 26.933335", **LatLongDMS:** "46:40:00 N 26:56:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.666669,26.933335)", **State/Prov:** "Bacău", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 30439 (9F273767)
**Date:** 4/29/1968
**Time:** 22:00
**Description:** 2 extra stars hover / Ursa Major. 1 going north. Turns going east. 2nd going quickly north.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LDLN CONTACT LECTEURS: by Series and #. May'68 -JAN'72 (Entire set of 18 issues) LDLN local chapters & individual members' UFO reports. (Index 16)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8742
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Atlantic Ocean + islands", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "30", **HatchDesc:** "TENERIFE Isl,CANARIES:2 EXTRA STARS HVR/URSA MAJOR:1 > N:TURNS >E:2nd >>N", **LatLong:** "28.333335 -16.500001", **LatLongDMS:** "28:20:00 N 16:30:00 W", **Locale:** "Islands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/28.333335,-16.500001)", **State/Prov:** "CNR", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30440 (B765AEE2)
**Date:** 4/29/1968
**Description:** [Low](http://ufohistoryfiles.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/CO%2067%20NEWS.pdf) tells the press [Fuller](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John%5FG.%5FFuller) has quoted him out of context. [Condon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward%5FCondon) and Low spend the morning talking to legal counsel.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4545
### Event 30441 (0FCF2B4A)
**Date:** 4/30/1968
**Locations:** Colorado; Congress
**Description:** Rep. [J. Edward Roush](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J.%5FEdward%5FRoush) \(D-Ind.\) denounces the Colorado project in Congress based on the Look article and raises doubts about its scientific integrity. He writes to Air Force Secretary [Robert Seamans](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert%5FSeamans) to ask for his comments on “this deplorable situation” and he writes to the Comptroller General [Elmer B. Staats](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elmer%5FB.%5FStaats) to investigate the use of public funds for the project.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** UFOs Yes, 201–202; “Congressional UFOing,” Wall Street Journal, May 3, 1968
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4546
### Event 30442 (02F09537)
**Date:** 4/30/1968
**Description:** [Keyhoe](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald%5FKeyhoe) and the NICAP Board of Directors write to President [Lyndon Johnson](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lyndon%5FB.%5FJohnson), enclosing the [Low](http://ufohistoryfiles.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/CO%2067%20NEWS.pdf) memo and other evidence and urging that he create an entirely new commission. Col. Bernhard M. Ettenson, from the Office of the Secretary of the Air Force, writes back to say that “we expect that Dr. [Condon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward%5FCondon) will fulfill the terms of the agreement.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[The Inside Story of the Colorado Project,](http://www.cufos.org/UFOI%5Fand%5FSelected%5FDocuments/UFOI/042%20MAY-JUN%201968.pdf)” UFO Investigator 4, no. 6 \(May/June 1968\): 5
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4547
### Event 30443 (13EB37DB)
**Date:** 4/30/1968
**Description:** In Ipswich, Massachusetts a round gray object reflecting a flashing red light on its underside hovered low over some trees. It dropped behind the trees, then shot straight up, hovered, and streaked away at great speed.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Raymond E. Fowler, UFOs: Interplanetary Visitors, p. 353; Raymond E. Fowler case files, report dated May 1, 1968
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2427
### Event 30444 (89F690E8)
**Date:** 5/1968
**Time:** 01:00
**Location:** CENTRALIA, IL
**Description:** Electric fence charger and clock electro-magnetic effect (EME). Night light going northwest. Burnt path / woods. 3 trees die.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PHILLIPS, Ted: Study of PHYSICAL TRACES ASSOCIATED with UFO SIGHTINGS; CUFOS 1975. (Index 55)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8743
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "152", **HatchDesc:** "CENTRALIA,IL:ELEC.FENCE CHARGER+CLOCK EME:NLT>NW:BURNT PATH/WOODS:3 TREES DIE", **LatLong:** "38.500002 -89.133338", **LatLongDMS:** "38:30:00 N 89:08:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.500002,-89.133338)", **State/Prov:** "Illinois", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30445 (BA3DDC49)
**Date:** 5/1968
**Location:** Centralia, IL
**Description:** Eveing. Several minutes. Several strange occurrences. Strange glow moved (1:00 a.m.) E-M effects (stopped clock), burned trees, brood son vanished (animal effects). (SL, Sept 72) (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3927
### Event 30446 (53FB03F8)
**Date:** 5/1968
**Time:** 2400
**Location:** Chascomus, Brazil
**Description:** Gerardo Vidal and his wife were driving along Route 2 when they were caught in "a dense fog" and lost consciousness for 48 hours. When they came to, it was daytime, and the car, whose paint was badly scorched, was parked in an unknown road. They spoke to local people and found that they were in Mexico.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** FSR 68, 5; Magonia ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_906
### Event 30447 (4D5AABB2)
**Date:** 5/1/1968
**Time:** 23:00
**Location:** HEYFIELD, AUST
**Description:** Blue dome beams lights. Whines. Car and transistor radio electro-magnetic effect (EME). Burnt grass.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RODEGHIER, Mark/CUFOS: UFO REPORTS INVOLVING VEHICLE INTERFERENCE; CUFOS 1979. Available as CUFOS UFO Archive #1 CD-ROM. http://www.cufos.org/Pubform.pdf (Index 41)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8744
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TRC:** Physical traces, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "HEYFIELD,AUST:BLU DOME BEAMS LITES:WHINES:CAR+XSISTOR RADIO EME:BURNT GRASS", **LatLong:** "-37.983335 146.783340", **LatLongDMS:** "37:59:00 S 146:47:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-37.983335,146.783340)", **State/Prov:** "Victoria", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 30448 (63A972FE)
**Date:** Early 5/1968
**Locations:** Arrecife; Vargas; Venezuela
**Description:** Five UFOs are seen diving into the ocean off Arrecife, Vargas, Venezuela.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Current South American](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201968%2005%2000%20-%20May-June.pdf) [Flap,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201968%2005%2000%20-%20May-June.pdf)” APRO Bulletin, May/June 1968, p. 8
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4548
### Event 30449 (C6EE5786)
**Date:** Early 5/1968
**Locations:** Chascomús; Maipú, Buenos Aires, Argentina; Mexico City; Argentine embassy in Mexico City
**Description:** Night. Gerardo Vidal and his wife are driving home from Chascomús to Maipú, Buenos Aires, Argentina. They are just outside Chascomús when their car is enveloped in a thick green fog. The next thing they know they are driving on a road near Mexico City in broad daylight, 4,400 miles to the northwest. Their watches have stopped, and they discover that two days have passed. They visit the Argentine embassy in Mexico City, where Vidal calls a relative in Maipú to report that they are well. However, a June 4, 1968, Reuters dispatch from Mexico City contains a denial of the incident by the Argentine embassy, and subsequent inquiries can find no one in Maipú that could be the Vidals. Finally, in October 1998 Argentine film director [Aníbal Uset](https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/An%C3%ADbal%5FUset) admits to researcher Roberto E. Banchs that he had invented the Chascomús teleportation as a publicity stunt to spread a fantastic story based on the plot of his upcoming film Ché OVNI. The movie’s poster even shows a UFO carrying off an automobile.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** La Razon \(Buenos Aires\), June 3, 1968; Oscar A. Galíndez, “[Teleportation from Chascomús](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201968%20V%2014%20N%205.pdf) [to Mexico,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201968%20V%2014%20N%205.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 14, no. 5 \(Sept./Oct. 1968\): 3–4; “[Further News on South America,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201968%2009%2000%20-%20September-October.pdf)” APRO Bulletin, Sept./Oct. 1968, pp. 7–8; Internet Movie Database, “[Ché OVNI](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0204202/)”; Jacques Vallée, Confrontations: A Scientist’s Search for Alien Intelligence, Ballantine, 1990, [p. 96](https://archive.org/details/confrontationssc00vall%5F0/page/95/mode/2up); Roberto E. Banchs, “The Chascomús Teleportation Hoax,” Fortean Times 351 \(April 2017\): 56–57
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4549
### Event 30450 (32F19A10)
**Date:** 5/2/1968
**Description:** On this morning the witness was out collecting bark for firewood in a spot near her lake on Keats Island, British Columbia when the same two strange men she had met on January 29 approached her. Both wore dark "neat" coveralls, as if they were brand new. One of the men was about 20 years old, and he seemed to hide behind the other man as the witness approached them. The younger man stared intently at the woman during the conversation she had with the older man, and only spoke once. She continued to be mystified about how they were coming and going from her remote island location.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Peter Guttilla, Saga UFO Report, Summer 1974, citing John Magor, Our UFO Visitors
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2456
### Event 30451 (CBE40A65)
**Date:** 5/3/1968
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Mr. and Mrs. Vidal are driving on the road connecting Chacomus to Matfu, in the province of Buenos Aires. They are about 20 km from the capital of Argentina when they enter a kind of thick cloud, and immediately lose consciousness. (May 3rd)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1968.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2422
### Event 30452 (F35B1A34)
**Date:** 5/3/1968
**Location:** 37.0000 -116.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Hatchet” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_541
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0000 -116.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:00 N 116:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0000,-116.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Hatchet", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 30453 (1715D04D)
**Date:** 5/3/1968
**Description:** During the evening hours of the night of May 2nd-3rd Miss Shane Kurz, a 19-year-old woman, had watched a luminous cigar-shaped object in the sky for two hours from her home in Westmoreland, New York. It moved in her direction, stopped, then shot straight upward into the sky, turning red in color as it did so. At four o'clock in the morning her mother came into her room and found her lying on top of her bedsheets with her robe and slippers on; both were covered with dried mud, as were her legs. Earlier in the night her mother had found her missing from her bedroom and the door open.
Ms. Kurz stayed out of school for the next two days because of depression and recurrent nightmares. Her eyes were causing her pain, and two reddish ring-shaped marks appeared on her lower abdomen. Her menstrual cycle stopped after this incident and did not return again for a year. Later under hypnosis she remembered that she went outdoors in response to hearing her name called, and saw a saucer with windows and a revolving rim hovering close to the ground. It approached her and lifted her inside with a beam of light, after which she found herself in a bare white room. A man shorter than her, with no nose, wearing what looked like a dark "motorcycle jacket" and another being, a "doctor" in a long coat, forced her onto an exam table. He inserted a long needle into her navel. A third being, the "leader," next entered the room. The UFOnauts all had very "penetrating" eyes with no pupils. They said to her, "We've watched you. You're the one. We want you as a mate." He also said that they came "from very, very far." The others went out and the leader proceeded to undress her and then rape her. He told her she would not remember. She was floated down to the ground again by a light beam.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1968; David F. Webb and Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1968-26, citing Hans Holzer, The Ufonauts
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2472
### Event 30454 (03FBF200)
**Date:** 5/4/1968 (approximate)
**Time:** 22:00?
**Location:** LK POSO, INDONS
**Description:** Many observer(s). Glowing-ball going [to] over water / last 5 years. Scouts terrain. / r156#4.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 823)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8745
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **SUB:** Submersible: Rises from or submerges into water, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Indonesia", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "95", **HatchDesc:** "Lk POSO,INDONS:MANY OBS:GLO-BALL>OVR WATER/LAST 5 YRS:SCOUTS TERRAIN:/r156#4", **LatLong:** "-1.866667 120.583339", **LatLongDMS:** "01:52:00 S 120:35:00 E", **Locale:** "Islands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-1.866667,120.583339)", **State/Prov:** "SLW", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 30455 (F596C91C)
**Date:** 5/5/1968
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Mr. Vidal regains his senses. It is day and, as he does not know the region, he asks a peasant for the route to Buenos Aires. The peasant, taken aback, gently suggests to him that perhaps he is looking for Mexico? Mr. Vidal must come to terms with the fact that he and his wife are in Mexico, and 48 hours after their disappearance. That is to say, about 7500 km away from the place where their car entered the cloud, their last memory. Mr. Vidal then takes a closer look at the 403: the black paint of the bodywork has disappeared, as if it had been removed with a blowtorch. It must have been subjected to a very high temperature. Mrs. Vidal regains her senses a little later and almost has a nervous breakdown: But, then, what have they done to us during these two days? In whose hands were we? When the couple returns to Argentina, their friends sigh with relief, having thought it was an accident. It is materially impossible for the couple to have made the Buenos Aires-Mexico journey in 48 hours: they would have had to cross all of South America, Central America, on roads, paths and tracks barely paved and, at an average speed of 160 km/h. (May 5th)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1968.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2423
### Event 30456 (02BC8E4C)
**Date:** 5/5/1968
**Time:** 10:00
**Location:** PINEY CREEK, CA
**Description:** 2 / remote ranch. 4 metallic ovoids going up and down [to] all over/all about canyon. 2 going quickly west. 2 go unseen.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 821)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8746
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "517", **HatchDesc:** "PINEY CREEK,CA:2/REMOTE RANCH:4 MTLC OVOIDS ↑+↓ ALLO CANYON:2 >>W:2 GO UNSEEN", **LatLong:** "36.266668 -121.483339", **LatLongDMS:** "36:16:00 N 121:29:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/36.266668,-121.483339)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30457 (2AA122F9)
**Date:** 5/5/1968
**Time:** 20:40
**Location:** TIRGU-OCNA, ROM
**Description:** Cylinder/cylindrical object flies north going south / 2 nights. Pointed rear end. Antennas / sides.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HOBANA Ion & WEVERBERGH,Julien: UFO'S from BEHIND the IRON CURTAIN; Bantam Books,1975. 308pp. (Index 163)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8747
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Romania", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "TIRGU-OCNA,ROM:CYL FLIES N>S/2 NITES:POINTED REAR END:ANTENNAS/SIDES", **LatLong:** "46.283336 26.616668", **LatLongDMS:** "46:17:00 N 26:37:00 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.283336,26.616668)", **State/Prov:** "Bacău", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30458 (FF3BDAFA)
**Date:** 5/5/1968
**Description:** Jerome Clark and three other young men had driven to visit a rural site on a highway between Fargo and Kindred, North Dakota where a "ghost light" had been recently reported. They spotted a nocturnal light and had been chasing it, more or less fruitlessly, in their car. When it re-appeared at 1:45 a.m. it loomed up in front of them, and against its reddish orange light they could see the silhouette of a huge figure gliding toward them. They took off in fear in their automobile, but when they looked again from a side road the silhouetted figure was still visible and still moving towards them. This time they drove several miles before stopping.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb and Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1968-25, citing Jerome Clark, FSR, November-December 1969
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2542
### Event 30459 (AD3BC8DF)
**Date:** 5/5/1968
**Description:** At 8:35 p.m. a cylindrical UFO was seen flying north to south on this night and the next over the river in Tirgu Ocna, Romania by several witnesses including the principal witness, a Mr. Dumila. It had a pointed read end, and antennae on the sides.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Ion Hobana and Julien Weverbergh, UFOs from Behind the Iron Curtain, p. 162
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2543
### Event 30460 (AC073D8B)
**Date:** 5/7/1968
**Location:** CANOAS, BRZ
**Description:** Saucer flashes. Going [to] behind trees. 30 May grey saucer with "generator noise" on and off.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 2)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8748
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "19", **HatchDesc:** "CANOAS,BRZ:SCR FLASHES:>BHND TREES::30MAY GRY SCR W/"GENERATOR NOISE" ON+OFF", **LatLong:** "-29.966668 -51.066669", **LatLongDMS:** "29:58:00 S 51:04:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-29.966668,-51.066669)", **RelAlt:** "15", **State/Prov:** "RGS", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30461 (57456943)
**Date:** 5/7/1968
**Time:** ~21:00
**Location:** SANFORD, CO
**Description:** 1+3 observer(s). Several red balls / light rise / nearby farm. 1 going quickly south / low altitude. No traces.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 823)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8749
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "20", **Elev:** "2317", **HatchDesc:** "SANFORD,CO:1+3 OBS:SVRL RED BALLS/LITE RISE/NEARBY FARM:1 >>S/LO ALT:no traces", **LatLong:** "37.255557 -105.905561", **LatLongDMS:** "37:15:20 N 105:54:20 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.255557,-105.905561)", **State/Prov:** "Colorado", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30462 (5EA0F04A)
**Date:** 5/7/1968
**Description:** On this evening town marshal Felix Gallegos and others saw three balls of light take off from a neighbors field near Sanford, Colorado. No evidence was found on the ground.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** APRO Bulletin, July-August 1968, p. 8
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2621
### Event 30463 (915F3ED6)
**Date:** 5/8/1968
**Location:** 37.0000 -116.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Crock” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_542
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0000 -116.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:00 N 116:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0000,-116.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Crock", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 30464 (B4FA4DC9)
**Date:** 5/9/1968
**Time:** 22:30
**Location:** STE ASSISE, FR
**Description:** RADAR-visual (observation). Night light curves all over/all about military radio center. RADAR trace. Going southwest. / r186#20.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 97)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8750
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **RDR:** Radar traces/blips, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **MIL:** Military investigation
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "45", **HatchDesc:** "Ste ASSISE,FR:RDR-VIS:NLT CURVES ALLO MIL RADIO CENTER:rdr.trace:>SW:/r186#20", **LatLong:** "48.533336 2.566667", **LatLongDMS:** "48:32:00 N 02:34:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.533336,2.566667)", **State/Prov:** "Seine-et-Marne", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30465 (B7E546D3)
**Date:** 5/9/1968
**Description:** At 10:30 p.m. there was a radar-visual confirmation case from Ste. Assise, Seine-Marne, France. A nocturnal light curved all over the sky near a military radio center. Radar trace records were kept. The object left to the southwest after 45 minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Lumieres dans la Nuit, December 1968
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2687
### Event 30466 (25CA8E13)
**Date:** 5/10/1968
**Time:** 12:30
**Location:** ORADEA, ROM
**Description:** UFO seen / 2 days. Motionless until 11 th. Changes shape / (seen thru) binoculars. Delta etc.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HOBANA Ion & WEVERBERGH,Julien: UFO'S from BEHIND the IRON CURTAIN; Bantam Books,1975. 308pp. (Index 239)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8751
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Romania", **Credibility:** "12", **Duration:** "128", **HatchDesc:** "ORADEA,ROM:UFO SEEN/2DAYS:MOTIONLESS UNTIL 11th:CHANGES SHAPE/BINOCS:DELTA ETC", **LatLong:** "47.033336 21.900001", **LatLongDMS:** "47:02:00 N 21:54:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.033336,21.900001)", **State/Prov:** "Bihor", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 30467 (A5D8F13F)
**Date:** 5/10/1968
**Location:** Galesburg, Illinois
**Description:** 10:00 p.m. Grant Callison of Galesburg, Illinois, looks out his kitchen window and sees a giant bird illuminated by a streetlight. He and his wife Wilma rush outside for a better look and see three of them flying in a V-formation at an altitude of 500 feet. They look like they have metallic feathers or scales. They are flying with a graceful, fluttering motion. They then see two objects to the south with pulsating red lights moving in the same direction at the same speed \(about 25–35 mph\). On May 20, around 9:00 p.m., the Callisons have another odd sighting of a single bird-like creature.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Grant Callison, “[Winged Creatures over Illinois,](http://ufoexperiences.blogspot.com/2006/02/winged-creatures-over-illinois.html)” UFOexperiences, February 6, 2006; Clark III 655
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4550
### Event 30468 (B774158C)
**Date:** 5/10/1968
**Description:** On this night in Galesburg, Illinois Grant Callison and his wife noticed three winged beings flying at an estimated altitude of 500 feet. The beings appeared to be covered with feathers or metallic scales which acquired an odd fluorescence as they reflected light from the local street lamps. The strange trio lacked necks of any sort and had short, conical tails. There were other sightings of the same creatures in the area.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1968, # 2106, citing Scott Corrales, Unsolved UFO Sightings, Fall 1995
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2719
### Event 30469 (E596D190)
**Date:** 5/11/1968
**Time:** 21:50
**Location:** OMAHA, NE
**Description:** 3 college instructors. Saucer hovers / 2 minute(s). Going [to] horizon / 2 minute(s). Clearly seen.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** STEIGER, Brad & WHRITENOUR, Joan: FLYING SAUCER INVASION. Award Books, NY 1969. 156pp PB. 15 Essays + catalog. (Index 98)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8752
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "4", **Elev:** "313", **HatchDesc:** "OMAHA,NE:3 COLLEGE INSTRUCTORS:SCR HVRS/2min:>HRZN/2min:CLEARLY SEEN", **LatLong:** "41.283335 -95.933338", **LatLongDMS:** "41:17:00 N 95:56:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.283335,-95.933338)", **State/Prov:** "Nebraska", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30470 (4E76A7EE)
**Date:** 5/11/1968
**Locations:** Brinkley, South Australia; Cheltenham, Adelaide, South Australia
**Description:** A farmer in Brinkley, South Australia, notices strands of material about 65 feet long falling on his property. He says it is like asbestos rope and as wide as a pencil. On the same day, web-like “fine woven cotton” is seen on a lawn and draped over wires and a fence in Cheltenham, Adelaide, South Australia.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Keith Basterfield, “Angel Hair: An Australian Perspective,” IUR 27, no. 1 \(Spring 2002\): 7
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4551
### Event 30471 (04C8F8E8)
**Date:** 5/13/1968
**Description:** [George H. Estabrooks](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George%5FEstabrooks)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George%5FEstabrooks) a Canadian-American psychologist and former consultant for the FBI and CIA, tells the Providence Evening Bulletin that the key to developing an effective spy or assassin is by creating a multiple personality with the aid of hypnosis, a procedure he describes as “child’s play.” Estabrooks suggests that [Lee](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lee%5FHarvey%5FOswald) [Harvey Oswald](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lee%5FHarvey%5FOswald) and [Jack Ruby](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack%5FRuby) could have been controlled in this manner. “This has and is being done. I have done it. It is child’s play now to develop a multiple personality through hypnotism.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Providence \(R.I.\) Evening Bulletin, May 13, 1968; Colin A. Ross, Bluebird: Deliberate Creation of Multiple Personality by Psychiatrists, Manitou, 2000, p. 162; Phil Kirby, “[Event / TV Times:](https://theculturevulture.co.uk/all/event/event-free-for-all/) [The Prisoner](https://theculturevulture.co.uk/all/event/event-free-for-all/)[: Free for All,](https://theculturevulture.co.uk/all/event/event-free-for-all/)” The Culture Vulture, May 10, 2018
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4552
### Event 30472 (B564ACD2)
**Date:** 5/14/1968
**Time:** ~20:00
**Location:** NORTHWEST / PIC ST. LOUP, FR
**Description:** 3+observer(s). UFO alarm. Single grey cloud going [to] black. Grows and shrinks / rhythm.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LDLN CONTACT LECTEURS: by Series and #. May'68 -JAN'72 (Entire set of 18 issues) LDLN local chapters & individual members' UFO reports. (Index 16)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8753
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "30", **HatchDesc:** "NW/PIC St.LOUP,FR:3+OBS:UFO ALARM:SINGLE GRY CLOUD > BLK:GROWS+SHRINKS/RHYTHM", **LatLong:** "43.833335 3.750000", **LatLongDMS:** "43:50:00 N 03:45:00 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.833335,3.750000)", **State/Prov:** "Hérault", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30473 (45021EF7)
**Date:** 5/14/1968
**Location:** US
**Description:** LOOK article, "Flying Saucer Fiasco" by John Fuller, reporting internal controversy in the Colorado UFO Project and the Low "trick" memo.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_159
### Event 30474 (9603E541)
**Date:** 5/14/1968
**Description:** At six o'clock in the evening the witness, Mrs. Valentina Flores, heard noises coming from her sheep pen located between the towns of Uyini and Otoco, Bolivia and went to investigate. She found the sheep pen covered with some form of plastic net, and inside was a short being 3.5 feet tall, who was killing the sheep with a tube with a hook on the end. The witness threw stones at the creature, and she was injured when she was thrown to the ground. The tube like instrument absorbed the net, and the entity rose straight up into the air with a strange noise. Thirty four of the sheep had been killed.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Oscar A. Galindez, FSR, July-August 1970, p. 15; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case A0906, citing FSR
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2830
### Event 30475 (EDC93DB5)
**Date:** 5/15/1968
**Location:** Colorado
**Description:** [Low](http://ufohistoryfiles.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/CO%2067%20NEWS.pdf) is relieved of 90% of his duties with the Colorado project, effective May 24 and will go back to his job as assistant to [Thurston Manning](https://www.legacy.com/obituaries/name/thurston-manning-obituary?pid=171867180)[.](https://www.legacy.com/obituaries/name/thurston-manning-obituary?pid=171867180)
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** UFOs Yes, 204
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4553
### Event 30476 (BC2857E8)
**Date:** 5/16/1968
**Time:** 21:40
**Description:** Astronomers. Bright night light flickers and maneuvers. 3 photographs. / see FSRv15#2.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 117)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8754
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Chile", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "4320", **HatchDesc:** "INFIERNILLO OBS,CHL:ASTRONOMERS:BRITE NLT FLICKERS+MNVRS:3 FOTOS:/see FSRv15#2", **LatLong:** "-33.166668 -70.283337", **LatLongDMS:** "33:10:00 S 70:17:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-33.166668,-70.283337)", **State/Prov:** "SNT", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 30477 (FA7206B9)
**Date:** 5/17/1968
**Location:** BRAZIL, between Florianopolis and Laguna
**Description:** (Translated from French) At 8:45 PM, in a VW minibus, José Da Silva, the driver, and passengers Manuel Gonzalez, Flavio and Moises were driving with the windows closed because it was raining and the radio was on. Suddenly they saw a bright light and a noise like the sound of an electric drill. At the same time the van was lifted and held in the air (estimated height of 50 cm from the ground) for a moment, after which it fell and was immediately lifted again and placed with less force. After stopping they saw in front of them at 100 m altitude a strange intensely bright craft that suddenly accelerated and stopped at 500m. Frightened, the witnesses did not take their eyes off the thing: it was circular, appearing to be no more than 2 m in diameter, on the lower part several openings like portholes, through which indefinable movements passed. A reddish light seemed to rotate around the upper part. The UFO remained motionless for a few minutes, tilted and flew very quickly towards the sea. A truck driver arrived who had seen it all from a distance. The two vehicles did not leave each other until they reached their destination. Secondary effects: Moises was vomiting, Gonzalez had lost all the hair from his eyebrows and was suffering from itching, Da Silva who had a thick head of hair, became bald in less than a year. On the roof of the minibus a round burn with blisters of broken paint in the center.
**Reference:** Cuarto Dimension N° 20 pp. 26 to 28
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2513
### Event 30478 (4CA702AE)
**Date:** 5/17/1968
**Time:** 08:50
**Description:** Astronomers and many. Brill lens-cone circles and pulses. Photographs. / APRO 5'68.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 117)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8755
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Chile", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "163", **HatchDesc:** "VALPARAISO,CHL++:ASTRONOMERS+MANY:BRILL LENS-CONE CCLs+PULSES:FOTOS:/APRO 5'68", **LatLong:** "-32.050002 -71.616670", **LatLongDMS:** "32:03:00 S 71:37:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-32.050002,-71.616670)", **State/Prov:** "VLP", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30479 (4532B6CD)
**Date:** 5/17/1968
**Time:** 19:00
**Description:** All / ferryboat. Luminous/glowing object slows and stops and curves going quickly north until gone.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 117)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8756
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Chile", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "CANAL de CHILOE,CHILE:ALL/FERRYBOAT:LUMn OBJ SLOWS+STOPS+CURVES>>N UNTIL GONE", **LatLong:** "-41.800002 -73.500004", **LatLongDMS:** "41:48:00 S 73:30:00 W", **Locale:** "Offshore", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-41.800002,-73.500004)", **State/Prov:** "CHL", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30480 (2D9B1DFF)
**Date:** 5/17/1968
**Time:** 20:50
**Description:** 4 / VW bus lifted and dropped 2X! Saucer going quickly. Radiation/radioactivity sickness. / r215p132.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** INFORESPACE Journal. SOBEPS Group, Belgium; bimonthly (Index 25)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8757
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **RDA:** Radiation/high energy fields detected, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations, **MIL:** Military investigation
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "25", **HatchDesc:** "S/FLORIANOPOLIS,BRZ:4/VW BUS LIFTED+DROPPED 2X!:SCR >>:RDA SICKNESS:/r215p132", **LatLong:** "-27.616668 -48.566669", **LatLongDMS:** "27:37:00 S 48:34:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-27.616668,-48.566669)", **State/Prov:** "STC", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 30481 (65DAEB98)
**Date:** 5/17/1968
**Time:** 13:00:00.0
**Location:** 37.1201 -116.0588
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Clarksmobile” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 200KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_543
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1201 -116.0588", **LatLongDMS:** "37:07:12 N 116:03:32 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1201,-116.0588)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.47", **NukeMb:** "4.70", **NukeName:** "Clarksmobile", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "200"
### Event 30482 (DA77B7EE)
**Date:** 5/17/1968
**Location:** Caconde, São Paulo, Brazil
**Description:** 5:00 a.m. Caetano Sergio dos Santos is returning home from his job as a night watchman at Caconde, São Paulo, Brazil. In the courtyard of his house he sees a cylinder-shaped object, about the size of a powdered-milk can, stuck in the ground. At each end are dials, one with a black band, the other with a red one. They are encased under a glass or plastic lens with embossed figures arranged in a semicircle. Above each figure is something like an Arabic numeral. Dos Santos takes the object into the house and studies it for 90 minutes, then puts it on a windowsill in the bathroom before going to bed. He goes back to work, then at about 1:00 a.m., he returns home and notices that the object is lighting up the house, with his wife and son, very agitated, standing outside with neighbors. She tells him that a loud buzzing and intense heat had wakened her, both emanating from the object. Dos Santos goes inside and finds a hole in the roof, tile scattered over the floor, and the object gone.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Brazilian](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201968%2007%2000%20-%20July-August.pdf) [Object Real Puzzler,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201968%2007%2000%20-%20July-August.pdf)” APRO Bulletin, July/Aug. 1968, pp. 1, 3; Walter Buehler, “[The Mysterious Caconde Case,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201969%20V%2015%20N%204.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 15, no. 4 \(July/Aug. 1969\): 18–19; Clark III 339
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4554
### Event 30483 (EB6CF554)
**Date:** 5/17/1968
**Description:** At 8:45 p.m. Jose Da Silva, the driver of a VW minibus, and three passengers were listening to the radio under a light rain while driving between Florianopolis and Lagune, Santa Catalina State, Brazil when they suddenly heard a whirring sound and noticed a diffused light over the road. Suddenly the van rose up in the air about 50 centimeters and stayed there for a moment before coming down and again rising up in the air before it was set down on the road again, this time more slowly. The four men then noticed an intensely luminous circular object hovering overhead at about 100 meters altitude. Frightened, they watched from the van while the UFO hovered above them. They described the object as only about two meters in diameter with several porthole-like windows on its lower part. Through the portholes shadows or sillouhetted figures were visible moving about inside. A reddish light emanated from the top of the object. The UFO remained motionless for a few minutes, and then tilted at an angle and disappeared towards the ocean. After the incident all four men suffered from nausea and vomiting. One of the men also lost all the hair from his eyebrows. Da Silva, who before the incident had had an abundant head of hair, became bald in less than a year. A circular burnt area was found on the roof of the minibus.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Inforespace, February 1976; Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database, citing Cuarta Dimension # 20
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2931
### Event 30484 (36FA043F)
**Date:** 5/17/1968
**Description:** At 7:00 p.m. many onboard a ferryboat in Canal de Chacao, Chile watched a luminous object slow, stop, and make curves in its flight to the north until gone.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Lumieres dans la Nuit, issue 117
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2932
### Event 30485 (22282710)
**Date:** 5/17/1968
**Description:** Three photographs of luminous UFOs were taken by Dr. Gabriel Alvial at the University of Chile's El Inferniello Observatory, in the Andes Mountains, Chile. The scientific research facility involved with this photographic case has been set up in the high Andes primarily as a Cosmic Ray measuring installation. The operators of the observatory apparently began observing a "series of luminous phenomena" months before. The objects were mobile but also stopped and hovered. One of the images can be viewed at http://www.nicap.org/images/680517andes.pdf
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Prof. Gabriel Alvial. "Unusual Photograph from 14,000 Feet Andean Observatory", Flying Saucer Review, March-April 1969; "From a Laboratory in the Cordilleras Comes Documented Cases", INFO Journal, 1 (4), Spring 1969; APRO Bulletin, May-June 1968, p. 8; J. Antonio Huneeus. " A Historical Survey of UFO cases in Chile", MUFON 1978 Symposium
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2933
### Event 30486 (10AA4F23)
**Date:** 5/18/1968
**Location:** BRAZIL, Caconde (Sao Paulo)
**Description:** (Translated from French) At 5 o'clock in the morning C.S. Dos Santos, a night watchman, returned home after finishing his work. In the courtyard of his house he found a small metal cylinder partially embedded in the ground. It was of a fairly high weight (like a car battery) and at each end it had dials, protected by glass or plastic lenses, resembling manometers, (vog: there is no doubt that 1968 is the year when UFOs lose their sheets and bolts anywhere ...), said Dos Santos. Dos Santos took a snack before going to bed and placed the cylinder on the window sill of the bathroom. That night he went to work as usual and had completely forgotten his find. At 1 o'clock in the morning, he goes home to see if his wife needs anything (she is pregnant) and finds his wife, his son and the neighbors outside, in lively animation. His wife told him that she had been awakened by a buzzing like a large transformer and by an immense, suffocating heat. Fearing a short circuit, she got up to turn off the electricity. At that moment she saw an intense bluish light in the bathroom and the noise that seemed to come from there was indeed the one that had awakened her. Frightened, she went to call the neighbors. As soon as they were in the courtyard, an enormous crash resounded, the moment after the heat and the light had disappeared. In the bathroom there was a hole in the ceiling and debris of tiles everywhere. The object he placed on the window sill had disappeared.
**Reference:** R. Jack Perrin: "The Mystery of UFOs" - J'ai Lu / Pygmalion 1976 - pp. 18 to 21
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2514
### Event 30487 (3096EFF6)
**Date:** 5/18/1968
**Time:** 05:00
**Location:** CACONDE, BRZ
**Description:** 17cm metal cylinder/cylindrical object / ground. Noise and heat. Breaks roof / house to escape. / r193#18.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 823)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8758
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "5", **Duration:** "44", **Elev:** "802", **HatchDesc:** "CACONDE,BRZ:17cm MTL CYL/GND:NOISE+HEAT:BREAKS ROOF/HOUSE TO ESCAPE:/r193#18", **LatLong:** "-21.550001 -46.633336", **LatLongDMS:** "21:33:00 S 46:38:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-21.550001,-46.633336)", **State/Prov:** "São Paulo", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 30488 (FA421C89)
**Date:** 5/20/1968
**Time:** 02:00
**Location:** LITTLETON, NH
**Description:** Glowing mound / Moore lake. All goes quiet. Nears wharf. All glows.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SANDERSON, Ivan: INVISIBLE RESIDENTS; World Publishing HB 1970 & Avon Books PB 1973 (Index 228)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8759
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **HOX:** Suspicion of hoax, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **SUB:** Submersible: Rises from or submerges into water, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "251", **HatchDesc:** "LITTLETON,NH:GLOWING MOUND/MOORE LAKE:ALL GOES QUIET:NEARS WHARF:ALL GLOWS", **LatLong:** "44.305558 -71.772226", **LatLongDMS:** "44:18:20 N 71:46:20 W", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.305558,-71.772226)", **State/Prov:** "New Hampshire", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 30489 (4B5C20C0)
**Date:** 5/21/1968
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) The American nuclear submarine *Scorpion* disappears in the Atlantic with 89 men on board. The last message from the submarine was from the day before. Despite planes, 8 submarines, 5 destroyers and 4 ships specialized in rescue operations for submarines, the searches yielded no results. Only an oil slick was spotted, as there are increasingly more in the Atlantic. 1300 km from the Azores, a little north of the oil slick, a mysterious orange object was observed which, despite the searches, remained untraceable afterwards. (May 21)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1968.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2424
### Event 30490 (08CB2FD7)
**Date:** 5/21/1968
**Time:** 08:50
**Location:** 5MI EAST / ROOSEVELT, UT
**Description:** Big silver ovoid hovers and maneuvers. Nearly lands. 8-min. Many see.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SALISBURY, Frank: The UTAH UFO DISPLAY -- a Biologist Reports; 1974 Devin Adair, New Greenwich,CT. HB 286pp. ISBN 0-815-97000-5 (Index 61)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8760
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "8", **Elev:** "1585", **HatchDesc:** "5MI E/ROOSEVELT,UT:BIG SLVR OVOID HOVERS+MANEUVERS:NEARLY LANDS:8-MIN:MANY SEE", **LatLong:** "40.288891 -109.916672", **LatLongDMS:** "40:17:20 N 109:55:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.288891,-109.916672)", **State/Prov:** "Utah", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30491 (F04E6636)
**Date:** 5/21/1968
**Time:** 03:59:12.0
**Location:** 38.9180 65.0320
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Pamuk” Yield: 47KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1313
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "38.9180 65.0320", **LatLongDMS:** "38:55:05 N 65:01:55 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.9180,65.0320)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "2.44", **NukeMb:** "5.40", **NukeName:** "PNE:Pamuk", **NukeSource:** "SULTANOV", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** "47"
### Event 30492 (DC5A7C8E)
**Date:** 5/21/1968
**Description:** [Philip J. Klass](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philip%5FJ.%5FKlass) attempts to refute [James E. McDonald](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James%5FE.%5FMcDonald)’s criticisms of his plasma theory of UFOs in a privately circulated paper.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Phillip J. Klass, “[Dr. James E. McDonald’s ‘Mathematical Proof,’](https://www.debunker.com/historical/KlassContraMcDonald%5F1968.pdf)” The Author, May 21, 1968, pp. 4–5
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4555
### Event 30493 (A28D53BB)
**Date:** 5/21/1968
**Description:** At 8:50 a.m. at Union High School in Roosevelt, Utah a silver oval or disc-shaped object, quite large, changed speed, hovered, maneuvered, and dropped nearly to the ground. Twenty-two students and teachers watched the display for 6-7 minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Frank B. Salisbury, The Utah UFO Display, pp. 95 and Appendix case 67
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3019
### Event 30494 (FDF7F3D0)
**Date:** 5/22/1968
**Time:** 19:40
**Description:** 3 cylinder/cylindrical object-UFO's fly going south. Emit strong light. Fourth UFO joins and disappears.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HOBANA Ion & WEVERBERGH,Julien: UFO'S from BEHIND the IRON CURTAIN; Bantam Books,1975. 308pp. (Index 153)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8761
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Romania", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "BAILESTI,ROMANIA:3 CYL-UFOS FLY>S:EMIT STRONG LITE:4rth UFO JOINS+DISAPPEARS", **LatLong:** "44.016669 23.350001", **LatLongDMS:** "44:01:00 N 23:21:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.016669,23.350001)", **State/Prov:** "DLJ", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 30495 (178C07BD)
**Date:** 5/22/1968
**Description:** Sr. T. Banescu of La Florida, Argentina was walking home early in the morning around 3:00 a.m. when he observed a luminous sphere coming down rapidly from the sky. It landed about 300 meters away. Shortly after that he heard footsteps behind him but noticed nothing strange about then. When he got to the house he encountered a creature no more than 39" tall, with big ears and luminous green in color. He had his arms crossed and was rocking his body slightly back and forth. Mr. Banescu became frightened and attempted desperately to unlock the door of his house to get away, and when he looked back again the little man had disappeared.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb and Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1968-27, citing Carlos Banchs
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3039
### Event 30496 (CC8FA0FA)
**Date:** 5/23/1968
**Location:** 50.4375 77.814167
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 0KT YieldMax: .001KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1314
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "50.4375 77.814167", **LatLongDMS:** "50:26:15 N 77:48:51 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.4375,77.814167)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "RFAE", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** "0", **NukeYMax:** ".001"
### Event 30497 (FA25E8EC)
**Date:** 5/25/1968
**Time:** 23:10
**Location:** BOULDER, CO
**Description:** Several observer(s). Phony moon quickly going up [to] and quickly going down. Hovers. Going quickly north fast. Painfully bright and silent.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 821)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8762
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "7", **Elev:** "1629", **HatchDesc:** "BOULDER,CO:SVRL OBS:PHONY MOON ↑↑+↓↓:HVRS:>>N FAST:PAINFULLY BRITE+SLNT", **LatLong:** "40.050002 -105.266672", **LatLongDMS:** "40:03:00 N 105:16:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.050002,-105.266672)", **State/Prov:** "Colorado", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30498 (255879E9)
**Date:** Late 5/1968
**Locations:** National Center for Atmospheric Research; Environmental Science Services Administration
**Description:** [Condon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward%5FCondon) hires science writer [Daniel S. Gillmor](https://www.nytimes.com/1975/11/21/archives/daniel-s-gillmor-writer-dies-at-58-opposed-loyalty-inquiries-author.html) to edit the final project report. Gillmor receives editorial help from [Joseph H. Rush](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph%5FH.%5FRush)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph%5FH.%5FRush) a physicist from the National Center for Atmospheric Research. Also assisting is associate editor Harriet Hunter and several specialists from the local lab of the Environmental Science Services Administration \(including [Gordon David Thayer](https://rr0.org/people/t/ThayerGordonD/)\). [Franklin Roach](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Franklin%5FE.%5FRoach) returns to work on astronaut sightings. By June 1, the date on which the investigative phase ends, there is a substantially new crew.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4556
### Event 30499 (CAE5F41C)
**Date:** 5/27/1968
**Time:** 06:00
**Location:** KUALA LUMPUR, MLYS
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Dark silent 32' saucer going [to] overhead. Regular flashes / dome. 6 photographs. FSRv15#4.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** DONG, Paul: UFO's Over MODERN CHINA. 1983 UFO Photo Archives; P. O. Box 17206; Tucson, AZ 85710. (Index 310)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8763
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Malaysia", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "KUALA LUMPUR,MLYS:2 OBS:DRK SLNT 32'SCR>OVHD:REG.FLASHES/DOME:6 FOTOS:FSRv15#4", **LatLong:** "3.133333 101.700005", **LatLongDMS:** "03:08:00 N 101:42:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/3.133333,101.700005)", **State/Prov:** "KLM", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 30500 (8EEC9E9C)
**Date:** 5/27/1968
**Time:** 21:50
**Location:** NEAR PUNTA GORDA, FL
**Description:** Car engine and lights fail. Saucer lands. Going up [to] and going quickly northwest. Car AOK after. / r41.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RODEGHIER, Mark/CUFOS: UFO REPORTS INVOLVING VEHICLE INTERFERENCE; CUFOS 1979. Available as CUFOS UFO Archive #1 CD-ROM. http://www.cufos.org/Pubform.pdf (Index 41)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8764
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "19", **HatchDesc:** "nr PUNTA GORDA,FL:CAR ENGINE+LITES FAIL:SCR LANDS:↑+>>NW:CAR AOK AFTER:/r41", **LatLong:** "26.927779 -82.044448", **LatLongDMS:** "26:55:40 N 82:02:40 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/26.927779,-82.044448)", **State/Prov:** "Florida", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 30501 (00BCA3F4)
**Date:** 5/27/1968
**Location:** Punta Gorda, FL
**Description:** Domed disc, green-blue glow, below treetop height, landed. CUFOS report; see Rodeghier, 1981, p. 41 (E,L) car (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3929
### Event 30502 (67F59E3D)
**Date:** 5/27/1968
**Location:** Punta Gorda, Florida
**Description:** 9:45 p.m. A man is driving near Punta Gorda, Florida, when his headlights and engine fail. As he gets out to check, he sees a light slowly descending at treetop level. The object is shaped like a Pilgrim’s hat with a green glow and bluish color surrounding it. A few minutes after landing, it takes off at high speed, disappearing in the northwest. The car starts once it is gone. The witness notices that his watch has stopped.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Mark Rodeghier, [UFO](http://www.cufos.org/books/UFO%5FREPORTS%5FINVOLVING%5FVEHICLE%5FINTERFERENCE.pdf) [Reports Involving Vehicle Interference](http://www.cufos.org/books/UFO%5FREPORTS%5FINVOLVING%5FVEHICLE%5FINTERFERENCE.pdf), CUFOS, 1981, p. 41
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4557
### Event 30503 (57070278)
**Date:** 5/27/1968
**Description:** Mr. Pan Chen Hsiang, who was inside his house at 6:00 a.m. in the city of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, heard his son shouting for him to come out onto the patio. He ran outside and following his son's instructions could see a strange, dark disc-shaped object in horizontal flight. It flew directly over them in complete silence. Its size was large and estimated to be 10 meters in diameter. Its color was flat gray and it appeared to have a dull metallic finish. It displayed regular flashes from its dome. Mr. Hsiang took six photographs of the object, which show an object with a darkened dome in a clear sky.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** FSR, September-October 1968, p. 36; Paul Dong, UFOs over Modern China, pp. 309-311
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3119
### Event 30504 (77E69FD6)
**Date:** 5/27/1968
**Description:** Both the headlights and the engine of a car failed near Punt Gorda, Florida at 9:45 p.m. The motorist got out to investigate, then saw a light at tree-top height, slowly settling to the ground. As the light came nearer, the witness saw that it was attached to a metallic body, shaped like a pilgrim's hat , with a green glow and bluish outline around the edges. A few minutes after landing, the object reappeared, then moved off at high speed to the northwest. The headlights of the car came on immediately, and the motor could be started with difficulty. The driver's watch was found to have stopped working.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, p. 41, citing CUFOS files
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3120
### Event 30505 (E53BB02E)
**Date:** 5/28/1968
**Location:** 37.0000 -116.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Adze” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_544
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0000 -116.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:00 N 116:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0000,-116.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Adze", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 30506 (8EAF4304)
**Date:** 5/28/1968
**Description:** At 10:15 three objects were spotted suddenly descending over Roxbury, Massachusetts making an intermittent roaring sound. The closest object was oval shaped with a blue glowing square on its underside. A buzzing sound vibrated the witness's eardrums and was felt in the stomach.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Raymond E. Fowler case files, report dated June 14, 1968
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3137
### Event 30507 (3F2AD0B8)
**Date:** 5/29/1968
**Location:** MOSINEE, WI
**Description:** Supervisor. Bright circular object / low altitude. Dogs frantic. Electro-magnetic effect (EME). Going up [to] and speeds away.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO Evidence II: HB: Scarecrow Press Lanham, MD. http://www.scarecrowpress.com ISBN 0-8108-3881-8 (Index 201)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8765
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "389", **HatchDesc:** "MOSINEE,WI:SUPERVISOR:BRITE CIRC.OBJ/lo alt:DOGS FRANTIC:EME:↑+speeds away", **LatLong:** "44.783335 -89.700004", **LatLongDMS:** "44:47:00 N 89:42:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.783335,-89.700004)", **State/Prov:** "Wisconsin", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30508 (D88DB8E5)
**Date:** 5/29/1968
**Time:** 22:00?
**Location:** EL CHORO, BLV
**Description:** 2 cops and more/others. Saucer lands. Odor. Burnt grass and shrubs. Back / 16 June. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v14#5.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BOWEN, Charles: ENCOUNTER CASES from FLYING SAUCER REVIEW. Signet Books 1977/78. (Index 43)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8766
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TRC:** Physical traces, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies, **ODR:** Odors associated with UFO's
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Bolivia", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "3676", **HatchDesc:** "EL CHORO,BLV:2 COPS++:SCR LANDS:ODOR:BURNT GRASS+SHRUBS:BACK/16JUN:/FSR v14#5", **LatLong:** "-18.366668 -67.166670", **LatLongDMS:** "18:22:00 S 67:10:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-18.366668,-67.166670)", **State/Prov:** "ORR", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 30509 (00CA473C)
**Date:** 5/29/1968
**Description:** A blindingly bright circular UFO hovered at a low altitude over Mosinee, Wisconsin at 10:00 p.m. while dogs in the town barked furiously. There were electromagnetic effects during this close encounter, and one of the six witnesses felt pressure on his eardrums.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** J. Allen Hynek, The UFO Experience, p. 239
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3150
### Event 30510 (7CE4167F)
**Date:** 5/31/1968
**Description:** Moon-size object hovers and pulses / size and color(s). Shoots away.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 2)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8767
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "55", **HatchDesc:** "PORTO ALEGRE+MORRO AZUL,BRZ:MOONSIZE OBJ HVRS+PULSES/SIZE+CLRS:SHOOTS AWAY", **LatLong:** "-30.033335 -51.233336", **LatLongDMS:** "30:02:00 S 51:14:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-30.033335,-51.233336)", **State/Prov:** "RGS", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30511 (BFBAF444)
**Date:** 5/31/1968
**Location:** Chicago
**Description:** [McDonald](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James%5FE.%5FMcDonald) speaks to the Chicago Chapter of the American Meteorological Society on UFOs.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** James E. McDonald, “UFOs: Atmospheric or Extraterrestrial?” May 31, 1968; Story, [p. 414](https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofuf0000unse/page/414/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4558
### Event 30512 (045F99B8)
**Date:** 6/1968
**Time:** 10:00
**Location:** WINGLES, FR
**Description:** Several observer(s). Group / silent metallic balls maneuver. 1 going down [to] very close and quickly going up. Silver ovoid going [to] trees.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LDLN CONTACT LECTEURS: by Series and #. May'68 -JAN'72 (Entire set of 18 issues) LDLN local chapters & individual members' UFO reports. (Index 52)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8768
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "12", **HatchDesc:** "WINGLES,FR:SVRL OBS:GRP/SLNT MTLC BALLS MNVR:1 ↓ VCLOSE+↑↑:SLVR OVOID > TREES", **LatLong:** "50.494447 2.866667", **LatLongDMS:** "50:29:40 N 02:52:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.494447,2.866667)", **State/Prov:** "Pas-de-Calais", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 30513 (581ACF44)
**Date:** 6/1968
**Time:** 0050
**Location:** Carlos Paz, Argentina
**Description:** Pedro Pretzel, 39, motel owner, observed an object 50 m away on road 20, showing two powerful red headlights. Arriving at his room, the witness found his daughter unconscious. When she came to, she said that a blond man, 2 m tall, wearing a blue, bright suit, and holding a paleblue sphere in his hand, had appeared and spoken to her.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** LDLN 95 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_907
### Event 30514 (601B74D4)
**Date:** 6/1/1968
**Time:** 13:00?
**Location:** NEAR BARDENAS, SP
**Description:** Pilot / Air Force F104. Odd triangle with 3 spheres below. All radios out.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** WEINSTEIN, Dominique; UAP: 80 Years of Pilot Sightings Privately published. 7 avenue Bartholome. 75015 Paris, FRANCE. (Index 45)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8769
**Attributes:** **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "nr BARDENAS,SP:PILOT/AF F104:ODD TRIANGLE W/3 SPHERES BELOW:all radios out", **LatLong:** "42.916669 -1.666667", **LatLongDMS:** "42:55:00 N 01:40:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.916669,-1.666667)", **State/Prov:** "NVR", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 30515 (704A2BBA)
**Date:** 6/2/1968
**Location:** EAST / LIMA, PERU
**Description:** Several observer(s). 6 soup-bowl saucers hover / road. Helicopter noises and extreme speeds.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 821)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8770
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Peru", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "300", **HatchDesc:** "E/LIMA,PERU:SVRL OBS:6 SOUP-BOWL SCRS HVR/ROAD:COPTER NOISES+EXTREME SPEEDS", **LatLong:** "-11.783334 -76.583337", **LatLongDMS:** "11:47:00 S 76:35:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-11.783334,-76.583337)", **State/Prov:** "LMA", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 30516 (70844DE0)
**Date:** 6/3/1968
**Locations:** Burro Club; Rayburn Building; Washington, D.C.
**Description:** [McDonald](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James%5FE.%5FMcDonald) addresses the Burro Club \(Democratic Congressional Administrative Assistants and Aides\) in the Rayburn Building in Washington, D.C., on the question “Does Congress Have a Responsibility to Investigate the UFO Problem?”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Story, [p. 414](https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofuf0000unse/page/414/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4560
### Event 30517 (09C53177)
**Date:** 6/4/1968
**Time:** 18:10
**Location:** GUANABARA BAY, BRZ
**Description:** Several / ferryboat. Brilliant domed ovoid / 600M altitude. Red bottom. / r156#2.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 821)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8771
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "GUANABARA BAY,BRZ:SVRL/FERRYBOAT:BRILL.DOMED OVOID/600M alt:RED BOTTOM:/r156#2", **LatLong:** "-22.900001 -43.150002", **LatLongDMS:** "22:54:00 S 43:09:00 W", **Locale:** "Offshore", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-22.900001,-43.150002)", **State/Prov:** "RDJ", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30518 (9DBFDB1C)
**Date:** 6/4/1968
**Time:** 21:20
**Description:** 2 pilots and 18. Cylinder/cylindrical object / 1800M altitude. Photographs. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v14#5+/ r193#17.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 55)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8772
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Chile", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "35", **HatchDesc:** "PUNTA ARENAS+CHAVUNCO,CHL:2 PILOTS+18:CYL/1800M alt:FOTOS:/FSR v14#5+/r193#17", **LatLong:** "-53.116669 -70.916670", **LatLongDMS:** "53:07:00 S 70:55:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-53.116669,-70.916670)", **RelAlt:** "1800", **State/Prov:** "TDF", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30519 (9F73674F)
**Date:** 6/4/1968
**Location:** Punta Arenas, Chile
**Description:** Cylinder above airliner (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3930
### Event 30520 (E5626A90)
**Date:** 6/4/1968
**Locations:** South China Sea; Philippines
**Description:** A-12 pilot [Jack W. Weeks](http://roadrunnersinternationale.com/weeks.html) is lost over the South China Sea near the Philippines during a functional checkout flight after the replacement of one of its engines.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Lockheed A-12](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lockheed%5FA-12)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4561
### Event 30521 (913BEDD5)
**Date:** 6/4/1968
**Description:** Artist Benjamin Solari Parravicini was walking home after midnight in Buenos Aires province, Argentina when he was confronted by a fair skinned man with eyes "so light in color that he looked as if blind." The man addressed him in an unintelligible guttural language. Looking upward, the witness saw only 50 meters away a hovering aerial craft with no lights. He became dizzy, and when he recovered, he found himself inside the machine, with three other people. One of these, a very handsome man, was questioning Parravicini in an alien language, which he was able to understand telepathically. The being told him that they would take him once around Earth, and he observed Japan, France, and Chile before being returned to the same street corner. Since this experience the alien beings have allegedly contacted Parravicini several times.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb and Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1968-31, citing Gordon Creighton, FSR, September-October 1968
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3272
### Event 30522 (A9E1A3F3)
**Date:** 6/5/1968
**Time:** 20:30
**Location:** BESCANCON, FR
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Hollow metallic hemisphere stops / 1 minute(s). Glows. Then shoots going quickly northeast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LDLN CONTACT LECTEURS: by Series and #. May'68 -JAN'72 (Entire set of 18 issues) LDLN local chapters & individual members' UFO reports. (Index 16)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8773
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "BESCANCON,FR:2 OBS:HOLLOW MTLC HEMISPHERE STOPS/1min:GLOWS:THEN SHOOTS >>NE", **LatLong:** "47.250002 6.000000", **LatLongDMS:** "47:15:00 N 06:00:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.250002,6.000000)", **State/Prov:** "Doubs", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 30523 (F6085564)
**Date:** 6/5/1968
**Time:** 22:10
**Location:** NITEROI, BRZ
**Description:** College kids. Orange balloon / complex maneuvers. Ejects foil strips. Antennas.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 2)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8774
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "6", **HatchDesc:** "NITEROI,BRZ:COLLEGE KIDS:ORG BALLOON/COMPLEX MNVRS:EJECTS FOIL STRIPS:ANTENNAS", **LatLong:** "-22.900001 -43.066669", **LatLongDMS:** "22:54:00 S 43:04:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-22.900001,-43.066669)", **State/Prov:** "RDJ", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 30524 (1D696FE1)
**Date:** 6/5/1968
**Location:** 37.0000 -116.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Wembley” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_545
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0000 -116.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:00 N 116:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0000,-116.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Wembley", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 30525 (773E0F8B)
**Date:** 6/5/1968
**Description:** An orange balloon-shaped object with antennas made complex maneuvers over the city of Niteroi, Brazil at 10:10 p.m. The object also reportedly ejected some strips of foil.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Larry Hatch, U computer database, case 8308
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3299
### Event 30526 (A69C0FE6)
**Date:** 6/6/1968
**Time:** 17:10
**Description:** RADAR and private pilots. White cylinder/cigar-shape follows coast going southeast / 90 knots. / r224p94.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 831)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8775
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RDR:** Radar traces/blips
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "New Zealand", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "WAIHI+TAURANGA,NZ:RDR+Pvt PILOTS:WHT CGR FOLOS COAST >SE/90 knots:/r224p94", **LatLong:** "-37.516668 176.000008", **LatLongDMS:** "37:31:00 S 176:00:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-37.516668,176.000008)", **State/Prov:** "NI", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30527 (539D7FD4)
**Date:** 6/6/1968
**Time:** 21:30:00.0
**Location:** 37.1654 -116.0434
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed, salvo. Country: USA Name: “Tub-A” YieldMax: 100KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_546
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1654 -116.0434", **LatLongDMS:** "37:09:55 N 116:02:36 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1654,-116.0434)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Tub-A", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU_SALVO", **NukeYMax:** "100"
### Event 30528 (90168D14)
**Date:** 6/6/1968
**Location:** Punta Arenas airport, Chile
**Description:** Capt. U. Tiviroli, commander of an Argentine Airlines Avro, sees a UFO, along with his copilot and 18 passengers, for 5 minutes during a night landing at Punta Arenas airport, Chile. An unusually bright object, long and spindle-shaped, appears above the plane. It moves in a course parallel to the plane and stops suddenly in midair. Then it swerves in a right angle back to the plane. It is also seen by airport observers.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Argentinian Pilot](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lockheed%5FA-12) [Reports UAO,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lockheed%5FA-12)” APRO Bulletin, May/June 1968, p. 3
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4562
### Event 30529 (9786716C)
**Date:** 6/8/1968
**Time:** 16:30
**Description:** Professor and 1. 50cm hat-saucer going quickly southwest near hydro-dam. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HOBANA Ion & WEVERBERGH,Julien: UFO'S from BEHIND the IRON CURTAIN; Bantam Books,1975. 308pp. (Index 172)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8776
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Romania", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "GHEORGE GHEORGIU-DEJ,ROM:PROFESSOR+1:50cm HAT-SCR >>SW nr HYDRO-DAM:NFD", **LatLong:** "46.255558 26.761112", **LatLongDMS:** "46:15:20 N 26:45:40 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.255558,26.761112)", **State/Prov:** "Bacău", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30530 (ABE8D79A)
**Date:** 6/8/1968
**Description:** Between 4:30 and 5:00 p.m. a university professor named Richalda and a woman accompanying him witnessed a 0.5 meter, hat-shaped UFO that flew to the southwest while driving near a hydro-electric dam in Capataneni, Bacau, Romania. The sighting lasted two minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Ion Hobana & Julien Weverbergh, UFOs from Behind the Iron Curtain, p. 172
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3374
### Event 30531 (14209612)
**Date:** 6/9/1968
**Time:** 13:00?
**Location:** LOMMA, SWEDEN
**Description:** 3 teens. 2 photographs metallic domed 10M saucer. Hovers / railroad/railway crossing. Quickly going up. Absolute(ly) silent.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 831)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8777
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Scandanavian and Finland", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "LOMMA,SWEDEN:3 TEENS:2 FOTOS MTLC DOMED 10M SCR:HVRS/RR CROSSING:↑↑:ABS.SLNT", **LatLong:** "55.677780 13.072223", **LatLongDMS:** "55:40:40 N 13:04:20 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/55.677780,13.072223)", **State/Prov:** "Sweden", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30532 (AA364A33)
**Date:** 6/10/1968
**Time:** 10:00
**Location:** LA UNION, CHILE
**Description:** 1 observer. Odd cloud curves going up. Splits. Halves fly away separate directions!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 117)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8778
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Chile", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "43", **HatchDesc:** "LA UNION,CHILE:1 OBS:ODD CLOUD CURVES ↑:SPLITS:HALVES FLY AWAY SEP.DIRs!", **LatLong:** "-40.283335 -73.083337", **LatLongDMS:** "40:17:00 S 73:05:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-40.283335,-73.083337)", **State/Prov:** "OSR", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 30533 (A48FF872)
**Date:** 6/10/1968
**Description:** In Los Cigarrales, Argentina Jorge Yaru, a member of the Argentine Navy, was on his way to bed at 3:15 a.m. when he heard a very loud engine noise and stepped out of his home to investigate. He saw nothing and returned inside. He heard the noise again and went back outside. Looking towards a nearby empty field he saw a hovering disc-shaped UFO, with a dome on top and bottom. Around the bottom part of the object were yellow, red, and orange lights. He estimated the craft to be about 1.5 meters in thickness and six meters in diameter, and the craft was rotating in a counter-clockwise direction. He watched the object for 40 minutes while it remained motionless, then the craft shot away at a ninety-degree angle towards some nearby wooded hills. It remained stationary there for 40 minutes and then made an abrupt jump, hovered again, and shot off at a high rate of speed. Sr. Yaru then felt a strange urge to bathe in a nearby brook, which he did despite the very low outdoor temperatures at the time. He felt a strange need to "cleanse" himself. At the same time a neighbor, Adela Garcia, heard the same noise and noticed in the same empty field a strange triangular shaped cloud. A giant man-like figure, over two meters tall, with long blond hair, descended to the ground from the cloud. The strange being, which Garcia likened to Jesus Christ, approached her and she knelt before him. Averting her eyes from the being briefly, she looked up and both the being and the cloud were gone. A large are of scorched grass was found in the field.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Oscar A. Uriondo, Preliminary Catalogue of Type I cases in Argentina, FSR Case Histories, August 1973, p. 10; Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1968, citing Revista Enigmas, Argentina
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3409
### Event 30534 (83ADFFD8)
**Date:** 6/11/1968
**Time:** 19:30
**Location:** EL TREBOL, ARG
**Description:** 4 electricians / van. Orange ball over railroad/railway tracks. Maneuvers. 90° turn going quickly west / mountains.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 13)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8779
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "93", **HatchDesc:** "EL TREBOL,ARG:4 ELECTRICIANS/VAN:ORG BALL OVR RR TRACKS:MNVRS:90°TURN>>W/Mtns", **LatLong:** "-32.188890 -61.700003", **LatLongDMS:** "32:11:20 S 61:42:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-32.188890,-61.700003)", **RelAlt:** "3", **State/Prov:** "STF", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 30535 (F8AF3024)
**Date:** 6/11/1968
**Time:** 03:05:59.7
**Location:** 49.7930 78.1451
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: .001KT YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1315
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.7930 78.1451", **LatLongDMS:** "49:47:35 N 78:08:42 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.7930,78.1451)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.30", **NukeSource:** "BOCHAROV", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** ".001", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 30536 (697912B5)
**Date:** 6/11/1968
**Description:** [Philip J. Klass](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philip%5FJ.%5FKlass) attempts to refute [James E. McDonald](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James%5FE.%5FMcDonald)’s criticisms of his plasma theory of UFOs in another unpublished paper.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Philip J. Klass, “[Does Dr. James E. McDonald Really Speak with Authority?](https://www.debunker.com/historical/KlassContraMcDonald%5F1968.pdf)” The Author, June 11, 1968, pp. 8–9
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4563
### Event 30537 (66BCA5F8)
**Date:** 6/11/1968
**Locations:** UK; Board of Trade
**Description:** MP [John Langford-Holt](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John%5FLangford-Holt) asks UK Prime Minister [Harold Wilson](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harold%5FWilson) whether he is aware that some UFO reports are made to the Ministry of Defence, while police reports are made to the Board of Trade. Wilson replies that reports going to the Board of Trade are passed on to the Ministry of Defence.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Good Above, [p. 67](https://archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/66/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4564
### Event 30538 (63CBD835)
**Date:** 6/11/1968
**Description:** On this evening in Lavras de Mangabeira, Brazil a UFO shaped like a flattened oval was seen in a field by a witness. Next to the object stood a short, baldheaded humanoid who sported a black beard and had dark round eyes. He wore a red, tight-fitting coverall and green boots.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1968, citing GEPUC Brazil & Antonio Faleiro
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3423
### Event 30539 (756191A1)
**Date:** 6/12/1968
**Time:** 06:00
**Location:** SAN ANGELO, TX
**Description:** 2 / MU2 turboprop plane. Red circular object shoots straight up and gone!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** WEINSTEIN, Dominique; UAP: 80 Years of Pilot Sightings Privately published. 7 avenue Bartholome. 75015 Paris, FRANCE. (Index 0)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8780
**Attributes:** **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "563", **HatchDesc:** "SAN ANGELO,TX:2/MU2 TURBOPROP PLANE:RED CIRC.OBJ SHOOTS STRAIGHT UP+GONE!", **LatLong:** "31.466668 -100.433338", **LatLongDMS:** "31:28:00 N 100:26:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/31.466668,-100.433338)", **State/Prov:** "Texas", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 30540 (A4D5AF5F)
**Date:** 6/13/1968
**Location:** ARGENTINA, Villa Carlos Paz
**Description:** (Translated from French) A 19-year-old girl saw a tall, blond humanoid holding a crystal sphere emitting violent flashes in his left hand. (Erich ZURCHER: "Les apparitions d'humanoïdes" - ed. Alain Lefeuvre 1979, p. 203) At around 0:40, Maria Eliada Pretzel (19 years old) said goodnight to her fiancé and some guests as they left the family motel La Cuesta. Her father had gone out for the evening. She turned off the lights of the motel, then noticed a glow in the hall. That's when she found herself in the presence of a blond man over two meters tall, wearing a tight-fitting suit made of shiny sky blue scales. He held a sphere, also sky blue, in his left hand that kept moving. Smiling continuously, he waved his right hand, adorned with a huge ring in front of her. Light shot out from the tips of his fingers and Maria felt lethargic, while feeling "kindness and goodness" emanating from the creature. At the same time he muttered a language that made her think of "Chinese". (vog: really? It sounded like Chinese, really???) Maria was petrified, but after a few minutes the being slowly headed towards the side door and left. Maria fainted and was discovered around 0:50 by her father.
**Reference:** Guy TARADE: SV et civilisations d'outre-espace" - J'AI LU 1969, p. 195, 196
**Reference:** “Dossiers OVNI”, ed. Marshall Cavendish, Paris 1998, Hors série, p. 32
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2515
### Event 30541 (DF05C403)
**Date:** 6/13/1968
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Maria Eliada Pretzel \(19 years old\) wishes goodnight to her fiancé and some guests as they leave the family motel La Cuesta, in Villa Carlos La Paz, on Route 20, 800 km west of Buenos Aires \(Argentina\). Her father had gone out for the evening. She turns off the lights of the motel, then notices a glow in the hall. That's when she finds herself in the presence of a blond man, over 2 m tall, wearing a tight-fitting outfit made of shiny sky blue scales. He holds a sphere, also sky blue, in his left hand that keeps moving. Smiling continuously, he waves his right hand, adorned with a huge ring, in front of her. Light was coming out of the tips of his fingers and Maria feels lethargic, while feeling kindness and goodness emanating from the creature. At the same time, he mumbles in a language that makes her think of Chinese. Maria is petrified but, after a few minutes, the being slowly moves towards the side door and leaves. Maria faints. (0 h 40)
**Reference:** Factor X
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1968.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2426
### Event 30542 (B97BC303)
**Date:** 6/13/1968
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Maria is discovered by her father. A few moments earlier, as he was returning home, he had seen an object, apparently 45 m further down the road, which was shooting 2 bright red beams of light towards the motel. The object and the lights disappeared a few minutes later. Señor Pretzel ran to the house where he just found Maria unconscious. It will take her a few days to recover from her heartbreaking experience. The police promised to investigate the event but never released their conclusions. (0 h 50)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1968.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2427
### Event 30543 (84BC0EE1)
**Date:** 6/13/1968
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Assassination of [Robert Kennedy](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/officiels.html\#KennedyRobert).
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1968.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2428
### Event 30544 (74E4D366)
**Date:** 6/14/1968
**Location:** CUBA, Cabanas
**Description:** (Translated from French) Shortly after midnight, the reserve units heard several bursts of machine gun fire in the area where Isidro Puentes was supposed to be, who was on patrol alone. It was only at sunrise that they found him lying on the ground unconscious. He was taken to the hospital in Pinar del Rio while the military intelligence services went to the scene. They found 48 shells from Isidro's machine gun and 14 flattened projectiles, as if they had hit a particularly hard surface. They also found a depression formed of a central hole one meter in diameter surrounded by three smaller marks. The radars had also detected a strange object. Within a radius of 5 meters the ground was charred and covered with gray dust. The Soviet specialists arrived and carried out detailed analyses. Isidro remained in a state of shock for 15 days, unable to express himself. He was taken to the naval hospital in Havana. (...) When Isidro was finally able to speak, he said that shortly before midnight he had seen a whitish blue light filtering through the trees. He approached within 50 meters of the object resting in the middle of a clearing. He thought it was an American helicopter and fired at the craft, which changed color to orange. The last thing he remembered was a loud whistle. (1968, night of June 14th to 15th)
**Reference:** Jacques VALLEE: "Confrontations" - Laffont 1991, p. 145
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2516
### Event 30545 (18738AD3)
**Date:** 6/14/1968
**Time:** 01:10
**Location:** CARLOS PAZ, ARG
**Description:** UFO quickly going down. 2M pseudo-human/entity / globe / hand speaks / girl who faints. / r8+/ APRO 5'68.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 317)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8781
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **CVS:** Conversation/communication, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "600", **HatchDesc:** "CARLOS PAZ,ARG:UFO ↓↓:2M PSH/GLOBE/HAND SPEAKS/GIRL who FAINTS:/r8+/APRO 5'68", **LatLong:** "-31.427779 -64.505559", **LatLongDMS:** "31:25:40 S 64:30:20 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-31.427779,-64.505559)", **State/Prov:** "CRD", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 30546 (B592B761)
**Date:** 6/14/1968
**Time:** 03:00
**Location:** MENDIOLAZA, ARG
**Description:** 5M metallic saucer 30M away. Colored lights / bottom/underside. Quickly going up [to] and away fast. / r156#16+/ r8.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 95)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8782
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "40", **Elev:** "590", **HatchDesc:** "MENDIOLAZA,ARG:5M MTLC SCR 30M away:CLRD LITES/BTM:↑↑+AWAY FAST:/r156#16+/r8", **LatLong:** "-31.233335 -64.316670", **LatLongDMS:** "31:14:00 S 64:19:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-31.233335,-64.316670)", **State/Prov:** "CRD", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 30547 (BB3EF1DD)
**Date:** 6/14/1968
**Time:** 21:30
**Description:** Blinking light = saucer / ground. Cars stop. Disappears! / LDLN#165.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FIGEUT, Michel & RUCHON, Jean-Louis: OVNI - Le Premier Dossier..; Alain LeFeuvre, Paris 1979. (Index 291)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8783
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "St-GEOURS-de-MAREMNE,FR:BLINKING LITE=SCR/GND:CARS STOP:DISAPPEARS!:/LDLN#165", **LatLong:** "43.700002 -1.233333", **LatLongDMS:** "43:42:00 N 01:14:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.700002,-1.233333)", **State/Prov:** "Landes", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 30548 (2AC5EC7C)
**Date:** 6/14/1968
**Location:** Mendiozaca, Argentina
**Description:** 3:00 a.m. Jorge Yaru, 35, saw a strange light outside and a bright object, the size of a bus, 30 m away. It had yellow, green and red lights at the bottom. (Magonia #908; LDLN 95) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3931
### Event 30549 (A2F8BB66)
**Date:** 6/14/1968
**Location:** Cabañas, Pinar Del Rio (near), Cuba
**Description:** After midnight. Several bursts of machine gun fire were heard coming from a location in the vicinity where militia member Isidro Puentes Ventura was on guard duty. At dawn, Puentes was found unconscious by an Army patrol and taken to a hospital in Pinar Del Rio, where he remained in shock and unable to speak for six days. (Timothy Good, "Beyond Top Secret" quoting Jacques Vallee) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)
**Reference:** NICAP: [680614](http://www.nicap.org/cabanas680614dir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3932
### Event 30550 (011CAF81)
**Date:** 6/14/1968
**Time:** 0300
**Location:** Mendiozaca, Argentina
**Description:** Jorge Yaru, 35, saw a strange light outside and a bright object, the size of a bus, 30 m away. It had yellow, green and red lights at the bottom. As he approached, the object rose suddenly, hovered for 40 min, and left at high speed.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** LDLN 95 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_908
### Event 30551 (94DDD81A)
**Date:** 6/14/1968
**Locations:** Cabañas, Artemisa, Cuba; Pinar del Rio; Havana
**Description:** Shortly after 12:00 midnight. Isidro Puentes Ventura is on guard duty in Cabañas, Artemisa, Cuba, when he sees on the ground a brilliant domed UFO with several antennas on top. He approaches to within 165 feet and fires about 40 machine gun rounds into it, convinced it is American. The object turns orange and emits a whistling sound as Puentes loses consciousness. At dawn, an Army patrol finds him still unconscious and takes him to a hospital in Pinar del Rio, where he remains in shock for 6 days, unable to speak. He is then taken to a Naval hospital in Havana, where he remains in shock another week. At the site, Cuban and Soviet intelligence specialists find 48 spent cartridges and 14 bullets flattened by impact with something solid, as well as equally spaced indentations on the ground. Tests reveal that the soil has been exposed to a high temperature.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallée, UFO Chronicles of the Soviet Union: A Cosmic Samizdat, Ballantine, 1992, [pp. 82–85](https://archive.org/details/ufochroniclesofs00vall/page/82/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4565
### Event 30552 (5843B7B8)
**Date:** 6/14/1968
**Description:** At 45 minutes after midnight Mr. Pedro Pretzel, a 36-year-old hotel proprietor in the resort town of Villa Carlos Paz, Cordoba, Argentina sighted a UFO with two very intense beams of red light while walking home. A short while later his 19-year-old daughter Maria, who had been working as the hotel receptionist, encountered a six and a half foot tall blond man dressed in a sky blue diver suit, holding a sky blue sphere in his left hand. On his right hand was a huge ring, like a gauntlet covering half his hand. The ends of his fingers and toes emitted light, and whenever he pointed his hand at her she felt faint and began to lose consciousness. He smiled and spoke to her in an unintelligible language for some minutes before leaving.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Charles Bowen, FSR, September-October 1968, p. 11; Jane Thomas, FSR, November-December 1972, p. 24; Oscar A Galindez, FSR, January 1981, p. 8; David F. Webb and Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1968-32, citing FSR
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3478
### Event 30553 (97EAAA46)
**Date:** 6/14/1968
**Description:** A few hours later in Cabanas, Cuba a soldier fired 48 rounds from his machine gun at a landed UFO. Shortly after midnight several bursts of machine gun fire were heard coming from a location in the vicinity where militia member Isidro Puentes Ventura was on guard duty. At dawn, Puentes was found unconscious by an Army patrol and taken to a hospital in Pinar Del Rio, where he remained in shock and unable to speak for six days. Removed to the neurological ward at the Naval Hospital in Havana, Puentes was diagnosed to be suffering from emotional trauma, remaining in shock for another week. At the site where Puentes had been posted, Cuban and Soviet intelligence investigators found forty-eight spent cartridges and fourteen bullets apparently flattened by impact, as well as equally spaced indentations in the ground, indicating that a heavy device had landed. At the landing site three indentations were found suggesting tripod landing gear, inscribing a circle about four meters in diameter. Tests revealed that the soil had been exposed to a high degree of heat.
When Puentes recovered consciousness he reported that he had come to within 150 feet of a brilliant disc-shaped object on the ground, with a dome and several antennas on top. Convinced that the device was an American helicopter, Puentes fired at it. The craft turned orange and emitted a loud whistling sound, Puentes last recollection before losing consciousness. Soviet intelligence specialists subjected Puentes to a fifty-hour interrogation after which he was examined by a team of psychiatrists and put through fifteen hypnosis sessions. No contradictions were found in his story.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, UFO Chronicles of the Soviet Union: A Cosmic Samizdat, p. 82; Timothy Good, Beyond Top Secret, citing Jacques Vallee
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3479
### Event 30554 (82890BAA)
**Date:** 6/14/1968
**Description:** At 6 p.m., or about the same time that the widely publicized asteroid "Icarus" passed close to Earth, strange events were reported in the northern Italian province of Abruzzi. A semi-hysterical woman phoned the Celano, Italy police station reporting that three huge, disc-shaped UFOs were hovering outside of town. The objects glowed a pale red. Lt. Germonde took the call. Minutes later other witnesses reported seeing "spinning discs" the size of houses slowly descend to the ground in a wooded area near the town. But soon it got much weirder. Lt. Germonde received a call from a bar-restaurant owner reporting "huge birds with tiny wings and with faces like humans." According to the witness there were four or five huge birds or flying humanoids flying towards Celano. The strange creatures were described as three-feet in height and flying upright, as if they were men being propelled above the ground by some unknown force. No wings were visible, only a blur above their shoulders like the fast-moving wings of a hummingbird. Whatever kept them flying was small and moving very fast. The creatures reportedly flew at a height of only a few feet above the ground. They appeared to have trouble moving in heavily wooded areas. Their faces were reported to have been human like, but contained blank looks.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1968, citing Richardo Salvador, The Ohio Sky Watcher & Roger Veillith
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3480
### Event 30555 (AE3C7699)
**Date:** 6/14/1968
**Description:** Late on this same night in La Armonia, Argentina a man was in his bed resting when two very tall human looking figures appeared in his room. They were thin and wore tight-fitting green shiny coveralls. The men sat on the edge of the witness's bed and one of them raised his hand making the witness feel dizzy, he then lowered it and the witness felt better, they then left.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1968, case #1324, citing Hector P. Anganuzzi, Historia De Los Platos Voladores en Argentina
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3481
### Event 30556 (08CD5A8A)
**Date:** 6/15/1968
**Time:** 00:10
**Location:** CABANAS, PDR, CUBA
**Description:** Landed UFO zaps man. Traces = 3-leg trenches 1M deep! See references.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: UFO CHRONICLES of the SOVIET UNION; Ballentine Books HB 1992. 212pp. (Index 84)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8784
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations, **MIL:** Military investigation, **COV:** Indication of coverup
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Caribbean area", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "20", **Elev:** "8", **HatchDesc:** "CABANAS,PDR,CUBA:LANDED UFO ZAPS MAN:TRACES=3-LEG TRENCHES 1M DEEP!:SEE REFS", **LatLong:** "22.416668 -83.583337", **LatLongDMS:** "22:25:00 N 83:35:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/22.416668,-83.583337)", **State/Prov:** "CUB", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 30557 (F27CA162)
**Date:** 6/15/1968
**Time:** 03:00?
**Description:** UFO going quickly. Big magnetic electro-magnetic effect (EME) / clocks and electrics and compasses. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v14#5.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BOWEN, Charles: ENCOUNTER CASES from FLYING SAUCER REVIEW. Signet Books 1977/78. (Index 43)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8785
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "27", **HatchDesc:** "nr BUENOS AIRES,ARG:UFO >>:BIG MAGn.EME/CLOCKS+ELECTRICS+COMPASSES:/FSR v14#5", **LatLong:** "-34.633335 -58.450003", **LatLongDMS:** "34:38:00 S 58:27:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-34.633335,-58.450003)", **State/Prov:** "Buenos Aires", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 30558 (C8C8108C)
**Date:** 6/15/1968
**Time:** 14:00:00.0
**Location:** 37.2649 -116.3146
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Rickey” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 200KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_547
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.2649 -116.3146", **LatLongDMS:** "37:15:54 N 116:18:53 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.2649,-116.3146)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.68", **NukeMb:** "5.90", **NukeName:** "Rickey", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "200"
### Event 30559 (DAF5A74B)
**Date:** 6/15/1968
**Locations:** Motel La Cuesta on National Highway 20 east of Villa Carlos Paz, Córdoba, Argentina; Highway 20
**Description:** 1:05 a.m. María Elodia Pretzel, daughter of the owner of the Motel La Cuesta on National Highway 20 east of Villa Carlos Paz, Córdoba, Argentina, is locking up for the night when she encounters a strange-looking man in the dining area. He is 6 feet tall and dressed in a blue helmet and a suit that glows with an eerie light and seems made up of scales. In his left hand he is holding a glassy sphere that is radiating a coherent light that lights up the room. She feels somewhat paralyzed and is getting a mental message not to be afraid. The entity raises its other arm, which is emitting beams of light, and she feels helpless, falling backward. The entity walks slowly toward the outside door, putting one foot directly in front of the other, arm extended and holding the now extinguished sphere, and passes outside. Still shaken, María goes to the laundry room and drops on the floor, head and arms on a divan. A few minutes later, her father, Pedro Jacobo Pretzel, arrives and discovers her. Minutes earlier, he had seen two odd, stationary red lights about 5–6 feet from the ground off Highway 20. Maria is conscious but very disturbed, a condition that lasts for several days.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Oscar A. Galíndez, “[The Anthropomorphic Entity at Villa](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201981%20V%2026%20N%205.pdf) [Carlos Paz—Part 1,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201981%20V%2026%20N%205.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 26, no. 5 \(January 1981\): 8–17, 29–31; Oscar A. Galíndez, “[The](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201981%20V%2026%20N%206.pdf) [Anthropomorphic Entity at Villa Carlos Paz—Part 2,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201981%20V%2026%20N%206.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 26, no. 6 \(March 1981\): 15–18
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4566
### Event 30560 (A5845C54)
**Date:** 6/15/1968
**End date:** 6/17/1968
**Locations:** Demilitarized Zone in Vietnam; Cồn Cỏ (Tiger Island); El Choro, Poopó, Bolivia
**Description:** Night. Allied forward spotters along the eastern part of the Demilitarized Zone in Vietnam see about 30 strange slow-moving lights. At the time they are interpreted as North Vietnamese Russian-built M-14 Hound helicopters ferrying men and materiel over the border. The lights appear the following evening, and several US 7th Air Force Phantom fighter-bombers soon arrive on the scene and fire on the intruders, supported by anti- aircraft ground fire. During the Allied attack the presumed helicopters move down the east coast and out to sea. The destroyers [HMAS](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HMAS%5FHobart%5F%28D%5F39%29) [Hobart](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HMAS%5FHobart%5F%28D%5F39%29), [USS](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS%5FEdson) [Edson](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS%5FEdson), and [USS](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS%5FTheodore%5FE.%5FChandler) [Theodore E. Chandler](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS%5FTheodore%5FE.%5FChandler) are ordered to undertake surveillance missions around Cồn Cỏ \(Tiger Island\) along the north central coast. Around 3:14 a.m. on June 17, the ships are involved in a friendly fire incident in which the Hobart is hit by 3 missiles from one of the Phantoms, causing major damage and killing two of the crew. \(Jon Wyatt, “[HMAS Hobart Hit during Vietnam UFO Enciunter?](http://www.ufoevidence.org/cases/case60.htm)” AUFORN Special Report, no. 34 \(April 2003\), reprinted in UFO Evidence\) June 16 and 19 — Night. Chief of Provincial Police German Rocha and Police Maj. Niceforo Léon observe a round object with a vivid blue light near El Choro, Poopó, Bolivia. It lands, leaves a strange, powerful odor, and burns grass and shrubs.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Gordon Creighton, “[A New South American ‘Wave,’](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201968%20V%2014%20N%205.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 14, no. 5 \(Sept./Oct. 1968\): 23–24; Oscar A. Galíndez, “[South America Revisited,](http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/Australia/Australian%20Flying%20Saucer%20Review/Australian%20Flying%20Saucer%20Review%20-%201969%2012%20-%20no%2010%20UFOIC%20AUFOR.pdf)” Australian UFO Review, no. 10 \(December 1969\): 41
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4567
### Event 30561 (9692401C)
**Date:** 6/16/1968
**Location:** El Choro, Argentina
**Description:** Night. Chief of Provincial Police German Rocha and Police Major Niceforo Leon observed a round object with a vivid blue light. It landed, left a strange, powerful odor, and burned grass and shrubs. (Magonia #909, FSR 68, 5) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3933
### Event 30562 (DFB85C5A)
**Date:** 6/16/1968
**Time:** night
**Location:** El Choro, Argentina
**Description:** Chief of Provincial Police German Rocha and Police Major Niceforo Leon observed a round object with a vivid blue light. It landed, left a strange, powerful odor, and burned grass and shrubs.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** FSR 68, 5 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_909
### Event 30563 (D3C65F1D)
**Date:** 6/18/1968
**Time:** 12:30
**Location:** LA GUARDIA, ARG
**Description:** Private pilot. 30M domed saucer shoots going quickly north 100M away. No windows. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI)?
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HAINES, Richard & WEINSTEIN,Dominique: Preliminary Study of 64 Pilot Sightings involving EME on Aircraft Systems NARCAP TR-3 2001 (Index 28)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8786
**Attributes:** **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "400", **HatchDesc:** "La GUARDIA,ARG:Pvt.PILOT:30M DOMED SCR SHOOTS >>N 100M away:NO WINDOWS:RFI?", **LatLong:** "-28.533335 -65.933336", **LatLongDMS:** "28:32:00 S 65:56:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-28.533335,-65.933336)", **State/Prov:** "CTM", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30564 (C93A280D)
**Date:** 6/18/1968
**Locations:** Villa Dolores, Córdoba, Argentina; La Guardia, Catamarca, Argentina
**Description:** Jorge Raul Scassa Sutter and Ruben Andrawos are flying a Cessna 182 from Villa Dolores, Córdoba, Argentina, to La Guardia, Catamarca, Argentina. They see an object looking like an overturned soup plate with a cupola on top. The object is grayish-blue with no windows, and its diameter is about 90 feet. The object is at the same altitude as the aircraft, 7,500 feet, and at a distance of 330 feet. It disappears by flying to the north at a fantastic speed. There is a possible VHF interference \(“frequency fading”\) when the object approaches the aircraft in front.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** La Gaceta de Tucumán, June 19, 1968; NICAP, “[Cessna 182 Encounters UFO / VHF I/FF](http://www.nicap.org/680618venezuela%5Fdir.htm)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4568
### Event 30565 (6958C3C1)
**Date:** 6/18/1968
**Description:** On this night near Catamarca, Argentina four people in a car saw a bright, stationary object only five meters above the ground. At this point, their engine failed. The object rose, flashing a light, then quickly moved away.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, citing FSR Case Histories, Supplement 16
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3535
### Event 30566 (AC45074A)
**Date:** 6/19/1968
**Time:** ~03:00
**Description:** Private pilot and 4 / car. Cloud = fast saucer. Taxi malfunctions due to EME (electro-magnetic effects). / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v14#5+r79p41.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BOWEN, Charles: ENCOUNTER CASES from FLYING SAUCER REVIEW. Signet Books 1977/78. (Index 44)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8787
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "520", **HatchDesc:** "SW/CATAMARCA,ARG:Pvt PILOT+4/CAR:CLOUD=FAST SCR:TAXI EMES:/FSR v14#5+r79p41", **LatLong:** "-28.483335 -65.733336", **LatLongDMS:** "28:29:00 S 65:44:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-28.483335,-65.733336)", **State/Prov:** "CTM", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 30567 (81772587)
**Date:** 6/19/1968
**Time:** 23:00?
**Location:** EL CHORO, BOLIVIA
**Description:** Bright object going down. Thin figure exits. Observer(s) faints. / r8#910+/ FSR'68#5.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BOWEN, Charles: ENCOUNTER CASES from FLYING SAUCER REVIEW. Signet Books 1977/78. (Index 44)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8788
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Bolivia", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "3676", **HatchDesc:** "EL CHORO,BOLIVIA:BRITE OBJ ↓:THIN FIG EXITS:OBS FAINTS:/r8#910+/FSR'68#5", **LatLong:** "-18.366668 -67.200003", **LatLongDMS:** "18:22:00 S 67:12:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-18.366668,-67.200003)", **State/Prov:** "ORR", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 30568 (34BD1CD0)
**Date:** 6/19/1968
**Location:** Cabreria, Argentina
**Description:** Night. A settler, Romulo Velasco, 25, saw a bright object land. From it emerged a strange "tall, slim being" who came toward the witness, who fainted. (Magonia #910, FSR 68, 5) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3934
### Event 30569 (DA2340B0)
**Date:** 6/19/1968
**Time:** night
**Location:** Cabreria, Argentina
**Description:** A settler, Romulo Velasco, 25, saw a bright object land. From it emerged a strange "tall, slim being" who came toward the witness, who fainted.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** FSR 68, 5 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_910
### Event 30570 (6D024F54)
**Date:** 6/19/1968
**Time:** 05:05:59.8
**Location:** 49.9803 78.9855
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: .001KT YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1316
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.9803 78.9855", **LatLongDMS:** "49:58:49 N 78:59:08 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.9803,78.9855)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.50", **NukeSource:** "BOCHAROV", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** ".001", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 30571 (8570558C)
**Date:** 6/19/1968
**Description:** On this night Romulo Velazquez, age 25, a miner, saw a UFO land in Poopo, Oruro, Bolivia. From the landed craft emerged a tall thin being, to whom the witness felt drawn "as if by a magnet." When the witness got closer the humanoid took hold of his right wrist and he then felt paralyzed and lost consciousness. Neighbors, including police officers, saw the UFO maneuvering for some minutes over Poopo at a low altitude, illuminating the village like daylight. Emitting blue rays, it rose and disappeared. Velazquez was found paralyzed on one side by a stroke, caused by a cerebral hemorrhage. At the landing site there was a wide area of burnt grass.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb and Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1968-33, citing FSR, September-October 1968; Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1968
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3549
### Event 30572 (240482AC)
**Date:** 6/20/1968
**Time:** 02:00
**Location:** NEAR ROSWELL, NM
**Description:** Odd object makes 90° turn. Paces car / 10 minute(s). 3 beams / front. / MJ#242.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 55)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8789
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "1090", **HatchDesc:** "nr ROSWELL,NM:ODD OBJ MAKES 90°TURN:PACES CAR/10min:3 BEAMS/FRONT:/MJ#242", **LatLong:** "33.400002 -104.500005", **LatLongDMS:** "33:24:00 N 104:30:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/33.400002,-104.500005)", **State/Prov:** "New Mexico", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30573 (E4E72B09)
**Date:** 6/20/1968
**Locations:** Hawaii; Central Vietnam
**Description:** The US Seventh Air Force holds a “joint service conference on the UFO problem” in Hawaii after a series of tragic incidents on June 15–17, including a missile attack on “unidentified helicopters” that hit the Australian Navy destroyer [HMAS Hobart](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HMAS%5FHobart%5F%28D%5F39%29), killing two sailors. An investigation reveals that the Air Force is in the midst of a wave of sightings of things that are not enemy helicopters in central Vietnam, just south of and within the DMZ.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clark III 1051; [Sparks](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf)[,](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf) pp. 327–328
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4569
### Event 30574 (8D534E9C)
**Date:** 6/20/1968
**Location:** UK S4 (Air) UFO desk in Whitehall, London
**Description:** Following the publication of their book Flying Saucer Report: UFOs Unidentified, Unidentifiable, British researchers Anthony R. Pace and Roger H. Stanway visit the UK S4 \(Air\) UFO desk in Whitehall, London, again and meet with Leslie Akhurst, John Dickison, and Alec Cassie. Their request to record the interview is denied, but they are impressed with Cassie’s ability to recall UFO cases mentioned in their book.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Good Above, [p. 68](https://archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/68/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4570
### Event 30575 (244E6B15)
**Date:** 6/20/1968
**Location:** Roswell, New Mexico
**Description:** A husband and wife encounter an array of lights that hover above their car near Roswell, New Mexico. Both have a feeling of great peace. When the UFO vanishes, the wife finds that the arthritis in her neck has been healed.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Michael D. Swords, “Can UFOs Cause Physiological Effects? Part 1,” IUR 33, no. 4 \(May 2011\): 23
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4571
### Event 30576 (5CF2948A)
**Date:** 6/20/1968
**Description:** Eustaqui Zogorwski, age 63, a Polish immigrant, claimed that on this date he was drugged by a man who drove up to his house in Avellaneda, Buenos Aires, Argentina in a black car. When he recovered consciousness he found himself in an otherworldly environment, where giant beings were dwelling in an aerial city.Two of these beings, over two meters tall, conducted Mr. Zogorwski to a tower in the center of the city, seemingly suspended in space. He was seated at a table around which sat 12 similar giants. They took his arms and he began to "trace signs automatically." He believed that they had "brainwashed" him. He was finally released between the towns of Brinkmann and Cotagaita, in Cordoba province, where the mysterious man in the black car picked him up and drove him to his home.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb and Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1968-35 (A0936), citing La Nacion, August 7, 1968
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3554
### Event 30577 (17FB1FD9)
**Date:** 6/20/1968
**Description:** Peasants in Bulnes Nuble, Chile saw a five-foot tall being with a white head and torso, from whose arms wings extended. It was sighted several times in the vicinity of the village.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb and Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case A1094, citing El Comercio, June 25, 1968
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3555
### Event 30578 (E6337506)
**Date:** Summer 1968
**Location:** CHINA, Lüda (Liaoning)
**Description:** (Translated from French) Four patrol boats of the Lüda naval patrol, (...) were patrolling the sea not far from the coast. Suddenly the soldiers discovered a luminous object, which, of golden color, of oval shape, skimmed the surface of the water at an incredible speed. Shortly after this object disappeared to the right of the fleet. Almost at the same time, all the radars and all the wireless telecommunications installations of the four patrol boats broke down. The ships continued to patrol for half an hour and found that two large warships were rushing towards them. (...) The situation was very tense. At this critical moment, the communication instruments began to function normally again. (...) (1968, Summer)
**Reference:** SHI BO: "China and the Extraterrestrials" ed. Mercure de France, 1983, p.52
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2523
### Event 30579 (23F18264)
**Date:** Summer 1968
**Location:** USA, Nellis Air Force Base (Nevada)
**Description:** (Translated from French) A small flying saucer approximately 6 meters in diameter landed on the Nellis Air Force Base. Witnesses had seen it emerge a few minutes earlier from a huge saucer that had been hovering stationary above the base for three days, but at an altitude too high to be seen up close. To greet the visitors, a colonel was sent with an armed patrol in case of incident, but without any aggressive intentions. Then a small humanoid emerged from the craft, perhaps misunderstanding the intentions of the colonel or his men, and directed a blinding light beam at him, paralyzing him in place. Seeing this, the patrol leader ordered his men to shoot, but their automatic weapons jammed immediately and they too felt completely paralyzed by the blinding beam of the humanoid. (vog: we are in full fantasy fiction with this Chatelain...) The humanoid then calmly returned to his craft, closed the door and took off vertically in front of the astonished witnesses, who saw the small saucer join its mother in the sky. (1968, Summer)
**Reference:** Maurice CHATELAIN: "The Messengers of the Cosmos" - Laffont 1980, p. 28
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2524
### Event 30580 (C408441D)
**Date:** Summer 1968
**Location:** Canada, Laval-des-Rapides (Quebec)
**Description:** (Translated from French) R.L. and A.B., two women, had reached Bon-Pasteur Street at 19:30. The moon was shining brightly in the sky. The two women had reached a vacant lot when suddenly everything became dark: there was no more moon. A pitch black darkness that lasted a few seconds. Then the moonlight reappeared. Then the two women noticed in the vacant lot two small figures passing in the round disk of the moon, which was at the horizon level at that hour. Two beings, one of which was visibly smaller than the other. The larger one must have been 1.70 m and the other 1.60 m. (vog: not so small, and such precision on their size!) They were all black. They were wearing a garment that seemed to be made of one piece (...) They had a human appearance and a human-looking face. One of the two figures had a kind of pick (fork with two branches) and seemed to be probing the ground or scratching the earth. They were floating instead of walking. (...) (1968, Summer)
**Reference:** Jean FERGUSON: "The Humanoids..." - ed. Leméac, Ottawa, 1977, p. 43,44
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2525
### Event 30581 (EF2D2741)
**Date:** 6/21/1968
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Last flight of an A-12, \#131, from [Groom Lake](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/Area51.html) to Palmdale and the entire fleet is placed in a secret storage location. (June 21)
**Reference:** Peebles 1995
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1968.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2429
### Event 30582 (783664B1)
**Date:** 6/21/1968
**Time:** 01:30
**Location:** MIRAMAR, ARG
**Description:** Diamond object spins / .5M altitude. Red beam going down. Powder and burns. / LDLN#95+r8#911.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 16)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8790
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "26", **HatchDesc:** "MIRAMAR,ARG:DIAMOND OBJ SPINS/.5M alt:RED BEAM↓:POWDER+BURNS:/LDLN#95+r8#911", **LatLong:** "-38.233335 -57.866669", **LatLongDMS:** "38:14:00 S 57:52:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-38.233335,-57.866669)", **State/Prov:** "Buenos Aires", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 30583 (406E51E1)
**Date:** 6/21/1968
**Time:** 11:30
**Location:** BRAZEY-EN-MORVAN, FR
**Description:** 12M ovoid going down. 25M indent. Dead sheep and slugs / FSRv15#4+/ LDLN#96.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PHENOMENES SPATIAUX: Group GEPA, Gen. M. Lionel Chassin Paris. Quarterly 1964?-1977. Merged into Grp. GEPAN (Index 17)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8791
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "20", **HatchDesc:** "BRAZEY-en-MORVAN,FR:12M OVOID ↓:25M INDENT:DEAD SHEEP+SLUGS/FSRv15#4+/LDLN#96", **LatLong:** "47.177780 4.283334", **LatLongDMS:** "47:10:40 N 04:17:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.177780,4.283334)", **State/Prov:** "Côte-d'Or", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 30584 (85C9135C)
**Date:** 6/21/1968
**Time:** 11:30
**Description:** 5 / boat / Miami. 2 ovoids just over sea level. Stubby 'wings'.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 55)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8792
**Attributes:** **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Caribbean area", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "W/ANDROS Isl,BAHAMAS:5/BOAT/MIAMI:2 OVOIDS JUST OVR SEA LEVEL:STUBBY 'WINGS'", **LatLong:** "24.500001 -79.000004", **LatLongDMS:** "24:30:00 N 79:00:00 W", **Locale:** "High Seas", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/24.500001,-79.000004)", **RelAlt:** "2", **State/Prov:** "BAH", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 30585 (AF770747)
**Date:** 6/21/1968
**Time:** 20:20
**Location:** EVILLERS, FR
**Description:** Tyrode. Blimp-cloud going [to] 3M / south into wind. Glows. Also rectangular night light / 30 June / LDLN#147.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FIGEUT, Michel & RUCHON, Jean-Louis: OVNI - Le Premier Dossier..; Alain LeFeuvre, Paris 1979. (Index 297)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8793
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "25", **HatchDesc:** "EVILLERS,FR:Tyrode:BLIMP-CLOUD >3M/s into WIND:GLOWS::+RECT.NLT/30JUN/LDLN#147", **LatLong:** "46.983336 6.216667", **LatLongDMS:** "46:59:00 N 06:13:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.983336,6.216667)", **State/Prov:** "Doubs", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30586 (B54D1FC4)
**Date:** 6/21/1968
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** REVERE, MASS
**Description:** 3 observer(s). Orange fireball nears maple tree. Zips off and bursts into sparks!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FOWLER, Raymond E.: UFO'S, INTERPLANETARY VISITORS; Prentice Hall & Bantam Books, NY 1979. 346pp. (Index 337)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8794
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "4", **HatchDesc:** "REVERE,MASS:3 OBS:ORG FBL NEARS MAPLE TREE:ZIPS OFF AND BURSTS INTO SPARKS!", **LatLong:** "42.411113 -71.016670", **LatLongDMS:** "42:24:40 N 71:01:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.411113,-71.016670)", **RelAlt:** "3", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30587 (A01D54FB)
**Date:** Summer 1968
**Location:** Unknown City, Viet Nam
**Description:** In 1968, when I was an Intelligence Officer, I briefed General George S. Brown, at 7th Air Force Headquarters in Saigon, Vietnam about UFOs near the DMZ. General Brown states in a Department of Defense transcript of press conference in Illinois, October 16, 1973. "I don't know whether this story has ever been told or not. They weren't called UFOs." (George Filer) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3928
### Event 30588 (DA5E4BD3)
**Date:** 6/21/1968
**Location:** Miramar, Argentina
**Description:** A man riding his bicycle encountered a large object, 50 cm above the ground. The top part was spinning, and it cast a vertical beam of red light toward the ground. Calcinations traces were found by police. (Magonia #911, LDLN 95) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3935
### Event 30589 (0961BF47)
**Date:** 6/21/1968
**Location:** Miramar, Argentina
**Description:** A man riding his bicycle encountered a large object, 50 cm above the ground. The top part was spinning, and it cast a vertical beam of red light toward the ground. Calcination traces were found by police.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** LDLN 95 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_911
### Event 30590 (17FB4406)
**Date:** Summer 1968
**Locations:** Stazic street; Rzeszów, Poland
**Description:** Three teenagers notice an irregular triangular object flying to the west over housing in Stazic street in Rzeszów, Poland. It is dark with some brighter bulges on the bottom and emits a buzzing sound.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Poland 32
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4559
### Event 30591 (B533CAD6)
**Date:** 6/21/1968
**Description:** A man riding his bicycle in Miramar, Argentina encountered a large object moving only 50 centimeters above the ground. At 1:30 a.m. the domed, disc-shaped object flew extremely low, nearly hugging the ground, and traveled from north to south while illuminating the ground with a vertical beam of red light. The top of the object appeared to be spinning. It suddenly increased in speed and left. Calcination traces were found by police.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case # 911, citing Lumieres dans la Nuit, issue # 95; Oscar A. Uriondo, FSR Case Histories, August 1973, p. 10
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3578
### Event 30592 (FBE78AEB)
**Date:** 6/21/1968
**Description:** At 11:30 a.m. a 12 meter long ovoid object was seen taking off from a farm in Brazey en Morvan, France. Dead sheep and slugs were found in a 25 meter wide indentation area left by the UFO.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Michel Figuet & Jean-Luis Ruchon, OVNI: Le Premier Dossier Complet des Rencontres Rapprochees en France, p. 292; UNICAT database, case 498, citing Figuet & Ruchon
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3579
### Event 30593 (1F4D64A0)
**Date:** 6/21/1968
**Description:** At 9:00 p.m. in Revere, Massachusetts the witness's cat ran off and the dog howled. An orange ball of fire slowly descended toward a maple tree. It wobbled, gave off white trail of vapor, accelerated away, then broke into many sparks.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Raymond E. Fowler, UFOs: Interplanetary Visitors, p. 353
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3580
### Event 30594 (A8DB2A0B)
**Date:** 6/23/1968
**Time:** 00:10
**Location:** NEAR BILBAO, SP
**Description:** 3 observer(s). 5M saucer going quickly [to] toward(s) Mt. Banderas. Lights area 100METERS wide.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BALLESTER OLMOS, Vicente-Juan: CATALOG of 200 TYPE-1 EVENTS in SPAIN & PORTUGAL; CUFOS 1976. (Index 13)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8795
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "nr BILBAO,SP:3 OBS:5M SCR >> twrd MT BANDERAS:LITES AREA 100METERS WIDE", **LatLong:** "43.183335 -2.800000", **LatLongDMS:** "43:11:00 N 02:48:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.183335,-2.800000)", **State/Prov:** "VZC", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 30595 (3CDF9885)
**Date:** 6/23/1968
**Description:** At five minutes past midnight in Monte Banderas de Bilbao, in the Basque region of Spain, a four-meter wide circular-shaped flying object landed on a hilltop, 300 meters away from the three witnesses.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos, Catalogue of 200 Type-I Events in Spain and Portugal, case 59
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3623
### Event 30596 (8C78C1C2)
**Date:** 6/23/1968
**Description:** The witness was driving from Las Vegas, Nevada at around 8 p.m. when he saw a round, saucer-shaped object land on a dirt road not to far away from the road. The witness drove up the dirt road to the craft, which had landed on three leg-like protrusions. Soon three bearded men, very human in appearance, disembarked from the craft. They approached the witness who had by now left his vehicle. They expressed curiosity as to his long hair. He explained that he just wanted to wear it that way and was not into drugs or anything. They seemed to appreciate that. They then told him that they came from a world with no cities where its inhabitants were born in the wilderness. They told him that cities were a danger to society. They called themselves "Dodonians." The witness shook hands with the men and they boarded the craft, which quickly left the area.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1968, citing National UFO Reporting Center
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3624
### Event 30597 (EE93D579)
**Date:** 6/24/1968 (approximate)
**Description:** Saucer lands / several salt marshes. 3 beings grab small objects / homes.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 117)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8796
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Chile", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "87", **Elev:** "2700", **HatchDesc:** "ATACAMA DESERT,CHL:SCR LANDS/SVRL SALT MARSHES:3 BEINGS GRAB SMALL OBJS/HOMES:", **LatLong:** "-24.500001 -69.250003", **LatLongDMS:** "24:30:00 S 69:15:00 W", **Locale:** "Desert", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-24.500001,-69.250003)", **State/Prov:** "Antofagasta", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 30598 (AA0DFFF2)
**Date:** 6/24/1968
**Time:** 01:00
**Location:** LAGUNA PAIVA, ARG
**Description:** 2 women. Saucer north going quickly south. Beams going down / ground. Top rotates. Sudden speed. / r213p47.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 315)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8797
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "16", **HatchDesc:** "LAGUNA PAIVA,ARG:2 WOMEN:SCR N>>S:BEAMS↓/GND:TOP ROTATES:SUDDEN SPEED:/r213p47", **LatLong:** "-31.316668 -63.655559", **LatLongDMS:** "31:19:00 S 63:39:20 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-31.316668,-63.655559)", **State/Prov:** "STF", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 30599 (E3B1D700)
**Date:** 6/24/1968
**Time:** 13:00?
**Description:** 3 students. 12cm saucer near ground. Dead-leaf motion. 90-turns. Going west.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HOBANA Ion & WEVERBERGH,Julien: UFO'S from BEHIND the IRON CURTAIN; Bantam Books,1975. 308pp. (Index 155)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8798
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Romania", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "CRAIOVA UNIV.,ROMANIA:3 STUDENTS:12cm SCR nr GND:DEAD-LEAF MOTION:90-TURNS:>W", **LatLong:** "44.300002 23.833334", **LatLongDMS:** "44:18:00 N 23:50:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.300002,23.833334)", **State/Prov:** "OLT", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30600 (94C453F0)
**Date:** 6/24/1968
**Description:** A young woman named Torres was awakened at 1:10 a.m. in Laguna Raiva, Santa Fe, Argentina by an intense humming sound. She then noticed an oval-shaped light in the corner of her bedroom and inside the light stood two strangely dressed beings. They both wore metallic diving suits and helmets with visors. One was taller than the other and luminous white beams of light emanated from the tips of the fingers of both entities and from their visors and lower abdomens. Both beings vanished suddenly.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1968, case #822, citing Dr. Oscar A. Galindez, FSR, Vol. 27 # 1
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3642
### Event 30601 (CC64DB35)
**Date:** 6/25/1968
**Time:** 09:40
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Domed saucer going north slow. Turns going west and inland. Back 27+28 June. R213p45.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 173)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8799
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "27", **HatchDesc:** "FLORIANOPOLIS,BRZ:2 OBS:DOMED SCR > N SLO:TURNS>W+INLAND:BACK 27+28JUN:r213p45", **LatLong:** "-27.583335 -48.566669", **LatLongDMS:** "27:35:00 S 48:34:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-27.583335,-48.566669)", **State/Prov:** "STC", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30602 (7EF0BC0D)
**Date:** 6/25/1968
**Time:** 10:50
**Location:** SAN LORENZO, ARG
**Description:** Chemical plant malfunctions due to EME (electro-magnetic effects). Area lit. Beam / saucer hits man / faints. / r8#912.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BOWEN, Charles: ENCOUNTER CASES from FLYING SAUCER REVIEW. Signet Books 1977/78. (Index 44)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8800
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "SAN LORENZO,ARG:CHEMICAL PLANT EMEs:AREA LIT:BEAM/SCR HITS MAN/FAINTS:/r8#912", **LatLong:** "-32.733335 -60.750003", **LatLongDMS:** "32:44:00 S 60:45:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-32.733335,-60.750003)", **State/Prov:** "CRD", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 30603 (653EB8FA)
**Date:** 6/25/1968 (approximate)
**Time:** 23:00
**Location:** DONG HA, VIETNAM
**Description:** Night lights and blips all over/all about Ben Hai River. US jets chase. On RADAR all June.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** KEEL, John: OPERATION TROJAN HORSE; Putnam's Sons, NY 1970. (Index 140)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8801
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **RDR:** Radar traces/blips
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Vietnam", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "103", **HatchDesc:** "DONG HA,VIETNAM:NLTS+BLIPS ALLO BEN HAI Rvr:US JETS CHASE:ON RDR ALL JUNE", **LatLong:** "16.783334 107.094450", **LatLongDMS:** "16:47:00 N 107:05:40 E", **Locale:** "Rainforest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/16.783334,107.094450)", **State/Prov:** "DMZ", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 30604 (F7EA0ABC)
**Date:** 6/25/1968
**Location:** Bouchard, Argentina
**Description:** 1:05 a.m. Jorge Ribles, electrician at the Carmal Chemical Plant, noticed that the engines were at a standstill, while the countryside was lit up with intensive reddish light. Another man, 52-year-old Jose J. Rociski, fell unconscious as a vivid light enveloped him. (Magonia #912, FSR 68, 5) (NICAP: 05 - Medical Incidents)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3936
### Event 30605 (6E474983)
**Date:** 6/25/1968
**Time:** 105
**Location:** Bouchard, Argentina
**Description:** Jorge Ribles, electrician at the Carmal Chemical Plant, noticed that the engines were at a standstill, while the countryside was lit up with intensive reddish light. Another man, 52-yearold Jose J. Rociski, fell unconscious as a vivid light enveloped him. He was unable to move his left arm for three days, and suffered from pain and extreme nervousness.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** FSR 68, 5 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_912
### Event 30606 (9F976C6C)
**Date:** 6/25/1968
**Location:** 37.0000 -116.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Funnel” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_548
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0000 -116.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:00 N 116:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0000,-116.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Funnel", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 30607 (7EF38CE3)
**Date:** 6/25/1968
**Location:** 37.0000 -116.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Sevilla” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_549
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0000 -116.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:00 N 116:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0000,-116.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Sevilla", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 30608 (CC7C5E79)
**Date:** 6/26/1968
**Location:** Argentina
**Description:** An Argentine Trotskyist using the pseudonym [J. Posadas](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J.%5FPosadas), who formed a movement in 1962 based on the inevitability of nuclear war, has proclaimed an interest in UFOs as entities with the ability to master sophisticated technologies that are compatible with socialism. If UFOs exist, they might be helpful in addressing some of the major problems in the earth. In his pamphlet, Les Soucoupes Volantes: Le processus de la matière et de l’energie, la science et le socialisme, Posadas pleads that “We must call upon beings from other planets when they come to intervene, to collaborate with the inhabitants of the Earth to overcome misery. We must launch a call on them to use their resources to help us.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** J. Posadas, [Flying Saucers: The Process of Matter and Energy, Science, the](https://www.marxists.org/archive/posadas/1968/06/flyingsaucers.html) [Revolutionary and Working-Class Struggle, and Socialism](https://www.marxists.org/archive/posadas/1968/06/flyingsaucers.html)[,](https://www.marxists.org/archive/posadas/1968/06/flyingsaucers.html) June 26, 1968; A. M. Gittlitz, I Want to Believe: Posadism, UFOs, and Apocalyptic Communism, Pluto, 2020; Ian Parker, “[Believe It or Not!](https://socialistresistance.org/believe-it-or-not/19857)” Socialist Resistance, May 1, 2020
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4572
### Event 30609 (9398EF52)
**Date:** 6/26/1968
**Description:** Multiple reports of close encounters involving three strangely dressed humanoids came from towns located on the Atacama Salt Beds in Antofagasta Province in northern Chile. Residents of the towns of Reine, Socaine, Toconas and Chiloporo saw the same UFO manned by these three beings. The UFO was reported to have landed and on at least three occasions the humanoids entered the same house, taking small items with them. This behavior spread fear and panic among the local inhabitants.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb and Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1968-36/A0937, citing Lumieres dans la Nuit, April 1972, p. 5, citing UFO Chile
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3672
### Event 30610 (57409936)
**Date:** 6/27/1968
**Time:** 06:30
**Location:** SALADILLO, ARG
**Description:** 5+separate observer(s). Metallic disc going southeast slow / 10M altitude. Red light winks / center. / r213p46.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 16)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8802
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "40", **HatchDesc:** "SALADILLO,ARG:5+SEP.OBS:MTLC DISC >SE SLOW/10M alt:RED LITE WINKS/CTR:/r213p46", **LatLong:** "-35.616668 -59.800003", **LatLongDMS:** "35:37:00 S 59:48:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-35.616668,-59.800003)", **RelAlt:** "10", **State/Prov:** "Buenos Aires", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30611 (BE0DFCEC)
**Date:** 6/27/1968
**Description:** Three children, Hugo Cesar Messina, Oscar Crespo, and a third boy were bicycling in Cerro de las Rosas, Cordoba, Argentina at 5:30 p.m. when they were surprised by the appearance of a silvery colored object. The UFO had on its lower part a kind of helix, where lights of white and sky-blue were revolving. It hovered about 20 meters up and 50 meters away from the boys. On the upper part of the object appeared a couple, a man and a woman, who floated in the air. They were of enormous stature with long white hair, and they wore luminous close fitting garments. Holding hands, they began to descend slowly, disappearing into the object without any door opening. The luminous helix began to rotate at greater speed, and the UFO went away at great speed.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb and Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1968-37, citing Carlos Banchs
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3696
### Event 30612 (580DA7CC)
**Date:** 6/28/1968
**Description:** Object flying over city hangs motionless / some second. Continues.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HOBANA Ion & WEVERBERGH,Julien: UFO'S from BEHIND the IRON CURTAIN; Bantam Books,1975. 308pp. (Index 240)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8803
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Romania", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "BUCHAREST,ROMANIA:OBJ FLYING OVR CITY HANGS MOTIONLESS/SOME SECOND:CONTINUES", **LatLong:** "44.450002 26.100001", **LatLongDMS:** "44:27:00 N 26:06:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.450002,26.100001)", **State/Prov:** "Bucharest", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30613 (CA206511)
**Date:** 6/28/1968
**Location:** CLUJ, ROMANIA
**Description:** Many observer(s). Saucer hangs motionless / 45 min. Then simply disappears.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HOBANA Ion & WEVERBERGH,Julien: UFO'S from BEHIND the IRON CURTAIN; Bantam Books,1975. 308pp. (Index 240)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8804
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Romania", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "45", **HatchDesc:** "CLUJ,ROMANIA:MANY OBS:SCR HANGS MOTIONLESS/45 MIN:THEN SIMPLY DISAPPEARS.", **LatLong:** "46.766669 23.583334", **LatLongDMS:** "46:46:00 N 23:35:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.766669,23.583334)", **State/Prov:** "CLJ", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 30614 (03C57E16)
**Date:** 6/28/1968
**Time:** 16:00?
**Description:** Several observer(s). Top-saucer going up and down. Flashes glows and wobbles. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v14#5.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BOWEN, Charles: ENCOUNTER CASES from FLYING SAUCER REVIEW. Signet Books 1977/78. (Index 47)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8805
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "9", **Elev:** "40", **HatchDesc:** "nr MAR DEL PLATA,ARG:SVRL OBS:TOP-SCR ↑+↓:FLASHES GLOWS+WOBBLES:/FSR v14#5", **LatLong:** "-37.950002 -57.666669", **LatLongDMS:** "37:57:00 S 57:40:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-37.950002,-57.666669)", **State/Prov:** "Buenos Aires", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 30615 (45F1045E)
**Date:** 6/28/1968
**Time:** 18:10
**Location:** GUAJARA, BRZ
**Description:** Luminous/glowing globe seen / days. Irregular maneuvers. Color changes. Noises when fast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 2)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8806
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "232", **Elev:** "35", **HatchDesc:** "GUAJARA,BRZ:LUMn GLOBE SEEN/DAYS:IRREGULAR MNVRS:CLR CHANGES:NOISES WHEN FAST", **LatLong:** "-29.950001 -51.200002", **LatLongDMS:** "29:57:00 S 51:12:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-29.950001,-51.200002)", **State/Prov:** "RGS", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30616 (45C10A54)
**Date:** 6/28/1968
**Time:** 12:22:00.0
**Location:** 37.2455 -116.4829
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Chateaugay” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 200KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_550
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.2455 -116.4829", **LatLongDMS:** "37:14:44 N 116:28:58 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.2455,-116.4829)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.62", **NukeMb:** "5.30", **NukeName:** "Chateaugay", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "200"
### Event 30617 (EBD672FD)
**Date:** 6/28/1968
**Description:** A UFO flew over Bucharest, Romania at around 2 o'clock in the afternoon, stopped and hovered for several seconds, and then continued on its way. In Cluj, Romania a disc hung motionless in the sky for 45 minutes that same afternoon, then vanished.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Ion Hobana and Julien Weverbergh, UFOs from behind the Iron Curtain, p. 240
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3713
### Event 30618 (DE164DD8)
**Date:** 6/29/1968
**Time:** 22:00?
**Description:** UFO going quickly. Car / shakes violently. Gears going [to] into reverse! / r215p51.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RODEGHIER, Mark/CUFOS: UFO REPORTS INVOLVING VEHICLE INTERFERENCE; CUFOS 1979. Available as CUFOS UFO Archive #1 CD-ROM. http://www.cufos.org/Pubform.pdf (Index 41)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8807
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "57", **HatchDesc:** "S.LUIS del PALMAR,ARG:UFO>>:CAR/SHAKES VIOLENTLY:GEARS >INTO REVERSE!:/r215p51", **LatLong:** "-27.516668 -58.561114", **LatLongDMS:** "27:31:00 S 58:33:40 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-27.516668,-58.561114)", **State/Prov:** "CRR", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 30619 (7D802031)
**Date:** 6/29/1968
**Description:** On this evening in San Luis de Palmar, Corrientes, Argentina on Highway 5 a circular flattened disc-shaped object was sighted by three men in their thirties, Senors Sanchez, Pastor, and Vega. It emitted a vivid orange light. When it passed close to their car it shook the car violently and the car's gears went into reverse, causing the car to drive backwards.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Oscar A. Uriondo, FSR Case Histories, February 1974, p. 15
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3730
### Event 30620 (FDCE0282)
**Date:** 6/30/1968
**Time:** 01:20
**Location:** MENDOZA, ARG
**Description:** Pseudo-human/entity show man images / 30cm sphere/orb/globe. "These were like you". Weird. / r20p45.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 110)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8808
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **NFO:** No craft seen, **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **CVS:** Conversation/communication, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "5", **Duration:** "8", **Elev:** "824", **HatchDesc:** "MENDOZA,ARG:PSH SHOW MAN IMAGES/30cm ORB:"THESE WERE LIKE YOU":wierd:/r20p45", **LatLong:** "-32.900002 -68.833337", **LatLongDMS:** "32:54:00 S 68:50:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-32.900002,-68.833337)", **State/Prov:** "MND", **Strangeness:** "12"
### Event 30621 (5024FF15)
**Date:** 6/30/1968
**Description:** At 1:15 a.m. Jose Paulino Nunez, a distillery worker, encountered two people on the beach in Lujan, Mendoza, Argentina that he first mistook to be guards. Their dress and actions were like normal people, but they showed him a spherical device some 30 cm in which he could see images of people walking about. Speaking in a strange, metallic voice, one of them asked him, "Do you know these people? They were like you. Many more will be like them. Many people in the world will see the same thing you have seen. We will talk about this again. If you speak of this, be sure it is with responsible people." At that point the witness experienced a lapse of memory, for the next thing he recalls was being back in the laboratory, where it took him an hour to compose himself. The people he saw in the images were all tall and human like, with pale complexions, and long, light colored hair, who appeared to be walking about in a trance.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb and Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1968-38, citing Richard Heiden, & Jader Pereira; Lumieres dans la Nuit, issue # 110
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3750
### Event 30622 (4CD39376)
**Date:** 7/1968
**Location:** MALTA, at sea, 30 km north of Malta
**Description:** (Translated from French) Four fishermen and a boy of about ten years old saw pass above the boat, a golden object, in the shape of a rocket. This object made a very light whistling sound. On the first pass the object quickly disappeared from their view, but it made a U-turn and returned. Then the object disappeared into the sea and the witnesses heard the "splash". They approached the place but found neither debris nor even bubbles in the water.
**Reference:** Investigation by John Joseph Mercieca, Maltese ufologist - Internet November 1996
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2521
### Event 30623 (39EFC479)
**Date:** 7/1968
**Location:** PINE BUSH, NY
**Description:** 3 / car. 22M saucer buzzes car crossing bridge. Cylinder/cigar-shape seen weeks later.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CRYSTAL,Ellen: SILENT INVASION - Shocking Discoveries; Paragon House, NY 1991. 190pp. (Index 20)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8809
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "121", **HatchDesc:** "PINE BUSH,NY:3/CAR:22M SCR BUZZES CAR CROSSING BRIDGE:CGR SEEN WEEKS LATER.", **LatLong:** "41.616669 -74.316670", **LatLongDMS:** "41:37:00 N 74:19:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.616669,-74.316670)", **RelAlt:** "5", **State/Prov:** "New York", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30624 (E2A45DBE)
**Date:** 7/1968
**Time:** 01:00
**Location:** GRODNER PASS, ITL
**Description:** 1 / car. 75M saucer / meadow. Robot and pseudo-humans/entities. Long conversation (any communication between us and them). 3 2M landing traces.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 315)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8810
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HOX:** Suspicion of hoax, **CNT:** Contactee related, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **RBT:** Possible robot or "Grey", mechanical motions, **GNT:** Giant: Large/tall alien, **CVS:** Conversation/communication, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Italy", **Credibility:** "5", **Duration:** "30", **HatchDesc:** "GRODNER PASS,ITL:1/CAR:75M SCR/MEADOW:RBT+PSHs:LONG CVS:3 2M LANDING TRACES", **LatLong:** "46.550002 11.833334", **LatLongDMS:** "46:33:00 N 11:50:00 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.550002,11.833334)", **State/Prov:** "TAA", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 30625 (718A6615)
**Date:** 7/1968
**Time:** 10:00?
**Location:** 30KM NORTH / MALTA
**Description:** 5 fishing. Gold cylinder/cigar-shape going [to] overhead. 90° turn and going quickly [to] overhead again. Splashdown. No trace.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Database/website: MALTA UFO RESEARCH: J.J.Mercieca. www.mufor.org email: mufor at maltanet.net
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8811
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **SUB:** Submersible: Rises from or submerges into water, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Greece and Island nations", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "30km N/MALTA:5 FISHING:GOLD CGR >OVHD:90°TURN+>>OVHD AGAIN:SPLASHDOWN:NO TRACE", **LatLong:** "36.166668 14.500001", **LatLongDMS:** "36:10:00 N 14:30:00 E", **Locale:** "High Seas", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/36.166668,14.500001)", **State/Prov:** "MLT", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30626 (746DCDE6)
**Date:** 7/1968?
**Time:** 12:00?
**Location:** EL PADUL, SP
**Description:** Several / car. Luminous 2-domed ovoid east going west. Color(s) alternate. Car malfunctions due to EME (electro-magnetic effects). Observer(s) / shock.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BALLESTER OLMOS, Vicente-Juan: CATALOG of 200 TYPE-1 EVENTS in SPAIN & PORTUGAL; CUFOS 1976. (Index 12)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8812
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "EL PADUL,SP:SVRL/CAR:LUM 2-DOMED OVOID E>W:CLRS ALTERNATE:CAR EMEs:OBS/SHOCK", **LatLong:** "37.022224 -3.627778", **LatLongDMS:** "37:01:20 N 03:37:40 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.022224,-3.627778)", **State/Prov:** "Grenada", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 30627 (B1CBB451)
**Date:** 7/1968
**Time:** ~19:00
**Description:** Leaves rustle / park. Observer(s) finds 120cm cone / ground. Silent. No figure(s).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The UFO REGISTER. CONTACT INTERNATIONAL/UK. (annual sightings catalog.) (Index 78)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8813
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Belgium, Netherlandsand Luxembourg", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "KNOKKEHEIST,BELG:LEAVES RUSTLE/PARK:OBS FINDS 12Ocm CONE/GND:SLNT:NO FIGs", **LatLong:** "51.344447 3.233333", **LatLongDMS:** "51:20:40 N 03:14:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.344447,3.233333)", **State/Prov:** "Belgium", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 30628 (F621B01D)
**Date:** 7/1968
**Time:** 19:00
**Location:** STRONGSVILLE, OH
**Description:** Kids. Flash! Flat featureless disk going down / steps. Shoots level over farm.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RIDGE, Francis: REGIONAL ENCOUNTERS in the FC Files. 170pp. UFO FILTER CENTER, Mt. Vernon, IN 1994 (Index 26)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8814
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "284", **HatchDesc:** "STRONGSVILLE,OH:KIDS:FLASH!:FLAT FEATURELESS DISK ↓/STEPS:SHOOTS LVL OVR FARM", **LatLong:** "41.300002 -81.833337", **LatLongDMS:** "41:18:00 N 81:50:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.300002,-81.833337)", **State/Prov:** "Ohio", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 30629 (1C32D780)
**Date:** 7/1968
**Time:** 23:00
**Location:** MENDAVIA, SP
**Description:** Blue green light rises / riverbank. Straight up then off. Luminous tail.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BALLESTER OLMOS, Vicente-Juan: CATALOG of 200 TYPE-1 EVENTS in SPAIN & PORTUGAL; CUFOS 1976. (Index 14)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8815
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HOX:** Suspicion of hoax, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "5", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "MENDAVIA,SP:BLU GRN LITE RISES/RIVERBANK:STRAIGHT UP THEN OFF:LUM TAIL.", **LatLong:** "42.483335 -2.216667", **LatLongDMS:** "42:29:00 N 02:13:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.483335,-2.216667)", **State/Prov:** "LGR", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 30630 (A7856E7D)
**Date:** 7/1968
**Location:** Southlands, TN
**Description:** Crash/retrieval report by one witness. (Source: RUEGG, unknown) (NICAP: 06 - Trace Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3937
### Event 30631 (1D1C9024)
**Date:** 7/1968
**Description:** British physicist [Reginald Victor Jones](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reginald%5FVictor%5FJones) publishes a skeptical view of UFOs in Physics Bulletin, but supports genuine scientific inquiry.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** R. V. Jones, “[The Natural Philosophy of Flying Saucers,](https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/0031-9112/19/7/010)” Physics Bulletin, July 1968, pp. 225–230
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4573
### Event 30632 (6A8D09F2)
**Date:** 7/1968
**Locations:** Saigon; Ho Chi Minh City; Biên Hòa Hospital
**Description:** A CIA team flies into Saigon \[now Ho Chi Minh City\] to experiment on three Viet Cong prisoners at Biên Hòa Hospital. Working in an enclosed compound, the team’s neurosurgeon and neurologist insert tiny electrodes into their brains. Behaviorists then experiment on the men, arming them with knives and trying to induce violent behavior in them using direct electrical stimulation. After a week of experimentation that fails to incite the men to attack each other, they are shot dead and their bodies burned.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Sid Taylor, “[A History of Secret CIA Mind Control](http://all.net/journal/deception/MKULTRA/www.profreedom.free4all.co.uk/skeletons%5F1.html) [Research,](http://all.net/journal/deception/MKULTRA/www.profreedom.free4all.co.uk/skeletons%5F1.html)” Nexus, April/May 1992
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4574
### Event 30633 (173FB534)
**Date:** 7/1968
**Locations:** Blacketts Lake Road; Sydney, Nova Scotia
**Description:** A man is driving on Blacketts Lake Road southwest of Sydney, Nova Scotia, when he sees a saucer-shaped object descending below the tree line near the lake. He parks his car and runs along a trail to get closer. He is about 75 feet from the object, which is only 6 feet above the ground in a clearing. The UFO suddenly rises and flies away. The RCMP blocks access to the site during its investigation.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Former RCMP Officer Photographs UFO near](http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/Canada/Journal%20UFO/1981%5FVol%202%20No%204.pdf) [Sydney, N.S.,](http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/Canada/Journal%20UFO/1981%5FVol%202%20No%204.pdf)” Journal UFO 2, no. 4 \(March 1981\): 15
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4575
### Event 30634 (49D6C2F7)
**Date:** 7/1968
**Locations:** Gardena Pass, South Tyrol, Italy; Rhodes, Greece
**Description:** 1:00 a.m. Walter Rizzi is taking a nap in his car by the road just south of the Gardena Pass, South Tyrol, Italy, when he wakes to the smell of something burning. He sees a light about 1,600 feet further downhill shining through the mist. The mist parts, and he sees an enormous object that suddenly reminds him of an encounter he had with a strange hermit on the island of Rhodes in Greece when he was in the Italian army in World War II. The hermit had predicted he would someday meet with advanced beings from the cosmos who would provide him with the assurance of life throughout the universe. Rizzi makes his way downhill toward the object, which is silvery, some 260 feet in diameter, standing on three legs, bathed in fleecy white light, and emitting a burning odor. He gets within 10 feet and cannot go further. He sees two beings inside a transparent cupola on the top who are looking down at him. To the right of the object is a robot about 8 feet tall with three legs and four arms. A beam of light comes from the center of the object, and Rizzi sees another being dressed in a tight-fitting suit and glass helmet descending. They communicate telepathically about other planets and the universe. Eventually the entities reenter the object and take off. Rizzi claims there are landing marks, effects on the grass, and his watch starts losing time.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Gordon Creighton, “[Introductory Comments on the Rizzi Case,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201980%20V%2026%20N%203.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 26, no. 3 \(September 1980\): 21–22; Walter Rizzi, “[Close Encounter in the Dolomites,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201980%20V%2026%20N%203.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 26, no. 3 \(September 1980\): 22–27; 1Pinotti 158–169
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4576
### Event 30635 (534AF935)
**Date:** 7/1/1968
**Time:** 04:00
**Location:** RICARDONE, ARG
**Description:** 2 3M figure(s) Exert telepathy influence to stay. Raul Salcedo runs. / r8#913.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BOWEN, Charles: ENCOUNTER CASES from FLYING SAUCER REVIEW. Signet Books 1977/78. (Index 48)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8816
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **TLP:** Telepathy, **NFO:** No craft seen, **GNT:** Giant: Large/tall alien, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "5", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "8", **HatchDesc:** "RICARDONE,ARG:2 3M FIGs EXERT TLP INFLUENCE TO STAY:RAUL SALCEDO RUNS:/r8#913", **LatLong:** "-32.766668 -60.783336", **LatLongDMS:** "32:46:00 S 60:47:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-32.766668,-60.783336)", **State/Prov:** "STF", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 30636 (017856A4)
**Date:** 7/1/1968
**Time:** 11:50
**Location:** BOTUCATU, SP, BRZ
**Description:** 3 boys. 8M UFO / tripod. Ladder / ground. All retract and away. / r8#914+Flying Saucer Review (FSR.)
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 825)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8817
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "636", **HatchDesc:** "BOTUCATU,SP,BRZ:3 BOYS:8M UFO/TRIPOD:LADDER/GND:ALL RETRACT+AWAY:/r8#914+FSR", **LatLong:** "-22.950001 -48.350002", **LatLongDMS:** "22:57:00 S 48:21:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-22.950001,-48.350002)", **State/Prov:** "São Paulo", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 30637 (4E4BED6C)
**Date:** 7/1/1968
**Location:** Ricardone, Argentina
**Description:** 4:00 a.m. Raul Calcedo met two giants, almost 3 m tall, in Ricardone. He fled in terror, in spite of a strange power that tended to make him stay. (Magonia #913, FSR 68, 5) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3939
### Event 30638 (0D4A048C)
**Date:** 7/1/1968
**Location:** Botucatu, Brazil
**Description:** 12:30 a.m. Three boys saw an object, about 8 m wide, 350 m away. It had a large tripod under carriage and a ladder reaching down to the ground. These devices were retracted, and the object rose a few meters, then flew off at high speed. (Magonia #914, FSR 68, 6) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3940
### Event 30639 (C9F250BC)
**Date:** 7/1/1968
**Time:** 0400
**Location:** Ricardone, Argentina
**Description:** Raul Calcedo met two giants, almost 3 m tall, in Ricardone. He fled in terror, in spite of a strange power that tended to make him stay.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** FSR 68, 5 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_913
### Event 30640 (FA54A6EF)
**Date:** 7/1/1968
**Time:** 1230
**Location:** Botucatu, Brazil
**Description:** Three boys saw an object, about 8 m wide, 350 m away. It had a large tripod under carriage and a ladder reaching down to the ground. These devices were retracted, and the object rose a few meters, then flew off at high speed.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** FSR 68, 6 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_914
### Event 30641 (04EDDB9D)
**Date:** 7/1/1968
**Time:** 04:02:00.5
**Location:** 47.9090 47.9120
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Azgir A-2-1” Yield: 27KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1317
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "47.9090 47.9120", **LatLongDMS:** "47:54:32 N 47:54:43 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.9090,47.9120)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.60", **NukeMb:** "5.50", **NukeName:** "PNE:Azgir A-2-1", **NukeSource:** "SULTANOV", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** "27"
### Event 30642 (7A95F2DA)
**Date:** 7/1/1968
**Description:** NASA publishes a Chronological Catalog of Reported Lunar Events, by [Barbara M. Middlehurst,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barbara%5FM.%5FMiddlehurst) [Jaylee M.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jaylee%5FBurley%5FMead) [Burley](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jaylee%5FBurley%5FMead)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jaylee%5FBurley%5FMead) [Patrick Moore](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patrick%5FMoore)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patrick%5FMoore) and [Barbara L. Welther](https://www.linkedin.com/in/barbara-l-welther-33317063)[.](https://www.linkedin.com/in/barbara-l-welther-33317063) Moore invents the term “transient lunar phenomena” to describe short-lived changes in brightness, color, or appearance on the surface of the moon.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Transient lunar](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transient%5Flunar%5Fphenomenon) [phenomenon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transient%5Flunar%5Fphenomenon)”; Barbara M. Middlehurst, Jaylee M. Burley, Patrick Moore, and Barbara L. Welther, [Chronological](https://ntrs.nasa.gov/api/citations/19680018720/downloads/19680018720.pdf) [Catalog of Reported Lunar Events](https://ntrs.nasa.gov/api/citations/19680018720/downloads/19680018720.pdf)[,](https://ntrs.nasa.gov/api/citations/19680018720/downloads/19680018720.pdf) NASA Technical Report R-277, July 1, 1968
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4577
### Event 30643 (8C510FD7)
**Date:** 7/1/1968
**Location:** UNESP Hospital das Clinicas of the Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu, São Paulo, Brazil
**Description:** 12:30 a.m. Three boys are sitting on the main gate of the UNESP Hospital das Clinicas of the Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu, São Paulo, Brazil. Suddenly they see a large object “as big as a house” sitting about 1,150 feet to the west of them. It has a large tripod undercarriage and a ladder reaching down to the ground. The boys can hear a weird “tinging sound on a high note.” They start to yell as the UFO retracts its tripod and ladder and rise into the air and speed off to the east, reaching a great altitude. Alerted by their shouts, other witnesses see the object moving away. A student named Antônio Alegre examines the landing site shortly afterward and finds marks forming an isosceles triangle, two sides measuring 20 feet and one side 23 feet.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Nigel Rimes, “[Landing at](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201968%20V%2014%20N%206.pdf) [Botucatu,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201968%20V%2014%20N%206.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 14, no. 6 \(Nov./Dec. 1968\): 21–24
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4578
### Event 30644 (B4FD9810)
**Date:** 7/1/1968
**Description:** Returning home at four o'clock in the morning after a dance, 17-year-old Raul Salcedo encountered two very tall strange beings in Ricardone, Entre Rios, Argentina. They were nearly 10 feet tall. He "felt himself drawn towards them by the powerful magnetism radiated by them," which temporarily immobilized him, but he was able to break free and fled home in terror. There was simultaneously a spate of UFO sightings locally and in nearby San Lorenzo.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case # 913; David F. Webb and Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1968-39, citing FSR, September-October 1968, p. 26
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3774
### Event 30645 (A780440C)
**Date:** 7/1/1968
**Description:** At 12:30 p.m. three boys in Botucatu, Sao Paulo State, Brazil saw a disc-shaped object on the ground about eight meters wide and 350 meters away. It had a large tripod undercarriage and a ladder reaching down to the ground. These landing devices were retracted inside the object, and the object rose a few meters into the air, then flew off at high speed. Physical traces included the ground marks left behind by the tripod landing gear: imprints 7m x 6.8m x 5.45m apart, and marks left by the ladder. There was also a residual "gunpowder" smell, and the boys thought they heard a "tingling" sound during the encounter.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case # 914, citing Nigel Rimes, FSR, November-December 1968, p. 21; Walter Buhler, FSR Case Histories, December 1970, p. 11; Fred I. Merritt, Leg-Mark Catalog (N = 68), case 30
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3775
### Event 30646 (B2DD81F6)
**Date:** 7/1/1968
**Description:** A man, who lived in a third floor apartment along with his wife and young son, was watching television around midnight with his wife. It was a hot and humid summer night in Norwich, Connecticut. Suddenly the TV reception began to snow, and then they heard crying coming from the child's room. The man then caught a glimpse of someone in the room and ran to see who it was. When he got to the bedroom window he saw the figure fly away to a point about 200 feet up and several hundred feet south of the apartment building. It was headed towards a UFO that was ruby red in color. In seconds the figure was like a silver dot that had merged with the object along with 3 or 4 other dots. The object then rose to about 1000 feet and went southwest at high speed. The creature was described as about four-foot tall with large eyes and fang-like teeth. Its arms were disproportionately long, like an ape's arms. It wore a silvery colored suit and its feet did not appear to touch the ground. It seemed to float across the room and went out the open window.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1968, case #3198, citing the National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3776
### Event 30647 (E3C14A95)
**Date:** 7/2/1968
**Time:** 08:20
**Location:** COFICO, SALTA, ARG
**Description:** 2.1M being hovers / air. Glows. Glowing UFO nearby. / r8#915.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BOWEN, Charles: ENCOUNTER CASES from FLYING SAUCER REVIEW. Signet Books 1977/78. (Index 49)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8818
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **GNT:** Giant: Large/tall alien, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "1150", **HatchDesc:** "COFICO,SALTA,ARG:2.1M BEING HOVERS/AIR:GLOWS:GLOWING UFO NEARBY:/r8#915", **LatLong:** "-24.766668 -65.250003", **LatLongDMS:** "24:46:00 S 65:15:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-24.766668,-65.250003)", **State/Prov:** "SLT", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 30648 (5576F70F)
**Date:** 7/2/1968
**Time:** 11:30
**Location:** SIERRA CHICA, ARG
**Description:** Boy and 5. Pseudo-human/entity give odd written message. Animals paralyzed. Traces. / r8#916.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BOWEN, Charles: ENCOUNTER CASES from FLYING SAUCER REVIEW. Signet Books 1977/78. (Index 51)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8819
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **CVS:** Conversation/communication, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "208", **Elev:** "143", **HatchDesc:** "SIERRA CHICA,ARG:BOY+5:PSH GIVE ODD WRITTEN MSG:ANIMALS PRLZD:TRACES:/r8#916", **LatLong:** "-36.833335 -60.216670", **LatLongDMS:** "36:50:00 S 60:13:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-36.833335,-60.216670)", **State/Prov:** "Buenos Aires", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 30649 (4AF4F1FA)
**Date:** 7/2/1968
**Time:** 13:00?
**Location:** SAN LORENZO, ARG
**Description:** 5+observer(s). Saucer crosses sky on a tilt. Red flashes. Unsteady wobble.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BOWEN, Charles: ENCOUNTER CASES from FLYING SAUCER REVIEW. Signet Books 1977/78. (Index 49)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8820
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "SAN LORENZO,ARG:5+OBS:SCR CROSSES SKY ON A TILT:RED FLASHES:UNSTEADY WOBBLE:", **LatLong:** "-32.716668 -60.733336", **LatLongDMS:** "32:43:00 S 60:44:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-32.716668,-60.733336)", **State/Prov:** "STF", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30650 (213A360A)
**Date:** 7/2/1968
**Time:** 22:00
**Location:** WOOLER, ON
**Description:** Several observer(s). UFO lands / brush. Shadows raid house and grab things. / r224p60.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 208)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8821
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "208", **Elev:** "109", **HatchDesc:** "WOOLER,ON:SVRL OBS:UFO LANDS/BRUSH:SHADOWS RAID HOUSE+GRAB THINGS:/r224p60", **LatLong:** "44.177780 -77.655559", **LatLongDMS:** "44:10:40 N 77:39:20 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.177780,-77.655559)", **State/Prov:** "Ontario", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 30651 (155F5568)
**Date:** 7/2/1968
**Location:** Cofico, Argentina
**Description:** 8:15 a.m. A boy, Sola, saw, a few meters away, a strange being, about 2.10 m tall, hovering in the air, his body emitting a peculiar glow, near a bright, unknown object. (Magonia #915, FSR 68, 5) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3941
### Event 30652 (6F1930AA)
**Date:** 7/2/1968
**Location:** Sierra Chica, Argentina
**Description:** 11:25 a.m. Oscar H. Iriart, 15, saw two men of normal height, with short, white hair and red clothes, semi-transparent legs, motioning to him. The witness's horse and dog were paralyzed for several minutes. (Magonia #916, FSR 68, 5) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3942
### Event 30653 (D42F3662)
**Date:** 7/2/1968
**Location:** Sierra Chica, Argentina
**Description:** 11:25 a.m. Oscar H. Iriart, 15, saw two men of normal height, with short, white hair and red clothes, semi-transparent legs, motioning to him. Near them was an elliptical, silvery machine, 2 m long, 60 cm high, with three 50 cm legs. (Magonia #916, FSR 68, 5) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3943
### Event 30654 (27AABDE8)
**Date:** 7/2/1968
**Time:** 0815
**Location:** Cofico, Argentina
**Description:** A boy, Sola, saw, a few meters away, a strange being, about 2.10 m tall, hovering in the air, his body emitting a peculiar glow, near a bright, unknown object.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** FSR 68, 5 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_915
### Event 30655 (3BED8F2F)
**Date:** 7/2/1968
**Time:** 1125
**Location:** Sierra Chica, Argentina
**Description:** Oscar H. Iriart, 15, saw two men of normal height, with short, white hair and red clothes, semi-transparent legs, motioning to him. Near them was an elliptical, silvery machine, 2 m long, 60 cm high, with three 50 cm legs. The men gave him an envelope with a childish message and flew off. The witness's horse and dog were paralyzed for several minutes. The boy arrived home "like a madman."
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** FSR 68, 5 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_916
### Event 30656 (5D0403EC)
**Date:** 7/2/1968
**Location:** Sierra Chica, Buenos Aires, Argentina
**Description:** 11:25 a.m. Oscar Heriberto Iriart, 15, sees two men of normal height motioning to him at Sierra Chica, Buenos Aires, Argentina. They have short, white hair and red clothes. They also have semi-transparent legs because he can see through them to the grass behind. Near the men is an elliptical, silvery machine, 6.5 feet long, 2 feet high, with three legs 19 inches high. The men give him an envelope they telepathically say contains an important message, telling him to dip it in water before reading, then they fly off. Iriart dips the envelope in a puddle and finds that both the envelope and his hands are dry. The message is written in Spanish in a crude handwriting: “You are going to know the world. F. Saucer.” The witness’s horse and dog are paralyzed for several minutes. The boy arrives home terrified. The family goes to the landing site and finds three holes, each about 5 inches deep and forming an isosceles triangle, the base side measuring 6.5 feet and the other 2 sides 5.2 feet wide. At 11:15 p.m., five skeptical men \(including Police Sgt. Raúl Coronel\) from the Sierra Chica Social Club visit the landing site and declare the holes to be fake. However, they see a zigzagging light a few feet from the ground and heading their way. They drop to the ground, it passes over them, and then shoots away straight up.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Gordon Creighton, “[A](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201968%20V%2014%20N%205.pdf) [New South American ‘Wave,’](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201968%20V%2014%20N%205.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 14, no. 5 \(Sept./Oct. 1968\): 26–27
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4579
### Event 30657 (6539A55A)
**Date:** 7/2/1968
**Location:** Wooler, Ontario
**Description:** 10:00–10:30 p.m. Fred Coulthard Jr. and his brother Wayne are at a family get-together in the backyard of their father’s home in Wooler, Ontario, when they see an object with rotating red lights that agitates the family’s horses and cats. Around 11:30 p.m., poltergeist-like disturbances \(a shattered window, objects thrown around, a strong odor of roses\) begin in the house and continue for several days. “Fairy rings” are discovered on the ground in a wooded valley north of town.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Mrs. W. Greystone, “[Canada’s UFO Poltergeist,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR-SI%201969%20N%202%2CBeyond%20Condon.pdf)” in Charles Bowen, ed., Beyond Condon, special issue no. 2 of FSR, June 1969, pp. 66–68, 70
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4580
### Event 30658 (B24C365F)
**Date:** 7/2/1968
**Description:** At 11:25 a.m. 15-year old Oscar Iriart was riding his horse in Sierra Chica, Buenos Aires, Argentina and encountered two strange men who beckoned to him. They were five and a half feet tall, with thin white hair and wore red clothing. The witness noticed that their legs were semi transparent. They told him, in Spanish, "You are going to know the world. We will take you. But not now, as we have a big load." They directed his attention to an elliptical object six feet in diameter, standing on 20" tripod legs in a drainage ditch. Then one of them handed the boy an envelope, telling him to dip it into a nearby puddle. He did so, and found that neither the envelope nor his hand were wetted. In the envelope, written in a crude hand like a small child's, was the message, "You are going to know the world, F. Saucer." The two men then got into their machine through the top, and it took off vertically at great speed. Oscar found both his horse and dog paralyzed, and unable to move for some minutes. At the spot were found 3 holes 5" deep, arranged in an isosceles triangle. 5 local skeptics visited the site at 2315 that night and were amazed to observed a luminous object zigzag above them at low altitude.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1968-41, citing Raul Coronel, FSR, September-October 1968
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3788
### Event 30659 (F73EC66D)
**Date:** 7/2/1968
**Description:** At 8:15 p.m. a boy named Sola saw a bright object hovering over a nearby mountain in Cofico, Salta province, Argentina. At the same time the boy beheld at only a few meters distance from him, a "strange being about 2.10 meters in height, hanging suspended in air, his body emitting a strange luminosity." This being suddenly spun around like a top, then rose into the air and vanished above the mountain.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1968-40, citing FSR, Vol. 14, No. 5
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3789
### Event 30660 (AF7F7E1F)
**Date:** 7/2/1968
**Description:** A woman in St. Alexis de Montcalm, Quebec, Canada saw a green object shaped like a hat or mushroom at 9:14 p.m. which flew by at the height of her apartment window. She believed she saw up to 20 small men inside, all of green color with rather pointed noses, resembling sculptures in the African Pavilion at the Montreal Expo.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1968-85, citing Gene Duplantier, Saucers, Space & Science
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3790
### Event 30661 (B5FA5D49)
**Date:** 7/2/1968
**Description:** Constable M. Michaud and another police officer in St. Thomas, Quebec, Canada reported that at 9:30 p.m. they saw two naked little men run through a drainage ditch and flee. Their report stated that they thought they had cornered the "little men" but they disappeared as they were about to be apprehended. They were estimated to be only two feet tall with shoulders the size of adults and disproportionately large heads. The appearance of a large meteor at the time was also noted.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1968-42, citing Gene Duplantier, Saucers, Space & Science, Fall 1968
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3791
### Event 30662 (F1078BD6)
**Date:** 7/2/1968
**Description:** Several witnesses in Wooler, Ontario, Canada saw a bright object land on some nearby brush at 10:00 p.m.. Later several shadowy beings were seen entering nearby homes and reportedly they took several items.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1968, case #2409, citing FSR
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3792
### Event 30663 (CB07F9EA)
**Date:** 7/3/1968
**Description:** 2+1 observer(s) / 2 days. Top-saucer with lights / bottom. Object stops over car.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** STEIGER, Brad & WHRITENOUR, Joan: FLYING SAUCER INVASION. Award Books, NY 1969. 156pp PB. 15 Essays + catalog. (Index 94)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8822
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "GOSFORD+KILLARNEY,AUSTR:2+1 OBS/2days:TOP-SCR W/LITES/BOTTOM:OBJ STOPS OVR CAR", **LatLong:** "-33.400002 151.316674", **LatLongDMS:** "33:24:00 S 151:19:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-33.400002,151.316674)", **State/Prov:** "NSW", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30664 (E745DDFF)
**Date:** 7/3/1968
**Time:** 23:30
**Location:** QUILMES, ARG
**Description:** Woman abduction / city street! Never sees UFO except inside! 2 figure(s). See reference.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BOWEN, Charles: ENCOUNTER CASES from FLYING SAUCER REVIEW. Signet Books 1977/78. (Index 54)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8823
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly, **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "5", **Duration:** "20", **Elev:** "21", **HatchDesc:** "QUILMES,ARG:WOMAN ABD/CITY STREET!:NEVER SEES UFO EXCEPT INSIDE!:2 Figs:see rf", **LatLong:** "-34.750002 -58.266669", **LatLongDMS:** "34:45:00 S 58:16:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-34.750002,-58.266669)", **RelAlt:** "1", **State/Prov:** "Buenos Aires", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 30665 (21F1F73D)
**Date:** 7/3/1968
**Description:** Around midnight a man driving in a car in Colle Orlando, Italy had a tall humanoid jump onto the roadway from an embankment in front of him. The being wore blue overalls, had long hair, and a bright light shone from his chest. The being easily jumped over the car, laughed, then jumped to a hill where a small red disc was hovering.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database, 1968, case 99, citing ITACAT
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3805
### Event 30666 (42A475B7)
**Date:** 7/4/1968
**Time:** 00:10
**Location:** ITAPEVA, SP, BRZ
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Double-saucer glows and rotates. 2 photographs stolen later.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 194)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8824
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **COV:** Indication of coverup
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "825", **HatchDesc:** "ITAPEVA,SP,BRZ:2 OBS:DOUBLE-SCR GLOWS+ROTATES:2 FOTOS STOLEN LATER.", **LatLong:** "-23.933334 -48.900002", **LatLongDMS:** "23:56:00 S 48:54:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-23.933334,-48.900002)", **State/Prov:** "São Paulo", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 30667 (29682986)
**Date:** 7/4/1968
**Time:** 13:00?
**Location:** OLAVARRIA, ARG
**Description:** 2 pseudo-human/entity offer boy ride / saucer. Refuses. Tripod physical traces / ground. Saucer / separate observer(s).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 97)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8825
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **CVS:** Conversation/communication, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces, **GSA:** Covert Security Agency
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "163", **HatchDesc:** "OLAVARRIA,ARG:2 PSH OFFER BOY RIDE/SCR:refuses:TRIPOD TRCs/GND:SCR/sep.obs", **LatLong:** "-36.883335 -60.266670", **LatLongDMS:** "36:53:00 S 60:16:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-36.883335,-60.266670)", **State/Prov:** "Buenos Aires", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 30668 (FE7335BA)
**Date:** 7/5/1968
**Description:** Luminous/glowing globes and saucers. Wave / earth tremors. Local panic. APRO NOV'68?
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 2)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8826
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc.
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "15", **Elev:** "418", **HatchDesc:** "SAO MIGUEL++,BRZ:LUMn GLOBES+SCRS:WAVE/EARTH TREMORS:LOCAL PANIC:APRO NOV'68?", **LatLong:** "-6.216667 -38.500002", **LatLongDMS:** "06:13:00 S 38:30:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-6.216667,-38.500002)", **State/Prov:** "CEA", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30669 (59A0515D)
**Date:** 7/5/1968
**Time:** 19:20
**Location:** LAS CEJAS, ARG
**Description:** 2 / car. 20M cone-saucer dives going down / 10M altitude. Hovers and flashes purple and red.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 16)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8827
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "314", **HatchDesc:** "Las CEJAS,ARG:2/CAR:20M CONE-SCR DIVES↓/10M alt:HVRS+FLASHES PURPLE+RED:", **LatLong:** "-26.894446 -64.733336", **LatLongDMS:** "26:53:40 S 64:44:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-26.894446,-64.733336)", **RelAlt:** "10", **State/Prov:** "TCM", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30670 (A48AC9D6)
**Date:** 7/5/1968
**Time:** 22:30
**Location:** NORTH ADAMS, MA
**Description:** 2 observer(s) / (seen thru) binoculars. Slow green night light. Blinks out when planes pass. Continues.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FOWLER, Raymond E.: UFO'S, INTERPLANETARY VISITORS; Prentice Hall & Bantam Books, NY 1979. 346pp. (Index 337)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8828
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "4", **Elev:** "216", **HatchDesc:** "NORTH ADAMS,MA:2 OBS/BINOCS:SLO GRN NLT:BLINKS OUT WHEN PLANES PASS:CONTINUES", **LatLong:** "42.700002 -73.111115", **LatLongDMS:** "42:42:00 N 73:06:40 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.700002,-73.111115)", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 30671 (0E306C3F)
**Date:** 7/5/1968
**Description:** North Adams, Massachusetts - A green light larger than a star was seen moving slowly through the sky. Through binoculars it looked like a green ball with a reddish trail. When an airplane approached it, the object "blinked out" and then reappeared after the plane was gone.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Raymond E. Fowler, UFOs Interplanetary Visitors, pg. 353
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3844
### Event 30672 (4456C5DA)
**Date:** 7/6/1968
**Description:** Pilots and many. Cloud saucer / extreme altitude and size. Odd large maneuvers.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** AWARENESS (Quarterly) CONTACT INTERNATIONAL/UK: listed by year. (Index 77)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8829
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Republic of South Africa", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "60", **HatchDesc:** "VRYBORG+WIDE AREA,RSA:PILOTS+MANY:CLOUD SCR/XTREME ALT+SIZE:ODD LRG MNVRS:", **LatLong:** "-26.916668 24.750001", **LatLongDMS:** "26:55:00 S 24:45:00 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-26.916668,24.750001)", **State/Prov:** "ALL", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30673 (4C1FFE4A)
**Date:** 7/6/1968
**Time:** 01:20
**Location:** LA HABRA, CA
**Description:** Dog wakens 2 observer(s). 2 saucers enter bottom of huge glowing-cylinder/cigar-shape outside!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 55)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8830
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "91", **HatchDesc:** "LA HABRA,CA:DOG WAKENS 2 OBS:2 SCRS ENTER BOTTOM of HUGE GLO-CGR OUTSIDE!", **LatLong:** "33.933335 -117.950006", **LatLongDMS:** "33:56:00 N 117:57:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/33.933335,-117.950006)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 30674 (6A0E04A3)
**Date:** 7/6/1968
**Description:** At 1:17 a.m. a married couple in La Habra, California noticed a hovering cigar-shaped object with two circular objects beneath it. These two lights rose and merged into the larger object, which then took off. The couple noted that their dog was agitated during the sighting.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Gordon I. R. Lore, Strange Effects from UFOs, p. 73
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3879
### Event 30675 (FADD6D97)
**Date:** 7/7/1968
**Location:** CUESTA DL VACAS, ARG
**Description:** 5 / car. Phony train floats across road / 1M altitude! No tracks!!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PHENOMENES SPATIAUX: Group GEPA, Gen. M. Lionel Chassin Paris. Quarterly 1964?-1977. Merged into Grp. GEPAN (Index 35)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8831
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "550", **HatchDesc:** "CUESTA dl VACAS,ARG:5/CAR:PHONY TRAIN FLOATS ACROSS ROAD/1M alt!:NO TRACKS!!", **LatLong:** "-31.833335 -68.250003", **LatLongDMS:** "31:50:00 S 68:15:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-31.833335,-68.250003)", **RelAlt:** "1", **State/Prov:** "SJN", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 30676 (7930B711)
**Date:** 7/7/1968
**Time:** 10:00
**Location:** NEAR MT. CHOCOCO, CHL
**Description:** Saucer and cloud going [to] over from Argentina. Vertical then horizontal. Leave contrail.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 117)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8832
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Chile", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "3000", **HatchDesc:** "nr Mt.CHOCOCO,CHL:SCR+CLOUD > OVR fm ARGENTINA:VERTICAL THEN HZNTL:Lv CONTRAIL", **LatLong:** "-33.166668 -70.083337", **LatLongDMS:** "33:10:00 S 70:05:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-33.166668,-70.083337)", **State/Prov:** "SNT", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 30677 (FFEF2F18)
**Date:** 7/7/1968
**Time:** 22:20
**Location:** WEST SEATTLE, WA
**Description:** Private pilot follows 8 orange night lights going northeast. 3 going down / ground. 1 dives / Puget sounds (made by UFO's). / r224p98.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HAINES, Richard Ph.D: PROJECT DELTA; 1994, LDA Press, PO Box 880, Los Altos, CA 94023 USA (Index 69)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8833
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **MIL:** Military investigation, **COV:** Indication of coverup
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "35", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "W.SEATTLE,WA:Pvt PILOT FOLOS 8 ORG NLTS >NE:3 ↓/GND:1 DIVES/PUGET Snd:/r224p98", **LatLong:** "46.605558 -122.433339", **LatLongDMS:** "46:36:20 N 122:26:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.605558,-122.433339)", **State/Prov:** "Washington", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30678 (7F83ABC1)
**Date:** 7/7/1968
**Location:** Seattle, WA
**Description:** Eight ovals near Cherokee-6 (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3944
### Event 30679 (62E0BCB0)
**Date:** 7/7/1968
**Time:** 22:00:00.0
**Location:** -22.0000 -139.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Capella” YieldMax: 200KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1862
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "-22.0000 -139.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "22:00:00 S 139:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-22.0000,-139.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "France", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Capella", **NukeSource:** "CEA/DAM", **NukeType:** "NACF", **NukeYMax:** "200"
### Event 30680 (90416AE5)
**Date:** 7/8/1968
**Time:** 07:30
**Location:** LAVALLE, ARG
**Description:** 4 / car. 20M orange ovoid / low altitude. Slow and silent. Odor / wet paper. Going northwest. / LDLN#118.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 18)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8834
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **ODR:** Odors associated with UFO's
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "622", **HatchDesc:** "LAVALLE,ARG:4/CAR:20M ORG OVOID/LO ALT:SLO+SLNT:ODOR/WET PAPER:>NW:/LDLN#118", **LatLong:** "-32.727779 -68.594448", **LatLongDMS:** "32:43:40 S 68:35:40 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-32.727779,-68.594448)", **State/Prov:** "MND", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30681 (AD9FF7E7)
**Date:** 7/8/1968
**Time:** 22:30
**Location:** WARREN, OH
**Description:** 4+several / ground. 20' vertical metal cylinder/cylindrical object follows light plane. Going quickly east. / r214p104+/ MJ#243.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 55)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8835
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "272", **HatchDesc:** "WARREN,OH:4+SVRL/GND:20'VERTICL MTL CYL FOLOS LITE PLANE:>>E:/r214p104+/MJ#243", **LatLong:** "41.238891 -80.833337", **LatLongDMS:** "41:14:20 N 80:50:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.238891,-80.833337)", **State/Prov:** "Ohio", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30682 (A7B5FF49)
**Date:** 7/8/1968
**Time:** ~23:00
**Description:** All cars electro-magnetic effect (EME) / 8 hours. 1 car drawn uphill. Heat wave / 13 July. R215p134.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** STEIGER, Brad: The UFO ABDUCTORS. Berkley Books, NY 1988 (Index 44)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8836
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Chile", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "224", **Elev:** "136", **HatchDesc:** "nr CAUQUENES,CHL:ALL CARS EME/8hrs:1 CAR DRAWN UPHILL:HEAT WAVE/13JLY:r215p134", **LatLong:** "-35.966668 -72.333337", **LatLongDMS:** "35:58:00 S 72:20:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-35.966668,-72.333337)", **State/Prov:** "MAU", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 30683 (3A6286AA)
**Date:** 7/8/1968
**Location:** Warren, OH
**Description:** Object darted back & forth near Cessna 172 (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3945
### Event 30684 (14851D77)
**Date:** 7/8/1968
**Description:** Sr. Aldo Juan Santiago, with Miss Espinoza and her son and a young friend of the latter, were driving near Canota, Mendoza province, Argentina on a cold, moonlight night at around 3:00 a.m. when they saw a luminous object pass over and land near Villavicencio, about three kilometers away. The object was fluctuating in color between blue-green and yellow. They stopped and had a mid-night cookout, and toward the end of their stopover they witnessed a man approach, walking on the road to Villavicencio. He walked by making "giant strides," and came up and then passed by them without speaking. He was wearing "a sort of one piece Montgomery, fastened at the wrists & ankles." It was blue in color, with a hood over the head, and he seemed to be wearing spectacles. The area was far from any town and they had seen no one else, and no other car, on the road.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1968-87, citing Dr. Carlos Wittenstein, Cuarta Dimension, March 1976, p. 20; Oscar A. Uriondo
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3928
### Event 30685 (40A0318F)
**Date:** 7/8/1968
**Description:** A 20 foot long vertical metallic cylinder with yellow-orange body lights followed a Cessna 172 light airplane flying over Warren, Ohio at 10:20 p.m. It darted back-and-forth, then sped away to the east. The sighting lasted ten minutes and there were four witnesses.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP UFO Investigator, August 1968, p. 6; Gordon I. R. Lore, Jr., UFOs: A New Look, p. 5; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty Year Report, p. 119; Dominique Weinstein, Aircraft UFO Encounters, p. 36
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3929
### Event 30686 (CD873079)
**Date:** 7/9/1968
**Description:** 6 / car. 50cm sphere/orb/globe stops overhead. Leaves (something behind) cloud and goes.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BANCHS, Rodolfo: LAS EVIDENCIAS de los OVNI; Rudolfo Alonso Editor, Argentina. 1976 (Index 11)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8837
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "797", **HatchDesc:** "S.FRANCISCO del MONTE de ORO,ARG:6/CAR:50cm ORB STOPS OVHD:LVS CLOUD+GOES.", **LatLong:** "-32.600002 -66.138892", **LatLongDMS:** "32:36:00 S 66:08:20 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-32.600002,-66.138892)", **State/Prov:** "SLS", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30687 (094A0157)
**Date:** 7/9/1968
**Locations:** Long Beach, California; Santa Catalina Channel
**Description:** 9:35 p.m. Witnesses at Long Beach, California, see a huge, glowing, cloud-like mass over the Santa Catalina Channel for 90 minutes. Five smaller objects are seen maneuvering around it.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Ann Druffel, “[Santa Catalina](http://www.cufos.org/books/Proceedings%5Fof%5Fthe%5F1976%5FCUFOS%5FConference.pdf) [Island Recurring ‘Cloud Cigars,’](http://www.cufos.org/books/Proceedings%5Fof%5Fthe%5F1976%5FCUFOS%5FConference.pdf)” in Proceedings of the 1976 CUFOS Conference, Chicago, 1976, pp. 62–74; Herbert S. Taylor, “Satellite Objects and Cloud Cigars,” IUR 29, no. 1 \(Spring 2004\): 9–10; Ann Druffel, “Santa Catalina Channel Cloud Cigars,” IUR 31, no. 1 \(January 2007\): 13–14; Wim van Utrecht, “[‘Mother Ship’ over](https://www.caelestia.be/catalina.html) [California,](https://www.caelestia.be/catalina.html)” Caelestia, August 5, 2009
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4581
### Event 30688 (DC03F081)
**Date:** 7/9/1968
**Description:** At 11:30 p.m. two girls met a "man from another world" who tried to talk to them in La Plata, Argentina. He was six feet tall, had red hair and blue eyes, and wore a one-piece coverall uniform and a green visor that emitted flashes of light. The girls fled inside their house. Marks of four fingers were found on the door to their house.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** FSR, January-February 1970, p. 30; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case # A0948
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3957
### Event 30689 (C5E17977)
**Date:** 7/9/1968
**Description:** Three hours after the Argentine humanoid contact, at 9:35 p.m. PDT in Long Beach, California a diamond-shaped, grayish-white hazy mass was seen hovering under the full moon in the southeastern sky. At 10:05 p.m. it moved 55 degrees in a horizontal line due west. Ten minutes later it moved back to the first spot it had occupied. Five oval-shaped objects with clear edges maneuvered around it.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Ann Druffel, Proceedings of the Center for UFO Studies Conference: 1976, p. 65
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3958
### Event 30690 (9D5AA563)
**Date:** 7/10/1968
**Time:** 20:50
**Description:** 5 observer(s). Luminous/glowing body curves east going quickly southwest. Suddenly shoots to horizon.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 117)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8838
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Chile", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "220", **HatchDesc:** "QUILICOS+LOS COIPOS,CHILE:5 OBS:LUMn BODY CURVES E>>SW:SUDDENLY SHOOTS TO HRZN", **LatLong:** "-34.983335 -71.233337", **LatLongDMS:** "34:59:00 S 71:14:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-34.983335,-71.233337)", **State/Prov:** "CRC", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30691 (091A4F36)
**Date:** 7/11/1968
**Time:** 00:20
**Location:** MARCH DEL PLATA, ARG
**Description:** 2 luminous saucers maneuver. 1 dives / sea! 2nd vanishes. / MJ#130+/ r246p142.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PHENOMENES SPATIAUX: Group GEPA, Gen. M. Lionel Chassin Paris. Quarterly 1964?-1977. Merged into Grp. GEPAN (Index 18)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8839
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **SUB:** Submersible: Rises from or submerges into water, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "39", **HatchDesc:** "MAR DEL PLATA,ARG:2 LUM SCRS MNVR:1 DIVES/SEA!:2nd VANISHES:/MJ#130+/r246p142", **LatLong:** "-38.000002 -57.550003", **LatLongDMS:** "38:00:00 S 57:33:00 W", **Locale:** "Offshore", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-38.000002,-57.550003)", **State/Prov:** "Buenos Aires", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 30692 (9848C648)
**Date:** 7/11/1968
**Time:** 23:30
**Location:** CARCOUET, FR
**Description:** Luminous ball stops / intersection. Paces tractor / 90° turn. Vanishes!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PHENOMENES SPATIAUX: Group GEPA, Gen. M. Lionel Chassin Paris. Quarterly 1964?-1977. Merged into Grp. GEPAN (Index 18)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8840
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "CARCOUET,FR:LUMn.BALL STOPS/INTERSECTION:PACES TRACTOR/90° TURN:VANISHES!", **LatLong:** "47.444447 -1.455556", **LatLongDMS:** "47:26:40 N 01:27:20 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.444447,-1.455556)", **State/Prov:** "Loire Atlantique", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30693 (F3FECCDB)
**Date:** 7/11/1968
**Location:** Eielson AFB, AK
**Description:** (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) Fairbanks RAPCON Has Returns (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** NICAP: [680711](http://www.nicap.org/680711eielson%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3946
### Event 30694 (F6870B03)
**Date:** 7/12/1968
**Time:** 11:50
**Location:** NEAR AUBENAS, FR
**Description:** Domed disk hovers / 45 minute(s) over Mt. Jastres. Colored lights around edge.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LDLN CONTACT LECTEURS: by Series and #. May'68 -JAN'72 (Entire set of 18 issues) LDLN local chapters & individual members' UFO reports. (Index 40)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8841
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "45", **HatchDesc:** "nr AUBENAS,FR:DOMED DISK HVRS/45min OVR Mt.JASTRES:CLRD LITES AROUND EDGE:", **LatLong:** "44.594447 4.422222", **LatLongDMS:** "44:35:40 N 04:25:20 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.594447,4.422222)", **State/Prov:** "Ardèche", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30695 (3B531AB6)
**Date:** 7/12/1968
**Time:** 19:30
**Description:** 9 observer(s). UFO east going west. Stops / minutes. Zigzags going quickly west. 2nd UFO does same!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 117)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8842
**Attributes:** **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Chile", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "11", **Elev:** "270", **HatchDesc:** "PALQUIBUDIS,CHILE:9 OBS:UFO E>W:STOPS/MINUTES:ZIGZAGS>>W:2nd UFO DOES SAME!", **LatLong:** "-35.033335 -71.566670", **LatLongDMS:** "35:02:00 S 71:34:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-35.033335,-71.566670)", **State/Prov:** "CRC", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 30696 (4E199143)
**Date:** 7/12/1968
**Time:** 12:08:00.0
**Location:** 49.7547 78.0899
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed, salvo. Country: USSR Yield: .002KT YieldMax: 40KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1318
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.7547 78.0899", **LatLongDMS:** "49:45:17 N 78:05:24 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.7547,78.0899)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.40", **NukeSource:** "BOCHAROV", **NukeType:** "NUCS_SALVO", **NukeY:** ".002", **NukeYMax:** "40"
### Event 30697 (4111C51D)
**Date:** 7/13/1968 (approximate)
**Location:** TANDIL, ARG
**Description:** "UFO lands at Tandil Air Force Base" / news. Night lights and oval traces / grass / Nov. '68 / r180.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: ABOVE TOP SECRET; Sidgewick & Jackson, London 1987 & Quill Books, 1988. 592pp. (Index 316)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8843
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **HOX:** Suspicion of hoax, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **MIL:** Military investigation
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "18", **Elev:** "189", **HatchDesc:** "TANDIL,ARG:"UFO LANDS AT TANDIL AFB"/NEWS::NLTS+OVAL TRACES/GRASS/NOV68/r180", **LatLong:** "-37.333335 -59.166669", **LatLongDMS:** "37:20:00 S 59:10:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-37.333335,-59.166669)", **State/Prov:** "Buenos Aires", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30698 (3EF0D077)
**Date:** 7/13/1968
**Locations:** Boston, Massachusetts; State Highway 9; State Highway 128
**Description:** 10:00 p.m. [Irena Scott](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irena%5FScott) and her sister Sue Postle are traveling west of Boston, Massachusetts, on State Highway 9 when they see an unusual object to the south. They watch it intermittently after turning south on State Highway 128 and I-95. It is moving in an erratic pattern and blinking. Then they see a basketball-sized object 20–50 feet away, near the ground, and constantly changing colors. Scott pulls over to the side of the road, loads her camera, and takes five photos, only one of which shows the light.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Irena Scott, “Fear and Ambiguity in Massachusetts,” IUR 13, no. 4 \(July/Aug. 1988\): 14–17; Irena Scott, “UFO Studies in the Scientific Literature,” IUR 15, no. 4 \(July/Aug. 1990\): 18; Irena Scott, “A Photograph and Its Aftermath,” IUR 15, no. 5 \(Sept./Oct. 1990\): 12–14, 23
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4582
### Event 30699 (4EC6E9C6)
**Date:** 7/15/1968
**Location:** ARGENTINA, Salta
**Description:** (Translated from French) At 5:30 in the morning, the inhabitants of a small town were disturbed by an extremely shrill noise, which woke them up, while at the same time they were bathed in a light that penetrated the walls, while everywhere dogs were howling to death. Gradually both the noise and the light diminished, but it took a while for them to completely disappear.
**Reference:** The 1962 Ufo-Flap Remembered, Joseph Trainor, Saucer Roundup
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2517
### Event 30700 (1C004EBD)
**Date:** 7/15/1968
**Time:** 03:00
**Location:** COLUMBUS, IN
**Description:** Saucer shines wide cone / light going down [to] and narrow red beam going down. 3 'portholes' / bottom/underside. / NICAP.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Book: THE UFO ENIGMA. Report No. 83-205 SPR, Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress, June 20, 1983. UG 633 Marcia S. Smith /Aerospace, Science Policy Research Div.
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8844
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "198", **HatchDesc:** "COLUMBUS,IN:SCR SHINES WIDE CONE/LITE ↓+NARROW RED BEAM ↓:3 'PORTS'/BTM:/NICAP", **LatLong:** "39.205557 -85.922226", **LatLongDMS:** "39:12:20 N 85:55:20 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.205557,-85.922226)", **State/Prov:** "Indiana", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30701 (97F7FC33)
**Date:** 7/15/1968
**Time:** 05:30
**Location:** SALTA, ARG
**Description:** Observers frozen. Sharp whistle. Night light outside. Furniture etc. inside all glows.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BANCHS, Rodolfo: LAS EVIDENCIAS de los OVNI; Rudolfo Alonso Editor, Argentina. 1976 (Index 30)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8845
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "1183", **HatchDesc:** "SALTA,ARG:OBSs FROZEN:SHARP WHISTLE:NLT OUTSIDE:FURNITURE etc INSIDE ALL GLOWS", **LatLong:** "-24.783335 -65.416670", **LatLongDMS:** "24:47:00 S 65:25:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-24.783335,-65.416670)", **RelAlt:** "2", **State/Prov:** "SLT", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30702 (69157E7E)
**Date:** 7/15/1968
**Location:** Columbus, TN
**Description:** 3:00 a.m. UFO emitted beam-like searchlight to ground. Also narrower red beam or ray in center. (See drawing. UFOs: A New Look, pg. 44) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3947
### Event 30703 (B244357B)
**Date:** 7/15/1968
**Time:** 19:00:00.0
**Location:** -22.0000 -139.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Castor” YieldMax: 1000KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1863
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "-22.0000 -139.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "22:00:00 S 139:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-22.0000,-139.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "France", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Castor", **NukeSource:** "CEA/DAM", **NukeType:** "NACF", **NukeYMax:** "1000"
### Event 30704 (5778DFB7)
**Date:** 7/15/1968
**Description:** At three o'clock in the morning a domed disc-shaped object was seen low to the ground in Columbus, Indiana. It directed a searchlight toward the ground, and it also emitted a narrower red beam or ray.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Gordon I. R. Lore, Jr., UFOs: A New Look, p. 44
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4073
### Event 30705 (0B0EB807)
**Date:** 7/15/1968
**Description:** At 7:30 p.m. Juan Gilabert and his wife Anastasia were at their home in Mar del Plata, Argentina when Anastasia suddenly heard a loud whistling sound and felt extreme heat. Juan was in another room. At the same time a bright light seemed to descend from the ceiling. The light began to dim and she felt partially paralyzed. In a corner of the room she saw a short humanoid figure wearing a silvery suit. Frightened, she managed to grab hold of her young daughter and ran outside screaming. Several neighbors, among them Rogelio Gianomini, came to her aid and found a strange white substance on the floor and a strong sulphur-like odor in the area. Small footprints were also found. Mrs. Gilabert suffered from nervous shock after the incident.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Oscar A. Uriondo, p. 31, citing a newspaper source; Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1968, citing Carlos Daniel Ferguson, Gaceta OVNI
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4074
### Event 30706 (1CBBFAEC)
**Date:** 7/16/1968
**Time:** 00:20
**Location:** ANDACOLLO, ARG
**Description:** 5 fed cops. 2M saucer going [to] near jeep / malfunctions due to EME (electro-magnetic effects). Pale blue light. / r215p51+/ LDLN#97.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 340)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8846
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "1019", **HatchDesc:** "ANDACOLLO,ARG:5 FED COPS:2M SCR >nr JEEP/EMEs:PALE BLU LITE:/r215p51+/LDLN#97", **LatLong:** "-37.177780 -70.683337", **LatLongDMS:** "37:10:40 S 70:41:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-37.177780,-70.683337)", **State/Prov:** "NQN", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 30707 (E92E1F3B)
**Date:** 7/16/1968
**Location:** Indianapolis (near), IN
**Description:** 11:00 p.m. 15 minutes. Two men in a car stopped to rest in a field after long drive. While driving into the field, with headlights on only long enough to avoid obstructions, they encountered a light. Shortly after, a large crimson red object hovered over trees. (MUJ, issue and page unknown) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** NICAP: [680716](http://www.nicap.org/indy680716dir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3948
### Event 30708 (301D8256)
**Date:** 7/16/1968
**Location:** Andacollo, Arg
**Description:** National Police officers saw disc with blue light nearby, moving slowly. Flying Saucer Review Case Histories, Supplement 18; see Rodeghier, 1981, p. 41 (E) jeep (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3949
### Event 30709 (C163C1C4)
**Date:** 7/16/1968
**Description:** At 12:15 a.m. five police, members of the National Gendarmerie, were driving in a jeep in the mountains in Andacollo, Neuquen Province, Argentina when a disc-shaped UFO flew close to ground, emitting a pale blue light. The object was described as flat and about two meters in diameter. Their jeep's engine lost power during the five minute duration of their encounter.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Oscar A. Uriondo, FSR Case Histories, February 1974, p. 16; Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, p. 41
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4098
### Event 30710 (C22CAFAA)
**Date:** 7/17/1968
**Location:** BRAZIL, Sao Paulo
**Description:** (Translated from French) Pedro Dema Filho, residing at Conceiçao Street No. 12 in Rio de Janeiro, was at 11 pm on the main road of Sao Paulo near the Dom Bosco seminary when he heard a buzzing sound that grew louder. Suddenly he was blinded by a powerful beam of light and two green lights that appeared near him. When the lights disappeared he saw an object whose horizontal door opened, letting out four entities no more than 50 cm tall. The creatures were greenish and wore something like headphones on their heads. They ran in his direction. He tried to flee but found himself immobilized. He could still see, hear and think, but could no longer move or speak. The little creatures spoke to him in Portuguese, but he thinks it was telepathy because he never saw their lips move. Grabbing him by the arms, they pulled him inside the craft, which looked like a laboratory. He was subjected to a questionnaire and a physical examination. Bringing him outside, the abductors informed him that after their departure everything would be in his mind like a dream. Terrified and confused, he stood at the side of the road and watched the craft take off.
**Reference:** R. Jack Perrin: "The Mystery of UFOs" - J'ai Lu/Pygmalion 1976, pp. 225 and 226
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2518
### Event 30711 (6EA15A2F)
**Date:** 7/17/1968
**Location:** 37.0000 -116.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Spud” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_551
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0000 -116.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:00 N 116:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0000,-116.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Spud", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 30712 (E71A54EC)
**Date:** 7/17/1968
**Location:** São Paulo Highway in Brazil
**Description:** Late evening. A civil servant is allegedly snatched off the São Paulo Highway in Brazil and taken into a UFO by four green entities wearing devices that look like headphones. While he is in a state of paralysis, they question him via telepathy about human customs, physiology, and reproduction. The creatures depart abruptly as if in response to instructions.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Gordon Creighton, “[Physical Examination by ‘Miniature Martians,’](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201969%20V%2015%20N%205.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 15, no. 5 \(Sept./Oct. 1969\): 32, 34; Clark III 279
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4583
### Event 30713 (58BADF4D)
**Date:** 7/17/1968
**Description:** Near Rio de Janeiro, Brazil at around eleven p.m. a civil servant named Pedro Dema Filho heard a loud humming noise and was blinded by a powerful beam of light accompanied by two green lamps. These vanished, and from a door in a UFO emerged four short greenish entities not much over 20 inches tall, wearing something like headphones. They quickly approached and paralyzed him, and he was unable to run away. They next seized him and dragged him into their craft, the interior of which “looked like a laboratory”. There they questioned him, apparently using telepathy, at length about human customs. They didn't seem to have mouths. After that, they undressed him and conducted a detailed physical examination. They put a luminous wire device into his mouth that made his body appear transparent. During this procedure his limbs felt cold, his head felt like it was spinning, and his tongue felt like it had “turned to stone.” They finally released him, and he watched the craft fly off leaving a luminous trail. He felt no subsequent ill effects.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Gordon Creighton, FSR, September-October 1969, p. 32, citing Gazeta Noticia, July 21, 1968; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case # 1968-46, citing FSR
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4133
### Event 30714 (9977AEAD)
**Date:** 7/18/1968
**Time:** 00:20
**Location:** CHOS MALAL, ARG
**Description:** 3 / car stop. 3 moon-size disks hover / 20 minute(s). Never move. Observer(s) go away.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 340)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8847
**Attributes:** **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "20", **Elev:** "807", **HatchDesc:** "CHOS MALAL,ARG:3/CAR STOP:3 MOONSIZE DISKS HVR/20min:NEVER MOVE:OBS go away", **LatLong:** "-37.383335 -70.283337", **LatLongDMS:** "37:23:00 S 70:17:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-37.383335,-70.283337)", **State/Prov:** "NQN", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30715 (031A8095)
**Date:** 7/18/1968
**Time:** 03:00?
**Location:** RAFAELA, ARG
**Description:** Several observer(s) weakened. Big night light rumbles by. Unintelligible voices heard.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BANCHS, Rodolfo: LAS EVIDENCIAS de los OVNI; Rudolfo Alonso Editor, Argentina. 1976 (Index 67)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8848
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **TLP:** Telepathy, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "91", **HatchDesc:** "RAFAELA,ARG:SVRL OBS WEAKENED:BIG NLT RUMBLES BY:UNINTELLIGIBLE VOICES HEARD:", **LatLong:** "-31.272224 -61.483336", **LatLongDMS:** "31:16:20 S 61:29:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-31.272224,-61.483336)", **State/Prov:** "STF", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 30716 (069D09CA)
**Date:** 7/18/1968
**Locations:** Truro, Nova Scotia; Onslow Mountain
**Description:** 1:05 a.m. RCMP Constable W. J. Whyte and his wife spot a yellow circular object at high altitude moving west to east near Truro, Nova Scotia. It looks like a satellite, but turns reddish before disappearing in the distance. At 1:10 p.m., a couple near Onslow Mountain a few miles to the north see a rosy red light in the southwest hovering just above the trees. They watch it for 15 minutes before it moves and accelerates out of sight.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Chris Rutkowski, Canada’s UFOs: Declassified, August Night, 2022, pp. 70–71
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4584
### Event 30717 (5BE86939)
**Date:** 7/18/1968
**Description:** At 7:30 a.m. three schoolteachers encountered a reddish-orange, oval-shaped object a few meters above the ground while driving to work in Lavalle, Argentina. It was about 20 meters in diameter and gave off the smell of wet paper. One witness felt drowsy from the smell.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Oscar A. Uriondo, FSR Case Histories, February 1974, p. 16
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4171
### Event 30718 (1C7793AB)
**Date:** 7/19/1968
**Time:** 03:20
**Description:** 3 separate observer(s) over 150min. Large domed saucer with windows?
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** STEIGER, Brad & WHRITENOUR, Joan: FLYING SAUCER INVASION. Award Books, NY 1969. 156pp PB. 15 Essays + catalog. (Index 94)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8849
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "150", **HatchDesc:** "PERTH SUBURBS,AUSTR:3 SEP.OBS OVR 150min:LRG DOMED SCR W/WINDOWS?:", **LatLong:** "-31.866668 115.883339", **LatLongDMS:** "31:52:00 S 115:53:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-31.866668,115.883339)", **State/Prov:** "Western Australia", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30719 (E75A3426)
**Date:** 7/20/1968
**Location:** ESTONIA, Vesti (Otepaa)
**Description:** (Translated from French) Three 14-year-old girls, at a summer camp near Lake Kaarna, were sitting around a table at the back of the house between midnight and 1:00 a.m. when they suddenly saw a star moving at great speed, joining a cigar-shaped object that had suddenly appeared and entering it. It was quite frightening, but since it was late, they were going to bed. As they were undressing, their room was flooded with light, and the large, shining cigar was then 150 m away. It was like a bus, surrounded by orange and yellow beams of light. The large light disappeared, but there was a luminous mist that shone with a bluish-green color. Around the object there was a belt of the same color. The object seemed to become smaller and finally there was only a disc. The blue light was very frightening to the teenagers. This had been going on for five minutes when they heard a very faint buzzing and the object disappeared, they do not know how. One of the young girls felt the need to go out and see, and at the corner of the house she saw a small human figure, a little woman with a silver ribbon crossing her chest. This good woman simply vanished into the air, and the young girl quickly returned to her room with her friends. They did not sleep all night. The next day, where they had seen the craft, they found an almost circular trace of 2 m in diameter with burned grass, and then another and another: over 180 m there were several of these imprints.
**Reference:** International Ufo Reporter vol. 2, no. 12 - 1977
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2519
### Event 30720 (64BE8800)
**Date:** 7/20/1968
**Time:** 02:20
**Location:** MOCHA ISLAND, CHL
**Description:** 5 / airport. Brilliant white saucer. Stops / 5 minute(s). Airplane sound. Going quickly west. / LDLN#117.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 825)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8850
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Chile", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "15", **Elev:** "218", **HatchDesc:** "MOCHA Isl,CHL:5/AIRPORT:BRILL.WHT SCR:STOPS/5min:AIRPLANE SOUND:>>W:/LDLN#117", **LatLong:** "-38.350002 -73.916670", **LatLongDMS:** "38:21:00 S 73:55:00 W", **Locale:** "Islands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-38.350002,-73.916670)", **State/Prov:** "ARC", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 30721 (65C2A0FE)
**Date:** 7/20/1968
**Locations:** Kaarnajärv; Otepää; Valga County, Estonia
**Description:** After 12:00 midnight. Three 14-year-old girls at a summer camp at Kaarnajärv, near Otepää, Valga County, Estonia, see a swiftly moving star and a cigar-shaped object in the distance that quickly disappears. Somewhat disturbed, they decide to retire to bed. Through a window they see a bright object about 165 feet away. It is surrounded by reddish-orange and yellow beams of light. Soon it goes out, leaving only a dark greenish nebula with a blue-green ring around it that illuminates the surrounding woods. They watch it for about 5 minutes until it blinks out. One of the girls goes outside and sees a female figure, less than 5 feet tall and wearing a silver ribbon, standing where the object had been. It vanishes. The next morning, they find a circular burnt area about 6 feet in diameter and four wedge-shaped prints in the soil.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Juri Lina, “[UFO Landings in Estonia,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201978%20vol%2024%20no1.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 24, no. 1 \(June 1978\): 3–4
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4585
### Event 30722 (FEDBF797)
**Date:** 7/20/1968
**Description:** At 12:30 a.m. three 14-year-old girls at a summer camp on Lake Kaarna, Estonia were sitting outside eating when they saw a bright light descend overhead and join up with a cigar-shaped craft that had just appeared. The objects soon disappeared. Moments later, after the witnesses had gone inside their cabin, they saw a bright orange bus-shaped object on the ground about 50 meters away. It was surrounded by dazzling beams of orange yellow light, which suddenly dimmed and the object began emitting a green blue light. It had a blue green stripe around it and seemed to shrink in size, and after a few minutes the witnesses heard a buzzing sound and the object disappeared behind some bushes. One of the witnesses ran to where the object had been and saw a small human-like figure that had feminine features; the figure was standing where the object had been, and she seemed to be wearing a shiny silvery ribbon across her chest. The being suddenly rose up into the air and vanished. The next day strange ground markings were found at the site.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Juri Lina, FSR, June 1978, p. 3; Larry Hatch, U computer database, citing FSR
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4245
### Event 30723 (892B0E03)
**Date:** 7/20/1968
**Description:** A man on a hiking trip near Cluj-Napoca, Romania was scanning the field with his binoculars at eleven o'clock in the morning when he noticed four bizarre looking humanoids standing on a field. The humanoids were standing around apparently inspecting the area except for one that appeared to be lying prone on the ground. These human like figures appeared to be naked or topless as if sunning themselves in a beach. As he watched, five minutes later a large gray balloon shaped object appeared above some trees. It was flying in a west-east direction and appeared to be about 25 meters in diameter. At one point the object ejected a small sphere that descended in a vertical parabolic trajectory disappearing behind the trees. Soon 4 bell-parachute shaped objects appeared and descend over each of the humanoids covering them completely, each of the humanoids raised their arms as if waiting to be covered by the objects. The parachute like objects then disappeared along with the humanoids. The witness described the humanoids as about 1.40 meters in height, of a robust build with short muscular legs and over-developed calves. Their skin was dark reddish in color and their hair was dark and swarthy. Their heads and faces were peculiar since they had dog or canine-like characteristics.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1968, citing Calin Turcu, Romania
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4246
### Event 30724 (F110719D)
**Date:** 7/21/1968
**Description:** Fireballs ovoids and luminous/glowing rings maneuver all over area. Large. Low altitude.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** STEIGER, Brad & WHRITENOUR, Joan: FLYING SAUCER INVASION. Award Books, NY 1969. 156pp PB. 15 Essays + catalog. (Index 98)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8851
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "16", **HatchDesc:** "DELAND+DeLEON SPRINGS,FL:FBLS OVOIDS+LUMn RINGS MNVR ALL OVR AREA:LRG:LOW alt", **LatLong:** "29.050001 -81.300004", **LatLongDMS:** "29:03:00 N 81:18:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/29.050001,-81.300004)", **State/Prov:** "Florida", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 30725 (C9C84397)
**Date:** 7/21/1968
**Time:** 00:30
**Location:** OTEPAA, ESTONIA
**Description:** Several / camp. Saucer / cylinder/cigar-shape. Woods lit. Buzz. Figure / ground vanishes. Ground burnt.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 289)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8852
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Estonia, Latvia& Lithuania", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "OTEPAA,ESTONIA:SVRL/CAMP:SCR/CGR:WOODS LIT:BUZZ:FIG/GND VANISHES:GND BURNT", **LatLong:** "58.050003 26.533335", **LatLongDMS:** "58:03:00 N 26:32:00 E", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/58.050003,26.533335)", **State/Prov:** "OTP", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 30726 (7864F728)
**Date:** 7/21/1968
**Time:** 01:30
**Description:** 4 / car. "Venus" shoots beams. Descends. Stops. Going quickly east over mountains.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 118)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8853
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "30", **Elev:** "2000", **HatchDesc:** "NE/USPALLATA,ARG:4/CAR:"VENUS" SHOOTS BEAMS:DESCENDS:STOPS:>>E OVR MOUNTAINS", **LatLong:** "-32.500002 -69.216670", **LatLongDMS:** "32:30:00 S 69:13:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-32.500002,-69.216670)", **State/Prov:** "MND", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30727 (012BC2B6)
**Date:** 7/22/1968
**Time:** 01:20
**Location:** MENDOZA, ARG
**Description:** Mushroom-saucer lands. Lights clinic. Flashes. 80cm spot / ground. Radiation/radioactivity. / r180p58.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 107)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8854
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **RDA:** Radiation/high energy fields detected, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "842", **HatchDesc:** "MENDOZA,ARG:MUSHROOM-SCR LANDS:LITES CLINIC:FLASHES:80cm SPOT/GND:RDA:/r180p58", **LatLong:** "-32.866668 -68.833337", **LatLongDMS:** "32:52:00 S 68:50:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-32.866668,-68.833337)", **State/Prov:** "MND", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 30728 (473CC64B)
**Date:** 7/22/1968
**Time:** 05:10
**Description:** 2 / car. Circular object shoots rainbow beams. Paces car. Shoots away.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 118)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8855
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "1544", **HatchDesc:** "nr El SOSNEADO,ARG:2/CAR:CIRC.OBJ SHOOTS RAINBOW BEAMS:PACES CAR:SHOOTS AWAY", **LatLong:** "-35.083335 -69.583337", **LatLongDMS:** "35:05:00 S 69:35:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-35.083335,-69.583337)", **State/Prov:** "MND", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30729 (8D175D1F)
**Date:** 7/22/1968
**Time:** 14:00
**Location:** BAHIA BLANCA, ARG
**Description:** Many observer(s). Strange big jet with very short wings circles airport. Very slow.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** KEEL, John: OPERATION TROJAN HORSE; Putnam's Sons, NY 1970. (Index 122)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8856
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "21", **HatchDesc:** "BAHIA BLANCA,ARG:MANY OBS:STRANGE BIG JET W/VSHORT WINGS CIRCLES AIRPORT:VSLOW", **LatLong:** "-38.700002 -62.283336", **LatLongDMS:** "38:42:00 S 62:17:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-38.700002,-62.283336)", **State/Prov:** "Buenos Aires", **Strangeness:** "2"
### Event 30730 (AB04D32B)
**Date:** 7/22/1968
**Location:** Mendoza, Argentina
**Description:** 1:20 a.m. Entities observed. Ms. Adela Casalvieri, night nurse at the Neuropsychiatry Hospital, heard a loud penetrating humming noise outside in the hospital courtyard. Going out to see what it was, she observed a saucer-shaped landed object only 20 meters away. It was brightly luminous and sitting in the middle of the courtyard. A luminous red beam came from the object and struck her, and she found that her legs were paralyzed. (David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1968-89, citing G. J. Gianza Paz & A. M. Baragiola). (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)
**Reference:** NICAP: [680722](http://www.nicap.org/mendoza680722dir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3950
### Event 30731 (293C75D6)
**Date:** 7/22/1968
**Location:** Sheffield, South Yorkshire, England
**Description:** Around 12:00 midnight. Off-duty police constable Martyn Johnson is walking with his girlfriend in Sheffield, South Yorkshire, England, when they see two lights approaching them from above a nearby park. They are giving off many colored lights. As they hover above a nearby house, the couple’s poodle becomes agitated and runs off. The two lights then become four and arrange themselves in an oblong formation. All at once they vanish at terrific speed, following a railway to the northeast. A few hours later, Johnson is awakened and told to report to police headquarters, where there are two “government men” waiting to quiz him about the sighting. They desperately try to convince him that he has seen an aircraft or helicopter. They tell him he is sworn to secrecy for the next 25 years. When he asks what he has seen, they tell him, “What you have seen is an unidentified flying object or UFO. Some people call them spaceships, and if the people of the world knew how many genuine sightings there were like yours, there would be total panic.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** UFOFiles2, [pp. 82–83](https://archive.org/details/the-ufo-files-the-inside-story-of-real-life-sightings-david-clarke/page/n135/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4586
### Event 30732 (64AA9A95)
**Date:** 7/22/1968
**Location:** Dr. Carlos Pereyra Neuropsychiatric Hospital at Ituzaingó 2837, Mendoza, Argentina
**Description:** 1:20 a.m. Adela Casalvieri de Panassiti, 45, night nurse at the Dr. Carlos Pereyra Neuropsychiatric Hospital at Ituzaingó 2837, Mendoza, Argentina, hears a loud, penetrating, humming noise outside in the hospital courtyard. Going out to see what it is, she observes a mushroom-shaped landed object only 65 feet away. It is luminous and sitting in the middle of the courtyard. A bright red beam comes from the object and strikes her, and she finds that her legs are paralyzed. Putting her hands up to her face for protection, she discovers she is completely unable to move. She remains immobilized for a number of minutes until the red beam is extinguished. At this time, the object ascends vertically then flies off rapidly to the south, barely clearing the wall that surrounds the courtyard. Before it disappears, she is able to observe several human-looking figures through square portholes that encircle the craft. These beings move back and forth, passing each other, and are visible from the waist up only. A lead- gray stain, 31 x 12 inches, that smells of sulfur is found at the landing site. It persists for two days. Several small potted trees are burned. Casalvieri de Panassiti has first-degree burns on her face and hands \(an allergic reaction?\), and parts of her nurse’s cap and clothing are singed. In addition, her watch, which has stopped at 1:30 a.m., is found to be radioactive, as is her ring. The daughters of a garrison commander witness a luminous, egg- shaped object at the same time from the garrison casino.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Argentina: Hospital Landing at El Sauce,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201968%20V%2014%20N%206.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 14, no. 6 \(Nov./Dec. 1968\): 32; Roberto Banchs, “Mendoza: Agitacion por Apariciones de OVNIs \(22 Julio y 09 Ago 1968\),” Visión OVNI, November 11, 2008; Scott Corrales, “[1968: A Nurse Burned by an](http://inexplicata.blogspot.com/2011/07/1968-nurse-burned-by-alleged-ufo-ce-2.html) [Alleged UFO \(CE-2\),](http://inexplicata.blogspot.com/2011/07/1968-nurse-burned-by-alleged-ufo-ce-2.html)” Inexplicata, July 25, 2011
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4587
### Event 30733 (41041546)
**Date:** 7/22/1968
**Description:** At 1:20 a.m. in Mendoza, Argentina Ms. Adela Casalvieri, night nurse at the Neuropsychiatry Hospital, heard a loud penetrating humming noise outside in the hospital courtyard. Going out to see what it was, she observed a saucer-shaped landed object only 20 meters away. It was brightly luminous and sitting in the middle of the courtyard. A luminous red beam came from the object and struck her, and she found that her legs were paralyzed. Putting her hands up to her face for protection she now found she was completely unable to move. She remained immobilized for a number of minutes until the red beam was extinguished. At this time the object ascended vertically, then flew off rapidly to the south barely clearing the wall that surrounded the courtyard. Before it disappeared she was able to observe several human-looking figures through square portholes that encircled the craft. These beings moved back and forth, passing each other, and were visible from the waist up only. Landing gear imprints were found at the landing site and several small potted trees had been burned. Mrs Casalvieri had first-degree burns on her face and hands, and parts of her nurse's cap and clothing were singed. In addition, her watch, which had stopped at 1:30 a.m., was found to be radioactive, as was her ring.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1968-89, citing G. J. Gianza Paz & A. M. Baragiola
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4300
### Event 30734 (CAE3DFC9)
**Date:** 7/22/1968
**Description:** In the evening six young girls, ages 7 to 13, reported they saw a figure they described as "The Virgin Mary" in St. Bruno, Quebec. The apparition appeared before them hovering in the air. Four of the girls just saw the figure, but two also heard a voice they described as "soft and slow." It advised them to pray and promised to return on October 7. That same evening in St. Basile, Quebec a boy reported seeing a man like figure that was apparently airborne and "seemed to be walking in the sky, without any visible means of propulsion."
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** John A. Keel, UFOs: Operation Trojan Horse
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4301
### Event 30735 (343653C5)
**Date:** 7/23/1968
**Time:** 01:00
**Location:** BAURU, BRZ
**Description:** Powerplant guard buzzed / probe. Paralyzed / 3 men. Fly away / VW bus. / r113p159.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 2)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8857
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "535", **HatchDesc:** "BAURU,BRZ:POWERPLANT GUARD BUZZED/PROBE:PRLZED/3 MEN:FLY AWAY/VW BUS:/r113p159", **LatLong:** "-22.333334 -49.066669", **LatLongDMS:** "22:20:00 S 49:04:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-22.333334,-49.066669)", **State/Prov:** "São Paulo", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 30736 (58C5DD42)
**Date:** 7/23/1968
**Time:** 01:30
**Description:** 2 / car. 30M saucer hovers over sea. Wobbles. Haze / light / underside.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BANCHS, Rodolfo: LAS EVIDENCIAS de los OVNI; Rudolfo Alonso Editor, Argentina. 1976 (Index 12)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8858
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **SUB:** Submersible: Rises from or submerges into water, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "39", **HatchDesc:** "MAR DEL PLATA.ARG:2/CAR:30M SCR HVRS OVR SEA:WOBBLES:HAZE/LITE/UNDERSIDE", **LatLong:** "-38.000002 -57.566669", **LatLongDMS:** "38:00:00 S 57:34:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-38.000002,-57.566669)", **State/Prov:** "Buenos Aires", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30737 (ABC736B1)
**Date:** 7/23/1968
**Time:** 01:50
**Location:** MULHOUSE, FR
**Description:** 1 observer. Huge orange disk going [to] behind trees 2km away. Fast gradual ascent going quickly northeast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LDLN CONTACT LECTEURS: by Series and #. May'68 -JAN'72 (Entire set of 18 issues) LDLN local chapters & individual members' UFO reports. (Index 16)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8859
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "MULHOUSE,FR:1 OBS:HUGE ORG.DISK > BHND TREES 2km AWAY:FAST GRADUAL ASCENT >>NE", **LatLong:** "47.750002 7.350000", **LatLongDMS:** "47:45:00 N 07:21:00 E", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.750002,7.350000)", **State/Prov:** "Haut-Rhin", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30738 (1C326694)
**Date:** 7/23/1968
**Time:** 17:40
**Location:** COQUIMBO, CHILE
**Description:** 2 separate observer(s). Metallic object dives to sea. Flames and smoke trail. Unidentified / NASA.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 95)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8860
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **SUB:** Submersible: Rises from or submerges into water, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **GSA:** Covert Security Agency, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Chile", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "COQUIMBO,CHILE:2 SEP.OBS:MTLC OBJ DIVES TO SEA:FLAMES+SMOKE TRAIL:UID/NASA", **LatLong:** "-29.966668 -71.350003", **LatLongDMS:** "29:58:00 S 71:21:00 W", **Locale:** "Offshore", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-29.966668,-71.350003)", **State/Prov:** "CQM", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 30739 (8F2AE9AC)
**Date:** 7/23/1968
**Time:** 19:30
**Description:** 1 observer. Brilliant blue object zigzags and emits orange sparks. / Lumieres dans la Nuit (monthly, Paris) page 6.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 117)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8861
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Chile", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "270", **HatchDesc:** "PALQUEBUDIS,CHILE:1 OBS:BRILL.BLUE OBJ ZIGZAGS+EMITS ORANGE SPARKS:/LDLN pg 6.", **LatLong:** "-35.016668 -71.566670", **LatLongDMS:** "35:01:00 S 71:34:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-35.016668,-71.566670)", **State/Prov:** "CRC", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30740 (F15D3E33)
**Date:** 7/23/1968
**Time:** 20:30
**Location:** NORTH / SENDAI, JAPAN
**Description:** Scout troop. Silent dull-metallic 40' saucer with 12 lights / underside.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** STEIGER, Brad & WHRITENOUR, Joan: FLYING SAUCER INVASION. Award Books, NY 1969. 156pp PB. 15 Essays + catalog. (Index 101)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8862
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Japan", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "4", **HatchDesc:** "N/SENDAI,JAPAN:SCOUT TROOP:SLNT DULL-MTLC 40'SCR W/12 LITES/UNDERSIDE:", **LatLong:** "38.366668 141.033340", **LatLongDMS:** "38:22:00 N 141:02:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.366668,141.033340)", **State/Prov:** "Honshu Island", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30741 (21CC0FD2)
**Date:** 7/23/1968
**Locations:** CESP electrical substation near Bauru, São Paulo, Brazil; Lins
**Description:** 1:00 a.m. Daíldo de Oliveira, a night watchman for the CESP electrical substation near Bauru, São Paulo, Brazil, confronts three intruders who overpower him outside a control center building. A large UFO 50 feet tall is resting nearby on the ground; it takes off in a zigzag pattern towards the city of Lins.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clark III 183–185; Brazil 93–98
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4588
### Event 30742 (7B767C41)
**Date:** 7/23/1968
**Description:** In Bauru, Sao Paulo state, Brazil a night watchman named Oliveira was on duty at the Central Electric Power Station at 1:00 a.m. when he saw a helmeted figure. Suspecting it was a criminal intruder, he tried to strike him with a metal crowbar but the figure dodged the blows and was soon joined by two other accomplices. They quickly overpowered the guard. One of the men, who, unlike the others, was dressed in yellow coveralls, uttered some unintelligible words. The security guard called out for help, at which point the three men boarded a gray colored, unlighted vehicle the size of a Volkswagen station wagon, and flew off into the air. The men were about the same size as the witness, about five foot five inches in height.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** APRO Bulletin, November-December 1968, p. 1; Jader U. Pereira, Les Extra-Terrestres, p. 208, citing SBEDV; Walter Buhler, FSR Case Histories, December 1970, p. 11; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1968-49 (A0953), citing APRO Bulletin
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4323
### Event 30743 (272857AD)
**Date:** 7/23/1968
**Description:** At 5:40 p.m. a metallic object dove into the sea at Playa Penuelas, Chile. It trailed flames and smoke as it plunged downward. At 7:30 p.m. a brilliant blue object zigzagged through the sky over Palquebudis, Chile emitting orange sparks.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Roberto Enrique Banchs, Las Evidencias del Fenomeno OVNI; Larry Hatch, U computer database
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4324
### Event 30744 (D4BE5BFC)
**Date:** 7/24/1968
**Description:** Several UFO's shoot luminous/glowing rays near Mt. Manquehue. No planes up.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 117)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8863
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Chile", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "636", **HatchDesc:** "LO CASTILLO Apt,CHILE:SVRL UFOS SHOOT LUMn RAYS nr Mt.MANQUEHUE:NO PLANES UP", **LatLong:** "-33.450002 -70.450003", **LatLongDMS:** "33:27:00 S 70:27:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-33.450002,-70.450003)", **State/Prov:** "SNT", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 30745 (19F3628C)
**Date:** 7/24/1968
**Time:** 19:00
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Enormous luminous/glowing object going quickly west to sea. Type unknown. / La Prensa.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 117)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8864
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Chile", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "270", **HatchDesc:** "nr PALQUEBUDIS,CHILE:2 OBS:ENORMOUS LUMn OBJ >>W TO SEA:TYPE UNK:/La PRENSA", **LatLong:** "-35.000002 -71.583337", **LatLongDMS:** "35:00:00 S 71:35:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-35.000002,-71.583337)", **State/Prov:** "CRC", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30746 (C7613FF1)
**Date:** 7/24/1968
**Description:** At 10:30 p.m. a cigar shaped object with a bright light flew behind some trees in the community of Oldeboorn, The Netherlands. A smaller object flew between the houses close to the ground. Dogs barked, and the witness was terrified.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** UFO Nachtrichten, November 1968; Gordon I. R. Lore, Jr., Strange Effects from UFOs, p. 73
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4355
### Event 30747 (558555A1)
**Date:** 7/25/1968
**Location:** ARGENTINA, Olavarria
**Description:** (Translated from French) It was in the morning on an airfield. The four military personnel were intrigued by an intense glow on a rescue track. They went to the site in a jeep and saw a round craft, equipped with landing gear and equipped with headlights of different colors that was stationary on the ground. Three beings descended. Their size: 2 m. They had a human appearance but were dressed in phosphorescent uniforms. The frightened military personnel saw that the beings were coming towards them. The brigadier who commanded the group decided to shoot them, but in his nervousness, he fortunately did not hit them. The beings had luminous balls in their hands and these balls shot rays at the soldiers who were paralyzed. Immediately the strange visitors returned to their craft which flew away at full speed. (Jean FERGUSON: "Everything about Flying Saucers", ed. Leméac, Ottawa, 1972, p. 201). The corporal ordered the "invaders" to surrender and as they did not obey, he fired a burst of machine gun, which had no effect either on the craft or on the invaders. But at the same time the military personnel were paralyzed, for three minutes, by rays from bright spheres that the beings held in one hand raised above their heads. When the military personnel regained their senses, the UFO had left and was only a small point fading in the sky.
**Reference:** Henry DURRANT: "First Investigations on Humanoid ET" - Laffont 1977 - p. 67, 68
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2520
### Event 30748 (4C3B62E3)
**Date:** 7/25/1968
**Time:** ~01:00
**Description:** Mechanic / car frozen. Ovoid shoots rays. Fast turn going quickly east to mountains.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 118)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8865
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Chile", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "530", **HatchDesc:** "BARRIGA HILL,CHILE:MECHANIC/CAR FROZEN:OVOID SHOOTS RAYS:FAST TURN >>E to MTNs", **LatLong:** "-33.450002 -70.666670", **LatLongDMS:** "33:27:00 S 70:40:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-33.450002,-70.666670)", **State/Prov:** "SNT", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 30749 (C50FC51B)
**Date:** 7/25/1968
**Time:** 02:00
**Location:** LA PASTORA, ARG
**Description:** 3 / car / malfunctions due to EME (electro-magnetic effects). 20' silver top-saucer hovers / 10M altitude. / r215p51. / r79p41+/ r41.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 16)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8866
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "6", **Elev:** "146", **HatchDesc:** "LA PASTORA,ARG:3/CAR/EMES:20'SLVR TOP-SCR HVRS/10M alt:/r215p51:/r79p41+/r41", **LatLong:** "-37.133335 -59.366669", **LatLongDMS:** "37:08:00 S 59:22:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-37.133335,-59.366669)", **RelAlt:** "10", **State/Prov:** "Buenos Aires", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 30750 (B1022B1E)
**Date:** 7/25/1968
**Time:** 10:00
**Description:** 2+1 observer(s). "Cloud" going up [to] vertically. Turns horizontal. Shoots away fast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 118)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8867
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Chile", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "174", **HatchDesc:** "NE/MELLIPILLA,CHILE:2+1 OBS:"CLOUD" ↑ VERTICALLY:TURNS HZNTL:SHOOTS AWAY FAST", **LatLong:** "-33.700002 -71.216670", **LatLongDMS:** "33:42:00 S 71:13:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-33.700002,-71.216670)", **State/Prov:** "SNT", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 30751 (92065216)
**Date:** 7/25/1968
**Time:** 20:30
**Location:** CURICA PROV, CHILE
**Description:** Huge bluish UFO shoots orange rays all over province. Many towns.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 118)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8868
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Chile", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "30", **Elev:** "220", **HatchDesc:** "CURICA Prov,CHILE:HUGE BLUISH UFO SHOOTS ORG RAYS ALL OVR PROVINCE:MANY TOWNS", **LatLong:** "-35.000002 -71.250003", **LatLongDMS:** "35:00:00 S 71:15:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-35.000002,-71.250003)", **State/Prov:** "CRC", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 30752 (253A4941)
**Date:** 7/25/1968
**Time:** 20:30
**Description:** 7 / bus and separate observer(s). Fireball buzzes bus. Stops. Continues north going quickly south.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 118)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8869
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Chile", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "174", **HatchDesc:** "LARAQUETE-CURANILAHUE,CHILE:7/BUS+SEP.OBS:FBL BUZZES BUS:STOPS:CONTINUES N>>S", **LatLong:** "-37.466668 -73.350003", **LatLongDMS:** "37:28:00 S 73:21:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-37.466668,-73.350003)", **State/Prov:** "BIO", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30753 (A8D3E697)
**Date:** 7/25/1968
**Location:** LaPastora, Arg
**Description:** Silvery, spinning top hovered near road, rose quickly and sped away; engine restarted by itself. Flying Saucer Review Case Histories, Supplement 16; see Rodeghier, 1981, p. 41 (E) car (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3951
### Event 30754 (43CEF987)
**Date:** 7/25/1968
**Locations:** Highway 226; La Pastora, Buenos Aires, Argentina
**Description:** 2:00 a.m. Juan Sivori, his wife, and a daughter see a silver object shaped like a spinning top a they are driving along Highway 226 near La Pastora, Buenos Aires, Argentina. It is only 115 feet from them and the size of a truck. The engine of their car stops running as the UFO hovers for about 5 minutes at a height of 33 feet. When it rises into the air and vanishes, the car engine starts up again.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Oscar A. Uriondo, “[Preliminary Catalogue of Type](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR-CH%201973%20N%2016.pdf) [I Cases in Argentina, Part 4,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR-CH%201973%20N%2016.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review Case Histories, no. 16 \(August 1973\): 11
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4589
### Event 30755 (C288A10C)
**Date:** 7/25/1968
**Description:** At 2:05 a.m. in Olavarria, Buenos Aires, Argentina a corporal and several other soldiers went to a spot where a UFO, emitting multicolored flashes and making a droning sound, appeared about to land. It settled to the ground and three beings more than six feet tall, wearing silvery uniforms, emerged and advanced with slow, unsteady steps toward the soldiers. The corporal fired a burst of submachine gun fire at them, upon which the beings lifted up their hands to show a small luminous ball, whereupon all the witnesses were overcome by a strange lassitude and were incapable of using their guns. Only after the beings re-entered the UFO and it had taken off with a zigzag motion did the soldiers recover their faculties.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1968-50, citing newspaper source
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4384
### Event 30756 (BA44E73F)
**Date:** 7/25/1968
**Description:** At 5:30 a.m. Oscar Augustin D'Onofrio was traveling on Route 3 in General Alvear, Buenos Aires, Argentina when he observed at the 37 km mark, 100 meters away from the road, a luminous spot that gradually increased in size. The engine of his car stopped working, and the witness remained paralyzed without being able to move. Moments later there emerged a "spaceship," which shot out sparks. He saw two figures, but at that distance he could not make out their characteristics. The UFO rose up and disappeared.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1968-90, citing Carlos Banchs
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4385
### Event 30757 (4B80A38B)
**Date:** 7/25/1968
**Description:** A family of three in Pastora, Argentina saw a silvery object about 25 feet in diameter. The engine of their car began to slow down, then die completely as the object came near. The object, which looked like a spinning top, hovered for five minutes only 10 meters from the road. Then it rose quickly and vanished — the engine came back on by itself.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, case 243, citing FSR Case Histories, Supplement No. 16
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4386
### Event 30758 (2D9AC030)
**Date:** 7/26/1968
**Time:** 01:50
**Location:** A454 NEAR SHIPLEY, ENGL
**Description:** Luminous cylinder/cigar-shape changes shape. Follows car. Hides. Zigzags. Shoots off.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 184)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8870
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "12", **Elev:** "83", **HatchDesc:** "A454 nr SHIPLEY,ENGL:LUMn.CGR CHANGES SHAPE:FOLOS CAR:HIDES:ZIGZAGS:SHOOTS OFF", **LatLong:** "52.550003 -2.300000", **LatLongDMS:** "52:33:00 N 02:18:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/52.550003,-2.300000)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30759 (AD26CB2A)
**Date:** 7/26/1968
**Time:** 02:10
**Location:** OLAVARRIA, ARG
**Description:** Saucer lands near military / runway. Cops firing at small humanoids (or Greys) frozen. / LDLN#95p21.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: ABOVE TOP SECRET; Sidgewick & Jackson, London 1987 & Quill Books, 1988. 592pp. (Index 316)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8871
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **MIL:** Military investigation, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "60", **Elev:** "163", **HatchDesc:** "OLAVARRIA,ARG:SCR LANDS NR MIL/RUNWAY:COPS FIRING at OIDS FROZEN:/LDLN#95p21.", **LatLong:** "-36.866668 -60.283336", **LatLongDMS:** "36:52:00 S 60:17:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-36.866668,-60.283336)", **State/Prov:** "Buenos Aires", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 30760 (00B0BCAB)
**Date:** 7/26/1968
**Time:** 19:00
**Location:** CANOAS, BRZ
**Description:** Moon-size object offloads trailing night light. 2200h white rectangle going down. Going down [to] and going up [to] again.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 2)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8872
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "200", **Elev:** "20", **HatchDesc:** "CANOAS,BRZ:MOONSIZE OBJ OFFLOADS TRAILING NLT::2200h WHT RECTANGLE ↓:↓+↑ AGAIN", **LatLong:** "-29.933335 -51.066669", **LatLongDMS:** "29:56:00 S 51:04:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-29.933335,-51.066669)", **State/Prov:** "RGS", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 30761 (D1EE2B4D)
**Date:** 7/26/1968
**Time:** 21:30
**Location:** CAVENAGO D'ADDA, ITL
**Description:** 3 workmen. Blue luminous disk lands by Addo River. No further details / Cisaer.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** ITACAT, Catalogo Italiano degli Incontri Ravvicinati. Maurizio Verga, 1989 CISU/Torino, Italy. (Index 63)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8873
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Italy", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "CAVENAGO d'ADDA,ITL:3 WORKMEN:BLUE LUMn.DISK LANDS by ADDO RIVER:NFD/CISAER", **LatLong:** "45.283335 9.600000", **LatLongDMS:** "45:17:00 N 09:36:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.283335,9.600000)", **State/Prov:** "Milano", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 30762 (079E6F4D)
**Date:** 7/26/1968
**Location:** US
**Description:** "UFO Project: Trouble on the Ground" by Philip M. Boffey in Science magazine, reporting on the internal problems of the Colorado UFO Project.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_160
### Event 30763 (31CB4AF0)
**Date:** 7/26/1968
**Description:** On this afternoon around 3:00 p.m. two young boys riding their bicycles near the airport in Riviere Du Loup, Quebec stopped by the hangar and sighted a short three-foot tall, gray-skinned humanoid. The humanoid ran away and was joined by a second similar being. Both moved with stiff-legged motion.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1968, case # 24, citing John Brent Musgrave, UFO Occupants and Critters
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4417
### Event 30764 (23211C12)
**Date:** 7/27/1968
**Location:** CAUQUENES, CHL
**Description:** 20+observer(s). Brilliant ovoid and silver disk flash / color(s). Other UFO's. / r215p135.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 117)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8874
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Chile", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "136", **HatchDesc:** "CAUQUENES,CHL:20+OBS:BRILL.OVOID+SLVR DISK FLASH/CLRS:OTHER UFOs:/r215p135", **LatLong:** "-35.966668 -72.350003", **LatLongDMS:** "35:58:00 S 72:21:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-35.966668,-72.350003)", **State/Prov:** "MAU", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 30765 (95160BB5)
**Date:** 7/27/1968 (approximate)
**Location:** TAPALQUE, BA, ARG
**Description:** UFO's here and Pastora and Alvear.. Bullets do nothing. / La Razon.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: ABOVE TOP SECRET; Sidgewick & Jackson, London 1987 & Quill Books, 1988. 592pp. (Index 316)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8875
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey"
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "0", **Elev:** "96", **HatchDesc:** "TAPALQUE,BA,ARG:UFOS HERE+PASTORA+ALVEAR..:BULLETS DO NOTHING:/La Razon", **LatLong:** "-36.350002 -60.016670", **LatLongDMS:** "36:21:00 S 60:01:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-36.350002,-60.016670)", **State/Prov:** "Buenos Aires", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 30766 (E3D2A4BE)
**Date:** 7/27/1968
**Time:** 05:00?
**Location:** FLORIDA, BA, ARG
**Description:** 200+observer(s). Brown colored 7M saucers maneuvers. Loud jet noise. Shoots going up [to] until lost / sky.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BANCHS, Rodolfo: LAS EVIDENCIAS de los OVNI; Rudolfo Alonso Editor, Argentina. 1976 (Index 29)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8876
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "12", **Duration:** "20", **Elev:** "14", **HatchDesc:** "FLORIDA,BA,ARG:200+OBS:BRN 7M SCRS MNVRS:LOUD JET NOISE:SHOOTS↑ UNTIL LOST/SKY", **LatLong:** "-34.533335 -58.500003", **LatLongDMS:** "34:32:00 S 58:30:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-34.533335,-58.500003)", **State/Prov:** "Buenos Aires", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 30767 (A663C252)
**Date:** 7/27/1968
**Time:** 20:00?
**Location:** LJUBLJANA, YUGO
**Description:** Silent blue object / 1500M altitude going quickly NNW over city. Shape unknown. Cloudy skies.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HOBANA Ion & WEVERBERGH,Julien: UFO'S from BEHIND the IRON CURTAIN; Bantam Books,1975. 308pp. (Index 205)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8877
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Former Yugoslavia", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "LJUBLJANA,YUGO:SLNT BLU OBJ/1500M alt >>NNW OVR CITY:SHAPE UNK:cloudy skies", **LatLong:** "46.066669 14.466667", **LatLongDMS:** "46:04:00 N 14:28:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.066669,14.466667)", **State/Prov:** "SLV", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30768 (5DF53C4E)
**Date:** 7/27/1968
**Time:** 22:00?
**Description:** Night light hovers / clouds. Drops. Rises again west 2nd object. / Noticias P.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 2)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8878
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "650", **HatchDesc:** "NOVA CACHOEIRINHA,BRZ:NLT HVRS/CLOUDS:DROPS:RISES AGAIN W 2nd OBJ:/Noticias P.", **LatLong:** "-23.500001 -46.616669", **LatLongDMS:** "23:30:00 S 46:37:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-23.500001,-46.616669)", **State/Prov:** "São Paulo", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 30769 (E20A0E28)
**Date:** 7/28/1968
**Description:** 75+observer(s). Metallic saucer lands / road / 4 legs. Hums and rises / legs retract and away.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** STEIGER, Brad & WHRITENOUR, Joan: FLYING SAUCER INVASION. Award Books, NY 1969. 156pp PB. 15 Essays + catalog. (Index 102)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8879
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Mexico", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "2221", **HatchDesc:** "MEXICO CITY,MEX:75+OBS:MTLC SCR LANDS/ROAD/4 LEGS:HUMS+RISES/LEGS RETRACT+AWAY", **LatLong:** "19.483334 -99.150005", **LatLongDMS:** "19:29:00 N 99:09:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/19.483334,-99.150005)", **State/Prov:** "DF", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 30770 (9A0F497F)
**Date:** 7/28/1968
**Time:** 02:10
**Location:** TRES PICOS, ARG
**Description:** 3 / car. Saucer north going quickly south / 200M altitude. Car malfunctions due to EME (electro-magnetic effects). Strong UV light wrecks paint.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BANCHS, Rodolfo: LAS EVIDENCIAS de los OVNI; Rudolfo Alonso Editor, Argentina. 1976 (Index 69)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8880
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "234", **HatchDesc:** "TRES PICOS,ARG:3/CAR:SCR N>>S/200M alt:CAR EMEs:STRONG UV LITE WRECKS PAINT", **LatLong:** "-38.277780 -62.216670", **LatLongDMS:** "38:16:40 S 62:13:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-38.277780,-62.216670)", **RelAlt:** "200", **State/Prov:** "Buenos Aires", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 30771 (A032C608)
**Date:** 7/28/1968
**Time:** 13:00?
**Description:** Several observer(s). Glowing-sphere/orb/globe going down. Hairy black small humanoid (or Grey) / field. Traces. / r193#18.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 183)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8881
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **MON:** Monster: Life form fits no category, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "50", **HatchDesc:** "St.STANISLAS-de-KOSTKA,QB:SVRL OBS:GLO-ORB ↓:HAIRY BLK OID/FLD:TRACES:/r193#18", **LatLong:** "45.183335 -74.133337", **LatLongDMS:** "45:11:00 N 74:08:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.183335,-74.133337)", **State/Prov:** "Quebec", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 30772 (854A1DCF)
**Date:** 7/28/1968
**Time:** 23:40
**Location:** UPTON, QB
**Description:** Glowing-cloud rotates. Lands / field. 1M bottle-head figure(s) chase cows. Sick.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CLARK, Jerome: High Strangeness: UFO's from 1960 through 1979. The UFO ENCYCLOPEDIA Volume 3. 1996 Omnigraphics Inc Detroit, MI ISBN 1-55888-742-3 (Index 104)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8882
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens, **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "40", **HatchDesc:** "UPTON,QB:GLO-CLOUD ROTATES:LANDS/FIELD:1M BOTTLE-HEAD FIGS CHASE COWS:sick ", **LatLong:** "45.616669 -72.750003", **LatLongDMS:** "45:37:00 N 72:45:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.616669,-72.750003)", **State/Prov:** "Quebec", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 30773 (16F7E66A)
**Date:** 7/28/1968
**Location:** Upton, Quebec
**Description:** 12:00 midnight. A farmer, his wife, and two children near Upton, Quebec, are awakened by the barking of their dog. When he gets up to investigate, he sees a sparkling, rotating “cloud” in the yard. It flies just over him and goes into a nearby field. About 12 feet in diameter, it is dark on the bottom but luminous on top. The cows in the field are being chased by 4 or 5 small entities, perhaps 3 feet tall with heads shaped like bottles. As the UFO flies above them, they disappear. The cattle seem ill for weeks afterwards.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** John Brent Musgrave, UFO Occupants and Critters, Global Communications, 1979; Clark III 280
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4590
### Event 30774 (22AC91B3)
**Date:** 7/28/1968
**Description:** At 9:00 p.m. five young people, including Paul Sauve, age 20, and his sisters, Nicole, and Joanne, and Regent Leger and his brother Dennis Leger, saw two circular objects with brilliant red halos over St.-Stanislas-de-Kostka, Quebec, Canada. One of the objects was seen to land about 1,000 feet away. When they went out with a flashlight to investigate they encountered a being about four feet tall, 50 feet away from them, that terrified them so much that they ran back to the house. It had a big head 'imbedded in the shoulders" without a neck, large round eyes, a flat nose, and a dark brown skin that was "wrinkled, scabby, and with bumps." When caught in the flashlight beam, it lifted a hand, which was very large, black, and rough, "like the skin of a toad." It opened and closed its mouth, then it backed off toward the barn. After they were back in the house, it came up to a window and knocked on the pane, making a mooing sound "like a cow." Later they saw the object take off vertically. A 15-foot circle of crushed grain was found at the landing site.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1968-51, citing Wido Hoville; Gordon Creighton, FSR, May-June 1969, p. 20
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4455
### Event 30775 (A5106536)
**Date:** 7/28/1968
**Description:** Near midnight a family of four in Upton, Quebec, Canada was awakened by their dog's barking. The father went out to investigate and encountered a sparkling, rotating cloud-like object in the yard that flew over him and went toward a nearby field. The object was dark on the bottom and luminous on top. He then saw cows in the field being chased by four or five, three-foot tall entities with elongated heads. When the object flew over, the humanoids disappeared.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1968, case # 23, citing John Brent Musgrave, UFO Occupants and Critters
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4456
### Event 30776 (0005CDFA)
**Date:** 7/29/1968
**Time:** 01:30
**Location:** BARNSTABLE, MASS
**Description:** 2 observer(s). White ovoid seems / land / closed airport. Buzzing sound heard.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FOWLER, Raymond E.: UFO'S, INTERPLANETARY VISITORS; Prentice Hall & Bantam Books, NY 1979. 346pp. (Index 337)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8883
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "11", **HatchDesc:** "BARNSTABLE,MASS:2 OBS:WHT OVOID SEEMS/LAND/CLOSED AIRPORT:BUZZING SOUND HEARD", **LatLong:** "41.700002 -70.300003", **LatLongDMS:** "41:42:00 N 70:18:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.700002,-70.300003)", **RelAlt:** "2", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 30777 (E7F5747B)
**Date:** 7/29/1968
**Time:** 03:20
**Location:** ATALAYA, ARG
**Description:** Car malfunctions due to EME (electro-magnetic effects). Lights back on as saucer lands! Stays 45 minute(s). / r79p42+/ r41.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 13)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8884
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "45", **Elev:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "ATALAYA,ARG:CAR EMES:LITES BACK ON as SCR LANDS!:STAYS 45min:/r79p42+/r41", **LatLong:** "-35.066668 -57.583336", **LatLongDMS:** "35:04:00 S 57:35:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-35.066668,-57.583336)", **State/Prov:** "Buenos Aires", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 30778 (AAD93329)
**Date:** 7/29/1968
**Time:** 15:10
**Location:** CANOAS, BRZ
**Description:** Ground observer(s). White object stays in front of plane. Then moves away / different course.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 2)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8885
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "20", **HatchDesc:** "CANOAS,BRZ:GND OBS:WHT OBJ STAYS IN FRONT OF PLANE:THEN MOVES AWAY/DIFF.COURSE", **LatLong:** "-29.950001 -51.083336", **LatLongDMS:** "29:57:00 S 51:05:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-29.950001,-51.083336)", **State/Prov:** "RGS", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 30779 (96C621D5)
**Date:** 7/29/1968
**Time:** 22:10
**Description:** Odd star going south. Turns going quickly southeast. Stops / 1 minute(s). Vanishes over bay.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LDLN CONTACT LECTEURS: by Series and #. May'68 -JAN'72 (Entire set of 18 issues) LDLN local chapters & individual members' UFO reports. (Index 16)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8886
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "PALLA de MALLORCA:ODD STAR > S:TURNS >>SE:STOPS/1min:VANISHES OVR BAY", **LatLong:** "39.583335 2.633333", **LatLongDMS:** "39:35:00 N 02:38:00 E", **Locale:** "Islands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.583335,2.633333)", **State/Prov:** "BLR", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 30780 (1EEECF54)
**Date:** 7/29/1968
**Location:** La Atalaya, Spain
**Description:** Object like upside-down bowl, glowing underside, flew low over road, landed. Flying Saucer Review Case Histories, Supplement 13, February 1973, p. 14 (E,L) car (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3952
### Event 30781 (A6B1160F)
**Date:** 7/29/1968
**Description:** Delta Aquarid meteor shower (mean date).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_161
### Event 30782 (40C500DB)
**Date:** 7/29/1968
**Location:** US
**Description:** House Science and Astronautics Committee symposium on UFOs chaired by Rep. Edward Roush (D-Ind.). Witnesses included Robert M. Baker, Robert L. Hall, James A. Harder, J. Allen Hynek, James E. McDonald, and Carl Sagan.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_162
### Event 30783 (8F818F6B)
**Date:** 7/29/1968
**Locations:** University of Illinois at Chicago; UC-Berkeley; UCLA
**Description:** The hearings that Rep. [J. Edward Roush](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J.%5FEdward%5FRoush) and NICAP have been calling for are held as a “Symposium on Unidentified Flying Objects” before the House Committee on Science and Astronautics. Rep. [George P. Miller](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George%5FP.%5FMiller) \(D-Calif.\) is chairman of the committee, but Roush directs most of the proceedings. [Hynek](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J.%5FAllen%5FHynek), [McDonald](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James%5FE.%5FMcDonald), [Sagan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carl%5FSagan), [Robert L. Hall](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert%5FL.%5FHall) \(University of Illinois at Chicago\), [James A. Harder](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James%5FHarder) \(UC-Berkeley\), and [Robert M. L. Baker Jr.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert%5FM.%5FL.%5FBaker%5FJr) \(UCLA\) give testimony. Hynek is introduced by Rep. [Donald Rumsfeld](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald%5FRumsfeld) \(R-Ill.\). [Menzel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald%5FHoward%5FMenzel), [R. Leo Sprinkle](http://kevinrandle.blogspot.com/2021/11/leo-sprinkle-has-died.html), [Garry](http://www.project1947.com/shg/symposium/henderson.html) [C. Henderson](http://www.project1947.com/shg/symposium/henderson.html)[,](http://www.project1947.com/shg/symposium/henderson.html) [Stanton T. Friedman](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stanton%5FT.%5FFriedman)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stanton%5FT.%5FFriedman) [Roger N. Shepard](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roger%5FShepard)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roger%5FShepard) and [Frank B. Salisbury](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frank%5FB.%5FSalisbury) offer prepared papers. NICAP representatives are not permitted to testify. Many witnesses parrot the NORAD party line that its radars only look in certain directions \(when indeed it looks for many types of potential attacks in all directions\). Harder states: “On the basis of the data and ordinary rules of evidence, as would be applied in civil or criminal courts, the physical reality of UFOs has been proved beyond a reasonable doubt.” McDonald makes the biggest impression, presenting 30 pages of UFO reports. He states: “my own present opinion, based on two years of careful study, is that UFOs are probably extraterrestrial devices engaged in something that might very tentatively be termed ‘surveillance.’” Menzel concludes that UFOs merit no more scientific study than “the concept of ghosts, spirits, witches, fairies, elves, hobgoblins, or the devil.” The symposium has no lasting impact, as Congress does nothing about the problem.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** [Symposium on Unidentified Flying Objects](https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=uc1.%24b654608&view=1up&seq=5&skin=2021)[,](https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=uc1.%24b654608&view=1up&seq=5&skin=2021) Hearings, US House Committee on Science and Astronautics, 90th Cong., 2nd Sess., July 29, 1968; “[Congressional Hearings on UFO Problems: Scientists Urge](http://www.cufos.org/UFOI%5Fand%5FSelected%5FDocuments/UFOI/043%20JUL-AUG%201968.pdf) [Unbiased National Investigations,](http://www.cufos.org/UFOI%5Fand%5FSelected%5FDocuments/UFOI/043%20JUL-AUG%201968.pdf)” UFO Investigator 4, no. 7 \(July/Aug. 1968\): 1–5; Clark III 811
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4591
### Event 30784 (8A592930)
**Date:** 7/29/1968
**Description:** Four people driving in La Atalaya, Argentina at 3:15 at night saw an object that looked like an upside down washbasin. It was 30-40 feet wide and glowing on the underside. As it flew low over the road, the headlights and engine of the witnesses' car failed. After the object had landed about 250 meters from the car, the headlights came back on. The object remained on the ground for 45 minutes while the motorists watched.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, case 244, citing FSR Case Histories, Supplement No. 13
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4484
### Event 30785 (2FCB5D75)
**Date:** 7/29/1968
**Description:** Two witnesses at 1:30 a.m. saw a snow-white glowing object apparently land near a deserted grass airport in Barnstable, Massachusetts on Cape Cod. When they drove past the area, a sound like a large swarm of locusts was heard emanating from the field. The airfield had closed at sunset.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Raymond E. Fowler, UFOs: Interplanetary Visitors, p. 354
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4485
### Event 30786 (3748B9DB)
**Date:** 7/30/1968
**Location:** CRN.PRINGLES, ARG
**Description:** 2 separate family cars electro-magnetic effect (EME). 2 orange UFO's merge. Gone in seconds.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RODEGHIER, Mark/CUFOS: UFO REPORTS INVOLVING VEHICLE INTERFERENCE; CUFOS 1979. Available as CUFOS UFO Archive #1 CD-ROM. http://www.cufos.org/Pubform.pdf (Index 42)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8887
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "250", **HatchDesc:** "Crn.PRINGLES,ARG:2 SEP FAMILY CARS EME:2 ORG UFOS MERGE:GONE IN SECONDS", **LatLong:** "-37.900002 -61.366670", **LatLongDMS:** "37:54:00 S 61:22:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-37.900002,-61.366670)", **State/Prov:** "Buenos Aires", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 30787 (4F3AFE95)
**Date:** 7/30/1968
**Time:** 01:40
**Location:** CLAREMONT, NH
**Description:** Saucer hovers / hours. Dog panics. Beam and "arm" reaches down. Saucer going quickly west. / r41p45.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 60)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8888
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "150", **Elev:** "171", **HatchDesc:** "CLAREMONT,NH:SCR HVRS/hrs:DOG PANICS:BEAM+"ARM" REACHES DOWN:SCR>>W:/r41p45", **LatLong:** "43.333335 -71.333337", **LatLongDMS:** "43:20:00 N 71:20:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.333335,-71.333337)", **State/Prov:** "New Hampshire", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 30788 (62A9E67A)
**Date:** 7/30/1968
**Time:** 22:10
**Location:** BAILE TUSNAD, ROM
**Description:** Night light traces trapezoid / sky. Stops / each corner. Abruptly vanishes.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HOBANA Ion & WEVERBERGH,Julien: UFO'S from BEHIND the IRON CURTAIN; Bantam Books,1975. 308pp. (Index 241)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8889
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Romania", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "BAILE TUSNAD,ROM:NLT TRACES TRAPEZOID/SKY:STOPS/EACH CORNER:ABRUPTLY VANISHES", **LatLong:** "46.150002 25.861112", **LatLongDMS:** "46:09:00 N 25:51:40 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.150002,25.861112)", **State/Prov:** "CVS", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30789 (67499A5C)
**Date:** 7/30/1968
**Location:** Claremont, NH
**Description:** Dogs in house disturbed as domed-shaped object hovered low (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)
**Reference:** NICAP: [680730](http://www.nicap.org/ar-680730dir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3953
### Event 30790 (71B7BFBD)
**Date:** 7/30/1968
**Location:** Claremont, NH
**Description:** Dome-shaped object hovered low over ground, grayish light beam cast sharp shadows. Humming sound, dogs reacted strongly
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_163
### Event 30791 (8951B708)
**Date:** 7/30/1968
**Time:** 13:00:00.0
**Location:** 37.1332 -116.0823
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Tanya” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 200KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_552
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1332 -116.0823", **LatLongDMS:** "37:08:00 N 116:04:56 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1332,-116.0823)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.38", **NukeName:** "Tanya", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "200"
### Event 30792 (654C8E89)
**Date:** 7/30/1968
**Location:** Claremont, New Hampshire
**Description:** 2:00 a.m. A land surveyor and his wife in Claremont, New Hampshire, are preparing to retire when they see a dome-shaped object in a field about 230 feet behind their house. It is about 20 feet wide and moving slowly 10 feet above the ground, creating shadows on the freshly cut hay. The UFO shines a 20-foot wide gray-colored beam of light onto the ground. Their children moan and cry out in while they are sleeping and their dogs are whining loudly. They hear a high-pitched humming sound like a utility pole transformer. A few minutes later the object moves 25 feet to the east, the humming growing louder. At one point, a projection from the object descends to the ground. Around 4:30 a.m., the object goes brighter and slowly moves off toward the west.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Donald E. Keyhoe and Gordon I. R. Lore Jr., [Strange Effects from UFOs](http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Books/Other/Lore%2C%20Gordon%20-%20Strange%20Effects%20from%20UFOs.pdf)[,](http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Books/Other/Lore%2C%20Gordon%20-%20Strange%20Effects%20from%20UFOs.pdf) NICAP, 1969, pp. 38–40
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4592
### Event 30793 (57FA70BB)
**Date:** 7/31/1968
**Location:** REUNION (ISLAND OF THE ..) Plaine des Cafres.
**Description:** (Translated from French) Around 9 o'clock, Luce Fontaine, a farmer (...) was picking grass for his rabbits in the Plaine des Cafres when he saw in a small clearing 20 m away from him, an oval-shaped object, measuring about 5 m in diameter and 2 to 3 m thick, hovering 1 m above the ground. The central part of the craft was transparent and Luce Fontaine could make out two small, wide shapes inside the unknown vehicle, about 1 m tall, resembling Michelin men. One of them spotted the farmer and immediately there was a blinding light that erased the landscape in a fantastic explosion of white light. Luce Fontaine lowered his eyes to protect himself and when he looked again, the object had disappeared. Afraid of being mocked, Luce Fontaine did not immediately inform the authorities.
**Reference:** Henry DURRANT: "Le dossier des Ovni" - Laffont 1973 - p. 146-147
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2522
### Event 30794 (9F965EB4)
**Date:** 7/31/1968
**Time:** 08:50
**Description:** 5M saucer lands. 2 90cm small humanoids (or Greys) / dome. / r113p205+/ LDLN#95.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PHENOMENES SPATIAUX: Group GEPA, Gen. M. Lionel Chassin Paris. Quarterly 1964?-1977. Merged into Grp. GEPAN (Index 19)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8890
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **RDA:** Radiation/high energy fields detected, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Indian Ocean + islands", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "PLAINE/CAFRES,REUNION:5M SCR LANDS:2 90cm OIDS/DOME:/r113p205+/LDLN#95", **LatLong:** "-21.200001 55.583336", **LatLongDMS:** "21:12:00 S 55:35:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-21.200001,55.583336)", **State/Prov:** "REU", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 30795 (0DD3D4F7)
**Date:** 7/31/1968
**Time:** 20:30
**Location:** ALES, GARD
**Description:** 2 / (seen thru) binoculars. Fast white ovoid stops over hill. Returns back going quickly southeast. / r30p298.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 96)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8891
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "ALES,GARD:2/BINOCS:FAST WHT OVOID STOPS OVR HILL:RETURNS BACK >>SE:/r30p298", **LatLong:** "44.100002 4.100000", **LatLongDMS:** "44:06:00 N 04:06:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.100002,4.100000)", **State/Prov:** "Gard", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30796 (8FB21E84)
**Date:** 7/31/1968
**Time:** 21:40
**Description:** 5 teens. Very fast object. Purrs. Searches / strong rays. Type unknown. / r30.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LDLN CONTACT LECTEURS: by Series and #. May'68 -JAN'72 (Entire set of 18 issues) LDLN local chapters & individual members' UFO reports. (Index 16)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8892
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "nr BARCELONNETTE,FR:5 TEENS:VFAST OBJ:PURRS:SEARCHES/STRONG RAYS:TYPE UNK:/r30", **LatLong:** "44.383335 6.650000", **LatLongDMS:** "44:23:00 N 06:39:00 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.383335,6.650000)", **State/Prov:** "Alpes de Haute Provence", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30797 (022CEA71)
**Date:** 7/31/1968
**Time:** 22:10
**Location:** GRAFTON, WV
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Silver disk hovers / 60+min. Beeps. Dark spots / side like portholes.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** STEIGER, Brad & WHRITENOUR, Joan: FLYING SAUCER INVASION. Award Books, NY 1969. 156pp PB. 15 Essays + catalog. (Index 99)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8893
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "65", **Elev:** "335", **HatchDesc:** "GRAFTON,WV:2 OBS:SLVR DISK HVRS/60+min:BEEPS:DARK SPOTS/SIDE LIKE PORTHOLES", **LatLong:** "39.333335 -81.033337", **LatLongDMS:** "39:20:00 N 81:02:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.333335,-81.033337)", **State/Prov:** "Western Virginia", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 30798 (5D4F06B5)
**Date:** 7/31/1968
**Time:** 23:50
**Location:** OSTIA, ITL
**Description:** 3 / garden. Round 2M object maneuvers / 20M altitude / 3 min. Going [to] away parallel to coast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** ITACAT, Catalogo Italiano degli Incontri Ravvicinati. Maurizio Verga, 1989 CISU/Torino, Italy. (Index 63)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8894
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Italy", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "OSTIA,ITL:3/GARDEN:RND 2M OBJ MNVRS/20M alt/3 min:> AWAY PARALLEL to COAST", **LatLong:** "41.750002 12.300001", **LatLongDMS:** "41:45:00 N 12:18:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.750002,12.300001)", **State/Prov:** "Rome", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 30799 (5496E9C6)
**Date:** 7/31/1968
**Location:** Plaine-des-Cafres, La Reunion Island, Indian Ocean
**Description:** 9:00 a.m. Luce Fontaine, 31, a farmer, was in a clearing when he suddenly saw an oval object, 25 m away, less than 5 m above ground. In the object stood two beings, 90 cm tall, wearing coveralls. (Magonia #917, LDLN 96) 68LateSummer Lake Norman 2 NC Domed UFO near nuclear plant. (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases, NC)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3954
### Event 30800 (AEDBAD9E)
**Date:** 7/31/1968
**Time:** 0900
**Location:** Plaine-des-Cafres, La Reunion Island
**Description:** Luce Fontaine, 31, a farmer, was in a clearing when he suddenly saw an oval object, 25 m away, less than 5 m above ground. It had a clear center, dark-blue ends, two protrusions on top and bottom, and measured 5 m in diameter, 2.5 m in height. In the object stood two beings, 90 cm tall, wearing coveralls. A violent flash and a blast of hot air were noted as the object vanished.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** LDLN 96 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_917
### Event 30801 (66EFE482)
**Date:** 7/31/1968
**Locations:** La Plaine des Cafres; Réunion; Indian Ocean; Madagascar; La Soucoupe Volante
**Description:** 9:00 a.m. Farmer Luce Fontaine is collecting grass for his rabbits at La Plaine des Cafres on the island of Réunion \(in the Indian Ocean east of Madagascar\), when he sees an oval-shaped object about 75 feet away. It is sitting about 15 feet from the ground on a flange of metal; a similar structure protrudes from its top. The cylinder has two blue ends and a transparent center through which he can see two humanoids less than 3 feet tall in metallic helmets and dressed in puffy suits like the Michelin Man \(the tire company mascot\). Seemingly sensing Fontaine looking at them, they turn their backs and the object disappears in a sudden flash of light and a burst of hot air. The incident is investigated by Capt. Maljean of the local Gendarmerie and Capt. Léopold Legros of the Civil Protection Service, who detect an abnormal amount of radioactivity at the site and on Fontaine’s clothing 10 days afterward, as well as six apparent landing marks in the ground. A country club called “La Soucoupe Volante” \(Flying Saucer\) is later built on the site.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Contact Casualty on Réunion,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201969%20V%2015%20N%201.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 15, no. 1 \(Jan./Feb. 1969\): 8, 11; Jean-Claude Bourret, Le Nouveau Défi des O.V.N.I., France-Empire, 1976; Antonio Huneeus, “[The ‘Michelin Man’ Encounters on Réunion Island,](http://www.openminds.tv/michelin-men-073010/4561)” Open Minds, July 30, 2010; Patrick Gross, “[Plaine des Caffres, La Réunion, July 31, 1968](https://ufologie.patrickgross.org/htm/plainedescafres1968.htm)”; La Soucoupe Volante Country Club, [Facebook page](https://www.facebook.com/pages/La-Soucoupe-Volante/195155220534987)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4593
### Event 30802 (BCE439C1)
**Date:** 7/31/1968
**Description:** Mr. Luce Fontaine, age 31, a farmer on Reunion Island in the Indian Ocean, was picking some grass for his rabbits at around 9:00 a.m. when he saw an object 5 meters in diameter like two metallic saucers put face to face, standing on a "glass foot" like a goblet. It was only 25 meters away. On its top it bore another such "foot." It was dark blue but had a large central window, through which could be seen two small individuals, only 3 feet tall, dressed from head to foot in bulky coveralls, something like the Michelin "tire man." Both wore helmets that partially masked their faces. They turned their backs and there was a brilliant flash of light, and a sensation of heat with a blast of wind. A few seconds later nothing was to be seen. There was a local police investigation.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1968-52, citing FSR; Flying Saucer Review, January-February 1969, p. 8; Phenomenes Spatiaux, March 1969, citing Lumieres dans la Nuit, Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 917
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4529
### Event 30803 (13A21D3B)
**Date:** 7/31/1968
**Description:** In Grafton, West Virginia at 10:15 p.m. a man and a woman saw a silver disc-shaped UFO that hovered for 60 minutes or more, making a beeping sound. It had dark spots on the side that looked like portholes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** George D. Fawcett, Flying Saucers, April 1969, p. 23
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4530
### Event 30804 (A3EADFC4)
**Date:** 8/1968 (approximate)
**Time:** 00:00
**Location:** MONTLUCON, 03, FR
**Description:** Silvery saucer nears ground. Then railroad/railway-car sized "potato-shape" UFO.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FIGEUT, Michel & RUCHON, Jean-Louis: OVNI - Le Premier Dossier..; Alain LeFeuvre, Paris 1979. (Index 298)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8895
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "MONTLUCON,03,FR:SLVRY SCR NEARS GND:THEN RR-CAR SIZED "POTATO-SHAPE" UFO ", **LatLong:** "46.350002 2.600000", **LatLongDMS:** "46:21:00 N 02:36:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.350002,2.600000)", **State/Prov:** "Allier", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 30805 (009CEB1A)
**Date:** 8/1968
**Time:** 01:30
**Location:** CARACAL, ROMANIA
**Description:** White UFO southeast going northeast. 1km altitude. Tail lights ground. Light goes out-then UFO.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HOBANA Ion & WEVERBERGH,Julien: UFO'S from BEHIND the IRON CURTAIN; Bantam Books,1975. 308pp. (Index 241)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8896
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc.
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Romania", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "CARACAL,ROMANIA:WHT UFO SE>NE:1km ALT:TAIL LITES GND:LITE GOES OUT-THEN UFO", **LatLong:** "44.116669 24.300001", **LatLongDMS:** "44:07:00 N 24:18:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.116669,24.300001)", **State/Prov:** "OLT", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 30806 (57D99877)
**Date:** 8/1968
**Time:** 02:30
**Description:** New cab malfunctions due to EME (electro-magnetic effects). 500M hamburger-saucer over coast. Windows all around.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 310)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8897
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "SELSEY,W.SUSSEX:NEW CAB EMEs:500M HAMBURGER-SCR OVR COAST:WINDOWS ALL AROUND", **LatLong:** "50.716669 -0.833333", **LatLongDMS:** "50:43:00 N 00:50:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.716669,-0.833333)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30807 (95BA8D35)
**Date:** 8/1968
**Time:** 02:30
**Location:** MT. AIRY, NC
**Description:** Dog covers ears. 5m domed saucer 30m away / 15m altitude. Small figure / dome port.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 244)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8898
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "60", **Elev:** "336", **HatchDesc:** "Mt AIRY,NC:DOG COVERS EARS:5m DOMED SCR 30m AWAY/15m alt:SML FIG/DOME PORT", **LatLong:** "36.466668 -80.600004", **LatLongDMS:** "36:28:00 N 80:36:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/36.466668,-80.600004)", **RelAlt:** "15", **State/Prov:** "North Carolina", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 30808 (827B8A08)
**Date:** 8/1968 (approximate)
**Time:** 10:00
**Location:** PERTH, ON
**Description:** 1+2 observer(s). 25' egg hovers still as clouds pass. 1 mile altitude. 10' wide. Away / 45°.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CAMERON, Vicky: UFO EXPERIENCES in CANADA, Don't tell anyone but.. ; 1995 General Store Publishing ; Burnstown, Ontario ISBN 1-896182-20-8 (Index 45)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8899
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "137", **HatchDesc:** "PERTH,ON:1+2 OBS:25' EGG HVRS STILL as CLOUDS PASS:1mi alt:10'WIDE:AWAY/45°", **LatLong:** "44.666669 -76.250004", **LatLongDMS:** "44:40:00 N 76:15:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.666669,-76.250004)", **RelAlt:** "1600", **State/Prov:** "Ontario", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 30809 (FE12C463)
**Date:** 8/1968 (approximate)
**Time:** 14:00
**Location:** MEDIAS, ROMANIA
**Description:** 4+many. Moon-size disk hovers / 20 mn. Changes color(s) / sequence. Lost / cloud.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 126)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8900
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Romania", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "20", **HatchDesc:** "MEDIAS,ROMANIA:4+MANY:MOONSIZE DISK HVRS/20mn:CHANGES CLRS/SEQUENCE:LOST/CLOUD", **LatLong:** "46.150002 24.350001", **LatLongDMS:** "46:09:00 N 24:21:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.150002,24.350001)", **State/Prov:** "SBU", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30810 (894945F7)
**Date:** 8/1968
**Time:** 20:10
**Description:** Military cops / jeep. Small domed ovoid maneuvers / mountainside. Going quickly southeast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 340)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8901
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "8", **Elev:** "1020", **HatchDesc:** "nr ANDACOLLO,ARG:MIL.COPS/JEEP:SML DOMED OVOID MNVRS/MOUNTAINSIDE:>>SE", **LatLong:** "-37.250002 -70.666670", **LatLongDMS:** "37:15:00 S 70:40:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-37.250002,-70.666670)", **State/Prov:** "NQN", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30811 (9CDD4B00)
**Date:** 8/1968
**Time:** 20:30
**Location:** NEAR HULUN LK, CHINA
**Description:** Border guards. Boat saucer hovers / 2 separate days. Shoot going quickly east. Transparent dome.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** DONG, Paul: UFO's Over MODERN CHINA. 1983 UFO Photo Archives; P. O. Box 17206; Tucson, AZ 85710. (Index 50)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8902
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "China", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "nr HULUN Lk,CHINA:BORDER GUARDS:BOAT SCR HVRS/2 SEP.DAYS:SHOOT>>E:XPARENT DOME", **LatLong:** "48.983336 117.633339", **LatLongDMS:** "48:59:00 N 117:38:00 E", **Locale:** "Desert", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.983336,117.633339)", **State/Prov:** "MNG", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30812 (3BF9DFE7)
**Date:** 8/1968
**Location:** Fayette County, IN
**Description:** 11:00 p.m. Object, humming sound, 5 mins. Dark football shaped object hovered 200 ft. over barn and projected bright bluish beam into cornfield. Moved off south still projecting fan shaped beam over countryside Witnesses 1? (Selby) (Don Worley files) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3907
### Event 30813 (3BF9DFE7)
**Date:** 8/1968
**Location:** Fayette County, IN
**Description:** 11:00 p.m. Object, humming sound, 5 mins. Dark football shaped object hovered 200 ft. over barn and projected bright bluish beam into cornfield. Moved off south still projecting fan shaped beam over countryside Witnesses 1? (Selby) (Don Worley files) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3955
### Event 30814 (645C0472)
**Date:** 8/1968
**Locations:** Con Thien combat base; Demilitarized Zone, Quang Tri Province, Vietnam
**Description:** The US Air Force Weapons Laboratory begins to set up a field instrumentation lab at Con Thien combat base near the Demilitarized Zone, Quang Tri Province, Vietnam, specifically for the purpose of investigating and tracking unidentified aircraft. The first project name is HAVE FEAR. At least 500 UFO sensor trackings via radar-visual, laser range-finder, video camera, infrared, nightscope, and telescope are investigated through April 1969. The UFOs, often seen as red lights, usually travel at speeds of 30–80 mph at altitudes of 1,200–1,600 feet. After several days of tracking, the red blinking lights extinguish when under radar surveillance. They are only seen at night and only in certain places. In mid-August, Project LETHAL CHASER is added, using portable manpack radars. The findings involve 99% UFOs and only 1% IFOs, primarily because the system does not include human anecdotal accounts. Pacific Air Forces’ unit history clearly states the investigation is about UFOs, not enemy helicopters.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clark III 1050–1054; [Sparks](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf)[,](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf) p. 328
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4594
### Event 30815 (9789BCC9)
**Date:** 8/1/1968
**Time:** 02:00
**Location:** FRIBOURG, SWZ
**Description:** 1 observer. Cylinder/cigar-shape passes. Saucer exits square door and re-enters. Camera and tape electro-magnetic effect (EME)..
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 97)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8903
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Switzerland", **Credibility:** "5", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "FRIBOURG,SWZ:1 OBS:CGR PASSES:SCR EXITS SQR DOOR+RE-ENTERS:CAMERA+TAPE EME..", **LatLong:** "46.783336 7.116667", **LatLongDMS:** "46:47:00 N 07:07:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.783336,7.116667)", **State/Prov:** "FRB", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 30816 (BDC9D05F)
**Date:** 8/1/1968
**Time:** ~07:00
**Location:** KINGS MOUNTAIN, NC
**Description:** Domed disk going east over remote cabin. 1 Polaroid photograph. NICAP investigate.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 848)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8904
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "306", **HatchDesc:** "KINGS MOUNTAIN,NC:DOMED DISK >E ovr REMOTE CABIN:1 POLAROID FOTO:NICAP INVSTG", **LatLong:** "35.244446 -81.338893", **LatLongDMS:** "35:14:40 N 81:20:20 W", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/35.244446,-81.338893)", **State/Prov:** "North Carolina", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30817 (CD0C9629)
**Date:** 8/1/1968
**Description:** At 1:57 a.m. a cigar-shaped UFO flew by Fribourg, Switzerland and a disc exited from a square doorway in the craft. It flew around and then re-entered the larger craft. Both a camera and a tape recorder experienced EM interference effects during the sighting.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Gillieron, UFODOC, case E004
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4569
### Event 30818 (8907DDFE)
**Date:** 8/2/1968
**Location:** SPAIN, Valdemanco-Ciudad Real
**Description:** (Translated from French) Two women saw an rectangular object on the ground about 150m from them. The dimensions were estimated to be 9m in length, 4m in height, and 3m in width. "Two legs located at the front of the craft formed its landing gear" and two portholes were visible. When the object rose, it did so silently before disappearing on the horizon.
**Reference:** Jean-Marie DOUCHET - Nostra - 27.2.1980
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2526
### Event 30819 (0ED35923)
**Date:** 8/2/1968
**Time:** 18:00
**Description:** Rectangular object. 9 x3x4M hovers. 2 wheels / front. Rises.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BALLESTER OLMOS, Vicente-Juan: CATALOG of 200 TYPE-1 EVENTS in SPAIN & PORTUGAL; CUFOS 1976. (Index 14)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8905
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HOX:** Suspicion of hoax, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "3", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "LOS RASOS/VALDEMANCO,SP:RECTANGULAR OBJ:9x3x4M HOVERS:2 WHEELS/FRONT:RISES:", **LatLong:** "38.944446 -4.850000", **LatLongDMS:** "38:56:40 N 04:51:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.944446,-4.850000)", **State/Prov:** "CRL", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 30820 (DA425EFD)
**Date:** 8/2/1968 (approximate)
**Time:** 22:20
**Location:** NORTH / COLWOOD, BC
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Dark ovoid over mountain. Curved beam going down [to] stops 6M over peak!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PHENOMENES SPATIAUX: Group GEPA, Gen. M. Lionel Chassin Paris. Quarterly 1964?-1977. Merged into Grp. GEPAN (Index 27)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8906
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "200", **HatchDesc:** "N/COLWOOD,BC:2 OBS:DARK OVOID OVR MTN:CURVED BEAM ↓ STOPS 6M OVR PEAK!:", **LatLong:** "48.466669 -123.516673", **LatLongDMS:** "48:28:00 N 123:31:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.466669,-123.516673)", **RelAlt:** "6", **State/Prov:** "British Columbia", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30821 (BED9767F)
**Date:** 8/2/1968
**Time:** 23:40
**Location:** MT. GALLICANTE, SP
**Description:** Soldiers. Odd object swings / pendulum over treetops. Parts go dark.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BALLESTER OLMOS, Vicente-Juan: CATALOG of 200 TYPE-1 EVENTS in SPAIN & PORTUGAL; CUFOS 1976. (Index 14)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8907
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "9", **HatchDesc:** "MT GALLICANTE,SP:SOLDIERS:ODD OBJ SWINGS/PENDULUM OVR TREETOPS:PARTS GO DARK", **LatLong:** "41.200002 0.900000", **LatLongDMS:** "41:12:00 N 00:54:00 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.200002,0.900000)", **State/Prov:** "TRG", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 30822 (98256A65)
**Date:** 8/2/1968
**Description:** In Los Rasos de Valdemanco, Ciudad Real, Spain two young girls saw a rectangular UFO on the ground at 6:00 p.m. It dimensions were 9 meters by 3 meters by 4 meters, with two windows, and it had two wheels in front for landing gear. The object rose up and was lost from sight in 30 seconds. At 11:44 p.m. a very bright red object was observed by several witnesses at treetop level over a mountain, Monte Gallicant, in Tarragona province, Spain swinging like a pendulum.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos, Catalogue of 200 Type-I UFO Events in Spain and Portugal, cases 61 & 62
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4603
### Event 30823 (9DBEA73E)
**Date:** 8/3/1968
**Time:** 21:00:00.0
**Location:** -22.0000 -139.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Pollux” YieldMax: 200KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1864
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "-22.0000 -139.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "22:00:00 S 139:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-22.0000,-139.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "France", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Pollux", **NukeSource:** "CEA/DAM", **NukeType:** "NACF", **NukeYMax:** "200"
### Event 30824 (314DF161)
**Date:** 8/4/1968
**Location:** RIGA, LATVIA
**Description:** Photograph taken. Delta/triangle/box-like craft / Skulte Airport. 12 small objects exit and re-enter UFO. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HAINES, Richard Ph.D: JUSA-CISAAF TRANSLATIONs (from Russian). (Index 401)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8908
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Estonia, Latvia& Lithuania", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "8", **HatchDesc:** "RIGA,LATVIA:FOTO TAKEN:DLT/SKULTE AIRPORT:12 SML OBJS EXIT+RE-ENTER UFO:NFD", **LatLong:** "56.833336 23.850001", **LatLongDMS:** "56:50:00 N 23:51:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/56.833336,23.850001)", **State/Prov:** "Latvia", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 30825 (88C7D8DE)
**Date:** 8/4/1968
**Time:** 15:30
**Location:** CORDOBA, ARG
**Description:** Telepathy? Girl abduction / white cloud. 3 hours / missing time. Wakens / city center. / FSRv16#5.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 825)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8909
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **TLP:** Telepathy, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **NFO:** No craft seen, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly, **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "180", **Elev:** "384", **HatchDesc:** "CORDOBA,ARG:TLP?:GIRL ABD/WHT CLOUD:3hrs/MST:WAKENS/CITY CENTER:/FSRv16#5", **LatLong:** "-31.416668 -64.200003", **LatLongDMS:** "31:25:00 S 64:12:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-31.416668,-64.200003)", **State/Prov:** "CRD", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 30826 (A55BE806)
**Date:** 8/4/1968
**Location:** Qu'Appelle, Saskatchewan
**Description:** 4:15 a.m. Three witnesses in Qu’Appelle, Saskatchewan, watch a luminous object, about 25 feet in diameter, as it hovers for several minutes. Later it circles above the house 300 feet away. A 4-foot circle of barren grass is found, although an 18-inch circle in the center is undamaged.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Ted Phillips, [Physical Traces Associated with UFO](http://cufos.org/books/Physical%5FTraces.pdf) [Sightings](http://cufos.org/books/Physical%5FTraces.pdf)[,](http://cufos.org/books/Physical%5FTraces.pdf) Center for UFO Studies, 1978, p. 57
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4595
### Event 30827 (0FFCDD66)
**Date:** 8/4/1968
**Description:** Three young men walking along a street in Montreal, Quebec at 5:00 a.m. noticed a three-foot tall, hairy, heavyset figure lurking in some nearby shadows. It had long curving arms and was hunched over; it suddenly made a tremendous leap and disappeared.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** John Brent Musgrave, UFO Occupants and Critters
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4653
### Event 30828 (626822D6)
**Date:** 8/4/1968
**Description:** On this evening in Cordoba, Argentina 11-year-old Graciela Lourdes Gimenez was playing outside her home when she experienced a bizarre event. "I wanted to go back indoors and watch TV," she told reporters from the newspaper Cordoba, "and then just as I was about to turn around...a white cloud, like mist, appeared on the front path. It gradually came towards where I was, and then I could no longer see the other houses, and I couldn't move or call out to Mummy...and after that...I don't know anything more...until I found myself on a square where there were lots of people and lots of little boys..." She knocked at a nearby house, and the residents turned her over to the police. She had somehow traveled from her Cordoba suburb to the Plaza Espana in the heart of the city. After the incident, the child suffered fits of weeping and cold chills.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** John A Keel, Our Haunted Planet
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4654
### Event 30829 (3C41A224)
**Date:** 8/5/1968
**Time:** 18:50
**Location:** LINS, BRZ
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Circular saucer glitters. 2 antennas project. Wobbles. Slight throb sound.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 2)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8910
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "460", **HatchDesc:** "LINS,BRZ:2 OBS:CIRC.SCR GLITTERS:2 ANTENNAS PROJECT:WOBBLES:SLIGHT THROB SOUND", **LatLong:** "-21.683334 -49.750002", **LatLongDMS:** "21:41:00 S 49:45:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-21.683334,-49.750002)", **State/Prov:** "São Paulo", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30830 (48BCC759)
**Date:** 8/6/1968 (approximate)
**Time:** 01:30
**Location:** LA GUERINIERE, FR
**Description:** N148 / D95. 2 / car. Saucer lights ground. Zigzags. Loops. Shoots going up. / r30p301.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 152)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8911
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc.
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "LA GUERINIERE,FR:N148/D95:2/CAR:SCR LITES GND:ZIGZAGS:LOOPS:SHOOTS ↑:/r30p301", **LatLong:** "46.966669 -2.233333", **LatLongDMS:** "46:58:00 N 02:14:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.966669,-2.233333)", **State/Prov:** "Vendée", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 30831 (99F78664)
**Date:** 8/6/1968
**Time:** 21:30
**Location:** ST. GERTRUDE, QBC
**Description:** 4 boys. Glowing small humanoid (or Grey) jumps from hedge. Leaps about. Vanishes!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 187)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8912
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **NFO:** No craft seen, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "40", **HatchDesc:** "St.GERTRUDE,QBC:4 BOYS:GLOWING OID JUMPS from HEDGE:LEAPS ABOUT:VANISHES!", **LatLong:** "46.233336 -72.283337", **LatLongDMS:** "46:14:00 N 72:17:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.233336,-72.283337)", **State/Prov:** "Quebec", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 30832 (3A7A12F4)
**Date:** 8/6/1968
**Description:** At 9:30 p.m. four young men were outside near St. Gertrude, Quebec, Canada when they heard their dog barking furiously. They heard a creaking sound and saw a four foot tall luminous figure jump out of a hedge nearby. The figure had large shoulders and long arms that hung down. It vanished quickly in plain sight in front of the witnesses.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case A2094, citing Wido Hoville; John Brent Musgrave, UFO Occupants & Critters
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4734
### Event 30833 (382BA0FD)
**Date:** 8/7/1968
**Time:** 20:30
**Location:** BUFF LEDGE, VT
**Description:** 2+4 observer(s). Saucers exit cylinder/cigar-shape. Humming. Small humanoids (or Greys). Missing time. 2 abducted. / MJ#241+/ r249p61.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO Evidence II: HB: Scarecrow Press Lanham, MD. http://www.scarecrowpress.com ISBN 0-8108-3881-8 (Index 571)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8913
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **TLP:** Telepathy, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens, **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly, **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **OPR:** Operations on humans/animal mutilation/surgery, **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **CVS:** Conversation/communication, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "60", **Elev:** "32", **HatchDesc:** "BUFF LEDGE,VT:2+4 OBS:SCRS EXIT CGR:HUM:OIDS:MST:2 ABDd:/MJ#241+/r249p61", **LatLong:** "44.550002 -73.233337", **LatLongDMS:** "44:33:00 N 73:14:00 W", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.550002,-73.233337)", **State/Prov:** "Vermont", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 30834 (BF5648BE)
**Date:** 8/7/1968
**Time:** 23:00?
**Description:** Disk drops in front / observer(s) car. Sways / pendulum. Hovers. Shoots going quickly south.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** KEEL, John: OPERATION TROJAN HORSE; Putnam's Sons, NY 1970. (Index 156)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8914
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "500", **HatchDesc:** "TCH W/REVELSTOKE,BC:DISK DROPS IN FRONT/OBS CAR:SWAYS/PENDULUM:HVRS:SHOOTS>>S", **LatLong:** "50.966669 -118.333339", **LatLongDMS:** "50:58:00 N 118:20:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.966669,-118.333339)", **State/Prov:** "British Columbia", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30835 (B9C3A615)
**Date:** 8/7/1968
**Location:** Buff Ledge, VT
**Description:** Dual abduction of male and female summer camp staff members. Independent recall of event years later (Section XIII, Vol. II, The UFO Evidence). (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3956
### Event 30836 (EB0DAA55)
**Date:** 8/7/1968
**Location:** Buff Ledge, VT
**Description:** Dual abduction of male and female summer camp staff members. Independent recall of event years later
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_164
### Event 30837 (CE99A8B8)
**Date:** 8/7/1968
**Location:** Renton, Washington
**Description:** [McDonald](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James%5FE.%5FMcDonald) addresses the Boeing Management Association in Renton, Washington, on “UFO Investigations: Past, Present, and Future.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Story, [p. 414](https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofuf0000unse/page/414/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4596
### Event 30838 (32115F64)
**Date:** 8/7/1968
**Locations:** Buff Ledge Camp; Lake Champlain; Burlington, Vermont; Adirondack Mountains
**Description:** 8:10 p.m. As a young man and woman watch from the end of a dock at Buff Ledge Camp \[now closed\] along the shore of Lake Champlain north of Burlington, Vermont, a bright light appears in the southwest sky and swoops down in a long arc until it stops and assumes a horizontal position. It now resembles a white, glowing, cigar-shaped object, possibly as far away as the Adirondack Mountains more than 10 miles from the witnesses. According to the young man, three tiny white lights emerge one at a time from the right-end bottom of the UFO. As soon as the third is expelled, the object retreats along its original path and vanishes seconds later. The three smaller objects perform a series of spectacular maneuvers, all the while moving closer. After 5 minutes the objects assume a horizontal triangle formation, and two head off in opposite directions, one to the north, the other to the south, making a sound like “thousands of different tuning forks.” The remaining object \(40–50 feet across\) moves toward the witnesses. It ascends and vanishes in three seconds, only to reappear moments later as it descends along the same trajectory and plunges broadside into the water. A sudden wind blows waves across the heretofore placid surface. Animals up and down the shore howl and shriek. A few minutes later the UFO surfaces and moves toward the witnesses. It stops 60 feet from them, hovering about 15 feet above the water. The young man can see two figures with large heads, oversized oval eyes, and small mouths. Visible to the waist, they are short and clothed in skintight gray or silver uniforms. Thus begins an abduction experience that was only uncovered through separate hypnotic sessions with each of the witnesses by [Walter N. Webb](http://www.nicap.org/bios/NICAP-Bios/Webb.htm) years later. Webb’s background checks, buttressed by psychological analyses, convinces him that there is no question of a hoax.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Walter N. Webb, Encounter at Buff Ledge: A UFO Case History CUFOS, 1994; Richard F. Haines, \[Review\], JUFOS 6 \(1995/96\): 248–251; Clark III 220–222; B. J. Booth, “[The Buff Ledge Abduction,](https://www.ufocasebook.com/Buffledge.html)” UFO Casebook
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4597
### Event 30839 (D5028211)
**Date:** 8/7/1968
**Description:** On this date a very important and well investigated abduction case occurred on the shores of Lake Champlain near Milton, Vermont. In the late afternoon at a private camp called Buff Ledge two teenage camp counselors, a man and a woman, had stayed behind from a campwide swimming meet and were relaxing by the dock on their day off. They saw a large, glowing cigar-shaped object swoop low over the lake in the distance. Three small round objects left the large "mothership," which then departed. Two of the small objects also left, but the third, a domed disc-shaped craft, descended close to the witnesses. It had a transparent dome and a revolving rim. The craft approached the dock and hovered very close to the witnesses. Two beings could be seen inside the dome. They had large elongated heads, huge eyes, two nasal openings, and small mouths. The beings apparently communicated telepathically with the witnesses. They had no conscious recollection of what happened next, and the next thing they remembered it is getting dark and they heard the campers returning from their swim meet. They had lost track of at least an hour of time.
They never talked about the incident because the camp ended the next day and they went their separate ways. Years later the man contacted UFO investigator Walter Webb about his missing time experience. He remembered that the girl was planning to attend a college in the southeastern U.S. By knowing the name of the woman's college, Webb was able to track the second witness down by contacting her college's alumni department. He called her and asked her if she would like to come back to New England and talk about the incident. She agreed, and through hypnosis both witnesses independently recalled nearly identical accounts of their abduction experience.
They gave separate but nearly identical accounts of what happened to them. When the UFO moved over the dock they were bathed in light from the object, and both witnesses went into a trance state. They were taken onboard the craft, although they had no recollection of how they had gotten there. They were both given medical examinations on a table. They both gave independent accounts of recalling seeing nearly identical instrument panels and other instruments. There sketches of the aliens and the UFO craft were quite similar. When they awoke on the dock it was evening. An independent witness, a camper who had run down to the lake ahead of all the others, saw the lighted UFO as it departed the scene.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Walter N. Webb, Encounter at Buff Ledge, Chicago: Center for UFO Studies, 1994, 306 pages; Walter N. Webb, CUFOS case investigation files, report dated July 22, 1979; Richard Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty-Year Report, p. 13; Richard Haines, Project Delta: A Study of Multiple UFO, p. 188; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case A1002, citing Walter Webb; Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1968, case # 349, citing Walter Webb, MUFON UFO Journal, issue #241
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4766
### Event 30840 (B720A1E8)
**Date:** 8/8/1968?
**Location:** URUBICI, BRAZIL
**Description:** 20 observer(s). 2 brilliant objects maneuver slowly. 1 rectangular. Many beams going down. Panic.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 2)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8915
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "70", **Elev:** "1505", **HatchDesc:** "URUBICI,BRAZIL:20 OBS:2 BRILL.OBJS MNVR SLOWLY:1 RECTANGLAR:MANY BEAMS↓:PANIC:", **LatLong:** "-28.033335 -49.616669", **LatLongDMS:** "28:02:00 S 49:37:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-28.033335,-49.616669)", **State/Prov:** "STC", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 30841 (E06521C6)
**Date:** 8/8/1968
**Description:** At around two a.m. Miguel Bitschko of Canuelas, Argentina was woke up by a bright light coming from outside his home. Going outside he was astonished to see a huge disc-shaped object on the ground in a nearby field. The object had a dome with a revolving red light on top. As he stared at the object in disbelief a door opened on the craft, then a ladder descended to the ground. Soon a very tall man, over two meters tall, emerged from the craft. The figure wore a shiny metallic, tight fitting uniform. At the same time the object was emitting a loud humming sound. The giant started to walk towards the witness, who stood paralyzed with fear. The figure then suddenly stopped, walked back to the object, and got back in. The craft then climbed vertically up into the sky at high speed and disappeared from sight.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1968, citing Fabio Picasso
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4774
### Event 30842 (0D39AEB3)
**Date:** 8/9/1968
**Time:** 20:10
**Description:** 3 observer(s). Saucer lights area / low altitude. 3 small humanoids (or Greys) inside. Man zapped and dies! .
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PRATT, Bob: UFO DANGER ZONE - Terror and Death in Brazil. Horus House Press, Madison, WI 1996 (Index 193)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8916
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly, **NUC:** Nuclear facility related, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "15", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "793", **HatchDesc:** "JABOTICATUBAS,BRZL:3 OBS:SCR LITES AREA/lo alt:3 OIDS INSIDE:MAN ZAPPED+DIES! ", **LatLong:** "-19.516668 -43.750002", **LatLongDMS:** "19:31:00 S 43:45:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-19.516668,-43.750002)", **State/Prov:** "Minas Gerais", **Strangeness:** "15"
### Event 30843 (EFDCD83A)
**Date:** 8/9/1968
**Location:** 37.0000 -116.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Imp” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_553
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0000 -116.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:00 N 116:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0000,-116.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Imp", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 30844 (6FE044CA)
**Date:** 8/9/1968
**Description:** A beam of energy from a disc-shaped object caused the death of someone on a farm in Jaboticatubas, Minas Gerais State, Brazil at 8:10 p.m. On the same night a round flying object emitting blue and red lights was sighted in the suburbs of Cerro de la Gloria, Mendoza province, Argentina. Two dwarves wearing helmets with bright glowing antennae on their heads exited the landed craft. When a police office named A. Romero pointed his gun at them, a luminous ray immobilized him. He was later hospitalized.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** (1) Bob Pratt, UFO Danger Zone: Terror and Death in Brazil--Where Next? p. 193; (2) David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case A1565, citing Roberto Enrique Banchs and Cronica, August 14, 1968
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4798
### Event 30845 (23EC33B5)
**Date:** 8/10/1968
**Time:** 20:00
**Location:** LA CRIOLLA, ARG
**Description:** 1 observer. Bang noise / radio. Flash. Double-dome saucer outside. Tripod traces.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 13)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8917
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TRC:** Physical traces, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "43", **HatchDesc:** "LA CRIOLLA,ARG:1 OBS:BANG NOISE/RADIO:FLASH:DBL-DOME SCR OUTSIDE:TRIPOD TRACES", **LatLong:** "-30.233335 -60.372225", **LatLongDMS:** "30:14:00 S 60:22:20 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-30.233335,-60.372225)", **State/Prov:** "STF", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 30846 (D8C78AEB)
**Date:** 8/11/1968
**Time:** 05:00
**Description:** Several separate observer(s). White ovoid descends. Beams going down. Going quickly northeast over mountains.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LDLN CONTACT LECTEURS: by Series and #. May'68 -JAN'72 (Entire set of 18 issues) LDLN local chapters & individual members' UFO reports. (Index 16)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8918
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Indian Ocean + islands", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "15", **HatchDesc:** "St.PAUL,REUNION+AREA:SVRL SEP.OBS:WHT OVOID DESCENDS:BEAMS↓:>>NE OVR MTNS", **LatLong:** "-21.000001 55.316669", **LatLongDMS:** "21:00:00 S 55:19:00 E", **Locale:** "Islands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-21.000001,55.316669)", **State/Prov:** "REU", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30847 (978421D2)
**Date:** 8/12/1968
**Time:** 20:20
**Location:** GLOUCESTER, MASS
**Description:** 1 observer. Golden globe with dark Saturn-ring flies over houses.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FOWLER, Raymond E.: UFO'S, INTERPLANETARY VISITORS; Prentice Hall & Bantam Books, NY 1979. 346pp. (Index 337)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8919
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "6", **HatchDesc:** "GLOUCESTER,MASS:1 OBS:GOLDEN GLOBE W/DARK SATURN-RING FLIES OVR HOUSES", **LatLong:** "42.616669 -70.661114", **LatLongDMS:** "42:37:00 N 70:39:40 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.616669,-70.661114)", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30848 (8BD325D6)
**Date:** 8/12/1968
**Location:** Mercedes, Argentina
**Description:** 8:00 p.m. A woman staying by herself at a house on the outskirts of Mercedes heard a buzzing sound and her dogs began barking. The next day several ground traces were found in the same area where the objects were seen. (Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1968, case #6, citing Richard Heiden, quoting R. Banchs). (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions) (NICAP: 06 - Trace Cases)
**Reference:** NICAP: [680812](http://www.nicap.org/mercedes680812dir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3957
### Event 30849 (2D24D574)
**Date:** 8/12/1968
**Location:** Mercedes, Argentina
**Description:** 8:00 p.m. A woman staying by herself at a house on the outskirts of Mercedes heard a buzzing sound and her dogs began barking. The witness then saw a second object on the ground from which the figure of a man wearing a brilliant silvery outfit was seen to emerge. (Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1968, case #6, citing Richard Heiden, quoting R. Banchs). (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)
**Reference:** NICAP: [680812](http://www.nicap.org/mercedes680812dir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3959
### Event 30850 (396CE6B3)
**Date:** 8/12/1968
**Location:** Gloucester, MA
**Description:** 8:15 p.m. EDT. A golden-white globe surrounded by a dark ring that looked like the planet Saturn flew over Gloucester. (Raymond E. Fowler, case investigation report dated August 15, 1968; Raymond E. Fowler, UFOs: Interplanetary Visitors, p. 354). (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3960
### Event 30851 (CA9A1BDB)
**Date:** 8/12/1968
**Description:** At 1:00 a.m. there was a reappearance of a bright white UFO, sometimes vivid orange in color, at the same nuclear missile sites in Pennington County, South Dakota as occurred two nights earlier on August 10, 1968. The UFO illuminated the ground behind a small hill.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** APRO Bulletin, May-June 1969, p. 5; Coral & Jim Lorenzen, Shadow of the Unknown, p. 166
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4943
### Event 30852 (D0C80D62)
**Date:** 8/12/1968
**Description:** At 8:15 p.m. EDT a golden-white globe surrounded by a dark ring that looked like the planet Saturn flew over Gloucester, Massachusetts.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Raymond E. Fowler, case investigation report dated August 15, 1968; Raymond E. Fowler, UFOs: Interplanetary Visitors, p. 354
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4944
### Event 30853 (8486282E)
**Date:** 8/12/1968
**Description:** A woman staying by herself at a house on the outskirts of Mercedes, Argentina heard a buzzing sound and her dogs began barking at eight o'clock in the evening. Looking out she saw a brightly lit object that gave off bright flashes of light, sitting on the ground. Smaller lighted objects emerged from the object and hovered above the treetops. At one point one of the lighted objects silently approached the house. The witness then saw a second object on the ground from which the figure of a man wearing a brilliant silvery outfit was seen to emerge. Suddenly there was a brilliant reddish blue flash and the whole scene disappeared. The next day several ground traces were found in the same area where the objects were seen.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1968, case #6, citing Richard Heiden, quoting R. Banchs
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4945
### Event 30854 (F5A0E524)
**Date:** 8/13/1968
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Inacio de Souza and his wife Louisa return to Pilar de Goias \(Brazil\) to the ranch where Ignacio, a 41 year old illiterate, works as a laborer, 240 km from Brasilia. The place is important enough to have a landing strip, and that is where de Souza sees 3 people --- wearing tight yellow clothes, according to the woman --- apparently playing. The 3 beings notice de Souza at the same time and start to approach. Then he notices a strange device --- like an upside down sink --- on the landing strip. Frightened, he grabs the 44 caliber rifle he is carrying and fires at the closest creature. The reply is a green light beam coming from the machine. It hits de Souza in the head and shoulders. The 3 beings then run to the machine and get inside; it takes off vertically, buzzing. De Souza develops symptoms ranging from nausea to tremors, and is taken to see a doctor in Goiâna, 290 km away. Leukemia is diagnosed and the doctor examining him believes his UFO and extraterrestrial story is a hallucination. De Souza, who had the reputation, before his encounter, of being very robust, will die on October 11th. (August 13th, 4 PM)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1968.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2430
### Event 30855 (258CC2A1)
**Date:** 8/13/1968
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Photo taken by Emil Barnea. See images/cluj.jpg.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1968.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2431
### Event 30856 (CE6CFEFB)
**Date:** 8/14/1968
**Description:** Slow silent 600M and triangle stops / 45 minute(s). Lit corners. 12 small night lights exit.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LDLN CONTACT LECTEURS: by Series and #. May'68 -JAN'72 (Entire set of 18 issues) LDLN local chapters & individual members' UFO reports. (Index 16)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8920
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Belgium, Netherlandsand Luxembourg", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "50", **HatchDesc:** "BRUSSELS,BELG:SLO SLNT 600M+TRNGL STOPS/45min:LIT CORNERS:12 SML NLTS EXIT", **LatLong:** "50.816669 4.350000", **LatLongDMS:** "50:49:00 N 04:21:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.816669,4.350000)", **State/Prov:** "Belgium", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30857 (1B20FCBA)
**Date:** 8/14/1968
**Location:** GOLF / SAN MATIAS, ARG
**Description:** 100 observer(s). 8 ovoids rise / sea. Fly going quickly south. Dive going [to] Gulf / San Jorge!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 234)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8921
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **SUB:** Submersible: Rises from or submerges into water, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "12", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "GOLF/SAN MATIAS,ARG:100 OBS:8 OVOIDS RISE/SEA:FLY>>S:DIVE>GULF/SAN JORGE!", **LatLong:** "-41.500002 -64.500003", **LatLongDMS:** "41:30:00 S 64:30:00 W", **Locale:** "Offshore", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-41.500002,-64.500003)", **State/Prov:** "RNG", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 30858 (DEDAB850)
**Date:** 8/14/1968
**Time:** 22:00?
**Location:** SANTA BARBARA, CA
**Description:** Several observer(s). Slow grey cylinder/cigar-shape with many lights. Shoots going up [to] as private plane nears.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** STEIGER, Brad & WHRITENOUR, Joan: FLYING SAUCER INVASION. Award Books, NY 1969. 156pp PB. 15 Essays + catalog. (Index 99)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8922
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "15", **HatchDesc:** "SANTA BARBARA,CA:SVRL OBS:SLOW GRY CGR W/MANY LITES:SHOOTS↑ as Pvt.PLANE NEARS", **LatLong:** "34.416668 -119.700006", **LatLongDMS:** "34:25:00 N 119:42:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/34.416668,-119.700006)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30859 (9ABA8B39)
**Date:** 8/15/1968
**Time:** 00:30
**Description:** 3 / car. Small oval "bus" / roadside. Only windows lit. / r230v4#3.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BALLESTER OLMOS, Vicente-Juan: CATALOG of 200 TYPE-1 EVENTS in SPAIN & PORTUGAL; CUFOS 1976. (Index 14)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8923
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "VILLAVERDE> Event 30860 (C1A8F07F)
**Date:** 8/15/1968 (approximate)
**Time:** 04:00
**Location:** RIO DJ, BRZ
**Description:** 6M hat-saucer hovers 5M over field 100M away. 3 rods going down. Portholes.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GRANCHI, Irene: UFO's and ABDUCTIONS in BRAZIL: Horus House Press, Madison, WI: 1992 (English translation 1994) ISBN 1-881852-09-1 (Index 64)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8924
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "11", **HatchDesc:** "RIO DJ,BRZ:6M HAT-SCR HVRS 5M ovr FIELD 100M away:3 RODS ↓:PORTHOLES:", **LatLong:** "-22.933334 -43.233335", **LatLongDMS:** "22:56:00 S 43:14:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-22.933334,-43.233335)", **RelAlt:** "5", **State/Prov:** "RDJ", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 30861 (656D4CA3)
**Date:** 8/15/1968
**Time:** 06:40
**Location:** ST. PETERSBURG, FL
**Description:** 1 observer. Humming. 125' fiery wheel overhead. Shoots quickly going up. Stops. Fades away....
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 56)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8925
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "14", **HatchDesc:** "St.PETERSBURG,FL:1 OBS:HUM:125'FIERY WHEEL OVHD:SHOOTS ↑↑:stops:fades away....", **LatLong:** "27.816668 -82.683337", **LatLongDMS:** "27:49:00 N 82:41:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/27.816668,-82.683337)", **State/Prov:** "Florida", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30862 (16BA859A)
**Date:** 8/15/1968
**Time:** 23:30
**Location:** SOUTH / OXFORD, NS
**Description:** 2 / Trans-Canada Highway. Ovoids circle. 1 going down [to] and buzzes car. Near collision. Brilliant beams. RCMP report.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LEDGER, Don: MARITIME UFO FILES: 1998 Nimbus Publ. Ltd. Halifax, NS. ISBN 1-55109-269-7 162pp. trade paper. (Index 59)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8926
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "18", **HatchDesc:** "S/OXFORD,NS:2/TCH:OVOIDS CCL:1 ↓+BUZZES CAR:NR COLLISION:BRILL.BEAMS:RCMP rpt", **LatLong:** "45.666669 -63.883336", **LatLongDMS:** "45:40:00 N 63:53:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.666669,-63.883336)", **RelAlt:** "2", **State/Prov:** "Nova Scotia", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30863 (C7620F31)
**Date:** 8/15/1968
**Location:** 37.0000 -116.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Rack” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_554
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0000 -116.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:00 N 116:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0000,-116.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Rack", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 30864 (F2E55838)
**Date:** 8/15/1968
**Locations:** Trans-Canada Highway; Springhill, Nova Scotia
**Description:** 12:00 midnight. Dick Skewes is driving west with his wife Anne and babysitter Gail Yemm about 20 minutes east of Springhill, Nova Scotia, on the Trans-Canada Highway. After driving up a hill, he sees a group of 5–6 lights hovering 50 feet above some trees on his left. Another light is approaching at high speed to join the others. One of the objects breaks away and descends silently over the highway in front of them, its yellow lights flashing brilliantly, on an apparent collision course. When it is 40–50 feet away it veers upward and disappears to the east. Skewes continues down the highway and loses sight of the objects when he rounds a bend.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Chris Rutkowski, Canada’s UFOs: Declassified, August Night, 2022, pp. 79–81
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4598
### Event 30865 (E751C66D)
**Date:** 8/15/1968
**Description:** A married couple with a 5-year-old son were driving between Villaverde and Brenes, Sevilla province, Spain at 12:30 a.m. when they saw a landed UFO by the side of the road. They said it resembled a small bus with windows and luminous portholes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos, Catalogue of 200 Type-I UFO Events in Spain and Portugal, case # 63, citing ABC Andalusia, September 1, 1968
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5040
### Event 30866 (F5D43205)
**Date:** 8/15/1968
**Description:** In Rio de Janeiro, Brazil a six meter in diameter hat-shaped disc hovered five meters over a field at 4:00 a.m., 100 meters away. It had three rods or antennae that were pointing up, as well as portholes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Irene Granchi, UFO Abductions and Reports from Brazil, p. 64
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5041
### Event 30867 (B64D2E95)
**Date:** 8/15/1968
**Description:** A silent, dazzling blood-red globe of light was seen hovering and pulsating at treetop level in Cambridge, Massachusetts at just after ten o'clock in the morning. It was described as the apparent size of a full moon.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP files, on-site investigation by Walter N. Webb
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5042
### Event 30868 (38996E75)
**Date:** 8/16/1968
**Time:** 06:00
**Location:** NEAR TIVISSA, SP
**Description:** Saucer hovers at 1M. 2 1M octopus-types / 4-5 legs enter and fly. Watches electro-magnetic effect (EME.)
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BALLESTER OLMOS, Vicente-Juan: CATALOG of 200 TYPE-1 EVENTS in SPAIN & PORTUGAL; CUFOS 1976. (Index 14)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8927
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **MON:** Monster: Life form fits no category, **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "4", **Duration:** "7", **HatchDesc:** "nr TIVISSA,SP:SCR HOVERS @1M:2 1M OCTOPUS-TYPES/4-5 LEGS ENTER+FLY:WATCHES EME", **LatLong:** "41.000002 0.733333", **LatLongDMS:** "41:00:00 N 00:44:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.000002,0.733333)", **State/Prov:** "TRG", **Strangeness:** "14"
### Event 30869 (6AB26928)
**Date:** 8/16/1968
**Time:** 20:00
**Location:** IASI, ROMANIA
**Description:** 10M bowl-shape UFO(narrow end Dn). Lands behind woods. 2 observer(s).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HOBANA Ion & WEVERBERGH,Julien: UFO'S from BEHIND the IRON CURTAIN; Bantam Books,1975. 308pp. (Index 182)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8928
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Romania", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "IASI,ROMANIA:10M BOWL-SHAPE UFO(NARROW END DN):LANDS BEHIND WOODS:2 OBS", **LatLong:** "47.166669 27.666668", **LatLongDMS:** "47:10:00 N 27:40:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.166669,27.666668)", **State/Prov:** "IAS", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 30870 (F26CB02B)
**Date:** 8/16/1968
**Time:** 22:00
**Location:** CAMBRIDGE, MASS
**Description:** 1+1 observer(s). Silent dazzling red globe hovers and pulsates / treetop level.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FOWLER, Raymond E.: UFO'S, INTERPLANETARY VISITORS; Prentice Hall & Bantam Books, NY 1979. 346pp. (Index 338)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8929
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "CAMBRIDGE,MASS:1+1 OBS:SILENT DAZZLING RED GLOBE HOVERS+PULSATES/TREETOP LEVEL", **LatLong:** "42.366669 -71.105559", **LatLongDMS:** "42:22:00 N 71:06:20 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.366669,-71.105559)", **RelAlt:** "8", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 30871 (14A888B9)
**Date:** 8/16/1968
**Time:** 23:00
**Location:** NEAR HAMILTON, OH
**Description:** Numerous observer(s). Saucer flips. Several beams going down / lake. Flips back. / r98#60 / r41p380.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 56)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8930
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "180", **Elev:** "180", **HatchDesc:** "nr HAMILTON,OH:NMRS OBS:SCR FLIPS:SVRL BEAMS ↓/LAKE:FLIPS BACK:/r98#60/r41p380", **LatLong:** "39.400002 -84.550004", **LatLongDMS:** "39:24:00 N 84:33:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.400002,-84.550004)", **State/Prov:** "Ohio", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30872 (03567032)
**Date:** 8/16/1968
**Location:** Hamilton, OH
**Description:** 11:00 p.m. Large group of people saw a UFO approach, beam lights down which reflected off Greenbriar Lake. (See drawing. UFO's: A New Look, g. 43) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3961
### Event 30873 (098456CB)
**Date:** 8/16/1968
**Location:** Fayette County, IN
**Description:** 10:30 p.m. Slowly moving round white ball projecting white beam of light onto fields and woods as it moved south. One witness (W. Stanton) No sound. 9.5 mins (Don Worley files) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3962
### Event 30874 (E305268C)
**Date:** 8/16/1968
**Location:** Regina, Saskatchewan
**Description:** 2:51 a.m. The crew of a Canadian Forces Hercules C-150E are flying above Regina, Saskatchewan, when they see a cigar-shaped object cross their flight path. It has 6 rectangular patches on its side. It is visible with the naked eye for about 90 seconds, then it rapidly shrinks and disappears to the southwest very rapidly.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Yurko Bondarchuk, UFO Sightings, Landings, and Abductions, Methuen, 1979, p. 112
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4599
### Event 30875 (912CE4B1)
**Date:** 8/16/1968
**Location:** La Serra d’Almos, Catalonia, Spain
**Description:** 6:00 a.m. A farmer doing barnyard chores at La Serra d’Almos, Catalonia, Spain, glimpses a light more than half a mile away. He thinks someone’s car has stalled, so he walks over with his dog intending to help. But he finds a globe-shaped, glowing object hovering 3 feet above the ground. On the other side of it, he sees two creatures of an octopus-like appearance. Light-colored, 3 feet tall, they are running on “four or five legs” toward the UFO, which abruptly takes off. Reporters and UFO investigators find a considerable area of burned grass at the site. Those who visit the site shortly afterwards find their watches stop mysteriously.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos, [A Catalogue of 200 Type I UFO Events in Spain and Portugal](http://www.cufos.org/books/Catalogue%5Fof%5F200%5FType%5FI%5FUFO%5FEvents%5Fin%5FSpain%5Fand%5FPortugal.pdf)[,](http://www.cufos.org/books/Catalogue%5Fof%5F200%5FType%5FI%5FUFO%5FEvents%5Fin%5FSpain%5Fand%5FPortugal.pdf) CUFOS, 1976, pp. 14–15; Clark III 280– 281
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4600
### Event 30876 (BDCB99C5)
**Date:** 8/16/1968
**Description:** At six o'clock in the morning a chicken farmer named Mateu saw a light hovering three feet above the ground in Sierra De Almos Tivissa, Terragona, Spain and he walked towards it. It was a very luminous hemispherical object. On the far side of it he saw about 100 yards away and hurrying toward it, two creatures resembling octopus, about 3 feet high, with "4 or 5 legs," very light in color with a "thoroughly disgusting" appearance. The UFO left a large area of burnt grass, and "watches stopped 3 times at the site."
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos, Catalogue of 200 Type-I UFO Events in Spain and Portugal, case 64; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1968-57, citing Julio Roca Muntanola, FSR Special Bulletin # 4
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5081
### Event 30877 (24466770)
**Date:** 8/16/1968
**Description:** For a three hour period beginning at around 11:00 p.m., numerous witnesses in Hamilton, Ohio watched as a domed disc-shaped object moved over a dam, stopped, flipped over, then emitted five light beams downward, focusing into a single beam that swept the area and reflected over Greenbriar Lake. The object reversed course, and finally flew away toward the south.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP UFO Investigator, October 1968, p. 3, Gordon Lore, UFOs: A New Look, p. 43; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty-Year Report, p. 380; Francis L. Ridge, Regional Encounters, p. 35
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5082
### Event 30878 (81C55DEE)
**Date:** 8/17/1968
**Time:** 20:20
**Description:** 3M ovoid passes airliner going quickly west / 1200mph. Seen / separate plane. / r84p180.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 59)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8931
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Romania", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "nr ORADEA,ROMANIA:3M OVOID PASSES AIRLINER>>W/1200mph:SEEN/SEP.PLANE:/r84p180", **LatLong:** "47.000002 22.000001", **LatLongDMS:** "47:00:00 N 22:00:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.000002,22.000001)", **State/Prov:** "Bihor", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30879 (2A792098)
**Date:** 8/17/1968
**Location:** Oradea, Romania
**Description:** 8:21 p.m. Capt. Benjamin Gabrian is flying an Ilyushin Il-18 airliner at 22,800 feet in the vicinity of Oradea, Romania, when he sees an oval object on his right about a half-mile away and 900 feet higher. It is moving at high speed and emitting a bright green light. They watch it for 10–15 seconds before it accelerates and disappears to the west.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Hobana and Weverbergh 180–182; Romania 21
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4601
### Event 30880 (CBBD7768)
**Date:** 8/18/1968
**Time:** 02:30
**Description:** 16 guards. Large brilliant ovoid rises / sea. Lights area. Wobbles. Going quickly NNW.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 851)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8932
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **SUB:** Submersible: Rises from or submerges into water, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "15", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "RAMEY AFB,PR:16 GUARDS:LRG.BRILL.OVOID RISES/SEA:LITES AREA:WOBBLES:>>NNW", **LatLong:** "18.500001 -67.133337", **LatLongDMS:** "18:30:00 N 67:08:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/18.500001,-67.133337)", **State/Prov:** "Puerto Rico", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30881 (6F03589F)
**Date:** 8/18/1968
**Time:** 13:20
**Location:** BACIU FOREST, ROMN
**Description:** 4 observer(s). Silent 30M saucer going southwest. Stops and maneuvers. 4 photographs. / r84p93+/ r193#24.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 186)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8933
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Romania", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "BACIU FOREST,ROMN:4 OBS:SLNT 30M SCR >SW:STOPS+MNVRS:4 FOTOS:/r84p93+/r193#24", **LatLong:** "46.750002 23.533334", **LatLongDMS:** "46:45:00 N 23:32:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.750002,23.533334)", **State/Prov:** "CLJ", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30882 (DD4BB5CA)
**Date:** 8/18/1968
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** BALS, OLT, ROMANIA
**Description:** Observer(s) / (seen thru) binoculars. Venus size night light zigzags going south. 7-8km altitude.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HOBANA Ion & WEVERBERGH,Julien: UFO'S from BEHIND the IRON CURTAIN; Bantam Books,1975. 308pp. (Index 242)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8934
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Romania", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "20", **HatchDesc:** "BALS,OLT,ROMANIA:OBS/BINOCS:VENUS SIZE NLT ZIGZAGS >S:7-8km ALT:", **LatLong:** "44.355558 24.111112", **LatLongDMS:** "44:21:20 N 24:06:40 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.355558,24.111112)", **State/Prov:** "OLT", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 30883 (D21638CF)
**Date:** 8/18/1968
**Location:** Cluj, Romania
**Description:** Round silver object flew overhead, reversed direction, three photos taken. Object finally shot upward out of sight (Section VII, Vol. II, The UFO Evidence). (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3963
### Event 30884 (2E18F27E)
**Date:** 8/18/1968
**Location:** Cluj, Romania
**Description:** Round silver object flew overhead, reversed direction, three photos taken. Object finally shot upward out of sight
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_165
### Event 30885 (67BF4D49)
**Date:** 8/18/1968
**Locations:** Hoia Baciu forest; Baciu; Cluj-Napoca, Romania
**Description:** 1:20 p.m. Technician Emil Barnea, his girlfriend Zamfira Matea, and two other friends are picnicking in the Hoia Baciu forest near Baciu, not far from Cluj-Napoca, Romania, when they see a round, metallic, luminous object moving slowly through the sky. Its brilliance increases and decreases as it maneuvers around for 2 minutes. Barnea succeeds in taking four photos of the object before it suddenly accelerates and shoots upwards.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Hobana and Weverbergh 99–107; UFOEv II 287; Adrian Pătruţ, “[Phenomena in the Hoia Baciu Wood near Cluj-Napoca,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%202008%20V%2053%20N%201.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 53, no. 1 \(Spring 2008\): 10; Chris Hill, “Hoia Baciu: Romania’s Haunted Forest,” Fortean Times 382, August 2019, pp. 32–36; Patrick Gross, “[Emil Barnea’s Photographs, Cluj, Romania, 1968](https://ufologie.patrickgross.org/htm/picamaro01.htm)”; Romania 21–27
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4602
### Event 30886 (72270174)
**Date:** 8/18/1968
**Description:** At 13:23 p.m. in a forest 47 kilometers west-southwest of Cluj, Romania, three photographs were taken of a silvery hat-shaped object, 42-50 meters in diameter, with a structure similar to the Rex Heflin photographs from Santa Ana, California in 1965. The photographer was a 45-year-old man, along with his girlfriend, and there were two other witnesses. It flew overhead at an estimated height of 600 meters, moving from northeast to southwest, and then reversed direction. The object finally accelerated and shot upward out of sight. The sighting lasted two minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Florin Gheorghita, FSR, November 1969, p. 12; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty-Year Report, p. 287
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5128
### Event 30887 (D7A8E010)
**Date:** 8/19/1968
**Time:** 02:20
**Location:** CLUJ, ROMANIA
**Description:** Family / observer(s). 3 orange objects hover still / 7 minute(s). Away / amazing speed. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HOBANA Ion & WEVERBERGH,Julien: UFO'S from BEHIND the IRON CURTAIN; Bantam Books,1975. 308pp. (Index 243)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8935
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Romania", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "120", **HatchDesc:** "CLUJ,ROMANIA:FAMILY/OBS:3 ORG.OBJS HVR STILL/7min:AWAY/AMAZING SPEED:NFD", **LatLong:** "46.783336 23.550001", **LatLongDMS:** "46:47:00 N 23:33:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.783336,23.550001)", **State/Prov:** "CLJ", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 30888 (996AE48D)
**Date:** 8/19/1968
**Time:** 17:20
**Location:** NEAR VOUSSAC, FR
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Large ovoid going south low over woods. Shoots away as small plane nears.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LDLN CONTACT LECTEURS: by Series and #. May'68 -JAN'72 (Entire set of 18 issues) LDLN local chapters & individual members' UFO reports. (Index 26)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8936
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "nr VOUSSAC,FR:2 OBS:LRG OVOID >S LOW OVR WOODS:SHOOTS AWAY as SML PLANE NEARS", **LatLong:** "46.333336 3.066667", **LatLongDMS:** "46:20:00 N 03:04:00 E", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.333336,3.066667)", **State/Prov:** "Allier", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30889 (2E9FEAFD)
**Date:** 8/19/1968
**Time:** ~21:00
**Location:** VIEDMA, ARG
**Description:** Several science students. 4 black domed disks with luminous edges. Join and going quickly northwest.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 825)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8937
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "12", **HatchDesc:** "VIEDMA,ARG:SVRL SCIENCE STUDENTS:4 BLK DOMED DISKS W/LUMn.EDGES:JOIN+>>NW:", **LatLong:** "-40.783335 -63.050003", **LatLongDMS:** "40:47:00 S 63:03:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-40.783335,-63.050003)", **State/Prov:** "RNG", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30890 (B05D5E3C)
**Date:** 8/20/1968
**Time:** 21:50
**Description:** 2 observer(s) and more. Saucer goes west going east. Zigzags. Small night light follows. They exit together.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HOBANA Ion & WEVERBERGH,Julien: UFO'S from BEHIND the IRON CURTAIN; Bantam Books,1975. 308pp. (Index 154)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8938
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Romania", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "PLOIESTI,ROMANIA:2 OBS+:SCR GOES W>E:ZIGZAGS:SML NLT FOLOS:THEY EXIT TOGETHER", **LatLong:** "44.933335 26.016668", **LatLongDMS:** "44:56:00 N 26:01:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.933335,26.016668)", **State/Prov:** "PRH", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30891 (CC6D5ACA)
**Date:** 8/20/1968
**Time:** 23:00
**Location:** VULCANA-BAI, ROM
**Description:** West / Pucioasa. 30M cone hovers / 90 minute(s). Beams projector light going down. / Abbot.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HOBANA Ion & WEVERBERGH,Julien: UFO'S from BEHIND the IRON CURTAIN; Bantam Books,1975. 308pp. (Index 243)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8939
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Romania", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "90", **HatchDesc:** "VULCANA-BAI,ROM:W/PUCIOASA:30M CONE HVRS/90min:BEAMS PROJECTOR LITE ↓:/ABBOT", **LatLong:** "45.061113 25.388890", **LatLongDMS:** "45:03:40 N 25:23:20 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.061113,25.388890)", **State/Prov:** "DMB", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 30892 (15A4B063)
**Date:** 8/20/1968
**Time:** 04:05:59.6
**Location:** 49.8226 78.0745
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed, salvo. Country: USSR Yield: .001KT YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1319
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.8226 78.0745", **LatLongDMS:** "49:49:21 N 78:04:28 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.8226,78.0745)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "4.80", **NukeSource:** "BOCHAROV", **NukeType:** "NUCS_SALVO", **NukeY:** ".001", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 30893 (2B4C82A8)
**Date:** 8/20/1968
**Description:** In Schitul Bunea, Romania two men saw a 30 meter cone-shaped object that hovered for 90 minutes, beginning at around 11:00 p.m. It emitted a beam of light upwards.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Ion Hobanna & Julien Weberbergh, UFOs from Behind the Iron Curtain, p. 243
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5185
### Event 30894 (B279E10C)
**Date:** 8/21/1968
**Location:** FRANCE, Villers en Morvan (Côte d'Or)
**Description:** (Translated from French) Witnesses Marius Carré and Paul Billard were in a field almost at the top of a hill with a cart pulled by a tractor to collect bundles of rye. It was about 10:30. First Marius Carré noticed to the left of a pine forest, on a small hill 2 km away to the southwest, a very light white spot that had the appearance of a lozenge. He compared it to a picnic blanket spread on the grass. Paul Billard spoke of a mass on the ground the approximate size of a small car. Without thinking further, the two farmers began to load a cart. Half an hour later, the operation finished, they bring the cart back into a path, hitch another empty cart to the tractor and start to load it. They then see, from the point where the "white blanket" was, a kind of luminous extension in the shape of a tube or factory chimney, which lengthens approximately in their direction. In 5 to 10 minutes this luminous tube reaches the record length of 2 km and comes to a sudden stop on a hedge (a bush hedge marking 30 to 40 m from the witnesses, the limit of the field). This luminous tube is extremely bright and almost unbearable to the eye. Paul Billard nevertheless tries to look. This is perhaps why the next day he will have sore eyes and have to wear sunglasses. The two witnesses agree to describe the end of the tube of 1 or 2 m in diameter as a kind of bright, moving spider web, like the luminous points on a lit television screen. This situation lasts about ten minutes. Marius Carré, mainly concerned with bringing in his rye, the work continues undisturbed while the end of this fantastic thing is there, forty meters away, and follows the tractor in its progress. A hundred meters traveled in ten minutes. Then, just as slowly as it had lengthened, the tube begins to contract, disappearing completely after 5 to 10 minutes. The object seen on the ground about three quarters of an hour earlier is still there but Marius Carré now sees it green, like some wrapping paper. Suddenly it disappears. Paul Billard then believes he can see, in the pine woods, like a 2 CV going away.
**Reference:** L.D.L.N. "Mysterious Flying Saucers" - ALBATROS-ETAPES 1973 - P. 96 to 99
**Reference:** Henry DURRANT: The UFO File - Laffont 1973 - p. 137 to 140
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2527
### Event 30895 (496807C4)
**Date:** 8/21/1968
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Soviet intervention in Prague. (August 21)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1968.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2432
### Event 30896 (428C9ACB)
**Date:** 8/21/1968
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Near the Bahamas Islands, south of Florida, American scientists are installing a submarine television camera and a hydrophone system designed to detect underwater noises.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1968.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2433
### Event 30897 (9265467B)
**Date:** 8/21/1968
**Location:** OTTSVILLE, PA
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Observer(s) = Schrieberg. CE2+still photos taken. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFOCAT CATALOG: Assorted Printouts. Donald A. Johnson Ph.D (CUFOS). P.O. Box 446, Concord, NH 03302-0446 (Index 101)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8940
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "122", **HatchDesc:** "OTTSVILLE,PA:BBK#UNK:OBS=SCHRIEBERG:CE2+STILL PHOTOS TAKEN:NFD", **LatLong:** "40.477780 -75.155559", **LatLongDMS:** "40:28:40 N 75:09:20 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.477780,-75.155559)", **State/Prov:** "Pennsylvania", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 30898 (6F4E4586)
**Date:** 8/21/1968
**Location:** BROOKSVILLE, FL
**Description:** Saucer nears car going through woods. Engine won't work when near.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RODEGHIER, Mark/CUFOS: UFO REPORTS INVOLVING VEHICLE INTERFERENCE; CUFOS 1979. Available as CUFOS UFO Archive #1 CD-ROM. http://www.cufos.org/Pubform.pdf (Index 42)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8941
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "64", **HatchDesc:** "BROOKSVILLE,FL:SCR NEARS CAR GOING THRU WOODS:ENGINE WONT WORK WHEN NEAR", **LatLong:** "28.566668 -82.383337", **LatLongDMS:** "28:34:00 N 82:23:00 W", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/28.566668,-82.383337)", **State/Prov:** "Florida", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 30899 (7B19A25B)
**Date:** 8/21/1968
**Time:** 10:30
**Description:** Square white sheet / ground. 1M beam extends 2km out and retracts. / r30.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PHENOMENES SPATIAUX: Group GEPA, Gen. M. Lionel Chassin Paris. Quarterly 1964?-1977. Merged into Grp. GEPAN (Index 18)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8942
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "30", **HatchDesc:** "VILLIERS-en-MORVAN,FR:SQR WHT SHEET/GND:1M BEAM EXTENDS 2km OUT+RETRACTS:/r30", **LatLong:** "47.138891 4.255556", **LatLongDMS:** "47:08:20 N 04:15:20 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.138891,4.255556)", **State/Prov:** "Côte-d'Or", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 30900 (62BC18E8)
**Date:** 8/21/1968
**Locations:** Pacific Ocean; 930 miles off the coast of California
**Description:** 6:58 a.m. The Canadian destroyer [HMCS Mackenzie](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HMCS%5FMackenzie) is on a mission in the Pacific Ocean about 930 miles off the coast of California. Four of the ship’s crew, including Maj. W. J. Draper, see a group of starlike lights approaching from the northeast, initially only 10° above the horizon. They are flying in a row, and one in the middle of the line seems larger and has a white glow around it. Within 5 minutes, the procession of 20 objects passes nearly overhead, heading west. They maintain a steady course until they are lost to view 13 minutes later.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Chris Rutkowski, Canada’s UFOs: Declassified, August Night, 2022, pp. 73–74
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4603
### Event 30901 (464983AC)
**Date:** 8/22/1968
**Time:** 12:30
**Description:** Numerous observer(s). Domed disk with square windows paces bus closely. / r224p101.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 56)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8943
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Italy", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "SE/TERRACINA,ITL:NMRS OBS:DOMED DISK W/SQR WINDOWS PACES BUS CLOSELY:/r224p101", **LatLong:** "41.083335 13.500001", **LatLongDMS:** "41:05:00 N 13:30:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.083335,13.500001)", **State/Prov:** "LTM", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 30902 (BB5BEF82)
**Date:** 8/22/1968
**Time:** 17:40
**Location:** ZANTHUS, AUS
**Description:** 6 large saucers exit huge object. Pace 2 / plane going west. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). / r175p28+/ FSRv14#5.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 58)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8944
**Attributes:** **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "20", **HatchDesc:** "ZANTHUS,AUS:6 LRG SCRS EXIT HUGE OBJ:PACE 2/PLANE >W:RFI:/r175p28+/FSRv14#5", **LatLong:** "-31.050001 123.566673", **LatLongDMS:** "31:03:00 S 123:34:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-31.050001,123.566673)", **State/Prov:** "Western Australia", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 30903 (79ACB476)
**Date:** 8/22/1968
**Location:** Kalgoorlie, AU
**Description:** Object emitted 6 "cigars" near Piper Navajo (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3964
### Event 30904 (2153F379)
**Date:** 8/22/1968
**Location:** Kalgoorlie, Australia
**Description:** Luminous white UFO emitted six smaller "satellite objects"
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_166
### Event 30905 (48BDFA04)
**Date:** 8/22/1968
**Location:** Zanthus, Western Australia
**Description:** 5:40 p.m. Capt. Walter Gardin and Capt. Gordon W. Smith are flying over Zanthus, Western Australia, at 8,000 feet in a Piper Navajo single-engine airplane when they see a large cigar-shaped object surrounded by five smaller ones. The formation maintains a constant angle from their own flight path for more than 10 minutes, while they are flying at 224 mph. The large object then opens up its center and the smaller objects fly to and from the larger object. Ground air control reports no known air traffic in the area. At this point the radio fails at all frequencies until the objects fly away.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Pilots See Formation over Australia,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201969%2001%2000%20-%20January-February.pdf)” APRO Bulletin, Jan./Feb. 1969, pp. 1, 4; Paul B. Norman, “[‘Motherships’ over Australia,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201979%20V%2024%20N%205.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 24, no. 5 \(March 1979\): 9–10; Paul B. Norman, “[Countdown to Reality](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201986%20V%2031%20N%202.pdf),” Flying Saucer Review 31, no. 2 \(January 1986\): 19–20; Good Above, [pp.](https://archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/172/mode/2up) [172–173](https://archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/172/mode/2up); Martin Shough and Wim van Utrecht, “[The BOAC Labrador Sighting of June 29, 1954: Similar](https://www.caelestia.be/darkblob14.html) [Reports,](https://www.caelestia.be/darkblob14.html)” Caelestia, October 31, 2018
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4604
### Event 30906 (FD6FA313)
**Date:** 8/22/1968
**Description:** At 5:40 p.m. two men, Smith and Gardin, were flying in a Piper Navajo for Murchison Air 130 miles east of Kalgoorlie, Western Australia when they spotted a luminous white UFO. It emitted six smaller cigar-shaped "satellite objects." When the pilot Capt. Gordon Smith reported their sighting to the Kalgourlie communication centre their radio stopped working, but it came back after the UFOs gathered together, and shot off at high speed.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** FSR, March 1979, p. 9; NICAP UFO Investigator, March 1969, p. 1; Richard F. Haines, Project Delta, p. 144; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II. A Thirty Year Report, pp. 13,119
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5226
### Event 30907 (E2161E8E)
**Date:** 8/23/1968
**Time:** 22:30
**Description:** 5 observer(s). Brill round elongated object going quickly west / 5 second(s). No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HOBANA Ion & WEVERBERGH,Julien: UFO'S from BEHIND the IRON CURTAIN; Bantam Books,1975. 308pp. (Index 244)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8945
**Attributes:** **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Romania", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "FIRTATESTI,ROMANIA:5 OBS:BRILL RND. ELONGATED OBJ >>W/5sec:NFD", **LatLong:** "47.733336 24.000001", **LatLongDMS:** "47:44:00 N 24:00:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.733336,24.000001)", **State/Prov:** "MRM", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 30908 (D12E97A7)
**Date:** 8/24/1968
**Time:** 16:40
**Description:** Several observer(s). Domed saucer hovers and maneuvers. Edges glows green when moving.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HOBANA Ion & WEVERBERGH,Julien: UFO'S from BEHIND the IRON CURTAIN; Bantam Books,1975. 308pp. (Index 157)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8946
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Romania", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "PIATRA-NEAMT,ROMANIA:SVRL OBS:DOMED SCR HVRS+MNVRS:EDGES GLOWS GRN WHEN MOVING", **LatLong:** "46.933336 26.366668", **LatLongDMS:** "46:56:00 N 26:22:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.933336,26.366668)", **State/Prov:** "NMT", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 30909 (47B85A77)
**Date:** 8/24/1968
**Time:** 22:30
**Location:** LUIS A.SAUCE, ARG
**Description:** 2 / road. 2 cones play and maneuver. Touch ground / times. Fog / limited area.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 13)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8947
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "111", **HatchDesc:** "LUIS A.SAUCE,ARG:2/ROAD:2 CONES PLAY+MNVR:TOUCH GND/TIMES:FOG/LIMITED AREA", **LatLong:** "-31.466668 -62.133336", **LatLongDMS:** "31:28:00 S 62:08:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-31.466668,-62.133336)", **State/Prov:** "CRD", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 30910 (C727E40A)
**Date:** 8/24/1968
**Time:** 18:30:00.5
**Location:** -22.2280 -138.6440
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Canopus” Yield: 1000KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1865
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "-22.2280 -138.6440", **LatLongDMS:** "22:13:41 S 138:38:38 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-22.2280,-138.6440)", **NukeCountry:** "France", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "4.95", **NukeName:** "Canopus", **NukeSource:** "AWE-JED", **NukeType:** "NACF", **NukeY:** "1000"
### Event 30911 (CD50F00C)
**Date:** 8/25/1968
**Time:** 21:30
**Description:** 2 night lights. Very fast and silent. Orbit each other. Instant 90-turn going quickly northwest.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HOBANA Ion & WEVERBERGH,Julien: UFO'S from BEHIND the IRON CURTAIN; Bantam Books,1975. 308pp. (Index 163)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8948
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Romania", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "RIMNICU-SARAT,ROMANIA:2 NLTS:VFAST+SILENT:ORBIT EACH OTHER:INSTANT 90-TURN>>NW", **LatLong:** "46.400002 27.100001", **LatLongDMS:** "46:24:00 N 27:06:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.400002,27.100001)", **State/Prov:** "Bacău", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 30912 (0DD776BE)
**Date:** 8/25/1968
**Location:** Serafim Ferrreira sanitarium in Lins, São Paulo, Brazil
**Description:** 5:00 a.m. Hospital assistant Maria José Cintra of the Serafim Ferrreira sanitarium in Lins, São Paulo, Brazil, hears a noise like the braking of a car. Cintra readies herself to meet people needing medical assistance. She opens a glass door and asks the visitor if she is a patient. The visitor, just over 6 feet tall, answers in an unknown language. The visitor is wearing a blue satiny cape, matching shoes, and a dress with a high collar and long sleeves. She shows Cintra a vessel with engraved ornaments, and Cintra fills it with water from a fountain and offers her a doughnut. The visitor walks to the door of the sanitorium and through some flowerbeds. At this point Cintra notices a semicircular “pebble-like” light on the ground and a UFO floating 1–2 feet above the grass. She feels the force of an invisible rotating movement and notices that the visitor is no longer there. The UFO rises into the air, making soft sounds like those she heard when the visitor arrived. Later, she and the sanitorium manager and his wife find high-heeled footprints on the freshly waxed floor near the door. On the lawn they discover a spot of scorched grass that persists for 4 months. Subsequent investigation reveals a depression in the ground 5–7 inches deep, apparently made by a vehicle with a diameter of about 6.5 feet. From his bed, another patient has seen the UFO land some 260 feet from the fence of the sanitorium and remain there for 15 minutes.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Mulher](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/Brazil/SBEDV/SBEDV%20-%20No%20066-68%20-%201969.pdf) [Extraterrestre Pede Água, em Lins, Est. de São Saulo,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/Brazil/SBEDV/SBEDV%20-%20No%20066-68%20-%201969.pdf)” SBEDV Boletim, no. 66/68 \(Jan./June 1969\): 72–74; Nigel Rimes, “[Another Hospital Visited,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201969%20V%2015%20N%201.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 15, no. 1 \(Jan./Feb. 1969\): 4–6; Gordon Creighton, “[Confrontation at Lins,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201969%20V%2015%20N%201.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 15, no. 1 \(Jan./Feb. 1969\): 22–23; Clark III 684–685; “[O](https://www.fenomenum.com.br/ufo/casuistica/1960/lins) [Fantástico Caso Lins,](https://www.fenomenum.com.br/ufo/casuistica/1960/lins)” Portal Fenomenum, June 15, 2016; “[O Fantástico Caso Lins,](https://www.oarquivo.com.br/variedades/e-books/download/7-esoterismo/1149-ao%5Fe%5Freao.html)” Oarquiva; Brazil 99–104
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4605
### Event 30913 (F6CFAE76)
**Date:** 8/25/1968
**Description:** In Aldaya, Valencia, Spain Juan Gazcon del Toro, age 44, was riding his bicycle home from work at 8:00 p.m., and was crossing a cultivated field when, as he turned a bend, saw a silvery gray object on the ground resting on four legs. Next to the object stood two short beings; the witness bicycled closer to the object, stopped 40 meters away from it, and then looked at it more closely. The craft had a small dome with an antennae on top, and an open door from which a silvery ladder extended to the ground. Both beings wore helmets with visors from which a rubber hose like protrusion was apparently connected to their chest area. They also wore wide belts and small boots, and their outfits were white in color. The beings stood by the object ignoring the witness, so he pedalled his bicycle away from the site and did not watch the object depart.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos & Fernandez Peri, Enciclopedia De los Encuentros Cercanos con Ovnis, p. 83; Albert S. Rosales, 1968 Humanoid Contact Database, case # 95, citing Ballester Olmos Olmos & Fernandez Peri; UNICAT, case # 493
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5325
### Event 30914 (CE2AF0C2)
**Date:** 8/26/1968
**Time:** 19:50
**Location:** GLEESON, AZ
**Description:** Several separate observer(s). Silver disk joined / gold saucer. Burnt Cactus and grass. / r41p264.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PHILLIPS, Ted: Study of PHYSICAL TRACES ASSOCIATED with UFO SIGHTINGS; CUFOS 1975. (Index 58)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8949
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "1501", **HatchDesc:** "GLEESON,AZ:SVRL SEP.OBS:SLVR DISK JOINED/GOLD SCR:BURNT CACTUS+GRASS:/r41p264", **LatLong:** "31.716668 -109.833339", **LatLongDMS:** "31:43:00 N 109:50:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/31.716668,-109.833339)", **State/Prov:** "Arizona", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 30915 (D04C0CFE)
**Date:** 8/26/1968
**Locations:** Gleeson, Colorado; Brown's Peak
**Description:** 7:50 p.m. Pearl Christiansen is unchaining the driveway to her ranch near Gleeson, Colorado, when she notices a round, silver disc. She watches it for 5 minutes, then a second object appears, “very shiny and gold.” Both are hovering above 7,200-foot high Brown’s Peak. They remain for several hours, then just after midnight they back away behind the mountain. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Mayfield also see the objects. Daily Citizen reporter Cecil James and photographer Dan Tortorell visit the apparent site and find erratic burned patches of Dasylirion plants \(charred at the base but not at the top\) and grass. Rocks show evidence of high heat and are still hot to the touch two days later.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Cecil James, “[Gleeson UFO](https://www.newspapers.com/clip/56443746/ufo-at-gleeson-a/) [Leaves Traces,](https://www.newspapers.com/clip/56444026/ufo-gleeson-tuc-citizen-1968-oct-19/)” Tucson \(Ariz.\) Daily Citizen, October 19, 1968, Olé magazine, pp. 10, 22
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4606
### Event 30916 (8069B721)
**Date:** 8/26/1968
**Description:** Needham, Alabama. A bright ovoid object with three luminous bands was encountered on the road at 12:30 a.m. A scraped, burned area was found later at the landing point.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II. A Thirty Year Report, p. 264, citing NICAP files
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5366
### Event 30917 (5EB09CC9)
**Date:** 8/26/1968
**Description:** Awakened by a flapping noise outside, hospital receptionist Maria Cintra in Lins, Sao Paulo State, Brazil opened the door to find a “foreign looking woman” wearing white light colored, shiny clothes, and a tight fitting hood, and holding an engraved glass bottle and a mug. Mrs. Cintra filled these for her from the drinking fountain. While she did so, the woman placed her hand on the witness shoulder and repeated several times the word “Rempaua.” Then the woman went out and entered a luminous, pear-shaped UFO craft, shaped with a flat bottom that was hovering 3 feet above the hospital’s lawn. Another person also saw the craft. It took off and climbed slowly in a spiral, with a repetition of the flapping sound.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** APRO Bulletin, July-August 1968, p. 6; Coral & Jim Lorenzen, UFOs: The Whole Story, p. 291; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case # 1968-60, citing Dr. Max Berezowski for APRO
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5367
### Event 30918 (E3EEB3FC)
**Date:** 8/26/1968
**Description:** Two discs were spotted atop each other on a mountain peak in Gleeson, Arizona at 7:50 p.m. There were scorched plants and burned grass found at the site.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Gordon I. R. Lore, Jr., Strange Effects from UFOs, p. 55; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II. A Thirty Year Report, p. 264, citing NICAP files
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5368
### Event 30919 (1BE88BBE)
**Date:** 8/27/1968
**Location:** BRAZIL, Lins
**Description:** (Translated from French) Dona Maria Cintra, a receptionist at the Clemente Ferreiro sanatorium near Lins, early in the morning, heard a loud noise and a prolonged whistle. (...) Then as suddenly as it had begun, the noise stopped. A few minutes later, Dona Maria heard knocking at the door. She went to open it and found herself in front of a tall woman with light eyes (...) her face looked as if it had been powdered with rice powder. She addressed the receptionist in an unknown language with staccato intonations as if she was having difficulty breathing. (...) Dona Maria thought she understood that she wanted water as she was holding a very pretty bottle engraved with incomprehensible motifs. Dona Maria then let her in and filled her bottle with water. She walked with the stranger outside to the car park (...) That's when she saw in front of the stranger, at some distance, a circular, silver vessel that was oscillating slightly above the ground. The visitor got on board. Completely shaken, Dona Maria turned around and ran back inside the sanatorium, where, with other witnesses, she saw the craft rise and disappear 5... (Jean FERGUSON: "Les Humanoïdes..." - éd. Leméac, Ottawa, 1977, p. 40, 41) Mrs. J.M. Cintra gave water to a humanoid who said several times "Rempaua" or "Abaura" probably to thank her. (Henry DURRANT: "Premières enquêtes sur les Humanoïdes ET" - Laffont 1977 - p. 187) Maria Jose Cintra was woken up by a noise. At the entrance door stood a woman with a strange look. She spoke in an unknown language and handed Maria a cup and a glass bottle covered with beautiful engravings. Maria filled them. The woman said something resembling "Rempaua" and headed towards a shiny object, shaped like a pearl, which flew away with a great noise of wings.
**Reference:** M. FIGUET/ J.L. RUCHON: "Ovni, premier dossier complet..." éd. Alain Lefeuvre 1979, p. 101
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2528
### Event 30920 (17BA203C)
**Date:** 8/27/1968
**Time:** 00:10
**Description:** Car lit inside. 2 rays / light in V-shape follow car. / local news.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 58)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8950
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "KALGOORLIE,W.AUSTRL:CAR LIT INSIDE:2 RAYS/LITE in V-SHAPE FOLO CAR:/local news", **LatLong:** "-30.816668 128.483339", **LatLongDMS:** "30:49:00 S 128:29:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-30.816668,128.483339)", **State/Prov:** "Western Australia", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30921 (F15B0810)
**Date:** 8/27/1968
**Time:** 06:50
**Location:** LINS, SP, BRZ
**Description:** Female pseudo-human/entity / unknown language. Asks and gets water / bottle. Boards saucer. / r8#918.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 184)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8951
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens, **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **CVS:** Conversation/communication, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "460", **HatchDesc:** "LINS,SP,BRZ:FEM PSH/UNK LANGUAGE:ASKS+GETS WATER/BOTTLE:BOARDS SCR:/r8#918", **LatLong:** "-21.666668 -49.750002", **LatLongDMS:** "21:40:00 S 49:45:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-21.666668,-49.750002)", **State/Prov:** "São Paulo", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 30922 (BD4E9C9E)
**Date:** 8/27/1968
**Time:** 19:30
**Location:** ANGOULEME, FR
**Description:** Numerous observer(s). Delta/triangle/box-like craft with point going down [to] maneuvers. Cylinder/cigar-shape grows shark-fins. Tilts. Quickly going up.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LDLN CONTACT LECTEURS: by Series and #. May'68 -JAN'72 (Entire set of 18 issues) LDLN local chapters & individual members' UFO reports. (Index 16)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8952
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "30", **HatchDesc:** "ANGOULEME,FR:NMRS.OBS:DLT W/POINT↓ MNVRS:CGR GROWS SHARK-FINS:TILTS:↑↑", **LatLong:** "45.683336 0.166667", **LatLongDMS:** "45:41:00 N 00:10:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.683336,0.166667)", **State/Prov:** "Charente", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 30923 (121AE231)
**Date:** 8/27/1968
**Time:** 23:50
**Description:** Star / horizon / several nights. Maneuvers and curves. Come toward(s) observer(s) when lights on.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BOEDEC, Jean-Francois: Les OVNI EN BRETAGNE, Anatomie d'un Phenomene. 1978 Editions Fernand Lanore, Paris. (Index 45)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8953
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "15", **HatchDesc:** "SE/LOCTUDY,FR:STAR/HRZN/SVRL NITES:MNVRS+CURVES:COME TWRD OBS WHEN LITES ON", **LatLong:** "47.800002 -4.133334", **LatLongDMS:** "47:48:00 N 04:08:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.800002,-4.133334)", **State/Prov:** "Finistère", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 30924 (8853B557)
**Date:** 8/27/1968
**Location:** Lins, Brazil
**Description:** Early. Maria Josa Cintra, who worked at the Clemente Ferreira Sanatorium, was awakened by a noise. At the front door was a "foreign-looking" woman of normal height, wearing light-colored clothes, and a headdress exposing only her face. (Magonia #918, FSR 69, 1) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3965
### Event 30925 (E05667CC)
**Date:** 8/27/1968
**Time:** early
**Location:** Lins, Brazil
**Description:** Maria Josa Cintra, who worked at the Clemente Ferreira Sanatorium, was awakened by a noise. At the front door was a "foreign-looking" woman of normal height, wearing light-colored clothes, and a headdress exposing only her face. She spoke in an unknown language, and handed Marie a mug and a glass bottle covered with beautiful engravings. Maria filled them. The woman said something such as "Rempaua," and went out to a pearlshaped, bright object that took off with the sound of wings.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** FSR 69, 1 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_918
### Event 30926 (86341D15)
**Date:** 8/27/1968
**Time:** 16:30:00.0
**Location:** 36.8772 -115.9311
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Diana Moon” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_555
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "36.8772 -115.9311", **LatLongDMS:** "36:52:38 N 115:55:52 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/36.8772,-115.9311)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.24", **NukeName:** "Diana Moon", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 30927 (1F73914F)
**Date:** 8/27/1968
**Description:** Maria Josa Cintra, who worked at the Clemente Ferreira Sanatorium in Lins, Brazil was awakened by a noise early in the morning. At the front door was a "foreign-looking" woman of normal height, wearing light-colored clothes, and a headdress exposing only her face. She spoke in an unknown language, and handed Marie a mug and a glass bottle covered with beautiful engravings. Maria filled them. The woman said something like as "Rempaua," and went out to a bright, pearl-like sphere, that took off with the sound of wings.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Max Berezowski, APRO Bulletin, July-August 1968, p. 6; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: a Century of Landings, case 918
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5398
### Event 30928 (49812CA5)
**Date:** 8/28/1968
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) The US Geological Survey takes an aerial photo of the [Groom Lake](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/Area51.html) complex as part of a routine high altitude survey. This photo, published on multiple occasions, is publicly released until 1994, when it is banned from publication by the government. (August 28)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1968.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2434
### Event 30929 (48AA694B)
**Date:** 8/28/1968
**Time:** 19:30
**Location:** UCERO, SP
**Description:** 2M saucer sweeps area / beam. Electro-magnetic effect (EME). Portholes. Turns beams going up [to] and rises. / LDLN#110.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BALLESTER OLMOS, Vicente-Juan: CATALOG of 200 TYPE-1 EVENTS in SPAIN & PORTUGAL; CUFOS 1976. (Index 15)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8954
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "4", **HatchDesc:** "UCERO,SP:2M SCR SWEEPS AREA/BEAM:EME:PORTHOLES:TURNS BEAMS ↑+RISES:/LDLN#110", **LatLong:** "41.722224 -3.050000", **LatLongDMS:** "41:43:20 N 03:03:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.722224,-3.050000)", **State/Prov:** "SOR", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 30930 (8046C572)
**Date:** 8/28/1968
**Description:** At 7:30 p.m. Pedro Aylagas Galvez saw a lighted object in his field in Ucero, Soria, Spain that descended 500 meters away and emitted a beam of light directed upward. It then made a strange, abrupt maneuver, and then shone its light at him, hitting him in the face and blinding him and also making his hair stand on end. The object descended in a spinning motion, stabilized, and displayed four large windows on top with four smaller ones underneath. As he watched, he saw four “small dark objects” ejected from its central part, which landed on the ground. After about a minute these arose and re-entered the hovering UFO, which then ascended and disappeared in seconds. The entire incident lasted about seven minutes. Others independently reported seeing the object depart.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos, Catalogue of 200 Type-I UFO Events in Spain and Portugal, case 66; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1968-61 (A0966), citing Felix Ares De Blas, Bernani Labro Begule & David S. Lopez; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty-Year Report, pp. 360 & 380
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5421
### Event 30931 (B69708BA)
**Date:** 8/29/1968
**Time:** 02:00
**Location:** CAPAYAN, ARG
**Description:** 3 / truck. 20' silver-red saucer 12M away / 2M altitude. 4 legs. Small portholes / top.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 16)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8955
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "358", **HatchDesc:** "CAPAYAN,ARG:3/TRUCK:20'SLVR-RED SCR 12M away/2M alt:4 LEGS:SML.PORTHOLES/TOP", **LatLong:** "-28.755557 -66.083336", **LatLongDMS:** "28:45:20 S 66:05:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-28.755557,-66.083336)", **RelAlt:** "2", **State/Prov:** "CTM", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 30932 (BC61E7C4)
**Date:** 8/29/1968
**Time:** 11:20
**Location:** LA CARRODILLA, ARG
**Description:** 40+observer(s). Huge brilliant metallic pear hovers / high altitude. Going west. Stops. Away extremely fast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LDLN CONTACT LECTEURS: by Series and #. May'68 -JAN'72 (Entire set of 18 issues) LDLN local chapters & individual members' UFO reports. (Index 39)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8956
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "894", **HatchDesc:** "LA CARRODILLA,ARG:40+OBS:HUGE BRILL.MTLC PEAR HVRS/HI alt:>W:STOPS:AWAY XFAST", **LatLong:** "-32.966668 -68.866670", **LatLongDMS:** "32:58:00 S 68:52:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-32.966668,-68.866670)", **State/Prov:** "MND", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30933 (30D0F41B)
**Date:** 8/29/1968
**Time:** 15:30
**Location:** COLERAINE, QB
**Description:** 2 kids. 1M bald figure / cemetery. Black beard. Back / 4 days. Vanishes! Night lights.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 113)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8957
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **MON:** Monster: Life form fits no category, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "136", **Elev:** "220", **HatchDesc:** "COLERAINE,QB:2 KIDS:1M BALD FIG./CEMETERY:BLK BEARD:BACK/4 DAYS:VANISHES!:NLTs", **LatLong:** "45.977780 -71.377781", **LatLongDMS:** "45:58:40 N 71:22:40 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.977780,-71.377781)", **State/Prov:** "Quebec", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 30934 (0DE081F2)
**Date:** 8/29/1968
**Time:** 21:30
**Description:** 6 observer(s). Glaring metallic sphere/orb/globe rises like / balloon. / r230v4#3.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BALLESTER OLMOS, Vicente-Juan: CATALOG of 200 TYPE-1 EVENTS in SPAIN & PORTUGAL; CUFOS 1976. (Index 15)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8958
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "SAN SADURNI de OSORMORT,SP:6 OBS:GLARING MTLC ORB RISES LIKE/BALLOON:/r230v4#3", **LatLong:** "41.872224 2.388889", **LatLongDMS:** "41:52:20 N 02:23:20 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.872224,2.388889)", **State/Prov:** "Barcelone", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 30935 (E73376CE)
**Date:** 8/29/1968
**Time:** 21:40
**Location:** MT. KOBETAS, SP
**Description:** Several observer(s). Extremely bright domed square object hovers / peak / 1 minute(s). Vanishes. / r230v4#3.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BALLESTER OLMOS, Vicente-Juan: CATALOG of 200 TYPE-1 EVENTS in SPAIN & PORTUGAL; CUFOS 1976. (Index 16)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8959
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "Mt.KOBETAS,SP:SVRL OBS:XBRITE DOMED SQR OBJ HVRS/PEAK/1min:VANISHES:/r230v4#3", **LatLong:** "43.133335 -2.866667", **LatLongDMS:** "43:08:00 N 02:52:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.133335,-2.866667)", **State/Prov:** "VZC", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 30936 (F4270634)
**Date:** 8/29/1968
**Time:** ~22:00
**Location:** US6 75 MI WITH DELTA, UT
**Description:** Night light going [to] overhead. Truck malfunctions due to EME (electro-magnetic effects). 2 hours / missing time. 2nd car similarly stopped.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RODEGHIER, Mark/CUFOS: UFO REPORTS INVOLVING VEHICLE INTERFERENCE; CUFOS 1979. Available as CUFOS UFO Archive #1 CD-ROM. http://www.cufos.org/Pubform.pdf (Index 42)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8960
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **RDA:** Radiation/high energy fields detected, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "120", **Elev:** "1600", **HatchDesc:** "US6 75MI W/DELTA,UT:NLT>OVHD:TRUCK EMEs:2hrs/MST:2nd CAR SIMILARLY STOPPED", **LatLong:** "39.000002 -113.650005", **LatLongDMS:** "39:00:00 N 113:39:00 W", **Locale:** "Desert", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.000002,-113.650005)", **State/Prov:** "Utah", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 30937 (C7BB4B52)
**Date:** 8/29/1968
**Time:** 22:45:00.0
**Location:** 37.2503 -116.3469
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Sled” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 200KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_556
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.2503 -116.3469", **LatLongDMS:** "37:15:01 N 116:20:49 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.2503,-116.3469)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.73", **NukeMb:** "5.90", **NukeName:** "Sled", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "200"
### Event 30938 (0E0EB6F9)
**Date:** 8/29/1968
**Description:** At 9:30 p.m. six witnesses in San Sadurni de Osomort, Barcelona, Spain saw a UFO 200 meters away, hovering just two meters above the ground. It was a metallic sphere, which gave off a yellow light. At 9:40 p.m. several people in Castrejana, Vizcaya, Spain saw an object over the Mount Kobetas mountain peak for one minute. It was square, with a dome on top, and extremely bright.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos, Catalogue of 200 Type-I UFO Events in Spain and Portugal, pp. 15-16, cases 67 & 68, citing Correo Espano, August 30, 1968
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5463
### Event 30939 (13BE921C)
**Date:** 8/29/1968
**Description:** Starting on this evening at 6:30 p.m., a group of children in Coleraine, Quebec, Canada on four consecutive evenings saw a strange being hanging onto a boulder overlooking a cemetery. He was a dwarfish humanoid about 4 feet tall, with a shaven or bald head, naked chest, heavy black beard, and with red and bumpy skin, “like that of a lizard.” This being would disappear into thin air unexpectedly. A roaring noise was also heard coming from an excavation at the foot of the boulder, and a kind of “flying saucer” was seen, about 30 feet wide and colored blue, white and red. It left a long trail of smoke, and each time it “looked as if it were trying to land behind the boulder.” The children were Denis Bogus, age 7, who first saw the object; his brothers Michael and Andre, and their uncle, George Bogus; other adults who subsequently observed the phenomena were Normand Daigle and Luc Cadorette.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1968-62, citing Gene Duplantier, Saucers, Space & Science, Fall 1968
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5464
### Event 30940 (D005C9F5)
**Date:** 8/29/1968
**Description:** Larry Sorenson was driving from Ely to Delta, Utah on this night when he saw a stationary bright, white light close to the horizon. It turned a red color and became much brighter. Sorenson's truck engine suddenly failed as he continued to drive towards the light. He got out and watched the light travel overhead and disappear behind him. It was changing colors from red to green to white and back to red. After the light was gone, the truck could be restarted. Sorenson noticed another car had also been stopped on the road. When he got home, the trip had taken almost two hours longer to complete than expected, and he had to account for two hours of missing time with a possible UFO abduction experience.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, p. 42; Frank B. Salisbury, The Utah UFO Display
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5465
### Event 30941 (6840AC02)
**Date:** 8/30/1968
**Time:** 12:00?
**Location:** COLLOTO, SPAIN
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Extremely bright umbrella-saucer going quickly [to] overhead. Observers feel "pushed down". Gravity?
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BALLESTER OLMOS, Vicente-Juan: CATALOG of 200 TYPE-1 EVENTS in SPAIN & PORTUGAL; CUFOS 1976. (Index 16)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8961
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "COLLOTO,SPAIN:2 OBS:XBRITE UMBRELLA-SCR>>OVHD:OBSs FEEL "PUSHED DOWN":GRAVITY?", **LatLong:** "43.416669 -5.850000", **LatLongDMS:** "43:25:00 N 05:51:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.416669,-5.850000)", **State/Prov:** "OVI", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 30942 (32219759)
**Date:** 8/31/1968
**Location:** ARGENTINA, Mendoza
**Description:** (Translated from French) Two employees of the Mendoza casino were returning home when their car stopped inexplicably. Immediately they were surrounded by three beings, no more than one meter forty tall, bald and with an abnormally large skull. These creatures were dressed in sky blue jumpsuits and seemed to come from the circular craft that the witnesses saw on the ground. "We have just landed for the third time," the strangers said. "We are studying the customs of your planet. The Sun is good," they added sententiously, "without it we would not exist." Then the three of them had fun engraving characters resembling Chinese writing on the Argentines' vehicle with a tool similar to an electric welder. Then, using a beam of light as a bridge, they got back into their craft, dragging the witnesses with them, offered a short "television" program featuring waterfalls and explosions, and finally took off with a great noise. The witnesses also declared that they had been paralyzed by these beings who pricked their index and middle fingers to take a few drops of blood.
**Reference:** Jean-Marie DOUCHET - Nostra 2.4.1980
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2529
### Event 30943 (789EE3AB)
**Date:** 8/31/1968 (approximate)
**Time:** 20:00
**Description:** 4 kids. Pseudo-human/entity / regular clothes enters 16' saucer. Portholes. Footprints found.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BALLESTER OLMOS, Vicente-Juan: CATALOG of 200 TYPE-1 EVENTS in SPAIN & PORTUGAL; CUFOS 1976. (Index 16)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8962
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "SANTIPONCE,SPAIN:4 KIDS:PSH/REG.CLOTHES ENTERS 16'SCR:PORTHOLES:FPRINTS FOUND", **LatLong:** "37.438891 -6.038889", **LatLongDMS:** "37:26:20 N 06:02:20 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.438891,-6.038889)", **State/Prov:** "SVL", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 30944 (EE5C31B2)
**Date:** 8/31/1968
**Time:** 21:00?
**Location:** LUJAN, ARG
**Description:** Glowing-ball sways 4M overhead. Observer(s) temporarily paralyzed. Red and blue flashes. AOK after.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 16)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8963
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "925", **HatchDesc:** "LUJAN,ARG:GLO-BALL SWAYS 4M OVHD:OBS TEMP.PARALYZED:RED+BLU FLASHES:AOK AFTER", **LatLong:** "-33.066668 -68.866670", **LatLongDMS:** "33:04:00 S 68:52:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-33.066668,-68.866670)", **RelAlt:** "4", **State/Prov:** "MND", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 30945 (7DC09A1B)
**Date:** 8/31/1968
**Time:** 23:00
**Location:** UMBRETE, SP
**Description:** 3 kids. 1.5M saucer flies in from Bollullos. Descends to 3M altitude.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BALLESTER OLMOS, Vicente-Juan: CATALOG of 200 TYPE-1 EVENTS in SPAIN & PORTUGAL; CUFOS 1976. (Index 16)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8964
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "UMBRETE,SP:3 KIDS:1.5M SCR FLIES IN from BOLLULLOS:DESCENDS TO 3M ALTITUDE.", **LatLong:** "37.366668 -6.150000", **LatLongDMS:** "37:22:00 N 06:09:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.366668,-6.150000)", **State/Prov:** "SVL", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 30946 (DC5F6CCC)
**Date:** 8/31/1968
**Time:** early
**Location:** Mendoza, Argentina
**Description:** Three witnesses, among them two Casino employees, stated that they observed five dwarfs, with oversized heads, who emerged from a landed craft and traced undecipherable signs on the ground.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** Le Figaro Sep. 2, 1968 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_919
### Event 30947 (514C38CE)
**Date:** 8/31/1968
**Description:** In the early morning hours (3:42 a.m.) three witnesses in Mendoza, Argentina--among them two casino employees getting off work--stated that they observed five dwarfs with oversized heads, who emerged from a landed craft and traced undecipherable signs on the ground.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case # 919, citing Le Figaro, September 2, 1968
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5525
### Event 30948 (55D44F67)
**Date:** 8/31/1968
**Description:** In Santiponce, Sevilla province, Spain at around eight p.m. four little girls, ages 4 to 8, saw a round object with green and white lights that "arrived from the sky and landed between two trees." It came down about 50 meters away. It was round with two black wheels and two small windows. Then the girls saw a tall man in black trousers and a black and brown shirt appear near the object; there was nothing unusual about his appearance. Later at the landing site was found a circle of pressed down grass.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos, FSR, May 1973, p. 19; Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos, Catalogue of 200 Type-I UFO Events in Spain and Portugal, case 70, ; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1968-63 (A0971), citing Manuel Llorente Osuna
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5526
### Event 30949 (AB3B734C)
**Date:** 8/31/1968
**Description:** Bahia Blanca, Buenos Aires, Argentina - Mrs. Emilia Larrude de Salazar was alone with her children at home this night when she heard very loud knocking at the front door at around eight p.m. Without opening the door, she pulled back a curtain and saw a very tall man-like figure over two meters (6.6 feet) in height, that appeared to have no hair or ears, and with a large mouth and teeth. The being wore a tight fitting dull black outfit and had very long dangling arms. The being's eyes also shone with a brilliant light. The stunned witness could not move and watched the strange figure move away backwards without taking his gaze off her. Emilia thought she could hear a muffled laugh coming from the figure.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1968, case # 3449, citing Eduardo A. Tucci & Alberto Giordano
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5527
### Event 30950 (D8C9F51B)
**Date:** 9/1968
**Location:** BACAU, ROM
**Description:** 1 night light overtakes 2nd. Both drift. 1 shoots going quickly south. Other hovers a while.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HOBANA Ion & WEVERBERGH,Julien: UFO'S from BEHIND the IRON CURTAIN; Bantam Books,1975. 308pp. (Index 244)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8965
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Romania", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "BACAU,ROM:1 NLT OVERTAKES 2nd:BOTH DRIFT:1 SHOOTS >>S:OTHER HOVERS A WHILE", **LatLong:** "46.683336 26.950001", **LatLongDMS:** "46:41:00 N 26:57:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.683336,26.950001)", **State/Prov:** "Bacău", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 30951 (51EF68A7)
**Date:** 9/1968
**Time:** 12:00?
**Description:** Luminous saucer follows cyclist overhead / 5 min. Yellow going quickly [to] blue. No small humanoids (or Greys.)
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BALLESTER OLMOS, Vicente-Juan: CATALOG of 200 TYPE-1 EVENTS in SPAIN & PORTUGAL; CUFOS 1976. (Index 16)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8966
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "VALVERDE de LEGANES,SP:LUM SCR FOLLOWS CYCLIST OVHD/5 MIN:YELLOW>>BLUE:NO OIDS", **LatLong:** "38.683335 -6.950000", **LatLongDMS:** "38:41:00 N 06:57:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.683335,-6.950000)", **State/Prov:** "Badajoz", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30952 (141EB5D1)
**Date:** 9/1968
**Time:** 13:00?
**Location:** WEST / ST. TROPEZ, FR
**Description:** 4 observer(s). Saturn saucer turns going quickly NNE. Follows bay to sea. Green portholes.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 241)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8967
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "W/St.TROPEZ,FR:4 OBS:SATURN SCR TURNS >>NNE:folos bay to sea:GRN PORTHOLES", **LatLong:** "43.266669 6.583334", **LatLongDMS:** "43:16:00 N 06:35:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.266669,6.583334)", **State/Prov:** "Var", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30953 (1E5D0B50)
**Date:** 9/1968
**Time:** 21:00?
**Location:** VICTORIA, BC
**Description:** Date approximate. Night lights maneuver all over convention / astronomers! / r184p146.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HYNEK, J. Allen: The UFO EXPERIENCE, A Scientific Inquiry; Ballentine Books, NY 1974,1977. (Index 7)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8968
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **HOX:** Suspicion of hoax, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "60", **Elev:** "30", **HatchDesc:** "VICTORIA,BC:DATE APRX:NLTS MNVR ALL OVR CONVENTION/ASTRONOMERS!:/r184p146", **LatLong:** "48.483336 -123.383339", **LatLongDMS:** "48:29:00 N 123:23:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.483336,-123.383339)", **State/Prov:** "British Columbia", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 30954 (386372F6)
**Date:** 9/1968
**Time:** 22:00
**Description:** 4 observer(s) / 180M away. Saucer with portholes hovers and wobbles. Going up [to] and away.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BALLESTER OLMOS, Vicente-Juan: CATALOG of 200 TYPE-1 EVENTS in SPAIN & PORTUGAL; CUFOS 1976. (Index 16)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8969
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "SIERRA NEVADA Mtns,SP:4 OBS/180M away:SCR W/PORTHOLES HVRS+WOBBLES:↑+AWAY", **LatLong:** "37.166668 -3.166667", **LatLongDMS:** "37:10:00 N 03:10:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.166668,-3.166667)", **State/Prov:** "Grenada", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 30955 (44B5DDF9)
**Date:** 9/1/1968
**Time:** 01:00
**Description:** Orange ball-saucer over trees / 15 second(s). Site = only spring in region.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BALLESTER OLMOS, Vicente-Juan: CATALOG of 200 TYPE-1 EVENTS in SPAIN & PORTUGAL; CUFOS 1976. (Index 17)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8970
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "POLLENCA,MALLORCA,SP:ORG BALL-SCR OVR TREES/15sec:site=only spring in region.", **LatLong:** "39.883335 3.027778", **LatLongDMS:** "39:53:00 N 03:01:40 E", **Locale:** "Islands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.883335,3.027778)", **State/Prov:** "BLR", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 30956 (20F8D88E)
**Date:** 9/1/1968
**Time:** 03:30
**Location:** MENDOZA, ARG
**Description:** Huge saucer hovers / car. Motor and lights electro-magnetic effect (EME). 3 small humanoids (or Greys). Abduction and contact. Images etc.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO Evidence II: HB: Scarecrow Press Lanham, MD. http://www.scarecrowpress.com ISBN 0-8108-3881-8 (Index 533)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8971
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CNT:** Contactee related, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "40", **Elev:** "824", **HatchDesc:** "MENDOZA,ARG:HUGE SCR HVRS/CAR:MOTOR+LITES EME:3 OIDS:ABD+CONTACT:IMAGES etc", **LatLong:** "-32.883335 -68.800003", **LatLongDMS:** "32:53:00 S 68:48:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-32.883335,-68.800003)", **RelAlt:** "1", **State/Prov:** "MND", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 30957 (3FC604C8)
**Date:** 9/1/1968
**Time:** 20:50
**Location:** PORTO ALEGRE, BRZ
**Description:** Large light violet ovoid seen. No further details. 3 white saucers back 4 SEPT68 early.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 3)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8972
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "55", **HatchDesc:** "PORTO ALEGRE,BRZ:LRG LITE VIOLET OVOID SEEN:NFD::3 WHT SCRS BACK 4SEPT68 EARLY", **LatLong:** "-30.016668 -51.233336", **LatLongDMS:** "30:01:00 S 51:14:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-30.016668,-51.233336)", **State/Prov:** "RGS", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30958 (FDF4CEAC)
**Date:** 9/1/1968
**Time:** 23:00
**Location:** NORENA, SP
**Description:** 1 / car. Vertical ovoid. 50cm wide and 1m tall. Altitude = 6M. Avoids car. / r230v4#3.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BALLESTER OLMOS, Vicente-Juan: CATALOG of 200 TYPE-1 EVENTS in SPAIN & PORTUGAL; CUFOS 1976. (Index 17)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8973
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "NORENA,SP:1/CAR:VERTICAL OVOID:50cm WIDEx1mTALL:ALT=6M:AVOIDS CAR:/r230v4#3", **LatLong:** "43.400002 -5.716667", **LatLongDMS:** "43:24:00 N 05:43:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.400002,-5.716667)", **State/Prov:** "OVI", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30959 (E6B54505)
**Date:** 9/1/1968
**Location:** Mendoza, Arg
**Description:** Huge circular object hovering nearby, three small humanoids. Flying Saucer Review, November 1968; see Rodeghier,1981, p. 43 (E,L) car (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3967
### Event 30960 (EC05CDB4)
**Date:** 9/1/1968
**Locations:** Mendoza, Argentina; Calle Neuquén
**Description:** 3:42 a.m. Juan Carlos Peccinetti and Fernando José Villegas are driving home after getting off work at a casino in Mendoza, Argentina. On the Calle Neuquén, their car stops and the lights go out. They find themselves unable to move and several humanoid beings standing near an enormous landed UFO. They receive telepathic messages from the aliens who make marks on the windshield and one side of their car and see a screen full of dystopian images. The beings prick their fingers and take blood samples before gong back to the UFO. However, the two later admit to making up the story.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Charles Bowen, “[One Day in Mendoza,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201968%20V%2014%20N%206.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 14, no. 6 \(Nov./Dec. 1968\): 2–5; Clark III 601
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4607
### Event 30961 (C584665D)
**Date:** 9/1/1968
**Description:** In Mendoza, Argentina two casino workers, Juan Carlos Peccinetti and Fernando Jose Villegas, were driving home after work at 3:30 a.m. when the engine of their car quit and the lights went out. Peccinetti had just started getting out of the car when both men found themselves paralyzed. They were soon face to face with three strange, five-foot tall beings with unusually large bald heads, wearing coveralls. Behind them was a circular or oval UFO 12 feet across and five feet high that was hovering four feet above the ground and directing a bright beam of light downward. When the entities came closer the witnesses heard a foreign-sounding voice repeat, "Do not fear." Then they were told, "we have just made three journeys around the sun, studying customs and languages of the inhabitants of the system...mathematics is the universal language." Meanwhile, another one of the entities, using a tool that looked like a soldering iron, was making inscriptions on the doors, windshield, and running boards of their car. The witnesses next saw a circular TV-like screen, on which there appeared first a waterfall, then a mushroom cloud, and then the waterfall again, this time with no water. Finally the beings took hold of the witnesses' left hands and pricked their fingers three times, taking blood samples, after which they ascended to their machine along the light beam. There was an "explosive effect" and the object rose and disappeared. The men ran to a nearby military college to report their experience. They later retracted their story, but there are indications that they were coerced into doing so. In fact, authorities in Mendoza quickly made the "spreading of UFO rumors" a criminal offense to discourage widespread rumors on this and other cases that occurred about the same time.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1968-64
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5558
### Event 30962 (FE0B2CE2)
**Date:** 9/2/1968
**Time:** 00:00
**Location:** VACAVILLE, CA
**Description:** 1+4 observer(s). Red object lands / hillside. Lights / ends. 75' patch / dried grass.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PHILLIPS, Ted: Study of PHYSICAL TRACES ASSOCIATED with UFO SIGHTINGS; CUFOS 1975. (Index 58)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8974
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "55", **HatchDesc:** "VACAVILLE,CA:1+4 OBS:RED OBJ LANDS/HILLSIDE:LITES/ENDS:75'PATCH/DRIED GRASS", **LatLong:** "38.366668 -122.000006", **LatLongDMS:** "38:22:00 N 122:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.366668,-122.000006)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 30963 (A259BEC2)
**Date:** 9/2/1968
**Time:** 20:30
**Location:** CLUJ, ROMANIA
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Red-white ball bigger / moon. Going quickly [to] fast / low altitude. Vanishes suddenly.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HOBANA Ion & WEVERBERGH,Julien: UFO'S from BEHIND the IRON CURTAIN; Bantam Books,1975. 308pp. (Index 244)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8975
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Romania", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "CLUJ,ROMANIA:2 OBS:RED-WHT BALL BIGGER/MOON:>> FAST/LOW alt:VANISHES SUDDENLY", **LatLong:** "46.766669 23.550001", **LatLongDMS:** "46:46:00 N 23:33:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.766669,23.550001)", **State/Prov:** "CLJ", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 30964 (88B96658)
**Date:** 9/2/1968
**Description:** A brilliant royal blue ball of light with a whitish-yellow outer ring hovered in the northwestern sky over Lockleys, South Australia for awhile, then dropped like a stone, veering to the left. It made no sound and left no smoke trail.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Michael Hervey, UFOs over the Southern Hemisphere, p. 182
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5571
### Event 30965 (C21B5374)
**Date:** 9/4/1968
**Time:** 23:00
**Location:** VANDOEUVRE, FR
**Description:** 1M ovoid hovers / airstrip. Flashes red code-like signals / window!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LDLN CONTACT LECTEURS: by Series and #. May'68 -JAN'72 (Entire set of 18 issues) LDLN local chapters & individual members' UFO reports. (Index 16)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8976
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "VANDOEUVRE,FR:1M OVOID HVRS/AIRSTRIP:FLASHES RED CODE-LIKE SIGNALS/WINDOW!", **LatLong:** "48.650002 6.166667", **LatLongDMS:** "48:39:00 N 06:10:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.650002,6.166667)", **State/Prov:** "Meurthe-et-Moselle", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 30966 (F0AFB6F7)
**Date:** 9/4/1968
**Description:** [Hynek](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J.%5FAllen%5FHynek) receives a letter from Col. [Raymond S. Sleeper](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/149575947/raymond-starrett-sleeper), commander of the Air Force Foreign Technology Division. Sleeper notes that Hynek has publicly accused Project Blue Book of shoddy science, and further asks Hynek to offer advice on how Blue Book could improve its scientific methods. Hynek later declares that Sleeper’s letter is “the first time in my 20 year association with the air force as scientific consultant that I had been officially asked for criticism and advice \[regarding\] ... the UFO problem.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** J. Allen Hynek, The UFO Experience, Ballantine ed., [pp. 189–190](https://archive.org/details/ufoexperience00jall/page/188/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4608
### Event 30967 (FC0E4327)
**Date:** 9/4/1968
**Location:** Goose Bay AFB [now CFB Goose Bay], Labrador
**Description:** Two US Air Force pilots flying in the vicinity of Goose Bay AFB \[now CFB Goose Bay\], Labrador, spot a spherical metallic object flying in a southerly direction at 33,000–41,000 feet. It crosses behind them, stops, performs two 360° turns and disappears after 5 minutes at 30° above the horizon.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Yurko Bondarchuk, UFO Sightings, Landings, and Abductions, Methuen, 1979, p. 115
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4609
### Event 30968 (DB8CB994)
**Date:** 9/4/1968
**Location:** mountains near Caracas, Venezuela
**Description:** 10:30 p.m. A scoutmaster and 12 River Scouts are having a camp-out by bonfire in the mountains near Caracas, Venezuela, when they see two intensely glowing red discs, each about the size of the full moon, as they rise one at a time from some low hills, hover momentarily, and descend again.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Lorenzen, UFOs: The Whole Story, Signet, 1969, p. 299
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4610
### Event 30969 (C15055BB)
**Date:** 9/5/1968
**Time:** 04:05:59.6
**Location:** 49.7416 78.0756
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: .001KT YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1320
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.7416 78.0756", **LatLongDMS:** "49:44:30 N 78:04:32 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.7416,78.0756)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.50", **NukeSource:** "BOCHAROV", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** ".001", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 30970 (D957D3EC)
**Date:** 9/5/1968
**Locations:** Madrid, Spain; Royal Observatory of Madrid
**Description:** Night. Thousands of people in Madrid, Spain, see a bright object in the sky, causing a monumental traffic jam. The Spanish Air Force scrambles an F-104 jet to intercept it. The pilot climbs to 50,000 feet but the object is still above him, and he has to return for fuel. Air Force radar tracks the UFO moving slowly at 90,000 feet. A photo taken through a telescope at the Royal Observatory of Madrid shows a triangular object, apparently solid on one side and translucent in some sections. The object disappears at great speed. The Madrid Weather Bureau says it has no meteorological balloons aloft.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Triangle-Shaped Object over Madrid,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201968%2009%2000%20-%20September-October.pdf)” APRO Bulletin, Sept./Oct. 1968, p. 4; Good Above, [pp. 149–151](https://archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/148/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4611
### Event 30971 (12686E0A)
**Date:** 9/6/1968
**Location:** TARADALE, NZ
**Description:** 2+observer(s). Night lights / city dump / 4 days. Beams going down. Dives / car. Car wrecked. ETQ area.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 182)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8977
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "New Zealand", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "15", **HatchDesc:** "TARADALE,NZ:2+OBS:NLTS/CITY DUMP/4 DAYS:BEAMS↓:DIVES/CAR:CAR WRECKED:ETQ AREA", **LatLong:** "-39.600002 176.883342", **LatLongDMS:** "39:36:00 S 176:53:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-39.600002,176.883342)", **State/Prov:** "NI", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 30972 (7C666CD5)
**Date:** 9/6/1968
**Time:** 14:00:00.1
**Location:** 37.1361 -116.0472
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Noggin” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 200KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_557
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1361 -116.0472", **LatLongDMS:** "37:08:10 N 116:02:50 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1361,-116.0472)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.58", **NukeMb:** "5.60", **NukeName:** "Noggin", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "200"
### Event 30973 (7F93E3F6)
**Date:** 9/6/1968
**Locations:** Springfield Road; Taradale, New Zealand
**Description:** 9:30 p.m. John Dow and Paul Franklin are driving on Springfield Road in Taradale, New Zealand, when they notice 20–30 red and green lights flying aimlessly above the city dump. They pull off the road to watch, and a “thunderous explosion” rips through the air, shaking the car. Immediately, the lights begin to group, take off vertically, and disappear.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Donald E. Keyhoe and Gordon I. R. Lore Jr., [Strange Effects from UFOs](http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Books/Other/Lore%2C%20Gordon%20-%20Strange%20Effects%20from%20UFOs.pdf)[,](http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Books/Other/Lore%2C%20Gordon%20-%20Strange%20Effects%20from%20UFOs.pdf) NICAP, 1969, p. 48
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4612
### Event 30974 (8998B2BE)
**Date:** 9/7/1968
**Location:** Canada, Toronto
**Description:** (Translated from French) I have already spoken with a young girl from Toronto (...) who swore to me that she was violated on September 7, 1968 by a being in an astronaut suit and ten months later she gave birth to a stone whose composition revealed a high nickel content! I was not able to see the child in its entirety because according to this lady, laboratories from around the world were fighting over its pieces... [vog: she should have demanded that he at least take off his astronaut suit!!! and if we don't believe this one, the author will tell us another] (September 7, 1968)
**Reference:** Jean FERGUSON: "Enigmas of the Present Time" ed. Leméac, Ottawa, 1979, p.106
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2530
### Event 30975 (4F5283FF)
**Date:** 9/7/1968
**Time:** 22:50
**Location:** NEAR ARRIONDAS, SP
**Description:** Cabbie. 4.5M glowing rectangular cylinder/cylindrical object. Hums like / refrigerator. Lands!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BALLESTER OLMOS, Vicente-Juan: CATALOG of 200 TYPE-1 EVENTS in SPAIN & PORTUGAL; CUFOS 1976. (Index 17)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8978
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "nr ARRIONDAS,SP:CABBIE:4.5M GLOWING RECT.CYL:HUMS LIKE/REFRIGERATOR:LANDS!", **LatLong:** "43.388891 -5.166667", **LatLongDMS:** "43:23:20 N 05:10:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.388891,-5.166667)", **State/Prov:** "OVI", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 30976 (17D1B95E)
**Date:** 9/7/1968
**Description:** A woman in Toronto, Ontario reported meeting a being wearing an "astronaut suit" who gave her a stone of a very high nickel content and a unique alloy composition. It was hinted that the extraterrestrial also had sex with the witness.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1968, citing Jean Ferguson, Enigmas of Time Present
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5724
### Event 30977 (7D50B025)
**Date:** 9/8/1968
**Time:** 15:00
**Description:** 1 / car. Silent dirty grey harmonica-cylinder/cigar-shape hovers near airport. Separate observer(s).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RIDGE, Francis: REGIONAL ENCOUNTERS in the FC Files. 170pp. UFO FILTER CENTER, Mt. Vernon, IN 1994 (Index 27)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8979
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "117", **HatchDesc:** "N.EVANSVILLE,IN:1/CAR:SLNT DIRTY GRY HARMONICA-CGR HVRS nr AIRPORT:sep.obs", **LatLong:** "38.016668 -87.533338", **LatLongDMS:** "38:01:00 N 87:32:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.016668,-87.533338)", **State/Prov:** "Indiana", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 30978 (0990DCE6)
**Date:** 9/8/1968
**Time:** 21:00
**Description:** 7 in 2 cars. Loud throb noises. Cars electro-magnetic effect (EME). No UFO seen. Magnetics.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RODEGHIER, Mark/CUFOS: UFO REPORTS INVOLVING VEHICLE INTERFERENCE; CUFOS 1979. Available as CUFOS UFO Archive #1 CD-ROM. http://www.cufos.org/Pubform.pdf (Index 43)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8980
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **NFO:** No craft seen, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "76", **HatchDesc:** "BEAMINSTER,DORSET:7 IN 2 CARS:LOUD THROB NOISES:CARS EME:NO UFO SEEN:MAGNETICS", **LatLong:** "50.800002 -2.750000", **LatLongDMS:** "50:48:00 N 02:45:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.800002,-2.750000)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30979 (07CD03BA)
**Date:** 9/8/1968
**Location:** Evansville, In
**Description:** 3:00 p.m. Single witness (confidential). Lady and her son were driving and talking. It didn't look to be very far away (1/4 mile or more) and the witness said it didn't look big enough to hold an upright man. (See drawing, Regional Encounters: The FC Files, pg. 27) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3969
### Event 30980 (9A882537)
**Date:** 9/8/1968
**Time:** 19:00:01.0
**Location:** -21.8210 -138.9750
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Procyon” Yield: 1000KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1866
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "-21.8210 -138.9750", **LatLongDMS:** "21:49:16 S 138:58:30 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-21.8210,-138.9750)", **NukeCountry:** "France", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "4.91", **NukeName:** "Procyon", **NukeSource:** "AWE-JED", **NukeType:** "NACF", **NukeY:** "1000"
### Event 30981 (86233843)
**Date:** 9/8/1968
**Description:** Just outside Beaminster, England seven witnesses in three separate cars heard a strange noise at 9:00 p.m. and the electrical systems of the cars completely failed and stayed inoperable for thirty minutes. The temperature gauge dropped precipitously in one car, and the hood of another car could not be opened. A compass spun wildly.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Dorset Evening Echo, September 11, 1968; Spacelink, January 1969; Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, p. 43
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5764
### Event 30982 (289FF83A)
**Date:** 9/8/1968
**Description:** A 48-year-old woman and her adult son were driving near the city of Evansville, Indiana when she saw an object hovering over some railroad tracks. It was described as being an ugly brown metallic object resembling a harmonica, flat with smudges, which had top and bottom rows of waffle-like squares indented into the metal. It was the length of an airplane, and not tall enough to stand up inside. Itr hovered near the municipal airport. When they turned a corner some trees blocked their view, so they continued on.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Francis L. Ridge, Regional Encounters, p. 36
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5765
### Event 30983 (9B148BA0)
**Date:** 9/9/1968
**Location:** DONG HA, VIETNAM
**Description:** US pilots and troops. Fast object over marine base. Maneuvers. Green and white lights.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** STEIGER, Brad & WHRITENOUR, Joan: FLYING SAUCER INVASION. Award Books, NY 1969. 156pp PB. 15 Essays + catalog. (Index 102)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8981
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Vietnam", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "20", **HatchDesc:** "DONG HA,VIETNAM:US PILOTS+TROOPS:FAST OBJ OVR MARINE BASE:MNVRS:GRN+WHT LITES", **LatLong:** "16.750001 107.100005", **LatLongDMS:** "16:45:00 N 107:06:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/16.750001,107.100005)", **State/Prov:** "QTR", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30984 (021863C6)
**Date:** 9/9/1968
**Time:** 13:00?
**Location:** NITEROI, BRZ
**Description:** Several / beach. Brilliant 8M saucer / 150M altitude passes 500M away by Itaipu Rock.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 3)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8982
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "NITEROI,BRZ:SVRL/BEACH:BRILL.8M SCR/150M alt PASSES 500M AWAY by ITAIPU ROCK", **LatLong:** "-22.916668 -43.100002", **LatLongDMS:** "22:55:00 S 43:06:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-22.916668,-43.100002)", **RelAlt:** "150", **State/Prov:** "RDJ", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30985 (3BEB598D)
**Date:** 9/9/1968
**Time:** 13:00?
**Location:** ITAIPU, BRZ
**Description:** Several separate observer(s) / beach. Saucer passes several X. Hums and spins. Lands. Figure(s) inside.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 206)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8983
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "12", **Elev:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "ITAIPU,BRZ:SVRL SEP.OBS/BEACH:SCR PASSES SVRL X:HUMS+SPINS:LANDS:FIGs INSIDE:", **LatLong:** "-22.983334 -43.033335", **LatLongDMS:** "22:59:00 S 43:02:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-22.983334,-43.033335)", **State/Prov:** "RDJ", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 30986 (5ADD603D)
**Date:** 9/9/1968
**Time:** ~19:00
**Location:** CAMPO GRANDE, BRZ
**Description:** 1 observer. White aluminum globe rests / field by Imurissu River Bridge.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 3)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8984
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "586", **HatchDesc:** "CAMPO GRANDE,BRZ:1 OBS:WHT ALUM.GLOBE RESTS/FIELD BY IMURISSU RIVER BRIDGE:", **LatLong:** "-20.450001 -54.616669", **LatLongDMS:** "20:27:00 S 54:37:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-20.450001,-54.616669)", **State/Prov:** "MGS", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30987 (4E91F652)
**Date:** 9/9/1968
**Description:** On this evening several US helicopter pilots and troops in Dong Ha, Vietnam had a close encounter with a fast moving object over the US Marine Corps Base. It had green and white lights and engaged in maneuvers for 20 minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** George D. Fawcett, Flying Saucers magazine, April 1969, p. 24
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5790
### Event 30988 (A1DFD17A)
**Date:** 9/9/1968
**Description:** On this night a number of independent witnesses reported and described a close encounter with a UFO at Itaipu Beach near Niteroi, Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil. It was a disc-shaped craft emitting orange light, and it made several low-level passes over the beach before briefly landing. One witness, Professor Sohail Saud, said he saw occupants inside the object, who were wearing helmets. Others said the object hovered 10 meters above the water, emitting a soft hum and spinning on its axis.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Walter Buhler, FSR Case Histories, February 1971, p. 11; Roberto Enrique Banchs, FSR, March 1971, p. 30; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case # 1968-65 (A0977)
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5791
### Event 30989 (931E232E)
**Date:** 9/10/1968
**Locations:** Omarunui Road southwest of Taradale, New Zealand; Gloucester Street; Napier Hospital outpatient clinic
**Description:** Evening. John Dow and Paul Franklin are on the Omarunui Road southwest of Taradale, New Zealand. They see a circular object with a red and green light that is only a few feet in diameter and glowing white. Heading toward the source, they watch as the UFO disappears behind a cloud. After crossing a bridge, they see the object again, hovering on the opposite side of the river. The object glows intensely and speeds toward the automobile from the rear. Panicking, they try to jump out of the car, which is traveling at 35 mph, but get tangled up and the car veers out of control. Both of them fall out the left door as the bright UFO hovers 2 feet above the car roof. The car crashes into the store of a fruit dealer on Gloucester Street. A crowd gathers around the two young men, still dazed and shocked. Nearly 24 hours later the witnesses are treated for “bruises and abrasions” at the Napier Hospital outpatient clinic because “their clothes were sticking to them.” Dow is charged with reckless driving, but the circumstances convince the court to drop the charge and the insurance company pays for the damages.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Donald E. Keyhoe and Gordon I. R. Lore Jr., [Strange Effects from UFOs](http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Books/Other/Lore%2C%20Gordon%20-%20Strange%20Effects%20from%20UFOs.pdf)[,](http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Books/Other/Lore%2C%20Gordon%20-%20Strange%20Effects%20from%20UFOs.pdf) NICAP, 1969, pp. 48–50
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4613
### Event 30990 (5CE688EB)
**Date:** 9/10/1968
**Description:** On this night in Pergamino, Buenos Aires, Argentina J. Bautista Perazzo allegedly had contact with extraterrestrial beings. He said he was going along National Highway # 8 when he caught sight of “the only UFO which has molested the earth in these past years.” The alien crew contacted him and communicated with him orally in perfect Castilian Spanish about his technical resources and their purpose on our planet.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case # 1968-96 (A1570), citing Carlos Banchs
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5829
### Event 30991 (141024D4)
**Date:** 9/11/1968
**Location:** SPAIN, San Marti de Tous (Barcelona)
**Description:** (Translated from French) At around 11:45 PM the witness, intrigued by a glowing shape at the top of the hill, got out of his car and climbed the hill. He saw four bright shapes with metallic reflections, which he described as "eights" composed of two balls, the lower one bigger than the upper one. The things quickly climbed the hill towards the object, taking a bouncing step (the upper ball stretched and seemed to pull the lower part, producing a faint whistle. The "eight" measuring between 40 and 50 cm long then fell back into its original shape and so on) and disappeared underneath the large orange dome (5 m high). They seemed to ignore the witness's presence. The object immediately flew away at great speed. (September 11, 1968)
**Reference:** Henry DURRANT: "Premières enquêtes sur les Humanoïdes ET" - Laffont 1977 - pp. 175 and 79
**Reference:** Antonio RIBERA: "Procès aux OVNI" - De Vecchi 1977 - pp. 77-81
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2531
### Event 30992 (DF6F84AD)
**Date:** 9/11/1968
**Time:** 23:40
**Location:** SAN MARTIN DE TOUS, SP
**Description:** 4 8-shaped 80cm figure(s) inch-worm uphill to 5M saucer! / r50p17.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PHENOMENES SPATIAUX: Group GEPA, Gen. M. Lionel Chassin Paris. Quarterly 1964?-1977. Merged into Grp. GEPAN (Index 24)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8985
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **MON:** Monster: Life form fits no category, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "5", **Duration:** "8", **HatchDesc:** "SAN MARTIN de TOUS,SP:4 8-SHAPED 80cm FIGs INCH-WORM UPHILL TO 5M SCR!:/r50p17", **LatLong:** "41.500002 1.516667", **LatLongDMS:** "41:30:00 N 01:31:00 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.500002,1.516667)", **State/Prov:** "Barcelone", **Strangeness:** "12"
### Event 30993 (70C8FD47)
**Date:** 9/11/1968
**Description:** A 25-meter long oval object emitted a reddish light, then descended, almost touching the roofs of houses in Ceres, Argentina. It departed to the west.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Oscar A. Uriondo, p. 21
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5857
### Event 30994 (FD74F82A)
**Date:** 9/12/1968
**Time:** 23:00?
**Location:** CERES, ARG
**Description:** Brilliant red 25cm ovoid descends. Skims rooftops. Finally going quickly west. / La Razon.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 18)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8986
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "85", **HatchDesc:** "CERES,ARG:BRILL.RED 25cm OVOID DESCENDS:SKIMS ROOFTOPS:FINALLY >>W:/La Razon", **LatLong:** "-29.883335 -61.950003", **LatLongDMS:** "29:53:00 S 61:57:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-29.883335,-61.950003)", **RelAlt:** "5", **State/Prov:** "STF", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30995 (56B42AE6)
**Date:** 9/12/1968
**Time:** 14:00:00.0
**Location:** 37.0318 -116.0116
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Knife A” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_558
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0318 -116.0116", **LatLongDMS:** "37:01:54 N 116:00:42 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0318,-116.0116)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.33", **NukeMb:** "5.80", **NukeName:** "Knife A", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 30996 (0E635C79)
**Date:** 9/13/1968
**Time:** 10:20
**Description:** Numerous observer(s). Brilliant white ovoid maneuvers / all directions / town. Changes shape?
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HOBANA Ion & WEVERBERGH,Julien: UFO'S from BEHIND the IRON CURTAIN; Bantam Books,1975. 308pp. (Index 244)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8987
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Romania", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "50", **HatchDesc:** "ICUSESTI,ROMANIA:NMRS OBS:BRILL.WHT OVOID MNVRS/all dirs/town:CHANGES SHAPE?", **LatLong:** "46.800002 26.966668", **LatLongDMS:** "46:48:00 N 26:58:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.800002,26.966668)", **State/Prov:** "NMT", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 30997 (961419C8)
**Date:** 9/13/1968
**Description:** [Condon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward%5FCondon) calls together [Craig](https://legacy.lib.utexas.edu/taro/tamucush/00151/tamu-00151.html)[,](https://legacy.lib.utexas.edu/taro/tamucush/00151/tamu-00151.html) [Gillmor](https://www.nytimes.com/1975/11/21/archives/daniel-s-gillmor-writer-dies-at-58-opposed-loyalty-inquiries-author.html)[,](https://www.nytimes.com/1975/11/21/archives/daniel-s-gillmor-writer-dies-at-58-opposed-loyalty-inquiries-author.html) [Roach](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Franklin%5FE.%5FRoach)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Franklin%5FE.%5FRoach) and [Rush](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph%5FH.%5FRush) to discuss what the project’s recommendations should be. He writes the recommendation section shortly afterwards.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Roy Craig, UFOs: An Insiders’ View of the Official Quest for Evidence, University of North Texas, 1995, p. 213
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4614
### Event 30998 (F6BC00CD)
**Date:** 9/14/1968
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) A Soviet uncrewed probe, *Zand 5*, is placed in orbit around the [Moon](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/Moon.html). (September 14)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1968.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2435
### Event 30999 (21C93BDA)
**Date:** 9/14/1968
**Description:** Egg-UFO flies silently east going quickly west / 1 minute(s). No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HOBANA Ion & WEVERBERGH,Julien: UFO'S from BEHIND the IRON CURTAIN; Bantam Books,1975. 308pp. (Index 246)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8988
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Romania", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "BUCOV,PRAHOVA,ROMANIA:EGG-UFO FLIES SILENTLY E>>W/1min:NFD", **LatLong:** "44.966669 26.100001", **LatLongDMS:** "44:58:00 N 26:06:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.966669,26.100001)", **State/Prov:** "PRH", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31000 (4265CC4E)
**Date:** 9/14/1968
**Time:** 00:30
**Location:** RIMNICU-SARAT, ROM
**Description:** All at factory. Silent 5M saucer / 3000' altitude beams light going down. Trajectory glows.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HOBANA Ion & WEVERBERGH,Julien: UFO'S from BEHIND the IRON CURTAIN; Bantam Books,1975. 308pp. (Index 246)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8989
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Romania", **Credibility:** "12", **Duration:** "4", **HatchDesc:** "RIMNICU-SARAT,ROM:ALL at FACTORY:SLNT 5M SCR/3000'alt BEAMS LITE↓:TRAJ.GLOWS", **LatLong:** "45.383335 27.100001", **LatLongDMS:** "45:23:00 N 27:06:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.383335,27.100001)", **State/Prov:** "BZU", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 31001 (17154228)
**Date:** 9/14/1968
**Time:** 23:30
**Description:** Strange disk of light / sky. No further details. / Uniao newspaper.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LOURENCO, Victor: The PORTUCAT CATALOG; (BBS Download). (Index 125)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8990
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Atlantic Ocean + islands", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "TERCIERA ISL,AZORES:STRANGE DISK OF LITE/SKY:NFD:/UNIAO NEWSPAPER", **LatLong:** "38.683335 -27.266668", **LatLongDMS:** "38:41:00 N 27:16:00 W", **Locale:** "Islands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.683335,-27.266668)", **State/Prov:** "Azores", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 31002 (0B2CE90C)
**Date:** 9/14/1968
**Description:** Eight young people in Drummondville, Quebec saw a "man" who walked like a robot. The next day they saw a little man, 4 feet tall, who was surrounded by a luminous glow. He disappeared, and in his place was the robot. The ground traces showed tracks of a creature with six toes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Sherbrooke Tribune, October 9, 1968; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case # A0979
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5954
### Event 31003 (58FC17E9)
**Date:** 9/15/1968
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Observation in Ocala \(Florida\). (September 15)
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#12498 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1968.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2436
### Event 31004 (FD93BC66)
**Date:** 9/15/1968
**Time:** 16:30
**Location:** WOLFVILLE, NS
**Description:** 4 boys. 5M black disk hovers / 30M. Going down / river. Drifts and sinks. / r98#251+/ r179p62.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 825)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8991
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **SUB:** Submersible: Rises from or submerges into water, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "95", **HatchDesc:** "WOLFVILLE,NS:4 BOYS:5M BLK DISK HVRS/30M:↓/Rvr:DRIFTS+SINKS:/r98#251+/r179p62", **LatLong:** "45.083335 -64.366670", **LatLongDMS:** "45:05:00 N 64:22:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.083335,-64.366670)", **State/Prov:** "Nova Scotia", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31005 (6177E167)
**Date:** 9/15/1968
**Time:** 20:30
**Location:** BUCHAREST, ROM
**Description:** Bright 30cm object hovers / 400M altitude. Goes silently northwest going quickly southeast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HOBANA Ion & WEVERBERGH,Julien: UFO'S from BEHIND the IRON CURTAIN; Bantam Books,1975. 308pp. (Index 246)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8992
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Romania", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "BUCHAREST,ROM:BRITE 30cm OBJ HVRS/400M ALT:GOES SILENTLY NW>>SE", **LatLong:** "44.450002 26.116668", **LatLongDMS:** "44:27:00 N 26:07:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.450002,26.116668)", **State/Prov:** "Bucharest", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31006 (EE6C47CA)
**Date:** 9/15/1968
**Time:** 21:30
**Location:** NORTHWEST / OCALA, FL
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Green night light maneuvers. Buzzes plane when radio used. 90 turn. Going down / swamps.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HAINES, Richard Ph.D: PROJECT DELTA; 1994, LDA Press, PO Box 880, Los Altos, CA 94023 USA (Index 162)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8993
**Attributes:** **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **RDR:** Radar traces/blips, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "65", **Elev:** "22", **HatchDesc:** "NW/OCALA,FL:2 OBS:GRN NLT MNVRS:BUZZES PLANE WHEN RADIO USED:90 TURN:↓/SWAMPS", **LatLong:** "29.350001 -82.333337", **LatLongDMS:** "29:21:00 N 82:20:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/29.350001,-82.333337)", **State/Prov:** "Florida", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31007 (350AB63D)
**Date:** 9/15/1968
**Time:** 21:30
**Location:** DUQUE DE CAXIAS, BRZ
**Description:** 4 observer(s). Luminous saucer-sphere beams strong light down. Quickly going up [to] fast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GRANCHI, Irene: UFO's and ABDUCTIONS in BRAZIL: Horus House Press, Madison, WI: 1992 (English translation 1994) ISBN 1-881852-09-1 (Index 68)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8994
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "DUQUE de CAXIAS,BRZ:4 OBS:LUMn.SCR-SPHERE BEAMS STRONG LITE DOWN:↑↑ FAST", **LatLong:** "-22.766668 -43.300002", **LatLongDMS:** "22:46:00 S 43:18:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-22.766668,-43.300002)", **State/Prov:** "RDJ", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31008 (56BE8FD8)
**Date:** 9/15/1968
**Location:** Ocala, FL
**Description:** Twin Beach C45H Encounters UFO / Gnd Radars Pickup (BBU 12498) (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 4, BB: 12498)
**Reference:** NICAP: [680915](http://www.nicap.org/680915ocala%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3970
### Event 31009 (52F002C0)
**Date:** 9/15/1968
**Time:** 9:30 PM
**Location:** near Ocala, Florida
**Description:** Witness: missionary pilot Jay Cole, flying a Beech C-45 twin-engined utility plane. One light performed aerobatics for 15 minutes and then vanished. A second light appeared, heading toward them on a collision course, made a 90 degree turn and disappeared. Later, ground radar told them a target was following them. Sightings lasted 15 minutes.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_581
### Event 31010 (101D2243)
**Date:** 9/15/1968
**Locations:** Carora; Lara; Venezuela
**Description:** 10:00 p.m. Farmers in the area around Carora, Lara, Venezuela, have a difficult time controlling their cattle and horses when a saucer-shaped object with flickering yellow lights flies over the area at high speed and low altitude.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Lorenzen, UFOs: The Whole Story, Signet, 1969, p. 299
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4615
### Event 31011 (B75D6D42)
**Date:** 9/15/1968
**Locations:** Ploieşti, Romania; Vega oil refinery
**Description:** 10:00 p.m. Mathematician Miron Oprea is driving with his wife and two nephews northwest of Ploieşti, Romania, when they see a cylindrical object emitting a bluish light and descending slowly to the west near the Vega oil refinery.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Hobana and Wverbergh 183–184
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4616
### Event 31012 (91EAF742)
**Date:** 9/15/1968
**Description:** Near Ocala, Florida. 9:30 p.m. Missionary pilot Jay Cole, flying a Beech C-45 twin-engine utility plane, observed an unidentified light performing aerobatics in the night sky. He watched it for 15 minutes before it vanished. A second light appeared, heading toward Cole's plane on a collision course. It made a 90-degree turn and disappeared. Later, ground radar told them a target had been following them. The two sightings lasted a total of 15 minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Don Berliner, Project Bluebook UFO Unknowns
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5990
### Event 31013 (30FD6915)
**Date:** 9/16/1968
**Location:** Barquisimeto, Lara, Venezuela
**Description:** A car-racing contest at Barquisimeto, Lara, Venezuela, is disrupted when a low-flying disc flies above the grandstands. A photographer gets a snapshot that shows a sausage-shaped object about 12–15 feet above the heads of the crowd on the uppermost tier of bleachers.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Lorenzen, UFOs: The Whole Story, Signet, 1969, p. 299
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4617
### Event 31014 (D39B1083)
**Date:** 9/17/1968
**Time:** 01:00
**Description:** 2 military-Air Traffic Controllers. UFO's / violent maneuvers / 40 minute(s). Type unknown. No further details / this reference.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HYNEK, J. Allen: The UFO EXPERIENCE, A Scientific Inquiry; Ballentine Books, NY 1974,1977. (Index 44)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8995
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **NUC:** Nuclear facility related, **MIL:** Military investigation
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "40", **Elev:** "570", **HatchDesc:** "NELLIS AFB,NV:2 MIL-ATCS:UFOS/VIOLENT MNVRs/40min:TYPE UNK:NFD/this ref.", **LatLong:** "36.216668 -115.000005", **LatLongDMS:** "36:13:00 N 115:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/36.216668,-115.000005)", **State/Prov:** "Nevada", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31015 (CFA6376E)
**Date:** 9/17/1968
**Time:** 21:50
**Description:** 20cm fireball paces airliner. Lights interior blue. Zigzags.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PHENOMENA Revue / SOS-OVNI, France; Perry Petrakis ed. B.P 324; 13611 Aix-Cedex 1, Fr. sosovni at pacwan.mm-soft.fr (Index 14)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8996
**Attributes:** **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Atlantic Ocean + islands", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "SE/TENERIFE,CANARY Isls:20cm FBL PACES AIRLINER:LITES INTERIOR BLUE:ZIGZAGS", **LatLong:** "28.416668 -16.250001", **LatLongDMS:** "28:25:00 N 16:15:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/28.416668,-16.250001)", **State/Prov:** "CNR", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31016 (664D89EF)
**Date:** 9/17/1968
**Location:** Nellis AFB, NV
**Description:** Two military ATCs including supervisor saw nocturnal light and report violent maneuvers (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: BBU, NC)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3971
### Event 31017 (14DAC81A)
**Date:** 9/17/1968
**Time:** 14:00:00.0
**Location:** 37.1199 -116.1275
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Stoddard” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 200KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_559
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1199 -116.1275", **LatLongDMS:** "37:07:12 N 116:07:39 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1199,-116.1275)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.47", **NukeMb:** "5.10", **NukeName:** "Stoddard", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "200"
### Event 31018 (D07E1216)
**Date:** 9/17/1968
**Location:** Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada
**Description:** 1:00 a.m. Two air control tower operators at Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada, watch a bright light moving in a way they cannot explain.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** J. Allen Hynek. The UFO Experience, Ballantine ed., 1974, [p. 44](https://archive.org/details/ufoexperience00jall/page/44/mode/2up); [Sparks](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf), p. 329
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4618
### Event 31019 (354C3A82)
**Date:** 9/18/1968
**Time:** 00:20
**Location:** CHASCOMUS, ARG
**Description:** Several observer(s) 7M saucer / luminous/glowing trail by power station. Big brief blackout.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BANCHS, Rodolfo: LAS EVIDENCIAS de los OVNI; Rudolfo Alonso Editor, Argentina. 1976 (Index 61)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8997
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "17", **HatchDesc:** "CHASCOMUS,ARG:SVRL OBS 7M SCR/LUMN TRAIL BY PWR STATION:BIG BRIEF BLACKOUT", **LatLong:** "-35.566668 -58.016669", **LatLongDMS:** "35:34:00 S 58:01:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-35.566668,-58.016669)", **State/Prov:** "Buenos Aires", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31020 (16244C5F)
**Date:** 9/18/1968
**Time:** 08:00?
**Location:** STEINBACH, MB
**Description:** 2 observer(s). 3 grey footballs pass. Angel hair falls. Disintegrates / hours.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** STEIGER, Brad & WHRITENOUR, Joan: FLYING SAUCER INVASION. Award Books, NY 1969. 156pp PB. 15 Essays + catalog. (Index 100)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8998
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "265", **HatchDesc:** "STEINBACH,MB:2 OBS:3 GRY FOOTBALLS PASS:ANGEL HAIR FALLS:DISINTEGRATES/HOURS", **LatLong:** "49.516669 -96.683338", **LatLongDMS:** "49:31:00 N 96:41:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.516669,-96.683338)", **State/Prov:** "Manitoba", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31021 (501A9670)
**Date:** 9/18/1968
**Locations:** Ste. Anne, Manitoba; University of Manitoba
**Description:** Farmer [Marius Magnan](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/203187636/marius-joseph%5Fzephirin-magnan) sees three dull metallic, gray, football-shaped UFOs at an altitude of 2,500 feet and 2 miles away at Ste. Anne, Manitoba. They are traveling northwest to southeast in a vertical orientation at tremendous speed. The UFOs are discharging white substance from the upper surface just like popcorn. The white substance streams upward from two of the objects and downward from the third. After they disappear, a white, fibrous substance falls and settles on foliage, buildings, and power lines. The University of Manitoba analyzes a sample and finds it to be “cellulose-like and unstable,” with a uniform fiber diameter of 5 microns, and probably rayon coated with a gummy substance.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Brian Boldman, “Angel Hair Physical Analyses: A Review,” JUFOS 9 \(2006\): 104–105
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4619
### Event 31022 (0E1335E1)
**Date:** 9/18/1968
**Locations:** Hunter Road; San Marcos, Texas; Interstate 35; Luling; San Antonio; Redwood Road
**Description:** 4:15 a.m. Patrolman Arthur H. Byrd sees an object flashing red, blue, and yellow lights on Hunter Road in San Marcos, Texas, approaching at great speed. He follows it along Interstate 35 toward Luling and San Antonio, and at Redwood Road it comes to a stop. It slowly fades away by 7:15 a.m.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[UFO Said Followed for](https://www.newspapers.com/clip/100535521/) [Hours,](https://www.newspapers.com/clip/100535521/)” Austin \(Tex.\) American, September 19, 1968, p. 68
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4620
### Event 31023 (287F4DDF)
**Date:** 9/19/1968
**Time:** 08:00
**Location:** BIRLAD, ROMANIA
**Description:** Silver 60cm disc going quickly [to] close beneath overcast. Major flap / r156#13p7.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HOBANA Ion & WEVERBERGH,Julien: UFO'S from BEHIND the IRON CURTAIN; Bantam Books,1975. 308pp. (Index 144)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_8999
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Romania", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "BIRLAD,ROMANIA:SLVR 60cm DISC >>CLOSE BENEATH OVERCAST:MAJOR FLAP/r156#13p7", **LatLong:** "46.227780 27.666668", **LatLongDMS:** "46:13:40 N 27:40:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.227780,27.666668)", **State/Prov:** "VSL", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31024 (15B9C721)
**Date:** 9/19/1968
**Time:** 08:10
**Location:** BISTRITA, ROM
**Description:** Saucer with 3 small lights. Radio station/depot/facility and TV electro-magnetic effect (EME). Hovers / big wind going quickly south. / r156#13p8.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HOBANA Ion & WEVERBERGH,Julien: UFO'S from BEHIND the IRON CURTAIN; Bantam Books,1975. 308pp. (Index 145)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9000
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Romania", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "BISTRITA,ROM:SCR W/3 SML LITES:RADIO STN+TV EME:HVRS/BIG WIND >>S:/r156#13p8", **LatLong:** "47.144447 24.500001", **LatLongDMS:** "47:08:40 N 24:30:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.144447,24.500001)", **State/Prov:** "BST", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31025 (770C5860)
**Date:** 9/19/1968
**Time:** 14:30
**Location:** CLUJ, ROM
**Description:** Thousands / observer(s). Delta-cone going [to] against wind. Hovers / 4 hours. Lights inside. Going quickly west. / r84p139.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 13)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9001
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Romania", **Credibility:** "13", **Duration:** "240", **HatchDesc:** "CLUJ,ROM:1000s/OBS:DELTA-CONE >AGNST WIND:HVRS/4hrs:LITES INSIDE:>>W:/r84p139", **LatLong:** "46.766669 23.566668", **LatLongDMS:** "46:46:00 N 23:34:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.766669,23.566668)", **State/Prov:** "CLJ", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31026 (D7D3C8D4)
**Date:** 9/19/1968
**Time:** 19:10
**Location:** 25KM NORTH / BUCHAREST, ROM
**Description:** Physics student / train. Large UFO births small one. Beams / light.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HOBANA Ion & WEVERBERGH,Julien: UFO'S from BEHIND the IRON CURTAIN; Bantam Books,1975. 308pp. (Index 147)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9002
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Romania", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "25km N/BUCHAREST,ROM:PHYSICS STUDENT/TRAIN:LRG UFO BIRTHS SMALL ONE:BEAMS/LITE", **LatLong:** "44.666669 26.100001", **LatLongDMS:** "44:40:00 N 26:06:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.666669,26.100001)", **State/Prov:** "Bucharest", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31027 (D20D99F2)
**Date:** 9/19/1968
**Time:** 20:00
**Location:** GAGRA, GEORGIA SSR
**Description:** Astronomer. Big orange ball. 2 tiny balls join later. Gone / flash!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: UFO CHRONICLES of the SOVIET UNION; Ballentine Books HB 1992. 212pp. (Index 138)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9003
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Georgia", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "GAGRA,GEORGIA SSR:ASTRONOMER:BIG ORG BALL:2 TINY BALLS JOIN LATER:GONE/FLASH!", **LatLong:** "43.466669 40.183335", **LatLongDMS:** "43:28:00 N 40:11:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.466669,40.183335)", **State/Prov:** "GIA", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31028 (B0DC9D8A)
**Date:** 9/19/1968
**Locations:** Cluj-Napoca; Northwestern Romania
**Description:** 3:15 p.m.–7:15 p.m. A lighted white object is seen by many witnesses over Cluj-Napoca and other towns in northwestern Romania. Some of the sightings are attributable to a balloon, but others seem to be moving against the wind and internally lit.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Hobana and Weverbergh 139–149; Romania 27–29
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4621
### Event 31029 (5B5F86DD)
**Date:** 9/19/1968
**Description:** At 6:10 p.m. in the city of Bistrita, Romania a group of observers including a man named Rusu watched a disc-shaped object with three small lights hovering for five minutes. The object stayed in one place during heavy winds, and caused electromagnetic interference effects at a nearby radio station and also blocked TV reception. It flew off rapidly to the south.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Ion Hobana & Julien Weverbergh, UFOs from Behind the Iron Curtain, p. 144
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6086
### Event 31030 (10A72174)
**Date:** 9/19/1968
**Description:** At 8:00 p.m. Mr. Tsekhanovich, a high trained observer, watched as a bright pulsating orange ball descended over the ocean as it was being circled by four smaller balls of light near Gagra, Georgia. The large UFO became elongated and then vanished. One minute later there was a flash of light and all the remaining objects were gone as well.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Xenolog, August 1976, p. 13; Jacques Vallee, UFO Chronicles of the Soviet Union: A Cosmic Samizdat, p. 138
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6087
### Event 31031 (FA2F299E)
**Date:** 9/20/1968?
**Time:** ~22:00
**Location:** DUQUE DE CAXIAS, BRZ
**Description:** Saucer over courtyard. 3 beams going down. Pseudo-human/entity inside each. All float going up [to]!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GRANCHI, Irene: UFO's and ABDUCTIONS in BRAZIL: Horus House Press, Madison, WI: 1992 (English translation 1994) ISBN 1-881852-09-1 (Index 70)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9004
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "DUQUE de CAXIAS,BRZ:SCR OVR COURTYARD:3 BEAMS ↓:PSH INSIDE EACH:ALL FLOAT ↑ !", **LatLong:** "-22.766668 -43.283335", **LatLongDMS:** "22:46:00 S 43:17:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-22.766668,-43.283335)", **State/Prov:** "RDJ", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 31032 (091F8EB5)
**Date:** 9/20/1968
**Location:** Wichita Falls, TX
**Description:** Police officer saw a huge ball of fire falling directly downward. Other officers said the ball appeared to be 20' in diameter. NARA document mentions UFO "crash" and references "Moon Dust". (NICAP: 06 - Trace Cases)
**Reference:** NICAP: [680920](http://www.nicap.org/moondust/wichfalls2%5F600920doc.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3972
### Event 31033 (4E414E56)
**Date:** 9/20/1968
**Description:** A disc-shaped object was seen low over a courtyard in Duque de Caxias, Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil at around 1:00 a.m. Three beams of light came down from the object, and human-looking beings appeared inside each beam. All ascended back up to the craft through the same method after a minute.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Irene Granchi, UFO Abductions and Reports from Brazil, p. 70; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case # A0973, citing Irene Granchi
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6131
### Event 31034 (652B0957)
**Date:** 9/21/1968
**Location:** SPAIN, La Escala (Gerona)
**Description:** (Translated from French) Early in the morning, 52-year-old fisherman Juan Ballesta saw two strange beings with yellow faces on the Cargol islet. They had a device similar to a buoy and were wearing tight black clothes. Ballesta described their faces as "yellow and terrible", so he rowed away with force and once on the coast he alerted the Civil Guard. (Jean FERGUSON: "Everything about Flying Saucers", ed. Leméac, Ottawa, 1972, p. 201) At 3:00 a.m. two beings emerged from inside the UFO on the sea. [vog: what do Spanish ufologists say? Nothing… it seems to me…]
**Reference:** Henry DURRANT: "First Investigations on ET Humanoids" - Laffont 1977 - p. 175 and 179
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2532
### Event 31035 (5500A0A7)
**Date:** 9/21/1968
**Time:** ~02:00
**Location:** LA LLAGOSTA, SP
**Description:** Trucker. Bright ovoid upright / ground. Small small humanoid (or Grey) stands by. / M. Guasp and r50.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Book: STRICKLAND: EXTRA-TERRESTRIALS ON EARTH. Grossett & Dunlap, NY 1977. [La Llagosta, Spain pg. 58]
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9005
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "LA LLAGOSTA,SP:TRUCKER:BRITE OVOID UPRIGHT/GND:SML OID STANDS BY:/M.GUASP+r50", **LatLong:** "41.516669 2.200000", **LatLongDMS:** "41:31:00 N 02:12:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.516669,2.200000)", **State/Prov:** "Barcelone", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 31036 (33FEC747)
**Date:** 9/21/1968
**Time:** 03:00
**Location:** OFF LA ESCALA, SP
**Description:** Fisherman. 2 small humanoids (or Greys) / yellow faces and black tight suits exit buoy-object / water.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BALLESTER OLMOS, Vicente-Juan: CATALOG of 200 TYPE-1 EVENTS in SPAIN & PORTUGAL; CUFOS 1976. (Index 18)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9006
**Attributes:** **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **SUB:** Submersible: Rises from or submerges into water, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **MON:** Monster: Life form fits no category, **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "off LA ESCALA,SP:FISHERMAN:2 OIDS/YEL FACES+BLK TGHT SUITS EXIT BUOY-OBJ/WATER", **LatLong:** "42.183335 3.183333", **LatLongDMS:** "42:11:00 N 03:11:00 E", **Locale:** "Offshore", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.183335,3.183333)", **State/Prov:** "GER", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 31037 (C90B9EBA)
**Date:** 9/21/1968
**Time:** 19:30
**Location:** PLOIESTI, ROM
**Description:** Student. Silent glowing-ovoid leaves (something behind) gassy trail. Low and slow northwest going southeast. SL flight.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HOBANA Ion & WEVERBERGH,Julien: UFO'S from BEHIND the IRON CURTAIN; Bantam Books,1975. 308pp. (Index 247)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9007
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Romania", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "PLOIESTI,ROM:STUDENT: SLNT GLOW-OVOID LVS GASSY TRAIL:LO+SLOW NW>SE:SL FLITE", **LatLong:** "44.916669 26.033335", **LatLongDMS:** "44:55:00 N 26:02:00 E", **Locale:** "Oil & Coal", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.916669,26.033335)", **State/Prov:** "PRH", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31038 (31D85D81)
**Date:** 9/21/1968
**Time:** 20:00
**Location:** COATICOOK, QBC
**Description:** 2+several. Flashing UFO and figure(s) type unknown. Tracks and 42' / burnt grass found.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PHILLIPS, Ted: Study of PHYSICAL TRACES ASSOCIATED with UFO SIGHTINGS; CUFOS 1975. (Index 59)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9008
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "303", **HatchDesc:** "COATICOOK,QBC:2+SVRL:FLASHING UFO+FIGs type unk:TRACKS+42'/BURNT GRASS FOUND", **LatLong:** "45.116669 -71.800003", **LatLongDMS:** "45:07:00 N 71:48:00 W", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.116669,-71.800003)", **State/Prov:** "Quebec", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 31039 (2F248C90)
**Date:** 9/21/1968
**Description:** At around two a.m. a truck driver on the Barcelona-Puigcerda road near La Llagosta, Barcelona, Spain saw a landed egg-shaped object standing vertically on end. It was brightly lit, and near it he saw a small being. He did not stop, but reported the incident at the next service station near the village.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1968-68, citing FSR Special Bulletin # 4
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6185
### Event 31040 (E236117A)
**Date:** 9/21/1968
**Description:** At three a.m. in La Escala, Gerona, Spain Sr. Ballesta, age 52, saw two beings with frightful yellowish faces, wearing tight black clothes, that came out of an object that resembled a buoy.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Vicente-Juan Balester Olmos, Catalogue of 200 Type I UFO Events in Spain and Portugal, case 78, citing Stendek, August 1972, p. 30; Vicente-Juan Balester Olmos, FSR, May 1973, p. 19
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6186
### Event 31041 (95827C22)
**Date:** 9/21/1968
**Description:** In Coaticook, Quebec, Canada two young girls reported they saw a "Martian" on the roof of the local high school. By 9:30 p.m. a crowd of some 50 people had assembled to see what was going on. Shirley Green said that she saw a "green face with no nose, mouth or hair," and that the strange man emitted intermittent sparks. In a nearby field the grass had been burned in a circle 42 feet in diameter, and some tracks were found.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1968-98 (A0983), citing Gene Duplantier, Saucers, Space & Science, issue # 54
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6187
### Event 31042 (922ED7A7)
**Date:** 9/21/1968
**Description:** At 10:30 p.m. a dark disc-shaped object with a series of square windows, rotating clockwise, moved slowly and silently through the skies over Linton, Indiana. It was half the size of a pea at arm's length, and its lights were large, three-quarters the height of the object itself.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Francis L. Ridge, NICAP investigation files, October 21, 1968
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6188
### Event 31043 (D79EFB5B)
**Date:** 9/22/1968
**Time:** 23:00
**Location:** PUERTO SERRANO, SP
**Description:** Rumor. Object / woods beams lights. Flies. Observer(s) felt "spoken to". Trace.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BALLESTER OLMOS, Vicente-Juan: CATALOG of 200 TYPE-1 EVENTS in SPAIN & PORTUGAL; CUFOS 1976. (Index 18)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9009
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **TLP:** Telepathy, **HOX:** Suspicion of hoax, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **CVS:** Conversation/communication, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "5", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "PUERTO SERRANO,SP:RUMOR:OBJ/WOODS BEAMS LITES:FLIES:OBS FELT "SPOKEN TO":TRACE", **LatLong:** "36.927780 -5.544445", **LatLongDMS:** "36:55:40 N 05:32:40 W", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/36.927780,-5.544445)", **State/Prov:** "CDZ", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 31044 (D1E2C783)
**Date:** 9/23/1968
**Location:** FRANCE, Roncenay
**Description:** (Translated from French) Two young witnesses were walking back at 03:00 on a small road, after having abandoned their moped due to lack of fuel. At the turn of the road, hidden by the grove, they saw a round object on the ground, of a luminous orange-red color, resting on metal feet about 1 m from the ground. All around was a luminous halo produced by numerous projectors arranged like portholes. The upper part in the shape of a dome was of a dark color. The length of the craft was 15 to 18m, the height 1.20m. Surprised, they hid in a ditch and observed the object from 150m away, as well as three beings moving with very strong light sources in their left hand. They seemed to be looking for something and ran without touching the ground, above the grass, at about 60 cm. One of the beings approached the witnesses, who fled in terror. They did not see the craft take off. One of the witnesses, Guy Lemarque, reported to the investigators that the three beings sometimes moved by making jumps of 100m, as if they were sliding, so quickly that the movement could not be followed. (1968, September 23 or 30)
**Reference:** M. FIGUET/ J.L. RUCHON: "Ovni, Premier dossier complet..." - ed. Alain Lefeuvre 1979, p. 304, 305
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2534
### Event 31045 (F368142A)
**Date:** 9/23/1968
**Time:** 02:30
**Location:** WHITEFIELD, ME
**Description:** Minister. 2 pencil rays / light through window. Classic saucer outside.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FOWLER, Raymond E.: UFO'S, INTERPLANETARY VISITORS; Prentice Hall & Bantam Books, NY 1979. 346pp. (Index 338)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9010
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "30", **HatchDesc:** "WHITEFIELD,ME:MINISTER:2 PENCIL RAYS/LITE THRU WINDOW:CLASSIC SCR OUTSIDE", **LatLong:** "44.172224 -69.627781", **LatLongDMS:** "44:10:20 N 69:37:40 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.172224,-69.627781)", **State/Prov:** "Maine", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 31046 (1FF10C64)
**Date:** 9/23/1968
**Time:** 18:30
**Description:** 1+3 boys. 2 good photographs / hat-saucer / beach. Pass tests. / LDLN#172.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 7)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9011
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Uruguay", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "PLAYA SHANGRILA,URG:1+3 BOYS:2 GOOD FOTOS/HAT-SCR/BEACH:PASS TESTS:/LDLN#172", **LatLong:** "-34.933335 -56.200003", **LatLongDMS:** "34:56:00 S 56:12:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-34.933335,-56.200003)", **State/Prov:** "MTV", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31047 (6512503A)
**Date:** 9/23/1968
**Time:** 22:00
**Location:** US40 6MI EAST / ROOSEVELT, UT
**Description:** Saucer with red lights on top flies by at airplane speed.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SALISBURY, Frank: The UTAH UFO DISPLAY -- a Biologist Reports; 1974 Devin Adair, New Greenwich,CT. HB 286pp. ISBN 0-815-97000-5 (Index 253)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9012
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "1590", **HatchDesc:** "US40 6MI E/ROOSEVELT,UT:SCR W/RED LITES ON TOP FLIES BY AT AIRPLANE SPEED.", **LatLong:** "40.311113 -109.900005", **LatLongDMS:** "40:18:40 N 109:54:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.311113,-109.900005)", **State/Prov:** "Utah", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31048 (733312E9)
**Date:** Fall 1968
**Location:** Point Isabel, OH
**Description:** No time given. One witness (Abbott), humanoid report. (SRUFOS) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3966
### Event 31049 (5BD4C761)
**Date:** 9/23/1968
**Description:** A minister in Whitefield, Maine awoke at 2:30 a.m. EDT to see two pencil-shaped beams of light coming through his window from a reddish-orange saucer-shaped object hovering in the sky. It made no sound.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Raymond E. Fowler, UFOs: Interplanetary Visitors, p. 354
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6257
### Event 31050 (A51B1EFE)
**Date:** 9/23/1968
**Description:** Later that same evening at ten p.m. Mr. Battease looked out his bedroom window, six miles east of Roosevelt, Utah in Duchesne County, and saw a double convex disc that was slightly flatter on the bottom. It had red lights on top and was making a humming sound. The lights were steady and the disc moved at the speed of an airplane.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Frank Salisbury, Utah UFO Display, Appendix case 68
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6258
### Event 31051 (CC42C5F4)
**Date:** 9/24/1968
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** CEDEIRA, SP
**Description:** 2 very tall pseudo-human/entity approach woman / road. Bright glow. 7' burnt area. / r180p59.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BALLESTER OLMOS, Vicente-Juan: CATALOG of 200 TYPE-1 EVENTS in SPAIN & PORTUGAL; CUFOS 1976. (Index 18)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9013
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "CEDEIRA,SP:2 V-TALL PSH APPROACH WOMAN/ROAD:BRITE GLOW:7'BURNT AREA:/r180p59", **LatLong:** "43.661113 -8.016667", **LatLongDMS:** "43:39:40 N 08:01:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.661113,-8.016667)", **State/Prov:** "LAC", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 31052 (4634710A)
**Date:** 9/24/1968
**Time:** 23:00
**Location:** DUQUE DE CAXIAS, BRZ
**Description:** Brilliant 20M circle / lights / 100M altitude. Glides. Away going quickly west extremely fast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GRANCHI, Irene: UFO's and ABDUCTIONS in BRAZIL: Horus House Press, Madison, WI: 1992 (English translation 1994) ISBN 1-881852-09-1 (Index 73)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9014
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "DUQUE de CAXIAS,BRZ:BRILL.20M CIRCLE/LITES/100M alt:GLIDES:AWAY >>W XFAST", **LatLong:** "-22.750001 -43.300002", **LatLongDMS:** "22:45:00 S 43:18:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-22.750001,-43.300002)", **RelAlt:** "100", **State/Prov:** "RDJ", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31053 (D80A1E79)
**Date:** 9/24/1968
**Time:** 17:05:00.1
**Location:** 37.2048 -116.2064
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Hudson Seal” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_560
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.2048 -116.2064", **LatLongDMS:** "37:12:17 N 116:12:23 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.2048,-116.2064)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.34", **NukeMb:** "5.00", **NukeName:** "Hudson Seal", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 31054 (9F033AD0)
**Date:** 9/24/1968
**Description:** At 9:00 p.m. a 56-year-old woman in Cedeira, La Coruna, Spain saw a bright light coming from Ponteiro, and she later observed two tall men walking on the road toward her. There were “lights of changing color visible on their faces.” Frightened, she ran to her nearest neighbor's home. A sailor went out to investigate but found nothing. However, an investigator later found “a burned area, irregular but about two meters in diameter" at the supposed landing site.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos, FSR, May-June 1973, p. 19; Catalogue of 200 Type-I UFO Events in Spain and Portugal, case 80; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1968-69 (A0984), citing FSR Special Bulletin # 4, p. 54
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6286
### Event 31055 (1F645DE1)
**Date:** 9/25/1968
**Time:** 22:00
**Location:** NORTH / PLOESTI, ROM
**Description:** Scientist and 3. 3M saucer / slow descent. Possible landing behind oil refinery.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HOBANA Ion & WEVERBERGH,Julien: UFO'S from BEHIND the IRON CURTAIN; Bantam Books,1975. 308pp. (Index 183)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9015
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Romania", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "N/PLOESTI,ROM:SCIENTIST+3:3M SCR/SLOW DESCENT:POSS.LANDING BHND OIL REFINERY", **LatLong:** "45.000002 26.016668", **LatLongDMS:** "45:00:00 N 26:01:00 E", **Locale:** "Oil & Coal", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.000002,26.016668)", **State/Prov:** "PRH", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31056 (D17E4986)
**Date:** Late 9/1968
**Alternate date:** Late 9/1969
**Location:** East Linden neighborhood of Columbus, Ohio
**Description:** Night. A teenager is putting hay in a rabbit pen at his home in the East Linden neighborhood of Columbus, Ohio. He hears a clapping noise and sees an entity dressed in a black uniform with a silver belt walking in the woods nearby. Its head has an eerie yellow glow. Scared, he runs into the house to get his parents, but the entity is gone when they go out to look for it. The next morning a neighbor stops by to ask if they had seen any lights in a field the night before. The families go to the field and find a large oval place where the grass, weeds, and bushes have been pressed down.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Irena Scott, “Observation of an Alien Figure,” IUR 12, no. 1 \(Jan./Feb. 1987\): 20, 25
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4622
### Event 31057 (BD3C20B8)
**Date:** 9/26/1968
**Location:** BUCHAREST, ROM
**Description:** Saucer flies / high speed. Trail vanishes leaving orbs which disappear.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HOBANA Ion & WEVERBERGH,Julien: UFO'S from BEHIND the IRON CURTAIN; Bantam Books,1975. 308pp. (Index 247)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9016
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Romania", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "BUCHAREST,ROM:SCR FLIES/HI SPEED:TRAIL VANISHES LEAVING ORBS WHICH DISAPPEAR.", **LatLong:** "44.416669 26.116668", **LatLongDMS:** "44:25:00 N 26:07:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.416669,26.116668)", **State/Prov:** "Bucharest", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31058 (035E4DDA)
**Date:** 9/26/1968
**Description:** Trees twist. Mrs. Gaspoz feels no wind. 20M saucer quickly going up [to] fast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LDLN CONTACT LECTEURS: by Series and #. May'68 -JAN'72 (Entire set of 18 issues) LDLN local chapters & individual members' UFO reports. (Index 51)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9017
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Switzerland", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "VILLA<>SASSENEIRE,SWZ:TREES TWIST:Mrs Gaspoz feels no wind:20M SCR ↑↑ FAST", **LatLong:** "46.133336 7.550000", **LatLongDMS:** "46:08:00 N 07:33:00 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.133336,7.550000)", **State/Prov:** "VLS", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31059 (EE0ACA51)
**Date:** 9/26/1968
**Time:** 20:10
**Location:** DOUE-LA-FONTAINE, FR
**Description:** Several separate observer(s). Sky red. Huge orange sphere going [to] WSW. 40cm / arms length.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LDLN CONTACT LECTEURS: by Series and #. May'68 -JAN'72 (Entire set of 18 issues) LDLN local chapters & individual members' UFO reports. (Index 26)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9018
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "30", **HatchDesc:** "DOUE-la-FONTAINE,FR:SVRL SEP.OBS:SKY RED:HUGE ORG.SPHERE >WSW:40cm/ARMS LENGTH", **LatLong:** "47.194447 -0.283333", **LatLongDMS:** "47:11:40 N 00:17:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.194447,-0.283333)", **State/Prov:** "Maine-et-Loire", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31060 (6C877412)
**Date:** 9/26/1968
**Time:** 21:20
**Location:** NORTH / PLOIESTI, ROM
**Description:** Rugby-ball saucer goes northwest going quickly southeast. Leaves large glowing trail. Also 15 December.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HOBANA Ion & WEVERBERGH,Julien: UFO'S from BEHIND the IRON CURTAIN; Bantam Books,1975. 308pp. (Index 247)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9019
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Romania", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "N/PLOIESTI,ROM:RUGBY-BALL SCR GOES NW>>SE:LEAVES LRG GLOWING TRAIL:ALSO 15DEC", **LatLong:** "45.083335 26.016668", **LatLongDMS:** "45:05:00 N 26:01:00 E", **Locale:** "Oil & Coal", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.083335,26.016668)", **State/Prov:** "PRH", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31061 (EEB0E48D)
**Date:** 9/26/1968
**End date:** 9/27/1968
**Locations:** Vila Baumer; Joinville, Santa Catarina, Brazil
**Description:** 6:00 a.m. Industrial chemist Henrique Schneider Jr. gets up and checks the fire in the kiln next to his house in Vila Baumer in the northern part of Joinville, Santa Catarina, Brazil. He comes across a strange object in the pottery yard about 16 feet away. It is a cone-shaped device about 13 feet high sitting on a tripod under which a bluish light illuminates the ground, and it has a rectangular opening through which comes a treadmill. On the treadmill are two squared cylinders standing on end, both motionless. Schneider feels paralyzed and begins to converse telepathically with the nearest cylinder, which answers his questions clearly and briefly about where they come from, which is another star system, and they are investigating global warming on earth. Soon the treadmill goes back up into the object, the entrance closes, and it takes off with a hissing sound. The next day, Schneider finds a burned circle of grass just over 2 feet in diameter at the landing site. Inside this is a smaller circle of compressed grass and three holes where the tripod stood.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Carlos Varassin, “[O Estranho Caso da Vila](http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/Brazil/SBEDV/SBEDV%20-%20No%20094-98%20-%201973-1974.pdf) [Baumer,](http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/Brazil/SBEDV/SBEDV%20-%20No%20094-98%20-%201973-1974.pdf)” SBEDV Boletim, no. 94/98 \(September 1973/June 1974\): 41–44; “[Contato Imediato em Joinville,](https://www.fenomenum.com.br/ufo/casuistica/1970/joinville)” Portal Fenomenum, June 15, 2016; Brazil 141–145
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4623
### Event 31062 (40CFD704)
**Date:** 9/27/1968
**Location:** BRAZIL, Joinville (Santa Catarina)
**Description:** (Translated from French) In the night, around 03:00, Henrique Schneider, witness of the landing of a conical craft, was momentarily paralyzed and had the opportunity to converse for 10 minutes by telepathy with... some kind of metal plate that slid out of the craft along an inclined plane. The answers to his questions were brief and stereotyped. In addition to an oil smell that permeated the landing site for a long time, the next day the footprints of the tripod on which the device rested were found. Inside this triangle, a circle of 65 cm in diameter was burned and 3 years later nothing had grown back yet.
**Reference:** J. Scornaux and Chr. Piens: "In Search of UFOs" - Marabout 1976 - p.108
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2533
### Event 31063 (D452E055)
**Date:** 9/27/1968
**Time:** 03:30
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Luminous/glowing 50cm object zigzags going quickly NNW evasively from Danube area.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HOBANA Ion & WEVERBERGH,Julien: UFO'S from BEHIND the IRON CURTAIN; Bantam Books,1975. 308pp. (Index 248)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9020
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Romania", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "NE/CORABIA,ROM:2 OBS:LUMn 50cm OBJ ZIGZAGS >>NNW EVASIVELY FROM DANUBE AREA", **LatLong:** "43.916669 24.483335", **LatLongDMS:** "43:55:00 N 24:29:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.916669,24.483335)", **State/Prov:** "OLT", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 31064 (9C944FC5)
**Date:** 9/28/1968
**Time:** 20:00
**Location:** NEUF-BRISACH, FR
**Description:** Driver numb. Car malfunctions due to EME (electro-magnetic effects). Crash. Saucer spins overhead. Going quickly [to] WNW. Watch stopped.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LDLN CONTACT LECTEURS: by Series and #. May'68 -JAN'72 (Entire set of 18 issues) LDLN local chapters & individual members' UFO reports. (Index 40)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9021
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "NEUF-BRISACH,FR:DRIVER NUMB:CAR EMES:CRASH:SCR SPINS OVHD:>>WNW:WATCH STOPPED", **LatLong:** "48.016669 7.533334", **LatLongDMS:** "48:01:00 N 07:32:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.016669,7.533334)", **State/Prov:** "Haut-Rhin", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 31065 (5C09E09D)
**Date:** 9/28/1968
**Time:** ~22:00
**Location:** NIAMEY, NIGER
**Description:** Glowing oval object grows / northwest sky. Going NNE slow / 20 second(s). Then shoots away.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 106)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9022
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Nigeria", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "NIAMEY,NIGER:GLOWING OVAL OBJ GROWS/NW SKY:>NNE SLOW/20sec:THEN SHOOTS AWAY", **LatLong:** "13.516667 2.116667", **LatLongDMS:** "13:31:00 N 02:07:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/13.516667,2.116667)", **State/Prov:** "NGR", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31066 (61E23102)
**Date:** 9/29/1968
**Time:** 03:43:00.0
**Location:** 49.8120 78.1219
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 60KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1321
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.8120 78.1219", **LatLongDMS:** "49:48:43 N 78:07:19 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.8120,78.1219)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.80", **NukeSource:** "BOCHAROV", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** "60"
### Event 31067 (670114B1)
**Date:** 9/29/1968
**Locations:** Canadian Forces Base Esquimalt; Vancouver Island, British Columbia
**Description:** Night. Amateur astronomer [Hermanus Voorsluys](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/236758091/hermanus-voorsluys) and ex-police officer [Reginald Neal](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/219918363/reginald-neal) take several photographs of a UFO that they have seen for several nights above Canadian Forces Base Esquimalt at the southern tip of Vancouver Island, British Columbia. One photo shows a large object surrounded by four smaller luminous objects that have emerged from it, as well as a fifth object that has just appeared. After a zig-zagging descent, the smaller objects return to the level of the parent object and disappear.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Mystery over Naval Base,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/Canada/Canadian%20UFO%20Report%20%28Magor%29/Canadian%20UFO%20Report%20-%20vol%201%20no%205%20-%201969.pdf)” Canadian UFO Report 1, no. 5 \(Sept./Oct. 1969\): 4–7
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4624
### Event 31068 (357290F8)
**Date:** 9/29/1968
**Description:** At 8:11 p.m. an engineer familiar with astronomy and artificial satellites sighted a bright blue light source moving across the sky in Needham, Massachusetts at one-degree per second. It was about magnitude-2 in brightness and pulsated twice a second.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Raymond E. Fowler case files, report dated September 29, 1968
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6422
### Event 31069 (C0E59DDC)
**Date:** 9/30/1968 (approximate)
**Time:** 03:00
**Location:** NEAR RONCENAY, FR
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Saucer lands / legs. 3 small humanoids (or Greys) exit with lamps in claw-hands. / r30p304.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 128)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9023
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "nr RONCENAY,FR:2 OBS:SCR LANDS/LEGS:3 OIDS EXIT W/LAMPS in CLAW-HANDS:/r30p304", **LatLong:** "48.200002 4.050000", **LatLongDMS:** "48:12:00 N 04:03:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.200002,4.050000)", **State/Prov:** "Aube", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 31070 (BBCEFEAC)
**Date:** 9/30/1968
**Time:** 20:20
**Location:** BUCHAREST, ROM
**Description:** Sphere/orb/globe going [to] dumbell going [to] ball! Changes color(s). Maneuvers shrinks and vanishes. Back Oct. 30.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HOBANA Ion & WEVERBERGH,Julien: UFO'S from BEHIND the IRON CURTAIN; Bantam Books,1975. 308pp. (Index 248)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9024
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Romania", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "35", **HatchDesc:** "BUCHAREST,ROM:ORB>DUMBELL>BALL!:CHANGES CLRS:MNVRS SHRINKS+VANISHES:BACK OCT30", **LatLong:** "44.400002 26.100001", **LatLongDMS:** "44:24:00 N 26:06:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.400002,26.100001)", **State/Prov:** "Bucharest", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 31071 (065474EB)
**Date:** 9/30/1968
**Location:** Louisville, KY
**Description:** 1:00 a.m. Commercial pilot, Dogie Stockmar, and four passengers observed a light source with 2-3 beams toward ground. One beam was longer than the others. Lights pulsated. (Phone call to NICAP) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3973
### Event 31072 (07345954)
**Date:** 9/30/1968
**Locations:** Australia; Europe; USSR
**Description:** [Philip J. Klass](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philip%5FJ.%5FKlass) writes a letter to [Robert A. Frosch](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert%5FA.%5FFrosch)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert%5FA.%5FFrosch) wanting to know who has financed [James E.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James%5FE.%5FMcDonald) [McDonald](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James%5FE.%5FMcDonald)’s visits to Australia to investigate UFOs and who would fund his upcoming trip to Europe and the USSR. In late 1967, McDonald had secured a modest grant from the Office of Naval Research in order to study cloud formations in Australia. While there, McDonald conducts some UFO research on his own time. Klass mounts an extended, concerted campaign against McDonald, arguing that he has squandered government funds. The ONR responds by announcing that they had known of McDonald’s UFO interests and have no objections to his personal hobbies. The University of Arizona comes to McDonald’s defense, announcing that his UFO research was done on his own time, and has no adverse impact on his regular teaching and research duties at the university.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clark III 700
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4625
### Event 31073 (DB1DF397)
**Date:** 9/30/1968
**Description:** At around three a.m. Guy Lemargue, age 16, was walking with a friend on a small country road in Roncenay, Aude, France when they both saw, about 150 yards away, a disc-shaped red-orange luminous UFO, about 50 feet in diameter and feet in height, resting on legs. It had a row of portholes all around the edge. Beside it, several luminous entities of small stature were “maneuvering” with very strong lights sources in their hands, which they shone on the ground. They walked or floated two feet above the ground, and sometimes made sudden gliding leaps of a hundred yards. One creature approached to within 15 feet of the teens, and they reported that they could see that its hands were shaped like pincers or crab-like claws. Realizing that their presence had been detected, the boys ran away.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Luc Billion & Raoul Foin, Lumieres dans la Nuit, October 1973, p. 10; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case # 1968-99
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6444
### Event 31074 (AE54BB30)
**Date:** 9/30/1968
**Description:** Starting at 8:15 p.m. two men in Bucharest, Romania watched a spherical object that changed shape to a dumbbell, then back to a sphere. It also changed colors. It maneuvered in the sky for 35-40 minutes, then shrank and vanished.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Ion Hobana & Julien Weverbergh, UFOs from Behind the Iron Curtain, p.
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6445
### Event 31075 (91BB0F7D)
**Date:** 10/1968
**Location:** BELGIUM, Ghent (East Flanders)
**Description:** (Translated from French) André Kesteleyn was at 04:00 in the morning at the bus stop of Steenakkerstraat, to go to work. He heard a whistling that was getting louder. He thought it was a fighter plane, but then he saw the UFO. It was a saucer with a dome and round windows that were lit up. The UFO was coming from the city and flew at a very high speed above the roofs of the houses. For a fraction of a second the object stopped in front of the witness. The object was very close, the witness hoped to see the "pilots" through the windows, but he saw no movement. When the bus arrived, he was still shocked by what he had just experienced. For the record: since this observation, André Kesteleyn has never been sick again, not even a cold.
**Reference:** He confided - after a 30 year silence - his story to the journalist of "Streekkrant", Ghent Algemeen, edition of October 29, 1996
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2539
### Event 31076 (91A487AF)
**Date:** 10/1968
**Time:** ~17:00
**Location:** LAKELAND, FL
**Description:** 5 observer(s). Disk hovers 2M / palm-tree. 2 figure(s) / transparent dome. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) and NH3 odor. / r171.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** STEIGER, Brad & WHRITENOUR, Joan: FLYING SAUCER INVASION. Award Books, NY 1969. 156pp PB. 15 Essays + catalog. (Index 100)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9025
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **ODR:** Odors associated with UFO's
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "58", **HatchDesc:** "LAKELAND,FL:5 OBS:DISK HVRS 2M/PALM-TREE:2 FIGs/XPRNT DOME:RFI+NH3 ODOR:/r171", **LatLong:** "28.050001 -81.961115", **LatLongDMS:** "28:03:00 N 81:57:40 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/28.050001,-81.961115)", **RelAlt:** "5", **State/Prov:** "Florida", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31077 (7CEF2707)
**Date:** 10/1968
**Time:** 20:30
**Description:** Driver feels profound fear. Km away sees 15cm light / air.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BALLESTER OLMOS, Vicente-Juan: CATALOG of 200 TYPE-1 EVENTS in SPAIN & PORTUGAL; CUFOS 1976. (Index 18)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9026
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **TLP:** Telepathy, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "5", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "CORTEGANA> Event 31078 (4F97CEA2)
**Date:** 10/1968
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** NEAR ACULA, SP
**Description:** 3 4M saucers beam lights. Go dark on landing. Observers are "absolute(ly) reliable".
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BALLESTER OLMOS, Vicente-Juan: CATALOG of 200 TYPE-1 EVENTS in SPAIN & PORTUGAL; CUFOS 1976. (Index 19)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9027
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "nr ACULA,SP:3 4M SCRs BEAM LITES:GO DARK ON LANDING:OBSs ARE "ABS RELIABLE"", **LatLong:** "37.066668 -3.816667", **LatLongDMS:** "37:04:00 N 03:49:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.066668,-3.816667)", **State/Prov:** "Grenada", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31079 (66E44903)
**Date:** 10/1968
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** BOLLULLOS DE LA MIT., SP
**Description:** 6 observer(s). "Full moon" over pinetree moves over highway. Vanishes.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BALLESTER OLMOS, Vicente-Juan: CATALOG of 200 TYPE-1 EVENTS in SPAIN & PORTUGAL; CUFOS 1976. (Index 19)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9028
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "8", **HatchDesc:** "BOLLULLOS de la MIT.,SP:6 OBS:"FULL MOON" OVR PINETREE MOVES OVR HWY:VANISHES.", **LatLong:** "37.333335 -6.133334", **LatLongDMS:** "37:20:00 N 06:08:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.333335,-6.133334)", **State/Prov:** "SVL", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31080 (5995DEB7)
**Date:** 10/1968
**Location:** Bt. Boston Bar and Yale, B.C, CAN
**Description:** 3:00 a.m.The first sighting took place in the Fraser Canyon between Boston Bar and Yale in an area where the Canyon is quite deep. What they saw was very strange as there seemed to be a fog or mist in the canyon and inside the fog they could make out a luminous, sort of translucent oval light source that was probably several hundred feet long and hovering above the Fraser River. (Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** NICAP: [681000](http://www.nicap.org/boston%5Fbar6810xxdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3974
### Event 31081 (2B767660)
**Date:** 10/1968?
**Description:** A 7-page National Security Agency thought piece on UFOs is written by an unnamed NSA analyst around this time. It is declassified in 1984 with a disclaimer saying that it does not represent NSA policy. It discusses various hypotheses for UFOs \(hoaxes, hallucinations, natural phenomena, secret earth projects, and extraterrestrial intelligence\) and speculates what each answer would mean for the human species, placing credence in the ETH.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** \[US National Security Agency\], “[U.F.O. Hypothesis and Survival Questions,](https://www.nicap.org/docs/nsa/survival%5Fquestions.pdf)” \[October 1968\]; Good Above, [pp.](https://archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/422/mode/2up) [423–424](https://archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/422/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4626
### Event 31082 (D1AFA033)
**Date:** 10/1968
**Location:** Brazil
**Description:** Brazil’s System of Investigation of Unidentified Aircraft, created by the Fourth Air Zone Command of the Brazilian Air Force and sponsored by Brig. Gen. José Vaz da Silva and coordinated by Maj. Gilberto Zani de Mello, goes into operation to investigate UFO sightings, especially physical trace cases. The operation lasts until the end of 1972.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[SIOANI](https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/SIOANI)”; Clark III 1072–1073
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4627
### Event 31083 (3C0C4231)
**Date:** 10/1/1968
**Location:** AUSTRALIA, Tully
**Description:** (Translated from French) Farmer Louie Maule, 35 years old, was driving north towards his home from South Johnstone when he saw a large black object descend from the night sky, surrounded by red lights. It was gigantic, he said. He stopped to observe. The craft was flying towards South Johnstone at about 100 mph. The altitude must have been 50 feet, the diameter 60 feet, very visible by the ring of red lights surrounding it. At the end of the observation, the object sped off and disappeared into the clouds.
**Reference:** Australian UFO's, on the Internet in May 1997
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2535
### Event 31084 (F722FE6D)
**Date:** 10/2/1968
**Time:** 06:20
**Location:** LINS, BRZ
**Description:** 3 small humanoids (or Greys) by saucer. Fourth / dome works / keyboard. Observer(s) zapped. Dirt samples. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR.)
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: PASSPORT TO MAGONIA; H. Regnery, Chicago HC 1969 & Contemporary Books,Chicago 1993. 372pp. (Index 920)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9029
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "460", **HatchDesc:** "LINS,BRZ:3 OIDs BY SCR:4rth/DOME WORKS/KEYBOARD:OBS ZAPPED:DIRT SAMPLES:/FSR", **LatLong:** "-21.650001 -49.733336", **LatLongDMS:** "21:39:00 S 49:44:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-21.650001,-49.733336)", **State/Prov:** "São Paulo", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 31085 (654E026E)
**Date:** 10/2/1968
**Location:** Avenida da Saudade in Lins, São Paulo, Brazil
**Description:** 6:20 a.m. While oiling his tractor’s engine at the end of Avenida da Saudade in Lins, São Paulo, Brazil, Turíbio Pereira sees only a few feet away a golden cigar-shaped object hovering one foot above the ground. It is about 16 feet long and 10 feet wide. There is a platform around it and on the top a transparent dome is open. Inside there are four stools and an instrument panel. Pereira sees four beings around it wearing blue tunics and red skirts. One is on the platform with a weapon in its hand, another is picking up earth samples, the third is looking at his tractor’s engine, and the fourth is inside the object at the instrument panel. The being with the weapon fires it and a luminous ball hits Pereira in the stomach, paralyzing him. The entities go inside, and a transparent dome encloses them. The object ascends and shoots off at high speed. With difficulty, Pereira climbs off the tractor and stumbles to the road where a friend takes him home. Later he is given a medical examination by Antônio Geris and summoned to a Brazilian Air Force facility where he is questioned and held for three days.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Gordon Creighton, “[Confrontation at Lins,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201969%20V%2015%20N%201.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 15, no. 1 \(Jan./Feb. 1969\): 22–23; Patrick Gross, [URECAT](https://ufologie.patrickgross.org/ce3/1968-10-02-brazil-lins.htm)[,](https://ufologie.patrickgross.org/ce3/1968-10-02-brazil-lins.htm) December 22, 2006; Brazil 105–107
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4628
### Event 31086 (FC070C21)
**Date:** 10/2/1968
**Description:** In Lins, Sao Paolo State, Brazil at 6:20 a.m., while oiling his bulldozer’s engine, Sr. Doribio Pereira saw a golden colored cigar-shaped craft hovering a foot or so above the ground, only a few feet away, Next he saw a man standing on a platform that extended from the base of the object, who drew a weapon resembling an electric drill from his sleeve. The being pointed it at the witness, and when it emitted a bright flash Pereira found himself paralyzed. He could see that inside the cigar, which had a “glass roof,” there was a man using some sort of keyboard with both hands, and outside the craft on an extended platform stood three more men. One of them was taking soil samples with a “conch shaped object.” Then the craft flashed a very vivid light three times, the platform retracted, and underneath the craft appeared “something like an electric polisher, rotating at high speed.” After that it took off with a slight sound. The men were described as thin, about 5’5” tall, and dressed in blue knee-length robes, hoods, and brown sandals with cross garters to the knees. Pereira, in a state of near shock, was given a lift to his home, and from there he reported to the Town Council. Because of his nervous state he was sent for a medical examination, during which Dr. Antonio Geris found him entirely normal. Officials of the Brazilian Air Force later subjected him to an intense interrogation.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Gordon Creighton, FSR, January-February 1969, p. 22; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case # 1968-70, citing Gordon Creighton
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6500
### Event 31087 (49508C25)
**Date:** 10/3/1968
**Location:** PARANAGUA, BRZ
**Description:** Hundreds / observer(s). Large ovoid hovers / beach. Blinding lights. Portholes etc.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** STEIGER, Brad & WHRITENOUR, Joan: FLYING SAUCER INVASION. Award Books, NY 1969. 156pp PB. 15 Essays + catalog. (Index 103)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9030
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "12", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "PARANAGUA,BRZ:100s/OBS:LRG OVOID HVRS/BEACH:BLINDING LITES:PORTHOLES etc.", **LatLong:** "-25.516668 -48.466669", **LatLongDMS:** "25:31:00 S 48:28:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-25.516668,-48.466669)", **State/Prov:** "PRN", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 31088 (3B428777)
**Date:** 10/3/1968
**Location:** 37.0000 -116.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Welder” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_561
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0000 -116.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:00 N 116:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0000,-116.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Welder", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 31089 (9D97ECF1)
**Date:** 10/3/1968
**Time:** 14:29:00.0
**Location:** 37.0259 -115.9928
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Knife C” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_562
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0259 -115.9928", **LatLongDMS:** "37:01:33 N 115:59:34 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0259,-115.9928)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.30", **NukeName:** "Knife C", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 31090 (E68E8381)
**Date:** 10/4/1968
**Time:** 04:00
**Location:** LINS, BRZ
**Description:** 3 / car and 1 separate observer(s). Large red luminous saucer maneuvers / low altitude. Follows car / 3km. Hums.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 3)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9031
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "460", **HatchDesc:** "LINS,BRZ:3/CAR+1 SEP.OBS:LRG RED LUMN.SCR MNVRS/LO ALT:FOLOS CAR/3km:HUMS", **LatLong:** "-21.683334 -49.733336", **LatLongDMS:** "21:41:00 S 49:44:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-21.683334,-49.733336)", **State/Prov:** "São Paulo", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31091 (EE776490)
**Date:** 10/4/1968
**Time:** 18:00
**Location:** SNAGOV, ROMANIA
**Description:** Saucer casts light like a lamp. Drops 50° to horizon.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HOBANA Ion & WEVERBERGH,Julien: UFO'S from BEHIND the IRON CURTAIN; Bantam Books,1975. 308pp. (Index 249)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9032
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Romania", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "SNAGOV,ROMANIA:SCR CASTS LITE LIKE A LAMP:DROPS 50° TO HORIZON.", **LatLong:** "44.711113 26.244446", **LatLongDMS:** "44:42:40 N 26:14:40 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.711113,26.244446)", **State/Prov:** "PRH", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31092 (23AC8901)
**Date:** 10/5/1968
**Locations:** West Morehead Street; Charlotte, North Carolina
**Description:** 7:52 p.m. John D. Hickey and his family are driving near West Morehead Street in Charlotte, North Carolina. While stopped at a traffic light, he sees a black object like a short cigar moving on his left, but it stops and hovers above a low building about 500 feet away. Suddenly three large gray-white lights shaped like television picture tubes turn on, each about 22 inches in diameter. A small black arm-like device moves slowly out of one end, extends a few feet, then stops. A blue light is at one end. The three large lights begin to blink slowly, then rapidly for 25 seconds. The blue light goes out, the arm retracts, the large lights blink more slowly until they stop. The lights go out and the object moves to the east.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Nocturnal Light Becomes CE-I in Charlotte,](http://cufos.org/CUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter/1984-85%5FCUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter%5FV5.pdf) [NC,](http://cufos.org/CUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter/1984-85%5FCUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter%5FV5.pdf)” CUFOS Associate Newsletter 5, no. 4 \(Aug./Sept. 1984\): 1, 8
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4629
### Event 31093 (38412B85)
**Date:** 10/7/1968
**Time:** 09:20
**Location:** LAGOA RODRIGO, BRZ
**Description:** Several / boat club. Saucer-cylinder/cigar-shape going quickly south. Jet plane follows. UFO much faster.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GRANCHI, Irene: UFO's and ABDUCTIONS in BRAZIL: Horus House Press, Madison, WI: 1992 (English translation 1994) ISBN 1-881852-09-1 (Index 74)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9033
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "Lagoa RODRIGO,BRZ:SVLR/BOAT CLUB:SCR-CGR >>S:JET PLANE FOLOS:UFO MUCH FASTER", **LatLong:** "-22.966668 -43.211113", **LatLongDMS:** "22:58:00 S 43:12:40 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-22.966668,-43.211113)", **State/Prov:** "RDJ", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31094 (B481D98A)
**Date:** 10/7/1968
**Time:** 18:50
**Location:** DARTMOUTH, NS
**Description:** 3 observer(s) / (seen thru) telescope. 2 blazing ovoids over Halifax. Going west slowly. Detailed report.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LEDGER, Don: MARITIME UFO FILES: 1998 Nimbus Publ. Ltd. Halifax, NS. ISBN 1-55109-269-7 162pp. trade paper. (Index 65)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9034
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "12", **Elev:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "DARTMOUTH,NS:3 OBS/TSCOPE:2 BLAZING OVOIDS OVR HALIFAX:>W SLOWLY:detailed rpt", **LatLong:** "44.650002 -63.583336", **LatLongDMS:** "44:39:00 N 63:35:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.650002,-63.583336)", **State/Prov:** "Nova Scotia", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31095 (24677EF7)
**Date:** 10/7/1968
**Time:** ~20:00
**Location:** LINS, BRZ
**Description:** 400+observer(s). Flickering disk going quickly [to] over. Magnetic instruments act up. 2 power outages.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 3)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9035
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "12", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "460", **HatchDesc:** "LINS,BRZ:400+OBS:FLICKERING DISK>>OVR:MAGN.INSTRUMENTS ACT UP:2 PWR OUTAGES", **LatLong:** "-21.650001 -49.766669", **LatLongDMS:** "21:39:00 S 49:46:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-21.650001,-49.766669)", **State/Prov:** "São Paulo", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31096 (F6F93545)
**Date:** 10/7/1968
**Description:** [Hynek](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J.%5FAllen%5FHynek) responds to Col. [Sleeper](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/149575947/raymond-starrett-sleeper)’s request with an extended commentary prefaced by a succinct, eight-point critique of everything Project Blue Book has done wrong: the project suffers from \(1\) inadequate execution, \(2\) inadequate staff, \(3\) lack of open consultation with scientists outside the Air Force, \(4\) laughable statistical methods, \(5\) too much time spent on routine cases and not exceptional cases, \(6\) inadequate data provided by local Air Force base investigators, \(7\) biased evaluations, and \(8\) inadequate use of the project’s own scientific consultant.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** J. Allen Hynek, The UFO Experience, Ballantine ed., 1974, [pp. 202–206](https://archive.org/details/ufoexperience00jall/page/202/mode/2up), [283–305](https://archive.org/details/ufoexperience00jall/page/282/mode/2up); Clark III 925
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4630
### Event 31097 (D900080E)
**Date:** 10/7/1968
**Description:** A cigar-shaped object flew rapidly to the south over Lagoa Rodrigo, Brazil at 9:20 a.m. A jet aircraft attempted to follow it, but the UFO was much faster. On this same day a 42-foot diameter circle was found in Ngatea, New Zealand. The circle was somewhat radioactive and the plants inside the circle were bone-dry as if completely dehydrated.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Irene Granchi, UFO Abductions and Reports from Brazil, p. 74; Data-Net Report, January 1970, p. 11
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6631
### Event 31098 (AE1C1421)
**Date:** 10/8/1968
**Time:** 19:30
**Location:** MEDULLA, FL
**Description:** Family. Dog barks. Transparent violet object with 2 figure(s) inside hovers / 10'. / r203p63.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 147)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9036
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "47", **HatchDesc:** "MEDULLA,FL:FAMILY:DOG BARKS:XPRNT VIOLET OBJ W/2 FIGs INSIDE HVRS/10':/r203p63", **LatLong:** "27.966668 -81.972226", **LatLongDMS:** "27:58:00 N 81:58:20 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/27.966668,-81.972226)", **State/Prov:** "Florida", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 31099 (5CEF5992)
**Date:** 10/8/1968
**Description:** On this night in Asbestos, Quebec, Canada Mr. Bellerose, his wife, his brother in law, and his sister in law saw a rectangular green shape in the sky. After some minutes “a real saucer” came out of a cloud, with a yellow-orange light around it and three circular lights beneath it. The two men got into a car and followed the UFO toward St. Claude; watching from the home, the women distinctly saw humanoids walk from the object and seemingly float into space.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1968-101, citing Gene Duplantier, Saucers, Space & Science, issue # 54
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6656
### Event 31100 (739516B5)
**Date:** 10/8/1968
**Description:** In Medulla, Florida a terrified dog crashed through a screen porch to hide from a domed disc-shaped UFO dropping sparks at treetop level and see-sawing in a rocking motion in the sky, only 150 feet away from the house. Two occupants wearing tight rubbery suits and headgear were visible inside the UFO.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Lakeland Ledger, November 11, 1968; George D. Fawcett, Flying Saucers, June 1969, p. 13
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6657
### Event 31101 (E018C56F)
**Date:** 10/9/1968
**Location:** Lins, Brazil
**Description:** 6:20 a.m. Doribio Pereira, 41, municipal employee, suddenly observed a golden, cigar-shaped object, and a figure armed with a flashing weapon that immobilized him. Three beings were standing on a platform under the craft. (Magonia #920, FSR 69, 1) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3975
### Event 31102 (67493545)
**Date:** 10/9/1968
**Time:** 0620
**Location:** Lins, Brazil
**Description:** Doribio Pereira, 41, municipal employee, suddenly observed a golden, cigar-shaped object, and a figure armed with a flashing weapon that immobilized him. Three beings were standing on a platform under the craft, and another figure appeared to be using a keyboard inside the transparent top part. The object took off rapidly, leaving the witness in a state of shock.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** FSR 69, 1 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_920
### Event 31103 (23BE8D21)
**Date:** 10/10/1968
**Location:** 37.0000 -116.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Vat” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_563
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0000 -116.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:00 N 116:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0000,-116.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Vat", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 31104 (BE41450B)
**Date:** 10/11/1968
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Launch of the [Apollo 7](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/Apollo.html\#Apollo7) mission, first manned Apollo flight, with Schirra, Cunningham and Eisele. The Swiss Telephone Agency announces that when the [Apollo 7](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/Apollo.html\#Apollo7) capsule was flying over Australia, cosmonaut Cunningham reported that unidentified flying objects were passing close to the space capsule.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1968.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2437
### Event 31105 (67A8031C)
**Date:** 10/11/1968
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Ignacio De Souza, who had a reputation for being very tough, dies.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1968.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2438
### Event 31106 (5E35042F)
**Date:** 10/11/1968
**Time:** 21:00
**Description:** Squeaky glowing tomato / ground. RADAR. Traces and footprints / dirt.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BALLESTER OLMOS, Vicente-Juan: CATALOG of 200 TYPE-1 EVENTS in SPAIN & PORTUGAL; CUFOS 1976. (Index 19)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9037
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **RDR:** Radar traces/blips, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "9", **HatchDesc:** "SANLUCAR DE BARRAMEDA,SP:SQUEEKY GLOW.TOMATO/GND:RDR:TRACES+FOOTPRINTS/DIRT", **LatLong:** "36.783335 -6.333334", **LatLongDMS:** "36:47:00 N 06:20:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/36.783335,-6.333334)", **State/Prov:** "CDZ", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 31107 (325A8DEB)
**Date:** 10/12/1968
**Location:** LINS, BRZ
**Description:** Huge pear-shaped Ob hovers / 30M altitude 50M away. Moves off and lands / hills.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 3)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9038
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "460", **HatchDesc:** "LINS,BRZ:HUGE PEAR-SHAPED OB HVRS/30M alt 50M AWAY:MOVES OFF+LANDS/HILLS", **LatLong:** "-21.650001 -49.716669", **LatLongDMS:** "21:39:00 S 49:43:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-21.650001,-49.716669)", **RelAlt:** "30", **State/Prov:** "São Paulo", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31108 (8D95E572)
**Date:** 10/12/1968
**Time:** 20:00
**Description:** 2 separate cars paced / night lights and lit / beams. Red 30cm ball hovers / trees.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 3)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9039
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "160", **Elev:** "434", **HatchDesc:** "GETULINA+LINS,BRZ:2 SEP.CARS PACED/NLTS+LIT/BEAMS:RED 30cm BALL HVRS/TREES", **LatLong:** "-21.750001 -49.916669", **LatLongDMS:** "21:45:00 S 49:55:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-21.750001,-49.916669)", **State/Prov:** "São Paulo", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31109 (2A5E413F)
**Date:** 10/13/1968
**Time:** ~20:00
**Location:** LANUS, ARG
**Description:** Several observer(s). Saucer over house. Extends going down [to] and retracts beam / light! Observers paralyzed.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BANCHS, Rodolfo: LAS EVIDENCIAS de los OVNI; Rudolfo Alonso Editor, Argentina. 1976 (Index 12)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9040
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "LANUS,ARG:SVRL OBS:SCR OVR HOUSE:EXTENDS↓+RETRACTS BEAM/LITE!:OBSs PARALYZED", **LatLong:** "-34.716668 -58.400003", **LatLongDMS:** "34:43:00 S 58:24:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-34.716668,-58.400003)", **State/Prov:** "Buenos Aires", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31110 (D6172F64)
**Date:** 10/13/1968
**Time:** 22:50
**Location:** LA LINEA, SPAIN
**Description:** Several military observer(s). 3 night lights / triangle formation northwest going quickly southeast / 3000' altitude. Seen / 12 second(s).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PHENOMENA Revue / SOS-OVNI, France; Perry Petrakis ed. B.P 324; 13611 Aix-Cedex 1, Fr. sosovni at pacwan.mm-soft.fr (Index 14)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9041
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "La LINEA,SPAIN:SVRL MIL OBS:3 NLTS/TRIANGLE FORMn NW>>SE/3000'alt:seen/12sec", **LatLong:** "36.183335 -5.366667", **LatLongDMS:** "36:11:00 N 05:22:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/36.183335,-5.366667)", **State/Prov:** "CDZ", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 31111 (D45DF1E4)
**Date:** 10/14/1968
**Location:** ARGENTINA, Correa (Rosario)
**Description:** (Translated from French) A farmer found a dead cow near 7 circular traces of burned grass. A few days later, mushrooms the size of basketballs grew on these traces. Around the date of the discovery of the dead animal, the neighbors had noticed unusual lights in the sky. (Janet and Colin BORD: "Modern Mysteries of the World" - Guild Publishing London 1989, p. 307) A civilian pilot had noticed a strange drawing on the ground and went there with the military. As they headed towards the place where a saucer had previously landed, they discovered a circle of 6 feet in diameter where the earth was scorched. In the circle, eight giant white mushrooms had grown. One of the mushrooms measured 3 feet in diameter. - In the province of Santa Fé, other extraordinary mushrooms were discovered under the same circumstances.
**Reference:** Jacques VALLEE: "Chronicles of E.T. Appearances" - DENOEL 1972 - coll. J'AI LU, p. 60 dated November 12, 1968 and located in Necochea
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2536
### Event 31112 (302B230E)
**Date:** 10/14/1968
**Time:** 00:40
**Location:** ZAFRA, SP
**Description:** 5 / car. 10M saucer vanishes / 1 place. Reappears / another.. twice!! / LDLN#113.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BALLESTER OLMOS, Vicente-Juan: CATALOG of 200 TYPE-1 EVENTS in SPAIN & PORTUGAL; CUFOS 1976. (Index 20)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9042
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "ZAFRA,SP:5/CAR:10M SCR VANISHES/1 PLACE:REAPPEARS/ANOTHER..TWICE!!:/LDLN#113", **LatLong:** "38.416668 -6.416667", **LatLongDMS:** "38:25:00 N 06:25:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.416668,-6.416667)", **State/Prov:** "Badajoz", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 31113 (7BAF674F)
**Date:** 10/15/1968
**Time:** 20:50
**Location:** PELICAN LAKE, UT
**Description:** SR88 11M south / US40. Bus-size saucer comes down to land near ranch. 5 min.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SALISBURY, Frank: The UTAH UFO DISPLAY -- a Biologist Reports; 1974 Devin Adair, New Greenwich,CT. HB 286pp. ISBN 0-815-97000-5 (Index 253)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9043
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "1440", **HatchDesc:** "PELICAN LAKE,UT:SR88 11M S/US40:BUS-SIZE SCR COMES DOWN TO LAND NR RANCH:5min.", **LatLong:** "40.200002 -109.666672", **LatLongDMS:** "40:12:00 N 109:40:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.200002,-109.666672)", **State/Prov:** "Utah", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31114 (4C6F3E8D)
**Date:** 10/15/1968
**Description:** Driving across the desert near Kingman, Arizona with a hitchhiker at around 3:00 a.m., Michael Watts saw a "falling star" that stopped in midair, and then shot back up into the sky. The two men then stopped the car and got out to investigate a distant light source on the ground. When they walked up to it the light on the ground proved to be four lights, one of which took off into the air. Nearby they could dimly see two four-foot-tall beings with large heads and abnormally long arms, and heard a sound like digging. The hitchhiker then suggested they go back to the car for a gun, and the figures vanished. Other maneuvering lights were then observed. Then something sounding like a train passed by at a distance: it had a string of lighted windows in which silhouettes of passengers sitting up inside were visible. After this, a dark lens-shaped object having a flat dome on top and a row of pulsating multi-colored lights around the edge approached them quite closely. As the dawn approached and it became possible to see better, the remaining lights on the ground could be seen to be connected to a palely lit cigar-shaped object. Watts believes he may have experienced a memory lapse at this point. Cloven footprints were found at the site where the beings had been seen. The hitchhiker could not be identified and was therefore unavailable for an interview by the investigators.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Michael Schutz & Loren Reichert, Skylook, August 1975, p. 10; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case # 1968-73, citing Michael Schutz & Loren Reichert
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6862
### Event 31115 (899B1097)
**Date:** 10/16/1968
**Time:** 08:00
**Description:** Many observer(s) / 5 separate locations. Silver saucer going quickly southwest. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SALISBURY, Frank: The UTAH UFO DISPLAY -- a Biologist Reports; 1974 Devin Adair, New Greenwich,CT. HB 286pp. ISBN 0-815-97000-5 (Index 254)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9044
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "30", **Elev:** "1490", **HatchDesc:** "nr RANDLETT+INDEPENDENCE,UT:MANY OBS/5 SEP.LOCs:SLVR SCR >>SW:NFD", **LatLong:** "40.250002 -109.833339", **LatLongDMS:** "40:15:00 N 109:50:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.250002,-109.833339)", **State/Prov:** "Utah", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31116 (823B200B)
**Date:** 10/17/1968
**Time:** 16:30
**Description:** Many observer(s). Silver sphere going east. Stops. 90° turns. Shoots going quickly east again.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LDLN CONTACT LECTEURS: by Series and #. May'68 -JAN'72 (Entire set of 18 issues) LDLN local chapters & individual members' UFO reports. (Index 16)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9045
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "12", **Duration:** "90", **HatchDesc:** "OLLIOULIES,FR+AREA:MANY OBS:SLVR SPHERE >E:STOPS:90°TURNS:SHOOTS >>E AGAIN", **LatLong:** "43.138891 5.850000", **LatLongDMS:** "43:08:20 N 05:51:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.138891,5.850000)", **State/Prov:** "Var", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31117 (BB48295B)
**Date:** 10/17/1968
**Time:** 17:00
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Huge phony moon hovers / 30 minute(s). Slight motion. Going southwest and stops again.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LDLN CONTACT LECTEURS: by Series and #. May'68 -JAN'72 (Entire set of 18 issues) LDLN local chapters & individual members' UFO reports. (Index 52)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9046
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "30", **HatchDesc:** "ESTERIL Mtns,FR:2 OBS:HUGE PHONY MOON HVRS/30min:SLIGHT MOTION:>SW+STOPS AGAIN", **LatLong:** "43.500002 6.883334", **LatLongDMS:** "43:30:00 N 06:53:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.500002,6.883334)", **State/Prov:** "Alpes Maritimes", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31118 (69F3519F)
**Date:** 10/17/1968
**Time:** 17:50
**Location:** NORTH / CUERS, FR
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Distant metallic top-saucer spins. 2 fast night lights exit going quickly east / 1830h.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LDLN CONTACT LECTEURS: by Series and #. May'68 -JAN'72 (Entire set of 18 issues) LDLN local chapters & individual members' UFO reports. (Index 27)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9047
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "60", **HatchDesc:** "N/CUERS,FR:2 OBS:DISTANT MTLC TOP-SCR SPINS:2 FAST NLTS EXIT >>E/1830h:", **LatLong:** "43.250002 6.072223", **LatLongDMS:** "43:15:00 N 06:04:20 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.250002,6.072223)", **State/Prov:** "Var", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31119 (B3D5086E)
**Date:** 10/17/1968
**Time:** 20:00
**Location:** SEVILLA, SP
**Description:** Several observer(s). "Ship" drops into trees. Changes / several color(s). No traces found.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BALLESTER OLMOS, Vicente-Juan: CATALOG of 200 TYPE-1 EVENTS in SPAIN & PORTUGAL; CUFOS 1976. (Index 20)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9048
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "SEVILLA,SP:SVRL OBS:"SHIP" DROPS INTO TREES:CHANGES/SVRL CLRS:NO TRACES FOUND", **LatLong:** "37.400002 -5.966667", **LatLongDMS:** "37:24:00 N 05:58:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.400002,-5.966667)", **State/Prov:** "SVL", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31120 (E3040877)
**Date:** 10/18/1968
**Location:** USA, Medula (Florida)
**Description:** (Translated from French) A whole family was drawn outside by the furious barking of the dog. They were then able to see an object of purple color moving at three meters from the ground and a strong smell of ammonia was felt. The object was spherical in shape and its diameter was about ten meters. It was possible to distinguish two occupants, as the UFO was partially transparent. The pilots looked like normal human beings. The observation lasted a few minutes, after which the craft suddenly rose and disappeared into space. (October 18, 1968)
**Reference:** Jean-Marie DOUCHET - Nostra - 21.5.1980
**Reference:** A. SCHNEIDER-H. MALTHANER: "Le dossier secret des OVNI", ed. De Vecchi, 1978, p 28, 29
**Reference:** Keel 74
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2537
### Event 31121 (15224E8B)
**Date:** 10/18/1968
**Time:** 17:20
**Location:** SARAJEVO, BOSNIA
**Description:** Amateur astronomers. 4 photographs / bullet UFO with conical point. Going quickly SSW.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HOBANA Ion & WEVERBERGH,Julien: UFO'S from BEHIND the IRON CURTAIN; Bantam Books,1975. 308pp. (Index 84)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9049
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Former Yugoslavia", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "100", **HatchDesc:** "SARAJEVO,BOSNIA:AMATEUR ASTRONOMERS:4 FOTOS/BULLET UFO W/CONICAL POINT:>>SSW", **LatLong:** "43.833335 18.433334", **LatLongDMS:** "43:50:00 N 18:26:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.833335,18.433334)", **State/Prov:** "BSH", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31122 (B441B24D)
**Date:** 10/18/1968
**Time:** 18:00
**Location:** GURA VAII, ROM
**Description:** Very fast silver UFO follows Danube R. Stops 1 minute(s) / midair. Reverses direction.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HOBANA Ion & WEVERBERGH,Julien: UFO'S from BEHIND the IRON CURTAIN; Bantam Books,1975. 308pp. (Index 250)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9050
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Romania", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "GURA VAII,ROM:VFAST SLVR UFO FOLOs DANUBE R.:STOPS 1min/MIDAIR:REVERSES DIRn", **LatLong:** "44.683335 22.555557", **LatLongDMS:** "44:41:00 N 22:33:20 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.683335,22.555557)", **State/Prov:** "MHD", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31123 (93DA12A8)
**Date:** 10/18/1968
**Locations:** Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina; Mostar
**Description:** 5:00 p.m. Hundreds of witnesses view a conical object that appears above Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, traveling from northwest to southeast. The UFO at first appears bright blue then changes first to a whitish-blue then to red. When it reaches a point just south of Sarajevo and northeast of the city of Mostar, the object turns to the east. It remains in view from 90 minutes to two hours. Members of the Akademski Astronomsko-Astronautiki Klub take photos of the object and, six months later, issue a report on their investigation of the incident. It estimates that the UFO was flying at an altitude of 16 miles and a speed of 20 mph, probably guided by air currents and not self-propelled, and most likely was a military reconnaissance balloon.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Hobana and Weverbergh 84–90
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4631
### Event 31124 (65364EED)
**Date:** 10/19/1968
**Location:** USSR, Tyuratam
**Description:** (Translated from French) A few days after the Americans had put their first occupied Apollo cabin into orbit, the Soviet Union had already launched a space vessel "Zond 5" towards the Moon, which was nothing more than a Soviet Soyouz without an orbital compartment. On October 19th, Cosmos 248 was propelled to 520 km in altitude by a Scarp rocket and began to orbit the Earth at an inclination of 62°. The following day, an identical rocket, launched from the same place, reached an orbit of the same inclination, but much higher; it evolved between 840 and 3380 km. After several trajectory corrections, Cosmos 249 passed in a flash above Cosmos 248 and exploded. At the moment, the NORAD specialists who recorded the explosion did not understand well. The radars recorded 81 different fragments in place of Cosmos 249, while they did not yet know that it was a decided explosion. (1968, October 19th and 20th)
**Reference:** "The War of the Satellites" - Volume 3 - Pierre Kohler, ed. Famot 1982, p. 150
**Reference:** see November 1st, 1968
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2538
### Event 31125 (3B5F791C)
**Date:** 10/19/1968
**Time:** ~03:00
**Location:** NEAR SETCASES, SP
**Description:** Several mountain climbers. Saucer lands. 2 small small humanoids (or Greys) emerge / r50p19.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PHENOMENES SPATIAUX: Group GEPA, Gen. M. Lionel Chassin Paris. Quarterly 1964?-1977. Merged into Grp. GEPAN (Index 15)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9051
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "8", **HatchDesc:** "nr SETCASES,SP:SVRL Mtn.CLIMBERS:SCR LANDS:2 SMALL OIDS EMERGE/r50p19", **LatLong:** "42.377780 2.300000", **LatLongDMS:** "42:22:40 N 02:18:00 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.377780,2.300000)", **State/Prov:** "GER", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 31126 (40034A57)
**Date:** 10/19/1968
**Time:** 04:50
**Description:** White ball / light / roadside. 2M burnt circular found. Fireball flys near. / r180p59.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BALLESTER OLMOS, Vicente-Juan: CATALOG of 200 TYPE-1 EVENTS in SPAIN & PORTUGAL; CUFOS 1976. (Index 20)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9052
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "SE BERGA,SP:WHT BALL/LITE/ROADSIDE:2M BURNT CIRC.FOUND:FBL FLYS NEAR:/r180p59", **LatLong:** "42.000002 2.000000", **LatLongDMS:** "42:00:00 N 02:00:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.000002,2.000000)", **State/Prov:** "Barcelone", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31127 (2582E0A4)
**Date:** 10/19/1968
**Time:** 19:30
**Location:** LA SERENA, CHILE
**Description:** Numerous observer(s). Huasco saucer seen here first. Also seen Valparaiso / 2000h.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 118)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9053
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Chile", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "28", **HatchDesc:** "LA SERENA,CHILE:NMRS OBS:HUASCO SCR SEEN HERE FIRST:also seen Valparaiso/2000h", **LatLong:** "-29.900001 -71.266670", **LatLongDMS:** "29:54:00 S 71:16:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-29.900001,-71.266670)", **State/Prov:** "CQM", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31128 (B0DE12FC)
**Date:** 10/19/1968
**Time:** 20:00
**Location:** HUASCO, CHL
**Description:** 2+1 observer(s). Flash. Saucer seen / ambulance. Motor and lights die. Object going up [to] and lost in stars.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 118)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9054
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Chile", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "106", **HatchDesc:** "HUASCO,CHL:2+1 OBS:FLASH:SCR SEEN/AMBULANCE:MOTOR+LITES DIE:OBJ↑+LOST in STARS", **LatLong:** "-28.466668 -71.216670", **LatLongDMS:** "28:28:00 S 71:13:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-28.466668,-71.216670)", **State/Prov:** "Atacama", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31129 (91CD1401)
**Date:** 10/19/1968
**Description:** At 1:30 a.m. a glowing white object seen in sky in West Quincy, Massachusetts. It changed shape from an oval to a cigar standing on end. At times a small blue light appeared underneath it. It blinked out when an airplane approached.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Raymond E. Fowler case files, report dated November 22, 1968
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6980
### Event 31130 (E4B45320)
**Date:** 10/20/1968
**Time:** 06:20
**Location:** NEAR HUARD, FR
**Description:** Dark silent ovoid throws light and sparks over 2 / lakeside and going [to] away.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PHENOMENES SPATIAUX: Group GEPA, Gen. M. Lionel Chassin Paris. Quarterly 1964?-1977. Merged into Grp. GEPAN (Index 18)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9055
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "nr HUARD,FR:DRK SLNT OVOID THROWS LITE+SPARKS OVR 2/LAKESIDE+ > AWAY:", **LatLong:** "47.138891 3.922222", **LatLongDMS:** "47:08:20 N 03:55:20 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.138891,3.922222)", **State/Prov:** "Nièvre", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31131 (E5855B76)
**Date:** 10/21/1968
**Time:** 03:52:02.0
**Location:** 49.7279 78.4863
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Telkem 1” Yield: .24KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1322
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.7279 78.4863", **LatLongDMS:** "49:43:40 N 78:29:11 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.7279,78.4863)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "PNE:Telkem 1", **NukeSource:** "BOCHAROV", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** ".24"
### Event 31132 (FCBA263B)
**Date:** 10/22/1968
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Splashdown of the [Apollo 7](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/Apollo.html\#Apollo7) capsule. (October 22)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1968.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2439
### Event 31133 (53DD5C84)
**Date:** 10/23/1968
**Time:** 13:10
**Location:** BUCHAREST, ROM
**Description:** Railroad/railway yard. Bright very fast point / light maneuvers. 90-turns. All over city.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HOBANA Ion & WEVERBERGH,Julien: UFO'S from BEHIND the IRON CURTAIN; Bantam Books,1975. 308pp. (Index 250)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9056
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Romania", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "20", **HatchDesc:** "BUCHAREST,ROM:RR YARD:BRITE VFAST POINT/LITE MNVRS:90-TURNS:ALL OVER CITY", **LatLong:** "44.466669 26.100001", **LatLongDMS:** "44:28:00 N 26:06:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.466669,26.100001)", **State/Prov:** "Bucharest", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31134 (E3F7F002)
**Date:** 10/24/1968
**Time:** 00:30
**Description:** Ground and air observer(s) and RADAR's. Cylinder/cigar-shape? Hovers. Splits. Parts maneuver. Strong Radio Frequency Interference (RFI.)
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HAINES, Richard & WEINSTEIN,Dominique: Preliminary Study of 64 Pilot Sightings involving EME on Aircraft Systems NARCAP TR-3 2001 (Index 29)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9057
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **NUC:** Nuclear facility related, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **RDR:** Radar traces/blips, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "180", **Elev:** "640", **HatchDesc:** "NW/MINOT AFB,ND:GND+AIR OBS+RDRS:CGR?:HVRS:SPLITS:PARTS MNVR:STRONG RFI", **LatLong:** "48.583336 -101.583338", **LatLongDMS:** "48:35:00 N 101:35:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.583336,-101.583338)", **State/Prov:** "North Dakota", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31135 (213B6661)
**Date:** 10/24/1968
**Time:** 03:00
**Description:** B52+many others and RADAR's and more/others. Blip maneuvers / 5000kph. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Night light. 14 Blue Book report(s).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GROSS, Loren: UFO's a HISTORY-1956 (3 booklets) 1994 Self published. (Index 950)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9058
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RDR:** Radar traces/blips, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "26", **Elev:** "550", **HatchDesc:** "NW/MINOT AFB,ND:B52+MANY OTHERS+RDRS++:BLIP MNVRS/5000kph:RFI:NLT:14 BBK RPTS", **LatLong:** "48.416669 -101.500005", **LatLongDMS:** "48:25:00 N 101:30:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.416669,-101.500005)", **State/Prov:** "North Dakota", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31136 (F4AC7C85)
**Date:** 10/24/1968
**Time:** 06:00
**Location:** BETHESDA, MD
**Description:** Paperboy. 16M saucer / ground. Cone protrudes. Silent and motionless. Gone / 20 minute(s).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 246)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9059
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "5", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "92", **HatchDesc:** "BETHESDA,MD:PAPERBOY:16M SCR/GND:CONE PROTRUDES:SLNT+MOTIONLESS:GONE/20min", **LatLong:** "38.983335 -77.083337", **LatLongDMS:** "38:59:00 N 77:05:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.983335,-77.083337)", **State/Prov:** "Maryland", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31137 (56AFD5DC)
**Date:** 10/24/1968
**Time:** 12:00
**Location:** CALIG / CERVERA, SP
**Description:** 3 observer(s). White sphere/orb/globe going [to] slow / 2M altitude. Rises and drops when observer(s) shouts. Going quickly north.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BALLESTER OLMOS, Vicente-Juan: CATALOG of 200 TYPE-1 EVENTS in SPAIN & PORTUGAL; CUFOS 1976. (Index 20)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9060
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "CALIG/CERVERA,SP:3 OBS:WHT ORB > SLO/2M ALT:RISES+DROPS WHEN OBS SHOUTS:>>N", **LatLong:** "40.450002 0.266667", **LatLongDMS:** "40:27:00 N 00:16:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.450002,0.266667)", **State/Prov:** "CST", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31138 (13B27625)
**Date:** 10/24/1968
**Time:** 15:50
**Description:** Ship crew / Sextant. Bright 17M white saucer going northwest. Stops. Going quickly east. / r84p250.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 48)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9061
**Attributes:** **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Ivory Coast,Ghana,Togo,Benin,Liberia etc.", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "SEA W/MADAGASCAR:SHIP CREW/SEXTANT:BRITE 17M WHT SCR> NW:STOPS:>>E:/r84p250", **LatLong:** "-15.333334 42.833335", **LatLongDMS:** "15:20:00 S 42:50:00 E", **Locale:** "High Seas", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-15.333334,42.833335)", **State/Prov:** "SEA", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31139 (6CE0E336)
**Date:** 10/24/1968
**Time:** 20:00?
**Description:** 4 observer(s). Brilliant 25'SCR / 200' altitude. Stops. Maneuvers. Stops over farmhouse..
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** STEIGER, Brad & WHRITENOUR, Joan: FLYING SAUCER INVASION. Award Books, NY 1969. 156pp PB. 15 Essays + catalog. (Index 100)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9062
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "298", **HatchDesc:** "S/STEWARTVILLE,MN:4 OBS:BRILL.25'SCR/200'alt:STOPS:MNVRS:STOPS OVR FARMHOUSE..", **LatLong:** "43.766669 -92.483338", **LatLongDMS:** "43:46:00 N 92:29:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.766669,-92.483338)", **State/Prov:** "Minnesota", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31140 (FCC60FA6)
**Date:** 10/24/1968
**Location:** Minot AFB (About 30 miles NW of), ND
**Description:** Minot Tracks Object, B-52 Sees & Tracks UFO (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** NICAP: [681024](http://www.nicap.org/681024minot%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3976
### Event 31141 (69FE7F8B)
**Date:** 10/24/1968
**Locations:** Minot AFB, North Dakota; Bowbells, North Dakota; Launch Facility Oscar-7
**Description:** 2:15–5:18 a.m. Sixteen military personnel stationed throughout the Minuteman ICBM missile complex at Minot AFB, North Dakota, report a very large, brightly illuminated aerial object, alternating colors from brilliant white to orange-red and green, with the ability to hover, accelerate rapidly, and abruptly change direction. Ground radar tracks an unidentified target correlated with a visual orange glow and radios it \(saying, “Someone is seeing flying saucers again”\) to the attention of the USAF crew of a B-52H Stratofortress bomber at 2,000 feet as a UFO target 24 miles to the northwest. It shifts to 15 miles at 3:35 a.m. RAPCON alerts the pilots \(instructor pilot Maj. [Bradford Runyon](https://sohp.us/interviews/bios/runyon-bradford.php) and copilot Maj. [James Partin](https://sohp.us/interviews/bios/partin-james.php)\) to the location of the UFO near Bowbells, North Dakota, which the B-52 navigator Capt. [Patrick D. McCaslin](https://sohp.us/interviews/bios/mccaslin-patrick.php) observes on the radarscope maintaining a three-mile distance throughout a standard 180° turnaround. Radar navigator Maj. Charles Richey captures the tracking on film. As the B-52 starts its descent back to Minot AFB, the UFO appears to close distance to one mile at a high rate of speed, pacing the aircraft for nearly 20 miles before disappearing off the radarscope. Both B-52 UHF radios cannot transmit during the close radar encounter with the UFO and when the radarscope film is recorded. Shortly afterwards, RAPCON provides vectors for the B-52 to overfly a stationary UFO on or near the ground. After turning onto the downwind leg of the traffic pattern, the pilots observe a large, illuminated UFO ahead of the aircraft for several minutes, before turning onto the base leg over the UFO while observing it at close range. After the B-52 lands, both outer and inner-zone intrusion alarms are activated at the remote missile Launch Facility Oscar-7. The duration of the reported observations is over three hours. Other witnesses include Capt. [Thomas](https://sohp.us/interviews/bios/goduto-thomas.php) [Goduto](https://sohp.us/interviews/bios/goduto-thomas.php)[,](https://sohp.us/interviews/bios/goduto-thomas.php) S/Sgt [James F. Bond](https://sohp.us/interviews/bios/bond-james-f.php)[,](https://sohp.us/interviews/bios/bond-james-f.php) S/Sgt [William E. Smith](https://sohp.us/interviews/bios/smith-william.php)[,](https://sohp.us/interviews/bios/smith-william.php) A1C [Robert O’Connor](https://sohp.us/interviews/bios/oconnor-robert.php)[,](https://sohp.us/interviews/bios/oconnor-robert.php) A1C [Joseph P. Jablonski](https://sohp.us/interviews/bios/jablonski-joseph.php)[,](https://sohp.us/interviews/bios/jablonski-joseph.php) and A1C Gregory Adams. The chief of the 862nd Combat Support Group, Lt. Col. [Arthur J. Werlich](https://minotb52ufo.com/bio/werlich.html?height=550&width=950), is designated as Blue Book liaison and he calls the report in at 4:30 p.m. after SAC investigations, an analysis of the radarscope film, and the B-52 crew debriefing. Werlich provides Blue Book with selected data through October 31. On November 13, Blue Book chief Lt. Col. [Hector Quintanilla](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hector%5FQuintanilla) completes his evaluation and forwards the final report to SAC headquarters. It is a single-page letter providing several possible explanations for the various reports, along with 11 pages of attachments cobbled together in support. He attributes the B-52 radar contact and loss of UHF transmission to “a plasma similar to ball lightning.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** NICAP, “[Minot Tracks Object, B-52 Sees and Tracks](http://www.nicap.org/681024minot%5Fdir.htm) [UFO](http://www.nicap.org/681024minot%5Fdir.htm)”; [Sparks](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf)[,](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf) p. 330; Clark III 748–763; Thomas Tulien, “[A Narrative of Events at Minot Air Force Base,](https://minotb52ufo.com/)” Sign Oral History Project; Hynek UFO Report, [pp. 137–139](https://archive.org/details/hynekuforeport00alle/page/136/mode/2up); Martin Shough, “[Minot Air Force Base, Oct 24 1968,](http://www.martinshough.com/aerialphenomena/minot.htm)” 2006; Nukes 319–323; Thomas E. Bullard, “Defending UFOs,” IUR 34, no. 2 \(Mar. 2012\): 32–33; “The Minot AFB B-52 UFO Incident,” Above Top Secret forum, February 24, 2010; “[New Witness to UFO Incursion at Nuke](https://www.theufochronicles.com/2017/10/new-witness-to-ufo-incursion-at-nuke-missile-complex.html) [Missile Complex,](https://www.theufochronicles.com/2017/10/new-witness-to-ufo-incursion-at-nuke-missile-complex.html)” The UFO Chronicles, October 17, 2017
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4632
### Event 31142 (71D328D3)
**Date:** 10/24/1968
**Location:** Mozambique Channel
**Description:** 6:47 p.m. The Romanian oil tanker Argeş is steaming through the Mozambique Channel when Third Officer Ştefan Anton and Commander Nicolae Ştefanescu see a bright orange-yellow disc half the diameter of the Moon moving swiftly and emitting blue-green rays from its center. At one point it stops abruptly for a moment andchanges course to the east. By sextant they estimate it is 15.5 miles away and 56 feet in diameter.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Hobana and Weverbergh 250–251
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4633
### Event 31143 (796CB1BE)
**Date:** 10/25/1968
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) The *Zond 5* probe skims the Moon at 1960 km and returns to Earth. (October 25)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1968.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2440
### Event 31144 (5510CCBF)
**Date:** 10/26/1968
**Time:** 22:00
**Description:** 2 / car. UFO going down / separate spots on road. Car headlights electro-magnetic effect (EME) at each spot.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RIDGE, Francis: REGIONAL ENCOUNTERS in the FC Files. 170pp. UFO FILTER CENTER, Mt. Vernon, IN 1994 (Index 28)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9063
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "173", **HatchDesc:** "nr GREENFIELD,IN:2/CAR:UFO ↓/SEP.SPOTS ON ROAD:CAR HEADLITES EME AT EACH SPOT", **LatLong:** "39.766669 -85.766671", **LatLongDMS:** "39:46:00 N 85:46:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.766669,-85.766671)", **State/Prov:** "Indiana", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31145 (1ECBE14E)
**Date:** 10/26/1968
**Location:** Greenfield, IN
**Description:** 10:00 p.m. Witnesses: Mr. & Mrs. R. E. Foster. While driving near Greenfield, they saw UFO come to rest on road about two miles ahead of them. It rose up and landed two or three times, and when the car reached the landing site on the road, car lights went out for half a minute or more in each place. (Letter to NICAP) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3977
### Event 31146 (ADDC1EDC)
**Date:** 10/27/1968
**Time:** 03:30
**Location:** NORTHEAST / MAX, ND
**Description:** Huge orange-globe follows milk truck / 7 90° turns / 34km! Then shoots going quickly southeast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLICKENGER, Don: NORTH DAKOTA UFO files. Well Documented NICAP files for the 1960s: Xeroxed by Tom Tulien (Index 56)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9064
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **NUC:** Nuclear facility related, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "60", **Elev:** "640", **HatchDesc:** "NE/MAX,ND:HUGE ORG-GLOBE FOLOS MILK TRUCK/7 90°TURNS/34km!:THEN SHOOTS >>SE", **LatLong:** "47.900002 -101.238894", **LatLongDMS:** "47:54:00 N 101:14:20 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.900002,-101.238894)", **State/Prov:** "North Dakota", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31147 (260A9B46)
**Date:** 10/27/1968
**Description:** At 10:30 p.m. three men in their twenties sighted a semi-circular or crescent-shaped object with red and green flashing lights and a white light hovering for 30 minutes over Wallingford, Connecticut. At one point it was joined by two more similar objects that remained for a few minutes, then shot off in opposite directions. They were gone in less than 15 seconds.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Meriden Morning Record, October 28, 1968
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7195
### Event 31148 (86932518)
**Date:** 10/28/1968
**Location:** BUCHAREST, ROM
**Description:** Sphere zigzags / 40 minute(s). 4 November. Lopsided dumbell dances about / sky.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HOBANA Ion & WEVERBERGH,Julien: UFO'S from BEHIND the IRON CURTAIN; Bantam Books,1975. 308pp. (Index 251)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9065
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Romania", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "40", **HatchDesc:** "BUCHAREST,ROM:SPHERE ZIGZAGS/40min::4NOV:LOPSIDED DUMBELL DANCES ABOUT/SKY", **LatLong:** "44.433335 26.066668", **LatLongDMS:** "44:26:00 N 26:04:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.433335,26.066668)", **State/Prov:** "Bucharest", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31149 (6A88B21E)
**Date:** 10/28/1968
**Time:** 23:20
**Location:** LAS VEGAS, NV
**Description:** Group / colored night lights buzz 2 / car. Vague structure visible. Going quickly [to] over desert. / r114p113.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 827)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9066
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "25", **Elev:** "605", **HatchDesc:** "LAS VEGAS,NV:GRP/CLRD NLTS BUZZ 2/CAR:VAGUE STRUCT.VSBL:>>OVR DESERT:/r114p113", **LatLong:** "36.183335 -115.133339", **LatLongDMS:** "36:11:00 N 115:08:00 W", **Locale:** "Desert", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/36.183335,-115.133339)", **RelAlt:** "10", **State/Prov:** "Nevada", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31150 (E9A97A6F)
**Date:** 10/28/1968
**Location:** Minot, ND
**Description:** Photos by missile crew, radar (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)
**Reference:** NICAP: [681028](https://web.archive.org/web/100/http://www.nicap.org/minot681028dir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3978
### Event 31151 (A1FD2EC7)
**Date:** 10/28/1968
**Location:** Minot, ND
**Description:** Photo from missile crew, RV (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases)
**Reference:** NICAP: [681028](https://web.archive.org/web/100/http://www.nicap.org/minot681028dir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3979
### Event 31152 (FB66548D)
**Date:** 10/28/1968
**Location:** Minot, ND
**Description:** Missile base, RV, Photo, EM (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Rating: 5)
**Reference:** NICAP: [681028](https://web.archive.org/web/100/http://www.nicap.org/minot681028dir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3980
### Event 31153 (2BADE410)
**Date:** 10/28/1968
**Description:** Four people driving in a car eight miles northeast of Murray Bridge, South Australia sighted five bright orange oval shaped lights that were self luminous and the apparent size of ten cent coins held at arm's length. The lights circled some scrub bush and landed remotely. Two more lights were seen 50 minutes later.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Michael Hervey, UFOs Over the Southern Hemisphere, p. 182
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7229
### Event 31154 (22C2E11A)
**Date:** 10/28/1968
**Description:** At 11:20 p.m. bright white lights were seen hovering over the desert outside of Las Vegas, Nevada just 10 to 15 feet above the ground. They were replaced by a group of multi-colored lights that blinked in a pattern indicating a square shape. A nebulous figure was seen behind the lights.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** APRO Bulletin, November-December 1968, p. 6
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7230
### Event 31155 (DFF652F3)
**Date:** 10/29/1968
**Location:** 37.0000 -116.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Hula” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_564
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0000 -116.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:00 N 116:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0000,-116.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Hula", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 31156 (DA722D28)
**Date:** 10/29/1968
**Time:** 03:54:00.0
**Location:** 49.8333 78.0928
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: .001KT YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1323
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.8333 78.0928", **LatLongDMS:** "49:50:00 N 78:05:34 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.8333,78.0928)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "KRR", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** ".001", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 31157 (6E828122)
**Date:** 10/30/1968
**Location:** PASSO FUNDO, BRZ
**Description:** 4 / car. Fireball shoots going down / ground. 15 minute(s) later shoots back going up [to] and lost / space.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 4)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9067
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "15", **Elev:** "550", **HatchDesc:** "PASSO FUNDO,BRZ:4/CAR:FBL SHOOTS↓/GND:15min LATER SHOOTS BACK↑+LOST/SPACE", **LatLong:** "-28.266668 -52.216669", **LatLongDMS:** "28:16:00 S 52:13:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-28.266668,-52.216669)", **State/Prov:** "RGS", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31158 (76117EBC)
**Date:** 10/30/1968
**Time:** 06:10
**Location:** FOURNEAUX, FR
**Description:** 2 / N142. Spoked red wheel turns going southwest / roadside. Turns going west. Lost / trees.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LDLN CONTACT LECTEURS: by Series and #. May'68 -JAN'72 (Entire set of 18 issues) LDLN local chapters & individual members' UFO reports. (Index 16)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9068
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "FOURNEAUX,FR:2/N142:SPOKED RED WHEEL TURNS > SW/ROADSIDE:TURNS >W:LOST/TREES", **LatLong:** "46.033336 2.133333", **LatLongDMS:** "46:02:00 N 02:08:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.033336,2.133333)", **State/Prov:** "Creuse", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31159 (A42B3195)
**Date:** 10/30/1968
**Time:** 20:20
**Location:** VANCOUVER, BC
**Description:** 2 observer(s). 4 night lights in formation. 6 join / sequence and maneuver. Flashes. All going northeast. / r114p106.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 827)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9069
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "30", **Elev:** "72", **HatchDesc:** "VANCOUVER,BC:2 OBS:4 NLTS/FORMn:6 JOIN/SEQUENCE+MNVR:FLASHES:ALL>NE:/r114p106", **LatLong:** "49.283336 -123.100006", **LatLongDMS:** "49:17:00 N 123:06:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.283336,-123.100006)", **State/Prov:** "British Columbia", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31160 (DC034C11)
**Date:** 10/31/1968
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) The [Condon Report](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html\#Condon) is submitted to the Secretary of the [USAF](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/USAF.html). (October 31)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1968.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2441
### Event 31161 (948BA6EF)
**Date:** 10/31/1968
**Location:** US
**Description:** Colorado UFO Project final report submitted to secretary of the Air Force for review by the National Academy of Sciences.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_167
### Event 31162 (E8F265C8)
**Date:** 10/31/1968
**Location:** 37.0000 -116.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed, salvo. Country: USA Name: “Bit-A” YieldMax: 40KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_565
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0000 -116.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:00 N 116:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0000,-116.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Bit-A", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NUCU_SALVO", **NukeYMax:** "40"
### Event 31163 (04EA91DE)
**Date:** 10/31/1968
**Location:** 37.0000 -116.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “File” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_566
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0000 -116.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:00 N 116:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0000,-116.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "File", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 31164 (9A1949C3)
**Date:** 10/31/1968
**Locations:** Colorado; Great Falls; McMinnville
**Description:** The Colorado project delivers its report, Scientific Study of Unidentified Flying Objects, to the Air Force. The first two sections, conclusions and recommendations, are written by [Condon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward%5FCondon) himself. He concludes that “further extensive study of UFOs probably cannot be justified in the expectation that science will be advanced thereby.” It is a clear signal to shut down Project Blue Book. Yet 30% of its cases are unexplained. Condon says a UFO cover-up is unthinkable because no one could keep such a secret for so long. He refutes the claim that the CIA has installed an agent within the project. He disapproves of UFO “amateurists,” especially NICAP. The project ignored old cases because they only offered witness testimony, are probably misidentifications, and it makes little sense to reinterview witnesses. But this means ignoring the most compelling cases of the past 20+ years. Condon rejects the ETH because it is so unlikely that aliens can get here from there. This attitude suggests that Condon’s approach is fundamentally antiempirical. The report also includes summaries of field studies, photographic evidence, direct and indirect physical evidence, optical and radar cases, and astronaut sightings. In the field studies section, [Roy Craig](https://legacy.lib.utexas.edu/taro/tamucush/00151/tamu-00151.html) concedes that some of the older cases suggest something extraordinary \(Great Falls, RB-47\). [William K. Hartmann](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William%5FKenneth%5FHartmann) divides photo cases into fabrications, misidentifications, poor image quality, and clear images that lack sufficient data. Great Falls and McMinnville are the only two that he considers unusual. [Gordon Thayer](https://rr0.org/people/t/ThayerGordonD/) discusses the predominance of anomalous propagation in radar cases. In finding natural explanations, Thayer often disregards witness testimony. The rest of the report is mostly padding.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Condon Committee](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Condon%5FCommittee\#Committee%5FReport)”; Michael D. Swords, “The University of Colorado UFO Project: The ‘Scientific Study of UFOs,’” JUFOS 6 \(1995/96\): 149–184; Swords 329–332
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4634
### Event 31165 (668AD088)
**Date:** 11/1968
**Time:** 02:30
**Location:** 150MI NORTH / YELLOWKNIFE, NWT
**Description:** 3 / plane paced / saucer / 5 minute(s). Human shape seen 1 / 12 portholes.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUSGRAVE, John Brent: UFO OCCUPANTS & CRITTERS; Global Communications, NY 1979. 8x11 66pp. (Index 27)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9070
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "200", **HatchDesc:** "150mi N/YELLOWKNIFE,NWT:3/PLANE PACED/SCR/5min:HUMAN SHAPE SEEN 1/12 PORTHOLES", **LatLong:** "64.550003 -114.633339", **LatLongDMS:** "64:33:00 N 114:38:00 W", **Locale:** "Tundra", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/64.550003,-114.633339)", **State/Prov:** "Northwest Territories", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 31166 (A8ED6AF8)
**Date:** 11/1968
**Time:** 17:00
**Description:** Ranger. Silver saucer takes off parallel to slope.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FIGEUT, Michel & RUCHON, Jean-Louis: OVNI - Le Premier Dossier..; Alain LeFeuvre, Paris 1979. (Index 305)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9071
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "BOIS de GOUJOUSE/CENDRAS,FR:RANGER:SLVR SCR TAKES OFF PARALLEL to SLOPE", **LatLong:** "44.133335 4.061111", **LatLongDMS:** "44:08:00 N 04:03:40 E", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.133335,4.061111)", **State/Prov:** "Gard", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31167 (D009A31D)
**Date:** 11/1968
**Location:** Kent, IN
**Description:** Abduction report. First investigated by Bay Area (CA) Subcommittee, then turned over to Indiana NICAP Subcommittee. (Ridge files) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3981
### Event 31168 (1E85AD4C)
**Date:** 11/1968
**Location:** Southampton, England
**Description:** Two children are playing in the garden of their father’s hotel in Southampton, England, when they notice a “speck” come out of the clouds. It grows in size and comes closer, moving above the hotel roof. The shape is a large flattened disc with black square windows on the side. It moves to a point about 10 feet directly above them and hovers for 30 seconds, then it speeds up and disappears behind some trees.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “Foreign Forum,” IUR 3, no. 6 \(June 1978\): 2
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4635
### Event 31169 (01C04FF3)
**Date:** 11/1/1968
**Location:** USSR
**Description:** (Translated from French) (cf: October 19, 1968) Twelve days later, on November 1, Cosmos 252 was launched in turn still from Kazakhstan, by the same rocket. The next day it also exploded, into 117 pieces this time, after passing close to Cosmos 248. (...) At that moment it was not yet very well imagined that the USSR had undertaken the development of an anti-satellite satellite system! (November 1, 1968)
**Reference:** "The War of the Satellites" - Volume 3 -Pierre Kohler, ed. Famot 1982, p. 151
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2540
### Event 31170 (7D4B97B5)
**Date:** 11/1/1968
**Location:** FRANCE (unspecified - south of France)
**Description:** (Translated from French) Famous case of "Doctor X", born in 1930, biologist and musician. The doctor was awoken shortly before 04:00 in the morning by the crying of his 14-month-old baby. He found the child very excited, making gestures towards the window. Through the shutters the doctor saw flashes of light but didn't really pay attention and gave the baby a bottle of water. It was raining very hard. There were more flashes coming from the south, but no thunder. When he opened a window onto the terrace he saw two disk-shaped objects, horizontal, silver-white on top, bright red underneath. On top there were several vertical and one horizontal antenna and a white beam illuminating the fog beneath the disks, which were approaching each other until they made contact, the beams overlapping, the flashes ceasing while the two objects merged. After a while the disk turned vertical, swept the house with a beam of light, there was a kind of explosion and the disk left behind a whitish glow slowly dissipated by the wind. In the following days the doctor noticed that not only had the bruise he had sustained disappeared, but also the after-effects of a wound he had received during the Algerian War. However, he had lost weight, felt very disoriented and after a day of cramps and abdominal pain, he developed a triangular pigmentation around his navel. Now, in the night of November 13-14 the same triangle appeared on the baby's belly. This pigmentation remained visible for 2 or 3 days before disappearing. But its appearance was recurrent each year, as it was filmed again in 1985. (Michel Aimé 1969; Lob/Gigi 1975; Jacques VALLEE: "Autres dimensions" - trad. Robert Laffont 1989 - p. 198 to 200) etc..
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2541
### Event 31171 (8A22946A)
**Date:** 11/1/1968
**Time:** 04:00
**Location:** NORTH / BARAS, PHLP
**Description:** 3 separate observer(s). Fake car = saucer / ground. 2 pseudo-human/entity inside. Rolls and flies! / r113p207.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 835)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9072
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Philippines", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "164", **HatchDesc:** "N/BARAS,PHLP:3 SEP.OBS:FAKE CAR=SCR/GND:2 PSH INSIDE:ROLLS+FLIES!:/r113p207", **LatLong:** "14.583334 121.266672", **LatLongDMS:** "14:35:00 N 121:16:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/14.583334,121.266672)", **State/Prov:** "LZN", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 31172 (904B6E30)
**Date:** 11/1/1968
**Time:** 05:10
**Description:** 3 SAS-airline(s)/airliner crews. Huge glowing-ball divides. Beams going down / military maneuvers. Going northwest.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 833)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9073
**Attributes:** **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Scandanavian and Finland", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "HARDANGER Mtns,NORW:3 SAS-AL CREWS:HUBE GLOW-BALL DIVIDES:BEAMS↓/MIL.MNVRS:>NW", **LatLong:** "60.166670 7.500000", **LatLongDMS:** "60:10:00 N 07:30:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/60.166670,7.500000)", **State/Prov:** "Norway", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31173 (85F9CC5B)
**Date:** 11/1/1968
**Location:** Los Monegros, Spain
**Description:** Orange disc approached car, landed; after UFO took off, car and watches operated normally. Flying Saucer Review, Vol. 15, UFO No.1; see Rodeghier, 1981, p. 43. (E,L) car effects, watches stopped (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3982
### Event 31174 (15228CC5)
**Date:** 11/1/1968
**Description:** At 4:00 a.m. a Filipino farmer north of Baras in Rizal province, the Philippines saw a red light come down and land 100 yards away from him, making a hissing sound like an arc welder. He approached with a flashlight and encountered a white object, the size of a VW Beetle, on small wheels. It had six big exhaust tubes in the rear and a transparent canopy. There were two "ordinary Caucasian" looking pilots in the craft wearing white coveralls or flightsuits, with earphones on their heads.. The craft took off vertically without making as much noise.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Colonel Aderito De Leon, APRO Bulletin, September-October 1969, p. 4; Coral & Jim Lorenzen, Encounters with UFO Occupants, p. 206, David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1968-77 (A0999), citing APRO
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7378
### Event 31175 (B650967C)
**Date:** 11/1/1968
**Description:** A second encounter in the Philippines occurred two hours later when another farmer walking to Baras felt something land behind him. He apparently witnessed the same craft, with the wheels, because his description of the object and its occupants was identical. He ran to the mayor of the town and reported his close encounter.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Colonel Aderito De Leon, APRO Bulletin, September-October 1969, p. 4; Coral & Jim Lorenzen, Encounters with UFO Occupants, p. 207, David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1968-78 (A1000), citing APRO
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7379
### Event 31176 (394553B1)
**Date:** 11/1/1968
**Description:** A third close encounter of the third kind in the Philippines was made that same day by another farmer, bicycling near the site of the first reported incident at 11:00 a.m. He saw the same "strange car" downhill from his location. As he coasted down toward the object on his bicycle he saw two men; one was outside the object "looking around" and was "very tall" and looked to be a normal Caucasian, the other man was inside the object. Both wore white coveralls and what appeared to be earphones. He stopped 20 yards past the object, looked back, and saw that the man outside the object was watching him. He couldn't decide whether he should go back to speak to him, but while he was thinking this the man got into his vehicle. With a roar, the craft moved up the hill and then ascended silently into the sky.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Colonel Aderito De Leon, APRO Bulletin, September-October 1969, p. 4; Coral & Jim Lorenzen, Encounters with UFO Occupants, p. 207, David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1968-79 (A1001), citing APRO; BUFORA Journal, September 1969, p. 14
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7380
### Event 31177 (91C4660C)
**Date:** 11/1/1968
**Description:** A large orange, domed disc-shaped object approached a car with five soldiers in Los Monegros, Zaragoza, Spain at 4:30 a.m. and then landed nearby. The car engine and radio stopped running and all watches stopped. After the UFO took off and car and watches operated normally again.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Antonio Ribera, FSR, January 1969, p. 34; Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, p. 43; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II. A Thirty Year Report, p. 252
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7381
### Event 31178 (684520A9)
**Date:** 11/1/1968
**Description:** In the early morning, pre-dawn hours a French physician living in the Alpes-de-Haute-Provence department of southern France, "Doctor X", was awakened by the sound of his 14-month-old son crying. His son was standing in his crib pointing at the window. Behind the shutter a very bright light could be seen moving. After the child had gone back to sleep, the doctor went out onto the balcony of his house, located on a hillside, and he saw two glowing discs in the sky, silvery white on top and bright red underneath. Each had a tall antenna on top and one on either side, and they were directing a narrow beam of white light towards the ground below.
The two objects slowly drew closer and merged into a single object, about 200 feet in diameter and 50 feet thick. The single object then approached the doctor, and tilted 90 degrees so that the beam of light struck him. He then heard a loud bang, and the object evaporated into a whitish cloud that dissipated with the wind. A thin thread of light rose high into the sky before vanishing as a white dot, and exploding like a firework.
A few days earlier the doctor had accidentally cut a vein in his leg while chopping wood, and a decade earlier he had stepped on a landmine in Algeria, leaving his right side partially paralyzed. After this close encounter incident he found that the swelling and pain from his leg injury had vanished, and the chronic after effects of the injuries he had sustained in the Algerian war improved dramatically in the days that followed.
Also a few days after the encounter, the doctor and his son each developed a strange, reddish, triangular mark on the abdomen, and this mark recurred in successive years. Strange paranormal phenomena began to take place around the doctor and his family, including poltergeist activity and unexplained disturbances in electrical circuits. The doctor began to have mysterious meetings with a strange, nameless man he called "Mr. Bied." He would hear a whistling noise inside his head and would feel guided to walk or drive to a certain location where he would meet the man, who would discuss his UFO experience and paranormal matters. Mr. Bied caused him to experience apparent teleportation and time travel, including a distressing episode with alternative landscapes on a road that he knows does not exist. The stranger also once visited the doctor at his home accompanied by a three foot tall humanoid with mummified skin, which remained motionless while its eyes darted quickly around the room. The doctor experienced uncontrolled levitation on at least one occasion.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** John Wallace Spencer, World Atlas of UFOs, p. 207
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7382
### Event 31179 (DA7A5EA1)
**Date:** 11/2/1968
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) The [Doctor X](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/temoins.html\#X) observes two objects merging in front of his house. He will be physically affected by it. (November 2, 04:00)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1968.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2442
### Event 31180 (98DA6E46)
**Date:** 11/2/1968
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Election of [Richard Nixon](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/dirigeants.html\#NixonRichardMilhous) to the presidency of the United States.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1968.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2443
### Event 31181 (FB652C94)
**Date:** 11/2/1968
**Time:** 04:00
**Location:** SISTERON, FR
**Description:** Dr. X and son. 2 saucers. Abduction. Old wounds healed. Delta/triangle/box-like craft marks. / r5p102+/ LDLN#186.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 210)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9074
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **TLP:** Telepathy, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "15", **HatchDesc:** "SISTERON,FR:DR X+SON:2 SCRS:ABD:OLD WOUNDS HEALED:DLT MARKS:/r5p102+/LDLN#186", **LatLong:** "44.183335 5.950000", **LatLongDMS:** "44:11:00 N 05:57:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.183335,5.950000)", **State/Prov:** "Alpes de Haute Provence", **Strangeness:** "12"
### Event 31182 (D3E1C034)
**Date:** 11/2/1968
**Time:** 04:40
**Location:** LOS MONEGROS, SP
**Description:** 5 soldiers. Car and radio electro-magnetic effect (EME). 100M saucer lands. AOK after. / r50p20+/ r41.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PHENOMENES SPATIAUX: Group GEPA, Gen. M. Lionel Chassin Paris. Quarterly 1964?-1977. Merged into Grp. GEPAN (Index 19)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9075
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "4", **HatchDesc:** "LOS MONEGROS,SP:5 SOLDIERS:CAR+RADIO EME:100M SCR LANDS:AOK AFTER:/r50p20+/r41", **LatLong:** "41.483335 -0.050000", **LatLongDMS:** "41:29:00 N 00:03:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.483335,-0.050000)", **State/Prov:** "ZRG", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31183 (1BAFA06D)
**Date:** 11/2/1968
**Location:** Unknown City, France
**Description:** 3:55 a.m. During a thunderstorm, a medical doctor was awakened by his crying 14- month-old son. He saw two luminous objects outside his house, and observed them coming close together and merging about 180 m away. Persistent nightmares and various physiological phenomena were later recorded. (Magonia #921, 1) (NICAP: 05 - Medical Incidents)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3983
### Event 31184 (B5DE446D)
**Date:** 11/2/1968
**Time:** 0355
**Location:** France
**Description:** During a thunderstorm, a medical doctor was awakened by his crying 14-month-old son. He saw two luminous objects outside his house, and observed them coming close together and merging about 180 m away. A vertical beam of light was aimed at him for a second as the object tilted, and then the display vanished with a flash, leaving a slowly dissolving cloud. Persistent nightmares and various physiological phenomena were later recorded.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** 1 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_921
### Event 31185 (93BFB2A4)
**Date:** 11/2/1968
**Locations:** Algeria; south of France
**Description:** 3:55 a.m. A partially paralyzed Algerian veteran, Dr. X, has suffered an injury to his leg while chopping at a stump on his property in a village in the south of France on October 29. He is lying in bed when he is awakened by his crying 14-month-old son. He sees two luminous objects outside his house. They are coming close together and merging about 590 feet away. A vertical beam of light is aimed at him for a second as the object tilts, and then the display vanishes with a sort of explosion, leaving behind a slowly dissolving cloud. Shortly afterwards, the man’s leg heals and his war wound is better. He also experiences nightmares, stomach pains, and a red pigmentation appears around his navel, forming a triangle. He goes to a dermatologist but does not mention the UFO; the doctor is stumped. The man’s son also develops a red triangle. In November 1984, a French radio reporter records the gradual reappearance of the triangle on X’s abdomen.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Aimé Michel, “[The](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR-SI%201969%20N%203%2CUFO%20Percipients.pdf) [Strange Case of Dr. X,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR-SI%201969%20N%203%2CUFO%20Percipients.pdf)” in Charles Bowen, ed., UFO Percipients, special issue no. 3 of FSR, September 1969, pp. 3–16; Aimé Michel, “[The Strange Case of Dr. ‘X,’ Part 2,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201971%20V%2017%20N%206.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 17, no. 6 \(Nov./Dec. 1971\): 3– 9; Clark III 410–413
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4636
### Event 31186 (6140BE32)
**Date:** 11/2/1968
**Description:** During a thunderstorm, a medical doctor in southern France was awakened at 3:55 a.m. by his crying 14-month-old son. He saw two luminous objects outside his house, and observed them coming close together and merging into one, about 180 meters away from his window. A vertical beam of light was aimed at him for a second as the object tilted, and then the display vanished with a flash, leaving a slowly dissolving cloud. Persistent nightmares and various physiological phenomena, including identical triangular shaped red marks appearing on both the father's and son's lower abdomens, were later recorded.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia, A Century of Landings, citing Aime Michel
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7420
### Event 31187 (AD4BAE37)
**Date:** 11/3/1968
**Time:** 16:20
**Location:** HOUSTON, TX
**Description:** Several observer(s). Domed saucer going / edge. Angel hair falls. Military jet circles. / APRO.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 247)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9076
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **TRC:** Physical traces, **MIL:** Military investigation
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "15", **Elev:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "HOUSTON,TX:SVRL OBS:DOMED SCR >/EDGE:ANGEL HAIR FALLS:MIL JET CIRCLES:/APRO", **LatLong:** "29.733335 -95.383338", **LatLongDMS:** "29:44:00 N 95:23:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/29.733335,-95.383338)", **State/Prov:** "Texas", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31188 (481C35ED)
**Date:** 11/3/1968
**Description:** Two 15-year-old boys in Houston, Texas sighted a domed disc-shaped object with black dots, possibly windows, at 4:15 p.m. "Angel hair" residue was found in the aftermatch of the sighting, the "…substance is fibrous, elastic, relatively strong, somewhat sticky, and white in color."
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP files, sighting a newspaper clipping December 19, 1968
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7431
### Event 31189 (8742A821)
**Date:** 11/4/1968 (approximate)
**Time:** 01:30
**Location:** MEDAN, INDONS
**Description:** 2 / home. Power out. Silent white disk 30M over yard. Shrinks. Gone. Power on.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 839)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9077
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Indonesia", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "MEDAN,INDONs:2/HOME:POWER OUT:SLNT WHT DISK 30M OVR YARD:SHRINKS:GONE:POWER ON", **LatLong:** "3.583334 98.666671", **LatLongDMS:** "03:35:00 N 98:40:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/3.583334,98.666671)", **State/Prov:** "SMT", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31190 (CDAC8046)
**Date:** 11/4/1968
**Location:** 37.0000 -116.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed, salvo. Country: USA Name: “Crew-2nd” YieldMax: 40KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_567
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0000 -116.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:00 N 116:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0000,-116.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Crew-2nd", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NUCU_SALVO", **NukeYMax:** "40"
### Event 31191 (F65F16F1)
**Date:** 11/4/1968
**Time:** 15:15:00.1
**Location:** 37.1305 -116.0865
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Crew” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 200KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_568
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1305 -116.0865", **LatLongDMS:** "37:07:50 N 116:05:11 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1305,-116.0865)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.36", **NukeMb:** "5.00", **NukeName:** "Crew", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "200"
### Event 31192 (8819C1BC)
**Date:** 11/5/1968
**Time:** 04:30
**Description:** 15M red-yellow domed sphere follows car. Going north ahead. Possible landing.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 120)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9078
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "8", **Elev:** "362", **HatchDesc:** "THETFORD MINES,QBC:15M RED-YLW DOMED SPHERE FOLOS CAR:>N AHEAD:POSS.LANDING", **LatLong:** "46.083336 -71.300003", **LatLongDMS:** "46:05:00 N 71:18:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.083336,-71.300003)", **State/Prov:** "Quebec", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31193 (640AF7E9)
**Date:** 11/5/1968 (approximate)
**Time:** ~06:00
**Description:** 4 observer(s). Area oddly quiet all day. Night light rises / lagoon and going quickly south.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BALLESTER OLMOS, Vicente-Juan: CATALOG of 200 TYPE-1 EVENTS in SPAIN & PORTUGAL; CUFOS 1976. (Index 20)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9079
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **SUB:** Submersible: Rises from or submerges into water, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "200", **HatchDesc:** "CHICLANA de la FRONTERA,SP:4 OBS:AREA ODDLY QUIET ALL DAY:NLT RISES/LAGOON+>>S", **LatLong:** "36.422224 -6.144445", **LatLongDMS:** "36:25:20 N 06:08:40 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/36.422224,-6.144445)", **State/Prov:** "CDZ", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31194 (B0BC60A2)
**Date:** 11/5/1968
**Time:** 23:50
**Location:** CLUJ, ROMANIA
**Description:** Teacher sees Brill red ovoid. Larger / moon. Goes very fast going north. Silent.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HOBANA Ion & WEVERBERGH,Julien: UFO'S from BEHIND the IRON CURTAIN; Bantam Books,1975. 308pp. (Index 251)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9080
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Romania", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "CLUJ,ROMANIA:TEACHER SEES BRILL RED OVOID:LARGER/MOON:GOES VFAST>N:SILENT", **LatLong:** "46.750002 23.566668", **LatLongDMS:** "46:45:00 N 23:34:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.750002,23.566668)", **State/Prov:** "CLJ", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31195 (F2A0C415)
**Date:** 11/5/1968
**Description:** There was a report of a UFO that scorched the earth in Clare, South Australia on this day.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Michael Hervey, UFOs Over the Southern Hemisphere, p. 182
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7477
### Event 31196 (217D53D9)
**Date:** 11/6/1968
**Time:** 20:10
**Location:** SAO PAOLO, BRZ
**Description:** TV technician. Red-orange object west going quickly east / low altitude. Absolute(ly) silent. Sudden sharp maneuvers.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 4)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9081
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "638", **HatchDesc:** "SAO PAOLO,BRZ:TV TECHn:RED-ORG OBJ W>>E/LO ALT:ABS SLNT:SUDDEN SHARP MNVRS", **LatLong:** "-23.533334 -46.633336", **LatLongDMS:** "23:32:00 S 46:38:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-23.533334,-46.633336)", **State/Prov:** "São Paulo", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 31197 (A4892D5B)
**Date:** 11/6/1968
**Location:** Spring Branch West area of Houston, Texas
**Description:** Two teenage boys see a disc-shaped UFO about 200 feet in diameter discharging angel hair over the Spring Branch West area of Houston, Texas. [C. E. “Gene” Senter](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/144969517/conrad-eugene-senter) investigates and recovers a twig with angel hair that he puts in a plastic bag and freezes. A chemist analyzes the substance in a petroleum-industry lab but finds out little other than it is sticky and fibrous.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Brian Boldman, “Angel Hair Physical Analyses: A Review,” JUFOS 9 \(2006\): 105
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4637
### Event 31198 (E3773B90)
**Date:** 11/7/1968
**Description:** 18 observer(s). 3 shiny round objects spin across sky. Brown edges. / r114p46.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 827)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9082
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "15", **HatchDesc:** "KALGOORLIE,W.AUSTRL:18 OBS:3 SHINY RND OBJS SPIN ACRS SKY:BROWN EDGES:/r114p46", **LatLong:** "-30.833335 121.500006", **LatLongDMS:** "30:50:00 S 121:30:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-30.833335,121.500006)", **State/Prov:** "Western Australia", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31199 (C9387C17)
**Date:** 11/7/1968
**Time:** 01:20
**Location:** OFF QUEQUEN, ARG
**Description:** 2 / boat and 4. Large luminous saucer lights 40M of sea with retractable cone / light.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 130)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9083
**Attributes:** **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "off QUEQUEN,ARG:2/BOAT+4:LRG LUM SCR LITES 40M of SEA W/RETRACTIBLE CONE/LITE", **LatLong:** "-38.550002 -58.666669", **LatLongDMS:** "38:33:00 S 58:40:00 W", **Locale:** "Offshore", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-38.550002,-58.666669)", **State/Prov:** "Buenos Aires", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 31200 (466E2A52)
**Date:** 11/7/1968
**Time:** 19:20
**Location:** WESTLOCK, ALTA
**Description:** Disk spins. Lights / edge. Shifts every 2 minute(s) when yellow night light appears.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 827)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9084
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "25", **Elev:** "655", **HatchDesc:** "WESTLOCK,ALTA:DISK SPINS:LITES/EDGE:SHIFTS EVERY 2min when YLW NLT APPEARS", **LatLong:** "54.150003 -113.866672", **LatLongDMS:** "54:09:00 N 113:52:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/54.150003,-113.866672)", **State/Prov:** "Alberta", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31201 (258F5768)
**Date:** 11/7/1968
**Time:** 10:02:05.5
**Location:** 73.3870 54.8580
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed, salvo. Country: USSR Yield: 300KT YieldMax: 3000KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1324
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "73.3870 54.8580", **LatLongDMS:** "73:23:13 N 54:51:29 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/73.3870,54.8580)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "6.13", **NukeSource:** "RICHARDS", **NukeType:** "NUCS_SALVO", **NukeY:** "300", **NukeYMax:** "3000"
### Event 31202 (12124205)
**Date:** 11/8/1968
**Location:** NECOCHEA, BA, ARG
**Description:** Saucer seen. 36' circle / burnt earth grows 3' mushrooms. / r156#13p15.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: DIMENSIONS, A Casebook of Alien Contact Ballentine, NY 1989. PB (Index 57)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9085
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "31", **HatchDesc:** "NECOCHEA,BA,ARG:SCR SEEN:36'CIRCLE/BURNT EARTH GROWS 3'MUSHROOMS:/r156#13p15", **LatLong:** "-38.533335 -58.766669", **LatLongDMS:** "38:32:00 S 58:46:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-38.533335,-58.766669)", **State/Prov:** "Buenos Aires", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31203 (DC81666A)
**Date:** 11/8/1968
**Time:** 20:10
**Location:** TAGUATINGA, BRZ
**Description:** Saucer stops / Army radio station/depot/facility. Bottom/underside spins. Circles city. / r156#4+/ r41p360.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 827)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9086
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "706", **HatchDesc:** "TAGUATINGA,BRZ:SCR STOPS/ARMY RADIO Stn:BTM SPINS:CCLs CITY:/r156#4+/r41p360", **LatLong:** "-12.416667 -46.433336", **LatLongDMS:** "12:25:00 S 46:26:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-12.416667,-46.433336)", **State/Prov:** "DF", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31204 (8D326F65)
**Date:** 11/8/1968
**Description:** At 8:05 p.m. a metallic looking lenticular disc "like two round basins placed face to face" Swooped down over the town of Taguatinga, Brazil near Brasilia. It had lights and portholes around the rim and the lower portion was spinning.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Walter Buhler, FSR Case Histories, April 1971, p. 12
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7537
### Event 31205 (9B3573D7)
**Date:** 11/9/1968
**Time:** 22:20
**Location:** HYERES, VAR
**Description:** Amateur astronomer. Dark spots cross moons face. Then boomerang shapes!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LDLN CONTACT LECTEURS: by Series and #. May'68 -JAN'72 (Entire set of 18 issues) LDLN local chapters & individual members' UFO reports. (Index 26)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9087
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "75", **HatchDesc:** "HYERES,VAR:AM.ASTRONOMER:DRK SPOTS CROSS MOONS FACE:THEN BOOMERANG SHAPES!", **LatLong:** "43.122224 6.133334", **LatLongDMS:** "43:07:20 N 06:08:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.122224,6.133334)", **State/Prov:** "Var", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31206 (C9A3ED7E)
**Date:** 11/9/1968
**Time:** 02:54:00.1
**Location:** 49.8005 78.1391
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: .001KT YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1325
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.8005 78.1391", **LatLongDMS:** "49:48:02 N 78:08:21 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.8005,78.1391)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "4.90", **NukeSource:** "BOCHAROV", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** ".001", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 31207 (E064D147)
**Date:** 11/9/1968
**Description:** A homemaker saw a large disc-shaped object hovering over the house in Lakeland, Florida. Several human-like figures could be seen through some lighted portholes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, 1968 Humanoid Sighting Reports database, case # 2408, citing Brad Steiger & Joan Whritenour, The Flying Saucer Invasion
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7568
### Event 31208 (CEC4D9E2)
**Date:** 11/9/1968
**Description:** A couple in Lorain, Ohio was awakened at 5:45 a.m. by a loud thump on the roof of their trailer. The bump was followed by the sound of something moving near their bedroom window. When they looked out the window, they saw a huge face staring down at them. The creature’s two front paws or hands were resting on the windowsill. The husband lept out of bed and frantically searched for his gun, but by the time he located it the creature was gone from the window. Running on two legs, it dashed around the east side of the house, weaving from side to side, and crossed two streets before disappearing into the woods. The creature stood about six-feet tall. Its front side was grayish brown, and the rest of the body was a darker shade of the same color. According to the couple, it resembled “a large bipedal lion of around 600 pounds.”
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, 1968 Humanoid Sighting Reports database, case # 2900, citing Jerome Clark & Loren Coleman, Creatures of The Goblin World
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7569
### Event 31209 (329E58DC)
**Date:** 11/9/1968
**Description:** At 11:30 p.m. in El Salto, Santiago, Chile two young sisters, Afrodit and Eugenia Lovazzano El-Far, 12 and 9 years of age respectively, were playing on a Sunday night in front of their home when they saw a large ball of fire approaching from the nearby mountains. It came suddenly to a stop in front of the girls. Afrodit saw it first as she was on her bicycle, and noticed the red light suddenly appear from behind the mountain, resembling a brilliant star. The red light seemed “gelatinous” in nature and soon changed to a sphere with a greenish tint. Both girls could now clearly see what appeared to be a small “woman” inside the luminous sphere. The strange entity had a large mouth, which seemed to be moving constantly, apparently calling the girls; it also had a pair of large pointed ears. Moments later, the small woman exited the sphere and approached Afrodit, who tried to run but was unable to move due to a strong “pulling” force. It pulled her by her blouse and suspended her in midair. When Eugenia reached the kitchen door the force seemed to release Afrodit, who suffered from earaches, hoarseness, and what appeared to have been scratches on her waist area. It was later determined that a third girl, 12-year-old Monica Patricia Lagos also saw the bizarre incident, which she described as a ball of fire that floated around over the ground and then disappeared in a flash.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, 1968 Humanoid Sighting Reports database, citing http://www.toc.cl/articulo_013.htm
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7570
### Event 31210 (6AD31DBE)
**Date:** 11/12/1968
**Time:** 07:30:00.0
**Location:** 49.7124 78.4613
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed, salvo. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Telkem 2” Yield: .72KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1326
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.7124 78.4613", **LatLongDMS:** "49:42:45 N 78:27:41 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.7124,78.4613)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "PNE:Telkem 2", **NukeSource:** "BOCHAROV", **NukeType:** "NUCS_SALVO", **NukeY:** ".72"
### Event 31211 (04BE60B5)
**Date:** 11/13/1968
**Time:** 13:00?
**Location:** FORBES LANDING, BC
**Description:** Globe / light lands / road. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Car engine dies until gone.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RODEGHIER, Mark/CUFOS: UFO REPORTS INVOLVING VEHICLE INTERFERENCE; CUFOS 1979. Available as CUFOS UFO Archive #1 CD-ROM. http://www.cufos.org/Pubform.pdf (Index 43)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9088
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "15", **HatchDesc:** "FORBES LANDING,BC:GLOBE/LITE LANDS/ROAD:RFI:CAR ENGINE DIES until gone", **LatLong:** "50.005558 -125.338895", **LatLongDMS:** "50:00:20 N 125:20:20 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.005558,-125.338895)", **State/Prov:** "British Columbia", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31212 (637807B7)
**Date:** 11/13/1968
**Time:** 20:00
**Description:** Several separate observer(s). Ovoids tumble going quickly north. / El Moudjaid. DWG / r230v2#5.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LDLN CONTACT LECTEURS: by Series and #. May'68 -JAN'72 (Entire set of 18 issues) LDLN local chapters & individual members' UFO reports. (Index 26)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9089
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Algeria", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "ALGIERS,ALGERIA+AREA:SVRL.SEP.OBS:OVOIDS TUMBLE >>N:/El Moudjaid:DWG/r230v2#5", **LatLong:** "36.833335 2.916667", **LatLongDMS:** "36:50:00 N 02:55:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/36.833335,2.916667)", **State/Prov:** "Alger", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31213 (02D7A509)
**Date:** 11/14/1968
**Time:** 16:30
**Location:** PELICAN LAKE, UT
**Description:** Dirt-sucking tube-tornado hangs down 750M from 15M sphere!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SALISBURY, Frank: The UTAH UFO DISPLAY -- a Biologist Reports; 1974 Devin Adair, New Greenwich,CT. HB 286pp. ISBN 0-815-97000-5 (Index 63)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9090
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "30", **Elev:** "1440", **HatchDesc:** "PELICAN LAKE,UT:DIRT-SUCKING TUBE-TORNADO HANGS DOWN 750M from 15M SPHERE!", **LatLong:** "40.194446 -109.666672", **LatLongDMS:** "40:11:40 N 109:40:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.194446,-109.666672)", **State/Prov:** "Utah", **Strangeness:** "13"
### Event 31214 (B2888B2D)
**Date:** 11/14/1968
**Time:** 17:00
**Location:** NIVALA, FINL
**Description:** Night light drops hovers and lands / trees. Hums. Rises and away. Traces. Large fuse Blown.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PHILLIPS, Ted: Study of PHYSICAL TRACES ASSOCIATED with UFO SIGHTINGS; CUFOS 1975. (Index 60)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9091
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TRC:** Physical traces, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Scandanavian and Finland", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "NIVALA,FINL:NLT DROPS HVRS+LANDS/TREES:HUMS:RISES+AWAY:TRACES:LRG FUSE BLOWN", **LatLong:** "63.927781 24.955557", **LatLongDMS:** "63:55:40 N 24:57:20 E", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/63.927781,24.955557)", **State/Prov:** "Finland", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31215 (12C75B17)
**Date:** 11/14/1968
**Time:** 22:50
**Location:** ZAFRA, SP
**Description:** Odd pseudo-human/entity / roadside. Car malfunctions due to EME (electro-magnetic effects). Watch breaks mainspring. Windy sound / no wind.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BALLESTER OLMOS, Vicente-Juan: CATALOG of 200 TYPE-1 EVENTS in SPAIN & PORTUGAL; CUFOS 1976. (Index 21)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9092
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NFO:** No craft seen, **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "ZAFRA,SP:ODD PSH/ROADSIDE:CAR EMEs:WATCH BREAKS MAINSPRING:WINDY SOUND/NO WIND", **LatLong:** "38.433335 -6.416667", **LatLongDMS:** "38:26:00 N 06:25:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.433335,-6.416667)", **State/Prov:** "Badajoz", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 31216 (8489A832)
**Date:** 11/14/1968
**Description:** Three miles outside Zafra, Spain a man driving his car on the highway at 11:45 p.m. saw a motionless human-shaped being, over 6 feet tall, only 30 meters away. Its arms were longer than normal, it wore a glowing green suit, and its face was hidden by a helmet with a black visor. The car engine died and the driver's watch stopped.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos, Catalogue of 200 Type-1 UFO Events in Spain and Portugal, p. 92
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7672
### Event 31217 (233C88D9)
**Date:** 11/14/1968
**Description:** Around 4:30 in the afternoon at Pelican Lake, Utah two hunters saw a silver sphere hovering in the sky with a hanging tube about 3-4 feet in diameter. The sphere had a yellowish-white light on top and bottom, and the tube seemed to be spinning. The UFO sucked up the tube rapidly, then disappeared.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Frank Salisbury, The Utah UFO Display, Appendix case 71
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7673
### Event 31218 (49911B07)
**Date:** 11/15/1968 (approximate)
**Time:** 06:30
**Location:** JAMEYZIEUX, FR
**Description:** Grey metallic domed disk 400M away. Rotates in place. / Bruno Mazzocchi.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 171)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9093
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "JAMEYZIEUX,FR:GRY MTLC DOMED DISK 400M away:ROTATES IN PLACE:/Bruno Mazzocchi", **LatLong:** "45.727780 5.166667", **LatLongDMS:** "45:43:40 N 05:10:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.727780,5.166667)", **State/Prov:** "Isère", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31219 (10CC3FA1)
**Date:** 11/15/1968
**Location:** 37.0000 -116.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Auger” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_569
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0000 -116.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:00 N 116:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0000,-116.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Auger", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 31220 (150CBB06)
**Date:** 11/15/1968
**Time:** 15:45:00.0
**Location:** 37.0261 -116.0333
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Knife B” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_570
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0261 -116.0333", **LatLongDMS:** "37:01:34 N 116:02:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0261,-116.0333)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.36", **NukeName:** "Knife B", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 31221 (63FE6AB6)
**Date:** 11/15/1968
**Locations:** Colorado; National Academy of Sciences; Yale University
**Description:** The Air Force sends the Colorado report to the National Academy of Sciences for review by an 11- member panel, chaired by Yale University astronomer [Gerald Maurice Clemence](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gerald%5FMaurice%5FClemence) and charged with an independent assessment of its scope, methodology, and findings.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clark III 1197–1198
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4638
### Event 31222 (028E92CE)
**Date:** 11/15/1968
**Description:** The Condon Committee, funded by the USAF, releases an extensive report on 90 UAP sightings to the National Academy of Sciences and later to the American public. It concludes “nothing has come from the study of UFOs” in the last two decades and further study “cannot be justified.” **Project Blue Book** scientific advisor J. Allen Hynek later wrote the Committee ignored key evidence and could not explain over a quarter of the cases examined.
* [https://documents2.theblackvault.com/documents/ntis/CondonReport-Complete.pdf](https://documents2.theblackvault.com/documents/ntis/CondonReport-Complete.pdf) (p15)
* [https://archive.org/details/ufoexperience00jall/page/220/mode/2up](https://archive.org/details/ufoexperience00jall/page/220/mode/2up) (p221)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_128
### Event 31223 (7A4B39D1)
**Date:** 11/17/1968
**Location:** SAN JOSE, C.RICA
**Description:** 2 silver disks cause traffic jam. 1 going west. 1 going southwest. / Reuters. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 827)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9094
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Costa Rica", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "1147", **HatchDesc:** "SAN JOSE,C.RICA:2 SLVR DISKS CAUSE TRAFFIC JAM:1>W:1>SW:/Reuters:NFD", **LatLong:** "9.933334 -84.083337", **LatLongDMS:** "09:56:00 N 84:05:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/9.933334,-84.083337)", **State/Prov:** "SNJ", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31224 (B101C27D)
**Date:** 11/17/1968 (approximate)
**Time:** 22:00?
**Description:** Several separate observer(s). 75' saucer with lights and Z-marks / side. Car malfunctions due to EME (electro-magnetic effects). Dogs bark.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 827)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9095
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "9", **Elev:** "276", **HatchDesc:** "CONYERS+ALBANY,GA:SVRL SEP.OBS:75'SCR W/LITES+Z-MARKS/SIDE:CAR EMEs:DOGS BARK", **LatLong:** "33.666668 -84.016671", **LatLongDMS:** "33:40:00 N 84:01:00 W", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/33.666668,-84.016671)", **State/Prov:** "Georgia", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31225 (70B2707D)
**Date:** 11/19/1968
**Time:** 20:50
**Description:** Separate observer(s) / (seen thru) binoculars. Red ball maneuvers / 15 minute(s). / r156#4.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 827)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9096
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RDR:** Radar traces/blips
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "15", **Elev:** "682", **HatchDesc:** "GUARULHOS+CUMBICA AF RDR,BRZ:SEP.OBS/BINOCS:RED BALL MNVRS/15min:/r156#4", **LatLong:** "-23.450001 -46.516669", **LatLongDMS:** "23:27:00 S 46:31:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-23.450001,-46.516669)", **State/Prov:** "São Paulo", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31226 (824709A5)
**Date:** 11/19/1968
**Description:** In 1968, shortly after five p.m., a disc, red and bluish in color, hovered in the sky southwest of Meriden, Connecticut. The five witnesses viewed the object thru a telescope, and it moved slowly from side to side as it hovered.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Meriden (CT) Morning Record, November 20, 1968). Later that evening a UFO was detected on radar at the Cumbica AFB in Brazil at 8:45 p.m. At 11:00 p.m. four college students in Pirassununga, Brazil saw a blue disc approach within 30 meters of the car, at which point their car engine failed. After ten minutes the UFO moved off down the road in front of the car and they were able to restart it and continue. However, their car nearly ran down three tall figures standing in the road who were dressed in pale-blue spacesuits. (Sources: Walter Buhler, FSR Case Histories, April 1971, p. 13; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case A1005
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7739
### Event 31227 (321CDB1D)
**Date:** 11/20/1968
**Time:** 17:30
**Location:** NEAR HANBURY, ENGL
**Description:** Brill object rises / field. Hovers over house. 3 figure(s) visible / dome. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) 1'69.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO Evidence II: HB: Scarecrow Press Lanham, MD. http://www.scarecrowpress.com ISBN 0-8108-3881-8 (Index 201)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9097
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "76", **HatchDesc:** "nr HANBURY,ENGL:BRILL OBJ RISES/FLD:HVRS OVR HOUSE:3 FIGs VSBL/DOME:/FSR 1'69", **LatLong:** "52.700003 -2.000000", **LatLongDMS:** "52:42:00 N 02:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/52.700003,-2.000000)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 31228 (9B477842)
**Date:** 11/20/1968
**Location:** Hanbury, UK
**Description:** Rabbits moved away from hovering object (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)
**Reference:** NICAP: [681120](http://www.nicap.org/ar-681120dir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3984
### Event 31229 (C643C219)
**Date:** 11/20/1968
**Location:** Hanbury, UK
**Description:** Entities within domed craft. AR Case (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases)
**Reference:** NICAP: [681120](http://www.nicap.org/en-681120dir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3985
### Event 31230 (4DDD4F88)
**Date:** 11/20/1968
**Time:** 1730
**Location:** Hanbury, Great Britain
**Description:** Mr. and Mrs. Milakovic were driving to Hednesford when they suddenly saw a brilliant object rising from a held to the left and hovering above a house. It appeared to "quiver like a jelly." Several figures were seen on the deck of the craft for about five min, then it left with a jerky motion.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** FSR 69, 1 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_922
### Event 31231 (AE959A1A)
**Date:** 11/20/1968
**Time:** 18:00:00.0
**Location:** 37.0098 -116.2064
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Ming Vase” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_571
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0098 -116.2064", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:35 N 116:12:23 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0098,-116.2064)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.31", **NukeMb:** "4.90", **NukeName:** "Ming Vase", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 31232 (C1ACEEB3)
**Date:** 11/20/1968
**Location:** Hanbury, Staffordshire, England
**Description:** 5:45 p.m. Milan and Doris Milakovic and their son are driving southwest out of Hanbury, Staffordshire, England, when several rabbits run across the road from their left. Suddenly they see a brilliant object. They stop the car and watch as it rises from a field on their left, silently pass over the car, and move toward a solitary house about 300 feet away on the right where it stops and hovers, “quivering like jelly.” The air temperature seems to drop. For approximately 5 minutes, they see what appear to be several humanoid figures walking across the bright top of the UFO, which is as wide as the house. Intermittently, some of the figures bend down as though looking at something in the part of the object below the rim. Then the UFO begins moving up in a pulsating or jerky movement. The intensity of its light increases and Milakovic feels like his eyes are burning. Thoroughly frightened, Milakovic pushes his wife and son back into the car and speeds away from the scene.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** W. Daniels and N. M. H. Turner, “[The Milakovic Report,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201969%20V%2015%20N%201.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 15, no. 1 \(Jan./Feb. 1969\): 2–3, 24; Patrick Gross, “[UFO with Humanoid Occupants, Hanbury, England, November 20, 1968](https://ufologie.patrickgross.org/htm/hanbury69.htm)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4639
### Event 31233 (2F90FE69)
**Date:** 11/20/1968
**Description:** The Milakovic family was driving down their farm road in Hanbury, England at 5:30 p.m. when they noticed rabbits fleeing. They then noticed a landed domed disc with white, amber, and green lights and a transparent dome in a field to the left. The brilliant object rose from the field and hovered above a house. It appeared to "quiver like a jelly." Several human-looking figures were seen walking around on the deck of the craft, bent down. The UFO left with jerky movements, and the bright lights from the craft hurt their eyes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Wilfred Daniels, FSR, January 1969, p. 2; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 922; Gordon I. R. Lore, Jr., Strange Effects from UFOs, p. 29
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7750
### Event 31234 (10CC0384)
**Date:** 11/21/1968
**Time:** 21:30
**Location:** NORTH / TUCHAN, FR
**Description:** 1 / car. Moon-size night light going [to] over. All outside lights electro-magnetic effect (EME). All inside lights on.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LDLN CONTACT LECTEURS: by Series and #. May'68 -JAN'72 (Entire set of 18 issues) LDLN local chapters & individual members' UFO reports. (Index 28)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9098
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "N/TUCHAN,FR:1/CAR:MOONSIZE NLT > OVR:ALL OUTSIDE LITES EME:all inside lites on", **LatLong:** "42.883335 2.716667", **LatLongDMS:** "42:53:00 N 02:43:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.883335,2.716667)", **State/Prov:** "Aude", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31235 (33AD12C9)
**Date:** 11/21/1968
**Time:** 21:30
**Location:** COR.MACEDO, BRZ
**Description:** 3 cops and 20. Domed saucer / ground. 2 2M figure(s) / spacesuits strike with a disabling beam crowd and exit.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 182)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9099
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "610", **HatchDesc:** "Cor.MACEDO,BRZ:3 COPS+20:DOMED SCR/GND:2 2M FIGS/SPACESUITS ZAP CROWD+EXIT", **LatLong:** "-23.633334 -49.316669", **LatLongDMS:** "23:38:00 S 49:19:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-23.633334,-49.316669)", **State/Prov:** "São Paulo", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 31236 (F6248AB2)
**Date:** 11/21/1968
**Description:** A woman was on a bus that stopped for a while in Macedo, Sao Paulo State, Brazil. At 9:30 p.m. she saw at the bus station there, about 40 yards away, a domed metallic UFO the size of a small car, which was hovering only a few feet above the ground. Around the rim of the craft were a row of changing lights that gave the impression of it rotating, and beneath it a patch of violet light was cast onto the ground. A door in the object was open, with three steps below it, and standing in front of the UFO were three six-foot tall figures of human appearance, wearing skin-tight, shiny black coveralls and shiny black boots. The suits were one-piece, with hoods covering the heads, so that only the face was left exposed. One of the men was carrying a cylinder 2 feet long and 3 inches thick, with a thinner tube of aluminum like material coiled around it in a spiral. Facing the beings was a crowd of about 20 people, including three police officers, who had their guns drawn, and two police cars were parked nearby. After a short while a beam of silver light shot forth from the cylinder and the people closest to the beings were paralyzed, while the others felt dazed as if in a faint. The UFOnauts calmly walked back to their craft, which they then boarded, and the craft took off and rapidly climbed out of sight. The duration of the entire incident was about 15 minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Nigel Rimes, FSR, March 1969, p. 6; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case # 1968-82, citing Walter Buhler
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7773
### Event 31237 (35725413)
**Date:** 11/22/1968
**Time:** ~18:00
**Location:** OFF BILOXI, MS
**Description:** Several observer(s) / shrimp boats. 5M round object going down. 45° turn. Aims beam / boat. Quickly going up.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 58)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9100
**Attributes:** **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "off BILOXI,MS:SVRL OBS/SHRIMP BOATS:5M RND OBJ ↓:45°TURN:AIMS BEAM/BOAT:↑↑", **LatLong:** "30.250001 -88.916671", **LatLongDMS:** "30:15:00 N 88:55:00 W", **Locale:** "Offshore", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/30.250001,-88.916671)", **State/Prov:** "Mississippi", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31238 (23A16E76)
**Date:** 11/22/1968
**Time:** 19:30
**Description:** 1+several observer(s). 1M night light and 6 30cm night lights maneuver and fly.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BALLESTER OLMOS, Vicente-Juan: CATALOG of 200 TYPE-1 EVENTS in SPAIN & PORTUGAL; CUFOS 1976. (Index 21)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9101
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "30", **HatchDesc:** "BOADILLA DEL CAMINO,SP:1+SVRL OBS:1M NLT+6 30cm NLTS MNVR+FLY.", **LatLong:** "42.133335 -4.483334", **LatLongDMS:** "42:08:00 N 04:29:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.133335,-4.483334)", **State/Prov:** "PLN", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 31239 (5EAFCB0F)
**Date:** 11/22/1968
**Time:** 20:10
**Location:** WEST / NEWTON, GA
**Description:** Ovoid. Beam hits car and retracts. Car restarts. / r55p189+/ APRO Nov'68.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 57)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9102
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "4", **Elev:** "46", **HatchDesc:** "W/NEWTON,GA:OVOID:BEAM HITS CAR+RETRACTS:CAR RESTARTS:/r55p189+/APRO Nov'68", **LatLong:** "31.311113 -84.500004", **LatLongDMS:** "31:18:40 N 84:30:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/31.311113,-84.500004)", **State/Prov:** "Georgia", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 31240 (26976B04)
**Date:** 11/22/1968
**Time:** 22:30
**Location:** DENNIS, MASS
**Description:** 3+2+cop. Vertical cylinder/cigar-shape hovers 400M offshore. 60M altitude. Glows white-yellow.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FOWLER, Raymond E.: UFO'S, INTERPLANETARY VISITORS; Prentice Hall & Bantam Books, NY 1979. 346pp. (Index 338)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9103
**Attributes:** **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "DENNIS,MASS:3+2+COP:VERTICAL CGR HVRs 400M OFFSHORE:60M alt:GLOWS WHT-YEL", **LatLong:** "41.750002 -70.216670", **LatLongDMS:** "41:45:00 N 70:13:00 W", **Locale:** "Offshore", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.750002,-70.216670)", **RelAlt:** "60", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31241 (68795062)
**Date:** 11/22/1968
**Location:** Albany, GA
**Description:** Glowing yellow-white oval ahead of car, light beam struck car; color changed to orange-red as object flew away. Project Blue Book files, National Archives, same as Nov. 23, Newton, Ga.; U.F.O Investigator, IV-9, p. 8. (E,R,L) car (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3986
### Event 31242 (B965C4A1)
**Date:** 11/22/1968
**End date:** 11/27/1968
**Location:** SE and NW U.S, various
**Description:** Flurry of sightings primarily in the southeastern and northwestern United States. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3987
### Event 31243 (0574C145)
**Date:** 11/22/1968
**Location:** Biloxi, MS
**Description:** Domed disc descended, flew over shrimp boat, hovered briefly, shone light down on boat, then took off straight up out of sight (Section IX, Vol. II, The UFO Evidence). (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3988
### Event 31244 (E2C2BA78)
**Date:** 11/22/1968
**Location:** Fleury-d'Aude, France
**Description:** 9:00 p.m. A dozen witnesses saw a lens-shaped object surrounded with a blue glow, making a noise similar to that of a jet and emitting flashes, which landed in a field briefly. It suddenly took off and was lost to sight at the horizon. (Magonia #923, France-Soir Nov. 24, 1968) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3995
### Event 31245 (7BC0C6C4)
**Date:** 11/22/1968
**Time:** 2100
**Location:** Fleury-d'Aude, France
**Description:** A dozen witnesses saw a lens-shaped object surrounded with a blue glow, making a noise similar to that of a jet and emitting flashes, which landed in a field briefly. It suddenly took off and was lost to sight at the horizon.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** France-Soir Nov. 24, 1968 ([Vallee](https://web.archive.org/web/20120415100852/http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/magonia.shtml))
**Source:** ValléeMagonia, **ID:** Magonia_923
### Event 31246 (1C544B07)
**Date:** 11/22/1968
**End date:** 11/27/1968
**Location:** US
**Description:** Flurry of sightings primarily in the southeastern and northwestern United States.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_168
### Event 31247 (5A29FCBF)
**Date:** 11/22/1968
**Location:** Biloxi, MS
**Description:** Domed disc descended, flew over shrimp boat. Hovered briefly, shone light down on boat, then took off straight up out of sight
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_169
### Event 31248 (158C594E)
**Date:** 11/22/1968
**Location:** Albany, GA
**Description:** Oval object beamed light down on car, electrical system failed. After it departed rapidly straight up, electrical system resumed functioning
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_170
### Event 31249 (06888F4D)
**Date:** 11/22/1968
**Time:** 16:19:00.0
**Location:** 37.1399 -116.0423
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Tinderbox” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_572
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1399 -116.0423", **LatLongDMS:** "37:08:24 N 116:02:32 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1399,-116.0423)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.44", **NukeName:** "Tinderbox", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 31250 (261D5C11)
**Date:** 11/22/1968
**Description:** At 9:00 p.m. a dozen witnesses in Fleury-d'Aude, France saw a lens-shaped object surrounded with a blue glow land briefly in a field. It suddenly took off and was lost to sight at the horizon. It made a noise similar to that of a jet and emitted flashes as it descended and took off.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 923, citing France Soir, November 24, 1968
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7801
### Event 31251 (B3D8778A)
**Date:** 11/22/1968
**Description:** At 6 p.m. off the coast of Biloxi, Mississippi a domed disc-shaped object descended, hovered briefly over a shrimp boat, shone a beam of light down on the boat, then shot straight up out of sight.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty-Year Report, pp. 13, 381
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7802
### Event 31252 (2DBB25E2)
**Date:** 11/22/1968
**Description:** Mr. C. Jones was driving down Highway 91 between Newton and Albany, Georgia at 8:10 p.m. when he encountered an orange oblong light 120-150 feet wide that hovered at 75 feet altitude. His car engine and headlights died.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** APRO Bulletin, November 1968, p. 5; NICAP UFO Investigator, January 1969, p. 8; Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, p. 44; UNICAT, case # 288
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7803
### Event 31253 (2527A1B6)
**Date:** 11/23/1968
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Sighting in Newton \(Georgia\). (November 23)
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#12567 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1968.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2444
### Event 31254 (0FD534C8)
**Date:** 11/23/1968
**Location:** Newton, GA
**Description:** Oval-shaped yellowish-white about 100 ft wide-stopped car (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases, BB: 12567)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3989
### Event 31255 (FA916FB5)
**Date:** 11/23/1968
**Time:** 8:05 PM
**Location:** Newton, Georgia
**Description:** Witness: Mr. Jones, accountant. One oblong light, 120-150' wide. Hovering 75' above the ground, it emitted a beam that lit the ground. Radio gave off static, then car engine stopped. Light flew away vertically and car engine restarted itself. Sighting lasted 3-4 minutes.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_582
### Event 31256 (8E0168D9)
**Date:** 11/23/1968
**Locations:** Newton; Albany, Georgia
**Description:** 8:05 p.m. An accountant named Jones is driving his 1967 Ford Custom along the road between Newton and Albany, Georgia. When he rounds a bend he sees a brilliant yellowish-white light about 200 feet ahead of him and 50–75 feet above the road. As he approaches, the car radio fades into static. Then the object emits a beam of well-defined light about 5–6 feet across that illuminates the trees and causes his engine and radio to cut out as it passes over his car. The object changes color to orange-red and ascends at a high rate of speed, disappearing in less than 15 seconds. The car engine starts spontaneously afterward.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Hynek UFO Report, [pp. 189–191](https://archive.org/details/hynekuforeport00alle/page/188/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4640
### Event 31257 (986325FE)
**Date:** 11/24/1968
**Time:** 13:00?
**Location:** RIPLEY, WV
**Description:** Several and dog. 150+'saucer going [to] over house. Lands / field. Dodges bullets! Saucers dart.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** TEETS, Bob: WEST VIRGINIA UFO's; Headline Books, PO Box 52, Terra Alta, WV 1995 213pp. (Index 88)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9104
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "188", **HatchDesc:** "RIPLEY,WV:SVRL+DOG:150+'SCR >OVR HOUSE:LANDS/FIELD:DODGES BULLETS!:SCRS DART", **LatLong:** "38.816669 -81.711115", **LatLongDMS:** "38:49:00 N 81:42:40 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.816669,-81.711115)", **State/Prov:** "Western Virginia", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 31258 (BBF1EE9C)
**Date:** 11/24/1968
**Time:** 20:10
**Location:** CONSTANTA, ROM
**Description:** 2 engineers. Orange night light going quickly ESE. Complicated zigzag. Stops. Goes. Speeds up.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HOBANA Ion & WEVERBERGH,Julien: UFO'S from BEHIND the IRON CURTAIN; Bantam Books,1975. 308pp. (Index 251)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9105
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Romania", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "CONSTANTA,ROM:2 ENGINEERS:ORG NLT>>ESE:COMPLICATED ZIGZAG:STOPS:GOES:SPEEDS UP", **LatLong:** "44.183335 28.600001", **LatLongDMS:** "44:11:00 N 28:36:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.183335,28.600001)", **State/Prov:** "Constanța", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 31259 (C609C402)
**Date:** 11/24/1968 (approximate)
**Time:** 23:30
**Location:** AUDEUX, FR
**Description:** 2 saucers beam vibrant bright cones / light going down [to] strawberry field. Crop destroyed.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FIGEUT, Michel & RUCHON, Jean-Louis: OVNI - Le Premier Dossier..; Alain LeFeuvre, Paris 1979. (Index 314)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9106
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "AUDEUX,FR:2 SAUCERS BEAM VBRITE CONES/LITE ↓ STRAWBERRY FIELD:CROP DESTROYED", **LatLong:** "47.250002 5.866667", **LatLongDMS:** "47:15:00 N 05:52:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.250002,5.866667)", **State/Prov:** "Doubs", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31260 (4A929902)
**Date:** 11/24/1968
**Description:** On this evening five teenagers in Southall Ridge, near Ripley, West Virginia saw a 150 foot in diameter domed disc over a house. It landed in a nearby field, and was shot at. It dodged bullets from a .22 caliber rifle. The first bullet made a "whomp" sound, like it had hit a solid object, but the later bullets had no reported effect.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Bob Teets, West Virginia UFOs: Close Encounters in the Mountain State, p. 87; Richard F. Haines, CE-5: Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind, p. 123
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7875
### Event 31261 (E6B15C00)
**Date:** 11/25/1968
**Time:** 18:00
**Location:** MARCELLUS, NY
**Description:** UFO buzzes car 2X. Engine and radio electro-magnetic effect (EME) both X. Dog frantic. / FSRv17#4.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 58)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9107
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "8", **Elev:** "259", **HatchDesc:** "MARCELLUS,NY:UFO BUZZES CAR 2X:ENGINE+RADIO EME BOTH X:DOG FRANTIC:/FSRv17#4", **LatLong:** "42.983335 -76.338893", **LatLongDMS:** "42:59:00 N 76:20:20 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.983335,-76.338893)", **State/Prov:** "New York", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31262 (EBC4DB90)
**Date:** 11/25/1968
**Time:** 20:30
**Location:** CURICO, CHILE
**Description:** 1 observer. 2M saucer lands / legs. 3 small humanoids (or Greys) exit. Fourth / inside. 1 scratches / dirt.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 143)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9108
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Chile", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "220", **HatchDesc:** "CURICO,CHILE:1 OBS:2M SCR LANDS/LEGS:3 OIDS EXIT:4rth/INSIDE:1 SCRATCHES/DIRT", **LatLong:** "-34.966668 -71.250003", **LatLongDMS:** "34:58:00 S 71:15:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-34.966668,-71.250003)", **State/Prov:** "CRC", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 31263 (29B705B6)
**Date:** 11/25/1968
**Location:** Marcellus, NY
**Description:** Object with red blinking light on top within 100 ft. of car; made 2nd car pass; E-M effects again. Keyhoe & Lore, 1969b, pp. 40-41. (E,R) car (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3990
### Event 31264 (DDD39F37)
**Date:** 11/25/1968
**Location:** Marcellus, NY
**Description:** Dog in car distressed as domed object was seen (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)
**Reference:** NICAP: [681125](http://www.nicap.org/anreact/ar-681125.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3991
### Event 31265 (826E98E6)
**Date:** 11/25/1968
**Location:** Highway 174 south of Marcellus, New York
**Description:** 6:00 p.m. Elaine Pelchy is driving with her 2-year-old son and dog on Highway 174 south of Marcellus, New York, when they see an object with five red, blinking lights about 100 feet in front of her car and heading southeast. The radio gets a lot of static and the English setter begins to get nervous, clawing at the window and putting its head over its eyes and ears. The boy starts crying, then the car engine begins to sputter. The object executes a U-turn and moves to the northwest as the lights change to blinking blue and white. Suddenly, the UFO stops and changes to a white, dome-shaped object with a “fluorescent star” next to it. The larger object merges into the star and disappears. Pelchy drops her son off at her mother-in-law’s, then returns on the same route. The dog starts to whine again as a light the size of a basketball fluctuates in intensity and zigzags across the sky. She goes home but returns to the scene with a neighbor and the light is still visible and maneuvering.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Donald E. Keyhoe and Gordon I. R. Lore Jr., [Strange Effects from UFOs](http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Books/Other/Lore%2C%20Gordon%20-%20Strange%20Effects%20from%20UFOs.pdf)[,](http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Books/Other/Lore%2C%20Gordon%20-%20Strange%20Effects%20from%20UFOs.pdf) NICAP, 1969, pp. 40–41
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4641
### Event 31266 (5D4E6BAF)
**Date:** 11/25/1968
**Description:** On this date in 1968, at just after 6 p.m. on Highway 174 outside of the town of Marcellus in upstate New York, a mother and her small son saw a domed-disc UFO with a red blinking light on top. As it approached to within 100 feet of their car the engine lost power and the radio filled with static. Their dog cried, clawed to get under the seat, and covered its eyes and ears with its paws. The UFO moved away then, but continued to pace them down the road. Once more it made a pass at the car, and again the engine lost power and the radio wouldn't work.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Gordon Lore, Jr., Strange Effects from UFOs, p. 40; Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, p. 44
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7907
### Event 31267 (C4156F86)
**Date:** 11/25/1968
**Description:** At 8 p.m, a light approached a residential area in Rossville, Georgia and was witnessed by three men. The object, triangular in shape with bulging sides, appeared to descend as it approached to an altitude of 200 feet, and then flew directly overhead. It had amber lights around edge, and was completely silent. It was estimated to be about the size of two cars in length. It flew off to the southwest.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP case investigation files, field investigator K. Dammer
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7908
### Event 31268 (4D34121D)
**Date:** 11/25/1968
**Description:** Also in 1968, at 10:30 that night in Curico, Chile a two-meter wide disc landed on four legs. Three dwarf humanoids emerged, while a fourth was seen inside the craft. One of the beings scratched dirt from the ground, but no traces were found at the sight. The UFO made a pendulum movement during its departure.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jader Pereira, Les Extra-Terrestres, p. 222
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7909
### Event 31269 (B1234F7D)
**Date:** 11/25/1968
**Description:** At perhaps the same time (10:30 p.m. EDT) a yellowish-white, glowing vertical cigar hovered silently 1/4 mile offshore from Dennis, Massachusetts. It hung in the sky about 200 feet above the water. An investigating policeman confirmed the sighting by the three intial witnesses. There was a total of seven independent witnesses.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Raymond Fowler, UFOs: Interplanetary Visitors, p. 355
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7910
### Event 31270 (9AEC011D)
**Date:** 11/26/1968
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) 3 operators of a North Dakota control tower observe suspicious movements: The two objects were only two bright white lights and could have been taken for satellites if it weren't for their sudden maneuvers, changes of direction and dizzying disappearance... One following a north course at 45° above the horizon, the other a south course at around 30°. The light heading south suddenly executed a 180° turn, rose, joined the other object, remained in what seemed to be a formation in flight and then left towards the northeast. (November 26)
**Reference:** Unidentified Flying Objects, Allen Hynek, Robert Laffont, 1978, p. 70
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1968.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2445
### Event 31271 (3D6C6315)
**Date:** 11/26/1968
**Time:** 17:40
**Location:** BISMARCK, ND
**Description:** 4+1+1 / airport/apartment tower. 2 brilliant objects maneuver north and south / 6 minute(s). Going quickly southeast / extremely fast. / APRO 11'68.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 57)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9109
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RDR:** Radar traces/blips
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "7", **Elev:** "525", **HatchDesc:** "BISMARCK,ND:4+1+1/Apt TOWER:2 BRILL.OBJs MNVR N+S/6min:>>SE/XFAST:/APRO 11'68", **LatLong:** "46.800002 -100.783338", **LatLongDMS:** "46:48:00 N 100:47:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.800002,-100.783338)", **State/Prov:** "North Dakota", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31272 (32079DBE)
**Date:** 11/26/1968
**Time:** ~18:00
**Location:** CYPRESS LAKE, FL
**Description:** 4 saucers pace 2 Cessnas. 1 grows legs and going down / bombing range. / APRO Nov. '68.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 58)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9110
**Attributes:** **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "15", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "CYPRESS LAKE,FL:4 SCRS PACE 2 CESSNAS:1 GROWS LEGS+↓/BOMBING RANGE:/APRO Nov68", **LatLong:** "28.083335 -81.333337", **LatLongDMS:** "28:05:00 N 81:20:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/28.083335,-81.333337)", **State/Prov:** "Florida", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 31273 (D1E33A24)
**Date:** 11/26/1968
**Time:** 18:10
**Location:** NICTAUX, NS
**Description:** Military and civil observers. Brilliant 12M flat-bottom/underside ovoid going SSW. RADAR paints 20 objects.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LEDGER, Don: MARITIME UFO FILES: 1998 Nimbus Publ. Ltd. Halifax, NS. ISBN 1-55109-269-7 162pp. trade paper. (Index 65)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9111
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RDR:** Radar traces/blips
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "19", **HatchDesc:** "NICTAUX,NS:MIL+CIV OBSs:BRILL.12M FLAT-BTM OVOID >SSW:RDR PAINTS 20 OBJS", **LatLong:** "44.966669 -64.966670", **LatLongDMS:** "44:58:00 N 64:58:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.966669,-64.966670)", **State/Prov:** "Nova Scotia", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31274 (0813D832)
**Date:** 11/26/1968
**Time:** 21:40
**Description:** Fireball follows car / 9mi to 150kph. 90° turn. Rises near town. FSRv19#5.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 827)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9112
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "15", **HatchDesc:** "SW/MAITLAND,S.AUST:FBL FOLOS CAR/9mi to 150kph:90°TURN:RISES nr TOWN:FSRv19#5", **LatLong:** "-34.400002 137.583340", **LatLongDMS:** "34:24:00 S 137:35:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-34.400002,137.583340)", **State/Prov:** "South Australia", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31275 (4774C1F9)
**Date:** 11/26/1968
**Location:** Bismarck, ND
**Description:** Pilots, FAA, Radar Confirm UFOs (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5)
**Reference:** NICAP: [681126](http://www.nicap.org/681126bismarck%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3992
### Event 31276 (C4E0ABFB)
**Date:** 11/26/1968
**Location:** Bismarck, ND
**Description:** Pilots, FAA, radar confirm UFOs (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)
**Reference:** NICAP: [681126](http://www.nicap.org/681126bismarck%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3993
### Event 31277 (E3741C07)
**Date:** 11/26/1968
**Location:** Lake Cyprus, FL
**Description:** Two pilots report four ovals in echelon (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3994
### Event 31278 (BF779A72)
**Date:** 11/26/1968
**Location:** Bismarck, ND
**Description:** Pilots saw two luminous objects join up, hover about 10 seconds, then speed out of sight in seconds. Confirmed by Air Force radar
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_171
### Event 31279 (B6080BE0)
**Date:** 11/26/1968
**Location:** Lake Cyprus, FL
**Description:** Four bright, oval objects paced aircraft. Pilot turned plane toward them, objects formed vertical stack, shot up and out of sight
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_172
### Event 31280 (38711BAD)
**Date:** 11/26/1968
**Locations:** Bismarck (North Dakota); Great Falls, Montana; 85 miles northeast of Bismarck
**Description:** 5:40 p.m. Three control tower operators \(Jack Wilhelm, Jack Reeves, and John Fischer\) at Bismarck \(North Dakota\) Airport observe two swiftly moving round objects traveling in opposite directions. They reverse course and approach each other, hover together, then instantly zoom off to the northeast. Air Force radar at Great Falls, Montana, picks up “foreign objects” at the same time 85 miles northeast of Bismarck. The objects are also seen by Robert Watts, who is flying a Cessna 150.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** NICAP, “[Air Force Radar Tracks Objects](http://www.nicap.org/681126bismarck%5Fdir.htm)”; J. Allen Hynek, The UFO Experience, Ballantine ed., 1974, [pp. 43–44](https://archive.org/details/ufoexperience00jall/page/42/mode/2up)[,](https://archive.org/details/ufoexperience00jall/page/42/mode/2up) [51–52](https://archive.org/details/ufoexperience00jall/page/50/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4642
### Event 31281 (DB0228D8)
**Date:** 11/26/1968
**Description:** Two Air Traffic Controllers at Bismark, North Dakota airport, Watts and Wilhelm, watched two bright lights in the sky engage in sudden maneuvers. The first one was northbound at 45 degrees elevation above the horizon, the second one was southbound at 30 degrees elevation. The Great Falls radar confirmed erratic targets. The second object made a 180 degree turn to join the first object, then hovered in the sky, finally departing toward the northeast. The entire incident lasted more than five minutes. Their were other independent witnesses, including the crew of a Capital Aviation flight.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** J. Allen Hynek, The UFO Experience, p. 38; APRO Bulletin, November-December 1968, p. 5; Project Blue Book files counted in official statistics; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty-Year Report, pp. 13, 119, & 243
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7939
### Event 31282 (C80C4972)
**Date:** 11/27/1968
**Time:** 19:00
**Location:** BELCOURT, ND
**Description:** Cops and more/others. White-glowing saucer. Red beam going down / each stop. Hovers / 150M. Vanishes / spotlit.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 57)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9113
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **NUC:** Nuclear facility related, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "596", **HatchDesc:** "BELCOURT,ND:COPS++:WHT-GLO SCR:RED BEAM ↓/EACH STOP:HVRS/150M:VANISHES/spotlit", **LatLong:** "48.838891 -99.744449", **LatLongDMS:** "48:50:20 N 99:44:40 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.838891,-99.744449)", **RelAlt:** "150", **State/Prov:** "North Dakota", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31283 (C3674BC7)
**Date:** 11/27/1968
**Time:** 19:30
**Location:** DEERING, ND
**Description:** White-glowing saucer crosses sky east of town. No further details. Report / Minot FAA tower.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 57)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9114
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **NUC:** Nuclear facility related
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "469", **HatchDesc:** "DEERING,ND:WHT-GLO SCR CROSSES SKY EAST OF TOWN:NFD:Rpt/Minot FAA tower", **LatLong:** "48.394447 -101.050005", **LatLongDMS:** "48:23:40 N 101:03:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.394447,-101.050005)", **State/Prov:** "North Dakota", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31284 (D97B3A9B)
**Date:** 11/27/1968
**Time:** 22:00?
**Location:** ESTERHAZY, SSK
**Description:** Several observer(s). "Tabor lights" = dim glow. Follow people. Graves robbed.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 235)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9115
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "156", **Elev:** "517", **HatchDesc:** "ESTERHAZY,SSK:SVRL OBS:"TABOR LIGHTS" = DIM GLOW:FOLO PEOPLE:GRAVES ROBBED", **LatLong:** "50.650002 -102.133338", **LatLongDMS:** "50:39:00 N 102:08:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.650002,-102.133338)", **State/Prov:** "Sasketchewan", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 31285 (A138385E)
**Date:** 11/27/1968
**Location:** Belcourt, ND
**Description:** Round object with body lights hovered, shone red light beam to ground. When officer shone flashlight at object, it immediately blacked out (Section V, Vol. II, The UFO Evidence). (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3996
### Event 31286 (5B9750DD)
**Date:** 11/27/1968
**Location:** Belcourt, ND
**Description:** Round object with body lights hovered, shone red light beam to ground. When officer shone flashlight at object, it immediately blacked out
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_173
### Event 31287 (E7966AFD)
**Date:** 11/27/1968
**Description:** A 41-page paper by George Kocher of the RAND Corporation, “UFOs: What to Do?” is produced as an internal document. It notes the likelihood of intelligent life in the universe, speculates UFOs may well have been around for a long time, looks at some compelling reports, and assesses the difficulty of estimating the number of sightings worldwide “because of the lack of suitable data collection means.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** George Kocher, “[UFOs: What to](http://www.nicap.org/papers/randdoc.htm) [Do?](http://www.nicap.org/papers/randdoc.htm)” RAND Corporation, November 27, 1968
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4643
### Event 31288 (7BB005B5)
**Date:** 11/27/1968
**Description:** A luminous round object with body lights hovered over Belcourt, North Dakota at 7:00 p.m. It shone a red light beam to the ground. When a police officer shined a spotlight at it, it immediately blinked out.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP UFO Investigator, January 1969, p. 8; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty-Year Report, pp. 13, 173 & 381
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7959
### Event 31289 (E8056285)
**Date:** 11/28/1968
**Location:** Nakhon Phanom, Thailand
**Description:** GCA Has Two Uncorrelated Targets (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5)
**Reference:** NICAP: [681128](http://www.nicap.org/681128nakhon%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3997
### Event 31290 (68EC5120)
**Date:** 11/28/1968
**Description:** At 9:56 a.m. local time Takhli Royal Thai Air Force Base (RTAFB) in Nakhon Phanom, Thailand Ground Control Approach (GCA) reported two low flying and slow moving objects approximately 13 nautical miles (NM) south of the base. Contact with the UFOs was lost when the objects were 9 NM west of the base. Sightings were confirmed by radar. The Nakhon Phanom Command Post was informed that the sightings "definitely were not ghosts."
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** www.nicap.org, citing Dan Wilson
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7992
### Event 31291 (1FD5AC98)
**Date:** 11/28/1968
**Description:** On this night students from the local Recoleta de Montevideo School in Lima, Peru reported encountering a strange short humanoid with an egg-shaped head and a blinking light on its chest area, and what appeared to be a long antenna like protrusion on its back. It appeared to have duck-like feet, and it was shorter than a 7-year-old boy. A priest and a teacher also reported seeing the creature.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, 1968 Humanoid Sighting Reports database, citing Fabio Picasso
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7993
### Event 31292 (580E1DBF)
**Date:** 11/29/1968
**Time:** 04:10
**Location:** MANGAMAHU, NZ
**Description:** 2 pilots. 3 night lights / triangle split apart and rejoin. / r114p83+/ APRO Mar. '69.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 58)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9116
**Attributes:** **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "New Zealand", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "MANGAMAHU,NZ:2 PILOTS:3 NLTS/TRIANGLE SPLIT APART+REJOIN:/r114p83+/APRO Mar69", **LatLong:** "-39.827780 175.361119", **LatLongDMS:** "39:49:40 S 175:21:40 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-39.827780,175.361119)", **State/Prov:** "NI", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31293 (A998E3F3)
**Date:** 11/29/1968
**Time:** ~19:00
**Location:** 15 MI WITH VERNAL, UT
**Description:** 3+3 objects. Silvery ones look like saucers. Flaming red = spheres?
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SALISBURY, Frank: The UTAH UFO DISPLAY -- a Biologist Reports; 1974 Devin Adair, New Greenwich,CT. HB 286pp. ISBN 0-815-97000-5 (Index 255)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9117
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "1500", **HatchDesc:** "15MI W/VERNAL,UT:3+3 OBJS:SLVRY ONES LOOK LIKE SCRS:FLAMING RED=SPHERES?", **LatLong:** "40.344446 -109.600005", **LatLongDMS:** "40:20:40 N 109:36:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.344446,-109.600005)", **State/Prov:** "Utah", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31294 (FE7F2B15)
**Date:** 11/29/1968
**Description:** At 4:10 a.m. two pilots flying over Mangamahu, New Zealand, Harding and Peddie, sighted three large red lights at each corner of a triangular formation of lights traveling together. No solid form was seen. They split up, one flew behind a ridge, the second hovered at ground level, and the third moved above the second light. Then the first light came back and the three formed a triangle again.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP UFO Investigator, March 1969, p. 3; APRO Bulletin, March-April 1969, p. 1; Richard F. Haines, Project Delta: A Study of Multiple UFO, p. 83; Dominique Weinstein, Aircraft UFO Encounters, p. 36
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8033
### Event 31295 (AA31359C)
**Date:** 11/29/1968
**Description:** At dusk two women driving in Halfway Hollow in Duchesne County, Utah sighted three silver discs that were joined by three more. One moved, flashed red, and then disappeared. Two more came and joined the formation, and two flashed red lights. Another UFO flashed red and then disappeared. They made no sound.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Frank Salisbury, The Utah UFO Display, Appendix case A72
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8034
### Event 31296 (2F873B51)
**Date:** 11/30/1968
**Time:** 12:00?
**Location:** PALENCIA, SP
**Description:** Industrialist. Landed UFO / roadside. Observer(s) wants anonymity. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BALLESTER OLMOS, Vicente-Juan: CATALOG of 200 TYPE-1 EVENTS in SPAIN & PORTUGAL; CUFOS 1976. (Index 21)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9118
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "PALENCIA,SP:INDUSTRIALIST:LANDED UFO/ROADSIDE:OBS WANTS ANONYMITY:NFD", **LatLong:** "42.033335 -4.533334", **LatLongDMS:** "42:02:00 N 04:32:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.033335,-4.533334)", **State/Prov:** "PLN", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 31297 (8B706B51)
**Date:** 11/30/1968
**Time:** 17:00?
**Location:** RENTON, WA
**Description:** 2 teens. 7 photographs / 55' UFO 40' thick. Portholes. All dogs bark. / Dr. G. Allen.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 208)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9119
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "RENTON,WA:2 TEENS:7 FOTOS/55'UFO 40'THICK:PORTHOLES:ALL DOGS BARK:/Dr.G.ALLEN", **LatLong:** "47.466669 -122.216672", **LatLongDMS:** "47:28:00 N 122:13:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.466669,-122.216672)", **State/Prov:** "Washington", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31298 (54F7F212)
**Date:** 11/30/1968
**Description:** On this day an industrialist driving in Palencia, Spain saw a landed UFO on the roadside; the observer wants to remain anonymous.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos, Catalogue of 200 Type-I UFO Events in Spain and Portugal, case # 94, citing ABC, December 8, 1968
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8076
### Event 31299 (01039C72)
**Date:** 11/30/1968
**Description:** At 6:20 p.m. two teenagers, Sylte and Walker, in Renton, Washington took seven photographs of a 55-foot wide UFO that was 40 feet thick with portholes. All dogs in the area were barking at the time. They sent their photos to Dr. G. Allen.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8077
### Event 31300 (BC6089FE)
**Date:** 12/1968
**Location:** USA, Point Isabel
**Description:** (Translated from French) Around 10 pm there had been a noise near the house, "like something hitting metal". Larry, his father and a relative, Arnold Hubbard, went out to see what it was. Then from the other side of the house, they heard rustling in the grass. "We went to get a flashlight," said Larry, "and then we saw... The monster emerged from the bush about 15 meters away. It was walking towards us and seemed to be more than three meters tall, with shoulders about a meter and a half wide, and arms as long as a monkey's." In the light of the flashlight the body seemed hairy and rather brown, the eyes shone above a nose that Larry said he couldn't describe. The teeth protruded, the ears pointed. (...) "The thing put me in a kind of trance," said Larry. "I couldn't speak." When Larry shone the flashlight on the monster, it fell to the ground and disappeared. Then a few minutes later, they heard it again, near the garage. Frightened, Larry's father went back home and brought a .22 long rifle and passed it to Hubbard. As the men crossed the fields, the monster suddenly stood up, clearly visible, fifteen meters away. Larry shone the flashlight on it and Hubbard fired. The first shot hit. The monster gave a horrible cry. (...) Then, inexplicably, in front of the three men, the "creature" was suddenly enveloped in a white mist. In less than a minute the mist disappeared, then darkness. (December 1968)
**Reference:** Leonard STRINGFIELD: "General UFO Alert", ed. France - Empire, 1978, pp. 97, 99
**Reference:** no trace found
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2549
### Event 31301 (CD77833B)
**Date:** 12/1968
**Time:** 18:00
**Description:** 1.1M small humanoid (or Grey) / backpack and helmet etc. Guts sheep and Llamas. Flies. / r249p28.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 196)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9120
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NFO:** No craft seen, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **OPR:** Operations on humans/animal mutilation/surgery, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Bolivia", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "30", **Elev:** "3650", **HatchDesc:** "nr UYUNI,BOLIVIA:1.1M OID/BACKPACK+HELMET etc:GUTS SHEEP+LLAMAS:FLIES:/r249p28", **LatLong:** "-20.516668 -66.850003", **LatLongDMS:** "20:31:00 S 66:51:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-20.516668,-66.850003)", **State/Prov:** "PTS", **Strangeness:** "13"
### Event 31302 (657EF03E)
**Date:** 12/1968
**Location:** Colorado
**Description:** [David R. Saunders](https://psycnet.apa.org/record/1993-27194-001) \(along with journalist R. Roger Harkins\) explains his version of the Colorado project in UFOs? Yes!
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** David R. Saunders and R. Roger Harkins, UFOs? Yes! Where the Condon Committee Went Wrong, Signet, 1968
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4644
### Event 31303 (53FA4C86)
**Date:** 12/1968
**Locations:** Aerospace Corporation; Georgia Institute of Technology; NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
**Description:** The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics announces that it has formed a UFO Subcommittee to study the UFO phenomenon objectively. [Joachim P. Kuettner](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joachim%5FKuettner) of ESSA Research Laboratories is the chairman; other members include [Jerald M. Bidwell](https://www.gettyimages.com/detail/news-photo/jerald-m-bidwell-martin-co-research-scientist-who-spoke-at-news-photo/162074063) of Martin Marietta, Glenn A. Cato of TRW Systems Group, Bernard N. Charles of Aerospace Corporation, Murray Dryer of ESSA Research Laboratories, Howard D. Edwards of Georgia Institute of Technology, [Paul MacCready](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul%5FMacCready) of Meteorology Research, Andrew J. Masley of Douglas Missile and Space Systems Division, Robert Rados of NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, and Donald M. Swingle of the US Army Electronic Command. It announces in Astronautics and Aeronautics that the UFO issue “cannot be resolved without further study in a quantitative scientific manner and that it deserves the attention of the engineering and scientific community.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[AIAA Committee Looks at UFO Problem,](http://www.ufoevidence.org/documents/doc593.htm)” Astronautics and Aeronautics, December 1968, p. 12
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4645
### Event 31304 (66B20D6A)
**Date:** 12/1/1968
**Location:** GOLD RIVER, BC
**Description:** 5 observer(s). Bus malfunctions due to EME (electro-magnetic effects). Dark shape going [to] up valley. Violet beam going down. / SKYLOOK#48.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** ALDRICH, Jan J.: Private research papers. A huge mass of hard-won information. (Index 0)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9121
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "110", **HatchDesc:** "GOLD RIVER,BC:5 OBS:BUS EMEs:DRK SHAPE > UP VALLEY:VIOLET BEAM ↓:/SKYLOOK#48", **LatLong:** "49.633336 -124.116673", **LatLongDMS:** "49:38:00 N 124:07:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.633336,-124.116673)", **State/Prov:** "British Columbia", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31305 (B8D3D096)
**Date:** 12/1/1968
**Time:** 18:00
**Location:** OVER MEGEVE, FR
**Description:** Ships Captain. 500M sphere hovers / 8km altitude. Fireball orbits incoherently.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LDLN CONTACT LECTEURS: by Series and #. May'68 -JAN'72 (Entire set of 18 issues) LDLN local chapters & individual members' UFO reports. (Index 16)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9122
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "40", **HatchDesc:** "ovr MEGEVE,FR:SHIPS CAPTAIN:500M SPHERE HVRS/8km alt:FBL ORBITS INCOHERANTLY", **LatLong:** "45.866669 6.616667", **LatLongDMS:** "45:52:00 N 06:37:00 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.866669,6.616667)", **State/Prov:** "HSV", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31306 (C231FD6A)
**Date:** 12/1/1968
**Time:** 20:00
**Location:** ESCUZAR, SP
**Description:** Several observer(s). Object with multicolor lights goes dark when it lands nearby.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BALLESTER OLMOS, Vicente-Juan: CATALOG of 200 TYPE-1 EVENTS in SPAIN & PORTUGAL; CUFOS 1976. (Index 21)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9123
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "ESCUZAR,SP:SVRL OBS:OBJ W/MULTICLR LITES GOES DARK WHEN IT LANDS NEARBY", **LatLong:** "37.061113 -3.766667", **LatLongDMS:** "37:03:40 N 03:46:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.061113,-3.766667)", **State/Prov:** "Grenada", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31307 (DE1C1166)
**Date:** Early 12/1968
**Location:** NEW ZEALAND, Te Mata (Havelock North)
**Description:** (Translated from French) (Before the 20th) The primary school students saw a UFO at close range and were all scared. They noticed a window and an antenna on the saucer-shaped object which hovered at low altitude around a clump of poplars making a kind of "tic-tac" sound. It was as big as half the school swimming pool. The children had reported the object to their teacher. Suddenly the object shot up and flew off in the direction of Hastings, leaving behind a trail of vapor. In Hastings a teacher saw for about ten minutes an object making a kind of come-and-go motion. The nearby aerodrome and civil aviation in Napier confirmed that at the time of the sighting there were no planes in flight in that region. (1968, Early December)
**Reference:** Bruce CATHIE/ P.TEMM: "Harmonic 695" - ed. Sylvie Messinger 1981, p. 141, 142
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2545
### Event 31308 (09FF5311)
**Date:** Early 12/1968
**Location:** NEW ZEALAND, Lipscombe Crescent (Auckland)
**Description:** (Translated from French) (before the 20th - same day) Mrs. M. Berg reported that while standing at her doorstep, she had seen an object coming from the south-east. "It was the noise it made that made me look up. It was a strange noise - not like any two I know." As she watched the object, it passed over her house. The underside looked like a boat keel and it had square fins. (Early December 1968)
**Reference:** Bruce CATHIE/ P.TEMM: "Harmonic 695" - ed. Sylvie Messinger 1981, p. 142, 143
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2546
### Event 31309 (DFA101AB)
**Date:** 12/2/1968
**Time:** 22:30
**Description:** "Falling star in reverse" rises / riverbed. Hovers over observers.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** SALISBURY, Frank: The UTAH UFO DISPLAY -- a Biologist Reports; 1974 Devin Adair, New Greenwich,CT. HB 286pp. ISBN 0-815-97000-5 (Index 255)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9124
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "1530", **HatchDesc:** "N/FORT DUCHESNE,UT:"FALLING STAR IN REVERSE" RISES/RIVERBED:HOVERS OVR OBSs", **LatLong:** "40.277780 -109.872227", **LatLongDMS:** "40:16:40 N 109:52:20 W", **Locale:** "Oil & Coal", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.277780,-109.872227)", **State/Prov:** "Utah", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 31310 (6DBF7F04)
**Date:** 12/5/1968
**Description:** A cluster of flashing lights appeared just at dusk over Watts Bar Lake south of Kingston, Tennessee, and then moved skyward.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Knoxville (TN) News-Sentinel, December 10, 1968
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8201
### Event 31311 (6C707949)
**Date:** 12/6/1968
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Photo taken on December 6th in Sicuani \(Peru\). See images/1968-12-06\_SicuaniPeru.jpe. (December 6)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1968.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2446
### Event 31312 (A6A3FA96)
**Date:** 12/6/1968
**Time:** 14:00
**Location:** SLANIC, ROMANIA
**Description:** Ex-military pilot. Silent bell-shape flies. "No kind of aircraft".
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HOBANA Ion & WEVERBERGH,Julien: UFO'S from BEHIND the IRON CURTAIN; Bantam Books,1975. 308pp. (Index 252)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9125
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Romania", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "SLANIC,ROMANIA:EX-MIL PILOT:SLNT BELL-SHAPE FLIES:"NO KIND OF AIRCRAFT"", **LatLong:** "45.216669 25.933335", **LatLongDMS:** "45:13:00 N 25:56:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.216669,25.933335)", **State/Prov:** "PRH", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31313 (58BDF271)
**Date:** 12/6/1968
**Time:** 15:50
**Location:** LA CHAUX-DE-FONDS, SWZ
**Description:** 3 observer(s). Large silver ovoid going quickly northeast fast. Turns going quickly south. Seen / seconds.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Database/website: Chez HEIDI site: Alain Stauffer. GREPI / Switzerland http://home.worldcom.ch/~dbenaroy/heidi.html
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9126
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Switzerland", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "La CHAUX-de-FONDS,SWZ:3 OBS:LRG.SLVR OVOID >> NE FAST:TURNS >>S:seen/seconds", **LatLong:** "47.133336 6.850000", **LatLongDMS:** "47:08:00 N 06:51:00 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.133336,6.850000)", **State/Prov:** "NCH", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31314 (5A9427D6)
**Date:** 12/8/1968
**Description:** Top-saucer going down. Paces car. Suddenly shoots away / extreme speed.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO Evidence II: HB: Scarecrow Press Lanham, MD. http://www.scarecrowpress.com ISBN 0-8108-3881-8 (Index 410)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9127
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "nr MILLICENT,S.AUST:TOP-SCR ↓:PACES CAR:SUDDENLY SHOOTS AWAY/EXTREME SPEED", **LatLong:** "-37.583335 140.350007", **LatLongDMS:** "37:35:00 S 140:21:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-37.583335,140.350007)", **State/Prov:** "South Australia", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31315 (87F8685E)
**Date:** 12/8/1968
**Time:** 03:40
**Description:** 2 / car. Big red saucer going down. Rectangular door / bottom/underside lights ground. Possible landing.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LDLN CONTACT LECTEURS: by Series and #. May'68 -JAN'72 (Entire set of 18 issues) LDLN local chapters & individual members' UFO reports. (Index 27)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9128
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Morocco", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "SW/RABAT,MOROCCO:2/CAR:BIG RED SCR ↓:RECT.DOOR/BTM LITES GND:poss.landing", **LatLong:** "33.933335 -6.983334", **LatLongDMS:** "33:56:00 N 06:59:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/33.933335,-6.983334)", **State/Prov:** "RBT", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31316 (7D095E52)
**Date:** 12/8/1968 (approximate)
**Time:** 19:30
**Location:** MORET-SUR-LOING, FR
**Description:** 1 observer. Phony train over railroad/railway viaduct. Going northwest over rails / low altitude.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LDLN CONTACT LECTEURS: by Series and #. May'68 -JAN'72 (Entire set of 18 issues) LDLN local chapters & individual members' UFO reports. (Index 28)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9129
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "MORET-sur-LOING,FR:1 OBS:PHONY TRAIN OVR RR VIADUCT:>NW OVR RAILS/LO ALT", **LatLong:** "48.372225 2.833333", **LatLongDMS:** "48:22:20 N 02:50:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.372225,2.833333)", **State/Prov:** "Seine-et-Marne", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31317 (84DDAEDC)
**Date:** 12/8/1968
**Location:** Grey, S. AU
**Description:** Top-shaped object paced car, sped away (Section XII). 69Unknown Paris TN 1 Witness was driving back to college with roommate. It was a clear, dark, starry night. They suddenly saw a long streak of light coming down from the top of the windshield. The sparks of light looked similar to holding a piece of metal to a grinding wheel. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3998
### Event 31318 (A679300A)
**Date:** 12/8/1968
**Location:** Grey, South Australia
**Description:** Top-shaped object paced car, sped away
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_174
### Event 31319 (77C40786)
**Date:** 12/8/1968
**Time:** 16:00:00.1
**Location:** 37.3434 -116.5659
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Schooner” Yield: 30KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_573
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.3434 -116.5659", **LatLongDMS:** "37:20:36 N 116:33:57 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.3434,-116.5659)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.11", **NukeMb:** "4.80", **NukeName:** "Schooner", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "30"
### Event 31320 (97478C37)
**Date:** 12/9/1968
**Time:** 03:00
**Location:** LIMA, PERU
**Description:** Saucer zaps man / balcony. Myopia and rheumatism cured. Abduction? / IFS#26+r215p17.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BLUM, Ralph & Judy: BEYOND EARTH: Mans Contact with UFO's Bantam, NY 1974 (Index 147)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9130
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly, **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **OPR:** Operations on humans/animal mutilation/surgery, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Peru", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "107", **HatchDesc:** "LIMA,PERU:SCR ZAPS MAN/BALCONY:MYOPIA+RHEUMATISM CURED:ABD?:/IFS#26+r215p17", **LatLong:** "-12.083334 -77.000004", **LatLongDMS:** "12:05:00 S 77:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-12.083334,-77.000004)", **State/Prov:** "LIM", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 31321 (360E5720)
**Date:** 12/10/1968 (approximate)
**Time:** 12:00?
**Description:** 1+several observer(s). Deltoid / roadside. Strong yellow and green light.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BALLESTER OLMOS, Vicente-Juan: CATALOG of 200 TYPE-1 EVENTS in SPAIN & PORTUGAL; CUFOS 1976. (Index 22)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9131
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "8", **HatchDesc:** "OLLEROS DE PISUERGA,SP:1+SVRL OBS:DELTOID/ROADSIDE:STRONG YEL+GRN LITE", **LatLong:** "42.733335 -4.283334", **LatLongDMS:** "42:44:00 N 04:17:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.733335,-4.283334)", **State/Prov:** "PLN", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31322 (6D9F46B3)
**Date:** 12/10/1968
**Description:** On this day in Olleros de Pisuerga,Spain a deltoid object was observed along the roadside, emitting a strong yellow and green light.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos, A Catalogue of 200 Type-I Events from Spain and Portugal, p. 22, case 96; Larry Hatch, U computer database, case 8554
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8301
### Event 31323 (AF944DD7)
**Date:** 12/10/1968
**Description:** This event took place about one-quarter mile from the hydroelectric dam on Lake Secession, near Abbeville, South Carolina at 12:30 a.m. A man was alone in his lake front cottage when he heard a whirring, dynamo sound coming from outside. He also saw an amber-colored flashing light reflecting off the trees outside, so he walked outdoors and saw a disc-shaped UFO directly overhead, not more than ten feet up. The craft was silvery metallic looking, saucer shaped with a smaller dome on top, 35 feet in diameter, about 10 feet high, and it had four sets of lights which bathed the surrounding area in amber light. The witness was terrified and unable to move. After hovering overhead, the craft backed away some 20 feet and descended to where it was almost at eye level with the witness, who was standing on a deck on stilts above the lake, 8 feet off the ground. The dome had a round porthole, but he could not see if there was anyone or anything inside. Nevertheless, he "knew" that someone was there and was looking at him. The craft next rose up, coming directly forward and hovering overhead again. The experience lasted an estimated five minutes, although there were gaps in his memory as to what exactly happened next. The craft finally sped off effortlessly about 200 yards, and hovered momentarily over the lake. It then sped off at a 45 degree angle into the sky towards the southwest at a tremendous speed, quickly vanishing from sight.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, 1968 Humanoid Sighting Reports database, citing NUFORC
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8302
### Event 31324 (EE139CC4)
**Date:** 12/11/1968
**Time:** 20:00
**Location:** CLUJ, ROM
**Description:** Parachute-UFO. Fierce rays. More UFO's 15 December and 8 JAN'69. All bright and silent.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HOBANA Ion & WEVERBERGH,Julien: UFO'S from BEHIND the IRON CURTAIN; Bantam Books,1975. 308pp. (Index 252)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9132
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Romania", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "CLUJ,ROM:PARACHUTE-UFO:FIERCE RAYS:MORE UFOS 15DEC+8JAN'69:ALL BRITE+SILENT", **LatLong:** "46.800002 23.583334", **LatLongDMS:** "46:48:00 N 23:35:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.800002,23.583334)", **State/Prov:** "CLJ", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 31325 (3502FF50)
**Date:** 12/11/1968
**Time:** 21:00
**Description:** Powerful night light goes east going west. Hovers. Descends. Lands?
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BALLESTER OLMOS, Vicente-Juan: CATALOG of 200 TYPE-1 EVENTS in SPAIN & PORTUGAL; CUFOS 1976. (Index 22)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9133
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "ROMILLA LA NUEVA>CHAUCHINA,SP:POWERFUL NLT GOES E>W:HOVERS:DESCENDS:LANDS?", **LatLong:** "37.194446 -3.750000", **LatLongDMS:** "37:11:40 N 03:45:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.194446,-3.750000)", **State/Prov:** "Grenada", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 31326 (0EAEFD19)
**Date:** 12/12/1968
**Time:** 04:00
**Location:** FRANOIS, FR
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Fireball hovers / 20 minute(s). Lights area like day. Going quickly [to] to horizon. / LDLN#192.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 120)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9134
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "20", **HatchDesc:** "FRANOIS,FR:2 OBS:FBL HVRS/20min:LITES AREA LIKE DAY:>> to HRZN:/LDLN#192", **LatLong:** "47.233336 5.933334", **LatLongDMS:** "47:14:00 N 05:56:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.233336,5.933334)", **State/Prov:** "Doubs", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31327 (371115DF)
**Date:** 12/12/1968
**Time:** 17:50
**Location:** FRANOIS, FR
**Description:** 15+observer(s). 10M saucer follows car. Lands. Figure(s) work. Cat screams. Going quickly [to] WSW / FSRv17#4.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GARREAU, Charles: SOUCOUPES VOLANTES, Vingt-cinq Ans d'Enquetes. 3rd Editn = 1973? Maison Mame ISBN 2-250-00464-1 (Index 154)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9135
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "30", **HatchDesc:** "FRANOIS,FR:15+OBS:10M SCR FOLOS CAR:LANDS:FIGs WORK:CAT SCREAMS:>>WSW/FSRv17#4", **LatLong:** "47.233336 5.916667", **LatLongDMS:** "47:14:00 N 05:55:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.233336,5.916667)", **State/Prov:** "Doubs", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 31328 (27E2EE09)
**Date:** 12/12/1968
**Time:** 19:30
**Description:** 4x moon-size red glowing ovoid with fine black stripes.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FIGEUT, Michel & RUCHON, Jean-Louis: OVNI - Le Premier Dossier..; Alain LeFeuvre, Paris 1979. (Index 321)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9136
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "15", **HatchDesc:** "MALACHERE nr RIOZ,FR:4x MOONSIZE RED GLOWING OVOID W/FINE BLACK STRIPES", **LatLong:** "47.450002 6.077778", **LatLongDMS:** "47:27:00 N 06:04:40 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.450002,6.077778)", **State/Prov:** "Haute-Saône", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31329 (1A1D22FC)
**Date:** 12/12/1968
**Location:** 37.0000 -116.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Bay Leaf” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_574
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0000 -116.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:00 N 116:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0000,-116.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Bay Leaf", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 31330 (59301915)
**Date:** 12/12/1968
**Location:** 37.0000 -116.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Scissors” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_575
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0000 -116.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:00 N 116:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0000,-116.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Scissors", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 31331 (DE144152)
**Date:** 12/12/1968
**Time:** 15:10:00.1
**Location:** 37.1189 -116.0783
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed, salvo. Country: USA Name: “Tyg-A” YieldMax: 120KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_576
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1189 -116.0783", **LatLongDMS:** "37:07:08 N 116:04:42 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1189,-116.0783)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Tyg-A", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU_SALVO", **NukeYMax:** "120"
### Event 31332 (1B84EDA2)
**Date:** 12/12/1968
**Description:** On this evening at 18:04 p.m. in Franois, France nine witnesses saw strange figures moving around in front of a light on the ground alongside the highway as they drove by. The light source wasn’t there when they checked back later.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** J. Tyrode, FSR Case Histories, December 1970, p. 7, citing LDLN
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8354
### Event 31333 (8C7BE3DC)
**Date:** 12/13/1968
**Time:** 15:00
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Huge silent saucer 200M over military base / bay. Going quickly southwest over city.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO AFRINEWS; Twice annually. Cynthia Hind, editor; PO Box MP 49, Mount Pleasant, Harare, Zimbabwe. (Index 1)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9137
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Mozambique", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "Lrnco.MARQUES,MOZAMBQ:2 OBS:HUGE SLNT SCR 200M ovr MIL.BASE/BAY:>>SW ovr CITY", **LatLong:** "-25.916668 32.600002", **LatLongDMS:** "25:55:00 S 32:36:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-25.916668,32.600002)", **State/Prov:** "LMQ", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31334 (B7710915)
**Date:** 12/15/1968
**Location:** FRANCE, from Saint Brieuc to Rennes
**Description:** (Translated from French) From 18:58 to 20:00, 20 passengers of the "Armor" train observed the maneuvers of a white luminous ball that followed the train. This ball of intense brightness moved on a trajectory that faithfully followed that of the train. It went up and down, sometimes passing a few hundred meters in altitude, sometimes at ground level. Near the agglomerations it lingered above the houses, then caught up with the train a little further on. At Lamballe it stopped vertically to resume its curious game until its arrival in Rennes where it took altitude and suddenly disappeared into the clouds.
**Reference:** M.FIGUET/ J.L. RUCHON: "Ovni, Premier dossier complet..." - éd. Alain Lefeuvre 1979, p. 322
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2542
### Event 31335 (41368BBD)
**Date:** 12/15/1968
**Location:** FRANCE, Meaux (Seine et Marne)
**Description:** (Translated from French) At 10 PM, Pierre Drivière observed an egg-shaped object the size of a large car, yellow in color with orange reflections, moving quickly without making any noise. On his night patrol around the buildings of the "Ultrasonic" factory, Mr. Drivière was very surprised to hear a high-pitched and powerful voice say: "700 K... 700 K... 700 K". Believing he was dealing with pranksters, he circled the building, when the same voice again uttered the words "700 KA". He then observed the object 100 or 150 meters away from him, moving quickly from the south-east to the north-west.
**Reference:** M.FIGUET/ J.L. RUCHON: "Ovni, Premier dossier complet..." - Ed. Alain Lefeuvre 1979, p. 323
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2543
### Event 31336 (A4607BE6)
**Date:** 12/15/1968
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) At Hawk Inlet \(Alaska\), 2 sailors from the cargo ship *Teel* spotted a white and round light heading towards them. (15 h)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1968.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2447
### Event 31337 (B4AD7ACA)
**Date:** 12/15/1968
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) The object, which seemed to be floating on the water until then, suddenly takes off and disappears behind a crest of the coast. (19 h)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1968.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2448
### Event 31338 (5F118F20)
**Date:** 12/15/1968
**Time:** 08:40
**Location:** BESCANCON, FR
**Description:** Brill white saucer seen from car / 45 second(s). Rises going up [to] and lost in sky.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FIGEUT, Michel & RUCHON, Jean-Louis: OVNI - Le Premier Dossier..; Alain LeFeuvre, Paris 1979. (Index 322)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9138
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "BESCANCON,FR:BRILL WHT SCR SEEN FROM CAR/45sec:RISES ↑ AND LOST IN SKY", **LatLong:** "47.233336 6.016667", **LatLongDMS:** "47:14:00 N 06:01:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.233336,6.016667)", **State/Prov:** "Doubs", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31339 (FCD032DA)
**Date:** 12/15/1968
**Time:** 15:30
**Location:** HAWK INLET, AK
**Description:** Seamen. White 6M glowing-ball nears boat. Floats. Quickly going up [to] and going quickly [to] over mountains!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 833)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9139
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **SUB:** Submersible: Rises from or submerges into water, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "HAWK INLET,AK:SEAMEN:WHT 6M GLOW-BALL NEARS BOAT:FLOATS:↑↑+>> ovr MOUNTAINS!", **LatLong:** "58.133336 -134.755562", **LatLongDMS:** "58:08:00 N 134:45:20 W", **Locale:** "Offshore", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/58.133336,-134.755562)", **State/Prov:** "Alaska", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31340 (7D350998)
**Date:** 12/15/1968
**Time:** 22:00
**Location:** MEAUX, FR
**Description:** Silent 3M saucer scouts ultrasonics plant. Voice = "700K 700K..". Southwest going northeast. / r30.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LDLN CONTACT LECTEURS: by Series and #. May'68 -JAN'72 (Entire set of 18 issues) LDLN local chapters & individual members' UFO reports. (Index 26)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9140
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **CVS:** Conversation/communication, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "MEAUX,FR:SLNT 3M SCR SCOUTS ULTRASONICS PLANT:VOICE="700K 700K..":SW>NE:/r30", **LatLong:** "48.966669 2.883333", **LatLongDMS:** "48:58:00 N 02:53:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.966669,2.883333)", **State/Prov:** "Seine-et-Marne", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 31341 (3FE07438)
**Date:** 12/15/1968
**Description:** Shortly after midnight one of several UFOs in the sky swooped down and paced a car with five teenage hunters inside near Coorong, South Australia for over two minutes. It came close to the car several times before speeding away.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Michael Hervey, UFOs over the Southern Hemisphere, p. 183
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8411
### Event 31342 (6F8A6EE3)
**Date:** 12/15/1968
**Description:** In Macon, Georgia a teenage couple, Mr. Thornton and Miss Churchill, saw a dark cigar-shaped UFO with a bright dome on top at around eight o’clock in the evening. The dome had rotating red, green, and white lights. The UFO appeared to fall from the sky, stopped, tilted, righted itself, then dimmed and brightened. It shot out beams of light. Bright green flashes went out from it several times.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Mrs. Frank Abbott, NICAP case investigation files, report dated February 17, 1969
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8412
### Event 31343 (DBF887B9)
**Date:** 12/16/1968
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) A light identical to the one from the previous night reappears in the evening. It moves towards the cargo ship and stops about 20 m above the vessel, without emitting any sound. The crew immediately contacts the Elmendorf Air Base, as well as the coast guard. In the following minutes, the current is cut and the radio fails. The diesel backup generator fails to start. When the object moves away, it starts working normally. The object will remain visible for another 15 minutes. (December 16)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1968.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2449
### Event 31344 (5CFC3D80)
**Date:** 12/16/1968
**Time:** 07:00
**Location:** WEST / BERWICK, ND
**Description:** 1 / car. Bean ovoid going west parallel / US2. Red with blue aura. Separate observer(s) south / Minot.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLICKENGER, Don: NORTH DAKOTA UFO files. Well Documented NICAP files for the 1960s: Xeroxed by Tom Tulien (Index 58)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9141
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **NUC:** Nuclear facility related
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "20", **Elev:** "452", **HatchDesc:** "W/BERWICK,ND:1/CAR:BEAN OVOID >W PARALLEL/US2:RED W/BLU AURA:SEP.OBS S/MINOT", **LatLong:** "48.350002 -100.266671", **LatLongDMS:** "48:21:00 N 100:16:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.350002,-100.266671)", **State/Prov:** "North Dakota", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31345 (8AB62174)
**Date:** 12/16/1968
**Time:** 18:00
**Location:** HAWK INLET, AK
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Silent glowing-ball back. Circles cannery. Hovers / boat. Diesel electro-magnetic effect (EME) and Radio Frequency Interference (RFI.)
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 833)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9142
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "15", **Elev:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "HAWK INLET,AK:2 OBS:SLNT GLOW-BALL BACK:CCLS CANNERY:HVRS/BOAT:DIESEL EME+RFI", **LatLong:** "58.116669 -134.755562", **LatLongDMS:** "58:07:00 N 134:45:20 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/58.116669,-134.755562)", **State/Prov:** "Alaska", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31346 (F529FA29)
**Date:** 12/16/1968
**Time:** 19:10
**Location:** YFFINIAC, FR
**Description:** 20 observer(s). White ball follows train / 12km going [to] WNW. Dawdles over houses. / r30p322.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LDLN CONTACT LECTEURS: by Series and #. May'68 -JAN'72 (Entire set of 18 issues) LDLN local chapters & individual members' UFO reports. (Index 27)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9143
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "62", **HatchDesc:** "YFFINIAC,FR:20 OBS:WHT BALL FOLOS TRAIN/12km >WNW:DAWDLES OVR HOUSES:/r30p322", **LatLong:** "48.483336 -2.683333", **LatLongDMS:** "48:29:00 N 02:41:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.483336,-2.683333)", **State/Prov:** "CDN", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31347 (7FECBC26)
**Date:** 12/17/1968
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Hynek declares to the *Saturday Evening Post* that the [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) program has examined 10147 cases, the Condon Commission identified 9501, leaving 646 unidentified. (December 17)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1968.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2450
### Event 31348 (E093E3A6)
**Date:** 12/18/1968
**Time:** 22:30
**Location:** NORTH / WAIRAKEI, NZ
**Description:** 2 / car. 180cm man / south-suit walks / road. Cylinder/cylindrical object helmet. / FSRv15#4+/ MJ#177.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO RESEARCH AUSTRALIA NEWSLETTER. (Details missing) (Index 832)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9144
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HOX:** Suspicion of hoax, **NFO:** No craft seen, **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "New Zealand", **Credibility:** "5", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "N/WAIRAKEI,NZ:2/CAR:180cm MAN/S-SUIT WALKS/ROAD:CYL.HELMET:/FSRv15#4+/MJ#177", **LatLong:** "-38.616669 176.100008", **LatLongDMS:** "38:37:00 S 176:06:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-38.616669,176.100008)", **State/Prov:** "NI", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 31349 (AE9EA2EF)
**Date:** 12/18/1968
**Time:** 23:30
**Location:** NEAR EPISY, FR
**Description:** 1 / car / D148+2 / home. Luminous/glowing car-size fireball / ground. TV Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) / nearby. / LDLN#301.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LDLN CONTACT LECTEURS: by Series and #. May'68 -JAN'72 (Entire set of 18 issues) LDLN local chapters & individual members' UFO reports. (Index 26)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9145
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "nr EPISY,FR:1/CAR/D148+2/HOME:LUMn CAR-SIZE FBL/GND:TV RFI/NEARBY:/LDLN#301", **LatLong:** "48.316669 2.788889", **LatLongDMS:** "48:19:00 N 02:47:20 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.316669,2.788889)", **State/Prov:** "Seine-et-Marne", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31350 (447E34F9)
**Date:** 12/18/1968
**Time:** 05:01:59.7
**Location:** 49.7459 78.0920
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: .001KT YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1327
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.7459 78.0920", **LatLongDMS:** "49:44:45 N 78:05:31 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.7459,78.0920)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.20", **NukeSource:** "BOCHAROV", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** ".001", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 31351 (6615D3EA)
**Date:** 12/18/1968
**Description:** A man and woman in their late twenties were driving together in a car five miles north of Wairakei, New Zealand at around 11:45 p.m. when they drove by a tall being around six feet tall. The man wore a shiny dark blue or black loose fitting one-piece suit that was tucked in at the boots. The being also wore gloves, a belt, and a cylindrical helmet with a clear visor.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Anthony J. Brunt, FSR, July-August 1969, p. 29
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8490
### Event 31352 (3F15E815)
**Date:** 12/19/1968
**Time:** 16:30:00.0
**Location:** 37.2315 -116.4736
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Benham” Yield: 1150KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_577
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.2315 -116.4736", **LatLongDMS:** "37:13:53 N 116:28:25 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.2315,-116.4736)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "1.40", **NukeMb:** "6.30", **NukeName:** "Benham", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "1150"
### Event 31353 (BF2A16C3)
**Date:** 12/20/1968
**Time:** 11:20
**Location:** HAVELOCK NORTH, NZ
**Description:** Teacher and 6 kids. Domed saucer with antenna over school. To and fro. / APRO 3'69.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 58)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9146
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "New Zealand", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "HAVELOCK N.,NZ:TEACHER+6 KIDS:DOMED SCR W/ANTENNA ovr SCHOOL:TO+FRO:/APRO 3'69", **LatLong:** "-39.683335 176.900008", **LatLongDMS:** "39:41:00 S 176:54:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-39.683335,176.900008)", **State/Prov:** "NI", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31354 (18C5CAAD)
**Date:** 12/20/1968
**Description:** Seven people saw a domed disc with an antenna move back and forth over a school in Havelock, New Zealand at 11:20 in the morning. The UFO was in sight for ten minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP files, citing a newspaper clipping dated December 20, 1968
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8532
### Event 31355 (A32D9AAF)
**Date:** 12/21/1968
**Location:** IN SPACE
**Description:** (Translated from French) Apollo VIII: presence detected of a space disc during the circumlunar voyage. (Philippe SCHNEYDER: "Ovni, premier bilan" - ed. du Rocher 1983, p. 233) On December 21, at 6 pm a mysterious, luminous object remained visible for about an hour and moved towards the west. The object was photographed at 7:26 pm by the photographic telescope of Professor Furia of the Campo dei Fiori Observatory. The "Corriere della Sera" of December 22, 68 reported: "...the specialists were unable to give any explanation to this phenomenon, at least one of them located it in a hypothetical field." (S. DELLO STROLOGO: "Ce que les Gouvernements vous cachent sur les S.V." De Vecchi 1975 p. 186-187) Apollo 8, Dec. 1968 (Frank Borman, James A. Lovell, William A. Anders) Frank Borman and Jim Lovell reported the presence of a "bogie" (ghost) at fifteen kilometers altitude. (J. Allen HYNEK and Jacques VALLEE: "Aux limites de la réalité" - ed. Albin Michel 1978, p84) During this flight, at the moment when the command module emerged from behind the moon, Lovell transmitted: "We have just been informed that Santa Claus exists!". As it was the eve of Christmas, most people on earth understood that it was a message given with Lovell's humor, for the many children watching television. Others suppose that this term, used for the first time by Walter Schirra in the Mercury 8 flight, has another meaning. The eve of Christmas Borman and Lovell nevertheless reported having seen a UFO. Rumors circulate that NASA would have captured phrases in an unknown language (vog: by Berlitz and Moore e.a.), on one of the frequencies used during the mission.
**Reference:** 1989 - listing and research of Harvey S. Stewart
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2544
### Event 31356 (9AE1851E)
**Date:** 12/21/1968
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) The American manned flight [Apollo 8](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/Apollo.html\#Apollo8) is placed in lunar orbit. (December 21)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1968.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2451
### Event 31357 (13A24F78)
**Date:** 12/21/1968
**Location:** APOLLO 8
**Description:** Borman, Lovell and more. Saucers orbit moon with Apollo. Unidentified radio signal. "Santa exists..
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BLUNDELL, Nigel & BOAR, Roger: The WORLDS GREATEST UFO MYSTERIES; Octopus, London 1989 & PB/Berkley Books, NY 1990 (Index 215)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9147
**Attributes:** **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **HOX:** Suspicion of hoax, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **CVS:** Conversation/communication, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **COV:** Indication of coverup
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "The Moon", **Credibility:** "5", **Duration:** "25", **HatchDesc:** "APOLLO 8:BORMAN,LOVELL+:SCRS ORBIT MOON W/APOLLO:UID RADIO SIG:"SANTA EXISTS..", **LatLong:** "90.000004 -0.000000", **LatLongDMS:** "90:00:00 N 00:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/90.000004,-0.000000)", **State/Prov:** "USA", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31358 (D54015A1)
**Date:** 12/21/1968
**Time:** 18:00
**Description:** Flying 'buckle' with glowing ring / southwest sky. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LDLN CONTACT LECTEURS: by Series and #. May'68 -JAN'72 (Entire set of 18 issues) LDLN local chapters & individual members' UFO reports. (Index 51)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9148
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Poland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "BABIOGORSKY Nat.Pk,POLAND:FLYING 'BUCKLE' W/GLOWING RING/SW SKY:NFD", **LatLong:** "49.583336 19.516668", **LatLongDMS:** "49:35:00 N 19:31:00 E", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.583336,19.516668)", **State/Prov:** "Krakow", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31359 (06F93227)
**Date:** 12/21/1968
**Time:** 19:20
**Description:** Many observer(s). Huge yellow star. Luminous cloud scares cats. / r230v3#2.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FIGEUT, Michel & RUCHON, Jean-Louis: OVNI - Le Premier Dossier..; Alain LeFeuvre, Paris 1979. (Index 320)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9149
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "FRANOIS+BESCANCON,FR:MANY OBS:HUGE YLW STAR:LUMn.CLOUD SCARES CATS:/r230v3#2", **LatLong:** "47.216669 5.916667", **LatLongDMS:** "47:13:00 N 05:55:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.216669,5.916667)", **State/Prov:** "Doubs", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31360 (7485864A)
**Date:** 12/22/1968
**Description:** Fr. pilots. Intense 20M ovoid passes. Heat. Mirage drops 1500M.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LDLN CONTACT LECTEURS: by Series and #. May'68 -JAN'72 (Entire set of 18 issues) LDLN local chapters & individual members' UFO reports. (Index 29)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9150
**Attributes:** **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "?", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "2000", **HatchDesc:** "loc unk,GREENLAND:FR.PILOTS:INTENSE 20M OVOID PASSES:HEAT:MIRAGE DROPS 1500M", **LatLong:** "65.000003 -45.000002", **LatLongDMS:** "65:00:00 N 45:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/65.000003,-45.000002)", **RelAlt:** "1500", **State/Prov:** "Unknown", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31361 (3E96F2D5)
**Date:** 12/22/1968
**Time:** 18:00
**Description:** 1 / car and 2 separate observer(s). 1M saucer lands(?) / woods. Back / 28 Mar. '69.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 104)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9151
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "Rte.D1a SSW/COETLOGON,FR:1/CAR+2 SEP.OBS:1M SCR LANDS(?)/WOODS:back/28MAR69", **LatLong:** "48.122225 -2.600000", **LatLongDMS:** "48:07:20 N 02:36:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.122225,-2.600000)", **State/Prov:** "CDN", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31362 (76DFA6BC)
**Date:** 12/23/1968
**Time:** 21:30
**Location:** NEAR WESTWOOD, QLD
**Description:** Several / 2 cars. Glowing-ovoid going quickly west. Blows steam. Changes shape. Drops. Flash.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 7)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9152
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "nr WESTWOOD,QLD:SVRL/2 CARS:GLO-OVOID>>W:BLOWS STEAM:CHANGES SHAPE:DROPS:FLASH", **LatLong:** "-23.800001 150.250007", **LatLongDMS:** "23:48:00 S 150:15:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-23.800001,150.250007)", **State/Prov:** "Queensland", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31363 (F4064DB6)
**Date:** 12/25/1968
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) As [Apollo 8](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/Apollo.html\#Apollo8) orbited around the lunar surface at a distance of 112 km, the capsule remained completely silent for 6 minutes, despite repeated calls from the Houston base. Then suddenly the voice of James Lovell was heard announcing: We have just been informed that Santa Claus does exist! The man had just experienced a violent surprise, as indicated by the telemetry controls. His pulse had reached 120 beats per minute, while during the previous 93 hours, his heart rate had been perfectly normal. Troubling coincidence, this silence, which Apollo 8 had inexplicably just shown, can be explained by the presence of an external magnetic field, disrupting the radio links with the ground. (December 25th)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1968.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2452
### Event 31364 (C608CCED)
**Date:** 12/25/1968
**Time:** 23:00
**Location:** GUARULHOS, BRZ
**Description:** Cops and several. UV-violet globe hovers over house. Saucer detaches and away.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 4)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9153
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "150", **Elev:** "682", **HatchDesc:** "GUARULHOS,BRZ:COPS+SVRL:UV-VIOLET GLOBE HVRS OVR HOUSE:SCR DETACHES+AWAY", **LatLong:** "-23.466668 -46.500002", **LatLongDMS:** "23:28:00 S 46:30:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-23.466668,-46.500002)", **State/Prov:** "São Paulo", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31365 (3767A6AC)
**Date:** Late 12/1968
**Locations:** Patagonia; Nahuel Huapi Lake, Argentina; Puerto Blest
**Description:** 11:30 a.m. Traumatologist Sebastian José Tarda is on vacation in Patagonia and leading a group of secondary school students on a motorboat field trip on Nahuel Huapi Lake, Argentina. Tarda is taking photos of the lake shore near Puerto Blest, but does not notice anything unusual. When one slide is developed, it shows a blurry white object against a mountainous background. An analysis by the Argentine UFO group Circulo de Investigación Cientifico Espacial states that the image is not caused by a lens flare, damaged emulsion, or a known object. Another analysis suggests that the object moved while the shutter was depressed. Ground Saucer Watch considers it a lens flare.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[UFO Appears in Photo over Nahuel Huapi Lake, Argentina,](http://cufos.org/CUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter/1982-83%5FCUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter%5FV3.pdf)” CUFOS Associate Newsletter 3, no. 1 \(February 1982\): 1–2; “[Dr. Tarda 1968 Photograph Judged Lens Flare by GSW,](http://cufos.org/CUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter/1982-83%5FCUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter%5FV3.pdf)” CUFOS Associate Newsletter 3, no. 2 \(April 1982\): 3
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4647
### Event 31366 (55A1C71C)
**Date:** 12/26/1968
**Time:** 00:30
**Location:** ST. ETIENNE, FR
**Description:** 1 observer. Red half-moon vanishes and reappears. Seen to February / 69. / r230v2#4.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 95)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9154
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "St.ETIENNE,FR:1 OBS:RED HALF-MOON VANISHES+REAPPEARS:SEEN to FEB/69:/r230v2#4", **LatLong:** "45.450002 4.366667", **LatLongDMS:** "45:27:00 N 04:22:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.450002,4.366667)", **State/Prov:** "Loire", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31367 (59B58332)
**Date:** 12/26/1968
**Description:** The Spanish Air Ministry’s press office issues a release inviting citizens to report UFO cases to the air force. A few days later, Second Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. [Mariano Cuadra Medina](https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mariano%5FCuadra%5FMedina) issues the first regulations in Spain on how to handle UFO reports. The information is rated confidential.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Swords 423
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4646
### Event 31368 (A986E56D)
**Date:** 12/27/1968
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Return to Earth of [Apollo 8](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/Apollo.html\#Apollo8). (December 27)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1968.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2453
### Event 31369 (911E7B69)
**Date:** 12/27/1968
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Observation of [Jean-Gabriel Greslé](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/GresleJeanGabriel.html) at the controls of a Boeing 707, between Rio de Janeiro and Florianopolis.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1968.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2454
### Event 31370 (3A4377D0)
**Date:** 12/27/1968
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) The [NSA](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/NSA.html) publishes internally a document titled [*The UFO Hypothesis and Survival Questions*](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/Documents/Officiels/NSA/1968\_UFOHypothesisAndSurvivalQuestion\_NSA.html).
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1968.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2455
### Event 31371 (0A4395D9)
**Date:** 12/27/1968
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) \(According to an extreme ufological thesis\) A plan is put in place to reveal to the public the existence of extraterrestrials on Earth for the last 20 years, foreseeing the public availability of documents in the years 1985-1987.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1968.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2456
### Event 31372 (F846FFD8)
**Date:** 12/27/1968
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) The [NASA](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/NASA.html) publishes a document detailing many curiosities observed since 1540 on the surface of the [Moon](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/Lune.html) by various astronomers, concentrated in the region of the Aristarchus crater and the Schoöter valley.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1968.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2457
### Event 31373 (46E8F790)
**Date:** 12/27/1968
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Release of *2001: A Space Odyssey* by Stanley Kubrick.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1968.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2458
### Event 31374 (34A577AD)
**Date:** 12/27/1968
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) [Erik von Dakinen](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/VonDanikenErik.html) publishes his best-seller *Chariots of the Gods ?*
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1968.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2459
### Event 31375 (EA733217)
**Date:** 12/27/1968
**Time:** 07:30:00.0
**Location:** 41.5000 88.5000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air. Country: China
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1799
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "41.5000 88.5000", **LatLongDMS:** "41:30:00 N 88:30:00 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.5000,88.5000)", **NukeCountry:** "China", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "BOLT", **NukeType:** "A"
### Event 31376 (799ADA6C)
**Date:** 12/28/1968
**Location:** AUSTRALIA, Goulburn (New South Wales)
**Description:** (Translated from French) A resident of Goulburn, while out hunting, had a similar experience to one he had ten years prior. He saw an object approximately 40 feet in diameter and 10 feet high. As he approached, a being emerged from behind the object and circled around to meet him. It was a humanoid about five and a half feet tall with a youthful face and long hair. It was wearing a silver-colored material. A conversation ensued in English, which may have lasted three minutes, during which the being declared it was from Saturn. After that, it ran back to the object, which rose about fifteen feet, stayed stationary for a moment, then took off. The man had time to take four photos before it disappeared.
**Reference:** Bruce CATHIE/ P.TEMM: "Harmonic 695" - ed. Sylvie Messinger 1981, p. 150, 151
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2547
### Event 31377 (88F36D2C)
**Date:** 12/28/1968
**Description:** The witness had been in Goulburn, New South Wales, Australia the area back in 1950 and at that time had experienced a peculiar incident, which left him with a scar. He returned to the site in December 1968 and saw a disc-shaped craft 40 feet in diameter and 10 feet high, and met its human looking occupant, who walked around the side of the object. The man had long hair, stood about 5' 6" tall, and wore silver colored shoes. The witness spoke with him in English for about three minutes, learning that the UFO occupant claimed to be from Saturn. The man seemed to be in a hurry to get away. He boarded, after which the craft rose off the ground and hovered momentarily at 15 feet before moving off and disappearing in the distance.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** FSR, May-June 1969, p. 33; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1968-83, citing Dr. N. Lindtner, UFO Investigation Center, Sydney
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8632
### Event 31378 (FE769EDA)
**Date:** 12/29/1968
**Time:** 20:00
**Location:** WEST / LE PUY, FR
**Description:** Luminous ovoid with legs / 50M altitude. Going [to] left. Small sphere/orb/globe appears / 1st site. All going quickly southwest.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LDLN CONTACT LECTEURS: by Series and #. May'68 -JAN'72 (Entire set of 18 issues) LDLN local chapters & individual members' UFO reports. (Index 27)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9155
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc.
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "50", **HatchDesc:** "W/Le PUY,FR:LUMn.OVOID W/LEGS/50M alt:> LEFT:SML ORB APPEARS/1st SITE:ALL >>SW", **LatLong:** "45.050002 3.833334", **LatLongDMS:** "45:03:00 N 03:50:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.050002,3.833334)", **State/Prov:** "Haute-Loire", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31379 (C89B309C)
**Date:** 12/31/1968
**Time:** 04:20
**Location:** CHRISTCHURCH, NZ
**Description:** 2 observer(s). 2 white ovoids horizon going [to] horizon / 4 minute(s). 5K' altitude. No planes / balloons up.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HAINES, Richard Ph.D: PROJECT DELTA; 1994, LDA Press, PO Box 880, Los Altos, CA 94023 USA (Index 51)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9156
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "New Zealand", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "4", **HatchDesc:** "CHRISTCHURCH,NZ:2 OBS:2 WHT OVOIDS HRZN>HRZN/4min:5K'alt:NO PLANES/BALLOONS UP", **LatLong:** "-43.466669 172.566675", **LatLongDMS:** "43:28:00 S 172:34:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-43.466669,172.566675)", **State/Prov:** "SI", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31380 (EE50DC79)
**Date:** 12/31/1968
**Time:** 08:20
**Location:** YUSTE, SP
**Description:** Night light splits / many parts. Circle Monestery. Going [to] away toward(s) Garganta LA Olla.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BALLESTER OLMOS, Vicente-Juan: CATALOG of 200 TYPE-1 EVENTS in SPAIN & PORTUGAL; CUFOS 1976. (Index 22)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9157
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "YUSTE,SP:NLT SPLITS/MANY PARTS:CIRCLE MONESTERY:> AWAY twrd GARGANTA LA OLLA.", **LatLong:** "40.100002 -5.750000", **LatLongDMS:** "40:06:00 N 05:45:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.100002,-5.750000)", **State/Prov:** "CCR", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 31381 (2FDC0BA9)
**Date:** 12/31/1968
**Time:** 19:30
**Location:** EAST / VEGA BAJA, PR
**Description:** 2 / car. Color-white saucer / roadside. Small humanoid (or Grey) stands outside. Observers speed away.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 851)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9158
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "E/VEGA BAJA,PR:2/CAR:CLR-WHT SCR/ROADSIDE:OID STANDS OUTSIDE:OBSs SPEED AWAY", **LatLong:** "18.444445 -66.366670", **LatLongDMS:** "18:26:40 N 66:22:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/18.444445,-66.366670)", **State/Prov:** "Puerto Rico", **Strangeness:** "8"
## Year: 1969, 792 Event(s), (Back to Top)
### Event 31382 (40555090)
**Date:** 1969?
**Location:** Whitewater Lake, Indiana
**Description:** A retired Colonel from Wright-Patterson AFB with Top Secret Clearance states that a 2-man saucer crashed near Whitewater Lake, Indiana as a result of an electrical disturbance in the atmosphere.
**Type:** crash retrieval
**Reference:** [Pea Research](https://www.academia.edu/9813787/GOVERNMENT_INVOLVEMENT_IN_THE_UFO_COVER_UP_CHRONOLOGY_based) (A5, B3-C, WHITEWATER RECOVERY)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_655
**See also:** 1968
### Event 31383 (6105D7C0)
**Date:** 1969
**Location:** USA, in Missouri
**Description:** (Translated from French) At the time when she was 7 years old, when she was living with her parents in Missouri, Mrs. Jenny K… experienced an astonishing event. One night she found herself paralyzed in her bed. Then small beings entered her room through the windows of her window. They took the girl by the arms, lifted her from her bed and everyone left the house through the same process, through the closed window. The beings and the child floated in the air while approaching a huge mass above them. The girl also saw her little brother Mark who was being dragged in the same way by other small creatures. This was the beginning of a fantastic series of abductions that lasted until 1992.
**Reference:** Jean SIDER: "Ovni, les envahisseurs démasqués" - éd. Ramuel 1999, p. 141, 142
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2582
### Event 31384 (E3B10C1D)
**Date:** 1969
**Description:** The CIA’s Operation Often is initiated by the chief of the CIA’s Technical Services Branch, [Sidney Gottlieb](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sidney%5FGottlieb)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sidney%5FGottlieb) to “explore the world of black magic” and “harness the forces of darkness and challenge the concept that the inner reaches of the mind are beyond reach.” As part of the operation, Gottlieb and other CIA employees visit with and recruit fortune-tellers, palm-readers, clairvoyants, astrologers, mediums, psychics, specialists in demonology, witches and warlocks, Satanists, and other occult practitioners.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Project MKOFTEN](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project%5FMKOFTEN)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4648
### Event 31385 (986DE83E)
**Date:** 1969
**Location:** Rebais, Seine-et-Marne, France
**Description:** Gérard Lebat founds Groupe d’Études des Objets Spatiaux, which publishes GEOS International from July 1969 to July 1970, then Les Extraterrestres from November 1970 to October 1979, then Hypothèses Extraterrestres from January 1980 to July 1981, in Rebais, Seine-et-Marne, France.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** [GEOS International](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/France/GEOS%20International%20%28GEOS%29/GEOS%20International%20-%20No%201%20-%20juil%201969.pdf), no. 1 \(July 1969\); [Les](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/France/Extraterrestres%2C%20Les%20%28GEOS%29/Extraterrestres%2C%20Les%20-%20Series%201%20-%20No%2009%20-%20nov-dec%201970.pdf) [Extraterrestres](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/France/Extraterrestres%2C%20Les%20%28GEOS%29/Extraterrestres%2C%20Les%20-%20Series%201%20-%20No%2009%20-%20nov-dec%201970.pdf)[,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/France/Extraterrestres%2C%20Les%20%28GEOS%29/Extraterrestres%2C%20Les%20-%20Series%201%20-%20No%2009%20-%20nov-dec%201970.pdf) no. 9 \(Nov./Dec. 1970\); [Hypothèses Extraterrestres](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/France/Hypotheses%20Extraterrestres%20%28GEOS%29/Hypotheses%20Extraterrestres%20-%20No%2013.pdf)[,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/France/Hypotheses%20Extraterrestres%20%28GEOS%29/Hypotheses%20Extraterrestres%20-%20No%2013.pdf) no. 13 \(January 1980\)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4649
### Event 31386 (48BD1E69)
**Date:** 1969
**Description:** In Passport to Magonia, [Jacques Vallée](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacques%5FVall%C3%A9e) proposes a radically revisionist argument that UFOs are better understood when related to folk traditions about supernatural creatures \(elementals, fairies, angels, demons\) than to astronomers’ speculations about life in outer space. He says science cannot adequately deal with such matters, although he does not specifically disavow the scientific method. It is the first book to question the ETH and the first to lay the groundwork for the psychosocial hypothesis, which sees UFOs as largely the product of unusual mental states and perpetuated by social acceptance. He argues that ostensible otherworldly manifestations are fantastic images propelled via psychic technology from humanity’s future to generate myths and religions that will change fate. In time the book leads to a new school of ufology whose advocates hold that UFOs and other anomalous experiences are internally generated and shaped entirely by cultural processes as opposed to nonhuman intelligences. [Jerry Clark](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jerome%5FClark) writes that the “genius of Passport, a genuinely brilliant work, is its success in placing UFOs into not only cultural but experiential context.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallée, [Passport to Magonia](https://archive.org/details/passporttomagoni0000vall/page/n1/mode/2up), Regnery, 1969; Clark III 939–940, 1214
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4650
### Event 31387 (D66133DC)
**Date:** 1969
**Description:** Contactee [Ted Owens](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ted%5FOwens%5F%28contactee%29) writes How to Contact Space People. Owens, who calls himself the “PK Man,” attributes his psychic and precognitive abilities to UFO occupants who operated on his brain when he was a child, a modification that made him half-human, half-alien. He claims to be in two-way contact with saucer intelligences.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Ted Owens, How to Contact the Space People, Saucerian, 1969; Margaret Sachs, The UFO Encyclopedia, Putnam, 1980, [pp. 235–236](https://archive.org/details/ufoencyclopedia00marg/page/235/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4651
### Event 31388 (8927A4C8)
**Date:** 1969
**Location:** Paris, Franca
**Description:** Spanish ufologist [Antonio Ribera](https://www.ummowiki.fr/index.php/Antonio%5FRibera) receives his first Ummo communication, a letter postmarked from Paris, Franca. An Ummo cult has begun to form, and books—both journalistic accounts and anthologies of Ummo writings—find an avid readership.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clark III 1185
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4652
### Event 31389 (15D01E3C)
**Date:** 1969
**Location:** Gulf of Tonkin
**Description:** Night. During its extended deployment to Vietnam with the 7th Fleet, the destroyer [USS](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS%5FLeary%5F%28DD-879%29) [Leary](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS%5FLeary%5F%28DD-879%29) is navigating fishing waters in the Gulf of Tonkin. Ensign [Will Miller](https://www.linkedin.com/in/cdr-will-miller-usn-retired-vietnam-vet-8a18288) is alerted by the lookout about a possible light from a fishing boat in the water ahead. But the light suddenly moves from above the water to below the surface and heads rapidly toward the ship at 45° to the bow, passing below the vessel. The sailors run to the starboard side to see whether it will emerge, but it does not. Nothing is tracked on radar or sonar or by the ECM system.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Good Need, [pp. 284–285](https://archive.org/details/needtoknow00good/page/284/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4653
### Event 31390 (FAFC6567)
**Date:** 1969
**Description:** A former intelligence officer tells Jacques Vallée the National Bureau of Standards (now the National Institute of Standards and Technology, NIST) once conducted an investigation into UAP as early as 1943 under Hugh L Dryden, which also looked into German research into jet aircraft. They were already aware UAP interfered with combustion engines due to EM effects.
Dryden later joined NACA and then NASA; Dryden told the House Appropriations Committee that someone named “Doolittle” told him UAP didn’t exist.
* [https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2013/03/secret-studies.html](https://ufos-scientificresearch.blogspot.com/2013/03/secret-studies.html)
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_129
### Event 31391 (0799FE36)
**Date:** 1/1969
**Time:** 04:50
**Description:** 2 observer(s). 2 luminous ovoids. Maneuver fast. Brief stops. Very sharp turns etc.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 5)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9159
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "20", **Elev:** "876", **HatchDesc:** "BELO HORIZONTE,BRZ:2 OBS:2 LUMn.OVOIDS:MNVR FAST:BRIEF STOPS:VSHARP TURNS etc", **LatLong:** "-19.933334 -43.933335", **LatLongDMS:** "19:56:00 S 43:56:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-19.933334,-43.933335)", **State/Prov:** "Minas Gerais", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31392 (FCD9EAE2)
**Date:** 1/1969
**Time:** 12:00?
**Location:** GINES TO SEVILLA, SP
**Description:** 2 bankers. Green man, 3M tall / roadside. Want anonymity.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BALLESTER OLMOS, Vicente-Juan: CATALOG of 200 TYPE-1 EVENTS in SPAIN & PORTUGAL; CUFOS 1976. (Index 22)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9160
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NFO:** No craft seen, **MON:** Monster: Life form fits no category, **GNT:** Giant: Large/tall alien
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "GINES to SEVILLA,SP:2 BANKERS:GREEN MAN,3M TALL/ROADSIDE:WANT ANONYMITY.", **LatLong:** "37.377780 -6.016667", **LatLongDMS:** "37:22:40 N 06:01:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.377780,-6.016667)", **State/Prov:** "SVL", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 31393 (5BB319A0)
**Date:** 1/1969
**Time:** 20:00
**Description:** Huge silent cylinder/cylindrical object hovers / slant. Beams light ground. Going up and down [to] 4X. Going quickly northwest.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** DONG, Paul: UFO's Over MODERN CHINA. 1983 UFO Photo Archives; P. O. Box 17206; Tucson, AZ 85710. (Index 52)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9161
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "China", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "6", **HatchDesc:** "JIANGYOU co,SICHUAN,CHINA:HUGE SLNT CYL HVRS/SLANT:BEAMS LITE GND:↑+↓4X:>>NW", **LatLong:** "31.766668 104.716672", **LatLongDMS:** "31:46:00 N 104:43:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/31.766668,104.716672)", **State/Prov:** "SCH", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31394 (11DEE4B6)
**Date:** 1/1969
**Time:** 22:00
**Location:** WHAMGAMATA, NZ
**Description:** Odd silence. 5 figure(s) float going down [to] and near 2 / beach. 1.5M sphere/orb/globe appears. / MJ#177.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO RESEARCH AUSTRALIA NEWSLETTER. (Details missing) (Index 832)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9162
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "New Zealand", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "WHAMGAMATA,NZ:ODD SILENCE:5 FIGs FLOAT↓+NEAR 2/BEACH:1.5M ORB APPEARS:/MJ#177", **LatLong:** "-37.211113 175.850008", **LatLongDMS:** "37:12:40 S 175:51:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-37.211113,175.850008)", **State/Prov:** "NI", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 31395 (3C334D8A)
**Date:** 1/1969
**Location:** Duncan, British Columbia
**Description:** John Magor begins publishing the quarterly Canadian UFO Report in Duncan, British Columbia. It persists through the summer issue of 1979.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** [Canadian UFO Report](http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/Canada/Canadian%20UFO%20Report%20%28Magor%29/Canadian%20UFO%20Report%20-%20vol%201%20no%201%20-%201969.pdf) 1, no. 1 \(January 1969\)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4654
### Event 31396 (759C7474)
**Date:** 1/1/1969
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) The [Condon Report](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html\#Condon), commissioned in 1966 by the [USAF](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/USAF.html), renders its conclusions. (January 1)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1969.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2460
### Event 31397 (AA245851)
**Date:** 1/1/1969
**Time:** 20:40
**Location:** LOMAS DE ZAMORA, ARG
**Description:** 2 observer(s). 3M metallic pea lands behind spa 10M away. Up fast and gone.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 13)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9163
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "21", **HatchDesc:** "LOMAS de ZAMORA,ARG:2 OBS:3M MTLC PEA LANDS BHND SPA 10M away:UP FAST+GONE", **LatLong:** "-34.766668 -58.400003", **LatLongDMS:** "34:46:00 S 58:24:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-34.766668,-58.400003)", **State/Prov:** "Buenos Aires", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31398 (5DCD02A9)
**Date:** 1/2/1969
**Time:** 20:30
**Location:** SPRINGFIELD, MO
**Description:** 2 cops. 160' disk glows / low altitude. Light plane circles going [to] over saucer. Saucer going quickly west.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 8)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9164
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "390", **HatchDesc:** "SPRINGFIELD,MO:2 COPS:160'DISK GLOWS/LO ALT:LITE PLANE CCLS>OVR SCR:SCR>>W", **LatLong:** "37.233335 -93.283338", **LatLongDMS:** "37:14:00 N 93:17:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.233335,-93.283338)", **State/Prov:** "Missouri", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31399 (C734F662)
**Date:** 1/4/1969
**Time:** 19:30
**Description:** Engineers and scientists and several. Night light zigzags going [to] WNW slow. Absolute(ly) silent. Photographs and more.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HOBANA Ion & WEVERBERGH,Julien: UFO'S from BEHIND the IRON CURTAIN; Bantam Books,1975. 308pp. (Index 168)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9165
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Romania", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "45", **HatchDesc:** "COLIBITA,ROMANIA:ENGs+SCIs+SVRL:NLT ZIGZAGS >WNW SLOW:ABS.SILENT:FOTOS+", **LatLong:** "47.177780 24.933335", **LatLongDMS:** "47:10:40 N 24:56:00 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.177780,24.933335)", **State/Prov:** "BST", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 31400 (0D73A591)
**Date:** 1/4/1969
**Time:** 21:10
**Location:** VILLEMER, FR
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Orange ovoid with 2 luminous/glowing wings curving going down / ends. East going west. Back 20 Jan / r230.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 301)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9166
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "15", **HatchDesc:** "VILLEMER,FR:2 OBS:ORG OVOID W/2 LUMN WINGS CURVING ↓/ENDS:E>W::BACK 20JAN/r230", **LatLong:** "48.300002 2.822222", **LatLongDMS:** "48:18:00 N 02:49:20 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.300002,2.822222)", **State/Prov:** "Seine-et-Marne", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31401 (4FA3B8E6)
**Date:** 1/5/1969
**Time:** 04:00
**Location:** WEST / VINA DEL MARCH, CHL
**Description:** Military observer(s). Glowing-object going down [to] and floats. Sea boils. Sulfur odor. Marsh plants.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 118)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9167
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **ODR:** Odors associated with UFO's
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Chile", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "W/VINA del MAR,CHL:MIL.OBS:GLO-OBJ ↓+FLOATS:SEA BOILS:SULFUR ODOR:MARSH PLANTS", **LatLong:** "-33.005557 -71.672226", **LatLongDMS:** "33:00:20 S 71:40:20 W", **Locale:** "Offshore", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-33.005557,-71.672226)", **State/Prov:** "SNT", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 31402 (8946AC3A)
**Date:** 1/5/1969
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** PORTO ALEGRE, BRZ
**Description:** Soldiers / Vila Floresta. Fireball hovers. Shoots fiery beam when moving.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 5)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9168
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "90", **Elev:** "55", **HatchDesc:** "PORTO ALEGRE,BRZ:SOLDIERS/VILA FLORESTA:FBL HVRS:SHOOTS FIERY BEAM WHEN MOVING", **LatLong:** "-30.016668 -51.216669", **LatLongDMS:** "30:01:00 S 51:13:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-30.016668,-51.216669)", **State/Prov:** "RGS", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31403 (AB41F056)
**Date:** 1/5/1969
**Description:** At four o'clock in the morning a glowing object rose to the surface and floated on the ocean off the coast of Vina del Mar, Valparaiso, Chile. The surface of the sea boiled and there was an odor of sulphur in the air. At 9:00 p.m. in Port Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil soldiers at the Vila Floresta watched a hovering fireball that shot a fiery beam when it began moving. At 11:45 p.m. on the highway between Campos and Itaparuna, Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil a single witness stopped his car to watch a metallic domed ovoid-shaped object hovering over a nearby hilltop. The dome on the object glowed a purple color.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** (1) Lumieres dans la Nuit, issue 118; (2) Walter Buhler, FSR Case Histories, June 1971, p. 9; (3) UFO Nachtrichten, February 1973, citing a newspaper source
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_122
### Event 31404 (10A86E54)
**Date:** 1/6/1969
**Time:** 18:30
**Description:** Several pilots and Air Traffic Controllers and more. Fake moon changes color(s). Haze. Part breaks off.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 831)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9169
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "20", **Elev:** "245", **HatchDesc:** "N/SPARTANBURG,SC:SVRL PILOTS+ATCs+:FAKE MOON CHANGES CLRS:HAZE:PART BREAKS OFF", **LatLong:** "35.000002 -81.933337", **LatLongDMS:** "35:00:00 N 81:56:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/35.000002,-81.933337)", **State/Prov:** "South Carolina", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31405 (974D5E73)
**Date:** 1/6/1969
**Time:** 20:30
**Location:** PONTEJOS, SPAIN
**Description:** 4 observer(s). 5 pseudo-human/entity in luminous square object. Object becomes saucer! Flies gently. / r50.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PHENOMENES SPATIAUX: Group GEPA, Gen. M. Lionel Chassin Paris. Quarterly 1964?-1977. Merged into Grp. GEPAN (Index 26)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9170
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "PONTEJOS,SPAIN:4 OBS:5 PSH in LUM SQR OBJ:OBJ BECOMES SCR!:FLIES GENTLY:/r50", **LatLong:** "43.333335 -4.366667", **LatLongDMS:** "43:20:00 N 04:22:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.333335,-4.366667)", **State/Prov:** "SNT", **Strangeness:** "11"
### Event 31406 (54ADA16F)
**Date:** 1/6/1969
**Locations:** Leary, Georgia; Eglin AFB near Valparaiso, Florida
**Description:** 7:15 p.m. Future president [Jimmy Carter](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jimmy%5FCarter) is preparing to give a speech at a Lions Club meeting at Leary, Georgia. One of the guests calls his attention to a strange object visible about 30° above the horizon to the west of where he is standing. Carter describes the object as being bright white and about as bright as the moon. It appears to have closed in on where he is standing but stops beyond a stand of pine trees some distance from him. The object changes color, first to blue, then to red, then back to white, before appearing to recede into the distance. Carter feels that the object is self-illuminated and not solid in nature. Carter’s report indicates that it is witnessed by about 10–12 other people and is in view for 10–12 minutes before it passes out of sight. Skeptic [Robert](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert%5FSheaffer) [Sheaffer](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert%5FSheaffer) concludes that the object is a misidentification of Venus. Ufologist [Allan Hendry](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allan%5FHendry) does calculations and agrees with the assessment of the object as Venus. A member of the Carter family thinks it might have been a barium cloud produced by rockets launched from Eglin AFB near Valparaiso, Florida.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Jimmy Carter](http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/Canada/Canadian%20UFO%20Report%20%28Magor%29/Canadian%20UFO%20Report%20-%20vol%201%20no%201%20-%201969.pdf) [UFO incident](http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/Canada/Canadian%20UFO%20Report%20%28Magor%29/Canadian%20UFO%20Report%20-%20vol%201%20no%201%20-%201969.pdf)”; Clark III 225; Good Above, [pp. 368](https://archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/368/mode/2up)[,](https://archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/368/mode/2up) [516–517](https://archive.org/details/B-001-014-055/page/516/mode/2up); Robert Sheaffer, “[President Jimmy Carter’s](https://www.debunker.com/texts/carter%5Fufo.html) [Sighting of a UFO](https://www.debunker.com/texts/carter%5Fufo.html)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4655
### Event 31407 (DB1824AC)
**Date:** 1/6/1969
**Description:** Maren Merino was working in the kitchen of her family's small café in Pontejos, Santander, Spain at 9:15 p.m. when she looked out the kitchen window and saw an intensely bright light. Her daughter, 25-year old Felicidad Fernandez Merino then entered the kitchen and also observed the light. Felicidad asks her mother about it, but she continued to ignore the light. Thinking this was abnormal, Felicidad yelled to two other women, including a woman called Paquita. All three women then opened the window and saw an incredible scene: on a field only 30 meters away, and hovering about three meters from the ground, was a luminous square 4-5 meters wide. It was an intense orange-white color. Inside the luminous square they saw the silhouette of a man walking about. From the right another figure appeared and both walked toward the left side of the illuminated square. Next, from the opposite end of the square three more figures appear, making a total of five figures. By now the witnesses are totally fascinated and shout out to the beings. At this time they are joined by another witness, 35-year-old Antonio. When Antonio looked out the window the craft vanished from sight.
According to the witnesses the movements of the humanoids was mechanical in nature, with arms straight down their sides with no apparent joint movement. The beings were tall and well built, with normal features, chestnut-color hair, and light skin. They wore something similar to black, tight-fitting coveralls with sleeves and turtlenecks. The incident lasted for five minutes. As the witnesses continued to look for the UFO a small shiny sphere descended from the middle of the sky, falling to the ground in a curved trajectory. The body of the UFO again became visible, clearly displaying the shiny square section and the portion of the object hat had been invisible to the witnesses thus far. It was a dull silver color, lightly fluorescent, and shaped like a domed cupola. The object then rose slowly and disappeared quickly, leaving behind a brilliant greenish track that persisted for about 15 minutes after the object left.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos, Catalogue of 200 Type-I UFO Events in Spain and Portugal, case 100; Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos, OVNIs: El Fenomeno Aterrizaje, p. 86; UNICAT database, case 435; David F. Webb and Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1969-03 (A1017), citing Manuel Pedrajo and Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_167
### Event 31408 (5E1A064F)
**Date:** 1/7/1969
**Time:** 23:00
**Description:** Physics student and more/others. Odd object shoots beams every 37 second(s).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 5)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9171
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "40", **Elev:** "876", **HatchDesc:** "BELO HORIZONTE,BRZ:PHYSICS STUDENT++:ODD OBJ SHOOTS BEAMS EVERY 37sec:", **LatLong:** "-19.933334 -43.916669", **LatLongDMS:** "19:56:00 S 43:55:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-19.933334,-43.916669)", **State/Prov:** "Minas Gerais", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31409 (AB69B8CF)
**Date:** 1/8/1969
**Time:** 22:00?
**Location:** EDINA, MO
**Description:** Saucer hovers. Small humanoid (or Grey) makes repairs. Looks surprised when he sees observer(s). / r113p194.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 853)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9172
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "20", **Elev:** "238", **HatchDesc:** "EDINA,MO:SCR HVRS:OID MAKES REPAIRS:LOOKS SURPRISED when he sees obs:/r113p194", **LatLong:** "40.166669 -92.172227", **LatLongDMS:** "40:10:00 N 92:10:20 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.166669,-92.172227)", **State/Prov:** "Missouri", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 31410 (79566846)
**Date:** 1/8/1969
**Location:** US
**Description:** National Academy of Sciences letter by Dr. Frederick Seitz, president, to secretary of the Air Force, stating that the NAS review panel "unanimously approved" the Colorado University (Condon Committee) report.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_175
### Event 31411 (2BB1E14E)
**Date:** 1/8/1969
**Location:** Colorado
**Description:** The National Academy of Sciences releases its review of the Colorado project report, giving its enthusiastic approval. In a letter to Assistant Secretary of the Air Force [Alexander H. Flax](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexander%5FH.%5FFlax)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexander%5FH.%5FFlax) [Frederick Seitz](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frederick%5FSeitz) expresses the hope that the review would “be helpful to you and other responsible officials in determining the nature and scope of any research effort in this area.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** National Academy of Sciences, “[Review of the University of Colorado Report](http://www.project1947.com/shg/articles/nascu.html) [on Unidentified Flying Objects by a Panel of the National Academy of Sciences,](http://www.project1947.com/shg/articles/nascu.html)” January 8, 1969; Story, [pp.](https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofuf0000unse/page/244/mode/2up) [244–245](https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofuf0000unse/page/244/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4656
### Event 31412 (08DDE49B)
**Date:** 1/8/1969
**Location:** Colorado
**Description:** Science reporter [Walter Sullivan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Walter%5FSullivan%5F%28journalist%29) writes that the soon-to-be-released Colorado project report will debunk the extraterrestrial hypothesis and dismiss “demands of some scientists and laymen for a large-scale effort to determine the nature of such ‘flying saucers.’ Such a project, the report says in effect, would be a waste of time and money.” Sullivan dismisses the project’s critics as “UFO enthusiasts.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Walter Sullivan, “[U.F.O. Finding: No](https://timesmachine.nytimes.com/timesmachine/1969/01/08/77316465.pdf) [Visits from Afar,](https://timesmachine.nytimes.com/timesmachine/1969/01/08/77316465.pdf)” New York Times, January 8, 1969, pp. 1–2
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4657
### Event 31413 (9BF1FCD2)
**Date:** 1/8/1969
**Description:** A humanoid was spotted making repairs on a hovering disc-shaped craft for twenty minutes at ten p.m. in Edina, Missouri. He looked surprised when he saw the witness.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Larry Hatch, U computer database, case 8705 citing APRO Bulletin January-February 1971
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_193
### Event 31414 (55A1ABBF)
**Date:** 1/9/1969
**Location:** US
**Description:** University of Colorado "Condon Report" publicly released.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_176
### Event 31415 (25E8321A)
**Date:** 1/9/1969
**Description:** The Colorado project report is released to the public in a 965-page Bantam Books edition.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Edward U. Condon, scientific director, [Scientific Study of Unidentified Flying Objects](https://archive.org/details/scientificstudyo0000unse%5Fl5t2/page/n5/mode/2up), Bantam, 1969; \[[HTML version](https://files.ncas.org/condon/text/contents.htm)\]
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4658
### Event 31416 (A79DB58A)
**Date:** 1/10/1969
**Time:** 18:30
**Location:** NOISY RUDIGNON, FR
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Huge saucer-cylinder/cigar-shape with row / colored windows going east / treetop level.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 301)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9173
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "NOISY RUDIGNON,FR:2 OBS:HUGE SCR-CGR W/ROW/CLRD WINDOWS >E/TREETOP LEVEL", **LatLong:** "48.333336 2.922222", **LatLongDMS:** "48:20:00 N 02:55:20 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.333336,2.922222)", **State/Prov:** "Seine-et-Marne", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31417 (9144B204)
**Date:** 1/11/1969
**Time:** 08:20
**Location:** SIBIU, ROMANIA
**Description:** Weatherman tracks disk / theodolite / 40 second(s). Flies going northeast against wind.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HOBANA Ion & WEVERBERGH,Julien: UFO'S from BEHIND the IRON CURTAIN; Bantam Books,1975. 308pp. (Index 175)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9174
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Romania", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "SIBIU,ROMANIA:WEATHERMAN TRACKS DISK/THEODOLITE/40sec:FLIES >NE AGAINST WIND", **LatLong:** "45.766669 24.150001", **LatLongDMS:** "45:46:00 N 24:09:00 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.766669,24.150001)", **State/Prov:** "SBU", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31418 (F11A027D)
**Date:** 1/11/1969
**Location:** Washington US
**Description:** Press conference at National Press Club. Donald Keyhoe, NICAP director, Richard Hall, N1CAP assistant director, Dr. James E. McDonald, and Dr. David R. Saunders disputing conclusions of the Condon Report.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_177
### Event 31419 (B4C013FB)
**Date:** 1/11/1969
**Location:** National Press Club in Washington, D.C.
**Description:** [Keyhoe](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald%5FKeyhoe)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald%5FKeyhoe) [Saunders](https://psycnet.apa.org/record/1993-27194-001)[,](https://psycnet.apa.org/record/1993-27194-001) and [McDonald](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James%5FE.%5FMcDonald) hold a press conference at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., to criticize the Condon report.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Jacobs, UFO Controversy in America, Signet ed., 1976, [pp. 216–217](https://archive.org/details/ufocontroversyin00jaco/page/216/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4659
### Event 31420 (C33E1D9D)
**Date:** 1/11/1969
**Description:** At 8:20 a.m. a weatherman at the Sibiu Meteorological Station in Romania tracked a disc-shaped object with a theodolite for 40 seconds. It flew toward the northeast against the wind in a clear sky.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Ion Hobana & Julien Weverbergh, UFOs from Behind the Iron Curtain, p. 175
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_258
### Event 31421 (2DCD9768)
**Date:** 1/12/1969
**Description:** At eight o'clock in the morning two local UFO investigators had driven to an isolated area of Mount Misery on Long Island, New York in order to photograph the landscape. Walking on foot near a wooded hill, they caught sight of a tall human like figure that appeared to have a disfigured face and long wild black hair. He also wore a long black garment. Upon seeing the UFO investigators the being retreated silently into the woods.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1969, case # 1897, citing John A. Keel, Strange Mutants
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_278
### Event 31422 (3F7566FC)
**Date:** 1/13/1969
**Time:** ~18:00
**Location:** VADO LIGURE, ITL
**Description:** 8M circular object takes off from large construction site. Crushed grass.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** ITACAT, Catalogo Italiano degli Incontri Ravvicinati. Maurizio Verga, 1989 CISU/Torino, Italy. (Index 63)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9175
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Italy", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "VADO LIGURE,ITL:8M CIRC.OBJ TAKES OFF from LRG CONSTRUCTION SITE:crushed grass", **LatLong:** "44.283335 8.450000", **LatLongDMS:** "44:17:00 N 08:27:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.283335,8.450000)", **State/Prov:** "SV", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31423 (08D9D52B)
**Date:** 1/13/1969
**Description:** In Vado Ligure, Italy at around 6 p.m. an eight meter in diameter circular object was seen taking off from a construction site, crushed grass was found at the landing site.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Larry Hatch, U computer database, case # 8708; Maurizio Verga, ITACAT, case 63
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_299
### Event 31424 (10149D08)
**Date:** 1/14/1969
**Location:** AUSTRALIA, Childers, Queensland
**Description:** (Translated from French) At 4:30 in the morning, the Vas family, recent immigrants, were awoken by their dog's furious barking. At the same time, they heard the buzzing of a swarm of bees, but louder. They stepped out of their caravan and saw at 25 or 30 meters away an "enormous sombrero" that shone with a violet light. Three "men" descended from it in a miniature craft similar to the large object. They seemed to be three times the size of humans. They also shone with a yellow-violet light. They began to pick sugarcane, which they put into the large craft through a transparent tube. After ten minutes, they entered the large vessel, which flew away. The takeoff made the witnesses' hair and fur stand on end.
**Reference:** 1. "North Queensland Register" Jan 18 1969. 2. Adelaide "News" Jan 17 1969. 3. FSR 18/1/26. - Keith Basterfield
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2550
### Event 31425 (B803DF2C)
**Date:** 1/14/1969
**Location:** ELSTHORPE, NZ
**Description:** 2 observer(s) photograph Saturn-saucer with halo. Maneuvers. 2 night lights orbit. Vanish. / r84p245.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 184)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9176
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "New Zealand", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "ELSTHORPE,NZ:2 OBS FOTO SATURN-SCR W/HALO:MNVRS:2 NLTS ORBIT:VANISH:/r84p245", **LatLong:** "-39.950002 176.866675", **LatLongDMS:** "39:57:00 S 176:52:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-39.950002,176.866675)", **State/Prov:** "NI", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31426 (0A4432B0)
**Date:** 1/14/1969
**Time:** 04:30
**Location:** CHILDERS, QLD
**Description:** 4 observer(s). Saucer going down. 3 5M figure(s) glow. Cane and plant samples. / FSRv15#3+/ MJ#109.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Database/website: BASTERFIELD, KEITH: ENTCAT97.DOC: Catalog of Australian Entity and related reports: October 1997
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9177
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens, **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "CHILDERS,QLD:4 OBS:SCR↓:3 5M FIGs GLOW:CANE+PLANT SAMPLES:/FSRv15#3+/MJ#109", **LatLong:** "-25.250001 152.283341", **LatLongDMS:** "25:15:00 S 152:17:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-25.250001,152.283341)", **State/Prov:** "Queensland", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 31427 (998704D3)
**Date:** 1/14/1969
**Time:** 19:30
**Location:** LA BARBEE, FR
**Description:** 30cm globe with 5 spikes hovers / woods. Going southwest turns going west. Small disk back / 15 Jan.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LDLN CONTACT LECTEURS: by Series and #. May'68 -JAN'72 (Entire set of 18 issues) LDLN local chapters & individual members' UFO reports. (Index 27)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9178
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "45", **HatchDesc:** "La BARBEE,FR:30cm GLOBE W/5 SPIKES HVRS/WOODS:> SW TURNS>W:SML DISK BACK/15JAN", **LatLong:** "47.683336 -0.200000", **LatLongDMS:** "47:41:00 N 00:12:00 W", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.683336,-0.200000)", **State/Prov:** "SRT", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31428 (E0DEAEFB)
**Date:** 1/14/1969
**Description:** George Vas and his wife and two daughters were asleep in their trailer near Childers, Queensland, Australia when they were awakened at 4:30 a.m. by the barking of their dog. They also heard a loud buzzing noise like a swarm of wasps. It came from a UFO shaped like a sombrero, about 25-30 yards in diameter, which gave off a brilliant violet luminosity. From the craft three beings descended. They were huge, "about 3 times as large as humans," and had "blocky arms and legs and shapeless bodies." They emitted a purple and yellow glow. For about ten minutes they gathered sugar cane and other plant specimens, without concern for the observers. Mrs. Olga Vas said that the beings descended from the larger craft in a small object similar in shape. At one point one of the entities came close enough to the group for Mr. Vas to call out in alarm. The "spaceman" showed no concern and moved away only after picking up several rocks. The giant creatures re-entered their craft and the UFO took off vertically. When it took off the hair on the witnesses' bodies stood on end, as if affected by a form of static electricity.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Bill Chalker case files, case # 2014; Bill Chalker & Keith Basterfield, Australian Catalogue of Close Encounter Type Three Reports, p. 22; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1969-04, citing Keith Basterfield
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_317
### Event 31429 (44D1CBD1)
**Date:** 1/14/1969
**Description:** A one-foot in diameter sphere with 5 spikes was seen hovering in the woods in La Barbee, Sarthe department, France for 45 minutes. It then flew to the southwest, turned and flew off to the west. A small disc-shaped object was again seen in the area the next day.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Larry Hatch, U computer database, case 8711, citing FSR, July-August 1969
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_318
### Event 31430 (A78E2FA2)
**Date:** 1/15/1969
**Location:** ARGENTINA, Jucy Province
**Description:** (Translated from French) …a farmer was woken up in the middle of the night…by a strange, penetrating smell coming from outside. (…) He got up to go outside. When he opened the door, he came face to face with two small humanoids strapped in dark suits. The farmer noticed details that gave him the chills: they had a big head and big phosphorescent eyes. The two monstrous little beings advanced towards him, gesticulating. Frightened, the brave man closed the door and barricaded it as best he could. (January 15th, 1969)
**Reference:** Jean FERGUSON: "Les Humanoïdes…" éd. Leméac, Ottawa, 1977, p.32
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2551
### Event 31431 (E471A3D3)
**Date:** 1/15/1969
**Location:** VIMY RIDGE, QB
**Description:** Several observer(s). 3 7.5M saucers maneuver over Bois-Francs. Light snow. 1 lands.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 120)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9179
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "20", **Elev:** "203", **HatchDesc:** "VIMY RIDGE,QB:SVRL OBS:3 7.5M SCRS MNVR OVR BOIS-FRANCS:LITE SNOW:1 LANDS", **LatLong:** "46.000002 -71.416670", **LatLongDMS:** "46:00:00 N 71:25:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.000002,-71.416670)", **State/Prov:** "Quebec", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31432 (E99B1656)
**Date:** 1/15/1969 (approximate)
**Time:** 04:30
**Description:** Silent 10M cylinder/cigar-shape hovers / 30M altitude / 10 second(s). Lights / ends. Going north to mountains. Flashes.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 831)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9180
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "New Zealand", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "PALMERSTON N.,NZ:SLNT 10M CGR HVRS/30M alt/10sec:LITES/ENDS:>N to Mtns:flashes", **LatLong:** "-40.333335 175.600008", **LatLongDMS:** "40:20:00 S 175:36:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-40.333335,175.600008)", **State/Prov:** "NI", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31433 (CA7FAA8F)
**Date:** 1/15/1969
**Time:** 23:50
**Description:** Judge and 1. Metallic ovoid hovers / hilltop. Dome glows lilac. / r156#6.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GRANCHI, Irene: UFO's and ABDUCTIONS in BRAZIL: Horus House Press, Madison, WI: 1992 (English translation 1994) ISBN 1-881852-09-1 (Index 77)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9181
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "120", **HatchDesc:** "CAMPOS> Event 31434 (F4F36223)
**Date:** 1/15/1969
**Time:** 19:00:00.1
**Location:** 37.1479 -116.0657
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Packard” Yield: 10KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_578
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1479 -116.0657", **LatLongDMS:** "37:08:52 N 116:03:57 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1479,-116.0657)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.25", **NukeName:** "Packard", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "10"
### Event 31435 (7ACFE372)
**Date:** 1/15/1969
**Time:** 19:30:00.0
**Location:** 37.2091 -116.2254
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Wineskin” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 200KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_579
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.2091 -116.2254", **LatLongDMS:** "37:12:33 N 116:13:31 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.2091,-116.2254)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.52", **NukeMb:** "5.30", **NukeName:** "Wineskin", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "200"
### Event 31436 (14F80342)
**Date:** 1/15/1969
**Description:** During the afternoon of this day Ludwig Pallmann felt a burning sensation from a ring given to him by someone he presumed was an extraterrestrial. The sensation was a signal for an upcoming contact, so Mr. Pallmann took his motorboat to a local sandy beach on Isla del Altar, El Salvador. There he noticed that several huge concentric circles ruffled the normally placid waters of the lake. Shortly after that he encountered a human looking being named Satu Ra, who he had met on previous occasions. Satu Ra was sitting motionless on a nearby rock. He wore dark green coveralls and had on a broad instrument belt on which was a large device. Ra was inexpressively sad. He told Pallmann that another extraterrestrial that they both knew, named Xiti, had been killed. Supposedly a disaster had befallen the expedition on another planet. Shortly after this close encounter locals reported observing a silvery disc-shaped UFO hovering over the capital city San Salvador.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1969, case 32, citing Timothy Good, Alien Base
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_336
### Event 31437 (E16074FB)
**Date:** 1/15/1969
**Description:** At 8:30 p.m. a man driving from Extremadura stopped his car in Las Pajanosas, Sevilla province, Spain and got out to investigate a light he saw nearby. When he got to within 200 meters of it he could see an illuminated rectangle in which several figures were seen walking in front of. A dog that had been watching the light with him had its hair raised and was growling softly. Alarmed, the witness left the scene. When he returned a few days later with a friend they found three apparent landing marks at the site, six feet apart.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb and Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1969-05, citing Felipe Laffitte; Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1969, case 33
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_337
### Event 31438 (CB461397)
**Date:** 1/16/1969
**Time:** 19:00
**Description:** 2 / (seen thru) binoculars on boat. 30M disk / 450M altitude. Vibrant bright. Away extremely fast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 831)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9182
**Attributes:** **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "25", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "PRINCE WILLIAM SOUND,AK:2/BINOCS on BOAT:30M DISK/450M alt:VBRITE:AWAY XFAST:", **LatLong:** "60.750003 -147.000007", **LatLongDMS:** "60:45:00 N 147:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Offshore", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/60.750003,-147.000007)", **RelAlt:** "135", **State/Prov:** "Alaska", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31439 (2FCB885C)
**Date:** 1/16/1969
**Time:** 20:30
**Location:** LAS PAJANOSAS, SP
**Description:** Luminous/glowing rectangle / ground. 3 figures pass several times. Traces / soil. / r50.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PHENOMENES SPATIAUX: Group GEPA, Gen. M. Lionel Chassin Paris. Quarterly 1964?-1977. Merged into Grp. GEPAN (Index 26)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9183
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **NFO:** No craft seen, **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "LAS PAJANOSAS,SP:LUMn RECTANGLE/GND:3 FIGURES PASS SVRL TIMES:TRACES/SOIL:/r50", **LatLong:** "37.638891 -6.100000", **LatLongDMS:** "37:38:20 N 06:06:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.638891,-6.100000)", **State/Prov:** "SVL", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 31440 (2B043445)
**Date:** 1/16/1969
**Description:** While driving down a highway in Las Pajanosas, Spain in Sevilla province a man and his dog encountered an illuminated rectangle on or near the ground at 10:30 p.m. His dog began howling. The silhouettes of beings could be seen moving around in front of the lighted source for the ten minutes the UFO was on the ground. Later investigation found three apparent landing imprints, arranged in a triangle six feet apart.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos, Catalogue of 200 Type-I UFO Events in Spain and Portugal, case 101, citing investigation by Felipe Laffitte
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_350
### Event 31441 (7F9398FC)
**Date:** 1/17/1969
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Sighting at Crittenton \(Virginia\). (January 17)
**Reference:** case [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) \#12607 unsolved
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1969.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2461
### Event 31442 (6FD16E5B)
**Date:** 1/17/1969
**Time:** 03:20
**Location:** CRITTENDEN, VA
**Description:** NASA man. Ovoid with portholes. 1 blinks. Humming. Going up and down. Going NNW. Turns going west. / r33p111.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BERLINER, DON: The BLUEBOOK UNKNOWNS; (FUFOR). (Index 37)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9184
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "6", **HatchDesc:** "CRITTENDEN,VA:NASA MAN:OVOID W/PORTS:1 BLINKS:HUM:↑+↓:> NNW:TURNS >W:/r33p111", **LatLong:** "36.916668 -76.483337", **LatLongDMS:** "36:55:00 N 76:29:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/36.916668,-76.483337)", **State/Prov:** "Virginia", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31443 (FC615327)
**Date:** 1/17/1969
**Time:** 12:00
**Location:** SR100 SOUTH / NUTWOOD, IL
**Description:** 3 / separate cars. Silent 40cm 'wheel' hovers. Going up and down. Possible landing. Quickly going up [to] fast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 831)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9185
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "18", **Elev:** "135", **HatchDesc:** "SR100 S/NUTWOOD,IL:3/SEP.CARS:SLNT 40cm 'WHEEL' HVRS:↑+↓:POSS.LANDING:↑↑ FAST", **LatLong:** "39.033335 -90.516671", **LatLongDMS:** "39:02:00 N 90:31:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.033335,-90.516671)", **State/Prov:** "Illinois", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31444 (2F662A27)
**Date:** 1/17/1969
**Time:** 19:10
**Location:** EVILLERS, FR
**Description:** Many observer(s). Silent red moon-size diamond-saucer going quickly [to] over town. Stops. Vanishes.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 103)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9186
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "EVILLERS,FR:MANY OBS:SLNT RED MOONSIZE DIAMOND-SCR >>OVR TOWN:STOPS:VANISHES", **LatLong:** "46.983336 6.200000", **LatLongDMS:** "46:59:00 N 06:12:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.983336,6.200000)", **State/Prov:** "Doubs", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31445 (6D640A19)
**Date:** 1/17/1969
**Location:** Crittendon, VA
**Description:** Amber lights, one blinking, in elliptical formation (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 12607)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3999
### Event 31446 (5841FE65)
**Date:** 1/17/1969
**Time:** 3:24 AM
**Location:** Crittenden, Virginia
**Description:** Witness: Mr. Roman Lupton, test facility mechanic. Several amber lights--one of them blinking--in an elliptical formation, flew forward slowly while moving up and down, then turned and disappeared after 2 minutes. Made a humming sound.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [BlueBook Unknowns PDF](https://github.com/richgel999/uap_resources/blob/main/bluebook_uncensored_unknowns_don_berliner.pdf)
**Source:** BerlinerBBUnknowns, **ID:** BerlinerBBU_583
### Event 31447 (BED17BA6)
**Date:** 1/18/1969
**Time:** 22:40
**Location:** MALTA
**Description:** D. Fagan. Long silent red cylinder/cigar-shape going quickly southwest high and fast. Seen / 8 second(s) through break / 9km clouds.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 829)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9187
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Greece and Island nations", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "MALTA:D.FAGAN:LONG SLNT RED CGR >>SW HI+FAST:SEEN/8sec THRU BREAK/9km CLOUDS", **LatLong:** "35.866668 14.500001", **LatLongDMS:** "35:52:00 N 14:30:00 E", **Locale:** "Islands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/35.866668,14.500001)", **State/Prov:** "MLT", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31448 (D5E5F1A8)
**Date:** 1/20/1969
**End date:** 8/9/1974
**Description:** President Richard Nixon in office
**Type:** historical event
**Reference:** (Wikipedia)(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Nixon)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_657
### Event 31449 (B01BED70)
**Date:** 1/20/1969
**Description:** In 1969, at Weymouth, Massachusetts near an abandoned ammunition depot, an object was sighted which looked like a white dish inverted upon a dish with a dark ring around its perimeter. It had a dome on top and one red and two amber lights on its leading edge. It moved up and down a few times before moving out of sight around 10:30 p.m.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Raymond Fowler, UFOs: Interplanetary Visitors, Jericho, NY, 1975, p. 355
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_394
### Event 31450 (D53B7C06)
**Date:** 1/21/1969
**Time:** 23:00?
**Location:** VALLEYVIEW, ALTA
**Description:** 3 RCMP and more/others. Round red object hovers and maneuvers / 45 minute(s). Lands / farm? / APRO Mar'69.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PHILLIPS, Ted: Study of PHYSICAL TRACES ASSOCIATED with UFO SIGHTINGS; CUFOS 1975. (Index 61)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9188
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "45", **Elev:** "718", **HatchDesc:** "VALLEYVIEW,ALTA:3 RCMP++:RND RED OBJ HVRs+MNVRs/45min:LANDS/FARM?:/APRO Mar'69", **LatLong:** "55.050003 -117.272228", **LatLongDMS:** "55:03:00 N 117:16:20 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/55.050003,-117.272228)", **State/Prov:** "Alberta", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31451 (313923F5)
**Date:** 1/21/1969
**Locations:** Vaud, Switzerland; Lucens reactor
**Description:** The Lucens reactor in Vaud, Switzerland, suffers a loss-of-control accident that leads to a partial core meltdown and massive radioactive contamination of its cavern, which is sealed.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Lucens reactor](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lucens%5Freactor\#Nuclear%5Faccident)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4660
### Event 31452 (95A3C710)
**Date:** 1/22/1969
**Time:** 21:50
**Location:** LEXINGTON, MASS
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Dark ovoid. 4 lights / edge. Sways to and fro over country lake.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FOWLER, Raymond E.: UFO'S, INTERPLANETARY VISITORS; Prentice Hall & Bantam Books, NY 1979. 346pp. (Index 338)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9189
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "61", **HatchDesc:** "LEXINGTON,MASS:2 OBS:DARK OVOID:4 LITES/EDGE:SWAYS TO+FRO ovr COUNTRY LAKE", **LatLong:** "42.444446 -71.227781", **LatLongDMS:** "42:26:40 N 71:13:40 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.444446,-71.227781)", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31453 (F4F18A6E)
**Date:** 1/22/1969
**Location:** 37.0000 -116.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Shave” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_580
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0000 -116.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:00 N 116:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0000,-116.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Shave", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 31454 (2C0A0236)
**Date:** 1/22/1969
**Locations:** Laos; New York
**Description:** Elements of the Ninth Marine Division go more than a mile into Laos to protect the flanks of a major combat operation. The New York Times reveals the operation on February 12. Though American combat involvement in Laos is not officially acknowledged until 1969, the US is known to have organized, trained, and equipped a clandestine army of Laotian irregulars since the early 1950s, under the direction of the CIA.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Seymour M. Hersh, “[Secret 1969 Foray into Laos Reported,](https://timesmachine.nytimes.com/timesmachine/1973/08/12/90463689.pdf)” New York Times, August 12, 1973, p. 1, 5
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4661
### Event 31455 (1010C64F)
**Date:** 1/22/1969
**Description:** A dark oval object with a central light on the top and bottom and four white lights around the edge moved in a side-to-side swaying motion over Lexington, Massachusetts at 9:50 p.m.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Raymond E. Fowler, case report dated January 25, 1969; Raymond E. Fowler, UFOs: Interplanetary Visitors
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_414
### Event 31456 (921C9D7F)
**Date:** 1/25/1969
**Time:** 00:30
**Location:** YORKVILLE, IL
**Description:** Long cone going [to] backwards. Car malfunctions due to EME (electro-magnetic effects) and rises! Farm lights out. Going quickly northwest. / r113p59.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RODEGHIER, Mark/CUFOS: UFO REPORTS INVOLVING VEHICLE INTERFERENCE; CUFOS 1979. Available as CUFOS UFO Archive #1 CD-ROM. http://www.cufos.org/Pubform.pdf (Index 44)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9190
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "192", **HatchDesc:** "YORKVILLE,IL:LONG CONE >BACKWARDS:CAR EMES+RISES!:FARM LITES OUT:>>NW:/r113p59", **LatLong:** "41.638891 -88.450004", **LatLongDMS:** "41:38:20 N 88:27:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.638891,-88.450004)", **State/Prov:** "Illinois", **Strangeness:** "11"
### Event 31457 (DAEDFF57)
**Date:** 1/25/1969
**Time:** 17:30
**Location:** CAMPINAS, BRZ
**Description:** Professor takes 3 photographs / spinning metallic umbrella. Hums. Blast / air.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 5)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9191
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "662", **HatchDesc:** "CAMPINAS,BRZ:PROFESSOR TAKES 3 FOTOS/SPINNING MTLC UMBRELLA:HUMS:BLAST/AIR", **LatLong:** "-22.900001 -47.083336", **LatLongDMS:** "22:54:00 S 47:05:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-22.900001,-47.083336)", **State/Prov:** "São Paulo", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31458 (AACDB69F)
**Date:** 1/25/1969
**Location:** Plattevillie, IL
**Description:** Cone-shaped object approached, outside farm lights went out. CUFOS report; see Rodeghier, 1981, p. 44. (E,L) car (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_4000
### Event 31459 (ECA58869)
**Date:** 1/25/1969
**Location:** Plattville, Illinois
**Description:** 12:30 a.m. A young couple is driving near Plattville, Illinois. The woman sees a bright object like an ice- cream cone low in the sky ahead, traveling big end first. They get within a quarter mile and the object turns point up and only 30 feet off the ground. Security lights on a nearby farmhouse go off. The object spins and flashes, and the car engine and lights go off. The front end of the car lifts 3 feet off the ground. The UFO moves away and the car drops and regains its power.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Michael D. Swords, “Messing Around with the Force,” IUR 31, no. 4 \(March 2008\): 16
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4662
### Event 31460 (A6EE0DD4)
**Date:** 1/26/1969
**Description:** On a farm southeast of Fernley, Nevada while milking cows at five o'clock in the morning, a young man named Schade saw a red glowing sphere moving slowly, ten meters above the ground, a quarter of a mile away. The object hovered, the emitted white mist. Each time it stopped moving the light went out. Finally, the UFO ascended with a jerky motion toward the west and Reno.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Mark Massingill, NICAP case file, report dated February 24, 1969; Data-Net Report, October 1971, p. 5
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_525
### Event 31461 (FA94430B)
**Date:** 1/27/1969
**Time:** ~04:00
**Location:** LINS, BRZ
**Description:** Several observer(s). 10' luminous/glowing ovoid on ground behind stadium. Takes off when seen.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 5)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9192
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "460", **HatchDesc:** "LINS,BRZ:SVRL OBS:10'LUMn OVOID ON GND BEHIND STADIUM:TAKES OFF WHEN SEEN", **LatLong:** "-21.683334 -49.766669", **LatLongDMS:** "21:41:00 S 49:46:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-21.683334,-49.766669)", **State/Prov:** "São Paulo", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31462 (8726CC00)
**Date:** 1/28/1969
**Description:** Guard. Silent "pot" north going quickly south over trees. Lights area like day.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 113)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9193
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "SANLUCAR de BARRAMEDA,Sp:GUARD:SLNT "POT" N>>S OVR TREES:LITES AREA like DAY", **LatLong:** "36.766668 -6.333334", **LatLongDMS:** "36:46:00 N 06:20:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/36.766668,-6.333334)", **State/Prov:** "CDZ", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31463 (6B03CD0D)
**Date:** 1/28/1969
**Description:** In 1969 at 10 p.m., a guard in San Lucar de Barrame, Spain watched a "pot" fly silently over trees at a low altitude, from north to south. The UFO illuminated the area like daytime.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, Computerized Catalogue; Larry Hatch "U" database
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_555
### Event 31464 (43F45863)
**Date:** 1/29/1969
**Time:** 10:00
**Location:** MATADEPERA, SP
**Description:** 3M gourd ducks 5kv lines. Going quickly southeast. 4 3cm tunnels! / r50p23+/ LDLN#107.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 12)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9194
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "MATADEPERA,SP:3M GOURD DUCKS 5kv LINES:>>SE:4 3cm TUNNELS!:/r50p23+/LDLN#107", **LatLong:** "41.633335 2.050000", **LatLongDMS:** "41:38:00 N 02:03:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.633335,2.050000)", **State/Prov:** "Barcelone", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 31465 (97DE9558)
**Date:** 1/29/1969
**Description:** At ten o'clock in the morning an 80-year-old woman in Matadepera, Barcelona, Spain witnessed a pear-shaped UFO with a horizontal axis that landed very close (within 11 m), making a "revving" noise. It was estimated to be three meters long and had a 2.5 meter diameter, and was wider in the front. It gave off bright colors, green and yellow mostly, and was described as "very pretty." After landing it made an abrupt turn to pass under some high tension (5 Kv) power lines.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jose Maria Casas-Huguet, FSR Case Histories, December 1972, p. 1; Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos, Catalogue of 200 Type-I UFO Events in Spain and Portugal, case 102; UNICAT, case # 426, citing Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos, OVNIs: El Fenomeno Aterrizaje, p. 88
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_577
### Event 31466 (A8F2CFE9)
**Date:** 1/30/1969
**Location:** 37.0000 -116.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Biggin” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_581
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0000 -116.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:00 N 116:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0000,-116.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Biggin", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 31467 (71E406D0)
**Date:** 1/30/1969
**Time:** 15:00:00.0
**Location:** 37.0533 -116.0293
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Vise” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 200KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_582
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0533 -116.0293", **LatLongDMS:** "37:03:12 N 116:01:45 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0533,-116.0293)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.45", **NukeMb:** "4.90", **NukeName:** "Vise", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "200"
### Event 31468 (6181F1A9)
**Date:** 1/31/1969
**Time:** 09:30
**Location:** OVALLE, CHILE
**Description:** 2+several observer(s). Disk drops rises and maneuvers / 5 minute(s). Rises into atypical clouds.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 118)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9195
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Chile", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "261", **HatchDesc:** "OVALLE,CHILE:2+SVRL OBS:DISK DROPS RISES+MNVRS/5min:RISES INTO ATYPICAL CLOUDS", **LatLong:** "-30.600001 -71.200003", **LatLongDMS:** "30:36:00 S 71:12:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-30.600001,-71.200003)", **State/Prov:** "CQM", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31469 (80BDA421)
**Date:** 1/31/1969
**Locations:** West Central Highlands; Pleiku, Vietnam
**Description:** After a series of UFO sightings and radar trackings beginning in October 1968, the US Air Force and Army set up another UFO observation network in the West Central Highlands near Pleiku, Vietnam, using pulse acquisition radar, continual wave acquisition radar, and illumination radar. The system picks up 365 unidentified tracks through April.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clark III 1052–1054
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4663
### Event 31470 (1C888936)
**Date:** 1/31/1969
**Description:** At around 8:00 p.m. a small “space ship” approached General Moacyr Uchoa and his investigating team on Wilson P. Gusmao’s Alexania Fazenda, Goias State, Brazil where UFO sightings had been occurring frequently for more than a year. It performed some maneuvers before landing 100 meters away. Senor Gusmao left the group of investigators and walked up to within a meter of the vessel, which he found to be only two meters long and a meter wide, hovering 18 inches above the ground. A door in the top of the craft opened, and a crew member stood up in the hatch. He looked at Gusmao while manipulating something on his belt, which Gusmao thought was a camera. Then he turned around, and as if obeying an order a big light arose from the nearby ridge. The occupant then turned to face Gusmao, and he put his hand on his belt again, causing a luminous halo to surround his body. After this, the onlookers could see him only as a ball of light. Then, with a slight gesture, he slipped down again into the craft, which took off rapidly.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Moacyr Alfredo Uchoa, FSR Case Histories, December 1972, p. 15; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1969-07 (A1022), citing SBEDV and General Moacyr Alfredo Uchoa
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_638
### Event 31471 (DC72E6FD)
**Date:** 2/1969
**Location:** CHILE, Valparaiso
**Description:** (Translated from French) Mr. and Mrs. X and their two daughters were lying down around 4 o'clock in the morning when an intense light coming from outside woke up the father and the whole family. From the window of the house, at the entrance of the beach, near the woods, they saw an object flying at their height at 60 m of distance. It had an octahedral shape with a semi-spherical dome, two kinds of antennas on the upper part of the dome, several portholes and three support points similar to legs. It measured from 5 to 6 m long and about the same in height. Its aspect was metallic, very bright, of a celestial blue. It descended slowly swaying and landed on the 3 legs. A light beam came out of the object and three beings of humanoid aspect descended through this beam which gave the impression of a solid inclined plane. They could not distinguish the features of their faces. They measured 2 m in height. A kind of suit covered their whole body, the gloves and shoes forming a whole with the garment, which had a vertical line all along resembling a closure and one could see like a kind of metal badge on their chest. They walked on the beach: each of them placed in the sand ten small tubes which must have had 10 cm in diameter and 25 cm in length, according to the traces found later. They then picked up the black stones (pumice stone) that were in that place so that the next day the witnesses could not find any more. Then, these beings dressed in dark blue picked up each of their 10 small tubes and went back into the object. The object rose diagonally swaying. During the observation a suction noise was heard. The witness's watch stopped at 04:38 marking the end of the observation. The witnesses had desquamations which healed three days later. They suffered from a nervous depression with a feeling of insecurity.
**Reference:** L.D.L.N. "Mysterious Flying Saucers" - ALBATROS-ETAPES 1973 - p. 83, 84
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2555
### Event 31472 (ABC6A382)
**Date:** 2/1969
**Location:** BUCHAREST, ROM
**Description:** Star flies / frightening speed. Turns on and off at regular intervals.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HOBANA Ion & WEVERBERGH,Julien: UFO'S from BEHIND the IRON CURTAIN; Bantam Books,1975. 308pp. (Index 253)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9196
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Romania", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "BUCHAREST,ROM:STAR FLIES/FRIGHTENING SPEED:TURNS ON+OFF AT REGULAR INTERVALS", **LatLong:** "44.433335 26.133335", **LatLongDMS:** "44:26:00 N 26:08:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.433335,26.133335)", **State/Prov:** "Bucharest", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 31473 (D4C34750)
**Date:** 2/1969
**Location:** LAKESIDE, OH
**Description:** Amber-white night lights play around hills. Observer(s) = astronomer Marjorie fish.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFOCAT CATALOG: Assorted Printouts. Donald A. Johnson Ph.D (CUFOS). P.O. Box 446, Concord, NH 03302-0446 (Index 103)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9197
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "185", **HatchDesc:** "LAKESIDE,OH:AMBER-WHT NLTS PLAY AROUND HILLS:OBS=ASTRONOMER MARJORIE FISH", **LatLong:** "41.544446 -82.750004", **LatLongDMS:** "41:32:40 N 82:45:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.544446,-82.750004)", **State/Prov:** "Ohio", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 31474 (E54FE556)
**Date:** 2/1969
**Time:** 21:30
**Location:** LUTESVILLE, MO
**Description:** Dogs bark. Huge ovoid lands / field. Rises going up. Tripod indents scorched.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PHILLIPS, Ted: Study of PHYSICAL TRACES ASSOCIATED with UFO SIGHTINGS; CUFOS 1975. (Index 61)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9198
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "127", **HatchDesc:** "LUTESVILLE,MO:DOGS BARK:HUGE OVOID LANDS/FLD:RISES↑:TRIPOD INDENTS SCORCHED", **LatLong:** "37.283335 -89.983338", **LatLongDMS:** "37:17:00 N 89:59:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.283335,-89.983338)", **State/Prov:** "Missouri", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31475 (CBEBAE07)
**Date:** 2/1969
**Time:** 23:00?
**Location:** NUBLE, CHL
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Domed saucer lands / beach. 2M figure(s) gather rocks and 25cm core samples.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 111)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9199
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Chile", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "40", **Elev:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "NUBLE,CHL:2 OBS:DOMED SCR LANDS/BEACH:2M FIGS GATHER ROCKS+25cm CORE SAMPLES", **LatLong:** "-33.000002 -71.700003", **LatLongDMS:** "33:00:00 S 71:42:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-33.000002,-71.700003)", **State/Prov:** "VLP", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 31476 (D46AEAAF)
**Date:** 2/1969
**Description:** 2d Lt. Carmon L. Morano replaces Lt. Col. [Hector Quintanilla](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hector%5FQuintanilla) as head of the moribund Project Blue Book.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** [Sparks](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf)[,](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf) p. 14
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4664
### Event 31477 (43165900)
**Date:** 2/1/1969
**Location:** US
**Description:** Roscoe Drummond, syndicated columnist, in Christian Science Monitor (response to University of Colorado report): "I find it hard to escape the conclusion that there are too many unexplained and presently unexplainable unidentified flying objects from too many credible and responsible witnesses to banish the subject from public concern."
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_178
### Event 31478 (09D3B0D6)
**Date:** 2/2/1969
**Time:** 04:40
**Location:** CHILLAN, CHILE
**Description:** Fireball going up. 2 cars start with no battery connected. Moved and dented. LDLN#118.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RODEGHIER, Mark/CUFOS: UFO REPORTS INVOLVING VEHICLE INTERFERENCE; CUFOS 1979. Available as CUFOS UFO Archive #1 CD-ROM. http://www.cufos.org/Pubform.pdf (Index 44)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9200
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Chile", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "130", **HatchDesc:** "CHILLAN,CHILE:FBL ↑:2 CARS START W/NO BATTERY CONNECTED:MOVED+DENTED:LDLN#118", **LatLong:** "-36.600002 -72.116670", **LatLongDMS:** "36:36:00 S 72:07:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-36.600002,-72.116670)", **State/Prov:** "NBL", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 31479 (2AD420E6)
**Date:** 2/2/1969
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** AROCHE, SP
**Description:** 7 observer(s). 80cm sphere/orb/globe near ground. Intense yellow light. Night light / separate observer(s) = possible meteor.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BALLESTER OLMOS, Vicente-Juan: CATALOG of 200 TYPE-1 EVENTS in SPAIN & PORTUGAL; CUFOS 1976. (Index 23)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9201
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "120", **HatchDesc:** "AROCHE,SP:7 OBS:80cm ORB nr GND:INTENSE YEL LITE:NLT/sep.obs = poss.meteor", **LatLong:** "37.938891 -6.955556", **LatLongDMS:** "37:56:20 N 06:57:20 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.938891,-6.955556)", **State/Prov:** "HLV", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 31480 (ACCCED5D)
**Date:** 2/2/1969
**Description:** On this night near near Nuble, Chile--close to the "Los Francos" thermal springs--a strange sphere was seen passing overhead. Two car engines started by themselves even though their batteries were disconnected.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, case 259, citing CONTACT (UK)
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_668
### Event 31481 (944FCE07)
**Date:** 2/3/1969
**Location:** JACKSONVILLE, FL
**Description:** Hundreds / report(s). Cops chase odd clouds. Rattling noises. Vanish in view.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** AWARENESS (Quarterly) CONTACT INTERNATIONAL/UK: listed by year. (Index 77)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9202
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "12", **Duration:** "9", **Elev:** "4", **HatchDesc:** "JACKSONVILLE,FL:100s/RPTS:COPS CHASE ODD CLOUDS:RATTLING NOISES:VANISH IN VIEW", **LatLong:** "30.333335 -81.683337", **LatLongDMS:** "30:20:00 N 81:41:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/30.333335,-81.683337)", **RelAlt:** "3", **State/Prov:** "Florida", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31482 (70CBAFB4)
**Date:** 2/4/1969 (approximate)
**Location:** NEAR LINS, BRZ
**Description:** Rancher. Red wheel maneuvers and circles. Stops / 1M altitude. Shoots going up [to] as observer(s) yells.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 5)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9203
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "460", **HatchDesc:** "nr LINS,BRZ:RANCHER:RED WHEEL MNVRS+CIRCLES:STOPS/1M alt:SHOOTS ↑ AS OBS YELLS", **LatLong:** "-21.650001 -49.750002", **LatLongDMS:** "21:39:00 S 49:45:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-21.650001,-49.750002)", **State/Prov:** "São Paulo", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31483 (1F001F79)
**Date:** 2/4/1969
**Location:** 37.0000 -116.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Winch” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_583
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0000 -116.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:00 N 116:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0000,-116.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Winch", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 31484 (E2468FA0)
**Date:** 2/4/1969
**Location:** 37.0000 -116.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Nipper” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_584
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0000 -116.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:00 N 116:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0000,-116.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Nipper", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 31485 (5EA762C7)
**Date:** 2/5/1969?
**Time:** 07:00
**Location:** SALVADORE, BRZ
**Description:** Round silver object with propeller? Vanishes. Reappears. Shoots going quickly southwest to sea.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 5)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9204
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "120", **Elev:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "SALVADORE,BRZ:RND SLVR OBJ W/PROPELLER?:VANISHES:REAPPEARS:SHOOTS >>SW TO SEA", **LatLong:** "-12.983334 -38.533335", **LatLongDMS:** "12:59:00 S 38:32:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-12.983334,-38.533335)", **State/Prov:** "Bahia", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31486 (B25F6B94)
**Date:** 2/6/1969
**Location:** BRAZIL, Vila Pinheros (Pirassununga)
**Description:** (Translated from French) Tiago Machado, F. Hanse and B. Joana saw a luminous disc resting on the hill. Machado arrived first at the scene and saw two small creatures floating out of the craft, and two others remaining inside. The beings were 1.1 meters tall, wearing metallic-looking suits with ringed joints at the shoulders, elbows and knees. The helmet was round with a tube at its base. They spoke an incomprehensible language in a hoarse and guttural voice. As Hanse and Joana approached, they returned to the craft by floating. One of them directed a weapon resembling a blowtorch at Machado, from which a red-bluish flame emerged, hitting him in the knee. The witness fell. Many witnesses saw the craft take off. Machado, with swollen legs, had to be hospitalized. (CICOANI - Brazil) on 02/06/69 Tiago MACHADO: fainting; swelling of the legs; dehydration, hypersomnia and weight loss; healing by acupuncture (February 6, 1969)
**Reference:** source PS 21, page 23
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2552
### Event 31487 (3979C621)
**Date:** 2/6/1969
**Description:** At 7:30 a.m. people in Pirassununga, Sao Paolo, Brazil were excited about a mysterious disc-shaped object on a hillside. Tiago Machado, age 19, got out his binoculars and went up the hill, approaching to within 30 feet. It had a narrow dome on top, was aluminum colored, about 12 feet in diameter and 5 feet high. A hinged door was open in the top of the dome, and from this two humanoid figures emerged and seemed to float to the ground. Two others were visible inside the craft, through windows. The beings, 4.5 feet tall, were dressed in tight, silvery garments without buttons, covering them from head to foot. Their facial features were seen through transparent helmets. Their skin was yellow, and they had slanting eyes, and mouths with thin, slit-like lips. They came to within 3-4 meters of the witness. When they laughed at the witness, who was smoking a cigarette, he could see that they had black teeth. He tossed the cigarette pack close to one, who put his hand above it, and the pack floated up into his hand. The thumb of his hand was set further back than on a human hand. The beings spoke in “hoarse, guttural” sounds. When a friend called out to the witness the entities walked backward and re-entered through the door. The second one, when halfway through, pointed a tube at Machado, which emitted a bluish flame that “floated” toward him. When it hit him, he felt pain and was paralyzed; as the UFO took off, almost horizontally, the witness fainted. A red welt remained where the flame had struck him. On the ground were found three landing gear leg marks.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Walter Buhler, FSR Case Histories, June 1971, p. 9; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case # A1023, citing SBEDV Bulletin, September 1973
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_725
### Event 31488 (317858E2)
**Date:** 2/6/1969
**Description:** Barbara Mina Da Silva was weeding a rice field later that same morning at a place called Chacara Do Benedito, Pirassununga, Sao Paulo State, Brazil when two boys, Joao Batista Da Silva, age 9, and Benedito Paulino Ramos, age 13, called to her attention a “shining little tent” 500 meters away. She described it as white, looking like one of the triangular tents used by exterminators of the sauva ant. Nearby were three men with helmets, whom she took to be the workers fighting the ants. The boys told her that the men’s clothing was shining, but she described it as gray. She continued her work, when suddenly the boys cried out, “Look, the little tent has disappeared.” She saw that both tent and men had indeed gone. Shortly afterward the boys pointed out a “luminous ball the size of the sun” stationary just above the woods. It disappeared after 30 minutes, and soon after a Brazilian Air Force helicopter appeared and descended about two kilometers away. The helicopter was seen on several occasions during the next few days.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case # A1023, citing Nigel Rimes, FSR Special Bulletin #3, p. 39
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_726
### Event 31489 (8BC4AC82)
**Date:** 2/7/1969
**Time:** 07:30
**Description:** Saucer lands. 2 small humanoids (or Greys) exit and 2 inside. Fear (seen thru) binoculars. / FSRv16#2+/ r222p81.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 831)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9205
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "7", **Elev:** "610", **HatchDesc:** "PIRASSUNUNGA,BRZ:SCR LANDS:2 OIDS EXIT+2 INSIDE:FEAR BINOCS:/FSRv16#2+/r222p81", **LatLong:** "-21.983334 -47.416669", **LatLongDMS:** "21:59:00 S 47:25:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-21.983334,-47.416669)", **State/Prov:** "São Paulo", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 31490 (4D211DAC)
**Date:** 2/7/1969
**Time:** 20:00
**Location:** ITAPERUNA, BRZ
**Description:** Ovoid hovers / 10'. 2 observer(s) stopped / invisible wall. Portholes. Heat. / r180p61+77.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 218)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9206
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "142", **HatchDesc:** "ITAPERUNA,BRZ:OVOID HVRS/10':2 OBS STOPPED/INVSBL WALL:PORTS:HEAT:/r180p61+77", **LatLong:** "-21.183334 -41.883335", **LatLongDMS:** "21:11:00 S 41:53:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-21.183334,-41.883335)", **RelAlt:** "3", **State/Prov:** "RDJ", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 31491 (41CEE32F)
**Date:** 2/7/1969
**Locations:** Pirassununga, São Paulo, Brazil; hill on the grounds of the Zootecníca
**Description:** 7:30 a.m. Tiago Machado, 19, wakes up at his home in Pirassununga, São Paulo, Brazil, and hears a neighbor shouting about a silvery-blue object landed on a hill on the grounds of the Zootecníca. He watches it for a time, then goes in to get binoculars. He goes off to the hill and approaches the object until he is about 33 feet away. It is a disc made of silvery metal with a dome on top. It is about 13 feet in diameter and stands on three legs. A door opens and two men come floating down to the ground. Machado can see two other beings inside. The men walk toward him, making signs. They are wearing silver diver’s suits, have black teeth and thin-lipped mouths, and one eye is lower than the other. Each has a kind of burn or cicatrice on each cheek. Machado is nervous, so he lights a cigarette. The beings apparently think this is funny, so he tosses the cigarette pack toward them. One of them leans sideways and stretches out his hand. The pack floats 8 inches up to his hand and disappears. Suddenly one of Machado’s friends calls out to him, and the beings walk back to the UFO, still facing him, and jump up to the door. The last one in pauses and pulls out a kind of weapon, points it at Machado, and a flame like a welding arc comes out of the barrel and floats toward him, hitting him in the thigh. He feels faint and paralyzed as the UFO takes off. His friends carry him to a neighbor’s house and find a red swelling on his leg. Later, investigators find three imprints in an equilateral triangle at the site, each about 5 inches in diameter. Soil samples taken show no radioactivity.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Nigel Rimes, “[The Pirassununga Landing,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR-SI%201969%20N%203%2CUFO%20Percipients.pdf)” in Charles Bowen, ed., UFO Percipients, special issue no. 3 of FSR, September 1969, pp. 39–45; Brazil 109–114; “[Caso Tiago Machado,](https://www.fenomenum.com.br/ufo/casuistica/1960/tiagomachado)” Portal Fenomenum, June 15, 2016
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4665
### Event 31492 (5D1548AF)
**Date:** 2/7/1969
**Description:** Shortly after 7:00 a.m. in Pirassununga, Sao Paulo State, Brazil the shouts of people exclaiming about a mysterious bluish-white object that had landed on a hillside awakened Tiago Machado, age 19. He grabbed his binoculars and went to look at it, approaching to within 30 feet. It was a domed disc, aluminum colored, about 12 feet in diameter and five feet high. A hinged door was open on the top of the dome and from it two humanoid figures emerged and floated to the ground. Two more beings were visible through windows inside the craft. The beings were 4.5 feet tall and dressed in tight-fitting silvery coveralls without buttons. Their facial features were visible through transparent helmets. Their skin was yellow, their eyes slanting, and their mouths were thin and slit-like. They came to within 3-4 meters of Tiago. When they laughed at him while he puffed a cigarette, he could see that they had black teeth. He tossed the cigarette pack close to one, who put his hand over it and the pack floated up into his hand. The thumb of his hand was set further back than it would be on a human's hand. The beings spoke in “hoarse, guttural” sounds. When a friend shouted out to Tiago the entities walked backward and re-entered the craft through the door. The second one pointed a tube at Machado when halfway through, and it emitted a bluish flame that “floated” at him. When it hit him he felt pain and was paralyzed. The UFO took off in a horizontal direction just as the witness fainted. A red welt remained where the flame had struck him. On the ground were found three landing-leg marks.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Irene Granchi, APRO Bulletin, March-April 1969, p. 5; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case A1023, citing Nigel Rimes, Ned S. Martins & Reginaldo Da Silva; Coral & Jim Lorenzen, Encounters with UFO Occupants, p. 160; Nigel Rimes, UFO Percipients: FSR Special Edition No. 3, p. 40
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_735
### Event 31493 (C36CFBDB)
**Date:** 2/8/1969
**Description:** Waking from sleep at 1:30 a.m. witness Douglas Fay looked out his window in Glen Rock, New Jersey and saw a bright red, star-like object flying toward the north in jerky, stop and start movements. Before it disappeared from view three smaller red dots were released from the larger object and flew off in various directions.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP investigation files, report dated February 8, 1969
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_754
### Event 31494 (6162031A)
**Date:** 2/9/1969
**Location:** UBATUBA, BRZ
**Description:** Several observer(s). Object hovers / 10 minute(s). Shoots beams. Rotates. Up fast. / a Noticia.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 5)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9207
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "UBATUBA,BRZ:SVRL OBS:OBJ HVRS/10min:SHOOTS BEAMS:ROTATES:UP FAST:/A Noticia", **LatLong:** "-23.416668 -45.100002", **LatLongDMS:** "23:25:00 S 45:06:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-23.416668,-45.100002)", **State/Prov:** "São Paulo", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31495 (2B8FB1CD)
**Date:** 2/9/1969
**Time:** 01:00
**Description:** Domed saucer turns 6X by hv lines and water tower. Flips going quickly north.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LDLN CONTACT LECTEURS: by Series and #. May'68 -JAN'72 (Entire set of 18 issues) LDLN local chapters & individual members' UFO reports. (Index 28)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9208
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "St-MARTIN-de-LONDRES,FR:DOMED SCR TURNS 6X by HV LINES+WATER TOWER:FLIPS>>N", **LatLong:** "43.794447 3.733334", **LatLongDMS:** "43:47:40 N 03:44:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.794447,3.733334)", **State/Prov:** "Hérault", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31496 (2CBCEB15)
**Date:** 2/9/1969
**Time:** 21:50
**Description:** 2 / car. 10M ovoid going down [to] 30k feet / 4 minute(s). Stops / ground level. Surrounded / mist.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 60)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9209
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "82", **HatchDesc:** "MULLINAHONE,EIRE:2/CAR:10M OVOID ↓30k FEET/4min:STOPS/GND LVL:SURROUNDED/MIST", **LatLong:** "52.511114 -7.505556", **LatLongDMS:** "52:30:40 N 07:30:20 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/52.511114,-7.505556)", **RelAlt:** "9000", **State/Prov:** "Ireland", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31497 (C6F9A5EF)
**Date:** 2/9/1969
**Description:** At 1:00 a.m. in St. Martin de Londres, Herault department, France a 40-year-old farmer and his assistant saw a large stationary disc that hovered low over his goats in a pasture. The billy-goat became impotent as a result, and his dogs started barking every morning at 2 a.m.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Lumieres dans la Nuit, July 1969; FSR, January-February 1970, p. 13 & January-February 1972, p. 26; UNICAT, case # 491 citing Fernand Lagarde, Mysterieuses Soucoupes Volantes, p. 57
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_774
### Event 31498 (CD9BD75D)
**Date:** 2/10/1969
**Time:** 20:30
**Location:** DARTMOUTH, MASS
**Description:** Truck driver. Fireball low over trees. Flies when observer(s) nears with flashlight.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FOWLER, Raymond E.: UFO'S, INTERPLANETARY VISITORS; Prentice Hall & Bantam Books, NY 1979. 346pp. (Index 339)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9210
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "9", **HatchDesc:** "DARTMOUTH,MASS:TRUCK DRIVER:FBL LO OVR TREES:FLIES WHEN OBS NEARS W/FLASHLITE", **LatLong:** "41.622224 -71.000003", **LatLongDMS:** "41:37:20 N 71:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.622224,-71.000003)", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31499 (1AE180F2)
**Date:** 2/10/1969
**Description:** An abduction occurred in the early morning hours of this day in Green Cove Springs, Florida. At around three a.m. two single adults, a man and a woman, "Francis" and "Wells", were driving by automobile along a highway when they had three unaccounted hours of missing time. Under hypnosis in 1977 they recalled being in a curved hallway, and seeing four short, Grey aliens who had large eyes and ears, no hair, small slit mouths, and wore tight coveralls. The aftereffects of their encounter included headaches, depression, and skin rashes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Paul Krutz, Fate, and HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case A1666
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_798
### Event 31500 (6F176828)
**Date:** 2/10/1969
**Description:** Later that same night in Dartmouth, Massachusetts at 10:30 p.m. a truck driver saw a fiery ball hovering over some snow covered trees. When he approached to within 200 feet with a flashlight it accelerated away at a 45-degree angle, causing the snow on the treetops to swirl through the air.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Ray Fowler, UFOs: Interplanetary Visitors, p. 355
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_799
### Event 31501 (817FAEF9)
**Date:** 2/12/1969
**Location:** BRASIL, Pirassununga
**Description:** (Translated from French) Luis Flozino had been married for nine years and was the father of eight children. At 5:40 in the morning, after finishing his breakfast, he was rolling his first cigarette of the day when he heard a noise of branches being crumpled in the nearby woods. Without transition he felt himself seized by a force that was pulling him out of the house, whose door was open, and dragging him in a semi-suspended state in the air. In his efforts to free himself he was braking with his feet on the ground and was losing his shoes. This force was irresistibly taking him to a small wood 200 m away. There he realized that all this was the work of two strange beings, about 140 cm tall, and "very ugly" by our usual standards. Their eyes were asymmetrical, their hair on their shoulders, a beard that covered the lower part of their face, he was seized again while these creatures were talking between them. He received three blows on his right ear, but Flozino, a strong man, managed to free himself. He was getting up, still dizzy, while the unknowns were coming back to the attack. He decided to face them, but they were agile. He still managed to knock them down one on top of the other. They exchanged some words between them and said to him in Portuguese: "Now we are leaving, because with you we cannot..." They were turning on their heels at the same time and were entering the wood without hurrying. The witness, furious at this aggression, pursued them, caught up with them and seizing their long oily hair tied them together by knotting them. These beings continued their way imperturbably without undoing their hair. The thickets in which they were progressing easily prevented Flozino from following them, so he had to give up the pursuit. The dog that accompanied Flozino everywhere had first started to bark furiously, then to howl and to roll on the ground moaning. (February 12, 1969)
**Reference:** Henry DURRANT: "First Investigations on Humanoids" - Laffont 1977 - pp. 69-72: he places this case in 1968 on February 12, but all other authors place it in 1969
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2553
### Event 31502 (08B8AA45)
**Date:** 2/12/1969
**Time:** 05:40
**Description:** Farmer attacked / 2 1.5M long bearded monsters. Dog cowers..
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 217)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9211
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **NFO:** No craft seen, **MON:** Monster: Life form fits no category, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "3", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "610", **HatchDesc:** "PIRASSUNUNGA,BRZ:FARMER ATTACKED/2 1.5M LONG BEARDED MONSTERS:DOG COWERS..", **LatLong:** "-22.000001 -47.400002", **LatLongDMS:** "22:00:00 S 47:24:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-22.000001,-47.400002)", **State/Prov:** "São Paulo", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 31503 (20A2DD36)
**Date:** 2/12/1969
**Time:** 17:00
**Location:** OFF QUINTERO, CHL
**Description:** Fishing crew. Odd object / water vanishes. Unidentified plane overhead. / r215p156.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 118)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9212
**Attributes:** **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Chile", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "off QUINTERO,CHL:FISHING CREW:ODD OBJ/WATER VANISHES:UID PLANE OVHD:/r215p156", **LatLong:** "-32.783335 -71.700003", **LatLongDMS:** "32:47:00 S 71:42:00 W", **Locale:** "Offshore", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-32.783335,-71.700003)", **State/Prov:** "ACC", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 31504 (59ACA448)
**Date:** 2/12/1969
**Time:** 16:18:20.9
**Location:** 37.1691 -116.2107
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Cypress” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_585
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1691 -116.2107", **LatLongDMS:** "37:10:09 N 116:12:39 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1691,-116.2107)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.41", **NukeName:** "Cypress", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 31505 (F743877A)
**Date:** 2/12/1969
**Location:** Wilmington, Delaware
**Description:** [McDonald](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James%5FE.%5FMcDonald) presents “A Dissenting View of the Condon Report” to the DuPont Chapter of the Scientific Research Society of America in Wilmington, Delaware.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** James E. McDonald, “A Dissenting View of the Condon Report,” February 12, 1969; Patrick Gross, “[Scientists Take Position](https://ufologie.patrickgross.org/htm/mcdonaldco.htm)”; Story, [p. 415](https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofuf0000unse/page/414/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4666
### Event 31506 (D80F7F31)
**Date:** 2/12/1969
**Description:** At 5:40 a.m. in Pirassununga, Sao Paolo state, Brazil Luis Flozinho De Oliveira, a farm worker, was on his way to work when he was approached and attacked by two strange looking aggressive tan skinned beings. The men were 1.5 meters (4.95 feet) tall and had beards, long hair, and asymmetrical eyes. Both humanoids wore white unbuttoned shirts and long beige colored pants with what appeared to be colorful inscriptions and drawings on them. They also wore dark shiny medallions around their necks. At first stunned, Luis fought back effectively, knocking them both to the ground, one on top of the other. The two humanoids got up and exchanged some words between themselves in a strange language. They then told Luis in perfect Portuguese that they were leaving since he was much stronger than they, and they both fled into the thick underbrush. Luis's dog “rolled up into a ball on the ground for protection” during the attack upon its master. The dog refused to eat anything after the encounter, and died a month later, its body found bloated up. The dog had never been willing to return to the place of the encounter.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Walter Buhler, FSR Case Histories, June 1971, p. 10; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1969-09 (A1026), citing Walter Buhler, SBEDV Bulletin, 1975, issue 51; Jader U. Pereira, Les Extra-Terrestres, case 225; FSR, January 1972, p. 26, citing SBEDV Bulletin, January 1970
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_868
### Event 31507 (25DBA67F)
**Date:** 2/12/1969
**Description:** The crew of a fishing boat off the coast of Quinteros, Chile watched an odd looking object enter the water at around 5:00 p.m and then vanish. Another unidentified aircraft was seen overhead at the same time.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Roberto Enrique Banchs, citing Lumieres dans la Nuit, issue 118; Larry Hatch, U computer database, case 8746
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_869
### Event 31508 (36C84EF1)
**Date:** 2/13/1969
**Time:** 19:40
**Description:** Huge luminous globe nearly hits smokestacks. Cylinder/cigar-shape going quickly southwest / low altitude.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 831)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9213
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Scandanavian and Finland", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "20", **HatchDesc:** "DALEN+TELEMARK,NORWAY:HUGE LUMn.GLOBE NEARLY HITS SMOKESTACKS:CGR >>SW/LO ALT", **LatLong:** "59.466670 8.016667", **LatLongDMS:** "59:28:00 N 08:01:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/59.466670,8.016667)", **State/Prov:** "Norway", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31509 (A89BD59E)
**Date:** 2/13/1969
**Location:** Washington, D.C.
**Description:** [McDonald](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James%5FE.%5FMcDonald) speaks on “UFOs: A Challenge to Observation” at the American Meteorological Society in Washington, D.C.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** James E. McDonald, “[UFOs: A Challenge to Observation,](http://kirkmcd.princeton.edu/JEMcDonald/mcdonald%5Fsmoi%5F021369.pdf)” February 13, 1969; Story, [p. 415](https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofuf0000unse/page/414/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4667
### Event 31510 (6EEE6851)
**Date:** 2/13/1969
**Description:** A huge luminous globe nearly hit the smokestacks of a factory in Telemark Dalen, Norway shortly before 8 p.m. Then a cigar-shaped object flew by at low altitude flying to the southwest at high speed.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** APRO Bulletin, March-April 1969, p. 4
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_898
### Event 31511 (68B46D31)
**Date:** 2/14/1969
**Time:** 20:30
**Location:** CACONDE, BRZ
**Description:** Engineer and wife. Round object with row / windows and colored lights. Goes going up and down [to] fast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 5)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9214
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "802", **HatchDesc:** "CACONDE,BRZ:ENGINEER+WIFE:ROUND OBJ W/ROW/WINDOWS+CLRD LITES:GOES ↑+↓ FAST", **LatLong:** "-21.566668 -46.633336", **LatLongDMS:** "21:34:00 S 46:38:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-21.566668,-46.633336)", **State/Prov:** "São Paulo", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31512 (5EDB450D)
**Date:** 2/15/1969
**Description:** William Black observed a yellow-orange light moving from south to north while walking his dog at 10:40 p.m. in Brooklyn, New York. He saw a small protuberance on the edge of the "disc" as it passed overhead. After he crossed the street he saw two light sources going north, which veered slightly and headed off to the northeast.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** William Black, NICAP case files, letter dated February 18, 1969
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_924
### Event 31513 (AD0083D7)
**Date:** 2/16/1969
**Time:** 22:00?
**Location:** BIGNOUX, FR
**Description:** 1 observer. 1.1M "ghost" with bright eyes panics horses. / FSRv16#4+v18#1+/ r30.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 150)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9215
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HOX:** Suspicion of hoax, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **NFO:** No craft seen, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **MON:** Monster: Life form fits no category, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "4", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "BIGNOUX,FR:1 OBS:1.1M "GHOST" W/BRITE EYES PANICS HORSES:/FSRv16#4+v18#1+/r30", **LatLong:** "46.588891 0.466667", **LatLongDMS:** "46:35:20 N 00:28:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.588891,0.466667)", **State/Prov:** "Vienne", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 31514 (8E684C76)
**Date:** 2/16/1969
**Description:** On this night in Chateau Des Martins, Vienne, France five horses in the paddock of M. Meingault were panicked by "something shining" with intensely bright eyes "of a very pale, brilliant green." Mr. Meingault saw the eyes approximately 3.75 feet above the ground. He re-entered his chateau to get his gun and when he returned saw a "flying shadow" pursuing the horses. There was a great deal of damage to the paddock and fences caused by the frightened animals.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb and Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1969-10, citing Jean-Claude Baillon, FSR, Vol. 16 # 4
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_949
### Event 31515 (9A3F5A10)
**Date:** 2/17/1969
**Time:** 02:50
**Description:** Whirr! Odd 10M object going down [to] 100M away. Man exits and walks around object.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Database/website: BASTERFIELD, KEITH: ENTCAT97.DOC: Catalog of Australian Entity and related reports: October 1997
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9216
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "FLINDERS PARK,S.AUST:WHIRR!:ODD 10M OBJ ↓ 100M away:MAN EXITS+WALKS AROUND OBJ", **LatLong:** "-34.916668 138.533340", **LatLongDMS:** "34:55:00 S 138:32:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-34.916668,138.533340)", **State/Prov:** "South Australia", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31516 (97D8560A)
**Date:** 2/17/1969
**Description:** A woman in Flinders Park, South Australia heard a whirring sound coming from outside that woke her at 2:50 a.m. She looked out the window and saw an unusual object in a nearby field. A man emerged from the shadows and walked around the object. The figure was very tall and lean with light colored hair. He wore white coveralls. He walked several times around the object. The witness then ran to get other witnesses but when she got back the UFO and tall figure were gone.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1969, case #1309, citing Keith Basterfield
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_963
### Event 31517 (83524BFD)
**Date:** 2/18/1969
**Time:** 07:30
**Location:** CRAIGMYLE, ALTA
**Description:** 1 observer. Silent 15M saucer lifts car / road. "Hypnosis". / IFS#35+/ r184p180.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: UNINVITED GUESTS; Aurora Press, Santa Fe, NM 1988. 381pp. (Index 43)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9217
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **TLP:** Telepathy, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "12", **Elev:** "878", **HatchDesc:** "CRAIGMYLE,ALTA:1 OBS:SLNT 15M SCR LIFTS CAR/ROAD:"HYPNOSIS":/IFS#35+/r184p180", **LatLong:** "51.683336 -112.200005", **LatLongDMS:** "51:41:00 N 112:12:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.683336,-112.200005)", **State/Prov:** "Alberta", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 31518 (04E23C0F)
**Date:** 2/18/1969
**Time:** 08:30
**Location:** SREMCICA, SERBIA
**Description:** Explosion. 1.9kg ribbed magnesium ovoid found in crater.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HOBANA Ion & WEVERBERGH,Julien: UFO'S from BEHIND the IRON CURTAIN; Bantam Books,1975. 308pp. (Index 205)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9218
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Former Yugoslavia", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "SREMCICA,SERBIA:EXPLOSION:1.9kg RIBBED MAGNESIUM OVOID FOUND in CRATER", **LatLong:** "44.677780 20.388890", **LatLongDMS:** "44:40:40 N 20:23:20 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.677780,20.388890)", **State/Prov:** "SRB", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 31519 (4D6EAF79)
**Date:** 2/18/1969
**Location:** small town in Alberta
**Description:** Morning. Barbara Smyth, a teacher in a small town in Alberta, is driving to school when she sees on her right a “gigantic, bright pinky-red coloured” object “about seven times the size of a steel granary of 14ft. diameter.” It looks like two rounded layers divided by a thin blue line. There are two flashing white lights on the top and a tent-like structure that pulsates and changes color from silver to fiery yellow. The UFO starts spinning counterclockwise and jumps over to the next hill. Suddenly, her car is no longer under her control as it floats down a very bumpy road. After three minutes the UFO disappears, and the car returns to normal.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** W. K. Allan, “[A UFO and the Car Which ‘Floated Along,’](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR-CH%201971%20N%206.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review Case Histories, no. 6 \(August 1971\): 8, iii; Clark III 250
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4668
### Event 31520 (2825F440)
**Date:** 2/19/1969
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** NOVA FRIBURGO, BRZ
**Description:** 2 observer(s). 1M metallic saucer with strong light. Rises from behind mountain to 1000M.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 5)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9219
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "914", **HatchDesc:** "NOVA FRIBURGO,BRZ:2 OBS:1M MTLC SCR W/STRONG LITE:RISES FROM BHND MTN TO 1000M", **LatLong:** "-22.300001 -42.516669", **LatLongDMS:** "22:18:00 S 42:31:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-22.300001,-42.516669)", **RelAlt:** "600", **State/Prov:** "RDJ", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31521 (224154FB)
**Date:** 2/19/1969
**Location:** Lebel-sur-Quévillon, Quebec
**Description:** 12:30 p.m. Two telephone linemen are working atop a pole near Lebel-sur-Quévillon, Quebec, when the see a gray, metallic cylinder with four fins at its end moving slowly west to east over the trees and about 150 feet above the ground. The object is 100 feet long and only 15 feet in diameter. The men watch it for a few minutes as it glides slowly out of sight.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Chris Rutkowski, Canada’s UFOs: Declassified, August Night, 2022, p. 72
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4669
### Event 31522 (0B419E10)
**Date:** 2/20/1969
**Location:** BRAZIL, Pirassununga
**Description:** (Translated from French) During the night José Antonio Fioco was woken up by the noise coming from the pigsty. He got up and went outside to take a look. In the fields, 20 m away from him, he saw a disc-shaped object resting on the ground on a tripod. Around the ramp of the craft stood three small beings: one was holding a tube about 35 cm long and was illuminating the henhouse with this instrument that emitted a pink light up to 250 m. A second one was looking into a "box" camera, the third one had a tube, longer than the first one, and was using it to examine the ground. When the witness turned around to alert other people, these beings finally noticed his presence. They were wearing a shiny metallic-looking suit and short boots. Immediately the craft took off. Duration of the incident: 3 minutes. (CICOANI - Brazil) (vog: now follows a completely different version….:) Jose Antonio Fioco (...) became the witness of several successive UFO landings near his farm. In one particular case (...) he was able to give details about the object and its occupants. (...) Fioco revealed that on several occasions he had noticed interferences in the images received by his television. This is how he had noticed that the programs of channel 4 of the Sao Paulo station were sometimes replaced by images showing women with strange clothes that went down to their feet and a kind of ruff around their face, as well as helmeted men, all of small size. These beings were speaking in a curious unknown language, which resembled the idiom of a Hungarian who had stayed for some time in the countryside with words containing very few syllables. The voice was deep and the phrases badly pronounced. The images received were unstable, blurry, rarely clear. The whole family was able to witness these strange interference phenomena. (...) radio broadcasts interrupted and replaced by an unintelligible voice, especially during certain space flights carried out by NASA. (...)
**Reference:** Pierre DELVAL: "Contacts of the 4th Type" - De Vecchi 1979, P. 212 to 214
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2554
### Event 31523 (5F0584C5)
**Date:** 2/20/1969
**Description:** 2 boys. Dog frantic. Saucer touches outer wall / house! X-bright.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 5)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9220
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "876", **HatchDesc:** "BELO HORIZONTE,BRZ:2 BOYS:DOG FRANTIC:SCR TOUCHES OUTER WALL/HOUSE!:X-BRITE", **LatLong:** "-19.933334 -43.950002", **LatLongDMS:** "19:56:00 S 43:57:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-19.933334,-43.950002)", **RelAlt:** "2", **State/Prov:** "Minas Gerais", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31524 (7539335A)
**Date:** 2/20/1969
**Time:** 19:30
**Description:** Luminous 10M cylinder/cigar-shape paces car / low altitude. Blows dust and leaves / takeoff. / r79.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 59)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9221
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "30", **HatchDesc:** "NORSEMAN,W.AUSTR:LUM 10M CGR PACES CAR/LOW alt:BLOWS DUST+LEAVES/TAKEOFF:/r79", **LatLong:** "-32.250002 122.000006", **LatLongDMS:** "32:15:00 S 122:00:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-32.250002,122.000006)", **State/Prov:** "Western Australia", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 31525 (415B7D9E)
**Date:** 2/20/1969 (approximate)
**Time:** 23:00?
**Description:** 5M saucer lands / tripod. 3 figure(s) / catwalk work instruments. FSRv18#1.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 5)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9222
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "610", **HatchDesc:** "nr PIRASSUNUNGA,BRZ:5M SCR LANDS/TRIPOD:3 FIGs/CATWALK WORK INSTRMNTS:FSRv18#1", **LatLong:** "-21.983334 -47.400002", **LatLongDMS:** "21:59:00 S 47:24:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-21.983334,-47.400002)", **State/Prov:** "São Paulo", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 31526 (A4450BE4)
**Date:** 2/20/1969
**Location:** Undisclosed city in Australia, AU
**Description:** Luminous cigar followed car; object rose quickly raising dust and leaves. Perth West Australian, Norseman, Feb. 21, 1969. (E) car (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_4001
### Event 31527 (42C1DF35)
**Date:** 2/20/1969
**Description:** Near Norseman, Western Australia a luminous cigar-shaped object was seen following a car at 7:30 p.m. When the UFO first appeared, the car's engine began to stop but then ran normally. The object paced the car for some distance quite low to the ground. It then rose quickly into the sky, raising a cloud of dust and dead leafs from the ground under the point where it began its departure.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Perth West Australian, February 21, 1969; Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, case 260, citing NICAP UFO Investigator, May 1969, p. 4
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1023
### Event 31528 (A0BFE3A1)
**Date:** 2/20/1969
**Description:** On this night in Pirassununga, Sao Paulo, Brazil the manager of the Bela Alianca Fazenda or ranch heard his pigs grunting and went outside to investigate. He saw a UFO land about 60 feet away. The object was 12 feet wide and 15 feet high, and it rested on tripod landing gear. Three crew members emerged onto a small catwalk around the machine. Each carried a different kind of tool with which they busied themselves, apparently repairing the craft, for a period of two to three minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb and Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1969-11, citing Dr. Walter Buhler
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1024
### Event 31529 (175AE8EA)
**Date:** 2/21/1969
**Location:** Baikonur Cosmodrome
**Description:** Soviet super-heavy N-1 rocket fails its first attempt
**Type:** aerospace
**Reference:** [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/N1_(rocket))
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_658
### Event 31530 (889A43EF)
**Date:** 2/22/1969
**Time:** 01:00
**Location:** AWANUI, NZ
**Description:** Glowing / roadside. 3 pseudo-human/entity behind invisible barrier. Hide faces. / MJ#177+/ FSRv15#4.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO RESEARCH AUSTRALIA NEWSLETTER. (Details missing) (Index 832)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9223
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **NFO:** No craft seen, **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "New Zealand", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "AWANUI,NZ:GLO/ROADSIDE:3 PSH BHND INVSBL BARRIER:HIDE FACES:/MJ#177+/FSRv15#4", **LatLong:** "-35.033335 173.255564", **LatLongDMS:** "35:02:00 S 173:15:20 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-35.033335,173.255564)", **State/Prov:** "NI", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 31531 (D15859B5)
**Date:** 2/22/1969
**Description:** Nathan Brown, a 46-year-old Maori, was walking home in Awanui, New Zealand at one a.m. when he saw a light. He came upon two men sitting with their backs to the road and their feet in a ditch, while a pale young woman with white, shoulder length hair lay across the ditch. She wore a long white gown that covered her feet. The men sat in a relaxed attitude looking down at the woman. They were about 5.5 feet in height, had dark brown skin and closely cropped hair, and wore brown pants and jackets. He questioned the men but got no response. When he stepped closer to see what was wrong with the woman he ran into an invisible barrier that he likened to a bar across the stomach. He tried to grab one of the men but was again prevented by a force that repelled him. This frightened him and he ran off, "shaking like a leaf." The light he first saw was a luminous haze that had no visible source. Mr. Brown found some marks on the ground at the site the following day.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb and Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1969-12, citing Don Jackson and the Auckland University UFO Group
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1049
### Event 31532 (80AB6EC6)
**Date:** 2/23/1969
**Description:** On this day two boys claimed they saw an emormous flying object while bathing in a waterfall in the mountains near Edmundo Soares in Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil. From a vertical door two small men emerged. They had human features and their faces had a greenish tint. Their chests were luminous, and from the waists down they wore ashen-gray trousers. The boys fled down the mountain. They returned later that day with two guards, but there was no longer anything to be found at the site.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Walter Buhler, FSR Case Histories, June 1971, p. 10; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1969-19 (A1030), citing Walter Buhler
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1066
### Event 31533 (AD1A9358)
**Date:** 2/25/1969
**Location:** CHUBUT PROV, ARG
**Description:** Town unknown. 4 / car. Engine quits as saucer comes into view. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RODEGHIER, Mark/CUFOS: UFO REPORTS INVOLVING VEHICLE INTERFERENCE; CUFOS 1979. Available as CUFOS UFO Archive #1 CD-ROM. http://www.cufos.org/Pubform.pdf (Index 45)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9224
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "300", **HatchDesc:** "CHUBUT prov,ARG:TOWN UNK:4/CAR:ENGINE QUITS AS SCR COMES INTO VIEW:NFD", **LatLong:** "-45.666669 -67.666670", **LatLongDMS:** "45:40:00 S 67:40:00 W", **Locale:** "Oil & Coal", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-45.666669,-67.666670)", **State/Prov:** "CHB", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31534 (A8B13C27)
**Date:** 2/25/1969
**Time:** 12:00?
**Description:** 3 / Iberia airline(s)/airliner crew. Bright red object paces. Quickly going down. Quickly going up [to] and going quickly northeast. / r150p48.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 59)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9225
**Attributes:** **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "20", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "MAJORCA>>NE:/r150p48", **LatLong:** "40.000002 1.000000", **LatLongDMS:** "40:00:00 N 01:00:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.000002,1.000000)", **State/Prov:** "SEA", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31535 (B2F4D292)
**Date:** 2/25/1969
**Time:** ~22:00
**Description:** 4 / 2 helicopters landing. Green luminous object west going quickly east over airport. No RADAR physical trace(s).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 330)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9226
**Attributes:** **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "PAU-UZEIN APT,FR:4/2 COPTERS LANDING:GRN LUMN.OBJ W>>E OVR AIRPORT:NO RDR TRC", **LatLong:** "43.372224 -0.416667", **LatLongDMS:** "43:22:20 N 00:25:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.372224,-0.416667)", **State/Prov:** "PYA", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31536 (0E4388E4)
**Date:** 2/25/1969
**Description:** Near Pau-Uzein Airport, France at 8:00 p.m. four witnesses, including two in Alouette II helicopters, visually tracked a green luminous UFO that flew rapidly from west to east over the airport. The UFO did not appear on radar.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Dominique Weinstein, Aircraft UFO Encounters, page 36, citing Lumieres dans la Nuit
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1105
### Event 31537 (EB78D1B9)
**Date:** 2/25/1969
**Description:** That same night four people in a car in Chabut, Argentina saw a disc-shaped object. The engine of their car quit running when the disc was in view.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, case 262, citing Phenomenes Spatiaux, Vol. 20, 1969
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1106
### Event 31538 (2DB66DCF)
**Date:** 2/26/1969
**Time:** 00:30
**Location:** LINS, BRAZIL
**Description:** Several / car. 10' glowing-saucer hovers / tilted by cemetery. Separate observer(s) also in Lins.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 5)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9227
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "460", **HatchDesc:** "LINS,BRAZIL:SVRL/CAR:10'GLO-SCR HVRS/TILTED BY CEMETERY::SEP.OBS ALSO IN LINS", **LatLong:** "-21.666668 -49.733336", **LatLongDMS:** "21:40:00 S 49:44:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-21.666668,-49.733336)", **State/Prov:** "São Paulo", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31539 (BBF15F66)
**Date:** 2/26/1969 (approximate)
**Time:** 23:20
**Description:** 2 / wharf. Brilliant Oblong night light crosses sky slowly. Changes colors.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 106)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9228
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Congo states", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "6", **HatchDesc:** "POINTE-NOIRE,CONGO:2/WHARF:BRILL.OBLONG NLT CROSSES SKY SLOWLY:CHANGES COLORS", **LatLong:** "-4.666667 11.916667", **LatLongDMS:** "04:40:00 S 11:55:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-4.666667,11.916667)", **State/Prov:** "CNG", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 31540 (063E7E02)
**Date:** 2/28/1969
**Time:** 02:00
**Location:** NOVA IGUACU, BRZ
**Description:** Silent UFO spirals going down [to] and lands / hill. Vanishes / plain view! Planes chase.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 5)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9229
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "8", **Elev:** "82", **HatchDesc:** "NOVA IGUACU,BRZ:SLNT UFO SPIRALS↓+LANDS/HILL:VANISHES/PLAIN VIEW!:PLANES CHASE", **LatLong:** "-22.750001 -43.450002", **LatLongDMS:** "22:45:00 S 43:27:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-22.750001,-43.450002)", **State/Prov:** "RDJ", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31541 (84E82239)
**Date:** 2/28/1969
**Time:** 02:50
**Location:** MIAJADAS, SP
**Description:** Earthquake hits. 5 tall luminous pseudo-human/entity seen by landed object later. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BALLESTER OLMOS, Vicente-Juan: CATALOG of 200 TYPE-1 EVENTS in SPAIN & PORTUGAL; CUFOS 1976. (Index 23)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9230
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "MIAJADAS,SP:EARTHQUAKE HITS:5 TALL LUM PSH SEEN BY LANDED OBJ LATER:NFD", **LatLong:** "39.166669 -5.883334", **LatLongDMS:** "39:10:00 N 05:53:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.166669,-5.883334)", **State/Prov:** "CCR", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 31542 (68D6C2F6)
**Date:** 2/28/1969
**Time:** 20:30
**Description:** 2+/ car. Strange object lands / distance. National Guard searches.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LOURENCO, Victor: The PORTUCAT CATALOG; (BBS Download). (Index 128)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9231
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Portugal", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "MIRANDA do DOURO,PORTUGAL:2+/CAR:STRANGE OBJ LANDS/DISTANCE:NTL GUARD SEARCHES", **LatLong:** "41.450002 -6.300000", **LatLongDMS:** "41:27:00 N 06:18:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.450002,-6.300000)", **State/Prov:** "TOM", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31543 (4763E1A9)
**Date:** 2/28/1969
**Description:** In Miajadas, Caceres, Spain at 2:45 a.m., during the same time that an earthquake hit the area, a truck driver and his assistant observed a strange craft and five humanoid beings, described as tall and luminous. Seized with an irrational fear, they drove away as quickly as possible.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1969-13 (A1030), citing Manuel Osuna
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1176
### Event 31544 (109D87FF)
**Date:** 3/1969
**Location:** USSR, Baikonour
**Reference:** "The War of the Satellites" - Volume 3 - Pierre Kohler, ed. Famot 1982, p. 9, 10
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2556
### Event 31545 (81A2718C)
**Date:** 3/1969
**Location:** FRANCE, Beaumont-Clermont Ferrand
**Description:** (Translated from French) On the Chanturgue hill, Mrs. B. observed in the afternoon three small human shapes. They were of a uniform grey color and "squat". The three gnomes did not touch the ground and seemed to jump several times before moving horizontally all at once, then returning to their original place, still without coming into contact with the inclined ground. These three silhouettes made these maneuvers together for 3 to 4 minutes, then disappeared literally on a horizontal movement forward.
**Reference:** M. FIGUET/ J.L. RUCHON: "Ovni, Premier dossier complet..." ed. Alain Lefeuvre 1979, p. 125 and 325
**Reference:** Continued: October 1969, same place
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2559
### Event 31546 (75F2E3FF)
**Date:** 3/1969
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Image taken from the "KGB film". See images/1969-03.jpg
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1969.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2462
### Event 31547 (03871AD0)
**Date:** 3/1969 (approximate)
**Location:** FAIRFORD, GLOUCS
**Description:** Car malfunctions due to EME (electro-magnetic effects). Air electrified. 3 metallic saucers / V-formation high overhead. Near RAF.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RODEGHIER, Mark/CUFOS: UFO REPORTS INVOLVING VEHICLE INTERFERENCE; CUFOS 1979. Available as CUFOS UFO Archive #1 CD-ROM. http://www.cufos.org/Pubform.pdf (Index 44)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9232
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "FAIRFORD,GLOUCs:CAR EMES:AIR ELECTRIFd:3 MTLC SCRS/V-FORMATION HI OVHD:nr RAF", **LatLong:** "51.716669 -1.783333", **LatLongDMS:** "51:43:00 N 01:47:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.716669,-1.783333)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 31548 (20CA2808)
**Date:** 3/1969
**Time:** 02:50
**Location:** FLIPPIN, ARK
**Description:** Dogs howl and hide. 15m flame shoots going up. Trees and damp grass burnt / 12m circle.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PHILLIPS, Ted: Study of PHYSICAL TRACES ASSOCIATED with UFO SIGHTINGS; CUFOS 1975. (Index 63)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9233
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "198", **HatchDesc:** "FLIPPIN,ARK:DOGS HOWL+HIDE:15m FLAME SHOOTS↑:TREES+DAMP GRASS BURNT/12m CCL:", **LatLong:** "36.277780 -92.594449", **LatLongDMS:** "36:16:40 N 92:35:40 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/36.277780,-92.594449)", **State/Prov:** "Arkansas", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 31549 (1B12C6A7)
**Date:** 3/1969
**Time:** ~14:30
**Description:** 3 small humanoids (or Greys) hop and glide over ground. Vanish! Next October. Black shadow going down.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FIGEUT, Michel & RUCHON, Jean-Louis: OVNI - Le Premier Dossier..; Alain LeFeuvre, Paris 1979. (Index 325)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9234
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CNT:** Contactee related, **NFO:** No craft seen, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "5", **Duration:** "4", **HatchDesc:** "CLERMONT-FERRAND,FR:3 OIDS HOP+GLIDE OVR GND:VANISH!::NEXT OCT:BLACK SHADOW ↓", **LatLong:** "45.766669 3.100000", **LatLongDMS:** "45:46:00 N 03:06:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.766669,3.100000)", **State/Prov:** "Puy-de-Dôme", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 31550 (DF9E3103)
**Date:** 3/1969
**Time:** 15:00
**Description:** 6 observer(s). Metallic saucer / opposite beach. Glows orange and quickly going up [to] and going quickly SSW / 2330hrs.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO RESEARCH AUSTRALIA NEWSLETTER. (Details missing) (Index 831)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9235
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "48", **HatchDesc:** "SOUTHPORT LAGOON,TASM:6 OBS:MTLC SCR/OPPOSITE BEACH:GLOWS ORG+↑↑+>>SSW/2330hrs", **LatLong:** "-43.433335 147.000007", **LatLongDMS:** "43:26:00 S 147:00:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-43.433335,147.000007)", **State/Prov:** "TSM", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31551 (CC06DA03)
**Date:** 3/1969
**Location:** Pentagon
**Description:** Secretary of the Air Force Office of Information representative Maj. [David J. Shea](https://www.ncas.org/2018/08/september-8-ufos-air-force-and-colorado.html) attends a meeting in the Pentagon in which “there was no doubt that Project Blue Book was finished.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clark III 926
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4670
### Event 31552 (FAE17D7C)
**Date:** 3/1/1969
**Description:** A white nocturnal light maneuvered in front of a drive-in movie screen in Hectorville, South Australia on this evening.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Michael Hervey, UFOs over the Southern Hemisphere, p. 183
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1208
### Event 31553 (73370F16)
**Date:** 3/2/1969
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) First flight of the Concorde. (March 2)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1969.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2463
### Event 31554 (73C8DB99)
**Date:** 3/3/1969
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Launch of [Apollo 9](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/Apollo.html\#Apollo9) into Earth orbit. (March 3)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1969.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2464
### Event 31555 (BB967569)
**Date:** 3/3/1969 (approximate)
**Location:** ALEXANIA, BRAZIL
**Description:** Rancher. Saucer lands. Crew seen! Photographs taken / Sbedv Bulletin 69 / 70.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 6)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9236
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "1150", **HatchDesc:** "ALEXANIA,BRZL:RANCHER:SAUCER LANDS:CREW SEEN!:FOTOS TAKEN/SBEDV Bulletin 69/70", **LatLong:** "-15.933334 -48.650002", **LatLongDMS:** "15:56:00 S 48:39:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-15.933334,-48.650002)", **State/Prov:** "GOI", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 31556 (051D6525)
**Date:** 3/3/1969 (approximate)
**Time:** 22:00?
**Description:** Doctor and 1. Groups / saucers going quickly [to] over town / V-formation / 10 minute(s). / O Dia.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 6)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9237
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "495", **HatchDesc:** "PRESIDENTE PRUDENTE,BRZ:DOCTOR+1:GROUPS/SCRs >>OVR TOWN/VFORMn/10min:/O Dia", **LatLong:** "-22.116668 -51.366669", **LatLongDMS:** "22:07:00 S 51:22:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-22.116668,-51.366669)", **State/Prov:** "São Paulo", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31557 (8525C0DB)
**Date:** 3/3/1969
**Locations:** Naval Air Station Miramar; Marine Corps Air Station Miramar; San Diego, California; Groom Lake, Nevada
**Description:** The US Navy establishes its Fighter Weapons School \(Top Gun\) to teach fighter and strike tactics to selected aviators and officers at Naval Air Station Miramar \[now Marine Corps Air Station Miramar\] in San Diego, California. Its focus is on combat training against MiG fighters, now that MiG testing at Groom Lake, Nevada, has been successful.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[United States Navy Strike Fighter Tactics Instructor program](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United%5FStates%5FNavy%5FStrike%5FFighter%5FTactics%5FInstructor%5Fprogram)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4671
### Event 31558 (19A18C96)
**Date:** 3/3/1969
**Description:** [Hynek](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J.%5FAllen%5FHynek) submits a UFO research proposal to Col. [George R. Weinbrenner](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/72741517/george-ryan-weinbrenner)[,](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/72741517/george-ryan-weinbrenner) FTD Commander, in which he reveals that out of the approximately 10,000 reports in the Project Blue Book files, he estimates that 1,000–3,000 \(10%–30%\) are “interesting” unexplained cases \(“unknowns”\).
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** J. Allen Hynek, “[Preliminary Proposal for](http://www.project1947.com/hynek/jah%5Faf%5Fprop69.htm) [Subject Investigation,](http://www.project1947.com/hynek/jah%5Faf%5Fprop69.htm)” March 3 and 19, 1969
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4672
### Event 31559 (640E4546)
**Date:** 3/3/1969
**Description:** On or before this date a 100-foot long noiseless metallic craft was observed in the sky over Glens Falls, New York. According to the newspaper account, the UFO's crew of four men and one woman were also seen onboard.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Richard Bonenfant, Proceedings of the CUFOS Conference: 1976, p. 48, citing Albany Knickerbocker
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1276
### Event 31560 (639FDE50)
**Date:** 3/4/1969
**Description:** Near Atlanta, Missouri: The City Marshall and Mail Carrier in Elmer, Missouri, William R. Overstreet observed an UFO at early dawn over the road ahead of him. It was about 100 ft. in diam. apparently rotating clockwise and emitting a strong white beam of light down to the road which seemed to magnify the size of theroad it was shining on. He felt intense heat from the direction of the UFO and his CB radio was dead. As heneared the light beam from the UFO his truck motor and radio quit. As the beam moved away from his truck he was able to start the engine again. He followed the UFO for about 4 mi. staying away from the beam. The UFO followed the contour of the land it was flying over. After 7–8 min. the UFO veered away and went out of sight. “I had never believed in them too much until I saw this,” he said. “Now I know that there is something to these UFOs!”
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [Pea Research](https://www.academia.edu/9813787/GOVERNMENT_INVOLVEMENT_IN_THE_UFO_COVER_UP_CHRONOLOGY_based) (B1-F p265)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_659
**See also:** 8/13/75
**See also:** 6/66
### Event 31561 (D0E29619)
**Date:** 3/4/1969 (approximate)
**Location:** FORTALEZA, BRZ
**Description:** , Colonel. Silent saucer going quickly [to] over site / future satellite tracking station. Flashes.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 6)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9238
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "FORTALEZA,BRZ:,COLONEL:SLNT SCR>>OVR SITE/FUTURE SAT.TRACKING STATION:FLASHES", **LatLong:** "-3.733334 -38.533335", **LatLongDMS:** "03:44:00 S 38:32:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-3.733334,-38.533335)", **State/Prov:** "CEA", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31562 (89ACE280)
**Date:** 3/4/1969
**Time:** 06:40
**Location:** WEST / ATLANTA, MO
**Description:** 30M saucer. Electro-magnetic effect (EME) and Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Magnifying cone beam! Going east. / MJ#251+/ APRO 5 / 69. / r41.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 59)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9239
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "30", **Elev:** "278", **HatchDesc:** "W/ATLANTA,MO:30M SCR:EME+RFI:MAGNIFYING CONE BEAM!:>E:/MJ#251+/APRO 5/69:/r41", **LatLong:** "39.872224 -92.566671", **LatLongDMS:** "39:52:20 N 92:34:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.872224,-92.566671)", **State/Prov:** "Missouri", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 31563 (714CF167)
**Date:** 3/4/1969
**Location:** Atlanta, MO
**Description:** Luminous red object paced ahead of car, effects associated with beam of light from object. See Section I. (R,L) car (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_4002
### Event 31564 (AF3D1D38)
**Date:** 3/4/1969
**Location:** Atlanta, MO
**Description:** Object emitting blinding light beam paced ahead of vehicle, heat felt. Light beam associated with E-M effects. Object rose and fell, veered off, flew out of sight
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_179
### Event 31565 (90D19FAE)
**Date:** 3/4/1969
**Locations:** Missouri J; Elmer; Atlanta, Missouri
**Description:** 6:40 a.m. [William Overstreet](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/46259434/william-roy-overstreet), 50, is driving his truck on Missouri J between Elmer and Atlanta, Missouri, when he sees a bright reddish-orange light about 100 feet in diameter and floating along at 40 mph. It begins to follow the road and beams a strong, cone-shaped white light on to the road from a height of 50 feet. Overstreet can feel the heat. The object changes from red to a blue sphere surrounded by a red ring. He attempts to drive through the beam, but his motor and radio die when he gets to within 6 feet. The beam moves away a bit, he tries again, and the same thing happens. The UFO moves about a mile away, turns back to red, switches off the beam, and cruises away.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** NICAP, “[100ʹ Object Affects Radio and Truck Engine](http://www.nicap.org/690304atlanta%5Fdir.htm)”; “[E-M Effect on Truck in Missouri,](http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201969%2005%2000%20-%20May-June.pdf)” APRO Bulletin, May/June 1969, p.4; Michael D. Swords, “Messing Around with the Force,” IUR 31, no. 4 \(March 2008\): 15
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4673
### Event 31566 (F6BAF3EF)
**Date:** 3/4/1969
**Locations:** Rideau Hall; Ottawa; Ontario
**Description:** 10:00 p.m. RCMP Constable R. J. Shannahan is on foot patrol near 24 Sussex Drive, the Prime Minister’s residence in Ottawa, Ontario. He looks up and sees two bright flashing red lights above and slightly inside the gates to Rideau Hall. One light moves east and is lost to view in one minute, while the other moves west and is visible for 5–6 minutes. No jets are scrambled, and there is no indication that radar installations are asked about unidentified targets.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Chris Rutkowski, Canada’s UFOs: Declassified, August Night, 2022, pp. 75–77
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4674
### Event 31567 (9DE5FC46)
**Date:** 3/4/1969
**Description:** In 1969 on this date the Canadian Parliament Buildings in Ottawa, Ontario were buzzed by a mysterious red light or craft, and reported by a number of RCMP officers at 7:45 p.m. Earlier that day at 6:40 a.m., on a highway 4 miles west of Atlanta, Missouri a truck's engine stalled and the CB radio failed to work when a 100' wide UFO hovered 50 feet above the highway and directed a strong beam of light onto the road. The driver felt a strong heat sensation coming from the object and described the light as brilliant.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** (1) John Colombo, UFOs over Canada, p. 213; (2) APRO Bulletin, May-June 1969, p. 4; Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, case 263, citing CUFOS
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1299
### Event 31568 (4DFCCABB)
**Date:** 3/6/1969
**Time:** 11:00
**Location:** LANCASTER, MO
**Description:** Dog hides. Blue-beam going down. Saucer overhead. Car slows / 10mph. / r79p45+/ r156#8.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HALL, Richard: The UFO Evidence II: HB: Scarecrow Press Lanham, MD. http://www.scarecrowpress.com ISBN 0-8108-3881-8 (Index 38)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9240
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "291", **HatchDesc:** "LANCASTER,MO:DOG HIDES:BLU-BEAM↓:SCR OVHD:CAR SLOWS/10mph:/r79p45+/r156#8", **LatLong:** "40.522224 -92.527782", **LatLongDMS:** "40:31:20 N 92:31:40 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.522224,-92.527782)", **State/Prov:** "Missouri", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31569 (303698A3)
**Date:** 3/6/1969
**Time:** 20:00?
**Description:** 3 night lights light up mountain / 3 minute(s). Car malfunctions due to EME (electro-magnetic effects) when objects land..
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BALLESTER OLMOS, Vicente-Juan: CATALOG of 200 TYPE-1 EVENTS in SPAIN & PORTUGAL; CUFOS 1976. (Index 23)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9241
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "CABESO dOR MTS,BUSOT,SPAIN:3 NLTS LITE UP MTN/3min:CAR EMEs WHEN OBJs LAND..", **LatLong:** "38.483335 -0.466667", **LatLongDMS:** "38:29:00 N 00:28:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.483335,-0.466667)", **State/Prov:** "ALC", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31570 (A4711DC9)
**Date:** 3/6/1969
**Time:** 21:50
**Location:** PUNTA ARENAS, CHL
**Description:** Truck lights dim. 4M saucer hovers 6M away. Door opens. Figure(s) float out.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 118)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9242
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Chile", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "35", **HatchDesc:** "PUNTA ARENAS,CHL:TRUCK LITES DIM:4M SCR HVRS 6M AWAY:DOOR OPENS:FIGs FLOAT OUT", **LatLong:** "-53.116669 -70.900003", **LatLongDMS:** "53:07:00 S 70:54:00 W", **Locale:** "Oil & Coal", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-53.116669,-70.900003)", **RelAlt:** "5", **State/Prov:** "TDF", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 31571 (5DEF32F3)
**Date:** 3/6/1969
**Location:** Lancaster, MO
**Description:** Dog disturbed as domed disc sends light beam to road (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)
**Reference:** NICAP: [690306](http://www.nicap.org/anreact/ar-690306.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_4003
### Event 31572 (146C00A4)
**Date:** 3/6/1969
**Location:** Lancaster, MO
**Description:** Light beam shone on road ahead of car, dog reacted. Witness drove beneath domed disc, car motion slowed. Eye irritation
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_180
### Event 31573 (C979C397)
**Date:** 3/6/1969
**Locations:** Glenwood; Lancaster, Missouri
**Description:** 10:30 a.m. A woman is driving with her St. Bernard dog between Glenwood and Lancaster, Missouri. The dog becomes agitated and she sees a bright blue-white beam of light illuminating the road and a domed disc 1,000 feet in the air. The dog jumps into the front seat and become quite panicked. She tries to drive through the beam, but the car slows from 50 mph to 8 mph but manages to get to the other side when the car picks up speed.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Donald E. Keyhoe and Gordon I. R. Lore Jr., [Strange Effects from UFOs](http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Books/Other/Lore%2C%20Gordon%20-%20Strange%20Effects%20from%20UFOs.pdf)[,](http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Books/Other/Lore%2C%20Gordon%20-%20Strange%20Effects%20from%20UFOs.pdf) NICAP, 1969, p. 32; Ted Phillips, “[UFO Events](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR-CH%201971%20N%208.pdf) [in Missouri, 1857–1971,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR-CH%201971%20N%208.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review Case Histories, no. 8 \(December 1971\): 11; Michael D. Swords, “Messing Around with the Force,” IUR 31, no. 4 \(March 2008\): 15–16
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4675
### Event 31574 (3400246B)
**Date:** 3/6/1969
**Description:** At 11:00 a.m. a woman in Glenwood, Missouri noticed her dog acting strangely and attempting to hide under the seat in her car. Next, the hair stood up on her arms. She then saw a bluish-white beam of light ahead on the road. Her car slowed from a speed of 50-60 mph down to 10 mph when it entered the beam. Looking up, she saw a disc-shaped object hovering 1000 feet overhead. The car didn't respond to the accelerator until after it had left the beam. The woman's eyes bothered her for three days following the incident.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, case 264, citing CUFOS
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1336
### Event 31575 (B3A82881)
**Date:** 3/6/1969
**Description:** On the same day a married couple in Buscot, Alicante, Spain saw three UFOs illuminating a mountainside for three minutes. Their car engine failed when the three objects landed on the mountain.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos, A Catalogue of 200 Type I UFO Events in Spain and Portugal; Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, case 264, citing Ballester Olmos
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1337
### Event 31576 (926706DF)
**Date:** 3/6/1969
**Description:** Sr. Dominguez was driving his truck down a road in Campamento Manantres in the State of Magallanes, Chile at 9:45 p.m. when his headlights dimmed. He noticed a four-meter wide disc hovering six meters away. A door on the craft opened and some beings floated out. The beings were presumably humanoid but were not described sufficiently to classify into any group. There were ground traces left at the site.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Ted R. Phillips, Physical Effects Associated with UFOs, case 376
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1338
### Event 31577 (426DAADE)
**Date:** 3/7/1969
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** NORTH / BOCAIUVA, BRZ
**Description:** Many / bus. 3 luminous/glowing objects / roadside. 1 follows bus. Returns light signals!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 833)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9243
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "30", **Elev:** "915", **HatchDesc:** "N/BOCAIUVA,BRZ:MANY/BUS:3 LUMn OBJS/ROADSIDE:1 FOLOS BUS:RETURNS LITE SIGNALS!", **LatLong:** "-17.083334 -43.816669", **LatLongDMS:** "17:05:00 S 43:49:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-17.083334,-43.816669)", **State/Prov:** "Minas Gerais", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31578 (B4D54581)
**Date:** 3/7/1969
**Time:** 08:26:59.8
**Location:** 49.8215 78.0627
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 150KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1328
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.8215 78.0627", **LatLongDMS:** "49:49:17 N 78:03:46 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.8215,78.0627)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.60", **NukeSource:** "BOCHAROV", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "150"
### Event 31579 (06EA04BD)
**Date:** 3/7/1969
**Description:** Three luminous UFOs were seen sitting in the evening on the ground on the roadside by many passengers on a bus traveling north of Bocaiuva, Brazil. One of the UFOs later followed the bus, and returned light signals from the bus driver.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** APRO Bulletin, May-June 1969, p. 6
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1366
### Event 31580 (B2889693)
**Date:** 3/9/1969
**Time:** 20:20
**Location:** EVILLERS, DOUBS
**Description:** Brilliant flashy night light loops going quickly north. Many similar / past months / LDLN#94.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 106)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9244
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "EVILLERS,DOUBS:BRILL.FLASHY NLT LOOPS >>N:MANY SIMILAR/PAST MONTHS/LDLN#94.", **LatLong:** "46.966669 6.216667", **LatLongDMS:** "46:58:00 N 06:13:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.966669,6.216667)", **State/Prov:** "Doubs", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 31581 (1508C653)
**Date:** 3/9/1969
**Time:** 22:00
**Description:** Ovoid and sphere fly parallel / road. Egg lands vertically..
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BALLESTER OLMOS, Vicente-Juan: CATALOG of 200 TYPE-1 EVENTS in SPAIN & PORTUGAL; CUFOS 1976. (Index 24)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9245
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "MONREAL del CAMPO,SP:OVOID+SPHERE FLY PARALLEL/ROAD:EGG LANDS VERTICALLY..", **LatLong:** "40.788891 -1.388889", **LatLongDMS:** "40:47:20 N 01:23:20 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.788891,-1.388889)", **State/Prov:** "TRL", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31582 (E145A819)
**Date:** 3/9/1969
**Description:** In Monreal del Campo, Spain at 10:00 p.m. Mr. & Mrs. Vira watched two UFOs, an ovoid object and a sphere, that flew parallel to the road on which they were driving. The ovoid object landed in a vertical position. The encounter lasted ten minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos, Catalogue of 200 Type-I UFO Events in Spain and Portugal, p. 24, case 106
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1397
### Event 31583 (5D0276F3)
**Date:** 3/10/1969
**Time:** 22:10
**Location:** WESTHOPE, ND
**Description:** Police CHF buzzed / 100' saucer. Blinding beam / bottom/underside. Going quickly south. / r47p272+r41p189.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 59)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9246
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **TLP:** Telepathy, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **NUC:** Nuclear facility related, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "12", **Elev:** "455", **HatchDesc:** "WESTHOPE,ND:POLICE CHF BUZZED/100' SCR:BLINDING BEAM/BTM:>>S:/r47p272+r41p189", **LatLong:** "48.911113 -101.022227", **LatLongDMS:** "48:54:40 N 101:01:20 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.911113,-101.022227)", **State/Prov:** "North Dakota", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 31584 (DE2ABCD8)
**Date:** 3/10/1969
**Time:** 22:30
**Location:** LANCASTER, MO
**Description:** Domed saucer beams going down. Car slows. Eyes sore. / FSRv18#1+/ MJ#251+/ APRO 5'69.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 59)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9247
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "291", **HatchDesc:** "LANCASTER,MO:DOMED SCR BEAMS↓:CAR SLOWS:EYES SORE:/FSRv18#1+/MJ#251+/APRO 5'69", **LatLong:** "40.533335 -92.516671", **LatLongDMS:** "40:32:00 N 92:31:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.533335,-92.516671)", **State/Prov:** "Missouri", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 31585 (923FBB8D)
**Date:** 3/10/1969
**Location:** Westhope, ND
**Description:** Disc with dome passed overhead, stopped, emitted light beam onto road, illuminating police chief's car. Finally ascended, flew away to south (Ref. 1, Section V). (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_4004
### Event 31586 (4D04DA5D)
**Date:** 3/10/1969
**Location:** Westhope, ND
**Description:** Disc with dome passed overhead, stopped, emitted light beam onto road, illuminating police chief's car. Finally ascended, flew away to south
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_181
### Event 31587 (951AAB82)
**Date:** 3/10/1969
**Description:** A silver domed disc-shaped object with a beam of light was seen on the road ahead as a married woman drove between Glenwood and Lancaster, Missouri at 10:30 a.m. Her car slowed down from 50 miles per hour to just 8 mph when the beam touched it. Her dog reacted with fear, and her eyes hurt for three days after the incident.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Robert Smulling, APRO Bulletin, May-June 1969, p. 7; Gordon I. R. Lore, Jr., Strange Effects from UFOs, p. 32
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1406
### Event 31588 (8D5AF2A6)
**Date:** 3/10/1969
**Description:** That same night a domed disc passed over a police car five miles west of Westhope, North Dakota at 10:10 p.m. It then hovered over the road, wobbling as it hovered, and shot a beam of light downward onto the road. The object eventually slid sideways, then lifted off vertically into the sky. The police officer, Mr. Janzen, reportedly felt strange "psychological forces" and suffered physiological effects as a result of his encounter.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP UFO Investigator, May 1969, p. 3; Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, case 266, citing CUFOS; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty Year Report, pp. 14 & 174
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1407
### Event 31589 (C6EA38CB)
**Date:** 3/11/1969
**Time:** 00:20
**Description:** Man drives through luminous dome. Temp paralyzed. / r30p292.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 102)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9248
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "LA CROIX-JARTEL> Event 31590 (5F60FE7D)
**Date:** 3/11/1969
**Time:** 02:00
**Location:** RA PRENESSAYE, FR
**Description:** Brilliant ovoid hovers / hill after tremor. Odd starry cloud 11 Apr. '69.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 102)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9249
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "Ra PRENESSAYE,FR:BRILL.OVOID HVRS/HILL after tremor::odd starry cloud 11APR69", **LatLong:** "48.183336 -2.627778", **LatLongDMS:** "48:11:00 N 02:37:40 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.183336,-2.627778)", **State/Prov:** "CDN", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31591 (FF67918E)
**Date:** 3/11/1969
**Time:** 19:50
**Location:** NEAR CAMPINAS, BRZ
**Description:** Erratic fireball maneuvers. Stops over car / malfunctions due to EME (electro-magnetic effects). Driver temporarily paralyzed. / r79p45.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 6)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9250
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "665", **HatchDesc:** "nr CAMPINAS,BRZ:ERRATIC FBL MNVRS:STOPS OVR CAR/EMEs:DRIVER TEMP.PRLZD:/r79p45", **LatLong:** "-22.833334 -47.083336", **LatLongDMS:** "22:50:00 S 47:05:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-22.833334,-47.083336)", **State/Prov:** "São Paulo", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31592 (7004429E)
**Date:** 3/11/1969
**Time:** 20:40
**Location:** CLUJ, ROM
**Description:** Ovoid glitters / sky. Much larger / star. Goes going up and down [to] pointed end first. P265.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HOBANA Ion & WEVERBERGH,Julien: UFO'S from BEHIND the IRON CURTAIN; Bantam Books,1975. 308pp. (Index 264)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9251
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Romania", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "15", **HatchDesc:** "CLUJ,ROM:OVOID GLITTERS/SKY:MUCH LARGER/STAR:GOES ↑+↓ POINTED END FIRST:p265", **LatLong:** "46.783336 23.533334", **LatLongDMS:** "46:47:00 N 23:32:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.783336,23.533334)", **State/Prov:** "CLJ", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31593 (D9BB0822)
**Date:** 3/11/1969
**Location:** Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brazil
**Description:** Erratically moving, color-changing object hovered in front of car, witness felt paralysis. Flying Saucer Review Case Histories, Supplement 6; see Rodeghier, 1981, p. 45 (E) car (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_4005
### Event 31594 (BFEC8EDE)
**Date:** 3/11/1969
**Description:** At 12:15 a.m. a man named Allot drove through a luminous dome in the road in the Loudeac Forest between La Croix-Jartel and St. Julien, France and was temporarily paralyzed.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jacques Vallee, computerized catalog; Larry Hatch, U computer database, case 8782, citing Lumieres dans la Nuit, issue #102
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1424
### Event 31595 (F248F082)
**Date:** 3/11/1969
**Description:** On the same day a motorist in Campinas, Sao Paulo state, Brazil saw a light moving erratically in the sky, changing color from yellow to green, then blue, then purple, then back to green. The color changing UFO came to a halt right in front of his car at 4:45 p.m. The car's engine slowed down and the witness, a man named Randi, temporarily felt paralyzed. After the light flew away, both the car and motorist were back to normal.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Walter Buhler, FSR Case Histories, August 1971, p. 11; Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, p. 45 (case 267)
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1425
### Event 31596 (94EA5EB7)
**Date:** 3/12/1969
**Location:** SWEDEN, Hemliden
**Description:** (Translated from French) Kjel Näslund, station director, began his shift at 6:00 PM with routine checks. "Suddenly the alarms went off one after the other, so I went outside and then back in and called the Sundsvall station to report the disturbance. Around 6:30 PM I had the feeling that I had to go outside." He opened the door and saw an enormous object 15 meters from the building, estimated to be 150 meters in diameter, filling the ravine behind the station. Inside the object was a tunnel, glowing with a misty gray light. Next to the object and in the tunnel he saw about ten individuals: they looked like clouds without outlines and seemed to be floating, about 130 cm tall and 30 to 40 cm wide. The witness wanted to call the police but realized he couldn't move.
**Reference:** UFO INFORMATION No. 6 - 1972
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2557
### Event 31597 (409F472C)
**Date:** 3/12/1969
**Location:** NEAR MERIDA, SP
**Description:** Domed saucer buzzes car. Headlights fail. Separate observer(s) TV static and Radio Frequency Interference (RFI.)
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RODEGHIER, Mark/CUFOS: UFO REPORTS INVOLVING VEHICLE INTERFERENCE; CUFOS 1979. Available as CUFOS UFO Archive #1 CD-ROM. http://www.cufos.org/Pubform.pdf (Index 46)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9252
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "nr MERIDA,SP:DOMED SCR BUZZES CAR:HLITES FAIL:SEP.OBS TV STATIC+RFI", **LatLong:** "38.911113 -6.350000", **LatLongDMS:** "38:54:40 N 06:21:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.911113,-6.350000)", **State/Prov:** "Badajoz", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31598 (40088E48)
**Date:** 3/12/1969
**Time:** 09:00
**Location:** LINS, BRZ
**Description:** 1+kids. Silent silver 1.5M ovoid stops and starts. Goes slow toward(s) airport. / News.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 6)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9253
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "460", **HatchDesc:** "LINS,BRZ:1+KIDS:SLNT SLVR 1.5M OVOID STOPS+STARTS:GOES SLOW TWRD AIRPORT:/News", **LatLong:** "-21.666668 -49.766669", **LatLongDMS:** "21:40:00 S 49:46:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-21.666668,-49.766669)", **State/Prov:** "São Paulo", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31599 (D63F8B5F)
**Date:** 3/12/1969
**Time:** 18:30
**Location:** HEMLIDEN, SWD
**Description:** Tech frozen. 10 boxes float / landed 150M saucer going [to] TV transmitter. See reference.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 251)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9254
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **TLP:** Telepathy, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **RBT:** Possible robot or "Grey", mechanical motions, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **OPR:** Operations on humans/animal mutilation/surgery, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Scandanavian and Finland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "HEMLIDEN,SWD:TECH FROZEN:10 BOXES FLOAT/LANDED 150M SCR > TV XMITTR:see ref", **LatLong:** "63.666670 18.833334", **LatLongDMS:** "63:40:00 N 18:50:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/63.666670,18.833334)", **State/Prov:** "Sweden", **Strangeness:** "13"
### Event 31600 (92516085)
**Date:** 3/12/1969
**Description:** Mr. K. Maslund, a radio and TV station technician, was at work at his TV station at 6:30 p.m. in Trejorningsjo, Angermanland, Sweden when he heard the station’s transmission alarm system go off. Opening the door, he saw outside about 50 feet away a UFO 150 meters wide and 5-6 meters tall, hovering in the air. A “tunnel of light” extended from the object through which the witness saw 7 or 8 entities, about 1.30 meters tall by 30-40 cm wide, floating towards him. They passed Maslund within inches and he found that he could not move; after 5-10 minutes, they left the station and re-entered the object through the tunnel, which then closed. The object then took off toward the north and the witness was again able to move. The entities were non-humanoid in shape, looking more like boxes than anything; he had the feeling the entities were inside the boxes and did not want to be recognized in their “true form.”
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1969-22, citing Richard Heiden and the Swedish UFO Group
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1439
### Event 31601 (C50991D1)
**Date:** 3/12/1969
**Description:** That same evening a family in Merida, Badajoz, Spain saw a disc-shaped object with a dome which glowed "brighter than the sun." It buzzed their car and their car headlights failed. The object then paced the car closely for 20 minutes at a low altitude. A woman also saw the object when she went outside her home after her television reception had heavy interference and static.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, case 268, citing Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos, FSR Special Issue #3, UFOs in Two Worlds
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1440
### Event 31602 (5909D9FA)
**Date:** 3/13/1969
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Landing of [Apollo 9](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/Apollo.html\#Apollo9). (March 13)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1969.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2465
### Event 31603 (4D722457)
**Date:** 3/13/1969
**Time:** ~18:00
**Location:** NORTH / HALE, MI
**Description:** 2 / car. UFO follows car / low altitude. Type unknown. Shoots away miles later. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 59)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9255
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "200", **HatchDesc:** "N/HALE,MI:2/CAR:UFO FOLOS CAR/lo alt:type unk:SHOOTS AWAY MILES LATER:NFD", **LatLong:** "44.416669 -83.805560", **LatLongDMS:** "44:25:00 N 83:48:20 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.416669,-83.805560)", **State/Prov:** "Michigan", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 31604 (9663411A)
**Date:** 3/14/1969
**Location:** THAILAND
**Description:** All / KC135 tanker. Huge vertical cylinder/cylindrical object. Away as jets scramble. / r47p81+/ r41p81.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 59)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9256
**Attributes:** **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Thailand", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "THAILAND:ALL/KC135 TANKER:HUGE VRTCL CYL:AWAY as jets scramble:/r47p81+/r41p81", **LatLong:** "15.000001 101.000005", **LatLongDMS:** "15:00:00 N 101:00:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/15.000001,101.000005)", **State/Prov:** "AIR", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 31605 (27F4CF59)
**Date:** 3/14/1969
**Time:** 19:00
**Location:** TOULON, FR
**Description:** Weathermen / (seen thru) telescope. Big bright "machine" turns / sky. Type unknown. / r30p327.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LDLN CONTACT LECTEURS: by Series and #. May'68 -JAN'72 (Entire set of 18 issues) LDLN local chapters & individual members' UFO reports. (Index 29)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9257
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "150", **HatchDesc:** "TOULON,FR:WEATHERMEN/TSCOPE:BIG BRITE "MACHINE" TURNS/SKY:TYPE UNK:/r30p327", **LatLong:** "43.150002 5.900000", **LatLongDMS:** "43:09:00 N 05:54:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.150002,5.900000)", **State/Prov:** "Var", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31606 (DB680C31)
**Date:** 3/14/1969
**Time:** 19:40
**Location:** LINS, BRZ
**Description:** Several separate observer(s). Red saucer lands stadium grounds 2X. Seen 3 days. Antennas.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 6)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9258
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "136", **Elev:** "460", **HatchDesc:** "LINS,BRZ:SVRL SEP.OBS:RED SCR LANDS STADIUM GROUNDS 2X:SEEN 3 DAYS:ANTENNAS", **LatLong:** "-21.666668 -49.716669", **LatLongDMS:** "21:40:00 S 49:43:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-21.666668,-49.716669)", **State/Prov:** "São Paulo", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31607 (9B492EE7)
**Date:** 3/14/1969
**Time:** 19:50
**Location:** MALATAVERNE, FR
**Description:** Man frozen. White barrel with antennas / gravel pit. / FSRv15#6+/ r30p325.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 101)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9259
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "MALATAVERNE,FR:MAN FROZEN:WHT BARREL W/ANTENNAS/GRAVEL PIT:/FSRv15#6+/r30p325", **LatLong:** "44.466669 4.750000", **LatLongDMS:** "44:28:00 N 04:45:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.466669,4.750000)", **State/Prov:** "Drôme", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31608 (3D0BB288)
**Date:** 3/14/1969
**Location:** Thailand, Thailand
**Description:** KC-135 crew reported hovering cylinder, scramble (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_4006
### Event 31609 (29A3576E)
**Date:** 3/14/1969
**Location:** in air space, Thailand
**Description:** Crew of KC-135 tanker saw a cylindrical object larger than the plane (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_4007
### Event 31610 (D6D270FA)
**Date:** 3/14/1969
**Location:** Thailand
**Description:** Flight surgeon, crew of KC-135, observed huge black cylinder hovering, inclined in vertical position. Fighter aircraft sent to investigate, object disappeared
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_182
### Event 31611 (A8BEA2E0)
**Date:** 3/14/1969
**Description:** The flight surgeon and two other crew members of an Air Force KC-135 flying over Thailand saw a huge black cylinder hovering in the vertical position during a daytime flight. When a fighter aircraft was sent to investigate the object disappeared.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP UFO Investigator, May 1969, p. 1; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II: A Thirty-Year Report, pp. 14, 77, 119; Dominique Weinstein, Aircraft UFO Encounters, p. 37
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1484
### Event 31612 (321E40A9)
**Date:** 3/14/1969
**Description:** At 7:50 p.m. a white barrel-shaped object with antennas hovered over a gravel pit in Malataverne, Drome, France and was witnessed by several. When a 37-year-old policeman named Manselon approached the object he was struck by some type of force field and temporarily paralyzed.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** FSR, November-December 1969, p. 32, citing Lumieres dans la Nuit; Gordon Creighton, FSR, September-October 1971, p. 27; William Hauck Dennis, MUFON UFO Journal, October 1976, p. 8; Michel Figuet & Jean-Louis Ruchon, OVNI: Le premier dossier complet des rencontres rapprochees en France, pp. 325-326
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1485
### Event 31613 (97295FC4)
**Date:** 3/14/1969
**Description:** At 7:40 p.m. and again at 8:15 p.m. several separate witnesses observed a red saucer-shaped object with antennas land on stadium grounds twice in Lins, Sao Paolo, Brazil. It was seen again over the next three days.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Walter Buhler, FSR Case Histories, August 1971, p. 12
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1486
### Event 31614 (142AB54D)
**Date:** 3/15/1969
**Description:** A double saucer with two antennae was sighted hovering over an athletic club in Lins, Sao Paulo state, Brazil.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Walter Buhler, FSR Case Histories, August 1971, p. 12
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1525
### Event 31615 (D157AA79)
**Date:** 3/17/1969
**Time:** 02:00
**Location:** EVILLERS, FR
**Description:** Night light. Cloud-saucer lands. 12M / stunted plants found. Earthquake fault zone / r30p327.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 104)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9260
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "EVILLERS,FR:NLT:CLOUD-SCR LANDS:12M/STUNTED PLANTS FOUND:EQ FAULT ZONE/r30p327", **LatLong:** "47.000002 6.200000", **LatLongDMS:** "47:00:00 N 06:12:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.000002,6.200000)", **State/Prov:** "Doubs", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31616 (234615F2)
**Date:** 3/17/1969
**Time:** 15:40
**Location:** BUCKSKIN MTS, AZ
**Description:** 2 / Cessna. 20 35' saucers going west / 300MPH. Follow terrain / unison. / APRO Mar'69.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 59)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9261
**Attributes:** **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "400", **HatchDesc:** "BUCKSKIN MTS,AZ:2/CESSNA:20 35'SCRS >W/300MPH:FOLO TERRAIN/UNISON:/APRO Mar'69", **LatLong:** "34.250002 -113.833339", **LatLongDMS:** "34:15:00 N 113:50:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/34.250002,-113.833339)", **State/Prov:** "Arizona", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31617 (F047FAAE)
**Date:** 3/17/1969
**Location:** Lake Havasu, AZ
**Description:** Cessna 150 encountered 15-20 ovals 6904or05 Gulf of Mexico At sea 3 The event occurred while the "British Grenadier" was sailing through the Gulf of Mexico. The UFO (like an arrowhead) appeared directly above the ship at exactly noon on the first day. E-M effects (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_4008
### Event 31618 (CC8CA628)
**Date:** 3/17/1969
**Locations:** Phoenix; Lake Havasu, Arizona
**Description:** Two pilots are flying a Cessna 150 between Phoenix and Lake Havasu, Arizona, when the pilot in the right seat rises up and sees maybe 2 dozen oval, white discs on the left side of the plane, flying very low and in a rough formation. Each has the hint of a blister near the front. The speed is 200–300 mph, and the only maneuver they make is pitch and roll, all done simultaneously, in unison. For 20 seconds, both pilots watch the objects pass below their aircraft and beyond.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Michael D. Swords, “We Know Where You Live,” IUR 30, no. 2 \(January 2006\): 11–12
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4676
### Event 31619 (6184FB59)
**Date:** 3/17/1969
**Description:** At 2:45 a.m. a retired army general had become stranded along a dirt road near Barra da Tijuca, Brazil after his car engine had quit. Moments later he saw a light rising above a nearby hill and felt a strong compulsion to walk towards it. After a short walk he came upon an object with translucent walls that gave off a dazzling light. Despite the translucent appearance the object seemed to be made of some metallic substance. Part of the surface of the object flung itself back, and three human-like figures stood in the opening, one a woman. The witness was invited inside by one of the men, who informed him that the other two were also humans. After a short ride in the craft he was told that time, as we conceive of it, doesn't exist. He was eventually released back to his vehicle, which could quickly be started again without any difficulty.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1969, case # 1483, citing Irene Granchi, International UFO Magazine, Volume 1, No. 3
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1539
### Event 31620 (C5093994)
**Date:** 3/17/1969
**Description:** Mr. Herbert Lancaster told police that a saucer-shaped UFO landed in front of his car at a crossroads in Lincoln, Nebraska on this night and "turned off" his car's engine. A human-appearing occupant, "an ordinary average guy," was seen peering out from a window inside the craft. After a short while UFO "took off at high rate of speed."
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Lincoln Star, March 18, 1966; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1969-27, citing the Lincoln Star
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1540
### Event 31621 (B1FC998D)
**Date:** 3/18/1969 (approximate)
**Description:** 3 observer(s). Luminous/glowing football lands 3M from truck stuck / mud. Flies.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 118)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9262
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Chile", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "3683", **HatchDesc:** "SAN MARTIN> Event 31622 (1BEAB278)
**Date:** 3/18/1969
**Location:** 37.0000 -116.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Chatty” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_586
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0000 -116.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:00 N 116:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0000,-116.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Chatty", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 31623 (59E55BE9)
**Date:** 3/18/1969
**Location:** 37.0000 -116.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Valise” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_587
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0000 -116.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:00 N 116:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0000,-116.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Valise", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 31624 (20F0E97C)
**Date:** 3/18/1969
**Locations:** eastern Cambodia; Indochina; Cambodia; Laos; Vietnam
**Description:** The US begins a covert SAC bombing campaign, Operation Menu, in eastern Cambodia that lasts until May 26, 1970. An official USAF record of US bombing activity over Indochina from 1964 to 1973 is declassified by President [Bill Clinton](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill%5FClinton) in 2000. The report gives details of the extent of the bombing of Cambodia, as well as of Laos and Vietnam. The Menu bombings are an escalation of what has previously been tactical air attacks. Operation Freedom Deal immediately follows Operation Menu. Under Freedom Deal, B-52 bombing is expanded to a much larger area of Cambodia and continued until August 1973.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Operation Menu](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation%5FMenu)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4677
### Event 31625 (C406A4BB)
**Date:** 3/18/1969
**Description:** In 1969 a luminous, football-shaped flying object landed 3 meters from a stranded truck that was stuck in some mud, on a road between Ollague and San Martin, Chile. The driver and two passengers watched the UFO for ten minutes until it took off.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** CICA Botetin Informative, December 1969
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1553
### Event 31626 (7DFAD4EA)
**Date:** 3/19/1969
**Location:** GLADSTONE, QLD, AUS
**Description:** Saucer paces and hovers over 2 cars. Headlights beam spread as saucer pulses.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RODEGHIER, Mark/CUFOS: UFO REPORTS INVOLVING VEHICLE INTERFERENCE; CUFOS 1979. Available as CUFOS UFO Archive #1 CD-ROM. http://www.cufos.org/Pubform.pdf (Index 46)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9263
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "GLADSTONE,QLD,AUS:SCR PACES+HOVRS OVR 2 CARS:HLITES BEAM SPREAD AS SCR PULSES", **LatLong:** "-23.900001 151.277785", **LatLongDMS:** "23:54:00 S 151:16:40 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-23.900001,151.277785)", **State/Prov:** "Queensland", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 31627 (A4FEE62E)
**Date:** 3/19/1969
**Time:** 01:40
**Description:** Green turtle with claws / low altitude. Domed 5M saucer lands. 2 figure(s) seen.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** ITACAT, Catalogo Italiano degli Incontri Ravvicinati. Maurizio Verga, 1989 CISU/Torino, Italy. (Index 63)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9264
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Italy", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "CALTANISETTA,ITL:GRN TURTLE W/CLAWS/LO alt:DOMED 5M SCR LANDS:2 FIGs seen", **LatLong:** "37.483335 14.066667", **LatLongDMS:** "37:29:00 N 14:04:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.483335,14.066667)", **State/Prov:** "CL", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 31628 (049C1C16)
**Date:** 3/19/1969
**Time:** 20:00
**Description:** Several separate observer(s). Night lights and luminous/glowing ovoids maneuver / mountains / hours.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 6)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9265
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "200", **Elev:** "1000", **HatchDesc:** "CARLOS PRATES+BELO HORIZONTE,BRZ:SVRL SEP.OBS:NLTS+LUMn OVOIDS MNVR/Mtns/HOURS", **LatLong:** "-19.916668 -43.983335", **LatLongDMS:** "19:55:00 S 43:59:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-19.916668,-43.983335)", **State/Prov:** "Minas Gerais", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31629 (6AE1CB3F)
**Date:** 3/19/1969
**Description:** Near Gladstone, Queensland, Australia a saucer-shaped object approached two cars, hovered near one car, and began pulsating. As it got brighter, the cars' headlights spread wider than usual; as it dimmed, the headlights went back to normal. The two cars kept driving together, but the craft again came to hover over one of the cars. The drivers stopped again, but this time nothing happened to the headlights. The object rocked gently while keeping its position. After a few minutes of hovering it flew quickly into the distance.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, case 269, citing Data-Net, April, 1970
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1569
### Event 31630 (4E5FD12D)
**Date:** 3/19/1969
**Description:** In 1969 Renato Bifarella of Caltanissetta, Italy on the island of Sicily was looking at the sky with binoculars on a night of a full moon, when at 1:35 a.m. he saw what resembled a “tortoise” hovering in the sky. It was green in color with pale brown spots, and had “legs” underneath. It was 5-6 meters wide and four meters high, with a brilliantly lit turret in which he could see at least two figures moving about. It approached him, and emitted a beam of pink light that struck him and caused him to faint. When he regained consciousness, he could see that the UFO had led down two thick “ropes” that were one meter in thickness. Through binoculars he was able to see that two humanoid figures—one in red overalls and the other in white, with blue helmets---were climbing toward the object. The witness fainted again, and when he came to, the object was gone.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case #1969-26 (A1037), citing Francesco Izzo, Italian CE-III Catalogue
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1570
### Event 31631 (0C9A641B)
**Date:** 3/20/1969
**Time:** 02:50
**Description:** Army General. Electro-magnetic effect (EME). Beams and sphere. Pseudo-human/entity and 2 humans inside. Tour.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GRANCHI, Irene: UFO's and ABDUCTIONS in BRAZIL: Horus House Press, Madison, WI: 1992 (English translation 1994) ISBN 1-881852-09-1 (Index 158)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9266
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **TLP:** Telepathy, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **CVS:** Conversation/communication, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "40", **Elev:** "30", **HatchDesc:** "nr BARRA da TIJUCA,BRZ:ARMY GENERAL:EME:BEAMS+SPHERE:PSH+2 HUMANS INSIDE:TOUR", **LatLong:** "-22.966668 -43.316669", **LatLongDMS:** "22:58:00 S 43:19:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-22.966668,-43.316669)", **State/Prov:** "RDJ", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 31632 (7F40FC8F)
**Date:** 3/20/1969
**Time:** 18:12:00.0
**Location:** 37.0220 -116.0302
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Barsac” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_588
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0220 -116.0302", **LatLongDMS:** "37:01:19 N 116:01:49 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0220,-116.0302)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.30", **NukeMb:** "4.60", **NukeName:** "Barsac", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 31633 (4C0BF77E)
**Date:** 3/21/1969
**Location:** FRANCE, Evillers
**Description:** (Translated from French) At 10:30 PM Marcel Baud was at the doorstep along with the Pointurier couple, Alcide Pointurier and Jean-Marie Reddat. Suddenly it seemed to them that a farm was burning a few hundred meters away. As there were no buildings in that direction, it seemed strange to them. Looking carefully, they saw that the phenomenon was moving slowly to the right in front of the ridges separating Evillers and Septfontaines. It was a black, rectangular object with symmetrically 4 or 5 openings in the lower part and 4 or 5 openings in the upper part. These openings were of a dark red color illuminating the black rectangular mass. The phenomenon was advancing at a very low altitude. Observation until 10:45 PM: it passed behind a house and was not seen again.
**Reference:** M. FIGUET/ J.L. RUCHON: "Ovni, Premier dossier complet..." ed. Alain Lefeuvre 1979, p. 330
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2558
### Event 31634 (921DAA9F)
**Date:** 3/21/1969
**Time:** 22:30
**Location:** EVILLERS, FR
**Description:** Rectangular object / low altitude. 4-5 portholes / top and bottom/underside. (Earthquake fault zone). / r30p330.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 126)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9267
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "15", **HatchDesc:** "EVILLERS,FR:RECT.OBJ/LO ALT:4-5 PORTHOLES/TOP+BTM:(EQ FAULT ZONE):/r30p330", **LatLong:** "46.983336 6.233334", **LatLongDMS:** "46:59:00 N 06:14:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.983336,6.233334)", **State/Prov:** "Doubs", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31635 (0A11F47E)
**Date:** 3/21/1969
**Time:** 14:30:00.0
**Location:** 37.1332 -116.0867
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Coffer” YieldMax: 100KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_589
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1332 -116.0867", **LatLongDMS:** "37:08:00 N 116:05:12 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1332,-116.0867)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.46", **NukeMb:** "4.90", **NukeName:** "Coffer", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "100"
### Event 31636 (8B9DCE27)
**Date:** 3/22/1969
**Time:** 20:00
**Description:** 3 girls. Luminous blur / sky / 20 hours. Small humanoids (or Greys) seen here and there in town.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** INFORESPACE Journal. SOBEPS Group, Belgium; bimonthly (Index 29)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9268
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "220", **Elev:** "876", **HatchDesc:** "BELO HORIZONTE,BRZ:3 GIRLS:LUM.BLUR/SKY/20hrs:OIDS SEEN HERE+THERE IN TOWN", **LatLong:** "-19.883334 -43.950002", **LatLongDMS:** "19:53:00 S 43:57:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-19.883334,-43.950002)", **State/Prov:** "Minas Gerais", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 31637 (519BDEF5)
**Date:** 3/22/1969
**Description:** Two unidentified teenage girls were returning home in the Colegio Batista district of Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil at around 8 p.m. when they saw a luminous object with a blue light hovering in the west. It had a ring of white lights around it and appeared to be spinning. At home later one of the girls went to the window and saw a little man near a gate ten meters away. He was standing erect and facing her window. He wore a kind of diving suit with a soft green luminosity, and a helmet through which she could see a pair of glowing reflective eyes, like those of a cat. She told her earlier companion and a third girl. The second girl also saw the entity, who by then was standing facing sideways. The third girl ran to the aid of the first witness who was so frightened by the figure's appearance she went into a state of shock. That same evening the boyfriend of one of these girls was walking on the other side of the city when the streetlights went out and he saw the faintly illuminated silhouettes of two small figures standing on a precipice above the street only a few meters away from him. Frightened, he hurried on, but walking through the area later the streetlights were on again and the figures were gone.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb and Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1969-23, citing the CICOANI group
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1616
### Event 31638 (829EECA1)
**Date:** 3/23/1969
**Time:** 11:00
**Location:** NEAR MARSHALL, MI
**Description:** 3 / farm. 16m domed metallic saucer in alfalfa field / 20 minute(s). Departure unseen.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 59)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9269
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "20", **Elev:** "287", **HatchDesc:** "nr MARSHALL,MI:3/FARM:16m DOMED MTLC SCR in ALFALFA FLD/20min:departure unseen", **LatLong:** "42.250002 -84.916671", **LatLongDMS:** "42:15:00 N 84:55:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.250002,-84.916671)", **State/Prov:** "Michigan", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31639 (BC913463)
**Date:** 3/25/1969
**Time:** 22:30
**Description:** White cylinder/cigar-shape lands on housetop. Takes off. Seen again 12 Apr. 6.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BALLESTER OLMOS, Vicente-Juan: CATALOG of 200 TYPE-1 EVENTS in SPAIN & PORTUGAL; CUFOS 1976. (Index 24)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9270
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "RENEDO de VALDAVIA,SPAIN:WHT CGR LANDS ON HOUSETOP:TAKES OFF:SEEN AGAIN 12APR6", **LatLong:** "42.533335 -4.916667", **LatLongDMS:** "42:32:00 N 04:55:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.533335,-4.916667)", **State/Prov:** "PLN", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 31640 (FDCAD78A)
**Date:** 3/26/1969
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Meteor 1, first Soviet weather satellite. (March 26)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1969.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2466
### Event 31641 (342B0E57)
**Date:** 3/28/1969
**Description:** Dwight D. Eisenhower dies
**Type:** historical event
**Reference:** [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dwight_D._Eisenhower)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_660
### Event 31642 (F9B8E0D5)
**Date:** 3/31/1969
**Description:** As many as two hundred residents of of the Coenze neighborhood in Nova Iguaca, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil witnessed the descent of a "mystery airplane" on Maxambona Hill in the middle of the afternoon. It fell from the sky, falling in an unusually slow manner, in an apparent controlled descent. Among the many witnesses was an elderly man and his children. He told the children to go immediately to the landing site to assist any possible survivors. As he watched hundreds of townspeople converging on the hill, he saw two beings come out of the craft. The craft itself seemed to be slowly "moving like a wing" that was shifting slightly in the wind. When the first people neared the site the object and its occupants vanished abruptly, and nothing was to be found at the "crash" site. No one heard any engine noise as the craft descended, and investigations at the site by the military police found no wreckage.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb and Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1969-24, citing Fernande Cleto Nunes Pereira & Dr. Walter Buhler, SPEDV Bulletin, 1975
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1769
### Event 31643 (BB226076)
**Date:** 4/1969
**Time:** 16:00?
**Location:** BONAR, SP
**Description:** Rumors. Shepherd sees saucer. Possible landing and small humanoids (or Greys). No further details / low credibility.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BALLESTER OLMOS, Vicente-Juan: CATALOG of 200 TYPE-1 EVENTS in SPAIN & PORTUGAL; CUFOS 1976. (Index 24)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9271
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "4", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "BONAR,SP:rumors:SHEPHERD SEES SCR:POSS.LANDING+OIDS:NFD/low credibility", **LatLong:** "42.883335 -5.250000", **LatLongDMS:** "42:53:00 N 05:15:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.883335,-5.250000)", **State/Prov:** "PLN", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31644 (A4014434)
**Date:** 4/1969
**Time:** 22:00?
**Location:** BALIZAC, FR
**Description:** 1 observer wakens. Small humanoids (or Greys) inside. Missing time. Abduction? Ankle wound. Finger grows. / MJ#309.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 314)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9272
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NFO:** No craft seen, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly, **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "60", **HatchDesc:** "BALIZAC,FR:1 OBS WAKENS:OIDS INSIDE:MST:ABD?:ANKLE WOUND:FINGER GROWS:/MJ#309", **LatLong:** "44.488891 -0.433333", **LatLongDMS:** "44:29:20 N 00:26:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.488891,-0.433333)", **State/Prov:** "Gironde", **Strangeness:** "12"
### Event 31645 (4EA4BFD1)
**Date:** 4/1969
**Location:** US
**Description:** "The Condon Report and UFOs" by Dr. J. Allen Hynek, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, called the report: "a strange sort of scientific paper [that] does not fulfill the promise of its title. . . [It] leaves the same strange, inexplicable residue Of unknowns which has plagued the U.S. Air Force investigation for 20 years."
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_183
### Event 31646 (7E42EA52)
**Date:** 4/1969
**Description:** [Hynek](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J.%5FAllen%5FHynek) writes a review of the [Condon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward%5FCondon) report for the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, calling it a “strange sort of scientific paper \[that\] does not fulfill the promise of its title…. \[It\] leaves the same strange, inexplicable residue of unknowns which has plagued the U.S. Air Force investigation for 20 years.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** J. Allen Hynek, “[The Condon](http://www.project1947.com/shg/articles/bas1.html) [Report and UFOs,](http://www.project1947.com/shg/articles/bas1.html)” Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 25 \(April 1969\): 39–42
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4678
### Event 31647 (B9F98EF1)
**Date:** 4/3/1969
**Location:** Southern part, UK
**Description:** 7:38 P.M. Bright fireball meteor traveling south-southeast to north-northwest, leaving long trail, sparks. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_4009
### Event 31648 (1ED3A0B9)
**Date:** 4/3/1969
**Location:** Southern UK
**Description:** 7:38 P.M. Bright fireball meteor traveling south-southeast to north-northwest, leaving long trail, sparks.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_184
### Event 31649 (86AC0F67)
**Date:** 4/4/1969 (approximate)
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** PRINCETON, NJ
**Description:** Astronomer. Silent 3M platform with rotating antenna going quickly southeast over campus!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** STURROCK, Dr. Peter A: REPORT / SURVEY of the AMERICAN ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY of the UFO PROBLEM; Stanford, CA 1977. (Index 110)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9273
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **HOX:** Suspicion of hoax, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "66", **HatchDesc:** "PRINCETON,NJ:ASTRONOMER:SLNT 3M PLATFORM W/ROTATING ANTENNA >>SE OVR CAMPUS!", **LatLong:** "40.350002 -74.666670", **LatLongDMS:** "40:21:00 N 74:40:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.350002,-74.666670)", **State/Prov:** "New Jersey", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31650 (794C6B60)
**Date:** 4/4/1969
**Time:** 04:57:00.0
**Location:** 49.7533 78.0536
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: .001KT YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1329
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.7533 78.0536", **LatLongDMS:** "49:45:12 N 78:03:13 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.7533,78.0536)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "KRR", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** ".001", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 31651 (E355C3EE)
**Date:** 4/5/1969
**Time:** 22:10
**Location:** WEST NYACK, NY
**Description:** 3 teens / car. Saucer going quickly west. 2 hours missing time and abduction? Police report. / r41p533.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HOPKINS, Budd: MISSING TIME; 255pp. G. P. Putnam's 1980 & Ballentine PB 1988. 255p. (Index 103)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9274
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly, **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "120", **Elev:** "136", **HatchDesc:** "WEST NYACK,NY:3 TEENS/CAR:SCR >>W:2 HRS MST+ABD?:POLICE Rpt:/r41p533", **LatLong:** "41.094446 -73.972226", **LatLongDMS:** "41:05:40 N 73:58:20 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.094446,-73.972226)", **State/Prov:** "New York", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 31652 (8EB91815)
**Date:** 4/5/1969
**Description:** The two witnesses were parked in a remote area of West Nyack, New York at 7:00 p.m. when they saw a light approach. They got out of the car and saw a large oval-shaped craft with lights around its edge and a beam of light shining from its center. A memory lapse occurred, with one witness vaguely recalling the object landing and shining a beam of light towards them. Later one of the witnesses remembered being inside a circular room lying on a white Formica table. He was surrounded by several humanoids described as being five-foot tall with pale gray skin, large round heads, and large black eyes. These beings were well built and wore tight fitting grayish green coveralls. One being appeared to be the examiner, and he wore a turtleneck garment and peered intently into the witness's face. At one point one of the witnesses remembered struggling and thought it felt that he had been ripped to pieces and then reassembled again.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1969, case # 489, citing Thomas E. Bullard, UFO Abductions The Measure of A Mystery
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1852
### Event 31653 (D4643810)
**Date:** 4/8/1969
**Description:** Many observer(s). Saucer with dome / bottom hovers / 30 minute(s). Intermittent beams going down.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 6)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9275
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "30", **Elev:** "509", **HatchDesc:** "GUARATINGUETA,BRZ:MANY OBS:SCR W/DOME/BOTTOM HVRS/30min:INTERMITTENT BEAMS↓", **LatLong:** "-22.816668 -45.216669", **LatLongDMS:** "22:49:00 S 45:13:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-22.816668,-45.216669)", **State/Prov:** "São Paulo", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31654 (AB7653DE)
**Date:** 4/10/1969
**Time:** 12:00
**Location:** OURO PRETO, BRZ
**Description:** Photographs / saucer. 2 objects and power outage / 1900h. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) and garbage gone through / 2200h.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 6)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9276
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "88", **Elev:** "1160", **HatchDesc:** "OURO PRETO,BRZ:FOTOS/SCR:2 OBJS+PWR OUTAGE/1900h:RFI+GARBAGE GONE THRU/2200h", **LatLong:** "-20.400001 -43.500002", **LatLongDMS:** "20:24:00 S 43:30:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-20.400001,-43.500002)", **State/Prov:** "Minas Gerais", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31655 (464ACAD1)
**Date:** 4/10/1969
**Time:** 23:30
**Description:** 1 / car. Luminous 75cm keg-spool flies behind house and just over car.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 120)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9277
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "14", **HatchDesc:** "NE/NEUVILLE,QBC:1/CAR:LUMn.75cm KEG-SPOOL FLIES BHND HOUSE+JUST OVR CAR:", **LatLong:** "46.733336 -71.516670", **LatLongDMS:** "46:44:00 N 71:31:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.733336,-71.516670)", **RelAlt:** "3", **State/Prov:** "Quebec", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31656 (AF073901)
**Date:** 4/10/1969
**Description:** At ten o’clock in the evening, in the midst of a flurry of UFO sightings in various regions of Brazil, student Marco Antonio von Kruger in Ouro Preto, Minas Gerais state, Brazil noticed interference on his TV. He looked out his window and saw a “vague shape in movement” and also heard garbage cans being overturned. The next day he found that someone or some creature had been rummaging through the garbage cans. At about the same time that Marco reported his observation, a worker returning home not far from Marco’s home observed an enormous round UFO hovering near the ground from which came “strange measured, muffled sounds.”
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb and Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1969-30, citing FSR Case Histories # 6
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1939
### Event 31657 (B84105F2)
**Date:** 4/12/1969
**Time:** 12:00
**Location:** RISSALA, FINL
**Description:** Military pilots and ground RADAR's. 7 orbs 2km over Pori Air Force Base. Going quickly north into wind. / r150.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 152)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9278
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **RDR:** Radar traces/blips, **MIL:** Military investigation
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Scandanavian and Finland", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "RISSALA,FINL:MIL.PILOTS+GND.RDRs:7 ORBS 2km ovr PORI AFB:>>N into wind:/r150", **LatLong:** "62.700003 27.916668", **LatLongDMS:** "62:42:00 N 27:55:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/62.700003,27.916668)", **State/Prov:** "Finland", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31658 (A43BA7AE)
**Date:** 4/12/1969
**Locations:** Pori Airport, Finland; Vaasa
**Description:** During a Fouga Magister aircraft training mission at Pori Airport, Finland, a Finnish Defence Forces flight controller tells pilot-in-training [Tarmo Tukeva](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/199874290/tarmo-tukeva) to investigate seven air balloons that are floating at approximately 5,000–9,800 feet above the airport. Tukeva reports that the objects are ball or disc-shaped but cannot determine how far away they are. Tukeva sees the objects accelerate away from him “at great speed.” Indeterminate radar images are also later reported 125 miles away in Vaasa. A second pilot-in-training, Jouko Kuronen, overhears the radio communications between the flight controller and Tukeva and sees the UFOs as well. According to the Finnish Armed Forces magazine Ruotuväki, the reports are similar to other cases occurring over bodies of water during ongoing military exercises and may have been due to “transnational spy planes or aircraft.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Finnish Air Force UFO sighting](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finnish%5FAir%5FForce%5FUFO%5Fsighting)”; “[1969: Pilots Report 7 Yellow Spheres at Pori Airport, Finland,](https://www.ufocasebook.com/2013/finland1969.html)” UFO Casebook, August 13, 2013; “[Ruotuväki: Ilmavoimien lentäjät tekivät merkittävän ufo-havainnon 60-luvulla,](https://www.is.fi/kotimaa/art-2000000502183.html)” Ilta-Sanomat, May 8, 2012
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4679
### Event 31659 (1D14BAD1)
**Date:** 4/12/1969
**Description:** At noon several Swedish Air Force personnel sighted seven balloon or disc-shaped UFOs; the objects hovered over Rissala AFB, Sweden and there was reported to be radar confirmation of the sighting.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Dominique Weinstein, Aircraft UFO Encounters, p. 37; UFO Information Sweden, February 1971; MUFON UFO Journal, issue no. 152
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1978
### Event 31660 (9C986277)
**Date:** 4/12/1969
**Description:** A former-schoolmistress was exercising her dog in some fields between Bridgeworth and Shrewsbury, England at about 6:30 p.m. when she observed a top-shaped object on the far side of a hedge, It stood about three meters high and was resting on gray colored legs. Around the object she saw three beings about the size of 11-year-old children. They had pear shaped heads and appeared to be lacking hands. They wore black outfits with white belts. Despite their apparent lack of hands they were collecting samples from the ground that they placed on the side of the object. The specimens seemed to disappear into the solid craft. The woman's dog fled the scene at the outset of her encounter.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb and Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1969-25, citing Roger Stanway & Anthony Pace
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_1979
### Event 31661 (7B6047AC)
**Date:** 4/13/1969
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** CULLEN, TDF, CHILE
**Description:** Pink moon going [to] up and down then horizontal. Then goes fast. Back 14 April.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 118)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9279
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Chile", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "30", **Elev:** "20", **HatchDesc:** "CULLEN,TDF,CHILE:PINK MOON >UP+DOWN then HZNTL:THEN GOES FAST:BACK 14APR", **LatLong:** "-52.916669 -68.900003", **LatLongDMS:** "52:55:00 S 68:54:00 W", **Locale:** "Oil & Coal", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-52.916669,-68.900003)", **State/Prov:** "TDF", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31662 (044424EA)
**Date:** 4/13/1969
**Time:** 04:04:00.0
**Location:** 49.7356 78.1047
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: .001KT YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1330
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.7356 78.1047", **LatLongDMS:** "49:44:08 N 78:06:17 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.7356,78.1047)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "KRR", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** ".001", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 31663 (826BCA36)
**Date:** 4/14/1969
**Location:** Hill City, KS
**Description:** Multi-colored object came within 100 ft., hovered. Ulysses, Kans., News, Apr. 24, 1969; CUFOS report, dated as Apr 19.(E) car (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_4010
### Event 31664 (563824C5)
**Date:** 4/15/1969
**Time:** 23:00
**Description:** Saucer lights road. Truck malfunctions due to EME (electro-magnetic effects). 2 observer(s) paralyzed. Back 2 minute(s) later.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 118)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9280
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Chile", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "24", **HatchDesc:** "nr PICHIDANGUI,CHILE:SCR LITES ROAD:TRUCK EMES:2 OBS PRLYZD:BACK 2min LATER", **LatLong:** "-33.216668 -71.533337", **LatLongDMS:** "33:13:00 S 71:32:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-33.216668,-71.533337)", **State/Prov:** "SNT", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31665 (A32E516A)
**Date:** 4/15/1969
**Description:** At 11:00 p.m. two people driving on the highway near Pichidangui, Chile in Coquimbo province were paralyzed and their truck engine died when they encountered a disc-shaped object ahead on the road. The object lit up the road and flew away, but came back two minutes later.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Larry Hatch, U computer database, citing Lumieres dans la Nuit, issue #118
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2026
### Event 31666 (B28B12C4)
**Date:** 4/16/1969
**Time:** 09:00
**Location:** LORIENT, FR
**Description:** Several observer(s). Luminous moon-size ball slows over city. Trail / smoke. Shoots going quickly south.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BOEDEC, Jean-Francois: Les OVNI EN BRETAGNE, Anatomie d'un Phenomene. 1978 Editions Fernand Lanore, Paris. (Index 32)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9281
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "LORIENT,FR:SVRL OBS:LUMn.MOONSIZE BALL SLOWS OVR CITY:TRAIL/SMOKE:SHOOTS >>S", **LatLong:** "47.733336 -3.366667", **LatLongDMS:** "47:44:00 N 03:22:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.733336,-3.366667)", **State/Prov:** "Morbihan", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31667 (15D56334)
**Date:** 4/16/1969
**Time:** ~22:00
**Description:** 2+1 observer(s). Glowing-tops maneuver. Animals upset. Saucer nest found / 17 April.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CLARK, Jerome: High Strangeness: UFO's from 1960 through 1979. The UFO ENCYCLOPEDIA Volume 3. 1996 Omnigraphics Inc Detroit, MI ISBN 1-55888-742-3 (Index 505)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9282
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "99", **HatchDesc:** "BUNGAWALBIN,NSW,AUS:2+1 OBS:GLOW-TOPS MNVR:ANIMALS UPSET:SCR NEST FOUND/17APR:", **LatLong:** "-29.033335 152.266674", **LatLongDMS:** "29:02:00 S 152:16:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-29.033335,152.266674)", **State/Prov:** "NSW", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31668 (884E5108)
**Date:** 4/17/1969
**Locations:** Bungawalban, New South Wales; Lismore
**Description:** Morning. T. J. Hefferman of Bungawalban, New South Wales, wakes up and notices that his dogs are “strangely subdued.” Outside, he finds a flattened area in a sacaline \(Reynoutria sachalinensis\) forage crop on his property. A roughly circular area is flattened in four distinct patches, the largest 60 by 15 feet. All the stalks lie in one direction, north to south. The previous night, two men working night shift on a flood mitigation dredge a quarter mile north of the farm had seen a glow in the sky, and a neighboring farmer had seen two “toplike objects” moving about for a number of nights. G. Testa, an independent investigator from Lismore, visits the site on April 20 and takes 25 feet of 8mm color film to document the damage.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Bill Chalker, “[1969: The Great UFO](http://theozfiles.blogspot.com/2020/09/1969-great-ufo-daze-of-oz.html) [Daze of Oz,](http://theozfiles.blogspot.com/2020/09/1969-great-ufo-daze-of-oz.html)” The Oz Files, September 19, 2020; Clark III 1138–1139
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4680
### Event 31669 (62090F27)
**Date:** 4/19/1969
**Time:** ~20:00
**Location:** HILL CITY, KS
**Description:** 5mi east. Multicolor UFO. Car malfunctions due to EME (electro-magnetic effects) when comes near. OK after. 2 observer(s).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RODEGHIER, Mark/CUFOS: UFO REPORTS INVOLVING VEHICLE INTERFERENCE; CUFOS 1979. Available as CUFOS UFO Archive #1 CD-ROM. http://www.cufos.org/Pubform.pdf (Index 46)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9283
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "680", **HatchDesc:** "HILL CITY,KS:5mi E:MULTICOLOR UFO:CAR EMES WHEN COMES NEAR:OK AFTER:2 OBS", **LatLong:** "39.366669 -99.766671", **LatLongDMS:** "39:22:00 N 99:46:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.366669,-99.766671)", **State/Prov:** "Kansas", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 31670 (F3066216)
**Date:** 4/19/1969
**Location:** 5 miles east of Hill City, Kansas
**Description:** Evening. Two witnesses 5 miles east of Hill City, Kansas, watch a multi-colored object approach to within 100 feet of their car. The car engine fails. The object hovers at 75 feet above the ground for 3 minutes, then slowly moves away. The car then restarts without trouble.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Mark Rodeghier, [UFO Reports Involving Vehicle](http://cufos.org/books/UFO%5FREPORTS%5FINVOLVING%5FVEHICLE%5FINTERFERENCE.pdf) [Interference](http://cufos.org/books/UFO%5FREPORTS%5FINVOLVING%5FVEHICLE%5FINTERFERENCE.pdf)[,](http://cufos.org/books/UFO%5FREPORTS%5FINVOLVING%5FVEHICLE%5FINTERFERENCE.pdf) CUFOS, 1982, p. 46
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4681
### Event 31671 (F8B139F7)
**Date:** 4/20/1969
**Time:** 19:30
**Description:** 1 observer. 25' hat-saucer low over cane crop. Strong beam sweeps 360°.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CHALKER,Bill: The OZ FILES. Australian Sightings. 1996 Duffy & Snellgrove. NSW,Australia. ISBN 1-875989-04-8 (Index 125)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9284
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens, **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "HARWOOD Isl,NSW,AUST:1 OBS:25'HAT-SCR LO OVR CANE CROP:STRONG BEAM SWEEPS 360°", **LatLong:** "-29.500001 153.300007", **LatLongDMS:** "29:30:00 S 153:18:00 E", **Locale:** "Islands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-29.500001,153.300007)", **State/Prov:** "NSW", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 31672 (0F32E300)
**Date:** 4/20/1969
**Time:** ~20:00
**Location:** ITAUCU, GOIAS, BRZ
**Description:** Man abduction. Wakens 400km south! Horse going [to] home alone. Man sick-dies..
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 197)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9285
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly, **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations, **MIL:** Military investigation, **GSA:** Covert Security Agency, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies, **COV:** Indication of coverup
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "244", **Elev:** "912", **HatchDesc:** "ITAUCU,GOIAS,BRZ:MAN ABD:WAKENS 400km S!:HORSE>HOME ALONE:MAN SICK-DIES..", **LatLong:** "-16.216667 -49.616669", **LatLongDMS:** "16:13:00 S 49:37:00 W", **Locale:** "Rainforest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-16.216667,-49.616669)", **State/Prov:** "GOI", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 31673 (EE3A821E)
**Date:** 4/20/1969
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** BOTAFOGO, BRZ
**Description:** 60M round silent object hovers over racetrack. Shoots many colored beams out.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 6)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9286
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "54", **HatchDesc:** "BOTAFOGO,BRZ:60M ROUND SLNT OBJ HVRS OVR RACETRACK:SHOOTS MANY CLRD BEAMS OUT", **LatLong:** "-22.950001 -43.183335", **LatLongDMS:** "22:57:00 S 43:11:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-22.950001,-43.183335)", **State/Prov:** "RDJ", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31674 (DAED2DE0)
**Date:** 4/20/1969
**Location:** Harwood Island, New South Wales
**Description:** 7:30 p.m. A woman out walking at Harwood Island, New South Wales, sees and hears a large patch of 2-year- old cane rustling and waving on a still night. A powerful beam of light switches on across the top of the cane path, and it slowly turns in a half circle before going out and being replaced by a “low beam” and “cabin lights.” A UFO is above the cane and she feels a powerful force lifting her up and pulling her toward the object when the “high beam” is on. The helmet-shaped object is 20–28 feet long and 22 feet wide. At its closest the UFO is 40–50 feet away. It disappears suddenly.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Bill Chalker, “[1969: The Great UFO Daze of Oz,](http://theozfiles.blogspot.com/2020/09/1969-great-ufo-daze-of-oz.html)” The Oz Files, September 19, 2020; Clark III 1139
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4682
### Event 31675 (3A299B6E)
**Date:** 4/20/1969
**Description:** At 7:30 p.m. at a farm on Harwood Island, New South Wales, Australia a 25-foot diameter hat-shaped disc flew low over the sugar cane crop. It emitted a strong beam of light that swept the ground for 360 degrees.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Bill Chalker, The Oz Files, p. 125
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2158
### Event 31676 (851580CD)
**Date:** 4/20/1969
**Description:** On this evening in Itaucu, Goias state, Brazil, 25-year-old Adelino Roque was on his way to the local Serradinho ranch on his horse when a bright beam of light struck him from above. He soon found himself inside some kind of dark, drum-like object that was totally silent. The object was moving through the sky at a very high speed. He blanked out and could not remember anything after that. He awoke lying on top of a rock next to the Paranaiba River, miles from his original location. Meanwhile, his horse had been found tied up at another ranch, apparently unharmed. Sr. Roque also appeared to be unharmed except for a strange bruise on his side. He did not remember seeing any entities or hearing anyone talk to him during the time he was missing. Soon after his experience he began neglecting his work and drinking heavily. He also reportedly fell in love with his 17-year-old niece. A month later Roque again was reported missing, this time along with his niece. On June 12, both Roque and his niece were found dead under unusual circumstances. Some said they had been poisoned.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Gordon Creighton, FSR, September-October 1970, p. 13; Dr. Walter Buhler, FSR Case Histories, August 1971, p. 12; Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1969, case 66, citing Willy Silva, Revista Brasileira OVNI
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2159
### Event 31677 (F67AA501)
**Date:** 4/20/1969
**Description:** At 11:00 p.m. Mr. & Mrs. Phillips were driving on Highway 11 one mile west of Browntown, Wisconsin when a UFO came directly over their car, then hovered just 100 feet away off to the right. Its color changed from orange to yellow-orange to red as it moved. It was kettle-drum shaped, and had lights streaming from the bottom in a cone shape. The UFO followed their car home, for a total of five minutes. The UFO made a "tweeting" sound.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** APRO Bulletin, May-June 1969, p. 8; Jay Rath, The W-Files: True Reports of Wisconsin's Unexplained Phenomena, p. 64
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2160
### Event 31678 (F69B55B2)
**Date:** 4/21/1969
**Location:** NORTH / PENHA, BRZ
**Description:** MD and dozens. 3 extremely bright saucers / low altitude spin over Major intersection. / O Dia.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 6)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9287
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "13", **HatchDesc:** "N/PENHA,BRZ:MD+DOZENS:3 XBRITE SCRS/LO ALT SPIN OVR MAJOR INTERSECTION:/O Dia", **LatLong:** "-22.816668 -43.300002", **LatLongDMS:** "22:49:00 S 43:18:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-22.816668,-43.300002)", **State/Prov:** "RDJ", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31679 (56A2F72C)
**Date:** 4/21/1969
**Time:** 22:00
**Description:** Night light on roadside. Vibrant bright red light. Est 20M object. Flies.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BALLESTER OLMOS, Vicente-Juan: CATALOG of 200 TYPE-1 EVENTS in SPAIN & PORTUGAL; CUFOS 1976. (Index 24)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9288
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "MACOTERA>PENARANDA,SP:NLT ON ROADSIDE:VBRITE RED LITE:EST 20M OBJECT:FLIES.", **LatLong:** "40.866669 -5.222222", **LatLongDMS:** "40:52:00 N 05:13:20 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.866669,-5.222222)", **State/Prov:** "SLM", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31680 (4278AA66)
**Date:** 4/21/1969
**Description:** Mr. and Mrs. Sanchez were driving through the countryside between Penaranda and Macotera in Salamanca, Spain when they noticed some lights ahead, perhaps a kilometer away. As they got closer they noticed a UFO low over the roadway. It had a red rotating central light that was flashing and intense, and two smaller green lights separated by 20 meters. They approached to within 70 meters, when the UFO suddenly took off. It was raining hard at time, and their close encounter lasted less than a minute.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos, Catalogue of 200 Type-I UFO Events in Spain and Portugal, p. 24 (case 109); Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos, OVNIs: El Fenomeno Aterrizaje, p. 95; UNICAT case # 464
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2186
### Event 31681 (F0578A8B)
**Date:** 4/21/1969
**Description:** Three extremely bright discs were seen spinning over a major intersection at a low altitude in Guanabara, a city in Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil. There were many witnesses.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Walter Buhler, FSR Case Histories, August 1971, p. 12
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2187
### Event 31682 (9FDE5296)
**Date:** 4/22/1969
**Time:** 20:30
**Location:** HAMMOND, ON
**Description:** 9M saucer with spotlights and portholes sits / field / rain. Going up [to] and hovers / power lines / car nears.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 59)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9289
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "70", **HatchDesc:** "HAMMOND,ON:9M SCR W/SPOTLITES+PORTS SITS/FIELD/RAIN:↑+HVRS/PWR LINES/car nears", **LatLong:** "45.450002 -75.250004", **LatLongDMS:** "45:27:00 N 75:15:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.450002,-75.250004)", **State/Prov:** "Ontario", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31683 (5C258E70)
**Date:** 4/22/1969
**Location:** Hammond, Ontario
**Description:** 8:00 p.m. Three witnesses are driving in heavy rain near Hammond, Ontario, when they see an object like a huge “drinking cup turned upside down.” It has two bright lights directed horizontally and appears to have a row of portholes with pink light coming from within. They estimate it is 5 feet off the ground, 20 feet long, and 200 feet away. They can hear a whining noise like a generator. After 15 minutes, the object turns and zooms over some nearby power lines, over the trees, and out of sight.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Chris Rutkowski, Canada’s UFOs: Declassified, August Night, 2022, p. 77
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4683
### Event 31684 (EC4E6D8B)
**Date:** 4/22/1969
**Description:** A man, his wife, and their teenage son in Hammond, Ontario observed a 30-foot wide saucer standing in a field while driving at 10:30 p.m. The object had two spotlights, portholes, and made a humming sound. Their dog was frightened.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP UFO Investigator, May 1969, p. 4
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2223
### Event 31685 (0944FDBC)
**Date:** 4/23/1969
**Time:** 02:00
**Location:** SILVER SPRING, MD
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Dogs and cats and horses frantic. Blue-white 30' saucer hums. Vanishes!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 252)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9290
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "8", **Elev:** "105", **HatchDesc:** "SILVER SPRING,MD:2 OBS:DOGS+CATS+HORSES FRANTIC:BLU-WHT 30'SCR HUMS:VANISHES!", **LatLong:** "39.016669 -77.016670", **LatLongDMS:** "39:01:00 N 77:01:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.016669,-77.016670)", **State/Prov:** "Maryland", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 31686 (9CBE93DD)
**Date:** 4/23/1969
**Location:** Silver Spring, MD
**Description:** Dogs, cats, and horses reacted to object (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)
**Reference:** NICAP: [690423](http://www.nicap.org/anreact/ar-690423.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_4011
### Event 31687 (5526BFCB)
**Date:** 4/23/1969
**Locations:** Virginia; Silver Spring, Maryland
**Description:** 2:00 a.m. Virginia A. Guinn and a boarder are awakened by loud howlings and yowlings from the dogs and cats at her farm in Silver Spring, Maryland. Going outside, the witnesses see a round UFO “as large as two rooms” that is a bluish-white color like the glow around a welder’s arc. The object is moving beyond the barn to the north-northeast. They heard a humming noise and the object blinks out and the animals quiet down. Guinn discovers later that morning that the horses in the barn had broken free of their stalls and knocked harnesses off the walls.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Donald E. Keyhoe and Gordon I. R. Lore Jr., [Strange Effects from UFOs](http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Books/Other/Lore%2C%20Gordon%20-%20Strange%20Effects%20from%20UFOs.pdf)[,](http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Books/Other/Lore%2C%20Gordon%20-%20Strange%20Effects%20from%20UFOs.pdf) NICAP, 1969, p. 32
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4684
### Event 31688 (5AEB78DF)
**Date:** 4/24/1969
**Location:** 37.0000 -116.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed, salvo. Country: USA Name: “Gourd-Amber” YieldMax: 40KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_590
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0000 -116.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:00 N 116:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0000,-116.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Gourd-Amber", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NUCU_SALVO", **NukeYMax:** "40"
### Event 31689 (E7F16759)
**Date:** 4/24/1969
**Description:** On this night there were several reports of an 18-foot-tall phantom either walking or floating along at 20 mph in Nova Scotia. The tall shadowy figure consisted of a very dark humanoid form. A large numbers of cars had assembled at Berwick, Nova Scotia to observe the monster.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb and Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1969-31, citing an unnamed newspaper source
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2279
### Event 31690 (C6F221A7)
**Date:** 4/25/1969
**Time:** 19:30
**Description:** 3 / cab. 10M saucer over park. Figure / window works controls. / r96#161.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CHALKER,Bill: The OZ FILES. Australian Sightings. 1996 Duffy & Snellgrove. NSW,Australia. ISBN 1-875989-04-8 (Index 126)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9291
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "GREENACRE,AUSTRL:3/CAB:10M SCR OVR PARK:FIG/WINDOW WORKS CONTROLS:/r96#161", **LatLong:** "-33.911113 151.061118", **LatLongDMS:** "33:54:40 S 151:03:40 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-33.911113,151.061118)", **State/Prov:** "NSW", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 31691 (25105407)
**Date:** 4/25/1969
**Location:** Roberts Park in Greenacre, New South Wales
**Description:** 7:30 p.m. A woman and her 11-year-old daughter are travelling by taxi past Roberts Park in Greenacre, New South Wales, when they spot a “Japanese lantern” above some trees. One minute later, as the taxi turns a corner, they see it again, 100–130 feet away, apparently in the same spot. The driver stops the taxi, and they can see what looks like a metallic craft, approximately 33 feet in diameter, with the appearance of “two soup bowls joined rim- to-rim.” There is a steady red light on top. The object seems to be noiselessly rocking backwards and forwards, at a frequency of 1–2 rocks per second. A “depressing blue glow” can be seen through a window that takes up most of the upper part. A humanoid figure is apparently operating controls near the window. Another figure is pointing at the witnesses. A third seems to be walking toward a back door. All three are apparently human-sized and are either wearing tight black clothing, are black skinned, or seen in silhouette. After 15 seconds or less, the driver speeds off down the road, drops the couple off, and drives off quickly without taking their fare. At 8:00 p.m., the woman and her daughter return to the park. The UFO is not to be seen.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Bill Chalker, “[1969: The Great UFO](http://theozfiles.blogspot.com/2020/09/1969-great-ufo-daze-of-oz.html) [Daze of Oz,](http://theozfiles.blogspot.com/2020/09/1969-great-ufo-daze-of-oz.html)” The Oz Files, September 19, 2020
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4685
### Event 31692 (89AADC3D)
**Date:** 4/25/1969
**Description:** At 7:30 p.m. a ten-meter diameter disc-shaped object was seen hovering over a park in Greenacre, New South Wales, Australia by three witnesses. A Greenacre woman, Mrs. Froml, and her 13-year old daughter were going home by taxi. When they passed Roberts Park they saw the object hovering over a playing field lit by floodlights, where some youths were playing football. The floodlights formed a kind of ceiling over the field and it was unlikely that had any of the players looked up, they would have seen anything. The object was football shaped, the top was transparent, and the bottom was a greenish metallic color, like gun metal. It had an interior light that was "the brightest blue imaginable," and the bottom portion had three large transparent holes. The object was tilted downward, and inside the object could be seen three tall humanoid figures, over six feet tall. in the transparent upper half of the UFO. One pointed down at the witnesses and then turned toward a rectangular, lighted area, apparently working some controls. Mrs Froml asked the cabbie, a Greek immigrant, to stop the taxi, but instead he accelerated away from the park and drove straight to her home. After he dropped her and her daughter off, he left in a frightened state, without collecting his fare.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Bill Chalker, The Oz Files, p. 126; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case A1112, citing Keith Basterfield and investigator David Reneke
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2298
### Event 31693 (A136CA9D)
**Date:** 4/26/1969
**Time:** 17:30
**Description:** 2 communists. Shiny delta/triangle/box-like craft hovers still / sky. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HOBANA Ion & WEVERBERGH,Julien: UFO'S from BEHIND the IRON CURTAIN; Bantam Books,1975. 308pp. (Index 197)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9292
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Bulgaria", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "nr MELNIK,BULGARIA:2 COMMUNISTS:SHINY DLT HVRS STILL/SKY:NFD", **LatLong:** "41.500002 23.366668", **LatLongDMS:** "41:30:00 N 23:22:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.500002,23.366668)", **State/Prov:** "SFY", **Strangeness:** "3"
### Event 31694 (3D6B3EDA)
**Date:** 4/26/1969
**Time:** ~20:00
**Location:** CALGARY, ALTA
**Description:** Dog stops. 30' saucer / ground. 2 tall men outside. Sickly bittersweet odor.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUSGRAVE, John Brent: UFO OCCUPANTS & CRITTERS; Global Communications, NY 1979. 8x11 66pp. (Index 49)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9293
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **GNT:** Giant: Large/tall alien, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **ODR:** Odors associated with UFO's
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "1067", **HatchDesc:** "CALGARY,ALTA:DOG STOPS:30' SCR/GND:2 TALL MEN OUTSIDE:SICKLY BITTERSWEET ODOR", **LatLong:** "51.033336 -114.066672", **LatLongDMS:** "51:02:00 N 114:04:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.033336,-114.066672)", **State/Prov:** "Alberta", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 31695 (9928DD66)
**Date:** 4/26/1969
**Locations:** Colorado; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
**Description:** [Condon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward%5FCondon) speaks publicly for the first time after the end of the Colorado project in an address to the American Philosophical Society in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on “UFOs I Have Loved and Lost.” He concludes by saying, “Let me say that where corruption of children’s minds is at stake, I do not believe in freedom of the press or freedom of speech. In my view, publishers who publish or teachers who teach any of the pseudosciences as established truth should, on being found guilty, be publicly horsewhipped, and forever banned from further activity in these usually honorable professions.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Henry W. Pierce, “[Professors Threaten Own Free Speech,](https://www.newspapers.com/clip/96328366/)” Pittsburgh \(Pa.\) Post-Gazette, May 10, 1969, p. 21; Jacobs, UFO Controversy in America, Signet eds., 1976, [p.](https://archive.org/details/ufocontroversyin00jaco/page/224/mode/2up) [224](https://archive.org/details/ufocontroversyin00jaco/page/224/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4686
### Event 31696 (ABADA52A)
**Date:** 4/26/1969
**Description:** At 5:26 p.m. in the suburbs outsie of Melnik, Sofia, Bulgaria a shiny delta-shaped object remained in place in the sky for two minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Ion Hobana & Julien Weverbergh, UFOs from Behind the Iron Curtain, p. 197
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2340
### Event 31697 (38C4625E)
**Date:** 4/26/1969
**Description:** On this evening David Arychuk was out walking his dog in Calgary, Alberta when he saw a circular object with three pulsating red lights around the top, 200 yards away from him. The UFO was about 30 feet in diameter and 20 feet high, and cream-colored with a pitted surface. He smelled a rather nauseating odor of "sweet bitterness" that was in the air. One hundred yards away stood two humanoid beings, "taller than normal," wearing dark clothing. David yelled out "Hey you!" and they walked around behind the UFO. His dog refused to go on and was shivering from fright. By the time David came back to the site with his stepfather the UFO was gone, but the odor was still present the next day.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb and Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1969-44, citing investigator William K. Allan; John Brent Musgrave, UFO Occupants and Critters, p. 49
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2341
### Event 31698 (C7A0CA8D)
**Date:** 4/26/1969
**Description:** Sr. Robler's watch stopped when he drove his car under a luminous red, cone-shaped UFO on a highway between Ibiuna and Sao Paulo, Brazil in Sao Paulo State at 4:30 a.m.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Hans Bemelmens, FSR, January-February 1970, p. 17; Geoffrey Falla, BUFORA Vehicle Interference Project Report, p. 52
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2342
### Event 31699 (2D9DDA26)
**Date:** 4/27/1969
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Resignation of General De Gaulle. (April 27)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1969.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2467
### Event 31700 (BF15C856)
**Date:** 4/27/1969
**Description:** At shortly after 1 p.m. Mr. Garfinkel, an airline passenger on an Eastern Airlines flight flying over Connecticut saw a shiny, disc-shaped object that was joined by two more daylight discs. They slowly matched speed, moving along w a rapid, rocking motion before accelerating upwards at angle at high speed.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Raymond E. Fowler, UFOs: Interplanetary Visitors
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2373
### Event 31701 (592FC24E)
**Date:** 4/28/1969
**Description:** On this evening in Farnworth, England a teenage couple, Hodgkinson and Rushton, reported hearing a buzzing sound while their dogs barked in a terrified manner. They saw a gray UFO fly close by. It had three red lights and a green flashing light on top.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** FSR, January-February 1972, p. 27, citing Bolton Evening News, April 29, 1969
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2394
### Event 31702 (4744FB8E)
**Date:** 4/30/1969
**Time:** 17:00:00.0
**Location:** 37.0815 -116.0139
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Blenton” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 200KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_591
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0815 -116.0139", **LatLongDMS:** "37:04:53 N 116:00:50 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0815,-116.0139)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.56", **NukeMb:** "5.30", **NukeName:** "Blenton", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "200"
### Event 31703 (57865944)
**Date:** 4/30/1969
**Time:** 17:00:00.0
**Location:** 37.0903 -116.0056
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Thistle” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 200KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_592
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0903 -116.0056", **LatLongDMS:** "37:05:25 N 116:00:20 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0903,-116.0056)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.56", **NukeMb:** "5.20", **NukeName:** "Thistle", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "200"
### Event 31704 (CE785EC4)
**Date:** 5/1969
**Time:** 03:00
**Location:** MONTES CLAROS, BRZ
**Description:** "Concrete mixer" on road. Flies away on approach. Observer(s) nauseous.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 7)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9294
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "711", **HatchDesc:** "MONTES CLAROS,BRZ:"CONCRETE MIXER" ON ROAD:FLIES AWAY ON APPROACH:OBS.NAUSEOUS", **LatLong:** "-16.716667 -43.866669", **LatLongDMS:** "16:43:00 S 43:52:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-16.716667,-43.866669)", **State/Prov:** "Minas Gerais", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31705 (3975D039)
**Date:** 5/1969
**Time:** 03:00
**Location:** ALCORCON, SP
**Description:** Vibrant bright landed green night light at 1500M distant. No form visible. Seen / musicians.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BALLESTER OLMOS, Vicente-Juan: CATALOG of 200 TYPE-1 EVENTS in SPAIN & PORTUGAL; CUFOS 1976. (Index 24)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9295
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "20", **HatchDesc:** "ALCORCON,SP:VBRITE LANDED GRN NLT @1500M DIST:NO FORM VISIBLE:SEEN/MUSICIANS", **LatLong:** "40.350002 -3.811111", **LatLongDMS:** "40:21:00 N 03:48:40 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.350002,-3.811111)", **State/Prov:** "MAD", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31706 (C9F3A800)
**Date:** 5/1969
**Locations:** Seattle, Washington; Plumerville, Arkansas
**Description:** Rod B. Dyke launches the monthly UFO Newsclipping Service in Seattle, Washington, which soon becomes a primary source for media reports on UFOs and related phenomena. The service is largely run by [Lucius Farish](http://robert-barrow.blogspot.com/2012/02/lucius-farish-1937-2012.html) as co-editor in Plumerville, Arkansas, beginning in July 1977. Farish publishes it on his own from January 1991 until November 2007, when Dyke reacquires it and keeps it going again with co-editor Chuck Flood until December 2008. The final editor is [David Marler](https://davidmarlerufo.com/bio)[,](https://davidmarlerufo.com/bio) who runs the service from January 2009 to August 2011, when it ceases publication.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** [UFO Newsclipping Service](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/UFO%20Newsclipping%20Service/UFO%20Newsclipping%20Service%20-%201969%2005%20-%20no%201.pdf), no. 1 \(May 1969\)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4687
### Event 31707 (85FC6306)
**Date:** 5/1969
**Location:** New York City
**Description:** [John A. Keel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John%5FKeel) begins publishing an unscheduled, free newsletter titled Anomaly in New York City. It continues until April 1974.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** [Anomaly](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/Anomaly/Anomaly%5F01%5F1969%5FMay.pdf)[,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/Anomaly/Anomaly%5F01%5F1969%5FMay.pdf) no. 1 \(May 1969\)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4688
### Event 31708 (F60C166E)
**Date:** 5/1/1969
**Time:** 17:30
**Location:** NEAR DARABANI, ROM
**Description:** Silent delta comes south / USSR. Hovers 20 minute(s) near Negru-Voda. 90-turn going west.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HOBANA Ion & WEVERBERGH,Julien: UFO'S from BEHIND the IRON CURTAIN; Bantam Books,1975. 308pp. (Index 161)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9296
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Romania", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "20", **HatchDesc:** "nr DARABANI,ROM:SILENT DELTA COMES S/USSR:HOVERS 20min nr NEGRU-VODA:90-TURN>W", **LatLong:** "48.172225 26.633335", **LatLongDMS:** "48:10:20 N 26:38:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.172225,26.633335)", **State/Prov:** "BTS", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31709 (99CC4879)
**Date:** 5/1/1969
**Location:** Negru Vodă, Romania
**Description:** 5:30 p.m. An illuminated triangular object moves soundlessly from south to north over Negru Vodă, Romania. After 20 minutes of hanging motionless it disappears swiftly to the east.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Hobana and Weverbergh 161–162
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4689
### Event 31710 (65041762)
**Date:** 5/2/1969
**Time:** 05:20
**Location:** PAVUNA, BRZ
**Description:** Cops and many separate observer(s) / 3 days. Night lights and saucers and fireballs all over/all about. Changing shapes maneuver.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 7)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9297
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "15", **Elev:** "11", **HatchDesc:** "PAVUNA,BRZ:COPS+MANY SEP.OBS/3 DAYS:NLTS+SCRS+FBLS ALLO:CHANGING SHAPES MNVR", **LatLong:** "-22.800001 -43.350002", **LatLongDMS:** "22:48:00 S 43:21:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-22.800001,-43.350002)", **State/Prov:** "RDJ", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31711 (0718BC9C)
**Date:** 5/2/1969
**Time:** 22:00
**Location:** NITEROI, BRZ
**Description:** Cops and more. Ovoid hovers / legislature grounds / minutes. Shrill noise and light beams.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 7)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9298
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "6", **HatchDesc:** "NITEROI,BRZ:COPS+:OVOID HVRS/LEGISLATURE GNDS/mins:SHRILL NOISE+LITE BEAMS:", **LatLong:** "-22.900001 -43.083335", **LatLongDMS:** "22:54:00 S 43:05:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-22.900001,-43.083335)", **State/Prov:** "RDJ", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31712 (73248686)
**Date:** 5/2/1969
**Time:** 23:20
**Location:** BOUNTIFUL, UT
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Yellow-orange night light hovers / ridge. 2nd joins and recedes and returns. / r114p96.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 835)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9299
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "1357", **HatchDesc:** "BOUNTIFUL,UT:2 OBS:YEL-ORG NLT HVRS/RIDGE:2nd JOINS+RECEDES+RETURNS:/r114p96", **LatLong:** "40.888891 -111.877783", **LatLongDMS:** "40:53:20 N 111:52:40 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.888891,-111.877783)", **RelAlt:** "5", **State/Prov:** "Utah", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 31713 (7145C072)
**Date:** 5/3/1969 (approximate)
**Location:** BRAZIL, Bebedouro (Belo Horizonte)
**Description:** (Translated from French) José Antonio da Silva, a military man, was fishing in a lagoon north of Belo Horizonte and saw shapes moving behind him. He saw a flash of light hit his legs and felt a numbness that made him drop his fishing rod and fall to his knees. He was seized by two masked individuals, about one meter twenty tall, wearing metallic suits, who took him to a machine resembling a vertical cylinder. Inside, the beings gave him a mask similar to theirs and tied him up before taking off. The higher the aircraft flew, the harder it was for the soldier to breathe. He felt a fatigue similar to paralysis. After what seemed like an interminable journey, the aircraft landed with a jolt. He was untied but a band was put on his mask and they dragged him, his knees scraping the ground. He was placed on a seat without a back and the band was removed. He found himself in a room about 9 by 13 meters, 4.5 meters away from a robust dwarf who fixed him with an obvious satisfaction. The dwarf was very hairy. He had green eyes. Other similar dwarves arrived, until there were 15 of them. The three walls in front of him had neither door nor window. On the left, a platform held the corpses of four men, one of them black. He had to drink from a stone cube with an inverted pyramid carved into it, a dark green liquid. On the left wall there were paintings of animals, vehicles and very earthly houses. The dwarves examined his fishing equipment and took a double of each item: one of each type of hook, one banknote. A conversation by signs was established with the chief dwarf. At one point José Antonio had a vision of an entity resembling Christ. Then he was taken back. He lost consciousness and woke up alone near the town of Victoria, in the state of Espirito Santo, three hundred and sixty kilometers from where he was fishing. Four and a half days had passed. (May 3 (or 9?) 1969)
**Reference:** Roger BOAR and Nigel BLUNDEL: "The World's Greatest UFO Mysteries" ed. Hamlyn 1995, p. 71, which dates it to May 9
**Reference:** CICOANI-Brazil
**Reference:** Jacques VALLEE: "Other Dimensions" - trans. Robert Laffont 1989 - pp. 213 to 215
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2560
### Event 31714 (608D1F89)
**Date:** 5/3/1969 (approximate)
**Location:** OSASCO, BRZ
**Description:** Man photographs saucer. Rapid maneuvers / all directions. Door opens and strong beam comes out.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 7)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9300
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "667", **HatchDesc:** "OSASCO,BRZ:MAN FOTOS SCR:RAPID MNVRS/ALL DIRs:DOOR OPENS+STRONG BEAM COMES OUT", **LatLong:** "-23.566668 -46.783336", **LatLongDMS:** "23:34:00 S 46:47:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-23.566668,-46.783336)", **State/Prov:** "São Paulo", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31715 (E5D1058A)
**Date:** 5/3/1969
**Description:** On this day in the city of Osasco, Sao Paulo, Brazil a man photographed a saucer-shaped object. It made rapid maneuvers in all directions; a door on the craft opened and a strong beam of light came out.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Larry Hatch, U computer database, case # 8834, citing FSR Case Histories, issue # 7
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2473
### Event 31716 (F137BDD8)
**Date:** 5/4/1969
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) North of Belo Horizonte, José Antonio da Silva went fishing. He was suddenly paralyzed by a beam of light and transported to a cylindrical and vertical craft, with a saucer at the base and one at the top, by 2 creatures 1.20m tall, wearing silver-colored costumes and masks. Once inside, he was restrained and forced to wear a helmet. The machine took off and, after an interminable time, landed. Da Silva's eyes were blindfolded and he was taken to a brightly lit room, in which he saw the bodies of 4 other humans. He was then interrogated by 15 tiny creatures. They were hairy, with long red beards and hair of the same color, big noses, big ears and no teeth. They took his fishing gear, his ID card, and his banknotes. They asked him to be their guide among men. When he refused, he was brought back to Earth. (May 4th, 3pm)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1969.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2468
### Event 31717 (05615096)
**Date:** 5/4/1969
**Time:** 15:00
**Location:** BEBEDOURO, BRZ
**Description:** Soldier abduction / small humanoids (or Greys). 4 corpses / table. Want weapons. / FSRv21#4+v19#6.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PHENOMENES SPATIAUX: Group GEPA, Gen. M. Lionel Chassin Paris. Quarterly 1964?-1977. Merged into Grp. GEPAN (Index 43)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9301
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **TLP:** Telepathy, **CNT:** Contactee related, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **MON:** Monster: Life form fits no category, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly, **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **OPR:** Operations on humans/animal mutilation/surgery, **CVS:** Conversation/communication, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "4", **Duration:** "100", **Elev:** "700", **HatchDesc:** "BEBEDOURO,BRZ:SOLDIER ABD/OIDS:4 CORPSES/TABLE:WANT WEAPONS:/FSRv21#4+v19#6", **LatLong:** "-19.333334 -43.866669", **LatLongDMS:** "19:20:00 S 43:52:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-19.333334,-43.866669)", **State/Prov:** "Minas Gerais", **Strangeness:** "12"
### Event 31718 (7ED6C542)
**Date:** 5/4/1969
**End date:** 5/9/1969
**Locations:** Bebedouro; Área de Proteção Ambiental do Carste de Lagoa Santa; Matozinhos, Minas Gerais, Brazil
**Description:** 3:00 p.m. A 24-year-old Brazilian soldier named José Antônio da Silva is fishing by himself at Bebedouro \(apparently a small lagoon in the Área de Proteção Ambiental do Carste de Lagoa Santa\) near Matozinhos, Minas Gerais, Brazil, when he begins dozing off. He perceives figures moving around him, and he feels himself shot with something that paralyzes his legs. Two small humanoid beings, joined by a third, drag him off into a strange machine shaped like two saucers joined together by a thick, vertical cylinder. The machine lifts off, and after a long interval it lands. Da Silva is carried by his armpits into a large quadrangular room, where he finds himself with his original three captors and a fourth being—also humanoid, with red hair and a beard that comes down to his waist—who seems to be their leader. He remembers afterward that all four have mouths that look like fishes’ mouths. The room is made of stone. Inside, on a low shelf seemingly fashioned out of stone, da Silva sees the bodies of four human men lying stretched out side by side. Naked, rigid, and positioned on their backs, the bodies bear no visible wounds, but it is obvious that they are dead. One is a well-built black man and another has light brown skin. Two others, more slightly built, are Caucasian, one of them very blond “like a foreigner.” The beings do not speak any Portuguese but, using pictures, the leader manages to convey to da Silva that they want him to be their guide and weapons provider for what he supposes is a subsequent invasion of Earth. He refuses, fingering his crucifix, which the angry leader rips from his hand. Out of nowhere, da Silva sees appear in front of him a human figure who stands motionless, gazing at him in a friendly fashion. The figure, about five and a half feet tall, is Caucasian, slender, bearded with long fair hair, and dressed in a friar’s cassock. Amazingly, the little men seem oblivious to his presence. Speaking in Portuguese, the figure gives da Silva certain “revelations” that he afterward insists on keeping secret. He apparently knows who the figure is but he does not reveal that either, saying only that he wasn’t Jesus. The figure vanishes, and the beings who have abducted him start quarreling among themselves. They carry da Silva back to their machine; there follows another flight, another landing. Da Silva awakens in the dawn of what turns out to be May 9, four and a half days after his abduction, some 300 miles to the east of the place where he had been abducted. He supposedly bears the physical marks of his ordeal— wounds on his neck, lameness in one leg—for days afterward.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Húlvio Brant Aleixo, “[O Caso ‘Bebedouro,’](http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/Brazil/SBEDV/SBEDV%20-%20No%20094-98%20-%201973-1974.pdf)” SBEDV Boletim, no. 94/98 \(Sept. 1973/June 1974\): 7–22; Húlvio Brant Aleixo, “[Abduction at Bebedouro,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201973%20V%2019%20N%206.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 19, no. 6 \(Nov./Dec. 1973\): 6–14; Húlvio Brant Aleixo, “[Bebedouro II: The Little Men](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201975%20V%2021%20N%203-4.pdf) [Return for the Soldier,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201975%20V%2021%20N%203-4.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 21, no. 3/4 \(November 1975\): 32–35; Walter Buhler, “[Thoughts on](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201975%20V%2021%20N%203-4.pdf) [the Bebedouro Case,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201975%20V%2021%20N%203-4.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 21, no. 3/4 \(November 1975\): 36–38; “[O Caso de Bebedouro,](https://www.fenomenum.com.br/ufo/casuistica/1960/bebedouro)” Portal Fenomenum, June 15, 2016; David Halperin, “[Jerome Clark and Loren Coleman: ‘Descent into Hell’ and](https://www.davidhalperin.net/jerome-clark-and-loren-coleman-descent-into-hell-and-the-bebedouro-abduction/) [the Bebedouro Abduction,](https://www.davidhalperin.net/jerome-clark-and-loren-coleman-descent-into-hell-and-the-bebedouro-abduction/)” davidhalperin.net, July 27, 2018; Clark III 185–189; Brazil 116–121
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4690
### Event 31719 (0A5C6A70)
**Date:** 5/4/1969
**Description:** An abduction occurred in 1969 to a soldier while fishing on the banks of the Rio das Velhas near the city of Bebedouro in the state of Espirito Santo, Brazil. Jose Antonio da Silva had left his home in Belo Horizonte and taken a bus to Bebedouro to go fishing the evening before. At about midnight he reached the banks of a small lagoon and set up his tent and fished for a while without success. The next day, at about 3 p.m. he became aware of figures moving around behind him. He heard a deep sound like a groan, then was struck in the legs by a "burst of fire" coming from a form partly hidden in the bushes. Seized with a cramp and feeling a numbness in his legs, he knelt down. A beam of light, greenish in the middle and reddish on the edges, had hit him. In a matter of seconds he was seized under the armpits by masked two four-foot-tall humanoid beings, who wore shining light-colored garments and aluminum colored helmets with facemasks. Tubes ran from the masks to small containers on their backs.
They blindfolded him and brought him before a little man with long red hair and a big nose. They dragged him to a craft that was shaped like a vertical cylinder terminated by wider saucer shaped top and bottom; rods from the base of the cylinder supported the upper disc. It was only bout six feet high and nine feet wide. Inside was a cubical room, brilliantly lit but from no visible source. Here they fitted on him a helmet like their own, then tied him down to a seat.
He felt a sensation of taking off. During the flight, which he felt lasted for hours, they talked among themselves in an incomprehensible language with many "R" sounds. At one point in the journey the craft seemed to turn on its side for awhile. When they landed he was blindfolded and dragged into a large room, where a little man without a spacesuit confronted him; he had long reddish hair and a beard that flowed to his waist. He was strongly built, and his skin was pallid in color. He had large round, green eyes and a big nose, and his mouth appeared toothless, "like a fish." To the side of the witness were laid 4 human cadavers, one a Negro's. A dozen more little men, all much resembling the leader, were in the room. They examined his fishing tackle and other possessions. Several carried weapons. The leader then addressed him in his incomprehensible language, simultaneously making sketches on a whiteboard beside him.
He was given a stone cup and drank a bitter green liquid that restored his energy and made him better able to comprehend what the alien was trying to say. The leader conveyed to Da Silva the idea that he was expected to help them land on Earth, a proposition that the soldier rejected, fingering his rosary. The leader became irritated, snatched the rosary away, and showed it to the others. At this point a kind of vision appeared to Da Silva of a Christ-like man with long fair hair and beard, dressed like a monk, who spoke to him in Portuguese, giving him a message, which he was sworn to keep secret. After this vision had vanished, Da Silva was again blindfolded, dragged back to the spacecraft, and returned to Earth in the same manner as he had been taken away. He was released during the night. When morning came he found that he was near Vitoria, more than 200 miles from Bebedouro, and that four and a half days had passed since his abduction. He suffered various physical ailments later. Jose Antonio has repeatedly refused to reveal the content of this message.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Hulvio Brant Aleixo and Dr. Walter Buhler, FSR, November-December 1973, p. 6; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1969-32
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2508
### Event 31720 (D4A44DE8)
**Date:** 5/5/1969
**Time:** 10:50
**Location:** MENLO PARK, CA
**Description:** Airline(s)/airliner pilot. Thin object with bulge / center stops / trees. Wavers going up and down. Shoots going quickly west.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 60)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9302
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "15", **HatchDesc:** "MENLO PARK,CA:AL PILOT:THIN OBJ W/BULGE/Ctr STOPS/TREES:WAVERS ↑+↓:SHOOTS >>W", **LatLong:** "37.450002 -122.200006", **LatLongDMS:** "37:27:00 N 122:12:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.450002,-122.200006)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31721 (49FE7307)
**Date:** 5/5/1969
**Description:** A deaf mute named Antonio Rodrigues, age 60, of the Fazenda Constantino was fishing during the day on the Rio Das Velhas near Jaboticatubas, Minas Gerais, Brazil when he was confronted by the same type of beings that Jose Antonio Da Silva encountered the day before in Bebedouro, 20 kilometers to the east. When they made signs for him to approach he fled in terror, and they pursued him and knocked him to the ground by the force from an energy weapon one of the short humanoids drew from his belt. They gathered around Rodrigues, felt his arm, and conversed amongst themselves in an unintelligible language. Finally, they shook their heads and departed in a UFO parked nearby that ascended vertically. The witness identified the beings from various drawings, including Da Silva's that were shown to him by the investigators.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb and Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1968-33, citing Hulvio Aleixo & Dr. Walter Buhler, FSR, November-December 1973
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2544
### Event 31722 (01082B6A)
**Date:** 5/7/1969
**Time:** 13:45:00.0
**Location:** 37.2829 -116.5006
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Purse” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 200KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_593
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.2829 -116.5006", **LatLongDMS:** "37:16:58 N 116:30:02 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.2829,-116.5006)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.60", **NukeMb:** "5.80", **NukeName:** "Purse", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "200"
### Event 31723 (67F34C0E)
**Date:** 5/8/1969
**Description:** A married coupled reported seeing a silver dome shaped object over Brentwood, South Australia at around 10:00 a.m. It had a dark protrusion on the leading edge, and flew overhead west to east in the morning sky before vanishing in mid-air.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Michael Hervey, UFOs over the Southern Hemisphere, p. 183
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2657
### Event 31724 (5A854EF4)
**Date:** 5/9/1969
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Da Silva wakes up near Victoria, Espirito Santo, 320 km away from where he was fishing, after 4 and a half days of disappearance. (May 9)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1969.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2469
### Event 31725 (4B5DD39B)
**Date:** 5/10/1969
**Time:** 00:50
**Location:** KNOXVILLE, TN
**Description:** Airport/apartment FAA men and more/others. 2 metallic cylinders zigzag and rise. Flaming end. Fast and silent.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 60)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9303
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "267", **HatchDesc:** "KNOXVILLE,TN:Apt FAA MEN++:2 MTLC CYLs ZIGZAG+RISE:FLAMING END:FAST+SLNT:", **LatLong:** "35.966668 -83.933337", **LatLongDMS:** "35:58:00 N 83:56:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/35.966668,-83.933337)", **State/Prov:** "Tennessee", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31726 (D42193AB)
**Date:** 5/11/1969
**Location:** NORTH / YUCCA VALLEY, CA
**Description:** Scientist and 4. UFO shoot strong beam going down. Jets chase. Type unknown.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** KEHOE, Maj Donald: ALIENS FROM SPACE; Doubleday, Garden City, NY 1973 HB (Index 284)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9304
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "1050", **HatchDesc:** "N/YUCCA VALLEY,CA:SCIENTIST+4:UFO SHOOT STRONG BEAM ↓:JETS CHASE:TYPE UNK", **LatLong:** "34.166668 -116.444450", **LatLongDMS:** "34:10:00 N 116:26:40 W", **Locale:** "Desert", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/34.166668,-116.444450)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31727 (42A6B2E1)
**Date:** 5/11/1969
**Time:** 02:00
**Location:** CHAPEAU, QB
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Vibrant bright domed saucer / farm. Burnt traces and holes in ground. / MJ#253+/ r0p153.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 60)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9305
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "132", **HatchDesc:** "CHAPEAU,QB:2 OBS:VBRITE DOMED SCR/FARM:BURNT TRACES+HOLES.GND:/MJ#253+/r0p153", **LatLong:** "45.900002 -77.100004", **LatLongDMS:** "45:54:00 N 77:06:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.900002,-77.100004)", **State/Prov:** "Quebec", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 31728 (8AE953FB)
**Date:** 5/11/1969
**Time:** 03:00
**Location:** NEAR ASTORGA, SP
**Description:** Luminous car-sized red sphere has horn-like extension / 1 side. Seen / 3.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BALLESTER OLMOS, Vicente-Juan: CATALOG of 200 TYPE-1 EVENTS in SPAIN & PORTUGAL; CUFOS 1976. (Index 25)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9306
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "nr ASTORGA,SP:LUM CAR-SIZED RED SPHERE HAS HORN-LIKE EXTENTION/1 SIDE:SEEN/3", **LatLong:** "42.466669 -6.050000", **LatLongDMS:** "42:28:00 N 06:03:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.466669,-6.050000)", **State/Prov:** "LEO", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31729 (ED708B71)
**Date:** 5/11/1969
**Location:** Pembroke, Ontario, CAN
**Description:** Dog raised alarm to a landed object (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)
**Reference:** NICAP: [690511](http://www.nicap.org/ar-690511dir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_4012
### Event 31730 (500145A9)
**Date:** 5/11/1969
**Locations:** Chapeau, Quebec; L’Isle-aux-Allumettes; Ottawa River
**Description:** 2:00 a.m. Near the village of Chapeau, Quebec, on L’Isle-aux-Allumettes in the Ottawa River, farmer Leo Paul Chaput is awakened by his dog barking. He looks out the window and sees a brilliant light close to the ground. The light source seems to be a domed craft with a flat bottom \(like a World War I helmet\) about 500 feet away. He looks away briefly, and the object is gone, although he can hear the diminishing sound of a motor. When Chaput gets up in the morning, he finds a large circular indentation in the ground, 600 feet from his house. The impression is 32 feet in diameter and is surrounded by a ring of scorched grass 2.5 feet wide. Inside, the vegetation is not damaged, but there are three holes that form a perfect equilateral triangle, 15 feet on a side. The holes are 8 inches in diameter and 3 inches deep. He finds a second, slightly smaller circle to the southwest, again with scorched grass and 3 indentations. A third ground marking, a semicircle, is near the second.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Donald E. Keyhoe and Gordon I. R. Lore Jr., [Strange Effects from UFOs](http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Books/Other/Lore%2C%20Gordon%20-%20Strange%20Effects%20from%20UFOs.pdf)[,](http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Books/Other/Lore%2C%20Gordon%20-%20Strange%20Effects%20from%20UFOs.pdf) NICAP, 1969, p. 45; Brian C. Cannon, “[UFO](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/Canada/Canadian%20UFO%20Report%20%28Magor%29/Canadian%20UFO%20Report%20-%20vol%201%20no%206%20-%201969.pdf) [Alert in Ontario,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/Canada/Canadian%20UFO%20Report%20%28Magor%29/Canadian%20UFO%20Report%20-%20vol%201%20no%206%20-%201969.pdf)” Canadian UFO Report 1, no. 6 \(Nov./Dec. 1969\): 19–21; J. Allen Hynek, The UFO Experience, Ballantine ed., 1974, [pp. 153–154](https://archive.org/details/ufoexperience00jall/page/152/mode/2up); Chris Rutkowski and Geoff Dittman, The Canadian UFO Report, Dundurn Press, 2006, pp. 103–104
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4691
### Event 31731 (C01998EF)
**Date:** 5/11/1969
**Description:** Three witnesses sighted a red ball of light at 3:00 a.m. at Santa Catalina de Somoza, Leon, Spain. The luminous red spherical UFO had a horn-like extention on one side.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos, Catalogue of 200 Type-I UFO Events in Spain and Portugal, case 111, citing D. Lopez
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2740
### Event 31732 (C1461BDD)
**Date:** 5/11/1969
**Description:** At two o'clock in the morning a UFO was spotted near the ground in the yard of a home in Demers Center, Quebec, Canada. A barking dog woke the witnesses, Mr. & Mrs. Chaput, and a bright light was shining from the craft into their bedroom. The UFO made a purring sound. The incident lasted about five minutes. Ring ground marks were found in the yard.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP UFO Investigator, July 1969, p. 2; UNICAT database, case 323; J. Allen Hynek, The UFO Experience: A Scientific Inquiry, p. 133
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2741
### Event 31733 (C9BEB6FF)
**Date:** 5/11/1969
**Description:** At 1:45 a.m. Mike Luczkowich, age 20, a student at Manakin, Virginia was returning home after a date with his girlfriend. He had just driven past the Rockville General Store when he noticed something about 50 yards ahead of his car. At first he thought it might be a couple of deer, but he soon realized that he was looking at two humanoid figures about three and a half to four feet tall. The creatures were wearing spherical helmets that looked as large as basketballs. Circling each helmet was a pale green band that reflected the headlights of the vehicle. The beings stood motionless at first, but they soon scurried off by running up an embankment to the left. The first two had barely disappeared when a third small being appeared from the right side of the road and quickly joined the others by climbing over the embankment. Luczkowich reported that the little men were dressed in light-brown coveralls that were somewhat baggy in the legs but tight-fitting at the ankles. He did not see any arms, and he could not detect features behind the oversized helmets.
The student was shaken by his experience, and he did not tell anyone of the encounter until Sunday. On Monday Luczkowich and three other men returned to the site. They were able to locate a fresh trail through the poison ivy and honeysuckle growing on the embankment the three beings had scaled. Beyond the embankment they found a barley field with a path through it, such as the three humanoids might have made. After walking in a few feet they noticed two flattened areas, where small entities might have thrown themselves down in the field. According to Luczkowich, the crushed barley at one flattened area showed the imprint of two small bodies, while the other impression outlined one other small body. About a half mile west of the area and two hours earlier 18-year-old Debbie Payne had reported seeing an oval-shaped luminous object over her house when she arrived home from a date. The UFO appeared rather bright, then dimmed and became bright two times before she and her date reached the door to her house.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1969, citing Ted Bloecher, "Occupant Case Detailed," Skylook, November 1974
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2742
### Event 31734 (075FE35B)
**Date:** 5/12/1969
**Location:** CASINO, AUSTR
**Description:** Brilliant circular object hovers / low altitude. Beams pulse going down. Burnt patches / heavy rain!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PHILLIPS, Ted: Study of PHYSICAL TRACES ASSOCIATED with UFO SIGHTINGS; CUFOS 1975. (Index 64)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9307
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "CASINO,AUSTR:BRILL.CIRC.OBJ HVRS/LO ALT:BEAMS PULSE↓:BURNT PATCHES/HEAVY RAIN!", **LatLong:** "-28.833335 153.033341", **LatLongDMS:** "28:50:00 S 153:02:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-28.833335,153.033341)", **State/Prov:** "NSW", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31735 (081BE554)
**Date:** 5/12/1969
**Time:** 21:30
**Location:** NEAR PALATINE, IL
**Description:** 3+separate observer(s). 15M helmet-saucer seen widely / 2 hours. Buzzes. Dog barks.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 103)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9308
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "120", **Elev:** "226", **HatchDesc:** "nr PALATINE,IL:3+ SEP.OBS:15M HELMET-SCR SEEN WIDELY/2hrs:BUZZES:DOG BARKS:", **LatLong:** "42.100002 -88.050004", **LatLongDMS:** "42:06:00 N 88:03:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.100002,-88.050004)", **State/Prov:** "Illinois", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31736 (2F555A1D)
**Date:** 5/12/1969
**Location:** Moscow
**Description:** The DARPA Pandora Project committee discusses plans to move forward with eight human subjects who will be exposed to microwaves similar to the Moscow Signal and then given a full battery of medical and psychological tests. The committee recommends “gonadal protection be provided” to the male test subjects; however, human testing is not pursued. The program is shut down later in 1969, with an effect of the signal on behavior and/or biological functions deemed “too subtle or insignificant to be evident.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Moscow](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moscow%5FSignal\#United%5FStates%5Fhuman%5Ftesting) [Signal](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moscow%5FSignal\#United%5FStates%5Fhuman%5Ftesting)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4692
### Event 31737 (8191D3C8)
**Date:** 5/12/1969
**Description:** At 9:45 p.m. a brilliant circular object hovered at a low altitude near some railroad tracks in Casino, New South Wales, Australia. A married couple, Mr. and Mrs. Hinitt, watched beams of light pulse upwards from the ground toward the UFO. Burnt patches of vegetation were found at the sight in a heavy rainstorm.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Ted Phillips, Physical Traces Associated with UFO Sightings, p. 64; ACOS Bulletin, March 1977, p. 12 and June 1977, p. 20
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2762
### Event 31738 (78D13EC9)
**Date:** 5/12/1969
**Description:** At 9:30 p.m. CDT a helmet-shaped disc estimated to be 15 meters in diameter was seen widely over the Lake Zurich suburbs in Illinois. It was reportedly seen over a two hour period. It made a buzzing sound, and dogs reacted to its presence by barking.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Chicago Tribune, May 25, 1969; FSR, September-October 1971, p. 27
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2763
### Event 31739 (FBB43997)
**Date:** 5/13/1969
**Time:** 22:30
**Location:** VILLEFAGNAN, FR
**Description:** Several observer(s). Orange "saucer" east going quickly west fast. / Charente Libre 16 May. '69.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LDLN CONTACT LECTEURS: by Series and #. May'68 -JAN'72 (Entire set of 18 issues) LDLN local chapters & individual members' UFO reports. (Index 52)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9309
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "VILLEFAGNAN,FR:SVRL OBS:ORG."SAUCER" E>>W FAST:/Charente Libre 16MAY69", **LatLong:** "46.016669 0.083333", **LatLongDMS:** "46:01:00 N 00:05:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.016669,0.083333)", **State/Prov:** "Charente", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31740 (E71A7B2F)
**Date:** 5/14/1969
**Time:** 00:30
**Location:** GENEVA, SWZ
**Description:** Airport/apartment weatherman. 10M ovoid 700M over runway. Glows and flashes. Going quickly southeast going [to] clouds.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Book: BOURRET, Jean-Claude: La NOUVELLE VAGUE des SOUCOUPES VOLANTES; Editions France-Empire, Paris. 1974 (Geneva, SWZ 1969 pg. 60)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9310
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Switzerland", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "GENEVA,SWZ:APT WEATHERMAN:10M OVOID 700M OVR RUNWAY:GLOWS+FLASHES:>>SE> CLOUDS", **LatLong:** "46.200002 6.033334", **LatLongDMS:** "46:12:00 N 06:02:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.200002,6.033334)", **State/Prov:** "GNV", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31741 (3A713E43)
**Date:** 5/14/1969
**Time:** 22:50
**Location:** PIEDADE, BRAZIL
**Description:** 3 law students. 1M ring / yellow-green lights maneuvers over and behind faculty building.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GRANCHI, Irene: UFO's and ABDUCTIONS in BRAZIL: Horus House Press, Madison, WI: 1992 (English translation 1994) ISBN 1-881852-09-1 (Index 84)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9311
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "9", **HatchDesc:** "PIEDADE,BRZL:3 LAW STUDENTS:1M RING/YLW-GRN LITES MNVRS OVR+BHND FACULTY BLDG", **LatLong:** "-22.666668 -43.066669", **LatLongDMS:** "22:40:00 S 43:04:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-22.666668,-43.066669)", **RelAlt:** "5", **State/Prov:** "RDJ", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31742 (430F4D27)
**Date:** 5/14/1969
**Description:** Three law students were on the campus of their Law School in Piedade, Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil at 10:50 p.m. when they sighted a one-meter in diamter ring-shaped object with yellow-green lights in the sky maneuvering over and behind the faculty building.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Irene Granchi, UFO Abductions and Reports from Brazil, p. 84
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2831
### Event 31743 (EEFDC8C2)
**Date:** 5/15/1969
**Location:** 37.0000 -116.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Aliment” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_594
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0000 -116.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:00 N 116:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0000,-116.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Aliment", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 31744 (6A9DAB36)
**Date:** 5/16/1969
**Time:** 04:02:59.7
**Location:** 49.7594 78.0758
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: .001KT YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1331
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.7594 78.0758", **LatLongDMS:** "49:45:34 N 78:04:33 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.7594,78.0758)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.30", **NukeSource:** "BOCHAROV", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** ".001", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 31745 (8A8D77D3)
**Date:** 5/17/1969
**Description:** On this night a married couple in Graz, Austria viewed a white disc-shaped object through binoculars. It hovered and zoomed up and around for three hours. Dogs barked.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Ernst Berger, MUFON UFO Journal, July 1976, p. 13
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2934
### Event 31746 (384800AA)
**Date:** 5/18/1969
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Launch of [Apollo 10](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/Apollo.html\#Apollo10) which completes a lap around the Moon for a general rehearsal of the historic flight. (May 18)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1969.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2470
### Event 31747 (300BA210)
**Date:** 5/18/1969
**Time:** 04:00
**Description:** Cop and 8 observer(s). Extremely bright white saucer stops over tractor. Going up / clouds. Very fast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 186)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9312
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "6", **HatchDesc:** "E/DENILQUIN,AUSTR:COP+8 OBS:XBRITE WHT SCR STOPS OVR TRACTOR:↑/CLOUDS:VFAST:", **LatLong:** "-35.533335 144.833340", **LatLongDMS:** "35:32:00 S 144:50:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-35.533335,144.833340)", **State/Prov:** "NSW", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31748 (67CA5A2B)
**Date:** 5/18/1969
**Time:** 20:00?
**Location:** (NE), IA
**Description:** Many separate reports and 7 cops. White sphere/orb/globe-saucers with red and green domes. Fast maneuvers / all directions.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** STEIGER, Brad & WHRITENOUR, Joan: FLYING SAUCER INVASION. Award Books, NY 1969. 156pp PB. 15 Essays + catalog. (Index 100)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9313
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "20", **Elev:** "336", **HatchDesc:** "(NE),IA:MANY SEP.RTPS+7 COPS:WHT ORB-SCRS W/RED+GRN DOMES:FAST MNVRS/ALL DIRs", **LatLong:** "43.000002 -92.000004", **LatLongDMS:** "43:00:00 N 92:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.000002,-92.000004)", **State/Prov:** "Iowa", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31749 (4DAB7A83)
**Date:** 5/18/1969
**End date:** 5/20/1969
**Location:** Lester Kaiser farm near Rising Sun, Indiana
**Description:** Evening. A localized power blackout cuts off electricity at the Lester Kaiser farm near Rising Sun, Indiana, for 2 hours. The next night, George Kaiser watches a hairy, muscular, bipedal creature that flees upon being seen. It leaves tracks showing three toes and a big toe. On May 20, a neighbor sees a glowing, greenish-white UFO as it hovers for several minutes.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** John Keel, Strange Creatures from Time and Space, 1970, pp. 94–95; Clark III 556; Patrick Gross, [URECAT](https://ufologie.patrickgross.org/ce3/1969-05-18-usa-risingsun.htm)[,](https://ufologie.patrickgross.org/ce3/1969-05-18-usa-risingsun.htm) May 29, 2007
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4693
### Event 31750 (1751F488)
**Date:** 5/18/1969
**Description:** At around 10:00 p.m. an extremely bright white disc-shaped UFO stopped over a tractor on a farm east of Denilquin, New South Wales, Australia. It then shot up vertically into the clouds at high speed. There were nine witnesses, and the encounter lasted six minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** newspaper clipping dated May 20, 1969; FSR, November-December 1969, p. 32
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2955
### Event 31751 (24E4D859)
**Date:** 5/19/1969
**Location:** USA, Rising Sun, (Indiana)
**Description:** (Translated from French) In the morning around 7:30am, Georges Kaiser went out to his tractor. (...) He crossed the farm yard when he had the sensation of an unusual presence. Surprised, he saw 6m away from him a being who, for two minutes, paid him no attention. It was at least 2.50m tall, standing but leaning forward. Its arms were the same length as a normal man's and its musculature seemed very developed. It had no neck, its head resting directly on its shoulders. Its hands had normal fingers (...) It had long hair falling down the back of its massive head. Its whole body was covered in hair, except for its face which was black and the palms of its hands too. Georges (...) made a movement to retreat, which drew the attention of the being. It immediately emitted a growl and turned around to flee. It jumped over the ditch bordering the road and disappeared. It was running at an astonishing speed.
**Reference:** Jean FERGUSON: "Les Humanoïdes..." - ed. Leméac, Ottawa 1977, p. 164
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2561
### Event 31752 (49E3A553)
**Date:** 5/19/1969
**Time:** 03:10
**Location:** SOUTHEAST / ST. JOHN, NB
**Description:** Bright glowing-ovoid chases car. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) and electro-magnetic effect (EME). Going quickly south over woods. RCMP report.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LEDGER, Don: MARITIME UFO FILES: 1998 Nimbus Publ. Ltd. Halifax, NS. ISBN 1-55109-269-7 162pp. trade paper. (Index 70)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9314
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "6", **Elev:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "SE/St.JOHN,NB:BRITE GLO-OVOID CHASES CAR:RFI+EME:>>S ovr WOODS:RCMP rpt", **LatLong:** "45.233335 -66.116670", **LatLongDMS:** "45:14:00 N 66:07:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.233335,-66.116670)", **State/Prov:** "New Brunswick", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31753 (0047A553)
**Date:** 5/19/1969
**Description:** At 3:10 a.m. a bright glowing ovoid object chased a car down a road southeast of St. John, New Brunswick, Canada. The car's radio and lights were effected by the UFO during the pursuit. The UFO flew off to the south over some woods, according to the report filed with the RCMP.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Don Ledger, Maritime UFO Files, p. 70
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2978
### Event 31754 (20033174)
**Date:** 5/19/1969
**Description:** On this evening at 7:30 p.m. two women, Dona Aurora and Clair Mefessoli, were walking to a neighbor's house in Fernandes, Santa Catarina, Brazil to borrow some milk when they saw an elongated yellowish luminous object descend behind them, not quite touching the ground. Two little three-foot tall beings, with features like humans, got out of the UFO. The terrified women fled the scene.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb and Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1969-36, citing FSR, July-August 1969
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2979
### Event 31755 (2BDACA2D)
**Date:** 5/19/1969
**Description:** Two hours later, at 7:30 p.m. CDT in Rising Sun, Indiana George Kaiser noticed a strange figure 25 feet away. The being was the size of a man and covered with black fur. The head sat directly on its shoulders and the face was black, with close-set eyes and a very low forehead. When Kaiser made a move to get into his car, the creature grunted, jumped over a ditch, and ran down the road at high speed. Footprints were found that showed only four toes. On the following night a UFO was observed over the same area by neighbors.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb and Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1969-37, citing Jerome Clark and Loren Coleman
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_2980
### Event 31756 (FBFC3016)
**Date:** 5/20/1969
**Location:** BRAZIL, Nova Lima (Minas Gerais)
**Description:** (Translated from French) José Perreira Sacramento lives at 190, P. Eustaquio Street, last house on the street. Around 1:00 AM the witness was woken up by a rumbling engine and he thought his scooter was being stolen. Hurriedly getting up he went to check: the scooter was still there, but now he heard the dog growling. He was heading towards the animal when he saw a luminous spot on the ground and looking up he saw a dark circular object hovering at about 500 m altitude. Very quickly the object grew bigger, as if it was descending, and scared the witness wanted to run back to the house: he was unable to move. When it reached 1 m from the ground, the witness saw an opening of one meter diameter and he was sucked inside into a circular compartment of about 14 m diameter brightly lit. Standing in this place he saw to his right and left a group of three small beings each time, 80 cm tall, sitting on round stools without legs. They were covered with a kind of flexible fabric wrapping the head and the visible part of the body: only the thorax. These beings had a language made of grunts and yaps and were only occupied with a panel in front of each of them. This lasted about 5 minutes. Then, the light increased even more in intensity and the witness lost consciousness. He woke up at 6:00 AM in his bed with pain in his shoulders and red and irritated eyes.
**Reference:** CICOANI - Brazil
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2562
### Event 31757 (3298E8BF)
**Date:** 5/20/1969
**Time:** 01:00
**Location:** NOVA LIMA, BRZ
**Description:** 1 observer paralyzed as silent 14M saucer descends. 3+3 small humanoids (or Greys) inside. 6 hours missing time.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** INFORESPACE Journal. SOBEPS Group, Belgium; bimonthly (Index 29)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9315
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly, **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "104", **Elev:** "859", **HatchDesc:** "NOVA LIMA,BRZ:1 OBS PRLZED as SLNT 14M SCR DESCENDS:3+3 OIDS INSIDE:6hrs MST", **LatLong:** "-19.983334 -43.850002", **LatLongDMS:** "19:59:00 S 43:51:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-19.983334,-43.850002)", **RelAlt:** "2", **State/Prov:** "Minas Gerais", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 31758 (C524AB2D)
**Date:** 5/20/1969
**Time:** 14:00
**Location:** BLADWORTH, SSK
**Description:** Boy / 12. Red-glowing silver disk going [to] fast. Spins. Lands? Patch / barren ground.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PHILLIPS, Ted: Study of PHYSICAL TRACES ASSOCIATED with UFO SIGHTINGS; CUFOS 1975. (Index 65)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9316
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "5", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "625", **HatchDesc:** "BLADWORTH,SSK:BOY/12:RED-GLO SLVR DISK>FAST:SPINS:LANDS?:PATCH/BARREN GND", **LatLong:** "51.377780 -106.133338", **LatLongDMS:** "51:22:40 N 106:08:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.377780,-106.133338)", **State/Prov:** "Sasketchewan", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31759 (7750DF65)
**Date:** 5/20/1969
**Description:** Jose Pereira Sacramento was awakened by a noise outside his home in Vila Operaria, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Going outside through his back door at 1:00 a.m., he saw "the white face of an animal" and a light in the sky which came down toward him. He was paralyzed and could not move to re-enter the house or call out. An "enormous object" landed beside him, and he was "pulled through an opening" into the ship, finding himself inside a small elevator, which went up into a brightly lit circular compartment with a curved ceiling, about 45 feet in diameter. In this room were six small humanoid beings only 31 inches tall. They had big heads and they wore tight-fitting, plastic like outfits, entirely covering their bodies and heads, light cream in color, having openings only for their eyes and ears. Their eyes were slanted. Each entity stood inside a cylinder three feet in diameter and 15" high, and above its head was a curved plate with a lever. They spoke among themselves in a language of short shrilly sounds, "like pigs grunting." After four or five minutes one of the beings moved a control and the illumination increased in brightness to such a point that Pereira lost consciousness. At 6:00 a.m. he woke up in his bed, not knowing how he got there. He had an inflammation of the eyes lasted a month, and a year after the event he still felt light-headed and had difficulty concentrating.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb and Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1969-35, citing CICOANI
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3009
### Event 31760 (510C05F8)
**Date:** 5/21/1969
**Location:** BRAZIL, Belo Horizonte
**Description:** (Translated from French) (cf. May 3, 1969) In the night, seized by a sudden impulse, José Antonio da Silva left the room and went to the garden where he found himself face to face with the 3 creatures who had abducted him. Terrified, the witness barricaded himself in his house.
**Reference:** CICOANI- Brazil
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2563
### Event 31761 (8F4169FD)
**Date:** 5/21/1969
**Time:** 22:00?
**Description:** Ball / light near ground. 3 observer(s). Car won't work until it goes.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RODEGHIER, Mark/CUFOS: UFO REPORTS INVOLVING VEHICLE INTERFERENCE; CUFOS 1979. Available as CUFOS UFO Archive #1 CD-ROM. http://www.cufos.org/Pubform.pdf (Index 46)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9317
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "50", **HatchDesc:** "PELOTAS> Event 31762 (2370DC6E)
**Date:** 5/21/1969
**Description:** Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil - At midnight Jose Antonio Da Silva had a sudden impulse to get out of bed and go into his garden. He stepped out his door and saw three of the same short entities he had a frightening encounter with earlier that month at Bebedouro, Minas Gerais, Brazil dressed in the same flightsuits. They stood motionless, looking at him. He quickly stepped back inside and bolted the door, without saying a word or hearing a sound from them. He then explained to investigators that they wanted him to "work against my own people" and expressed his great fear that our world was in great danger, without knowing from where the danger would come.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1969-38, citing Hulvio Brant Aleixo, FSR, November-December 1973, & Dr. Walter Buhler
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3020
### Event 31763 (434AA70A)
**Date:** 5/22/1969
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) In their lunar module, Stafford and Cernan fly over the Moon at 15 km altitude before joining the [Apollo 10](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/Apollo.html\#Apollo10) spacecraft. (May 22)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1969.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2471
### Event 31764 (16CDC66B)
**Date:** 5/22/1969
**Description:** 4 truckers. Bright diamond follows trucks. Speeds away and back.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 835)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9318
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "30", **HatchDesc:** "nr ESPERANCE,AUSTRL:4 TRUCKERS:BRITE DIAMOND FOLOS TRUCKS:SPEEDS AWAY+BACK", **LatLong:** "-33.750002 122.116672", **LatLongDMS:** "33:45:00 S 122:07:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-33.750002,122.116672)", **State/Prov:** "Western Australia", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31765 (4E71B44B)
**Date:** 5/22/1969
**Time:** 23:30
**Location:** GLENORCHY, TASM
**Description:** 1 observer. Silent brilliant white saucer just over ground. Portholes / rim. Quickly going up. / r249p506.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO RESEARCH AUSTRALIA NEWSLETTER. (Details missing) (Index 831)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9319
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "GLENORCHY,TASM:1 OBS:SLNT BRILL.WHT.SCR JUST OVR GND:PORTS/RIM:↑↑:/r249p506", **LatLong:** "-42.833335 147.300007", **LatLongDMS:** "42:50:00 S 147:18:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-42.833335,147.300007)", **State/Prov:** "TSM", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31766 (F90CC84E)
**Date:** 5/22/1969
**Time:** 23:30
**Description:** Large white saucer very close. Windows / edge. Rises fast. Burnt patch.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PHILLIPS, Ted: Study of PHYSICAL TRACES ASSOCIATED with UFO SIGHTINGS; CUFOS 1975. (Index 65)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9320
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "MOONAH CREEK,AUSTR:LRG WHT SCR VCLOSE:WINDOWS/EDGE:RISES FAST:BURNT PATCH", **LatLong:** "-21.450001 138.550007", **LatLongDMS:** "21:27:00 S 138:33:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-21.450001,138.550007)", **State/Prov:** "Queensland", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31767 (B3C91469)
**Date:** 5/22/1969
**Location:** Glenorchy, Tasmania
**Description:** 11:00 p.m. Graham Longey sees a large, brilliant, circular white object hovering a few feet off the ground at Glenorchy, Tasmania. Windows encircle its midsection. It begins to move rapidly upward, and by the time he dashes out of his house it is gone. On the site, Longey finds an elliptical area of burned grass 18 feet by 12 feet. A small tree nearby is scorched and has limbs broken. He notices an oily smell.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clark III 1139
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4694
### Event 31768 (4D4A3508)
**Date:** 5/23/1969
**Description:** RADAR blips and night lights zigzag going north. Big RV wave. / r10p253.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CHALKER,Bill: The OZ FILES. Australian Sightings. 1996 Duffy & Snellgrove. NSW,Australia. ISBN 1-875989-04-8 (Index 67)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9321
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RDR:** Radar traces/blips
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "KALAMUNDA+CLOVERDALE+PERTH,W.AUS:RDR BLIPS+NLTS ZIGZAG >N:BIG RV WAVE:/r10p253", **LatLong:** "-31.916668 116.000006", **LatLongDMS:** "31:55:00 S 116:00:00 E", **Locale:** "Desert", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-31.916668,116.000006)", **State/Prov:** "Western Australia", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31769 (FC470D47)
**Date:** 5/23/1969
**Time:** 21:50
**Location:** BRASOV, ROMANIA
**Description:** 5 fast large saucers going quickly northeast. 2 saucers break V-formation and zigzag. High accelerations.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HOBANA Ion & WEVERBERGH,Julien: UFO'S from BEHIND the IRON CURTAIN; Bantam Books,1975. 308pp. (Index 153)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9322
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Romania", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "BRASOV,ROMANIA:5 FAST LRG SCRS>>NE:2 SCRS BREAK V-FORMN+ZIGZAG:HIGH ACCELS", **LatLong:** "45.650002 25.583335", **LatLongDMS:** "45:39:00 N 25:35:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.650002,25.583335)", **State/Prov:** "Brasov", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31770 (7F25C01A)
**Date:** 5/23/1969
**Locations:** Cloverdale, Western Australia; Perth Airport; Kalamunda
**Description:** 6:35 p.m. A 13-year-old boy in Cloverdale, Western Australia, notices a moving light to the south and about 10° above the horizon. He calls his mother, who sees a steady red light on top of a more diffuse blue-white light darting haphazardly in a zigzag pattern but in general moving to the north until it disappears behind their house. The witnesses shift their position and can still see the light hovering in the northwest. The light is now seen as circular with hazy edges and about half the diameter of the full moon. At about 7:00 p.m. it moves at high speed to the north. The mother calls the radar station at Kalamunda, which simultaneously gets a request from Perth Airport to check out an unidentified echo on their meteorological radar. The Kalamunda operator sees a large echo some 9 miles away, which reappears for short durations on 5 further occasions and is last seen at 7:42 p.m.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Swords 397–398; Bill Chalker, “[1969: The Great UFO Daze of Oz,](http://theozfiles.blogspot.com/2020/09/1969-great-ufo-daze-of-oz.html)” The Oz Files, September 19, 2020
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4695
### Event 31771 (BD95CF01)
**Date:** 5/23/1969
**Description:** At midnight in Kalamunda, Western Australia nocturnal lights zigzagged through the sky and were picked up as blips on radar as they maneuvered to the north.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Bill Chalker, The Oz Files, p. 67
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3048
### Event 31772 (FFDF43AE)
**Date:** 5/24/1969
**Time:** 02:30
**Location:** VINA, CA
**Description:** 3 separate cops. Bus-size object lights trees. Follows train. APRO May'69+/ FSRv18#1.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 60)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9323
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **MIL:** Military investigation, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies, **COV:** Indication of coverup
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "240", **Elev:** "63", **HatchDesc:** "VINA,CA:3 SEP.COPS:BUS-SIZE OBJ LITES TREES:FOLOS TRAIN:APRO May'69+/FSRv18#1", **LatLong:** "39.933335 -122.050006", **LatLongDMS:** "39:56:00 N 122:03:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.933335,-122.050006)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31773 (2EAC5CAD)
**Date:** 5/26/1969
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Return of [Apollo 10](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/Apollo.html\#Apollo10). (May 26)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1969.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2472
### Event 31774 (5B9F2BF4)
**Date:** 5/26/1969
**Time:** 17:30
**Location:** AZUL, ARG
**Description:** 3M domed sphere/orb/globe hovers / 1M altitude. Going quickly south. Large mushrooms grow. / r180p65. / r215p101.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 16)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9324
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "137", **HatchDesc:** "AZUL,ARG:3M DOMED ORB HVRS/1M alt:>>S:LRG MUSHROOMS GROW:/r180p65:/r215p101", **LatLong:** "-36.783335 -59.850003", **LatLongDMS:** "36:47:00 S 59:51:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-36.783335,-59.850003)", **RelAlt:** "1", **State/Prov:** "Buenos Aires", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31775 (6AC27916)
**Date:** 5/27/1969
**Location:** 37.0000 -116.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed, salvo. Country: USA Name: “Ipecac-A” YieldMax: 40KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_595
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0000 -116.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:00 N 116:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0000,-116.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Ipecac-A", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NUCU_SALVO", **NukeYMax:** "40"
### Event 31776 (82DA9073)
**Date:** 5/27/1969
**Time:** 14:15:00.0
**Location:** 37.0751 -115.9953
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Torrido” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 200KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_596
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0751 -115.9953", **LatLongDMS:** "37:04:30 N 115:59:43 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0751,-115.9953)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.51", **NukeMb:** "5.00", **NukeName:** "Torrido", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "200"
### Event 31777 (AEF89871)
**Date:** 5/28/1969
**Locations:** Colorado; Sacramento, California
**Description:** [McDonald](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James%5FE.%5FMcDonald) presents a talk that is critical of the Colorado project at the Sacramento, California, section of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** James E. McDonald, “A Very Creditable Effort?” May 28, 1969; Story, [p. 415](https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofuf0000unse/page/414/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4696
### Event 31778 (A1ADB511)
**Date:** 5/28/1969
**Description:** At two a.m. farmers in Caltowie, South Australia watched as a bluish white object followed two young men home. It started to revolve making a whining noise, then a high-pitched beeping. Four legs protruded from the bottom of the object. A second orange UFO appeared. Ground traces of a landing were found in a nearby field, and some soil appeared to have been taken.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Michael Hervey, UFOs Over the Southern Hemisphere, p. 184
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3138
### Event 31779 (1FA4620F)
**Date:** 5/29/1969
**Location:** ITAJUBA, BRZ
**Description:** All / town. Luminous object going [to] overhead. Power out. Car buzzed-spins out. / r156#7.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 833)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9325
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "12", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "914", **HatchDesc:** "ITAJUBA,BRZ:ALL/TOWN:LUMn.OBJ >OVHD:POWER OUT:CAR BUZZED-SPINS OUT:/r156#7", **LatLong:** "-22.416668 -45.450002", **LatLongDMS:** "22:25:00 S 45:27:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-22.416668,-45.450002)", **State/Prov:** "Minas Gerais", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31780 (F6091A04)
**Date:** 5/30/1969
**Description:** The witnesses were staying in a "caravan" camper on Cradle Hill in Warminster, Wiltshire, England and were out looking for any mysterious lights that might appear in the night sky. At 11:30 p.m. they spotted a crimson red, oval-shaped light flying over the area. It was completely silent. A short time later one of the witnesses noticed a luminous, cloud-like humanoid figure standing by a nearby gate. It appeared to be covered entirely by tiny pinpricks of white light. No facial features could be seen.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1969, case 901, citing Arthur Shuttlewood, UFOs: Visions of a New Age
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3169
### Event 31781 (D35FCD12)
**Date:** 5/31/1969
**Time:** 05:00
**Location:** ITAGUAI, BRZ
**Description:** 2 / truck. Bright 13M saucer / low altitude. Darkens and quickly going up [to] as truck nears. / r156#7.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 833)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9326
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "28", **HatchDesc:** "ITAGUAI,BRZ:2/TRUCK:BRITE 13M SCR/LO ALT:DARKENS+↑↑ as TRUCK NEARS:/r156#7", **LatLong:** "-22.883334 -43.783335", **LatLongDMS:** "22:53:00 S 43:47:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-22.883334,-43.783335)", **RelAlt:** "5", **State/Prov:** "RDJ", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31782 (5F255427)
**Date:** 5/31/1969
**Time:** 22:00?
**Location:** SAO PAOLO, BRZ
**Description:** Large night light maneuvers. Smaller night light flies away. Several cars electro-magnetic effect (EME)-motor and lights.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RODEGHIER, Mark/CUFOS: UFO REPORTS INVOLVING VEHICLE INTERFERENCE; CUFOS 1979. Available as CUFOS UFO Archive #1 CD-ROM. http://www.cufos.org/Pubform.pdf (Index 46)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9327
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "638", **HatchDesc:** "SAO PAOLO,BRZ:LRG NLT MNVRS:SMALLER NLT FLIES AWAY:SVRL CARS EME-MOTOR+LITES", **LatLong:** "-23.550001 -46.600002", **LatLongDMS:** "23:33:00 S 46:36:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-23.550001,-46.600002)", **State/Prov:** "São Paulo", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 31783 (C22AC401)
**Date:** 5/31/1969
**Location:** Memphis, TN
**Description:** C1 reported by Baird. No details available. (MUFON Skylook 8, 6) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_4013
### Event 31784 (32FEBB60)
**Date:** 5/31/1969
**Time:** 05:01:59.4
**Location:** 49.9503 77.6942
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: .001KT YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1332
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.9503 77.6942", **LatLongDMS:** "49:57:01 N 77:41:39 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.9503,77.6942)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.40", **NukeSource:** "BOCHAROV", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** ".001", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 31785 (737697A9)
**Date:** 5/31/1969
**Locations:** Quincy, Illinois; Wisconsin State University
**Description:** The Midwest UFO Network \(later Mutual UFO Network\) is founded in Quincy, Illinois, by [Walter H. Andrus](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/152550777/walter-harrison-andrus) [Jr.](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/152550777/walter-harrison-andrus)[,](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/152550777/walter-harrison-andrus) who leaves APRO and takes many of its members with him. It is conceived as a grassroots organization with state and local leaders overseeing activities and investigations. Allen R. Utke, associate professor of chemistry at Wisconsin State University, is selected as the first MUFON Director
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clark III 784
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4697
### Event 31786 (29839F49)
**Date:** 5/31/1969
**Description:** On this night a large sphere flew erratically in the sky over Sao Paulo, Brazil. It released a smaller sphere which flew away. Several witnesses reported that their cars failed during the sighting, including both the lights and motor.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, case 273, citing Contact (UK)
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3183
### Event 31787 (47AA1754)
**Date:** 6/1969
**Location:** USSR, Baikonour
**Description:** (Translated from French) Again incidents occurred between Soviet soldiers and Chinese border guards; once more spy satellites took to space at a rate higher than average (the average for photographic observation being around 3 units per month). (June to August 1969)
**Reference:** "The War of the Satellites" - Volume 3 - Pierre Kohler, ed. Famot 1982, p. 10
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2564
### Event 31788 (B76C0D28)
**Date:** 6/1969
**Location:** ARGENTINA, unspecified
**Description:** (Translated from French) A 72-year-old artist, Benjamin Solari Parravicini, was walking outside when he was confronted by a tall, blond man with light eyes who spoke to him in a foreign language. Thinking he was dealing with a madman, the witness continued on his way, but he lost consciousness. He awoke inside a strange craft where he was told, among other things, that the people from the saucers are watching over the earth to prevent a catastrophe.
**Reference:** Jacques VALLEE: "Chronicles of the E.T. Appearances" - DENOEL 1972 - coll. J'AI LU, p. 216
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2565
### Event 31789 (EF49CC0E)
**Date:** 6/1969
**Description:** Car motor and lights die. Cylinder/cylindrical object-shaped UFO seen. 2 observer(s).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RODEGHIER, Mark/CUFOS: UFO REPORTS INVOLVING VEHICLE INTERFERENCE; CUFOS 1979. Available as CUFOS UFO Archive #1 CD-ROM. http://www.cufos.org/Pubform.pdf (Index 46)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9328
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Chile", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "100", **HatchDesc:** "ANTOFAGASTA> Event 31790 (83A8D509)
**Date:** 6/1969
**Description:** Project Bluebook Case #unknown. FAA Air Traffic Controller and 3 pilots buzzed / 4 saucers. 1 was 6m wide.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFOCAT CATALOG: Assorted Printouts. Donald A. Johnson Ph.D (CUFOS). P.O. Box 446, Concord, NH 03302-0446 (Index 103)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9329
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **NUC:** Nuclear facility related, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "218", **HatchDesc:** "WEST CARROLLTON,OH:BBK#UNK:FAA ATC+3 PILOTS BUZZED/4 SCRS:1 was 6m wide", **LatLong:** "39.666669 -84.233337", **LatLongDMS:** "39:40:00 N 84:14:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.666669,-84.233337)", **State/Prov:** "Ohio", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31791 (29B5976B)
**Date:** 6/1969 (approximate)
**Time:** 01:30
**Location:** ST. AMAND-LES-EAUX, FR
**Description:** 20M domed saucer follows motorbike / low altitude. Glows orange. Whistles. Going up.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 134)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9330
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "St.AMAND-les-EAUX,FR:20M DOMED SCR FOLOS MOTORBIKE/LO ALT:GLOWS ORG:WHISTLES:↑", **LatLong:** "50.433336 3.416667", **LatLongDMS:** "50:26:00 N 03:25:00 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.433336,3.416667)", **State/Prov:** "Nord", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31792 (AB44B291)
**Date:** 6/1969
**Time:** 05:00
**Description:** 3 observer(s). 13M saucer maneuvers all about TV antennas / apartment complex!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GRANCHI, Irene: UFO's and ABDUCTIONS in BRAZIL: Horus House Press, Madison, WI: 1992 (English translation 1994) ISBN 1-881852-09-1 (Index 86)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9331
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "15", **Elev:** "11", **HatchDesc:** "W.COPACABANA,BRZ:3 OBS:13M SCR MNVRS ALL ABOUT TV ANTENNAS/APARTMENT COMPLEX!", **LatLong:** "-22.966668 -43.183335", **LatLongDMS:** "22:58:00 S 43:11:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-22.966668,-43.183335)", **State/Prov:** "RDJ", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31793 (8E068E86)
**Date:** 6/1969
**Time:** 21:00
**Location:** VICUNA, CHILE
**Description:** 4 / truck. 2 brilliant figure(s) hide from view. Beam paralyzes exposed arms.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 118)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9332
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Chile", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "709", **HatchDesc:** "VICUNA,CHILE:4/TRUCK:2 BRILL.FIGs HIDE FROM VIEW:BEAM PARALYZES EXPOSED ARMS", **LatLong:** "-30.033335 -70.733337", **LatLongDMS:** "30:02:00 S 70:44:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-30.033335,-70.733337)", **State/Prov:** "CQM", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 31794 (DD419300)
**Date:** 6/1969
**Time:** 21:30
**Location:** OVERTON, NS
**Description:** Machine lands / swamp. Man walks around rim. Light beams going up. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUSGRAVE, John Brent: UFO OCCUPANTS & CRITTERS; Global Communications, NY 1979. 8x11 66pp. (Index 49)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9333
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "OVERTON,NS:MACHINE LANDS/SWAMP:MAN WALKS AROUND RIM:LITE BEAMS ↑:NFD", **LatLong:** "43.844447 -66.138892", **LatLongDMS:** "43:50:40 N 66:08:20 W", **Locale:** "Wetlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.844447,-66.138892)", **State/Prov:** "Nova Scotia", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 31795 (CBEAADCA)
**Date:** 6/1969
**Description:** Although President [Richard Nixon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard%5FNixon) does not trust [J. Edgar Hoover](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J.%5FEdgar%5FHoover)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J.%5FEdgar%5FHoover) he accepts the FBI’s help through an “intelligence letter” program, codenamed INLET. This program is not only intended to provide the president with domestic and international security issues, but also, “items with an unusual twist or concerning prominent personalities which may be of special interest to the President.” Nixon orders seven wiretaps on his staffers.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** John Greenewald, “[INLET \(Intelligence Letters\) Reports, 1960s and 1970s,](http://www.theblackvault.com/documentarchive/inlet-intelligence-letters-reports-1960s-and-1970s/)” The Black Vault, May 7, 2020
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4698
### Event 31796 (EE8EFE9E)
**Date:** 6/1/1969
**Time:** 01:30
**Location:** BUCHAREST, ROM
**Description:** Intense white 35cm sphere/orb/globe flies between airport/apartment blocks. Silent. Very clear.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HOBANA Ion & WEVERBERGH,Julien: UFO'S from BEHIND the IRON CURTAIN; Bantam Books,1975. 308pp. (Index 188)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9334
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Romania", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "BUCHAREST,ROM:INTENSE WHT 35cm ORB FLIES BTWN APT BLOCKS:SILENT:VERY CLEAR", **LatLong:** "44.450002 26.066668", **LatLongDMS:** "44:27:00 N 26:04:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.450002,26.066668)", **State/Prov:** "Bucharest", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31797 (BDA059ED)
**Date:** 6/1/1969 (approximate)
**Time:** 01:30
**Location:** ARAD, ROMANIA
**Description:** Artist. Luminous 5' golf-tee going SSW over trees. Sharp outlines. No balloon.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HOBANA Ion & WEVERBERGH,Julien: UFO'S from BEHIND the IRON CURTAIN; Bantam Books,1975. 308pp. (Index 162)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9335
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Romania", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "ARAD,ROMANIA:ARTIST:LUM 5' GOLF-TEE >SSW OVR TREES:SHARP OUTLINES:NO BALLOON", **LatLong:** "46.150002 21.300001", **LatLongDMS:** "46:09:00 N 21:18:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.150002,21.300001)", **State/Prov:** "ARF", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 31798 (C0127725)
**Date:** 6/1/1969
**Time:** 02:00
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Bright green night light flies northeast going quickly southwest. Goes behind clouds.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HOBANA Ion & WEVERBERGH,Julien: UFO'S from BEHIND the IRON CURTAIN; Bantam Books,1975. 308pp. (Index 185)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9336
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Romania", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "nr MARASESTI,ROMANIA:2 OBS:BRITE GRN NLT FLIES NE>>SW:GOES BHND CLOUDS", **LatLong:** "45.866669 27.133335", **LatLongDMS:** "45:52:00 N 27:08:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.866669,27.133335)", **State/Prov:** "VRN", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31799 (9B30F6EC)
**Date:** 6/1/1969
**Time:** 02:20
**Description:** 3 observer(s). Football size object goes going north. 90-turn going quickly west. Leaves (something behind) trail.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HOBANA Ion & WEVERBERGH,Julien: UFO'S from BEHIND the IRON CURTAIN; Bantam Books,1975. 308pp. (Index 187)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9337
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Romania", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "BACAU> N:90-TURN>>W:LVS TRAIL", **LatLong:** "46.550002 26.933335", **LatLongDMS:** "46:33:00 N 26:56:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.550002,26.933335)", **State/Prov:** "Bacău", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31800 (826F1346)
**Date:** 6/1/1969
**Time:** 02:30
**Location:** BUCHAREST, ROM
**Description:** 10cm red sphere/orb/globe and 2 point night lights. Flies / airport/apartment buildings again. Several separate observer(s).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HOBANA Ion & WEVERBERGH,Julien: UFO'S from BEHIND the IRON CURTAIN; Bantam Books,1975. 308pp. (Index 189)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9338
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Romania", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "6", **HatchDesc:** "BUCHAREST,ROM:10cm RED ORB +2 POINT NLTS:FLIES/APT BLDGS AGAIN:SVRL SEP.OBS.", **LatLong:** "44.416669 26.066668", **LatLongDMS:** "44:25:00 N 26:04:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.416669,26.066668)", **State/Prov:** "Bucharest", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 31801 (5071407C)
**Date:** 6/1/1969
**Time:** 02:30
**Description:** Several / oil refinery. Ovoid changes going quickly [to] L-shape. Splits / 3 parts.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HOBANA Ion & WEVERBERGH,Julien: UFO'S from BEHIND the IRON CURTAIN; Bantam Books,1975. 308pp. (Index 187)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9339
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Romania", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "ROSIORII DE VEDE,ROM:SVRL/OIL REFINERY:OVOID CHANGES>>L-SHAPE:SPLITS/3 PARTS", **LatLong:** "44.100002 25.000001", **LatLongDMS:** "44:06:00 N 25:00:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.100002,25.000001)", **State/Prov:** "TLR", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 31802 (3FC5BD0A)
**Date:** 6/2/1969
**Time:** 02:30
**Location:** BAILE TUSNAD, ROM
**Description:** Cone-UFO with tail. Grows bigger. Going quickly [to] WNW toward(s) Odorheiu. Absolute(ly) silent.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HOBANA Ion & WEVERBERGH,Julien: UFO'S from BEHIND the IRON CURTAIN; Bantam Books,1975. 308pp. (Index 254)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9340
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Romania", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "BAILE TUSNAD,ROM:CONE-UFO W/TAIL:GROWS BIGGER:>>WNW TWRD ODORHEIU:ABS SILENT", **LatLong:** "46.150002 25.850001", **LatLongDMS:** "46:09:00 N 25:51:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.150002,25.850001)", **State/Prov:** "CVS", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31803 (8A8730E1)
**Date:** 6/2/1969 (approximate)
**Time:** 21:30
**Location:** NEAR SEGOVIA, SP
**Description:** 1 / car. Strange curtain drops. Voice = "be calm". Cube going down. 30 minute(s) / missing time.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LDLN CONTACT LECTEURS: by Series and #. May'68 -JAN'72 (Entire set of 18 issues) LDLN local chapters & individual members' UFO reports. (Index 53)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9341
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **TLP:** Telepathy, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **TRC:** Physical traces, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "35", **HatchDesc:** "nr SEGOVIA,SP:1/CAR:STRANGE CURTAIN DROPS:VOICE="BE CALM":CUBE ↓:30min/MST", **LatLong:** "41.000002 -4.083334", **LatLongDMS:** "41:00:00 N 04:05:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.000002,-4.083334)", **State/Prov:** "MDR", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 31804 (1155FB12)
**Date:** 6/2/1969
**Description:** In Tusnad Baile, Romania at 2:30 a.m. a silent, cone-shaped UFO grew larger in the sky, as if approaching. It then flew off toward the west-northwest toward Odorheiu, trailing a tail.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Ion Hobana & Julien Weverbergh, UFOs from Behind the Iron Curtain, p. 254
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3231
### Event 31805 (250667BC)
**Date:** 6/2/1969
**Description:** Near Segovia, Spain a witness travelling in a car experienced a strange effect, like a curtain coming down, at 9:30 p.m. He then heard a message to "be calm" while he watched a cube descend. He then lost track of what happened during the next 30 minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Larry Hatch, U computer database, case #8875
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3232
### Event 31806 (7C9EC620)
**Date:** 6/3/1969
**Time:** 18:00
**Location:** ANGRA DOS REIS, BRZ
**Description:** Entire town. 3 saucers maneuver / hours! 2 going quickly south to sea. 1 stays and plays.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 7)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9342
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "200", **Elev:** "142", **HatchDesc:** "ANGRA DOS REIS,BRZ:ENTIRE TOWN:3 SCRS MNVR/HOURS!:2>>S to SEA:1 STAYS+PLAYS", **LatLong:** "-23.016668 -44.300002", **LatLongDMS:** "23:01:00 S 44:18:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-23.016668,-44.300002)", **State/Prov:** "RDJ", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31807 (BCDDA7FA)
**Date:** 6/3/1969
**Description:** Four observers driving in a truck in Vicuna, Chile at 5:05 a.m. saw an orange oval-shaped object that flew fast, stopped, reversed its direction of flight, did some general maneuvering, and then made an abrupt change in elevation. They saw two luminous figures hide from view. A beam of energy paralyzed the exposed arms of two of the witnesses.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** CICA Boletin, December 1969; Lumieres dans la Nuit, issue # 118
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3252
### Event 31808 (0179F8ED)
**Date:** 6/3/1969
**Description:** Starting at around 6:00 p.m. many townspeople watched three disc-shaped UFOs maneuver over the town of Angra dos Reis, Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil for hours. Two of the objects flew off very fast to the south toward the sea, while one stayed behind and continued to play around in sky.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Walter Buhler, FSR Case Histories, October 1971, p. 15
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3253
### Event 31809 (BAD21948)
**Date:** 6/4/1969 (approximate)
**Description:** Many observer(s). 15' silver ovoid 500M over town. Blue and orange rays.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 7)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9343
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "456", **HatchDesc:** "S.JOSE do RIO PRETO,BRZ:MANY OBS:15'SLVR OVOID 500M OVR TOWN:BLU+ORG RAYS", **LatLong:** "-20.800001 -49.383336", **LatLongDMS:** "20:48:00 S 49:23:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-20.800001,-49.383336)", **RelAlt:** "500", **State/Prov:** "São Paulo", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31810 (12F4F91F)
**Date:** 6/4/1969
**Time:** ~05:00
**Location:** BRASILIA, BRZ
**Description:** Lawyer and 1. Silent dish shape maneuvers going up [to] going down [to] to and fro. Shoots multi-colored rays.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 7)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9344
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "1080", **HatchDesc:** "BRASILIA,BRZ:LAWYER+1:SLNT DISH SHAPE MNVRS ↑↓ TO+FRO:SHOOTS MULTI-CLRD RAYS:", **LatLong:** "-15.816667 -47.666669", **LatLongDMS:** "15:49:00 S 47:40:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-15.816667,-47.666669)", **State/Prov:** "DF", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31811 (AB70A07B)
**Date:** 6/4/1969?
**Time:** 22:00?
**Location:** LAVRAS, MG, BRZ
**Description:** Red-orange 50M object / 1M altitude 150M away. MD takes photographs. / O Dia 6 Jun. '69.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 7)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9345
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "938", **HatchDesc:** "LAVRAS,MG,BRZ:RED-ORG 50M OBJ/1M ALT 150M away:MD TAKES FOTOS:/O Dia 6JUN69", **LatLong:** "-21.250001 -44.983335", **LatLongDMS:** "21:15:00 S 44:59:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-21.250001,-44.983335)", **RelAlt:** "1", **State/Prov:** "Minas Gerais", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31812 (3996B74D)
**Date:** 6/4/1969
**Description:** In 1969 numerous red lights were seen hovering in the sky over Penwortham, South Australia at 6:30 p.m. In Eden Valley five minutes later a UFO with two rows of red lights, connected by a white beam, buzzed a motorist. Afterwards three circular burn marks were found on the hood of his car. At 7:30 p.m. a man driving between Brinkworth and Clare saw red lights flying parallel to his car, heading to the east. At 8 p.m. at Porter's Lagoon, 15 miles east of Clare, South Australia a red light pulsated is it hung stationary over the lagoon. At about the same time a red light came down the valley from Camel Hump Ridge in Gum Creek, while a blue UFO hovered over the range and later went behind a mountain.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Michael Hervey, UFOs over the Southern Hemisphere, p. 184-5
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3273
### Event 31813 (2100F13C)
**Date:** 6/4/1969
**Description:** On that same night in 1969 a fifteen-foot in diameter silver ovoid object flew 500 meters over the town of Sao Jose do Rio Preto, Brazil. It emitted blue and orange beams of light. At 8 p.m. a doctor took a photograph of a 50-meter wide red-orange UFO while it hovered just off the ground and 150 meters away in Lavras, Brazil. Earlier that morning at dawn in Brasilia, a silent, dish-shaped UFO maneuvered up and down, to-and-fro, and shot up multi-colored beams of light.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** O Dia, June 6, 1969; FSR Case Histories, October 1971, p. 15; Larry Hatch, U computer database, cases #8878 and #8879
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3274
### Event 31814 (13C765C0)
**Date:** 6/5/1969?
**Time:** 06:00
**Location:** UBA', MG, BRZ
**Description:** 7 / car / mountains. Orange UFO paces and circles. Radio Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Car / malfunctions due to EME (electro-magnetic effects). / r79p47. / O Dia.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 7)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9346
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "489", **HatchDesc:** "UBA',MG,BRZ:7/CAR/MTNS:ORG.UFO PACES+CCLS:RADIO RFI:CAR/EMEs:/r79p47:/O Dia", **LatLong:** "-21.133334 -42.983335", **LatLongDMS:** "21:08:00 S 42:59:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-21.133334,-42.983335)", **State/Prov:** "Minas Gerais", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31815 (6C554140)
**Date:** 6/5/1969
**Location:** St. Louis, MO
**Description:** Four Dart-Shaped Objects / Tracked On Gnd Radar ??? (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5)
**Reference:** NICAP: [690605](http://www.nicap.org/690605stlouis%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_4014
### Event 31816 (8BFA9055)
**Date:** 6/5/1969
**Description:** In 1969 at 6:00 a.m. in Uba, Brazil an orange UFO paced and circled a car. The engine and car radio died. Later that day the Canadian Parliament Building was buzzed by a mysterious red light in Ottawa, Ontario during the evening hours.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Larry Hatch, U computer database, citing the Brazilian O Dia newspaper; John Colombo, UFOs over Canada: Personal Accounts of Sightings and Close Encounters, p. 213
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3300
### Event 31817 (6B0526E8)
**Date:** 6/6/1969
**Location:** MANAUS, BRZ
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Saucer guides "remote control objects" 1 touches observer(s)! / Sbdev #69p11.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 7)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9347
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "35", **HatchDesc:** "MANAUS,BRZ:2 OBS:SCR GUIDES "REMOTE CONTRL OBJS" 1 TOUCHES OBS!:/SBDEV #69p11", **LatLong:** "-3.116667 -60.033336", **LatLongDMS:** "03:07:00 S 60:02:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-3.116667,-60.033336)", **RelAlt:** "1", **State/Prov:** "Amazonas", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 31818 (14D77940)
**Date:** 6/6/1969
**Description:** A bluish white oval shaped object hovered over Eden, South Australia then rose upward and passed overhead heading toward the southeast.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Michael Hervey, UFOs over the Southern Hemisphere, p. 185
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3326
### Event 31819 (694FF7CF)
**Date:** 6/7/1969
**Time:** 23:50
**Location:** CARNFORTH, LANCS
**Description:** Several separate observer(s). Extra moon hovers. Flattens going [to] ovoid. Moves away going south!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 197)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9348
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "35", **Elev:** "74", **HatchDesc:** "CARNFORTH,LANCs:SVRL SEP.OBS:EXTRA MOON HVRS:FLATTENS>OVOID:MOVES AWAY >S!", **LatLong:** "54.127780 -2.783333", **LatLongDMS:** "54:07:40 N 02:47:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/54.127780,-2.783333)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31820 (82A11119)
**Date:** 6/10/1969 (approximate)
**Time:** ~22:00
**Location:** SANTA BARBARA, BRZ
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Intense light. 5M ellipse outside. Odd noise and Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Vanishes.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 7)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9349
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "610", **HatchDesc:** "SANTA BARBARA,BRZ:2 OBS:INTENSE LITE:5M ELLIPSE OUTSIDE:ODD NOISE+RFI:VANISHES", **LatLong:** "-23.983334 -49.433336", **LatLongDMS:** "23:59:00 S 49:26:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-23.983334,-49.433336)", **State/Prov:** "São Paulo", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31821 (5D9C393F)
**Date:** 6/10/1969
**Location:** Washington, D.C.
**Description:** [McDonald](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James%5FE.%5FMcDonald) gives a public talk sponsored by NICAP in Washington, D.C., on “UFOs Unsolved: A Scientific Challenge.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** James E. McDonald, “[UFOs: Unsolved: A Scientific Challenge,](http://kirkmcd.princeton.edu/JEMcDonald/mcdonald%5Fnicap%5F061069.pdf)” June 10, 1969; Story, [p. 415](https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofuf0000unse/page/414/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4699
### Event 31822 (B4D85D5F)
**Date:** 6/10/1969
**Description:** Two people were sleeping outside in their backyard on this summer night in Portland, Oregon when they saw an object approaching them at 1:00 a.m. When first spotted the UFO was at about 500 feet altitude and a ¼ mile away. Soon they could see that it was a single file formation of disc-shaped objects, which dropped down to about 30 feet and turned north. The UFOs were about 30 feet in diameter. As they flew over a nearby field the witnesses could see a bluish green light under each object. They could also see small-lighted windows in the objects and in each window a figure was seen looking out. The last object shot up at a 30-degree angle and vanished within seconds, leaving a luminous short trail of light behind.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1969, citing National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3410
### Event 31823 (D1FEFC06)
**Date:** 6/11/1969
**Location:** Arlington, Virginia
**Description:** [McDonald](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James%5FE.%5FMcDonald) meets privately with representatives on the Air Force Office of Scientific Research in Arlington, Virginia, urging a new look at the UFO problem.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Story, [p. 415](https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofuf0000unse/page/414/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4700
### Event 31824 (B13B3D58)
**Date:** 6/11/1969
**Description:** A doctor X was returning home from a funeral late this night near Segovia, Spain when he found his vehicle suddenly blocked by a dense curtain formed by hundreds of small luminous white cylinders hovering in a vertical position in front of his vehicle. Next Dr. X suddenly heard a voice in his head that told him to relax that everything would be alright. At the same time he noticed on the front passenger seat an opaque cube-shaped form that appeared out of nowhere. His next recollection was of again driving his vehicle around a curve and then arriving home, feeling very tired and haggard having no recollection of what occurred during approximately one-hour period of missing time.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1969, citing Fabio Zerpa, Los Hombres de Negro Y los OVNIS
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3424
### Event 31825 (E6E0553B)
**Date:** 6/12/1969
**Time:** 18:00
**Location:** OLAVARRIA, ARG
**Description:** 3 observer(s). 3 night lights take off / Monte Henrich. Approach observer(s) / 15M altitude. Vanish.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 13)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9350
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "163", **HatchDesc:** "OLAVARRIA,ARG:3 OBS:3 NLTS TAKE OFF/MONTE HENRICH:APPROACH OBS/15M alt:VANISH", **LatLong:** "-36.883335 -60.283336", **LatLongDMS:** "36:53:00 S 60:17:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-36.883335,-60.283336)", **RelAlt:** "15", **State/Prov:** "Buenos Aires", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31826 (098C74A9)
**Date:** 6/12/1969
**Time:** 14:00:00.0
**Location:** 37.0088 -116.0303
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Tapper” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_597
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0088 -116.0303", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:32 N 116:01:49 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0088,-116.0303)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.30", **NukeMb:** "4.50", **NukeName:** "Tapper", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 31827 (C0A548CE)
**Date:** 6/14/1969
**Time:** 02:30
**Location:** TUCSON, AZ
**Description:** 4 observer(s) 1 / (seen thru) binoculars. Red UFO hovers. Small night light exits and orbits and rejoins. / r114p85.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 833)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9351
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "15", **Elev:** "717", **HatchDesc:** "TUCSON,AZ:4 OBS 1/BINOCS:RED UFO HVRS:SML NLT EXITS+ORBITS+REJOINS:/r114p85", **LatLong:** "32.233335 -110.950005", **LatLongDMS:** "32:14:00 N 110:57:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/32.233335,-110.950005)", **State/Prov:** "Arizona", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31828 (00C51C7D)
**Date:** 6/14/1969
**Description:** At 2:30 a.m. in Tucson, Arizona four people saw a glowing red light in the northwest sky. It flew from 30 degrees elevation and passed near zenith overhead. One witness viewed the object through binoculars, and he described a point source coming out of the light, orbiting, and then re-entering. Someone shot some motion picture film of the object.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** APRO Bulletin, July-August 1968, p. 8
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3482
### Event 31829 (CF50C9B5)
**Date:** 6/15/1969
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Pompidou elected President of the Republic. (June 15)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1969.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2474
### Event 31830 (302FFC72)
**Date:** 6/15/1969 (approximate)
**Time:** 00:30
**Location:** YELLOWSTONE PK, WY
**Description:** 2 abduction / car. Waken / salt lake. Odd figures. See references and Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v16#5.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** ROGO, D. Scott (ed): ALIEN ABDUCTIONS, True Cases of UFO Kidnappings; Signet/Penguin, NY 1980. (Index 191)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9352
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **TLP:** Telepathy, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly, **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "244", **Elev:** "2357", **HatchDesc:** "YELLOWSTONE Pk,WY:2 ABD/CAR:WAKEN/SALT LAKE:ODD FIGURES:see refs+ FSR v16#5.", **LatLong:** "44.416669 -110.583339", **LatLongDMS:** "44:25:00 N 110:35:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.416669,-110.583339)", **State/Prov:** "Wyoming", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 31831 (55A580E8)
**Date:** 6/15/1969
**Time:** 23:40
**Location:** BIRKENHEAD, ENGL
**Description:** Sec. guard. Silver disk with glowing-edge. Low and slow. Brave dog cowers..
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 217)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9353
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "15", **HatchDesc:** "BIRKENHEAD,ENGL:SEC.GUARD:SLVR DISK W/GLO-EDGE:LO+SLOW:BRAVE DOG COWERS..", **LatLong:** "53.400003 -3.033333", **LatLongDMS:** "53:24:00 N 03:02:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/53.400003,-3.033333)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31832 (67FAC7AD)
**Date:** 6/17/1969
**Time:** 01:30
**Location:** LADD AND PERU, IL
**Description:** Pilot. 4 50x30cm glowing footballs pace wingtips / 2500M altitude. Away and back.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** ALDRICH, Jan J.: Private research papers. A huge mass of hard-won information. (Index 0)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9354
**Attributes:** **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "4", **Elev:** "198", **HatchDesc:** "LADD+PERU,IL:PILOT:4 50x30cm GLOW.FOOTBALLS PACE WINGTIPS/2500M alt:AWAY+BACK", **LatLong:** "41.383335 -89.216671", **LatLongDMS:** "41:23:00 N 89:13:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.383335,-89.216671)", **RelAlt:** "2500", **State/Prov:** "Illinois", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31833 (15B06003)
**Date:** 6/17/1969
**Time:** 02:00
**Location:** IBIUNA, BRZ
**Description:** 2 observer(s). 30' domed saucer beams going down. 26' broken vegetation. Saucers and fireballs / months. / r156#6.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PHILLIPS, Ted: Study of PHYSICAL TRACES ASSOCIATED with UFO SIGHTINGS; CUFOS 1975. (Index 65)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9355
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "45", **Elev:** "903", **HatchDesc:** "IBIUNA,BRZ:2 OBS:30'DOMED SCR BEAMS↓:26'BROKEN VEG:SCRS+FBLS/MONTHS:/r156#6.", **LatLong:** "-23.650001 -47.216669", **LatLongDMS:** "23:39:00 S 47:13:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-23.650001,-47.216669)", **State/Prov:** "São Paulo", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31834 (42F9A018)
**Date:** 6/17/1969
**Location:** Ibiúna, São Paulo, Brazil
**Description:** 2:00 a.m. Kaneto and Kioko Nobutoshi witness a “brilliantly illuminated window” hovering in the air in Ibiúna, São Paulo, Brazil. It appears to be 30 feet in diameter, 10 feet high, and illuminates a small part of the ground. The sighting lasts 45 minutes, with the object stationary all the time. It then vanishes. Later examination of the ground underneath reveals a circle of flattened grass, 25 feet in diameter, swirled counterclockwise, with some small secondary swirls.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Hans Bemelmans, “[Reports from Ibiuna,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201970%20V%2016%20N%201.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 16, no. 1 \(Jan./Feb. 1970\): 15–19; Terry Wilson, “[1969: Ibiuna,](https://oldcropcircles.weebly.com/brazil-1969-ibiuna.html)” Old Crop Circles
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4701
### Event 31835 (205D25D8)
**Date:** 6/17/1969
**Location:** Turkey
**Description:** Turkish Air Force pilot Süleyman Tekyildirim is ordered to intercept a UFO above his base in Turkey in a US- built F-5A Freedom Fighter. He flies above it, thinking it is a meteorological balloon because it looks gray and like an upside-down light bulb. However, it moves to his left and takes off at fantastic speed. He tries to reach it, but it eludes him and speeds away.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Good Need, [p. 299](https://archive.org/details/needtoknow00good/page/298/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4702
### Event 31836 (2B410C8D)
**Date:** 6/18/1969
**Location:** Apollo 11 Sighting, in space
**Description:** Object apparently not the S4B. Buzz Aldrin recounts encounter. Brad Sparks is convinced this is debris, a piece of mylar covering for the LM, that came off when attitude control rockets blew it off when the controls kept misfiring. Its trajectory and timing and size and shape all fit. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_4017
### Event 31837 (4CDDD9B4)
**Date:** 6/19/1969
**Time:** 00:30
**Location:** NEAR BIRCHAM, ENG
**Description:** Van malfunctions due to EME (electro-magnetic effects). Static. Saucer overhead. Watchdial glows. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v15#4+/ MJ#254.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 61)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9356
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **RDA:** Radiation/high energy fields detected, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "nr BIRCHAM,ENG:VAN EMEs:STATIC:SCR OVHD:WATCHDIAL GLOWS:/FSR v15#4+/MJ#254", **LatLong:** "52.872225 0.622222", **LatLongDMS:** "52:52:20 N 00:37:20 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/52.872225,0.622222)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31838 (4AE36B79)
**Date:** 6/19/1969
**Location:** Docking, UK
**Description:** Glowing blue mushroom-shaped object hovered about a mile away. See Section IV (E.L.) car (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_4015
### Event 31839 (57F84157)
**Date:** 6/19/1969
**Location:** Docking/Bircham Newton, UK
**Description:** E-M effects on car, static electricity. Bluish object shaped like inverted mushroom hovered overhead. Took off at high speed
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_185
### Event 31840 (F1090441)
**Date:** 6/19/1969
**Location:** Bircham Newton, Norfolk, England
**Description:** 12:25 a.m. Radio/TV engineer Robin Peck is driving a van just north of Bircham Newton, Norfolk, England, when his headlights and motor fail. He looks under the hood, feels some “static electricity,” and his hair stands on end. He looks up and sees a bluish, upside-down-mushroom-shaped object hovering 100–150 feet over the trees on a nearby farm. It has an orange glow around it. Peck feels that the air is electrified. His luminous wristwatch glows intensely and unnaturally. After about one minute the object takes off and disappears rapidly. The van’s electrical system returns to normal.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Peter Johnson, “[Auto-Stop near Docking,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR-CH%201971%20N%205.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review Case Histories, no. 5 \(June 1971\): 1–2; UFOFiles2, [p. 81](https://archive.org/details/the-ufo-files-the-inside-story-of-real-life-sightings-david-clarke/page/n133/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4703
### Event 31841 (B096CB43)
**Date:** 6/19/1969
**Location:** Docking, Norfolk, England
**Description:** 11:50 p.m. Arthur Hendry, 17, is getting ready to cycle home near Docking, Norfolk, England, when he hears a strange whistling noise above him that intensifies and becomes a powerful throbbing. His muscles feel frozen or paralyzed as if he is receiving a severe electric shock. After a few seconds the noise stops, and he feels normal again.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** UFOFiles2, [p. 81](https://archive.org/details/the-ufo-files-the-inside-story-of-real-life-sightings-david-clarke/page/n133/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4704
### Event 31842 (2725575C)
**Date:** 6/20/1969
**Time:** 21:40
**Description:** USCG and many. Night lights and ovoid maneuver / hours. 1 object going down / lake and flies back out!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 61)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9357
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **SUB:** Submersible: Rises from or submerges into water, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "120", **Elev:** "176", **HatchDesc:** "off MICHIGAN CITY,IN:USCG+MANY:NLTS+OVOID MNVR/HRS:1 OBJ↓/LAKE+FLIES BACK OUT!", **LatLong:** "41.716669 -86.894449", **LatLongDMS:** "41:43:00 N 86:53:40 W", **Locale:** "Offshore", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.716669,-86.894449)", **State/Prov:** "Indiana", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 31843 (9CFC12A3)
**Date:** 6/20/1969
**Description:** On this evening numerous witnesses in and around the Michigan City, Indiana area, bordering Lake Michigan, saw a series of multi-colored, maneuvering lights for a period of at least two hours. Among the witnesses were policemen, Coast Guardsmen, a harbor patrolman, a local newspaper photographer, and an electronics engineer. The first report was at 9:35 p.m. "The objects appeared solid and yet were a source of their own light," US Coast Guardsman Vernon Kleman stated. "They appeared as if from nowhere and could brighten up to a size much larger than when originally seen. They moved at a variety of speeds, some fast, some slow and at times they were stationary for a minute or more...The objects were colored white, green or orange and they changed colors at will." A roughly oval-shaped UFO appeared to have a rotating rim with red, green and yellow lights around its center. Increasing in intensity, the object was in view for about a minute before it "quickly diminished in size and brilliance" and disappeared. "Once a smaller object seemed to enter the water," Kleman continued. "It was submerged for 4-6 seconds. Then it traveled straight upward at an excessive speed."
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3556
### Event 31844 (B6D11ED8)
**Date:** 6/20/1969
**Description:** At 10:25 members of the Michigan City Police Department and Port Authority began seeing the UFOs. Robert G. Howington, harbor policeman, said the objects he saw disappeared to the "northwest with terrific speed." Officer Ted Stantz saw lights that erratically "went back and forth across the sky." Policeman James R. Coughlin and others saw the objects at the same time. "We saw about 9 or 10 such objects over a span of about two hours," Police Sgt. Lance M. Hilberg stated in his report to NICAP. "One seemed to approach very close. The others were quite high and very distant. All objects appeared very bright and solid. The closest one was extremely bright [and] faded away at tremendous speed--much faster than any aircraft..."
Officer Tony C. Ragle said he was cruising in his squad car when he got a call to assist personnel at the Port Authority. Looking through his windshield, he saw the large bright object that "hovered over Lake Michigan for approximately 90 seconds, then went up and darted toward Chicago.” Bill Allen, a photographer-reporter for The Michigan City News-Dispatch, saw an object over the lakefront at 11:30 p.m. It looked like an upside down saucer with a pulsating red light around the bottom. The top was an orange-yellow color. The objects were also viewed over Gary, Indiana and Chicago, Illinois.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Bill Laas, NICAP UFO Investigator, September-October 1969, p. 1
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3557
### Event 31845 (8AF3A1EF)
**Date:** 6/22/1969
**Description:** Ms. Terry Ennshyman reportedly encountered a "robot" type humanoid in Dunedin, New Zealand who conducted her onboard a landed disc-shaped UFO. He or it then had sex with her several times. The robot had cold extremities and a cold penis, but does not lack "warmth" and sweetness despite his constant guttural sounds.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1969, citing Annuaire CIGU 1988, quoting Dunedin Telegraph, in Denys Breysse Project Becassine
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3604
### Event 31846 (2B9B95E5)
**Date:** 6/23/1969
**Time:** 01:40
**Location:** SOUTH / HAYS, KS
**Description:** 2 / farm. Silent glowing-cone maneuvers all over/all about / low altitude. 60M from porch. Going quickly northeast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 61)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9358
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "15", **Elev:** "608", **HatchDesc:** "S/HAYS,KS:2/FARM:SLNT GLOW-CONE MNVRS ALLO/lo alt:60M from PORCH:>>NE", **LatLong:** "38.666669 -99.333338", **LatLongDMS:** "38:40:00 N 99:20:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.666669,-99.333338)", **State/Prov:** "Kansas", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31847 (1CF4DEFD)
**Date:** 6/23/1969
**Description:** At 1:36 a.m. a couple named Werth and one of their children had a close encounter with a cone shaped object that maneuvered only 60 meters from the porch of their farmhouse, located 15 miles south of Hays, Kansas. The object was over 100 feet in length, made no sound, and flew about at a low altitude, then flew away to the northeast. Their sighting lasted 15 minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP UFO Investigator, October 1969, p. 3
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3625
### Event 31848 (EFE4D6EE)
**Date:** 6/24/1969
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) [Donald Crowhurst](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/CrowhurstDonaldC.html) leaves a long philosophical testament in his journal \#2. (June 24)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1969.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2473
### Event 31849 (58DCA5C8)
**Date:** 6/26/1969
**Time:** 04:00
**Description:** Major jurist and more/others. Extremely bright saucer with wings hovers / Guanabara Bay.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 7)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9359
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "RIO> Event 31850 (8C456F2F)
**Date:** 6/26/1969
**Location:** 37.0000 -116.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed, salvo. Country: USA Name: “Bowl-1” YieldMax: 40KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_598
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0000 -116.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:00 N 116:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0000,-116.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Bowl-1", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NUCU_SALVO", **NukeYMax:** "40"
### Event 31851 (B8D671BD)
**Date:** 6/26/1969
**Location:** 4 miles northwest of Ibiúna, São Paulo, Brazil
**Description:** 2:30 p.m. Sr. Benedito, a justice of the peace, is walking along a trail about 4 miles northwest of Ibiúna, São Paulo, Brazil, when he hears a humming noise like a swarm of bees. He sees an odd object rocking from side to side that suddenly drops into the brush out of sight. Thinking it is an accident, he approaches to within 20 feet and sees the landed object, which then ascends, hovers a moment, and takes off in a gentle climb. He hears the humming sound again and feels a blast of air as it moves away. The Brazilian Air Force investigates the landing, and UFO investigator Hans Bemelmans finds some scorched grass in the thickly tangled brush.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Hans Bemelmans, “[Reports from Ibiuna,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201970%20V%2016%20N%201.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 16, no. 1 \(Jan./Feb. 1970\): 15–19
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4705
### Event 31852 (3A1881FC)
**Date:** 6/30/1969
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) The British steamer Maplebank spots a ship about twenty meters long floating keel up. (June 30)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1969.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2475
### Event 31853 (513B31E1)
**Date:** 6/30/1969
**Time:** 03:20
**Description:** Mechanic and several. Luminous 'car' flies 30M over Pomba River. Quickly going up [to] and lost / sky.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GRANCHI, Irene: UFO's and ABDUCTIONS in BRAZIL: Horus House Press, Madison, WI: 1992 (English translation 1994) ISBN 1-881852-09-1 (Index 86)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9360
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "305", **HatchDesc:** "CATAGUASES,BRZL:MECHANIC+SVRL:LUMn.'CAR' FLIES 30M ovr POMBA RIVER:↑↑+lost/sky", **LatLong:** "-21.383334 -42.683335", **LatLongDMS:** "21:23:00 S 42:41:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-21.383334,-42.683335)", **RelAlt:** "30", **State/Prov:** "Minas Gerais", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31854 (18D3E529)
**Date:** 7/1969
**Location:** USSR, Tyuratam
**Description:** (Translated from French) The American spy satellite films the explosion of a Russian super rocket at take-off. The same will happen at the same base in November 1971.
**Reference:** "The War of the Satellites" - Volume 3 - Pierre Kohler, ed. Famot 1982, p. 55
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2568
### Event 31855 (C41A85A3)
**Date:** 7/1969
**Time:** 03:00
**Description:** 2 / disabled car. Ovoid overhead. Beams going down [to] change color(s) / amazing rate.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GRANCHI, Irene: UFO's and ABDUCTIONS in BRAZIL: Horus House Press, Madison, WI: 1992 (English translation 1994) ISBN 1-881852-09-1 (Index 90)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9361
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "42", **HatchDesc:** "nr ITACOATIARA,BRZ:2/DISABLED CAR:OVOID OVHD:BEAMS ↓ CHANGE CLRS/AMAZING RATE", **LatLong:** "-3.133333 -58.416669", **LatLongDMS:** "03:08:00 S 58:25:00 W", **Locale:** "Rainforest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-3.133333,-58.416669)", **State/Prov:** "Amazonas", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31856 (E9BC7629)
**Date:** 7/1969 (approximate)
**Time:** 19:20
**Location:** MONT-ST.-HILAIRE, QB
**Description:** Several separate observer(s). 7M domed metallic saucer with big windows hovers. Shoots quickly going up.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 126)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9362
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "8", **Elev:** "74", **HatchDesc:** "MONT-St-HILAIRE,QB:SVRL SEP.OBS:7M DOMED MTLC SCR W/BIG WINDOWS HVRS:SHOOTS↑↑", **LatLong:** "45.533336 -73.183337", **LatLongDMS:** "45:32:00 N 73:11:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.533336,-73.183337)", **State/Prov:** "Quebec", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31857 (A637E621)
**Date:** 7/1969
**Time:** 21:30
**Description:** Several separate observer(s). Fiery sphere/orb/globe going quickly SSW / several seconds. Silent. No trail.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 301)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9363
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "68", **HatchDesc:** "ROLLESTON,STAFFs:SVRL SEP.OBS:FIERY ORB >>SSW/SVRL SECONDS:SILENT:NO TRAIL", **LatLong:** "52.816669 -1.650000", **LatLongDMS:** "52:49:00 N 01:39:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/52.816669,-1.650000)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "3"
### Event 31858 (3AB2355B)
**Date:** 7/1969
**Location:** Ibiúna, São Paulo, Brazil
**Description:** After a series of UFO sightings and landing traces are reported in the area around Ibiúna, São Paulo, Brazil, the Brazilian Air Force informs local officials who are investigating the reports that they must not “under any circumstances give any information on UFO activity to any press, radio, or television reporter or representative. This is a matter of national security, and all press releases will be made by the Brazilian Air Force Public Relations Department.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Hans Bemelmans, “[Reports from Ibiuna,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201970%20V%2016%20N%201.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 16, no. 1 \(Jan./Feb. 1970\): 15; “[Brazil: Censorship of UFO Reports,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201973%20V%2019%20N%206.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 19, no. 6 \(Nov./Dec. 1973\): 29
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4706
### Event 31859 (9C2CB9DB)
**Date:** 7/1969
**Alternate date:** 8/1969
**Location:** Da Nang, Vietnam
**Description:** 1:00 a.m. A US Marine private named [Earl Morrison](https://www.newspapers.com/clip/35225416/earl-morrison-1970/) is on guard duty with other soldiers in a bunker near Da Nang, Vietnam, when they see a black, naked woman with bat-like, glowing wings moving through the air toward them. It flies about 6–7 above their heads. She soon starts flapping her wings and flies away.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “Don Worley, “[The Winged Lady in Black,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR-CH%201972%20N%2010.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review Case Histories, no. 10 \(June 1972\): 14–16; Clark III 779
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4707
### Event 31860 (9FA1765D)
**Date:** 7/1/1969
**Time:** 06:20
**Location:** OLDS, ALTA
**Description:** 20' diameter green cylinder/cylindrical object going down / cloud. Lands near building. 2 figure(s) inside. Traces. / r180p66.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUSGRAVE, John Brent: UFO OCCUPANTS & CRITTERS; Global Communications, NY 1979. 8x11 66pp. (Index 49)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9364
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "1035", **HatchDesc:** "OLDS,ALTA:20'dia.GRN CYL ↓/CLOUD:LANDS nr BLDG:2 FIGs INSIDE:TRACES:/r180p66.", **LatLong:** "51.783336 -114.100005", **LatLongDMS:** "51:47:00 N 114:06:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.783336,-114.100005)", **State/Prov:** "Alberta", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 31861 (6F1FF8F2)
**Date:** 7/1/1969
**Description:** At 6:15 a.m. Mr. Fred Yoos, age 62, heard a clattering sound that shook the building in Olds, Alberta, Canada. Looking out a window, he saw a 20 foot green oval-shaped object descend from a dense cloud in the northwest. It hovered just above the ground 50 feet away. By the light of the rising sun he could see the movement of two figures through a window-like opening. The object ascended vertically, leaving an imprint.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb and Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1969-47, citing Ted Phillips, CUFOS
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3777
### Event 31862 (0E7FAE30)
**Date:** 7/2/1969
**Description:** An small flying object was reported to have landed next to the local primary school in Johore Baru, Johore province, Malaysia at 10:35 a.m. Several school children reported seeing five tiny men like figures wearing red colored outfits emerge from the object. The children rushed at the little men in an attempt to capture one but they jumped into a hole in the ground and hid. The UFO was described as silvery colored, and it also vanished.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Ahmad Jamaluddin, A Summary of UFO and Related events in Malaysia 1950-1980
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3793
### Event 31863 (021ED572)
**Date:** 7/3/1969
**Location:** Baikonur Cosmodrome
**Description:** Soviet super heavy N-1 rocket fails its second test attempt
**Type:** aerospace
**Reference:** [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/N1_(rocket))
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_661
### Event 31864 (B7BA7D22)
**Date:** 7/3/1969
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) 2nd launch attempt of the N1-L3 from the Baikonur Cosmodrome \(Kazakhstan\). At 100 m altitude, an engine explodes, causing the other engines to shut down. The rocket falls back onto the launch pad where it disintegrates in a devastating explosion. The damage is considerable. It will take 3 years to rebuild the site. (July 3rd)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1969.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2476
### Event 31865 (C8BC4F86)
**Date:** 7/3/1969
**Time:** 20:30
**Location:** EAST / CLUJ, ROMANIA
**Description:** Football size UFO. Red and yellow. Flies behind cloud. Even glow. No rays.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HOBANA Ion & WEVERBERGH,Julien: UFO'S from BEHIND the IRON CURTAIN; Bantam Books,1975. 308pp. (Index 254)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9365
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Romania", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "E/CLUJ,ROMANIA:FOOTBALL SIZE UFO:RED+YEL:FLIES BHND CLOUD:EVEN GLOW:NO RAYS", **LatLong:** "46.766669 23.616668", **LatLongDMS:** "46:46:00 N 23:37:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.766669,23.616668)", **State/Prov:** "CLJ", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31866 (BA55065C)
**Date:** 7/4/1969
**Location:** COLOMBIA, Anolaima
**Description:** (Translated from French) At 8:30 PM two children saw a bright object about 300 meters away. They grabbed a flashlight and sent signals. The object approached them until about 60 meters away. (10 meters and they could see an entity inside the object) The children called the rest of the family and the 13 (11) people living on the farm observed the light as it flew away and disappeared behind a hill, while the glow remained visible. The father, Arcesio Bermudez, 54 years old, took the flashlight and went to investigate. When Arceso returned, he was terrified. From a distance of less than 6 meters, he had seen a small being inside the upper part of the object which was transparent, while the rest of the vehicle was dark. He saw the being when he turned on his flashlight. The object became bright and flew away. (...) 48 hours after the observation Arcesio felt very ill, he was cold, his temperature dropped. He was unable to eat and had dark blue spots on his skin. There was blood in his stool. On the 7th day after the incident his family took him to Bogota(...) Arcesio died a little before midnight.(...) (Jacques VALLEE: "Confrontations" - Laffont 1991, p. 165-168, for the version where the father goes to search for the UFO) (Janet and Colin BORD: "Modern Mysteries of the World" - Guild Publishing London 1989, p. 322: for the date and details in parentheses: these authors show the entity seen by the children, the adults only witness the departure of the UFO. The child died. (July 4th or 5th, 1969)
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2566
### Event 31867 (B2DFA259)
**Date:** 7/4/1969
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) The British cargo ship Cotopaxi crosses a 10m yacht, all sails out and running on autopilot. There is no one on board. (July 4th)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1969.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2477
### Event 31868 (95A2A21E)
**Date:** 7/4/1969
**Time:** 07:30
**Location:** OSSIPEE, NH
**Description:** Fisherman in boat and more/others. Splash. 30' saucer rises / 3000'. Hovers. 2+observer(s).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FOWLER, Raymond E.: UFO'S, INTERPLANETARY VISITORS; Prentice Hall & Bantam Books, NY 1979. 346pp. (Index 210)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9366
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **SUB:** Submersible: Rises from or submerges into water, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "30", **Elev:** "176", **HatchDesc:** "OSSIPEE,NH:FISHERMAN IN BOAT++:SPLASH:30' SCR RISES/3000':HOVERS:2+OBS", **LatLong:** "43.683335 -71.116670", **LatLongDMS:** "43:41:00 N 71:07:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.683335,-71.116670)", **State/Prov:** "New Hampshire", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31869 (F0C8FFF5)
**Date:** 7/4/1969
**Time:** 20:00
**Location:** ANOLAIMA, COL.
**Description:** 11 observer(s). Small humanoid (or Grey) / saucer. 1 observer comes close. Zapped. Dies / 7 days. / r148p94+r215.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 835)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9367
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Colombia", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "1553", **HatchDesc:** "ANOLAIMA,COL:11 OBS:OID/SCR:1 OBS COMES CLOSE:ZAPPED:DIES/7 DAYS:/r148p94+r215", **LatLong:** "4.766667 -74.466670", **LatLongDMS:** "04:46:00 N 74:28:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/4.766667,-74.466670)", **RelAlt:** "1", **State/Prov:** "GND", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 31870 (1008F5C3)
**Date:** 7/4/1969
**Time:** 02:46:59.6
**Location:** 49.7460 78.1113
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed, salvo. Country: USSR Yield: .002KT YieldMax: 40KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1333
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.7460 78.1113", **LatLongDMS:** "49:44:46 N 78:06:41 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.7460,78.1113)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.30", **NukeSource:** "BOCHAROV", **NukeType:** "NUCS_SALVO", **NukeY:** ".002", **NukeYMax:** "40"
### Event 31871 (AE6E7FC6)
**Date:** 7/4/1969
**Locations:** Anolaima, Colombia; Bogotá
**Description:** 8:00 p.m. Two children, Mauricio Gnecco and Enrique Osorio, in Anolaima, Colombia, see a glowing object about 900 feet away. It approaches to within 180 feet and the children run over the hill to tell other children and adults. Thirteen people, including their father, return to see the object. Arcesio Bermúdez takes a flashlight with him and returns in terror after seeing a small person and a craft that lights up and flies away. Within 2 days, Bermúdez loses all appetite, his skin temperature drops, blue spots appear on his skin, and his stools become bloody. Within a week, two Bogotá physicians, unaware of his UFO experience, concludes he has gastroenteritis. Within hours of his exam, Bermúdez dies. His doctor claims he has previously been in good health. His injuries suggest a fatal whole-body ionizing radiation dose of 300–500 rems. Likely only X-rays, gamma rays, or neutrons could travel a distance of 45 feet through the air.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[UFO Observed at Farmhouse in Colombia,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201969%2007%2000%20-%20July%5FAugust.pdf)” APRO Bulletin, July/Aug. 1969, pp. 1, 4–5; Story, [pp. 23–25](https://archive.org/details/encyclopediaofuf0000unse/page/22/mode/2up); Clark III 253, 950; “[Colombia: Arcesio Bermúdez, the Man Killed](http://inexplicata.blogspot.com/2015/12/colombia-arcesio-bermudez-man-killed-by.html) [by a UFO](http://inexplicata.blogspot.com/2015/12/colombia-arcesio-bermudez-man-killed-by.html),” Inexplicata, December 14, 2015; Cristian Ávila Jimenez, “[La misteriosa muerte de columbiano 3 días](https://www.eltiempo.com/colombia/otras-ciudades/ovni-avistamiento-y-desaparicion-de-hombre-en-anolaima-cundinamarca-363292) [después de ver supuesto OVNI,](https://www.eltiempo.com/colombia/otras-ciudades/ovni-avistamiento-y-desaparicion-de-hombre-en-anolaima-cundinamarca-363292)” El Tiempo \(Bogotá\), August 20, 2021
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4708
### Event 31872 (8C8F8C38)
**Date:** 7/4/1969
**Description:** Ossipee, New Hampshire - The principal witness was fishing in a boat at about 7:00 in the morning when he heard a big splash behind him. He swung around and looked up to see a silver oval shaped object about 30 feet in diameter, 300 feet above him. The UFO made a humming sound as it rose to about 3000 feet and hovered. There was a second witness to the UFO.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Raymond E. Fowler, UFOs Interplanetary Visitors, pg. 356
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3818
### Event 31873 (DBCDDB4A)
**Date:** 7/4/1969
**Description:** At eight o'clock in the evening Mauricio Gnecco saw a yellowish red light moving in the sky over Anolaima, Colombia. When he signaled to it with a flashlight it approached to within 150 feet of his house. It was a Saturn-shaped UFO, yellow-orange in color, and had two bent, blue and green legs. It appeared to land on a nearby hill. Arcesio Bermudez, an adult, went to the landing site and approached to within 20 feet of the craft. He saw a being inside the object whose upper body looked normal, but whose lower half--from the waist down--resembled a luminous letter "A". The object then "blinked on," rose and disappeared. Two days later Sr. Bermudez became very ill, and within a few days he died of gastroenteritis.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1969-41, citing John Simhon for APRO
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3819
### Event 31874 (BD5E2DAD)
**Date:** 7/4/1969
**Description:** The witness and her father had gone to a local racetrack in Eau Claire, Wisconsin and at around 10:30 p.m. she was sitting by herself on the top bleachers when she had a feeling she was being watched. She looked to her right and saw a UFO hovering about 1,000 feet away. She described it as an oval-shaped craft, with a transparent rectangular section in the center. She saw inside this transparent part the silhouettes of several men staring at her. At one point she briefly looked away, and when she looked back the object had disappeared.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1969, case # 3174, citing Minnesota MUFON
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3820
### Event 31875 (637C193E)
**Date:** 7/5/1969
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Arcesio Bermudez's two children spot a shining object about 300 m away from them. When they signal it with their flashlight, the UFO approaches to a distance of about 60 m. The children quickly alert their family. Arcesio Bermudez asks those accompanying him to wait: he will explore alone and with his flashlight the hill behind which the luminous object they are 12 like him to have seen has disappeared. When Arcesio returns, a few minutes later, he seems to be in an intense fear. Pressed with questions, he tells that he saw the object, now dark except for its transparent and luminous top, only 6 m away from him. He then directed the beam of his flashlight towards this illuminated part and glimpsed "a small person". At that precise moment, the UFO lit up and moved away at great speed. (July 5th, 8:30 PM)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1969.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2478
### Event 31876 (957F8635)
**Date:** 7/5/1969 (approximate)
**Time:** 01:00
**Location:** BOCAIUVA, BRZ
**Description:** 5 / car and 2 / separate car. Silent 2-story object 4 / 50cm portholes hovers over highway and trees.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 7)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9368
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "915", **HatchDesc:** "BOCAIUVA,BRZ:5/CAR+2/SEP.CAR:SLNT 2-STORY OBJ 4/50cm PORTS HVRS OVR Hwy+TREES", **LatLong:** "-17.133334 -43.750002", **LatLongDMS:** "17:08:00 S 43:45:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-17.133334,-43.750002)", **State/Prov:** "Minas Gerais", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31877 (2E72B969)
**Date:** 7/6/1969
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) The Liberian-flagged Golar Frost discovers the Swedish Peter Wallin's yacht, The Vagabond, sailing solo. This fiberglass vessel is drifting with no one on board. The last entry in the log book, dated July 2nd, indicates excellent weather. (July 6th)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1969.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2479
### Event 31878 (B7982153)
**Date:** 7/6/1969
**Time:** 05:00
**Location:** GOIANIA, BRZ
**Description:** Clerics. Extremely bright blue-green metallic disk over radio transmitter. Zigzags going quickly south.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 7)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9369
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "825", **HatchDesc:** "GOIANIA,BRZ:CLERICS:XBRITE BLU-GRN MTLC DISK OVR RADIO XMITTER:ZIGZAGS>>S", **LatLong:** "-16.683334 -48.950002", **LatLongDMS:** "16:41:00 S 48:57:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-16.683334,-48.950002)", **State/Prov:** "GOI", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31879 (DB9A64AB)
**Date:** 7/6/1969
**Time:** 22:00?
**Description:** Night light going quickly southeast. Becomes sphere/orb/globe then ellipse. Changes colors.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HOBANA Ion & WEVERBERGH,Julien: UFO'S from BEHIND the IRON CURTAIN; Bantam Books,1975. 308pp. (Index 165)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9370
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Romania", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "6", **HatchDesc:** "BUCHAREST,ROMANIA:NLT >>SE:BECOMES ORB THEN ELLIPSE:CHANGES COLORS", **LatLong:** "44.450002 26.133335", **LatLongDMS:** "44:27:00 N 26:08:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.450002,26.133335)", **State/Prov:** "Bucharest", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31880 (5D9C72D5)
**Date:** 7/6/1969
**Time:** 22:50
**Location:** ARACENA, SP
**Description:** TV Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). All power out. 7-80cm night lights and saucer all night. 20M rectangle. / r50p25.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LDLN CONTACT LECTEURS: by Series and #. May'68 -JAN'72 (Entire set of 18 issues) LDLN local chapters & individual members' UFO reports. (Index 40)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9371
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **MIL:** Military investigation
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "12", **Duration:** "114", **HatchDesc:** "ARACENA,SP:TV RFI:ALL POWER OUT:7-80cm NLTS+SCR ALL NITE:20M RECTANGLE:/r50p25", **LatLong:** "37.888891 -6.555556", **LatLongDMS:** "37:53:20 N 06:33:20 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.888891,-6.555556)", **State/Prov:** "HLV", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31881 (AE730162)
**Date:** 7/6/1969
**Description:** An extremely bright blue-green, metallic disc was observed over the local radio transmitter in Goiania, Brazil at 5 o'clock in the morning. It flew away toward the south, flying in zigzags and moving up and down in the sky.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Dr. Walter Buhler, Brazilian cases in 1968 and 1969-part 6, FSR Case Histories no. 7, October 1971, p. 16, citing Cinco de Marco, July 16, 1969
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_3880
### Event 31882 (5CD05281)
**Date:** 7/7/1969
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) At 54 years old, Arcesio Bermudez had always enjoyed good health. Yet, two days after the onset, he began to feel unwell: cold sensations, temperature drops, difficulty eating. Bluish spots appeared on his skin and blood in his stools. (July 7th)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1969.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2480
### Event 31883 (033ECA17)
**Date:** 7/8/1969
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) The Helsona, a British tanker, crosses a yacht adrift, keel up in the sea. (July 8)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1969.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2481
### Event 31884 (119E5E55)
**Date:** 7/10/1969
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) The trimaran of [Donald Crowhurst](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/CrowhurstDonaldC.html) is found with all sails up, with no one on board. (July 10)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1969.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2482
### Event 31885 (574DB374)
**Date:** 7/10/1969
**Time:** 01:30
**Description:** Railroad/railway station/depot/facility. Bright cloud on clear night. Points / light dance.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HOBANA Ion & WEVERBERGH,Julien: UFO'S from BEHIND the IRON CURTAIN; Bantam Books,1975. 308pp. (Index 164)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9372
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Romania", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "EPISCOPIA BIHORULUI,ROM:RR STN:BRIGHT CLOUD ON CLEAR NITE:POINTS/LITE DANCE", **LatLong:** "47.116669 21.850001", **LatLongDMS:** "47:07:00 N 21:51:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.116669,21.850001)", **State/Prov:** "Bihor", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 31886 (486E70E1)
**Date:** 7/11/1969
**Alternate date:** 7/18/1969
**Locations:** Beaufort, Victoria, Australia; Golf Course
**Description:** 8:30 p.m. Economics student Tim Oliver is near a golf course on the outskirts of Beaufort, Victoria, Australia, when he sees a red “star” over a hill about a mile away. On closer inspection, it proves to be a hovering UFO. He quickly goes home, and by the time he returns with his mother in the family car, the UFO has been joined by another identical object. They are moving about 20 mph to the southeast, 50 feet in the air, 200 feet apart, and nearly parallel to some high-powered electrical lines. As they drive to right outside the golf course, both UFOs apparently respond to their presence by turning toward them but soon resumed their parallel course when Oliver turns the car engine off. Oliver walks to within 50 feet of the leading object. Each is about 30 feet in diameter, saucer-shaped, with an upper flat-topped cupola and about 24 square windows through which comes the bright red light. They are completely silent. Both he and his mother \(who has watched from the golf course fence\) see the UFOs disappear to the southeast, still flying parallel to the power lines.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Bill Chalker, “[1969: The Great](http://theozfiles.blogspot.com/2020/09/1969-great-ufo-daze-of-oz.html) [UFO Daze of Oz,](http://theozfiles.blogspot.com/2020/09/1969-great-ufo-daze-of-oz.html)” The Oz Files, September 19, 2020
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4709
### Event 31887 (CC7D282A)
**Date:** 7/12/1969
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Arcesio Bermudez dies in the hospital of Bogota where he had just been admitted. The doctors' diagnosis --- to whom the story of the UFO was not told --- is that he succumbed to gastroenteritis, a very common disease in the country. A report from Dr. Cesar Esmerald Barros, from Bogota, indicates: The victim's temperature had dropped to 35°C. The cardiovascular-pulmonary system presented: pericarditis, asphyxia, coughing, painful chest oppression, slow pulse. The digestive system was affected: bloody diarrhea, black vomiting, dry mouth, painful abdomen, particularly on the right side. Mental faculties and nervous system: normal. The skin was dry, pale, cold and dehydrated. One of the doctors who had examined the victim admitted that he would have considered this case differently if he had known what had happened. (23 h 45)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1969.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2483
### Event 31888 (27DC6A3A)
**Date:** 7/12/1969
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) A yacht, the Scotish Laird, has not been heard from and has vanished a few kilometers off the coast of Sagres, in the south of Portugal.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1969.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2484
### Event 31889 (448204F5)
**Date:** 7/12/1969
**Time:** 23:00
**Location:** VAN HORNE, IA
**Description:** 2 girls. Classic saucer / farm. 40' circle / burnt soybeans found. / r180p66.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HYNEK, J. Allen: The UFO EXPERIENCE, A Scientific Inquiry; Ballentine Books, NY 1974,1977. (Index 149)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9373
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces, **MIL:** Military investigation, **BBK:** Project BLUEBOOK
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "218", **HatchDesc:** "VAN HORNE,IA:2 GIRLS:CLASSIC SCR/FARM:40'CCL/BURNT SOYBEANS FOUND:/r180p66", **LatLong:** "42.016669 -92.072227", **LatLongDMS:** "42:01:00 N 92:04:20 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.016669,-92.072227)", **State/Prov:** "Iowa", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31890 (39770BE8)
**Date:** 7/12/1969
**Locations:** Fort Hall Indian Reservation; Idaho
**Description:** Contactee [Paul Solem](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/88132621/paul-renshaw-solem)[,](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/88132621/paul-renshaw-solem) who has been speaking to Shoshone-Bannock Indians at Fort Hall Indian Reservation in Idaho about a migration of Indian peoples and the coming of a True White Brother, publicly calls for the appearance of the flying saucer beings. Many people, including Idaho State Reporter Barbara Boren, see two “star-like moving lights” high in the air.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Barbara Boren, “[Blast Rocking North America to Start Indian](https://www.newspapers.com/clip/96384818/) [Migration,](https://www.newspapers.com/clip/96384818/) [Says Self-Styled Seer,](https://www.newspapers.com/clip/96384864/)” Pocatello Idaho State Journal, July 16, 1969, pp. 1, 8; Clark III 1094
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4710
### Event 31891 (AB284FA5)
**Date:** 7/12/1969
**Location:** Van Horne, Iowa
**Description:** 11:00 p.m. Patti Barr and Kathy Mahr, two teenage cousins, hear a loud roaring noise at Van Horne, Iowa, while upstairs in their house. They look out the window to see a reddish-orange ball of light rotating and spinning counterclockwise above the adjacent soybean field. The next morning, they tell Pat’s father, farmer Warren Barr, who then discovers a 24-foot-diameter, nearly bare oval in the soybean field. The plants’ leaves are severely dehydrated, dry, and brittle. This case was investigated by several groups at the time; localized intense heat or radiation is listed as most likely cause.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Sight UFO over Benton County Farm,](https://www.newspapers.com/clip/96385504/)” Cedar Rapids \(Iowa\) Gazette, August 6, 1969, p. 4C; NICAP, “[The 1969 UFO Chronology](http://www.nicap.org/chronos/1969fullrep.htm)” and \[[photos](http://www.nicap.org/images/690713vanhorn.pdf)\]; “[UFO over Iowa Bean Field,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201969%2007%2000%20-%20July%5FAugust.pdf)” APRO Bulletin, July/Aug. 1969, pp. 1, 4; J. Allen Hynek, The UFO Experience, Ballantine ed., 1974, [pp. 149–150](https://archive.org/details/ufoexperience00jall/page/148/mode/2up); Kevin D. Randle, “[The Iowa UFO Landings,](http://etcetrasetcetras.blogspot.com/2008/06/iowa-ufo-landings.html)” Official UFO, July 1976
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4711
### Event 31892 (1732DBB5)
**Date:** 7/12/1969
**Description:** At 11:00 p.m. a dark gray, metallic inverted bowl-shaped disc flew over a farm in Van Horne, Iowa during a rainstorm, spinning counter-clockwise. It had a reddish-orange band two-thirds of the way from its bottom to the top, and made a noise like a jet. The witnesses were three teenage girls. A 40-foot circle of wilted soybean plants was found, but the plants were not bent over or crushed.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** J. Allen Hynek, The UFO Experience, p. 129; UNICAT database, case 394, citing J. Allen Hynek
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4006
### Event 31893 (BAEB6089)
**Date:** 7/13/1969
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Launch of the Luna 15 probe by a Proton rocket. It is to land on the [Moon](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/Moon.html), take samples and then return to Earth. This is the last Soviet attempt to beat the Americans, as Apollo 11 is about to take off. (July 13)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1969.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2485
### Event 31894 (762FA190)
**Date:** 7/13/1969
**Time:** 03:30
**Location:** NEAR PETAWAWA, ON
**Description:** 2 / car and cops and more. 8' ovoid responds / lights. Follows car. Legs extend. / r201.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 835)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9374
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "38", **Elev:** "136", **HatchDesc:** "nr PETAWAWA,ON:2/CAR+COPS+:8'OVOID RESPONDS/LITES:FOLOS CAR:LEGS EXTEND:/r201", **LatLong:** "45.866669 -77.300004", **LatLongDMS:** "45:52:00 N 77:18:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.866669,-77.300004)", **State/Prov:** "Ontario", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31895 (ACB78E22)
**Date:** 7/13/1969
**Location:** Van Horne, IA
**Description:** Multiple witnesses, HS traces. (#390) (NICAP: 06 - Trace Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_4016
### Event 31896 (D9D9DC64)
**Date:** 7/13/1969
**Locations:** Petawawa, Ontario; Ottawa River; Ontario
**Description:** Early morning. Edgar Paquette and Mrs. Leo Edwards are driving near Petawawa, Ontario, when they see a bright star that lights up the Ottawa River next to them. Convinced the light is following them, Paquette turns off the headlights, which makes the object appear to hesitate. But he gets out of the car, causing the interior light to go on, and the object descends to within 60 feet of the ground. When he starts signaling it with a flashlight, it comes even closer, and Paquette sees that it is 8 feet in diameter with two legs beneath it. Both of them panic and drive home, dragging their teenage children out of bed to look at the light. Ontario police officers Jack McKay and Grant Chaplin follow the light for 38 minutes as it travels at a high altitude.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Chris Rutkowski, Canada’s UFOs: Declassified, August Night, 2022, pp. 83–84
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4712
### Event 31897 (1C891DEC)
**Date:** 7/13/1969
**Description:** A disc was sighted over a farm south of Garrison, Iowa shortly after 10 p.m. A 40-foot wide circle of burnt soybean plants was found in a field on the farm.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** APRO Bulletin, July-August 1969, p. 1
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4033
### Event 31898 (AA080159)
**Date:** Mid 7/1969
**Location:** Manotick, Ontario
**Description:** Bernard O’Brien is cutting grass in a field with his tractor near Manotick, Ontario, when a small cloud of smoke rises from the ground as he passes over a particular spot. He notifies the field’s owner, John Fox, who comes out for a look. Fox finds three near-perfect circles in the field, two together and the third nearly 150 feet away. Each of them are rings of affected grass 15–20 feet in diameter and about a foot wide. Grass is flattened inside the circle, but the rings themselves are dark and contain a crystalline substance. [Peter Millman](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter%5FMillman) of the National Research Council claims that the circles are caused by the fairy ring mushroom \(Marasmius oreades\) because an analysis of the crystalline substance shows no evidence of mineral content or radioactivity.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Chris Rutkowski, Canada’s UFOs: Declassified, August Night, 2022, pp. 187–190
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4713
### Event 31899 (A594338D)
**Date:** 7/16/1969
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) [Apollo 11](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/Apollo11.html) is launched from the *Kennedy Space Center* \(Florida\). (July 16)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1969.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2486
### Event 31900 (CA145A25)
**Date:** 7/16/1969
**Time:** 15:30
**Location:** ABEE, ALTA
**Description:** Girl. Grey saucer / 3' altitude 10' away. Blinding lights going down. Trees burnt. Going northwest. / r180p67.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 15)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9375
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **TRC:** Physical traces, **INJ:** Injuries, illness/death, mutilations
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "661", **HatchDesc:** "ABEE,ALTA:GIRL:GRY SCR/3'alt 10'away:BLINDING LITES↓:TREES BURNT:>NW:/r180p67", **LatLong:** "54.238891 -113.022228", **LatLongDMS:** "54:14:20 N 113:01:20 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/54.238891,-113.022228)", **RelAlt:** "1", **State/Prov:** "Alberta", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31901 (D4B3C8F7)
**Date:** 7/16/1969
**Time:** 13:02:30.0
**Location:** 37.1194 -116.0551
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Ildrim” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 200KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_599
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1194 -116.0551", **LatLongDMS:** "37:07:10 N 116:03:18 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1194,-116.0551)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.41", **NukeMb:** "4.70", **NukeName:** "Ildrim", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "200"
### Event 31902 (3F51020C)
**Date:** 7/16/1969
**Time:** 14:55:00.0
**Location:** 37.1395 -116.0874
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Hutch” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 200KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_600
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1395 -116.0874", **LatLongDMS:** "37:08:22 N 116:05:15 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1395,-116.0874)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.55", **NukeMb:** "5.60", **NukeName:** "Hutch", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "200"
### Event 31903 (EE72A1AD)
**Date:** 7/16/1969
**Location:** Abee, Alberta
**Description:** 3:30 p.m. Sylvia Annola, 10, sees a large gray object with blinding lights descending above a well on her family’s farm near Abee, Alberta. She looks directly at the object, which is only about 10 feet away, and experiences a temporary loss of vision.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Yurko Bondarchuk, UFO Sightings, Landings, and Abductions, Methuen, 1979, pp. 50–53
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4714
### Event 31904 (F90C2077)
**Date:** 7/17/1969
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Luna 15 enters lunar orbit. During the descent, it crashes to the ground. The Soviets have lost the race to the Moon. (July 17)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1969.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2487
### Event 31905 (C807EF76)
**Date:** 7/17/1969
**Description:** At 10:50 a.m. in Hobart, Tasmania, Australia a poor quality photograph of a gray domed disc was taken. The object was estimated to be 20 feet in diameter. It moved through the sky from the southwest to the northeast at moderate speed, flying at an estimated 2000 feet altitude.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Joseph Erhardt, UFO Chronolog, June 1970, case # 422
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4134
### Event 31906 (4D92B827)
**Date:** 7/17/1969
**Description:** At 8:25 p.m. near the airport in West Beach, Adelaide, South Australia a pinkish object flying at high altitude first stopped in mid-air, then rocked to-and-fro, and next moved off a short distance to the northeast. It subsequently doubled back, and finally shot straight up and was gone.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Michael Hervey, UFOs Over the Southern Hemisphere, p. 185; Joseph Erhardt, UFO Chronolog, June 1970, case # 424
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4135
### Event 31907 (5650B190)
**Date:** 7/17/1969
**Description:** At 10:30 p.m. a man and a woman suffered physiological effects from a close encounter with a triangular UFO at a farm in Hartford, Vermont.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** APRO Bulletin, September-October 1969, p. 6; Geoffrey Falla, BUFORA Vehicle Interference Project Report, p. 53
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4136
### Event 31908 (2194B2A6)
**Date:** 7/18/1969
**Time:** 13:00?
**Location:** SOBRAL, BRZ
**Description:** Numerous observer(s). Shiny saucer hovers all over/all about cement plant. Man visible / window. Air Force investigation.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 7)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9376
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines, **MIL:** Military investigation
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "84", **HatchDesc:** "SOBRAL,BRZ:NMRS OBS:SHINY SCR HVRS ALLO CEMENT PLANT:MAN VSBL/WINDOW:AF INVSGN", **LatLong:** "-3.650000 -40.333335", **LatLongDMS:** "03:39:00 S 40:20:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-3.650000,-40.333335)", **State/Prov:** "CEA", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31909 (BFC8AA5F)
**Date:** 7/18/1969
**Location:** Strongsville, OH
**Description:** 7:00 p.m. Walter Rogers was ten years old at the time, a very bright metallic silver disc, reflecting sunlight, descended as if going down a flight of steps, then went straight over the nearby farm field very fast. Viewed about 10 seconds. (Page 31, Regional Encounters: The FC Files, Ridge) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_3938
### Event 31910 (BB937E21)
**Date:** 7/18/1969
**Description:** At nine o'clock in the morning a photograph of a UFO was taken at Flippin Airport in Arkansas. That afternoon in Sobral, Ceara State, Brazil Mr. Neusa Rodgriques saw a shiny flying disc stop and remain stationary for 30 seconds near a cement plant. An occupant could be seen inside the object through a window. It looked like "a little bluish colored man with eyes that gave off flashes." The UFO performed various maneuvers over the cement plant and drew the attention of many of its employees, who stopped work briefly to watch it. Lt. Pedro Edvaldo De Souza took statements from the eyewitnesses, on instructions from the Brazilian Air Force base at Fortaleza, Brazil.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Walter Buhler, FSR Case Histories, November 1971, p. 16; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1969-18, citing Lt. Pedro Edvaldo De Souza, Brazilian Air Force
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4172
### Event 31911 (62D56E18)
**Date:** 7/18/1969
**Description:** On this day a shining flying saucer stopped and remained stationary for half a minute near the cement plant in the town of Sobral, Ceara State, Brazil, opposite the house of Neusa Rodrigues. Through the window of the craft was seen “a little bluish colored man with eyes that gave off flashes.” The UFO performed various maneuvers over the cement plant, and drew the attention of many employees, who stopped work briefly to watch it. Lt. Pedro Edvaldo De Souza took statements from the eyewitnesses, on instructions from the Brazilian Air Force base at Fortaleza.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case # 1969-18, citing Lt. Pedro Edvaldo De Souza, Brazilian Air Force
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4173
### Event 31912 (3260A870)
**Date:** 7/20/1969
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Before the first moon landing, the crew of [Apollo 11](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/Apollo11.html) observe a large flying object heading in the same direction as the capsule. Seen through a small telescope, it looks like a hollow, dented cylinder at times, but when the telescope is focused properly, a distinct "L" shape is seen, like an open suitcase, according to [Neil Armstrong](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/ArmstrongNeilA.html). The crew thinks it is the SIV-B launch rocket, now detached, but the ground base announces that the rocket is 10000 km away. One of the investigators suggests that the object might have been a piece of insulation material. Neil Armstrong and [Edwin Aldrin](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/AldrinEdwinE.html) gently land the *Eagle* module in the Sea of Tranquility on the Moon while [Michael Collins](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/CollinsMichael.html) remains in low orbit \(112 km\) aboard *Columbia*, filming both the visible and hidden sides of our natural satellite. 6 hours later, he descends the ladder, soon joined by [Edwin Aldrin](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/AldrinEdwinE.html). He spends 2 and a half hours on the lunar surface. (July 20/21)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1969.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2488
### Event 31913 (5F8177B8)
**Date:** 7/20/1969
**Description:** On this night John Fairfax, a trans-Atlantic sailor sailing alone, saw two star-like objects, ten times brighter than Venus. Both rose in the sky, then separated, one flying off at a low altitude, the other climbing higher in the sky; both vanished suddenly. On the same night a discovery was made of five unmanned ships west of the Azores. Two of the ships had capsized but the other three were totally undamaged despite the disappearance of all passengers and crew.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** APRO Bulletin, July-August 1969, p. 7; Ivan T. Sanderson, Invisible Residents, p. 126, citing Reuters
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4247
### Event 31914 (784E0CAD)
**Date:** 7/21/1969
**Location:** SPACE
**Description:** (Translated from French) Armstrong and Aldrin, after walking on the Moon, returning to the Lem to rejoin Apollo 11, would have exchanged surprising remarks picked up by North American amateur radios and censored by NASA which, for this purpose, often retransmitted with a difference of 5 seconds the words of the cosmonauts (according to journalist Sam Pepper in the Canadian newspaper National Bulletin of September 29, 1969). (...) On their return Aldrin and Collins confirmed that on their way to the Moon they saw a huge cylindrical craft orbiting between their capsule and the lunar surface and Collins declared himself "shocked by the traces on the Moon." (Jean-Francis CROLARD: "The Enigma of E.T." - ed. Guy TREDANIEL 1995, p. 36, 37) Apollo 11, July 1969 (Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins, Buzz Aldrin) It is supposed that two UFOs were hovering at the moment when Armstrong was about to descend the ladder of the LEM placed in the Sea of Tranquility. The magazine "Modern People" says that Aldrin took some photos, which they published in their June 1975 issue. They would have obtained these photos from a Japanese source. (..) The halos seen around the astronauts is due only to a reflection on their spacesuits. (...) Timothy Good writes that HAM radio amateurs would have received VHF signals from the conversation, filtered by NASA: ("They are here and they are watching us") Timothy Good uses an excerpt from "SAGA UFO SPECIAL #3" as the source of his assertion. But the technical debriefing of Apollo 11 speaks of an object (debris?) very close to the Moon. Collins also said he felt a shock, but thought he might have imagined it. Armstrong also said that the distance was not evaluable, and therefore the size of the observed thing, either. They observed it with the telescope and found it more or less in the shape of an L: like an open suitcase. Or like two rings connected, difficult to specify, because the vision was very bad. (...) In his book "Carrying The Fire" astronaut Michael Collins makes no mention of this incident.
**Reference:** 1989 - listing and research by Harvey S. Stewart
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2567
### Event 31915 (5AB9858C)
**Date:** 7/21/1969
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) At Chevigny-Fénay \(Côte d'or\), José Campal observes near the military airbase of Dijon-Longvic, the evolution of a luminous ball passing from blue to red. (July 21)
**Reference:** FX 95-2562
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1969.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2489
### Event 31916 (9FC5E105)
**Date:** 7/21/1969
**Time:** 01:00
**Location:** CANNES, FR
**Description:** 2 boys. Bang / door. Dog barks. Small white sphere hovers over rose bush outside.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 152)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9377
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "CANNES,FR:2 BOYS:BANG/DOOR:DOG BARKS:SML WHT SPHERE HVRS OVR ROSE BUSH OUTSIDE", **LatLong:** "43.550002 6.983334", **LatLongDMS:** "43:33:00 N 06:59:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.550002,6.983334)", **State/Prov:** "Alpes Maritimes", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31917 (842090A7)
**Date:** 7/21/1969
**Time:** 01:50
**Location:** WALDO, ME
**Description:** Radio Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) and static. Car paced / red glowing-object / 3mi. Going quickly [to] away at home. / r79p47.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 61)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9378
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "7", **Elev:** "80", **HatchDesc:** "WALDO,ME:RADIO RFI+STATIC:CAR PACED/RED GLOW-OBJ/3mi:>>away at home:/r79p47", **LatLong:** "44.511113 -69.077781", **LatLongDMS:** "44:30:40 N 69:04:40 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.511113,-69.077781)", **State/Prov:** "Maine", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31918 (5C45FFCE)
**Date:** 7/21/1969
**Time:** 02:00
**Location:** NEW DELHI, IND
**Description:** 6 geologists / (seen thru) binoculars / rooftop. Object clearly seen. Controlled maneuvers.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PERSONAL INTERVIEW or Experience. (Index 999)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9379
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "India", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "NEW DELHI,IND:6 GEOLOGISTS/BINOCS/ROOFTOP:OBJ CLEARLY SEEN:CONTROLLED MNVRS", **LatLong:** "28.650001 77.200004", **LatLongDMS:** "28:39:00 N 77:12:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/28.650001,77.200004)", **State/Prov:** "NDH", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31919 (7D6C7703)
**Date:** 7/21/1969
**Location:** APOLLO 11 LANDS
**Description:** Man walks on moon. Worldwide TV coverage. UFO's seen / r210v24#8.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LDLN CONTACT LECTEURS: by Series and #. May'68 -JAN'72 (Entire set of 18 issues) LDLN local chapters & individual members' UFO reports. (Index 29)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9380
**Attributes:** **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **NWS:** News media report, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **HST:** Historical account, **MIL:** Military investigation, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "The Moon", **Credibility:** "15", **Duration:** "44", **HatchDesc:** "APOLLO 11 LANDS:MAN WALKS ON MOON:WORLDWIDE TV COVERAGE::UFOS SEEN/r210v24#8", **LatLong:** "90.000004 -0.000000", **LatLongDMS:** "90:00:00 N 00:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/90.000004,-0.000000)", **State/Prov:** "???", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31920 (B88E68C3)
**Date:** 7/21/1969
**Time:** 23:20
**Location:** CHEVIGNY-FENAY, FR
**Description:** Several observer(s). Fake moon with 2 portholes rotates. Real moon = 1/2. / LDLN#107.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GARREAU, Charles: SOUCOUPES VOLANTES, Vingt-cinq Ans d'Enquetes. 3rd Editn = 1973? Maison Mame ISBN 2-250-00464-1 (Index 162)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9381
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "90", **HatchDesc:** "CHEVIGNY-FENAY,FR:SVRL OBS:FAKE MOON W/2 PORTS ROTATES:real moon=1/2:/LDLN#107", **LatLong:** "47.244447 5.061111", **LatLongDMS:** "47:14:40 N 05:03:40 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.244447,5.061111)", **State/Prov:** "Côte-d'Or", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31921 (06624741)
**Date:** 7/21/1969
**Location:** moon
**Description:** The Apollo 11 Lunar Module lands the first astronauts on the moon, Neil Armstrong and [Buzz Aldrin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buzz%5FAldrin).
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Apollo 11](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apollo%5F11)”
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4715
### Event 31922 (0D3810E9)
**Date:** 7/21/1969
**Description:** At 1:00 a.m. a bang was heard at the door and the dog began barking in Cannes, Alpes-Maritime Department, France. Looking out, two boys saw a small white sphere that was hovering over a rose bush outside.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Larry Hatch, U computer database, case # 8911, citing Lumieres dans la Nuit, issue 152
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4273
### Event 31923 (507568BD)
**Date:** 7/21/1969
**Description:** Waldo, Maine - Randolph Whitcomb had just pulled off Route 137 onto Birches Road at 1:45 a.m. when his car radio "went haywire", fading into static. Then he noticed that his car hood was reflecting a red glare. Looking up, he saw a large, glowing red object hovering low over his vehicle. Startled, Whitcomb raced the three miles home. The UFO paced him the entire distance and "moved off fast" as he turned into his driveway.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** NICAP UFO Investigator, September-October 1969, p. 3
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4274
### Event 31924 (B965BF7F)
**Date:** 7/23/1969
**Time:** 20:40
**Location:** BUCHAREST, ROM
**Description:** 1 observer. Silent violently pulsating light / west.sky. Shoots beams. Going quickly north.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HOBANA Ion & WEVERBERGH,Julien: UFO'S from BEHIND the IRON CURTAIN; Bantam Books,1975. 308pp. (Index 255)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9382
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Romania", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "BUCHAREST,ROM:1 OBS:SLNT VIOLENTLY PULSATING LITE/WEST.SKY:SHOOTS BEAMS:>>N", **LatLong:** "44.416669 26.133335", **LatLongDMS:** "44:25:00 N 26:08:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.416669,26.133335)", **State/Prov:** "Bucharest", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 31925 (2CBB3D6D)
**Date:** 7/23/1969
**Time:** ~22:00
**Location:** PAULO LOPES, BRZ
**Description:** 4 / car. Saucer lifts car. Set down far ahead. Stops truck. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v16#5.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 835)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9383
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "20", **Elev:** "85", **HatchDesc:** "PAULO LOPES,BRZ:4/CAR:SCR LIFTS CAR:SET DOWN FAR AHEAD:STOPS TRUCK:/FSR v16#5", **LatLong:** "-27.933335 -48.700002", **LatLongDMS:** "27:56:00 S 48:42:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-27.933335,-48.700002)", **RelAlt:** "2", **State/Prov:** "STC", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 31926 (5F73A3BC)
**Date:** 7/23/1969
**Time:** 02:47:00.2
**Location:** 49.8156 78.1296
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 16KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1334
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.8156 78.1296", **LatLongDMS:** "49:48:56 N 78:07:47 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.8156,78.1296)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.50", **NukeSource:** "BOCHAROV", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** "16"
### Event 31927 (7CD30784)
**Date:** 7/23/1969
**Description:** On this night a UFO stopped a truck and levitated a car with four occupants in Paulo Lopes, Santa Catarina state, Brazil. The car was set down a considerable distance far ahead in what seemed like an instant.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** APRO Bulletin, July-August 1969; Geoffrey Falla, BUFORA Vehicle Interference Project Report, p. 53
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4325
### Event 31928 (0BD98F68)
**Date:** 7/24/1969
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) End of the [Apollo 11](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/Apollo11.html) mission, which lasted 8 days, 3 hours 18 minutes, and allowed to bring back 21 kg of samples. (July 24)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1969.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2490
### Event 31929 (F8410B8D)
**Date:** 7/24/1969
**Time:** 13:00?
**Location:** TEPIC, MX
**Description:** 2 observer(s) and more. Silent 5M metallic disk / treetops. Maneuvers and tilts. Possible landing. Local wave.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 835)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9384
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Mexico", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "911", **HatchDesc:** "TEPIC,MX:2 OBS+:SLNT 5M MTLC DISK/TREETOPS:MNVRS+TILTS:POSS.LANDING:local wave", **LatLong:** "21.533334 -104.883338", **LatLongDMS:** "21:32:00 N 104:53:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/21.533334,-104.883338)", **State/Prov:** "NYR", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31930 (A5C5C959)
**Date:** 7/24/1969
**Description:** On this day in Tepic, Nayarit state, Mexico a five meter in diameter disc maneuvered silently at tree top level. It was tilted at an angle as it flew, and possibly landed nearby.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** APRO Bulletin, July-August 1969, p. 3
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4356
### Event 31931 (A5482FF8)
**Date:** 7/25/1969
**Time:** 01:00
**Location:** ETIVAL, FR
**Description:** 1 observer. Soft rumble. Orange 2M sphere going southwest 12M over path. Returns going northwest.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LDLN CONTACT LECTEURS: by Series and #. May'68 -JAN'72 (Entire set of 18 issues) LDLN local chapters & individual members' UFO reports. (Index 39)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9385
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "8", **HatchDesc:** "ETIVAL,FR:1 OBS:SOFT RUMBLE:ORG 2M SPHERE > SW 12M OVR PATH:RETURNS >NW", **LatLong:** "46.505558 5.800000", **LatLongDMS:** "46:30:20 N 05:48:00 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.505558,5.800000)", **State/Prov:** "Jura", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31932 (2AC102B3)
**Date:** 7/25/1969 (approximate)
**Time:** 20:00
**Location:** NORTH AUGUSTA, ON
**Description:** 2 / car. Huge delta/triangle/box-like craft stops over car. Stars visible inside edges. One hour / missing time.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** CAMERON, Vicky: UFO EXPERIENCES in CANADA, Don't tell anyone but.. ; 1995 General Store Publishing ; Burnstown, Ontario ISBN 1-896182-20-8 (Index 45)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9386
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "60", **Elev:** "107", **HatchDesc:** "N.AUGUSTA,ON:2/CAR:HUGE DLT STOPS OVR CAR:STARS VSBL INSIDE EDGES:1hr/MST", **LatLong:** "44.650002 -75.650004", **LatLongDMS:** "44:39:00 N 75:39:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.650002,-75.650004)", **State/Prov:** "Ontario", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 31933 (B5735F66)
**Date:** 7/25/1969
**Description:** A two-meter diameter orange sphere flew to the southwest at only 12 meters over a path in Estival, France. It returned a short time later flying to the northwest.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Claude Poher, Etudes Statistiques Portant sur 1000 Temoignag, case 2785
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4387
### Event 31934 (9FFD1F39)
**Date:** 7/25/1969
**Description:** At around 8 p.m. a huge delta-shaped object stopped over a witness's car in North Augusta, Ontario and subsequently a one-hour episode of missing time occurred.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Larry Hatch, U computer database, case 8919
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4388
### Event 31935 (6C649CA9)
**Date:** 7/31/1969
**Time:** 20:00
**Location:** USOVO, RUSSIA
**Description:** 2 saucers over road. 6 cars stall. Takes 2 minutes before can start.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RODEGHIER, Mark/CUFOS: UFO REPORTS INVOLVING VEHICLE INTERFERENCE; CUFOS 1979. Available as CUFOS UFO Archive #1 CD-ROM. http://www.cufos.org/Pubform.pdf (Index 47)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9387
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Russia", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "USOVO,RUSSIA:2 SCRS OVR ROAD:6 CARS STALL:TAKES 2 MINUTES BEFORE CAN START", **LatLong:** "55.800003 37.500002", **LatLongDMS:** "55:48:00 N 37:30:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/55.800003,37.500002)", **State/Prov:** "MOS", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31936 (08B9B77E)
**Date:** 7/31/1969
**Description:** In Usovo, near Moscow, Russia all cars in the area stalled when two silver discs flew over them at around 8:00 p.m. It took two minutes before they could be restarted.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, p. 47; MUFON UFO Journal, May 1978, p. 12
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4531
### Event 31937 (BCFDD5B5)
**Date:** 8/1969
**Location:** Canada, Big Horn Dam, Saskatchewan
**Description:** (Translated from French) Guy L'heureux (...) along with Harley Peterson, was working on the installation of a pump at the dam. (...) Suddenly the two men saw a strange being covered in long fur moving on the other side of the dam. After a moment it stopped and sat on a rock (...) It stayed like this for a good fifteen minutes, then very calmly, it left towards the forest. Three witnesses who observed it at the same time, Floyd Engen from Eckville, Dale Boddly and Stan Peterson from Panoka, described it as a giant creature at least 4.50 m tall. . (August 1969)
**Reference:** Jean FERGUSON: "Les Humanoïdes..." ed. Leméac, Ottawa, 1977, p.125
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2570
### Event 31938 (7188C089)
**Date:** 8/1969
**Time:** 02:50
**Location:** NEAR MACAE, BRZ
**Description:** Small humanoids (or Greys) / ground 80M away Carry sticks with lights. Glowing-object hovers / slant nearby.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GRANCHI, Irene: UFO's and ABDUCTIONS in BRAZIL: Horus House Press, Madison, WI: 1992 (English translation 1994) ISBN 1-881852-09-1 (Index 92)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9388
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Brazil", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "nr MACAE,BRZ:OIDS/GND 80M away CARRY STICKS W/LITES:GLOW-OBJ HVRS/SLANT NEARBY", **LatLong:** "-22.350001 -41.800002", **LatLongDMS:** "22:21:00 S 41:48:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-22.350001,-41.800002)", **State/Prov:** "RDJ", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 31939 (07C5554E)
**Date:** 8/1969
**Time:** 15:00
**Location:** ALCALA DEL RIO, SP
**Description:** Luminous red saucer over road. Shoots up. Observer(s) has medical probes. Missing time?
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BALLESTER OLMOS, Vicente-Juan: CATALOG of 200 TYPE-1 EVENTS in SPAIN & PORTUGAL; CUFOS 1976. (Index 25)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9389
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MST:** Missing time or time anomaly, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "ALCALA DEL RIO,SP:LUM RED SCR OVR ROAD:SHOOTS UP:OBS HAS MEDICAL PROBS:MST?", **LatLong:** "37.600002 -5.950000", **LatLongDMS:** "37:36:00 N 05:57:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.600002,-5.950000)", **State/Prov:** "SVL", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 31940 (CD271447)
**Date:** 8/1969 (approximate)
**Time:** ~15:00
**Location:** TIMISOARA, ROM
**Description:** Diamond-cone UFO. Very slow southwest going northeast. Seen / many all afternoon.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HOBANA Ion & WEVERBERGH,Julien: UFO'S from BEHIND the IRON CURTAIN; Bantam Books,1975. 308pp. (Index 255)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9390
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Romania", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "200", **HatchDesc:** "TIMISOARA,ROM:DIAMOND-CONE UFO:VERY SLOW SW>NE:SEEN/MANY ALL AFTERNOON", **LatLong:** "45.766669 21.233334", **LatLongDMS:** "45:46:00 N 21:14:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.766669,21.233334)", **State/Prov:** "TMS", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31941 (6D354669)
**Date:** 8/1969 (approximate)
**Time:** 21:00
**Description:** Night light over reservoir. White small humanoids (or Greys) float going [to] disabled car and walk / roof. Marks.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUSGRAVE, John Brent: UFO OCCUPANTS & CRITTERS; Global Communications, NY 1979. 8x11 66pp. (Index 49)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9391
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "60", **Elev:** "65", **HatchDesc:** "N/TROIS RIVIERES,QB:NLT OVR RSVR:WHT OIDS FLOAT>DISABLED CAR+WALK/ROOF:MARKS", **LatLong:** "46.416669 -72.566670", **LatLongDMS:** "46:25:00 N 72:34:00 W", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.416669,-72.566670)", **State/Prov:** "Quebec", **Strangeness:** "10"
### Event 31942 (F21ECB83)
**Date:** 8/1969
**Location:** Pennsylvania Turnpike
**Description:** 1:45 p.m. James D. Appleman is driving on the Pennsylvania Turnpike when he notices a dome-shaped, metallic object hovering in the clouds ahead. He stops the car and gets his camera out of the trunk, but by that time the object is gone.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Did a Twin Photograph a Twin UFO?](http://cufos.org/CUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter/1981%5FCUFOS%5FAssociate%5FNewsletter%5FV2.pdf)” CUFOS Associate Newsletter 3, no. 1 \(January 1981\): 1
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4716
### Event 31943 (56F47886)
**Date:** 8/5/1969
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Mariner 7 flies over the poles of Mars. (August 5)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1969.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2491
### Event 31944 (05F64B33)
**Date:** 8/5/1969
**Time:** 22:20
**Location:** 15M.N / RALEIGH, NC
**Description:** Metallic object nears car. Headlights dim. Radio Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). AOK afterward. / r79p48.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO INVESTIGATOR: NICAP: Kensington, MD & Washington, DC [defunct]. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (Index 61)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9392
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "110", **HatchDesc:** "15m.N/RALEIGH,NC:MTLC OBJ NEARS CAR:HLITES DIM:RADIO RFI:AOK AFTERWARD:/r79p48", **LatLong:** "36.000002 -78.633337", **LatLongDMS:** "36:00:00 N 78:38:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/36.000002,-78.633337)", **State/Prov:** "North Carolina", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31945 (EACF53EC)
**Date:** 8/5/1969
**Location:** Raleigh, NC
**Description:** Shiny object approached, hovered over road ahead of car. Letter from B.C.M., dated Aug. 7, 1969, in NICAP files (R,L) car (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_4018
### Event 31946 (1D661590)
**Date:** 8/5/1969
**Description:** On this day two cops among several civilians witness a UFO over Camarthen, Wales, U.K. It was spherical and silvery in color. The second officer saw it later than the first. It was confirmed not to be RAF aircraft.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Gary Hezeltine, Police Reports of UFOs, p. 35, from a newspaper clipping dated August 6, 1969
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4681
### Event 31947 (28EF0FA6)
**Date:** 8/5/1969
**Description:** (1) At 3:30 a.m. a U.S. Marine Corp Colonel named Brandmeyer driving on Route 161 had a close encounter with a small intense light over a wooded area near New Baden, Illiniois. The light made a sharp turn, approached, drew alongside, and then paced his car for a few minutes. (2) That night, at 10:15 p.m., a metallic UFO approached a car 15 miles northwest of Raleigh, North Carolina on Highway 50, being driven by a Mrs. McWhite with one passenger. The car headlights dimmed, and their was interference on the car radio. Both were okay and the lights and radio functioned properly againafter the UFO left, about 30 seconds later. (3) Two and a half hours later, at 10:45 p.m. Mountain Time, five woman driving fourteen miles west of Ponoka, Alberta, Canada had a similar UFO close encounter with electromagnetic effects; the driver was a 38-year-old woman named Scott, and the incident lasted much long, about an hour.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** (1) Jay Rath, The I-Files: True Reports of Unexplained Phenomena in Illinois, p. 48, Skylook, August 1970, p. 4; (2) NICAP UFO Investigator, October 1969, p. 3; Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, p. ; (2) John Brent Musgrave, field investigation case files, report dated September 19, 1969
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4682
### Event 31948 (909F879A)
**Date:** 8/8/1969
**Description:** Dollie Hansen of West Akron, Ohio was a UFO contactee who claimed to have been in touch with UFO occupants. She had been promised a trip in a spaceship on Thursday, August 7 that didn't happen. At 2:00 a.m. on Friday a knock came at her door, and outside was a superbly built young woman with deep chestnut hair but no features on her face. Nevertheless, Mrs. Hansen had no fear, and went with her to a black car containing two men, which was wrapped in a gray mist, and conveyed them to the spaceship. She was given the promised ride, but she gave no details beyond this, except to say that the spaceship was softly lit and contained no visible seams or welds. Around the same time a local handicapped boy also reported being taken onboard a UFO and given a ride; his encountered occurred at 2:30 a.m.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Daivd F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1969-43 (A1061); Brinsley Le Poer Trench, Mysterious Visitors, p. 114
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4775
### Event 31949 (009A4A69)
**Date:** 8/9/1969
**Time:** 21:50
**Location:** ST. JEAN D'ETREUX, FR
**Description:** 3 disks going southeast. Stop overhead. Thin beams light 2 observer(s) individually.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LDLN CONTACT LECTEURS: by Series and #. May'68 -JAN'72 (Entire set of 18 issues) LDLN local chapters & individual members' UFO reports. (Index 37)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9393
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "St.JEAN d'ETREUX,FR:3 DISKS >SE:STOP OVHD:THIN BEAMS LITE 2 OBS INDIVIDUALLY", **LatLong:** "46.411113 5.366667", **LatLongDMS:** "46:24:40 N 05:22:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.411113,5.366667)", **State/Prov:** "Jura", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31950 (273FF9D4)
**Date:** 8/11/1969
**Location:** FRANCE,
**Description:** (Translated from French) Jean Miguères was the unwitting hero of a terrible car accident, on the 13bis from Rouen to Paris, wanted and orchestrated by "entities" who took him as a guinea pig in the true sense of the term. In "I Was the Guinea Pig of the Extraterrestrials" he gives us his strange experience spread over 2 years and which was not finished.
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2569
### Event 31951 (B895E352)
**Date:** 8/11/1969 (approximate)
**Time:** 01:00
**Description:** Ovoid with lights / rim. Hits houses / beam. Follows land contours going northeast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 5)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9394
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "26", **HatchDesc:** "GROOMSPORT,ULSTER:OVOID W/LITES/RIM:HITS HOUSES/BEAM:FOLOS LAND CONTOURS >NE", **LatLong:** "54.672225 -5.616667", **LatLongDMS:** "54:40:20 N 05:37:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/54.672225,-5.616667)", **State/Prov:** "Northern Ireland", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31952 (D7BCBB09)
**Date:** 8/11/1969
**Time:** 23:20
**Location:** WEST / BARGEMON, FR
**Description:** 20 teens. Orange silent domed saucer going down / 20 minute(s). Going up [to] at source / River Doux. Turns. Going quickly northeast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LDLN CONTACT LECTEURS: by Series and #. May'68 -JAN'72 (Entire set of 18 issues) LDLN local chapters & individual members' UFO reports. (Index 52)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9395
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc.
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "25", **HatchDesc:** "W/BARGEMON,FR:20 TEENS:ORG.SLNT DOMED SCR↓/20min:↑@ SOURCE/Rvr DOUX:TURNS:>>NE", **LatLong:** "43.616669 6.544445", **LatLongDMS:** "43:37:00 N 06:32:40 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.616669,6.544445)", **State/Prov:** "Var", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31953 (326F6EC5)
**Date:** 8/11/1969
**Description:** At around 1:00 a.m. an ovoid UFO with lights around its periphery flew low over Groomsport, North Down, Northern Ireland. It hit a house with light beams, causing reported physiological effects for the female witness. It followed the contours of the land as it flew to the northeast. The close encounter lasted for about an hour.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** James P. Tinney, FSR Case Histories, June 1971, p. 13
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4872
### Event 31954 (0C71DC6B)
**Date:** 8/11/1969
**Description:** Jean Migueres was driving an ambulance at around 6:00 a.m. from Perpignan to Rouen, France when he heard a voice in his head say: “Do not be afraid, nothing bad will happen to you, you will feel nothing.” Twenty minutes later he observed a nearly spherical cloud moving toward him. It then took the form of a cloudy nucleus surrounded by an incandescent white ring having at its base a dull black metallic platform, shaped like a domed disc, about 65 feet in diameter. At the same time, a “DS” car appeared, moving directly toward the ambulance. Migueres was unable to avoid it, and a head on collision took place 30 kilometers from Rouen. He estimated that the ambulance was speeding at 100 kph at the time. After the crash, a being “materialized” on the seat beside Migueres, and addressed him telepathically in French. “Be assured, you are only apparently injured…you will feel no physical pain…I am going to “regenerate” you by a procedure that is not yet known on your planet.” He then took from a pouch on his belt a disc about 1 inch in diameter, of an incandescent white luminosity, and applied it to the nape of Miguere’s neck. Migueres felt a prickling sensation all along his spinal column. The being said:”This accident was necessary for you; we will come back to see you.” Then he disappeared. Migueres had multiple injuries and broken bones but reported feeling no pain, then or later. He underwent several lengthy operations and was twice pronounced “clinically dead.” After an internal hemorrhage with bursting of the gall bladder, he received a telepathic message to “leave the hospital immediately,” which he obeyed, being transported to a hospital at Montpellier, near his home, where he was again pronounced “dead.” Nevertheless he survived. After three weeks in the Montpellier hospital he received a message: “You have succeeded in your mission thanks to our help…you can now go home, we will continue to protect you.”
He went home, but for three years his broken bones remained unhealed. “Then one day, all the bones re-knitted in record time,” and he was able to walk again, without even a limp. Migueres says that since his accident he has had the gift of healing. He remains in contact with the “extraterrestrials,” who have given him a “code which permits him to free the corresponding wavelength of his brain” to establish contact with them. The “extraterrestrial” seen at the time of the accident was of medium height, or less, with a very swarthy skin and a big head with a very high and wide forehead, eyes far apart, eyebrows “like scars,” and brown hair cut short. He was wearing a coverall or a pants and shirt combination resembling a military uniform, with no hat or helmet.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb and Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1969-59 (A1579), citing Guy Tarade & Jean Luc Rivera
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4873
### Event 31955 (3806D848)
**Date:** 8/11/1969
**Description:** At 11:30 p.m. 20 teenagers watched a domed disc-shaped object descend slowly for 20 minutes west of Bargemon, Var department, France. It came down low over the source of Doux River, then turned, and finally flew off to the northeast.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Larry Hatch, U computer database, case # 8928, citing LDLN Lecteur Series
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4874
### Event 31956 (23134C73)
**Date:** 8/12/1969
**Time:** 22:50
**Location:** NORTH / ESPALION, FR
**Description:** 2 / car. 3 luminous triangles going east / V-formation. Stop. Rotate. Turn going SSE and away.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LDLN CONTACT LECTEURS: by Series and #. May'68 -JAN'72 (Entire set of 18 issues) LDLN local chapters & individual members' UFO reports. (Index 37)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9396
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "N/ESPALION,FR:2/CAR:3 LUMn.TRIANGLES > E/V-FORMn:STOP:ROTATE:TURN >SSE+AWAY", **LatLong:** "44.538891 2.766667", **LatLongDMS:** "44:32:20 N 02:46:00 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.538891,2.766667)", **State/Prov:** "Aveyron", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31957 (C388AB06)
**Date:** 8/12/1969
**Description:** At 10:50 p.m. two people witnessed three luminous triangular craft flying toward >E in a V formation over the mountains north of Espalion, France. They stopped, rotated in place, turned >SSE, and then flew away.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Larry Hatch, U Computer Database, case 8929, citing LDLN Lecteurs
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_4946
### Event 31958 (623A6C8F)
**Date:** 8/14/1969
**Time:** 14:30:00.0
**Location:** 37.1603 -116.0636
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed, salvo. Country: USA Name: “Spider-A” YieldMax: 40KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_601
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1603 -116.0636", **LatLongDMS:** "37:09:37 N 116:03:49 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1603,-116.0636)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Spider-A", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU_SALVO", **NukeYMax:** "40"
### Event 31959 (7E0B578C)
**Date:** 8/15/1969
**Time:** 05:30
**Location:** KOTKA, FINL
**Description:** Military observer(s). 8 orange clouds steadily cross sky / perfect formation.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** AWARENESS (Quarterly) CONTACT INTERNATIONAL/UK: listed by year. (Index 77)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9397
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Scandanavian and Finland", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "KOTKA,FINL:MIL.OBS:8 ORG.CLOUDS STEADILY CROSS SKY/PERFECT FORMATION:", **LatLong:** "60.500003 26.933335", **LatLongDMS:** "60:30:00 N 26:56:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/60.500003,26.933335)", **State/Prov:** "Finland", **Strangeness:** "3"
### Event 31960 (313FC039)
**Date:** 8/15/1969?
**Time:** 22:00?
**Description:** 3 observer(s). Dark saucer with triangle lights / underside going [to] low over house.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MAGOR, John: OUR UFO VISITORS. Hancock House, Canada & Seattle, WA. 1977. (Index 107)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9398
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "800", **HatchDesc:** "S/RADIUM HOT SPrs,BC:3 OBS:DARK SCR W/TRIANGLE LITES/UNDERSIDE >LO OVR HOUSE", **LatLong:** "50.583336 -116.083339", **LatLongDMS:** "50:35:00 N 116:05:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.583336,-116.083339)", **State/Prov:** "British Columbia", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31961 (6D750858)
**Date:** 8/19/1969
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Weather officials at the Naval Air Base of Lann-Bihoué \(Morbihan\) spot an unidentified spherical object. (August 19)
**Reference:** FX 95-2562
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1969.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2492
### Event 31962 (67108E8A)
**Date:** 8/19/1969
**Description:** Luis Renato Matos, a schoolteacher, was driving his sister in law and her two children from Ararauma to Campos, Brazil. At 2:50 a.m. near Macae, in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil he saw a blue light which, when seen again some 200 meters ahead, now appeared as a bright blue inverted plate about 20 meters in diameter. It floated at an inclined angle 3 to 4 meters above the ground. His passengers were all sleeping at the time. As he came around a bend in the road, Sr. Renato saw five or six small human like figures less than a meter tall, all scurrying rapidly about. Each one carried an illuminated pear-shaped implement, held by a small rod; these glowed like red-hot irons. Renato sped up the car and just after he passed through Macae his headlights failed and the motor quit. He sat there for a long while not knowing what to do until, finally, he was again able to start the car and proceed.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1969-40, citing Richard Heiden
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5158
### Event 31963 (43979817)
**Date:** 8/22/1969
**Location:** Denver, Colorado
**Description:** The National Amateur Astronomers Association hosts an open forum in Denver, Colorado, “Science and the UFO,” with presentations by [James A. Harder](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James%5FHarder)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James%5FHarder) [R. Leo Sprinkle](http://kevinrandle.blogspot.com/2021/11/leo-sprinkle-has-died.html)[,](http://kevinrandle.blogspot.com/2021/11/leo-sprinkle-has-died.html) [J. Allen Hynek](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J.%5FAllen%5FHynek)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J.%5FAllen%5FHynek) [David Saunders](https://psycnet.apa.org/record/1993-27194-001), [James](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James%5FE.%5FMcDonald) [McDonald](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James%5FE.%5FMcDonald)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James%5FE.%5FMcDonald) and [Frank Salisbury](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frank%5FB.%5FSalisbury)[.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frank%5FB.%5FSalisbury) When asked how many of the 500 people assembled have had a UFO sighting, about 75 hands go up.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “Scientists Urge New UFO Studies,” Fate 23, no. 4 \(April 1970\): 38–48; George W. Earley, “Astronomers Raise Their Hands,” IUR 24, no. 4 \(Winter 1999\): 29–30
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4717
### Event 31964 (772B391E)
**Date:** 8/22/1969
**Description:** After Mrs. Joyce Vellacca and her husband reported seeing a multicolored UFO maneuvering over South Akron, Ohio she decided to lie down on the sofa for a short nap. She had scarcely stretched out when a big gust of wind swept through a window and blew the curtains out. Mrs. Vellacca got up to close the window and became frozen in place, literally unable to move. Furthermore, standing on the other side of the window was a woman staring back at her. The woman was well proportioned with beautiful long dark chestnut hair. But the woman had no discernible features where her face would be. Oddly, when Mrs. Vellacca recovered from her frozen immobility, the visitor had vanished. She rushed outside and turned on all the floodlights to illuminate the area, but could see nothing unusual. Then there came a high-pitched whine similar to that of a motorcycle, except that when a motorcycle reaches its highest velocity there is a loud roar, and none was heard. Instead, the noise gained in shrill frequency until it was no longer heard. The dogs in the neighborhood were raising a great rumpus.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1969, citing Brinsley LePoer Trench, Mysterious Visitors: The UFO Story
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5227
### Event 31965 (332A6611)
**Date:** 8/23/1969
**Time:** 00:00
**Location:** MATARO, SP
**Description:** Night light descends to surface(s) level. Disappears. Reappears. Flies off. / 10 minute(s).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BALLESTER OLMOS, Vicente-Juan: CATALOG of 200 TYPE-1 EVENTS in SPAIN & PORTUGAL; CUFOS 1976. (Index 26)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9399
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **SUB:** Submersible: Rises from or submerges into water, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "MATARO,SP:NLT DESCENDS TO SURF LEVEL:DISAPPEARS:REAPPEARS:FLIES OFF./10min", **LatLong:** "41.566669 2.416667", **LatLongDMS:** "41:34:00 N 02:25:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.566669,2.416667)", **State/Prov:** "Barcelone", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 31966 (B0F83033)
**Date:** 8/25/1969
**Time:** 02:00
**Location:** AYTONA, SP
**Description:** 4 / car. 2M x 4M "wall of light" vanishes as car approaches. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BALLESTER OLMOS, Vicente-Juan: CATALOG of 200 TYPE-1 EVENTS in SPAIN & PORTUGAL; CUFOS 1976. (Index 26)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9400
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **NFO:** No craft seen, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "AYTONA,SP:4/CAR:2M x 4M "WALL OF LIGHT" VANISHES AS CAR APPROACHES:NFD", **LatLong:** "41.516669 0.466667", **LatLongDMS:** "41:31:00 N 00:28:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.516669,0.466667)", **State/Prov:** "LRD", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31967 (8AAF1DD0)
**Date:** 8/25/1969
**Time:** 11:30
**Location:** PLOIESTI, ROM
**Description:** Big sphere/orb/globe over city. Slowly shrings. Splits / 3. Rejoins. Photographs and drawings. P257.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HOBANA Ion & WEVERBERGH,Julien: UFO'S from BEHIND the IRON CURTAIN; Bantam Books,1975. 308pp. (Index 257)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9401
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Romania", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "240", **HatchDesc:** "PLOIESTI,ROM:BIG ORB OVR CITY:SLOWLY SHRINGS:SPLITS/3:REJOINS:FOTOS+DWGS:p257", **LatLong:** "44.916669 26.000001", **LatLongDMS:** "44:55:00 N 26:00:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.916669,26.000001)", **State/Prov:** "PRH", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 31968 (9E70001E)
**Date:** 8/27/1969
**Time:** 20:30
**Location:** BURSCOUGH, LANCS
**Description:** Motorcycle malfunctions due to EME (electro-magnetic effects). Yellow-orange saucer hovers / field / 15 minute(s). Bike OK after.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RODEGHIER, Mark/CUFOS: UFO REPORTS INVOLVING VEHICLE INTERFERENCE; CUFOS 1979. Available as CUFOS UFO Archive #1 CD-ROM. http://www.cufos.org/Pubform.pdf (Index 48)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9402
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "15", **Elev:** "46", **HatchDesc:** "BURSCOUGH,LANCs:MOTORCYCLE EMES:YEL-ORG SCR HOVERS/FIELD/15min:BIKE OK AFTER", **LatLong:** "53.583336 -2.866667", **LatLongDMS:** "53:35:00 N 02:52:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/53.583336,-2.866667)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 31969 (1F94458D)
**Date:** 8/27/1969
**Location:** 37.0000 -116.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Horehound” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_602
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0000 -116.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:00 N 116:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0000,-116.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Horehound", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 31970 (05563701)
**Date:** 8/27/1969
**Time:** 13:45:00.0
**Location:** 37.0215 -116.0381
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Pliers” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_603
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0215 -116.0381", **LatLongDMS:** "37:01:17 N 116:02:17 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0215,-116.0381)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.24", **NukeMb:** "4.70", **NukeName:** "Pliers", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 31971 (5957C74D)
**Date:** 8/27/1969
**Description:** At 10:10 p.m. eleven people were watching for UFOs on Cradle Hill in Warminster, England when they saw something like a "burning bush" on the ground about 600 yards away, in a place called "Kidnappers Hole." Christopher Trubridge and Robert Coates ran towards it. The light went out, but when they got near the spot Christopher saw a figure about seven feet tall in the moonlight, about 100 feet away. It was dressed in a tight-fitting shiny black suit, with a gold sash or "bandoleer" over one shoulder. It also had long, dark golden hair that fell to its shoulders and had bright eyes. The eye color was impossible to determine in the moonlight, but it had a “rather feminine” set of features and a not unattractive face. She was motionless, with one arm upraised. The witnesses could not approach any closer than about 30 yards, overcome by fear. Fear mixed with another impossible to describe emotional response caused both men be beat a hasty retreat.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1969-48, citing Arthur Shuttlewood and Ken Rogers The Warminster Triangle; Cosmos, December 1969
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5399
### Event 31972 (1BCA58CE)
**Date:** 8/28/1969
**Description:** In a rural area of Burscough, Lancashire, England a motocycle's engine suddenly stopped at 8:30 p.m. The driver then saw an yellowish-orange, fuzzy, strawberry-shaped thing hovering over a nearby field for 15 minutes.His motorcycle functioned normally after the UFO left.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, p. 48
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5422
### Event 31973 (21A4E9ED)
**Date:** 8/28/1969
**Description:** At 6:20 a.m. a photograph of a disc-shaped object was taken near Fort Morgan, Colorado 70 miles east of Denver on Interstate 76 by a man named Vedaa. The photographic negative was submitted to quantitative, photometric analysis and judged to be genuine.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** William H. Spaulding, FSR, May 1976, p. 12
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5423
### Event 31974 (F6975A8F)
**Date:** 8/29/1969
**Time:** 03:00
**Description:** Night light follows man home. Silent saucer with band in middle / 3 separate observer(s).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** REHN, K. Gosta: UFO's HERE and NOW; Translated/Swedish Patricia Crompton: London; Abelard 1974 (Index 115)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9403
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Scandanavian and Finland", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "20", **HatchDesc:** "HALLESAKER,SWEDEN:NLT FOLLOWS MAN HOME:SLNT SCR W/BAND IN MIDDLE/3 SEP.OBS", **LatLong:** "57.366669 12.166667", **LatLongDMS:** "57:22:00 N 12:10:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/57.366669,12.166667)", **State/Prov:** "Sweden", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31975 (1A3104D8)
**Date:** 8/29/1969
**Locations:** Interstate 80S; Interstate 76; Denver; Fort Morgan, Colorado
**Description:** 6:20 a.m. Norman Vedaa and a passenger are driving along Interstate 80S \[now Interstate 76\] about 70 miles east of Denver \[putting them roughly near Fort Morgan, Colorado\]. They notice a brilliant, yellow-gold object hovering high in the air. They manage to take two photographs before it speeds away. Ground Saucer Watch concludes from its density profile in the photos that it is a solid object.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** William H. Spaulding, “[Observational Data of an Anomalistic Aerial Phenomenon,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201976%20V%2022%20N%201.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 22, no. 1 \(May 1976\): 12–17
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4718
### Event 31976 (FA053974)
**Date:** 8/30/1969
**Time:** 19:30
**Location:** BUCHAREST, ROM
**Description:** Delta rises / behind north railroad/railway station. Flies behind houses.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HOBANA Ion & WEVERBERGH,Julien: UFO'S from BEHIND the IRON CURTAIN; Bantam Books,1975. 308pp. (Index 179)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9404
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Romania", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "BUCHAREST,ROM:DELTA RISES/BEHIND NORTH RR STATION:FLIES BEHIND HOUSES.", **LatLong:** "44.466669 26.083335", **LatLongDMS:** "44:28:00 N 26:05:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.466669,26.083335)", **State/Prov:** "Bucharest", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31977 (A1B48EA0)
**Date:** 8/30/1969
**Location:** Grafton, New South Wales
**Description:** Afternoon. Future ufologist [Bill Chalker](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill%5FChalker)[,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill%5FChalker) 17, is relaxing on a surfboard in the middle of the Clarence River in Grafton, New South Wales. He notices streams of fine filament coming down out of the sky over the river. He collects some samples, seeing no spiders, but the material dissipates into nothing. He later learns that other people, including his parents, watched an elongated white UFO moving at right angles to the filament fall.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Keith Basterfield, “Angel Hair: An Australian Perspective,” IUR 27, no. 1 \(Spring 2002\): 7; Clark III 124–126; Bill Chalker, “[1969: The Great UFO Daze of Oz,](http://theozfiles.blogspot.com/2020/09/1969-great-ufo-daze-of-oz.html)” The Oz Files, September 19, 2020
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4719
### Event 31978 (615DAA7E)
**Date:** 8/30/1969
**Location:** North Railway Station in Bucharest, Romania
**Description:** 7:30 p.m. Ion Hobana is at the North Railway Station in Bucharest, Romania, when he sees a triangular object rise from behind the station building. It is a dull orange color and moves with one of its sides facing forward. Three smaller globes trail it in a straight line. The object travels to the right and disappears after a few seconds.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Hobana and Weverbergh 179–180
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4720
### Event 31979 (B079CC94)
**Date:** 8/30/1969
**Description:** Between 7:00 and 7:30 p.m. a delta-shaped UFO rose from behind the North Railway Station In Bucharest, Romania and flew off behind some city buildings.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Ion Hobana & Julien Weberbergh, UFOs from Behind the Iron Curtain, p. 179
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5495
### Event 31980 (5046399E)
**Date:** 8/31/1969
**Description:** Hundreds / observer(s). Aluminum cylinder/cigar-shape vanishes as RAAF jets near. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** GOOD, Timothy: ABOVE TOP SECRET; Sidgewick & Jackson, London 1987 & Quill Books, 1988. 592pp. (Index 174)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9405
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "12", **Duration:** "20", **HatchDesc:** "KYOGLE+DARLING DOWNS,AUSTRL:100s/OBS:ALUM CGR VANISHES AS RAAF JETS NEAR:NFD", **LatLong:** "-27.366668 150.000007", **LatLongDMS:** "27:22:00 S 150:00:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-27.366668,150.000007)", **State/Prov:** "Queensland", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31981 (0EAA88AF)
**Date:** 8/31/1969
**Location:** Stover, MO
**Description:** Flock of turkeys react to orange-red hemisphere or domed disc (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)
**Reference:** NICAP: [690831](http://www.nicap.org/anreact/ar-690831.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_4019
### Event 31982 (C889A83E)
**Date:** 8/31/1969
**Locations:** northern New South Wales; RAAF Base Amberley near Ipswich, Queensland; Kygole; Darling Downs
**Description:** Day. An RAAF Canberra bomber chases but fails to catch a UFO over northern New South Wales. The plane is dispatched from RAAF Base Amberley near Ipswich, Queensland, after hundreds of people in Kygole and along the Darling Downs report the object, which is shaped like an aluminum Zeppelin. Some witnesses observe the object for 3 hours as it hovers above towns and farms. The UFO speeds away when the Canberra tries to close in on it.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[RAAF Chase UFO over Darling Downs,](http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/Australia/UFOIC%20Newsletter/UFOIC%20Newsletter%20-%20No%2026%20December%201969.pdf)” UFOIC Newsletter, no. 26 \(December 1969\): 4
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4721
### Event 31983 (53909BEF)
**Date:** 9/1969 (approximate)
**Time:** 03:30
**Location:** PAMPLONA, SP
**Description:** 1 observer. 3 distinct copper-orange ovoids going southeast / delta/triangle/box-like craft formation. No structure visible.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LDLN CONTACT LECTEURS: by Series and #. May'68 -JAN'72 (Entire set of 18 issues) LDLN local chapters & individual members' UFO reports. (Index 51)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9406
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "PAMPLONA,SP:1 OBS:3 DISTINCT COPPER-ORG.OVOIDS >SE/DLT FORMn:no struct.visible", **LatLong:** "42.800002 1.616667", **LatLongDMS:** "42:48:00 N 01:37:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.800002,1.616667)", **State/Prov:** "NVR", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31984 (1831E4F1)
**Date:** 9/1969 (approximate)
**Time:** 22:00?
**Location:** FT. WORTH, TX
**Description:** 3' boat floats / 20' altitude / backyard. Going down / 3'. Whirrs. Blue-green glow. Zooms up going up.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 336)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9407
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "5", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "201", **HatchDesc:** "Ft.WORTH,TX:3'BOAT FLOATS/20'alt/BACKYARD:↓/3':WHIRRS:BLU-GRN GLOW:ZOOMS UP↑", **LatLong:** "32.733335 -97.300005", **LatLongDMS:** "32:44:00 N 97:18:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/32.733335,-97.300005)", **State/Prov:** "Texas", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31985 (E868E4D7)
**Date:** Early Autumn 1969
**Location:** CHINA, Longquan, Qishui
**Description:** (Translated from French) … an old man named Wei (…) went to work at 4 o'clock in the morning in a reservoir. When he left the village, a strange, luminous object flew towards him. The object illuminated the reservoir and the countryside as if it were broad daylight. The old man Wei immediately returned to the village and the object followed him at a fast pace. The old man almost got seized by the light. His eyes lost their sight (1969, Early Autumn)
**Reference:** SHI BO: "China and the Extraterrestrials". Ed. Mercure de France, 1983, p.103
**Reference:** this lasted a year
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2575
### Event 31986 (612D38FA)
**Date:** 9/2/1969
**Time:** 04:59:58.6
**Location:** 57.2200 55.3930
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Grifon-1” Yield: 7.6KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1335
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "57.2200 55.3930", **LatLongDMS:** "57:13:12 N 55:23:35 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/57.2200,55.3930)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "1.21", **NukeMb:** "4.80", **NukeName:** "PNE:Grifon-1", **NukeSource:** "SULTANOV", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** "7.6"
### Event 31987 (35CC1F95)
**Date:** 9/3/1969
**Time:** 03:50
**Location:** LA SOUTERRAINE, FR
**Description:** Several observer(s). 3 saucers hover. 3 photographs catch fast maneuvers. Going quickly [to] east-northeast. / r246p165.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LDLN CONTACT LECTEURS: by Series and #. May'68 -JAN'72 (Entire set of 18 issues) LDLN local chapters & individual members' UFO reports. (Index 38)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9408
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "60", **HatchDesc:** "La SOUTERRAINE,FR:SVRL OBS:3 SCRS HVR:3 FOTOS CATCH FAST MNVRS:>>ENE:/r246p165", **LatLong:** "46.244447 1.500000", **LatLongDMS:** "46:14:40 N 01:30:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.244447,1.500000)", **State/Prov:** "Creuse", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31988 (341FC698)
**Date:** 9/3/1969
**Time:** 04:30
**Description:** 3 observer(s). Silver green object with 1M antenna flashes. Small object exits and lands.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 839)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9409
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "125", **HatchDesc:** "ALLUMETTE Isl,QBC:3 OBS:SLVR GRN OBJ W/1M ANTENNA FLASHES:SML OBJ EXITS+LANDS", **LatLong:** "45.883336 -77.000004", **LatLongDMS:** "45:53:00 N 77:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.883336,-77.000004)", **State/Prov:** "Quebec", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31989 (C2098E0E)
**Date:** 9/4/1969
**Location:** NEW ZEALAND, radar-optical
**Description:** (Translated from French) The observation began shortly before 7:30 PM. Moonless night, visibility 20 km. Capt. Cullum and First Officer Faircloth had just taken off for a routine flight on a Bristol-cargo of the Straits Air Freight Express, from Wellington to Blenheim. Suddenly the control tower calls: the airport radar has an unknown object located 6.4 km in front of the Bristol, which is flying at the time towards the north, then turns towards the west facing the coast, then towards the southwest towards Blenheim. It is at this moment that Faircloth locates a fluorescent, blue, bright, pulsating light, on the right rear of the Bristol at about 3.2 km. The radar is informed. The UFO flies very slowly, from 92 to 111 km/h. Its light pulses every two or three seconds and is as bright as a first magnitude star. It is heading south. During the return flight, 90 minutes later, Faircloth spots the same object resembling a group of lights, about 24 km off the coast of South Island, near the Cape Campbell lighthouse. The Wellington radar confirms the observation.
**Reference:** Henry DURRANT: "The UFO File" - Laffont 1973 - p. 182
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2571
### Event 31990 (5257881C)
**Date:** 9/4/1969
**Time:** 19:00?
**Location:** NGATEA, NZ
**Description:** Night light going quickly south. 17M circle / burnt brush found. Deep tripod indents / center. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v16#2.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 837)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9410
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **RDA:** Radiation/high energy fields detected, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "New Zealand", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "NGATEA,NZ:NLT>>S:17M CCl/BURNT BRUSH FOUND:DEEP TRIPOD INDENTS/Ctr:/FSR v16#2", **LatLong:** "-37.277780 175.483342", **LatLongDMS:** "37:16:40 S 175:29:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-37.277780,175.483342)", **State/Prov:** "NI", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31991 (A3D323BE)
**Date:** 9/4/1969
**Location:** Ngatea, New Zealand
**Description:** A farmer, [Bert O’Neil](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/187660764/bertram-george-o%5Fneil), discovers a circular patch of dead and silvery-white manuka plants \(Leptospermum scoparium, tea tree\) in the midst of otherwise green and lush growth on a remote section of his farm near Ngatea, New Zealand. Near the center of the circle, he finds three ground indentations, positioned so as to form the inside points of a triangle. Off to one side is the taller stand of tea tree, also bleached and dead. He remembers seeing this from afar three weeks earlier, arousing his curiosity. The dead scrubweed within the circle is still standing and undisturbed. It looks as if some large object has come down from the sky and landed on three long stilts. At first, O’Neil only discusses his find within the family, but the news quickly leaks to the local radio and press.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Harold H. Fulton, “[The Ngatea Mystery Circle, 1,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201970%20V%2016%20N%202.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 16, no. 2 \(Mar./Apr. 1970\): 27–28; Harold H. Fulton, “[The Ngatea Mystery Circle, 2,](http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201970%20V%2016%20N%203.pdf)” Flying Saucer Review 16, no. 3 \(May/June 1970\): 32– 33; Harold H. Fulton, “The Ngatea Mystery Circle: Terrestrial or Extraterrestrial?” UFOcus NZ, 2010
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4722
### Event 31992 (83A09E8C)
**Date:** 9/4/1969
**Description:** In Ngatea, New Zealand a UFO took off and flew away to the south at 7:00 p.m. A 17 meter circle of burnt brush was found at the landing site, with deep tripod indentations at the center.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** APRO Bulletin, September-October 1969
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5631
### Event 31993 (B48162FE)
**Date:** 9/5/1969
**Time:** 19:30
**Description:** 2 / (seen thru) binoculars. Domed crescent hovers / end / high altitude. Green fireball shoots going quickly west.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LDLN CONTACT LECTEURS: by Series and #. May'68 -JAN'72 (Entire set of 18 issues) LDLN local chapters & individual members' UFO reports. (Index 39)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9411
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "15", **HatchDesc:** "NE/BONNEVILLE,FR:2/BINOCS:DOMED CRESCENT HVRS/END/HI ALT:GRN FBL SHOOTS >>W", **LatLong:** "46.100002 6.450000", **LatLongDMS:** "46:06:00 N 06:27:00 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.100002,6.450000)", **State/Prov:** "HSV", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31994 (D2B0D4CA)
**Date:** 9/6/1969
**Description:** At 11:00 p.m. a strange man stared into the bedroom window of Mrs. Barbara Robinson in Springdale, Arkansas. She called the police and Officer Ken Speedlin “discovered that anyone who looked through the bedroom window would have to have been at least seven feet tall…there was nothing in the area of the window on which a prowler could have stood.”
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** John Keel, Operation Trojan Horse, p. 184; Northwest Arkansas Times, July 8, 1969
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5685
### Event 31995 (AB98B3F2)
**Date:** 9/8/1969
**Time:** 04:59:58.7
**Location:** 57.2200 55.4170
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Grifon-2” Yield: 7.6KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1336
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "57.2200 55.4170", **LatLongDMS:** "57:13:12 N 55:25:01 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/57.2200,55.4170)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "1.21", **NukeMb:** "4.80", **NukeName:** "PNE:Grifon-2", **NukeSource:** "SULTANOV", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** "7.6"
### Event 31996 (33AC665F)
**Date:** 9/9/1969
**Time:** 18:20
**Location:** TIMISOARA, ROM
**Description:** Motionless triangle object / sky. 3 observer(s). No star-Sat-plane etc. P258.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HOBANA Ion & WEVERBERGH,Julien: UFO'S from BEHIND the IRON CURTAIN; Bantam Books,1975. 308pp. (Index 257)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9412
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Romania", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "38", **HatchDesc:** "TIMISOARA,ROM:MOTIONLESS TRIANGLE OBJ/SKY:3 OBS:NO STAR-SAT-PLANE ETC.:p258", **LatLong:** "45.766669 21.250001", **LatLongDMS:** "45:46:00 N 21:15:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.766669,21.250001)", **State/Prov:** "TMS", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 31997 (5D8C3D6F)
**Date:** 9/10/1969
**Location:** ROMANIA, Bucharest
**Description:** (Translated from French) In Bucharest a triangular UFO was photographed from the roof of the Scintea newspaper building: in fact, the editorial staff had received hundreds of calls about the UFO. It was bright white, the apparent size of a dessert plate. It stayed over the capital all day, with a period of complete immobility. It seemed to change shape but not volume: triangular, square, oval, elongated, bean-shaped. It was rotating very slowly. (September 10, 1969)
**Reference:** Ion HOBANA/Julien WEVERBERGH: "Les OVNI en URSS et dans les Pays de l'Est" - translation Laffont 1976, pp. 333-339
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2572
### Event 31998 (280F9344)
**Date:** 9/10/1969
**Time:** 06:50
**Description:** Thousands / observer(s). Delta-diamond-lightbulb seen all over.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HOBANA Ion & WEVERBERGH,Julien: UFO'S from BEHIND the IRON CURTAIN; Bantam Books,1975. 308pp. (Index 257)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9413
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Romania", **Credibility:** "13", **Duration:** "244", **HatchDesc:** "BUCHAREST,ROM+MANY LOCs:1000s/OBS:DELTA-DIAMOND-LIGHTBULB SEEN ALL OVER.", **LatLong:** "44.400002 26.083335", **LatLongDMS:** "44:24:00 N 26:05:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/44.400002,26.083335)", **State/Prov:** "Bucharest", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 31999 (68394F21)
**Date:** 9/10/1969
**Time:** 22:00?
**Location:** NEAR NYKOPING, SWD
**Description:** Man / car. Luminous/glowing object shoots orange beams. Leaves (something behind) smoke rings. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** AFU NEWSLETTER (English). Anders Liljegren (ed). Archives for UFO Research; PO Box 11027; S-600 11 Norrkoping, SWEDEN (Index 25)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9414
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Scandanavian and Finland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "nr NYKOPING,SWD:MAN/CAR:LUMn OBJ SHOOTS ORG.BEAMS:LVS SMOKE RINGS:NFD", **LatLong:** "58.800003 17.083334", **LatLongDMS:** "58:48:00 N 17:05:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/58.800003,17.083334)", **State/Prov:** "Sweden", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 32000 (7D4E5A51)
**Date:** 9/10/1969
**Time:** 21:00:00.0
**Location:** 39.4058 -107.9481
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Rulison” Yield: 40KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_604
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "39.4058 -107.9481", **LatLongDMS:** "39:24:21 N 107:56:53 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.4058,-107.9481)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "2.57", **NukeMb:** "5.30", **NukeName:** "Rulison", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "40"
### Event 32001 (4F4C31B2)
**Date:** 9/11/1969
**Time:** 18:00
**Description:** Saucer glows on ground in grove. Observer(s) can't breathe. Pain. A smell.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BALLESTER OLMOS, Vicente-Juan: CATALOG of 200 TYPE-1 EVENTS in SPAIN & PORTUGAL; CUFOS 1976. (Index 26)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9415
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "MORON de la FRONTERA,SP:SCR GLOWS ON GND IN GROVE:OBS CANT BREATHE:PAIN:A SMEL", **LatLong:** "37.133335 -5.333334", **LatLongDMS:** "37:08:00 N 05:20:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.133335,-5.333334)", **State/Prov:** "SVL", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 32002 (97F29BCA)
**Date:** 9/11/1969
**Time:** 23:20
**Location:** DAX, FR
**Description:** Saucer with square portholes going quickly northeast. Identical object crosses going quickly southwest / double speed.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 104)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9416
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "DAX,FR:SCR W/SQR PORTHOLES >>NE:IDENTICAL OBJ CROSSES >>SW/DOUBLE SPEED:", **LatLong:** "43.700002 -1.050000", **LatLongDMS:** "43:42:00 N 01:03:00 W", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.700002,-1.050000)", **State/Prov:** "Landes", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 32003 (5DE1F7A7)
**Date:** 9/11/1969
**Time:** 04:02:00.0
**Location:** 49.7763 77.9967
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed, salvo. Country: USSR Yield: .002KT YieldMax: 40KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1337
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.7763 77.9967", **LatLongDMS:** "49:46:35 N 77:59:48 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.7763,77.9967)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.00", **NukeSource:** "BOCHAROV", **NukeType:** "NUCS_SALVO", **NukeY:** ".002", **NukeYMax:** "40"
### Event 32004 (79155119)
**Date:** 9/11/1969
**Description:** Shortly after midnight a man named Rodilana saw a ten meter in diameter landed noisy disc in a field in Viana de Cega, Valladolid province, Spain, which took off when he got to within 400 meters distance.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos, Catalogue of 200 Type-I UFO Events in Spain and Portugal, p. 26, case 117
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5858
### Event 32005 (05C9EB69)
**Date:** 9/11/1969
**Description:** Flying from Chicago, Illinois to Cleveland, Ohio a passenger on a plane sighted a silver disc-shaped object accompanied by 12 smaller spheres. The disc was large, while the spheres were 12" in diameter. The UFO got close to the plane, within 300 yards, for several minutes, and according to the witness the airplance experienced radio interference, he felt a sensation of heat from the object, and the UFO actually pulled the airplane towards it.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Joseph Erhardt, UFO Chronolog, case # 7006-451
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5859
### Event 32006 (ACBA7AED)
**Date:** 9/12/1969
**Time:** 00:00
**Location:** VIANA DE CEGA, SP
**Description:** 10M luminous noisy saucer takes off when observer(s) gets within 400M distance.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BALLESTER OLMOS, Vicente-Juan: CATALOG of 200 TYPE-1 EVENTS in SPAIN & PORTUGAL; CUFOS 1976. (Index 26)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9417
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TCH:** New technical details/clues, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "VIANA de CEGA,SP:10M LUM NOISY SCR TAKES OFF WHEN OBS GETS WITHIN 400M DISTANC", **LatLong:** "41.533335 -4.750000", **LatLongDMS:** "41:32:00 N 04:45:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.533335,-4.750000)", **State/Prov:** "Valencian", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 32007 (290811F7)
**Date:** 9/12/1969
**Time:** 18:02:20.4
**Location:** 36.8772 -115.9285
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Minute Steak” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_605
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "36.8772 -115.9285", **LatLongDMS:** "36:52:38 N 115:55:43 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/36.8772,-115.9285)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.26", **NukeMb:** "4.50", **NukeName:** "Minute Steak", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 32008 (011ECAC4)
**Date:** 9/13/1969
**Location:** EAST / NORTALJE, SWD
**Description:** Unidentified submarine / restricted zone. Several observer(s). Huge search finds zero.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 194)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9418
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SUB:** Submersible: Rises from or submerges into water, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **MIL:** Military investigation
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Scandanavian and Finland", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "120", **HatchDesc:** "E/NORTALJE,SWD:UID SUBMARINE/RESTRICTED ZONE:SVRL OBS:HUGE SEARCH FINDS ZERO", **LatLong:** "59.700003 19.250001", **LatLongDMS:** "59:42:00 N 19:15:00 E", **Locale:** "Offshore", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/59.700003,19.250001)", **State/Prov:** "Sweden", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 32009 (AA4BE2BB)
**Date:** 9/14/1969
**Time:** 17:00
**Location:** BEAUHARNOIS, QB
**Description:** Boy. Saucer lands. Small green robotic figure(s) gather rocks and plants.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUSGRAVE, John Brent: UFO OCCUPANTS & CRITTERS; Global Communications, NY 1979. 8x11 66pp. (Index 49)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9419
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **RBT:** Possible robot or "Grey", mechanical motions, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **SMP:** Sampling of plant/animal/soil/tissue/specimens, **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "5", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "37", **HatchDesc:** "BEAUHARNOIS,QB:BOY:SCR LANDS:SMALL GRN ROBOTIC FIGS GATHER ROCKS+PLANTS:", **LatLong:** "45.316669 -73.866670", **LatLongDMS:** "45:19:00 N 73:52:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.316669,-73.866670)", **State/Prov:** "Quebec", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 32010 (0C644C76)
**Date:** 9/14/1969
**Description:** At 5:00 p.m. a young boy saw a small silver object land close to him outside the town of Beauharnois, Quebec. Through a small hatch two small, green colored humanoids emerged, these moved like robots and appeared to gather rocks and plants before returning to the object. The object then took off.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1969, case # 19, citing John Brent Musgrave, UFO Occupants and Critters, p. 49; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case # A2097, citing Wido Hoville
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_5955
### Event 32011 (C573B102)
**Date:** 9/15/1969?
**Time:** 08:00
**Location:** EAST / VERDUN, FR
**Description:** 12M saucer / ground / 3 stout legs. Observer(s) climbs fence / better look. Saucer gone!
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 261)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9420
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "E/VERDUN,FR:12M SCR/GND/3 STOUT LEGS:OBS CLIMBS FENCE/BETTER LOOK:SCR GONE!", **LatLong:** "49.150002 5.383334", **LatLongDMS:** "49:09:00 N 05:23:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.150002,5.383334)", **State/Prov:** "Meuse", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 32012 (0B2379BC)
**Date:** 9/16/1969
**Time:** 14:30:00.0
**Location:** 37.3141 -116.4607
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Jorum” YieldMax: 1000KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_606
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.3141 -116.4607", **LatLongDMS:** "37:18:51 N 116:27:39 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.3141,-116.4607)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "1.16", **NukeMb:** "6.20", **NukeName:** "Jorum", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "1000"
### Event 32013 (B0BEF683)
**Date:** 9/18/1969
**Time:** 00:00
**Location:** SIBIU, ROMANIA
**Description:** Sphere/orb/globe hangs / 40 minute(s). Changing colors. Spews sparks. Maneuvers. Hobana p264.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** HOBANA Ion & WEVERBERGH,Julien: UFO'S from BEHIND the IRON CURTAIN; Bantam Books,1975. 308pp. (Index 264)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9421
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Romania", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "40", **HatchDesc:** "SIBIU,ROMANIA:ORB HANGS/40min:CHANGING COLORS:SPEWS SPARKS:MNVRS:HOBANA p264", **LatLong:** "45.783336 24.133334", **LatLongDMS:** "45:47:00 N 24:08:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.783336,24.133334)", **State/Prov:** "SBU", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 32014 (1A0C9CD6)
**Date:** 9/20/1969
**Location:** 37.0000 -116.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed, salvo. Country: USA Name: “Kyack-A” YieldMax: 40KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_607
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0000 -116.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:00 N 116:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0000,-116.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Kyack-A", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NUCU_SALVO", **NukeYMax:** "40"
### Event 32015 (FEF53901)
**Date:** 9/22/1969
**Location:** CANADA, Montreal region
**Description:** (Translated from French) Mrs. L. and her son were walking on a small road near a wood, and were worried because their dog had disappeared during the walk. Suddenly, near the wood, about 150 m away, they saw an object on the ground, with three men outside, who were bent over, and two inside the craft, with their backs to them. The men were tall, about 2.30 m, and thin, wearing suits. The craft was oval and about 5 m high. The witnesses remained motionless observing for 10 minutes, then turned around to go and get the husband. When they returned to the spot with him, everything had disappeared. (September 22, 1969)
**Reference:** J.C. BOURRET: "The new wave of UFOs" - France Empire 1975, pp. 137-140
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2573
### Event 32016 (8768FCFB)
**Date:** 9/22/1969
**Time:** 16:14:59.2
**Location:** 41.3760 88.3180
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, presumed. Country: China Yield: 19.2KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1800
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "41.3760 88.3180", **LatLongDMS:** "41:22:34 N 88:19:05 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.3760,88.3180)", **NukeCountry:** "China", **NukeMb:** "5.20", **NukeSource:** "GUPTA-JED", **NukeType:** "NUPC", **NukeY:** "19.2"
### Event 32017 (24198812)
**Date:** 9/22/1969
**Description:** On this evening a woman was walking with her son along a footpath in a wooded area in Montreal, Quebec when they noticed a bright circular object on the ground at the edge of the woods. There were three men standing outside of the object and two men inside. The men were described as very tall, over seven-foot tall, thin, and wearing tight-fitting one-piece garments. The witness left to get other witnesses but upon returning the object and the humanoids were already gone. A circular flattened area of grass was found at the site. That same evening in Saratoga, New York at 7 p.m. a large circle of white light was seen by three witnesses. It was flashing red, green and orange lights. It made no sound as it moved very slowly off at a low altitude.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** (1) Jean Claude Bourret, The Crack of The Universe, p. 111, citing field investigator Cazeau; (2) Richard Bonenfant, Proceedings of the CUFOS Conference: 1976 , p. 49, citing The Albany Knickerbocker, September 23, 1969
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6224
### Event 32018 (DAE548EE)
**Date:** 9/24/1969
**Location:** BELGIUM, Zellik (Brabant)
**Description:** (Translated from French) The witness was walking his dog around 8 pm. Suddenly a craft appeared in the sky: it came from the north and moved in a sparkle without emitting any sound. It stopped, its shape was triangular. "This extraordinary delta wing had a murky luminosity, a mix of white and blue around the tail, a bit like the glows of neon lights in the city at night. The hull was a mix of dark red and dark yellow. Suddenly a second craft appeared and placed itself to the left of the first one, still motionless. It had an identical structure, but the fuselage was illuminated. This second object stayed motionless for a few minutes before disappearing all at once. An astonishing disappearance. The object was no longer detectable. The craft that had appeared first was still there, motionless, with its emissions of light and sparks. It was facing me slightly inclined. How long did I stay there? I don't know, five minutes? It was my dog pulling on the leash that made me realize I had my feet on the ground." (September 24, 1969)
**Reference:** Jean-Marie DOUCHET - Nostra - 19.11.1980
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2574
### Event 32019 (82EDAEC9)
**Date:** 9/24/1969
**Time:** 19:20
**Location:** NOISY-LE-GRANDE, FR
**Description:** Crescent going south slow and high. Stops. Lost / vertical ascent! No noise.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LDLN CONTACT LECTEURS: by Series and #. May'68 -JAN'72 (Entire set of 18 issues) LDLN local chapters & individual members' UFO reports. (Index 39)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9422
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "NOISY-le-GRANDE,FR:CRESCENT >S SLOW+HIGH:STOPS:LOST/VERTICAL ASCENT!:no noise", **LatLong:** "48.850002 2.566667", **LatLongDMS:** "48:51:00 N 02:34:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.850002,2.566667)", **State/Prov:** "SSD", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 32020 (3C42AD95)
**Date:** 9/24/1969
**Time:** 20:10
**Location:** ZELLIK, BELGIUM
**Description:** Architect. 2 silent glowing-delta/triangle/box-like crafts. Stop / mid-flight. Flash. Dog barks. / FSRv18#1.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 152)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9423
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Belgium, Netherlandsand Luxembourg", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "6", **HatchDesc:** "ZELLIK,BELG:ARCHITECT:2 SLNT GLO-DLTS:STOP/MID-FLITE:FLASH:DOG BARKS:/FSRv18#1", **LatLong:** "50.866669 4.266667", **LatLongDMS:** "50:52:00 N 04:16:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.866669,4.266667)", **State/Prov:** "Belgium", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 32021 (C339B9AB)
**Date:** 9/24/1969
**Description:** An architect named Breeus in Zellik, Belgium watched two silent, glowing delta-shaped objects stop in mid-flight at 8:10 p.m. A dog barked furiously during the five minute encounter. The flourescent UFOs hadedges lit by bluish-white light, red underparts, and created fiery exhaust trails.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** FSR, January-February 1972, p. 27; Jacques Bonabot, Catalog of Belgian Cases, case 271
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6287
### Event 32022 (F8E57FC4)
**Date:** 9/26/1969
**Time:** 18:00
**Description:** Bright metallic ovoid to and more/others fro over mountain. Gone / flash. Also photograph / saucer JLY'70.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 117)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9424
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "60", **HatchDesc:** "PIANELLO,CORSICA:BRITE MTLC OVOID TO++FRO OVR Mtn:GONE/FLASH:+foto/scr JLY'70", **LatLong:** "42.233335 9.450000", **LatLongDMS:** "42:14:00 N 09:27:00 E", **Locale:** "Islands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.233335,9.450000)", **State/Prov:** "Haute Corse", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 32023 (68AE3A78)
**Date:** 9/26/1969
**Time:** ~19:00
**Location:** CALLELA, SPAIN
**Description:** Thousands / observer(s). 1 report. Saucer hovers / 90 minute(s). Glows at dusk. Then streaks off.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 194)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9425
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "13", **Duration:** "91", **HatchDesc:** "CALLELA,SPAIN:1000s/OBS:1 REPORT:SCR HVRS/90min:GLOWS AT DUSK:THEN STREAKS OFF", **LatLong:** "41.633335 2.633333", **LatLongDMS:** "41:38:00 N 02:38:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.633335,2.633333)", **State/Prov:** "Barcelone", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 32024 (4F21BE65)
**Date:** 9/26/1969
**Time:** 06:59:58.1
**Location:** 45.8480 42.6000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Stavropol” Yield: 10KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1338
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "45.8480 42.6000", **LatLongDMS:** "45:50:53 N 42:36:00 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.8480,42.6000)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.71", **NukeMb:** "5.60", **NukeName:** "PNE:Stavropol", **NukeSource:** "SULTANOV", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** "10"
### Event 32025 (08858D9B)
**Date:** 9/27/1969
**Time:** 04:20
**Location:** CHENE-BOURG, SWZ
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Orange lampshade saucer flashes beams. Going down. Absolute(ly) silent. Electro-magnetic effect (EME). Going east.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Database/website: Chez HEIDI site: Alain Stauffer. GREPI / Switzerland http://home.worldcom.ch/~dbenaroy/heidi.html
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9426
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **SIG:** Signals/responses to/from/between UFO's/occupants/observers
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Switzerland", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "CHENE-BOURG,SWZ:2 OBS:ORG.LAMPSHADE SCR FLASHES BEAMS:↓:ABS.SLNT:EME:>E", **LatLong:** "46.200002 6.200000", **LatLongDMS:** "46:12:00 N 06:12:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.200002,6.200000)", **State/Prov:** "GNV", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 32026 (7A7F5C89)
**Date:** 9/28/1969 (approximate)
**Time:** ~20:00
**Location:** IZMIR, TURKEY
**Description:** Numerous observer(s). Silent black segmented rectangular-box shaped object going northeast over bay. Curving upward.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LDLN CONTACT LECTEURS: by Series and #. May'68 -JAN'72 (Entire set of 18 issues) LDLN local chapters & individual members' UFO reports. (Index 38)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9427
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Turkey", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "IZMIR,TURKEY:NMRS OBS:SLNT BLK SEGMENTED RECT OBJ >NE OVR BAY:CURVING UPWARD", **LatLong:** "38.400002 27.066668", **LatLongDMS:** "38:24:00 N 27:04:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.400002,27.066668)", **State/Prov:** "SMR", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 32027 (9CABFC60)
**Date:** 9/28/1969
**Description:** On this night in Izmir, Turkey eleven people watched a black, segmented rectangular object fly toward the northeast over the bay. The flight path of the UFO curved upwards, and it made no sound as it flew.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Claude Poher, Etudes Statistiques Portant sur 1000 Temoignag, case 2784, citing LDLN Lecteurs
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6393
### Event 32028 (E4A24047)
**Date:** 9/29/1969
**Time:** 08:40:12.4
**Location:** 40.7220 89.5150
**Description:** Nuclear test: Air, presumed. Country: China Yield: 3000KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1801
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "40.7220 89.5150", **LatLongDMS:** "40:43:19 N 89:30:54 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.7220,89.5150)", **NukeCountry:** "China", **NukeMb:** "4.37", **NukeSource:** "GUPTA-JED", **NukeType:** "NAPC", **NukeY:** "3000"
### Event 32029 (490E2EF4)
**Date:** 10/1969
**Location:** Leary, Georgia
**Description:** Jimmy Carter sees and reports a UFO.
**Type:** ufo sighting
**Reference:** [Pea Research](https://www.academia.edu/9813787/GOVERNMENT_INVOLVEMENT_IN_THE_UFO_COVER_UP_CHRONOLOGY_based) (["Above Top Secret" by Timothy Good](https://archive.org/details/abovetopsecretwo00good/page/n7/mode/2up) p516)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_662
### Event 32030 (22B930CC)
**Date:** 10/1969
**Time:** 14:00
**Location:** TURDA, ROMANIA
**Description:** Many observer(s). Moon-size blue flashing disk / high altitude / one hour. Lost clouds.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 126)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9428
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Romania", **Credibility:** "10", **Duration:** "60", **HatchDesc:** "TURDA,ROMANIA:MANY OBS:MOONSIZE BLUE FLASHING DISK/HI ALT/1hr:LOST CLOUDS", **LatLong:** "46.550002 23.783334", **LatLongDMS:** "46:33:00 N 23:47:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.550002,23.783334)", **State/Prov:** "CLJ", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 32031 (8BE4B9F5)
**Date:** 10/1969
**Location:** Leary, GA
**Description:** 7:15 p.m. Jimmie Carter sighting reported in 1973. Document is hard to read but the sighting was was investigated by the International UFO Bureau, Hayden Hewes. Exact date not known. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters)
**Reference:** NICAP: [691000](http://www.nicap.org/waves/CarterSightingRptOct1969.pdf)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_4020
### Event 32032 (DDE49BB9)
**Date:** 10/1969
**Location:** US Air Force Academy
**Description:** NICAP obtains a copy of a chapter of a textbook in use at the US Air Force Academy, Introductory Space Science, for the academy’s Physics 370 course. The last chapter is on “Unidentified Flying Objects” and concludes that the “UFO phenomenon appears to have been global in nature for almost 50,000 years” and considers the “unpleasant possibility of alien visitors to our planet, or at least of alien controlled UFO’s.” It recommends keeping an “open and skeptical mind.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[AF Academy Teaches Students UFOs Real,](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/UFO%20Research%20Newsletter%20%28Lore%29/UFO%20Research%20Newsletter%20-%201971%2004%20-%20Vol%2001%20No%2001.pdf)” UFO Research Newsletter 1, no. 1 \(April 1971\): 1; ClearIntent, [pp. 13–14](https://archive.org/details/clearintentgover00fawc/page/12/mode/2up); Good Need, [p. 230](https://archive.org/details/needtoknow00good/page/230/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4723
### Event 32033 (FF258BDC)
**Date:** 10/1/1969
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Creation of NASDA, the Japanese space agency. (October 1st)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1969.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2493
### Event 32034 (B875203F)
**Date:** 10/1/1969
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) [Jimmy Carter](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/dirigeants.html\#CarterJamesEarl), then Governor, observed for about 10 minutes along with dozens of other witnesses an UFO as he was about to hold a meeting in Leary \(Georgia\).
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1969.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2494
### Event 32035 (437E029A)
**Date:** 10/1/1969
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) A Cuban Mig 17 lands in Florida without being detected.
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1969.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2495
### Event 32036 (C576B6D3)
**Date:** 10/1/1969
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Foundation of [MUFON](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/MUFON.html).
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1969.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2496
### Event 32037 (DB2C61B5)
**Date:** 10/1/1969
**Time:** 16:00
**Description:** Longitude & latitude coords. = approximate. Silent shiny saucer drops behind mountains. Back 1100h next day.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Seguin, TX USA. Monthly. (Index 192)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9429
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **MIL:** Military investigation
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "China", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "76", **HatchDesc:** "YUNNAN PROV.,CHINA:LL=APRX:SLNT SHINY SCR DROPS BHND MTNS:BACK 1100h NEXT DAY", **LatLong:** "25.000001 102.000005", **LatLongDMS:** "25:00:00 N 102:00:00 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/25.000001,102.000005)", **State/Prov:** "YNN", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 32038 (BFB80EF5)
**Date:** 10/1/1969
**Time:** 16:00
**Description:** Silent silver UFO going down / mountains? No trace. Back 2 October / 1105h / 400 observer(s).
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** DONG, Paul: UFO's Over MODERN CHINA. 1983 UFO Photo Archives; P. O. Box 17206; Tucson, AZ 85710. (Index 54)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9430
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "China", **Credibility:** "12", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "CHUNG co,YUNNAN,CHINA:SLNT SLVR UFO ↓/Mtns?:NO TRACE:BACK 2OCT/1105h/400 OBS", **LatLong:** "27.750001 99.666671", **LatLongDMS:** "27:45:00 N 99:40:00 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/27.750001,99.666671)", **State/Prov:** "YNN", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 32039 (4BA5454E)
**Date:** 10/1/1969
**Location:** 37.0000 -116.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed, salvo. Country: USA Name: “Seaweed-C” YieldMax: 60KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_608
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0000 -116.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:00 N 116:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0000,-116.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Seaweed-C", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NUCU_SALVO", **NukeYMax:** "60"
### Event 32040 (BCD31020)
**Date:** 10/1/1969
**Time:** 04:02:59.9
**Location:** 49.7825 78.0983
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed, salvo. Country: USSR Yield: .002KT YieldMax: 40KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1339
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.7825 78.0983", **LatLongDMS:** "49:46:57 N 78:05:54 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.7825,78.0983)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.30", **NukeSource:** "BOCHAROV", **NukeType:** "NUCS_SALVO", **NukeY:** ".002", **NukeYMax:** "40"
### Event 32041 (19BA2AF6)
**Date:** 10/2/1969
**Time:** 22:06:00.0
**Location:** 51.4171 179.1823
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Milrow” Yield: 1000KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_609
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "51.4171 179.1823", **LatLongDMS:** "51:25:02 N 179:10:56 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.4171,179.1823)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "1.22", **NukeMb:** "6.40", **NukeName:** "Milrow", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "1000"
### Event 32042 (6AD727C5)
**Date:** 10/3/1969
**Locations:** Rennie, Manitoba; Highway 44
**Description:** After 8:00 p.m. RCMP Constable S. B. Barrie and his wife Vivian are driving 5 miles west of Rennie, Manitoba, on a poor highway in bad weather. He stops to clean mud off the headlights and noticees a light to the east hanging just off Highway 44 and over the trees. He continues driving and he sees the light as a light-pink inverted saucer moving with a jerky motion. Now only 500 feet away, it seems to be 20 feet in diameter with an odd white tail that snakes toward the ground. Suddenly the car’s windshield wipers stop working, the headlights go out, and the engine stalls. Barrie gets out of the car and the object zooms silently to the southwest and is lost to sight. He senses the air has a strange, heavy odor, but he is able to get the car started again.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Chris Rutkowski, Canada’s UFOs: Declassified, August Night, 2022, pp. 81–82
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4724
### Event 32043 (9D5E9BFA)
**Date:** 10/4/1969
**Time:** 02:50
**Location:** KAHAROA, NI, NZ
**Description:** Farmer. 2 night lights trail across sky / 10 minute(s). 53' and 30' crop circles. / LDLN#152.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 194)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9431
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **NWS:** News media report, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "New Zealand", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "KAHAROA,NI,NZ:FARMER:2 NLTS TRAIL ACRS SKY/10min:53'+30'CROP CIRCS:/LDLN#152", **LatLong:** "-37.994446 176.227786", **LatLongDMS:** "37:59:40 S 176:13:40 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-37.994446,176.227786)", **State/Prov:** "NI", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 32044 (0EF4BD59)
**Date:** 10/8/1969
**Time:** 04:10
**Location:** NANTES, FRANCE
**Description:** 2 / telescope. Large fake Saturn going quickly north and south. Small night lights orbit clockwise and reverse counterclockwise.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 104)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9432
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "20", **HatchDesc:** "NANTES,FRANCE:2/TELESCOPE:LRG FAKE SATURN >>N+S:SML NLTS ORBIT CW+REVERSE CCW", **LatLong:** "47.250002 -1.550000", **LatLongDMS:** "47:15:00 N 01:33:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/47.250002,-1.550000)", **State/Prov:** "Loire Atlantique", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 32045 (AC8E5810)
**Date:** 10/8/1969
**Time:** 19:30
**Location:** SOUTH / TE KOPURU, NI, NZ
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Flaming rocket-like torpedo fast and low / several minutes.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 194)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9433
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "New Zealand", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "S/TE KOPURU,NI,NZ:2 OBS:FLAMING ROCKET-LIKE TORPEDO FAST+LO/SVRL MINUTES.", **LatLong:** "-36.038891 173.911119", **LatLongDMS:** "36:02:20 S 173:54:40 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-36.038891,173.911119)", **State/Prov:** "NI", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 32046 (9C218FAF)
**Date:** 10/8/1969
**Time:** 14:30:00.1
**Location:** 37.2567 -116.4408
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Pipkin” Yield: 200KT YieldMax: 1000KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_610
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.2567 -116.4408", **LatLongDMS:** "37:15:24 N 116:26:27 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.2567,-116.4408)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.62", **NukeMb:** "5.60", **NukeName:** "Pipkin", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "200", **NukeYMax:** "1000"
### Event 32047 (C4FAB46C)
**Date:** 10/8/1969
**Location:** St. Louis, Missouri
**Description:** A large area of St. Louis, Missouri, is blanketed by a pure-white, sticky substance ranging from dime-size to 10-foot-long streamers. The majority of it sublimates on ground contact. The Smithsonian concludes it is caused by ballooning spiders, even though only one spider specimen is found. When a sample is tested by Wayne E. Black of the St. Louis County Health Department, he finds the samples test negative for protein, the basic composition of spider web.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Washington Post, March 28, 1970; “[A Classic Case of ‘Angel-Hair,’](https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/Pursuit%20-%20SITU%20%28Sanderson%29/Pursuit%20-%20No%2012%20-%20Vol%2003%20No%204%20-%201970.pdf)” Pursuit 3, no. 4 \(October 1970\): 72–73
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4725
### Event 32048 (AB05BD69)
**Date:** 10/8/1969
**Description:** A large Saturn-shaped object was viewed through a telescope in Nantes, Loire-Atlantique, France at 4:10 a.m. It had small satellite lights orbiting it in both clockwise and counter-clockwise directions. It shot to the north, then flew away to the south.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Lumieres dans la Nuit, issue 104
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6658
### Event 32049 (AAAAF62B)
**Date:** 10/9/1969
**Location:** BELGIUM, Grâce-Hollogne
**Description:** (Translated from French) Jacques Yerna, 16 years old, on horseback, saw at around 7:45 PM, 4 blinking lights arranged in a square, in a straight line, slowly, without any noise, hovering between 50 and 100 meters in altitude. White flashes of light at irregular intervals, suggesting a round shape. Arriving at a small grove of birches of 100 x 30 meters slightly elevated, the horse shivered and pricked up its ears. Suddenly, from the corner of the wood, from a field of beets, an electric flash of the same type as those emitted by the craft. He turned in that direction and saw, vertically above the trees, at an elevation of 10°, a black round shape with a small dome, motionless, with 4 red blinking lights arranged in a square. This second object seemed to be of smaller dimensions than the first and was about 6 to 7 meters long and 2 to 3 meters high. Suddenly, the second object moved very quickly and placed itself at 60 or 70 meters behind the first: the 8 red blinking lights then flew together in a straight trajectory. Total duration of the observation 15 minutes. At 100 meters beyond the witness encountered a car stopped with all lights off and a man standing about thirty meters away in a field looking south. At this moment the horse suddenly became very afraid, as did the witness, and so he returned directly to the stable.
**Reference:** Inforespace n° 8, pp. 14-16 - 1973 - SOBEPS
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2576
### Event 32050 (56387DAE)
**Date:** 10/9/1969
**Time:** 19:50
**Description:** Silent flashes / 2hz. 2 big saucers. 1 over woods. Both going quickly southeast. / r230v3#3.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 152)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9434
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Belgium, Netherlandsand Luxembourg", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "GRACE-HOLLOGNE,BELG:SLNT FLASHES/2hz:2 BIG SCRS:1 OVR WOODS:BOTH>>SE:/r230v3#3", **LatLong:** "50.633336 5.483334", **LatLongDMS:** "50:38:00 N 05:29:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.633336,5.483334)", **State/Prov:** "Belgium", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 32051 (7E34625A)
**Date:** 10/10/1969
**Location:** Glenwood, MO
**Description:** Dog in car agitated by domed disc (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_4021
### Event 32052 (F717EA3F)
**Date:** 10/11/1969
**Location:** FRANCE, Wambez (Oise)
**Description:** (Translated from French) At 6:15, in the place called "Les Longues Raies", the road worker Amédée Luquet saw, in the morning fog, 150 m away in a meadow a bright white light partially hidden by a hedge. A lighthouse rises and finally a dark mass (black ovoid block 12 m long or the size of a 4CV according to one or the other of the two investigators) dotted with red lights (6 to 10 for the investigator M. Lesbros) (5 to 6 for MM. Barthel and Brucker) Everything is strongly lit. The craft made a loop that brought it almost above Mr. Luquet at an estimated height of 50 meters. It made a complete loop and disappeared in the direction of Buicourt. At the closest, the witness heard a noise similar to that made by the wind in the foliage and a slight whistle. The cows in the meadow had no reaction.
**Reference:** M. FIGUET/ J.L. RUCHON: "Ovni, Premier dossier complet..." ed. Alain Lefeuvre 1979, p. 331, 332
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2577
### Event 32053 (41CAF05A)
**Date:** 10/11/1969
**Time:** 04:30
**Description:** Luminous ball paces car in front. Sways Left and Rt.4X. Going quickly northwest. / r30p332.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 106)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9435
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "SAINTES>>NW:/r30p332", **LatLong:** "45.683336 -1.033333", **LatLongDMS:** "45:41:00 N 01:02:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.683336,-1.033333)", **State/Prov:** "Charente-Maritime", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 32054 (13391386)
**Date:** 10/11/1969
**Time:** ~05:00
**Location:** BARALBA, AUSTR
**Description:** 3 observer(s). 2 objects / 4M altitude. Going up [to] and join cratered turtle-shape / 6km altitude. / r114.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 837)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9436
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "BARALBA,AUSTR:3 OBS:2 OBJs/4M alt:↑ + JOIN CRATERED TURTLE-SHAPE/6km alt:/r114", **LatLong:** "-24.166668 149.850007", **LatLongDMS:** "24:10:00 S 149:51:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-24.166668,149.850007)", **State/Prov:** "Queensland", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 32055 (929987EB)
**Date:** 10/11/1969
**Time:** 06:20
**Location:** WAMBEZ, FR
**Description:** Dark 12M ovoid with lit edge loops. Lands. Cows ignore! Going quickly northwest. / LDLN#103+117.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PHENOMENES SPATIAUX: Group GEPA, Gen. M. Lionel Chassin Paris. Quarterly 1964?-1977. Merged into Grp. GEPAN (Index 23)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9437
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "WAMBEZ,FR:DRK 12M OVOID W/LIT EDGE LOOPS:LANDS:COWS IGNORE!:>>NW:/LDLN#103+117", **LatLong:** "49.527780 1.850000", **LatLongDMS:** "49:31:40 N 01:51:00 E", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.527780,1.850000)", **State/Prov:** "Oise", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 32056 (74AD0540)
**Date:** 10/11/1969
**Description:** At 4:30 a.m. a luminous ball of light paced a car driving between Saintes and Royan, Charente-Maritime, France by flying in front of the vehicle and swaying to the left and right four times.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Lumieres dans la Nuit, issue 106
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6767
### Event 32057 (3A3A3CE3)
**Date:** 10/11/1969
**Description:** At 6:15 a.m. a dark 12 meter long ovoid object with a lit edge did a loop in the sky and then landed in a pasture in Beauvais, Oise, France, but the cows did not seem to react to its presence.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Jean-Louis Becquereau, Phenomenes Spatiaux, March 1970, p. 27
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6768
### Event 32058 (3FC055E9)
**Date:** 10/11/1969
**Description:** Two objects hovered just twelve feet above the ground in the pre-dawn sky in Baralaba, Queensland, Australia, each flashing red and yellow lights. Both objects then rose and were joined by a third larger UFO. This new object was turtle shaped, and had "surface craters" on it, and reflected light. It made a high frequency buzzing sound like mosquitos.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** APRO Bulletin, September-October 1969, p. 6
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6769
### Event 32059 (F7495071)
**Date:** 10/13/1969
**Time:** 22:00
**Location:** VANCOUVER, BC
**Description:** Round object flies over town. 1 observer sees several men inside. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MUSGRAVE, John Brent: UFO OCCUPANTS & CRITTERS; Global Communications, NY 1979. 8x11 66pp. (Index 49)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9438
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **PSH:** Pseudo-human: Clone/organic robot/human-like, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "72", **HatchDesc:** "VANCOUVER,BC:ROUND OBJ FLIES OVR TOWN:1 OBS SEES SVRL MEN INSIDE:NFD", **LatLong:** "49.266669 -123.083339", **LatLongDMS:** "49:16:00 N 123:05:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.266669,-123.083339)", **State/Prov:** "British Columbia", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 32060 (A3365B01)
**Date:** 10/13/1969
**Description:** At 10:00 p.m. a round object flew over Vancouver, British Columbia. The witness reported seeing several men inside.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** John Brent Musgrave, UFO Occupants and Critters, p. 49
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6811
### Event 32061 (47E08C19)
**Date:** 10/14/1969
**Time:** 20:40
**Location:** SHIRLEY, MASS
**Description:** 1 observer. Apparent disk passes overhead. Static sparks appear / leading edge.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FOWLER, Raymond E.: UFO'S, INTERPLANETARY VISITORS; Prentice Hall & Bantam Books, NY 1979. 346pp. (Index 339)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9439
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "85", **HatchDesc:** "SHIRLEY,MASS:1 OBS:APPARENT DISK PASSES OVHD:STATIC SPARKS APPEAR/LEADING EDGE", **LatLong:** "42.566669 -71.650003", **LatLongDMS:** "42:34:00 N 71:39:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.566669,-71.650003)", **State/Prov:** "Massachusetts", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 32062 (9F9263A0)
**Date:** 10/14/1969
**Time:** 07:00:06.6
**Location:** 73.3900 54.7870
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed, salvo. Country: USSR Yield: 320KT YieldMax: 3150KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1340
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "73.3900 54.7870", **LatLongDMS:** "73:23:24 N 54:47:13 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/73.3900,54.7870)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "6.30", **NukeSource:** "RICHARDS", **NukeType:** "NUCS_SALVO", **NukeY:** "320", **NukeYMax:** "3150"
### Event 32063 (241DBC56)
**Date:** 10/14/1969
**Description:** A half circle of bright "sparks" flashed at random on the leading edge of a dark object, that passed overhead at 3,000 feet altitude in Shirley, Massachusetts at 8:50 p.m. It left behind a vapor trail.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Raymond E. Fowler case files, report dated October 20, 1969; Ray Fowler, UFOs: Interplanetary Visitors, p. 356
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6836
### Event 32064 (392E9C6F)
**Date:** 10/15/1969?
**Time:** ~16:00
**Location:** NORTH / CRANBROOK, BC
**Description:** 7 observer(s). Night light paces and buzzes car northbound / PR95 repeatedly / 15 miles.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MAGOR, John: OUR UFO VISITORS. Hancock House, Canada & Seattle, WA. 1977. (Index 101)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9440
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "25", **Elev:** "950", **HatchDesc:** "N/CRANBROOK,BC:7 OBS:NLT PACES+BUZZES CAR NORTHBOUND/PR95 REPEATEDLY/15 MILES", **LatLong:** "49.666669 -115.750006", **LatLongDMS:** "49:40:00 N 115:45:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.666669,-115.750006)", **State/Prov:** "British Columbia", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 32065 (06362595)
**Date:** 10/16/1969
**Location:** 37.0000 -116.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Seaweed B” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_611
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0000 -116.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:00 N 116:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0000,-116.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Seaweed B", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 32066 (8C10F872)
**Date:** 10/16/1969
**Description:** On October 8, 1969, or eight days earlier, ten-year-old Steven with another youngster had sighted a UFO at the base of a cloud in Waterville, Iowa and took a snap shot. The UFO apparently landed at the time, leaving traces. On the 16th at around 5 p.m., Steve watched a spherical UFO, ten feet wide and 6-7 feet high, land not 60 feet away from him. His attention was caught by the humming sound it emitted as a ramp came smoothly out of the craft. A little man, 3 to 4 feet tall, with long arms and hands with only two digits, emerged with a bow-legged gait. He wore a disproportionately large yellow-brown helmet, which he took off to wipe his brow. The boy could see that he was bald and had a pale green complexion. He had large eyes set close together, a slit like mouth and a double slit where the nose would be. He was dressed in a white spacesuit. The being looked directly at Steven, then put his helmet back on and re-entered the UFO.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1969-53, citing Brad Steiger, Kevin Randle, Ralph DeGraw, Ed Olsen and Bob Griffadel
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_6895
### Event 32067 (D7AF08C7)
**Date:** 10/20/1969
**Description:** Brig. Gen. [Carroll H. Bolender](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/49125065/carroll-h-bolender)[,](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/49125065/carroll-h-bolender) USAF Deputy Director of Development, writes a draft document saying that the “continuation of Project Blue Book cannot be justified either on the ground of national security or in the interest of science.” Bolender adds that “reports of unidentified flying objects which could affect national security are made in accordance with JANAP 146 or Air Force Manual 55-1 and are not part of the Blue Book system.” This is a clear indication that Blue Book is only a front for a classified UFO project.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Brig. Gen. C. H. Bolender, “[Unidentified Flying Objects \(UFO\),](http://www.nicap.org/docs/Bolender%5Fdraft.pdf)” October 20, 1969; Swords 336
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4726
### Event 32068 (83F4BBAB)
**Date:** 10/23/1969
**Description:** Large invisible object with lights fore and aft hovers over beach. Turns away.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 194)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9441
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "HIGHCLIFFE,DORSET:LRG INVISIBLE OBJ W/LITES FORE+AFT HVRS OVR BEACH:TURNS AWAY", **LatLong:** "50.750002 -1.683333", **LatLongDMS:** "50:45:00 N 01:41:00 W", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.750002,-1.683333)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 32069 (77E81012)
**Date:** 10/23/1969
**Description:** A dark or invisible object with lights fore and aft hovered over the beach at Highcliffe, England at night. It turned and flew away.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** FSR, March 1970, p. 31
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7046
### Event 32070 (F6EBFDAC)
**Date:** 10/24/1969
**Location:** Chilean Navy, Chile
**Description:** Six Objects Observed & Tracked By Destroyer (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, Rating: 5)
**Reference:** NICAP: [691024](http://www.nicap.org/691024chile%5Fdir.htm)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_4022
### Event 32071 (8EECAED9)
**Date:** 10/24/1969
**Locations:** South Pacific Ocean; Valparaiso, Chile
**Description:** 12:43 a.m. A Chilean Navy destroyer is moving north at 20 knots in the South Pacific Ocean about 350 miles south of Valparaiso, Chile. The radar officer reports a target rapidly approaching the ship, apparently moving 213 miles in one minute, which would indicate a speed of 12,780 mph. At 12:47 a.m., the target is only 12 miles away, and it suddenly breaks into six targets. The officer in charge and five other personnel can now see one massive and five smaller lighted objects approaching the ship. The large UFO looks like a big box with semicircles on the side, and it is bigger than the ship, which is 360 feet long. The five smaller objects are egg- shaped, bluish, and no more than 8 feet long and 5–6 feet wide. At about 6,000 feet from the ship, the smaller objects move away from the larger one, three to portside and two to starboard, and begin flying in ellipses between the ship and the large object. At 900 feet away, the officers can hear the object make a humming noise. The ship’s power and instruments go dead as the large object passes overhead. Bright red lights under the UFO seem to be moving back and forth inside the craft, visible through a half-circle on the bottom. “Corn cobs” with green or turquoise pulsating lights are on the side. When the UFO is 600 feet away, the power comes back on. The smaller objects, never coming closer than 1,500–3,000 feet, fly around the ship and join up with the large object on the other side. All 6 objects vanish about 2 miles away. At least 8 minutes have passed, with three radar technicians tracking the UFOs. The ship’s commander orders everyone to keep silent about what they have seen. The sighting is deleted from the ship’s log. The six witnesses are debriefed for two days in Valparaiso by two Chilean Navy officers and four Americans who are allegedly naval attachés with the US Embassy.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** NICAP, “[Six](http://www.nicap.org/691024chile%5Fdir.htm) [Objects Observed and Tracked by Destroyer](http://www.nicap.org/691024chile%5Fdir.htm)”; Bill Chalker, “[EM UFO Incident off Chile in 1969,](http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201986%2001%2000%20-%20Vol%2033%20No%203.pdf)” APRO Bulletin 33, no. 3 \(January 1986\): 7–8; Bill Chalker, “An Extraordinary Incident off Chile,” IUR 10, no. 5 \(Sept./Oct. 1985\): 4–6; Bill Chalker, “[EM UFO Incident off Chile in 1969 \(Conclusion\),](http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United%20States/APRO%20Bulletin/APRO%20Bulletin%20-%201987%2004%2000%20-%20Vol%2033%20No%205.pdf)” APRO Bulletin 33, no. 5 \(April 1987\): 5–6
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4727
### Event 32072 (5EC558DD)
**Date:** 10/24/1969
**End date:** 10/27/1969
**Locations:** Ankara, Turkey; Mürted Air Base
**Description:** The Turkish Air Force is inundated with reports of UFOs over Ankara, Turkey. Jet fighters are scrambled from Mürted Air Base \[now closed\] northwest of the city and close to within 7.5 miles, but the objects always pull away and climb higher. Even the base commander, Ercüment Gökaydin, flies with the interceptors to 35,000 feet, but the UFO is at a height of 50,000 feet. It is a silvery, oval disc. The jets take gun-camera film, which has never been released. One pilot says the object has three round portholes.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Good Need, [p. 299](https://archive.org/details/needtoknow00good/page/298/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4728
### Event 32073 (E60A7BD9)
**Date:** 10/24/1969
**Description:** A Chilean informant claims a Chilean Navy destroyer witnessed six objects that approached the ship, one larger than the destroyer. The objects were cube and egg-shaped, and electromagnetic interference was reported. The next morning, the ship arrived in Valparaiso, Chile, four U.S. naval attaches spoke with the Chilean officers on duty the night before, were told they didn’t see anything and interrogated for two days until they signed NDAs. Source claims they were threatened if they ever spoke about it.
* [https://web.archive.org/web/20191010095840/http://www.waterufo.net/item.php?id=197](https://web.archive.org/web/20191010095840/http://www.waterufo.net/item.php?id=197)
>**_Note_**: Publisher of this account, to whom the Chilean source spoke to, was an Australian ufologist of reasonable quality who had vetted AU govt. sources properly previously.
**Reference:** [Anonymous 2023 PDF](https://archive.org/details/anon_pdf_from_markdown)
**Source:** Anon2023PDF, **ID:** Anon2023PDF_130
### Event 32074 (5A68D2FF)
**Date:** 10/27/1969
**Description:** NICAP Assistant Director [Gordon I. R. Lore Jr.](https://www.coasttocoastam.com/guest/lore-gordon/95941) writes board member [Joseph B.](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/68816370/joseph-beckwith-hartranft) [Hartranft Jr.](https://realtvufos.blogspot.com/2018/10/ufo-audio-file-press-conference-march.html) an 11-page letter outlining the organization’s difficulties. He alerts the board of directors to the growing financial crisis brought on by [Donald E. Keyhoe](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald%5FKeyhoe)’s failure to keep adequate books and records. He urges the hiring of a business director. In the summer he had gotten permission from Keyhoe to fire five of NICAP’s eight employees as a cost- saving measure.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Clark III 794
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4729
### Event 32075 (00B23E7E)
**Date:** 10/28/1969 (approximate)
**Time:** 03:50
**Description:** Fishermen / 2 boats. Domed disk / 100M altitude. Turns violet and quickly going up [to] and going quickly northwest.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO RESEARCH AUSTRALIA NEWSLETTER. (Details missing) (Index 831)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9442
**Attributes:** **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "45", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "off PADDY Isl,TASM:FISHERMEN/2 BOATS:DOMED DISK/100M alt:TURNS VIOLET+↑↑+>>NW", **LatLong:** "-41.333335 148.100007", **LatLongDMS:** "41:20:00 S 148:06:00 E", **Locale:** "Offshore", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-41.333335,148.100007)", **RelAlt:** "100", **State/Prov:** "TSM", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 32076 (CC5C1BFB)
**Date:** 10/28/1969 (approximate)
**Time:** 21:30
**Location:** PORTIRAGNES, FR
**Description:** 1 observer. Silent 2M bullet / 60cm dia going southeast / 50cm altitude. Slow and very close. Vines die.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LDLN CONTACT LECTEURS: by Series and #. May'68 -JAN'72 (Entire set of 18 issues) LDLN local chapters & individual members' UFO reports. (Index 50)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9443
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "PORTIRAGNES,FR:1 OBS:SLNT 2M BULLET/60cm dia >SE/50cm alt:SLO+VCLOSE:vines die", **LatLong:** "43.300002 3.333333", **LatLongDMS:** "43:18:00 N 03:20:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.300002,3.333333)", **State/Prov:** "Hérault", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 32077 (59842A60)
**Date:** 10/28/1969
**Time:** 22:20
**Location:** MOBILE, AL
**Description:** 2 college kids. 13M saucer lands / field. Cops find crushed weeds only.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 837)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9444
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces, **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "6", **HatchDesc:** "MOBILE,AL:2 COLLEGE KIDS:13M SCR LANDS/FIELD:COPS FIND CRUSHED WEEDS ONLY", **LatLong:** "30.716668 -88.066671", **LatLongDMS:** "30:43:00 N 88:04:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/30.716668,-88.066671)", **State/Prov:** "Alabama", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 32078 (E112D3B2)
**Date:** 10/28/1969
**Description:** Fishermen in two boats off Paddy Island, Tasmania sighted a domed disc-shaped object at 100 meters altitude at 3:50 a.m. the object turned a violet color as it shot up into the sky and away toward the northwest.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** UFO Research Australia Newsletter, January 1983
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7231
### Event 32079 (9B3A0EA4)
**Date:** 10/28/1969
**Description:** That same evening at 9:30 p.m. a two-meter long bullet-shaped object flew very slowly just half a meter above the ground over a vineyard in Portiragnes, France. The vines later died.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Larry Hatch, U computer database, case 8976
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7232
### Event 32080 (2F8E435A)
**Date:** 10/28/1969
**Description:** Two 18-year-old teenagers, Sutherland and Talbart, had a close encounter with a circular UFO while driving near Mobile College in Wildwood, Alabama at 10:15 p.m. At first they noticed white lights, next red lights, and then two rings of red flashing lights on the object. It hovered at a low altitude, flattening the high grass and bending over small trees. It was less than 75 feet from them. The craft was estimated to be between 30 to 50 feet in diameter with luminous white panels around the circumference and lights on the top and bottom.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** APRO Bulletin, September-October 1969, p. 1; Robert D. Boyd, A Comparative Unit, p. 157; UNICAT, case # 478
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7233
### Event 32081 (1F32DA64)
**Date:** 10/29/1969
**Time:** 19:30:00.0
**Location:** 37.1215 -116.1278
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Cruet” Yield: 11KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_612
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1215 -116.1278", **LatLongDMS:** "37:07:17 N 116:07:40 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1215,-116.1278)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.26", **NukeMb:** "5.10", **NukeName:** "Cruet", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "11"
### Event 32082 (977F2F0E)
**Date:** 10/29/1969
**Time:** 20:00:00.0
**Location:** 37.1353 -116.1359
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed, salvo. Country: USA Name: “Pod-A” Yield: 66.8KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_613
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1353 -116.1359", **LatLongDMS:** "37:08:07 N 116:08:09 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1353,-116.1359)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.31", **NukeMb:** "5.00", **NukeName:** "Pod-A", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU_SALVO", **NukeY:** "66.8"
### Event 32083 (BBFD3816)
**Date:** 10/29/1969
**Time:** 22:01:51.0
**Location:** 37.1433 -116.0638
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Calabash” Yield: 110KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_614
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1433 -116.0638", **LatLongDMS:** "37:08:36 N 116:03:50 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1433,-116.0638)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.62", **NukeMb:** "5.70", **NukeName:** "Calabash", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "110"
### Event 32084 (B8AFD3CF)
**Date:** 10/30/1969
**Time:** 10:30
**Location:** FRENCH GULCH, CA
**Description:** 5' dome takes off from grass. Odd metal left and traces / dirt / r5p164.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 934)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9445
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "15", **Elev:** "407", **HatchDesc:** "FRENCH GULCH,CA:5'DOME TAKES OFF FRM GRASS:ODD METAL LEFT+TRACES/DIRT/r5p164", **LatLong:** "40.700002 -122.633339", **LatLongDMS:** "40:42:00 N 122:38:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.700002,-122.633339)", **State/Prov:** "California", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 32085 (BD775CBE)
**Date:** 10/30/1969
**Location:** Waipukurau, NZ
**Description:** Circular object with lights hovering over airport sped away making high, whining sound when security guard shone spotlight on it (Ref. 1, Section VI). (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters)
**Reference:** [NICAP Listing by Date PDF](http://www.nicap.org/NSID/NSID_DBListingbyDate.pdf)
**Source:** NICAP_DB, **ID:** NICAP_DB_4023
### Event 32086 (19DFDBFC)
**Date:** 10/30/1969
**Location:** Waipukurau, New Zealand
**Description:** Circular object with lights hovering over airport sped away making high, whining sound when security guard shone spotlight on it
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_186
### Event 32087 (5362CEA9)
**Date:** 10/30/1969
**Location:** 50.4375 77.814167
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: .001KT YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1341
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "50.4375 77.814167", **LatLongDMS:** "50:26:15 N 77:48:51 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.4375,77.814167)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "RFAE", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** ".001", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 32088 (91C71332)
**Date:** 10/30/1969
**Location:** Redding, California
**Description:** 10:00 a.m. Mr. and Mrs. Chapin are driving at their mine site near Redding, California, when they see a rattlesnake in the road. As they get out to go to the mine and kill the snake, they find the area oddly hot. They notice a disturbance in the brush some 60 feet away in a flattened area of mine tailings. An egg-shaped object rises noiselessly a few feet off the ground and takes off down the canyon, swaying but not striking small trees. Soon it zooms upward at a sharp angle and is out of sight in seconds. They find a shallow, oval, depressed spot less than 2 inches deep and 10 feet across in the mine tailings. A conical pile of unusual-looking sand is also discovered, and two days later they find a metallic glob about the size of a fist nearby. They have the material analyzed in 1977. Scattered about in the unusual sand pile are irregular bits of pale-green glass-like material made of nearly pure silicon. The metal glob is completely black on the outside and 77% copper in the interior, combined with tin and traces of silver, chromium, and other metals. Both are considered foreign to the geology of the mine site.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “The Redding, California CE II Case,” IUR 3, no. 3 \(March 1978\): insert
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4730
### Event 32089 (DFBE9002)
**Date:** 10/30/1969
**Description:** At around 10 a.m. a man and a woman, Clinton and Chapin, saw an egg-shaped flying object with a flat bottom, the size of VW Beetle, in a mountainous area of Redding, California. It was seen as it landed in a steep, wooded canyon. The minimum distance to the object was only 60 feet. It took off fast, causing the trees to sway, and zoomed up into the sky. Ground marks were found at the landing site: there was an 10 foot oval-shaped depression, 1-2 inches deep.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** APRO Bulletin, October 1977, p. 5; Paul C. Cerny, MUFON UFO Journal, April 1978, p. 6; International UFO Reporter, March 1978, p. 36; UNICAT, case # 181
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7306
### Event 32090 (AE67857E)
**Date:** 10/31/1969?
**Time:** ~00:20
**Location:** READSTOWN, WI
**Description:** Night light descends. Beam lights entire field. Many observer(s). Similar / early '70s.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FARISH, Jucius: UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE: $5/Monthly. Plumerville, AR. (Index 282)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9446
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "11", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "232", **HatchDesc:** "READSTOWN,WI:NLT DESCENDS:BEAM LITES ENTIRE FIELD:MANY OBS:SIMILAR/EARLY '70s", **LatLong:** "43.450002 -90.761115", **LatLongDMS:** "43:27:00 N 90:45:40 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.450002,-90.761115)", **State/Prov:** "Wisconsin", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 32091 (0A85ED95)
**Date:** 10/31/1969
**Time:** 03:10
**Description:** Guard and dog. 60' saucer / 60M altitude. Going [to] fast when lit. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v18#2. / r41p213.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 839)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9447
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **TRC:** Physical traces, **SND:** UFO sounds heard or recorded
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "New Zealand", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "WAIPUKURAU Apt,NZ:GUARD+DOG:60'SCR/60M alt:>FAST WHEN LIT:/FSR v18#2:/r41p213", **LatLong:** "-40.016669 176.550008", **LatLongDMS:** "40:01:00 S 176:33:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-40.016669,176.550008)", **State/Prov:** "NI", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 32092 (DC57633D)
**Date:** 11/1969 (approximate)
**Location:** KANSAS CITY, MO
**Description:** FALL'69. 2 women. UFO near / ground. Yells of animal slaughter on takeoff.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** VALLEE, Jacques: MESSENGERS of DECEPTION; Bantam PB 1979 272pp. (Index 181)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9448
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **ABD:** Human or animal abduction, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "224", **HatchDesc:** "KANSAS CITY,MO:FALL'69:2 WOMEN:UFO nr/GND:YELLS OF ANIMAL SLAUGHTER ON TAKEOFF", **LatLong:** "39.100002 -94.550005", **LatLongDMS:** "39:06:00 N 94:33:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.100002,-94.550005)", **RelAlt:** "20", **State/Prov:** "Missouri", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 32093 (1F4169D1)
**Date:** 11/1969 (approximate)
**Location:** TIRAU, NZ
**Description:** 1 observer. Night light over hedge. 5 black shadow figure(s) nearly invisible. / MJ#177.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** UFO RESEARCH AUSTRALIA NEWSLETTER. (Details missing) (Index 832)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9449
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "New Zealand", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "TIRAU,NZ:1 OBS:NLT OVR HEDGE:5 BLK SHADOW FIGs NEARLY INVISIBLE:/MJ#177", **LatLong:** "-37.972224 175.744453", **LatLongDMS:** "37:58:20 S 175:44:40 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-37.972224,175.744453)", **State/Prov:** "NI", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 32094 (9B7F262C)
**Date:** 11/1969
**Time:** 18:00
**Location:** LONS-LE-SAUNIER, FR
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Orange "Venus" suddenly spins counterclockwise. Then shoots going quickly northwest.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 120)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9450
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "5", **HatchDesc:** "LONS-le-SAUNIER,FR:2 OBS:ORG."VENUS" SUDDENLY SPINS CCW:THEN SHOOTS >>NW", **LatLong:** "46.666669 5.500000", **LatLongDMS:** "46:40:00 N 05:30:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.666669,5.500000)", **State/Prov:** "Jura", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 32095 (451416B5)
**Date:** 11/1/1969 (approximate)
**Time:** 22:00
**Description:** Luminous wheel rotates under coral sea / 30 minute(s). / Colin Isles.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** AWARENESS (Quarterly) CONTACT INTERNATIONAL/UK: listed by year. (Index 76)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9451
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **SUB:** Submersible: Rises from or submerges into water, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Pacific Ocean and non - Asian islands", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "30", **Elev:** "0", **HatchDesc:** "off TAGULA I.,LOUISIADES:LUMn.WHEEL ROTATES UNDER CORAL SEA/30min:/Colin Isles", **LatLong:** "-11.750001 153.750007", **LatLongDMS:** "11:45:00 S 153:45:00 E", **Locale:** "High Seas", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-11.750001,153.750007)", **RelAlt:** "-2", **State/Prov:** "CRS", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 32096 (776ED26F)
**Date:** 11/1/1969
**Time:** 22:30
**Location:** RIOM, FR
**Description:** 1 observer. Luminous row rectangular windows appear and vanish as if going through tunnel.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 106)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9452
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "RIOM,FR:1 OBS:LUMn.ROW RECT.WINDOWS APPEAR+VANISH as if GOING THRU TUNNEL", **LatLong:** "45.883336 3.116667", **LatLongDMS:** "45:53:00 N 03:07:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.883336,3.116667)", **State/Prov:** "Puy-de-Dôme", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 32097 (60280E77)
**Date:** 11/1/1969
**Description:** Luminous rectangular windows appear in the sky at 10:30 p.m. over Riom, Puy-de-Dome, France and vanish as if going through a tunnel.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Lumieres dans la Nuit, issue # 106
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7383
### Event 32098 (59F48ECF)
**Date:** 11/2/1969
**Description:** Juri Lina and 2. 3-4 shiny spheres exit / cigar shaped object. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** AFU NEWSLETTER (English). Anders Liljegren (ed). Archives for UFO Research; PO Box 11027; S-600 11 Norrkoping, SWEDEN (Index 23)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9453
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Estonia, Latvia& Lithuania", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "ESTONIA loc unk:JURI LINA+2:3-4 SHINY SPHERES EXIT/CIGAR SHAPED OBJ:NFD", **LatLong:** "59.400003 24.750001", **LatLongDMS:** "59:24:00 N 24:45:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/59.400003,24.750001)", **State/Prov:** "EST", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 32099 (77045E95)
**Date:** 11/3/1969
**Time:** 08:40
**Location:** STE.CAMILLE, QB
**Description:** 1 observer. 2 large white disks light treetops. Shoot going up [to] leaving fog behind.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 120)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9454
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "364", **HatchDesc:** "Ste.CAMILLE,QB:1 OBS:2 LRG WHT DISKS LITE TREETOPS:SHOOT↑ LEAVING FOG BEHIND", **LatLong:** "46.483336 -70.200003", **LatLongDMS:** "46:29:00 N 70:12:00 W", **Locale:** "Forest", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/46.483336,-70.200003)", **RelAlt:** "30", **State/Prov:** "Quebec", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 32100 (37F8399D)
**Date:** 11/3/1969
**Time:** 23:00?
**Description:** Saucers and night lights seen all over/all about. Hundreds / police reports. / T. Vebos.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** Von LUDVIGER, Illobrand ed. UFO's-SEUGEN UND ZEICHEN. Berlin 1995 edition q-Verlags GmbH ISBN 3-86124-300-8. (Index 142)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9455
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **SEA:** Observer(s) at sea, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **MIL:** Observer(s) military, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Greece and Island nations", **Credibility:** "12", **Duration:** "100", **HatchDesc:** "LARISA+PATRAS+ALL/GREECE:SCRS+NLTS SEEN ALLO:100s/POLICE REPORTS:/T.Vebos", **LatLong:** "39.633335 22.416668", **LatLongDMS:** "39:38:00 N 22:25:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.633335,22.416668)", **State/Prov:** "GRC", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 32101 (5BDA2950)
**Date:** 11/5/1969
**Description:** There were two cases of UFO reports involving animal reactions and burnt landing traces from New Zealand on this day. In the first a horse was reported to be panicked on a farm in Kaharoa, Bay of Plenty, New Zealand. Later three circles of burnt grass were found, and the third circle straddled a paddock fence. In Puketutu, Waikato, New Zealand some cattle and a dog were reported to be agitated, while later a burnt circle was found on a small island in a pond.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Data-Net Report, January 1970, p. 12
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7478
### Event 32102 (6AB09599)
**Date:** 11/6/1969
**Location:** BRAZIL, Pirasununga
**Description:** (Translated from French) Very many witnesses, including military personnel, observed the landing of a 6m diameter disc. On top, a lid lifted and two beings of about 1m10 emerged, while two others remained inside in a kind of glass cabin. Their complexion was greenish, they wore aluminum clothing and a helmet from which a rubber tube emerged. Through this tube, rough sounds were heard. They seemed to show a globe to the witnesses and something that fell. As the closest spectator smoked, they seemed intrigued and attracted the packet with their hand like a magnet. Men arrived shouting. The two beings then retreated without looking back and floated in the air to enter the craft. When the last one was half introduced, he directed a kind of blowpipe at the closest witness and a blue-red ray reached the young man's legs, paralyzing him. Then the craft took off. The two little beings had yellow eyes without pupils or whites, the end of their nose was flattened and their teeth interlocked with each other. Crushed vegetation and visible furrows on the landing area.
**Reference:** Pierre VIEROUDY: "These UFOs that announce the Superman" - Laffont 1979, p. 101, 102
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2578
### Event 32103 (1692E508)
**Date:** 11/8/1969
**Locations:** Australia; Australian National University; Australian Atomic Energy Commission; National Standards Laboratory
**Description:** Australian physicist O. H. “Harry” Turner has been working with other scientists to set up a “rapid intervention team” for the RAAF to investigate UFO physical evidence. In a memo to the director of the Joint Intelligence Bureau, he indicates he is working with John Morton of Australian National University, John Symonds from the Australian Atomic Energy Commission, and [Michael Duggin](http://theozfiles.blogspot.com/2017/01/the-australian-scientist-who-was-potent.html) of the National Standards Laboratory. The plan is soon dropped by the JIB.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Bill Chalker, “The Australian Government and UFOs,” IUR 22, no. 3 \(Fall 1997\): 21; Swords 396–397
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4731
### Event 32104 (73A39164)
**Date:** 11/9/1969
**Locations:** China; Lop Nur Nuclear Test Base in Xinjiang; Siberia
**Description:** The D-21 drone makes its first reconnaissance mission over China, launched from a B-52. It flies over the Lop Nur Nuclear Test Base in Xinjiang but strays off course into Siberia and crashes.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Wikipedia, “[Lockheed D-](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lockheed%5FD-21) [21](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lockheed%5FD-21)”; Jacobsen, Area 51, [p. 223](https://archive.org/details/area51uncensored0000jaco/page/224/mode/2up)
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4732
### Event 32105 (613BA159)
**Date:** 11/9/1969
**Description:** In one of a series of incidents involving Stella Lansing, she produced the following account by a 9-year-old of an encounter on this night from Palmer, Massachusetts. “We went riding in the car and I saw lights. We flashed to it and it flashed back. We clapped the light on it and it began to come closer. We saw a black man about eight feet tall and I saw something like a wolf, but it was not a wolf. It had a strange body, two and a half feet long. It had three fingers and a face.”
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Berthold Schwarz, FSR, 19720105; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1969-55 (A1069)
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7571
### Event 32106 (6CFC7EE9)
**Date:** 11/13/1969
**Time:** 15:15:00.1
**Location:** 37.1646 -116.0748
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Scuttle” Yield: 1.7KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_615
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1646 -116.0748", **LatLongDMS:** "37:09:53 N 116:04:29 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1646,-116.0748)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.16", **NukeName:** "Scuttle", **NukeSource:** "AEC", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "1.7"
### Event 32107 (C0092EFC)
**Date:** 11/14/1969
**Location:** IN SPACE
**Description:** (Translated from French) Apollo XII: two very bright objects were seen at about 200,000 km from the Earth. (Philippe SCHNEYDER: "Ovni, premier bilan" - éd. du Rocher 1983, p. 233) During the Apollo 12 flight, an unidentified object followed it for 3 orbits around the Moon and, three hours before landing, Conrad warned Houston "that between the capsule and India they are flying over, there is an immobile bright light, as big as Venus, at least". (...) (Jean-Francis CROLARD: "L'énigme des E.T." - éd. Guy TREDANIEL 1995, p. 37) Astronauts Pete Conrad, Alan Bean and Dick Gordon say that a UFO accompanied them up to 212,000 kilometers from the Moon, preceding them all the way. (J. Allen HYNEK and Jacques VALLEE: "Aux limites de la réalité" - éd. Albin Michel 1978, p 84) Apollo 12, November 14, 1969 (Conrad, Gordon, Bean) On the first day of the trip, the astronauts informed the Ground Control that two flashing lights were seen above the capsule. After rejecting the possibility that they were spinning debris from the Apollo booster, the ground suggested that they might be protection panels dropped. "It could be," replied one of the astronauts, "but one of those lights just passed here at a dizzying speed". It is however reasonable to think that they were indeed debris from one or the other satellite, not always American, orbiting on a different orbit. (1989 - listing and research by Harvey S. Stewart) Ground observatories observed the capsule accompanied by two bright UFOs near the Moon. Then, on approach to Earth before landing, a large UFO with red lights was observed. (November 14, 1969)
**Reference:** Charles BERLITZ and William L. MOORE: "Le Mystère de Roswell, les naufragés de l'espace" éd. Franc Empire 1981, p.20
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2579
### Event 32108 (00FF2412)
**Date:** 11/14/1969
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Mission [Apollo 12](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/Apollo.html\#Apollo12). (November 14)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1969.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2497
### Event 32109 (C60D90A4)
**Date:** 11/15/1969
**Location:** FRANCE, Nancy
**Description:** (Translated from French) At around 5 pm, the witness was waiting at her window to feed the pigeons she usually feeds every day. Coming from her right, in front, at the level of the roofs, behind a chimney she saw a transparent dome with two heads visible. At first she had no reaction, went back to the kitchen and suddenly, surprised, she returned to the window. From behind the chimney, the object slowly emerged from its hiding place: a curved metal disc in grey, with a transparent dome from which only the heads of the two occupants were visible. Numerous lights like car headlights composed the underside of the craft. "But it's a saucer," she said out loud. And she heard, as if whispered from the outside to her ear: "Yes, it's a saucer, don't be afraid, you have to look." The two beings looked at each other, turned their heads towards the witness with a smile, then their heads disappeared inside the craft. In front of a tall chimney, on its trajectory, the object performed a loop. At the same time, two other UFOs, entirely identical to the first, with two humanoid figures visible, skimmed the roofs at 70 m from her. The first object joined the two others and the formation moved away towards the Rue d'Amerval (NO). The witness then wanted to warn her neighbors, but when she turned around she saw herself in the mirror and was stunned to see that her face and hands were swollen and that a bump, as big as a pigeon egg, adorned her forehead. (In 1978 a red scar still persisted). The swelling and the bump disappeared half an hour after the observation.
**Reference:** M. FIGUET/ J.L. RUCHON: "Ovni, Premier dossier complet..." ed. Alain Lefeuvre 1979, p. 333, 334
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2580
### Event 32110 (A8BA7AC9)
**Date:** 11/15/1969
**Time:** 02:30
**Description:** Night light flies over car / high-speed. Tach reads 0 / car runs fine.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RODEGHIER, Mark/CUFOS: UFO REPORTS INVOLVING VEHICLE INTERFERENCE; CUFOS 1979. Available as CUFOS UFO Archive #1 CD-ROM. http://www.cufos.org/Pubform.pdf (Index 48)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9456
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "108", **HatchDesc:** "CORRAL DE BUSTOS,ARG:NLT FLIES OVR CAR/HI-SPEED:TACH READS 0/CAR RUNS FINE", **LatLong:** "-33.294446 -62.200003", **LatLongDMS:** "33:17:40 S 62:12:00 W", **Locale:** "Pasture", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-33.294446,-62.200003)", **State/Prov:** "CRD", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 32111 (EDEB176F)
**Date:** 11/15/1969
**Time:** 17:00
**Location:** NANCY, FR
**Description:** 4 observer(s). 3 saucers going northwest low and slow. 2 heads visible / transparent domes. Going quickly northwest. / r30p333.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 195)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9457
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **OID:** Humanoid: Small alien or "Grey", **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "30", **HatchDesc:** "NANCY,FR:4 OBS:3 SCRS >NW LOW+SLOW:2 HEADS VSBL/XPRNT DOMES:>>NW:/r30p333", **LatLong:** "48.400002 6.183334", **LatLongDMS:** "48:24:00 N 06:11:00 E", **Locale:** "Town & City", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.400002,6.183334)", **State/Prov:** "Meurthe-et-Moselle", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 32112 (9DAEBA35)
**Date:** 11/15/1969?
**Time:** ~18:00
**Location:** SOUTH / INVERMERE, BC
**Description:** 1 / car. Odd green glow / empty woods. Car radio malfunctions due to EME (electro-magnetic effects) until passed. / r79.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MAGOR, John: OUR UFO VISITORS. Hancock House, Canada & Seattle, WA. 1977. (Index 99)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9458
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **Elev:** "800", **HatchDesc:** "S/INVERMERE,BC:1/CAR:ODD GRN GLOW/EMPTY WOODS:CAR RADIO EMES UNTIL PASSED:/r79", **LatLong:** "50.416669 -116.000006", **LatLongDMS:** "50:25:00 N 116:00:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/50.416669,-116.000006)", **RelAlt:** "1", **State/Prov:** "British Columbia", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 32113 (4504A3A7)
**Date:** 11/15/1969
**Description:** Three people in Corral de Bustos, Argentina observed a luminous object approach their car at great speed around 2:30 a.m.. As it passed over the road close to the car the car tachometer needle fell to zero rpms.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, p. 48
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7692
### Event 32114 (D099F549)
**Date:** 11/15/1969
**Description:** The witness was at his window in Nancy, France at 5 p.m. awaiting the arrival of some pigeons that he customarily fed. He spotted a transparent cupola with two heads visible inside that was behind a nearby chimney. He initially had no reaction, but when he turned back to look out the window a short time later he saw the UFO fly slowly from behind the chimney. It was a gray metallic disc with a transparent dome on top. It had many lights resembling car headlights visible around its circumference. He exclaimed, “But it’s a saucer!” and heard a voice whisper outside his ear: “Yes, it is a saucer, do not be afraid, it was necessary that you see it.”
The two beings inside the dome then looked at themselves, and then turned their heads towards the witness while smiling at him. Their heads then disappeared from inside the objec, and at that same moment two other UFOs, identical to the first, also with visible figures inside transparent domes fly over the roofs about 70 meters above him. The first object joined the other two and all three flew towards the north. The witness tried to notify his neighbors but found himself in a kind of stupor with his face and hands swollen and a red bump on his forehead. A red scar on his forehead was still visible when last examined by investigators in 1978.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1969, case # 2418, citing M. Figeut and Ruchon, OVNI Dossier
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7693
### Event 32115 (C1A32ABC)
**Date:** 11/16/1969
**Time:** 00:10
**Description:** 6 observer(s). 30cm fireball going north overhead / 3 minute(s). Vanishes with a flash. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 197)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9459
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "4", **HatchDesc:** "PORTLAND,AUSTRL:6 OBS:30cm FBL >N OVHD/3min:VANISHES with a FLASH:NFD", **LatLong:** "-38.366668 141.516673", **LatLongDMS:** "38:22:00 S 141:31:00 E", **Locale:** "Coastlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-38.366668,141.516673)", **State/Prov:** "Victoria", **Strangeness:** "4"
### Event 32116 (0DA370EF)
**Date:** 11/18/1969
**Time:** 01:10
**Description:** Mayor. 3M saucer rises / field. Circles twice 150+600M altitude. Going quickly southwest. / r30.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BOURRET, Jean-Claude: Le NOUVEAU DEFI des OVNI. Editions France Loisirs, Paris. 1976 ISBN 2-7242-0104-3 395pp. (Index 57)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9460
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "GERBEROY>>SW:/r30", **LatLong:** "49.516669 1.850000", **LatLongDMS:** "49:31:00 N 01:51:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.516669,1.850000)", **State/Prov:** "Oise", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 32117 (FA02846F)
**Date:** 11/19/1969
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) During the [Apollo 12](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/Apollo.html\#Apollo12) mission, an inexplicable malfunction prevents Conrad and Bean's cameras from filming, while all onboard instruments are functioning perfectly. (November 19)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1969.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2498
### Event 32118 (6C561DE6)
**Date:** 11/20/1969
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Conrad blindly sets the [Apollo 12](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/Apollo.html\#Apollo12) module *Intrepid* in the Ocean of Storms, 170 m from the Surveyor 3 probe, which had landed there 2 and a half years earlier. He and Bean spend more than 4 hours on the surface of the Moon. On board *Yankee Clipper*, Gordon is tasked with locating the landing sites of [Apollo 14](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/Apollo.html\#Apollo14) and [Apollo 15](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/Apollo.html\#Apollo15). (November 20)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1969.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2499
### Event 32119 (121A80F1)
**Date:** 11/20/1969
**Description:** On Molokai Island in the Hawaiian Islands at 6:26 a.m. a US Marine Corps flight crew heard a strange sound on 255.4 MHz UHF radio frequency at the same time that a bright light flew by, changing color from green to red to white. It then disappeared.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Dominique Weinstein, Aircraft UFO Encounters, p. 50-10
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7751
### Event 32120 (08BC6C41)
**Date:** 11/21/1969
**Location:** 37.0000 -116.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Planer” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_616
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0000 -116.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:00 N 116:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0000,-116.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Planer", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 32121 (4D684169)
**Date:** 11/21/1969
**Time:** 14:52:00.0
**Location:** 37.0312 -116.0021
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Piccalilli” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 200KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_617
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0312 -116.0021", **LatLongDMS:** "37:01:52 N 116:00:08 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0312,-116.0021)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.39", **NukeMb:** "5.00", **NukeName:** "Piccalilli", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "200"
### Event 32122 (67749069)
**Date:** 11/21/1969
**Description:** On this night a security guard at a local power station in Urubupunga, Brazil reported encountering two tall robot-like humanoids that communicated in a shrill-like electronic voice.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1969, citing GEPUC Brazil
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7774
### Event 32123 (1780932C)
**Date:** 11/23/1969
**Time:** 00:30
**Location:** KAURI MOUNTAIN, NI, NZ
**Description:** 2 / telescope. Glowing ovoid moves going up [to] going down [to] to/from/between and hovers. Speeds straight up.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 194)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9461
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **TLP:** Telepathy, **WAV:** Wave/cluster/flap, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "New Zealand", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "15", **HatchDesc:** "KAURI Mtn,NI,NZ:2/TELESCOPE:GLOWING OVOID MOVES ↑↓<>+HVRS:SPEEDS STRAIGHT UP", **LatLong:** "-35.666668 174.233342", **LatLongDMS:** "35:40:00 S 174:14:00 E", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-35.666668,174.233342)", **State/Prov:** "NI", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 32124 (FC6A8522)
**Date:** 11/23/1969
**Description:** For 15 minutes beginning at 12:30 a.m. four witnesses watched and viewed through a telescope a glowing ovoid object over Kauri Mountain, New Zealand that moved up-and-down, side-to-side, and hovered. It departed by shooting straight up.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** FSR, March 1970, p. 32
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7843
### Event 32125 (7FA76972)
**Date:** 11/24/1969
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) End of the [Apollo 12](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/Apollo.html\#Apollo12) mission, bringing back 34 kg of rocks and fragments of Surveyor 3 for analysis. (November 24)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1969.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2500
### Event 32126 (D153150C)
**Date:** 11/24/1969
**Time:** 04:00
**Location:** OLAVARRIA, ARG
**Description:** Farmer. Odd figure(s) fly over corral. Beams freeze dogs. 1 passed out.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 218)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9462
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **NFO:** No craft seen, **FIG:** Undefined or poorly seen figure/entity, **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **RAY:** Odd light/searchlight/beam/laser-like, **ANI:** Animals affected or injuries/marks, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "163", **HatchDesc:** "OLAVARRIA,ARG:FARMER:ODD FIGs FLY OVR CORRAL:BEAMS FREEZE DOGS:1 PASSED OUT", **LatLong:** "-36.900002 -60.283336", **LatLongDMS:** "36:54:00 S 60:17:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-36.900002,-60.283336)", **State/Prov:** "Buenos Aires", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 32127 (7FBC4EAF)
**Date:** 11/25/1969
**Time:** 22:00
**Location:** ESPARZA, SP
**Description:** Chemical Engineer. 8M saucer / landing gear. Glows. Burnt traces. / r50+/ FSRv16#2.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LDLN CONTACT LECTEURS: by Series and #. May'68 -JAN'72 (Entire set of 18 issues) LDLN local chapters & individual members' UFO reports. (Index 39)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9463
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "ESPARZA,SP:CHEM.ENGINEER:8M SCR/LANDING GEAR:GLOWS:BURNT TRACES:/r50+/FSRv16#2", **LatLong:** "42.850002 -1.083333", **LatLongDMS:** "42:51:00 N 01:05:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.850002,-1.083333)", **State/Prov:** "NVR", **Strangeness:** "7"
### Event 32128 (006EFE6B)
**Date:** 11/26/1969
**Time:** 08:30
**Location:** EAST HAM, LONDON, ENGL
**Description:** 1 observer. Cylinder/cigar-shape hovers over gasworks. Visions and telepathy = 'keep quiet'.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 194)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9464
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **TLP:** Telepathy, **CNT:** Contactee related, **ODD:** Atypical/Forteana/paranormal, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CVS:** Conversation/communication
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "5", **Duration:** "15", **HatchDesc:** "EAST HAM,LONDON,ENGL:1 OBS:CGR HVRS OVR GASWORKS:VISIONS+TLP='KEEP QUIET'", **LatLong:** "51.533336 0.050000", **LatLongDMS:** "51:32:00 N 00:03:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.533336,0.050000)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "9"
### Event 32129 (82C18B5D)
**Date:** 11/26/1969
**Time:** 18:20
**Location:** TUCSON, AZ
**Description:** Astronomer and 2. 5 night lights / sequence. Stop. Small night lights drop / large ones. Photos.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** STURROCK, Dr. Peter A: REPORT / SURVEY of the AMERICAN ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY of the UFO PROBLEM; Stanford, CA 1977. (Index 154)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9465
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "40", **Elev:** "720", **HatchDesc:** "TUCSON,AZ:ASTRONOMER+2:5 NLTS/SEQUENCE:STOP:SML NLTS DROP/LARGE ONES:PHOTOS:", **LatLong:** "32.216668 -110.950005", **LatLongDMS:** "32:13:00 N 110:57:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/32.216668,-110.950005)", **State/Prov:** "Arizona", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 32130 (B289C6F6)
**Date:** 11/26/1969
**Description:** An 18-year-old man named Oram sighted a cigar-shaped UFO hovering over the gasworks in East Ham, Essex, England in clear skies at 8:35 a.m. He experienced visions and received a telepathic message to "keep quiet" about his close encounter experience.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Charles Bowen, FSR, March 1970, p. 18
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_7940
### Event 32131 (A8163E05)
**Date:** 11/27/1969
**Time:** 05:02:00.0
**Location:** 49.8367 78.0597
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: .001KT YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1342
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.8367 78.0597", **LatLongDMS:** "49:50:12 N 78:03:35 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.8367,78.0597)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeSource:** "KRR", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** ".001", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 32132 (D287C54C)
**Date:** 11/29/1969
**Time:** 07:10
**Description:** Domed saucer going southeast / treetop level. Blue-glow on and off. Moderate speed/velocity / r50p27.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** BALLESTER OLMOS, Vicente-Juan: CATALOG of 200 TYPE-1 EVENTS in SPAIN & PORTUGAL; CUFOS 1976. (Index 27)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9466
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Spain", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "2", **HatchDesc:** "SE/ESPARTINAS,SP:DOMED SCR >SE/TREETOP LVL:BLU-GLOW ON+OFF:MODERATE SPD/r50p27", **LatLong:** "37.394446 -6.100000", **LatLongDMS:** "37:23:40 N 06:06:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.394446,-6.100000)", **State/Prov:** "SVL", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 32133 (09413F3C)
**Date:** 11/29/1969
**Description:** Two men in their twenties were driving between Gines and Sevilla, Spain when at 7:10 p.m they spotted a domed disc-shaped object that flew toward the southeast at treetop level. It had a blue glow that turned on and off, and it flew at a moderate speed. The sighting lasted two minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos, Catalogue of 200 Type-I UFO Events in Spain and Portugal, case 120, citing investigator Manuel Osuna Llorente
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8035
### Event 32134 (5179D808)
**Date:** 11/30/1969
**Time:** 19:30
**Location:** 15 MI SOUTHEAST / QUINCY, IL
**Description:** SR96. Rounded triangle lifts car 3m. Motor and lights stay on.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** RODEGHIER, Mark/CUFOS: UFO REPORTS INVOLVING VEHICLE INTERFERENCE; CUFOS 1979. Available as CUFOS UFO Archive #1 CD-ROM. http://www.cufos.org/Pubform.pdf (Index 48)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9467
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects, **EME:** Electro-Magnetic Effects, **TCH:** New technical details/clues
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "3", **Elev:** "183", **HatchDesc:** "15mi SE/QUINCY,IL:SR96:ROUNDED TRIANGLE LIFTS CAR 3m:MOTOR+LITES STAY ON", **LatLong:** "39.816669 -91.283338", **LatLongDMS:** "39:49:00 N 91:17:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/39.816669,-91.283338)", **State/Prov:** "Illinois", **Strangeness:** "8"
### Event 32135 (C531B9E4)
**Date:** 11/30/1969
**Time:** 23:50
**Location:** CALUIRE, FR
**Description:** 1 observer / spyglass. Large bright glowing-disk going [to] east-northeast. Vanishes between 2 still clouds.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** LUMIERES DANS la NUIT (LDLN), Paris. Bimonthly since 1957. LDLN B.P.3; 77123 Le Vaudoue, FRANCE. (Index 106)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9468
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **CMF:** Camouflage/disguise
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "France", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "10", **HatchDesc:** "CALUIRE,FR:1 OBS/SPYGLASS:LRG.BRITE GLO-DISK >ENE:VANISHES BTWN 2 STILL CLOUDS", **LatLong:** "45.783336 4.833334", **LatLongDMS:** "45:47:00 N 04:50:00 E", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/45.783336,4.833334)", **State/Prov:** "Rhône", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 32136 (45E1DA31)
**Date:** 11/30/1969
**Time:** 03:32:59.7
**Location:** 49.9243 78.9558
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 125KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1343
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.9243 78.9558", **LatLongDMS:** "49:55:27 N 78:57:21 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.9243,78.9558)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "6.00", **NukeSource:** "BOCHAROV", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** "125"
### Event 32137 (47C45E30)
**Date:** 11/30/1969
**Description:** Thirteen miles southeast of Quincy, Illinois on State Highway 96, three people saw an object shaped like a rounded triangle. It came very low and close to their car and suddenly lifted the car 10 feet off the road. The motor and lights continued running, but the steering was out until the UFO left the area.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, case 287, citing UFOLOG, No. 68, 1970; Walt Andrus, Skylook, January 1970, p. 7
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8078
### Event 32138 (618370CF)
**Date:** 12/1969
**Description:** Project xxxxxx (name censured) continues after Project BLUEBOOK is closed.
**Type:** majestic document
**Reference:** [Pea Research](https://www.academia.edu/9813787/GOVERNMENT_INVOLVEMENT_IN_THE_UFO_COVER_UP_CHRONOLOGY_based) (B1-A)
**Source:** Maj2, **ID:** Maj2_656
**Attributes:** Majestic
### Event 32139 (77BFD54B)
**Date:** 12/3/1969
**Description:** The NICAP board of governors demands [Keyhoe](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald%5FKeyhoe)’s resignation. He retires, under protest, at age 72. Leading the effort is board chairman Col. [Joseph Bryan III](https://www.encyclopediavirginia.org/Bryan%5FJoseph%5FIII%5F1904-1993)[,](https://www.encyclopediavirginia.org/Bryan%5FJoseph%5FIII%5F1904-1993) who takes over as acting president.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Major Keyhoe](http://www.cufos.org/UFOI%5Fand%5FSelected%5FDocuments/UFOI/050%20MAY%201970.pdf) [Retires,](http://www.cufos.org/UFOI%5Fand%5FSelected%5FDocuments/UFOI/050%20MAY%201970.pdf)” UFO Investigator, May 1970, pp. 1, 3; “[NICAP Redeploys,](http://www.cufos.org/UFOI%5Fand%5FSelected%5FDocuments/UFOI/050%20MAY%201970.pdf)” UFO Investigator, May 1970, p. 1
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4733
### Event 32140 (8590CFD1)
**Date:** 12/4/1969
**Time:** 04:50
**Location:** ATHENS, GRC
**Description:** Mathematics Professsor. Dome-saucer going quickly north straight and level. Silent. No maneuvers. Very fast. No further details.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 841)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9469
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCI:** Scientist involvement, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Greece and Island nations", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "ATHENS,GRC:MATH.PROFESSSOR:DOME-SCR >>N S/L:SLNT:no mnvrs:VERY FAST:NFD", **LatLong:** "38.083335 23.633334", **LatLongDMS:** "38:05:00 N 23:38:00 E", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/38.083335,23.633334)", **State/Prov:** "GRC", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 32141 (84AEBBB9)
**Date:** 12/5/1969
**Time:** 08:10
**Description:** 2+observer(s) / (seen thru) telescope. 2 brilliant night lights very close. Hover / 3 minute(s). Shoots away.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FLYING SAUCER REVIEW (FSR), London. Bimonthly. PO Box 162; High Wycombe, Bucks. HP135 DZ, England. (Index 194)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9470
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Great Britain and Ireland", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "3", **HatchDesc:** "WALTHAMSTOWE,LONDON:2+OBS/TSCOPE:2 BRILL.NLTS VERY CLOSE:HVR/3min:SHOOTS AWAY", **LatLong:** "51.550002 -0.016667", **LatLongDMS:** "51:33:00 N 00:01:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.550002,-0.016667)", **State/Prov:** "England", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 32142 (8E8DB15D)
**Date:** 12/5/1969
**Time:** 19:00
**Description:** 2 separate pilots. Brilliant white night light bounces going up and down / 5 minute(s). Going quickly southeast fast.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** ALDRICH, Jan J.: Private research papers. A huge mass of hard-won information. (Index 0)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9471
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "5", **Elev:** "74", **HatchDesc:** "LAKE S/TORONTO,ONT:2 SEP.PILOTS:BRILL.WHT NLT BOUNCES ↑+↓/5min:>>SE FAST", **LatLong:** "43.500002 -79.333337", **LatLongDMS:** "43:30:00 N 79:20:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.500002,-79.333337)", **State/Prov:** "Ontario", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 32143 (2944ED6C)
**Date:** 12/5/1969
**Time:** 17:00:00.0
**Location:** 37.1800 -116.2109
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Diesel Train” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_618
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1800 -116.2109", **LatLongDMS:** "37:10:48 N 116:12:39 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1800,-116.2109)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.42", **NukeMb:** "5.00", **NukeName:** "Diesel Train", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 32144 (D73A884E)
**Date:** 12/5/1969
**Description:** [Bryan](https://www.encyclopediavirginia.org/Bryan%5FJoseph%5FIII%5F1904-1993) dismisses NICAP Assistant Director [Gordon I. R. Lore Jr.](https://www.coasttocoastam.com/guest/lore-gordon/95941), replacing him with G. Stuart Nixon as secretary-treasurer.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Major Keyhoe Retires,](http://www.cufos.org/UFOI%5Fand%5FSelected%5FDocuments/UFOI/050%20MAY%201970.pdf)” UFO Investigator, May 1970, pp. 1, 3; Clark III 794
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4734
### Event 32145 (A8B0F457)
**Date:** 12/5/1969
**Description:** While flying from Toronto Island Airport south over Lake Ontario a light was seen by two witnesses oscillating up and down, and was visible for 15 minutes.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Dominique Weinstein, Aircraft UFO Encounters, p. 37; Data-Net Report, March 1970, p. 11
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8202
### Event 32146 (9832996D)
**Date:** 12/6/1969
**Time:** 07:02:59.9
**Location:** 43.8670 54.8000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Mangyshlak-1” Yield: 30KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1344
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "43.8670 54.8000", **LatLongDMS:** "43:52:01 N 54:48:00 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/43.8670,54.8000)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.41", **NukeMb:** "5.80", **NukeName:** "PNE:Mangyshlak-1", **NukeSource:** "SULTANOV", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** "30"
### Event 32147 (66DE2E98)
**Date:** 12/7/1969
**Description:** Disk seen. Small saucer nest found. No further details. / data-net.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** PHILLIPS, Ted: Study of PHYSICAL TRACES ASSOCIATED with UFO SIGHTINGS; CUFOS 1975. (Index 69)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9472
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **DRT:** Dirt/soil traces/marks/footprints etc., **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **LND:** UFO landing or any part touches ground, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Australia", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "1", **HatchDesc:** "WINDSOR,AUSTRL:DISK SEEN:SML SCR NEST FOUND:NFD:/DATA-NET", **LatLong:** "-33.616668 150.816674", **LatLongDMS:** "33:37:00 S 150:49:00 E", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-33.616668,150.816674)", **State/Prov:** "NSW", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 32148 (B25D3BA2)
**Date:** 12/7/1969
**Time:** 17:30
**Location:** MONONA, IA
**Description:** 2 / private plane chase 3' white night light all over/all about. Evasive maneuvers / low altitude. Dome going. / r171.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** The APRO BULLETIN: Monthly. Jim & Coral Lorenzen: Tucson,AZ (USA. defunct) By volume and number. (Index 841)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9473
**Attributes:** **AIR:** Observer(s) on aircraft, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **PRB:** Probe: Possibly remote controlled, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "10", **Elev:** "348", **HatchDesc:** "MONONA,IA:2/Pvt.PLANE CHASE 3'WHT NLT ALLO:EVASIVE MNVRS/LO ALT:dome>:/r171", **LatLong:** "42.033335 -95.966671", **LatLongDMS:** "42:02:00 N 95:58:00 W", **Locale:** "Metropolis", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/42.033335,-95.966671)", **State/Prov:** "Iowa", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 32149 (F6C1E946)
**Date:** 12/9/1969
**Time:** 09:30
**Location:** DUNCAN, BC
**Description:** 5+observer(s). Silent grey saucer hovers and shifts over school / 3 minute(s). Suddenly going up [to] to clouds.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** ALDRICH, Jan J.: Private research papers. A huge mass of hard-won information. (Index 0)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9474
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CST:** Observer(s) in coastal area/just offshore, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **BLD:** Building/man-made structure/roads/power lines
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "9", **Duration:** "4", **Elev:** "61", **HatchDesc:** "DUNCAN,BC:5+OBS:SLNT GRY SCR HVRS+SHIFTS OVR SCHOOL/3min:SUDDENLY ↑ TO CLOUDS", **LatLong:** "48.766669 -123.700006", **LatLongDMS:** "48:46:00 N 123:42:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48.766669,-123.700006)", **State/Prov:** "British Columbia", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 32150 (A19EBB98)
**Date:** 12/10/1969
**Location:** 37.0000 -116.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed, salvo. Country: USA Name: “Culantro-A” YieldMax: 40KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_619
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0000 -116.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:00 N 116:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0000,-116.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Culantro-A", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NUCU_SALVO", **NukeYMax:** "40"
### Event 32151 (66E71B7A)
**Date:** 12/10/1969
**Location:** 37.0000 -116.0000
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed, salvo. Country: USA Name: “Tun-A” YieldMax: 80KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_620
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0000 -116.0000", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:00 N 116:00:00 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0000,-116.0000)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeName:** "Tun-A", **NukeSource:** "NV209", **NukeType:** "NUCU_SALVO", **NukeYMax:** "80"
### Event 32152 (A77BAAAD)
**Date:** 12/13/1969
**Location:** EAST / KAHOKA, MO
**Description:** 2 observer(s). Ovoid / erratic maneuvers. Night lights circle object and flash color(s). Going east and descends.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** ALDRICH, Jan J.: Private research papers. A huge mass of hard-won information. (Index 0)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9475
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s)
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "211", **HatchDesc:** "E/KAHOKA,MO:2 OBS:OVOID/ERRATIC MNVRS:NLTS CIRCLE OBJ+FLASH CLRS:>E + DESCENDS", **LatLong:** "40.416669 -91.716671", **LatLongDMS:** "40:25:00 N 91:43:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.416669,-91.716671)", **State/Prov:** "Missouri", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 32153 (A03B72B6)
**Date:** 12/15/1969?
**Time:** 03:30
**Location:** BANFF, ALTA
**Description:** 2 / car. 10' diamond fireball follows car all over town. "Watches" observer(s). Vanishes.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** MAGOR, John: OUR UFO VISITORS. Hancock House, Canada & Seattle, WA. 1977. (Index 123)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9476
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **DLT:** Delta/vee/boomerang/rectangular shaped UFO, **FBL:** Fireball: Blazing undistinguished form/orb., **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OBS:** Observation/chasing vehicles, **HUM:** Humans affected: Injury/burns/marks/abduction/death, **VEH:** Vehicle affected: Marks/damage/EME effects
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Canada", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "15", **Elev:** "1401", **HatchDesc:** "BANFF,ALTA:2/CAR:10'DIAMOND FBL FOLOS CAR ALL OVR TOWN:"WATCHES" OBS:VANISHES", **LatLong:** "51.166669 -115.566672", **LatLongDMS:** "51:10:00 N 115:34:00 W", **Locale:** "Mountains", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51.166669,-115.566672)", **State/Prov:** "Alberta", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 32154 (A37C70CC)
**Date:** 12/17/1969
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Following the recommendations of the [Condon Report](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html\#Condon), Robert C. Seamans Junior, Secretary of the [USAF](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/USAF.html), announces the end of the [Blue Book](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html) project. (December 17)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1969.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2501
### Event 32155 (BA06005C)
**Date:** 12/17/1969
**Location:** US
**Description:** Secretary of the Air Force Robert C. Seamans, Jr., announced termination of Project Blue Book UFO study.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_187
### Event 32156 (CF99EA66)
**Date:** 12/17/1969
**Time:** 15:00:00.0
**Location:** 37.0838 -116.0016
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Grape A” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 200KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_621
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0838 -116.0016", **LatLongDMS:** "37:05:02 N 116:00:06 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0838,-116.0016)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.55", **NukeMb:** "5.50", **NukeName:** "Grape A", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeY:** "20", **NukeYMax:** "200"
### Event 32157 (677480E0)
**Date:** 12/17/1969
**Time:** 15:15:00.0
**Location:** 37.0066 -116.0228
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Lovage” YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_622
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.0066 -116.0228", **LatLongDMS:** "37:00:24 N 116:01:22 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.0066,-116.0228)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.38", **NukeMb:** "4.80", **NukeName:** "Lovage", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU", **NukeYMax:** "20"
### Event 32158 (8E1AE697)
**Date:** 12/17/1969
**Locations:** Maxwell AFB in Montgomery, Alabama; Washington, D.C.
**Description:** Air Force Secretary [Robert Seamans](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert%5FSeamans) announces the termination of Project Blue Book, based on the Condon report, the NAS endorsement, and “past UFO studies.” He repeats the [Bolender](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/49125065/carroll-h-bolender) wording that Blue Book “cannot be justified either on the ground of national security or in the interest of science.” Technically, Blue Book does not terminate until January 30, 1970. Blue Book records are moved to Maxwell AFB in Montgomery, Alabama, in a building that requires security clearance to enter. Eventually, the files, minus the witness names, are consigned to the Modern Military Branch, Military Archives Division, National Archives, Washington, D.C.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Office of Assistant Secretary of Defense, “[Air Force to Terminate Project ‘Blue Book,’](http://www.nicap.org/waves/1969BB%5FTermination.htm)” December 17, 1969; “[Air Forces Closes Study of U.F.O.s,](https://timesmachine.nytimes.com/timesmachine/1969/12/18/78549297.pdf)” New York Times, December 18, 1969, pp. 1, 41; “[The Book Is Closed,](http://www.cufos.org/UFOI%5Fand%5FSelected%5FDocuments/UFOI/050%20MAY%201970.pdf)” UFO Investigator, May 1970, p. 3; [Sparks](https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB%5FUnknowns.pdf), p. 3
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4735
### Event 32159 (2C9C61E5)
**Date:** 12/18/1969
**Location:** LA REDUCCION, ARG
**Description:** 2 farmers. Cylinder/cigar-shape hovers / power lines / 20 minute(s). Tree leaves burnt. / r180p69.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** FSR CASE HISTORIES. Bimonthly/London. Supplements 2 - 18 (final issue) (Index 16)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9477
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **CIG:** Torpedo/cigar/cylinder shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **VEG:** Plants affected or sampled/crop circles, **TRC:** Physical traces
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "Argentina", **Credibility:** "7", **Duration:** "20", **Elev:** "374", **HatchDesc:** "La REDUCCION,ARG:2 FARMERS:CGR HVRS/PWR LINES/20min:TREE LEAVES BURNT:/r180p69", **LatLong:** "-26.950001 -65.366670", **LatLongDMS:** "26:57:00 S 65:22:00 W", **Locale:** "Farmlands", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/-26.950001,-65.366670)", **RelAlt:** "15", **State/Prov:** "TCM", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 32160 (15389271)
**Date:** 12/18/1969
**Time:** 19:00:00.0
**Location:** 37.1205 -116.0348
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed, salvo. Country: USA Name: “Terrine-White” Yield: 40KT YieldMax: 400KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_623
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "37.1205 -116.0348", **LatLongDMS:** "37:07:14 N 116:02:05 W", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/37.1205,-116.0348)", **NukeCountry:** "USA", **NukeDepth:** "0.46", **NukeMb:** "5.20", **NukeName:** "Terrine-White", **NukeSource:** "SPRINGER", **NukeType:** "NUCU_SALVO", **NukeY:** "40", **NukeYMax:** "400"
### Event 32161 (F56045A5)
**Date:** 12/18/1969
**Location:** New York Times
**Description:** [Condon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward%5FCondon) is quoted in the New York Times that his investigation “was a bunch of damn nonsense,” and he is sorry he “got involved in such foolishness.”
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** “[Air Forces Closes Study of U.F.O.s,](https://timesmachine.nytimes.com/timesmachine/1969/12/18/78549297.pdf)” New York Times, December 18, 1969, pp. 1, 41
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4736
### Event 32162 (B1DC3212)
**Date:** 12/19/1969
**Time:** 23:00
**Location:** SADDLE RIVER, NJ
**Description:** 2 / (seen thru) binoculars and 2 cops. Several objects / pairs west going east slow. Rotate. X / lights / bottom.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** ALDRICH, Jan J.: Private research papers. A huge mass of hard-won information. (Index 0)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9478
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **HQO:** High-quality observer(s), **NWS:** News media report, **MID:** Likely mis-identification, **NLT:** Nightlights/points of light, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **OGA:** Non-Covert Government Agencies
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "8", **Duration:** "30", **Elev:** "44", **HatchDesc:** "SADDLE RIVER,NJ:2/BINOCS+2 COPS:SVRL OBJS/PAIRS W>E SLOW:ROTATE:X/LITES/BOTTOM", **LatLong:** "41.033335 -74.100004", **LatLongDMS:** "41:02:00 N 74:06:00 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/41.033335,-74.100004)", **State/Prov:** "New Jersey", **Strangeness:** "5"
### Event 32163 (905C0625)
**Date:** 12/19/1969
**Description:** In 1969 a car with its male driver was lifted up off the highway for a short distance in Quincy, Illinois
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Skylook, May 7, 1971
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8509
### Event 32164 (171B35FA)
**Date:** 12/19/1969
**Description:** In Saddle River, New Jersey police officers watched several pairs of UFOs fly over slowly from the west to the east at 11 o’clock at night. They viewed the lighted objects through binoculars. They described the UFOs as having an X-shaped arrangement of lights on the bottom.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** Data-Net Report, March 1970, p. 11, citing Ringwood Herald
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8510
### Event 32165 (2F2C7A09)
**Date:** Winter 1969
**Location:** FRANCE, Bourg-Lastic/Laqueuille
**Description:** (Translated from French) At 8:30 PM it was pitch black and raining. Mr. Carlet saw in the middle of the road an immense white mushroom-like object, 3 m tall, that was moving. He noticed that the thing was moving at 50 cm from the ground. It seemed luminous and ghostly, its contours were sharp and its base undulated like it was striped. The thing was moving at the same speed as the motorist and he considered overtaking it, but there wasn't enough room. He then flashed his headlights to force the mysterious intruder, which was about 80 m away in headlight range but 20 m away in dipped beam range, to give way. He then played around with the lights, convinced of the unreality of what he was seeing. Suddenly he accelerated and drove through his "mirage" in order to play a trick on this hallucination!
Alas! He actually drove into the thing. There was a metallic sound, the object passed over the hood, veered to the right, brushed against the windshield. The witness then braked and, turning his head, saw the thing outside the range of his headlights crossing the ditch and disappearing behind a wall. He returned home in the grip of a terrible headache. The next day he looked for the point of impact on his car: the hood was intact. (1969, Winter)
**Reference:** M. FIGUET/ J.L. RUCHON: "Ovni, Premier dossier complet..." ed. Alain Lefeuvre 1979, p. 336
**Reference:** [_Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI_, by Godelieve Van Overmeire](https://web.archive.org/web/20060107070423/http://users.skynet.be/sky84985/chrono.html)
**Source:** Overmeire, **ID:** Overmeire_2581
### Event 32166 (668C4C47)
**Date:** 12/26/1969
**Description:** \(Translated from French\) Symposium of the [AAAS](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/AAAS.html) on UFOs in Boston \(Massachusetts\). The association of scientists refuses to endorse the [Condon Report](https://web.archive.org/web/2005/http://rr0.org/BlueBook.html\#Condon). (December 26-27)
**Reference:** [rr0 - Beau](https://web.archive.org/web/20040704025950/http://www.rr0.org/1969.html)
**Source:** rr0, **ID:** rr0_2502
### Event 32167 (6284A9F5)
**Date:** 12/26/1969
**End date:** 12/30/1969
**Location:** Boston, MA
**Description:** American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) annual meeting, in Boston, MA, included panel discussion on UFOs. Scientists joined in statement asking for preservation of Air Force UFO files for future study.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** [The UFO Evidence by Richard H. Hall](https://www.amazon.com/UFO-Evidence-Richard-Hall/dp/0760706271)
**Source:** HallUFOEvidence2, **ID:** HallUFOE2_188
### Event 32168 (28A6650C)
**Date:** 12/26/1969
**End date:** 12/27/1969
**Locations:** Boston, Massachusetts; NASA Manned Spacecraft Center; MIT; University Corporation for Atmospheric Research; Cornell; Lakenheath-Bentwaters
**Description:** The American Academy for the Advancement of Science holds a special two-day segment on “Unidentified Flying Objects” at its annual meeting in Boston, Massachusetts, at the Sheraton Hotel. The program is arranged by [Thornton Page](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thornton%5FLeigh%5FPage) \(NASA Manned Spacecraft Center\), [Philip Morrison](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philip%5FMorrison) \(MIT\), [Walter Orr Roberts](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Walter%5FOrr%5FRoberts) \(University Corporation for Atmospheric Research\), and [Carl Sagan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carl%5FSagan) \(Cornell\). Rising to the occasion, [James E.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James%5FE.%5FMcDonald) [McDonald](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James%5FE.%5FMcDonald) presents an excellent critique of the Air Force and Colorado project investigations as well as an in- depth examination of the RB-47 and Lakenheath-Bentwaters cases. [Donald Menzel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald%5FHoward%5FMenzel) attempts to show that all UFO sightings can be explained, even though some of his “explanations” are complex. Morrison discusses the nature of hard evidence and concludes that reliable UFO reports would stand up both in a court of law and in the rigors of science. Cornell University Press publishes the proceedings, UFOs—A Scientific Debate, in 1972.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** James E. McDonald, “[Science in Default: Twenty-Two Years of Inadequate UFO Investigations,](http://kirkmcd.princeton.edu/JEMcDonald/mcdonald%5Faaas%5F69.pdf)” December 27, 1969; Walter N. Webb, “Allen Hynek As I Knew Him,” IUR 18, no. 1 \(Jan./Feb. 1993\): 9–10; Clark III 100–101
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4737
### Event 32169 (2EE2D57A)
**Date:** 12/27/1969
**Description:** In the early hours after midnight Miss Mary Smith and her mother were in their parked car near Atlanta, Georgia talking. They were parked along the side of the road in the suburbs, and it was about two a.m. when her mother first noticed a black, saucer-shaped flying object with a flat bottom hovering some distance away. The bottom opened slowly and from it descended a “plastic bubble” with a glowing light inside. It drifted downward, and then separated into three glowing, arrow-shaped objects that came to rest in a parking lot across the street. Shortly afterwards they saw three dark humanoid forms at the spot. They looked like men with wide shoulders and narrow hips, but with arms shorter than normal. One was much larger than the others. All three were “sweeping furiously” with tools like lawn rakes over a spot about nine feet in diameter. What they swept up was put into a basket-shaped container in the center. At one point the larger figure chased after something to the edge of the street and caught it in his hand, picking it up and running back to put it in the basket. When two teenaged boys drove up in a car and saw the beings they drove into the parking lot. The figures then abruptly vanished.
**Reference:** [Johnson](https://web.archive.org/web/http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/calendar.html)
**Reference:** David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1969-57, citing Ted Phillips for MUFON
**Source:** Johnson, **ID:** Johnson_8623
### Event 32170 (8DBB310F)
**Date:** 12/28/1969
**Time:** 03:47:00.2
**Location:** 49.9373 77.7142
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: 40KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1345
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.9373 77.7142", **LatLongDMS:** "49:56:14 N 77:42:51 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.9373,77.7142)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.70", **NukeSource:** "BOCHAROV", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** "40"
### Event 32171 (061FB885)
**Date:** 12/28/1969
**Locations:** Midland; Windsor, Ontario
**Description:** A man named Patric is driving from Midland to Windsor, Ontario, on heavily snowed roads after an accident has blocked the main highway. Suddenly, his car engine, headlights, and radio fails, and he crawls to a halt in front of a star-like glow with a prismatic, multi-colored aura 100 feet ahead. Inside the glow is a domed object. A loud humming noise commences and the object shoots into the sky. The car comes back to life, but Patric inexplicably reaches Windsor one hour late.
**Reference:** [Eberhart](http://www.cufos.org/pdfs/UFOsandIntelligence.pdf)
**Reference:** Jenny Randles, “The Twelve UFOs of Christmas,” Fortean Times 374 \(Christmas 2018\): 29
**Source:** EberhartUFOI, **ID:** Eberhart_4738
### Event 32172 (055268CA)
**Date:** 12/29/1969
**Time:** 02:30
**Location:** NEBRASKA CITY, NE
**Description:** 2 boys. 35' disk stops. Hovers and rocks. Turns 25° going east and away. 6 photographs. News.
**Type:** sighting
**Reference:** ALDRICH, Jan J.: Private research papers. A huge mass of hard-won information. (Index 0)
**Source:** Hatch, **ID:** Hatch_UDB_9479
**Attributes:** **GND:** Observer(s) on ground, **CIV:** Observer(s) civilian, **NWS:** News media report, **SCR:** Classic saucer/disk/sphere shaped UFO, **NOC:** No entity/occupant seen by observer(s), **PHT:** Photos/movies/videos taken
**Extra Data:** **Country:** "USA", **Credibility:** "6", **Duration:** "2", **Elev:** "354", **HatchDesc:** "NEBRASKA CITY,NE:2 BOYS:35'DISK STOPS:HVRS+ROCKS:TURNS 25°>E+AWAY:6 FOTOS:news", **LatLong:** "40.677780 -95.861116", **LatLongDMS:** "40:40:40 N 95:51:40 W", **Locale:** "Residential", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/40.677780,-95.861116)", **State/Prov:** "Nebraska", **Strangeness:** "6"
### Event 32173 (87B868C0)
**Date:** 12/29/1969
**Time:** 04:02:00.0
**Location:** 49.7337 78.1023
**Description:** Nuclear test: Underground, confirmed. Country: USSR Yield: .001KT YieldMax: 20KT
**Type:** atomic
**Reference:** ["columbia.edu: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Reference:** ["archive.org: Worldwide Nuclear Explosions", by Yang, North, Romney, and Richards](https://web.archive.org/web/20220407121213/https://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/~richards/my_papers/WW_nuclear_tests_IASPEI_HB.pdf)
**Source:** NukeExplosions, **ID:** NukeExplosions_1346
**Extra Data:** **LatLong:** "49.7337 78.1023", **LatLongDMS:** "49:44:01 N 78:06:08 E", **LocationLink:** "[Google Maps](https://www.google.com/maps/place/49.7337,78.1023)", **NukeCountry:** "USSR", **NukeDepth:** "0.00", **NukeMb:** "5.10", **NukeSource:** "BOCHAROV", **NukeType:** "NUCS", **NukeY:** ".001", **NukeYMax:** "20"
# Year Histogram
* 1960, 508
* 1961, 545
* 1962, 703
* 1963, 562
* 1964, 662
* 1965, 1246
* 1966, 1612
* 1967, 2631
* 1968, 1283
* 1969, 792