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| [On This Day] |
| Encounters with Aliens on this Day |
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| May 18 |
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| 1909 - Mr. Lethbridge was walking along a road around 11 p.m. near |
| the mountains in Caerphilly, Wales when he saw on the grass a large |
| tube-shaped machine. Aboard the craft were two men wearing furs and |
| talking excitedly in a language the witness could not understand. |
| There was a depression in the grass at the site after the object had |
| flown off. (Source: Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of |
| Landings, p. 187; Jacques Vallee, Challenge to Science, the UFO |
| Enigma, p. 99). |
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| 1954 - Two people witnessed the landing of a lens-shaped object, the |
| size of a house, at Cannon AFB, New Mexico. It came to the ground |
| near the railroad tracks, kicking up a small sandstorm in the desert. |
| One witness started to approach it, then ran away in fear. (Sources: |
| Otto Binder, What We Really Know about Flying Saucers; Jacques |
| Vallee, Passport to Magonia, p. 206). |
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| 1959 - A truck driver in Girard, Kansas reported that at 2:00 a.m. an |
| orange disc-shaped object landed on the highway and covered both |
| lanes. It rose up vertically after a short while and flew away. A |
| separate witness was not identified. (Source: Loren E. Gross: The |
| Fifth Horseman of the Apocalypse: UFOs: A History. 1959: April-June, |
| p. 30). |
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| 1960 - One year later a cigar-shaped object w portholes was seen over |
| Wellington, New Zealand. (Source: APRO Bulletin, May-June 1959; |
| Richard Hall, The UFO Evidence (Volume I), p. 138). |
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| 1963 - A 15-year-old student was out camping at 10:30 p.m. near New |
| Plymouth, New Zealand when he heard a wild animal on a nearby hill |
| wailing. He next saw a crescent or semi-disc shaped UFO flying in the |
| sky, looking like a stingray. It changed color from red to dark blue |
| as it changed speed and direction. (Sources: Project Blue Book files |
| counted in official statistics, case # 8360; Lloyd Mallan, Official |
| Guide to UFOs, p. 20, Richard Hall, The UFO Evidence (Volume I), p. |
| 118). |
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| New Plymouth, New Zealand - 1963 |
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| [Image] |
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| 1964 - At 7:30 a.m. a ten-year-old boy in Hubbard, Oregon saw a |
| silver colored, square object 1.2 meters high resting on four shiny |
| legs in a wheat field. With a soft beeping noise, it rose slowly to a |
| height of a telephone pole, then "shot up like a rocket." Ground |
| marks were found at the site: three imprints forming a 90 cm |
| equilateral triangle, with the wheat flattened from the center about |
| 1.2 meters in diameter. There was also the odor of gas fumes. At 5:15 |
| p.m. in Mount Vernon, Virginia a man named Meyers watched a small |
| glowing white oval split apart twice after moving from the right side |
| of the Moon to the left. At 10:15 p.m. an Army pilot at the Lawrence, |
| Massachusetts airport sighted a yellowish white light in the sky |
| traveling through the sky. It made a 360 degree turn, then sped off |
| at an estimated 1,000 mph without making a sonic boom. (Sources: (1) |
| Fred Merritt, A Preliminary Classification of Some Reports of |
| Unidentified Flying Objects Based on Shape and Dimensions of Imprint |
| Patterns, Proceedings of the 1976 CUFOS Conference, p. 187; (2) |
| Project Blue Book files counted in official statistics, case # 8811; |
| Don Berliner, Australasian Ufologist, April 1999, p. 51; (3) Raymond |
| E. Fowler, UFOs: Interplanetary Visitors, p. 329). |
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| Lawrence Airport, Massachusetts - 1964 |
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| [Image] |
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| 1969 - At around 10:00 p.m. an extremely bright white disc-shaped UFO |
| stopped over a tractor on a farm east of Denilquin, New South Wales, |
| Australia. It then shot up vertically into the clouds at high speed. |
| There were nine witnesses, and the encounter lasted six minutes. |
| (Sources: newspaper clipping dated May 20, 1969; FSR, |
| November-December 1969, p. 32). |
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| 1973 - Behencourt, Somme, France. At 10:30 p.m. a 20-meter wide domed |
| disc glowed, hovered, and revolved only 30 meters above the ground, |
| but made no noise. Animals stared dumbfounded at the object. (Source: |
| Lumieres dans la Nuit, October 1974). |
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| 1975 - A triangle of lights was sighted over some woods in Rainhill, |
| Merseyside, England at around 10:00 p.m. Some huge footprints were |
| found in the area later, along with some other ground marks. (Source: |
| J. Bernard Delair, Northern Network News, August 1975, p. 5; BUFORA |
| Journal, September 1975, p. 6; Jenny Randles, FSR, April 1978, p. 5). |
| |
| 1976 - At 10:45 a.m. in St. Job-in-'T Goor, Antwerp province, |
| Belgium, two young women, a 19-year-old and a 21-year-old, saw an |
| aluminum colored UFO disappear behind some trees at 10:45 a.m. At |
| 10:30 p.m. a man and his family observed a large, house-sized object |
| hovering close to a nearby hill in Sant'Onofrio, Abruzzi, Italy. The |
| object approached the witnesses' home and from its top section a |
| strong yellow light was directed over the area. The UFO had a large |
| round opening from which a red light shone. From inside the porthole |
| a dark, shadowy, man-like figure could be seen looking out at the |
| witnesses for a brief period. It then moved away. A second object |
| resembling a gray sphere with a ring around it was seen hovering |
| above an abandoned house at the same time. (Sources: (1) Rudy de |
| Groote, UFO Register, volume 7, p. 32, citing Gazette Antwerpen; (2) |
| Maurizio Verga, ITACAT Italian catalogue, case 85). |
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| 1977 - At 6:30 p.m. two 10-year-old girls, named McLennan and |
| Morrison, heard a strange whirring sound while playing in a field |
| near their house in New Elgin, Morayshire, Scotland. It appeared to |
| come from a nearby woods. When they approached and saw a domed |
| cylindrical object near the ground about 300 meters away. It had a |
| steady red light on top of the small dome. The object was metallic in |
| color and about 30 feet long, and it had a red band encircling the |
| lower section. The girls believed the object was hovering two feet |
| above the ground---the same height as a fence situated between them |
| and the object. They could not see any landing gear. To the right of |
| the object was a very tall, thin "man," partially hidden by some |
| bushes. He stood at least six-foot tall, and his arms were |
| disproportionately short. He wore a silver coverall uniform. When he |
| started to move toward them, the girls became frightened and fled. |
| When they reached a safer distance, they turned around and saw that |
| the man had disappeared. The object then began to ascend, moving off |
| in three jerky "stepped up" maneuvers, and finally ascending |
| vertically at a terrific speed. They hurried home and told their |
| parents, who said they had heard the humming sound. The police were |
| notified, and a circular area of scorch marks was found at the site, |
| with minor damage over an area of about 100 yards including singed |
| trees and underbrush. (Sources: Jenny Randles, FSR, January 1978, p. |
| 7; Ron Halliday, UFO Scotland: The Secret History of Scotland's UFO |
| phenomenon, p. 120; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue |
| of Humanoid Reports, case 1977-28 (A1733)). |
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| 1990 - In Kairma, near Frunze, Kirghizia (in what was then the USSR) |
| Dima, age 10, came running home at 9:40 p.m. yelling that "space |
| creatures" were outside. His mother looked out and saw several |
| one-meter tall helmeted figures wearing glowing suits with stripes on |
| their sleeves and pants legs. The beings had hands with three |
| claw-like fingers. Dima reported that when they noticed him, they |
| pulled out a box-like device from behind and aerial appendages |
| appeared on their heads. When a car appeared the beings jumped into a |
| nearby ditch and stayed there until the car had passed. While in the |
| field the aliens appeared to clean their suits, and then perform what |
| appeared to be somersaults on the wet grass. A powerful vibrating |
| sound permeated the air during the encounter. Later, during a local |
| power outage, several witnessed a huge red disc-shaped object |
| hovering over the area. That same night humanoids also visited the |
| home of one of Dima's teachers. They appeared inside her house and |
| invited her to go with them, but she refused and the aliens left. |
| (Source: Timothy Good, UFO Report 1992, p. 66). |
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| 1991 - At 11:40 p.m. just offshore of St. Osyth, Essex, England three |
| fishermen saw a saucer-shaped object on edge, hovering low over the |
| water. The object had six windows along its rim and several man-like |
| figures could be seen moving about inside and looking out. The UFO |
| vanished in the sky. (Source: Timothy Good, UFO Report 1992, p. 151). |
| |
| 1993 - On this night 31-year-old Astrid Ramos reported seeing a |
| hovering circular object near Lisbon, Portugal from which descended |
| several small humanoids. The humanoids then took her onboard the UFO. |
| She was paralyzed while the humanoids performed several medical tests |
| on her. They inserted a long thin tube into her nose, which caused |
| her to feel a strong pressure inside her head. She was eventually |
| released and soon began suffering from severe headaches. A Dr. Borja |
| examined her and reportedly located an implant deep within her brain |
| case. (Source: Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1993, |
| citing Fabio Picasso). |
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| 1994 - At 8:40 p.m. a silent, yellow-colored onion-shaped UFO flew |
| east to west over the Ouse River in York, England at the speed of a |
| jet. It maneuvered about as it flew. (Source: UFO Newsclipping |
| Service, July 1994). |
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| 1997 - In a hilly area known as Ponte a Mensola, east of Florence, |
| Italy a local merchant watched a tall human-like figure descend |
| slowly from the sky into a nearby field at 10:30 a.m. The figure was |
| about 1.60 meters tall, and totally covered in a black, tight-fitting |
| diver's suit. He wore a red belt around his waist and a black helmet |
| with wide dark goggles. He landed in a vertical position among the |
| high grass. A few minutes later he rose back up into the sky |
| vertically, and disappeared from sight. Others in the area reported |
| seeing bright red lights flying in a zigzag pattern over the area. |
| (Source: Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1997, citing |
| Federico Rosati, CUN). |
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| 1997 - At 11:10 p.m. Mr. Tosti and two other men saw several bright |
| objects over a power plant in Bloomington, Indiana. In response to a |
| flashlight signal, two of the objects descended. Their car engine |
| stalled as the objects approached. The objects were small domed discs |
| with square windows and a blue glow. Through the windows some |
| silhoetted figures with large heads could be seen. (Source: Joseph |
| Trainor, UFO Roundup, volume 2, number 22 (1997)). |
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| 2006 - Some men at the Greenwater Lake Provincial Park in |
| Saskatchewan, Canada first observed a disc-shaped object hovering |
| over the lake at around 1:00 a.m. Later they observed some |
| camoflauged beings in the water and on the land nearby. The sighting |
| lasted five hours. (Source: Geoff Dittman, 2006 Canadian UFO Survey, |
| case 213). |
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| Written by Donald A. Johnson, Ph.D. (Revised 24 May 2007). |
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| Compiled from the UFOCAT computer database. |
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| Themes: abduction, ani |
| mal reactions, UFOs changing colors, cigar-shaped or cylindrical UFOs |
| , disc-shaped UFOs, ground marks including landing imprints and footp |
| rints; human-looking occupants, implant in abductee's head through na |
| sal cavity, inside occupant, landings, odor, orange UFOs, paralysis, |
| physical traces, physiological effect: severe headaches, shiny silver |
| or aluminum colored UFOs, shot up vertically, short humanoids, tall |
| humanoid with short arms, teenage witnesses, unintelligible language. |
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