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synced 2025-03-12 10:06:35 -04:00
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| [On This Day] |
| Encounters with Aliens on this Day |
| |
| May 7 |
| |
| 1843 - An object with the "resemblance of a ship" sailed through the |
| air over Quebec City, Quebec, Canada and cast a shadow on the ground. |
| (Source: John R. Colombo, UFOs over Canada: Personal accounts of |
| sightings and close encounters, p. 209). |
| |
| 1945 - Several observers on a morning flight on a B-17 between Port |
| Lyauttey, Mauritania and Dakar, Senegal sighted a shiny metallic |
| saucer seen several times; it hovered. (Source: Harley D. Rutledge, |
| Project Identification, p. 250). |
| |
| 1948 - At 3:45 p.m. several witnesses including Kaiser and Bray in |
| Memphis, Tennessee saw 50 or more lights make sharp turns in the sky |
| for three hours. They flew from east to west. Not meteors, according |
| to astronomer. (Sources: Memphis Commercial Advertiser, May 8, 1948; |
| Larry Hatch, U computer database, case # 1309, citing MUFON UFO |
| Journal, issue # 241, citing FBI). |
| |
| 1950 - A couple and their grandson were returning from a picnic at |
| 6:45 p.m. when they saw a silvery white object at treetop level. They |
| were about nine miles south of Ely, Nevada at the time. It hovered |
| for ten minutes, then oscillated "as if attempting to rise" and |
| suddenly flew out of sight at high speed. (Sources: Project Blue Book |
| files counted in official statistics, case # 721; Jacques Vallee, |
| Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case # 79). |
| |
| 1952 - Five very clear photographs were taken on this day at 4:30 |
| p.m. in Barra da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. They show a |
| disc-shaped object with a double protuberance on top. Its estimated |
| size was 300 feet in diameter. An apparent discrepancy with some |
| shadows was explained by the Brazilian UFO investigator, Dr. Olavo T. |
| Fontes, as having been due to some broken leaves. The witnesses were |
| named Keffel and Martins. The Brazilian Air Force conclusion on the |
| photos is that the "object is several kilometers from the camera." |
| (Sources: Irene Granchi, APRO Bulletin, July 1973, p. 1; UNICAT, case |
| # 402, citing Stendek; Coral E. Lorenzen, Flying Saucers: The |
| Startling Evidence of the Invasion from Outer Space, photo plate 2; |
| William K. Hartmann, in Edward Condon (ed.), Scientific Study of |
| Unidentified Flying Objects, p. 415). |
| |
| 1963 - On this evening in Kirkby, Merseyside, England Margaret |
| McCutcheon and her 13-year-old son reported to the police that, after |
| the lights blacked out in their home while watching television, they |
| saw an object about six meters in diameter near the house. It had two |
| aerials and a red flashing light, and it was emitting a low buzzing |
| sound. After a minute, it flew away. (Sources: Flying Saucer Review, |
| July-August 1963; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of |
| Landings, case # 569). |
| |
| 1965 - At 7:30 p.m. a light seen by a witness named Marshall over |
| Oxford, Michigan split into two parts, one of which was copper |
| colored. Then two more lights joined up with the first two. One of |
| the objects may have been tumbling. A Project Blue Book "unknown." |
| (Sources: Project Blue Book files counted in official statistics, |
| case # 9389; Don Berliner, Australasian Ufologist, April 1999, p. |
| 52). |
| |
| 1966 - A short, cylindrical object with pointed ends was sighted over |
| Goodfellow Air Force Base, Texas at 9:55 p.m. by Airman 3rd class W. |
| L. Whitehead. It had a yellow light at one end, a blue light at the |
| other, and flew straight and level for 35 seconds. A Project Blue |
| Book "unknown." (Sources: Project Blue Book files counted in official |
| statistics, case # 10535; Don Berliner, Australasian Ufologist, April |
| 1999, p. 53). |
| |
| 1967 - At around one o'clock in the morning in Necochea, Buenos Aires |
| Province, Argentina a close encounter involving four UFOs happened |
| that lasted three hours. (Sources: Richard F. Haines, Project Delta: |
| A Study of Multiple UFO, p. 187; UNICAT, case # 554). |
| |
| 1967 - A domed disc-shaped object hovered at 200 feet altitude over a |
| cemetery in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada at around 2:00 a.m. It was seen |
| by five teenagers, including a 14-year-old named Ricky Banyard and |
| another named Glenn Coates. A muffled whistling sound was heard |
| coming from the object, and the object directed a vertical light beam |
| to the ground. They looked at it through binoculars. A series of |
| bangs and a "screaming" noise like a jet were heard when the object |
| took off. Charring of stones and other physical traces were found at |
| the site. (Sources: Edmonton Journal, May 8, 1967; APRO Bulletin, |
| May-June 1967, p. 7; NICAP UFO Investigator, June 1967, p. 3; Jacques |
| Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case # 840; |
| Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, Volume II. A Thirty-Year Report, |
| p. 338). |
| |
| 1967 - Later that evening a nocturnal light followed a car with the |
| Luck family of three through the rural countryside of Arnett, |
| Oklahoma back home. It then shot off to the west at high speed. It |
| looked solid in appearance, according to the witnesses. (Sources: |
| APRO Bulletin, May-June 1967, p. 6; Coral & Jim Lorenzen, Encounters |
| with UFO Occupants, p. 47). |
| |
| 1968 - On this evening town marshal Felix Gallegos and others saw |
| three balls of light take off from a neighbors field near Sanford, |
| Colorado. No evidence was found on the ground. (Source: APRO |
| Bulletin, July-August 1968, p. 8). |
| 1970 - Over 400 people including school students in Maraenui, New |
| Zealand watched a metallic looking, oval-shaped object hover in the |
| sky near the sun for ten minutes starting at 2:03 p.m. The center of |
| the object had a "transparent-like sheen" and it was the apparent |
| size of a basketball held at arm's length. It moved away to the |
| northeast. (Sources: APRO Bulletin, May-June 1970, p. 1; Mrs. K. |
| Smith, BUFORA Journal, August 1971, p. 12). |
| |
| 1974 - At 6:15 a.m. a yellowish-orange ball of light, one meter in |
| diameter, landed on two legs between two highway tunnels on Highway |
| N518 near Petits Goulets, Drome department, France and was seen by a |
| single male witness named Tardy, who was driving nearby when the |
| incident occurred. The landing spot was on a geologic faultline. |
| (Source: Michel Figuet and Jean-Louis Ruchon, OVNI: Le Premier |
| Dossier Complet des Rencontres Rapprochees en France, p. 485). |
| |
| 1974 - Mrs. Margaret K. Roffe, a nurse's aide at the local Veterans |
| Administration Hospital in Coatesville, Pennsylvania was walking from |
| one hospital building to another at around 9 p.m. when she heard a |
| swishing sound and saw a disc-shaped object descend and land on the |
| roof of Building #1. Four silver-colored legs emerged from the object |
| just before the object landed, and a ramp came down out of the bottom |
| of the craft. Three gray-skinned humanoid occupants emerged from the |
| craft by climbing down the ramp backwards. They were all less than |
| five feet tall and had long, large bald heads and arms with clawed |
| hands; their legs were short. They spoke an unintelligible language |
| among themselves in high, squeaky voices. She was able to see their |
| features well because the area was well lit by an illuminated dome on |
| the roof of the building. When the beings noticed her they re-entered |
| the object. The object then took off slowly, making a swishing sound, |
| and passed over some nearby trees, which were shaken violently when |
| the craft flew over. The legs withdrew into the object as it took |
| off. (Sources: Ted Bloecher, 1975 MUFON Symposium Proceedings, p. 56; |
| George D. Fawcett, Flying Saucers, December 1974, p. 38; George D. |
| Fawcett, FSR, January 1975, p. 31; George D. Fawcett, Saga UFO |
| Report, April 1975, p. 50; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: |
| Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1974-19 (A1323), citing George |
| Fawcett). |
| |
| 1975 - At 9:00 p.m. four witnesses--two couples--in a car followed a |
| dark ovoid flying object in the mountains west of Tucson, Arizona; |
| the UFO follows the car back, making a humming sound. (Sources: APRO |
| Bulletin, May-June 1975, p. 1; Jim & Coral Lorenzen, UFOs Over the |
| Americas, p. 114). |
| |
| 1977 - A powerful spotlight from a silent, delta-shaped object lit |
| the forest in Undersaker, Jamtland, Sweden on this night. A very |
| large second object, also triangle shaped and with three large |
| windows rose in the beam of light. Both objects hovered over the |
| trees, then changed shape from triangular to rectangular. (Sources: |
| Allan Hendry, International UFO Reporter, November 1977, p. 8; |
| Richard F. Haines, Project Delta: A Study of Multiple UFO, p. 191; |
| UNICAT, case 195, citing Allan Hendry). |
| |
| 1980 - At 5:20 p.m. an object described as an "upside down soup bowl" |
| with a dome on top came out of cloud cover directly ahead of the |
| witness's car driving on I-40 near Valdese, North Carolina. It was |
| estimated to be 40 feet in diameter and had a red rectangular area on |
| the bottom. It made a U-turn, then banked away. The car's radio |
| experienced interference during the close encounter. (Sources: MUFON |
| UFO Journal, September 1980; Richard H. Hall, The UFO Evidence, |
| Volume II: A Thirty-Year Report, pp. 25, 452, citing Tarheel UFO |
| Newsletter, June 1980). |
| |
| 1980 - At 9:05 p.m. a woman with the last name of Riley was driving |
| her car in Redding, California accompanied by her two teenage |
| daughters (15 and 14 years old) and by another 13-year-old girl, when |
| they were frightened by the sudden appearance of a patch of smoke or |
| fog that suddenly enveloped their van. All normal noises ceased, |
| while the women seemed to "float" inside a "cloud". Very worried, as |
| soon as they were able to leave the "cloud" they drove to a friend's |
| house, where they discovered that they could not account for 30 |
| minutes of time. During the hours that followed they suffered from |
| various physiological reactions and the following day, marks |
| resembling strange punctures appeared on the skin of two of the |
| girls. Soon afterwards they experienced strange dreams in which "men" |
| were pointing strange weapons or objects at their heads. The |
| witnesses reported the strange event to the police who advised them |
| to contact a private UFO organization. (Sources: Jacques Vallee, |
| Confrontations, p. 79; APRO Bulletin, June 1980, p. 1; Thomas E. |
| Bullard, UFO Abductions: The Measure of a Mystery, case 22, citing |
| APRO Bulletin, June 1980, p. 1). |
| |
| 1986 - Thirty objects engaged in zigzag maneuvers over Greensburg, |
| Pennsylvania for eight minutes starting at around 8:30 p.m. (Sources: |
| Larry Hatch, U computer database, case # 14345; MUFON UFO Journal, |
| December 1986). |
| |
| 1988 - At 10:30 p.m. a blue sphere was seen at 600 meters altitude |
| over the city of Sakharnaya, in Vladivostok, Russian Far East; it was |
| completely silent. Sections of it pulsed light. (Sources: Larry |
| Hatch, U computer database, case # 14695; Timothy Good, The UFO |
| Report 1990, p. 123). |
| |
| 1989 - A South African Mirage FIIG AF allegedly jet shot down a UFO |
| that flew in from the ocean over the Kalahari Desert, 80 miles north |
| of the South African border in Botswana. It had been tracked by radar |
| by the Frigate SA Trafalberg, and the Naval headquarters in Cape |
| Town. They retrieved a silver disc-shaped craft, and two Grey aliens |
| were captured alive. They had three fingers/toes on each limb, and no |
| sex organs. The object was reported to have been lens-shaped, 18 |
| meters in diameter with three landing gear. There were three aliens |
| onboard; two alive but one died soon afterwards. The alive alien was |
| eventually moved to the S-4 facility. NORAD apparently tracked the |
| object as it fell to earth. An experimental SDI weapon was reportedly |
| used to expedite the downing of the craft, which apparently had |
| already experienced some technical problems. South African and |
| American military personnel crossed the Botswana border without |
| permission in order to retrieve the craft. The bodies and materials |
| were transported to the US in a C-5A cargo plane from South Africa. |
| (Sources: Tony Dodd, Alien Investigator: The Case Files of Britain's |
| Leading UFO Detective, p. 33; Albert S. Rosales, 1989 Humanoid |
| Sighting Reports, case # 2846, citing Tony Dodd, Bill Knell, and |
| Anton Anfalov) |
| |
| 1990 - At 12:50 a.m. several hundred observers in Perm, Russia |
| watched an unidentified flying object direct a bright fan of light |
| down on the slopes of Mount Kamenoi. (Sources: Larry Hatch, U |
| computer database, case # 15168; Richard F. Haines, JUSA-CISAAF |
| Translations, p. 402). |
| |
| 1990 - At 10:00 delta-shaped objects were seen during a meteor shower |
| in North Delta, British Columbia, Canada. An abduction occurred later |
| that night. (Source: Larry Hatch, U computer database, case # 15169, |
| citing UFO Newsclipping Service, August 1994). |
| |
| 1992 - At 1:00 a.m. a huge, 500 meter or larger disc-shaped object |
| with bright lights crossed the sky over the beach in Port Elizabeth, |
| Eastern Cape, South Africa. (Source: Cynthia Hind, UFO Afri News, |
| July 1992). |
| |
| 1994 - At 7:40 p.m. a domed, disc-shaped object bobbed and wove |
| through the sky over Corby, Northamptonshire, England. A witness |
| filmed a four-minute videotape of the encounter before the object |
| shot away. (Source: UFO Newsclipping Service, September 1994). |
| |
| 1995 - At 1:00 a.m. a couple driving on the A52 highway near |
| Ashbourne, Derbyshire, England had a close encounter with a large |
| dome-shaped craft that was only 30 feet off the ground. It vanished, |
| and then reappeared near their car. (Sources: Larry Hatch, U computer |
| database, case # 17222; UFO Newsclipping Service, July 1995). |
| |
| 1995 - At 2:30 a.m. a lady driving near Beaverton, Oregon reported |
| seeing a "pink sky", and then a triangular-shaped UFO hovering over a |
| field behind her house. The craft was gray, with lights in the |
| corners and a tile-like surface on the exterior. Two of the lights |
| were orange and the third was an orange-red color. A beam of light |
| that followed the contour of the craft connected all three lights. |
| Later on, many more trangular craft were seen over the same field. |
| Large white, box-shaped objects and "people" were observed on the |
| ground and appeared to be working in the field. (Source: Albert S. |
| Rosales, 1995 Humanoid Sighting Reports database, citing The Western |
| Bigfoot Society Newsletter). |
| |
| 1995 - That same night near Glasgow, Scotland Igor Terzic was driving |
| his vehicle when a UFO began hovering over it. He next recalls |
| finding himself parked in the middle of the road, where a truck |
| almost hit him. Later under hypnosis he recalled being abducted and |
| taken inside the object. There he saw two kinds of humanoids of both |
| genders. One type of tall with (upside down) pear-shaped heads, huge |
| eyes, and no discernable mouths. The others were similar but shorter |
| and smaller. He heard a voice in his head tell him he was going to be |
| alright. He thinks he was experimented upon, but the only thing he |
| recalled was drilling a hole in his head at one point. (Source: |
| Albert S. Rosales, 1995 Humanoid Sighting Reports database, case # |
| 2843, citing Scottish UFO). |
| |
| 1995 - At 12:20 p.m. a red disc-shaped object flew over the road |
| ahead of a car with two witnesses in Massillon, Ohio. EM effects: the |
| engine quit, and the radio was affected. (Sources: Peter Davenport, |
| National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle, May 1995 webpage; Larry |
| Hatch, U computer database, case # 17225, citing NUFORC). |
| |
| 1996 - While on her lunch break at 1:30 p.m. at West Point Lake, near |
| the McGhee Bridge in La Grange, Georgia, a 35-year-old woman |
| witnessed a gray colored, domed disc-shaped object just above the |
| lake. After some five to ten minutes, the object shot straight up "at |
| least as fast as lightning." (Source: John C. Thompson, MUFON UFO |
| Field Investigations Database, case 970107E). |
| |
| 1998 - On this night a 10-year-old girl and her 8-year-old brother |
| spotted a large UFO hovering above their house in Mullica Hill, New |
| Jersey. The children claimed the craft was lighted and bigger than |
| their house. They also saw an alien figure floating next to the |
| object, the entity apparently stared at the children who became |
| scared and ran into the house yelling for their dad. They ran back |
| out to see the object float away. They did not see the entity again. |
| (Source: Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1998, case |
| #3148, citing Joseph Trainor, UFO Roundup, Vol. 3 # 20). |
| |
| 2001 - A man in Peterborough, Ontario reported seeing a huge black |
| triangular shaped craft fly overhead at 10:10 p.m. He reportedly |
| heard a "message" in his head. He also reported that he experienced |
| some "missing time." (Source: Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting |
| Center, Seattle). |
| |
| 2003 - At 10:30 p.m. three green colored, cigar-shaped UFOs were |
| sighted by four young women over Northridge, California. They were |
| moving slowly at first over, but they then separated and one flew off |
| to the east. It was joined seconds later by the other two, and |
| together they increased speed and went into the clouds. (Sources: |
| Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, Seattle; Preston |
| Dennett, UFOs over California: A True History of Extraterrestrial |
| Encounters in the Golden State, p. 213, citing the MUFON UFO Journal, |
| issue # 423). |
| |
| 2004 - In North Lauderdale, Florida at approximately 10:25 p.m. an |
| oval-shaped object was in sight for 10 minutes. It had a row of |
| blinking lights, and the lights were alternating blue and red, while |
| the object made a humming sound.(Source: Peter Davenport, National |
| UFO Reporting Center, www.nuforc.org, May 2004 webpage). |
| |
| 2006 - A huge boomerang-shaped UFO with a single front bright light |
| and many tiny bright lights in sequence on the edges was seen flying |
| over Twenty-Nine Palms USMC military base in California at 9:00 p.m. |
| (Source: Peter Davenport, National UFO Reporting Center, May 2006 |
| webpage, report uploaded July 16, 2006). |
| |
| 2007 - At 6:30 p.m. four balls of yellow light were seen dancing over |
| a mountain in Riverdale, Yukon, Canada. (Source: Chris Rutkowski, |
| 2007 Canadian UFO Survey, case # 258). |
| |
| 2009 - A low flying disc with multicolored flashing lights was seen |
| over Avon, Colorado at 8:00 p.m. (Source: Peter Davenport, National |
| UFO Reporting Center, May 2009 webpage, citing MUFON Colorado). |
| |
| Written by Donald A. Johnson, Ph.D. (Revised May 5, 2014). |
| |
| Compiled from the UFOCAT computer database. |
| |
| Themes: abductions, balls of light, |
| boomerang or V-shaped UFOs, cigar-shaped or cylindrical UFOs, crash |
| retrieval by military of live alien(s), domed discs, EM effects: radi |
| o interference and power failure, fog or smoke, Grey UFOnauts, hummin |
| g sound, levitating humanoid, missing time, oscillating movement, ova |
| l UFOs, silvery white UFOs, telepathy, triangular or delta-shaped UFO |
| s, unintelligible language, vehicle EM ignition interference effects. |
| |
| © Donald A. Johnson |
| |
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