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synced 2025-03-12 10:06:35 -04:00
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| [On This Day] |
| Encounters with Aliens on this Day |
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| June 29 |
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| 1947 - A 1:15 p.m. four rocket experts saw a silver saucer in the sky |
| over Organ, New Mexico. It flew off to the north at 9,000 feet |
| altitude. (Source: Ted Bloecher, Report on the UFO Wave of 1947, p. |
| 109). |
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| 1947 - About 45 minutes later nine white saucers flying in |
| V-formation flew over Medford, Oregon at a speed of 120 mph. They |
| flew in a spiral over the airport, and appeared to make a cloud. |
| (Source: Larry Hatch, U computer database, case 729). |
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| 1947 - Between 13 and 18 white oval and disc-shaped objects flew over |
| Clarion, Iowa at 4:45 p.m. They made a noise like that of a dynamo. |
| (Source: Richard F. Haines, Project Delta: A Study of Multiple UFO, |
| p. 178). |
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| 1952 - On this night three military policemen in Park Ridge, Illinois |
| near O'Hare Airport sighted a thirty foot in diameter disc with a |
| blue glow hovering over two civilian radio towers. It jumped about in |
| the sky for 45 minutes. (Source: Project Blue Book files counted in |
| official statistics, case # 1364.) |
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| 1952 - At 9:05 p.m. EDT a BOAC airliner with 22 witnesses aboard |
| tracked a group of at least seven objects for 18 minutes over Canada, |
| first encountering the objects around Sept-Iles in Quebec. The |
| objects were seen flying in and out of broken cloud cover. There were |
| six small ovals and a larger dark object, which was continually |
| changing shape. It was described as changing shape "like a swarm of |
| bees might do." The six smaller orbs were "strung out in a line." The |
| explanation provided by the US Air Force, that they were witnessing |
| Mars, was impossible at the time. (Sources: Brinsley LePoer Trench, |
| The Flying Saucer Story, p. 33; Gordon D. Thayer, in Edward Condon |
| (ed.), Scientific Study of Unidentified Flying Objects, p. 139; |
| Dominique Weinstein, Aircraft UFO Encounters, p.23) |
| |
| 1964 - Lavonia, Georgia - Driving near the Georgia-South Carolina |
| border late in the evening, Beauford Parham experienced a close |
| encounter with a huge, amber colored, spinning top-shaped UFO. It |
| made a hissing sound "like a million snakes". The witness felt a |
| burning sensation in his body while the UFO hovered just in front of |
| car for more than a minute as he travelled along at 65 mph. The UFO |
| went up over the car, leaving a strong odor like "embalming fluid" |
| and a gaseous vapor covered his car. The UFO came straight at his car |
| again and the engine of his car began to miss. He stopped the car, |
| and the object "spun like crazy" and then took off, disappearing in a |
| split second. Parham's hands continued to burn even after he washed |
| them. An oily substance on the car persisted after several washings, |
| and the car's hood was warped with bubbled up paint. (Source: Richard Hall, |
| Uninvited Guests, pg. 248). |
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| 1967 - A man and a woman driving at 1:30 a.m. sighted an |
| oyster-shaped UFO near Scotch Plains, New Jersey. It was very large, |
| perhaps 200 feet wide, and 25-30 feet thick. It had three red lights |
| and a row of blue lights. The UFO followed their car for 500 feet, |
| then veered off to the south and took off. A Project Blue Book |
| "unknown." (Sources: Project Blue Book files counted in official |
| statistics, case # 11831; J. Allen Hynek case files; Don Berliner, |
| Australasian UFOlogist, April 1999, p. 55). |
| |
| 1968 - On this evening in San Luis de Palmar, Corrientes, Argentina |
| on Highway 5 a circular flattened disc-shaped object was sighted by |
| three men in their thirties, Senors Sanchez, Pastor, and Vega. It |
| emitted a vivid orange light. When it passed close to their car it |
| shook the car violently and the car's gears went into reverse, |
| causing the car to drive backwards. (Source: Oscar A. Uriondo, FSR |
| Case Histories, February 1974, p. 15). |
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| Lavonia, Georgia Close Encounter - 1964 |
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| [] |
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| 1970 - At 9:32 p.m. a 20 foot in diameter glowing green, oval-shaped |
| object with a small blue inner ring descended at a 45-degree angle |
| toward four people in a car in Apopka, Florida. It came down 1000 |
| feet away and to the right of the car and pursued the car closely. It |
| had a hazy edge and a convex bottom. (Source: Hollifield, APRO |
| Bulletin, July-August 1970, p. 1). |
| |
| 1972 - In 1972 a circular orange UFO hovered at 250 meters altitude around 9 |
| p.m. for two minutes along the shore of Calais, France. It dropped |
| some kind of a liquid, then flew to the northwest out to sea. |
| (Source: Lumieres dans la Nuit, issue 123). |
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| 1974 - At one o'clock in the morning in Lille, Nord, France a |
| lenticular-shaped disc that emitted a strong orange light was seen by |
| several witnesses travelling in a cars. The car batteries were |
| drained of power. At 2:25 a.m. a reddish orange luminous cylinder was |
| seen over Hellemes, Nord, France. It hung vertically in the sky and |
| had an intensely bright center section. A second and third set of |
| witnesses saw an orange light but did not see the structure of the |
| object. A fourth set of witnesses saw a violent red light. The |
| cylinder was over the zinc roof of a house, and reportedly in |
| generated smoke from the roof as the zinc roofing partially melted. |
| (Sources: (1) Michel Figuet & Jean-Louis Ruchon, OVNI: Le Premier |
| Dossier Complet des Rencontres Rapprochees en France, p. 495; (2) |
| Michel Figuet and Jean-Louis Ruchon, OVNI: Le Premier Dossier Complet |
| des Rencontres Rapprochees en France, p. 493; Lumieres dans la Nuit, |
| December 1974). |
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| 1974 - At Bogue Inlet, Washington, North Carolina at 9:30 p.m. a |
| businessman was on his boat on the lake when he spotted a cone-shaped |
| UFO hovering over one spot in the lake for ten minutes. It stayed |
| there until a plane flew over, when it then shot up vertically at |
| high speed, giving off an orange, jet-like flame. It was definitely |
| not a Marine military aircraft, according to the witness. (Sources: |
| George D. Fawcett, Flying Saucers, December 1974, p. 39; FSR, January |
| 1975, p. 31). |
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| 1975 - At 10:30 p.m. a reddish orange ovoid object with a halo of |
| light flew toward the northwest and maneuvered up into the sky. It |
| was watched for 45 minutes over the town of Puilly, Meuse, France. It |
| was completely silent. (Source: Lumieres dans la Nuit, December |
| 1975). |
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| 1989 - Several villagers in Chrysopetra, Macedonia, Greece had |
| previously seen strange flashes of light in the sky earlier in the |
| day. At 2:30 p.m. an elderly woman was doing some household chores |
| when she heard a loud bang from outside. She ran out and found her |
| granddaughter in a state of shock. The girl told her that she had |
| seen a large white cloud in the garden, and then the figure of a |
| giant almost eight meters tall appeared. He seemed to be totally |
| encased in mist and was slightly deformed. He disappeared suddenly |
| disappeared in plain sight emitting a loud banging sound. Large |
| footprints were found later at the site of the encounter. (Source: |
| Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1989, case # 574, citing |
| Thanassis Vembos, Strange Magazine, issue # 4). |
| |
| 1989 - The witness was sleeping on a couch that night in Bradford, |
| Ontario when she woke up at 3:39 a.m. feeling very apprehensive. She |
| had a strong buzzing sensation in her head and became completely |
| paralyzed. The next thing she knew it was five o'clock in the |
| morning. She was later able to recall that several 3 to 4 foot tall |
| humanoids with very thin arms and small heads had appeared in her |
| room and had somehow taken her up through the roof. They pointed at a |
| large dark boomerang-shaped object overhead and told her that it was |
| a "light portal." She was then taken onboard. Inside the ship she saw |
| an enormous ziggurat-shaped ship, ringed with white running lights on |
| each level. She was told that it was a "light ship" that traveled |
| inter-dimensionally on light particles. The beings also talked about |
| human being's perception of dying and the existence of many other |
| dimensions. A few nights prior to this incident the same witness |
| recalled also having had several small beings in her room and she had |
| gone immediately to sleep. (Source: Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid |
| Contact Database 1989, case # 1339, citing John Robert Colombo, UFOs |
| Over Canada). |
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| 1994 - A round craft so large that it obscurred an entire water tower |
| was seen from Pensacola Beach, Florida at 11:55 p.m. by six |
| witnesses. It made no discernable sound. (Source: C. Joseph Barron, |
| MUFON UFO Journal, November 1994). |
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| Written by Donald A. Johnson, Ph.D. (Revised 29 June 2005). |
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| Compiled from the UFOCAT computer database. |
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| Themes: abduction; burning sensa |
| tion; buzzing sound; car pursuits; cloud, fog, smoke or mist; cylinde |
| r shaped UFO, discs; EM effects; hissing sound; multi-year reports fr |
| om France; paralysis; physical effects: damage to car's paint and car |
| batteries; sensation of heat; silent UFOs; UFOs flying in formation. |
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