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synced 2025-03-12 10:06:35 -04:00
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| [On This Day] |
| Encounters with Aliens on this Day |
| |
| July 21 |
| |
| 1947 - At 10:15 a.m. Mr. James E. Petteway of Boise, Idaho briefly |
| sighted an oval object flying on a straight steady course to the |
| north-northeast. It was bright, like polished silver, and flew at |
| an estimated speed of 600 miles per hour, at 7000 feet altitude. |
| (Source: Ted Bloecher, Report on the UFO Wave of 1947, case # 844, |
| citing the Boise Idaho Daily Statesman, July 22, 1947). |
| |
| 1952 - At 6:30 p.m. two U.S. Air Force officers, Dougher and Strong, |
| in separate locations at Wiesbaden Air Base in Hesse state, Germany |
| watched two to four long, slender objects for 10-15 minutes. The UFOs |
| were described as bright yellow lights. (Sources: Project Blue Book |
| files counted as official statistics, case 1514; Kevin D. Randle, |
| Invasion Washington: UFOs over the Capitol, p. 271; Don Berliner, |
| Project Blue Book Unknowns). |
| |
| 1952 - At 10:30 a.m. a UFO was tracked on radar at Dobbins AFB, |
| Georgia at a speed of 1200 miles per hour and at an altitude of |
| 50,000 feet. (Sources: NICAP files, citing newspaper source; Loren E. |
| Gross, UFOs: A History. 1952 (Volume 9), p. 3; Richard Hall, The UFO |
| Evidence (Volume 1), p. 160). |
| |
| 1952 - While flying ten miles northwest of Kermit, Texas a private |
| pilot experienced total radio failure when he encountered a brilliant |
| white light playing in the sky near a bank of high altitude clouds. |
| (Source: Dominique Weinstein, Aircraft UFO Encounters, p. 49, citing |
| Jan Aldrich). |
| |
| 1952 - On the second day in a row more than 25 workers at the |
| Northrup Aircraft Factory in Los Angeles, California watched as two |
| flying saucers were sighted hovering and cutting capers over their |
| aircraft plant for more than an hour. This occurred for a total of |
| four evenings in a row, beginning at around 7:00 p.m. The objects |
| were high in the sky and resembled pulsating stars, but they shot |
| away as if controlled. (Source: Jan Aldrich, Project 1947 Research |
| Notes from Bordentown, New Jersey talk on April 16, 2005, p. 47, |
| citing San Francisco Chronicle, July 24, 1952). |
| |
| 1956 - At 11:00 a.m. police in Escuintla, Guatemala sighted a |
| luminous, cigarette-shaped object that zig-zagged silently through |
| the sky. After that four disc-shaped objects whizzed by, low and |
| fast, flying o the northwest. (Source: Larry Hatch, U computer |
| database, case 4677; Loren E. Gross, The Fifth Horseman of the |
| Apocalypse: UFOs: A History. 1956: January-April, p. 87). |
| |
| 1959 - At 10:00 p.m. in St. Rose, St. Charles Parish, Louisiana a 0.6 |
| meter in diameter sphere flew over at 30 km/hour heading south at an |
| altitude of 700 meters. It made a slight buzzing sound. It changed |
| colors, and then made a 180 degree turn traveling back to the |
| northeast. (Source: Larry Hatch, U computer database, case # 5775, |
| citing Loren E. Gross, The Fifth Horseman of the Apocalypse: UFOs: A |
| History. 1959: July-September, p. 41). |
| |
| 1960 - On this evening a power failure occurred in Miami, Florida |
| after a misty blue cloud with a bright center was seen. A crowd |
| chased a "spaceman" wearing bubble headgear "with gold in it" down |
| Collins Avenue, but lost him. (Source: David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, |
| HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case A0501, citing newspaper |
| clipping dated July 22, 1960). |
| |
| 1965 - In Macias, Entre Rios province, Argentina at eleven o'clock at |
| night Felipe Martinez reportedly met with humanoid UFOnauts for the |
| third time since they had first contacted him. He was told that the |
| "space people" would soon show themselves to people everywhere on |
| earth. They also told him that on December 3 that year they would |
| return to take Martinez and his family, and then they would then burn |
| up the entire earth as punishment for our disbelief in their |
| existence. Obviously, none of these prophesized events subsequently |
| occurred. Four of the crew he met with were little men less than |
| three feet tall, while the fifth man was over six feet tall and |
| blond. This last crew member wore metallic plates on his arms, which |
| had numerous small lights. (Source: David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, |
| HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case # 1965-22 (A0634), |
| citing FSR; Gordon Creighton, The Humanoids: FSR Special Edition No. |
| 1, p. 40). |
| |
| 1965 - The USAF Keweenaw Radar Site in Michigan had multiple radar |
| contacts with seven or more unknown targets. This was tied to an |
| inflight sighting of 7 UFOs over Duluth, Michigan. (Source: Flying |
| Saucers, March 1966, p. 9). |
| |
| 1966 - At 7:30 p.m. a man saw a UFO land in the desert near his home |
| in Van Horn, Texas. Approaching its reddish glow, he ran into three |
| small creatures standing near a scrub tree. They spun around toward |
| him, and one of them yelled something in a high-pitched, child like |
| voice. The little beings then all ran back to the saucer-shaped UFO, |
| which flashed away seconds later. (Source: David F. Webb & Ted |
| Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case 1966-28, citing |
| Kevin Randle & Ted Bloecher). |
| |
| 1967 - At 12:30 a.m. a 40-year-old witness was out in his garden in |
| Wissons, France when he noticed a greenish glow on the ground. The |
| glow was in a nearby field next to a cemetery. Within the glow he |
| could see two shiny silvery figures moving about, apparently floating |
| just above the ground. The figures soon disappeared from sight. |
| Later, two V-shaped depressions were found on the ground in the same |
| area. (Source: Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1967, |
| citing Lumieres dans la Nuit, issue # 195, Denys Breysse, Project |
| Becassine). |
| |
| 1967 - At 2:30 a.m. Barbara Fawcett, age 18, and her sister saw a |
| yellow "jagged" object rise above a swamp near Jewfish Creek, |
| Florida. A dog riding in their car became fearful of the low flying |
| yellow light, which flew just 15 feet above the roadway in Pompano |
| Beach. The UFO then veered off to the right and landed on a sand dune |
| to the east of the road. Air Force investigators found a very large |
| scorched area at the spot. (Sources: APRO Bulletin, July-August 1967, |
| p. 7; NICAP UFO Investigator, October1967, p. 4; Coral & Jim |
| Lorenzen, Encounters with UFO Occupants, p. 14; Jacques Vallee, |
| Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case 858, citing APRO). |
| |
| 1967 - On this afternoon in Pamlico County, North Carolina |
| 14-year-old Ronnie Hill was playing in the garden when he noticed a |
| strange odor in the air, and his eyes began to tear. He then saw a |
| spherical object about three meters in diameter descend from the sky |
| and land in a nearby field. Thinking that nobody would believe him, |
| he ran inside his home and obtained a small Kodak camera. Once back |
| outside he saw a small figure emerge from behind the object. The |
| figure was about 1.25 meters in height, wore a tight-fitting silvery |
| suit and carried in its hand a black object that it inserted into the |
| ground, The entity then returned to the object, which took off into |
| the sky at high speed. The odor was described as resembling propane |
| gas. Ronnie Hill also noticed a total lack of sound during the |
| encounter. A controversial photograph of the humanoid and UFO |
| was taken and subsequently publicized. The photograph is widely |
| regarded as a hoax by UFO investigators, with an eggshell used to |
| model the UFO. (Source: John A. Keel, FSR, January-February 1969, |
| p. 15). |
| |
| 1967 - At 10:15 p.m. a security guard, Sidney Zipkin, age 50, was |
| driving through a large parking lot in Churchville, New York when he |
| observed a 16-meter-long cigar-shaped object with green lights under |
| it land on the parking lot pavement. He stopped his truck within 30 |
| meters of the object with the truck headlights aimed on it, and was |
| surprised to see two dwarfs dressed in shiny black uniforms rush by |
| his vehicle and enter the craft, which took off straight up in a |
| vertical ascent. (Source: Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A |
| Century of Landings, case # 860). |
| |
| 1969 - At 1:00 a.m. a bang was heard at the door and the dog |
| began barking in Cannes, Alpes-Maritime Department, France. Looking |
| out, two boys saw a small white sphere that was hovering over a rose |
| bush outside. (Source: Larry Hatch, U computer database, case # 8911, |
| citing Lumieres dans la Nuit, issue 152). |
| |
| 1969 - Waldo, Maine - Randolph Whitcomb had just pulled off Route 137 |
| onto Birches Road at 1:45 a.m. when his car radio "went haywire", |
| fading into static. Then he noticed that his car hood was reflecting |
| a red glare. Looking up, he saw a large, glowing red object hovering |
| low over his vehicle. Startled, Whitcomb raced the three miles home. |
| The UFO paced him the entire distance and "moved off fast" as he |
| turned into his driveway. (Source: NICAP UFO Investigator, |
| September-October 1969, p. 3). |
| |
| 1970 - In 1970 an unidentified flying object described as looking like a |
| silver bowl inverted upon another silver bowl was sighted hovering in |
| the sky over Lynn, Massachusetts at 7:45 a.m. It was tipped slightly |
| at an angle. (Source: Raymond Fowler, UFOs Interplanetary Visitors, |
| p. 356). |
| |
| Lynn, Massachusetts - 1970 |
| |
| [] |
| |
| 1972 - At 8:30 p.m. in Pinelands, Western Cape Province, South Africa |
| a witness by the name of Alexander saw a bright red object only two |
| or three meters from the ground. It turned orange and then a golden |
| color. As it rose up it made a large circle in the sky and then shot |
| off. (Source: Argus, July 22, 1972; FSR, November-December 1972, |
| p. 16). |
| |
| 1973 - At 9:00 p.m. two motorists on highway 139 in Gavignano, |
| Corsica, France felt paralyzed at the same time as the lights, radio, |
| and engine of their vehicle died. They also felt very cold, and while |
| they were unable to move they witnessed a bright shining object rise |
| from ground, and then shoot into the sky. (Sources: FSR, April 1978, |
| p. 31; Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, p. |
| 57) |
| |
| 1975 - A 40-year-old artist named Malichev, living in Solnechnogorsk, |
| Russia not far from Moscow claimed he had communicated telepathically |
| with three UFO occupants. Their leader, a woman, told him he had a |
| stable psychological system, which was why they had contacted him. |
| They arrived in the middle of the afternoon on this day in a |
| disc-shaped craft with three antennae. He was taken on an |
| otherworldly journey, apparently to a planet with three moons. |
| (Source: Jacques Vallee, The Soviet UFO Chronicle, p. 202). |
| |
| 1977 - At 4:15 a.m. Police Officer John W. Bruner, a deputy sheriff, |
| was on duty In Porter, Texas and was the first person to observe the |
| UFO. Officer Bruner and his partner Officer Coogler were parked west |
| of the object, which appeared to be approximately hald a mile to a |
| mile away. Bruner and Coogler got out of their vehicle and tried to |
| observe the object better by shinning their light on it. The object |
| moved toward the men and the officers turned off the light because |
| they became nervous at seeing the object's response to their light. |
| The object then moved back to its original location. They agreed that |
| the object appeared to have six portholes surrounding a type of |
| framework. The two officers observed the UFO for approximately 45 |
| minutes. During that time period, the UFO appeared to stand still in |
| mid air, pulsate, travel at incredible speeds, and fly erratically. |
| The officers described the UFO's apparent size to be about that of a |
| grapefruit at arm's length. Officer Bruner was convinced that the |
| object he saw was neither a balloon nor a helicopter. (Source: NICAP |
| UFO Investigator, October 1977, page 4). |
| |
| 1982 - In Whitley City, Kentucky at 2:00 a.m. a top-shaped object lit |
| up a garden with a red beam of lightdirected downwards. The craft had |
| 30 lights around its rim. It flew to the north, then circled back, |
| and finally flew off by making a vertical ascent. (Source: Larry |
| Hatch, U computer database, case # 14419, citing APRO Bulletin, |
| February 1982). |
| |
| 1991 - Two flying humanoids, a man and a woman, landed on the hood of |
| a truck moving at 50 mph down a highway near La Tigra, Argentina, |
| and remained seated there until they got to town. They were described |
| as very tall and very pale in complexion, and had blond hair and |
| wore tight-fitting white uniforms.The lone male truck driver said |
| that the beings remained sitting on the hood until the truck |
| approached the outskirts of town, where they suddenly disappeared. |
| Tracks were said to have been found on the hood of the truck. |
| (Source: Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1991, addendum |
| case # 2, citing Richard Heiden). |
| |
| 1991 - Three young girls (ages 10-12) had stayed up late to watch a |
| TV program and had gone into the backyard to play on a trampoline in |
| Springfield, Missouri at two o'clock in the morning. They noticed a |
| white, oval-shaped light moving rapidly from the side of the house to |
| a corner of the backyard, where a large tree stood. One of the girls |
| then noticed a strange-looking humanoid figure standing near the |
| trampoline. It was about 4½ feet tall and completely white in color, |
| with thin long arms and a huge pear-shaped head that was completely |
| bald. It had two large black almond-shaped eyes, and it was very |
| skinny with long skinny fingers on its long arms. The girls next ran |
| back into the house and attempted to tell an older cousin of the |
| incident, but the cousin ignored them and went back to bed. The girls |
| then went back into the den and resumed watching television. Moments |
| later their cat began acting strangely and the television screen went |
| blank. At this point all three then saw the same humanoid again, |
| looking at them through a window. The humanoid moved its head in a |
| jerky mechanical manner. The girls ran and hid in the basement, where |
| they stayed for the remainder of the night. (Sources: David F. Webb & |
| Ted Bloecher, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports, case # A2306; |
| Albert S. Rosales, Humanoid Contact Database 1991, case # 726; Duane |
| & Susan Bedell, MUFON UFO Journal, issue # 282). |
| |
| 1994 - At two o'clock in the afternoon an oval-shaped object was |
| observed hovering over Taharti Lake, British Columbia, Canada for |
| three minutes. It was about the size of a car. All of the witnesses |
| returned to their cabin, but that night all five witnesses are unable |
| to account for the next 24 hours. Their UFO sighting and the missing |
| time incident is reported to the RCMP. (Source: Frank Ducks, 1994 |
| Canadian UFO Survey Report, case # 85). |
| |
| 1997 - A craft flying at 15 meters altitude with three white fixed |
| lights was seen in Cholet, Maine-Loire department, France. Its speed |
| was slow, and the encounter lasted 10 minutes. A deafening buzz could |
| be heard during the passage of this object. (Source: GEIPAN, case # |
| 257). |
| |
| 2002 - Argentine Policeman Guillermo Arias was on patrol in Chaj'n, |
| Cordoba Province, Argentina at 11:00 p.m. when a radio call alerted |
| him that police in neighboring Achiras had sighted lights heading |
| toward them. As he was driving his police patrol van he spotted a |
| formation of seven lights, and followed them for 10 kilometers down a |
| rural dirt road when his vehicle's engine died, his dashboard lights |
| and interior lights began turning on and off, and his radio went |
| haywire with the dial displaying random frequencies. The van also |
| filled with an acrid odor like burnt wiring. Badly frightened, Arias |
| ran from his van and in the process lost his mobile phone. At this |
| point an immense light rose from an adjacent field, coming from a |
| large, 200 meter long, triangular object. He described it as looking |
| like a "floating city" with a long row of about 100 windows. |
| |
| Sr. Arias then saw something moving behind him, which he described as |
| "non-human" in appearance. Numerous beams of light came out of the |
| giant triangle craft, directed at the ground for several seconds. The |
| object suddenly rose and sped away, illuminating the area like |
| daylight. Recovering from his fear, Arias returned to the van and |
| notified his fellow officers of his experience. He was told that |
| reinforcements were being sent out to meet him. Patrolman Barrios |
| from Achiras talked to him over the radio, trying to keep him calm, |
| while Sgt. Medina was the first backup officer to arrive on the |
| scene. He was joined by Sgt. Cordoba, among other officers, who |
| reached the rural location to lend their assistance to their comrade |
| in distress. (Source: George Filer & David E. Twitchell, Filer's |
| Files: Worldwide Reports of UFO Sightings, pp. 107-108, |
| citing translation by Scott Corales from Circulo Ovnilogico |
| Riocuartense). |
| |
| Written by Donald A. Johnson, Ph.D. (Revised 17 July 2012). |
| |
| Compiled from the UFOCAT computer database. |
| |
| Themes: animal re |
| actions: dogs barking and fearful, buzzing sound, car pursuits, disc- |
| shaped UFOs, entity reports from teenage and pre-teen witnesses, flyi |
| ng humanoids, fog or mist, free will abductions, low flying UFOs, mis |
| sing time, multi-year reports from France and New England, oval-shape |
| d UFOs, physiological effects: paralysis, police encounters, radar tr |
| acking of UFOs, RF interference, sensation of cold, short humanoids, |
| telepathy, vehicle EM ignition interference effects, vertical ascent. |
| |
| © Donald A. Johnson |
| |
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