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- Testimonies in Belgium similar to those of [1989](1989.html).
- A witness in the middle of the crop circle appeared in Saint-François-Xavier. See images/1990.jpg.
- **February 7**: Near Saive (Belgium), 2 motorists are driving on a small forest road when they are silently overflown by a structure of about 25 m by 15 m. The object is very close, so close that the witnesses will tell that if 3 people had climbed on the roof of the car and made a human ladder, they could have touched the object. It moves so slowly that the driver has to brake and put it in neutral to not overtake it (less than 10 km/h) [\[VOB II, p. 136 \< Méheust 2000\]]{.source}
- **March 30**
- **11 PM:** The responsible controller (MC) of the
[CRC](glossair.html#CRC) Glons receives a telephone call from
Mr. Renkin, MDL of the Belgian gendarmerie, who certifies to see, from his home in Ramillies, 3 unusual lights in the direction of Thorembaies-Gembloux. These lights are clearly brighter than the stars and planets, they do not move and are arranged in an equilateral triangle. Their color is changing: red, green and yellow.
- **23 h 05 :** The Wavre gendarmerie is asked by the [CRC](glossair.html#CRC) Glons to send a patrol on site to confirm this observation.
- **23:15:** Mr. Renkin's new call concerns a new phenomenon: 3 other lights are heading towards the first triangle. One of these lights is much brighter than the others. The [CRC](glossair.html#CRC) Glons meanwhile observes an unidentified contact on radar 5 km north of Beauchevain. The contact is moving at a speed of approximately 45 km/h (25 knots) towards the West.
- **23 h 28:** A patrol of the gendarmerie, including Captain Pinson, is on site and confirms Mr. Renkin's observation. Captain Pinson describes the phenomenon observed as follows: The light points have the dimension of a large star; they continuously change color. The dominant one is red, then it changes to blue, green, yellow and white, but not in the same order each time (...) The lights are very clear, as if they were signals: this allows them to be distinguished from the stars.
- Objects photographed near a commercial airliner, in an aerodrome near Moscow. See images/1990_2_400.jpg.
- **23 h 49 :** The [TCC/RP](glossair.html#TCC/RP) Semmerzake
confirms in turn to have a clear radar contact at the same
position as that reported by the CRC Glons.
- **23 h 56 :** The CRC Glons gives the scramble order to the JW.
- **23 h 45 - 0 h 15:** The light points continue to be clearly observed from the ground. The whole formation seems to be moving slowly relative to the stars. Ground-based visual witnesses notice that the UFOs occasionally send out brief and more intense light signals. Meanwhile, two weaker light points are noticed in the direction of Eghezée. These, like the others, also make brief and erratic movements.
- An airliner (pictured below) is on an airfield near Moscow when several UFOs, leaving trails behind them, are observed. It was witness Nikolaï Nilov who took this picture.
- **March 31**
- **0 h 05 :** 2 single-seat F-16s, AL 17 and AL 23, take off.
Between 0 h 07 and 0 h 54, under the control of the [CRC](glossair.html#CRC), a total of 9 attempts to intercept these UFOs were made by the fighters. The planes had several brief radar contacts on the targets designated by the [CRC](glossair.html#CRC). In 3 cases, the pilots managed to lock on to the target for a few seconds, which each time brought about a change in the UFOs. In no case did the pilots have a visual contact with the UFOs.
- **0 h 13:** First lock on the target designated by the [CRC](glossair.html#CRC). Position: On the nose 6 [NM](glossair.html#NM), 2,750 km (9000 feet), heading: 250. The target's speed changes in a minimum time from 280 to 1800 km/h (150 to 970 knots), the altitude going from 2,750 km to 1,530 km (9000 to 5000 feet), then back to 3,350 km (11000 feet) to, afterwards, suddenly descend to ground level. This results in a "*break lock*" after a few seconds, the pilots losing the radar contact. The [CRC](glossair.html#CRC) Glons informs, at the moment of the "*break lock*", that the fighters are flying over the target's position.
- **0 h 19 - 0 h 30 :** Both the [TCC](glossair.html#TCC/RP) Semmerzake and the [CRC](glossair.html#CRC) Glons have lost contact with the target. Occasionally a contact appears in the area, but there are too few to have a clear trail. Meanwhile, the pilots make contact with the civil air traffic radio on VHF to coordinate their movements in the Brussels TMA. Radio contact on UHF is maintained with the CRC Glons.
- Belgian F-16 Radar Recording. See images/1990-03-30.jpg.
- **0 h 32 :** Glons and Semmerzake radars have a contact 205 km (110.6 NM) away from Beauchevain, heading towards Bierset at 2,135 km (7000 feet) and at high speed. Speeds recorded range from 885 km/h to 1277 km/h (478 to 690 knots). The contact is lost above Bierset. The Maastricht radar control center had no contact with this UFO.
- **0 h 39 - 00 h 41:** The [CRC](glossair.html#CRC) Glons mentions a possible contact at 19 km (10 NM) from the aircraft, altitude of 3050 km (10000 feet). The pilots have a radar contact from 13 km (7 NM). An acceleration of the target from 185 km/h to 1110 km/h (100 to 600 knots) is again noted. The "*lock on*" only lasts a few seconds, and both the aircraft and the [CRC](glossair.html#CRC) lose contact.
- **0 h 47 :** Beauchevain RAPCON mentions a contact on their radar at an altitude of 1980 km (6500 feet), position from Beauchevain: 160/9 km (5 NM). Glons CRC also has a contact at the same position. This is observed until 00h56.
- **0 h 45 - 01 h 00:** Some attempts are made again to intercept the UFOs. The planes only record a few very short radar contacts. Witnesses on the ground see the last remaining UFO disappear in the direction of Louvain-la-Neuve. Around 1 o'clock, the UFO has completely disappeared from view.
- **1 h 02 :** The two F-16s, AL 17 and AL 23, leave the frequency of the [CRC](glossair.html#CRC) Glons and return to their base.
- **1 h 06 :** The [Gendarmerie](Gendarmerie.html) of Jodoigne
mentions to the [CRC](glossair.html#CRC) Glons that a similar phenomenon to the one reported by Mr. Renkin at 23h15 has just been observed.
- **1 h 10 :** Landing of F-16 AL 17.
- **1 h 16 :** Landing of F-16 AL 23.
- **1:18:** Captain Pinson, who went to the Jodoigne brigade, describes his observation as follows: 4 white light points form a square with Jodoigne as the central point. The UFO seen in the direction of Orp-Jauche is brighter and has a yellow-red color. The light points move with jerky and short movements.
- **1 h 30 :** The 4 UFOs lose their brightness and seem to disappear in 4 different directions.
- **11 PM:** Laptev, an aeronautical engineer, observed on the left,
towards Moscow, above an obscure and dense forest, suddenly appear
2 powerful headlights, one red and one white, one above the other:
The UFO flew slowly over the treetops parallel to the highway,
towards the lights of the city. At less than half the distance
separating the forest from our reference point - the radio tower -
it lost altitude as if it wanted to land in the forest and
disappeared from our field of view. About 20 minutes later, not far
from the place where it had disappeared, we distinguished 2
headlights that resumed the trajectory in the opposite direction. We
can only speak of this object as a triangular pattern, since the 2
blinding ones did not allow us to discern the details. The powerful
lights at the front of the aircraft could have passed for the lights
of an aircraft preparing to land. But\... they were turning in
different directions, one horizontally illuminating, the other
obliquely at an acute angle to the left forming a cone of light at
a great distance. It seemed to be inspecting the surrounding
- **April**
- **April 5:** 1st flight of the American small launcher *Pegasus*,
weighing 18 t.
- **4 or 7:** Observation and photography at [Petit-Rechain](1990-04_PetitRechain.html), near Liège (Belgium).
- The magazine *Science et vie* makes its first page with the submarine [MHD](MHD.html). This is followed by an article that evokes the recent breakthroughs in this field: surface ships and submarines are soon to experience a real revolution, thanks to electromagnetic propulsion, resulting from recent advances in superconductivity. The article includes a photo of a launch built by the Japanese, ready for testing, equipped with 2 [MHD](MHD.html) propellers, identical to the one that [Jean-Pierre Petit](PetitJeanPierre.html) had sailed 10 years earlier in a small saltwater basin on the set of TF1's *Temps X* show. An illustration describes the parietal accelerator that [Petit](PetitJeanPierre.html) experimented with in 1975, without mentioning [Petit](PetitJeanPierre.html) [\[Petit 1991\]]{.source}.
- The Tagsek UFO. See images/tagsek.jpg.
- **April 25:** Launch of the *Hubble* space telescope.
- **May 25:** A gigantic disc, estimated to have a diameter of
approximately 300 m, is seen in broad daylight above the town of
Mary, in the south of the Republic of Turkmenistan, not far from
the Iranian border. At this moment, the Mary area is under the
control of the 12th Air Defense Army and Colonel Anatoli Kurkchy
is in command of the local division. As soon as the red-orange
flying disc, with a circumference pierced with sort of portholes,
appears, Colonel Krukchy triggers an armed response: 3
surface-to-air missiles are fired, but the UFO quickly maneuvers
and destroys each of the projectiles with a light beam. The
military then decides to take off 2 two-seater interceptors. At
about 1 km from the UFO, an unknown force seems to project the 2
planes towards the ground. The aircrafts are destroyed and their
pilots killed. Colonel Kurkchy would have been relieved of his
command and brought to justice. But, curiously, the proceedings
would have been abandoned and he would have been transferred to
New Zemble (archipelago located in the Barents Sea Polar, northeast
of Murmansk) --- nuclear experimentation military zone forbidden to
civilians --- to take command of the local Air Defense division.
The documents related to this incident would have been classified
secret and the squadron disbanded (article by Nicolaï Lebedev in
November 1991 in a Leningrad newspaper).
- **May 31:** Docking of the *Kristall* module to *Mir*.
- **June**
- *Le Point* devotes an article to the activity of the [CNES](CNES.html) commission on UFOs, but without bringing any revelations [\[Roussel 1994\]]{.source}.
- One of the photographs taken on June 15th in Wallonia (Belgium) by J. S. Henrardi. See Drawing representing the observation of Blandine Mariotte on November 5th at 7:15 PM, images/1990-06-15_Wallonie_HenrardiJS.jpg.
- **June 24:** In Hakui City (Japan), in a letter to Major Shiotani regarding an upcoming symposium on Space and UFOs, Japanese Prime Minister [Toshiki Kaifu](officiels.html#KaifuToshiki) states that UFOs must be considered a real phenomenon and that it is time to study them seriously.
- **July**
- **July 9:** 6 intelligence specialists from the US Army, later known as "[the 6 of Gulf Breeze](Breeze.html#Six)" abandon their post in Augsburg (Germany).
- **July 14:** [The Six of Gulf Breeze](Breeze.html#Six) are arrested in Gulf Breeze (Florida).
- **July 16:** The first Pakistani satellite is launched by a Chinese rocket.
- **July 25:** Florida media outlets receive an odd dispatch on their teleprinters demanding the release of the [Six of Gulf Breeze](Breeze.html#Six).
- The [*crop circle*](CropCircles.html) appeared in July. See images/1990-07.jpg.
- **August**
- **2 August:** Invasion of Kuwait.
- **August 8th:** The press abruptly stops talking about the [Gulf Breeze Six](Breeze.html#Six) affair.
- **August 31**: In Cabo Rojo, Route 101 (Puerto Rico), Miguel Figueroa, who was driving by, saw 5 small gray creatures with extremely thin bodies, big heads, pointed ears, a slit for a mouth, a tiny nose and immense white almond-shaped eyes. Figueroa observed blinding light beams coming out of the eyes that made him stop. These entities jumped from a bridge to follow a river that led to a lagoon. They left footprints with 3 toes. No UFO was seen. The entities were regularly seen in the same area. [[[Good](GoodTimothy.html) 1992, p.107] [[Greslé](GresleJeanGabriel.html) 1993, (drawing) pp.203-204] [[Good](GoodTimothy.html) 1994, pp. 248 to 253]]{.source}
- **September 13:** A radar station in the Privoljsko-Ouralsky military region (USSR) detects a craft and activates the automatic identification system which, upon receiving the response pulse, is immediately disabled. The triangle from which 3 beams of light are emitted towards the ground passes 10 m above the station. Illuminated by the spotlights, it destroys an antenna made of steel with a flash from the middle of the edge, burning like wood, and lands in a vegetable garden (which will be overturned) 140 m from the station and remains there for 1 h 30. During this period, 2 sentinels disappear. They will be found completely amnesic, convinced that they had not left their post. Their watches are delayed by the duration of their disappearance.
- **September 19:** A phenomenon was photographed in Vilar-Alfena (Portugal). Despite a very long investigation by Portuguese investigators, specialists and scientists have not been able to satisfactorily characterize this object, whose shape resembles that of a large insect.
- **October 6:** Launch of the European probe *Ulysse* (Sun).
- **November 5**
- The UFO of November 5th observed in Gennevilliers, see images/1990-11-05-1.jpg
- **6:44 PM:** Philippe Ughetto, a photographer from the Magnum agency, and his assistant
capture the phenomenon on film (photos to the right). This light
phenomenon will be seen simultaneously by hundreds of witnesses
across the country, from southwest to northeast. No less than 233
official reports will reach the office of [Jean-Jacques
Vélasco](VelascoJeanJacques.html), as well as 614 testimonies
from individuals and 5 reports from civilian and military
pilots. After an investigation, the [SEPRA](SEPRA.html) will
indicate 4 days later that it was the atmospheric reentry of the
third stage of a Soviet Proton launcher, which had been used 2
days before to put a satellite into orbit. This cylindrical
object would have reentered at an altitude of about 110 km over
France and dispersed at an altitude of 83 km above the region of
Frankfurt (Germany).
- **18 h 55** : At Argenteuil (Val d'Oise), observation of a large square shape. [\[*Gazette du Val d'Oise,* 16 July 1997\]]{.source}
- **7 PM**
- The phenomenon shown here was filmed in the sky of France.
- At A Commeny (Val d'Oise), at the intersection of D 43 and N 14, observation of a triangle shape of 50 m by 30 m, estimated at 1 km maximum distance and 400 m from the ground. [\[*Gazette du Val d'Oise,* 16 July 1997\]]{.source}
- At L'Isle-Adam (Val d'Oise), a triangular shape flew over the city center, made two successive turns, and quickly disappeared. [\[*Gazette du Val d'Oise,* 16 July 1997\]]{.source}
- **19 h 01** : At Cergy (Val d'Oise), observation of a triangular shape in slow flight, with 2 beams pointed towards the ground. [\[*Gazette du Val d'Oise,* 16 July 1997\]]{.source}
- Drawing of Blandine Mariotte's observation on November 5th at 7:15 PM. See Drawing representing Blandine Mariotte's observation on November 5th at 7:15 PM, images/1990-11-05.jpg
- Thousands of people, all across France, observe dozens of similar lights, heading roughly west to east. Hundreds of testimonies report of "triangles" flying at very low altitude, sometimes changing direction or disappearing behind hills.
- Much larger craft are also observed, measuring several hundred meters long, as in Gretz-Armainvilliers, where several witnesses saw a triangular cross-section beam, marked with huge lights and headlights, descend to less than 400 m from the ground, stabilize in a hover and change direction twice, in an impressive silence.
- The [SEPRA](SEPRA.html) quickly announced that it was the atmospheric reentry of debris from the third stage of a Proton rocket, launched on October 3rd. Verification was made, and there was indeed a reentry that night, but from a rocket that had left on November 3rd! Hundreds of investigators contested the official version, and many witnesses observed similar phenomena during the month. Despite the denials of the Air Force, it was demonstrated that the Air Force had taken off that night to verify what had happened. The crew of an Embraer-120 "Brasilia" in flight over the Massif Central saw a group of 10 to 12 lights followed by bright trails crossing their path while their plane was in level flight at 7600 m.
- [Jean-Gabriel Greslé](GresleJeanGabriel.html) observed a very large object in the evening in Seine-et-Marne.
- Night light observed in Montreal on November 7. See Night light observed in Montreal on November 7, images/1990-11-07.jpg and images/1990-11-07.jpg, and [this photo](http://membres.tripod.fr/rr0/images/1990-12-13.jpg).
- **December 9:** An AFP dispatch indicates that the UFO rain as titled by *Le Figaro* was not a spacecraft followed by its cohort of saucers but the third stage of a Soviet rocket (the Proton rocket which had been used to put the Gorizon 21 communications satellite into orbit) bouncing off the upper layers of the atmosphere. The media are informed of the identification of the celestial bolide that had intrigued all of Europe by the [SEPRA](SEPRA.html) [\[Roussel 1994\]]{.source}.
- **December 13th, 0:07:** The long-range radar controllers of the
Kuybyshev monitoring station (now Samara, Russia) see a spot
appear on their screens, estimated to be about 100 km away. They
will later describe the spot as being comparable to that of a
strategic bomber. The automatic and electronic system for
identifying friends or foes (Identify Fried or Foe or IFF) stops
working, preventing the controllers from knowing whether the
vehicle is hostile or not. About 2 minutes and 30 seconds after
its first appearance, the large spot disperses into a multitude
of small returns. They are now less than 40 km from the station
and the largest one has begun to take the shape of a triangular
object, and is now heading straight for the radar post. As it
approaches, a team of soldiers wants to go out to see what it is:
the thing passes in a flash over their heads, less than 9 m away,
as they put their foot outside.
Drawings representing the manifestation of December 13th in Samara. See drawings representing the manifestation of December 13th in Samara, images/1990-12-13_1000.jpg, and this [photo](http://membres.tripod.fr/rr0/images/1990-12-13.jpg).
- **December 14:** *Le Monde* reports that 2 UFO cases defy all
interpretation. These "real UFOs" as the journalist calls them,
observed in the early 1980s by 2 credible witnesses according to the
report of the [CNES](CNES.html), left a strong imprint on the ground
and caused deep trauma to the surrounding vegetation, as noted by
scientists [\[Roussel 1994\]]{.source}.