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- **January 7:** A Belgian businessman is driving near the French-Belgian border. His headlights suddenly go out. His engine stops abruptly. His radio goes silent. The driver pulls the handbrake and stops on the side of the road. He then sees in a field, 150 m away, an object that looks like a British helmet (the famous "flat cap") and sees two small beings come out of it. The smallest one, who looks like the Michelin Man, wears a round helmet. He has strange eyes and a slit for a mouth. The bigger one wears a uniform, with a cubic helmet and a belt. When the bigger one seems to open his mouth, the businessman feels a shock at the base of his skull and hears a kind of modulated sound. At that moment, a car appears on the horizon. The two humanoids quickly move away, walking with abrupt and identical gestures, without seeming bothered by the mud covering the field. According to the businessman, their legs were only partially visible.
- **February**
- **February 5:** *Mariner 10* flies over [Venus](Venus.html).
- **February 12:** The *Mars 5* probe arrives in orbit around Mars.
- **Friday, February 21st:** On *France Inter*, [Jean-Claude Bourret](BourretJeanClaude.html) interviews the Minister of the Armies, [Robert Galley](GalleyRobert.html), on the subject of UFOs. He admits the scientific interest of the problem and indicates the procedure to send observation reports to [Claude Poher](PoherClaude.html) of the [CNES](CNES.html).
- **Mars**
- **Sunday 3rd March, 5:40am**: In Montmorency (Val d'Oise), an ovoid much larger than an airplane remained stationary for 2 hours. [\[*Gazette du Val d'Oise,* 16th July 1997\]]{.source}
- **Friday 8 March**
- **0 h 45:** Mr. D. was driving his 2CV between 12:30 and 1:00 in the Tarbes region. He was surprised by a red light: I saw on my right (\...) about 400 or 500 m away a red-orange ball the size of the sun. I think this ball was quite high above the ground, without being able to specify. It was moving north towards Rabasten while getting closer to my car. (\...) This ball was for a moment facing my vehicle. (\...) At that moment, it took on a more oval shape, like a rugby ball. This ball was so bright, in front and around me, that I could see as if it were broad daylight. While it was at the height of my car, it no longer pulled, it had misfires, it did not move despite my acceleration - and this over a distance of at least fifty meters. When this ball so to speak turned in front of me on the national 21 (N 21), it had lost some altitude while still keeping the same color, but this ball was becoming bigger and bigger, that is to say it must have reached 2 m in diameter. I did not hear any noise (\...). I was very scared. (\...) I add that (\...) I saw a second one, smaller, of a bright red. It was roughly at the same height as the first one. From these balls came a very powerful light and rays that blinded me. Mr. D.'s eyes will be red and tearful for 2 days. Several witnesses saw that night in the region powerful lights or luminous balls.
- On *France Inter*, [Jean-Claude Bourret](BourretJeanClaude.html) interviews [Jean-Claude Ribes](RibesJeanClaude.html), then a radio astronomer and research associate at CNRS [\[Bourret 1976\]]{.source}.
- In the United States, a meeting of scientists and academics interested in the UFO phenomenon is taking place. [Poher](PoherClaude.html) is in the United States at this time [\[Bourret 1976\]]{.source}.
- **Friday, March 22nd:** On *France Inter*, [Jean-Claude Bourret](BourretJeanClaude.html) formulates a conclusion to his series of interviews on UFOs, alongside Claude Villers. [Michel Monnerie](MonnerieMichel.html) announces that [LDLN](LDLN.html) is organizing a national sky-watching evening for the following day [\[Bourret 1976\]]{.source}.
- Photograph taken. See images/albiosc.jpg.
- **Saturday 23 March**
- **21 h :** Start of the national skywatching evening, organized by [LDLN](LDLN.html). Despite the publicity around the operation, no photos are sent to the show. [\[Bourret 1976\]]{.source}
- The picture below was taken in Albiosc (Var). It will later be placed on the windshield of a journalist, with a note indicating the date and location of the picture.
- **Monday 25th March:** Launch of *Saliout 3.* It will re-enter the following year.
- **Friday 29 March:** *Mariner 10* flys over Mercury.
- **April 2** : Death of Georges Pompidou.
- **April 13**: Alleged appearance of the Holy Virgin in Bayside (New York), who reportedly declared: God the Father finds it necessary that you inform men of science that the vehicles known as UFOs are sent by Hell to deceive and disconcert humanity by making them search for another world, that of these "extraterrestrials", which does not exist.
- **April 20**: At night, in the Charleroi region (Belgium), a
sometimes unbearable modulated sound was heard in about twenty
different places for an hour. Several people also noticed an
unusual light, while others mostly described an object in the
shape of a disk, advancing regularly at tree height. Physiological
sensations (headaches, tingling, etc.), a television breakdown,
and an effect on vegetation were also noted.
- **April 25:** Observation by Tsutomu Nakayama at Kapiolani Park (Hawaii). See images/1974-04-25_Hawai_par_TsutomuNakayama.jpg.
- **May**
- [Alan Sandler](ufologues.html#SandlerAlan) and [Robert Emenneger](EmeneggerRobert.html) contact the doctor [Joseph Hynek](HynekJosephAllen.html) to help them make documentaries commissioned by the [DoD](DoD.html), dealing with his relations with UFOs.
- **May 17:** A team from the Air Force recovers the wreckage of an 18 m diameter metal circular object and transports it to the Kirtland Air Force Base [Kirtland](KirtlandAFB.html) near Albuquerque.
- **May 31, 2:30:** *Peter* (24 years old) and his wife *Frances* (21 years old) --- these are pseudonyms --- are driving in a Peugeot 404, heading from what is then called Salisbury to Durban ([South Africa](ZA.html)). The route takes them across the South African border (with Zimbabwe) at Beit Bridge, at the Limpopo River. About 32 km south of Umvuma in Rhodesia (now Harare in Zimbabwe), Frances notices a light on the left following their car. The headlights dim, the couple suddenly feels very cold and has to wrap themselves in blankets. Realizing he is driving well beyond the speed limit, Peter lets off the accelerator --- but nothing happens. The headlights go out completely, and Peter loses all control of the vehicle, which speeds down the road at 145 km/h. When Fort Victoria comes into view, the UFO veers off and moves away; the car then starts functioning normally again. The couple stops at Fort Victoria to get gas and astonishes the attendant by making remarks about the cold. Just outside of Fort Victoria, the UFO reappears and Peter once again loses control of his vehicle. Even stranger, the road becomes totally straight and without traffic, crossing lush tropical vegetation (when it is known to be winding and heavily trafficked at night, crossing arid landscapes). Arriving at the border near Beit Bridge, 290 km from Fort Victoria, the couple's watches indicate 7:30, an hour late, and they have only spent 22 cents on gas. Hypnosis regression will reveal that the car had been under the control of a humanoid beam-shipped from the UFO to the back seat of the car, from a distant galaxy. The humanoid claimed to be able to take any form, from a duck to a normal human being...
- **June**
- Lieutenant Colonel Toshio Nakamura and Commander Shiro Kubuta take off in a Phantom F-4EJ for what they believe to be an interception mission of a Soviet bomber. After takeoff, they are informed that they are actually being sent to investigate a brightly colored UFO that had been seen and picked up on radar. At 9000 meters altitude, they encounter a red disk-shaped object which Commander Kubuta says appears to be piloted by intelligent beings. The object maneuvers around the aircraft, forcing Nakamura to dive and turn. Finally, the object touches the aircraft. Kubuta and Nakamura manage to eject, but Nakamura's parachute catches fire and he crashes to the ground.
- **June 19:** Valéry Giscard d'Estaing elected President of the Republic.
- **3 July:** 2 cosmonauts begin a stay aboard the military-use *Saliout 3* station.
- **July 17**
- End of the 14-day stay of 2 cosmonauts aboard the military-use *Saliout 3* station.
- **July 17** Observation in Belotie (Yugoslavia). See images/1974-07-17.gif, images/1974-07-17_2.gif.
- **July 19:** Observation (see below) in Balcarce (Argentina), Mr. Antonio Le Pere. See images/1974-07-19_Balcarce_Argentine.jpg.
- **August 9:** Resignation of [Richard Nixon](dirigeants.html#NixonRichardMilhous).
- **September 1st, 11am** : In Langenburg (Saskatchewan, Canada), [near-landing with traces](1974-09-01_Saskatchewan.html).
- **October 25**: [Carl Higdon](1974-10-25_HigdonCarl.html) is found in an obvious state of mental confusion near the Medicine Bow National Forest (Wyoming). He recounts being abducted in a cubic object by an extraterrestrial named Ausso.
- **October 28:** Launch of *Luna 23*.
- **Saturday, November 9th, 7:30 PM:** In Carbondale (New Jersey?), 3 teenagers see an object of light fall into a small lake outside of town. They observe a yellow-white glow under the water that moves up to 25 feet from the shore. The boys are questioned by the police for 3 hours while various vehicles equipped with spotlights and cranes remove a disc-shaped object and put it into a truck.
- **Monday 11th November:** A railway lantern and a battery are found in the lake and officials describe it all as a hoax.
- **November 17:** Photo taken in Denmark. [*UFOs: The Secret History*, Michael Hesemann]{.source} Similar to [Case No. 50](Documents/Officiels/condon/case50.htm) of the Condon Report. See images/1974-11-17.jpg.
- **19 December:** Launch of the first Symphonie satellite.
- **December 21:**Tracks in cultures (pictured) similar to those in Tully near Forbes (Australia). See images/1974-12-21.gif.
- **26 December:** Launch of *Saliout 4*.