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- **Early 1965:** At [Groom Lake](Area51.html), the OXCART construction project is completed and the base population reaches 1835 people [\[McIninch\]]{.source}.
- **January**
- [Keyhoe](KeyhoeDonaldEdward.html) writes in *True* Magazine:
Censorship of UFO sightings by the USAF.
- **January 11:** 6 engineers from the Army Signal Corps in the
munitions building near the center of Washington see 6 UFOs in the
shape of zigzagging discs heading towards the Capitol, pursued by 2
delta-winged interceptor jets. The UFOs quickly outdistance the
jets and disappear from view. Reporters from the print media try to
find out more about the incident from the Department of Defense,
but officials, both civilian and military, tell them that the chase
never happened.
"- **January 19**"
- **9 h 04** (EST) : Launch of [Gemini
- **18:15:** Industrial draftsman William Blackburn was cutting wood near the snow-covered field belonging to the Augusta club when he saw a pyramid - or cone-shaped object - descending from the sky towards the south. This UFO then remained stationary at an estimated altitude of 900 m. Blackburn estimated its diameter to be greater than 60 m. As he watched, a smaller UFO, about 18 m in diameter, landed 15 m away from him. Its surface was polished like a mirror. At the top was a bell that gave Blackburn a rather strange impression when he observed it. An opening appeared on the side of the UFO, as if someone had taken a piece of pie out of it, and 3 humanoid figures emerged floating: their feet never touched the ground. They approached within 11 m of Blackburn and emitted various unintelligible sounds. They were about 1 m tall but, apart from this detail, they looked like ordinary humans. Blackburn, petrified, did not answer them and the beings returned floating to their craft. Then the two UFOs quickly left. There were no traces in the snow. Shortly after Blackburn's story was published in the local newspaper, the *Waynesboro News-Virginian*, a car with federal license plates appeared in town: the inhabitants said it was visible as the nose on the face. Blackburn was apparently severely warned by government agents (belonging to an agency he did not want to cite) not to say anything more about his experience.
- **January 23, 8:40 AM:** In Williamsburg, Virginia, Mr. T. F. Mains observed an object shaped like a mushroom or light bulb, 75 to 80 feet high, 25 feet in diameter at the top and 10 feet at the base. It was a metallic gray with a reddish-orange tint in front and blue on the other side. The object emitted a sound like that of a vacuum cleaner. The witness's car electrical system was affected when the object moved at an altitude of 4 feet. The observation lasted 25 s [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #9242 unsolved]]{.source}.
- **January 28:** The [NASA](NASA.html) explains the 4 disc-shaped objects observed escorting the launch of [Gemini](Gemini.html) 10 months prior: The objects, observed and detected around GT-1 put into orbit by a *Titan II* launcher on April 8 [1964](1964.html), are pieces of the structure during the launcher-capsule separation.
- **March 4, 9:23 PM:** In Corvallis (Oregon), W. V. Harrison sees 3 lights rising from the ground at a few seconds interval [\[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #9301 unsolved\]]{.source}.
- **March 5:** An oily sheen is found on the observation site from the previous day.
- **March 8, 7:40 PM:** In Mont Airy (Maryland), J. H. Martin,
manufacturer of instruments for the [NBS](NBS.html), observed 6
lights flying above him for 3 minutes [\[case [Blue
Book](BlueBook.html) #9305 unsolved\]]{.source}.
- **March 18:** Aleksei Leonov is the first man to go out into space 12 minutes (*Vostok 2*).
- **March 23:** First American astronaut tandem in [Gemini 3](gemini.html#Gemini3) (Grissom and Young).
- **April 4, 4:05 AM:** At the USAF base in Keesler (Mississippi), USAF Airman 2nd Class Corum, a weather observer, saw a 40-foot black oval object with 4 lights along its back, flying in and out for 15 seconds. Confirmation was given by high school student R. Pittman [\[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #9345 unsolved\]]{.source}.
- **Sunday 18 April:** On this Easter Sunday [Apolinar Villa](VillaApolinarA.html) is "telepathically guided" to a point near Bernacillo (New Mexico), close to the place where he sees an aircraft hovering silently in the air and photographs it (see below).
- **May 7, 7:30 PM:** In Oxford (Michigan), Mr. E. Marshall observed a light, like a satellite, split into two parts, one of which was copper-colored. Then two more joined it. An object could have fallen. The observation lasted 1 minute [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #9389 unsolved]]{.source}.
- **May 24:** At Eton Range (Australia), P. Norma, engineer, and J. W.
Tilsen saw at 300 m a disc with a battery of 30 projectors on the
underside. It landed with a massive tripod and always took off in
- **June 3:** [Ed White](officiels.html#WhiteEdward) is the first American to go into space, for 36 minutes.
- **June 3/4, 20th orbit:** While his co-pilot [Ed White](officiels.html#WhiteEdward) sleeps, astronaut [James McDivitt](MacDivittJames.html) observes an object through the window of his [Gemini 4](Gemini4.html), about 15 km from the capsule: he describes it by radio as having several long tentacles, and has time to photograph it before seeing it disappear.
- **June 28:** At Delroy, Ohio, farmer John Stavano hears a series of explosions. See two days later [\[Vallée 1969\]]{.source}.
- **June 30:** John Stavano discovers, after hearing explosions the
day before, a curious formation on the ground. The wheat ears seem
to have been pulled out of the ground, uprooted. The case will be
examined by A. Candusso and Larray Moyers, delegates of the *Flying
Saucer Investigating Committee*, accompanied by Garry Davis. They
find the strange circular configuration in Stavano's farm located
on a ridge. At the center of the circle is a depression about 28
inches in diameter. It is explored with a probe but only soft
soil is found to a depth of 9 inches. A good part of the wheat
has been moved, roots included, and clods of earth a few inches
long have been scattered. The ears lie on the ground, in the form
of a wheel spoke. Analysis of soil and wheat samples finds no
evidence that could be caused by an explosion [\[Vallée 1969\]]{.source}.
- **July 1st, 1965, 5:45am:** [Valensole Incident](1965-07-01_Valensole.html) (Alpes de Haute-Provence).
- **July 2:** In Oklahoma, several police cars, called from all over, pursue UFOs with color changes, observations that will be attempted to explain by the stars Rigel, Capella and Aldebaran, which were at the antipodes. The police will nevertheless be ridiculed by Quintanilla and one of them will lose his job and his wife.
- **July 3**
- On Deception Island (Antarctica), technicians from several bases observed for several hours a giant disk-shaped object flying over the island at high altitude with very variable speeds. Photographed, the object disturbed Earth's magnetic field measuring devices. In addition to the British troops stationed on the island and the personnel of the Chilean base Pedro Aguirre, technicians from the Argentine navy also reported the passage above their ship of a very large lenticular object. The government of the Argentine Republic will issue an official statement confirming in all points the observation reports made by its navy as well as those of two other powers belonging to different nationalities. Other observations were also made in June, and declassified documents attest that the [DIA](DIA.html) was aware.
- **July 6, 9:30 PM:** In Kiel, Wisconsin, Miss E. R. Hayner observed a twinkling light, like a satellite, for 1 minute [\[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #9474 unsolved\]]{.source}.
- **July 7th:** A report from an Argentine detachment based in
Antarctica relayed by an official statement from the Argentine
Ministry of the Navy describes the gigantic UFO observed for
several hours: It had the appearance of a solid material, red and
green, iridescent from time to time with yellow, blue, white, and
orange. The object moved silently eastward following a winding
trajectory, but always without noise and at variable speeds. It
often changed direction, heading sometimes westward, sometimes
northward. In the afternoon of the same day, the same object was
spotted by the South Orkney Islands base. It was moving northwest,
at an angle of 30° relative to the horizon. It was at an approximate
distance of 10 to 15 km. The Chilean Antarctic base also spotted
the same object in the afternoon of the same day. On July 9th (?),
an extremely important message arrived from the South Orkney
Islands base. As a strange object flew over the base, 2
variometers, which were functioning perfectly before the flight,
recorded disturbances of the magnetic field on their tapes.
- The "Pleiadian" ship photographed by [Meier](MeierEduardAlbert.html) [probably a model]. See images/1965.jpg.
- The revelations made to Doctor Rolf Alexander in summer 1951 are revealed, this time citing the involved persons.
- **July 15:** Flyby of Mars at 9000 km by *Mariner 4*.
- **July 16:** The city of Buenos Aires is flown over for more than 20 minutes. The press widely reports on this event by publishing photographs. It is an entire population that will witness the "luminous devices" maneuvers.
- Drawing by Denis Crowe, professional aeronautical illustrator, of a disc-shaped vehicle he saw take off from Vaucluse Beach (Sydney) on July 19th! See images/1965-07-19_Sydney.jpg.
- **Saturday, July 25th, 9:15 PM:** In Castalia (Ohio), amateur astronomer Mr. D. Harris, 16 years old, observed a bright blue star traverse 90° of the sky for 10 to 15 seconds [\[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #9550 unsolved\]]{.source}.
- **Sunday 26 July**
- At the Ogre Observatory (Latvia), astronomers Robert and Esmeralda Vitolniek and Yan Melderis saw a green, triangular UFO resembling a star. Examining the object more closely through the observatory's telescope, they realized that the UFO was composed of 3 green balls in a triangular formation around a larger central light. The central sphere was estimated to be 90 m in diameter and its altitude was estimated to be 100 (200?) km, but the observers were unable to provide an explanation for what they saw. The observation lasted about 30 minutes.
- In Carazinho (Brazil), 5 small beings dressed in black uniforms and small boots appeared. Witnesses indicate that one of them had in their hand an astonishingly bright object, like a magic wand.
- **Tuesday, July 28th, 5:30 PM:** In Paris, a man living in the 19th arrondissement, near Aubervilliers, returns home and, through the window of his apartment, sees an object flying in the sky. He grabs his Kodak Brownie Flash Camera Starluxe 9 x 9 format and takes two shots in the span of 2 minutes that will make the cover of a major Parisian newspaper. No explanation will be given. However, the shape of the object resembles that of a [Lockheed](LockheedMartin.html) SR-71A "Blackbird" aircraft, flying since December 22nd, 1964. But what would such a USAF strategic reconnaissance aircraft be doing at low altitude over an allied country at 5:30 PM?
- A Moscow astronomer, L. Tsekhanovitch, noticed in the sky an object with luminous portholes.
- The crews of Voskhod 1 and 2 spotted cylinders without openings floating in space near their spacecraft.
- **Saturday, July 31:** UFO formations are reported above several
US states. The [USAF](USAF.html) claims that these objects are the
planet [Jupiter](Jupiter.html) and the stars Betelgeuse, Aldebaran,
Rigel and Capella. This explanation is later refuted by Robert
Risser, director of the Oklahoma Scientific Foundation's planetarium,
who states: We couldn't be further from the truth. Apparently, none
of the mentioned stars were visible in the US at the time of the
- **Sunday, August 1st, 9 PM:** In Shawnee (Oklahoma), several police
patrols describe unknown luminous objects maintaining a diamond
formation. The observation lasts 40 minutes. The different offices of
Oklahoma City receive nearly 30 reports during the night.
- August 2nd Observation in Tulsa (Oklahoma). See images/1965-08-02_01-45_Tulsa_Oklahoma.jpg.
- **Tuesday, August 3rd:** As he drives on the Santa Ana freeway (Los Angeles), road worker [Rex Heflin](1965-08-03_HeflinRex.html) observes a UFO in the shape of a disk. He stops and takes a photograph. He then realizes that it is a disk topped with a non-ovoid dome (like a hat). The photograph will be authenticated by the [USAF](USAF.html).
- **Wednesday 4 August**
- **21 h 30 :** In Dallas (Texas), J. A. Carter, 19 years old, saw a light flying quickly and horizontally for 12 s [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) n° 9675 unsolved]]{.source}.
- **23 h 35 :** In Tinley Park (Illinois), 2 14-year-old teenagers see a light moving in the sky for 16 to 17 s [\[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) n° 9680 unsolved\]]{.source}.
- **1:30:** Nebraska trucker Don Tenopir is heading north to Abilene with a load of grain. An UFO descends from the sky above his truck and lands on the road in front of him. A car coming in the opposite direction swerves around the craft and stops with a screech of brakes. Tenopir slams on the brakes. His headlights go out, although his GMC Diesel semi-truck keeps rolling: the UFO moves and the truck's headlights come back on. Tenopir can now see the object: a disk (topped with a dome) about 4m in diameter, hovering a few meters off the ground. There are square windows on the top. Too scared to move from his cab, but the driver of the car gets out and approaches him. Before they can talk, the UFO shoots sparks from where it is and takes off with a loud noise. The two drivers flee. Tenopir reports the incident to the Abilene police, but neither the city, nor the state, nor the government nor the military authorities take any action. The case bears an interesting resemblance to the encounter that took place in Hampshire (England) in November 1967.
- The photo of Lucci on August 8th, explained 30 years later as a hand holding a plate. See images/1965-08-08_Beavar.jpg.
- **August 19, 8:20 PM:** At Cheffy Creek (New York), Miss William Butcher, her 17-year-old son Harold and a child witness a large elliptical object, with reddish steam beneath it, approach the ground. When the object is on the ground, a continuous beep is heard. Shortly after, a strange smell is noticed. Then all of a sudden the object departs into the clouds, a few seconds later. Radio is distorted by static effects, the engine of a tractor stops [\[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #9806 unsolved\]]{.source}.
- **August 20:** A purple liquid, 2x2 inch marks, and pieces of grass were found at the observation site from the previous night. A bull bellowed and tried to break its bonds.
- **August 30, 10:30 PM:** In Urbana, Ohio, Mr. A. Lilly, N. Smith and T. Nastoff saw a white ball 5 to 8 feet in diameter, followed by a light 2 to 3 feet, hit the road 100 feet in front of the witnesses' car, bounce and fly away. The observation lasted 3 to 4 s [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #9864 unsolved]].
- **September**
- **September 2:** The [FBI](FBI.html) has heard from a confidential source that agents of the [NASA](NASA.html) are clandestinely leaking "house information" related to UFOs outside of the agency.
"- **September 3**"
- In Houston, a huge object 15 x 60 m is observed levitating a few meters off the ground by 2 police officers.
- **23 h :** [Observation at Damon](1965-09-03_Damon.html)
- **1 h 30 :** [Observation at Exeter](1965-09-03_Exeter.html)
(New Hampshire).
- The same observation takes place at the same time in
[Houston](lieux.html#Houston) (Texas).
- In Jalapa (Mexico), a local journalist, two taxi drivers and a bullfighter see an object hovering, its circumference pierced by luminous slits and in which one can see a being dressed in black, with eyes shining like a cat's, holding a kind of metal bar that shines. The entity suddenly disappears.
- **September 23:** Power outage in Cuernavaca.
"- **September 25**"
- **9:55:** At Chisholm, Minnesota, Bett Diamond observed for 1 minute 5 orange lights flying quickly in a line and making an abrupt turn [\[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #9970 unsolved\]]{.source}.
- **22 h :** At Rodio (Rodeo?), New Mexico, Dr. George Walton, a physicist-chemist, and his wife saw two white, round objects flying side by side, between 30 and 50 feet, advancing at the same pace as the witnesses for 6 minutes [\[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #9971 unsolved\]]{.source}.
- **4 October:** In Middletown (Ohio), observation of Tucker [[case
[Blue Book](BlueBook.html) unsolved]]{.source}.
- **October 7th, 0:30:** Sergeant Tech Charles "Chuck" Sorrels, an Edwards Air Base control tower operator, sees a group of objects emitting red, white, and blue lights approaching the airfield. When these objects begin to perform unusual maneuvers, he concludes that this is not ordinary and notifies the Air Defense Command - in this case, a unit called LAADS (*Los Angeles Air Defense Sector*). Major Struble of LAADS orders the conversations to be recorded. He involves NORAD and other air bases: Norton, Hamilton, George, and March. The major wants to send planes towards the objects but cannot do so until a captain from Edwards has approved the sending of the planes. This captain is the "UFO officer" responsible at the base. It is requested that the planes can depart from the 28th Air Division at Hamilton, or else they will not take off at all [\[UFO Window\]]{.source}.
- **October 21st:** Observation in Gibbon (Minnesota). See images/1965-10-21.gif.
- **November 4:** Sighting in Middletown (Ohio) [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #10066 unsolved]]{.source}.
- **November 4-9:** Power outages across the United States.
Another outage will affect Buenos Aires, located in the southern
hemisphere, yet in summer.
- **November 8:** [Hynek](HynekJosephAllen.html) states: Instead of investigating UFO sightings, we should investigate the people who report them.
- Glowing seen in New York during the November power outage. See images/1965-11.jpg.
- **November 26:** Launch by a *Diamant A* rocket of the satellite *Astérix*.
- **4/5 December:** In the night, [Frank Borman](BormanFrank.html) and
[James Lovell](LovellJamesA.html) hear "something" hitting the window
of their capsule [Gemini 7](Gemini.html#Gemini7), flying at 28000 km/h
at a distance varying between 160 and 205 km from the Earth's surface.
Hardly recovered from their fright, the young astronauts see a strange
object nearby, surrounded by fluorescent particles.
- **December 9** : [Kecksburg incident](1965-12-09_Kecksburg.html).
- **December 19:** Re-election of De Gaulle.
- **December 28:** At [Groom Lake](Area51.html), an A-12 (#126) crashes immediately after takeoff. The pilot, Vojvodich, ejects and survives [\[McIninch\]]{.source}.
- Death of [George Adamski](AdamskiGeorge.html). Creation of the [Adamski Foundation](http://www.gafintl-adamski.com), whose declared objective is to promote the scientific facts and relevant philosophical thought to understand that human life is the rule, and not the exception, in the universe.