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- **January 29:** *Saturn 1* places 17 t in orbit.
- **April 3:** In Monticello (Wisconsin), a young anthropologist and his family observe from their car lights of several colors, apparently fixed on a huge rigid structure. They approach, slow down, tilt like a pivoting object, stop at the same time as the vehicle, then accelerate and quickly disappear into the sky [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #8729 unsolved]]{.source}.
- **April 8, 11am:** As the first space capsule [Gemini](Gemini.html) was put into orbit around the globe, 4 objects of unknown origin rushed towards it and positioned 2 above, 1 below and 1 behind, and followed it for an entire orbit [\[Charles Garreau, facts reported by 2 scientists who witnessed the test\]]{.source}.
- **April 11:** Sighting in Homer (New York) [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #8739 unsolved]]{.source}.
- **April 24**
- **10am** : At Newark Valley (New York), [meeting with Gary Wilcox](1964-04-24_Wilcox.html).
- **17 h 45** : At Soccorro (New Mexico), [meeting of Lonnie Zamora](1964-04-24_Soccorro.html) [\[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #8766 unsolved\]]{.source}.
- **April 25:** An Intelligence Officer from the [USAF](USAF.html) meets two extraterrestrials at an agreed upon rendezvous point in the desert of [New Mexico](NouveauMexique.html). The contact lasts approximately 3 hours, during which the [USAF](USAF.html) officer is able to exchange basic information with the two extraterrestrials.
- **April 30:** In San Antonio, a B-57 encounters an egg-shaped UFO.
- **May**
- **May 3rd, just before sunrise:** Near Canberra (Australia), various people on the ground see a large, bright white object flying northeast in the dark sky. The object appears to waver as if losing power or partially losing control. Distant observers then see a smaller object, visible with a faint red light, hovering nearby. The large white object moves towards the small one and appears to collide with it. Then the large object turns, stops wavering, and moves out of sight. According to the report of the astonished observers, the incident could be either an attack of the large object on the small one or a refueling or recharging operation. The observers' report will be examined by Dr. Paul Siple, scientific attaché of the US Embassy in Canberra, and two engineers from [NASA](NASA.html). They will conclude, first of all, that the observers indeed saw what they described. They will also conclude that the mysterious objects were not known or made on Earth devices. The embassy transmitted all this to Washington, D.C., in Airgram A-894, a copy of which is archived by NICAP [\[Keyhoe 1967\]]{.source}.
"- **May 9**"
- Observation in Asheville (North Carolina) [[cas [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #8787 unsolved]]{.source}.
- Observation in Chicago (Illinois) [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #8788 unsolved]]{.source}.
- [James Templeton](TempletonJames.html) inadvertently photographed a humanoid in a suit behind his daughter. He is questioned by 2 [men in black](MIB.html).
- **May 18:** Sighting at Mount Vernon (Virginia) [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #8811 unsolved]]{.source}.
"- **May 26**"
- Observation in Cambridge (Massachusetts) [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #8836 unsolved]]{.source}.
- Observation in Pleasantview (Pennsylvania) [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #8839 unsolved]{.source}
- 4 satellites go offline and then come back online on their own.
It's as if they were taken apart and put back together again, says
a NASA expert.
- **July 5:** Launch of the first Apollo AS-203 orbital mission.
- **June 13:** Observation in Toledo (Ohio) [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #8870 unsolved]]{.source}.
- **July 9:** An A-12 (#133) crashes during its final approach to [Groom Lake](Area51.html). The pilot, Park, ejects at an altitude of 500 feet and survives [\[McIninch\]]{.source}.
- **July 16:** Sighting 15 miles South of Houghton Lake (Michigan) [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #8924 unsolved]]{.source}.
- **July 20:** Sighting in Clinton, Iowa--Littleton (Illinois)
[[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #8942 unsolved]]{.source}.
- **July 27**
- Observation in Norwich (New York) [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #8969 unsolved]{.source}.
- Observation in Denver (Colorado) [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #8973 unsolved]]{.source}.
- **July 28:** First high-resolution photos of the lunar surface taken by *Ranger 7*.
- A warship of the [US Navy](USNavy.html) is ordered to search for a yacht that has stopped giving news: radio and tracking stations can no longer communicate with it. Approaching the presumed location of the yacht, the sailors see in the sky a large, bright, oval-shaped disk rising quickly and disappearing. A little later, they discover the yacht drifting. There is no one on board and no lifeboat is missing.
- **August**
- Creation of Intelsat.
- **August 10:** Sighting at Wake Island [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #9031 unsolved]]{.source}.
- **August 15:** Sighting in New York (New York) [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #9048 unsolved]]{.source}.
- **August 18:** Observation to the East of Dover (Atlantic) [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #9053 unsolved]]{.source}.
- **August 19:** *Syncom 3,* first telecommunications satellite in geostationary orbit.
- In England, reorganization of the Ministry of Defense: the Secretariat 6 which dealt with UFOs becomes the Central Staff Defense Secretariat 8 which is attached to the State Secretariat. The service responsible for public relations no longer receives any information on the subject.
- Creation of the [BUFORA](orgsMilitaires.html#BUFORA).
- A gigantic alarm network is installed in France. It is installed on the roofs of French gendarmeries. Composed of 2300 antenna-shaped devices, it allows to permanently detect any presence of radioactive bodies in the atmosphere. Some emphasize the uselessness of such a network in case of atomic conflict.
- The [NICAP](NICAP.html) publishes *The UFO Evidence.*
- Death of Doctor Rolf Alexander.
- Jacques Vallée publishes *Anatomy of a Phenomenon.*
- **September 4:** p.127.
- **September 10:** Observation at Cedar Grove (New Jersey) [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #9104 unsolved]]{.source}.
- **October 12:** 1st crewed flight aboard *Voskhod 1* (Komarov, Yegorov and Feoktistov).
- **October 14:** Brejnev replaces Khrushchev.
- **November**
- **November 8:** In Montreal, the [NICAP](NICAP.html) records landing traces after Mr. Label observed an object hovering above his property.
- **November 10:** Recovery of 9 bodies following a crash at Fort Riley (Kansas).
- Re-election of President [Johnson](JohnsonLyndonBaines.html)
- **November 14:** Sighting in Menomonee Falls (Wisconsin)
[[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #9170 unsolved]]{.source}.
- **November 19:** Observation in the Pacific (34' 55" North, 164' 05" East) [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #9183 unsolved]]{.source}.
- **November 28:** Launch of *Mariner 4* towards Mars.
- **December**
- **December 19:** Radar observation at the Patuxent Naval Air Station (California) [\[Chauvin 1973\]]{.source}.
- **December 21:** Horace Burns drives between Staunton and Waynesboro on US 250 (Washington DC). His car stalls when an immense cone-shaped UFO begins to hover above the road before landing in a nearby field. The UFO is topped with a dome and emits a blue light. After a few minutes, it takes off and disappears from Burns' view. Tests conducted by Professor Ernest Gehman and engineers from the Bridge Company reveal a high level of radiation at the spot where the UFO landed. The [USAF](USAF.html) investigation, conducted after 3 weeks of rain, snow and unwelcome visits to the field by curious onlookers, reveals no similar traces, and concludes that the appearance was a mirage. But, less than a month later, two motorists driving in the opposite direction along US 60, near Williamsburg (Virginia), report having observed an identical UFO.
- **Late December:** 3 UFOs are tracked by a local radar (Washington DC): they move at a speed that seems to be 7700 km/h. The [USAF](USAF.html) declares that these abnormal spots were not caused by UFOs but by faulty equipment.