From c614f13255fb668ed938ec2874491c644924da4b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Rich Geldreich Date: Fri, 11 Aug 2023 21:32:18 -0400 Subject: [PATCH] new file --- CooperParadox.pdf | 1087 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 1087 insertions(+) create mode 100644 CooperParadox.pdf diff --git a/CooperParadox.pdf b/CooperParadox.pdf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..963deaf --- /dev/null +++ b/CooperParadox.pdf @@ -0,0 +1,1087 @@ +%PDF-1.2 +%âãÏÓ + +10 0 obj +<< +/Length 11 0 R +>> +stream +BT 116.64 709.2 TD 0 0 0 rg /F0 12 Tf -0.084 Tc 0 Tw (P) Tj 7.92 0 TD 0.0176 Tc -0.0536 Tw (aradox: Contradictions in Reality ) Tj 192 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw (\227) Tj 12 0 TD 0.021 Tc 0.003 Tw ( Questions Regarding UFO's, ) Tj 170.16 0 TD 0 Tc 0.024 Tw ( ) Tj -346.8 -13.68 TD 0.0122 Tc 0.0118 Tw (Extraterrestrial Intelligence, and the Future of Ufology) Tj 307.92 0 TD 0 Tc 0.024 Tw ( ) Tj -192.72 -24 TD /F0 10.08 Tf 0.0307 Tc 0.0471 Tw (Timothy Cooper) Tj 77.76 0 TD 0 Tc 0.0778 Tw ( ) Tj -170.64 -11.52 TD -0.0302 Tc 0.108 Tw (Hyatt Newporter, Newport Beach, CA, April 23) Tj 218.88 0 TD -0.0845 Tc 0 Tw (\226) Tj 5.52 0 TD -0.0613 Tc 0.1391 Tw (25, 1995) Tj 38.88 0 TD 0 Tc 0.0778 Tw ( ) Tj -365.52 -24.48 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.0829 Tc 2.1229 Tw (In Massachusetts there is an astronomer who as part of his every) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 307.68 0 TD -0.1363 Tc 1.9706 Tw (day work checks to find out if any) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -307.68 -12.72 TD -0.1225 Tc 1.0383 Tw (messages have come in. Day after day, none do. For years now, none have. But he still checks regularly, ) Tj 0 -12.48 TD -0.1209 Tc 0.2409 Tw (and he is disappointed regularly. Is he unpopular? Is his answering machine broken?) Tj 366.24 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -330.24 -12.72 TD -0.1184 Tc 2.7824 Tw (Neither. He checks a machine, but) Tj 161.76 0 TD -0.1332 Tc 2.6532 Tw ( it is not hooked up to a telephone line. It is a computer) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -197.76 -12.72 TD -0.1071 Tc 1.0551 Tw (connected to a huge electronic ear that points up, away from our world, into the depths of outer space: a ) Tj 0 -12.48 TD -0.1067 Tc 0.5787 Tw (radio telescope. This astronomer is part of a team of scientists engaged in scanning the st) Tj 391.44 0 TD -0.0608 Tc 0.2408 Tw (ars for a message ) Tj -391.44 -12.72 TD -0.1068 Tc 0.2268 Tw (from intelligent extraterrestrials, beings from another world.) Tj 261.12 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -225.12 -12.72 TD -0.1096 Tc 1.9576 Tw (Others, like him, have also been listening for almost 40 years now. In 1960 astronomer Frank) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -36 -12.48 TD -0.1027 Tc 1.0284 Tw (Drake became the first man to listen with a radio telescope for signs of extraterr) Tj 358.56 0 TD -0.1418 Tc 0.9818 Tw (estrial intelligence. Since) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj -358.56 -12.72 TD -0.1252 Tc 1.1673 Tw (then, man has, in effect, put his ears in space. Some 50 different extended searches of the sky have been) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.0742 Tc 0.1942 Tw (made so far.) Tj 53.76 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -17.76 -12.72 TD -0.1438 Tc 4.4398 Tw (Radio telescopes all over the world have joined in the search) Tj 303.36 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw (\227) Tj 11.04 0 TD -0.1 Tc 4.3 Tw (in France, Germany, the) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj -350.4 -12.48 TD -0.0535 Tc 0.6535 Tw (Netherlands, Australia,) Tj 101.52 0 TD -0.0673 Tc 0.5645 Tw ( Russia, Argentina, the United States, and Canada. As on astronomer put it: \223SETI ) Tj -101.52 -12.72 TD -0.1124 Tc 1.2074 Tw (is becoming as international as space itself.\224 One symposium on the subject drew 150 scientists from 18) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.1226 Tc 0.2426 Tw (countries spanning all five continents.) Tj 163.92 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -127.92 -12.48 TD -0.0972 Tc 1.1772 Tw (The most ambitious SETI projec) Tj 146.16 0 TD -0.1195 Tc 0.9042 Tw (t was launched in 1992 by NASA only to be terminated in 1993 ) Tj -182.16 -12.72 TD -0.1261 Tc 1.5724 Tw (by Congress. It would have cost $90 million over a ten year period and was to have been ten thousand) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.1252 Tc 0.2452 Tw (times more extensive than all previous searches put together. Why? Lack of vision.) Tj 360.24 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -324.24 -12.48 TD -0.2218 Tc 1.3018 Tw (But when ma) Tj 59.52 0 TD -0.1449 Tc 1.0329 Tw (n asks of the vast universe, \223Is anyone out there?\224 he will need more than high) Tj 351.12 0 TD -0.0763 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 3.6 0 TD -0.1582 Tc 0.0382 Tw (tech ) Tj -450.24 -12.72 TD -0.0944 Tc 0.5199 Tw (hardware to find an answer. In many ways it is a ) Tj 218.4 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf 0.0283 Tc 0.0917 Tw (spiritual ) Tj 40.8 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1088 Tc 0.4388 Tw (question. In groping for an answer, man reveals ) Tj -259.2 -12.72 TD -0.1694 Tc 2.6894 Tw (some of his most cherished hopes: the end of war, the end of dis) Tj 307.68 0 TD -0.1128 Tc 2.4408 Tw (ease, perhaps even the attaining of) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -307.68 -12.72 TD -0.1189 Tc 0.9289 Tw (immortality itself. So the stakes are high. But after centuries of wondering and decades of searching, how) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.48 TD -0.1067 Tc 0.2267 Tw (close is man to an answer?) Tj 116.16 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 79.44 -29.76 TD /F0 10.08 Tf -0.0302 Tc 0 Tw (Extraterrestrials) Tj 76.56 0 TD 0 Tc 0.0778 Tw ( ) Tj -236.16 -24.48 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.0654 Tc 0 Tw (Modern) Tj 34.08 0 TD -0.0763 Tc (-) Tj 3.6 0 TD -0.1392 Tc 4.5792 Tw (day science) Tj 54 0 TD -0.0763 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 3.6 0 TD -0.1408 Tc 4.3408 Tw (fiction writers did not invent the notion of extr) Tj 233.28 0 TD -0.0465 Tc 4.2465 Tw (aterrestrials. Some 23) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -364.56 -12.72 TD -0.1226 Tc 2.7165 Tw (centuries ago, a Greek philosopher named Metrodorous taught that a universe containing merely one) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.48 TD -0.1254 Tc 1.4321 Tw (inhabited world would be as unlikely as a large field growing only one ear of corn. Lucretius, a Roman) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.078 Tc 0.63 Tw (poet of the first century B.C.E.) Tj 137.04 0 TD -0.0665 Tc 0.4105 Tw (, wrote that \223in other parts of space there are other earths and various races ) Tj -137.04 -12.72 TD -0.1527 Tc 0.2727 Tw (of men.\224) Tj 37.44 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -1.44 -12.48 TD -0.1129 Tc 1.45 Tw (This teaching, called the plurality of worlds, was in disfavor in Christendom for many centuries) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -36 -12.72 TD -0.1273 Tc 1.9073 Tw (but now accepted as a possibility by some religious leaders even by som) Tj 333.12 0 TD -0.0971 Tc 1.6571 Tw (e in the Catholic Church. But) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -333.12 -12.72 TD -0.1168 Tc 2.5662 Tw (from about 1700 to the early part of our own century, most educated people, including some of the) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.1301 Tc 2.1842 Tw (greatest scientists in history, believed firmly in life on other worlds. In fact, one educator of the mid) Tj 464.4 0 TD -0.0763 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj -464.4 -12.48 TD -0.0679 Tc 0.1879 Tw (1800\222s was widely atta) Tj 100.56 0 TD -0.137 Tc 0.257 Tw (cked when he dared to write a paper ) Tj 159.6 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf -0.0218 Tc 0 Tw (denying) Tj 34.8 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1691 Tc 0.2891 Tw ( the doctrine.) Tj 56.64 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -315.6 -12.72 TD -0.1416 Tc 1.7336 Tw (People seemed eager to believe in extraterrestrials, even on the flimsiest of evidence. In 1835 a) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -36 -12.72 TD -0.113 Tc 3.2159 Tw (newspaper reporter wrote that astronomers had discovered life on the moon. He wrote that strange) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.48 TD -0.097 Tc 0 Tw (ani) Tj 13.2 0 TD -0.1274 Tc 1.6874 Tw (mals, exotic plants, and even little people with wings, hovering about and gesturing visibly, were all) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -13.2 -12.72 TD -0.1275 Tc 0.2475 Tw (seen through a telescope! Many continued to believe the tale even after it was exposed as a fraud.) Tj 422.4 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -386.4 -12.72 TD -0.1043 Tc 1.3943 Tw (Scientists were optimistic as well. In the late 1800\222s) Tj 235.2 0 TD -0.1304 Tc 1.2104 Tw (, astronomer Percival Lowell was convinced) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -271.2 -12.48 TD -0.1189 Tc 1.2349 Tw (that he could see a complex system of canals on the surface of the planet Mars. He mapped them out in) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.1287 Tc 1.0252 Tw (detail and wrote books on the civilization that had constructed them. In France, the Academy of Sciences ) Tj T* -0.0204 Tc 0.6204 Tw (was so) Tj 30 0 TD -0.1039 Tc 0.5119 Tw ( sure that there was life on Mars that it offered a reward to the first person who communicated with ) Tj -30 -12.72 TD -0.0305 Tc 0.1505 Tw (any extraterrestrials ) Tj 89.76 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf -0.0531 Tc 0 Tw (other) Tj 23.28 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.0045 Tc 0.1245 Tw ( than Martians.) Tj 66.72 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj ET endstream +endobj +11 0 obj +8632 +endobj +4 0 obj +<< +/Type /Page +/Parent 5 0 R +/Resources << +/Font << +/F0 6 0 R +/F1 8 0 R +/F2 12 0 R +>> +/ProcSet 2 0 R +>> +/Contents 10 0 R +>> +endobj +19 0 obj +<< +/Length 20 0 R +>> +stream +BT 72 746.4 TD 0 0 0 rg /F3 10.08 Tf 0.0811 Tc 0 Tw (T) Tj 6.24 0 TD /F3 7.92 Tf -0.0135 Tc -0.2683 Tw (IMOTHY ) Tj 32.88 0 TD /F3 10.08 Tf -0.0778 Tc 0 Tw (C) Tj 7.2 0 TD /F3 7.92 Tf 0.0386 Tc (OOPER) Tj 28.8 0 TD /F4 11.04 Tf 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -75.12 -707.28 TD 0.1022 Tc 0 Tw (2) Tj 5.28 0 TD /F3 10.08 Tf 0 Tc 0.0778 Tw ( ) Tj 30.72 661.92 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1425 Tc 1.4225 Tw (Some proposed outlandish schemes to communicate with beings on nearby worlds, ranging from) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj -36 -12.48 TD -0.1598 Tc 1.6398 Tw (lighting huge fires ) Tj 1.2509 Tc 0 Tw (i) Tj 88.32 0 TD -0.0781 Tc 1.3981 Tw (n the Sahara Desert to planting geometrically shaped forests across Siberia. In 1899) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -88.32 -12.72 TD -0.1028 Tc 2.1146 Tw (Nikola Tesla erected a mast topped with a copper ball and sent powerful electric pulses through it to) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.1164 Tc 1.1964 Tw (signal the Martians. People\222s hair stood on end, and lights glowed fo) Tj 308.16 0 TD -0.0901 Tc 1.033 Tw (r 30 miles around, but there was no) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -308.16 -12.48 TD -0.0436 Tc 0.1636 Tw (answer from Mars.) Tj 83.28 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 121.2 -29.76 TD /F0 10.08 Tf 0.0642 Tc 0.0135 Tw (Full of Hope) Tj 58.8 0 TD 0 Tc 0.0778 Tw ( ) Tj -227.28 -24.48 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.161 Tc 2.937 Tw (While the technology behind today\222s search for life on other worlds may be new, one thing) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -36 -12.72 TD -0.1176 Tc 1.2936 Tw (remains unchanged: Scientists are still confident that mankind is not alone in the cosmos. As astro) Tj 440.88 0 TD -0.2174 Tc 0.3374 Tw (nomer ) Tj -440.88 -12.48 TD -0.1102 Tc 2.4302 Tw (Otto Wohrbach wrote in the German newspaper) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 227.04 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf -0.0104 Tc 2.2904 Tw (Nurnberger Nachrichten:) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 120.24 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.0554 Tc 2.3354 Tw (\223There is hardly a natural) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -347.28 -12.72 TD -0.1097 Tc 0.9797 Tw (scientists who would not say yes if asked if there was extraterrestrial life.\224 Gene Bylinsky, author of) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 450.72 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf 0.0254 Tc -0.1454 Tw (Life ) Tj -450.72 -12.72 TD -0.027 Tc 1.587 Tw (in Darwin\222s Universe,) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 105.36 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1303 Tc 1.6903 Tw (put it this way: \223Any da) Tj 111.6 0 TD -0.116 Tc 1.532 Tw (y now, if radio astronomers are to be believed, a signal) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -216.96 -12.48 TD -0.1152 Tc 0.2352 Tw (from the stars will flash across the unimaginable gulf of space to end our cosmic loneliness.\224) Tj 402.72 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -366.72 -12.72 TD -0.0862 Tc 1.4062 Tw (Why are scientists so sure that life exists on other worlds? Their optimism starts with the stars.) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -36 -12.72 TD -0.0131 Tc 0 Tw (There) Tj 25.2 0 TD -0.1534 Tc 2.8174 Tw ( are so many of them) Tj 103.92 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw (\227) Tj 11.04 0 TD -0.1222 Tc 2.6422 Tw (thousands of millions in our own galaxy. Then the assumptions begin.) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -140.16 -12.72 TD -0.0789 Tc 1.2789 Tw (Surely, many of those stars) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 126.72 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf 0.0064 Tc 0.1136 Tw (must ) Tj 24.72 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1433 Tc 1.2233 Tw (also have inhabited planets circling them, and intelligent life) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj 271.68 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf 0.0064 Tc 0.1136 Tw (must ) Tj 24.72 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1709 Tc -0.1891 Tw (have ) Tj -447.84 -12.48 TD -0.1529 Tc 1.5329 Tw (developed there as well. Following that line of reasoning,) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 261.36 0 TD -0.0956 Tc 1.4156 Tw (astronomers speculate that there are anywhere) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj -261.36 -12.72 TD -0.1339 Tc 0.2539 Tw (from thousands to millions of civilizations right here in our own galaxy!) Tj 312.24 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -114.72 -29.76 TD /F0 10.08 Tf -0.0372 Tc 0.1149 Tw (Does It Matter?) Tj 72.72 0 TD 0 Tc 0.0778 Tw ( ) Tj -234.24 -24.48 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1343 Tc 1.2443 Tw (What difference does it make whether there is life beyond Earth or not? Well, scientists feel that) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -36 -12.48 TD -0.1414 Tc 1.9414 Tw (either answer would ) Tj 1.92 Tc 0 Tw (h) Tj 100.56 0 TD -0.1114 Tc 1.8191 Tw (ave a tremendous impact on the human race. They say that learning that we) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj 352.8 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf -0.0254 Tc -0.0946 Tw (are ) Tj -453.36 -12.72 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1513 Tc 1.3513 Tw (alone in the universe would teach us to value life here in view of its uniqueness. On the other hand, one) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.1437 Tc 0.9837 Tw (respected scientist reasoned that alien civilizations would likely be ma) Tj 309.6 0 TD -0.24 Tc 0.12 Tw (ny ) Tj 14.16 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf 0.0223 Tc 0.0977 Tw (millions ) Tj 39.36 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1339 Tc 0.6739 Tw (of years more advanced ) Tj -363.12 -12.48 TD -0.1279 Tc 0.691 Tw (than our own and might share their vast wisdom with us. They might ) Tj 308.16 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf -0.0305 Tc 0 Tw (teach) Tj 23.76 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.0924 Tc 0.5124 Tw ( us to cure our diseases, to end ) Tj -331.92 -12.72 TD -0.1263 Tc 0.2463 Tw (pollution, wars, and starvation. They might even show us how to overcome death itself!) Tj 379.68 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -343.68 -12.72 TD -0.0958 Tc 1.1758 Tw (No more disease, war, death) Tj 126.96 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw (\227) Tj 11.04 0 TD 0.0509 Tc (t) Tj 3.12 0 TD -0.1342 Tc 0.9926 Tw (hat kind of hope means a lot to people in our insane and troubled) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -177.12 -12.72 TD -0.0912 Tc 0.4392 Tw (world. No doubt it does to all of us. It is important for us to find out, then, if scientists ) Tj 382.56 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf -0.0254 Tc -0.0946 Tw (are ) Tj 17.76 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1622 Tc 0.2822 Tw (on solid ground ) Tj -400.32 -12.48 TD -0.1302 Tc 0.2502 Tw (when they assert that the universe is teeming with populated worlds.) Tj 295.68 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -102.96 -29.76 TD /F0 10.08 Tf -0.027 Tc 0.1048 Tw (Where A) Tj 40.32 0 TD -0.013 Tc 0.0908 Tw (re They?) Tj 42.24 0 TD 0 Tc 0.0778 Tw ( ) Tj -239.28 -24.48 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1047 Tc 2.7147 Tw (According to the late science writer Isaac Asimov, this is \223a question that, in a way, spoils) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -36 -12.72 TD -0.1364 Tc 1.4564 Tw (everything\224 for those who believe in life on other planets. Originally posed in 1950 by nuclear physicist) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.48 TD -0.1143 Tc 1.1943 Tw (Enrico Fermi, the question capped an argument ) Tj 1.0109 Tc 0 Tw (t) Tj 218.4 0 TD -0.1519 Tc 1.0452 Tw (hat went something like this: If intelligent life has arisen) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -218.4 -12.72 TD -0.117 Tc 0.7703 Tw (on other planets in our galaxy, many civilizations should ) Tj 254.16 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf 0.0254 Tc 0 Tw (now) Tj 18 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.0985 Tc 0.6505 Tw ( exist that are millions of years ahead of our ) Tj -272.16 -12.72 TD -0.1378 Tc 0.2578 Tw (own. They should have developed interstellar travel, colonizing and exploring at will. ) Tj 372.24 0 TD -0.0691 Tc -0.0509 Tw (So ) Tj 14.4 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf -0.1164 Tc -0.0036 Tw (where ) Tj 29.28 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1441 Tc 0.2641 Tw (are they?) Tj 39.36 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -419.28 -12.48 TD -0.1142 Tc 0.9842 Tw (While some SETI scientists are admittedly shaken by this \223Fermi paradox,\224 they often reply to it ) Tj -36 -12.72 TD -0.1362 Tc 3.0962 Tw (by pointing out how difficult it would be to voyage between the stars. Even at the speed of light,) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.1127 Tc 2.6027 Tw (enormous though it is, it would take a sp) Tj 195.6 0 TD -0.1067 Tc 2.3867 Tw (aceship a hundred thousand) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 131.76 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf -0.0305 Tc 0 Tw (years) Tj 23.76 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.0765 Tc 2.3565 Tw ( to traverse just our own) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -351.12 -12.48 TD -0.1226 Tc 2.1112 Tw (galaxy. Surpassing the speed of light is currently deemed impossible and falls into speculative notions) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.1105 Tc 0.2305 Tw (that light can somehow be bent around or folded through space by black holes or super strings.) Tj 411.84 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -375.84 -12.72 TD -0.0958 Tc 0.5947 Tw (Science fiction that features ships hopping from one star to another in a matter of days or hours is ) Tj -36 -12.72 TD /F2 11.04 Tf 0.0379 Tc 0 Tw (fantasy) Tj 31.92 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.112 Tc 0.832 Tw (, not science. The distance between stars are so vast it is beyond our comprehension. In fact, if we) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj -31.92 -12.48 TD /F2 11.04 Tf -0.0102 Tc 0.1302 Tw (could ) Tj 28.56 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1106 Tc 1.2206 Tw (build a model of our galaxy so tiny that) Tj 179.52 0 TD -0.1035 Tc 1.1835 Tw ( our sun was shrunk to the size of an orange, the distance) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj -208.08 -12.72 TD -0.1351 Tc 0.2551 Tw (between the stars in this model would still average a thousand miles!) Tj 297.12 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj ET endstream +endobj +20 0 obj +9345 +endobj +14 0 obj +<< +/Type /Page +/Parent 5 0 R +/Resources << +/Font << +/F0 6 0 R +/F1 8 0 R +/F2 12 0 R +/F3 15 0 R +/F4 17 0 R +>> +/ProcSet 2 0 R +>> +/Contents 19 0 R +>> +endobj +22 0 obj +<< +/Length 23 0 R +>> +stream +BT 494.4 745.92 TD 0 0 0 rg /F3 11.04 Tf 0.0763 Tc 0 Tw (P) Tj 7.44 0 TD /F3 9.12 Tf -0.019 Tc (ARADOX) Tj 38.16 0 TD /F3 11.04 Tf 0 Tc 0.0509 Tw ( ) Tj -5.28 -706.8 TD /F4 11.04 Tf 0.1022 Tc 0 Tw (3) Tj 5.28 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -432 671.04 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1141 Tc 3.7655 Tw (That is why SETI scientists lean so strongly on radio telescopes; they imagine that since) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj -36 -12.72 TD -0.1111 Tc 1.3111 Tw (advanced civilizations might not trav) Tj 164.4 0 TD -0.138 Tc 1.218 Tw (el between stars, they would still seek out other forms of life by the) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj -164.4 -12.48 TD -0.1065 Tc 0.2265 Tw (relatively cheap and easy means of radio waves. But Fermi\222s paradox still haunts them.) Tj 379.68 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -189.12 -29.76 TD /F0 10.08 Tf 0.0343 Tc 0.0435 Tw (The Doubts Begin) Tj 86.88 0 TD 0 Tc 0.0778 Tw ( ) Tj -241.44 -24.48 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1059 Tc 2.1459 Tw (Lately, a number of scientists are beginning to realize that their colleagues hav) Tj 364.08 0 TD -0.1289 Tc 2.0889 Tw (e made far too) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -400.08 -12.72 TD -0.1927 Tc 0.0727 Tw (many ) Tj 28.56 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf 0.0116 Tc 0.1084 Tw (assumptions ) Tj 59.52 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.128 Tc 2.1311 Tw (in addressing this question. Such scientists come up with a much lower number of) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -88.08 -12.48 TD -0.1139 Tc 2.1739 Tw (advanced civilizations in our galaxy. Some have said that there is but one) Tj 341.76 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw (\227) Tj 11.04 0 TD -0.057 Tc 2.097 Tw (us. Others have said that) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -352.8 -12.72 TD -0.1174 Tc 0.2374 Tw (mathematically, there should be fewer than) Tj 186.48 0 TD -0.2739 Tc 0.3939 Tw ( one) Tj 18 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw (\227) Tj 11.04 0 TD -0.1983 Tc 0.3183 Tw (even we shouldn\222t be here!) Tj 115.68 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -295.2 -12.72 TD -0.12 Tc 1.6518 Tw (The basis for their skepticism is not hard to see. It could be summed up with two questions:) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 425.28 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf -0.0127 Tc 0.1327 Tw (If ) Tj -461.28 -12.72 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.0518 Tc 0.1718 Tw (such extraterrestrials existed, ) Tj 130.08 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf -0.1164 Tc -0.0036 Tw (where ) Tj 29.28 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.2096 Tc 0.2696 Tw (would they live? And ) Tj 95.04 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf -0.1346 Tc -0.2254 Tw (how ) Tj 20.88 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1888 Tc 0.3088 Tw (did they get there?) Tj 79.44 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -318.72 -12.48 TD -0.1709 Tc 1.6966 Tw (\221Why, they would live on planets,\222 some might) Tj 212.64 0 TD -0.125 Tc 1.445 Tw ( reply to the first question. But there is only one) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj -248.64 -12.72 TD -0.0808 Tc 0.6122 Tw (planet in our solar system that is ) Tj 147.6 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf 0.017 Tc 0.103 Tw (not ) Tj 17.28 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1223 Tc 0.4454 Tw (hostile to life, the one we occupy. But what about the planets circling ) Tj -164.88 -12.72 TD -0.108 Tc 0.228 Tw (the thousands of millions of other stars in our galaxy?) Tj 234 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -198 -12.48 TD -0.1447 Tc 1.5676 Tw (Might not some of them harbor life? ) Tj 1.4146 Tc 0 Tw (T) Tj 176.16 0 TD -0.1195 Tc 1.4395 Tw (he fact is that up to now scientists have not conclusively) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -212.16 -12.72 TD -0.1451 Tc 0.2651 Tw (proved the existence of a single inhabited planet ) Tj 210.72 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf 0.0036 Tc 0 Tw (outside) Tj 31.92 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.0898 Tc 0.2098 Tw ( of our solar system. Why not?) Tj 134.16 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -340.8 -12.72 TD -0.1217 Tc 1.4717 Tw (Because to detect one is exceedingly difficult. Since stars are so distant and planets do not emit) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -36 -12.48 TD -0.1436 Tc 0.6236 Tw (any light ) Tj 42.24 0 TD -0.123 Tc 0.828 Tw (of themselves, detecting artificial light from a planet\222s surface even from a recent discovery of a ) Tj -42.24 -12.72 TD -0.1101 Tc 0 Tw (Jupiter) Tj 29.76 0 TD -0.0763 Tc (-) Tj 3.6 0 TD -0.1077 Tc 0.2277 Tw (size planet, is like trying to spot a flashlight a thousand miles away.) Tj 294 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -291.36 -12.72 TD -0.1258 Tc 1.5658 Tw (Even if such civilizations on other planets beyond our solar system do exist) Tj 342.24 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw (\227) Tj 11.04 0 TD -0.161 Tc 1.481 Tw (and some indirect) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -389.28 -12.72 TD -0.1307 Tc 1.6907 Tw (evidence has surfaced to indicate that they do) Tj 206.64 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw (\227) Tj 11.04 0 TD -0.1306 Tc 1.5597 Tw (this still does not mean that they orbit the right kind of) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -217.68 -12.48 TD -0.0996 Tc 1.553 Tw (star in the right kind of galactic neighborhood, are at precisely the right distance from the star, and are) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.1692 Tc 0.2892 Tw (themselves of precisely) Tj 100.32 0 TD -0.1232 Tc 0.2432 Tw ( the right ) Tj 42 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf 0 Tc -0.12 Tw (size ) Tj 19.44 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1139 Tc -0.0061 Tw (and ) Tj 18.48 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf 0.0023 Tc 0.1177 Tw (composition ) Tj 56.88 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1114 Tc 0.2314 Tw (to sustain life as we know it.) Tj 124.08 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -186.72 -29.76 TD /F0 10.08 Tf 0.0243 Tc 0.0534 Tw (A Crumbling Foundation) Tj 118.8 0 TD 0 Tc 0.0778 Tw ( ) Tj -257.28 -24.48 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.2032 Tc 1.5232 Tw (Yet, even) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 46.08 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf 0.0509 Tc 0.0691 Tw (if ) Tj 10.32 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.118 Tc 1.3826 Tw (many planets exist that meet the stringent conditions necessary to sustain life as we) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj -92.4 -12.48 TD -0.1436 Tc 1.3196 Tw (know it, the nagging question remains,) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 176.4 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf -0.1515 Tc -0.2085 Tw (How ) Tj 24.24 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1616 Tc 1.2416 Tw (would life arise on those wo) Tj 126.48 0 TD -0.0909 Tc 1.1709 Tw (rlds? This brings us to the very) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -327.12 -12.72 TD -0.1613 Tc 0.2813 Tw (foundation of the belief in beings on other worlds) Tj 213.36 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw (\227) Tj 11.04 0 TD -0.1749 Tc (evolution.) Tj 42.96 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -267.36 -12.72 TD ( ) Tj 36 0 TD -0.1509 Tc 1.8309 Tw (To may scientists, it seems logical to believe that if life could evolve form nonliving matter on) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -36 -12.48 TD -0.1087 Tc 2.8687 Tw (this planet, that could be true on others as well. As one writ) Tj 290.4 0 TD -0.1461 Tc 2.8261 Tw (er put it: \223the general thinking among) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -290.4 -12.72 TD -0.1669 Tc 2.3916 Tw (biologists is that life will begin whenever it is given an environment where it) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 362.16 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf -0.0339 Tc 0.1539 Tw (can ) Tj 20.64 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.0793 Tc 2.1193 Tw (begin.\224 But that is) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -382.8 -12.72 TD -0.1807 Tc 0.2321 Tw (where evolution cannot even explain how life ) Tj 198.48 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf -0.0204 Tc 0.1404 Tw (began ) Tj 29.76 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.0996 Tc 0.2196 Tw (on this planet.) Tj 61.2 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -253.44 -12.72 TD -0.0975 Tc 2.5695 Tw (Scientists Fred Hoyle and Chandra Wickramasing) Tj 229.44 0 TD -0.1137 Tc 2.3937 Tw (he estimate that the odds against life\222s vital) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -265.44 -12.48 TD -0.1668 Tc 1.7268 Tw (enzymes forming by chance are one in 10) Tj 189.84 5.04 TD /F1 6.96 Tf -0.11 Tc 0.05 Tw (40,000 ) Tj 21.36 -5.04 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.086 Tc 1.406 Tw (. Scientists Feinberg and Shapiro go still further. In their) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -211.2 -12.72 TD -0.18 Tc 0.06 Tw (book ) Tj 25.68 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf 0.0027 Tc 1.5573 Tw (Life Beyond Earth,) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 91.2 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1055 Tc 1.5455 Tw (they put the odds against the material in an organic soup ever taking the firs) Tj 348 0 TD 0.0509 Tc 0.0691 Tw (t ) Tj -464.88 -12.72 TD -0.1051 Tc 1.6651 Tw (rudimentary steps toward life at one in 10) Tj 191.52 5.04 TD /F1 6.96 Tf -0.1067 Tc 0 Tw (1,000,000) Tj 26.88 -5.04 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.0937 Tc 1.6137 Tw (. If I were to write out that number, this essay in your) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -218.4 -12.48 TD -0.1517 Tc 0.2717 Tw (hand would be well over 300 pages thick!) Tj 180.72 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -180.72 -12.72 TD ( ) Tj 36 0 TD -0.0808 Tc 2.6008 Tw (Still, SETI astronomers blithely) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 150.96 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf -0.017 Tc -0.103 Tw (assume ) Tj 37.44 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.0995 Tc 2.3795 Tw (that life) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj 40.56 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf 0.0064 Tc 0.1136 Tw (must ) Tj 25.92 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1427 Tc 2.4227 Tw (have originated by chance all over the) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj -290.88 -12.72 TD -0.1159 Tc 0.2359 Tw (universe. ) Tj 42.96 0 TD -0.1373 Tc 1.1373 Tw (Gene Bylinsky has speculated on the various paths evolution might have taken on alien worlds. ) Tj -42.96 -12.48 TD -0.1168 Tc 1.3728 Tw (He suggested that intelligent alien creatures are not all far fetched. Renowned scientists have praised his) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.18 Tc 0.06 Tw (book ) Tj 25.92 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf -0.0132 Tc 1.8132 Tw (Life in Darwin\222s Universe) Tj 120.48 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.0899 Tc 1.8899 Tw ( as a model for speculat) Tj 111.84 0 TD -0.1413 Tc 1.7013 Tw (ing evolution on other planets. However, other) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -258.24 -12.72 TD -0.1344 Tc 4.3664 Tw (scientists see the gaping flaw in such reasoning. They have decried the \223weakness in the basic) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.1093 Tc 2.8693 Tw (experimental foundations\224 of scientists\222 theory about) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 248.64 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf -0.1346 Tc -0.2254 Tw (how ) Tj 23.52 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.122 Tc 2.7791 Tw (life got started on earth. They have noted) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -272.16 -12.48 TD -0.0717 Tc 1.3917 Tw (though, that) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 57.36 0 TD -0.1362 Tc 1.3705 Tw (scientists nonetheless \223have used these foundations to erect towers that extend to the end of) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -57.36 -12.72 TD -0.1328 Tc 0.2528 Tw (the Universe.\224) Tj 61.92 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj ET endstream +endobj +23 0 obj +10437 +endobj +21 0 obj +<< +/Type /Page +/Parent 5 0 R +/Resources << +/Font << +/F0 6 0 R +/F1 8 0 R +/F2 12 0 R +/F3 15 0 R +/F4 17 0 R +>> +/ProcSet 2 0 R +>> +/Contents 22 0 R +>> +endobj +25 0 obj +<< +/Length 26 0 R +>> +stream +BT 72 746.4 TD 0 0 0 rg /F3 10.08 Tf 0.0811 Tc 0 Tw (T) Tj 6.24 0 TD /F3 7.92 Tf -0.0135 Tc -0.2683 Tw (IMOTHY ) Tj 32.88 0 TD /F3 10.08 Tf -0.0778 Tc 0 Tw (C) Tj 7.2 0 TD /F3 7.92 Tf 0.0386 Tc (OOPER) Tj 28.8 0 TD /F4 11.04 Tf 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -75.12 -707.28 TD 0.1022 Tc 0 Tw (4) Tj 5.28 0 TD /F3 10.08 Tf 0 Tc 0.0778 Tw ( ) Tj 180.72 662.88 TD /F0 10.08 Tf 0.0399 Tc 0.0378 Tw (The Wrong Religion) Tj 96 0 TD 0 Tc 0.0778 Tw ( ) Tj -246 -24.24 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1318 Tc 1.8998 Tw (Why do so many scientists take the impossible for granted? The answer is a simple one) Tj 402.72 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw (\227) Tj 11.04 0 TD -0.1927 Tc 0.0727 Tw (they ) Tj -449.76 -12.72 TD -0.1673 Tc 1.9673 Tw (tend to believe what they want to bel) Tj 170.64 0 TD -0.1141 Tc 1.9141 Tw (ieve. Scientists, for all their claims of objectivity, are not exempt) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -170.64 -12.72 TD -0.146 Tc 1.1502 Tw (from this human failing. The urge to believe is almost religious. At one time we used to have gods. Now) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.1383 Tc 0.2583 Tw (we want to feel we\222re not alone, watched over by protective forces.) Tj 290.64 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -290.64 -12.48 TD ( ) Tj 36 0 TD -0.1633 Tc 1.0033 Tw (Hoyle and Wic) Tj 66.72 0 TD -0.1316 Tc 0.7501 Tw (kramasinghe observe that \223the theory that life was assembled by an intelligence\224 is ) Tj -102.72 -12.72 TD -0.1039 Tc 2.1439 Tw (\223vastly\224 more probable than spontaneous generation. They add, \223such a theory is so obvious that one) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.1553 Tc 1.9553 Tw (wonders why it is not widely accepted as being self) Tj 236.88 0 TD -0.0763 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 3.6 0 TD -0.1388 Tc 1.9388 Tw (evident. The reasons) Tj 92.4 0 TD -0.0847 Tc 1.7647 Tw ( are psychological rather than) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -332.88 -12.48 TD -0.1288 Tc 2.4388 Tw (scientific.\224 So in answer to the question, \223Is anyone out there?\224 science clearly gives no grounds for) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.0937 Tc 0.6828 Tw (belief in life on other planets. In fact, as the years pass and the silence from the stars continues, SETI is a ) Tj T* -0.2275 Tc 1.3075 Tw (growing em) Tj 52.08 0 TD -0.1331 Tc 1.076 Tw (barrassment to scientists who believe in evolution. If various types of life evolve readily from) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj -52.08 -12.48 TD -0.1806 Tc 0.1806 Tw (nonlife, then ) Tj 56.64 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf -0.1685 Tc 0.0485 Tw (why ) Tj 20.16 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1431 Tc 0.2391 Tw (do we not hear from them in this vast universe? ) Tj 208.56 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf -0.0187 Tc 0.1387 Tw (Where are they?) Tj 72.96 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -165.12 -29.76 TD /F0 10.08 Tf 0.0048 Tc 0.0729 Tw (Finding Answers) Tj 81.36 0 TD 0 Tc 0.0778 Tw ( ) Tj -238.56 -24.48 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.0762 Tc 2.0507 Tw (On February 17, 1600, a man named Giordano Bruno was burned ) Tj 1.8182 Tc 0 Tw (a) Tj 315.84 0 TD -0.1096 Tc 1.9096 Tw (live in a public square of) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -351.84 -12.72 TD -0.1293 Tc 1.3593 Tw (Rome, Italy. Why? His writings had offended the church. Among other things, he taught that there were) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.48 TD -0.1392 Tc 0.8458 Tw (many inhabited worlds in the universe. Back in the 11) Tj 238.8 5.04 TD /F1 6.96 Tf -0.0674 Tc 0 Tw (th) Tj 5.28 -5.04 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1064 Tc 0.5998 Tw ( century, the church had declared that doctrine, the ) Tj -244.08 -12.72 TD -0.1048 Tc 0.2248 Tw (plurality of worlds) Tj 80.88 0 TD -0.1036 Tc 0.2236 Tw (, a heresy. To teach it was to die. Bruno died.) Tj 197.52 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -242.4 -12.72 TD -0.1389 Tc 1.6989 Tw (Until the 19) Tj 54.48 5.04 TD /F1 6.96 Tf -0.0674 Tc 0 Tw (th) Tj 5.28 -5.04 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1296 Tc 1.5776 Tw ( century, the debate over whether life exists on other worlds was carried on in the) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj -95.76 -12.72 TD -0.11 Tc 0.806 Tw (arena of religion. For centuries, religious leaders and scientists under their influence insisted that the ear) Tj 459.6 0 TD -0.0946 Tc -0.0254 Tw (th ) Tj -459.6 -12.48 TD -0.0894 Tc 0.2094 Tw (was at the center of the universe; that the universe was created in 4004 B.C.E.; and so forth.) Tj 401.04 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -365.04 -12.72 TD -0.1131 Tc 3.2424 Tw (Small wonder, then, that many mainstream scientists and others have very little respect for) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -36 -12.72 TD -0.1227 Tc 1.3467 Tw (religion. In the process, though, many have lost their respect for) Tj 288.24 0 TD -0.1414 Tc 1.0843 Tw ( the Bible as well, imagining that ) Tj 152.64 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf 0.0509 Tc 0.0691 Tw (it ) Tj 10.08 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.0424 Tc 0.1624 Tw (was ) Tj -450.96 -12.48 TD -0.1132 Tc 2.2492 Tw (the source of all those misconceptions. According to the Bible, extraterrestrial life not only exists but) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.1163 Tc 4.1277 Tw (exists in abundance. It is complex, interesting, and more believable than evolution. After all, an) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj T* 0.0053 Tc 0 Tw (extraterr) Tj 37.44 0 TD -0.1255 Tc 0.2455 Tw (estrial by definition is simply a being who originates outside this earth and its atmosphere.) Tj 391.2 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -428.64 -12.96 TD /F3 11.04 Tf 0.0509 Tw ( ) Tj 160.56 -37.2 TD /F0 12 Tf -0.006 Tc 0.03 Tw (UFO\222s: ARE THEY REAL?) Tj 146.64 0 TD 0 Tc 0.024 Tw ( ) Tj -307.2 -24.96 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1241 Tc 2.2155 Tw (Do people believe in UFO\222s? Whether driven by apocalyptic fears or persuaded by other experiences,) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.48 TD -0.122 Tc 1.922 Tw (many today believe in UFO\222s. A Gallup Po) Tj 199.68 0 TD -0.1482 Tc 1.8042 Tw (ll taken in the eighties indicated that 57 percent of college) Tj 264.72 0 TD -0.0763 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj -464.4 -12.72 TD -0.1227 Tc 1.3319 Tw (educated Americans believe in extraterrestrials and those without a college education, the figure dropped) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.0733 Tc 0.1933 Tw (to 46 percent.) Tj 59.76 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -23.76 -12.72 TD -0.073 Tc 0.913 Tw (In the past, UFO reports generally described strange and unusual sights i) Tj 324.48 0 TD -0.1718 Tc 0.6758 Tw (n the skies or sometimes ) Tj -360.48 -12.48 TD -0.119 Tc 3.4104 Tw (at close range. Quite recently, however, they seem to revolve around actual human contact. These) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.115 Tc 1.03 Tw (contacts are sometimes said to be with \223aliens\224 who allegedly abduct humans. The accounts indicate that ) Tj T* -0.1291 Tc 0.9691 Tw (the intent of the \223aliens\224 at ) Tj 124.08 0 TD -0.1604 Tc 1 Tw (times involves biological or even genetic experimentation with humans. These) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj -124.08 -12.48 TD -0.1109 Tc 0.2309 Tw (assertions have once again directed attention of the public to the subject of UFO\222s.) Tj 358.56 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -322.56 -12.72 TD -0.1372 Tc 1.771 Tw (These claimed sightings and encounters are international in scope. For example, one involved ) Tj 1.5782 Tc 0 Tw (a) Tj 432 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -468 -12.72 TD -0.1226 Tc 1.2873 Tw (man in Switzerland. Over a period of five years, it is claimed, he \223produced hundreds of bright, detailed) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.48 TD -0.1202 Tc 2.5663 Tw (photographs. He also recorded the sounds of \221beamships,\222 collected several metal samples, and made) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.1391 Tc 1.1591 Tw (films of the ship in flight.\224 The description cont) Tj 213.84 0 TD -0.1499 Tc 0.8832 Tw (inues: \223Dozens of witnesses have seen the beamships and ) Tj -213.84 -12.72 TD -0.0986 Tc 3.4386 Tw (corroborated [the man\222s] fantastic story. His evidence, investigated by a professional security team) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.1119 Tc 3.2319 Tw (headed by a retired U.S. Air Force colonel, has been examined by scientists at IBM, NASA\222s Jet) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.48 TD -0.0536 Tc 0 Tw (Prop) Tj 20.88 0 TD -0.0929 Tc 2.7329 Tw (ulsion Laboratory, Arizona State University, and the McDonnell Douglas aeronautics company.\224) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -20.88 -12.72 TD -0.1567 Tc 2.1453 Tw (With all the impressive evidence and investigative data examined, the man\222s claims were debunked on) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj ET endstream +endobj +26 0 obj +8570 +endobj +24 0 obj +<< +/Type /Page +/Parent 5 0 R +/Resources << +/Font << +/F0 6 0 R +/F1 8 0 R +/F2 12 0 R +/F3 15 0 R +/F4 17 0 R +>> +/ProcSet 2 0 R +>> +/Contents 25 0 R +>> +endobj +28 0 obj +<< +/Length 29 0 R +>> +stream +BT 494.4 745.92 TD 0 0 0 rg /F3 11.04 Tf 0.0763 Tc 0 Tw (P) Tj 7.44 0 TD /F3 9.12 Tf -0.019 Tc (ARADOX) Tj 38.16 0 TD /F3 11.04 Tf 0 Tc 0.0509 Tw ( ) Tj -5.28 -706.8 TD /F4 11.04 Tf 0.1022 Tc 0 Tw (5) Tj 5.28 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -468 671.04 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1221 Tc 1.5512 Tw (television as an elaborate series of hoaxes by the media in 199) Tj 284.4 0 TD -0.1228 Tc 1.4428 Tw (8 thus calling into question the reality of) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -284.4 -12.72 TD -0.1993 Tc 0.3193 Tw (such phenomenon.) Tj 80.16 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -44.16 -12.48 TD -0.1004 Tc 2.0804 Tw (With sensational reports of encounters appearing in newspapers, periodicals, and books on the) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj -36 -12.72 TD -0.0664 Tc 0 Tw (best) Tj 17.52 0 TD -0.0763 Tc (-) Tj 3.6 0 TD -0.0881 Tc 1.1681 Tw (seller lists, people are asking, What is it all about? Are UFO\222s real, or are they just figments) Tj 417.36 0 TD -0.1694 Tc 1.2494 Tw ( of the) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj -438.48 -12.72 TD -0.1121 Tc 1.545 Tw (imagination? Is there any record of such things in history? It is possible that there may be explanations) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD (that ) Tj 19.44 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf -0.0113 Tc 0 Tw (transcend) Tj 43.44 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1319 Tc 0.2519 Tw ( present) Tj 34.08 0 TD -0.0763 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 3.6 0 TD -0.1589 Tc 0.2789 Tw (day science? These and other questions will be considered here.) Tj 275.04 0 TD /F1 12 Tf 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -220.8 -30.48 TD /F0 11.04 Tf -0.0591 Tc 0.1099 Tw (Ancient and Modern Sightings) Tj 158.16 0 TD 0 Tc 0.0509 Tw ( ) Tj -276.96 -25.68 TD /F1 12 Tf -0.1091 Tc 1.6691 Tw (From the most ancient time) Tj 136.32 0 TD -0.0629 Tc 1.5509 Tw (s, people have reported seeing strange objects in the sky. A) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj -172.32 -13.68 TD -0.1096 Tc 2.681 Tw (Pharaoh was supposed to have seen fiery circles in the heavens, and American Indians have) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -13.92 TD -0.1176 Tc 1.9914 Tw (legends of flying canoes. The early Romans reported seeing flying shields. According to some) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -13.68 TD 0.032 Tc 0 Tw (interpretati) Tj 52.32 0 TD -0.0562 Tc 1.6162 Tw (ons of Aztec carvings, the god Quetzalcoatal supposedly arrived on earth wearing a) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -52.32 -13.92 TD -0.1146 Tc 0.2346 Tw (beaked space helmet and in a serpentlike airship.) Tj 230.64 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -194.64 -12.72 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.0845 Tc 4.8445 Tw (In 1561 and 1566, according to ancient accounts, \223multitudes\224 of inhabitants of Basel,) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -36 -12.72 TD -0.1041 Tc 1.4241 Tw (Switzerland, and Nuremberg, Germany,) Tj 177.36 0 TD -0.1026 Tc 1.2546 Tw ( reportedly saw unusual sights in the sky. However, during 1896) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -177.36 -12.72 TD -0.1039 Tc 2.9153 Tw (and 1897, a most extraordinary thing happened in the United States. People throughout the country) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.1243 Tc 3.8628 Tw (reported seeing an airship cruising overhead. It was said: \223America had never before experienc) Tj 458.16 0 TD -0.2909 Tc 0.1709 Tw (ed ) Tj -458.16 -12.48 TD -0.1318 Tc 1.7432 Tw (anything quite like the excitement generated by the mystery airship.\224 These sightings occurred at major) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.1059 Tc 2.0047 Tw (cities as well as at villages and small towns all across the United States, beginning in California. The) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj T* -0.1152 Tc 1.4352 Tw (interesting point is, says the book) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 155.04 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf -0.0182 Tc 1.3382 Tw (The Grea) Tj 43.2 0 TD -0.0139 Tc 1.2139 Tw (t Airship Mystery,) Tj 81.84 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1264 Tc 1.0864 Tw ( that \223the known history of flight contains ) Tj -280.08 -12.48 TD -0.136 Tc 0.256 Tw (nothing about a wide) Tj 90.96 0 TD -0.0763 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 3.6 0 TD -0.1108 Tc 0.2308 Tw (ranging dirigible in the United States in the late 1890\222s.\224) Tj 245.52 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -304.08 -12.72 TD -0.126 Tc 1.941 Tw (One of the most elaborate and widely published stories came from a small town in Kansas, in) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -36 -12.72 TD -0.0749 Tc 1.1549 Tw (1897. The account rel) Tj 98.4 0 TD -0.1053 Tc 1.1484 Tw (ates how a citizen of the area, Alexander Hamilton, described an airship that came) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj -98.4 -12.48 TD -0.1459 Tc 0.6695 Tw (down in his cow lot. When the ship finally took off, the crew took along one of the heifers. Later on, three ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.139 Tc 1.219 Tw (or four miles down the road, a neighbor \223found the hide, legs, ) Tj 1.0982 Tc 0 Tw (a) Tj 286.56 0 TD -0.1376 Tc 1.0976 Tw (nd head in his field.\224 Over the years, the) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj -286.56 -12.72 TD -0.1199 Tc 1.3065 Tw (story has been investigated and reprinted, some claiming it was a hoax while others claim that it fits the) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.1016 Tc 0.2216 Tw (animal mutilation scenario that began in the 60\222s.) Tj 214.8 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -178.8 -12.48 TD -0.094 Tc 2.6826 Tw (Accounts such as these, whether fabricated or supposedl) Tj 262.56 0 TD -0.1345 Tc 2.6545 Tw (y real, have been reprinted in recent) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -298.56 -12.72 TD -0.105 Tc 0.8885 Tw (books on the subject. Many of the reports from the period prior to the turn of the 20) Tj 375.36 5.04 TD /F1 6.96 Tf -0.0674 Tc 0 Tw (th) Tj 5.28 -5.04 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1525 Tc 0.5125 Tw ( century might have ) Tj -380.64 -12.72 TD -0.1282 Tc 1.9432 Tw (been forgotten in the dusty files except for some striking parallel events that began happening over 40) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.48 TD -0.0509 Tc 2.3309 Tw (years ) Tj 2.2109 Tc 0 Tw (l) Tj 30.96 0 TD -0.0962 Tc 2.2002 Tw (ater. Then it was that investigators began to recall and research these earlier events and began) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -30.96 -12.72 TD -0.1296 Tc 0.2496 Tw (noting marked similarities.) Tj 115.68 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 81.12 -30.72 TD /F0 11.04 Tf -0.0228 Tc 0.0737 Tw (Modern Times) Tj 74.4 0 TD 0 Tc 0.0509 Tw ( ) Tj -235.2 -24.48 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1495 Tc 1.5495 Tw (The subject was revived in more modern times during World War II when Allied bomber pilots) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -36 -12.72 TD -0.0672 Tc 1.6872 Tw (reported that they saw \223str) Tj 121.44 0 TD -0.1143 Tc 1.6743 Tw (ange balls of light and disc) Tj 123.6 0 TD -0.0763 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 3.6 0 TD -0.1434 Tc 1.7034 Tw (shaped objects [that] followed them as they flew) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj -248.64 -12.72 TD -0.1286 Tc 0.7286 Tw (over Germany and Japan.\224 The American pilots called them foo) Tj 281.52 0 TD -0.0763 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 3.6 0 TD -0.109 Tc 0.559 Tw (fighters, a term that was derived from the ) Tj -285.12 -12.72 TD -0.1265 Tc 1.9265 Tw (French word) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 60.96 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf -0.017 Tc 0 Tw (feu) Tj 13.44 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1112 Tc 1.6712 Tw (, for \223fire.\224 Although World War II came to an end and alon) Tj 279.6 0 TD -0.1642 Tc 1.7242 Tw (g with it the foo) Tj 74.64 0 TD -0.0763 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 3.6 0 TD -0.0808 Tc 0.2008 Tw (fighters, ) Tj -432.24 -12.48 TD -0.1113 Tc 0.2313 Tw (stories of strange sights continued to be related.) Tj 206.64 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -170.64 -12.72 TD -0.111 Tc 3.031 Tw (In Western Europe and the Scandinavian countries, wingless craft called ghost rockets were) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj -36 -12.72 TD -0.113 Tc 1.0638 Tw (reportedly seen. They were often described as trailing flames across the sky. In respo) Tj 379.44 0 TD -0.0917 Tc 0.7517 Tw (nse to these reports, ) Tj -379.44 -12.48 TD -0.1449 Tc 0.2649 Tw (the United States military \223felt compelled to send two top intelligence experts to Sweden.\224) Tj 390.48 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -354.48 -12.72 TD -0.1262 Tc 1.0509 Tw (The above stories were only the beginning. The account that seemed to startle the world and that ) Tj -36 -12.72 TD -0.0899 Tc 0.6899 Tw (initiated the flying saucer era was told by K) Tj 193.92 0 TD -0.101 Tc 0.5483 Tw (enneth Arnold, a private pilot and a businessman. On June 24, ) Tj -193.92 -12.72 TD -0.0721 Tc 0.7709 Tw (1947, it was reported that he saw \223a chain of nine peculiar aircraft approaching Mt. Rainier [Washington ) Tj 0 -12.48 TD -0.1279 Tc 2.1897 Tw (State].\224 Prior to Arnold\222s sighting, Air Force intelligence had received supposedly hundr) Tj 405.36 0 TD -0.1285 Tc 2.1685 Tw (eds of similar) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -405.36 -12.72 TD -0.0929 Tc 1.6529 Tw (reports describing \223saucer) Tj 116.64 0 TD -0.0763 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 3.6 0 TD -0.1361 Tc 1.6001 Tw (like things\224 that were \223flat like a pie pan and so shiny they reflected the sun) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj ET endstream +endobj +29 0 obj +9031 +endobj +27 0 obj +<< +/Type /Page +/Parent 5 0 R +/Resources << +/Font << +/F0 6 0 R +/F1 8 0 R +/F2 12 0 R +/F3 15 0 R +/F4 17 0 R +>> +/ProcSet 2 0 R +>> +/Contents 28 0 R +>> +endobj +31 0 obj +<< +/Length 32 0 R +>> +stream +BT 72 746.4 TD 0 0 0 rg /F3 10.08 Tf 0.0811 Tc 0 Tw (T) Tj 6.24 0 TD /F3 7.92 Tf -0.0135 Tc -0.2683 Tw (IMOTHY ) Tj 32.88 0 TD /F3 10.08 Tf -0.0778 Tc 0 Tw (C) Tj 7.2 0 TD /F3 7.92 Tf 0.0386 Tc (OOPER) Tj 28.8 0 TD /F4 11.04 Tf 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -75.12 -707.28 TD 0.1022 Tc 0 Tw (6) Tj 5.28 0 TD /F3 10.08 Tf 0 Tc 0.0778 Tw ( ) Tj -5.28 661.92 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.0995 Tc 0.649 Tw (like a mirror.\224 Arnold was reported to have clocked their speed \223at about 1,200 miles per hour.\224 This was ) Tj 0 -12.48 TD -0.046 Tc 0.166 Tw (much faster than jet aircraf) Tj 118.08 0 TD -0.1204 Tc 0.2404 Tw (t flew at that time.) Tj 79.68 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -161.76 -12.72 TD -0.124 Tc 3.154 Tw (The use of the word \223saucer\224 caught the imagination of the press and resulted in the now) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj -36 -12.72 TD -0.1335 Tc 1.5564 Tw (common term \223flying saucer.\224 After this account was published worldwide, many who had seen strange) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.48 TD -0.1187 Tc 0.7187 Tw (objects in the sky began to tell their varied s) Tj 195.12 0 TD -0.1043 Tc 0.4883 Tw (tories. This, along with other sightings, caught the attention of ) Tj -195.12 -12.72 TD -0.1251 Tc 0.2451 Tw (the government and military authorities.) Tj 173.52 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -23.28 -30.72 TD /F0 11.04 Tf -0.0066 Tc 0.0575 Tw (Crashed Saucers and Little Men) Tj 167.28 0 TD 0 Tc 0.0509 Tw ( ) Tj -281.52 -24.48 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1364 Tc 2.4484 Tw (Adding to the already tense feeling of the military was the sensational press release from the) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj -36 -12.72 TD -0.1478 Tc 1.4678 Tw (world\222s only atomic bom) Tj 112.08 0 TD -0.1204 Tc 1.2604 Tw (b strike group at the Roswell Army Air Field of the capture of a flying disc on) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -112.08 -12.72 TD -0.0705 Tc 0.5505 Tw (July 8, 1947. It wasn\222t until almost 30 years later that the story of a sheep rancher and a retired Air Force ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.1447 Tc 2.6647 Tw (officer who claimed to have seen wreckage of a crashed saucer) Tj 296.64 0 TD -0.0763 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 3.6 0 TD -0.24 Tc (like) Tj 15.6 0 TD -0.0867 Tc 2.4467 Tw ( craft that accounts of little men) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -315.84 -12.48 TD -0.0982 Tc 2.3782 Tw (surfaced. Popularized by columnist Frank Scully in his book) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 285.36 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf -0.0248 Tc 2.3048 Tw (Behind the Flying Saucers) Tj 123.12 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1458 Tc 2.1858 Tw ( published in) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -408.48 -12.72 TD -0.0924 Tc 1.9439 Tw (1950, other writers began writing feature articles in nationally read magazines that the fascination and) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.1324 Tc 2.4124 Tw (speculation of ex) Tj 78.24 0 TD -0.0677 Tc 2.2677 Tw (traterrestrial spacecraft arose. More sensational claims surfaced regarding \223aliens\224 in) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -78.24 -12.48 TD -0.1132 Tc 2.8732 Tw (1980 with the publishing of a book by Charles Berlitz called) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 294.24 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf -0.0323 Tc 2.7923 Tw (The Roswell Incident) Tj 98.16 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1751 Tc 2.9351 Tw ( which fired the) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj -392.4 -12.72 TD -0.104 Tc 0.704 Tw (curiosity of investigators and started the allegations that the United) Tj 294.96 0 TD -0.1322 Tc 0.595 Tw ( States Government had covered up the ) Tj -294.96 -12.72 TD -0.0823 Tc 3.4423 Tw (real truth regarding extraterrestrial visitation to earth. Since then, numerous books, periodicals and) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.48 TD -0.1144 Tc 0.9677 Tw (Hollywood films of UFO\222s and alien monsters have saturated the public to the extent that the subject has ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.2473 Tc 0.3673 Tw (now become) Tj 54 0 TD -0.1129 Tc 0.2329 Tw ( part of American folklore and culture.) Tj 168.24 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -90.48 -30.72 TD /F0 11.04 Tf -0.0351 Tc 0.086 Tw (United States Government Investigates) Tj 204.24 0 TD 0 Tc 0.0509 Tw ( ) Tj -300 -24.72 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1175 Tc 1.7513 Tw (In September 1947 the commander of the Air Materiel Command, General Nathan F. Twining,) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -36 -12.48 TD -0.1144 Tc 2.1064 Tw (forwarded a secret report to the Air Force Chief of Staff in Washington that recommended ) Tj 1.7309 Tc 0 Tw (t) Tj 426.48 0 TD -0.0145 Tc 1.8145 Tw (hat a top) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -426.48 -12.72 TD -0.1613 Tc 1.1385 Tw (secret intelligence project be implemented immediately. Up to that period, the Air Defense Command had) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.141 Tc 1.941 Tw (received hundreds of reliable sighting reports from military and civilian sources in which a intelligence) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.48 TD -0.1587 Tc 1.2387 Tw (officer concluded that \223something\224 wa) Tj 170.64 0 TD -0.1282 Tc 1.1362 Tw (s flying over the United States. The sightings implied that possibly) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -170.64 -12.72 TD -0.1896 Tc 1.2696 Tw (the Soviet Union had developed a long) Tj 172.32 0 TD -0.0763 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 3.6 0 TD -0.1093 Tc 0.8533 Tw (range missile or aircraft capable of striking the continental United ) Tj -175.92 -12.72 TD -0.1073 Tc 2.0735 Tw (States with nuclear weapons \(the Soviets would not test an atomic bomb for anoth) Tj 380.88 0 TD -0.0661 Tc 1.8661 Tw (er two years\). This) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -380.88 -12.72 TD -0.1381 Tc 3.8027 Tw (eventually received official attention of the government. A consensus was reached by the Truman) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.48 TD -0.1162 Tc 1.8305 Tw (Administration and the Air Force established a top secret investigative project code named SIGN. This) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.1165 Tc 1.1965 Tw (investigative group was assigned to ca) Tj 171.36 0 TD -0.0919 Tc 1.0192 Tw (rry out work officially on January 22, 1948, under the direction of) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -171.36 -12.72 TD -0.1464 Tc 2.9987 Tw (the Air Technical Intelligence Command, located at Wright Field \(now the National Air Intelligence) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.48 TD -0.1007 Tc 1.9007 Tw (Center, Wright) Tj 66.96 0 TD -0.0763 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 3.6 0 TD -0.1022 Tc 1.7713 Tw (Patterson AFB\) near Dayton, Ohio. The project had hardly begun when traged) Tj 358.08 0 TD -0.0277 Tc 1.5877 Tw (y struck.) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -428.64 -12.72 TD -0.0763 Tc 0.3798 Tw (Captain Thomas Mantell, a Air National Guard pilot, lost his life in a mysterious crash of his F) Tj 418.32 0 TD -0.0763 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 3.6 0 TD 0.0288 Tc 0.0912 Tw (51 aircraft ) Tj -421.92 -12.72 TD -0.1145 Tc 1.3945 Tw (while in pursuit of a metallic, light reflecting UFO. Unable to explain in prosaic terms the nature of the) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.48 TD -0.1278 Tc 1.2078 Tw (incident investigators ruled ) Tj 1.0109 Tc 0 Tw (t) Tj 126 0 TD -0.0978 Tc 1.1178 Tw (he crash as a result of lack of oxygen by the pilot as he pursued a classified) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -126 -12.72 TD -0.128 Tc 0.248 Tw (Navy Skyhhook research balloon.) Tj 146.64 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -110.64 -12.72 TD -0.1228 Tc 2.0256 Tw (However, another sighting by two Eastern Airlines pilots, coupled with the death of a military) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -36 -12.72 TD -0.1278 Tc 1.4135 Tw (pilot, further fueled the growing concern with UFO) Tj 230.16 0 TD -0.0963 Tc 1.1763 Tw (\222s. According to the report, an Eastern Airlines plane) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj -230.16 -12.48 TD -0.1206 Tc 1.1706 Tw (had left Houston, Texas and was headed for Atlanta, Georgia, when suddenly the pilot was compelled to) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.1375 Tc 1.0804 Tw (take quick evasive action in order to avoid colliding head on with a \223wingless B) Tj 356.4 0 TD -0.0763 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 3.6 0 TD -0.0751 Tc 0.6751 Tw (29 fuselage\224 that ) Tj 78.96 0 TD -0.0654 Tc -0.0546 Tw (passed ) Tj -438.96 -12.72 TD -0.1275 Tc 0.2475 Tw (him on his right. A passenger and several ground) Tj 212.64 0 TD -0.0763 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 3.6 0 TD -0.1266 Tc 0.2466 Tw (based observers seemed to add credibility to the story.) Tj 234.72 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -414.96 -12.48 TD -0.0974 Tc 3.1659 Tw (The Project SIGN group produced a report called the Estimate of the Situation which was) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -36 -12.72 TD -0.1368 Tc 0.9768 Tw (approved through channels for an executive review by Gen) Tj 261.36 0 TD -0.0999 Tc 0.8799 Tw (eral Hoyt S. Vandenberg, Chief of Staff of the) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj -261.36 -12.72 TD -0.1047 Tc 3.5997 Tw (Air Force, but was rejected on the grounds that it lacked conclusive proof that UFO\222s were real) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.48 TD -0.0889 Tc 0.9632 Tw (extraterrestrial spacecraft. Later, some staff members who were sympathetic to the viewpoint that UFO\222s ) Tj ET endstream +endobj +32 0 obj +9034 +endobj +30 0 obj +<< +/Type /Page +/Parent 5 0 R +/Resources << +/Font << +/F0 6 0 R +/F1 8 0 R +/F2 12 0 R +/F3 15 0 R +/F4 17 0 R +>> +/ProcSet 2 0 R +>> +/Contents 31 0 R +>> +endobj +35 0 obj +<< +/Length 36 0 R +>> +stream +BT 494.4 745.92 TD 0 0 0 rg /F3 11.04 Tf 0.0763 Tc 0 Tw (P) Tj 7.44 0 TD /F3 9.12 Tf -0.019 Tc (ARADOX) Tj 38.16 0 TD /F3 11.04 Tf 0 Tc 0.0509 Tw ( ) Tj -5.28 -706.8 TD /F4 11.04 Tf 0.1022 Tc 0 Tw (7) Tj 5.28 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -468 671.04 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1 Tc 1.9 Tw (were real) Tj 41.52 0 TD -0.134 Tc 1.7454 Tw ( were replaced, and the project assumed a new code name called GRUDGE. However, during) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -41.52 -12.72 TD -0.1313 Tc 1.7195 Tw (this period, belief in the existence of UFO\222s reached a new high when retired USMC Major Donald E.) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.48 TD -0.1095 Tc 2.935 Tw (Keyhoe wrote an article entitled \223The Flying Saucers Are Real.\224 The ac) Tj 342 0 TD -0.1269 Tc 2.8869 Tw (count was published in the) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj -342 -12.72 TD -0.045 Tc 0.645 Tw (January 1950 issue of ) Tj 101.28 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf 0.0064 Tc 0 Tw (True) Tj 20.88 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1304 Tc 0.9019 Tw ( magazine, and the issue enjoyed wide circulation. Then, to add to the already ) Tj -122.16 -12.72 TD -0.1357 Tc 1.9357 Tw (wide interest,) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 64.08 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf 0.0064 Tc 0 Tw (True) Tj 20.88 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.0835 Tc 1.8835 Tw ( published a further article by US Navy Commander R.B. McLaughlin. This article) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj -84.96 -12.72 TD -0.1327 Tc 4.0127 Tw (was entitled \223How Scienti) Tj 124.08 0 TD -0.0768 Tc 3.7968 Tw (sts Tracked the Flying Saucers.\224 The enthusiasm was short) Tj 286.32 0 TD -0.0763 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 3.6 0 TD -0.24 Tc (lived) Tj 20.88 0 TD 0 Tc (\227) Tj 11.04 0 TD -0.1214 Tc 0.2414 Tw (other ) Tj -445.92 -12.48 TD -0.112 Tc 0.232 Tw (magazines, ) Tj 53.04 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf 0.017 Tc 0 Tw (Cosmopolitan) Tj 62.16 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1139 Tc 2.1539 Tw ( and) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 25.2 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf 0.024 Tc 0.096 Tw (Time, ) Tj 29.76 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.115 Tc 2.1017 Tw (published articles debunking UFO\222s at the behest of the military.) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -170.16 -12.72 TD -0.1085 Tc 1.4285 Tw (With these new articles and a lull in sightings, interest subsided. Then came 1952, a) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 384.72 0 TD -0.1029 Tc 1.1829 Tw (remarkable year in) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -384.72 -12.72 TD -0.0936 Tc 0.2136 Tw (UFO history.) Tj 57.6 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 110.4 -30.48 TD /F0 11.04 Tf 0.1018 Tc 0 Tw (1952) Tj 24.96 0 TD 0 Tc (\227) Tj 11.04 0 TD 0.0101 Tc 0.0408 Tw (The Year of UFO\222s) Tj 95.76 0 TD 0 Tc 0.0509 Tw ( ) Tj -263.76 -24.72 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1401 Tc 4.4801 Tw (The greatest number of UFO sightings received by the USAF Air Technical Intelligence) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj -36 -12.72 TD -0.0976 Tc 1.4816 Tw (Command was recorded in 1952: 1,501. Early in March 1952, with increased numbers of sightings, the) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.48 TD -0.0567 Tc 1.3767 Tw (Air Force reorgan) Tj 80.4 0 TD -0.0992 Tc 1.3756 Tw (ized its investigation and created a separate organization called Project BLUE BOOK.) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -80.4 -12.72 TD -0.1129 Tc 2.1229 Tw (During that year of intense UFO activity, the sightings were diverse and many. The public alarm had) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.1374 Tc 2.2646 Tw (caught the attention of the Central Intelligence Agency and began its ) Tj 2.16 Tc 0 Tw (o) Tj 326.88 0 TD -0.1619 Tc 2.2019 Tw (wn investigation in conjunction) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -326.88 -12.72 TD -0.1239 Tc 0.2439 Tw (with BLUE BOOK.) Tj 86.88 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -86.88 -12.48 TD ( ) Tj 36 0 TD -0.1266 Tc 0.9666 Tw (One of a series of especially notable sightings began over Washington, D.C., during the midnight ) Tj -36 -12.72 TD -0.118 Tc 1.0113 Tw (hours of July 19 and 20. It has been documented that \223a group of unidentified flying objects appeared on) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.16 Tc 2.2 Tw (two ) Tj 2.0837 Tc 0 Tw (r) Tj 24.72 0 TD -0.0713 Tc 2.019 Tw (adarscopes at the Air Route Traffic Control Center at Washington National Airport. The objects) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -24.72 -12.48 TD -0.11 Tc 1.2757 Tw (moved slowly at first\205then shot away at \221fantastic speeds.\222\224 The visual sightings corresponded with the) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.0469 Tc 1.9803 Tw (radar returns. It was further documented that an air forc) Tj 260.16 0 TD -0.1102 Tc 1.9102 Tw (e interception was attempted, but \223the objects) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -260.16 -12.72 TD -0.0826 Tc 0.2026 Tw (disappeared as the jets neared.\224) Tj 136.8 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -100.8 -12.48 TD -0.1076 Tc 0.5947 Tw (It has been speculated that as a result of the invasion over Washington and inadequate warning by ) Tj -36 -12.72 TD -0.1304 Tc 1.9522 Tw (defense intelligence and slow response time by the air force interceptors, Pre) Tj 349.92 0 TD -0.1041 Tc 1.9041 Tw (sident Truman created the) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj -349.92 -12.72 TD -0.1151 Tc 4.1017 Tw (National Security Agency and restructured the government\222s communication intelligence apparatus.) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.1321 Tc 2.7036 Tw (Changes were also made in Project BLUE BOOK and UFO intelligence reporting channels. In early) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.48 TD -0.114 Tc 4.794 Tw (1953, the CIA assumed control of the go) Tj 208.8 0 TD -0.133 Tc 4.653 Tw (vernment\222s UFO Program by coordinating all defense) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj -208.8 -12.72 TD -0.1264 Tc 2.4064 Tw (intelligence activities regarding national and foreign policy issues connected with UFO\222s. To facilitate) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.1164 Tc 2.7392 Tw (policy the CIA issued a classified recommendation to the National Security Council that UFO\222s \223be) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.48 TD 0.0382 Tc 0 Tw (st) Tj 7.44 0 TD -0.1197 Tc 6.4059 Tw (ripped\224 of its popularity and debunked. In light of cold war gamesmanship and possible) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj -7.44 -12.72 TD -0.1316 Tc 2.0516 Tw (misidentification of an enemy sneak attack, the government\222s psychological warfare program went into) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.1118 Tc 0.2318 Tw (full swing and by 1955 UFO sighting reports ebbed.) Tj 226.8 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -190.8 -12.72 TD -0.0457 Tc 1.1257 Tw (In 1966 Gerald R.) Tj 82.32 0 TD -0.1193 Tc 1.1193 Tw ( Ford, then congressman from Michigan, was credited with calling for another ) Tj -118.32 -12.48 TD -0.1039 Tc 1.1334 Tw (federal investigation of UFO\222s. This was in response to a wave of UFO sightings in his state. The result ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.073 Tc 1.7807 Tw (was that another study was set up at the University of Colorado. Dr. Edwar) Tj 349.2 0 TD -0.1371 Tc 1.6971 Tw (d U. Condon, a prominent) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -349.2 -12.72 TD -0.128 Tc 1.88 Tw (physicist, assumed oversight of the study. Under the supervision and guidance of the CIA, the Condon) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.48 TD -0.1157 Tc 0.6437 Tw (Report was issued in 1969. Among other things, it said that \223nothing has come from the study of UFOs in ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.0308 Tc 1.1588 Tw (the past 21 years that has) Tj 115.68 0 TD -0.1216 Tc 1.2016 Tw ( added to scientific knowledge\205that further extensive study of UFOs probably) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -115.68 -12.72 TD -0.1285 Tc 0.2485 Tw (cannot be justified in the expectation that science will be advanced thereby.\224) Tj 330.96 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -294.96 -12.48 TD -0.1402 Tc 3.8971 Tw (This ended the official involvement of the U.S. Government UFO Study Program and, in) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -36 -12.72 TD -0.153 Tc 0.993 Tw (addition, tende) Tj 64.32 0 TD -0.1246 Tc 0.7646 Tw (d to cool public curiosity. It did not, however, end the UFO controversy, nor was it the end ) Tj -64.32 -12.72 TD -0.1222 Tc 0.8313 Tw (of UFO sightings. According to one report, \22320 percent of the ninety) Tj 303.84 0 TD -0.0763 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 3.6 0 TD -0.1497 Tc 0.6697 Tw (five cases discussed in the document ) Tj -307.44 -12.72 TD -0.1416 Tc 0.2616 Tw (remained \221unexplained.\222\224) Tj 109.68 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -73.68 -12.48 TD -0.1166 Tc 2.1566 Tw (Interest in UFO\222s seemed to rise) Tj 149.76 0 TD -0.1278 Tc 1.9278 Tw ( and fall along with waves of sightings. Outstanding were the) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj -185.76 -12.72 TD -0.084 Tc 1.0793 Tw (years 1973 and 1974, when UFO\222s were observed. With the arrival of the 1980\222s and 90\222s, reports were) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.1369 Tc 1.4569 Tw (again in the news. Along with reports, questionable documents concerning the U.S. Government\222) Tj 434.4 0 TD -0.0743 Tc 1.3943 Tw (s secret) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -434.4 -12.48 TD -0.0808 Tc 1.4008 Tw (UFO Program called MJ) Tj 111.36 0 TD -0.0763 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 3.6 0 TD -0.1152 Tc 1.1152 Tw (12, Operation Majestic Twelve under the code name MAJIC surfaced in books ) Tj ET endstream +endobj +36 0 obj +9175 +endobj +33 0 obj +<< +/Type /Page +/Parent 34 0 R +/Resources << +/Font << +/F0 6 0 R +/F1 8 0 R +/F2 12 0 R +/F3 15 0 R +/F4 17 0 R +>> +/ProcSet 2 0 R +>> +/Contents 35 0 R +>> +endobj +38 0 obj +<< +/Length 39 0 R +>> +stream +BT 72 746.4 TD 0 0 0 rg /F3 10.08 Tf 0.0811 Tc 0 Tw (T) Tj 6.24 0 TD /F3 7.92 Tf -0.0135 Tc -0.2683 Tw (IMOTHY ) Tj 32.88 0 TD /F3 10.08 Tf -0.0778 Tc 0 Tw (C) Tj 7.2 0 TD /F3 7.92 Tf 0.0386 Tc (OOPER) Tj 28.8 0 TD /F4 11.04 Tf 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -75.12 -707.28 TD 0.1022 Tc 0 Tw (8) Tj 5.28 0 TD /F3 10.08 Tf 0 Tc 0.0778 Tw ( ) Tj -5.28 661.92 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1116 Tc 1.4316 Tw (and magazines in 1987 and again in 1998 through the world) Tj 272.88 0 TD -0.0763 Tc 0 Tw (--) Tj 7.2 0 TD -0.1647 Tc 1.2447 Tw (wide web on the internet computer system) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj -280.08 -12.48 TD -0.0924 Tc 0.2124 Tw (has once again sparked public interest in UFO\222s.) Tj 211.68 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -40.56 -30.72 TD /F0 11.04 Tf -0.0946 Tc 0 Tw (Ca) Tj 14.16 0 TD -0.0245 Tc 0.0753 Tw (n They Be Identified?) Tj 111.36 0 TD 0 Tc 0.0509 Tw ( ) Tj -260.64 -24.72 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.0856 Tc 1.7484 Tw (How do scientists explain UFO\222s? The late Dr. Donald H. Menzel, a Harvard astronomer, and) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -36 -12.48 TD -0.1041 Tc 2.1441 Tw (Philip Klass, former senior editor of) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 171.12 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf 0 Tc 2.0397 Tw (Aviation Week,) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 73.44 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1433 Tc 1.9433 Tw (are among those who have studied the subject of) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -244.56 -12.72 TD -0.079 Tc 1.399 Tw (UFO sightings. They affirm that UFO\222s are ) Tj 1.3382 Tc 0 Tw (a) Tj 205.92 0 TD -0.1349 Tc 1.3349 Tw (ctually IFO\222s \(identified flying objects\). When investigated) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -205.92 -12.72 TD -0.1142 Tc 3.0502 Tw (they claimed, UFO\222s have turned out to be identifiable things or effects, such as weather balloons,) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.48 TD -0.1118 Tc 0.2318 Tw (nighttime advertising airships and helicopters, meteors, or sun dogs.) Tj 294.96 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -294.96 -12.72 TD ( ) Tj 36 0 TD -0.0788 Tc 2.3588 Tw (Philip Klass has explain) Tj 111.6 0 TD -0.0957 Tc 2.1837 Tw (ed UFO\222s as natural phenomena or as incorrect identifications. As an) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -147.6 -12.72 TD -0.1292 Tc 0.8092 Tw (example, according to him, some UFO\222s were suspected of being a kind of ball lightening, or plasma. His ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.1109 Tc 1.2094 Tw (critics were quick, however, to say that plasmas, or highly ionized gases, can have) Tj 369.84 0 TD -0.1284 Tc 1.0164 Tw ( a very short lifetimes ) Tj -369.84 -12.48 TD -0.0959 Tc 2.503 Tw (and do not adequately explain the problem. He says that some UFO\222s seen on radar are artifacts of) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.1131 Tc 0.9874 Tw (weather phenomena. However, according to some radar experts, this explanation does not account for the) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj T* -0.1855 Tc 3.4255 Tw (seemingly intelligent behavior) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 141.6 0 TD -0.1289 Tc 3.1556 Tw (sometimes observed. Klass\222s thought is that people who are suddenly) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -141.6 -12.48 TD -0.1263 Tc 1.2513 Tw (exposed to a brief unexpected event \223may be grossly inaccurate in trying to describe precisely what they) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.1323 Tc 0.2523 Tw (have seen.\224) Tj 49.44 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 81.12 -30.72 TD /F0 11.04 Tf -0.0319 Tc 0.0828 Tw (Guided By Beings From Beyond Earth?) Tj 206.64 0 TD 0 Tc 0.0509 Tw ( ) Tj -301.2 -24.48 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.0977 Tc 0.9377 Tw (One popular theory is that UFO\222s ma) Tj 167.04 0 TD -0.1136 Tc 0.6896 Tw (y be associated with intelligent beings from outer space. Dr. ) Tj -203.04 -12.72 TD -0.1216 Tc 0.8487 Tw (James McCampbell was a leader among those who came to this conclusion. He warned: \223It would appear ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.1264 Tc 1.2064 Tw (that a superintelligent alien species is indeed becoming a more intimate part of our earth\222s en) Tj 416.64 0 TD -0.1534 Tc 0.0334 Tw (vironment.\224 ) Tj -416.64 -12.72 TD -0.1149 Tc 3.8749 Tw (Donald Keyhoe \(who popularized the notion that UFO\222s were interplanetary spacecraft piloted by) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.48 TD -0.1247 Tc 0.7626 Tw (intelligent beings\) warned: \223If the aliens\222 purpose should be migration to Earth, it would set off a wave of ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.049 Tc 0.169 Tw (fear and hysteria.\224) Tj 80.4 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -44.4 -12.72 TD -0.1168 Tc 2.1568 Tw (Another theory that) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 93.36 0 TD -0.0825 Tc 2.1007 Tw (has captured the interest of some investigators is that UFO\222s are superior) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -129.36 -12.48 TD -0.1143 Tc 3.9143 Tw (beings that inhabit a \223parallel universe.\224 According to this theory, these beings may be \223able to) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.1145 Tc 1.9545 Tw (manipulate the electrical circuits of the human mind.\224 With this ability, they coul) Tj 372.48 0 TD -0.1061 Tc 1.9061 Tw (d presumably control) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -372.48 -12.72 TD -0.1645 Tc 3.1092 Tw (human governments. Some say they may be connected with \223intelligences [that involve] the world\222s) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.1152 Tc 1.4721 Tw (leading religious movements, miracles, angels, ghosts, fairies, poltergeists, and the like,\224 so says Ronald) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.48 TD -0.0261 Tc 0.0861 Tw (D. Story, author of ) Tj 85.92 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf -0.0332 Tc 0.1532 Tw (UFO and Th) Tj 56.4 0 TD -0.0175 Tc 0.1375 Tw (e Limits of Science.) Tj 86.16 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -55.44 -30.72 TD /F0 11.04 Tf -0.0434 Tc 0.0943 Tw (Can We Identify Them?) Tj 121.68 0 TD 0 Tc 0.0509 Tw ( ) Tj -258.72 -24.72 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1296 Tc 0.7665 Tw (As I have shown, some investigators are quite positive that they can identify ) Tj 340.32 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf 0.0339 Tc 0.0861 Tw (all ) Tj 15.12 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.0047 Tc 0.3647 Tw (UFO\222s as natural ) Tj -391.44 -12.48 TD -0.1351 Tc 0.2551 Tw (things or known phenomena. Others, however, present their own special theories.) Tj 351.84 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -315.84 -12.72 TD -0.1221 Tc 2.8821 Tw (The official Condon report and con) Tj 166.32 0 TD -0.1179 Tc 2.7408 Tw (clusions as above, coupled with diminished UFO reports,) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -202.32 -12.72 TD -0.1363 Tc 1.6513 Tw (seemed to end the matter for many. Nevertheless, three decades later we still find UFO\222s getting public) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.48 TD -0.1635 Tc 2.2835 Tw (attention. As mentioned in my essay, a new element has been added. We live in a backdrop of deep) Tj 464.4 0 TD -0.0763 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj -464.4 -12.72 TD -0.0586 Tc 0.1786 Tw (seated and apocalyptic fears as we are about to approach the year 2000.) Tj 313.44 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -313.44 -12.72 TD ( ) Tj 36 0 TD -0.1386 Tc 1.0906 Tw (Even more uncertainties developed from recent claims that in the past the United States and even) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -36 -12.72 TD -0.1619 Tc 1.2419 Tw (other governments may have ignored or covered up the evidence of UFO\222s. Timothy Good,) Tj 407.04 0 TD -0.0886 Tc 1.0086 Tw ( the author of) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -407.04 -12.48 TD /F2 11.04 Tf -0.0254 Tc 3.0254 Tw (Above Top Secret) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 89.04 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1139 Tc -0.0061 Tw (and ) Tj 21.12 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf -0.0397 Tc 2.7997 Tw (Beyond Top Secret) Tj 88.56 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1415 Tc 2.9015 Tw ( who took advantage of the Freedom of Information Act,) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -198.72 -12.72 TD -0.109 Tc 1.205 Tw (established in 1966, together with sources in other countries, to gather information that according to him) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.1228 Tc 0.2085 Tw (\223proves beyond doubt that there has been ) Tj 182.16 0 TD -0.1888 Tc 0.3088 Tw (a monumental cover) Tj 87.84 0 TD -0.0763 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 3.6 0 TD -0.0729 Tc 0.1929 Tw (up of the UFO subject,\224) Tj 104.64 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -342.24 -12.48 TD -0.116 Tc 0.764 Tw (Gary Kinder, in his book ) Tj 114.72 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf 0.0122 Tc 0.4678 Tw (Light Years, ) Tj 58.56 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1308 Tc 0.8268 Tw (raises questions as to what proof is needed to convince the) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj -209.28 -12.72 TD -0.1017 Tc 2.8457 Tw (authorities of the existence of UFO\222s. He notes that one observer asks: \223What constitutes proof [of) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj ET endstream +endobj +39 0 obj +8588 +endobj +37 0 obj +<< +/Type /Page +/Parent 34 0 R +/Resources << +/Font << +/F0 6 0 R +/F1 8 0 R +/F2 12 0 R +/F3 15 0 R +/F4 17 0 R +>> +/ProcSet 2 0 R +>> +/Contents 38 0 R +>> +endobj +41 0 obj +<< +/Length 42 0 R +>> +stream +BT 494.4 745.92 TD 0 0 0 rg /F3 11.04 Tf 0.0763 Tc 0 Tw (P) Tj 7.44 0 TD /F3 9.12 Tf -0.019 Tc (ARADOX) Tj 38.16 0 TD /F3 11.04 Tf 0 Tc 0.0509 Tw ( ) Tj -5.28 -706.8 TD /F4 11.04 Tf 0.1022 Tc 0 Tw (9) Tj 5.28 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -468 671.04 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.0782 Tc 1.3982 Tw (UFO\222s]? Does a) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 77.52 0 TD -0.1022 Tc 1.2872 Tw (UFO have to land at the River Entrance to the pentagon, near the Joint Chiefs of Staff) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -77.52 -12.72 TD -0.0913 Tc 0.8985 Tw (Offices? Or is it proof when a ground radar station detects a UFO, sends a jet to intercept it, the jet pilot ) Tj 0 -12.48 TD -0.1165 Tc 0.2181 Tw (sees it, and locks on with his radar, only to have the UFO ) Tj 252.24 0 TD -0.1205 Tc 0.2405 Tw (streak away at phenomenal speed?\224) Tj 154.56 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -370.8 -12.72 TD -0.1289 Tc 2.5529 Tw (On the other hand, the 1,300 plus pages of CIA UFO intelligence documents that have been) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -36 -12.72 TD -0.1058 Tc 0.6873 Tw (released, covering the period from 1949 to 1992, reveal an attempt at a cover) Tj 341.28 0 TD -0.0763 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 3.6 0 TD -0.0938 Tc 0.4138 Tw (up of sorts and yet indicates ) Tj -344.88 -12.72 TD -0.1139 Tc 0.2339 Tw (a on) Tj 18.48 0 TD -0.0763 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 3.6 0 TD -0.0739 Tc 0.1939 Tw (again, off) Tj 41.76 0 TD -0.0763 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 3.6 0 TD -0.1264 Tc 0.2464 Tw (again int) Tj 37.68 0 TD -0.1201 Tc 0.2401 Tw (erest and seems unsure of its origin.) Tj 155.76 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -224.88 -12.48 TD -0.1235 Tc 3.6404 Tw (Time and again, experts have identified UFO\222s as misinterpreted sightings of Venus or of) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -36 -12.72 TD -0.1446 Tc 1.4646 Tw (celestial bodies. And, time and again, investigators have produced evidence that some of the \223identified\224) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.0689 Tc 1.6289 Tw (UFO sighting reports ar) Tj 108.48 0 TD -0.1265 Tc 1.4808 Tw (e not prosaic phenomena. It is evident that no solution to the UFO problem has) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -108.48 -12.48 TD -0.0785 Tc 0.1985 Tw (been satisfactory to all.) Tj 101.28 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 54.96 -30.72 TD /F0 11.04 Tf -0.0205 Tc 0.0714 Tw (Is There An Occult Influence?) Tj 155.28 0 TD 0 Tc 0.0509 Tw ( ) Tj -275.52 -24.72 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1562 Tc 1.9762 Tw (When considering the possible mental or psychological experiences of some who have reported) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -36 -12.48 TD -0.0571 Tc 1.8571 Tw (contacts with UFO\222s, it is al) Tj 131.28 0 TD -0.0965 Tc 1.8165 Tw (so possible to recognize similarities with spiritualistic or other paranormal) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -131.28 -12.72 TD -0.1029 Tc 4.3029 Tw (phenomena. According to Jim Maars, author of) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 237.12 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf -0.0052 Tc 3.9652 Tw (Alien Agenda: Investigating The Extraterrestrial) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -237.12 -12.72 TD -0.0377 Tc 1.3577 Tw (Presence Among Us,) Tj 94.32 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.0898 Tc 1.4098 Tw ( \223As every Christian fundamentalist has been taught, Satan is the) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj 299.04 0 TD -0.0977 Tc 1.4177 Tw (Great Deceiver.\224) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -393.36 -12.72 TD -0.1123 Tc 2.3076 Tw (This brings the UFO into the picture as spirit beings in which \223contactees\224 and the \223occult\224 view as) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.48 TD -0.1315 Tc 1.6015 Tw (\223benevolent\224 beings may be playing into the hands of deceptive forces. The author also relates that one) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.0937 Tc 2.0137 Tw (trapped in what is called a \223hall) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 153.36 0 TD -0.143 Tc 1.943 Tw (of mirrors\224 may not be able to distinguish government deception and) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -153.36 -12.72 TD -0.1343 Tc 0 Tw (disinformation.) Tj 66 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -30 -12.48 TD -0.0833 Tc 2.1033 Tw (The Bible speaks of extraterrestrials, spirit creatures, such as obedient angels and disobedient,) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -36 -12.72 TD -0.1505 Tc 2.4305 Tw (rebellious angels who became demons. Down through Bible history, Jehovah ) Tj 2.4 Tc 0 Tw (o) Tj 362.64 0 TD -0.1384 Tc 2.2584 Tw (n many occasions used) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -362.64 -12.72 TD -0.1184 Tc 1.4084 Tw (angels to communicate with human beings. The Bible also warns that Satan \(the Resister and Enemy of) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.48 TD -0.1297 Tc 1.2521 Tw (God\) has also used angels to mislead, deceive and manipulate humans in various forms with all kinds of) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.1018 Tc 1.9018 Tw (philosophies, fads, messages, ) Tj 1.8182 Tc 0 Tw (c) Tj 139.92 0 TD -0.0991 Tc 1.7657 Tw (ommunications, and religious cults. The Christian apostle Paul gave due) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj -139.92 -12.72 TD -0.1281 Tc 0.8291 Tw (warning of demon influence in his writings that in what the Bible calls \223the last days\224 that this generation ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.1225 Tc 0.2425 Tw (will be \223paying attention to misleading inspired utterances and teachings o) Tj 322.08 0 TD -0.1426 Tc 0.2626 Tw (f demons.\224) Tj 47.04 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw (\227) Tj 11.04 0 TD -0.0952 Tc 0.2152 Tw (1 Timothy 4:1.) Tj 65.04 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -296.88 -48.48 TD /F0 11.04 Tf -0.0789 Tc 0.1298 Tw (SCIENCE FICTION AND REALITY) Tj 171.36 0 TD 0 Tc 0.0509 Tw ( ) Tj -319.68 -24.72 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.0873 Tc 0.7673 Tw (The year 1982 saw a first for the American movie industry. During the 1982/83 season, the most popular ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.1039 Tc 0.8479 Tw (film \223performer\224 was not a person at all. According to ) Tj 246.24 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf 0.0052 Tc 0.6428 Tw (The Illustrated History of the Cinema,) Tj 172.08 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1927 Tc 0.7927 Tw ( it wa) Tj 25.44 0 TD 0.0836 Tc 0.2764 Tw (s ET, ) Tj -443.76 -12.48 TD -0.102 Tc 5.0035 Tw (the grotesque but somehow cute character from outer space that starred in the film) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj 427.44 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf -0 Tc 4.68 Tw (ET: The) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -427.44 -12.72 TD 0.0126 Tc 0 Tw (Extraterrestrial!) Tj 72.72 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -72.72 -12.72 TD ( ) Tj 36 0 TD -0.1222 Tc 1.5345 Tw (This remarkable circumstance is just one evidence of a paradox of the overwhelming popularity) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -36 -12.72 TD -0.1463 Tc 1.5006 Tw (science fiction has enjoyed in recent years. ) Tj 1.3891 Tc 0 Tw (O) Tj 203.76 0 TD -0.1366 Tc 1.4566 Tw (nce relegated to pulp magazines and considered the fare of) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -203.76 -12.48 TD -0.116 Tc 2.3406 Tw (loners and dreamers, science fiction has become an established part of mainstream entertainment. But) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.0989 Tc 0.2189 Tw (what is behind its dramatic rise in popularity?) Tj 199.2 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -163.2 -12.72 TD -0.1396 Tc 0.8767 Tw (From time immemorial men have told fantastic tal) Tj 221.52 0 TD -0.1062 Tc 0.6529 Tw (es in order to awe, impress, or simply entertain. ) Tj -257.52 -12.48 TD -0.1315 Tc 2.1715 Tw (However, during the 17) Tj 108.48 5.04 TD /F1 6.96 Tf -0.0674 Tc 0 Tw (th) Tj 5.28 -5.04 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.0684 Tc 2.1084 Tw ( and 18) Tj 36.24 5.04 TD /F1 6.96 Tf -0.0674 Tc 0 Tw (th) Tj 5.28 -5.04 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.0954 Tc 1.8954 Tw ( centuries, Europe entered an era of scientific and material progress.) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -155.28 -12.72 TD -0.1124 Tc 1.0553 Tw (Many began to challenge traditional ideas and authorities. In this atmosphere some began to speculate) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj 457.44 0 TD -0.24 Tc 0.12 Tw (on ) Tj -457.44 -12.72 TD -0.1352 Tc 0.2552 Tw (how scientific progress would affect mankind in the future.) Tj 256.08 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -256.08 -12.48 TD ( ) Tj 36 0 TD -0.1378 Tc 1.7698 Tw (Exactly who invented science fiction is a matter of debate. Seventeenth) Tj 322.56 0 TD -0.0763 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 3.6 0 TD -0.0435 Tc 1.6035 Tw (century authors Francis) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -362.16 -12.72 TD -0.1028 Tc 3.5828 Tw (Godwin and Cyrano de Bergerac wrote fictional works that involved space travel. In 1818, Mary) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD 0.0509 Tc 0 Tw (Sh) Tj 11.52 0 TD -0.1884 Tc 1.5084 Tw (elley\222s book) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 57.6 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf -0.0248 Tc 1.3448 Tw (Frankenstein, or The Modern Prometheus) Tj 190.56 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.0916 Tc 1.3816 Tw ( portrayed a scientist with the ability to create) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj -259.68 -12.72 TD -0.1529 Tc 0.2729 Tw (life and depicted the horrible consequences.) Tj 188.4 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj ET endstream +endobj +42 0 obj +8867 +endobj +40 0 obj +<< +/Type /Page +/Parent 34 0 R +/Resources << +/Font << +/F0 6 0 R +/F1 8 0 R +/F2 12 0 R +/F3 15 0 R +/F4 17 0 R +>> +/ProcSet 2 0 R +>> +/Contents 41 0 R +>> +endobj +44 0 obj +<< +/Length 45 0 R +>> +stream +BT 72 746.4 TD 0 0 0 rg /F3 10.08 Tf 0.0811 Tc 0 Tw (T) Tj 6.24 0 TD /F3 7.92 Tf -0.0135 Tc -0.2683 Tw (IMOTHY ) Tj 32.88 0 TD /F3 10.08 Tf -0.0778 Tc 0 Tw (C) Tj 7.2 0 TD /F3 7.92 Tf 0.0386 Tc (OOPER) Tj 28.8 0 TD /F4 11.04 Tf 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -75.12 -707.28 TD 0.1022 Tc 0 Tw (10) Tj 10.56 0 TD /F3 10.08 Tf 0 Tc 0.0778 Tw ( ) Tj 25.44 661.92 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1493 Tc 1.6453 Tw (Some writers used this kind of fiction to highlight the shortcomings of human society. So when) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -36 -12.48 TD -0.0778 Tc 0.6778 Tw (Jonathan Swift ) Tj 69.84 0 TD -0.1588 Tc 1.2388 Tw (derided 18) Tj 46.56 5.04 TD /F1 6.96 Tf -0.0674 Tc 0 Tw (th) Tj 5.28 -5.04 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.0763 Tc (-) Tj 3.6 0 TD -0.1221 Tc 0.9991 Tw (century English society, he wove his satire into a series of fictitious voyages. ) Tj -125.28 -12.72 TD -0.1014 Tc 0.2214 Tw (The result has been called science fiction\222s \223first literary masterpiece.\224) Tj 306.96 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -270.96 -12.72 TD -0.1072 Tc 0.818 Tw (But writers Jules Verne and H.G. Wells are usually credited with putting the science) Tj 373.92 0 TD -0.0763 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 3.6 0 TD -0.1327 Tc (fi) Tj 6.48 0 TD -0.1971 Tc 0.4371 Tw (ction novel ) Tj -420 -12.48 TD -0.1264 Tc 1.4464 Tw (into its modern form. In 1865, Verne wrote) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj 199.92 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf -0.0175 Tc 1.3375 Tw (From the Earth to the Moon) Tj 131.04 0 TD 0.0254 Tc 0 Tw (\227) Tj 9.84 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1033 Tc 1.3273 Tw (one of a string of successful) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -340.8 -12.72 TD -0.0794 Tc 0.1994 Tw (novels. In 1895, H.G. Wells\222 popular books ) Tj 193.92 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf -0.0164 Tc 0.0564 Tw (The Time Machine ) Tj 85.68 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.065 Tc 0.185 Tw (and later ) Tj 40.8 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf 0.0325 Tc 0.0875 Tw (War of the Worlds) Tj 82.08 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.067 Tc 0.187 Tw ( appeared.) Tj 45.12 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -276.96 -30.72 TD /F0 11.04 Tf -0.0473 Tc 0.0982 Tw (Fiction Becomes Reality) Tj 126.72 0 TD 0 Tc 0.0509 Tw ( ) Tj -261.36 -24.48 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.0785 Tc 1.7585 Tw (By the early 1900\222s, ) Tj 1.4654 Tc 0 Tw (s) Tj 102 0 TD -0.1639 Tc 1.7239 Tw (cientists were beginning to make some of these visionaries\222 dreams come) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj -138 -12.72 TD -0.1273 Tc 2.4073 Tw (true. According to the book) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 132.96 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf -0.0283 Tc 2.3083 Tw (Die GroBen) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 60.72 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.0956 Tc 2.2727 Tw (\(The Great Ones\), German physicist Hermann Oberth spent) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -193.68 -12.72 TD -0.1073 Tc 1.7965 Tw (years trying to make Jules Verne\222s dream of manned spaceflight a reality. Oberth\222s calcul) Tj 409.68 0 TD -0.1506 Tc 1.7106 Tw (ations helped) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -409.68 -12.72 TD -0.1215 Tc 0.6948 Tw (lay a scientific basis for space travel. However, he was not the only scientist influenced by science fiction. ) Tj 0 -12.48 TD -0.0769 Tc 1.8769 Tw (Popular science) Tj 70.08 0 TD -0.0763 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 3.6 0 TD -0.1086 Tc 1.8686 Tw (fiction writer Ray Bradbury said: \223Wernher von Braun and his colleagues in Germany) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -73.68 -12.72 TD -0.1302 Tc 1.4502 Tw (and everyone in Houston and Cape) Tj 157.68 0 TD -0.1566 Tc 1.433 Tw ( Kennedy read H.G. Wells and Jules Verne when they were children.) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -157.68 -12.72 TD -0.1506 Tc 0.2706 Tw (They decided that when they grew up, they would make it all come true.\224) Tj 317.28 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -281.28 -12.48 TD -0.1144 Tc 0.8744 Tw (Actually, science fiction has been the springboard for innovation in may areas. Author Rene\222 Oth ) Tj -36 -12.72 TD -0.1567 Tc 2.4367 Tw (claims there have bee) Tj 99.36 0 TD -0.1424 Tc 2.1824 Tw (n few \223inventions or discoveries that science fiction did not predict in advance.\224) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -99.36 -12.72 TD -0.1288 Tc 1.6408 Tw (Submarines, robots, and manned rockets were all the staples of science fiction long before they became) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.48 TD -0.1016 Tc 1.4216 Tw (realities. Science) Tj 74.16 0 TD -0.0763 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 3.6 0 TD -0.0979 Tc 1.3494 Tw (fiction writer Frederik Pohl thus maintains that \223t) Tj 222.72 0 TD -0.1234 Tc 1.2034 Tw (o read science fiction is to stretch the) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj -300.48 -12.72 TD -0.1064 Tc 0.6264 Tw (mind.\224 It could be said that H.G. Wells\222 book ) Tj 205.68 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf 0.0325 Tc 0.5675 Tw (War of the Worlds) Tj 83.52 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1054 Tc 0.5188 Tw ( was the primer for the speculation of an ) Tj -289.2 -12.72 TD -0.1069 Tc 0.2269 Tw (alien flying saucer invasion that gripped the United States in 1947.) Tj 289.68 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -114 -30.72 TD /F0 11.04 Tf 0.0109 Tc 0.04 Tw (Science Fiction Today) Tj 116.64 0 TD 0 Tc 0.0509 Tw ( ) Tj -256.32 -24.48 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1414 Tc 2.1814 Tw (Automobiles, teleph) Tj 88.8 0 TD -0.0935 Tc 1.8935 Tw (ones, computers) Tj 72 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw (\227) Tj 11.04 0 TD -0.1266 Tc 1.9266 Tw (over 130 years ago, could anyone possibly have foreseen) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -207.84 -12.72 TD -0.1592 Tc 1.4792 Tw (their invention? Science) Tj 105.6 0 TD -0.0763 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 3.6 0 TD -0.1311 Tc 1.3711 Tw (fiction writer Jules Verne did! These startling scientific insights were found in a) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -109.2 -12.72 TD -0.1475 Tc 2.1875 Tw (recently discovered manuscript of a Jules Verne novel entitled) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 288.48 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf -0.0164 Tc 1.9364 Tw (Paris in the) Tj 55.2 0 TD -0.0308 Tc 1.8308 Tw ( Twentieth Century.) Tj 90.72 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1115 Tc 1.9115 Tw ( In this) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -434.4 -12.48 TD -0.1248 Tc 2.0277 Tw (previously unpublished novel, Verne even described a contraption that bears an eerie resemblance to a) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.1147 Tc 1.3387 Tw (modern fax machine by writing about a \223photograph [that] permitted the dispatch over long distances of) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj T* -0.1657 Tc 0.2857 Tw (the facsimile of any wr) Tj 99.6 0 TD -0.0945 Tc 0.2145 Tw (iting, signature or design.\224) Tj 115.2 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -178.8 -12.72 TD -0.1392 Tc 0 Tw (Science) Tj 33.12 0 TD -0.0763 Tc (-) Tj 3.6 0 TD -0.1302 Tc 2.1702 Tw (fiction writers have also failed to predict many of the startling scientific developments) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -72.72 -12.48 TD (that ) Tj 19.68 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf -0.0509 Tc 0 Tw (have) Tj 20.64 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.0597 Tc 0.3597 Tw ( transpired. In an article that appeared in ) Tj 181.92 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf 0.0063 Tc 0.2737 Tw (The Atlantic Monthly, ) Tj 100.56 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1501 Tc 0 Tw (science) Tj 31.2 0 TD -0.0763 Tc (-) Tj 3.6 0 TD -0.0864 Tc 0.2664 Tw (fiction writer Thomas M. ) Tj -357.6 -12.72 TD -0.121 Tc 2.401 Tw (Disch admits: \223Consid) Tj 102.24 0 TD -0.1192 Tc 2.3774 Tw (er all SF\222s failures to imagine the cybernetic [computer] age\205, the greenhouse) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj -102.24 -12.72 TD -0.1327 Tc 1.4377 Tw (effect or the destruction of the ozone layer or AIDS. Consider the new geopolitical imbalance of power.) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.48 TD -0.0984 Tc 0.2184 Tw (Consider all these things, and then ask what SF has had to say about them) Tj 321.84 0 TD -0.0937 Tc 0.2137 Tw (. Almost not a word.\224) Tj 94.32 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -380.16 -12.72 TD -0.1096 Tc 0.9346 Tw (For fans, of course, science fiction is not hard science but entertainment. Even so, there are those) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj -36 -12.72 TD -0.1356 Tc 1.1019 Tw (who challenge that science fiction is a way of bringing out the values of courage, faith, and even hope in) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.48 TD -0.1089 Tc 0.9489 Tw (our troubled world. In the) Tj 114.72 0 TD -0.0814 Tc 0.7294 Tw ( April 1999 issue of ) Tj 93.36 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf -0 Tc 0 Tw (Time) Tj 22.08 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1416 Tc 0.8444 Tw ( magazine Bill Moyers interviewed George Lucas, the) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj -230.16 -12.72 TD -0.0845 Tc 1.6445 Tw (creator of the) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj 65.28 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf 0.0364 Tc 1.5236 Tw (Star Wars) Tj 46.32 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1383 Tc 1.6983 Tw ( trilogy concerning the theological values found in the characters in his newest) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -111.6 -12.72 TD -0.1412 Tc 0.2612 Tw (installment ) Tj 51.12 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf -0.0451 Tc 0.8851 Tw (The Phantom Menace.) Tj 100.8 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.0698 Tc 0.6998 Tw ( Moyers asked Lucas about the fact that his) Tj 194.16 0 TD -0.1554 Tc 0.6114 Tw ( films have been interpreted ) Tj -346.08 -12.72 TD -0.1274 Tc 0.7527 Tw (by viewers as religious truths to which Lucas responded: \223If there\222s only one God, why are there so many ) Tj 0 -12.48 TD -0.1163 Tc 1.2763 Tw (religions?\224 When asked if he [Lucas] was putting spiritual beliefs into his science) Tj 366 0 TD -0.0763 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 3.6 0 TD -0.1482 Tc 1.2282 Tw (fiction films, he asked) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -369.6 -12.72 TD -0.1054 Tc 1.4254 Tw (\223What do peopl) Tj 71.04 0 TD -0.1431 Tc 1.3831 Tw (e believe in?\205 I had to do something that was relevant, something that imitated a belief) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -71.04 -12.72 TD -0.1008 Tc 0.2208 Tw (system that has been around for thousands of years\205. I didn\222t want to invent a religion.\224) Tj 386.88 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -235.44 -30.48 TD /F0 11.04 Tf -0.0503 Tc 0.1011 Tw (Science Fiction Is Big Business) Tj 165.12 0 TD 0 Tc 0.0509 Tw ( ) Tj ET endstream +endobj +45 0 obj +9886 +endobj +43 0 obj +<< +/Type /Page +/Parent 34 0 R +/Resources << +/Font << +/F0 6 0 R +/F1 8 0 R +/F2 12 0 R +/F3 15 0 R +/F4 17 0 R +>> +/ProcSet 2 0 R +>> +/Contents 44 0 R +>> +endobj +47 0 obj +<< +/Length 48 0 R +>> +stream +BT 494.4 745.92 TD 0 0 0 rg /F3 11.04 Tf 0.0763 Tc 0 Tw (P) Tj 7.44 0 TD /F3 9.12 Tf -0.019 Tc (ARADOX) Tj 38.16 0 TD /F3 11.04 Tf 0 Tc 0.0509 Tw ( ) Tj -10.56 -706.8 TD /F4 11.04 Tf 0.1022 Tc 0 Tw (11) Tj 10.56 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj ET q 529.68 18 10.32 36.72 re W n BT 535.44 15.36 TD 0.1022 Tc 0 Tw (11) Tj ET Q BT 108 710.16 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1392 Tc 0 Tw (Science) Tj 33.12 0 TD -0.0763 Tc (-) Tj 3.6 0 TD -0.1521 Tc 1.2321 Tw (fiction films have been around since) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj 164.88 0 TD -0.1699 Tc 1.0499 Tw (1902 when Georges Melies made the film) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj 188.64 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf 0.0291 Tc 0.5709 Tw (A Trip to ) Tj -426.24 -12.72 TD -0.0009 Tc 1.3209 Tw (the Moon.) Tj 46.08 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1644 Tc 1.4577 Tw ( A later generation of young moviegoers was mesmerized by) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 276.48 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf -0.0079 Tc 0.6079 Tw (Flash Gordon. ) Tj 69.84 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.0957 Tc 1.1757 Tw (But in 1968, one) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj -392.4 -12.48 TD -0.1726 Tc 1.7626 Tw (year before man landed on the moon, the film) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj 212.88 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf -0.0339 Tc 1.5939 Tw (2001: A Space Odyssey) Tj 108 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1277 Tc 1.6877 Tw ( received artistic recognition and) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -320.88 -12.72 TD -0.0151 Tc 0.1351 Tw (was a co) Tj 37.92 0 TD -0.1415 Tc 0.2615 Tw (mmercial success as well. Hollywood now began allotting huge budgets for science) Tj 360.48 0 TD -0.0763 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 3.6 0 TD -0.1326 Tc 0.2526 Tw (fiction films.) Tj 55.44 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -421.44 -12.72 TD -0.08 Tc 1.88 Tw (By the late 1970\222s and early 1980\222s such films as) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 234.96 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf 0.0131 Tc 1.6429 Tw (Close Encounters, Alien, Star Wars, Blade) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -270.96 -12.72 TD 0.0026 Tc 0.1174 Tw (Runner, ) Tj 39.6 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1139 Tc -0.0061 Tw (and ) Tj 19.92 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf 0.0023 Tc 1.5577 Tw (ET: The Extraterrestrial) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 115.44 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.0841 Tc 1.4041 Tw (accounted for half of all U.S.) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 137.04 0 TD -0.16 Tc 0 Tw (box) Tj 16.32 0 TD -0.0763 Tc (-) Tj 3.6 0 TD -0.1479 Tc 1.4679 Tw (office receipts. Indeed, science) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj -331.92 -12.48 TD -0.1644 Tc 1.7244 Tw (fiction provided one of the biggest hit movies of all time,) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 264.24 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf -0.0229 Tc 1.5829 Tw (Jurassic Park. ) Tj 73.68 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1873 Tc 1.6993 Tw (Along with the film came an) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -337.92 -12.72 TD -0.106 Tc 1.666 Tw (avalanche of some 1,000) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 116.64 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf -0.0348 Tc 1.5948 Tw (Jurassic Park) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 66.48 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.0942 Tc 1.4742 Tw (products. Not surprisingly, TV also jumped on the bandwagon.) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -183.12 -12.72 TD -0.0886 Tc 0.2086 Tw (The popular show) Tj 78.72 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 2.88 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf 0 Tc -0 Tw (Star Trek ) Tj 44.4 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.0863 Tc 0.2063 Tw (spawned a number of programs about outer space.) Tj 219.84 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -163.44 -48.48 TD /F0 11.04 Tf -0.1444 Tc 0.1953 Tw (FRAUD IN SCIENCE) Tj 103.2 0 TD 0 Tc 0.0509 Tw ( ) Tj -285.6 -24.72 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1052 Tc 2.5292 Tw (During this century, science has greatly increased our knowledge of the natural world around us. Its) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.1349 Tc 1.3949 Tw (telescopes have revealed the awesome wonders of the starry heavens, just as mic) Tj 362.64 0 TD -0.1373 Tc 1.2173 Tw (roscopes have disclosed) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -362.64 -12.48 TD -0.1356 Tc 2.7836 Tw (the amazing complexities of molecules and atoms. The marvels of design in plants and animals, the) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.1684 Tc 2.0751 Tw (wisdom reflected in our own fearfully and wonderfully made bodies) Tj 309.6 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw (\227) Tj 11.04 0 TD -0.1628 Tc 1.9628 Tw (this knowledge also comes to us) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -320.64 -12.72 TD -0.1096 Tc 0.2296 Tw (through the discoveries of hard) Tj 134.4 0 TD -0.0763 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 3.6 0 TD -0.0318 Tc (work) Tj 22.08 0 TD -0.1023 Tc 0.2223 Tw (ing scientists.) Tj 58.8 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -182.88 -12.72 TD -0.0376 Tc 0 Tw (But) Tj 15.84 0 TD 0 Tc (\227) Tj 11.04 0 TD -0.1136 Tc 2.1386 Tw (there is another side to science. Not all its practitioners measure up to the image of the) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj -62.88 -12.48 TD -0.0979 Tc 1.6739 Tw (objective, passionate pursuers of truth, regardless of where it might lead. There are too many scientists) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.1057 Tc 1.4257 Tw (who have selected material that support) Tj 178.08 0 TD -0.1036 Tc 1.3036 Tw (s their theory and discard what doesn\222t. They report studies they) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -178.08 -12.72 TD -0.1435 Tc 1.5595 Tw (have never made and experiments they have never performed, and they fake what they cannot establish.) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.48 TD -0.1093 Tc 3.0293 Tw (They plagiarize the writings of fellow scientists. Many claim authorship of articles they) Tj 413.28 0 TD -0.187 Tc 2.947 Tw ( have never) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -413.28 -12.72 TD -0.2043 Tc 0.3243 Tw (worked on and maybe have never even seen!) Tj 192.24 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -156.24 -12.72 TD -0.115 Tc 1.595 Tw (Flagrant fraud may be rare, but some of the manipulating of data mentioned above is common.) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -36 -12.48 TD -0.1365 Tc 0.2565 Tw (Even more common, however, are two additional kinds of fraud, both involving deceitful propaganda.) Tj 441.6 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -287.52 -29.76 TD /F0 10.08 Tf 0.0064 Tc -0.1687 Tw (Scientific ) Tj 47.76 0 TD -0.0187 Tc 0.0964 Tw (Fraud Makes Headlines) Tj 111.84 0 TD 0 Tc 0.0778 Tw ( ) Tj -277.68 -18.48 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1115 Tc 2.2887 Tw (The image of scientists as invariably dedicated to truth has been tarnished, as these headlines) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -36 -12.72 TD -0.1869 Tc 0 Tw (show:) Tj 25.44 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -3.84 -18.96 TD /F5 11.04 Tf -0.1226 Tc 0.2426 Tw (\223Ethics in Science\224) Tj 88.32 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -88.32 -12.24 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.115 Tc 1.5036 Tw (\223A fight is building in the U.S. House of Representatives over fraud, misconduct, and conflict) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.1003 Tc 0.2203 Tw (of interest in sc) Tj 66.48 0 TD -0.1366 Tc 0 Tw (ience.\224) Tj 29.76 0 TD 0 Tc (\227) Tj 11.04 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf -0.0295 Tc 0.1495 Tw (Science, ) Tj 39.12 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.0149 Tc 0.1349 Tw (July 7, 1989.) Tj 57.12 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -203.52 -24.96 TD /F5 11.04 Tf -0.0929 Tc 0.2129 Tw (\223Do Scientists Cheat?\224) Tj 106.32 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -106.32 -12.24 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1338 Tc 1.4538 Tw (\223After the initial inquiry by this [congressional] committee into this subject, the committee has) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.1244 Tc 1.1338 Tw (had growing reason to believe that we are only seeing the tip of a very unfortunate, dangerous, ) Tj T* -0.1371 Tc 0.2571 Tw (and impo) Tj 40.32 0 TD -0.0449 Tc 0.1649 Tw (rtant iceberg.\224) Tj 62.4 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw (\227) Tj 11.04 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf -0.0664 Tc -0.0536 Tw (NOVA ) Tj 31.44 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.0408 Tc 0.1608 Tw (broadcast on PBS on October 25, 1988.) Tj 174.24 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -341.04 -18.48 TD ( ) Tj 21.6 -18.96 TD /F5 11.04 Tf -0.0979 Tc 0.2179 Tw (\223Two New Studies Ask Why Scientists Cheat\224) Tj 214.32 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -214.32 -12.48 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.161 Tc 1.526 Tw (\223It was an innocent enough question: how do scientists behave when no one is looking? But it) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.1057 Tc 2.6497 Tw (has produced an incendiary answer: not too well, reports a ) Tj 2.64 Tc 0 Tw (p) Tj 286.08 0 TD -0.1197 Tc 2.6397 Tw (aper this month in the British) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -286.08 -12.48 TD -0.0795 Tc -0.0405 Tw (journal ) Tj 33.6 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf 0.0341 Tc 0 Tw (Nature.\224) Tj 39.84 0 TD 0.0254 Tc (\227) Tj 9.84 0 TD -0.1103 Tc 0.2303 Tw (Newsweek, ) Tj 50.64 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf 0.015 Tc 0.105 Tw (February 2, 1987.) Tj 78.96 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -212.88 -24.96 TD /F5 11.04 Tf -0.1285 Tc 0.2485 Tw (\223A Nation of Liars? Scientists Falsify Research\224) Tj 222.72 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -222.72 -12.48 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1003 Tc 2.8972 Tw (\223A study published last month accused 47 scientists at the Harvard and Emory University) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.48 TD -0.1377 Tc 1.6977 Tw (medical schools of producing misleading pap) Tj 202.56 0 TD 0.0211 Tc 0 Tw (ers.\224) Tj 20.4 0 TD 0 Tc (\227) Tj 11.04 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf -0.0274 Tc 1.5874 Tw (U.S. News & World Report,) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 132.96 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf 0.0096 Tc 1.3104 Tw (February 23,) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -366.96 -12.72 TD 0.024 Tc 0 Tw (1987.) Tj 24.96 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj ET endstream +endobj +48 0 obj +9310 +endobj +46 0 obj +<< +/Type /Page +/Parent 34 0 R +/Resources << +/Font 51 0 R +/ProcSet 2 0 R +>> +/Contents 47 0 R +>> +endobj +51 0 obj +<< +/F0 6 0 R +/F1 8 0 R +/F2 12 0 R +/F3 15 0 R +/F4 17 0 R +/F5 49 0 R +>> +endobj +53 0 obj +<< +/Length 54 0 R +>> +stream +BT 72 746.4 TD 0 0 0 rg /F3 10.08 Tf 0.0811 Tc 0 Tw (T) Tj 6.24 0 TD /F3 7.92 Tf -0.0135 Tc -0.2683 Tw (IMOTHY ) Tj 32.88 0 TD /F3 10.08 Tf -0.0778 Tc 0 Tw (C) Tj 7.2 0 TD /F3 7.92 Tf 0.0386 Tc (OOPER) Tj 28.8 0 TD /F4 11.04 Tf 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -75.12 -707.28 TD 0.1022 Tc 0 Tw (12) Tj 10.56 0 TD /F3 10.08 Tf 0 Tc 0.0778 Tw ( ) Tj 11.04 661.68 TD /F5 11.04 Tf -0.131 Tc 0.251 Tw (\223NIH Sees Plagiarism in Vision Paper\224) Tj 180.72 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -180.72 -12.24 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.0972 Tc 1.2372 Tw (\223Panel says researcher took data from paper he peer) Tj 234.72 0 TD -0.0763 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 3.6 0 TD -0.1482 Tc 1.1082 Tw (reviewed and used it for his own work;\205 ) Tj -238.32 -12.72 TD -0.1451 Tc 0.2651 Tw (NIH recommends debarment proceedings.\224) Tj 186.96 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw (\227) Tj 11.04 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf -0.0295 Tc 0.1495 Tw (Science, ) Tj 39.12 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.0136 Tc 0.1336 Tw (July 14, 1989.) Tj 62.64 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -299.76 -24.96 TD /F5 11.04 Tf -0.1322 Tc 0.0122 Tw (\223Permissive ) Tj 57.84 0 TD -0.1297 Tc 0.2497 Tw (Behaviour\222 Breeds Fraud in the Laboratory\224) Tj 208.32 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -266.16 -12.24 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1288 Tc 1.5361 Tw (\223Biomedical scientists in America are performing sloppy and sometimes fraudulent research in) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.1235 Tc 0.2435 Tw (an effort to publish more papers and make more money.\224) Tj 247.92 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw (\227) Tj 11.04 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf -0.0218 Tc 0.1418 Tw (New Scientist, ) Tj 65.28 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf 0.0141 Tc 0.1059 Tw (February 25, 1989.) Tj 84.48 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -408.72 -24.96 TD /F5 11.04 Tf -0.1157 Tc 0.2357 Tw (\223Researchers Roll Back the Fron) Tj 152.64 0 TD -0.1633 Tc 0.2833 Tw (tiers of Fraud\224) Tj 68.88 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -221.52 -12.24 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.0947 Tc 0.7804 Tw (\223Scientific fraud and carelessness among researchers could be widespread, warns a study in last ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.1586 Tc 0.1986 Tw (week\222s issue of ) Tj 69.12 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf 0.0341 Tc 0 Tw (Nature.\224) Tj 39.84 0 TD 0.0254 Tc (\227) Tj 9.84 0 TD -0.0218 Tc 0.1418 Tw (New Scientist, ) Tj 65.28 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf 0.015 Tc 0.105 Tw (January 22, 1987.) Tj 78.96 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -263.04 -24.96 TD /F5 11.04 Tf -0.1324 Tc 0.2524 Tw (\223Researcher Accused of Plagiarism Resigns\224) Tj 206.4 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -206.4 -12.48 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.104 Tc 2.144 Tw (\223A biochemist accused of plagiarizing a Nat) Tj 204 0 TD -0.1355 Tc 1.9355 Tw (ional Academy of Sciences report for a book on) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -204 -12.48 TD -0.1185 Tc 1.4603 Tw (nutrition and cancer resigned from his position at the Cleveland Clinic Foundation.\224) Tj 377.52 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw (\227) Tj 11.04 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf -0.0295 Tc 0.1495 Tw (Science, ) Tj -388.56 -12.72 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.0561 Tc 0.1761 Tw (September 4, 1987.) Tj 85.2 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -85.2 -24.96 TD /F5 11.04 Tf -0.111 Tc 0.231 Tw (\223The Pill: Professor\222s Safety Tests Were Faked\224) Tj 223.92 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -223.92 -12.24 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1097 Tc 0.7997 Tw (\223His deception puts a question mark over safety ) Tj 216.48 0 TD -0.1516 Tc 0.6796 Tw (checks on pills being taken by up to 2 m[illion] ) Tj -216.48 -12.72 TD -0.1579 Tc 0.2779 Tw (women in Britain and 10 m[illion] worldwide.\224) Tj 203.76 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw (\227) Tj 11.04 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf 0.0029 Tc 0.1171 Tw (The Sunday Times, ) Tj 86.88 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.0528 Tc 0.1728 Tw (September 28, 1986.) Tj 90.72 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -392.4 -24.96 TD /F5 11.04 Tf -0.1106 Tc 0.2306 Tw (\223Senior Drugs Researcher Resigns in Disgrace\224) Tj 220.32 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -220.32 -12.24 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1688 Tc 1.2488 Tw (\223He resigned last week after an independent committee of inquiry found him gu) Tj 355.44 0 TD -0.1398 Tc 0.6598 Tw (ilty of scientific ) Tj -355.44 -12.72 TD 0.0348 Tc 0 Tw (fraud.\224) Tj 30.96 0 TD 0 Tc (\227) Tj 11.04 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf -0.0218 Tc 0.1418 Tw (New Scientist, ) Tj 65.28 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.0775 Tc 0.1975 Tw (November 12, 1988.) Tj 89.76 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -197.04 -24.96 TD /F5 11.04 Tf -0.113 Tc 0.233 Tw (\223NIMH Finds a Case of \221Serious Misconduct\222\224) Tj 216.72 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -216.72 -12.48 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1228 Tc 0.7228 Tw (\223A surprisingly long) Tj 89.76 0 TD -0.0763 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 3.6 0 TD -0.0863 Tc 0.6063 Tw (running, flagrant and deliberate case of scientific fraud according to a draft ) Tj -93.36 -12.48 TD -0.1167 Tc 2.671 Tw (report of an investigation conducted for the Nation) Tj 236.88 0 TD -0.0729 Tc 2.5929 Tw (al Institute of Mental Health.\224) Tj 140.64 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw (\227) Tj 11.04 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf -0.0295 Tc 0.1495 Tw (Science, ) Tj -388.56 -12.72 TD /F1 11.04 Tf 0.0174 Tc 0.1026 Tw (March 27, 1987.) Tj 73.44 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -73.44 -24.96 TD /F5 11.04 Tf -0.1287 Tc 0.2487 Tw (\223Research \221Fraud\222 Puts Poison Into the Ivy League\224) Tj 242.16 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -242.16 -12.24 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1013 Tc 1.0336 Tw (\223A prominent Bostonian psychiatrist resigned as head of a mental hospital affiliated to Harvard) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.1144 Tc 0.2344 Tw (University, following charges of plagiarism.\224) Tj 196.08 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -196.08 -12.72 TD /F2 11.04 Tf 0.0254 Tc 0 Tw (\227) Tj 9.84 0 TD -0.0473 Tc 0.1673 Tw (New S) Tj 27.6 0 TD 0.0162 Tc 0.1038 Tw (cientist, ) Tj 37.68 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.0752 Tc 0.1952 Tw (December 10, 1988.) Tj 88.56 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -163.68 -24.96 TD /F5 11.04 Tf -0.1106 Tc 0.2306 Tw (\223The Case of the \221Misplaced\222 Fossils\224) Tj 174 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -174 -12.24 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1295 Tc 2.5095 Tw (\223A prominent Australian scientist has examined two decades of work on ancient Himalayan) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.1294 Tc 1.9294 Tw (geology and alleges it may be the greatest paleontological fraud of all time.\224) Tj 350.4 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw (\227) Tj 11.04 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf -0.0295 Tc 0.1495 Tw (Science, ) Tj 40.56 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1011 Tc -0.0189 Tw (April ) Tj -402 -12.72 TD 0.02 Tc 0.1 Tw (21, 198) Tj 33.36 0 TD 0.06 Tc 0 Tw (9.) Tj 8.4 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -41.76 -24.72 TD /F5 11.04 Tf -0.1383 Tc 0.2583 Tw (\223Now It\222s the Journals\222 Turn on the Firing Line\224) Tj 227.28 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -227.28 -12.48 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1306 Tc 4.0906 Tw (\223[He was speaking] specifically about how poorly many [science] journals have handled) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.1265 Tc 1.6465 Tw (scientific fraud\205. The same message previously dispatched to other members of the scientific) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.48 TD -0.1529 Tc 3.8729 Tw (community has now been ad) Tj 137.52 0 TD -0.1103 Tc 3.5903 Tw (dressed to the journals: clean up your act or you may find) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -137.52 -12.72 TD -0.1013 Tc 0.2213 Tw (legislators getting into it.\224) Tj 112.8 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw (\227) Tj 11.04 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf -0.0148 Tc 0.1348 Tw (The AAAS Observer, ) Tj 94.56 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.0149 Tc 0.1349 Tw (July 7, 1989.) Tj 57.12 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -113.52 -30.72 TD /F0 11.04 Tf 0.0213 Tc 0.0296 Tw (Why The Increase?) Tj 100.8 0 TD 0 Tc 0.0509 Tw ( ) Tj -248.4 -24.72 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1108 Tc 2.9508 Tw (\223The competition is savage. Winners reap monumental rewards; losers face oblivion. It\222s an) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -36 -12.48 TD -0.1517 Tc 1.9517 Tw (atmosphere in which an il) Tj 118.08 0 TD -0.1031 Tc 1.8431 Tw (licit shortcut is sometimes irresistible) Tj 168 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw (\227) Tj 11.04 0 TD -0.1038 Tc 1.6638 Tw (not least because the Establishment is) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj ET endstream +endobj +54 0 obj +8111 +endobj +52 0 obj +<< +/Type /Page +/Parent 34 0 R +/Resources << +/Font 55 0 R +/ProcSet 2 0 R +>> +/Contents 53 0 R +>> +endobj +55 0 obj +<< +/F0 6 0 R +/F1 8 0 R +/F2 12 0 R +/F3 15 0 R +/F4 17 0 R +/F5 49 0 R +>> +endobj +58 0 obj +<< +/Length 59 0 R +>> +stream +BT 494.4 745.92 TD 0 0 0 rg /F3 11.04 Tf 0.0763 Tc 0 Tw (P) Tj 7.44 0 TD /F3 9.12 Tf -0.019 Tc (ARADOX) Tj 38.16 0 TD /F3 11.04 Tf 0 Tc 0.0509 Tw ( ) Tj -10.56 -706.8 TD /F4 11.04 Tf 0.1022 Tc 0 Tw (13) Tj 10.56 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj ET q 529.68 18 10.32 36.72 re W n BT 535.44 15.36 TD 0.1022 Tc 0 Tw (13) Tj ET Q BT 72 710.16 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1207 Tc 1.3971 Tw (frequently squeamish about confronting wrongdoing.\224 So opened the article \223Publish or Perish) Tj 422.88 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw (\227) Tj 11.04 0 TD -0.0697 Tc 1.1497 Tw (or Fake) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj -433.92 -12.72 TD -0.0697 Tc 0.5097 Tw (It\224 in a ) Tj 34.8 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf -0.0274 Tc 0.6274 Tw (U.S. News & World Report.) Tj 124.8 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1089 Tc 0.7089 Tw ( It seems that in order to escape perishi) Tj 173.52 0 TD -0.1132 Tc 0.4732 Tw (ng, many scientific researchers ) Tj -333.12 -12.48 TD -0.0687 Tc 0.1887 Tw (are pressured to fudge data or fake it.) Tj 162.96 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -126.96 -12.72 TD -0.1357 Tc 2.0797 Tw (The need for scientists to publish in scientific journals is overwhelming. The longer the list of) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -36 -12.72 TD -0.1127 Tc 1.1927 Tw (published papers to the researcher\222s name, the better his chances for employment, prom) Tj 391.92 0 TD -0.1159 Tc 0.8959 Tw (otion, tenure in a ) Tj -391.92 -12.72 TD -0.1203 Tc 1.8834 Tw (university, and government grants to finance his research. The federal government \223controls the largest) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.48 TD -0.0977 Tc 3.2177 Tw (source of research funding, $5.6 [thousand million] a year from the National Institutes of Health.\224) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.145 Tc 2.425 Tw (Because \223the scientific community) Tj 156.48 0 TD -0.1218 Tc 2.4018 Tw ( shows little stomach for confronting its ethical dilemma,\224 \223[it] has) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -156.48 -12.72 TD -0.0975 Tc 0.6042 Tw (been strangely reluctant to probe too deeply for hard data about its ethical conduct,\224 and \223isn\222t keen about ) Tj 0 -12.48 TD -0.1611 Tc 2.4411 Tw (cleaning house or even looking closely for malfeasance,\224 congressional commit) Tj 362.4 0 TD -0.1613 Tc 2.2013 Tw (tees have held hearings) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -362.4 -12.72 TD -0.1564 Tc 1.9564 Tw (and considered legislation to do the job of policing them according to) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 322.08 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf -0.0536 Tc 1.7096 Tw (New Scientist and U.S. News &) Tj 0 Tc -0.6 Tw ( ) Tj -322.08 -12.72 TD 0.0172 Tc 1.3028 Tw (World Report) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 66 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1086 Tc 1.3733 Tw (articles from that period. This prospect brought much wailing and gnashing of teeth from) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj -66 -12.48 TD -0.1621 Tc 1.5621 Tw (the scientific community. One) Tj 133.68 0 TD -0.1444 Tc 1.4644 Tw ( science journal asked and answered the question: \223Is the house of science) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj -133.68 -12.72 TD -0.1148 Tc 0.2348 Tw (clean and in order? The bit of evidence that reaches the public invites serious doubts.\224) Tj 373.44 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -337.44 -12.72 TD -0.122 Tc 0.6373 Tw (Such topics were the subject of a book by William Broad, a reporter with the News and Commen) Tj 428.88 0 TD 0.0509 Tc 0.0691 Tw (t ) Tj -464.88 -12.72 TD -0.1503 Tc 2.9103 Tw (section of) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 50.16 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf -0.0509 Tc -0.0691 Tw (Science ) Tj 38.88 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.0993 Tc 2.7908 Tw (magazine and Nicholas Wade, an editorial writer at) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 246.72 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf -0.0311 Tc 2.5511 Tw (The New York Times,) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 106.8 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1539 Tc 0.0339 Tw (called ) Tj -442.56 -12.48 TD /F2 11.04 Tf -0.0156 Tc 0.6156 Tw (Betrayers of the Truth: Fraud and Deceit in the Halls of Science) Tj 290.64 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1152 Tc 0.4066 Tw ( \(Simon And Schuster, 1982\) who asked ) Tj -290.64 -12.72 TD -0.1319 Tc 1.7262 Tw (a fundamental question: \223how could a researcher, commit) Tj 260.16 0 TD -0.1029 Tc 1.6629 Tw (ted to discovering the truth, betray the central) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -260.16 -12.72 TD -0.1144 Tc 0.9913 Tw (principle of his profession by publishing false data?\224 Their answer came from the self) Tj 382.32 0 TD -0.0763 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 3.6 0 TD -0.1315 Tc 0.4915 Tw (policing institution ) Tj -385.92 -12.48 TD -0.1593 Tc 2.6633 Tw (of science itself and discovered this one human flaw: fraud is a phenomenon which the conventional) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.1186 Tc 1.8136 Tw (ideology of science could not deal with or account for. Fraud in science is practiced through \223rhetoric,) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj T* -0.0687 Tc 0.1887 Tw (propaganda, and personal prejudice.\224) Tj 162.48 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -126.48 -12.48 TD -0.1172 Tc 1.7629 Tw (Some researchers eliminate data that does not support what they want to prove \(called cooking) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -36 -12.72 TD -0.093 Tc 1.653 Tw (the data\); report mo) Tj 90.72 0 TD -0.0841 Tc 1.441 Tw (re tests or trials than were actually run \(called trimming\); appropriate for their own) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -90.72 -12.72 TD -0.1039 Tc 1.7839 Tw (use data or ideas of other researchers \(called plagiarism\); and make up experiments or data they never) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.133 Tc 1.573 Tw (performed or produced \(called forging\). A cartoon in a science jou) Tj 301.2 0 TD -0.0781 Tc 1.3981 Tw (rnal poked fun at this last tactic, one) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj -301.2 -12.48 TD -0.1107 Tc 2.1774 Tw (scientist talking to another and saying of a third: \221He\222s published a lot since he took up that creative) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.0764 Tc 0.1964 Tw (writing course.\222) Tj 68.64 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -32.64 -12.72 TD -0.0956 Tc 0.5865 Tw (\223What\222s the major product of scientific research these days? Answer: Paper,\224 ) Tj 344.16 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf -0.046 Tc 0.406 Tw (U.S. News & World) Tj 87.84 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -468 -12.48 TD -0.0085 Tc 0.1285 Tw (Report ) Tj 35.28 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1291 Tc 2.4891 Tw (said. \223Hundreds of new journals are being founded each year to handle the flood of research) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -35.28 -12.72 TD -0.1006 Tc 1.3195 Tw (papers cranked out by scientists who know that the road to academic success is a long list of articles to) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.0902 Tc 0.6902 Tw (their credit.\224 Quantity, not quality, is the goal.) Tj 204.48 0 TD -0.11 Tc 0.63 Tw ( Forty thousand journals published yearly produce a million ) Tj -204.48 -12.72 TD -0.1001 Tc 2.1401 Tw (articles, and part of this flood \223is symptomatic of fundamental ills, including a publish) Tj 399.84 0 TD -0.0763 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 3.6 0 TD -0.2782 Tc (or) Tj 9.12 0 TD -0.0763 Tc (-) Tj 3.6 0 TD -0.1276 Tc 2.1676 Tw (perish ethic) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -416.16 -12.48 TD -0.1215 Tc 2.7615 Tw (among researchers that is stronger now than ever and encourages shoddy, repetitive, useles) Tj 424.32 0 TD -0.1735 Tc 2.6935 Tw (s or even) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -424.32 -12.72 TD -0.0677 Tc 0.1877 Tw (fraudulent work.\224) Tj 77.28 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -41.28 -12.72 TD -0.1147 Tc 2.6347 Tw (A senior editor at) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 88.08 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf -0.005 Tc 2.405 Tw (The Journal of the American Medical Association,) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 242.16 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1264 Tc 2.4064 Tw (Dr. Drummond Renie,) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -366.24 -12.48 TD -0.1438 Tc 1.0372 Tw (commented on the lack of quality: \223There seems to be no study too fragmented, no hypothesis too trivial, ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.0942 Tc 1.1742 Tw (no literature citation too biased ) Tj 1.2 Tc 0 Tw (o) Tj 148.08 0 TD -0.1511 Tc 1.122 Tw (r too egotistical, no design too warped, no methodology too bungled, no) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -148.08 -12.72 TD -0.0848 Tc 1.1094 Tw (presentation of results too inaccurate, too obscure, and too contradictory, no analysis too self) Tj 415.92 0 TD -0.0763 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 3.6 0 TD -0.1422 Tc 0.5022 Tw (serving, no ) Tj -419.52 -12.48 TD -0.1075 Tc 2.8675 Tw (argument too circular, no conclusion too trifling or too unjustified, and ) Tj 2.88 Tc 0 Tw (n) Tj 344.4 0 TD -0.0885 Tc 2.6085 Tw (o grammar and syntax too) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -344.4 -12.72 TD -0.0932 Tc 0.2132 Tw (offensive for a paper to end up in print.\224) Tj 175.68 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -139.68 -12.72 TD -0.1028 Tc 3.4535 Tw (On the NOVA program entitled \223Do Scientists Cheat?\224 telecast on October 25, 1988, one) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj -36 -12.72 TD -0.1242 Tc 4.0842 Tw (scientist commented on this practice: \223People are trying to get their names attached to as many) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.48 TD -0.08 Tc 0 Tw (public) Tj 27.12 0 TD -0.1391 Tc 1.4874 Tw (ations as they possibly can, so that very commonly now you find huge teams where 16 people all) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -27.12 -12.72 TD -0.0868 Tc 0.7433 Tw (sign their name to a particular publication, which probably wasn\222t worth publishing in the first place. But ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.0837 Tc 2.7237 Tw (this is part of a kind of rat race, a competitiveness) Tj 242.64 0 TD -0.0901 Tc 2.6101 Tw (, a vulgar quantitative counting mentality that is) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -242.64 -12.48 TD -0.1139 Tc 1.4179 Tw (absolutely encouraged by the structure of science in the United States today.\224 Some listed as co) Tj 432 0 TD -0.0763 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 3.6 0 TD -0.0145 Tc 0.1345 Tw (authors ) Tj -435.6 -12.72 TD -0.128 Tc 0.6938 Tw (may have had very little to do with the article, may not even have read it, yet add the article to t) Tj 423.12 0 TD -0.1225 Tc 0.3225 Tw (heir list of ) Tj -423.12 -12.72 TD -0.0627 Tc 0 Tw (publications.) Tj 55.92 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -19.92 -12.48 TD -0.1477 Tc 1.3754 Tw (The NOVA program on \223Do Scientists Cheat?\224 concluded with this acknowledgement by one of) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -36 -12.72 TD -0.1086 Tc 0.7509 Tw (the scientists present: \223Skeletons have come out of the closets, bureaucrats\222 careers have to be impaired if ) Tj ET endstream +endobj +59 0 obj +10467 +endobj +56 0 obj +<< +/Type /Page +/Parent 57 0 R +/Resources << +/Font << +/F1 8 0 R +/F2 12 0 R +/F3 15 0 R +/F4 17 0 R +>> +/ProcSet 2 0 R +>> +/Contents 58 0 R +>> +endobj +61 0 obj +<< +/Length 62 0 R +>> +stream +BT 72 746.4 TD 0 0 0 rg /F3 10.08 Tf 0.0811 Tc 0 Tw (T) Tj 6.24 0 TD /F3 7.92 Tf -0.0135 Tc -0.2683 Tw (IMOTHY ) Tj 32.88 0 TD /F3 10.08 Tf -0.0778 Tc 0 Tw (C) Tj 7.2 0 TD /F3 7.92 Tf 0.0386 Tc (OOPER) Tj 28.8 0 TD /F4 11.04 Tf 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -75.12 -707.28 TD 0.1022 Tc 0 Tw (14) Tj 10.56 0 TD /F3 10.08 Tf 0 Tc 0.0778 Tw ( ) Tj -10.56 661.92 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.0519 Tc 1.1799 Tw (that\222s what it takes, and there) Tj 133.2 0 TD -0.104 Tc 1.1101 Tw (\222s no alternative. This is ethically required, this is legally required, and it\222s ) Tj -133.2 -12.48 TD -0.1039 Tc 0.2239 Tw (certainly morally required.\224) Tj 120.24 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 29.52 -29.76 TD /F0 10.08 Tf -0.0442 Tc 0.122 Tw (A Greater Fraud) Tj 76.32 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw (\227) Tj 10.08 0 TD -0.0011 Tc 0.0789 Tw (Scientific Dogma) Tj 81.84 0 TD 0 Tc 0.0778 Tw ( ) Tj -282 -24.48 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1214 Tc 3.3214 Tw (When dealing with the existence of UFO\222s, extraterrestrials and other dimensions of reality) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -36 -12.72 TD -0.1282 Tc 1.4482 Tw (science says there ) Tj 1.2509 Tc 0 Tw (i) Tj 86.64 0 TD -0.1033 Tc 1.4233 Tw (s nothing to it and requires no study. The Condon Report of 1969 was touted as the) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj -86.64 -12.48 TD -0.1531 Tc 2.2081 Tw (final word by the United States Air Force and endorsed by the scientific community which seemed to) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.1274 Tc 1.2074 Tw (stave off scientific inquiry. In the same vein, evolution is asserted to ) Tj 1.2 Tc 0 Tw (b) Tj 314.88 0 TD -0.1256 Tc 1.0685 Tw (e a fact and doesn\222t need proof by) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -314.88 -12.72 TD -0.1219 Tc 2.1448 Tw (most in the scientific community. Is this science? Has science produced physical proof and irrefutable) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.48 TD -0.1273 Tc 0.2473 Tw (evidence? The answer is no. But dogma, rather than good science is what is presented to the public.) Tj 431.52 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -395.52 -12.72 TD -0.0574 Tc 0.6574 Tw (In the January 198) Tj 82.8 0 TD -0.1494 Tc 0.5894 Tw (7 issue of the science magazine ) Tj 141.36 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf -0.0318 Tc 0.1518 Tw (Discover ) Tj 42.96 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1186 Tc 0.5815 Tw (Stephen Jay Gould wrote an essay on ) Tj -303.12 -12.72 TD -0.1557 Tc 1.4757 Tw (evolution. Intent on overkill, in this five) Tj 178.8 0 TD -0.0763 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 3.6 0 TD -0.1193 Tc 1.2648 Tw (page article he proclaimed evolution to be a fact 12 times! This) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -182.4 -12.48 TD -0.1205 Tc 1.6272 Tw (dogma is found in most biology textbooks, scientific journals, educati) Tj 314.16 0 TD -0.1047 Tc 1.4247 Tw (onal programs for television, best) Tj 150.24 0 TD -0.0763 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj -464.4 -12.72 TD -0.1371 Tc 3.5801 Tw (selling books on cosmology and among science writers and professional educators at most science) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.0741 Tc 0 Tw (institutions.) Tj 50.88 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -50.88 -12.72 TD ( ) Tj 36 0 TD -0.1109 Tc 1.568 Tw (Molecular biologist Michael Denton referred to this glib talk about evolution\222s being a fact and) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -36 -12.48 TD -0.1537 Tc 1.9537 Tw (dismissed it) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 57.12 0 TD -0.1315 Tc 1.7943 Tw (with these words: \223Now of course such claims are simply nonsense.\224 It\222s much more than) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -57.12 -12.72 TD -0.095 Tc 2.03 Tw (nonsense. It\222s fraud. It deceives and misrepresents. It perverts the truth to induce another to part with) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.0935 Tc 0.8435 Tw (something of value. Scientific truth. Newspapers, radio, TV, na) Tj 281.28 0 TD -0.1035 Tc 0.6075 Tw (ture series, science programs, schoolbooks ) Tj -281.28 -12.48 TD -0.16 Tc 2.12 Tw (from second grade on) Tj 99.12 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw (\227) Tj 11.04 0 TD -0.1364 Tc 1.9364 Tw (all drum this evolution) Tj 102.96 0 TD -0.0763 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 3.6 0 TD -0.2018 Tc (is) Tj 7.2 0 TD -0.0763 Tc (-) Tj 3.6 0 TD -0.1018 Tc (a) Tj 5.04 0 TD -0.0763 Tc (-) Tj 3.6 0 TD -0.0981 Tc 1.8981 Tw (fact litany into the public mind as much as UFOs,) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -236.16 -12.72 TD -0.0892 Tc 0.2092 Tw (extraterrestrial life and other dimensions are) Tj 191.76 0 TD -0.0763 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 3.6 0 TD -0.223 Tc (not) Tj 13.68 0 TD -0.0763 Tc (-) Tj 3.6 0 TD -0.1018 Tc (a) Tj 5.04 0 TD -0.0763 Tc (-) Tj 3.6 0 TD 0.0262 Tc (fact.) Tj 19.44 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -204.72 -12.72 TD -0.1841 Tc 3.6641 Tw (Using the evolution is) Tj 104.4 0 TD -0.0763 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 3.6 0 TD -0.1018 Tc (a) Tj 5.04 0 TD -0.0763 Tc (-) Tj 3.6 0 TD -0.1348 Tc 3.3748 Tw (fact model the \221There are no) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 144.48 0 TD -0.1044 Tc 3.3444 Tw (such things as UFO\222s\222 the scientific) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -297.12 -12.48 TD -0.1299 Tc 2.8899 Tw (propagandist is using the same technique in which Adolf Hitler wrote about in) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 375.84 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf 0.0069 Tc 2.5131 Tw (Mein Kampf.) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 65.52 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.144 Tc 2.664 Tw (In his) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -441.36 -12.72 TD -0.1014 Tc 0.6864 Tw (treatment of propaganda, he wrote: \223Propaganda will not lead to success unless a fundamental principle is ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.1725 Tc 2.2125 Tw (considered with) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 74.64 0 TD -0.1055 Tc 1.9226 Tw (continually sharp attention: it has to confine itself to little and to repeat this eternally.) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -74.64 -12.72 TD -0.1067 Tc 2.6801 Tw (Here, too, persistency, as in so many other things in this world, is the first and the most important) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.48 TD -0.1396 Tc 1.4254 Tw (condition for success\205. The masses\205will lend their memories) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 285.84 0 TD -0.1457 Tc 1.2257 Tw (only to the thousandfold repetition of the) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj -285.84 -12.72 TD -0.1156 Tc 1.2944 Tw (most simple ideas. A change must never alter the content of what is being brought forth by propaganda,) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.1026 Tc 0.6371 Tw (but in the end it always has to say the same. Thus the slogan has to be illuminated from various sides, but ) Tj 0 -12.48 TD 0.0254 Tc 0 Tw (th) Tj 8.4 0 TD -0.1352 Tc 0.811 Tw (e end of every reflection has always and again to be the slogan itself\205. With the primitive simplicity of ) Tj -8.4 -12.72 TD -0.158 Tc 1.958 Tw (their minds they will more easily fall victims to) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 222.24 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf 0.0238 Tc 1.7762 Tw (a great lie) Tj 48.96 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1522 Tc 1.9222 Tw ( than to a small one, since they themselves) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -271.2 -12.72 TD -0.1331 Tc 2.1731 Tw (perhaps also lie sometimes in little things,) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 197.52 0 TD -0.1211 Tc 1.9931 Tw (but would certainly still be too much ashamed of too great) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -197.52 -12.72 TD -0.1086 Tc 0.2286 Tw (lies\205. If you tell a ) Tj 84.72 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf -0.0051 Tc 0.1251 Tw (big enough lie and tell it often enough, many will believe it.\224) Tj 270 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -168.72 -48.48 TD /F0 11.04 Tf -0.0842 Tc 0.1351 Tw (THE NEWS MEDIA) Tj 95.76 0 TD 0 Tc 0.0509 Tw ( ) Tj -281.76 -24.72 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1652 Tc 1.4852 Tw (Can we trust the news we get? Can we believe what we see on television? Are news items presented) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 457.44 0 TD -0.24 Tc 0.12 Tw (on ) Tj -457.44 -12.72 TD -0.122 Tc 2.3334 Tw (the UFO subject objective reporting? False news reports are more common than perhaps most people) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.48 TD -0.1123 Tc 1.9862 Tw (suspect. For example, in 1983 intimate notes, supposedly Hitler\222s, were published in important weekly) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.1144 Tc 0.9544 Tw (magazines, especially in France and Western Germany. ) Tj 0.9346 Tc 0 Tw (T) Tj 255.6 0 TD -0.0971 Tc 0.7237 Tw (hey turned out to be fakes. In 1998, letters from) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj -255.6 -12.72 TD -0.1455 Tc 0.7722 Tw (JFK to Marilyn Monroe discussing bribe money were the subject of a new book and covered on television ) Tj 0 -12.48 TD -0.1098 Tc 0.9365 Tw (news. The letters contained errors such as zip codes which did not exist in the early 1960\222s which cause) Tj 462.72 0 TD -0.24 Tc 0.12 Tw (d ) Tj -462.72 -12.72 TD -0.0906 Tc 0.2106 Tw (critics to label them as hoaxes.) Tj 133.68 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -97.68 -12.72 TD -0.0911 Tc 0.9311 Tw (Similarly, in 1980 a story about a young drug addict was published in the) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj 332.88 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf 0.0148 Tc 0.4652 Tw (Washington Post. ) Tj 82.32 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1224 Tc -0.2376 Tw (The ) Tj -451.2 -12.72 TD -0.084 Tc 1.0377 Tw (account won the author a Pulitzer prize, the highest award for a journalist in the United States. But later ) Tj 0 -12.48 TD -0.1105 Tc 3.3505 Tw (the story was reve) Tj 88.08 0 TD -0.0804 Tc 3.1458 Tw (aled to be fictitious, a fabrication. Under pressure from investigators, the author) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj ET endstream +endobj +62 0 obj +9364 +endobj +60 0 obj +<< +/Type /Page +/Parent 57 0 R +/Resources << +/Font << +/F0 6 0 R +/F1 8 0 R +/F2 12 0 R +/F3 15 0 R +/F4 17 0 R +>> +/ProcSet 2 0 R +>> +/Contents 61 0 R +>> +endobj +64 0 obj +<< +/Length 65 0 R +>> +stream +BT 494.4 745.92 TD 0 0 0 rg /F3 11.04 Tf 0.0763 Tc 0 Tw (P) Tj 7.44 0 TD /F3 9.12 Tf -0.019 Tc (ARADOX) Tj 38.16 0 TD /F3 11.04 Tf 0 Tc 0.0509 Tw ( ) Tj -10.56 -706.8 TD /F4 11.04 Tf 0.1022 Tc 0 Tw (15) Tj 10.56 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj ET q 529.68 18 10.32 36.72 re W n BT 535.44 15.36 TD 0.1022 Tc 0 Tw (15) Tj ET Q BT 72 710.16 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1129 Tc 0.6379 Tw (submitted her resignation, saying: \223I apologize to my newspaper, my profession, the Pulitzer board and all ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.085 Tc 0.205 Tw (seekers of the truth.\224) Tj 90.48 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 64.08 -29.52 TD /F0 10.08 Tf -0.0043 Tc 0.0821 Tw (News Selection and Presentation) Tj 158.64 0 TD 0 Tc 0.0778 Tw ( ) Tj -277.2 -24.48 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.0455 Tc 0 Tw (Journalist) Tj 42.48 0 TD -0.1008 Tc 2.0058 Tw (s and editors often select news that fascinates the public but that may not be of real) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -78.48 -12.72 TD -0.1187 Tc 2.5321 Tw (significance. Priority is given to what is sensational or eye) Tj 273.12 0 TD -0.0763 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 3.6 0 TD -0.0914 Tc 2.3714 Tw (catching so as to increase circulation and) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -276.72 -12.72 TD -0.0845 Tc 0.8045 Tw (ratings. Often, controversial subjects are treated in a negative) Tj 271.44 0 TD -0.107 Tc 0.587 Tw ( light by skeptical reporters when editors are ) Tj -271.44 -12.48 TD -0.0969 Tc 1.304 Tw (pressured to either cast doubt on let\222s say UFO reality or the JFK conspiracy. Why? Because the media) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.1255 Tc 2.1437 Tw (moguls are owned by defense contractors who are friendly with the Military) Tj 350.16 0 TD -0.0763 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 3.6 0 TD -0.1121 Tc 1.9121 Tw (Industrial complex or the) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj -353.76 -12.72 TD -0.1412 Tc 0 Tw (subjec) Tj 27.6 0 TD -0.1421 Tc 1.6507 Tw (t would be an embarrassment to the government if new, irrefutable evidence supporting long held) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -27.6 -12.72 TD -0.1072 Tc 0.2272 Tw (beliefs were presented as fact.) Tj 130.32 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -94.32 -12.48 TD -0.1645 Tc 1.2445 Tw (An example of this kind of news selection is discussed in the book) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 301.44 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf -0.018 Tc 0.618 Tw (Unreliable Sources: A Guide ) Tj -337.44 -12.72 TD -0.0253 Tc 1.8253 Tw (To Detecting Bias In News Media) Tj 157.68 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf 1.92 Tc -0.12 Tw ( b) Tj 10.08 0 TD -0.1164 Tc 1.7664 Tw (y investigative journalist Martin A. Lee and commentator Norman) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -167.76 -12.72 TD -0.1266 Tc 1.5216 Tw (Solomon. In their treatment of reporting bias in news media they state: \223As media corporations grow in) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.48 TD -0.1392 Tc 0.945 Tw (size and diminish in number, they are becoming less accountable to the public.\224 One obser) Tj 401.76 0 TD -0.1083 Tc 0.4683 Tw (vation explains ) Tj -401.76 -12.72 TD -0.113 Tc 3.758 Tw (why bias is infecting the news media: reporters are fearful about \223biting the hand that signs the) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.0767 Tc 0 Tw (paychecks.\224) Tj 52.56 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 140.64 -29.52 TD /F0 10.08 Tf -0.0019 Tc 0.0797 Tw (Pressure Groups) Tj 81.6 0 TD 0 Tc 0.0778 Tw ( ) Tj -238.8 -24.48 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1016 Tc 0.7316 Tw (The pressure that advertisers exert on news editors further affects the news the public receives. In ) Tj -36 -12.72 TD -0.0598 Tc 3.5398 Tw (the 1940\222s fo) Tj 64.32 0 TD -0.1094 Tc 3.5458 Tw (r example lost advertisements from piano manufacturers when it published an article) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj -64.32 -12.72 TD -0.1226 Tc 1.1276 Tw (showing the advantages of using the guitar to accompany singing. An editorial was later published in the) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.48 TD -0.1362 Tc 2.1325 Tw (magazine in high praise of the piano! Another example is the relati) Tj 309.36 0 TD -0.1081 Tc 1.9081 Tw (ve scarcity of articles exposing the) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj -309.36 -12.72 TD -0.1362 Tc 1.1496 Tw (dangers of smoking should not be surprising in view of the number of magazines for which cigarette ads ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.1188 Tc 0.2388 Tw (are a major source of revenue.) Tj 131.76 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -95.76 -12.72 TD -0.1091 Tc 2.9127 Tw (Another pressure area involves the readers or viewers themselves. Raymond Castans, fo) Tj 411.6 0 TD -0.1109 Tc 0.2309 Tw (rmer ) Tj -447.6 -12.48 TD -0.0962 Tc 1.2402 Tw (director of a popular French radio station, explained that listeners were mostly conservative, so care had) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.1127 Tc 1.4087 Tw (to be exercised not to upset them. Here in the United States a story was printed that tried to expose the) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj T* -0.1375 Tc 3.5215 Tw (liquidation of American deserters in ) Tj 3.3346 Tc 0 Tw (L) Tj 181.44 0 TD -0.1031 Tc 3.3431 Tw (aos by special military forces during the Vietnam War. The) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj -181.44 -12.48 TD -0.1136 Tc 1.2386 Tw (reporters and editors were pressured by the Pentagon to recant the story because it would have reopened) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.1219 Tc 0.2419 Tw (the POW and MIA question.) Tj 124.8 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -88.8 -12.72 TD -0.0783 Tc 1.7343 Tw (Pressures are also brought to bear by extremist groups or individua) Tj 307.92 0 TD -0.1643 Tc 1.7243 Tw (ls who feel that not enough) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -343.92 -12.72 TD -0.1496 Tc 0.9896 Tw (attention is given to their opinions in the media. The kidnapping of Aldo Moro, ex) Tj 365.52 0 TD -0.0763 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 3.6 0 TD -0.1289 Tc 0.5489 Tw (prime minister of Italy ) Tj -369.12 -12.48 TD -0.1226 Tc 1.7108 Tw (by terrorists; the bombing of the World Trade Center building in New York; the bombing of a Federal) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.1572 Tc 3.1572 Tw (building in Oklahoma) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 105.84 0 TD -0.1224 Tc 3.0486 Tw (City; and the downing of airliners are but some examples of how groups or) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -105.84 -12.72 TD -0.1552 Tc 1.8152 Tw (individuals influence the headlines. When treaties and agreements between governments are violated the) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.48 TD -0.1344 Tc 0.2359 Tw (practice of creating events surface in the media like the scenario depicted in ) Tj 330.24 0 TD -0.2464 Tc 0.1264 Tw (the movie ) Tj 44.88 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf 0.0182 Tc 0.1018 Tw (Wag the Dog.) Tj 61.44 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -400.56 -12.72 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1326 Tc 2.2817 Tw (Newsmen are sometimes accused of being conformist, of perpetuating established systems and) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -36 -12.72 TD -0.1031 Tc 1.3431 Tw (opinions. It is not surprising to learn that an industry seeking to gain a maximum of readers or listeners) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.48 TD -0.1286 Tc 0.2486 Tw (would propagate ideas and views con) Tj 162 0 TD -0.1358 Tc 0.2558 Tw (trary to those of the majority of the people they serve?) Tj 234.96 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -360.96 -12.72 TD -0.1054 Tc 2.2734 Tw (A related problem is that rising costs have caused daily papers to merge, thus forming literal) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -36 -12.72 TD -0.1328 Tc 1.5861 Tw (\223press empires\224 in the hands of small groups or even one person. If the number of owners continues to) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.2909 Tc 0 Tw (de) Tj 9.84 0 TD -0.1149 Tc 4.6189 Tw (crease, this will limit the variety of published opinions. Rarely is the subject of UFO\222s and) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -9.84 -12.48 TD -0.1147 Tc 1.6147 Tw (extraterrestrial life discussed as a major news item in the mainstream press or television news. When it) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.1354 Tc 2.1274 Tw (does, the editorials are often one) Tj 149.52 0 TD -0.0763 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 3.6 0 TD -0.159 Tc 1.959 Tw (sided and presented in) Tj 100.8 0 TD -0.122 Tc 1.922 Tw ( a humorous format without allowing opposing) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -253.92 -12.72 TD -0.134 Tc 0.6807 Tw (views to be heard. Often enough, the debunkers are given more attention and facts are glossed over. When ) Tj 0 -12.48 TD -0.1341 Tc 0.9741 Tw (scientists presented physical evidence for possible life on Mars, other scientists whose views were aligne) Tj 462.72 0 TD -0.24 Tc 0.12 Tw (d ) Tj ET endstream +endobj +65 0 obj +8532 +endobj +63 0 obj +<< +/Type /Page +/Parent 57 0 R +/Resources << +/Font << +/F0 6 0 R +/F1 8 0 R +/F2 12 0 R +/F3 15 0 R +/F4 17 0 R +>> +/ProcSet 2 0 R +>> +/Contents 64 0 R +>> +endobj +67 0 obj +<< +/Length 68 0 R +>> +stream +BT 72 746.4 TD 0 0 0 rg /F3 10.08 Tf 0.0811 Tc 0 Tw (T) Tj 6.24 0 TD /F3 7.92 Tf -0.0135 Tc -0.2683 Tw (IMOTHY ) Tj 32.88 0 TD /F3 10.08 Tf -0.0778 Tc 0 Tw (C) Tj 7.2 0 TD /F3 7.92 Tf 0.0386 Tc (OOPER) Tj 28.8 0 TD /F4 11.04 Tf 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -75.12 -707.28 TD 0.1022 Tc 0 Tw (16) Tj 10.56 0 TD /F3 10.08 Tf 0 Tc 0.0778 Tw ( ) Tj -10.56 661.92 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1677 Tc 2.9962 Tw (with conservative thinking were quick to challenge the findings. Although the media jumped on this) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.48 TD -0.1026 Tc 0.2226 Tw (story, it quickly faded into obscurity.) Tj 160.8 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 17.52 -29.76 TD /F0 10.08 Tf 0.039 Tc 0.0387 Tw (Influence on the Public) Tj 111.12 0 TD 0 Tc 0.0778 Tw ( ) Tj -253.44 -24.48 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.124 Tc 1.5005 Tw (One only has to look at a newspaper or turn on the television to understand what is influen) Tj 413.76 0 TD -0.1927 Tc 0.0727 Tw (cing ) Tj -449.76 -12.72 TD -0.0877 Tc 0.8877 Tw (public opinion. Stories about murder, rape, drugs, family breakdown, coups, revolutions, scandals, cover) Tj 464.4 0 TD -0.0763 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj -464.4 -12.48 TD -0.0763 Tc 2.4163 Tw (ups, ecological destruction, wars, disease outbreaks, earthquakes, hunger and starvation are what you) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.0814 Tc 1.1614 Tw (read, hear, and see. This is invariably the) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj 189.36 0 TD -0.1153 Tc 1.0661 Tw (news of the day. Yet, a vitally important aspect of the news is ) Tj -189.36 -12.72 TD -0.1555 Tc 0.2755 Tw (generally ignored, and if it is mentioned, it is quickly dismissed.) Tj 276.24 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -276.24 -12.48 TD ( ) Tj 36 0 TD -0.1019 Tc 2.1419 Tw (For example, during his first term as U.S. president, Ronald Reagan spoke of \223Armageddon,\224) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -36 -12.72 TD -0.1774 Tc 3.1774 Tw (saying: \223I find myself wondering) Tj 153.6 0 TD -0.1327 Tc 3.1327 Tw ( if) Tj 12.24 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw (\227) Tj 11.04 0 TD -0.1268 Tc 2.9305 Tw (if we\222re the generation that is going to see that come about.\224) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -176.88 -12.72 TD -0.1218 Tc 1.0898 Tw (Afterward, however, he downplayed the matter, insisting that he never said that \223we must plan according) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.48 TD -0.1172 Tc 1.3857 Tw (to Armageddon.\224 He also mentioned that the planet faced a dire threat from powers fro) Tj 393.12 0 TD -0.0828 Tc 1.1628 Tw (m \223outer space.\224) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -393.12 -12.72 TD -0.1153 Tc 2.7553 Tw (His comments may have been camouflage for his proposed Space Defense Initiative or \223Star Wars\224) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.1151 Tc 0.5437 Tw (program. Whether it was a slight of hand remark or not, the public seemed to endorse it and billions of tax ) Tj T* -0.0882 Tc 2.6082 Tw (payer dollars were spent on SDI rese) Tj 174.48 0 TD -0.0898 Tc 2.5298 Tw (arch. Soon after, the news media saturated the newspapers and) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -174.48 -12.48 TD -0.1527 Tc 0.2727 Tw (television with reasons for such a huge defense budget in peacetime.) Tj 295.44 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -98.88 -48.72 TD /F0 11.04 Tf -0.0952 Tc 0 Tw (ADVERTISING) Tj 74.64 0 TD 0 Tc 0.0509 Tw ( ) Tj -271.2 -24.72 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1517 Tc 0.5117 Tw (According to ) Tj 60.48 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf -0.0036 Tc 0.3636 Tw (Insider\222s Report, ) Tj 78.72 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1033 Tc 0.7033 Tw (published by McCann) Tj 96.96 0 TD -0.0763 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 3.6 0 TD -0.1157 Tc 0.6129 Tw (Erickson, a global advertising agency, the estimated ) Tj -239.76 -12.48 TD -0.1595 Tc 0.9995 Tw (amount of) Tj 44.88 0 TD -0.1327 Tc 0.8287 Tw ( money spent on advertising worldwide in 1990 was $275.5 billion. Since then, the figures have) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj -44.88 -12.72 TD -0.0962 Tc 0.2162 Tw (soared to $411.6 billion for 1997 and surpassed $434 billion in 1998. Big money!) Tj 355.44 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -319.44 -12.72 TD -0.1235 Tc 2.4515 Tw (The effect of all this? One analyst put it this way: \223Advertising is one of the) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj 367.2 0 TD -0.1306 Tc 2.4106 Tw (most powerful) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -403.2 -12.48 TD -0.1093 Tc 0.8593 Tw (socializing forces in the culture\205. Ads sell more than products. They sell images, values, goals, concepts ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.103 Tc 0.223 Tw (of who we are and who we should be\205They shape our attitudes and our attitudes shape our behavior.\224) Tj 447.84 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -264 -29.76 TD /F0 10.08 Tf 0.0131 Tc 0.0646 Tw (The Target Audience) Tj 100.08 0 TD 0 Tc 0.0778 Tw ( ) Tj -247.92 -24.48 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.0652 Tc 2.5852 Tw (To be strategica) Tj 74.88 0 TD -0.117 Tc 2.577 Tw (lly sound, advertising is usually directed to a certain audience, whether it be) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj -110.88 -12.72 TD -0.1042 Tc 1.2002 Tw (children, women, businesspeople, or a specific group such as ufologist. The message is crafted to appeal) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.48 TD -0.1141 Tc 0.817 Tw (to the most important concerns of that audience. Then the ad is run in ) Tj 313.44 0 TD -0.1655 Tc 0.6455 Tw (the media that will most effectively ) Tj -313.44 -12.72 TD -0.1702 Tc 0.2902 Tw (reach them.) Tj 50.4 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -50.4 -12.72 TD ( ) Tj 36 0 TD -0.1202 Tc 2.1179 Tw (Before an ad is designed, a great deal of research goes into finding out about the group most) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -36 -12.48 TD -0.1458 Tc 0.8446 Tw (likely to buy and use the \223product\224 being advertised. Advertisers need to know who these people are, how) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.12 Tc 1.92 Tw (they th) Tj 31.2 0 TD -0.1309 Tc 1.7869 Tw (ink and behave, what they desire and dream of. Wrote one professional advertiser: \223We make it) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -31.2 -12.72 TD -0.1159 Tc 1.1959 Tw (our business to know) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj 98.64 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf -0.0436 Tc -0.0764 Tw (exactly ) Tj 34.8 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.153 Tc 0.9245 Tw (whom we\222re writing to. Who they are, where they live, what they buy. And ) Tj -133.44 -12.48 TD -0.1388 Tc 2.7788 Tw (why. Knowing all this gives us the ammunition to write persu) Tj 292.08 0 TD -0.0868 Tc 2.6068 Tw (asive sales messages. Our targets will) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -292.08 -12.72 TD -0.0967 Tc 4.0567 Tw (respond to persuasion; they won\222t respond to bluster, our self) Tj 300.96 0 TD -0.0763 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 3.6 0 TD -0.0619 Tc 3.7819 Tw (interests, or rhetorical arrows shot) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -304.56 -12.72 TD -0.1027 Tc 0.2227 Tw (randomly into the air.\224) Tj 98.64 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 78.24 -29.76 TD /F0 10.08 Tf -0.0096 Tc 0.0874 Tw (Elements of Persuasion) Tj 114.24 0 TD 0 Tc 0.0778 Tw ( ) Tj -255.12 -24.24 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.0866 Tc 4.7666 Tw (In the creation of an ad, careful wording is critical. Puffery, or exa) Tj 344.16 0 TD -0.0763 Tc 4.6363 Tw (ggerated praise, is) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -380.16 -12.72 TD -0.1062 Tc 1.5612 Tw (commonplace. A breakfast cereal is said to be \223great,\224 and a greeting card company claims that people) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.114 Tc 2.2171 Tw (buy its cards to when they \223want to send the very best.\224 Though it is not always easy to distinguish) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj ET endstream +endobj +68 0 obj +7511 +endobj +66 0 obj +<< +/Type /Page +/Parent 57 0 R +/Resources << +/Font << +/F0 6 0 R +/F1 8 0 R +/F2 12 0 R +/F3 15 0 R +/F4 17 0 R +>> +/ProcSet 2 0 R +>> +/Contents 67 0 R +>> +endobj +70 0 obj +<< +/Length 71 0 R +>> +stream +BT 494.4 745.92 TD 0 0 0 rg /F3 11.04 Tf 0.0763 Tc 0 Tw (P) Tj 7.44 0 TD /F3 9.12 Tf -0.019 Tc (ARADOX) Tj 38.16 0 TD /F3 11.04 Tf 0 Tc 0.0509 Tw ( ) Tj -10.56 -706.8 TD /F4 11.04 Tf 0.1022 Tc 0 Tw (17) Tj 10.56 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj ET q 529.68 18 10.32 36.72 re W n BT 535.44 15.36 TD 0.1022 Tc 0 Tw (17) Tj ET Q BT 72 710.16 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1479 Tc 2.6679 Tw (between puffery and deliberate de) Tj 156 0 TD -0.1115 Tc 2.6315 Tw (ceit, advertisers need to be careful not to make claims that can be) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj -156 -12.72 TD -0.1162 Tc 1.2331 Tw (disproved by verifiable facts. Some governments have laws that prohibit such dishonesty, and businesses) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.48 TD -0.1088 Tc 0.2288 Tw (are quick to sue if their interests are threatened by the deceptive ads of rivals.) Tj 335.52 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -299.52 -12.72 TD -0.0509 Tc 0 Tw (V) Tj 7.68 0 TD -0.1394 Tc 2.8594 Tw (isual messages, whether in a magazine or on television, contain powerful messages beyond) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -43.68 -12.72 TD -0.1097 Tc 1.1333 Tw (what is actually said about the product. The way in which a product is presented may convey suggestive) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.0831 Tc 1.4031 Tw (thoughts or subliminal messages such as, \221If you buy this car, ) Tj 1.3891 Tc 0 Tw (U) Tj 292.32 0 TD -0.1059 Tc 1.2159 Tw (FO\222s will beam you up\222 or \221If you buy) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -292.32 -12.48 TD -0.1378 Tc 1.3645 Tw (this brand of eyeglasses, you will see aliens more clearly\222 In one of the best known and most successful) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.1034 Tc 1.0934 Tw (soft drink advertising campaigns, a soft drink company links flying saucers to its product. The consumer ) Tj T* -0.0036 Tc 0.3636 Tw (is portr) Tj 31.92 0 TD -0.0898 Tc 0.4348 Tw (ayed as smart, popular with aliens, and a regular contactee. The unspoken message: drink our soda, ) Tj -31.92 -12.48 TD -0.1198 Tc 0.2398 Tw (and you will have contact with space aliens.) Tj 190.8 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -11.52 -29.76 TD /F0 10.08 Tf 0.0064 Tc 0.0713 Tw (Subliminal Advertising) Tj 109.44 0 TD 0 Tc 0.0778 Tw ( ) Tj -252.72 -24.48 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1157 Tc 1.4197 Tw (In the late 1950\222s, the CIA utilized its mind control program MKULTRA in an experiment in) Tj 423.12 0 TD 0.1382 Tc 0.4618 Tw ( a ) Tj -459.12 -12.72 TD -0.1518 Tc 1.1251 Tw (New Jersey movie theater in which the words \223Drink Coca) Tj 262.32 0 TD -0.0763 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 3.6 0 TD -0.1111 Tc 0.9511 Tw (Cola\224 and \223Eat Popcorn\224 were flashed on the) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj -265.92 -12.48 TD -0.125 Tc 1.4317 Tw (screen during the movie. The messages appeared for only a fraction of a second, too briefly to make an) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.1532 Tc 4.1132 Tw (impression on the conscious mind. According to sou) Tj 253.2 0 TD -0.1228 Tc 3.9456 Tw (rces, this motivated people to buy things by) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -253.2 -12.72 TD -0.1407 Tc 1.313 Tw (projecting \223unseen\224 messages. In controlled LSD mind and mood altering experiments, the subjects were) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.48 TD -0.1296 Tc 2.9496 Tw (shown carefully prepared \223programming\224 films where the \223abduction\224 scenario is \223imprinted\224 in the) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.1265 Tc 0.2465 Tw (viewer\222s su) Tj 49.44 0 TD -0.1411 Tc 0.2611 Tw (bconscious mind convincing him that he had an \223abduction experience.\224) Tj 312.48 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -200.88 -29.76 TD /F0 10.08 Tf 0.0128 Tc 0.0649 Tw (Appeals to Logic and Emotion) Tj 145.68 0 TD 0 Tc 0.0778 Tw ( ) Tj -270.72 -24.48 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1012 Tc 2.7012 Tw (Ads are carefully crafted to appeal to the specific desires and values of the target audience.) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -36 -12.48 TD -0.1194 Tc 0.6825 Tw (Perhaps an ad will appeal to the need to have fun, the hunger ) Tj 273.6 0 TD -0.0946 Tc 0.508 Tw (for security, or a yearning to be accepted by ) Tj -273.6 -12.72 TD -0.1207 Tc 1.1287 Tw (others. Maybe the ad will direct itself to a hidden desire to be someone special, to stand out as different. ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.1086 Tc 0.9966 Tw (Some ads appear on television tabloid programs dealing with the UFO subject that suggest their produc) Tj 460.56 0 TD 0.0382 Tc 0.0818 Tw (ts ) Tj -460.56 -12.72 TD -0.1351 Tc 0.2551 Tw (are related to our desire to make contact with aliens which subconsciously linked to the program theme.) Tj 449.04 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -413.04 -12.48 TD -0.1259 Tc 1.7373 Tw (Other ads are designed to appeal to our emotional side. Mood commercials, for example, make) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj -36 -12.72 TD -0.0932 Tc 1.4432 Tw (their appeal by attaching pleasant imagery to the product) Tj 257.28 0 TD -0.0845 Tc 1.4045 Tw (. Producers of cosmetics, cigarettes, and liquor) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -257.28 -12.72 TD -0.0974 Tc 1.4174 Tw (rely heavily on this approach. Other commercials use repetition. This hard) Tj 334.56 0 TD -0.0763 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 3.6 0 TD -0.1012 Tc 1.2292 Tw (sell approach is based on the) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj -338.16 -12.48 TD -0.1442 Tc 1.2115 Tw (hope that if people hear a message enough times, they will believe it and buy the product \(the Y2K foo) Tj 462.72 0 TD -0.24 Tc 0.12 Tw (d ) Tj -462.72 -12.72 TD -0.137 Tc 1.217 Tw (shortage and the long) Tj 95.52 0 TD -0.0763 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 3.6 0 TD -0.1406 Tc 0.9523 Tw (shelf life food providers is but one example\), even if they hate the ad itself! This is ) Tj -99.12 -12.72 TD -0.1479 Tc 4.4829 Tw (why we often see or hear ads recommending the same product over and over and over again.) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.0953 Tc 0 Tw (Nonprescription) Tj 70.32 0 TD -0.0763 Tc (-) Tj 3.6 0 TD -0.1113 Tc 1.9113 Tw (drug commonly use this approach.) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 161.04 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf 0.048 Tc 0.072 Tw (World ) Tj 32.4 0 TD 0.0226 Tc 0.0974 Tw (Watch ) Tj 32.88 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1615 Tc 1.9615 Tw (magazine observed: \223The most finely) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -300.24 -12.48 TD -0.1094 Tc 1.6694 Tw (wrought ads are masterpieces) Tj 132.72 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw (\227) Tj 11.04 0 TD -0.1454 Tc 1.6154 Tw (combining stunning imagery, bracing speed, and compelling language to) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -143.76 -12.72 TD -0.101 Tc 1.221 Tw (touch our innermost fears and fancies. Prime) Tj 200.64 0 TD -0.0763 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 3.6 0 TD -0.1359 Tc 1.2159 Tw (time television commercials in the industrial countries pack) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -204.24 -12.72 TD -0.1627 Tc 0.2827 Tw (more sugg) Tj 45.12 0 TD -0.1378 Tc 0.2578 Tw (estion into a minute than anything previously devised.\224) Tj 238.08 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -159.36 -48.48 TD /F0 11.04 Tf -0.1142 Tc 0.165 Tw (RELIGION AND MAN\222S SEARCH FOR GOD) Tj 220.32 0 TD 0 Tc 0.0509 Tw ( ) Tj -344.16 -24.72 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.105 Tc 2.055 Tw (Religion, by far, is the most powerful, contradictory, and destructive device in cultures. It is the most) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.1269 Tc 1.4469 Tw (basic of human beliefs and emotions. Arnold Toynbee, a histo) Tj 279.6 0 TD -0.0888 Tc 1.0488 Tw (rian, wrote: \223The true purpose of a higher ) Tj -279.6 -12.48 TD -0.0826 Tc 0.3855 Tw (religion is to radiate the spiritual counsels and truths that are its essence into as many souls as it can reach, ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.1133 Tc 0.6533 Tw (in order that each of these souls may be enabled thereby to fulfil the true end of Man. Man's true ) Tj 431.04 0 TD -0.1678 Tc 0.3678 Tw (end is to ) Tj -431.04 -12.72 TD -0.121 Tc 1.6246 Tw (glorify God and to enjoy Him for ever.\224 As far back that history records, religions have professed love) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.1243 Tc 1.6843 Tw (and generated hate. Roger Shinn, professor of social ethics of Union Theological Seminary, New York,) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.48 TD -0.1138 Tc 3.4738 Tw (observed that \223Religious wars tend to be) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj 201.36 0 TD -0.1021 Tc 3.3421 Tw (extra furious\205. People fight over territory for economic) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj ET endstream +endobj +71 0 obj +8395 +endobj +69 0 obj +<< +/Type /Page +/Parent 57 0 R +/Resources << +/Font << +/F0 6 0 R +/F1 8 0 R +/F2 12 0 R +/F3 15 0 R +/F4 17 0 R +>> +/ProcSet 2 0 R +>> +/Contents 70 0 R +>> +endobj +73 0 obj +<< +/Length 74 0 R +>> +stream +BT 72 746.4 TD 0 0 0 rg /F3 10.08 Tf 0.0811 Tc 0 Tw (T) Tj 6.24 0 TD /F3 7.92 Tf -0.0135 Tc -0.2683 Tw (IMOTHY ) Tj 32.88 0 TD /F3 10.08 Tf -0.0778 Tc 0 Tw (C) Tj 7.2 0 TD /F3 7.92 Tf 0.0386 Tc (OOPER) Tj 28.8 0 TD /F4 11.04 Tf 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -75.12 -707.28 TD 0.1022 Tc 0 Tw (18) Tj 10.56 0 TD /F3 10.08 Tf 0 Tc 0.0778 Tw ( ) Tj -10.56 661.92 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1236 Tc 2.5316 Tw (advantage\224 and when the cost is too high \223the cause is religious.\224 The famous mathematician Blaise) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.48 TD -0.1286 Tc 1.7936 Tw (Pascal also reflected on religious zeal and commented that man\222s evil is sufficient to make us hate) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj 453.84 0 TD 0.017 Tc 0.103 Tw (but ) Tj -453.84 -12.72 TD -0.159 Tc 0.279 Tw (\223never enough to make us love one another.\224) Tj 194.16 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 22.08 -29.76 TD /F0 10.08 Tf 0.0671 Tc 0 Tw (Origins) Tj 35.52 0 TD 0 Tc 0.0778 Tw ( ) Tj -215.76 -24.48 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.109 Tc 1.6408 Tw (The history of religion is as old as the history of man himself. That is what archaeologists and) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -36 -12.48 TD -0.1188 Tc 1.3359 Tw (anthropologists tell us. Even among the most \223primitive\224, that is to say, undeveloped, civilizations, ) Tj 1.0109 Tc 0 Tw (t) Tj 449.76 0 TD -0.19 Tc -0.17 Tw (here ) Tj -449.76 -12.72 TD -0.1501 Tc 0.4861 Tw (is found evidence of worship of some form. In fact ) Tj 224.64 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf -0.0244 Tc 0.3044 Tw (The New Encyclopaedia Britannica) Tj 157.44 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf 0.025 Tc 0.095 Tw ( says that \223as far as ) Tj -382.08 -12.72 TD -0.1373 Tc 2.1323 Tw (scholars have discovered, there has never existed any people, anywhere, at any time, who were not in) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.48 TD -0.14 Tc 0.26 Tw (some sense religious.\224) Tj 96.24 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -60.24 -12.72 TD -0.0261 Tc 0.6261 Tw (In UFO literature it h) Tj 94.8 0 TD -0.145 Tc 0.6527 Tw (as been suggested that the \223gods\224 created the human race and endowed them ) Tj -130.8 -12.72 TD -0.1101 Tc 3.0959 Tw (with what one researcher calls the \223God side of the brain\224 to fear death. Most religions are death) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.48 TD -0.1257 Tc 1.8617 Tw (orientated and teach the doctrine of the immortal soul. If this is so, then man the) Tj 371.04 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 4.32 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf 0.0191 Tc 0 Tw (soul) Tj 18.48 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.139 Tc 1.699 Tw ( must eventually) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -393.84 -12.72 TD -0.122 Tc 1.0153 Tw (reach some plateau in the spiritual realm. If the human race is the byproduct of genetic engineering of an) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.0943 Tc 3.8143 Tw (advanced alien culture) Tj 104.4 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw (\227) Tj 11.04 0 TD -0.1058 Tc 3.7058 Tw (then the ramifications are enormous and far reaching. If either alternative) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj -115.44 -12.72 TD -0.1045 Tc 1.9045 Tw (ultimately proves true, the) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj 123.36 0 TD -0.1058 Tc 1.7858 Tw (implications for the human race are staggering and its impact on social and) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -123.36 -12.48 TD -0.1073 Tc 1.1187 Tw (cultural beliefs could be very distressful and possibly destructive. Evolution offers no explanation for the) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.1384 Tc 0.2584 Tw (emergence of belief in \223gods\224 or a creator.) Tj 184.08 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 14.4 -29.76 TD /F0 10.08 Tf 0.0118 Tc 0.0659 Tw (Many Theories) Tj 70.8 0 TD 0 Tc 0.0778 Tw ( ) Tj -233.28 -24.48 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1087 Tc 2.1487 Tw (The study of) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 63.6 0 TD -0.1425 Tc 2.0225 Tw (the origin and development of religion is a comparative new field. For centuries,) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -99.6 -12.48 TD -0.1532 Tc 1.9815 Tw (people more or less accepted the religious tradition into which they were born and in which they were) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.1195 Tc 2.2685 Tw (brought up. Most of them were satisfied with explanations handed down to) Tj 347.28 0 TD -0.1048 Tc 2.1448 Tw ( them by their forefathers,) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -347.28 -12.72 TD -0.131 Tc 1.3381 Tw (feeling that their religion was the truth. There was seldom any reason to question anything, nor the need) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.48 TD -0.1187 Tc 0.605 Tw (to investigate how, when, or why things got started. In fact, for centuries, with limited means of travel and ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.1642 Tc 0 Tw (communicatio) Tj 61.2 0 TD -0.1422 Tc 0.2622 Tw (ns, few people were even aware of other religious systems.) Tj 254.4 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -279.6 -12.72 TD -0.0988 Tc 2.8588 Tw (During the 19) Tj 65.76 5.04 TD /F1 6.96 Tf -0.0674 Tc 0 Tw (th) Tj 5.28 -5.04 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1272 Tc 2.8472 Tw ( century, however, the picture began to change. The theory of evolution was) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -107.04 -12.72 TD -0.1227 Tc 1.9913 Tw (sweeping through intellectual circles. That, along with the advent of scientific inquiry, caused many to) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.48 TD 0 Tw (q) Tj 5.28 0 TD -0.149 Tc 2.029 Tw (uestion established systems, including religion. Recognizing the limitations of looking for clues within) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -5.28 -12.72 TD -0.129 Tc 0.9407 Tw (existing religion, some scholars turned to the remains of early civilizations or to the remote corners of the) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.1606 Tc 3.8806 Tw (world where people still lived in primiti) Tj 192.48 0 TD -0.1427 Tc 3.7427 Tw (ve societies. They tried to apply to these the methods of) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -192.48 -12.48 TD -0.1301 Tc 0.7724 Tw (psychology, sociology, anthropology, and so forth, hoping to discover a clue as to how religion began and ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.2227 Tc 0 Tw (why.) Tj 21.12 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 14.88 -12.72 TD -0.1365 Tc 1.6529 Tw (What was the outcome? Suddenly, there burst upon the scene many theories) Tj 344.88 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw (\227) Tj 11.04 0 TD -0.0886 Tc 1.4086 Tw (as many as the) Tj 67.68 0 TD -0.089 Tc -0.271 Tw (re ) Tj -459.6 -12.48 TD -0.1432 Tc 2.4232 Tw (were investigators, it seemed) Tj 131.28 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw (\227) Tj 11.04 0 TD -0.1282 Tc 2.3815 Tw (with each investigator contradicting the other, and each endeavoring to) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -142.32 -12.72 TD -0.1122 Tc 1.2082 Tw (outdo the other in daring and originality. Some of these researchers arrived at important conclusions; the) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.1099 Tc 0.2299 Tw (work of others has simply been forgotten. Th) Tj 195.6 0 TD -0.1383 Tc 0.2583 Tw (e same holds true for ufology.) Tj 129.84 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -112.56 -29.76 TD /F0 10.08 Tf -0.0468 Tc 0 Tw (Animism) Tj 42.24 0 TD 0 Tc 0.0778 Tw ( ) Tj -219.12 -24.24 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.183 Tc 3.343 Tw (One theory, commonly called) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 142.08 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf 0.0036 Tc 0 Tw (animism) Tj 37.44 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1053 Tc 3.1053 Tw (, was proposed by the English anthropologist Edward) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -215.52 -12.72 TD -0.0367 Tc 3.7567 Tw (Tylor \(1832) Tj 56.4 0 TD -0.0763 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 3.6 0 TD -0.0976 Tc 3.643 Tw (1917\). He suggested that experiences such as dreams, visions, hallucinations, and the) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj -60 -12.72 TD -0.1153 Tc 1.9153 Tw (lifelessness of corpses caused ) Tj 1.92 Tc 0 Tw (p) Tj 143.28 0 TD -0.1252 Tc 1.9252 Tw (rimitive people to conclude that the body is inhabited by a soul \(Latin,) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -143.28 -12.72 TD /F2 11.04 Tf -0 Tc 0 Tw (anima) Tj 27.6 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1441 Tc 2.2013 Tw (\). According to this theory, since they frequently dreamed about their deceased loved ones, they) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -27.6 -12.48 TD /F2 11.04 Tf -0.0145 Tc 0.1345 Tw (assumed ) Tj 41.52 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1202 Tc 0.9048 Tw (that a soul continued living after death, that it left the body and dwelt) Tj 308.64 0 TD -0.0694 Tc 0.5494 Tw ( in trees, rocks, rivers, and ) Tj -350.16 -12.72 TD -0.1223 Tc 0.9743 Tw (so on. Eventually, the dead and the objects were said to inhabit came to be worshiped as gods. And thus, ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.0948 Tc 0.2148 Tw (said Tylor, religion was born.) Tj 128.88 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj ET endstream +endobj +74 0 obj +8520 +endobj +72 0 obj +<< +/Type /Page +/Parent 57 0 R +/Resources << +/Font << +/F0 6 0 R +/F1 8 0 R +/F2 12 0 R +/F3 15 0 R +/F4 17 0 R +>> +/ProcSet 2 0 R +>> +/Contents 73 0 R +>> +endobj +77 0 obj +<< +/Length 78 0 R +>> +stream +BT 494.4 745.92 TD 0 0 0 rg /F3 11.04 Tf 0.0763 Tc 0 Tw (P) Tj 7.44 0 TD /F3 9.12 Tf -0.019 Tc (ARADOX) Tj 38.16 0 TD /F3 11.04 Tf 0 Tc 0.0509 Tw ( ) Tj -10.56 -706.8 TD /F4 11.04 Tf 0.1022 Tc 0 Tw (19) Tj 10.56 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj ET q 529.68 18 10.32 36.72 re W n BT 535.44 15.36 TD 0.1022 Tc 0 Tw (19) Tj ET Q BT 108 710.16 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.0749 Tc 2.8349 Tw (Another English anthropologist R.R. Marett \(1866) Tj 233.52 0 TD -0.0763 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 3.6 0 TD -0.1196 Tc 2.8316 Tw (1943\), proposed a refinement of animism,) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -273.12 -12.72 TD -0.1975 Tc 1.9975 Tw (which he called) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 74.88 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf 0.0196 Tc 0.1004 Tw (animatism. ) Tj 53.52 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1258 Tc 1.7058 Tw (After studying the beliefs of the Melanesians of the Pacific islands and the) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj -128.4 -12.48 TD -0.1088 Tc 2.0738 Tw (natives of Africa and America, Marett concluded that instead of having the notion of a personal soul,) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.1535 Tc 1.4735 Tw (primitive people believed there was an impersonal) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 228 0 TD -0.0934 Tc 1.0363 Tw (force or supernatural power that animated everything; ) Tj -228 -12.72 TD -0.1431 Tc 0.8947 Tw (that belief evoked emotions of awe and fear in man, which became the basis for his primitive religion. To ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.1268 Tc 1.9268 Tw (Marett, religion was mainly man\222s emotional response to the) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj 280.56 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf -0.0482 Tc 0 Tw (unknown.) Tj 42.24 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.0918 Tc 1.6518 Tw ( His favorite statement was) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 128.64 0 TD (that ) Tj -451.44 -12.48 TD -0.1125 Tc 0.2325 Tw (religion was \223not so much thought out as danced out.\224) Tj 235.68 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -199.68 -12.72 TD -0.0783 Tc 0.9423 Tw (In 1890 a Scottish expert in ancient folklore, James Frazer \(1854) Tj 290.4 0 TD -0.0763 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 3.6 0 TD -0.1078 Tc 0.7078 Tw (1941\), published the influential ) Tj -330 -12.72 TD -0.18 Tc 0.06 Tw (book ) Tj 25.44 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf -0 Tc 1.3205 Tw (The Golden Bough,) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 92.88 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1318 Tc 1.2487 Tw (in which he argued that religion grew out of magic. According to Frazer, ma) Tj 344.4 0 TD -0.24 Tc 0.12 Tw (n ) Tj -462.72 -12.48 TD -0.126 Tc 1.2327 Tw (first tried to control his own life and his environment by imitating what he saw happening in nature. For) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.1412 Tc 0.8478 Tw (example, he thought that he could invoke rain by sprinkling water on the ground to the accompaniment of ) Tj T* -0.0965 Tc 0.9365 Tw (thunderlike drumbeats or that he could cause) Tj 198.96 0 TD -0.1507 Tc 0.6821 Tw ( his enemy harm by sticking pins in an effigy. This led to the ) Tj -198.96 -12.48 TD -0.1176 Tc 1.0334 Tw (use of rituals, spells, and magical objects in many areas of life. When these did not work as expected, he) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.1132 Tc 1.4701 Tw (then turned to placating and beseeching the help of the supernatural powers, instead ) Tj 1.44 Tc 0 Tw (o) Tj 387.6 0 TD -0.1098 Tc 1.4298 Tw (f trying to control) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -387.6 -12.72 TD -0.0841 Tc 2.0898 Tw (them. The rituals and incantations became sacrifices and prayers, and thus religion began. In Frazer\222s) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.0989 Tc 0.2189 Tw (words, religion is \223a propitiation or conciliation of powers superior to man.\224) Tj 331.44 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -295.44 -12.48 TD -0.1164 Tc 3.0479 Tw (Even the noted Austrian psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud \(1) Tj 270.48 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw (856) Tj 16.56 0 TD -0.0763 Tc (-) Tj 3.6 0 TD -0.1006 Tc 2.8606 Tw (1939\), in his book) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 92.64 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf -0 Tc -0.12 Tw (Totem ) Tj 33.12 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1139 Tc 0 Tw (and) Tj 15.6 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -468 -12.72 TD 0.037 Tc 0.083 Tw (Taboo, ) Tj 36 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1106 Tc 2.1506 Tw (tried to explain the origin of religion. True to his profession, Freud explained that the earliest) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -36 -12.72 TD -0.1437 Tc 2.3937 Tw (religion grew out of what he called a father) Tj 204 0 TD -0.0763 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 3.6 0 TD -0.0996 Tc 2.1396 Tw (figure neurosis. He theorized that, as was true with wild) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -207.6 -12.48 TD -0.0718 Tc 2.9518 Tw (horses and cat) Tj 67.44 0 TD -0.1325 Tc 2.8925 Tw (tle, in primitive society the father dominated the clan. The sons, who both hated and) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -67.44 -12.72 TD -0.116 Tc 1.98 Tw (admired the father, rebelled and killed the father. To acquire the father\222s power, Freud claimed, \221these) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.0821 Tc 1.2221 Tw (cannibalistic savages ate their victims.\222 Later, out of remorse,) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 280.32 0 TD -0.1124 Tc 1.0724 Tw (they invented rites and rituals to atone for ) Tj -280.32 -12.48 TD -0.1101 Tc 1.0551 Tw (their action. Thus, the father figure became God, the rites and rituals became the tradition of communion) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.1257 Tc 0.2457 Tw (practiced in many religions.) Tj 120.48 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 64.56 -29.76 TD /F0 10.08 Tf 0.0189 Tc 0.0589 Tw (A Faulty Foundation) Tj 97.92 0 TD 0 Tc 0.0778 Tw ( ) Tj -246.96 -24.48 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1293 Tc 1.7427 Tw (After years of struggling with the issue, many have now) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj 260.64 0 TD -0.1369 Tc 1.6969 Tw (come to the conclusion that it is most) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -296.64 -12.72 TD -0.1459 Tc 1.3388 Tw (unlikely that there will be any breakthrough in finding the answer to the question of how religion began.) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.48 TD -0.1047 Tc 0.8847 Tw (First of all, this is because bones and remains of ancient peoples ) Tj 290.4 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf 0.0102 Tc 0.8298 Tw (do not) Tj 28.8 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1073 Tc 0.7073 Tw ( tell us ) Tj 34.08 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf -0.1346 Tc -0.2254 Tw (how ) Tj 21.36 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1366 Tc 0.5766 Tw (those people thought, ) Tj -374.64 -12.72 TD -0.2909 Tc 0 Tw (wha) Tj 18 0 TD -0.1168 Tc 3.0482 Tw (t they feared, or why they worshiped. Any conclusions drawn from these artifacts are educated) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -18 -12.72 TD -0.0888 Tc 3.8354 Tw (guesses at best. Second, the religious practices of today\222s so) Tj 294 0 TD -0.0763 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 3.6 0 TD -0.1279 Tc 3.8479 Tw (called primitive people, such as the) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj -297.6 -12.48 TD -0.0953 Tc 0.6953 Tw (Australian Aborigines, are not necessarily a reliable gauge fo) Tj 269.52 0 TD -0.1331 Tc 0.6646 Tw (r measuring what people of ancient times ) Tj 184.32 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf 0.017 Tc 0.103 Tw (did ) Tj -453.84 -12.72 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.0382 Tc 0.1582 Tw (or ) Tj 12 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf 0.0277 Tc 0.0923 Tw (thought. ) Tj 39.6 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1392 Tc 0.2592 Tw (No one knows for sure if or how religious cultures developed over the centuries.) Tj 347.28 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -362.88 -12.72 TD -0.1251 Tc 2.5811 Tw (In that last comment lies the clue as to why various \223scientific\224 investigators whether of the) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj -36 -12.48 TD -0.1551 Tc 1.4751 Tw (origin of religion or ) Tj 1.3891 Tc 0 Tw (U) Tj 100.32 0 TD -0.0916 Tc 1.2371 Tw (FO\222s and extraterrestrials, have not come up with any tenable explanations. Logic) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -100.32 -12.72 TD -0.1086 Tc 1.9086 Tw (tells us that a correct conclusion can be deduced) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 227.28 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf -0.0109 Tc 1.6309 Tw (only from a correct premise.) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 136.56 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.076 Tc 1.636 Tw (If one starts off with a) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -363.84 -12.72 TD /F2 11.04 Tf 0.0013 Tc 3.7187 Tw (faulty premise,) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 75.84 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1375 Tc 3.8575 Tw (it is unlikely that one will reach a sound conclusion.) Tj 257.52 0 TD -0.114 Tc 3.594 Tw ( The repeated failure of the) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj -333.36 -12.72 TD -0.1074 Tc 1.8045 Tw (\223scientific\224 investigators to come up with a reasonable explanation casts serious doubts on the premise) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.48 TD -0.1446 Tc 2.4406 Tw (upon which they base their views. By following their preconceived notion, in their efforts to \221explain) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.1495 Tc 0.2695 Tw (religion away\222 or UF) Tj 91.2 0 TD -0.0945 Tc 0.2145 Tw (O\222s for that matter, they have also attempted to explain God away.) Tj 290.4 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -345.6 -12.72 TD -0.101 Tc 1.7348 Tw (The situation can be compared to the many ways astronomers prior to the 16) Tj 353.28 5.04 TD /F1 6.96 Tf -0.0674 Tc 0 Tw (th) Tj 5.28 -5.04 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1039 Tc 1.6639 Tw ( century tried to) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -394.56 -12.48 TD -0.1542 Tc 4.5622 Tw (explain the movement of the planets. There were many theories, but none of them were really) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD 0.0715 Tc 0 Tw (sat) Tj 12.48 0 TD -0.1178 Tc 2.1578 Tw (isfactory. Why? Because they were based upon the) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj 239.28 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf 0.0102 Tc 0.1098 Tw (assumption ) Tj 54.96 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1061 Tc 1.9061 Tw (that the earth was the center of the) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj -306.72 -12.72 TD -0.1067 Tc 1.581 Tw (universe around which the stars and planets revolved. Real progress was not made until scientists) Tj 441.36 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw (\227) Tj 11.04 0 TD -0.1139 Tc -0.0061 Tw (and ) Tj -452.4 -12.48 TD -0.0781 Tc 1.0381 Tw (the Catholic Church) Tj 89.28 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw (\227) Tj 11.04 0 TD -0.1134 Tc 0.8506 Tw (were willing to accept the fact that ) Tj 157.92 0 TD -0.0806 Tc 0.6806 Tw (the earth was ) Tj 62.64 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf 0.017 Tc 0.103 Tw (not ) Tj 17.76 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1321 Tc 0.8521 Tw (the center of the universe but ) Tj -338.64 -12.72 TD -0.127 Tc 1.6604 Tw (revolved around the sun, the center of the solar system. The failure of the many theories to explain the) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.1297 Tc 1.2097 Tw (facts led open) Tj 61.92 0 TD -0.0763 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 3.6 0 TD -0.1406 Tc 1.1406 Tw (minded individuals, not to try to come up with new theories, but to) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 302.88 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf -0.0424 Tc -0.0776 Tw (reexamine ) Tj 49.2 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1959 Tc 1.0359 Tw (the premi) Tj 41.52 0 TD -0.1582 Tc -0.2018 Tw (se ) Tj -459.12 -12.72 TD -0.1107 Tc 0.2307 Tw (of their investigations. And that led to success.) Tj 202.56 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj ET endstream +endobj +78 0 obj +10958 +endobj +75 0 obj +<< +/Type /Page +/Parent 76 0 R +/Resources << +/Font << +/F0 6 0 R +/F1 8 0 R +/F2 12 0 R +/F3 15 0 R +/F4 17 0 R +>> +/ProcSet 2 0 R +>> +/Contents 77 0 R +>> +endobj +80 0 obj +<< +/Length 81 0 R +>> +stream +BT 72 746.4 TD 0 0 0 rg /F3 10.08 Tf 0.0811 Tc 0 Tw (T) Tj 6.24 0 TD /F3 7.92 Tf -0.0135 Tc -0.2683 Tw (IMOTHY ) Tj 32.88 0 TD /F3 10.08 Tf -0.0778 Tc 0 Tw (C) Tj 7.2 0 TD /F3 7.92 Tf 0.0386 Tc (OOPER) Tj 28.8 0 TD /F4 11.04 Tf 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -75.12 -707.28 TD 0.1022 Tc 0 Tw (20) Tj 10.56 0 TD /F3 10.08 Tf 0 Tc 0.0778 Tw ( ) Tj 25.44 661.92 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1013 Tc 1.7299 Tw (The same principle can be applied to the investigation of the origin of UFO\222s, extraterrestrials,) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -36 -12.48 TD -0.1346 Tc 2.0546 Tw (and religion. Because of the rise of atheism and the widespread acceptance of the theory of evolution,) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.3854 Tc 0 Tw (ma) Tj 13.2 0 TD -0.1222 Tc 1.1222 Tw (ny people have taken for granted that God does not exist. Based on this assumption, they feel that the) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj -13.2 -12.72 TD -0.1517 Tc 2.4317 Tw (explanation for the existence of religion is to be found in man himself) Tj 326.88 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw (\227) Tj 11.04 0 TD -0.1104 Tc 2.2704 Tw (in his thought processes, his) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -337.92 -12.48 TD -0.1008 Tc 2.3808 Tw (needs, his fears, his \223neuroses.\224 Voltaire once sta) Tj 229.2 0 TD -0.1231 Tc 2.2591 Tw (ted, \223If God did not exist, it would be necessary to) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -229.2 -12.72 TD -0.106 Tc 1.1194 Tw (invent him\224; so they argue that man has to \223invent\224 God. And once again, if UFO\222s and extraterrestrials ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.1702 Tc 0.2902 Tw (do not \223exist,\224 we would have to \223invent\224 them.) Tj 207.6 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -67.2 -29.52 TD /F0 10.08 Tf 0.015 Tc 0.0628 Tw (Who Rules The World) Tj 104.64 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw (\227) Tj 10.08 0 TD 0.0059 Tc 0.0718 Tw (Aliens or God?) Tj 72.48 0 TD 0 Tc 0.0778 Tw ( ) Tj -291.6 -24.48 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.08 Tc 3.24 Tw (In order for ufo) Tj 76.56 0 TD -0.1223 Tc 3.1223 Tw (logy to reach out to religious) Tj 139.2 0 TD -0.0763 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 3.6 0 TD -0.1547 Tc 3.1547 Tw (minded people regarding the alien reality, the) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj -255.36 -12.72 TD -0.1287 Tc 1.7875 Tw (question \221Who rules the world?\222 must be broached in the religious context. In the United States and in) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.1281 Tc 3.9681 Tw (Europe and cultures throughout the world the Bible is read and believed in.) Tj 370.32 0 TD -0.1525 Tc 3.8725 Tw ( If ufology can link) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -370.32 -12.48 TD -0.1269 Tc 1.9955 Tw (extraterrestrials with demons, then a common ground can be established for open dialog with religious) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.1103 Tc 0.2303 Tw (leaders of Christendom and possibly Eastern beliefs.) Tj 227.76 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -191.76 -12.72 TD -0.1238 Tc 3.1423 Tw (Questions such as \221Who rules the world?\222; \221Is there some type of superhuman over) Tj 397.2 0 TD -0.0577 Tc 3.0577 Tw (sight at) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -433.2 -12.72 TD -0.1389 Tc 1.6707 Tw (work?\222; or \221Has God left humans to the mercy of evil aliens/demons? must be answered in the Biblical) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.48 TD -0.1238 Tc 3.05 Tw (context. For example, in a rare interview conducted by Michael Heseman with Monsignor Balducci) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.11 Tc 2.63 Tw (concerning NASA\222s announcement that traces of extra) Tj 251.76 0 TD -0.1412 Tc 2.4898 Tw (terrestrial life found on a meteorite believed to) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -251.76 -12.72 TD -0.1069 Tc 1.3219 Tw (have originated on Mars, Balducci expressed a wide acceptance in the Catholic Church that \223there is no) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.48 TD -0.1343 Tc 0.9037 Tw (contradiction between true science and the true proof of God\222s existence\224 as found in the book by While) Tj 462.72 0 TD -0.24 Tc 0.12 Tw (y ) Tj -462.72 -12.72 TD -0.094 Tc 0.094 Tw (Strieber called ) Tj 65.76 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf 0.0288 Tc 0 Tw (Confirmation.) Tj 62.64 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -92.4 -12.72 TD -0.1148 Tc 0.7415 Tw (If the Catholic Church sees no contradiction then the question of alien rule of the earth at present, ) Tj -36 -12.48 TD -0.1095 Tc 2.2059 Tw (is not at odds with the Biblical account of Jesus\222 encounter with the superhuman entity Satan. In the) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.0465 Tc 1.3665 Tw (Gospel accounts Sata) Tj 96.24 0 TD -0.1406 Tc 1.3683 Tw (n claimed possession over all governments of the earth. Did Jesus deny this claim?) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -96.24 -12.72 TD -0.108 Tc 2.8546 Tw (No. In fact, he confirmed it on several occasions with the statement that Satan is \223the ruler of the) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.0769 Tc 0 Tw (world.\224) Tj 32.64 0 TD 0 Tc (\227) Tj 11.04 0 TD -0.1247 Tc 1.9247 Tw (John 14:30. In the book of Luke it says: \223The Devil) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 245.28 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf -0.0127 Tc -0.1073 Tw (took ) Tj 23.52 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.0597 Tc 0 Tw ([Jesus]) Tj 30.24 0 TD -0.1212 Tc 1.7292 Tw ( along to an unusually high) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -342.72 -12.48 TD -0.1693 Tc 1.0093 Tw (mountain, and showed him) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj 122.16 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf 0.0339 Tc 0.0861 Tw (all ) Tj 15.36 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1459 Tc 0.9059 Tw (the kingdoms of the world and their glory\224 and stated that \223I will give you ) Tj -137.52 -12.72 TD -0.1096 Tc 1.4296 Tw (all this authority and the glory of them, because) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj 220.8 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf -0.0147 Tc 1.3347 Tw (it has been delivered to me,) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 131.76 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1812 Tc 1.3212 Tw (and to whomever I wish) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 111.84 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf -0.0763 Tc -0.0437 Tw (I ) Tj -464.4 -12.72 TD 0.0214 Tc 1.5386 Tw (give it.\224) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 42.24 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1644 Tc 0 Tw (According) Tj 45.12 0 TD -0.0711 Tc 1.428 Tw ( to the Bible, Satan is a extraterrestrial entity possessing great power. The Christian) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -87.36 -12.48 TD -0.0966 Tc 1.1625 Tw (apostle Paul associates Satan with evil \223spirit forces\224 and speaks of them as \223the wicked world rulers of) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.1059 Tc 0.9993 Tw (this darkness.\224 Moreover, the apostle John said that \223the whol) Tj 276.24 0 TD -0.1886 Tc 0.8366 Tw (e world is lying in ) Tj 84.48 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf -0.0964 Tc 0.9364 Tw (the power) Tj 44.16 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.2046 Tc 0.8046 Tw ( of the wicked ) Tj -404.88 -12.72 TD -0.097 Tc 2.3116 Tw (one.\224 In the book of Revelation it states that Satan is ) Tj 2.0582 Tc 0 Tw (\223) Tj 259.68 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf 0.0025 Tc 0.1175 Tw (misleading ) Tj 53.28 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1148 Tc 2.1548 Tw (the entire inhabited earth.\224 In this) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -312.96 -12.72 TD -0.128 Tc 2.408 Tw (context, ufology may provide some supporting evidence. If the reported alien abduction cases, animal) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.48 TD -0.143 Tc 0 Tw (mutila) Tj 27.6 0 TD -0.1139 Tc 2.6339 Tw (tions, and seemingly bizarre UFO encounters that defy a true scientific explanation are closely) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -27.6 -12.72 TD -0.1245 Tc 1.6395 Tw (associated with demons \(fallen angels under the control of Satan, chief angel in opposition to the Great) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.1153 Tc 0.9553 Tw (Extraterrestrial Jehovah\), then the whole field of ufol) Tj 235.2 0 TD -0.1484 Tc 0.9448 Tw (ogy may have to be reexamined. If it is not, then the) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj -235.2 -12.48 TD -0.1153 Tc 0.2353 Tw (question of alien encounters still begs for an answer.) Tj 227.76 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -115.44 -48.72 TD /F0 11.04 Tf -0.0922 Tc 0.1431 Tw (MILITARY UFO INTELLIGENCE AND SECRECY) Tj 243.12 0 TD 0 Tc 0.0509 Tw ( ) Tj -355.44 -24.72 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1081 Tc 3.5561 Tw (The issue of military intelligence, secrecy, and scientific research of UFO\222s erupted in 1947 as a) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.48 TD -0.124 Tc 0 Tw (fundamenta) Tj 50.88 0 TD -0.1273 Tc 1.9491 Tw (l confrontation between the scientific community and the political administrators of national) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -50.88 -12.72 TD -0.1463 Tc 2.5977 Tw (security. The battle was joined in the newly created Atomic Energy Commission which had assumed) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.133 Tc 1.4797 Tw (control of the nation\222s atomic energy program, where the scientifi) Tj 295.2 0 TD -0.1627 Tc 1.4827 Tw (c viewpoint emerged triumphant in the) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj -295.2 -12.72 TD -0.1251 Tc 3.4851 Tw (sense that the interpretation of broad classification guidelines was left in the hands of government) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.48 TD -0.1156 Tc 4.2556 Tw (scientists. Dr. Vannevar Bush himself emphasized the importance of rapid declassification of the) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj ET endstream +endobj +81 0 obj +9137 +endobj +79 0 obj +<< +/Type /Page +/Parent 76 0 R +/Resources << +/Font << +/F0 6 0 R +/F1 8 0 R +/F2 12 0 R +/F3 15 0 R +/F4 17 0 R +>> +/ProcSet 2 0 R +>> +/Contents 80 0 R +>> +endobj +83 0 obj +<< +/Length 84 0 R +>> +stream +BT 494.4 745.92 TD 0 0 0 rg /F3 11.04 Tf 0.0763 Tc 0 Tw (P) Tj 7.44 0 TD /F3 9.12 Tf -0.019 Tc (ARADOX) Tj 38.16 0 TD /F3 11.04 Tf 0 Tc 0.0509 Tw ( ) Tj -10.56 -706.8 TD /F4 11.04 Tf 0.1022 Tc 0 Tw (21) Tj 10.56 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj ET q 529.68 18 10.32 36.72 re W n BT 535.44 15.36 TD 0.1022 Tc 0 Tw (21) Tj ET Q BT 72 710.16 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1343 Tc 2.8943 Tw (information obtained) Tj 93.12 0 TD -0.1298 Tc 2.8418 Tw ( from UFO technological studies so that it could be used for the benefit of the) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj -93.12 -12.72 TD -0.1344 Tc 0.2544 Tw (national welfare and all of mankind.) Tj 156.72 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -156.72 -12.48 TD ( ) Tj 36 0 TD -0.107 Tc 1.667 Tw (The arguments against extensive classification of scientific research, at least in peacetime, were) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj -36 -12.72 TD -0.1255 Tc 1.6855 Tw (many and convincing. In the first place) Tj 177.6 0 TD -0.1394 Tc 1.5554 Tw (, the high classification for UFO technology may and often does) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -177.6 -12.72 TD -0.153 Tc 1.089 Tw (have the effect of shielding national policy from informed academic criticism. Even when all the essential) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.0879 Tc 1.4633 Tw (facts and issues are actually in the public domain, a suspicion remains that there) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj 369.12 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf 0.0127 Tc 0 Tw (ar) Tj 9.84 0 TD -0.1018 Tc (e) Tj 4.8 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.0982 Tc 1.4182 Tw ( secret facts which) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -383.76 -12.48 TD -0.1331 Tc 1.4851 Tw (have an important bearing on national security policy. Government policy can use the mere existence of) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.1288 Tc 0.8088 Tw (classified information to bolster their case and erode the credibility of the opposition which is not privy to ) Tj T* -0.1613 Tc 2.6813 Tw (the information, even) Tj 96.72 0 TD -0.116 Tc 2.636 Tw ( though the classified data may actually be irrelevant to the fundamental policy) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -96.72 -12.48 TD -0.0478 Tc 0 Tw (issues.) Tj 28.8 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 112.56 -29.76 TD /F0 10.08 Tf -0.0179 Tc 0.0956 Tw (Security Clearances and Classification) Tj 185.04 0 TD 0 Tc 0.0778 Tw ( ) Tj -290.4 -24.48 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1318 Tc 1.6918 Tw (Civilian employees in the military UFO research establishment are subject to the same kinds of) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -36 -12.72 TD -0.1635 Tc 1.4835 Tw (checks to which all federal emplo) Tj 150.72 0 TD -0.1238 Tc 1.3238 Tw (yees are subject: the Federal Bureau of Investigation \223name check\224 for) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -150.72 -12.48 TD -0.1087 Tc 1.3487 Tw (all positions and, if any information turns up in the name check that might be regarded as derogatory, a) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD 0.0127 Tc 0 Tw (so) Tj 9.6 0 TD -0.0763 Tc (-) Tj 3.6 0 TD -0.1574 Tc 2.864 Tw (called \223full field investigation\224 covering everyone from neighbors to former) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 355.44 0 TD -0.1592 Tc 2.6792 Tw (employers. Where the) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj -368.64 -12.72 TD -0.1349 Tc 1.6629 Tw (employee\222s job is designated as \223sensitive\224 a full field investigation is prescribed in any event. Security) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.48 TD -0.1325 Tc 2.8525 Tw (checks, including full field investigations, are also prescribed for military personnel holding sensitive) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.0829 Tc 5.7229 Tw (positions. Clearance) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj 102 0 TD -0.1093 Tc 5.7493 Tw (and classification requirements for a non) Tj 204.24 0 TD -0.0763 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 3.6 0 TD -0.1386 Tc 5.6586 Tw (existent phenomena is a glaring) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -309.84 -12.72 TD -0.1448 Tc 2.4802 Tw (contradiction of the pat denials from the military and knowledgeable government sources when FOIA) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.1019 Tc 1.3619 Tw (requests are filed for technical and scientific data related to UFO sighting reports) Tj 365.28 0 TD -0.1218 Tc 1.2018 Tw (. A case in point is the) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj -365.28 -12.48 TD -0.1047 Tc 1.6365 Tw (release of the NSA\222s UMBRA files in 1998. In 1980, Citizens Against UFO Secrecy filed a lawsuit in) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.1189 Tc 0.5989 Tw (federal court against the NSA on the grounds that it was withholding information found in the CIA\222s UFO ) Tj T* -0.1048 Tc 0.9928 Tw (files. The NSA produced a cl) Tj 130.8 0 TD -0.1352 Tc 0.8952 Tw (assified affidavit which was denied to the CAUS attorney and was reviewed ) Tj -130.8 -12.48 TD /F2 11.04 Tf -0.0223 Tc 0.8623 Tw (in camera) Tj 45.12 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1398 Tc 0.7532 Tw ( by a federal judge after which the judge ruled in the NSA\222s favor! Why the secrecy? The judge) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj -45.12 -12.72 TD -0.12 Tc 0.24 Tw (had to be cleared by the NSA just to review a ) Tj 200.4 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf 0.0051 Tc 0 Tw (classified) Tj 41.76 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.052 Tc 0.172 Tw ( affidavit!) Tj 42.96 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -249.12 -12.72 TD -0.1305 Tc 1.9305 Tw (The milita) Tj 46.32 0 TD -0.0983 Tc 1.8983 Tw (ry\222s classification of UFO\222s has had an impact upon civilians requesting \223classified\224) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -82.32 -12.72 TD -0.1475 Tc 1.2275 Tw (information on a \223non) Tj 98.4 0 TD -0.0763 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 3.6 0 TD -0.1284 Tc 0.9466 Tw (existent\224 phenomena has extended in ways that suggest dangerous implications for ) Tj -102 -12.48 TD -0.1476 Tc 1.6858 Tw (the freedom of citizens generally. As an example, under the Nixon ) Tj 1.3891 Tc 0 Tw (A) Tj 312.96 0 TD -0.1465 Tc 1.4665 Tw (dministration the Army maintained) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -312.96 -12.72 TD -0.1192 Tc 2.3242 Tw (surveillance of civilian activities. In April 1970 the American Civil Liberties Union lost a round in a) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.1075 Tc 5.0712 Tw (federal court when it challenged an Army surveillance program under COINTELPRO \(Counter) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.48 TD -0.1112 Tc 0.8312 Tw (Intelligence Program\). It was ) Tj 132.24 0 TD -0.1321 Tc 0.9121 Tw (contended that a special intelligence branch of the Army with offices across ) Tj -132.24 -12.72 TD -0.1111 Tc 1.2768 Tw (the United States had, since 1965, secretly compiled dossiers on thousands of organizations and political) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.1259 Tc 5.9759 Tw (dissenters. The Pentagon responded to congressional inquiries by announci) Tj 370.08 0 TD -0.1698 Tc 5.8098 Tw (ng elimination of a) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -370.08 -12.48 TD -0.119 Tc 1.055 Tw (computerized data bank of millions of names and associations but admitted that it had retained microfilm) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.1353 Tc 3.2353 Tw (files of similar information on civilian activities through the Counter Intelligence Analysis Division.) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj T* -0.0848 Tc 1.6448 Tw (Senator Sam J. Ervin of Nor) Tj 131.52 0 TD -0.109 Tc 1.477 Tw (th Carolina, chairman of the Subcommittee on Constitutional Rights of the) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj -131.52 -12.72 TD -0.1164 Tc 1.8979 Tw (Senate Judiciary Committee, observed that \223regardless of the imaginary objective, the chief casualty of) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.48 TD -0.1132 Tc 3.9641 Tw (this overkill is the Constitution of the United States.\224 A Justice Department) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 374.4 0 TD -0.1972 Tc 3.9172 Tw (lawyer defended the) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj -374.4 -12.72 TD -0.0958 Tc 0.2158 Tw (surveillance as) Tj 64.08 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf -0.0101 Tc 0.1301 Tw ( necessary) Tj 46.08 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.0472 Tc 0.1192 Tw ( to prepare for an ) Tj 78.72 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf -0.0654 Tc 0 Tw (emergency.) Tj 50.16 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -114.24 -48.72 TD /F0 11.04 Tf -0.0435 Tc 0.0944 Tw (THE EXTRATERRESTRIAL VIEW OF TIME) Tj 218.4 0 TD 0 Tc 0.0509 Tw ( ) Tj -343.2 -24.48 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1365 Tc 1.4115 Tw (In this final segment I would like to address one the most fundamental mysteries associated with UFO\222s) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.12 Tc 0.24 Tw (and extraterrestrial life forms commonly con) Tj 193.68 0 TD -0.1341 Tc 0.2541 Tw (nected with personal close encounters.) Tj 166.08 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -323.76 -12.72 TD -0.1465 Tc 4.4151 Tw (\223Time seems to be one of the most mysterious forms of human experience,\224 states one) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj -36 -12.48 TD -0.1383 Tc 0.8717 Tw (encyclopedia. Yes, to define time in simple terms is nearly impossible. We could say that time \223elapses,\224 ) Tj ET endstream +endobj +84 0 obj +8856 +endobj +82 0 obj +<< +/Type /Page +/Parent 76 0 R +/Resources << +/Font << +/F0 6 0 R +/F1 8 0 R +/F2 12 0 R +/F3 15 0 R +/F4 17 0 R +>> +/ProcSet 2 0 R +>> +/Contents 83 0 R +>> +endobj +86 0 obj +<< +/Length 87 0 R +>> +stream +BT 72 746.4 TD 0 0 0 rg /F3 10.08 Tf 0.0811 Tc 0 Tw (T) Tj 6.24 0 TD /F3 7.92 Tf -0.0135 Tc -0.2683 Tw (IMOTHY ) Tj 32.88 0 TD /F3 10.08 Tf -0.0778 Tc 0 Tw (C) Tj 7.2 0 TD /F3 7.92 Tf 0.0386 Tc (OOPER) Tj 28.8 0 TD /F4 11.04 Tf 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -75.12 -707.28 TD 0.1022 Tc 0 Tw (22) Tj 10.56 0 TD /F3 10.08 Tf 0 Tc 0.0778 Tw ( ) Tj -10.56 661.92 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1425 Tc 1.4625 Tw (\223flies,\224 and even that we) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj 115.2 0 TD -0.1465 Tc 1.3122 Tw (ourselves are moving in \223the stream of time.\224 But we really do not know what) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -115.2 -12.48 TD -0.084 Tc 0.204 Tw (we are talking about.) Tj 91.44 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -91.44 -12.72 TD ( ) Tj 36 0 TD -0.1474 Tc 0.9733 Tw (Einstein once commented that physics deals with \223events\224 in space and that the \223time of an event ) Tj -36 -12.72 TD -0.1208 Tc 6.1208 Tw (taking place\224 at one point on a \223coordinate origin\224 is rela) Tj 306.96 0 TD -0.1851 Tc 6.0651 Tw (ted to the \223time shown on the) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj -306.96 -12.48 TD -0.1197 Tc 1.7311 Tw (clock\205simultaneously with the event.\224 What Einstein was saying basically is that time is the \223distance) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.1365 Tc 0.8394 Tw (between two events.\224 Yet, the PCE seems to tell us that time is independent of events; it appears to go on ) Tj T* -0.1896 Tc 1.2696 Tw (whether somethin) Tj 77.04 0 TD -0.1133 Tc 0.9693 Tw (g happens or not. One philosopher claims that time actually does not exist but is simply) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -77.04 -12.48 TD -0.1489 Tc 1.8289 Tw (something imagined. Can that on which so much of our experience is built be merely a figment of our) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.1642 Tc 0 Tw (imagination?) Tj 55.92 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -19.92 -12.72 TD -0.1485 Tc 0.9199 Tw (The close encounter with a unknown or ) Tj 179.04 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf 0.0064 Tc 0 Tw (supernatural) Tj 57.12 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.3078 Tc 1.1478 Tw ( eve) Tj 18 0 TD -0.1341 Tc 0.8941 Tw (nt can be likened to a soldier under fire. ) Tj -290.16 -12.72 TD -0.1574 Tc 1.3006 Tw (Time seems to slow down and images are almost frozen in the mind as if viewing a slow motion picture) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.48 TD -0.1207 Tc 1.0736 Tw (film. This phenomena is also associated with a sudden trauma of a near death experience. Time seems to) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.1939 Tc 1.2739 Tw (have no ) Tj 1.0109 Tc 0 Tw (m) Tj 46.56 0 TD -0.1419 Tc 1.0384 Tw (eaning to the experiencer only the event. In the case of an \223alien\224 or UFO abduction event, the) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj -46.56 -12.72 TD -0.1555 Tc 0.7105 Tw (experiencer seems to be \223frozen\224 in time, in other words, the event seems to be happening ) Tj 399.12 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf 0.0057 Tc 0.5943 Tw (out of time) Tj 48.48 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.0594 Tc 0.4194 Tw ( of a ) Tj -447.6 -12.48 TD -0.1482 Tc 0.2082 Tw (normal frame of reference. It does not seem ) Tj 191.52 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf 0.0189 Tc 0 Tw (real.) Tj 20.64 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -25.2 -29.76 TD /F0 10.08 Tf 0.08 Tc 0 Tw (God) Tj 20.4 0 TD 0.0316 Tc 0.0462 Tw (\222s View of Time) Tj 73.44 0 TD 0 Tc 0.0778 Tw ( ) Tj -244.8 -24.48 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1371 Tc 0.9942 Tw (The Bible does not give any definition of time, suggesting that it is perhaps ) Tj 339.12 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf -0.0339 Tc 0 Tw (beyond) Tj 31.68 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1 Tc 0.62 Tw ( man\222s ability ) Tj -406.8 -12.72 TD -0.133 Tc 1.693 Tw (to understand fully. It is like the endless expanse of space, which we also find difficult to comprehend.) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.48 TD -0.1097 Tc 2.9897 Tw (Time, apparently, is one of those ) Tj 2.6909 Tc 0 Tw (t) Tj 165.12 0 TD -0.0629 Tc 2.8229 Tw (hings that only an extraterrestrial) Tj 154.8 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw (\227) Tj 11.04 0 TD -0.1344 Tc 2.8944 Tw (or God if you like, can fully) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -330.96 -12.72 TD -0.1061 Tc 1.8261 Tw (understand, for as the Book of Psalms, Chapter 90, verse 2 says, God is \223from time indefinite to time) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.1448 Tc 0 Tw (indefinite.\224) Tj 48 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -12 -12.48 TD -0.148 Tc 0.988 Tw (Even though the Bible does not define time, it does speak of time as a real) Tj 330.96 0 TD -0.1187 Tc 0.5747 Tw (ity. God is also spoken ) Tj -366.96 -12.72 TD -0.141 Tc 1.701 Tw (as being present in our time reference for one day though) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 265.68 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf -0.0058 Tc 1.3258 Tw (out of our frame of reference as a thousand) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -265.68 -12.72 TD -0.0054 Tc 0 Tw (years.) Tj 26.64 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.0469 Tc 1.3136 Tw ( Frustrating as it is to try to understand what) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 208.8 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf 0.0208 Tc 0.5792 Tw (time is, ) Tj 36.96 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1736 Tc 1.2536 Tw (to many people the) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj 88.8 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf -0.0127 Tc 0 Tw (idea) Tj 18.96 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.12 Tc 1.008 Tw ( of eternity, is most ) Tj -380.16 -12.72 TD -0.0802 Tc 0.9202 Tw (puzzling. Historical ) Tj 0.96 Tc 0 Tw (o) Tj 95.28 0 TD -0.0578 Tc 0.4178 Tw (r personal ) Tj 47.76 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf -0.0382 Tc 0.1582 Tw (events ) Tj 30.96 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1254 Tc 0.9654 Tw (of importance) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj 64.56 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf 0.0546 Tc 0 Tw (are) Tj 14.64 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1412 Tc 0.6612 Tw ( firmly placed ) Tj 65.52 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf -0.0046 Tc 0.8446 Tw (in the stream) Tj 59.28 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1395 Tc 0.5955 Tw ( of time. One reason ) Tj -378 -12.48 TD -0.1296 Tc 1.7296 Tw (for this may be that our experience of time has always been connected with the cycle of birth, growth,) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.1395 Tc 0.7929 Tw (aging, and death. Thus, we have come to identify the) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj 236.88 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf -0.0755 Tc -0.2845 Tw (flow ) Tj 22.08 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.2105 Tc 0.8105 Tw (of time wit) Tj 48 0 TD -0.1044 Tc 0.6358 Tw (h the aging process itself. For many, ) Tj -306.96 -12.72 TD -0.1558 Tc 0.2598 Tw (to think in any other way would seem to be a violation of the very ) Tj 287.76 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf -0.0363 Tc 0.1563 Tw (concept ) Tj 36.96 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.2265 Tc 0.3465 Tw (of time.) Tj 33.36 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -200.16 -29.52 TD /F0 10.08 Tf 0.0447 Tc 0.033 Tw (The Philosophical View of Time) Tj 152.16 0 TD 0 Tc 0.0778 Tw ( ) Tj -274.08 -24.48 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1501 Tc 3.2187 Tw (What is often overlooked in this way of) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 197.52 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf 0 Tc 0.12 Tw (reasoning ) Tj 49.92 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.0668 Tc 3.0668 Tw (is the fact that humans are) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj 134.88 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf -0.0182 Tc -0.1018 Tw (already ) Tj 39.36 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.0509 Tc -0.0691 Tw (an ) Tj -457.68 -12.72 TD -0.1448 Tc 1.2248 Tw (exception to ) Tj 1.0109 Tc 0 Tw (t) Tj 60.72 0 TD -0.1099 Tc 1.0999 Tw (he rest of creation in a number of ways. For example, animals lack the intellectual abilities ) Tj -60.72 -12.72 TD -0.1352 Tc 0.9112 Tw (that humans have. Despite philosophical claims otherwise, they do not become creative beyond what their ) Tj 0 -12.48 TD -0.126 Tc 3.606 Tw (instinct drives them to do. They have neither the artistic) Tj 271.68 0 TD -0.1209 Tc 3.4509 Tw ( gifts nor the capacity to show love and) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -271.68 -12.72 TD -0.0961 Tc 0.6061 Tw (appreciation that humans possess. If humans have been ) Tj 247.2 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf -0.0305 Tc 0.1505 Tw (given ) Tj 27.12 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1387 Tc 0.5287 Tw (so much more in these qualities and abilities ) Tj -274.32 -12.72 TD -0.1459 Tc 0.6259 Tw (that make life meaningful, ) Tj 118.32 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf -0.1685 Tc 0.0485 Tw (why ) Tj 20.64 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1224 Tc 0.6424 Tw (is it not possible that they have also been ) Tj 184.8 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf -0.0305 Tc 0 Tw (given) Tj 23.76 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 3.36 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf -0.0318 Tc -0.0882 Tw (more ) Tj 25.92 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1955 Tc 0.5075 Tw (when it comes to life ) Tj -376.8 -12.72 TD 0.0509 Tc 0 Tw (i) Tj 2.88 0 TD -0.1054 Tc (tself?) Tj 23.28 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 9.84 -12.48 TD -0.1068 Tc 1.2668 Tw (On the other hand, is it not strange that trees, which cannot think, live for thousands of years in) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -36 -12.72 TD -0.1252 Tc 1.2586 Tw (some cases, whereas intelligent humans can live only 70 to 80 years on the average? Is it not a) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 431.28 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf -0.0109 Tc -0.1091 Tw (paradox ) Tj -431.28 -12.72 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1064 Tc 1.0364 Tw (that tortoises, which can live more than 200 ) Tj 200.16 0 TD -0.1529 Tc 0.9929 Tw (years, while humans richly endowed with these abilities, live) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj -200.16 -12.48 TD -0.1171 Tc 0.2371 Tw (less than half as long?) Tj 96 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -20.4 -29.76 TD /F0 10.08 Tf -0.0106 Tc 0.0884 Tw (Scientific \223Time\224 and Extraterrestrial \223Reality\224) Tj 222.24 0 TD 0 Tc 0 Tw (\227) Tj 10.08 0 TD -0.0133 Tc 0.091 Tw (Can They Merge?) Tj 84.24 0 TD 0 Tc 0.0778 Tw ( ) Tj -356.16 -24.48 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.144 Tc 2.28 Tw (The two driving dogmas that have divided the scientific and theological camp is: \221what is the) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj -36 -12.72 TD /F2 11.04 Tf -0.0509 Tc 0 Tw (essence) Tj 33.36 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1582 Tc 0.1582 Tw ( of ) Tj 14.64 0 TD -0.1796 Tc 0.2196 Tw (our being and where do we ) Tj 119.76 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf 0.0509 Tc 0 Tw (fit) Tj 9.36 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1256 Tc 0.2456 Tw ( into the stream of time and reality?\222) Tj 157.92 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj ET endstream +endobj +87 0 obj +10047 +endobj +85 0 obj +<< +/Type /Page +/Parent 76 0 R +/Resources << +/Font << +/F0 6 0 R +/F1 8 0 R +/F2 12 0 R +/F3 15 0 R +/F4 17 0 R +>> +/ProcSet 2 0 R +>> +/Contents 86 0 R +>> +endobj +89 0 obj +<< +/Length 90 0 R +>> +stream +BT 494.4 745.92 TD 0 0 0 rg /F3 11.04 Tf 0.0763 Tc 0 Tw (P) Tj 7.44 0 TD /F3 9.12 Tf -0.019 Tc (ARADOX) Tj 38.16 0 TD /F3 11.04 Tf 0 Tc 0.0509 Tw ( ) Tj -10.56 -706.8 TD /F4 11.04 Tf 0.1022 Tc 0 Tw (23) Tj 10.56 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj ET q 529.68 18 10.32 36.72 re W n BT 535.44 15.36 TD 0.1022 Tc 0 Tw (23) Tj ET Q BT 108 710.16 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1226 Tc 1.4426 Tw (The scientific frame of reference to time postulates that we) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj 270 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf -0.0093 Tc 1.0893 Tw (Homo sapiens) Tj 63.84 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1693 Tc 1.2493 Tw ( have no specific time) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj -369.84 -12.72 TD -0.1475 Tc 2.9075 Tw (in history when our presence dominated this planet only from some remote past. The theologic) Tj 445.68 0 TD -0.0318 Tc 2.5518 Tw (al or) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -445.68 -12.48 TD -0.0887 Tc 3.1037 Tw (extraterrestrial explanation argues for a historic event that can be dated in the texts of the ancient) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.1475 Tc 1.7075 Tw (Sumerian and Hebrew writings. Can the two compromise on some form of agreement? One man thinks) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj T* -0.0787 Tc 0.9187 Tw (they can. He is Ian Barbour, professor emeritus of ) Tj 0.8837 Tc 0 Tw (r) Tj 231.6 0 TD -0.1321 Tc 0.8821 Tw (eligion and physics at Carleton College in Northfield, ) Tj -231.6 -12.72 TD -0.0842 Tc 3.6842 Tw (Minnesota. Barbour, 75, professor of religion and physics recently was awarded the $1.24) Tj 434.16 0 TD -0.0763 Tc 0 Tw (-) Tj 3.6 0 TD -0.2379 Tc 0.1179 Tw (million ) Tj -437.76 -12.48 TD -0.1287 Tc 1.7687 Tw (Templeton Prize for Progress in Religion laid for the groundwork for a new interdisciplinary field with) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.0836 Tc 2.8436 Tw (his 1965 book,) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 75.36 0 TD /F2 11.04 Tf -0.0147 Tc 2.7747 Tw (Issues in Science and Religion) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 150.48 0 TD /F1 11.04 Tf -0.1384 Tc 2.8184 Tw (which influenced a generation of scientists, religious) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -225.84 -12.72 TD -0.1301 Tc 0.2501 Tw (scholars, and laymen alike.) Tj 117.6 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -81.6 -12.48 TD -0.1359 Tc 1.0079 Tw (Barbour stated, \223I always felt we needed to move beyond the hostility. Scientists say they believe) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj -36 -12.72 TD -0.1526 Tc 1.9526 Tw (in evolution, not God. Relig) Tj 127.44 0 TD -0.1254 Tc 1.8516 Tw (ious scholars say they believe in God, but not evolution\205. Well, I say we) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj -127.44 -12.72 TD -0.1726 Tc 0.2926 Tw (don\222t have to choose a side. We can meet somewhere in the middle.\224) Tj 296.64 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -260.64 -12.48 TD -0.1568 Tc 1.3631 Tw (It would seem that the evidence for the Big Bang 15 million years ago to the cloning of a sheep) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -36 -12.72 TD -0.1916 Tc 2.7116 Tw (named Dolly, the wa) Tj 96.96 0 TD -0.1281 Tc 2.4881 Tw (r between religion and science has left little room for reconciliation. But Robert) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -96.96 -12.72 TD -0.125 Tc 3.5127 Tw (Russell, founder and director of the Berkeley Theological Union center, has credited Barbour with) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.1323 Tc 1.2123 Tw (\223constructing bridges and finding the commonalities in the fields.\224 Paul Ku) Tj 335.52 0 TD -0.1369 Tc 0.9369 Tw (rtz, head of the committee for ) Tj -335.52 -12.48 TD -0.1336 Tc 2.5336 Tw (the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal does not like to see the publishing of books) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.1533 Tc 1.3833 Tw (written by scientists pointing to evidence of intelligent design and claims that this kind of \223science\224 only) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj T* -0.0948 Tc 0.2148 Tw (\223pushes our ig) Tj 62.88 0 TD -0.0817 Tc 0.2017 Tw (norance back on step.\224) Tj 99.12 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -126 -12.48 TD -0.1088 Tc 2.2128 Tw (What is so fascinating about science and religion coming together is the fact that since 1950,) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -36 -12.72 TD -0.1255 Tc 1.6301 Tw (discussions between scientists and theologians have created courses on college campuses and that under) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.099 Tc 1.019 Tw (the Library of Congress a number of) Tj 164.16 0 TD -0.1668 Tc 0.9195 Tw ( books have been published with the heading \223Religion and Science\224 ) Tj -164.16 -12.48 TD -0.1497 Tc 1.8125 Tw (has tripled. The American Academy of Religion and the American Association for the Advancement of) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.1252 Tc 0.2452 Tw (Science have programs on the topic at their national and regional meetings.) Tj 325.68 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -289.68 -12.72 TD -0.1897 Tc 2.9497 Tw (If the field of) Tj 64.8 0 TD -0.1277 Tc 2.8363 Tw ( UFO research is to find a legitimate place in science and religion, the issues) Tj 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -100.8 -12.72 TD -0.1409 Tc 1.2959 Tw (addressed in this essay, I believe, must first be overcome by demonstrating how the phenomena exists in) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.48 TD -0.1119 Tc 0.2319 Tw (both realms of reality and must be integrated into the mainstream of stu) Tj 310.56 0 TD -0.1944 Tc 0.3144 Tw (dy at the college level.) Tj 96.48 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -371.04 -12.72 TD -0.1168 Tc 0.9694 Tw (It is the hope and desire of the author that the reader consider the topics mentioned as part of the) Tj 0 Tc -0.36 Tw ( ) Tj -36 -12.72 TD -0.1131 Tc 1.0095 Tw (paradox in which human society exists and what serious UFO research must address if the phenomena is ) Tj 0 -12.48 TD -0.1148 Tc 4.0748 Tw (to be taken seriously by scie) Tj 141.6 0 TD -0.1204 Tc 4.0804 Tw (nce and religion. The author would advance the thought further by) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj -141.6 -12.72 TD -0.1422 Tc 1.8462 Tw (questioning the term Ufology as an accurate reference since the phenomena affects both fields in many) Tj 0 Tc -0.12 Tw ( ) Tj 0 -12.72 TD -0.0494 Tc 0 Tw (ways.) Tj 25.2 0 TD 0 Tc 0.12 Tw ( ) Tj ET endstream +endobj +90 0 obj +6181 +endobj +88 0 obj +<< +/Type /Page +/Parent 76 0 R +/Resources << +/Font << +/F1 8 0 R +/F2 12 0 R +/F3 15 0 R +/F4 17 0 R +>> +/ProcSet 2 0 R +>> +/Contents 89 0 R +>> +endobj +6 0 obj +<< +/Type /Font +/Subtype /TrueType +/Name /F0 +/BaseFont /Arial,Bold +/FirstChar 31 +/LastChar 255 +/Widths [ 750 278 333 474 556 556 889 722 238 333 333 389 584 278 333 278 +278 556 556 556 556 556 556 556 556 556 556 333 333 584 584 584 +611 975 722 722 722 722 667 611 778 722 278 556 722 611 833 722 +778 667 778 722 667 611 722 667 944 667 667 611 333 278 333 584 +556 333 556 611 556 611 556 333 611 611 278 278 556 278 889 611 +611 611 611 389 556 333 611 556 778 556 556 500 389 280 389 584 +750 556 750 278 556 500 1000 556 556 333 1000 667 333 1000 750 750 +750 750 278 278 500 500 350 556 1000 333 1000 556 333 944 750 750 +667 278 333 556 556 556 556 280 556 333 737 370 556 584 333 737 +552 400 549 333 333 333 576 556 278 333 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