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@@ -295,6 +295,16 @@ https://besacenter.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/183-Milburn-study-final.pdf
Presentation about the report:
+## Former Legislator Henry W. McElroy, Jr.'s Statement and Warning
+Here's Former New Hampshire Legislator Henry W. McElroy, Jr.'s [video recorded statement](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NNV8-k5UvpY&ab_channel=ufonotebook) made on 5/8/2010, on what he called the "visitor" situation, the Eisenhower 1954 meeting, etc.
+He had an interesting and very sad background. He tried to get some unusual bills passed and other things. You can [Google](https://www.google.com/search?q=mcelroy+et+al+15+iroquois+398-JM)) or [DuckDuckGo](https://duckduckgo.com/?q=mcelroy+et+al+15+iroquois+398-JM) this specific phrase without quotes to start your own investigation and recover the full series of events, all from public records. Remember:
+mcelroy et al 15 iroquois 398-JM
+Or just parse this Cryptos Conundrum-style riddle yourself and use Google, DDG, ancestry.com, and newspapers.com on everything - it's all there.
## References, Briefing Documents
DIA DIRD's (Defense Intelligence Agency's _Defense Intelligence Reference Documents_):
@@ -730,9 +740,7 @@ https://thinkaboutit.site/ufos/project-preserve-destiny/
Potentially some corroboration:
-### Breadcrumb
Google or DDG this phrase with no quotes:
-mcelroy et al 15 iroquois 398-JM
-Fully investigated this case. Poor guy was destroyed.