diff --git a/PHILIP J. CORSO'S US ARMY OFFICER QUALIFICATION RECORD (DA FORM 66).mhtml b/PHILIP J. CORSO'S US ARMY OFFICER QUALIFICATION RECORD (DA FORM 66).mhtml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6edef2e --- /dev/null +++ b/PHILIP J. CORSO'S US ARMY OFFICER QUALIFICATION RECORD (DA FORM 66).mhtml @@ -0,0 +1,565 @@ +From: +Snapshot-Content-Location: http://www.cufon.org/cufon/corso_da66.htm +Subject: PHILIP J. CORSO'S US ARMY OFFICER QUALIFICATION RECORD (DA FORM 66) +Date: Thu, 7 Apr 2022 23:51:40 -0000 +MIME-Version: 1.0 +Content-Type: multipart/related; + type="text/html"; + boundary="----MultipartBoundary--VEHh4lCMppIr4ibkwNcs6wIftO62Y7oR22ejttiJE2----" + + +------MultipartBoundary--VEHh4lCMppIr4ibkwNcs6wIftO62Y7oR22ejttiJE2---- +Content-Type: text/html +Content-ID: +Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable +Content-Location: http://www.cufon.org/cufon/corso_da66.htm + + +PHILIP J. CORSO'S US ARMY OFFICER QUALIFICATION RECORD (DA FORM 66)<= +/title> +<meta http-equiv=3D"keywords" content=3D"CUFON, cufon, UFO, ufo, Corso, Phi= +lip Corso, Philip J. Corso, Roswell, The Day After Roswell, DA Form 66, Gou= +die, Dale Goudie, Klotz, Jim Klotz, Lambright, Chris Lambright"> +<meta name=3D"GENERATOR" content=3D"Microsoft FrontPage 4.0"> +</head> + +<body> +<div align=3D"left"> + +<table border=3D"0" cellpadding=3D"10" cellspacing=3D"0" width=3D"639"> + <tbody><tr> + <td bgcolor=3D"#FFFFFF" width=3D"639"><p align=3D"center"><big><big>Phi= +lip J. Corso's Department + of the Army Form 66,</big></big><br> + <big><big>Officer Qualification Record</big></big></p> + <p><u>The Day After Roswell</u>, caused immediate controversy when it w= +as published in + 1997 because of the apparent qualifications and background of the autho= +r retired US Army + officer Philip J. Corso, and because of the extraordinary claims made i= +n the book: that + Corso handled and parceled out to US industry technology recovered from= + a UFO crash in New + Mexico in the late 1940's. </p> + <p>The documents, images of which are presented below, were originally = +obtained by Larry + Bryant through a Freedom of Information Act request, subsequently suppl= +ied to <a href=3D"mailto:jan@cyberzone.net">Jan Aldrich</a> of <a href=3D"h= +ttp://www.project1947.com/" target=3D"_top">Project + 1947</a>, and finally sent to us by Jan. The documents are Philip J. Co= +rso's Department of + the Army Form 66, Officer Qualification Record, which summarizes his mi= +litary career. The + information contained in this record is in summary form, and generally = +can't be used to + determine specific reasons why something happened in a person's career.= + Some items are + blacked out because of the Privacy Act. Some items are in apparent conf= +lict with + statements made in <u>The Day After Roswell</u>.</p> + <p>CUFON is presenting these items in furtherance of our goal to make p= +ertinent + information freely available to an interested public. Corso's book has = +further divided + much of the UFO community seemingly validating the belief systems of so= +me, and damaging + those of others. Corso's credibility results largely from the credentia= +ls he brought to + the subject by virtue of his military career. The documents presented h= +ere, while not his + whole military personnel record, shows some apparent conflicts with cla= +ims made in The Day + After Roswell.</p> + <p>Comments below are from Jan Aldrich: </p> + <p>The information on the forms provides the following facts: </p> + <div align=3D"left"><table border=3D"0" cellpadding=3D"0" cellspacing= +=3D"0" width=3D"610"> + <tbody><tr> + <td width=3D"33">1.<br> + <br> + </td> + <td width=3D"577">LTC Corso was a commissioned in the Artillery and= + the Artillery was his + control branch during his career.<br> + </td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td width=3D"33">2.<br> + </td> + <td width=3D"577">He was a reserve officer.<br> + </td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td width=3D"33">3.<br> + </td> + <td width=3D"577">He served 21 years in the Army. 23 Feb 42-1 Mar 6= +3 .<br> + </td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td width=3D"33">4.<br> + <br> + <br> + <br> + <br> + </td> + <td width=3D"577">He has credit for 4 overseas tours.<br> + European theater 13 Apr 43- 22 Mar 46<br> + Mediterranean theater 24 May 46-22 Mar 47<br> + Far East Command 1 Sep 50-2 Jun 53<br> + US Army, Europe 19 Oct 57-13 Sep 60 <br> + </td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td width=3D"33">5.<br> + </td> + <td width=3D"577">He was granted a General Staff Identifier on 1 Ju= +n 62.<br> + </td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td width=3D"33">6.<br> + </td> + <td width=3D"577">He was promoted to Lt.Col. in AUS on 30 July 53 a= +nd in USAR 21 May 1957. <br> + </td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td width=3D"33">7.<br> + <br> + </td> + <td width=3D"577">He had a long list of Military Occupational Speci= +alties most involved with + Intelligence and Air Defense Artillery. <br> + </td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td width=3D"33">8.<br> + </td> + <td width=3D"577">He had a command as a Battalion Commander of Air = +Defense Battalion in + Europe. <br> + </td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td width=3D"33">9.<br> + <br> + </td> + <td width=3D"577">Civilian Education includes 2 years of college. H= +e had two Intel Courses + and three Artillery Courses.<br> + </td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td width=3D"33">10.<br> + <br> + </td> + <td width=3D"577">He was awarded the Legion of Merit and other comm= +endations. He has a + number of campaign ribbons for service during WW II and the Korean = +War.<br> + </td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td width=3D"33">11.<br> + </td> + <td width=3D"577">He has no credit for campaigns in Korea. <br> + </td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td width=3D"33">12.<br> + <br> + </td> + <td width=3D"577">He was detailed away from his career main branch = +five times comprising a + significant part of his career.<br> + </td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td width=3D"33">13.<br> + </td> + <td width=3D"577">He was assigned to Fort Riley, Kansas from 21 Apr= +il 1947 - 12 May 1950. <br> + </td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td width=3D"33">14<br> + <br> + </td> + <td width=3D"577">He was assigned to GHQ, Far East Command on 11 Se= +p 50 to 1 Jan 53, as + Intel Staff Officer, Plans & Estimate Branch, Theater Intellige= +nce Div, G-2.<br> + </td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td width=3D"33">15.<br> + <br> + </td> + <td width=3D"577">From 1 Jan 53 to 2 Jun 53 he was assigned as Chie= +f Special Project Branch, + G-2 Section of the HQ, AFFE, 8000th AU (I do not know what these de= +signations mean.)<br> + </td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td width=3D"33">16.<br> + <br> + </td> + <td width=3D"577">From 15 Jul 53 to 20 Oct 56 he served in various = +Intel positions in + Washington, DC included a short temporary duty to the Psychological= + Strategy Board (PSB) + at the State Department. <br> + </td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td width=3D"33"></td> + <td width=3D"577">He had various other assignments until 1961. The = +most important to his + career was as Battalion Commander from 1957 to 1958.<br> + </td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td width=3D"33">18.<br> + <br> + <br> + </td> + <td width=3D"577">On June 20th, 1961 he was assigned to the Foreign= + Technology Division + (FTD) as a Staff officer. He stayed at that assignment until 18 Jul= +y 1962, when he was + assigned as Staff Officer in the Plans Div, OCRD, Washington, DC. <= +br> + </td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td width=3D"33">19.<br> + <br> + <br> + </td> + <td width=3D"577">During his FTD assignment, he was chief from 18 A= +pril - 18 Jul 1962. Of + this 90 day assignment, which qualified him for a official rating r= +eport as chief, he was + absent for 15 of those days.<br> + </td> + </tr> + </tbody></table> + </div><p align=3D"left"><font face=3D"Times New Roman" size=3D"3">Corso= + said he was head of the + Foreign Technology desk. I take that to mean he was Chief of the Foreig= +n Technology + Division just as when Edward Ruppelt said he was head of the UFO desk a= +t ATIC, we can take + that to mean Ruppelt was chief of Project Blue Book. </font></p> + <font size=3D"3"></font><p><font size=3D"3"><font face=3D"Times New Rom= +an">William Birnes called me up to dispute this + little point. I still stand by what I said and the records bear me out,= + Corso was only + chief or HEAD of the Foreign Technology Division for 90 days not two ye= +ars.  You can + parse words all you want the first sentense in Corso's book definitely = +leaves the + impression that he is the chief or head. If that was not what was inten= +ded, then it should + have been worded differently.</font></font><font face=3D"Arial" size=3D= +"2"></font></p><font face=3D"Arial" size=3D"2"> + </font><p>Certain things can be inferred from Corso's record. However, = +drawing conclusions + from limited information is very likely to lead to incorrect answers. <= +/p> + <p>DA Form 66's are generally better maintained for officers than for e= +nlisted personnel. + Assignments and "duties performed" for officers are usually taken from = +their + rating reports. However, mistakes are incorporated into the form more f= +requently than + personnel officers would like. The officer is required to audit his for= +m periodically and + Corso's form indicates that an audit was done just prior to his retirem= +ent. </p> + <p>So with the qualifications expressed above, what can be concluded ab= +out Corso's career? + </p> + <div align=3D"left"><table border=3D"0" cellpadding=3D"0" cellspacing= +=3D"0" width=3D"610"> + <tbody><tr> + <td width=3D"33">1.<br> + <br> + </td> + <td width=3D"577">He obtained a General Staff Identifier. This is r= +ather important and + impressive. This would be a positive factor for further promotion c= +onsideration.<br> + </td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td width=3D"33">2.<br> + <br> + </td> + <td width=3D"577">He did not try to raise his civilian educational = +level. This figures + against him for promotion and retention.<br> + </td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td width=3D"33">3.<br> + <br> + <br> + <br> + </td> + <td width=3D"577">He had a wide variety of assignments, many of the= +m away form the his + career branch. Once again, this would figure against him for promot= +ion and retention + unless his raters outside the Artillery Branch could influence his = +Branch to give special + consideration for the duties performed.<br> + </td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td width=3D"33">4.<br> + <br> + <br> + </td> + <td width=3D"577">Corso's Form 66 would not indicate if he applied = +for Regular Army status. + It is obvious that he did not have it. Reserve Officers generally w= +ere under an "up + or out" policy. If they were considered and passed over for promoti= +on, generally + twice; then they had to leave the Service.<br> + </td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td width=3D"33"></td> + <td width=3D"577">He was assigned to Fort Riley, Kansas during the = +time he indicated in his + book and probably served a number of times as Field Officer of the = +Day (FOD).<br> + </td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td width=3D"33">6.<br> + </td> + <td width=3D"577">He was Chief of FTD for 90 days. He worked for FT= +D for one year.<br> + </td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td width=3D"33">7.<br> + <br> + <br> + <br> + </td> + <td width=3D"577">FTD was part of OCRD and he was assigned there fr= +om 5 May 61 to his + retirement on 1 Mar 1963; less than two years, of which he was abse= +nt for 37 days. + Considering that he had to get his retirement planning and preparat= +ion done and the + required time for out processing, more than the 37 days must have b= +een consumed on + personal matters.<br> + </td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td width=3D"33">8.<br> + <br> + <br> + </td> + <td width=3D"577">He was awarded the Legion of Merit for his Far Ea= +st tour. This is a + significant award, not just an "I-was-there-too" award. Since 1989 = +or so, the + Army has handed out awards like candy. During Corso's career, soldi= +ers generally earned + the awards they got. <br> + </td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td width=3D"33">9.<br> + <br> + <br> + <br> + </td> + <td width=3D"577">Someone commented that Corso was only Battalion C= +ommander for part of this + tour in Germany. There is nothing adverse here. It is standard proc= +edure to spend half a + tour in command and then go on to a staff position. In Corso's case= +, it was Inspector + General for 7th Army Support Command. <br> + </td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td width=3D"33">10.<br> + <br> + <br> + </td> + <td width=3D"577">Most of Corso's Military Occupational Specialties= + (MOS) were awarded due + to qualification from schools. His Research and Development Coordin= +ator MOS was apparently + awarded by virtue of his work in that position.<br> + </td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td width=3D"33">11.<br> + <br> + <br> + <br> + </td> + <td width=3D"577">Both the R & D Coordinator MOS, the General S= +taff Identifier and the + Chief FTD assignment were about the same time. One could speculate = +that Corso's boss was + trying to get his records spruced up for the next promotion/retenti= +on board. Certainly, + this is not unheard of. Whether it is true or not is another questi= +on. <br> + </td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td width=3D"33">12<br> + </td> + <td width=3D"577">Corso last officially reviewed his records on 25 = +Feb 63 which was probably + in preparation for his retirement on 1 Mar 63.</td> + </tr> + </tbody></table> + </div><p>The DA Form 66 does not indicate security clearances. Generall= +y, today a + Battalion Commander in the Air Defense requires a Top Secret/Sensitive = +Compartmentalized + Information (TS/SCI) clearance which requires a Special Background Inve= +stigation. + Clearance information is on the clearance form itself or on the Officer= + Record Brief. </p> + <p>Some of Corso's assignments like Unit Advisor to the National Guard = +in Towson, Maryland + from 10 Oct 60 to 5 May 61 could very well have been a cover assignment= +, or may have been + an actual assignment. If Corso were such a fast burner in the intellige= +nce field, his + superiors should have got him his promotion to full Colonel. That may h= +ave required some + greasing of the skids with the Artillery Branch, but certainly not unhe= +ard of. </p> + <p>Speculation on what could, should or would have happened is just tha= +t: speculation. </p> + <p>Jan Aldrich<br> + Project 1947<br> + <a href=3D"http://www.project1947.com/" target=3D"_top"> + http://www.project1947.com/</a><br> + P. O. Box 391, Canterbury, CT 06331, USA<br> + Telephone: (860) 546-9135<br> + <br> + </p> + <hr width=3D"500"> + <p align=3D"center"><big><big><strong>FOIA RELEASE LETTER</strong></big= +></big></p> + <p> </p> + <p align=3D"CENTER">DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY<br> + U.S. ARMY RESERVE PERSONNEL CENTER<br> + 9700 PAGE AVENUE<br> + ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI 63132-5200</p> + <p><small><small><font face=3D"Arial">REPLY TO<br> + ATTENTION OF AUG 04 1997</font></small></small></p> + <p>Freedom of Information Act</p> + <p>Privacy Act Inquiry Office</p> + <p>Mr. Larry W. Bryant<br> + [ ADDRESS DELETED BY CUFON ]</p> + <p>Dear Mr. Bryant:</p> + <p>This is in response to your request for a copy of Colonel Philip J. = +Corso's military + personnel record. The request was received in this office on June 27, 1= +997. A copy of + Colonel Corso's military personnel record is not releasable without his= + written consent.</p> + <p>Enclosed is a copy of Colonel Philip J. Corso's DA Form 66, which co= +ntains releasable + information. Personal information has been deleted and the record withh= +eld in accordance + with Title 5, U.S. Code, Section 552 (b) (6).</p> + <p>If you consider my response to be a denial of your request, you may = +appeal by writing + to the Commander, U.S. Army Reserve Personnel Center, ATTN: ARPC-IMP-F,= + 9700 Page Avenue, + St. Louis, MO 63132-5200, within 60 days of your receipt of this letter= +. Your appeal must + state the basis of your disagreement. Fees and charges allowable under = +the Freedom of + Information Act are waived.</p> + <p>Enclosures</p> + <p><a name=3D"links">S</a>incerely,</p> + <div align=3D"left"><table border=3D"0" cellpadding=3D"0" cellspacing= +=3D"0" width=3D"610"> + <tbody><tr> + <td width=3D"64"></td> + <td width=3D"546">/s/ Ange F. Nash<br> + Ange F. Nash<br> + Freedom of Information<br> + Privacy Act Officer</td> + </tr> + </tbody></table> + </div><hr width=3D"500"> + <p><a href=3D"http://www.cufon.org/cufon/corso_p1.htm" target=3D"_blank= +">Click here to view images of Colonel Philip J. Corso's DA Form + 66</a></p> + <p><a href=3D"http://www.cufon.org/cufon/corso_da66.zip">Click here to = +download .ZIP file (.HTM files,  images in + .JPG + release letter in MS Word 97 format)</a></p> + <p> </p></td> + </tr> +</tbody></table> +</div><div align=3D"left"> + +<table border=3D"0" cellpadding=3D"5" cellspacing=3D"0" width=3D"635" heigh= +t=3D"50"> + <tbody><tr> + <td width=3D"43" valign=3D"top" align=3D"left" height=3D"40"></td> + <td width=3D"572" valign=3D"top" align=3D"left" height=3D"40"><strong><= +big>C  U  F +  O  N</big></strong><br> + The Computer UFO Network<br> + <a href=3D"http://www.cufon.org/" target=3D"_top">http://www.cufon.or= +g/</a> + <p>SYSOP - <a href=3D"mailto:mail@cufon.org">Jim Klotz</a><br> + Webmaster - <a href=3D"mailto:mail@cufon.org">Chris Lambright</a></p> + <p>UFO Reporting and + Information Service<br> + Director - <a href=3D"mailto:mail@cufon.org">Dale Goudie</a><br> + Mail service currently unavailableVoice Line - unavailable</p></td> + </tr> +</tbody></table> +</div><div align=3D"left"> + +<table border=3D"0" cellpadding=3D"5" cellspacing=3D"0" width=3D"634" heigh= +t=3D"37"> + <tbody><tr> + <td width=3D"45" height=3D"27"></td> + <td width=3D"191" valign=3D"middle" align=3D"center" height=3D"27"><a h= +ref=3D"http://www.cufon.org/cufon/corso_da66.htm#top" target=3D"_self">Back= + to Top of + this Page</a></td> + <td width=3D"194" valign=3D"middle" align=3D"center" height=3D"27"></td= +> + <td width=3D"194" valign=3D"middle" align=3D"center" height=3D"27"><a h= +ref=3D"http://www.cufon.org/" target=3D"_top">To + CUFON Main Page</a></td> + </tr> +</tbody></table> +</div> + +<p> </p> + + +<span id=3D"buffer-extension-hover-button" style=3D"display: none; position= +: absolute; z-index: 8675309; width: 100px; height: 25px; background-image:= + url("chrome-extension://noojglkidnpfjbincgijbaiedldjfbhh/data/shared/= +img/buffer-hover-icon@1x.png"); background-size: 100px 25px; opacity: = +0.9; cursor: pointer;"></span></body></html> +------MultipartBoundary--VEHh4lCMppIr4ibkwNcs6wIftO62Y7oR22ejttiJE2------