At this point in the UAP Disclosure Process what's been missing is a compilation of the key information from the people with clearances. This repo aims to fill that gap.
Some of the key UAP related reading/listening materials are from Corso, Crain, Elizondo, Davis, Puthoff, Hastings, Ramirez, a few 1940's-1950's-era memo/report leaks, the declassified Austrialian report, and some other things. I believe this key material, taken as a whole, tells a reasonably coherent picture of UAP C/R's ("crash recoveries" - Puthoff/Davis/Corso/Crain) since the early 40's and an active R&D program that seeded US industry with "exotic materials" (Corso, Crain, Elizondo).
- Lt. Col. Philip J. Corso - Chief [Foreign Technology Division (FTD) of the US DoD](, Battalion Commander of European Air Defense, Chief of the US Counter Intelligence Corps in Rome ([Wikipedia]( and [Army Form 66](
- Luis “Lue” Elizondo - Program Manager/Director for [AATIP](, Career Intelligence Officer US Army and DoD, Counterintelligence Special Agent US Army ([Official Page](, [Wikipedia](, [Twitter](
- Dr. Eric W. Davis PhD - Astrophysicist (University of Arizona) with a background in Quantum Field Theory and Relativity, Consultant to US Air Force (AFRL)/DoD/DoE/NASA, and Senior Science Advisor at the Institute for Advanced Studies in Austin ([EarthTech](
- Dr. Hal E. Puthoff PhD - Electrical Engineer (Stanford), Director of the Institute for Advanced Studies at Austin, Chairman of the Science Advisory Board of [Bigelow Aerospace]( ([Wikipedia]( and [EarthTech](
- John F. Ramirez - Intelligence Analyst, GS-15 CIA Directorate of Science and Technology, Directorate of Intelligence, and the ODNI National Counterproliferation Center (NCPC) 1984-2009. Chief, ELINT Analysis Branch specializing in Ballistic Missile Defense. Majored in Political Science, graduated George Washington University 1983, recipient of the CIA [Career Intelligence Medal]( 3/17/2010. ([Twitter](
[Director of National Intelligence]( (DNI) [Avril Haines]( on UAP: "there [is] something else that we simply do not understand that might come extraterrestrial/extraterrestrially" - 11/2021<br>
TELL MY STORY - June Crain: exotic materials, R C/R, [Paperclip Scientists](, early [SAP]( projects, interviewed by [police sergeant James Clarkson](<br>
Dr. Eric Davis: Classified Briefing to the [Senate Armed Services Committee]( - 10/21/19<br>
Christopher Mellon (20 years in the U.S. Intelligence Community, Minority Staff Director of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence)<br>
The FBI-CIA-UFO Connection: The Hidden UFO Activities of USA Intelligence Agencies - [Dr. Bruce Maccabee]( (Physicist, Naval Surface Warfare Center)<br>