pragma solidity ^0.5.8; import "./Mixer.sol"; import "@openzeppelin/contracts-ethereum-package/contracts/GSN/GSNRecipient.sol"; import "@openzeppelin/contracts-ethereum-package/contracts/GSN/IRelayHub.sol"; contract GSNMixer is Mixer, GSNRecipient { constructor( address _verifier, uint256 _mixDenomination, uint8 _merkleTreeHeight, uint256 _emptyElement, address payable _operator ) Mixer(_verifier, _mixDenomination, _merkleTreeHeight, _emptyElement, _operator) public { } modifier onlyHub() { require(msg.sender == getHubAddr(), "only relay hub"); _; } function withdrawViaRelayer(uint256[2] memory a, uint256[2][2] memory b, uint256[2] memory c, uint256[5] memory input) public { uint256 root = input[0]; uint256 nullifierHash = input[1]; require(!nullifierHashes[nullifierHash], "The note has been already spent"); require(isKnownRoot(root), "Cannot find your merkle root"); // Make sure to use a recent one require(verifier.verifyProof(a, b, c, input), "Invalid withdraw proof"); nullifierHashes[nullifierHash] = true; // we will process withdraw in postRelayedCall func } // gsn related stuff // this func is called by a Relayer via the RelayerHub before sending a tx function acceptRelayedCall( address /*relay*/, address /*from*/, bytes memory encodedFunction, uint256 /*transactionFee*/, uint256 /*gasPrice*/, uint256 /*gasLimit*/, uint256 /*nonce*/, bytes memory /*approvalData*/, uint256 /*maxPossibleCharge*/ ) public view returns (uint256, bytes memory) { // think of a withdraw dry-run if (!compareBytesWithSelector(encodedFunction, this.withdrawViaRelayer.selector)) { return (1, "Only withdrawViaRelayer can be called"); } bytes memory recipient; assembly { let dataPointer := add(encodedFunction, 32) let nullifierPointer := mload(add(dataPointer, 292)) // 4 + (8 * 32) + (32) == selector + proof + root let recipientPointer := mload(add(dataPointer, 324)) // 4 + (8 * 32) + (32) + (32) == selector + proof + root + nullifier mstore(recipient, 64) // save array length mstore(add(recipient, 32), recipientPointer) // save recipient address mstore(add(recipient, 64), nullifierPointer) // save nullifier address } return (0, recipient); } // this func is called by RelayerHub right before calling a target func function preRelayedCall(bytes calldata /*context*/) external returns (bytes32) {} function postRelayedCall(bytes memory context, bool /*success*/, uint actualCharge, bytes32 /*preRetVal*/) public {} function compareBytesWithSelector(bytes memory data, bytes4 sel) internal pure returns (bool) { return data[0] == sel[0] && data[1] == sel[1] && data[2] == sel[2] && data[3] == sel[3]; } function withdrawFundsFromHub(uint256 amount, address payable dest) external { require(msg.sender == operator, "unauthorized"); IRelayHub(getHubAddr()).withdraw(amount, dest); } function upgradeRelayHub(address newRelayHub) external { require(msg.sender == operator, "unauthorized"); _upgradeRelayHub(newRelayHub); } }