// https://tornado.cash /* * d888888P dP a88888b. dP * 88 88 d8' `88 88 * 88 .d8888b. 88d888b. 88d888b. .d8888b. .d888b88 .d8888b. 88 .d8888b. .d8888b. 88d888b. * 88 88' `88 88' `88 88' `88 88' `88 88' `88 88' `88 88 88' `88 Y8ooooo. 88' `88 * 88 88. .88 88 88 88 88. .88 88. .88 88. .88 dP Y8. .88 88. .88 88 88 88 * dP `88888P' dP dP dP `88888P8 `88888P8 `88888P' 88 Y88888P' `88888P8 `88888P' dP dP * ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo */ // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity ^0.7.0; interface IHasher { function MiMCSponge(uint256 in_xL, uint256 in_xR) external pure returns (uint256 xL, uint256 xR); } contract MerkleTreeWithHistory { uint256 public constant FIELD_SIZE = 21888242871839275222246405745257275088548364400416034343698204186575808495617; uint256 public constant ZERO_VALUE = 21663839004416932945382355908790599225266501822907911457504978515578255421292; // = keccak256("tornado") % FIELD_SIZE IHasher public immutable hasher; uint32 public levels; // the following variables are made public for easier testing and debugging and // are not supposed to be accessed in regular code // filledSubtrees and roots could be bytes32[size], but using mappings makes it cheaper because // it removes index range check on every interaction mapping(uint256 => bytes32) public filledSubtrees; mapping(uint256 => bytes32) public roots; uint32 public constant ROOT_HISTORY_SIZE = 30; uint32 public currentRootIndex = 0; uint32 public nextIndex = 0; constructor(uint32 _levels, IHasher _hasher) { require(_levels > 0, "_levels should be greater than zero"); require(_levels < 32, "_levels should be less than 32"); levels = _levels; hasher = _hasher; for (uint32 i = 0; i < _levels; i++) { filledSubtrees[i] = zeros(i); } roots[0] = zeros(_levels - 1); } /** @dev Hash 2 tree leaves, returns MiMC(_left, _right) */ function hashLeftRight( IHasher _hasher, bytes32 _left, bytes32 _right ) public pure returns (bytes32) { require(uint256(_left) < FIELD_SIZE, "_left should be inside the field"); require(uint256(_right) < FIELD_SIZE, "_right should be inside the field"); uint256 R = uint256(_left); uint256 C = 0; (R, C) = _hasher.MiMCSponge(R, C); R = addmod(R, uint256(_right), FIELD_SIZE); (R, C) = _hasher.MiMCSponge(R, C); return bytes32(R); } function _insert(bytes32 _leaf) internal returns (uint32 index) { uint32 _nextIndex = nextIndex; require(_nextIndex != uint32(2)**levels, "Merkle tree is full. No more leaves can be added"); uint32 currentIndex = _nextIndex; bytes32 currentLevelHash = _leaf; bytes32 left; bytes32 right; for (uint32 i = 0; i < levels; i++) { if (currentIndex % 2 == 0) { left = currentLevelHash; right = zeros(i); filledSubtrees[i] = currentLevelHash; } else { left = filledSubtrees[i]; right = currentLevelHash; } currentLevelHash = hashLeftRight(hasher, left, right); currentIndex /= 2; } uint32 newRootIndex = (currentRootIndex + 1) % ROOT_HISTORY_SIZE; currentRootIndex = newRootIndex; roots[newRootIndex] = currentLevelHash; nextIndex = _nextIndex + 1; return _nextIndex; } /** @dev Whether the root is present in the root history */ function isKnownRoot(bytes32 _root) public view returns (bool) { if (_root == 0) { return false; } uint32 _currentRootIndex = currentRootIndex; uint32 i = _currentRootIndex; do { if (_root == roots[i]) { return true; } if (i == 0) { i = ROOT_HISTORY_SIZE; } i--; } while (i != _currentRootIndex); return false; } /** @dev Returns the last root */ function getLastRoot() public view returns (bytes32) { return roots[currentRootIndex]; } /// @dev provides Zero (Empty) elements for a MiMC MerkleTree. Up to 32 levels function zeros(uint256 i) public pure returns (bytes32) { if (i == 0) return bytes32(0x2fe54c60d3acabf3343a35b6eba15db4821b340f76e741e2249685ed4899af6c); else if (i == 1) return bytes32(0x256a6135777eee2fd26f54b8b7037a25439d5235caee224154186d2b8a52e31d); else if (i == 2) return bytes32(0x1151949895e82ab19924de92c40a3d6f7bcb60d92b00504b8199613683f0c200); else if (i == 3) return bytes32(0x20121ee811489ff8d61f09fb89e313f14959a0f28bb428a20dba6b0b068b3bdb); else if (i == 4) return bytes32(0x0a89ca6ffa14cc462cfedb842c30ed221a50a3d6bf022a6a57dc82ab24c157c9); else if (i == 5) return bytes32(0x24ca05c2b5cd42e890d6be94c68d0689f4f21c9cec9c0f13fe41d566dfb54959); else if (i == 6) return bytes32(0x1ccb97c932565a92c60156bdba2d08f3bf1377464e025cee765679e604a7315c); else if (i == 7) return bytes32(0x19156fbd7d1a8bf5cba8909367de1b624534ebab4f0f79e003bccdd1b182bdb4); else if (i == 8) return bytes32(0x261af8c1f0912e465744641409f622d466c3920ac6e5ff37e36604cb11dfff80); else if (i == 9) return bytes32(0x0058459724ff6ca5a1652fcbc3e82b93895cf08e975b19beab3f54c217d1c007); else if (i == 10) return bytes32(0x1f04ef20dee48d39984d8eabe768a70eafa6310ad20849d4573c3c40c2ad1e30); else if (i == 11) return bytes32(0x1bea3dec5dab51567ce7e200a30f7ba6d4276aeaa53e2686f962a46c66d511e5); else if (i == 12) return bytes32(0x0ee0f941e2da4b9e31c3ca97a40d8fa9ce68d97c084177071b3cb46cd3372f0f); else if (i == 13) return bytes32(0x1ca9503e8935884501bbaf20be14eb4c46b89772c97b96e3b2ebf3a36a948bbd); else if (i == 14) return bytes32(0x133a80e30697cd55d8f7d4b0965b7be24057ba5dc3da898ee2187232446cb108); else if (i == 15) return bytes32(0x13e6d8fc88839ed76e182c2a779af5b2c0da9dd18c90427a644f7e148a6253b6); else if (i == 16) return bytes32(0x1eb16b057a477f4bc8f572ea6bee39561098f78f15bfb3699dcbb7bd8db61854); else if (i == 17) return bytes32(0x0da2cb16a1ceaabf1c16b838f7a9e3f2a3a3088d9e0a6debaa748114620696ea); else if (i == 18) return bytes32(0x24a3b3d822420b14b5d8cb6c28a574f01e98ea9e940551d2ebd75cee12649f9d); else if (i == 19) return bytes32(0x198622acbd783d1b0d9064105b1fc8e4d8889de95c4c519b3f635809fe6afc05); else if (i == 20) return bytes32(0x29d7ed391256ccc3ea596c86e933b89ff339d25ea8ddced975ae2fe30b5296d4); else if (i == 21) return bytes32(0x19be59f2f0413ce78c0c3703a3a5451b1d7f39629fa33abd11548a76065b2967); else if (i == 22) return bytes32(0x1ff3f61797e538b70e619310d33f2a063e7eb59104e112e95738da1254dc3453); else if (i == 23) return bytes32(0x10c16ae9959cf8358980d9dd9616e48228737310a10e2b6b731c1a548f036c48); else if (i == 24) return bytes32(0x0ba433a63174a90ac20992e75e3095496812b652685b5e1a2eae0b1bf4e8fcd1); else if (i == 25) return bytes32(0x019ddb9df2bc98d987d0dfeca9d2b643deafab8f7036562e627c3667266a044c); else if (i == 26) return bytes32(0x2d3c88b23175c5a5565db928414c66d1912b11acf974b2e644caaac04739ce99); else if (i == 27) return bytes32(0x2eab55f6ae4e66e32c5189eed5c470840863445760f5ed7e7b69b2a62600f354); else if (i == 28) return bytes32(0x002df37a2642621802383cf952bf4dd1f32e05433beeb1fd41031fb7eace979d); else if (i == 29) return bytes32(0x104aeb41435db66c3e62feccc1d6f5d98d0a0ed75d1374db457cf462e3a1f427); else if (i == 30) return bytes32(0x1f3c6fd858e9a7d4b0d1f38e256a09d81d5a5e3c963987e2d4b814cfab7c6ebb); else if (i == 31) return bytes32(0x2c7a07d20dff79d01fecedc1134284a8d08436606c93693b67e333f671bf69cc); else revert("Index out of bounds"); } }