work in progress for gsn

This commit is contained in:
poma 2019-10-25 19:15:54 +03:00
parent 7c1b20b693
commit e3d77b4e1d
13 changed files with 4673 additions and 7 deletions

.gitignore vendored
View File

@ -96,3 +96,6 @@ typings/
ERC20Mixer_flat.sol ERC20Mixer_flat.sol
ETHMixer_flat.sol ETHMixer_flat.sol

View File

@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ const merkleTree = require('./lib/MerkleTree')
const Web3 = require('web3') const Web3 = require('web3')
const buildGroth16 = require('websnark/src/groth16') const buildGroth16 = require('websnark/src/groth16')
const websnarkUtils = require('websnark/src/utils') const websnarkUtils = require('websnark/src/utils')
const { GSNProvider, GSNDevProvider } = require('@openzeppelin/gsn-provider')
const { ephemeral } = require('@openzeppelin/network')
let web3, mixer, erc20mixer, circuit, proving_key, groth16, erc20 let web3, mixer, erc20mixer, circuit, proving_key, groth16, erc20
@ -29,6 +31,7 @@ function createDeposit(nullifier, secret) {
let deposit = { nullifier, secret } let deposit = { nullifier, secret }
deposit.preimage = Buffer.concat([deposit.nullifier.leInt2Buff(31), deposit.secret.leInt2Buff(31)]) deposit.preimage = Buffer.concat([deposit.nullifier.leInt2Buff(31), deposit.secret.leInt2Buff(31)])
deposit.commitment = pedersenHash(deposit.preimage) deposit.commitment = pedersenHash(deposit.preimage)
deposit.nullifierHash = pedersenHash(nullifier.leInt2Buff(31))
return deposit return deposit
} }
@ -38,9 +41,10 @@ function createDeposit(nullifier, secret) {
*/ */
async function deposit() { async function deposit() {
const deposit = createDeposit(rbigint(31), rbigint(31)) const deposit = createDeposit(rbigint(31), rbigint(31))
const fromAccount = (await web3.eth.getAccounts())[0]
console.log('Submitting deposit transaction') console.log('Submitting deposit transaction')
await mixer.methods.deposit('0x' + deposit.commitment.toString(16)).send({ value: ETH_AMOUNT, from: (await web3.eth.getAccounts())[0], gas:1e6 }) await mixer.methods.deposit('0x' + deposit.commitment.toString(16)).send({ value: ETH_AMOUNT, from: fromAccount, gas:1e6 })
const note = '0x' + deposit.preimage.toString('hex') const note = '0x' + deposit.preimage.toString('hex')
console.log('Your note:', note) console.log('Your note:', note)
@ -48,19 +52,21 @@ async function deposit() {
} }
async function depositErc20() { async function depositErc20() {
const account = (await web3.eth.getAccounts())[0] const fromAccount = (await web3.eth.getAccounts())[0]
const tokenAmount = process.env.TOKEN_AMOUNT const tokenAmount = process.env.TOKEN_AMOUNT
await, tokenAmount).send({ from: account, gas:1e6 })
await erc20.methods.approve(erc20mixer.address, tokenAmount).send({ from: account, gas:1e6 }) await, tokenAmount).send({ from: fromAccount, gas:1e6 })
const allowance = await erc20.methods.allowance(account, erc20mixer.address).call()
await erc20.methods.approve(erc20mixer.address, tokenAmount).send({ from: fromAccount, gas:1e6 })
const allowance = await erc20.methods.allowance(fromAccount, erc20mixer.address).call()
console.log('erc20mixer allowance', allowance.toString(10)) console.log('erc20mixer allowance', allowance.toString(10))
const deposit = createDeposit(rbigint(31), rbigint(31)) const deposit = createDeposit(rbigint(31), rbigint(31))
await erc20mixer.methods.deposit('0x' + deposit.commitment.toString(16)).send({ value: ETH_AMOUNT, from: account, gas:1e6 }) await erc20mixer.methods.deposit('0x' + deposit.commitment.toString(16)).send({ from: fromAccount, gas:1e6 })
const balance = await erc20.methods.balanceOf(erc20mixer.address).call() const balance = await erc20.methods.balanceOf(erc20mixer.address).call()
console.log('erc20mixer balance', balance.toString(10)) console.log('erc20mixer balance', balance.toString(10))
const note = '0x' + deposit.preimage.toString('hex') const note = '0x' + deposit.preimage.toString('hex')
console.log('Your note:', note) console.log('Your note:', note)
return note return note
@ -196,6 +202,92 @@ async function withdraw(note, receiver) {
console.log('Done') console.log('Done')
} }
async function buildDepositTree() {
// Get all deposit events from smart contract and assemble merkle tree from them
console.log('Getting current state from mixer contract')
const events = await mixer.getPastEvents('Deposit', { fromBlock: mixer.deployedBlock, toBlock: 'latest' })
const leaves = events
.sort((a, b) => a.returnValues.leafIndex.sub(b.returnValues.leafIndex)) // Sort events in chronological order
.map(e => e.returnValues.commitment)
const tree = new merkleTree(MERKLE_TREE_HEIGHT, EMPTY_ELEMENT, leaves)
async function withdrawViaRelayer(note, receiver) {
// Decode hex string and restore the deposit object
let buf = Buffer.from(note.slice(2), 'hex')
let deposit = createDeposit(bigInt.leBuff2int(buf.slice(0, 31)), bigInt.leBuff2int(buf.slice(31, 62)))
const nullifierHash = pedersenHash(deposit.nullifier.leInt2Buff(31))
const paddedNullifierHash = nullifierHash.toString(16).padStart('66', '0x000000')
const paddedCommitment = deposit.commitment.toString(16).padStart('66', '0x000000')
// Get all deposit events from smart contract and assemble merkle tree from them
console.log('Getting current state from mixer contract')
const events = await mixer.getPastEvents('Deposit', { fromBlock: mixer.deployedBlock, toBlock: 'latest' })
const leaves = events
.sort((a, b) => a.returnValues.leafIndex.sub(b.returnValues.leafIndex)) // Sort events in chronological order
.map(e => e.returnValues.commitment)
const tree = new merkleTree(MERKLE_TREE_HEIGHT, EMPTY_ELEMENT, leaves)
// Find current commitment in the tree
let depositEvent = events.find(e => e.returnValues.commitment.eq(paddedCommitment))
let leafIndex = depositEvent ? depositEvent.returnValues.leafIndex.toNumber() : -1
// Validate that our data is correct
const isValidRoot = await mixer.methods.isKnownRoot(await tree.root()).call()
const isSpent = await mixer.methods.isSpent(paddedNullifierHash).call()
assert(isValidRoot === true, 'Merkle tree assembled incorrectly') // Merkle tree assembled correctly
assert(isSpent === false, 'The note is spent') // The note is not spent
assert(leafIndex >= 0, 'Our deposit is not present in the tree') // Our deposit is present in the tree
// Compute merkle proof of our commitment
const { root, path_elements, path_index } = await tree.path(leafIndex)
// Prepare circuit input
const input = {
// Public snark inputs
root: root,
receiver: bigInt(receiver),
relayer: bigInt(0),
fee: bigInt(web3.utils.toWei('0.01')),
refund: bigInt(0),
// Private snark inputs
nullifier: deposit.nullifier,
secret: deposit.secret,
pathElements: path_elements,
pathIndex: path_index,
console.log('Generating SNARK proof')
console.time('Proof time')
const proofData = await websnarkUtils.genWitnessAndProve(groth16, input, circuit, proving_key)
const { proof, publicSignals } = websnarkUtils.toSolidityInput(proofData)
console.timeEnd('Proof time')
console.log('Submitting withdraw transaction via relayer')
const account = ephemeral()
txFee: 90,
fixedGasPrice: 22000000001,
gasPrice: 22000000001,
fixedGasLimit: 5000000,
gasLimit: 5000000,
verbose: true,
const provider = new GSNProvider('', { signKey: account })
// const provider = new GSNDevProvider('http://localhost:8545', { signKey: account, HARDCODED_RELAYER_OPTS })
web3 = new Web3(provider)
const netId = await
console.log('netId', netId)
// eslint-disable-next-line require-atomic-updates
mixer = new web3.eth.Contract(contractJson.abi, contractJson.networks[netId].address)
console.log('mixer address', contractJson.networks[netId].address)
const tx = await mixer.methods.withdrawViaRelayer(proof, publicSignals).send({ from: account.address, gas: 2e6 })
console.log('tx', tx)
/** /**
* Init web3, contracts, and snark * Init web3, contracts, and snark
*/ */
@ -275,6 +367,11 @@ if (inBrowser) {
const receiver = (await web3.eth.getAccounts())[0] const receiver = (await web3.eth.getAccounts())[0]
await withdraw(note, receiver) await withdraw(note, receiver)
} }
window.withdrawViaRelayer = async () => {
const note = prompt('Enter the note to withdrawViaRelayer')
const receiver = (await web3.eth.getAccounts())[0]
await withdrawViaRelayer(note, receiver)
init() init()
} else { } else {
const args = process.argv.slice(2) const args = process.argv.slice(2)
@ -322,6 +419,13 @@ if (inBrowser) {
else else
printHelp(1) printHelp(1)
break break
case 'withdrawViaRelayer':
if (args.length === 3 && /^0x[0-9a-fA-F]{124}$/.test(args[1]) && /^0x[0-9a-fA-F]{40}$/.test(args[2])) {
init().then(() => withdrawViaRelayer(args[1], args[2])).then(() => process.exit(0)).catch(err => {console.log(err); process.exit(1)})
case 'test': case 'test':
if (args.length === 1) { if (args.length === 1) {
(async () => { (async () => {

contracts/GSNProxy.sol Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
pragma solidity ^0.5.8;
// contract we {}
import "./IUniswapExchange.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts-ethereum-package/contracts/GSN/GSNRecipient.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts-ethereum-package/contracts/GSN/IRelayHub.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts-ethereum-package/contracts/ownership/Ownable.sol";
contract IMixer {
function withdraw(uint256[8] calldata proof, uint256[6] calldata input) external payable;
function checkWithdrawalValidity(uint256[8] calldata proof, uint256[6] calldata input) external view;
function denomination() external view returns(uint256);
function token() external view returns(address); // only for ERC20 version
contract GSNProxy is GSNRecipient, Ownable {
IMixer public mixer;
IUniswapExchange public uniswap;
IERC20 public token;
constructor(address _mixer, address _uniswap) public {
mixer = IMixer(_mixer);
if (_uniswap != address(0)) {
uniswap = IUniswapExchange(_uniswap);
require(mixer.token() == uniswap.tokenAddress(), "mixer and uniswap have different tokens");
token = IERC20(uniswap.tokenAddress());
} else {
// todo: require that mixer is ETH version?
// Allow to refill mixer balance
function () external payable {}
modifier onlyHub() {
require(msg.sender == getHubAddr(), "only relay hub");
@dev Checks fee and calls mixer withdraw
function withdraw(uint256[8] calldata proof, uint256[6] calldata input) external {
mixer.withdraw.value(refund)(proof, input);
// todo: check that we received expected fee?
// gsn related stuff
// this func is called by a Relayer via the RelayerHub before sending a tx
function acceptRelayedCall(
address /*relay*/,
address /*from*/,
bytes memory encodedFunction,
uint256 /*transactionFee*/,
uint256 /*gasPrice*/,
uint256 /*gasLimit*/,
uint256 /*nonce*/,
bytes memory /*approvalData*/,
uint256 maxPossibleCharge
) public view returns (uint256, bytes memory) {
// think of a withdraw dry-run
if (!compareBytesWithSelector(encodedFunction, this.withdraw.selector)) {
return (1, "Only withdrawViaRelayer can be called");
bytes memory proof;
bytes memory root;
uint256 fee;
uint256 refund;
assembly {
let dataPointer := add(encodedFunction, 32)
let nullifierPointer := mload(add(dataPointer, 4)) // 4 + (8 * 32) + (32) == selector + proof + root
let recipientPointer := mload(add(dataPointer, 324)) // 4 + (8 * 32) + (32) + (32) == selector + proof + root + nullifier
mstore(recipient, 64) // save array length
mstore(add(recipient, 32), recipientPointer) // save recipient address
mstore(add(recipient, 64), nullifierPointer) // save nullifier address
//mixer.checkWithdrawalValidity(proof, inputs)
// todo: duplicate withdraw checks?
if (token != IERC20(0)) {
// todo maybe static exchange rate?
if (uniswap.getTokenToEthInputPrice(fee) < maxPossibleCharge + refund) {
return (11, "Fee is too low");
} else {
// refund is expected to be 0, checked by mixer contract
if (fee < maxPossibleCharge + refund) {
return (11, "Fee is too low");
if (mixer.checkWithdrawalValidity()) {
return _approveRelayedCall();
// this func is called by RelayerHub right before calling a target func
function preRelayedCall(bytes calldata /*context*/) onlyHub external returns (bytes32) {}
function postRelayedCall(bytes memory /*context*/, bool /*success*/, uint actualCharge, bytes32 /*preRetVal*/) onlyHub public {
function compareBytesWithSelector(bytes memory data, bytes4 sel) internal pure returns (bool) {
return data[0] == sel[0]
&& data[1] == sel[1]
&& data[2] == sel[2]
&& data[3] == sel[3];
// Admin functions
function withdrawFundsFromHub(uint256 amount, address payable dest) onlyOwner external {
IRelayHub(getHubAddr()).withdraw(amount, dest);
function upgradeRelayHub(address newRelayHub) onlyOwner external {
function withdrawEther(uint256 amount) onlyOwner external {
function withdrawTokens(uint256 amount) onlyOwner external {
safeErc20Transfer(msg.sender, amount);
function sellTokens(uint256 amount, uint256 min_eth) onlyOwner external {
token.approve(address(uniswap), amount);
uniswap.tokenToEthSwapInput(amount, min_eth, now);
function safeErc20Transfer(address to, uint256 amount) internal {
bool success;
bytes memory data;
bytes4 transferSelector = 0xa9059cbb;
(success, data) = address(token).call(
to, amount
require(success, "not enough tokens");
// if contract returns some data let's make sure that is `true` according to standard
if (data.length > 0) {
assembly {
success := mload(add(data, 0x20))
require(success, "not enough tokens. Token returns false.");

View File

@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
pragma solidity ^0.5.0;
contract IUniswapExchange {
// Address of ERC20 token sold on this exchange
function tokenAddress() external view returns (address token) {}
// Address of Uniswap Factory
function factoryAddress() external view returns (address factory) {}
// Provide Liquidity
function addLiquidity(uint256 min_liquidity, uint256 max_tokens, uint256 deadline) external payable returns (uint256) {}
function removeLiquidity(uint256 amount, uint256 min_eth, uint256 min_tokens, uint256 deadline) external returns (uint256, uint256) {}
// Get Prices
function getEthToTokenInputPrice(uint256 eth_sold) external view returns (uint256 tokens_bought) {}
function getEthToTokenOutputPrice(uint256 tokens_bought) external view returns (uint256 eth_sold) {}
function getTokenToEthInputPrice(uint256 tokens_sold) external view returns (uint256 eth_bought) {}
function getTokenToEthOutputPrice(uint256 eth_bought) external view returns (uint256 tokens_sold) {}
// Trade ETH to ERC20
function ethToTokenSwapInput(uint256 min_tokens, uint256 deadline) external payable returns (uint256 tokens_bought) {}
function ethToTokenTransferInput(uint256 min_tokens, uint256 deadline, address recipient) external payable returns (uint256 tokens_bought) {}
function ethToTokenSwapOutput(uint256 tokens_bought, uint256 deadline) external payable returns (uint256 eth_sold) {}
function ethToTokenTransferOutput(uint256 tokens_bought, uint256 deadline, address recipient) external payable returns (uint256 eth_sold) {}
// Trade ERC20 to ETH
function tokenToEthSwapInput(uint256 tokens_sold, uint256 min_eth, uint256 deadline) external returns (uint256 eth_bought) {}
function tokenToEthTransferInput(uint256 tokens_sold, uint256 min_eth, uint256 deadline, address recipient) external returns (uint256 eth_bought) {}
function tokenToEthSwapOutput(uint256 eth_bought, uint256 max_tokens, uint256 deadline) external returns (uint256 tokens_sold) {}
function tokenToEthTransferOutput(uint256 eth_bought, uint256 max_tokens, uint256 deadline, address recipient) external returns (uint256 tokens_sold) {}
// Trade ERC20 to ERC20
function tokenToTokenSwapInput(uint256 tokens_sold, uint256 min_tokens_bought, uint256 min_eth_bought, uint256 deadline, address token_addr) external returns (uint256 tokens_bought) {}
function tokenToTokenTransferInput(uint256 tokens_sold, uint256 min_tokens_bought, uint256 min_eth_bought, uint256 deadline, address recipient, address token_addr) external returns (uint256 tokens_bought) {}
function tokenToTokenSwapOutput(uint256 tokens_bought, uint256 max_tokens_sold, uint256 max_eth_sold, uint256 deadline, address token_addr) external returns (uint256 tokens_sold) {}
function tokenToTokenTransferOutput(uint256 tokens_bought, uint256 max_tokens_sold, uint256 max_eth_sold, uint256 deadline, address recipient, address token_addr) external returns (uint256 tokens_sold) {}
// Trade ERC20 to Custom Pool
function tokenToExchangeSwapInput(uint256 tokens_sold, uint256 min_tokens_bought, uint256 min_eth_bought, uint256 deadline, address exchange_addr) external returns (uint256 tokens_bought) {}
function tokenToExchangeTransferInput(uint256 tokens_sold, uint256 min_tokens_bought, uint256 min_eth_bought, uint256 deadline, address recipient, address exchange_addr) external returns (uint256 tokens_bought) {}
function tokenToExchangeSwapOutput(uint256 tokens_bought, uint256 max_tokens_sold, uint256 max_eth_sold, uint256 deadline, address exchange_addr) external returns (uint256 tokens_sold) {}
function tokenToExchangeTransferOutput(uint256 tokens_bought, uint256 max_tokens_sold, uint256 max_eth_sold, uint256 deadline, address recipient, address exchange_addr) external returns (uint256 tokens_sold) {}
// ERC20 comaptibility for liquidity tokens
bytes32 public name;
bytes32 public symbol;
uint256 public decimals;
function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value) external returns (bool) {}
function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 value) external returns (bool) {}
function approve(address _spender, uint256 _value) external returns (bool) {}
function allowance(address _owner, address _spender) external view returns (uint256) {}
function balanceOf(address _owner) external view returns (uint256) {}
function totalSupply() external view returns (uint256) {}
// Never use
function setup(address token_addr) external {}

View File

@ -90,16 +90,34 @@ contract Mixer is MerkleTreeWithHistory {
address payable relayer = address(input[3]); address payable relayer = address(input[3]);
uint256 fee = input[4]; uint256 fee = input[4];
uint256 refund = input[5]; uint256 refund = input[5];
require(fee < denomination, "Fee exceeds transfer value"); require(fee < denomination, "Fee exceeds transfer value");
require(!nullifierHashes[nullifierHash], "The note has been already spent"); require(!nullifierHashes[nullifierHash], "The note has been already spent");
require(isKnownRoot(root), "Cannot find your merkle root"); // Make sure to use a recent one require(isKnownRoot(root), "Cannot find your merkle root"); // Make sure to use a recent one
require(verifier.verifyProof(proof, input), "Invalid withdraw proof"); require(verifier.verifyProof(proof, input), "Invalid withdraw proof");
nullifierHashes[nullifierHash] = true; nullifierHashes[nullifierHash] = true;
_processWithdraw(receiver, relayer, fee, refund); _processWithdraw(receiver, relayer, fee, refund);
emit Withdraw(receiver, nullifierHash, relayer, fee); emit Withdraw(receiver, nullifierHash, relayer, fee);
} }
// todo: use this function in withdraw?
@dev same checks as `withdraw` implemented as a view function. Used for relayers.
function checkWithdrawalValidity(uint256[8] calldata proof, uint256[6] calldata input) external view {
uint256 root = input[0];
uint256 nullifierHash = input[1];
//address payable receiver = address(input[2]);
//address payable relayer = address(input[3]);
uint256 fee = input[4];
uint256 refund = input[5];
require(fee < denomination, "Fee exceeds transfer value");
require(!nullifierHashes[nullifierHash], "The note has been already spent");
require(isKnownRoot(root), "Cannot find your merkle root"); // Make sure to use a recent one
require(verifier.verifyProof(proof, input), "Invalid withdraw proof");
/** @dev this function is defined in a child contract */ /** @dev this function is defined in a child contract */
function _processWithdraw(address payable _receiver, address payable _relayer, uint256 _fee, uint256 _refund) internal {} function _processWithdraw(address payable _receiver, address payable _relayer, uint256 _fee, uint256 _refund) internal {}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
pragma solidity ^0.5.0;
import "./ERC20Mock.sol";
import "../IUniswapExchange.sol";
contract UniswapMock is IUniswapExchange {
ERC20Mock public tokenAddress;
uint256 public price;
// EthPurchase: event({buyer: indexed(address), tokens_sold: indexed(uint256), eth_bought: indexed(uint256(wei))})
event EthPurchase(address buyer, uint256 tokens_sold, uint256 eth_bought);
constructor(ERC20Mock _token, uint256 _price) public payable {
tokenAddress = _token;
price = _price; // in wei
* @notice Convert Tokens to ETH.
* @dev User specifies maximum input and exact output.
* @param eth_bought Amount of ETH purchased.
* @param max_tokens Maximum Tokens sold.
* @param deadline Time after which this transaction can no longer be executed.
* @return Amount of Tokens sold.
* @public
* def tokenToEthSwapOutput(eth_bought: uint256(wei), max_tokens: uint256, deadline: timestamp) -> uint256:
function tokenToEthSwapOutput(uint256 eth_bought, uint256 /*max_tokens*/, uint256 /*deadline*/) public returns(uint256 tokens_sold) {
tokens_sold = getTokenToEthOutputPrice(eth_bought);
tokenAddress.transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), tokens_sold);
emit EthPurchase(msg.sender, tokens_sold, eth_bought);
return eth_bought;
function getTokenToEthOutputPrice(uint256 eth_bought) public view returns (uint256) {
return eth_bought * price / 10**18;
* @notice Convert Tokens to ETH.
* @dev User specifies exact input and minimum output.
* @param tokens_sold Amount of Tokens sold.
* @param min_eth Minimum ETH purchased.
* @param deadline Time after which this transaction can no longer be executed.
* @return Amount of ETH bought.
* def tokenToEthSwapInput(tokens_sold: uint256, min_eth: uint256(wei), deadline: timestamp) -> uint256(wei):
function tokenToEthSwapInput(uint256 tokens_sold, uint256 /* min_eth */, uint256 /* deadline */) public returns(uint256) {
tokenAddress.transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), tokens_sold);
uint256 eth_bought = getTokenToEthInputPrice(tokens_sold);
return eth_bought;
function getTokenToEthInputPrice(uint256 tokens_sold /* in wei */) public view returns (uint256 eth_bought) {
return tokens_sold * price / 10**18;
function setPrice(uint256 _price) external {
price = _price;
function() external payable {}

View File

@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
Make sure your Metamask is unlocked and connected to Kovan (or other network you've deployed your contract to)<br> Make sure your Metamask is unlocked and connected to Kovan (or other network you've deployed your contract to)<br>
<a href="#" onclick="deposit()">Deposit</a> <a href="#" onclick="deposit()">Deposit</a>
<a href="#" onclick="withdraw()">Withdraw</a> <a href="#" onclick="withdraw()">Withdraw</a>
<a href="#" onclick="withdrawViaRelayer()">withdrawViaRelayer</a>
</p> </p>
<script src="index.js"></script> <script src="index.js"></script>
</body> </body>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
/* global artifacts */
require('dotenv').config({ path: '../.env' })
const ETHMixer = artifacts.require('ETHMixer')
const gsnProxy = artifacts.require('GSNProxy')
module.exports = function(deployer) {
return deployer.then(async () => {
let mixer = await ETHMixer.deployed()
const proxy = await deployer.deploy(
console.log('Mixer\'s proxy address ', proxy.address)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
/* global artifacts */
require('dotenv').config({ path: '../.env' })
const ERC20Mixer = artifacts.require('ERC20Mixer')
const gsnProxy = artifacts.require('GSNProxy')
const ERC20Mock = artifacts.require('ERC20Mock')
const UniswapMock = artifacts.require('UniswapMock')
const { toBN, toWei } = require('web3-utils')
const eth2daiPrice = toBN('174552286079977583324') // cause 1 ETH == 174.55 DAI
module.exports = function(deployer, network) {
return deployer.then(async () => {
const { ERC20_TOKEN } = process.env
let token = ERC20_TOKEN
let uniswapAddress
if (network === 'development') { // means we want to test with mock
if (token === '') {
const tokenInstance = await ERC20Mock.deployed()
token = tokenInstance.address
const uniswap = await deployer.deploy(UniswapMock, token, eth2daiPrice, { value: toWei('0.5') })
uniswapAddress = uniswap.address
let mixer = await ERC20Mixer.deployed()
const proxy = await deployer.deploy(
console.log('ERC20Mixer\'s proxy address ', proxy.address)

package-lock.json generated

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -46,6 +46,11 @@
"websnark": "git+" "websnark": "git+"
}, },
"devDependencies": { "devDependencies": {
"@openzeppelin/contracts-ethereum-package": "^2.2.3",
"@openzeppelin/gsn-helpers": "^0.2.0",
"@openzeppelin/gsn-provider": "git+",
"@openzeppelin/network": "^0.2.9",
"@openzeppelin/upgrades": "^2.5.3",
"truffle-flattener": "^1.4.0" "truffle-flattener": "^1.4.0"
} }
} }

test/GSNSupport.test.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,420 @@
/* global artifacts, web3, contract */
const fs = require('fs')
const Web3 = require('web3')
const { toBN, toHex, toChecksumAddress, toWei, fromWei } = require('web3-utils')
const { takeSnapshot, revertSnapshot } = require('../lib/ganacheHelper')
const { deployRelayHub, fundRecipient } = require('@openzeppelin/gsn-helpers')
const { GSNDevProvider, GSNProvider, utils } = require('@openzeppelin/gsn-provider')
const { ephemeral } = require('@openzeppelin/network')
const Mixer = artifacts.require('./ETHMixer.sol')
const ERC20Mixer = artifacts.require('./ERC20Mixer.sol')
const RelayHub = artifacts.require('./IRelayHub.sol')
const Token = artifacts.require('./ERC20Mock.sol')
const Uniswap = artifacts.require('./UniswapMock.sol')
const websnarkUtils = require('websnark/src/utils')
const buildGroth16 = require('websnark/src/groth16')
const stringifyBigInts = require('websnark/tools/stringifybigint').stringifyBigInts
const snarkjs = require('snarkjs')
const bigInt = snarkjs.bigInt
const crypto = require('crypto')
const circomlib = require('circomlib')
const MerkleTree = require('../lib/MerkleTree')
const rbigint = (nbytes) => snarkjs.bigInt.leBuff2int(crypto.randomBytes(nbytes))
const pedersenHash = (data) => circomlib.babyJub.unpackPoint(circomlib.pedersenHash.hash(data))[0]
function generateDeposit() {
let deposit = {
secret: rbigint(31),
nullifier: rbigint(31),
const preimage = Buffer.concat([deposit.nullifier.leInt2Buff(31), deposit.secret.leInt2Buff(31)])
deposit.commitment = pedersenHash(preimage)
return deposit
function getRandomReceiver() {
let receiver = rbigint(20)
while (toHex(receiver.toString()).length !== 42) {
receiver = rbigint(20)
return receiver
contract('GSN support', accounts => {
let mixer
let ercMixer
let gsnMixer
let hubInstance
let relayHubAddress
let token
let uniswap
const sender = accounts[0]
const operator = accounts[0]
const user = accounts[3]
const relayerOwnerAddress = accounts[8]
const relayerAddress = accounts[9]// '0x714992E1acbc7f888Be2A1784F0D23e73f4A1ead'
const levels = MERKLE_TREE_HEIGHT || 16
const zeroValue = EMPTY_ELEMENT || 1337
const value = ETH_AMOUNT || '1000000000000000000' // 1 ether
let tokenDenomination = TOKEN_AMOUNT || '1000000000000000000' // 1 ether
let snapshotId
let prefix = 'test'
let tree
const receiver = getRandomReceiver()
let groth16
let circuit
let proving_key
let unstakeDelay = 604800
let relayerTxFee = 20 // %
let signKey = ephemeral()
let gsnWeb3
let gsnProvider
const postRelayedCallMaxGas = 100000
const recipientCallsAtomicOverhead = 5000
let postRelayMaxGas = toBN(postRelayedCallMaxGas + recipientCallsAtomicOverhead)
// this price is for tokenToEthSwapInput stategy
// const eth2daiPriceInput = toBN(toWei('1')).mul(toBN(10e18)).div(toBN('174552286079977583324')) // cause 1 ETH == 174.55 DAI
// this price is for tokenToEthSwapOutput stategy
const eth2daiPrice = toBN('174552286079977583324') // cause 1 ETH == 174.55 DAI
before(async () => {
tree = new MerkleTree(
mixer = await Mixer.deployed()
ercMixer = await ERC20Mixer.deployed()
relayHubAddress = toChecksumAddress(await deployRelayHub(web3, {
from: sender
await fundRecipient(web3, { recipient: mixer.address, relayHubAddress })
await fundRecipient(web3, { recipient: ercMixer.address, relayHubAddress })
const currentHub = await mixer.getHubAddr()
await ercMixer.upgradeRelayHub(relayHubAddress)
if (relayHubAddress !== currentHub) {
await mixer.upgradeRelayHub(relayHubAddress)
hubInstance = await
await hubInstance.stake(relayerAddress, unstakeDelay , { from: relayerOwnerAddress, value: toWei('1') })
await hubInstance.registerRelay(relayerTxFee, '', { from: relayerAddress })
if (ERC20_TOKEN) {
token = await
// uniswap = await
} else {
token = await Token.deployed()
await, tokenDenomination)
uniswap = await Uniswap.deployed()
snapshotId = await takeSnapshot()
groth16 = await buildGroth16()
circuit = require('../build/circuits/withdraw.json')
proving_key = fs.readFileSync('build/circuits/withdraw_proving_key.bin').buffer
gsnProvider = new GSNDevProvider('http://localhost:8545', {
relayerOwner: relayerOwnerAddress,
verbose: true,
txFee: relayerTxFee
gsnWeb3 = new Web3(gsnProvider, null, { transactionConfirmationBlocks: 1 })
gsnMixer = new gsnWeb3.eth.Contract(mixer.abi, mixer.address)
describe('#constructor', () => {
it('should initialize', async () => {
const hub = await mixer.getHubAddr()
describe('#withdrawViaRelayer', () => {
it('should work', async () => {
const gasPrice = toBN('20000000000')
const deposit = generateDeposit()
const user = accounts[4]
await tree.insert(deposit.commitment)
const balanceUserBefore = await web3.eth.getBalance(user)
// Uncomment to measure gas usage
// let gas = await mixer.deposit.estimateGas(toBN(deposit.commitment.toString()), { value, from: user, gasPrice: '0' })
// console.log('deposit gas:', gas)
const txDeposit = await mixer.deposit(toBN(deposit.commitment.toString()), { value, from: user, gasPrice })
// console.log('txDeposit', txDeposit.receipt)
const txFee = toBN(txDeposit.receipt.gasUsed).mul(gasPrice)
// console.log('txFee', txFee.toString())
const balanceUserAfter = await web3.eth.getBalance(user)
const { root, path_elements, path_index } = await tree.path(0)
// Circuit input
const input = stringifyBigInts({
// public
nullifierHash: pedersenHash(deposit.nullifier.leInt2Buff(31)),
relayer: operator, // this value wont be taken into account
fee: bigInt(1), // this value wont be taken into account
// private
nullifier: deposit.nullifier,
secret: deposit.secret,
pathElements: path_elements,
pathIndex: path_index,
const proof = await websnarkUtils.genWitnessAndProve(groth16, input, circuit, proving_key)
const { pi_a, pi_b, pi_c, publicSignals } = websnarkUtils.toSolidityInput(proof)
const balanceMixerBefore = await web3.eth.getBalance(mixer.address)
const balanceHubBefore = await web3.eth.getBalance(relayHubAddress)
const balanceRelayerBefore = await web3.eth.getBalance(relayerAddress)
const balanceRelayerOwnerBefore = await web3.eth.getBalance(relayerOwnerAddress)
const balanceRecieverBefore = await web3.eth.getBalance(toHex(receiver.toString()))
let isSpent = await mixer.isSpent(input.nullifierHash.toString(16).padStart(66, '0x00000'))
const tx = await gsnMixer.methods.withdrawViaRelayer(pi_a, pi_b, pi_c, publicSignals).send({
from: signKey.address,
gas: 3e6,
value: 0
const { events, gasUsed } = tx
const balanceMixerAfter = await web3.eth.getBalance(mixer.address)
const balanceHubAfter = await web3.eth.getBalance(relayHubAddress)
const balanceRelayerAfter = await web3.eth.getBalance(relayerAddress)
const balanceRelayerOwnerAfter = await web3.eth.getBalance(relayerOwnerAddress)
const balanceRecieverAfter = await web3.eth.getBalance(toHex(receiver.toString()))
// console.log('balanceMixerBefore, balanceMixerAfter', balanceMixerBefore.toString(), balanceMixerAfter.toString())
// console.log('balanceRecieverBefore, balanceRecieverAfter', balanceRecieverBefore.toString(), balanceRecieverAfter.toString())
// console.log('balanceHubBefore, balanceHubAfter', balanceHubBefore.toString(), balanceHubAfter.toString())
// console.log('balanceRelayerBefore, balanceRelayerAfter', balanceRelayerBefore.toString(), balanceRelayerAfter.toString(), toBN(balanceRelayerBefore).sub(toBN(balanceRelayerAfter)).toString())
// console.log('balanceRelayerOwnerBefore, balanceRelayerOwnerAfter', balanceRelayerOwnerBefore.toString(), balanceRelayerOwnerAfter.toString())
const networkFee = toBN(gasUsed).mul(gasPrice)
const chargedFee = networkFee.add(networkFee.div(toBN(relayerTxFee)))
// console.log('networkFee :', networkFee.toString())
// console.log('calculated chargedFee :', chargedFee.toString())
const actualFee = toBN(value).sub(toBN(balanceRecieverAfter))
// console.log('actual fee :', actualFee.toString())
// const postRelayMaxCost = postRelayMaxGas.mul(gasPrice)
// const actualFeeWithoutPostCall = actualFee.sub(postRelayMaxCost)
// console.log('actualFeeWithoutPostCall :', actualFeeWithoutPostCall.toString())
isSpent = await mixer.isSpent(input.nullifierHash.toString(16).padStart(66, '0x00000'))
it.skip('should work with relayer selection', async () => {
// you should run a relayer or two manualy for this test
// npx oz-gsn run-relayer --port 8888
const gasPrice = toBN('20000000000')
const deposit = generateDeposit()
const user = accounts[4]
await tree.insert(deposit.commitment)
await mixer.deposit(toBN(deposit.commitment.toString()), { value, from: user, gasPrice })
const { root, path_elements, path_index } = await tree.path(0)
// Circuit input
const input = stringifyBigInts({
// public
nullifierHash: pedersenHash(deposit.nullifier.leInt2Buff(31)),
relayer: operator, // this value wont be taken into account
fee: bigInt(1), // this value wont be taken into account
// private
nullifier: deposit.nullifier,
secret: deposit.secret,
pathElements: path_elements,
pathIndex: path_index,
const proof = await websnarkUtils.genWitnessAndProve(groth16, input, circuit, proving_key)
const { pi_a, pi_b, pi_c, publicSignals } = websnarkUtils.toSolidityInput(proof)
// create a provider to look up the relayers
gsnProvider = new GSNProvider('http://localhost:8545', {
relayerOwner: relayerOwnerAddress,
verbose: true
hubInstance = utils.createRelayHub(web3, relayHubAddress)
let relays = await gsnProvider.relayClient.serverHelper.fetchRelaysAdded()
console.log('all relays', relays)
const { relayUrl, transactionFee } = relays[1]
console.log('we are picking', relayUrl)
let blockFrom = 0
let pinger = await gsnProvider.relayClient.serverHelper.newActiveRelayPinger(blockFrom, relays[2].gasPrice)
const predefinedRelay = await pinger.getRelayAddressPing(relayUrl, transactionFee, relays[2].gasPrice )
console.log('relay status', predefinedRelay)
// eslint-disable-next-line require-atomic-updates
gsnProvider = new GSNProvider('http://localhost:8545', {
relayerOwner: relayerOwnerAddress,
verbose: true,
predefinedRelay // select the relay we want to work with
gsnWeb3 = new Web3(gsnProvider, null, { transactionConfirmationBlocks: 1 })
gsnMixer = new gsnWeb3.eth.Contract(mixer.abi, mixer.address)
const tx = await gsnMixer.methods.withdrawViaRelayer(pi_a, pi_b, pi_c, publicSignals).send({
from: signKey.address,
gas: 3e6,
value: 0
console.log('tx succeed', tx.status)
it('uniswap mock test', async () => {
const valueToBuy = toBN(toWei('0.04'))
await token.approve(uniswap.address, tokenDenomination, { from: user, gasPrice: 0 })
const tokens = await uniswap.getTokenToEthOutputPrice(valueToBuy)
const balanceBefore = await web3.eth.getBalance(user)
const tokenBalanceBefore = await token.balanceOf(user)
await uniswap.tokenToEthSwapOutput(valueToBuy, 1, 2, { from: user, gasPrice: 0 })
const balanceAfter = await web3.eth.getBalance(user)
const tokenBalanceAfter = await token.balanceOf(user)
it.only('should work for token', async () => {
const gasPrice = toBN('1')
const deposit = generateDeposit()
const user = accounts[4]
await tree.insert(deposit.commitment)
await, tokenDenomination)
await token.approve(ercMixer.address, tokenDenomination, { from: user })
await ercMixer.deposit(toBN(deposit.commitment.toString()), { value, from: user, gasPrice })
const { root, path_elements, path_index } = await tree.path(0)
// Circuit input
const input = stringifyBigInts({
// public
nullifierHash: pedersenHash(deposit.nullifier.leInt2Buff(31)),
relayer: operator, // this value wont be taken into account
fee: bigInt(1), // this value wont be taken into account
// private
nullifier: deposit.nullifier,
secret: deposit.secret,
pathElements: path_elements,
pathIndex: path_index,
const proof = await websnarkUtils.genWitnessAndProve(groth16, input, circuit, proving_key)
const { pi_a, pi_b, pi_c, publicSignals } = websnarkUtils.toSolidityInput(proof)
const balanceMixerBefore = await web3.eth.getBalance(ercMixer.address)
const balanceHubBefore = await web3.eth.getBalance(relayHubAddress)
const balanceRelayerBefore = await web3.eth.getBalance(relayerAddress)
const balanceRelayerOwnerBefore = await web3.eth.getBalance(relayerOwnerAddress)
const balanceRecieverBefore = await web3.eth.getBalance(toHex(receiver.toString()))
gsnProvider = new GSNDevProvider('http://localhost:8545', {
relayerOwner: relayerOwnerAddress,
verbose: true,
txFee: relayerTxFee
gsnWeb3 = new Web3(gsnProvider, null, { transactionConfirmationBlocks: 1 })
gsnMixer = new gsnWeb3.eth.Contract(ercMixer.abi, ercMixer.address)
const tx = await gsnMixer.methods.withdrawViaRelayer(pi_a, pi_b, pi_c, publicSignals).send({
from: signKey.address,
gas: 3e6,
value: 0
console.log('tx', tx)
const { gasUsed } = tx
const balanceMixerAfter = await web3.eth.getBalance(ercMixer.address)
const balanceHubAfter = await web3.eth.getBalance(relayHubAddress)
const balanceRelayerAfter = await web3.eth.getBalance(relayerAddress)
const balanceRelayerOwnerAfter = await web3.eth.getBalance(relayerOwnerAddress)
const balanceRecieverAfter = await web3.eth.getBalance(toHex(receiver.toString()))
// console.log('balanceMixerBefore, balanceMixerAfter', balanceMixerBefore.toString(), balanceMixerAfter.toString())
// console.log('balanceRecieverBefore, balanceRecieverAfter', balanceRecieverBefore.toString(), balanceRecieverAfter.toString())
// console.log('balanceHubBefore, balanceHubAfter', balanceHubBefore.toString(), balanceHubAfter.toString())
// console.log('balanceRelayerBefore, balanceRelayerAfter', balanceRelayerBefore.toString(), balanceRelayerAfter.toString(), toBN(balanceRelayerBefore).sub(toBN(balanceRelayerAfter)).toString())
// console.log('balanceRelayerOwnerBefore, balanceRelayerOwnerAfter', balanceRelayerOwnerBefore.toString(), balanceRelayerOwnerAfter.toString())
const networkFee = toBN(gasUsed).mul(gasPrice)
const chargedFee = networkFee.add(networkFee.div(toBN(relayerTxFee)))
// console.log('networkFee :', networkFee.toString())
// console.log('calculated chargedFee :', chargedFee.toString())
const actualFee = toBN(value).sub(toBN(balanceRecieverAfter))
// console.log('actual fee :', actualFee.toString())
// const postRelayMaxCost = postRelayMaxGas.mul(gasPrice)
// const actualFeeWithoutPostCall = actualFee.sub(postRelayMaxCost)
// console.log('actualFeeWithoutPostCall :', actualFeeWithoutPostCall.toString())
afterEach(async () => {
await revertSnapshot(snapshotId.result)
// eslint-disable-next-line require-atomic-updates
snapshotId = await takeSnapshot()
tree = new MerkleTree(