mirror of
synced 2025-03-02 11:49:18 -05:00
use bytes32 for hashes
This commit is contained in:
@ -170,11 +170,11 @@ async function withdraw(note, receiver) {
const tree = new merkleTree(MERKLE_TREE_HEIGHT, leaves)
// Find current commitment in the tree
let depositEvent = events.find(e => e.returnValues.commitment.eq(paddedCommitment))
let depositEvent = events.find(e => e.returnValues.commitment === paddedCommitment)
let leafIndex = depositEvent ? depositEvent.returnValues.leafIndex : -1
// Validate that our data is correct
const isValidRoot = await mixer.methods.isKnownRoot(await tree.root()).call()
const isValidRoot = await mixer.methods.isKnownRoot(toHex(await tree.root())).call()
const isSpent = await mixer.methods.isSpent(paddedNullifierHash).call()
assert(isValidRoot === true) // Merkle tree assembled correctly
assert(isSpent === false) // The note is not spent
@ -24,18 +24,18 @@ contract MerkleTreeWithHistory {
// the following variables are made public for easier testing and debugging and
// are not supposed to be accessed in regular code
uint32 public constant ROOT_HISTORY_SIZE = 100;
uint256[ROOT_HISTORY_SIZE] public roots;
bytes32[ROOT_HISTORY_SIZE] public roots;
uint32 public currentRootIndex = 0;
uint32 public nextIndex = 0;
uint256[] public filledSubtrees;
uint256[] public zeros;
bytes32[] public filledSubtrees;
bytes32[] public zeros;
constructor(uint32 _treeLevels) public {
require(_treeLevels > 0, "_treeLevels should be greater than zero");
require(_treeLevels < 32, "_treeLevels should be less than 32");
levels = _treeLevels;
uint256 currentZero = ZERO_VALUE;
bytes32 currentZero = bytes32(ZERO_VALUE);
@ -51,24 +51,24 @@ contract MerkleTreeWithHistory {
@dev Hash 2 tree leaves, returns MiMC(_left, _right)
function hashLeftRight(uint256 _left, uint256 _right) public pure returns (uint256) {
require(_left < FIELD_SIZE, "_left should be inside the field");
require(_right < FIELD_SIZE, "_right should be inside the field");
uint256 R = _left;
function hashLeftRight(bytes32 _left, bytes32 _right) public pure returns (bytes32) {
require(uint256(_left) < FIELD_SIZE, "_left should be inside the field");
require(uint256(_right) < FIELD_SIZE, "_right should be inside the field");
uint256 R = uint256(_left);
uint256 C = 0;
(R, C) = Hasher.MiMCSponge(R, C, 0);
R = addmod(R, _right, FIELD_SIZE);
R = addmod(R, uint256(_right), FIELD_SIZE);
(R, C) = Hasher.MiMCSponge(R, C, 0);
return R;
return bytes32(R);
function _insert(uint256 _leaf) internal returns(uint32 index) {
function _insert(bytes32 _leaf) internal returns(uint32 index) {
uint32 currentIndex = nextIndex;
require(currentIndex != uint32(2)**levels, "Merkle tree is full. No more leafs can be added");
nextIndex += 1;
uint256 currentLevelHash = _leaf;
uint256 left;
uint256 right;
bytes32 currentLevelHash = _leaf;
bytes32 left;
bytes32 right;
for (uint32 i = 0; i < levels; i++) {
if (currentIndex % 2 == 0) {
@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ contract MerkleTreeWithHistory {
@dev Whether the root is present in the root history
function isKnownRoot(uint256 _root) public view returns(bool) {
function isKnownRoot(bytes32 _root) public view returns(bool) {
if (_root == 0) {
return false;
@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ contract MerkleTreeWithHistory {
@dev Returns the last root
function getLastRoot() public view returns(uint256) {
function getLastRoot() public view returns(bytes32) {
return roots[currentRootIndex];
@ -19,9 +19,9 @@ contract IVerifier {
contract Mixer is MerkleTreeWithHistory {
uint256 public denomination;
mapping(uint256 => bool) public nullifierHashes;
mapping(bytes32 => bool) public nullifierHashes;
// we store all commitments just to prevent accidental deposits with the same commitment
mapping(uint256 => bool) public commitments;
mapping(bytes32 => bool) public commitments;
IVerifier public verifier;
// operator can
@ -35,8 +35,8 @@ contract Mixer is MerkleTreeWithHistory {
event Deposit(uint256 indexed commitment, uint32 leafIndex, uint256 timestamp);
event Withdrawal(address to, uint256 nullifierHash, address indexed relayer, uint256 fee);
event Deposit(bytes32 indexed commitment, uint32 leafIndex, uint256 timestamp);
event Withdrawal(address to, bytes32 nullifierHash, address indexed relayer, uint256 fee);
@dev The constructor
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ contract Mixer is MerkleTreeWithHistory {
@dev Deposit funds into mixer. The caller must send (for ETH) or approve (for ERC20) value equal to or `denomination` of this mixer.
@param _commitment the note commitment, which is PedersenHash(nullifier + secret)
function deposit(uint256 _commitment) public payable {
function deposit(bytes32 _commitment) public payable {
require(!isDepositsDisabled, "deposits are disabled");
require(!commitments[_commitment], "The commitment has been submitted");
@ -83,11 +83,11 @@ contract Mixer is MerkleTreeWithHistory {
- the receiver of funds
- optional fee that goes to the transaction sender (usually a relay)
function withdraw(bytes memory _proof, uint256 _root, uint256 _nullifierHash, address payable _receiver, address payable _relayer, uint256 _fee, uint256 _refund) public payable {
function withdraw(bytes memory _proof, bytes32 _root, bytes32 _nullifierHash, address payable _receiver, address payable _relayer, uint256 _fee, uint256 _refund) public payable {
require(_fee <= denomination, "Fee exceeds transfer value");
require(!nullifierHashes[_nullifierHash], "The note has been already spent");
require(isKnownRoot(_root), "Cannot find your merkle root"); // Make sure to use a recent one
require(verifier.verifyProof(_proof, [_root, _nullifierHash, uint256(_receiver), uint256(_relayer), _fee, _refund]), "Invalid withdraw proof");
require(verifier.verifyProof(_proof, [uint256(_root), uint256(_nullifierHash), uint256(_receiver), uint256(_relayer), _fee, _refund]), "Invalid withdraw proof");
nullifierHashes[_nullifierHash] = true;
_processWithdraw(_receiver, _relayer, _fee, _refund);
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ contract Mixer is MerkleTreeWithHistory {
function _processWithdraw(address payable _receiver, address payable _relayer, uint256 _fee, uint256 _refund) internal;
/** @dev whether a note is already spent */
function isSpent(uint256 _nullifierHash) public view returns(bool) {
function isSpent(bytes32 _nullifierHash) public view returns(bool) {
return nullifierHashes[_nullifierHash];
@ -4,9 +4,9 @@ import '../MerkleTreeWithHistory.sol';
contract MerkleTreeWithHistoryMock is MerkleTreeWithHistory {
constructor (uint8 _treeLevels) MerkleTreeWithHistory(_treeLevels) public {}
constructor (uint32 _treeLevels) MerkleTreeWithHistory(_treeLevels) public {}
function insert(uint256 _leaf) public {
function insert(bytes32 _leaf) public {
@ -98,18 +98,18 @@ contract('ERC20Mixer', accounts => {
describe('#deposit', () => {
it('should work', async () => {
const commitment = 43
const commitment = toFixedHex(43)
await token.approve(mixer.address, tokenDenomination)
let { logs } = await mixer.deposit(commitment, { from: sender })
it('should not allow to send ether on deposit', async () => {
const commitment = 43
const commitment = toFixedHex(43)
await token.approve(mixer.address, tokenDenomination)
let error = await mixer.deposit(commitment, { from: sender, value: 1e6 }).should.be.rejected
@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ contract('ERC20Mixer', accounts => {
// Uncomment to measure gas usage
// let gas = await mixer.deposit.estimateGas(toBN(deposit.commitment.toString()), { from: user, gasPrice: '0' })
// console.log('deposit gas:', gas)
await mixer.deposit(toBN(deposit.commitment.toString()), { from: user, gasPrice: '0' })
await mixer.deposit(toFixedHex(deposit.commitment), { from: user, gasPrice: '0' })
const balanceUserAfter = await token.balanceOf(user)
@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ contract('ERC20Mixer', accounts => {
const ethBalanceOperatorBefore = await web3.eth.getBalance(operator)
const ethBalanceRecieverBefore = await web3.eth.getBalance(toHex(receiver.toString()))
const ethBalanceRelayerBefore = await web3.eth.getBalance(relayer)
let isSpent = await mixer.isSpent(input.nullifierHash.toString(16).padStart(66, '0x00000'))
let isSpent = await mixer.isSpent(toFixedHex(input.nullifierHash))
// Uncomment to measure gas usage
// gas = await mixer.withdraw.estimateGas(proof, publicSignals, { from: relayer, gasPrice: '0' })
@ -194,10 +194,10 @@ contract('ERC20Mixer', accounts => {
isSpent = await mixer.isSpent(input.nullifierHash.toString(16).padStart(66, '0x00000'))
isSpent = await mixer.isSpent(toFixedHex(input.nullifierHash))
@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ contract('ERC20Mixer', accounts => {
await tree.insert(deposit.commitment)
await token.mint(user, tokenDenomination)
await token.approve(mixer.address, tokenDenomination, { from: user })
await mixer.deposit(toBN(deposit.commitment.toString()), { from: user, gasPrice: '0' })
await mixer.deposit(toFixedHex(deposit.commitment), { from: user, gasPrice: '0' })
const { root, path_elements, path_index } = await tree.path(0)
@ -270,7 +270,7 @@ contract('ERC20Mixer', accounts => {
console.log('approve done')
const allowanceUser = await usdtToken.allowance(user, mixer.address)
console.log('allowanceUser', allowanceUser.toString())
await mixer.deposit(toBN(deposit.commitment.toString()), { from: user, gasPrice: '0' })
await mixer.deposit(toFixedHex(deposit.commitment), { from: user, gasPrice: '0' })
console.log('deposit done')
const balanceUserAfter = await usdtToken.balanceOf(user)
@ -359,7 +359,7 @@ contract('ERC20Mixer', accounts => {
console.log('balanceUserBefore', balanceUserBefore.toString())
await token.approve(mixer.address, tokenDenomination, { from: user })
console.log('approve done')
await mixer.deposit(toBN(deposit.commitment.toString()), { from: user, gasPrice: '0' })
await mixer.deposit(toFixedHex(deposit.commitment), { from: user, gasPrice: '0' })
console.log('deposit done')
const balanceUserAfter = await token.balanceOf(user)
@ -103,23 +103,23 @@ contract('ETHMixer', accounts => {
describe('#deposit', () => {
it('should emit event', async () => {
let commitment = 42
let commitment = toFixedHex(42)
let { logs } = await mixer.deposit(commitment, { value, from: sender })
commitment = 12;
commitment = toFixedHex(12);
({ logs } = await mixer.deposit(commitment, { value, from: accounts[2] }))
it('should not deposit if disabled', async () => {
let commitment = 42;
let commitment = toFixedHex(42);
(await mixer.isDepositsDisabled()).should.be.equal(false)
const err = await mixer.toggleDeposits(true, { from: accounts[1] }).should.be.rejected
err.reason.should.be.equal('Only operator can call this function.')
@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ contract('ETHMixer', accounts => {
it('should throw if there is a such commitment', async () => {
const commitment = 42
const commitment = toFixedHex(42)
await mixer.deposit(commitment, { value, from: sender }).should.be.fulfilled
const error = await mixer.deposit(commitment, { value, from: sender }).should.be.rejected
error.reason.should.be.equal('The commitment has been submitted')
@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ contract('ETHMixer', accounts => {
// Uncomment to measure gas usage
// let gas = await mixer.deposit.estimateGas(toBN(deposit.commitment.toString()), { value, from: user, gasPrice: '0' })
// console.log('deposit gas:', gas)
await mixer.deposit(toBN(deposit.commitment.toString()), { value, from: user, gasPrice: '0' })
await mixer.deposit(toFixedHex(deposit.commitment), { value, from: user, gasPrice: '0' })
const balanceUserAfter = await web3.eth.getBalance(user)
@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ contract('ETHMixer', accounts => {
const balanceRelayerBefore = await web3.eth.getBalance(relayer)
const balanceOperatorBefore = await web3.eth.getBalance(operator)
const balanceRecieverBefore = await web3.eth.getBalance(toHex(receiver.toString()))
let isSpent = await mixer.isSpent(input.nullifierHash.toString(16).padStart(66, '0x00000'))
let isSpent = await mixer.isSpent(toFixedHex(input.nullifierHash))
// Uncomment to measure gas usage
@ -256,17 +256,17 @@ contract('ETHMixer', accounts => {
isSpent = await mixer.isSpent(input.nullifierHash.toString(16).padStart(66, '0x00000'))
isSpent = await mixer.isSpent(toFixedHex(input.nullifierHash))
it('should prevent double spend', async () => {
const deposit = generateDeposit()
await tree.insert(deposit.commitment)
await mixer.deposit(toBN(deposit.commitment.toString()), { value, from: sender })
await mixer.deposit(toFixedHex(deposit.commitment), { value, from: sender })
const { root, path_elements, path_index } = await tree.path(0)
@ -300,7 +300,7 @@ contract('ETHMixer', accounts => {
it('should prevent double spend with overflow', async () => {
const deposit = generateDeposit()
await tree.insert(deposit.commitment)
await mixer.deposit(toBN(deposit.commitment.toString()), { value, from: sender })
await mixer.deposit(toFixedHex(deposit.commitment), { value, from: sender })
const { root, path_elements, path_index } = await tree.path(0)
@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ contract('ETHMixer', accounts => {
it('fee should be less or equal transfer value', async () => {
const deposit = generateDeposit()
await tree.insert(deposit.commitment)
await mixer.deposit(toBN(deposit.commitment.toString()), { value, from: sender })
await mixer.deposit(toFixedHex(deposit.commitment), { value, from: sender })
const { root, path_elements, path_index } = await tree.path(0)
const oneEtherFee = bigInt(1e18) // 1 ether
@ -367,7 +367,7 @@ contract('ETHMixer', accounts => {
it('should throw for corrupted merkle tree root', async () => {
const deposit = generateDeposit()
await tree.insert(deposit.commitment)
await mixer.deposit(toBN(deposit.commitment.toString()), { value, from: sender })
await mixer.deposit(toFixedHex(deposit.commitment), { value, from: sender })
const { root, path_elements, path_index } = await tree.path(0)
@ -402,7 +402,7 @@ contract('ETHMixer', accounts => {
it('should reject with tampered public inputs', async () => {
const deposit = generateDeposit()
await tree.insert(deposit.commitment)
await mixer.deposit(toBN(deposit.commitment.toString()), { value, from: sender })
await mixer.deposit(toFixedHex(deposit.commitment), { value, from: sender })
let { root, path_elements, path_index } = await tree.path(0)
@ -478,7 +478,7 @@ contract('ETHMixer', accounts => {
it('should reject with non zero refund', async () => {
const deposit = generateDeposit()
await tree.insert(deposit.commitment)
await mixer.deposit(toBN(deposit.commitment.toString()), { value, from: sender })
await mixer.deposit(toFixedHex(deposit.commitment), { value, from: sender })
const { root, path_elements, path_index } = await tree.path(0)
@ -12,6 +12,9 @@ const hasherContract = artifacts.require('./Hasher.sol')
const MerkleTree = require('../lib/MerkleTree')
const hasherImpl = require('../lib/MiMC')
const snarkjs = require('snarkjs')
const bigInt = snarkjs.bigInt
const { ETH_AMOUNT, MERKLE_TREE_HEIGHT } = process.env
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
@ -23,6 +26,13 @@ function BNArrayToStringArray(array) {
return arrayToPrint
function toFixedHex(number, length = 32) {
let str = bigInt(number).toString(16)
while (str.length < length * 2) str = '0' + str
str = '0x' + str
return str
contract('MerkleTreeWithHistory', accounts => {
let merkleTreeWithHistory
let hasherInstance
@ -51,9 +61,9 @@ contract('MerkleTreeWithHistory', accounts => {
it('should initialize', async () => {
const zeroValue = await merkleTreeWithHistory.ZERO_VALUE()
const firstSubtree = await merkleTreeWithHistory.filledSubtrees(0)
const firstZero = await merkleTreeWithHistory.zeros(0)
@ -72,7 +82,7 @@ contract('MerkleTreeWithHistory', accounts => {
await tree.insert('5')
await tree.insert(toFixedHex('5'))
let { root, path_elements } = await tree.path(0)
const calculated_root = hasher.hash(null,
hasher.hash(null, '5', path_elements[0]),
@ -162,11 +172,11 @@ contract('MerkleTreeWithHistory', accounts => {
let rootFromContract
for (let i = 1; i < 11; i++) {
await merkleTreeWithHistory.insert(i, { from: sender })
await merkleTreeWithHistory.insert(toFixedHex(i), { from: sender })
await tree.insert(i)
let { root } = await tree.path(i - 1)
rootFromContract = await merkleTreeWithHistory.getLastRoot()
@ -175,13 +185,13 @@ contract('MerkleTreeWithHistory', accounts => {
const merkleTreeWithHistory = await MerkleTreeWithHistory.new(levels)
for (let i = 0; i < 2**levels; i++) {
await merkleTreeWithHistory.insert(i+42).should.be.fulfilled
await merkleTreeWithHistory.insert(toFixedHex(i+42)).should.be.fulfilled
let error = await merkleTreeWithHistory.insert(1337).should.be.rejected
let error = await merkleTreeWithHistory.insert(toFixedHex(1337)).should.be.rejected
error.reason.should.be.equal('Merkle tree is full. No more leafs can be added')
error = await merkleTreeWithHistory.insert(1).should.be.rejected
error = await merkleTreeWithHistory.insert(toFixedHex(1)).should.be.rejected
error.reason.should.be.equal('Merkle tree is full. No more leafs can be added')
@ -200,22 +210,22 @@ contract('MerkleTreeWithHistory', accounts => {
let path
for (let i = 1; i < 5; i++) {
await merkleTreeWithHistory.insert(i, { from: sender }).should.be.fulfilled
await merkleTreeWithHistory.insert(toFixedHex(i), { from: sender }).should.be.fulfilled
await tree.insert(i)
path = await tree.path(i - 1)
let isKnown = await merkleTreeWithHistory.isKnownRoot(path.root)
let isKnown = await merkleTreeWithHistory.isKnownRoot(toFixedHex(path.root))
await merkleTreeWithHistory.insert(42, { from: sender }).should.be.fulfilled
await merkleTreeWithHistory.insert(toFixedHex(42), { from: sender }).should.be.fulfilled
// check outdated root
let isKnown = await merkleTreeWithHistory.isKnownRoot(path.root)
let isKnown = await merkleTreeWithHistory.isKnownRoot(toFixedHex(path.root))
it('should not return uninitialized roots', async () => {
await merkleTreeWithHistory.insert(42, { from: sender }).should.be.fulfilled
let isKnown = await merkleTreeWithHistory.isKnownRoot(0)
await merkleTreeWithHistory.insert(toFixedHex(42), { from: sender }).should.be.fulfilled
let isKnown = await merkleTreeWithHistory.isKnownRoot(toFixedHex(0))
Reference in New Issue
Block a user