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synced 2024-12-19 04:54:28 -05:00

+ Change orderby to BlockNumber since using timestamp only gives timestamp of block + Added filter to exclude duplicated results
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713 lines
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# Tornado-CLI
Command line tool to interact with [Tornado Cash](https://tornadocash.eth.link).
### Warning!
Current cli version doesn't support [Anonymity Mining](https://tornado-cash.medium.com/tornado-cash-governance-proposal-a55c5c7d0703)
### How to install tornado cli
Download and install [node.js](https://nodejs.org/en/download/).
You also need to install C++ build tools in order to do 'npm install', for more information please checkout https://github.com/nodejs/node-gyp#on-unix.
- For Windows: https://stackoverflow.com/a/64224475
- For MacOS: Install XCode Command Line Tools
- For Linux: Install make & gcc, for ubuntu `$ sudo apt-get install -y build-essentials`
If you have git installed on your system, clone the master branch.
$ git clone https://github.com/tornadocash/tornado-cli
Or, download the archive file from github
After downloading or cloning the repository, you must install necessary libraries using the following command.
$ cd tornado-cli
$ npm install
If you want to use Tor connection to conceal ip address, install [Tor Browser](https://www.torproject.org/download/) and add `--tor 9150` for `cli.js` if you connect tor with browser. (For non tor-browser tor service you can use the default 9050 port).
Note that you should reset your tor connection by restarting the browser every time when you deposit & withdraw otherwise you will have the same exit node used for connection.
### Goerli, Mainnet, Binance Smart Chain, Gnosis Chain, Polygon Network, Arbitrum, Avalanche
1. Add `PRIVATE_KEY` to `.env` file
2. `node cli.js --help`
3. If you want to use secure, anonymous tor connection add `--tor <torPort>` behind the command.
#### To deposit:
$ node cli.js deposit <currency> <amount> --rpc <rpc url> --tor <torPort>
Note that `--tor <torPort>` is optional.
For RPC nodes please refer to the list of public RPC nodes below.
##### Example:
$ node cli.js deposit ETH 0.1 --rpc https://goerli.infura.io/v3/9aa3d95b3bc440fa88ea12eaa4456161 --tor 9150
Your note: tornado-eth-0.1-5-0xf73dd6833ccbcc046c44228c8e2aa312bf49e08389dadc7c65e6a73239867b7ef49c705c4db227e2fadd8489a494b6880bdcb6016047e019d1abec1c7652
Tornado ETH balance is 8.9
Sender account ETH balance is 1004873.470619891361352542
Submitting deposit transaction
Tornado ETH balance is 9
Sender account ETH balance is 1004873.361652048361352542
#### To withdraw:
$ node cli.js withdraw <note> <recipient> --rpc <rpc url> --relayer <relayer url> --tor <torPort>
Note that `--relayer <relayer url>`, `--tor <torPort>` is optional.
If you want to use Tornado Cash relayer for your first withdrawal to your new ethereum account, please refer to the list of relayers below.
If you don't need relayer while doing withdrawals, you must apply your withdrawal account's private key to `.env` file.
Copy the `PRIVATE_KEY=` line of `.env.example` to `.env`, and add your private key behind the `=`.
##### Example:
$ node cli.js withdraw tornado-eth-0.1-5-0xf73dd6833ccbcc046c44228c8e2aa312bf49e08389dadc7c65e6a73239867b7ef49c705c4db227e2fadd8489a494b6880bdcb6016047e019d1abec1c7652 0x8589427373D6D84E98730D7795D8f6f8731FDA16 --rpc https://goerli.infura.io/v3/9aa3d95b3bc440fa88ea12eaa4456161 --relayer https://goerli-frelay.duckdns.org --tor 9150
Relay address: 0x6A31736e7490AbE5D5676be059DFf064AB4aC754
Getting current state from tornado contract
Generating SNARK proof
Proof time: 9117.051ms
Sending withdraw transaction through relay
Transaction submitted through the relay. View transaction on etherscan https://goerli.etherscan.io/tx/0xcb21ae8cad723818c6bc7273e83e00c8393fcdbe74802ce5d562acad691a2a7b
Transaction mined in block 17036120
### (Optional) Creating Deposit Notes & Invoices offline
One of the main features of tornado-cli is that it supports creating deposit notes & invoices inside the offline computing environment.
After the private-key like notes are backed up somewhere safe, you can copy the created deposit invoices and use them to create new deposit transaction on online environment.
#### To create deposit notes with `createNote` command.
$ node cli.js createNote <currency> <amount> <chainId>
To find out chainId value for your network, refer to https://chainlist.org/.
##### Example:
$ node cli.js createNote ETH 0.1 5
Your note: tornado-eth-0.1-5-0x1d9771a7b9f8b6c03d33116208ce8db1aa559d33e65d22dd2ff78375fc6b635f930536d2432b4bde0178c72cfc79d6b27023c5d9de60985f186b34c18c00
Your invoice for deposit: tornadoInvoice-eth-0.1-5-0x1b680c7dda0c2dd1b85f0fe126d49b16ed594b3cd6d5114db5f4593877a6b84f
Backed up deposit note as ./backup-tornado-eth-0.1-5-0x1d9771a7.txt
Backed up invoice as ./backup-tornadoInvoice-eth-0.1-5-0x1b680c7d.txt
#### To create corresponding deposit transaction with `depositInvoice` command.
Creating deposit transaction with `depositInvoice` only requires valid deposit note created by `createNote` command, so that the deposit note could be stored without exposed anywhere.
$ node cli.js depositInvoice <invoice> --rpc <rpc url> --tor <torPort>
Note that `--tor <torPort>` is optional.
For RPC nodes please refer to the list of public RPC nodes below.
##### Example:
node cli.js depositInvoice tornadoInvoice-eth-0.1-5-0x1b680c7dda0c2dd1b85f0fe126d49b16ed594b3cd6d5114db5f4593877a6b84f --rpc https://goerli.infura.io/v3/9aa3d95b3bc440fa88ea12eaa4456161 --tor 9150
Using tor network
Your remote IP address is xx.xx.xx.xx from xx.
Creating ETH 0.1 deposit for Goerli network.
Using supplied invoice for deposit
Tornado contract balance is xxx.x ETH
Sender account balance is x.xxxxxxx ETH
Submitting deposit transaction
Submitting transaction to the remote node
View transaction on block explorer https://goerli.etherscan.io/tx/0x6ded443caed8d6f2666841149532c64bee149a9a8e1070ed4c91a12dd1837747
Tornado contract balance is xxx.x ETH
Sender account balance is x.xxxxxxx ETH
#### To withdraw, you will need deposit note that matches with your deposit transaction.
$ node cli.js withdraw <note> <recipient> --rpc <rpc url> --relayer <relayer url> --tor <torPort>
Note that `--relayer <relayer url>`, `--tor <torPort>` is optional.
If you want to use Tornado Cash relayer for your first withdrawal to your new ethereum account, please refer to the list of relayers below.
If you don't need relayer while doing withdrawals, you must apply your withdrawal account's private key to `.env` file.
Copy the `PRIVATE_KEY=` line of `.env.example` to `.env`, and add your private key behind the `=`.
##### Example:
$ node cli.js withdraw tornado-eth-0.1-5-0xf73dd6833ccbcc046c44228c8e2aa312bf49e08389dadc7c65e6a73239867b7ef49c705c4db227e2fadd8489a494b6880bdcb6016047e019d1abec1c7652 0x8589427373D6D84E98730D7795D8f6f8731FDA16 --rpc https://goerli.infura.io/v3/9aa3d95b3bc440fa88ea12eaa4456161 --relayer https://goerli-frelay.duckdns.org --tor 9150
Relay address: 0x6A31736e7490AbE5D5676be059DFf064AB4aC754
Getting current state from tornado contract
Generating SNARK proof
Proof time: 9117.051ms
Sending withdraw transaction through relay
Transaction submitted through the relay. View transaction on etherscan https://goerli.etherscan.io/tx/0xcb21ae8cad723818c6bc7273e83e00c8393fcdbe74802ce5d562acad691a2a7b
Transaction mined in block 17036120
### List of public rpc & relayers for withdrawal
Infura API key fetched from https://rpc.info (Same one with Metamask)
"name":"BSC Public RPC 1",
"name":"BSC Public RPC 2",
"name":"BSC Public RPC 3",
"name":"Ankr BSC Public RPC",
"name":"NodeReal BSC Public RPC",
"name":"Gnosis Chain RPC",
"name":"Gnosis Chain RPC2",
"name":"Gnosis Chain RPC3",
"name":"Arbitrum Public RPC",
"name":"Avalanche RPC",
"name":"Optimism Public RPC",