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synced 2025-03-12 10:06:47 -04:00

App is embedded in firmware and is loaded into app RAM when firmware starts. App continuously calls SET_LED syscalls. Simulation: `make tb_application_fpga_irqpoc_c_example`
117 lines
3.7 KiB
117 lines
3.7 KiB
// tb_application_fpga_sim.v
// -------------------------
// Top level module of the application_fpga.
// The design exposes a UART interface to allow a host to
// send commands and receive responses as needed load, execute and
// communicate with applications.
// Copyright (C) 2022 - Tillitis AB
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
`timescale 1ns / 1ns
module tb_application_fpga_sim ();
// Internal constant and parameter definitions.
parameter CLK_HALF_PERIOD = 1;
// Register and Wire declarations.
reg tb_clk = 0;
wire tb_interface_rx;
reg tb_interface_tx = 1'h1; // Set to 1 to simulate inactive UART
reg tb_interface_ch552_cts = 1'h1; // Set to 1 to simulate OK to send
reg tb_interface_fpga_cts;
wire tb_spi_ss;
wire tb_spi_sck;
wire tb_spi_mosi;
reg tb_spi_miso;
reg tb_touch_event;
reg tb_app_gpio1;
reg tb_app_gpio2;
wire tb_app_gpio3;
wire tb_app_gpio4;
wire tb_led_r;
wire tb_led_g;
wire tb_led_b;
// Device Under Test.
application_fpga_sim dut (
// clk_gen
// Always running clock generator process.
always begin : clk_gen
tb_clk = !tb_clk;
end // clk_gen
// finish
// End simulation
initial begin
// End simulation after XXX time units (set by timescale)
// Fill memories with data
initial begin
$readmemh("tb/output_spram0.hex", dut.ram_inst.spram0.mem);
$readmemh("tb/output_spram1.hex", dut.ram_inst.spram1.mem);
$readmemh("tb/output_spram2.hex", dut.ram_inst.spram2.mem);
$readmemh("tb/output_spram3.hex", dut.ram_inst.spram3.mem);
// dumpfile
// Save waveform file
initial begin
$dumpvars(0, tb_application_fpga_sim);
endmodule // tb_application_fpga_sim
// EOF tb_application_fpga_sim.v