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synced 2025-03-12 10:06:47 -04:00

Add incoming and outgoing CTS (Clear To Send) signals for the FPGA to let the CH552 and FPGA signal each other that it is OK to send UART data. The CTS signals indicate "OK to send" if high. If an incoming CTS signal goes low, the receiver of that signal should immediatly stop sending UART data.
117 lines
3.7 KiB
117 lines
3.7 KiB
// tb_application_fpga_sim.v
// -------------------------
// Top level module of the application_fpga.
// The design exposes a UART interface to allow a host to
// send commands and receive responses as needed load, execute and
// communicate with applications.
// Copyright (C) 2022 - Tillitis AB
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
`timescale 1ns / 1ns
module tb_application_fpga_sim ();
// Internal constant and parameter definitions.
parameter CLK_HALF_PERIOD = 1;
// Register and Wire declarations.
reg tb_clk = 0;
wire tb_interface_rx;
reg tb_interface_tx = 1'h1; // Set to 1 to simulate inactive UART
reg tb_interface_ch552_cts = 1'h1; // Set to 1 to simulate OK to send
reg tb_interface_fpga_cts;
wire tb_spi_ss;
wire tb_spi_sck;
wire tb_spi_mosi;
reg tb_spi_miso;
reg tb_touch_event;
reg tb_app_gpio1;
reg tb_app_gpio2;
wire tb_app_gpio3;
wire tb_app_gpio4;
wire tb_led_r;
wire tb_led_g;
wire tb_led_b;
// Device Under Test.
application_fpga_sim dut (
// clk_gen
// Always running clock generator process.
always begin : clk_gen
tb_clk = !tb_clk;
end // clk_gen
// finish
// End simulation
initial begin
// End simulation after XXX time units (set by timescale)
// Fill memories with data
initial begin
$readmemh("tb/output_spram0.hex", dut.ram_inst.spram0.mem);
$readmemh("tb/output_spram1.hex", dut.ram_inst.spram1.mem);
$readmemh("tb/output_spram2.hex", dut.ram_inst.spram2.mem);
$readmemh("tb/output_spram3.hex", dut.ram_inst.spram3.mem);
// dumpfile
// Save waveform file
initial begin
$dumpvars(0, tb_application_fpga_sim);
endmodule // tb_application_fpga_sim
// EOF tb_application_fpga_sim.v