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synced 2025-03-09 16:49:54 -04:00

* ch552 firmware: add ch55x support files directly * Add sdcc compiler to docker image, for building CH552 firmware * Rework production test script * Add menu-based test runner * Rewrite production test flows as lists of individual tests * Add both production flows and manual tests to menu * Switch to using included binaries * production test: Update message format * test_txrx_touchpad: Retry if device communications fail * production test: put all binaries in binaries/ folder * binaries/top.bin: replace broken binary * flash_check: Check for explicit flash IDs * Document most test procedures * Test plan documentation * Sample udev rules * Production test: allow external references to be overridden * Remove outdated descriptions * Correct shebang * Update shebangs to comply with PEP 394 Change the python scripts to call python instead of python3, as this works cross platform. See: https://peps.python.org/pep-0394/#for-python-script-publishers * Move production test to higher-level directory * Clarify production test setup * Move USB C connector test to separate directory Co-authored-by: Michael Cardell Widerkrantz <mc@tillitis.se>
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Header file for CH554 microcontrollers.
** Copyright (C) W.ch 1999-2014 **
** Web: http://wch.cn **
#ifndef __CH554_H__
#define __CH554_H__
#include <compiler.h>
/*----- SFR --------------------------------------------------------------*/
/* sbit are bit addressable, others are byte addressable */
/* System Registers */
SFR(PSW, 0xD0); // program status word
SBIT(CY, 0xD0, 7); // carry flag
SBIT(AC, 0xD0, 6); // auxiliary carry flag
SBIT(F0, 0xD0, 5); // bit addressable general purpose flag 0
SBIT(RS1, 0xD0, 4); // register R0-R7 bank selection high bit
SBIT(RS0, 0xD0, 3); // register R0-R7 bank selection low bit
#define MASK_PSW_RS 0x18 // bit mask of register R0-R7 bank selection
// RS1 & RS0: register R0-R7 bank selection
// 00 - bank 0, R0-R7 @ address 0x00-0x07
// 01 - bank 1, R0-R7 @ address 0x08-0x0F
// 10 - bank 2, R0-R7 @ address 0x10-0x17
// 11 - bank 3, R0-R7 @ address 0x18-0x1F
SBIT(OV, 0xD0, 2); // overflow flag
SBIT(F1, 0xD0, 1); // bit addressable general purpose flag 1
SBIT(P, 0xD0, 0); // ReadOnly: parity flag
SFR(ACC, 0xE0); // accumulator
SFR(B, 0xF0); // general purpose register B
SFR(SP, 0x81); // stack pointer
//sfr16 DPTR = 0x82; // DPTR pointer, little-endian
SFR(DPL, 0x82); // data pointer low
SFR(DPH, 0x83); // data pointer high
SFR(SAFE_MOD, 0xA1); // WriteOnly: writing safe mode
//sfr CHIP_ID = 0xA1; // ReadOnly: reading chip ID
SFR(GLOBAL_CFG, 0xB1); // global config, Write@SafeMode
#define bBOOT_LOAD 0x20 // ReadOnly: boot loader status for discriminating BootLoader or Application: set 1 by power on reset, clear 0 by software reset
#define bSW_RESET 0x10 // software reset bit, auto clear by hardware
#define bCODE_WE 0x08 // enable flash-ROM (include code & Data-Flash) being program or erasing: 0=writing protect, 1=enable program and erase
#define bDATA_WE 0x04 // enable Data-Flash (flash-ROM data area) being program or erasing: 0=writing protect, 1=enable program and erase
#define bLDO3V3_OFF 0x02 // disable 5V->3.3V LDO: 0=enable LDO for USB and internal oscillator under 5V power, 1=disable LDO, V33 pin input external 3.3V power
#define bWDOG_EN 0x01 // enable watch-dog reset if watch-dog timer overflow: 0=as timer only, 1=enable reset if timer overflow
/* Clock and Sleep and Power Registers */
SFR(PCON, 0x87); // power control and reset flag
#define SMOD 0x80 // baud rate selection for UART0 mode 1/2/3: 0=slow(Fsys/128 @mode2, TF1/32 @mode1/3, no effect for TF2),
// 1=fast(Fsys/32 @mode2, TF1/16 @mode1/3, no effect for TF2)
#define bRST_FLAG1 0x20 // ReadOnly: recent reset flag high bit
#define bRST_FLAG0 0x10 // ReadOnly: recent reset flag low bit
#define MASK_RST_FLAG 0x30 // ReadOnly: bit mask of recent reset flag
#define RST_FLAG_SW 0x00
#define RST_FLAG_POR 0x10
#define RST_FLAG_WDOG 0x20
#define RST_FLAG_PIN 0x30
// bPC_RST_FLAG1 & bPC_RST_FLAG0: recent reset flag
// 00 - software reset, by bSW_RESET=1 @(bBOOT_LOAD=0 or bWDOG_EN=1)
// 01 - power on reset
// 10 - watch-dog timer overflow reset
// 11 - external input manual reset by RST pin
#define GF1 0x08 // general purpose flag bit 1
#define GF0 0x04 // general purpose flag bit 0
#define PD 0x02 // power-down enable bit, auto clear by wake-up hardware
SFR(CLOCK_CFG, 0xB9); // system clock config: lower 3 bits for system clock Fsys, Write@SafeMode
#define bOSC_EN_INT 0x80 // internal oscillator enable and original clock selection: 1=enable & select internal clock, 0=disable & select external clock
#define bOSC_EN_XT 0x40 // external oscillator enable, need quartz crystal or ceramic resonator between XI and XO pins
#define bWDOG_IF_TO 0x20 // ReadOnly: watch-dog timer overflow interrupt flag, cleared by reload watch-dog count or auto cleared when MCU enter interrupt routine
#define bROM_CLK_FAST 0x10 // flash-ROM clock frequency selection: 0=normal(for Fosc>=16MHz), 1=fast(for Fosc<16MHz)
#define bRST 0x08 // ReadOnly: pin RST input
#define bT2EX_ 0x08 // alternate pin for T2EX
#define bCAP2_ 0x08 // alternate pin for CAP2
#define MASK_SYS_CK_SEL 0x07 // bit mask of system clock Fsys selection
Fxt = 24MHz(8MHz~25MHz for non-USB application), from external oscillator @XI&XO
Fosc = bOSC_EN_INT ? 24MHz : Fxt
Fpll = Fosc * 4 => 96MHz (32MHz~100MHz for non-USB application)
Fusb4x = Fpll / 2 => 48MHz (Fixed)
MASK_SYS_CK_SEL[2] [1] [0]
Fsys = Fpll/3 = 32MHz: 1 1 1
Fsys = Fpll/4 = 24MHz: 1 1 0
Fsys = Fpll/6 = 16MHz: 1 0 1
Fsys = Fpll/8 = 12MHz: 1 0 0
Fsys = Fpll/16 = 6MHz: 0 1 1
Fsys = Fpll/32 = 3MHz: 0 1 0
Fsys = Fpll/128 = 750KHz: 0 0 1
Fsys = Fpll/512 =187.5KHz: 0 0 0
SFR(WAKE_CTRL, 0xA9); // wake-up control, Write@SafeMode
#define bWAK_BY_USB 0x80 // enable wake-up by USB event
#define bWAK_RXD1_LO 0x40 // enable wake-up by RXD1 low level
#define bWAK_P1_5_LO 0x20 // enable wake-up by pin P1.5 low level
#define bWAK_P1_4_LO 0x10 // enable wake-up by pin P1.4 low level
#define bWAK_P1_3_LO 0x08 // enable wake-up by pin P1.3 low level
#define bWAK_RST_HI 0x04 // enable wake-up by pin RST high level
#define bWAK_P3_2E_3L 0x02 // enable wake-up by pin P3.2 (INT0) edge or pin P3.3 (INT1) low level
#define bWAK_RXD0_LO 0x01 // enable wake-up by RXD0 low level
SFR(RESET_KEEP, 0xFE); // value keeper during reset
SFR(WDOG_COUNT, 0xFF); // watch-dog count, count by clock frequency Fsys/65536
/* Interrupt Registers */
SFR(IE, 0xA8); // interrupt enable
SBIT(EA, 0xA8, 7); // enable global interrupts: 0=disable, 1=enable if E_DIS=0
SBIT(E_DIS, 0xA8, 6); // disable global interrupts, intend to inhibit interrupt during some flash-ROM operation: 0=enable if EA=1, 1=disable
SBIT(ET2, 0xA8, 5); // enable timer2 interrupt
SBIT(ES, 0xA8, 4); // enable UART0 interrupt
SBIT(ET1, 0xA8, 3); // enable timer1 interrupt
SBIT(EX1, 0xA8, 2); // enable external interrupt INT1
SBIT(ET0, 0xA8, 1); // enable timer0 interrupt
SBIT(EX0, 0xA8, 0); // enable external interrupt INT0
SFR(IP, 0xB8); // interrupt priority and current priority
SBIT(PH_FLAG, 0xB8, 7); // ReadOnly: high level priority action flag
SBIT(PL_FLAG, 0xB8, 6); // ReadOnly: low level priority action flag
// PH_FLAG & PL_FLAG: current interrupt priority
// 00 - no interrupt now
// 01 - low level priority interrupt action now
// 10 - high level priority interrupt action now
// 11 - unknown error
SBIT(PT2, 0xB8, 5); // timer2 interrupt priority level
SBIT(PS, 0xB8, 4); // UART0 interrupt priority level
SBIT(PT1, 0xB8, 3); // timer1 interrupt priority level
SBIT(PX1, 0xB8, 2); // external interrupt INT1 priority level
SBIT(PT0, 0xB8, 1); // timer0 interrupt priority level
SBIT(PX0, 0xB8, 0); // external interrupt INT0 priority level
SFR(IE_EX, 0xE8); // extend interrupt enable
SBIT(IE_WDOG, 0xE8, 7); // enable watch-dog timer interrupt
SBIT(IE_GPIO, 0xE8, 6); // enable GPIO input interrupt
SBIT(IE_PWMX, 0xE8, 5); // enable PWM1/2 interrupt
SBIT(IE_UART1, 0xE8, 4); // enable UART1 interrupt
SBIT(IE_ADC, 0xE8, 3); // enable ADC interrupt
SBIT(IE_USB, 0xE8, 2); // enable USB interrupt
SBIT(IE_TKEY, 0xE8, 1); // enable touch-key timer interrupt
SBIT(IE_SPI0, 0xE8, 0); // enable SPI0 interrupt
SFR(IP_EX, 0xE9); // extend interrupt priority
#define bIP_LEVEL 0x80 // ReadOnly: current interrupt nested level: 0=no interrupt or two levels, 1=one level
#define bIP_GPIO 0x40 // GPIO input interrupt priority level
#define bIP_PWMX 0x20 // PWM1/2 interrupt priority level
#define bIP_UART1 0x10 // UART1 interrupt priority level
#define bIP_ADC 0x08 // ADC interrupt priority level
#define bIP_USB 0x04 // USB interrupt priority level
#define bIP_TKEY 0x02 // touch-key timer interrupt priority level
#define bIP_SPI0 0x01 // SPI0 interrupt priority level
SFR(GPIO_IE, 0xC7); // GPIO interrupt enable
#define bIE_IO_EDGE 0x80 // enable GPIO edge interrupt: 0=low/high level, 1=falling/rising edge
#define bIE_RXD1_LO 0x40 // enable interrupt by RXD1 low level / falling edge
#define bIE_P1_5_LO 0x20 // enable interrupt by pin P1.5 low level / falling edge
#define bIE_P1_4_LO 0x10 // enable interrupt by pin P1.4 low level / falling edge
#define bIE_P1_3_LO 0x08 // enable interrupt by pin P1.3 low level / falling edge
#define bIE_RST_HI 0x04 // enable interrupt by pin RST high level / rising edge
#define bIE_P3_1_LO 0x02 // enable interrupt by pin P3.1 low level / falling edge
#define bIE_RXD0_LO 0x01 // enable interrupt by RXD0 low level / falling edge
/* FlashROM and Data-Flash Registers */
SFR16(ROM_ADDR, 0x84); // address for flash-ROM, little-endian
SFR(ROM_ADDR_L, 0x84); // address low byte for flash-ROM
SFR(ROM_ADDR_H, 0x85); // address high byte for flash-ROM
SFR16(ROM_DATA, 0x8E); // data for flash-ROM writing, little-endian
SFR(ROM_DATA_L, 0x8E); // data low byte for flash-ROM writing, data byte for Data-Flash reading/writing
SFR(ROM_DATA_H, 0x8F); // data high byte for flash-ROM writing
SFR(ROM_CTRL, 0x86); // WriteOnly: flash-ROM control
#define ROM_CMD_WRITE 0x9A // WriteOnly: flash-ROM word or Data-Flash byte write operation command
#define ROM_CMD_READ 0x8E // WriteOnly: Data-Flash byte read operation command
//sfr ROM_STATUS = 0x86; // ReadOnly: flash-ROM status
#define bROM_ADDR_OK 0x40 // ReadOnly: flash-ROM writing operation address valid flag, can be reviewed before or after operation: 0=invalid parameter, 1=address valid
#define bROM_CMD_ERR 0x02 // ReadOnly: flash-ROM operation command error flag: 0=command accepted, 1=unknown command
/* Port Registers */
SFR(P1, 0x90); // port 1 input & output
SBIT(SCK, 0x90, 7); // serial clock for SPI0
SBIT(TXD1, 0x90, 7); // TXD output for UART1
SBIT(TIN5, 0x90, 7); // TIN5 for Touch-Key
SBIT(MISO, 0x90, 6); // master serial data input or slave serial data output for SPI0
SBIT(RXD1, 0x90, 6); // RXD input for UART1
SBIT(TIN4, 0x90, 6); // TIN4 for Touch-Key
SBIT(MOSI, 0x90, 5); // master serial data output or slave serial data input for SPI0
SBIT(PWM1, 0x90, 5); // PWM output for PWM1
SBIT(TIN3, 0x90, 5); // TIN3 for Touch-Key
SBIT(UCC2, 0x90, 5); // CC2 for USB type-C
SBIT(AIN2, 0x90, 5); // AIN2 for ADC
SBIT(T2_, 0x90, 4); // alternate pin for T2
SBIT(CAP1_, 0x90, 4); // alternate pin for CAP1
SBIT(SCS, 0x90, 4); // slave chip-selection input for SPI0
SBIT(TIN2, 0x90, 4); // TIN2 for Touch-Key
SBIT(UCC1, 0x90, 4); // CC1 for USB type-C
SBIT(AIN1, 0x90, 4); // AIN1 for ADC
SBIT(TXD_, 0x90, 3); // alternate pin for TXD of UART0
SBIT(RXD_, 0x90, 2); // alternate pin for RXD of UART0
SBIT(T2EX, 0x90, 1); // external trigger input for timer2 reload & capture
SBIT(CAP2, 0x90, 1); // capture2 input for timer2
SBIT(TIN1, 0x90, 1); // TIN1 for Touch-Key
SBIT(VBUS2, 0x90, 1); // VBUS2 for USB type-C
SBIT(AIN0, 0x90, 1); // AIN0 for ADC
SBIT(T2, 0x90, 0); // external count input
SBIT(CAP1, 0x90, 0); // capture1 input for timer2
SBIT(TIN0, 0x90, 0); // TIN0 for Touch-Key
SFR(P1_MOD_OC, 0x92); // port 1 output mode: 0=push-pull, 1=open-drain
SFR(P1_DIR_PU, 0x93); // port 1 direction for push-pull or pullup enable for open-drain
// Pn_MOD_OC & Pn_DIR_PU: pin input & output configuration for Pn (n=1/3)
// 0 0: float input only, without pullup resistance
// 0 1: push-pull output, strong driving high level and low level
// 1 0: open-drain output and input without pullup resistance
// 1 1: quasi-bidirectional (standard 8051 mode), open-drain output and input with pullup resistance, just driving high level strongly for 2 clocks if turning output level from low to high
#define bSCK 0x80 // serial clock for SPI0
#define bTXD1 0x80 // TXD output for UART1
#define bMISO 0x40 // master serial data input or slave serial data output for SPI0
#define bRXD1 0x40 // RXD input for UART1
#define bMOSI 0x20 // master serial data output or slave serial data input for SPI0
#define bPWM1 0x20 // PWM output for PWM1
#define bUCC2 0x20 // CC2 for USB type-C
#define bAIN2 0x20 // AIN2 for ADC
#define bT2_ 0x10 // alternate pin for T2
#define bCAP1_ 0x10 // alternate pin for CAP1
#define bSCS 0x10 // slave chip-selection input for SPI0
#define bUCC1 0x10 // CC1 for USB type-C
#define bAIN1 0x10 // AIN1 for ADC
#define bTXD_ 0x08 // alternate pin for TXD of UART0
#define bRXD_ 0x04 // alternate pin for RXD of UART0
#define bT2EX 0x02 // external trigger input for timer2 reload & capture
#define bCAP2 bT2EX // capture2 input for timer2
#define bVBUS2 0x02 // VBUS2 for USB type-C
#define bAIN0 0x02 // AIN0 for ADC
#define bT2 0x01 // external count input or clock output for timer2
#define bCAP1 bT2 // capture1 input for timer2
SFR(P2, 0xA0); // port 2
SFR(P3, 0xB0); // port 3 input & output
SBIT(UDM, 0xB0, 7); // ReadOnly: pin UDM input
SBIT(UDP, 0xB0, 6); // ReadOnly: pin UDP input
SBIT(T1, 0xB0, 5); // external count input for timer1
SBIT(PWM2, 0xB0, 4); // PWM output for PWM2
SBIT(RXD1_, 0xB0, 4); // alternate pin for RXD1
SBIT(T0, 0xB0, 4); // external count input for timer0
SBIT(INT1, 0xB0, 3); // external interrupt 1 input
SBIT(TXD1_, 0xB0, 2); // alternate pin for TXD1
SBIT(INT0, 0xB0, 2); // external interrupt 0 input
SBIT(VBUS1, 0xB0, 2); // VBUS1 for USB type-C
SBIT(AIN3, 0xB0, 2); // AIN3 for ADC
SBIT(PWM2_, 0xB0, 1); // alternate pin for PWM2
SBIT(TXD, 0xB0, 1); // TXD output for UART0
SBIT(PWM1_, 0xB0, 0); // alternate pin for PWM1
SBIT(RXD, 0xB0, 0); // RXD input for UART0
SFR(P3_MOD_OC, 0x96); // port 3 output mode: 0=push-pull, 1=open-drain
SFR(P3_DIR_PU, 0x97); // port 3 direction for push-pull or pullup enable for open-drain
#define bUDM 0x80 // ReadOnly: pin UDM input
#define bUDP 0x40 // ReadOnly: pin UDP input
#define bT1 0x20 // external count input for timer1
#define bPWM2 0x10 // PWM output for PWM2
#define bRXD1_ 0x10 // alternate pin for RXD1
#define bT0 0x10 // external count input for timer0
#define bINT1 0x08 // external interrupt 1 input
#define bTXD1_ 0x04 // alternate pin for TXD1
#define bINT0 0x04 // external interrupt 0 input
#define bVBUS1 0x04 // VBUS1 for USB type-C
#define bAIN3 0x04 // AIN3 for ADC
#define bPWM2_ 0x02 // alternate pin for PWM2
#define bTXD 0x02 // TXD output for UART0
#define bPWM1_ 0x01 // alternate pin for PWM1
#define bRXD 0x01 // RXD input for UART0
SFR(PIN_FUNC, 0xC6); // pin function selection
#define bUSB_IO_EN 0x80 // USB UDP/UDM I/O pin enable: 0=P3.6/P3.7 as GPIO, 1=P3.6/P3.7 as USB
#define bIO_INT_ACT 0x40 // ReadOnly: GPIO interrupt request action status
#define bUART1_PIN_X 0x20 // UART1 alternate pin enable: 0=RXD1/TXD1 on P1.6/P1.7, 1=RXD1/TXD1 on P3.4/P3.2
#define bUART0_PIN_X 0x10 // UART0 alternate pin enable: 0=RXD0/TXD0 on P3.0/P3.1, 1=RXD0/TXD0 on P1.2/P1.3
#define bPWM2_PIN_X 0x08 // PWM2 alternate pin enable: 0=PWM2 on P3.4, 1=PWM2 on P3.1
#define bPWM1_PIN_X 0x04 // PWM1 alternate pin enable: 0=PWM1 on P1.5, 1=PWM1 on P3.0
#define bT2EX_PIN_X 0x02 // T2EX/CAP2 alternate pin enable: 0=T2EX/CAP2 on P1.1, 1=T2EX/CAP2 on RST
#define bT2_PIN_X 0x01 // T2/CAP1 alternate pin enable: 0=T2/CAP1 on P1.1, 1=T2/CAP1 on P1.4
SFR(XBUS_AUX, 0xA2); // xBUS auxiliary setting
#define bUART0_TX 0x80 // ReadOnly: indicate UART0 transmittal status
#define bUART0_RX 0x40 // ReadOnly: indicate UART0 receiving status
#define bSAFE_MOD_ACT 0x20 // ReadOnly: safe mode action status
#define GF2 0x08 // general purpose flag bit 2
#define bDPTR_AUTO_INC 0x04 // enable DPTR auto increase if finished MOVX_@DPTR instruction
#define DPS 0x01 // dual DPTR selection: 0=DPTR0 selected, 1=DPTR1 selected
/* Timer0/1 Registers */
SFR(TCON, 0x88); // timer 0/1 control and external interrupt control
SBIT(TF1, 0x88, 7); // timer1 overflow & interrupt flag, auto cleared when MCU enter interrupt routine
SBIT(TR1, 0x88, 6); // timer1 run enable
SBIT(TF0, 0x88, 5); // timer0 overflow & interrupt flag, auto cleared when MCU enter interrupt routine
SBIT(TR0, 0x88, 4); // timer0 run enable
SBIT(IE1, 0x88, 3); // INT1 interrupt flag, auto cleared when MCU enter interrupt routine
SBIT(IT1, 0x88, 2); // INT1 interrupt type: 0=low level action, 1=falling edge action
SBIT(IE0, 0x88, 1); // INT0 interrupt flag, auto cleared when MCU enter interrupt routine
SBIT(IT0, 0x88, 0); // INT0 interrupt type: 0=low level action, 1=falling edge action
SFR(TMOD, 0x89); // timer 0/1 mode
#define bT1_GATE 0x80 // gate control of timer1: 0=timer1 run enable while TR1=1, 1=timer1 run enable while P3.3 (INT1) pin is high and TR1=1
#define bT1_CT 0x40 // counter or timer mode selection for timer1: 0=timer, use internal clock, 1=counter, use P3.5 (T1) pin falling edge as clock
#define bT1_M1 0x20 // timer1 mode high bit
#define bT1_M0 0x10 // timer1 mode low bit
#define MASK_T1_MOD 0x30 // bit mask of timer1 mode
// bT1_M1 & bT1_M0: timer1 mode
// 00: mode 0, 13-bit timer or counter by cascaded TH1 and lower 5 bits of TL1, the upper 3 bits of TL1 are ignored
// 01: mode 1, 16-bit timer or counter by cascaded TH1 and TL1
// 10: mode 2, TL1 operates as 8-bit timer or counter, and TH1 provide initial value for TL1 auto-reload
// 11: mode 3, stop timer1
#define bT0_GATE 0x08 // gate control of timer0: 0=timer0 run enable while TR0=1, 1=timer0 run enable while P3.2 (INT0) pin is high and TR0=1
#define bT0_CT 0x04 // counter or timer mode selection for timer0: 0=timer, use internal clock, 1=counter, use P3.4 (T0) pin falling edge as clock
#define bT0_M1 0x02 // timer0 mode high bit
#define bT0_M0 0x01 // timer0 mode low bit
#define MASK_T0_MOD 0x03 // bit mask of timer0 mode
// bT0_M1 & bT0_M0: timer0 mode
// 00: mode 0, 13-bit timer or counter by cascaded TH0 and lower 5 bits of TL0, the upper 3 bits of TL0 are ignored
// 01: mode 1, 16-bit timer or counter by cascaded TH0 and TL0
// 10: mode 2, TL0 operates as 8-bit timer or counter, and TH0 provide initial value for TL0 auto-reload
// 11: mode 3, TL0 is 8-bit timer or counter controlled by standard timer0 bits, TH0 is 8-bit timer using TF1 and controlled by TR1, timer1 run enable if it is not mode 3
SFR(TL0, 0x8A); // low byte of timer 0 count
SFR(TL1, 0x8B); // low byte of timer 1 count
SFR(TH0, 0x8C); // high byte of timer 0 count
SFR(TH1, 0x8D); // high byte of timer 1 count
/* UART0 Registers */
SFR(SCON, 0x98); // UART0 control (serial port control)
SBIT(SM0, 0x98, 7); // UART0 mode bit0, selection data bit: 0=8 bits data, 1=9 bits data
SBIT(SM1, 0x98, 6); // UART0 mode bit1, selection baud rate: 0=fixed, 1=variable
// SM0 & SM1: UART0 mode
// 00 - mode 0, shift Register, baud rate fixed at: Fsys/12
// 01 - mode 1, 8-bit UART, baud rate = variable by timer1 or timer2 overflow rate
// 10 - mode 2, 9-bit UART, baud rate fixed at: Fsys/128@SMOD=0, Fsys/32@SMOD=1
// 11 - mode 3, 9-bit UART, baud rate = variable by timer1 or timer2 overflow rate
SBIT(SM2, 0x98, 5); // enable multi-device communication in mode 2/3
#define MASK_UART0_MOD 0xE0 // bit mask of UART0 mode
SBIT(REN, 0x98, 4); // enable UART0 receiving
SBIT(TB8, 0x98, 3); // the 9th transmitted data bit in mode 2/3
SBIT(RB8, 0x98, 2); // 9th data bit received in mode 2/3, or stop bit received for mode 1
SBIT(TI, 0x98, 1); // transmit interrupt flag, set by hardware after completion of a serial transmittal, need software clear
SBIT(RI, 0x98, 0); // receive interrupt flag, set by hardware after completion of a serial receiving, need software clear
SFR(SBUF, 0x99); // UART0 data buffer: reading for receiving, writing for transmittal
/* Timer2/Capture2 Registers */
SFR(T2CON, 0xC8); // timer 2 control
SBIT(TF2, 0xC8, 7); // timer2 overflow & interrupt flag, need software clear, the flag will not be set when either RCLK=1 or TCLK=1
SBIT(CAP1F, 0xC8, 7); // timer2 capture 1 interrupt flag, set by T2 edge trigger if bT2_CAP1_EN=1, need software clear
SBIT(EXF2, 0xC8, 6); // timer2 external flag, set by T2EX edge trigger if EXEN2=1, need software clear
SBIT(RCLK, 0xC8, 5); // selection UART0 receiving clock: 0=timer1 overflow pulse, 1=timer2 overflow pulse
SBIT(TCLK, 0xC8, 4); // selection UART0 transmittal clock: 0=timer1 overflow pulse, 1=timer2 overflow pulse
SBIT(EXEN2, 0xC8, 3); // enable T2EX trigger function: 0=ignore T2EX, 1=trigger reload or capture by T2EX edge
SBIT(TR2, 0xC8, 2); // timer2 run enable
SBIT(C_T2, 0xC8, 1); // timer2 clock source selection: 0=timer base internal clock, 1=external edge counter base T2 falling edge
SBIT(CP_RL2, 0xC8, 0); // timer2 function selection (force 0 if RCLK=1 or TCLK=1): 0=timer and auto reload if count overflow or T2EX edge, 1=capture by T2EX edge
SFR(T2MOD, 0xC9); // timer 2 mode and timer 0/1/2 clock mode
#define bTMR_CLK 0x80 // fastest internal clock mode for timer 0/1/2 under faster clock mode: 0=use divided clock, 1=use original Fsys as clock without dividing
#define bT2_CLK 0x40 // timer2 internal clock frequency selection: 0=standard clock, Fsys/12 for timer mode, Fsys/4 for UART0 clock mode,
// 1=faster clock, Fsys/4 @bTMR_CLK=0 or Fsys @bTMR_CLK=1 for timer mode, Fsys/2 @bTMR_CLK=0 or Fsys @bTMR_CLK=1 for UART0 clock mode
#define bT1_CLK 0x20 // timer1 internal clock frequency selection: 0=standard clock, Fsys/12, 1=faster clock, Fsys/4 if bTMR_CLK=0 or Fsys if bTMR_CLK=1
#define bT0_CLK 0x10 // timer0 internal clock frequency selection: 0=standard clock, Fsys/12, 1=faster clock, Fsys/4 if bTMR_CLK=0 or Fsys if bTMR_CLK=1
#define bT2_CAP_M1 0x08 // timer2 capture mode high bit
#define bT2_CAP_M0 0x04 // timer2 capture mode low bit
// bT2_CAP_M1 & bT2_CAP_M0: timer2 capture point selection
// x0: from falling edge to falling edge
// 01: from any edge to any edge (level changing)
// 11: from rising edge to rising edge
#define T2OE 0x02 // enable timer2 generated clock output: 0=disable output, 1=enable clock output at T2 pin, frequency = TF2/2
#define bT2_CAP1_EN 0x01 // enable T2 trigger function for capture 1 of timer2 if RCLK=0 & TCLK=0 & CP_RL2=1 & C_T2=0 & T2OE=0
SFR16(RCAP2, 0xCA); // reload & capture value, little-endian
SFR(RCAP2L, 0xCA); // low byte of reload & capture value
SFR(RCAP2H, 0xCB); // high byte of reload & capture value
SFR16(T2COUNT, 0xCC); // counter, little-endian
SFR(TL2, 0xCC); // low byte of timer 2 count
SFR(TH2, 0xCD); // high byte of timer 2 count
SFR16(T2CAP1, 0xCE); // ReadOnly: capture 1 value for timer2
SFR(T2CAP1L, 0xCE); // ReadOnly: capture 1 value low byte for timer2
SFR(T2CAP1H, 0xCF); // ReadOnly: capture 1 value high byte for timer2
/* PWM1/2 Registers */
SFR(PWM_DATA2, 0x9B); // PWM data for PWM2
SFR(PWM_DATA1, 0x9C); // PWM data for PWM1
SFR(PWM_CTRL, 0x9D); // PWM 1/2 control
#define bPWM_IE_END 0x80 // enable interrupt for PWM mode cycle end
#define bPWM2_POLAR 0x40 // PWM2 output polarity: 0=default low and high action, 1=default high and low action
#define bPWM1_POLAR 0x20 // PWM1 output polarity: 0=default low and high action, 1=default high and low action
#define bPWM_IF_END 0x10 // interrupt flag for cycle end, write 1 to clear or write PWM_CYCLE or load new data to clear
#define bPWM2_OUT_EN 0x08 // PWM2 output enable
#define bPWM1_OUT_EN 0x04 // PWM1 output enable
#define bPWM_CLR_ALL 0x02 // force clear FIFO and count of PWM1/2
SFR(PWM_CK_SE, 0x9E); // clock divisor setting
/* SPI0/Master0/Slave Registers */
SFR(SPI0_STAT, 0xF8); // SPI 0 status
SBIT(S0_FST_ACT, 0xF8, 7); // ReadOnly: indicate first byte received status for SPI0
SBIT(S0_IF_OV, 0xF8, 6); // interrupt flag for slave mode FIFO overflow, direct bit address clear or write 1 to clear
SBIT(S0_IF_FIRST, 0xF8, 5); // interrupt flag for first byte received, direct bit address clear or write 1 to clear
SBIT(S0_IF_BYTE, 0xF8, 4); // interrupt flag for a byte data exchanged, direct bit address clear or write 1 to clear or accessing FIFO to clear if bS0_AUTO_IF=1
SBIT(S0_FREE, 0xF8, 3); // ReadOnly: SPI0 free status
SBIT(S0_T_FIFO, 0xF8, 2); // ReadOnly: tx FIFO count for SPI0
SBIT(S0_R_FIFO, 0xF8, 0); // ReadOnly: rx FIFO count for SPI0
SFR(SPI0_DATA, 0xF9); // FIFO data port: reading for receiving, writing for transmittal
SFR(SPI0_CTRL, 0xFA); // SPI 0 control
#define bS0_MISO_OE 0x80 // SPI0 MISO output enable
#define bS0_MOSI_OE 0x40 // SPI0 MOSI output enable
#define bS0_SCK_OE 0x20 // SPI0 SCK output enable
#define bS0_DATA_DIR 0x10 // SPI0 data direction: 0=out(master_write), 1=in(master_read)
#define bS0_MST_CLK 0x08 // SPI0 master clock mode: 0=mode 0 with default low, 1=mode 3 with default high
#define bS0_2_WIRE 0x04 // enable SPI0 two wire mode: 0=3 wire (SCK+MOSI+MISO), 1=2 wire (SCK+MISO)
#define bS0_CLR_ALL 0x02 // force clear FIFO and count of SPI0
#define bS0_AUTO_IF 0x01 // enable FIFO accessing to auto clear S0_IF_BYTE interrupt flag
SFR(SPI0_CK_SE, 0xFB); // clock divisor setting
//sfr SPI0_S_PRE = 0xFB; // preset value for SPI slave
#define SPI0_S_PRE SPI0_CK_SE
SFR(SPI0_SETUP, 0xFC); // SPI 0 setup
#define bS0_MODE_SLV 0x80 // SPI0 slave mode: 0=master, 1=slave
#define bS0_IE_FIFO_OV 0x40 // enable interrupt for slave mode FIFO overflow
#define bS0_IE_FIRST 0x20 // enable interrupt for first byte received for SPI0 slave mode
#define bS0_IE_BYTE 0x10 // enable interrupt for a byte received
#define bS0_BIT_ORDER 0x08 // SPI0 bit data order: 0=MSB first, 1=LSB first
#define bS0_SLV_SELT 0x02 // ReadOnly: SPI0 slave mode chip selected status: 0=unselected, 1=selected
#define bS0_SLV_PRELOAD 0x01 // ReadOnly: SPI0 slave mode data pre-loading status just after chip-selection
/* UART1 Registers */
SFR(SCON1, 0xC0); // UART1 control (serial port control)
SBIT(U1SM0, 0xC0, 7); // UART1 mode, selection data bit: 0=8 bits data, 1=9 bits data
SBIT(U1SMOD, 0xC0, 5); // UART1 2X baud rate selection: 0=slow(Fsys/32/(256-SBAUD1)), 1=fast(Fsys/16/(256-SBAUD1))
SBIT(U1REN, 0xC0, 4); // enable UART1 receiving
SBIT(U1TB8, 0xC0, 3); // the 9th transmitted data bit in 9 bits data mode
SBIT(U1RB8, 0xC0, 2); // 9th data bit received in 9 bits data mode, or stop bit received for 8 bits data mode
SBIT(U1TI, 0xC0, 1); // transmit interrupt flag, set by hardware after completion of a serial transmittal, need software clear
SBIT(U1RI, 0xC0, 0); // receive interrupt flag, set by hardware after completion of a serial receiving, need software clear
SFR(SBUF1, 0xC1); // UART1 data buffer: reading for receiving, writing for transmittal
SFR(SBAUD1, 0xC2); // UART1 baud rate setting
/* ADC and comparator Registers */
SFR(ADC_CTRL, 0x80); // ADC control
SBIT(CMPO, 0x80, 7); // ReadOnly: comparator result input
SBIT(CMP_IF, 0x80, 6); // flag for comparator result changed, direct bit address clear
SBIT(ADC_IF, 0x80, 5); // interrupt flag for ADC finished, direct bit address clear
SBIT(ADC_START, 0x80, 4); // set 1 to start ADC, auto cleared when ADC finished
SBIT(CMP_CHAN, 0x80, 3); // comparator IN- input channel selection: 0=AIN1, 1=AIN3
SBIT(ADC_CHAN1, 0x80, 1); // ADC/comparator IN+ channel selection high bit
SBIT(ADC_CHAN0, 0x80, 0); // ADC/comparator IN+ channel selection low bit
// ADC_CHAN1 & ADC_CHAN0: ADC/comparator IN+ channel selection
// 00: AIN0(P1.1)
// 01: AIN1(P1.4)
// 10: AIN2(P1.5)
// 11: AIN3(P3.2)
SFR(ADC_CFG, 0x9A); // ADC config
#define bADC_EN 0x08 // control ADC power: 0=shut down ADC, 1=enable power for ADC
#define bCMP_EN 0x04 // control comparator power: 0=shut down comparator, 1=enable power for comparator
#define bADC_CLK 0x01 // ADC clock frequency selection: 0=slow clock, 384 Fosc cycles for each ADC, 1=fast clock, 96 Fosc cycles for each ADC
SFR(ADC_DATA, 0x9F); // ReadOnly: ADC data
/* Touch-key timer Registers */
SFR(TKEY_CTRL, 0xC3); // touch-key control
#define bTKC_IF 0x80 // ReadOnly: interrupt flag for touch-key timer, cleared by writing touch-key control or auto cleared when start touch-key checking
#define bTKC_2MS 0x10 // touch-key timer cycle selection: 0=1mS, 1=2mS
#define bTKC_CHAN2 0x04 // touch-key channel selection high bit
#define bTKC_CHAN1 0x02 // touch-key channel selection middle bit
#define bTKC_CHAN0 0x01 // touch-key channel selection low bit
// bTKC_CHAN2 & bTKC_CHAN1 & bTKC_CHAN0: touch-key channel selection
// 000: disable touch-key
// 001: TIN0(P1.0)
// 010: TIN1(P1.1)
// 011: TIN2(P1.4)
// 100: TIN3(P1.5)
// 101: TIN4(P1.6)
// 110: TIN5(P1.7)
// 111: enable touch-key but disable all channel
SFR16(TKEY_DAT, 0xC4); // ReadOnly: touch-key data, little-endian
SFR(TKEY_DATL, 0xC4); // ReadOnly: low byte of touch-key data
SFR(TKEY_DATH, 0xC5); // ReadOnly: high byte of touch-key data
#define bTKD_CHG 0x80 // ReadOnly: indicate control changed, current data maybe invalid
/* USB/Host/Device Registers */
SFR(USB_C_CTRL, 0x91); // USB type-C control
#define bVBUS2_PD_EN 0x80 // USB VBUS2 10K pulldown resistance: 0=disable, 1=enable pullup
#define bUCC2_PD_EN 0x40 // USB CC2 5.1K pulldown resistance: 0=disable, 1=enable pulldown
#define bUCC2_PU1_EN 0x20 // USB CC2 pullup resistance control high bit
#define bUCC2_PU0_EN 0x10 // USB CC2 pullup resistance control low bit
#define bVBUS1_PD_EN 0x08 // USB VBUS1 10K pulldown resistance: 0=disable, 1=enable pullup
#define bUCC1_PD_EN 0x04 // USB CC1 5.1K pulldown resistance: 0=disable, 1=enable pulldown
#define bUCC1_PU1_EN 0x02 // USB CC1 pullup resistance control high bit
#define bUCC1_PU0_EN 0x01 // USB CC1 pullup resistance control low bit
// bUCC?_PU1_EN & bUCC?_PU0_EN: USB CC pullup resistance selection
// 00: disable pullup resistance
// 01: enable 56K pullup resistance for default USB power
// 10: enable 22K pullup resistance for 1.5A USB power
// 11: enable 10K pullup resistance for 3A USB power
SFR(UDEV_CTRL, 0xD1); // USB device physical port control
#define bUD_PD_DIS 0x80 // disable USB UDP/UDM pulldown resistance: 0=enable pulldown, 1=disable
#define bUD_DP_PIN 0x20 // ReadOnly: indicate current UDP pin level
#define bUD_DM_PIN 0x10 // ReadOnly: indicate current UDM pin level
#define bUD_LOW_SPEED 0x04 // enable USB physical port low speed: 0=full speed, 1=low speed
#define bUD_GP_BIT 0x02 // general purpose bit
#define bUD_PORT_EN 0x01 // enable USB physical port I/O: 0=disable, 1=enable
//sfr UHOST_CTRL = 0xD1; // USB host physical port control
#define bUH_PD_DIS 0x80 // disable USB UDP/UDM pulldown resistance: 0=enable pulldown, 1=disable
#define bUH_DP_PIN 0x20 // ReadOnly: indicate current UDP pin level
#define bUH_DM_PIN 0x10 // ReadOnly: indicate current UDM pin level
#define bUH_LOW_SPEED 0x04 // enable USB port low speed: 0=full speed, 1=low speed
#define bUH_BUS_RESET 0x02 // control USB bus reset: 0=normal, 1=force bus reset
#define bUH_PORT_EN 0x01 // enable USB port: 0=disable, 1=enable port, automatic disabled if USB device detached
SFR(UEP1_CTRL, 0xD2); // endpoint 1 control
#define bUEP_R_TOG 0x80 // expected data toggle flag of USB endpoint X receiving (OUT): 0=DATA0, 1=DATA1
#define bUEP_T_TOG 0x40 // prepared data toggle flag of USB endpoint X transmittal (IN): 0=DATA0, 1=DATA1
#define bUEP_AUTO_TOG 0x10 // enable automatic toggle after successful transfer completion on endpoint 1/2/3: 0=manual toggle, 1=automatic toggle
#define bUEP_R_RES1 0x08 // handshake response type high bit for USB endpoint X receiving (OUT)
#define bUEP_R_RES0 0x04 // handshake response type low bit for USB endpoint X receiving (OUT)
#define MASK_UEP_R_RES 0x0C // bit mask of handshake response type for USB endpoint X receiving (OUT)
#define UEP_R_RES_ACK 0x00
#define UEP_R_RES_TOUT 0x04
#define UEP_R_RES_NAK 0x08
#define UEP_R_RES_STALL 0x0C
// bUEP_R_RES1 & bUEP_R_RES0: handshake response type for USB endpoint X receiving (OUT)
// 00: ACK (ready)
// 01: no response, time out to host, for non-zero endpoint isochronous transactions
// 10: NAK (busy)
// 11: STALL (error)
#define bUEP_T_RES1 0x02 // handshake response type high bit for USB endpoint X transmittal (IN)
#define bUEP_T_RES0 0x01 // handshake response type low bit for USB endpoint X transmittal (IN)
#define MASK_UEP_T_RES 0x03 // bit mask of handshake response type for USB endpoint X transmittal (IN)
#define UEP_T_RES_ACK 0x00
#define UEP_T_RES_TOUT 0x01
#define UEP_T_RES_NAK 0x02
#define UEP_T_RES_STALL 0x03
// bUEP_T_RES1 & bUEP_T_RES0: handshake response type for USB endpoint X transmittal (IN)
// 00: DATA0 or DATA1 then expecting ACK (ready)
// 01: DATA0 or DATA1 then expecting no response, time out from host, for non-zero endpoint isochronous transactions
// 10: NAK (busy)
// 11: STALL (error)
SFR(UEP1_T_LEN, 0xD3); // endpoint 1 transmittal length
SFR(UEP2_CTRL, 0xD4); // endpoint 2 control
SFR(UEP2_T_LEN, 0xD5); // endpoint 2 transmittal length
SFR(UEP3_CTRL, 0xD6); // endpoint 3 control
SFR(UEP3_T_LEN, 0xD7); // endpoint 3 transmittal length
SFR(USB_INT_FG, 0xD8); // USB interrupt flag
SBIT(U_IS_NAK, 0xD8, 7); // ReadOnly: indicate current USB transfer is NAK received
SBIT(U_TOG_OK, 0xD8, 6); // ReadOnly: indicate current USB transfer toggle is OK
SBIT(U_SIE_FREE, 0xD8, 5); // ReadOnly: indicate USB SIE free status
SBIT(UIF_FIFO_OV, 0xD8, 4); // FIFO overflow interrupt flag for USB, direct bit address clear or write 1 to clear
SBIT(UIF_HST_SOF, 0xD8, 3); // host SOF timer interrupt flag for USB host, direct bit address clear or write 1 to clear
SBIT(UIF_SUSPEND, 0xD8, 2); // USB suspend or resume event interrupt flag, direct bit address clear or write 1 to clear
SBIT(UIF_TRANSFER, 0xD8, 1); // USB transfer completion interrupt flag, direct bit address clear or write 1 to clear
SBIT(UIF_DETECT, 0xD8, 0); // device detected event interrupt flag for USB host mode, direct bit address clear or write 1 to clear
SBIT(UIF_BUS_RST, 0xD8, 0); // bus reset event interrupt flag for USB device mode, direct bit address clear or write 1 to clear
SFR(USB_INT_ST, 0xD9); // ReadOnly: USB interrupt status
#define bUIS_IS_NAK 0x80 // ReadOnly: indicate current USB transfer is NAK received for USB device mode
#define bUIS_TOG_OK 0x40 // ReadOnly: indicate current USB transfer toggle is OK
#define bUIS_TOKEN1 0x20 // ReadOnly: current token PID code bit 1 received for USB device mode
#define bUIS_TOKEN0 0x10 // ReadOnly: current token PID code bit 0 received for USB device mode
#define MASK_UIS_TOKEN 0x30 // ReadOnly: bit mask of current token PID code received for USB device mode
#define UIS_TOKEN_OUT 0x00
#define UIS_TOKEN_SOF 0x10
#define UIS_TOKEN_IN 0x20
#define UIS_TOKEN_SETUP 0x30
// bUIS_TOKEN1 & bUIS_TOKEN0: current token PID code received for USB device mode
// 00: OUT token PID received
// 01: SOF token PID received
// 10: IN token PID received
// 11: SETUP token PID received
#define MASK_UIS_ENDP 0x0F // ReadOnly: bit mask of current transfer endpoint number for USB device mode
#define MASK_UIS_H_RES 0x0F // ReadOnly: bit mask of current transfer handshake response for USB host mode: 0000=no response, time out from device, others=handshake response PID received
SFR(USB_MIS_ST, 0xDA); // ReadOnly: USB miscellaneous status
#define bUMS_SOF_PRES 0x80 // ReadOnly: indicate host SOF timer presage status
#define bUMS_SOF_ACT 0x40 // ReadOnly: indicate host SOF timer action status for USB host
#define bUMS_SIE_FREE 0x20 // ReadOnly: indicate USB SIE free status
#define bUMS_R_FIFO_RDY 0x10 // ReadOnly: indicate USB receiving FIFO ready status (not empty)
#define bUMS_BUS_RESET 0x08 // ReadOnly: indicate USB bus reset status
#define bUMS_SUSPEND 0x04 // ReadOnly: indicate USB suspend status
#define bUMS_DM_LEVEL 0x02 // ReadOnly: indicate UDM level saved at device attached to USB host
#define bUMS_DEV_ATTACH 0x01 // ReadOnly: indicate device attached status on USB host
SFR(USB_RX_LEN, 0xDB); // ReadOnly: USB receiving length
SFR(UEP0_CTRL, 0xDC); // endpoint 0 control
SFR(UEP0_T_LEN, 0xDD); // endpoint 0 transmittal length
SFR(UEP4_CTRL, 0xDE); // endpoint 4 control
SFR(UEP4_T_LEN, 0xDF); // endpoint 4 transmittal length
SFR(USB_INT_EN, 0xE1); // USB interrupt enable
#define bUIE_DEV_SOF 0x80 // enable interrupt for SOF received for USB device mode
#define bUIE_DEV_NAK 0x40 // enable interrupt for NAK responded for USB device mode
#define bUIE_FIFO_OV 0x10 // enable interrupt for FIFO overflow
#define bUIE_HST_SOF 0x08 // enable interrupt for host SOF timer action for USB host mode
#define bUIE_SUSPEND 0x04 // enable interrupt for USB suspend or resume event
#define bUIE_TRANSFER 0x02 // enable interrupt for USB transfer completion
#define bUIE_DETECT 0x01 // enable interrupt for USB device detected event for USB host mode
#define bUIE_BUS_RST 0x01 // enable interrupt for USB bus reset event for USB device mode
SFR(USB_CTRL, 0xE2); // USB base control
#define bUC_HOST_MODE 0x80 // enable USB host mode: 0=device mode, 1=host mode
#define bUC_LOW_SPEED 0x40 // enable USB low speed: 0=full speed, 1=low speed
#define bUC_DEV_PU_EN 0x20 // USB device enable and internal pullup resistance enable
#define bUC_SYS_CTRL1 0x20 // USB system control high bit
#define bUC_SYS_CTRL0 0x10 // USB system control low bit
#define MASK_UC_SYS_CTRL 0x30 // bit mask of USB system control
// bUC_HOST_MODE & bUC_SYS_CTRL1 & bUC_SYS_CTRL0: USB system control
// 0 00: disable USB device and disable internal pullup resistance
// 0 01: enable USB device and disable internal pullup resistance, need external pullup resistance
// 0 1x: enable USB device and enable internal pullup resistance
// 1 00: enable USB host and normal status
// 1 01: enable USB host and force UDP/UDM output SE0 state
// 1 10: enable USB host and force UDP/UDM output J state
// 1 11: enable USB host and force UDP/UDM output resume or K state
#define bUC_INT_BUSY 0x08 // enable automatic responding busy for device mode or automatic pause for host mode during interrupt flag UIF_TRANSFER valid
#define bUC_RESET_SIE 0x04 // force reset USB SIE, need software clear
#define bUC_CLR_ALL 0x02 // force clear FIFO and count of USB
#define bUC_DMA_EN 0x01 // DMA enable and DMA interrupt enable for USB
SFR(USB_DEV_AD, 0xE3); // USB device address, lower 7 bits for USB device address
#define bUDA_GP_BIT 0x80 // general purpose bit
#define MASK_USB_ADDR 0x7F // bit mask for USB device address
SFR16(UEP2_DMA, 0xE4); // endpoint 2 buffer start address, little-endian
SFR(UEP2_DMA_L, 0xE4); // endpoint 2 buffer start address low byte
SFR(UEP2_DMA_H, 0xE5); // endpoint 2 buffer start address high byte
SFR16(UEP3_DMA, 0xE6); // endpoint 3 buffer start address, little-endian
SFR(UEP3_DMA_L, 0xE6); // endpoint 3 buffer start address low byte
SFR(UEP3_DMA_H, 0xE7); // endpoint 3 buffer start address high byte
SFR(UEP4_1_MOD, 0xEA); // endpoint 4/1 mode
#define bUEP1_RX_EN 0x80 // enable USB endpoint 1 receiving (OUT)
#define bUEP1_TX_EN 0x40 // enable USB endpoint 1 transmittal (IN)
#define bUEP1_BUF_MOD 0x10 // buffer mode of USB endpoint 1
// bUEPn_RX_EN & bUEPn_TX_EN & bUEPn_BUF_MOD: USB endpoint 1/2/3 buffer mode, buffer start address is UEPn_DMA
// 0 0 x: disable endpoint and disable buffer
// 1 0 0: 64 bytes buffer for receiving (OUT endpoint)
// 1 0 1: dual 64 bytes buffer by toggle bit bUEP_R_TOG selection for receiving (OUT endpoint), total=128bytes
// 0 1 0: 64 bytes buffer for transmittal (IN endpoint)
// 0 1 1: dual 64 bytes buffer by toggle bit bUEP_T_TOG selection for transmittal (IN endpoint), total=128bytes
// 1 1 0: 64 bytes buffer for receiving (OUT endpoint) + 64 bytes buffer for transmittal (IN endpoint), total=128bytes
// 1 1 1: dual 64 bytes buffer by bUEP_R_TOG selection for receiving (OUT endpoint) + dual 64 bytes buffer by bUEP_T_TOG selection for transmittal (IN endpoint), total=256bytes
#define bUEP4_RX_EN 0x08 // enable USB endpoint 4 receiving (OUT)
#define bUEP4_TX_EN 0x04 // enable USB endpoint 4 transmittal (IN)
// bUEP4_RX_EN & bUEP4_TX_EN: USB endpoint 4 buffer mode, buffer start address is UEP0_DMA
// 0 0: single 64 bytes buffer for endpoint 0 receiving & transmittal (OUT & IN endpoint)
// 1 0: single 64 bytes buffer for endpoint 0 receiving & transmittal (OUT & IN endpoint) + 64 bytes buffer for endpoint 4 receiving (OUT endpoint), total=128bytes
// 0 1: single 64 bytes buffer for endpoint 0 receiving & transmittal (OUT & IN endpoint) + 64 bytes buffer for endpoint 4 transmittal (IN endpoint), total=128bytes
// 1 1: single 64 bytes buffer for endpoint 0 receiving & transmittal (OUT & IN endpoint)
// + 64 bytes buffer for endpoint 4 receiving (OUT endpoint) + 64 bytes buffer for endpoint 4 transmittal (IN endpoint), total=192bytes
SFR(UEP2_3_MOD, 0xEB); // endpoint 2/3 mode
#define bUEP3_RX_EN 0x80 // enable USB endpoint 3 receiving (OUT)
#define bUEP3_TX_EN 0x40 // enable USB endpoint 3 transmittal (IN)
#define bUEP3_BUF_MOD 0x10 // buffer mode of USB endpoint 3
#define bUEP2_RX_EN 0x08 // enable USB endpoint 2 receiving (OUT)
#define bUEP2_TX_EN 0x04 // enable USB endpoint 2 transmittal (IN)
#define bUEP2_BUF_MOD 0x01 // buffer mode of USB endpoint 2
SFR16(UEP0_DMA, 0xEC); // endpoint 0 buffer start address, little-endian
SFR(UEP0_DMA_L, 0xEC); // endpoint 0 buffer start address low byte
SFR(UEP0_DMA_H, 0xED); // endpoint 0 buffer start address high byte
SFR16(UEP1_DMA, 0xEE); // endpoint 1 buffer start address, little-endian
SFR(UEP1_DMA_L, 0xEE); // endpoint 1 buffer start address low byte
SFR(UEP1_DMA_H, 0xEF); // endpoint 1 buffer start address high byte
//sfr UH_SETUP = 0xD2; // host aux setup
#define bUH_PRE_PID_EN 0x80 // USB host PRE PID enable for low speed device via hub
#define bUH_SOF_EN 0x40 // USB host automatic SOF enable
//sfr UH_RX_CTRL = 0xD4; // host receiver endpoint control
#define bUH_R_TOG 0x80 // expected data toggle flag of host receiving (IN): 0=DATA0, 1=DATA1
#define bUH_R_AUTO_TOG 0x10 // enable automatic toggle after successful transfer completion: 0=manual toggle, 1=automatic toggle
#define bUH_R_RES 0x04 // prepared handshake response type for host receiving (IN): 0=ACK (ready), 1=no response, time out to device, for isochronous transactions
//sfr UH_EP_PID = 0xD5; // host endpoint and token PID, lower 4 bits for endpoint number, upper 4 bits for token PID
#define UH_EP_PID UEP2_T_LEN
#define MASK_UH_TOKEN 0xF0 // bit mask of token PID for USB host transfer
#define MASK_UH_ENDP 0x0F // bit mask of endpoint number for USB host transfer
//sfr UH_TX_CTRL = 0xD6; // host transmittal endpoint control
#define bUH_T_TOG 0x40 // prepared data toggle flag of host transmittal (SETUP/OUT): 0=DATA0, 1=DATA1
#define bUH_T_AUTO_TOG 0x10 // enable automatic toggle after successful transfer completion: 0=manual toggle, 1=automatic toggle
#define bUH_T_RES 0x01 // expected handshake response type for host transmittal (SETUP/OUT): 0=ACK (ready), 1=no response, time out from device, for isochronous transactions
//sfr UH_TX_LEN = 0xD7; // host transmittal endpoint transmittal length
#define UH_TX_LEN UEP3_T_LEN
//sfr UH_EP_MOD = 0xEB; // host endpoint mode
#define UH_EP_MOD UEP2_3_MOD
#define bUH_EP_TX_EN 0x40 // enable USB host OUT endpoint transmittal
#define bUH_EP_TBUF_MOD 0x10 // buffer mode of USB host OUT endpoint
// bUH_EP_TX_EN & bUH_EP_TBUF_MOD: USB host OUT endpoint buffer mode, buffer start address is UH_TX_DMA
// 0 x: disable endpoint and disable buffer
// 1 0: 64 bytes buffer for transmittal (OUT endpoint)
// 1 1: dual 64 bytes buffer by toggle bit bUH_T_TOG selection for transmittal (OUT endpoint), total=128bytes
#define bUH_EP_RX_EN 0x08 // enable USB host IN endpoint receiving
#define bUH_EP_RBUF_MOD 0x01 // buffer mode of USB host IN endpoint
// bUH_EP_RX_EN & bUH_EP_RBUF_MOD: USB host IN endpoint buffer mode, buffer start address is UH_RX_DMA
// 0 x: disable endpoint and disable buffer
// 1 0: 64 bytes buffer for receiving (IN endpoint)
// 1 1: dual 64 bytes buffer by toggle bit bUH_R_TOG selection for receiving (IN endpoint), total=128bytes
//sfr16 UH_RX_DMA = 0xE4; // host rx endpoint buffer start address, little-endian
#define UH_RX_DMA UEP2_DMA
//sfr UH_RX_DMA_L = 0xE4; // host rx endpoint buffer start address low byte
#define UH_RX_DMA_L UEP2_DMA_L
//sfr UH_RX_DMA_H = 0xE5; // host rx endpoint buffer start address high byte
#define UH_RX_DMA_H UEP2_DMA_H
//sfr16 UH_TX_DMA = 0xE6; // host tx endpoint buffer start address, little-endian
#define UH_TX_DMA UEP3_DMA
//sfr UH_TX_DMA_L = 0xE6; // host tx endpoint buffer start address low byte
#define UH_TX_DMA_L UEP3_DMA_L
//sfr UH_TX_DMA_H = 0xE7; // host tx endpoint buffer start address high byte
#define UH_TX_DMA_H UEP3_DMA_H
/*----- XDATA: xRAM ------------------------------------------*/
#define XDATA_RAM_SIZE 0x0400 // size of expanded xRAM, xdata SRAM embedded chip
/*----- Reference Information --------------------------------------------*/
#define ID_CH554 0x54 // chip ID
/* Interrupt routine address and interrupt number */
#define INT_ADDR_INT0 0x0003 // interrupt vector address for INT0
#define INT_ADDR_TMR0 0x000B // interrupt vector address for timer0
#define INT_ADDR_INT1 0x0013 // interrupt vector address for INT1
#define INT_ADDR_TMR1 0x001B // interrupt vector address for timer1
#define INT_ADDR_UART0 0x0023 // interrupt vector address for UART0
#define INT_ADDR_TMR2 0x002B // interrupt vector address for timer2
#define INT_ADDR_SPI0 0x0033 // interrupt vector address for SPI0
#define INT_ADDR_TKEY 0x003B // interrupt vector address for touch-key timer
#define INT_ADDR_USB 0x0043 // interrupt vector address for USB
#define INT_ADDR_ADC 0x004B // interrupt vector address for ADC
#define INT_ADDR_UART1 0x0053 // interrupt vector address for UART1
#define INT_ADDR_PWMX 0x005B // interrupt vector address for PWM1/2
#define INT_ADDR_GPIO 0x0063 // interrupt vector address for GPIO
#define INT_ADDR_WDOG 0x006B // interrupt vector address for watch-dog timer
#define INT_NO_INT0 0 // interrupt number for INT0
#define INT_NO_TMR0 1 // interrupt number for timer0
#define INT_NO_INT1 2 // interrupt number for INT1
#define INT_NO_TMR1 3 // interrupt number for timer1
#define INT_NO_UART0 4 // interrupt number for UART0
#define INT_NO_TMR2 5 // interrupt number for timer2
#define INT_NO_SPI0 6 // interrupt number for SPI0
#define INT_NO_TKEY 7 // interrupt number for touch-key timer
#define INT_NO_USB 8 // interrupt number for USB
#define INT_NO_ADC 9 // interrupt number for ADC
#define INT_NO_UART1 10 // interrupt number for UART1
#define INT_NO_PWMX 11 // interrupt number for PWM1/2
#define INT_NO_GPIO 12 // interrupt number for GPIO
#define INT_NO_WDOG 13 // interrupt number for watch-dog timer
/* Special Program Space */
#define DATA_FLASH_ADDR 0xC000 // start address of Data-Flash
#define BOOT_LOAD_ADDR 0x3800 // start address of boot loader program
#define ROM_CFG_ADDR 0x3FF8 // chip configuration information address
#define ROM_CHIP_ID_HX 0x3FFA // chip ID number highest byte (only low byte valid)
#define ROM_CHIP_ID_LO 0x3FFC // chip ID number low word
#define ROM_CHIP_ID_HI 0x3FFE // chip ID number high word
New Instruction: MOVX @DPTR1,A
Instruction Code: 0xA5
Instruction Cycle: 1
Instruction Operation:
step-1. write ACC @DPTR1 into xdata SRAM embedded chip
step-2. increase DPTR1
ASM example:
MOV R7,#xxH
INC DPTR ;DPTR0, if need
#endif // __CH554_H__