dehanj 354aecbed6
USB: move firmware for usb-to-serial MCU (CH552)
Change links to the new ch552_fw directory.
2024-06-25 15:47:22 +02:00

69 lines
1.5 KiB

# toolchain
CC = sdcc
OBJCOPY = objcopy
PACK_HEX = packihx
WCHISP ?= wchisptool -g -f
FREQ_SYS ?= 24000000
XRAM_SIZE ?= 0x0400
XRAM_LOC ?= 0x0000
CODE_SIZE ?= 0x3800
ROOT_DIR := $(dir $(abspath $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))))
CFLAGS := -V -mmcs51 --model-small \
--xram-size $(XRAM_SIZE) --xram-loc $(XRAM_LOC) \
--code-size $(CODE_SIZE) \
RELS := $(C_FILES:.c=.rel)
print-% : ; @echo $* = $($*)
%.rel : %.c
$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $<
# Note: SDCC will dump all of the temporary files into this one, so strip the paths from RELS
# For now, get around this by stripping the paths off of the RELS list.
$(TARGET).ihx: $(RELS)
$(CC) $(notdir $(RELS)) $(LFLAGS) -o $(TARGET).ihx
$(TARGET).hex: $(TARGET).ihx
$(PACK_HEX) $(TARGET).ihx > $(TARGET).hex
$(TARGET).bin: $(TARGET).ihx
$(OBJCOPY) -I ihex -O binary $(TARGET).ihx $(TARGET).bin
flash: $(TARGET).bin pre-flash
all: $(TARGET).bin $(TARGET).hex
rm -f \
$(notdir $(RELS:.rel=.asm)) \
$(notdir $(RELS:.rel=.lst)) \
$(notdir $(RELS:.rel=.mem)) \
$(notdir $(RELS:.rel=.rel)) \
$(notdir $(RELS:.rel=.rst)) \
$(notdir $(RELS:.rel=.sym)) \
$(notdir $(RELS:.rel=.adb)) \
$(TARGET).lk \
$(TARGET).map \
$(TARGET).mem \
$(TARGET).ihx \
$(TARGET).hex \