mirror of
synced 2025-02-10 11:58:37 -05:00
Silence lint on intentional combinatinal loops Use better instance names, and a single lint pragma for all macros Remove unused pointer update signals Silence lint on wires where not all bits are used Change fw_app_mode to be an input port to allow access control Remove redundant, unused wire mem_busy Add lint pragma to ignore debug register only enabled by a define Remove clk and reset_n ports from the ROM Adding note and lint pragma for rom address width Fix incorrect register widths in uart_core Assign all 16 bits in LUT config Silence lint warnings on macro instances Correct bit extraction for core addresses to be eight bits wide Correct the bit width of cdi_mem_we wire Add specific output file for logging lint issues Correct bit width of tmp_ready to match one bit ready port
296 lines
9.9 KiB
296 lines
9.9 KiB
# Makefile
# --------
# Makefile for building, simulating, running all application_fpga
# HW targets as well as its firmware.
# Copyright (C) 2022 - Tillitis AB
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
# Defines.
SHELL := /bin/bash
CUR_DIR := $(shell dirname $(realpath $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))))
P := $(CUR_DIR)
# Size in 32-bit words
BRAM_FW_SIZE ?= 2048
PIN_FILE ?= application_fpga_mta1_usb_v1.pcf
SIZE ?= llvm-size-14
OBJCOPY ?= llvm-objcopy-14
CC = clang-14
CFLAGS = -target riscv32-unknown-none-elf -march=rv32imc -mabi=ilp32 \
-static -std=gnu99 -O2 -ffast-math -fno-common -fno-builtin-printf \
-fno-builtin-putchar -nostdlib -mno-relax -Wall -flto
AS = clang-14
ASFLAGS = -target riscv32-unknown-none-elf -march=rv32imc -mabi=ilp32 -mno-relax
ICE40_SIM_CELLS = $(shell yosys-config --datdir/ice40/cells_sim.v)
# FPGA specific Verilog source files.
FPGA_SRC = $(P)/rtl/application_fpga.v \
# Verilator simulation specific Verilog source files.
VERILATOR_FPGA_SRC = $(P)/tb/application_fpga_vsim.v \
# Common verilog source files.
$(P)/rtl/ram.v \
$(P)/rtl/rom.v \
$(P)/core/picorv32/rtl/picorv32.v \
$(P)/core/timer/rtl/timer_core.v \
$(P)/core/timer/rtl/timer.v \
$(P)/core/uds/rtl/uds.v \
$(P)/core/touch_sense/rtl/touch_sense.v \
$(P)/core/mta1/rtl/mta1.v \
$(P)/core/uart/rtl/uart_core.v \
$(P)/core/uart/rtl/uart_fifo.v \
$(P)/core/uart/rtl/uart.v \
$(P)/core/trng/rtl/firo.v \
$(P)/core/trng/rtl/garo.v \
$(P)/core/trng/rtl/figaro_core.v \
$(P)/fw/mta1_mkdf_mem.h \
$(P)/fw/mta1_mkdf/types.h \
$(P)/fw/mta1_mkdf/lib.h \
$(P)/fw/mta1_mkdf/main.o \
$(P)/fw/mta1_mkdf/start.o \
$(P)/fw/mta1_mkdf/proto.o \
$(P)/fw/mta1_mkdf/lib.o \
$(P)/fw/testfw/main.o \
$(P)/fw/mta1_mkdf/start.o \
$(P)/fw/mta1_mkdf/proto.o \
# All: Complete build of HW and FW.
all: application_fpga.bin
.PHONY: all
# The size_mismatch target make sure that we don't end up with an
# incorrect BRAM_FW_SIZE
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
size_mismatch: firmware.elf
@test $$($(SIZE) $< | awk 'NR==2{print $$4}') -le $$(( 32 / 8 * $(BRAM_FW_SIZE) )) || \
(echo "The 'BRAM_FW_SIZE' variable needs to be increased" && false)
.PHONY: size_mismatch
# Firmware generation.
# Included in the bitstream.
LDFLAGS=-T $(P)/fw/mta1_mkdf/firmware.lds
firmware.elf: $(FIRMWARE_OBJS) $(P)/fw/mta1_mkdf/firmware.lds
testfw.elf: $(TESTFW_OBJS) $(P)/fw/mta1_mkdf/firmware.lds
# Generate a fake BRAM file that will be filled in later after place-n-route
$(ICESTORM_PATH)icebram -v -g 32 $(BRAM_FW_SIZE) > $@
firmware.hex: firmware.bin size_mismatch
python3 $(P)/tools/makehex/makehex.py $< $(BRAM_FW_SIZE) > $@
testfw.hex: testfw.bin size_mismatch
python3 $(P)/tools/makehex/makehex.py $< $(BRAM_FW_SIZE) > $@
%.bin: %.elf
$(SIZE) $<
$(OBJCOPY) --input-target=elf32-littleriscv --output-target=binary $< $@
chmod -x $@
# Source linting.
LINT_FLAGS = +1364-2001ext+ --lint-only -Wall -Wno-fatal -Wno-DECLFILENAME \
--timescale 1ns/1ns -DNO_ICE40_DEFAULT_ASSIGNMENTS
-DFIRMWARE_HEX=\"$(P)/firmware.hex\" \
-DUDS_HEX=\"$(P)/data/uds.hex\" \
-DUDI_HEX=\"$(P)/data/udi.hex\" \
--top-module application_fpga $^ &> lint_issues.txt
.PHONY: lint
# Build Verilator compiled simulation for the design.
verilator: $(VERILATOR_FPGA_SRC) $(VERILOG_SRCS) firmware.hex $(ICE40_SIM_CELLS) \
verilator --timescale 1ns/1ns -DNO_ICE40_DEFAULT_ASSIGNMENTS \
-Wall -Wno-COMBDLY -Wno-lint \
-DFIRMWARE_HEX=\"$(P)/firmware.hex\" \
-DUDS_HEX=\"$(P)/data/uds.hex\" \
-DUDI_HEX=\"$(P)/data/udi.hex\" \
--cc --exe --Mdir verilated --top-module application_fpga \
$(filter %.v, $^) $(filter %.cc, $^)
make -C verilated -f Vapplication_fpga.mk
.PHONY: verilator
# Main FPGA build flow.
# Synthesis. Place & Route. Bitstream generation.
synth.json: $(FPGA_SRC) $(VERILOG_SRCS) bram_fw.hex $(P)/data/uds.hex $(P)/data/udi.hex
$(YOSYS_PATH)yosys -v3 -l synth.log -DBRAM_FW_SIZE=$(BRAM_FW_SIZE) \
-DFIRMWARE_HEX=\"$(P)/bram_fw.hex\" \
-DUDS_HEX=\"$(P)/data/uds.hex\" \
-DUDI_HEX=\"$(P)/data/udi.hex\" \
-p 'synth_ice40 -dsp -top application_fpga -json $@; write_verilog -attr2comment synth.v' \
$(filter %.v, $^)
application_fpga.asc: synth.json $(P)/data/$(PIN_FILE)
$(NEXTPNR_PATH)nextpnr-ice40 --ignore-loops --up5k --package sg48 --json $< \
--pcf $(P)/data/$(PIN_FILE) --asc $@
application_fpga.bin: application_fpga.asc bram_fw.hex firmware.hex
$(ICESTORM_PATH)icebram -v bram_fw.hex firmware.hex < $< > $<.tmp
$(ICESTORM_PATH)icepack $<.tmp $@
@-$(RM) $<.tmp
application_fpga_testfw.bin: application_fpga.asc bram_fw.hex testfw.hex
$(ICESTORM_PATH)icebram -v bram_fw.hex testfw.hex < $< > $<.tmp
$(ICESTORM_PATH)icepack $<.tmp $@
@-$(RM) $<.tmp
# post-synthesis functional simulation.
synth_tb.vvp: $(P)/tb/tb_application_fpga.v synth.json
iverilog -o $@ -s tb_application_fpga synth.v $(P)/tb/tb_application_fpga.v \
chmod -x $@
synth_sim: synth_tb.vvp
vvp -N $<
.PHONY: synth_sim
synth_sim_vcd: synth_tb.vvp
vvp -N $< +vcd
.PHONY: synth_sim_vcd
# post-place and route functional simulation.
route.v: application_fpga.asc $(P)/data/$(PIN_FILE)
icebox_vlog -L -n application_fpga -sp $(P)/data/$(PIN_FILE) $< > $@
route_tb.vvp: route.v tb/tb_application_fpga.v
iverilog -o $@ -s tb_application_fpga $^ $(ICE40_SIM_CELLS)
chmod -x $@
route_sim: route_tb.vvp
vvp -N $<
.PHONY: route_sim
route_sim_vcd: route_tb.vvp
vvp -N $< +vcd
.PHONY: route_sim_vcd
# FPGA device programming.
prog_flash: application_fpga.bin
sudo tillitis-iceprog $<
.PHONY: prog_flash
prog_flash_testfw: application_fpga_testfw.bin
sudo tillitis-iceprog $<
.PHONY: prog_flash_testfw
# Post build analysis.
timing: application_fpga.asc $(P)/data/$(PIN_FILE)
$(ICESTORM_PATH)icetime -c 12 -tmd up5k -P sg48 -p $(P)/data/$(PIN_FILE) -t $<
view: tb_application_fpga_vcd
gtkwave $< application_fpga.gtkw
# Cleanup.
clean: clean_fw
rm -f bram_fw.hex
rm -f synth.{log,v,json} route.v application_fpga.{asc,bin,vcd} application_fpga_testfw.bin
rm -f tb_application_fpga.vvp synth_tb.vvp route_tb.vvp
rm -f *.vcd
rm -f lint_issues.txt
rm -rf verilated
rm -f tools/tpt/*.hex
rm -rf tools/tpt/__pycache__
.PHONY: clean
rm -f firmware.{elf,elf.map,bin,hex}
rm -f testfw.{elf,elf.map,bin,hex}
rm -f $(TESTFW_OBJS)
.PHONY: clean_fw
# Display info about targets.
@echo ""
@echo "Build system for application_fpga FPGA design and firmware."
@echo ""
@echo "Supported targets:"
@echo "------------------"
@echo "all Build all targets."
@echo "firmware.elf Build firmware ELF file."
@echo "firmware.hex Build firmware converted to hex, to be included in bitstream."
@echo "bram_fw.hex Build a fake BRAM file that will be filled in later after place-n-route."
@echo "verilator Build Verilator simulation program"
@echo "lint Run lint on Verilog source files."
@echo "prog_flash Program device flash with FGPA bitstream including firmware (using the RPi Pico-based programmer)."
@echo "prog_flash_testfw Program device flash as above, but with testfw."
@echo "clean Delete all generated files."
@echo "clean_fw Delete only generated files for firmware. Useful for fw devs."
# EOF Makefile