Joachim Strömbergson 4dbf31cc74
Add API functionality to disable CDI access
Signed-off-by: Joachim Strömbergson <>
2024-04-22 16:13:12 +02:00
2023-07-04 09:04:26 +02:00
2024-04-03 11:27:00 +02:00



The tk1 core is where information, control and monitoring functionality unique to the TKey1 can be found. This means that it provides more than one distinct functionality accessible via the core API.


Access to device information

	ADDR_NAME0:   0x00
	ADDR_NAME1:   0x01

These addresses provide read only information about the name (type) and version of the device. They can be read by FW as well as applications.

Control of execution mode


This register controls if the device is executing in FW mode or in App mode. The register can be written once between power cycles, and only by FW. If set the device is in app mode.

Control of RGB LED

	ADDR_LED:  0x09

This register control the RGB LED on the TKey device. Setting a bit to one turns the corresponding color on. It can be read and written by FW as well as by Apps.

Control and status of GPIO

	ADDR_GPIO: 0x0a

This register control and provide status access to the four GPIOs on the TKey. GPIO one and two are inputs. They will sample the input level and present it to SW. GPIO three and four are outputs. They will emit either high or low voltage level depending on if the corresponding register is one or zero.

Application introspection


These registers provide read only information to the loaded app to itself - where it was loaded and its size. The values are written by FW as part of the loading of the app. The registers can't be written when the ADDR_SWITCH_APP has been set.

Access to Blake2s


This register provides the 32-bit function pointer address to the Blake2s hash function in the FW. It is written by FW during boot. The register can't be written to when the ADDR_SWITCH_APP has been set.

Access to CDI

  ADDR_CDI_LAST:  0x27

These registers provide access to the 256-bit compound device secret calculated by the FW as part of loading an application. The registers are written by the FW. The register can't be written to when the ADDR_SWITCH_APP has been set. Apps can read the CDI and is it as base secret for any secrets it needs to perform its intended use case.

Access to UDI

  ADDR_UDI_LAST:  0x31

These read-only registers provide access to the 64-bit Unique Device Identity (UDI).

The two UDI words are stored using 32 named SB_LUT4 FPGA multiplexer (MUX) instances, identified in the source code as "udi_rom_idx". One instance for each bit in core read_data output bus.

Each SB_LUT4 MUX is able to store 16 bits of data, in total 512 bits. But since the UDI is 64 bits, we only use the two LSBs in each MUX. Note that only the LSB address of the SB_LUT4 instances are connected to the CPU address. This means that only the two LSBs in each MUX can be addressed.

During build of the FPGA design, the UDI is set to a known bit pattern, which means that the SB_LUT4 instantiations are initialized to a fixed bit pattern.

The tool '' is used to replace the fixed bit pattern with a unique bit pattern before generating the per device unique FPGA bitstream. This allows us to generate these device unique FPGA bitstreams without having to do a full FPGA build.

RAM memory protecion

  ADDR_RAM_ASLR:     0x40

These write only registers control how the data in the RAM is scrambled as a way of protecting the data. The ADDR_RAM_ASLR control how the addresses are scrambled. The ADDR_RAM_SCRAMBLE control how the data itself is scrambled. FW writes random values to these registers during boot.

Security monitor


Monitors events and state changes in the SoC and handles security violations. Currently checks for:

  1. Trying to execute instructions in FW_RAM. Always enabled.
  2. Trying to access RAM outside of the physical memory. Always enabled
  3. Trying to execute instructions from a memory area in RAM defined by the application.

Number 1 and 2 are always enabled. Number 3 is set and enabled by the device application. Once enabled, by writing to ADDR_CPU_MON_CTRL, the memory defined by ADDR_CPU_MON_FIRST and ADDR_CPU_MON_LAST will be protected against execution. Typically the application developer will set this protection to cover the application stack and/or heap.

An application can write to these registers to define the area and then enable the monitor. Once enabled the monitor can't be disabled, and the ADDR_CPU_MON_FIRST and ADDR_CPU_MON_LAST registers can't be changed. This means that an application that wants to use the monitor must define the area first before enabling the monitor.

Once enabled, if the CPU tries to read an instruction from the defined area, the core will force the CPU to instead read an all zero, which is an illegal instruction. This illegal instruction will trigger the CPU to enter its TRAP state, from which it can't return unless the TKey is power cycled.

The firmware will not write to these registers as part of loading an app. The app developer must define the area and enable the monitor to get the protection.

One feature not obvious from the API is that when the CPU traps the core will detect that and start flashing the status LED with a red light indicating that the CPU is in a trapped state and no further execution is possible.


The core is implemented as a single module. Future versions will probably be separated into separate modules.