Joachim Strömbergson c35e7680ea
Squashed commit of the following:
Silence lint on intentional combinatinal loops
    Use better instance names, and a single lint pragma for all macros
    Remove unused pointer update signals
    Silence lint on wires where not all bits are used
    Change fw_app_mode to be an input port to allow access control
    Remove redundant, unused wire mem_busy
    Add lint pragma to ignore debug register only enabled by a define
    Remove clk and reset_n ports from the ROM
    Adding note and lint pragma for rom address width
    Fix incorrect register widths in uart_core
    Assign all 16 bits in LUT config
    Silence lint warnings on macro instances
    Correct bit extraction for core addresses to be eight bits wide
    Correct the bit width of cdi_mem_we wire
    Add specific output file for logging lint issues
    Correct bit width of tmp_ready to match one bit ready port
2022-10-06 13:23:30 +02:00

114 lines
3.1 KiB

// clk_reset_gen.v
// -----------
// Clock and reset generator used in the Tillitis Key 1 design.
// This module instantiate the internal SB_HFOSC clock source in the
// Lattice ice40 UP device. It then connects it to the PLL, and
// finally connects the output from the PLL to the global clock net.
// Author: Joachim Strombergson
// Copyright (C) 2022 - Tillitis AB
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
`default_nettype none
module clk_reset_gen #(parameter RESET_CYCLES = 200)
output wire clk,
output wire rst_n
// Registers with associated wires.
reg [7 : 0] rst_ctr_reg = 8'h0;
reg [7 : 0] rst_ctr_new;
reg rst_ctr_we;
reg rst_n_reg = 1'h0;
reg rst_n_new;
wire hfosc_clk;
wire pll_clk;
// Concurrent assignment.
assign rst_n = rst_n_reg;
// Core instantiations.
/* verilator lint_off PINMISSING */
// Use the FPGA internal High Frequency OSCillator as clock source.
// 00: 48MHz, 01: 24MHz, 10: 12MHz, 11: 6MHz
) hfosc_inst (.CLKHFPU(1'b1),.CLKHFEN(1'b1),.CLKHF(hfosc_clk));
// Use a PLL to generate a new clock frequency based on the HFOSC clock.
.DIVR(4'b0000), // DIVR = 0
.DIVF(7'b0101111), // DIVF = 47
.DIVQ(3'b101), // DIVQ = 5
) pll_inst (
// Use a Global Buffer to distribute the clock.
SB_GB gb_inst (
/* verilator lint_on PINMISSING */
// reg_update.
always @(posedge clk)
begin : reg_update
rst_n_reg <= rst_n_new;
if (rst_ctr_we)
rst_ctr_reg <= rst_ctr_new;
// rst_logic.
always @*
begin : rst_logic
rst_n_new = 1'h1;
rst_ctr_new = 8'h0;
rst_ctr_we = 1'h0;
if (rst_ctr_reg < RESET_CYCLES) begin
rst_n_new = 1'h0;
rst_ctr_new = rst_ctr_reg + 1'h1;
rst_ctr_we = 1'h1;
endmodule // reset_gen
// EOF reset_gen.v