//====================================================================== // // application_fpga_verilator.cc // ----------------------------- // Wrapper to allow simulation of the application_fpga using Verilator. // // // Copyright (C) 2022 - Tillitis AB // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only // //====================================================================== #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "Vapplication_fpga_sim.h" #include "verilated.h" // Clock: 21 MHz, 62500 bps // Divisor = 21E6 / 62500 = 336 #define CPU_CLOCK 21000000 #define BAUD_RATE 62500 #define BIT_DIV (CPU_CLOCK/BAUD_RATE) struct uart { int bit_div; unsigned int ts; unsigned int tx_next_ts; unsigned int rx_next_ts; int rx_state; /* 0, (idle), 1 (start), 2..9 (data), 10 (stop), 11 (stop end) */ int tx_state; /* 0, (idle), 1..8 (data), 9 (stop), 10 (stop end) */ uint8_t tx_data; uint8_t rx_data; int rx_has_data; int tx_has_data; uint8_t *tx; uint8_t *rx; }; void uart_init(struct uart *u, uint8_t *tx, uint8_t *rx, int bit_div); void uart_tick(struct uart *u); int uart_can_send(struct uart *u); int uart_send(struct uart *u, uint8_t data); int uart_recv(struct uart *u, uint8_t *data); void uart_init(struct uart *u, uint8_t *tx, uint8_t *rx, int bit_div) { u->bit_div = bit_div; u->ts = 0; u->tx_next_ts = 0; u->rx_next_ts = 0; u->rx_state = 0; u->tx_state = 0; u->tx_data = 0; u->rx_data = 0; u->rx_has_data = 0; u->tx_has_data = 0; u->tx = tx; *u->tx = 1; u->rx = rx; } void uart_rx_tick(struct uart *u) { if (u->rx_state == 0) { // Idle if (!u->rx_has_data && !*u->rx) { // Active low u->rx_next_ts = u->ts + u->bit_div / 2; // sample mid-point u->rx_state = 1; } return; } if (u->rx_state == 1) { // Start if (u->ts < u->rx_next_ts) return; if (*u->rx) { u->rx_state = 0; // Back to idle, shouldn't happen return; } u->rx_next_ts += u->bit_div; u->rx_data = 0; u->rx_state = 2; return; } if (u->rx_state > 1 && u->rx_state < 10) { // Data if (u->ts < u->rx_next_ts) return; u->rx_next_ts += u->bit_div; u->rx_data |= (!!*u->rx) << (u->rx_state - 2); u->rx_state++; return; } if (u->rx_state == 10) { // Stop if (u->ts < u->rx_next_ts) return; if (!*u->rx) { u->rx_state = 0; // Back to dle, shouldn't happen return; } u->rx_next_ts += u->bit_div/2; u->rx_has_data = 1; u->rx_state = 11; return; } if (u->rx_state == 11) { if (u->ts < u->rx_next_ts) return; u->rx_state = 0; return; } } int uart_recv(struct uart *u, uint8_t *data) { if (u->rx_has_data && (u->rx_state == 0 || u->rx_state == 11)) { *data = u->rx_data; u->rx_has_data = 0; return 1; } return 0; } void uart_tx_tick(struct uart *u) { if (u->tx_state == 0) { // Idle if (u->tx_has_data) { u->tx_next_ts = u->ts + u->bit_div; *u->tx = 0; // Start u->tx_state = 1; } return; } if (u->tx_state > 0 && u->tx_state < 9) { // Data if (u->ts < u->tx_next_ts) return; u->tx_next_ts += u->bit_div; *u->tx = (u->tx_data >> (u->tx_state - 1)) & 1; u->tx_state++; return; } if (u->tx_state == 9) { // Stop if (u->ts < u->tx_next_ts) return; u->tx_next_ts += u->bit_div; *u->tx = 1; // Stop u->tx_has_data = 0; u->tx_state = 10; return; } if (u->tx_state == 10) { if (u->ts < u->tx_next_ts) return; u->tx_state = 0; return; } } int uart_can_send(struct uart *u) { return !u->tx_has_data; } int uart_send(struct uart *u, uint8_t data) { if (!uart_can_send(u)) return 0; u->tx_has_data = 1; u->tx_data = data; return 1; } void uart_tick(struct uart *u) { u->ts++; uart_rx_tick(u); uart_tx_tick(u); } struct pty { int amaster; int aslave; char slave[32]; }; int pty_init(struct pty *p); int pty_can_recv(struct pty *p); int pty_recv(struct pty *p, uint8_t *data); void pty_send(struct pty *p, uint8_t data); int pty_init(struct pty *p) { struct termios tty; int flags; memset(p, 0, sizeof(*p)); if (openpty(&p->amaster, &p->aslave, p->slave, NULL, NULL) < 0) return -1; if (tcgetattr(p->aslave, &tty) < 0) return -1; cfmakeraw(&tty); if (tcsetattr(p->aslave, TCSAFLUSH, &tty) < 0) return -1; if ((flags = fcntl(p->amaster, F_GETFL, 0) < 0)) return -1; flags |= O_NONBLOCK; if (fcntl(p->amaster, F_SETFL, flags) < 0) return -1; printf("pty: %s\n", p->slave); return 0; } int pty_can_recv(struct pty *p) { struct pollfd fds = {p->amaster, POLLIN, 0}; char c; return poll(&fds, 1, 0) == 1; } int pty_recv(struct pty *p, uint8_t *data) { return read(p->amaster, data, 1) == 1; } void pty_send(struct pty *p, uint8_t data) { ssize_t i __attribute__((unused)); i = write(p->amaster, &data, 1); } volatile int touch_cyc = 0; void sighandler(int) { printf("touched!\n"); touch_cyc = 1000; } void touch(uint8_t *touch_event) { if (touch_cyc > 0) { touch_cyc--; *touch_event = 1; } else { *touch_event = 0; } } vluint64_t main_time = 0; double sc_time_stamp() { return main_time; } int main(int argc, char **argv, char **env) { Verilated::commandArgs(argc, argv); int r = 0, g = 0, b = 0; Vapplication_fpga_sim top; struct uart u; struct pty p; int err; if (signal(SIGUSR1, sighandler) == SIG_ERR) return -1; printf("cpu clock: %d\n", CPU_CLOCK); printf("baud rate: %d\n", BAUD_RATE); printf("generate touch event: \"$ kill -USR1 %d\"\n", (int)getpid()); err = pty_init(&p); if (err) return -1; uart_init(&u, &top.interface_tx, &top.interface_rx, BIT_DIV); top.clk = 0; top.interface_ch552_cts = 1; while (!Verilated::gotFinish()) { uint8_t to_host = 0; top.clk = !top.clk; if (main_time < 10) goto skip; if (!top.clk) { touch(&top.touch_event); uart_tick(&u); } if (pty_can_recv(&p) && uart_can_send(&u)) { uint8_t from_host = 0; pty_recv(&p, &from_host); uart_send(&u, from_host); } if (uart_recv(&u, &to_host) == 1) { pty_send(&p, to_host); } skip: main_time++; top.eval(); } }