/*-------------------------------------------------------------------------- CH554.H Header file for CH554 microcontrollers. **************************************** ** Copyright (C) W.ch 1999-2014 ** ** Web: http://wch.cn ** **************************************** --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifndef __USB_DEF__ #define __USB_DEF__ #include "mem.h" /*----- USB constant and structure define --------------------------------*/ /* USB PID */ #ifndef USB_PID_SETUP #define USB_PID_NULL 0x00 /* reserved PID */ #define USB_PID_SOF 0x05 #define USB_PID_SETUP 0x0D #define USB_PID_IN 0x09 #define USB_PID_OUT 0x01 #define USB_PID_ACK 0x02 #define USB_PID_NAK 0x0A #define USB_PID_STALL 0x0E #define USB_PID_DATA0 0x03 #define USB_PID_DATA1 0x0B #define USB_PID_PRE 0x0C #endif /* USB standard device request code */ #ifndef USB_GET_DESCRIPTOR #define USB_GET_STATUS 0x00 #define USB_CLEAR_FEATURE 0x01 #define USB_SET_FEATURE 0x03 #define USB_SET_ADDRESS 0x05 #define USB_GET_DESCRIPTOR 0x06 #define USB_SET_DESCRIPTOR 0x07 #define USB_GET_CONFIGURATION 0x08 #define USB_SET_CONFIGURATION 0x09 #define USB_GET_INTERFACE 0x0A #define USB_SET_INTERFACE 0x0B #define USB_SYNCH_FRAME 0x0C #endif /* USB hub class request code */ #ifndef HUB_GET_DESCRIPTOR #define HUB_GET_STATUS 0x00 #define HUB_CLEAR_FEATURE 0x01 #define HUB_GET_STATE 0x02 #define HUB_SET_FEATURE 0x03 #define HUB_GET_DESCRIPTOR 0x06 #define HUB_SET_DESCRIPTOR 0x07 #endif /* Bit define for USB request type */ #ifndef USB_REQ_TYPE_MASK #define USB_REQ_TYPE_IN 0x80 /* Control IN, device to host */ #define USB_REQ_TYPE_OUT 0x00 /* Control OUT, host to device */ #define USB_REQ_TYPE_READ 0x80 /* Control read, device to host */ #define USB_REQ_TYPE_WRITE 0x00 /* Control write, host to device */ #define USB_REQ_TYPE_MASK 0x60 /* Bit mask of request type */ #define USB_REQ_TYPE_STANDARD 0x00 #define USB_REQ_TYPE_CLASS 0x20 #define USB_REQ_TYPE_VENDOR 0x40 #define USB_REQ_TYPE_RESERVED 0x60 #define USB_REQ_RECIP_MASK 0x1F /* Bit mask of request recipient */ #define USB_REQ_RECIP_DEVICE 0x00 #define USB_REQ_RECIP_INTERF 0x01 #define USB_REQ_RECIP_ENDP 0x02 #define USB_REQ_RECIP_OTHER 0x03 #endif /* USB HID class request code */ #ifndef USB_HID_REQ_TYPE #define USB_HID_REQ_TYPE_GET_REPORT 0x01 #define USB_HID_REQ_TYPE_GET_IDLE 0x02 #define USB_HID_REQ_TYPE_GET_PROTOCOL 0x03 #define USB_HID_REQ_TYPE_SET_REPORT 0x09 #define USB_HID_REQ_TYPE_SET_IDLE 0x0A #define USB_HID_REQ_TYPE_SET_PROTOCOL 0x0B #endif /* USB CDC class request code */ #ifndef USB_CDC_REQ_TYPE #define USB_CDC_REQ_TYPE_SET_LINE_CODING 0x20 #define USB_CDC_REQ_TYPE_GET_LINE_CODING 0x21 #define USB_CDC_REQ_TYPE_SET_CONTROL_LINE_STATE 0x22 #endif /* USB request type for hub class request */ #ifndef HUB_GET_HUB_DESCRIPTOR #define HUB_CLEAR_HUB_FEATURE 0x20 #define HUB_CLEAR_PORT_FEATURE 0x23 #define HUB_GET_BUS_STATE 0xA3 #define HUB_GET_HUB_DESCRIPTOR 0xA0 #define HUB_GET_HUB_STATUS 0xA0 #define HUB_GET_PORT_STATUS 0xA3 #define HUB_SET_HUB_DESCRIPTOR 0x20 #define HUB_SET_HUB_FEATURE 0x20 #define HUB_SET_PORT_FEATURE 0x23 #endif /* Hub class feature selectors */ #ifndef HUB_PORT_RESET #define HUB_C_HUB_LOCAL_POWER 0 #define HUB_C_HUB_OVER_CURRENT 1 #define HUB_PORT_CONNECTION 0 #define HUB_PORT_ENABLE 1 #define HUB_PORT_SUSPEND 2 #define HUB_PORT_OVER_CURRENT 3 #define HUB_PORT_RESET 4 #define HUB_PORT_POWER 8 #define HUB_PORT_LOW_SPEED 9 #define HUB_C_PORT_CONNECTION 16 #define HUB_C_PORT_ENABLE 17 #define HUB_C_PORT_SUSPEND 18 #define HUB_C_PORT_OVER_CURRENT 19 #define HUB_C_PORT_RESET 20 #endif /* USB descriptor type */ #ifndef USB_DESC_TYPE_DEVICE #define USB_DESC_TYPE_DEVICE 0x01 // USB 1.1 #define USB_DESC_TYPE_CONFIGURATION 0x02 // USB 1.1 #define USB_DESC_TYPE_STRING 0x03 // USB 1.1 #define USB_DESC_TYPE_INTERFACE 0x04 // USB 1.1 #define USB_DESC_TYPE_ENDPOINT 0x05 // USB 1.1 #define USB_DESC_TYPE_DEVICE_QUALIFIER 0x06 // USB 2.0 #define USB_DESC_TYPE_OTHER_SPEED_CONFIGURATION 0x07 // USB 2.0 #define USB_DESC_TYPE_INTERFACE_POWER 0x08 // USB 2.0 #define USB_DESC_TYPE_OTG 0x09 // USB 2.0 #define USB_DESC_TYPE_DEBUG 0x0A // USB 2.0 #define USB_DESC_TYPE_INTERFACE_ASSOCIATION 0x0B // USB 2.0 #define USB_DESC_TYPE_BOS 0x0F // USB 3.x (Binary Object Store) #define USB_DESC_TYPE_DEVICE_CAPABILITY 0x10 // USB 3.x #define USB_DESC_TYPE_HID 0x21 // HID 1.11 #define USB_DESC_TYPE_REPORT 0x22 // HID 1.11 #define USB_DESC_TYPE_PHYSICAL 0x23 // HID 1.11 #define USB_DESC_TYPE_CS_INTERFACE 0x24 // Class-Specific (Audio, HID, CDC, etc.) #define USB_DESC_TYPE_CS_ENDPOINT 0x25 // Class-Specific (Audio, Not HID normally, CDC, etc.) #define USB_DESC_TYPE_SUPERSPEED_USB_ENDPOINT_COMPANION 0x30 // USB 3.x #define USB_DESC_TYPE_SUPERSPEEDPLUS_ISOCHRONOUS_ENDPOINT_COMPANION 0x31 // USB 3.x #endif /* USB device class */ #ifndef USB_DEV_CLASS // Descriptor Usage; Description ; Examples #define USB_DEV_CLASS_RESERVED 0x00 // Device ; Unspecified ; Device class is unspecified, interface descriptors are used to determine needed drivers #define USB_DEV_CLASS_AUDIO 0x01 // Interface ; Audio ; Speaker, microphone, sound card, MIDI #define USB_DEV_CLASS_CDC_CONTROL 0x02 // Both ; Communications and CDC control ; UART and RS-232 serial adapter, modem, Wi-Fi adapter, Ethernet adapter. Used together with class 0Ah (CDC-Data) below #define USB_DEV_CLASS_HID 0x03 // Interface ; Human interface device (HID) ; Keyboard, mouse, joystick #define USB_DEV_CLASS_PHYSICAL 0x05 // Interface ; Physical interface device (PID) ; Force feedback joystick #define USB_DEV_CLASS_IMAGE 0x06 // Interface ; Media (PTP/MTP) ; Scanner, Camera #define USB_DEV_CLASS_PRINTER 0x07 // Interface ; Printer ; Laser printer, inkjet printer, CNC machine #define USB_DEV_CLASS_MASS_STORAGE 0x08 // Interface ; USB mass storage, USB Attached SCSI ; USB flash drive, memory card reader, digital audio player, digital camera, external drive #define USB_DEV_CLASS_HUB 0x09 // Device ; USB hub ; High speed USB hub #define USB_DEV_CLASS_CDC_DATA 0x0A // Interface ; CDC-Data ; Used together with class 02h (Communications and CDC Control) above #define USB_DEV_CLASS_SMART_CARD 0x0B // Interface ; Smart card ; USB smart card reader #define USB_DEV_CLASS_CONTENT_SECURITY 0x0D // Interface ; Content security ; Fingerprint reader #define USB_DEV_CLASS_VIDEO 0x0E // Interface ; Video ; Webcam #define USB_DEV_CLASS_PERSONAL_HEALTHCARE 0x0F // Interface ; Personal healthcare device class (PHDC) ; Pulse monitor (watch) #define USB_DEV_CLASS_AUDIO_VIDEO DEVICES 0x10 // Interface ; Audio/Video (AV) ; Webcam, TV #define USB_DEV_CLASS_BILLBOARD 0x11 // Device ; Billboard ; Describes USB-C alternate modes supported by device #define USB_DEV_CLASS_USB_TYPE_C_BRIDGE 0x12 // Interface ; ; #define USB_DEV_CLASS_USB_BULK_DISPLAY 0x13 // Interface ; ; #define USB_DEV_CLASS_MCTP_OVER_USB 0x14 // Interface ; ; #define USB_DEV_CLASS_I3C_DEVICE_CLASS 0x3C // Interface ; ; #define USB_DEV_CLASS_DIAGNOSTIC_DEVICE 0xDC // Both ; Diagnostic device ; USB compliance testing device #define USB_DEV_CLASS_WIRELESS_CONTROLLER 0xE0 // Interface ; Wireless Controller ; Bluetooth adapter, Microsoft RNDIS #define USB_DEV_CLASS_MISCELLANEOUS 0xEF // Both ; Miscellaneous ; ActiveSync device #define USB_DEV_CLASS_APPLICATION_SPECIFIC 0xFE // Interface ; Application-specific ; IrDA Bridge, Test & Measurement Class (USBTMC), USB DFU (Device Firmware Upgrade) #define USB_DEV_CLASS_VENDOR_SPECIFIC 0xFF // Both ; Vendor-specific ; Indicates that a device needs vendor-specific drivers #endif /* USB endpoint type and attributes */ #ifndef USB_EP_TYPE_MASK #define USB_EP_TYPE_CONTROL 0x00 #define USB_EP_TYPE_ISOCHRONOUS 0x01 #define USB_EP_TYPE_BULK 0x02 #define USB_EP_TYPE_INTERRUPT 0x03 #define USB_EP_DIR_MASK 0x80 #define USB_EP_ADDR_MASK 0x0F #define USB_EP_TYPE_MASK 0x03 #endif /* USB string index */ #ifndef USB_IDX_STR #define USB_IDX_LANGID_STR 0x00 #define USB_IDX_MFC_STR 0x01 #define USB_IDX_PRODUCT_STR 0x02 #define USB_IDX_SERIAL_STR 0x03 #define USB_IDX_INTERFACE_CDC_CTRL_STR 0x04 #define USB_IDX_INTERFACE_CDC_DATA_STR 0x05 #define USB_IDX_INTERFACE_FIDO_HID_STR 0x06 #define USB_IDX_INTERFACE_TKEY_CTRL_STR 0x07 #endif #ifndef USB_DEVICE_ADDR #define USB_DEVICE_ADDR 0x02 #endif #ifndef DEFAULT_EP0_SIZE #define DEFAULT_EP0_SIZE 64 /* Default maximum packet size for Endpoint 0 */ #endif #ifndef DEFAULT_EP1_SIZE #define DEFAULT_EP1_SIZE 8 /* Default maximum packet size for Endpoint 1 */ #endif #ifndef MAX_PACKET_SIZE #define MAX_PACKET_SIZE 64 /* Maximum packet size */ #endif #ifndef USB_BO_CBW_SIZE #define USB_BO_CBW_SIZE 0x1F #define USB_BO_CSW_SIZE 0x0D #endif #ifndef USB_BO_CBW_SIG0 #define USB_BO_CBW_SIG0 0x55 #define USB_BO_CBW_SIG1 0x53 #define USB_BO_CBW_SIG2 0x42 #define USB_BO_CBW_SIG3 0x43 #define USB_BO_CSW_SIG0 0x55 #define USB_BO_CSW_SIG1 0x53 #define USB_BO_CSW_SIG2 0x42 #define USB_BO_CSW_SIG3 0x53 #endif typedef struct _USB_SETUP_REQ { uint8_t bmRequestType; uint8_t bRequest; uint8_t wValueL; uint8_t wValueH; uint8_t wIndexL; uint8_t wIndexH; uint8_t wLengthL; uint8_t wLengthH; } USB_SETUP_REQ, *PUSB_SETUP_REQ; typedef USB_SETUP_REQ XDATA *PXUSB_SETUP_REQ; typedef struct _USB_DEVICE_DESCR { uint8_t bLength; uint8_t bDescriptorType; uint8_t bcdUSBL; uint8_t bcdUSBH; uint8_t bDeviceClass; uint8_t bDeviceSubClass; uint8_t bDeviceProtocol; uint8_t bMaxPacketSize0; uint8_t idVendorL; uint8_t idVendorH; uint8_t idProductL; uint8_t idProductH; uint8_t bcdDeviceL; uint8_t bcdDeviceH; uint8_t iManufacturer; uint8_t iProduct; uint8_t iSerialNumber; uint8_t bNumConfigurations; } USB_DEV_DESCR, *PUSB_DEV_DESCR; typedef USB_DEV_DESCR XDATA *PXUSB_DEV_DESCR; typedef struct _USB_CONFIG_DESCR { uint8_t bLength; uint8_t bDescriptorType; uint8_t wTotalLengthL; uint8_t wTotalLengthH; uint8_t bNumInterfaces; uint8_t bConfigurationValue; uint8_t iConfiguration; uint8_t bmAttributes; uint8_t MaxPower; } USB_CFG_DESCR, *PUSB_CFG_DESCR; typedef USB_CFG_DESCR XDATA *PXUSB_CFG_DESCR; typedef struct _USB_INTERF_DESCR { uint8_t bLength; uint8_t bDescriptorType; uint8_t bInterfaceNumber; uint8_t bAlternateSetting; uint8_t bNumEndpoints; uint8_t bInterfaceClass; uint8_t bInterfaceSubClass; uint8_t bInterfaceProtocol; uint8_t iInterface; } USB_ITF_DESCR, *PUSB_ITF_DESCR; typedef USB_ITF_DESCR XDATA *PXUSB_ITF_DESCR; typedef struct _USB_ENDPOINT_DESCR { uint8_t bLength; uint8_t bDescriptorType; uint8_t bEndpointAddress; uint8_t bmAttributes; uint8_t wMaxPacketSizeL; uint8_t wMaxPacketSizeH; uint8_t bInterval; } USB_ENDP_DESCR, *PUSB_ENDP_DESCR; typedef USB_ENDP_DESCR XDATA *PXUSB_ENDP_DESCR; typedef struct _USB_CONFIG_DESCR_LONG { USB_CFG_DESCR cfg_descr; USB_ITF_DESCR itf_descr; USB_ENDP_DESCR endp_descr[1]; } USB_CFG_DESCR_LONG, *PUSB_CFG_DESCR_LONG; typedef USB_CFG_DESCR_LONG XDATA *PXUSB_CFG_DESCR_LONG; typedef struct _USB_HUB_DESCR { uint8_t bDescLength; uint8_t bDescriptorType; uint8_t bNbrPorts; uint8_t wHubCharacteristicsL; uint8_t wHubCharacteristicsH; uint8_t bPwrOn2PwrGood; uint8_t bHubContrCurrent; uint8_t DeviceRemovable; uint8_t PortPwrCtrlMask; } USB_HUB_DESCR, *PUSB_HUB_DESCR; typedef USB_HUB_DESCR XDATA *PXUSB_HUB_DESCR; typedef struct _USB_HID_DESCR { uint8_t bLength; uint8_t bDescriptorType; uint8_t bcdHIDL; uint8_t bcdHIDH; uint8_t bCountryCode; uint8_t bNumDescriptors; uint8_t bDescriptorTypeX; uint8_t wDescriptorLengthL; uint8_t wDescriptorLengthH; } USB_HID_DESCR, *PUSB_HID_DESCR; typedef USB_HID_DESCR XDATA *PXUSB_HID_DESCR; typedef struct _UDISK_BOC_CBW { /* Command of BulkOnly USB-FlashDisk */ uint8_t mCBW_Sig0; uint8_t mCBW_Sig1; uint8_t mCBW_Sig2; uint8_t mCBW_Sig3; uint8_t mCBW_Tag0; uint8_t mCBW_Tag1; uint8_t mCBW_Tag2; uint8_t mCBW_Tag3; uint8_t mCBW_DataLen0; uint8_t mCBW_DataLen1; uint8_t mCBW_DataLen2; uint8_t mCBW_DataLen3; /* MSB byte of data length, always is 0 */ uint8_t mCBW_Flag; /* Transfer direction and etc. */ uint8_t mCBW_LUN; uint8_t mCBW_CB_Len; /* Length of command block */ uint8_t mCBW_CB_Buf[16]; /* Command block buffer */ } UDISK_BOC_CBW, *PUDISK_BOC_CBW; typedef UDISK_BOC_CBW XDATA *PXUDISK_BOC_CBW; typedef struct _UDISK_BOC_CSW { /* Status of BulkOnly USB-FlashDisk */ uint8_t mCSW_Sig0; uint8_t mCSW_Sig1; uint8_t mCSW_Sig2; uint8_t mCSW_Sig3; uint8_t mCSW_Tag0; uint8_t mCSW_Tag1; uint8_t mCSW_Tag2; uint8_t mCSW_Tag3; uint8_t mCSW_Residue0; /* Return: remainder bytes */ uint8_t mCSW_Residue1; uint8_t mCSW_Residue2; uint8_t mCSW_Residue3; /* MSB byte of remainder length, always is 0 */ uint8_t mCSW_Status; /* Return: result status */ } UDISK_BOC_CSW, *PUDISK_BOC_CSW; typedef UDISK_BOC_CSW XDATA *PXUDISK_BOC_CSW; #endif // __USB_DEF__