/********************************** (C) COPYRIGHT ******************************* * File Name : CDC.C * Author : WCH * Version : V1.0 * Date : 2017/03/01 * Description : CH554 as CDC device to serial port, select serial port 1 *******************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include "debug.h" #include "mem.h" #include "print.h" #include "usb_strings.h" XDATA AT0000 uint8_t Ep0Buffer[DEFAULT_EP0_SIZE] = { 0 }; // Endpoint 0, Default endpoint, OUT & IN buffer, must be an even address XDATA AT0008 uint8_t Ep1Buffer[DEFAULT_EP1_SIZE] = { 0 }; // Endpoint 1, CDC Ctrl, IN[8] buffer XDATA AT0010 uint8_t Ep2Buffer[2*MAX_PACKET_SIZE] = { 0 }; // Endpoint 2, CDC Data, buffer OUT[64]+IN[64], must be an even address XDATA AT0090 uint8_t Ep3Buffer[2*MAX_PACKET_SIZE] = { 0 }; // Endpoint 3, HID, buffer OUT[64]+IN[64], must be an even address uint16_t SetupLen = 0; uint8_t SetupReq = 0; uint8_t UsbConfig = 0; const uint8_t *pDescr = NULL; // USB configuration flag USB_SETUP_REQ SetupReqBuf = { 0 }; // Temporary Setup package #define UsbSetupBuf ((PUSB_SETUP_REQ)Ep0Buffer) #define CDC_CTRL_EPIN_ADDR 0x81 // CDC Ctrl Endpoint IN Address #define CDC_CTRL_EPIN_SIZE DEFAULT_EP1_SIZE // CDC Ctrl Endpoint IN Size #define CDC_DATA_EPOUT_ADDR 0x02 // CDC Data Endpoint OUT Address #define CDC_DATA_EPOUT_SIZE MAX_PACKET_SIZE // CDC Data Endpoint OUT Size #define CDC_DATA_EPIN_ADDR 0x82 // CDC Data Endpoint IN Address #define CDC_DATA_EPIN_SIZE MAX_PACKET_SIZE // CDC Data Endpoint IN Size #define HID_EPOUT_ADDR 0x03 // HID Endpoint OUT Address #define HID_EPOUT_SIZE MAX_PACKET_SIZE // HID Endpoint OUT Size #define HID_EPIN_ADDR 0x83 // HID Endpoint IN Address #define HID_EPIN_SIZE MAX_PACKET_SIZE // HID Endpoint IN Size #define CDC_CTRL_FS_BINTERVAL 0xFF // 255 ms polling interval at Full Speed #define CDC_DATA_FS_BINTERVAL 1 /* was: 0 */ // 1 ms polling interval at Full Speed #define HID_FS_BINTERVAL 1 // 1 ms polling interval at Full Speed #define HID_REPORT_DESC_SIZE 47 // HID Report Descriptor size #define LOBYTE(x) ((uint8_t)( (x) & 0x00FFU)) #define HIBYTE(x) ((uint8_t)(((x) & 0xFF00U) >> 8U)) // Device Descriptor FLASH uint8_t DevDesc[] = { 0x12, /* bLength */ USB_DESC_TYPE_DEVICE, /* bDescriptorType: Device */ 0x10, /* bcdUSB (low byte), USB Specification Release Number in Binary-Coded Decimal (1.10 is 110h) */ 0x01, /* bcdUSB (high byte) USB Specification Release Number in Binary-Coded Decimal (1.10 is 110h) */ 0x00, /* bDeviceClass */ // Each configuration has its own class 0x00, /* bDeviceSubClass */ // Each configuration has its own sub-class 0x00, /* bDeviceProtocol */ // Each configuration has its own protocol DEFAULT_EP0_SIZE, /* bMaxPacketSize */ 0x07, /* idVendor */ // VID LOBYTE 0x12, /* idVendor */ // VID HIBYTE 0x87, /* idProduct */ // PID LOBYTE 0x88, /* idProduct */ // PID HIBYTE 0x00, /* bcdDevice (low byte, i.e. YY) rel. XX.YY */ 0x01, /* bcdDevice (high byte, i.e. XX) rel. XX.YY */ // Orig: 0x02 0x01, /* Index of manufacturer string */ 0x02, /* Index of product string */ 0x03, /* Index of serial number string */ 0x01, /* bNumConfigurations */ }; // Configuration Descriptor FLASH uint8_t CfgDesc[] = { /******************** Configuration Descriptor ********************/ 0x09, /* bLength: Configuration Descriptor size */ USB_DESC_TYPE_CONFIGURATION, /* bDescriptorType: Configuration */ 99U, /* wTotalLength (low byte): Bytes returned */ 0x00, /* wTotalLength (high byte): Bytes returned */ 0x03, /* bNumInterfaces: 3 interfaces (1 CDC Ctrl, 1 CDC Data, 1 HID) */ 0x01, /* bConfigurationValue: Configuration value */ 0x00, /* iConfiguration: Index of string descriptor describing the configuration */ 0xA0, /*Mouse:0xE0,whatis:0xC0?*/ /* bmAttributes: Bus powered and Support Remote Wake-up */ 0x32, /* MaxPower 100 mA: this current is used for detecting Vbus */ /******************** Interface 0, CDC Ctrl Descriptor (one endpoint) ********************/ /* 9 */ 0x09, /* bLength: Interface Descriptor size */ USB_DESC_TYPE_INTERFACE, /* bDescriptorType: Interface */ 0x00, /* bInterfaceNumber: Number of Interface */ 0x00, /* bAlternateSetting: Alternate setting */ 0x01, /* bNumEndpoints */ USB_DEV_CLASS_CDC_CONTROL, /* bInterfaceClass: Communications and CDC Control */ 0x02, /* bInterfaceSubClass : Abstract Control Model */ 0x01, /* bInterfaceProtocol : AT Commands: V.250 etc */ 0x00, /* iInterface: Index of string descriptor */ /******************** Header Functional Descriptor ********************/ /* 18 */ 0x05, /* bFunctionLength: Size of this descriptor in bytes */ USB_DESC_TYPE_CS_INTERFACE, /* bDescriptorType: CS_INTERFACE (24h) */ 0x00, /* bDescriptorSubtype: Header Functional Descriptor */ 0x10, /* bcdCDC (low byte): CDC version 1.10 */ 0x01, /* bcdCDC (high byte): CDC version 1.10 */ /******************** Call Management Functional Descriptor (no data interface, bmCapabilities=03, bDataInterface=01) ********************/ /* 23 */ 0x05, /* bFunctionLength: Size of this descriptor */ USB_DESC_TYPE_CS_INTERFACE, /* bDescriptorType: CS_INTERFACE (24h) */ 0x01, /* bDescriptorSubtype: Call Management Functional Descriptor */ 0x00, /* bmCapabilities: D7..2: 0x00 (RESERVED, D1 : 0x00 (0 - Device sends/receives call management information only over the Communications Class interface 1 - Device can send/receive call management information over a Data Class interface) D0 : 0x00 (0 - Device does not handle call management itself 1 - Device handles call management itself) */ 0x00, /* bDataInterface: Interface number of Data Class interface optionally used for call management */ /******************** Abstract Control Management Functional Descriptor ********************/ /* 28 */ 0x04, /* bLength */ 0x24, /* bDescriptorType: CS_INTERFACE (24h) */ 0x02, /* bDescriptorSubtype: Abstract Control Management Functional Descriptor */ 0x02, /* bmCapabilities: D7..4: 0x00 (RESERVED, Reset to zero) D3 : 0x00 (1 - Device supports the notification Network_Connection) D2 : 0x00 (1 - Device supports the request Send_Break) D1 : 0x01 (1 - Device supports the request combination of Set_Line_Coding, Set_Control_Line_State, Get_Line_Coding, and the notification Serial_State) D0 : 0x00 (1 - Device supports the request combination of Set_Comm_Feature, Clear_Comm_Feature, and Get_Comm_Feature) */ /******************** Union Functional Descriptor. CDC Ctrl interface numbered 0; CDC Data interface numbered 1 ********************/ /* 32 */ 0x05, /* bLength */ 0x24, /* bDescriptorType: CS_INTERFACE (24h) */ 0x06, /* bDescriptorSubtype: Union Functional Descriptor */ 0x00, /* bControlInterface: Interface number 0 (Control interface) */ 0x01, /* bSubordinateInterface0: Interface number 1 (Data interface) */ /******************** CDC Ctrl Endpoint descriptor (IN) ********************/ /* 37 */ 0x07, /* bLength: Endpoint Descriptor size */ USB_DESC_TYPE_ENDPOINT, /* bDescriptorType: Endpoint */ CDC_CTRL_EPIN_ADDR, /* bEndpointAddress: Endpoint Address (IN) */ USB_EP_TYPE_INTERRUPT, /* bmAttributes: Interrupt Endpoint */ LOBYTE(CDC_CTRL_EPIN_SIZE), /* wMaxPacketSize (low byte): 8 Byte max */ HIBYTE(CDC_CTRL_EPIN_SIZE), /* wMaxPacketSize (high byte): 8 Byte max */ CDC_CTRL_FS_BINTERVAL, /* bInterval: Polling Interval */ /******************** Interface 1, CDC Data Descriptor (two endpoints) ********************/ /* 44 */ 0x09, /* bLength: Interface Descriptor size */ USB_DESC_TYPE_INTERFACE, /* bDescriptorType: Interface */ 0x01, /* bInterfaceNumber: Number of Interface */ 0x00, /* bAlternateSetting: Alternate setting */ 0x02, /* bNumEndpoints */ USB_DEV_CLASS_CDC_DATA, /* bInterfaceClass: CDC Data */ 0x00, /* bInterfaceSubClass : 1=BOOT, 0=no boot */ 0x00, /* bInterfaceProtocol : 0=none, 1=keyboard, 2=mouse */ 0x00, /* iInterface: Index of string descriptor */ /******************** CDC Data Endpoint descriptor (OUT) ********************/ /* 53 */ 0x07, /* bLength: Endpoint Descriptor size */ USB_DESC_TYPE_ENDPOINT, /* bDescriptorType: Endpoint */ CDC_DATA_EPOUT_ADDR, /* bEndpointAddress: Endpoint Address (OUT) */ USB_EP_TYPE_BULK, /* bmAttributes: Bulk Endpoint */ LOBYTE(CDC_DATA_EPOUT_SIZE), /* wMaxPacketSize (low byte): 64 Byte max */ HIBYTE(CDC_DATA_EPOUT_SIZE), /* wMaxPacketSize (high byte): 64 Byte max */ CDC_DATA_FS_BINTERVAL, /* bInterval: Polling Interval */ /******************** CDC Data Endpoint descriptor (IN) ********************/ /* 60 */ 0x07, /* bLength: Endpoint Descriptor size */ USB_DESC_TYPE_ENDPOINT, /* bDescriptorType: Endpoint */ CDC_DATA_EPIN_ADDR, /* bEndpointAddress: Endpoint Address (IN) */ USB_EP_TYPE_BULK, /* bmAttributes: Bulk Endpoint */ LOBYTE(CDC_DATA_EPIN_SIZE), /* wMaxPacketSize (low byte): 64 Byte max */ HIBYTE(CDC_DATA_EPIN_SIZE), /* wMaxPacketSize (high byte): 64 Byte max */ CDC_DATA_FS_BINTERVAL, /* bInterval: Polling Interval */ /******************** Interface 2, HID Descriptor (two endpoints) ********************/ /* 67 */ 0x09, /* bLength: Interface Descriptor size */ USB_DESC_TYPE_INTERFACE, /* bDescriptorType: Interface */ 0x02, /* bInterfaceNumber: Number of Interface */ 0x00, /* bAlternateSetting: Alternate setting */ 0x02, /* bNumEndpoints: 2 */ USB_DEV_CLASS_HID, /* bInterfaceClass: Human Interface Device */ 0x00, /* bInterfaceSubClass : 1=BOOT, 0=no boot */ 0x00, /* bInterfaceProtocol : 0=none, 1=keyboard, 2=mouse */ 0x00, /* iInterface: Index of string descriptor */ /******************** HID Device Descriptor ********************/ /* 76 */ 0x09, /* bLength: HID Descriptor size */ USB_DESC_TYPE_HID, /* bDescriptorType: HID */ 0x11, /* bcdHID (low byte): HID Class Spec release number */ 0x01, /* bcdHID (high byte): HID Class Spec release number */ 0x00, /* bCountryCode: Hardware target country */ 0x01, /* bNumDescriptors: Number of HID class descriptors to follow */ USB_DESC_TYPE_REPORT, /* bDescriptorType: Report */ LOBYTE(HID_REPORT_DESC_SIZE), /* wDescriptorLength (low byte): Total length of Report descriptor */ HIBYTE(HID_REPORT_DESC_SIZE), /* wDescriptorLength (high byte): Total length of Report descriptor */ /******************** HID Endpoint Descriptor (OUT) ********************/ /* 85 */ 0x07, /* bLength: Endpoint Descriptor size */ USB_DESC_TYPE_ENDPOINT, /* bDescriptorType: Endpoint */ HID_EPOUT_ADDR, /* bEndpointAddress: Endpoint Address (OUT) */ USB_EP_TYPE_INTERRUPT, /* bmAttributes: Interrupt endpoint */ LOBYTE(HID_EPOUT_SIZE), /* wMaxPacketSize (low byte): 64 Byte max */ HIBYTE(HID_EPOUT_SIZE), /* wMaxPacketSize (high byte): 64 Byte max */ HID_FS_BINTERVAL, /* bInterval: Polling Interval */ /******************** HID Endpoint Descriptor (IN) ********************/ /* 92 */ 0x07, /* bLength: Endpoint Descriptor size */ USB_DESC_TYPE_ENDPOINT, /* bDescriptorType: Endpoint */ HID_EPIN_ADDR, /* bEndpointAddress: Endpoint Address (IN) */ USB_EP_TYPE_INTERRUPT, /* bmAttributes: Interrupt endpoint */ LOBYTE(HID_EPIN_SIZE), /* wMaxPacketSize (low byte): 64 Byte max */ HIBYTE(HID_EPIN_SIZE), /* wMaxPacketSize (high byte): 64 Byte max */ HID_FS_BINTERVAL, /* bInterval: Polling Interval */ /* 99 */ }; // HID Device Descriptor (copy from CfgDesc) FLASH uint8_t HID_CfgDesc[] = { 0x09, /* bLength: HID Descriptor size */ USB_DESC_TYPE_HID, /* bDescriptorType: HID */ 0x11, /* bcdHID (low byte): HID Class Spec release number */ 0x01, /* bcdHID (high byte): HID Class Spec release number */ 0x00, /* bCountryCode: Hardware target country */ 0x01, /* bNumDescriptors: Number of HID class descriptors to follow */ USB_DESC_TYPE_REPORT, /* bDescriptorType: Report */ LOBYTE(HID_REPORT_DESC_SIZE), /* wDescriptorLength (low byte): Total length of Report descriptor */ HIBYTE(HID_REPORT_DESC_SIZE), /* wDescriptorLength (high byte): Total length of Report descriptor */ }; FLASH uint8_t HID_ReportDesc[] ={ 0x06, 0xD0, 0xF1, /* Usage Page (FIDO Alliance Page) */ 0x09, 0x01, /* Usage (U2F Authenticator Device) */ 0xA1, 0x01, /* Collection (Application) */ 0x09, 0x20, /* Usage (Input Report Data) */ 0x15, 0x00, /* Logical Minimum (0) */ 0x26, 0xFF, 0x00, /* Logical Maximum (255) */ 0x75, 0x08, /* Report Size (8) */ 0x95, MAX_PACKET_SIZE, /* Report Count (64) */ 0x81, 0x02, /* Input (Data, Variable, Absolute); */ 0x09, 0x21, /* Usage (Output Report Data) */ 0x15, 0x00, /* Logical Minimum (0) */ 0x26, 0xFF, 0x00, /* Logical Maximum (255) */ 0x75, 0x08, /* Report Size (8) */ 0x95, MAX_PACKET_SIZE, /* Report Count (64) */ 0x91, 0x02, /* Output (Data, Variable, Absolute); */ 0x09, 0x07, /* Usage (7, Reserved) */ 0x15, 0x00, /* Logical Minimum (0) */ 0x26, 0xFF, 0x00, /* Logical Maximum (255) */ 0x75, 0x08, /* Report Size (8) */ 0x95, 0x08, /* Report Count (8) */ 0xB1, 0x02, /* Feature (2) (???) */ 0xC0 /* End Collection */ }; // String Descriptor (Language descriptor ) FLASH uint8_t LangDesc[] = { 0x04, 0x03, 0x09, 0x04 }; // CDC Parameters: The initial baud rate is 500000, 1 stop bit, no parity, 8 data bits. XDATA uint8_t LineCoding[7] = { 0x20, 0xA1, 0x07, 0x00, /* Data terminal rate, in bits per second: 500000 */ 0x00, /* Stop bits: 0 - 1 Stop bit, 1 - 1.5 Stop bits, 2 - 2 Stop bits */ 0x00, /* Parity: 0 - None, 1 - Odd, 2 - Even, 3 - Mark, 4 - Space */ 0x08, /* Data bits (5, 6, 7, 8 or 16) */ }; #define HID_FRAME_SIZE 64 #define MAX_CDC_FRAME_SIZE 32 #define UART_TX_BUF_SIZE 64 // Serial transmit buffer #define UART_RX_BUF_SIZE ((HID_FRAME_SIZE*2)+4) // Serial receive buffer /** Communication UART */ XDATA uint8_t UartTxBuf[UART_TX_BUF_SIZE] = { 0 }; // Serial transmit buffer volatile IDATA uint8_t byte_len; XDATA uint8_t UartRxBuf[UART_RX_BUF_SIZE] = { 0 }; // Serial receive buffer volatile IDATA uint8_t UartRxBufInputPointer = 0; // Circular buffer write pointer, bus reset needs to be initialized to 0 volatile IDATA uint8_t UartRxBufOutputPointer = 0; // Take pointer out of circular buffer, bus reset needs to be initialized to 0 volatile IDATA uint8_t UartRxBufByteCount = 0; // Number of unprocessed bytes remaining in the buffer volatile IDATA uint8_t UartRxBufOverflow = 0; /** Debug UART */ #define DEBUG_UART_RX_BUF_SIZE 8 XDATA uint8_t DebugUartRxBuf[DEBUG_UART_RX_BUF_SIZE] = { 0 }; volatile IDATA uint8_t DebugUartRxBufInputPointer = 0; volatile IDATA uint8_t DebugUartRxBufOutputPointer = 0; volatile IDATA uint8_t DebugUartRxBufByteCount = 0; /** Endpoint handling */ volatile IDATA uint8_t UsbEp2ByteCount = 0; // Represents the data received by USB endpoint 2 (CDC) volatile IDATA uint8_t UsbEp3ByteCount = 0; // Represents the data received by USB endpoint 3 (HID) volatile IDATA uint8_t Endpoint2UploadBusy = 0; // Whether the upload endpoint 2 (CDC) is busy volatile IDATA uint8_t Endpoint3UploadBusy = 0; // Whether the upload endpoint 3 (HID) is busy /** CDC and HID variables */ volatile IDATA uint32_t LoopCounter = 0; volatile IDATA uint32_t LastReceiveCounter = 0; XDATA uint8_t CdcRxBuf[MAX_CDC_FRAME_SIZE] = { 0 }; IDATA uint8_t CdcRxBufLength = 0; IDATA uint8_t CdcDataAvailable = 0; IDATA uint32_t CdcLoopCount = 0; XDATA uint8_t HidRxBuf[HID_FRAME_SIZE] = { 0 }; IDATA uint8_t HidRxBufLength; IDATA uint8_t HidDataAvailable; /** Frame data */ #define FRAME_TIMEOUT 10000 // Timeout in number of main loop iterations #define MODE_CDC 0x40 #define MODE_HID 0x80 #define MODE_MASK 0xC0 #define NUM_MASK 0x3F volatile IDATA uint8_t FrameMode = 0; volatile IDATA uint8_t FrameLength = 0; volatile IDATA uint8_t FrameStarted = 0; volatile IDATA uint8_t Halted = 0; /******************************************************************************* * Function Name : USBDeviceCfg() * Description : USB device mode configuration * Input : None * Output : None * Return : None *******************************************************************************/ void USBDeviceCfg() { USB_CTRL = 0x00; // Clear USB control register USB_CTRL &= ~bUC_HOST_MODE; // This bit selects the device mode USB_CTRL |= bUC_DEV_PU_EN | bUC_INT_BUSY | bUC_DMA_EN; // USB device and internal pull-up enable, automatically return to NAK before interrupt flag is cleared USB_DEV_AD = 0x00; // Device address initialization #if 0 // USB_CTRL |= bUC_LOW_SPEED; // UDEV_CTRL |= bUD_LOW_SPEED; // Select low speed 1.5M mode #else USB_CTRL &= ~bUC_LOW_SPEED; UDEV_CTRL &= ~bUD_LOW_SPEED; // Select full speed 12M mode, the default mode #endif UDEV_CTRL = bUD_PD_DIS; // Disable DP / DM pull-down resistor UDEV_CTRL |= bUD_PORT_EN; // Enable physical port } /******************************************************************************* * Function Name : USBDeviceIntCfg() * Description : USB device mode interrupt initialization * Input : None * Output : None * Return : None *******************************************************************************/ void USBDeviceIntCfg() { USB_INT_EN |= bUIE_SUSPEND; // Enable device suspend interrupt USB_INT_EN |= bUIE_TRANSFER; // Enable USB transfer completion interrupt USB_INT_EN |= bUIE_BUS_RST; // Enable device mode USB bus reset interrupt USB_INT_FG |= (UIF_FIFO_OV | UIF_HST_SOF | UIF_SUSPEND | UIF_TRANSFER | UIF_BUS_RST ); // Clear interrupt flag IE_USB = 1; // Enable USB interrupt EA = 1; // Allow microcontroller interrupt } /******************************************************************************* * Function Name : USBDeviceEndPointCfg() * Description : USB device mode endpoint configuration, simulation compatible * HID device, in addition to endpoint 0 control transmission, * also includes endpoint 2 batch upload * Input : None * Output : None * Return : None *******************************************************************************/ void USBDeviceEndPointCfg() { // TODO: Is casting the right thing here? What about endianness? UEP0_DMA = (uint16_t) Ep0Buffer; // Endpoint 0 data transfer address UEP1_DMA = (uint16_t) Ep1Buffer; // Endpoint 1 sends data transfer address UEP2_DMA = (uint16_t) Ep2Buffer; // Endpoint 2 IN data transfer address UEP3_DMA = (uint16_t) Ep3Buffer; // Endpoint 3 IN data transfer address UEP4_1_MOD = bUEP1_TX_EN; // Endpoint 1, transmit enable; Endpoint 0 single 8-byte send and receive buffer UEP2_3_MOD = bUEP2_TX_EN | bUEP2_RX_EN | bUEP3_TX_EN | bUEP3_RX_EN; // Endpoint 2/3, single buffer, transmit+receive enable UEP0_CTRL = UEP_R_RES_ACK | UEP_T_RES_NAK; // Manual flip, OUT transaction returns ACK, IN transaction returns NAK UEP1_CTRL = bUEP_AUTO_TOG | UEP_T_RES_NAK; // Endpoint 1 automatically flips the synchronization flag, IN transaction returns NAK UEP2_CTRL = bUEP_AUTO_TOG | UEP_T_RES_NAK | UEP_R_RES_ACK; // Endpoint 2 automatically flips the synchronization flag, IN transaction returns NAK, OUT returns ACK UEP3_CTRL = bUEP_AUTO_TOG | UEP_T_RES_NAK | UEP_R_RES_ACK; // Endpoint 3 automatically flips the synchronization flag, IN transaction returns NAK, OUT returns ACK } /******************************************************************************* * Function Name : Config_Uart1(uint8_t *cfg_uart) * Description : Configure serial port 1 parameters * Input : Serial port configuration parameters Four bit baud rate, stop bit, parity, data bit * Output : None * Return : None *******************************************************************************/ void Config_Uart1(uint8_t *cfg_uart) { uint32_t uart1_buad = 0; *((uint8_t*) &uart1_buad) = cfg_uart[0]; *((uint8_t*) &uart1_buad + 1) = cfg_uart[1]; *((uint8_t*) &uart1_buad + 2) = cfg_uart[2]; *((uint8_t*) &uart1_buad + 3) = cfg_uart[3]; SBAUD1 = 256 - FREQ_SYS / 16 / uart1_buad; // SBAUD1 = 256 - Fsys / 16 / baud rate IE_UART1 = 1; // Enable UART1 interrupt } void usb_irq_setup_handler(void) { uint16_t len = USB_RX_LEN; printStrSetup("Setup "); if (len == (sizeof(USB_SETUP_REQ))) { SetupLen = ((uint16_t) UsbSetupBuf->wLengthH << 8) | (UsbSetupBuf->wLengthL); len = 0; // Defaults to success and uploading 0 length SetupReq = UsbSetupBuf->bRequest; // Class-Specific Requests, i.e. HID request, CDC request etc. if ((UsbSetupBuf->bmRequestType & USB_REQ_TYPE_MASK) != USB_REQ_TYPE_STANDARD) { printStrSetup("Class-Specific "); printStrSetup("SetupReq="); printStrSetup("0x"); printNumHexSetup(SetupReq); printStrSetup(" "); switch(SetupReq) { case USB_HID_REQ_TYPE_GET_REPORT: printStrSetup("HID Get Report\n"); break; case USB_HID_REQ_TYPE_GET_IDLE: printStrSetup("HID Get Idle\n"); break; case USB_HID_REQ_TYPE_GET_PROTOCOL: printStrSetup("HID Get Protocol\n"); break; case USB_HID_REQ_TYPE_SET_REPORT: printStrSetup("HID Set Report\n"); break; case USB_HID_REQ_TYPE_SET_IDLE: printStrSetup("HID Set Idle\n"); break; case USB_HID_REQ_TYPE_SET_PROTOCOL: printStrSetup("HID Set Protocol\n"); break; case USB_CDC_REQ_TYPE_SET_LINE_CODING: printStrSetup("CDC Set Line Coding\n"); break; case USB_CDC_REQ_TYPE_GET_LINE_CODING: printStrSetup("CDC Get Line Coding\n"); pDescr = LineCoding; len = sizeof(LineCoding); len = SetupLen >= DEFAULT_EP0_SIZE ? DEFAULT_EP0_SIZE : SetupLen; // The length of this transmission memcpy(Ep0Buffer, pDescr, len); SetupLen -= len; pDescr += len; break; case USB_CDC_REQ_TYPE_SET_CONTROL_LINE_STATE: // Generates RS-232/V.24 style control signals printStrSetup("CDC Set Control Line State\n"); break; default: len = 0xFF; // Command not supported printStrSetup("Unsupported\n"); break; } } // END Non-standard request else { // Standard Requests // Request code switch (SetupReq) { case USB_GET_DESCRIPTOR: { switch (UsbSetupBuf->wValueH) { case USB_DESC_TYPE_DEVICE: // Device descriptor pDescr = DevDesc; // Send the device descriptor to the buffer to be sent len = sizeof(DevDesc); printStrSetup("DevDesc\n"); break; case USB_DESC_TYPE_CONFIGURATION: // Configuration descriptor pDescr = CfgDesc; // Send the configuration descriptor to the buffer to be sent len = sizeof(CfgDesc); printStrSetup("CfgDesc\n"); break; case USB_DESC_TYPE_STRING: // String descriptors if (UsbSetupBuf->wValueL == USB_IDX_LANGID_STR) { pDescr = LangDesc; len = sizeof(LangDesc); printStrSetup("LangDesc\n"); } else if (UsbSetupBuf->wValueL == USB_IDX_MFC_STR) { pDescr = ManufDesc; len = sizeof(ManufDesc); printStrSetup("ManufDesc\n"); } else if (UsbSetupBuf->wValueL == USB_IDX_PRODUCT_STR) { pDescr = ProdDesc; len = sizeof(ProdDesc); printStrSetup("ProdDesc\n"); } else if (UsbSetupBuf->wValueL == USB_IDX_SERIAL_STR) { pDescr = SerialDesc; len = sizeof(SerialDesc); printStrSetup("SerialDesc\n"); } else { printStrSetup("Error: USB_DESC_TYPE_STRING\n"); } break; case USB_DESC_TYPE_HID: pDescr = HID_CfgDesc; len = sizeof(HID_CfgDesc); printStrSetup("HID_CfgDesc\n"); break; case USB_DESC_TYPE_REPORT: pDescr = HID_ReportDesc; len = sizeof(HID_ReportDesc); printStrSetup("HID_ReportDesc\n"); break; default: len = 0xFF; // Unsupported command or error printStrSetup("Unsupported\n"); break; } if (SetupLen > len) { SetupLen = len; // Limit total length } len = SetupLen >= DEFAULT_EP0_SIZE ? DEFAULT_EP0_SIZE : SetupLen; // This transmission length memcpy(Ep0Buffer, pDescr, len); // Copy upload data SetupLen -= len; pDescr += len; } break; case USB_SET_ADDRESS: SetupLen = UsbSetupBuf->wValueL; // Temporary storage of USB device address printStrSetup("SetAddress\n"); break; case USB_GET_CONFIGURATION: Ep0Buffer[0] = UsbConfig; if (SetupLen >= 1) { len = 1; } printStrSetup("GetConfig\n"); break; case USB_SET_CONFIGURATION: UsbConfig = UsbSetupBuf->wValueL; printStrSetup("SetConfig\n"); break; case USB_GET_INTERFACE: printStrSetup("GetInterface\n"); break; case USB_CLEAR_FEATURE: // Clear Feature printStrSetup("ClearFeature\n"); if ((UsbSetupBuf->bmRequestType & USB_REQ_RECIP_MASK) == USB_REQ_RECIP_DEVICE) { // Remove device if ((((uint16_t) UsbSetupBuf->wValueH << 8) | UsbSetupBuf->wValueL) == 0x01) { if (CfgDesc[7] & 0x20) { // Wake } else { len = 0xFF; // Operation failed printStrSetup("Unsupported\n"); } } else { len = 0xFF; // Operation failed printStrSetup("Unsupported\n"); } } else if ((UsbSetupBuf->bmRequestType & USB_REQ_RECIP_MASK) == USB_REQ_RECIP_ENDP) { // Endpoint switch (UsbSetupBuf->wIndexL) { case 0x83: UEP3_CTRL = (UEP3_CTRL & ~(bUEP_T_TOG | MASK_UEP_T_RES)) | UEP_T_RES_NAK; // Set endpoint 3 IN (TX) NAK break; case 0x03: UEP3_CTRL = (UEP3_CTRL & ~(bUEP_R_TOG | MASK_UEP_R_RES)) | UEP_R_RES_ACK; // Set endpoint 3 OUT (RX) ACK break; case 0x82: UEP2_CTRL = (UEP2_CTRL & ~(bUEP_T_TOG | MASK_UEP_T_RES)) | UEP_T_RES_NAK; // Set endpoint 2 IN (TX) NACK break; case 0x02: UEP2_CTRL = (UEP2_CTRL & ~(bUEP_R_TOG | MASK_UEP_R_RES)) | UEP_R_RES_ACK; // Set endpoint 2 OUT (RX) ACK break; case 0x81: UEP1_CTRL = (UEP1_CTRL & ~(bUEP_T_TOG | MASK_UEP_T_RES)) | UEP_T_RES_NAK; // Set endpoint 1 IN (TX) NACK break; case 0x01: UEP1_CTRL = (UEP1_CTRL & ~(bUEP_R_TOG | MASK_UEP_R_RES)) | UEP_R_RES_ACK; // Set endpoint 1 OUT (RX) ACK break; default: len = 0xFF; // Unsupported endpoint printStrSetup("Unsupported\n"); break; } } else { len = 0xFF; // It's not that the endpoint doesn't support it printStrSetup("Unsupported\n"); } break; case USB_SET_FEATURE: // Set Feature printStrSetup("SetFeature\n"); if (( UsbSetupBuf->bmRequestType & USB_REQ_RECIP_MASK) == USB_REQ_RECIP_DEVICE) { // Set up the device if ((((uint16_t) UsbSetupBuf->wValueH << 8) | UsbSetupBuf->wValueL) == 0x01) { if (CfgDesc[7] & 0x20) { printStrSetup("Suspend\n"); while (XBUS_AUX & bUART0_TX) { ; // Wait for sending to complete } SAFE_MOD = 0x55; SAFE_MOD = 0xAA; WAKE_CTRL = bWAK_BY_USB | bWAK_RXD0_LO | bWAK_RXD1_LO; // USB or RXD0/1 can be woken up when there is a signal PCON |= PD; // Sleep SAFE_MOD = 0x55; SAFE_MOD = 0xAA; WAKE_CTRL = 0x00; } else { len = 0xFF; // Operation failed } } else { len = 0xFF; // Operation failed } } else if (( UsbSetupBuf->bmRequestType & USB_REQ_RECIP_MASK) == USB_REQ_RECIP_ENDP) { // Set endpoint if ((((uint16_t) UsbSetupBuf->wValueH << 8) | UsbSetupBuf->wValueL) == 0x00) { switch (((uint16_t) UsbSetupBuf->wIndexH << 8) | UsbSetupBuf->wIndexL) { case 0x83: UEP3_CTRL = (UEP3_CTRL & ~bUEP_T_TOG) | UEP_T_RES_STALL; // Set endpoint 3 IN (TX) Stall (error) break; case 0x03: UEP3_CTRL = (UEP3_CTRL & ~bUEP_R_TOG) | UEP_R_RES_STALL; // Set endpoint 3 OUT (RX) Stall (error) break; case 0x82: UEP2_CTRL = (UEP2_CTRL & ~bUEP_T_TOG) | UEP_T_RES_STALL; // Set endpoint 2 IN (TX) Stall (error) break; case 0x02: UEP2_CTRL = (UEP2_CTRL & ~bUEP_R_TOG) | UEP_R_RES_STALL; // Set endpoint 2 OUT (RX) Stall (error) break; case 0x81: UEP1_CTRL = (UEP1_CTRL & ~bUEP_T_TOG) | UEP_T_RES_STALL; // Set endpoint 1 IN (TX) Stall (error) break; case 0x01: UEP1_CTRL = (UEP1_CTRL & ~bUEP_R_TOG) | UEP_R_RES_STALL; // Set endpoint 1 OUT (RX) Stall (error) default: len = 0xFF; // Operation failed break; } } else { len = 0xFF; // Operation failed printStrSetup("Unsupported\n"); } } else { len = 0xFF; // Operation failed printStrSetup("Unsupported\n"); } break; case USB_GET_STATUS: printStrSetup("GetStatus\n"); Ep0Buffer[0] = 0x00; Ep0Buffer[1] = 0x00; if (SetupLen >= 2) { len = 2; } else { len = SetupLen; } break; default: len = 0xFF; // Operation failed printStrSetup("Unsupported\n"); break; } // END switch (SetupReq) } // END Standard request } else { len = 0xFF; // Packet length error } if (len == 0xFF) { SetupReq = 0xFF; UEP0_CTRL = bUEP_R_TOG | bUEP_T_TOG | UEP_R_RES_STALL | UEP_T_RES_STALL; // STALL } else if (len <= DEFAULT_EP0_SIZE) { // Upload data or status phase returns 0 length packet UEP0_T_LEN = len; UEP0_CTRL = bUEP_R_TOG | bUEP_T_TOG | UEP_R_RES_ACK | UEP_T_RES_ACK; // The default packet is DATA1, Return response ACK } else { UEP0_T_LEN = 0; // Although it has not yet reached the status stage, it is preset to upload 0-length data packets in advance to prevent the host from entering the status stage early. UEP0_CTRL = bUEP_R_TOG | bUEP_T_TOG | UEP_R_RES_ACK | UEP_T_RES_ACK; // The default data packet is DATA1, and the response ACK is returned } } /******************************************************************************* * Function Name : DeviceInterrupt() * Description : CH559USB interrupt processing function *******************************************************************************/ #ifdef BUILD_CODE #define IRQ_USB __interrupt(INT_NO_USB) #else #define IRQ_USB #endif void DeviceInterrupt(void)IRQ_USB // USB interrupt service routine, using register set 1 { uint16_t len; if (UIF_TRANSFER) { // Check USB transfer complete flag switch (USB_INT_ST & (MASK_UIS_TOKEN | MASK_UIS_ENDP)) { case UIS_TOKEN_SETUP | 0: // SETUP routine usb_irq_setup_handler(); break; case UIS_TOKEN_IN | 0: // Endpoint 0 IN (TX) switch (SetupReq) { case USB_GET_DESCRIPTOR: len = SetupLen >= DEFAULT_EP0_SIZE ? DEFAULT_EP0_SIZE : SetupLen; // The length of this transmission memcpy(Ep0Buffer, pDescr, len); // Load upload data SetupLen -= len; pDescr += len; UEP0_T_LEN = len; UEP0_CTRL ^= bUEP_T_TOG; // Sync flag flip break; case USB_SET_ADDRESS: USB_DEV_AD = (USB_DEV_AD & bUDA_GP_BIT) | SetupLen; UEP0_CTRL = UEP_R_RES_ACK | UEP_T_RES_NAK; break; default: UEP0_T_LEN = 0; // The status phase is completed and interrupted or the 0-length data packet is forced to be uploaded to end the control transmission. UEP0_CTRL = UEP_R_RES_ACK | UEP_T_RES_NAK; break; } break; case UIS_TOKEN_IN | 1: // Endpoint 1 IN (TX), Endpoint interrupts upload UEP1_T_LEN = 0; // Transmit length must be cleared (Endpoint 1) UEP1_CTRL = (UEP1_CTRL & ~MASK_UEP_T_RES) | UEP_T_RES_NAK; // Default answer NAK break; case UIS_TOKEN_IN | 2: // Endpoint 2 IN (TX), Endpoint bulk upload UEP2_T_LEN = 0; // Transmit length must be cleared (Endpoint 2) UEP2_CTRL = (UEP2_CTRL & ~MASK_UEP_T_RES) | UEP_T_RES_NAK; // Default answer NAK Endpoint2UploadBusy = 0; // Clear busy flag break; case UIS_TOKEN_IN | 3: // Endpoint 3 IN (TX), Endpoint bulk upload UEP3_T_LEN = 0; // Transmit length must be cleared (Endpoint 3) UEP3_CTRL = (UEP3_CTRL & ~MASK_UEP_T_RES) | UEP_T_RES_NAK; // Default answer NAK Endpoint3UploadBusy = 0; // Clear busy flag break; case UIS_TOKEN_OUT | 0: // Endpoint 0 OUT (RX) switch (SetupReq) { case USB_CDC_REQ_TYPE_SET_LINE_CODING: // We ignore line coding here because baudrate to the FPGA should not change if (U_TOG_OK) { UEP0_T_LEN = 0; UEP0_CTRL |= UEP_R_RES_ACK | UEP_T_RES_ACK; // Prepare to upload 0 packages } break; default: UEP0_T_LEN = 0; UEP0_CTRL |= UEP_R_RES_ACK | UEP_T_RES_NAK; // Status phase, responds to IN with NAK } break; case UIS_TOKEN_OUT | 1: // Endpoint 1 OUT (RX), Disabled for now. // Out-of-sync packets will be dropped if (U_TOG_OK) { //UsbEpXByteCount = USB_RX_LEN; // Length of received data //UEP1_CTRL = (UEP1_CTRL & ~MASK_UEP_R_RES) | UEP_R_RES_NAK; // NAK after receiving a packet of data, the main function finishes processing, and the main function modifies the response mode } break; case UIS_TOKEN_OUT | 2: // Endpoint 2 OUT (RX), Endpoint batch download // Out-of-sync packets will be dropped if (U_TOG_OK) { UsbEp2ByteCount = USB_RX_LEN; // Length of received data UEP2_CTRL = (UEP2_CTRL & ~MASK_UEP_R_RES) | UEP_R_RES_NAK; // NAK after receiving a packet of data, the main function finishes processing, and the main function modifies the response mode } break; case UIS_TOKEN_OUT | 3: // Endpoint 3 OUT (RX), Endpoint batch download // Out-of-sync packets will be dropped if (U_TOG_OK) { UsbEp3ByteCount = USB_RX_LEN; // Length of received data UEP3_CTRL = (UEP3_CTRL & ~MASK_UEP_R_RES) | UEP_R_RES_NAK; // NAK after receiving a packet of data, the main function finishes processing, and the main function modifies the response mode } break; default: break; } UIF_TRANSFER = 0; // Writing 0 clears the interrupt } else if (UIF_BUS_RST) { // Check device mode USB bus reset interrupt printStr("Reset\n"); UEP0_CTRL = UEP_T_RES_NAK | UEP_R_RES_ACK; UEP1_CTRL = bUEP_AUTO_TOG | UEP_T_RES_NAK; UEP2_CTRL = bUEP_AUTO_TOG | UEP_T_RES_NAK | UEP_R_RES_ACK; UEP3_CTRL = bUEP_AUTO_TOG | UEP_T_RES_NAK | UEP_R_RES_ACK; USB_DEV_AD = 0x00; UIF_SUSPEND = 0; UIF_TRANSFER = 0; // Writing 0 clears the interrupt UIF_BUS_RST = 0; // Clear interrupt flag UartRxBufInputPointer = 0; // Circular buffer input pointer UartRxBufOutputPointer = 0; // Circular buffer read pointer UartRxBufByteCount = 0; // The number of bytes remaining in the current buffer to be fetched UsbEp2ByteCount = 0; // USB endpoint 2 (CDC) received length UsbEp3ByteCount = 0; // USB endpoint 3 (HID) received length Endpoint2UploadBusy = 0; // Clear busy flag Endpoint3UploadBusy = 0; // Clear busy flag FrameMode = 0; UsbConfig = 0; // Clear configuration values } else if (UIF_SUSPEND) { // Check USB bus suspend/wake completed UIF_SUSPEND = 0; if (USB_MIS_ST & bUMS_SUSPEND) { // Hang printStr("Suspend\n"); while (XBUS_AUX & bUART0_TX) { ; // Wait for sending to complete } SAFE_MOD = 0x55; SAFE_MOD = 0xAA; WAKE_CTRL = bWAK_BY_USB | bWAK_RXD0_LO | bWAK_RXD1_LO; // Can be woken up when there is a signal from USB or RXD0/1 PCON |= PD; // Sleep SAFE_MOD = 0x55; SAFE_MOD = 0xAA; WAKE_CTRL = 0x00; } } else { // Unexpected IRQ, should not happen printStr("Unexpected IRQ\n"); USB_INT_FG = 0xFF; // Clear interrupt flag } } /******************************************************************************* * Function Name : Uart0_ISR() * Description : Serial debug port receiving interrupt function to realize circular buffer receiving *******************************************************************************/ #if 1 #ifdef BUILD_CODE #define IRQ_UART0 __interrupt(INT_NO_UART0) #else #define IRQ_UART0 #endif void Uart0_ISR(void)IRQ_UART0 { // Check if data has been received if (RI) { DebugUartRxBuf[DebugUartRxBufInputPointer++] = SBUF; if (DebugUartRxBufInputPointer >= DEBUG_UART_RX_BUF_SIZE) { DebugUartRxBufInputPointer = 0; // Reset write pointer } RI = 0; } } uint8_t debug_uart_byte_count() { uint8_t in = DebugUartRxBufInputPointer; uint8_t out = DebugUartRxBufOutputPointer; if (in < out) { in = in + DEBUG_UART_RX_BUF_SIZE; } return in - out; } #endif /******************************************************************************* * Function Name : Uart1_ISR() * Description : Serial port receiving interrupt function to realize circular buffer receiving *******************************************************************************/ #ifdef BUILD_CODE #define IRQ_UART1 __interrupt(INT_NO_UART1) #else #define IRQ_UART1 #endif void Uart1_ISR(void)IRQ_UART1 { // Check if data has been received if (U1RI) { UartRxBuf[UartRxBufInputPointer++] = SBUF1; LastReceiveCounter = LoopCounter; // Update the counter when a byte is received if (UartRxBufInputPointer == UartRxBufOutputPointer) { UartRxBufOverflow = 1; } if (UartRxBufInputPointer >= UART_RX_BUF_SIZE) { UartRxBufInputPointer = 0; // Reset write pointer } U1RI = 0; } } uint8_t uart_byte_count() { uint8_t in = UartRxBufInputPointer; uint8_t out = UartRxBufOutputPointer; if (in < out) { in = in + UART_RX_BUF_SIZE; } return in - out; } // Copy data from a circular buffer void circular_copy(uint8_t *dest, uint8_t *src, uint32_t src_size, uint32_t start_pos, uint32_t length) { // Calculate the remaining space from start_pos to end of buffer uint32_t remaining_space = src_size - start_pos; if (length <= remaining_space) { // If the length to copy doesn't exceed the remaining space, do a single memcpy memcpy(dest, src + start_pos, length); } else { // If the length to copy exceeds the remaining space, split the copy memcpy(dest, src + start_pos, remaining_space); // Copy from start_pos to end of buffer memcpy(dest + remaining_space, src, length - remaining_space); // Copy the rest from the beginning of buffer } } // Function to increment a pointer and wrap around the buffer uint32_t increment_pointer(uint32_t pointer, uint32_t increment, uint32_t buffer_size) { return (pointer + increment) % buffer_size; } void main() { CfgFsys(); // CH559 clock selection configuration mDelaymS(5); // Modify the main frequency and wait for the internal crystal to stabilize, which must be added mInitSTDIO(); // Serial port 0, can be used for debugging UART1Setup(); // For communication with FPGA UART1Clean(); // Clean register from spurious data printStr("\n\nStartup...\n"); USBDeviceCfg(); USBDeviceEndPointCfg(); // Endpoint configuration USBDeviceIntCfg(); // Interrupt initialization UEP0_T_LEN = 0; // Transmit length must be cleared (Endpoint 0) UEP1_T_LEN = 0; // Transmit length must be cleared (Endpoint 1) UEP2_T_LEN = 0; // Transmit length must be cleared (Endpoint 2) UEP3_T_LEN = 0; // Transmit length must be cleared (Endpoint 3) // Enable GPIO debugging on p1.4 and p1.5 // gpio_init(); // gpio_unset(0x10); // gpio_unset(0x20); while (1) { if (UsbConfig) { // Check if Endpoint 2 (CDC) has received data if (UsbEp2ByteCount) { byte_len = UsbEp2ByteCount; memcpy(UartTxBuf, Ep2Buffer, byte_len); UsbEp2ByteCount = 0; CH554UART1SendByte(MODE_CDC); // Send CDC mode header CH554UART1SendByte(byte_len); // Send length CH554UART1SendBuffer(UartTxBuf, byte_len); UEP2_CTRL = (UEP2_CTRL & ~MASK_UEP_R_RES) | UEP_R_RES_ACK; // Enable Endpoint 2 to ACK again } // Check if Endpoint 3 (HID) has received data if (UsbEp3ByteCount) { byte_len = UsbEp3ByteCount; memcpy(UartTxBuf, Ep3Buffer, byte_len); UsbEp3ByteCount = 0; CH554UART1SendByte(MODE_HID); // Send HID mode header CH554UART1SendByte(byte_len); // Send length (always 64 bytes) CH554UART1SendBuffer(UartTxBuf, byte_len); UEP3_CTRL = (UEP3_CTRL & ~MASK_UEP_R_RES) | UEP_R_RES_ACK; // Enable Endpoint 3 to ACK again } UartRxBufByteCount = uart_byte_count(); // Check amount of data in buffer if ((UartRxBufByteCount >= 2) && !FrameStarted) { // If we have data and the header in not yet validated FrameMode = UartRxBuf[UartRxBufOutputPointer]; // Extract frame mode if ((FrameMode == MODE_CDC) || (FrameMode == MODE_HID)) { FrameLength = UartRxBuf[UartRxBufOutputPointer + 1]; // Extract frame length FrameStarted = 1; } else { // Invalid mode if (!Halted) { printStr("Invalid header: 0x"); printNumHex(FrameMode); printStr(", len = "); printNumU32(UartRxBuf[UartRxBufOutputPointer + 1]); printStr("\n"); uint16_t i; uint8_t print_char_count_out = 0; for (i=0; i= 16) { printStr("\n"); print_char_count_out = 0; } } if (print_char_count_out != 0) { printStr("\n"); } printStr("Halting!\n"); Halted = 1; } } } if (FrameStarted && (LoopCounter - LastReceiveCounter > FRAME_TIMEOUT)) { // Timeout, reset frame reception FrameMode = 0; FrameLength = 0; FrameStarted = 0; printStr("Frame timeout, reset\n"); if (FrameMode == MODE_CDC) { CdcRxBufLength = 0; CdcLoopCount = 0; } } if (FrameStarted) { // Check if a complete frame has been received, include one mode byte and and one length byte if (UartRxBufByteCount >= (FrameLength + 2)) { UartRxBufOutputPointer+=2; // Start at valid data so skip the mode and length byte if (FrameMode == MODE_CDC) { circular_copy(CdcRxBuf + CdcRxBufLength, UartRxBuf, UART_RX_BUF_SIZE, UartRxBufOutputPointer, FrameLength); CdcRxBufLength += FrameLength; CdcDataAvailable = 1; } else if (FrameMode == MODE_HID) { circular_copy(HidRxBuf, UartRxBuf, UART_RX_BUF_SIZE, UartRxBufOutputPointer, FrameLength); HidRxBufLength = MAX_PACKET_SIZE; HidDataAvailable = 1; } // Update output pointer UartRxBufOutputPointer = increment_pointer(UartRxBufOutputPointer, FrameLength, UART_RX_BUF_SIZE); // Get next header and data FrameStarted = 0; } } // Check if we should upload data to Endpoint 2 (CDC) if (CdcDataAvailable && !Endpoint2UploadBusy && ((CdcLoopCount >= 100) || CdcRxBufLength >= MAX_CDC_FRAME_SIZE)) { // Write upload endpoint memcpy(Ep2Buffer + MAX_PACKET_SIZE, /* Copy to IN buffer of Endpoint 2 */ CdcRxBuf, CdcRxBufLength); UEP2_T_LEN = CdcRxBufLength; // Set the number of data bytes that Endpoint 2 is ready to send UEP2_CTRL = (UEP2_CTRL & ~MASK_UEP_T_RES) | UEP_T_RES_ACK; // Answer ACK Endpoint2UploadBusy = 1; // Set busy flag CdcDataAvailable = 0; CdcRxBufLength = 0; CdcLoopCount = 0; } else { CdcLoopCount++; } // Check if we should upload data to Endpoint 3 (HID) if (HidDataAvailable && !Endpoint3UploadBusy) { // Write upload endpoint memcpy(Ep3Buffer + MAX_PACKET_SIZE, /* Copy to IN buffer of Endpoint 3 */ HidRxBuf, HidRxBufLength); UEP3_T_LEN = MAX_PACKET_SIZE; // Set the number of data bytes that Endpoint 3 is ready to send UEP3_CTRL = (UEP3_CTRL & ~MASK_UEP_T_RES) | UEP_T_RES_ACK; // Answer ACK Endpoint3UploadBusy = 1; // Set busy flag HidDataAvailable = 0; } #if 1 DebugUartRxBufByteCount = debug_uart_byte_count(); if (DebugUartRxBufByteCount) { switch(DebugUartRxBuf[DebugUartRxBufOutputPointer]) { case 'h': printStr("h Show help\n"); printStr("r Reset UART1\n"); printStr("s Show status\n"); break; case 'r': /** UART */ UartRxBufInputPointer = 0; UartRxBufOutputPointer = 0; UartRxBufOverflow = 0; /** Frame */ FrameMode = 0; FrameLength = 0; FrameStarted = 0; /** CDC */ CdcDataAvailable = 0; CdcRxBufLength = 0; CdcLoopCount = 0; /** HID */ HidDataAvailable = 0; /** Timeout */ LoopCounter = 0; LastReceiveCounter = 0; /** Endpoints */ UEP2_CTRL = bUEP_AUTO_TOG | UEP_T_RES_NAK | UEP_R_RES_ACK; UEP3_CTRL = bUEP_AUTO_TOG | UEP_T_RES_NAK | UEP_R_RES_ACK; UIF_TRANSFER = 0; // Writing 0 clears the interrupt UIF_BUS_RST = 0; // Clear interrupt flag Endpoint2UploadBusy = 0; Endpoint3UploadBusy = 0; UsbEp2ByteCount = 0; // USB endpoint 2 (CDC) received length UsbEp3ByteCount = 0; // USB endpoint 3 (HID) received length /** Misc */ Halted = 0; printStr("Reset done!\n"); break; case 's': printStr("Endpoint2UploadBusy = "); printNumU32(Endpoint2UploadBusy); printStr("\n"); printStr("UsbEp2ByteCount = "); printNumU32(UsbEp2ByteCount); printStr("\n"); printStr("UEP2_CTRL = 0x"); printNumHex(UEP2_CTRL); printStr("\n"); printStr("Endpoint3UploadBusy = "); printNumU32(Endpoint3UploadBusy); printStr("\n"); printStr("UsbEp3ByteCount = "); printNumU32(UsbEp3ByteCount); printStr("\n"); printStr("UEP3_CTRL = 0x"); printNumHex(UEP3_CTRL); printStr("\n"); printStr("UartRxBufInputPointer = "); printNumU32(UartRxBufInputPointer); printStr("\n"); printStr("UartRxBufOutputPointer = "); printNumU32(UartRxBufOutputPointer); printStr("\n"); printStr("UartRxBufOverflow = "); printNumU32(UartRxBufOverflow); printStr("\n"); printStr("UartRxBufByteCount = "); printNumU32(UartRxBufByteCount); printStr("\n"); printStr("FrameMode = 0x"); printNumHex(FrameMode); printStr("\n"); printStr("FrameLength = "); printNumU32(FrameLength); printStr("\n"); printStr("FrameStarted = "); printNumU32(FrameStarted); printStr("\n"); printStr("CdcDataAvailable = "); printNumU32(CdcDataAvailable); printStr("\n"); printStr("HidDataAvailable = "); printNumU32(HidDataAvailable); printStr("\n"); printStr("Halted = "); printNumU32(Halted); printStr("\n"); break; default: printStr("\n"); break; } // Update out pointer DebugUartRxBufOutputPointer = increment_pointer(DebugUartRxBufOutputPointer, DebugUartRxBufByteCount, DEBUG_UART_RX_BUF_SIZE); } #endif } /* END if (UsbConfig) */ } /* END while (1) */ }