#!/usr/bin/env python from typing import Any import production_tests PASS_MSG = ''' _____ _____ _____ | __ \\ /\\ / ____| / ____| | |__) | / \\ | (___ | (___ | ___/ / /\\ \\ \\___ \\ \\___ \\ | | / ____ \\ ____) | ____) | |_| /_/ \\_\\ |_____/ |_____/ ''' FAIL_MSG = ''' ______ _____ _ | ____| /\\ |_ _| | | | |__ / \\ | | | | | __| / /\\ \\ | | | | | | / ____ \\ _| |_ | |____ |_| /_/ \\_\\ |_____| |______| ''' ANSI = { 'fg_black': "\u001b[30m", 'fg_red': "\u001b[31m", 'fg_green': "\u001b[32m", 'fg_yellow': "\u001b[33m", 'fg_blue': "\u001b[34m", 'fg_magenta': "\u001b[35m", 'fg_cyan': "\u001b[36m", 'fg_white': "\u001b[37m", 'bg_black': "\u001b[40m", 'bg_red': "\u001b[41m", 'bg_green': "\u001b[42m", 'bg_yellow': "\u001b[43m", 'bg_blue': "\u001b[44m", 'bg_magenta': "\u001b[45m", 'bg_cyan': "\u001b[46m", 'bg_white': "\u001b[47m", 'reset': "\u001b[0m", 'bold': "\u001b[1m", 'underline': "\u001b[4m" } def run_tests(test_list: list[Any]) -> bool: """ Run a test list This executes the tests from the given list in order. The test sequence is stopped if a test raises an assertion, or returns False. If all tests return True successfully, then the test sequence is considered to have passed. Keyword parameters: test_list -- List of test functions to call """ try: for test in test_list: print("\n{:}Test step: {:}{:} ({:})".format( ANSI['bold'], test.__name__, ANSI['reset'], test.__doc__ )) if not test(): print( 'Failure at test step "{:}"'.format( test.__name__)) return False except Exception as e: print( 'Error while running test step "{:}", exception:{:}'.format( test.__name__, str(e))) return False return True def production_test_runner() -> None: """Interactive production test environment""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( '-l', '--list', action='store_true', help='List available tests, thenexit') parser.add_argument( '-r', '--run_test', required=False, help='Run the specified test sequence or manual test, then exit') for setting, value in production_tests.parameters.items(): parser.add_argument( '--' + setting, help='Default setting: ' + value) args = parser.parse_args() for arg in args.__dict__: if args.__dict__[arg] is not None: production_tests.parameters[arg] = args.__dict__[arg] if args.list: print("available tests:") for name, test_list in production_tests.test_sequences.items(): print('{:}: {:}'.format(name, ', '.join( [test.__name__ for test in test_list]))) for test in production_tests.manual_tests: print('{:}: {:}'.format(test.__name__, test.__doc__)) sys.exit(0) if args.run_test is not None: result = False found = False if args.run_test in production_tests.test_sequences: result = run_tests( production_tests.test_sequences[args.run_test]) found = True else: for test in production_tests.manual_tests: if args.run_test == test.__name__: result = run_tests([test]) found = True break if not found: raise ValueError('Test not found:{args.run_test}') if not result: production_tests.reset() sys.exit(1) sys.exit(0) print('\n\nProduction test system') last_a = '1' while True: print('\n\n') options = [] print('=== Test sequences ===') i = 1 for name, test_list in production_tests.test_sequences.items(): print('{:}{:}. {:}{:}: {:}'.format(ANSI['bold'], i, name, ANSI['reset'], ', '.join( [test.__name__ for test in test_list]))) options.append(test_list) i += 1 print('\n=== Manual tests ===') for test in production_tests.manual_tests: print( '{:}{:}. {:}{:}: {:}'.format( ANSI['bold'], i, test.__name__, ANSI['reset'], test.__doc__)) options.append([test]) i += 1 a = input( '\n\n\nPress return to run test {:}, or type in a new option number and press return:'.format(last_a)) if a == '': a = last_a try: test_sequence = options[int(a) - 1] except IndexError: print('Invalid input') continue except ValueError: print('Invalid input') continue if not run_tests(test_sequence): print(ANSI['bg_red'] + FAIL_MSG + ANSI['reset']) production_tests.reset() else: print(ANSI['bg_green'] + PASS_MSG + ANSI['reset']) last_a = a if __name__ == '__main__': import argparse import sys production_test_runner()