#======================================================================= # # Makefile # -------- # Makefile for building, simulating, running all application_fpga # HW targets as well as its firmware. # # # Copyright (C) 2022-2024 - Tillitis AB # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only # # # Please note: When creating a new cores and adding more testbenches, # please update the tb target below to include it as well. # #======================================================================= #------------------------------------------------------------------- # Defines. #------------------------------------------------------------------- SHELL := /bin/bash CUR_DIR := $(shell dirname $(realpath $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)))) P := $(CUR_DIR) YOSYS_PATH ?= NEXTPNR_PATH ?= ICESTORM_PATH ?= # FPGA target frequency. Should be in sync with the clock frequency # given by the parameters to the PLL in rtl/clk_reset_gen.v TARGET_FREQ ?= 21 # Size in 32-bit words, must be divisible by 256 (pairs of EBRs, because 16 # bits wide; an EBR is 128 32-bits words) BRAM_FW_SIZE ?= 1536 PIN_FILE ?= application_fpga_tk1.pcf SIZE ?= llvm-size OBJCOPY ?= llvm-objcopy CC = clang CFLAGS = \ -target riscv32-unknown-none-elf \ -march=rv32iczmmul \ -mabi=ilp32 \ -static \ -std=gnu99 \ -O2 \ -ffast-math \ -fno-common \ -fno-builtin-printf \ -fno-builtin-putchar \ -fno-builtin-memcpy \ -nostdlib \ -mno-relax \ -Wall \ -Wpedantic \ -Wno-language-extension-token \ -flto \ -g AS = clang ASFLAGS = \ -target riscv32-unknown-none-elf \ -march=rv32iczmmul \ -mabi=ilp32 \ -mno-relax ICE40_SIM_CELLS = $(shell yosys-config --datdir/ice40/cells_sim.v) # FPGA specific source files. FPGA_VERILOG_SRCS = \ $(P)/rtl/application_fpga.v \ $(P)/core/clk_reset_gen/rtl/clk_reset_gen.v \ $(P)/core/trng/rtl/trng.v # Testbench simulation specific source files. SIM_VERILOG_SRCS = \ $(P)/tb/tb_application_fpga_sim.v \ $(P)/tb/application_fpga_sim.v \ $(P)/tb/reset_gen_sim.v \ $(P)/tb/trng_sim.v # Verilator simulation specific source files. VERILATOR_VERILOG_SRCS = \ $(P)/tb/application_fpga_sim.v \ $(P)/tb/reset_gen_sim.v \ $(P)/tb/trng_sim.v # Common verilog source files. VERILOG_SRCS = \ $(P)/core/ram/rtl/ram.v \ $(P)/core/rom/rtl/rom.v \ $(P)/core/fw_ram/rtl/fw_ram.v \ $(P)/core/timer/rtl/timer_core.v \ $(P)/core/timer/rtl/timer.v \ $(P)/core/uds/rtl/uds.v \ $(P)/core/uds/rtl/uds_rom.v \ $(P)/core/touch_sense/rtl/touch_sense.v \ $(P)/core/tk1/rtl/tk1.v \ $(P)/core/tk1/rtl/tk1_spi_master.v \ $(P)/core/tk1/rtl/udi_rom.v \ $(P)/core/uart/rtl/uart_core.v \ $(P)/core/uart/rtl/uart_fifo.v \ $(P)/core/uart/rtl/uart.v # PicoRV32 verilog source file PICORV32_SRCS = \ $(P)/core/picorv32/rtl/picorv32.v FIRMWARE_DEPS = \ $(P)/fw/tk1_mem.h \ $(P)/fw/tk1/types.h \ $(P)/fw/tk1/lib.h \ $(P)/fw/tk1/proto.h \ $(P)/fw/tk1/assert.h \ $(P)/fw/tk1/led.h FIRMWARE_OBJS = \ $(P)/fw/tk1/main.o \ $(P)/fw/tk1/start.o \ $(P)/fw/tk1/proto.o \ $(P)/fw/tk1/lib.o \ $(P)/fw/tk1/assert.o \ $(P)/fw/tk1/led.o \ $(P)/fw/tk1/blake2s/blake2s.o \ $(P)/fw/tk1/syscall.o \ $(P)/fw/tk1/spi.o \ $(P)/fw/tk1/flash.o FIRMWARE_SOURCES = \ $(P)/fw/tk1/main.c \ $(P)/fw/tk1/proto.c \ $(P)/fw/tk1/lib.c \ $(P)/fw/tk1/assert.c \ $(P)/fw/tk1/led.c \ $(P)/fw/tk1/blake2s/blake2s.c \ $(P)/fw/tk1/syscall.c \ $(P)/fw/tk1/spi.c \ $(P)/fw/tk1/flash.c TESTFW_OBJS = \ $(P)/fw/testfw/main.o \ $(P)/fw/testfw/start.o \ $(P)/fw/tk1/proto.o \ $(P)/fw/tk1/assert.o \ $(P)/fw/tk1/lib.o \ $(P)/fw/tk1/spi.o \ $(P)/fw/tk1/flash.o IRQPOC_OBJS = \ $(P)/fw/irqpoc/main.o \ $(P)/fw/irqpoc/start.o IRQPOC_LED_TOGGLE_OBJS = \ $(P)/fw/irqpoc_led_toggle/main.o \ $(P)/fw/irqpoc_led_toggle/start.o IRQPOC_WITH_APP_OBJS = \ $(P)/fw/irqpoc_with_app/main.o \ $(P)/fw/irqpoc_with_app/start.o IRQPOC_C_EXAMPLE_OBJS = \ $(P)/fw/irqpoc_c_example/main.o \ $(P)/fw/irqpoc_c_example/start.o \ $(P)/fw/tk1/led.o \ $(P)/fw/tk1/assert.o #------------------------------------------------------------------- # All: Complete build of HW and FW. #------------------------------------------------------------------- all: application_fpga.bin .PHONY: all #------------------------------------------------------------------- # The size_mismatch target make sure that we don't end up with an # incorrect BRAM_FW_SIZE # ------------------------------------------------------------------- %_size_mismatch: %.elf phony_explicit @test $$($(SIZE) $< | awk 'NR==2{print $$4}') -le $$(( 32 / 8 * $(BRAM_FW_SIZE) )) \ || { printf "The 'BRAM_FW_SIZE' variable needs to be increased\n"; \ [[ $< =~ testfw ]] && printf "Note that testfw fits if built with -Os\n"; \ false; } # can't make implicit rule .PHONY phony_explicit: .PHONY: phony_explicit #------------------------------------------------------------------- # Personalization of the TKey #------------------------------------------------------------------- secret: cd data;../tools/tpt/tpt.py .PHONY: secret #------------------------------------------------------------------- # Firmware generation. # Included in the bitstream. #------------------------------------------------------------------- LDFLAGS = -T $(P)/fw/tk1/firmware.lds $(FIRMWARE_OBJS): $(FIRMWARE_DEPS) $(TESTFW_OBJS): $(FIRMWARE_DEPS) $(IRQPOC_OBJS): $(FIRMWARE_DEPS) $(IRQPOC_LED_TOGGLE_OBJS): $(FIRMWARE_DEPS) $(IRQPOC_WITH_APP_OBJS): $(FIRMWARE_DEPS) $(IRQPOC_C_EXAMPLE_OBJS): $(FIRMWARE_DEPS) firmware.elf: $(FIRMWARE_OBJS) $(P)/fw/tk1/firmware.lds $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(FIRMWARE_OBJS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ simfirmware.elf: CFLAGS += -DSIMULATION simfirmware.elf: $(FIRMWARE_OBJS) $(P)/fw/tk1/firmware.lds $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(FIRMWARE_OBJS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ qemu_firmware.elf: CFLAGS += -DQEMU_CONSOLE qemu_firmware.elf: firmware.elf mv firmware.elf qemu_firmware.elf # Create compile_commands.json for clangd and LSP .PHONY: clangd clangd: compile_commands.json compile_commands.json: $(MAKE) clean bear -- make qemu_firmware.elf .PHONY: check check: clang-tidy -header-filter=.* -checks=cert-* $(FIRMWARE_SOURCES) -- $(CFLAGS) .PHONY: splint splint: splint \ -nolib \ -predboolint \ +boolint \ -nullpass \ -unrecog \ -infloops \ -initallelements \ -type \ -unreachable \ -unqualifiedtrans \ -fullinitblock \ $(FIRMWARE_SOURCES) testfw.elf: $(TESTFW_OBJS) $(P)/fw/tk1/firmware.lds $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(TESTFW_OBJS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ irqpoc.elf: $(IRQPOC_OBJS) $(P)/fw/tk1/firmware.lds $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(IRQPOC_OBJS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ irqpoc_led_toggle.elf: $(IRQPOC_LED_TOGGLE_OBJS) $(P)/fw/tk1/firmware.lds $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(IRQPOC_LED_TOGGLE_OBJS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ irqpoc_with_app.elf: $(IRQPOC_WITH_APP_OBJS) $(P)/fw/tk1/firmware.lds $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(IRQPOC_WITH_APP_OBJS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ irqpoc_c_example.elf: $(IRQPOC_C_EXAMPLE_OBJS) $(P)/fw/tk1/firmware.lds $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(IRQPOC_C_EXAMPLE_OBJS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ # Generate a fake BRAM file that will be filled in later after place-n-route bram_fw.hex: $(ICESTORM_PATH)icebram -v -g 32 $(BRAM_FW_SIZE) > $@ firmware.hex: firmware.bin firmware_size_mismatch python3 $(P)/tools/makehex/makehex.py $< $(BRAM_FW_SIZE) > $@ simfirmware.hex: simfirmware.bin simfirmware_size_mismatch python3 $(P)/tools/makehex/makehex.py $< $(BRAM_FW_SIZE) > $@ testfw.hex: testfw.bin testfw_size_mismatch python3 $(P)/tools/makehex/makehex.py $< $(BRAM_FW_SIZE) > $@ irqpoc.hex: irqpoc.bin python3 $(P)/tools/makehex/makehex.py $< $(BRAM_FW_SIZE) > $@ irqpoc_with_app.hex: irqpoc_with_app.bin python3 $(P)/tools/makehex/makehex.py $< $(BRAM_FW_SIZE) > $@ irqpoc_c_example.hex: irqpoc_c_example.bin python3 $(P)/tools/makehex/makehex.py $< $(BRAM_FW_SIZE) > $@ .PHONY: check-binary-hashes check-binary-hashes: sha512sum firmware.bin sha256sum application_fpga.bin sha512sum -c firmware.bin.sha512 sha256sum -c application_fpga.bin.sha256 %.bin: %.elf $(SIZE) $< @test "$$($(SIZE) $< | awk 'NR==2{print $$2, $$3}')" = "0 0" \ || { printf "Non-empty data or bss section!\n"; false; } $(OBJCOPY) --input-target=elf32-littleriscv --output-target=binary $< $@ chmod -x $@ #------------------------------------------------------------------- # Source linting. #------------------------------------------------------------------- LINT = verilator # For Verilator 5.019 -Wno-GENUNNAMED needs to be added to LINT_FLAGS for the # cell library. LINT_FLAGS = \ +1364-2005ext+ \ --lint-only \ -Wall \ -Wno-DECLFILENAME \ -Wno-WIDTHEXPAND \ -Wno-UNOPTFLAT \ --timescale 1ns/1ns \ -DNO_ICE40_DEFAULT_ASSIGNMENTS \ -Wno-GENUNNAMED lint: $(FPGA_VERILOG_SRCS) \ $(SIM_VERILOG_SRCS) \ $(VERILOG_SRCS) \ $(PICORV32_SRCS) \ $(ICE40_SIM_CELLS) $(LINT) $(LINT_FLAGS) \ -DBRAM_FW_SIZE=$(BRAM_FW_SIZE) \ -DFIRMWARE_HEX=\"$(P)/firmware.hex\" \ -DUDS_HEX=\"$(P)/data/uds.hex\" \ -DUDI_HEX=\"$(P)/data/udi.hex\" \ --top-module application_fpga \ config.vlt $^ \ >lint_issues.txt 2>&1 \ && { rm -f lint_issues.txt; exit 0; } \ || { cat lint_issues.txt; exit 1; } .PHONY: lint #------------------------------------------------------------------- # Source formatting. #------------------------------------------------------------------- FORMAT = verible-verilog-format FORMAT_FLAGS = \ --indentation_spaces=2 \ --wrap_end_else_clauses=true \ --inplace CHECK_FORMAT_FLAGS = \ --indentation_spaces=2 \ --wrap_end_else_clauses=true \ --inplace \ --verify fmt: $(FPGA_VERILOG_SRCS) $(SIM_VERILOG_SRCS) $(VERILATOR_VERILOG_SRCS) $(VERILOG_SRCS) $(FORMAT) $(FORMAT_FLAGS) $^ .PHONY: fmt # Temporary fix using grep, since the verible with --verify flag only returns # error if the last file is malformatted. checkfmt: $(FPGA_VERILOG_SRCS) $(SIM_VERILOG_SRCS) $(VERILATOR_VERILOG_SRCS) $(VERILOG_SRCS) make -C fw/tk1 checkfmt make -C fw/testfw checkfmt $(FORMAT) $(CHECK_FORMAT_FLAGS) $^ 2>&1 | \ grep "Needs formatting" && exit 1 || true .PHONY: checkfmt #------------------------------------------------------------------- # Build Verilator compiled simulation for the design. #------------------------------------------------------------------- verilator: $(VERILATOR_VERILOG_SRCS) $(VERILOG_SRCS) $(PICORV32_SRCS) \ firmware.hex $(ICE40_SIM_CELLS) \ $(P)/tb/application_fpga_verilator.cc verilator \ --timescale 1ns/1ns \ -DNO_ICE40_DEFAULT_ASSIGNMENTS \ -Wall \ -Wno-COMBDLY \ -Wno-lint \ -Wno-UNOPTFLAT \ -DBRAM_FW_SIZE=$(BRAM_FW_SIZE) \ -DFIRMWARE_HEX=\"$(P)/firmware.hex\" \ -DUDS_HEX=\"$(P)/data/uds.hex\" \ -DUDI_HEX=\"$(P)/data/udi.hex\" \ --cc \ --exe \ --Mdir verilated \ --top-module application_fpga_sim \ $(filter %.v, $^) \ $(filter %.cc, $^) make -C verilated -f Vapplication_fpga_sim.mk .PHONY: verilator #------------------------------------------------------------------- # Run all testbenches #------------------------------------------------------------------- tb: make -C core/timer/toolruns sim-top make -C core/tk1/toolruns sim-top make -C core/touch_sense/toolruns sim-top make -C core/trng/toolruns sim-top make -C core/uart/toolruns sim-top make -C core/uds/toolruns sim-top .PHONY: tb #------------------------------------------------------------------- # Main FPGA build flow. # Synthesis. Place & Route. Bitstream generation. #------------------------------------------------------------------- YOSYS_FLAG ?= synth.json: $(FPGA_VERILOG_SRCS) $(VERILOG_SRCS) $(PICORV32_SRCS) bram_fw.hex $(YOSYS_PATH)yosys \ -v3 \ -l synth.txt \ $(YOSYS_FLAG) \ -DBRAM_FW_SIZE=$(BRAM_FW_SIZE) \ -DFIRMWARE_HEX=\"$(P)/bram_fw.hex\" \ -p 'synth_ice40 -abc2 -device u -dff -dsp -top application_fpga -json $@' \ -p 'write_verilog -attr2comment synth.v' \ $(filter %.v, $^) application_fpga_par.json: synth.json $(P)/data/$(PIN_FILE) $(NEXTPNR_PATH)nextpnr-ice40 \ -l application_fpga_par.txt \ --seed 4127945014473118301 \ --freq $(TARGET_FREQ) \ --ignore-loops \ --up5k \ --package sg48 \ --json $< \ --pcf $(P)/data/$(PIN_FILE) \ --write $@ \ && { exit 0; } \ || { rm -f application_fpga_par.json; exit 1; } application_fpga.asc: application_fpga_par.json $(P)/data/uds.hex $(P)/data/udi.hex UDS_HEX="$(P)/data/uds.hex" \ UDI_HEX="$(P)/data/udi.hex" \ OUT_ASC=$@ \ $(NEXTPNR_PATH)nextpnr-ice40 \ --up5k \ --package sg48 \ --ignore-loops \ --json $< \ --run tools/patch_uds_udi.py application_fpga.bin: application_fpga.asc bram_fw.hex firmware.hex $(ICESTORM_PATH)icebram -v bram_fw.hex firmware.hex < $< > $<.tmp $(ICESTORM_PATH)icepack $<.tmp $@ @-$(RM) $<.tmp application_fpga_testfw.bin: application_fpga.asc bram_fw.hex testfw.hex $(ICESTORM_PATH)icebram -v bram_fw.hex testfw.hex < $< > $<.tmp $(ICESTORM_PATH)icepack $<.tmp $@ @-$(RM) $<.tmp #------------------------------------------------------------------- # Build testbench simulation for the design #------------------------------------------------------------------- SIMFIRMWARE = simfirmware.hex tb_application_fpga: $(SIM_VERILOG_SRCS) \ $(VERILOG_SRCS) \ $(PICORV32_SRCS) \ $(ICE40_SIM_CELLS) \ $(SIMFIRMWARE) python3 ./tools/app_bin_to_spram_hex.py \ ./tb/app.bin \ ./tb/output_spram0.hex \ ./tb/output_spram1.hex \ ./tb/output_spram2.hex \ ./tb/output_spram3.hex \ || { echo -e "\n -- Put your app.bin to simulate in the \"tb\" directory\n"; false; } verilator \ -j $(shell nproc --ignore=1) \ --binary \ --cc \ --exe \ --Mdir tb_verilated \ --trace-fst \ --trace-structs \ --top-module tb_application_fpga_sim \ --timescale 1ns/1ns \ --timing \ -Wno-WIDTHEXPAND \ -Wno-UNOPTFLAT \ -DNO_ICE40_DEFAULT_ASSIGNMENTS \ -DAPP_SIZE=$(shell ls -l tb/app.bin| awk '{print $$5}') \ -DBRAM_FW_SIZE=$(BRAM_FW_SIZE) \ -DFIRMWARE_HEX=\"$(P)/$(SIMFIRMWARE)\" \ -DUDS_HEX=\"$(P)/data/uds.hex\" \ -DUDI_HEX=\"$(P)/data/udi.hex\" \ $(filter %.v, $^) make -C tb_verilated -f Vtb_application_fpga_sim.mk ./tb_verilated/Vtb_application_fpga_sim \ && { echo -e "\n -- Wave simulation saved to tb_application_fpga_sim.fst\n"; true; } .PHONY: emptyapp emptyapp: dd if=/dev/zero of=tb/app.bin bs=1024 count=128 .PHONY: tb_application_fpga_irqpoc tb_application_fpga_irqpoc: SIMFIRMWARE=irqpoc.hex tb_application_fpga_irqpoc: irqpoc.hex emptyapp tb_application_fpga .PHONY: tb_application_fpga_irqpoc_with_app tb_application_fpga_irqpoc_with_app: SIMFIRMWARE=irqpoc_with_app.hex tb_application_fpga_irqpoc_with_app: irqpoc_with_app.hex emptyapp tb_application_fpga .PHONY: tb_application_fpga_irqpoc_c_example tb_application_fpga_irqpoc_c_example: SIMFIRMWARE=irqpoc_c_example.hex tb_application_fpga_irqpoc_c_example: irqpoc_c_example.hex emptyapp tb_application_fpga #------------------------------------------------------------------- # FPGA device programming. #------------------------------------------------------------------- prog_flash: check-hardware application_fpga.bin sudo tillitis-iceprog application_fpga.bin .PHONY: prog_flash prog_flash_testfw: check-hardware application_fpga_testfw.bin sudo tillitis-iceprog application_fpga_testfw.bin .PHONY: prog_flash_testfw check-hardware: @sudo tillitis-iceprog -t >/dev/null 2>&1 || \ { echo "Programmer not plugged in or not accessible"; false; } @if sudo tillitis-iceprog -t 2>&1 | grep -qi "^flash.id:\( 0x\(00\|ff\)\)\{4\}"; then \ echo "No USB stick in the programmer?"; false; else true; fi .PHONY: check-hardware #------------------------------------------------------------------- # Post build analysis. #------------------------------------------------------------------- timing: application_fpga.asc $(P)/data/$(PIN_FILE) $(ICESTORM_PATH)icetime -c 18 -tmd up5k -P sg48 -p $(P)/data/$(PIN_FILE) -t $< view: tb_application_fpga_vcd gtkwave $< application_fpga.gtkw #------------------------------------------------------------------- # Cleanup. #------------------------------------------------------------------- clean: clean_sim clean_fw clean_tb rm -f bram_fw.hex rm -f synth.{v,json,txt} application_fpga.{asc,bin} application_fpga_testfw.bin rm -f application_fpga_par.{json,txt} rm -f lint_issues.txt rm -f tools/tpt/*.hex rm -rf tools/tpt/__pycache__ .PHONY: clean clean_fw: rm -f firmware.{elf,elf.map,bin,hex} rm -f $(FIRMWARE_OBJS) rm -f testfw.{elf,elf.map,bin,hex} rm -f $(TESTFW_OBJS) rm -f $(IRQPOC_OBJS) rm -f $(IRQPOC_LED_TOGGLE_OBJS) rm -f $(IRQPOC_WITH_APP_OBJS) rm -f $(IRQPOC_C_EXAMPLE_OBJS) rm -f qemu_firmware.elf .PHONY: clean_fw clean_sim: rm -f simfirmware.{elf,elf.map,bin,hex} rm -f tb_application_fpga_sim.fst rm -f tb_application_fpga_sim.fst.hier rm -f tb/output_spram*.hex rm -rf tb_verilated rm -rf verilated .PHONY: clean_sim clean_tb: make -C core/timer/toolruns clean make -C core/tk1/toolruns clean make -C core/touch_sense/toolruns clean make -C core/trng/toolruns clean make -C core/uart/toolruns clean make -C core/uds/toolruns clean .PHONY: clean_tb #------------------------------------------------------------------- # Display info about targets. #------------------------------------------------------------------- help: @echo "" @echo "Build system for application_fpga FPGA design and firmware." @echo "" @echo "Supported targets:" @echo "------------------" @echo "all Build all targets." @echo "check Run static analysis on firmware." @echo "splint Run splint static analysis on firmware." @echo "firmware.elf Build firmware ELF file." @echo "firmware.hex Build firmware converted to hex, to be included in bitstream." @echo "bram_fw.hex Build a fake BRAM file that will be filled in later after place-n-route." @echo "verilator Build Verilator simulation program" @echo "tb_application_fpga Build testbench simulation for the design" @echo "lint Run lint on Verilog source files." @echo "tb Run all testbenches" @echo "prog_flash Program device flash with FGPA bitstream including firmware (using the RPi Pico-based programmer)." @echo "prog_flash_testfw Program device flash as above, but with testfw." @echo "clean Delete all generated files." @echo "clean_fw Delete only generated files for firmware. Useful for fw devs." @echo "clean_tb Delete only generated files for testbenches." #======================================================================= # EOF Makefile #=======================================================================