//====================================================================== // // tb_timer_core.v // -------------- // Testbench for the timer core. // // // Author: Joachim Strombergson // Copyright (C) 2022 - Tillitis AB // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only // //====================================================================== `default_nettype none module tb_timer_core(); //---------------------------------------------------------------- // Internal constant and parameter definitions. //---------------------------------------------------------------- parameter DEBUG = 0; parameter DUMP_WAIT = 0; parameter CLK_HALF_PERIOD = 1; parameter CLK_PERIOD = 2 * CLK_HALF_PERIOD; //---------------------------------------------------------------- // Register and Wire declarations. //---------------------------------------------------------------- reg [31 : 0] cycle_ctr; reg [31 : 0] error_ctr; reg [31 : 0] tc_ctr; reg tb_monitor; reg tb_clk; reg tb_reset_n; reg tb_start; reg tb_stop; reg [31 : 0] tb_prescaler; reg [31 : 0] tb_timer; wire [31 : 0] tb_curr_prescaler; wire [31 : 0] tb_curr_timer; wire tb_ready; //---------------------------------------------------------------- // Device Under Test. //---------------------------------------------------------------- timer_core dut( .clk(tb_clk), .reset_n(tb_reset_n), .prescaler_value(tb_prescaler), .timer_value(tb_timer), .start(tb_start), .stop(tb_stop), .curr_prescaler(tb_curr_prescaler), .curr_timer(tb_curr_timer), .ready(tb_ready) ); //---------------------------------------------------------------- // clk_gen // // Always running clock generator process. //---------------------------------------------------------------- always begin : clk_gen #CLK_HALF_PERIOD; tb_clk = !tb_clk; end // clk_gen //---------------------------------------------------------------- // sys_monitor() // // An always running process that creates a cycle counter and // conditionally displays information about the DUT. //---------------------------------------------------------------- always begin : sys_monitor cycle_ctr = cycle_ctr + 1; #(CLK_PERIOD); if (tb_monitor) begin dump_dut_state(); end end //---------------------------------------------------------------- // dump_dut_state() // // Dump the state of the dump when needed. //---------------------------------------------------------------- task dump_dut_state; begin $display("State of DUT"); $display("------------"); $display("Cycle: %08d", cycle_ctr); $display(""); $display("Inputs and outputs:"); $display("start: 0x%1x, stop: 0x%1x, ready: 0x%1x", dut.start, dut.stop, dut.ready); $display("prescaler_value: 0x%08x, timer_value: 0x%08x", dut.prescaler_value, dut.timer_value); $display(""); $display("Internal state:"); $display("prescaler_reg: 0x%08x, prescaler_new: 0x%08x", dut.prescaler_reg, dut.prescaler_new); $display("prescaler_set: 0x%1x, prescaler_dec: 0x%1x", dut.prescaler_set, dut.prescaler_dec); $display(""); $display("timer_reg: 0x%08x, timer_new: 0x%08x", dut.timer_reg, dut.timer_new); $display("timer_set: 0x%1x, timer_dec: 0x%1x", dut.timer_set, dut.timer_dec); $display(""); $display("core_ctrl_reg: 0x%02x, core_ctrl_new: 0x%02x, core_ctrl_we: 0x%1x", dut.core_ctrl_reg, dut.core_ctrl_new, dut.core_ctrl_we); $display(""); $display(""); end endtask // dump_dut_state //---------------------------------------------------------------- // reset_dut() // // Toggle reset to put the DUT into a well known state. //---------------------------------------------------------------- task reset_dut; begin $display("--- DUT before reset:"); dump_dut_state(); $display("--- Toggling reset."); tb_reset_n = 0; #(2 * CLK_PERIOD); tb_reset_n = 1; $display("--- DUT after reset:"); dump_dut_state(); end endtask // reset_dut //---------------------------------------------------------------- // wait_ready() // // Wait for the ready flag in the dut to be set. // // Note: It is the callers responsibility to call the function // when the dut is actively processing and will in fact at some // point set the flag. //---------------------------------------------------------------- task wait_ready; begin #(2 * CLK_PERIOD); while (!tb_ready) begin #(CLK_PERIOD); if (DUMP_WAIT) begin dump_dut_state(); end end end endtask // wait_ready //---------------------------------------------------------------- // init_sim() // // Initialize all counters and testbed functionality as well // as setting the DUT inputs to defined values. //---------------------------------------------------------------- task init_sim; begin cycle_ctr = 0; error_ctr = 0; tc_ctr = 0; tb_monitor = 0; tb_clk = 0; tb_reset_n = 1; tb_start = 1'h0; tb_stop = 1'h0; tb_prescaler = 32'h0; tb_timer = 32'h0; end endtask // init_sim //---------------------------------------------------------------- // test() // Runs an encipher, decipher test with given key and plaintext // The generated ciphertext is verified with the given ciphertet. // The generated plaintxt is also verified against the // given plaintext. //---------------------------------------------------------------- task test1; begin tc_ctr = tc_ctr + 1; tb_monitor = 1; $display("--- test1 started."); dump_dut_state(); tb_prescaler = 32'h6; tb_timer = 32'h9; #(CLK_PERIOD); tb_start = 1'h1; #(CLK_PERIOD); tb_start = 1'h0; wait_ready(); #(CLK_PERIOD); tb_monitor = 0; $display("--- test1 completed."); $display(""); end endtask // test1 //---------------------------------------------------------------- // timer_core_test // // Test vectors from: //---------------------------------------------------------------- initial begin : timer_core_test $display("--- Simulation of TIMER core started."); $display(""); init_sim(); reset_dut(); test1(); $display(""); $display("--- Simulation of timer core completed."); $finish; end // timer_core_test endmodule // tb_timer_core //====================================================================== // EOF tb_timer_core.v //======================================================================