# Tillitis TKey software ## Introduction This text is both an introduction to and a requirement specification of the TKey firmware, its protocol, and an overview of how TKey applications are supposed to work. For an overview of the TKey concepts, see [System Description](system_description.md). First, some definitions: - Firmware - software in ROM responsible for loading applications. The firmware is included as part of the FPGA bit stream. - Application or app - software supplied by the host machine which is received, loaded, measured, and started by the firmware. The TKey has two modes of software operation: firmware mode and application mode. The firmware mode has the responsibility of receiving, measuring, loading, and starting the application. When the firmware is about to start the application it switches to a more constrained environment, the application mode. The firmware and application uses a memory mapped input/output (MMIO) for communication with the hardware. The memory map is constrained when running in application mode, e.g. UDS isn't readable, and the `APP_{ADDR, SIZE}` are not writable for the application. See table in the [System Description](system_description.md#memory-mapped-hardware-functions) for details about the memory system and MMIO. The firmware (and optionally all software) on the TKey can communicate to the host via the `UART_{RX,TX}_{STATUS,DATA}` registers, using the framing protocol described in [Framing Protocol](../framing_protocol/framing_protocol.md). The firmware defines a protocol on top of this framing layer which is used to bootstrap the application. All commands are initiated by the host. All commands receive a reply. See [Firmware protocol](#firmware-protocol) for specific details. Applications define their own protocol used for communication with their host part. They may or may not be based on the Framing Protocol. ## CPU The CPU is a PicoRV32, a 32-bit RISC-V processor (arch: RV32IC\_Zmmul) which runs the firmware and the application. The firmware and application both run in RISC-V machine mode. All types are little-endian. ## Constraints - ROM: 6 kByte. - RAM: 128 kByte. ## Firmware The purpose of the firmware is to bootstrap and measure an application. The TKey has 128 kilobyte RAM. Firmware loads the application at the start of RAM. The current C runtime (`crt0.S`) of apps in our [apps repo](https://github.com/tillitis/tillitis-key1-apps) sets up the stack to start just below the end of RAM. This means that a larger app comes at the compromise of it having a smaller stack. The firmware is part of FPGA bitstream (ROM), and is loaded at `0x0000_0000`. When the firmware starts it clears all RAM and then wait for commands coming in on `UART_RX`. Typical use scenario: 1. The host sends the `FW_CMD_LOAD_APP` command with the size of the device app and the optional user-supplied secret as arguments and and gets a `FW_RSP_LOAD_APP` back. After using this it's not possible to restart the loading of an application. 2. If the the host receive a sucessful response, it will send multiple `FW_CMD_LOAD_APP_DATA` commands, together containing the full application. 3. On receiving`FW_CMD_LOAD_APP_DATA` commands the firmware places the data into `0x4000_0000` and upwards. The firmware replies with a `FW_RSP_LOAD_APP_DATA` response to the host for each received block except the last data block. 4. When the final block of the application image is received with a `FW_CMD_LOAD_APP_DATA`, the firmware measure the application by computing a BLAKE2s digest over the entire application. Then firmware send back the `FW_RSP_LOAD_APP_DATA_READY` response containing the measurement. 5. The Compound Device Identifier (CDI) is then computed by using the `UDS`, application digest, and the `USS`, and placed in `CDI`. (see [Compound Device Identifier computation](#compound-device-identifier-computation)) Then the start address of the device app, `0x4000_0000`, is written to `APP_ADDR` and the size to `APP_SIZE` to let the device application know where it is loaded and how large it is, if it wants to relocate in RAM. 6. The firmware now clears the special `FW_RAM` where it keeps it stack. After this it does no more function calls and uses no more automatic variables. 7. Firmware starts the application by first switching to application mode by writing to the `SWITCH_APP` register. In this mode the MMIO region is restricted, e.g. some registers are removed (`UDS`), and some are switched from read/write to read-only (see [memory map](system_description.md#memory-mapped-hardware-functions)). Then the firmware jumps to what's in `APP_ADDR` which starts the application. There is now no other means of getting back from application mode to firmware mode than resetting/power cycling the device. ### Developing firmware Standing in `hw/application_fpga/` you can run `make firmware.elf` to build just the firmware. You don't need all the FPGA development tools mentioned in [Toolchain setup](../toolchain_setup.md). You need clang with 32 RISC-V support `-march=rv32iczmmul` which comes in clang 15. If you don't have version 15 you might get by with `-march=rv32imc` but things will break if you ever cause it to emit `div` instructions. You also need `llvm-ar`, `llvm-objcopy`, `llvm-size` and `lld`. Typically these are all available in packages called "clang", "llvm", "lld" or similar. If your available `objcopy` and `size` commands is anything other than the default `llvm-objcopy` and `llvm-size` define `OBJCOPY` and `SIZE` to whatever they're called on your system before calling `make firmware.elf`. If you want to use our emulator, clone the `tk1` branch of [our version of qemu](https://github.com/tillitis/qemu) and build: ``` $ git clone -b tk1 https://github.com/tillitis/qemu $ mkdir qemu/build $ cd qemu/build $ ../configure --target-list=riscv32-softmmu --disable-werror $ make -j $(nproc) ``` (Built with warnings-as-errors disabled, see [this issue](https://github.com/tillitis/qemu/issues/3).) Run it like this: ``` $ /path/to/qemu/build/qemu-system-riscv32 -nographic -M tk1,fifo=chrid -bios firmware.elf \ -chardev pty,id=chrid ``` This attaches the FIFO to a tty, something like `/dev/pts/16` which you can use with host software to talk to the firmware. To quit QEMU you can use: `Ctrl-a x` (see `Ctrl-a ?` for other commands). Debugging? Use the HTIF console by removing `-DNOCONSOLE` from the `CFLAGS` and using the helper functions in `lib.c` like `htif_puts()` `htif_putinthex()` `htif_hexdump()` and friends for printf-like debugging. You can add `-d guest_errors` to the qemu commandline to make QEMU send errors from the TK1 machine to stderr, typically things like memory writes outside of mapped regions. You can also use the qemu monitor for debugging, e.g. `info registers`, or run qemu with `-d in_asm` or `-d trace:riscv_trap`. ### Reset The PicoRV32 starts executing at `0x0000_0000`. We allow no `.data` or `.bss` sections. Our firmware starts at the `_start` symbol in `start.S` which first clears all RAM for any remaining data from previous applications, then initializes a stack starting at the top of `FW_RAM` at `0xd000_0800` and downwards and then calls `main`. When the initialization is finished, the firmware waits for incoming commands from the host, by busy-polling the `UART_RX_{STATUS,DATA}` registers. When a complete command is read, the firmware executes the command. ### Firmware state machine States: - `initial` - At start. - `loading` - Expect application data. - `run` - Computes CDI and starts the application. - `fail` - Stops waiting for commands, flashes LED forever. Commands in state `initial`: | *command* | *next state* | |-----------------------|--------------| | `FW_CMD_NAME_VERSION` | unchanged | | `FW_CMD_GET_UDI` | unchanged | | `FW_CMD_LOAD_APP` | `loading` | | | | Commands in state `loading`: | *command* | *next state* | |------------------------|----------------------------------| | `FW_CMD_LOAD_APP_DATA` | unchanged or `run` on last chunk | Commands in state `run`: None. Commands in state `fail`: None. See [Firmware protocol](#firmware-protocol) for the definition of the specific commands and their responses. ### User-supplied Secret (USS) USS is a 32 bytes long secret provided by the user. Typically a host program gets a secret from the user and then does a key derivation function of some sort, for instance a BLAKE2s, to get 32 bytes which it sends to the firmware to be part of the CDI computation. ### Compound Device Identifier computation The CDI is computed by: ``` CDI = blake2s(UDS, blake2s(app), USS) ``` In an ideal world, software would never be able to read UDS at all and we would have a BLAKE2s function in hardware that would be the only thing able to read the UDS. Unfortunately, we couldn't fit a BLAKE2s implementation in the FPGA at this time. The firmware instead does the CDI computation using the special firmware-only `FW_RAM` which is invisible after switching to app mode. We keep the entire firmware stack in `FW_RAM` and clear it just before switching to app mode just in case. We sleep for a random number of cycles before reading out the UDS, call `blake2s_update()` with it and then immediately call `blake2s_update()` again with the program digest, destroying the UDS stored in the internal context buffer. UDS should now not be in `FW_RAM` anymore. We can read UDS only once per power cycle so UDS should now not be available to firmware at all. Then we continue with the CDI computation by updating with an optional USS and then finalizing the hash, storing the resulting digest in `CDI`. ### Firmware protocol The firmware commands and responses are built on top of the [Framing Protocol](../framing_protocol/framing_protocol.md). The commands look like this: | *name* | *size (bytes)* | *comment* | |------------------|----------------|------------------------------------------| | Header | 1 | Framing protocol header including length | | | | of the rest of the frame | | Command/Response | 1 | Any of the below commands or responses | | Data | n | Any additional data | The responses might include a one byte status field where 0 is `STATUS_OK` and 1 is `STATUS_BAD`. Note that the integer types are little-endian (LE). #### `FW_CMD_NAME_VERSION` (0x01) Get the name and version of the stick. #### `FW_RSP_NAME_VERSION` (0x02) | *name* | *size (bytes)* | *comment* | |---------|----------------|----------------------| | name0 | 4 | ASCII | | name1 | 4 | ASCII | | version | 4 | Integer version (LE) | In a bad response the fields will be zeroed. #### `FW_CMD_LOAD_APP` (0x03) | *name* | *size (bytes)* | *comment* | |--------------|----------------|---------------------| | size | 4 | Integer (LE) | | uss-provided | 1 | 0 = false, 1 = true | | uss | 32 | Ignored if above 0 | Start an application loading session by setting the size of the expected device application and a user-supplied secret, if `uss-provided` is 1. Otherwise `USS` is ignored. #### `FW_RSP_LOAD_APP` (0x04) Response to `FW_CMD_LOAD_APP` | *name* | *size (bytes)* | *comment* | |--------|----------------|-----------------------------| | status | 1 | `STATUS_OK` or `STATUS_BAD` | #### `FW_CMD_LOAD_APP_DATA` (0x05) | *name* | *size (bytes)* | *comment* | |--------|----------------|---------------------| | data | 511 | Raw binary app data | Load 511 bytes of raw app binary into device RAM. Should be sent consecutively over the complete raw binary. (512 == largest frame length minus the command byte). #### `FW_RSP_LOAD_APP_DATA` (0x06) Response to all but the ultimate `FW_CMD_LOAD_APP_DATA` commands. | *name* | *size (bytes)* | *comment* | |--------|----------------|--------------------------| | status | 1 | `STATUS_OK`/`STATUS_BAD` | #### `FW_RSP_LOAD_APP_DATA_READY` (0x07) The response to the last `FW_CMD_LOAD_APP_DATA` is an `FW_RSP_LOAD_APP_DATA_READY` with the un-keyed hash digest for the application that was loaded. It allows the host to verify that the application was correctly loaded. This means that the CDI calculated will be correct given that the UDS has not been modified. | *name* | *size (bytes)* | *comment* | |--------|----------------|--------------------------| | status | 1 | `STATUS_OK`/`STATUS_BAD` | | digest | 32 | BLAKE2s(app) | #### `FW_CMD_GET_UDI` (0x08) Ask for the Unique Device Identifier (UDI) of the device. #### `FW_RSP_GET_UDI` (0x09) Response to `FW_CMD_GET_UDI`. | *name* | *size (bytes)* | *comment* | |--------|----------------|-----------------------------------------------------| | status | 1 | `STATUS_OK`/`STATUS_BAD` | | udi | 4 | Integer (LE) with Reserved (4 bit), Vendor (2 byte),| | | | Product ID (6 bit), Product Revision (6 bit) | | udi | 4 | Integer serial number (LE) | #### Get the name and version of the device ``` host -> u8 CMD[1 + 1]; CMD[0].len = 1 // command frame format CMD[1] = 0x01 // FW_CMD_NAME_VERSION host <- u8 RSP[1 + 32] RSP[0].len = 32 // command frame format RSP[1] = 0x02 // FW_RSP_NAME_VERSION RSP[2..6] = NAME0 RSP[6..10] = NAME1 RSP[10..14] = VERSION RSP[14..] = 0 ``` #### Load an application ``` host -> u8 CMD[1 + 512]; CMD[0].len = 512 // command frame format CMD[1] = 0x03 // FW_CMD_LOAD_APP CMD[2..6] = APP_SIZE CMD[6] = USS supplied? 0 = false, 1 = true CMD[7..39] = USS CMD[40..] = 0 host <- u8 RSP[1 + 4]; RSP[0].len = 4 // command frame format RSP[1] = 0x04 // FW_RSP_LOAD_APP RSP[2] = STATUS RSP[3..] = 0 repeat ceil(APP_SIZE / 511) times: host -> u8 CMD[1 + 512]; CMD[0].len = 512 // command frame format CMD[1] = 0x05 // FW_CMD_LOAD_APP_DATA CMD[2..] = APP_DATA (511 bytes of app data, pad with zeros) host <- u8 RSP[1 + 4] RSP[0].len = 4 // command frame format RSP[1] = 0x06 // FW_RSP_LOAD_APP_DATA RSP[2] = STATUS RSP[3..] = 0 ``` Except response from last chunk of app data which is: ``` host <- u8 RSP[1 + 512] RSP[0].len = 512 // command frame format RSP[1] = 0x07 // FW_RSP_LOAD_APP_DATA_READY RSP[2] = STATUS RSP[3..35] = app digest RSP[36..] = 0 ``` ### Firmware services The firmware exposes a BLAKE2s function through a function pointer located in MMIO `BLAKE2S` (see [memory map](system_description.md#memory-mapped-hardware-functions)) with the with function signature: ```c int blake2s(void *out, unsigned long outlen, const void *key, unsigned long keylen, const void *in, unsigned long inlen, blake2s_ctx *ctx); ``` where `blake2s_ctx` is: ```c typedef struct { uint8_t b[64]; // input buffer uint32_t h[8]; // chained state uint32_t t[2]; // total number of bytes size_t c; // pointer for b[] size_t outlen; // digest size } blake2s_ctx; ``` The `libcommon` library in [tillitis-key1-apps](https://github.com/tillitis/tillitis-key1-apps/) has a wrapper for using this function called `blake2s()`. ## Applications See [our apps repo](https://github.com/tillitis/tillitis-key1-apps) for examples of client and TKey apps as well as libraries for writing both.