/********************************** (C) COPYRIGHT ******************************* * File Name : Debug.C * Author : WCH * Version : V1.0 * Date : 2017/01/20 * Description : CH554 DEBUG Interface CH554 main frequency modification, delay function definition Serial port 0 and serial port 1 initialization Serial port 0 and serial port 1 transceiver subfunctions Watchdog initialization *******************************************************************************/ #include #include "ch554.h" #include "debug.h" /******************************************************************************* * Function Name : CfgFsys( ) * Description : CH554 clock selection and configuration function, Fsys 6MHz is used by default, FREQ_SYS can be passed CLOCK_CFG configuration, the formula is as follows: Fsys = (Fosc * 4 / (CLOCK_CFG & MASK_SYS_CK_SEL); the specific clock needs to be configured by yourself *******************************************************************************/ void CfgFsys() { SAFE_MOD = 0x55; SAFE_MOD = 0xAA; // CLOCK_CFG |= bOSC_EN_XT; // Enable external crystal // CLOCK_CFG & = ~ bOSC_EN_INT; // Turn off the internal crystal #if FREQ_SYS == 32000000 CLOCK_CFG = CLOCK_CFG & ~ MASK_SYS_CK_SEL | 0x07; // 32MHz #elif FREQ_SYS == 24000000 CLOCK_CFG = CLOCK_CFG & ~ MASK_SYS_CK_SEL | 0x06; // 24MHz #elif FREQ_SYS == 16000000 CLOCK_CFG = CLOCK_CFG & ~ MASK_SYS_CK_SEL | 0x05; // 16MHz #elif FREQ_SYS == 12000000 CLOCK_CFG = CLOCK_CFG & ~ MASK_SYS_CK_SEL | 0x04; // 12MHz #elif FREQ_SYS == 6000000 CLOCK_CFG = CLOCK_CFG & ~ MASK_SYS_CK_SEL | 0x03; // 6MHz #elif FREQ_SYS == 3000000 CLOCK_CFG = CLOCK_CFG & ~ MASK_SYS_CK_SEL | 0x02; // 3MHz #elif FREQ_SYS == 750000 CLOCK_CFG = CLOCK_CFG & ~ MASK_SYS_CK_SEL | 0x01; // 750KHz #elif FREQ_SYS == 187500 CLOCK_CFG = CLOCK_CFG & ~ MASK_SYS_CK_SEL | 0x00; // 187.5MHz #else #warning FREQ_SYS invalid or not set #endif SAFE_MOD = 0x00; } /******************************************************************************* * Function Name : mDelayus(UNIT16 n) * Description : us delay function * Input : UNIT16 n * Output : None * Return : None *******************************************************************************/ void mDelayuS(uint16_t n) // Delay in uS { #ifdef FREQ_SYS #if FREQ_SYS <= 6000000 n >>= 2; #endif #if FREQ_SYS <= 3000000 n >>= 2; #endif #if FREQ_SYS <= 750000 n >>= 4; #endif #endif while (n) { // Total = 12~13 Fsys cycles, 1uS @Fsys=12MHz ++SAFE_MOD; // 2 Fsys cycles, for higher Fsys, add operation here #ifdef FREQ_SYS #if FREQ_SYS >= 14000000 ++SAFE_MOD; #endif #if FREQ_SYS >= 16000000 ++SAFE_MOD; #endif #if FREQ_SYS >= 18000000 ++SAFE_MOD; #endif #if FREQ_SYS >= 20000000 ++SAFE_MOD; #endif #if FREQ_SYS >= 22000000 ++SAFE_MOD; #endif #if FREQ_SYS >= 24000000 ++SAFE_MOD; #endif #if FREQ_SYS >= 26000000 ++SAFE_MOD; #endif #if FREQ_SYS >= 28000000 ++SAFE_MOD; #endif #if FREQ_SYS >= 30000000 ++SAFE_MOD; #endif #if FREQ_SYS >= 32000000 ++SAFE_MOD; #endif #endif --n; } } /******************************************************************************* * Function Name : mDelayms(UNIT16 n) * Description : ms delay function * Input : UNIT16 n * Output : None * Return : None *******************************************************************************/ void mDelaymS(uint16_t n) // Delay in mS { while (n) { #ifdef DELAY_MS_HW while ( ( TKEY_CTRL & bTKC_IF ) == 0 ); while ( TKEY_CTRL & bTKC_IF ); #else mDelayuS(1000); #endif --n; } } #if SDCC < 370 void putchar(char c) { while (!TI); /* assumes UART is initialized */ TI = 0; SBUF = c; } char getchar(void) { while(!RI); /* assumes UART is initialized */ RI = 0; return SBUF; } #else int putchar(int c) { while (!TI); /* assumes UART is initialized */ TI = 0; SBUF = c & 0xFF; return c; } int getchar(void) { while(!RI); /* assumes UART is initialized */ RI = 0; return SBUF; } #endif // Set pin p1.4 and p1.5 to GPIO output mode. void gpio_init() { // p1.4 P1_MOD_OC &= ~0x10; P1_DIR_PU |= 0x10; // p1.5 P1_MOD_OC &= ~0x20; P1_DIR_PU |= 0x20; } void gpio_set(uint8_t pin) { switch (pin) { case 0x10: // p1.4 P1 |= 0x10; break; case 0x20: // p1.5 P1 |= 0x20; break; default: // do nothing, unsupported pin. break; } } void gpio_unset(uint8_t pin) { switch (pin) { case 0x10: P1 &= ~0x10; break; case 0x20: P1 &= ~0x20; break; default: // do nothing, unsupported pin. break; } } uint8_t gpio_get(uint8_t pin) { uint8_t ret = 0; switch (pin) { case 0x10: // p1.4 ret = P1 & 0x10; break; case 0x20: // p1.5 ret = P1 & 0x20; break; default: // do nothing, unsupported pin. ret = 0xff; break; } return ret; } // Set pin p1.4 to GPIO input mode. (FPGA_CTS) void gpio_init_p1_4_in() { // p1.4 P1_MOD_OC &= ~0x10; // Output Mode: 0 = Push-pull output, 1 = Open-drain output P1_DIR_PU &= ~0x10; // Port Direction Control and Pull-up Enable Register: // Push-pull output mode: // 0 = Input. // 1 = Output // Open-drain output mode: // 0 = Pull-up resistor disabled // 1 = Pull-up resistor enabled } // Read status of pin 1.4 uint8_t gpio_p1_4_get(void) { return (P1 & 0x10); // p1.4 } // Set pin p1.5 to GPIO output mode. (CH552_CTS) void gpio_init_p1_5_out() { // p1.5 P1_MOD_OC &= ~0x20; // Output Mode: 0 = Push-pull output, 1 = Open-drain output P1_DIR_PU |= 0x20; // Port Direction Control and Pull-up Enable Register: // Push-pull output mode: // 0 = Input. // 1 = Output // Open-drain output mode: // 0 = Pull-up resistor disabled // 1 = Pull-up resistor enabled } // Set pin 1.5 high void gpio_p1_5_set(void) { P1 |= 0x20; } // Set pin 1.5 low void gpio_p1_5_unset(void) { P1 &= ~0x20; }