/* Debug */ /* Provide printf subroutine and delay function */ #pragma once #include #ifndef UART0_BAUD #define UART0_BAUD 9600 #endif #ifndef UART1_BAUD #define UART1_BAUD 9600 #endif void CfgFsys( ); // CH554 clock selection and configuration void mDelayuS (uint16_t n); // Delay in units of uS void mDelaymS (uint16_t n); // Delay in mS /******************************************************************************* * Function Name : CH554UART0Alter() * Description : CH554 serial port 0 pin mapping, serial port mapping to P0.2 and P0.3 *******************************************************************************/ inline void CH554UART0Alter() { PIN_FUNC |= bUART0_PIN_X; //串口映射到P1.2和P1.3 } /******************************************************************************* * Function Name : mInitSTDIO() * Description : CH554 serial port 0 is initialized, T1 is used as the baud rate generator of UART0 by default, T2 can also be used                    As a baud rate generator *******************************************************************************/ inline void mInitSTDIO( ) { uint32_t x; uint8_t x2; SM0 = 0; SM1 = 1; SM2 = 0; //Serial port 0 usage mode 1 //Use Timer1 as a baud rate generator RCLK = 0; //UART0 receive clock TCLK = 0; //UART0 transmit clock PCON |= SMOD; x = 10 * FREQ_SYS / UART0_BAUD / 16; //If you change the main frequency, be careful not to overflow the value of x x2 = x % 10; x /= 10; if ( x2 >= 5 ) x ++; //rounding TMOD = TMOD & ~ bT1_GATE & ~ bT1_CT & ~ MASK_T1_MOD | bT1_M1; //0X20, Timer1 as 8-bit auto-reload timer T2MOD = T2MOD | bTMR_CLK | bT1_CLK; //Timer1 clock selection TH1 = 0-x; //12MHz crystal oscillator, buad / 12 is the actual need to set the baud rate TR1 = 1; //Start timer 1 TI = 1; REN = 1; //Serial 0 receive enable } /******************************************************************************* * Function Name : CH554UART0RcvByte() * Description : CH554UART0 receives a byte * Return : SBUF *******************************************************************************/ inline uint8_t CH554UART0RcvByte( ) { while(RI == 0); // wait for uart rx interrupt flag RI = 0; return SBUF; } /******************************************************************************* * Function Name : CH554UART0SendByte(uint8_t SendDat) * Description : CH554UART0 sends a byte * Input : uint8_t SendDat; the data to be sent *******************************************************************************/ inline void CH554UART0SendByte(uint8_t SendDat) { SBUF = SendDat; while(TI ==0); // wait for transmit to finish (TI == 1) TI = 0; } /******************************************************************************* * Function Name : CH554UART1Alter() * Description : Set the alternate pin mappings for UART1 (TX on P3.2, RX on P3.4) *******************************************************************************/ inline void CH554UART1Alter() { PIN_FUNC |= bUART1_PIN_X; } /******************************************************************************* * Function Name : UART1Setup() * Description : CH554串口1初始化 *******************************************************************************/ inline void UART1Setup() { U1SM0 = 0; //UART1选择8位数据位 U1SMOD = 1; //快速模式 U1REN = 1; //使能接收 // should correct for rounding in SBAUD1 calculation SBAUD1 = 256 - FREQ_SYS/16/UART1_BAUD; } /******************************************************************************* * Function Name : CH554UART1RcvByte() * Description : CH554UART1接收一个字节 * Return : SBUF *******************************************************************************/ inline uint8_t CH554UART1RcvByte( ) { while(U1RI == 0); //查询接收,中断方式可不用 U1RI = 0; return SBUF1; } /******************************************************************************* * Function Name : CH554UART1SendByte(uint8_t SendDat) * Description : CH554UART1发送一个字节 * Input : uint8_t SendDat;要发送的数据 *******************************************************************************/ inline void CH554UART1SendByte(uint8_t SendDat) { SBUF1 = SendDat; //查询发送,中断方式可不用下面2条语句,但发送前需TI=0 while(U1TI ==0); U1TI = 0; } #if SDCC < 370 void putchar(char c); char getchar(); #else int putchar(int c); int getchar(void); #endif /******************************************************************************* * Function Name : CH554WDTModeSelect(uint8_t mode) * Description : CH554 watchdog mode selection * Input : uint8_t mode 0 timer 1 watchDog * Output : None * Return : None *******************************************************************************/ inline void CH554WDTModeSelect(uint8_t mode) { SAFE_MOD = 0x55; SAFE_MOD = 0xaa; //Enter Safe Mode if(mode){ GLOBAL_CFG |= bWDOG_EN; //Start watchdog reset } else GLOBAL_CFG &= ~bWDOG_EN; //Start watchdog only as a timer SAFE_MOD = 0x00; //exit safe Mode WDOG_COUNT = 0; //Watchdog assignment initial value } /******************************************************************************* * Function Name : CH554WDTFeed(uint8_t tim) * Description : CH554 watchdog timer time setting * Input : uint8_t tim watchdog reset time setting 00H(6MHz)=2.8s 80H(6MHz)=1.4s * Output : None * Return : None *******************************************************************************/ inline void CH554WDTFeed(uint8_t tim) { WDOG_COUNT = tim; // Watchdog counter assignment }