mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 11:06:42 -04:00
FPGA: Improve SPI testing
Signed-off-by: Joachim Strömbergson <joachim@assured.se>
This commit is contained in:
@ -70,6 +70,8 @@ module tb_tk1();
reg [31 : 0] error_ctr;
reg [31 : 0] tc_ctr;
reg tb_monitor;
reg tb_main_monitor;
reg tb_spi_monitor;
reg tb_clk;
reg tb_reset_n;
@ -191,18 +193,27 @@ module tb_tk1();
begin : dump_dut_state
$display("State of DUT at cycle: %08d", cycle_ctr);
$display("Inputs and outputs:");
$display("tb_cpu_trap: 0x%1x, fw_app_mode: 0x%1x", tb_cpu_trap, tb_fw_app_mode);
$display("cpu_addr: 0x%08x, cpu_instr: 0x%1x, cpu_valid: 0x%1x, force_tap: 0x%1x",
tb_cpu_addr, tb_cpu_instr, tb_cpu_valid, tb_force_trap);
$display("ram_aslr: 0x%08x, ram_scramble: 0x%08x", tb_ram_aslr, tb_ram_scramble);
$display("led_r: 0x%1x, led_g: 0x%1x, led_b: 0x%1x", tb_led_r, tb_led_g, tb_led_b);
$display("ready: 0x%1x, cs: 0x%1x, we: 0x%1x, address: 0x%02x", tb_ready, tb_cs, tb_we, tb_address);
$display("write_data: 0x%08x, read_data: 0x%08x", tb_write_data, tb_read_data);
if (tb_main_monitor) begin
$display("Inputs and outputs:");
$display("tb_cpu_trap: 0x%1x, fw_app_mode: 0x%1x", tb_cpu_trap, tb_fw_app_mode);
$display("cpu_addr: 0x%08x, cpu_instr: 0x%1x, cpu_valid: 0x%1x, force_tap: 0x%1x",
tb_cpu_addr, tb_cpu_instr, tb_cpu_valid, tb_force_trap);
$display("ram_aslr: 0x%08x, ram_scramble: 0x%08x", tb_ram_aslr, tb_ram_scramble);
$display("led_r: 0x%1x, led_g: 0x%1x, led_b: 0x%1x", tb_led_r, tb_led_g, tb_led_b);
$display("ready: 0x%1x, cs: 0x%1x, we: 0x%1x, address: 0x%02x", tb_ready, tb_cs, tb_we, tb_address);
$display("write_data: 0x%08x, read_data: 0x%08x", tb_write_data, tb_read_data);
$display("Internal state:");
$display("tmp_read_ready: 0x%1x, tmp_read_data: 0x%08x", dut.tmp_ready, dut.tmp_read_data);
$display("Internal state:");
$display("tmp_read_ready: 0x%1x, tmp_read_data: 0x%08x", dut.tmp_ready, dut.tmp_read_data);
if (tb_spi_monitor) begin
$display("SPI I/O and internal state:");
$display("spi_ss: 0x%1x, spi_sck: 0x%1x, spi_mosi: 0x%1x, spi_miso: 0x%1x",
tb_spi_ss, tb_spi_sck, tb_spi_mosi, tb_spi_miso);
@ -238,8 +249,7 @@ module tb_tk1();
$display("--- %02d tests completed - %02d test cases did not complete successfully.",
tc_ctr, error_ctr);
$display("--- %02d tests completed - %02d errors detected.", tc_ctr, error_ctr);
endtask // display_test_result
@ -253,26 +263,27 @@ module tb_tk1();
task init_sim;
cycle_ctr = 0;
error_ctr = 0;
tc_ctr = 0;
tb_monitor = 0;
cycle_ctr = 0;
error_ctr = 0;
tc_ctr = 0;
tb_monitor = 0;
tb_main_monitor = 0;
tb_spi_monitor = 0;
tb_clk = 1'h0;
tb_reset_n = 1'h1;
tb_clk = 1'h0;
tb_reset_n = 1'h1;
tb_cpu_addr = 32'h0;
tb_cpu_instr = 1'h0;
tb_cpu_valid = 1'h0;
tb_cpu_trap = 1'h0;
tb_cpu_addr = 32'h0;
tb_cpu_instr = 1'h0;
tb_cpu_valid = 1'h0;
tb_cpu_trap = 1'h0;
tb_gpio1 = 1'h0;
tb_gpio2 = 1'h0;
tb_gpio1 = 1'h0;
tb_gpio2 = 1'h0;
tb_cs = 1'h0;
tb_we = 1'h0;
tb_address = 8'h0;
tb_write_data = 32'h0;
tb_cs = 1'h0;
tb_we = 1'h0;
tb_address = 8'h0;
tb_write_data = 32'h0;
endtask // init_sim
@ -307,20 +318,46 @@ module tb_tk1();
// Read a data word from the given address in the DUT.
// the word read will be available in the global variable
// read_data.
// tb_read_data.
task read_word(input [11 : 0] address, input [31 : 0] expected);
task read_word(input [11 : 0] address);
begin : read_word
reg [31 : 0] read_data;
tb_address = address;
tb_cs = 1'h1;
tb_address = address;
tb_cs = 1'h1;
read_data = tb_read_data;
tb_cs = 1'h0;
tb_cs = 1'h0;
endtask // read_word
// read_check_word()
// Read a data word from the given address in the DUT.
// the word read will be available in the global variable
// read_data.
// The function also checks that the data read matches
// the expected value or not.
task read_check_word(input [11 : 0] address, input [31 : 0] expected);
begin : read_check_word
reg [31 : 0] read_data;
tb_address = address;
tb_cs = 1'h1;
read_data = tb_read_data;
tb_cs = 1'h0;
if (DEBUG)
@ -334,7 +371,7 @@ module tb_tk1();
endtask // read_word
endtask // read_check_word
@ -348,9 +385,9 @@ module tb_tk1();
$display("--- test1: Read out name and version started.");
read_word(ADDR_NAME0, 32'h746B3120);
read_word(ADDR_NAME1, 32'h6d6b6466);
read_word(ADDR_VERSION, 32'h00000005);
read_check_word(ADDR_NAME0, 32'h746B3120);
read_check_word(ADDR_NAME1, 32'h6d6b6466);
read_check_word(ADDR_VERSION, 32'h00000005);
$display("--- test1: completed.");
@ -369,8 +406,8 @@ module tb_tk1();
$display("--- test2: Read out UDI started.");
read_word(ADDR_UDI_FIRST, 32'h00010203);
read_word(ADDR_UDI_LAST, 32'h04050607);
read_check_word(ADDR_UDI_FIRST, 32'h00010203);
read_check_word(ADDR_UDI_LAST, 32'h04050607);
$display("--- test2: completed.");
@ -399,14 +436,14 @@ module tb_tk1();
write_word(ADDR_CDI_FIRST + 7, 32'h70717273);
$display("--- test3: Read CDI.");
read_word(ADDR_CDI_FIRST + 0, 32'hf0f1f2f3);
read_word(ADDR_CDI_FIRST + 1, 32'he0e1e2e3);
read_word(ADDR_CDI_FIRST + 2, 32'hd0d1d2d3);
read_word(ADDR_CDI_FIRST + 3, 32'hc0c1c2c3);
read_word(ADDR_CDI_FIRST + 4, 32'ha0a1a2a3);
read_word(ADDR_CDI_FIRST + 5, 32'h90919293);
read_word(ADDR_CDI_FIRST + 6, 32'h80818283);
read_word(ADDR_CDI_LAST + 0, 32'h70717273);
read_check_word(ADDR_CDI_FIRST + 0, 32'hf0f1f2f3);
read_check_word(ADDR_CDI_FIRST + 1, 32'he0e1e2e3);
read_check_word(ADDR_CDI_FIRST + 2, 32'hd0d1d2d3);
read_check_word(ADDR_CDI_FIRST + 3, 32'hc0c1c2c3);
read_check_word(ADDR_CDI_FIRST + 4, 32'ha0a1a2a3);
read_check_word(ADDR_CDI_FIRST + 5, 32'h90919293);
read_check_word(ADDR_CDI_FIRST + 6, 32'h80818283);
read_check_word(ADDR_CDI_LAST + 0, 32'h70717273);
$display("--- test3: Switch to app mode.");
write_word(ADDR_SWITCH_APP, 32'hdeadbeef);
@ -422,14 +459,14 @@ module tb_tk1();
write_word(ADDR_CDI_FIRST + 7, 32'h7f7e7d7c);
$display("--- test3: Read CDI again.");
read_word(ADDR_CDI_FIRST + 0, 32'hf0f1f2f3);
read_word(ADDR_CDI_FIRST + 1, 32'he0e1e2e3);
read_word(ADDR_CDI_FIRST + 2, 32'hd0d1d2d3);
read_word(ADDR_CDI_FIRST + 3, 32'hc0c1c2c3);
read_word(ADDR_CDI_FIRST + 4, 32'ha0a1a2a3);
read_word(ADDR_CDI_FIRST + 5, 32'h90919293);
read_word(ADDR_CDI_FIRST + 6, 32'h80818283);
read_word(ADDR_CDI_LAST + 0, 32'h70717273);
read_check_word(ADDR_CDI_FIRST + 0, 32'hf0f1f2f3);
read_check_word(ADDR_CDI_FIRST + 1, 32'he0e1e2e3);
read_check_word(ADDR_CDI_FIRST + 2, 32'hd0d1d2d3);
read_check_word(ADDR_CDI_FIRST + 3, 32'hc0c1c2c3);
read_check_word(ADDR_CDI_FIRST + 4, 32'ha0a1a2a3);
read_check_word(ADDR_CDI_FIRST + 5, 32'h90919293);
read_check_word(ADDR_CDI_FIRST + 6, 32'h80818283);
read_check_word(ADDR_CDI_LAST + 0, 32'h70717273);
$display("--- test3: completed.");
@ -454,7 +491,7 @@ module tb_tk1();
write_word(ADDR_BLAKE2S, 32'hcafebabe);
$display("--- test4: Read Blake2s entry point.");
read_word(ADDR_BLAKE2S, 32'hcafebabe);
read_check_word(ADDR_BLAKE2S, 32'hcafebabe);
$display("--- test4: Switch to app mode.");
write_word(ADDR_SWITCH_APP, 32'hf00ff00f);
@ -463,7 +500,7 @@ module tb_tk1();
write_word(ADDR_BLAKE2S, 32'hdeadbeef);
$display("--- test4: Read Blake2s entry point again");
read_word(ADDR_BLAKE2S, 32'hcafebabe);
read_check_word(ADDR_BLAKE2S, 32'hcafebabe);
$display("--- test4: completed.");
@ -489,8 +526,8 @@ module tb_tk1();
write_word(ADDR_APP_SIZE, 32'h47114711);
$display("--- test5: Read app start address and size.");
read_word(ADDR_APP_START, 32'h13371337);
read_word(ADDR_APP_SIZE, 32'h47114711);
read_check_word(ADDR_APP_START, 32'h13371337);
read_check_word(ADDR_APP_SIZE, 32'h47114711);
$display("--- test5: Switch to app mode.");
write_word(ADDR_SWITCH_APP, 32'hf000000);
@ -500,8 +537,8 @@ module tb_tk1();
write_word(ADDR_APP_SIZE, 32'hf00ff00f);
$display("--- test5: Read app start address and size.");
read_word(ADDR_APP_START, 32'h13371337);
read_word(ADDR_APP_SIZE, 32'h47114711);
read_check_word(ADDR_APP_START, 32'h13371337);
read_check_word(ADDR_APP_SIZE, 32'h47114711);
$display("--- test5: completed.");
@ -583,7 +620,7 @@ module tb_tk1();
tb_gpio2 = 1'h1;
#(2 * CLK_PERIOD);
$display("--- test8: Check that we can read GPIO 1 and 2 as high.");
read_word(ADDR_GPIO, 32'h3);
read_check_word(ADDR_GPIO, 32'h3);
$display("--- test8: Set GPIO 3 and 4 high by writing to the registers.");
write_word(ADDR_GPIO, 32'hf);
@ -644,23 +681,34 @@ module tb_tk1();
task test10;
tc_ctr = tc_ctr + 1;
tb_monitor = 0;
tb_spi_monitor = 0;
$display("--- test10: Loopback in SPI Master started.");
// Sending 0xa7 trough the inverting loopback.
$display("--- test10: Sending a byte.");
write_word(ADDR_SPI_EN, 32'h1);
write_word(ADDR_SPI_DATA, 32'ha7);
write_word(ADDR_SPI_XFER, 32'h1);
while (!dut.spi_ready) begin
// Ready ready flag in SPI until it is set.
while (!tb_read_data) begin
$display("--- test10: Byte should have been sent.");
write_word(ADDR_SPI_EN, 32'h0);
// 0x58 is the inverse of 0xa7.
read_word(ADDR_SPI_DATA, 32'h58);
#(2 * CLK_PERIOD);
read_check_word(ADDR_SPI_DATA, 32'h58);
write_word(ADDR_SPI_EN, 32'h0);
tb_monitor = 0;
tb_spi_monitor = 0;
$display("--- test10: completed.");
Reference in New Issue
Block a user