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<title>The Hitchhiker's Guide to Online Anonymity</title>
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<header id="title-block-header">
<h1 class="title">The Hitchhiker's Guide to Online Anonymity</h1>
<h5 id="any-opinion-is-welcome.">Any opinion is welcome.</h5>
<h5 id="feel-free-to-discuss-in-the-discussions-section.">Feel free to
discuss in the <a href="https://github.com/Anon-Planet/thgtoa/discussions">discussions</a>
<h5 id="feel-free-report-issues-in-the-issues-section.">Feel free report
issues in the <a href="https://github.com/Anon-Planet/thgtoa/issues">issues</a>
<h3 id="code-free-contributions">Code Free Contributions</h3>
<h4 id="there-are-multiple-ways-you-can-add-to-the-guide">There are
multiple ways you can add to the guide:</h4>
<li>You can <a href="https://github.com/Anon-Planet/thgtoa/issues/new">submit bugs and
feature requests</a> with detailed information about your issue or idea:
<li>If you’d like to propose an addition, please follow the standards
outlined here.</li>
<li>If you’re reporting an issue, please be sure to include the expected
behaviour, the observed behaviour, and steps to reproduce the
<li>This can require technical knowledge, but you can also get involved
in conversations about bug reports and feature requests. This is a great
way to get involved without getting too overwhelmed!</li>
<li><a href="https://github.com/Anon-Planet/thgtoa/pulls">Help fellow
committers test recently submitted pull requests</a>. Simply by pulling
down a pull request and testing it, you can help ensure our new code
contributions for stability and quality.</li>
<h3 id="content-contributions">Content Contributions</h3>
<p>For those of you who are looking to add content to the guide, include
the following:</p>
<h5 id="pull-requests"><u>Pull Requests</u></h5>
<li><strong>Do</strong> create a <a href="http://git-scm.com/book/en/Git-Branching-Branching-Workflows#Topic-Branches">topic
branch</a> to work on instead of working directly on <code>main</code>.
This helps to:
<li>Protect the process.</li>
<li>Ensures users are aware of commits on the branch being considered
for merge.</li>
<li>Allows for a location for more commits to be offered without
mingling with other contributor changes.</li>
<li>Allows contributors to make progress while a PR is still being
<li><strong>Do</strong> follow the <a href="http://tbaggery.com/2008/04/19/a-note-about-git-commit-messages.html">50/72
rule</a> for Git commit messages.</li>
<li><strong>Do</strong> write “WIP” on your PR and/or open a <a href="https://help.github.com/en/articles/about-pull-requests#draft-pull-requests">draft
PR</a> if submitting unfinished changes..</li>
<li><strong>Do</strong> make sure the title of a draft PR makes it
immediately clear that it’s a draft</li>
<li><strong>Do</strong> target your pull request to the <strong>main
<li><strong>Do</strong> specify a descriptive title to make searching
for your pull request easier.</li>
<li><strong>Don’t</strong> leave your pull request description
<li><strong>Don’t</strong> abandon your pull request. Being responsive
helps us land your changes faster.</li>
<li><strong>Don’t</strong> post questions in older closed PRs.</li>
<li><strong>Do</strong> stick to the guide to find common style
<li><strong>Don’t</strong> make mass changes (such as replacing “I” with
“we”) using automated serach/replace functionality.
<li>Search/replace doesn’t understand context, and as such, will
inevitably cause inconsistencies and make the guide harder to read.</li>
<li>If it’s part of a larger PR, it’ll also make the reviewer’s life
harder, as they’ll have to go through manually and undo everything by
<li><em>If you’re going to make mass changes, take the time to do it
properly</em>. Otherwise I’ll just have to undo it anyway.</li>
<li>If your change contains backslashes (<code>\</code>), either escape
them with another backslash (<code>\\</code>) or put them in a
<code>code block</code>.</li>
<p>When reporting guide issues:</p>
<li><strong>Do</strong> write a detailed description of your issue and
use a descriptive title.</li>
<li><strong>Do</strong> make it as detailed as possible and don’t just
submit 50 line changes without explaining.</li>
<li><strong>Don’t</strong> file duplicate reports; search for your bug
before filing a new report.</li>
<li><strong>Don’t</strong> attempt to report issues on a closed PR.</li>
<h3 id="large-prs">Large PRs</h3>
<p>Please split large sets of changes into multiple PRs. For example, a
PR that adds Windows 11 support, removes Windows AME references, and
fixes typos can be split into 3 PRs. This makes PRs easier to review
prior to merging.</p>
<p>For an example of what <em>not</em> to do, see: <a href="https://github.com/Anon-Planet/thgtoa/pull/51" class="uri">https://github.com/Anon-Planet/thgtoa/pull/51</a>. This PR
contains enough changes to split into multiple smaller and
individually-reviewable PRs.</p>
<h3 id="updating-prs">Updating PRs</h3>
<p>While a PR is being reviewed, modifications may be made to it by the
reviewer prior to merging. If this is the case, a new branch will be
created for the PR’s review. If you would like to submit a change to a
PR that is in the process of being reviewed, <em>do not update the PR
directly</em>. This will only cause merge conflicts and delay the PR
from being merged. Instead, submit your changes to the PR’s review
<p>For an example of what <em>not</em> to do, see: <a href="https://github.com/Anon-Planet/thgtoa/pull/51" class="uri">https://github.com/Anon-Planet/thgtoa/pull/51</a>. Instead
of submitting changes to the PR directly, they should have been
submitted as changes to the <a href="https://github.com/NobodySpecial256/thgtoa/tree/pr/51">PR’s
associated review branch</a>.</p>
<hr />
<p><strong>Thank you</strong> for taking the few moments to read this
far! You’re already way ahead of the curve, so keep it up!</p>