The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Online Anonymity

How I learned to start worrying and love privacy anonymity

The latest Version is v1.1.8. See the changelog.

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PSA Community Matrix

You will find here the rules for the community.

Note: Rooms which are part of the community keep their sovereignty and can apply their own local rules, each with their own local moderation. Some of the rooms are following the general rules, but some are not.

General default rules for PSA rooms unless specific rules are mentioned below

These are currently enforced on #anonymity, #security, #OSINT, and are NOT applied in rooms with their own rules below.

Just because the bot is down temporarily doesn’t mean shit.Some exceptions can apply, see the exceptions section at the bottom of this page. Violations will be handled at the discretion of the acting moderator.

Rules for Nothing To Hide Privacy (


Rules for Modern Cryptography (


Rules for OS Security


Rules for Bnonymity (

All of the above can result in an insta-ban depending on the severity.



Exceptions for #Anonymity, #Security, and #Bnonymity rooms


Currently, the following rooms are sharing a common PSA ban list for serious offenders:

This means that those PSA bans are effectively applied on all those rooms and can be issued by admins of these rooms. See the next section for information about appeals.

Ban Appeals