### A small collection of links to recommended projects/guides/tutorials/resources of interest: #### Disclaimer: Some of those resources may, in order to sustain their project, contain or propose: - Sponsored commercial content - Monetized content through third party platforms (such as YouTube) - Affiliate links to commercial services - Paid Services such as consultancy - Premium content such as ad-free content - Merchandising **AnonymousPlanet.org does not participate in any sponsoring or affiliate program for any entity. Anonymousplanet.org relies only on anonymous donations.** All the links below are listed in alphabetical order. #### General privacy related projects: - EFF Surveillance Self-Defense: - Prism-Break: - Privacy Guides: - Techlore: - The New Oil: #### Blogs and personal websites: - CIA Officer's Blog: - Continuing Ed: - Madaidan's Insecurities: #### Useful resources: - KYC? Not me: - Library Genesis: [[Wikiless]][1] (see their latest known URL in the Wikipedia article) - Real World Onion Sites: - Sci-Hub [[Wikiless]][2] (see their latest known URL in the Wikipedia article) - Terms of Service, Didn't Read: - Whonix Documentation: [1]: https://wikiless.org/wiki/Library_Genesis [2]: https://wikiless.org/wiki/Sci-Hub