
Welcome to the Hitchhiker's Guide.

Please share this project if you enjoy it and you think it might be useful to others.

Anonymous Planet is a collective of volunteers and contributors. No one person is considered more valuable than another, and no one person should be viewed as having \"more impact\" on Anonymous Planet.

Anonymous Planet

We no longer have a safe recommendation for visiting Matrix.

@alex @than "},{"location":"about/","title":"About Anonymous Planet","text":"

Anonymous Planet are the maintainers of the Hitchhiker's Guide and the PSA Community. It is responsible for maintaining the projects and code repositories.

The purpose: providing an introduction to various online tracking techniques, online ID verification techniques, and detailed guidance to creating and maintaining (truly) anonymous online identities. It is written with the hopes that good people (e.g., activists, journalists, scientists, lawyers, whistle-blowers, etc.) will be able to fight oppression, censorship and harassment! The website and projects are free (as in freedom) and not affiliated with any donor or projects discussed.

Where do I start?

Start either by going to the beginning or using the search at top right of the page. It is also available at whatever point you are in your reading.

Notes on the journey

This guide is a work in progress. It will probably never be \"finished\". You may (will) find broken links when you click on some search results and during some navigation steps. Please report these. Otherwise, most of the search functionality is a great experience and can help you find linked topics. Try to search for something in one section of the reading. It will show up in many other places.


There might be some wrong or outdated information in this guide because no one is perfect. Your experience may vary. Remember, check regularly for an updated version of this guide. Please do your own independent, well-thought research. There is no one resource online that can provide 100% security, anonymity, and/or privacy.

This guide is a non-profit open-source initiative, licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (cc-by-nc-4.0 [Archive.org]).

Feel free to submit issues (please do report anything wrong) using GitHub Issues at: https://github.com/Anon-Planet/thgtoa/issues. We also accept Merge Requests (MR) from our Gitlab and many other places. Do not hesitate to report issues and suggestions!

Discuss ideas on Matrix for real-time chat

We offer a Matrix.org hosted space of our own. Check it out!

Follow us on:

To contact me, see the updated information on the website or send an e-mail to contact@anonymousplanet.org

Please consider donating if you enjoy the project and want to support the hosting fees or support the funding of initiatives like the hosting of Tor Exit Nodes.

"},{"location":"about/#recommended-reading","title":"Recommended Reading","text":"

Some of those resources may, in order to sustain their project, contain or propose:

Note that these websites could contain affiliate/sponsored content and/or merchandising. This guide does not endorse and is not sponsored by any commercial entity in any way.

If you skipped those, you should really still consider viewing this YouTube playlist from the Techlore Go Incognito project (https://github.com/techlore-official/go-incognito [Archive.org]) as an introduction before going further: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3KeV6Ui_4CayDGHw64OFXEPHgXLkrtJO [Invidious]. This guide will cover many of the topics in the videos of this playlist with more details and references as well as some added topics not covered within that series. This will just take you 2 or 3 hours to watch it all.

Anonymous Planet does not participate in any sponsoring, endorsement, advertising, or other affiliate programs for any entity. We only rely on anonymous donations in a closed, transparent loop system.

Privacy related Blogs and personal websites Useful resources

We are not affiliated with Anonymous or Riseup

One or two of our community members uses or has used the resources of Riseup. We are not affiliated with Riseup in any manner.

We also hold no affiliation with the Anonymous [Wikiless] [Archive.org] hacker collective.


This guide is an open-source non-profit initiative, licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International and is not sponsored/endorsed by any commercial/governmental entity. This means that you are free to use our guide for pretty much any purpose excluding commercially as long as you do attribute it. There are no ads or any affiliate links.

"},{"location":"constitution/","title":"A Constitution for an Anonymous Planet.","text":"

To amend the rules and regulations of the network and of the PSA community, this constitution is hereby set forth. It is applicable to all the projects of the initiative, especially the Hitchhiker's Guide to Online Anonymity. All members/collaborators must abide by these lines when contributing within the context of the initiative.


Content is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial to prevent commercial usage.

"},{"location":"constitution/#anonymity-above-everything","title":"Anonymity above everything.","text":"

Anonymity is necessary to maintain the balance of power, specifically to help journalists, whistleblowers, lawyers, scientists, and victims of oppression. Anonymity first, even if that means using non-free and/or proprietary means. Security and privacy are second, again, even if using non-free or non-open-source and/or proprietary means. In this sense, the ends may at times justify proprietary means.


The Anonymous Planet initiative has no affiliation with the \"Anonymous\" collective and does not endorse their activities. Any overlap of their activities and our guide are purely coincidental.


We will strive to always keep available the following methods of reading the Hitchhiker's Guide:


Maintain free, open-source, and non-commercial nature of all our projects. This does not mean proprietary and/or closed-source tools won't be recommendeded. All scientific knowledge should be free for anyone and we support and encourage Sci-Hub and LibGen. Any attempt to erode the freedom of information and flow of knowledge of our projects, in any manner, is hostile.

"},{"location":"constitution/#verifiability-falsifiability-and-reproducibility","title":"Verifiability, falsifiability and reproducibility.","text":"

We will make every effort to be transparent about any and all bias we have. Anyone claiming to be unbiased is lying, therefore we will not falsely claim to be.

All our content shall be verifiable, reproducible and fact-checked:


Suspected offenders are innocent until proven guilty, with zero tolerance for abuse of power or position.

Any accusing/moderating member is:

Any offender has the right to:

"},{"location":"constitution/#freedom-of-thought","title":"Freedom of thought.","text":"

Open-minded and pragmatic - with no tolerance for gatekeeping.

Critical thinking and fact-checking are strongly encouraged; we welcome criticism including of a harsh nature (excluding ad-hominem and slurs).

"},{"location":"constitution/#we-do-not-tolerate-intolerance","title":"We do not tolerate intolerance.","text":"

See the Paradox of Tolerance, which includes hate speech.

"},{"location":"constitution/#no-analytics","title":"No analytics.","text":"

Note that, while we will never use analytics, the (now free) platforms hosting our content might be gathering such analytics outside of our control, such as Github pages. As the initiative progresses, we will strive to avoid these as soon as possible.

"},{"location":"constitution/#no-profit","title":"No profit.","text":"

Any excess donations will only be used to support our main projects first and possibly support other intitiatives (like hosting Tor exit nodes). In all cases, we abide by the following principles:

Disclaimer: it is possible that, coincidentally, a donation could correlate with a recommendation. It will then be clearly stated that while the donation was welcome, the donating entity will not be gaining visibility/coverage/endorsement/recommendations due to such a donation.

"},{"location":"constitution/#core-goals","title":"Core Goals.","text":"

Help people in need of anonymity to maintain both their physical and digital safety.


Help any people who are using this knowledge for bad purposes. Helping people takes precedence and we know our content can be used nefariously. Our initiative believes in having one good person given an anonymous voice, safely, is worth the risk of having several using our content for evil. As we do adhere to a fair \"rule of law\" system which, having 9 criminals and 1 innocent person free, is much better than having one innocent person in prison among 9 criminals.

Yours faithfully, Anonymous Planet

"},{"location":"donate/","title":"How to Get Involved","text":"

Donations to support this project are welcome. Those donations are mainly used to pay for Tor onion hosting (VPS), mail hosting, domain name registration, and to maintain/run Tor exit nodes. No profit is ever being made. All donations and spendings are being logged here below for transparency.

Current project donation goals:

"},{"location":"donate/#donate-using-monero-xmr","title":"Donate using Monero (XMR)","text":"

Total Monero donations received: 7.101317184263 XMR Total Monero remaining: 2.059336719397 XMR

Here is the address for the main project:


"},{"location":"donate/#donate-using-bitcoin-btc","title":"Donate using Bitcoin (BTC)","text":"

Total Bitcoin donations received: 1.89353 mBTC Total Bitcoin remaining: 0 mBTC

Here are the addresses for the main project:

SegWit address: bc1qp9g2c6dquh5lnvft50esxsl97kupdpyqyd4kkv Legacy address: 1BBgBSVe6w4DWq2BewUQhDEjsNovhfPswD


Thank you for any contribution. All donations will be mentioned on this page.

"},{"location":"donate/#donations-log","title":"Donations log","text":""},{"location":"donate/#spendings-log","title":"Spendings log","text":"