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<title>The Hitchhiker&#39;s Guide to Online Anonymity</title>
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<h1 class="title">The Hitchhiker&#39;s Guide to Online Anonymity</h1>
<p>Hello, I am Alex. My pronouns are they/them. After unfortunate recent events, I have picked up maintenance of this guide in order to continue the project AnonyPla started. Unfortunately, Lena passed during a complex surgery. We believe she went peacefully in her sleep and she did not suffer. Before her surgery, she gave me access to her accounts to maintain the guide. I will be maintaining her guide, as well as running her Matrix space, from this point. As I said before, I cannot guarantee Ill do everything right, or how she would have done it, but Im trying my best.</p>
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<p>Please share this project if you enjoy it and think it might be useful to others.</p>
<p>Follow or contact us on: - Twitter: <a href="" class="uri"></a> - Mastodon: <a href="" class="uri"></a> - Element/ <del><span class="citation" data-cites=""></span>, <span class="citation" data-cites=""></span>, and <span class="citation" data-cites=""></span> </del> (all deactivated permanently) - E-Mail: <a href="" class="email"></a></p>
2022-07-17 03:45:08 -04:00
<p>Discussion Channels: - Matrix room: <code></code> <a href="" class="uri"></a> - Matrix space: <code></code> <a href="" class="uri"></a> - Github Discussions: <a href="" class="uri"></a></p>
<p><strong>Below youll find the original about text from the initial founder, Lena, of this guide before she went missing, most links are invalid.</strong></p>
<p>This text will remain here in memoriam of her legacy and the incredible work she did vastly alone without any contributors.</p>
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<p>Hello Im back,</p>
<p><strong>First Ill thank you immensely Alex for salvaging this and helping me. Thank you. Thank you so much.</strong></p>
<p>My name is Lena, Im 22 years old, Im Ukrainian from Kyiv. Online, Im Im just a simple anonymity and privacy activist. I also used to be an activist in real life for various causes and did my share of protests. I was forced to flee the country like many others, and for the moment reside in Germany.</p>
<p>Im a firm supporter of human rights, equality, repect, I hate corruption, and now … sorry but not sorry … I seriously dislike Russians who still support Putin but in particular, I really hate pro-russian Chechnians who came to Ukraine for the sport as they are just savages to my eyes. This is my sole personal opinion.</p>
<p>I also strongly believe privacy should be a universal right and that anonymity should never become illegal. I dont want our lives to turn into Gattaca, Minority Report, Black Mirror, or 1984 (Too late for that one, Im afraid). I do not want our laws and rights to become terms of services.</p>
<p>My goal is to bring accessible knowledge on these topics to the many and hopefully reach the few good people who really need it. In this specific case, I think the needs of the few outweigh the needs of the many.</p>
<p>Some facts about me: - I am not rich. - I enjoy good memes, movies, series, and books (and Im sure some of you will spot some of the many references to those in my project).</p>
<p>Please share this project if you enjoy it and think it might be useful to others.</p>
<p>Follow or contact me on: - Twitter: <a href="" class="uri"></a> (account taken over and reset for continuing using for the project) - Mastodon: <del><a href="" class="uri"></a></del> (account deleted or disabled) - Element/ <del><code></code> <strong>(<span class="citation" data-cites=""></span>, and <span class="citation" data-cites=""></span> are currently out of order)</strong></del> (all acounts are deactivated) - Reddit: <del><a href="" class="uri"></a></del> (account deleted) - E-Mail: <del><a href="" class="email"></a></del> (DNS MX records removed and mail hosting deleted)</p>
<p>Discussion Channels: - Matrix room: <code></code> <a href="" class="uri"></a> - Matrix space: <code></code> <a href="" class="uri"></a> - Github Discussions: <a href="" class="uri"></a></p>