2023-02-20 12:58:34 -05:00

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19 KiB

A New Understanding of Aging and Disease
based on subtle electrical phenomena in DNA and RNA
This paper is intended for distribution among all those interested in
Aging and Disease. It puts forth intriguing observations regarding the
operation and formation of DNA and RNA in human systems.
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Page 1
A New Understanding of Aging and Disease
based on subtle electrical phenomena in DNA and RNA
DNA is composed of simple chemicals strung together like beads which
form molecules known as bases. There are only four types of these bases
and they are :
Thymine - Adenine - Cytosine - Guanine
Hereafter called T A C G
Each base is attached to a sugar molecule (deoxyribose) and a phosphate
molecule in the DNA. The base is directly attached to the sugar.
These base-sugar-phosphate units of DNA are called nucleotides.
When nucleotides are linked together, they form the chain we call DNA.
DNA chains are stupefyingly long. A virus consists of about 200,000
nucleotides, a bacterium about 2 million and a human cell about 1
BILLION (1,000,000,000)!
Human DNA is broken up into 46 chromosomes in each of our 6.3 trillion
body cells. Chromosomes are microscopic rod-shaped bodies which carry
genes. Genes carry hereditary information and are made up of DNA.
Genes make proteins and control enzymes. Enzymes in turn control all
cellular functions.
All the DNA in a cell is contained in the chromosomes.
If all DNA of one human cell were laid out straight, it would be about 1
yard long.
If this DNA string is imagined as a flexible ladder, it would have about
6 billion steps. The rails which form the ladder are composed of 70%
sugar and 30% phosphate.
Each of the steps is composed of the four bases, A-G-T-C. These steps
are secured to the rails by atoms of hydrogen, known as hydrogen bonds
(the hydrogen atom has only one electron and one proton).
The electrons orbit in a clockwise direction if contacting a phosphate
section and counter-clockwise at a sugar section.
At the end of A-Adenine and T-Thymine, the electrons spin clockwise
where it connects with the hydrogen atoms.
At the end of G-Guanine and C-Cytosine, the electrons spin counter-
clockwise where it connects with the hydrogen atoms.
This 4-based section which is analogous to a stair step is called a base
pair. This means the DNA is formed by 12 billion nucleotides which form
stairsteps held together by two flexible rods.
These rods twist to form a circular staircase which is termed the double
helix of the DNA molecule.
Every one of the 6.3 trillion human cells has at least one DNA.
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When a new cell is formed, the DNA must make a perfect pattern of
This is thought to be done by splitting the ladder along the middle of
the step and reforming two DNA's absolutely identical and with the same
coded sequence.
In order to form a new DNA, another 12 billion nucleotides are required.
A cell nucleus has at least 8 different types of virus, either RNA or
DNA. There are 4 RNA types which have an overall negative charge.
There are 4 DNA types which have an overall positive charge.
Each pair of virus (one negative RNA and one positive DNA) attract each
other to establish a bipole.
This bipole must be adequately established to provide protection from
external electric, magnetic, or acoustic fields. The bipole can also be
affected by internal fields generated from excessive stress or loss of
systemic vitality due to illness, lack of rest or a multitude of other
The bipole also provides a means for the accumulation and storage of
electrical energy by making use of the properties of a virus.
Viruses which are inactive take a crystalline form. This crystalline
form possesses piezoelectric properties which makes it sensitive to
electric and acoustic waves, much as a microphone or antenna. They can
therefore either receive or transmit electrical or pressure (acoustic)
If a virus is in an active mode as is found in the cell nucleus, either
one DNA or one RNA will be covered with protein. Even in an active
status, a virus will possess the characteristics of a crystal which
allows it to be sensitive to very high sound frequencies.
An acoustic frequency up to 5 MHZ (yes, acoustic pressure waves can be
generated up to and beyond 4 million cycles as shown in the Olympus
Acoustic Scanning Microscope) causes the two viruses to continuously
vibrate against each other to produce a strain effect.
When this strain effect is created in two crystals, electrical energy is
produced which adds to the cellular vitality of all affected cells.
If an ultrahigh acoustic frequency (over 5 MHZ) is applied, an isolated
inactive virus can be so excited as to cause a rapid temperature
transition. This brings about disintegration on a cellular level.
This is much like the resonance effect of the Rife Frequency Generator.
In the case of Rife, energy is applied to cell structures either
acoustically or inductively from an external source. This causes the
cell membranes to extend beyond their eleastic recovery limit which
results in disruption and cellular death.
The technique described in this paper develops the energy directly
within the cell using its own "batteries".
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A one meter long Yagi antenna is a direct analog for human DNA. This
calculates to a tuned radio emission with a bandwidth from 375 MHZ to
385 MHZ.
Sound frequencies are used in the body for several purposes.
1) used by the DNA to acoustically scan for the determination
of what type of RNA is required
2) maintain the virus as an active bipole by the piezoelectric
effect brought on by the strain of the high frequency waves
between the two viruses of RNA and DNA
The DNA is under the constant bombardment of charged ions traveling
through the nervous system. These charged ions serve to modulate the
system frequencies which develop a high frequency sound in the range of
1.9 MHZ to 2 MHZ. Since a resonant structure will absorb a frequency
identical in phase and amplitude to itself, then a non-resonant
frequency will be reflected as an echo. The detection of this returning
echo effectively determines what type of protein (nucleotide) is missing
in the cell.
The complexities multiply at this point, so for the duration of this
paper, we will use the principle of K.I.S.S. (keep it simple stupid).
There are basically 3 controlling factors which involve the successful
reproduction of an identical DNA molecule :
1) The amount of kinetic energy associated with the electron in the
Hydrogen bonds. (acts as the glue which holds the base pairs
(stair steps) together and secured to the helix sugar/phosphate
2) The number of base pairs per turn in the double helix of DNA.
(controls the amount of electrical energy or cellular vitality by
acting as the secondary of a Tesla coil which has the ability to
alter its length and therefore its electrical potential)
3) The kinetic energy and frequency of the charged ions which travel
along the nervous system. (controls the ability of DNA/RNA to
precisely map the DNA pattern and duplicate it without error)
Aging and the reproduction of defective DNA is caused by a lack of
cellular vitality which is brought about by a twisting of the DNA helix
as the organism ages. Since the DNA molecule only has a given number of
base pairs (stair steps) due to its fixed length, this twisting adds
more turns which consequently reduces the number of base pairs in each
turn. Effectively, # YEARS/# TURNS = # BASE PAIRS.
As the organism goes through the birth, maturation and death cycle, the
DNA helix twists to "squeeze" out the number of base pairs (stair steps)
per turn, this can be shown by the following :
The DNA of the embryo cell in a mothers womb contains 46 base pairs
per turn.
In the 6th week of pregnancy, the DNA in the embryo cell has 34
base pairs per turn.
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In the 10th lunar month, a single DNA (half from the mother, half
from the father) has reproduced itself more than 6 trillion times.
When the baby is born, the process of reproduction decreases due to
the rapid twisting of the DNA helix.
At the age of 2 years, the DNA has twisted to reduce the number of
base pairs to 22 per turn.
At the age of 21, the base pairs are 14 per turn.
From the age of 35 to about 55, the base pairs stabilize somewhat
at 10 per turn.
At around 55 years of age and beyond, the 10 base pairs per turn
reduce to 6 and continue to decrease until the organism achieves
The kinetic energy of the electrons in the Hydrogen bonds coupled with
the reduced energy of the charged ions from the nervous system are so
weak that the DNA stops reproducing itself and the aging process begins
to wreak havoc with the body.
In addition, the steadily reducing number of base pairs as life
progresses acts to slowly reduce the vitality of the system on a
cellular level.
This makes the "scanning" of the RNA by the DNA increasingly sensitive
to outside sources of interference.
If these outside sources of interference are applied while the
"scanning" process is occurring, the resulting pattern will be more or
less distorted from the original. If this occurs en masse, cancer and a
host of other diseases can occur.
Using Synergetic concepts, we can understand how a collective behavior
could be established in the body to force maverick tissues such as
cancer or other diseases resulting from distorted DNA, to become
enslaved to a ruling order parameter for the establishment of optimum
health and youth.
Indications are that there are two beneficial effects which result from
application of these concepts.
1) Disease can be halted and the body restored to optimum health
by the restoration of the DNA to the maximum vitality. The
DNA pattern is no longer subject to outside distortion and
therefore becomes self-optimizing.
2) Aging can be halted and reversed by as much as 30 years
dependent on the desired cellular vitality based on the number
of base pairs per turn. Hair darkens, skin tightens,
digestion improves, hormones and enzymes resurge, etc..
The technique would involve the application of an inductive field to
irradiate the body for a short time. The longer the body is within the
field, the more DNA replications will occur due to the natural birth,
life and death of all bodily tissues as proven by Dr. H.S. Burr of Yale.
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Each replication will create a DNA which possesses successively higher
vitalities. This ever increasing cellular energy slowly "untwists" the
DNA which increases the number of base pairs per turn.
The result is the reversal of aging and the restoration of the DNA to an
optimum pattern. This restoration dissipates the patterns which allow
disease to exist in the body.
During the time of the exposure, the natural replication of DNA under
the influence of an inductive energy field would cause the "new" DNA to
be copied with the desired number of base pairs.
This is brought about by an artifically induced lengthening of the Tesla
coil secondary which increases the amount of electical potential.
The increased electrical potential on a cellular level "untwists" the
DNA helix which allows more base pairs (stair steps) per turn to be
duplicated for each duplication.
This gradual increase in cellular vitality automatically gives the
DNA/RNA scanning process more energy to both record and duplicate the
old pattern onto a fresh duplicate. This in turn, increases the rate of
duplication for the removal of dead and dying tissues in the body.
Thus wrinkles, toxins and various other problems which degrade the
efficiency of the organism are removed. Youth and maximum health is
restored and maintained through periodic application of the inductive
Thinking in Tesla coil terms, a primary coil with a winding of 10 turns
is inductively coupled to a secondary winding of 100 turns. If a
current of 1 ampere at 10 volts is applied to the primary, a voltage of
(10:100 or 1:10) 100 volts at 100 milliamps will be developed at the
If the DNA is thought of as being a secondary and the number of base
pairs (stair steps) per turn is equivalent to the windings in a
secondary, we can see how a reduction in windings or stair steps would
result in less electrical potential (cellular vitality).
This in turn making the DNA progressively sensitive to outside stimuli
for an eventual mix-up and distortion in the DNA pattern. These DNA
distortions directly affect the formation of the genes which control
enzymes which control all cellular functions. Without intelligent
control of the duplication process, aging, disease and or death are
In order to retard the aging process and reduce the possibility of
disease, what factors must we take into consideration?
1) We must find a means of stretching or untwisting the DNA so that
we can increase the number of base pairs per turn to a level of
approximately 10 or more dependent on the desired age.
2) We must find a means of increasing the kinetic energy in the
electron of the Hydrogen bonds.
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3) We must increase the energy of the charged ions which flow
through the nervous system. This is best done by proper diet and
What safety precautions must we also take into consideration?
1) The more devitalized, old or weak the body is, the more subject
is the DNA to outside influences, therefore, the applied energy
must be of sufficiently low amplitude to prevent repelling the
weakened hydrogen bonds. As the system is progressively
strengthened, the field magnitude can be gradually increased for
further strengthening.
2) We must experiment to determine the duration and magnitude of
induced energies acceptable to increase the number of base pairs
per turn in order to determine the limits of regression.
What are some avenues to investigate beyond those already tested?
1) Magnetics, refer Davis and Rawls work with monopolar fields.
North pole energies cause an increase in surface tension and an
increased life span, South pole energies cause a decrease in
surface tension and a burnout due to excess vitality in the
system which leads to premature aging and death.
2) Lakhovsky Multi-Wave Oscillator uses electrostatic induction for
a wide range of frequencies into the body. A duplication of the
original version as designed by Tesla would directly saturate the
body with scalar type energy.
3) Secondary coupling using electro-magnetics which treats the DNA
as a Tesla coil. This would directly add energy to the system.
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