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synced 2025-03-03 12:09:17 -05:00
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GW> Ain't sayin' which side I'm on here, but relax a bit -- I noticed the
GW> phrase "anti-choice" enter the pro-choicers' vocabulary about the same
GW> time I first heard the term "pro-abortion" used by pro-lifers. The
GW> chicken or the egg, it doesn't matter, but in a battle for public
GW> sentiment, neither side will give up its code words unless the other
GW> one does first -- sounds like a stand-off to me.
From where Winston stood, it was just possible to read, picked
out on its face in elegant lettering, the three slogans of the
1984, by George Orwell
Language has always been used for deceitful and misleading
purposes. Misrepresentations, distortions and outright lying
have been employed for ulterior motives throughout all of
recorded history. And, as man has "progressed," his abuse of
language has reached new levels of sophistication and
The abuse of language for devious purposes has been given
several definitions over time. The term "doublespeak" (or
"doubletalk") refers to language which APPEARS to be
meaningful, but is actually a mixture of sense and nonsense.
George Orwell, in his famous novel *1984*, coined the word
"Newspeak," denoting a propagandistic language marked by
ambiguity and contradictions. Its stated purpose: to
"diminish the range of thought."
Never has language-for-propaganda been more cleverly or
effectively used, however, than by our contemporary
pro-abortionists. To as great an extent as possible, abortion
advocates have conceptualized and debated abortion without
mention of, or attention to, the act itself. For the last
twenty years, they have strived to redefine child-killing as a
"choice." Sadly, their endeavor has met with great success.
One commonly hears, for instance: "Whose CHOICE is it, who
decides?" "This fight is for reproductive CHOICE."
"Pro-lifers are the anti-CHOICE minority." "Pro-CHOICE is not
pro-abortion." "The issue is not abortion, the issue is
CHOICE." And even in the "neutral" media: "Anti-abortion
demonstrators squared off with pro-CHOICE activists."
Given the spread, like so many cancer cells, of such
pro-abortion euphemisms throughout our language, it is clear
that a new term is necessary to definitively characterize the
pro-abortionists' misleading use of words for propaganda
purposes. The term I propose to serve this purpose is
"Choicespeak," which I define as "propagandistic language
marked by ambiguity and contradictions DESIGNED TO INCREASE
Specific examples of Choicespeak are not at all hard to find.
A preborn baby becomes, via Choicespeak, the "product of
conception." The scientific fact that a human being's
biological life begins at fertilization (conception) becomes,
via Choicespeak, a "religious view." The killing of a CHILD
becomes, via Choicespeak, the "termination of a PREGNANCY."
(In terms of intent and effect, abortion and childbirth should
be contrasted as follows: CHILDBIRTH is the termination of a
PREGNANCY; ABORTION is the "termination" of a CHILD.) And,
last but not least, abortion --- the killing of an innocent
preborn baby --- becomes, via Choicespeak, a valid "choice"
that a woman may consider.
Words can be used as weapons so long as there is a target. In
abortion, the targets are easy prey. Simply put, the abortion
industry has wielded its powerfully deceptive words against
vulnerable mothers and the innocent children within their
wombs. Women are exploited; their babies destroyed; men are
alienated. And the family, the very foundation of society, is
assaulted at its core.
Therefore, the Choicespeaking zealots must be exposed; their
NON-truths must be replaced by THE truth. To do this, one
must be alert when exposed to pro-abortion rhetoric and
anti-life logic. Probe beyond the surface and ascertain the
underlying principles; uncover the real meaning behind the
alluring message. Otherwise, the abortion seducing "Big
Brother" may very well distort YOUR perception and diminish
YOUR "range of thought," increasing your acceptance of and
tolerance for abortion -- a truly unthinkable crime.
Woe to those who call evil good,
and good evil,
who change the darkness into light,
and light into darkness,
who change bitter into sweet,
and sweet into bitter! (Isaiah 5:20)
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David on the Beach in Arizona
... To let live is to live yourself!
--- Blue Wave/TG v2.00 [NR]
* Origin: The Arizona Badlands BBS Casa Grande AZ 6028368336 (85:823/126.0)