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An Engineer's Invention Excites Interest</p>
<p> In a tiny room in a <ent type='GPE'>Bombay</ent> suburb, an electrical engineer works
on a machine that seems to have been conceived in a Sci-Fi book - a
generator which can ostensibly produce electricity from nothing.</p>
<p> But the machine's creator, <ent type='PERSON'>Paramahamsa Tewari</ent>, 51, is not an
eccentric inventor from one of <ent type='PERSON'>Sukumar Ray</ent>'s fantastic tales. He is
a senior engineer with <ent type='ORG'>the Department</ent> of Atomic Energy's Nuclear
Power Corporation (<ent type='ORG'>NPC</ent>).</p>
<p> <ent type='NORP'>Tewari</ent> created a minor sensation 10 years ago when he produced the
theory that space is filled with a dynamic medium whose swirling
motion is the source of all matter and energy.</p>
<p> He called it the Space Vortex Theory (<ent type='ORG'>SVT</ent>) which postulated that at
the heart of the electron was a void whose high speed rotation
within a vacuum could produce energy from space.</p>
<p> Interestingly, it was <ent type='ORG'>the Theosophical Society</ent> which had first
published Tewari's theory by arranging a special lecture in 1977 at
<ent type='GPE'>Adyar</ent> in <ent type='GPE'>Madras</ent>.</p>
<p> The theosophists were excited by Tewari's ideas since they were
remarkably close to observations about the electron put forward by
<ent type='PERSON'>Annie Besant</ent>'s associate, the clairvoyant Charles W. Leadbeater, in
the book "Occult Chemistry."</p>
<p> However, the first indication that Tewari's ideas about the
structure of space were more than just a mystic vision came earlier
this year at a conference in <ent type='GPE'>Hanover</ent> organised by <ent type='ORG'>the German</ent>
Association of Gravity Field Energy.</p>
<p> The Space Power Generator (<ent type='ORG'>SPG</ent>) invented by <ent type='NORP'>Tewari</ent> won the first
prize of Rs 25000 from among 25 similar machines presented at the
conference by scientists from all over.</p>
<p> Tewari's generator is actually a simple machine, consisting
basically of a magnetised cylinder rotating at high speed with the
help of a motor.</p>
<p> Power from this device is extracted by connecting a wire between the
surface of the cylinder and its axis. According to the engineer inventor, the <ent type='ORG'>SPG</ent> produces two-and-a-half to three-and-a-half times
more power than it consumes, defying the basic physical law of
conservation of energy which says that the output of energy cannot
be more than the input.</p>
<p> <ent type='NORP'>Tewari</ent> says the excess power comes from the inter-atomic space of
the rotating cylinder - it is the movement of the "voids" in the
spinning cylinder which creates additional energy out of the space
between the machine's axis and the magnet.</p>
<p> <ent type='NORP'>Tewari</ent> admits that his theory sounds incredible taking into account
the existing laws and that he would never have developed it had he
been trained as a physicist and not an engineer, since it is so
divergent from conventional physics.</p>
<p> But, he says, it would have been difficult for him to go on with
work on the <ent type='ORG'>SVT</ent> and the generator were it not for encouragement from
two US physicists, <ent type='PERSON'>John</ent> A. <ent type='ORG'>Wheeler</ent>, director of the Centre for
Theoretical Physics at <ent type='ORG'>the University</ent> of Texas, <ent type='GPE'>Austin</ent>, and Bruce
DePalma, formerly a lecturer in physics at the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology.</p>
<p> "But for DePalma, I wouldn't have been able to tie up my theory,"
says <ent type='NORP'>Tewari</ent>. "He was working on similar ideas and kept sending his
results to me."</p>
<p> Though <ent type='NORP'>Tewari</ent>, who is slated for transfer to <ent type='ORG'>the NPC</ent>'s Kaiga Project
in <ent type='GPE'>Karnataka</ent> as chief project engineer, has pursued his interest in
physics in his spare time, he has received infrastructural support
from <ent type='ORG'>the NPC</ent> for putting together his extraordinary new machine.</p>
<p> The <ent type='ORG'>SPG</ent> was built under Tewari's supervision at <ent type='ORG'>the Tarapur</ent> Atomic
Plant. "Tewari's prototype <ent type='ORG'>SPG</ent> can be considered a major
breakthrough," says S. L. <ent type='PERSON'>Kati</ent>, managing director of <ent type='ORG'>NPC</ent>.</p>
<p> Before leaving for <ent type='GPE'>Hanover</ent>, <ent type='NORP'>Tewari</ent> addressed a meeting of scientists
and engineers at <ent type='ORG'>the Bhaba</ent> Atomic Research Centre on his theory.</p>
<p> But most physicists remained sceptical about his findings.</p>
<p> Undaunted, he is experimenting with a new model of the <ent type='ORG'>SPG</ent> since his
return, which he feels will be an improvement. He eventually hopes
to create a prototype for a generator which could deliver 50 kw to
100 kw of electricity.</p>
<p> "The encouragement I received abroad has been a great help, and
hopefully within a year, I will be able to build an experimental
model which could ultimately prove commercially viable," he says.</p>
<p> <ent type='NORP'>Tewari</ent>, of course, is not the only engineer hoping to build the
ultimate power generation machine - one which will run perpetually
since it will extract energy from space - as the <ent type='GPE'>Hanover</ent> conference
<p> In fact, DePalma, the first inventor to create such a machine, is
presently conducting experiments in <ent type='GPE'>California</ent> in anticipation of a
breakthrough which could lead to commercial production.</p>
<p> Their work promises to create ultimately a machine which appears to
come straight out of a futuristic fantasy.</p>
<p> - M. Rahman</p>
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