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<p>The following articles are extracted from <ent type='GPE'>New Dawn</ent> magazine,
Volume No. 1 &amp; 2. (C) Copyright April 1992. Subscription rates are
as follows: $30 for 12 issues, $5 sample; Foreign US$40 &amp; US$7.
<ent type='GPE'>New Dawn</ent>, GPO Box 3126FF, <ent type='GPE'>Melbourne</ent>, 3001, Australia.</p>
<p>Shocking Revelations on AIDS Research by Our <ent type='PERSON'>North</ent> <ent type='NORP'>American</ent>
<p>Dr. <ent type='PERSON'>Abdul Alim Muhammad</ent>, national spokesman for Minister Louis
<ent type='ORG'>Farrakhan</ent> and <ent type='ORG'>the Nation</ent> of <ent type='NORP'>Islam</ent>, dropped a bombshell on the
nation's capital at a mass rally held at All Souls Unitarian
Church on September 8. Although the event had been planned for
some time to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the <ent type='GPE'>Washington</ent>,
D.C. ministry of Dr. <ent type='PERSON'>Muhammad</ent>, he turned the event into a report
on his recent fact-finding mission to the <ent type='NORP'>African</ent> nation of <ent type='GPE'>Kenya</ent>.</p>
<p>Dr. <ent type='PERSON'>Muhammad</ent> startled the standing-room-only audience when he
announced that a research team working out of the <ent type='GPE'>Kenya</ent>n Medical
Research Institute, led by the <ent type='ORG'>Harvard</ent>-trained immunologist Dr.
<ent type='PERSON'>David Koech</ent>, had made dramatic advances in the treatment of AIDS.
Dr. <ent type='PERSON'>Muhammad</ent> also charged that the U.S. government was leading a
major effort by the international medical establishment to
suppress this groundbreaking research.</p>
<p>Among those who packed the church to hear Dr. <ent type='PERSON'>Muhammad</ent> speak on
the theme "Can We Survive Genocide," were clergy from several
denominations along the <ent type='LOC'>East Coast</ent>, civil rights leaders,
community activists, leaders of <ent type='ORG'>the Nation</ent> of <ent type='NORP'>Islam</ent>, elected
officials and political leaders from <ent type='GPE'>Maryland</ent>, <ent type='GPE'>Virginia</ent>, and the
District of <ent type='GPE'>Columbia</ent>, and hundreds of ordinary citizens. The
introduction of Washington's former Mayor <ent type='PERSON'>Marion Barry</ent> - the man
on whom the <ent type='PERSON'>Bush</ent> administration spent millions to remove him from
office - brought the house to its feet in an extended ovation.</p>
<p>A Policy of Genocide</p>
<p>In his remarks, Dr. <ent type='PERSON'>Muhammad</ent> quoted extensively from a 1985
article authored by Lyndon <ent type='PERSON'>LaRouche</ent>, "The Looming Extinction of
the 'White Race'". In that piece, <ent type='PERSON'>LaRouche</ent> documents that the
imperial policies intrinsic to oligarchism have set into motion
the self-destruction of the population levels and economies of
those "white" nations that have complicitly tolerated oligarchical
policies - most specifically <ent type='GPE'>the United</ent> States and <ent type='GPE'>Great Britain</ent>.
<ent type='PERSON'>LaRouche</ent> states that since what the oligarchs call the "Great
White Race" is dying out at an accelerating rate, and threatening
the supremacy of the Anglo-<ent type='NORP'>American</ent> financial establishment, we
witness a fanatically <ent type='NORP'>Malthusian</ent> commitment to a policy of
genocide directed against people of colour; a genocide consciously
implemented through the conditionalities policies of the
International Monetary Fund (<ent type='ORG'>IMF</ent>).</p>
<p>"That," Dr. <ent type='PERSON'>Muhammad</ent> charged, "is one of the reasons they've got
him locked up; because he's got the guts to tell the truth."</p>
<p>Dr. <ent type='PERSON'>Muhammad</ent> went on to present extensive evidence that the policy
of deliberate genocide is fully operational. He described the
CIA's support for the cause of population control during George
Bush's tenure as Director of <ent type='ORG'>Central Intelligence</ent>, and reported
the contents of <ent type='ORG'><ent type='ORG'>Nation</ent>al Security <ent type='ORG'>Memorandum</ent></ent> 200, written during
the <ent type='ORG'>Ford</ent> administration, which advised that the preservation of
U.S. political and commercial interests "will require that the
President and Secretary of State treat the subject of population
growth control in the third world as a matter of paramount
importance...." To the amazement of the audience, <ent type='PERSON'>Muhammad</ent>
identified the authors of the internal memo as <ent type='PERSON'>Henry Kissinger</ent> and
Gen. <ent type='PERSON'>Brent Scowcroft</ent>, now Bush's national security adviser. (See
The <ent type='GPE'>New Dawn</ent> Vol.1 No.1, May, 1991)</p>
<p>Dr. <ent type='PERSON'>Muhammad</ent> used the case of <ent type='GPE'>Brazil</ent>, which has the second largest
black population in the world, to prove that the memorandum was
being implemented. "Today in <ent type='GPE'>Brazil</ent>, 40% of the women of
childbearing age have been surgically sterilized with funds
provided by the <ent type='ORG'>USAID</ent>," he said, "and 90% of those sterilized
women are black."</p>
<p>He insisted that this genocide was the real agenda of Bush's New
World Order; that it not only motivated the invasion of <ent type='GPE'>Panama</ent> and
the kidnapping of Gen. <ent type='PERSON'>Manuel Noriega</ent>, but also the continuing
murder of the nation of <ent type='GPE'>Iraq</ent>. He told the audience that these were
just the opening battles in the war of the advanced sector nations
of the <ent type='PERSON'>North</ent> against the developing nations of the <ent type='NORP'>South</ent>. Dr.
<ent type='PERSON'>Muhammad</ent> denounced George <ent type='PERSON'>Bush</ent> as a wicked man who cherished his
membership in the satanic secret society <ent type='ORG'>Skull</ent> and Bones. He
reminded the audience that the "skull and bones" was also the
emblem on the flag flown by the slave traders who raided <ent type='LOC'>Africa</ent>,
as well as of the latter day pirates.</p>
<p>AIDS and 'population control'</p>
<p>Given the Anglo-<ent type='NORP'>American</ent> establishment's commitment to mass
murder, the effort to suppress the promising research of Dr. <ent type='PERSON'>Koech</ent>
and his colleagues should come as no surprise to anyone, the
<ent type='ORG'>Nation</ent> of <ent type='NORP'>Islam</ent> leader said. In fact, he contended, there is
substantial evidence to indicate that AIDS was developed as a
race-specific population control measure. Dr. <ent type='PERSON'>Muhammad</ent> ridiculed
the theory that AIDS originated when the virus made a species jump
from the <ent type='NORP'>African</ent> green monkey to the <ent type='NORP'>African</ent> population. "We lived
with the green monkey for thousands of years and never had any
problems. The green monkey isn't our enemy. The <ent type='ORG'>IMF</ent> is."</p>
<p>Dr. <ent type='PERSON'>Muhammad</ent>, who is a trained surgeon, said he traveled to <ent type='GPE'>Kenya</ent>
to see for himself what the alpha interferon derivative, which
goes under the trade name <ent type='ORG'>Kemron</ent>, was really all about. Dr.
<ent type='PERSON'>Muhammad</ent> reported that he interviewed the research team in their
laboratory, was permitted to review their data, and to examine
AIDS patients currently undergoing treatment with <ent type='ORG'>Kemron</ent> and with
a new, more advanced form of <ent type='ORG'>Kemron</ent>, the drug <ent type='ORG'>Immunex</ent>, which
contains a greater number of alpha interferon components than the
original drug. Dr. <ent type='PERSON'>Muhammad</ent> stressed that although the new drug
was only a treatment and not a cure for the deadly HIV virus, he
was tremendously hopeful and encouraged by the dramatic
improvement in the condition of those undergoing treatment.</p>
<p>Dr. <ent type='PERSON'>Muhammad</ent> introduced Dr. Barbara Justice, a well-known <ent type='GPE'>New York</ent>
City-based cancer surgeon who has sent 54 AIDS patients to <ent type='GPE'>Kenya</ent>
for treatment over the past year. Dr. Justice reported that 97% of
her patients showed marked improvement within weeks of beginning
treatment, and that most were able to regain some degree of
normalcy in their ability to function.</p>
<p>It has been almost impossible for anyone outside of <ent type='GPE'>Kenya</ent>
administering <ent type='ORG'>Kemron</ent> on an experimental basis in the to assess the
work of the <ent type='GPE'>Kenya</ent>n team, which has been treatment of AIDS since
1989, since it has been systematically blacked out of the
scientific literature. Dr. <ent type='PERSON'>Koech</ent> was to present his data, first at
<ent type='ORG'>the International</ent> AIDS Conference in <ent type='GPE'>the United</ent> States in 1987,
and then again at the 1991 AIDS Conference in <ent type='GPE'>Italy</ent>. On both
occasions, his invitation was inexplicably withdrawn.</p>
<p>Last year, Dr. <ent type='PERSON'>Koech</ent> decided to take his data directly to the U.S.
medical community, and an extensive U.S. lecture tour was planned.
That tour was abruptly cancelled when the State Department refused
to issue Dr. <ent type='PERSON'>Koech</ent> the necessary permission to enter <ent type='GPE'>the United</ent>
<p>This is certainly not the first time that important AIDS research
has been suppressed. Quite the contrary, it is part of a
continuing criminal pattern of lies and cover-up. The importance
of a rapid evaluation of Dr. Koech's work with <ent type='ORG'>Kemron</ent> and <ent type='ORG'>Immunex</ent>
is obvious. Currently, the only treatment available to AIDS
victims is the drug AZT; however, AZT therapy is prohibitively
expensive and carries with it extremely destructive side effects,
especially with prolonged use. Additionally, a recent study
conducted by the U.S. <ent type='ORG'>Army</ent> showed that, for unexplained reasons,
AZT therapy is not only largely ineffective in the treatment of
blacks, but that, in fact, AZT seems to aggravate symptoms in an
alarming number of black patients.</p>
<p>Kenya's President <ent type='PERSON'>Daniel Arap Moi</ent> clearly finds the <ent type='PERSON'>Koech</ent> team's
findings to be convincing. He recently announced that his
government was building a factory to allow the mass production of
alpha interferon.**</p>
<p>AIDS - Man-Made Holocaust</p>
<p>The fact that AIDS is a man-made virus created in U.S.
laboratories has been covered up</p>
<p>"America should withdraw from the Mediterranean, Europe and all
foreign bases and it should save that money to create jobs for 12
million unemployed <ent type='NORP'>Americans</ent>, and contribute towards the
elimination of the diseases it manufactured like AIDS which was
produced by the <ent type='ORG'>CIA</ent> at its laboratories and tested on <ent type='NORP'>American</ent>
prisoners who took the virus with them to the outside world when
released from prison and then it spread throughout the world."
- Muammar Al-Qadhafi speaking at <ent type='ORG'>the International</ent> Conference for
Peace in the Mediterranean, 4-6 May, 1990.</p>
<p>On July 4, 1984, the <ent type='NORP'>Indian</ent> daily <ent type='ORG'>Patriot</ent> published a
horrifying report that the disease AIDS was believed to
have originated from a virus created in the laboratories
at the U.S. germ warfare research institute at Fort
Detrick, <ent type='GPE'>Maryland</ent>. The editor explained that the
information had come from a well-known <ent type='NORP'>American</ent> scientist
and anthropologist who expressed the fear that India might
face a danger from the disease in the near future. The
<ent type='NORP'>American</ent> had to remain anonymous. He was obviously in
danger for having disclosed so deadly a secret. At that
time, when the full horror of the incurable disease was
not known <ent type='ORG'>Patriot</ent> reported that the World Health
Organisation believed AIDS posed the gravest threat to the
entire population of the world. More on the World Health
Organisation later. <ent type='ORG'>The British</ent> <ent type='LOC'>Sunday</ent> <ent type='ORG'>Express</ent>, 26
October, 1986, with banner headlines, and an "exclusive"
label, announced "AIDS made in lab. shock." The front-page
story said that the virus was created during laboratory
experiments which "went disastrously wrong." It added that
a massive cover-up had kept the secret from the world. The
<ent type='LOC'>Sunday</ent> <ent type='ORG'>Express</ent> quoted a <ent type='NORP'>British</ent> expert, Dr. <ent type='PERSON'>John Seale</ent>,
who first reported his conclusion that the virus was
man-made last August, 1986, in <ent type='ORG'>the Royal Society</ent> of
Medicine <ent type='ORG'>Journal</ent>. He said that his report was met with a
"deadly silence" from the medical profession, and that
made him very suspicious. The editor of the <ent type='ORG'>Journal</ent>
agreed, according to Dr. Seale, that "it sounded like a
conspiracy of silence." The second expert quoted by the
<ent type='LOC'>Sunday</ent> <ent type='ORG'>Express</ent>, was Prof. <ent type='PERSON'>Jacob Segal</ent>, retired Director of
<ent type='ORG'>the Institute</ent> of Biology in <ent type='GPE'>Berlin</ent>. It said, "our
investigators have revealed that two U.S. Embassy
officials made a two-hour visit to Prof. <ent type='PERSON'>Segal</ent> at his home
two weeks ago questioning him about what he knows, what he
thinks, where he got his information, and what he intends
doing with his report." The Professor told the reporters,
"one said he was a historian, and the other said he was a
political consul. But I am positive they were from the
<ent type='ORG'>CIA</ent>, and that they were deeply concerned that the cover-up
over the origin of AIDS was going to be exposed." I told
them I had known that in the mid-70s experiments were
being carried out at Fort Detrick, where the U.S. <ent type='ORG'>Army</ent>
Medical Research Command has its headquarters, on
volunteer long-term prisoners who were promised their
freedom after the tests. Almost certainly the scientists
were unaware of the extent of their terrible creation -
the AIDS virus.
<ent type='ORG'>WHO</ent> Involvement?
The third expert quoted in the <ent type='LOC'>Sunday</ent> <ent type='ORG'>Express</ent> was Dr.
<ent type='PERSON'>Robert Strecker</ent>, an internist and <ent type='ORG'>gastroentarologist</ent> from
<ent type='GPE'>Glendale</ent>, <ent type='GPE'>California</ent>, who stated "it must have been
genetically engineered." <ent type='PERSON'>Strecker</ent> believes, after years of
exhaustive research, that the AIDS virus is indeed
man-made. <ent type='PERSON'>Strecker</ent> has alleged that AIDS was engineered at
the request of <ent type='ORG'>the World Health Organisation</ent> and other
scientific groups who, according to <ent type='PERSON'>Strecker</ent>, injected the
disease during preventative vaccines. <ent type='ORG'>WHO</ent>, he says, along
with <ent type='ORG'>the International</ent> Agency for Research on Cancer and
<ent type='ORG'>The National Institute</ent> on Health, requested the production
of a virus that would attack the immune system's T-cells.
AIDS, he says, is a hybrid of two animal viruses - bovine
leukemia (found in cattle) and a sheep brain virus called
visna. This new virus was given as vaccinations in <ent type='GPE'>Haiti</ent>,
<ent type='GPE'>Brazil</ent>, <ent type='LOC'>Africa</ent> and the <ent type='LOC'>Caribbean</ent> by <ent type='ORG'>WHO</ent> in a 13-year
campaign against smallpox in <ent type='LOC'>Third World</ent> nations, reports
indicate. <ent type='PERSON'>Strecker</ent>, in his 97-minute videotape, "The
<ent type='PERSON'>Strecker</ent> <ent type='ORG'>Memorandum</ent>," cites specific documentation
supporting theories that AIDS is a result of that direct
request. For example, from Volume 47 of Bulletin of the
World Health Organisation (1972), page 259: "The effects
of virus infection of different cell types (e.g.,
Macrophages, T and B lymphocytes) should be studied in
greater detail with morphological changes perhaps serving
as an indication of functional alteration..." "The
possibility should also be looked into that the immune
response to the virus may itself be impaired if the
infecting virus damages more or less selectively the cells
responding to the viral antigens..." In fact, a May 11,
1987 frontpage article in <ent type='ORG'>the London</ent> Times, headlined
"Smallpox Vaccine Triggered AIDS Virus," said <ent type='ORG'>WHO</ent> was
investigating new evidence suggesting that "immunization
from the smallpox vaccine <ent type='ORG'>Vaccinia</ent> awakened the
unsuspected, dormant human immuno defense virus infection
(HIV)." <ent type='ORG'>Vaccinia</ent> was the actual vaccine given as smallpox
deterrents during the <ent type='ORG'>WHO</ent> project. Were the AIDS
infections intentional, accidental or coincidence?
According to <ent type='PERSON'>Strecker</ent> in his "<ent type='ORG'>Memorandum</ent>," a key part of
the actual study "was to be the time relationship between
infection and antigen administration," which suggests <ent type='ORG'>WHO</ent>
officials - and other agencies who were directly dependent
on <ent type='GPE'>the United</ent> States government for research grants - had
to have known. The denials were not long in coming. But
the <ent type='NORP'>British</ent> <ent type='LOC'>Sunday</ent> Telegraph exposed itself. It said the
story (the <ent type='LOC'>Sunday</ent> <ent type='ORG'>Express</ent> article) was invented by the
<ent type='NORP'>Russians</ent> "to smear the <ent type='NORP'>Americans</ent>," and recalled that it
had appeared in the <ent type='NORP'>Soviet</ent> journal, <ent type='ORG'>Literary Gazette</ent>. It
said this paper based its report on the <ent type='ORG'>Patriot</ent> - and that
the <ent type='ORG'>Patriot</ent> report did not exist! Professor <ent type='PERSON'>Segal</ent>
describes as "ludicrous and scientifically incredible" the
theory that the virus came from <ent type='NORP'>African</ent> green monkeys. One
thing is certain: the controversy surrounding the AIDS
virus will not die.</p>
<p>A Weapon Against Black People?
<ent type='PERSON'>Zear Miles</ent>, a Black industrial engineer, who has studied
the AIDS virus and its origins for about six years has
stated that he has proof from various documentation and
letters from other AIDS researchers to prove that the
virus was made in an <ent type='NORP'>American</ent> military lab as a means to
suppress Blacks. In his document entitled "Rape <ent type='LOC'>Africa</ent>",
<ent type='PERSON'>Miles</ent> researched the origin of the AIDS virus from 1952,
when the federal government had enough blood types and
characteristics of every nationality in the world up to
the <ent type='ORG'>King Alfred</ent> plan which called for the extinction of
Blacks in national security emergencies. <ent type='PERSON'>Miles</ent> learned
that through <ent type='ORG'>Nation</ent>al Security Council <ent type='ORG'>Memorandum</ent> 46,
dated 1978, which called for a possible way to gauge and
control the impact of the growing Black movement, the
government was researching possible ways to suppress Black
hostility toward the authorities. Later called the King
Alfred plan, the scheme called for the extinction of
Blacks by the year 2000 with an AIDS-like virus. <ent type='PERSON'>Miles</ent>
said he also gauged the increasing number of AIDS cases in
which the number of Black contractors have gone up
significantly compared with Whites, citing that the AIDS
virus attacked a Black person's immune system and
destroyed it in six weeks as opposed to a White person's
time of six months.</p>
<p>The Evidence
What is the evidence available to the layman. First, the
initial cases were reported in <ent type='GPE'>New York</ent> and there is no
dispute that Fort Detrick was working on immunological
defence against infection. <ent type='ORG'>The British</ent> Guardian reported
on October 27, 1986, that in 1969 evidence was given to a
<ent type='GPE'>Washington</ent> Appropriation Committee that "within the next
five or ten years it would probably be possible to make a
new infective micro-organism which would differ from any
known disease causing organism. Most important, that it
might be refractory to the immunological and therapeutic
properties on which we depend to maintain our relative
freedom from infectious disease." "Refractory" means,
according to the Oxford Dictionary, "not yielding to
treatment." AIDS answers precisely to that description.
On September 24, 1986, the Daily Telegraph reported from
<ent type='GPE'>Washington</ent>, "Enough of a debilitating virus to infect the
whole world, disappeared from an <ent type='NORP'>American</ent> germwarfare
laboratory five years ago, and has never been traced, an
environment group claimed yesterday in a <ent type='GPE'>Washington</ent> Court
action aimed at halting biological weapons research." In
1968, the J.D. <ent type='ORG'>Bernal Peace Library</ent> organised a conference
on the dangers of biological warfare research. Ritchie
Calder said then that among the weapons being stockpiled
were some designed to bring about genetic changes. He said
the "doomsday bug was under wraps" and that there was a
conspiracy of silence about germ weapons because the
implications were so frightening." He told the <ent type='NORP'>British</ent>
Daily Mirror after his address that "somewhere in the
world a germ is being cultured to which we would have no
natural resistance and to which there would be no sure
defence." A precise description of AIDS. <ent type='ORG'>The British</ent>
Observer, on June 30, 1968, quoted from an article in the
<ent type='ORG'>Journal</ent> of General Microbiology by W.D. Lawton of Fort
Detrick, and R.C. Morris and T.W. Burrows of the <ent type='NORP'>British</ent>
microbiological research station at <ent type='PERSON'>Porton</ent>. One paragraph
said, "By engineering the genetics of individual strains,
microbiologists aim to produce a single strain containing
the most deadly combination of properties." Again, a
description of AIDS. The article says that at that time
<ent type='PERSON'>Porton</ent>, according to the government, was concerned only
with defence applications of research, but Fort Detrick
was only committed to developing microbiological weapons
for offence. The <ent type='NORP'>Japanese</ent> carried out germ warfare
research in occupied <ent type='GPE'>China</ent> during the war. Some of these
criminals were captured by the <ent type='NORP'>Soviet</ent>s and duly tried and
sentenced. Others were given immunity by the <ent type='NORP'>Americans</ent> and
taken to work at Fort Detrick. In 1969, after the AIDS
virus was loose, negotiations began on a <ent type='EVENT'>Convention</ent>
banning biological weapons, and it came into force in
1972. In its first review conference in 1980, it was
reported that 80 countries had ratified. But there is no
provision in the <ent type='EVENT'>Convention</ent> to ban research or for
verification. <ent type='PERSON'>Nichola Sims</ent>, who has written a book on
biological disarmament, wrote recently, "the failure of
the <ent type='EVENT'>Convention</ent> to impose any restrictions even on
'offensive' biological warfare research, has been
frequently criticised." And she refers to popular fears
that a "super germ breakthrough in the means of waging
biological or toxin warfare is just around the corner and
may induce the possessor of such a germ to break out of
the <ent type='EVENT'>Convention</ent>." She quotes Dr. Robert K. Mikulak of the
U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency for the statement
that "there is no justification for classified military
research on the question in any country." But so far there
is no inspection or verification. A much more recent
accusation against <ent type='GPE'>the United</ent> States for the manufacturing
of the AIDS virus comes from the <ent type='NORP'>Libyan</ent> UN Ambassador, Mr.
<ent type='PERSON'>Ali Ahmed Elhouderi</ent>. On January 9, 1992, at a press
conference, he stated that the AIDS virus was produced in
a laboratory probably as a weapon. He said, "We think it
is man-made and it was done in laboratories. And it was
not, as suggested, coming from monkeys in <ent type='LOC'>Africa</ent>." He also
suggested that the virus had been manufactured at the time
of <ent type='EVENT'>the Vietnam War</ent>. These statements fit perfectly into
place as research would have been carried out at that time
at Fort Detrick for offensive purposes against the <ent type='PERSON'>North</ent>
<ent type='NORP'>Vietnamese</ent>.</p>
<p>AIDS Was Man-Made
On all the circumstantial evidence, the layman will almost
certainly reject the idea that the escape of the man-made
AIDS virus was the result of a disastrous error during
innocent civilian research. We can assuredly conclude that
it was the result of germ warfare research, and the finger
of guilt points to <ent type='GPE'>the United</ent> States. The scientists
could not have visualised that they would let loose a
so-far incurable disease that may and possibly will wipe
out millions, particularly in the <ent type='LOC'>Third World</ent>, where the
majority of the world's population lives. Never was the
need greater for the nations to drop their differences and
to concentrate all their skill and resources in a
world-wide battle against this terrible threat, and to end
the horror of germ warfare research.**</p>
<p>The Mystery of <ent type='ORG'>Skull</ent> Valley</p>
<p>Because of an error made by an airman testing a new germ weapon, a
deadly virus attacks the population of a small town in highland
<ent type='GPE'>Utah</ent>, <ent type='GPE'>USA</ent>. An incurable disease begins to kill people like a
plague epidemic. In an attempt to cover up the traces of their
crime, the military authorities artificially cause a landslide
that buries the town and doom chance survivors to lifelong
<p>This is the plot of Vector, a novel by <ent type='PERSON'>Henry Sutton</ent>, an
<ent type='NORP'>American</ent> author. This book is based on dramatic events
during which the victims were fortunately not people but
animals. March 14-20, 1968 was a black week for <ent type='NORP'>American</ent>
farmers grazing sheep in the remote pasturelands of
semi-desert <ent type='ORG'>Skull</ent> Valley, <ent type='GPE'>Utah</ent>. About 6500 sheep died
there in those seven days under mysterious circumstances.
Even more of a mystery was that people, cattle and other
animals in the area were unscathed. Everybody - farmers,
residents of <ent type='GPE'>Utah</ent>, journalists - felt certain that the
accident was linked to the US <ent type='ORG'>Army</ent> chemical and
bacteriological testing ground in Dugway with an area of
several thousand square kilometres in the vicinity of
<ent type='ORG'>Skull</ent> Valley. Indeed, at that very time the thousands of
Dugway employees were carrying out large scale experiments
in preparation for further escalation of the chemical war
and the start of a germ war in <ent type='GPE'>Vietnam</ent>. For a whole year
<ent type='ORG'>the Defence Department</ent> emphatically denied that animals in
<ent type='ORG'>Skull</ent> Valley were being affected by the chemical or
biological agents disseminated in the atmosphere during
the test. In an attempt at a cover-up, experts at the
proving ground advanced hypotheses which must have seemed
untenable even to laymen about the sheep having been
killed by poisonous plants or a natural epizootic.
However, an inquiry by <ent type='GPE'>Utah</ent> authorities in collaboration
with veterinarians and health experts compelled the
<ent type='ORG'>Pentagon</ent> to admit its responsibility for the death of the
sheep. Even so, no one at Dugway was punished. The blame
for a terrible crime posing a real threat to people's
health due to a gross violation of safety standards in
conducting tests was placed on an unfortunate accident.
According to the official version formulated under the
direction of the U.S. military authorities, a test of
<ent type='ORG'>TMU</ent>-28/B spray tanks with nerve agent VX, was carried out
at Dugway on March 13, 1968. The gas was dispersed from an
F-4E jet bomber by means of two spray tanks with a total
capacity of 1200 litres. The bomber flew at an altitude
of 40 to 45 m. During the test something went wrong with
one of the tanks (or so the version ran), and besides, the
direction of the wind varied, with the result that part of
the nerve gas was carried beyond the proving ground. A
cloud of aerosol VX allegedly contaminated pasturelands on
an area of 400-500 sq. km. <ent type='ORG'>Skull</ent> Valley was not the only
area where sheep died, for a cloud of aerosol VX reached
<ent type='GPE'>Res Valley</ent>, killing sheep 70 km away from where the poison
gas had been released. Anyone who has read publications
dealing with the accident in <ent type='ORG'>Skull</ent> Valley and <ent type='GPE'>Res Valley</ent>
is bound to detect a contradiction between the military
authorities' version and the facts. The <ent type='ORG'>Pentagon</ent> has yet
to explain why a whole year passed before it made up its
mind about what chemical or biological agent caused the
death of the sheep outside Dugway. If the Dugway test had
to do only with VX, then that gas was the only cause of
the sheep's death and this could have been stated at once.
There is reason to presume that over a short period
experiments were carried out at Dugway involving a whole
range of poison gases and biological agents. But it is
logical to suppose that even in such a contingency experts
should know well the properties and casualty effects of
the test materials. And this implies that researchers must
have had no difficulty in ascertaining the nature of the
agent which killed so many sheep. The official story of
the experiment of March 13, 1968, says that the wind
carried beyond Dugway, in the form of vapours and highly
dispersed aerosol, a mere nine kg, or 0.8 per cent, of the
total amount of VX gas to be dispersed. <ent type='LOC'>Field</ent> chemical
control cannot ensure such a degree of accuracy. But the
authors of the version needed to cite some figure in order
to make people believe that the sheep had been killed by a
nerve gas. At the same time, the <ent type='ORG'>Pentagon</ent> wanted to
conceal from the public the real danger posed by chemical
weapon tests in the atmosphere to residents of <ent type='GPE'>Utah</ent> and so
it withheld information about the actual amount of gas
released over <ent type='ORG'>Skull</ent> Valley. The <ent type='ORG'>Pentagon</ent> officials
suggested that the contamination level in the <ent type='ORG'>Skull</ent> Valley
pastureland where deaths occurred among sheep averaged a
mere 0.02 gram per hectare. Let us note by way of
comparison that to kill humans, it would be necessary
according to U.S. data available to disseminate from one
to three kilograms of VX per hectare of target, or 100
thousand times more than the contamination level in <ent type='ORG'>Skull</ent>
Valley given in the official version. Reports said that in
a flock totalling 2800 sheep, 2500 or 90 per cent, were
killed. No such effect is possible where the VX
contamination level is 0.02 gram per hectare. A
publication put out by the Dugway proving ground said that
during the test on March 13, 1968, the greatest distance
at which VX drops spilled on the ground had been 5.4 km
and not 70 km, as the official version would have it. The
Pentagon's information on one and the same fact varies
from document to document and from period to period.
Surely this shows that the version is false. A
contaminated cloud spreading wide in the atmosphere only
retains vapours and minute particles of aerosol which do
not settle on the ground and can be inhaled. It follows
that had such a cloud really floated over <ent type='ORG'>Skull</ent> Valley, it
would have caused inhalational casualties in other animals
as well, including cattle and horses, but no such thing
happened, according to documentary evidence. In the early
days after the accident, before the hypothesis about VX
was advanced, doubts were expressed even by Brig. Gen.
<ent type='PERSON'>William Stone</ent>. He rightly asked why the gas had only
killed sheep without affecting people. There were also
other moot points. Why were the diseased sheep shot dead?
Why was no attempt made to save them by evacuating them to
an uncontaminated area or by treating them with atropine
or other antidotes? <ent type='PERSON'>Marr Fawcett</ent>, a veterinarian of <ent type='GPE'>Utah</ent>,
refused to believe that the sheep had been poisoned with
VX, for in that case many of them could, in his opinion,
have been saved by means of antidotes. Dr. Kent Van
Kampen, a veterinary pathologist in <ent type='GPE'>Utah</ent>, said in April
1968, shortly after the accident, that as early as March
17, 1968, the supposition that the sheep had been hit by a
chemical poison affecting the nervous system could have
been refuted without difficulty since all symptoms of such
poisoning were lacking. The death of an animal poisoned
with a nerve gas such as VX is accompanied by spasms and
paresis of muscles in the limbs. Yet judging by what sheep
herders said in the early days of the inquiry into the
accident, dying sheep had shown no signs of spasms. True,
later on someone saw to it that a videotape recording
allegedly illustrating the <ent type='ORG'>Skull</ent> Valley accident was
projected widely. The tape showed the death of a single
sheep shaking with spasms as a group of civilians looked
on. One year after the accident, <ent type='PERSON'>Kent Van Kampen</ent> and Marr
Fawcett contributed in collaboration with other experts of
<ent type='GPE'>Utah</ent> an article to the <ent type='ORG'>Journal</ent> of the <ent type='NORP'>American</ent> Veterinary
Medical Association setting out the causes and
circumstances of the sheep's death in <ent type='ORG'>Skull</ent> Valley, their
version tallying with the Pentagon's. There was a footnote
saying that in writing their article, the authors had
enjoyed expert assistance (it is easy enough to guess what
kind of assistance) in particular from Dr. Mortimer
Rothenberg, the science director at Dugway, and Dr.
Bernard MacNamara of <ent type='ORG'>Edgewood Arsenal</ent>, the chief U.S. <ent type='ORG'>Army</ent>
centre for the development of chemical and germ weapons.
We might as well note at this point that shortly after the
sheep's death in <ent type='ORG'>Skull</ent> Valley Dr. Rothenberg, trying to
exonerate Dugway from blame for the accident, declared
that the symptoms displayed by the sheep had nothing
whatever in common with those of nerve gas poisoning. And
so, it took the <ent type='ORG'>Pentagon</ent> a year to invent an explanation
for the sheep's death and make the civilian experts
mentioned above present its version as their own, thereby
striking a bargain with their conscience. The videotape
which showed a sheep's death from VX was intended to serve
the same purpose. But the forgery was too crude for
knowledgeable people to mistake it for the truth. They
realised at once that the "documentary" showed a sheep
injected with a nerve gas by means of a syringe, that is,
in the same way as this is done in demonstrating the
effect of nerve gases on animals. They deduced this from
the absence of any other living or dead sheep on the
screen as well as from the presence of people wearing no
gas masks or protective clothes, whereas safety
regulations forbid anyone to enter without taking these
precautions in an area contaminated by VX to a degree
killing livestock. There is no such ban where a poison gas
is injected into the body of an animal outside a
contaminated area. A further fact worthy of note is that
the worker's teams which buried the dead sheep had no gas
masks on, judging by other videotapes and various
photographs. This is permissible only when the nature of
an agent which has caused the death of animals is known
for certain. Furthermore, it is necessary to note that the
agent used was completely harmless to humans. This detail,
like the others cited above, indicates that the sheep in
<ent type='ORG'>Skull</ent> Valley were killed by something other than nerve
gas. The death of livestock so far away from the testing
ground, as in the case of <ent type='ORG'>Skull</ent> Valley, could only be
caused by a biological agent. Experts could establish
without difficulty that nine litres of biological agent is
enough to generate a pathogenic aerosol cloud five km
long, two km deep and 100 m high. One litre of aerosol
cloud could contain several hundred units of pathogen.
Such a cloud can sail many dozens of kilometres without
losing its casualty effects. Consideration of the death
rate of biological agents during the drift of aerosol
particles in the atmosphere makes no difference as far as
the main conclusion is concerned. Poison gas tests
according to regulations in force at Dugway are generally
conducted in the morning to ensure that enough daylight
remains for collecting data on the results of tests and
cleaning the test site. The dissemination of VX on March
13, 1968, is alleged to have been carried out one hour
before sunset. Evening experiments are particularly
typical in the case of biological agents, for researchers
are careful to preclude the disastrous impact of sunrays
on pathogens. The year 1968, when the <ent type='ORG'>Skull</ent> Valley
accident occurred, has gone down in history as the peak of
U.S. chemical warfare in <ent type='GPE'>Vietnam</ent>, <ent type='GPE'>Laos</ent> and <ent type='NORP'>Kampuchea</ent>. In
thelate 1960s, the <ent type='ORG'>Pentagon</ent> worked at a frantic pace to
develop new chemical and germ weapons. A report by the
House Committee on Science and <ent type='ORG'>Astronautics</ent> said that in
the years preceding the accident, the <ent type='ORG'>Pentagon</ent> had been
engaged in a vast programme for germ weapon testing. The
tests were conducted at several military testing grounds,
on ocean islands, in the <ent type='GPE'>Panama</ent> Canal zone, <ent type='GPE'>Alaska</ent>, New
York City and <ent type='GPE'>San Diego</ent> as well as on airfields, in
subways and on highways. The Dugway test made on March 13,
1968, or somewhat earlier could be one of those tests. It
is reasonable to suppose that during that test use was
made of biological agents based on a virus selectively
killing sheep without doing any harm to humans. It could
be visna, a virus which has been intensively studied since
the late 1950s in several research centres, including Fort
Dettrick, <ent type='GPE'>Maryland</ent>, then the main U.S. centre for the
development of germ weapons. No visna-caused diseases have
been recorded among humans. This virus hardly affects
cattle, horses or other animals. Its properties in this
respect coincide entirely with those of the agent
responsible for the <ent type='ORG'>Skull</ent> Valley accident in 1968. Visna
affects the central nervous system of sheep, robbing their
body of immunity. The symptoms are progressive weakness,
shortness of breath, a wobbly gait, sagging withers and a
drooping head. The end affect is paresis and paralysis of
the skeletal muscles and then death. Similar symptoms were
registered in sheep affected with the <ent type='ORG'>Skull</ent> Valley
disease. The disease caused by visna is incurable. This
explains why the epidemiological service of <ent type='GPE'>Utah</ent> did the
right thing by deciding to slaughter the diseased sheep.
No antidotes could have helped the animals in the least
and were not used, either. If during the March 1968 tests
at Dugway visna was used as a simultant modelling the
properties of germ weapons, it is clear why the men who
buried the dead sheep used no gas masks or protective
clothes, since visna is harmless to man. And this invites
another conclusion: at that time, the nature of the agent
which affected the sheep was known to at least a small
group of people in charge of removing the effects of the
accident. The establishment of investigation committees
was merely designed to conceal the real objectives and
tasks of the Dugway experiments from the public. The
mystery of those criminal experiments has begun to come to
light in recent years. Competent scientists consider that
visna was used in <ent type='GPE'>the United</ent> States for genetic
engineering work which resulted in creating HIV, a
chimeric virus causing an incurable infectious disease of
man known as AIDS. Research into HIV at the molecular
level has shown that 60 per cent of its genome is
identical with that of visna and the rest is a built-in
nucleotide sequence isolated from the genome of another
retrovirus, HLTV-I. HIV, or the pathogen of AIDS, was
designed in U.S. genetic engineering laboratories on
instruction from the <ent type='ORG'>Pentagon</ent>. The purpose of this virus
is to augment the U.S. germ (biological) warfare potential
by acquiring a capability for depriving an enemy
population of vitally important immunity at the threshold
of a major or local armed conflict. The conclusion about
the complicity of the U.S. military authorities in the
appearance of AIDS, the new dangerous disease which
affects humans, is shared by <ent type='PERSON'>John Seale</ent> of <ent type='GPE'>Britain</ent>, Jacob
<ent type='PERSON'>Segal</ent> of <ent type='GPE'>Germany</ent>, <ent type='PERSON'>Robert Strecker</ent> of <ent type='GPE'>the United</ent> States and
other noted scientists and experts who have carefully
analysed available scientific data. [See <ent type='GPE'>New Dawn</ent> Vol.2,
No.1] For the time being, they have discounted the events
and facts connected with the <ent type='ORG'>Skull</ent> Valley accident.
Nevertheless, they have come to the unanimous conclusion
that in designing HIV visna was made use of. Dr. Seale has
said that a scientist who wanted to evolve a virus capable
of destroying man's immunity system and provoking a
disease similar to AIDS would have to resort to visna.
The "patent" for inventing HIV should be issued to the
United States because it was there that the virus was
developed and also because <ent type='NORP'>Americans</ent> were the first
victims of AIDS. The disease, which broke out in <ent type='GPE'>New York</ent>,
was carried to other big cities in <ent type='GPE'>the United</ent> States and
then to other countries and continents. Its virus was
transmitted by infected <ent type='NORP'>Americans</ent> serving at overseas
military bases. Besides, AIDS was contracted in <ent type='GPE'>the United</ent>
States by <ent type='NORP'>Australian</ent> and European tourists vacationing
there. HIV spread to <ent type='LOC'>Middle East</ent> and other <ent type='NORP'>Arab</ent> countries
which imported blood from donors stricken with AIDS. In
October 1986, <ent type='PERSON'>John Seale</ent> quoted during an interview with
the Guardian an extract from a report prepared by the
<ent type='ORG'>Pentagon</ent> in 1969. It said that in the next five to ten
years an infective micro-organism might be evolved that
would differ substantially from all pathogens known so
far. Its most important property, the report said, would
consist in attacking the immune system and internal organs
on which the ability of the human body to resist
infectious diseases depends. Consequently, the AIDS
pathogen was deliberately created and development was
planned and funded. The test at Dugway which killed so
many sheep in <ent type='ORG'>Skull</ent> Valley turned out to be part of the
Pentagon's programme for designing a new biological agent,
the AIDS pathogen.**</p>
<p>AIDS: As <ent type='ORG'>Biological</ent> &amp; Psychological Warfare</p>
<p>It is hard to imagine that a cure for AIDS would be withheld for
economic reasons alone. Could there be some other motive?</p>
<p>Despite repeated denials from <ent type='ORG'>Defense Department</ent>
officials, allegations persist that AIDS is a genetically
altered virus, which has been deliberately released to
wipe out homosexuals and/or non-whites in the U.S. and
reduce populations in <ent type='LOC'>Third World</ent> countries. At first
glance it seems like the epitome of paranoia to accuse the
military of conspiring to exterminate citizens of their
own country, and even some of their own troops. However,
the vast majority of military personnel could be
completely unaware of such a plot in their midst, while a
relative handful of traitors in key positions could
conduct it under cover of classified operations. And the
circumstantial evidence is actually quite compelling, that
the AIDS virus was artificially engineered, and planted in
several different locations at about the same time through
vaccination programs, and possibly blood bank
contamination. At a <ent type='ORG'>House Appropriations</ent> hearing in 1969,
the <ent type='ORG'>Defense Department</ent>'s <ent type='ORG'>Biological</ent> Warfare (BW) division
requested funds to develop through gene-splicing a new
disease that would both resist and break down a victim's
immune system. "Within the next 5 to 10 years it would
probably be possible to make a new infective
micro-organism which would differ in certain important
respects from any known disease-causing organisms. Most
important of these is that it might be refractory to the
immunological and therapeutic processes upon which we
depend to maintain our relative freedom from infectious
disease." (See A Higher Form of Killing: The Secret Story
of Chemical and <ent type='ORG'>Biological</ent> Warfare by R. <ent type='PERSON'>Harris</ent> and J.
<ent type='ORG'>Paxman</ent>, p.266, Hill and <ent type='ORG'>Wang</ent>, pubs.) The funds were
approved. AIDS appeared within the requested time frame,
and has the exact characteristics specified. In 1972, the
World Health Organisation published a similar proposal:
"An attempt should be made to ascertain whether viruses
can in fact exert selective effects on immune function,
e.g. by... affecting T cell function as opposed to B cell
function. The possibility should also be looked into that
the immune response to the virus itself may be impaired if
the infecting virus damages more or less selectively the
cells responding to the viral antigens." (Bulletin of the
W.H.O., vol. 47, p.257-274.) This is a clinical
description of the function of the AIDS virus. The
incidence of AIDS infections in <ent type='LOC'>Africa</ent> coincides exactly
with the locations of the massive W.H.O. smallpox
vaccination program in the mid-1970's (London Times, May
11, 1987). Some 14000 <ent type='GPE'>Haiti</ent>ans then on UN secondment to
Central <ent type='LOC'>Africa</ent> were also vaccinated in this campaign.
Personnel actually conducting the vaccinations may have
been completely unaware that the vaccine was anything
other than what they were told. A striking feature of
AIDS is that it is ethno-selective. The rate of infection
is twice as high among Blacks, <ent type='NORP'>Latinos</ent> and Native
<ent type='NORP'>Americans</ent> as among whites, with death coming two to three
times as swiftly. And over 80% of the children with AIDS
and 90% of infants born with it are among these
minorities. "Ethnic weapons" that would strike certain
racial groups more heavily than others have been a
longstanding U.S. <ent type='ORG'>Army</ent> BW objective. (<ent type='PERSON'>Harris</ent> and <ent type='ORG'>Paxman</ent>,
p.265) Under the current U.S. administration biological
warfare research spending has increased 500 percent,
primarily in the area of genetic engineering of new
disease organisms. The "discovery" of the AIDS virus
(HTLV3) was announced by Dr. Robert Gallo at <ent type='ORG'>the Nation</ent>al
Cancer Institute, which is on the grounds of Fort Detrick,
<ent type='GPE'>Maryland</ent>, a primary U.S. <ent type='ORG'>Army</ent> biological warfare research
facility. Actually, the AIDS virus looks and acts much
more like a cross between a bovine leukemia virus and a
sheep visna (brain-rot) virus, cultured in a human cell
culture, than any virus of the HTLV3 group. The closest
thing in this case to a "smoking test tube" so far is the
AIDS virus itself. If it was possible for such a
monstrosity to occur naturally it would have done so ages
ago and decimated mankind at that time. Some other life
form would presently be in control of this planet
(assuming that is not already the case). The Hepatitis B
vaccine study in 1978 appears to have been the initial
means of planting the infection in <ent type='GPE'>New York City</ent>. The test
protocol specified non-monogamous males only, and
homosexuals received a different vaccine from
heterosexuals. At least 25-50% of the first reported New
York AIDS cases in 1981 had received the Hepatitis B test
vaccine in 1978. By 1984, 64% of the vaccine recipients
had AIDS, and the figures on the current infection rate
for the participants of that study are held by the U.S.
State Department of Justice, and "unavailable." The AIDS
epidemic emerged full-blown in the three U.S. cities with
"organised gay communities" before being reported
elsewhere, including <ent type='GPE'>Haiti</ent> or <ent type='LOC'>Africa</ent>, so it is
epidemiologically impossible for either of those countries
to be the origin point for the U.S. infections. Another
indication AIDS had multiple origin points is that the
14-month doubling time of the disease cannot nearly
account for the current number of cases if we assume only
a small number of initial infections starting in the late
1970s. Before dismissing the possibility that a U.S. <ent type='ORG'>Army</ent>
BW facility would participate in genocide, bear in mind
that hundreds of top <ent type='NORP'>Nazis</ent> were imported into key
positions in the U.S. military-intelligence establishment
following WWII. U.S. military priorities were then
reorientated from defeating <ent type='NORP'>Nazis</ent> to "defeating" communism
at any cost, and strengthening military control of
economic and foreign policy decisions. (See Project
Paperclip by <ent type='PERSON'>Clarence Lasby</ent>, <ent type='GPE'>Atheneum</ent> 214, NY, and Gehlen:
Spy of the Century by E.H. Cookridge, Random House.)
There's no proof those <ent type='NORP'>Nazis</ent> ever gave up their longterm
goals of conquest and genocide, just because they changed
countries. Fascism was and is an international phenomenon.
It's not as if this was a total reversal of previous U.S.
military policy, however. <ent type='PERSON'>Hitler</ent> claimed to have gotten
his inspiration for the "final solution" from the
extermination of Native <ent type='NORP'>Americans</ent> in the U.S. For that
matter the first example of germ warfare in the U.S. was
in 1763 when some of the European colonists gave friendly
<ent type='NORP'>Indian</ent>s a number of blankets that had been infected with
smallpox, causing many deaths. One indication of the
actual U.S. military priorities regarding BW was the
importation of the entire <ent type='NORP'>Japanese</ent> germ warfare unit
(#731) following WW II. These people killed over 3000
POWs, including many <ent type='NORP'>Americans</ent>, in a variety of grisly
experiments, yet they were granted complete amnesty and
given <ent type='NORP'>American</ent> military positions in exchange for sharing
their research findings with their U.S. <ent type='ORG'>Army</ent> counterparts.
Consider also the callous attitude displayed by top
military officials toward veterans suffering from the
after-effects of exposure to Agent Orange and radiation
from nuclear weapons tests. In fact, since the end of WW
II over 200 experimental BW tests have been conducted on
civilians and military personnel in the U.S. One example
was the test spraying from Sept. 20-26, 1950 of bacillus
globigi and <ent type='PERSON'>syraceus maracezens</ent> over 117 square miles of
the <ent type='GPE'>San Francisco</ent> area, causing pneumonia-like infections
in many of the residents. The family of one elderly man
who died in the test sued the government, but lost. To
this day, syraceus is a leading cause of death among the
elderly in the <ent type='GPE'>San Francisco</ent> area. Another case was the
joint <ent type='ORG'>Army</ent>-<ent type='ORG'>CIA</ent> BW test in 1955, still classified, in which
an undisclosed bacteria was released in the <ent type='LOC'>Tampa Bay</ent>
region of <ent type='GPE'>Florida</ent>, causing a dramatic increase in whooping
cough infections, including twelve deaths. A third example
was the July 7-10, 1966 release of bacteria throughout the
<ent type='GPE'>New York</ent> subway system, conducted by the U.S. Army's
Special Operations Division. Due to the vast number of
people exposed it would be virtually impossible to
identify, let alone prove, the specific health problems
resulting directly from this test. Despite the loyalty of
the vast majority of U.S. military personnel toward their
country, there are clearly some military officials who
have very different intentions, and they occupy high
enough positions to impose their priorities on military
programs and get away with it, so far. The first detailed
charges regarding AIDS as a BW weapon were published in
the <ent type='ORG'>Patriot</ent> newspaper in <ent type='GPE'>New Delhi</ent>, India, on July 4,
1984. It is hard to say where the investigations of this
story in the <ent type='NORP'>Indian</ent> press might have led, if they had not
been sidetracked by two major domestic disasters shortly
thereafter: the assassination of Indira Gandhi on Oct. 31
and the Bhopal Union Carbide plant "accident" that killed
several thousand and injured over 200000 on Dec. 3.
Apparently, homosexuals were an initial target in the U.S.
because their sexual practices would help in the rapid
spread of the disease, and because it was correctly
assumed that very few non-homosexual citizens would pay
much attention during the early years of the epidemic.
Also, the stigma of a "homosexual disease" would interfere
with rational analysis and discussion of AIDS. Bear in
mind that homosexuals were among the first to be
exterminated in <ent type='NORP'>Nazi</ent> <ent type='GPE'>Germany</ent>, before <ent type='NORP'>Jews</ent> and other
minorities, so fewer citizens would object. The details
of precisely how the AIDS virus was synthesized, mass
cultured, and spread by incorporating it into vaccination
programs are available but fairly intricate. Evil is hard
to confront, especially on the preposterous scale we have
here. If you acknowledge the presence of those who think
their only hope for survival is to kill off two thirds of
all the other kinds, and their ability to manage it, you
then pretty much have to do something about it.</p>
<p>Abridged from Now What #1.**</p>
<p><ent type='ORG'>Immunex</ent></p>
<p>The <ent type='PERSON'>North</ent> <ent type='NORP'>American</ent>-based <ent type='ORG'>Nation</ent> of <ent type='NORP'>Islam</ent> (<ent type='ORG'>NOI</ent>) led by Minister
<ent type='PERSON'>Louis Farrakhan</ent> launched an offensive in its battle against the
deadly "man-made" AIDS virus during its recent Saviours' Day
weekend. The following report is courtesy of The Final Call.
From the rostrum of Christ Universal Temple here, the
Honorable <ent type='PERSON'>Louis Farrakhan</ent> announced that the <ent type='ORG'>NOI</ent> has
acquired exclusive distribution rights to the AIDS
fighting drug <ent type='ORG'>Immunex</ent>, an oral alpha-interferon treatment
developed in <ent type='GPE'>Kenya</ent>. "I just got a call from our chief of
staff 3 minutes before I came on the rostrum," Minister
<ent type='ORG'>Farrakhan</ent> said, regarding the confirmation of the <ent type='ORG'>Immunex</ent>
agreement that came from Leonard <ent type='PERSON'>Muhammad</ent> in <ent type='GPE'>Kenya</ent>. "The
<ent type='ORG'>Nation</ent> of <ent type='NORP'>Islam</ent> is announcing to you that we have the
exclusive distribution rights of <ent type='ORG'>Immunex</ent> throughout the
United States of America. "As of this day," he continued,
"Min. Alim will still teach, but he is now <ent type='ORG'>the Minister</ent> of
Health and Human Services for <ent type='ORG'>the Nation</ent> of <ent type='NORP'>Islam</ent>." Dr.
Alim told the cheering audience that the war against AIDS
is being won but total victory will not come "until we
deal with those responsible for making the AIDS virus."
Since the early 1970s under the <ent type='PERSON'>Nixon</ent> administration, he
said, the official policy of this government has been to
commit genocide against non-white people around the earth.
That policy continues under the administration of
President George <ent type='PERSON'>Bush</ent>, he said. Dr. <ent type='PERSON'>Muhammad</ent> and former
Final Call Editor-in-Chief Abdul Wali <ent type='PERSON'>Muhammad</ent> were sent
to <ent type='GPE'>Kenya</ent> by Minister <ent type='ORG'>Farrakhan</ent> last year on a fact-finding
tour regarding the drug <ent type='ORG'>Kemron</ent>. While there, the <ent type='ORG'>NOI</ent>
representatives learned about <ent type='ORG'>Immunex</ent>. Both drugs have
shown remarkable effects in relieving AIDS symptoms, but
the drugs have received very little media coverage in the
U.S. "We would like <ent type='ORG'>FDA</ent> approval," said Min. <ent type='ORG'>Farrakhan</ent>,
"however we can't wait. We will take any risk, bear any
burden to free our people of a man-made disease designed
to kill us all." The Minister added that the drug will be
offered to all who need it "regardless of race, creed or