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Sadly, the bureaucratic smugness of orthodox <ent type='NORP'>Western</ent> scientists has
materially assisted the <ent type='NORP'>Soviet</ent> deception process. Most <ent type='NORP'>Western</ent> managerial
scientists -particularly in weapons development activities - have continued
to view the <ent type='NORP'>Soviet</ent>s as ignorant peasants, still trying to clean the mud off
their boots. This view is of course, Totally untrue and unwarranted. </p>
<p> It takes only a few examples to refute this attitude. In nonlinear
mathematics, engineering and science, the <ent type='NORP'>Soviet</ent>s have led their <ent type='NORP'>Western</ent>
counterparts since the beginning. The electromagnetic pulse (EMP) effect of a
nuclear explosion appeared in the ordinary <ent type='NORP'>Soviet</ent> scientific literature
before <ent type='NORP'>Western</ent> scientists were even aware that te effect existed. The <ent type='NORP'>Soviet</ent>s
continue to lead the world in explosive welding, titanium welding and
forming, etc. While the <ent type='NORP'>Soviet</ent> scientists exhibit little inclination to build
good washing machines, they certainly do produce state of the art
technology-- and beyond-- in any area in which they focus their main efforts.
(We do lead the <ent type='NORP'>Soviet</ent>s in some areas such as computers hardware, computer
software, miniaturization, etc.)</p>
<p> Once before, a modern nation, <ent type='GPE'>the United States</ent>, developed a mighty
weapon in secrecy and used it to force a powerful foe, <ent type='GPE'>Japan</ent>, to its knees...
The mindbending atomic blows to <ent type='GPE'>Hiroshima</ent>, and <ent type='GPE'>Nagasaki</ent>, showed once and for
all that in the modern age technological surprise can prove instantly
disastrous. Yet in our scientific arrogance, we have assumed that it could
never happen to us, and that the "secret weapon" scenario will never be
repeated. On the contrary, it HAS happened again, someone else has done it,
and it has happened to us. </p>
<p> It has also become fashionable in the <ent type='LOC'>West</ent> to believe that all the
laws of physics are already discovered. We assume we know all of them. While
we have been pridefully crowing this tune, the <ent type='NORP'>Soviet</ent>s have been steadily new
laws in secret, as well as new ways to circumvent the old laws.
Our defense is strategic, we rely on our offense. Our huge nuclear arsenal..
If this offense were nullified or destroyed by <ent type='NORP'>Soviet</ent> secret weapons, we
would be powerless to prevent our own destruction and <ent type='NORP'>Soviet</ent> domination of
our world.</p>
<p> We have been viewing ourselves as indestructible, confident in the
strength of our defense. Yet literally our defense has been stripped from us.
Indeed <ent type='NORP'>Soviet</ent> energetics weapons are now capable of destroying our defense,
our homeland, our armed forces in the field, and our population, quickly and
efficiently. We have a new gap of monumental proportions: not a missile gap,
not a submarine or bomber gap, and not even a particle beam or laser gap.
We have a "<ent type='ORG'>Scalar Electromagnetics</ent> or Electrogravitation" gap.....
He that has ears, let him hear.</p>
<p> Here is the secret of antigravity.</p>
<p> The "electrical charge" of a charged particle-- such as one of the
charged particles of an atom or one of the protons of its nucleus--
represents a difference in flux intensity (potential) between the local
particle and its ambient vacuum. Its the continual bleed-off of
gravitational charge as electrical charge. If that bleed off is reversed or
stopped, a drastic effect on the gravitational charge ensues. The 5-potential
and the 5-charge have become 4-G-potential and 4-d-charge respectively. Thus
"charging" an object with its scalar EM pattern charges it gravitationally.
Now the only "bleed off channel" is through the 4-G force field. Further,
in a nucleus the nucleons continually back and forth between proton and
neutron, so the electrical charge is "spread" throughout the nucleus and
shared by all the nucleons. </p>
<p> Further, each element (actually each isotope) has its own unique
"ensemble pattern" of Fourier expansion scalar frequencies, amplitudes, ect.
This pattern can, of course, be reproduced artificially and transmitted by
modified EM transmitters). There is, however, a sort of "master key" scalar
EM (EG) pattern for nucleons (protons and neutrons which are changing back
and forth into each other by exchange of virtual charge currents). </p>
<p> If one reverses the charge by inverting this pattern, and then
"charges up a mass with the inverted charge," to the external observer the
charging mass just gets lighter and lighter, and its inertia gets less and
less. Eventually it seems (to him) to acquire negative mass and negative
inertia, and just accelerate away from the earth. the object falls upward
instead of falling downwards.</p>
<p> There are also some weird time effects; that object can be moving
slower through time than the laboratory observer, or even be moving backwards
through time in respect to the laboratory observer. (<ent type='PERSON'>Don</ent>'t believe everything
they taught you in relativity; none of those guys ever had engineered a
single general relativistic situation. &amp;othing they teach in GR is based on
direct experiment. Most of what they teach has already experimentally proven
to be in error. </p>
<p> This is the concept for a scalar EG detector for a scalar EG waves.
This is the <ent type='PERSON'>Bendini</ent> scalar wave detector, adapted from an original concept by
<ent type='PERSON'>Dea</ent> and <ent type='PERSON'>Faretto</ent>. </p>
<p> The idea is quite simple: install a very powerful bar magnet inside a
grounded <ent type='PERSON'>Faraday</ent> cage. Then install an open-ended coil longitudally above the
magnet so that a line through the longitudal axis of the magnet passes
through the longitudal axis of the coil above it. The open end of the coil
does not touch the magnet. </p>
<p> Connect the other end of the coil to a variable tuning capacitor, so
that the coil and the capacitor form a tunable, series-L-C-oscillatory
circuit. The output of the capacitor is connected to a transistorized
preamplifier inside the cage. A tuning shaft for the capacitor is very
carefully placed through a small hole in the shield to allow tuning from
outside. </p>
<p> The output of the preamp passes through a small hole in the shield,
through a shielded cable, to an adjacent oscilloscope. The cable shield is
also grounded t a reference ground potential.
The theory is as follows: Suppose a normal EM wave appears inside
the cage, above the magnet or closely adjacent thereto. In that case a
coupled oscillation appears in the field of the magnet, and this oscillation
is coupled to the coil immediately above it. If the oscillation is within the
bandwidth of the tuned series LC circuit, detection occurs. This is amplified
by the preamp and passed to the oscilloscope, where it is displayed on the
scope. </p>
<p> Note that the detector detects normal EM wave. Now our problem is:
How do we get an EG wave to be detected? And how do we assure that we do not
detect ordinary EM waves from the outside? Actually this is simple. Ordinary
waves (except for quite low frequency) will be grounded out by the <ent type='PERSON'>Faraday</ent>
shield, and will not penetrate the cage. Thus these normal EM waves cannot
enter the cage and appear above the magnet. They will not be detected. <ent type='NORP'>Scalar</ent>
EG waves, on the other hand, will enter the cage since they do not couple to
conduction electrons in the metal of the cage. Above the pole of the magnet,
spacetime is locally bent. After all, a pole is a magnetostatic scalar
potential, which is a part of the conglomerate called "G-potential." The pole
represents an increase (or decrease, depending on whether it is a north or a
south pole) in the magnetostatic component of the local G-potential. This is a
curvature of spacetime. An EG wave entering this region adds a varying
component component of magnetostatic G-potential, which bleeds off in the coil
as an ordinary EM wave.
Another way to view the detector is to model the EG wave as a
longitudal wave, and an ordinary EM wave as a transverse wave. When the EG
wave enters the curved spacetime region above the magnet, to the coil (the
"observer" in this case!) the longitudal aspect of the EG wave appears to be
rotating back and forth, so that an oscillating transverse component is
present. This transverse component appears to the coil as an ordinary EM
field, and so the LC circuit detects it if it is in the proper frequency
band. </p>
<p> Yet another way to view the situation is to realize that an EG wave
entering the magnet results in an oscillating component added to the
magnetostatic scalar potential (pole strength) of t8e magnet. Accordingly,
the magnet is a receiver for scalar waves, which are detected to "bleed-off"
as an oscillation of the magnetic field strength of the magnet. <ent type='ORG'>Coupling</ent> of
this oscillating magnetic field to the coil creates an oscillating current
flow into the capacitor. This oscillates the voltage input to the preamp,
which amplifies and feeds the signal to the oscilloscope for display.
It is important to remember that a magnetostatic potential and an
electrostatic potential can be oscillated by a scalar EG wave. By placing a
magnetic material inside a <ent type='PERSON'>Faraday</ent> cage, the oscillation of the magnetostatic
scalar potential (pole strength of the magnet) can be used as the EG
detecting mechanism. By placing a chargeable material inside a <ent type='PERSON'>Faraday</ent> cage,
the oscillation of the electrostatic scalar potential can be detected.
(Possible examples of the latter type detectors are given by Hodowanec,"Radio
Electronics," April 1986.) </p>
<p> Note also that one may detect waves at one reference level and not
at another. Changing the bias on the zero-reference ground of the <ent type='PERSON'>Bendini</ent>
detector affects the detection. To look inside a normal EM carrier (such as
the <ent type='NORP'>Soviet</ent> <ent type='ORG'>Woodpecker</ent> carrier) and see what scalar signals are riding upon
it, the carrier may be used to bias the reference ground of the <ent type='PERSON'>Bendini</ent>
detector. To produce a spectrum analyzer, simply use additional series
resonant LC tuning circuits in parallel (put multiple taps on the coil, and
wire each tap to a separate tuning capacitor of different capacitance).
Again, varying the zero reference level is important, as is varying the
strength of the magnet. <ent type='PERSON'>Frank Golden</ent> has also invented an excellent series of
scalar wave detectors based on quite different proprietary principles.</p>
<p> The bottom line is: we can indeed rigorously detect and measure
scalar EG waves. When one considers the large sums of money presently being
spent to bury large aluminum cylinders etc. in an attempt to detect
gravitational waves, one wonders why some funds could not be released to a
few unorthodox researchers by the <ent type='ORG'>National Academy of Sciences</ent> to fund the
proven creation and detection of electrogravitational waves... </p>