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<p>1917 -- United States enters World War I. Russian Revolution
begins; Cheka, secret police of Bolsheviks, founded.
1918 -- Assassination of Russian Czar Nicholas II and his family.
Attempted assassination of Lenin. New Thought lecturer David Van
Bush hires H.P. Lovecraft as a ghost writer.
1919 -- Founding of Thule Society in Germany; Hitler recruited.
League of Nations founded at Paris Peace Conference. Meeting at
the Majestic Hotel, Paris, between Wilsonian intellectuals (House,
Dulles and Dulles, etc.) and "like-minded Englishmen" to discuss
forming an organization "for the study of international affairs."
Royal Institute of International Affairs founded. Freud draws
attention to Austrian neurologist Poetzl's experiments with the
tachistroscope, an early device for studying subliminal
perception. Charles Fort's "The Book of the Damned" published.
Hitler joins the German Workers' Party.
1920s -- Assassination of estimated 400 German public figures
begins. U.S. entry into League of Nations blocked in Senate.
Development of modern advertising techniques emphasizing
manipulation rather than information.
1920 -- GWP becomes the National Socialist German Worker's Party.
1921 -- Council on Foreign Relations incorporated; founded by
Wilsonians House, Dulles and company upon their return from Paris,
with the help of the Round Table Group. Marconi states he believes
mysterious V code on pre-WWI radio came from space; Tesla recalls
seeing lights, vivid images, when he was a boy. Hitler takes over
the NSGWP.
1922 -- Mussolini, alleged British Intelligence agent, comes to
power in Italy, begins attempt to eliminate Mafia in Sicily. Cheka
reorganized as GPU, Russian secret police. CFR journal "Foreign
Affairs" founded. King Tutankhamen's tomb opened in Egypt, thus
invoking "King Tut's Curse"; 14 violent deaths in as many years
linked to the curse.
1923 -- Assassination of Pancho Villa in Mexico. Founding of
Hitler's National-Socialist (Nazi) Party in Germany. International
Police (Interpol) founded in Vienna. In the face of the Teapot
Dome and other scandals, President Harding visits Alaska and
receives a "long ciphered message" which visibly upsets him,
causing him to ask what a president could do when friends betrayed
him; he died soon after among conflicting rumors about the cause
of his death. Fort's "New Lands" published.
1924 -- J. Edgar Hoover takes over FBI. During Mars' closest
approach radios around the world went off the air in order to
allow interception of any possible messages from space; when
translated onto photographic tape, signals received produced
crudely drawn faces. Lovecraft ghostwrites for Houdini.
1925 -- Lionel Curtis organizes the Institutes of Pacific
Relations in at least ten countries for the Round Table Group.
1926 -- Suicide of synchronicity researcher Paul Krammerer,
biologist, freemason.
1927 -- Rise of the CFR due to Rockefeller and other foundation
funding. The Crystal Skull discovered in ruins of Lubaantun in
British Honduras.
1928 -- Nomination of Catholic Al Smith sparks last spurt of
growth for the KKK. Soviet produced film shows conditioned reflex
experiments on humans.
1929 -- CFR moves to Harold Pratt Building on 68th Street. Great
Depression begins. Quisling's "About the Matter That Inhabited
Worlds Outside Ours and the Significance Caused by It to Our
Philosophy of Life" published.
1930 -- Pavlov begins applying knowledge of conditioned reflex to
human psychosis.
1930s -- Mafia becomes integral part of the U.S. organized crime.
Continuing political assassinations accompany Nazi rise to power.
1931 -- Fort's "Lo!" published.
1932 -- Fort dies after publishing his last book, "Wild Talents."
1933 -- Attempted assassination of Franklin Roosevelt; Chicago
mayor Cermak killed instead. FDR orders use of Great Seal of the
U.S. on reverse side of the dollar bill. Reichstag Fire, set by
Nazis, used to suspend civil liberties.
1934 -- Assassination of S.M. Kirov, Soviet leader and Stalin
collaborator. Russian GPU renamed NKVD. Beginning of Hitler's
Black Order. Unexplained "ghostflier" broadcasts in Sweden.
1935 -- Assassination of Senator Huey Long. First lobotomy
performed by Egas Moniz in Lisbon.
1936 -- Beginning of Moscow Purge trials in which numerous
communist leaders were brainwashed into false confessions and then
1937 -- Spanish Civil War begins. First of 48 "Lost Colony" stones
found in North Carolina; stones supposedly tell the story of lost
Roanoke Island colony. Amelia Earhart Putnam, aviator, disappears.
1938 -- Assassination of Leon Sedov, Trotsky's son; first
assassination attempt against Trotsky. Nazi invasion of Austria;
Interpol exiled -- or taken over by Nazis; German expedition to
Antarctica stakes out 600000 square kilometers, lands near the
South Pole. Electroshock treatment discovered. Orson Welles'
dramatization of H.G. Wells' "War of the Worlds" scares American
radio listeners.
1939 -- Attorney Leon Cooke, friend of Jack Ruby and financial
secretary of the union which employed Ruby, killed by union
president Jack Martin; union subsequently taken over by Mafia.
League of Nations suspended. Germany invades Poland; World War II
begins. CFR offers it services to U.S. State Dept. Interpol
grouped with Gestapo. Amateur radio astronomer Grote Reber
receives dot-dash signal from space. Attempted assassination of
1940 -- Assassination of Leon Trotsky in Mexico. British secret
police renamed MI-5 and MI-6 for duration of war. Interpol moved
to near Berlin., with Reinhard Heydrich in charge. Nazis allegedly
begin building Hitler's secret hideout in Antarctica. Roosevelt
sends Gen. "Wild Bill" Donovan on info-gathering mission to
Europe; Donovan recommends a central intelligence organization.
U.S. State Dept. creates Division of Special Research headed by
CFR member Pasbolsky.
1941 -- Japan attacks U.S. Fleet at Pearl Harbor, allegedly
through the maneuvering of Roosevelt and his advisors to provide
an excuse to enter the war. Donovan made head of new Office of
Coordinator of Information. "The Books of Charles Fort" published.
1942 -- Assassination of Interpol chief Heydrich in
Czechloslavakia. Donovan's OCI evolves into the Office of
Strategic Services (OSS).
1943 -- LSD-25 discovered by Swiss chemist Albert Hofmann. Nazi
Admiral Doenitz boasts the German submarine fleet has built "in
another part of the world a Shangri-La on land, an impregnable
fortress." Juan Peron and other pro-Nazi leaders take power in
Argentina. Pilots on both sides of the war report seeing "foo-
fighters," unexplained flying objects, while flying war missions.
1944 -- Attempted assassination of Hitler. Nazis begin sending
millions of dollars worth of jewels, paintings and cash to
Argentina for safe keeping. Russian NKVD reorganized as MGB.
Donovan prepares plan for Roosevelt to establish a central
intelligence agency which is pigeonholed, later reconsidered by
Truman. American band leader Glenn Miller disappears on unarmed
flight over the English Channel.
1945 -- Alleged assassination (suicide) of James Forrestal at
Bethesda Hospital Neurological Ward, after his attempt to warn
Roosevelt of Illuminati plot. Roosevelt dies, Truman becomes
president. Mussolini killed. Hitler allegedly escapes from Berlin
after arranging for a fake suicide cover story; Hitler's death
announced, Admiral Doenitz takes command; submarines U-530, U-977
and others begin secret journey from Norway soon after Quisling
allegedly refused Hitler's offer to take him "aboard a submarine
to a safe refuge"; two months after Germany surrenders submarines
U-530 and U-977 give themselves up in Mar del Plata, Argentina,
after allegedly being lost from the submarine convoy taking Hitler
and others to their hideout in Antarctica; Nazi leader Martin
Bormann escapes without a trace from Berlin after supervising
Hitler's "suicide." First atomic bombs dropped. World War II ends.
General Gehlen, Head of Nazi Intelligence, captured by U.S. Army
and flown to Washington; other Nazi and British agents imported to
U.S., along with Werner Von Braun and other developers of the V-2
rockets. Interpol dissolved -- or reorganized with headquarters in
Paris, the story varies. OSS disbanded, its agents moving to
military intelligence agencies and the State Dept. CFR allegedly
takes over State Dept. United Nations founded. "Official beginning
of Bermuda Triangle mystery," when Flight 19, made up of five
naval bombers, disappears off the coast of Florida; another plane
sent to investigate also disappears -- 6 planes and 27 men
vanished. An Air Force plane's engines fail over Iwo Jima as foo-
fighters maneuver around it.
1946 -- Murder of wire service king James Ragen by Syndicate
friends of Jack Ruby; indictment dropped following additional
murders. John Kennedy and Richard Nixon elected to House of
Representatives. Truman's executive order sets up the National
Intelligence Authority and Central Intelligence Group. Gehlen
returns to Germany to continue intelligence work for U.S. Army.
Interpol reorganization meeting held in Brussels. Admiral Byrd
allegedly leads Naval "research" expedition to Antarctica to
attack Hitler's secret hideout; attempt allegedly fails and Hitler
and his "UFO scientists" continue their activities. Waves of
unexplained "ghost rockets" seen in Europe, especially
1947 -- Attempted assassination of Minneapolis Mayor Hubert
Humphrey. Partition of India receives "strong impetus from the
Round Table Group." National Security Act establishes Dept. of
Defense, National Security Council and Central Intelligence
Agency. France creates SDECE, similar to CIA. Second UFO flap
year; Kenneth Arnold reports flying saucers near Yakima,
Washington, and other reports soon follow. Maury Island "hoax": an
early Men-In-Black incident three days before the Arnold sighting,
in which a "donut-shaped object" dropped slag on a boat near
Tacoma, Washington; the next day an MIB visited Harold Dahl, who
was piloting the boat, and warned him not to discuss the sighting;
the boat's owner, Fred Crisman, was suspected of being a CIA
employee and was later called to give secret testimony at the
trial of Clay Shaw in New Orleans; pilot Dahl disappeared and
UFOlogist Arnold, who investigated the case, reported unexplained
failure of his own plane's engine soon after two Air Force
investigators were killed taking off from Tacoma's airport.
1948 -- Assassination of Mahatma Gandhi. Attempted assassination
of labor leader Walter Reuther. Beginning of Operation Ohio, a CIA
program responsible for one hundred European assassinations during
the next ten years. Beginning of CIA interest in UFOs as a
"security" problem. McCord employed by the FBI. Nixon gains
prominence in the Alger Hiss case as member of the House Un-
American Activities Committee; goes to Miami where he meets Bebe
Rebozo and goes yachting with other underworld-connected figures.
Martin Bormann reported living in Argentina. New nation of Israel
creates Central Institute for Intelligence and Security. World
Council of Churches founded in Amsterdam.
1949 -- Report critical of CIA filed and forgotten, unread by
Truman; Central Intelligence Act exempts CIA from disclosure laws.
E. Howard Hunt becomes CIA agent; Clay Shaw becomes agent for
CIA's Domestic Contact Service. The Gehlen Organization
transferred to CIA control. U.S. Army begins 20 years of simulated
germ warfare attacks against American cities, conducting at least
239 open air tests. Interpol granted consultive status by UN.
Chaing Kai-shek flees to Formosa; mainland China taken by
communist leaders; Social Affairs Dept. and other Chinese secret
police created. Trial of Cardinal Mindszenty in Hungary following
his brainwashing and confession of conspiracy.
1950 -- Attempted assassination of Truman by Puerto Rican
nationalists. Korean War begins. Congress passes McCarran's
Internal Security Act setting up program for detention of
subversives. Hiss convicted of perjury; Nixon elected to Senate
after smear campaign against California opponent. U.S. Army
engages in "simulated" germ warfare in San Francisco and the
Pentagon. National Council of Churches founded in U.S. CIA
organizes the Pacific Corporation, a large holding company which
was the first of many CIA "private" enterprises. Alleged CIA plot
to introduce UFO contact ideas with "Little Green Men" stories and
radio contact "from space." Malcolm X receives visit from an MIB
while in prison. "Worlds in Collision" by Immanuel Velikovsky
proposes a catastrophic theory of ancient history in which a huge
"comet" of matter is ripped out of Jupiter, approaches Earth close
enough to cause universal fire/flood legends in primitive folklore
and the settles into orbit as a new planet, Venus; Velikovsky
receives ridicule and contempt from his fellow scientists, thought
20 years later Jupiter is generally considered a "cold star"
rather than a planet and Velikovsky's prediction of a hot climate
on Venus is confirmed. Approximate starting date of building of
Mount Weather, secret American government fortress.
1951 -- Assassination of Ali Razmara of Iran, Riad Al-Sulh and
Abdullah of Jordan and Ali Knah Liaquat of Pakistan. Army
simulated germ warfare project in Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania.
Approximate date CBS begins active cooperation with CIA. McCord
moves from FBI to CIA. North Korean brainwashing of American
prisoners begins. TIME magazine popularizes the term
1952 -- Eisenhower elected president, Nixon vice-president;
Kennedy elected to Senate. Army germ warfare project in Key West,
Florida, and Ft. McCellan, Alabama. CIA agent Downey and Fecteau
captured while on spy mission in China. Third UFO flap year. First
UFO "contact" case: George Adamski meets Venusians in California
desert; alleged CIA plot to start UFO scare. UFOlogist George
Williamson, one of Adamski's witnesses, claims he also witnessed
ham radio operator establish contact with another world.
1953 -- Dr. Frank Olsen commits suicide after having been given a
secret dose of LSD by the CIA, under the direction of the
mysterious Dr. Sidney Gottlieb. CIA contemplates developing drugs
to cause amnesia in retired agents. CIA's Robertson Panel views
UFO reports as national security threat. Army germ warfare project
in Panama City, Florida. Return of Korean War prisoners, including
some who underwent brainwashing. 21 POWs defect. Mau Mau (Hidden
Ones) formed in Kenya to overthrow white rule. UFOlogist Albert
Bender closes down his International Flying Saucer Bureau after
being visited by three MIB.
1954 -- Attempted assassinations of several U.S. Congressmen by
Puerto Rican nationalists. First Bilderberger meeting takes place
at the Bilderberg Hotel, Oosterbeek, Holland. Condemnation by the
U.S. Senate of Joseph McCarthy following his charges of subversion
in high places. Hunt involved in CIA overthrow of communist regime
in Guatemala, Carlos Castillo-Armas becomes president. Richard
Bissell joins the CIA. Army germ warfare project in Point Mugu and
Fort Hueneme, California. Russian KGB created to replace earlier
secret police. Broadcaster Frank Edwards fired for discussing UFOs
on the air. Strange voice "from space" speaks from turned-off
radios in midwest U.S. and London, warns against preparations for
1955 -- Assassination of Jose Antonio Remon of Panama and Adnan
Al-Malki of Syria. Bilderberger meeting in Barbizon, France. Lee
Harvey Oswald meets David Ferrie of the New Orleans Civil Air
Patrol. Doug Durham joins the Marines. The Office of Naval
Research allegedly receives a copy of Morris Jessup's "The Case
for the UFOs" with marginal notes in three different hands,
supposedly by "Gypsies" knowledgeable in UFOlogy; ONR reprints
several hundred copies for internal use; an MIB called "Carlos
Allende" is implicated in the affair.
1956 -- Assassination of Anastasio Somoza of Nicaragua.
Bilderberger meeting in Frednsborg, Denmark. Clay Shaw's CIA
contact allegedly stopped. Oswald joins Marines. Durham receives
special CIA training. UFOlogist Gray Barker publishes "They Knew
Too Much About Flying Saucers" which reported numerous MIB
1957 -- Assassination of Carlos Castillo-Armas of Guatemala.
Exiled Ukranian politician Lev Rebet assassinated by KGB agent in
Munich. Alleged assassination of Joseph McCarthy at Bethesda
Hospital Neurological Ward, after warning of Illuminati plot.
Bilderberger meetings in St. Simon Island, Georgia, and Fiuggui,
Italy. Oswald assigned to base at Atsugi, Japan, where CIA U-2
planes were launched; shoots self in elbow. General Edwin Walker
commands federal troops sent to enforce racial integration at
Little Rock, Arkansas. CIA helps Iran form SAVAK, secret police
later accused of assassination Iranian dissidents. Experiments in
behavior modification sleep-teaching take place at California
penal institution Woodland Road Camp. Fourth UFO flap year. Anti-
atomic bomb propaganda disseminated by saucer clubs -- another CIA
plot? Unexplained short wave radio signals received worldwide.
1958 -- Assassination of Abdul Llah, Faisal II and Nuri Al-Said of
Iraq. Bilderberger meeting in Buxton, England. Russia launches
first space satellites. Unidentified ex-Marine lives in Minsk,
USSR, apparently gathering information for the CIA. Oswald on
maneuvers in the Philippines involving U-2 flights. Francis Gary
Powers released from Air Force and assigned to covert CIA spying.
Kerry Thornley and Gregory Hill found Discordianism and publish
"Principia Discordia, or How I Found Goddess and What I Did To
Her When I Found Her"; Thornley joins Marine Corps. John Birch
Society organized by Robert Welch. Nelson Rockefeller elected
governor of New York. Ham radio operators pick up a male voice
claiming to be Nacoma of Jupiter and warning of atomic bomb
disaster in English, German, Norweigian and his own unknown
1959 -- Assassination of Solomon W.R. Bandaranaike of Ceylon.
Exiled Ukranian politician Stephan Bandera assassinated by KGB
agent in Munich. Attempted assassination of Senator Bircher of
Ohio and Governor Almond of Virginia. Apparent suicide of UFO
researcher Morris Jessup who had received communications from
"Carlos Allende," one of the MIB and whose book was mysteriously
annoted by UFOlogical Gypsies. Bilderberger meeting in Yesilkov,
Turkey. Fidel Castro assumes power in Cuba; Cuban Intelligence
(DGI) begun. Ruby visits casino owner in Havana. Kerry Thornley
first meets fellow Marine Oswald in California; Oswald released
from Marines, defects to Russia. Thornley assigned to U-2 base in
Atsugi, Japan. Durham discharged from Marines, stationed at CIA
base in Guatemala. UFO sighting at CIA headquarters after Naval
officer contacts "space people" while in CIA-observed trance.
Condon's "The Manchurian Candidate" published.
1960 -- Assassination of Hazza Majali of Jordan. Bilderberger
meeting in Burgenstock, Switzerland. Eisenhower authorizes
training and arming Cuban exiles, allegedly issues orders for the
assassination of Congolese leader Patrice Lumumba. Nixon, CIA
agent Bissell and others plan Bay of Pigs invasion, obtain
permission to use Guatemala as launching point. Bernard Baker
serves as conduit for Bay of Pigs funding. CIA buys Southern Air
Transport; contemplates development of "recruitment pills" and
other drugs; studies mysterious amnesia of Korean war prisoners
moved through Manchuria; contemplates giving truth serum to
brainwashed American POWs. CIA spy Powers shot down in U-2 over
Russia; summit conference cancelled. Kennedy-Nixon debates;
Kennedy elected president. Oswald assigned job in Bellorussian
Radio Factory in Minsk, USSR. Thornley discharged from Marines.
Project Ozma, searching for intelligent signals from another part
of the universe, receives unexplained signals from space.
1961 -- Assassination of Lumumba of the Congo, Rafael Trujillo
Molina of the Dominican Republic and Louis Rivagasore of Nurundi.
Attempted assassination of Castro by Hans Tanner. Michael
Rockefeller disappears in New Guinea. Bilderberger meeting in
Quebec, Canada. Thornley arrives to New Orleans; Slim Brooks gives
Thornley "the haircut" on his 23rd birthday; the same day, the
CIA invasion of Cuba at the Bay of Pigs, launched from Guatemala,
fails due to poor planning and cancellation of support by Kennedy;
the CIA, the Mob, Cuban-exiles, right-wingers and Nixonites
supposedly vow revenge against Kennedy. Kennedy develops
extracurricular relationship with Judith Campbell, Sam Giancana's
girlfriend; Giancana and John Roselli enlisted by CIA to attempt
Castro assassination. George De Mohrenschildt on hiking trip
through Guatemala. Brooks introduces Thornley to his
"brother-in-law," Gary Kirstein, allegedly an undercover E. Howard
Hunt; Thornley and "Kirstein" begin nearly three-year relationship
of discussing Nazis, mind-control, the status of philosopher-
kings, and plans to assassinate Kennedy. Robert Morrow, working
with Ruby, Shaw and Ferrie, allegedly smuggle weapons from Greece
to Central America for the CIA; also picks up information for CIA
from "Harvey" in the Soviet Union. Ferrie, Gordon Novel and two
others arrested in burglary of Louisiana arms bunker. Unidentified
Marine from Minsk divulges information to CIA agent in Copenhagen.
General Walker resigns after criticism of his anti-communist
indoctrination of troops. U.S. Military Advisor Group begins
defoliation project in Vietnam which eventually covers over 12% of
land area. Milgram's Yale experiments demonstrating dangers of
obedience to authority. Unexplained transmissions from space
monitored by ham radio operators worldwide; Bob Renaud, ham
operator, allegedly makes contact with aliens.
1962 -- Suicide of Marilyn Monroe under questionable
circumstances. Bilderberger meeting in Saltsjobaden, Sweden.
Oswald returns to America with his Russian wife, an alleged KGB
agent. Retired General Walker arrested on Attorney Robert
Kennedy's orders when Walker became involved in the racial
disorders in Oxford, Mississippi; Walker stripped naked and flown
to Springfield, Missouri, prison for examination; Walker reported
to be incompetent but was later released and ran against John
Connally for Governor of Texas. Hunt becomes head of CIA's new
Domestic Operations Division. CIA interference in Ecuadorian
politics. CIA allegedly pays a Canadian agriculture technician to
infect Cuban turkeys with Newcastle disease (though the technician
supposedly double-crossed them). Ruby allegedly flies from Mexico
City to visit Havana. CIA begins using secret terror teams in
Vietnam, roots of Operation Phoenix. Dr. Edgar Schein outlines
behavior modification programs for U.S. prisons, based on Korean
brainwashing techniques. Cuban missile crisis. De Mohrenschildt,
friend of the Kennedys, befriends the Oswalds in Dallas. Durham
employed by Des Moines Police Dept. UFOlogist Williamson
disappears in South America. Film version of "The Manchurian
Candidate" released.</p>
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